HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA1993_02_10,. Pickering Edition29 y SHOO 88 ACINF-77, a i0m CAMPBELL DVIRTISIR D. » firs 8313300 Rf31 L% Ltd. THE SHOE BOX T"Mcw . 831-7009 Wedne,dW, Feb. 10, IM 52 pages A Mekokmd Cannunily Newspaper Pressrun 35000 M + 50 GST - 75 cells Vol. 112 No. 6 1 Rte`- •� ,! s�` ._`'� `".'��,.� THEY'RE GYM DANDY: Two area gymnasts will repre- sent the Metro East Region at the Ontario Winter Games in Cornwall March 13. Jonette Martin and Leanne Edwards, both of Ajax, won the honor after turning in stellar perfor- mances at the Metro East Provincial Qualifier in Pickering on the weekend. And, Jaime Rawlings of Pickering may also get a shot at the Winter Games. Details Page A26. INSIDE News Year-round schooling The Durham Board of Education again considers the issue Page A3 Special sections Real Sex video furor rages By LINDA WHITE Start Reporter DURHAM - Parents and teachers opposed to a controversial sex education video okayed by the public school board haven't given up their fight. "An animated display of actual sexual intercourse moves from the educational to the pornographic and, as far as I am coicerned. becomes a form of mental sexual abuse and He's criticizing A Head Full of Questions, molestation against children," David Karam, - the first of three videos in the Growing Up a Grade 6 teacher at Lord Elgin Public School Series recently reviewed by the board in Ajax. told Durham Board of Education See SEX. -Page A9 trustees I.W)nday. � Nuclear plant shutdown not imminent Any closure decision years away: Hydro By JUDI BOBBITT Staff Reporter PICKERING - Reports of the death of the Pickering Nucle- ar Generating Station are greatly exaggerated, Ontario Hydro says. Responding to a weekend news report that half the station could be shut down to save costs, company information officer Don Terry says "There's no reason to anticipate we would make such a decision for another 16 years." In the year 2009, the four reactors on the station's B side will be due for re -tubing and Ontario Hydro will consider the costs of the project and its options at that time, says Mr. Terry. "It's awkward to speculate how much it might cost 16 years from now for re -tubing." A Toronto daily reported Saturday that Ontario Hydro chairman Maurice Strong is considering closing half of the Pickering plant, but Mr. Strong is "extremely angry" with the report and no decision is imminent, says Mr. Teary. Re -tubing of four reactors on Pickering's older A side is near completion, but half the Bruce Nuclear Station is shut down pending a decision on a S2 -billion re -tubing project there. 'Iliat could hold true for Pickering as well when the time comes," says Mr. Terry. "When the year 2009 rolls around, and we have to consider re -tubing the units, if the company is still in tough economic tunes, we may decide not to ro-wbe." A task force that will report to Mr. Strong next month with recommended spending cuts is not expected to comment on shutting dorm Pickering reactors because "that's too far in the future," says Mr. Terry. G:tt:y It now results -- Adtredise to Ajm-Pk�ceft Nowa Aoved w (683-5110) and Oshawa-WhIbl V& Wink f579 -440M.114.000 preaerun awry Widriesc�of/ ET 13 E a6`i� t'•�«4 � O� � ��✓� /'00- See pale 7 14 Heart Month campaigner suffers stroke AJAX - An ironic twist of fate has a local Heart and Stroke Month campaigner in hospital after suffer- ing a stroke last week. Druce Ayres, 47, of Ajax, is recovering at the Whitby Gener- al Hospital, his wife Margaret says. Mr. Avres suf- fered the stroke at his Panter Cres. home Feb. 2, a day after he helped launch the Heart and Stroke Foundation's annual fund-raising drive in Ajax and Pickering. In addition to his work with the Heart and Stroke Founda- tion, Mr. Ayres is also on the board of directors of the Ajax - Pickering Social Planning Council, the York -Durham branch of the March of Dimes, the Spitfires wheelchair basketball teams, Ajax Hand Trans and the Dis- abilities Action Com - Druce Ayres mittee. Mrs. Ayres says he's "pretty a �paS 5W KID'S TOYS "00 50 KITCHEN ,JTENSII.S �o►t 5 r c I, down. He was just overdoing it too much." 4 HURRY i We're the selling out are w Is! OFF A stroke in 1984 left Mr. Ayres wheelchair-bound. EVERYTHING IN THE STORE! • Security Alarms • Party Supplies • Garden Tools • Bows • Baby Supplies • Wr3pping Paper _ • Candies _ • Typewriter Ribbons MOAFG� aEs T !mis a11t 3.LY 00 KNIT GLOVES BASEBALL _CARDS DON'T WAIT WED ES101M CARIret OF THE WEEK B SUWANIA SANDY arannaw-q each hA "&V and TV. saana '"°"•' wairad McDonddc =q= re pimank d to Nm Admom ConpmUft s Swmm for bwig our W d � sdndaroaaamw d ria rads DELIVERY SERVICE WATCH FOR THESE DEEM A FLYERS COMM 70 YOUR DOOR WIM YOUR NEWS ADVERTISER CARRER TODAY AND N THE DAYS AHEADI WEDI MAY, FE& 11=1 REAL ESTATE (MAAfM) NEWSADVERTISER •RFFNANCKSERVDES 'EATON'S (AJU"M) SHOPPERS DRUG MART •FIRESTONE (PICC) O AXlPICK) NillNOl K OJAX"M) 'SOl1AiE BOY PIZZA (A.M)Q •,LUST NEW RELEASES (PICK) -THE BAY (PICK) LITTLE AUSTRIA CAFE -NOOI O ( ) 'IDA(PICK) FRIDAY, FEB. 12193 -PHARMA PLUS (AJAXPICK) NEWS ADVERTISER (AJAXIPICK) • 0*4wN to swctw Uo@Nrol& 0 'CANADIAN TIRE (AJ "ICK) NEW HOMES (AJAXIPICK) I ,.. 1. 1. 1 1. 1. 0 a• 1. I L I 4. 6 4 1 I i 1... 4. 6 4/. 1 0 4 1. l l t..•/ 1 By LINDA WHITE Staff Reporter DURHAM - The concept of year-round schooling, considered dead and buried by some, has been brought back to life by the public school board. "We live in a changing world in changing times," Durham Board of Education trustee Duncan Read argued Monday. The traditional school calendar "is based on an agrarian society" and is therefore appropriate for very few areas in Durham Region, the Ajax trustee noted. A modified calendar could be the answer to over -crowding in schools and the cost of building new facilities, advocates have argued. It's esti- mated year-round schooling can increase student population by 20 to 50 per cent. Students would be divided into several groups, and there'd always be one group on vacation. Students would still receive the same number of instructional days as they do now. There would likely be a common break for all students. Better retention of learned material and improved attendance have been cited as further benefits. Still, a proposal to introduce a modified calendar at five schools in Durham — one at Highbush Public School in Pickering, two in Whitby and two in Oshawa — was overwhelmingly rejected by parents and staff who went to the polls last May. (Board officials said they'd only introduce a year-round pro- gram at a school if 75 per cent of parents and staff voted in favor of it.) Parents with students at differ- ent schools feared the plan would spell an end to family vacations. They criticized the calendar because it would almost totally eliminate extra -curricular activi- ties, could pose problems for those needing day care, and would pass on an added expense to taxpayers because air condi- tioners would be needed at all participating schools. But some trustees believe the plan could still be sold to parents if they're shown when their holi- days could fall, rather than voting on a concept. "People didn't know what they were voting on," argued Scugog's Bobbie Drew. "We need a model so people know what they're vot- ing on." According to board supcnn- tendent Bruce Walker, the provin- cial government might be more interested in the concept of year- round schooling and might "pro- vide some leadership" on the issue. Trustees agreed to develop cal- endars for use in possible pilot schools and for ministry of educa- tion approval. Four trustees, all from Oshawa, opposed the motion. Due to a printing error on page 8 of today'sfthis week's Shoppers Drug Mart flyer, Javex Clean Plus is pictured incorrectly. The correct size should be 1 litre not 1.8 litres as featured. The price is correct at $1.79. We apologize for any incon- venience this error may have caused ll previous then 10 it J WEST HILL STORES ONLY! DON'T MISS OUT! STOCK UP NOW: • COSMETICS • GREETING CARDS • GIFT WRAP • SUNTAN LOTION • FOOD • HOUSEHOLD CLEANERS & UTENSILS • SKIN CARE • SHAVING NEEDS • COLD REMEDIES • VITAMINS • BABY NEEDS ` • SCHOOL SUPPLIES • :� = EVERYTHING .°IMRS y •CANDY � IN THE STORE • MORE!EXCEPT PRESCRIPTIONS &TOBACCO Suppliesumw - WEST HILL AJAX - my.75 GAYLY ST. W. 91 RYLANDER BLVD. —� BAYWOOD CENTRE ABBEY LANE 21 q0% I nil U ST , onme"A.111 W THE, DRUG OWN c;ENTRE NMI 4281711 _ . _ 2824223 Politician outr PICKERING - A Pickering councillor says he's "truly out- raged" over a "fast -tracked" development request approved by colleagues. Kip Van Kempen says a pro- posal that will see the town give up 1.2 acres of parkland for hous- ing at Valleyview and Westcreek Drives "escapes logic". Council agreed on a 4-3 vote Feb. 1 to allow Altona West Developments to apply for a land - severance application at the Region of Durham. The severance is being sought by the company so it can build homes on a piece of property it previously dedicated to the town as parkland. Alton West needs the extra property because it wants to upgrade the type of hous- ing planned in its subdivision. Tardy Pickering taxpayers get a break PICKERING - Taxpayers will likely get a break from the Town this year in the form of a freeze on penalties and interest on late tax pay- ments_ Last year's interest charge of 9.5 per cent on late payments will remain in place for 1993, council's executive committee decided Monday. In contrast, both Ajax and Whitby are charg- ing the maximum penalty of 15 per cent. Pickering is currently owed more than S5 million in overdue payments from 1,250 taxpayers — the most accounts ever to be in arrears. Politicians agreed to hold interest at 9.5 per cent after pleas from three residents. Janice Frampton of the Tax- payers' Coalition of Ontario urged for "compassion", saying an increase would "hurt the people who are already suffering." TLe committee's decision will come before council next Monday, as will a pn - posed budget that will deter- mine the 1993 property tax rate. How Do You To Choose Tlw Right RSP Investment? ATRIMARK MUT AAL FUNDS I l x "ITE Wt (vAt TaIMARK FLM 29.0% 14.2% 16.2% 15.7% 1 VE" I~SALE wrSAn »VSAM lOioaMAIIR To UOMMa II. fMe 7tiorAaK CAHAMN ftNo "S US 9.3% 13.1% Iva" SM&M awaAM swAw naroawg&a TooanraaaXms DIM ARDAGH C.F R MULTI MUTUAL INC. MW Gnarly- unit 1 szs-es�3 Pkkwing YYlo* P o w for kimmifon on our tFIFIEE was* WW San v ar. M Nllraa aaaMl � Eiawt t tory, tltw*W Aaaawtna, w hirwd awwwl ompawM/ OW ant al antra Awl w/n1 a w reit WW M fat iaa winiawtwl. nrr tw nal W Ab NOON adw d*Vn w aiawi w&e baa rgib y rit>wMws M6 ■wdl h" fti mw1 MMIw. w ya4wwra Sawa Sat pwraiM MAra rawly. !lar twit raMia awl inawtaaN ntraa a lratrsw. GaNdow w"am" I , 5my- &W Mr A handwritten notice of motion was passed by council after a meeting of four politicians and the developer earlier that day. Both Mr. Van Kem- pen and councillor Eileen Higdon com- plained they weren't invited to the meeting, but councillor Rick Johnson said that was an oversight due to a clerical error. Mr. Johnson says Altona West wants to take back a piece of park- land in order to build 28 "quattro- plex" units rather than 20 town - homes as previously approved. Quattroplexes look like huge sin- gle-family executive homes but aged' over housing deal are actually four -fami- ly units, he says. "'They're beautiful; they're going to look really nice. They're gabled and they have hardwood floors and they're really attrac- tive" The local commu- nity association, which supports the project, will benefit because there will be attractive homes facing the park rather than a rear view of townhomes. says Mr. Johnson. Residents in the neighborhood will still have four acres of parkland to enjoy, he points out. Furthermore, Mr. Johnson says the land -severance application is �N of oIc} ° F TOWN OF PICKERING ~ S Z 1993 TAXES The 1993 instalment due dates established by By -Law 4147/93 are as follows: INTERIM First Instalment - February 23, 1993 Second Instalment - April 27, 1993 FINAL First Instalment - June 25, 1993 Second Instalment - September 27. 1993 Tax bills have now been mailed to cover the 1993 INTERIM taxes. Ratepayers who do not receive their bills should make immediate application to the Tax Department. Failure to receive a tax bill does not release the Ratepayer from payment of taxes nor the penalty charges imposed because of default. 420-2222 - Civic Complex (683-2760) - (North Pickering) 420-4614 - Treasury Department ONE THE ESPLANADE, PICKERING L1 V 6K7 only the beginning of the process and, when Altona West applies for a zoning change, residents will have ample time to comment dur- ing public meetings, an executive committee meeting and a council meeting. But Mr. Van Kempen told resi- dents Feb. 1 that they "don't understand the implications. I know how persuasive a developer can be" Peter Landolt, speaking for J Altona West, said the company relies on the town to guide it through the Ping process and said the town's benefit to giving up the parkland will be a nicer form of housing. In a written statement released after the meeting, Mr. Van Kem- pen said be's "never seen such a chain of events and am truly out- raged ... The decision... deserves closer public scrutiny." .q unfrk)_ body sugaring® Now you can get rid of UNWANTED BODY HAIR! • Alexandria Body SugarirV is the gentle, modem version of the ancient Egyptian method of hair removal that has taken Norah America by storm. Now this unique and famous method of hair removal is available in your area. • It is a safe and natural way to remove unwanted body hair. • Only natural product used in the treatment • No chemicals whatsoever in our product. • Alexandria Body Sugaring' is the most refreshing way to treat today's hair problems. In fact, once you have tried it we are sure you will not return to any other method of hair removal! • CALL TODAY for your appointment and get rid ''alenti SpSpecia : of unwanted hair! R I treatment &I ►ecehe the 2nd at..' 1/2420 PRICE -9332 Senior burned out of AiaX apartment AJAX - A fire believed started by careless smok- ing caused about $60,000 damage to an Ajax apart- ment and its contents Monday afternoon. The apartment, on the fourth floor of the senior cit- izens' building at 655 Harwood Ave. S., was com- 'You drank the wrong one, baby' ..PICKERING - The Pepsi Challenge turned nasty Monday when a man pulled a knife on a friend who drank a can of pop he wanted. Durham Regional Police report the men were at the victim's brother's home on West Shore Blvd. shortly before midnight when the suspect, 21, went to the fridge to get a can of Pepsi. He got angry when he found it almost empty, poured the remainder down the sink and told the victim, 23, he owed him a Pepsi and grabbed a kitchen knife. The victim escaped the house uninjured and called police from a nearby convenience store. The suspect has been charged with posses- sion of a dangerous weapon and assault with a weapon. pletely "gutted," says Ajax Fire Department Captain John Hunter. The fire was contained to one apartment. No one was home at the time of the blaze and there were no injuries. Cops huntflasher PICKERING - Police are looking for a man who flashed a teenage girl at the Pickering Town Centre. Durham Regional Police report a 15 -year-old student was talking on a pay phone near Dominion last Friday around 5 pm. when a man coughed several times to get her attention. When she looked, he opened his coat twice to expose his penis through his zipper. The man is described as 5'3", 140 pounds, aged 35 to 40, with short brown hair and a light moustache. He was unshaven and was wearing a dark, three-quarter length coat. The victim described the suspect to police as a "bum in appearance" who frequents the mall often and appears developmentally -challenged. "We'd like to have him identified and get him some help," says Detective Sergeant Tony Turner. If you have information, call 25 division at 683-9100. ------------ �66LOVE IN YOUR / FUTURE" PSYCHIC FAIR On now through Sunday February 14 .ONLY ?EVERY BEST!,/ Dentures so natural..1111 you'll never know the difference! N i s New soft -touch Materials for Sensitive Gums. Walter Wimmer, Denture Therapist PICKERING TOWN C RE C] FREE CONSULTATION O 420-5020 Toll Free 1-800-661-5020 •)/I ,titi tip it!EIft11{ 1 t 111 •!! .�,34p�R, W>eD4itOtpARY,1�ylti•ldttlGt S•A l How to stay 7 The Flexible Retirement Savings Certificate National Trust fi HARWOOD PLACE MALL SUPERCENTRE 214 Harwood Avenue South 1792 Liverpool Road Ajax, Ontario Pickering, Ontario 683-7344 831-6501 M t Y BONUS ENDS SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1993. Ci Y m your money's worth... and more VISIT SEARS PICKERING TOWN CENTRE PHONE 420 SM YYE'RE OPEN MON.-FR1.10:00 A.M.-9:00 P.M., SAT. 9:30 A.M.4:00 P.M., SM 12:00 PX*00 P.M. �•Li:..::.,C:>rL_L:L{1 \t i..; 11 31'tti Is}l♦1rr{rt•Itcl'.' \ � �� i tt f1 1!1)4l1114111if 1{1f1l11il1 '= 1 '' �.� a \ l \'1 ► It l 4 1 1 a 6•\'a • • t i'1 1 1 1 . t . 1 \ \ \ I•. \ I 1 1 1 . . . a 1 •..\ • . . . . . . • . . . . . • • . . flexible until you retire. It's having the MCO Illy to kite opportunit it% the moment they arise. a`r It's knowing you have a guaranteed level of security. And It's being free to simply I hange vour mind. That's what you can expect Irnm National Trust's Flexible Retirement ' S.nmgs Certificate. If rates go up and you x %wam til lock in. you can. II rates go down. vour � urren, rate i% guaranteed. Anti you Can redeem I w nh interest anytime after the first 30 days. J 1 Talk with an expert at National Trust now ai•.w our Flexible Retirement Savings Crniftcate. And find nut "brut nor full range of RSP opiums. You'II find us very flexible. The Flexible Retirement Savings Certificate National Trust fi HARWOOD PLACE MALL SUPERCENTRE 214 Harwood Avenue South 1792 Liverpool Road Ajax, Ontario Pickering, Ontario 683-7344 831-6501 M t Y BONUS ENDS SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1993. Ci Y m your money's worth... and more VISIT SEARS PICKERING TOWN CENTRE PHONE 420 SM YYE'RE OPEN MON.-FR1.10:00 A.M.-9:00 P.M., SAT. 9:30 A.M.4:00 P.M., SM 12:00 PX*00 P.M. �•Li:..::.,C:>rL_L:L{1 \t i..; 11 31'tti Is}l♦1rr{rt•Itcl'.' \ � �� i tt f1 1!1)4l1114111if 1{1f1l11il1 '= 1 '' �.� a \ l \'1 ► It l 4 1 1 a 6•\'a • • t i'1 1 1 1 . t . 1 \ \ \ I•. \ I 1 1 1 . . . a 1 •..\ • . . . . . . • . . . . . • • . . PAGE 6 -A -THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED, FEBRUARY 1461 Editorial Taking the kick out ofyouth crime The face of crime is taking a new look -- it's getting younger. According to Statistics Canada, crime among youth has doubled over the past five years. And while crimes of passion, need and greed make up a good part of it, it seems more and more incidents are taking place for no reason at all. Youth crime -- especially assault -- has become trendy. Many believe the increase can be blamed on the controversial Young Offenders' Act. Since its inception in 1985, opponents of the Act say youth now view the law' as laughable. The Act has taken the risk out of committing a crime. Jeff Brick agrees. At the age of 13, he was given two years' proba- tion after being arrested for eight residential break-ins. Five months later, he was in trouble with the law again. But it wasn't until his ninth criminal charge, when he took a knife to his stepfather, that he was sentenced to seven months in custody. At a forum on the Young Offenders' Act in Ajax last week, he told residents he "would definitely have had second thoughts" about break- ing the law again if given "harsher" punishment. But experts stand behind the Act saying it's an excellent pike of legislation. At the same time, however, mam. agree that changes should be made. Areas of concern include expanding the Act's jurisdiction to include 10- and 11 -year-olds, as well as reducing the highest age of 18 to 15: establishing better services (such as counselling) needed by young offenders. and giving youth courts the option of conditional discharges and suspended sentences, as in adult courts. These all seem reasonable and worth consideration. Putting the bite back in the law may make potential teen criminals think twice. Discipline begins in the home, but has to be continued on the streets and in the courts. Letters LFTMEGET11i1.5 STRAOW# -• -IF HESES H155RADOWP WE HVE NOW "y MOW V&EIG uNn A I.�TIoN?• o a c O U rJ Computer story contradictive, m0 isleading To the editor, Re: Computer Comer - Devel- oping business systems (Part') of Jan. 24, 1993. There are few articles in your publication that would motivate a letter to the editor, other than to compliment the high level of reporting and writing they con- tain. The above noted column is an exception. It exceeds the inappro- priate information in (Pan 1). _ The previous article addressed computer business systems for the few, large installations as used by a minority of companies. Most small to medium sized firms would find little to help them in the selection and installation of a data processing system. The arti- cle could be ignored by the majority of business readers. The "information" in (Part 2) goes beyond this to demonstrate a lack of competence by the writer in the design and implementation of a modem computer system. To say there is a demonstrated absence of social and communi- cation skills may be an under- statement - This is shown by the following quotes: "...then that representative has no business being my user." "...remained unattended unless some big wheel presented some complaints." "A complete war can develop between the users and the system professionals." There is little comment required to explain these quotes. It seems likely that a consultant with these attitudes should recon- sider his career aspirations. As a person responsible for the analy- sis and design of a computer sys- tem application to satisfy the client's needs, little is gained from being unable to relate to all client staff requirements from the system. The composition and grammar of the article suggest a lack of writing skills by the author plus an error by the editor in passing on this to print. Besides the appearance of text missing between column one and two, there are other things, such as "On one occasion I developed relation- ship.". What docs this paragraph mean'' The flow of the article was confusing, and never seemed to reach a conclusion. A third concern is the contra- diction in the article. "After the system was imple- mented, no changes were required for five vears.". "...providing flexibility within the system to accommodate future system changes at very minimal cost." Considering the rate of progress in computer hardware and software capabilities, it must be questioned whether the system had the flexibility to change'' what happened after five years" In the world of today, a system must be designed to change as technol- ogy permits, and this may be expected every three years or more frequently. (Note: computer speed and capability is considered to double every 18 months.) The net result of this article is the misinformation of the average business computer user, and the misrepresentation of the many computer professionals that pro- vide services to business clients. Most of us respect the needs of the client and work hard to pro- vide suitable solutions to satisfy the requirements of all client staff. Donald Young, KIRIN Formworks, Ajax News of `Ant Advertiser th:nt: tsar M protected bit A Metrolond Community Newspaper copyright and unauthorized usst w1fla ll wr*on con- sent Is prohlblfed. Timothy John Whittaker re «r.. the Nm to classify or reluse Publisher any odwedbernent of his d scrMiaL. JWMIFIa tDUMV111A1(YI - talTor-in-Chief GREG COATES - Managing Editor HUGH NICHOLSON - Advertising Manager BRUCE DANFORD - Retail sales Manger ABE FAKHOURIE - DistriWion Manger NEWSROOM - 663-6110 DISTRIBUTION • 663-6117 RETAIL ADVERTISING - 66S-6110 CLASSIFIED - 796-7672 FAX - 6W 7U3 NATIONAL ADVERTISING SALES 493-13M REAL NATE A AUTOMOTIVE ADVERTISING -796-7672 The News Aavorttfor. pAeshed every SurrdaY. Wednesday, and kkkN of 130 Commere101 ♦ Ave. Ajax, ontoa LIS 21,15, is are of to Aatroland Pnn". Prblshhg old DbMbuiltw vXXV at ' rrevgpoPers wtYch Includes AJ WPIUreMg Nun AdwrtlNr. A rota 00 WNW. 110111110 Advance. Brompton Guardian. Burlington Post. Coetngwood Connection. Etobleoke GuordlannokW'-Q A&--. Georgetown hdependenl. WWron This Week. Lhdeay Thb - e Week. Markharr, Economist a Sun. Million Carodlon champion. Mldeea go News. Newtanlret Era. North yok Mirror. Nolft_be and News. oakvse Beaver. angio Today, oli awe W"N • • TNs Week. Peterborough This Week, Richmond Mill/ThorrtMI Liberal. Scarborough Mirror. "'dige/S'-r% a TM-- Today s SerYon. P090 *011 may voy !T/tffir from pub ~ rale cad due to mechanical requirements of Meter* P"M. Second aLws Matoton Nrtmb Mair Regber 1697. Mar a0eorlpeNs on rdIn Cada a 1 yea. $70 per 60111101 . T=1+ 9W A!D'VZMWR, W=,11rR>1RUARY 2% 1l2M= 7 A To the editor, Dump the dumps! It was a very enlightening meeting. 1 • There were none of the peo- ple who had proposed these sites, so people could ask questions; 2. There was only talk about the various site locations and no mentioning of other dump sys- tems; 3. Talk about the autographed shirt our mayor wore; 4. The impending lawsuits; 5. How much it would cost to ship the trash up to Kirkland Lake, $60 a ton for a start and maybe more after a few months; 6. Some people were asking what the chemical content of our water would be after it rained for a while. Well, after all the speakers of the panel had their say the floor was open for questioning. It was quite interesting to listen to all the same things (the dump). What amazes me the most, from all the time we spent there, not one per- son got up and asked a very sim- ple question: -Is there an alterna- tive?" Yes, there is. The problem lies with us the people who create this mess. All you have to do is take a drive around town on garbage day, it makes you sick. Every- body keeps their house in top shape (clean as a whistle shall we say, tells his kids to keep their room clean and so on), but when it comes to the garbage, who cares? The biggest problem, I think, is the green garbage bag. Why? Because you can fill them with everything — much of what could probably be recycled. But it is a lot easier to just fill the green bags. (The garbage truck will pick it up anyway.) It is alright to com- plain about the attitude our gov- ernment has concerning this mat- ter, but we, the ones who create the mess should be held responsi- ble for it in the first place. The government should also force companies to reduce their packaging, not just ask. We take our kids to the dentists and doctors to make sure that they are healthy, but at the same time we ruin the water they drink, the environment they play in, in fact their whole future environment. This land of ours is the best in the world to five in, but we who should be the guardians of this heritage have no concern as a whole. Yes, we keep our workplaces, construction sites, etc. clean with slogans like "good housekeeping-, "safety starts with me" and so on, because we estab- lish laws to protect ourselves and I think it's about time now to estab- Pickering Town Centre 9uper Events LOVE IN YOUR FUTURE PSYCHIC FAIR Feb 8-14 Get Married or Remarried for $5 Bucks! Feb 13-14 noon - 4pm Anyone who gets hitched is eligible to win a special Montreal Honeymoon Package. All proceeds to the i i NfART I'll IT fouNCO nON of ()NTARIO Plus KARAOKE LOVE SONGS (tape a love song for your loved one) feb.13 MMMY TO FROAY 10wn4pm SATURDAY 9-XMrn bpm noon- Sm HM. 401 AT LIVERPOOL ROAD 03-7171 280 SHOPS & SERVICES INCLUDING EATON'S, SEARS, KMART & DOMINION .-1 i` The lish laws concerning garbage. Everybody should think of our environment as a place we work in. It is ironic that we tell our kids about the problems people have in other parts of the world, like hav- ing to live in slums, unhealthy conditions, drinking dirty water, etc. If we keep on going like we are now with our environment, we will have the same problems. Why can't our government implement and construct the same type of garbage handling systems they have in Europe? Those proposals have been suggested by some peo- ple, but if they are going to be implemented is another question. Yes our politicians have a lot to do concerning this matter, but as I said before, "good housekeeping" starts with each individual house- hold. Let's prove it to ourselves that we are the ones who like to live in an environment that is clean and healthy and see to it that our politicians make the right choices. Wilhelm Steger, Pickering -\—V— �+ ` r� r �ti r WFOiOt 1.%- ...� tz+lbtjrat' y�'", scrl so "*No4 so "NW30 -e !r ro see ryF Sr e�°r rma�s�4cks Ogles les `r of o1D'e�J 000000 ONLY E VERY BEST! to �.. w « • . .. r • .-. �. f • . ♦ ..7-s , . . , : • f /.i F.t i / t Pita • Y �.��.� t.�_fT i ij .► I t 1.1 _944 t r TAGE 2 -A -T= NEWS ADVBRTISEtt, fliPED, MMUART 10, 11"1 Obituaries GAZEY, Janet Stevens (nee Townley) - Peacefully at Leisure - world Nursing Home on Friday, -Feb. 5, 1993. Janet, beloved wife of the late Alread, of Kirkcauldy Fife, Scotland. Loving mother of Mary Bebbington, James, Robert and the late George. Grandmother to David Gazey, Adele, Andrew, Jann and Douglas Gazey, Laura Hiscock, Bradley and Jamie Beb- bington, Jennifer and Neil Gazey. Great-grandmother to Brian and Patricia Johnston, Elizabeth Anne Hiscock, and Allan and Catherine Bebbington. Funeral arrangements entrusted to Ronald Martino and Son Funeral Directors, Pickering, 686-5589. Donations to Variety Village would be appreciated. :Read the Hews Advertiser three times each week .6W2001 )MAI" - VI&T KITCHEN & BATH CENTRE ;n RILLSM DISPI-AVS -. .A Y �J WM SPEW AS W" T■IE J PEflFECfMiC OUR CABMET$ - AS rOfthI SPED EMXWM!>G THEEII 1020 BROCK RD. tlrd #6 PLUMti ■ 1 St Street S. of 401, off Brock Rd., Pickertttg early s Valentine's %'/a •. Day Special V Refinish Your Car Today for only$ Includes 499 • Sanding • Painting p%.SO with this ad ''�" rW@imnd e� 17flalf: extra v Quality Service J customers' Satisfaction Guaranteed Complete interior FREEshampooing 81 detailing. With every refinishing purchase of $399. rasa gay auto Nay 509 Bayly St., Ajax - 427-7030 THE -~ MAGIC Is HERE! Come See a real • - magician this Thursday 3.4 pin., Friday 4.5 !sp pin. and Saturday 10 air 3 pin. and 3.4 p.m. Miracle Food Mart in Ajax recently celebrated the launch of the new miracle magic card. The card makes EKE, saving money easy by not clipping coupons and cheque cashing privileges. Top left Peter Leong (Store Manager), Roger Anderson (Deputy Mayor), Bruno Geiser (District Manager). Bottom right Peter Leong presents All & Pauline Croxford with their new miracle cards. Please recycle this newspaper C;i� the paint and paper people ALLPAPER BOOK ORDERS Something for every room. Country pants. geometrics, flower trails. moires and children's styles Over 20.000 wallpaper patterns and borders to choose from 41+Compared to St Clalr's special order boon price. Fabric and accessories not included t Clair � { !fit Clair41, PREMIL',%I PREMICINI __ ._9" LATEX SATIN Perfect for living rooms and bedrooms Available in 100 s of Pastel colours Easy to apply and Ores to a washable finish HI -hiding. clean-up with soap and water 1.80271 7a lints ILI tAr» "� rTaB LATEX CEILING FLAT Perfect for smoom or , textured ce111rlgs Spatter reslstarn Fasy water ck!an-up Hides ceiling �mperfeCtlons by creating a non -glare surface (-1370) lA laws •.IM sw ®.1 LATEX SEMI -GLOSS Eleaut,tul low sheen enamel Excellent for kitchens. bathrooms and wood trim Easy to apply HI -hiding scrubbable finish 100 s of pastel colours (•80471 W .B LATEX SATIN Recommended for living rooms and bedrooms WasnaDle matte fm,sh .n too sot decorator pastel cOIOWs H,.hlding and easy clean-up (-1327) 1 lA laws •... sir No 22 • � LEVOLOR WINDOW MAGIC PLUS I CUSTOM 1rr ALUMINUM BLINDS Available In over 50 popular decorator colour wkilhs up to 120' and lengths up to 108• rY - t Clirir PREMII',4f ,-.Fill LATEX PRIMER Superior hiding primer for new and Previously painted drywall wood and plaster Easy to apply Excellent quality and unbeatable value (•80101 10�%E�. . OIL BASE SEMI -GLOSS For kllcrlens. bathrooms and wood work Resists ttc. 1 ter. repeated scrubbings icEmi i Available in 100 s of im Pastel colours P80s71 IPREM1Ulf II-Iwlr%vr`N 11.�I1 LATEX SATIN LUSTRE Ideal for halls. living rooms and children's rooms. A rich velv!!te finish. Easy to apply, scrubbable and durable 100's of pastel colours. (*W37) 147"Zit idgezm LO M Borrow our Faux Finish pint video at no /N -STOCK 1" VINYL VENETIAN BLINDS In white. alma and grey `may. Very I- prices n you find a comparable quality paint or walk:overing elsewhere _....,aa.. I.dwest PflCls within 30 days. Wing In prod of purchase of our product and we FfiM�y -�""ir Moll happily refund the difference. Guaranteed) a NsspM •filgard Is 9 Wr's Mar fish hiss as calla, MftW tq"W Oft Bsda and WA" ft* Ntls Mals for alo, ►rira Is 216 sisift mom" at M SCARBOROUW AJAX PICKERING Abbey Lane Shopping Centre Discovery Bay Centre Pickering Town Centre I" RybodK BW. 570 W*stltllty Rd. S. SO== Caaiafaa Tim i ttlationaf >it/lt/l (r/stasr some of Bary St.) Mon -Fri Mon -Fri IoM• n i liwlriBaq Mon -Fri 10 a.m.