HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA1993_02_03Picketing Edltlon L�DYERfi1S1R612 CHURCH PHARMACY DELIVERY AVAILABLE PICKEHiNG •AJAX 683-4489 WHOBY • OSHAWA Wednesday, Feb. 3, 1993 44 pages A Metroland Cortltrnunity Newspaper Pressrun 35,000 704 + 50 GST - 75 cents Vol. 112 No. 5 FREE MONEY TIPS: A free workshop being spon- sored by the Ajax Public Library will help you with your financial planning. Speaker Doug Hawkins, of Jones Gable and Co., will cover topics such as personal planning, tax sav- ings, RRSPs and retirement planning Saturday, Feb. 6, at 11:30 am., at the main library branch, 65 Harwood Ave. Reg- ister by calling the library at 683-4000. Crone vicitms =I `want rights equal to accuseds Page A3 Stand-offs „. with police send quietly .Page A4 Special sections Real Fstate Pull-out (Regular features ' ....A6 Obkv= ies.........»»..._ A 17 19 Etat emus” _...__.. _4M Cbsdrwd A28 C itizens plead for tax freeze ... Or 'we'll run council out of town' PICKERING - Residents demanding a tax freeze stalled the Town's budget in council chambers Monday night when politicians failed to ratify it. Angry taxpayers saying they can't afford to shell out any more money took council to task for proposing a 2.5 per cent tax hike. "This tax revolt business is not a joke; it's very real," said resident Gordon Potts. He warned that if the Town tries to seize the homes of people who owe three years' taxes, "I will get people going. I will go after your butts for overextending your authority." Tina Ramsden protested that her "home is not a constant source of income for this Town's greed ... you must also be prepared to be run out of Town if you fail to listen to your fellow citizens." Politicians heard from unemployed citi- zens, seniors on fixed incomes and rc,;idenLs Controversial sex education 111 videos okayed By LItiDA WfUTE - Staff Reporter DURHAM - Parents urging the public school board to ban a controversial sex education video series are disappointed by a decision to show the videos to older students. "It's a joke," criticizes Carol Switzer of Port Perry. "We don't approve of material promoting homosexuality and promiscuity at any age. We want our children taught refusal and abstinence skills." But a special committee established by the Durham Board of Education in December to review the Growing Up Series has decided the videos will be available as long as they're not shown to students before Grade 7. Until now, they've been shown to stu- dents beginning in Grade 4. "It's better than nothing," believes Carol Ottenhof, whose con- cerns led the board to review the material. "I'd feel more com- fortable if the videos weren't there at all, but at least younger stu- dents will be spared. "I'd prefer if the board took a stand rather than try to make everyone happy," adds the Uxbridge mother. "You should be able to trust the representatives you're entrusting your children to " The review committee was comprised of four educators, four trustees and a random selection of four parents who sit on porent- wacher associations. Three of the 11 voting members opposed the series, six approved it with conditions and two approved it with- out conditions. The conditions endorsed are: • teachers be informed of alternative resources; • before presentation, a school's parent advisory committee be invited to the school to view the videos; • principals improve the process of notifying parents, who must be told when the video will be shown and given the option of viewing the video and/or pulling their children from that par- ticular class. Produced by the National Film Board of Canada, the videos are among many resources offered to teachers by the board and, See SEX—Page A7 who say they're barely making ends meet. "Should I fight for a zero per cent tax increase or go on welfare?" one woman asked. "If I'm forced to choose the latter, you're abdicating your responsibility." Fred Beer questioned politicians' priorities and management decisions, suggesting that they re-examine the S2.5 -million library bud - See PICKERI ti ;...Page A7 Dance to France Dancers from the Pickering School of Ballet twinkled their toes at the Pickering Town Centre on the weekend to raise funds for a dance -exchange trip to France. Jennifer Lill was among the dancers demonstrating her skill. Anyone wishing to contribute to the fund-raiser can call Karen Davies at 699-8566. photo by Celia Bron khorst OuarMy means trots -- Advertise in Ajax -Pickering News Advedbw (683-5110) and 0dwwa-Wh1by fits Week (579-44M.114.000 pressrun every Wednesday !:h ,INTERNATIONALWTK Chi - WOMEN'S AA • TENNIS EXHIBITION W g � throw h Sunda Februar1 , g y� y 2-7 LSatl. AUNCHurday ' - •.�,,Feb 6 ............................. lialenda's%13 goes a cut above the rest The quality of Halenda's M & D Meats product is already well known and regarded by the public and Durham Region restaurants alike. Starting next week. Halenda's will offer a new service to its clients — bulk meat. The service. which will be offered at the Liverpool Rd. in Pickering location only. provides people with an alternative to buying a side or hind of beef or pork and getting stuck with meat cuts they don't particularly want. -You simple buy the cut of meat you a ant." explains Richard Halenda. who started planning for the service approximately 1 1/2 -years ago when he saw it offered in Germany. The Pickering store has been recently renovated to include a refrigerated showroom and. now. people can go right in and pick out the meat they want. Halenda's meat cutters will show you how to cut and package the meat yourself. "if you can paint a room. you can cut meat." says Halenda. ''N'e believe we can teach anyone to cut the product in their own kitchen." The results are increased sayings (Halenda expects people will be able to save 25 to 30 per cent off the already low counter prices at M & D ?Meats shops) and pride. "I guarantee the steaks. roasts or chops you cut are going to.be the best tasting you ever had." he says. That statement comes from experience. Halenda recalls how his father used to cut his own meat at home and each of the children would have a special job wrapping and labelling. "It is not just a case of people feeling they have control over the product and economic savings," says Halenda. "This can be somewhat of a social family activity. That is where the pride comes in. The great feeling you get from accomplishing something." The Pickering store has all the materials available that people will need. Peach paper. wrapping paper and, even. bone blades that fit hacksaws can be purchased at the store. "1 expect many commercial establishments will take advantage of the service. but I also expect it to be very popular with the general public," Halenda says. "This is an alternative for people who buy bulk meat. People will know the meat they are preparing is fresh because thev are cutting it themselves." The service will be offered only at the 1794 Liverpool Rd. location in Pickering for now. But Halenda says if it is as successful as he feels it is going to be. the other six M & D Meats locations may be offering similar service in the near future. Halenda's M & D Meats has been in service for 13 years. The chain now has seven stores in Durham Region. Halenda's stores offer a broad range of meat products — beef, pork and chicken — and a specialty deli operation, including producing all their own smoked meats. The Pickering store will continue to offer full -counter services as well as the new bulk -meat services. Come See Our Newly Renovated Pickering Store!! prof essional I - Meat Cutters oft the premises to show you how to cut your oum meat' Introducing Our... COST CUTTING CENTRE Walk into our KNEW" Refrigerated Showroom You Choose It, You Cut It, You Save! User Friendly 09 Strip Loins_.` � . 5 n. Canadian Grade "A" Red Brand 682 Filet Mignons. �. Lean Stew 45 Meat 21 . a. Beneless Grade "A" �..m...»..A... 13 Sirloin Top ButtN.3 W Grade "A" Rat Brand d N& Aw&96 Bottom Rounds..".2 m Rat Brant "Median n Grails "A" 86 Short Loins 3ft. Grads "A" .� . 621 Rib Eyes i *-A �. Rat crani! Grand "A" Chef Style Z 5 Prime Ribs. �N.3 a. 0 01 Boneless Chicken Breasts iolb. 24 a.es 4,b. Roast Beed 21b. 68 Pastramgo i �f 68 til iu. :10): Meaty 1016. 56 Back Ribs.N.N."..e. .N ,.. Lean Boneless 33 Back ...... »...N.N...... �3 Breakfast x 08 BaconN.N.N.N.N.NN..N.. �. Pork _. ZO TenderloinsN..I.I.m.. .4 m Boneless �n8�. Buckeyes Whole #1 sa Hams �125 n� Picnic HamsN...o9S Pork Loins..Arm .. 99 1M. aqw-- Bog CasingsN.NN.NN.1092 . Z 0 BUMM welcome• s %" wooden ,,, 5400 Skewers....N�N N >u.. 0 HOURS Tues. ", Wed. " Thurs. "q Fri. 4" Sat. 8.6, Sun. 10-4 We Accept THE NEttIM ADVEMI'M M, WEDS MMUARY 3, 00-PAG193-A au s:....." ough b 11s on uns orn AJAX-PICKERING - MP P«oproe6d bills on pornography. ; and order" issues.. Rene Soetens is lending support to and gun control are being applaud- "My constituents have told me what he calls "tough new justice ed by Mr. Soetens, who says his they want tougher laws. I intend to measures" suggested by a col- constituents in Ajax and Pickering see that they get them," says Mr. league. have expressed concert[ over "law Soetens, who calls MP John R ' bills " Crime victims demand rights equal to accused's By LINDA WINE Staff Reporter DURHAM -The "lack of rights" for crime victims has mobilized a local group calling for rights "equal" to those of the accused. "When I looked for help inside and outside the system, I found nothing. We have to be vocal. One voice at a time won't be heard," Dianne Lupton of the Women's Action Coalition (Dur -harp) said at a public information meet- ing in Pickering Thursday. The Pickering woman is a victim of unwanted harassment or stalking and has been living in terror the past four years since calling it quits with a man she dated for four months. But Mrs. Lupton is also a "victim of the system," and has been frustrated by her "lack of rights" in a system many vic- tims believe gives too much leniency to criminals, too much power to lawyers and too little thought to victims and their families. The coalition points to a number of "inequities" in an open letter it's encouraging concerned citizens to send to their representative in Ottawa: - Victims don't have the right to legal representation recognized by the court. Instead, they must rely upon the Crown Attorney, who pros- ecutes those accused of a crime on behalf of the public, and the court to protect their rights. - Victims do not have the right to a speedy that. - Victims do not have the right to full disclosure of evi- dence before a trial. - Vicants do not have guar- anteed access to evidence from the Crown or police before a trial. - The accused does not need to testify, though the vic- tim must go to court prepared to defend all the acts of his of her life. At the meeting, crime victims' advocate Don Sul- livan criticized a Don Sullivan justice system which is "failing society," pointing to parole and cor- rectional systems "which don't real- ly care." The Ajax resident has won several changes to the Crimi- nal Code since the murder of his daughter Pamela in 1980 by a criminal out of prison on mandatory supervision, includ- ing the consideration of victim impact statements by sentenc- ing judges. Still, he's calling for further changes, such as tougher laws for violent offenders and drunk drivers. A co-founder of the support group Victims of Vio. lence and former police offi- cer, Mr. Sullivan is offering advice to coalition members. The Ontario Riding Reform Party candidate in the next fed- eral election urges them to "be a self-help group first and a lobby group second." He believes their biggest obstacle to making changes will be the Criminal Bar Association of Canada, and suggests it's easi- er to change an existing law than to introduce a new statute. Mrs. Lupton's story will be told on CBC's Life — The Program on Monday, Feb. 8 at 10:30 pm. The Women's Action Coalition meets again Tues- day, Feb. 23. For information, call 837-2725 or 619-2602. Trustee In Bankruptcy Offering all insolvency services including personal A corporate bankruptcies (MAWA 58 Rossland Rd. W. 721-7506 AJAX- 3 Harwood Ave. S. 619-1473 C090MG: 72 King St. W. 3724744 Saturday 6 evening appointments available. JAMES R. YANCH 839-1195 683-1143 Ronald*A. Rubinoff LAWYER 1020 BROCK ROAD PICKERING, ONTARIO ��31����.�.�iiz �>,� �t`'. � r `: � t�tw�2► � � . � ; .: t t:► tt t t: t t.t.tt_>I euner s proposed a perfect vehicle in which to pursue this change." If passed. the Pornography leg- S islation would "strengthen, define and clarify" laws and would chem nalize the use of children in the production of porn, says Mr. Soetens, Progressive Conservative MP for Ontario Riding. It would also include "tough new measures" to protect women from violence in porn, and would protect society from "degrading and dehumanizing" porn, he says. The firearm legislation would increase minimum mandatary sen- tences for offenders. Anyone wanting more informa- tion on the proposals is invited to call Mr. Soetens's office at 686- 0432 Fra-k1i s ft,4 16 0 < �RV�RY �Noar FROZEN FWD NONM 1 FEATURE PRICE 1.99 WITHOUT COUPON I I Vodroo - I 1 1/2 Moos or t JOS 1 LOUIS 1 t Box of 6 WRH COUPONExpiru 1 ` Vol _ L _ - e - — — — — Fie 13/93) IM . 1 _ L e ; r. AJAX 282 Monarch Ave. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I L South of Hwy. 401 At Bovh► 1 1 1 � 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 F 1 1 6eaw! 106 1 1 Oaf1 1 RAW CM 1 1I L4� 99r73V93a ------------------- DAILY 9-9 SATURDAY SUNDAY 10-6 Pr DELIVERY SERVICE (MATCH FOR THESE WERTS dr FLYERS COMING TO YOUR DOOR WITH YOUR NEWS ADVERTISER CARRIER TODAY AND IN THE DAYS AHEAD! WED., FEB. 3193 NEWS ADVERTISER BIWAY (A,IAXIPICK.) •EATONS OJAX/PICK.) 'FNA FWANCIAL INC. OJA) REAL ESTATE (AJAXIM.) SHOPPERS DRUG MART - DohwW 10 seWded hausWwids only (AJAX/PICK.) -THE BAY (PICK.) -WOOLCO (AJAXA'ICK.► FRI., FEB. 5/93 NEWS ADVERTISER (PKC(.) CJWADIAN TIRE (AJ WI Cc.) att : Lbw - ihi hips, Fat Side w FISH N r= 1 Minid - 26/30 pert Pedal t Dnvhw MAG(TIM ,1 �A gar a10� ttE ��r� �' re Asir t i i 1 1;! 3 'I s 4HE ORIGINAL BOXED MEAT STORES •' ; 1 1 .1 '1 jl 1 IN or Triol, Cil•■INn Trost 1 CGrrnal or 1 1 LUM 1 CHAIM 2s1 FS. I 325-MFEL I L 13ML62��--- 13M b�.rt.Irw.sq� ■aa>wrri j�rY �uia WEDISMAY CARRER OF THE WEEK E ADAM CLARRY Adam enjoys hockey, be" srtovrboardirp, wk0ng cards. Adam received IAcDorwlds axauponc oo omenls of nhe News Advertiser. CArigrataalaliort: Adam for being our Wednesday carrier a the week. OMMI 3,11=1Vle NMY 41 � 0 s � UYu AVE a ; 1 � 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 F 1 1 6eaw! 106 1 1 Oaf1 1 RAW CM 1 1I L4� 99r73V93a ------------------- DAILY 9-9 SATURDAY SUNDAY 10-6 Pr DELIVERY SERVICE (MATCH FOR THESE WERTS dr FLYERS COMING TO YOUR DOOR WITH YOUR NEWS ADVERTISER CARRIER TODAY AND IN THE DAYS AHEAD! WED., FEB. 3193 NEWS ADVERTISER BIWAY (A,IAXIPICK.) •EATONS OJAX/PICK.) 'FNA FWANCIAL INC. OJA) REAL ESTATE (AJAXIM.) SHOPPERS DRUG MART - DohwW 10 seWded hausWwids only (AJAX/PICK.) -THE BAY (PICK.) -WOOLCO (AJAXA'ICK.► FRI., FEB. 5/93 NEWS ADVERTISER (PKC(.) CJWADIAN TIRE (AJ WI Cc.) att : Lbw - ihi hips, Fat Side w FISH N r= 1 Minid - 26/30 pert Pedal t Dnvhw MAG(TIM ,1 �A gar a10� ttE ��r� �' re Asir t i i 1 1;! 3 'I s 4HE ORIGINAL BOXED MEAT STORES •' ; 1 1 .1 '1 jl 1 IN or Triol, Cil•■INn Trost 1 CGrrnal or 1 1 LUM 1 CHAIM 2s1 FS. I 325-MFEL I L 13ML62��--- 13M b�.rt.Irw.sq� ■aa>wrri j�rY �uia WEDISMAY CARRER OF THE WEEK E ADAM CLARRY Adam enjoys hockey, be" srtovrboardirp, wk0ng cards. Adam received IAcDorwlds axauponc oo omenls of nhe News Advertiser. CArigrataalaliort: Adam for being our Wednesday carrier a the week. OMMI 3,11=1Vle 1t1AC9 "-T= NEWS ADVZKr=R, WED., FU RUARY 36 IM -.F- , C IV; , , Menmers of Durham Regional Police Tactical Support Unit exit an Ajax home Friday after arresting a "violent' man wanted in connection with a death threat. He faces several charges. photo by Don Allen 'Violent' man busted after two-hour stand-off AJAX - An unwelcome visitor was arrested at a home here Friday after a two-hour stand-off with heavily,amted police. Durham Regional Police arrived at a Manser Crt. residence around 1:30 p.m. after being tipped off that a man wanted for comes in Toromo and Gananoque was in the home without the permission of his rr-la- aves. The force's Tactical Support Unit was called in because of the man's "violet[" history. police say. Cops confronted the man in the garage around 3:25 p.m. and used pepper spray to subdue him and place him in custody, police say. A 4(} -year-old former Pickering resident, now of no fixed addrrss, is charged with offensive mischief, being unlawfully in a dwelling and breach of proba- tion. He has warrants for his arrest. in Toronto where's he's wanted for failing to mmain at the scene of an accident and in Gananoque for threatening death. dispute the man was brandishing a powerful .303 -calibre rifle, says Inspector Tony Turner of 25 Division. The man assaulted his wife with the rifle before she escaped the house and called police, says Inspector Turner. Her children were at a neighbor's home at the time. A 38 -year-old man of no fixed address is charged with possession of a weapon dangerous to the public peace, assault with a weapon, forcible confinement and threatening death. TSU ends domestic PICKERING - The Tactical Support Unit of Durham Regional Police was called to a Picker- ing residence Saturday afternoon after a man reportedly threatened to kill his estranged wife with a rifle. The man surrendered to police at 3:15 p.m., shortly after the TSU arrived. The parking lot of LOEB Glendale, which is adjacent to the rear of the Lydia Cres. home, had to be cleared of shoppers as a precaution because Cops take it on the chin, the knee and the noggin DURHAM - Durham cops had a tough time of it Monday night with three officers thjured on the job — in Ajax, Whitby and Bowmanville. In Ajax, an officer injured in his knee and hip when he slipped and fell on some ice at a Parker Cres. address. In Whitby, a cop broke a finger trying to subdue a 26 -year-old man who had been taken to Whitby General Hospital after swallowing pills in a suicide attempt+ In Bowmanville, an officer was punched in the head three times while trying to wrest an Oshawa motorist for impaired driving. Two citizens and another officer quickly came to the aid of the cop who suffered "swelling and bruising to both eyes," says Staff Cops seize Sgt. Sandy Ryrie of Durham Regional Police. stungunThe man, who was arrested in a parking lot at Temperance St. and King St. in Bowmanville, is ools merged with impaired driving, stolen t assaulting police, resisting arrest and driving while disqualified. PICKERM - Two Pickering men face charges after police pulled over a pick-up truck here early Monday morning. Stolen tools and a stun gun were seized by police who stopped the vehicle at Union Rd. and Hwy. 2 around 1:40 a.m. A 22 -year-old ratan and a 24- year-old 4year-old man — both of the same Altona Rd. address — are charged with possession of stolen property and possession of a pro- hibited weapon. Police are continuing the in �� '� How Do You Manage To Choose The Right RSP Investment? •TRIMARK MLTLIA1 FUNDS TiumAm FLND 29.0% 14.2% 16.2% 15.79E I WAR 3 TttAM s TEAU a TTAas MOORMA.N" TO DBCXMWA 74 !Mt TVDAAnc CANADIAN Fum 6A% &11% 9.896 13.1% 1 VAa •raAsa MAW TaraAas 3`110M.YAta[= TO VWCIMu Ta, two DENTS ARDAGH C.F.P. MULTI MUTUAL INC. Unit 1 � Pkkering V2A-8613 ` 11TTt* Phone to ini mpion on our FREE we" FASP Somw M wkwr = b Evert tt•q petted AOWA& lt, ao liBtard awed atspiwNd mw wra d wire M odw deem it wit who aced tidriiias atiardd. Awe do ad We ift ammat adn dah)ao ar aiawiteatiw tMB p" Thr rattrtdra didi .add tww wdowl adrao. Net Or4�a dwa ad,a.�tw IAw wnilt. Mr ■it wive w1 wrwwaw � ri iietwb. tgataw :dw�BiM atwd my rad Had is aadtiaad w id aisaw powscio . head Voce aaty «*r td --Ida♦ Dr. Kevin Tyber OPTOMETRIST • Dispensing of contact lenses and glasses • Evening and Saturday appointments available • Complete Family E Cam 427-4144 15 HrwOod Ave. S., Ajit IBetunewrlrinit1r401.iM�:11..- � _ 'My name's Dumbo and this is ahold-up' PICKERING - A Pickering man faces charges after the Royal Bank in the Hub Plaza was robbed of $25 Saturday morning. The robber, who did not display any weapon, gave a teller a note demanding money, accepted $25 and left the bank, says Durham Region- al Police Inspector Tony Turner of 25 Division, Pickering. But shortly before the robbery, the suspect had identified himself to another bank employee by showing her his instant teller card, Inspector Turner says. The teller who was handed the note was shaken but not injured. Police have charged a 29 -year-old man with robbery. SWEETHEART OFA DEAL Look and Feel Proud to Say "BE MY VALENTINE" join TOM . & Receive 545 OFF ALL REG. PRICED PROGRAMS KATHY PEARSON has lost 80 lbs. and has kept it off for over 1 year The first 20 people to respondO to this ad will receiveO OFF an additional Prices Include evaluation & diaries, full programs, new clients, product not included Dentures so natural... you'll never know the difference! New soft -touch Materials for Sensitive Gums. Walter Wimmer, Denture Therapist PICKERING TOWN CENTRE ❑ FREE CONSULTATION ❑ 420-5020 T011 Free 1-800-661-5020 PICKERING - In a 10 -year fight, a Pickering couple has won a case of discrimination against the federal government after a relative was refused a visitor's visa to Canada. Hameed and Massarat Naqvi lau nchal a complaint with the Cana- dian Human Rights Commission after Mrs. Naqvi's sister, Naz Jaf- fery, was refused permission to visit the Naqvis in 1982 The ministers of external affairs and employment and immigration must apologize to the Naqvis, the commission has Wiled. Mrs. Jaffery, who was single and a resident of Pakistan at the time, testified she was told her application was refused because visa officers feared "I would stay illegally in the country and get married there." She had applied for the visa at the Canadian Consulate General in Chicago, while she was in that city visiting another sister. Mr. Naqvi, who instigated the complaint, testified a consulate offi- cial told him "the only way she could get entry into Canada is if she Mansion. blaze not detected for hours, PICKERING - A --magnifi- cent" home in rural Pickering burned to the ground Friday night after a fire blazed undetected for hours. It's estimated the blaze had been burning between three and four hours when firefighters were called by a neighbor around 7:20 p.m., says fire chief Steve Stew- art The department responded in six minutes, but the fire was too advanced to save the home, he says. The blaze destroyed a 4,000 - square -foot "magnificent home" on Sideline 6. north of the 8th Concession, near Claremont. The loss is estimated at $450,000. Chief Stewart says it appears the fire started in a woodstove. A than living alone in the home was not at home when the blaze broke outw Whitby onioers also r+espondod to the fire to enswe an adequate wase: supply. BUIM & C11111111111vene W*he$ 25%-50% on ttllul Feb. MM Galbraith Repair Centre jewellery' Watches Watch Battery Replacement Watch Straps Jc Ban s i � t]eaaer �� aaaing a.dlteboffing Free estimates on retipping of your goes back to Pakistan, gets married and has a few children." The Naqvis complained Mrs. Jaf- fee had been discriminated against on the basis of race, color, national orethnk origin and marital status. Says Mrs. Naqvi of the Human Rights Wiling, "We feel very good. People do travel and visit relatives and go back...l was really hurt." There was no evidence given by witnesses for the government that directly contradicted that of Mrs. Jaffery, the Human Rights tribunal noted. However, the government was disadvantaged because Mrs. Jaf- fery's file had earlier been destroyed, it added. The tribunal found there was "no objective evidence of bona fide justi- fication" for the refusal of Mrs. Jaf- fery's visa It Wiled the Naqvis were "victims" of the discriminatory prac- tice against Mrs. Jaffery. Canada Employment and Immi- grabon can appeal the decision. Mrs. Jaffery is now a resident of Chicago and no longer requires a visa to visit Canada. THE MM !• • •V06: PIJR 'A"RY3� 00 -PAGE S•A Witnesses sought in fatal hitmandmrun PICKERING - The hit-and-run death of a woman the callers were directly involved. who was walking on Hwy. 401 here has police appeal- Anyone with information is asked to call Whitby ing for information. OPP at 668-3388, or Toronto OPP at 686-4581. Several vehicles struck 33 - year -old Gerardina Discianni of Agincourt, Ontario Provincial Police believe. She was found in the westbound lanes near Liver- pool Rd. shortly after 10 p.m. Sun- day night. Why she abandoned her car and started walking on the high- way is a mystery, police say. Her car was in working order. A Cadillac that was involved in the accident has been examined by police, but no charges are pending, says Constable Bill Garnett of the OPP's Whitby detachment. Other motorists or witnesses who know anything are being sought. It's possible that no one real- ized they'd struck the woman, says Const. Garnett. "They may have thought they'd hit a dog or a tire casing. The clothes were rather dark." The Region's 911 emergency line "lit up like a Christmas tree" shortly after the woman was struck, he says, but police have no way of knowing whether any of 6 MON., TUES., WED.Reg.'75" Perm Special 45 �"n° $ Blowdry h+ckxdW OFFER EXPIRES SUN., FEB. 28193 UNISEX MRSTYUSTS PICKERING 691, P,CxEaihG PARKAA+ .Aaoss ',= Fta 11arRC., 427-4391 40,,00 PICKERIN )RUGIr V H jkS E STORES ONLY: INVENTORY REDUCTION SALE 100FF EVERYTHING 71.. IN THE STORE 71_ E CEPT PRESCRIPTIONS, PF, DIAPERS & TOBACCO PICKERING 1725 KINGSTON RD. E. Hwy. #2, East of Brock Rd. (Across from the Police Station) 686 -DRUG 01:9110 311 BROCK ST. NORTH Beside Franklin's Frozen Foods 686-3784 ,J!".1056 -DRUG WHITBY + � A 1725 KINGSTON RD. E. Hwy. #2, East of Brock Rd. (Across from the Police Station) 686 -DRUG 01:9110 311 BROCK ST. NORTH Beside Franklin's Frozen Foods 686-3784 ,J!".1056 -DRUG WHITBY + MGE 6.A -THE NEWS ADVMTLSER, WED, FEBRUARY 3, 1"3 Editorial Aiming for change You'd think it would be fairly easy to make changes through legisla- tion where guns are involved. They are, after all, instruments of violent death. Nevertheless, movement on the issue seems to crawl at a snail's pace. Ontario Riding MP Rene Soetens is one of those urging movement, and is supporting fellow NIP John Reimer's proposed bills on gun control which would increase mandatory sentences for offenders. One of the things that distinguishes Canada from our neighbors to the south is our attitude towards guns. We're not as fond of them up here. In the United States a mythology has built up around The Gun. The gun -toting tradition is well entrenched in their culture and Hollywood has furthered the romantic image of The Gun. It even seems to be con- sidered as a kind of fashion accessory by some. And if anyone dares to question the esteemed position of The Gun, someone from the National Rifleman's Association, one of the most powerful lobby groups in the U.S.A., shows up and yells a lot about the 'rights' of gun owners. One of the silliest expressions ever invented (probably by the NRA) is, 'Guns don't kill people, people kill people.' Well, if someone dies from a bullet wound, it's fair to say that a gun is probably implicated somehow. When guns are made more readily available, you are likely going to have more deaths as a result. The only problem with this proposed legislation is that it doesn't go far enough. The murder of 13 women in Montreal three: years ago shocked Cana- dians. It was horrifying because until then that sort of thing just didn't happen here. Effective legislation could go a long way toward making sure it does- n't happen again. Letters Getm*volved, it's your future To the editor. It's been nearly seven years since I first contacted then Picker- ing councillor Norah Stoner sug- gesting angrily to her that local politicians should be forced to live on Brock West for six months in order to get them to realize the potential disaster awaiting Picker- ing. At the special dump informa- tion meeting at the Rec centre on Jan. 21 more serious concerns were raised particularly from technical data gathered over the The News Advertiser wel- comes letters to the editor on topical issues, controversial matters and anything else of interest to our readers. Pleas keep letters to a reasonable length of no more than 11/2 typed, double spaced pages. We reserve the right to edit letters for style, length and legal reasons and to withhold letters deemed not fit for pub- lication. All letters must include your full name, address and phone number for our information. Letters can be mailed or dropped off at the News Advertiser, 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ont., L 1 S 2H5 or sent by FAX to 683-7363. past months. This disturbing infor- mation is in addition to a solid and reliable information base con- structed under the auspices of for- mer Liberal MPP Norah Stoner, who founded G.A.G. — Group Against Garbage in 1973, and Dump Metro in 198-5. P.A.C.T. which was formed in Oct. 1987 now possesses a basement full of documentation which will be used to fight any possible legal battles to terminate future dumps in this area. To make a long story short, there is overwhelming evidence that the 300 -acre Brock West site has been improperly run and is now over capacity by about a mil- lion tonnes. This multi -layered cake .f human detritus has been covert;.; daily with improper mate- rial, i.e. sand and gravel instead of clay -based soil. Consequently a condition of porosity has resulted in a large "head" of water in its physical boundary creating a huge leakage problem. It is also feared that gases emitted from the heat stacks are spewing out dangerous YOUR MOM AND I THOUGHT '' WE'D TAKE IN A MOVIE TONIGHT. CAN YOU kbBE s�Ysrr, RT, You HAVEN`f PAID ME FoR THE LASTTIME YET News AdvertiserThe content of the Nrews Adv*f- riser is protected by A Metrolond Community News a er copyright and p p unauthorized use without written con- tent Is prohibited. The publisher Timothy John Whittaker reserves the right to classify of refuse Pllih� any advertisement at his dkoetlon. fumes. After its initial opening in 1974 at a projected capacity of five million tonnes, this ghastly operation has been allowed to pro- ceed virtually unhindered. It's high time to stop this travesty. We can conduct meetings until the sun refuses to shine and mankind becomes extinct. Mega - dumping is an archaic, draconian practise. All dumps eventual leak — chat is an established fact. A vast potpourri of toxic compounds merrily mixing in a dump's guts is a serious matter. If we don't stop 'q OKAY, WHAT DO n; WE OWE YOU ? LET'S SEE... WITH iNTEKEa,. JOANNE BURGHARDT- Editor -in -Chief GREG COATES - Managing Editor HUGH NICHOLSON - Advertising Manager BRUCE DANFORD - Retail Saes Manager ABE FAKHOURIE - Distribution Manager NEWSROOM - 683-6110 DISTRIBUTION - 683-6117 RETAIL ADVERTISING -683-6110 CLASSIFIED - 798-7672 FAX - 6113-7363 NATIONAL ADVERTISING SALES 493-1300 REAL ESTATE & AUTOMOTIVE ..... ADVE1 AIM - 71Is-un. soon we had better be prepared to put our faucets in a museum. It's as simple as that. P.A.C.T. will need arour d S500,000 to battle the powers tray be who live in the feudal agc. Your tax dollars are being used against you in your struggle '.o prevent environmental contaminc- tion. What a shame. What kind cf democracy do we live in? Get involved; it's your future. Frank Threlkeld Jr.. P.A.C.T. founding member, Pickering by Steve Nease The Nan Advertiser. pA*t*d way &rdoy. Wednesday and Friday at 130 Commrdd Ave. Ala•. Ontario LIS 21,16. is one of M Mefrdard Printing. Publishing and DWbLOV 9FOQ Of ssbs>rban newspapers whkh hckmMe AIWPldtaki0 New Advertiser. Auora 10010, Bar" Advance. Brampton Guardian. Burlington Post. Colingwood Connection. Etoblcoko Guardon/LokeYnro ACvaMser. Georgetown ►dependent. 