HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA1993_06_11RED ROSES $99 $9y U.,s,1 & �{1 I CARRY R7 lid 619-R Friday, June 11, 1993 I I Pickering Edition C' NCE $2999To $3999 N coin ! mmcw irs ADYERTisER %nal11�TIE SHOE BOX Aerosahom 00MI to i 831-7009 A Metroland CorYwnunity Newspaper Pressrun 35,000 51 C + 40 GST = 55 cents Vol. 112 No. 24 1 Area whl*te s ripped t~. By JOAN RANSBERRti' Metropolitan Toronto Police and Ontario Mall assistant manager Brian MacKeigan Durham Staff Provincial Police, applauds a local couple for says the Heritage Front did not have permis- DtiRHAM - A white- separatist group going public with their disdain over two sion to distribute its material on mall proper - opening a Durham chapter Sunday is calling pieces of literature found on their property ty. lie left a telephone message with the on "Euro -Canadians" to rise up and demand Friday. group, warning it'll be fined if further materi- the country slam the door on immigrants. Len and Joan Skelton discovered Heritage al is left there. While the Heritage Front gears up for its Front material on their Oshawa lawn and on Mrs. Skelton, executive director of the inaugural meeting at a private home, a police their truck parked at the Oshawa Centre. Social Development Council of Ajax -Picker - detective is appealing to Durham residents to Heritage Front member and Oshawa resi- ing, says Heritage Front "is targeting youth" show the group "zero tolerance". dent Kenneth Barker says he organized the by distributing literature on a Friday night Det. Pat MacVickar, spokesperson for the literature blitz at the shopping centre over the Hate Literature and Pornography joint unit of weekend. YOU'RE INVITED TO THE BRIDAL AND FASHION EVENT OF THE YEAR: The Ajax -Pickering News Advertiser and Oshawa-Whit- bv This Week host the annual Bridal and Fasion Event of the Year at Parkwood Estate on Simcoe St. N. in Oshawa Sunday, June 13. The event runs from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m_ with a fashion show at 1 p.m. Admission is $5 in advance and S7 at the door. See the Wednesday. June 9 News Advertiser for ticket loca- tions. "It's an event no bride- to-be will want to miss," sa%s event organizer Heather McGivern. "Anyone involved in planning a wedding or interested in fashion trends for '93 should not miss this day." INSIDE NEW HOMES PULLOUT SECTION Regular features Letters ------------ 6 Sports. ................._..8 i Entertaiameat».......»..._ 12 Sincerely Yours.... -....__14 Billboard ____.14 Classified.... -..--_...-..._...19 `^; ---- 111 s - .s - z Championship form Jill Malbeuf of William Dunbar Public School in Pickering takes a giant leap toward the pit while competing in the long jump event at the Regional Elementary School Track and Field Championships at Oshawa's Civic Stadium on Tuesday. Malbeuf was the winner of the 11 -year-old girls' category with a leap of 3.95 metres. photo by A.J. Groen See LOTS...Page 3 'Supra Bandits' who taunted chasing cops charged here DURHAM - Two Ajax members of the "Supra Ban- dits" have been charged in a rash of robberies in which thieves used stolen Toyota Supras as getaway vc ' sometimes taunting pursuing police. Police believe the Supra Bandits made off with S2 million worth of cigareues and S1 million worth of cars in dozens of heists throughout southern Ontario dating back to March 1992. While none of the cars were stolen from Durham, police here suspect the Bandits hit at least four stores in the Region, including Pharma Plus Drugmart on Dixie Rd., Pickering, on Dec. 23, 1992. Group members have also been charged in the rob- bery of two stores in Whitby and one in Oshawa. In the latter on Nov. 30, 1992, two men were seen smashing the front door of 4 Guys Grocery on Ritson Rd. S. and fleeing in a black car around 4 am. The same day, OPP found a burning vehicle at the side of the westbound Hwy. 401 near Lakeridge Rd. on the Ajax - Whitby border. The car was a Supra reported stolen from York Region. Inside the burning vehicle were cigarettes and a sledgehammer. A search of the area failed to turn up the car's occupants. According to Metropolitan Toronto Police, the Ban- dits broke into stores in the early morning. Stolen Supras were sometimes spotted leaving the scene. but because they were travelling at speeds in excess of 200 kilometres per hour, cops deemed it too dangerous to chase them. On occasion, the suspect enticed police into a pursuit. When cops gave up the chase, the suspect would return to the area, find another police officer and attempt to initiate another pursuit, Metro police report. Eight men were arrested Tuesday in connection with See BANDITS—Page 2 :.Looking to meet that significant someone? Call Sincerely Yours at 686-5155 ve XX WHITES ROAD 831.8818 4201991 LIVERPOOL ROAD THEH( ' THRILL DECAD HO�1Er:,e2 w L — - , M (M1f �ffaalaaVl I+MfIMI� YHI.� 'J� I Wlala�,I,Itlflal.. l.l.AI:,f ri ff►rt 1 I t -t. 4 t.tAAAA-at64614L!41►f0 PAGE 2 -TRE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, JUNE 11, 1993 Storm scores a knockout in area AJAX-PICKERNG - The tor- rential storm which whipped through here Wednesday is being blamed for a multi -car pile-up and power outages in some areas. Ajax and Pickering "were hit worse than anv other areas in the Region," reports Durham Regional Police Staff Sergeant Sandv Rvrie. Power failures and heavy rain caused a multi -car accident at Harwood Ave. and Falby Ct. in Ajax around 9:05 p.m. when a traffic light there began flashing amber. A car travelling southbound stopped at a flashing amber light and was rear-ended by another vehicle, which was in turn rear- ended. Several people were treat- ed at the Ajax -Pickering General Hospital for minor injuries. Ajax Hydro general manager Axel Starck says, -We had a fair bit of fun" because of the storm. About 4,000 Ajax homes and businesses were left in the dark after lightning strikes. Power was out for about 1,500 customers from 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. after lightning struck a hydro substation on Monarch Ave. A second outage left about 2,500 customers without power, in some cases for more than two hours, in Pickering Village, Westney Heights and the Apple - croft subdivision at Harwood Ave. and Hwy. 2. A suspected lightning strike at a substation at the corner of Rossland Rd. and Harwood, is being investigated. "We have no reports from the public. Techni- cians are felting it apart„ to deter- mine the cause, Mr. Starck says. Power went out around 9:30 p.m. and was restored to all areas by midnight. Ajax Hydro workers were also busy late Wednesday and early Thursday rerouting power to Picketing. No customers in Ajax were left without power because of the rerouting, he says. Meanwhile, hundreds of resi- dents in south Pickering were without power for up to five hours. Three separate areas of the Bay Ridges community lost power around 8 p.m. Crews worked most of the night to repair wires downed by fallen trees . - ! a • t . e e • s + • ♦ ♦ , GMC Woman escapes gunpoint confinement PICKERING - A 19 -year-old Pickering woman managed to escape after being forced into a car at gun- point Tuesday night. The woman was walking at the Hub Plaza at 1725 Kingston Rd. when an acquaintance "forced her into his car at gun- point." says Durham Regional Police Staff Sgt. Sandy Ryrie. "Ile held a gun to her head." Police won't divulge a possi- ble motive. The woman managed to escape and called police from a store at the plaza. Police continue to investi- gate. — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — - 1 The Place TRY OUR 1 1 - SUBS FOR SUPPER! 1 1 COUPONS NOT VALID ON DELIVERY 1 1 1 Where Fresh Is The Taste 1 1 FREE SUB ; 1 With the purchase of any 2 subs of equal or greater value. LIMIT ONE COUPON PER VISIT • EXPIRES JUNE 15, r93 1465 8"St. 705 Kinston Rd. 1340 Kingston Rd. 1 (At W"Iney Rd.) (At Whites Rd.) (At Liverpool Rd.) \ 1 AJAX PICKERING PICKERING 686.7757 420.9911 931 -SUBS 1 a — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — /MmIll: h /_� ►ITI N�I1 �� 1 /�a �YJa YOUR PERFORMANCE DEALERS DELIVER VAN VALUE! X 115 9 0 NO CHARGE OPTION PACKAGE' • Captain's Chairs • Two-tone Paint • Rally Wheels • Deep Tinted Glass FEATURESI PACARAIAW CKAGE I# I ROARR XL 631A I VOY PACKAGE PGER WITH ACKAGE 4 3 Lnre V6 Engine Not Avaliaote 8 Passenger Seating Capacity be 4 -Wheel Ana -ba Brakes 4/ Air Condpornng Cruse Contro, 6/ TO Steenng 4/ - Fabnc Protector Ve AM/RN Stereo With Cassette 6/ 24 Hour Roadside Assstance V Interior SPae (Seats Removed) ✓ 151.8 cu ft Not Avatlat* Not Avaliaote Not Avatlabie Not Allaaaole Rear Wheel ABS Oniy Extra Charge ✓ NOW WE BRING YOU THE Extra Charge Extra Charge,� GMC LUXURY Extra Charge Extra Charge Extra Charge Extra Charge EDITION Extra Charge Extra Charge Not Auatla* Not hr�lable 1355 cu 1 115.9 cu ft FOR THIS a��Y 7,995���ed'`�� limflAimplv �1,1 almaw.1,10M e itiaee0 on 48 moron Kase era capty core b it9.t77 (q Some mkape corlOreans appy 24 and 36 mmth contracts arx ava'UDk See leak+ to, dna,is price for Salan. SLa equip as dexnped �nc4am rmgm IVW) ucence msurarlu GST and orfler lakes nag ncWed Otkrs apply to tM ner and unused a demonstrator +codas oc a+ned for etad Oeu+ery +.um dealer imtniory dealer may abed, ase fog of s 250Offca n back cto Cao back incl customers GST Dory Tnesc meed time utk s may not De co r O rled M used n comDnat on •+IA eery Dena brief eacep me CWkge G aduatt program See your pamnpatmq dealer for curnplete oaAls •Some man a mese no merge operons eincleS may cl altiUDk on conpNdrvC Vnly . "Card 4r oypon pae..aW aeras Whit Duel on manufacturer c W trKI etAtyes0 Dpc!e�d seW, yM . . . : . lots of interest in Heritage Front here: founder FROM PAGE 1 when "so many young people„ are at the movies. Heritage Front founder Wolf- gang Droege says People opposing his group are "usually the ones with something to lose or they're liberals like the media." One of the brochures reads, "Calling Euro -Canadians. I.istett 10 the voice of racial reason" It then invites readers to call the Heritage Front's 24-hour hotline at 693- 2298 to hear a message. Tuesday's hotline message advised students to have "whites - only" and `•blacks -only'. proms. There's "a great deal" of local interest in the Heritage Front, says Mr. Droege. "We get a bad rap from the media, but people quite often change their mind when they meet us." A tribunal in Toronto is current- ly dealing with the hotline mes- sages, stresses Det. MacVickar. And, Mr. Droege will face a judge this summer charged with con- tempt of court in connection with the tribunal, she adds. The Skeltons found the second piece of literature as offensive as the fust It carries this message: "Are you tired of your tax dol- lars being wasted to subsidize anti - white discrimination, welfare rip- offs, third world immigration and multicultural programs that just don't work?" Under the Criminal Code, this material is not classified as hate lit- erature and therefore is not illegal, says Det MacViCkar. "Most racial groups are very Charity BBQ AJAX-PICKERING - M&M Meat Shops are once again doing their part to fight bowel diseases. Proceeds from the sale of hamburgers and hot dogs at M&M Meat Shops Saturday will help the'Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of Canada. The country -wide goal for M&M Meats' fifth annual chari- ty barbecue is S400,000, which would boost the amount raised since the event's inception to more than $1 million. All 122 M&M shops, includ- ing one in Ajax and one in Pick- ering, will take part in the barbe- cue. which runs from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. For a minimum donation of $1, people will get a hamburger or hot dog and a soft drink. The Ajax outlet is at 20 Har- wood Ave. S., one block south of Hwy. 2. CaU 428-2234. The Pickering store is at 1211 Kingston Rd., west of Liverpool Rd. Call 420-3223. smart. They know when to stop ... when not to cross the line," she says. Mrs. Skelton stresses she sup- ports freedom of speech and reserves the right to speak out against this material. "It is upsetting to think that dis- criminatory recruitment is taking place in our own community," she says. "We'd like to raise aware- ness...to allow for a counter view- point to this. We want it known that there are people who hold the view that our immigrants bring ethnic and cultural diversity which, of course, brings strength to the com- munity." Malka Rosenberg, of the Ontario Anti -Racism Secretariat, encourages anyone finding ques- tionable material to "notify the police immediately" In tum, cops are asked to call her office. '"Phis is the only way we can gauge how much is out axle." Mr. Skelton, who works in Pick- ering, says the best way to discour- age young people from being influ- enced by the Heritage Front is to get schools involved. Groups like the Heritage Front attract more people and more anen- tion when we have a struggling WELCOME BACK -ve> JOHN CHOLMONDELEY Automotive Service Manager R.D. Nicholson Ltd. - Canadian Tire Ajax is pleased to mnounce that John Cholmondeley has been appointed to the position of Automotive Service Manager. John's extensive krawtedge and experience in the automotive servioe business ensures customer satisfaction through personal integrity. owl Fr tRnaolan/ • . TIRE`/ HANDA'S RESTAURANT 9490 Sayly Street. Pickering THE BEST INDIAN FOOD 1N THE REGION • Chidtee Cwry wtlh Rice • Veg. or Non Vag. Thali • Own Bhathtlra • Kalhi Kebab • Bhel Pivi • Dahl Poori • Alu Pao • Alu Paralha • AND MUCH MORE Bring in this ad & receive a 10% Disowlt (Not valid on Take Out or Delivery) 420-4800 HOURS: Mon. • Fri. 6 a.m. • 9 Pan.; SSL 9 San • 6 Pan.; Sun. 11 aan • 6 Par► economy, says Mr. Skelton. "In this economy, people feel threatened so they target immigration. They think the immigrants are taking their jobs away." There's a similarity between the Heritage Front and white supremacist groups springing up in Europe, he contends. "We need to fight this before it develops into a major problem here " But Kenneth Barker says the group is not white supremacist. "No way. We're white separatists." Mr. Barker charges Det. MacVickar is promoting violence and hatred. "I'm not breaking any laws. Ilow is she going to take me off the street? She'll have to do it physically. That's violence." The Heritage Front wants Cana- da to slam the door on immigrants. "We should shut the doors and get people here back to work. This applies to all immigrants. Keep them out until the problem, the eco- nomic problem, is fixed," says the 31-yearold. Durham Regional Police Staff Sgt. Sandy Ryrie says only a couple of copies of the material were hand- ed over to cops on the weekend. THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, JUNE 11,1993 -PAGE 3 Shop the News Advertiser :for the best bargains DELIVERY SERVICE WATCH FOR THESE INSERTS b FLYERS COMING TO YOUR DOOR WITH YOUR NEWS ADVERTISER CARRIER TODAY AND IN THE DAYS AHEAD FRIDAY, JUNE 11193 NEWS ADVERTISER (AJAX/PICK) CANADIAN TIRE (AJAX,PICK.) MAXI DRUG (AJAX) ONTARIO LOTTERY CORP. (AJAX/PICK.) PLIJMBNNG MART (A"VICK.) SEARS (AJAXf1CK) SHARON BAGOT HERBAL LIFE (AJAX) I ' Dadvend to s ' led houwmift oriq SUNDAY, JUNE 13/93 NEWS ADVERTISER (AJAXPICK) • A&P (PK:K.) AJAX HOME WEEK (AJAX) CANADIAN TIRE (PICK_) DOMINION (AJAXIPIGC) FOOD CITY (AJA)0 FOOD TOWN (AJAX,PICK.) IGA (POCK,) K MART IAJAXPICK ) LOBLAWS (AJAXPICK MIRACLE FOOD MART(AJAXPICK ' SAV -A -CENTRE rP)CK , SUBWAY ' AJAX:' SUNWIN PICK FRIDAY'S CARRIER OF THE WEEK IS JASON LESLIE Jason enjoys bike ndrr+g, sw:n, rxg. hocKey b oasebau Jason received McDonald's couaors conduren5 of the News Adver�sw. CongraL aeons Jason 'or oe rg our Friday carer of the week. Ajax/Pickering r OMMRI 1A •;:�lq.cc•c It •strut w 11.1.9! 1 %L4e1'P%%V0A 4N it, AH'i PAGE 4 -THE NEVVS ADVEW171= FRIDAY, JUNE 11, 1M Toss your briefcase and win S500 AJAX-PICKERING - Have you ever felt like just tossing your briefcase? Now you can, and you might win $500 in the bar- gain. The Pickering Town Centre will host its first-ever Father's Day Loonie Briefcase Toss from Saturday, June 12 to Sunday, June 20. You don't even have to be a father to enter. The grand champion will win a "briefcase" contain- ing 500 loonies and 25 finalists will receive briefs. Contestants will pay a S1 entry fee, which will be donated to the Big Brothers Association of Ajax -Pick- ering, and will qualify for final rounds by shooting seven baskets in one minute. Qualifying rounds will be Hot Dog Fest aids hospital and dying kids AJAX-PICKERING - A Hot Dog Fest Sunday will aid the Ajax - Pickering General Hospital, cancer research and the Children's Wish Foundation. Hosted by the Metro East Trade Centre during its regular Sunday Flea Market- the Hot Dog Fest fea- tures Schneider's "Red Hot" dogs for S1. Buy one and proceeds will go to the Sunnybrook Medical Cense cancer research fund Or, buy a package of 12 Red Hots for S 1, and proceeds will be donated to the Ajax -Pickering Hos- pital's Lifelong Friends bed cam- paign and the Children's Wish Foundation. The Hot Dog Fest will be held at the outdoor barbecue area Also planned are helicopter and midway rides. The flea market operates from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. inside the trade cen- tre, Brock Rd and Hwy. 401, Pick- ering. Obituaries JONES, Richard - Entered into rest at the Ajax -Pickering Hospital on Monday, June 7, 1993. Rick Jones, loving brother of Pat and her husband Bill Howitt Dear uncle of Derrick, Kathleen, Wade and Kim. Chapel prayers Friday, June 11 at 1 p.m. at McEachnie Funeral Home, 28 Old Kingston Rd, Ajax (Picker- ing Village), 428-8488. Interment Resurrection Cemetery, Whitby. Donations to the York County Hospital, Newmarket, would be appreciated by the family. "Our heartfelt thanks to Constables Gor- don Fleming and Steve Banks of 24 Division for all their help during a trying time. We would also like to express our gratitude to Joe Moody of Moody's Motel for mak- ing a difficult time easier during the passing of Rick Jones." VAN NUS, Engelina • Peace- fully on Tuesday, June 8, 1993. Engelina Van Nus, wife of Hank. Loving mother of Walter, Doff, Paul, Marion Virnent and Audrey Morgan. Beloved Oma of David, Mark, Enn, Matthew. Jamne, Car - n na, Moo W Vinare, Sean Vlnent and Aidan Morgan. Services wee hell June 10 in the chapel of the Accettorne & Lodge Perusal Home, Ajax. htlermatt Pine Ridge Ceme- tery. Donations to the Canadian Caner Society would be appreciiat- ed. M BEER & WINE AT HALF PR held June 12 and 13 from now to 4 p.m. and Jane 16 to 18 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. But, beginning in the semi-final rounds, contestants will have to adapt their style and toss a specially - designed briefcase into a hoop. Semi-finals will be held Saturday, June 19 and grand finals go Sunday, June 20. Contest organizers, dressed in referee and cheerlead- er garb, will help semi-finalists and grand finalists dress the part with loonie business jackets, ties, pants, sus- penders and hats. Perrier Canada Ltd. will provide complimentary samples of its new "Dads" soft drink to participants on each day of competition. For more information, call 683-7171. STOP IN AT VIDEO GAME JUNCTION WHILE VISITING THE PICKERING VILLAGE FESTIVAL ON JUNE 12, 13, 14! SUPER NNW V'e MOVI A PIC LUE�t L. Greatest Tales A�aiiaD1e For nIILABLE 1_GW Mi a>E3_ ..kiA o < cl z 0�1 ocemKe.1s. �C saa� c Ofne ana lheck I .