HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA1993_01_29Boaea iam aGiftB�o��;? bdwv t+w tum. kerIng RP, MEN'S LEATHER 1_ I I - 1 W%1 095 Jqu F6ff I 1,16n W Ma��HE SHODBOX 009 619 -ROSE Towntre Friday, Jan. 29, 1993 28 pages A Metrolond Community Newspaper Pressrun 35,000 510 + 40 GST = 55 cents Vol. 112 No. 5 WORLDLY CHILDREN: Children can learn about India during a special event coming up at the Pickering Central Library, One The Esplanade. Chasm Prakash will share sto- nes from India with children five and up during a free Pas- sage to India program Saturday Feb. 6 at 10:30 a.m. Children will also learn a few words in Hindi and will have the chance to taste some Indian sweet- meats. For more information, call 831-6873. I ,Partners in :magic and 1111CIrriage Paye 13 Regular features ---------------6 Billboard.....__ _.8 Sports._ _-_--------------9 Steppic' Ort.......... 13 Chssii 17 0 L i rN Kars AcIve" 5'Bt 11!!9 eq clod paper Towns look forward to growth AJAX-PICKERING - Both Ajax and Pick- ering can look forward to future growth, the Towns' mayors say. Ajax mayor Jim Witty and Pickering mayor Wayne Arthurs outlined their econom- ic agendas during a board of trade luncheon Tuesday. Ajax "has continued to show moderate growth" despite the recession, said mayor Witty, although building permits have declined over the past two years. "It has long been my opinion that we should make better use of the expertise that presently exists within our own community," he said in mentioning the creation of two task forces that will study industrial and commer- cial development and formulate a new strate- gy for the town. Upcoming developments include a shop- ping centre at Hwy. 2 and Harwood Ave., which will "act as a catalyst for a mini -boom" in development: and the province's approval of a new water supply plant has "cleared the way for the servicing of hundreds of acres of industrial -designated lands", mayor Witty added. Mayor Arthurs announced the beginning of a "Pickering Exporting Group" which will urge companies to export products, intelli- gence or technology. "Weak economy or not, steel is going up in the town of Pickering," he said in outlining Youth centre wins reprieve AJAX-PICKERI\G - An after-school program at the closed Barbara Black Centre for Youth Resources will be resu.:ected soon with the help of the Town. The youth centre, which operated out of the East Shore Community Centre, closed recently due to funding prob- lems. The Town is providing staff to supervise an after-school gym program, says Tom Quinn, director of community services and facilities. Howev- er, that will only allow the pro- gram to operate until April 1, he says. "It's a band-aid thing, that's all it is." The centre's board of direc- tors continues to apply for Provincial government fund- ing, says Cathy Walker. board president. "We haven't given up. I have grant proposals lit- tering my house. I spend my weekends wnung them." In order to consistently offer youth services in the community, government fund- ing will be needed, she says. To help pay for the Town staff who will supervise the after-school program tem- porarily, a bingo is being orga- nized by the Optimist Club of Pickering, and youths are vol- unteering to help. It's hoped that at least $3,000 will be raised, says Ms. Walker. The bingo is planned for See LONG-TERM.—Page 3 Cops suspect arson in Ajax house fire AJAX - A fire in an abandoned home here is being treated as "suspected arson," says Durham Regional Police Staff Sgt. Sandy Ryrie. The fire around 8:30 Monday night damaged a house on the north side of Bayly SL, across from Peleshok Motors. Ajax Fire Department Captain John Hunter says, "We believe transients got into the home," which had been vacant and boarded UP. Durham police and the Ontario Fire Marshal continue to investi- gate the blaze. Capt. Hunter says it's "unknown how the fire started." current commercial and residential projects. Future development includes a hotel at Brock Rd. and Finch Ave. As well, mayor Arthurs outlined his involvement with mayors in the Greater Toronto Area to "pursue a partnership" with the province to "strengthen the GTA's erod- ing economic base." Group initiatives could include participation in international trade shows. The town is withholding development charges against new projects for another four years, and will work to expedite development applications, he said. A continue to be opti- mistic based on the level of activity we see in our offices." WIR Nmice work Lexi Haslam and her Grade 1 classmates at St. Isaac Jogues School in Pickering make ice castles and sculptures Wednes- day photo by A.J. Groen I Quaniiy means res -- Advertise in Alm -Picks ft News Advedw (663-5110) and Odwwa-1MWby T* Week (579-44".103A00 p re"M every ftlay $4A95 UNBEATABLE VIDEO STORE Aftiv, Pre -Order AVII IE MARCH 3 SUPER DEAL 2 MOVIES FOR �rurunacs INOCCNIO 99 2 L. POP PLUS 6 LARGE POPCORN FatrouR 179M UVERPOOL RD. 420.1991 1822 WHITES RD. 831-MI810 COLLECTION LACE 2 -THE NEWS ADVERTOM !'RIDAY, JANUARY 29,190 E If, CANOPY > NEW Mattress Extra _ 5388" PRINCETON Mattress Extra 5198$$ DAY BED $9 888 Mattress Extra SPACE SAVER BUNK With f Mattress Purchase 238 17 THE PAULIN Baked On Enamel NEW Tom, Do.b4 Mattress Extra 228 SOFA BED _ t • � 532888 LONDON BED 5138$$ Mattress Included CAPTAIN'S BED Mattress Extra '238" 238" It BUNK A MATTRESSES Foas99�� m Spring t9995 5 Year _Warranty_ "I SINGLE MATTRESSES Foam $4895 'Spring t7895 ff ►a, No Ndriph'Petscha�cs o�the, Fera a r�ssOf row girth �V pa4' Q•. 4opr`� 4,1z, b � chas ,Ojos /4s - �. \ >- EXtra FirM Support • • 1 , Single Niattms 95 Set.:. 2.� 9 $37900 t �- Doubie 23995 Set 5419 Queen 27995 Set 5459 x'�+ i King '43995 Set 5689 r •�9t >i ,T �1 . 8 .� g. R"uft Suppwf' _ 995 $8 OO ..Set $159 � > cX Double '19" ........... Set $189 • • Mon. -Wed. Queen 4T ............ Set 5269 14995 ...............Set $229 Double 159 ............. Set$269 Queen ',8T ............ Set $329 ftWience tie A)ST-A- ED Difference 113.74H[I1: L' • a � C CD ffi _... mini . ,PC GAYLY ST • • 1 , / TAUNTON RD. - LEMENTS ¢ NR 0 a N a, ' _ 0 tthe O � > cX `�w�� • • Mon. -Wed. 10-6 p.m. _sc�or N Thurs.-Fri. P visa ;�;S," Saturdays 10-6 p.m. 7 - Sundays 11-5 p.m. 113.74H[I1: L' • a � C CD ffi 3 7 yX F<.. a _4* moi, `- t '�* r�� � �� .M•'S�J.p jh Teaching 7VIer Two-year-old Tyler Bader gets a helping hand from his uncle Pat Goan at the John Brouwer Nursery on the corner of Bayly St. and Lakeridge Rd. in Ajax. photo by Andrew Iwanowski Welfare change has little effect on taxpayers By KEITH GILLIGAN Staff Reporter DURHAM - A change in how the welfare tab is financed may have little impact on taxpayers. The Province announced last week it'll pay 100 per cent of the cast of General Welfare Assistance beginning next year. The Province currently pays 80 per cent and municipalities like Durham Region 20 per cent. Provincial municipal affairs minister Dave Cooke and John Harrison, former president of the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO), said the change would take effect Jan. 1, 1994, after AMO consults with munici- Durham's social services com- missioner Garry Cubitt says the Region expects $101 million to be doled out this year to the area's 20,000 welfare recipients with Durham's portion $16.3 million. Now that the Province is taking over all welfare funding, munici- palities will tape over the cost of providing property arse na ssme t ser- vices and responsibility for some provincial highways that primarily carry local traffic. Yet to be determined are which highways the Region will take over and Durham's costs for running the property assessment services and road maintenance. Municipalities across the province shelled out $340 million 1 to welfare recipients in 1992, according to the municipal affairs ministry. In exchange for the Province picking up welfare costs, Ontario municipalities will hand over $135 million for property assessment services and $40 million for high- way work. In addition, the Province will reduce unconditional grants to municipalities by $165 million. Tom Edwards, chairman of Durham's health and social ser- vices committee, says "I'm quite satisfied (the Province is taking over responsibility for welfare). The government's action is an appropriate one — actually, the government and AMO, because AMO initiated this." The Region has been calling on the Province to assume the full share of welfare costs "for some years now," Mr. Edwards notes. Elsewhere in Canada, provinces Pay the full welfare tab, he says. The Region will continue to deliver the welfare system — pro- cessing applicants and staffing the service. For 1993, it will cost $14 mil- lion in Durham to provide the ser- vice, with the Region paying $7 million. "As it stands now, that stays the same. That's my reading of the announcement. The cost sharing on the administration is unchanged," Mr. Cubitt says. TBE NEWS ADVEIRMER F'MAY, JANUAW 2!,19XP-PAGE 3 Longmterm fundiong crintincal Efforts under way to revive youth centre programs FROM PAGE 1 However, long-term funding of the youth centre is critical because the Town can't reserve space at the Friday, Feb. 26 at the Top Rank bingo hall, 1735 community centre indefinitely, says Mr. Quinn. "The Bayly St. It will run from 7 to 10 p.m. longer the place is closed, the worse it is for the pro - The youth centre's board of directors is also work- gram." ing with community agencies and volunteers to resur- For more information on efforts to restart youth rect a health and social services program at the youth centre programs, call the Social Development Council -entre, says Ms. Walker. of Ajax -Pickering at 686-2661. DELIVERY SERVICE FRIDAY'S CARRIERS OF THE WEEK ARE LAURA, RYAN AND AMANDA HALE ~a^:a a-.cys o..e�ac ^S ;y-^as^cs - ^terdo 0 .y..'a A -arca & Ryar receved McDorad's x.x^s x-pornents o` the News Adver:ser all !or 9e -g our F^day Ca e's :° News Adveffloser M&D Mata S �► 10,000 Families Shop With Us Every Week! What do they know that you don't? �► y "Ws sloe! at Halenda's M60D Meats because they ars close and the quality of resat is very tee - • WATCH FOR THESE INSERTS b FLYERS COMING TO � YOUR DOOR WITH YOUR NEWS ADVERTISER CARRIER TODAY AND IN THE DAYS AHEAD FRI_ JAN. 29193 'DISCOVERY BAY PHARMACY NEWS ADVERTISER (AJAX'PICK.) (AJAX) ' CANADIAN TIRE (AJAX/PICK.) DOMINION (AJAXfPICK.) ' MAXI DRUG (AJAX/PICK.) FOOD CITY (AJAX) ' NEW HOMESMTERIORS (AJAX.'PK;K.) 'FOOD TOWN (AJAX'PICK ) ' VIDEO 99 (AJAX) IGA (PICK.) SUNDAY. JAN- 3193 KMART !AJAX�'PICK.j NEWS ADVERTISER (AJAX'PICK.) LOBLAWS !AJAX,PICK , ' A&P (PICK.) M&M MEATS (AJAXPICK I ' CANADIAN TIRE (PICK.) MIRACLE FOOD MART (AJAXPICK ; CHERNEYS ;AJAXPICK ) ' SAV A-CENTRE'PICK , ' ?ST PICK.ERING VILLAGE SC��UT, 't)errve,ed to selected tiousehoI�ls a^w 'PICK . Fresh Pork Side Ribs SAVE 1.00 lb - 89 The Wbfty Shoppers: Esther & 144he� CHEESE OF THE WEEK Danish Havarti 399 OMMRI Ha/soo� pwn F aenOYt am Rebassa SAVE 49 •So lb. The MGE THE NEWS ADVE>tTISER FRIDAY, JANUARY 21,11111 War onagainstseniors' abuse DURHAM - A battle is being waged here to fight "hidden crimes" against the elderly. "There are many kinds of elder abuse," notes Kerry Delaney, coordinator of an Elder Abuse Education pro- jCCL "The abuse can be physical, emotional and psycholog- ical. The most frequent form, however, is financial. It's called the hidden crime because it's done by family mem- bers, people of trust. The abused person often doesn't want to talk about it." The prevention of elder abuse through education is the aim of a project recently undertaken by Durham Region Community Cam Association and funded by the ministry of health. "Elder abuse has long been recognized as an issue," adds Ms. Delaney. "It's something that needs to be PCs 'ready for election' AJAX-PICKERING - The Tory baule cry was sounded by two federal cabinet ministers recently for local party mem- bers to win the next election. "We're ready to fight an election led by Prime Minister Brian Mulroney," who's shown "unswerving leadership in tough times," Solicitor -General Doug Lewis told Conservatives who gathered to nominate Rene Soetens as their election candi- date. Mr. Lewis is co-chair of the PC's Ontario campaign. "Canadians are going to have a choice and we welcome the challenge." he said. The Liberals "have no idea what to do" if elected, and would respond by throwing money taxpayers don't have at problems, he predicted. "W'e're tired of the whining, groaning, and moaning of the opposition party. They're mired in the WX and '70s...the Canadian public is not stupid..' Tories will have to spread the message about the party's achievements, advised Bernard Valcourt, minister of employ- ment and immigration. "The next election will be about the record. We acknowl- edge times are tough out there for Canadians, but times are not tough because of action taken by this govemmenL" Prime Minister Mulroney did not create the world-wide recession, but his policies will help bring economic recovery to Canada, said Mr. Valcourt. "It's not to say evcn•thing is perfect, but if we follow the recipe of the socialists or the Liberal party. it would be a much worse situation," he assured. Under the Tory govern- ment's guidance, jobs will be created and unemployment will drop, he said. '"lime confidence will be there and we'll see things tum around rapidl,,. "We have, w Tones, to get the people of this country to stop and think about the record, about the things we have done to get this country in the right direction... we'll go for it and tell Canadians the story, the record." Ski challenge aids group helping mentally disabled DURHA%1 - The Sky's the Limit. The Ajax -Pickering and Whit - b, Association for Community Living will hold its second annual ski challenge by that name Satur- da, . Feb. 6, beginning at 9 a.m. at Lakeridge Ski Resort, on Chalk Lake Rd., west of Durham Rd. 21 (Lakeridge Rd.), Uxbridge. Events include downhill ski racing, team volleyball, a team tug of war, an individual obstacle race and a team waist -circumfer- ence measurement. Individuals or teams of eight can enter. Cost is S20 a person or S 160 for a team. The person who raises the most money through sponsorships wins a %eckend for two in %lay at the Cleveland House in Port Car- ling. Last year, about 52.800 was raised and divided between the local ACL, the Canadian, Ontario and Central Seven (Port Perry area, ACLS. Registration has begun and continues to 9 a.m. on Feb. 6. For sponsor sheets, or more information, call Sandv Dorsett at the local ACL at 427-3300 or Orest Salmers at 655-3802. BRIAN DEEGAN • DENTAL PLANS ACCEPTED • REPAIRS & RELINES • COMPLETE DENTURES • LOW COST DENTURE SERVICE AVAILABLE • MYOLOC • SOFT LINERS • FREE PARKING FOR FREE CONSULTATION CALL EMERGENCY CALLS • i •flyfA 11 ACCEPTED 134 HARWOOD SOUTH • 1 BLOCK SOUTH OF 401 AJAX addressed. Our focus is on educa- tion because it's one of the best methods of prevention." Over the next 20 months, the association plans to produce a brochure on eider abuse and increase the awareness of programs aimed at seniors, including such services as friendly visiting, care- giver relief and seniors' day pro- grams. It also aims to arrange speakers on such issues as the aging process and power of attorney. It will encourage families to consider and plan for the care a family member will need and will educate the elder- ly on their rights. The association plans to educate postal and utility workers and others who may come into contact with the elderly on appropriate support services. It will also establish a ref- erence libran� of materials on elder The association will hold an information session on its education project Thursday. Feb. 4 at Camp Samac, 1711 Simcoe St. ti., Oshawa. For more information, call Ms. Delaney at 686-5770. Ple**as'e:':r*",:e:::::c:::,y"*''c''le Phis newspaper': GOODBODY'S AEROBIC & TANNING STUDIO PAY-AS-YOU-GO AEROBICS & TANNING Cards of 1Of or only $29.50 Try Carl's Combination Workout, Step Aerobics and Weight Training for Men and Women. T 'B � Dr4r I _ OR 1 DArg tem MEMBEPAHN TU JK K INSTRUCTORS: CATHY SAAR, CARL STEDMOND,OWNER), LEE CLASSES: (Must be booked in advance) Located at Fairport and Hwy. 92, Pickering (Behind Old Police Station - Above Video Store) CALL839-FITT (3488) "",,w�,'._ n 0[,.;,.,.�, ...: xc�.,...x.w.a,wo.a..•.,.,.v.rs.a1. a.�.�,.nowrgr�r. -- --'�:-.