0 gr►on Tris week. Undsay This / Week. Markham Economist a sun. MRion Canodon Champion. Miso riga News. Nown OW Era. North yak Mirror. Nor1hurnberland News. ookAs Beaver. OrMa Today. OstwwWWdrb✓ .. This Week. Peterborough This Week, Richmond HII/TAornhll Liberal. Scarborough hof• Versape/stoulMe Tribune. Todays Sayan. Pogo *0 may very dgh0V from pubilshod rQ" card dA to mechanical ralulemenis ddrferrt pnMters. Second Chop Mae Rgshalgn Nsnbr 107. Mal 1p-, rWee In Carsdda I year. $70 per "Non 7'Ht: HZg ADvERTMM QRA, FFMUARY 3.1993 -PAGE ?-A FROM PAGE Al because the series is not mandated by the ministry of education, it's at a teadter's discretion whether to use it. The series few= boys and girls talking to male and female instructors about growing up and illus- trates issues and sexual intercourse with animated characters. The first of three videos, A Head Full of Questions, has received the brunt of criticism. Some parents are offended by a number of the mature issues discussed, including orgasms and masturbation, and are angry others are ignored, such as marriage and commitment. Telling students two men or two women can have a loving relationship endorses homosexuality, while reference to sexual intercourse as part of a loving, car- ing relationship is confusing to a youngster, especially an incest victim, some criticize. The second video, Changes, examines puberty, while the third, Especially You, aims to foster self- confidence. While board chair Louise Farr wouldn't comment on the committee's decision, she believes "the process (of reaching a decision) was a fair one." Trustees not sitting on the review committee have no say in the issue and will accept the decision as information at their next board meeting Monday. Louise Farr On the job When students at Applecroft Public School in Ajax were asked to Dress up for a Job You Would Lice, they chose a variety of careers, as seen here. From left, Grade 2 student Ashley Antunes chose a hydro worker, secretary Judi Ste. Marie dressed as the big boss, and kindergarten stu- dent Michael Murray shared his dream of becoming a hockey player. photo by A.J. Groen Pickering budget back to staff for more review FROM PAGE Al get and halt construction of a S3.5 -million arena. Councillor Maurice Bremner tried to chip away at the proposed budget by suggesting cuts that have already been voted down in previous meet - rn � a series of defeated motions introduced by Mr. Brenner, council decWW to take the budget back to staff for further review. The issue is now expected to coarse back to chambers on Feb. 15. BRIAN DEEGAN • DENTAL PLANS ACCEPTED • REPAIRS & RELINES • COMPLETE DENTURES • LOW COST DENTURE SERVICE AVAILABLE • MYOLOC • SOFT LINERS • FREE PARKING FOR FREE CONSULTATION CALL EMERGENCY CALLS • *Ile ACCEPTED 134 HARWOOD SOUTH -1 BLOCK SOUTH OF 401 -AJC F -- -------------------------------------- Thi 'valentine's Day Drive Your Sweetheart ; Cr With Roses'. ' 1 FJVTHtT 1992 GEOMEl c 1 �' SiF1 INAV I� i - Add 1 1 City: Province: 1 1 P I Code: Tel. No. ' 1 Skill Testing Question 7+ 12 x 2- 5caulled MAN = 1 1 .'. 1 s open to all persons age 19 and order. 1 2. No purchase necessary. Entry forms arc available at any Grower Direct location. 1 " 3. Prize lo be awarded February 19, 1993. ; 1 4. One prize of a 1992 Geo Metro Convertible will be awarded. S. Employees, family, and aaents of Grower Direct are not elto erNer. 1 6. Grower Direct reserves right b use the winner's namar e med piwb in 1 1 any fuawe promotional minerals. 1 1 L------------------------------------------ Don't disappoint your Sweetheart on Valentine's Day! Pre -order 12 Beautiful Long -Stemmed Roses in a gift box for the amazingly low price of r before Delivery Available $2999* 10On erua y 11/93 Reg. =34" CCGRO Baywood Plaza, 105 Gayly St. W., Ajax _6.gi 9 -ROSE .® MYG9"-7= N M AYYv'r'lrl M W112., F UMUArY 3,190 � THEY'RE IN THE MONEY Pickering woman wins $ 100,000 Norma Peacock Haley to rock around the clock AJAX - Weedless Wednesday turned out to be a good day to buy cigarettes for Rob Haley. Mr. Haley, 18, real- ized that day a Wintario scratch ticket he'd bought on Dec. 26 was worth $10,000. The Rollo Dr. resi- dent originally thought he'd won S 10 on Boxing Day. He kept the ticket and planned to use his winnings for cigarettes. When he needed money for cigarettes on Weedless Wednesday Jan. 20, Mr. Haley real- ized the ticket was worth S10,000. He claimed his prize the next day. Mr. Haley plans to buy a guitar with some of his winnings and bank the remainder. He works as a mail clerk for a compan}. Twenty -Five Years of Caring 416~723-8195 (24 HOURS) A part of the Oshawa Gcncral Hospital CORRECTION NOTICE In our Hm*s Proofl Flew inserted in " Oshawa TM Week i Ain News MMWw, to blowup appeared inoorreetyr On Poo 5: Men's 0619 Levi% Jeans 86w ised at 19A7 pr. shows Block or SWawesh Jeans. This is incorrect We do not tarry Bleck or SWeerash Jams. or* the repulr wash. On E&V e: M Beet salami adkWkw Pica shodd read 227 h and not 297 h We reprtl amp 0Wrnarrenoe this kay► hew MIAMI our ausbrrws. PICKERING - A Picker- ing woman has won the grand prize of $100,000 in an Arthritis Society draw. Norma Peacock won the cashin a Cost of Living Lot- tery, launched last October as a fund-raiser for the Arthritis Society. The lottery, with a final draw held Jan. 21, saw hundreds of prizes given away, including vacations, stereo equipment and appli- ances. Mrs. Peacock hasn't made up her mind on how she'll spend all of her winnings, but "We need a car. We've been thinking about it for some time." ;�Feb.27 silent ..aucli W ighligjftts-"B*g*:::.:Sls:ters,::Mo..,I AJAX-PICKERING - Imagine having lunch with a Toronto Blue Jay or taking a break and getting away on a weekend trip to an Ontario resort. Those are just two of many items to go on the block during the Ajax -Pickering Big Sisters Association's fourth annual Silent Auction Saturday, Feb. 27. The auction will be the culmination of Big Sisters Month, which features special events and fund-raising activities during February under the theme "More Than Sugar and Spice." The auction begins at 8 p.m. at the Ajax Community Centre with host Ken Shaw of CFTO-TV. In a silent auction, bids are submitted on paper. Guests will find a wine and beer bar, complimentary snacks courtesy of LOEB Glendale Mar - GRAND RE -OPENING PICKERING M & M Meats, 1211 Kingston Rd., Pickering, is now under the ownership of, from left, Barb Gray and Ted and Cynthia Trevelyan. With them at the recent Grand Re -opening are Pickering Mayor Wayne Arthurs, Councillor Eileen Higdon and M & M Meats Presi- dent Mac Voisin. The store recently held a Meet Your Neighbour Party and barbecue which raised 5510 for the Children's Wish Foundation. -Rl xand body springs Now you can get rid of UNWANTED BODY HAIR! • Alexandra Body Sugaring' is the gentle. modem version of the anaeni Eyy 1i vmethod of hair removal that has taken t" America by storm. Now this unique and famous method of hair removal is available in W area. • It is a We and natural way lo remove wwarded body hair. • orgy rgailral product used in rte reaklw t. • No dtemim ils whatsoever in our product. • Alexandria Body SmgaW is ft most refreshing way to treat today's hair problems. In fact, once you have tried it we are sure you *11 not ream lo any other method of hair removal! • CALL TODAY for your appointment and get rid of unwanted hair! Buy 1 trsatameat A swwly 1 :2 at PRICE 420m9332 ketplace and free desserts. The Dunbarton Jazz Ensemble will entertain. Tickets are $6 in advance or $7 at the door. Big Sisters Month begins with the presentation of a pink rose to each Big Sister volunteer, to be delivered by Ajax and Pickering firefighters. The event is spon- sored by Discovery Bay Florists, Ajax. Throughout the month, the association will reach out to potential volunteers and families through a "Check Us Out" infor- mation campaign in local super- markets, with flyers donated by Rapid Reproductions. During the past year, the Big Sisters Association has seen an unprecedented growth of 44 per cent, with support from the Ontario Lottery Corporation and a Trillium Foundation grant. Big Sisters offers a one-on-one matching program between mature female volunteers and young girls, boys and teenage mothers. For more information, call 428- 8111. (we've got... Wffer a unique & practical ` native to the high cost of a; oom remodelling • A� i lic. non -slip, made -to- measure Bathtub Linen snughv over ex:sllng tub, • r}talled in 2 hours or less without disturbing existing tub, waiis. tiles. plumbing or floors a Better Idea) • t:,:itomcd formed one piece tub -to -ceiling Bath Walls and' Shower Stalls • `. Lually rnakracnance free • ted & proven in thousand., Lt commercial & residential installations • % -itten guarantee Call now for FREE in-home estimate Stay in tune, read the News Advertiser Tv KFmFLJ ;t_ WALL OF (we've got... Wffer a unique & practical ` native to the high cost of a; oom remodelling • A� i lic. non -slip, made -to- measure Bathtub Linen snughv over ex:sllng tub, • r}talled in 2 hours or less without disturbing existing tub, waiis. tiles. plumbing or floors a Better Idea) • t:,:itomcd formed one piece tub -to -ceiling Bath Walls and' Shower Stalls • `. Lually rnakracnance free • ted & proven in thousand., Lt commercial & residential installations • % -itten guarantee Call now for FREE in-home estimate Stay in tune, read the News Advertiser f tilr✓Iull 1 `. ..........>E E W 1 wi�rlVV111V1 i `'tri AJAX-PICKERING - If you're interested in getting your high school diploma, the newly -opened separate school board adult education centre in Ajax can help. Any adult over 17 who has been out of school for a year can obtain high school credits by attending the Durham Region Roman Catholic Sepa- rate School Board's centre's adult day school or self -study program. A literacy program is also available to people who are functionally or non -functional- ly illiterate. The adult day school's first nine -week semester begins March 1. Classes start at 9 am. and run Monday through Thursday. Registration is under way now. There's no fee but a S50 refundable book deposit is required. The self -study program allows adults to take high school courses by completing exercise booklets. Students can get credits at their own pace and schedule and the pro- gram has continuous enrol- ment. A $20 materials fee is required. "I enjoy it because I can pick my time to study," says 48 -year-old Carolyn Reashore, who's taking the self -study program. Mrs. Reashore quit high school in Grade 11 and now wants to obtain her diploma Dave Kaus, 21, quit high school because "I didn't know what I wanted to do." He's also in the self -study program. "Now that I am older I realize what I want to do." Vice-principal of continu- ing education Robert Fitzgib- bon says the centre is respond- ing to the needs of the com- munity. Mr. Fitzgibbon adds that the recession has increased the popularity of adult education. The centre will open on Saturdays and evenings as the demand increases. To register or for more information, call or visit the Adult Education Centre. 50 Commercial Ave., Suite 200, Ajax (683-7713 or 686-1541 ext. 363). v DO YOUR EYES A FAVOUR ALL FRAMES 20% OFF TO 50% OFF If You Ask For Ultra Violet Protection You Will Get It Free. ULTRA VIOLET PROTECTED CONTACT LENS REGULAR :169.00 NOW 1139.00 LIMITED TIME OFFER .831-5007 PickER1NG TOWN CENTRE (near Hallmark Card) YourFamlty Onticlans Who Care DISCOUNT suNi CENTRE 1794 LNERPOOL RD., PICKERING 1ST ANNUAL DECORATING DAY SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13,1993 DEMONSTRATIONS BY PROFESSIONAL TRADESMEN • Wa ftsperiad • Marbiia! • 11 aE" ! �$ • Silencuillilig • Wood Stdppiq - MolfElex Raises Ba* min Moore Rqwaentadves Qatst m and Awwm Locution: Pineridge Secondary School 2155 Liverpool Road, Pickering Time: 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Cost: $30.00 REGISTER AT THE STORE Fa more irdwMtim , Proceeds to Aiax Pickering Hospital T14 MM "Vlti7'MM SIM, MW.4 RYa,1"y.W"O,A � . Please recycle this newspaper � Nadeff • �elg 0 1,4 AIDS AND OTHER INFECTIOUS DISEASES: ✓ We welcome new patients ✓ We offer cosmetic and Over the past year, there has been a great deal of attention in the media general dentistry in a focused on the potential for spread of infectious diseases by way of dental relaxing and caring drills. This has unfortunately caused a great deal of anxiety among the public atmosphere and in the worst case has caused some patients to delay seeking needed ✓ Evening appointments dental care. ✓ White fillings for back teeth Up-to-date reports in dental journals still insist that there have not been any ✓ Laughing gas sedation or confirmed cases of transmission of AIDS by means of an unsterilized dental general anaesthesia drill and I might add that if it were possible, then we would presenttyhave an available AIDS epidemic of major proportions throughout the entire population of the ✓ FREE cosmetic consultation world. This simply has not happened and I believe that the danger has, in this ✓ payment plans available for case, been grossly overstated to provide some sensationalistic journalism. Work not covered by your In spite of the minimal to non-existant risk present, many dental offices have 'insurance plan improved their sterilization procedures. In our office, we are using disposable polishing heads which are used only once and then discarded and we have � purchased additional high-speed drills to allow for heat sterilization after each ® iVISA use. it has always been our policy to provide the most relaxing atmosphere .. possible and we are pleased to provide this extra measure of safety. 172 HARWOOD AVE. SOUTH, Suite 101, AJAX. TEL: 683-1391 YOUNG'S JEWELLERS JEWELLERY MANUFACTURERS' YOUNG'S JEWELLERS HAS ARRANGED TO CLEAR OVER $1,000,000.00 OF EXCESS INVENTORY FROM OUR MANUFACTURERS ALL ON SALE AS MUCH AS Diamonds, Watches, Jewellery, Rings Chains, Giftware, Earrings, Pendants TRIISTED JEWELLERY MERCHANTS F IF SAVE NOW AT TIM STORE NEAREST YOU PICKERING TOWN CENTRE HOURS: M. SAT. 9:30 a.m.-6 p.m.P 831-5427 1L iso•. �'.. :'r'•ti��� '1 _ . 1• ..i t .5 .�.- _,- 1 ..t - PAGE 1S.A flM Nk* ADVE*T8l. WW.,VZWAW 3. IM 1992 WAS THE BEST YEAR EVER FOR MAGICWAGON SALES. WE'D LIKE TO THANK YOU WITH 11,866 IN SAVINGS* ON THESE SPECIALLY EQUIPPED 1993 MODELS. 1993 DODGE CARAVAN/ PLYMOUTH VOYAGER Ud Standard driver's side air bag Ud 1 passenger seating 9 Air conditioning 9 Automatic transmission 9 luggage rack Lei 3.0 litre V6 engine Ud AM/FM stereo Ud Front wheel drive Ud Convenience light package ASK ABOUT OTHER OPTION DISCOUNT CELEBRATION PAtKAGES. FROM YOUR LOCAL CHRYSLER DEALER 'Total savings based on 51000 factory rebate and 5866 discount based on MSRP value of selected discounted options See Dealer for details "Price includes $1000 factory rebate assigned to Dealer in lieu of finance offer and excludes freight ($675). license aril taxes Limited time offer Dealer may sell for less See Dealer for details —Some restrictions apply See Dealer for details. 1 r� Y - Waste redu 11! A�•Jl!�A. F�itp 1MMG9 It -A. t �i . ., , . r , . a . hr. r .dol tyl lv� on guide puts everything at your fingertips DURHAM - In Durham Region, each person generates, on average, one kilogram (2.2 pounds) of garbage per day. This amount of trash is a serious prob- lem, given there are 409,000 peo- ple living in this Region. A quick reference guide, enti- tled A Household Guide to Waste Reduction and Recycling in Durham Region, has just been released by the Durham Environ- mental Network to help residents reduce, reuse and recycle house- hold waste. household articles and alternatives to toxic household cleaners. Here's what the guide says about household batteries. Dry cell household batteries contain heavy metals, such as nickel, cadmium and, in some cases, mercury. Bat- teries should be treated as toxic and taken to a Household Haz- ardous Waste Depot or placed in the red battery receptacle on the side of an igloo at any recycling depot. Reduce your dependency on batteries by using an AC/DC adaptor or invest in a battery recharger. Hearing aid, watch and other button batteries are collected for recycling by many jewelry stores. You can obtain a copy of the guide from your local library. As well, copies are being distributed to several retail outlets, particular- ly those in rent and repair, com- munity service areas and environ- mental groups. COMING EVENTS: Feb. 18, Belleville. Ontario Waste Manage- ment Workshop. For information, call 923-2918. April 1 and 2, Toronto. Design- ing and Implementing Material Recovery Facilities at the Univer- sity of Toronto. Contact Janet Blakely at 978-3119. April 20 to 23, Toronto. The Environmental Showcase. Call 455-4141. April 26 to 28, Baltimore. The World Recycling Conference and Exposition, presented by the National Recycling Coalition. For information, call 203-852-0500. The 46 -page guide, funded by the Ontario ministry of the envi- ronment, Durham Region, Cana- da Trust and the Oshawa -Park - wood Rotary Club, is about waste management. Information is offered on how to compost kitchen organic and yard waste, which will decrease the amount of garbage one puts out at curbside by approximately one-third. A description on how to use Durham Region's Curbside Blue Box and Igloo Depot Recy- cling Programs is explained. The guide lists charitable agencies (most of which are listed on three pages in a graph -form for economy of space and easy reading), as well as rental and repair services for reusable items. Included in the guide is recy- cling information on a variety of CORRECTION In this week's 1v2 Price Sale' Myer the After Sale Price for the Cotton Thermal Blanket sold on page 2 is in fad $14.97. not $23.97 as stated in the copy. The saving is $2.99 and not 112 Price. Sale price remains $11.98. V* apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. Kmart Canada Limited. PAYING MO MUCH for HOME & Auto Insurance? 683.9725 ,� PINE RIDGE ..,m INSURANCE 676 Mommh Ave., Unk 13, Ails, Q $VF 526.99 5l1GGESTED RETAIL PRICE Pickering, 705 Kingston Rd. at Whites Rd. r________� 1 PmOda 1 1 M% S T E R I I E C E ' I 1 1 P*iwxch*io Tattc aftdow of tltit w� ofle ad now alld pidt it up wr tit alkr Mildt lwim ft*ft NOMI & SM01 • One ca von Da ouaue. and ms COUW carat Cc ca fired we mr dM oft Taft an %fte appk&k No cen v&A MV"ft is to L%V of art CaW mua or a lumbo **0 mfm0a Sa store V da" A-arade VA" 4EU, ?"3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 �VMBiO Y'I�EO ' Of raid unto Math 23rd, 1993 • ' Hospital bed drive begins AJAX-PICKERING - The Ajax -Pickering General Hospital began its campaign to replace 20 - year -old beds in earnest Friday. The hospital's Lifelong Friends drive aims to replace the 150 manually adjusting beds at the hospital with new electrically adjusting beds that increase the patients' comfort and mobility. Campaign chairperson Anita Witty ended her speech at Fri- day's bed drive kick-off ceremony by saying, "Now our work begins." Ten beds have been donated so far, getting the campaign off to "a roaring start," says Mrs. Witty. "I urge all members of the community to support the pro- gram; dig deep," said Ajax acting mayor Roger Anderson at the campaign kick-off. The beds, which cost $5,000 each, have been donated by the Town of Pickering, Ajax Five Pin Bowlers, the Ajax Senior Citizens Friendship Club, Henry and Dorothy Westney, Dick and Anne Briscoe, Dr. Carlos Yu and Dr. Vivian Lo, Anita Witty and Ajax mayor Jim Witty. John and Beatrice Love have asked that the "the Love Bed" they paid for be donated to the maternity ward. Groups and individuals wish- ing to donate a bed can pay the full price or make installments of S 1,000 a year. For more information, call 428- 1407. Romantic poet can win dinner for two AJAX-PICKERING - Call- ing all poets. Residents are invited to enter the News Advertiser's Valen- tine's Day contest and win a dinner for two with your sweet- heart. Simply finish the following poem — "Roses are red..." Winning entries will be announced and published in the Feb. 14 edition of the News Advertiser. Deadline for entries is Tues- day, Feb. 9 at 5 p.m. !Flail or fax your poem to the News Adver- tiser, Valentine's Contest, 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ont. LIS 21-15. Fax 683-7363. Be sure to include your name, address and telephone number. DURHAM FAMILY CO-OP 619-3100 Located in Ajax (Westney Rd. & Hwy. 2) 120 Diaper Case -Bulk Medium (11-22 lbs.) $2600*price Large (22-32 lbs.) $3100 l^ G.S.T Extra Large (over 30 lbs.) $3600• -- Baby Wipes - 3 for $799 FREE DELIVERY - AJAX/PICKERING/WHITBY We shop around so that you don't have to ' TOWN OF AJAX ONTARIO HOME RENEWAL PROGRAM NOTICE TO ODD) TOWN OF AJAX HOMEOWNERS Purpose of the Ontario Home Renewal Program (O.H.R.P.) The purpose of O.H.R.P. is to provide financial assistance to owner occupants of residential properties to rehabilitate their homes. The program is particularly directed to the rehabilitation of substandard dwellings, with the emphasis on hwky structural and sanitary conditions, and the upgrading of plumbing, heating and electrical systems. Fin CIW Assistance to Home Owners A system of bans (repayable and forgiven) to pay for the property rehabilitation is available to Town of Ajax homeowners whose -adjusted family inoovW does not exceed $21,000. The interest rate of the ban, and the amount of the forgivable porion or grant of the loan, is geared to family income. The rr awnum amount of the ban shall not exceed $7.500 and repayment of the ban, ei Frk Arg the forgivable portion or grant, commences after completion of improvements. Further Information re O.H.R.P. Those residents wishing to apply for Ontario Home Renewal assistance should direct their inquiries to D.A. Williams. The Corporation of the Town of Ajax O.H.R.P. 65 Harwood Avenue South Ajax, Ontario LIS 2H9 683-4550 Ext. 344 A.T. Hodges Clerk Pickering Central Library_ Healthy pregnancy series offered PICKERING - Two workshops on having a healthy pregnancy are being offered by the Child- birth Education Association of Durham Region. Both sessions will be held at the Pickering Cen- tral Library, One The Esplanade, beginning at 7 p.m. On Tuesday, Feb. 9 a speaker will discuss topics such as genetics and prenatal testing. On Tuesday, Feb. 16, the topic is drugs and other exposures during pregnancy that can affect an unborn baby. Admission is $5 per person or $8 per couple, payable at the door, with proceeds going to the Ajax -Pickering General Hospital for purchase of equipment for new birthing rooms. As well, a por- tion of all prenatal class fees received during February will be donated. Pre -register at 420-3890. "Gourmet Food Pre Large Spring Rolls 9 9 Shrimp or Chicken Heat & Serve ■ ea. Reg. $1.29 ea. Fresh " Frozen Cajun Chicken Wings 99 Heat &Serve 1 Pound Pkg. pkg Reg. $4.99 pkg. full_ red For You' Frozen Shepherd's Pie 3919 Heat & Serve 1'/2 Pounds I'• Reg. $4.99 Ib. Frozen Chicken Fried Rice 199 3-4 Servings 1 Pound ea. Reg. $2.99 ea. SPECIAL Low Fat Stir Fry - Sat., Feb. 6,10:30 a.m.-12 noon COOKING 4 International Cooking For A Healthy Heart - CLASSES Wed., Feb. 10, 6:30 p.m.-9:Oe e_m_ - O's TpYs tom' 50- 01011 LEE HUNG GOURMET X427-4777 TRANSIT SQUARE 100 WESTNEY ROAD, S., AJAX (Next to Ajax Haiends's M&D Meats) Ilwrs wit - it W. IMM - Fill K Oft K an► 1e4 NURRY! We're selling out to the bare walls! I OFF EVERYTHING IN THE STORE'S 1JAr!V11 w�� —Ar. G Oft •00 - ow I GLOVES "Ad _CARDS , DONT WAIT > 0 8 3 - O's TpYs tom' 50- 01011 LEE HUNG GOURMET X427-4777 TRANSIT SQUARE 100 WESTNEY ROAD, S., AJAX (Next to Ajax Haiends's M&D Meats) Ilwrs wit - it W. IMM - Fill K Oft K an► 1e4 NURRY! We're selling out to the bare walls! I OFF EVERYTHING IN THE STORE'S 1JAr!V11 w�� —Ar. G Oft •00 - ow I GLOVES "Ad _CARDS , DONT WAIT TUE NEWS ADVEUTMM WIM,, FE UARY 3. M3-MGZ MA . . W1WIC0 -has the Lorwest Prices in town., 10" Tropical Hangers Excellent quality and variety to choose from. 'Hallmark' Valentine ar s box Box of 30 cards. Assorted. 970_ I Our Reg. 2.29 80 Page 200 Sheet `Planters' ,`Swift' Magic Q `Portafile' 93 Ruled Refill V ;Dry Roasted 93 !pantry 87 Photo Album papers (Peanuts 00 of 30 Cards. Assorted �n Sed adleswe pages.4 •�' 51"`n 600 g lar .scn Asst *nrers. 285 Our Reg. 2.29 _ r Our Reg. 7.99 — I Stock up now, Lour Reg. 4.99 _ Our Reg. 2.99 Men's 3 PR L (`Mr. Coffee' `Decosonic' `WoolCreSt' 93 Pack Sport 93 Mens 93 iio Cup 97 Convention 2 93 Mpg Food Hose k Track Pants Coffee Maker 80&C" Oven B kg bag. •'d' t Asst. colours. S XL66.1 Aut dr I Our Reg. 149.97 • Our Req. 7.49 • Our Rtg 2-99 — - _ Our Reg 2.99 — - -� Lour Reg. 23.97 L `Alli Classic ht 9 reside Dish 97 F� 9 20" Stereo `Folgers' 43 Classic691 2L square dish Cookterare Colour TY COffee1 Microwave4 in cradle. "a' Aegmmave proof9801 976 g ( oz.) ••O" 7 PC Cookarare sae �" xr�" ems' ` Our Rag. were - Our Rtg. 29.99 • Our � 99.99 - • t ur Reg 499.99 • Our Reg. 5.87 `Nutribar' 77 Pkg. of 6 meals, 390 g. Ass't flavours. 5 ewh Our Reg. 9.99 %ffifift Muggies' Jumbo . 