�� '� ABC ' . "' +E MOT NEW Gt'.b:' ..TIE COMM. IN JLV ■.7r SIS - - NR n1E END OF + AEIL AS BURST FOR SUPER NE ur Sega CO' 9 1 -MEN MARosALL 10 --LRA �FRMIMATOR WHEEL OF sUVEA COOL SVOT Mockev 17 FORTUNE 0" 110" tttlltY xrce.Nx 'y�� �Gs_iYlE ;J 613 KING<m\ RC)AD WEST (PICKERI\G VILI At fl, AJAX (416) 619-9043 I adent3helle, AS pa WOMEN'S HEALTH CLUBS Designed Exclusively for Women • open 7 Days a Week • Lm-ycks • Whiripoolls • Open 24 holies a Day • One-On-Oue PleesomGxed • Rebudi W Saunas • 60 Aerobic/Seep Reebok programs • Free Day -caro (]asses WCOW • NuIrkional tosbuctiou • Free Parking • Stair manses • Taming Beds . ... and couch mole. ENJOY OUR EXCITING AEROBIC CLASSES & TRY OUR EXHILARATING STEP REEBOK! J 40 1 ra V4 400 VV ALSO SPECIAL$ CORPORATE RATES.1 FOR ONLY STUDENT ONLY S99 FOR 3 MONTHS PER A400MTH offer oxpirws Am 25,1993 77 59 Wasfney Road lt11,,,w Yr ,N !r• Y • Y,•1rR Y. 1N♦...1..1 Y ro 1M 40 7w1 It Yrs A•,r "y,r V sea-sfN ni%sans sus -assn ass-s:a: sss-assn sat-snss sar.:,sr -- - - - - - - - - - - - - r - - - - - - - - - --- - - THIS CERTIFICATE THIS CFAMF KATE ENTrTL" THE aEARER r ENTITIES THE NEARER TO YNLNMITED USE OF ANY I TO YNUMITED Use OF ANT SIA MADEMOISELLE svA FACILITY FOR TWO WEEKS r FACILITY FOR TWO WEEKS ASSOLYTELY FREE OF CHAROE I AEISOLNTSLY FREE OF CHARdE fRTNE>si COV PON F�TNEiS COVPON W yar7Waeaalad in MYOIIoYcnbDm TN -day g0a Some etrOm>N rru 1sI ecafte. WE :TE.rh-Z1 ZIANC Western Ranch Manufacturers of Quality Hand Crafted Western Boots 1t�i1�i 11II • Variety of styles and colors • Guaranteed workmanship • Competitive prices • Custom orders 487 Westney Rd. S. at Clements 428-1787 PIT '11� HOUR Mon. - Sat. 9-6 Tease recycle this newspaper An elegant dining experience awaits you at the Lord Byron restaurant on Kingston Rd. in Pickering. Lord, urcn Seafood 8 Spsakhouse Elegant restaurant offers Ane dining at its test By Beverly McFarlane Fine dining is alive and well in Durham Region. Lord Byron Seafood & Steakhouse is the optimum example of what a fine dining restaurant should be. Located at 1725 Kingston Rd. (east of Brock Rd.) its specialty - as you might expect - is seafood and steaks; and it has had a good five years to establish itself and prove that it delivers what it promises. Elaine and Niki, who manage the restaurant say without hesitation that they have "the best restaurant in the Toronto - Durham area." The ambience is decidedly romantic. It is decorated in soft pastel ilorals, with just the right mix of brass, soft lighting, ornate chandeliers and assorted accessories that speak volumes Of the thoughtful design artistry that has gone into the restaurant. On Fridays and Saturdays the sounds of the piano in the centre of the dining room brings music to your dining Pleasure. Clients have full view and may dance if they wish. The fully licensed restaurant comfortably seats 135 people. and is run as a family affair. Popular for both lunch and dinner, some favorites on the menu include chateaubriand. veal and chicken oskars, prime rib, and of course, the ultimate in quality steaks. If dessert is your weakness, there's cheesecake, hot apple fritters served with ice-cream, or your choice of a number of other mouth-watering delicacies. The management will be offering a new light appetite menu. Hours of operation start at 11 a.m. Mon: to Fri. Lunch is served from 11:30 a.m. on; dinner from 5 p.m. to closing - Dinner can be served as late as 10 p.m. weekdays, 11 p.m. on Fri. and Sat. Lord Byron is open for dinner only on Sat., and closed Sun., except for special occasions. Group bookings for such events as anniversaries and engagements are regularly accommodated. For more information, or to make a reservation to discover a truly fine dining experience, call 686-7000. , THE MEWSADVF,RMER FRIDAY, JUNE IL 1"3 -,PAGES aI a 'I 1h W I I I I , i IN =-A 11LITil .JUNE 12 AND 13, 1993, S DAYS ONLY! STARTS 8:30 A.M. SATURDAY! WHILE QUANTITIES LAST! WOMEN'S 100'x. COTTON SNORT -SLEEVE SWEATER 1197 Ea. Only 100 per store STOCK UPI MEN'S JOCKEY" UNDERWEAR SELECTEDSWISS 2 9.9 ly 100 per store BOYS' SELECTED SNORT -SLEEVE T-SHIRT'S SIZES 8-16 4!'atly 100 r store RESIN SMOKING CHAIR UAW 4 PER CUSTOMER 3 881* 100 SUNLIenT''" LAUNDRY DETERQENT OL "I% LY .4U"* 6 per cuswffw SATURDAY SALE PRICES IN EFFECT SAT. ONLY, WHILE QUANTITIES LAST CASHMERE BATHROOM TISSUE 8 -ROLL PACKAGE '49 Pkg. Limit 6 per customer SELECTED SECRET' HOSIERY IN 3 SIZES 1 EACH MEN'S SILK BOXER SNORTS ASSORTED COLORS SIZES 35-40 499 Ea. omit 3 per customer MEN'S BROOKS• FLEECE CREWNECK TOPS IN ASSORTED COLORS 999t2 per customer MEN'S VVES MARLIN FASHION BRIEFS SIZES 32-36-40 '49 _ Ea. Limit 6 per customer Sale prices in effect until Sunday, June 13, 1993, unless otherwise indicated, while quanoes last. ,50)`.E/A/RoP5 Expect morefrom Sears gn SHOP SEARS PICKERING TOWN CENTRE FRI` �y � � .r � . ra. A r «ora- s•.i ...� � b. u:. : LnRSs2'rr �`44*�.r. Y�i.+i�►Y:�+.�L�.. ~ i i = ,50)`.E/A/RoP5 Expect morefrom Sears gn SHOP SEARS PICKERING TOWN CENTRE ...,. � . , � � � .r � . ra. A r «ora- s•.i ...� � b. u:. : LnRSs2'rr �`44*�.r. Y�i.+i�►Y:�+.�L�.. ~ i i = j , , 1 !� �1 � !1 � �I _' O e] PAGE f -THE NEM ADW"MM FRIDAY, JUNE 11,19" A• ax -Pickering News Advertiser Editorials/Letters J A Metroland Community Newspaper published every Wednesday. Friday and Sunday TIMOTHY J. WHITTAKER. Publisher 130-132 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ont. LIS 2H5 JOANNE BURGHARDT, Editor-in-chief Newsroom - 683-5110 Distribution - 683-5117 Retail Advertising - 683-5110 Classified - 798-7672 GREG COATES, Managing Editor FAX - 683-7363 National Advertising Sales - 493-1300 Real Estate* Automotive Advertising - 798-7672 HUGH NICHOLSON, Advertising Manager Member of the Ontario Community Newspaper Association BRUCE DANFORD, Retail Sales Manager Member of the Ontario Press Council ABE FAKHOURIE, Distribution Manager Fight today for unity tomorrow cl(xr.D , W11r The irony of the arrival of the racist Heritage Front in Durham Region isn't lost on anybody. At a time when the Multicultural Council Oshawa/Durham is emerging as a unifying force in local / r = __ communities, an opposing force is trying to sink roots in clear con- trast. - Heritage Front, the group founded by Wolfgang Droege, is com- mitted to building new racial barriers in place of those that are W� finally beginning to fall. / Sadly. Heritage Front will enjoy a measure of success in recruit- / ing and teaching its hate propaganda to a minority of people in Durham Region. But it's up to the rest of us who envision a tolerant community which measures people by their deeds -- not by their skin color or religious beliefs -- to fight the regressive hate policies of the Her- stage Front. The propaganda distributed by the group is sophisticated. The j true message is disguised in tame and seemingly rational language. but lies there nonetheless. And it clearly speaks out against any �/ o non-white group or individual. The fight against this group must be at the grassroots level and on their terms: calmly, rationally and in a sophisticated manner. The Multicultural Council can counter the literature with their own illustrating the long-term aims and benefits of tolerance and - /- racial unit}. Durham Region schools have vast resources to make students ------_ �/ aware of the hate that motivates groups like the Heritage Front. Stu- dents themselves are more sophisticated than ever and can coliec- - - - — -- , tively fight the group's movement on a local level, on their own terms. It's a fight that will be worth waging. Because we all stand to 3 lose if the Heritage Front succeeds in Durham Region. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Win-win situation 4" To the editor, Re: Pickering at a Turn- ing Point (May 16, 1993). I would like to publicly commend Tom Quinn, director of community ser- vices and facilities in Pick- ering, for his avant-garde approach to an old prob- lem. It is a definite step in the right direction to see the Town of Pickering, with Mr. Quinn's guidance, turn money-losing programs over to the private sector. As a resident in Whitby, I am impressed with this market-driven philosophy and eagerly await similar steps being taken in this and many other communi- ties. It is a well known fact that the taxpayers can little afford to pick up the tab for the $1 million it costs to keep the recreation centre operating. But, with Mr. Quinn's ingenuity, the peo- ple of Pickering have been given a win/win situation. Under this new program businesses will be given an opportunity to hire people and run programs; residents will continue to take recre- ational classes; revenues from private sector rent will be given to the recre- ation centre to off -set costs, and last, but not least, the poor taxpayer will be given a break Tom Quinn, I'd say you are definitely on to some- thing. I salute you. Jack Lambert, Whitby Thank you To the editor, I would like to thank the lady who kindly donated cookies, juice, and craft supplies to the Children's Living with Cancer Group, Canadian Cancer Society, Ajax Branch. Your donation is greatly appreciated. The Children's Group is run by trained volunteers who offer a peer support group for children affected in some way by cancer. The group provides support and guidance in a friendly atmosphere for these chil- dren. Again, thank you for your donation; generosity and community support is essential for these groups to survive. Linda James, Convenor, Children's Living With Cancer Group, Canadian Cancer Society Have your say • who do you think will emerge from this weekend's Conservative leadership convention • as our new prime minister? }Q Y;_ Grant Giskin says, "Chanes:. In the beginning a lot of people thought that Kim would win, but now Charest will win." Bill Oakman says, "Charest, but Kim had a very good chance at the beginning." John Tracey says, "Charest. He is stable, Kim is not doing well under the pressure." John McAdam says, "My guess is Charest because he's got the support of Joe Clark." ABOUT US The News Advertiser wel- comes letters to the editor on topical issues, controversial matters and anything else of interest to our readers. We reserve the right to edit letters for style, length and legal rea- sons and to withhold letters deemed not fit for publication. All letters must include your full name, address and phone num- ber for our information. Letters can be mailed or dropped off at the News Advertiser, 130 Com- mercial Ave., Ajax, Ont. L1S 21-15 or sent by FAX to 683- 7363. Metroland Printing, Publish- ing and Distributing group of suburban newspapers includes: Ajax/Pickering News Advertiser, The Aurora Banner, Barrie Ban- ner/Advance, The Brampton Guardian, The Burlington Post, The Collingwood Connection, The Etobicoke Advertiser/Guardian, The Georgetown Independent.) Kingston This Week, Lindsay This Week, Markham Economist and Sun, The Milton Canadian Champion, The Mis- sissauga News, The Newmar- ket Era, Northumberland News, North York Mirror, Oakville Beaver, Oshawa -Whitby This Week, Orillia Today, Peterbor- ough This Week, The Rich- mond Hill/Thornhill/Vaughan Liberal, The Scarborough Mir- ror, The Stouffville/Uxbridge Tri- bune, Today's Seniors. Second class mail registra- tion number 1897. Mail sub- scription rates in Canada: 1 year, $70 per edition. The publisher reserves the right to classify or refuse any advertisement based on his sole discretion. �...... ,.+:row• Local ballet dancers take t PICKERING - Students of the Pickering School of Ballet will take the stage in a Toronto show this weekend. About 85 dancers from Ajax and Pickering will perform at the National Ballet's Betty Oliphant Theatre Sunday, June 13. The local dance students range in age from four to 18. Shows will be given at 3 p.m. and 6 p.m. and will include ballet, jazz, modern dance and perfor- mances by The Pickering Dance Company, a special troupe made up of 19 top performers of the Pickering ballet school. The latter group dances locally in seniors' • stage in Toronto homes and high schools and is The Betty Oliphant Theatre is planning an exchange trip to at 404 Jarvis St. and admission to France this summer. the show is $13. Students of a Toronto school For more information, call 699 - will also perform. 8566. Orchestra seeks new members DURHAM - Wind, brass and string musicians are being sought for a new community orchestra. The Pickering Philharmonic Orchestra made its debut with a gala concert in March, and is inviting Durham Region musi- cians to join the group. A premier concert is planned by the orches - tra in November, and season sub- scriptions are available. An open house for potential new orchestra members will be held Tuesday, June 22. For open house details, con- cert tickets or to volunteer in a non-musical capacity, call 686- 7531. THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, JUNE 11,1993 -PAGE 7 OF 14 . grand 2pening P Mary Minchin, Esthetician, in Ajax & Pickering for over 13 years together with Joe Haiabi a European Stylist bring you their world wide experience to LATTOUF BEAUTY THERAPY & HAIR DESIGN NOW OPEN IN PICKERING We invite our old clients and welcome our new ones MEM& 30M S041ORS With purchase goldwell SPECIALS conditioner receive FREE FRE MANCURE •eo with FACIAL '—Z Lattouf Beauty `ZWerapy OPEN MONDAY TO SATURDAY and Mair Design 2072 Liverpool Rd. (north of Finch) 42_6239 MAPLE RIDGE PLAZA, PICKERING Saturday June 12, Noon Come and join us for a ribbon cutting with the Mayor, refreshments and a tour of our new facilitiAir es. Your child can do amazing things at FUTUREKi�s�,� At Futurekids At Futurekids, kids learn to do amazing - even im- possible - things. They solve mysteries, explore far corners of the Earth and beyond, build cities of the future and grow forests for starters. They can even save the world (using simulation technology). I I y N 1 W lti 4 1 Computer Literacy plus We put the power of computers to work helping kids build a solid foundation of fundamental learning skills, attitudes and knowledge; tools to empower their lives. And we stress the fun in fundamentals, so kids love to learn at Futurekids! III Great Teachers, 4 Kids/Group Futurekids teaches children from 3 to 12 in over 1,200 locations around the globe. Specially trained teachers and small classes - only 4 students per group - ensure that kids get lots of high quality individual attention and hands- on computer time. Keyboarding to Amimatiom & More Our computerized curriculum ranges from keyboarding and word processing to computer assisted math and reading; from graphics and desktop publishing to animation, ro- botics and much more. FUTUREK1 The Power to Empower sM Rougemount Centre, 376 Kingston Rd., Unit # 16 509wKIDS/5437 Sample the Magic, Free! Futurekids Learning Centers are magical places brimming with technology and excitement where we'll help empower your child for the future. Reserve your free introduction to the magic of Futurekids. There's no obli- gation, but enrollment is limited so please call now. Doty, PAGE 111-7HE NEWS ADVERTL U MWAY, JUNE 11,1"13 ' Friday p Silver s'ing for Angela Graham, but trackstar oin or gold By AL RIVE -17T have been happy with a top three ham was up against five competi- After that, she's off to the Cana- She'll compete in both the Sports Reporter finish in that field," says Graham. tors who'd been her teammates on da Games Trials in Ottawa on July 1,500 -metre and 800 -metre races at PICKERING - Dunberton High And, she shaved a the Canadian junior cross- 2. A fust or second -place finish in the junior nationals. Her OFSAA School's Angela Graham left just full four seconds of country team which compet- the 800 -metre or 1,500 -metre races time of 4:40.59 in the 1500 -metres about everyone eating her dust at her previous personal ed at the 1993 Junior World will qualify her to compete in the is expected to earn her a ranking of last weekend's provincial high best time in the 1,500- Cross -Country Champi- 1993 Canada Games in Kamloops, second best in the country in the school track and field champi- metre event as she fin- onships in Italy earlier this British Columbia Aug. 15 to 21. event. onships. ished it in four min- year. However, she'll be competing with Next year, Graham's high school Graham, 18, in her first year at utes 40.59 seconds, Graham's next major athletes up to 23 years of age. track competitors should be warned. the senior girls' level at the behind gold medalist competition is the Ontario Her big test of the outdoor track She has another year of OFSAA eli- Ontario Federation of Schools Natalie Cote of Hill- Invitational Track and Field season is the Canadian Junior gibility as she'll be entering OAC at Athletic Association (OFSAA) crest school in Toron- Meet in Kitchener June 19. National Track and Field Champi- Dunbatton High School in the fall. Track and Field Championships, to. Running against top athletes onships in Sherbrooke, Quebec July And, at next year's OFSAA finished with the silver medal in In both the 1,500 -from across the province, 9 to 11. There, she'll be joined by Track and Field Championships, the 800 -metre and 1,500 -metre metre and 800 -metre Graham will compete in the the country's best athletes 19 years she won't be satisfied with silver, races. races at OFSAA, Gra- Angela Graham 1,500 -metre race. of age and under. she'll be going for gold. Considering she was going tip against some of Ontario's best ath- letes and the inclement weather made for horrendous conditions Saturday, Graham is pleased with her performances in Oshawa. "I knew what the field was like. I knew we were all on par. I would Ball juniors own hot bats PICKERING - The Picker- ing Red Sox Re/Max junior rep baseball team had its bats booming in two recent winning efforts in Eastern Ontario Base- ball Association (SOBA) action. Playing at home against Lit- tle Britain on June 4, the Picker- ing juniors crushed their oppo- nents 12-1, with the game called after seven innings due to the mercy rule. Colin Cultass banged out a single and a dou- �.�� b1e with one RBI r r to lead the way offensively for Picker- ing. Dean Kirky had a single and two RBIs, while Chris Sere - da. Shane Moore, Kyle Tomlin and Trevor Robertson each had a single and an RBI. Dan Calderoni belted a solo home run, Marko Rantala and Chris Micheals each hit a single and a double. Walter Kwan stroked a single. Pickering buried Bow- manvilie 14-1 in another recent SOBA league encounter. Kyle Tomlin belted out two hits for two RBIs, while Shane Moore did some offensive damage with a single, double and an RBI. Mark Brown banged out a sin- gle and two RBIs, while Dean Kirky smacked a single and a triple for two RBIs. Marko Rantala and Chris Micheals each had a single and an RBL The Pickering Re/Max juniors boast a record of four wins and one tie so far in SOBA play, soaring 59 runs, while allowing only 21. CORRECTION NOTICE In our Sears, 'That's My Dad!! Father's Day, Sunday, June 20' flyer, electronics flyer insert, on page 8, the Sanyo Slimline stereo, #20282, is advertised incorrectly. This item does not feature auto reverse or 5 -band equalizer. The item should have been advertised with short wave, fine tuning and 110/220 volt operation. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused our customers. Beauty Sleep Cavalier Set S.12wwo 0. t0%0" D.• 19995 K. 41 V VV I.C.A. Supreme Comfort _ Single Set ............•s Double Set........._299" fi Queen Set........__339'� • SUITES • UNEN - FUTONS • CRIBS - ETC. ng For Business. AREHOUSE: _. le I L.A. BACKMASTER CHIROPRACTOR APPROVED CLEARANCE 12th ANNIVERSARY POSTURE SUPREME 660 Continuous Coil 504 Coil Orthoflex Single Set...............289" single set ....... »....... 169115 S. Matt. Only...........1 19941 Double Set..............349" Double Set .............. 329" D. Mau. Only ........... 15911'5 Queen Set...............419" Queen Set ............... 389" Single set ................ 179*9 King Set...................699" King Set.....................N/A Double Set .............. 22995 SAVE :5000 Kimberly ua" 169915 01~ Dmdft MOO BUNK 1W A20NE!RNM% • # • _ yam,,. Soft Side Waveless Tranquility Tube or Fantasia Shallow Fill Single _36906 Double .-----.4691015 Queen .....................499915 long -----.649115 TULIP ED oatb�s %,.- 906 Solid Pine 4 Poster WATERBED 27994 S.