HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA1993_06_20ANY DAY, ANY TIME mm r.r•-. o1 Rigdw cora F« rk•a. Breakfast or Lunch ISM CON ssaszlO ANNANDALE RIF$ �DVERTISIR Fish & ChipTll,� TE ow W A a.. 200 OFF i FA ALY PACK OR PARTY PACK MMING 831-1222 ; ------- Sunday, June 20, 1993 24 pages A Metroland Community Newspaper Pressrun 37,000 510 + 40 GST = 55 cents Vol. 112 No. 25 T �u AWARD WINNER: Joan Segal, president of The Big Sisters Association of Ajax - Pickering, was awarded a Cana- da 125 medal Thursday for her volunteer work with the organi- zation. Big Sisters of Canada was allocated 20 medals, and a committee chose recipients. Mrs. Segal joined the board of directors of the local Big Sisters Association in 1989, chaired its program committee, helped develop a Teen Mom/Friend program, launched a strategic planning process for the associ- ation and more. She was elected president in 1990. Ll REAL. KEEPER 0 .K,; ,, AFind your 1131; auce PAMguide to fresh x produce in today's paper. This handy trap has been brought to you by local i ! growers and 4�_Abe Durham Aegion E ,bprnent Ds - Regular features ME By DONNA DONALDSON Durham Staff DURHAM - Durham Regional Police are crack- ing down on store owners who continue to sell cigarettes to minors. "We'll be enforcing it a little more rigorously than we did in the past," says Staff Sct. Sandy Rene. "We're looking into any complaints in depth." The crackdown stemmed from a recent complaint by a parent over children buying cigarettes and lot- tery tickets from a Whitby convenience store. "We want to warn store owners and students that A child and her chick Three-year-old Brittany Beckett cuddles a 24 -hour -old chick that hatched at the Duffin Bay Learning Centre in Ajax. Durham Col- lege student Diane Jakovlevski brought six chicken eggs to the cen- tre to show the children how animals are bom. photo by A.J. Groen See COPS...Page 3 Sandy Ryrie 'Tremendous' anti -stalking bill closer By LINDA WHrrE Staff Reporter DURHAM - An anti -stalking bill is one step closer to pro- tecting victims of unwanted harassment. Final passage of the bill will ensure "Police will have bet- ter tools in dealing with harassment." notes Ontario Rtd.ni MP Rene Soetens. "'That alone will be a tremcndous stee !or ward." The bill, which passed third reading and must now be approved by the Senate, would make it illegal for anyone to repeatedly com- municate with or follow another person. Charges could be laid if alleged harassing behavior causes the victim to reasonably fear for their safety or the safety of anyone they know. The maximum penalty for conviction would be five years in jail. The bill also gives Rene Soetens courts increased power to "keep deviants away from potential victims", notes Mr. Soetens. For instance, a convicted pedophile could be ordered to stay away from parks and schools. And, at present, if a sex offender opts for his right to defend himself in court, he has the chance to question the victim. Under the new bill, the accused will no longer be able to question the victim and can even be removed from the courtroom when the victim's testifying. Mr. Soetens agrees with the bill that it's "incorrect" to automatically jail someone found guilty of harassment. "In some cases, I'm willing to throw the key away. But there are many, many forms of punishment. Some people may simply need counselling. If that doesn't solve the prob- lem, then jail's always an option. See BELL -..Pace 2 Looking to meet that significant someone? Call Sincerely Yours at 1-800-387-8009 . PAGE 2 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, JUNE 20, 1993 Candidates DURHAM - Haw do fel dection �- party's j"� system beliefs Wed., July 21 at tiaoes feel about the justice systm? „ . 7:30 p.m. at Annandale Golf & Curling Club, You can fu -id out at a meeting hosted by The Church St. S. and Bayly SL, Ajax. debate justice Victims' Action CoalitionJWomen's Action All candidates plan to attend. They are MP aCoalition (Durham). Rene Soetens (Progressive Conservative) and MP . „Ontario Riding candidates will discuss their hopefuls Dan WTeague (Liberal), Lynn Jacklin Bill jeered, cheered FROM PAGE 1 "Maybe a fine would be a deterrent for some," adds the Progressive Conserva- tive. "Jail sentences cost all Canadians money. Fines cast only the guilty." But Don Sullivan, who co-founded the support group Victims of Violence following the 1980 rape and murder of his daughter Pamela by a criminal out of prison on mandatory %W - vision, disagrees. "It would do (Mr. Soetens) good to sit down and talk to victims. Even mental harassment is an injury," notes the Ontario Riding Reform Party candi- date in the next federal elec- tion. "Victims are afraid to look at the mail and answer the phone. Their fear is real, not ifl'lagirtary .. Mr. Sullivan believes the law must tell people, '17herr's the line. You step over it and you go to jail." While the bill is applaud- ed for "recognizing criminal harassment as an offence" by Dianne Lupton, a victim of unwanted harassment, it's criticized for being ..rushed dwough- hope when the new government is formed this bill and corrections that need to be done will be highlight- ed," suggests the Pickering resident Ms. Lupton would like to see the onus on the accused "lo prove his intent is not a threat to our safety " Mr. Soetens expects the bill will be approved by the Senate within the next three weeks. If not, the proposed legislation must be returned to the House of Commons with amendments. But because the House broke Wednesday for summer recess, the bill would have to be re -introduced in the next session of govern- ment. -------------- ASHLEY ELIZABETH Linens. I and r ,'Things I- - �-1 De"PW urns, c•nta two, • Duvets, Mows, Showw Cumdm, f Drgm, End o1 urns, etc. t 335 FUWCOM ST. 683.5053 MotifrL I t 10 e.NL4 p L I r 11 s.rrt4 pan t We Hew A Play Am For The Kids (Flew Democrat), and Don Sullivan (Reform Party). ...An election must be held by November. There's no charge, but donations will be accepted. For more information, call 837-2725. r C,] UOODWRENCH i 'EXHAUST' i SPECIAL Exhaust Systems REE From SPECTIO ' ` I (REAR OF 1 CONVERTER PILLS ' TO TAILPIPE) TABES Iv WITH LIFETIME MUFFLER WARRANTY I L. EXPIRES JUNE 26/93 J LUBEeOlLs FILTER I 1 FREE 15 PL MSPECTION WITM 1 EWERT UJB- OIL • FILTER INDrW Ibb`wBob mcW + vqW M~ N 01knOW FbW p.r %%dd&*vAlFir IdWy b*sdm wdrM ale a d how dM ckw $2 951 N rw i.Iar. i Aer eu) N Pwr 7rtriy FhW . herr PLUS Cm Ftgd P AW &* N Naw TARES I -, CGetod Ftr1 v T� FAid MOST . The Pmwm. Vow @bb r. . wmd*.ie Wa0w FkW 6 GM EXPIRES JUNE 26,193 VEHICLES FOG'Odwrench Service/W&v Gus BROYM peafte wtft arc Tmdts 12M Dur4m SL IE, Wh by 666.8868 668-8871 WK.Tlb AL 7 AAL 4 PJL ffL7AAL-5 PAL ROY NICHOLS Mo n Ltd. Cmilm (ft 2 put Peet of Odom 436-2222 436-2228 NURSE ChewoW Oro • Okkmwbft • CadNbc 1= Dump et. I_, tI NI tr 068-4044 . 668-3804 user AAT_ A •.21- - I V L MICHAEL BOYER Pwaac • PAch • OMC Trtab Its 6�6-�i8�9 rrntt.: I;te 831.2693 BOB 11MRS ChevroW • On * Oftmobb 425 60 SL w, Nu 427-2500 am &AT. s uW - s a.m_ ONTARIO MOTOR &UU LTD. Chevyet oR_a Okkn oW *lotw b w,0 Mw 436.7441 724.6501 0M my. No AP". NlmmAl1T THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, JUNE 20,1993 -PAGE 3 More owners face stiffer fines W, Cops down 4 on cigarete sales �y # ��- to kids under 18 �.. , - - FROM PAGE 1 it's illegal to purchase cigarettes underage," says Staff Sgt. Ryrie. Besides warning children that smoking is dangerous, police will be warning them and store owners that it's also against the law to buy cigarettes unless you're 18 years of age or older in Ontario. Police say store owners who continue to sell whole pack- ages or individual cigarettes to minors will be closely moni- tored and will face penalties. Sandra Schmidt of Durham's Department of Health Ser- vices says 22 per cent of youth aged 12 to 19 are smoking. Federally, the legal smoking age is 16 and the Sale of Tobacco to Young Persons Act hopes to raise that age to 18. The proposed legislation will also hand down harsher penal- ties to store owners who are caught selling cigarettes to minors. Fines are currently $10 to $100, says Ms. Schmidt, and the legislation would raise them to 5100 to $50,000. By DONNA DONALDSON Durham Staff DURHAM - A local OPP con- stable has been honored again for rescuing an unconscious man from a fiery crash after a high- speed chase. Jeffrey Galipeau, 27, was one of 22 police officers, firefighters and civilians from the Toronto - area recognized recently by St. John Ambulance. Const. Galipeau, of the OPP's Whitby detachment which patrols Ajax and Pickering, and three Metro Toronto Police officers received prestigious awards of merit for their heroic action on June 17, 1992. Const. Galipeau may never forget the incident that unfolded around 3:30 a.m. last year after Durham cops began chasing a robbery suspect in a stolen vehi- cle at Twyn Rivers Dr. and Shep- pard Ave. at the Pickering -Scar- borough border. "The chase continued down Sheppard until the Durham Regional Police cars were called off due to the high speed," recalls Const. Galipeau, who was on back-up that morning. At Sheppard and Kennedy Rd., the suspect's vehicle went airborne and struck two poles and a pile of bricks. "When we saw the accident, the car was engulfed in flames," says Const. Galipeau. "The driver was hanging upside down by his legs. He was ejected through the window, but his legs were pinned between the steering column. He was also engulfed in flames." He and a Metro sergeant quick- ly doused the blaze with extin- guishers from their cruisers. "We were then able to extricate the suspect from the vehicle and provided first aid" with the help of two other Metro police offi- cers. The victim was taken to Sun- nybrook Hospital with butes and other serious injuries. The SL John Ambulance award is the second citation Const. Gah- peau, a seven-year OPP veteran, has received for the incident. He was honored with the OPP Com- missioner's Citation in November. Const. Galipeau says at the time of the rescue he didn't think about risking his life. "It's just human instinct to save a person and then you think about what you did later. Police officers turn fear into adrenalin to keep going." The constable received a cer- tificate and a pin for his heroic action from St. John Ambulance during a service at the Church of the Ascension in Don Mills. MARANATHA Hleadquarters For All CRAFTS & FLOWERS Your cr t Su ._- ge t At Budt Conscious Prices! Beginner and Intermediate June and July KIDS FOLK ART CLASSES Coming in July 2200 Brock Rd. FL (1/2 mine N. of Hwy. 2) Pickering 683-0092 an see son anni see ssni was see son man ania asw sss sss sss sss sss+ anne ar FOR THESE INSERTS & FLYERS WNM TO DOOR WITH YOUR NEWS ADVERTISER CARRIER TODAY AND IN THE DAYS AHEAD SUNDAY, JUNE 20193 NEWSADVERTISER (AJAX440K.) FOOD CITY (AJAX) •A&P (PICK.) ' FOOD TOWN (AJAX?PM) BIWAY (A WMICK.) ' HEALTH RITE IDA OJAXRICK) • CANADIAN TIRE (PICK.) • AGA (PICK.) • CASHWAY (AJAX/PICK.) K MART (AJAX/PICK.) • CHECKERS (AJAX) LOBLAWS (AJAX/PICK) DOMINION (AJAXIPICK.) MIRACLE FOOD MART *DURHAM FARM FRESH (AJAX/PICK.) (AJAXIPICK.) ' SAV -"ENTRE (PICK.) - Wwwd to • lecWd howmholds only SUNDAY'S CARRER OF THE WEEK IS NATHAN ZAK Nathan enjoys soccer, swimming, reading and computers. Nathan received McDonald's coupons compliments of the News Advertiser. Congratulations Nathan for be V our Sunday Canner of the Week 4 ... . MombWol :::::...: ..:::.:::::::: :•:•:.: :•::::4..: :. :::::•.v::.n.:v....::....::. :::i:::i:::iii::i::�:�i::':�i:'^:�`::::::::}';::;::ij.'i:.........:....: ....... OMMRI ........... ti •:w. 0.::g;>:: '<::C� `:'•:;:; :;i:'+y: �'2 CrOfpOlw0lq lfl :>!!:•i•�r• 'h:•�• �,,''::>:••;:}i'Frii:`iiS\>}ii;:i:ii ::}%:ri: i,+.$}.+�'C•Ait�v7�•. �.J'ij:. 3..:•�iti:•:vv{��:•��1������J i:.:�:}}?�?. -:...:v:::.:y�:::\i:`i:::•:o:\':�::::i::`jCivt:1Z:J::.i: w'�^�• .`STA PAGE 4 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, JUNE 20, IM h� Target team LDannycCarthy and his father. Mark, were willing targets in a sponge toss during a fun fair at w Public School in Greenwood. The school donated part of the proceeds to Danny's n to collect money for the Leukemia Research Fund. The Pickering boy is in remission emia himself and raised about $4,500 in donations with a June walk-athon. photo by A.J. Groen School board fears 'wage thaw' DURHAM - As teachers and other public sector workers face a possible three-year wage freeze, the public school board here is fearful of "the thaw." "There's a glaring omission" in the Province's social contract talks which aim to cut S2 billion from workers' wages, warns Durham Board of Education chair Louise Farr. "What about the thaw? Will a wage freeze come back to haunt us in the fourth year? Is the government setting us up for province -wide strikes? Surely people will expect to make up for what they see as lost wages." she criticizes. That's big money and people want to know how we're improving schools when taxes increase." Recent provincial announcements could result in a "potential deficit budget", though the board will "make every effort to absorb extra expenses." Director Pauline Laing told trustees Monday the ministry of education realizes some school boards will operate with deficit budgets because provincial tax hikes were announced after most local budgets were set The Pickering trustee believes and the other — —— — — — — — — — — — — 1 p� + The NOT it's "irresponsible" for Ontario's 1 VALID ON DELIVERYt�UPONS 1 New Democrats not to introduce 1 1 legislation before wage freezes ex�he board is also painfully aware of the possibility of it 1 I Where Fresh Is The Tam FREE � 1 being forced to pick up the pieces I if social contract talks fail to sus OR SALAD reach an agreement by August 1. 1 with the pwdnss d a foottlonp or are d squsl or gmew rah+s and a 22 ee we d&& The Province is in an envi- UW OW COWW M VOT - EPM MY14u able position" because its so -I 706 �Rd) kL �M R340 Kh"m d d. (At Wow"PAL) called fail-safe provisions "allow i Walking tall Students at Vaughan Willard Public School in Pickering should be walking tall after raising almost $5,700 for cystic fibrosis on a recent walk-a-thon in memory of student Ryan McElwain, who died of cystic fibrosis last year. Here, from left, Bryan Ward, Alicia Smith and Ryan's brother Andrew present a cheque to Gord Thow, president of the Durham chapter of the Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. photo by Ron Pietroniro Woodlands school celebrates 25 years PICKERING - Former staff and students of Woodlands Cen- tennial Public School should mark Oct. 23 on their calendars. That's when the Whites Rd. school celebrates its 25th anniver- sary- Festivities will take place between 1 and 5 p.m. Any memo- rabilia is welcome. For more information, call Beth Lamb at the school at 839- 5800. WANTED: 3e people m bee up to 30 lbs. by JULY 18th!! I lost 16 lbs. in 16 days & a total of 11 inches & I feel great!' Earn $$i as you lose - ask us flow! Don't Weight! Al R CONDI TION/ NG Don't Pay Until $13Pom 88 January 1994!,►boom AJAX/PICKERING 254-6688 OSHAWA 432-4466 Budget Home Equipment Inc.s'ife �"" a rr«. ;laeeic prraHge�eK presents Trisha Romance _,.&l "The Birthday" l.o►�� s2991�t"d Choice of: • 3 ales. V Groove • Fre ill wrte,ee'w acid FREE Place Mall THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, JUNE 206 1"3 -PAGE S Damaged tombstones repaired PICKERING - Vandalism at a cemetery here the night before "Decoration Sunday" left many families upset. But a local company, Sander- son Monument, has been work- ing to repair more than a dozen tombstones at Erskine Cemetery at Finch Ave. and Fairport Rd. in time for Father's Day. The tombstones were dam- aged June 12. The following day, Decoration Sunday, is an annual event at the cemetery. It features a non -denominational service and encourages families to plant gardens and place flow- ers on graves. Sanderson Monument, an Orillia company which has an office in Pickering Village, fixed the tombstones at no charge. Women needed to help in fight for victims' rights DURHAM - Women interest- (Durham) is inviting all interest- ed in fighting for improved ed women to attend a planning rights for victims are being and support meeting Tuesday, sought. June 22. The Victims' Action Coali- For time and location, call tion/Women's Action Coalition 837-2725. jPnAUDLEY ROAD STABLES SUMMER --� v HORSE CAMP AGES 9 -16 686-46410 \WA A A Jst et:LL L04a NnO V A(Iji 2 LEMOVAD5; Kids B-14 years are invited to rent our lemonade stand for 4 hours on any day from July 2nd to Sept. 5 to sell lemonade. All supplies provided. Nominal rental fee; lemonade at cost. A great way for kids to learn business basics! Call Sue Stephen 683-7171 Special thanks to Dominion and Millwork (Ajax) for their support. PAGE 6 -THE MEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, JUNE 20, 1"3 Ajax -Pickering News Advertiser Editorials/Letters A Metroland Community Newspaper published every Wednesday, Friday and Sunday TIMOTHY J. WHITTAKER, Publisher 130-132 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ont. LIS 21-15 JOANNE BURGHARDT, Editor-in-chief Newsroom - 683-5110 Distribution - 683-5117 Retail Advertising - 683-5110 Classified - 798-7672 GREG COATES, Managing Editor FAX - 683-7363 National Advertising Sales - 493-1300 Real Estate & Automotive Advertising - 798-7672 HUGH NICHOLSON, Advertising Manager Member of the Ontario Community Newspaper Association BRUCE DANFORD, Retail Sales Manager Member of the Ontario Press Council ABE FAKHOURIE, Distribution Manager Smoking out lawbreakers A police crackdown on storekeepers who sell cigarettes to underage children is a campaign that deserves our applause and support. You'd be hard pressed to find a parent anywhere who condones smoking by his 12 -year-old child or young teenager. But some mer- chants, many of whom are parents themselves, care more about a quick profit than they care about someone else's kid. Those are the storekeepers who, as long as no adult is watching, will- ingly sell individual or packaged cigarettes to minors. The kids know which merchants they are and word gets around. While many local storekeepers abide by the law, those who don't could be in for a rude awakening. Durham Regional Police promise they'll be looking into complaints in depth when they hear about stores selling smokes to children. That's where the rest of us come in. We have to encourage our chil- dren to blow the whistle on adults who are making those illegal sales and, as responsible citizens, we owe it to the community to pass that information on to police. It's easier to be apathetic of course, but you could end up doing your own child a big favor. According to the Durham Department of Health, 22 per cent of people between the ages of 12 and 19 smoke. Most people take up the habit in youth; rarely does a person begin smoking in adulthood. Education on the dangers of smoking, an increasing intolerance toward it on the part of society and frank discussion with a parent are all factors that can help a child realize it's not cool to light up. Peer pressure to try things a parent wouldn't approve of is enough for your child to deal with. Who needs another adult undermining your rules and making cigarettes accessible? For the first time since 1908, federal legislation could be tightened to raise the legal smoking age from 16 to 1R_ At the same time, fines for selling cigarettes to minors could soar from the current maximum of $100 to $50,000. It's long overdue. The next time a storekeeper reaches for a cigarette to sell to a kid for a quarter, he or she should stop to calculate how many packs would have to be sold to recoup a 550,000 fine. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR THE MIDDLE. r _J Not all dogs are vicious To the editor, This is in response to all the rude, unfair people we meet while out walking our dog. If your child has been bitten by two or three other dogs, don't you think he could be to blame? Isn't it possible that he provoked at least one of the attacks him- self? And why assume that my Non-smokers have right to smoke-free air To the editor, I have just finished reading the letter to the editor from Gor- don W. Potts of Pickering in the Wednesday, June 2 issue of the News Advertiser and I cannot help but respond. Mr. Potts apparently has cho- sen to ignore or otherwise total- ly disbelieve the overwhelming amount of proven evidence link- ing smoking to heart disease and lung disease. I'll get right to the point of my letter. I agree 100 per cent with Mr. Potts that smokers are people too and are entitled to enjoy this physically debilitating habit if they so desire. I have a physical allergy to cigarette smoke as do other members of my family and we become ill quickly with minimal exposure. The difference between Mr. Potts and my family is that my not smoking beside Mr. Potts is not having an ill affect on his health. However, Mr. Potts smoking beside me is having an ill affect on my health and that of many others. As far as I am concerned this is the bottom line. We have the right to enjoy smoke-free air to breath. Eliot L. Shimkofsky, Ajax dog will pick him out of a crowd and bite him? Who do you think you are to tell me what to do and how to treat my beloved pet, when you have never met or spo- ken to us before? You have no idea of the love and support my dog has given to me and my family, of the respect she teaches my children to have of all animals. We meet people like you while walking or playing at the park, people who have no respect for dogs, who teach your children to dislike them, to throw things at them, to torment them and cause them pain. Your child may be the one who breaks glass at the park, causing my dog to cut her paws repeatedly, or who teases her cru- elly, because he has been taught to fear and ridicule animals, instead of learning to love them. We walk to the park every day, with my two small children and when we meet someone new who isn't accustomed to my dog, I make sure she retrieves her ball at a great distance from them, so as not to bother them. She rarely pays attention to others while chasing her ball and when she does, it's because she knows them or is approached by them. I can't even count the number of children who have asked to pet her or throw her ball for her, who have treated her gently and kind- ly. If someone shows uncertainty towards her, I will have her lie down so they can pet her and see how friendly she is. As a result she has more friends in our neighborhood than anyone I know. You could learn something from some of the children in our community — how to love, respect and care about animals, and in turn how to treat other human beings. You could teach your child how to approach strange dogs properly, how not to fear and disrespect them. My dog has never hurt anyone, and I take every precaution to make sure this will never happen by teaching people how to appre- ciate her, by showing them how well-behaved, disciplined and friendly she is. Not every dog is bad, just as not every child is bad — a lot depends on how you raise and care for them. So next time you see us in the Park, remember that I care just as much as you do, about my dogs' behavior. We use our neighbor- hood parks every day, all year round, and are well -versed in the bylaws regarding dogs, as well as being decent, caring people who very much want to share the enjoyment we derive from our dog with the people around us. Don't assume the worst — pets are a rewarding part of our lives. Jeanette Manning, Pickering ABOUT US The News Advertiser wel- comes letters to the editor on topical issues, controversial matters and anything else of interest to our readers. We reserve the right to edit letters for style, length and legal rea- sons and to withhold letters deemed not fit for publication. All letters must include your full name, address and phone num- ber for our information. Letters can be mailed or dropped off at the News Advertiser, 130 Com- mercial Ave., Ajax, Ont. LIS 21-15 or sent by FAX to 683- 7363. Metroland Printing, Publish- ing and Distributing group of suburban newspapers includes: Ajax/Pickering News Advertiser, The Aurora Banner. Barrie Ban- ner/Advance, The Brampton Guardian, The Burlington Post, The Collingwood Connection, The Etobicoke Advertiser/Guardian, The Georgetown Independent, Kingston This Week, Lindsay This Week, Markham Economist and Sun, The Milton Canadian Champion, The Mis- sissauga News, The Newmar- ket Era, Northumberland News, North York Mirror, Oakville Beaver, Oshawa -Whitby This Week, Orillia Today, Peterbor- ough This Week, The Rich- mond Hill/Thornhillryaughan Liberal, The Scarborough Mir- ror, The Stouffville/Uxbridge Tri- bune, Today's Seniors. Second class mail registra- tion number 1897. Mail sub- scription rates in Canada: 1 year, $70 per edition. The publisher reserves the right to classify or refuse any advertisement based on his sole discretion. Co-operative education: 'Learning what working world is all about' AJAX - Teaching a math les- son for the first time is a memory Philip Doyle will always treasure. And, the Archbishop Denis O'Connor Catholic High School student won't soon forget helping an elementary student improve his reading skills. "I've definitely made up my mind to be a teacher," admits the Grade I1 student, who's been working as a Grades 7 and 8 teaching assistant at St. James Catholic School in Ajax as part of a co-operative education course this semester. Philip recently received the Ontario Co-operative Education Association's certificate of achievement from the Durham Region Roman Catholic Separate School Board. It's presented annually to a student from each high school who gave and received the most from co-opera- tive education. "I've learned so much," the 17 -year-old notes. "I realize not everyone's going to learn togeth- er and it's up to a teacher to help students cope, help them along and give them encouragement." Though Philip has long hoped to become a teacher, this place- ment strengthened his goal. "It's something I'm going to strive for." He's so impressed with co- operative education that he believes it should be a mandatory course, rather than an elective. "Hands-on experience tells you what the working world is all about," Philip explains. "It's not something you can learn from a textbook or blackboard. It's invaluable." The program is equally worth- while for those students who "realize they're perhaps not suit- ed to a certain career," notes Lor- raine Dickerson, head of co-oper- ative education at Denis O'Con- nor. "It truly is about career exploration." Denis O'Connor and SL Mary Catholic Secondary School in Pickering thanked employers who participated in co-operative edu- cation programs at a recent break- fast Town of Ajax Parks & Recreation Department ear �IOe1 QIP School Is QWr Nola Fleov, don -� f oraei CAMP. Lomlor",� X0 • Camps for 5 years plus from 9:00 a.m. - 4:40 p.m. • One and two week sessions beginning July 51h • After hours available • Reasonable prices... Don't delay, register today! For more Information call Students from those schools and police stations, law offices, a worked at various places this year, horse stable, small claims court, including the local hospital, fire banks and veterinary clinics. Co-operative education is being credited with helping Archbishop Denis O'Connor Catholic High School student Philip Doyle, right, choose teaching as a career. Here, he reads with Greg Eze of St. James Catholic School. photo by Andrew Iwanowski PUBLIC OPEN HOUSE, RE: Costco Wholesale Warehouse Development DATE: TUESDAY, JUNE 22°°, 1993 nMe: 7:00 RM. -9:00 P.M. LOCATION: Town of Ajax Municipal Building 65 Harwood Ave. S. Large Committee Room PROJECT PLANS TO BE DISPLAYED Markborough ;1 /W Just a couple of hours a week with us this summer can help even the best student meet new challenges this fall. Sylvan' can help with everything from reading and writing to basic math and algebra. Our customized learning programme, designed to meet your child's special needs, offers individual attention, encouragement and praise from a certified teacher. This provides the confidence your child needs to reach higher levels of achievement. And your child will be prepared to handle tougher challenges in the school year ahead. 1801 Dundas St. East FA S tim Learning Cents Kendalwood Plaza I*1 kids do beta -e whi►tb 404-1818 � P'� THE (YEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, JUNE Zq 1993 -PAGE 7 �r UNBELIEVABLE RD � rel .. _ ;; SALE Monthly payments as low as 150"/month TOPQLALM'NUNDOWS -,-7W1 STEEL INSLIATED DORS From i From s294 (� _ a` Deli�erti & inst glati m VV extra call for details Sale ends June Za 93 .1, 1 � P ♦. r �✓ � a..- • -..�-� � . r � �.Vri' � .•' • • • t I.M 1 •. i J • 1 .- .• V Y .� . � .1..t . . - } I>O:S OAPPAU;t WrrH EVERY �. POOLGAME f, ♦r + OE S irlt±Wo1 ;: CAFE & BILLIAR is aim aZ7•� T s v1 ZW Brock Rd. .-Mesh of F6+c pickoft �r UNBELIEVABLE RD � rel .. _ ;; SALE Monthly payments as low as 150"/month TOPQLALM'NUNDOWS -,-7W1 STEEL INSLIATED DORS From i From s294 (� _ a` Deli�erti & inst glati m VV extra call for details Sale ends June Za 93 .1, 1 � P ♦. r �✓ � a..- • -..�-� � . r � �.Vri' � .•' • • • t I.M 1 •. i J • 1 .- .• V Y .� . � .1..t . . - } P PAGE fl -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, JUNE 20, 1993 4� n _ 2 1 � } k4Ri .. +,air'.- Canadian Tire a. Pickering F FPresents %' hs O By the bay! Steve Vargo, five, (above) tried the job of firefighter on for size at the second annual Frenchman's Bay Festival June 13. Pickering firefighters were on hand to demonstrate their equipment. Top right, Brian Grant, with the help of dad David, tried his Casting skills. photos by Andrew Iwanowski Check out libraries' summer fun for kids PICKERING - A summer full of fun for kids is waiting to be checked out at Pickering public Libraries. Stories, songs, fingerplays, crafts and monsters await at local branches and, unless otherwise noted, no registration is required. Just drop in. Here's what's on: • A Goosebumps Reading Club is for children six to 11 who like scary stories. Ghosts and monsters are the highlight of the club, and the more children read the more chances they'll have of winning a prize. Storyteller Mary- lyn Peringer will open the club Tuesday, July 6 at 1 p.m. at the Bay Ridges branch, East Shore Community Centre, 910 Liverpool Rd. (839-3083) and at 2 p.m. at the Central Library, One The Esplanade (831-6873). Ronald McDonald will open the club at the Rouge Hill branch, Rougemount Dr. south of Hwy. 2, (509-2579) Thursday, July 8 at 2 pm. To register for the club at the Claremont. Greenwood or White - vale branches, visit your local library the week of July 5. • Friendship Bracelets — Make a friendship bracelet at the central library Wednesday, July 14 at 2 pm. Camilla Grysk:i, author of Friendship Bracelets, will host a craft program based on her book for children eight and up. The pro- gram will also be offered at the Rouge Hill branch Wednesday, July 14 at 11 am. Free tickets will be available at both libraries beginning Saturday, July 3. • Riddle Walk is a fun -filled hour for children six and up. Join the central library for riddles, jokes, funny stories and tongue twisters Wednesday, July 21 at 2 p.m., or the Rouge Hill library Tuesday, July 20 at 2 p.m. Free tickets will be available at the cen- tral branch as of July 10, and at the Rouge Hill library beginning July 3. • I'm On Vacation is a holiday craft and story program for chil- dren six to eight at the Bay Ridges branch Tuesday, July 27 at 2 p.m. and at the central library Wednes- day, July 28 at 2 p.m. Take an item from a favorite vacation. Registration will be taken begin- ning Saturday, July 17. Other summer programs include: • Bay Ridges branch — Chil- dren three to five are invited for stories, songs and fingerplays Tuesdays at 10:45 am. from July 6 to Aug. 24. • Central library — Tales for Twos is a program for children two to three Tuesdays and Thurs- days at 10:05 am., July 6 to Aug. 26. Children three to five are wel- come for storytime Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10:45 am., July 6 to Aug. 26. Visit Brock Ridge Park (Brock Rd. and Finch Ave.) for a special outdoor storytime Wednesdays at 10:30 am., July 7 to Aug. 25. The program, for children three to five, will be cancelled when the weath- er doesn't co-operate. • Rouge Hill branch — Drop- in storytimes for children three to five will be held Wednesday and Thursday mornings at 11 a.m., from July 7 to Aug. 26. • Greenwood (683-8844) — Westney Rd. Children five to 11 can drop in for stories, films and crafts Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. from July 7 to Aug. 25. Children under seven should be accompa- ,.iued by an adult. FRONT DISC BRAKE PACKAGE Here's what we nclude: • Motomaster disc pads • Machining rotors and repacking bearings (n required) • Topping up brake fluid . compiete inspection 95 Most cars Our trained technicians will: • Check for leaks • Evaluate and recharge system • Charge system and check for leaks • Check operation of controls • Check A/C vent temperatures It pays off In the long run: • Your vehicle's system will operate at maximum efficiency • Ensures lubrication to help extend system life • Reduces internal corrosion REAR DRUM BRAKE PACKAGE Here's what we nciude: • Motomaster brake shoes • Machining drums (it required) • Topping up brake fluid • Complete inspection 95 Most cars OIL FILTER • Remove and replace transmission pan gasket and filter • Install up to 4 litres Automatic Transmission fluid • Inspect transmission for leaks SAVE $20.00 95 liAost Cars Freon extra CHANGE 95 Most eats Rsg. $09.95 SERVICE Mon. -Fri. 7:30 a.m.-9 p.m. OPEN - Sat. 7:30 a.m.-8 p.m.SUNDAYS 1t-5 HOURS Sun. 11 a.tn: 5 P.M. _1C tR(IRDIA TIRE Pickering Store Only 839-8124 1300 Kingston Rd. (AT LIVERPOOL) PICKERING THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, JUNE 20,1993 -PACE 9 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Veteran country singer headlines Sunday concert By BRUCE FROUDE Durham Staff DURHAM - One day the dog in D.J. Hopson is going to give up, but not anytime in the foreseeable future. The Whitby country singer has been chasing success in the music business for years, the way an old dog chases cars. "I don't know what I'm ever going to do if I catch that car," laughs the gregarious singer, who's headlining a Sunday con- cert at the Ajax Community Cen- tre to wrap up Ajax Home Week. He would love to be a big star; who wouldn't? However, he doesn't want to give up his day job. The entrepreneur has three beverage distribution companies to tend which keep him hopping between his home and office in Mississauga. "It's a real good time if you're embarking on a career in country music," says Hopson, who has been playing in the area for nearly two decades. And after 20 years it has only been the past 18 months that he has seen measurable success on the charts. The former Par 4 band member released four tracks off his A Day In the Life compact disc and watched as they received various amounts of air play on the nation's country stations. The latest cut from that CD is Someone To Write Home About which debuted at No. 42 on the Country Music News Cancountry Hit Chart in May. It went to No. 16 this month and could go higher by July. The song features the distinc- tive voice of Hopson and the tal- ented writing skills of Nashville star Alan Jackson. Hopson heard Jackson's demo of the tune a couple of years ago and decided the song had to be included on A Day In The Life. Jackson recorded the tune while sitting in a kitchen; the tape even picked up the noise of the refriger- ator in the background. Noise or not, Hopson wanted it and got it. It turns out to be an astute move. The part-time entertainer hopes the success of Someone To Write Home About, Cold Front (No. 9) and the whole album will bend the ear of some Canadian record Pro- ducers. He and his band (which bills itself as 35 North and con- sists of Al Shaw, Bob Perkin, Rusty Walker and John Dustin) play together about 20 times a year and take the stage Sunday for the Ajax Kinsmen Club's Country a 1 r 1 a i = "1 9 Jamboree at the Community Cen- tre on Centennial Rd. The local players are booked to play l to 5 p.m. Oshawa's Angie Shepherd is the opening act. It will be the last performance for quite a while for Hopson and 35 North, the guys won't be back together officially until late fall. "It's like Christmas day when we get back together," says Hop- son. "After being off for so long we all want to do it again." Hopson adds: "I can't wait to start playing again. There is noth- ing that says you have to beat this thing to death for 12 months of the year." No, but many bands do. The break allows band mem- bers to keep fresh and interested in what they're doing. "For all of us this a hobby," says Hopson. "I'm not saying we don't take music seriously, we take it extremely seriously." What Hopson would like is for some major Canadian label to make him an offer he can't refuse. "I'm not sure what 1 would do if I had a smash hit. I guess I'll cross that bridge when I get there." That is, of course, if he doesn't run out of gas from chasing that big car. Hop, skip and jump for heart St. Patrick's Catholic School student Megan Ramsay, in the fore- ground, skips a rope while raising funds during a recent Jump Rope for Heart event at the school. The school raised $4,800 for the Ontario Heart and Stroke Foundation. xua�r YO'HAMA A01/100 MW Toul" am colomm 155/80R13 185/80R13 185/75R14 195/75R14 205/75R15 215/75R15 1"Iff WAMsmme $ 58.95 S 70.95 $ 76.95 $81.95 $89.95 $ 92.98 rAbet on and h& ft%ack& hatol m.du MW Mdemne, r AIR tom. FOR FRANCE I SERVICE ` 'CONDITIONING M91111ES ou �= RECHARGE $7'95 & #s�9s9s 6145 OFFER EXP 6/3NY3 J Wl 17M 264 FAIRALL ST. NARGAIN TAPE 619-1222 STORE HOURS: MON.-FRI Sam•6pm SAT 8am-3pm NOBODY BEATS OUR PRICES. GUARANIFED! s&NWAW t sW gel photo by A.J. Groen 11110 r 9W MME 2" ��ff b 4)9WDFR®vn *Mff LMWWFAIXW •WMUVWRATt111191t • M 1 USFI SA! •ilkt1Ia1DMUM I1 N&WHr C. •iawrl�eeSirereS PAGE 16 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, JUNE 28.1!!3 Billboard Is a free feature for community events of a non-profit nature. To have your events pro- moted In Billboard, call us at 683- 5110 or write to the Ajax -Pickering News Advertiser, 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ontario, US 2H5. COMMUNITY LIVING: The Ajax - Pickering and Whitby Association for Community Living holds its annual general meeting Mon., June 21, 8 p.m., at St. Mark's United Church, 201 Centre St., Whitby. Brampton-Caledon Community Liv_ Ing Association executive director Joseph Cawthorpe speaks. 427- 3300 CHOIR REGISTRATION: The Jean McDonale 9ngers take registration for its fall season Mon ..:une 21 ana Mon., June 28 The group performs at charity events and cabarets Children, high school students. adu 's ana dancers welcome Dela is. 837-26' 1 UNEMPLOYED WORKERS: -ne Unernoloyeo Workers Association meets Mor,.. June 21, 7:15 to 9 P T , c' Westin: -sten United Church, 25 Manning Ra . Whcby The tODIC win be setting up a work- ers" co-op 571-3272 (Marie Genesse) LADIES' CLUB: --e-_esccy Mor—g aces CGuo meets Tues., June 22. 9 15 *o 1 1 a.r^ . at the Ajax ComInunity Centre. -IMS Ajax Room 'Exercise. socialize. crafts ono refreshments. Babysitting avail- able The group meets again in September. 686-0258 (Catharine) or 683-0517 (Cindy). FLOWER DISPLAY: '!`_1e Pickering Horticulturai Society hosts a clsoiay of roses, vegetables. fruits and floral designs Tues. June 22 at 8 p.m at St Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Church St north of Hwy. 2. Ajax Retreshments All welcome 831- 7814 GOLF: A Business Links Golf Tour- nament. hosted by the Ajax-Plcker- Ing Board of Trade, will be held Tues . June 22 at Seaton Golf & Country Club. Brock Rd. south of Taunton Rd . Pickering Tee-otf at 10:30 o.m S75 for golf, cart, lunch and dinner 427.4470. OPEN HOUSE: The -�ckering Phil- harmonic Orchestra noids an Open house Tues , June 22 for Durham Region wind. brass and stung musi- cians interested in joining the group. Call for details. 686-7531. CHOIR FESTIVAL- The Cantemus Children's Choir of Hungary will per- form at St. Isaac Jogues Roman Catholic Church, 1 148 Finch Ave., Pickering, Tues., June 22 at 8 p.m. as part of the International Choral e Festival. Tickets $16, reserved or at the door It available. 872-4255. Group discounts 593-4822. ext. 225. REUNION: The ticket deadline for • WHEN SNORMG ISN'T A LAUGHING . MATTER • Ask us bow the revothaidwry new Snore Guard' can eas9y and efjecHimly treat snoring and sleep apnea. DR. S111EIMN LITTLE SYEMMAN DENTAL CENTRE 839-4486 That's the ticket: Your calendar of coming events victims' rights. For time and loca- tion, can 837-2725. PIANO RECITAL: Students of Judy Home present a piano recital Tues., June 22 at 7 p.m. at the Pick- ering Village United Church, 300 Church St. N., Pickering Village. All welcome. No charge. 683-9493. BUSINESS WOMEN: The Durham Business and Professional Women's Club holds its monthly meeting Wed., June 23 at Deer Creek Golf & Country Club, Taunton Rd., Ajax. Nine -hole golf scramble and din- ner. Golf at 3:30 p.m., reception at 6:15, dinner at 7 p.m. Members $35, non-members $40. Dinner only t is $25 for members, S30 for non- members. 427-6930 (Karen Gra- ham) or 725-9179 (JOanAnn Eve- lyn) Jennifer Thierry, a Little Sister with the Big Sisters Association of Ajax -Pickering, sold more than 100 tickets for a fund-raising break- fast the association hosted at Ajax McDonald's recently. With her is Big Sisters caseworker Linda Curley. a Frenchman's Bay Public School 25 -year reunion for 1968 and 1969 graduating classes is Tues.. June 22 The event will be held Sat.. June 26 at 8 p.m at the Royal Canadian Legion. Boy Ridges Branch. 