1 93 Diapers 5trach Asst. steps br boys & girls. Our RES 19.99 Limit 2 Sav_ • ' . Um Prices` Rist kW Alwaya Pepsi, Diet "Pepsi, 7-Up or 39! Diet 7-Up 2 litre bottle. Limit 4. each Our Reg. 1.79 i Your choice • Whitby Mall HARWOOD PLACE, � f0� (Thickson & Hwy. #2) (gayly & Harwood) ' =' '�'rs�•j r�.' �,�•r �!f!�!�i �1 �t i�L �, �L� Lk l�i ��`�� �. �..�►1ia :�>`a .� 4:� ��t ! 1`��: ��i�:.� ��y! • AJAX.........:•s............._........... .�.. ....•.... •_0...41 t � 1 -. .. .. .�.�� 1 ..� . L 1 t i •�... i . .>, t .a a . i. r. 1 ' 1:,r I 1!'l1GE I�RR•Tl11! ITERS ADVE1Ri�, AED:, !L►SRl1AtRif �, H!i • ......... - - • - - - • - - - - - - - - - - NEW COUNTRY MUSIC IS HOT ON F.M. When You're Hot You're Hot. I wonder- whether Jerre Reed, the country singer/picker who wrote those memorable words, years ago, ever imagined in his wildest dreams how - hot county music would be as we head into the 90's. Country megastar Garth Brooks is the top selling artist in all formats. He's been on the cover of ever magazine worth reading: even the ultra conservative financial monthly FORBES. One of his concerts sold out in 47 minutes. _,��.000 tickets. He sat on top of the Billboard charts for 18 weeks. Garth is the leading edge of a country music tidal wave that is literally sweeping the competition aside everwhere in North America. Country radio up 6 million listeners. Rock and Adult Contempowary, down F million. No one even .%,ants to cure the Cyrus "virus": the Beatle like hysteria that breaks out even -time Billv Ray belts out Achy Breakv Heart. 5 out of 6 anthem singers during the World Series Cliff Dumas games in Toronto were country singers. The Canadian County 'Music Awards Show on C R' has beaten the rock and roll flash of the Junos in the ratings for down.the third straight year, hands don. r Count's young "hunks" Clint Black. Alan Jackson (and of course Billy Ray) are attracting a voung female audience to Countn music. Raba McIntyre out,c-lls Elton John. Arid vet. eyen �� ith country music exploding all around us. until nothere has been no downtown Toronto evidence of %%-hat has to be classed as a "phenomena." We are witnessing the phenomenal growth of country music . on radio, in record stores and on concert stages. Arid vet: in Toronto: Canada's biggest cite. IT The Big Smoke. The centre of everything. Home to an'thing that means anything. Everything but a big city style country music station. Jamlary 27. That changed for good. ry A new countFM. A big time, big town, country boomer. The new 92.5 CISS FM, is on air, at last. �Ja So did I. Keith handed me a Rolling Stone Magazine with a highlighted paragraph. "The audience is wide and the hunger is deep for emotional directness and song -oriented craftsmanship. The raised -on -rock generations of the Sixties and Seventies, now paying mortgages and raising families, no longer see their concerns reflected in computerized dance beats or- heavv metal cartoons. They hear in Wynonna what they love in Bonnie Raitt: identify with the bluesy, blue-collar populism of Travis Tritt as the honky-tonk equivalent of I vnvrd Skynrd: appreciate in the tunefulness of Trisha Yearwood what they previously prized in Linda Ronstadt (while particularly enjoying the duets with Don Henley): and find their Elvis (or at least their Elton) in the boy -next- door sincerity and concert razzle-dazzle of Garth Brooks." The light bulb went on. NEW country is the Adult Contemlxwary music of the 90's. That's why it's so popular. It's the music that reflects ie Brown what we're all going through now. That's why I like it. It's about me. I can sing along. And there's millions of "me's" in Toronto. (It was beginning to sink in why 92.5 CISS FM was making this huge investment. Capturing theIr EW country audience in Toronto \i•ould be like winning the radio World Series). NEW COUNTRY MUSIC HAS COME TO FM ! Life's too short for ordinary nmsic! „ "Ic le- �, Loo fm cv.0 U-v 1u: 1.4fni m sic hom toddy s b,99est stars New Covrory 'he new 92 S CISS FM s 10 A/% A—M ♦ M « !M■ And, this country is set to take jaded, "seen it all," Toronto by storm. Toronto radio will never be the same. The management, the on -air personalities, the newspeople, the salespeople, are all totally convinced that this station is going to be super successful. This writer can tell you that after a recent visit to the station's new high style, high tech, downtown digs, I'm starting to think they could be right. Everybody down at 92.5 CISS FM looks decidedly uncountry. Bay Street suits, Queen Street hip, and everything in between. These people mean business. Isn't this supposed to be a country station? AIS" Country Station Keith James, the general manager is eloquent and sophisticated. Anything but stereotypical "county". I cornered Keith. I needed answers. 'This is most definitely a country station, but we play NEW country music," was the word. So what is a NEW country station? What is NEW county music you ask? Country's Hottest Team 1 Draft Picks. Trade:. Signing Bonuses. Sports jargon. but as i found out, a real factor when going after radio's big prize. Toronto. Remember, 92.5 CISS FM is going all the way, and they have put together an all-star- team to go for it. Take the critical morning drive slot (that's a little bit of radio speak I picked up). CISS FM lured CLIFF DUMAS, arguable the most successful country announcer in Canada, away from Hamilton's country station. Cliff is the only Canadian on -air personality to ever win an award from the Nashville based CMA, the Country Music Association. Rumour has it, big bucks were involved here, but as I discovered CISS FM rs not afraid to spend what it takes, to do it right. More proof. Joining Cliff on the "morning team" will be Jane Brown, a popular personality h om a major Toronto station. Toronto Air Quality h gwov ng It struck me early during the preparation of this piece, that this new station has some powerful cards in its deck. There are the obvious ones. It's the first ever Country FM in Toronto. It's new, the first new station to sign on in 8 years. It will be fun to listen to. They play the hottest music happening right now. They cater to big city tastes with their news, sports and traffic. Plus a nice twist: 30 minutes of continuous NEW country music commercial free every hour, all day. 92.5 CISS FM Country is sure to upset the radio apple cart in Toronto. Competition has a wonderful way of improving quality, all round. The radio consumers of Toronto finally have some choice. .""" As one of the station's slogans says, "Life's too short for ordinary music." Amen to that. collls$ Gunman threatened to blow' head off pizza store worker By SGT. GRANT ARNOLD 5'6", medium build, wearing a Durham Regional Police black -hooded sweater, black PICKERING - Crime Stop- pants and a black balaclava pers and the Durham Regional with openings for eyes. He was Police are asking for the pub- armed with a small silver lic's help in solving an armed handgun with dark red hand - robbery in Pickering on Satur- grips. day, Jan. 2. Suspect number two is 16 to Just after midnight, two 17 years old, 5'6", slim build, black males wearing balaclavas wearing a white sweatshirt and entered Gino's a black bala- Pizza at 750 CRIME clava. Oklahoma Dr. C r i m e One of the , Stoppers is males pulled a asking any - silver handgun one with any from his information waistband and on the identi- told the store ty of these employee to two suspects move out of to call. As a the way. Both caller, you of the bandits - will not have went behind the counter and to identify yourself or go to the one with the gun told the court. victim to open the cash regis- A cash reward of up to ter. The employee hesitated $1,000 is being offered if your and the gunman threatened to information leads to an arrest. blow his head off. The Crime Stoppers phone The second suspect went to number is 436-8477. That's the back of the store and 436 -TIPS. brought another employee out The reward money is raised to the front. The gunman emp- through tax-deductible dona- ted the cash into a green etas- tions, which may be sent to tic shopping bag. Durham Regional Crime Stop - The suspects then fled on pers, P.O. Box 54, Oshawa, foot northbound towards the Ontario, L1II 7K8. field at Fairport Beach Public O :3 :1 School. Sgt. Grant Arnold is the Suspect number one is coordinator of the Crime described as 16 to 17 years old, Stoppers program. VICTORIA IS BACK! AT QUATTRO HAIR FASHION She invites her clients to visit her Fridays or Saturday only at... 831-5366 hair fashion for men & women PICKERING TOWN CENTRE The Town of Pickering Department of Commun ty Services & Facli ties comamwSwom �racwm TAKE ADVANTAGE OF UNUMITED FITNESS CLASSES - NOW UNTIL APRIL 16,1993 Passport holders may ubl" the Pickering Recreation Complex Pool, and Membership c hangemoms, inclui:l t9 the sauna, whirlpool, and showers. WE OFFER HIGH QUALITY FITNESS PROGRAMS TO MEET ALL NEEDS COST -8$6 955owkwm c;is.ri FOR YORE UTMMMK CONTACT TI PICKERING RECREATION COMPLEX AT 831-1711 OR 6834M _ THE NEWSADYERTISER, WED, FERRUARY3,1"3-PAGE MA Striking oil for hospital Master Mechanic in Pickering raised $444 for the Ajax -Pickering General Hospital by offering a special on oil and lube jobs. Doug Wellman, left, a trustee of the hospital board of directors, picked up the cheque and had his oil changed by shop owner John Harris. Read the News Advertiser three times each week r1►46 That's right, once again, we were the Dodge Dealer for AiaximPi"ekering 1989 cnnT04616- - • - - - - Full s.E _+_^ c d 'run^e' S11, t' P s . p b . supe' good The` ®�a 1989 HINNDIA Super gas saver s .v aytc-a! "4.21k FM cassette. btr tr^ ven low. IoM K^ "l' 1990 DODGE SPIRff uxuFJI,v oaoed :r new conCR�Or. a mus,'0 Ls edlt,or. see Stk tp,09 a^cec tc se at 1958 DODGE ARIES r.ar i door'_ ea prvn µ JVSW . w^'te 5e Sed a _ .� Stk v' -3A — ` ;mar 1989 CHRYSLER DYNASTY AM-:"� :asse"e �° ow 6 cYi a c' au:C.. a - Krr Paced to sell Stk ii:"'4 j997CA"AN SE -,:;age .apasa set for `d^CK. - - _ 1989 DODGE - qz - .t, C/V •19" CARAVAN�SE auto . air ` r. nn steering, 00 what a pace' passe 9 ids good 'urnmg Panel van 6 cr au.e a: condt �,ng dark glass. urm�g suspe^s,on. AM FM s'erec Brea; work truck. low miles van Sik *F584 Stk sc�9" — 1989 - CHEV AS?RO DODGE SHADOW two torte pant. mag wheels. Quad seating wit" 1990 CL pkg- n a cy' auto . a r. U t. cruise AM'FM rear bent^ air. trt 8 rear neater. IM , crwse power �s 3 eec' atc ca Stk *316.2A. oaks. power endows. oa^r y.ass o�!Y sb 000 ;arse~e y eat ^un „g S'K t201 -3A - .� 'BALANCE OF FACTORY WARRANTY AVAILABLE AT LXIRA CUSI --SALtS FKICt INCwotS FACTORY REBATE. PLUS FRT, TAXES. LIC. „ ANNANDALE DODGE CHRYSLER M 'a Lm -m CHURCH & BAYLY, PICKERING .m in 0 SERVICE M BAYLY ST 0 PARTS ' - ■ 0 LEASING • army CHnp m Obituaries ATTFIELD, Margaret - At the Heritage Nursing Home in Toronto, Ontario on Thursday, Jan. 28, 1993. Margaret Attfield in her 94th year. Beloved daughter of the late Jean and James Attfield. Dear sister of the lade Violet Wil- son, James, Ernie and Harold. Margaret will be missed by her nieces Carol Murton and Donna Speers and many other nieces and nephews. Miss Attfield rested at the McEachnie Funeral Home, 28 Old Kingston Rd., Ajax (Pickering Village). Interment Prospect Cemetery. FOUND, A. Ray - At the Ajax and Pickering General Hospital on Saturday, Jan. 30, 1993. A. Ray Found in his 82nd year, beloved husband of Luella. Loving father of John and his wife Frances, Gord and his wife Linda, Marge, Doug and his wife Chris. Dear grandfather of Peter, Brian, Camp counsellors in training at IYI DURHAM - Youths who'd like to become camp counsel- lors may be interested in a pro- gram offered by the YMCA. The Counsellors -in -Train- ing Program for 14 and 15 year olds provides instruction in leadership skills, gives tips on working with children and pre- pares teens to become camp counsellors. This is the second •.gar the Dutham Region Y has offered the program. There's training in camping, emergency first aid, program planning, administrative tech- niques and job search skills. The 10 -week program will be held at the Whitby Baptist Church from Monday, Feb. 1 to Monday, April 12 (no class on March 15), from 7 pm. to 9 p.m. each night. Cost is S100 per person. For more infJxmation or to register, call the Durham Y at 668- 6868. Lynne, Danielle, David, Laura, Michael and Ryan. Great-grandfa- ther of Rachael, Paul and Amanda. Brother of Cecil and predeceased by Gordon and Mertz. Mr. Found rested at the McEachnie Funeral Home, 28 Old Kingston Rd., Ajax (Pickering Village), 428-8488. Cremation. In lieu of flowers, donations made to the Ajax and Pickering General Hospital Build- ing Fund or the Canadian Cancer Society would be appreciated. GABOURIE, Gregory Stafford - Suddenly while at Kelowna, B.C., on Thursday, Jan. 28, 1993. Gregory Stafford Gabourie, loving husband of San- dra (Sandy) Stroud. Dear father of Mark Gabourie and his wife Lisa of Ingersoll, Ontario, and Cindy and her husband Mark Lunzmann of Scarborough. Dear son of Joseph and the late Clara Gabourie and nephew of Mary Gabourie of Oshawa and Agnes Blomquist of Michigan. Mr. Gabourie rested at the McEachnie Funeral Home, 28 Old Kingston Rd., Ajax (Pickering Village), 428-8488. Interment Resurrection Cemetery. Donations to the Ontario Heart and Stroke Foundation would be appreciated. ROBERTSON, Catherine McInnes - At the Meadow Park Nursing Home, London, Ontario on Friday, Jan. 29, 1993. Cather- ine McInnes, in her 84th year, beloved wife of the late Peter Ren- nort Robertson. Loving mother of David and his wife Diane of Mon- treal, Wellesley and his wife Deb- bie of Haliburton, and Donald and CORRECTION NOTICE Due to an error on the part of the Ajax.'Pickering News Advertiser, a portion of the Medigas ad Sunday, January 31, 1993 was incorrect. One of the items listed should have read CPAP/Bi PAP. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused Medigas or its customers. EVERYTHING FOR THE COTTAGE 3rd ANNUAL 200 EXHIBIT^"� • Building Sup; • Pre -Fab Cotb Log Homes • Real Estate a Country Properties • Septic/Water Products FEB. 5,6,7 Ir-mic PARKING • Boats and Watercraft • Cottage Furnishings A Appliances • Outdoor Clothing • Cottage Gadgets "IF ITS FOR THE COTTAGE ITS AT THE COTTAGE SHOW" WITH THIS COUPON 1 SNOW Noun: OFF I I F10. FEB.` PIN AN ie-.PU SAVE AD��101"'u'0" -12 - I $oo INOT VAM WITH OTNER OFFERS I SUN. FEB. 7 - 111 AM - 6 Plc I on couroNsl I 2 ADttNsslolr ADULTS: 04.00 jA JOWT PNESMAM OF I SENKM 66.N Ct� AUKIOS 111053 s UNOEO 14 FREE " = L — — .� MORE NIFONNIIITNIN 1416101113-11111111 his wife Paula of London. Dear grandmother of Alexander, Drew, Lindsey, Colin and Alicia. Aunt of Isa and her husband Tommy Far- rell. Mrs. Robertson rested at the McEachnie Funeral Home, 28 Old Kingston Rd., Ajax (Pickering Vil- lage), 428-8488. Interment Erskine Cemetery. SMITH, Jim D. - Entered into rest at the Ajax and Pickering General Hospital on Friday, Jan. 29, 1993, in his 36th year. Jim, beloved husband of Lynda of Ajax. Loving father of Nicole. Dear son of Dorothy Smith and son-in-law of Frances Cunning- ham. Also survived by his brothers John, Allen, and Bob of Nova Sco- tia. Mr. Smith rested at the W.C. Town Funeral Chapel, 110 Dundas St. E., Whitby, 668-3410. Inter- ment Mount Lawn Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, donations to the Heart and Stroke Foundation would be appreciated. 761E NEW ADVIBR7'MM W199, FEBRUARY 3.I 913-PAGZ 117•A How to stay flexible until you retire. IYti having the Ilrxibihty to dein• nPPnruuunr,, the moment ihev antic. It's knowing you have a guaranteed level of — uric%. And n's hiring It— to ,,imply i hangr your mind. That',, what ynu can expr,t from %.ruonal Trust's Flexible Rrnrrmrni S.nrng% Cenditate. If rate~ go uP and vuu `tr want w Inw:k in, ynu can. It rate,, gu drawn, your I .nrrrm ralr is guarameed. And ,nu can redeem I 111—Vwuh interest anytime ah,r the first 10davti. J Talk with an r%Iw•rt at Wanonal Trust nnw alw,ui our Flrxiblr Rctuernent Savngs Certificate. Arid v find uut aM>ut our full range u( RSP.ptirwrs. Vuu'll find us very flexible. The Flexible Retirement Savings Certificate National Trust u ,. HARWOOD PLACE MALL SUPERCENTRE 214 Harwood Avenue South 1792 Uverpool Road Ajax, Ontario Pickering, Ontario 683-7344 831-6501 It's Easy... The MAGIC card is absolutely FREE and the savings start the instant you get your card. Just fill out the application at any Miracle Food Mart store and receive your MAGIC card unmediately. just show your MAGIC card at the check-out and receive INSTANT SAVINGS for all MAGIC card items purchased every time you shop! *Check the in-store signs which clearly point the way to the Miracle Food Mart MAGIC card items. •Miracle MAGIC card offers great Savin�s without clipping coupons. •Miracle MAGIC card can be used for cheque cashing privileges upon approval. Ask about it! Use your FREE Miracle MAGIC card each time you shop and watch your savings accumulate. A�..ftftlo leve In It Exclusively at your miracle Foodrnart 280 Harwood Avenue South Harwood Place Ajax 1.11..1. .....1111 I ALM Of WW i WED CARS i0 CW= MM SCUGOG CHRYSLER LTD. DURHAM'S LARGEST DODGE -PLYMOUTH CHRYSLER DEALER DOES IT AGAIN! 985-7354, 404-8220 . 9 .. - .-. . , .-...... - •-- • - - - - - - ....... THE NEWSADVERTISER, WED. FEBRUARY 3,1t*!%GE MA NEWS ADVERTISER Pickering irojans ice bi, YOUR tt CHOICE FOR AUTO SERVICE Yon. b Thurs. 7 am. b 8 p.m. • Friday 7 am. to 6 p.m. Trained technicians, Computerized equipment 1167 Kingston Rd., Pickering bemw Whites Rd. d Liverpool on Hwy 2 839-6666.427-2828.420.1449 win over Dunbarton Stunned Spartans drop second game in a row in LOSSA high school hockey By AL RIVETT Sports Reporter AJAX-PICKERING - The wins don't come any bigger for the Pickering High School hockey Trojans than Monday afternoon's victory against the Dunbarton High School Spar- tans. Trailing most of the way, the Trojans produced a spirited comeback in the third period to score a 7-5 upset over the Spar- tans in LOSSA senior hockey action at the Pickering Recre- ation Complex. The victory solidly entrench- es the Trojans in third spot in the LOSSA standings with a record of five wins and three losses. Meanwhile, second - place Dunbarton suffered its second loss in a row after a six - game winning streak to open the season. The Spartans' league record now stands at six wins and two losses. After Dunbarton opened up a 5-4 lead with a goal by Darren Street in the first minute of play in the third period, the Trojans went on the offensive. Curtis Bartlett pulled the Trojans even with 12:10 remaining in the final frame. Then, with just more than five minutes remaining, Paul Long dug the puck out of the corner and found Matt Muir alone at the side of the net for the game winner. Pickering iced the victory after Dunbarton goaltender Matt Johnston misplayed the puck which wound up on the stick of Jason Cameron who scored the easy marker -- his second of the contest. An elated Pickering Trojans' coach George Burford says a victory over Dunbarton was a long time coming. "This makes my season," says Burford. "This was our first win over Dunbarton since they became a powerhouse in the league." Burford adds the Trojans' comeback victory was a wel- come sign as his charges have had trouble in the third period. "We were behind the whole game until we scored the tying 0 Dunbarton High School Spartans' Darren Street (3) watches as Pickering High School Trojans' goal - tender Brian Slater swats the puck out of his reach during LOSSA hockey action at the Pickering Recreation Complex Monday afternoon. The Trojans upset the defending LOSSA champion Spartans 7-5. photo by Andrew lwanowski AUCEmvel offers cash prizes to women's rinks By .TIM EASSON General's event are moms skipped by Bury Moylan Special to tk News Advertiser, and John Williams. AJAX -The ih>dies' league members at file Anthea- Winning pairs of trams from the zone will advance dale Curling Club are preparing for the new ALICE to the mpooal playdowas at the East York Curling Bonspid this moodL Club Much 20. Winners there move to the Oshawa The Atnudale Ladies Invitadouol Cash Extrava- Downwwn Curling Club Ie eanpete in the provincial genu (ALICE for shat) is scheduled for the club on chwtpwamipa Match 21. Saturday, Feb. 20. O O O A full slate of 321adies' moms is expected io take After 88 continuous seasons, the Canada Life part in the event. Tbae'll be thtee six -and games on Assurance Company has stepped down as the sponsor each of the two draws. of the greater Metro Tomato Men's Single Rink The organizers appreciate the help of the local Champiaavhip Wil• Allhough the sponsorship is sponsors, and lunch eamnamment a to be provided to change, the bonspiel will continue. live by some of the club's more adventurous men. After a joint meeting of the Toronto Curling Asso- O O O ciation and the existing Canada Life Trophy Bonspiel Four Annandale men's rinks are beaded to Port Committee held Jan. 25, a decision was made to Sam- Pwy to partxote in two Ontario Curling Associa- tion the 1994 bonsl*1 and successive years' events. tion (OCA) double team zone playdowns Feb. 6 to 8. Further, another committee was formed to begin the In both the Cellular Canada Silver Tankard compe- task of finding new sponsorship for the venerable tition and the Bell Mobility Governor -General's com- bonspiel. petition, the aggregate score of both rinks determines In the meantime, ice allocation sheets have been the game winner. sent to member clubs. The 1994 bonspiel will be host - Teaming up in the Silver Tankard are tints skipped ed by the Weston Golf and Country Club from Jan. 8 by Bruce Patterson and Tony Letros. In the Governor- to 14. goal in the third period," says Burford. Trailing in the third period "has haunted us all sea- son. Our guys came back after being behind this time." While Pickering High is playing its best hockey of the year, Spartans' coach Bill Dall- iday is searching for some answers to his team's lacklustre effort which has produced two losses in a row. " We just played a brutal game, period," says Dailiday. "We didn't forecheck well and we were awful in our own end. We haven't played well since the middle of January." Also scoring for the Picker- ing Trojans were Cameron Lee, Scott Fernie and Paul Long. Dunbarton Spartans goal scorers were Graham Stewart with two markers, Darryl Chilcott, Terry Evoy and Street with singles. THE VOLVO 960. UNDERNEATH ALL THE LUXUIRY R'S STILL A VOLVO, MWMi SRF= f You tiwbk awa% the %oho •Miff. orthoprdi••all♦ designed. Art-tricalh adju.tablr front .rat•. child's cu.hi4)n-ba4-krrs1. Iwrwer .unrrvm.f. rk4-tronic climate contnd. leather-wrapimi .terrin„ whrel. six-speakrr CD-compatibir raAsettr .trrrr), illuminated vanity mirror and rear -scat reading lamps, it wouldn't be so extraordinarily luxuriwws. But it wouldn't be spartan either. Aimi it would still give you what all Volvos Rive you --a lot of protection. Thr Volvo 960 has a side -impart protection system, energy -absorbing structures front and rear, a steel reinforced passenger car. anti-lock brakes, three-point seat belts, and a drivers -side air bag. The luxury you want and the protection you need. Come in and see the Volvo 960 today. !hive safely. wLw 0 1992 tole Canada La 'Orwr my - w a uad.n.w4 uJ df 1oho %wd 4ww" C."wwm� "WE'LL MAKE IT WORTH THE DRIVE TO WHITBY" AUTOMOBILES 1250 DUNDAS ST., WHITBY 668=6881 . . ,.� -fi,rr.� �•,' ' � �• ,� , � .�� :�. i 0 Dunbarton High School Spartans' Darren Street (3) watches as Pickering High School Trojans' goal - tender Brian Slater swats the puck out of his reach during LOSSA hockey action at the Pickering Recreation Complex Monday afternoon. The Trojans upset the defending LOSSA champion Spartans 7-5. photo by Andrew lwanowski AUCEmvel offers cash prizes to women's rinks By .TIM EASSON General's event are moms skipped by Bury Moylan Special to tk News Advertiser, and John Williams. AJAX -The ih>dies' league members at file Anthea- Winning pairs of trams from the zone will advance dale Curling Club are preparing for the new ALICE to the mpooal playdowas at the East York Curling Bonspid this moodL Club Much 20. Winners there move to the Oshawa The Atnudale Ladies Invitadouol Cash Extrava- Downwwn Curling Club Ie eanpete in the provincial genu (ALICE for shat) is scheduled for the club on chwtpwamipa Match 21. Saturday, Feb. 20. O O O A full slate of 321adies' moms is expected io take After 88 continuous seasons, the Canada Life part in the event. Tbae'll be thtee six -and games on Assurance Company has stepped down as the sponsor each of the two draws. of the greater Metro Tomato Men's Single Rink The organizers appreciate the help of the local Champiaavhip Wil• Allhough the sponsorship is sponsors, and lunch eamnamment a to be provided to change, the bonspiel will continue. live by some of the club's more adventurous men. After a joint meeting of the Toronto Curling Asso- O O O ciation and the existing Canada Life Trophy Bonspiel Four Annandale men's rinks are beaded to Port Committee held Jan. 25, a decision was made to Sam- Pwy to partxote in two Ontario Curling Associa- tion the 1994 bonsl*1 and successive years' events. tion (OCA) double team zone playdowns Feb. 6 to 8. Further, another committee was formed to begin the In both the Cellular Canada Silver Tankard compe- task of finding new sponsorship for the venerable tition and the Bell Mobility Governor -General's com- bonspiel. petition, the aggregate score of both rinks determines In the meantime, ice allocation sheets have been the game winner. sent to member clubs. The 1994 bonspiel will be host - Teaming up in the Silver Tankard are tints skipped ed by the Weston Golf and Country Club from Jan. 8 by Bruce Patterson and Tony Letros. In the Governor- to 14. goal in the third period," says Burford. Trailing in the third period "has haunted us all sea- son. Our guys came back after being behind this time." While Pickering High is playing its best hockey of the year, Spartans' coach Bill Dall- iday is searching for some answers to his team's lacklustre effort which has produced two losses in a row. " We just played a brutal game, period," says Dailiday. "We didn't forecheck well and we were awful in our own end. We haven't played well since the middle of January." Also scoring for the Picker- ing Trojans were Cameron Lee, Scott Fernie and Paul Long. Dunbarton Spartans goal scorers were Graham Stewart with two markers, Darryl Chilcott, Terry Evoy and Street with singles. THE VOLVO 960. UNDERNEATH ALL THE LUXUIRY R'S STILL A VOLVO, MWMi SRF= f You tiwbk awa% the %oho •Miff. orthoprdi••all♦ designed. Art-tricalh adju.tablr front .rat•. child's cu.hi4)n-ba4-krrs1. Iwrwer .unrrvm.f. rk4-tronic climate contnd. leather-wrapimi .terrin„ whrel. six-speakrr CD-compatibir raAsettr .trrrr), illuminated vanity mirror and rear -scat reading lamps, it wouldn't be so extraordinarily luxuriwws. But it wouldn't be spartan either. Aimi it would still give you what all Volvos Rive you --a lot of protection. Thr Volvo 960 has a side -impart protection system, energy -absorbing structures front and rear, a steel reinforced passenger car. anti-lock brakes, three-point seat belts, and a drivers -side air bag. The luxury you want and the protection you need. Come in and see the Volvo 960 today. !hive safely. wLw 0 1992 tole Canada La 'Orwr my - w a uad.n.w4 uJ df 1oho %wd 4ww" C."wwm� "WE'LL MAKE IT WORTH THE DRIVE TO WHITBY" AUTOMOBILES 1250 DUNDAS ST., WHITBY 668=6881 .: +iu 1�ien kik liviihsb t. YYED 1� �RVm r 1,- "a Area trampolinists flip over results from second provincial qualifier PICKERING - Area tram- polinists flipped over their results at the second individual Dampo- line provincial qualifier in Orangeville last weekend Clubs from across Ontario competed in *. the provincial qualifier, including teams from Burlington, a Ottawa, Ben Snape Toronto, Hamilton, Orangeville and Richmond Hill. r;� ,� ► The local contingent ; 4 was led by Ben Snape, 14, of Picker- ing who won the gold medal Elizabeth Snape in the junior national men's divi- sion with a score of 57.2. Not to be outdone was Ben's sister Elizabeth Snape, 11, who also captured the gold medal in the provincial senior women's PRESENT THIS COUPON FOR 00 5 OFF YOUR LI FT TICKET 0 MIDWEEK ONLY ." GOOD TILL END OF FEB. 93 � t CALL FOR SNOW CONDITIONS 522-1145 OP 127.7''5 category. Her score of 53.8 was good enough for top spot. Meanwhile, Lisa Martin, 16, of Ajax finished in fourth position in the provincial senior women's division with a score of 50.3. Lynn Taylor, 10, of Pickering, placed sixth overall in the provin- cial novice women category. Her score was 45.1. The Snapes and Martin all qualified for the Elite Ontario provincial meet on April 17 and 18. The location of the meet is not yet determined. All four trampolinists belong to the Skyriders' Trampoline Place in Richmond Hill. JONES - DOOLEY • INSURANCE BROKER OVER n YEARS AUTO - PROPERTY • MOTORCYCLE Low Home Insurance Rates Discounts for: good claims record, newer homes, Age 55, alarm system Lower rates - monthly payments.'Extended hrs. of service • DISCOVER TORONTO y DAY CAMP • Dw4 a•re Nle _ 740 -CAMP JUST S185R ���� wr wmk _ • Rata inae ,%pril 4th! .. 