����r�rr s....,.a.: .._ •. RC school By LINDA WHITE Staff Reporter PICKERING - Frustrated sepa- rate school board trustees are going straight to the top. The Durham Region Roman Catholic Separate School Board is appealing to Premier Bob Rae to resolve an ongoing battle with four government departments in and demands answers on Altona MR PQM ADVMM ForestWARY l its bid to build a school in the Altona Forest. "Action is required by you to bring resolution to problems with- in your government that are hurt- ing children attending school in west Pickering," urges a letter from the board to Mr. Rae. But, according to Durham West MPP Jim Wiseman, negoti- neighbo1. r ' ery .::PICKERING - A "good neighbor" is being credited with help- ing police nab a teen suspected of trying to rob a house here. . "It's an example of a good neighbor keeping their eyes open," Durham Regional Police Staff Sergeant Tony Turner says of a foiled robbery attempt on Antonio St. around noon Tuesday. "Neighbors usually know who should be in the house. That's why groups like Neighborhood Watch are so important," he adds. The neighbor called police after spotting a male trying to get into a nearby house through a window. The teen, who was in the house when police arrived, fled on foot and was arrested about 15 minutes later near the Petro -Canada gas station at Liverpool Rd. and Bayly St. The young offender was charged with break and enter with intent to commit robbery. Gas jockey tied up in robbery PICKI:RING - Four men, one armed with a handgun, robbed a Petro Canada gas bar in Pickering early Thursday morning. Two men entered the gas bar around 2:25, bought some small items and left. Then two other men entered with a handgun and tied up the attendant. The four fled with a small quantity of cash. The first suspect is black. 19 to 22 years of age, and was wearing a black coat and green pants. The second is black. also 19 to 22 years old, dressed in all black, wearing a mask and carrying a handgun. The third is black, and was wearing a black coat, yellow and black pants and a mask. There was no description of the fourth suspect. Bandits handcuff clerk PICKERING - A convenience store clerk was handcuffed by men wearing balaclavas in an armed robbery here early Wednesday morning. Durham Regional Police say two males entered Becker's at 512 Kingston Rd. around 2: i0 a.m., pointed a small hand- gun at the clerk, handcuffed his wrists together and made off with a small amount of cash. The clerk phoned police who cut the handcuffs. There were no injuries. The fust suspect is described as a black male, 57", 145 pounds, wearing a red jacket. The second is a black male, 5'8", 180 pounds, stocky build, wearing a black jacket. FRESH Fresh Food FRES BAKEp� :: _ : BqK H BREAD. Cpl^,E EO for the healthy appetite a VQ FREE FOOTLONG SUB OR SALAD WITH THE PURCHASE OF A FOOTLONG OR SALAD (OF EQUAL OR GREATER VALUE) AND ANY SOFT DRINK LIMIT ONE COUPON PER VISIT EXPIRES FEB. 28`93 465 8ayly St. 705 Kingston Rd. 1340 Kingston Rd. (At WesM* Rd.) (At Whites Rd.) (At Liverpool Rd.) AJAX PICKERING PICKERING L���� 696.7757 420.9911 839-SUBS��� J IJr1 ations are now taking place between the ministry of natural resources and the landowner of Altona Forest. The area may be preserved as a corridor for wildlife between Duffrns Creek and the Rouge River Valley. (Earlier this week, the province announced its decision to preserve 20,000 acres of green space in the valley.) Plans to build a school in the Altona Forest date back more than a decade. The ministry of municipal affairs approved plans for the pro- posed Flighbush community in 1992 which included a site for a Catholic school. In 1989, the min- istry of education approved funds to purchase the site and build the school. But in 1990, Pickering council bowed to public pressure and asked the ministry of the environ- ment if it had an interest in pre- serving the 330 -acre forest. It hasn't yet received an answer and has moved ahead with develop- ment plans, which call for low- density housing, two schools and a park. Meanwhile, interest groups asking for an environmental assessment continue to wait for a response. The board appealed to the min- istry of education in 1991 to help resolve its accommodation prob- lem and has since reached an agreement for severance and pur- chase of the proposed school site with the existing owner. However, the Ontario Munici- pal Board (OMB) won't consider the appeal until other land in the area is dealt with. "There has to be a way of get- ting the ministries together," says Pickering trustee Kevin Ashe. "Kids are sitting in portables and parents are frustrated." A new school would alleviate "the crisis situation" at St. Monica Catholic School, which is strug- gling to cope with 710 students in a facility designed for 240, he explains. Development of the forest "doesn't mean you're against the environment," argues Mr. Ashe. "You can have some balanced, responsible growth. "We're being kind calling it a forest. It's not being looked after," he adds, saying it's a gathering spot for teenagers and bikers and a dumping place for garbage. However. it's "not likely" Mr. Rae will "try and influence the OMB," says Mr. Wiseman, who believes it "makes sense for the school board to try for another `ite where the kids are." A number of alternate sites have been considered, but none have been suitable. according to Mr. Ashe. Boyer's BEST BUYS M 1993 GMC SAFARI VAN - _ 8 pass.. featuring V6 engine. air conditioning, roof console, automatic, light group, AM, FM stereo, cassette, tilt, cruise Sale '171995* TW ir►s �Hp1RS'VxV o r ray `WNEE�s RMRESTS * P E R A Lease Mo. 1993 BUICK 1993 PONTIAC REGAL�-=_ GRAND AM FeelirM power wndows power We. ar, Ar, ABS, 040 Transmission, AMFM stereo. met aubtnW, AYRtI casset bode side block hearer, meed glass, log lamps, 11001' mok/drtps floor ilia■ stock aCt0190 console. power door locks Stock S30354 Sale $17 999* or Lease $328* per mo. Sade $14,49 9* or Lease $265* per mo. 1993 PONTIAC 1993 PONTIAC SUNBIRD TRANS SPORT 2 dam loor oaaole. paws► steering, power V6, automatic, air, deep tinted glass, door loch, ABS, 4 qii dw,, 0.0 Tra mmsion, cargo area net, rear heater, tilt. light m� mclirn bucho seats AWM stereo, block group, AM/FM stereo cassette. 7 ta header Siock #30421 passenger seating. Stock # 30136. Sale $9,750* or Lease $176* per mo. Sale 118,898* or Lease $315* per mo. 1993 BUICK 1993 GMC '/2 TON 41NOWCENTURYEXTENDED CAB Featuring split bench seats, air, V6, 4~ Cloth split seat, air, heavy duty shocks, tilt, AMIN, pulse, automatic white walls. V8, automaiic, cargo light, chrome grill. AMIFM stereo Stock 4 30290 Sade $169989* or Lease$315* per mo.I Sale $189493* or Lease $333* per mo. Prices shown include all CASHBACKS assigned to dealer plus freight & all applicable taxes Lease payments based on a 48 no SMARTLEASE, with $1000 plus height & air taxes as down payment. (Taxes & Licence Extra) O A.0 PACT LT11E NEW% AnWArMICIRVIRMAY. JIANVARV 29-190 Opinion Fighting abuse of the elderly The murders of two Metro senior citizens in a little more than a week have us worried and wondering. Is violence against the elderly increasing? The Toronto newspapers regularly publish stories about seniors being mugged by thugs -- parasites who prey on the weak, beat them up and rob them, probably more often than not, to pay for drugs. Durham Regional Police Staff Sergeant Sandy Ryrie says the local force hasn't noticed an increase in crimes against the elderly. "We haven't seen it here." We hope he's right. However, as more Torontonians move hem for cheap- er housing, Toronto-gW crimes seem to follow. A scary thought. But, violent crimes aren't the only crimes against seniors that trouble us. There are also the "hidden crimes", in the words of Kerry Delaney, coordina- tor of an Elder Abuse Education Project, recently undertaken by Durham Region Community Care Association and funded by the Ontario ministry of health. -Idem are many kinds of elder abuse," notes Ms. Delaney. "The abuse can be physical, emotional and psychological. The most frequent form, however, is financial. It's called the hidden crime because it's done by family members, tru people of mist. Torl he abused persoften doesn't want to tall: about it "Elder abuse has long been recognized as an issue," she points out "It's something that needs to be addressed.