& %8!r 1K Springi or Foam Mattresses SINGLE DOUBLE 995 FUTONS D-Econo 'L' Frame ----- — with Futon 18995 7 a ; a 1.076 MOTO s •itwonft sums *so • PAN~ suns: it m529" • Carousel trw 79" • Sulfas of all 4" Frame �a 39991 599'; Todcll r Car Beals MM 99" 7 a ; a 1.076 MOTO s •itwonft sums *so • PAN~ suns: it m529" • Carousel trw 79" • Sulfas of all 4" Wanderers men thrash Markham in rugby action AJAX - The Ajax Wanderers men's over -35 rugby team past- ed Markham 27-0 in a game in Ajax Sunday. Russ Arbuckle did most of the offensive damage for the Wanderers, scoring three trys. Colin Rasmussen chipped in with two trys, while Andy Pat- terson added a convert. Meanwhile, the Wanderers club played host to an exhibi- tion match last Friday between the Welsh national women's team and the Ontario women's squad. The result was a 15-0 win for the Welsh team over Ontario. The Ontario squad featured seven members of the Wander- ers women's team — captain Caroline Werheid, De Harnett, Chandy Davis, Joanne Garner, Heidi Fischer, Charlotte Mathic and Gina Minutillo. Ll :10 Wanderers' Karl Svoboda played for Canada in a game against the English national team in Nepean, Ontario last Saturday. The Canadians lost 19-14. However, Canada defeat- ed England in a contest in Van- couver two weeks ago. ❑❑0 The Wanderers are starting a junior rugby program this sea- son. The club plans to field boys' teams in the under -19, under -17 and under -15 cate- gories. The first practice for the under -15 squad is Saturday, June 12 at 9:30 a.m. For more information, call Harry Craig at 777-0292. The under -17 and under -19 teams start practices on Mon- day, June 14 at the club at 6 p.m. For more information about these teams, call Karl Svoboda at 427-2871 or Floyd Williams at 686-2763. ❑❑0 All three Wanderers men's teams see action at the Harwood Ave. N. club Saturday. The Wanderers thirds play the Allis- ton Timberwolves seconds at noon, followed by a match between the Wanderers seconds and the Timberwolves firsts at 1:30 p.m. The final game of the afternoon pits the Wanderers firsts against the Toronto Scot- tish firsts at 3 p.m. P1eae recgcje lsIIe�DSPAer • Irim fW SII�eI': if you must leave your pet in the car for even a few minutes PICKERING - The Pickering Sport Togs novice girls' rep softball team continued its strong play with a 19-15 win over Barrie last week. The Pickering novices also posted a 15-9 win over Auro- ra at home. Stacy Kellough scored four times, while Tricia McKenty went 3-for4 at the plate, including a home run. Colleen Rasmussen made a fine outfield catch at a critical Q IQ 1) #00 THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, JUNE 11,199XPAGE 9 point in the game. Jennifer Kelleher and Colleen Baker were the winning pitchers. Team members are Colleen Baker, Andrea Douglas, Amanda Flanagan, Jennifer Harwood, Kelly Honsberger, Jennifer Kelleher, Stacy Kellough, Kirsten Koehl, Leann MacKenzie, Tricia McKenty, Rachelle Parent, Colleen Ras- mussen and Kim Wells. E 3-]3, 1993. I av 11 x INSTANT C L U R F _Nior,60FOS EXCEPTIONALLY HARDY CANADIAN GROWN ROSES Choose from climbers, Hybrid Teas, Floribundas, Grandifloras and Shrub Roses. 4 Chicago Prate. & 9 Reg. $11.99 3 SHERIDAN ROSE OF THE YEAR "LO UISANNA " A Hybrid Tea Rose, in a lovely clear medium pink. Excellent for cutting. Reg. $14. PARKWOOD GRUB AND CHINCH FERTIIMR Custom blended by Sheridan experts. EVERYDAY LOW PRICE $19.88, 9 kg. SAM 2/$33.86 17o PLANT > 10-52-10 Encourages plant growth. Reduces OW transplant shock for all plants. 5OOg Reg. $5.99AS s PARKWOOD GARDEN SOIL Naturally treated. Ideal for planting trees, shrubs and evergreens. 30 Lt bag. Reg. $2.48 OPFIq SHERIDAN PLUS MEMBERS (6o years and over) SUNDAX S 10% OFF Regular priced items only. Check our stores for many more extra specials! While quantities last. NURSERY STOCK SALE I 0 REGULAR PRICE EVERGREENS Such as our popular Nlugho Fine. 5 cm. Reg. $24.99 Webs E• REGULAR PRICE SHRUBS Such as our Golden \lock Change. 30 cm. SALE Reg. $14.99 I&49 • REGULAR PRICE TREES Such as our Sunburst Locust, 250 crn. Reg. $99.99 SM6%" • REGULAR PRICE PERENNIALS & VINES Such as our much loved Clematis Vine. Reg. $9.99 sm 7o" CI FOR OIIR 600� TEAR SPECIALS FOR 1VW DAY LOW PNM �I in the summer, leave the ■ windows open enough to allow ��� air into the car. In extreme ffie love of ensheat, take your pet with you. ♦ NURSER 1 E S pICKERING TORONTO UNIONVILLE MISSISSAUGA ETOBICOKE KITCHENER Kiri9church Nissan Home &Design Centre 282n Yonge St. 4077 Hwy. #7 606 Southdown Rd. 7W Evans Ave. 100 Elmsdale Rd NISSAN South of Lawrence West of Kennedy South of QE%k' at Sherway Gardens Elmsdale at Ottawa St. 686 t Brock Rd. & Hwy. 401 Toronto, Ontario Unionville, (>ntazio Mississauga, Ontario Etobicoke, Ontario Kitchener. Ontario Pickering, Ont. 428-6316 481 6429 477-2253 8L' 0251 621-9100 (519)743-4146 r r ! a 4'r -------------------- � � �'�3 rtf'!r'f�f'3`t 1-f"1 T. t:tT � t T.i:a :C T.� R�:�T.:: i"•T.� � �'R fit. t � Ztf:3't R'rF t'S :Y� �1 lfPf ri'ti "t�t17 *'f'�rt�. r a' .+ i J �t V ► � :! f : y`i: ■: ? .t ►' � r' �f .r In Fa A Sc, no add an sir irtc ou y3=" 1 hriva-t A 4:14- -{t'r -'7FfkC11J�k1r re -r 4W.a,,,py�,,,rp-..•rw+r �G�[^.c►'.F•.r.w;4•.r-rye��'.�'!►i'�ai♦<„�.aa.�...,.,,Rgr�w ..---.-,-•--•__-__._--►�-..-_.-_t.r.•��.rT-".... �.-�.�br•f..M��M•y���wr�T PAGE 10 -THE NZM ADVEWMER FRIDAY, JUNE 11, 19" Scoreboard PICKERING MEN'S SLO44TCH LEAGUE Assoc. 5 (LP Mike Serio; MVP Larry Haughton); Upper Deck 12 vs. Relics 4; Sweatsox 10 vs. PICKERING SOFTBALL ASSOCIATION 7. Plymouth ) 2 (MVP The Team- DIVISION STANOIMGS -- Pickering Pythons LEAGUE STANDINGSResults 1 1 0 Amandal• t 3 (P. Marko Gastia;MVP Pat Gisntondi) Antiques 9. for the week ending June As of June 7 2 A• of June 6 .A. 2 Lipper Deck 6 0 5 1 40 72 1 K. Monis, Sorgie Assoc. 13 (P. Mike Serio; MVP MAY 31 RESULTS PEEWEE BOYS' DIVISION Jansen) TEAM G W SCORES FROM JUNE 6 DIVISION TEAM G W L T Andre Charbonneau); Packard Bell 24 (WP Dick Dickson Angels 25 vs. Relics 5; Mariners 11 vs. Pickering Men's SID -Pitch 16 (MVP Matt vs. 15 Jason Moseley); Sport Togs Speedy Muffler 2 2 L T p 0 0 McGinnis Landing (et) 2 2 PTS 0 0 4 Sanoski; MVP Rob Flowers) K. Danns Place 10 Danny's Upper Deck 10; Mitis 8 Hadwin 12 vs. Sweatsox 2; LOEB (MVP Sportswear 15 (MVP Shawn Macintosh, Trevor Whites Rd. Petro -Can 2 1 4 0 1 3 Water Doctor 2 2 0 0 4 (LP Serge Tourigny; MVP Shag McMillan). TUCKER DIVISION STANDINGS Craftsmen 16 vs. Antiques 10. AJAX MEMS SLO-PITCH ASSOCIATION McMullen) vs. Pickering Men's Slow -Pitch 12 (MVP $Pon Togs Sportswear 2 1 0 1 3 Mudhen's (e2) 1 1 0 0 2 As of June 6 LEAGUE STANDINGS Chris Chappell); Durham Bailiff 6 (MVP The Team) Pickering Men's Slow -Pitch 2 1 t 0 2 Giants 1 1 0 0 2 TEAM GP W L T F A PTS As of June 7 vs. Century 21 - Linnie Brown 5 (MVP The Team); Durham Bailiff 2 1 1 0 2 Mudhen's (e1) 2 1 1 0 2 Trophy Factory 6 5 t 0 71 54 10 LABATTS BLUE DIVISION Whites Road Petro -Can 13 (MVP Graham Parey) Village Plymouth -Ajax 2 1 1 0 2 Climate Control Hag 8 AJC 2 1 1 0 2 Monkey Bard Grill 5 4 1 0 70 27 8 TEAM G W L T P vs. LOEB 11 (MVP Jeff Legassicke); Speedy Muffler Century 21 - Linnie Brown 2 0 2 0 0 Ray Ban 2 1 1 0 2 Stereo Den.'Belamy's 5 3 1 1 68 39 7 Harwood Rent -AN Raiders 4 4 0 0 8 29 (MVPs Shawn Kellan. Ryan Leeson) K. Village LOEB 2 0 2 0 0 Rumours 2 1 1 0 2 Ron Gordon-RO/Max 5 2 3 0 40 40 4 Pickering Marine Royals 4 4 0 0 8 Pickering Pythons 2 1 1 0 0 Film House 5 1 4 0 31 88 2 Cruisers 4 4 0 0 8 Saints 2 1 1 0 2 Lipper Deck 6 0 5 1 40 72 1 Steelers 4 3 1 0 6 Dennison 2 1 1 0 2 SCORES FROM JUNE 6 Renegades 4 3 1 0 6 Murderers Row 2 1 1 0 2 Trophy Factory 6 (WP Peter Martell; MVP Glen Saints 4 2 2 0 4 McGinnis Landing (e2) 2 1 1 0 2 McPherson) vs, Ron Gordon-Re/Mair Fast 3 (LP Ian Tana Business Systems 4 2 2 0 4 Village Plymouth 2 0 2 0 0 Anderson; MVP Bill Cooper); Trophy cactory 12 Knghthawks 4 2 2 0 4 Admar Fashion 2 0 2 0 0 (WP Peter Martell; MVP Bryan Vaillant) vs. Ron Rebels 4 1 3 0 2 Pickering Hardmen 2 0 2 0 0 Gordon-RetMax First 11 (LP b MVP Ian Anderson); Wood Group Gators 4 1 3 0 2 'B' DIVISION Monkey Bar 8 Grill 20 (WP Jeff Sawyer; MVP Rob Cardinals 4 1 3 0 2 TEAM G W L T PTS Farqueson) K. Upper Deck 5 (LP Steve Kenn; MVP Dannys Boys 4 0 4 0 0 In Due Tree 2 2 0 0 4 Stan Chomrak); Monkey Bar 6 Grill 6 (WP Jell Misfits 4 0 4 0 0 Mudhen's 2 2 0 0 4 Sawyer: MVP Gram HaNer,) vs. Upper Deck 0 (LP LABATTS BLUE LIGHT DIVISION Rumours 2 2 0 0 4 Bill Nash; MVP Glenn Kenn); Stereo DemSelamy's TEAM G W L T PTS Rumours Royals 2 2 0 0 4 15 (WP Shawn Richter; MVP Hugh Devine) vs. Film Harp b Thistle Martins 4 4 0 0 8 Mighty Ducks 2 2 0 0 4 House 2 (LP Frank Leone: MVP Ken Haas) Monkey Bar Nailers 4 4 0 0 8 Uniglobe Tn City Travel 3 2 1 0 4 FUTURE GAMES (Sun.. June 131 Second Storey Untouchables 4 3 1 0 6 Stallions 3 2 1 0 4 St. Patrick Pak: 1 p.m. Packard Bell vs. Monts Sor- Kerry Inn Resistors 4 3 1 0 6 AtMet cs 3 2 1 0 4 gic Assoc. (DH); 4 p.m. Mobile Paralegal vs. Dan- Royal Scot Slew riders 4 3 1 0 6 Melanie Pringles 2 1 1 0 2 nys Place (DH); 7 p.m. Coopers vs. Annandale. Coughlan Cougars 4 2 1 1 5 Pickering Toyota 4 Runners 2 1 1 0 2 Pearson Park 12 p.m. Stereo DeniSelamys vs. Upper Deck Manners 4 2 2 0 4 M0000s Bar 2 1 1 0 2 Monkey Bar (D10. 3 p.m. Ron Gordon-Rekaax vs. Seawowes 4 2 2 0 4 Bryden Landscapng 2 0 2 0 0 Film House (DH); 6 p.m Trophy Factory K. Upper Papps 4 1 2 1 3 Eastern Eavestrougn ng 2 0 2 0 0 Deck Upper Dock (M McLeod) 4 1 3 0 2 Ultramar 2 0 2 0 0 AJAX DUPLICATE BRIDGE CLUB Belamys 4 1 3 0 2 Gekkos 2 0 2 C 0 Results from .1 ,ne S. Upper Dock (Pau) Day) 3 0 3 0 0 HUN'S Hustlers 2 0 2 0 0 OPEN SECTION Monkey Bar Bulls 3 0 3 0 0 Stealers 3 0 3 0 0 NORTH -SOUTH Brickyard Bulldogs 4 0 4 0 0 'C' DIVISION Frank Laverty 6 She,:a :enset 60.9 %: Irwin AJAX WARRIORS SOCCER CLUB TEAM G W L T PTS Schwartz a June Partition 59.2%; Wyoren 8 Bea Results for the week ending June 10. Bay Socr-s 2 2 0 C 4 Hoogiand 53.1%: Ed Burgar d Jim Martell 52.3% UNDER -SEVEN GIRLS' DIVISION Royats 2 2 0 0 4 EAST -WEST Ajax Home Hardware t (Goal by Melissa Tataren. Glendale Production 2 2 0 0 4 Mallory Hamilton b David Sawicki 63.2%; John Bar- MVP Krystan Jones) vs. Blade Angus Freezer Bed S O L 2 2 C 0 4 ton d Mike Norman 58.1%; Evelyn Black 8 Dons t (Goal by Kimber Ford. MVP Meagan Long); Dick- Skapura Really 2 2 0 C 4 Opdenveloe 58.1%; Phyliss Burgan b John Cook son Priming 5 (Goals by Chelsea Wallace, Knstma 3R Collision 3 2 1 0 4 57.2%. McBride. Stephanie McDermott 3. MVP Crisis" Ball Junkies 2 1 1 0 2 NOVICE SECTION Amorm) K. McLean Hunner Cable TV o (MVP Emily Pams 2 1 1 C 2 Lynn Pappizzo b Heather Wailes 56 8%; Jackie Burn); Bums 8 Morison Insurance 2 (Goals by O'Tooves 2 1 1 C 2 Mollererte d Barry Walsh 55.7%; Gail Benson J, MichieNe Courismancre 2. MVP Jglai Cosy) K. J 6 Kartwonc 2 1 1 0 2 Barbara Corson 53.4% F Waste Systems 2 (Goals by Rachel Spears 2. Sultans of Swing 3 1 2 0 2 AJAX SENIOR MENS SLO-PITCH MVP Jiaian Poison); Sootlard 6 (Goals by Darm" St. Isar Jowes 2 0 2 0 0 LEAGUE STANDINGS (As of June fq Collins 2. Rebecca Hall -McGuire, Megan Nelson 2. lsott.'Savors Meats 2 0 2 0 0 TEAM GP W L T F A PTS Ashley Wass. MVP Rebecca Hall-McGurrN K. Mid - Rumours Best 2 0 2 0 0 Luker Deck 2 1 1 0 22 15 2 sown Photo 0 (MVP Stephanie Johnston). Hepcoe 2 0 2 0 0 The Nergnbour Hoods 2 0 2 0 0 '0' DIVISION TEAM G W L T PTS Dickson Ange+s 1 1 0 0 25 5 2 UNDER44HE GIRLS DIVISION Milk • Hadwnr 1 1 0 0 12 2 2 Attu Auto Parts 4 (Goals by Sheena Gibson 2. Brill - Crahsmee 1 1 0 0 16 10 2 rMy, Kennedy, Laura Mee) K. Robrlson Healing 2; Manners 1 1 0 0 11 10 2 Morton International 2 (Goats by Melissa Kellett, SALE Goldneme Canadar Tre 3 3 0 C 6 Sweatsox 2 1 1 0 12 21 2 Kelly Han) K. Eastern Eavestroughirq 0; Dickson MoneVine Broows-WhrMlgton 2 2 0 0 4 104- Armques 2 0 2 0 19 26 0 Prints 5 Goals by 2. Melissa Lindsay Blakey LAtls Germ Globe Ceder Marketplace 2 2 0 0 4 GlendalePA Ra 2 0 2 0 9 37 0 Phillips 31 vs. Medora's O" Hairstyling 0; Canada Trust � P Sxrvnons Mattress 3 2 i 0 4 JUNE 7 RESULTS 0 K. Cross Country Dorkns 0. 21.00 � hle 20.95 1 fo.a0 Euonynwe (1 9a1•) V1111irle9sbsd Bar* of kldntr.er 2 1 1 0 2 4.00 Ware"One, 2, 1 0 2 Place Gators 2 , 1 0 2 e THIS SUNDAY Maw-dae 2 0 2 0 0.- -.' JUNE 13th' n ,7Catchers 2 0 2 0 0 sda 2 0 z 0 o 11:00 A.M.• 8:00 RM.B,.ar GAME RESULTS Where Fresh is The Taste ci'"''^;c;�:':'�';v:'%� ''•r . ::::�"`::: �::.ry:::.:...:.:...::.. From Jun.6 'A DIVISION Murderers Row 6 K. Raybun 2: Oenrkson Enter- 99" SALE wu cuitGf - - Pnsea 24 K. village Plymouth C Pickerng Pythons Mashio s 13: Larding 21 K. BUY ONE FOOTLONG SUB OR SALAD AT REGULAR � Ageratum, Dust Miller 9 y PINE MULCH A a Adman Fashions 8; Doctor Waiter Doctor Wavard 13 K. PRICE AND Rumours ?; Sarna IS K. Pickering Hardman ,,: s nisA,1C Landing (a2) , 1 K. Chmare C«ntd Hsi- GET A 2ND ONE FOR ONLY 99' (Of equal a NSser value) � I e9 + 9 Fibre Begonias, Marigolds NUGGETS ,ry & mgtACa No dellverfes at Sale prices. Not good with arty other offers Pans ies Phlox 'B' DIVISION M-ghty Ducks 11 vs. Ungiotge Tri City Travel 6; Unrgkobe Tri City Travel 14 vs. Stailions 4; Stallions 29 vs. Gekkkos 4; Athletics 21 K. Me W,» PrnglK 13; AINIet¢s 11 K. Ultramar 3: Mudhen's 16 vs. Stselers 13: Rumours Royals „ K. Pickering Toy. as 4 Runners 6: M Due Time 9 K. Earw, Em stroughng 5. Rumours 10 K. Bryden Landscaping 8; Mood'es Bar 16 K. MJirs Hustlers 7 'C- DIVISION S-O.L. 15 K Pacce 3; Bay Spons i2 K. OToows 9; 3R Corbon 1, K Hepcoe 5; Sultans at Sw1ng 15 K. St Isaac Jogues 8; 3R Collision 24 K. Sul. taus of Swing 8; Royals 6 vs. IsoftSavoie Meats 5; Kanworid 8 K. Rumours Best 5; SkaWa Realty 13 vs. The Neghbour Hoods 7; Glendale Productions 8 K. Baa Junkies 4. 'O' DIVISION SrrrrOrKit Mammo 26 vs. Waitermaker 6; Canada an Tire 12 vs. Simmonds Mattress 6; Canadian Tin 14 K. Woodruffe 9: Brooks -Whittington 18 vs. Mazda 4; Gators 22 vs. Black Sac 9: Bank of Mon- treal 9 vs. PaiPPs 0: Glendale Marketplace 25 vs. 17 Catchers 9. WESTNEY HEIGHT S MEN'S SLO-PITCH HATS DIVISION STANDINGS As of Jars 6 TEAM GP W L T F A PTS AnrrrldaM 6 4 1 1 72 54 9 Coapsrs "3 2 1 46 51 7 Pa dtard Balt 5 3 2 0 54 40 6 Mt16ia P&Mised 6 3 2 0 66 55 6 wnrye Pilate 6 2 3 0 45 64 4 Mortis- SON& Anna 5 1 3 1 47 86 3 !CORES FROM JIME 6 Mobile Paralegal 20 vs. Coopers 6 (LP Todd Th-VINOn: MVP Rom Naiad: Coapas 11 (WP 6 MVP Jkn Hill&" va Mobis Paralsgd 2 (LP Mark Mks a 1.ndMwP �' � Sor�pk TSBBB'YNE AT TJM POST .40 ...AT PICOV DOWNS!!! (COIIIM OUT TO TES ILWZ8111 QUANFER HORSE RACING EVERY SUNDu►Y UN111M OC1'ORER PARIMUTUEL WAGERING POST TENE 1:30 RErRm mmuw 8 FUN "R TER WROLE FAKILTI "COT Doves ■ 1AWJ= OK ENCO WAY IIJM RAW OF MANNOMISACMM AJAX 465 B" St OPEN 24 HOURS LOCATION ONLY (At Westr" Rd.) AJAX 686-7751 r.� THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AJAX PUBLIC NOTICEi Take notice that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Ajax proposes to enact a by-law to stop up and close and transfer those parts of a street set out and described as follows: ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel and tract of land lying in the Town of Ajax in the Region of Durham, formerly in the Township of Pickering, in the County of Ontario as shown on Plan of Survey of Part of Lot 14 & 15, Concession 4, and more particularly, described as Part 8 on Plan 4OR-7287. The proposed by-law will come before the said Council for consideration at its regular meeting at the Ajax Municipal Complex, in the Town of Ajax, on the 5th day of July, 1993, at 7.30 p.m., and at that time Council will hear in person, or by his counsel, solicitor or agent, any person who claims that his lands will be prejudicially affected, and who applies to be heard. The subject lands are east of Church Street North and north of Taunton Road and are no longer utilized as a Public Highway. It is proposed to close and transfer these parts to the adjacent property owner. Plans can be viewed at the offices of the undersigned during normal business hours. Dated at Ajax this 11 th day of June, 1993. A.T. Hodges, C.M.O., C.M.C. Clerk Corporation of the Town of Ajax 65 Harwood Avenue South Max, Ontario LIS 2Hf/ I BOX OF 4 Reg. $1.29 Geraniums 4 (4/," Don M107=111" I .D1 00C"IGrT I'll AZbnCIld LABOUR SAVING MULCH THAT PREVENTS WEEDS Res - $7.t19 $4 3 CU. FT. BAG. 0 Remove seed pods from your Rhododendrons and don't forget to mulch With One fertilizing with an Azalea type food now Will reward your efforts later. © Feed the dNmbing roses generously with fertilizer and be Own in as they grow. 0 Stake Your tall growing perennials before they break from the wind or rain. 0 visit Vandermeer Nursery for a great Selection of planets. / Great Garden Via4anais PERENNIAL PROFILE • EPECHESSERSBL��BERAP S * PEACHES PAPSTRAWBERRIESIES • RASPBERRIES • CURRANTS • GRAPES RBERRIES E13UY 1, GET GOOSEBERRIES i PRICE . (EQUAL OR LESS W"Ll ................. - - VMDERMEER NURSE »� "11111111M Great Gardens Begtrl" A ei * wm I Comer Of B8xd� Ukeridp ® 427-2525 ®1►�'E • OPEN 7 DAYS 11:00 A.M.45:00 P.M. • ire elNssae rale Jin t7Ni static Yat Reg SALE Goldneme MoneVine 14.50 0.00 LAtls Germ Globe Ceder 12.50 0.00 � P 14.00 0 21.00 � hle 20.95 1 fo.a0 Euonynwe (1 9a1•) V1111irle9sbsd 4.00 PERENNIAL PROFILE • EPECHESSERSBL��BERAP S * PEACHES PAPSTRAWBERRIESIES • RASPBERRIES • CURRANTS • GRAPES RBERRIES E13UY 1, GET GOOSEBERRIES i PRICE . (EQUAL OR LESS W"Ll ................. - - VMDERMEER NURSE »� "11111111M Great Gardens Begtrl" A ei * wm I Comer Of B8xd� Ukeridp ® 427-2525 ®1►�'E • OPEN 7 DAYS 11:00 A.M.45:00 P.M. • ire elNssae rale Jin t7Ni static Yat 2 -PC. SECTIONAL $A - Plush MY designer fabric ----------------- STANDS,: i Present this coupon i lock in this price on a o951 BRAND NEW N Stand. i Expires 7.--93 —- — 19--— 2 -PC. COMPLETE LIVING ROOM �711�1►:t� ' 4 SOFA r A �LOVESEAT CAR, VAN OA PICK-UP TRUCK TO TAKE HOME TODAY! FREE LAYAWAY GUARANTEED E 11 ALL ALL BRAND NEVA PIECES BRAND —'1_ NEW MATCHING SOFA- LOVESEAT-CHAIR The Chastity 4 -Pe. Bedroom 2 ALL BRAND NEW SHISH Dresser Frame PIECES Headboard Mirror 1118 FAMOUS POSTURE SERIES MATTRESSES ,--------------------- �FREE, Brass -Plated HeacDoard or Bed Frame with the purchase of Lull, queer, , cr king size Chire cr P i,cwtop ,mattress I set. Preset.,' ar ,^ I• purchase. Plot valva �,t7 C"Cr C'`ers. Exp 7-1393. 1141 #17)11> 4�nwer (HBTS rr i BUNK BEDS: sale pr-ce NATIONWIDE WAREHOUSE & STORAGE0c"C"an'a'C ao' CASH CH=CK VISA AMEX MASTERCARD THURS.10$ FRI:10-8 SAT:10-6 SUN:12-5 MON:10.8 MISSISSAUGA ISCARBOROUGHI HAMILTON 1630 MATHESON BLVD. 2250 MIDLAND AVE #23 617 PARKDALE AVE. N. 441 to Dixie Road South, East on h"a'.heson 629,3778 4�1 to Kenra y, sCJf1 �. Ct Kinrecy .o PrL)yr,ss, rot o` M'Jaro 299m8348 Beside Donut Stop Oce on Branpton St. Man -Sized RECLINERS$ 9 2 -PC. COMPLETE LIVING ROOM �711�1►:t� ' 4 SOFA r A �LOVESEAT CAR, VAN OA PICK-UP TRUCK TO TAKE HOME TODAY! FREE LAYAWAY GUARANTEED E 11 ALL ALL BRAND NEVA PIECES BRAND —'1_ NEW MATCHING SOFA- LOVESEAT-CHAIR The Chastity 4 -Pe. Bedroom 2 ALL BRAND NEW SHISH Dresser Frame PIECES Headboard Mirror 1118 FAMOUS POSTURE SERIES MATTRESSES ,--------------------- �FREE, Brass -Plated HeacDoard or Bed Frame with the purchase of Lull, queer, , cr king size Chire cr P i,cwtop ,mattress I set. Preset.,' ar ,^ I• purchase. Plot valva �,t7 C"Cr C'`ers. Exp 7-1393. 