1555 Bayly St . Pickering S20 a person. photo by Ron Pietroniro Buffet. DJ, cash bar. Advanced tickets only 839-9176 (Don Barber), 428-6743 (Deborah Rogers). VICTIM'S ACTION: The Victim's Action Coalition/Women's Action Coalition (Durham) holds a meeting for women interested in flahtina for ALGONQUIN SPACE CAMPUS It's a Dream... It's an Adventure... It's a Summer Camp! It's for Teenagers, Adults, and Teachers PROGRAMS FACILITIES ACTIVITIES *Rocketry ,k Astronomy tit Space Library 11r Swimming • Satellites * Solar Studies 1t Satellite TV * Volleyball • Robotics tlr Microgravity * Semi -Private tt Basketball BOOK NOW BEFORE WE RUN OUT Of ... SPACE! Call 1 800 563-3115 or 416 665-5463 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — _ A. fir=-� enjoy I S.TIESfine I w Chinese Cuisine I • 95 �-` �► * I • 25%0FF1 : I GET FRESPresent , MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY I 5-10 P.M. ' offer expims June 30, 1993 ' Per parson all regular nwm Rema except alcoholic beverages • ane in only a Woman charged A 27 -year-old Ajax woman was charged after a five-year-old boy was abandoned. Police said a child was left alone in a Baker Rd. apartment residence about 9 p.m. on Satur- day, June 12. On the Sunday morning, the child went to an upstairs neighbor who phoned police around 7 pm. Sunday night. The Children's Aid Society (CAS) of Durham Region took custody of the child and an inves- tigation was launched by the Durham CAS and Durham Regional Police. Police said the mother retuned Monday morning. On Wednesday, police issued a wan -ant for a 27 -year-old woman who tuned herself into police. She is charged with abandoning a child under 10 years of age. Purchase a York High Efficiency Air Conditioner and don't pay a dime UNTIL LABOUR DAY 1994! PLUS ...RECEIVE YORK'S STANDARD 5 -YEAR NO -COST PARTS WARRANTY! Do not delay.! This offer ends O June 30th 1993. Call your York dealer today V and ask how you may participate! o ' OA C b =111W oLwa A darer nor be pw 1 Fb*3PC*V rot 00W" ,T* OWN aCwd on ASO -4w cos nal my acvft -� aDECMM ymic THE RICHT Heating ana Air conditioning SINCE 1874 11:K 51 L FRRST EVER.17 Farltory AI/UsurlZed Saft of Dependable HEIL Central Home Air Condlitioning The past two chilly summers left too many Heil Clinefirer Delize 2 -Spud air conditioners in the factory warehouse- Heil has authorized us to offer you the best price ever on a Heil air conditioning system for your home — a price baatrdriads of donors las thanyiv W ctpw for air conditioning of Heil quality. The vdart is mads emix greater becaxse it coarses frtsitb HeWs faartoxs S Y4w Parts axd x Laboxr Warraxtlr at xo extra cosi :. This sale ends June 30. Act <' #m now and save on many years of Heil depmdabilitg Call acs toAgt MA7111eo. oaor,ia.eooucra Rodman'S (since 9") HEATING & AIR CONDMONING 683-364 y 285 HUNT ST., AJAX, ONTARIO LIS 310 THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, JUNE 20,1"3 -PAGE 11 Sunday sports Ajax Warriors claim Cup, league wins AJAX - The Ajax senior War- riors soccer team posted two more wins in recent John Barnes Cup and league play. The Warriors chalked up a 4-1 win over Oshawa Portuguese in Motor City Socceir League regular - season action at the Oshawa Civic Fields last Sunday. Steve Valentim opened the scor- ing for Ajax early in the fust half, but Portuguese tied the score at l-1 shortly after. Just prior to the half- time whistle, Peter Pinheiro put the Warriors in front to stay. Ian Dunn and Valentim, with his second goal of the game, sealed the Ajax victory in the second half. In John Barnes Cup play at the Oshawa Civic Fields June 5, the Warriors posted another 4-1 victory over Oshawa Celtic. Ian Dunn opened the scoring in the fust half for Ajax. The one -goal edge stood up until well into the second half when Norm LeBrun scored to give the Warriors a 2-0 bulge. Peter Pinheiro's shot went in off the leg of a Celtic player to put Ajax up 3-0 later in the half. Dave Gilpin also scored for Ajax. Celtic finally broke through for a mean- ingless marker late in the contest. The Warriors' season record is two wins, one tie and one loss in league and Cup play. The Warriors travel to Darting - 9 to la the Wanderers in a Pickeringsailor savors victory PICKERING - A Pickering man Team before the actual regatta July has sailed to victory at a major 1 to July 3. Canadian regatta in Quebec. The national competition is of Rod Davies, 23, was the fust to double importance to the local three - cross the finish line at the British some as it's a qualifying event for Airways Regatta for laser (one-man the 1994 World Sailing Champi- boat) racers in Hudson June 5 and 6. onships in Osaka, Japan, and also He was followed in second place serves as a national team qualifier. by brother Ray Davies, 22. Jamie (Sailors must meet national stan- Boyden, 22, a _ - — dards in sailing in each year to earn training mate -' " ` I a spot on the national team and of the Davies - f receive funding from the federal at the French- % government). man's Bay All three will also sail at the Yacht Club, Waves Regatta in Vancouver in placed fifth. ' early September. This meet will also It was the serve as a national team and world fifth time Rod championship qualifier. Davies has Rod Davies won the British Air- ways Regatta. It was a pretty good feeling," he says."There were a lot of good people Jamie Boyden IPF— there. My'�-�� brother really raced well, .. too." All three sailors also participated in 4� the Can/Am Ra Davies training ses- y sion for American and Canadian national team sailors in Dallas and Fort Worth, Texas June 7 to 11. Rod noted the training camp, instructed by national couches from W n p y each country, was a gruelling one. league encounter Sunday, June 20, Polo for Heart benefits local chapter "it was rigorous. it was non-stop at 4 p.m.•• Ajax's next home game is AJAX-PICKERL'VG -You're invited to watch the Toronto Polo Club cam- Ing whole tome. The three leave Monday for against Oshawa Italia Thursday, pagainst world's best and help the Heart and Stroke Foundation at the � June 24 at the Ajax Community same Limit.pete Manitoba where they'll com- Centre field. Kick-off is 7 pm. The Ajax -Pickering chapter of the foundation is among those which will Pete at the 'national Laser Sailing benefit from the 14th annual Polo for Heart, to be held June 26 and 27, and Championships on Lake Winnipeg. Soccer girls They'll undergo a training session July 3 and 4 at Gormley Polo Centre. Hwy. 404 and Bloomington St., Rd., with the Canadian National Sailing post four wins AJAX - The Ajax Warriors girls' under -11 rep soccer team is unbeaten in its first four league games of the season. The Warriors recorded a 3-2 victory over Scarborough June 14. Ajax trailed 2-0 in the first 20 minutes of play, but pulled to within one prior to the end of the first half with a solo dash through the Scarlixxough defence Scarborough pressed hard in the early going of the second half, but the Ajax defence was equal to the challenge. Kelsey Biggs blasted a rebound into the net for die game w mua Ajax goalie Dawn Harri- son was tested several umes by Scarborough shooters in the rnomenils of die conteg Sarah Ripley was named Ajax's most valuable player of the game. The Warriors posted a 2-0 win over Whitby June 7. Natasha Smith scored both mwkers.. ��H�M�aarr��ison.L,�SG recorded her s�Id .SyLWJLLL of Msm9mt. Elia Witton was the MVP fOr Ajax. Team members are Dawn Harrison, Courtney Ausilem Eha Witton, Faithe Witton, Jennifer White, Sarah Ripley, Jennifer McDurmott, Laura Swailes, Michelle Manella, Candice Chapman, Aisha Humphrey, Natasha Smith, Cheryl Noonan and Kelsey Biggs. The team is coached by Maury White. Aurora. Gates open at 11 am. and games begin at 1 pm. Since it was introduced. Polo for Heart has raised more than $21 million for the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario. You're invited to take a picnic. Admission is $10 and chikfren aged 12 and under are admitted free. Tickets will be available at the door. For advance ticket information, call 489-7100. 0 THE ORIGINAL CONTOURED FOOTBED 10. The BIRKENSTOCK ARIZONA is available in a large assortment of COLOURS in your choice of SUPPLE SUEDES. RICH LEATHERS and DURABLE BIRKO-FLOR uppers. SAVE NOW WITH OUR - NEW LOW PRICES! Leathers and suedes priced at S99 and birko-flor synthetics at $79 for . both men and women. • • • • • • • • • • • 0.- /1. HIE DISCOVER TORONTO DAY CAMP CENTRE MQPMY TUESDAY I WEDNESDAY tl_THURSDAY I FRIDAY Ana 18 JUNE 29 JUNE 30 KARTWAYS. JULY ' 10VERN0NT TNM CENTRE L CANADA'S ONTARIO 12 FAMILY WILD WATER CANPCLOB® WONDERLAND PLACE ONTARIO KAR'WAYS KINGDOM 5 67 B S CENTRE WASAGA BEACH CANAOA'S FAMILY ISLAND BLUE MOUNTAIN SLIDE RIDE WONDERLAND KARTWAYS. WILD WATER 10VERN0NT TNM CENTRE L ROLLERSKATING 12 13 11 15 16 ONTARIO WILD WATER AFRICAN FAMILY CENTRE PLACE KINGDOM LION SAFARI KARTWAYS ISLAND KARTWAYS7 ROLLERSKATING ROLLERSKATING 20 19 20 21 ♦ 22 23 CANADA'SMARINELAND MAID OF THE MIST FAMILY WILD WATER WONDERLAND WET'N WILD WATER PARK KARTWAYy KINGDOM NATIONAL IOIRR TRS)25 ROLLERSKATMIG i 29 30 W128 ALT DISNEY WORLD LWW TO CWPENS AGES 12 - IS — CAL THE CMiOFFICE FOR DETAiCS 00 PRKES' OL4EY WORLA • EPOOT • u.11EnaAL:,Llolca - iNET'N YYID IMAT9L PAR!(• MIi1 STL10105 MOIEAY TUSK AY 1N®IEW AY TI MAW AY FRMY AL/OUBT 2 3 4 5 6 1 CIVIC NOLlDAV CANADA'S WILD WATER ONTARIO CENTRE L CAW CUD@M WONDERLAND KINGDOM PLACE ISLAND 9 10 11 ♦ 12 13 CANADA'S WASAGA BEACH BLUE JAYS GME FAMILY WONDERLAND BLUE MOUNTAIN SLIDE RIDE /TOUR OF THE KARTWAYS7 UNIVERSE ROLLERSKATING 20 16 17 to 19 ONTARIO WILD WATER AFRICAN CANADIAN CENTRE PLACE KINGDOM LION SAFARI NATIONAL ISLAND EXHIBITION 23 24 ♦ 25 26 27 MARINELAND MAID OF THE MIST BLUE ,LAYS GAME CANADIAN FAMILY WET'N WILD WATER PARK ?OUR OF THE NATIONAL KARTWAYS/ 10VERNIONT TRIM UNIVERSE EXHIBITION ROLLERSKATING SEPTEMBER 3 30 31 SEPTEMBER 1 SEPTEMBER 2 CANADA'S CENTRE ONTARIO CANADIAN FAMILY WONDERLAND I ISLAND PLACE NATIONAL EXHIBITION KARTWAYS/ ROLLERSKATING sTn.r..nlsr 740 -CAMP___-_ :195 _ ,,per 740-(2267) weep . ..il Ili J. A ..66— XV PAGE 1244 NEWS ADVERTUM SUNDAY, JWM 2041!!5 Pickering soccer reps continue torrid pace PICKERING - The Pickering roir lost his bid for a fourth con- tral Soccer League Cup; Picker - Power Frank's Auto Service secutive shutout late in the sec- ing soundly defeated Etobicoke under -16 rep soccer team keeps and half on a free kick deep in 3-0 to advance to round two going strong in Central Soccer the Pickering zone. where the Power will face St. League action as the season Pickering met Glen Shields Bernard at Kinsmen Park on approaches the halfway mark. on June 8, in what was referred July 8 at 7 p.m. Scoring for With a reduced roster, Pick- to as Pickering's answer to the Pickering were Horstman, ering held off Etobicoke for a 2- "Fog Bowl". A thick blanket of Daniel Panko and Gino Sgovio. 1 win on June 14. Kelvin fog settled over Beverly Morgan Pickering also trounced Fletcher and Gino Sgovio Park and visibility was reduced Peterborough 7-0 on June I. scored for Pickering. Scott Ger- to mere feet. Pickering squeaked Goal scorers were Fletcher with out a 1-0 win on a goal by Rob three, Michael Mastromarc0 Horstman. with two, and singles to Chris In the first round of the Cen- Palasz and Scott Burrows. NOW STARTING! Ajax Youth Slo-Pitch`= % League Young men _ Ages 14-20 NOW ACCEPTING REGISTRATIONS! Available at Ajax Community Centre Only 100 spaces available Fee $40 p.p. For more Information & registration call 427-6624 PC 507 OPEN 10-8 a=ehouse S tturday 10 - 6 1501 Hopklns St., Whitby (416)430-8081 Fax 430-0795 SPECIAL WA, 386DX/40 O 1499: 4111, R• 5121 Vilu Carl 12—Drive- 101 Keyboard Lit Flop Drive 2 Sor.. lGm• Ihra PA SYAA Cdeor'Z••iter 2 year Parit Y Libor Warranty P•o•w•i• 2023 Pfister At Sears, don't pay for your siding until Oct. `93 No Payments No Problem!" No payments or credit charges on appro%vd credit. (hli•r applies to installed siding. roofing and central air until _Juts 15. 1993. Some restrictions rxist. so ask for details. Ch1rr d.-+ u.,e uxludr ¢aracr• a,xl rntn cir■rr. Installed Roofing _., lett-s ofl(•rs professional installation of a nc•w hc•ayy- duty 3 -tab asphalt shingle rcx)f featuring fully transferable warranties up to 33 years. tC 0"1*1r %arrant% &roil, ar i ­ Installed Entry DoorsPDO Sears offers you elegance and security with a new steel entry door or complete entrance system. Installed Siding It- the outside of your inuttc• is read-, lora pick- me-up consider Sears '% ntainirnance %imi siding with insulating underlaytnent 4 to help const -mu energ%. �O Installed :fir Conditioning Sears rxperts %%ill help you wlect the proper system to meet your budget and nerds. We also sell and install Mitsubishi models for homes %%ithout ducts. Installed Garage Doors Counter Tops If your gardw door is a real eye -sone, "38 Sears can install a nets one. Choose Cabinet Refacing frcxn a cornplete selection of wood, aluminum or insulated steel styles. Win a Kenmore installed Central Air Conditioner (maximum value: 54.000) or 52500 cash. Odds of winning depend on number of entries received. No purchase necessary. Contest ends June 30, 1993. Details in store. Sears Guaranteed Home Improvements Talk to son x"ne you know SEARS ALSO SELLS Alio INSTALLS Kitchen Cabinets Counter Tops Patio Doors Fencing (Wood & Mesh) Central Air Condifioning Cabinet Refacing Electrical Contracting Porch Enclosures Roll Shutters Furnaces bath Renovations Entry Doors Shingle Roofing Siding Heat Pumps Su la Alarms French Doors Windows Awnings Electronic Air Cleaners Insulation Garage Doors Gutter/Soffit/Fascia Patio Covers Water Conditioners Gas Fireplaces $169.00 Skylights Water Healers $IBM SEARS CANADA INC. ., OSHAWA 725-4322 PKXEWJC 420-5582 QPEARS Panda Stir 6141 6E0 tEE CHINESE RESTAURANT itEtJ1S Licensed under LLB.o. 375 KINGSTON RD., PICKERING (Comer of Rougemount Dr. South) ALL YOU CAN EAT BUFFET Monday to Thursday Dinner Buffet .... $9.99 Friday to Saturday.............................$11.99 r_ BUY ONE GE D , ro ONE FOR ONLY 20% off PICK-UP OVER $20- 1 w99 adults only 10% off Dinner Buffet only on Fshr'• P ' I nay.id Ex ires July 14/93 DELIVERY OVER -20- L= 1 cou== table J L Expires July 14, 1993 -- -------J ......... . Pi ease .recycle :" fhis newspaper w P E T E A 1 / OPEN HOUSE SUN. 2 - 4 P.M. 32 BRAY DR., AJAX 2626 sq. ft., backs to greenbelt, separate Irv. din. and fam. rms., eat - in kit., w/o to deck, fully fenced yard, master bdrm., w/5 pc. ens. $218,000. Call Susan Foley, Sales Representative, 474-1710. I Town of Pickering _ Department of _ Community Services and Facilities PLUS a • SESSION# 1 2 3 4 5 TWO WM SESSION: JUNE 26- JULY 12- JULY 26- ANO. !- ANO. 23 - JULY 9 JULY 23 AUIL 6 A110. 20 SEPT. 3 DAY CAMP PIMCE WMH TRANSPORTATIOM =15200 $169.00 Sinn S111A0 $IBM DAY CAM a DAY CAM PRCE 7 AAL4L*15 PAL 05,00 >g3600 5215.00 i7d1.00 $00 MMI i11101110ACA PIMACNOOL 17000 SnA (70 00 =75,10 :75.00 NOTE: Prices vary titre b holidays; Thursday July 1 at and Monday August 2,1990 One week opd" available. Please call 420.4621 for Infornudon. Imagine a summer filed with colour, creativity and la*W! Campers 5 -12 years of age will explore a Variety of inauctiortal Wgrams and Special events. NOTE: Sessblls 1, 2,3 end 4 We full. ' A new location for sports camp this year ml provide a great combination of programs and opportuxtities with a different exposure than our Adventure Day Camp. Ages 5 -12 yrs. E- Sports Camp Session 2 Is full. This exciting new and dtalW9ng camp provides a cornbirr—_ . of instructional programs in camp skills and Popular sport activities. Ages 5 -12 years. NOTE: Senior A M11111 a Camp Sessions 2 & 5 we full. •hxdor Adventure Camp Sessions 2, 4 6 5 we full. Mini Pidaca provides cltikdren with a learning experience in Arts and Crafts, music and sing songs, outdoor fun, theme days and special events. Ages 3 - 6 years. Children between the ages of 5 -12 years will experience a full day of activities from 7:00 a.m. - 6:15 p.m. Throughout the entire summer - June 28 to September 3,1993 Our staff are pleased to assist you in choosing the most suitable camps for your children. For more information please call 420-4621. Happy hoopster Glen Prisciak, in foreground, of Bayview Heights Public School in Pickering is all smiles after being crowned 11 -year-old Ontario champion in the Knights of Columbus freethrow competition. Presenting Prisciak the championship trophy are Bob Bertram, left, the Grand Knight of the Pickering Knights of Columbus, and Bert Giroux, the Knights' freethrow chairman for Pickering. photo by Ron Pietroniro Pickering g split games in softballpla y PICKERING - The Pickering Sport Togs novice girls' rep soft- ball team recorded a win and a loss in recent league action. Pickering travelled to Markham Tuesday night and posted a 12-7 victory, despite a last -inning rally by the hosts. Most valuable players for Pickering were Jennifer Kelleher who pitched the entire game for the victory and Stacy Kellough who tripled twice. The top defen- sive player was Leann MacKenzie who turned an unassisted double play at first base. Pickering came up on the short end of a 15-6 score to Oak Ridges in league play Monday night. The only shining moment of the game for Pickering was a three -run, last -inning homer by Kelly Honsberger, the contest's most valuable player. Pickering's season record stands at six wins and two losses. Team members are Colleen Baker, Andrea Douglas, Amanda Flanagan, Jennifer Harwood, Kelly Honsberger, Jennifer Kelleher, Stacy Kellough, Kirsten Kochi, Leann MacKen- zie, Tricia McKenty, Rachelle Parent, Colleen Rasmussen and Kim Wells. The coaches are Wayne McKay, Paul McKenty and Graham Flanagan. r - - THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, JUNE 20. IMPAGE 13 A' I Come teat�� FORM Y� basebol sknb in the Horxdo HiLTh— Competition. Your boat 1 particlpaflng Honda Dealer. together with the Toronto Blue Jays and the Ontario Bweban ASsociaHon, mdse n possible f« you to compete against other kids your 1 age In Your community. with the Ontario flrx* being held in SkyDome on August I 21. 1993. I CHILD'S NAME ADDRESS ' CITY POSTAL CODE I HOME TELEPHONE NUMBER ( ) I I AGE AS OF JANUARY 1, 1993 I �-e yrs o I 9-10yrs. 0 CFECKONE 11-12 Yrso The Toronto Blue Jays. Honda Canada and its participating dealers. the Ontario Baseball Association. and Its related agencies expressh disclaim liability for any 1 bases o CIO" es occasioned by or arisng out of the named persons participatbn In a program for consideration for the child by allowed to participate. The parent or guardian whose name appears below on behalf of therrsetves and the chid expressly agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Toronto Blue Jays, Honda Canoda and its deakn, the Ontano Baseball Association and its related agencies, from and against any and all clams. demands or action I for such bases or darnages how so even they may occur I PARENT/GUARDIAN I hereby acknowledge "t I am a parent or guardian of the above Horned child` I that I have carefully read and fully understand the above and agree that the above named child may oorticiWe under these conditions I I 1 PRINT NAME SIGNATURE DATE I Please cornplete and deliver to your tical oartneipari g Honda Auto -co -le Decker, with your 55.00 Entry Fee A portio, of the proceeds \wllgo to your local baseball 1 association and every contestant comoenng in the ever, f will receive a cernficcte 1 of competition and a genuine souvenir baseball au+ogreoned by brie Toronto Blue Jays. See your local Ontario Honda Dealer for full coi npehhon rules. 1 7u'o rn otnyHw�» oc acw.+p-our J8W10WVW 4 V"o"1-4%row7�v'�v�. DEALER CODE* A G�sr ^r — ma oaordmroocavm— — o_+v aY 7_oan_rn -T,— — �va_— — COME JOIN USI HWY. 9 DATE: .lune 27.1993 TARE 3:00P.M. P" FINCH H Cr LOCATION: Brockndge Park - Pickering (Brock Road A Finch Ave ) RS.V.P. by Thursday, June 24,1993 HW*Y- 401 to Roger Linton m at Pl :_ a Honda BAYLY ReMafYr-1k cow%gy of Schrak%m i Gd«ode Contact Pickering Honda for " let of tikes 3 PICKERING D] regulations. HONDA PAGE 14 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, JUNE 20,19" 4101 .� R.?�i For per!.on> 18 %earn of age , and k1%er. , TALL, sincere gentleman. 43. interests are baseball, dancing, cottage country, cycling, seeking sincere, kind hearted, fun loving lady to share same. 35-40. SY 1033 GOOD-LOOKING, single male, 20. outdoors type. enjoys camping, fishing, seeks sincere good looking female for possible relationship. SY 1093 CHRISTIAN professional male, 33, attractive. family oriented, compassionate. sense of humor, down to earth. enjoys getaways, dining, quiet evenings, seeks attractive Christian woman with same Interests. 25-35. SY 1094 MUSCULAR, young looking 29. European gentleman, 5'9'. 