*' And. the Elder Abuse Prevention project is doing just that "Our focus is on education because it's one of the best methods of prevention," says Ms. Delaney. Over the next 20 months, the project will produce a brochure on elder abuse and increase awaraless of programs fox seniors, inform the elderly on their rights: encourage families to plan for the care of aging relatives: and educate workers who come into contact with seniors on available support ser- vices. We wholeheartedly endorse any action that will help reduce abuse of the elderly. Letters F5�1 Thanks for nothing Mr. Prime Minister To the editor, The following is the text of a letter sent to Brian Mulroney: Dear Prime Minister, First sir, let me congratulate you for your most courageous Christmas Eve message to your loyal subjects by reminding them of their "responsibilities" and stop blaming the elected members. I am also delighted that you "may" be influenced by your cabinet and party — and not the "millions" of shrill negative voices across the land, and lead us to even greater accomplishments than your previ- ous two terms. I proudly list just a few of them: - No other leader in our history has shown the resolve of "States"manship than you sir' Your were originally opposed to an open border (free trade) but wisely listened to the "experts", and we were blessed with the "F.T.A " Now, in another stroke of great genius, we "might"have a continental trade grid — "N.A.F.T.A." - You have planted the money tree (GST) that replaced the old MST which was rarely collected (Former Audita General Ken Dye confirms). - You "saved" us billions of our money by opting for the less costly choppers at S4.5 billion rather than $12 billion for nuke subs — a brilliant move! Capital punishment was banned, and several millions for new prisons was (is being) spent — a clever make-work idea- - dea- Our east coast island province may someday be grateful for your act of "conservation" of their liveli- hood (the Grateful Dead perhaps`'). - Your strategist and wise old bird Hugh Segal (snared from my province) displayed his artfulness this past year in creating a new centennial to celebrate and arouse patriotism in the hearts of the dis- enchanted (,for a "few" million to the ad industry). - You finally enacted a much better Immigration Act to screen out "undesirables" to ensure that only better educated and "well-off" entrants are admitted into our country — a clever tactic indeed, as a lot of our own "risk-taking entrepreneurs" have hit the skids i.e. "owe and why", several trusts, and thousands of bankruptcies, etc. - The passing of Bill C91 (drug makers bill) is another wise mea- sure to get drug users off expensive llazos,e yoevc say medications and save our country millions (billions:') as they switch to cheap "herbal" remedies. - The highlight of your second term has to be your help to help a friend to help themselves to the "Persian Oil" (what are friends for"). - But the climax of your ability has to be the dramatic T.V. shot of the tearing up of our future to warn of dire consequences if our citizens dared to be negative — Ronald Reagan was never as good as you sir, and Mother Teresa would be proud if you ever hit "Broadway". Yes, Prime Minister you are quite right, Canadians should stop blaming the ones they elected into office — they have themselves to blame, if they can't stand "progress"! Thank you very much for the 76 -cent increase in my O.A.S. cheque - and Happy NeTu Year to you and your lovely family. Jim McLean, Ajax Who's going to win the Super Bowl and by how much'' Heather Adams says, "The Bills by three points because I'm a big Jim Kelly fan and he wouldn't let me down." Liz Powers says, "The Bills by six points because they have a great starting QB and a great backup just in case." News advertiser JOANNE KW44ARDT - Editor -in -Chief GREG COATB - Managing Editor HUGH N 1 HOLSON - Advertising Manager BRUCE DANFORD - Retail Sales Manager ABE FAKOURIE - Distritxl m Mar)o r NEWSROOM - "34110 DISTRIWiION - 6614117 RETAIL ADVEIMNC . 663.6110 CLAWRED - 796-7672 FAX - 1163-7363 NATIONAL ADVERTWNG SALE 693.1300 REAL ESrATE 6 AUTOMOTIVE ADVERTISING -796.7672 Doug Stevens says, "Buffalo by 12 points. You have to go with Kelly, he's got the experience." Phil Stevenson says, "Dallas by six points, because Buffalo is going to choke as usual." TI* News A&.*Mw. Published ovary Anc10y. Wednesday OW F,Iday at 130 Commmmadal Aw.. Alax. Ontario L IS 2M. is one of the Mold rid RVAV. PubMhg and Distlbul V group or suburban nowspopon rich kxljdos AIWP rg Nova Advortlwr. Aurora Barrer. Bartle Advanco. Brompton Guordlon, Burlington Post. Cdlingwood Connoctlon. Etoblcoko Guaralon/Lokwhore Advor%W. Georgetown YWoperWorr. 01gfton This Weok. LYWfay This .. s weak. Mork)— Econ~ d Sun. WAW Canodw Chanplon. rt WkKL go News. Newmc ket Era. Norm vole Mkror. N--bwkrd News. OdrvM Beavar. Oreo Today. Ostrawo/YNiby • • IN$ Waek. Peterborough This Week. Rlctinond MII/Thomho Lberol. Scarborough Mirror. UdWdge/Stouftwe Tribune. Today's Scrim, Page tim may vary ylgtft tom pubNfed raho cord drse to mecharical regL*6rr V% of df @M pWOOM Socond Clan Mdl Roglshatlon Number 1697. Mo/ wborlpllon rales In Corrado: 1 year. S70 PW odtlarl. The :°w_ - Ow Is protected by A Metroland Community Newspaper copyright and unauthorized use Wffhow WfMfen cal - sent Is pfohlblfod. Timothy John Whittaker Troseirves the fight for classify or refuse Pubh#W any advorftsomont of his discretion. Liz Powers says, "The Bills by six points because they have a great starting QB and a great backup just in case." News advertiser JOANNE KW44ARDT - Editor -in -Chief GREG COATB - Managing Editor HUGH N 1 HOLSON - Advertising Manager BRUCE DANFORD - Retail Sales Manager ABE FAKOURIE - Distritxl m Mar)o r NEWSROOM - "34110 DISTRIWiION - 6614117 RETAIL ADVEIMNC . 663.6110 CLAWRED - 796-7672 FAX - 1163-7363 NATIONAL ADVERTWNG SALE 693.1300 REAL ESrATE 6 AUTOMOTIVE ADVERTISING -796.7672 Doug Stevens says, "Buffalo by 12 points. You have to go with Kelly, he's got the experience." Phil Stevenson says, "Dallas by six points, because Buffalo is going to choke as usual." TI* News A&.*Mw. Published ovary Anc10y. Wednesday OW F,Iday at 130 Commmmadal Aw.. Alax. Ontario L IS 2M. is one of the Mold rid RVAV. PubMhg and Distlbul V group or suburban nowspopon rich kxljdos AIWP rg Nova Advortlwr. Aurora Barrer. Bartle Advanco. Brompton Guordlon, Burlington Post. Cdlingwood Connoctlon. Etoblcoko Guaralon/Lokwhore Advor%W. Georgetown YWoperWorr. 01gfton This Weok. LYWfay This .. s weak. Mork)— Econ~ d Sun. WAW Canodw Chanplon. rt WkKL go News. Newmc ket Era. Norm vole Mkror. N--bwkrd News. OdrvM Beavar. Oreo Today. Ostrawo/YNiby • • IN$ Waek. Peterborough This Week. Rlctinond MII/Thomho Lberol. Scarborough Mirror. UdWdge/Stouftwe Tribune. Today's Scrim, Page tim may vary ylgtft tom pubNfed raho cord drse to mecharical regL*6rr V% of df @M pWOOM Socond Clan Mdl Roglshatlon Number 1697. Mo/ wborlpllon rales In Corrado: 1 year. S70 PW odtlarl. 1A Getting ready for the Big Brothers' Bowl for Millions Celebrity Day are, from left, Ajax mayor Jim Witty, Big Brother of the year Dale Guest, Little Brother Arran Taylor and Pickering mayor Wayne Arthurs. The mayors have challenged each other as to which town can raise the most money. photo by A.J. Groen Bowl for -Millions aids Little Brothers AJAX-PICKERING - The Big Brothers A.uo- ciation of Ajax -Pickering wants you to bowl for a good time and a good cause. Keglers are urged to get some sponsors, put on your bowling glove and help raise money for the Big Brothers at the Bowl for Millions fund-raiser sponsored by the Kinsmen Club of Pickering. Individuals and groups can contact the Big Brothers Association at 686-2871 to obtain spon- sor sheets and schedule a time to bowl on Satur- day, Feb. 6 or Saturday, Feb. 13 at 3:30 p.m. or 5 p.m. at Celebrity Lanes on Brock Rd. in Pickering. All participants will be eligible to win a trip for two to Nassau. The Big Brothers are hoping to raise 530,000, which will be used to help match volunteers with Little Brothers and to send 25 Little Brothers to a summer camp in Orangeville. Pickering and Ajax Town council members will do battle on the alleys on Celebrity Day Sat- urday, Feb. 13 at 3:30 p.m. Mayors Jim Witty of Ajax and Wayne Arthurs of Pickering have chal- lenged each other as to which town can raise the most money. To sponsor your respective mayor or Town councillor, call the Big Brothers office. Reformers hold fund-raising dinner AJAX-PICKERING - A fund- raising dinner will be held for Ontario Riding Reform Party can- didate Don Sullivan. The Ajax resident, who's run- ning in the next federal election, will be introduced by Jerry Amer- nic, author of Victims: The Orphans of Justice. The book details Mr. Sullivan's fight against Canada's criminal justice system following the rape and murder of his daughter Pamela in 1980 by a criminal out of prison on mandatory supervi- sion. The dinner will be held Friday, Feb. 12 at Annandale Golf & Country Club, Church St. S., Ajax. A cash bar opens at 6:30 p.m., to be followed by dinner at 7:30. The cost is $30 a person or $50 a couple. There will be door prizes. Tickets should be purchased by ■ ■ CARPET & TILE ,Large selection of the finest broadloom offered well; rbelow suggested retail price. Complete line of ■ m Ceramic, Vinyl Tiles & Cushion Floor. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ • WNW Tim Offer ■ OPEN UMAYS 110-5 P.M. Only659900 Only 69900 ; PICKERING'S FLOORING A DRAPERY CENTRE � 1211 Kinston Road 8378888 ■ (Durham uam Plaza) CALL TODAY ■ j-1 1 Feb. 7. For more information, call 686-1885 or 686-8978. TBB MMADV111MIUM nUMMY, JANUAW 21,105 -PACE 7 Help for parents DURHAM - Parents of young children are invited to gain skills for effective parenting at an upcoming discussion group. Durham House Child and Fami- ly Centre is offering Parenting Young Children, an eight -session group which examines child devel- opment and kids' belief systems. Aimed at parents with children six and under, the course also dis- cusses misbehavior and its purpose, developing self-esteem and social skills, effective communication, fos- tering co-operation, preventing dis- cipline problems, and dealing with feelings, fears and tantrums. The group begins Wednesday, Feb. 3 from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. at the Pickering Recreation Complex. 1867 Valley Farm Rd. Cost is S48 pl us S 16 for a book. Other courses offered by Durham House: • Strengthening Your Step - Family Aimed at step-parents, this six-week course recognizes differ- ences between both parenting and growing up in biological and step- families. It focuses on the advan- tages and positive aspects of step - parenting and discusse-s adjustment issues. The group meets Tuesdays from P•cT SKI'. footcare fr endiy offuce sta* yo..'re ir gook hates w^- Jcseph Sc^^e ae,. 7 to 9 pm. beginning Feb. 2. It will be held at the Children' `services Council. ' 650 Dundas Si 1- Whit- by. Cosi �s $36 per person plus a book fee of 516. • Effective Pareming: This nine -session group !(:uses on understanding children 1)ehavior and learning positive airs txactical skills 'or redirecting misochavior and encouraging children ,,lasses begin Thursday, Feb. 4 , rom 7 to 9 p.m. at .)�t. Theresa Sc,iuol, 273 Crawfrxth )t., Whitby. ` :ast is S54 per person olts a S16 book ce. • Helping Your Chfla oucceed in Lifer rhts four -session vorkshop offers )arents ideas anu ;kills to help their _hildren do heitcr !n life. It begins Wednesday. l=et, U from 7 to ) o in. and wtl Ae meld at Durham -iouse,1521 Simco e it. N., Oshawa. rhe cost is S32 x;r -)arson. • Parents of T -rnagers: Improving relationshro x;twccn parents and teenagers i; the ;occas of a nine-;ession parent study group starting Wcdnesday. Fet) iron 7 to 9 p.m. It will be held .0 St Isaac: Jogues School, 1166 F�ncn Avc., Pickcnnt;. Thecost is Sw For .nformation or, nc;e and other .ourses, or to rc,i;tcr, call 579-2fr i Cornet ■ C06110 STAINIMA'STER BER SaxONY dBER installewith plush or Textured unstaffed with 112" underlay Complete 112" underlay 40 sq. yds. Complete 40 s4• yds. c,.rKw ars "g hw toot Reg. =69900 Reg. $79900 and W9 strsrrt hrsl pin Coupon *1000D Coupon '10000 ■ • WNW Tim Offer ■ OPEN UMAYS 110-5 P.M. Only659900 Only 69900 ; PICKERING'S FLOORING A DRAPERY CENTRE � 1211 Kinston Road 8378888 ■ (Durham uam Plaza) CALL TODAY ■ j-1 1 Feb. 7. For more information, call 686-1885 or 686-8978. TBB MMADV111MIUM nUMMY, JANUAW 21,105 -PACE 7 Help for parents DURHAM - Parents of young children are invited to gain skills for effective parenting at an upcoming discussion group. Durham House Child and Fami- ly Centre is offering Parenting Young Children, an eight -session group which examines child devel- opment and kids' belief systems. Aimed at parents with children six and under, the course also dis- cusses misbehavior and its purpose, developing self-esteem and social skills, effective communication, fos- tering co-operation, preventing dis- cipline problems, and dealing with feelings, fears and tantrums. The group begins Wednesday, Feb. 3 from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. at the Pickering Recreation Complex. 1867 Valley Farm Rd. Cost is S48 pl us S 16 for a book. Other courses offered by Durham House: • Strengthening Your Step - Family Aimed at step-parents, this six-week course recognizes differ- ences between both parenting and growing up in biological and step- families. It focuses on the advan- tages and positive aspects of step - parenting and discusse-s adjustment issues. The group meets Tuesdays from P•cT SKI'. footcare fr endiy offuce sta* yo..'re ir gook hates w^- Jcseph Sc^^e ae,. 7 to 9 pm. beginning Feb. 2. It will be held at the Children' `services Council. ' 650 Dundas Si 1- Whit- by. Cosi �s $36 per person plus a book fee of 516. • Effective Pareming: This nine -session group !(:uses on understanding children 1)ehavior and learning positive airs txactical skills 'or redirecting misochavior and encouraging children ,,lasses begin Thursday, Feb. 4 , rom 7 to 9 p.m. at .)�t. Theresa Sc,iuol, 273 Crawfrxth )t., Whitby. ` :ast is S54 per person olts a S16 book ce. • Helping Your Chfla oucceed in Lifer rhts four -session vorkshop offers )arents ideas anu ;kills to help their _hildren do heitcr !n life. It begins Wednesday. l=et, U from 7 to ) o in. and wtl Ae meld at Durham -iouse,1521 Simco e it. N., Oshawa. rhe cost is S32 x;r -)arson. • Parents of T -rnagers: Improving relationshro x;twccn parents and teenagers i; the ;occas of a nine-;ession parent study group starting Wcdnesday. Fet) iron 7 to 9 p.m. It will be held .0 St Isaac: Jogues School, 1166 F�ncn Avc., Pickcnnt;. Thecost is Sw For .nformation or, nc;e and other .ourses, or to rc,i;tcr, call 579-2fr i & oe smik a/ GAYLY MEDICAL CENTRE �.-`�-, JOSEPH Std EIDER 112013ay1y St. Unit 06 Pickering 11� -miracl :1r4rr 9 GET YOURTARD! AND ITS FREE! • Instant Savings! *No flyer coupons to clip! A new way for you to iniracie save at... Foodmart Available at your Miracle store. See Details in store. Deowxi a traa "W or toms, Cess Factures aoa sa" man •o ALEX RU DNICK. M.D. auu@a@,'ngrm". krquL •nd Mwon Estwic4 ns. Deow cs and tpwk memo, and Sore, groWos JOSEPH SCHNEtDEP c,.rKw ars "g hw toot Arof CMsaro Socory 01 have now added their and W9 strsrrt hrsl pin pchr ,+epodnta Corm*" dornc« W chwr•rt kbmbw of C&nW w+ Amwoon Services to the GAYLY �� «d awwwa,taftry •t F••t ad•••sw+•K I SPORTS MEDICINE and W" o serer Uawr can: wthis s, A~ of '"cess*, toot Goer. t REH ABI LITATION *@bows, garmim probwrns -Scows To 4ome Foo! Can' CLINIC & oe smik a/ GAYLY MEDICAL CENTRE �.-`�-, JOSEPH Std EIDER 112013ay1y St. Unit 06 Pickering 11� -miracl :1r4rr 9 GET YOURTARD! AND ITS FREE! • Instant Savings! *No flyer coupons to clip! A new way for you to iniracie save at... Foodmart Available at your Miracle store. See Details in store. C r .[i LT . ., ,.- A', '.', A 1 I .'1'4 , 1 , #1" t 1MGlE X -TRE NEWS ADVERTISER.MDAY, JANUARY ", IM ............. ..... An 011-41/mlwit0) Billboard is a free feature for community events of a non-prof- it nature. To have your events promoted in Billboard, calf us at 683-5110 or write to the Ajax - Pickering News Advertiser, 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax. Ontario, LIS 2H5. The deadline for Billboard items is 10 a.m. the Monda-, prior to Wednesday publication, 10 a.m. the Wednesday prior to Friday pub- lication and 10 a.m. the Thurs- day prior to Sunday publication. NENN-TO-YOU: St. Martin's Anglican Church, 1203 St. Mar- tins Dr.. Pickering, hosts a hew - To -You sale Fri.. Jan. 29 from 7 to 9 p.m. Good used clothing, books. records. household items. Dona- tion pick-ups. 839-4769. THEATRE: Theatre Durham present. Steel Magnolias Fri-, Jan. 29 at 8 p.m. at Dunbarton-Fairport United Church, 1066 Dunbarton Rd., Pickering. Addiuonal perfor- mances Jan. 30, Feb. " and 6. Ticket: SK or S6 for students and seniors. 831-6509, 831-0348. SPARKS: A program called Sparks for girls and boys from Kindergarten to Grade 2 meets Fridays from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at Applecroft Public School, 55 Coles Ave., Ajax. It's sponsored by the Westney Heights Baptist Church. 683-5558, 686-1720. DANCE: rhe Parent Advisory Committee of St. Francis de Sale, Catholic School will hold a Jan- uary Beat the Blahs dance Sat., Jan. 30. 8 p.m. to 1 a.m.. at the school. ,Z Church St. S., Picker - ink Village. S15 a person. Pro- ceeds to buy books for the school library. 