-9 p.m g a m m -9 p 10am-9pm Sat 9 a.m.-6 p m. Sat 9 a m -6 p m Sat g a m -6 p m SW I1 &M.-9 D.M.. 72.4-47.81. Sun 12 U=-4 p m . 428:-1608 Sun 12 Noon -5 pm .839-1 .4 Sex education video series slammed Students, parents.. educators want absfiine FROM PAGE Al following complaints by parents. A special committee set up by the board in December decid- ed the videos will remain avail- able for classroom instruction as long as they're not shown to stu- dents before Grade 7. Until now, they've been shown to students beginning in Grade 4. The committee decided teachers must be informed of alternate resources. (Because the series is not mandated by the ministry of education, it has been and will continue to be at a teacher's discretion whether to use it.) Further, a school's parent advisory committee must be invited to view the videos before they're presented to students and all parents must be given the option of pulling their children from a class showing the videos. Some parents worry that would embarrass children among their peers. Others were told it was up to each school whether parents could sit in on sex education classes, though director Pauline Laing noted their presence could also embar- rass children. Though board chair Louise Farr applauds the process of reaching a decision, it's come under fire by some, including Peter Taylor of Pickering who suggested the board "could stack a committee any way it wished to. The review committee was made up of four educators, four trustees and a random selection of four parents who sit on par- ent -teacher associations. In a secret vote, three of the 11 vot- ing members opposed the series, six approved it with the condi- tions listed above, and two approved it without conditions. Trustees not sitting on the review committee had no say in the issue and accepted the deci- sion as information Monday. "Just because we accepted the report doesn't mean we approve it," Uxbridge trustee Wayne Wilson said. Mr. Taylor questioned "at what cost" trustees would "push" the series onto people who are opposed to it and criti- cized its producer, the National Film Board of Canada, because it received input from AIDS Vancouver and Planned Parent- hood, "proponents of homosexu- ality and abortion". According to Ms. Laing, M.I. HUMMED FIGUMES 30%� t1NM FEMIwun b, stns --- mw a a — Galbraith I Repair Centre I Iw BMM I it epucemear 1 watch Straps k i ea.er I mpg e]I I md Free estimates un retippiea of Year precious I I ious. s ring I I L•--- those organizations were among "many contributors" who provid- ed information and advice "from their point of view" and didn't receive revenue from the series. Still, some believe it promotes homosexuality as an "alternate lifestyle" because a boy asks instructors in the first video if it's ONA Y\ P9 -US "normal" for a man to love anoth- er man and a woman to love a woman. He's told two men or two women can have "loving relationships". But Ms. Laing noted "a homo- sexual lifestyle is legal in Ontario. Knowledge of that fact is not equal to promotion." Meanwhile, demands were made for increased emphasis on abstinence. "We spent two days on safe sex and one second on absti- nence," claimed Johnathon Thompson, a Grade 11 student at Pickering High School who was wearing a T-shirt saying, "Prac- n ce taught lice safe sex ... get married and be faithful." According to board program superintendent Wayne Wilson, "It's up to each individual teacher how curriculum is taught. I would hope the same amount of time is given" to instruction on absti- nence and safe sex. ears dan d hitt blo6min .. . lorlsts Uwe ,1912 .� 4r - 1� 85 .A NSWEI Of -LON IE 45°° ' 50°° �pu� REQ 0S1% T W4:1110 °r Longst tAcnTtoNs � - Rees Ajax Flower Shop 206 Harwood Ave. South , A* Rees Pia" Flow Pickering Town Centre Pkckenng Reed's Wage Flower Shop 36 Old Kingston Rd. Ajax Reed's Oshawa Centre Flower shop Oshawa Centre Oshawa 71r_ Reed's Downtown Oshawa Flower Shop 12 Sinxoe St Skwlh Oshawa 80,5 0M LBSS i OVE n Vi�l a ,.l lot e you with ' less 1ov e Boom aom'ets - EreSh �,t spring t� ins ern OMI dais - 2 �po 500 - 30 J 8oppzen WW—IWI ttj -1 W et aR�,gem assOrt `_,�• _ . Bask ed tlot�'e'�s ►: :LL a IL lollipop. . 4500 Or ilable �ettUeotlter colour �wY S�a10tax it� Y Of 4te4t aL It yi1 XecOO� ed a' lYeCt lake se tants; stv all OUt Ye a d too ° bloOtc`it`� p Owe t�eY a�`aUt`I• SCp 4 .,,We ,-= , ---- Chow �entsaria O Of agang t f10`Nets and cards' ate Valenttn� Day pR d that pe'�eect A�4�a�tee4�at,< a _J V d I' Conte in today! an rP . —ok I YOus BpUQ� \P_ 40°x. ec, Non-profit building sparks protest PICKEMG - An eight -storey, non-prlofit apartment building near Bayly St. and Liverpool Rd. is a step closer to approval, despite objections from neighboring resi- dents. Pickering council's executive committee approved a zoning change for the project Monday, and it will conte before council for ratification next week. Approximately 100 letters of objection have been submitted to the Town by residents. Proposed for the vacant eastern portion of the Bay Ridges Plaza site on Bayly St. between Liver- pool Rd. and St. Martin's Dr., the building will contain 97 units. It's a project of Arcon Non -Profit Housing Corp., headed by Rev. Larry Chovancek of the Church of the Nazarene. Residents are objecting to the How politicians spent your money By JUDI BOBBITT Staff Reporter PICKERING - Between them, Pickering's six councillors spent $21,659 of taxpayers' money on conventions, telephones and postage stamps last year. But had they spent their maxi- mum allowances on those items, taxpayers would have been billed $37,200. Despite the fact they obviously didn't need all the money set aside, the allowances remain the same in this year's proposed budget. That pu77.les Janice Frampton of the Pickering chapter of the Taxpayers' Coalition of Ontario. "It doesn't make sense. If you haven't used what's in the bud- get, why budget more next year` Mayor Wayne Arthurs says the money is there in case councilors choose to spend it. "The provi- sion is there so that if someone wants to go wherever it might be. thev can do that" As in 1992, each of the six this year will be allowed $4,200 on communications tools and S2,000 for conventions. They'll share another S2.000 for "seminars and education" and 59,000 for flow- ers, pins, flags and plaques. Mayor Arthurs has a separate budget. According to a Town memo Obtained by the News Advertiser, top spender among the council- lors last year was Rick Johnson, who was reimbursed S 1.220 for conventions and S4.17�."9 for N&R BLOCK Canada's Tex Tenial. OSHWA K-Mwt Plain COIN 15 Bond St E 723.2217 Lathe V110 Plan 433.2195 V*MY 125 Btodt St S. 668,1371 AJAX 3.235 Bafllrly St. w 686.1396 HiftN00d Patera Md 427.1960 ow"" YASTERCARD & VSA AotE"M mein /t o WON= *A" tgtrr 80". EATON'S 0111,,�, Orw awa fain a mrart ftti ft r} 1 _ . CMft tiu*►i &i* .. I. telephone bills and postage. Next was Eileen Higdon, with $1,030 in convention bills and $3,294.53 for telephone and postage; Kip Van Kempen billed taxpayers 54,200 for postage and newsletters and nothing for con- ventions; Enrico Pistritto followed with a maximum claim of $2,000 for conventions and $1,820.82 for postage and a pager rental; Mau- rice Brenner claimed $2,893 in stamps and cellular phone bills but spent nothing on conventions; and Doug Wellman trailed with $915 on conventions and $110.96 on communications. Mayor Arthurs doesn't have a communications allowance and spent nothing on conventions. impact the building will have on the adjacent Douglas Ravine; the nfi3c the project will generate; the additional strain on area schools; and a perceived drop in neighbor- hood property values. "We do not want this apartment in our community, period," said Tom Mohr of the Pickering East Shore Community Association. Motorists are already having prob- lems with a dangerous left turn out of the IGA plaza onto Bayly St., he added, and planning the building's access through the IGA parking lot "is as stupid as it is hazardous." Resident Doug Lockrey main- tained "The entire area should be left alone. It's an environmentally - sensitive area." Planning consultant Paul John- ston pointed out the Pickering Dis- trict Plan permits an apartment building on the site. "We've done our utmost to respond to the com- inanity " Rev. Chovancek said he thinks of the project as a ministry that will provide housing for people of limited incomes. "We want to pro- vide solutions for real people with real problems." Ward councillors Eileen Hig- don and Kip Van Kempen argued against the building, while verbal support came from mayor Wayne Arthurs and councillors Rick John- son and Maurice Brenner. Town planners and all com- menting agencies are in favor of the building, but councillor Bren- ner said he wanted written endorsement from the Metro Toronto and Region Conservation Authority before council's next meeting. SweetheartDeals Specials rs a pion pdrleel gift idea 3Cmpt ca as with withh 35mm camera film. pouch and two batteries 16-8906 29 Simply point and shoot II s fora , rewind. a auto 095 load and reword. auto ms, auto focus. auto flash. Date back 16-8905 Sane $te M wlltleSS ft" Wau mounted trans- mitter has no cables. Fastens easily beside any entry 63-87' il4sw Saw $" N a nli Digital outgoing message and tiny, icrocassti a incoming tape. Digital voice tells time and date messages are received. Digital message counter. Cream colour. 43.8921 99AW Charcoal colour. 43MM iiaa era = mmrm =. gged AMM portable Is a sound ,omparnon indoors or out. Carry your `avounte music. sports. news stations .%ith you. With earphone. 12-726 1 934:W � -pack 95 > moviler raft w" 44-8302 Great idea! Watch speaks the time at the touch of a IVIEMIOPIEX button. English. 63-9909 French. 63-9910 14Mj a. Sire $21 N Ir. =sic mm*W Use the built-in 4 -pad drum set to give your music added kick. Play along with 19 preprogrammed rhythms. Two -note Polyphonic 25 -tone keyboard. 42-4014 Batteriesiiaccessonesiadapittics not included unless specified Except for clearance items. Rain Checks will be issued if an item is sold out Radio Shack does not accept liability for pictorial or typographical or rocs. Prices shorn are actual retail prices. exclusive of any applicable takes APPLY TODAY! Dw�S�ON * INTERUM CANADA LTD Make shopping easier car . Radio Shack credit card. Get an application at Radio any Radio Shack store or E� participating dealer. Check the white p oW for the Rada Shack store or participating dealer nearest you Sale encl8 Ftp. !4, a y -, Armed robber threatens clerk PICKERING - An armed robber with an attitude robbed a female variety stone clerk of two parks of cigarettes in Pickering Sunday night around 8. But he first told the clerk at Mike's Variety Store. 774 Liverpool Rd., he would kill her if she looked at him, lie is described as a black male, 6' 1 with what looked like a white birth mark aNrvc his lip. Ile wore a black or dark crey coat and trousers and a toque pulled over his eyes. iir•,IrMr Miff =Oak soft Say no to ho -fat foods For someone you know 410r723-8195 (24 HOURS) I Apart of the t)shawa Gencral Hospital GOLDEN a a Y� l / / �- /� �" V � i��+:fY RP STAI:IA.\TS � f �•� �FREE KIDS- i1 4 4", 'LUNCH DINNE �► IFREE 11' iue up I valto l ' '11 Wednesday 4 p.m. S 0q;s !>/I I Spacial Birthday Package =3" p•r child ,► Wali this coupor when you o uyopE u,i entree from our reg I ' Wath this coupon w^er u two entrees at the Pickering menu you recene a k ds meal . K ds 10 yrs. &unser you •j,t 1 y !Golden Griddle Restaurant, the lesser paced entree s -QEE I '\ •�,. Pickering only. Not valid with other spec>as. Expires March ! Valid at the Picxe, -g location only Coupon expires March I 1 a 3193. ' el OLDEN 1DDLE i mutes a valid �nt� any other speuals promotional offers. CT G-.. Idiscounts GOLDENGFJDDLE .' L-1815 Liverpool Rd. 837-0023 Pickerin 1815 Live rpooI Rd. 837-0023 Pickenn • t a Valentine's Buffet 99 $ V.a' a „% .: 9 a.m. - 2 p.m.0 7 February 14, 1993 0^' a •. And remember when an adult purchases a Breakfast Buffet, children 4 and under cat from the ' Buffet FREE 'limit 2 children per adult. Children 5 to 10 years are half price. T: 1815 Liverpool Rd., Pickering 837-0023 -tt At 4! A Flit Flit r- W -------------------------------------n Thi NVA-lentine's Day Drive I 1 .� Your Sweetheart ; - - Crazy With Roses'. �fiBtT 1992 M MM CONVMTW I �' STEl1MA® I� - a Addr � City: Province: ; P I Code: Tel. No. SkillTestting Question 7 + 12 x 2 - 5 C �= ; i man 1. Conast is open to all persons aW 18 and older. f v 2. No purchase b necessary�� lfogTm a available at any Groner Direct location. 3. 3. Primbe awarded F 4. one prize of a 1992 Geoo Mreetro eonvertibk will be awarded.S. ' ellillell 6. GrEr Direct reserves the riot b use tlse wts of Grower �irrmes are not K � pi�wb in f any future prorrrotioral rulenak. ' f GROWER , a ' 1 on't disappoint your Sweetheart z on Valentine's Day! Pre -order 12 Beautiful Long -Stemmed Ro; in a gift box for the amazingly low price of On or Delivery Available $2999* February 11/93 Reg. $3400 GROWER DIRECT BayWOOd Plan, 105 Bayly St. W., Ajax PAGE 12 -A -THE NEWS ADVEtR71SER, DYED, FEBRUARY 14k M Tag filing aid offered in Pickering PICKERING - Free help with 1992 tax returns is being offered to local residents by Revenue Canada. A Tax Assistance Centre, staffed by Rev- enue Canada employ- ees, will open Monday, Feb. 15 at 1400 Bayly St., Pickering, east of Liverpool Rd. Federal employees will be on hand to answer ques- tions and hand out pub- lications about prepar- ing tax returns. Informa- tion, forms, guides and brochures will be avail- able. If you have questions about any of your tax papers, you're invited to take them along. The tax centre will stay open weekdays from 8:45 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. until April 30. Ontario Riding MP Rene Soetens is urging residents who need information to stop by the centre and take advantage of the ser- vice. yelp free .A]- If youneed help `with with representatives from ltev+enne ftnsn ? p m to 8 p rn ; # C your income tax settun, merit 'iLdrs Canada present. They' ll of% advice 'hMaTy branch, at #fie ecrna Y. on March ZS ori your calendmr. do how to 611 one the tax fans and good Ave, anti. Krags Cr The Ajax Public Library will abey'll answer any questions. ' :Space in the seminar is limited,. an income tax seminar that day :.... The free seminar will be held ao register at 683-40(f(} foo' � z . lip/ r What better wav to warm up your winter than by heading for Sheridan Nurseries annual Tropical Plant Sale! AMP -AIL - You'll find a tropical paradise of savings on some of the most exotic plants ~` under the sun. Plus a wide --� selection of other specials. All at Sheridan Nurseries... for the love of Tropicals! Large 21/2' to 3'� Tropical Plants. Save up to 11 00, 5000 A beautiful way to add a warm touch of the tropics to your home! Choose from ~� a wide selection of Tropical Plants, including Areca Palms, Ficus Benjamin. Rubber Trees, Dracaena and more. AU Guaranteed 88 for 3 fuU =mths. Reg. up to $29.99 SALE Beautiful Flowering Plants Brighten up your hone with a dash from nature's palate. Primula, Begonia or Violetsgg 4" Pots Reg. $2.99 SALE For the Love of Service For your convenience, Sheridan Nurseries is OPEN SUNDAYS. Sheridan Plus Members (60 years and over) SAVE 10% OFF regular priced items. Prices in effect until Feb. 14. 1993 while quantities last. :7 0 t � Decorative Pots Any plant looks even better in your choice of clay, plastic, ceramic, pottery, brass or wicker pots. Wide variety of shapes, sizes and colours. All 25%off Hanging Plants A spectacular addition to any room. Choice of Ferns, Pothos, Wandering Jew and more. Ad gtterotteed for 3 fulf months. � n Up to 10" Baskets Reg.up to $19.99 SALE wi "a For the Love of Valentine's ' )urpnse your sweetheart with a beautiful bouquet of Sheridan Roses or Carnations! Long Stem Roses gg 1 Doz. ONLY 49 Sweetheart Roses gg 1/2 Doz. ONLY 19 Carnations 00 1 Doz. ONLY Sheridan ' ' Greenhouses The ideal way to get your seeds off to a good start indoors. And a fun way for the kids to learn. Easy to follow instructions included. Reg. $3.99 Q SALE 88 ■ SHERIDAN 0 N U RS ER I ES PICKERING TORONTO UNIONVILLE MISSISSAUGA ETOBICOKE KITCHENER Home & Design Centre 2827 Yonge St 4077 Hwy. ##7 (06 Southdown Rd. 700 Evans Ave. 100 Elmsdale Rd Brock Rd. &Hwy. 401 South of Lawrence West of Kennedy South of EVd Toronto, Ontario l;nionville, Ontario Mississauga.� at Sherway Gardens Elmsdale at Ottawa St. Ontario Etobicoke, Ontario Kitchener, Ontario Pickering, Ont. 428-6316 481-6429 477-2253 1122 0251 621-9100 (519)743-4146 • 9'si NSW: - � h U' S•� l; A9 i � . ii3':� .1!e [ fl.:!'/'i.+- . �, :� .:{T• �.:r :'i S T= WM ADVXM8F k W®, P UASY N, #99&ftG8 l3 A I SELECTED ITEMS FURTHER REDUCTIONS STOREW DE PERSONAL SHO;--'P'NG ONLY EO �� q�1Z rsI-a3A� ATO S Goods Satisfactory or Money Refunded EI 7:-:-777--."- _ _._ .. _ ...... - ;- ��i�t�i�1�t'tii�/��'1�i��b'iyt�httt�i #// ►Y s �/ � 4_Z ► •',G :�. I► A, <_F, moi'„"�ryT _ . '1MCE f�A-1'hE NEMS AD�'FR 1't11111.1111, VM., FURUARY 10, Uhl; Race relati*ons topi*c of F 23 forum DURHAM - The separate school board The policy, for instance, calls for training in tura! diversity of schools. south of Finch Ave., Pickering. The first is wants to hear your thoughts on race relations. multiculturalism and racial harmony for such The policy will be discussed by a panel from 1 to 230 p.m. and the second from 7 to The Durham Region Roman Catholic Sepa- staff members as principals, aims to develop which includes a teacher, principal, chaplain, 8:30 p.m. rate School Board will hokl a public fonun on positive attitudes in students toward different parents and students. Discussions follow. Babysitting will be provided at both. For implementing its race relations and edmocul- racial and cultural groups through curriculum, Two sessions will be held Tuesday, Feb. 23 information, call John Brown or Mary Scott at tural equity policy. and strives to hire stats to reflect the multicul- at St. Mary Catholic School, 1918 Whites Rd., 576-6150, extension 250. marries at PTC DICKERING - You and your sweetie can get "hitched" at the Pickering Town Centre this Valen- tine's Day weekend. The mall's "Five Buck Weddin' Service” allows anyone of any age to get hitched or re -hitched Sat- urday or Sunday between noon and 4 p.m. Cere- monies will be offrcLued over by the likes of Mar- ryin' Sam from the hills of Dogpatch, the Weepin' Wallin' Woman and the Til Death Do You Part organist - All couples who tic the knot are eligible to win a Honeymoon Trip for Two to Montreal, compliments of Skycraft and the Pick- ering Town Centre. As well, the starry- eyed are invited to tape a kamoke love song for a loved one. A basic wedding costs a buck, with frills such as full -out wailin', slight sniffles, organ accompa- nimcnt, clean or used hankies, photography and official -like certificates available. The whole shootin match costs $5. The Heart and Stroke Foundation will receive all proceeds from the cer- emonies. CORRECTION NOTICE in to Sowosk TV Guide, Iht Nybn J&*K sirs 2-16, to 4 Somm Jtdnt, =a 2-3t and the boys* 618 Splash Panic are www tW at our Nkwing sat. Wo apologize br any i'lm mentum• +tis MR AJAX PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT SPRM.G & B 7, 0 E WILL BE DELIVERED TO AJAX RESIDENTS FEBRUARY 14 & 15 Town of Ajax Parks & Recreation 427-8811 YMN 2114 ,j • p �IrCOV{pSy�rlFq r Erk PRICE MoSTORE WALLCOVERINGD&,;ow-s7Ac1- GELLB CEILMG WNRE LATEX 'Reg. book price. Patterns may vary from those shown. Aker Sole Pr ce $33.92 PAINTER'S CHOKE LATEX SEALER ' * After Sale Price $27.92 ��ML40% (*F103.781. S1 41% SELECTED t59T WALLCOVEWNG SINGLE ROIL BOOKS WM GUAM, NO S COMS 'Reg. book price. Matching fabri "Regula, book price $15.98 s/r not included. Store books only. Clearance' FEEL & STICK AND NOMU VNM FLOOR TILE F Latest decor patterns from Armstrong, Amtico & FleAle • 12"x12 SAV E % To 5W/i • Previously sold at 794 to $2.29 In-store stock only. While stock losts. Not av�oibble at all stor VIVA FLAT �TEX PANnws CHOICE SATNI LATEX c After Sale Price $35.92 After Sale Price $35.92 117" 3.73L W3.72L VA 1EM V-1 VI IEM RfiMO FLAT WTE �ANII a CN = RLQ GREY AOR * LATEX 10000) LATEX RPAW After Sale Price $21.92 After Sale Price $33.92 $98 A es. It 71M 31Ji1 $15 j#jWE'#RE PROUD TO BE A CANADIAN COMPANY aw" ta1lARA m"you are not ere WA send you a "Wier ogwl to 10% of your catty e* satisfied wilt *a *0i of any of ON �1A'� pardtase. LOM- Ea 611ARANTEE ff yeti products we wN instantly reploa the product or War, 0 11.0it or IAe wne walrove* refund your money. (Excludes labour for gomfion in any catt0 N', 's store at a lows prim wN6 30 or instolotion.) SERVKE 61MRANTEE N you drys of Purr hm, wilt a void proof of purchase of are not mmpktely satisfied for any reason withow pro6d, we'll km* new the tfdference. the level of our exWtisee or service ' ` Sale o11iWwo Februwy 3 to Mode 2, 1993 Not aA items ava6ble of all sores. For franchise opporWnAes cal (416) 25942916. aax jos sa* St. w 683-2047 PICKERING 705 Kingston Rd., Unit 18 420-2548 C CIO • cc O • CD Y !O 0 CP CM .a M v 3 N O _Q 7 V • i O L 0 L- O • ALS W Atm W Y CM V) .N 0 cc i m �a CHIROCURE Sager Firm Support SINGLE 'A ►MATTRESSES $4895 $7895 TAM SIM M 3, jt. .aa • Kitchener • Windsor • Toronto • Guelph • Oshawa • T&I � / Sleep Fact oryry 1 ,IaMATnT R.01 E STS Q�D�IOM4 I e --Z;, 1 `y: y •�� ' • Disposal of old set •Set -Up (vwhen pre -arranged) • Layaway - JUJUNIORSLEEP74sulaSupport s ani MISMATCHED +� SETS • • • • • • • SINGLE 510888 . . r MATES BED ORTHOCHIROts oi •,- i" FaFirm Support /1 l DOUBLE �.� S 15888 ��149 •*229 �I I • •Quem $189" Sets329 Experience the � UST-A-B� difference! A coccCDcor 0 0 �. 0 • O • f^� O • 3 N N H t0 O !'D • CL W I • 1 r � f y1.�i g I 1 I � s�1�1 � � • • • SEE US BEFORE YOU BUY! WE GIVE YOU THE BEST VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY! 1000o SATISFACTION GUARANTEED BIOPEDIC Medium Support •V_ M _AJAX_ the Sleep Factory PHONE ORDERS ACCEPTED r-: HOURS OSHAWA 1 11 570 Westney Road Boum ofteawty Mir Comb* Finandng Avail W o n•c. 99.0g�p 133 Taunton Road 1Mest 619=1315 WE MAKE ANY SIZE MATTRESS 433=1052 L • • • • • • 111 fl • IN= M AJIM HERS A1YmUM198,P=VAXV A IM i AA �, Believe to It THIS WEEK'S GREAT MAGIC SAVINGS Sanka or Selected Varieties Maxwell House Instant Coffee 150/200 g jar MAGIC CARD PRICE 9 MAGIC SHOPPERS SA00 Limit 2 prs per ftnh pwduse Regular or Apple Cinnamon Cheerios 575 g box MAGIC MAGIC CARD179 SH°M S PRICE Lnal2boxes per In Tomato Sauce Chilled Grapefruit or Premium Select tv Heinz Beans or Pasta Old South Orange Juice MAGIC 398 ml tin 1.89 litre carton MAGIC0 MA CARD sN wmn MAG 1 C 4SHOPPERS PRICE SA zS9 CARD 9SAVE 40 WHEN You • Limit 41ins peT PRICE Limit 2 cartons per family ptrdme BUYFrozen, Maple LW Pro�dO of U.S.A. Pm&x:t of orr�rio,Canada &*W Ry Usap Fret F=jYe T Crmp ORCHARD CRISP 500 g pkg. Oranges McIntosh Apples MAGIC CARD PRICE MAGIC CARD PRICE MAGIC CARD PRICE I&PW 79.sM c�99 5 Ib. bag pw �. MUM =WPM SAVE .M OW SWIFIN SAVE $1Af M MlElS SAW 2 L/.iA hl, EXCUSRMML z� eww.aA,e* s" AJAX Nio.a ane aN.a@w a1 MACLE FOOD PANT NI AJAX OWY aId ant srb t b .—SFEEIl1 N 14.1m i� a/ i/rrwwls. Sys i�/a�/ aw au IIM�ooaranFoodmart %Moab obw we "Mmw M I b Mi grrraa FEBRUARY 10, 1993 . lk;k. . NEST EDITION -- 4 PAGES a 55,000 PREse RuN a CEG For the 1993 model year, the: launch of the all-new 850 series hasW. the centre stage at Volvo's North American operations. At the same tie. � Owl, number of significant developments "carryover" have been introduced on the lines — the 240-. 940- and 960 -series. Volvo's environmental consciousness is evidenced by the introduction of CFC -free (non-freon) air conditioning sys- models include three-point belt and adjustable head tems on all its models. making Volvo among the first car restraint in the center -rear seating position, as well as the companies to completely eliminate the R 12 freon from pro- Volvo child -booster -in -armrest. A redesigned rear seatback duction. features a higher, more comfortable backrest. The seat is As the 960 -series moves into its second year on the mar- also easier to fold — a result of repositioned release con- ket, the flagship of the Volvo line receives a variety of trols and outboard head restraints that retract automatically upgrades. Most important. the 960 -series joins the 850- into the seatback when the backrest is folded. series in making full driver's and front -passenger's supple- Modifications to the B230F powered 940 -series models mental restraint system (SRS) airbags available to the cus- result in improved performance —especially in terms of tomer. Other interior enhancements include a new. large off -the -line acceleration. A new torque converter and format AM/FM stereo cassette unit and upgraded speakers. AW71 L automatic transmission provide this improved per - Innovations incorporated into the 900 -series five -door formance with very little decrease in fuel economy. PLEASE SEE VOLVO oN PAGE 19 M 83 W �� 1 Lei PF Air conditioning a Pov,er Steering V,Iheel Covers assetANI FM Stereo ONTARIO'S LARGEST AND SCARBOROUGH'S ONLY...lip] CSpeakes a 287-2886 Suzuki Secure MA[7N�ru�:c�nc Z SIIZILAKI lITEM F� 11 AUTOMALL DRIVE $IJZUCI JVMf,Y V��VV V�� "- r — - ft" li-A-711K X9W ADVvinis R, WED., FEBRUARY 14,1M WHEELS DURHAM EN�� The Supra nameplate has come a long way since it first appeared in 1979 as a high-end derivative of the Celica, one of Toyotas most popular performance cars. In 1986. Supra branched off to become a separate model and blossomed with the addition of a turbocharged version in 1987. -The all- new 1994 Supra Turbo 2+2 hatchback sees the transi- tion to a full-blooded perfor- mance vehicle of the '90s," says Toyota Canada's vice president of sales Ted Wallbridge. j 94-CU,P-1 ANNOUNCEMENT &0 Nurse Cnevroiet Geo Crasmoa* Cadillac is pleased io welcome Ernie Bugeiu to their sales team. Since pining our dealersh o past November Ernie has wnsster y provided pos,trve results in al; areas of his respons tshties and cooks 'onward to a successful career in automotive sales K you are consrdenng a transportation change wtiether wt a new model or a ouai,ty used vehicle E• a wog d be pleased to assist you. Congratulations Ernie on your achievements b date and continued success rnth your new career Mpee CHEVROLET- GEO -OLDSMOBILE• CADLLAC WWMY 668-3304 � 686x5881 ERNIE BUGELLI L . '•y.r�rrWllrrllr• �' ��,,,, �'-2�Yi�. .. w,a: -- WE NEED TRADE-INS -- GM EMPLOYEES PIAN AVAILABLE IM�l "19tv I MOOD WHAT'S NEW ON WHEELS? and they beatgoes oti...' R ]E A 1110 WHEELS DURHAM W :1 AND FIND O U T ta' .t:. "�a�'.i }Y kA:i td:•I II: Fn _1; 1 r *.A • 4L . . - �' .' � ' _ -..� +_ i-4 YM PlM MVBa1TlMtt, MOK,FMUl1ltlf It IM II!!1lM.S 011IllAal 4MtiE 19-A No better time to savor a 'home run' By JOHN DUARTE O.K.! So the baseball season is still a couple of months away. But, with the weather the way it has been, who is going to blame me for thinking about the boys of summer? The wintry weather isn't the only thing that set my mind won- dering to a hot and sunny sum- mer afternoon watching a base- ball game. This week's Roadtest vehicle is actually responsible for turning my mind in that direc- tion. The commercials are not as prominent these days, but most of us remember Chrysler chair- man Lee Iacocca pitching, and serving up, his "home run" — the all-new and innovative LH fami- ly of sedans, which includes the Eagle Vision, Chrysler Concorde and, our test car, Chrysler Intrepid. Chrysler Corp, gave me some- what of a Christmas present by allowing me to test drive an Intrepid over the Yuletide season. After spending two weeks driv- ing the automobile in a variety of road conditions, there is little doubt left in my mind that this is a car for all seasons. The Intrepid showed its smoothness on clear roads and was remarkably sure- footed on a snow-covered and 4; extremely windy highway com- ing back from Cobourg on Christmas Day. The touring -tuned suspension and those big P225/60R 16 tires gave me a feeling of confidence. Normally, under the type of road New Volvo 850 is a North American first Continued from Wheels Durham front page Volvo is best known in the auto inlet manifold, the engine's maxi- impact does occur, the crash forces A t f 't f t d rabilit m m for a is available from are s read throw ho t the vehicle rn us ry ot rs sa a y, u y and longevity. So, it comes as no surprise that "exciting" is not usu- ally a word that comes up in con- versation when talking about Volvos. But that is exactly how European automotive journalists have reacted to the new Volvo 850 GLT. The 850 GLt is a totally new, front -wheel -drive, mid-size Volvo that has been designed to satisfy, and excite, the car enthusiast in everyone. Although there a number of developments in the 850 GLT, spe- cial attention must be given to the drivetrain, the rear suspension and the safety systems. Volvo has pushed automotive technology to its fullest in the making of this car. The carmaker established the initial parameters for the new car project in the early 1980s and turned it over to the engineering division in 1986. By the time the project was completed, there were many unique design solutions and four patents incorporated into the newest Volvo. The drivetrain of the 850 GLT is unique and was developed to sat- isfy a combination of packaging, performance and safety objectives. To achieve the maximum interior space while reducing exterior dimensions, a front -wheel -drive configuration was chosen. Mounting the alloy engine trans- versely produced a desirable 60/40 weight distribution and allowed the engine to help distribute the energy from an offset frontal crash across the width of the finewall. To achieve the level of perfor- mance desired, a 2.4 -litre, four - cylinder could have easily been placed transversely in a front -drive car. But Volvo was looking for more than performance. The com- pany was also after smooth opera- tion. A five -cylinder, 20 -valve engine was the ideal powerplant to supply output and smoothness. Volvo developed exactly that type of engine as part of a modular light alloy engine family which included inline four-, five and six - cylinder variants. The compact five -cylinder pro- duced 168 horsepower at 6,200 rpm. With.the help of a variable u qu 2.000 to 6,000 rpm. The transverse mounting of the engine posed other engineering challenges. The combination of the five -cylinder engine and Volvo's insistence on a short turning circle left little room for a transmission. Engineers set to the task of devel- oping an ultra -short five -speed manual, and a similarly short four - speed automatic, transmission. The design solutions engineers came up with were unique in passenger cars. The manual uses three main shafts instead of the traditional two. This design is used in some exotic race cars because of it is compact and inherently strong. Volvo builds the five -speed manual transmission in its own facilities. The automatic also employs an extra shaft to achieve its compact dimensions. Equipped with sport, economy and winter mode, the automatic transmission is supplied by Aisin-Warner. At the rear of the Volvo 850 GLT is another unique develop- ment — Volvo's patented delta - link rear suspension. The name comes from the geometry of the two major components in the sys- tem, which resembles the Greek letter "delta." The suspension system is semi- independent and combines the advantages of a live axle with those of an independent system. It is comfortable, quiet and stable. The area of safety is nothing new to Volvo, but creates news of its own on the 850 GLT- As in all Volvos, the basic unit body is all welded steel with a robust safety cage surrounding the occupants and energy -absorbing structures front and rear. These systems are designed to help absorb or dissi- pate the forces of a crash, while keeping the passenger compart- ment as intact as possible. The 850 GLT has been designed, from its inception, to incorporate Volvo's patented Side Impact Protection System. This advanced design uses reinforced B -pillars and reinforced roof rails and door sills, as well as tubes run- ning through the front seat cush- ions to resist side impacts. When F g u structure and passenger compart- ment intrusion is minimized. The only thing left is for you to head down to your Volvo dealer and experience the 850 GLT for yourself. conditions, you would have to fight the ca, (o keep it heading in the desired direction. This degree of concentration expends a lot of energy and tiredness sets in quickly. Not so in the Intrepid. The 45 -minute drive was a breeze. The Chrysler Intrepid is a beautiful car. The cab -forward design gives the car a wide and low stance. The design of the Intrepid actually offers a look at two types of cars. The front starts low and slopes gradually up toward the windshield, which makes from great forward visibility. The rear deck is high and boxy, which means an huge amount of trunk space. I found myself using the cargo net all the time. I'm sure that one would have to crawl inside this baby to unpack it, if it was loaded to its limit. Inside, the spaciousness con- tinues. Where you really notice it is in the back seat, where leg room nears limousine propor- tions. The seats are firm and com- fortable, although I could only adjust the driver's lumbar sup- port to a bearable level not where I would like it. The large interior dimensions do have their drawbacks and Chrysler doesn't help its own cause in the positioning of con- trols. I am talking about the placement of the climate controls at the bottom of the centre con- sole, below the sound system. This proved a bit of a reach and I found I had to look away from the road for a second when reaching for an adjustment. Maybe it is just me, but it seems more important to have the cli- mate controls handier than the stereo knobs. Performance comes by way of a 3.3 -litre V6 powerplant mated to an electronic four - speed automatic transmission. The configuration provides smooth acceleration, both from a standstill and when passing. The Chrysler Intrepid was great fun to drive. And that brings us to price. A base Intrepid lists at $19,895. while the test ES trim and its bells and whistles brought the price to 522.490. which when you consider all you are getting is great value for the buck - Lee Iacocca. and many others. may consider the LH sedans a home run, but cars like the test Chrysler Intrepid won't be going... going... gone. This car is going to be around for a long time. r IPAGE WN -TRE NEWSIADV'ERTLVM WED., FEBRUARY t6419%, WHEELS DURHAM DON'T LET THI Youlle Village Chrysler's warranty is the best! 7 years or 115,000 km. * We offer a high trade-in allowance!! THANK YOU DURHAM SALES FOR MAKING VILLAGE, "THE FAMILY DEALERSHIP" DURHAM'S LARGEST CHRYSLER DEALER IN A ROW. REMEMBER WHY; HONESTY, INTEGRITY, 10 YEARS PRICE, SELECTION AND SERVICE. BRAND NEW -:. 