4 4 . a a a a a a - - A A a - a . . . . . . . . . . .. .-. .-. . .-.-.•.-.•.-•-.•...l.. Pickering ball sign-ups scheduled for Feb. 10 PICKERING - The Pickering Baseball Association will hold its regis- tration day in the Pickering Recreation Complex front lobby Wednesday, Feb. 10 from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. There's a waiting list in the tyke and rookie divi- sions. Players in those categories must register in order to be placed on the waiting list. PMCKERWG Limited space is available in the peewee and �,�►/� T -ball divisions. The bantam, midget, juvenile 16 J&Lt ACiOCi4,,0b and junior categories all need new players. Anyone wishing to play on a rep team must be registered and paid in full before they attend tryouts. Rep players must pay an additional carding fee. Cost for T -ball is S60: all other divisions $90. Would you like to have a Lincoln? We have 2! One blue on white and one grey on grey! Loaded. 44,000 km. Bumper to bumper. Best buy this week! Stk. #P226 -P227. $26,900 1992 GRAND MAROUIS. Blue on blue, 50,000 km. Loaded. 1 owner. Like new. Stk. tC3001 A. ONLY $18,350 1969 TOPAZ, 2 dr., 88,000 km. Silver, 5 spd., air, cars. Sik. #A2042A. ONLY $5,995 1986 TEMPO, 2 dr., 72,000 km, 5 spd., air, AM/FM. SILL #F1 012A. ONLY $6,995 1986 AEROSTAR, 5 pass., red, 70,000 km. 1 owner. Slk. #A2058A ONLY $6,995 1986 THUNDERBIRD, blue, air, AM/FM. Silk. #00104A. ONLY $5,995 1986 CAVALIER, 4 dr., silver, 100,000 km, auto., cass., sunrool. Slk. #02076A ONLY $3,995 1985 THUNDERBIRD, blue, cruise, auto., locks, 143,000 km. Sik. #1048A. ONLY $4,995 1984 OLDS CUTLASS, red, auto., cass., air, 122,000 km, power windows. Stk. #P218A. ONLY THS WEEK $5,995 PLUS THE BEST BUYS ON ALL 1991 b 1992 DEMOS, TEMPOS, FESTIVA, ESCORT, THUNDERBIRD, TAURUS, PROBE, EXPLORER - THIS IS A USED CAR AND DEMO SALE - ALL MUST GO THIS MONTH. EXPIRES FEB. 10, 1993 'TAXES EXTRA E ♦ ,v I • I t t 192 & 193 SATURN ; DEMONSTRATORS VALUE PRICED -- WE NEED TRADE-INS mm GM EMPLOYEES PLAN AVAILABLE Illl[Il� MoaoAr TUMMY wt�aoAr MOMMY TUMMY vpW0ESDAY TWAtSOAY FRIDAY JUNE M JUNE 29 JUNE 30 JULY 1 2 CANADA'S ONTARIO FAMILY WILD WATER CAMP CL08W WONDERLAND PLACE KARTWAYS. KINGDOM caMM►eLNDa® ROLLERSKATING PLACE ISLAND 6 7 ♦ 6 9 CENTRE WASAGA BEACH CANADA'S FAMILY ISLAND BLUE MOUNTAIN SLIDE RIDE WONDERLAND KARTWAYS BLUE MOUNTAIN SLIDE RIDE f0VERMIGNT Tom KARTWAYS ROLLERSKATING 12 13 14 Is 16 17 ONTARIO WILD WATER AFRICAN FAMILY CENTRE WILD -WATER PLACE KINGDOM LION SAFARI KARTWAYSI ISLAND KINGDOM LION SAFARI IO NATIONAL ISLAND ROLIERWATTNG 19 20 21 • 22 23 CANADA'S MARINEIAND FAMILY WILD WATER WONDERLAND WET 1MLFD WATETHE R PARK KARTWAYS/ KINGDOM IpyE8B01RTEM ROLERSKATWG MAID OF THE MIST WET'N WILD WATER PARK 26 27 1 M 29 WALT DISNEY WORLD 1 30 • LYTED TO C &VER5 AGES 12 -1S — CALL TIE CMP OFFICE FOR DETAIS IID PRI ES'�_ • Dw4 a•re Nle _ 740 -CAMP JUST S185R ���� wr wmk _ • Rata inae ,%pril 4th! .. 4 4 . a a a a a a - - A A a - a . . . . . . . . . . .. .-. .-. . .-.-.•.-.•.-•-.•...l.. Pickering ball sign-ups scheduled for Feb. 10 PICKERING - The Pickering Baseball Association will hold its regis- tration day in the Pickering Recreation Complex front lobby Wednesday, Feb. 10 from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. There's a waiting list in the tyke and rookie divi- sions. Players in those categories must register in order to be placed on the waiting list. PMCKERWG Limited space is available in the peewee and �,�►/� T -ball divisions. The bantam, midget, juvenile 16 J&Lt ACiOCi4,,0b and junior categories all need new players. Anyone wishing to play on a rep team must be registered and paid in full before they attend tryouts. Rep players must pay an additional carding fee. Cost for T -ball is S60: all other divisions $90. Would you like to have a Lincoln? We have 2! One blue on white and one grey on grey! Loaded. 44,000 km. Bumper to bumper. Best buy this week! Stk. #P226 -P227. $26,900 1992 GRAND MAROUIS. Blue on blue, 50,000 km. Loaded. 1 owner. Like new. Stk. tC3001 A. ONLY $18,350 1969 TOPAZ, 2 dr., 88,000 km. Silver, 5 spd., air, cars. Sik. #A2042A. ONLY $5,995 1986 TEMPO, 2 dr., 72,000 km, 5 spd., air, AM/FM. SILL #F1 012A. ONLY $6,995 1986 AEROSTAR, 5 pass., red, 70,000 km. 1 owner. Slk. #A2058A ONLY $6,995 1986 THUNDERBIRD, blue, air, AM/FM. Silk. #00104A. ONLY $5,995 1986 CAVALIER, 4 dr., silver, 100,000 km, auto., cass., sunrool. Slk. #02076A ONLY $3,995 1985 THUNDERBIRD, blue, cruise, auto., locks, 143,000 km. Sik. #1048A. ONLY $4,995 1984 OLDS CUTLASS, red, auto., cass., air, 122,000 km, power windows. Stk. #P218A. ONLY THS WEEK $5,995 PLUS THE BEST BUYS ON ALL 1991 b 1992 DEMOS, TEMPOS, FESTIVA, ESCORT, THUNDERBIRD, TAURUS, PROBE, EXPLORER - THIS IS A USED CAR AND DEMO SALE - ALL MUST GO THIS MONTH. EXPIRES FEB. 10, 1993 'TAXES EXTRA E ♦ ,v I • I t t 192 & 193 SATURN ; DEMONSTRATORS VALUE PRICED -- WE NEED TRADE-INS mm GM EMPLOYEES PLAN AVAILABLE Illl[Il� MoaoAr TUMMY wt�aoAr TNtaeso�►r wao�►r AUOUBT 2 3 4 5 .06 I CC HOLIDAY M CANADA'S WILD WATER ONTARIO CENTRE N caMM►eLNDa® WONDERLAND KINGDOM PLACE ISLAND 9 10 11 ♦ 12 13 CANADA'S WASAGA BEACH BLUE JAYS GAZE FAMILY WONDERLAND BLUE MOUNTAIN SLIDE RIDE /TOUR OF THE KARTWAYS T UNIVERSE ROLLERSKATING 16 17 16 19 20 ONTARIO WILD -WATER AFRCAN CANADIAN CENTRE PLACE KINGDOM LION SAFARI IO NATIONAL ISLAND EXHOTKNN 23 24 • 25 26 27 MARINELAND BLUE JAYS GAMECANADIAN FAMILY MAID OF THE MIST WET'N WILD WATER PARK ROUR OF THE NATIONAL KARTWAYSI IOIERIaOW TNI/) UNIVERSE EXHIBITION ROLLERSKATING 30 31 SEPTEMBERI SEPTEMBER2 SEPTEMBER 3 CANADA'S CENTRE ONTARIO CANADUW FAMILY WONDERLAND ISLAND PLACE NATIONAL KARTWAYSi EXHIBITION ROUFFSKATING • Dw4 a•re Nle _ 740 -CAMP JUST S185R ���� wr wmk _ • Rata inae ,%pril 4th! .. 4 4 . a a a a a a - - A A a - a . . . . . . . . . . .. .-. .-. . .-.-.•.-.•.-•-.•...l.. Pickering ball sign-ups scheduled for Feb. 10 PICKERING - The Pickering Baseball Association will hold its regis- tration day in the Pickering Recreation Complex front lobby Wednesday, Feb. 10 from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. There's a waiting list in the tyke and rookie divi- sions. Players in those categories must register in order to be placed on the waiting list. PMCKERWG Limited space is available in the peewee and �,�►/� T -ball divisions. The bantam, midget, juvenile 16 J&Lt ACiOCi4,,0b and junior categories all need new players. Anyone wishing to play on a rep team must be registered and paid in full before they attend tryouts. Rep players must pay an additional carding fee. Cost for T -ball is S60: all other divisions $90. Would you like to have a Lincoln? We have 2! One blue on white and one grey on grey! Loaded. 44,000 km. Bumper to bumper. Best buy this week! Stk. #P226 -P227. $26,900 1992 GRAND MAROUIS. Blue on blue, 50,000 km. Loaded. 1 owner. Like new. Stk. tC3001 A. ONLY $18,350 1969 TOPAZ, 2 dr., 88,000 km. Silver, 5 spd., air, cars. Sik. #A2042A. ONLY $5,995 1986 TEMPO, 2 dr., 72,000 km, 5 spd., air, AM/FM. SILL #F1 012A. ONLY $6,995 1986 AEROSTAR, 5 pass., red, 70,000 km. 1 owner. Slk. #A2058A ONLY $6,995 1986 THUNDERBIRD, blue, air, AM/FM. Silk. #00104A. ONLY $5,995 1986 CAVALIER, 4 dr., silver, 100,000 km, auto., cass., sunrool. Slk. #02076A ONLY $3,995 1985 THUNDERBIRD, blue, cruise, auto., locks, 143,000 km. Sik. #1048A. ONLY $4,995 1984 OLDS CUTLASS, red, auto., cass., air, 122,000 km, power windows. Stk. #P218A. ONLY THS WEEK $5,995 PLUS THE BEST BUYS ON ALL 1991 b 1992 DEMOS, TEMPOS, FESTIVA, ESCORT, THUNDERBIRD, TAURUS, PROBE, EXPLORER - THIS IS A USED CAR AND DEMO SALE - ALL MUST GO THIS MONTH. EXPIRES FEB. 10, 1993 'TAXES EXTRA E ♦ ,v I • I t t 192 & 193 SATURN ; DEMONSTRATORS VALUE PRICED -- WE NEED TRADE-INS mm GM EMPLOYEES PLAN AVAILABLE Illl[Il� THE 14EWS 4Dj(F FILSrE�, wtEn,. �r�RV!+Rr s,1191 -MAGI 21-A ONIT I B OU19 *Village Chrysler's warranty is the best! T years or 115,000 km. 0 _ 0 * We offer a high 0 trade-in allowance!! THANK YOU DURHAM SALE! FOR MAKING VILLAGE, "THE FAMILY DEALERSHIP" DURHAM'S LARGEST CHRYSLER DEALER IN A ROW. REMEMBER WHY; HONESTY, INTEGRITY, 10 YEARS PRICE, SELECTION AND SERVICE. EL -&"I�• THANK S� x`,293 VOU PRICE v BRAND NEW T:. 1993 VOYAGER 1/2 PRICE AIR, 112 PRICE ROOF RACK. 1/2 PRICE 7 PASS. V6, 7 pass., air, auto., roof rack, flood lights, floor mats, moulding, rear wiper. $1,000 REBATE OR 5.9% FINANCING SAVE! 1992 COLT includes auto.. buckets, front wheel drive. AMIFM, plus much more. " SOL SP3729. �---� -- SALE OO* _ - $7,37 $ 156PER _® 1992 ACCLAIM Incudes solo., p.s., p•D., air, til. wise. AMIFM rasa., plus much more_ Truly a good deal. " W 03707. ft n V:10878 $22200,, BRAND NEW 1993 SUNDANCE 4 DR. Aulo., air, tinted glass, floor mats, AM/FM stereo, buckets, dual mirrors. �HgNK S1,250 REBATE OR $ 95696* ""Ip1/1E 5.9% FINANCING FACTORY AUTHORIZED SALE! 1992 LOBARON CONVERTIBLE FLOFUDA HERE WE COME! Inclydes auto., V6, ax, Wl, nurse. AMIFM cass., plus much more " $34900* sALE sk» PER $169695" MONTH '88 DODGE 600 '90 GRAND VOYAGER LE '90 JEEP '87 DAYTONA '89 GRAND '90 FORD '90 MERCURY DR. CHEROKEE LTD. 4 DR. SHELBY Z VOYAGER LE TEMPO 4 DR. TOPAZ 4 WAGON WAGON Ila PLYMOUT Loaded, Slk. artTt1b8114A L. 6 qL, aft. air owed, pattl, p0. '� fILLAGED ne Turbo, 5 speed, p.&, p.b., p.dl., p.seat, p.thrgh d S1k. eT8170A. V6, auto., p.s., pA, air Gond., p.w., X SERVICE SATURDAY All wheel driver. Stk. All w p i. p pull, also.. wkatk bW9W1 sear„ SIL aP3771A-12.5 L. 4 qt., ktrkbr, leather seats, W. AMIFM cass., Tow root air p dL, p.seat, p.mirrors, wire wheels, sunscreen glass, 7 Sec. 08169A. 4 cyl., auto., AND EVERY NIGHT A 4 cyl., aur ps, , PAL, p.mMrs, ti. cruse, W AVE. S*. eV3184. V6, auto., Ps., am ok AMfM al., tnantealatn gum i mora 1 aulo� p.&, p b_, air mob•, I cond., skim. wheeK and more. 1 owner Only 33 M pass , floor A overhead carwole, tik, cruise S more. t p s•, P.0., pAirrm, air card•, AMIFM case., Goth rand., console, all wheel drive, W.S.W., pall. 1 owner p.b7 pA•. A= �•, tit, ante, rod rade, air cord, BALANCE FACTORY AWFM , W.&VC radials, � =�, � m� BA BALANCE OF FACTORY owner 66,900 miss. BAt..ANC OF FACTORY buckets. console. tinted glass a mac• 00170,246 63.000 len. 8 UNCE OF FACTORY �� WS.W, m � 64�� WARRANTYAVAtLABLE Only3vwrte• WARRANTY AVAILABLE WARRANTY AVAILABLE km WARRANTY AVAILABLE PLYMOUT LTD@AJA OPEN ALL fILLAGED X SERVICE SATURDAY CHRYSLER AND EVERY NIGHT 9 HARWOOD AVE. (North of 401) 683-5358 sp ecial S`r'ices Iia'ICR•tflllsfdrRwr�l�rolrtl■R��P� iders midge KOd bY_uinte AJAX-PICKERING - The Ajax -Pickering midget Raiders `AAA' hockey team was eliminated from further Eastern Ontario playoffs with a loss to Quinte Sunday night. The Raiders were beaten 3-2 at Belleville's Memorial Centre to give Quitne the best -of -five opening series, three games to oneJenn Dave Duerden and Rob Muller scored for Ajax-Pick in the losing cause. Assisting were Rob Bevington with Duerden and Kevin Ellis with singles. Ajax -Pickering suffered a 4-3 loss in game three of series at the Pickering Recreation Complex. Brad McDoald scored twice, while Lee Bosak scored once for Raiders. Earning assists were Duerden with two,A McDonald and Bosak with one apiece. ER� The Raiders' only win of the series came at the DonRA1D Beer Arena on Jan. 25 when they prevailed 6-2. Scorr- ing were Muller and Bosak with two each, Jason Reed and Ellis with sin- gles. Assisting were Muller, McDonald and Ellis each with two, Todd Ensoll, Graham Horne, Duerden, and James Hattie with one apiece. In the series opener, the Raiders dropped a 3-2 decision in Belleville Jan. 23. Muller and Duerden scored for Ajax -Pickering with assists to Reed, Bevington, Bosak and Ellis. Raiders' head coach Lionel Ingleton says the club worked hard during the series, but injuries which kept six players out of the line-up put the Raiders at a distinct disadvantage. The Raiders. sponsored by the Pickering Old Timers Hockey Associa- tion, will play in tournaments and exhibition games to finish the year. The squad will play in the Richmond Hill and Prescott tournaments in March. Pickering skaters glide to Eastern Blades meet PICKERING - Pickering skaters turned in fine perfor- mances at the Pickering Figure Skating Club's Home Club Competition last Saturday. The top two in each category will advance RCKERING to the Eastern FIGURE SKATING Blades Inter- club Compe- tition Feb. 13 and 14. The top CLUB three finish- tArf Itm C r s.A. ers in each skating category were: SN. BRONZE SOLO DANCE 1. Jayda Everett 2. Adriene Pratt 3. Jennifer Moss JUN. SILVER SOLO DANCE I. Natalie Gilbert 2. Nicole Thomson 3. Julie Diemen SEN. SILVER SOLO DANCE 1. Stephanie Martin 2. Sarah Hewitt 3. Trista Steel GOLD SOLO DANCE 1. Shelly Nicholson 2. Julie Davidson 6v, BUY 1 BUFFET DINNER (re& price) & RECEIVE 2nd BUFFET DINNER 3. Lisa Taylor JUNIOR BRONZE LADIES 1. Tara Leetham 2. Nicole Thomson 3. Natalie Gilbert INTRODUCTORIt' LADIES 1. Teri Alexander 2. Michelle Frazier 3. Mcghan Ryan SENIOR BRONZE LADIES 1. Julie Diemen 2. Lindsay Howell 3. Jenni Nicholson PRE -PRELIM. LADIES 1. Adriene Pratt 2. Linda Joyner 3. Carolyn Johnston ELEMENTARY LADIES 1. Nathalie Zabizewski 2. Amanda Gilroy 3. Kristyn Hill PRELIMINARY LADIES 1. Jennifer Moss 2. Devon Snider 3. Jayda Everett Also representing the Picker- ing Figure Skating Club at the Eastern Blades Interclub Com- petition are Shawna Mackenzie, Jeremy Herring and Richard Marshall. DINNER FOR 4 1 4 Egg Rolls 1 BBQ Chicken Wings 1 Diced Beef with 1 Vegetable & Almond 1 Sweet & Sour Chicken with Pineapple 1 Chicken Chow Mein 1 Special Fried Rice 1 Reg. $30.50 $19 99 1 fOr ' Now • Pick -Up 1 r.PeMA gg 1 Delivery $22.99 I � r 1 CASH ONLY No 1lerr eeOte agIN 40 W ee/rq 1 s" 1& 140 1 Cawal krookfnl so Oder po b or &Ices NOT AW a aeireir •1+ i Na Fad Fa. 311, Ir] I ov rbr gsni V dock ie Epees Feb. 3M I Fit AM as go ns mw q• !R. test fr r4111110_!!� ..'.�_. o.>�.�. ,. . ,,_ �....1�...!IR . ted ,.. Minof clans open podh wt Wkk PICKERING - The Pickering Coughlan Homes minor atom `AA' hockey team played to a draw with Bowmanville in the best -of -five playoff opener in Scoreboard LAKESHORE LADIES RINGETTE Results from Jan. 21 and 26. RRST GAME 511111 Br i (fie 12 va SssIon Gorr Ck1b 10. A pplire go* by Shwiyn Poland 5. Kaon Moony 3. Gail Ravary Z Brenda MdOmw Joy Mercia Assists lo Poland 5. Moony 4. McKimmss 3. Ravay Z Herca and Rose Bales. Sasie goats by Tarry Cocksmon 6, Laura Codw- ton, Jeanine Comeau. Pam Staines. Trina Bureau. Assists to Bureau 3. Comeau 2. Laura Cocenon 2. Tinny Cockeron. Sharon soles and shirrs. SECOND GAME Jenis ltetclr N Kithwr • vs. 9iMlon Group S. Jrds MuhlrN KNdnrs goals by Lon Lynch 4. Leigh Harting Z Jit Sirera. Sherri whittle. SuNon Group Rleay goals by Carne Brown 3. Nick+e Gee nas. Shannon Uuvn. AJAX/VILLAGE MINOR HOCKEY Atom Division HoueeNegue standings TEAM GP W L T F A PTS Sgns }ror^..Plarrt 15 12 2 1 75 25 25 Wddwood Ford 15 11 2 2 90 58 24 Future Tek ElWnc 15 9 4 2 71 56 20 Bourbon Bayys 15 7 5 3 57 52 17 Ajax S gn 8 Dispiay 15 6 5 4 61 59 16 Century 21 Briscoe 15 5 8 2 64 63 12 Alae Kinsrtrn 15 4 9 2 44 66 10 Discovery Bay Chro. 15 4 10 1 50 71 9 Ajax Lions 15 4 10 1 59 85 9 slap" Dephy 15 3 10 2 37 74 8 Scoring Leaders NAMETEAM G A P PIM ,e ey waxres ; Wiktwooc Ford) 39 7 46 6 Kevin Comer (Bourbon Bayiys) 28 11 39 0 Mathew cawcetl :ruiure Tac) 22 13 35 10 Davd Guay (Apx Sin) 24 8 32 10 Kyle Sheppard (Ajax Kvismer) 21 6 27 4 Graham Rerlrldt (Future'ec) 16 11 27 4 Adam Cyricora (Signs from.. I 18 8 26 4 Casey Murphy (WiiOwood Fond) 11 14 25 6 Kyle Kennedy (Dec Bay Cmro) 16 5 21 8 Ryar w r (Century 21 Briscoe) 14 7 21 0 Darryl Saftlands (Wildwood` 14 7 21 2 Robert McGarry (Century 2" 13 6 21 8 Ryan Alexander (Century 21) 10 111 21 8 Goelbnders NAME -TEAM G GA SO AVG Scor. 3,ow-'Scrs from..) 14 25 2 1 79 Shaw- utter tBourbcm Bayys) 14 44 2 3.14 Torry DWw= (Ajax Sin) 13 46 0 3.54 Ryan Soo -ors (Future 7ec1 15 55 0 3.67 M , cal Bawiey (W klwo, ) 15 57 0 3.80 Steven Ruddy (Century 2') 15 62 0 4.13 Toronto Painter (Ajax Kinsmen) 14 6C 0 4.29 Martin Ernst (Onc. Bay Chro.) 14 65 0 4.64 Jason Murray (Stayer Disyay) 15 74 0 4.913 Wesley Jones (Ajax Lon) 13 67 0 5.15 Bowmanville Jan. 30. In a typical playoff game, the two squads played tight defensive A hockey. The �r►�' O�� contest ended in X a 2-2 tie, with a 10 -minute over- 9r� time period fail- fOfIA110 ing to settle the issue. Scoring for Pickering were Clint Randolph and David Lewis. Earning assists were Danny Lusina and Nigel Wray. Steve Stinson played well in net for the Coughlan Homes atoms. r G5EAIRG5 CORRECTION NOTICE M our Soars, "Vbur Mww% Wom and Mod, sale prions and Thursdhr, Febtiary 11, 1993' Iyer, pope A9, the Sharp compact music system, 628891, is no longer available due to urwooedented demand. We regret that no r4ndteoka or backorders can be Bion. Pape A16, Ilte decorator rings, 20-3D% off are advertised lrmnlectty. In the top now, the second rug in from the lett hand side should be advertised with 1r assorted heed knotted W, Ii659.W$1,399.99. It is not on sale for 20-30% ort as are the rest of the rugs in that row. We ap kgme for arty inconvenience this may have Caused our customers. 3 A.S.M.B.Aa BASEBALL t on � Re istrati At the Ajax Community Centre SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1993 8:00 A.M. • 12 NOON, COMMODORE ROOM - For ch.!dren born between the years 1982-1987 inclusive T -Ball $70 00. Fkx*je Ball $75.00. Mosquito $80 00. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 6,19M 2:00 P.M. - 5:00 P.M., CAPTAIN'S ROOM For c ldren bom beween the years 1972-1983 inclusive Boys' Peewee, Bantam, Midget, Juvenile 8 Junior - Girls' baseball drowns $80 00 [PLEASE NOTE: BIRTH CERTIFICATES AND 'DR REGISTRATION REQUIRED FOR FIRST-TIME PLAYERS. OTHER REGISTRATION DATES: THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1993 6:00 P.M. -10:00 P.M., H.M.S. AJAX ROOM - ALL AGE GROUPS SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1993 9.00 A.M. • 1:00 P.M.. CAPTAIN'S ROOM -ALL AGE GRGJPS TMNtwiAMMsmw411�',,1zmmmtv)lvlJlmw*"4.1 ARTS & ENTERTAENM ENT Tree preserved as totem pole PICKERING - The pine tree, 85 feet tall and straight as an arrow, showed signs of rot and Steven Janes was afraid it would fall onto his house. So he did what most homeowners would do and hired a company to remove it. But Mr. Janes, who'd pre- served as many trees as he could when he built his house at 108 Twyn Rivers Dr., soon changed his mind. After workmen had cut down the top of the tree, Mr. Janes issued stop -work orders and asked his brother Peter Janes to carve the tree into a totem pole. Already an attraction in the neighborhood, the totem pole is expected to be finished this month. Started as a Canada 125 project, the 38 -foot -high pole will be officially unveiled this coming Canada Day when the scaffolding is removed. "It's the second thing I've carved in my life," says Peter No Sex opens at Herongate PICKERING - The comedy No Sex, Please ... We're British opens Friday, Feb. 5 at Heron - gate Barn Dinner Theatre. Billed as "one of the funniest British plays ever written," the production will continue for 10 weeks. Prices start at $28.95 for dinner and show, with taxes included. Herongate is on Altona Rd., about seven kilometres north of Hwy. 2, Pickering. Call 472- 3085. Please recycle this newspaper 111;-1,1111,00 uo DSATs � SUUAYS EATERY0 Breakfast Special (sat. 8 Sun. only) 12.49 EVERY NIGHT OF THE WEEK(5 to 10 p.m.) WE OFFER A GREAT DINNER SPECIAL ONLY $999 EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT EVERYTHING�Q99 ON OUR MENU (s -to p.m.) ST11.1. ONLY 9 Steaks and Roast Beef based on 8 oz portions PICKERING TOWN CENTRE 839-2507 Janes, who's been working on the project full-time since October. "It was a scary proposition in the beginning." But the pole, which sports totems that include a beaver, a raven, an Indian chief, a grizzly bear, a "Wild Woman of the For- est" and more, is "turning out far better than we anticipated," says Steven Janes. "it shows people what you can do when you take a chance. It's a winner." He decided on a totem pole because "There's not a heck of a lot else you can do with the tree. It's so straight, it's always impressed me. Years ago, it would have been marked for a ship's mast." Peter, who says he's always admired native art, consulted books when deciding which totems to carve. He's included work from more than one tribe but says the art remains true to native styling. Totem poles traditionally stood in front of a home and told a story of the family's history, he says. However, he doesn't know how to read them and his pole therefore doesn't depict any particular tale. But it's been drawing a lot of attention, attracting neighbors and, recently, a troupe of Girl Guides. "Traffic slows down; I don't mind that," says Peter, who acknowledges he seems to have a flair for carving. "I don't expect it to lead anywhere, but it would be nice." Peter Janes is carving a totem pole out of a pine tree at the Tywn Rivers Dr. home of his brother, Steven Janes. photo by Celia Bronkhorst OF AJAX WARRIORS SOCCER REGISTRATION FOR GIRLS & BOYS 7%L Saturday, February 6th 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Ajax Community Centre ¢ HMS Ajax Room X60/player or $165/family 3+ Coaches aro sti required in some age divisbns. For further information please co Ud Pam Czerwinski at 427-4789. EARLY BIRD DRAW for arty players registered on this day. Prizes donated by the Ajax Warriors Soccer Club as well as its many generous sponsors. .o �a " a ° �' �'.1MRi1<fLA•'I7�t�ADVEttT1G1Q.�,l�R]A1t1f;'Wd e i AID e Billboard Is a free feature for community events of a non-profit nature. To have Your events promoted In Bill- board, call us at 683-5110 or write to the Ajax -Pickering News Advertiser, 130 Com- mercial Ave., Ajax, Ontario, LIS 2H5. The deadline for Bill- board Items Is 10 a.m. the Monday prior to Wednesday publication, 10 a.m. the Wednesday prior to Friday publication and 10 a.m. the Thursday prior to Sunday pub- Ikation. TOASTMASTERS: The Ajax - Pickering Toastmasters Club meets Wed., Feb. 3, 7:15 p.m., at the Family Trust office, cor- ner of Finley Ave. and Bayly St., Ajax. It's for people want- ing to improve their public - speaking skills. The club meets every Wednesday. 428-7677 (Dorothey). BIRD REHAB: The Avicare Bird Rehabilitation Centre will hold a six-week lecture course called Aspects of Wild Bird Rehabilitation, Part 2, beginning Wed., Feb. 3 at 7:30 p.m. $40. Register, 430- 3019 (Cathy). CYCLING GROUP: The Tour- ing Concept Cycling Group holds its monthly meeting rl�i��1��CH KITCHEN & BATH CENTRE D Wed., Feb. 3 at 7:30 p.m. at Henry Street High School, room 212, 614 Henry St., WNt- by. Topic is minor main- tanance and repairs. New members 18 and over invited to join. 420-4275 (Lucy.) THURSDAY NATURALISTS: Pickering Naturdists meet Thurs., Feb. 4 at 7:30 p.m. at the Rouge Hill Library, Rougemount Dr. south of Hwy. 2, Pickering. Slide presentation on cou- ple's year-long journey in the Arctic. 427-1655 (Dale Hoy). Herongate N Barn Dinner Theatre Alton Rd., Pickering presents Hilarious British Comedy NO SEX PLEASE WE'RE BRITISH Feb. 5 - April 10 scar a►w. F.a � t2C95 ro.+e� L[7 Fa Pasmad" Phan ca 1 472-3085 -4T, 1 Milt W-�� Y ' WEVE SP� AS MUCH TME POWECTM OUR CABNETS, - AS YOU'LL SPED ENJOYM THM 1020 BROCK RD. Und 06 _ PLumh 1St street S. Of 401, off Brock Rd., Piclo k n eAYLY s I— The Town of Pickering Department of �= Community Services & Facilities IS NOW ACCEPTING NOMINATIONS FOR 1993 CIVIC AWARDS Categories for 1993 Include: SPECIAL CITATION AWARD INDIVIDUAL CIVIC AWARD LOCAL SPORTS ACHIEVEMENT AWARD LOCAL BUSINESS AWARD COMMUNITY SERVICE GROUP AWARD Nomination forms and more information are available at the Town of Pickering, Department of Community Services and Facilities, One The Esplanade - 2nd Floor. All nomination forms must be delivered to the Department of Community Services and Facilities no later than March 31, 1993 - 5:00 p.m. For more information, please contact the Department of Community services and Facilities at 420-4621 or 683-2760 HOCKEY DANCE: The Pick- ering Lincoln Homes minor novice 'AA' hockey team hosts a Valentine's Day dance at the Don Beer Arena Sat., Feb. 6, at 8 p.m. Door prizes and cash bar. For tick- ets, call Anne Greer at 831- 6198 or Sophie Ruta at 509- 2670. GYMNASTICS MEET: The Pickering Aerials Gymnastics Club hosts the Provincial A oil 7m!q TOW of Coming ev"i Women's Gymnastics Qualifi- er at the cub's facility at Dixie and Kingston Rds. on Sat., Feb. 6 and Sun. Feb. 7 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. each day. Cost for advance tickets are $3 for adults and $1 per child per day. 839-5260. UNTIL MARCH 5 DRINK, SPAGHETTI, GRILLED CHEESE AND CURLY FRIES. HOT DOG AND CURLY FRIES AND ICE CREAM. OTHER KIDS' MENU ITEMS s1 ' KIDS UNDER 12 o�Ae� 2 KIDS PER ADULT ENTREEIT 0 ®y NOT VAUD WITH ANY OTHER COUPONS B R Y L Y' sJw- .....368 BAYLY ST. W. W �. SOY"4_27-1888 AJAX ; a.rtr :Call The News Advertiser With Your Scores & Tips News RoomFbw Monday to Friday 9 a.m. to 5p.m 683-5110 IL Dear Food Shopper: THE News ADVERTISER, WZD, nUVA1tY 3,1!l&rAGE 25.A Knob H1011 Farms Open Sundays'. Starting this Sunday, all Knob Hill Farms Food Terminals will be open each and every Sunday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Why are we changing our policy of "Closed Sunday, "Our Family Day"" -- a policy that has won us applause from many customers for years? Quite simply, it's business! Ever since our Provincial Government changed its position and made Sunday shopping legal, there has been a gradual shift in customer shopping patterns, which we at Knob Hill Farms cannot afford to ignore. Personally, I wish the law had not been changed so that we could continue to keep Sunday as "Family Day" for all our employees. And so that the small corner stores and neighbourhood 'mom & pop shops' would still have Sundays to themselves to help them survive in this prolonged recession. But, you cannot run a business with your heart. You have to watch the marketplace and move with the times. That's why we are now going to be open on Sundays. This Sunday decision was made after long discussions with our store managers and some of their staff -- sort of "family talks"-- because Knob Hill Farms is truly a family style company. Our Knob Hill family members realize that this decision was made in the best interests of their company and, in effect, to protect their future employment. For you, the shopper, our Weekly Specials will start on Sunday and run through to Saturday. And we'll kick off this Sunday with a host of Great Savings in meat, produce, groceries and household items. You know at Knob Hill Farms, we have always recognized that the most important person in the store is you -- the customer! We are now here to serve you seven days a week. And we hope you will enjoy the added convenience of having another day to shop in our nine Food Terminals. .;;,r��e'�tr�i�il�ii�,l����:�r�l�it�r��i��t��i�r�i�i�i�����'a,*r:�►+'�'�.'��4���z"� t - - ^ . � _ _. � .' . _ ., . .. •A•THE NE•1'S ADVE>YIUM WWF FMUUM 3ti M • 100% PURE 01tAXAGME: CO •s aiavE BEE1AE �'�•Z� 10 Iu11I R475gFSOX Poo-'-7iJAGI �2 I�YT • .7 1311= CUP CourAcAADB APSTTE3is. C� ISLBTUB •i w+ �KNOIR HIL KURZ BRAND • AT DELI COUNTER PRODUCT OF CANADA ,r..- 1� � f RAIV,D 40r / •.. • • j �,�• ! AIDA 1• PRODUCT OF CANADA -FRESH OR PREVIOUSLY FROZEN • MCCAIN • FROZEN • ASSORTED • CAMBELL'S SOUPS 1�1• • : 1 � i �� it • 1' • • .s• _ 1 'k foh 1 . • ! f +t - lam N00 • • l NAMP\s 1 1 , 77 1.1 T LMU-3m I J1 �•- ; :r,:.:.:, ;;A:E - BEEF GAY LEA FOODS OXFORD FARMS I ( MCCAIN -,ALLEY FARMS -CANADA FANCY -FROZEN 1• • 1�• • • �,1• • I 1 I •• � • 1N��I08 wi ' M 1 11• 1,� 1p 1 � 1 .0L lob I Dig Dill si - - - - - ----- ------ ,. 1't 1 I go•• r- •r �- DO WATA1�- • V nos 47 • 1 D4 D4 • lot m - =3 011111 Ron JE I c� CA'.'5RIDGE TOROrJTO TORONTO TORONTO PICKERING '.'lATERJTR L00 '•I'SSiSSAUGA NORTH YORK �ErA� DO%VNT0',';'J RI ERDALE MARKHAr,1 DURHAm DURHAAM - .. . -• Wit.• -. •rr•nrrrl. �' rr•iiir.ir.