1141 #17)11> 4�nwer (HBTS rr i BUNK BEDS: sale pr-ce NATIONWIDE WAREHOUSE & STORAGE0c"C"an'a'C ao' CASH CH=CK VISA AMEX MASTERCARD THURS.10$ FRI:10-8 SAT:10-6 SUN:12-5 MON:10.8 MISSISSAUGA ISCARBOROUGHI HAMILTON 1630 MATHESON BLVD. 2250 MIDLAND AVE #23 617 PARKDALE AVE. N. 441 to Dixie Road South, East on h"a'.heson 629,3778 4�1 to Kenra y, sCJf1 �. Ct Kinrecy .o PrL)yr,ss, rot o` M'Jaro 299m8348 Beside Donut Stop Oce on Branpton St. F 13 PAGE 12 -THE NEAPS ADVER77SER FRIDAY, ,LUNE 11, 1993 ARTS & ENTERTAMMENT Police play Tudor's AJAX-PICKERING - Two police officers will turn in their uniforms for microphones at the Tudor Rose Inn in the Cloveridge Plaza in Ajax this weekend. Cutting & Ginnes (Metro Blue) will play their brand of '50s and '60s rock 'n' roll at the Tudor Rose on Friday and Saturday from 9 p.m. to I a.m. To find out where the rest of the entertainment action is this weekend, just follow this guide: CENTREFIELD'S: Enjoy DJ music Friday and Saturday, start- ing at 9 p.m. On Sunday, there's karaoke from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m_ Centrefield's is at 1050 Brock Rd., Pickering. Call 837-1850. THE KERRY INN: The Fab- ulous Dunns are back by popular demand at the Kerry Inn Friday and Saturday from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. On Sunday, it's karaoke from 8 p.m. until midnight. The Kerry Inn is in the Cloveridge Plaza, 967 Westney Rd. S. at Har- wood Ave., Ajax. Call 428-8790. BOURBON' BAYLY'S: Bourbon Bayly's has karaoke Fri- day, starting at 9 p.m. A local karaoke talent contest starts Thursday, June 17 with a 5500 prize to the winner. Bourbon Bayly's is at 368 Bayly St. Call 427-1888. GLEENER'S RESTAU- RANT & PUB: Al Mathews will play a variety of music at Gleen- er's Friday from 8:30 p.m. to 1 a.m. On Saturday, it's karaoke with Rockin' Ron from 8:30 to 1. Gleener's is in the Ajax Plaza. Ca11 683-7952. HARP & THISTLE PUB: Calling all Newfoundlanders, and anyone else in need of a good time. The Harp & Thistle has the downhome music of The Concep- tion Bay Boys Friday and Satur- day from 9 p.m_ to 1 a -m. There's karaoke Sunday from 7:30 to 11 p.m. The Harp and Thistle is at 282 Monarch Ave., Ajax. Call 428-0943. FOX & FLOWERPOT PUB: The Mike Danton Quintet plays the Fox & Flowerpot Pub Sunday from 4 to 7 pm. Every Thursday, there's an open jazz jam session with the Jazz Cats from 8 to 11 p.m. The Fox & Flowerpot is in the Village Courtyard in Picker- ing Village. Call 428-2162. JOKERS: One-man boogie band Jimmy Fraser plays country and western music Friday and FELONY IN CONCERT Saturday, June 12 "Back by Popular Demand" THE NONKEY BAR & GRILL 172 HUNT ST., AJAX 619-1236 Saturday from 9 p.m. to I a.m. On Sunday, Darren Freeman, Mitch Mitchell, Larry Hachey and Big Bad Ronnie take the stage for a jam session Sunday from 6 to 10:30 p.m. Jokers is at 335 Bayly St, Ajax_ Call 427-0337. MONKEY BAR & GRILL: Every Friday is Miami Night at the Monkey Bar & Grill. It's the ultimate beach party featuring spe- cial fun events, dance contests, beach volleyball and draws for trips to Miami. On Saturday, Felony is in concert starting at 9 p.m. The Monkey Bar & Grill is at 172 Hunt St-, Ajax. Call 619-1236. SECOND STOREY: The Sec- ond Storey, formerly Danny's Place, has a Beach Party on Satur- day night, after 9 p.m., during its grand re -opening week. On Sun- day, it's karaoke starting after 8 p.m. with a S50 cash prize and a free tape to all who participate. The Second Storev is at 88 Har- wood Ave., Ajax. 611683-2940. LORD BYRONS: Lord Byrons has relaxing piano music on Friday and Saturday nights to enjoy with your dinner. The music starts at 7 p.m. Lord Byrons is at 1725 Kingston Rd. 686-70(Vl. DONA Y MIGUELS: For your dining pleasure, Dona Y Miguels has a Mexican singer every Friday and Saturday night from 7 to 10. Dona Y Miguels is at 325 Westney Rd., Ajax. Call 686- 4468. RUMOUR'S: Rumours has karaoke every Sunday, starting at 9 p.m. On July 8, male exotic dancers will be strutting their stuff, starting at 9 p.m. Call for reservations. Rumours is at 1400 Bayly St.. Pickering. Call 8_3 1- 4740. KANGAROOS: The band Dynasty entertains with dance music and soft rock Friday and Saturday from 9 p.m_ to I a.m. Kangaroos hosts the Ragweed Jazz Band each Thursday from 9 p.m. to midnight. The bar's at 985 Brock Rd. S. in Pickering. Call 839-6845. THE MEETING HOUSE: The Meeting House, formerly Morgan's Place, has Pip's karaoke Friday from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. On Saturday, Al Mathews takes the stage for a night featuring a vari- ety of music from 9 p.m. to I a.m. Mathews is back on stage Sunday from 7 to 11 p.m. The Meeting House is at 776 Liverpool Rd. S., Pickering. Call 839-3744. S O'CLOCK SPECUALS (All specials start At 5 p.tn) TUESDAY: FREE FRIES'' WITH ANY BURGER ORDERED WEDNESDAY BREAKFAST for DMNER: THURSDAY: AN You Can Ear! RIBS & FRIES - 88" FRIDAY.- AN You Can Eat! FISH A CHIPS - $706 SA TURDA Y: All You Can Eat! PASTA - ONLY $6" OPEN EVERY SUNDAY M JUNE 13.2D-27 -Free Admission GARAGEIWMUEICOLUMBILE•S - Free Parking for 4800 cars • Over 500 vendors at the Pickering Flea Market Full Size Carnival Most Sundays * Antique and Collectible Area Vast array of product * Farmer's Market Largest Indoor Flea Market m North America METRO EAST TRADE CENTRE Brock Rd. & 401 * Pickering, ONT. Vendor Inquiries (416) 427-0744 CASHINWITHTHISIiV ° U Y. J.M. SCHNEIDER RED HOT $100 HOT DOGS Pkg. 12 AJAX belfet* than crer.' OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATION OPA93-A/1 ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION Z1/93 BURLINGTON RESTAURANT MANAGEMENT PART LOT 12, CONCESSION II (362 KINGSTON ROAD WEST) Burlington Restaurant Management has submitted an Official Plan Amendment Application (OPA93-A/1) and a Zoning By-law Amendment Application (Z1/93) for a parcel of land located on the north side of Highway No. 2, west of Westney Road (currently know as Labelle Contractor Ltd.). The applicant proposes to develop a one -storey, free-standing bank with a drive-thru comprising a total gross leasable floor area of approximately 557.4 square metres (6,000 square feet). Amendment No. 19 to the Ajax District Plan designates the subject property as 'Special Study Area'. Lands that have been identified as a ' Special Study Area' require further study to determine appropriate land use and development control. Any development application submitted to the Town for a 'Special Study Area' shall be evaluated on its own merit and as an amendment to the Ajax District Plan. The subject property is currently zoned 'A' - Rural Agricultural by By-law 3036, as amended. Anyone wishing to make representation to the Committee of the Whole of Council may do so at the meeting. For additional information, please contact Mr. David Meredith, Planner, Current Planning and Development Review � "`• � �a • . between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. UQ rr7;—= [_ ...,a ''�....r a. DATE: ; .°" MONDAY, JULY 12, 1993 """'°"'0' .a CHON7 TERSON TIME: 7:30 P.M. - « - .[r... .r. LOCATION: �� ► OMAN COUNCIL CHAMBERS � ITCN, I A"i65 AJAX, ONTARIO AVENUE 'C* SOUTH, � nr ONTARIO L] L—L Per month v 48 month r 1993 DODGE 250 CLUB lease CAB DIESEL PICK UP 1993 ACCLAIM 4 DR. - BRAMO NEW! WCL 2.5L engine, auto., p s., pb., p. minors, It cruise. AM/FM cess., darn seals. ranwle Uunk release. 4 spanker system, driver air bag, air co xbons 6 mde. SOL Lffm Z8" mmom Alm 14DL LUL tP0re. Mo., P.L. PA, bvell(OW CM i�.Q p- ail01R Omsk A.WiTIT18I9) ON! GRAND MEW! WCL: W, auto., p.s.. pb., air wKWoning. AMIFM cess.. 7 passenger, rod radk floor melt. igM group. dual horns, storage thom plus Rom SOL� T4 LEAN SALE 7 9 w1101trH WCL 3.91. V6.4 -speed, atAo., rear lip seats, doth seats. p.s.. P.b.. rear step bumper, decay wipers 3 more. S*. tITr3253. $27974 COLT 100E 2 DR. 4 DR. =Y MO: 3X V-6, aul medc. Ptrwer eleeninI. Passe bakes. Paver windows. INCL- 4 4 §WW, aftUit:lrarrnitieeioo, alum MOM caeeelt �dolA AIUFM aleeetle. des# blrcker.deliiot W SOT epfit tl..es, a" M I Conde. P. is sow:•Ralp - d ter m',j Inlaw� lobes. plus iorlraa. Odom d �. SIL WM .�9i.ii►,. L ` t wIU H 1, U ■, M I• ❑�vci CM AUMML 0 r THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, JUNE 11,1993 -PAGE 13 Automatic, ' power steering, power brakes, r> two-tone, anti spm rear ,=,-- — ` axle, clearance lights, air, LE package, rear - - -- step, tilt, cruise, light Cl package, power mirrors, AM/FM cassette, full --- -spare, targe tires, rear sliding window, plus much more. Stk. 1993 SUNDWE 4 DR 111993 COLT 4 DR. BRAND NEW: BRAND NEW: - WCL Auto. trarwrrassion. P.s.. P.b.. INCL: Power brakes. 4 cylinder. doth console. vanity mirrors, floor mats, air dual hors. W package, buckets. dual mirrors and more. SOL 4 speaker !!� more. S>� 2#S 54. 11OCT&W5. LEAW. 171 MIIom s15124 „ 1992 VOYAGER .SE NAM t 1 NCL:1F6 engine, M&TAic Iwrraniedon, POW r paean brakes. 7 - Passenger 1 L adee. AMIFM a* ek i[ m w edam d rear snit #F30&. 1992 CHRYSLER WI-- L 4-DIL rl 00- VB autarralic, pow« s e ft;W,r2 t, power door loam. P~ mirrors, Panner windows, power eeale, 'a as seetr, aitcfearic padragI Mast a* t>oabd air suspension, wim wMda and wow "U. eateaoe of WM wswanly "AID -Sit *3 M !15,666.;t318'.�I SALE PRICED I L T V a SERVICE OPEN ALL - DAY SATURDAY AND EVERY NIGHT It - It n ..M..TFir L—L Per month v 48 month r 1993 DODGE 250 CLUB lease CAB DIESEL PICK UP 1993 ACCLAIM 4 DR. - BRAMO NEW! WCL 2.5L engine, auto., p s., pb., p. minors, It cruise. AM/FM cess., darn seals. ranwle Uunk release. 4 spanker system, driver air bag, air co xbons 6 mde. SOL Lffm Z8" mmom Alm 14DL LUL tP0re. Mo., P.L. PA, bvell(OW CM i�.Q p- ail01R Omsk A.WiTIT18I9) ON! GRAND MEW! WCL: W, auto., p.s.. pb., air wKWoning. AMIFM cess.. 7 passenger, rod radk floor melt. igM group. dual horns, storage thom plus Rom SOL� T4 LEAN SALE 7 9 w1101trH WCL 3.91. V6.4 -speed, atAo., rear lip seats, doth seats. p.s.. P.b.. rear step bumper, decay wipers 3 more. S*. tITr3253. $27974 COLT 100E 2 DR. 4 DR. =Y MO: 3X V-6, aul medc. Ptrwer eleeninI. Passe bakes. Paver windows. INCL- 4 4 §WW, aftUit:lrarrnitieeioo, alum MOM caeeelt �dolA AIUFM aleeetle. des# blrcker.deliiot W SOT epfit tl..es, a" M I Conde. P. is sow:•Ralp - d ter m',j Inlaw� lobes. plus iorlraa. Odom d �. SIL WM .�9i.ii►,. L ` t wIU H 1, U ■, M I• ❑�vci CM AUMML 0 r THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, JUNE 11,1993 -PAGE 13 Automatic, ' power steering, power brakes, r> two-tone, anti spm rear ,=,-- — ` axle, clearance lights, air, LE package, rear - - -- step, tilt, cruise, light Cl package, power mirrors, AM/FM cassette, full --- -spare, targe tires, rear sliding window, plus much more. Stk. 1993 SUNDWE 4 DR 111993 COLT 4 DR. BRAND NEW: BRAND NEW: - WCL Auto. trarwrrassion. P.s.. P.b.. INCL: Power brakes. 4 cylinder. doth console. vanity mirrors, floor mats, air dual hors. W package, buckets. dual mirrors and more. SOL 4 speaker !!� more. S>� 2#S 54. 11OCT&W5. LEAW. 171 MIIom s15124 „ 1992 VOYAGER .SE NAM t 1 NCL:1F6 engine, M&TAic Iwrraniedon, POW r paean brakes. 7 - Passenger 1 L adee. AMIFM a* ek i[ m w edam d rear snit #F30&. 1992 CHRYSLER WI-- L 4-DIL rl 00- VB autarralic, pow« s e ft;W,r2 t, power door loam. P~ mirrors, Panner windows, power eeale, 'a as seetr, aitcfearic padragI Mast a* t>oabd air suspension, wim wMda and wow "U. eateaoe of WM wswanly "AID -Sit *3 M !15,666.;t318'.�I SALE PRICED I L T V a SERVICE OPEN ALL - DAY SATURDAY AND EVERY NIGHT It - It n In FE ek Si nc ad ar sit In( OU PAGE 14 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, JUNE 11,1"3 M 15 e1(C)/AIfr Billboard is a free feature for community events of a non -prof? nature. To have your events pro- moted in Billboard, call us at 683- 5110 or write to the Ajax -Picker- ing News Advertiser, 130 Com- mercial Ave., Ajax, Ontario, LIS 2H5. The deadline for Billboard items is 10 am. the Monday prior to Wednesday publication, 10 a.m. the Wednesday prior to Fri- day publication and 10 a.m. the Thursday prior to Sunday publi- cation. SATURDAY DANCE: The Ajax Professional Fire Fighters' Association holds a dance, hosted by Roger Ashby of 104.5 CHUM FM, on Sat., June 12, 7 p.m., on the small arena pad of the Ajax Community Cen- tre, on Centennial Rd. $15 per person. Proceeds to local chari- ties. For tickets or information. call 427-2603 (Dwayne Snell) or 686- 4302 (Paul Ritchie). HELP BOSNIAN KIDS: A bazaar in aid of Bosnian children will be held Sat.. June 12. 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. at the Metro East Trade Centre, Brock Rd. and Hwy. 401, Pickering. Stalls available to ven- dors. Admission Sl: children free. 287-9735 (Jafer Rizvi); 858-8428 (Hamid Rizvi). RAFFLE: h1illwork lumber Home Cer-,:re. 19 Notion Rd., Ajax, holds a barbecue raffle Sat.. June 12. 11 a.m. to 3:30 p m.. in support of the United Way of Ajax -Pickering. Tickets S 1. Hot dogs and refresh- ments will be sold. 686-0606 BAKE, CRAFT SALE: The Picker- ing ano V age Sen ors hold a bake and craft sale Sat . June 12, start,ng at 10:30 a.m., at 29 Linton Ave. (the south end of the Vil- lage Arena), Pickering Village. A salad plate lunch for S3.50. begimrng at noon. 683-4748. GARAGE SALE; 7,ne 9th Picker- ing Soy Scows hc,d their third annual garage sale Sat.. June 12. 10 a.m. to 3 p m. in the parking lot at Sundial Donuts. Brock Rd. and Hwy. 2. Donations gladly accepted 027-1671 (Steve). YARD SALE/FUN FAIR: Altona Rood Daycare 1367 Altona Rd.. Pickering, holds a yard sale and fun fair Sat.. June 12. 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Baked goods. face paint- ing.509-9743. CAR WASH: The youth group of the Ajax Christian CommuNty Fellowship. 30 Barr Rd.. Ajax, holds a car wash Sat.. June 12. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. S3 a car Hot dogs and refreshments. Proceeds for the group's camping trip. 686- 4308. 427-6735. KIDS' SAFETY: The Pickering Fire Department gives a presentation rpj for children on summer safety Sat., June 12 at 1 p.m. at Imagi- nation Station, 705 Kingston Rd. (Whites Rd. plaza). 831 -READ. BEEF BARBECUE: Zion United Church, Cedar Grove (11th Line and Steeles Ave., one concession from Pickering Townline) hosts a beef barbecue Sun.. June 13 from 5 to 7:30 p.m. Roast beef on a bun, baked potato, coleslaw, pies, drinks. Adults S8.50 per plate, children under 11 $4.25. Advance tickets. 283-1841; 281-3305. FRENCHMAN'S BAY FESTIVAL: The second annual Frenchman's Bay Festival offers family fun Sun., June 13 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at sites on the east side of the bay. Travel to the foot of Liverpool Rd. for boat rides. entertainment. 420- 4621 (Tina Scholl). Craft sale tables rented for S25; 839-2433 (Jacqueline) or 839-1048 (Peggy). ALUMNI BAND CONCERT: Ajax High School, 105 Bayiy St., hosts an alumni band concert Sun.. June 13 at 7.30 p.m. for retiring music teacher Fred Pleasants. His former students from G.L. Roberts Collegiate and Vocational Insti- tute in Oshawa from 1971 to 1979 and from Ajax High School from 1950 'o 1992 will perform. S2. 683- iIIMfMMI'Ms1�., Pto - : 0 /o FF Supgesled Retail Price Your calendar of coming events 1610. HORSE SHOW: The North Oshawa Horse Club holds a show at the Jolly Huntsman Stables. on Audley Rd., Ajax, Sun., June 13. 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Rain or shine. Free admission. 686,4599. HOT DOGS: A Hot Dog Fest will be held at the Metro East Trade Centre, Brock Rd. at Hwy. 401, Sunday, June 13 during the flea market from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m Pro- ceeds to the Ajax -Pickering Gen- eral Hospital, the Sunnybrook Medical Centre cancer research fund and the Children's Wish Foundation. 427-0744. MONDAY, JUNE 14 PRENATAL: The Childbirth Edu- cation Association of Durham hosts an information meeting Monday, June 14 from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Whitby Public Library, Hwy. 2. west of Brock St. The topic is Being Born — The Baby's Point of View. No charge. 420-3890. PD DAY: The Ajax Public Library hosts a school P.D. day games day on Mon.. June 14, from 10 to 11:30 a.m. It's free for school - aged children and will be held at the main library branch, corner of Harwood Ave. and Kings Cres., next to the Town hall. 683-4000. • 1 1'L C i?i= Get Ready For Summer Lube, oil &filter change T AIR CONDITIONING , 1 PERFORMANCE �Cft & LEAK TEST rs Bumper to Bumper 1 Maintenance Inspection 3Vmcarss t (.iii, this coupon) 1 incl. brokes, tires, swpen xiin, steerinjl UP T01 L8. FREON E NECESSARY General Vehicle Condition 1 ( offer expires June 2693 ) Offer expires June 2V93 CUSTOM TRAILER HITCHES INSTALLED FROM $8495 i\ W A 0 SURPLUS AND DISCONTINUED ONES Saver up to 80% off Suggested ROW Prices DNRWARE, CR1'SK GIFTWARE AND fRATWARE 4 DAYS ONLY Wed., June 9th 11 A.M. - 9 P.M. Thurs., June 10th 11 A.M. - 9 P.M. Fri., June 11 th 11 A.M. - 9 P.M. Sat., June 12th _ 10 A.M. - 4 P.M. CASH, VISA & I H". MASTERCARD�i t4>ti Are. ACCEPTED Eww Park Ila '? Will" (Wo eiwgws, Please) 161' Cash 8c Car ALL SALES FINAL stem" ANN*. EM PLEASE N NO mes�on �SSft� t /�1arkhm, Onkril7 Marx X01 Companionship - Friendship Call today 1-416-976-1991 G.W.M., attractive, wishing to meet with same. 25-35 for friendship and possible refationshrp, long walks, cycling, performing arts. SY 5036 PROFESSIONAL male mid 30 s, seeking same. I enjoy swimming, walks, movies. looking for someone between 50 who is straight acting, looking, and sincere. SY 5037 SINCERE, average looking. mid 30 s sports minded lemale seeks companionship. possible Inendship with same. SY 5038 ATTRACTIVE 5 Tale 36 seeks sa—, discretion assured and a must. SY 5040 Idt FEMALE 31, separated and lonely and needing female friends to go out and have fun with. I'm not Bi, just wart) female friends. SY 5041 MARRIED couple, mid 30's, looking for Bi male for fun times, must be discreet. SY 5042 NON-SMOKER female. early 30's with hectic lifestyle, likes animals and outdoors, seeks friendship with same interests. SY 5043 MARRIED male, mid 30's, enjoys outdoors and boating, seeks married female for companionship and encounters. discretion assured and expected. SY W44 N CALL L MURIEL 1-800-387-8009 7 DAYS A WEEK 3 P.M. -11 P.M. TO PLACE YOUR FREE 7 AD ATTRACTIVE married male. 30, tall with muscular build. seeks marled female for fun, discretion assured SY 5045 MARRIED COUPLE, attractive late 20 s looking for same. for fun times, discretion assured and expected. SY 5046 BI male, body budder, seeks bi females or couples for times together SY 5047 ATTRACTIVE marred male. 59-. 149 lbs.. tikes dancing, movies, partying, seeks. female with same interests for companionship SY 5048 30 SOMETHING couple. open and honest suffering from married with children syndrome, he's straight, she's cunous, if the sounds like you. lets talk SY 5049 MARRIED bi-ferra!e open-minded. looking for female. mamed or single who enjoys being with same complete discretion assured SY 5050 SHY male. late 20s. looking for older ^earned female for fun. I won't tell it you Tont Into camtry music and great video flicks SY 5051 MARRIED man 25 seeks lady 30+ for good fun and compamonshp SY 5052 DONT BE SHY, unattached. attractive single while male. 36, goal oriented. energetic and fit. looking for attached or single white female for dining, dancing, and intimate daytime and weekend rendezvous. SY 5053 MALE 27. attractive, clean and discreet. seeking couples for fun times and conversation SY 5055 STRAIGHT male. 43, slim build, seeks open minded couple for fun times and relationship. SY 5056 ATTRACTIVE white married male 30's seeks, female 20-40, for encounters, discretion assured SY 5057 ATTACHED white male, 38, physically ht, seeks married female for telephone talk, disaebon assured SY 5058 BI -MALE, white, 26. 6'. 