1993 VOYAGER THANK x 16,2 9 3 IOU PRICE 112 PRICE AIR, 112 PRICE ROOF PACK, 1/2 PRICE 7 PASS. Y6, 7 pass., air, auto., roof rack, flood rights, floor mats, moulding, rear wiper. $1,000 REBATE OR 5.90/o FINANCING SAVE! 1992 COLT heludes auto., buckets. front wheel dnve. AWFM, plus much • more. " Stk. +P3729. � O O - $7j378" 156 , ,= Q® 1992 ACCLAIM kxludes auto., ps.. p.b., ar, tit. cruise. MMFM sass, plus much �� more. Truly a good deal.�Stk •P3707. O O SALE 4S4W` x10,878" 2r, '90 Jump CHEROKIt■ LTD. Stk #Te1611A. 4.0 L. 6 AA. aft. ori Done., "M pm. p 0. P. mires, tit uuea, atom. w. . leatlrr seats, aorwole. AMIFM cats., surocrepem�ou i mors. t °olm BALANCE OOF00FACTORY WARRANTY AVAILABLE PMMM as 4 DR. Sk aCt1134A. V6, am.., miir s" p braids, tilt, cruiss, AM/FM case., e1ull er, remota entry slst�m. console, slum. sem. i PL calm�c6 d00 BALANCE OF FACTORY WAFVUWY AVALABLE r v` TED TES rR1MBbON MLLIAIIlON Sit NAiIaMiG I 0I019 SHELBY Z Loaded, never wnbr dnven. Turbo, 5 speed, p -s., Pb.. p.dl., p.seat, p.thigh & lumber, leather seats, bk. AWFM cass., Tbar rod, of cond., alum. wheats, and more. 1 owrw. Orty 33,200 miffs AOF FACTM 9WAALRRNANNTY AVAILABLE BRAND NEW 1993 SUNDANCE 4 Auto., air, tinted glass, floor mats, AWN stereo, buckets, dual mirrors.THANK $1,250 REBATE OR $ Y 0"R1cE 5.9% FINANCING FACTORY AUTHORIZED SALE: 1992 LeBARON CONVERTIBLE FLONDA HEM WE COME! kxkudes aUo.. V6, air, tit, cruse. AMIFM cars, plus muds more. " SALE �349 � 0 * M PER x169696 MONTH LX 4 DR. Nd V6 4 spd ,cub. lrm. p.s.. p•a. 1111. au". air cone., AMIFM au.. R arim Oualret, oorkcols, alum. wlreeic, kWW rack i eros 1 owner. BALANCE OF FACTORY WARRANTY AVAILABLE TEMPO 4 DR. SIL t11116Wl 4 CyL, cub., air aond., A�Y�FII ca�e�., cioN OMmom tided 190 MERCURY TOPAZ 4 DR. All wheat driver. SIL OW36A . 4 qt., auto., ps, pb, p nnrors, tit cruise, ar aond., oomeole. ave wheat drills, W &W., p d. t owns► BALANCE OF FACTORY WARRANTY AVAILABLE VOYAGER LE WAGON I II •R Slk M7P. V6. auto., p.s., pb., pall., AMIFM sass., Gk, cruise, rod rack, air cortd.. overhead console, W.S.W., pninors. ONy 64,5W miles. D U T H A)( LTD. SERVICE OPEN ALL �-- C� 1 C M ■' . DAY SATURDAY 583-5358 "p"ial Senices .iii♦ Gmive �i��.r��••�►��Paii sG'i?iiiii ♦iGistC C?SSr=2.-::.S.t_3�7-��t�'•T-=,:-.��•a 1 your home- a green'cle'ning 1 received a Green 'n Clean Christmas recipe sheet from the Waste Reduction and Recycling float in the Pickering Santa Claus Parade. Unfortunately my sheet has been misplaced. Can you tell me where I can get another? A.L., Pickering Dear A.L.: Rather than send you another, I thought it a perfect opportunity to share the hand-out in this column so everybody can give their home a "green" cleaning. Baking soda cleans, polishes and deodorizes. Scours without scratching. Makes a good drain cleaner. Cornstarch freshens carpets. Cleans up greasy spills. Vinegar cleans and deodorizes. Removes mildew and stains. Good fabric softener. Pure soap cleans everything from dishes to cars. Washing soda cleans clothes and softens water. Oven cleaner. Clean regularly with baking soda and water. Sink cleaner: To clean and pol- ish kitchen sinks, use either bak- ing soda or vinegar. Furniture polish: Apply a small amount of olive or almond oil to wood surfaces. Rub in well. After several hours, polish with a soft cloth. Drain cleaner. Pour 125 ml of baking soda followed by 125 ml of vinegar down drain pipe and Recycler's Report cover with stopper. Keep drains clean with rinses of boiling water. Laundry bleach: Add 125 ml of Borax or 125 ml of vinegar to full wash load Scouring powders: Sprinkle baking soda dr Borax on surfact;'- - and scour with damp cloth, rinse. Disinfectants: Bring four lives of water to a boil, mix in wash pail with 125 ml of Borax. Allow mix- ture to cool slightly before use. Air fresheners: Boil cinnamon and cloves in water. Place 30-60 ml baking soda in small bowls around house and in fridge. All-purpose cleaner: Dissolve 30 ml Borax and one millilitre soap flakes in one litre of water and shore in a spray bottle. Mix 45 ml washing soda in one litre of hot water. This is the decade to reduce household toxin! The Pickering Waste Reduction Committee, which put together the float, was grateful to the Ontario Waste Management Corporation's 'Enviro. Dial' and to Durham Environmental Network's (DEN), new booklet, A Household Guide to Waste Reduction and Recycling -in Durham Region, for these tips. DEN's 46 -page booklet is now available in libraries. This committee has also pre- pared a page of Green Cleaning Recipes that will appear in the spring edition of the Pickering Parks and Recreation booklet. Dr. Kevin Tyber OPTOMETRIST - Dispensing of contact lenses and glasses - Evening and Saturday appointments available - Complete Family E e Care 427-4144 15 Harwood Ave. S., Ajax (Between Hwy. 401 & No. 2) r,� y d R TIrL lU1.71►I/10�>0?lm I 1111W!!1131111k1>kwo A 2 i ttl•� FAUNNO TOMS 0� n�a.w iaIP01-0 101CAWAll Nft SWV1M WW F>0les com(2)" C" oaur AQUATIC INFORMATION Pickering Recreation Complex Pool ** INTRODUCING ** "DAYTIME WATER JOGGING" JOIN THIS NEW FITNESS CRAZE!! This unique program is exceRM for toning or aerobic f'Itness. The Diving Well at the Pickering Recreation Complex is set aside for this PAY-AS-YOU-GO PROGRAM Water Ski Belts will be provided, for the individual to work on their own...at your own pace...there are no instructors, and no registration fees!! Cost: 52.50/per swim Dates: Tuesdays and Thursdays Time: 12 noon -1:00 p.m. For more information, lease contact Liz Bowes at the Pickering Recreation Complex - 831-1711 or 683-6582 All Programs and Public Swimming will be CANCELLED: Thursday, February 18, 1993 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. ONLY Due to the Annual D.Y.S.S.A. Swim Meet Please recycle this newspaper Dearest Deli" hts for your NaFein tine r r v lltttt y Ir - in secall - JIM Seca& - LM 11d= - ma"u-bew f■,lwl-1b"ft VAN 11= 9n.wa LK .... is .................... .................... PiCKERING TOWN CENTRE - Dial Prices in effect while quantities last . y 1 1, IMZ 2t -A-7= NEW ADVMMM W=, MRUAW 10, M Police hunt violent purse snatcher By SGT. GRANT ARNOLD Durham Regional Police DURHAM - Crime Stoppers and Durham Regional Police are asking for the public's help in sok-ing a robbery in Oshawa Tuesday, Dec. 1. Just after midnight, a woman left her friend's apartment build- ing at 584 Bloor St. E. and walked to the corner of Wilson Rd. S. and Bloor St. E. She entered the phone booth on the Petro Canada lot and %-as looking up the phone number for a taxi. CRIME A male who'd been watching the woman enter the booth con- fronted her and smashed her head twice against the wall. The victim fell to her knees and had her hair pulled as the suspect grabbed her purse and ran northbound from the scene. The suspect is described as male, white, with stocky build and collar -length dark hair. He was wearing a blue T-shirt or jacket - Crime Stoppers is asking any- one wish any information on this crime or any other serious offence to phone. As a caller, you won't have to identify yourself or go to A cash reward of up to $1,000 is being offered if your informa- tion leads to an arrest. A re-enactment of this crime will be shown an CITY TV chan- nel 57 cable 7 on Thursday, Feb. 11 during the 6 p.m. and 10 p.m. news. It will also be shown on CHEX TV in Peterborough and CKVR in Barrie on Friday, Feb. .12, again during the news. The Crime Stoppers phone number is 436-8477. That's 436 - TIPS JONES - DOOLEY • INSURANCE BROKER OVER 20 YEARS AUTO • PROPERTY • MOTORCYCLE ..� Low Home Insurance Rates Discounts for: good claims record, newer homes, Age 55, alarm system Lower rates - monthly payments;Extended hrs. of service ►�j I, • FI, oo❑ Sgt. Grant Arnold is the coor- dinator of the Durham Regional Crime Stoppers program. ° ° Please recycle WARNING! THIS AD MAY MAKE YOU UNHAPPY WITH. YOUR PRESENT AUTO INSURANCE RECOMMENDED COVERAGE FOR CAREFUL DRIVERS! • 91'92 medium size • $250 deductible collision • 1 million • $50 deductible comprehensive liability • Family protection endorsement • Accident benefits • Loss of use/rental vehicle NOTE: Careful Drivers Over Age 25 With Preferred Driving Records May Qualify, this Rate Also Includes Umlted Driving To Wale Two car policies may qualify for additional discounts. SEMI-ANNUAL PREMIUM.;38300 ...._................_................_.._-- 683-9725 PINE RIDGE INSURANCE 676 Monarch Ave., Unit 13 Ajax 683-9725 MM1 0, ♦Vqv 40 vow %i rrr*1� moi+ d'rM1, r•fr ` WINNERS SUPER CENTRE 241 PIZZA k� v?. P.J. BURGUNDY'S 1 �MONEYWORTH �& BEST iA LIVERPOOL MEDICAL ' CENTRE 1 DENTAL OFFICE -ftJwIN t DINNER FoR TNVO AT T J AME' — WIN A GIFT T= LONDON CLEANERS LEATHER DEAL • AL - .T ' TT ACHIOEVERS �Z�A L S, LONG Rosp co R 111 S BASKET! BAY Y SCRUPLES _ CAS' FLOft rr CRAZYDeposit this ballot at any of the stores listed ,S k and you could win! Name: SILVER :' Address: city: 11 rovince: DOLLAR � . Postal Code: Td. No.: GGALLERY Draw to be held Saturday' Feb. 13/93 -°RENAISSANCE MARLIN CYC ;x ,��XPRESS TRUST DICKERING .AURIS BOOKS MALL FOR P4 ;1792 LIVERPOOL ROAD (AT KINGSTON RD.) PICKERINGNI i - I- ­­_ 'A, . I ldft�C big!��•,r►�►��..�.�r►w��..Z��r►i'.'��w�� Ili i+l'i,l+ltt� `A OVEN SULK /. C&C .SNACM DICKERING .AURIS BOOKS MALL FOR P4 ;1792 LIVERPOOL ROAD (AT KINGSTON RD.) PICKERINGNI i - I- ­­_ 'A, . I ldft�C big!��•,r►�►��..�.�r►w��..Z��r►i'.'��w�� Ili i+l'i,l+ltt� — -.:... -- _ - - }Qi . .1 ,, } f 1 Y � I ` i 1S : t .'''— .'it 1 1 � ♦ f � 4 d ..rsrr-.►.•r,.rr.•e..•..........a.ws.•..-..a•r..•.•.r.r..►.ti....•.esa.a.........�r-.•.•+•..r�-wr+e+�r. i•... •....rr .'• .- -a- sr .. r. NEWS ADVERTISER G1*r1s'hockeyMmja be iced in Pickerin, By AL RIVETI' Sports Reporter PICKERING - Girls' hockey could be on ice in Pickering as early as next year if enough interest is shown at an upcoming meeting, says an organizer with the governing body of the sport. Bev Mallory, vice-president of planning and development with the Ontario Women's Hockey Associa- tion (OWHA), is hoping enough interest will be generated in girls' hockey after a meeting at the Picker- ing Recreation Complex Wednes- day, Feb. 24 at 7:30 pm. In fact, she's optimistic that girls of all ages could be playing house league and rep hockey under the direction of a local association by next fall "I have no doubts at all that the place." players are there. The girls just Mallory notes Pickering was the haven't had the opportunity to play logical next step for a hockey associ- here or are playing in another com- ation as girls' hockey is established munity, ' she says. "A place the size in nearby Scarborough and Oshawa of Pickering should have "Pickering is one of house league hockey for all those places that has ages, rep teams and women's never had a girls' hockey hockey besides." association and it's time She says the problem is that such a program was getting the support of parents started," she says. Mallo- to form the association and ry's already received carry out the essential grassroots about 15 inquiries from interested work of recruiting, fund-raising and Pickering parents and girls. acquiring ice time. Mallory says the Feb. 24 meeting "The doubts are that there is will provide information on the enough parent interest to start the growing sport of girls' hockey association" says Mallory. "I won't which uses all the rules of boys' leave until there's an association is hockey but bans body checking. formed. There has to be a formal Women's hockev has recendv born executive or a steering committee in recognized as an Olympic cTx)r. r,% Annandale rinks team up to win Bell By JIM EASSON Special to the News Advertiser AJAX - Four Annandale teen's scams travelled to Port Perry to participate in two Ontario Curling Association (OCA) double team zone playdowns Feb. 6 to 8. One of the sets of pairs came away with a zone win. Barry Moylan and John Williams skipped the winning combination. They competed in the Bell Mobility Governor -General's event where the aggregate score of both racks decamines the game wanner. With Moylan were his regular team of Evan Twnour at via, Melo Molica at second and Wayne Ferreira playing lead. 'Inose playing with John Williams were Mark Shelton, Gantt Hutclunson and Brian Craudet. This pair of teams defeated pairs of Name from Oshawa Golf, Dalewood and Whitby. The two learns now advance to the regional playdowns at the East York Curling Chub Mardi 20. Winners of the region then advance to the provincial championships at the Oshawa Downtown Curling Club March 20. in the Silver Tardmd double rink pkaydown, Annadale's Bruce Patterson and Tony I,etros ranks didn't fare so wdl, but had the satisfaction of pertia- pating. The next OCA zone playdown is the Seagram's V.O. Coifs at the Sunon Curling Club Feb. 13 co 15. Annandale is sending one rink slopped by Joe Mundy. With Mundy are Marty Armstrong at via, Jan Pascoe playing sec- ond and Jim Eassoi leading. Two teams advance from dee double knock -out playdown to the rel sial pbydmn at the Delewood Curling Cluib, near Port Hope, Feb. 27 and 28. The major curling event Feb. 9 to 14 is the Ontario MCWS Mfr b whip. The Blue Light Tankard provincials is being hosted at the Twoon Memorial Aram and Annandale is puiWtg for another title. Bob Ttscoue tabes he rink of Ian Robertson, Scon McPherson and Darn Balachorekk there to face stiff competition. It will inch tde previous world champion rials skipped by Ed Wmuch aid Ross Howard The wriimg team roma to the LdM Bier in Ottawa Mach 6 to 14. the International Olympic Commit- tee. She's uncertain of what kind of player base the Pickering association might expect in its initial season. However, she'll advise the new Pickering association to keep its team make-up broadly based to ensure everyone can play. "We recommend that they don't tum anyone away. All ages are wel- come. They will have to see what they've got and design their hockey program to Cit what players they have. Hopefully, they'll be able to have a few rep teams and house league teams which provide compet- itive hockey." For more information, call Mal- lory at 1-416-664-6049 or Doug Nicholls at 939-5331. Ajc1,X-Axemengive Collingwood the playoff blues J.P. Lancilk led the storing p mm with six points — four goals and two assists. Jason Head tabled twice and added an assist, while Aaron - Saul had a goal and four assists. Single goals were recorded by Mark Luciuk, Doug Fraser, Brian Ansley, John Crawford, Kevin Hill and Dave Duerden. Defeoceman Don Curran added three gists. Steve Scruton scored the lone Collingwood marker in the second period on the powerplay, spoiling the shutout bid of Ajax goalwnder Bruce Beechener who had a light night of work. The Axemh's next home game is against the Orillia Terriers at the Ajax Community Centre Area Tuesday, Feb. 16. Game time is 8 pm. AJAX - The Ajax Axemen arow eyed the bell in the fight for the last playoff spot in the Central Ontario JuniorA' hockey league with a big win Saturday only night. the Axemen grower die bdL they rang the bell of the CoWngwood Blues with a 13- 2 pasting in an important league comest at the Ajax Goma unity Centre teens. The Mary enabled the Axemen to move ane Point ahead of the Blues for the seventh and last playoff spot in the kague's eastern division. Ajax's record improves to eight w►irm 28 losses and six ties for 24points. which uhcludes a point for each of their two overtime bases. The Axemen, who could have all but faded Ax��IIEN .,... m....wa..... out of the pkayoff picture with a koss to Colling- wood, have made it a real ham race for the final playoff spot. They have five Sores remaining — two at hone and twee on the road — following last night's contest against the Newmarket '87s The Axemen came out flying against Colling wood and took control with terw ous play right from the opening face-off: Ajax tallied four first - period, goals, five in the second and four in the Bial frame. Dolphins' foc tbaa annual meeting set for tomorrow AJAX-PICKERING - The Ajax/Pickering Dolphins Football Club will hold its annual general meeting tomorrow. The meeting is slated for St. Mary Catholic �,;:4High School in WA Puckering on Thursday, Feb. I1, starting at 7:30 p.m. Early registration for Dol- phins football, for youths aged six to 16, will also take place at the meeting. For more information, call Bob Bawcutt at 683-4380. Pickering skaters finish fourth of Canadians PICKERING - A Picker- ing skating duo placed fourth at the Canadian Fig- ure Skating Championships in Hamilton on the week- end. Derek Brittain, 15, and sister Nicole Brittain, 17, were fourth in the novice dance division at the cham- pionships at Copp's Colise- um and the Mountain Arena. p, A total of 16 of + the best pairs ~ from across� Canada took �--�� part in the championships. The Pickering pair was fourth after the compulsory dance and placed fourth overall after the freedance competition. A duo from Quebec fin- ished in top spot in the novice dance category. To get to the Canadian championships, the Brit - tains won the sectional championships in Missis- sauga in November, then went on to finish third in the Eastern Canadian cham- pionships in Oshawa last month. Derek and Nicole Brit- tain will now compete in the Ontario Winter Games in Cornwall next month. The duo train at the Upper Canada Figure Skat- ing Club in North York, under the direction of Roy Bradshaw. WW slo-pitch annual meefing set for Mal'ICh 1 AJAX - The Ajax Ladies' Slo-Pitch Association will hold its annual meeting next mouth. The meeting is slated for the Annandale Golf and Country C 1 u b , Church Street and Bayly Avenue in Ajax, on Monday, March 1 at 7 p.m. For more information, call Peggi Bristow at 428- 6143. /.�t,�.11'•`)'P YY'',fr+t'111:" AlRr. U171"11'I*,t\3V!i.• 117i V. !4-A TM IiiAoVa71i0. V=k.1lSt UAKV W111111111111111 some firiplaft Say M = wl; NN Happy Valentine's ' DayNN ever & over again! wNte ousts a Wmn k- �� LOWS LOW VHITE ROSE PRICES FRAGRANT „1 �t .4 l N, -lot v DELI GARDENIA 00 A much oved nouseolan• tamois `r • s dellghttul hagrance & abundance of 00 elegant white flowers in a *,note ea. decorator opt oY 8 MAKES A GREAT GIFP. CINERARIA Its daisy -like flowers will brighten air� 00 room. With beautiful blues. purples. pinks & bocolour In a handcrafted o��� ea. wicker gasket decorated for Valentines Jay FLORIST R FART S WEFT H L p L.. LOWERING LB PLANTS ' , Bring the colours &scents of spring 1 /,'into your home. Or surprise a friend with 1 : '.Mese delightful spring flowering bulbs. Choose from bright yellow daffodils, assorted narcissus. colourful tulips & fragrant nyaclnths. ' 3-6 LARGE BLOOMS PER 6" LARGE PO PIUS many 88 more gift plant, # for y ea your AZALEA A ong,asrng lavourile cwsters of flowers n oeautrful shades of pink. red. $1988 white. salmon & bicolour. o� ea. Decorated for gift giving. FOR SOMEONE SPECIAL.! BASKET OF BLOOMS A great gift for kids. Choose from colourful begonias. ionglastng kalanchoe. afrTcan violets & old-fashioned primroses. o�� ea In a handcrafted. decorated basket.6 OUR SOF LOVE GROW YOUR OWN ANNUALS Enjoy the fun of potting a seed in the earth and watching it grow into a beautiful flowering plant. For just pennies a plant. PEAT POTS PEAT STRIPS GROWERS 2 '/." square,f % ® 1 %' square, $ I 9% UM STM 50 pk. $2 6 strips of 10. pk.MONS IF TO; 3" square, $127 2 X' square, - no RI 101* pk. 6 strips of 8. pl` � l $2-n�a 50 pk. $�unit ea — ships of 6. I 13 levels of fight ling Mr maximum gr \ \ areea. Holds up to JIM112 fugrow- er er flats. Ideal for seed , AN Tray with 32 peat pots, 2 %' or tray / N a $ F ii metal frame with with 50 peal polls, 1 %' or tray9 ��,� 1All1It pealt � 9 = ing white with 72 plastic cells. 1 )6'. 1 'K' or tray with 77 fi YOUR 97 721 ea. ea. Cogs,1 %'. $4My ea. *Mon. to Fri. 9:008.m.-9:00P.m. Sat., Sun. & Holidays 9:00a.m.-6:00p.m. SALE ENDS FEBRUARY 18,1993. GREAT CARE IS'AIE%M THE PREPARATION i DESORPTION of TMS ERROR w Whft DESCRIPTION ILLUSTRATION 6 PRICING MAY OCCUR IN TME EVENT OF A PRICING ERROR RCM Ti* ORREC T IN IC E DEK WII: BE EXCEED XCD AT CORRECT PRICE DEMAND MAY EXCEED AYAKABIE STOCK WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT OIMNTITIES :ANTED TO STOCK ON airw��„,�rs,w ININO NOT ALL PROWAVALAWATglrl Q KENNEDY Iq OIEEIMY OR WINTRY IOGTIONS NO LEIM MURINE SOID Ai NENNEDT a TIE OI�AT StOt1fS 401 d ! N owonsST. W,40 pWT. a Tr «+.Aft wYvr. rT N r y,ww WHITBY SCARBOigIpICX OSHAWA 1243 DUNDAS ST. E 70 ISLAND RD. 300 TAUNTON RD. E. wWafThk*wnRd Port Unlon/4O1 Epson & Taunton 7DAYS A W CYCLAMEN Its dusters of elegant inverted flowers. rising above lush green & silver leaves. make ,t a popular favourite. In a panted wild w basket ONLY ea. LONGLASTNIG BEAUTY �/� BEGONIA This longlasting -Relger' begonia has large single (or double) blooms In bright yellows, reds. oranges & 112 ONLY A delightful gift. CHAINAPLES Basketweave design RS sparldirtg white. O 128.88ea'n wzr ■ 5! ANNH Herringbone weave in deloorallor Tgreen. Our reg. 98.88sa. CANNA Heavy core, white wash. Our reg.178.88ea ea TABLES Wd 1w my tar~ le pw 8e BSIDE With drawer. � Our reg. 44.88ea NAPLES Coffee table. Our reg. 1O5.88ea. ASSORTED TABLES Round, square, beaded, plain. Reg. 58.88ear LOVESEATS wt & notch N@PErAAL White, green or burgundy. Our reg. 168.88ea. �KMJrea. I:AROLNIA Heavy core, white wash. Our reg. 248.88ea. mm UNIQUE ITEMS ody a wdo liru se SOFA T1pf of White delightful seating units, lots of storage space. Our nag. 218.88ea. DA rea. 154N wide x 720 high. . 218.88m ONt1 ran• ..... v. •..r. ...• r .�...�.A.�YY./�Y..r�•NMS.�rs�r..rNA.RY1fMJ.M../'.d�....r.+siY...:..,..�: i.6 NSJ.t�JV�..R.. .I J.11 • I.I.I.t J.I ..� N TAAIIrTONINI >5 g WHITBY SCARBOigIpICX OSHAWA 1243 DUNDAS ST. E 70 ISLAND RD. 300 TAUNTON RD. E. wWafThk*wnRd Port Unlon/4O1 Epson & Taunton 7DAYS A W CYCLAMEN Its dusters of elegant inverted flowers. rising above lush green & silver leaves. make ,t a popular favourite. In a panted wild w basket ONLY ea. LONGLASTNIG BEAUTY �/� BEGONIA This longlasting -Relger' begonia has large single (or double) blooms In bright yellows, reds. oranges & 112 ONLY A delightful gift. CHAINAPLES Basketweave design RS sparldirtg white. O 128.88ea'n wzr ■ 5! ANNH Herringbone weave in deloorallor Tgreen. Our reg. 98.88sa. CANNA Heavy core, white wash. Our reg.178.88ea ea TABLES Wd 1w my tar~ le pw 8e BSIDE With drawer. � Our reg. 44.88ea NAPLES Coffee table. Our reg. 1O5.88ea. ASSORTED TABLES Round, square, beaded, plain. Reg. 58.88ear LOVESEATS wt & notch N@PErAAL White, green or burgundy. Our reg. 168.88ea. �KMJrea. I:AROLNIA Heavy core, white wash. Our reg. 248.88ea. mm UNIQUE ITEMS ody a wdo liru se SOFA T1pf of White delightful seating units, lots of storage space. Our nag. 218.88ea. DA rea. 154N wide x 720 high. . 218.88m ONt1 ran• ..... v. •..r. ...• r .�...�.A.�YY./�Y..r�•NMS.�rs�r..rNA.RY1fMJ.M../'.d�....r.+siY...:..,..�: i.6 NSJ.t�JV�..R.. .I J.11 • I.I.I.t J.I ..� Massi*ve turnout at AjSpartans B7 AL MVI& I'I' eight to 20 teams this year, and Sports Reporter the T.ball division are filled and AJAX - A massive turnout at have waiting lists. the Ajax Spartans Minor Baseball An unexpectedly high turnout Association registration day Sat- to register for the girls' divisions urday has most rosters filled and has also resulted in w2 some overflowing, says one of the says Canham. For the organizers- time ever, there are w More than 1,500 showed UP for lists in the peewee first day of registration for bantam girls' categorie approximately 1,100 spots which ❑ ❑ ❑ are available this season in Ajax Ajax will play h baseball. Spartans' president Mar -April and May to Ibylr, aa,c- sha Canham says only a handful ball School for players and coach - of spaces remain in the midget, es. junior and juvenile divisions. All Canham says the Florida -based other categories are full and have school is one of the most influen- waiting lists. tial baseball instructional camps Some of those waiting to regis- in the U.S. Ajax was selected for ter were in line at the Ajax Com- one of its special satellite schools munity Centre lobby at 5:30 a.m., this season and the Spartans' four -and -a -half hours before the executive jumped at the chance. morning session of registration got under way at 10 a.m., says Canham. "You just couldn't move in there. Even the community centre staff were shaking their heads. They couldn't believe it." The mosquito division (for kids 10 years old) was the most over- subscribed category with more than 150 placed on a waiting list. Canham says the association hopes to satisfy most youngsters on the waiting list by scheduling more teams, but this will largely depend on the Town's allotment of diamond time to the associa- tion, and the number of volunteers and sponsors who come forward. Both the popular rookie ball division (eight and nine year olds) which has been expanded from The school for coaches and parents is slated for Westney Heights Public School on Satur- day, Apr. 24 from noon to 4 p.m. The players' school is scheduled day and Sunday, May 8 9 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. h days. It's for players ven to 19 years of age. Cost of the fiches'/parents' session 5; the players' school cows a85 per player. For more information, call Canham at 428-7320. ❑❑❑ The Spartans are looking for field crew members and umpires for the upcoming season. Youths as young as 13 years old can sign up for umpiring and field crew duties. The association Pickerin atoms have'' stranglehold 6 •of •i -� The Corporation of the TOWN OF WHITBY NOTICE WATER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT STRATEGY FOR THE LYNDE CREEK WATERSHED The Town of Whitby, with the professional services of Gartner Lee Limited, is undertaking a Water Resource Management Strategy for the Lynde Creek Watershed. This study is intended to proactively address the changing scope of drainage issues and guide the development of future urban areas, in regard to water resource issues, within the watershed This study will, in part: • compile and review existing data base • prepare overview of water -related resources • establish objectives for water resource management • establish baseline conditions for key water quality parameters and aquatic communities • assess impact of land use changes within watershed upon surface and ground water quantity and quality • develop water resource management strategy for the watershed The Town of Whitby encourages public input throughout the study. An introductory public information forum is tentatively scheduled for the end of March 1993 and will be formally announced at a later date, once finalized. Should you wish to provide input into this important study and/or obtain further information prior to the public forum. please contact the Town of Whitby Public Works Department or Gartner Lee Limited, as rioted following. Corporalbn of #w Town of WhNby P%dAk Works Departtn«a 576 RosebwW Rood East WMtlby, Ontario LIN 21111111111 Tel: (416) 660-5603 Alt: Mt P.L. Wane, P. Erg. Gartner Lee Li nitad 140 Rankear Drive Suite 102 Markham, Ontario L3R 066 Tai: (416) 477-6400 An: Mr. J.E. O'Neill THE NEAS ADVLrrN R, WED, EE1111RVARY ltd, IMPIAGE 25-A has umpiring clinics available for close to their homes. youths to get their start in this Both are paying positions. position. The field crew chief will Call Canham at 428-7320 for assign crew members to diamonds more information. AJAX SPARTANS MINOR ' BASEBALL ASSOCIATION 4••. = JUVENILE REP TEAM WORKOUTS ' For boys born M 1974 g 1975 ' At Lakeside Public School,4 Parkes Drive Ajax' February 14, 8:00 p.m to 9:30 pm Sunday, kftd 7, 8:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. ' Sutoday, February 21, 8:00 p.m, to 9:30 pm Statday, Mach 14, 8-00 p.m to 9:30 p m ' Sundry, February 28, 8:00 p.m to 9:30 pm ------ -----� REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM WJX/ PICKERING/AJAX WATER SUPPLY PLANT COMMITTEE DURHAM REGION NOTICE OF MEETINGS, The Pickering/Ajax Water Supply Plant Committee has been established to deal with specific issues during the detailed design, construction, and operations phases of the proposed Pickering/Ajax Water Supply Plant located on Lake Driveway East, Ajax. Meetings of the Committee will normally be held on the fourth Wednesday of each month. Initially, more frequent meetings will be required to address matters pertaining to the design of the facility. Meetings of the Committee will be open to the public and will be held in the Region of Durham Works Department Boardroom, 105 Consumers Drive, Whitby at 6:00 p.m. The topics to be addressed during the initial meetings on design of the facility are as follows: • Visual Impact - (Plant Height, Footprint, Building Design) • Water Quality - (Treatment Process/Chemicals, Altemative Disinfectants, Intake Design) Tentative schedule of meeting dates: February 10, 24 March 3, 10, 24 April 7, 14, 28 Stay tuned to Cable 10 Message Board for information updates or contact Mr. Gabe Oliver, P. Eng. of the Region of Durham Works Department at (416) 668-7721 prior to the scheduled meeting date to verify that the meeting will be held and to confirm the topic for each scheduled meeting. Members of the public wishing to address the Committee are asked to notify Mr. Oliver one week prior to the scheduled meeting. The Pickering/Aim Water SuQQjy Plant Committee Bin Robertson Chair Roger Anderson Regan of Durham Works Committee Angela Bober Ajax Waterfront Advisory Committee Pat Brown Town of Ajax Ken Thompson Region of Durham Works Department Sherill Willard Ajax save the Waterfront Committee INSTALLING A HEAT PUMP CAN SAVE ENERGY BY UP TO 65% - AND LEAVE YOU FEELING WARM INSIDE. T.M used a.da maho«iy cf ornio Hy*o POWER SAVER' Other conditions apply. Heat pumps warm in the winter, cool in the summer, and can save energy yoar-round. There's a variety of heat pump options available. They all can add up to big savings, whatever type you choose. And if your home is electrically heated, and in an area where natural gas is not available, you could quality for an Ontario Hydro Power Saver TIM rebate*. Ask us for details. 