-: -a, tb :� r - 12 � NA Ag WW 94 1 I i.AUNDRY ' 5 ` a • 121,130X • 511, BOX 2 L.IIKTF �D0ETfiE •• 47 B"X LEVER 2000 ALL DISHWASHER /DORAN'I'1 AQ ItII�TSE D�-1'F.RGiF�I'IsoAp 1199 . � 3�, _A 329 (-�- 3149 z 3A--�K •COBI •STOKELY VAN CArt71P$ -CANADA FANCY•ASSORTED OLVA �rlllC 11pelas �• y t• T ' � 7 1 cA_tiE MIX OR MATCH OUA1cER ASSORTED VE OADr,ToTlviF,Ai. NG OF NABISCO AYLMER • SOUEEZABLE OR GLASS r VAN AY�M . D___m ILI I • LIGHT N LIVELY - MD(OR MATCH • 2 FLAT UMR I Ll ,&I �Ll:l \M% o I A PRMO _ • PRODUCT OF U.S.A. CALIFORNIA Yom• -'� •".w-. �+ 1 1 • FROM THE TROPICS • LARGE SIZE I 1 . ME 11"i �i — • 11 J J PRODUCTOF U S A. FLORIDA it NEW CROP" ALIHAUPI-LIE ORANGES TRA 1-.4JR :E SIZE 64's FROM THE TROPICS ` CELLO WRAPPED COCONLPIS ------------------------� i :SANDWICH :� I FANNCYArI4ANrEOL BOXOP100 �; cvculv�ERs oRA1vGEs jCoum wwG uQL cl m G > �•% 1 13ELEC."1' YOUR OWNDUB SAT. FB MM N STOLE KETAL p.49 SE[.ECT YOUR OWN /•I3Ai.F M �S as EXTRA LARGE SIZE JP DIArf ltl%'E= ItIM AWN °F`� CABBAGE >� �YOJROW iN 't .I SAT. FEB Oft N STOLE RETAL 8221 IN��NNN�NNN� �N NJ I IOUff GEERAL FOM 1 `� 21 WAXFXII ZLTRNIPS •ANJOU •l•OSC + 7wil3oX of R OOIIPgIwwoUIRLCLOSUG�; Jxn%5Bo SIZE . =1�RE I.Be. llSAT. FEI. MI N SIMS KETAL 3211 C R.rirL� GRF�1�T P` ^ s F.PP`F S KIWI k Mt= .soy Boot FUJI, YOUR OWN BAG � [Al I I RR N I A 1 '1 CM" wwG i#M m oSNO S I 11.13. POLY BAG — 1 SAT. FB MRl N SPORE FETALM I2 1 'IM�����������N��� 1 �pGENER�AL ELLS Q I Elms 1 -,I, c-EMPFAT . I 5259 BOX 1 10 L8. POLY BAG ....,� "P"I.MS I cars�oN vAlo uNTL aosNG 1 101.8. F'A WWII Y S1T.E POLY BAG SAT iB. ILII M SiOIE FETAL /Lw _ N_ I�TL*OQTG'S`CEREAL______________, KRAfTQEIElALF00DS /OST_ --_--__-___•1 j g1AFTGEERAIFnODS ----- - -_-_ _________ 1F 1 IRe R.IGI-Fr ; 1 - �75D — g 1 1 =gONMESME 1om" WLO UNTIL CLOSNG ; 1 CDAMN w o UWX aNG aS SAT. TOLE KETAL $M I 1 SAT FW M N SPORE FETAL SSM ly+- SAT FEB M10. N SigE NEFAL p A �• 1 i MGR MAT= NE w►S ADVENrISU4 WED, il'MUARY 4 IM 100 Careers 100 Careers 100 Careers 100 Careers 100 Careers 100 Careers 100 Choose from These Career Business Administration Marne a %UCCeuMI carer, business yo; can do rt with our tr"U"It x all The relevant aspecn or hi—ne+.6r rbc — A i -L ,-, manapr'W" Legal Secretary/ Medical Office Assistant 'ado's ..orhpsace dr mlWa7sprt-Uw'+'�`pr C&Wtz rC v:lk the Car Ttacf+vq. Rrstahb br a Write .401 Gcr on or a Medica l.r lweragt Hotel & Restaurant Operatiom Management with throe years work Xy Tabewwpe- ahrdwal plot lens Mlarwk* en• vou'R ave this —_— - Prow •Pro01.60*516 • It's orratnetaws gr�- ree.itro 4030M0 sola Y pan, fmmil 7al ung inousInes telas r _ and we'll show you COVERY Total Immediate now Ip be a part of a' Dur P DO' Word Processing Tho .> a .arse• ,:.a:.> always in der�a^d Null beech ver. Micro Computer Business Applications :ar r Kar the tact in sanware pack- ages, It's s.mple' "" .Uta hone gratin —d Runde sou through +.th easv-ro-under- _ staid '14vuctrons Dental Chairside Assistant A carer m Use dental piolesson is both rt -ardm warding and resPecteo *our cane, as a Or -,4a harrsrde Ass+starrt br- �- �tnwahour espe^.'n- v-n.ctron Why Our Practical Training Makes sense: Coommer An em AN, .-Kan hr,p w.0 a denard fa pual,- �.. bed People we can wah thr basKs. and by the lone sou frnah l .It coarse you It -radv to land a pb' Micro Computer Electronics he age a rec hno ftv here ltaHehon training. assembling PW moa -rig an ISM L a�—suresrblecornps-11 r -elates sour tk,lh w r I I anyays br rn de nand - V' Travel & Tourism Ike 1i tach you the skdls You rand b be a ` per of Awa escamit s world+4 nduary "41 C0Ur%e--CliJde%0M6D- +sg CRT 'APOLLO by Cem.n tranwt Accounting & Computers sore vounelr or• to. -oto Ah b a dynamic carrier' Our seep-bv-step �n- snuchon-11 teach You how to rmpknrem and - aperatracorrouorrued 1 xcountwrg s"Wn ©Bank Telling & Financial Services with throe years work Banwmg or fmancmg ahrdwal plot lens Mlarwk* who ,B a a**iness .ou need to .now low ree.itro 4030M0 sola Y pan, fmmil 7al r icwnr nC loon r _ •ti •.>-d4reect Micro Computer Business Applications :ar r Kar the tact in sanware pack- ages, It's s.mple' "" .Uta hone gratin —d Runde sou through +.th easv-ro-under- _ staid '14vuctrons Dental Chairside Assistant A carer m Use dental piolesson is both rt -ardm warding and resPecteo *our cane, as a Or -,4a harrsrde Ass+starrt br- �- �tnwahour espe^.'n- v-n.ctron Why Our Practical Training Makes sense: Coommer An em AN, .-Kan hr,p w.0 a denard fa pual,- �.. bed People we can wah thr basKs. and by the lone sou frnah l .It coarse you It -radv to land a pb' Micro Computer Electronics he age a rec hno ftv here ltaHehon training. assembling PW moa -rig an ISM L a�—suresrblecornps-11 r -elates sour tk,lh w r I I anyays br rn de nand - V' Travel & Tourism Ike 1i tach you the skdls You rand b be a ` per of Awa escamit s world+4 nduary "41 C0Ur%e--CliJde%0M6D- +sg CRT 'APOLLO by Cem.n tranwt Accounting & Computers sore vounelr or• to. -oto Ah b a dynamic carrier' Our seep-bv-step �n- snuchon-11 teach You how to rmpknrem and - aperatracorrouorrued 1 xcountwrg s"Wn ©Bank Telling & Financial Services with throe years work Banwmg or fmancmg ahrdwal plot lens Mlarwk* paler, many rwardrng CYlTr operons' Or* ,B a a**iness could be vows. wrM ree.itro 4030M0 sola Y pan, fmmil 7al our corprehemsrve r _ and profen oral m• sm4ctrom W/ Executive Secretary Learn horn the gest' ouwhgidv-q /Kam- a sbucwm .4 beach you Are latest in odRce pro cedars and put You on Your was, so bring a bop-rwbch secretary • Ciabalein W 6 Mm" More Reasons for Choosing Toronto . Tag Gest for Tooilien Fees • Ir"alucims twill 101 Fwerience School of Business: . A"r,;,V. Apngea% Eie+wiap, i • Graduate with Up-T&431aie SWk • Swalf Classes Eton Personal Aneadow sadurdf clanrs • Larwof Maser C"W on Canada Convenient Claes Haws tsar all courses available at an campuses. Firalosnial Asobano e he Alk Find bs im dw runt • A4ar Our pot t& rete haws mom you can wok pig bins[ while anetbdieg school. TORONTO Schoolof • PICKER I N G CAMPUS 4201344 1450 Kingston Road, Suite 17, Pickering 110 General Help 110 General Help 110 General Help 110 General Help 110 General Help among ow00000�w DISTRIBUTION CENTRE Recently renewed major contract with U.S. engineering firm bo Mfg to fill positions In our Customer Service and Managemerd Trainees. Paid training supplied. Must have own $1,600 MONTH PORTRAIT SALES OONSULTANT klaft1Y00nSf POfrBM OOlfl�ly B SeaittlQ � M ttw blowiq 2 � Pew a E,1 PCsilion iwodss txltlMtla c donna on ft d0saw sit rine- as a porlrak Collection; avid Good URM a bolsi Co woto Paid tairiltp Propraiu P I - " Apply in Poison BOY Pafte. Owl Hall Scup. •melt COM MCMI Cann. f Beyly SL Uai IIB. PIdL, bstwsen Thu. Feb. 40 124 or Feb. S. 94 No phone d plows. JOBS in Hood - woellelualOtr EXPERIENCED atdktuat, for Ctrl G ASSIHED 578-9335 from Hurriare b Inki nowtoll colial progress. 6lS MM•OBSt, cal ' Bb,g alar edS40N AM70R a f CYO (02100 I Careers 100 Careers IMM None INA Your Business Career Starts Here • Programmer Analyst • Microcomputer Business Applications • Word Processing • Computerized Accounting • Computer Maintenance Technology V OSHAWA n 434-8585 • You may be eligible for financial assistance. ' If you are 45 years of age and have recently been laid off you may qualify for training assistance from the Provincial rovemmeru- M Career Development Institutes Ltd. BURNABY . VANCOUVER - SURREY - EDMO\TON • OTTAWA • HALIFAX- VICTORIA - SASKATOON • MONTRCAL - LAVAL • QUEBEC The Power to succeed. ULTRASONOGRAPHER Required For general sonography for Thursday evenings 4-8 p.m. We are looking for ARMDS registered or registry eligible person with hospital experience. Please submit resume to: Curd Hobbs Assistant Tectv*W Director of lRrasound Alex and PiC wiV Gened F o*W 580 Harwood Ave. S. Ajaxr Ontario LIS 2A m#+ 1416) 428.5208 110 GenerA HOp 110 General Help dsnwwtYbed anesobs, rMaw clear apMRrq uEilaslsn wEGO.bao le let* Y writeown skft le. or S]6Bap pAL 42tl-Stip. 00205" BE your own load hrd.patdloa contractors wanted for -uI pnw— we* you own dqs sod house. No «oalarw needed. Via tab. Guaa end eommisslon - daay Coot bonosse. Ale told, is. CIA da4ay powilL taunt Bract cey. Delray be "a enpmaw yw ham 4304M 10 awc4 PAL (=00I LANCIE, hwawalloital %a* partall OMWM Mob waaaer, wed ollienized indlisidloid wool good Isimplass dft Is instant our dkM Is mass M �• 4+� .ads, h«rlr a•w 1th• laws and botchy. Call Jbl 420 - SNS. 0-12 aAL or 11:10-4a0 PAL (M02M1 EARN by PwAft "yeyeaerat Mew.We need ww kbMitp people win a end 110 General Help � of humour. Coll Dodow PiOlaMleosid Home Dopcomoat NW120.1MOHah 120 one Hop BOOKKEEPER - loneral duties. AIR.. AIP. Compull r Q�a�� b pw Bun b 141 Blofdb 95 rNlfldy batadsen fhb P� h�Ml F you we single or a oktple plegia or --Md or - , , - ATTENTION parents and peAauce and dna HOMEMAKERS or malum with throe years work —880 1 Know Use ahrdwal plot lens Mlarwk* d9ft; , r30 Ped tido fw learn. No a:perlenee. For ,B a a**iness IB�a Pinang a Grp � ree.itro 4030M0 sola Y pan, fmmil 7al of piw whviq 4Y1. Oshawa. Oen. LIM 71.11. am 46 and Ma wolody bean COVERY Total Immediate All taI' PmvkW to OMO yforki- Isidall. you onyquaMts mM, Iruoons For e No,,,� 9*0 *NBy. Call 40 Mi 10 sr- inn assistance. DIP/CERT. call Barbara at 425-0071. aw an rdlovletr.1M1U1 Lona. W~GM D -Mase. ( COMPANir Wood b PkiwrYq wad, aoryeS Oadlord, atdooad. IIMRBTYLIBT and appwrdios wqudraa a waw house parson. vaMwtL possmoMar. lllotrard. required for established Must have S ywn work err- deco a Cowl, Ceepnaa PwpiMfetil/ + MOR inquired b Alit s oa IM lent ewe oDPwhil y forBra a woad. Baby 1e be rtpoli- I Pool and C. IAaeMMosh. Guilt tirade i rMsnta . Ona a rolling par weak. please ad d9ft; , r30 Ped tido fw learn. No a:perlenee. For Sod wsume to filo OGM3 at ahw Thb wrtdr. PA. Bot E*mW and Bionow. Dudum Businaas Conploor Collega. ree.itro 4030M0 sola Y pan, fmmil 7al Interview. each t w3goe. 4Y1. Oshawa. Oen. LIM 71.11. 427-010. (Tn . . . .. . 110 GOWN Help 110 GOWN HOp ;*';, o -so OF P,�,�THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF PICKERING REQUIRES A PLANNER 2 The Town of Pickering, located immediately east of Metropolitan Toronto, is seeking an addition to its Planning Team. The Town is seeking a highly motivated and creative professional to identify and respond to a wide variety of dWenging issues associated with growth of this dynamic Town of 68,000 people. The Planner 2 will use their planning skips in undertaking projects involving land use policy and development review on an individual basis, and as a member of small planning teams. QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE: The Planner 2 requires a university degree in Urban Planning or a related field; excellent written and oral communication skills, and effective negotiation skills; membership in the Canadian Institute of Planners is preferred; A minimum of four years of relevant professional planning experience is preferred. SALARY RANGE: 238,402.00 - $42,660.80 Please submit application in writing, including a detailed resume of education and experience, before February 17, 1993 to: Margaret tut Sharpley Manager of Human Resources Corporation of The Town of Pickering One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario L1 V 6K7 Only those applicants selected for an interview Will receive an acknowledgement. Please note: The successful applicant will be required to adhere to the provision of our Smoke -Free Environment Policy. An Equal Opportunity Employer THE TOWN OF AJAX Requires TEMPORARY CUSTODIAN/LABOURER Reporting to ria Facility Foreman, tte successful aPAbM WilI Pim necessary lenibriai duties in the PAveation Complex, hose down pool docks. vwwm pool, take necauty test: and Wpm pool chemical levels. bat upfimlim g rooms and pet lorm minor adding mairlllnnto@ ntpers s lo**O . Applicenls Will haw a Grade 12 diplogood pubic reialce s Walt. $rpaience in operabn and Un of floor clearing and sa ubbing machines, lOtowledpe of proper clwrwlg andprocedures; knowledge of workIf &W GliBbolit spStems, be able b SALARY-M30W Ill'a@ry Rale Please 1tig3N* in wrigrlp by W$dneedffjR, Feftery 10, 1N: t7lwaot of Hualnt Phoolnew Tarn d Ain IN Hn - Awe i 042Nt Ormb LISstn Thr wooeedlll flppicallt will be ttltquiud Io ad11e1Ne 10 ate prowsiotne d air smoke4m 6161Non 10 point This Personal iflbrlltaio 1 is collected WWW the IM#IOrAr of the MIMN*W ft and wA be used b oOLOBSliorle about g�mum�ooYCf, apes artei eronit should p lo11l1 be it* red to to Human Rssaunm 120 office Help BUSY Red Etade amoe in Pkk- wing requires part time PAL WW rnwa'. 4 S9m, 9 8 p.m, and sule. 145 PAL PleasauM tslsplEoute martyr and onalm Real t aatng exp*rllei Wd-Ot Car 8302 21 ter M uNoview. (02pJp'� 135 Skilled Help MOORE EXPERIENCED Fork Lift license and 00 an repairin pr a trucks. 4(11 woldd bo an weelf. 32-1 l�7a0t Fall yaw d today 150 HOw Derital DENTAL RECEPTIONIST - AIR: our Pkkw" practice low mediately requires an ex- perloncod energetic p team! oomptaarrsd (Abs+ of e, Cale evenlogs and Saturday ex - 110 GOWN Hao THE MM ADVERrU . AZD.. MRUMM 3,11lW MG)L MIA 110 Glerms mro 210 Fw ww 300 A"' 400FAQ 400 vENooRa tatwd - r lyes htM / m a+Ivpn Sportp For ReM ACCOUNTANT Required by large residential construction company in 401MIhites Road area. Must Possess strong analytical skills, have experience with EDP -based accounting systems, ideally those provided by Minicom Data Corporation. Exposure to real estate development industry is preferred, a thorough knowledge of Lotus 1-2-3 a necessity. Successful applicant will be a self starter with a professional attitude. This will be a 6 month contract renewable at the employer's discretion. Please forward your resume in confidence to: Vice President, Finance Tribute Corporation 1815 Ironstone Manor, Unit #10 Pickering, Ontario L1W 3W9 or send It by facsimile to 839-3757 a Ball a w pwdtral le !la CIi TE li BELL t6,000 kmw„ radsd. lla (IBT, ti sot. Flea Marko k to you. Boon le spoed. $15./00. Car OW34W p2ooso open ii M with vendors. yS have 1991 Pontine 8unblyd Ltd for tom for you. Oval sat. ane Ediion 65.000 kms.. air. poser, Bun Call 02$4"4. 10207!31 anrfm caseate. open le offers. WEDDING dmn. alto 11112. 8!6.9153. (020WM Tradkb W wNnllp Ancon Ise and 1919 Beretta G.T.. 5 speed. pearls. Tapered bouffant phot. husy loaded, Pxv.. Pl.. air Moron. bench n t full pain con., factory 6n, $7500 ob o. with ANcon wrbroldwy lace. 75,000 kms., 404-8897. 530' CAN 683.2276. W079M M20MM INGLIS woo w, Ker - we dryer /!N Toyota Twai. I«0 dos, older gel, waits wry wet. $150 sunroof, low mileage. well sol. Call 603.1118. (020793) marntairad, 55600 ob.o. Car Articles 5094=7 for more kft i ion. 220 (020493) For Sale sold 1948 Oldsmobile Cutlass 111M Honda Accord. akaanslic Calais, two door, 3 litre, v8, THERMAL Vnyl windoea, buy auto, air. tat. Powsi wwkndows. direct from manufacturer (no am/1m Cassette, aluminum middim -- ). Guarsrneed lowest Free astimat«. 883 wheals. only 84.000 kna., as - 5798. 5784. ( 3) king 56900 CsrHiod. Call 721- PICKERING - bright one 0264. M20 -94M PIANOSIGRANDFATHER CLOCKS - Pianos, rem b own. 1!44 Cherette, 4 door, apt. sits, uplo , grand. digital. autonslK, 2-1988 Cho%Wft, 4 keyboards. CLOCKS - free door. automatic 1986 Cavafer, 4 door be PCVMWKi - clean bright three bedrown arngAldw, upper lewd. Geroge. tape awno.d tat, a"" b beech and park on bus Nonuse. Laundry facilities. $850 pr mond . 1R unwise. Cal 281 - ONE bedroom apartment In triplex, all Included, $550 twig ly. Fridge. autorrtotrc, must Laundry tan pwk d 428 pantry and & up. Cam r low Call 728-0817. All vehicles AJAX - bright one bedroom, after 6 p.m. and wwwkends. and tab adwnupe d our low artmied. (020593) walk out basement. separate (0208p3) priors on all ,lock Bast prions entrance. sus single person. non akmay el 4331491. (TFALL) lints Hyundai Pony. ex -ft amokw, no pets, fist and IoM, AJAX - new one bedroom bate FABRIC vertfcalr with valence. awwion• 79.000 kms., Stan- SSW inclusive. Available row. rust* tPamrwlt fnd9rgbwe, 72- wide by a,,- long. $69. Also dard transmission, cMHied. 428.9147. (020993) perking, u Obi Included and 51500 Cam 427-3195 (000793) fun bothni ont On Ajwk and Go M wide by " long. $89. BEAUTIFUL two bedroornbose- bus routes. Please Call 427- P.V.C. $49 and 569. Other sizes INS Chove e. now paint, now menta apartment se arate 130 Sales Help, 160 p p p v Day Care avai1ib1e ,, ontranu, 4 appllaneos, air ' Agents Wanted ATTENTION ALL SINGLES - I :1750 Cwtm'iod ob.o. Cal 433 condkkxrd. angst vac, Cable, OSHAWA - are bodroonr $575; 1787. (020593) a 1-11 reed non smakers. Aar- two bedroom. $695; utllxies TRECO REAL ESTATE LTD., REALTOR LICENSED NEW How SALES REPRESEwATIVE8 Required for Whitby. Call Now, for an opportunity to On our Successful sales team For confidential interview please call RESPONSIBLE loving aregMw required in our horst, 11b -1 a aural redo- aludo equipped b nab you sound 111M Honda Accord. akaanslic king $750. Phone 467-1049 a included. Bowmanville . one for 2.3 days a week and oc- teat singingur favourite 9 pa S a 8 stereo cassane. air, lops, /11&4864716- =079Cq bedroom 5696; Iwo bedroonL casional weekends. song. Background music windows, sunroof, cruise. PICKERING - bright one $725. Cam 434-2407. (020611M References. Roseland and supplied. optbnal vkW. very 69.000tms., certified. 34595. bedroo n basemen apani art BO'WMANVIIlE - one bedroom Anderson. 886.4865.(02079M reasonable rates. 435-2811 Crown Auto, 428-9423, private entrance, parking, 4 aPartnwnbrrare WOfinPlsoa. EXPERIENCED ave In or out days or 4361089 evenings. Pickering. M20993) appliances. available a i silsbte hmrdiMMy. 5483 pe nanny requeed Ior 9 rtnaheh old P20993) 19R, VW cconditkbb, Immediately. 267.6720. ninth. Hunan, hydro. parking oaDy. 99111 Bnirn9• non OAKiP11E tables• chaos, loser Ides mileage, mint condition' e. mi Day Care knckuded. 6237986. (0204113) smoker. Maple Ridge area. and bedroom furniture - hand- $3300 certified. 420-7267. ONE bedroom n TauorvSkixwo OSHAWA - available P4000 ors required. Cam 427- crafted telae yaw eyes - by (021193) area. $450 per month. Hoa, nrnadaey. down. quiet one 4189 Ieeve message. (02039M one of Ontario's largest �arbwM4 parking included 644.4798 or bedroan be w it apartment. NANNY/HOUSEKEEPER re nn mAsctkxers• Buy dies and 1960 Pontiac Parisienne. robust 71�94448M. M20UM storage. separate entrance. no red errrad. qN tally b care for 3 in home. Mon save. Eg. 42- roved solid oak table and 4 mans, ergine, new tranansWn Plus. i s, best plea. Cam 839 AJAX - Odord Towers. a - �m�m pets, non smoker. $475 rrhorafsy. 404-0539. (020793) children -Fri, $699. Q $699. queen .- ped, 18 1825 between ba. m.-4p.m. aparimwen. Arable parka. le it laundry fafdRent Rent Merences required Please cam 0 stein $299. Over 200 stain (1120791) March 1. Qrrat Qu'idirnD• pool, THREE bedroom in Whitby. 430.2020. (020993) I O N A I 985-DWO TRADITIONAL 2151. (pd07501 sauna, Claw b shopping. 401 rr". cove. perking, $775 Oka OCASSIOI/AL babysater re WOODWORKING, (TF) PRIVATE sale 19M Nissan and Go. Lam 6835.,!22 wiM 730 utilities Two bedroom lower gutted In Glendale arta. facilhipt. Avaglibte Mandl 1. Phats 427,2157. 10001901 Micra, 4 cylinder, 5 speed. P m (020393) apartment, $625 inclusive Rotwwnpes preMred. 4242591. �� ono ~ P Latw wt 51800 ob-o. , I n . Ales 1964 OCE Dedroorm apatrrlwR FedV Frdgo. s'ovs, pwking, walk b Go, dogs. (000393) DkA �vmh�' $450 Cat 834 Mnm auto, make an otter- Cad Otxw area. $550 monthly in - no 509.2091 LOVING clnadCare provider re 9573. (020393) 721-1575. (020693) ciudee utilities, separate R RRNr Ire, ist $0@4 (I>iffi71a q,utod 3 days res week in my BATH tub. white acrylic nwalk , MGH Hues Serena or Gear entranas. rest ad lent Cab 434 AJAX - super one bedroom hares to care for two children. brad new. whhrbaol style. con► Pallow ma. rd- Caedm Ch@cjL Cara 3987. (020793) bwnrw+t apamrrant cerameC Pickering Beach area. Your plre with mechanical waste leered to own. 1976•t96s. 725- WHITES �saipparale carprang., asperse wmrarvi 4 child welcome. 428-3639. overflow. Can be ooriverned for 1966 w 66637M (TFALL) bedroom�� appliances. 7650 morehy' aNafF use with purrp. Cap 6394443 after or leave message. Trucks For � . 00-m kitchen with able rnmellia " Non smoke, n p�s. Call 428-3914. LIVE ourmany housekeeper re. 31 0 J Sale and Move. 3 twos. both, t pueed Immediately for Dart uta s&w par mane. Few od kit work, future full time hours. �N' room' Male - oval tabu ,966 Choir Scottsdale, shat no smdung, no per,. Sitit single COZY studio anartment In references and Cash two k*sues. 6 ctharrs ad s' 6 box. vs. auto. pa., pb-. air. person For more i+lonwwaaon., duplex. Carpeted, private tramaporExperiehoed, own owO/1 nary. ch' cabinet. oA.o. Cap cruse. a A. mono, dust tans ky Wi6-M7. (020493) wxraws. soon cient, Oehaws. Pickering. call 509-9569,. ,7ins (020793) and rrrrcn Wore 162000 kms., PICKERING - one bedroom Bus M door. her Go. FestASMI 0793) MOVING Sale • npM d Feb. S asking 14200 ob o 663 6,00. Daserrnern apartmnsnt, separate rWerar p... 11340. Non wndkare Da Y Gare �e teak bedroom sm. oak fo2o793, anrance. $540 inck4m uotwa. ble. lewd No Drawl,� our yaw lease. 481- 8472, P11 p.m. (020493) 165 dealt. lsaefner couch and many /1166 Chewy Wongo• 1Q ton ary and parking. Available mors Noma. Cap Scott A 619• p•* fp, V4 auao ernokhng, red ped-. 424 7340. SMALL one bedgam bmwmwv au Dental Me m DURCHEW MYLY area - pest Brno space avaAlow 15 morals and older. Large Iwnced yard. DENTAL OFFICE kinches and anaas peovded. IN AJAX AREA Happy ie 73 1 requires a Dental Hygienist for part-time 8073. M20993) new taws, A-1 W�sion Vaq 059311 apartment. newly renovated. GOOD rtwale oonrrwticatiors Gleet muds- 53896 oerE0 - Cas SPACIOUS rnrtdy rornovotea sapaale entrance. suitable for equipment evedw3e. Now and 427 -OM (020693) one bedroom basement err' �50 �' at ndrnw used two wry radios, saoellara SM M - 4 «last dent, leap apartment, available Cal ��' 1021493) prices) Varbus nwkAa *uws boa, low, m,lerage. Cbru immediatelyseiii a*-- . OSHAWA . available and models, all frequencies. body on ..c a.n oaneni0n Now a■rrdryr lac*bos. SM ndarve, immediately. dean quiet one DAYCARE available In my Cal Cheryl at 1.8042868624, was. oerMiad. c a 72i -m17. fiat ane IoM. Phone eller 330 bedroom basermnent upr=mwrt Mondry -Friday or fax your ire- p . m . weekdays. anytime storage, "aware entrance. onvomnhome. "O" smoking este to: (416) 431-5215. 340 Auto Parts b weekends, 420-7444. Cord. Cable. utitres rndudod. $475 Pkkanng w Village awis5cam 426 Repairs �� maker. ,let arta 049ost. Non 3,24. (020790) CAIWEi - I have eavrst 1000 We OSHAWA - two bedroom s"p`ef' ts>31 position (with ExpamENCED ECE teacher yards of nes Staiormaor and Car Interior apartment, very good area, does, to Oshawa Crew Clear, CENTRAL Oshawa . one bedroom �,thr«rs sky" n possibility of full thine and mops, or one we d real• n as Inorfw, a 100% nylon tarps- WE do lkrng roomer and hall 1w 53,0. In- eludes carpel. pad. and Cleaning g building. fridge and stove. parlfing. l�n� lochia . No 00 -in kitchen. ndudsa kldge, stOvs' all u"ft . 5475. 576 employment) ..fx, rwirwn- m Planned activities and adventures. 009862OWL 930 )snots), seven Pauttingaaitbk pets. 11475. Cab 723-0742. 5677 a 2639SO4. (020793) Please can Lkfla at Reasonable rates. receipts 7w2O8& (TF)$� 38ta1IlRl 0o°w IMMEDIATE possession - becholm I0e1 27-0851 available. Larwood and 401 awes alstee3. fes" -1031 KENMORE ower n-wWspin- m.nt site. «aslandryer.p M I�� PI2cMe 1G - Llwrpaowmass, nes err bedroom bosentMn apanimsext. corwal Whitby. r. pa,king, now 8060000. W and 1r. Khav LAU11A S LITTLE FRIENDS years ole, 5750. SON » °01� arc �- ale• kind. 4 apartment, large ceilings, hrdwwood haps, 3 pen ball + III um rarateoa sm monthly. Call 669-2220. Day Care 165 Available HOME DAYCARE - reliable mala available. AN ages Ill.,' ,e ilg, cushions.ilialsprings A.w' AparimentS privaw rrrarnI . WWII and d�rT. 566o Inclusive. Awed- law d-4 auWble Mock 1. SM pd- monthly. 4112A OINMWA -tis bsdwam war � asbonnp.427.2ee. '01A' as eprinps mralup• �• M& 725.3M POP" 400 For Rent ebb _nV`w 420 -SMS below 2 wMTar •Cage ergln con+ - plaire1y pea contained one �arbwM4 INFANTS -12 YEARS 01-D In carki% sate, fun horse orwiroritnent Licensed by bI.C.S.S. PassonaW rales Rwoipts, f uitliM: hours. Car DURHAM PROFESSIONAL HOME DAY CARE 509-1207 -assArticles p m` foams tardroorn wolf ail sprtrrwa 230 SOUTH pkkwkq w bsdloartl ePptAllaee air. ptaltiag. Thick - wanted aur laer ger at holi sit bright, Can and Dundas was. 9e50 at WANTED - wows, *Wees, her and l if wMu. or na Aro WAMUC pkk p buds newer Ulan 1974). Call Pkksdpa 421 .. . (TFAW WANT qvi* osMM LOshng to buy CO's. VHS movies, I I wwwfioas to Fib S NM DAYCARE available In m y iRREWOODn� Lakeview Park, Oshw. For Oshawa Thr WORK RQ Bet hepta, any age wsboma Part ce,. � and delivered N Mind ask inlornetlen, call 434-5531. 481, Oshawa, Col. LIN 7L8, time and full time. Phone to�aaal 0206" Shoron6 837 1fM anon OshSi ata 1r x 4k x M x CRAFT classes atrallsbN ti 8KS180IVR46xONxok IWCEP110N IST Ix Aja me& warbor more. tM79M 8176, Phone (705) $52.3260 various calls. For I ""mtslI" Cal arta 14 hags ,rally, Iwo Erni t3 ment .a nklet or rave moosaga call 428.38!0. (0207@3) mwmMngt &W meOvenlpt. Call shit" eexam lioao7eal antedPets-Supplles - PART time daMd rpc 111 11 sY 210 Flea Market 290 Boarding assistant wqukrd to a busy MEN with trucks Calk! do Aja pica E gs and two I -- Inn' mows, clean UP MATCI*NG sofa and Mdvd GOLDEN RarWM pupples. Baal$$ a avail . Dw" ax• jobs, odd Jobs. decoratkng. md*V chair. SM Aro gay puttered, dewt1uMy, 0=1. psdart, r a must. Call 427- pd„Ilyg anyrnitg Car Cad a it" SON. $$11 427• IRm for ponew Rssdy In one 1445 anti Taol r r: 01eRkCall 5094 OM bt:11191`15 ARA modern, spacious, prime 1 / 0 vies Below. well among, new am. Mksf Italic a Call alae eta i baki�for T ora at- Iwo@" WANTED - A BL Magh ossa b low natslaeds w owrningr, unrome N kit NoL snap. p>d wlewts,ta Cal @MOMS Alm, went leak and bmad M AJAX - bright Mwl4rw sac 6emt. Good Colditiea and Pauttingaaitbk wise"Af pdoss. CON am 205 FiretMoOd 8446 or Nave message. ROKA Lumber HOrdweod. WANTED - wak in bldew 4iisp1r. SM 4VITx16: Sl6. Sob woad 419fxtr areeebr, hoesar. Any ate, 5744021. I0e1 4344MM (TF) PKXERM - gorgeous, two @WKM N Firewood -.all 260 Arts cit Craft$ seasoned hardwood and - eta troop fight a Lids 8060000. W and 1r. Khav pond with porta Pivitift yap. ararsble- ft&W d let S Wkm CRAFT and Fags An Slaw and Mt Plots W Sal- ale Sus 466- 8787 Bob - vtrndas waffled sun. April 25 Jubils* P Nle I I wwwfioas to Fib S NM DAYCARE available In m y iRREWOODn� Lakeview Park, Oshw. For Oshawa Thr WORK RQ Bet hepta, any age wsboma Part ce,. � and delivered N Mind ask inlornetlen, call 434-5531. 481, Oshawa, Col. LIN 7L8, time and full time. Phone to�aaal 0206" Shoron6 837 1fM anon OshSi ata 1r x 4k x M x CRAFT classes atrallsbN ti 8KS180IVR46xONxok IWCEP110N IST Ix Aja me& warbor more. tM79M 8176, Phone (705) $52.3260 various calls. For I ""mtslI" Cal arta 14 hags ,rally, Iwo Erni t3 ment .a nklet or rave moosaga call 428.38!0. (0207@3) mwmMngt &W meOvenlpt. Call shit" eexam lioao7eal antedPets-Supplles - PART time daMd rpc 111 11 sY 210 Flea Market 290 Boarding assistant wqukrd to a busy MEN with trucks Calk! do Aja pica E gs and two I -- Inn' mows, clean UP MATCI*NG sofa and Mdvd GOLDEN RarWM pupples. Baal$$ a avail . Dw" ax• jobs, odd Jobs. decoratkng. md*V chair. SM Aro gay puttered, dewt1uMy, 0=1. psdart, r a must. Call 427- pd„Ilyg anyrnitg Car Cad a it" SON. $$11 427• IRm for ponew Rssdy In one 1445 anti Taol r r: 01eRkCall 5094 OM bt:11191`15 ARA modern, spacious, prime Inclusive. Call $86-9e33. among, new am. Mksf Italic PWKENNG Village - imp hes 15 Regency Ores- 8700 Par morah, CRA 272x011. teda0wn tt..tert WwawrnL Apt. 119. Whitby 1102WISM non elder. RD POL 5!00 . F.tcaleb In P I, AJAX - bright Mwl4rw sac hysra Rest and IoM, aeoNabl , Pauttingaaitbk bedwen IlMaltsra 4p.rrltar4, Ittsrrndlately. 3 app4mec.s, OIiN $Ring (Kim trashly renovated. Laundry cable parking sad shared leasirt 011.546e- 0000" hwp&N facilities, 4 appliances, wbsewifasirwd OwatMaprq 3 pea bath, padMall. PKXERM - gorgeous, two olpsrlaadaMi6in Close td- amaOm 5575 plus bedroom opwWvmmd, above - eta troop fight a Lids 0% aNlsa lawn old Imt. Cog pond with porta Pivitift yap. waft 119.0015. (020792) Includes apltlarnops, ental air. Fee bins bsrvios b AAAX - ergs two - ' ..m b. -utilities. parkin¢ Available guoamry � T mann apartment, a Mach 1. Ne ' 8750 Mlalliiii tcO10 ow law d-4 auWble Mock 1. SM pd- monthly. 4112A OINMWA -tis bsdwam war � 40% utllitles. 