180 lbs.. Intelligent. athletic. enjoys movies. singing, dancing, seeks female under 30, slim, same interests. SY 1101 VERY OUTGOING, attractive male, 38, enjoys quiet evenings, camping, funny and unique, seeks female 30-40 open minded and sincere SY 1102 CATCH ME! divorced white male, who enjoys dancing, quiet dinners and country living, seeks single white female, 30 something, who enjoys the same. SY 1103 ATTRACTIVE, established male, 33, honest and affectionate, seeks an attractive non-smoking female, for a long term relationship, single mothers welcome. SY 1104 SINGLE white male. 33, attractive, radlca intellectual. seeks fit conscientious female for as long as It will last. SY 1105 ATTRACTIVE single male, 6'4', enjoys sports, scuba diving, outdoors, dancing, romantic dinners and quiet evenings, seeking single 25-35 with similar interests. SY 1106 TALL blue eyed male, 26, enjoys dining, dancing, long walks, and camping, seeks single white female who enjoys children, and who also shares the same interests. SY 1107 HANDSOME white male, 36, professional, great sense of humor, romantic, sincere, kind gentleman seeking insatiable vivacious intelNgent female with same qualities 28-38 for relationship. SY 1100 OYSTER SEEKING MY PEARL, male, 38, enjoys quiet evenings, going to bars, fit, established, outgoing, sincere, honest, seeks female 35-40 with exact interests. SY 1110 EASY GOING attractive, slim gentleman, 40, sense of humor, sincere, considerate, responsible, reliable, likes outings, evenings in, seeks slim easy going, caring female, SY 1111 CREATIVE, intelligent single white male, 32, successful and funny, likes travel, sports, cooking, comedy and especially music, seeks expressive good hearted woman. SY 1112 AVERAGE LOOKING single white male, 52, 51r, 162 lbs., likes skiing and working out, reading and homebody, has secure lob, seeking slim, single white female 35-47 with the same interests. SY 1113 Companionship -Friendship Call I � � Anytime 14161991 1. Respond by selecting the ad(s) you wish to respond to and make a note of the four digit "mailbox" number that appears at the end. 2. Call Sincerelv Yours 1416-876-1991* at any time of the day from any touch tone phone within the 416 area code. 3. Follow the easy instructions. You'll have the option of responding to a specific ad or browsing voice mailbox greetings from Sincerely Yours advertiser. ' A charge of 1.44 per minute will appear m vour next telvphn - Fill for re.pxmding to 5 rxPrely Y,w CREATIVE, outgoing, single male, 23, caring, honest, responsible, hard working, loves music. dancing, travel, seeks non-smoking female 21-26 who can be herself for possible relationship. SY 1114 TALL, male. 21, long brown hair, blue eyes, looking for attractive female, 19- 30, enjoys camping, canoeing, fishing and is Interested in a long term relationship. SY 1115 SINGLE, white male, attractive. 28, sincere, creative. romantic, enjoys lazy walks, cuddling, movies, seeking attractive. mature, single white female. 20-28 for serious relationship. SY 1116 FIREFIGHTER, seeking woman, 35-40, attractive. affectionate. enjoys cottage life. family fun, for long term relationship. SY 1117 ROMANTIC, handsome. 30 something, established, tun male, 511', 185 lbs., seeks kind, sensitive, gentle, caring, gorgeous female. 25-35, with a great sense of humor. SY 1118 SPORTS minded male. single, 25, tall, rugged, likes camping, shooting pool, baseball, seeks outgoing female, 20-28, for long term relationship. Lers share some fun. SY 1119 SINGLE attractive male, 38, honest, responsible, sincere, hardworking, enjoys quiet evenings, home body type, seeks single attractive Filipino woman for serious relationship. SY 1120 ABOVE AVERAGE male, 35. muscular build. enjoys movies and dinner, seeks female, beautiful both inside and out, to share life. SY 1121 ATTRACTIVE single white male, 28, enjoys evenings out, movies and the outdoors, seeks single white female 25- 35, prefer smoker, for companionship and romance. let's share a bottle of wine. SY 1122 ATTRACTIVE single white male, 42, enjoys sports, camping, walking, dining, dancing with a zest for life, seeks lady 30-38 who enjoys the same, children welcome. SY 1123 SINGLE FATHER, 37, enjoys church, walks, the beach, loves romantic evenings out and quiet times at home, seeking lady with same interests, children welcome. SY 1124 MALE 43, widower, honest and sincere, enjoys music, dining, dancing, walking and quiet times at home, seeks lady 40- 45 with same interests, children welcome. SY 1125 WELL ESTABLISHED single white male, 57, recently divorced, non- smoker, social drinker, enjoys sports. quiet evenings, outdoors, seeks single white female 48-54, not too tall, affectionate, sincere and dependable. SY 1126 SPONTANEOUS, single white male, 5'10% 160 lbs., 32, two children, outgoing (nature hikes), intimate, mature, responsible, enjoys quiet evenings, looking for committed rrela 11you feel the same, Please COLLEGE STUDENT, male, 31, social drinker, smoker, seeks attractive mature female, mid 20's - ea ry 30's, not into 1128 ad games, (prefer ?red head) SY SINGLE white male 32, recent college graduate, shy and witty, seeks attractive down to earth female, 18-25 for outdoor activities, quiet evenings and conversation for possible relationship. SY 1130 SENSITIVE man, 36, seeking female of inner beauty 30-40 for meaningful relationship, enjoy romantic moments, walks, music and the arts, kids, o.k. Sincere only. SY 1131 SINGLE white male, 43. 57-, searching for petite lady who enjoys travel, theatre. romantic dinners, lazy walks, along moon lit beaches, we can make it happen. SY 1132 SINGLE white male, 27, 5'6- 180 Ill enjoys the outdoors, dining, dancing, quiet evenings at home. seeks single white female, 20-30 who enjoys the same, children are welcome. SY 1133 SINGLE white male, 21, enjoys music, bowling, dancing, the outdoors, quiet evenings at home, seeks female 18-24 who enjoys the same for possible long term relationship. SY 1134 OUTGOING single white male, 36, attractive, Into sports, country music, camping, midnight walks, holding hands and thunderstorms, seeks attractive lady 25-36 with similar Interests. SY 1135 GOOD LOOKING male, 18, honest, sense of humor, loves sports and going to the gym, looking for attractive female 19-21. SY 1136 ATTRACTIVE male, 38, enjoys all kinds of sports, camping, boating, fishing, very romantic, looking for attractive lady 28- 40 must like children. SY 1137 SINCERE affectionate gentleman, 47, enjoys dancing, travel, cottage life, water skiing seeks female 40-50 with similar interests and a fewm ore, for long term relationship. SY 1138 SEPARATED, shy female, 40 yrs., who likes outdoors, camping, dining, dancing, sports minded, seeks affectionate male 35-45 with same interests. SY 2025 BLONDE, blue eyed, tamale, 27, enjoys outdoors, country music, likes motorcycles, especially Harley's, seeks male 30-39 who enjoys the same. SY 2038 FORTY-SEVEN yr. old white female, widow, interests are fine dining, music, rock and roll,dancing, seeks gaima. arh 45-50, wall esMblisi . SY 2052 SINCERE attractive single mom, 33, seeks honest, fit attractive single white male, 33-38, who enjoys children. SY2054' outgoing, romantic evenings. PETITE, attractive lady, enjoys dining, travel, romantic evenings, seeks gentlemarL late 40's established, outgoing and sincere, prefer tall, husky men. Let's take a chance. SY 2081 YOUNG lady, 31, wishing to seek relationship with sincere working gentleman 31-40. SY 2091 ATTRACTIVE, full figured, single female, 35, seeks established, self assured male, who is ready to settle down in a committed relationship, sincere replies only. SY 2113 ARE YOU honest, sincere and protective of your woman. I'm an attractive redhead with 2 children, enjoys quiet times, dancing, movies, romance. SY 2114 •9'_'EVER•1J� For persons 18 years of age and over. PRETTY, sensitive, shy female, 21, full figured, looking for honest male 22-30 to share quiet nights, special moments. romantic times. SY 2115 CHRISTIAN mother, 31, likesdancing, romantic walks, conversation and having fun, seeks honest, caring, trusting male with similar interests. SY 2119 PROFESSIONAL lady, 47, 5'8', seeks gentleman for golf, theatre, dancing, treasure hunts, quiet times, friendship, looking for potential relationship. SY 2121 BLOND, brown eyed female, in my 30's. enjoys outdoors, music, dinners, theatre, romance, seeks gentleman who's humorous, honest, sincere, established. SY 2122 GREAT SENSE OF HUMOR, single white female, 36, working, loves country music, travel, dancing, sociable drinker. seeks single white working male, similar interests. SY 2123 SPONTANEOUS, independent, full figured mom, 38, into cards, dancing, fishing, camping, seeks single white male, 37-50, who's sincere, patient, devoted, tun loving, good humored and family, oriented. SY 2125 SINCERE, single white female, 39, 57, divorced, brunette, enjoys walks, talks, dancing, country music, country drives, seeks warm affectionate white divorced male, 40-47. SY 2126 LADY, seeking man in his 50's, who enjoys singing, dancing, traveling and cottage life. I have seen your ad, please respond to mine. SY 2127 LOOKING for attractive single white male who is fun, musical, sensitive and doesn't shutter at the word commitment! fm 27, divorced and spontaneous, P.S. do you know who Validly is? SY 2128 HIGH SPIRITED, attractive female, highly aware, university grad, great sense of humor, seeks companionable male, 50+ with similar attributes, including a nice smile. SY 2129 ROMANTIC blue eyed, blonde, seeks financially, emotionally stable companion 23-35, must be mature, responsible, loves country music, children and travel. SY 2131 SELF EMPLOYED professional single white female, non-smoker enjoys golfing, cycling, camping, seeks romantic single white male, 30-35, with similar interests. SY 2132 CLASSY female, full figured, 40, varied interests, seeks decent established male 35-45, active, romantic, non- smoker, for possible long term retslli n whip. SY 2133 OUTGOING, attractive, single, slim, enjoysworking mom, 36, outdoors. good sense ofhumor, humor, seeking non smoking gentleman 35-45 for possible relationship. SY 2134 OUTGOING, spontaneous, affectionate and caring divorced mother of 1, who has a lot to give, is looking for that special someone to give it to. SY 2136 ATTRACTIVE single whda mom, seeks attractive single black male, 25-35 for fun times, dancing and possible romance, must love children and be sincere. SY 2137 ESTABLISHED, early 40's, attractive, slim, blonde, looking to share boating, camping, travel, warm beaches and cold beer with tall, dark and handsome male, 40-50. SY 2138 BLONDE HAIR, blue eyes, unattached female, in 50's, 518% likes dinners, gardening, cooking, seeks unattached gentleman in 50's with similar interests, for long term relationship. SY 2139 THIRTY SOMETHING, single white female, very attractive, loves horses, dancing, roller skating, dining and the country life, seeks gentleman with same interests for companionship. SY 2141 A CONFIDANT captivating catch, I'm a petite female, 34, with roommates under the age of 10, I'm seeking a fit, intelligent, male, 30-35 for a relationship. SY 2142 FULL FIGURED female, 35, sense of humour, enjoys dining out, dancing, movies and romance, seeks compatible male, who will appreciate my special qualities. SY 2143 ATTRACTIVE female, 21, 5'9' 120 lbs. looking for Intimate companion, 25-30 who enjoys the outdoors, travelling and fine dining. SY 2144 TALL young mother, white, large framed, enjoys baseball, broomball, fishing and riding my motorcycle, seeks honest, tall, white, working, family minded, outdoors man with similar interests. SY 2145 FULL FIGURED female, 35, unattached, likes camping, dancing, baseball, travel, seeks male, 35-40, who is sincere, sensitive, established, non- smoker/drinker, for long term relationship. SY 2146 OUTGOING single mom, enjoys camping, fishing, music, and quiet times, very caring, affectionate and sensitive, seeking possible 'Mr. Right" who can offer the same. SY 2147 WANT TO GO ON SAFARI to the wilds of Northern Ontario, want to survive the jungle of the civilized city, strong man, 45-55 required. SY 2148 LET ME LISTEN to your words of wisdom as we share a moment together, my friend, you are male 45-55, established, confident, self accepting, Hi! SY 2150 FUN LOVING woman in fabulous 40's, looking for gentleman same age or Younger, to share laughs and good times. SY 2151 FUN LOVING single white female, 23, seeks single white male, 23-30 who loves dancing and has an outgoing, spontaneous, sincere personality. SY 2152 SUM. attractive, single, white femafe, mid 30's, fun loving, seeks tall gentleman with good sense of humor, for companionship or long lasting relationship. SY 21S3 ATTRACTIVE, slim single whits female, early We. 5'6'. good sense of humor seeks tall attractive romantic sincere working singie white male. mid 30's for possible nalationship. SY 2154 ARTISTIC warm, enthusiastic lady comfortable to be with, dreams of garde mate, 46+ for companionship. Night the fire within, you're die best SY 2155 SLIM mother of two, 26, single and attractive, who likes to do many things, would Nke to meet someone will not into headgames 24-30. SY 2156 SEXY petite blonde, 31, looking for an affectionate, warm, financially secure gentleman to enjoy romantic evenings together. SY 2157 ATTRACTIVE full figured female, 22, loves fishing, hiking, horseback riding, dancing, looking for male 23-30 who enjoys same, for possible relationship. SY 2158 Oshawa/Wb Iby This Week & Ajaa/Pickenng News Advertiser assumes no liability for the comer or reply to any Sincerely Yours advie"isemenL The advertiser assumes compkle liability for the content of, and all responses 1% any advertisement or recorded message and for any claims made against Oshawa/Whitby This Week as a result thereof. The advertiser agrees to indemnify and hold this publication and Metrolatd Community Newspapers and its employees harmless for all costs, expenses, liabilities and damages resulting from or caused by, the publication or recording placed by the advadser or any reply to such advertisseemeat. By using Sincerely Yours, the advertiser agrees not to leave his/her telephone number, last name or address in hijp s/ber ecung message. Oshawa/Whitby This Week mserva the right to revere, restrict or canal any advertisement or change the category in which an ad is place. i-- - v v- �;% - 0�/ f ;AYA1LASLE .7 DAYS 'A WE K STRAIGHT couple in early 20's would like friendship with other couples, for bowling, playing cards and camping. SY 5021 COUPLE in 30's, open minded,seeks female or couples to join them for fun and companionship. SY 5022 OSHAWA couple, he's 24, she's 23, very clean seeks 20-30 yr. old female for intimate fun and companionship. SY 5034 NON-SMOKER female, early 30's with hectic lifestyle, likes animals and outdoors, seeks friendship with same interests. SY 5043 ATTRACTIVE married male, 30, tall with muscular build, seeks married female for fun, discretion assured. SY 5045 MARRIED COUPLE, attractive late 20's looking for same, for fun times, discretion assured and expected. SY 5046 BI male, body builder, seeks bi females or couples for times together. SY 5047 ATTRACTIVE married male, 5'9-, 149 lbs., likes dancing,movies, partying, seeks, female with same interests for companionship. SY 5048 30 SOMETHING couple, open and honest, suffering from married with children syndrome, he's straight, she's Curious, if this sounds like you, Iers talk. SY 5049 MARRIED bi-female, open- minded,130king for female, married or single, who enjoys being with same, complete discretion assured. SY 5050 SHY male, late 20's, looking for older married female for fun. I won't tell d you don't. Into country music and great video flicks- SY 5051 MARRIED man, 25, seeks lady 30+ for good fun and compiankinship. SY 5052 MALE 27, attractive. clean and discreet, seeking couples for fun times and conversation. SY 5055 STRAKiHT male, 43, slim build, seeks open minded couple for fun times and relationship. SY 5056 ATTRACTIVE white married male 30's seeks, female 20-40, for encounters, discretion asstured. SY 5057 ATTACHED white male, 38, physically fit, seeks married female for telephone talk discretion assured. SY 5058 StUALE, white, 26, 6', 175 Itis., very attractive, masculine, seeks same 20.30 for casual encounters, roust be good looldrg and d iscreeL SY 5050 MAN, looking for a fun, ex It! , Inambitious young .1 _ 8Y� ADVENTUROUS open minded, 30 sorm"Wh=ite SBekS attractive bi or sir femel9 for intimate times WA companionship. SY 5061 OSHAWA COUPLE, she's 39, he's 37, seeks fernale 30-40 for intimate fun and e� discretionassured .and SY 5082 ATTACHED male 38, 160 lbs., 5'10', attractive. fi1t, cOUTttry. ar% seeks special friendship with adventurous outdoors female, no strings just fun. SY 5202 SHY single male, 31, #1 Leaf fan, looking for female, 20-29, to share tickets for 93-94 season, friendship, possible relationship. SY 3062 SINGLE attractive female, 19, college student, enjoys walks, dancing, talking, seeks attractive male, 19-25, who has similar interests for relationship. SY 3063 SINGLE white female, early 50's, enjoys reading, gardening, outdoors, walks and movies, seeks single white male with Similar interests. SY 3064 SINGLE white male, 32, looks 25, seeking lady 40-60 for romance, your pleasure is my desire. SY 3065 MODEST female, 22, brunette, grey eyes, 5'6', outgoing, responsible, hardworking, enjoys dancing, theatre and quiet country nights, seeks man with same interests 23-28, must be sincere. SY 3066 SINGLE mother of 1, 34 yrs. old, seeks male, 35-40 for companionship, enjoys movies, dancing, outdoors and must enjoy children. SY 3067 MR- RIGHT WANTED: tall, good looking with sense of humor, emotionally stable, single 40-50 who's looking for a wonderful adventurous fun filled reladonstup with a sensitive female. SY 3068 STRAIGHT single white male, 27, enjoys camping, mountain bike riding, relaxing in the sun, dancing, seeks female companion 20-27 with similar interests. SY 3069 GREAT SENSE OF HUMOR, divorced white female, 41, financially independent, likes romantic walks, dancing, seeks non-smoker, sincere honest white male 38-48 for relationsltip. SY 3070 LOOKING FOR SUGAR DADDY, single white female, 48, likes dining, dancing, music, theatre and more, married o.k-, rm established and "g, 1 1' SY 3073 ESTABLISHED lady, owns sports motorcycle (no passengers), enjoys dancing, rollerskating, conversation, outgoing, seeks male, 25-35, physically , mature, wild attidlde. SY 3203 ATTRACTIVE, female, Woes movim dinirng, darncft walks,-. sports minded. seeks same in senior miladyysin 50's, dining. dancing. Would NM co tip for ssoociidll events. SY 4000 LADY in 50's eryoys dirwlg, dant , plays cards wmM Will cal.qMMMmp for social events. SY 4002 ACTIVE, attractive w)clow, awn snoldli , social drinker, dancing, Cards and travel, good hurrior, seeks the same in a gentleman 65-68, td, dark and handsome. SY 4011 _ THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, JUNE 20y 113 -PAGE 15 Scoreboard PIGlt9 BDCCMGLUE Dar Y MV-* Ell— 5 1 4 0 2 N. Scab.'A' 7 6 0 1 40 2 13 says' mauls forte Jure 11. Vdbod Group Gams 4 1 3 0 2 Whi" 7 6 0 1 36 5 13 HOUSE LEAGUE Denys Boys 4 0 4 0 0 Pfelwlnp 7 S 2 0 23 14 10 UIDE44MDIVIBM MbBts 5 0 5 0 0 Wel Rage 7 4 3 0 18 13 8 Midas Muller 6 Pass by MW Pertleloseki 2. Adam LABATT$ BLUE LIGHT DIVISION Malvern 7 3 4 0 20 22 6 Janssen. Jerome Muslim JW Gopaul, Mart Chian- TEAM G W L T PTS NY Heats 7 2 5 0 11 17 4 son. MVP Mae Pamsoesllq vs. Kessys 3 (Goes by Harp d Thistle Marlins 5 5 0 0 10 Turul 7 1 6 0 3 38 2 Darryl Flowers, Gap Bur1M, Callan Examir MVP Craig Monkey Bar NaAsrs 5 5 0 0 10 Wexford'A' 7 0 7 0 5 45 0 Burred); GwNy, Tuns -Up 4 (Goes by Derek Farmer, Kerry inn Recistors 6 5 1 0 19 UNDER -10'A' DIVISION - As of June a Scod WBwrs. Derek Lopez. Jarm Brown. MVP Som Upper Deck Mariners 6 4 2 0 8 TEAM GP W L T F A PTS Williams) vs. Whites Rd. Petro -Can 0 (MVP Adam Royal Scot Sidewinders 6 4 2 0 8 Etob,coke 7 4 1 2 14 6 10 Macintosh); Wxryss 6 (Goals by Ryan Gerson 5, Luke Coughlan Cougars 6 3 2 1 7 N. Scarb. B' 7 3 0 4 14 6 10 Chtrers. MVP Ryan Genion) vs. Bowler Bombers 2 Second Storey Untouchables 5 3 2 0 6 Alex 7 4 2 1 10 4 9 (Goole by Evilest Hanna, Mitten Knight MVP Michael Upper Deck (M.McLeod) 6 3 3 0 6 NY Cosmos 7 4 2 1 14 7 9 Knight); Blizzard 3 (Goat by Kyle Harding, Loolon Papps 6 2 3 1 5 Olympic 7 4 2 1 19 9 9 Mulcare, Nicholas Seelert. MVP Nicholas Seeker) vs. Seawohes 6 2 4 0 4 East York 7 2 4 1 6 14 5 Rowdies 0 (MVP Simian Ke". Belarrys 6 1 5 0 2 Scarb. Blues 7 1 4 2 8 17 4 UNDER -11 DTVI" Upper Deck (Paul Day) 5 1 4 0 2 Wexford'B' 7 0 7 0 2 24 C Boyer Ponow Buick 4 (Goes by Geoffrey Swamy, Jif( Monkey Bar Bulls 4 0 4 0 0 UNDER -11 PREMIER DIVISION - As or June 2 Christie, Steven Miss, Michael Chin midis) vs. Corrpu- Brickyard Bulldogs 6 0 6 0 0 TEAM GP W L T F A PTS oenlre 2 (Goals by Ryan Clarke 2); Plidwri ng Caribbean AJAX WARRIORS SOCCER CLUB Aim■ 3 3 0 0 13 6 6 Cultural Club 7 (Goals by Brennan Taylor 3, Trevor Results for the week ending June 11. North Scarb. 