1920 Bay ly St., Pickering AJAX HYDRO 55 Taunton Rd. E. 427-0791 619-0500 thunder oast Richmond Hill PICKERING - The Pickering Papp's Thunder 'BB' peewee hockey team rolled to a playoff series victory over Richmond Hill last week. The Pickering peewees won - the best -of -five opening playoff series 3-2 in games. Pickering now meets Markham in the sec- ond round of the playoffs. Backed by the solid goaltend- ing of Aaron Laderman, Pickering prevailed 2-0 in the fifth and deciding game of the series at Don Beer Arena. It was Lader - man's third shutout of the season. Kevin Grzvbouski scored at 6:03 of the first period. The score remained 1-0 for Pickering until the last three seconds of play when Neil Simpson took a long shot from his own zone into the empty net. Richmond Hill squeaked out a 2-1 win in game four of the series in richmond Hiil. The game -win- ner for Richmond Hill was a dis- puted goal, as it appeared to have been scored on a two-line pass. Brett Giglio notched the lone Pickering marker. Pickering rallied in the third period of game three to post a 4-1 victory over Richmond Hill. Curt Muhm scored two and Brandon Hale scored a single in the third Pickering juniors fit to be tied in ringette play PICKERING - The Picketing Legion Branch 606 junior 'B' ringette team tied two recent league games to extend its unbeaten streak to four games. Pickering began the first round of the playoffs against Scarborough at the Don Beer Arena ae�!ro last weekend. The clubs played to a 5- 5 tie in an enter- cif: twining, see -saw bat- tle. After the clubs played to a 1- 1 deadlock after one period, the teams traded a pair of markers in rapid succession to begin the sec- ond period. Midway through the second period, both teams scored again for a 4-4 tie. Pickering played shorthanded six times through this penalty -filled period, and sulra>Id =d a short-handed, go- ahead fifth goal to Scarborough wide thine minutes b Play. Play- ing shorthanded in the final mums of play, Pielminng p dW its goalie for an extra attacker and Anne Judges potted the tying goal wrdr 39 seconds to play. The game featured superior play in goal by PickffiF4 's Tara Wanner. Pickering travelled to Port Perry for its final regular -season game on Jan. 29 and played tD a 4.4 stalemate. Kirsten Miller and Jaime -Lynn Wilsdon combined on the tying goal for Puckering. Other team members are Sarah Denton, Jessica Field, Tanya Foote, Jennifer Kennedy, Latus McKenzie, Megan Purdy, Emily Renaud, Taunya Sequin, and Kw ney Whelan. The team is coached by Dan Purdy, assist- ed by Kim Raceue and Chris Renaud and managed by Sandy Renaud. period to break a 1-1 second -peri- od tie. Giglio scored for Pickering in the middle frame, assisted by Kevin Harkness and Hale. Also drawing assists were James Langston and Jason McMaster with two each and Harkness and Muhm with one apiece. Laderman recorded the win in goal. Despite 30 shots in game two at the Pickering Recreation Com- plex, Pickering still came out on the short end of a 3-1 score. Courtney Lalonde scored the Papp's peewees lone goal. Scott Mills took the loss in goal. The series started in Richmond Hill with the Papp's Thunder recording a 5-3 win. Muhm and Hale scored with five minutes left in the third period to lift Picker- ing out of a 3-3 be. Also scoring for Pickering were Langston with two and Hale who also had two on the night. Laderman was steady in net to record the win. Team members are Kevin Harkness, Danny Papaconstiti- nou, Curt Muhm, Benny Collins, Jason McMaster, James Langston, Brandon Hale, Mike Marsella, Brett Giglio, Neil Simpson, Donevan Cameron, Jeff Galea, Courtney Lalonde, Darren Dzikowski, Kevin Grzvbouski, Aaron Laderman and Scott Mills. The team is coached by Noel Marsella, Bob Lalonde, Vito Giglio and managed by Ernie McMaster. k71�1XwN, A an .kit, AVPL.t nuI LJ:'I Wier Ate�+rk'111c� tv>, n ,..� :altrt(rrrnemt au camw Local gymnasts sparkle at first Metro East provincial qualifier AJAX-PICKERING - Area gymnasts were in top as a member of the Ontario team. form at the Metro East Provincial Qualifier in Picker- Martin and Edwards were selected to represent thl ing Feb. 6 to 7. Metro East Region at the Ontario Winter Games it Hosted by the Pickering Aerials Gymnastics Club, Cornwall March 13. Rawlings has a chance of beinl the meet featured quality performances by local mem- selected as a team member. bers of the Winstonette Gymnastic Association of Markham. Jonette Martin of Ajax placed first overall in the junior 3 category. She was first on bars, second on balance beam and floor and third on vault. Leanne Edwards, also of Ajax, placed second over- all in the junior 3 division. Her efforts included first place on balance beam, second on bars, a third-place tie on vault and fourth on floor. Michelle Schuberth of Pickering was fifth overall with a pair of bronze medals on bars and floor. Erin Sitarski, also of Pickering, placed seventh overall with a fourth place on bars, and sixth-place finishes on vault, balance beam and floor. In the senior 3 category, Jaime Rawlings of Picker ing missed the meet as she was competing in Florida Jonette Martin Leanne Edwards ON THEL/GHTEl� SIDE� Y t L4 t,IINI V We welcome new patients V We offer cosmetic and general dentistry in a relaxing and caring atmosphere of Evening appointments • White fillings for back teeth • Laughing gas sedation or general anaesthesia available J FREE cosmetic consuhatior • Payment plans available for work not covered by your insurance plan r 172 HARWOOD AVE. SOUTH, Suite 101, AJAX. TEL: 683-1391 DISCOVER TORONTO` DAY CAMP MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY JJNE 26 JUNE 25 JUNE X) July t 2 '^ CANADA'S ONTARIO FAMILY WILD WATER t CAM►CWNOED WONDERLAND PUCE KARTWAVS' KINGDOM ice♦ ` ROLLERSKATING 71 .w \ �: 1•t �� ij• { / CENTRE WASAGA BEACH CANADA'S FAMILY . i � �� { + J• ISLAND BLUE MOUNTAINSET TIDLE RIDE WONDERLAND ROLLERSKATING 13 14 is 16 i/ z . ' ONTARIO WILD WATER RICAN FAMILY CENTRE PLACE KINGDOM LION SAFARI KART'WAYS1 ISLAND ROLLERSKATING r r 19 20 21 • 22 23 . A CANADA'S �� T FAMILY WILD WATER .:.. ..o .. .. , WONDERLAND WET'N WIND WATER PARK KARTWAYSJ KINGOONA IRT) ROLLERSKATING .. 26 127 129 i 29 130 WALT DISNEY WORLD ' ) --- -UNITED TO CAMPERS AGES 12. 15 - CALL THE CNP OFFICE FOR DETAILS AND PRICES, SAVE UP TO 20% ON HOME SVfI M HOME INSURANCE Now, when CAA members protect their homes With us, they can save up to 20% on premiums, including: • 10° o Member Discount • 10'N Central Station BurglarFire Alarm • 7% Seniors ' Discount • 3° o Local Alarm Discos • 3 D U Smoke Alarm Discount • 10% New Home Discount When it's time to renew your homf insurance, drop by the CAA Trave. Centre nearest you, or call. Because it's a fact: we're always there for our members. Call Poll" PlCku" Town Caren OUR REPUTATION HAS YOU COVERED. 831-5252 MONDAY TUOMY VoWu my THURSQAY MOM AUQW 2 3 4 s f 6 / CIVIC HOLIDAY CANADA'S WILD WATER ONTARIO CENTRE N CILM CLOMP WONDERLAND KINGDOM PLACE ISLAND 9 10 11 ♦ 12 13 CANADA'S WASAGA BEACH BLUE JAYS GME FAMILY WONDERLAND BLUE MOUNTAIN SLIDE RIDE /TOM OF THE KARTWAY8l UNIVERSE ROLLERSKATING 16 17 16 19 20 ONTARIO WILD WATER AFRICAN CANADIAN CENTRE PLACE KINGDOM LION SAFARI NATIONAL ISLAND EXHIBITION 23 24 • 25 26 27 MARINEUND THE BL.UEJAYS GA E CANADIAN FAMILY WET 74 WILD WATER PARK /TOUR OF THE NATIONAL KARTWAYS! (OYE10a0NT TRIM UNIVERSE EXHIBITION ROLLERSKATING 30 31 SEPTEMBER SEPTEMBER 2- SEPTEMBER3 CANADA'S CENTRE ONTARIO CANADIAN FAMILY WONDERUND ISLAND PUCE NATIONAL =AYS/ EXHIBITION ROIlERSKATING iLir' 740 -CAMP $185' (7,W u'n _Wrwe&- - Rata inc uw Alprit 4tht • F" ,&V fee ■ itIn08�" coreboard AJAIWIIIAOE MN40R HOCKEY Mm OIsIMws Nowelsague asndings M GP W L T F A PTB s from.-PtarkA 16 13 2 1 80 26 27 wood Ford 16 12 2 2 96 60 28 LElek m 16 9 5 2 73 62 20 Bayys 16 8 5 3 67 58 19 Sign i Display 16 7 5 4 69 65 18 ury 21 Briscoe, 16 5 9 2 65 67 12 Kinsman 16 4 10 2 50 74 10 les Display 16 4 10 2 41 77 10 wery Bay Chiral. 16 4 11 1 53 75 9 Lions 16 4 11 1 63 95 9 BkaN - (seder EITEAM G A PTS PIM try Wa)nse (Wldwood Ford) 41 8 49 6 i C ober (Bourbon BWs) 33 12 45 0 ew Farcett (Future Tac) 23 13 36 12 d Guay (Ajax Sign) 27 8 35 10 Sheppard (Ajax Kwamert) 24 8 32 4 n Cyncora (Signs from...) 20 9 29 4 am Restrick (Future Tec) 16 12 28 4 ry Murphy (Wildwood Ford) 12 15 27 6 I Martin(Ajau Signs 8 Display) 18 4 22 2 0 Sandilands (Widwood) 14 8 22 2 I Alexartder (Century 21) 11 11 22 8 k Crozier (Lion's Club) 10 12 22 14 GO@Nw dere EITEAM G GA SO AVG I Brown (Signs from 15 26 3 1.73 nt Caner (Bourbon Baylys)15 48 2 3.20 tiaW Beesley (Wadwood) 16 59 0 3.69 Dilorenzo (Ajax Sign) 14 52 0 3.71 I Bodmore (Future Tec) 16 61 0 3.81 in Ruddy (Century 21) 16 66 1 4.13 we Painter (Ajax Kinsmen)15 68 0 4.53 In Ernst (Disc. Bay Chiro.) 15 69 0 4.60 a Muray (Stapbs Display) 16 77 0 4.81 by Jones (Ajax Lions) 14 77 0 5.50 ROUGE HILL YBC BOWLING Results nom Jan. 30 and Jan. 23. PEEWEE DIVISION 2!3: Michael Hancock 120. Cod Gorman 104, Brant 104. Raymond Lontoc 99. Graham Irvine iw,a Conlin 97. Jan. 30- Christopher Roy 122. pond Lontoc 112, Shawn MCConachie 110. a Conlin 107. Michael Hancock 97. Graham NEc ALL-STARS: Laura Conlin 149. Michael Eck ' 83.152. pR - LYTL - Jell Mawhinney 364 (single). BANTAM DIVISION Wa Howes 188. Mark McDonald !84, Michael 175. Edward Blake 172. Nide Hyl 161, Tanya 1158. Gregory Lyons 154, Robert Schweitzer JUNIOR DIVISION ak Mularchuk 228. Robert Conlin 213. Bran worthy 208, Veronica Puts 206. Jennifer Mins 204. Brenda Bryson 198. SENION DIVISION Ajax finalists at Nordiques Challenge VAJAX - The Ajax/Village major peewee 'A' rep hockey -suffered a heartbreaking t in the final of the recent Wirdiques Challenge Tourna- Ajax was downed 3-2 in Over- by East Gwillimbury after Gwilhmbury managed to tie game in the last minute of ulation time. Ajax marksmen were Allan and Rob Jones. Helpers t to Dwayne Hunte, Jeremy but and Andrew Jervis. earned his second most uable player honors in the rnamem In advancing the final, vAJAX/ ix defeated ughan 6-1 in first contest. Racette scored hattrick, while Janes netted a and Joey Fraser notched a gle. Assisting were Lloyd arinwi, Brian Roach, Adam ith, Steve McGrath, Jon Dicker and Jason Fernandez. cm was the game's MVP. Ajax then defeated the host rdiques team 6-1. Craig Kid - y and McGrath scored two while Crocker and Roach wecled for one apiece. Assists at to Erik Bradstock, Fraser, Roach, Kidney, Jones d Crocker. McGrath was the gam's MVP. In the third game, Ajax faced tough Port Credit squad and with a 43 win. Hitting the net were Fraser, Jones, Racette and Kidney. Setting up goals were Bradstock, Crocker, Aubut, Fernandez and Racette. Ajax goalie Bryan Grass was the game's MVP, Also contributing during the tourney were defencenian Geoff Hodgkinson and goaltender Shannon Haws 311. Swan Pentl 301. Jules Ward 274. Bobbi -Jo Wiseman 256. Jeff Mawhinney 250. JWWAw Harrison 238. Congralulations to Julie Ward and Bran Meldnxrn on Qualifying on the Scarborough Mbled Senior 5 -pin Isom which will represent Region Firs at the Ontario Winter Games in Cornwall in March. BOWLERS OF THE MOM -JANUARY Peewee - Christopher Roy Bantam - Shawna Kress ler Junior -- Brett Clatworthy SenWa - Richard Young RESULTS FROM FEB. 6 PEEWEE DIVISION Andrea Smati en 13o, Raymond Lomat 127. Tuna thy MacDonell! 125. Ryan Jones 121, Michael Han- cock 121, Justin MacFarlane 107, Shawn McConaehw 96. Sean Hurst 96. 0 BANTAM DIVISION Michail Fiinski 210, Matthew Hancock 201, Shawna Kressler 178. Amanda Howes 178. Robert Schweitzer 178. Jaime Gorman 177, Nick Hall 173. Discover Here's an example: Interest in Working Ventures $5,000 How Tax Savings on - RRSP tax deduction -$2,500 Working OrkinQ b (u 50% assumed tax rate) Federal Tax Credit ($20%) -$1,000 Ventures Provincial Tax Credit* (20% where applicable) -$1.0o0 can work for you. Your Het Cost w4 Your Tot11 Tax .Savin $500 $4,500 "I • >As ttttt�r�e �'��; t�Ytfi'ilt�' JUNIGR DIVISION Veronica Pula 256, Cathy Scott 254, Darren Goundry 235. Bryan Gobeil 230. Mathew Scott 221. Chis Cotter 206, Brea ClaMrarthy 284, SENIOR DIVISION Steven Laidler 303, Brian Meldrum 286, Lisa Scan 290. Jwnilw Harrison 270, Laurie Carlson 264. Lisa Mooney 229, Patricia Stephens 226, Chris Prokapid uk 223. AJAX BRIDGE CLUB Results from Feb. 2. OPEN GAME NORTII.SOUTM Mark Mathrok and Dort Opdenveldo 182. Beatrice Phillips and Henrica Soetens 164, Jute Pattiwn and Hatez Dandouh 157.5; Bea and Wyb Hoagland 158.5; Linda Arthur and Kay Crawford 145. EAST -WEST Janusz Jung and Paul Dodgson 174, Chris Cham- bers and Paul MacNeill 169, Sheila Jenset and Dave Hamer 168.5; Andrea Davis and Larry Lazazzera 162.5. Donelda Crawford and Sona Bell 147. PINE BLANKET BOX Fully lined with Cedar $20000 I Buffet / Hutch "Country Style" $47500 W"L _16-11 lo 1A "Harvest Table 1.25" thick $25000 Many Styles Available - All Pieces Handmade from Oak, Pine or Maple. Choices of finishes. ' CUT OUT THE M ODLE AN NO GST* BUY DIRECT AND SAVE 717 FINLEY AVE. South of UNU #4 ATAX 683-4450 Bayly Togetherwe're Aff across •• • lana - jyv�g �s catching on. Each Ontario Lottery ticket you buy helps make good things happen. Since 1975, over $4.6 billion in lottery proceeds have been used to support worthwhile social services organizations through the Trillium Foundation, cultural and recreational programs and the operation of Ontario hospitals. So get into the act. Every time you play your favourite Ontario lottery game, it makes winners of us all. Lottery Mf is are working for you in East Central Ontario: Cobourg Minor Soccer Club - construct mini -soccer pitch Innisfil - construct community hall Markham - replace refrigeration chiller Wasaga Beach Sports Camp - construct sports pad good things happen. 01116* Itoftry Capraoo SociW des iI A , i de /ftinftl For more information c 098 all I -SM -387.0 a Toronto 416.324.6540 a Sault Ste. Marie 705.946.6470 Pour renseipements en frangais. • . ", *, ,,IWS WA -THS n -WS ADVE>KI' M WSD. EZ1tU"Y t% 1"3 ARTS & ENTERTA130AENT At the movies... Survival tale is a thriller in Alive ALIVE (AA): This story, based on the bestselling book by Piers Paul Read, is about a Uruguayan college rugby team whose airplane crashed in the Andes Mountains 20 years ago. This is one of the most controversial and inspirational tales of survival ever told. SARAFINA (AA): This cele- bration of the human spirit stars the January and February are usu- allv a slow time for new releases, wiih record companies and artists having scrambled to get their product out during the busy Christmas season. As such, we'll take this opportunity to look at a few late '92 releases that may have escaped your notice: Izzv Stradlin and the Ju Ju Hounds (Geffen): The former member of Guns 'N' Roses (the split was big news in the rock world) strikes out on his own with a terrific debut album that clearly shows that G N' R wasn't all Axl and Slash. With a distinc- tive Stones' influence (he even sounds like Keith Richards), Stradlin bops in his own direc- tion, owing little to his former band, while throwing in some unusual twists and turns, includ- ing a cover of Toots and the Slay - tal's classic "Pressure Drop." The band includes the late great Geor- gia Satellites' premiere guitanst, Rick Richards. Stevie Ray Vaughan and Double Trouble - In the Begin- ning (Soni•): A collector's item for fans of the late blues guitar wizard, the nine -song set features Stevie Ray in concert in 1980 at the Steamboat in Austin, Texas. It's vintage Stevie Ray, with siz- zling guitar work through a cou- ple of his own numbers and some old chestnuts, including Otis Rush's "All Your Loving I Miss Loving and Willie Dixon's "Shake For Me." Solid, depend- able rock & blues all the way. Blues Brothers - The Defini- tive Collection (WEA): Jake and Elwood (nee John Belushi and Dan Akroyd) helped turn a gener- ation on to soul and blues with their highly charged perfor- mances and skits on Saturday Night Live. This live collection captures the best of their perfor- mances prior to Belushi's death in 1982, including all their hits and cameos by Ray Charles and Aretha Franklin. There's not Ur Herongate I 1 Barn Dlnler nleetne pnimenft Niviow maim N cols WE'RE BRITISH F0.5 -W110 Dinner,Tickets from s2895 & Taxes Included 5��x Fir I "Was" PUM Cal 1 472-3085 I spirited Whoopi Goldberg. Whoopi is a South African Soweto town- ship teacher battling government guidelines. HEXED (AA): A hotel clerk with a runaway imagination gets more than he bargained for when he tangles with Hexima, a world famous but murderouq!y demented model in this comedy thriller. much here that can't be had else- where, but it's live, all in one place, and pretty damn good besides. T Bone Burnett - The Crimi- nal Under My Own Hat (Sone): Burnett is best known as a pro- ducer, but over the years he has delivered some fine recordings of his own. This is another one. Sim- ple, even plaintive at times, the songs should bring Burnett a wider audience than that which tapped into his previously quirky work, but it's also original enough that he hasn't sold out the great God of commercialism. Try it, you'll like it USEWPEOPLE (AA): An all- star cast featuring Shirley MacLaine, Jessica Tandy, Kathy Bates and Marcello Mastroianni. They team together in a story about a widow reluctantly finding love after the death of her husband. THE CRYING GAME (R): Another one of those naughty, sexy movies. This one is set in London. Alannah Myles - Rock- inghorse (WEA): A solid follow- up to the dark-haired Canadian beauty's debut, which sold four million records world-wide, based around Myles' provocative stage presence and the seductive single, "Black Velvet". Myles follows a= similar path on this effort, entic- ing listeners with a semi-nude album cover, gritty blues -based rock & roll, and a sexy video for the lovely ballad, "Song Instead of a Kiss." Fortunately the music stands on its own and doesn't cross into Madonna's gimmick - land. ICAIdAA a --:Michael Baginski BUY 1 I DINNER FOR 4 a 1 1 4 Egg Rous 1 1 BUFFET 1 BBQ Chicken A'ings 1 ' DINNER 1 Diced Beef with 1 1 Vegetable &Almond 1 ' (reg. price) Sweet & Sour Chicken ,& RECEIVE 1 with Pineapple 1 1 1 1 1 Chicken Chow Mein 2nd BUFFET 1 Special Fried Rice 1 DINNER 1 Reg. S-30.50 1 ,a ; Now $19.99 Pick -Up ; 1 �•-•$ 99 1 Delivery $22.99 1 1 M„ ww4 FW 14M 1 Gu- M 1 "6 i moi. �nra l W'-MnC"MW-! I MW Ems-FdarM) 1 4M WW wo0.6K&ME4w• h4 3M `Frown 1 — --- — — — — —— ————— _ -- — -- 14fi0 «► Rd. a '°'•^• ..,MAO " " 4-20111 rn, «, BRIAN DEEGAN • DENTAL PLANS ACCEPTED • LOW COST DENTURE • REPAIRS & RELINES SERVICE AVAILABLE • COMPLETE DENTURES • MYOLOC - • SOFT LINERS • FREE PARKING FOR FREE CONSULTATION CALL EMERGENCY CALLS • i • � � ACCEPTED 134 HARWOOD SOUTH -1 BLOCK SOUTH OF 401 LA t Irishman Neil Jordan plays up the IRA aspect of the movie to offset the provocative sexual theme that pervades. BODY OF EVIDENCE (R): They say it's not for the faint of heart. Well, it's not for the discem- ing moviegoer. This collage of courtroom scenes, bedroom scenes and sex scenes between Willem Dafoe and Madonna just don't cut it. NOWHERE TO RUN (PG): Jean Claude van Damme is back in all his action -packed glory as an escaped convict. He ends up at Rosanna Arquette's house which, incidently, the land mongers are trying to steal from the young widow. The film also features Kieran Culkin, Macauley's brother. EATERY CHAPLIN (AA): The story the screen giant falls short of 1 brilliance Charlie Chaplin prese ed during his career, but it i good film. Robert Downey Jr. fantastic as the Little Tramp. SCENT OF A WOMA (AA): Al Paciao stars as a blit hard drinking, woman chasii retired colonel. Pacino is terril Also stars Chris O'Donnell. LORENZO'S OIL (AA Touted by many as movie of i year, Lorenzo's Oil stars Su! Sarandon and Nick Nolte. The f play a real-life couple who ch lenge the medical community order to save the life of their apf ently terminally ill son. This me cal drama combines a potent r of tragedy, heroism and hope. OPEN 10.00 A.M - 8.00 P.M SATURDAYS b SUNDAYS Breakfast Special (sat a sun. only) 12.49 VALENTINE'S DAY SPECIAL ROAST PRIME RIBS OF BEEF 11 PICKERING TOWN CENTRE 838`2507 MATERNITY FASHION SHOW SAT., FEB. 131 11:30 Ax ro 3 ox See the latest Wll='B' Fashions Clothing any MowTo-Be would truly love! 20% OFF EVERYTHING IN THE STORE INCLUDING VALENTINE GIFT CERTIFICATES FEB. 10'" TO 13" 705 Kingston Rd. 'Wakdgs 10 ax -9 pa Hwy. 2/Whites Rd. p Y G s urd y 10 am --6 pA PICKERING 831-2088 TWO -&aXa"V ranu 5;*p , CHINESE RESTAURANT �/, • U011led under LLB.O. "7 375 Muuc M RD, P CKEMM (comer of RolgenWJM Dr. Sou" ALL YOU CAN EAT BUFFET Monday to Thursday Dinner '�8a• Friday to Sunday slow r ---_ __BUYONE---' i ---O 'o" — — — —- ' get 2nd Lunch 3 Dim� Dinner 1 l 0DELIVERY ' 50110FF 1 l 20% PICK-UP l Awks only 1 1 over 20` 1 Etupha Feb. 24, 1103 1 Eq*n Feb. 21,1909 1 1 1 1 1 ES1119L—InTa Billboard Is a free feature for community events of a non-profit nature. To have your events pro- moted In Billboard. call us at 683- 5110 or wrRe to the Ajax -Pickering News Advertiser, 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ontario, LIS 2H5. The deadline for Billboard Items Is 10 a.m. the Monday prior to Wednes- day publication, 10 a.m. the Wednesday prior to Friday publica- tion and 10 a.m. the Thursday prior to Sunday publication. BLOCK PARENTS: The Ajax Block aarents" Association meets Wed., Deb. 10 at 7:30 p.m. at the Ajax Community Centre, Meeting Room One. 686-4441. PICKERING BALI: The Pickering Baseball Association takes sign-ups in the Pickering Recreation Com- piex front lobby Wed. Feb. 10. 7 to 10 p.m. There is a waiting list in the tyke and rookie divisions. You must be registered in order to be placed on a waiting list. Limited space available in the peewee and T -ball divisions. The bantam, m!dget, juvenile and junior divisions ail have space avoilabie Anyone wshing to play on a rep team must be registered and paid in full before trying out with a team Cost 'cr T -ball is S60: all other divisions S90. Anyone making a rep team T ust pay an additional carding 'ee PARENTING: An eight-week par- enting course titled Living With -eers begins Wed.. Feb. 1C at St. saac Jogues School. 1166 Finch Ave . Pickering Hosted by Durham House Child & Family Centre, each session costs S8 and runs from 7.30 'o 9 30 D.rn Register 579-2021 SINGLE PARENTS: The One -Par- ent Asscc ation o' Ajax -Pickering —eels every Wednesday at 8 pm ct me Voikswagen Plant. Boyty St, Ajax A darce is held the second Saturday o' every month at the Pickering Recreation Complex Note new locations. 683-0701 (Sue). HANG-GLIDING: r„ gl, Persoec- •,ve rung G;iding ona Para Girding School presents a'ree information and rndroductlon evening to hang g,iding Wed.. Feb. 10. 6 30 - 8 30 a m at the Rouge Hill Public Library. Rougemount Dr. south of Hwy. 2 294-2536. BRUNCH: Club Carib will hold a Valentine's Day Brunch. Sun., Feb. 14 from 12 to 4 p.m. at the Polish Holl. 219 Olive St., Oshawa. S 15 per adult, $8 for seniors and children aged 12 and under. Caribbean dishes. salads. dessert. Deadline for ticket purchase is Thurs.. Feb. 11. 434-3673.432-8828.728-4293. AJAX BASEBALL: The Ajax Spar - tons Minor Baseball Association holds registration at the Ajax Com- munity Centre's HMS Ajax Room Thurs.. Feb. 11. 6 - 10 p.m. for all age groups. Birth certificates and/or registration required for W_ time players. 683-0706 (Lyndo Can- non). SPECIAL ED: The Durham Board of Education's Special Education Advisory Committee meets Thurs.. Feb. 11 at 7 p.m. at the board's administration centre. 555 Rossland Rd.. Oshawa. All parents and inter- ested members of the pubic wel- come. 666-3821. extension 521 (Brad Cruxton). UNIVERSITY WOMEN: The Cana- dian Federation of University Women meets Thurs.. Feb. 11 at 7:30 p.m, in the Family Trust build- ing at 355 Ba* St. W.. Ajax. Guest speaker on Canadian Art. All female university grods welcome. 420-1413. FOOTBALL MEETING: the Ajax/Pickering Dolphins Football Club will hold Its annual general meeting at St. Mary High School h Pickering on Thurs.. Feb. 11 at 7:30 �P.m.ppEttarly regisho�tiioyn for Its toottt--� .i,tl t t"t:t t -`i :. ,3:t: s T A 11:1#/1) 16 will also take place. Call 683- 4380 (Bob Bowcutt). ml� REFORM: The Reform Party, Ontario Riding, holds a fund-raising Your calendar of coming Brenta dinner for candidate Don Sullivan on Fri.. Feb. 12 at Annandale Golf & Country Club, Church St. S., Ajax. Cash bar opens at 6:30 p.m., hot and cold buffet at 7.30 p.m. $30 a person. $50 a couple. 686-1885 or 686-8978. Join us for a VERY SPECIAL VALENTINE'S Dinner This Friday - Sunday at AJAX �. M5 ft* St W., \AJ _ 683-5 11 LOCAL MODELLING AND TALENT AGENCY WITH CONTACTS IN TORONTO. LSI., NEW YORK PARS NEEDS MODELS FOR TV CaNM/ERCIALS, FLYERS, CATALOGUES. FILM WORK, AVAILABLE FOR THOSE WHO QUALIFY! • WE ARE NOW CASTMIG FOR SUCH TV SERIES AS =6 w THE HALL, CATWALK CLASS OF 1 SECRET SERVICE AND KUNG FU • OUR CLIENTS HAVE BEEN PLACED ON AUDITIONS WITH PEOPLES JEWELLERS, HARVEYS, KOOL-AID, MOLSONS, AS WELL AS A"IC VIDEOS, TELEVISION SERIES, A FASHION SHOWS *NOW` FILLM 1993 TALENT BMbEERS: LOTS OF WORK AVALABLEY • NEEDED: HODS AGES S TO 12 YEARS OLD LA. MODE. & TAUW A ilk SN'11iCD A w A ww, �: :{.��-ii'i �'i'. . • i i • . . • . . . . . . • . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . TW NZW ADVEMUM WED, MWIVANY It "!!-MGIC 29-A # VALENTINE'S asca ••�•••• DAY SEAFOOD AND STEAKHOUSE Banquet Facilities Available OPEN 4 P.M. -Close SPECIAL MENU FOR THAT NIGHT For Reservations Call 427-8770 CELVE... TH AY eoof I` A ki I n Restaurant VALENTINE'S DINNER MENU JUST FOR YOU!!! ., Reservations 2 Required Seatings - 471-5670 8 P.M. 39 Main Street • Markham Ontario UP 1X3 Stay in tune, read the News Advertimserii [19H MOTEL TNEY BUILT A DOPE AROUND IT. The "Action Pack" Weekend, $89 per night' The action starts with the 'Action Pock" which includes: Evclu- sice dining discounts at nearby restaurants • Discounts for Toronto Tours, C. N. Tower and SkvDome Tours • Discount cou- pons at neighbouring sports stores and much. much, more. For more information or reservations call today. 360-7100 in Toronto or 1 800 441-1414. Canadian Pacific 04 HokLs & Resorts 9hjDm 1ll!!Cl 1 Blue la,+ Na. Toroalo Owan 45% M "Based 0. ft w octapanc.U.'s Jne..0,0 a• 10 • sw .�...� �ir1:i VOW. "SMt 1�F 4,�nf,, ' •� i PAGE 341,A -THE NEW ADVQ ISM WWF l UARV 1% "0 rXim_ F RE FROW o Si •ORANGE JUIECH 1 L BTI YN YANG FROZEN SPR�G RIOLLS 2600 PACKAGE 355u..z. CONWAnvas ttwr' KNOB IIML FARMS THE FOOD TERMINAL OW OPEN SUNDAM � y&"�ooiod44Y&44U GENUIIgTE SPRING T .AMR SHOULDER 2.18 ka 3..1.8_ AVG. 2 RCX4.sr I_ur ay a�tODUC? JF � = B�AI�R POTAZ�OES 1 Ork LARGE 41, B,AG 2 BAG L,IIVi]'r 214 "E INZ JUNIOP UNCLE BEMS SCHNE IDE RS �D & zo(4�lrrK" IVUICIE 2'llk AR 1j� 3*49)�2 3 1,49, swomK pusm kmno 1 a ""Aw THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED, FEBRUARY 1861M31•AGE 31•A a OPEIV SllfdDA YS Zto ow"Al Krim 401-" 1110NIE SYMUlp o l S, 1 / 75QnL BOTTLE 1 / OOU OII VA ID WTL Cl06NG 11,491 SAT. FEB. IM N STO E FETAL 824% /--------------- no a ---------noa BAR . 1 I "1 �cDIIPDII vAuo uNTL aasNc _ " � SAT. FEB 0% 1 STOW FETAL faM • RF.D FI .AMF .THOMPSON sEEDLEss G�PEs 2.18 kg w w [r\Kc:[: o1Zi�:rNAI. HUN(: HFti -- -- -------- BE'?Y CROCKER FROST %4G G'TI(>ICE V LF:IVIONS �U LES. okc 13H—Ams bLBPOLY BAG I. OURO WN BAG 2181g BCom,iI. r--- DMCI�IT CANADA ---------- --- -- --1 PNDFESN XU STRIM711 i / NTIRMIMEX s 1 FANCY •NAVEL-TEWIMUM C3l0C:=lr2R;tAARGE SITE 490k REFLL .GOOML ►Y oR.ANGES BAGE / COUPON VALIDUITLCU7BNG � � 1 1 SAT. F ER 1M0 N STOVE RETAILSM .jam, 1 �* .f 1Do'L F.A. 1-----------------------------------� ------- P ------- — f — _�oo�P> DELAFI II \ ------ � --------------- -- I�tIAQC'S CEflEAL -- --- -- 1 � -- 1 1 ———.B—IE—FUL FOODS 1 . • • 1 ; 1 1 CREAM CINE ` 1 1 1 •HONEY BZJNG�IES T / S� gpx • As 1 OF OA -M 4MgWXCOLI1 1 1 1 /VALID ^ 1 1 COUPON VALD UNTIL CLOSING 1 1 COUPON VALD UNTIL CLOSING 1 1 RETAIL 5199 SAT. FEIL i STOIE RETKtILii. may;: 1 1 SAT FEfi tML IN STORE RETAS390.----�,A ----., `-----SAT FER fIL9J--10=----------------------- -- J �.-----------------------------J `------------------ ---------- 9 AY -10 P.Y. i AY • 10 PY 7 AY • 10 PY PRICES EITECTNE FROM SUNMY, FEL M 70 SAAMAY FEE. i� lAJL• S P.M. WE AESERWTHE wc*{T7o LUT .......1l+{tI,.L.. i�1il+ri,.11 :ll.:i,.l, •i!1!�.+�j....... 1Aa1.1� t 100 Careers 100 Careers 100 Careers 100 Careers 100 Careers 100 Careers • ENR OL NO LV! CO UR SES STA R TING IN MAR CM ACCOUPrITNG a COMM, -M S MICRO COMPUTER BUSINESS APPLICATIONS COMPUTER ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY MEDICALOFT•10E .ASSISTANT DENTAL CHAIRSIDE ASSISTING DAYS) DENTAL RECEPTIONIST DENTAL CHAIRSIDE ASSISTING IEVENINGSI BAR AND BEVERAGE MANAGEMEYT HOTEL AND RESTAURANT OPERATIONS LEGAL SECRf TARLAL BA,NKINC AND FMANCLIL SERVICES Choo+e Frtxn These (areer Ru,ww%% Admhn,stration (,rnpuer ProRramw,R A ord Prot evsrnr b %%veru, Analvsn I "al Sri rrtan© Wt ro (umPhrter Micro Computer Ssrdhtal ()!tier Assistant auvrhesI Applaatam Ekrctrorws ..,.-.. ,. .,.+ ,,,. .....o., s. It � �' ..,...,• ......a+..,• T �...+...�..' : • �' ... s... � I ,'`_ `^lam M••m� ,Hotel d Restaurant Dental Chairude Operatiom Manage nment W Assistant V' Ah (out* A Compulm Banes Telling a Finam W Services 100 Careers 110 General Help i 3 Your Business Career Starts Here ' Programmer Analyst • Microcomputer Business Applications e Word Processing " Computerized Accounting • Computer Maintenance Technology V OSHAWA 434-8585 • You may he cligmble for financial assistance. • U you are 45 years of age and have recently been laid off you may qualify for training assistance from the Provinnal Government. CDI Career Development Institutes Ltd. BURNABY - VA%COLVFR - SLRRLY - LDMO%TON . OTTAWA • HALIFAX • VICTORIA • SASKAT00% - NO%TRLAL • LAVAL - QUEBEC PowerThe • Succeed. ADULTS WANTED To deliver newspapers door- to-door in the Ajax/Pickering area. Must have own vehicle. Must be able to deliver on Tues., Wed., Thurs., Fri. and Sat. Call 683-5117 We sea wall-to-wall carpets and window coverings. We need energetic and self - motivated people to help is expand business �n Pickering/ Whit Oshawa areas. very attractive com- missions paid. Please reply with resume to Art's Carpets/ Quick Blkx* 1163 KirlgstOn Road, Pickering, Ont L1 V 1 B5. PART time sable stall reputed for Bornan Mirrors. Mirror and Owes wwwown a the Hones PickenrW Phone ee6441 ism • o•.,.-... Thisposition will provide ongoing technical training to automotive DONUT shop in Pfdsring - ms- utThis lure counter help. Part Mo. "^^ customer service advisors on current GM products and also responds sree., . nigh shill. Friday. • Smas Classes faswe Msand MMntrur to customer requests for information on older vehicles' history. engine types and technical information. The development of Saturday 10 prrt-7 ala ee3 9224. 1021290) Trawl b Tourism Executive Setretary appropriate training programs, researching and maintaining a reference and historical library are kc) arts of this job. 1 20 0 ce Help ^�•^••^- .:.•,,. .,,„-.tr ..v,:., j � . ,,.,,,.,,,K.,,,, Qualifications: CURREIFTLY rerrauitirg for two „'�,W„ nom' �T�.' ,,.^.► `•- .. x .,.•:,v.. w , . wT .,, w • Motor vehicle Technician's licence or equivalent accreditation or am illy des: (t) MS Wad u+x;, e ' ",o-'" experience 5.0 Dicta typing legal t. , M^rn • • . ,erxseent and ' • Previous ex d I Fes' �s'g 1Vhr Our Practical Training Makes Sense: • Cadman in lust b Mors More Reasons kw Choosing Toronto • khalruAan vele, hattical Experience School of Business: • Coaduiae with tip -To -Dale Sk& • Smas Classes faswe Msand MMntrur le 10010d age and alder. $711W. • LartteN Imn. r Casette in CammU Na i oxhr� �YY a ioa*aea , Fuuntiar 4sswaawr Mas be Availakae M Iraitig provided to those TORONTO School of Business P I C K E R I N G C A M P U S 420-1344 1450 Kingston Road, Suite 17, Pic 110 GeMM Help FaU Ih7W1/1181 �p SLI rr01rM/iTw1 Y1 requW ininediallely for off-site condo complex. Please contact Stella Sedore, Mon.. Fri.,1 p.m. •686.1220 110 GeMN Help TELEPHONE SALES Eltcdertt comrnMctorts. VOY IIKW h0u15 can Dove 261.1929 ReoeptNel�Secr�l..l Ful -time required for busy real estate office, 06asant phone manner. Heal estate experienoe rtecessery. PIea.Se inquire Alt !18$_91 penance m eve op ng tratmng programs an asset communicinion skills. (2) Ad - Experience with General Motors vehicles is a must ministrativ Support Co - Working knowledge and at least 5 years experience in the vintage Ordislor, wilh advame wad car hobby business Pablo 5.0. * semsdine Lofts • rat Crrdir rrsr rud'on Far, • Good written and oral communication skills 1,2.3. D4100 4. Call DaeuL • s� 4 579.2011. The Minas Group. Saftnieav CIA"" 'h' F •Excellent interpersonal and organizational skills essential (02100 Convenient Clau Nouns We offer a competitive salary and benefits package. Please respond MOO. A/R.. R - general immediate/ providing a resume along with a detailed outline of how �' m•' �' COQ sw n...� Y P g 8 lerowlsdgm Phase atPPy In PM - relevant experience would qualify you for this position. son to 1411#2 Block SL s. VA& by beftrasn 113 p nL (021ooMN Reply to File MLA50203 by faxing or dropping off PART IInwoRoetwo noWedso our resume as follows: Y do dale errry and kftioldrp and general aaen iatial work ea -THE The MinacsGroup Inc. psalence wRh oontpbsr and ■��rat b0e�eg area an Snook MINACS 71 Albert Su ■■■■ rs par wook. GROUP Oshawa, Ontario L I H 4R1 Mon -Fri. with awsRAW ■■■■■ INC. Fax (416) 579-6050 anal mble. Se par hoer. Madtma and Finch area. 24•-3007. ming f12"108% IF J110 GNWM Hp 110 W= Hdp 110 GoWal mp with reg sa"work with threa moue ak you mry gtat/y for fie. N extra imcorne, PRODUC11011 Supervisor nee HOMEMAKERS or mature �hBrit vel aeslefwtos or e 11 Getl�al Imp 11 0 GOMM "w'M alg.rney needs new laces IDM* aulred for glees wbrfcsirp elrop ettrd.rta, ass .5 and hes» �°w B" EWMO MAS I ERS LAWN CARE is n= hiring tBIMrIWltlrfe. Wwk 60m to amiferliBt104 of your own two. No seflirg required. PMOS cWI Pew ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT CoWb for r" 6p4r� s in Ap Good sabry and bene his. Must have experi- ence. PWm al 666- f>B�f bt(IRaert 830 f> f ld 4� ieelwilst* f1en. women Brit A strong background in ing posilorw anal" to those inwim bid off, you MOV gll�forSaIn. INTERNATIONAL company Mens of am ages. Call new forIt wsertial le 10010d age and alder. $711W. Ing assistance. OIP/CERT, now hiring tNemarket•rs. yaw fres corsuRatbn. 430 You mist be a sell melts d M Iraitig provided to those Lotus. Wordp oleo D bwfa. 