175 lbs., very attractive, masculine, seeks same 20-30 for casual encounters, must be good looking and discrete. SY 5059 ATTACHED male 38, 160 lbs., 510-, attractive, fit, country, art, seeks special triendsfrp wife adventurous outdoors female, no strings pest fun SY 5202 ATTRACTIVE, female, likes movies, din", dancing, walks, sports minded, seeks same in sepia Mahe 60.75. SY 4000• SINGLE lady in 50's, enjoys drtirg, dartoirtg, pays cards. Would like companionship for social events. SY 4002 For persons 18 years of age and over TALL, sincere gentleman, 43, interests are baseball, dancing. cottage country, cycling, seeking sincere. kind hearted. fun loving !ady to share same. 35-40. SY 1033 ATTRACTIVE, established male, 33, non- smoker with no dependents, ready for 100°/0 commitment with similar female, enjoys sports, movies, cooking and travel. SY 1078 30 yr. old male would like to meet caring female to share quiet evenings, dining, music, travel, family oriented, lasting relationship. SY 1079 ATTRACTIVE white male, 35 yrs., very fit. active, outgoing, passionate, sincere, seeks attractive female, 20-35 yrs. for tun times. passible relationship. SY 1081 TALL, good looking gentleman, 23. enjoys body budding and outdoor life, seeks wild woman. SY 1062 WHITE male, honest and sincere. likes movies, music, seeks oriental lady, 30-35, same, honest and sincere. SY 1063 SINGLE male. mid 30's. seeks female, 30-40 who likes music, movies, travel, dancing, gullet evenings together. SY 108.5 ATTRACTIVE male, age 40, 511', 165 lbs., honest, kind, working and established, seeks slim female for fun and romance. SY 1086 CHRISTIAN man, 33 yrs. old who enjoys reading, music, nature. seeks modest Christian woman for companion -ship. SY 1087 UNATTACHED white male, 6', 185 lbs.. 36. enjoys sports. dining, dancing, travel, baling for an adventurous spontaneous female, 29- 40 SY 1088 RESPONSIBLE, hardworking. segue, 31 yr. old male. athletic. professional. seeks female 26-33. for possible relationship. SY 1009 ATTRACTIVE male, 5'8-, brown hair, brown eyes, likes sports, worlong out, searching for a special girl to rorr ante, wine, dine and treat well. SY 1090 S.W.M., 43, seeks S.W.F. with sense of humour who enjoys dining out, watching a good movie or just walling and holding hands. SY 1091 30 YEAR old male, 6', blonde, outdoor type, wacky sense of humour, seeks tail, good bolting gal who likes beer and can put Ihm own worn on a hook. SY 1062 GOODLOOKING, singles male, 29, outdoors type, enjoys pig, fishing, seeks sincere goodookirg _ for dawatap Vim CHRISTIAN professional male, 33, attractive, family oriented. compassionate, sense of humor, down to earth, enjoys getawa, seeks attractive C an wwoma sh same interests 2535. SY 1094 MUSCULAR, young looking 29, European gertso IIIc, ST 180 los, iileigenl, &000c, enjoys atones, singing. dancing, Meeks ferrtals under 30, Sim, SUM' SY 110, VERY OUTGOING, attradNO Hoole, aft, enjoys quiet etienitgi,, camping• kxrry and unique, seeks female 3040 open miteee aria sinow SY 1102 CATCH NEI divorced while mak, who enjoys dancing. quiet diners and country living, seeks single while female, 30 er.r..tt.1a.. rite .rrrnre the e.ma SY 1103_-- ATTRACTM edabflted mak, 33,1oned and of ledonate, seeks an atlractio non -female, for a Ionto team raldiormop.. shale mothers welcome 1104 SINGLE while male, 33, attractive, radical inialectuai, seeks' it conscierwa s female for as lag as it WE last SY 1105 ATTRACTIVE single mak, 6'4, enjoys sports,. scuba diving, outdoors, dancing. romarhbc dimers and quiet evenings sooki g sifhgie 25-35 wilh similar interim SY 1106 THE (YEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, JI1,1!!3-PAGE 15 UNE Companionship -Friendship Call Anytime 416 976 � � ■ iggi1 ' 1. Respond by select the ad(s) you wish to respond to and make a note of the four digit "mailbox" number that appears at the end. 2. Call Sincerely Yours 1-416-976-1991* at any time of the day from any touch tone phone within the 416 area code. I Follow the easy instructions. You'll have the option of responding to a specific ad or browing coice mailbox greeting from Sincerely Yours advertiser. *A change oe 1.99 per nunute will appear on your next telephone bill for responding to Sincerely Ym rs. TALL blue eyed male wl dancing, long walks, caml white lemale who enjoys children, also has similar interests SY 1107 HANDSOME white male. 36. professional, great sense of humor, romantic, sincere, kind gentleman seeking insatiable vivacious intelligent female with same qualities 28-38 for relationship. SY 1109 OYSTER SEEKING MY PEARL, male, 38, enjoys quiet evenings, going to bars, fit established, out going, sincere, honest, seeks female 35-40 with exact interests. SY 1110 CALL MURIEL 1-800-387-8009 7 DAYS A WEEK 3P.M.-11P.M. TO PLACE YOUR FREE AD EASY GOING gentleman. 40, sense of humour, sincere, considerate, responsible, reliable, enjoys outings and evenings in, seeks slim easy going caring female. SY 1111 CREATIVE, intelligent single white male, 32, successful and funny, likes travel, sports, cooking, comedy and especially music, seeks expressive good hearted woman. SY 1112 AVERAGE L00Z1 ff single white male, 52, 5'8', 162 lbs.. likes skiing and working out, reading and homebody, has secure job seeking slim, single while m feale 35-47 with the same interests. SY 1113 ...-y ­ y , ,A, -vino, 0=rurry .711rn, non-smoking lady any race or age with similar interests for companionship. SY 3060 OUTGOING, well established, 34 yr. old single white male, tag, dark, attractive, loves music, summer fun and romance. seeks shm. Pity female, 27-35 for fun and possible relationship. SY 3061 SHY single reale. 31, xt leaf fan, looking for female. 20-29. to share tickets for 93-94 season. friendship. possible relationship SY 3062 SINGLE attractive female, 19, college student. enjoys walks, dancing. talking, seeks attractive male, 19-25, who has similar interests for relationship SY 3063 SINGLE white female, early 50's enjoys reading, gardening. outdoors, walks and movies, seeks single white male with similar interests SY 3064 SINGLE white male, 32, looks 25, seeking lady 40-60 for romance, your pleasure is my desire. SY 3065 MODEST female, 22, brunette, grey eyes, 5'6', outgoing, responsible, hardworking, enjoys dancing, theatre and quiet country nights, seeks man with same interests 23-28, must be sancere. SY 3066 SINGLE mother of 1, 34 yrs. old. seeks male, 35-40 for companionship, enjoys movies, dancing outdoors and must enjoy children. SY 3067 ESTABLISHED lady, owns sports motorcycle (no passengers), enjoys dancing, rollerskating, conversation. outgoing, seeks male, 25-35, physically fit. established. matte. wild attitude SY 3203 AVAILABL 7 DAYS A WEEK mature, Filipino. enjoys ,,...,,.,,,y, '4. ­..ening.,, homebody type. seeks mature, established, attractive, honest, religious. S.W.M., 35-40 for serious relationship. SY 2106 PROFESSIONAL 35 yr old female. mother of two, enjoys sports, country li•,nng, seeks 6 ft. tall male. 352, non-smoker. professional with same interests. SY 2107 SLENDER, petite, athletic single mother. 39 looking for non-smoker, fit, kind, happy man. 35-42 who enjoys children, laughter, movies, cottage life. dancing and romance SY 2106 WOMAN in 50's. loves life, family and fun. seeking man. age 45 and up who has same interests. SY 2109 SINCERE female. 49, widow, seeking friendship of caring gentleman. age 50-55 wwho enjoys SYa2110 movies, sports and life in genera ATTRACTIVE female. separates!. rcther of two, likes romantic dimers and walks. seeks attractive male, 25-35 with good sense of humour and similar interests. SY 2111 ESTABLISHED, attractive lemale. 43. with outgoing personality, enjoys dancing. travel, theatre. looking for tall. well-estabiished, white male, 44-55. SY 2112 ATTRACTIVE, fug figured single female. 35, seeks established. sO assured male, who is ready to settle down in a committed relationship, sincere replies only SY 2113 For persons 18 ,years of age and over LADY, seeking man in his 50's, who enjoys. dining, dancing, traveling and cottage life. I have seen your ad, please respond !o mine. SY 2127 LOOKING for attractive single white male who is fun, musical, sensitive and doesn't shutter at the woM commitment' I'm 27. divorced and spontaneous. P S. do you know who Vaidy is7 SY 2129 HIGH SPIRITED, attractive female. highly aware, university grad, great sense of `tumor, seeks comparronabie male. 50+ with similar attributes, including a nice smile, Sy 2129 ROMANTIC blue eyes blonde seems financially. emotionally stable companion 23- 35. must be mature. responsible. loves country music children and travel SY 2131 SELF EMPLOYED professional single white female, non-smoker enloys golfing. cycling. camping, seeks romantic single while male. 30-35. with similar interests SY 2132 CLASSY female !uil hgu,ed 4,- .aned interests. seeks becent estaoksnea mane 35- 45, active, romantic. non-smoker for possible long term relationship SY 2133 OUTGOING, attractive, sing e. slim. working mom, 35, enjoys music, the outdoors, good sense of humor seeking non smoking gentleman 35-45 for possible relationship. SY 2134 OUTGOING• spontaneous, allecDorate and caring divorced mother of t who has' a lot to give. is looking for that soectal someone to alve it to SY 2136 ATTRACTIVE single white mom seeks anractve single black male 25-35 for ,in times, dancing and possible romance, must love children and be sincere SY 2137 ARE YOU honest, sincere and prolective of your woman. rm an amaclive redhead w4h 2 children, enjoys quiet times, dancing, movies, rorrtartce. SY 2114 CREATIVE, outgoing. sinpte male. 23. PRETTY, senaid", shy female, 21, hilt caring, honest, responsible, hard figuied• looking for honest male 22'M to ttrorkirq, loves music, dancing. travelshare quiet nights, special moments seek non-smoking female 21-26 who mentarttic times. SY 2115 STRAIGHT couple in early 20's would like friendship with other couples. for bowling. playing cards and camping. SY 5021 MUPLE in 30's, open minded. seeks female or couples to join them for fun and coria rsonsftip. SY Sim OSHAWA couple, he's 24, she's 23, very clean seeks 20.30 yr. ofd female for intimate An and oanpanionsfrp. SY 5004 MWJI1 . late 20's, looking lo same in Dtuham, hems or full ffii meed not Oxon. SY 5036/ can ber herself for possible relationship. CWASTIAN mother, 31, likes dancing, SY 1114 a is walks, ccoanrvregeselion and having Axl, SEPARATED. sfry Isrrtale. 410 yrs., wro Ntaa � i g s. sY 211! N mob with �'�,�eooutdoors, difft pRo�SSIONAL lady, 47, se-. seeks CALL MURIEL ma.e:,rt.ha� sly gentlerrtar► fx golf, theatre, dI J g, eeaatae hunft. quiet times, friend". looking for 1.800.387-M BLOOM tats, alertder.. Nom cut eertsiinr�e. calling and lig, 33 yr. old *00 g polerttial releaatsnip. SY 2121 TO PLACE YOUR man. looking for a wortderltl, ronnarMtc mit, 9LON0, brown eyed female, in my 30's, lort>itenm felarortdt" . sY 2053 eteemom&"n,rs outdos, . "M, DMUS. FREE 25 WORD FORT1f.�EYEN yr old while fartale, widow, PETRE, attracatre lady. enjoys dining, romance. seeks gertlentan who's humorous, honest �n0�' SY 2,22 PRINT AD IN itlehesea ale fits d r tg, MUSIC, rock ane WA denting, seeps genleman 4550. wd travel, romantic evenings. seeks gentleman, late 4Ws; established, GREATSENSE OF HUWK *00 white femab, 36. w0ftV, lovu terry music, THIS SECTION eatablianed SY2052 oulgoxtg and sincere, prefer tel, husky men, lets take a chance. SY =11 travel, inn wak;,0 �. FOR 2 WEEKS. AOEK on � EASY � .. single white sandar pXys�enper who 110M aftmoon Iaaura out in Ste ow". YOUNG / 3working gentleman 311 wishh So seek M"7' wi guts SY 2123 sPORIrANEous, irtdepatdaa, Ail figured YOU MAY PLACE s� 24+ SY 311110 SY 3001 mom, 38, into cards, dancing, fishing, AN AD AS looking llody, 52,v°rced, ATTACHED mak, 43, 58', iso los,KrTMUTM phy�y d, IVO3 o kbOf sports, seeks livag. in Pickering, sesame seeks camping, seeks single while mak, 37-50, patient, devoted, funlovirtg, OFTEN AS YOU female, 30-40 for Coffey-* rt>gt4. SY 3067 EASY GONG female, 27, enjoys ft out gentle inerests SY 2104 good htxrbred and Cantil' oriextted SY 2125 good humored IK SINCERE, single white female, 39, 5'T, outdoes and meeling new peo*, seeks outgoing 535, who cen make ATTRACME single 20 yr. old white tamale, p�,.��, blue eyes with baby, seeks in divorced, bnxnette, enjoys walks, talks, dancing, country music, country drives, me . SYSY3068 euram e, kind, honest mak interested seeks warn tdiectionate white divorced reletlo W io. SY 2105 male. 40.47 SY 2128 importantCsi For Total Conf,den!:jItty 1 -416-976-1991, The Most oshama whiff Ter N4ett k AWt�trra Mews Advertrer mmw- ra tl"ft fa dw caataht a rgplf to my 5incma.lf Yaws advertirmhe+ll TIw adverWer aawehe �tp.r.Itabiaty eon the of, aril allresporhue ea, arty .dvermeahmt a recorded uhessage aril ea any claims aide sgaim okarwa Whitby This what W a rowdi dm*d. Time advertlser arses to Yhdeenlff and 110311111106 pubscebm .ria uwuotand eoer witty Newepapaa and ie..aiiphoyer s hmudm kr as curls. liabaities and damages materna 6aah or oared by, the Pillibicatkin or recordir+s Placed by do advertiser or any reply b such adt•wW mogioL 61' ulna 4* 'y ttwrs, the ashies dw aero not to hew tib/titer ui.phorw ramtbm last near at addns in lis/her g^etizha massge. Oshawa Whitby This %W* -ova rite right w revue, restrict ar carnal any advarumumtt or dmgp the cmgnwy in which m ad r pieced -- t� PAGE 16 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, JUNE 1t, 1993 ori ;,=—ZJARMANDALEISI� p�o 1101 1413 SQ. FT. Elev. B Was , 9 0 0*: U This gorgeous two storey design comes with your choice of I up- per floors. All feature a greenhouse family room with fireplace, main floor bath, master bedroom with ensuite and walk-in closet. r - _ - �` = --- - and r ♦m M1♦ i r �l gin❑ �nElmo V. .; 2142The 2522 �' r�'i•_ », * :< v+ M M r HE �O P _P 2 J rs^• 5Q* FTe EIM A _- Was Jr2I5-"0L EF Fitt r �(�(''��I���—�(r! _fr�����''' _ qtr �It�r The 2142 �RMAND�ALE HOMES The 1413 2522 SQ. FT. Elev. B Was N�216 900 One of our most spectacular models featuring a main floor den, main floor family room, separate dining room, greenhouse kit. chen, main floor laundry and powder room. This 4 bedroom design offers an oval tub and separate shower in the ensuite. $ 90 No This popular Armandale home features a greenhouse kitchen with island, sunken family room, main floor laundry and bathroom, spacious master with oval tub ensuite, 4 bedrooms and much more! MNW*V Rd- a =CL aks CO%hh C7 . 2 MES OF HE ._. %'l 1♦-S---.._--V/'t_-.!':•t"t't:.!fitttti/!1L1Li1•iLLdtSL.l.iai♦..•..a.a-.....a-..-..aaa.Aa&at•aaa. .:A. f News ■ Advertiser (Ajax/Pickering) Pressrun 35,000 every Frkiay plus Saturday Best Homes i 0 TBE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, JUNK 11, IM -PACE 17 OUR BEST MORTGAGE RATE 5m70% Call any branch Bank of Montreal NTRODUCING Dreams RM NEW DESIGNI' S fUVE CO.NlrfE To OSfLkNV�! -� - _ � - - _ � - .� • a.. � r • •.� • .•.. .f • .♦ •.a • s.♦ • • .• _�.♦ a.a!-..♦ ♦.� •.♦. �-r..•�f.f.. •tea.-r.w a f. +?f`t•G�lst'4�$A>fi �R�FAYi•!l���i� tr_s,� .'. ..��'�. �. "P"M'M 23 680 680 68 ERRORS AND OMISSIONS . 1—/ ,MM • r•• -..N N ra....• wr r+...v r r ww ..vN - nN.w• M—.•.•M .n .w• ti - 376 -9335, 796-7672 To Advertise) Your Yard Sale Call 683.5110 ,t: Ann 1 FIE 0 DENTAL OFFICE ANNOUNCEMENT We at 927 Liverpool Rd. in Pickering, are thrilled to give our clientele a warm cozy atmosphere to experience the finest and most up to date dental techniques as well as the most modem sterilization techniques. However for those who still require even more special care. Dr. Mary Kay M.D. joins our staff to help you sleep like a baby, while you have your dentistry done. Also joining our staff is Dr. Steve Goldman, (periodontist, a gum specialist) and Dr. David Eller (an oral surgeon). We also offer evening hours and Saturdays. New Patients accepted Emergencies seen immediately 839-5951 Keep Smiling Drs. P. Goodman, S. Weiner B. Laibovitz, Y Choi 927 Liverpool Rd. S. Pickering, Ontario Classified Department is open every Mon. to Thurs. 8 a.m. till 8 p.m. Call 576-9335 to place your ad or fax it 579-2238 The Zrildafi, Vash.ion Event Of 1993 DATE: Sunday June, 1993 TIME: 11 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. PLACE: Parkwood Estate - 270 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa ADMISSION: $5:00 in Advance $7:00 at the Door Professional Approach --- Professional Results Home and Business Services Private Tuitions, Schools CONStXTANTTUTOR B.A., M.Ed., Specialist in Special Education. 20 years Teaching & Consulting exp., element secondary. Adults welcomed. Success with Dyslexic and Learning Disabled students. Call 666-1880. TUTOR available. Certified teacher from K-6. Please call 686-0173. (061193) kn vim , hm o� enen�e t +� To Advertise Your Service Call 683-5110 Painting, ealeDecorating 2 Poor 9W's with a larwh, p►oresslonal paintiry Inferior. exterior, wallpapering. Free estimates. Call 428.2298 or 11113-9309-(061793) ALL Pro Painting and wallpapering. general repairs. fop quality work at reasonable rates. 20% discount for seniors. Cal ChUok. 404.9669. (061793) Journeyman Plumber No i* bo small . Fauontf, showers, basement washrooms, wet bars, N6. Any renovation or adtreon Daytime' 427.4174, Home: 427-8809. Ask for Tom. Yard Maintenance MAINTENANCE Lawn Cutting Roto Tilling Garden WDA Tree Trimming 10% DISCOUNT PROFESSIONAL painting and SENIORS wallpaper ng. One room or 427-7663 whole house. guaranteed kNmst rates. No job's too small. Quality GRASS cutting, most lawns. workmanship guaranteed. Call $15 to $35. Call 4049686. 430-2595.(TFALL) (0615931 JACQUELYNN TANNER Sales Representative HERITAGE INC. 619-9500 ISO Commarclatl 11U General Help 11U General Help 110 General Help 135 Skilled Help 135skilled Help 35 Skilled HeIP 220 For Sale 300 AutoFmobiles Sale FACTORY LABOURER/PAINTER Small manufacturer in Pickering area requires general factory help for light fabrication and assembly. Preference will be given to those with power tool and spray painting experience. Please forward resume with hand written cover letter, stating salary expectations to: P.O. Box 21023 Harwood Place Mall 290 Harwood Avenue South Ajax, Ontario L1 S 2J0 One of Canada's largest talent agencies needs all kinds of people, all kinds of looks, male, female, children, - for movie extra work. Television ads, magazine ads, hair shows etc. Guaranteed work - Guaranteed money - we can start you in a new exciting career in acting or modeling or just make some extra money part- time - your choice. Call 404-0277 for appointment. WAITRESS AND COOK WANTED Experience necessary. Apply In person: The Kerry Inn 967 Westney Rd. S., Ajax 428-8790 PARTI-Thine position Alex area to esw far ohiwals end do light lose and repair Own Itapwsatiora lrilebls for elderly gendomae. Call s11"133. ("ism CLEANINGI Power " plaw. reliable. flexible, required every ether weak to do the thk►gr 1 dmf have trhe lar, sea c.w armies( AM -217.11 SELL AVON WHERE YOU LIVE OR WORK No iIva bry to bury arld no Frei Training. EXeitinrgg knantives i kite ndibb D(seouna. W"iri1g `edit, home Cat: Mrs. C. (Lord 416 -6i9 -1S74 MODELS NEEDED Female Ages 12-26 EARN EXTRA INCOME Travel to exciting cities: New York, Paris, Milan Call for Consultation 730-5715 WELLINGTON INSURANCE is looking for a mutt -line telephone adjuster w/a min. 5 yrs. experience on a contract oasis. Please send resumes to Cathy MacKay by June 25/90, 1400 Bayy St. Unit 20, Pidcenng Ll W 3R2 Landscaper requires experienced piss and interlocking stone person. Call 831-1860 A. G. Simpson Co. Ltd., a major metal stamping supplier to the automotive industry is currently offering the following opportunity SHIPPING/RECEIVING FORE PERSON We have an immediate opening in our Oshawa Facility for a Shipping/Receiving Fore Person on a permanent afternoon shift The successful candidate must have several years supervisory experience relevant to a high volume shipping/JIT/receiving environment Must have working knowledge of DEM disciplines related to administration, SAN's JIT deliveries. Automotive supplier industry a definite asset We offer a competitive salary, benefits package and profit sharing Please forward your resume to FOR SALE: WANTED Lawn mower in good condition, guaranteed. Also repair trade. Bury. $10 paid for gas lawn mower, any condition, hoe pN & delivery. Right here: cars leased to own 1980.1985 - X345 down No credit check 68x•7428, 6586.3775 725-1988 '%At$rl nems - walker, &trope(, 1863 Pontiac Grand LeMans. infant car seat, crib with good body, needs work. Asking mattress, cotton vetcro $600. o.b.o. Call 579.8558 after diapers, and lots more. 6 p.m. 1060393) Telephone 618-0488. (061683) colla msals. fsonpts given. Flap T - I have several loop e� 1982 Dodge Cott. 4 speed with ANTIQUE walnut 9 pce dining overdrive, new brakes, new set. 6 chairs. pop up leaf. china muffler, new clutch. Good cabinet. aide board, excellent condition. $500 Call 683-0845. condition. asking $1100. o.b.o. f061 193) Call 683.6526. (061393) DAYCARE available in 72'1 CALL FOR YOUR FREE LITERATURE 19621 Pomiec 6000 LE, power PATIO doors (brand new), 5 steering, power brakes, sir 5399. 6' $499. 8' $599. Brown or conditioning. Runs well As is white, call 4'6-433-1738 be- $750 o.b.o. Call 887-3516. rweer Noon and 8 p.m- !0611931 FORTUNE $a service caul ATHENA 2000 S Singer 9 _- 1982 oyota Tercel excellent Machine with deluxe cabinet. condition. 61795 o.b.o. 420. 6997 Sam (061393) paid $16CC. asking $800. 428-7 a 040 nail to D. Barnes. Vacuum, paid $1200, asking Mercury 19791 Marc Monarch, new $500. Antique stereo needs brakes, as r, was certified 2 tuning. $100: two glass lamp mond ago. 831-4722 Dove, tables. $100. 430-2596 everwlge471.4173.1061783) FOR sale - mend, r an telep one EXPRESS Auto -easing and system. 4 office desks. Saes inc. Vehicle disposal swivel Centre, buy wholesale and save. NEED - 30 Class AZ Drivers - +airs. two "ling rab,ryrs. AEG Ker. 686-9206 (061593) 'ypewrner, calculators, off u City-Hwy.3 years elg7erierrbe. 220 Articles 220 Articles supplies and equprront mus, PAVING too much for auto I.C.C. rtredical. Cal 725-9324. For Sale 22 For Sale sell. best offer 404-002C or 404- ns ,rarce? Good •ales for most 165 Day Care <987 ane( 5 p m. (061193) cirvers. Car 503.167 (063093) Available 305 Automobiles �Z SOUTH Ajax Discovery Bay. � J loving mother of two pre-� darcar's offering any ger. L:rgonow � FAST CASH • FREE TOW daycare for any age. Largs o D&B Taring offers top fenced in backyard and Playroom. Rererences available. 