2114-0760. apartment, two flows plus face kbe juNrene Wlgm - ore - , .ern aprF basement, large fenced �arbwM4 own in sort and 11100 Out, let- backyard, nice and quiet tnaaNNe osattebrl « h Phan neighbourhood. SMO plus / logic6 *alliance, and largo yard. Laundry wdske and pwkiq �o Abatable LnetsaMs4 Car 726am PON" HI -DISE N OSHM $580 monthly, 6N-7634. BASEMENT bachelor +P�e iL Wow"/Rrdie �H END awe esa0om ftw sea A. Feb. Non a circ � t mar rudiy- sk. PQM• amass. sm plus UZ yrplaq, parka. le it laundry fafdRent Rent foe $660 2 Wd m pleb $625• &Mb two bedroom basement, pdskp, I - Veld, metes, perking, no petit. o p "poo Phone 127-3/35 �� JK SM pts 1/2. Mauch 1. SM Cd* poft � 2151. (pd07501 AJAX -one bedwan apafarweM WMT - err s COMM includ$550. full cable archutilit included. Awl. March 1. prinasp SM I IMOWyr Includes h*al, parking and laundry . higg s m aspeaft , „Weical, aw bedroom apa � facilhipt. Avaglibte Mandl 1. Phats 427,2157. 10001901 iamiy. Car 427-49118. 2W ow, o0rldtialw, WON, PICKERING - large two I ". batlatttrot NN`- w r Wli7aY . � � " II1, . 20M Will house, hull beth, looking for P Is1ss a dean. f1tilM tlltk, p;,,lr�flg, p ' "71 Y Ala "Wells antrance. poking, awwilsble Iwnu,a"- Georgy � of �t �4 056. Soli, Mare Lie Char pian An&INA Med! 1. 5685 Pike, Cd 6834M. R RRNr Ire, ist $0@4 (I>iffi71a 42MM $MOM ft" NEtRS ADVERTISM SPED, III UAW .% 00 400 " ft 400 fflF" "� 410 "°"mC 420 TMF °Ret P1C1tHN1Io - 0j 1 fid. Hwy s2 LAWRENCE and Pat Urian PAL P CSU300 • UvapeWWI - 3 Two large bedrooms. two%�/ I �d • -tRraofnewonebsdmoomban& One bedroom basement bsdro" metn floor• available beths pwsWe lo-4sgs N anW � .might apartment, separate apaflloo 4 applWt1 chain YarcA 1. 61100 monthly aN ��(� Sk+toosnou een. Feb, entrance, 4 poo. bath, full b 00. TTC, ahtlppig schools. Nduslve. FMet and WL no P8b• 1. possession. 725-1007. Ilhcfh*n, parkig, antihlgble Mar- elm 6560 . 172 UtOM . "rW Evenings, 4367661. It208g3) (020'193) To Advertise E . • 576-9335 798-7672 ch 1_6650 inchanve, Iia and a"ovenigs. (020663) KING and Thornton - three OW. bw and 8eae bebOn Music, Dancing Instruct Pets• non smoker prelmed. ImnNdia OW Cad 420.5010. $975 pias uikties. Gan 498- a oilsbie. South Nal Corny of Many eafras f: l: , SSW Alm 7462. (020493) Nash and Trub Rd.. Cohoba. LLUSTRATION, cartooning. or Doris. 427-0642. (020793) AJAX - new two bedroom base P1CKEiNMG - Frenchirrn'a Bay Open Housek Wed and Thum. 3- ra purl design, advertising, nhsra briple, above two bedroom bungalow, 3 7 p•rn• Sunday, 1-4 p.m. For oximes* or personal.4iA" WHITBY - two level, one ground, separate entrance, Woadbott, decd rthore toesJosephinera1ss. Also I*waa bedroom plus den. archiec- broadklomed. laundry. cable.yard backs, ax consgintatkul mle. Randy Thims. (416) %rally designed. $795 itdusivs. antral air. pill". $640.. Fist water imlediats. 11000 plus. SniS►rsdppard5579 3052 at rHomwMe 2279. (TF) Pa". evellabia in Wily. and last, 428.9214. (020393) �p 15 or evenings 4262500. �+^t� �Y Lid. Region. TWO bed ow, available Feb. 1. (020593) 433-4747. (TFALL) Driving Schools A down available March ,. 020sb7wmr itcMrswa Go. $M . hydro. Fix b shre •665287. (020793► AJAX -main floor burngalow. 3 �� ; Wehrh*y/e2 - beahANul duplex. $425 monthly, Inclusive. bedrooms. wry bright. large executive 4 bedroom. 2 172 B Dr" School. 3 lessors AVAILABLE IrmlediatNy n Garage, $75 nwrany. 728 9345. d 1850 plot Cal 420 5021 battle fireplace, double garage test $7 10 Isssorn $150. CSLFm mTALs 'm mum In 4'•`r "�1 Home Home Improvements Improvements MUSIC LESSONS QIlBrI W filer for piano and guitar lessons. CALL FOR DETAILS 509-1150 'Oshawa. NO Cuban St. Two (TF) 7- (021093) appliances, close to all 287-3080. (Ot0e93) Laundry facilities, fires and leur. - - -- -- NOW taking registration to bedroom, $650 per month !bedroom. Inclusive. Fist and Iwt repaired, SPACIOUS, north Oshawa WHITBY . lovey 3 bedroom, a"y"lt1es• 3000 '°'h' plus' $1200 Immediate Gardening, apartment. Suit one working TMS Painting person. shared entrance. $500 BASEMENTS piano, classical guitar, calk Wesorts. (Teaching cello, Suzuk shopping. dose to bus and No ,psrtme nits f« rent irsthodiaelyr. � �. 1 172 bedxoonk finished basement, deck, 4 .. possession. 492-7436. (020793) Landsca n ONE and Two bedroom apart - sir Decor mw+ts available. Reasonable 0270 (020793) and classical and ""''°dl H Palo. Call 434-5811 30- 0134 (TFALL) . $575. Utilities and parking � .wry ail. fenced bard o, parking. Nast f« PICKERING - three bedroom I�rt"nen!. separis sserroe. 728-4993. between Sig p.m. Interior 8 Exterior European lot OW3161 « 723-9x340 ecu *@Para" 4 appliances. Richard %villa i Sons. onlyqualified ultser, I cont *nine only. welcome. F3. FOUR apartment* squeaky fn`h'ded' Lauxdry tacNttas, fmtN months rent free. 686-9153. small family. $1100 purrs. March townhouse, own ars e. garage. GARDNERS specie reasonable prices. Workmanship MOP P'N\ I V (, General Contracting interview. interview, call 420.0343. clean, large 3 bedrooms et (020563) 1. John. 430 9731 « 416 2tE 3824 (�3f finished basement with appliances. $1100 mon hly TOPSOIL �RtNl riENT '^ Oartd Fast. clean, reliable YOUR OWN LAORD over 20 yr ,. in Durham. ORGAN - available In our hams Homs. Largs sundeck, quiet building, brand now carpets. PICKERING - nw basement PICKERING - custom now 3 negotiable. 490-1974 or 839- TREE REMOVAL, MAGICIAN, clown• friends servtce 450• .Shared Please leave message. by mow• �m ning and advanced students. 1795. All inclusive. - 2 tit apartment, carpeniti private bedroom �, fba, 2 baths. Zt36, leave message. (020793) CLEANUPS and removal d garbage from ba,:ertyms, garages and yerds. 420-0081 guaranteed. ?res estrnom- Cal 427-3462 Call 222.6832. (02079M bedrooms. bedrooms. close u Town. $695 mommy all inclusive - Oui•t '0' entrance. ^ear amenities. Cable. laundry, parking, fireplace. i )acuZZ. 30' oak kitchen. 1700 sq.h.. esramiCs. appliances, rtbY DOWNTOWN Wh' - three bedroom, 1 t2 baahs, wakart �1�'aWn17• COMPLETE Renovations• in QUALITY work by father and -- Painting, neighboun+ood. large two lately. kTMnadlately. Non smoker, $500 dose to GO. $980 inclusive. finished basement, lar • 9 driveways eIC. aOv°^wft repairs. Hon . son team. Well experienced, additions, basements, Decorating bedroom man floor.lad hon very in9• Very 1/3 utilities. 420-4154 weekends or atter 6 p.m. 420-5106 before 2 D . m . _ _ livin room, firstilast, $825 9 monthly plus utilities. No most reasonable rates FREE ESTIMATES hard working. Renovations, bathrooms, electrical. �g additional. decks. Mc Cal us for INTERIOR and Exterior paints eundsok panic sundry. large Yard. f795 mwttny -one weekday: 0931 Townhouses appianoes. fleshy, deooruM. �fp •f/y� ceramic, painting. Free 9- a free shims.( 571-1263 Bit a and wall pape0, Good bedroom. $495 month) 1 OSMAWA -two bedroom 420 L For Rent ava11aD1• im odiall P Call 428-5! W esttmat•. Call Eugene. 432• q� Oshawa. (TFALL) 2159. (030293) maim good work. Fares ehimilet inclusive. ownraf Oshawa- 433 apartment, dean grnO 9 Dtex. and Woo rms*saal0*. 016 726-2587. (020793) Ask for Rob RENOVATIONS, house rears. call Mel. 576-6553. (022593) 5186. (020393) fridge. stove. uhlhes. parking AJAX - bright spacious two included March h. $561. bedroorr baseman! aDartrner;. Laundry facilities, fires and leur. separate entrance. broadlopr. 726 DMChnic 725 9278 « 728 6+k2C. C cerarsc floor. 4 Doe Dark. avail- -Glazier (0209932 M able rrvrrdatey $695 monthly, AJAX - spacious basement plus of;ht es. 683.822'. apartment. Suit one working (0205931 person. shared entrance. $500 AJAX - age three bedmor^.* utilities included. Available man and second flow d news• rrr ia♦ely. 428-382' w 282 - Win Wine. 3 burns. kitchen ndpi. 4 ---- (02079T apokances. yard. parking. $9'5 ONE and Two bedroom apart - inclusive Care, Mgm 433- mw+ts available. Reasonable 0270 (020793) rases. all inclusive Locared n AJAX two bedroom basennen, soul,, Oshawa Close to SMOKER. 5100 foo 205th Cal whom shops and Gm. Call I�rt"nen!. separis sserroe. 728-4993. between Sig p.m. laundn facilities. tndge and lot OW3161 « 723-9x340 ecu *@Para" 4 appliances. glove av1i1i1Die March ' Frst Houses For and tae' recured. nor srrol 41 O Rent x,75 utsrties induced Cat ane, as 's renova!,ors a -d 4 AC. 426-1 SW (0' 01l specie reasonable prices. OSHAW A - hro bedroom span. MOP P'N\ I V (, ^lentto, 'ant heathyd'b OVti'N FOR LESS: included. washer and dryer apartment. available Fab i /vesry decorated. SSW mw". Wide abie. $60C ricothIV. fiat INTRODUCING -Sun Free last 434 6311. (021493) �RtNl riENT '^ Oartd . swap unci. Now on*nrg free YOUR OWN LAORD PICKERING rwm me owroom -- _ _ - - JOURNEYMAN electrician. ba"rrom aparrmal av,napa Rf I.tifOR,,44f0 d CAll PARKLAND SETTING "GUILDWOOD" on the bluffs. Balmoral Estates offers you!! Rental accommodation • Panoramic view Of Lake Ontario from the bluffs n Scarborough • 2,000 sq. ft 3.4 Bedroom Townhomes • 5 appliances • Finished Basement • Pooi;partyroom,'playground • Minutes tip'GO. B TTC • 30 Livingston Rd., Unit 17 OPEN HOUSE TUES., WED., THURS. 6:00-8:00 P.M. SAT. A SUN. 12:00-4:00 P.M. 261-6235251-2114 Call Mon. -Fri. 10:00 to 8:00 p.m. Improvements ALL RENOVATIONS March •. $625 monthly Non smdk.r,< no pets Plain& -- F EUROPFJ111 tie apeciiW Sud klchen counters, cabinets, sic. PROFESSIONAL panting an Carpentry, drywall, renovate your bathroom or Bathrooms basements drywall wallpapering. One room o Handyman n wails as wN es floor additions, doss, windows. 22 whole house, guaranteed bwax AJAX At Go. coir b^9ht one years experience. Good years • x parlance, union rates. No fob's too small. Ouaiu Fair references and satisfaction carpenter, quality work, free workmanship guaranteed. Ca AJAX - owwerrnt location. fur- AJAX - large turnwhed room guaranteed. For fee esttmstes. estimates. Phone 520-4379, 430-25%. (TFALL) fireplace, latah tub. 1 1/2 GCB D. Dykstra. 725-49,3. (TF) John. (020593) PROFESSIONAL painting, prim SMOKER. 5100 foo 205th Cal CONSTRUCTION HOME Improvements and RENOVATIONS by G. Taylor nor and exterior. drywall tapiN lot OW3161 « 723-9x340 ecu *@Para" 4 appliances. _ •.,• - repairs. Basernenfs. add-ons. COnstrucbon, rec rooms a plastering and spray. Cal services. movesAX arSC as 's renova!,ors a -d doors. docks, fences aid firm Or1ir9 AI Streeter wood w 436 specie reasonable prices. Alfredo or Heia. 723-1337. (TF .c 1s ' c: on Fast and 4207. (TF) twenty yea's etpenence. Call Gary t« a tree estn7hato at 668- Par{ • •y apartment. available Fab i /vesry decorated. SSW mw". a^ prOte55 Ona wC'r INTRODUCING -Sun Free 6353. (020993) Services . swap unci. Now on*nrg free '_3 vnyf. l- season `car db`n9 -- _ _ - - JOURNEYMAN electrician. ksct w and seowaso frdge Non • Residential snow R CRAIG 686-1913 maaerlel. Licensed x-arpenter for Specializing n service changes. MAGICIAN, clown• friends Pa.427-7113.(020603) 450• .Shared basoments, renovations and rewiring. additions and tip entertain tw any ago HUSBAND For "ire -Wan u0 add4ioM. Reasonable rates, renovations. All work any any Otionsi. Birthdays and removal d garbage from ba,:ertyms, garages and yerds. friendly professional service, Cal (416) 666.1573. (021NM guaranteed. ?res estrnom- Cal promotions, openings fwtdrasas. Magic shows aw EErctrcal, pWmbng. carpentry. w d kitchen. soh b PidwYg 420-6320. (TFA) funl Lettuo* FMp. 8367057 0 .7-7-. SOD too small. Free move big or small, we price 6x61514. 102109M 7268334. (TF) est'tines 6WS456 1020793, Housecleaning Housecleaning RABBIT wants work dolt( Home - WHITBY - Brodv40 t , two targe PRIME location n Pick rtrg, magic f« childr.n•s parties an II Improvements ALL RENOVATIONS March •. $625 monthly Non smdk.r,< no pets Plain& -- F 1)4VT JIM ti 4 t2-2f7IN) - - __-__-- Rooms To 430 Rooms To Carpentry, drywall, Paring. $90 usd*. 427-15t3Z •342782. (0207431 EXECUTIVE R -?o00 home. 430 Rent Rent plumbing a n d wan 15 yews a perance, do g by Ica day. Rases $4S AJAX At Go. coir b^9ht one eJoee 10 401. 2000 eo.h-. S level d nio* older triplex. norm detached bungalow, sesccn- AJAX Soon - unfurnished '� Fair a bstltt. ,dean -cep bedroom aper iment. al usuhs. M*artC". Central air. vac, AJAX - owwerrnt location. fur- AJAX - large turnwhed room wiring. prices. Wanted Palk -mg. I a u n d r y . NON fireplace, latah tub. 1 1/2 no's" room n Clean punt acct rent, executive nom*, share Fait Pat 683-8780 yet. separate entrance. 883- SMOKER. 5100 foo 205th Cal or gasp*. 91100 opo , must b e meet and Wit. NOIN SMOKER. SW ow Week. location, 6150 REE ESTIMATES lot OW3161 « 723-9x340 ecu *@Para" 4 appliances. Jarring. (0205931 plus ala Was uail4ys. Cha 720-9521111. Call 69"198. M203031 monthly. Call 42$-6256. services. movesAX arSC �wng q N E bedroom basement NORTH Osr+gw - 3 tam I, �� North furnished acorn room �� DO ALL Dano apepakhs, flat rate We now have « W14TBY - furnished apartment. available Fab i /vesry decorated. SSW mw". wan fres od bm"nw lt in-law. double drive. taserrwi sastouL AJ cabin n executive I a urdw- natt*d bodalttig •Dont use d . Pafltt ng . swap unci. Now on*nrg free nWlae room N a on hon f060 a Mai or. all fadlttos nekided. ksct w and seowaso frdge Non • Residential snow NOW-& aup Somas today. GAILLIND MAID SERVICES Servolig the community for over a decade. Caring for your home with personalized, professional services, at h" competitive rates. We horor all tompetiMe coupons. (FUNy torXSl'd and Insured) 683-7515 a occaa,ons. have m y own m 'agical Cad Emig. 6684032 Plumbing Experienced r urneyman Plumber fob too smai Faucets. we's basement hrooms wet bars alt renovation or addition, Daylrme 427-4174 Home 4274WS Ask for Tan Licensed Plumber non amdar preferred rst and AppWnow. DUs hat Cal 8369497. (020Nq) Cog 7264ia67. M2000M a dao b ac. Prefer student or working smooW, 1350 maRhl 6N- y removal HONEST, dapwtdable Peron Paring. $90 usd*. 427-15t3Z For work at `t"-"`) ""TBY - arm bedroom upper WHITBY - available May 1. tamale, non smoker. $320 rrwin 'V- 427.7067. (020793) 3767 after 2 p.m (020493) • Small moving y b6 wan 15 yews a perance, do g by Ica day. Rases $4S Moving, reaiortsble prices - level d nio* older triplex. norm detached bungalow, sesccn- AJAX Soon - unfurnished '� 435 Rooms a bstltt. ,dean -cep 9x5, ovary other Thursday S65. storage Call Ran at Of Go. txindorss. calx n tamed basement apartment. y'D* ample room +« m,.n. Fir. and Wanted 4'l�a� avgilaWa Piton ass 6 « leave $360 a1 irhClishre C 282-7813 looser. available Feb t SSW $1100 plus utdowe'rrhonthly a 'y. yet. separate entrance. 883- 11092. �p6"Ping. cable all included. 5350 pr message on machine. 576 - Moving Syst�wems - full REE ESTIMATES lot OW3161 « 723-9x340 ecu *@Para" 4 appliances. SM.(020393) LOOKING b room b rasa in 603-1965 tttossalge,1230M COURTICE - luxury one 4367. (020293) services. movesAX arSC �wng 402049M Maria W n rt f o i d , Hamill BAynyn.w, 14ealy, Inc.416324- AJAX -large friendly ?mecca. Pnduerig area Non amndk*r, nip peg. oixet dean ter Feb, 26 RENOVATIONS ARE 1wu haNn9 problems find Dano apepakhs, flat rate We now have « i PkkwkV NEWLY decorated one bedroan ) and 1 r2 nlaw apartment. 3 snare kitchu+ and bath• elsgn 1903. $400-$450 moehly. Cad Basements de C l•• smg who 10 doen your � � For professorial . swap unci. Now on*nrg free nWlae room N a on hon appliances. wrsrythn9 included PICKERING - new detached 3 hors, laundry, air aortdltloiyd. Aware. 975 per week. Cad 4263307 after 8 P m (020793) cabinets painting 8 NOW-& aup Somas today. boxes won move. CAN 427- Tax, Financial 9700 mouthy. First and last, bedrooms. 2 1r2 baths. Pa.427-7113.(020603) 450• .Shared oecorating FOrr 427 -tat. 1'�%=31 0005. (TF) Directory av'Ysbl* rrvn-kmoty. No purl. fisPial double garage' pee' adults only Ory car parking. to Go bus and tram, school, PICtCFAN4G -single room ,Mur J ACCOMrTL estimate In Durham ARE you tied d domwg9 Let NARRY O•TNE MOVERS - INCOadE is reruns -lar raga L iverpodu Bayly. 839-6798. shopping centre. April 1193. w d kitchen. soh b PidwYg PICKERING Village . on Region. call Don a: TlC you bark move big or small, we price 6x61514. 102109M Plus 40207931 �2t]0.(20293) Wties. 416.724- Town Centre, Pickering yive 668-8489 tariff, t- S4& cal (416Your )discount.ACCOUNiMIG them ail Fshom - WHITBY - Brodv40 t , two targe PRIME location n Pick rtrg, vision. 6�wtwaig Suwon. GO stattidn, 9325 mnrahy, 9100 bi•werxby. plenty d Monolog salsa. used *awdw roomh, fad tee 9701.and f�3) notice rrwves. ponos moved. Comparable Fewe tax preperasbrl Fa year ends w mouthy. Call Judy SABER Contracting balloon below wit apamnrrt n ideal family lame. 3 large P� 120-4918, f0205931 a1 as.hsrwtw, Wile - all Moving, tales. Cad 432-2050. �) Kukw Accoun int. 4242M1. htV . leparay erkrana, fork. NOn so Ow, only 5400 carpentry, additions, Ing availale, foundry avasable..t�roOna frushl .agement. AJAX - bright, Cosy room UM Pie••ar+ view n a dean quiet and Woo rms*saal0*. 016 renovations, kitchens. S e tOragMeans MAN Heating 67W plus UtiMas. 606-4622 or antral air. large Oak and pod, . home use of kitchen Wing (X 070 ballrooms. ham nanwuvm f rt soh truck ardor man for ad nods b ' 757-,871. (020493) ahoPPna9• $1150 . utilities. 1DOWNTOWN qpt, die bgdryard latIMZNOY. SOUTH GM ailing. to«nt froy *ervtca, um uto quality work ONE OeOroorn Available Feb. 15. Call Rob a Paring. $90 usd*. 427-15t3Z N 3 bedroom Aoreehing, nteed. 15 years nettnquillI..souywtDeb. 427-25W or •97-1551. (0207931 ta.rrhdry• Cloy* b bugt0e. 6662915. (TFEFG) Oshawa, suitable for single (02079M n rear bus roux. h l BOOM ter tent -6360 metre It Indwive. Capea 6674 «432.9066. (tomHome mwownmm. hydro and Cable incudo& kh. NMACYL.ATE 3 bgdrossn bun- no 'Okw. k �X - huge has bn quaWy a allordable, -possession• $500 Iia golow Wholly. 04ap tirneblwr .ION teet y Westn"Alfryr $2. Mi. Complete interior lad kaL Call 433.1197 slew 5 a2) newly renovated and Orling•IgkebCOOOvAhkmhey $360 a1 irhClishre C 0• tlons. Framinp- (02040gr.nod*dsd. Call comet, 1-416 fact WL PooMannle esFletGo 11092. �p6"Ping. cable all included. 5350 pr N *mat 742-8371 fr mare details. and last 427-76.6 leave nt44*sea 123031 AJAX - wwrt.y N Aft f� AJAX Wmtn•y Rd • new 3 MOTEL rooms from $126 603-1965 tttossalge,1230M COURTICE - luxury one akar 8 and wNkwds- �a ^ Pmol fa your budget. Spear raw 1d► Air Condlt10f11ng saviors. Staring a $304x. Gil 2146. MO 2145 (020493) CAN 430-9356 Ow 669-4009. (020763) AJAX - Harwood/401. two Pale a call a 5764633. (TFALL)Gas fIXRaO b*tfrOan btxt9alan, aper love(. freplaces and ar MEN with large truck wid do OOfldlfi0nwL household move. residential, an,, Fin,v��( Co... wcia MI yew of mows. x"'""'71 Cad Carl a Jho. 427-2856. Call4344= (TF) Ask IN Damon apartment lou (ding, hugo 3 2 stories, 1 12 eat n tfMINTEt and Gayly - futttisthad clan matter bsdtoon, oagh bedroom apartment with kitchen, fenced, deck, 4 roan. nhs^" Mrrhel* PrdsrreI �' atauKe bathroom, citing plus TV ratim. Mumma a",,,d �;;'` Laundry aer� h maam IBM �ido poo Phone. SM First factitive. am c:u �• � non "'�`('ng 455 C«g" � ACA OtsCe & Retail 500 Homes Homes 1 -,las. parkag. available available now. 428 anytirrta• M. -Flat and MOIL tf'acaltDn Bruce s 42D -56x1. (0�31N1 terti.le prs4srted. 6110 wadty. Chi MS7172 lam) Rent 2146. MO 2145 (020493) CAN 430-9356 Ow 669-4009. (020763) AJAX - Harwood/401. two PICKERING - oma badroam OMs TV room l utdry, padkitg, doss OSIMWA - 3 bedroom houss b WHITBY - condo, low rie, qufat �' 6 +h00�• fill"" building. close to Go. Two b*tfrOan btxt9alan, aper love(. o GO and bus a door. Atralada edroo baths. fKeagrrtre4111, �• bm, 1 NORTHWEST OMetra - two fridge, stove, washer, dryer, bodloom apartt.wu N maeger Mnmkua*. $450 kwlushvs. CAN 620 424172L dry halitim �ft lalatdry facnie , 6400 sogumYlCMaiYR l rge yard, cable. $668 per mad air Wm. a-". . 'flat and Cal 4 luxury building with 5 b fncuene. Cog Andrew. 276 40120583) iNf tagtt red Isss 1111:112001"applia appliances. $750 Includes 8. (020993) 608 ummm colo. pouto. avaii- BOMMANYILLE - Shared! • 416-721-1883 available WHITBY • Maury gado with Able March 1. Cal 67S4M OLftl E*OJ MONY - 3 bedroom aoea edofions. wsrerly Rd. 1n%d1Ao y. (Om07901 *uarknq two bedroom, two F2071M bug*low, dose to *drools, very and 401. quiet home b share AJAX South • Irtt*le Wooed to bale. 5 appMano*s. 1200 *qX, dean. available ins.tgdiaely. to tlstNOpttted w $825 plus to tiss. Call 576 with one other non rrmkar. Fuly fumMpool, b4Mtdrly and i*d, share 3 bedroom house. tsoealon facilities. Mauch I. Path. t9• cowit. udil(es. minute* from Go. $1100 bright bmwvwa MNWWaM - 8642 days or 571-5722 cable all included. 5350 pr foundry, bus. �� March 1 gptrdy. ChM 2963666 er 494 coarse entrance, shard evwtimta4 (02pg63) month, 829.1424. 1X2D49s1 $400 monthly. Flat and tet, 1486. !0� laundry, no P44s• Flow and 17 BAYNDGES - main boor, 3 w. 8660' Cal •is•a7s MOTEL rooms from $126 603-1965 tttossalge,1230M COURTICE - luxury one ,orbedroom $950 per month, or issue mltesaga 4289903 jugu � saccfalse badman tall with 6 appl wwm (0f2046CR utilkles induced. References via, Irse *Ihampoo kse bol YNit*s Rd., north d 401. Air. and SwPkm AUAW *Fab. 1. WHITBY -the* bedroom N required. Call 420-1524. (020393) pet, mtlaersell sera pr wadi RM*oN101. CO 723- ppb, parking• foundfy. yuan 6800 plus u kiss. First and loot area $475. First and IML Cal lsquited. 6634)315. (020490) dhlPl p hides, slow.its .allKis. Feb. 1. Alco 1775 PPICKERING - one bedroom 72M 020M Mr. Hi horns 837-20$2 or walk am bedro«n ben4pil llwxt spammant, large living room. NEAR GM South FG; - fur- 751 -MM. (0206.31 Florida 490 Ns25 Ndlehre. walk N r3o prim" *nuance. 4 appllrloes nWlae room N a on hon SHARED Acoomodafan N Rept For Sale 50 V For Sale NO= RNWW - 2X00 Na. 3 IROKEB hall 610,000 b lord st bells. 1 12 b@IW I I IN 1 $147 par mortal► contact 0" basement, fireplace and as •SS40M COMMAlBy F(aeR fuoodslona doutil s garage. Iwo tial larvioat. (FF) apes. Now IOWW fool. 35 NORTH A Hermitage minutes north of Massa. Aontts. dafbb door entry. im, AGENSM.TS. 00. 706 -324 -SM NO moculass 4 bed ii, 2(26 AttiENNTs. p20669) Ito, as bract WP 1st. Martel NORTHEAST Whitby - two ewes. Taagfuly doewatad, cony. 4 badman with harps $244.900. Phare 643.4453, amanetl the loyr, main Boor, 402009M famMyroom with fireplace. P000 of sale - blas awrA canons air. trot ga hNtfng d with ONVok now ChileCti Os balroals, largo IOt. kwokad Badu oto gts«twil Try yam pook two car garage. in-law alter. Call Fronk Mlat, ', 7W basement apartment, alarm 9414 Cokkne Banker, RMA system. est. assumable W REkr aala l2� ma19ap to *mWAd puchmm. Mktg 6221 AM For viotrig PINHOLE Crook Whlby - MW CM (N61477. p/21931 K talo storey. 41 o- homes NILXECOM deal - 3' dro, with main floor family roan, Ineliadkrtelp, rte dogs. 506 non smoker, available PMN anlarhoa Pill" and q� townhouse. $400 monthly. carps beclgrad. B*Mrt $64 Homes 1900 sq.a. in FaNf 9replaA and �• oe00. M' nO°M' vac. Asking $207.000. Fa 2091. flow"M irtntadkisty. $850 , tf2 Fla and last. 8360018. mm:lal 'Excellent inclusive. Ajax. 420-7964. 90. OUIN people only, non FLOINDA - Maderle Beach. 1500 sq.a,. luxury guff front 500 For Sale overb2e meow with ensuae PIYM � CN N6294a and wahlt cbaat mtaN 1100► W PICKERING - location' - stunning three AJAX - min flop d same, 3 bedrooms. wakou o deck. drltlws.72613gg 10� PICKERINGvige-shone • dour two bedroom with tamlala FllAISI2 qpm I4► rend- lo condo. b appOaneN• 2 . 1 bedrooms, two baths, as NIX yamold 2669 sq,a, Naim tamllyroom, floor to calling fireplace and walk out to $1!4,966 - POWER OF SALE • 4s*drooum Man Supp aperlrtare, $1000 monthly. Utilities, laundry facilities, available • non weaker °�,accesawies. quiet PInorrle, Ro**barduFAxy 022 aveilsble lmrnWasy or March heated pool. seeded aerpoe t. top Eat Oshawa. many exta, $214.999- will consider bum- landscaped red. separate bb' z 152' lot. Detached dNlg room and ounken Mvlg bungalow. PrMna Mttaliat wont E t ,�t1�D���M�1s igspli�ld4a(cA 1.1696» s6111sa. t ' ire< 42621 7 G'af1 PA10766. " ` _ 11Mo *WWI %gang• I. 16#60 • mouthy. insledlrq • - wilMtN' s1llMeb t1lr e16140R (t061R60y ' ��laaard���4mmaMrr16Ml��r Plods "�Miiif'1012�A gabw for ora I GI�f1tiaf/l: latmb•N77��l,a00�. Cal amp 436-, )=MWIPt► -r ' ( 420 7• *� rhtlaR. • 4o6Biiid 007 l m o m 41 too and or W" yM Cal nte- ev ,au TF) IW ye. 500 580 , 630 ftgwrmwo 630 *0 dews lt•yntanl - WMtby. mss, 2760 "A doubt. Wage wM 465.1277. M2099M estri te, sal*-= 4 spedow ea bsdwar•, maser "OIL era& to closet. 6 pose wwuae, 3 tlai (.all legs fans ,9 bllrtda, osnMal va4 mfrs/. oaaniy. 4 poe. rtt* tis first bethoortt, R*M oak stakcaae 668-6805«•hoot to page deck faetoad dews sincere relationships. Cor - yard. skylight, fireplace M respondencelmarrm". Free sunken to 11row tory other upgrades. 1402 P.I. Weakly. VYII y' We're the Mortgage rerrarl April 1980. beat IN the bodnes. d0 7or $22U 0.43a -09B7. f02O5" : i120.� - two - ,ii N* with one car garage. large mm farted backyard. vendor wo hold tet erwrtgage with SOMID 5mvping down. Call Glen Po"w Reel . Lawart tees a Goads Estate Broker. 404-9217. Reailillewsis&Fiinina haat toe b qm weloom •EW LEY - Cosy 3 bsdroan bungalow, tecioNy wrtwdsbd. partial basemen. good wail. • We Ube a MVM ansae Huge dedk and large lot tach 3 area, quiet location. 89.900. Call 372-4026. 1800 9q.1L. 5 bedrow tom.. w/Yriehed basement. Cee to tfeffoots. 3138.900 to close May 28, 1993. 577 Ilerrrkk Get.. Open Hose Sun 1-4 p.m 434- 3788. M2090M =88,000 - 4 bedrooms. renovated, large kis. Hastings. Middle class quiet strew. 705- 0066-2961. (020493) HOME for arae by owners: 46 Oobeon Dr. Ajax, dose to 401. Go. sHwppi g Qwrtre. schools arta hospital. Open Huse Sun. Jan. 31 and Feb. 7.1-4 p.m. Cal 4263400. (020403) WHITBY - 2400 sq.ft. 4 bedroom. 3 beefs, large tarnily with flrepiace Camra// Wjwy iwm-1 PRIVATE MONEY TO LEND Call Michael 668.7200 Anubis Investments Ltd. WHY nor? Our rates are 1/2% less than the current bank rates. For qualified buyers. transfer to Out lwWers for fres. Example: 5 year closed mortgage, 9%. Please call New Era Mortgage Corp. 721-2009. (0205931 THE NEWS ADVFYTISER, WED.. ""UAWx.1!!3-MGE 31-A 630 aviaatIm 680 AntoIlllcemeflt: 680 AIXgINICd1ww 680 AfIIIOI1nc hills is N y- THE DU M EdOM AN ROMCATHOLIC SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD ADULT DAY SCHOOL SEMESTER I - MARCH 1 - MAY 11 (NO CLASSES MARCH BREAK) HIGH SCHOOL CREDITS IN 9 week semesters earn up to 4 credits per semester open to AU residents 18 yrs. old and out of school for 1 yr. =0111=$ TIN" BUSINESS MATH GR. 11/12 09:00 - 11:00 A.M. GENERAL ENGLISH GR. 11/12 11:10 - 1:10 P.M. BUSINESS ACC'G GR. 11 /12 1:20 - 3:20 P.M. TECHNICAL MATH GR. 11/12 4:00 - 6:30 P.M.- GENERAL ENGLISH GR. 11 /12 4:00- 6:30 P.M." CAREER GUIDANCE GR. 12 4:00 - 6:30 P.M." CHEMISTRY (GENERAL GR. 11) 4:00 - 6:30 P.M.- NO FEE ($50 00 Refundable Book Deposit) " No Friday ClassesE REGISTRATION BEGINS JANUARY 25, 1993 HOW TO REGISTER ADULTS VISIT ADULT EDUCATION CENTRE OR W 50 COMMERCIAL AVE., SUITE 200, AJAX room a" OO -- CALL 686-1541 ext. 363 or 683-7713 vac. two car garage.hug. Business I, yard• many wh .Maw 590 Opportunities T NT - REGISTER THROUGH YOUR GUIDANCE DEPT see. $204.900. 666-6629. SEMESTER 1 - BEGINS MARCH 1 SEMESTER II - BEGINS MAY 17 WEST H III - $234,900 - 4 PIZZA Franchise tot sale n Bei- Aedica, . 1 1/2 baths. hmly levdle area. f&A. Good _- pderloaL Cell Al.. 4161331445. - - centtoorn. (/replace. °ool.dis central or, 675 Companions antral vac, drshwashsr. MAKE a fortune with your immocuiale, move in condition. camerall Use any lupe of FMable. 2631741. (0202931 camera. Amazing recorded 540 Out -of -Town mess,,*111 ms Cal SINGLE mo33. fun lova g. way. 4167266290. (0264991 carn0. great sale d Manor. r> - Properties SEW doth rabbits and make -- Include 4Dumtry waks. s mpI crafts at home. ke'10 mlovres. Ing and roWN, So acre distress sale. &buns satin cap 41 Seeks mate wi!h Similar Crown Land. dose w roan. Fish- 0 ( 6) 969-3169. interests. Respond to Fiis Ygmurxrq parade•Cabrvs4•� 06026. Oshawa The week. VSMa cul finance Good credit. GET rich slowlyseely. wag. P.O. Bos 481. Oshawa. Ont. $265/monthty...Super special lire could earn you Vwu is xi, L I H 7L5. (020593) cads. Carhedral aert . two working for yo~. waeuns �rooms. open concept. - 1NII. 125h Anniversary. In wt 81r" Two $299mmcmhry. Sure Thing Indspendant ?40 Memoriams Ca1427-6637. (0204931 Representatives, Free NOorrrt lion. 6067281 or 1.900. 575 Loam 465.1277. M2099M 670 Personals BORROW 610.000, pay as hills as $110 per month o.a.c. Cal Jerry. 6667200. Hubs Invest- LOVELY south Arrwcan Ladies rrlerws Lb. (try dews sincere relationships. Cor - MONEY Proderne" Loess, dad respondencelmarrm". Free consolidations. credit photoe with brochure. 24 has' aff-..srm, personal budget 707-257-3790. M22393) Plr"'ng. garrwahees skipped- JESUS says. can the bind lead FREE CONSULTATIONS. the blr47 Dots yaw nwWor Crack counsellors (PIC1110 g- war gisesssll The hirerg e Oshawa). 