'Hm* wags with bonus 'Paid 57154030104 Nm Plftw wRh is ambition 10 aft qua ft Call 42D 6901 to ar. " BCC130c. t Nord. auloot0. training Experience not A1?ENr10N P'aanw, teadlsrs. hep the cormpany aduieae Iw rangs an kawiriwr. (We" Verthrra, pogsrneher, 1lnvwd. Oslareen 9.12 noon a yaw r am in home busYms wih Industry. �BBse mail your HELP two pot erneand Sympemms Aaralylet Cobol. e3op,n (021890) Discovery Toys. For more resume to Ides) GM" and Mir- positions to assist sports Pho'"Ph ociripany- Could pascal and C. Mack*mk prwk HAM SVLWT requNed kA ties worm tion, cal MuriN at 404- rot -Makers Ltd.. Box 219. r�and Express, and ■usuaw. DurAwn for The Cut Above. Pintrerfnp 082D. (021e8C4 Carnirugton. Ortt, LCE tE0 or Poe Manwith trainingNro Business Computer College. Town Conte. plias• call 837- fax 705132-3333. A4errtiotu Bob 'SBS in Hawai tearriftuctoru Wateon. (021803) V Phone 868.41 17 427-3010. (TF) 0786. (021003) from Hunicam Inki now in progress. 518-19WO341. ext. WAN3 0M help wtrwd to Or tax resume to 886.7457. (021000) rsI 130 TUTOR squired in Aox aria for Grade 13 nndsmwics. One or two niglts per week. pin" cal C90. 1021803) 60" daumea 17W Pkimrw SL /Unit aei, Pickering- 487.1049 ADD 12000 le your inoamr pen tims. call D.D. httematlonal. - Agents 683.0830 after 6 pan. (02100M RETAIL Store Manager - of 8864710. f021 1g3) PMO -and nicking usual BEaMTARrO00 liR 427-0147. 1021480) WANTED -.saws peescn 1a a lar • s y9 ports and r•cr•atbn fadlues in 11■IDE sales personbrder desk wear distil" chain seals eve- squires typing 11011E workers needed by ifs DuAwn Repiort PROVEN for automotive accessory industry. full tills. berrells. good penrfeenc•d salsa driven rtrrsger good skills. la Oshawa khcatson. Carpets �y49 N wgAlnrle oonlm I DpnT gel ekwmsdl Send 81.00 (P a M SA 1E3 RECOiih. tractive cornpon. lewpinoa» ntwirlees. experiertoe an aesaL PkieArp. 428.7373. counts Live saisty and bevel- Cal Pleesasnt coleM 416.4863401 belwwen PWn#sd �y to Helen Mcl(eMray, 4 Mldlown or Sues 1217. Oshous. Oat. Baton for is right Pw=L Send deemed resume to. Fie SSM Oeliews THIS We* P.o.Bat (Qt16Q3) tort' 9-S, UM -Fre. (0218p UCS. 837-1477, for busyoRce. Cr Pickering.111, L1J ell !62f4t1ti1 4l1.Qgshawft.,On1. L)H 716. 110 OWNS. an0 assess, 66064 king corndabn. 0wr6lod. 118000. Maws A*ftZ iasis, Outs,, tip lUA*V � ti0i&P% L 33-A -«»�+ H*110 G«»s 165Avaftft165 300 Fwsw 400 F"a' , 400 '''P� 400 A For Rog speed, 121,000 kms., now TM ASSO�'1. ATM: • A not4or-profit organization providing Home Support and Mental Health Programs throughout Durham Region THE POSITION: • Recreation Therapist to work in an Adult Day Program • 6 month maternity contract THE RESPONSIBILITIES: • Plan, implement and evaluate the social and recreational programs • Train and supervise staff and volunteers • Provide support to Primary Caregivers • Provide personal care as required • Work as an effective team member • Complete records and reports as required by Program Manager THE REQUIREMENTS: • Degree in Recreation Therapy or equivalent • Must have proven abilities in working with frail, elderly, disabled adults and those with cognitive impairment • Good interpersonal and written Communication skills PLEASE SEND RESUME BY FEBRUARY 26TH, 1M TO: PROGRAM MANAGER CAREGIVER RELIEF PROGRAM 487 WESTNEY ROAD SOUTH, UMTS 19 AND 20 AJAX, ONTARIO LiS 6W8 120 Office Help 120 Office Help Secretary/Receptionist for local Distribution firm. Pleasant phone voice, excellent typing skills, in addition to knowledge of desk -top publishing, ACC -PAC and fluency in French an asset. Respondents are invited to send resume with salary expectations in confidence to: P.O. Box 66032 Town Centre Postal Outlet 1355 Kingston Rd. Pickering, Ont., L1V 6P7 Only those candidates selected for an interview will be contacted. WAWED A mature person who is irjefdy and outgoing for part-tirrle, office work, leading to possible kA -time it a busy Office. Must type and have prior insuraruce or OOf it, M f eXpwilil Send resum to: P.O. Box 36 Almx, Oilfario 130 Sams Imp 160 Day care INFANTS -12 YEAICARE 1f t Topaz, alio. Ps.. Pb., ak mint condition. 0ebao. Call 571 - fn caring, sal6, lun home e6103 anYli tae 11111 Ucen:.d by M.C.SAS^w.r Resacnable rab fiaceipta, Ie1(ibb hou:10.000 Certified. 426-7146. (021 i" DURHAM PROFESSIONAL HOME 1eMFad Esow LXwagon 4 509-1207cv*Wwa.. pb.. red, am.. air. • Ages 2 to 5 • Full-time rates - $99 Daycare full days • Nursery school b 12 days • Junior kindergarten ' On 5 acre setting Established since 1978 coe %PW -1161 10 Top St., Ajax MOTHER of one willing to Provide daycare n my on lots of act"iw large tariosd yard. Call Karen. 420-0671. (02109:1) LAURA'S LITTLE FRIENDS HOME DAYCARE - reliable daycare available. All ages wekoi .427-2490. DAYCARE available. Rowland and Thidkson, twenty years ex- perierre in childcare. Snake free environment, large play arm hot lunches and snacks. R Mk$OWble rates. Weekdays. 65 p.rrt call 72542M (021293) REUABLE daycare, full time aged 3 and up or school age. Fenced yard. quiet crescent, across from westrey Pill" Public School. Please can 683- 0928. (0214931 830928.(021493) HEUASLE responsible daycare in my home. 15 years expei ience. room smoker, man floor playroom• lunches and snacks provided. any age welcome. references and receipts. South Ajax. 6839319. (021093) BURCHERISAYLY area - recepts given, 15 months and older. Large fenced yard. lunches and smacks plovded. Happy ern -i mnent. Re/erem-e avail ab a 6836673. (021493) WESTSHORE sea - daycare available In my home. ex- periert, A ,prier of 3, H.C.A.. wit provide a sale. Cm" and secure ainvironnnem for your chid. BerrNWase with Inge fenced yard. many perks and late of aansles. Snacks and meaty proves - . if interested. CNN 837.0014. (021293) 170 Env RETIRED lewchr, so hoar of- rce w41 do, rows messmieng, uteri g. eW Call 031-1394. 1 MEN with trucks will do household naves. clean up jobs. odd Jobs. decorating, FNj 11 0. agMwn9 Cao Cat of Jnr. 427-206. (TF) 205 Firewood ROKA Lumber Hardwood, 4lknk/2*. 5110. 4)drxte'. $65. Sok now 4116111121 avelabte. 436 4- DaM (iF) 277-3391. eve. BLUEWATER PARK WHITBY APARTMENTS 1 bedroom suites and 2 bedroom suites, in immaculately maintained building, broadloom. 3 appliances, pod, snooker table, games room, tennis courts, exercise room, laundry facilities and mvered parking. 101 Kathleen St. W. Mon. -Fri. 9-5 & Sat. & Sun. 12-5 5 �� 571-3522 PICKEINNO - one bedroom baewmert Mob Swm in quMt home. Midge and saw, owntal air, SM narmlty , "', , re. Non smoker. no pees. 636-5f1a8. ONE bedroom basement apammra peAhry furnished. separate entrance, four appliances. fireplace. heat. hydro and Cable nduded. Irw modiste possession, Oehasa. First and last. 434-4420. (0210M PICKERING - two bedroom basement apartment. private entrance, large kitchen, carpeted, parking, laundry I ,c * o. all indusbe. Fhw and WO required. $700 nor". Cal 831-2789.(021493) WWI BY - one bedroom aprt- mwrn n Sea Sin on Uo our. mm maorlale widitim . with private entrance, and large yard. Laundry faditles and parking. $580 monthly. 668-7634. (021293) AJAX - Oxford Towers. throe bedroom apatnws. Available March 1. CON building, pool, sauna, dose to shopping. 401 and Go. Cal 683.5322 until 790 P.M. M2039M OSHAWA - very nice large one bedroom basement. close 10 all anenews. quiet nerghbouthood, on bus route. available imrredlately. $495 inclusive First and last, 666.3186 or 576- 3474. 763474. (021193) PICKERING. - West Shore. large owner, turbo. door. auto.. Pa.. new one bedroom aparWrord • moire. Oslo pb., more options than a and bedroom furniture - hand- Cadillac. Only 105,000kms. crafted before your eyes - by onginal. This tar is innrrlaeu- one of Ontario's largest We condition $3,195 cendedi manulectu►ers. Buy disc and Cal 427-9722. any,,m Russ. save. Eg. 42' rand solid oak Open Sunday. Big Town Sales. pedestal table and 4 thaws. (021293) $699. Oueen cannonball bed. 5299. Oven 200 stain choices. 1991 Toyota Supra, automatic. 985-8774. TRADITIONAL PG . Pb • auto door locks, stereo WOODWORKING. (TF) ca"o tie. cruise control. braid PATIO dos (brand view). bier new pain. mus coo ndtion, white with red pin stripe and red the spring rushll 5'-$399: 6'- interior. $2900 certified. 636- $499: 8'4.599. Brown or write. 7237 weekends or mer 690 Call 416-433-3816 between weekdays. (021493) noon and 8 p.m (021293) 1981 VW Rabbit. corwsrtble. EX0111"TE bridal gown. Alfred low m11leage, mmt Conditwn. Ainsb deegn. goo. Seeuirs. ee•inn a:_w .en � n perms, bustle or Tran. $900. Cal (021193) 837-2679 alter 5 p.m. (0216x73) 1174 Ctw Nova. Classic Car. S piece Teak bedroom suile: hatchback. 6 cylinder, good Vernon castings wood stove: con dinix . 60.000 krfts. on rebus sola and mYcMg am chair; ago . white wool red and blue chills bicycle with training re" Stripes. $25W certified. wrieeha; am chair with michit Very little rust. $39-7237 look $100C Cat 427-3200 after 6 weekends or after 6:30 P.M (021493) weekdays, (021493) FURNITURE manufacturers clearance of solid wood seconds - floor and shop mod". e.g. tables. blanket bases. hal trees and cert of erawere. etc. Can 083.4450. 717 FirMgr Ave K Ajax. (021093) CARPET - I have several 1000 ywds of new Stanmrssw and 100% nylon carpeL will do Ming rooms and hall for $360. in- cludes carpet, pad, and installation. (30 yards). Steve. 71f6 -206e. (TF) ATTENTION ALL SINGERS - I have a small recording skdb equipped 10 rtnMe you soured grow singing your favourite song. Background music suppled, optfamY video, very reasonable rates. 435.2611 days or 436-1069 evenings. (02129M BAHAMAS Cruise. 5 days/4 nights- Overbougta. CaporaM saes b pubi brand tickets, $3991couple. 14NO-567- I Oce, era. 20NA). Morn - - -sawaar. 9 am A p.tn (0214" REIACATIMG sale - contents of OWNS. an0 assess, 66064 king corndabn. 0wr6lod. 118000. Articles Car M3-e21e Naw message. 220 For Sale Z," we INS Chrysler Daylong, 22, I AJAX Pidkerlrg Applanote, no speed, 121,000 kms., now ressauaftle over refused. Fully brakes and exhaust. esmiM guaranteed, reconditioned condition, $3600 certified. applances. Comw snake us a Wlnchestor Auto Salve, Mary deal. 427.8784. 467 Westney i12, Brookan, 666.5437 or ebb Rd. S. Ajax. (021493) 8062, (0210" PIANOS/GRANDFATHER 1M7 Mustang Hatchback, 4 CLOCKS - Plaine. rem to own. Cylinder, ausonubq steerrp aid apt. site. upright, grand, digital, brakes, 26,000miles, keyboards. CLOCKS - free (44,000kms). Believe Itl delivery and set up. Call Te1W Certified. $4195. Call Crown and take advantage of out low Auto. 428.9423.(021093) prices on all stack Beet prices ahvaysl 4331491. (TFALL) 1967 Plymouth Hobot runtiig Chan abstract with 3w- PWIMM and (i1 725 con liticn. X50 w is. Cal 420- SALE - new and used frost free 09M evenings. (0214" homes' con washenl and dryare for 1966 Chevette, low miles, apartment units. Stephenson'$ Furniture and $2350. 19855 CNevens $1500; Appliances. 227 CouSt. 1983 Chevette, $975; 1986 Tempo $2100. Te$2100 all certified, rust Oshawa 5767448. (021993) pooled. new pant. wi tenzed. DEBOERS Ihrnyrwble ding Best offer. Call 433-1787. room. aft baby lumlhnre, toys, (021293) Sony TV, Canon camcorder, 11166 Plymouth Recant SE, 4 candy strip carpet. /2x10/ door auto. ps.. pb.. $1,900. cal 12x14. New other miscel- 579-1036.(021193) laneous items. 427- 1551.(021493) INS Chrysler New Yorker, one 4 BLUEWATER PARK WHITBY APARTMENTS 1 bedroom suites and 2 bedroom suites, in immaculately maintained building, broadloom. 3 appliances, pod, snooker table, games room, tennis courts, exercise room, laundry facilities and mvered parking. 101 Kathleen St. W. Mon. -Fri. 9-5 & Sat. & Sun. 12-5 5 �� 571-3522 PICKEINNO - one bedroom baewmert Mob Swm in quMt home. Midge and saw, owntal air, SM narmlty , "', , re. Non smoker. no pees. 636-5f1a8. ONE bedroom basement apammra peAhry furnished. separate entrance, four appliances. fireplace. heat. hydro and Cable nduded. Irw modiste possession, Oehasa. First and last. 434-4420. (0210M PICKERING - two bedroom basement apartment. private entrance, large kitchen, carpeted, parking, laundry I ,c * o. all indusbe. Fhw and WO required. $700 nor". Cal 831-2789.(021493) WWI BY - one bedroom aprt- mwrn n Sea Sin on Uo our. mm maorlale widitim . with private entrance, and large yard. Laundry faditles and parking. $580 monthly. 668-7634. (021293) AJAX - Oxford Towers. throe bedroom apatnws. Available March 1. CON building, pool, sauna, dose to shopping. 401 and Go. Cal 683.5322 until 790 P.M. M2039M OSHAWA - very nice large one bedroom basement. close 10 all anenews. quiet nerghbouthood, on bus route. available imrredlately. $495 inclusive First and last, 666.3186 or 576- 3474. 763474. (021193) PICKERING. - West Shore. large owner, turbo. door. auto.. Pa.. new one bedroom aparWrord • moire. Oslo pb., more options than a and bedroom furniture - hand- Cadillac. Only 105,000kms. crafted before your eyes - by onginal. This tar is innrrlaeu- one of Ontario's largest We condition $3,195 cendedi manulectu►ers. Buy disc and Cal 427-9722. any,,m Russ. save. Eg. 42' rand solid oak Open Sunday. Big Town Sales. pedestal table and 4 thaws. (021293) $699. Oueen cannonball bed. 5299. Oven 200 stain choices. 1991 Toyota Supra, automatic. 985-8774. TRADITIONAL PG . Pb • auto door locks, stereo WOODWORKING. (TF) ca"o tie. cruise control. braid PATIO dos (brand view). bier new pain. mus coo ndtion, white with red pin stripe and red the spring rushll 5'-$399: 6'- interior. $2900 certified. 636- $499: 8'4.599. Brown or write. 7237 weekends or mer 690 Call 416-433-3816 between weekdays. (021493) noon and 8 p.m (021293) 1981 VW Rabbit. corwsrtble. EX0111"TE bridal gown. Alfred low m11leage, mmt Conditwn. Ainsb deegn. goo. Seeuirs. ee•inn a:_w .en � n perms, bustle or Tran. $900. Cal (021193) 837-2679 alter 5 p.m. (0216x73) 1174 Ctw Nova. Classic Car. S piece Teak bedroom suile: hatchback. 6 cylinder, good Vernon castings wood stove: con dinix . 60.000 krfts. on rebus sola and mYcMg am chair; ago . white wool red and blue chills bicycle with training re" Stripes. $25W certified. wrieeha; am chair with michit Very little rust. $39-7237 look $100C Cat 427-3200 after 6 weekends or after 6:30 P.M (021493) weekdays, (021493) FURNITURE manufacturers clearance of solid wood seconds - floor and shop mod". e.g. tables. blanket bases. hal trees and cert of erawere. etc. Can 083.4450. 717 FirMgr Ave K Ajax. (021093) CARPET - I have several 1000 ywds of new Stanmrssw and 100% nylon carpeL will do Ming rooms and hall for $360. in- cludes carpet, pad, and installation. (30 yards). Steve. 71f6 -206e. (TF) ATTENTION ALL SINGERS - I have a small recording skdb equipped 10 rtnMe you soured grow singing your favourite song. Background music suppled, optfamY video, very reasonable rates. 435.2611 days or 436-1069 evenings. (02129M BAHAMAS Cruise. 5 days/4 nights- Overbougta. CaporaM saes b pubi brand tickets, $3991couple. 14NO-567- I Oce, era. 20NA). Morn - - -sawaar. 9 am A p.tn (0214" REIACATIMG sale - contents of 165 ci�Availatf,d ouenallh dan:ig 290 pets.Supplies. MOOKLIN Firewood- welt house, antiques, furniture. nowclothing for the Whole ression, hes BOaf�illa fatly - Beat line so E1pEIMBIMOnincwginin seasoned hardwood and hale" •lelll^nMawsand $int RepreB9lltBrne requited to take can at twit softmod. 1r and lr. Ki 0 " bis more. 0634041 arilini R boys, age 7 marlin. RefaternI arsl8sble. 30*AV d for $45%0 Mkiiii in Pick up Sas. and Sun as- For bt W talOIlNf1's wqubtl. Raquied b am cord. `0 August i rlta.alea, eaa M6- $797. 23 Wold h9BMI dub. D4TNat SBI9S (122762) 7744• tg24M LIVE out rlatq hafeshas0 e► 21 O WANTED - stows. tridwo. 1" 11111- i wahw and dryers, waking r 9ltjp9fIN109 reQMed gnied InnafYsfy b pati tbsas not Abe waaed, pickup audk Cd %. IMTCIMia ads and newer than1974). FOUR year pfd kWw rtclud- AUtORtObUeS eslwM � awl toobitg fJneir, 5325. Alto ggosyy (ALL) sarhspaulian nomemy- for chefs alum low aaL $is& 13- ot)ndlliah, $y�Ep . '. -, rls de .. S. Pickering, call 509-9549. phone ewmangs, 427.1915. Whig le slra 14. fled a wool. cupboards. $IBM. Also iron Sm EXPENOMM o wN ragldied (� NM condition Ano minnows, daybed $200. 576-6320. l� 6� Grand oVoyb� 693) to me lar 3 dam in the Fail- VENDOW waned - a you Ince to alas, high tier, ab slnwN, Dealer cost. 7 passenger, KvFA piece befMoan sunt, beded Contact Swart FNn*%. porvGienanna area. Non a oast or an ingenious product bb keW play pan. st Cd 1 35 ww Hel smoker. to NO. the Pan .1� ECE or mAt. CREA�1� p taws MaMMED eRslswrroa a is ist, b n TED - fridge/ WANTED - weak rgtta�t�w geese call 420.1994 afW 00= S hearer. Any size. 57a�oaa. HEED 30 Clw AZ DrMrs 49q*wc 402126a with 50. wades w Chan abstract with 3w- PWIMM and (i1 725 soul" Ajar -lfarniy wgllYwa a Han for you. Open SaL and Q tMna bebysilMr In our home, Sus Call42SOss4. Will"ZVO Lost an FOtMId 9W4. il== 11CC. Monffl for is mash and • year - 150 How' Wftal akL Pn.e cal Io 12 won 22ArMeSFOUND Fridley Feb. 5. - dim M FO: S* coloused main call. Den to or after 6 P.m. 663.0448. plid wwwwwss Day Clare ' CM v"0 Phase caa 427-7454. (021490 165 ci�Availatf,d ouenallh dan:ig 290 pets.Supplies. - s,pon� ,„dayca,n alble, full post limn. Lod wasr nowclothing for the Whole ression, hes BOaf�illa fatly - Beat line so Durham Sdtool and hospital than lit price. 6t0 twm E., Oou" Retrieve pup, CKC ales. All ages ww1 $15 per Ajax. Hous. 9 a m -6 P.m.. reit- . Bet shot, two year day. Phoria M3275L (021093) Saturdays, 9 am. -5 Pm- 427- guarantee. 7 walls. $400. Cal EXPERiENCED ECE mother 28M. (TF) 1301. (0210" provides reliable care. non KENNNM over-under Spur- SPRINGER Spatial ceps Pups her,� aga .9*_V,hft le,hosd intent size washer/dryer. two 7 weeks old, 525 each. Call 64W years old, $750. 725-3482. 2721. (02129:11 yard, hot lunches, snacks. FOUR year pfd kWw rtclud- AUtORtObUeS references. Full/part time. rec li ts. Harweod/401. 619- almond 90' stove. full Midge, 300 double sink, counties, cower top. when For Sale ion (0214" cupboards. $IBM. Also iron Sm MOTHER of faro slant te low daybed $200. 576-6320. l� 6� Grand oVoyb� 693) and t Co~ in CPR and Fist Aid. Ntmrabas Dealer cost. 7 passenger, KvFA piece befMoan sunt, beded Contact Swart FNn*%. mean and snacks. Pidkwiiq $1100 film pit* nisasarisous 1-$00-263.1579, lease or -#k Beach Rd. and Role area. M cab "7.26M OW 6 putichess. Fye ariallili` Phale M6 -795a 0214" ' p m► r TIIeslanM. 0100 10211" RIGHT How Bankrupt or Creat PMblenw- No credo Check Cas basad to own. 1976-19Ba. 725. INS or an63775. (TFALL) 305 Automobiles Wanted SCRAP CARS & TRUCKS WANTED!! Also cut rate towing available. Durham Region. Cal noir and scar nabs! No rltore big 417-9797 AAA Vans. 4 Whet L% r-A-vj INS Dodge Girard CaraverL 7 passenger. one owner. air. va, cruise, pL. Ps- - k4i assstte roof rack, manufacturers was aty, $10.900. Call 723- 7504. '237514. base mwsags. 0214" 360 &wmiftomies tent Ski-doo. 4500 Chalon. now slidere.mw shocks, V',. track. good runn ing corhfatNra SM abxt, d 436- 1110417.00112114M 36- 110417.(0214601 flat skweo N, d', 36633 twin, woOkm wuhaing and shape pus censer. Oood .lata mlad , 5600 abs BOSOM any tins. 40214" BUOY 4 mesa New of whew an a t$90 scow" Whip smear• oa�22.4,4efor �o101i6o (anti ao 370 v t6h 250 Yamaha Mob 4 Ow d and WIq ltaiec 4 riche air � ; $2000 tura 436-43. 54 11111111 400 For Rent SOUTH END Lag6 i dint $Wilt, t b�0916 Mm $50. 2 b6t% m flea) t425..S11imbis 01111111111111. P6iliq, w ap PWM PicKla lO Large, altractiw, 3 h I m m fs 11/2 baft goigeola view of FienchmatY Bair, dose to 00, 401 and Shit tela 1625 mollttlA ulii4s incAlded Cal John Mc a w% PAWax Fret Really ltd 8M-33lA 00AJ5He,,,o 5 Falb2 bedroom apar.rnen.t �j,lding. Airconal tlonsng, broaCloom,ces, laundryfacilities, saunas and exe, 6rdergroundpark;rg Included. Ca683-Mon.-Fri. 9-5 1 KSat.-Sun 12-5 ktrwr . AJAX 77 03 FALBY COURT Two bedroom apartments In family building. Air conditioning, broadloom, 2 appliances, laundry facilities and underground parking included. Call 686-0845 Mon. -Fri., 8:30 a.m.4:30 p.m. 11111111111.11.11,110 MM 60-011111111EUrn NOIIIU 1990 WMS ROAD, PI1011MMl(i, OW. Appicaoorts are now being atxepMd for ttte blowing un t5: I BA 311hr AK S yrs. or ever bre %ekw $32,000 28A SWr * % trs, ar Saar ills w A pid $37AN 2 BA Teadlala. Fa6i1s. steal Rttow 539,120 3 BA T4w6n Faatln. bum R 1/ $42,672 WE WOO THAT Q THE ODOW TIME ARE IO SLOSMED 1NIrrS MRUBLE FDR FURTHER MFDUATON, PLEASE DONiACr DOWTHY KAiD PH. (411) p740L Exabo be ion - Pa1ka10 aysllbls Pa*) taCt044 was4otlin iw bobilig FF as bus aavice b T tllow ev4ry Waking I to �(bW $bile Rle ilflfeeM 1 NK iIO RUNINERt WmftU4dsftmw 2 ormt is2 =7rAlaI4. alt NlaMtalre tad 4329127 NEWLY deooaslwd Arte b.aHan and 1/2 Inlw apartment, 3 lo& $700 morahly. FkWand amiable Imnwidwely No pas, wkft only One rar pafkrig. Liverpool/gayly. 939-6796. (0gi490 OSHAWA . choose from two law two bedroan Npwwwft wish Pattitg, brnowd yard, stove. fridge, u ft bachlded. One by O.C. and car KE Oshawa. AmBlbb Match 1 and Apra 1. FIM and UK to pets. Cap 434- 50kr. "1"01' separate entrance. cable. udsies 11nduded Bus rage. no pets, non smoker, d first aLeet. $625.837-7779 (021093) WHITBY - large clean one bedroom. ssconw *'of triplex. near. water and parking ndiided. No Pets. rrst and last. references $595 plus nydro. 666-2230.(021493) WHITBY - Large one bedroom looking for a tenant who ap- ofeuates a dean, quiet ;,ns, baeamert of triplex. f -replace. 4 apolances. siaage. no pass. Available March 1. $SBS plus 4204652. (021493) IMMEDIATE possess -on - bache.or apartment, central Wh�toy, parking. new appliances. two entrances. SSW monthly Ca 666.2220 (021 693) TWO bedroom apartment •hes Oshawa centre, mmed,ate poseenew. $650 pun ry0t1:). Can 430-2986 or 436-6872. (0216" PRIVATE wits-- 10 oversized new two bedroom basement apartment. 4 pce. balm, broadloom, ceramic doors• appliances. available imneduesty, was plus uslsras. 663-8227. (021793► OSHAWA - two bedroom apart- ment for rent. heat. hydro inckided. Washer and dryer avec ble. SM monthly. aro and INC 434.6311. (021493) PICKETING - one bedroom bell sM apererrro- septate a mato.. $Seo includes usikw& able. foundry and painting. No amokng. no pats. 426-7340. (021493) PICKERING - One and two pedroorn haaeersrt apwbTorek separate entrance. laundry. pwkwS osnh aw and vac. kdy arp.te . large k4chen, fridge and stove. 4 pce. bath, non and RIR16f1ED one Oedroorn a smoker preferred. 5450 _ $750 ncrwhr. Cao 42e -e923 1 HMMOIMNO of 7217 OD- % alter 490 p.� a leave ma - 12 miss 021•" sage anytime. (21 tie" TWO bedroom basement PICKERING - one bedroom tpatr 0 W'W Oehw, quiet basement apartment. $475 noighbourhood. separate IrcMlw. Non smakr. no pals, ermarhas. does b as anwrtiios Mondry facilities. available 011160 nmOdy. indusim Fig Immediately. S09-3124. and NM nqubed Avaasbb Apra PICKEIMNG - one bedroom 1. Call S794M (021493) basement apartment. sol PICKEIMNO - one bedroom oagaltn - clan arlaan, 11900 ut.srmlore SPWWN tL $@PON" M udMws ilcardgd. 4204126, enearnow, Pathic,• steps 10 Go (0210901 and Wits. Sm phis. Aualsbis WN1eY we bedroom ONaW nowneMarch 1. 439-4449 leave tient apartment, parking, �� ti N 1 6a tahosd yard, huge Ming AJAX - Oulord Torres, We and room and Oil . on bw tent, three bedrown apartments, avWftb Match 1. $675 + 112 Match 1 and April 1. Ouilt u11he. Cal sail a61. MOM bulli ft pool sawaNr code in lIMLL ante bedaan bgeerlraN shoppU49. 401 and 00. Cal 10 newly 0111134M r 603.6421 wig 7 aeparale nrhrarhon, so" for tun MOM ons. 0450 mlostly, AN inclusive. TWO bedroom basement Cas 7230064. (0214601 apartment. own private AJAX - super one bedroom enaern I pill" for ow tar. ttwamore aparirhertC ooramra Free able TV.. suit co pW ee�,� � artlralcS. 4 AvwisbiN March 1. Phoria SM alPpww• $650 rnansnyr. ava6- 5W& (0210" able beta I 1 4. Non snadksr, WHTIY - Over, Creak, oadnior no pits. First month free. Cal balsoment epartmnera. Midge, 426-3614.1022190 stove, laundry privNedgee, PICKERING - large two s4- __ - art. -, ri fumbled or be*=, baseman aparinaa, unhonbhod, 4 pce. bash weak to b rV L cereal air and war ir► City buses. 04e0 ntoraitly. 966- „ occupon7 +ee 477M (0211931 enaanw non smoke. 0850+ t/ MUST be teen to aPPrecieft - 3 utiles. 636-9213. (021490 cozy one bedroom M horns WHRW -two hwdr i- chw apartment, kleal for single private. $492.17 monthly In- prolsmiatal persrh, no pow ckrdeshow. pakigand Mondry non smoker. Available fadltiM. Available March 1, IrfsrrdIt". 0550 montftly. Phone 427-2457. (021"0 Phone 725.6266 for AJAX - one bedroom besemnrN a)poia wt (021193) Npanrtnrr• 4Dce. botch, Prlvae PICKERING - bright one entrance, parking, transit at bedroom apartment, full door. Suitable for working bathroom, fireplace, stat -in single. no pets, non amour. kachen, private atrancw, no Avall" ilwmaNwly. 0600 pots, non smoker. $600 blcislw. Olga= (021293) iie9Alr►-41100M.' 40114"- r how ;1 • e • h 1 t, .1 +.:r r. I I i -1 ') / 1 1 1 • 1 t 1 1 h, ;; 1 -• , PAGE 34 -A - THE NEW ADVKRTUM W=., 11111E111111Rtl1AW W 00 400 AFor Renit400 420 TFw AVAILABLE Ill adialMp In PICKBMIG - all Major Ods PICIt�Ki -BaylMWl4 0muffltL 635 C~ SL Two Rd. Newly built large one bedroom townhouse. 2 ras. 1/2 bedroom, $650 per month Nadu»- basernhsnM epwtrlMa badW finished bo cement. out - Inclusive. Fist and last -fined, bus 10 Go, $575 nlondai includ. door parking, no pets. 5 Class b bus and sAoppkng. No Ing utilities. First and last, appliances, available pen. Call 434-5811 or 430• felwww)*L 126.5590. M21493) Immediately. $1100 plus 0134. (TFALL)OSHAWA -Nose utilkies. Goody at 262-2880. to Aoopkd (021883) PICKERING - one bedroom and downtown . large two 11M0 large bedrooms, two bassmand spool , Sol available bedroom apartment in legal Immediately,separate triplex. Includes klchon, Nvig baths. possible in-law in small corripw ,Sal�sined•4pre, room and 4 ;Co. bath. Availa le Slmcw/Taunton. both, 5600 per mail Inclusive. appliances, two private Avall•ble I.... Wally. 725 639-9497. (021193) enfil peeking, yard. Sf195 1007. (021293) tlflSTSY - Brod1/401. edge two monthly, includes uMiss. Avast- PICKERING - 401 and Whites WHIMbaserrtseM apartment in monthly March 1. 668.1916. Rd.3bedrmto oownhouse.SM - erwral , park. (021193) moy plus kutNftiss. 8869221. ing available, leundry available. PICKERING - luxury two (021493) Must be seen. 11966622 or 757• bedroom baserrwa apartment. ONE, two and three bedroom 1671. (02119M private Miry leundry, central luxury condos. Beautiful PICKERING - large two voc,mil beseenlNow Goand property, quality features. 6 bedroom basermrnt apartrrrnt, 40 . No smdkng. no petsl appliances, air conditioned, from Available April 1. Cal 4207617. 5775 mor". Purchase optror separate entrance, shared s (021093) available. South east confer of washer and dryer. entrance. plus ed tnitim. Available Marti 1. Call BRIGHT, spacious street level halal and House. Rd., u Thum. - 837-5005. (021293) apartment, separate entrance, len House• Wed and.m.3 all aPPlanoes walkout o deck 7 p.m. Sunday, 1-4 ase For AJAX •Harwood and 401. avail- nun Information. call Josephine able im+sdialely one bedroom and backyard, close to Snider, 579.7505 or Paula basement apanrtrnt. $495 a1 everything. Hwy 62 and Dais. Sheppard. 5711.3052 al FaomhslIle inclusive. Call 286-6732. $700 per month. 420.9306. Advantage Reeky Lid Reels CLEAN one bedroom basement 405 Apartments 4331747. (TFALL) apartment for rent, chose to Wanted OSHAWA Townhouse - two South GM. available April 1. bedroom. 11 PC&. bath, 1.3 6475 per month, utilities SINGLE teacher wants bedroom pos.. 4 appliances, finished rat; included 967.3043. (021293) apartment. No pets, non smoker room with laundry. $695 ,n Pickering/Ajax area 420- m nthl first and I AVAILABLE immediately in Whitby apartment building. Spacious. carpeted. newly ent. painted apanr.Chose to bus and shopping All utilities irnckuded No peke. Two bedrporn from $660 Cal 43,-Ci34, (021193) Rd AJAX Wastrio N.'Hwy s2n (Loeb Dlazal - close to a amenities. two bedrooms. separate entrance, kitchen. kung roam, laundry room. full beth. No dogs. available March . 427-2071. (02109Cil AJAX - one ba bedroom semen" apartment, separate entrance.Indge and stove. $500 al' ifckw4o 619-0561. (021193) o Y. as,, 1885. ext 556. leave message. references. 4363141. 427-2195 Before March 1 (021493) or 837.2142. (021493) 410 Houses For Rooms To Rent 430 Rent AJAX 3 bec•oom war, ensine. 5 applanoss. air cci dorwed. busroute. 3 mins, b Go No Pets. 511010. first and lap plus ,udt.es. CAN 258-6311. (021193) KING and Thornton - three bec•com detached. news, home, chose to Oshawa cents Supel amached garage, very clear. fully broadhoi . avai- able imrredwtely $925 Call 498-7462 (021193) P.Cke^nG ROOM FOR RENT Share'norne 8 cable. -lice neighborhood, working Person, non-smoker, quiet. Call Maria 420-3897 or Ron 83'-6247 aper 5 o rr. 500 VIC O 1 arm house• modern reproduetbn on 314 acre, 15 mimes NE of Oshawa, 2700 sq.A., 4 bsdroorq 3 baft oak floors. WAkcase. cupboards, fireplace in living room and mown bodtoorn wrap around porch. large two car garage $259,000. (416) 263-4369. (0211 9M $/2,800 • thise t»doonn Nett with one car garage. Large fenced backyard, vendor will hold first mongage with 56000 down. Cal Glen Poferaro, Red Estate Broker. 404.9217. (022393) OSHAWA - newer raised bungalow, 2.2 bedrooms, beautifully decorated. European kitchen with track lighting and buttmin dishwasher. main Ilea farmdyroom, man floor laundry. 1.4pce. and 1.3 pcel bath, second kitchen. $65o momhy, income, new gas furnace, cus- tom awnings. bnced yard. at- tached garage, $129.900. 436 9021. (021193) WHITEY - three bedrooms. 2 12 baths, new broadloom and ceramics. central air and vacs. inground pod. Greenbelt front and back. 668.4626. (021493) BROKER has 810.000 to lend at $147 per mumh. Contact Doug at 668-6805, Community Fini- cal Services. (TF) NORTH Ajax - Hermitage homes. double door entry. im- maculate 4 bedrooms. 2626 sq.-. all brick, large lot. Many extras. Tastefully decorated. 5244,9DC. Phone 6831453. WHITBY - two storey, 3 bedroom, ceramic flooring, ceramic bathroom, finished basement, large eal-n kitchen. large cedar deck, double car driveway. oak roiling. upgraded broadloom, asking $165.000. Cal 576-0205.(021493) • Business Home Home Services Improvements Improvements COURSES in Word Perfect, Windows, Lotus, ilial eq for Windows. all hawk, Jemerfor Software training. Please cal 434-2028 for details. (021193) GRAPHIC artist with desktop e- quprne itt baking for his W x r work. Will design and produce your artwork at the best {rias in Durham. Call Pother. 839-5027. (021083) ILLUSTRATION, cartooning, graphic design, advertising. Business or personal. Reasonable rain. Also lessons available. Randy Timms, (416) 342-2279. (TF) Driving Schools -BE IN CONTROL OF TRAFFIC, NOT CONTROLLED BY IT - CAN -DRIVE SERVICES 831-2145 OWN Is ASK ABOUT "THE EXPERIENCE FACTOR' MINTER DRIVING A SPECIALTY RENOVATIONS Basements, decks. cabinets, painting 8 decorating For, estimate In Durham Region call Don at 668-8489 ALL RENOVATIONS Carpentry, drywall, plumbing and wiring. Fair prices. Pat 683-8780 ARNOLD Home Improvements - plastering. Palming. drywall. T• bar ceiling, metal. studs. arid wood framing. For good prices and good quality woo manshp. can Arnold, 420-6372. (021093) BURGLAR alarm with MO monitoring FEES. 6329 Also contra lights and appliances. free demonstrations - Fred/ SiB D•ang School. 3 lessons Margaret, 427-9951 or Pager and test $75. 10 lessons, $150. 3755703. (021693) Cal 287-3060. (010893) COMPLETE Renovations. im- proe vemrty and repairs. Harris. Flooring, additions. basements. Caetirp ng bathroorns, plumbing. sill Sense ceramic. painting. Free SUNSHINE CAPOE- ANS estimate. Call Eugene. 432- PHOLSTERv C,EAN,NG 2159,(030M) SPECIAL - $34.95 for family STRUCTION C V PICKERING - Brock,Finch - NORTHEAST Whitby - two 'oom. dining room, hall. CON ares y. AJAX - two bedroom, dining large bright roam n new clow storey. 4 bedroom wl1h large' Deodaam.420-7378. (021093) Handyman services. Highly -- skilled individual I nogoriale room. Irving •pert. KACnor1. Un- 4- 1-- ".., a+ --ii; c.m rpyorr, main door AJAX Now Lake - 5 room, air finished basement Fndgo/ Marko, bus and Park, 1400 'amilyroom with fireplace. conditioned apartment.. Irving Slave. avarice March 1. Fret f ontMr y 931-8125. (021693) Antral or. vac. gas heanig 4 room. dining room. kitchen. and last. 5800 DKA utilities 683- AJAX - Harwood.'Oryer area. bithnoorns. large la_ reground master bedroom and den. 5399_ (02,0991 Morn for rertt. Lauri" factures. pool, two car garage, ,n -law walkout o yard, 59M mcludi ut lr, es and parkin No 51,eS"MONTHLY - classy 3 sharedkrcMn•pankrg.ctoeeo basement apartment, alarm emailno Oet4 Sup couple bed- br+Ok horre n prime Hos a. Prefer f emale non system 8% assumable Cal 2652581 (0217931 sour^ Alai Fnrsnad Daser+enl. smoke• $350 monthly Tsai mortgage to qualified purchaser 4 appliances. gleam -g 4460. (0210931 Asking $221,000 For viewing SOUTH Pckerng. two boaoom, hardwrood floors Wilma Tanner. FURNISHED room to rent In call 668-147- (012193) hu/ bur floor of hone. thrhghl Roy& Lepage R E. Services m o,derr, spacious. private Lid 4276522. (0210831 dist nom.. Rost. aha kMwry e2 540 O Properties on,ng. now 401. lake. park area 3 pce taste. snare ta0lfwoa Properties $700 Dolt moron Cal 2224011 AJAX South - rnam floor three and parking. Private working bedroom brick bungalow. 1r2 female. $400 monthly. Can (021 6931 b"^9 too eves besree Crown landl block tram Lake Chose 10 anytime. 