3 2 1 0 6 5 4 Small Danny Russell, Brendan Cassidy. David Cook) BOYT /OUSE LEAGUE MINSOCCER Whrmy 3 2 1 0 14 5 4 vs. Shepherd's Small Engines 0; Emeraid Contracting 3 UNDER -FIVE DIVISION Wexford 3 1 1 1 3 2 3 (Goals by John Mansfield. Darryn Dubeau. Jamie A)ax Legion 2 (Goes by Alec O'Hara 2) vs. U.SA 1 Etob,coke 3 1 1 1 7 6 3 Ward) vs Pon Royal Miss 0; Mo Cd 4 (Goals by Ryan (Goal by Jeffrey Hannon); Canada 2 (Goals by Scat Scarb. Blues 3 1 2 0 4 9 2 Munro 3, Kuts Fray) vs. But'rf Ben 0. Blake, Thomas Cadses) vs. Scotland 0 (MVP Ethan Turul 3 1 2 0 4 10 2 UNDER -13 DMSION Breau); Italy 1 (Gold by Gklano Callen) vs. Trelaw,ey East York 3 0 3 0 2 10 0 -Bows Designer Kitchens 2 (Goals by Matthew Gee. Property Management 0 (MVP Mark Ross); DAmrctve UNDER -1 t 'A' DIVISION - As of Jw 9 MVP Micas( Gee) vs. Bruce D. Valines Electronics 0 Decorating 2 (Goals by Lance Araup, Christopher TEAM GP W L T F A PTS 'MVP Michael Graham);-SuperCentre 2 (Goals by Lekbvre) vs. Pharma Plus 1 (Goal by Kyle jonnson). Yak Jets 4 4 0 0 21 2 d Paul Berehudka 2. MVP Paul Bershulka) vs. Kakxn UNDEASIX DIVISION Leaside 3 2 1 0 2 2 4 Group 1 (Coal by Mike Dasarayake. MVPs Mike Das- Scodarnd 4 (Goals by Gag Smith 2. Matthew When k. West Rage 2 2 0 0 16 2 4 awayake, Geoffrey Gaudet); -Century 21 Briscoe or. Madew Suck) vs. Prirnenca Fnancial 2 Goals oy Olyrrpc 3 2 1 0 21 4 4 Estates 2 (Goals by Joshua Roy, Brendan Greenbury. Adam Livingston. Darren McCby); U.S.A. 1 (Goal by Pickering 3 2 1 0 6 6 4 MVPs Joshua Roy. Brendan Greenbury vs. Okve Gar- Stephen Nodi) w. Brazil 0 (MVP Darud Cando; 7s- Peterborough 3 2 0 4 9 2 Ritchie).n 0 (MVP Liar Rit). tinctive Decorating 2 (Goal by T.m Cooper, Darryl NY Hears 4 1 3 0 6 18 2 -Gar+escut short due torar King) vs. Treiawoy Property Managernent 0 (MVP NWAzzum 0 0 0 0 C 0 0 TER I BOYS RESULTS-111DER-NNE DIVISION C"opner Kamen. Parker interiors 2 (Goad oy Jason Croatia 2 0 2 0 0 29 C Darlington 3 vs. PSC McGmns ',.ancing 2 (Goals by Late itz. Yabeel Patein vs. Sc d Wood 0 (MVP Sarson UNOER-12 PREMIER DIVISION - As of June 14 Chudkie Srrvm. Jonathan Sanson. Fabulous goasend- Carrpbelr). EAST DIVISION ing by Robert Fallen; strong defensive play by Neil UNDER -SEVEN DIVISION TEAM GP W L T F A PTS Moore). Alax OQirlist Cub 2 'Goals by Mark art. Douglas W-tby, 5 4 0 14 12 8 UNDER -ii DIVISION Loyal) vs. CPTT 0 (MVP Brandon Whittaler). Scotland Turui 6 3 3 0 20 10 6 West Rouge 2vs. Pikierng 1 1 (Goal by Kyle Aman) vs. Canada -ruse 0 (MVP west Rouge 6 1 4 1 1- 19 3 UNDER -15 DIVISION Braydon Lowe); 0%linctive Decorarig 0 (MVP Ryan Pkk*-9 S 0 3 2 8 11 2 PSC Ca adiw Tire 1 (Goml by m dhaw Sawchuk) vs. Todtsh) vs. !r"rid 0 (MVP Scott Allen); m 'Primerica UNDER -12'A' DIVISION - As or J 14 w may'. Fnwo3W 1 (Goal by tan Todd) vs. U.SA 0 fMVP Scor. TEAM GP W L T F A PTS REP BOYS RESULTS Pllgm). :shngcor 4 4 0 19 6 3 UNDER -10 DIVhSION UNDER43GHT DIVISION Scarb. Blues 4 3 0 1 17 2 7 PSC Cassidy Gs Services 7 vs. Malvern 3; PSC Cas- Brazil 6 (Goals by Kys Cumi gharn A. Jer Bannon 2) York Jets 4 2 1 1 8 5 5 sdy Gs 2 N. Nonh York 0. ria. CPT' 1 (Goal ty Alex PaddonY Rely 9 (Goes oy M/ Hearts 4 1 2 1 12 14 3 UNDEW11 arvt90N Matthew Haire 5, Brandon Weitzel 4) we '.reiand 3 Croatia 3 1 2 0 16 9 2 PSC Kinsmen 2'A. York Js1s 1; PSC Kinsmen 2 vL (Goldm R s by Brim 31: Canadaons 3 (Goby Crag St. Bernard 4 1 3 0 5 15 2 N.W. Azzum 0; Olympic Flans 4 vs. PSC Knwren 3; Blackbck 2. Joshua Allen Sdnief(er) vs. Engnand 3 Maivem 2 0 1 1 2 4 1 PSC O nner+ vs. Cross (niml out): Cup Gane -- (Goeb W Rogw ;4041 3); SCodand 5 (Goer oy Adn- Ape 3 0 3 0 3 27 0 Also Iva PSC Kinsrten 1 W Broonungs 2. Toren Conpoy. Grant MacPherson. UNDER-13'ADIVISION - As d Jw u UNDEJf4.14 Cool" Michael O'Neil) vt U SJL 0 (MVP Jame Sara). TEAM GP W L T F A PTS PSC ADT Seaxly Sysierrs 1 vs. York Jar I. UNOFA48/E DIVISION slingtor 3 3 0 ' 3 2 6 UNDER -tis WIIONI Rely 3 (Calls by Mann Ba lideC'.agaror 2. Mihail NY Cosmos 4 2 2 0 5 1 4 PSC LOEB Glendale 6 vs. York Jet 1 LOEB Gendse Lanarna) via Erglad 0 (MVP Trevor Murphy); IwYw+O Pkk-K 3 1 1 1 4 3 3 C d eswrr,tynd elit 1M PSNr)orouS" bunarnwe Ir 1 (Goal by Chrolvew McCltac" ve. Bram n !Gaal W Scarb. Blume 2 1 0 1 9 3 3 pea wselwnd. Plctrwtig ibai h tIe ttltak 10 note PQW- !Kell Jones): Coude 4 (Goer by Bran Ernst 2. Salva- East Yank B 2 1 1 0 4 2 baabf 2-1. sore Rrgp.o a vs. Mento 0 (MW Paul LJrownlel. Esobcoke 3 1 2 0 9 a 2 UNDER -le DrASM UNDER -SEVEN COILS DIVISION North scarf 2 1 1 0 5 •0 2 PSC Fraties Auto Service 1 vs. Glen Shields o. This 8100 Angus Viewer Bed 4 (Guar b1' Mkrephain onp Ajax 3 0 3 0 1 20 0 was PfclmweVsthidmraeculveShUlloArncsory. 2. Kimber Ford, Kadr Fullerton. MVP S^annon UNDER -14 PREMIER DwIS10N.AnMJw7 AJAX BRIDGE CLUB Reynolds) vs. Midtown PI,deO 1 (Goal by Stephanie TEAM GP W L T F A PTS Rasion tom Tuesday. Jur 15. J01r00 - MVP Em Visser); J 6 F Was* Sywerrs k - York ,ers 6 4 0 2 26 10 10 OPEN SECTION - POORTKSOUTH 3 Kxoals by Ract+el Speae 3. MVP Mary Faux) vs. CYO 3 3 0 0 18 2 6 Soria BM and Bing Wong 62.3%; Jon Bowden and Mad.ser+ Hknrr Cable TV 3 (Goer by Hsatw John- Enobcons 4 3 1 0 27 5 6 Jahn Banos 61 A%, Jim Mann and Ed Burger 57.5% aprrw Ashley Sardis 2. MVP Dsibe Law), Bun 6 Tuuc 3 2 1 0 6 4 4 Frank LJ•,erty and Mir Fernley 56.77E Morton insurance t (Goal by mod Cow' Ism nons. Pseerborougn 5 2 3 0 14 18 4 EAST -WEST MVP Jessica Hsonp) N. Dickson Pmtrng 1 (Goal by PleYerlrvy 3 1 1 1 a 6 3 Jam Ouguem ad Rte Perste 61.9%; Rens L AwmW Brenn , Pearson MVP Lauren Fu ctner); Ata "ori won Rouge 4 1 3 0 7 15 2 and Mary Madleinsr 61.574 Mir Nonan and Evelyn Ilerdome 2 (Gook by Krystan Jona, Aliso Lerscrnoa. UNDER -14'A' DrVISION - As of ,Asa 7 Black 61.4%; Andrea Davie and Larry Lazazzera MVP Sara A4 vs- Soodand 2 (Goad by Mogan Nwson TEAM GP W L T F A PTS 80A7X 2. MVP Moob Low), Scarb. Blues 5 4 0 ' 2C 4 9 NOVICE SECTION R QCERING SOFTBALL ASSOCIATION Alex 4 2 t t is a S Lass Red and Kalea Walrr 50%: Lynnis Papp i2o Results; for to week v do June 1 fi Wel Rage 4 1 3 0 4 24 2 and Irtafw yvain 54%; Jadse Molwsas and Bary PEEWEE BOYS DIVISION Naim Scarb. 4 0 2 2 6 15 2 Walsh 53%, Ken Cowen and Tina Blamuw 53%. Jure 14: Durum Sabi IS (MVP Wesley Srellings) vs. NY Hearts 5 0 3 2 5 16 2 AJAX SENOR MEN'S SLO44TCH Village Plymareh - Alwk 12 NVP Samna Mvsinpod). Manem 'B" S 0 3 2 7 27 2 LEAGUE STANDINGS (As of June, 15) A" 14: Sport Togs Sinorleee,a 15 (w4p Shawn Mac- Cioaua 3 0 2 1 5 14 , TEAM GP W L T F A PTS Ntosn) via Durham B&W 12 (MVP The To": wtits UNDER -is PREMIER DIVISION - As of June 10 Mils& Hadwn 3 3 0 0 46 16 6 rid. PMroCw 24 (MVP Chris Kaumnic" via. triage TEAM GP W L T F A PTS Marnws 3 3 0 0 36 30 6 Plyrraks-A*uk 5 (MVP Santa ArwlM+god): Century Vaughan 3 3 0 0 6 0 6 Con Hone Therapy 3 2 1 0 50 34 4 21 -Lyre Boomm 15 (MVP Davd Dseral vs. LOEB 5 Matvern 3 3 0 0 /9 3 6 Upper Dock 2 1 1 0 22 15 2 (MVP Chris Bngley); Speedy ML~ 6 (MVPs Evan St. Bernard 3 2 1 0 4 5 4 CraAnwn 2 1 1 0 26 23 2 ParrorOy. Ctwle Daly vs. Picham Men's Sbw,41%c n Pkbo I v6 2 1 1 0 11 6 2 Srvstuoe 3 1 2 0 22 35 2 7(MVP ManhewJai m 1. York Jnr 3 1 2 0 7 7 2 Aja Antiques 3 0 3 0 26 42 0 June 16: Speedy Muffler 17 (MVP The Team) vs. W000bndgs 3 1 2 0 4 8 2 Rases 3 0 3 0 14 51 0 LOEB 6 (MVP the Team); Village Ptyncuth-Alas 15 TwW A' 3 0 2 1 2 5 JURE 1S RESULTS (MVP Sar star Ae,w, g, ) vs. Spon Top Spwwwer Etobieoke 3 0 2 1 3 20 1 Mils a Hadmi n 14 vs. Rskes 5; Con Home Therapy 13 (MVP Chris Booker); Whirs Rid. Petro -Can 17 NY Azzum 1 0 1 0 0 2 0 16 K Araiqua 9; Markers 14 vs. 9eneltsot 10. (MVP Dennis Pard) K Durtrm Bei 8 (MVP Nicholas UIDEti.16'A' Dr4l$ N - As s1 Jnste 15 AJAX MEN'S SLO 4FCH ASSOCIATION Rdlsdlmud). TEAM GP W L T F A PTS LEAGUE STAM M= (Ae N Jww 14) MUM STANDOW (Aar sl June 10 Nswnarim 4 3 0 1 13 3 7 LASATT'S BLUE OI ' m n TEAM G W L T PTS Pltrnkap 4 3 1 0 10 4 6 TEAM 0 W L T PTS Speedy Mu18er 4 4 0 0 a classes 4 2 1 1 9 10 5 Criers 6 6 0 0 12 YNilas Rd. Petro -Can 4 3 0 1 7 WooaDridge 4 1 0 3 5 3 5 h inraosd Regie -Al Raiders 6 5 1 0 10 Sport Tops Sporworer 4 2 1 1 5 NY FiseRs 3 1 1 1 S 5 3 sesesw 5 4 1 0 6 VIlepe Plyrnoul "W 5 2 3 0 4 PONAMOV 3 1 2 0 7 14 2 Pities 0 Marler Rohan 5 4 1 0 • Durham Bei 5 2 3 0 4 Elobcww 4 1 3 0 11 13 2 Rodss 5 4 1 0 8 Pldeaip MMrs Slow-Padn 3 1 2 0 2 Galen Shands 4 0 4 0 6 14 0 Sadler 6 3 3 0 6 Ce r" 21-Lkmie Bions 3 1 2 0 2 WEW Er IBtBRS MIENS SLOlITCH Tale 6uele ses Sysrrrr s 3 2 0 6 LOEB 4 0 4 0 0 HATS OIVIs011 STAMM= - As M Jtaw 13 S 2 3 0 4 CENTRAL SOCCER LEAGUE TEAM Gr W L T F A PTS Rebels 6 2 4 0 4 UNDER -10 MSR DMBION- As N.Aue 6 Annandale 7 5 1 1 83 62 11 Carders 6 1 4 0 2 TEAM OP w L T F A PTB Pancrrd aM 7 4 3 0 79 50 6 Mobile pluse"al 7 4 3 0 78 76 8 Corpses 7 3 3 1 56 627 n Dais Place 7 3 4 0 86 76 a Merck, Sggk: Assoc. 7 2 4 1 57 93 5 SCOM FAM JUNE 13 M, Sor* Me= 6 (WP Mlr Serio, MVP Dov Ashil a. PackaN BW 5 (LP i MVP Dick Bannoskl); Padrrd BM 30 (WP Dick Bartosh . MVP Ted C'Juan) ns. Montls. Soegie 4 p.P Mir Serio. MVP Ane Cabon- rral); Derrlrs Piece 15 (WP Morris Makueti MVP Ctrs Trendedueo ria Mdit PairarspY 4 (LP Mak Jor- R ImIllwille a MVP MMbl b lelo�rys OrPPbr Mai Mslssd4 MVP Bw it Mihelw11; Anna dde l l (INP Mir BA" MVP Pat Gsmmtd) re- Coopen 8 (LP Jin Haiti MVP Mark Ilaktrn} TUCKER avl8= STAIOBILia - As el Jaw 13 TEAM OP IN L T F A PTS Rosin, Bar ti Geo 7 6 1 0 92 61 12 Trophy Fisomy 7 6 1 0 66 57 12 SMM OeNBelBmyle 7 3 3 1 73 61 7 FIm How 7 3 4 0 62 96 8 Ran Gordon-ReNsot 7 2 5 0 46 71 4 Umw Deck 7 0 6 1 43 i 1 900N FROMJUNEu M, 1--I sr 8 Gr017 (trip Jed Salyer. MVP Rob Far- Vwreon) vs. Stereo DeNBdrnys 2 (LP Shmn RIME MVP Hugh In , a__Tild Sm"Ist, MVP N Fb4l:9Stwo� BDwAidertipa 3 ILP Cies Mc13aR MVP staler Patlai- Fin How 14 ria Ron GoeyOrfRMMrt Pda 4; Fin Ham 7 via. Ren Gadw4%*Am Fiat 4: TlW11y Factory 17 (WP Peer MOK MVP Ken Lap" via Upper Dalt 3 OLP EM NMI, MVP JW MCCNNB,*,i. RTIYTTE QA (Sun. June 20) SL Pa rick Park 12 p.m. FBn H9ue vs. Upper Deck (DH►: 3 pm Traphy Factory vs, Medley Sr & 04 (M4; 6 m Sww• DwbSelrrrya via Ron garde, First P•aew Pelk:12 pen Drays Pito• ve. Ai --do (OHI; 3 pim Patckald 081 vR ad& Pwelleir (M1; 6 PJIL wager via Maass, sal jt: Assoc k lf-tft NtWAiIIV�if sli bkl�, J6�j k tom:► 12 X 1 mL BOrjjXS CASE Mb& W 1 H $5,200' OF KNOB HILL FARMS SHOPPING �METRO INTERNATIONAL DETAILS IN CARAVAN ON NOW ?'la'.' SATURDAY • Knob Hili Fams INFO LINE It IMOUd t0 be a 977-t)<66 CARAVAN tponspr SUN PAC FROZEN PUNCHES �! 341 ,TIN • r,'EiTA �;,EI,, %'. • i 7 % e 2GOg PACKAGE 3 LIIVIIT KN HILL FA -1r Proud f• be dP CANApIANt • PILLERS BRAND • AT OUR DELI COUNTER v BRAND �tTi.i.ru•., -r,—;A .,,N31 KAI,x:n-k A OLI%'F--; \ �9C.•- - I;AC'KS Al- I-AC'HI•=D CHICKEN LEGS /I 1 ss kg 89 FRij1EN AC7(AGE � 6 I'—.t_��� S,OPSYSA-�- _,h"ER POTATO -COIL AL MACAROfW FROM ONTARIO PACKERS CUT FROM CANADA GRADE A- BEEF AT'HE SERVICE COUNTER NEW ZEALAND FROZEN LAMB SHOUTAER CHOPS 3 25 a -a 1 1 •_ S • 1 �` j. a PARAMOUNT -FLAKED�V1—CCC HHUU,NNKK TUNKK 170a TIN • 79' RMS THE FOOD TERMINAL SHOP BY THE Vwse Specials Start Todaat 9 a.m. BASK® y $2.00 DEPOSIT 2c'/.r PAR'I'i.Y SZUIV MOM ►� � A41 1K LARGE 41, BAG 1 i 2 BAG LIIVIIT 2179 -` �!� ". Y"S ,lS9CF;•c_ 'X,' -"WE D1FS.Sa'a[i I' 186•�- C00MES sYHUP 1 • - • BAR MLX • •('()D IN BATTER -C'(-)D ST'IC'KS •BOS'FO)N BLL'E FIS11 IN BA"I'FER •B0S'I'0-N BLUE FISII SIFWKS 3500 PK(;. p �T61: i IJOEM., C v10 =.Ar_ SLICES) 79 •LEGS • MCCAIN • DARI-FRESH 11 I 1911 tej • 1 1911 1 11 QUALITY PACKERS 'Q: N 8' BR ANC • �1 31 1 1 } • • Jt � ' FOODSBEST • PEANUT BUTTER „!, I.s kg JAR 'N =COZEN SCHNEIDER$ 1(RCiPP�A NARAGARINE -r 1!I7(Al� z3 -,a r .e STOUFFERS • LEAN CUISINE • FROZEN r -r COOL WHIP FROZEN TOPPING TOOTHPASTE LARCH 150m .71nM • CONDITIONER 200niL & 990mL BOTTLE iM+wPi1" HAIR COLOUR, ONE APPUCAMON ,7= % IM ApVXFpSp SII NDAY. A1NE 2% =NMl 17 "NEW Wi�T� Wjdji[ ' POTATO r . _ 10 LB. BAG 2 BAG L PIll ;; *'• STUART HOUSE PRODUCT OF U.S AWRAPIJ9(FRR81-11 VYAM'g AIN •CURLEY. 12'x59' 19•x25 EA i BUNCH / 1.52 Ig ig IW ONTARIO vwrTE FRESH must ROOMB FILL YOUR OWN BAG d 39 kg CUT FROM CANADA GRADE "A" BEEF AK SAIL • • DI' • Z • 1' • 1 IN IAA4=DQU,&JNrrrrIES 8.80 i INION W�CROUT'ONS ), • JUIRCE •Vel BDNuszcSyRKGaaeee • COCA-COLA • CANADA DRY �4 3 CASE LIlVII'r I,NR GQ, 5C PER •�Am� - aOc GfPO6TT U�-ORACE m 129 QENCHER ASTRO /• ASSORTED YOGURT FLAT OF 12 175g TL'B .39 EA. MIX OR loo MATCH ~Q GERBER JUNIOR ^ E RBEA FOODS & B 9)& FooD JUICE .1[.rLc>E EXCL„JVNG YEA' .YEA' ?'3r•.AR EA vr,.w.:o•x�. o HUNTS SAUCES - CATELLI •THICK & RICH rlsmL rw TOMATO 7251TIL nN -PASTA Sol sox •OVEN READY LASAGNA v% sox GER qvi !;R DEMPSTERS BREAD !S�� •100%WHOLEWHEAT �v SLICED 6759 LOAF EA r----------------'�-- i LIGHTER ' FZ.1ID ' 16onRl nl 1 � COUPON VALID UNTIL CLOSING SAT AM 2w N STORE RETAIL S2 RIO 1-_ QUIK I noon+ 1 1 OOII'Oh VALID UNTIL 0.G6NG SAT A0E261.3 N STORE RETAIL J29Y i-- 1 GENERAL OLS CEREAL 1 •GOLI E CRAP AM 1 •OAITAWAL CREP 1 VllRALSIM 3ft.4ftBOX i COUPON VALID UNTIL CLOSING SAT AUNESM N STORE KETAL 049 I -CORN POOPS V% 9M I r 1 •FRI)i FLAKES Me BOX I •FRVrff j a � CLOS :.., SAT. "*26190 N STORE RETAL an EA 1-- • —_— �•� 1 ----- KRAFT GENERAL FOODS MAYONNAISE 1 nal JAR 1 COUPON VALID UNTIL CLOSING SAT .DUNE 2693 N STORE RETAIL U69 1 K SALAD 1 DRESSING 1 Assoa7Eo soon,L BOTTLE COUPONVALIDUNTILCLOSING AT Rill 12 29 FLA. 0 NS CC u 6•V \ LK•AT 1_0 - -_ _ PER 1OOmL CIEEPS RjrlS IYJ, :A: EA . DIPS :A 9 .• 6 LAUNDRY DETERGENT •mi. BOX • uurRA 41. BOX 2 � X�fflTOVV •RED E 1PEJR.OR • BLACK RIBBER " ES LARGE ORIGr-NAL BUNol S 1.52 kg a . 169 Ill OF 130w, LB. 2 CA_Sf, IA.�V1rr SNOW IAAL PEAS , A607 i • DIRECT FROM U.S.A. TRACTOR TRAILER LOADS • n GRADE FULJL YOUR 1.52 kg 6 A All ROX (_ U^ A .2JLC BLEACH �sO 3C-"-: 3 6L UG _ MENU FOODS -TOWN 8 COUNTRY 1 fS r BOXEA 249 ; PKr ClF 9 A i EA ED•GOLDEN S APFI" _ i - PRODUCT OF ONTARjC - CANADA FANCY GRADE 1 IDA RED, ��� APPLE S 10 LB. FANI SIZE G 219 i1 PRODUCT OF 5 A.0 : kCE" 1�CE ><RODUC' 4EX,CC � SUNKUS' U� LEMONS 1 r JNIE J _ARCE A!)NNEE]XES:ZE 1 1 TUMATOE.S •PLUMS11 FULL YOUR OWN BAG 2.18kg • OCR AIrl 1 1.L FII.I, YOUR OWN BAG 218118 7Sq) —J 1 I 3.99 >.�IUM � sw. 6161AL AVG. NS 1 lui1 'G��EEN 1'EPPER.Sfln FILL YOUR OWN BAG 2.18 kg ' LB. n99 -J --1 1 1 lr-: PI •'NE'W CROP'• 7DF__A-_f7f9) CABBAGE _J —i 1 J "NEWCROP" FANCY VAIJEL4CIA - COOING ONIONS3J9J I ORANGES 10 L,B. BAG SQ 7Ec_r YOUR OWN 1017 j X G -------- ------ -- _—.1 -- ---------------- CHARCOALL 1 Ir KINGS— ---g--g 1 BARB -Q SAUCE 1 1 BRiQUEl ''¢• LARGE 101.11. .ski BAG 1 ' 1 1 ASSORTED 750ML BTL. =1 1 v 1 i COUPON VIVO UNTIL CLOSING iP AM •1�PY . 1 .1-------------------- 1 SA7 A VALID STORE RE� •9 ERECTNR1olM�10o10PMWT) LsAluar.r MIT 1 1 —A .'.: RIGHT HERE ` TEST DRIVE TODAY AND RECEIVE A 7,A FREE PASS TO THE MOVIE JURASSIC PARK! �' LIMITED , �� �' SUPPLY AVAILABLE a1• M {:Y m 14 4 •iII 1 111 It w A m :i AT VILLACIF PLYMOUTH CHRYSLER N, {'w � s AJAX NORTH �N, fir rT IITJ,', 1 :Ir' e — P mmm� MEN& flyP 1 -11:1�2.flNnl PLYMOUTH JAX VILLAGE LTDO SERVICE OPEN ALL CHRYSLERDAY SATURDAY ' AND EVERY NIGHT 19 HARWOOD AVE. (North of 401) 683-5358 Special service" Mo^t^ y payee^' based o^ i' C.0 Ccw^ e._2 c -c-a '.3de P .:s 'ax : c : .:.: r 60 r^c^'^s 3' '. � .22E 25 ccs' cr bo—w ^g 53.5'5 CC To'ai cost of oar 313.55 CC Pay-er's base^ r it CCC cash or equal trade p s !3r a^d ce^se over 5C - 'A sale pnceS ^30e reba!e app' ed. p'.s 're g^' 3.•'al. 3 ;as er"3 .e3se '3,4s based-, -C �p C Key Lease Fre. g -a "3r. 5' ... _35^ 0• ec_ .3 e--3de'a,,. �'ed. Re D3!eS -3ae bee- app^eC w^p'a 3p-- -3pie 25,OCC Km per year 'S! TO pay^e^t SP [,,.'•y depbs!'ar PS 3 ^SP •eq'_ . ... " ... ,... THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, JUNE 20,1993 -PAGE 19 ■ eaa 1nnniversaries a are wedding, Marie Childs (nee Gould), chology. Lisa a graduate of Archbish- once again stood by Kay's side. Afterop Denis O'Connor High School... n w the ceremony, the couple's friends held a special 'roast/toast'. Kay, Barb Rynbeek graduated from Name Ralph, their children and six grand- the Centennial College Child and _ children want to thank all who partic- "• Youth Worker Program on June 12. ' i m the day... �• ' Dropping �� Y � She's working at Whitby Psychiatric Hospital. Congratulations and best of j•. June 5 marked a milestone for the luck in the future from Mom, Dad, Rev. Harry and Mrs. Marjorie New- R sisters Judy and Danielle and brother �\ man of Pickering. They celebrated t;� Albert...4 K their 50th anniversary that day with a ' �1� r - j• Ls gathering of family and friends. All -: the best from children Margery Eliz- abeth (Sister Deborah), Margaret '' ; $• i �- j Hello and welcome back to Anne, Patricia Martha, Harry Charlene Browett F�i1I'fr" Name Dropping, the column that Richard, Susan Alexandra and uses a sun screen with an SPF In Josephine Hope, and their seven lots of amour! low �. the thousands because, if we dkint, gr andchildren. They Pan ve spent most of Grandma Lam, was enAnother birthday cake, baked at by o ed we go from white to red without their married life in Pickering... J Y stopping to tan. Now, on to more Charlene's day care on June 11, Hugs Important matters-. ! j ,u and kisses for Charlene, "our darling ••• daughter", with love from Mommy June 19 was an important day for >. Y - and Daddy. Best wishes are being Jennifer Leslie sent out to two of Charlene's cousins kisses from Mom Audrey, Dad long-time Ajax residents Mary and — Amanda Hunt and Matthew David, her grandparents and friends. Jack Brooks. The couple celebrated .�, Browett —who both fumed three in gr P their 50th anniversary with best wish- Buying Jennifer a gift is difficult, May. Also, great -grandma Binns because her parents say she already es from family members Barbara, '� �� ... P y Patricia, Anita, John, Derek, Karen turned 95 on June 1 ' has every toy that's ever been made... .r ... �� ... and Janet-.. June 12 was a bigda for Y May 30 was a big day in the Matthew Dickson, because he turned _ Mercier household, because Jessica f two years old. He had a Barney party turned one. Awas held to cele- Z, on his birthday with his Mom Judy, brate Jessica's big day, with her #I Dad Phil, sister Kellie, brother grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, Willy, aunt Sherry, uncle Dave, friends and prenatal pals dropping bv- 'F cousins Brandon and Brittany and Barb Rynbeek Happy birthday greetings to "our other family and friends. Matthew •„ tle girl" from Mommy and Dadd% recently returned from Disney World There's another doctor in the Gre- in Florida, where his Mom took him • Rev. Harry and Mrs. Marj)* orie wal family, as Sanjeev Grewal grad - on his first trip and plane ride... Newman and grandson Aidan rated from the University of Toronto - - faculty of medicine earlier this month. He starts working at Toronto t At 4 p.m. on June 22, 1968, Jan"'' General Hospital in July. Best wishes ;- Matheson and Gordon Crosby wed. from glom. Dad. sisters Winnie and Jade and Mary Brooks Wishing the couple all the best on �� ! Sonia and their families. Sanjeev" their 25th anniversary and hopes for graduated frog: A,ax Hich Sc!�oo::n ... many more wonderful years to come 19217 at the top of ^:. c:!&s, Rita and Frederick Goddard of are daughter Tammy and son Glen... Ajax marked 50 years of wedded ! bliss on June 18. They were married in 1943 in Sussex, England. Best wishes from son Wayne and his wife Margeret; daughter Karen and her husband Mark Goldman; daughter l: �``� t ♦ " Laurie and her husband Warren y Abbott; and grandchildren Debbie, , Jessica Mercier Nicole, Kyle, Robyn, Chelsea and - Richard... �. A correction on an item that ran m Matthew Dickson last week's Name Dropping column: Gordon and Jean Crosby June 10 was a great day for a young ... ••• lovely. Jennifer Cameron turned 18 A pair of beauties turned three with happy birthday wishes from Jean Baldey celebrated her 65th bears old June 12. Laura and Kim- oun celea Bar- ?" Mom, Dad, brother Ryan and viol- a happy birthday, with lots of love, birthday June 18. Wishing their Nana erly Maiibrated with Bson the cat. Jennifer's family has a -- were Amanda, Calen, Shawn, Dar- ney party with their grandparents, message for her: "Hopefully, you can Jus and `the little stranger'... aunts, uncles and cousins. "Happy buy your own car now that you're third birthday to our wonderful 18,"... daughters, say Mommy and Daddy... ': �` • r`:, y;;;•� Sanjeev Grewal Rda and Frederick Goddard A little beauty turns two years old ... June 20. Jennifer Leslie will have June 12 was a big day for Kay r `.. lots of balloons, cake and ice cream and Ralph McLean of Pickering. as at her party. Best wishes, hugs and the couple celebrated their golden wedding anniversary. The McL.eans _ m wed in 1943 in Thamesville, Ontario. To mark the occasion. a ceremony was held at Grace Presbyterian Laura and Kimberly Malouin Church in West Hill, with more than 150 family and friends attending. The Patrick Roy •Booth turned two IAMW; couple renewed their vows and Kay's years old June 12 with happy birth- Jennder Cameron sister and maid of honor at the first day wishes from Mommy, Daddy, Calif and everybody at his Barney That brings us to the end of Pty• another edition of Name Dropping. ••• If you have an item you want men - Lisa Mc- t{aned, call us at 683.5110 or write Jean Baldey Pherson, daugh- to 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, �•� ter of Lucy and Out., L1S 2H5. The deadline for And now, a Mike McPher- submissions Is 11 a.m. the Tuesday ' son of Picker- before publication. We're not Charming Charlene Browett is one to adore, ing, graduated responsible for lost or damaged Since on June the 12th, she had from Trent Uni- photographs. Name Dropping Is no turned four. versity on June o longer running birth announce - Family and friends came celebrat- 4, with a Bache- ,$meats. If you have a birth to in8 galore for of Arts announce, call the classified depart - Ralph and Kay McLean From Mommy and Daddy, came degree in psy- Lisa McPherson Patrick Roy Booth meat at 683-5110. raAl�!i1c1N�6 �:"tKJN Otentity Means Ouality - advertise both Oshawa -Whitby This Week (576-9335) and Ajax -Pickering News Advertiser (798.7672) Combined Pressrun of 114,000 every Sunday Call Muriel at Oshawa 4041436 V miss► wv-%P tVJ r. ® 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax -Open: Monday -Thursday 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., Friday till 6:00 p.m. 100 Careers 100 Careers 100 Careers 100 Careers 100 Careers 100 Careers 100 SEATS AVAILABLE FOR THE FOLLOWING COURSES JUNE 21 - BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (OSHAWA/PICKERING) JUNE 28 - BAR MANAGEMENT (OSHAWA CAMPUS) ENQUIRE ABOUT OTHER START DATES (PART-TI!