4331425. (TF) the (Wed nrirreler. Micah 3:11, Mortgage Rauh 56:1012. John 10:11. SVO Insurance A.Carepbsa, ,-705953947$. (TF1 MORTGAGE LOANS si and 2nd to 95% of value All property !ypes personal loans Owcx service and approvals Prune rates CITTCAN FINANCIAL CORP 571.2800 OSHAWA 606-2936 PICKERING 671- _- Business Personals VALENTINE Special - We hire a illy bmu*A personal 91L Boudoir p'"aphy d yourself. Ressatabls packages. valor► /dyke talwdr available. Call ,or a9W, 'narttl G.H. Ptomonop. 420OM 10210931 SIMMONS, MAE In bog memory of a cur Mother and Grandmother trlw paned away Feb, 5.1990. Th" f a N*t of rtenwrwsf: Flan hre b Heat en above. T?w heap. you vary cbm to 1* coed ria briobe of low Askelegassbf ••ft-a,M Arid elwf/b on fib ytsara; r►ry 1wld a Biot► esetaiaq Anda nAbn //gala: To Wylie.... *Wo+l /hely rami "a b dry; EmW we tali wet at hmft The you wt l• ter• bttiryt SOF biased by 6" PatidA EN* &ends AfewBe. Sone itt-law Gwnddd*m TO ADVERTISE YOUR SERVICE CALL 576-9335 Flea Market ads are only $25 GST included, 3 days either Oshawa This Week or the News Advertiser for private parties if the item is less than $499.00 DENTAL OFFICE ANNOUNCEMENT We at 927 Liverpool Rd. in Pickering, are thrilled to give our clientele a warm cozy atmosphere to experience the finest and most up to date dental techniques as well as the most modem sterilization techniques. However for those who stall require even more special care. Dr. Mary Kay M.D. joins our staff to help you sleep like a baby, while you have your dentistry done. Also joining our staff is Dr. Steve Goldman, (periodontist, a gum specialist) and Dr. David Eller (an oral surgeon.) We also offer evening hours and Saturdays. New Patients accepted Emergencies seen immediately 839-5951 Keep Smiling Drs. P. Goodman, S. Weiner B. Laibcvitz, Y. Choi 927 Liverpool Rd. S. Pickering, Ont. 670 Personals 670 Personals C'a-'f'td °eP" is open for your convenience every Sal 9.30 a.m-3:00 p.m incere Singles IsIroduciloo r A confidential way to meet that Someone Special The call could alainge your W RONA 244-5563 NINA 299-M Call 576-9335 Please read your classified ad on the first day of publication as we cannot be responsible for mon than one insertion in the event of an error. LUBE, OIL & FILTER t NC.IEES: S um Ole MOTOCRAFT of mm AND LIBRIC DMF NECESSARY. � ALSO INCLUDES THIS 16 n CHECKsPU 1.C" 9ATTERttnw&u ALS 9. CHECK commaSTREMGTN 2. DECK RMffM NOSES i CUM 111111. CHECK RM LEVELS 3. CEICK EXnmw UGM 11. CHECK REL RLTER AND PCV VALVE & C EC K A R RM - 11 PECK EIIHNJST MWAL) L CHECK IFFEEA/Ic U WAGE (VEINAL) I& CHECK WATSHWT i IMVERSIIL ' HL CHECK FRONT Hl REM SUSPEIISION JMM (VISUAL) 7. CHECK BRAKES IL C p ,I WB BLADES "EUAL) CHECK ' S ADAW AN PRESSURE 14. TEST DRIVE 'CWW be eonlrbad wo"aaw dbooula or ttpeelab W. M. tOflt L$ 95 Most cars and ING THIS AD ' light trucks, 23�6WITH YOU FACS 32-A T= MM ADVMTU;M MD, MRUARY 3. IM 10,000 Families Shop With Us Every'Week.1 What do they know that you' don't," "We shop at 8ale»da9s MGPD Meats because they have the best meat in town" Whitby Shoppers: Pa! & Ron Marinated Sp{E i,00 lb. Itound491 Steaks 3 The SAVE 1.00 lb. Cube4 9 Steaks :3 The Texas SAVE .70 lb. Style 99 Back Blabs 21b. Red Brand Grade 'A' Sirloin Tip Roast Fresh Octoberfest Sausage SAVE 1.0016.1 69 Ib* Fresh Chicken Breasts SAFE .70 lb. Rack of savE .70 ib. Ground -- Pork qq Pork SAVE [toast lb. •So lb. 99b. SAVE .70 Ib• Centre Cut SAVE." tb. 2 9 Pork Chops 299 IbI nton a,,vE �99 The Broil -go as ,b. re "� �69 � ed Z5 den ems. s.Y.rat rrwrry aAvs ia. a. Schnitzels 294Me Fn=h "VE." 0. Shiskabob qq Meat ANEW ib. fir' �•arsr�r �. ery B Z�� sy - �1 WUMOUr:.. GOU 1413 KI!g St E. 132-1362 Tues. & Wsd. K Thus. i FN. H SsL K, sun. K 0 Sale ends Sur., Feb. 7th 4s1 Q, ' , SL s. Cann d U"U5M �.sn 1618 Oundss St E. 17M sB�10. a 100 w«a,.y a. 30 W.c« SL 723.1602 571-1116 ( 1 M" pW1 7Mp1 � (49 GOY ) Tues.n316 ,rues. t Wed. s�6 Tues. wo. Wad H Tws. 34 Wed. H Tws H, 34-6464 We& 64 Tues.-W.d. 10-7 Wad., Thus., Frl. K Thurs. 611. FA. 6.7 Thins F�1. H 7hu�a Fet 6-7 Thus. 6-7 • Fd. H Thus. • FN. 6-6SeL s.euday H SGL K H, sun. H sat 7i Sat 6�,L 10-4 sat K, sun. 10� Sundsy 6� ►r••. ..rwrw•.-..�w.r.•.-.• ....J.a..�.i.J..Ly I -7..1.1J.1,: .li t . 1 LOOK FOR Best Homes EVERY SATURDAY BOXES FROM PICKERING TO BRIGHTON �b T ... of 3 BDRM. BUNGALOW IN-LAW SUITE An original owner home constantly maintained and upgraded. Flagstone walk and porch. Flagstone foundation, sunporch, all new windows, aluminum siding last year. Shows great inside and out. This won't last. $145,800. LARRY SEENS' Sales Representative 683-1861 RFiMW QUALITY ONE LTD. RLTR. 2,300 SQ. FT. $212,900 - AJAX 4 bedroom exec., immaculate, custom landscaping, big yard, backing onto park Large bright kitchen, steps tc school, quiet street. Er suite bath. Excellenl value. Must be seen. STEVE FEARON' 683-2992 RFIM W EXPERIENCE INC. POWER OF SALE $159,900 • Great location Upgraded windows • Quality cupboards in kitchen • Large bedrooms Call Barrie Cox' r 839-7449 WMW ....+r.. _ - JLIDOO LER Nway IkL CALL JOHN MONQ 831-M PROFESSIONALS GET RESULTS ~ fllllllar. raFt1� Wang. " 4h ri ma 2 beft " " Main floor tam. ruL with N " Gorge= oak kflcfltrt M N M N PwW for or the Ll hartdi, FF - " GEORGE LALWAIV or JUDY PATERSOW 2111FM WMW l realty Ltd. POPULAR JOHN BODDY "GABLETOW Loeded em ane d tM slow h on *As gorgs" •' Ioar hbolls for VvIn& braurl diakug, 3 bq windows, am Ism rat brkk IIP, wlo b dtdt, 1p nosily bdraL, id does% N sat tut up. shover, Ipa linea s & many mon hrimee. JOHN MOMP 831-3300 RF/VIW FIRST "T All • n P BRIAN R. HAWKE LAW OFFICE 831-8288 REAL ESTATE COMPETITIVE RATES EVENING APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE SOUTH AJAX - COURT! 4 bedroom, 3 bath home on mature lot, walking distance to shops, parks & transit. Finished rec room with walkout & fireplace. Large master with en suite & walk-in closet, good -size, great value. JACQUELYNN TANNER' 683-8542. FA.ti1111 rI-.,usr t - • 4" " J. . - .,�. w•,. .. �►*UP+� THIS PROPERTY OFFERS TRUE VALUE! cAu DOUG TAYLOR :mss AJAX -JR. EXEC. $195,000 Great value, 4 bedrooms, 2 car garage, main floor family & laundry rms., en suite bath, big kitchen, fireplace - Almost brand new - Steve Fearon' 683- 2992. RIGHT PLACE, RIGHT Pin APProxirnatey► 2,e00 sJq. kJHudwood and s finished Upgraftd Large ed4n kill. Large fain. rm. with lkior to CA" CNN 'up usrritm', f+ifs4m FAMILY TRUST CORPORATION REALTOR OUTS i NOB J bmmaaulMe, slrorrs a'10' 431 J NNW bedroom has full to SUN J 21a. powder row an WAh raw 4 Fit in I" mom J Gnienhom I P J cut at, ant. as J Double 9 pried dries. i1lti M DOUG TAYLOR" $31'3300 Kmw FIRST Ltd ONLY S188,500! Ajax -1,950 sq. ft. with main floor laundry, - open concept, kit. fam. overlooking rm. & -I gleaming ceramic floors throughout. A must see! Call BRIAN 683_-8542. 8542 1• _ FAN 11 L� I LUST J. . - .,�. w•,. .. �►*UP+� THIS PROPERTY OFFERS TRUE VALUE! cAu DOUG TAYLOR :mss AJAX -JR. EXEC. $195,000 Great value, 4 bedrooms, 2 car garage, main floor family & laundry rms., en suite bath, big kitchen, fireplace - Almost brand new - Steve Fearon' 683- 2992. RIGHT PLACE, RIGHT Pin APProxirnatey► 2,e00 sJq. kJHudwood and s finished Upgraftd Large ed4n kill. Large fain. rm. with lkior to CA" CNN 'up usrritm', f+ifs4m FAMILY TRUST CORPORATION REALTOR OUTS i NOB J bmmaaulMe, slrorrs a'10' 431 J NNW bedroom has full to SUN J 21a. powder row an WAh raw 4 Fit in I" mom J Gnienhom I P J cut at, ant. as J Double 9 pried dries. i1lti M DOUG TAYLOR" $31'3300 Kmw FIRST Ltd 'PAGE 2-MMNEWS.AiDVIFXTLSER.WWDI FE,Rt1AR"IM DISTRESS SALE "- SUPREME SACRIFICE! Vendor has bought! Asking $179,900. Must sell quick! Great Ajax family home. Only 2 years new! Fin. bsmt., 3 bdrms., master w/en suite. Rob Beecham 250-9000. N I EXECUTIVE - COULD BE YOUR DREAM HOME 90C Approx 2.700 sC f;. prof la TO\� PJM SOLD OWER OF SALE C0�\' Abrnungs+de.'Frcn, approx. 2.000 so t ,J5 2 yrs. new. Grewpa built home. shoe well. SELLING YOUR HOME? BILL HIBBITS Sales Representative 831-2273 ROBERT CASE . A, r . 1 „• t. 1, .a. — t...a 1 ST AD JUST LISTED! A REAL CHARM - 3,040 SO. FT. 1 yr, old Only $248 000 k brcK aetacnec on 50 h. lot. 4 grooms. huge master wValkir closet and 5 oc. en suite with steyjp !, o 2rr08 3rd bd"s , w,er suite bath. intercom, securry syster-. farnlly sized K;t. w'oantry 8 ceramic flr. . separate living 8 drnnd rrr . lorary room plus much more. Call Dennis Morgan. C2/ Brscoe Estates Ltd. 839-2121 •` 1 A DEL 4 BORM. 5169,900 -:1 Finished brit. built -n bookcases new upgraded ►' �� ' = broadloom, 3!4' thick oak fim in iv. / dn. and Nb ays. FM. 1 4 pr: beth and 1,2 pG, lanced lot. qLw court dose to w hook shopp% pada a GO. DENNIS MORGAN Sales Representative t 428-2121 EMBER OF C21 HALL OF AWARD ' WINNER BRISCOE ESTATES LTD. E AND TOP 21 IN CANADA IEVERS REAL ESTATE SUSAN VINCENT Saks Representative 71 111111 SHIRLEY b TRISH FRENCH -- Sales Representatives 9� ROSS OAKE Sales Representative ROSS OAKE Sates Representative ►A OPEN CONCEPT LIVINGI 1,700 eq. ftI Man floor liemily room, Ip., master bdrm. +sitting area + 4 pc. ensuile bath ceramics, wood floors, huge pool tool Great value - Susan Vincent, 428-7677. "AMAZING SPACE" Expansive setting, huge diamond pie lot. Sunny 3 bedroom, 2 beth bungalow. New kitchen and roof. Bright and finished basement In-law potential. SAILOR'S DELIGHT! Walk to your boatl Gorgeous 3 bedroom . newly renovated throughout! New kitchen and bath, tarn. rm. fp., ceramics, 60 oz. brdlm. Must See' Ross Oake, 428- 7677. DISCOVERY BAY'S BEST! Beautiful 3 bedroom. upgraded dusty rose brdlm., w,o basemen fireplace. oentral au, steps to lake and conservation. Long Closing' Ross Oaks. 428-7677. em4arlh inf mAx 428-21 21 PICKERING 839-21 21 i ft 21 000000%ft BRISCOE ESTATES LTD. No Ot-FS"I Ick\ ABOU"I- I"F. Fully detached 2 storey home. Professionally landscaped with interlocking walkway, finished bunt with well bar b 2 -pc., central air i central vac. 3 some appliances. $175,000. Cal linnie Brown'at 428.2121. Bamiiirl largo 4 bedroom home in Amberlea. 4•j= an wds, landscaped boot i back with custom dads with gazebo, underground sprinkler, garage door open. interlock walk Iireplaoe in tarnily room l mora Cal Rick BnscoeWS-2121. $689„000. Allrooters ettra large kluding l elenei akplipM in ellyeperr, ntswags, sod. barn, huge dedt acral Cd IM Thompsonbr fur w delle al 428- 2121. 17 _'9 VENDDR kW MXFEDM 3 bedroom badcspit, stoma 10+! WaAcxhg distance toGO station, mks, park d sthopprg. Country Wil g in the heart of thety. No reasonable offer refused. $166.900. Cal kft Amenbei today 428.2121. Exceptional bungalow on large 75x200 fl. lot Upgraded broadlocm, custom made drapes, central ar, master an sm with J== A seperan sfwwel double garage i s4*t Asking $212,000. Call Flora Waters at 4262121. It CAN & owly We house. Be jAM cod nedral ceifsg in lung room, wakout b yard, view of to bay. I1psr�t an wave finarci g. Cal Ron Matlhsim $Mw LasNo'at 4262121. RSO Affordable home in great family location. Features huge eat -in kitchen and main floor family room, 4 waaous bedrooms, all for only $145,000. Call Michele Jorhei to view 428-2121. POW OF SALE, SOUTH AJAX 4 bdrm. def situated on a 50 It lot Surrounded by a coder hedge. Features main floor family rm., 4 -pc. i 3 -pc. bedns. hill nedian possession. Cal now at 426- 2121. 262121. Steve Locei.• Sunny 3 + 1 bedroom, leahres premum 125 R lot, double garage, well to wall fireplace, greet location and price at $174,900_ Cal Lym Mancherd'at 42111- 2121 262121 for yarn personal viewing. HANDYMAN SPECIAL!! Poor of sale. Only $156.000. Largo d 1-- - brick 3 bedroom bungalow with bsmt suite in South Pickering on febubus country lot Ask lo► Riclo Med sen'at 4262121. Detached 7 room 1 1/2 storey home with detached garage 8 workshop. Close to school 8 shopping, iced stove, fridge washer 8 dryer. Priced at s144,90o. Cap Wino Laine b view at 428.2121. DONT WAIT, BUY NOW Raised 2 + 2 bedroom bungalow with sirgM attached 1 4-p¢. 3 1 3•pc baths. Priced b sell at 129,000. For details cal Flora Waters R 426-2121. Chermng all Wick 1 yr. new 4 bdrm. home an 60' lot Features spectacular masts with 5 -pc. an win, 2nd S 3rd bdi, Wien wins. Wrary, farnk nn., gouffast hitcherk extras galore. Cal Oemra 11111oilgerrat42/- 2121. LWP dencod 4 Wadrow home in Rotpa area Marble i hardwood floors, Jacuzzi tubi sepente SUM up show. an suits bath. InMrktck driwwq OW much. much man. CII Rick Brism'st 429- 2121. 262121. THRNBMADVERTWX 11111ii FighlIlICARY11:1003-PAGE. AN ABSOLUTE MUST SEE! $289,888 FIRST TIME BUYERS 9.18% INTEREST PETER MUELLER 683-8542 Great 3 bdrm. bungalow with super 2 bdrm. bsmt. Assoc Broker BARRY EARL apt-, rents for 650 per mth. Don't miss this ideal Assistant Manager F"ILY TRUSTSoftn opportunity. $157,900. Barry Earl 831-4242. CORPORATION REALTOR 71- [;A;JA,X PICKERING 683-8542 8314242 BRICK 3 BEDROOM 50X113' LOT $179.900 WOW Tris excellent none has a large eat -in (q.. -ain floor lam, mi.. 3 large bdrrns.. & a fully fenced back yard with a large dock. Just Isted. See a now. Barry Earl 831-4242. 18 KARAT QUALITY This exquisite 4 bdrm. Bayfield has everything you could ever want. Huge pie -shaped lot with inground pool, 10s of thousands in upgrades including bleached birch flooring, 2 fireplaces, one in gorgeous fin. rec rm., incredible custom kit. with built-in AEG appl's. This is an absolute must see. 1st ad. Asking $289.888. Call Peter Mueller for more details 683- AREAL GEM MAGGIE Mi Ras�-,' b,,rqa70w 4 !• :,C ­acuLate. 2 baths. 8542. Sales Representative ea,-fr c'cre, Maggie McIvor 583-8542. - Wo 3 BDRM. WrTM EATON KITCHEN JOHN & CAROL Cosy brick & alum. bungalow or I X bit. RANDY & THAN INCREDIBLE VALUE $11155M COLLINS Woodstove. fridge, stove + all window coverings. MILLER Pickering. 3 W— lownnoLse, oq 7-s. fr. bsmi.. Sales Representative Excellent 1st home. Financrg availabie *11� 50' Sales Representatives close to all ar-er,!ies orly S-5 Y, oown. Randy & down 0 A.C. John & Ca-ol Co!lirs 683-8542 'am Miler 683-3542 ON` , $1 Lots of extras in this wonderful home for a family on a budget. Fin. rec mi with brick comer for airright stove. Patio doors to privacy comer of large FABULOUS DETACHED super 1 '2 store �as a 'SII bs:nt.. landscaped lot. Brick tiered steps & walk. double DARRYL GLOVER LUCY BATESON parking. Call before as gone. Lucy Bateson. Assoc. Broker garage and a large -a%re of Call Darryl Glover Assoc. Brolker Assoc Late Broker, 683-8542,683-5311. Assist. Manager 683-8542 WHITBY MODEL HOME $2299800 4 bdrm. executive, all brick has everything you're looking for. Marble ve fireplace, huge greenhouse kit. with Centre island & pantry, very spacious bdmis. with closet organizers, custom balloons & blinds throughout. California shutters, cedar fence & deck, mature PROFESSIONALLY trees, landscaping plus more. This LANDSCAPED Superb home an quiet court Main film family rm., RANDY & TARN home is completelly decorated, and is a FABULOUS FAMILY HOME W. $209,900 for this bdight, immaculate 4 bdrrn. home, ­ - " brick drive + patio. Central ar, MILLER must to see! Call Randy & Tam Miller KAREN WALKER only a short walk from school and GO bus. Cal Son Rep too 8 security system. Cal Marim W -854Z Son R-; 683-8542. Assoc.Broker Karen Walker 683-8W. "UN11.11111111111TEW PHOTO NOT FlIRST H= FEVER? With this; gorgeous 4 bdrm. home boded SOUTH AJAX "REDUCED" AVAILABLE j Chock out to 3 bdrm. defthed ftm for on l whWades ind. Eullopean kit, cennk;s, hrdi 3 bdrm- burg., 69 torMi sop side at lo ane $156,9W. Full! firiished rec rm., buillIlAn garage, NIICHELE IfIrs., granke master en suile, CAC, allarm system & LORI ELLIOT-SPENCE RON SHUTE bdrm. In-law wille with fp. Insert. Lon E110 -Sperm DON STEWART fireplace in W. rm. call Don Stewart 8314242. Sites Reprewa6 much more' Md** Kennedy or Ron Shute 831- Sdu PAP el hidu 68341542. Sm" RIP"entotive 4242. FACES CONSERVATION ON HUGE LOTI WALK TO 00 WESTNEY HEIGHTS, $162P0 RHONDA HIRD This Pickering home has cent. air, sep. el to fin. GAIL DALL This lovely 3 bdn. shows to perfection. Loads of Unbelievable value, approx. 12M 4 fL, 3 bdrm rec rm., alarm system, Ug pool & much more' Don't upgrades. ftluldes Ug pool, sauna, mn. fir. tam. rm. RANDY TARN MILLER Saha RWuWMW SIlillililIll great floor plm tin. bsrnt, must be sil paii welt!! Rhonda W831-4242or6834332. and much more. Cd Gad Dai a 831-4242. arm Miller 683-%Q. x v N W F W cc %IA AY 31 111!6 MR& "SACRIFICE $89,900" AJAX - Gorgeous 1 bdrm. condo., pool, sauna, air, lamed. Mary Wright Res., 428-6654, Bus.: 350- 3990. dpENH ev�� Sutton Group Classic Realty Inc. ® Florence E. Betts Oil Broker •-�� 283-1500 831-8613 RE/MAX ROUGE RIVER R.E. LTD. MEMBER OF REMAX 100% CLUB I DAN GOLDSMITH Sales Repnsentadve SUTTON GROUP STATUS REALTY INC. 436-0990/428-8274 ROUGE RIVER REALTY LTD. 286-3993 MICHAEL AND SHIRLEY CURRAN Sales Repreantat(ves IN DEMANDII •Demw4 locationi DemandquaDen�iand style! John Boddy Forrestbrook! 5 bedrooms, elegajfam'IYhome. $284,900. Call for information, Michael Curran, Sales Reps. RF/MSC ROUGE RIVER REALTY LTD. 428-6533 Sales Representative EASY AS RENT $118,000. Gleaming 3 bdrm. South Oshawa, delightful decor, fin. bsmt., w/o to fenced garden. David Mercury, Sales Representative, Re/Max Rouge River Realty Ltd., 428-6533. "PACK UP THE FAM LY" Address: 1981 Lydia Cres., Pickering Features: Large 3 bdrms. over 500 sq. h., security system, finished basement. BRAND NEW HOME? $289,900. 2,950 sq. ft. 9 room, 2 storey dble. garage, large lot. W/o style basement. Other attractive features. Quality. Call Flo Betts, Broker 831-8613. Exoelent kxabon area of fine homes. A pleasure to view. Directions: Dixie & F-mch Listed with Dan Goldsmith ® Florence E. Betts Oil Broker •-�� 283-1500 831-8613 RE/MAX ROUGE RIVER R.E. LTD. MEMBER OF REMAX 100% CLUB I DAN GOLDSMITH Sales Repnsentadve SUTTON GROUP STATUS REALTY INC. 436-0990/428-8274 ROUGE RIVER REALTY LTD. 286-3993 MICHAEL AND SHIRLEY CURRAN Sales Repreantat(ves IN DEMANDII •Demw4 locationi DemandquaDen�iand style! John Boddy Forrestbrook! 5 bedrooms, elegajfam'IYhome. $284,900. Call for information, Michael Curran, Sales Reps. RF/MSC ROUGE RIVER REALTY LTD. 428-6533 Sales Representative EASY AS RENT $118,000. Gleaming 3 bdrm. South Oshawa, delightful decor, fin. bsmt., w/o to fenced garden. David Mercury, Sales Representative, Re/Max Rouge River Realty Ltd., 428-6533. "I ROUGE RIVER RVh lh, am REALTY LTD. fj0� RUSSELL WILSON 6 Me I - a �p,b 286-3993 JIUST A MERE fIlAN$= - Over 8,600 sq. ft - Ovor 70 R lot - Over neer Range VdW - Urber priced i ISI sd -4- 1 - fatly room - den -ClINSIMiCS- Forendusne8 showing and more inlirmaic- cdl: Russd Wilson ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS - EN13 ISH TUDOR - Locoed at quiet ddd sole sq. - 4 Winnt. - 3 beftt - Main floor family room i laundry roan - Vendor R" out of tour" A must to see Of ft - Listed SHAW P rarnpe Cd: Russell Wilton COSY DECEIVER ,toll Boddy'Pambr*W 3 bdrms. - 3 baths family room with keptace finished basement Brii;lht and cheerful Listed at $188,500. ham Call Russ Wilson 9 sun+ SL Sown '. UxbrldM OnUft LOC 1 KO UXBRIDGE AREA -1/2 AC. - $179,900 3 bdrms. - Raised bungalow - Big kit. - Spacious & bright Ir/dr - High unspoiled basement with garage aocess. Shows welll DAGMAR/LAKERIDGE SKI AREA - HILLSIDE BEAUTY $289,900. Private setting - 2600 sq. ft. finished on 2 levels - Fireplace, sauna, spa - Games room. Livable loft over large garage. LITTLE HORSE FARM! $239,900 N. Uxbridge - Durham 23 - Immaculate 1500 sq. ft. custom bungalow set amongst paddocks on 10 all usable acres - 5 box stall barn - Beautiful set-up. For information on above properties call Lee Weldon, Associate Broker at 510-1284 or 852-6143 i BERNARD SALES REP. LEEB. COMM. 428=6533 RO GE RIVER R LTY HOME 427-5568 LOOKING FOR "AN HONEST i PROFESSIONAL SALESPERSON"? CALL BERNARD LEE AT 4286533 OR 427-5568 FOR A COMPLEMENTARY MARKET SOLDEVALUATION ON YOUR PROPERTY FOR OVER WITH NO OBLIGATION. R MAY SAVE OF LIST PRICE YOU THOUSANDS. r.. NORTH AJAX - 2 YEARS NEW =5,800 DOWN G* $1,199 mor" PA 3r1 bdrmt., 2 Immaculate $300 p. ft (Wpm) d brk*4 brine bent new brdim., IrL bsmt, poterttiel h4 w wile with seg. ddadu d. Feepleoe, cet air, upgraded ewpot & MW � yard. garage, won't last Call Bernard Lee 428- 19* Close to scholhome ok. A wonderfu T* PICKERfiIG VILLAGE - ONLY 112 ?AN. PRICED 70 SELL $18$600 Approx. 2,100 4 IL 4 bdrm. home. Detached, d brick large, dean 3+1 bdrm. home, firnit W bsmt with 312 ben, wndedt, fp., cent air, pwt* finished fireplace, 4ir. an suite in master bedroom, 40 ft becilere Cel Bernard Lee 428.6633. Oft perk, cent or & more. cal Berrard Lee 428.6633 ¢ : JUST LISTED - J. BODDr GABLETON OWNER TRANSFERRED. PREMIUM LOT Over 2.300 sq. ft 8 rm , 4 bedroom spirt level lame. Double gar. fenced yd., fp in fam rm., dream kit with upgraded c,pboards. Doul miss this one' call Flo Betts, Broker 831- 8613 BRAND NEW HOME? $289,900. 2,950 sq. ft. 9 room, 2 storey dble. garage, large lot. W/o style basement. Other attractive features. Quality. Call Flo Betts, Broker 831-8613. BRDLEWOOD r u� $244.900. Just Mea. Charming 7 rm. 2 sty. (ranch styie) home. dbie, gar, good sized lot (quality fence wT pnvacy). Fireplace in spot. lam nn-• 59r. an suite off inn °' bdrm., cent aa, brdhn etc_ neutral decor. A showplace. Call Flo Betts, Broker 831-8613. "I ROUGE RIVER RVh lh, am REALTY LTD. fj0� RUSSELL WILSON 6 Me I - a �p,b 286-3993 JIUST A MERE fIlAN$= - Over 8,600 sq. ft - Ovor 70 R lot - Over neer Range VdW - Urber priced i ISI sd -4- 1 - fatly room - den -ClINSIMiCS- Forendusne8 showing and more inlirmaic- cdl: Russd Wilson ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS - EN13 ISH TUDOR - Locoed at quiet ddd sole sq. - 4 Winnt. - 3 beftt - Main floor family room i laundry roan - Vendor R" out of tour" A must to see Of ft - Listed SHAW P rarnpe Cd: Russell Wilton COSY DECEIVER ,toll Boddy'Pambr*W 3 bdrms. - 3 baths family room with keptace finished basement Brii;lht and cheerful Listed at $188,500. ham Call Russ Wilson 9 sun+ SL Sown '. UxbrldM OnUft LOC 1 KO UXBRIDGE AREA -1/2 AC. - $179,900 3 bdrms. - Raised bungalow - Big kit. - Spacious & bright Ir/dr - High unspoiled basement with garage aocess. Shows welll DAGMAR/LAKERIDGE SKI AREA - HILLSIDE BEAUTY $289,900. Private setting - 2600 sq. ft. finished on 2 levels - Fireplace, sauna, spa - Games room. Livable loft over large garage. LITTLE HORSE FARM! $239,900 N. Uxbridge - Durham 23 - Immaculate 1500 sq. ft. custom bungalow set amongst paddocks on 10 all usable acres - 5 box stall barn - Beautiful set-up. For information on above properties call Lee Weldon, Associate Broker at 510-1284 or 852-6143 i BERNARD SALES REP. LEEB. COMM. 428=6533 RO GE RIVER R LTY HOME 427-5568 LOOKING FOR "AN HONEST i PROFESSIONAL SALESPERSON"? CALL BERNARD LEE AT 4286533 OR 427-5568 FOR A COMPLEMENTARY MARKET SOLDEVALUATION ON YOUR PROPERTY FOR OVER WITH NO OBLIGATION. R MAY SAVE OF LIST PRICE YOU THOUSANDS. r.. NORTH AJAX - 2 YEARS NEW =5,800 DOWN G* $1,199 mor" PA 3r1 bdrmt., 2 Immaculate $300 p. ft (Wpm) d brk*4 brine bent new brdim., IrL bsmt, poterttiel h4 w wile with seg. ddadu d. Feepleoe, cet air, upgraded ewpot & MW � yard. garage, won't last Call Bernard Lee 428- 19* Close to scholhome ok. A wonderfu T* PICKERfiIG VILLAGE - ONLY 112 ?AN. PRICED 70 SELL $18$600 Approx. 2,100 4 IL 4 bdrm. home. Detached, d brick large, dean 3+1 bdrm. home, firnit W bsmt with 312 ben, wndedt, fp., cent air, pwt* finished fireplace, 4ir. an suite in master bedroom, 40 ft becilere Cel Bernard Lee 428.6633. Oft perk, cent or & more. cal Berrard Lee 428.6633 ',ACHIEVERS REAL ESTATE AJAX 428-7677 PICKERING 831-7677 WEST HILL 286-7677 �j 9 ► S ITS THE TIME TO BUY BACKS ON TO PARKLAND Spacious townhouse close to all conveniences. 3 Sunny south ; remium Die 'or w *h 2,050 sq. ft. DAVE JOHNSON bdrms.. 2 baths. fin. bsmt. and a garage. Don't MOV D SHIRLEY r4 TRISH FRENCH `amdy-size home. Huge tam. rm. has cathedral Sales Representative -ss this one. Call Dave 428-7677. Sales Representatives ceilings. A rare find! Mrs. French 831 -7677 - IMMEDIATE DEEP TREED POSSESSION "'�*�►--, t�� ��p,.r PRIVATE LOT tN 3 bdrm. semi I -"`f Y �'` �s,� A KITCHEN TO looking for a new �jMfj LIVE" FOR! Spac. a Tf ,, ' owner. 2 bath4 bdrm., huge s, � - '-� i s newer broadloom in _ _ deluxe oak kit., new o 0 liv. rm. and din. rm., x: ; roof, thermal finished rec rm. windows, cent. air, w/fireplace, w/o to etc.S25.000 yard. Call Dave invested' Mrs. 428-7677. ++:f: _ - French 831-7677. DROP IN AND SEE US AT " OUR NEW LOCATION 467 WESTNEY RD POWER OF SALE $129.900-Wtirl " 3 bdrms.. 2 baths, att. gar.. rec -n.. m . S. bsmt. � y=' ELVIRA LAROCOUE Located in south Ajax, close to shopping and GREAT COMMUTING LOCATION! Sales Representative schools. First-time buyers call Elvva today for ,A JAX 4287677 JOHN PLUMPTON ewoll <eet 3 5C� ser^i�et. bungalow with an further details. 428-7677. Sales Representative aooil" All yours for only "5155,000." BY THE LAKE 4+1 bdrms., Circ. staircase w/skylight. Main f1r. den with bay 4 window, tam. rm. with ' ■ fp.. Laundry rm..TAKE THE formal din. rm. with ■`` PLUNGE french doors adjacent t=- n Own your own to liv. rm. 4 baths, home. Immaculate one in bsmt. CALL 2 store 3 bdrm. TODAY "ELVIRA Why pay rent? You can buy ft .! wwo"al air, w/o IID LOROCQUE" 428 3 bdrm. MARILYN WOOD Lam. beck home backing on ro greenbelt,_ landscaped garden - 7677. Saba Representavve Spotless' Close to everything. : - i CoA nowN i • �>>6)> THE PRICE IS RIGHT c Just starting or t +,. empty nesting. ' Spotless 3 bdrrn. "INGROUND Pool' $4,496 YMENT "s�oo.lr MONTHLY PAYMENTSPAYMENTSbungalow, beautiful Vicorian beauty overlooks Ug pod 8 solarpm 1st tine buyers here s your chance!! 'Pickering rec rm., dose to w O tub, cent. as & cent. vac., gar • door detached bungalow down by the lake. For only schools. Call John CHERYL KOSTKA mss, 7 Jacuzzis, 7 fireplaces, ft one has S, it KOSTKA '589,900' on the spot financing available. For 831-7677. Sda R F ftdvo It all. For more irionnation call Cheryl Kosl ka S*&R@P two more details Cal now!! Steve Kostka 831-7677 or 8311-7677,427-86677. 427-8677. OPEN HOUSE 'Stili., FEB. 7, 2-4 PY�- b1li6 BECKWORTH, PK3amm "PRIZE O S, P111=91rIG AREA" S, �• u tN Det. 2 sty. fn. beauliWy top b bottom!! Cent. ai cent. vac., al fully fenced 3VA" diist to now kcL sdW Hurry on" , one!! For more dab T URNBERAY CASTLE SFurrwk 1,950 Brick COAN eating, CAC, on open house cal 9 sq. R home. 3 bdrrrks., 3 baths, Cheryl Kostka 831-7677 PEGGY STRATTON fn. bsmt., rm. fir. lain., CAC, edn kiL, ftnac. LYNN YCCULLOCH bsmt apt.� � dale. clirivewaLasing, CAC, naw widows, or 427-8677. SaW Represudi AM Tb view call Peggy 428-7677. Saks R� breezevey.�Lynn WCWCulloch 831-7677. with alt. qw. r4 LOVELY END UNIT Well located 3 - bdrm. townhouse in desirable south Ajax. Eat -in kit., w/o is to patio from living room. Available 'COUNTRY SIZE Lor immediately. Peggy THIS is 711E FINAL MOVE FRANK STYBA Soule Arax 3 bdrm. buugabw wNiew of the lake, X Stratton 428-7677. Absdutety etpuisite superior quality Cpm SiMa bill 100400', great area, close to every0ft For JOAN HUDSON Spruce II (2,965 sq. ft.) in Fawn's Lar%ft Marty more info. cal Franc -- -- - fv)k PROM feat ....tMG1B i lYM a RARE JEWEL Rased BUNGALOW beau onto greenbelt Fully finished top to bomm. 3 . 1 bedrooms, all appliances included. Fireplace w/insert Just move in and errM. Cal Shelley Erxhghfat 837 -MZ Don't miss out, pick Bothe phone. 10 C r WHITBY STARTER $/49,900 Brand new home. Purchaser to select flooring s cabinets. Possession 30 days. For more information or appointment to view call Judy Canyon' at 837- 2552 You ll be glad you did. AGENT OF THE MONTH Treco Real Estate Limited would lice to congratulate Bev Hutchison who's e dedication and professiortatrsm ' have corKrbuted to her outstanding sales results for January. Is ri BUILDER'S CLEARANCE SALE Located in a quiet court, this 3 bdrm., 2 bath, brick FREEHOLD TOW HOME story. MUST BE SOLD. Main floor ham. nm. wAarge Like using your Master Card, br only 7,000. down. kitchen looking onto backyard. This home has all of FRAM's quality features. Call Sam Kimberiey'837- Caines for under $1.200.4n (Pal). You select the 255Z finishes from builder's large samole selection. Be first to call Gayle Barwel'at 837-2552. She has all the details. RARE JEWEL Rased BUNGALOW beau onto greenbelt Fully finished top to bomm. 3 . 1 bedrooms, all appliances included. Fireplace w/insert Just move in and errM. Cal Shelley Erxhghfat 837 -MZ Don't miss out, pick Bothe phone. 