420-1111371l (0210931 4000 feet of waterfront, only TWO bedroom e+adabnv Fat 1 tiwoppng, etc. Bright and clean. AJAX . roam for sregle mals. 5349 mor". Also a brand new 5625 . hydro Femw b snare 5860 - 1,? Lobus. Call nights- separate emranoa bust and last two bedr'oan dabs On ache acre. d"plex. 5425 manthly. rrayuerve e'>-Oa03 or da 676-3527 only $49 900 Cap 427-6637 Gardening, Landscaping GARDNERS TOPSOIL TREE REMOVAL, CLEANUPS landscaping. driveways etc. most reasonable rates FREE ESTIMATES can 428-5700 Ask for Rob seasonable puce and do guaran- teed work Drywall painting• editions. decks, lances• demolition, etc. Glen. 639- 4993.(021093) EUROPEAN t,is Specter will renovate your bathroom or kr~ waft as well as floor tins. 20 years aponerce- Good references and Satisfaction guaranteed. Fa fuse estimates, D. Dykstra, 7254913. (TF) HOME repairs, basements. framing, drywall, painting• krtdkon. bathroom. renovations. Tiling, hardwood floors• free ns groins. all waft gusrarweed. Ys required 683 -SORB. (021690) Len 839-2096 or page 565- Garage. S• 5 mvmnly 72f -93x5 (TF) (t�1f183 - PICKERING - Liverpool and S.IIL Iii Cab S76 -M GCB AJAX roman flea °". 3 Frmdn, 'urns~° room wan °'e 575 Loans TREE .RIGHT tpscla s >» bedroom right. bedrooms. wry broil, large of kachim. waster and dryer. (02,.93) baMmrnt apartrrhent, central Ajax - pool, air, laundry. 5 is y. yam. 5650 plus Cal 4205021 5300 fust and � 4200093 BORROW flo.000. pay as little IC progress and improv your OD tdwco. Beginnerand ad- appliances, first/last. $695 , (04 0931 PICKERING Sough d Liverpool -as 5110 per moral o.a c. Call RGIC� •room for ►Sri, le^ab pwlerwd, non smakng, (•cell nckuswre. A:atabie Apnl 1. Call AJAX - Wnstney, Rd, and 4" two roars. 144 and 1.93W Jerry. 668 ?M. Ands Qwest- vance students welcome. Oualfiod teacher. Calf now. badr-anbwooment.4 pce. bath. /ieplaoa. laundry. 4269118 or 427-1407 (021293) 92 3 bedroom upper two levo&. in clean quest Italie, prefer "sirs Ltd. (tin 1§584 TWO bedroom apartnws wish t xmd backyard. Parking. quiet gentleman a male students- MONEY Problems? Loans. debt neighbourhood. close 10 FrstandLast.availableMarch1.consolidations. Maria Paul 427�t34. (021493) "arm credit Deposit required. 839 0257. amenities. transit Availableplant. PedIIrn9. bgm ft weasel. share k8dmt NO wssky. Saensw, Livingroorn, kitchen,,mrredw�ely, $896 - 12 uses. Y, go 01,tSrns,Sp,ty btdgetfridge. for over 8 dflcade.r�,..,, 56rV81g COI1NmX1� .+whey stove. 4 pco. bath. 429-8830 (021093) PICKERING - near GO tram. l�wrer+g. 9rnahe stopped. - ran $1000 per inawh• Large one sawa s orirs . 5500 pis $100 per week, first and last. FREE CONSULTATIONS. g „ararleeo Loam. Fust and lest. no pole. 1 O J1fE and th/M Cal afbr 5 p.m 416.831.1952. Credo Coureasas (Picrerig ONE and bedroom spon-$650 Cal coati. 764.6867. (021 1111M (xsdrooml. Iwo storey detailed AJAX -roan b wit n adult thharw). 4331425. (TF) 1iPb�! tlPeYe Ibe 2356.(021693) INTRODUCING 'Sun Free Vki 4 Season vnyf docking maleral. Lorsod canmrdw for basements, renovations and additions. Reasonable rates. friendly professional service. Cal (416) 6661573. (021983) J.C. Remodelling recession price busters. Rec room, kactens, cin p&to iseror and elaerlor decorating. Aa types d %wing, ler free eswnms. hal Jell al 721 -SM or 4249248. . _. gas hewed with lanced ---- r16 M NG - large ►node seR (oSyk Fest and lalp rens and honne, vrDMd, lose d kacnen, e oongforl two bodroan bus references rsgkared. (416) 263 beth1cal and fo'u'ndry tariulee 580 ��2�e Handyman Housecleaning nrnl ap@Mvm . appiWan. 4 Suitable for non smoking 2337 (021193) BASEMENTS! Designed/Built Richard Young 8 Sons. General Contracting over 20 yrs. in Durham. Please leave message. TMS Painting 8e Decor Interior 8 Exterior European Workmanship Fast. clean, reliable service SABER Contracting - all carpentry, additions, renovations, kitchens. bathrooms, On, maintenance emergency service, furniture refinishing, quality work guaranteed. 15 years experience. 686-2915. (TF FG) THERMAL Vinyl windows. buy direct from manufacturer (no middlemen). Guaranteed lowest prices. Free estimates. 683- 5788. (021093) VINCE'S Home Florilwations - recesson prices. no GST. Cw- fil ed carpenter/papers. Over 35 years in business. Quality kitchens, bathrooms, doors• windows. drywall. Specialty basements/trimwork. Free estimates. Vince. 434.1695. (0223931 _ YORKSHIRE General Con- struction Co. - we do the com- plete job. Renovations. roc rooms, kitchens. bathrooms, saunas, basements, decks. additions. Cal 416-492-9715. over 30 years experience. (0211 g12) Instruct. BASS lessons - all ages 11n&,,, . Got good haft Franc, 831-7074.(021493) NOW taking registration for piano, classical guitar, cello lessors. (Teaching cello. Suzuki and Classical mWwM. ll" qualified teacher, luted entries only. Adults welcome. For interview, call 420-0346. Painting, Decorating INTERIOR and Exterior pairtig and wag papering. Good pions, good wwrk For fns estimates, call Mel. 5766553. (022593) PROFESSIONAL Painting and wallpapering. One room or whole house. guaranteed lowest rates. No job's too small. Quality workmanship guaranteed. Cal 43025%. (TFALL) PROFESSIONAL painting, irtte- nor and exterior, drywall taping, plastering and spray. Call Alfredo or Hoka. 723.1337. (TF) SUPREME Wallpapering - free estimates. residential, no mob too small. excellent rates. Cal John, 725-5764 evenings or wee kends. (021493) Party Services MAGICIAN, clown, friends Ready to entertain for any age, any occasslon_ Birthdays. promotions, openings. fundraisers. Magic shows are funf Lettuce Hep. 839-7057 or 728-8334. (TF) RABBIT wants work doing magic for children's parties and all occasions. have my own ma tical. Call Emile. 6681902. Plumbing Experienced JOURNEYMAN electrician. JOUme11i Plumber Silva -'ging n service changes. rewiring, additions and No job too smai: Fauces renovations. All work s^Owers basement guararAeed. free astinales. Cal washrooms we' bars eK 420.6320. (TFA) Any renovator or adddwt OUALITY wok by facher and son teams Well experwenoed. hard working. Renovations addkons. docks. etc Cal us ler a treo oovini to 571-1263 Bra a Rod. Oshawa (TFALL) Housecleaning ARE you having trouble finding time o clean your hok»7 Fa W*k"W%M aMomeed cioan- ing and excellent rates. Can 427-0359. consultation s fmol (02149(0 HOUSE cleaning - reasonable rates, free estimates. ref rwtom. some Thursday and Friday, appontmana available. Call evenings. 728.5622 or leave message on machine. Daybme 427-4174 Home 42'M09 Ask to r Tom For quality work at reason bi cep ices. 282-7613 FREE ESTIMATES Private Tuitions, Schools ENGLISH Communications Tutor required for Grade 12 student. Cal 686.9824 or 886 9388.(021493) pce. bath and parting. Also AJAX. one bedroom and female. $70 per weak. AJAX - Wostholl - beekraul unfurnished. 686.3201. S.IIL Iii Cab S76 -M GCB LEAIIIbwad mid -t»you bachelor apartment with rva ♦ bedroom.2 12 fvepaeca. (02,.93) I.l� CONSTRUCTION GAILLIND ' progress and improv your OD tdwco. Beginnerand ad- appaahons 6668905' (02,493) PICKERING Village - two batfws• ouble bm"U. close garage• appliances. close to all amenities. 3000 sq.h. plus. RGIC� •room for ►Sri, le^ab pwlerwd, non smakng, (•cell I^'e' 0' a^C erre' 0r eoa rs renovators - vance students welcome. Oualfiod teacher. Calf now. badr-anbwooment.4 pce. bath. /ieplaoa. laundry. $1200 . 2r3 Ub@bM. lminrdiate db l0 PldkaYng Town CarBra te, 1-1 t-st are CO^5" C:on Fast arC �/ /� MAID SERVICES Maria Paul 427�t34. (021493) ges parking. Soso monthly. two months yooseno L 4912-7435. (o2129Cp AJAX 3 bedroom tbor, PedIIrn9. bgm ft weasel. share k8dmt NO wssky. Saensw, / �l�l�';-llt'i(]5 lea^ Orolessior,a w0'K for over 8 dflcade.r�,..,, 56rV81g COI1NmX1� .+whey Tax FlrlarlClal r reqwred. Awriilable Parch 1. e563320 (021603) - ran $1000 per inawh• Large one ��,L �� g „ararleeo ler your home with personakized, professional DlrectO ry ONE and bedroom spon-$650 11.er - baaatan 4pertrwsw nwmny. Bed, made Ol►ike i RON 460 1iPb�! tlPeYe Ibe CRAIG 686-1913 s at W�( � we honor d NXXW E to rearms - low 6.6,51.. (0212(+► now" aavailleble R.uormabt. Rpue ttat II Ire Braila, HeatJng, m rata, as nrAwhw. La aa.d n RPN*XWWaland; (Fully bonded and inured) Movirl� south Oshawa. Close to taeAeele sAaps and Gin. Cab last negotiable. 427-7682. READY TO MOVEN flet f!HI do 7 Air COf1�tiOMflg 683-7515 Stora e 72"gn. Dasssen 9.9 p.m X10" OX. 1,500 sq. ft. flat I" cOu1r110E-aedabl.M.ran1- o office space to taaSfl/Ri006wtiHI fliIOVING? NCKBrIG Vas". MW ttue• ; s�idal g �. sub -lease - Consists �� We will move anything, badt80rR 1w0 W , low" ch *Cal�l~6�3-5� Mtranm. G Ural air. large fenced yard. fireplace and of live partitioned offices, open areas, - Iw���C•i2� - at7lsal�risiegla OwdivowL 1 BA,�.,�.�,s �E h� ofo VA& mow~~' anyw'hore. anytime. Yat ( trucksS� Markc 1 W414 PeskM non smakor pooiawd kitchen i3 reception �� - no doe wrlom �� F/ arxii D iV� vscuumIr6 �q swrw bathrooms and floors. �th estimates. 107E discount wNm -a abbb ilawad'ita4 $800. 112 ulrioa Phar 432- 2W74-9 pill. fWldo area. Corner offices - tilwnaw1t11 rorat� CSN 43 -6337 AJAX Movllq Syeawn _ fed Reesauble raw call 655- serM, moues. ePPeer� and ler sensors. - d"Wad• one PICKMNG - owe bedroom on 3rd fir. at front of Ask for Damon 2077_ j021� piano opecaima, no raft or hourly. We now have heated $40Atr, i Cam 571-0755 bedroom plus can. two lassie, 5756 inellalw Hard' 1 • Alec forgo 0 facing. prisaee enlrarhosk 4 4ppiarhoss building at 1550 Kingston R d . , CONOW � Horne �ifed Dept. � wIh moss. Cunks. Now esar 427 � va � alkda mut to tt7777� eves chelor. 5 non smoker, available '*11r4 Fi First "dialmycar. Pickering. Call Mr. provements is ill eY� OW5. (M IbIL toWThws 89 Xf- aloft needy prices to ft yaw bldgK nd ran for 5776 kckoora Naar GD. am and � Islstaewlg Armstrong at 420- NARRr-O-TNE-MOVERS - at 53we. GM SM. fw$N% 3240 for more LARGE new one or two PICI�Ki " °� d@00" 3 information dr for bedroom OF n cyan bodroems. 2 1/2 baths, OM home. now all anah8les. I mow do" ear+gt• dose viewing. Wsatney Heights. 425.0535• so GO how and trait. a elhooY fW14a11 afhaI I " coma plc gala, Apid FOR rent aleu - oonatlsrcid 1/59. $I=& pilot ulifes. 4N- �De ePil1ea 500 WA_�� AJAX - la IN SPaciaue orw 7294615. jD¢14«f1 r fill mm*L slt�blonY ver illy. f bedroom renovated. laundry THIM bedroom mein f w d Call 579-6247 after 6 P.M. facilities. 4 appliances, hoose, soon kitchen. Yvilg( dining doom. 4 poor bafW, Moes - I a -a 43 pce• brh pa I . 490 opportunity. Big for Chose 10 afrlNh... . sm plus horn school and lens m.w. trar�um italtl� 590 Business ^ Ileeflh No nail. no 5076 firmit es. First sed last. "burn 10 401 and but Avtab abigatlorL Cab 1 X) -M-0132, Suitable ler, mature waking able Ihlar4ih t. Hest and last FLf>ADA - Malferb Bach, 0pportunitieS eat. 675 For froo IMormstbn person(sl• Call 819.0015. required•433 051. (0211110) 1500 sq.fL, loaury SUN front patiL Poria quo* L0. 61327. (021493) WWTO)Y • imtnvicidate three condo. 5 appliances. 2 • , START a arrla0 Wotilsss n your bsdroorn with kd*4 d bedr»ms, two baths. all hone and tarn a elk blerc SN 00 you want to be self AJAX saaA - brigla brand new accessories. heated pool. hams boalsirg bear and iia employed? work your own quit quality one bedeoan baw bmwm@M' fi�0e' � (ap� � elelPwA 1ep fiat. For dstais, d waythe at hours? N you have an as- rrterw aparsrehsrR non smoker. ro +lPPOancw MWPAM from Go Scor, wesM)wepnMn�r, PNallos vanssons Hoer Brawing• SM lablshad hai'dtsstkg clfllaee Pus, parking, 4 pp. bath. 4 bairn and ori amr10fas. Aralltbb and maNsr. 7256050. fell 4238 aRr S (021590) n a around Afar atos, ooraan Irarnediately. $1100 plus nus at 420.6662- (0214901 EXCLUSIVELY SINGLES - Open Singles Danita. 9 p.m. Sat. Fab. 13, at taw Port Dar- lington Marins In A- -,n 0 Admission 55. Dress code. no ktiamatial 62'3.7007. appliances. Halogen lights, IA2as (Mist" Montes E>ICELLBIr opportunity with Raw cera iii- air• 21 SSdO et rated u.s. MILM 5 year Food ,*AM says, can de pip yap LOVELY scull Anwlcan lediss Please read your nt4uswa 5063358. (021493) OSHAWA • throe b.eroem 500 For sale 670 dnlr* si,esr. r.l.tbrntlhfp., oar- ClSsslf l.d .d on IIN semi, large fenced yard. 5 Science Company now In Personals the blend? Doss your rhirhytar . I- fill dap of publication PICJri 3m - lege (I SW Shill appynccs, fa amdum. Ira, WHY RENT? 66600 down bull Canada Create your awn final- ww ghss ? The I 1 11 a Ply with I R PIKlw. 24 Ars. a$ we Cannot be two bedroom basement a 4 bedroom bncalpU tlt,Nh Wl ImSd0111. Dblrbita hit PSYCHIC Readings by the She lived INlialn, Micah 3:11• spobttara, sepwoo ertlrartoR dog only. 15. phone 725- Voltage. central air. 3 ah�1i � to os• Pnd• the f -d psychic will Walsh 56:10.12. John 10:11. - 707-257-3790. respo"No for am i70D ndllata Non antekars. 1 56¢44 a µ1p a"- be r #� �faN l4lvlpy f l ,,06 �.' jY emdilhim �gsrMatt YYFINbII Mm CanPball 1-7o6.96sBt75, r FBKew alld k tbm N56rt1oR In 6aN leee-s7Hs rrf 6ebs/ wr * Wiz' R LtI IB=tiesr' . ! (1S�t4.M '7i5�'3MI�., ' •11,1 Iw1 Fel ill i i a 1 s : t . f. f I. I r r t fD2,�l 8.0.5. Drywall Systems. MYOIC tapiq, � T4- S.IIL Iii Cab S76 -M move big or small, we prior Paw a can ats764611.(TFAII) them aN Fite eatinratea, salts Sings bosoms totosadiorhs toP ! « daticoeao, shat noNoa mains. IIE11 with large truck nsi0 do Residential and Catrlwcial. Stove. ow-ofift (x212" in k 579.2= pianos moved. Comparable OUL CAN 432,2850. (IF) household mllw'e• rsaldar late =IN aAMA l"Wpos o9f MISS Call ,lane. 285s 590 Opportunities 670 P 670 675 C«npani«m INCREDIBLE business ras - I a -a 43 pce• brh pa I . 490 opportunity. Big for Chose 10 afrlNh... . sm plus horn school and lens m.w. trar�um italtl� 590 Business ^ Ileeflh No nail. no 5076 firmit es. First sed last. "burn 10 401 and but Avtab abigatlorL Cab 1 X) -M-0132, Suitable ler, mature waking able Ihlar4ih t. Hest and last FLf>ADA - Malferb Bach, 0pportunitieS eat. 675 For froo IMormstbn person(sl• Call 819.0015. required•433 051. (0211110) 1500 sq.fL, loaury SUN front patiL Poria quo* L0. 61327. (021493) WWTO)Y • imtnvicidate three condo. 5 appliances. 2 • , START a arrla0 Wotilsss n your bsdroorn with kd*4 d bedr»ms, two baths. all hone and tarn a elk blerc SN 00 you want to be self AJAX saaA - brigla brand new accessories. heated pool. hams boalsirg bear and iia employed? work your own quit quality one bedeoan baw bmwm@M' fi�0e' � (ap� � elelPwA 1ep fiat. For dstais, d waythe at hours? N you have an as- rrterw aparsrehsrR non smoker. ro +lPPOancw MWPAM from Go Scor, wesM)wepnMn�r, PNallos vanssons Hoer Brawing• SM lablshad hai'dtsstkg clfllaee Pus, parking, 4 pp. bath. 4 bairn and ori amr10fas. Aralltbb and maNsr. 7256050. fell 4238 aRr S (021590) n a around Afar atos, ooraan Irarnediately. $1100 plus nus at 420.6662- (0214901 EXCLUSIVELY SINGLES - Open Singles Danita. 9 p.m. Sat. Fab. 13, at taw Port Dar- lington Marins In A- -,n 0 Admission 55. Dress code. no ktiamatial 62'3.7007. appliances. Halogen lights, IA2as (Mist" Montes E>ICELLBIr opportunity with Raw cera iii- air• 21 SSdO et rated u.s. MILM 5 year Food ,*AM says, can de pip yap LOVELY scull Anwlcan lediss Please read your nt4uswa 5063358. (021493) OSHAWA • throe b.eroem 500 For sale 670 dnlr* si,esr. r.l.tbrntlhfp., oar- ClSsslf l.d .d on IIN semi, large fenced yard. 5 Science Company now In Personals the blend? Doss your rhirhytar . I- fill dap of publication PICJri 3m - lege (I SW Shill appynccs, fa amdum. Ira, WHY RENT? 66600 down bull Canada Create your awn final- ww ghss ? The I 1 11 a Ply with I R PIKlw. 24 Ars. a$ we Cannot be two bedroom basement a 4 bedroom bncalpU tlt,Nh Wl ImSd0111. Dblrbita hit PSYCHIC Readings by the She lived INlialn, Micah 3:11• spobttara, sepwoo ertlrartoR dog only. 15. phone 725- Voltage. central air. 3 ah�1i � to os• Pnd• the f -d psychic will Walsh 56:10.12. John 10:11. - 707-257-3790. respo"No for am i70D ndllata Non antekars. 1 56¢44 a µ1p a"- be r #� �faN l4lvlpy f l ,,06 �.' jY emdilhim �gsrMatt YYFINbII Mm CanPball 1-7o6.96sBt75, r FBKew alld k tbm N56rt1oR In 6aN leee-s7Hs rrf 6ebs/ wr * Wiz' R LtI IB=tiesr' . ! (1S�t4.M '7i5�'3MI�., ' •11,1 Iw1 Fel ill i i a 1 s : t . f. f I. I r r t fD2,�l s 630 « 630 11—glia 630 650AUCSM 4W OUtSM tll9 V M ttlOMM utltlOtlo 1111100l1ATE t CHOM taWH10 ADULT DAY SCHOOL SEMESTER 1 - MARCH 1 - MAY 11 (NO CLASSES MARCH BREAK) HIGH SCHOOL CREDITS IN 9 week semesters - earn up to 4 credits per semester - open to a residents 18 yrs. old and out of school for 1 yr. COURSES BUSINESS MATH GR. 11A2 TIMES 09:00 - 11:00 A.M. GENERAL ENGLISH GR. 11/12 11:10 - 1:10 P.M. BUSINESS ACC'G GR. 11/12 1:20 - 3:20 P.M. TECHNICAL MATH GR. 11/12 4:00 - 6:30 P.M." GENERAL ENGLISH GR. 11/12 4:00 - 6:30 P.M." CAREER GUIDANCE GR. 12 4:00 - 6:30 P.M." CHEMISTRY (GENERAL GR. 11) 4:00- 6:30 P.M." NO FEE ($50.00 Refundable Book Deposit) — No Friday Classes REGISTRATION BEGINS JANUARY 2S, 1993 HOW TO REGISTER VIS9Q.IfIT: ADULT EDUCATION CENTRE OR "W 50 COMMERCIAL AVE., SUITE 200, AJAX DA"TUDENTS - REGISTER THROUGH YOUR GUIDANCE DEPT M Classified Dept. is open every Mon. to Thurs. 8 a.m. till 8 p.m. Call 576-9335 to place your ad or fax it 579-2238 I= N W ADVEITIRtm wzvii 1H'Atumw 11% 1!=*"Z 3&A 750 Clllyd oa r atldrtM apnl rtadiq Itt t30lDBl t 650 AucflMTftarft f5l.iwelr>AargperrMyltrywreaAtp eMr Vale � t win br aapnarip dt MWS SBt10IlQ NAM XWELLERY ART i COLLECTBLES AUCTION SALE FROAT EVE. FEB. ISM 710 PM (PREVIEW 8 PMS THE PICKERNG REC EAT10N COMPLEX U67 VALLEY FARM RD. PICKERNG PARTIAL LISTING: Modern. & Estate Jewellery w/Cert Appraisals. Pearls, WatdtesI Silver Jude, CON i SPORTS MEMORABILIA C ilecdon wkh Aulogrophed Nan» of GRETZKY, LEM IEUX, HALL, GUZMAN, BORDERS, ALOMAR, Mantle, Maps, in in , & More Uncut Hockey b Baseball Sheets, Pietas, Figures, Wax Bolles, Private Collection Of Cards, Gold a Silver Cans, Mint Sets, Bank Notes, Canada 125 Sets, at. Snged porcelain collection to include Nippon, Kaiser, Goebel, Bavaria, Limoge, RS SUFE, Doulton, Hummel, Cranberry, Russian Crystal, Mantle Porcelain Clocks , Signed Oriental Porcelain, Glassware, Royal Dux, Sterling siver, 'Schmidr Musicals, Carved Wood Chests, Quilt Stand, Carousel Horse, 15 pc Doll Collection, Regulator Wall Clock (Chimes), Mini. Wood Doll Furniture, Bone China Mints wCuno, Rocking chair, LIMITED ART by: Batsmen, Casson, Schenk, Romance, Dyer, Brenders, Lester, Campbell, etc. Persian Rugs, Framed Mirrors, "Tarksy" print, Cast iron Toys a bank Phones, Answ Machines, VCR, TV, Port. Radio w/CD, Camera Collector Plates, Table Goths OVER 700 nears to be sold... Plan io attend: Terms: Cash, Visa, MC, 3% Cash Discount, as per posted 8 annio unced at Sale. ALLEN FL.EISHMAN Al1CTAM 416-638- 710 Births 710 Births BOWNS - Leah Br*" at 8 Ib:., 3 oz. would like b thank her parents Deb III Jeff for making her amval on Feb 2. 1993 possible. Special thanks also to her grandparents Mildred Banns 8 Vaughan E Dana Sawyer, and great grandparents Adekne Fitzpatrick d Tom and Jean Sawyer. Appreciation goes to her aunt and uncles. Dr. Brad 8 Jan Bowms and Terry Patrick and Scott Sawyer Special mention also to Martin and Micheile Beal. M Mrs. Ancona Kappafts of Pi kering Yiap, sends her grateful thanks to friends, neighbors and family for the cards, flowers and well wishes during her recent hospital stay. The care and considerate attention of the staff at both Whitby and Ajax - Pickering Hospitals is also very much appreciated. Mrs. Antonia Koppens is now recovering well and staying with her daughter, Liz, in Port Hope. Classified Dept. is open every Mon. to Thur. 8 am. till 8 p.rn Call 57"335 to pian your ad or fax M 579-2238 ERRORS AND OMISSIONS 376-9339, 790-7672 a IN p ftw wo monft M tlpW wo r Illinois 50 and 9*. haoaa M o�tarw lyOai � f'Idiaq r � � r trAa a opilw n CAM delated r win 1 IJPIQS COiOIEA'. Cupid's Corner I you would like to meet swam new, someone to trard we. someone to I* to. or gaups anew peagd. W" to Cuvds Camey ;ale 25 worCs 0 adudes ki r Eacr ad6oag1 word $1 X A 2olim r st xz =r4de o 'o nr an ac r CupQs Corer smog 'red n or drop off for or tepp a rm Q e .wc C Mwar Eon To place your Flea Market ads are personalized in only $25 GST included. memoriam 3 days either Oshawa Call 576-9335 and let one This Week or the News of our professional Advertiser for private advisors help you. parties if the item is less than S499 00 Aorcea i Ad Mix � t c I r r tne> KYlvonro V 1Fi Pty I loom r ' 1 ca OVAS wHrer THIS WO LM r At en ar Kim To place your Flea Market ads are personalized in only $25 GST included. memoriam 3 days either Oshawa Call 576-9335 and let one This Week or the News of our professional Advertiser for private advisors help you. parties if the item is less than S499 00 " !1►Ce SLA-TIIE lIE.� AdYQ1�Q. �� ldtUAlY M► ri!s .as0.: s. , .• : "A. �..i.1Yi.d.... « .. r.�. y -+res. • . � *+.s ...... �w r .... Y..�....._�. « »-......-. � ... .. . 10,000 FamilesiShop'With Us Beery Week! What do they know that you don't? "I shop at Halenda's M&D Meats because I like the meat. I also drive from Port Hope to shop there!" Whitby Shovver: Roy Conn Boneless Chicken Breasts SAVE s.00 ib. A99 Texas Bach Ribs �� 1.00 lb. Wewon Ground Beed :1S'A"89 , The T�'A4ls 9�The 11 Sur Stir L01 � � >r. 06 The Breakfast Bacon SAYE .70 ib. :[29 I& Meaty Bach Ribs 299 London Broil MVE 99 .q0 The 2 16. Breaded Pan -Fry Schnitzels "Vz 99 1.30 0. 2 Up. Boneless PorkUn hash 936� Pork ch5ops o� 369 MMM 16. I fr+asb p k urim�►M� 29P �.a Group Pont v� • 99tA Stele Bads Snndsy, Febrnwry NW93 I Pork s a• 07 Tenderloin.......''`:...... Boneless 716. Dinner Apple RollsCrumme . �) "VZ." FU 1 jig i.w. 69 2 ... Boneless PorkUn hash 936� Pork ch5ops o� 369 MMM 16. I fr+asb p k urim�►M� 29P �.a Group Pont v� • 99tA Stele Bads Snndsy, Febrnwry NW93 I Pork s a• 07 Tenderloin.......''`:...... Boneless 716. 84 Pork Loins......".' ...... . �) lti. Meaty If a. Ave. 56 Bach Ribs *000 0000000000 - Quebec Whole eat' l.i. lti. •.. �• •.. Loins of Pork.:.$. 174 We MWSa� Ontario "" ""► ` `'�- lti Loins of Pork. "*5ot*o ow* 8 1 TAurs. i Fti !i li. Whole Hams............ 125 li. Breakfast 1 08 Bacon ......... ::.�:s-:....... li. Beef Tender Loin �82 Filet Mignon ............ lb. Whole Chef Style „" - 25 Prime Ribs ......` :::::'.. 31b. Whole fled Brand Gracie `A' 80 Short Whole 621 RibByes...................� Whole o9 Strip Loins ............... S u. Whole Inside 72 Round Roasts..... ..... 2 Stew Bee 2415k 04 :04 Boneless Z4 Breasts........:::�.'.:V.... a. Fresh 06 Whole Breasts...'.....224 Fresh Ch%ken Wings..'.`:.. s y •a: - - ourU" ut 1115 K s1 E 161 86"C" st. s 7Yi1e0Q � On � Cones d TiuntoNlMMo:77 . �) 17" PfciQak Plan 100 OO a�tlow) W ft -N.s.si - Tu". i W4&" 7 Tues. i Wid s-6 571-11M Tins. s-5. Wed. s�Tess .s s31 -Ile/ fi. We& fi TOWN& • Fri. 127-ls l TUM -WO& 10-7 W". TAvs-. Frl M TAurs. i Fti !i 'illus. e•e. FK e-7 Tlwrs. i FK sa 'Sat. !i Sal. "I SGUn. Tlva i Frt M ssludry N sooty SN. ". Sur. " SNL es e -e. sun. 04 101 Bat ei. sun. I" i1 v r , V LOOK FOR Best Homes EVERY SATURDAY BOXES FROM PICKERING TO BRIGHTON f r_. Ah r .i L If / .�- r - "s.. rr PUT YOUR HOME HERE! CALL RICK 831 ELM { -- ---7-77 X777 11 71 VIEW OF LAKE $155,800 What a view - deeded access to lakefront and located in Pickering on a very quiet stree�. Exceptional lot, 50050'. You can't beat this location! Could be yours by summer. Move -in condition. Solid P home. Great future. LARRY SEENS' Sales Representative 683-1861 RF/MW QUALITY ONE LTD. RLTR. WHY RENT? $119,900 End unit '3 bedroom 'Big kitchen with luminated ceiling '5 appliances 'Finished reC rm. 'Priv. fenced yard 'Neutral decor 'Try your offer CALL NOW! RICK SERGISOW 831-3300 ROMW F1 RST td. p . MAINTENANCE FEES! ADVERTISE YOUR HOME HERE! 'Ajax exceptional oppor- tunity for these upgraded homes starting at $136.900. 'Long closings. 'Features include 4.pc. en suite Maths, modem fun. sine kitchens and bay ' windows. r. '5 appliance package and a,nia poo i Cuba trot r FF rate mortgage available. Don't miss out! Call Barrie Cox' 'tla � rrilh ti!wow an 839.7449 RV 2,000 SO. FT. $193,000 - AJAX Great value 4 bdna, main floor tam. rrrt. i laundry. 4 - pc. an wile, ktrp modern kitchen ova loom open t , ca capfam. rm. with fireplace. George Lelwafnj' wxI Judy Paterson' 286.3994. he WMW • of BRIAN R. HAWKE LAW OFFICE 831-8288 REAL ESTATE COMPETITIVE RATES EVENING APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE ` SOUTH AJAX EXEC. ADVERTISE YOUR HOME HERE! 4 bdrm. home in desirable area Walking distance to all amenities. House has been completely rebuilt inside - marbled sinks in new baths, ceramic flooring, plush carpet, exquisite light fixtures b upgraded switches, fin. bsmt '4 bdnas . .. 3,000 aq with rec rm. b wet bar, office b storage. A must see - Incl. 5 a,nia poo i Cuba trot brand new appls. A new house inside with interlock deck b fenced Idscd. lot outside. To 'tla � rrilh ti!wow an view - Jacquelynn Tanner' 683. 8542. 'wd kout to eudom 2 !awl FAN111.1 TRUSF r JUST LISTED... DEMAND SOUTH AJAX! This 3 bdrm., 3 level backsplit features gleaming hrdwd. floors, rec rm. with fp. b dry bar, huge pool -size lot b much. much more. Only $172,500! CALL BRIAN KONDO' 683-8542. FAM I I) t Ru"T A MUST TO SEE! '5187,900' 'Beautiful kitchen* .3 ..Large.. bedrooms' 'Skylight in family rm.' 'OVER 1.850 SQ. FT.' 'Large Pantry' 'Central Air b Vat' 'Many Extras' CALL GERRY THATCHER - 683 -1861 QUALITY LTD. GREAT HOME - GREAT YARD! Gorgeous 3 bdnn. detached home in south Ajax. Just steps to the We. Fireplace in liv. rm. & RA tp. in rec mL _ Ceramic entry, remodeled baMroaas, mirror doors,kenody F111'a -is in � 1 deep lod Welcome home! =159,700. CALL BARBARA PRESTON• FAMILY TRM CORIYIRATION REALTOR EXECUM 2, '0• FT. '! J20111,111111111 � NM Anp b hom dca uwc 4CIrpder Oink allmhuee J �l pin For, - ttiawlttp ed TAYLOR" 831,3300 RF/MPC FI RST L Y�O ADVERTISE YOUR HOME HERE! CALL DOUG TAYLOR 831-M _ '4 bdnas . .. 3,000 aq a,nia poo i Cuba trot a tub 'tla � rrilh ti!wow an 'wd kout to eudom 2 !awl •Nrdaa, 1— i two tps. 'Slid bride, Mips lek aa1 -le dish CALL ON" . lr9METOW OR LEE BYERW h 831-3300 .� RVMW -= FIRST ut ... _ ......�-.,• ... .,•... ..... .•..r;.,. . at..A• '�M'�5'lfkt,.a+.:.. ..aG"TYlr..n.n ..-. .....,... s....-.,...,. �. .. ..... _. A MUST TO SEE! '5187,900' 'Beautiful kitchen* .3 ..Large.. bedrooms' 'Skylight in family rm.' 'OVER 1.850 SQ. FT.' 'Large Pantry' 'Central Air b Vat' 'Many Extras' CALL GERRY THATCHER - 683 -1861 QUALITY LTD. GREAT HOME - GREAT YARD! Gorgeous 3 bdnn. detached home in south Ajax. Just steps to the We. Fireplace in liv. rm. & RA tp. in rec mL _ Ceramic entry, remodeled baMroaas, mirror doors,kenody F111'a -is in � 1 deep lod Welcome home! =159,700. CALL BARBARA PRESTON• FAMILY TRM CORIYIRATION REALTOR EXECUM 2, '0• FT. '! J20111,111111111 � NM Anp b hom dca uwc 4CIrpder Oink allmhuee J �l pin For, - ttiawlttp ed TAYLOR" 831,3300 RF/MPC FI RST I $4 ?93 PICKERING/AJAX 11!FjR:AkNqKKMAL 1550 Kingston Road, Pickering 683m7777 831-2056 TOP PRODUCER JANUARY 1993 RICHARD CHANCE TOP LISTERS JANUARY 1993 JACK DORIS FUDGE CHANCE ACHIEVER JANUARY 1993 CLAUDIO ROSSI OSHAWA 115 SknCOO St. S. 5704111 ICI 115 Slmcoe St. S. 435-5380 WHITBY 233 Brock St. N. 668-6171 OSHAWA CENTRE Stevenson Rd. 435-5387 BOBCAYGEON 89 Bolton St. 705.738-2327 FENELON FALLS 36 Colboume St. 705-887-2512 PORT HOPE 86 Walton St. 416-885-4548 COBOURG 41 King St. E. 416-372-4345 BOWMANVILLE 1243 King St. E. 623-3393 PORT PERRY 112 SCugog St. 985-7386 Country setting. Super lot with great elevation overlooking Hgh Bus', Tia Char -ng 2 odrm bung., ideal for 1s' tirre buyer. DORIS CHANCE' 683-7777. BETHANY HILLS 160 acre hobby farm set up for beef operation. 7 bdrm. renovated and restored Confederation farmhouse, 8 acres spring pond. 2 deeds on property for easy severance. Near Devil's Elbow and Silver Fox ski resorts. Asking $549,000. JACK FUDGE' 683-7777. to* �r„1, i i0 " ft -ft 0000 M ft I ft Ain 428=2 12 1 vG1 219 BRISCOE ESTATES LTD. No ��U�-:�-l� O ABOUT H. BEAUTY $207,700. This home accommodates you b your in- laws. Walkout bsrrt.. 2 laundry rms., 2 kits., sep. entrance to basement surae & much more. Call Mala Rozenberg' for details at 428-2121. Beautiful 4 bdrm. home with main floor family rm. 8 ksundry rm. Large greenhouse kit with w/o to large yard, full 5 -pc. on suite 6 much more for $210,000. Call Rick Briscoe' for an apps at 428-2121. FULLY DETACHED $119,900 Cute & cosy little house, bovAllui cathedral ce&V in Wing rm., walkout to yard, view of the/�p� can arrange financing. Cal Ron Matthews�a Steve Laszlo' at 428.2121. OPEN HOUSE SUN. 2-4 1797 LISTOWELL, PICKERNG SO MUCH TO OFFER!! Glendale community, 4 spacious bedrooms, prollessionally finished basement with wall to well shelves, new windows, Flexible closing, asking $164,800. Call Flora Waters' at 428-2121. 2 bdrm., 2 bath condo in South Ajax, becks on to lake. It's luxury! Upgraded brdlm., ceramic tiles, an suite laundry. 5 appliances, ndoor pool, sauna, tennis courts and more. Call Robert Sixsmith' for your Personal viewing 428-2121. JUST LISTED $19$,060 Immac. 3 bdrm. home in Pickaring. Beautifully decor., its on a court (child -safe , premium kx 44x152' lot, Ige. deck, 3 belhs, huge rm. w/Ip. 6 W. side door to bsmt Cal Robert Sixsmilt' at 428.2121 nowll PICKERING 839m2 12 1 A GFT FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY 2 acre treed lot, tennis courts, l wing stream, 3 car garage, multiple fireplaces, indoor pool d sauna, gourmet kitchen. 5 baths. Offered at 1725,000. Call Anne Briscoe, Broker at 428-2121. t► With 5% down and $1,100 a month total payments hitt. all utility costs, you can own your own 3 bdrm. home with fridge, stove and fin. rec nam. $103,500. Call Anne Briscoe, Broker for more at 428-2121. ONE OF THE BEST Gorgeous executive home in Fox Hollow. Features main floor den, custom draperies, luxurious carpet, eherrywood cabinets. Asking $274,900. Call Michele Jones' for more info at 428-2121. DETACHED 4 BEDROOM $169,900 Fin. bsmt., b/L bookcase, new upgraded broadloom, 3/4' thick oak floors in W. rm., dm. rte. b hallways fireplace, 1 4 -pc. 8 1 2 -pc. balls, fenced lot, quiet court, triose to schools, shopping, parks 3 GO. Cal Dennis Morgan' 428-2121. JUST LISTED Brick 3 bedroom $159,900. 3 blocks from Frenchman's Bay, 1 bdrm. in-law suite with separate entrance, hardwood floors. large kit., walk to school and more. Call Steve Laszlo' for details at 428-2121. SPACIOUS & AFFORDABLE 3 bedroom townhouse centrally located in Pickering. End unit with walkout basement & 2 appliiances. $118,900. Needs tender loving care. Call Ed Mateo' at 428-2121 for details. 'UNIQUE' B THE WORD Oak firs., french doors, circular stairs, skylight, panty kit, 4 bedrooms, large en suite, TV d games rm., sop. nanny's quarters, country -size lot, prof. landscaped, sprinkler, pool. ft's a dream!I Call Bill Chapman' at 428-2121. Elegant 2,800 sq. ft. Victorian reproduction. Architecturally designed, 40 minutes to downtown. Outstanding view from every window. Upgraded throughout Just move in and relax. Call Ron Green' at 426-2121 - 4 1z AMAZING DETACHED $89.900 -T �--Y - �- -_= i Gorgeousry oecoratec no^ e w - -a-y Pa ✓es. marng EASY LIVING - PRIME LOCATION POWER OF SALE PICKERING $6,500 DOWN freoLace, sep air. r-.. 6 acus a, x -c �o^-g Just Spotless 3 bc~- tow^-ouse. ce , t., f;-. o&--_ wet bar. $199.900 - 4 bdrrr. uv. - c ^ r... -,t , far- . 5r rec i Lovely 3 x•-^ br a -o^-e located or ou,et court. Has unee• `a"a^ acre CLAUDIC ROSSr15FAN WEEKS' , wa,eut 'o `ercec ya•c a.:s o,. -e, features. ANNA r-. 3 be"rs Excellent FCKenng locator. GAIL 83- ea, -;,7 K.,. `,, lir. bs-t . garage PAT HANNAH' - 683- 6K --- 68r- - ! KRIETE' 683-777' or 686-A"' MORETON* 683-7777 7777 OR 683-7390 4-. 1w�� ` GORGEOUS HOME - SOUTH AJAX - S189,9W I r 3lge x --s 2 oats ;o.—e: =„^try t_ •v, 80x200'LOT-$185.000 - Or.. Mrorarr c win", gra- cs r Byer 8 C t x^r . 2 sty home rotates at Ajax WV i tjy boundary, to. RAVINE LOT - $146,900 2.65 ACRES - COUNTRY PROPERTY 1349,000 Gorgeous was10 wal' bnck to. n fin. osm'.. new !^ .v . sep. or. fir, br- t . new K;t. cuoboards. For more 3 bdn., 2 sty. home kxa*C .n a very desirable area, fin. 3 bdrm. bung. fp., w o to beauifui views, compiete y fin. 1 broadloom t'•roughou, CAC. deck. `anted yak irfo^^ator call DAPHNE GIBSON','GA1L SIMPSON* bsm' with w,o to private yarc. DAPHNE GIBSOWCAL rm apt Sec. system. 20C arnp. service. CAC b much RICHARD CHANCE' 6837, 7 6837777. SIMPSON* 683-7777. more. GAIL SIMPSON'/DAPHNE GIBSON* 683.7777. --- -.-�.. . 'MMMAM. - —1 - _.. .- 11 to* �r„1, i i0 " ft -ft 0000 M ft I ft Ain 428=2 12 1 vG1 219 BRISCOE ESTATES LTD. No ��U�-:�-l� O ABOUT H. BEAUTY $207,700. This home accommodates you b your in- laws. Walkout bsrrt.. 2 laundry rms., 2 kits., sep. entrance to basement surae & much more. Call Mala Rozenberg' for details at 428-2121. Beautiful 4 bdrm. home with main floor family rm. 8 ksundry rm. Large greenhouse kit with w/o to large yard, full 5 -pc. on suite 6 much more for $210,000. Call Rick Briscoe' for an apps at 428-2121. FULLY DETACHED $119,900 Cute & cosy little house, bovAllui cathedral ce&V in Wing rm., walkout to yard, view of the/�p� can arrange financing. Cal Ron Matthews�a Steve Laszlo' at 428.2121. OPEN HOUSE SUN. 2-4 1797 LISTOWELL, PICKERNG SO MUCH TO OFFER!! Glendale community, 4 spacious bedrooms, prollessionally finished basement with wall to well shelves, new windows, Flexible closing, asking $164,800. Call Flora Waters' at 428-2121. 2 bdrm., 2 bath condo in South Ajax, becks on to lake. It's luxury! Upgraded brdlm., ceramic tiles, an suite laundry. 5 appliances, ndoor pool, sauna, tennis courts and more. Call Robert Sixsmith' for your Personal viewing 428-2121. JUST LISTED $19$,060 Immac. 