\'1E CLASS NOW FORMING FOR PITMAN'S SHORTHAND) IChoose From These Career Options: Business Administration ComputeAccor Progrmrtitg Irnag � a aXcm h,. Word Processing & s;ww Ataafl!56 min�• Accounting & ,rnpul� carve. �n �uv!ess TMs n a career iliac n A h.gh-w.l res wads � ^""- Set vourseN or ;Te •cad vp, CA, dc' ,I -t" always - demand ow trarmng ,n all nw we'I teach ran whit a d Dropt ADr Wal.- b a dr"o"ve use+ skep 'eteiant aSDt'c TS Or .. .'0. -wee TO anOw to — fled Oche 1, N4 Vert Out st'D-11r tach In- ge' V w.th tht 9asKs and teM1KtrOn.rdl tach you buaw+ess drufdpre•.t ! no' Carse rv; -gide. s 6 , !•s ase n^e -a, J,nnh . how to .nwk•ne!+atd _.� a^.' ^+a^•ate••se•x .•. W✓'Fr4c' �_a�-_tom ••se-3utx .ou •e ope+atacanpne•�nV �© Tad. to lard a 10b' i xc�urwmg Swem VITl Secretarv/ Micro Computer Micro Computer Bank Telling & C)tffice Assistant Business Appltcatir s V, Electronics Financial Services rocs.. +.OnDrxr s- r.cw..r.o.. ea^'ht I Tie agedternro!ogs Samna or hnancurg rr%VW%C qN'.R. ape. lafro: ^.O"%aepact coffee soak .s. car ri heti 'Mardsor• oMrs mann nrwani.r* sites s,t-ae wen tra!•+,•+` assemDl.ng carer oorom' Ore bac ^.o. 9rra•iaa t•or !' :a^ .ou •'or^. u•ucw I aro 'eo+••�ryl ar :BM cw4 be roup w.4+ aOua!Mntl .tial xe+P .n0 g:.4e vou'hrOug' - .�'^ 47 -'w'+PanMecor•.WRr. I Our [Omprt!+eni �t yrs ya�srd.. a,i 1 llrtr I 1 ,r r •• ell" 10 „ode•- I �r a/ f^wres .a.r skJk+'dl r and prokssw� al m- ♦ssrssne a -a” be arose ••+strertttons I{ demand ! ,+•veno" ` Hotel & Restaurant � Dental Chairside Operatia-ts Management Assistant Travel & Tourism Executive Secretary .t ra. Ta•pRJpIf DY A carve• ^the derwl We'1! tach rou Ue .earn n yon• .a,'n �o..t mn � owe the !fest Poll .or n bah •t' f -.Ila you "Orli !G 5e a t r+r+•YaaaR - wards aront•apected it �\par d thn a:c�t.^L \\ shucsatwJltxhpu '.�M our Carle' as ata world wde .rd / .VN dw 4mm - 00Ke pro. mg •�d..sir es «was J :�. .y �ha.srde 46l "It be �• ^`i' Course nc•1ude/ongD f; ' .edo" aro Dot sou PIC- be . Dan a t a ns . rth w• e•or .ng c n' k" LO lob b s a• on vow way ang a .:•tic•.Cr I Ge."•n.'vam.ng I �� molmechtaY•etary Whl Our Practical Training Makes Sense: - Cradrae• in Jule 6 Mordis More Reasons for Choosing Toronto - Tax Credit for Tuition Fees • Instiuctots with Practical Experience School of Business: t ,►bruins, Afternoon, Evening i - Gra+Aate with Up -To -Date Sialic •mfr Classes have Personal Attention yAM&r classes �— - largest Private CoNese in Canada Convenient Class Hours 1 '+e- au courses asa�labt at ,n canspuses Il Fwi .'d"Yeaw- Pages • finilKilil Ali6tJlKe Ar{/y be Araiiatllt !em Iden mean you can ClU-or LAlftides, Wine M 1tllpa Town CerNn pan t- work part t.n•e wh.k ane'ndrng uhod ` Cal saga" -lest. TORONTO ground h tkrtess 427-2x77. CAN .30 fo i0) .421).1440. vow" 433-14M. JOg10>A worts relpred. 110 General Help M611 tl PICK ER ING CAMPUS 40 420-1344 1450 Kingston Road, Suite 17, Pickering 110 General Help 110 General Help 110 Getters! "IP 110 General Help MINES COLBORNE COMMY SERVICES RESIDENTIAL COUNSELLOR We are seeking an enthusiastic, resourceful individual to work within our supportive housing program with individuals with mental health difficulties. Must have strong counselling, conflict resolution skills, 5 years combined education/experience. Salary $31X0 Apply in writing to: Programme Director 413 Dundas St. E., Unit 2 WhitbY, Ontario LIN 2J2 PACKAGING MECHANIC Medium sized 100d Company in Ajax area requires a maintenance person for hicft speed packaging equipment. A millwright Careers 100 Careers 1 �T Your Bushamess Career Starts Here * Programmer Analyst * Microcomputer Business Applications * Word Processing Computerized Accounting is Computer Maintenance Technology V OSHAWA n 434-8585 ' You may be eligible for financial acSIS an�c ' If you are 45 years of age and have recently been laid off yal may qualify for training asslstzncc fmrn the Provincial Govcnuncnt. CDI Career Development Institutes Ltd. BI,R%ABI - %A\COL%'LR - SI,RRtI • 111S10\1U\ • ()TTAY►A • HALIFAX • VICTOR.IA - SASKATCX)\ • %10%TRCA1 - LAVAI - QLiBCC BRANCH MANAGER We are a progressive General Insurance Company with an immediate opportunity for a Branch Manager to pin our Oshawa branch office location. The ideal candidate for this position will have a minimum of 4 years Personal Lines Insurance which includes a Direct Sales and Customer Service background. Previous Sales Management is a definite asset. As a notable team coach, you will provide leadership. training and guidance to 4 Sales 3 Service staff and 1 Claims Adjuster. You are presently pursuing or have attained an A.I.I.C. designation. We are an equal opportunity employer offering a competitive salary and a fug range of benefits. Interested candidates are invited to mail or tax a resume in confidence to: Tam 61efr, Hteltnit Resowe" 300 udwrslty Avam, 19111MM Twen'% Omeft tnulttltltca COMPRrtr MSG 1119 FAX t (416) 596.7550 No Nbphor» Cas pleas 110 General Help EXCLOM IIISNESS OPP0ITIMITY 1aR�i �n rELECOY ADVANTAGE :OR- PCrttrlpv Maes mm-?ee VVLe-acne" Grg 0.S;1rr2 :db mmmacclor sn'MS 'G 'es - OMI181 arc SNI d:Slress : S Comers Our slated -toe -a 'ec•- wology cuts us at "e 'eac ray MV we are wor =fling amcliors Prom indAwdentt..�d,aymesmrr- SdnS alio strong matte ng. sill" and maf+aWal Shiite n #made auftriled rel)nwntation d our scrim. ►,00tid temtorin are curttnn7 061atlk in tae bive ale, Por a minimum inrtsiment of szzsatae. for alimm intdrest pose tuned: IMM6d, IIkiNT OerBalf�T N tltgs Greet, t! liar 1111111114111111114 aw N,N Mtp Fie ptq =4W SELL AVON VW ERE 110 General Help 110 General Help You UVE OR WORK No E:peristtee MODELS NEEDED Fttltlale Ages IM EARN EXTRA INCOME Travel to exdtktg cults: Nr`ttr York, Pwist Moan Call for Conafdfanbn 430-'571 Nail ticket is required and experience in MUSIC Conduckwllnstructot Keen a enthusiestic No invenim to STYUST 111111111Aeve F I I RECEPTIONIST needed for °"`r Alex I�rlh C db. Must electronics would be an asset. We are an music teacher needed to leech olildren a �� awl P P"T trtlu0. ��a1i' b"'� ua° sy plelatted vaN+Mp'A*- tralaes expanding international company with a� LAlftides, Wine M 1tllpa Town CerNn a� ` Cal saga" -lest. competitive wage and benefit padmge. Shift ground h tkrtess 427-2x77. CAN .30 fo i0) .421).1440. vow" 433-14M. JOg10>A worts relpred. _ 1 r I e Please send resume in Confidence to j E i 8 t J home FILE #6078 OSHAWA THIS WEEK Lotrd 416-61i-1574 P 0 BOX 481 mmmmmimliiww MODELS NEEDED Fttltlale Ages IM EARN EXTRA INCOME Travel to exdtktg cults: Nr`ttr York, Pwist Moan Call for Conafdfanbn 430-'571 Nail - - OSHAWA, ONT. LIN 71.5 MUSIC Conduckwllnstructot Keen a enthusiestic DEMOI1111TRATORS needed for devre•� - STYUST 111111111Aeve F I I RECEPTIONIST needed for °"`r Alex I�rlh C db. Must let MATURE heirarIN , kd a Pt EXPERIENCED Halrstylfor music teacher needed to leech olildren a �� awl P � ^�^0bo area. $500-700 weekly ��a1i' b"'� ua° sy plelatted vaN+Mp'A*- tralaes be experienced on computers. 6� phone manner, back LAlftides, Wine M 1tllpa Town CerNn classes. Tsiefs Plow WoAu ` Cal saga" -lest. repot N Call i31-ee.91. ground h tkrtess 427-2x77. CAN .30 fo i0) .421).1440. vow" 433-14M. JOg10>A "'r ae� F++s+!ilnti+!►� iitiiltilllu 100 c� 100 c>� 130 130 , 1*35 135 ski %d Help ''Sm" Help 365 Manse In SIX Months!! • Word Processing • Electronic spreadsheets • Computerized Accounting • Data Management • Desktop Publishing Funding Assistance "tie Avaiklble. Call to arrange an assesment Whitby 668-9713 ' ITM Peterborough l<Vlrs*avliiir 745-4804 Registered w,m the "rrstry Of ColegeS & owwotles Since 1984 110 Generai Help 110 General Help WORK AVAILABLE NOW! People needed lmmed ately for movie extra work, television ads, voice overs, magazine ads, hair shows, cocumentanes, etc. We have booked over 5,000 paying assignments last year. We guarantee work. you don't have to have exoenence. We are looking for males and females, babies, teens, oeopie of all ages We have our people In TV ads such as: Huggies. Det 7-Up, Chevy Truck, Visa, AmerX2r Express, etc., etc. Movies such as. Cocktail, Street Legal Top Cops, Sea of Love, lee Princess, Prom Night 3 8 4, Road to Avonlea and over 300 morel No courses to take Call 404-0277 for appointment STUDENTS! Due to expansion, international firm has openings in the marketing department. $11.00 to start. No experience necessary. Full time & Part time. High school grads welcome. 725-1845 IDEAL FOR STUDENTS Untdscape Work Fiwq fitting involved must be wiping to work weekends and have Own tfaf sgMalion Previou$ «Di.no. in tofflimunim ion6, ( patlhlpofgi matt adln DRAIVUn� Plioll9 416-W-1874 CRUISE SHtP JOBS Earn $Wo -s900 wesidy, Yew Out po9ilDM ►firing finenfwofrm. Free rconlbosad. will limn. CALL 14800.737-7887 EXT. 0100 24 HRS. WMW Aub data fequias experienced Auto Glass knataNsr, Ill hilime. Miinalra 4 ator (iMn.(0820Cal ee5 8507 EARN UV leo $346.00ha0ak to assemble Christmas and holiday decorations year round• at tams. Work availsbis asides Canada. For more tib send a self-addressed stamped envelope to The Worlds Magee Christmas • 130 Slater St. Se 750 ext 221. Ottawa, Ontario, KIP 6E2. MIN'S WEAR STORE PART -TW TAILOR in PdwrirV Cal 420-2797 EARN s453.1svnew assesi. wig from No 7791 rpi1 , 79C. 24 hr. ( 71800) 120 ortke Help Part-11me french speaking Inventory and order tM" Clerk. Yost be comfortable working with a COmlputer. ATTENTION COLLEGE AND UNIVERSI'T'Y STUDENTS N1 a wide communications is now hiring mature sales representative to market our service in your neighbourhood. Successful applicants can expect $12.00 per hour or more. Complete training will be provided. Please send resum6 to Mr. Walker at 1621 McEwen Drive, Unit 41, Whitby, Ontario. LIN 9A5, by June 30, 1993 or fax 433-1336. EXPERIENCED AUTO TECHNICIAN required for busy local dealership. Excellent benefit and renumeration packages. Ford experience preferred. ADVERTISING SALESCall Peter We are aeseritlY accepting applications for an at Marigold Lincoln Advertising sales Representative. This career- 1-800-565-5893 oriented position offers a comprehensive salary, biles 300 aucFo Sale alas 1984 Ma•cu-s Stanonwagon. heavy d,ty suspension. $1400 certified. 1982 Fuonda Accord. 5 sod.. only 110.000 kms . very good condition. $1400 0e11t,ed. 1980 Cadillac Seville, good Condition, good body. nice look- ing car, $1600 certified. Call 728-2255 or 430.7816. (062493) 1977 Fleetwood Cadillac. needs difiWo t:al. 5650 or test offer Can 434-1176 $0624931 parking, good appl Tenant Days Own hydro Super 576-0973 WHY RENT? With 55000 dowr you an awn rhe spacious 1 200 sq r! - 3 Ddrrn 1 t.'2 Dams Deaur condo apt Close io GO 401 shopping. carris5 Oke rent Just $97 500 John, Adc'„arten Re/Max First Realty L•d 931 3300 PAYING loo much for auto BEAUTIFUL two redroomoase- nsurancec Good •ares for Tost men! apa,,,-@,•, separate drivers. Can 5031 167. (063093; entra"ce. 4 appliances. air oonditrx»d. central vac, cabie. 305 AutomoblleS broadloomed. non smoker. available Jul 1 Ask 6699 Wanted y "g commission, car allowance and benefit - Artecles Automobiles Phone a1s-$9647,9 or 067. package. ZZO 300 tD49 ( For Sale For Sale FAST CASH - FREE TOW CLEAN and The successful candidate Will be sect- SOFA v o • y w • - s - a 'n°M Private D&B Tornng of!ers top r�m�r^ apartrr,ertt.ower ^aA disciplined, Wedgewood blue and p,nk doilars for of house. Oshawa. pax ng, cel goal -oriented - previous advertise your rGTap cars flowers. Like new. pard $1200, available ntmredaleiy. $60C or trucks. Also cash for sales experience is preferred but not required. ,,king $450 o b o. Call 430• monthly. Utilities included 68" l06209M drivable vehicles. 7 Phone 1.416-373-0539 Interested candidates sti uld forward their "'S Ird�,na, N,,re a ceders CANAQIAN TIRE � a-7sea {0�) resunne/application t0: Cath wipers. new and used PtCKER1NG village - fumserd Ajax -Pickering Shop was, used clotting. new Ajax ---- - - baterert bachelor aoarr-wnt. Cathing for to whole ,amity. c 1 Trucks For avertable immediately $' 15 L�'Q �'7�3 Q Y�Q 1I lS J Q lea Bea this recession. teas than 1, Safety 31 0 Sale w0akly, fire and last reowred CJ f 2 price. 610 Bayly E.. Alax. Inspections S j�S Cali evenings. 6838942 130ComrtwrclelAve. )louns.9am�p.rrt Saurdays. l tlle8 rev 9iarer 414 y 103) Ajax, Ont- L1 S 2H5 9 a.m.-5 p -m 427-2669. (TF) A �. �C loaded apbrox. 77.000 ,arnly CLEAN AN o,. bedroom ocaed n WASHERS Dryers. Frrd es •i J hq�y ''�' �rfea' $� Oshawa. '•,dge and stove y 9 o o.o 434-57W 070293; AIINITIOUS sales people les- Stoves -new and reieordrtionea. irrckided. DmWte. oartung, lou quted to market a rtew product 21 0 s22s and up for reconditwned Car & Light Trucks rbk10. Adelaide and Mary Si- a the conmunly levet. The au- Flea Market watchers, 5,75 and up for recon- 330 TraltefS Area. $550/month inclusive. rem ewnorny nukes the the dashed dryer. $175 end ecLop for oAjax 436.8065 or 723-1587 (062493) pray time for ft m launch d �• AIR oordtloner. vertical window reconditioned fridges and 6v�LL� CITATION 35- --r "pouts. PICKERING bright two anda For more information unt used two seasmts. Ask and o an rti«View Cal rr+9 stoves. Also corn operated !vw Dacroons. lull bamroom, bedroom apartment, large arrange $350- Gaff 686.1179. (06209M washer and dryers nunitchen, living room, 5 rile Maikerirp Manager, Monday y arras. Sif t 1.000. To view. g fo Friday. 9 a m - 72 p.m Mita A�CIeS Stephenson's Furniture and 1948 MAC call Paul after 6 perm 416-724- appliances, Gentry air, prorate 416-430-6691. 106- 12 220 t_- Appliances. 227 Court St.. GRAND 4362. (TF) emranos, $750. Call nights, 42l)- SALES 211 SALES people needed for groan leo `Sale C•�Ye. 576-7448. (TFALL) PRIX SE HOUSE trailer 25 h. sleeps 6 U40-��► 1 Health Club. Mixt have ex- IIIOVI EVANA Top Sod - wholesaleondibon 00"'01010 with trdge. stove. THREE bedroom upper dupNe rt9 . dryer. Viking HD. and retail, screened and Excellent 0 A�' furnace. full bath a srowar. tie on M Ave, South Oshuwi perience potential to make f125. Washer 4 Program t., .W., .b., m., Dr•r9 $1000 weak. Call Slays. 427- Kenmore, $150; 30' stove, shredded, Trplema,brick send. P P D P- P- now Asking $6200 As<.ng Near schools. shopping. 2977.(062099 $100; queen size foam Also cedar and other nursery $Sett. /iUFM W65@1M, 16200L 509 -Oe" (071x293) transportation. GM, parking. nrant w. two foldkp cote. ger- stock available at discount WhIM W1 grey ff4w r. avarlaby vrvredi sey a Jury 1 160 Day Care den shed• alto f175. Cal rias prices. For peon d0/vay. call "taw brakes, weu Motto Parts b sm per month pix hydro. can Wanted 0°36' M62043) 4344733 or evens 429-2870. Maw1(alned. Ceftifie g 340 Repairs 428.1397. (062493) AJAX Plickerk,g Appl;an0es -leo (06259% $7,995 or batt offer CUTE and cozy tiro boomom NAN)4Y� - Ntre reesorrbls offer refuted. full AMc*s 4 '�rJ4� basement apartmvm, fledge. out. live m Possleilit7 for 20 guaranteed. Reconditioned 230 Ca�S Paint stove included. Available morrh old OK 5 days per week, appliances. Cohrs mslra us a wanted mvtedlaey. 8650 all ,rtekusive. Cal 4242081. (062091 deal 427.6784. 467 Wesin" /�/� Gvroosharp Comm area. ARIA. Rd. S. Ape. (TF) WANTED - atovas. fridges. $$50900 y 52 VancoLver On., 6-9 p -m. or AOCA�ONAL bottle febysrt- wissfaer and dryer working a N sizes. InsiaNeaDn and Cal 430-1071. (062293) ter wanted evenings and 111EAUTIFIJI$s0o0.8pw.wal- ma- Also warred, pidktp incl Corflpt6sri3aisnatgaYo Ply M,�}pn,�'c weekends for 11 mold d old girl nut kine side b0 ham m sinal for (newer than 1978). Call availl" Ilei to lals AJAX • 1 bdrm bsmt apt. (GrkHh Rd afro). Must hairs ee- $18% New- , aPedal toms. P fig. 4249933. (TFALL) � �.7TT parking. big backyard. lamdry out bed. da. perN.ld w Mh told MIM11 Br 11RE psrieeiw and reignalcea Cal . faaatrs. ode and all utilities Julie. 428-8312. (062393) �. $M10. CaN 427-3720. 260 103 Dundil St. E included. Separate entrance. (082093, Arts oft Crafts roomer of Hwy. nZV $sso per r 091. ees-5700 or 165 Day Care PATIO doors (brand near). S' fafAFT Slow and Salo. varWor Phom 4304M 724-4667. MV49M Available $394 Or s•99. fl' 5549. Swewa or warred Mle 355 Yotofrcycles 1m•TBr � , ta.drddm herr. REUABLE daycare In m 1988 Peterboro 17 112 ft. • 1301.0. Marc. engine, red and white. Custom trader, cover. radio. excellent condition, $11,000 ober 6 p.m. 265-2872. (062593) ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGIST An international designer and manufacturer of electro- mechanical medical devices seeks an electronics technologist. This is an excellent opportunity for a versatile, quality and results oriented professional who thrives with minimum supervision. Candidates must be experienced in: • Simple analog & digital circuits (DC) • Trouble shooting and repairing circuits • Prototype fabrication and board layout • IBM PC. based v «4 ?nd Autocad 400 Apartments For Rent Manna CENTRAL OSHAWA Clean, modern, one bedroom and r h a� � on backyard,, Wiling and storage. $575 and 5450 inclusive, available immediately. 7284 r' -z $499 3 bdrm, 5699 Well kept bldg., clean a • Electro -mechanical fitting and assembly Apply in writing to: File #6077 865 Farewell Street, Oshawa, Ontario L1H 7L5 Iashl eht. Oshawa inscab � EXPERIENCED AUTO TECHNICIAN required for busy local dealership. Excellent benefit and renumeration packages. Ford experience preferred. ADVERTISING SALESCall Peter We are aeseritlY accepting applications for an at Marigold Lincoln Advertising sales Representative. This career- 1-800-565-5893 oriented position offers a comprehensive salary, biles 300 aucFo Sale alas 1984 Ma•cu-s Stanonwagon. heavy d,ty suspension. $1400 certified. 1982 Fuonda Accord. 5 sod.. only 110.000 kms . very good condition. $1400 0e11t,ed. 1980 Cadillac Seville, good Condition, good body. nice look- ing car, $1600 certified. Call 728-2255 or 430.7816. (062493) 1977 Fleetwood Cadillac. needs difiWo t:al. 5650 or test offer Can 434-1176 $0624931 parking, good appl Tenant Days Own hydro Super 576-0973 WHY RENT? With 55000 dowr you an awn rhe spacious 1 200 sq r! - 3 Ddrrn 1 t.'2 Dams Deaur condo apt Close io GO 401 shopping. carris5 Oke rent Just $97 500 John, Adc'„arten Re/Max First Realty L•d 931 3300 PAYING loo much for auto BEAUTIFUL two redroomoase- nsurancec Good •ares for Tost men! apa,,,-@,•, separate drivers. Can 5031 167. (063093; entra"ce. 4 appliances. air oonditrx»d. central vac, cabie. 305 AutomoblleS broadloomed. non smoker. available Jul 1 Ask 6699 Wanted y "g commission, car allowance and benefit - Artecles Automobiles Phone a1s-$9647,9 or 067. package. ZZO 300 tD49 ( For Sale For Sale FAST CASH - FREE TOW CLEAN and The successful candidate Will be sect- SOFA v o • y w • - s - a 'n°M Private D&B Tornng of!ers top r�m�r^ apartrr,ertt.ower ^aA disciplined, Wedgewood blue and p,nk doilars for of house. Oshawa. pax ng, cel goal -oriented - previous advertise your rGTap cars flowers. Like new. pard $1200, available ntmredaleiy. $60C or trucks. Also cash for sales experience is preferred but not required. ,,king $450 o b o. Call 430• monthly. Utilities included 68" l06209M drivable vehicles. 7 Phone 1.416-373-0539 Interested candidates sti uld forward their "'S Ird�,na, N,,re a ceders CANAQIAN TIRE � a-7sea {0�) resunne/application t0: Cath wipers. new and used PtCKER1NG village - fumserd Ajax -Pickering Shop was, used clotting. new Ajax ---- - - baterert bachelor aoarr-wnt. Cathing for to whole ,amity. c 1 Trucks For avertable immediately $' 15 L�'Q �'7�3 Q Y�Q 1I lS J Q lea Bea this recession. teas than 1, Safety 31 0 Sale w0akly, fire and last reowred CJ f 2 price. 610 Bayly E.. Alax. Inspections S j�S Cali evenings. 