683-3320. CHORAL WORKSHOP: Pickering Village United Church. 300 Church St. N., Ajax, will host the choral workshop Sing and Reioicc on Sat.. Jan. 30. hcsinninL, at noon. for church choir directors. singers and children's choir lead- er.. S25 a person or S20 for a each member of a quartet. There will be a dinner and eyenim,_ concert. 683- -1-21. CLOTHING SALE: The Iloly Trade Centre hosts cottage show PICKERING - The Onginai Cottage Show is returning to the Metro East Trade Centre, Pick- enng Nov. to its third year, the show will run from Feb. 5 to 7 and wall feature almost 200 booths filled with ever -.thing for the cottage. Products and services to be dispia%ed include building products. pre -fab cottages. fur- nishings. decorative items, real estate boats, outdoor clothing and the latest in gadgets. Last year. about 25,000 peo- ple visited the show over three days. Admission is S8 for adults and S6 for seniors. Children under 14 are admitted free. Shov► hours are noon to 10 p.m. Friday, Feb. 5: 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Saturday. Feb. 6: and 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday, Feb. The trade centre is at Brock Rd. and Hwy. 401. " '' ? OPEN F1 . SATURDAYS & SUNDAY � 10:00 a.m. Breakfast Special (Sat. & Sun. Only) $2.49 SUN., MON., TUES., WED. TWO CAN EAT FOR 12" Dinner Choices: Filet of Sole, Baby Beet Liver, fiirtced Sirloin Sleek, L ogna, Spaghetti, Fish A Chips, Steck on a Kaiser. PICKERING TOWN CENTRE 839.2507 Escape from Conformity If you have a background in either coaching, sports, sales, financial services, your own business and if you own a computer, read on! Manulde Financial is looking for people who want to work for themselves, pick their own clients, work their own hours, and print their own paycheques. For more information on products, services, training, compensation and how you can make the Escape to a Career as a Financial Planner, send or fax your resume to Don Cunningham, General Manager. MANULIFE FINANCIAL Ste. 501, Oshawa Executive Centre, Oshawa, Ontario, L1J 2K5 Bus: (416) 728-7391 Fax: (416) 723-8591 Trinity Church, Kings Cres. and Burcher Rd.. Ajax, holds a good used clothing, sale Sat.. Jan. 30. SUPER SUPER BOWL 112 PRICE NACHOS BUFFET 4-6 p.m. Sunday All You Can Eat BRUNCH 89 10-2 O\3R80 Er 8AYLY'S 427.1888 368 BAYLY ST. W. Ajax AM VA from 10 a.m. to noon. CONCERT: The Oshawa Festival Singers, a youth choir, will perform Sat., Jan. 30, 7:30 p.m., at Pickering Village Unit - Your calendar of coming events ed Church, 300 Church St. N., Ajax. Adults S5, children 12 and under S2. Tickets available 2t the door or from the church (683-4721). ,199!A.S.M-B—.A�- BASEBALL Re istration 1111110� At the Ajax Community Centre SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 6,1993 8:00 A.M. -12 NOON, COMMODORE ROOM . For c` ::cren born between the years 1982-1987 inclusive T -Ball $70 00. Rookie Ball $75.00, Mosquito $80.00 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 6,1993 2:00 P.M. - 5:00 P.M., CAPTAIN'S ROOM - For c , cren born between the years 1972-1.983 inclusive Boys' Peewee, Bantam. Ocge', Juvenile & Junior - Girls' baseball dNiso is SW 00 PLEASE NOTE: BIRTH CERTIFICATES ANO/OR REGISTRATION REQUIRED FOR FIRST-TIME PLAYERS. OTHER REGISTRATION DATES: THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1993 6:00 P.M. - 10:00 P.M., H.M.S. AJAX ROOM ALL AGE GROUPS. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13,1993 9:00 A -M. -1-00 P.M., CAPTAIN'S ROOM -ALL AGE GROUPS -tk& )J 1� 7 DAY CRUISE FROM U.S. $ 799 * INCLUDING AIRFARE FROM TORONTO Save from u.s. $400 Up To u.s. $1,000" Per Cabin On A 7 Day Carnival" Fly/Cruise The holiday at sea that Includes lust about everything. Exciting nightlife.. huge casino... Nautica Spasm... outstanding food (five meals a day'). superb service and flexible. scheduled airfare from Carnivals Canadian Fly Aweigh cities. No resort offers you all this plus visits to tropical ports such as St. Thomas. St. Maarten. Ocho Rios. Cozumel. Puerto Vallarta or Mazatlan for one low. almost everything's included price. A "Fun Ship" fly/cruise is an outstanding vacation value! Introducing Carnival's Super Savers " "Savings of between U.S. $400 and U.S. $1,000 per cabin are available on selected 7 day cruises throughout the year. Ask your Sears Travel consultant for the applicable savings on your selected sailing date. • Sears Club(�amivai manbe sht'p is very rewading "w`'°r' Sows cW°r°c',,"•&^°g,,,N,he'ftt, THE MOST POPULAR CRUISE UNE IN THE WORLDsm Restrictions: Applies to 7 day cruises on Category 2 through 10 accommodation. Super Saver prices applicable to selected sailings between January 2. 1993 and June 4. 1994. Super Saver prices may not be available on all sailings or in all categories. This is a capacity controNed promobon. Super Saver prices may not be combined with other group or promotional discounts. -Prices quoted are per person, double occupancy in category 2 in 'Value' season 1993 (Holiday & Celebration selected sailings Sept. 11 -Oct. 30. Nov 27 -Dec. 11) Super Saver pnoes range from U.S. $799 to U.S. $1.879 depending on duration. ship, accommodatian and departure date. Note - An additional airfare supplement may apply for some cruises -see brochure for details Port and departure charges U.S. $73 per person Registered in Liberia and The Bahamas. Prices in effect November 1, 1992. Pickering Town Centre 420-7600 PROTECT YOUR VACATION WITH VOYAGEUR TRAVEL INSURANCE — WE RECOMMEND ITI Prices and dates shown are those available at advertising deadlines and are subject to being sold out or change and to a surcharge by the operator without notice Prices may vary depending upon date of travel accommodation selected and are per person based on double occupancy unless otherwise stated Terms and conditions applicable to these offerings are those detailed in the suppliers brochure(s). Prices shown do not include any app icable taxes. G S T surcharges. andlor service charges. or any item of a personal nature. unless specified. This offer may not be valid in conjunct on with any Omer discount or incentive offered by either Sears Travel or its suppliers) c Copyrignt, 1993 Sears Canada Inc Any reproauct on w,thout me written consent of Sears Canada Inc is prohibited. NOTICE TO TRAVELLERS Travellers should be aware !hat aitterent living standards and practices and different standards and conditions with respect to the provision of utilities services and accommodations may exist outside of Canada Sears Canada Inc d b a Sears Travel Service Ont Reg, No 2264141 na ififf A IfIllne- your money's worth ... and more �� THE NEWS ADVIMMER FRIDAY, JANUARY ",1!04PAGE ! p Pickering novices Buffalo opponents at U.S. tournament PICKERING - The Picker- The Pickering novices then ing Lincoln Homes minor whitewashed the Buffalo novice 'AA' team achieved Regals 3-0 in the second game. perfection at the Buffalo Derek Polowyk, Bradley Binns Hockey Towmament Jan. 15 to and Jason Brookings scored 17. for Pickering. Binns also drew The Pickering squad cap- an assist . tured the championship trophy To close out preliminary in style — winning every play and earn a spot in the game in the tourney final, Pickering blasted Buf- while allowing no falo 11-0. Leading the Q- scor- O ing goals against. Also flawless parade was Lloyd �with three Stuart �� goals. was goaltender In Baumgartner netted a John Flude who Cl, a; "< parr with single markers recorded four to Lemmon, Ruta, shutouts in four�1j �. Brookings, Rhodes, Dalli- tournament con- OCIA11 day and Polowyk. Assists tests. came from Brookings and In the final, Pickering Binns with two each; Lem - blanked Amherst, New York mon, McHale, Kyle Hamilton 1-0. Darryl Lloyd netted the and Polowyk had one apiece. game winner for the Lincoln The team dedicated the Homes novices, assisted by championship to goalie Ryan Paul Ruta and Grant Lemmon. Bosak who was left behind in Pickering started tourna- Pickering with a broken ment play by shutting out thumb. Amherst 2-0. Gregory McHale The Pickering Lincoln and Brent Dalliday were the novices finished regular -sea - Pickering snipers. Keith son league play in first place in Rhodes drew an assist. the standings. Tweens are golden on Whitby's pond PICKERING - The Pickering Innovative Awards tween 'B' ringette team's strong play at the Whitby tournament last week- end led to the gold medal. Pickering