3 bdrm. home in Pickaring. Beautifully decor., its on a court (child -safe , premium kx 44x152' lot, Ige. deck, 3 belhs, huge rm. w/Ip. 6 W. side door to bsmt Cal Robert Sixsmilt' at 428.2121 nowll PICKERING 839m2 12 1 A GFT FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY 2 acre treed lot, tennis courts, l wing stream, 3 car garage, multiple fireplaces, indoor pool d sauna, gourmet kitchen. 5 baths. Offered at 1725,000. Call Anne Briscoe, Broker at 428-2121. t► With 5% down and $1,100 a month total payments hitt. all utility costs, you can own your own 3 bdrm. home with fridge, stove and fin. rec nam. $103,500. Call Anne Briscoe, Broker for more at 428-2121. ONE OF THE BEST Gorgeous executive home in Fox Hollow. Features main floor den, custom draperies, luxurious carpet, eherrywood cabinets. Asking $274,900. Call Michele Jones' for more info at 428-2121. DETACHED 4 BEDROOM $169,900 Fin. bsmt., b/L bookcase, new upgraded broadloom, 3/4' thick oak floors in W. rm., dm. rte. b hallways fireplace, 1 4 -pc. 8 1 2 -pc. balls, fenced lot, quiet court, triose to schools, shopping, parks 3 GO. Cal Dennis Morgan' 428-2121. JUST LISTED Brick 3 bedroom $159,900. 3 blocks from Frenchman's Bay, 1 bdrm. in-law suite with separate entrance, hardwood floors. large kit., walk to school and more. Call Steve Laszlo' for details at 428-2121. SPACIOUS & AFFORDABLE 3 bedroom townhouse centrally located in Pickering. End unit with walkout basement & 2 appliiances. $118,900. Needs tender loving care. Call Ed Mateo' at 428-2121 for details. 'UNIQUE' B THE WORD Oak firs., french doors, circular stairs, skylight, panty kit, 4 bedrooms, large en suite, TV d games rm., sop. nanny's quarters, country -size lot, prof. landscaped, sprinkler, pool. ft's a dream!I Call Bill Chapman' at 428-2121. Elegant 2,800 sq. ft. Victorian reproduction. Architecturally designed, 40 minutes to downtown. Outstanding view from every window. Upgraded throughout Just move in and relax. Call Ron Green' at 426-2121 - • ---- ....... ....... .......----•_-- -- .-...-_-.-------------------------------------------- THE NEWS ADVEWnSER,WE&,FEBRUARY 1041"g-PAGE3 -1 ANGELA HOFFMAN Sales Representative 1 ST TIME BUYER ATTENTION!! ATTENTION!! Fabulous opportunity in prestigious Glendale location. Gorgeous renovated kitchen & bath, fully fin. basement, fireplace & more!! Shows like a dream!!! Call Angela' now!! 683-8542. $254.900! 2.300 + so. ft.' 4 br,1— —a ri. & ^in. r^s.' Fain. size c -^w ca— — A- 'c Ceri. a,r' WENDY RAPSON Cent. vac 4. r ? ?' y :'rKe,rg Sales Representative neighborhooC' VVe-ter PETER MUELLER Associafla SmIl er BEAUTY ON A BUDGET Price is only one feature in this cute cosy 2 bdrm. starter, enjoy a brick fireplace, new bathroom, hardwood firs., w/o from kit. to deck and fully fenced lot. Come take a look. Call Peter Mueller" for more details 683-8542. CORPORATION REALTOR THIS IS A DREAM COME TRUE! '^,s gorgeous 4 =—. executive home 5 absolutely stuns ng inside & out. From the beautiful all white K1. w built -m appiances to the washed oak hardwood floors, ceramics, intercom, securty system, cern. air cond., cent. vac. Protessanaily fin. rec rm. wrtr+ oak wet bar. gas tp. and 3 pc. en suite. This Vcterar beauty backs on to the 3rd green of a golf course & is situated on approx. '.3 acres' It truly is a dream! For a private viewing contact Michele Kennedy' or Ron Shute' at 831-4242 J OUTSTANDING STARTER HOME COLIN AND ANNE Dont miss this great starter home in no Ajax. 3 BLAKELOCK bdrms., fin. bsmt.. cent. air & more. Walk to schools Sales Represenitattves Cos hops, rr Anne Blakelock' 583 8542.view please call O � � F .. tis �. s• ,� Milli:' FABULOUS LOCATION 'bli This house has everything, gorgeous fin b6mt , `am. rm vrth fp, walkout to yard. quiet -.res, yet KAREN DRAPER close iD everything You ^gust see the one. call Sales Representative today Karen Draper' 683 8542 ' AJAX 38DRM SEMSS'49� RANDY & TARN -�Se ?: `. ' b5 ! . MILLER prey- :r• ot. Great cca'ror. as^Cy' 3 ar_ 4hller' Sales Representatives 993-8542. PICKERING EXTRAS! -- EXTRAS! READ ALL ABOUT THEM Large 3 Ddrr_ home. , ardwood firs., fin. basement with sauna. - Woodstove in tam. rm.. inground pool, cent. air cond.. oversized drive, beautiful for $189.900. Call CHANTAL DOWNEY Chantal today 831-42112. k. Sales Representative . � r - n_iL i BIG KITCHEN SPACE 5 annharoes 'reudec De- — ss 7-!s cne `rst time MICHELE KENNEDY & — buyers,oerta a.' ge _ase x - w^~ wak ^ RON SHUTE DIANA STINSON Sales Representatives Associate Broker closet, wa:Ko.t ro `e^cec va•. .c,D,e : can.^5 Dara S':^scr'. 33' 4242S8j 4,:3 - SOUTH AJAX BEAUTY Immaculate, pretty decor., backsplit on large mature lot. New windows, garage door, side door, JACOUELYNN flowing & tiling in 4 pc. bath. Beautifully fn. rec rm. TANNER with fireplace & 2 pc. bath. Shows well! Jacquel)mn Sales RaPresenWve Tamer', 6838542. n ART ik MAUREEN FOWLER Sales Representatives MAGNIFICENT STARTER! 3 bdnns., Inked, upgraded rec nn. with fireplace. tasteful country decor. Art' & Maureen' Fowler 213- 7204. Professional ApproachIx- Professional Results OWN OR RENT 1 bdrm. condo in complex overlooking conservation area. Walk to all amenities. $750 per month or $109,900 to own. AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY. BUYER'S BUNGALOW 2 + 1 bdrm. on mature lot in centre of town. Hardwood floors, liv. rm. with fp., eat -in kitchen, and finished rec room. INCLUDES APPLIANCES $147,000. LAKE EXECUTIVE 4 bdrm. with 2 bdrm. independent quarters and sep. entrance. Cent. air, cent. vac., interlock and mature landscaped lot. BEAUTIFUL VIEW OF LAKE. JACQUELYNN TANNER Sales Representative 683-8542 24 Hour Pager IV THE SEARCH STOPS HERE! Adorable 3 `drr^. house on a n„ge -remium lot. MARTY STREETER Warm winters by the fp., cool summers with cent. Sales Representative air, finished rec rm., huge deck and more . 5167,890. Marty Streeter' 683-8542. WALK, DON'T DRIVE - Choice location for this ideal 3 bdrm. t family home. Opportunity is knocking for the wise buyer. You get family room with 4% corner back fireplace, sunny eat -in kit. to cheer your spirits and large master bdrm. ,n with en suite and his & her closets. Add ceramic floors and cent- air and it's hard to beat at this price. 5166.900. Call Lucy Bateson', Associate Broker 683-8542, LUCY BATESON 683-5311. Assoc. Broker $254.900! 2.300 + so. ft.' 4 br,1— —a ri. & ^in. r^s.' Fain. size c -^w ca— — A- 'c Ceri. a,r' WENDY RAPSON Cent. vac 4. r ? ?' y :'rKe,rg Sales Representative neighborhooC' VVe-ter PETER MUELLER Associafla SmIl er BEAUTY ON A BUDGET Price is only one feature in this cute cosy 2 bdrm. starter, enjoy a brick fireplace, new bathroom, hardwood firs., w/o from kit. to deck and fully fenced lot. Come take a look. Call Peter Mueller" for more details 683-8542. CORPORATION REALTOR THIS IS A DREAM COME TRUE! '^,s gorgeous 4 =—. executive home 5 absolutely stuns ng inside & out. From the beautiful all white K1. w built -m appiances to the washed oak hardwood floors, ceramics, intercom, securty system, cern. air cond., cent. vac. Protessanaily fin. rec rm. wrtr+ oak wet bar. gas tp. and 3 pc. en suite. This Vcterar beauty backs on to the 3rd green of a golf course & is situated on approx. '.3 acres' It truly is a dream! For a private viewing contact Michele Kennedy' or Ron Shute' at 831-4242 J OUTSTANDING STARTER HOME COLIN AND ANNE Dont miss this great starter home in no Ajax. 3 BLAKELOCK bdrms., fin. bsmt.. cent. air & more. Walk to schools Sales Represenitattves Cos hops, rr Anne Blakelock' 583 8542.view please call O � � F .. tis �. s• ,� Milli:' FABULOUS LOCATION 'bli This house has everything, gorgeous fin b6mt , `am. rm vrth fp, walkout to yard. quiet -.res, yet KAREN DRAPER close iD everything You ^gust see the one. call Sales Representative today Karen Draper' 683 8542 ' AJAX 38DRM SEMSS'49� RANDY & TARN -�Se ?: `. ' b5 ! . MILLER prey- :r• ot. Great cca'ror. as^Cy' 3 ar_ 4hller' Sales Representatives 993-8542. PICKERING EXTRAS! -- EXTRAS! READ ALL ABOUT THEM Large 3 Ddrr_ home. , ardwood firs., fin. basement with sauna. - Woodstove in tam. rm.. inground pool, cent. air cond.. oversized drive, beautiful for $189.900. Call CHANTAL DOWNEY Chantal today 831-42112. k. Sales Representative . � r - n_iL i BIG KITCHEN SPACE 5 annharoes 'reudec De- — ss 7-!s cne `rst time MICHELE KENNEDY & — buyers,oerta a.' ge _ase x - w^~ wak ^ RON SHUTE DIANA STINSON Sales Representatives Associate Broker closet, wa:Ko.t ro `e^cec va•. .c,D,e : can.^5 Dara S':^scr'. 33' 4242S8j 4,:3 - SOUTH AJAX BEAUTY Immaculate, pretty decor., backsplit on large mature lot. New windows, garage door, side door, JACOUELYNN flowing & tiling in 4 pc. bath. Beautifully fn. rec rm. TANNER with fireplace & 2 pc. bath. Shows well! Jacquel)mn Sales RaPresenWve Tamer', 6838542. n ART ik MAUREEN FOWLER Sales Representatives MAGNIFICENT STARTER! 3 bdnns., Inked, upgraded rec nn. with fireplace. tasteful country decor. Art' & Maureen' Fowler 213- 7204. Professional ApproachIx- Professional Results OWN OR RENT 1 bdrm. condo in complex overlooking conservation area. Walk to all amenities. $750 per month or $109,900 to own. AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY. BUYER'S BUNGALOW 2 + 1 bdrm. on mature lot in centre of town. Hardwood floors, liv. rm. with fp., eat -in kitchen, and finished rec room. INCLUDES APPLIANCES $147,000. LAKE EXECUTIVE 4 bdrm. with 2 bdrm. independent quarters and sep. entrance. Cent. air, cent. vac., interlock and mature landscaped lot. BEAUTIFUL VIEW OF LAKE. JACQUELYNN TANNER Sales Representative 683-8542 24 Hour Pager IV 4't:41PAa"4-Tlils NZW ADV=rMER; WED., FERRUARY n,19" RARE COMMODITY - MOV E { UP TO INVESTMENTS 'bra Ground level zoned C-3, s apt upsta rsll Bid on the future. Uxbridge..... $179,900. THORA MCLOUGHLIN', MARION GIBSON* HOMING INSTINCT - WHEN FA'.' _ �--E=,S S ---1-,3:c n law apt - Cu et area in town Fees -ability. Uxbridge $174.900. THORA M[LOUGHLIN'. MARION GIBSON" bo ALL SEASONS PLEASURE classic " con, sc N Lams oo Large scale dividend. S1.495.000. PAT ODGERS' & MARVA BESSEY' _ COUNTRY CULTURED - TRADITION OF LUXURY' 10 acre estate only minutes from town Executive equity. Uxbridge .... 5499.900. THORA MCLOUGHLIN', MARION GIBSON'. SUNSHINE & STARLIGHT PRIG' -c _ _A', - C,. .-v,a - nes exharm th s 1 bdrm Showplace Value Plus 5379.000. FREDA POPLAR'. � A i OPEN HOUSE SUN. 2-4 P.M. ndrm Mc.,,;n _ond t;on Close to everyone' 5165.000. PAT ODGERS*. GREENBANK BUNGALOW 5 MINUTES TO LAKE Laroecountry lot Call now Jiew this treasure' S15= =00 JOHN G :.Ar..^P' S10_ n ,OS•• ItORA 11 it tro FLe)qe�ence Real Estate Limited is very pleased unce the addition of Trish YcOuey to Marketing b Research Deparpnents. bring a new and valuable dimension port to our sales personnel. Her nce in the real estate field will add tost and mostup to date infomtationle to our clients. Trish Ihanks pastfor their support and looks forward tog them in the future. [EanddeckabKon eel Estate Limited and its staff es Deborah Ives. Her professional ds of service and her ab�ity to her clients with success, add to our team of professional sales and g people. With Trfi�co's added , Deborah is now better equipped er to provide outstanding service ication b all past and future clients. SOUTH ROUGE!!! Cuslom built from $244,900.4 WM., 212 baths, oentral air, main floor family room! Upgrades galore, ceramics, oak Mdon. 50' lots up to 175' deep. Cali Sam Kimberley at 837-2562. ITS PICTURE PERFECT! Luxury inside b outl 4 bdrms., formal Gv. b din., main floor fam4 6 laundry. French doors, built-in appls., premium lot, huge deokl Call Cathy MaGar at 837-2552. X28 MILLION IN LOCAL SALES N Ea g et ;X ` TION] R MOVINd RCSB VIVIAN SYS $ 831-7677 4�7 goW ROB VIVIAN JUM Sales Representative "JUST LISTED"• _ • f« .. Formal din. i ft rata. Low Low makq 03 • Large n ill-levN `, •Eat -in kMchsrt aigt horns wlo to $11-1 ek — • Formal dining with Nimly hardwood flooring Mttsrioeldg withn • Sunken living room stain i sMtrbs ' New broadloom • Ill fridge, via - a' bA ' Close to ell amenities.dialrw*Wwl f liench drs sour wdw. cow. In., North . Pickering home S�.ig • Custom oak kitchen — — — • Ceramic throughout•New broadborn New windows ' 2 huge decks.0ne off kitchen and 2nd off —=" . Newer roof i lumace .� m w/o baseent • Mature lot • Son r a Makted one ' Cosy fam. ren. with fp. bedroom ' Call for long list of M1 -spartnilem inclusions i upgrades. " 2800 FT. -AJAX" _ r � - ' ¢� : �; ~NORTH PICKERING- `S0. �' ` • Main floor den �: 8ackshonto park Formal dining room ` — dL • 3� sized I dmr. 'Huge kitchen i C - Cis to amsnkiss { ' 4 large bedrooms the • includes fridge stove, master having 4 -pc. washer, dryer, i bul t- en suite ( In dishnaashsr ' Close to all amenities. ROB VIVIAN ilk ACHIEVERS REAL ESTATE LM. =7677 NATIONAL831 • I Jt [ea&others' Real Estate Limited is pleased b e Michael Ives to our sales staff. expertise in commercial and tial real estate will be a positive n to our team. Our sales staff utikze thers' experiences and knowledge to ur clients the very best in currenttion systems and real estate trends. l invites all his clients and tes to call on him at his new office. Treco Real Estate Umited welcomes Michael Hogan to our family of professional sales staff. Mike bangs his extensive construction experience b his new career. Coupled with his enthusiasm for quality service, Tr is certain that Mike YA provide the same standard of professional service that meets the needs of our clients. Mike welcomes the opporbAty of being of service to you.WOMENal 721 F_'. I - 1 WHITBY STARTER $149,900 Brand new home. Purchaser to select flooring 8 cabinets. Possession 30 days. For more information or appointment to view call Judy Carton* at 837-2562 $1183. PER MOM 6 months new, 2 112 baths, 3 large bdrm. Family room on man, comer fireplace. Large upgraded kitchen. Includes 3 appliances and 2 car garage. Cad Sem Kimberley at 837-2552. _ V- - HOMING , - SATURDAY, FEB. 13, 12-6 P.M. BOWMANVILLE *DETACHED HOMES HOMES FROM 900-2.500 SQ. FT. GST INCLUDED . , .F A To 5AWE- ,JcjO0L B L A� Cp :< AR L R . 30 p GS p ACS �� p Fit . Rpt , tON 11 G 1A pL� A.LL ETC' %SLI LORD ELGIN ESTATES *jfmJ*v For Priority Registration CA lAq 697m2906 41 (416) 224=5263 1 t ]PAGE f THE NEWS ADVEMSER, WED, FEBRUARY 10,1"3 ••'T.y J ��/ J {.....:.... J �J S+A J I Win oWo■■■■■son� 5861 MENNEN F E -m CIRCULATION: FRIDAY, FEB. 26, SATURDAY, FEB. 27 --100,000 & FRIDAY, MARCH 5 & SATURDAY, MARCH 6 --100,000 To Reserve Your Space Call: �' This Week �N;,,� News A (416) 579-4400 or (Tor.) 798-7672 �..� ...� ... + M;A . •: .raey�r n ; a aa� M wa . Y! ;s e aR .s. >. a:� x . _:::.... :... ......... < t, 4, 8, F F , s: » x s ♦ + s 4F s s E lk k ! 4AL It.: - at THE NEWS ADVElCMER, WED., FENNUAKY 146 M -PAGE 7 Hunting For That special Place to Call Home? Check the Hews Advertiser 3 times each week! ' BERNARD LEEgALES R. COMMEP ' 428-6533 RWU1Y HOME 427.5568 COMPLEMENTARY MARKET EVALUATION SOLD � -0, . FOR OVER VOF LIST PRICE 6 1J/0 IN LESS THAN 2 WEEKS r« -a N'iaw JUST LISTED - Desirab+e Westney i•feghts Alan, very clean. finished bsrrt.. 3 od-is. cent. air, orly $'67,500. Call Bernie 428-6533. ONLY t1,199 MONTHLY I nmac'late 2.300 sq ". (approx.) all brick 4 bdm+. home, Al. 3 .t bdrms . 2 baths, new bdlm ,fir, los ^t , potermal deuched. F replace, cent. au, upgraded carpet & kitchen in-law suite w� sep e-!.. fenr$214,9ced yard. garage Wort last tcupboards.9 West exp. Close 1D schools. A wonderful home 00. - call Beard Lee 428-6533 52 Bernard PO EP;N LLA3Et -ONLY 5207,000. SOLDIFOR OVER 97% Amor. 2,100 4 R 4 bdrrn. hare. Deuched. aA brick with 31/2 baths sundeck ., cent or. finished bsmt OF LIST PRICE 4 v�M ;+d Bernard Lee 4n -66M. IN LESS THAN 4 WEEKS STEVE FEARON Sdee RepweedWV* OVER 3,000 SO. FT. AJAX Large senior woul6w have on 197 tL lot Bright greenhouse Won. Roman tub, cathedral airp M the Herrnilepe $299,900. 2,320 SO. FT. AJAX Immaculate executive 4 bdrm., fin. bsmt., landscaped front & beck, stunning decor. Cent air 3 vac. Florida omiliN, $226,888. ,EX GRIENCE INCS f in'N' MMY RD. S. AJAX !I 4 BDRMS., $195,000 AJAX Almost brand new, main floor family & laundry rms., 2 car garage, en suite beth. In the Heritage. 1,948 SQ. FT. - 5191400 3 t3UMmzii. - 41ati'mu c nncrL_MV.w -'araa,wv AJAX SOUTH AJAX SOUTH AJAX Landtx*W. Premium lot, big Itilcften, wndadrti Fn. bsmt., 6repho k ant air, cent. vac. very weY Det 3 bdmL, 3 wasllilmn, large Itit hen, fenced wk brmt Huge (army M. ttrliNOM, man Sr Large , twrWICK eet-in ptdwm rept yob, ant air, quliM street Stripe 10 WO & MW" let, ileo l Wt • 0 0 � p ' ' sdtbols. Fn. bsmt �.,iREMAX` Lo I IN ;iiyii AJAX 2,048 SO. F7.- $194,900 AJAX Nice 4 bdrm. hone with bign11:11111111Lair, main flr. an. b lam. rms.== —HUGE Kn HEN - $154,900 AJAX vent nice 3 bdrm. hare, large yard, wea STEVE FEARON ria ares, near sdt°ck b Pe[nF ll i i i .. 3elsi lAA&i-THE NEWS ADVEWMER, WED., FEBRUARY 10, IM . �., 1 A \ CELIAJONES" BRIANRODRIGUES' AL AJAX - JR.EXE - SINGLES OR COUPLES - $109.900 AFFORDABLE FAMILY SIZE TOWNHOUSE WALK TO GO Great value 4 large b s ,s An eaL'ir kit.. tp. & oftec Dc— Backing 3 spacious bdrms.. fin. bsmt., eat -in kit.. sep. liv. Lovely 3 bdrms., shows to perfection and offers a tam. rm. & laundry m -^tc a ravine & creek. This corr:vex eve- nas its rrr-/dm. nn. Multi-level design features main floor tam. size kit., 2 baths, fn. rec nn. with wet bar, some Shows to perfection. ;wr car wasp. Low fees & cbse 1c a -e -I es. Call laundry.. wio to sunry west exposure. 2 baths. new windows, new brdlm., new hrdwd. floors & lots CALL JOHI -ee Eyers or Bruce Middleton at K! -33,'-- Priced right at 5116.900 Sherry Phillips 831.3300. more. Don't wait call Louise Micallef. DOUG GRANT' RHONDAHARPER• i e ATTENTION FIST TME BUYERS!! - LOOK AT THIS 2,46d SO. FT This spacious 2 stop horse features a eat -in POPULAR AMBERLEA - >i234,900 56'�' f :.: storey ONLY>RZ19,90t1! Best deal in o f c• , �• kitchen with bay winnow t4 natural wood tris. Large A MUST TO SEE! This is a lot of house for ther Main floor Ilam. �y Featuring 50x141' 0 pec rm. with dry bar, pine trim 6 upgraded carpet Beautiful 4 bdrm. features separate tomial diirug, �. +den! 4 large bdrms ! Gfuiet court location! More �y eat Large master bdnn her closets. CloseRosemary Perkins ReMax First Rlly. Ltd. sell this schools, parks & shopping. A ac ►d pool, system and moreMust51440 Doug Ep1 3300. week. Ta Sally McCrae 831-3300. fund your home. rirrr� \ ateA� Ti '.+ ;SEE BACK PAGE DON'rWAlr fl'S A NO -NO I I YES YOU CAN AFFORD TO IN FOR RE/MM FIRST'S No panting, no fixing, no yard work, rist carefree 5149,900 - NO CONDO FEES.. THE JOHN EWODY sEsonlsaoN ;�" ' living n this luxurious 2 bdrm. condo. 2 Wos. to A suxrken W. nn. with a ip. make this value pecked JDon't miss this one J broadoarn 4 specious bdnns. SHO�lNCASE large balmy. 3 appYarx;es, underground parkng, home ideal for entertaining - only $7,500 down d 44 bedrooms J • ain floor fain. mr qualified - stop reputing and call Paul Keeler at 831 JApprox. 1,850 sq. n. •Desirable area by locker, rd" pool. JGreat neighborhood 'Five des 3300. 4Fam. rm. with fireplace >: >:. OF HOMES Call John McCarten 831-3300. CALL CELIA JONES 831.3300. ham► m • THE NEM ADV1r.><MEk WED., FEBRUARY 141993 -PAGE 9 /{ry/ .. Y}:-i:::;;:..:.:v... ....�•�{;:::n''.�:'`'%%{if;.!:f�ffn.,v,. !.:r: ,.fry: r:•;:::!.::::::::r �{,. :: /!`•.r.!.. /r .::�:v:'frA::•$:f�ii; :;:j.. :::.:.:...�........... - r REALTY.:fin 3 r ff ff .. 3>. .. ; f JOHN LEE BYERS' f LTD f AJAX i JOAN CAMPBELL* BR(JCE MIDDLETOW DONT MISS OUT - $132,900;, F v.^k Det. brick bungalow. Spotless home with hrdwd. floors, new cent. air, super rec rm. with woodstove. $8,600 DOWN, GREAT FINANCING, WHY RENT? = i PK;KERING VILLAGE DELIGHT '5124,800• Premium lot 55x123 ft. 1x4, 1x3, sep. entrance to SPACIOUS AND GRACIOUS, CUTE AS A BUTTON ' Nice decorated 3 AGE SLIGHT on quiet lane. potential in-law, Jazuzzi bathtub. AS LITTLE AS You won't break the bank when you move up to this Nicely $6,645 DOWN, MOVES YOU IN TO QUALIFIED gorgeous 3 bdrm. detached home. upgraded brdlrn., iARET NINES Fin' bsmt. and two bathrms. Bright eat -in kit. with PURCHASERS. PLEASE CALL BEV MCLEAN 831. double car garage (new door), eat -in kit., walk-in PW w/o to fenced yard. Walk to schools. shopping and 3300, closet, en suite bath, fm. rec room, cent. vac. All this ciate Broker parks. Dont miss this one! Jane and Gerry White. JUST ASK BEV for only $174,500. Can John Mona* 831-3300. — RON GORDOW CHRISTINE GASKIN V ;at pleasure that we - nes to our IrShe t rigs with her �S�zvI? ars c` real estate volvinc sales, training Tent. =,jt Margaret's alwa, � been sales. � BEGIN HERE... END HERE!! WENDY CORTURIL_D` JOHN MCCARTEN' SUPER STARTER ONLY 5139,988 kills ar= �xtraordlnary. REDUCED - REDUCED IN-LAW APARTMENT 75 year old 'ota:ly enovatecl 'ar- mouse r -sated m Gorgeous 3 bdrt^ ser%rb,,-ga;cw. ;,r -le of de the FIRST choice. Approx. 2.400 sq.r.. 4 bdrms. incredibly :,ear and Pxckenng Village. Huge pkv. lot features rgrourid ownership. Hrdwd. floors throughou4. 'priced yarn. decorated. Ceramics throughout the kit. Custom pool and privacy fence ano hedge. Interior has new large deck. fin. rer -r with sep. side entrance. in - made G = her a call at made drapes & window coverings. 2 bdrm. in-law kit., rew oats, with Jacuzzitub and sec snower. 3 law apartment potential. _ apartment, w/o from bsmt. Backs on farm land & bdrms.. & new hrdwd 'loors. $239.900. Cail for your CALL JOHN MONIZ 831-3300 ; fenced yard. $218,500. Ron Tamrazian. private 5now�rg _Steve MITI 53'-330r NEEMNO Ono A •' OPy,S�� STEVE -M-ii—L'-�t LINDA ELLPG, k SPACIOUS LAYOUT A MUST TO SEE FAWNS LANDING - STUNNING RAVINE LOT! POPULAR JOHN BODDY "GABLETON" )ETACHE= .�_ St 89.900 Over 3.400 sq. " of pure luxury. :sial :xst of Locateo on one of the 11cest streets this gorgeous I )E CHE 189 Heights SUPER STARTER $131,000 upgrades far too extensive to k i here. 4 bdrm-. 4 2,333 so. ft- home boasts formal truing, formal rr floor fa- and laundry nn. Litt, bright end ung townhome with great view• w/o bath, mar floor den. cent. air, cent. vac, the list dinning• 3 bay windows, cosy faro. rm.. brick fp.. wio n payment = •-e-:ent deal. bsmt. and private. fenced yard. Small tam. oriented goes on and on. Shown by appointment only! Now s to deck, 'ge. raster bdmx„ win closet. en suite has ROSEMARY PERKINS' RON TAMRAZUW complex near conservatior & aKe" Cal Chnstxne the time to make the move up" Call Steve Mill 831- sep, shower, ge. dinette & many more `Mures. M MMIZ 831-3300 Gaskins. Associate Broke,'�r oera ,s 831-3300. 3300, John Mon¢ 831-3300 -�:= GEARY WH1TE' JACGUEL1lE ROUTH" OVER 2,200 Sia FT. OF PERFECTION "• DISTRESS SALE "' This 4 bdrm. home is totally upgraded. h boasts a XECUTIVE _'NLY $195.000 -,$10.000 down - it'S yours!' -,Gorgeous 3 bdrm. OVER 70K IN UPGRADES! picked oak kt. 6 upgraded brdlm. Large fam.rm. f bdnns., c e garage mn. floor with 4 -pc. en suite -,Man floor tam. & laundry rms. Located r prestigious Fawns Landing, this 3.800 sq. with a fp. and a wb to a cusvn made deck- All rtn. Lar k2 . en suite bath. -,'Full 1 bdrm. in-law apt. with w/o. v8.9°b M119.till ft. showpiece must be seen to be appreciated. rooms are spec" with a brmal kv. and dn. rrn.. T i. A mustttt..: -e. '97 vAssume wAhad qualification'! -,150 ft.. lot Ravine lot wM w/o bsmt., enormous rooms, true along w h a I� eat-krt also wth a wb to a deck fuly fenced vTl* hone must be sold - $169.444 elegance offered at $434.000. By appointment lots of extras. also bade on a greenspece. Give " iN MON IZ 831-3300 Can Now - Doug Grant - 8313300 only, Steve Mill 531-3300. Glenn Price a call today at 831-3900. treleee■Ox � >:: aarir�e ,.. SS ' Illi ,�tTA IJ1.• GU M! PFAW --poll „� J WOWSPOTLESSI ALL BRICK! k GET READY TO L8E UP ' - """ �� •3 bdnns.. 2 baths i for a de'a-ned all brick home. Y SOUTH AJAX BEAUTY $1W,500 'Binghl family size rec rm.! St YPHl1 E# Id on quip' •oad. Grit setup for Vblk to hake! Fp. n Iii rm. with w/o, 3 bdrms., LUXURIOUS TR8)EL CONDOS ONLY $123.900 "Wood trim & wansoot eat -in kit., A o to deck, fn. bsmt master has en sue, updated wirudows, good size Gorgeous 1+1 bdrm. , appliances, bends. formal •Vllalcout to dedk & landscaped yard! *. CoA Pee Melissis to help you lot, quick possession d required Ron Goxdon 831- din., seg. hung. Small down payment Why rents Tent. air ooM- 'on dtrld safe axes 3300. Many other models. Call John Mona 831 3300. CALL TODAY! RICK SERGISOW 8313300. 1+iCx!'i .. sill _ x .; . C .... UP K KE1NIAJAX \ ` dT MOVE TO VALUE!! # to $196,900 I. n. & laurxdr, :' JOHN BODDY "SILVERSPRUCE" Vatiled ceilings skylights, stuldio Ido, are j1151 same :.... R A � HOME EVALUATION r lake d unique features n this bungalotV'-plus.xMain IL 'A Alndpw cove Cal fam. int-, sunken 1v ML - the lot goes on"in Nancy3300Po>ttrtuter 8313300. # tiny Ursula Taierio1831m� „•. 1 ]PAGE 10 -THE NEWS ADVENME14 WED., FEBRUARY 10,19" Not all real estate practitioners are REALTORS Because REALTORS are involved in real estate brokerage, sales, management and other real estate specialties, many people think that all individuals engaged in a real estate practice are REALTORS. The REALTOR term is not synonymous with "broker" or "salesperson", and not all real estate practitioners are REALTORS. REALTOR, REALTORS, and the REALTOR logo are trademarks, and only those real estate practitioners in Canada who hold membership in The Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA) are permitted to call themselves REALTORS. REALTORS agree to abide by high standards of professional service and to a strict code of ethics. The hallmark of REALTORS is their commitment to a high standard of professional service and to a strict Code of Ethics. This assures clients and customers outstanding professional service, failing which there is recourse to the Oshawa & District Real Estate Board to which the REALTOR belongs. The Oshawa & District Real Estate Board is obliged to enforce the Code of Ethics and Standards of Business Practice of The Canadian Real Estate Association. If a misunderstanding arises between you and a REALTOR. talk to the REALTOR and attempt to resolve the problem. If you cannot reach a solution, you have the right to call the REALTOR's board and inquire about the procedures for filing a complaint. There are many advantages to using a REALTOR in a real estate transaction. The pride of REALTORS in their work and their commitment to high standards of professional conduct ensure significant advantages to vendors and purchasers alike: A REALTOR is knowledgeable about developments and trends in real estate: REALTORS have access to the Multiple Listing Service ... this expands your listing exposure in the real estate market: REALTORS are committed to professionalism and ongoing education to increase competence and effectiveness in real estate. REALTORS are concerned with serving you well, and with their reputation in the community and among their peers. Whether vou're a vendor or a purchaser, all of the above will work to your advantage. The Oshawa & District Real Estate Board is a professional trade association which represents over 1.000 REALTORS in tiewcastle, Port Perry. Oshawa, Whitby and Ajax -Pickering. REALTOR is a registered certification mark which identifies real estate licensees who are if rice SALES REPRESENTATIVE ..NBELIEVABLE VAL'' E. 2.500 SO. FT. 5214,900 Just over 2,500 sq. ft. Shows very well inside & out on a large 50 tL lot complete with interlocking trick sidewalk dose to schools & stopping. A great home to see and bury! For more details Cal today. wont hast long. Gleet Price, 831-3300. 4 BEDROOM EXECUTIVE 3,079 sq. ft. fur $259,900 is a must see. This 4 bedroom is loaded. Man floor den, large fenced lot, interlocking brick sidewak oak staircase to basement, lots of ceramics. Incl. in price are all window coverings, 4 ceiling fans, cent. vac. gar. door openers, dishwasher, b! stereo & much, much more. Call Genn Price today, 831-3300. 0 - JOHN BODDY'S "GABLETON MODEL" This 4 bedroom John Boddy home is a must to see, complete with 2 5 -pc., 1 3 -pc. washrooms, family room with gas fireplace & a w/o to deck. Call today to see this 2,333 sq. ft. beauty. Glenn Price, 831-3300. 4 BEDROOMS FOR $145.900 Beautifully decorated home! Upgraded brdlrn. throughout. W. rrn. w/o to deck, large fenced yard with a large storage shed, also cent. air, 1 4 -pc., 1 3 -pc., 1 2 -pc. washrooms. Won't last long. Call today. Gleet Price, 8313300. members of ODREB and as such abide by a strict Code of Ethics and Standards of Business Practice. This article is provided by The Canadian Real Estate Association and the members of the Oshawa & District Real Estate Board for the information of consumers in the real estate market. F RANK REAITOp LOOK AT THIS HOUSE! 4 bdrm. 4 level backsplit has sep. din. rm., fam. rm. with walkout to yard. New shingles 1989. New fence 1992. Garage & much more. Only $179,900. Mike Parker' 576-4111. WOW - $89,700 Spacious 2 bedroom, 2 bath- room condo in Ajax. Freshly decorated in 1992. Move in, unpack & enjoy. Why pay rent when you can own? To view call PAT MATHIE 286-3993 HOME LIFE] ADVANTAGE REALTY LTD. Sol" 570 DEVON EXCELLENT SEMI H GOOD AREA Tha home has been iota y updated - aiur^ siding, ,00f, windows and insulation. 3 bdrms , updated bathroom. 4n rec rrn with woodbuming stove 8 built- - wall unit Shows to perfection. $78 month, heat & ^vdro. Call Sharon. Dickson at 433-4747 or 428-8888 RE/MAX FIRST REALTY LTD., REALTOR Independently Owned & Operated 686-3330 AJAX 831-3300 PICKERING BACKS ONTO .;:NBELT _, This 3 bedroom is just over 1700 sq. IL & backs onto a park. Al tfree bedrooms aro a good size & a 4 -pc. on suite in the master Ill edrnart. This �. carte also kalures a family room wih firaplace , e" Idtda , main Moor latrindry, misled h w e In- and more. Cal Glom Prim at 831-3300. Priced to sd at $179,900. �O �O SUPER : MI FOR 5114.9W This 4 bedf00R1 great starter home in a gre area. Close to woodlands, shopping & Oshav Complex. Shows well with hardwood floors & finished bsmt. wisxte entrance. Great nvestme A PERFECT 10 FOR $169,700 This detached 3 bedroom is a must to see. 1 4 -pc., 1 2 -pc. washrooms, large eat -in kitchen, a finished basement with a gas fireplace. Great starter horse, dose to schools, shops & GO train. Call 831-3300. 00, OVER �O TION This 4 beds. �O upgraded. It boasts a pidkk & upgraded britt. Large fatuity rot i a frepiace and a twakout to a custom maoe dei. All rooms are spacious with a formal liv. & dn. rm. along with a w/o to a deck, lots of extras, also backs on to greenspace. Give Glenn Price a can today at 8313300. Buying or SeUing • r home? Look to your Real Estate Guide. �- ROSS WATSON THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED, FEUVARY 141993 -PAGE it (Safi Rewmentative) JOHN ORT LAW OFFICE 35 year resident of Ajax 30 Hunt St., Ste. 1, Ajax LIS 3M2 a�- Re/Max Quality One Ltd. purchase - ;400 683-1861 IL sale - $350 refinancing - $360 SOUTH AJAX! JUST STEPS TO YOUVE GOTTA SEE THIS ONE, OR ONE OF THE NICEST YOUT_L EVER SCHOOL AND PARK YOU WILL MSS THE BEST! SEE! This fully upgraded sidespl t sits on a Immaculate 3+1 bdrm. semi in Westney Heights starter. Better than 0. Indscpd. lot, a short walk to lake. PK:kenng. Gorgeous new european M. rew condition. 3 bdrms., new brdlm. & Feats. eat -in kit. overlooking lge. min. with all the extras. Mn. fir. completely flooring throughout, prof. fin, b6mt., fir. tam. rm., 3 bdrms-, fin. bsmi. has remodeled, 1 12 baths, fin. bsmt has Caiifomia shutters, cent air, lige. porch bg Jacuzzi tub & bar. Ind. satellite sep. entrance, 2 -pc. with r/i shower, end., oversize garage & a fabulously dish, sec. system, cent. air, ceramic cent air, gleaming hrdwd firs. Great ndscpd. prem. lot. If your very fussy, toyer, Ige. covered deck & handy dr. b value at $157,000, you wont be th s A the home for you. $164.900. gar. & side yard. Outstanding condition. disappointed Call Ross for details. THE NAME GOOD FRIENDS RECOMMEND THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED, FEUVARY 141993 -PAGE it CONDOS FROM 593,000 /6 .� L/ <> �•% Steve Krstinovski e'- - RF/MW (Sales Rep. 1 491-4002 64 -KIN -ami 4 :HARMAINE MCLAREN Sales Representative 6831961 JASMIN RODRIGUEZ Saks R•prasentative 683.1961 LOUISE REID Saks Recresenla LARRY SEEKS Saba Representative 683.1861 :1 STOP LOOKING! CIRCLE THIS ONE!!! Th :s dei ght!,;l home has 4 bdrrns.. 3 baths - en suite with sep. shower & Roman ?ub' His & hers walk-in closets, Gracious sap din. rr^.1 Open-concep? K' - 'a^ rm Wonderful w. -o bsmt ' ' V y `e-ced 55 SCeN on rterocKry acre' Yc ce• Ca Charmaine V:,a— 85 C^ y $224.901. ONLY $161 - PRETTY, PRETTY!! Very spacious (tome. 3 bdrms. - 3 baths - master bedroom en sude. Man floor laundry - tp. in liv. nn. - large greenhouse kit. - Call for your appointment Jasmin Rodrigues 683- 1861. WALK TO PARK & LAKE - ONLY $12000 4 yr. old semi with great income potential. 3+1 bdrm. bungalow has 2 baths, huge rec rm. with bar & shows extremely wet. Don't miss i4' Call Louise Reid 683-1861. 