663-8636. (061393) iy dollars Ior yw scrag \V, cars or tn#s. Also cash EXPERIENCED caregiver, for drNabj6 vehicles.7 provides TLC in her home. daySA"ek Kreps Crescanlarwoa VFod ria Crafts, outings. nutritious 34&7W Aec� lunares. Babies welcome. Cal 346-r Joy 427-2295. PSI 593) DAYCARE in m" "ante. Glen - dab O • 330 Trailers area. close to scril l5-. Fut ��l Part time and summer hours \l V// available. Lunches and snacks 1878 Aoa�ne �a^•aca-a--:.oc Provded. 831-5302. (061693) -•a„er, ad •oem�,ass yarn, no REUA rarrcas s'esos a stove -r LIVE -1110 ctortparton required for BLE metria( available for daycare. weaney)Recne. 'n- ons. uw 3xa p6/393) uma0a. txaws new �ca�ns f3'S0 sell sufficient senior lady. As- door and outdoor day area. hat/ as seen at the Cottage show o b O 416-6a32779 D61393) sistarree with marls and house colla msals. fsonpts given. Flap T - I have several loop e� 6311791 rMsn nice, 796. 24 hr. keeping Comsortstle centrally and sale emromrnt. Mrs. 4)Wxl2'. SM. 4'xa':le-. ti65. SOR wood 4YBx1? andsbleOWN CITATION 35 1? Twin ' pouts• located Ataxy home. Relle"n"`- Clare, 42605W. (061393) 8 FOOT MOULDED PLASTIC FLOATS' READY TO BUILD 'Wo oecroor-+s. lull barnrocm. ^laity • To 428-1911. Me 1303) DAYCARE available in 72'1 CALL FOR YOUR FREE LITERATURE extras. $1 coo view. Call Pau, atter b p m 416-724 BILINGUAL Conference Co- home. HarwoodrBayly, $75- Beet the recession. lees than 11 4362 (TF) OrdYulor's Assistant ngrired we". Any age. reosrpts given. FORTUNE $a service caul laws iso lsrrdfil slew. use the now -g W7nre. $350 Caloric Doggy Dooley rid Dep 365 hurw rergs Ings ht«Itape Piot time fa sura corrpary in POW"Pt*AwktgPOW"las resume to Large fenced yard. happy environment. Call 683-8673. 15400 OLD SIMCOE RD. 340 Auto Parts b Repairs 428-7 a 040 nail to D. Barnes. - 4 PORT PERRY, ONTARIO Stove. (416) 287-5072. (TF) the rshserd tt km" by lwnek fm ur. r. rad II.-% purr.(,.. lkAr AJAX PldtsrYu� APPtanois - no wssanbls! oKsr nknsd, Itlty . drir. Ca142�0 (0813gM Pcllerirhg• 4208833 Q lORI Sale: 24' TlnRhdarbkd 300 k• losltlat - E � Experienced sawap ons. uw 3xa p6/393) 6 p -L (061743) $500-700 weekly holiday decorations you CS IIfVCr L9L 1 L8 (416) 985.8479 EARN 8463.14/rrsskl bfng $pM products from Ihonthsl t ilichi ns operate warted far furs RE7NWMt PERSON waft to ■ aintain swoN conwawcW ROKA Lumber Hardwood. •�� Industria( Ware a wpors wyws. naw and wed T - I have several loop e� 6311791 rMsn nice, 796. 24 hr. Full or 'upwor.lwiwsMiy-Llvw- 4)Wxl2'. SM. 4'xa':le-. ti65. SOR wood 4YBx1? andsbleOWN op cases. yards a raw Star+master arW 2Pfo Lost at FOUr1d Ill V re brain g. pb20t3) am ��1= 23M. (M1�1 pet i Rack ewe Pts CeM496 MM �' M . ler ilia wirob tamly your Gvrnn9 roomerr hacalm ll for WAOMW - part ehippar awe Olsen Carey CustMw off kms. east d OshmwL 438-ICOC 4 --sees. (T�277.33s1. Beet the recession. lees than 11 $360. Price irekrdes carpei. pad LOST1 - hale aieereee calk 1: pnoalnhMsq pen 1ee� 1f1 FORTUNE $a service caul laws iso lsrrdfil slew. use the now -g W7nre. $350 Caloric Doggy Dooley rid Dep 365 hurw rergs Ings ht«Itape 2 price. 610 Sayfy E.. Ajax. and installation. -30 yards-. yR old. dark troten end black Id" for M asd poen am" July. /4N Black �, � Pant' aNka management. Vartoes ovale. Merely Killed to 210 FinM�rkflt Howl- 9 ALM -6 P.M. Saturdays. 9 arl 427.2660. Stove. (416) 287-5072. (TF) the rshserd tt km" by lwnek 427-4620, 10411901 weft L11f 4M. NNlnw E»flBICED Ileitis Support herns fair wedift IF Worker with pr requited ler From 7:30-11 a.m. Cat 1- AJAX PldtsrYu� APPtanois - no wssanbls! oKsr nknsd, Itlty . drir. Ca142�0 (0813gM Pcllerirhg• 4208833 Q lORI Sale: 24' TlnRhdarbkd 300 k• pm. (TF) Cewfipetion. Call $63-1161. LAP TOP COM- OEMONeTRATORB with three years work domd H oom Case Ssrvlos.4W RESPONSIBLE mature ME •'^a• lace 1410. (061149( oulmm Mudwtt b caw for two$!%df. People 25 or olds►. Sofas i► Pay retail tloldeeteandOlargest (4 6) �� Call ( g1g pj 15-. �� ��' "�• y "7.14p pN7t3) auto, 56.000 kwh on8 ' SCUBA equpnrwi - tank with CH ITCOONC PUTER rfi..d.d Ion **in only. i1 WOWOMsd call nrpr depwktens stoner Pink- EAIMI IfP TO $1146 a9/wsek glen tyy la iAygO 1 p ltl _ to assailable ChrWmas and WASHER and dryer, $250. each. Couch and Malt. $75. a� W-o".so �. .. 290 Pei-St�poes• - bsek PM*. $00; Abe U.S. Divan loaded with software. high ,ve,,w� Aghakrrhg Two Floss Rept4Mor. resolution sawn, 1 cid. 8-0wd Si 355 6 p -L (061743) $500-700 weekly holiday decorations you T.V.starhd $?a;9unnsinbed. yr. aa• Motorcyclesarea. SW Cap 427-9165 and WW49 cellent for student. Asking wiiabb Cap 416401-7531, sound. al home. Work HELP sup«iMroedpan (TF) tme waltiew only ketches. Mai, $10. Prime contact, 42MMU (041343) pAIADEN DOG OBEDIENCE fr ssaga psi 19M $1,050 Tebphorre Blas 424 announce the opening till" Honda actio; Canada. For more iso. SIIIBFAJOB-Skrdwlswlsd Bond a sol -addressed Apply in person- 427-4770• Simmons 1426. (06179M in XR500. (row knob - wASNERS Dryers. Fridges Largest ranarg aoiry Spores • ria onad. 30FA, trend new. nary brown Durham. Classes al bis from arra rear and much 001ncef stamped envelope to b Caw ler 1 CkMdlwn in nary 011PERIENCED IiekMyfM r5- Vibokb 66 qui for busy � Wage homai 1S yeas er eider. Nit► /Bed. f1�� � (a >�) �RTICE Flan Market has ir► Lip far dents a more. Excellent condition. H>22S arnd W Hw lteoonhdiYonad bslha lovsseak $999 o.b.o.aspects � OOeOianc�e holm sacrifice at $1480. Moped in wKlwW*n Puppy. General weahos $175 and llD b recon Abe erre ywbhwgr n sola. Star st. 221, an dw.4 week paled, ail 426 Plus cones ieska. Call 434- 09rwa t7rearts, KIPtiE2 side weboy �s on special al OKtaaOiirrn a very good Condition. $trio. 726 dHlfonhed drpn. $175 and hp for $250 o.b.o. Call 420-4253. "» Tri 1420 p8159cp reconditioned fridges through I". am ��1= 23M. (M1�1 112 D� � from i30/ and EVANA Tap Sam - wholesale pl egater now to ensureNM stoves. Also coin operated vMURAWX. Open 9-9p,rn by LM4RSTYLRT IM PART 11m 1sscMr regnNsd ler IIANIDRESSER requks0 ice �� Madmadil saf temw pmgrsra friendly unisex salon In heeded for Pan fin( pal PIsMe 723.9544 waMwd for balance of Jure. Pries Y dudes both Sat. and Sun CowWxa Rd. 401.4 washer and dryers. and retail, screened and nenl prior o June la. Ask about appointment. Monday to washer Pompon and 10 _ _s L Triple ria• bnira sand our day and vh-*wW dames, Saturday. �ycii Alto and OuaAVNkrbalarlPltossahsp pkJwkt6 yNrOss nsgoesble • tae alar 7 Cap Ron. Ourbam 9"I nss commission. 439-6244. P -ns w W" nraaa0e anytnr off kms. east d OshmwL 438-ICOC Appliances. 227 Count St.. Also cedes and otfiar nursery Watch for diatelas on Open wary corp tti a property raseL Oshrra S7i 74N MAW stock availabN at disoounl BIW Tia 888.9425. Over 20 yews sespener Cat OaYes� 427-3010- pll"31) Can mow 1 60 �� t � Polos. Fa prompt deivsry. Call (08139M 427-3595. (091393) ItfOVItIG Yue rep. Kennan 4304733 or evenNps 4262170. DONT throw your wism * 5 lard ��L�Les.� l wanMd 120 MOP wrh adba porrk 3 burr sewer X700. laws iso lsrrdfil slew. use the now -g W7nre. $350 Caloric Doggy Dooley rid Dep 365 hurw rergs Ings ht«Itape NYQERBT Pidrrkhg Dental - CAw, fur Wer hours Include out. Ilio In paasbllity fair 20 . (Oipe j59J) 95- 9m soles System a~v0 w Waste Soffismeptic System NOW 171 3 �a Old $860. Cap tiM123 OHO• PAIfT/ YnM WOOKKEEPEN soot evomp and No saw- MOM aid girl 5 days par wsMc requkwL $isr rsst9ws in: t$te NM Per month. Call JML am- Car 420.20". (0820"3) /�/1A Ar� (eL�iso fu1s" WANTED - stoves, fridges. SHOVEL723-5413or Q" � � Mercury � Q_� alar and Oyu dr y rIABY kanhltre fa salsi crb. awe" gain - Win. "IV. (h) Kkpslsn Rtt Sie11e 7Z. Piths(- arae fo41143r aqutted le mil ice On not Also wanted Heiler. $4.540 r bast .filer. tinftge table. stlarsr• Play Pan- Inewer than 19776 j4 Call �� Mtsso9. p91790) 8 ) C) � weft L11f 4M. NNlnw E»flBICED Ileitis Support herns fair wedift IF Worker with pr requited ler From 7:30-11 a.m. Cat 1- AJAX PldtsrYu� APPtanois - no wssanbls! oKsr nknsd, Itlty . drir. Ca142�0 (0813gM Pcllerirhg• 4208833 Q lORI Sale: 24' TlnRhdarbkd 300 k• you ars single or a skies pawl w eopw"W er dlvarosd Du*1 aria Cal Caps Pialas- 5414 PSI ISM gwrameed Recondkkaned OAKiPHHE Fll1iN1TURE why SHOTGUN oww and undo 12 trill) S ears, bath ether. Call with three years work domd H oom Case Ssrvlos.4W RESPONSIBLE mature ME •'^a• lace 1410. (061149( oulmm Mudwtt b caw for two$!%df. dad 427-01m. Pay retail tloldeeteandOlargest (4 6) �� Call ( g1g pj 15-. �� ��' "�• y "7.14p pN7t3) auto, 56.000 kwh on8 ' liwreial aaslslarhoe a r you are RN needed /or piths% duty In �• stool 9 and S. for the Rd S. Ajwt (TF) Y,�'� manufacturers :now sap _ > Alkali hruw.held i� 400 diniY a to public. Ea. S & G WO r a� 14 w L *id9s. aale4 levwtM. For Rem 250 avw"and hM nosntty b.Mt home In Wast Indian !lot r. months d July and August. (aid oto. you mey quralty far been wee Cal Ea11 Mon Fri strry OVW ask Must WEWHr Los - tip to 17 pounds in 14 days. Try our 21st century table waft des eat and 4 Sales desk. Car U -6-97M pH79M dein PICKERING -one bedroom isg "alliance. DIP/CERT. haw own transportation for 7467974 bslhMsn '�' lLorF tlsnbal nutrition aPPnaalh that VadEL (06150M $799 - B oak double 1Mt Grand Prix SE, tiny baswnenl aloarsneni, separate pedestal cN we' arW 4 chains, MEQ IndautrW Wan i vlrpen loaded• aunn d. Choice of two Lotus. W 0 -ba". sell Sank area word. aid bsdlar " auloced. ��1 Ca 4465431. (06139M wA DW Care HARK$ APPLIANCES oflsrs entrance. full bath. shared $142" Gsnrnanbal beds. i199. $1 a bag. Everown used douw for cars. non smoker. showroom laundry. newly decorated. air Oiler 20 stain officials - all said ' f'wy Rain -0 condition. 43,000 mals. $12.500 V~a. Ps" 1 Met r -' a w f�a, Caw. 60 Wow 65 0 C." No P aye � 90 days an CAOSLEY Wirso"i- CROS- time the Saturday. . con.. (wear Go. lake. relerenforia no veneers - Traditional g y 610 with carphone, b/o. 70,000 Fint/last. $625 irwiusiife. ,124 lay st� 416965-4774. � E. Alex. 9 a.m-4:30 pm. miles. $11,500. and Si saws Aaefyist. C9boL V V AVON* Pascal end C. Madn ksk Ouwk LIVE In Nanny required in m LEY has a fur ter of quWy bust refrigerators. pas or electric Wo. Leave 3891. (081593) (TF) massage. 432-16" of 433 OSHAWA - bright sunny two 280 8t F>Otxtd 8871. Express, and Busts w. Durharn NwNh Aim ane for 4 alinkwh. TMTMYIROSeLMO - need ranges, PHANTOM ticksls. June 233. 2 (0![1593) n Business Computes, College. Ages 1 through t. Matters a Ob bb cwegkwt Sn►adr, dslwssshhowa CROS- Rm. Two adult A $55 eadn. Two 1M4 OwvM@. low kms. excel- on quoin . Easy 40 quip stbus Easy 401 at cess 427-3010. woman preferred. privet hid knlcf+ss. relenenfials. Chid (tF) LEY provides the most inclusive sk+deThVssrnion at SM sed► Call LOST - 3 1/2 year old Siberian ianht condition. $2250 artiped a and city t1Ue route. $889 an quarters. flexible hours. care diploma. 427.4937. 10 yeer war(" of all major 631-0121. (041393) � us and best otter. Call 433-1787. wines and parking included. and Drivers license and a (04130M Ns Hale/ swimmer. nen *maker, brands. Harks Appiwiose and CROSLEY,d9 -1 CONTENTS - bad dra,field hem Ajax Anwearihi r Hospiul L aw (Mt%931 Cal 4mm�. (o6i793) ALLre Child Care1Enlichn M1t 1 30 awl "WererrCN. 146-44$1. Nave � d aw th � �!/Z ober quality and value al a6ordsbs prices. with Soft rtus�,,,,,,d., now. seen in the Agus and Mandrake 1945 Pontiac Parisienne WHITBY - two bedrooms. Dors. tshlse end tables, fridge area Approx. 3 1/2 weeks ago, Brougham, ail PC- with air. spacious• laundry momese4olm) and part time. Planned Hork's Appliances. 191 Blom parking, and stove also commercial answers to the name Kody. N am/1m stereo, excellent facilities. SMA7 par month. SALES/ h&vm Now HOU . Nva Programs, ECE mother and � ��i�M`Oshawk3' "fMgerator. Call 1137-0991. � a condition. $3500. 863-4218. Available imrrediately. 427• 7931 nssbd fill In, prefer Phllipino/Enlish mssk&&"L thing you told and M � 419.2045 mm's• I$" Plynnawl Voyage1 LE. 2457. (081590) ilii tlsree i M speakln . rNerenees. non be tr prdgn Op p }late �t!a ROxPOMI a plea dfntlq hvrenw ONM1011pOM ask dart wood. FOINq apwe shsne sl nsswey IV leaded. sunroof, exodlert Twp 11 basertw*A ps4 . r5- - dt""w'r- - - _ y r - .a9N+� pn6slMb+x1►•.r.awlssah�lrgsutblrape.l"-sally-jsji9ilia�cA...wwarnrllrl..klplrsr..k.Yl.kserr, a.aawfir.r.cb.eh....ar,. HUGE GARAGE SALE SIS Lightfoot Place, (Nary RWhitm soros from National Sports)111"ing Sat, Stn, June 12 i 13, 9 - 4 P.m. Strolem, tars, poll cart bosl/pool covens, rowing machine, pstio cushions, closet agan¢em and much more. STREET SALE Sat., & Sun., June 12 & 13 S a.m. - 3 p.m. Abbey Rd., The Enclaves, Pickering GARAGE SALE Sat, June 12,9a.m.-4p.m. 80 Marshall Cres, (Rossiand/Westney Rd. area) Raindate Sun., June 13 ��nnnunnnurrnu ROYAL LEPAGE r_�mnunuuuuum GIANT CHARITY GARAGE SALE Sat., June 12, 8:30 a.m. - 2 p.m. Corner of Kingston Rd./Brock Rd. Proceeds going to Ajax/Pickering Hospital Something for All Tell your friends, Everyone Welcome'. GIANT MOVING SALE Sat 8 Sun., June 12 6 13, 9 a.m - 6 pm. 1521 Harwood Ave. k, Everything Must Go. FORDON'S FANTASTIC STREET SALE Sat., June 12, 9 am. BOYIYA(rosm, 2nd right hand tum MULTI - FAMILY GARAGE SALE Sat, June 12, 9 am - 3 p.m Raindate Sun., June 13 3 Jinn Dr; Ajar (Mil St.ICarmn Cnw) Baby Carnage, stroller. dothes. toys. books. household items. ANNUAL STREET SALE Sat., Junta 12,9 a.m. - 3 pill 1230-1235 Radom SL Bigger and batter than ever. bargaats galore. MULTI -FAMILY GARAGE SALE GARDEW EW SQUARE (Whits north of Sheppard) Sat, June / 2, 9 a.m. - 2 pin. GARAGE SALE Sat, June 12, 8 0-.M - 3 pm = Fk ft Am, Ajatt Air pond., butes and more. 400 � 400 A 't 400 ��ntms 400 A 10400 GARAGE SALE 919991 That's right! The 99 townhouse units o1 Durham Condominium Corp. 937 are having a massive Garage Sale. Time: 9 am. to 4 p.m. See map for location Dabs: Saturday, June 12,1993 MAID caw spoor (appros. ONE clad loo bedroom apart- AJAX! - spacious one 1100 s4.rt) executive ons noncom In Oduwan and Whtgr. bedroom basement apt. 11M0 DELUXE tinea bedroom anpam OMWA - Largs, brjllm 1nee1� bodmaem Ajran apanerorm Mary Aneambls ianreAsemly. Whiby. oopesw wlrmtoo. ansae N bsdroonn boserrorm aporsttana, meat in dupits. FAt4n kiktw% pakmsd ons and No bedroom 11119K 4 pos. baa k canI and $679 all inclusive. Near 0-w smsnitiss. $sae betumW sprats arrtrarnos, (sundry, naw applartoea. 1Nrstisms. naamt aparanormm Rkv% a m,% ams ttdgs. slow, anal st. antral be men. Kalb saomohout Oak fnaWsrb anonrNs, no Palm. Call 2113- sfoaW $$Ie baltrsiw doolift vee, ttlflims knaltrdod Tprtmh an Cd 7211.5e�f>Q (Oe1ea0) � a �t NMm inck ded. Urtndr1. appliono s. parking. 4104 r 5714151. JDSXN 1 Call 193-571 er i11-2741 door. l ll ins ren smoke' $0-60 1naml # FbWk mL oalrana a w walbtm AMM SN$k smdtmo- d corn OSHAWA - one bedroom nen ft-4a"M (08/310) OSHAWA - one bedroom �� Brrldrq locatiank 25 up P*A" I plowfrlB 9L 40O03W ants d" i7a61010 402.7435. M swap" mint. ti475 Inclusio. Wer . am bolmo , Ij62b- ,� snow Mal no do". em YlannodsfMy, oapaanb onttrarna, Beautiful two bedroom T1O bb,op„t Sago. Par Old $478 pMan 80 Utilities. 434- AJAX eMan spacious ane bod0°am � WHITHT tis, three sedrsonn Irides. slow. cable, no pub. aperarent, am ♦ hydro. descent, pyres bN1e, FkatYlest rearmed, 6102. (TF) � ellraeme sParbrmrs in arts mfpink, broad- relmnern' $545 monthly plus dam. nice yrd, ves --- phone days 7254$11 r m e - e tram. brasdlsarq utilitiesrM loomed throughout, large 1m.Call SW7W7. (01111901 separate entrances, near it" lasrol& (MOM WHITBY - one bedroom inclrAK dome b ft no palm, backyard. two entrances, LAIMam- 1 ,o,m0amwnont doammorMn, no palm. Call 436 apartment, close to all FkWlmK Pal ac $1160 Pr POW". $725 plus pamim 9 am per mon11L Cal 011a (011310) WNITBYI 00 - 1 bedroom amsrelim. $495 mtorttisy krdud• nosh AvMsbis lnnnodyyy. ORION, Araimbim July 1. Cosa best mit. brge �B�11rre. int utilities and poking. Cal Cal 1113750. (061390) 671-18= 05150 days, 435.0704 r evenings PICKERINOI 1 berm bass- storage, eat -in tfteM0. 6661171. (081 UM 7212111. (0115901 mont opt. close to all sPPSw,sss. lanes besMsm% 4 pmwj3mmCLEAN Oft' located M 12 bi�Ybam amm DICKERING b tires bedroom t>1CI(EIBNO Ambsrlsa - one ar5limgsopwabeawaanos�mei� �' 'fir' tabs ~' Oshawa, fridge and stove 0-N, $711 Mtdwhre. On tow main floor bungalow. two bsdroorn baeemrsra spa,t,,,w„ chid cepa, wi hmaa CZ Oshawa, fridge Poking. &K rleae appliances- close to all for ram, all utlYtim Included, pow to&Not esaaYs�M01 4/8308-I P1117p) indudsroto, Adelaide �Pkkoaleg Town amantiriss. $100 par month Plum ssps►s1s onounce, hfdge, snore. Coe s a•am eat 2111 SF Mary SL Conks and Gs sldery ants so 12 Wales. Proms 6664M06. Imwdry. avaitablo Aug. 1. $560. 06MA11110111 wMTBy . largo bright three Area. $550/month Inclusive. lake. Ci 437-2410 or 4M (06139ffi 4202131. (061 ISO W/f 0Y ants - 2 -one' bedroom apartment, quiet 4384MM or 7231517. (011510) 415L p117p) COUNTRY Living - Hampon OSHAWA Centre, spacious apartments available 000• eot•in kilch0m amus and PICKERI 101 Lhopee1111my 2 AJAX . westreyk" #2 •one area two bedroom basarrow bright two bad cc, apantnans fmmodlatsly. Freshly wwvabd. b'dM Prhrsb *mrrot'• iaasdry - 1 bdrm beast apt, $ bedroom bomomerm sprensnt, rOarinenr 4 appliances. $700 July 1 oocugrrry. Total 1550 monthly. Fist and last locates. Pip• let, lad. sppaartoes, r1s1r1y nmevmlmd, Pmismsionaly WWW. separate krdnmire. hslcmly eat no ¢rot mash ,p . a"(q`rgiwd' Werlkp/ ps4Pis °Ator ;pl a YftiKI s e s35f0 now Is Go a P 0-w,-snmanoa. 4 pea beth. hu 324112s. (SI > di-04/a1-unnh�14 �..Gmry. I 1 airOa. t 1160 ylelnlrhea,Jin�,(Mfk.amoke, G50. w. 1.- . .......:.......... eYNf emrllaildPN63 VILLAGE FESTIVAL GARAGE Change of Loca DLD KINGSTON COLUMBUS Sat, June 12, (raindate Sunday) 1232 Charlotte Circle, Pickering (near Burglar King) all Items negotiable S FAMILY GARAGE SALE Sat, Jutta 12, 9 am. - 3 pm. Chalmers Cres., (Hwy k2lHsrwood) Something for Everyone Raindste Sat., June 19193 GARAGE SALE SOL, Jew 12, 8:30 a.m. - 2 pm 1232 Canbort"h Cres., Pickering Partial house contents. Something for Everyone. (Rain date: Sun.. June 13). GARAGE SALE 1780 Meadowvlew Ave., Pickering Saturday, June 12,930 am. - 4 p.m. FIRE COLLECTIBLE BALE Sat, Jure 12, 9 &AL- 4 pmt L" 1101 recto Ave., Whites Rd. South of 411 - Westshore ares. NOZZIes. erAnpuishws, bwtker nails, hWmft and mora Tkrash and sessraes s vtM of • laduh. wrest and lswsiry1 GIANT GARAGE SALE - UP TO 77 HOMES SAT, ALAE 12, Rain date Sun., June 13 9tins-4pm. 1915D- Rd., pkkal l (let strog wpb ol !frock Rd. off Hwy. 2) YARD SALE SAIL, Jum 12, !lolls 9-12 2e Kent St., Ajax Camputa 1mn. Toys Baby ltanr, C'ioim clot GARGE SALE Sat, Am 12 8 0 a.ta - 2:o PAL uaeT� Tora�he CL (South id wwp Rea items. Conn and wan dw "� .°+1°r 400 A ' 400 -1 �fs OSHAWA - be bodroorn apart- AJAX . one bsdlssrR Harwood! monis auelsbln Oras auctions Hwy at Mary bright, Ino sox kretodhl ly, others annd" VM&QX bsasnnara pra.rarta, June 1. Fkst/kst requited, available July 1. Includes Wndry aailss. SBW4NW . Parking. 4 pa. bath, !ridge, hydm, Jim 57LCall 57E3=or7 mons cabs 91l m $750 nrnorresy. 4Za•1112. (061/9 AJAX -are bednoorn bassmerm LARGE one bedroom cloart, walkoutnor lois. private bright becam a aparmwnt. offim- oo, laundry 100INms, VA. Parking. separate laundry/ ideal for single wodtkng Parson. entrance, $575 per month non smoker. WIVIANI. $675. kcksh'S- 725.90111. (081590► Avallable 4274661. j bis" Com • - a� mw No bedroom AJAX - beautiful sPaclew ons Www" On WIM slnM, bade bsdaoom bwmnana sPsmrrrent 10 peck. laundry, 00081 -1 m, for rant. completely broad- 1110►aae pace. araisbb July 1. Wftand full bath "noun- $750 Yn¢lwhra Cal 4V-740L private w/o to clean backyard and dock san Can be fur- spacious ono nishod or not furnished. Call bedroom bass"""I 4ParskwM. DOW 427-1310. (0813931separate naBtie trance, Two bedroom, 8 Isnk, north Close to GO, no hc, non P pets, non Oslume. frww stow. parkYg, smoker, fintftK ,Moo laundry facilities. AyaJlable $825 monthly s(nele, $650 Aw 400_g K 400 UDWRY SIATMs AT TNM LAKE • Supefior 24drm. fRi1Ms so sirai" -5 /Ippiorlces • En suite foundry • 2 be is find. ri'mkM on suite) •IrdVidtillilland p"ng COng00rllrlg Unl� • `^ v on vie sed1rity .