skated to a convincing 5-1 victory over the host Whitby squad to win the championship game. Pickering's solid defence was the key factor in the squad grabbing the gold. Tina Barnes struck for two goals to lead Pickering. Heather Kerr, Michelle Vivian and Lisa Moun- tain netted singles. Stating the tourney against London, Pickering claimed an easy 8-3 victory. Barnes set the pace with a three -goal effort. Vivian was close behind with 1 two goals, while Kelly Honsberger, Mountain and Robyn Sharpe chipped VI14ri1 pressure Oshawa Legionaires' Scott O'Dwyer is checked close- ly by two Pickering Pan- thers during a Metro Junior 'A' Hockey League contest at the Oshawa Civic Audi- torium Tuesday night. Pickering lost 8-7 in over- time. photo by Andrew iwar:owski Panthers hampered by hard luck in last two Metro Junior"A"games PICKERING - The Pickering Panthers were the Legionaires the win. plagued by bad third periods in two recent Metro Scoring for the Panthers were Sean Fraser with Junior 'A' hockey losses. a hattrick, Steve Gibbens with a pair, and Dean The Panthers lost 8-7 in overtime to the Burry and Kelly Nobes with one apiece. Oshawa Legionaires in an important Tim McCarthy, from the Ajax -Pick - game at the Oshawa Civic Auditorium Tuesday night. Pickering Bring Raiders 'AAA' bantam team, was called up by the Panthers for the And, Pickering dropped a 6-4 deci- cases, that s where the similarity ends. Oshawa contest turned in a solid per- sion to the Weston Dukes at the Pick- Why? amply because different funds are designed to meet the needs of different investors. and Barnes connected for the Pickering formance. Bring Recreation Complex Friday goals. Assisting were Kelly Hill, Sarah The Panthers were bested by the night. In each instance, there's a type of mutual fund (or combination of funds) that is best suited to your personal goals. To see which one is right for you, lers Weston Dukes on home ice Friday. The Panthers' loss against the r review the following criteria: bounced back in a big way to trounce Weston scored four goals in the final Legionaires allowed Oshawa to climb Kingston 7-2 in the third game. The period to salt away the victory. within one point of fourth -place Pick- you may want to consider investing in an asset allocation fund or equity fund - either of which is subject to short-term fluctuations in value, but offers Adam :McLeod, Brett Kowan, ering in the league's Bauer Division. PANTHERS arnes led the charge with Liquiclity' Vke many people, you may require that at least some of your investments are liquid, or readily cashable. This could be to provide a source of Jason Rcesor and Kelly Nobes were Against Oshawa, Pickering built up a 4-0 first -period margin led Metro Junior the goal scorers for the Panthers. The Panthers in and apiece. Assisting were Sharpe and are currently through most of the contest. However, Hockey Ciub fourth place in the league's Bauer the Legionaires scored three goals in should be weighted towards mutual funds that concentrate on interest-bearing securities, such as mortgages, bonds, and money market instruments. Division with a record of 12 wins, 19 the final frame to knot the score at 7-7 losses and four ties for 28 points. and force overtime. Pickering is one point ahead of fifth - Shane Manley scored at the 1:53 mark to give place Oshawa which has 27 points. I in with one goal apiece. CHOICE OF MUTUAL FUNDS SHOULD REFLECT PERSONAL NEEDS Recording assists were Courtney B Boyd with two, Stephanie Murray, BY the mid- tssos, it a estimated that mutual funds in Canada wig be worth about ,f 186 billion. That's triple then current value, and none times thea value O[isxa Stroud, Barnes and Sharpe with only fim years ago. In this, the last of a four-part series, we look at how mutual funds can be used to meet your personal investment objectives one each. Of the more than 700 mutual funds available in Canada today, which one is right for you? Despite an outstanding CffOrt, Pick- Each provides the benefits of professional management, as well as an opportunity to participate in a large, diversified portfolio of securities. But in most ering was nipped by Whitby 4-3 in the cases, that s where the similarity ends. second game. Mountain, Honsberger Why? amply because different funds are designed to meet the needs of different investors. and Barnes connected for the Pickering For example, if you're approaching retirement, your primary investment objectives will be preservation of capital and a steady source of income. On the goals. Assisting were Kelly Hill, Sarah other hand, if you're in your early 30s, you'll probably be less concerned about short-term security than long-term growth. Marshall, Sharpe and Boyd. In each instance, there's a type of mutual fund (or combination of funds) that is best suited to your personal goals. To see which one is right for you, lers The Innovative Awards tweens review the following criteria: bounced back in a big way to trounce Time Horizon. Basically, this is the time remaining until you expect to use the proceeds of your investment. If irs three years or less, then you should Kingston 7-2 in the third game. The probably concentrate on stable, income -oriented investments such as mortgage, bond, or money-market fund. It your time horizon is five years or more, win clinched a berth in the final for you may want to consider investing in an asset allocation fund or equity fund - either of which is subject to short-term fluctuations in value, but offers Pickering. higher potential growth over the long term. arnes led the charge with Liquiclity' Vke many people, you may require that at least some of your investments are liquid, or readily cashable. This could be to provide a source of three goals. Marshall netted two, while emergency funds, or just a'parking spot' for money that you're reserving for future investment opportunities. Here, any mutual fund will provide you with the liquidity you need, since they are usually cashable within a few days. It's worth remembering, however, that it is not always desirable to liquidate Mountain and Sharpe added one some types of mutual funds - particularly those that may have recently suffered a short-term decline in value. And certainly, if your fund is sheltered apiece. Assisting were Sharpe and within an RRSP, you will not want to use the money - and incur the subsequent tax penalties - unless absolutely necessary. Mountain with two each, and Hons- Income. If you're like many people, you may depend on your investments to provide you with a regular source of income. In this case, your holdings berger, Stroud, Barnes and Marshall should be weighted towards mutual funds that concentrate on interest-bearing securities, such as mortgages, bonds, and money market instruments. with one apiece. Keep in mind, however, that bonds (and, to a certain extent, mortgages) can decline in value if interest rates start to rise. Finally, if you wish to minimize Team members are Marisa Vincelli, that tax liability on your income, you may want to consider investing in a fund that generates and derives a substantial portion of its returns from Stephanie Murray, Kell Hill Kelly y dividends. Honsberger, Lorissa Stroud, Jana Growth. While North American stock markets have performed sporadically over the past few ears, historical averages show that Pe Po y P Y 9 equities offer Bergin, Lisa Mountain, Robyn Sharpe' consistently superior returns in the long term. So if your goal is to achieve capital growth over a period of five years or more, you may want to consider Tina Barnes, Courtney Boyd, Sarah investing in a Canadian equity fund or equity index fund (this type invests in stocks that make up the TSE 300 Composite Index) - both of which are eligible for your RRSR You can also increase your level of diversification and gain exposure to foreign markets with an international fund. Marshall, Sarah Jane L Th Heather Kerr Michelle Viviann.. The squad is Boy�g your asset mix. Is there one type of fund that's right for you? In most cases, probably not. Because even if your investment objectives are and coached by Mike Sharpe, Derek almost exclusively oriented towards income or growth, you'll still need some measure of diversification in your portfolio. Consequently, you may want to consider investing with a company that offers a full range (or -family') of mutual funds. This will allowto shift ou your assets between funds often at no y Barnes, Judi Sharpe and Diane Bergin. charge - to accommodate your changing investment needs. 