6838942 130ComrtwrclelAve. )louns.9am�p.rrt Saurdays. l tlle8 rev 9iarer 414 y 103) Ajax, Ont- L1 S 2H5 9 a.m.-5 p -m 427-2669. (TF) A �. �C loaded apbrox. 77.000 ,arnly CLEAN AN o,. bedroom ocaed n WASHERS Dryers. Frrd es •i J hq�y ''�' �rfea' $� Oshawa. '•,dge and stove y 9 o o.o 434-57W 070293; AIINITIOUS sales people les- Stoves -new and reieordrtionea. irrckided. DmWte. oartung, lou quted to market a rtew product 21 0 s22s and up for reconditwned Car & Light Trucks rbk10. Adelaide and Mary Si- a the conmunly levet. The au- Flea Market watchers, 5,75 and up for recon- 330 TraltefS Area. $550/month inclusive. rem ewnorny nukes the the dashed dryer. $175 end ecLop for oAjax 436.8065 or 723-1587 (062493) pray time for ft m launch d �• AIR oordtloner. vertical window reconditioned fridges and 6v�LL� CITATION 35- --r "pouts. PICKERING bright two anda For more information unt used two seasmts. Ask and o an rti«View Cal rr+9 stoves. Also corn operated !vw Dacroons. lull bamroom, bedroom apartment, large arrange $350- Gaff 686.1179. (06209M washer and dryers nunitchen, living room, 5 rile Maikerirp Manager, Monday y arras. Sif t 1.000. To view. g fo Friday. 9 a m - 72 p.m Mita A�CIeS Stephenson's Furniture and 1948 MAC call Paul after 6 perm 416-724- appliances, Gentry air, prorate 416-430-6691. 106- 12 220 t_- Appliances. 227 Court St.. GRAND 4362. (TF) emranos, $750. Call nights, 42l)- SALES 211 SALES people needed for groan leo `Sale C•�Ye. 576-7448. (TFALL) PRIX SE HOUSE trailer 25 h. sleeps 6 U40-��► 1 Health Club. Mixt have ex- IIIOVI EVANA Top Sod - wholesaleondibon 00"'01010 with trdge. stove. THREE bedroom upper dupNe rt9 . dryer. Viking HD. and retail, screened and Excellent 0 A�' furnace. full bath a srowar. tie on M Ave, South Oshuwi perience potential to make f125. Washer 4 Program t., .W., .b., m., Dr•r9 $1000 weak. Call Slays. 427- Kenmore, $150; 30' stove, shredded, Trplema,brick send. P P D P- P- now Asking $6200 As<.ng Near schools. shopping. 2977.(062099 $100; queen size foam Also cedar and other nursery $Sett. /iUFM W65@1M, 16200L 509 -Oe" (071x293) transportation. GM, parking. nrant w. two foldkp cote. ger- stock available at discount WhIM W1 grey ff4w r. avarlaby vrvredi sey a Jury 1 160 Day Care den shed• alto f175. Cal rias prices. For peon d0/vay. call "taw brakes, weu Motto Parts b sm per month pix hydro. can Wanted 0°36' M62043) 4344733 or evens 429-2870. Maw1(alned. Ceftifie g 340 Repairs 428.1397. (062493) AJAX Plickerk,g Appl;an0es -leo (06259% $7,995 or batt offer CUTE and cozy tiro boomom NAN)4Y� - Ntre reesorrbls offer refuted. full AMc*s 4 '�rJ4� basement apartmvm, fledge. out. live m Possleilit7 for 20 guaranteed. Reconditioned 230 Ca�S Paint stove included. Available morrh old OK 5 days per week, appliances. Cohrs mslra us a wanted mvtedlaey. 8650 all ,rtekusive. Cal 4242081. (062091 deal 427.6784. 467 Wesin" /�/� Gvroosharp Comm area. ARIA. Rd. S. Ape. (TF) WANTED - atovas. fridges. $$50900 y 52 VancoLver On., 6-9 p -m. or AOCA�ONAL bottle febysrt- wissfaer and dryer working a N sizes. InsiaNeaDn and Cal 430-1071. (062293) ter wanted evenings and 111EAUTIFIJI$s0o0.8pw.wal- ma- Also warred, pidktp incl Corflpt6sri3aisnatgaYo Ply M,�}pn,�'c weekends for 11 mold d old girl nut kine side b0 ham m sinal for (newer than 1978). Call availl" Ilei to lals AJAX • 1 bdrm bsmt apt. (GrkHh Rd afro). Must hairs ee- $18% New- , aPedal toms. P fig. 4249933. (TFALL) � �.7TT parking. big backyard. lamdry out bed. da. perN.ld w Mh told MIM11 Br 11RE psrieeiw and reignalcea Cal . faaatrs. ode and all utilities Julie. 428-8312. (062393) �. $M10. CaN 427-3720. 260 103 Dundil St. E included. Separate entrance. (082093, Arts oft Crafts roomer of Hwy. nZV $sso per r 091. ees-5700 or 165 Day Care PATIO doors (brand near). S' fafAFT Slow and Salo. varWor Phom 4304M 724-4667. MV49M Available $394 Or s•99. fl' 5549. Swewa or warred Mle 355 Yotofrcycles 1m•TBr � , ta.drddm herr. REUABLE daycare In m whN:. W 416.433-1739 be -hove lwssn Noon and 8 p m (082093) ro nave landed crafts I i, i Durham lorded craft show in Oshawa a. latches, snacks, orally Moral tirte and TLC. WssWrore/ FOR salt 'Meridian bISPNore Region. Oct. 23.24, Oshawa Civic Auditorium. F o r So* Cat Barb at 637-2399. $ION L 4 odllce desks. wslvel it" "ion. 434-5631. (0622901) 082093) rJaairs. low fling eabinMs. AEG yrs $799 - a oak double RE$Poi1l1.LE ritrlwble kovkrg typewrler, cakAdalors, office � and egtrfprrrsrr mum 280 40� A Famd organized mom, 17 years eteerlainol , smite -free aaN � best COW. 404-0020 or 404- 1539. (0620 43) honla Fi»isfred betsntsra for in- 2�7 eller S P nR f LOST 12 week old grey error play. tables welcome. OAK406 R"OTUFIF- Why Se41 fsntale kklen, Pickering 6foddMa)or Omk&AOWMy Fart. pay retail prices? One of Beach an hwY 42 Children's 69&7954.002090) Ontario's oldest and largest P answers to Sarah. l you P fvelpidetirrg, storage, earn li tchen. appliance, large bedroom 4 Pc- tasth, laundry, utilities included $565. avail. imm. Call 416-283-6222. OSHAWA - two h -d -len apart- menl available. One avatabis intnrdisNy. Fisogst squired. laraadry facilities. 5550 -SM . hydro. Also garage ,vain". $75. Cal 579.3593 or 726-4345. WHITES Rdhlwy. 112 area �7 nfaraubaurers 4 now seg have her, call 683-9821. $>41R� ( CAU 1997 Kawaselu KOX 80 dileite, M6249M Imswany bind 10 tle pubic. Eq. 5' 011 isbls With ohr art and 4 WYadsrx FOUND -rabbi in ManrtirprC,ar. very good oordition, never been raced. $650 ob.o. Call ahair 4 PICKERING Amberlea - one bedroom bassi as apannrr "a low 575 per week Forced yard Cal yrs $799 - a oak double den area, Whitby. Cal 868 p.rn Ask for Travis. 995 3183 for rent. all thistles included. Show 837-1204. (0 629900 Pedaaai dw ern. and 6 dnfrs, 1539. (0620 43) (062493) "Maw entrance, f^des, stare. 1APSTKTMDBU A18D - need Ill Cannonball beds,$280. Ower 20 sign dwiuss - all solid 190 Olds Deka 86 Royal LS, cAu aA loaded, 18000 krm.. $22,500. 365 Mary Laundry, available Aug. 1. SSW- 420 2830. (062303) a failtdle babysillsrt NO Manch no veneers - Traditional 57"M Cal 11 41&438'2330. l' 1131 o.b.o. Call 428.6477. (062593) PKXERNGLiwrpooyNwy2-1 and snacks. References. Woodworking, 418-065.6774. 1001 Tempest, one year wheels. white with white vin---- � bdrm ban apt, 8 applianoss, Diploma. Call 427-4037. (TF) 2nd Pets -Supplies- warranty, air, auto, am/fm 1947 Peterborough 250 Cord"Lat' Port Mar atty nrernovsied, steps b GO a Perry MATURE German in >rh () tealress Satrlsrs kit Coll 837-5187 210 flea Market 5pig IN* In set, 5250; Boarding sewing Sergei, 5350 o.b.o. cassette, road handling Pa�a9e 43,000 58900. roti ria, in water, 230 OMC Cobra - Pickering Mail, avail. July 1, sseo includes utilities a cabis- watnled, rarer Telephone 4338185. Call aper HIMALAYAN Kittens - Cal 427.4484. (062093) head, trim laps, stereo. P Cal 4245147. (061590) 4np 6760Vftp). Phos Mik(Pke. Phone Miks, 427-8760. you are ora 6irgbADWRAL parer" a ree or dna0sk tssslrsr, 5180 solid 5p.m registered, home raised. 1st 19N Buicc SeSaMe Ltd, 3.BL, microwave, fridge, sank, depth mater, sore prop., many extras. pICKERING -one bedroom yeeed 1�) with three ears work y oak computer work station, P REMOTE eixttrosed wireless shots. vet Checked. males and V6, air, ps., pb., pdt., ptv., fill. Excellent condition, 122,900. basOmem aparfinem, tuff base- re lice Ttio qualify for $275; microwave stand. SM. security system including 7 fes- 666-0303. 02493) nude, anVfm cassette, wire o.b.o. Call 428.6477. (062593) Ment of bungalow• close to GO. quitm' or 1 you an for boy hair salon. fkwt46 Aker 6 rti 6964e5e P• (a+2�3) door/window sensors. $225. LOST dog - lsmwhe Kcurl wheels. white with white vin---- � -- -- - 16 1/2 h. toner Tamer with trailer. includes cable and uliitias us P) Wiles,! lid haraos Wage phis eoefaisNon CNN over 45 and haw retsntly been WASHER and dr ale, 5250. Portable Generator Homelite, grey and black, white Guy tai, tail, �• light blue interior, 85,000 condition, ondiio must sell. 579• laundry facilities. No pal, 1850 1�4 2324 062460) laid o9. you may for train each. Couch and chair, 575. 25Mwahs,Ikenew.$525.427- i9 pds. Knee height, weighs 30 highway miles. Excellent • 96200 ) monthly. Phone 831-9680, . D I Ing assistance. DIP/CERT, T.V. stand, 520; chair, $10. ��' O meads medical care- Harwiwd' n O0"ddpn' Must sell. $6895' Cat - _ (062793) SUPPORT Wbrker for autistic Lotus WorifpeAoct, D -base, bedford, autoad. Please contact, 420-0894. CARPET . I have several 1000 401. Cas Susan, 428-7584 a' 1062493) 1S h. 4' Jason bass boat, 75 tip. foot AVAILABLE intnediately in word, yang man who let idapen-(062093) Venturelre,Harvard, erer yards of new Stainmmer and 9731438• REWARD. (062093) 1989 Honda Accord EXI, 5 site controlling motor, Whitby apartment building. damly to assist him at hone and PP . r Cam wog amrining SEVEN piece bedroom sM, grey 100% nylon carpet. 111 carpet DONT throw r waste speed' air• cassene, asking aerated kveweil, bilge pump. galvanized trailer included. Spacious, carpeted, newly In the conymmity. Part tone til and Systems Analyiell kC.:oobooal, �-�- (0� Pascal and C, Macintosh, Ouark with black with wrtabed. $450 your living room and hall for ileo landfill sites us to �te new Ste' Price includes �• Pad Doggie Dooley Inground Dog 55995 o.b.o. Must sell. Call John at 5849882. (062593) Great condition. Ask x5600. Paired apertrtent with balcony. close to bus, shopping. All CAKEdeoorabr needed full and Express, and Illustrator. Durharn o.b.o. Call 837-2697 or 396• 6235 8:30.4 P m. (�3) and installation. '30 yards'. Waste Septic System. NOW 1987 Ford Mustang LX, 4 Cas 985 3132. (062493) Pets• two pan time at Dairy Clueall. 1050 Business Computer College, _ Steve, (416) 287-5072. (TF) AVAILABLE DOGGIE DOO Il cylinder, 153,(X10 kms., $2500. 14 h. aluminum boat with new bedroom, bedroom, 1660. Call 666.5173 Simcoe St. N. Experience 427-3010. (TF) COURTICE Flea Market has in- skis vendor spaceon apeclel at PIANOS/GRANDFATHER SHOVEL 723-5413 or 434-8782, as is. Cat 683-4262. (062393) North Trail trailer. 11000 firm. or 4340134. (TF) preferred. Apply in person. 7 Employment ,2 gripe starting from $12o la docks - Pianos, rent to own. 9arn - 9pmt, dal TF lop. y' ( ) ,1184 Aries. body in excellent Call 683.7625. (062293) AJAX - Weuney/Hwy 2 -clean ( ) 1 / 0 Wanted your first month. Open Saturday size, upright, grand, digital, CLASSIC Touch Obedience Shape. interior len mint condition, BRAY 24 tt. aft cabin. Whitby spacious one bedroom bass - er KIDS and teens needed int- and Sunday. Also FREE space keyboards. CLOCKS - free training, we use the motivational must sell. Only $1000, Call 837- Manna in water. 2:,3 HP Mer ment apartment, separate mediately for MD"lling work OSHAWA Courier Mike Dixon available for antique, wllec- delivery and set tip. Call Telep approach to training, vented on. D625. (062093) curt' 10, head, galley, radio. entrance. broadloom, utilities catalogues and TV rates to serve Oshawa, Durham Mail and r* vendors. Cour- N and take advantage of our low rollmlent available. For more 1984 Dodge Aeries and 1983 compass, many ewas. great InekWed, close to Go, no eels. First/laet. o0nnrrrle►dal4. Cao 982.5511. FFi��gio�1t m�arrdd � �Y� 4� >MoBk. Bey pigs slnlor on, oleates contact Paifb. stsot�6t., Dodge Aires te50*act, of dW aaPp�� 113.00pf T EvenslL ,yeduceAd references, $650 per monfR Available uMteOiately G7a`5766670 (r+C (08� OtGt `r i ' ,Ai y-' Esi1� i i�,z .:' .�?r _ r Ca!4�.+ lVi�•106h,, JBo pts. , g s . 1 1 • •:. I1.k Rye e,'a k, ley r.- ,: :::: 2?'!'a1P��e1 t3 • - - �.1V 400 NwFowr%eunt 400 FwRem 400 'Alur= 410 "0"`e*mr 420 T Fow moo` LWWWf SUITES AT THE LAKE Superior 2-bdrm. suites • Lake views 5611 available • Balconies • 5 appliances • En suite laundry • 2 baths (ind. master an suite) • Individual an suite heating/air conditioning units • Underground parking • On-site security • On-site maintenance • Parking included $970.00 to $1,570 PER MONTH PLEASE CALL ("A30 (TORONTO) 427-0363 OR 861-1000 LIVERPOOL/BAYLY - one NORTH Oshows. two beuthoore In dran basement speriment, house located near Durham klicen, [Ming mom. full beth, College. Fireplace In living own washer and dryer, side room, quiet area AvaoabM July entrance, 5 min. from Lake and 1. $700 monthly plus utilities. Go. Avaiabk Immediately. $650 Fitsttast required, references. firstllest. 839.7834. (062493) call 434-5004. (062093) ROSEBANKPickering quiet WHITBY - executive on court. home 1 large bedroom bees- four large bedrooms, master ment apartment, sauna, with ensuits and walk-in, 4 fireplace, wet bar, bathroom, two walkouts. rec sops rate,entran ce, garage, room with oak we bar. family available. July 3rd 5600 per room with 111, ce. $1275 plus month. 509-1795 eve. utilise. Available July 16. Cal weekends, 932-4016 days 725-9230. (062593) ( NORTH Alex - four bedroom. WHITBY - one bedroom three baths, main floor laundry apartment, available July 1. and family room w/fireplace, $499 monthly. Fridge, stow, tolerances, reasonable to good heat, parking for one car tenant Call 262-6670. (062 a;: basement, walking datarwe to PICKERING house for rem. two twean 9 and 11 ai or leave bedrooms kitchen M- room, BLUEWATER PARK AJAX Sou bright one patio,avalable Julyrn.u1. 839- S bedroom basementapartment, 8SX. (062293) separate entrance. 4 pce. PICKERING - beautiful main WHITBY APARTMENT bathroom, parking, shared floor of detached, clean 3 1 bedroom suites and 2 bedroom suites, in immaculat laundry. $575 inclusive. Fist and last. Suit single non smoker. bedroom bungalow. Central air, maintained building, broadloom. 3 appliances, pool, Available July 1. 428-3457. laundrys kitchen• ard. n e r snooker table. games room. tennis courts, exercise 1062393) laundry, fenced yard, near schools. shopping and Go. $995 room. laundry facilities and covered parking. Two bedroom basement apart- monthly, non smoker, a31-6777. mom south � Fridge, stove, (062093) 101 Kathleen St. W. n parking• seper86-ate entrance. Cal NO down payment? Good Mon. -Fri. -5 Sat. AlSun. 12'5 65519 (062393) aedt7 Good job? You can buy 9 DOWNTOWN Whitby - 4 for the price of rem, while prices rrinrrs two hedrrmmk a nrnsrnt and rates are down. Call Drim 420 T°"" 420 T"`" 670 OPEN HOUSE Willow Park Co -Op 610 Beatrice Street East Oshawa Large, spacious units: 2-bdrm. Town-h,0;1se - $-25.00 3-bdrm. Townhouse - $890.00 DATE: Tuesday, June 22nd Orientation on Willow Park Co -Op beginning at 6:00 p.m. Unit showing at 7:00 p.m. For more information or an application call 432-6809 (no subsidy requests please). A- #% Cottaaes For inn 571 -3522 IOfY !!!!CO •.. above store. $525 per morxh . hydro. Call 3) 0561 ask for Frail- (062493 WHITBY - large bright three bedroom apartment, quiet triplex. eat -in kitchen. stove and or Brom. Community Financial. 6805. (TF) AJAX AJAX - 4 . 1 bdrm House, fenced yard, does b schools and amenities. $950 . utilities. Phone 683-0799.(062393) 4JV Rent "t I V Rent seen EXCELLENT area insouth Ajax, KAWARTHAS cozy two share house with young working bedroom modern lakefront cot - Prdessfortal. Laundry facilities, tages (45 min. NE of $80/weekly. Call Jim or Peterborough), good fishing. BORROW $10.000. pay as Mtn >s $110 per moron o.a.c. Cal camp fires. movies. quiet times AJAXtridge. private entrance. laundry T H R E E bedrooms semi Michelle, days 427-0318 or swimming. Boat and motor eventrigs 686..8579. (062553) 55 Falby Court fadMes parking fenced yard available July or Aug. 1. $775 topark and ached amenities- Fro" rentals. From $170 weekend, TAUNTON/SIMCOE area. $395 weekly. (705) 877-2159. 2 berk00m apartment in family 'JWIdRIg. Air plus utilities. 666-3590. stove. Olive/Harmony area. Oshawa, large clean quiet lur- (070993) nahed room, frxlge Dndrtlon broadloom. 2 liances, laund ry (062293) Available immediately. $850 extra and BANCROFT area, log house, 3 microwave. share bath and 'acildies, saunas and exercise room. underground WHITBY - $teen y palmed three bedroom apartment on main montMy. Call Scott 666.0573. (062493) bedrooms with all amenities. ktdisn, wok to all amenities. clonic number lakes parking Included. floor d triples. pmrate entrance. PICKERING - Amberba, WHrtes _ y. S30, f Cal 72388 (062493lege. S70 ) dose by. wselky or $1000 Cull DioaOloon. dock appliances. Rd -'401. 3 bedrooms. 1 1/2 all (061 416120 9600, No consolidations, credit fenced yard• laundry facilities. baths, 5 appliances, finished it Sundays. spacious morn to Sundays. (062793) 683-602 Immediate possession. $750 basement, walking datarwe to re r quisHED rant m quiet executive Mina. GEORGIAN Ba near W y �3 83 L plus utilities. Call 683-8661,cable. school. Parking. shopping. NO phone- parka available. ng, Beach and Midland. Mon. -Fri. 9-5 (�44� pets. $1200 monthly plus use of _and bedrooms. sandy beach, deck laundry ,,,huts Sat. -Sun 12-5 li" t tlr •Tin^ PICKERING - large room or utilities. July 1. 683-8736. acltnebathroom reasonable with BBO. property can be sew rates Pleats call 427-9007. unqualdned. Cal Doug 668- 9 shared accomodatior in nice plea (062093) on video. 434-6631. (062293) .PVV For Sale PEACEFUL country living - 15 rrvnutes north-east of Oshawa. Beautiful 2.100 sq. it. 4 level sidespl'a, doubts car garage, 3 bedrooms. 2 bathrooms. 2 fireplaces, Enniskillen. Open house every Sunday. 263.2890. Free 3 CorlCideMW testinpAreatmeri for sato ttantaxnip6d diseases Pidcrsrinp Town Centre 420.8781 t0r apps. FOR your pleasure - XXX fan- tasy and Phiol . Discrestl For liftrmation, write Karen. Bax 670 -RD Kelowna, BC. V1Y 7P4, adults only please. (TF) LADIES[ Good'oody's Heam Spa special promotion. Super tan, toning. step class, hricut and style. AI for M. Get ready for summer. Open everyday. Also 1/2 price karate memberships. Call 839-FITT (3486). (062293) FINALLY Fal Free - lose 16 be. In 24 days, eliminate fat, in- crease your energy. feel great and....do it Sade and Natural. (416) 434.2102. (062293) RGHRfat fast - I lost lobs. in 3o days the natural healthy way. Summer's coming, are you ready. (416) 208-7570. (062393) PSYCHIC Angela does palm and tarrot card readings, will help advise in all problems of Isei tela past - how it was. tells Present - how it is, and future - how it will be. 100% accurate. By appointment. 9 am. -9 p.m. Toronto, 1-416-652-2581 or Oshawa 725-2664. (062293) 675 Companions 535 Lots For DOWN to earth, attractive, caucaaaan male, tri. 42. non Sale smoker likes canoe tripe aria BORROW $10.000. pay as Mtn >s $110 per moron o.a.c. Cal camp fires. movies. quiet times S35Wlull price .Large seckded seeks slim to well built canprng lot. Sand beach. great fishing, next to 10.000 acre county forest. One hour east Of Toronto. Charles. (416) 431- raucasian lady. 30.40 with no ties for possible relationahp. Detailed letter to: 86076 Oshawa This Week. P.O. Box 1555. (070293) 481. Oshawa. Ont. 1_11-1 71.5. 540 Clut-of-Town I" Properties 740 n quiet executive hom a OSHAWA three bedroom tan- AJAX - Burcher/Bayy• large KAWARTHAS Financing. -I00 Seymour - OWNER Fancing.-600 acre MemoriamI Brock and Fisch. Bus at door. room, snared bathroom, kitchen Woodland Estate. housekeep- with 1100 It. of shoreline. Next to walk to plaza. $400 monthly. galow upstairs. private drive, tatliteS. availabts .rwr,ediate6y. ,n collages, 3 plus piece Crown Land, miss d boating * Suxabie for one or two peopie. cable.tented o itsrd. very dear. Cal Lynn. 683-2306 (062093) bathroom$,fishirg. pool. beach. . and fishing.Treed. privacy, DEGEER -CECIL ONE MONTH'S FREE RENT no smoiurg. no para. Available In memory of a Father 6 Pape se6 7szs. (052593) July 1. 6775 nomhy . t,2 heat Shared Blore. playground. 90 minutes south' exposure. $29.900/ who Nh us on Nowniber 13, 77 833 FALBY COURT AJAX - one bedroom basernent and water. First/last and 450 N E of Pickering. 705-653- $210 monthly. 428.6167. 1981 Two bedroom apartments In tamf!y budding. apartment. all iaala a. 9575 references (052593) message. ACCOmm. 1317.(062493) itf itIsaw you yesterday Air conditioning, broadloom, 2 appllancces, M0 /.nippets.rgnsmpkailabler. cal PICKERING V loge share DORSET three well kept rent on small 575 Dart$ Inst. nolsofar away Jurlaundry facilities and underground parking ager 6 p.m. 427-0849. (062393) flea PICKERING alow w - three alk bedroom log) p�;srbedroomns,; okerou" will, C istrolake Road t o the door. am Thha f�arriliar pit I almost LARGE one bedroom clean, ° wry dean, repamed, cia., badk- ter$ outdoor hid Tub. poor• air. conveniences. dose to town. BORROW $10.000. pay as Mtn >s $110 per moron o.a.c. Cal shouted DAD. wait bright basement apartment• yard deck, fenced yard, fireplace. No pets. Adults onlyl available July. August and Jerry, 668-7200, Free As heturned around Irealized 0 parking, separate laundry/ hardwood floors, 4 appianes, Call 428-6120 message/683- 8542 ask for Sharon (062393) September. Cam 433-0362 after 5 (062093] consultations. Anubts Invest - wasrrtyw, My newt pagan to lreyt m Iwo entrance• $575 per month carport, available July 1. $1000 par month. tstnast. Avail. now. lined y facilities. 83t-5850 Photos-(. welCOrte. menta Ltd. ) I hear your whsM in ft ''and• inclusive. 