3 BDRIC BUNGALOW WHAW =I e An original owner home constantly maintained and upgrades Flagstone and porch. Flagstone foundation, ' ll new wkidows, aluminum siding last year. Shows great inside and out. This won't last. $145,800. LARRY SEENS' Sales Reoresentatnre 683.1861 iL CHARMING CENTURY BeautifuYy restored 4 bdrm. home located in the heart of Pickering Village on a 66x204' mature lot. Kitchen futures pine plank floors, pine cupboards, country wainscotting. Extras include energy efficient new thermopane windows, forced air gas heating, 5 appliances, detached oversized garage with hydro. Zoning permits 25% home occupational use. OOREt&1 TFIOIP80N 8elss R�preeeruletM W 31881 SEENS Sol" R�epreaerrt dw M1861 COSY BUNGALOW - ATTRACTIVELY PRICED Irrrnaculate 2 bdrmi with fully fin. bsmt. & woodstove, liv. li with w/o, kitchen with breakfast bar. All tastefully decorated. For $155,800. For more information please call Doreen T!tomoson. What's the catch? A 3 year oid, 4 bedroom home with full four piece on suite, walk -ii Closet, spacious eat -in kitchen with pantry, main floor laundry, main floor family room, fireplace. What's the catch? You'tI have to JAMES CARR Sales Representative 683-1861 GREAT ST. AR'ER De! 'r_ cep, 2 • ac :a•- - yard. 0- 1. 5' .- ... z _- view r 5 9111111111 BACKS ONTO TREED GREENBELT - $17Z900 Gorgeous home has 3 bdrmi 3 baths, tam. LOUISE REID rmAreplace, ceramic floors, deck, cent. air & Salm Rpresentative vac. Bay window & shows to perfection. To 6831861 view call Louise Reif 693-1961. i " SUPER VALUE - $197.000 2 bdrm., 2 bath condo apt. with large balcony, en suite laundry & 5 appliances. EVERLY COLL.NIGTON Also exercise room, sauna & pool for your Saba Repra•ntativs enjoyment. Call Beverly Colmgion at 683- 683.1861 1861. LARRY SEENS Saks Represengt rrS JUST AS PRETTY INSIDE! Loaded with curb appeal this all trick biome is 2,230 sq. ft. Located on a quiet street, 4 has a fenced and beautifuly landscaped kx. 4 bdmis., 2 112 baths. Fam. mt. with tp. and cent air are just a few of the possessions of JOHN ORT LAW OFFICE 30 Hunt St., Ste. 1, Ajax LIS 3M2 purchase - ;400 sale - $350 refinancing - $360 Plus G.S.T. and disbursements CALL 427-9919 "PHONE FOR PRICES OUTSIDE OF DURHAM" CONDOS FROM 593,000 /6 .� L/ <> �•% Steve Krstinovski e'- - RF/MW (Sales Rep. 1 491-4002 64 -KIN -ami 4 :HARMAINE MCLAREN Sales Representative 6831961 JASMIN RODRIGUEZ Saks R•prasentative 683.1961 LOUISE REID Saks Recresenla LARRY SEEKS Saba Representative 683.1861 :1 STOP LOOKING! CIRCLE THIS ONE!!! Th :s dei ght!,;l home has 4 bdrrns.. 3 baths - en suite with sep. shower & Roman ?ub' His & hers walk-in closets, Gracious sap din. rr^.1 Open-concep? K' - 'a^ rm Wonderful w. -o bsmt ' ' V y `e-ced 55 SCeN on rterocKry acre' Yc ce• Ca Charmaine V:,a— 85 C^ y $224.901. ONLY $161 - PRETTY, PRETTY!! Very spacious (tome. 3 bdrms. - 3 baths - master bedroom en sude. Man floor laundry - tp. in liv. nn. - large greenhouse kit. - Call for your appointment Jasmin Rodrigues 683- 1861. WALK TO PARK & LAKE - ONLY $12000 4 yr. old semi with great income potential. 3+1 bdrm. bungalow has 2 baths, huge rec rm. with bar & shows extremely wet. Don't miss i4' Call Louise Reid 683-1861. 3 BDRIC BUNGALOW WHAW =I e An original owner home constantly maintained and upgrades Flagstone and porch. Flagstone foundation, ' ll new wkidows, aluminum siding last year. Shows great inside and out. This won't last. $145,800. LARRY SEENS' Sales Reoresentatnre 683.1861 iL CHARMING CENTURY BeautifuYy restored 4 bdrm. home located in the heart of Pickering Village on a 66x204' mature lot. Kitchen futures pine plank floors, pine cupboards, country wainscotting. Extras include energy efficient new thermopane windows, forced air gas heating, 5 appliances, detached oversized garage with hydro. Zoning permits 25% home occupational use. OOREt&1 TFIOIP80N 8elss R�preeeruletM W 31881 SEENS Sol" R�epreaerrt dw M1861 COSY BUNGALOW - ATTRACTIVELY PRICED Irrrnaculate 2 bdrmi with fully fin. bsmt. & woodstove, liv. li with w/o, kitchen with breakfast bar. All tastefully decorated. For $155,800. For more information please call Doreen T!tomoson. What's the catch? A 3 year oid, 4 bedroom home with full four piece on suite, walk -ii Closet, spacious eat -in kitchen with pantry, main floor laundry, main floor family room, fireplace. What's the catch? You'tI have to JAMES CARR Sales Representative 683-1861 GREAT ST. AR'ER De! 'r_ cep, 2 • ac :a•- - yard. 0- 1. 5' .- ... z _- view r 5 9111111111 BACKS ONTO TREED GREENBELT - $17Z900 Gorgeous home has 3 bdrmi 3 baths, tam. LOUISE REID rmAreplace, ceramic floors, deck, cent. air & Salm Rpresentative vac. Bay window & shows to perfection. To 6831861 view call Louise Reif 693-1961. i " SUPER VALUE - $197.000 2 bdrm., 2 bath condo apt. with large balcony, en suite laundry & 5 appliances. EVERLY COLL.NIGTON Also exercise room, sauna & pool for your Saba Repra•ntativs enjoyment. Call Beverly Colmgion at 683- 683.1861 1861. LARRY SEENS Saks Represengt rrS JUST AS PRETTY INSIDE! Loaded with curb appeal this all trick biome is 2,230 sq. ft. Located on a quiet street, 4 has a fenced and beautifuly landscaped kx. 4 bdmis., 2 112 baths. Fam. mt. with tp. and cent air are just a few of the possessions of - t _ � ACHIEVERS REAL ESTATE AJAX 428-7677 PICKERING 831-7677 WEST HILL 286-7677 J I W v T'Z�iT I `Y FOR A START f ' READY FOR SUMMER? 7his 4 bdrm. would be per" ---c' Freshly painted, D All brick 2.775 sq. ft. Coughlan built home boasts fin. bsm1., close to schools & trans.. weo to deck1 + 4 bdrms., cent. air, cent. vac. plus Ige. yard KATHY MEREDITH 8 large yard. Ka"^y Meredith.MOV GARY PECK wMeated pool. See a today' Gary Peck 831 - Sales Representative Sales Representative 7677. AREAL PLEASERWT 1 J Hone pleases eye.; - once pleases Quiet hild _ oudget! child- sale sale court' 3 fV -dans.. fin. bsmt., - :)aCkS on t0 park - , OPEN CONCEPT LIVING! - and. Want more? 'Cath Meredith. y _ _ SUSAN VINCENT 1,700 sq. ft.' Main floor family rm., fp., master bdrm_ g sitting area . 4 -pc. en suite bath. __-- �--�—�- DROP IN AND SEE US AT OUR NEW Saks Representative ceramics, wood floors, huqe Dool too! Great value. Susan Vincent 429-7^— s _ PFL o LOCATION DISCOVERY BAYS BEST! SeauMul 3 Dc— aq'aoec ' -ose brdlrr. 467 WESTNEY RD. S. �� This horse featuresB 4 -pc. BEDROOMS 2-pc. baths. rec n.. wet bar, and aground Dool. Call Jill or Ken r . fireplace. Lake 428-76T7 ROSS OAKE w:o b5mt.. cent. air, steps to COrt,ServairQn. Long closing' s Oake 428- - � AJAX 428 7677 JILL SAVARD Sales Representative 7677 Saks Representative , �p SAILOR'S qZP DELIGHT' - � I .. 5ko ' Walk to your boat' J' ��. ` t Gorgeous 3 bdrm., r -- newly renov. ~" throughout! New Kit. & bath, tam. rm. fp., ceramics. 60�i oz. broadloom - _ a... *FABULOUS LOT• 75X200 FEET FOR THE DISCRIMINATING BUYER! must See" ROSS � Brick bungalow -, In-law apartment � 2 baths v JOAN HUDSON 2 kitchens 2 dnveways Insulated garage N KEN BROWN Sales Representative Ceramic floors, newer windows, inn. flr. tam. rm. ip., and master bdrm. en suite. Call jilt or - Qake 428-7677. Saks Representative $178.200 'Ken 426-7677. r .T 3 wow 188 ACRES COUNTRY RETREAT Lovely country home backing on to hardwood FIFTYA JOAN i JOHN Trade n stairs for knw�rid Discovery Plwe HNG?Hu KITCHEN TO LIVE FOR! DEmestLUXEo k4 kill., new roof trthereedmal FRANK STYBA Sdes Representative forest wtey barns . other barns i huge workshop. plus much more. Cal Frank Styba. PLUMPTON 2 bdrm. + 'NW View of lake/cfty 'Super rec S*$ R W05vt tins tacditiesisectxity. Now is the time! SHARE i Ti ISH FRENCH Sis windows, cent. air & more! Call Mrs. French 831- 7677. 2,300 SO. FT. ++ �► dEi- PRIME LOCATION" Spacious 4 bdrm. home. Huge eat -in faro. kit. w/walkout to yard, main fir.4 ' laundry 8r Cent. air. EXTRA SPEM BACKS ON TO PARK LAND Wont last. Call ELVIRA LAROCOUE Mn It fare. rm. with !replace. 3rd bdrm. converted to large en sude with JacuzzL VJak out SHVILEY i TRISH FRENCH Story South premium pie lot with 2,050 sq. ft. family -size home. Huge family rm. has cathedral Frank. Saks Reprountdin to 500 sq. fL deck, LOTS OF EXTRAS, to tad out more about this STUNNING HOME call ELVIRA at 428-7677. Sala PAPrsmftdm ceftvs. A rare find! Mrs. French 831-7677. •�� PICKERING QUIET QUIETiq kms' ��� COURT S� 4 bdrm. home located �j. close to PARK, SCHOOLS, SHOPPING O tib AND TRANSPORTATION. Formal dining room, family rm. with fp. . 3( PROFESSIONALLY FREEHOLD TOWNHOME LANDSCAPED, DO YOU WANT ACREAGE? LYNN McCULLOCH Great location: This home has a fam. rm., fp., CAC, en suite, deck. For appt. to see. call Lyn �� a - nterloic" waltway. g° " . CALL ELVIRA FOR Expansive setting - huge diamond pie Id. Sunny SHIRLEY i TRISH FRENCH 3 bdrm., 2 bath bung. New kiL i cool, brio fn. Sills Reprruenutirre McCulloch 831-7677. = fl�l� EXTFIAS 428.7677. tidos Roprsiirrta k" bsmt., ".W.PQtmOk Mrs, Fw0 831-7 , . . Vinyl windows the top choice for today's home With all the optiaos available today for window frames, glazing and styles, selecting windows for your home is no easy decision. Windows can be responsible for more than a third of a home's heat loss, so they are being viewed with much more scrutiny than in the past by realtors, home owners and prospective home buyers. There are a variety of window framing materials used today. The three types of window frames most widely available are vinyl, wood and aluminum. Aluminum frames, introduced in the 1950s, were the most widely used type until the soaring fuel prices and inflation of the 1970s resulted in a need to conserve energy and mon; stringent building codes. Home owners were encouraged to replace old, inefficient windows with modern, energy-efficient windows. Vinyl windows easily met the requirements for improved energy efficiency. Of the three materials, vinyl is the best insulator and the only material with the unique combination of thermal efficiency, attractive looks, ease of maintenance and a moderate price. Vinyl is an efficient window frame material because it is not a conductor of heat and cold. Thus, heat loss and condensation in cold winter months are minimized Additionally, vinyl windows are designed with hollow chambers inside the frame that provide air pockets for enhanced thermal performance, and also help reduce outside noise. Vinyl is ideal for windows because it will not nut, REALTY WORLD ME'. cER BROKE" 6200 SO. FT. SECLUDED ESTATE HOME Spectacular architecture. 6 bdrms., 5 en suite baths. 5 fps., huge cathedral ceiling wrskylights. gourmet kitchen. Gunde pool & hot tub, mature private treed lot. Call Jim Kellv', Blake Johnston' 831-6000. ENJOY THE SEASON'S On this 1 acre lot with over 4,000 sq. ft. of luxury living space. Too good to be true? Not so. Just pick up the phone, ask for Don Dennis' to find out how your dream can come true. 831.6000. WALK TO SCHOOLS & SHOPPING This 4 bdrm., 3 bath home shows pride of ownership. Stunning centre hall plan offers all the features you could want Mn. flr, laundry and family room. Call Blake Johnston' or Jim Kelly' 831-6000. EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY FOR IST TM 1 2 bdrms., 1 1/2 baths, five appliances, eat4n hugebelcony with spectacular western view. bdrm. has walk-in closet & en mule. Call WA Jr & Jim Keky 831.6000. .......... corrode, rot, shrink or swell, and is unaffected by water, salt spray or industrial pollution. This durability ensures a constant, right seal against air and water leakage and a window that remains easy to open and close. Because the color in vinyl is part of the material itself, instead of paint or a surface coating, scuffs and scratches will not show. Puttying, painting and staining are never required. Vinyl windows are cleaned simply with soap and water, without the need for messy solvents and chemicals. Also contributing to the rising popularity of vinyl windows and doors are enhancements in technology and manufacturing methods over the past two decades. One of the most recent advances has been the introduction of a process called "fusion welding," which fuses comers of the sash and frame to form a seamless, one-piece unit. Because gaps at the comers are eliminated, there is no seam for water and air leakage to occur. In addition to adding strength at the corners of vinyl windows, fusion welding can enhance a window's weather performance, durability and appearance as well. Today, vinyl windows offer a variety of glazing options that can also help achieve increased energy - efficiency. Insulated glass is usually the standard in vinyl windows, and optional low emissivity (low -E) glass helps keep heat on the inside during winter and on the outside in the summer, making today's double glazing (double -pane) the same thermal efficiency of THE NEWS ADVER?INS, WED, FEBRUARY 14 19113 -*AGE 13 older triple pan windows, without the additional weight. Other options include the replacement of trapped air between the panes of glass with clear, insulating Argon gas, and the use of high-performance, non- conductive spacer strips between the panes of glass ("warm -edge" technology) to eliminate heat conduction at the edge of the insulated glass. In addition to the many practical concerns in selecting the right windows for your home, it is important to consider aesthetic appeal, too. Vinyl offers an extremely clean, smooth appearance, and is available in a variety of colors, including white, almond and brown. There are also many window styles from which to choose that can fit any need or decor. Among them are picture, single -hung, double -hung, slider, casement, garden, bay and bow windows. For more information call the window dealer nearest you! Realty World East REAL ESTATE LTD. 1099 Kingston Rd., (Furniture Mall) 831-6000, Ajax 428-6000 —Associate Broker ' Sales Representative GORGEOUS CONDO Just move right in and put your feet uc. 3 bdrms.. & 1 4 - pc. & 1 3 -pc. washer & dryer, buwtt-m dishwasher, won't last long. Asking 5115,900. Call Maureen. 4lihaltsis' 831- 6000. TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE!! 3 bdrm. raised bungalow with upgrades galore!! Mirrored fireplace, cathedral ceiling, fin. bsmt. with w/o and tp. Loads of extras. To view call Rose MacKinnon' 831-6000. DONT MISS THIS ONE! This home has it all. Location, totally upgraded, large lot, cent. air, cent. vac., elec. air cleaner, main f1r. family rm., finished bsmt. & inground pool. Call Tern McNamee' 831- 6000. Call now for 8 112% mortgage, 5 ym with only $9,000 down. Finished lop to bottom, spotless home with new kl., hardwood floors. Freshly painted And you can walk to GO & showr4 Call Comte Derxtis' 831.6000. MISS IT AND KISS R GOODBYE! New ravine listing. About 2.XCC sa. ft. wit^ ow es of roor to hang your -Romances. 5a'er^ars. etc.- Wake,: granny retreat. mary erras Steve Cooper' ? njL CLOSE - COUNTRY QUIET Cosy bungalow, lining rm. with fireplace, sep, dining rm., family kitchen overlooking yard & ravine. Walk to park & shops. Ron Whalen' & Jan Whalen' 831-6000. To understand that this cosy detached home complete with garage is a brilliant buy! Vendor wants an offer! Increase your knowledge by calling Steve Cooper' 831- 6000. ;, �,O ,,�. "HELP PAY THE MORTGAGE =8,500 DOWN" AN brick bung. on mature lot, walk to lake! Fully seN- cordained 2 bdmk. apt! New high-eB. furnace! Long private fte. Sharon Hulchirwi! 8316000. i "CUSTOM BUILT - DREAM HOME" mmacutate. a" 'ne'cys a'cf deccratec SSS ,,pgrades' "I•r-e Pcuge ocat�or Ca' `c, a.. t e ,etaas Doc` -tss ,f,ts ore Sraror r ^son -6COC 3.210 sq. ft. of luxury. 4 bdrm., master bdrm. en suite, retreat & walk-in closet, main fir. den & laundry rm. Entry from garage, pool & more! Wayne Dean' 831-6000. WALK TO MALL Completely renovated 3+1 bdrm. sidespld on huge west facing lot. W/o to Ige. deck overlooking pool & sunset. Bsmt. finished with w/o & hot tub. Call Jim Kelly', Blake Johnston' 831.6000. "WATERFRONT" Lake Ontario. Enjoy a tranquil setting on this 95x590' usable grassy lot featuring huge fam. & living room, 2 brick fireplaces, pine floors, Ige. eat -in cedar kit. with view. Call Don Dennis' to view this outstanding home. 831- 6000. c .lA ' 14 t1V1i�1 hU�►>rk11BlIR �: P'EMktJAfltY H,'l1flC3 .. - - . - ...... - - • . - - - . - - - .. - - You'll GetPRETTYASA PICTURE ROYAL L dI:W%E *W ROYAL _ $189,900. What you ..... S !� ■ don't see is the bright ■ Results When w w/o bsmt. with 3 -pc. LINDA WIITENBOLS" bath, the sunny farrrly- _ GEORGE COUTT'S" size kit. & lovely master ManaWPick You Advert i se Manager Ajax" Linda yon' 427-652211 . HISTORIC POST BAYLY PLAZAi., , WESTNEY HEIGHTS! I " with 235 Boyly St. W. �— $159,500 Prem. lot! MANOR BRANCH 427-6522 _ Del. 2 storey, prof. 1970 Brock Rd, ftkering landscaped fin. bsml., ���- 790 built-in dishwasher, GyOU i - spat. IN. and din. area. Shows imma,7ulate! For further into. pis. JANU PERFORMANCE JANUARY PERFORMANCE Call David McIntyre' LEADERS -AJAX 427-6522. LEADERS - PICKERING REAL ESTATE i; � END THE SPACE ACE! TOP PRODUCER TOP PRODUCER _ $158.500. Wonderful lamiGUIDE - ,, , cres home suite, quiet Cres. with en suite, ret nn and extra bdrrn.. 3 W& IAL appls., fenced with large deck and front' porch! Brenda Clyde' t "' 427-6522 u __�►-��,a 112 LAKEE BY E AJAX 5199.900 4 borms.. t WILMA TANNER, 112 storey. 2 fin. rms. PAULE WHITELEY' m bsmt. & w/o from a_-dry m1. I road TOP LISTER L TOP LISTER '---n lake. For more J ,F : please call Paddy ` - Di-itn' 427-6522. THE PRICE IS RIGHT �,IIF. 1 M ".` �•�• we tap• 3 ! _ �► ' , ?►, odrm home Walkout 1 'turn din. rm. to Ige .. peck, fenced yard next beau iful reed lot. _;�f'I•- ght. neat kit, easy .:ess to shopping 8 may. 401 CallKer WILMA TANNER' -•- �` 5cwker- 683-7790 for KATHRYN PARISH' 2ND TOP PRODUCER 2ND TOP LISTER P f s 7B HOME' kit P PRODUCERS _ SPOTLESS FAMILY OTHER T Alax,'Pickenng ; I , _ ? -.as breakfast area & �7;� ' x D, % D to yard. 3 bdrms.. UJ �l�I Z�,Jvt'�?r JJ�� ` 7 baths. ren m Lot ;;x126' fenced and Jw aMscaped Maple R�oge cornmunity. Call ?► (REAL ESTATE ' = I � 68� 79r' Parish' `\ "� 6831790 ! COSY DETACHED ON t EVELYN REAGAN' EVELYN REAGAN* _ '$157,900 �3L bdrms.. OT MASSARAT NAOVI" DOUG JOYCE'' AJAX AJAX fp. n W. nn., eat -in kit PICKERING PICKERING SELLING Hasw/o to deck. 3 premwm bl and a oversizedaxle gar., m new � 7-ee exterior ncl. new YOUR HOME? rod.Want Iasi. aCall n' Anene Heasman' 583-1790. G _ DOWN BY TME BAY! &35.900 Extensively �c .►— ...� t renovated 2.300 sq. T` quality upgrades 4 -x ` bc^rs. & study, new o-7im., new oak kit, vv^mpool tub. 4 1 6 MAUREEN BODLEY' BRENDA CLYDE' caor,r parking. sduated HEATHER CULLEN* SCOTT MCCORMACK' THEAJAX AJAX j ravne quiet Arlene PICKERING AJAX IT Heasman' 683.1790. - _ -� BEST ,>~ IT 9 It BILL HIBBITS 4 Sales Representative 831-2273 =— " SHARON CURRY* PADDI DIMrTRI' BARBARA EDWARDS* KEN BOWKER• JOHN R. BRrM IRENA DAMRELL' GWEN FRYER- ROBERT CASE AJAX AJAX AJAX PICKERING PICKERING PICKERMIG PK:KERING Nf Al 1 Y , $MIT♦ rl NE A. TCW S '� ROYAL t.�aGE: ■ � :.� ._ 1970 BRocK RD. PKWMWIG -1790 LNpA LYON' JIM MCMASTEER' SHIRLEY OATES' DIANA PUTP Am ENE HEASMAN' BLLJORDAN' GERALDJAEGER' AJAX AJAX AJAX AJAX PCKERNG PICKERIIIG PIICKERIING J SPECTACULAR VIEwlI' $106,900. Gorpeolls kowry 2 bdrm. bright ew4n kiL. an % suite laundry, 2 balconies, 5 appls., build features exerase rm., pool, sauna. Close to 'Gl and all LOIS POLAK' MARILYN POWERS' DAPHNE BLAKE' CAROLYN WEBIr SYLVIA KYLE* VERA MWIISAAC• JN MCALPW arrienKies. Call I. DamreNYJ. Britt' 683-1790. AJAX AJAX AJAX AJAX PK:KERING PICKERING PICKERING ;�, • Sales Represeruat o ;� IlssoGata Broksr C. ._-W AVW $174,900. FNesUllxedRpeaoeful res. area, ent. size Irv. L& rm., din. rm., master bdrm., with cozy fireplace, eat -in kit, fin. bsmt. with sauna and w/o to beautiful yard. I. SHARON WHITE' CLAUDIA MEISE' TOY BOZANIS' SUSAN PROHASKA' BARBARA VACIRCA' JILL SMITH' DamrgN'/J.Britt 683-1190._ AJAX AX, PICKEiiNG PICKERING PICKERING . PICKERING ..Ttt>E xEws,�.ow�rrtscR►�!asaD►. rtr►�tw�c 1�,1��� is BUPA HOME, USE YOUR RRSPsm., s: 0 tp I a et AND GET YOUR TAX BREAK ..... ...... . OTTAWA. ONTAMO, FEBRUARY 4, 1993. available to consumers. Calling the Home The Home Buyers' Plan continues to be an Buyers' Plan a "good deal", he pointed out that With an above-average year-end report and an average January report, the Oshawa & District Real Estate Board (ODREB) reports that REALTORS are looking forward to the usual busy spring unqualified success. according to David Canadians are getting the use of up to $20,000 }Liggins. President of The Canadian Real Estate market. of their RRSP funds tax-free and interest free. "We have many different contributing factors which will hopefully help create an above-average Association (CREA). Depending on the individual's circumstances "CREA member real estate boards and and pians, many questions can arise that need to spring market. The factors are: we have been told the recession is finally over; General Motors in Oshawa escaped closure last December; and the government's Home Buyers' Plan has been extended financial institutions report that the plan - which be answered correctly before the taxpayer to March 1, 1994," says Christine Kendall, President of ODREB. allows Canadians the use of their own RRSP makes important financial decisions. Those '"The inflation rate, interest rates and housing prices haven't been this low for a number of years, funds to help purchase homes - is making planning to use the Home Buyers' Plan, should and 1992's statistics prove that it was the time to buy a home, whether it be a first-time or a trade -up homeownership available to thousands who contact their financial adviser or call Revenue home. For January, the sales are somewhat lower than December's, but I am confident that we have would otherwise be reluctant or unable to buy", Canada for information toll free at 1-800-668- just begun on a slow start and it will be a stimulating market come spring," adds Kendall. Higgins said. 7622. For January, there were 210 residential sales in the Durham Region by ODREB REALTORS, However, CREA's President advised The Canadian Real Estate Association, whose fourteen per cent lower than December's sales of 246. The average price was $140,083, a slightly prospective users of the Home Buyers' Plan to three-year lobby gave impetus to the Home higher amount than last month's price of 5137,154; the number of active residential listings was up make themselves fully aware of key rules and Buyers' Plan, is Canada's largest single- by 10.49 from December's 2035 listings; and the average number of days on the market (before the dates if they are to obtain maximum benefits in industry organization, representing some 84,000 home was sold) were 61. The Oshawa & District Real Estate Board is a professional trade association which represents over acquiring a home. licensed or registered brokers/agents and Higgins said the rules are reasonable but need sales 1,000 REALTORS in Newcastle, Port Perry, Oshawa, Whitby and Ajax -Pickering. REALTOR is a Hi $$ people in 117 local real estate boards and registered certification mark which identifies real estate licensees who are members of ODREB and to be better explained and more widely 10 provincial associations. as such abide by a strict Code of Ethics and Standards of Business Practice. r— ».,,• Y 1450 KINGSTON RD. 100 WESTNEY RD. PICKERING AJAX 420-4200 427-4771- CanadaMARGOTJOHNSON Trust Realty Member of Toronto & PHILLIPS Canada Trust Realty Inc. , Realtor Oshawa Real Estate DEBORAH FOLKES Pickering Manager I Board Ajax Manager DETACHED 4 BEDROOMS77 ,; ***RED TAG SPECIAL*** $1745900 587,000. Scarborough condo. M -' 1+1, all appliances, cent. air, Ajax - lovely clean home on 45' lot. Finished rec rm., close to all amenities. day care on 4 BEDROOMS 5169.000 access from house to garage, central air & vac., 1 1/2 - TMS -ior'e srcWs 7;-a-*. -e er ane• laf baths, lis more. Won't last. Call Ginette Campbell*, property. Priced to move - bring all and k4c"er'er' s f,:sred Wer Ba*1',sde door p p ' offers! Nat Scobie' 427-4771. entry and 3 -piece *asrrocr- Aa!k 'o all ar^enrt es. Sales Rep. Bus. 427-4771 res. 427-0939. J For more into. cal tvo-�ua 9ar^orcge' at 427.4771 NAT SCOBIE' NORICIA BAMBRIDGE' 7 686-2335 l24 ncur ca;e- ' ENTERTAIN IN STYLE _ _ n this 4 bedroom. 2 112 bath quality built home, WERE PUTTING YOU ON featuring an enormous kitchen, separate dn. rm. ( ECONOMICAL STARTER ^ _ r . ; ^ rV� 3 b'r^s.. ove s,ze� cat'^•ool sec en. o a ; ea. oc� " = w' oQC sC. s4, and large tam. rm. with fp. King-size master bdrm. +� 1 r 2 ca'"s home *I, a•;e K'. a,,c a". has sitting area and beautiful en suite. Located m K ��er. and a large !N. rm. all you need. Ma' re ? x NW Whitby. Call Manlyn Brooks' for personal a,ea. crose to all arner nes. $149.900. Ca!' ^e -CW ;grace ge c S' �4 c�9 "a•= cc«' a ! MARILYN BROOKS' Bus. 427 771 or 683 7. MARG BEATTY* Mar, Beatty' at 427-471. JANE WATTS' .;ane'.'oa" s' at 427-4—' MEET BRUCE' & DONNA COLBY' IHF. ULTIMATE REALTOR LOVELY BUNGALOW IN-LAW SUITE ! HAS SPARKLING BUNGALOW- 3 bdrm. detached. original owners. Very we, rept Newer roof, newer windows and new kitchen. Self- home, 2 fps.. cent. a!r, beautrtul fir. C. . cone m contained nanny's quarters m bsmi. 4 bill 2 pine. Basements fully fir, wr,^ s+de door errry =or T« O HE:�DS, baths. 2 kits. Large lot and lots more! Call John more info. call Nonca Barrt-ege' at 427-477' or JOHN CRAWFORD' Crawford' at 427-4771. NORICIA SAMBRIDGE' 686-2335 (24 hr. pager. FOUR El'ES. EIGHT LIMBS AND S,e�� ' NJ � "^ A 880 SANOK DR., PICKERING FIRST TIME OFFERED CHECK OUT THE VALUE ON THIS This Ige. beauty features soft. neutral decor SPLIT Absolutely beautiful 4 bdrm. home. Modem eat -in throughout. Mn. flr. tam. & laundry rm. Master - ll with w/o to Ige. deck & private yard, cent. air & a bdrm. w/4 -pc. en suite. Cent. vac. for easy cleaning PERSONALITY. Lake view. Desirable South Spacious 4 bdrm. cent. vac., 3 baths. 2 kits., lots of natural wood & dble. car. gar. Minutes to school & all amenities. All at the affordable P Mary rice of $189,900. Call Ma + tam. rm., fully enclosed pool, plus large backyard. JOHN VASILOFF' 420-4200. accents. Don't miss this gem. Call John Vasibff' MARY KLASSEN' Klassen' 4204200. BRUCE* OR DONNA COLBY' 4274771 PRICED TO SELL - JUST LISTED, SHOWS A 1,043 MEADOWRIDGE CRES., PICKERING "10" PLUS . DONT PASS IT BY! j WONDERFUL FAMILY HOME! Stunning 3 bdrm. on huge premium lot, impeccable Beautiful large 4 bdrm. home reflects pride of This immaculate 4 bdrm. home in Amberlea has 4 from top to bottom, inside and out. Features curved ownership, neutral decor, move -in condition, all this all. Main fir. tam. rm. with fireplace. Main fir. laundry ;! staircase, skylight, custom deck, fabulous rec rm., for only $144,500. Call to view this beauty of a with side door and door to garage. Call Doris cent. air, cent. vac. + upgrades galore" For JOHN VASILOFF' deal. John Wsill 4204200. DORIS MUIR' Muir'to view. Won' last at $218,000, 420-4200. JANICE GARNETT' directions call Janice Gamett' at 420-4200. CONGRATULATIONS PICKERING! CONGRATULATIONS AJAX! TOP PRODUCER TOP USTERS TOP PRODUCER YES MAPLE RIDGE IS AFFORDABLE! $171,500 AND +.. 1st time buyer's dream. Fully del. 3 bdrms., bright TOP LISTER �- eat -in kill. Bsmt rn.. boasts cosy fireplace plus 41h JOHN CRAWFORD bd6 appls., fenced yard, all amenities. Don't miss this one, it won't last. To view call Roberta JAIMCE GARI TT JAYSON YANULAR liON t",pAMll ROBERTA PENNELL' Pennelr 420-4200. ASSOCIATE BROKER - TRUSTED FOR SERVICE RESPECTED FOR RESULTS 'SALES REPRESENTATIVE PAGP. ti-1)F� 00 1 7iu/1744hy FIRS REALTY AJAX - 686-3330 LTD. 1450 KINSTON RD., PICKERING 831-3300 �1 SUPER 1ST TIME BUY -:159,900 Detached, all brick. Family room, finished rec room. Forced air gas heating, quiet street, home requires some 1 finishing. Motivated vendor. Please call for further info. Bev McLean' 831-"W. - JUST ASK BEV - R6//V1w R6�o�1�C FI RST Rid' a31-3300 FI RST Realty AMBERLEA! Over 3,000 sq. ft. of luxury, hardwood floors, main floor family room and den, s4 greenhouse kitchen with u pantry and walkout to pie- shaped treed lot!! For details call Nancy Pounder-, 831-3300. - RF/MSC - -� 831-3300 ~ =--L FIRST Rd'" 831-3300 .4 =n - - - INTERIOR DESIGNERS HOME— +1Wri� JUST LISTED - HOT 5176,600 - ' Prestigious Brooawood - community F ' ' Fan y room - comer fP. 3 bedrooms, 3 oats Eat -m Ktchen 'Close to all amenities Spotless _ For a pnvate viewing al Lee " -- Byers' or Bruce Madleton' at - r •' 831-3300- - 14 i RF/MW - - -- 1831-33007 FI RST d l" 831-3300 - NO FLAWS! In this diamond T i _ ...sparkling 3 bdrms., 3 bathrms., main floor a i family room with fp., furl --' _ fenced ... $174,900. To - view this gem... Wa CALL JOE 831-3300 831-3300 > - J, . 831-3300 - �- RVMW FIRST LUXUMOUS TRDAL XQAATNW Hudson model $149,800 3rd ft western expos" halian marble Neutral decor French doors . Carpolied QLW balcony 3 wal&A .Comic backspin 2 bedrooms ' Solarium. Call Jame' or Geary WhAe•. RF/MPC FIRST U. SUBURB EAST - $239,500 With exceptional bright s- law suite. 4 bedrooms, main floor family room, view of the lake, backs to apple orchard. Call Ed Williamson, Broker, 831- 3300. WMW FI RST Ra ud"'f .■r 'Sales Ravirm 831-3300 F83-1-33001 ONLY $154,900!! A "SUPER t _ STARTER!" Not a condo! This -Beauty' boasts 8.875 - 5 yr. mug. - assumable! 5 top-of-the-line appiiancest Interlock walkway 8 deck off dining Snows j great! Rosemary Perkins'. 1831-3300. rp Am WMW FIRST Realty LOTS TO OFFER FOR ONLY $164,990 *s Det. 3 bedroom home boasting large eat -in - kitchen With 2 windows, spat. din. + liv. rm. with walkout, fin. rec room, cent.1 air, all window ' coverings, 3 appls. and located on quiet court. L. Micallef', 831-3300. RF/MW Realty FIRST Ltd.T CHECK OUTHESE FEATURES! circular staircase J Family size krnhen pantry N' 3 speaous bedrooms v Finished rec room v Cent arc, 3 appliances v Fireplace in k mg room v Omt cres., Fox Hollow J Only $174,90011 Sherry r Ptulhps', 831-3300. RF/MW FIRST`'' AN ABSOLUTE GEM!! ............ A rare find in Ajax% most desirable area! Walk to fie. conservation and park. Beautiful 4 bdrm. home boasts mn. fir. fam. rm., fp., formal din. rm., fam. sae Idt, mn. fur. laundry. 4 story bey windows, cold calar, centre hal plan. S apple,. ind. Unbeievable value at $196,900 Hurry, won't lostll Cal Brian O'Don omW. RVMW FI RST � f MLAWSORMCM Top of the line basement apartment with walkout. Prestige lomtion. Upper Meek boast 2,800 sq. it of luxury. Includes: heat pump, garburator, Jacuzzi, central vac., intercom, 2 fireplaces, double oak staircase, contra island, Bench doors plus. Walk to school & stores. Wendy Corturw. " Rf/MW 831-3300 - - FI RST A NOME FOR ALL SEASONS! ' Approx. 3.000 sq. ft. ' Walkout basement . overlooking greenbelt ' Main floor den ' Stunning layout ' 2 en suite bathrooms Exceptional value r�. v > $219.900. "Power of Sale" Call Jacqueline Routh. Assoc. Broker. 831-3300. R6//V1w R6�o�1�C FI RST Rid' a31-3300 FI RST Realty AMBERLEA! Over 3,000 sq. ft. of luxury, hardwood floors, main floor family room and den, s4 greenhouse kitchen with u pantry and walkout to pie- shaped treed lot!! For details call Nancy Pounder-, 831-3300. - RF/MSC - -� 831-3300 ~ =--L FIRST Rd'" 831-3300 .4 =n - - - INTERIOR DESIGNERS HOME— +1Wri� JUST LISTED - HOT 5176,600 - ' Prestigious Brooawood - community F ' ' Fan y room - comer fP. 3 bedrooms, 3 oats Eat -m Ktchen 'Close to all amenities Spotless _ For a pnvate viewing al Lee " -- Byers' or Bruce Madleton' at - r •' 831-3300- - 14 i RF/MW - - -- 1831-33007 FI RST d l" 831-3300 - NO FLAWS! In this diamond T i _ ...sparkling 3 bdrms., 3 bathrms., main floor a i family room with fp., furl --' _ fenced ... $174,900. To - view this gem... Wa CALL JOE 831-3300 831-3300 > - J, . 831-3300 - �- RVMW FIRST LUXUMOUS TRDAL XQAATNW Hudson model $149,800 3rd ft western expos" halian marble Neutral decor French doors . Carpolied QLW balcony 3 wal&A .Comic backspin 2 bedrooms ' Solarium. Call Jame' or Geary WhAe•. RF/MPC FIRST U. SUBURB EAST - $239,500 With exceptional bright s- law suite. 4 bedrooms, main floor family room, view of the lake, backs to apple orchard. Call Ed Williamson, Broker, 831- 3300. WMW FI RST Ra ud"'f .■r 'Sales Ravirm 831-3300 F83-1-33001 ONLY $154,900!! A "SUPER t _ STARTER!" Not a condo! This -Beauty' boasts 8.875 - 5 yr. mug. - assumable! 5 top-of-the-line appiiancest Interlock walkway 8 deck off dining Snows j great! Rosemary Perkins'. 1831-3300. rp Am WMW FIRST Realty LOTS TO OFFER FOR ONLY $164,990 *s Det. 3 bedroom home boasting large eat -in - kitchen With 2 windows, spat. din. + liv. rm. with walkout, fin. rec room, cent.1 air, all window ' coverings, 3 appls. and located on quiet court. L. Micallef', 831-3300. RF/MW Realty FIRST Ltd.T CHECK OUTHESE FEATURES! circular staircase J Family size krnhen pantry N' 3 speaous bedrooms v Finished rec room v Cent arc, 3 appliances v Fireplace in k mg room v Omt cres., Fox Hollow J Only $174,90011 Sherry r Ptulhps', 831-3300. RF/MW FIRST`'' AN ABSOLUTE GEM!! ............ A rare find in Ajax% most desirable area! Walk to fie. conservation and park. Beautiful 4 bdrm. home boasts mn. fir. fam. rm., fp., formal din. rm., fam. sae Idt, mn. fur. laundry. 4 story bey windows, cold calar, centre hal plan. S apple,. ind. Unbeievable value at $196,900 Hurry, won't lostll Cal Brian O'Don omW. RVMW FI RST � f MLAWSORMCM Top of the line basement apartment with walkout. Prestige lomtion. Upper Meek boast 2,800 sq. it of luxury. Includes: heat pump, garburator, Jacuzzi, central vac., intercom, 2 fireplaces, double oak staircase, contra island, Bench doors plus. Walk to school & stores. Wendy Corturw. " Rf/MW 831-3300 - - FI RST