^^r • On-sile mainleflanoe • Parking induded 6970.670 tO $1,570 PER MONTH PLEASE CALL (AJAIQ f TORONTO) 427-0363 OR 861-1000 *ONE MONTH'S FREE RENT 77 &33 FALBY COURT Two bedroom apartments in family building. Air conditioning, broadloom, 2 appliances, laundry facilities and underground parking included. $743.00. 686-0845 weekdays 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. * Limited time offer LW AT THSI Extra arta Iwgr 1 a 2 bedoom o+uLaur iry a �i Available July cal fkny, hast wont last 10% CALL NOW! 432-9127 AJAX1 - 1 bdi bsmi apt, laundry facilities, perking, Cable a an Ub*doo knckuled $650 per mo. Cora 724-911a 1 or 686-570411 leave message. (061791) PICKERING - close to Go Tran and mat. three bedrooms mai, floor of house, 5 appliances. SW monthly i5du cies heat and 410 Rerrtc & 4��ForSale 00 Hann A ase. nM.et 580 winma AJAX -Harwood N. House for rent, industrial, corm arcial PICKEAIfIG Mldustrid unit - prime location, clean and WWMT Northema - approx. 2$00 24 -IL, all brklt, ctt-diaaM MORTGAGES as low m 5.75% Pfopeny. 2.1 acts. Available Immediately. 427-1807. &VMKUbU. beg rants in area. From 1800 sqR b 41X70 sq h. 46 edroaes, oohs WOe kielhen with 3 bulk In appliangs, o.a.c. Cal Michael. 888.7200, lwhresr,n,ns!� ,� (W15" Able t WHITBY 1 - beautiful 3 Ontar(osice 1972. (TF) AJAX Central - 3 bedroom. 2 Maeg• • Three large newly renovated olfioss Best rales 836-8801. hour bund moo n. ta/rgy nice wllh waltoul b 80' wide MORTGAGES and Personal Loam - call if you we seff- aPWarhr4n, don, near stores. Go, post office, 1900 (081593) Dkhs antral employed, have payments, Plue 203 LtMWL First and last t10MINTOWN Oshawa - dose b vac, $222,1600. Private Open credit. income difficulties or Cal 883.8788,. (081693) Memorial Park, 900 sqh. office Houk Sat. 130430, 47 Whom been turned down. CityCan 06HAWA1 - 3 s 1 bertomok 2 spew for rent. Parking in back, $775 monthly plus utilities. Cres. Call 888.2037. M179M Finandal. 438-8/04 Oshawa or 254-0897 Pkikering. (062993) bath' meed yard, newly d'"no1ed,SM+fit" CON Available irrernediatey. Pleas, 1111l_ 5 l two storey home with three MORTGAGES and ban, 95% 686.211&(061793) Call 7284", (06 1393) bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths, ftlar 9• down payment also WMTBY - executive on CCU - .high 470 CO greenhouse kitchen, c/o and efficiency furnace. Family arranged. Qualified or unqualified. Cal( Doug 668- lour large bedrooms, master with ensuite and walk-in, 4 Rend m room complete with gas 6805. Communuity Financial bathrooms, two waskorns, rec KAWARTHASI - cozy two *16&abe Insert and w/o to fenhad yard, $189,500, Call 434 - SenAws. (TF) room with Calc wet bar. family bedroom modern lakefront Viol. (061393) Business room with fireplace. $1275 plus cottages (45 min. NE of RESPONSIBLE mature Chris. 590 Utilities. Available July 16. Call Peterborough) good tithing. PORT Perry - $139,900. Two _ Opportunities 7259230 (o6i793% swimming, boat and motor pkn bedroom bungslovr wait to area for rant or rent to own. Jul. Cas 839.6218 NO down payment? Good 1 rentals. Fran $170 weekend, $395 wsthly. (705) 877-2159. downtown shops, waterfront parks and marina Perfect retie. credit' Good job' You can buy forthe priced rent, while prices (070993) ment/staner community. Pat an and rates are down. all Doug FENLONI Fake elegant it 00 Houghton, Bob Johnston Realty. a Bram, Community Financial, bedroom lakefront cottage 9858503 a 4334677• (061393) 668805. (Th) Storgeon Lake. All PICKERING - attractive 3 WHITBY 1 - beautiful 3 conviences, two miles from town No pals, $450 wearMy. bedroom sem, 12 years old, 1 11 2 baths, air, garage, dose to Go. bedroom house, 2 1/2 Call 6237637. (051793) $146,900. Call 839-5267. bathrooms, 5 appliances, so" $145,000. Core 9054MOD (�) large Also one sANCROFT area -private arytkn- for vioalk (06I7y1) bodryard,$975plus bedroom basement withequipped. Iakefronl, Iwo bedrooms. fully PRIVATE sale - Maple Ridge firoplace, appliances, yard, washroom, beautiful familyhome - two 6550 pun.4366253" (061793) hot waw, *I�C1•fC Moats excel- storey, landscaped, 4 plus , 1 9:30 am. For mora4dt:muldn Ism fishing, swimming, boat bedrooms. fully finished PICKERING/ VILLAGE - 3 included. Photos available. basement, heated inground bd... sidesplit, 2 beamoome, 11375 weekly. 1.705.932.3315. pool, numerous upgrades, finished bunt, appliances, or (061593) OPEN HOUSE 1-6 p.m Sat. and conditioning, k9 lanced yard Neu schools. Aug.tsL gANCROFT area, 5.9 house. 3 Sun. (061393) $1100. util. 681-8858. bedros omwith al amenities. s AJAX - raised bungalow sites fully lumehed, Mir Curl, mobile Jerry.668.7200, Free hot. ,b Heated PboK hot tub, Anubis soulk: setting, nix. ber of likes on large 721244' tit, finished 415 HouSftp close by $300 weekly or $1000 ngmHy. Call 416.420-9500, No basement with two extra bedrooms, two fireplaces, orhac7ore. Children 'nn a. phillw (Lass than � Sundays. M6279M double detached garage, great for RESPONSIBLE mature Chris. GEORGIAN Bay year ufasaga workshop. Call anytime or visit anytime. 428-3260, than couple with chiare e seek- Beach and Midland. 3 Week CON 831-2129. 4061 SM) Ahtrsira6 p�.5mr"g4t6-88ns gWo 55�29d. fumiwhb rooms from f285 b wag mairitarked andlard ing 3 . bedroom home in rural bwdrooms, sandy beach. deck 300 Chestnut St., Whitby. Three area for rant or rent to own. Jul. Cas 839.6218 with BBQ, property can be seen on video 434.8831 bedroom corner kat b(dc bun - nal- with two bedroom in -taw . (06 693) •6062293) RESPONSIBLE n Jeb Jointly, KAWARTHASt/lakw S-yn►wr suite, Private entrances, two VENDORS invited for exciting da3bedrCo. hotlpbtwo n Mitchell - Woddlend Estate, stoves, two fridges, asking $145,000. 4362732.M6,593) now concept in flea market retailing. Opening JunvJul. Corners-Counk�- Bowmanvmo area for July 1. hmea keepiq ceaages 3 plus piece bathrooms, fishing, 3 bedroom honkie, bead on Scarborough area. Contact John Must be M wet Isp condition Pool , • t ore , °Form concept. Lilts x+ck. Soiaryk 285-4772. 6061 and aAadable rout Piwvee W call d.beach, playgroud b wnirwwss KE of 1 IrivM9 dock. tR sen bead tit PARTI Titre Inewns Produce, 579-0135 and New message. Pickering. 70S-GS3-1317. so" $145,000. Core 9054MOD . Greet Opportunityt Origirel Townhcmises �) _ arytkn- for vioalk (06I7y1) Concept. Send $11.95 to Ono L KAWARTHAS cozy two bedroom 535 Lots For Durham Exchange, P.O. "'Forrient 64086 Town Centre Postal 575 490 Loans en maidlakefront cot- Sale Outlet. 1355 Kingston Rd, Hydro extra on own THREE bedroom townhouse, tages (45 min. NE of Pfc/r k . Ont, LIV 6P7. Sth- pipe ore laden barn Peterborough). fish two storey with baserntrn. 'eg• donee plus atilt' mat o. Noun9� metro. Surf 2-3 busiest people. sM. 686-1385 or 831-4201. 1393 '� Min kHchar4 eepens' Oshawa $875. FitiAsel, on bus ) entrance, $3500 full Price. L secluded swimming. Boat and motor ��ng tit. Sand be Welcome. (061793) Make perking, laundry, routs, avahtabls immediately. PICKERING Go. Liv-npooi and close to amenities. non- Stove. fridge included. 723- , 9n» $i$ B M rentals. From $170 weekend. Ishmg, next to 10.000 acre v Money iii etas. 5395 weekly- (705) 877-2150, your own vending bus;ness. ,asst. an o'-, no BaySy. two bedrooms and large 1»- $bOOnrhomwh 9911. (061393) oourny One hour east d New equipment on PRIME loca- GREAT fishing and lamely Toronto. Charles, (416) 4]t- kitchen and living area base- inchaelve• Avail. JSury 1. Car - - - -- - Ment 4 427-1795. (061693) AJAX - three bedroom holidayl Low family prices. 1555. (070293) tibrn to see. nv-st 68500 a ktese- Cal OXFORD VENDORS apamm nt. appliances, tow^ho se. Wes air con.. private-ntrarlw, $750 OSHAWA - two and three hey ROJFMry n Modern cottages, Pickerel, mrakey, IN ON and large, rrnonAh OW -01 -Town at 519-663-3948. x061593) - end unit with garage, $975540 . 40% utl4i-e. Cas 2906,57. bbroom ,tp,r„r,at1fe arylable monthly p,t,e uoltiee. F: (061593) base. fuses',nfish. grounds. tiatMront. Properties 630 Level grounds, mac hall, Registrations st 900 and ON Glen St. Close to references, non smoking, no OWNER Fnanonq._•00 2 linwese s, Ewwlaklllew. 26$-20". PICKERING C wanted mature schools. fes. stone and South pets. available immediate) Y children's program, sandy acre Of beech. Boat and moor rerrtak. with ,100 h. d snorstre. Next to bednern Be nth bessowt apartlnerr6 PssMr•d $1366 111•Ilddy nt -4 vvohung Denson to rent badmen. GM. Uhsres Call 7 6 rust and 428-3236. (06139M n �, basertant. Shore kAiXSen, last required. Cat 7261993 9-9 One hour ham Oshawa Sun. Land. miss d boating and fishing. Treed. PRWATE SWIMMING LARGE Whitby Townhouse. bath. uithes included. Close to P-rrL (061693) Aug. 1/g;L Three bedrooms. t 1/ Go. PTC, nymead Cottages. R.R.-3 privacy. Hastings, Ort KOL IYO. 1-705. southern exposure. $29,900/ LESSONS Teaching colours 'mom bus. $400 monthly. AVAILABLE immediately in 2 baths, 5 �p4arncee, aw con., Fwsvlast. Available Jury t. Cas 6962601. (062993) $210 monthly. 427-6637 g yellow to green. Begins alter 6 P.m. 837-0107. (061193) Spacious, carpeted, newly renin. $1050 m+orxhly, pits hiaat/ Whitby apartment budding. gasp-, pets O.K. Firer monthsFir, LARGE 1-2 bedroom apart- panted aDanrtentouch bycor5y, Mdro. Cahn 6680051. (061593) 575 490 Loans June 30th. Regfstlaton is Sun.. June fronts in beautiful country bun- close to bus. shopping. All galow with fireplace and by, utilities included. No pets. two Rooms To _ Ida i�fM1rS MONEY Problems? Loans. debt 1 9:30 am. For mora4dt:muldn 'T 430 near Oshawa ski club. $575 bodroorn, $660. Call 6665173 Rent montfYy FLORIDA - Sunny Port co, na01 dations, credit charkme, Guo Coati, luxury amarhpsrm5erm, personal budg-t �$�1-0J�02 you room for rant $400 a 43x0134. (TF) per none in 7526-(09• Cyt 983 AJAX 1 Somwh -Pte-ant hit' three bedroom house• fully planning, gmnnhus stopped. free* d le fratliy deooralo0 ready 10 wm mine In. Cal 430.8712 b w- 6343 a 1686 7526. (061793) AJAX - three bedroom nish-d room. biwmUy adult spartrnent, available after June home, Moue facilities, con- equipped. ihckldts rested in. FREE CONSULTATIONS. ground 0001, 88Q, ,-rt we* ( ng- Cal � 5. p,,.,,__,, 6 70 Personals WHTESI Rat and d - 15. F,mvlast. $700 per month hiemnianM to bus, $'a0 per vrws0. �' 1 lnawwnrhsnt pus utilities. no p-ts. 683 -SM 427-0384 after, 6 weekdays, now for Holl Hal Wiese. OOhawa)Counsellors (TF) 6183335 (OB159Ct) BORROW $10.000. pJaSpAL06130q • inclusive. Call 420-7079. two bedroom basement PICKERING-tlreeboolloomlop las1g3) priwle a a a/ ask la Philp. (061693) errytinwe are•k,rda (Oitt80) pay as lift- CLEJIRWATEp - 3 b9droor/s as $, 10 pa month o.a.c. Cas FOR r Ya+ pleasure •XXX tan- C. Cablent i Cable. A99tnOpata,$600 pass, inclusive. Call 120-4000. Houses For AJAX (09• friendly or, rear fully lumehed, Mir Curl, mobile Jerry.668.7200, Free hot. ,b Heated PboK hot tub, Anubis lazy and PhSatos. Dacaeen Fa information, write Karen. Bab 1�1�) Rent Go and Shan kitchen. 41 O laundry. Consultations. Invest- U/rxnis, easy b -ch- and -nap meets Ltd. (In 670 -RD Kelowna. BC. V1Y 7P4. only pleats. (TF1 adults do air air con.. very clean, PICKERING/ furnished 1 $400 mont". Non drinker. Cal bo*oomb••twwhtapareewnt PICKERING - attractive three Pat, 427-7113. (061393) orhac7ore. Children 'nn a. phillw (Lass than � FINALLY Fat Free - lop 16 be. 24 private entrance, clow, 10 GQ bedrooms, 1 1/2 baths, nes weakly . 683.5503 ( ) CALL CLASSED in day s, eliminat- tat, in. come, ►okwences, $125 parsal Kona for rem=- $1100. PICKERING home in dead location, PORT Cherbtt• -now home S'J6.e3�$ crease t r -nor grow and.-. req Sys yid Nat Week CON 831-2129. 4061 SM) Ahtrsira6 p�.5mr"g4t6-88ns gWo 55�29d. fumiwhb rooms from f285 b wag mairitarked andlard 993. two bedrooms three (416) 434-2102. (061593) - two bedroom (06136M $295 1/4 Non � mair � had.PICKERING BRI))KENhtta$10,OOpbMrdat , r >' basement apartment, 1000 FOR/1 rent aft epdm a Ivry, sackers. call Ken 420.7347 a mak t«d pool and iple. eight people. sq.h.. tiro yeas mew. ail con.. 282.4045. (061393) bright, -1 . quality rnish•d. 4 bedroom tastefully dse•Iattd Itehsee, Rater in Canadian dollars. e:eatliw AJAX - Burcho/Bayly, Large o Civ �� •��. i � - . grit. Varoars, Vac. do" ars, slaved bellwoor. kitchen Philos and avefabsty, (416) 57832-!& (061380) size and dryer. on 5.w fou e. beside pork 571X1 month- goroge. fenced. wear 1 faShcliss, ivassbM inlredieMy. Holmes ly Pkr9 a3x tAilliss. Araiaele $leC�� � Cal Lyn, 683-2306. (061394 July 1.658.560& �wpw� 5 V V �( e (061393) ,�1"t f"t7� PICKERM - south oh Lim nay 17. nee you guys just PICKERING - one bedroompool Rd- two basarrenht teens, PICKEirIGi MLLAGE - Ex- prlw side entranw h, isLled PEACEFULI snowy 6tfing - 15 ecutl Ve beoue. three $350 and $326. Clow quiet�� entrarea no pars ton sndw, M/reeves. 2 1/2 melba. kph•. goMlenitn pnl•md. ademos of Bwtlltti ihtt; R $660 utiles Included. Reber~ am requiad• Available July 1. [t1a1Wy reeve an ROM Mer. First/last. Call 839-0257. leafy dohs i ce•Mthroome. 4 bad •lisps{, dobbs ash //arae•, $ bedroovee. 2 ~eA t Cal 427-2015- (O111INI) ta9steeR Bask wed • bee. ShOld 2 linwese s, Ewwlaklllew. 26$-20". PICKERINGI - Bright ewe no pve ose, long terlose• MVV Accwm N6/7p► bednern Be nth bessowt apartlnerr6 PssMr•d $1366 111•Ilddy nt Sale - a1 belt 2111 III a last Small. paeliiB. 4 • lasmell. Jelly 1. Cas 426- AJAX - share, beautiful us appseh I ms. holy IOL Cas $711L 061763) IWM*IOUw wilt two adult. No fL 4 weq h 4 bedroom exscwiw aq 267i7J0. 06t6" Peds. ren sntCkYq does b Dt[s home �MIII P CKEIBIMi - Amberlea. W Ms >N30 t'M' Avoid* Iowbm a MASEMEIIT Apaheeoa, one or Rd/401, 3 bodrooms, 1 1/2 jutirsop 1. Cal 287 $700. pet 193) al $232= Hada is � two ', ' , -rlL central VA baths. 5 aPP�. fkaishod a premium career tit IY•pitr kbaedry faeilleal OW bnwnwiL waking distance b AJAX 'cam• Ifcomae to n1M, and Includes $45,000 in ineNslw. Avalable Aug. 1. Cal school, parking, shopping. nuM be l matte". lggra lm Ilrcbldieeg Yrtt­0a Brad, 68&7125.09/50% $1200 monthly Plus ustn. July wo*-so�eflossios• mpo �' and �1i' dock. t PICKERNG - one bachelor 68-873L (061393 available.y 693 beawam opabeealI nod b GO COURTICE - tree bedtoefns, 1 7781 alter 530 p.m, (061193) pellral air. vw. ask adAmb and Il This hoer tnalI, no Yat math deposit 112bats, 1300wt.h„ newpail, required, 8500 Per said pka iwgo yard and single gisaYR LJVERPOOL/1 Btyly. wale e5.- free* d le fratliy deooralo0 ready 10 wm mine In. Cal 430.8712 b w- ulYlea Cal Jared or Fed, 683- available July 1. $950. ON and offeredd � a f�ws vbu6 Open Ido basement 20L 081393) 1st required Call 6565662 aShady and Su dry 2 655-373.i061I9M apartment, $3251menth pJaSpAL06130q • inclusive. Call 420-7079. two bedroom basement PICKERING-tlreeboolloomlop las1g3) BOWYAN4al.E1am0sray.4 apartment, $600 monthly, floor of burgabw, walk to GO, bedroom executive hare. S ustisa iecludod. Can 436-1456 very clean. repainted. Ga , back- AJAX - -notion taxes bedroom S1tot-Clew Dr, doable garage, Iswve-sssag& (06IMM yard dock, fenced yard, home. ProMesbnaib decorated. forgo landscaped lot. Air WHITBY -three bedroom o1 hardwood floors. 4 applanso, Share fadllim. Prefo mature carport, avylebM July 1 • $1000 working porton. Monthly or co 11111111111111s Elsey extra*. PMre $sr pehsb h4ewireg $2$ triplex, clean, 4 appliances, monthly plus 2/3 utilities. No weakly- 683.51f10. (061193) SS8S. Priced at $166.900. large backyard, parking, no pets WIN d.c«aN rylable pots, 6t 3.8601 message. Condos For July 1. $775 .. Cal 420.6652. 41 bedroom datectled home, 455 Rent WMTBPalm) WHTBYI - 1106 s R, pres- (061393) south Oshawa, $800 per tigtous Iosssort becks Onto o LIVERPOOL/BAYLY - one wewM% Phe UWVS8, avkwb-w July I. For mor• tido earl Bill at bathrooms, tieplaee, Lakeview, s`hooad f off' Mair'g 18 Iessee60f1 swrtmr. bedroom basenrhsnt +apart -ant, M34076. (0617fKi) prolesskxnally dsccrated. Pool. kitchen, living room full bath. Ga mid 401. $$?,900. 4i0- $33L NO AGENTS 1 PS 794 terms. own washer and dryer, side PICKERING - three bedroom flwln tlJatllo arxi main floor of house, 5 b}lt,10 401: sauna, 1950 o.b.o. Cal 480-9522 for alppointm nt. BRI))KENhtta$10,OOpbMrdat , r >' IfOfn P1yy� Ir' = r s andirtrfsdiatNy. and ach, largo dolt. tis9s+>t�`S01g`� $650 llrst/last. 639.7834. mor". 222.4011. (061193)F�_f,"579_= ser;kso 'DR. MICHAEL SEMOFF has relowed to 1885 Glenanna Rd. Suite 205 Pickering, Ontario L1 V 6146 (corner Glenamall(ingston Rd.) can still be reached at same number L 839-2214 650 Auctions 650 Auctions SUNDAY AUCTION REMINDER THIS SUNDAY, JUNE 13TH, 12 NOON PREVIEW 11:30 AT THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS HALL 133 BROCK ST. NORTH, WHITBY PARTIAL LIST ONLY Antiques b reproductions including 9 -pc. oak dining room suite, 4 poster bed bedroom suite, round table A 4 p. back chairs, piano and stool• parlour 8 occasional tables, hand made quilts, pine harvest table & 6 hoop chairs, oak office desk, wing back chairs. small asst. brass pees., jam 3 jelly cupboards, bow glass china cabinet, dressers, chests, oak secretary desk, deacon's bench, crocks, day bed iS new mattress, Persian b Oriental carpets, pnnts, pictures, asst. lamps, cast bell, glass, china, brass, blanket iS linen boxes, press back rocking chair, 4 poster pine bed, porch bench. 3 -pc. pine coffee and end table set, pine wardrobe, bookcases, pine shelf, pine cabinets, curio shelves. planters, mirrors plus much more not listed here. Terms Cash Cheque Auctions Unlimited VISA MC 3% 519.345-2082 519-34S-2426 670 Personals 670 Personals To Reg Wells, Tom Mercer A STD cLdNfc John Ferguson: In answer to your Mttar on Free 3 r, 11,1 E^'a nay 17. nee you guys just Infcrr^arlOneeducabory waif 10 maty how you ale as :esLripreall e-1'Cr shexuyly doing. JUN got your letter j�h�yrr y66a5BS June 2 Pts. wnta woaddiess Prkering Towr; Centre W86.O. OshawaxThis FilWeek Week V.O. sox 681, 4M 0781 !a amt. LV'O Osherow. Ort L I H 71_5 Cintas T U65da JESUS says. car. ne oiino sad LADIESI Goodbody s -heath :he blind"? Coes your mxnttsr -^e spa special Promotion. Super wear 9las>we7 hreing Is tan. toning. step class. haircutted hired r'hr, lata. Micah 3 11. and style. Aa for S25. GM ready Isaiah 56 10-12. John 10 ,, for summer Open everyday. Jim CarriPbell, ,-705.953.9475 Also +'2 price karate PSYCHIC Angara odes palm "enlpershhps. Call 839-F TT and Carrot card readings, wdl(3488). (061193) heti slues in e" Ids.e+hi past - now t wia. h a Mo 675 Companions 100% accurate. By appolnsmant. 9 a m`l p.m. Turemo. 1-416- -416652-2581 652-2581Of Oshawa. 725.2664. FINALLY ... a free titer to mut FIGHT fat fast - I IOtt 20bc. in 30 your special someone. New hone dating service. no pres- days the natural healthy way. sure& Or ttnrimsttr*WIN ts. Cal in - Summer's coming• are you formation massage. 416 -438 - ready. (416) 206-7570. (061393) 6606. Partners Search. COME AND WORSHIP THESE CHURCHES INVITE YOU TO ATTEND THEIR WORSHIP SERVICES "i"` N Vibp United Church 300 ClNvich SL ir., Ajax 683.4721 10:30 a.m. ST. ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN 35 CHURCH ST. N. PICKERING VILLAGE 683-7311 REV. JAMES BOGGS WORSHIP & CHURCH SCHOOL 11:00 A.Y. To Advertise Your Church Services i ,Call Janice PAGE 22 -THE NEM ADVERCISER FRMAY, JUNE 11, 1903 675 companw a 0.000 look nv reale. 4(Ys. 61t. 175 lbs. caring, established• tired of being 'Single again' would love to meet a slim at- Iractrve female who could enjoy his some of humour and his positive outlook on life. Nopefun this could bad to both parties saying '1 DO'. Go ahead, take a dance and IT refund your S.43 starry. P.O. Box 341, Whitby. L 1 N SS4 (061593) Home and Business Services Business Services ILLUSTRATION, cartooning, graphic oeslgn, advertising. usiness or Personal. Reasonable rates. Also lessons available. Randy Timms, (416) 342-2279.(TF) WORD Processing - excellent turn around time. Thesis. resumes. essays, proposals. business letters. Competitive rates. two convenient locations' Durham Region. Larry (416) 837-0099 or Scarborough. Shir- ley (416) 299-9159 (061593) Driving Schools SiB Drivng School. 3 lessons and test. $75. 