7'25-8061. (062493) monthly plus 2/3 utilities. No New number) 631.9601 AJAX - furnished room avaalabae, run d the house. FW 4 MONEY Problo i I Loons, debt Yaw smile stns in the sun PICKERING - main floor • message.( 062093) dose to amenities. Smokers vacation Reds consolidations, credit sect day bungalow. appliarioes, gavage. FLORIDA Pt. Charles - Vittoria welcorta. $325 montMy. 128- husbands. ad great- arrte'�rtMn4. Dwp^y budget Yat Wgfhsr in the nussng close o all amenities. $900 Dar month . 50% utilies. Cam 6w H 415 7147. (062593) Estates, 1600 sq. h., 2 bedroom planning, garnishess slapped. FREE CONSULTATIONS. leaves Yat songs Nth the Ards in the bedroom baserrwrt - atWrtrrierrt• ago �arw a w+ .all contained room• furnished, wth 8905. ( ) W MASTER bedroom available n CLEARW ATER - 3 bedrooms. fully furnished, air con., mOWle (Pickering- hitt. Private enhanc-. Ir in g root^. bar. freplahos. full kt7ien. fridge• parking. $275 per month. fist CLERK bright one bedroom e:- RESPONSIBLE taml in need y [OWnhOUSe. CIOSe TO GO and shopping. Pickering area. $425 homes Heated pool&, hat tub. tennis. rear beaches and mapr oat .433NOR oat a). 433 1425. (TF) Al tots ttvriga we hold so deer With the passing d the secad Stove. out, parking. UW-- Pool last required. Cam 728-5382 a 434-0092. M62593) tra mere. Quiet side " aper► s1rM1. Modern appiances, front d a 3 bedroom house o rent n MrtcMll's Corner par month. tstnast. Avail. now. lined y facilities. 83t-5850 Photos-(. welCOrte. Q 58 Mortgages yea'. and pato. $750 monthly. 427-5466. (062093) AJAX - 2 bedroom bssemwrt and back yard. rnrredhate ac- Bowm inville area for July t. Ask for John.(062493) Photos- (Leu than motel). $275. than weekly 683-5503. (062093) Sar rinsed but sal thiaugM and talked about Daughters. OSHAWA - two bedroom �► air n quiet area. Near shopping less to 401, bus routes and park. All inclusive. Call 579- Must be in well kept condition and affordabM rent. Please call - -- - _--- -- __-- AJAX- modern three bedroom FLORIDA Pt. Charles - Vittoria MORTGAGES acid loans. 95% husbands. ad great- mant apartment- two appliances. Boys and schools. 4 pc. bath. 4 appliances, private Mva6815- ISM. (062293) '- 579-0135 and leave massage. home. Protessionasy decorated. taalitrs, Estates, 1600 sq. h., 2 bedroom rrafinanin9. down payment also arranged. a r r a n e d. Qualified o r 9. cIf A Leo a John Hurd. Me Mind. Mwiyn a Leo TraeaL Club area Now trarsrt and acnoois. $535 plus n ro Cal yd Parking $650.1,2 arises. 686 AJAX - raw two bedroom above Townhouses etas proton muuro working person. Monthly or npmle, with 3 pc. ensuits, on 18th Fairway.dubfiouse, swim unqualdned. Cal Doug 668- 9 JDW a Don O'Hara. � �� � (06259:3) 3201 a RING grade basement apartment. sopa rue entrance. laundry. 420 For Ment weekly 683-5180. 1062293) y' using pod. Call 1116-721-0602. sS- 6805. mmunuity Financial (TF) _ WHTBY ort bWr00M. $525. Tu'° b '00m,. $600 per norm - t o bedroom PICKERING -two bedroom basemiern aipanrrent. Separate y• parking- cable, nrpeted. feriOeC yard, no pith&. Fimuint. $650 .. Y WHITBY t. W BEATRICE and Simcos area. Senior citizen room mats (062493) MORTGAGES as low as 5.700. Posse read r Cl:s$ItIBd ad O" the PORT Charlotte -new home Plus hydro. Firstlast required, entrance, air, cable. 4 appliances, suitable for two Cal 4269214. ( ) occupied. three owner,a, 1 tn2 baths, finished Wanted to share large Wight two 1993. two bedrooms. three octinsel, oak.Anubiall Mi hoeents Ltd. Serving firm � Of phone days 725-8911 or even- Ings 6681016. (071693) t�PM- Non -*king. - Pets, WHITBY area - 2 -oris bedroom family room and laundry. No bedroom n House. veno o pate from Yvwlg room and separate pulls, fully furrrshed, air con.. screened heated pod and lam. Ontario shoe 1972. (TF) publication BIB we AJAX - clean spacious one =650 indusia. First and lea required. Available July 1. Cal apartments available tfTstleOmonl Freshly F rerivawood. p- polls- Possession negotiable $850 plus utrMJes. 430.2891. side entrance, eat -n IutcMn, 4 Accomodates eightbe 9 people. Business C�fmO bedroom basement 931 8802. (062383) f550 mouthy. First and lea (O1a2493) appliances, $375 inclusive. Rates in Canadian dollars. 5 otJportunlbes tOr IIIOrE separate entrance. entrance. PICKERING village - executive required. WoAking people W* WHITBY - three bedroom. one Available imrrlsOately. Cal 723 5170. (082593) Pharos and availabiity. (416) 576.3246. (062293) dw � �� I" lb dbomed, &Alkim Included. Close to GO, no pets, non nmne. three bedrooms, 2 112 need apply. Contact Gary. 839• bath, 4 appliances. garage, wait Condos For PERSONAL SUCCESS THE NEWSLETTER - hos o gab rich. ft everd of an wror. smoker. rirwilast. references, $625 baths, laundry room on main floor, lar iy room with fireplace. 0984. (062393) OSHAWA . OliwrWiisori area, to GO and tyke, no pots, $000 monthly • hydo. Cal 156111 455 Refit Homes 500 For Sale ovwnwM - NOTI Free Inckut- n9 deals $tae dealership For tial-pidtW" month) &ile, $650 double, available !i9 vvakaut deck• non smkng, no one bedroom basement (TF) ArtwieaY hoeesI If. exdgrg Call 686.1754 after 5 p.m. Pots' brig lee^ lease D -rrea" apammera• s-parse-^trarioe• LARGE three bedroom, �AX - OAe bedroom condo °A producing weellt pi $1300 morahy, first and lest appliances, parking, $525 townhouse available Aug- 1. lake. 5 appliances. air, 2 PICKERING - attractive 3 Personal PICKERING Go Slatlon, � Available July 1. Cal 4/6.347- inclusive. Laundry facilities Close b all ameriitMa, first and narking, fireplace, balcony, bsdhoomsernl, 12yearsdd, 1 1/ Newsletter. Finality an easy, at� quiet large claw bright two bedroom basement apanrrwht 7313. (062493) aurailable Cal cooera• 1 al" haat r bwerroes. $M vet mi wrdse, facistimAoo . tennis, taut whiOod' S"X• 2 babe. ai, garage, dose to CW $146,900. Cal( 839-5267, low. loot ool. surfe4ae, ey► popping [health-pgnArg, w9ct• nr�r wok o do station, sen ew COUNTRY Living - Harrpon snit two I Livia rn beserront 0772 (062493) plus hydro. Call 883-9713. 1745 per month. 728-9826. (0� fattening prop plan. YoWw Ihd9e• sewsstow• I WN*Ya no ymen AJAX - three bedroom M � & iF your going so nM your hero heard Yte not, neer � beeL Find out how to get rdn wtltin a h �,tl , I1sa please. Non smoker. 8849 incwsire- N� , q9 416.4W.66M(06200 on�e�edr bedroom arpntrrwlt, waftiam quill vel ��e �� Rdhlry 92 - and until with garage, $975 7VV � a� o It ANN !1,+Og,"} and Ligme. te.wrlsetlsamnnonattdtlrrnaNOT OVOWSOWTI For real I. begot MON Included. Carl 42D• *77- ) WHITBY - one and two bedroom de sac tropias 4 appkaces, Monday pits Mites. FralleaL FOR RENT 1150 &q• R &t oMm 1547. Rett emeber...exposue then fly isn't N? (This in net ••-"--s apartment, close to all $1100 orhapoll".Non smoker- references, non smoking, no space. WmtnsyM01 in Aja& W � &eW WWOL 0820"ling). MUNHeve1 MaAnAn you 304 Simooe S. One bedroom amenities. $485 and $595 available ar nmediately. 420- Pm. alrallable imntedlately. dupriy bielfon, mina tram Uo. Boom hmslo,00010 law a all � Skep11tatl I so. � apairwS for tors n older apart- rywyhy reyopNey. Inch tiding 7267-(0620M 428.3238. (082083) IoM 674.5555 $110 per moneL Corma Doug M S 04 IT"Idin Also building- $420 $slue Moro- Also two bedrest $450 P" utnMies and pattkng. Call 686 1171. Houses For 41 0 AJAX - bism aw modem three e�0¢ rr eeI•sM Community Flan- THUS re FOR REAL Personal Success. 6486 I hydro. Atrallabl- ireredi (062593) (� bedroom. kat arPiated. , ,2 FOR rent or lata - cot ex �• appror. 800 irk•• �2A til 9uviaea RF, �e�y Mrtttb...l. Ou sbe4 Cal Steven. 571-3229 (08259([) 50M PICKERING - bre raised one bedroom plus den basement ADELAIDE1fIT8ON ansa, $mail baths, eat -in itchen, two appimmx dose 10 admolccart per rnwail WYon St., sough vnw refs? I" am" gill b a new 2, 3 or 4 bedroom HI2ZI. P@2083) BACHELOR asemyennt. aprtmaa Waak to larks. own $750 . thiiths , Pak. but sop, eve* &July t. Av� I Nil hoot WAVI only $500 down. To eacludistribullon busmess, exodc we 1t ric!0lkDiffice available Aug. 1. Separate taw dry, sur cave a slide. $70- mouthy. AvaYabNAup 1. Available Aug. 1. Call 427-18371save rressai9e. ( Cao anytine 297.8708 or 297-quatUlY 8382 Call for a Inortgape, nogia dfist products to the Of sty everysnrngererylAirq included. 420-5713. (0622 i bedroom 2 storey, south (Og14gCS C 470 `r""�wR ppbleaLBuydlheciflombuldsr, For dMW, d 1-4/$887 2702 Industry% High pMft (110411DW on corgitNguit; aW WHITBY -large bright three 0042 ask for Kaon. (D PICKERING one bed Oshawa IOatI0f1, Clary (Man �r home. bedroom townhouse, t 1/2 baths, family ) repeat orders. Sale rice dwcom imotQ„gf_. TWO bedroom apartment, upperbasem single garage, available Aug. room, garage, Schools, KAWARTHAS • cozy two AJAX • M bAdk. 4 bedaarL $49= serious. Cal Panick kAw7mnitG: d house. fridge. stow. dee b m Cable,` 1/93. Call see- 4312 aflet 6 p.fr. Please leave patio. playground. transportation and shopping bedroan nwdwm hekefrol kat• to es 45 min. HE of 9 ( tetnbry tri, antral vcn• many pg professional) upgrades. y London 1(416) 298-6701 gam - 5 pJIL () WecoUxtmd bus. mal, downtown Oshawa Available July 1. $600 indusia. wily• Suitable for one Pmt Cal 420-2327.(062393) MM-ga M62493) area, AJAX handy. Pets O.K. $950 monthly. 668-8110 leave message. Peterborough) good fishing, swimming, boat and motor landeeeped. Must be seen to $189,900. Call 427- SNALL torn - Wei need people, c'" lurk � cap$ FirsUlast. 404-2779 message threebedroom,wo11 ) normal& From $170 cues., . 7820. (0715 ) bar �. � - chop. (Sm and phone. (062293) AJAX North - set contained bachelor d yard3 be", wok o SOUTH Oshawa near Gm, 3 �i We". (705) 877-2159. PRIVATE -three bedroom 597-2034, $5 p.m. Write J Ross, P.O. Box 25, Togo tiU gbwt OSHAWA -large one bedroom• bright, clean apartment, $475 month) y scfhods no basement $1125 in- bedroom townhome, $895 all GREAT fishing and family paytyceq• YNltby- SOA 4E0. wCUSCp]Ug5,1pStCJ�Ot basement apartment. $475 Piot rnciukre. Privets roan. $375 dudes uatlftles and cable. Avail utilities included. AvylffiM July holida yl Low family► prices. included (water. afr)w, fridge, M02katachewan. Lm". four appliances. entry monthly- No snaking. no pts. Aug. 1511. 886.7692 after 6 p.m. 1. Call Doreen, 404-8159. Modern cottages, Pickerel, W &love, dishwasher). Nicely for ai, fireplace. separate entrance, Cal 6866667. (082093) or leave message. (0624g3) (082543) Mulkey, 0 and large mouths decoraud. raw bethroom and WHITBY - pizza business for p pity= cq&, Our patkirhg, e&tabfisled area Cal FOR lent wfth option o buy. 4 AJAX - rent to own. luxurious bass. an fah. law h. wW font Level Storage front entrance- St and mile. Wel setabNted acid ex - COffccBpdtCB 4242853. (062093) LAR$'# ore bedroom ba&ertawq tastefully decorated townhouses by the lake. 9 rounds, roc hall, laundry 30-69 $1 Cala oaNM- turnover. Carty 4360717. AJAX •bright two bedroom aPantmefnt,$800permuctrtl'Cao executive house, fireplace, p Centra(, fire laces, 5 p beach Bon's program, sand beach. Baatand gmotarenals. and see. 430-8821 and leave WC3Uemplt0ledpCe, apartment, full bath, diningdays, room• living 436-0704 or awnings 72>&2181. (070193) central vac, double garage, tented, near 4 schools, appliances. Call Joan Rogers. ReMax Quality Ore, 883-2982. One hour from Oshawa Sim- i0s24� 670 1elISCB)1� ie room. Separate nymead Cottages, R.R,83 PRIVATE sale •Maple Ridge Personals entrance. fully C -POW. ea& 8694 adrM 330 p.m (OB?290) i AJAX .Large one bedroom Rossland/Garden. $1200/mo. Dka uloNes. AualtataM July t. Rooms To. Hastings, Ont. OL 1Y0. 1-706 beautiful lamely toms •two tlftlaeva Ric call. fiITSON i King floor bilmo� apt'• eM-n kitchen, 4169311.1964• (082493) J 430 ant 6962601. (08291j3) storey. landscaped. 4 plus 1 bedrooms, full finished JIMM says, art the blind iced B==weCam • main d house plus basement, $575 separate entrance' parking, (pwyr PICKERING - attractive three FENLON Falb elegant three bedroom IaYkefroM oottape Slier. Y basement, heated in round 9 Ino blind? Dares your ttt�Ny ts-a► pYeess? The fYteliq M monthly includes utilities, close 10 amenk(es, m�r�pf� mIye�ay, p bedrooms, 1 112 baths, o/s WESTNEY Heights - kitchen, E Zj* goon Iwopool, All�tN�o numerous upgrades, the hied ninMter. Micah 311, tileellVpOpmept for nrq. 11100. Pa Fitt r �8p0y cif a I Cala 04i.1� ' " s � • s = town OPENHOU6E1.8jthSSL aM S'u`n�'Call 838 talent 56:10-12. John 10:11. Jim`Campbell, 953 8475. Jtay- I. Ca1f46)12 After 6 418-981-5529. r e ` '• s i �$/liN s .. m. y20g6.*' `(D87J103► .1.705 650 Auctions 650 Auctions 650 Auctions BANKRUPTCY UQUIDATION Under instructions received from various Trustees & Secured Creditors, we will offer for sale in detail lots the folkrMng: LNMITED EDITION ART *FURNITURE *WOOD CARVINGS * Business; — Gardening, I;HMXN)AY IBLES *COINS *STAMPS *SPORTS MEMORABILIA * gr JEWELLERY * HUMMEL COL * Services Landscaping PUBLIC AUCTION GES Printing - special offer, one QUALITY Lawn and Garden Y EVENING JUNE 21 ST AT 7.00 P.M PREVIEW 6:00 PII e8complete 1 and5d delivered trsee tnLawin mowing' , is"edge and ♦j � rrtninp, fertilizer, lawn and MN, OSHAWA,1011 BLOOR ST. EAST, OSHAWA for so7iny Call today. 637- garden care obis you vacation. BANKRUPT STOCK OF A GALLERY TO INCLUDE signed Limited Edition Art by: Bateman, Romance, Dyer, Bourque, Christensen, Gurney, Casson, etc. Oak & mahogany Rocking Chairs, tables, Marble & Wrought Iron, Hall stand, Comer Cabinet, Vanity Stool, Wine tables & more, Carved Wood Horses, Bird cages, 36" Figurines, Doll Buggy, Snow Sled, Doll House w/Contents, Rocking & Carousel Horses, Advi. Signs, High Chairs, Hummel, Goebel, Kaiser, Cranberry (cobal), Austrian Crystal, Amethyst Rocks, Cherished Teddies, Oriental Arts & crafts, Carved trunks, Blanket Box, Collector Dolls & Clowns, Large Coin & Stamp Collection to include Old Silver Dollars, Mint Sets, Bank Notes, World Coins, Franklin Mint Sets, Asst. Estate Stamp Albums, Box Lots, etc. Signed Doug Gilmour, Olerud, Alomar, Carter, Borders, Mahovlich, Balls, Photos, Pucks, Lithos, Official Blue Jay Prints, etc. Selection of ESTATE & Modem Jewellery, Watches, Pearls, Box lots, etc. Signature Telephones, Call ID, Cameras, Fitz & Floyd Vases, Cagle Pots, Pitchers & more. Over 750 items to be sold. Plan to attend. AUCTIONEER: ALLEN FLEISHMAN 638-7583 680 Announcements 680 Announcements 680 Announcements) DENTAL OFFICE ANNOUNCEMENT We at 927 Liverpool Rd. in Pickering, are thrilled to give our clientele a warm cozy atmosphere to experience the finest and most up to date dental techniques as well as the most modem sterilization techniques. However for those who still require even more special care. Dr. Mary Kay M.D. joins our staff to help you sleep like a baby, while you have your dentistry done. Also joining our staff is Dr. Steve Goldman, (periodontist, a gum specialist) and Dr. David Eller (an oral surgeon). We also offer evening hours and Saturdays. New Patients accepted Emergencies seen immediately 839-5951 Keep Smiling Drs. P. Goodman, S. Weiner B. Laibovitz, Y. Choi 927 Liverpool Rd. S. Pickering, Ontario Ajax -Pickering . (062063) Handyman 838.1215. (06239'.0 ILLUSTRATION, cartooning, graphic design, advertising. Handyman Business or personal. Reasonable rates. Also lessons available. Randy Timms. (416) 342-2279. (TF) WORD Processing - excellem turn around time. Thesis, resumes, essays, proposals, business letters. Competitive rates. two convenient locations: Durham Region, Larry (416) 837-0099 or Scarborough, Shir- ley (416) 299-9159. (062493) - - -- HANDYMAN - intenor/extemr Driving Schools painting, fences and decks. welding, general maintenance, rvindow washing. Chris Hogan. s ' 427-9140 between 9-9 p.m. MACDONALD'S Nome Im- provements - bathrooms, bawnant*, decks, tendo*, kltch*ns, ceramic tit*, hardwood floors, complete renovation service. No job too mrN- Tam 576-0977 or cal - fuller 434-9245. M62sN3) Home Improvements BMK block will concrete masonry work, new or repair, no Job too by or loo small. Quality at competitive prices. Oshawa S71 .1906, Pickering 4205311 TMS Painting & Decor Interior & Exterior European Workmanship. Fast dean reliable service. 420.0081 3t11�a►"t, YiJI��,�`tr� �AC>rt3' �', Home Party Improvements Services MARTEK Contractors - 20% oil MAGICIAN, down friends, ready at jobs over =500. Complete in- to entertain for any age, any tenor and exterior renovations occasion. Birthdays. interior and exterior painting, promotions, openings.fundraisers, wll papering, fencing and Magic p decks. Free estimates. Oualiry fuel Lettuce hep. 839.7057 or 728-6334. (TF) ouarameed. 434.4420. (TF1 Electrical Housecleaning BUSY BEAVERS MAID SERVICE Complete Cleaning Bonded & Insured Don't Delay Call Us Today 686-7121 EUROPEAN house deanng - will dean anything_.No orb too dirty or too smallFast. efficient. moderately priced, use environ- mentally friendly products. References available. Call L¢ anytime. 428-6386. (062093) Moving, Storage ree estimates. Resd,enual, Commercial, Industrial. Fh*en MAN with pick up truck will do DEL ZOTTO WOOD years experience in Durham S&B Drvmg School. 3 lessons odd lobs. Clean ups. deliveries, Region. All jobs guaranteed. Phone K.A.C. 427-7412 a and lost. $75.10lessons. S150. windows. etc 426-6907. FENCING Call 287-3060. (TF) (062093) Specializing in Residential Electrical S.C.G. Construction Ltd. - F«,ces a Decks, Drilled Services exterior and Interior Holes and Set Pmts, Phone 723-1469 anytime. y WINDOWS - great pricee on renovations, renovations, repairs, additions. For Free Estimates Call ELECTRICAL P r ob I e m s ? desprvEuild bars and cabinets' All workmanship guaranteed (416) 283-38U Office Licensed Ontario Electricwks. and insured. Contact Gary 839- 40S.6456 Mobile ree estimates. Resd,enual, Commercial, Industrial. Fh*en 0984 (062493) ARTISTIC Masmary - speoaluz AJAX Mov,-g S fs's-s ','I years experience in Durham ces HANDYMAN - Quality nonce ing in fireplaand ch'""ch'""piano and s•rvio*s. moves, apPha'tit Las rate specialists. e or Region. All jobs guaranteed. Phone K.A.C. 427-7412 a ,a„p„atons of repair. Ailtypes repairs. Works with bricks. of electrical, plumbing, bis and stones of at iunds. hourly. We now have heated 9 43641594. (1)62593) carpentry, drywall. decorating. Free estirnat*s, workmaall , units. Now filen tree boxes wtn move Cal 427- Gardening, etc Reasonable with guaranteed. Call Rai Gervais, 6684428. 0005,(TF) references. Small )obs wek;on+s. (TF) --- Landsca in P' Phone 723-1469 anytime. y WINDOWS - great pricee on HARRY -O -THE -MOVERS - Horne •^•tgy efficient Alan replace- move t>g or sma�,. we or co GARDNER'S len rovementS ment windows. Amber!ea there apt Fym e selates, senor discount shon notice moves TOP SOIL ANDMANURF, P Wstdows.939-5281 (062390) pianos moved. Comoarable GRAVEL, CRUSHED ates. CAN 432-2850. (TF) DAVE'S PAINTING IRAN wth ruck and/or mer *or TREE PLANING a REMOVAL •Interior / Exterior •Quality Work all yo., - -w,rg n**Qe, pieces to rs b,dger Specw for CtEAPROPERTY •Affordable Prices your rates 301ry+t• try Do !he b*sr MANTENANCE �p� p -/ Free Estimates 686-8512 �' ;owr.- Gyve Peso a awl at 576 95M iTFALL) LANDSCADRIVEWAYS DRYWALL, taping, boarding, YEN wdh argil truck w'I do FREE ESTIMATM sway stucco, plaster spars. OUAUTY work by father and nouseno d move. 1e64ent al. CALL ROY For prolessona) silence at Corr► son loam. Well experienced. comr^srekal. All nypss d moves. Aiss 428-5700 Detltine prkea, ca" Bill at 432- hard worK,ng. Renovations, Call Carl or Jane. 427-2856. 8409. M62SOM additions. decks. etc Cal us for (TF) IV. JOURNEYMAN electrician. a free estimate 57;-1263 Bit or U. Oshawa (TFALL) PalnUng, n servra sic ng changes. 1.+dseyr4y 9.a. rewiring. additions, and Decorating Warrtalree renovations. All work SABER Contracting - all ,Estate - Call" -C*` guaranlaed. free sstxnal*s. Cal carpentry, add t ons. IlaiMafirtllkaiaN 4 *Qo• Rf�) renovations, k ,cnen*. PROIFESSICifilwait kL ming and jag' Nndai=mag SPOONConstructioConstruConstructionrun Ltd. serv- bsthroonka- none rrwkesnanos � � 9 Onrn� Rs<k mor Durham Region for t 7 years, emergency servra, furniture w, Iowa housrates. No job's too small. Qua" ypw�l,rrQ,r� Additions, sundedks, patio refinishing. Quality work workmanship guaranteed Call Doors, roc room, *tc. Free guaranteed. 15 years 43x2595. (TFALLi 11839-5349 saturates, all 1-416376.5700. etpvrkce. 6116'2915. (TFEFG) RABBIT wants work doing magic for children's parties and all occasions, have my own magician. Call Ernie, 668-4932. Private Tuitions, Schools IBMICOMPATIBLE tutor available. Fluent in Turing BASIC, Wordperfect. DOS. windows. Novell, Norton Utilities. PC took. Quick Dos and more. system set-up also available. Call Adam. 686-1898, Plumbing Journeyman Plumber No orb too sial - Faucets. showers, basement washrooms, slat bars. etc. Any renovation or adds on. Daytime 4271174, Horns 427 MM Ads for Tom CALL 8 SAVE PLUMBING 8 RENOVATION Drar dearmg. repairs & new rstallati ns. Basement washr00rns. ceramic tile. :;mm" Rales ESdmates. 22 yrs. a t;iwerlce Lxa xed. 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