10 C r WHITBY STARTER $/49,900 Brand new home. Purchaser to select flooring s cabinets. Possession 30 days. For more information or appointment to view call Judy Canyon' at 837- 2552 You ll be glad you did. AGENT OF THE MONTH Treco Real Estate Limited would lice to congratulate Bev Hutchison who's e dedication and professiortatrsm ' have corKrbuted to her outstanding sales results for January. Is ri lif [[app511fr3. PER MONTH recialed. w, 212 beths, 3 large bdrm. Main floor omer fireplace. Large upgraded bright M liances and a 2 car garage. Cal Sam 37-2552. Must be seen to be Treco Real Estate is pleased to announce the addition of Judy Carlyon on to our Resale Homes Division. Judy is a king time Ajatk resident with over 7 years experience in the Aiaxtftkenng Real Estate market. Judy asks al her clients and friends to call at Treco for caMiruabon d her dedicated and reliable service. Realty World East 631-6000, REAL ESTATE LTD. Ajax 428-6000 REALTY WORLD 1099 Kingston Rd. Furniture Mall "Associate , - MEMBERBROKER g t A�SOcmate Broker Safes Representative DETACHED BACKSPLrT Close to schools and shopping. on private treed lot with southern exposure. Well improved 3 bdrr, home in mature neighborhood. For details call Suzan Will 831- 6000. WHITES RD. SOUTH Beautiful all brick home. 4 + 2 bedrooms, main floor den, laundry and family room. Bright scurry set-in kit 3 years old. Cal 831 4000, D. Borgal'. COUNTRY 300X130' LOT CONVERTED SCHOOL HOUSE Completely renovated home with 2 woodstoves, "An kkhen, huge Irv. rm., main fir. fam. rm. with walkout to deck, main fir. Wundry int., skyl#ft. Call Connie Dennis* 831-6000. PRIME ROUGEMOUNT LOCATION Walkout custom built bungalow on mature lot. Features 2 fps.! 2 kitchens! 5 bedrooms! Double garage! Full in-law apt.! Cent. air, appliances. Call Sharon Hutchinson* 831-6000. BRIGHT b SPACKM This fully fenced 4 bdrm. 3 pain home shows pride of ownership. Stunning se -re nail plan offers all the features you could want. Ca; Blake Johnston' or Jim KeIN' 831-6006. yy. 11/1 STOREY CAPE COD Custom built on super large lot. 4 bdnns.. 2 4 -pc. batlnooms, finished rec rim., stone fireplace, hardwood floors t hrougt" new high eff. fnunace. Cal Suzan Winch* 831-W. THE LITRE DOLLAR THAT COULD Small dorm gels you into this 2 unit home. Live n we and rent the other or rent both! Great nvestmert. Cal Linda Cubit" 831-M. "W500 DOWN" Buys you an all brick 3 bedroom bungalow. A separate side entrance leads you to a nice 2 bedroom n4aw apartment. Call Del Borgal' 831-6000. DEER CREEK GOLF COURSE ESTATE Large 4 bedroom luxurious executive home overbokig 171h fairway. Gourmet kiichert, custom interior, 4 baths, 3 car garage wb basement. Cal Elaine Smart' 831.6000. NIL THIS ONE MEASURES UPI AM bik* 4 bdnm. wh"stt *m wing rm., mn. fir. fan. rm. 6 den, greenhouse ktL 6 master whetreat. More awaits you! Ron or Jan Whalen- 831-6000. LAKE ONTARIO WATERFRONT HOME Heartwarming country home. Pne floors. 2 brick fp., huge 6v. 8 tam. rm. Lots of Cedar n kit. & dn. rm. 600 ft. of grassy back yard with creek flowing through. Call fon Denims' 831-M. DETACHED WITH GARAGE 5116,900! Why bum money renting? This cosy home has front and mar "ches. stores air. Cal Steve Cooper' 831 -kfthen and M. WANT is travel, WANT BREATHING SPACE? Completely renovated 3 & 1 bdrm. skiespit, walkout to tergrf deck overlooking pool and the sunset or soohe in your tat tub. Loaded with extras. Cal Make Johnston* or Jin Kett'' for furttnerdetails 831-6000. CONNOISSEUR'S DELIGHT 1sT 7111E BUTER WANTW WIN Custom buill home with 3 car 2 bdrms., 1 12 batty, eat -n kitchen, OWNERS BEAM HOME'S A DREAM garage. Completely fnisfted hlge bakxtrry, rec rim. with tp., oak bar, kit. is second to none with VwWcular western view. Master bdm has whin doset A y sDolless , Gleaming hardwood firs., skylights, cent. alt cent. vac., security alarm and more. 2 -pc. an suite. Rent to own option available. Immediate renovated kiL & beth. Walk to GO and ml Seize the call Don Dentin' 6314000- . . . � � �Y', a ���' �1, �'. , I apporL1111`4 C WAr#* DswW biline► SM4 000 BUILDER'S CLEARANCE SALE Located in a quiet court, this 3 bdrm., 2 bath, brick 2 story. MUST BE SOLD. Main floor ham. nm. wAarge kitchen looking onto backyard. This home has all of FRAM's quality features. Call Sam Kimberiey'837- 255Z lif [[app511fr3. PER MONTH recialed. w, 212 beths, 3 large bdrm. Main floor omer fireplace. Large upgraded bright M liances and a 2 car garage. Cal Sam 37-2552. Must be seen to be Treco Real Estate is pleased to announce the addition of Judy Carlyon on to our Resale Homes Division. Judy is a king time Ajatk resident with over 7 years experience in the Aiaxtftkenng Real Estate market. Judy asks al her clients and friends to call at Treco for caMiruabon d her dedicated and reliable service. Realty World East 631-6000, REAL ESTATE LTD. Ajax 428-6000 REALTY WORLD 1099 Kingston Rd. Furniture Mall "Associate , - MEMBERBROKER g t A�SOcmate Broker Safes Representative DETACHED BACKSPLrT Close to schools and shopping. on private treed lot with southern exposure. Well improved 3 bdrr, home in mature neighborhood. For details call Suzan Will 831- 6000. WHITES RD. SOUTH Beautiful all brick home. 4 + 2 bedrooms, main floor den, laundry and family room. Bright scurry set-in kit 3 years old. Cal 831 4000, D. Borgal'. COUNTRY 300X130' LOT CONVERTED SCHOOL HOUSE Completely renovated home with 2 woodstoves, "An kkhen, huge Irv. rm., main fir. fam. rm. with walkout to deck, main fir. Wundry int., skyl#ft. Call Connie Dennis* 831-6000. PRIME ROUGEMOUNT LOCATION Walkout custom built bungalow on mature lot. Features 2 fps.! 2 kitchens! 5 bedrooms! Double garage! Full in-law apt.! Cent. air, appliances. Call Sharon Hutchinson* 831-6000. BRIGHT b SPACKM This fully fenced 4 bdrm. 3 pain home shows pride of ownership. Stunning se -re nail plan offers all the features you could want. Ca; Blake Johnston' or Jim KeIN' 831-6006. yy. 11/1 STOREY CAPE COD Custom built on super large lot. 4 bdnns.. 2 4 -pc. batlnooms, finished rec rim., stone fireplace, hardwood floors t hrougt" new high eff. fnunace. Cal Suzan Winch* 831-W. THE LITRE DOLLAR THAT COULD Small dorm gels you into this 2 unit home. Live n we and rent the other or rent both! Great nvestmert. Cal Linda Cubit" 831-M. "W500 DOWN" Buys you an all brick 3 bedroom bungalow. A separate side entrance leads you to a nice 2 bedroom n4aw apartment. Call Del Borgal' 831-6000. DEER CREEK GOLF COURSE ESTATE Large 4 bedroom luxurious executive home overbokig 171h fairway. Gourmet kiichert, custom interior, 4 baths, 3 car garage wb basement. Cal Elaine Smart' 831.6000. NIL THIS ONE MEASURES UPI AM bik* 4 bdnm. wh"stt *m wing rm., mn. fir. fan. rm. 6 den, greenhouse ktL 6 master whetreat. More awaits you! Ron or Jan Whalen- 831-6000. LAKE ONTARIO WATERFRONT HOME Heartwarming country home. Pne floors. 2 brick fp., huge 6v. 8 tam. rm. Lots of Cedar n kit. & dn. rm. 600 ft. of grassy back yard with creek flowing through. Call fon Denims' 831-M. DETACHED WITH GARAGE 5116,900! Why bum money renting? This cosy home has front and mar "ches. stores air. Cal Steve Cooper' 831 -kfthen and M. WANT is travel, WANT BREATHING SPACE? Completely renovated 3 & 1 bdrm. skiespit, walkout to tergrf deck overlooking pool and the sunset or soohe in your tat tub. Loaded with extras. Cal Make Johnston* or Jin Kett'' for furttnerdetails 831-6000. CONNOISSEUR'S DELIGHT 1sT 7111E BUTER WANTW WIN Custom buill home with 3 car 2 bdrms., 1 12 batty, eat -n kitchen, OWNERS BEAM HOME'S A DREAM garage. Completely fnisfted hlge bakxtrry, rec rim. with tp., oak bar, kit. is second to none with VwWcular western view. Master bdm has whin doset A y sDolless , Gleaming hardwood firs., skylights, cent. alt cent. vac., security alarm and more. 2 -pc. an suite. Rent to own option available. Immediate renovated kiL & beth. Walk to GO and ml Seize the call Don Dentin' 6314000- . . . � � �Y', a ���' �1, �'. , I apporL1111`4 C WAr#* DswW biline► SM4 000 CmaldaTmstP"Ify Canada Trust Realty ImiReahor 427-4771 NCE PLACE TO CALL HOME r. Well kept, immac., 4 bdrm, i; home features large lot with MARG BEATTY* mature landscaping, fireplace, Saks Representative cet vac. and more. Wont last 427'771 at $159,900. Can Marg Be .ity at 427-4771. CONDOS _ FROM'93,000 0 WALK TO "GO" ;129.500. knmaculate 3 bdrm. tow ftme. New Canac kit. New beim. pus spacious rec nn. Call Wes Stitt, Associate Broker, %. AAax Rouge River Realty Ltd. RE/MAX ROUGE RIVER REALTY LTD. 286-3993 WES STITT ASSOCIATE BROKER l •1►11►1• Steve Krstinovski RFYMW (Sales Rep. Crossroads Realty Inc. 491-4002 64-KIN(%;1 TBE 14EM ADVEWrU;M W1112, FRJsIRUAII Y .% 10113-MG2 7 Buying 1 ar _ - - your home? Look to your Real Estate Guide. P7` ROSS WATSON M(Sales Representative) 35 year resident of Ajax a�- Re/Max QualityOne Ltd. � . _ _683-1861 DO YOU HAVE A ire �- VERY SPECIAL �l HOME TO SELL? with a Id of pride, hard work, and extras in it. I have a solid - l reputation of getting top market FFW TIME BUYER'S DREAM. fTS JUST AS PRETTY INSIDE. me for a very Call Immaculate 3+1 bdrm semi in Loaded Math curb appeal this all on dk value. value.ll free home Pickering. Gorgeous new European home is 2,230 sq. ft. Located on aknowledgeable lut. with all the extras. Main floor quiet street, It has a fenced and evaluation, and put your home in completely remodeled. 1 112 baths. beautifully landscaped lot. 4 bdrms.. 2 this spot next week! I am Fin. bsmt. has sep. entrance, 2 -pc. 1/2 baths. Farm. rm. with fp. and centcurrently looking for a 4 bedroom with RA shower. In-law potential. Cent. air are lust a few of the possessions of home in the 'Hermitage'. Give air. Great value at $157,000. You won't this beauty. Take a look at this one me a call today, ask for Ross be disappointed. Call Ross Watson for early. derails. 6831861. Watson 683-1861. RF/MW QUALITY ���C � s ONE LTD.- 0 ,� e I T. LOUISE REID Sales Representative 683.1861 JIM BRADBURY S" Repraattathre 693.1961 JAB= RODIRKM SWK Reprosertan 693'1991 DOREEN THOMPSON Sala Repraerdwo 603.1961 FIRST TIME BUYER'S DREAM! This gorgeous home has main floor family room with fireplace, ceramic floor d bay window in the kitchen, which overlooks deck a greenbelt. Extras inctude cent. air & vac. 3 baths & much more to view. Call Louise Red 683-1861. �6 ...� In this fabulous k4ehen and enjoy the private patio of this 4 bdrm. home with 3 baths. Conveniently located in a great family orh neighbood. JUST LISTED. Call Jim B atbury 683-1861. ONLY $1649900!! FIREPLACE & - MOREH Link underground - 3 bdrms., 3 baths, huge eat -in kifchert, main Ifoor laundry. Shows very well. Call for your inspection, Jasmin Rodriguez 683-1861. COSY BUNGALOW - ATTRACTIVELY PRICED Immaculate 2 bdrms., with fully finished basement 8 woodstove, living room with walkout, kitchen with breakfast bar. AN lastelully decorated. For $155,800. For more Information please call. Ir �.: -7 , STUNNING GOURMET KITCHEN A spacious eat -in kitchen, hollywood counters, honey oak upgraded cabinets are an outstanding feature of this 3 bdrm. 5 yr. old home. But don't forget the exceptional landscaping, flagstone walk, feature lighting. An exceptional home. SUPER VALUE - $9f X0 2 bedroom, 2 bafFroonh condo apt. with large badooN an suite laundry & 5 appliances. BEVERLEY COLLNIGTON Also exercise room, sauna & pool for you Sales RepraerNatdve enjoyment. Cal Beverley Co#Nm at 683- 693.1061 1861. LOUISE REO Sala Repil"Swive 603-1961 WALK TO PARK i LAKE! Just $129.900 - 4 year old Oshawa semi with income potential. This 3t1 bdrm. bungalow has en suite bath, huge rec room with bar 1l shows extremely well. Don't miss N! To view, call Louise Reid 683.1861. 683- 1861 s WESTNEY HEIGHTS UNBELIEVABLE Det. brick 3 bdrm., 3 baths, main floor JAMES CARR laundry, family room, fireplace, walkout Sales Representative basement, 1,730 sq. ft Please call James 683.1861 Carr 6831861, LARRY SEEN Sales Represer tive 693.1961 $129,800 BUNGALOW Fully det. bungalow on 40x100 ft. mature lot. Great value for a fresh start, quiet area. schools and parks, upgraded brdlm., hardwood flrs., new deck. You wont be sorry. — V EW of LAKE What a view - deeded access b lakefront and located in Pickering an a very quiet street. Exceptiunal lot, 50x150'. You can't LARRY SEENS beat this location! Could be yours by SWn Repntert fin summer. Move -in condition. Solid home. 683.1861 Great future. -s*A 11MIR1 _` _ L ONLY $179,800?? What's the catch? A 3 year old, 4 bedroom home with fun four piece en suite, walk-in closet, spacious eat -in kitchen with pantry, LARRY SEEKS main floor laundry, man floor family room, SWK Plepr fireplace. What's the catch) You'll have to U&I M1 see L If1ACKtJf M Wawai 4._ Wm!b �vAm 3" sj r in a recent survey prepared for Ajax/Pickering News Advertiser and Oshawa/Whitby This Week by Kubas Consultants, May, 19929 the following question was asked to Ajax/Pickering Oshawa/Whitby News Advertiser This Week Base population ...................94.3%...........................179,8% Base percent ........................ 100%.............................100% No plans to move................48.8%............................45.9°6 AJAX EXECUTIVE $17'"n Within the next 12 mos......... 7.0% .............................10.8% Larpe hosoe with tilI Mn. Ar. rem. raL PPAWM In 1-3 years............................15.5%............................1 $9,999 down, $716 per month mortgage gets 1* 1.9% In 4-6 years ............................1 1.3%............................11.1% an We brig% h pe ew-n kilehen, luonaioris hurl In more than 6 years.............1.9%..............................1.6% DENBY �v broadlo m & 3 appliances. Haven't decided .................15.5%............................17.5% Repraerindw CaN Laura Marks 6833-2992. Repr"Kdatire CALL JUDY DENBY 683-2992. when to move Not stated; refused ............... -- .........1.1 % Studies indicate that in the near future a good percentage of the Durham Region is thinking of buying or selling a home. Remember our Real Estate Sections when you are planning to find a new home. You'll be pleased with the results. N.'orthumberland This Week Best Homes GRAHAM Sommy SMes rlwMitatitre "SACRIFICE $89'9000 AJAX - Gorgeous 1 bdrm. condo., pod, sauna, air, immed. Mary Wright Res., 428-6654, Bus.: 350- 3990. Sutton Group Classic Realty kr— 3 TIMES E ACH. WEEK Ai»ffiv !I o yG17,�P Real Estate Guide �► '� ERIENCE INC. i ► ,1� ��li����113WESTNEY RD. S.AJAX PV ill... 183 9 9 '111 2 ABSOLUTELY STUINIYNG! Huge end unit with private drive, deco. throughout, country kit. cent. air A cent. vac. and tam. rm. Canes complete with 5 appliances. 3 bedrooms with en suite bath, Fembrook butit. Make an offer. $159,000. Call Graham Sidaway, 683-2992. PRIDE OF OWNERSHIP 3 bedroom semi, totally updated kit., ceramics and hardwood throughout, freshly decorated. On a quiet street, great for kids! This property is a must to see. Cam Graham Sidaway 683-2992. > A t� nw , AJAX BUNGALOW $163,900 3 bdrm. det. brick bungalow, premium lot, 6 person hot tub, cent. as fn. ret nm. with wet bar and fireplace, hardwood firs. Immaculate condition. Cam Graham Sidaway 683-2992. hFJMAX' OFFICE IN AJAX SOUTH AJAX CAPE COD 4 bedrooms, steps to lake, ' finished basement • 2 fireplaces • central air • premium lot. Must be sold. $216,000. Cam Graham Sideway 683-2992. "PARK -LIKE SETTW $169,900. Well kept 3 bdrm. bung. on a 75037 LAURA MARKS lot, updated kil., updated bath, cer. 8 hardwood floors, main fir. laundry, wonderful street d Setas Represerwtiw mature trees. Call Couple Marks aQ3 2982. V J" WLJJAMS Sdee Rep "wAsdw RESTAURANT FOR SALE Srnall fast food restaurant for sale. - Good brealdast and lunch business! - Great price! - If you want to be an owner/operator CALL JOHN WILLIAMS - 683-2992. E--�J IMMACULATE AJAX HOME - LOADED Absolutely parted, upgrades galore - sturning. Approx. 2,626 sq. ft. of luxury, mn. fir. tam. rm. with fp., mn. fir. laundry nm. with gear. acycsetss, PAUL RAYMENT b more, 4 huge kd- with bdnns. Must be seen. Call Paul 8" Papneerw" Ravment agi4g02- r '� "SHONS EXTAEIBY MIELL" AJAX EXECUTIVE $17'"n $160,900. 3 bdrm. home, liv. rm. with bay CHEAPER THAN RENT!!! Larpe hosoe with tilI Mn. Ar. rem. raL PPAWM windows, kit. with pantry, master bdrm. $9,999 down, $716 per month mortgage gets 1* sic fi e. en- M rm. with s* runt w/dressing area 8 vanity, all appls. included, 14- 2+den. 2 washrooms, freshly panted throughout an We brig% h pe ew-n kilehen, luonaioris hurl LAURA MARKS pc. A 1 2 -pc. bath, great for first-time buyers!!!JFJUIDY DENBY �v broadlo m & 3 appliances. RAYMENT Wb 6 inWKThm mustbesold.Sdn Repraerindw CaN Laura Marks 6833-2992. Repr"Kdatire CALL JUDY DENBY 683-2992. Wesuaft Cr PW RW mn M210 NOW. "PARK -LIKE SETTW $169,900. Well kept 3 bdrm. bung. on a 75037 LAURA MARKS lot, updated kil., updated bath, cer. 8 hardwood floors, main fir. laundry, wonderful street d Setas Represerwtiw mature trees. Call Couple Marks aQ3 2982. V J" WLJJAMS Sdee Rep "wAsdw RESTAURANT FOR SALE Srnall fast food restaurant for sale. - Good brealdast and lunch business! - Great price! - If you want to be an owner/operator CALL JOHN WILLIAMS - 683-2992. E--�J IMMACULATE AJAX HOME - LOADED Absolutely parted, upgrades galore - sturning. Approx. 2,626 sq. ft. of luxury, mn. fir. tam. rm. with fp., mn. fir. laundry nm. with gear. acycsetss, PAUL RAYMENT b more, 4 huge kd- with bdnns. Must be seen. Call Paul 8" Papneerw" Ravment agi4g02- �:.. son n NEWS Now EENE NNN PLAN TO BE IN [Im■■■ ■■■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■NNN 100,,000 per week delivered to selected homes in Ajax, Pickering, Whitby, Oshawa, Courtice & Bowmanville BEST HOMES ON SATURDAY! NEXT ISSUE DEADLINES: BOOKINC. DEADLINE: FRIDAY, FEB. 5 AD COPY DEADLINE: MONDAY, FEB. 8 CIRCULATION: FRIDAY, FEB. 12, SATURDAY, FEB 13 4009000 . & FRIDAY FEB. 17, SATURDAY, FEB. 149 1009000 To Reserve Your Space Call: owshhimawy' This Week � ,h News Advertise (416) 579-4400 or (Tor.) 798-7672 �::«•�:.w.t::ay..;..:+,.:�,.p.;ay.,•::::::: 4!� a.•:..::.:.:::::.:....:�.:...........<'..�v.«•..{...�.'�a \�a`�?"`..,a.,R'S�d:aX�7�$aa•.: . t., .4�: ,�!�, .y... r..s.. ...�3 a 4w :e, + SroFikS ri ' a aJr.ti�fs a ti "rM►11o*t'R91t91.'9 L a •� a � 4 .. ..��1 1 4�i sur .. �.. .� ...a.'•�i/�f"�'," -` r •"R.�Tr f 0 • iii► f$)Mt; MI*§ A6VBR?15W WW FT3RUAWV 3,•1M WE'RE 1 We've expanded to outer markets, in addition to our door- to-door delivery. The OshawalWhitby This Week, Ajax/Pickering News Advertiser and Northumberland News are being delivered to a far wider market. Total distribution is over 120,000 every Week, plus an extra 10,000 Best Homes every Saturday. The Oshawa/Whitb y This Week, Ajax/ Pickering News Advertiser and Northumberland News Real Estate sections are delivered to homes from Pickering to Brighton. Anetwork of boxes carrying the Best Homes Real Estate section will target out of town buyers in Pickering, Ajax, Whitby, Oshawa, Courtice, Bowmanville, Newcastle, Newtonville, Port Hope, Cobourg and Brighton HERE! Y* F "Fill "RFpi CobourWPort Hope Ajax'Pickering pyo y� Northumberland r This We kBest Homes e SO4 c PP..;-� RE/MAX FIRST REALTY LTD. 831=3300 VALERIE PILGRIM Salve Representatfw 'A REAL CREAM PUFF' ONLY $122,900 Finished top to bottom. Three spacious bedrooms, walkout basement Appliances included, located close to GO Train, 401, schools and shopping. Ideal for purchaser with $6.000 downpayment. Call Valerie Pilgrim' 831-3300. BRYAN RODRIGUES Saks Representative ABOUT $7,000 DOWN ABOUT $1,180 P. & 1. FOR 5 YEARS Beautiful 3 bdrm., attached by garage. Only 1 12 batfts, N rec room, new brdlm., freshly decorated, skylight and more. Ideal South Ajax location. Bryan Rodrigues' 831-3300. ROUGE BORDER 152' LOT Specious 1,625 sq. h. home on cull -de -sac. 3 bdrms., 15' eat -in kitchen plus walkout Separate Going & dining rooms. 24' rec room with brick fireplace, 3 belt. Asking $172.900. Bryan Rodrigues' 831-3300. Saks Representative •• Associate Broker r SALE i J (►J� ��J�J Ati�� �.! J ��� J i REAL ESTATE . • ' , • • • ' • I , ' • + ' ta'NB 14M 1111M.9 PIFs, lUAIIY 3, $93-MGB U 235 Bayly Ste MAL Lam_ .Ajax ■ E 427 6522 Tl', management and staff of Royal Lepage, Ajax are pleased and proud to congratulate their award winners for 1992. These people have shown a consistently high quality of service that has been much appreciated by their clients and peers alike. Their hard work and dedication has paid off and we salute them. Means ROYAL LEPAGE , WILMA TANNER• Chairman's Club (Top 1% Nationally) IROYALLEPAGE A dvanV LINDA LYON' tSHtNUA GLTUt' President's Gold President's Gold OTHER AWARD WINNERS DAVID MCINTYRE' DIANA PUTT SHIRLEY OATES* "Sales Representative EVELYN REGAN• "Associate Broker BARBARA EDWARDS* AJAX OFFICE _ PICKERING OFFICE 235 Bayly St. W. ROYAL LEPAGE = = 1970 Brock Rd. 427-6522 683-1790 lot- ../ r SUN., FEB 7, 94-P U - — TRULY A GEM! 1/2 ACRE BY THE LAKE - AJAX $299.900. 1004 Longbow Dr. Gorgeous 4 bdrm. home SERVICE STATION + BUSINESS $154,900. Do you want a sparkling clean home with 3 bdrms., 2 baths, fm. bsmt, all on a large lot, close to schools $199,900. 4 bdrms.. 1 12 storey, 2 fin. inns. in bsmt. & W/O from laundry rm. 1 rd frorq,lake. For more into. please call stows pride of ownership. Premium lot is fenced. landscaped. r only the best will do, don't miss this home. North P cker,rg location. full service. Pero Canada contract, ? oays 5.y yourself a ;or) Aova' -ePage Rea and park? Call Evelyn Regan' 427-6522. Paddi Dimitri' 427-6522. Kathryn Parish' 683-1790. Estate Serv,ceS _- o -' 79C. 5,:: oroar' Aiff THE PERFECT SIZE $173,800. This adorable 3 bdrm. home boasts big famiy Wed rms. plus double garage. Fn. Tec nn. and 2 1/2 MLLERrg GROVE EASTI ... $160.900 get 2 storey, main fkaor fam. ne., CAC, 3 SUPER EXECUTIVE NOME $249,900. Kit. with large eating area comb. with fam. rm: with fp. 4 large bdrms. and 2nd floor tam. Thin. with fp. 1 5- ONE OF A KIND BEAUTY $344,900. Secluded country style setting - custom built 2 storey - 4 bdrms. Main floor office, fam. nn. Open fp. baths. wart to elementary. & high school. Lets look! Car n'ti Wins • a" lot.. 6n- bunt plus much nhora Fier iurtwr info please car David Mdntyre at 427• pc.,1 4-pe..1 2 -pc. batt Sep. liv. rm. and din. rm. Call Jim McAlpine -683-1790. Wonderful M. Extras galore. G. Fryer' 683-1790. Royal LePage. Wilma Tamer' 427-6522. CLASSY LAKESDE NOME $259,900. Simply elegant 4 bdrm. boasts gleaming AREA OF FINE HOMES PREMIUM LOT. UNIOIJE PROPERTY!! ceramics & cushy brdlm. Entertainment sized rms., artistic 11,000. Enjoy the tranquilly of a quiet street with large $184,900. 3 spacious bdrms., 3 washrms. Breakfast area 900. Lot approximately 52x400'! Backs to Petticoat landscaping, 30' designer deck. For details call Wilma Beaulifuly maintained sidesplt. 2 wlos to aground pool adjoins fam. rm. - fp. 2 w/os. to wraparound deck. Many reek. 4 bdrms., 4 baths, 5 w/os. Two level bsmt. Has floor Tanner' 427.6522. eat pump and more. Lois Polak* 427.6522. extras included! Don't hesitate! Kathryn Parish' 683.1790. ceing fp. Must be seen! Kathryn Parish' 683-1790. BUILD BY THE LAKE IN AJAX 184,900. Vacant lot 100x200',° a s eps to lake. Backs on park. ,v PANORAMIC LAKE YEMR. afore severance possible. For Roow FOR' $$ SPENT ON UPGRADES $399,900. Fabulous 3,000 sq. It. residence set on premium lot overlook' conservation on stores of beautiful Lake * etails Call Sharon White 427- 184,900. 4 bdrm. sidespM. Pie-slhaped lot, tam. size kit., 178,900. Lovely 3+ bdrm. del brick bun0 mature wft kiL and bath on mn. I=,1 bdmh, indica apt wick Ontario & Daft Creek. A rare oppo w". Car wfts . TwYW 427.6x.122 22. omfortable fam. nn., desirable south Ajax. Call Tom •-Iof more .d0A on ttis.great home 6017K Sepefpa entm10e. Net L decorsnow and saL Cd ,Me6P17p0. PAGIZ-13-TW NWS ADVIIIII11211Yi, X=4 VURUAIX3. LM. 1 � 1-831-33001 x 0 831-3300 M 831-3300 831-3300 831-3300 - • r • . • - • • • • • r • r • r . • • • • • • • • • . . . . . . . .. . K •. •, r. •. •, r• r, r. .. . • • OVER 1700 SCL tT CHARMER ASKING $171,300 J3 gpacious bedrooms v'3 washrooms JFamily sized kitchen looks to , privatey treed yard vMain floor family room with fireplace Don't miss this one JCheck this one for sure Call today! *Nora Bath' 831-3300. RF/MW FIRST m'" es GREAT INVESTMENT! 5388,000 Solid, back and plaster, well _ maintained, six apartment building in a high demand \ resxienUal area. Fully rented Shows an annual income of $47,700. Plan your retirement all today! MARGARET HINES", BROKER, FRI. CRB. 831-3300. RV41W FI RST miry WALK TO LAKE Jpdated 3 bedroom cnck detached boasts Dversized fatuity room with fireplace and wet bar, renovated eat -in kitchen with new built in appliances, walkout to side yard. new roof, new 5 car dnve. Affordably priced. Call Rhonda Harper' to view at 831- 3300. Rr/MW FIRST m'" ,�. DON7 MISS OUT HUGE N' r' -' - ^LOW PRICES LOW RATES ,.a—ing 2 storey. Irving room POWER OF SALE y 1 w-Vh floor to ceding fireplace. 2 master bedrooms with en + + 1105tess kitchen with suites. man floor library. huge �6nwasher, walkout from �ertre island kitchen. .m -g room to deck. master _-omfortably set in 3000 sq. h.. :ec-oom has en suite bath. •,any more extras, sacrifice anc walk in closet new p,ice - $219.900. windows. 2 walkouts central Call Bruce Middleton air. $164.500. or Lee Byers' Ask for Waftew �„ Re1Max Fret Realty Ltd. at 831-3300. 831.1300. WMWWMW FI RST Ruw& ty831-3300 FIRST L� TRIDEL HUDSON IMAGINE! MODEL 't DETACHED- $154,000. Most $139,900 desirable 2+1 bdrm. A beautiful start! Immaculate a suite overlooks pod on bedrooms on large lot, walkout west side. Call me now a � and pool, area of rine -� to show you this unit westshore hares. About which includes 5 $7,000 down. appliances. Gary CALL Fuselli', 831-3300, JOHN MCCARTEW ANYTIME. WMW WMW FIRST U&C" mi -moo ^! h FIRST SHOWN WITH WIDE, JUST LISTED - CALL ' ONLY$129,900 - Lov TODAY 3 bedroom, 3 �--- is batless 3* bedroom, 2 townhome n r ba home on a quiet desirable village � � - south Ajax street This ..� location. Upgraded f. well maintained home � features cent. vac., 7` brdlm. throughout — upgraded brdlm..., Large oversized kitchen finished basement and a with walkout to patio. double car garage! ` !•. �i Yours for spring Great value! �p cleaning. Call Joan Call Steve Mill', 831- Ca V � mpbell% 831-3300. 3300. et. RVMW RVMW °6 1-3300FIRST 'j_ f FI RST Sala Reprowntatiw "Anodal. Brill ONLY $119,100 F9W TM BUYERS -REDUCED • large recreation roan ' 3 bedrooms with set-in krkhen Very low maintenance fee All appliances and window coverings -wea -, �•%_ .'... '�' 'very quiet area ,`y's_ r .. . , _ dy " • close to shopping and schools Ke Move -in condition Must sell Call Ron TamraziarY at 831-M. "' R6/MW 831-3300 "' Realty 'IRST" DETACHED G�5 $159,800 Yes it's all brick, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths and a brightly finished ,,.. recreation room, plus central air. Walkout to deck and landscaped ,. gardens. Your family would be happy here! Call to view. Celia Jones' Re/Max First 831-3300FIRST RVMW LR LR d'" --- 1,835 SQ. FT., •; ,, ONLY $186,900 urge family rm. with :. �+ `• . . - -- `—' fireplace, central air ... _ _ --onditioning, 3 baths, :ountry-sized kitchen, all in the heart of aickering with an easy financing package. ':�� • 831-3300 -- - , Tease call Ed Williamson, Broker, 831- 3300. Rb/M�C FIRST m'" ,�. DON7 MISS OUT HUGE N' r' -' - ^LOW PRICES LOW RATES ,.a—ing 2 storey. Irving room POWER OF SALE y 1 w-Vh floor to ceding fireplace. 2 master bedrooms with en + + 1105tess kitchen with suites. man floor library. huge �6nwasher, walkout from �ertre island kitchen. .m -g room to deck. master _-omfortably set in 3000 sq. h.. :ec-oom has en suite bath. •,any more extras, sacrifice anc walk in closet new p,ice - $219.900. windows. 2 walkouts central Call Bruce Middleton air. $164.500. or Lee Byers' Ask for Waftew �„ Re1Max Fret Realty Ltd. at 831-3300. 831.1300. WMWWMW FI RST Ruw& ty831-3300 FIRST L� TRIDEL HUDSON IMAGINE! MODEL 't DETACHED- $154,000. Most $139,900 desirable 2+1 bdrm. A beautiful start! Immaculate a suite overlooks pod on bedrooms on large lot, walkout west side. Call me now a � and pool, area of rine -� to show you this unit westshore hares. About which includes 5 $7,000 down. appliances. Gary CALL Fuselli', 831-3300, JOHN MCCARTEW ANYTIME. WMW WMW FIRST U&C" mi -moo ^! h FIRST SHOWN WITH WIDE, JUST LISTED - CALL ' ONLY$129,900 - Lov TODAY 3 bedroom, 3 �--- is batless 3* bedroom, 2 townhome n r ba home on a quiet desirable village � � - south Ajax street This ..� location. Upgraded f. well maintained home � features cent. vac., 7` brdlm. throughout — upgraded brdlm..., Large oversized kitchen finished basement and a with walkout to patio. double car garage! ` !•. �i Yours for spring Great value! �p cleaning. Call Joan Call Steve Mill', 831- Ca V � mpbell% 831-3300. 3300. et. RVMW RVMW °6 1-3300FIRST 'j_ f FI RST Sala Reprowntatiw "Anodal. Brill