10 lesson&. $150. Cal 287-3060. (062593) Gardening, Landscaping Mae OUALITYI Lawn and Garden Caren . Lawmowing, hedge and tree enrrrrang. rerbliacr. Nlwr and garden care wflde you vacation IMrdymian 939- 12ts. (062"3) TOPSOIL. sand. limestone screening. reasonable rates Alco houaanole waste removal &variable Can 668-7829 (06 t 193) CONSTRUCTION intenor and Eatemr rec)WfS. renovations and construction. Fast and clear protess;cnal work guardnteed CRAIG 686-1913 MAN w,�^ a va^. ava,iable anytime. raasonabla races for sinal: moves. odd jobs. garage removal, paamng FJlterror or Interior Can anytime, leave message. 6e6 -s165. (061393) MAN with pldk up trudt will do odd lobs. Clan ups. deliveries. windows, etc 428.8907 (061193) S.C.G. Construction Ltd - aualny exterior and Interior renlOvilOna, repairs. add XM deslgrtlburld ban and cabinets. All workmanship guaranteed and inured. Contact Gary 839- 0964. (062493) tlotI1a 111111111 to We ori titotti notwas- CawAmciiiii or tip mm Senora i Mill titWA fimot•a Fm AJAX Moving System - full .srriass. moxas, appliance and pica specialists, flit rate or hourly. vele now have heated tnorage urns. Now oMerinp tree ores bwith moue. CAN 427 - OM. (TF) HARRY -0 -THE -MOVERS - move big or small. we price them all Free eaim lse, seniors discount. than naioe moves. pianos moved. Comparable rates. Cal 432.2850. ff) MAN with truck and/or `nen 1s. all your moving needs, prices to It your tardget. Special rales for seniors. -VHe try to be the best in town.- Give Poe a call at 576- 955M. 769533. (TFALL) MEN with large truck will do household move, residential. commercial. AN types of moves. Call Carl or Jane. 427-2856. MAKE THE BEST CHOICE . ...... . ....... CALL CAROL E. KUDLA ASSOC. BROKER 619-9500 FOR YOUR REAL F.S ATE HERITAGE REALTY INCA RICHARDS KWIK PICK TAXI NON SMOKING Lincoln Town Car Airport Two Way Service 420-6999 Ontario CANDO IMPROVEMEN ' METRO uCENCE 82167 Renovations of all types since 1975 DOORS • DECKS • ROOFS BASEMENTS "NO JOB TOO BIG OR SMALL' FREE ESTIMATES 686-5211 ;Qzmaila t;,�3,3awam4 Wes Party Rowe Avail it+ J&- German and InternationalSp"talties Sunday B>•urrch 10.30 - 2:30 `Tues. - Sat. 11:.30-2:30 & 5-10 p.nL Sunday 10:.30-9 p.m_ Located in the Courtyarid of PickerinS'l ULye 109 Old 9 tVston If., AjaX 427-6760 Authorized Dealer. Toro, Homelite, Kholer, Briggs & Stratton. SPRING LAWNMOWER TUNE-UPS 855 WESTNEY RD. S. 683-9621 c>K E FROM 5.5% 1s% 2nd do 3rd Mtges. lo 950A ' Rental Properties 3i Cottages ' Re -financing ' Debt Consolidation • Rural Properties ' Self-employed ' Bad Credit No Income -No Problem Prime Deals Below Bank Rases Fast Professional Service Since 1975 ca686-2557 YmnY v :rte..,,•-.--..,�...�-,►„r.k - - ---• • � � i t ... F.4 !� is Y I►- p y 4_' _ ;71 a i ► rel sir*— wc* I Cando Home Improvements delivers what it promises When the name of a firm sums up its philosophy, it leaves you feeling confident that it can produce what it promises. Cando Home Improvements is such a firm. Its name signifies that it can deliver what it sets out to do: improve your home. Bert Dehaan, owner of Cando Home Improvements based in Ajax, is a hands-on businessman, who "likes to leave a mark after a job." That mark is one that the customer is always satisfied with, .assuring that Cando will he called it second, third, and even fourth time for more projects. 7'he Ajax resident is the type of owner who knows everything he needs to know to be able to accurately state what the job entails and how much it will cost. Ile also likes people to Calow ahead of time not to expect him to wear a suit when he goes to estimate a home improvement project. That's because, as he says, he is a skilled tradesman, not a salesman. And so tar, the evidence is that customers feel good dealing directly with the owner/operator who knows the job from the practical as well as the financial end. As well, Cando Home Improvements offers "a fair job for a fair price," according to the businessman. What is especially unique about Cando's style of doing business is DR. E OLLEZEAU i DR. E FITZMMM VE #A1 TE AEW PAT1SM5YAPPOh7UW WE OFFER FAINLY EYECARE Catted Lenses • l3nDCUbr Vision • Pace"TOOK• Dispem*V d d Types d Ftarties t: that this firm will do the smallest job, from installing an electrical outlet, for example, to the more monumental tasks like building a home. Bert has been in the home improvement industry for 25 years. fie formed Cando Home Improvements in 1975, and, along with two other people, provide first class quality work. "We use very little sub -trade," he says. -This is important nowadays for the quality of the work. "If there is a problem, the customer can talk to us directly" Lower than expected prices are reflected in this lean company; and Bert is pleased with the many -interesting projects" his business has done over the years. Naturally, Canelo gets its share of traditional jobs such as decks and basements, but Bert maintains that it is because of his willingness "to do the smallest job," he later is called back to do the bigger jobs. "People don't forget you if you do them a favor," he says. Cando does a vast amount of work for some of the major insurance companies, and handles everything from obtaining permits to drawings, windows and roofing. Another unique aspect about this local firm is its willingness to service its work long after the job has been done - "even two years down the road." For reasons Gke these, Bert says, • PER1001C VIUM OR LiVE4N FOR YOUR PETS. HOME & PI • MORE SECURITY & MAN1M • LIYHII OR HOURLY C H LO C • BONDED i 01SURED, ESEli i AFFORDABLE 686-1691 sasenar `tutor IIOIISESRTERS IIM rawrt ewra{roe YON s.0 "We end up keeping our customers year after year. "Every customer we've ever had will call us before they call someone else." Commercial proiects are also handled by this firm - from leasehold improvements to building new, offices. }fere, too, the small jobs are accepted with as much enthusiasm as the big projects, because, as Bert explains, "You don't need a big crew; you're in and out quickly; the customer isn't disturbed; and our overhead is low." As part of its friendly service, in the past, Cando has offered free house inspections. Although, too, in the past it has done more work outside of Durham than in its own community, Bert is hoping that will change over the next year. Last year he sponsored a local baseball team, and he says, he would very much like to do more things in the community. Cando is a local firm that, since 1075, has survived because of its owner's willingness to serve customers. No doubt it will be doing more of that in the years ahead. For more information, or for a free estimate on any home improvement job, regardless of size, call 686-5211 or fax 686- 8072. NOW OPEN JOINTS 'N THINGS (Sports and Rehab Clinic) New Patients Wecome No Referral Necessary Physician on Staff 1550 Kingston Rd., Suite 314 Pickering 837-6613 Drycon repairs, waterproofs crumbling foundations For most homeowners, there's nothing worse than a leaking basement. Short of the roof caving in, there's nothing more daunting than the prospect of having to repair that irritating leak. But before you start thinking that `weeping system' is aptly named, considering the mood you're in, give yourself some peace of mind and call the professionals: Drycon Building Services. Drycon specializes in basement and foundation waterproofing. While many people continually assume this is a complicated and expensive job, owner Larry Goodwin points out that isn't necessarily u). In many cases, the problem is pinpointed to a specific area, and can be fixed without spending additional time or money. Cracks in the foundation are a major cause of leaks, but if they're caught early enough, the damage can very often be reversed. Although the deteriorating of the home's concrete block and poured foundation is a natural occurrence over time, it leaves many people not knowing how to properly solve this problem. But Drycon has the answer. Unique products offered by this waterproofing firm allows its specialists to effectively combat concrete deterioration while beautifying the property. When concrete deteriorates, a special product is applied to transform it, resulting in a clean, fresh, look, as well as providing waterproofing Protection. The coating is particularly useful to repair and waterproof the outside foundation between ID`S NOT NECESSARY TO Cp �`�i.EPLACE THAT OLD BOAT AND MOTOR. TO MAKE YOUR BOAT LOOK LIKE NEW, WE DO FIBREGLASS &PAIRS itEPAINTING GELCOAT INEFINISHING MOTOR REBUILDING_ B1L L"11% the brick line and the bottom of the house; as well as older basement interior foundation walls that have deteriorated. Larry says, "The product fills up any crumbling, any holes. It cleans up the pitted foundation, fixes cracks or falling pieces, and waterproofs at the same time." It comes in grey or white, and can be used both inside and out. Newer houses are just as susceptible to cracks. due to the settling of the building, but unfortunately the warranty on new homes only covers the basement for the first two years. That's where Larry comes in, repairing the small problems before they become big ones. In some cases, though - especially in older homes - more extensive work needs to be done. Occasionally the weeping system, the system of tiles and gravel that prevents water from seeping in, has to be re -dug. This generally involves a strip being dug around the outside perimeter of the house, though, as with cracks, sometimes only isolated sections need repair. In cases where it's difficult or impossible to dig outside the house, a similar set-up can be installed indoors. A trench can be dug around the interior perimeter of the house, and filled with weeping tiles and gravel in the same manner as 00 FOUR SEASONS U0 St1NRnOMS zeta Wentworth sl- W., unit 19, Whitby 404-27" 1-0e-269.0111 the outside system. New concrete is poured over the trench to refinish the basement. Whatever the situation, Larry ensures complete waterproofing, and extends his warranties on this kind of work for up to 10 years. Drycon's other area of specialty is concrete refinishing. Instead of replacing chipped and broken concrete, you can simply have it refinished. Drycon uses a special concrete coating to level out uneven patches. After cleaning off dirt and residue, a thin skim layer of this concrete is applied to restore the original look of the object. Cracks around swimming pools can be filled. as can chips and pits in concrete stairs. Even broken, crumbling concrete can be repaired by this process. While Drycon does pour its own, the main focus of this business is in the refinishing of existing material. Whether you need a complete refurbishment or just a few cracks in the sidewalk tilled, Drycon can do the job. Larry invites you to call for a free estimate if you have some work that needs to be done. He surveys and completes all jobs himself, and offers advice on the best way to accommodate your needs. Extensive work is not always necessary; some water seepage problems can be cured by a bit of caulking around the windows, and Larry will tell you so. So before you give up hope and turn your basement into a swimming pool, give Drycon Building Services a call at 619- 1703. AAA" DccLl1SNE PAL seelflcE NcVCLX SN10P • Bicycle Service & Tur*4)ps • Bicycle Saks, Parts & Accessories M W clidal FA So^ Ng Oft, Lt= THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, JUNE 11,1993 -PAGE 23 RED EYE SPECIAL VAN SERVICE TO AIRPORT =25500 per person (additional family members 15" i 686-1515 Wklddw ,�a�a F& CEDAR PARK Recreation & Trailer Resort (5 miles N. of Bowmamille, just off Durham Rd. 57) OPEN FOR SUMMER Featuring: • Beautiful 110x70' pool • 18 hole miniature golf • tennis court • fantastic children's water play are completewith 3 pool. water umbrella, mini slide, water cannons. L a ASK ABOUT OUR SEASON SWIMMING PASS Public Swimming 263-8109 PET SITTERS ETC. Pet, Plant and Nome Care SERVING DURHAM SINCE 1986 PROFESSIONAL CARE OF PETS PLANTS & HOMES BONDED 3 INSURED WE CARE FOR YOUR PETS IN THE COMFORT OF YOUR OWN HOME 4 :. A Aw OR y'1gOEM SALT OR WEATHER DAMAGED CONCRETE WALKWAYS OR STEPS? BASEMENTS WATERPROOFED CONCRETE REFMiSHMdG ANO REPNR ANY SIZE JOB - MODERN METHODS NO DANA" TO SHRUBS, LAWNS & DRIVEWAYS ALL AVNLABLE METHODS PERFORMED INSIDE OR OUTSIDE LARRY GOODWIN 24 Hous Tel. (416) 6191703 I I Ext rminat°lud We 1938 3 GENERATON FAMR,Y BUSNESS FOR ALL YOUR PEST CONTROL PROiBLE S • PROMPT PROFESSIONAL SERVICE • AFFORDABLE PRICES • ENVIRONMENTALLY RESPONSIBLE . MVERMMEMT I ICIFN FI) Present this ad for 1096 discourd on any JD AIR & ELECTRIC TOOL REPAIR 676 Monarch Ave., Unit 3 Ajax, Ontario Phone/Fax 427-2595 SEE OUR NEW LINE OF CORDLESS & ELECTRIC LAWNMOWERS BY BLACK & DECKER BEST PRICE IN TOWN r - Home and Business Services Home Improvements BRrMH TRAINED 18 YRS. EXPERIENCE All renovation wale undertaken. IGtchens, bathrooms, basements, bars, drywall, oeilw%. decks, fences. sic. FOR A FREE ESTIMATE CALLTOM 831-6596 DEL ZOTTO W0 0 , FENCING Specializing rt Rosidertlal Fence a Decks, Dr4w HoNs and Set Posta For Frae Esti-nates Cal (416) 289.3:.68 OHtce 40'3�-b456 Mobile TMS Painting & I Decor Interior d Extenor European Workmanship Fast dean reliable service. 420 -Ml FLAGSTONE, FACING STONE REPAIRS PADO WALKWAYS 1 -NO -269-7124 PAGER 1313 a 434-13N Naw a message ARTISTIC 4asor•arr spat- rg .n hraa�acm and &—my repairs- works r !, on CMS bwcks ars stones of ae Kinds Free es1r-takes. work'*erSno SW'a^teed. Car % e Gwva�s. 6664428. (TF) DRYWALL. 'awg. bowdmg, spray s*.Ccoplainer wpaus For proteesorai serYce at Cor^- pWerve pekes, yl ail if 432- 8409 ;W'23) JOURNEYMAN .4crncian Sowa-, gg r s Dos Lunges. new ' -y. add! ons. and rero+at,ons A.' ro• QuaraMeed 'we stvrates CAA 420-6320 "taw : MARTEK Corrracors x. - 20om WS ae s anew s5m Corrpwe n - "nor arc enamor lerlovators. tnto'Or and estenof pa+nnng. Kia papering, fen Cing and peaks tree es,r-takes, awlny 9a,arteec. 334-442'- ,-c, RENOVATIONS caoawry. WC4,ors. h6tcr ns. oamroorrs. paving manse. tenons. dens. custom bu.ktng C•ee eww wes. Carew Conpany. 4 1 6-432 43865. (061593) RENOVATIOW11 by G. Tayrr Construebon, decks, rec. rooms i nw,A more. 20 Vers experience, references wAWket Call Gry for a Free Esserte et 61114-6361 (0617931 SABER Contract ng ,a 11 carpentry. additions. r*movattons. kitchens. bathrooms, hone rrlYnlenance emergency servrte, tumtture refinishing. Quality work guaranteed. 15 years eap«enpe. 6662915- (TFEFG) SNWN Construction Leo. serv- bV Durham Region for 17 yews. Additions, sundecks, patio Boors. ret room, etc. Free asonum. cab 11165765760. HousKkaning NOMESTt mdekle hwd work- ing person, 16 years ex- as eher 490 or leave memo" on exseltinre s7s-4467. ps1760) ITS' spring timN Wouldn't you like to spend your weekends outmde. instead of dea" the housed) Why not try a professional. Can arrange cleaning to sud yow needs. and your budget. For a free consultation, call 1-416-666- 6755 collect calls accepted. (061793) Se �ces MAGfaAe4 down trw4s, ready to entenain for any age, any occasion. Birthdays. promotions, openings. fundra"m. Magic shows are funl Letaice hep. 639.7057 or 7268334. (TF) RABBIT wants work doing magic la children's panies and all occasions. have my own magtcwl. CaM Erms. 6684932. (TF) Mom eushweels6rW60 bit pfd It "- '..•r �._rvr .marc .nvronc� wtnw nn�r»_ tt_ t�93 Find the Home that's Right for You at the HomeMatchT"' Open House. ROYAL LEPAGE �� _ .- �s�mmnnmllnlnl 4 Your Royal LePage Representatives uses HomeMatch to help search for the homes that match your needs. Royal LePage Real Estate Services Ltd_ Broker. r See those homes at the H=eMa.ch Open House, Jure 112 & 1.i. FLO BETTS Associate Broker President's Club Award The management and staff of Royal LePage, Pickering wish to welcome Flo Betts to their team of real estate sales professionals. Flo brings a wealth of experience created through a long and successful career to the team and is a welcome addition. Please join us in welcoming Flo. You can reach Flo at 683-1790. I Family sized 3 bdrm. with garage. Steps to hake. Lovely fn. bsmt. & good lot. Wilma Tanner' 427- 6522.19324792. CLASSY LAKESIDE AREA! Chic 3 bdrrn., 4 level split Pool. family room. rec room & office. Immaculate. Call Wilma Tanner" 427-6522.19324704. TOP PRODUCER TOP LISTER FOR MAY FOR MAY WILMA TANNER WILYATANNER Ajax Ajax 2nd TOP PRODUCER w BRENDA CLYDE Ajax TERRIFIC PRICE 2nd TOP LISTER I' WHY RENT Immaculate, spacious and versatile 2 + 1 bdrm. condo. 13 - En suite laundry & storage. OPEN H(XJSE. SUNDAY 2-4 P.. OPEN 1 22 HILLS RD.. CLEMENTS EASTIHARWOOD 79 SWANSTON CRES.. FINLEY & RANDS Linda LyonAY 2:0' 427-6522. S desvir o •age na, .,e A -ax V -moa =rna:e *•eed ct 4-4e le, --K. M.;st see Karen #9301001. SHARON WHITE -yor'421-6522.#9322422. Neundor" 427-6522 •932474 Ajax = _ -L I _J1161111111111111111114 11111001F�"M*T OPEN HOUSE. SUNDAY 24 P.Y. OPEN HOUSE. SUNDAY 24 P.Y. OPEN HOUSE, SUNDAY 24 P.Y. OPEN HOUSE, SUNDAY 1-3 P.Y. 14 BASt•1FORD RD. 5 CRAWFORD DR. 923 GRENOBLE BLVD. 1225 MAPLE RIDGE DR. !.600 sc. ft., cawDrnia ;per conceot m S. Ayax. Prestigious Lakeside area of custom homes. Excellent opporruntyi 3 borms., fin bsmt., top Beautiful brick 4 bdrm. executive home! 50 x Sdanum. Pemr. krrphy' 427-6522.09322928, Paddi Dmar" 427-6522. *9324670. b: Paula Hollander' 683-1790 SWAA76 109'"1 Kathryn Parish' 683-1790. *9228645. ! +� ' L'• '�t -:•.OPEN A � L 1 1 2-4 P.M. OPEN HOUSE, SATURDAY 1.4 P.M v5 U NDO 1 ' 27 VARLEY DR.. JUST OFF LAKE DRIVEWAY 50 DELANEY DR., WESTNEY N. OF HWY. 2 2020 LYNN• 4ECOM DRIVE 1605 ORION CT. 2.600 sq r; of Iux,;ry Irving by the aKe Barbara Detached 2 storey. finished basement. Shows Corns & see this one of a kind have on a permanent This gorgeous 4 bdrm. home sparkles. Fut. lop to Edwards' 427-6522. #9324311 mmaculate' Call David Mcknt re' 427-6522 ravine Gerald Jaeger 683.1790 19323501. bonom!! KVNr Pansh' 683-1790.19324873. Lim OPEN HOUSE. SUNDAY 2.4 P.M. ISEE, , � E HOUSE, SATO• ,AY 2-4 PJIL LRIM MAPaC, *�Ai: , • 14 BARTLETT DR, RUNS OFF LAID: DRIVEWAY 11 GEORGE ST. 20 DOUCETT PLACE 16M ORION CT 3.000 sq. ft. home shows very well. Lots of Lovely We det fig- - a dol house. HanV00d Ave. Great loc., 3 bdrm. slspit. 2 baCts, cenL air & vac., This 4 bdrrr family horne shows pride of ownership extras. Evelyn Regan' 427-6522.19324175. N., 1st St. N. of 401, Sharon While' 4276522. wet bar! Ken Bowker 683.1790. #93236M. it" & out Tom BozanW 683.1790. #9324873. _ r OPEN NOOSE, SUNDAY 2.4 P.M. PANORAMIC LAKE YEW! UPM NUUSF, PIt3CEABIG V�LAGE 1506 RAIBLE8EWIY AYE. 4 C CRES. Simply elegant lake front D�De T Ideal for 12 MARWr1 RD, Splendid spit level on heed lot steps from Lake entertaining! Cal Wilma Tauter for viewig. 3 bdrm. bung., sep. dn. nn., fn. bsmt with fp., Nm 9 kat., 2 dm* OL yr, taro barn, 2,950 sq. IL, Ips. Dr. E. Gittede Campbel' 427.6522. #93MZ77. 427.6522.19324738. targe IoL Barb 1lacica' 683-1790.119(324788. lot Tia" oaridlad Flo BW 6531780.19321500. r .1.S249,900 OPEN HOUSE, StWAY 2.4 P.M. WHERE THE ELBE MEET! 0 FARROW CRES. Gorgeous 4 bdrm. on premium lot with WD 1645 DEWAR RD., IN 13B WOODYEW DR. Great 4 bedroom backing on park of Lake bsmt in Disomery Bey. ElegeM decor! Wilma clove right W. Painted & new capet May W Cara. Totally upgraded home with medtaWs dream Driveway W. Wilma Tanner' 427-6522. Tamer' 427.6522.0=4795. bcalm! KOM Parish' 6831790.49301406. garage. Country lot. Jill Smith' 683-1790. •9024770. 119324853. AJAX E 427-6522 OFF 235 Bayly St. W. PICKERING OFFICE 683-1790 1970 Brock Rd. TOP PRODUCER TOP LISTER FOR MAY FOR MAY _ KEN BOWKER HEATHER CULLEN Pickering Pickering OTHER TOP PRODUCERS SYLVIA KYLE KATHRYN PARISH Pickering Pickering JOHN BRfTT IRENA DAMRELL _ - A OPEN HOUSE, SUNDAY 24 P.Y. 1639 JAYWIN CIRCLE 4 bdrm., well kept home with fn. rec rm. & 3 -pc. bath. AAassarat Nacm' 683-1790. 19322582. OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 2-4 P.M. 70 GRANADA CRES., SCARBOROUGH 3 Ige. bdrms., brick & alum. home, extra Ige. lot. Meadowvale. Shepp K. Bowker' 683-1790. #9324869. o S .. 1350 GLENANNA RD., Ml, PICKERNG inmaculate townhome. Fm. bsmt., near Town Centre. Heather Cullen' 683-1790.19301294. i ,• • , ,Z64 FJL 1764 FMCH EAST Gorgeous custom bull Greerttum IdL Fab. lendmvig. G. Fryer 663-1790.09022391. GIANT CHARITY GARAGE SALE LOCATION - CORNER KIXWON RDA WY. 2 SAL, JUNE 12 TIME: 8:00 A.M. .2-00 PK PROCEEDS GOING TO THE AJAX- PICKERING HOSPITAL COME & BROWSE!