1 PAGE 10 -THE NEONS ADVERTISER FRIDAY„JANUARY ",1!!S Pickering junior W ringette squad salvages tie with Richmond Hill PICKERING - The Pickering Legion Branch 606 junior `B' ringette team played to a 4-4 draw against Rich- mond Hill in an exciting contest at Don Beer Arena Jan. 24. Pickering jumped into a 2-0 lead through aggressive skating and ring play, with both` goals scored by the for- ward line of Anne Judges, Laura McKenzie and Emily Renaud. Assists went to Jen- nifer Kennedy and Taunya Seguin on defense. Richmond Hill roared back to tie the score With two goals within a J ' Lee Weldon Associate Brower minute nearing the end of the first period. Pick- ering again took the lead with a goal by Tanya Foote, ass ist- /GKE�\ ed by Sarah �yDenton p1 a n d Seguin. But, a ► � power- \lJVplay goal bN Rich- mond Hill knotted the score, and the visitors took the lead with five minutes to play. After Pickering was thwarted on two break- aways, it appeared Rich- mond Hill would take the two points, but OPEN HOUSE while playing short- handed, Pickering's Renaud scored the tying goal after a goal -mouth scramble with two min- utes to play. Pickeringgoaltender Tara Winter made sev- eral big saves to pre- serve the draw. Strong defensive play by Jessica Field, Jamie - Lynn Wilsdon and Megan Purdy contribut- ed to the well-earned tie. The Pickering junior 'B' ringette team is coached by Dan Purdy, assisted by Kim Racette and Chris Renaud, and managed by Sandy Renaud. SUN. JAN. 31St - 2:00 - 4:00 135 MONROE CRES., UXBRIDGE Main St. S. to Reach St. — East to Hamilton Place — South to Monroe Crescent (signs). 2400 sq. ft. 4 bedroom beauty backing park g,eenbe't - Valuab:e upgrades inci,ic:ng high eff--ggas furnace' Country sized k tcher, - Walkout to extensive deck ove•!ooks wedged yard - Imoroved walk o.,t basement - List $254,900. See w^^ Lee Weldon, Associate Broker. Re Max Scugog Realty Ltd. 510-1284 or 852-6143. UNHEARD UNHEARD OF LOW PRICES! TELL YOUR FRIENDS!!! TELL YOUR NEIGHBORS!!! TELL YOUR CO-WORKERS!!! John Boddy Homes FINAL OPPORTUNITY AT A BEST SELLER! I -Ta 1i R _; __ -1 ■NT NMM i • Immediate Possession.' • Full Interior Colour Choices: • ?.550 .Square Feet 4 Bedrooms: •10' ceilings in main floor living ronm and foyer: • Log burning fireplaces in living room and famd.v room: • Mall: -out basement: • Bay u-Indows in living room, kitchen, dining room, master bedruum and ensuite bathroom: • .Vaster ensuite features cultured marble oval tichirlpool tub and separate shower stall • Custom land- scaped tvith -="' ~ ■ ___ �rE interlocked r e FORESTBR00K drirer.ay. _ ,z EST 4T ES SALESOFF:C-KOLRS %1CNCA: 70ThLnS:'AY. .P%! CLCScJ FR:OA�S. CLCScO SL',0A2S �A\L� .. _--. tiIuL e.' H')r -,.. . WH L. RE Y -p COURTICE WOODLEXCLUSIVE AND TERRY TERRY MANTLE ASSOCIATE BROKER MILLS HOMES RREEAALTYLMNRRES TNR 434=7677, WN, #2 O C Q g SALES !I E OFFICE 1 08HAWA HWY. 0401 John Boddy Homes FINAL OPPORTUNITY AT A BEST SELLER! I -Ta 1i R _; __ -1 ■NT NMM i • Immediate Possession.' • Full Interior Colour Choices: • ?.550 .Square Feet 4 Bedrooms: •10' ceilings in main floor living ronm and foyer: • Log burning fireplaces in living room and famd.v room: • Mall: -out basement: • Bay u-Indows in living room, kitchen, dining room, master bedruum and ensuite bathroom: • .Vaster ensuite features cultured marble oval tichirlpool tub and separate shower stall • Custom land- scaped tvith -="' ~ ■ ___ �rE interlocked r e FORESTBR00K drirer.ay. _ ,z EST 4T ES SALESOFF:C-KOLRS %1CNCA: 70ThLnS:'AY. .P%! CLCScJ FR:OA�S. CLCScO SL',0A2S �A\L� .. _--. tiIuL e.' H')r -,.. . WH L. RE Y -p COURTICE WOODLEXCLUSIVE AND TERRY TERRY MANTLE ASSOCIATE BROKER MILLS HOMES RREEAALTYLMNRRES TNR 434=7677, THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, JANUARY A 1""AGE 11 TORMINA QUALITY AT IIIICES! Tormina Homes have long been known for their superior quality and wealth of fine, luxury. appointments. Noyou can own that famous quality and luxury at outstanding prices. Visit one of our 3 sites this weekend. And discover the best homes your money can buy- - now at (YNCE: INA LIFETIME. PRICE' \, 6.-� Z-1 r ,; a 401 _W =. E S"F'ESMAN —94 SC c_ C ' AMINA II �I fu��ff i� fill (I ���f� ifi�i►iiu►� 30'TO 50'LOTS s I P7CI Cill(I PICKERING from SCA' S 5.,1_'2 WHITBY a4l 35' T0 70' LOTS T I 7Q .1 from nAA 6*:N '-_;;S _ - PV THE ROSEDALE III M5 SO~FT ' 686-30 71' �► _� L THE CRAIGMONT 2082 SO FT •! WH ITBY 40' & 50' LOTS $ - MON THLRS from FRIDAY C;OSED SAT 3SUN '; 5 P 199900 9 421-8184 PAGE 12 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, JANUARY 2f, IM I '1 v der. 5 625 MYRTLE RD., ASHBURN ` 9 TUDOR CRES.. AJAX 5 bcr- 4a•-�o,.se or, 9C ac. sea Recucec $'53.80C 4 bcr-s ,;o. office. -assve Lv. rr- 'c.- rrr, , 2 bathrms . sunken far• . sep. country w' S tar- rrn. N. c n .,- . feneec vara Harwooc Lake^oge E on W -!le Rd Ave N »`. $238.80C CALL BRENDA NIBLETT. BROKER CARES REALTY INC 428-4-97 OR 655- 460- BRENDA 55- 460_BRENDA NIBLETT Broker Owner C. GUNTHER IVENSio CONTRACTING LTD. io RENOVATIONS UNLIMITED i Rec rooms • bathrooms windows • doors • and additions 00 All work carried out by highly skilled tradesman. For free estimates call Gur ;her at 839-068' ��rr»rrmrr�r��m� 1� PROPERTY SERVICES ` RESIDENTIAL SNOW REMOVAL includ;ng. waikways. drveways• entrance ways. !Dor; t steps. gorget When the snow s gone, we are your one stop lawn care specialists SENIORS FLAT DISCOUNT 420-6089 RATES . �NLAiNI 6 6 Lilly - LIVE IN CAPE OR FERCC :!SITS Fv►I YOUR PETS PLANTS 8 HOME DOME SECURITY a INSURANCE VALIDATION • PET EXERCISING b FEEDING • BONDED i INSURED. EST ,%,, 686-1691 = ice; /i r,Am ' ,-,-. VWFWr.• "r- , , --\ s1ra+� �r-`�.ectaY.owe I nternational Speciahiss Schnit=4 Stem Tdit ofSak or Vvious Specials 1030 to 2.30 Located in the Cmwtywd Pickp* Nillalgt 109 old xjagam V., JjaX 427-6760 SALT OR WEATHER DAMAGED CONCRETE WALKWAYS OR STEPS? BASEMENTS WATERPROOFED CONCRETE REFINISHING AND REPAIR ANY SIZE JOS - MODERN METHODS NO DAMAGE TO SHRUBS, LAWNS S DRIVEWAYS ALL AVAILABLE METHODS PERFORMED INSIDE OR OUTSW - LARRY GOODWIN 24 Hours Tet. (41 i) 611-1703 or Fax 416 60-W ■ oQ���ov SUN., JAN. 31, 2.4 P.M. 9 FIELD CRES., AJAX DEBORAH GLOVER Shows to perfection! Fully detached, Sales Representative three oversized bdrms., main floor fam. rm with walkout to huge deck, eat -in kit., finished rec rm. and more. Exceptional value at $168,900. DIRECTIONS: Hwy. 92 ( to Pickering Beach Rd. S. b follow signs. YOUR HOST: DEBORAH GLOVER. SALES GROUP REPRESENTATIVE. SUTTON GROUP - CLASSIC REALTY INC. (Bus.) 430-9000. SALLY McRAE Sales Representative SUN., JAN. 31,1-3 P.M. 797STROUD'S LANE, PICKERING $234,9Rf�'/V W uia:e 400 Abso utely immacu�ate 4 berm. teat. main fir. fa— ,T with fireplace, mn fr. laundry. cent. FIRST 1ry a'+vac . security system• plus ate yard . aground pool. Salt' McRae, Re,'eMMax First, 83,-3300 ..nVSE Advertising Feature Gunther Ivens Contracting: From windows and doors to complete custom building When you thoroughly enjoy what you do for a living, the end result i naturally shows. , Gunther Ivens. of Gunther Ivens '_ ,. -..•.I Contracting Ltd.. thoroughly - :njoys what he does. and his 42 years in the business of building f :custom homes of all sires reveals that. Ilis firth provides building and renovating service to residential, industrial and commercial client.. The master craftsman, who resides in Pickering, apprenticed f i as a carpenter in Germany from 1946-1949 A precise workman, he sets high a standards for all who %ork with hirn. and he puts great emphasis on ,.the things that aren't seen." lie says, '.Yew must take care of the rough construction (the framing) or the finishing could be substandard - doors not being ;Y plumb, is a prime example. "The proper fitting of insulation and an unbroken vapor barrier are essential to a trouble-free operation." ` Mr. Ivens works only with the most reliable tradespeople - those he describes as "tete best". Gunther Ivens has crafted numerous custom homes - Another trait of which he is very "We many in the range of 2,000-5,000 sq. ft.; and he is proud is the fact that finish on' time." also a certified Pella contractor. Punctuality is an important facet of his business life. renovating. commercial and industrial work. Although he has built numerous In recent months, lumber prices These include factories, retail and custom homes, renovations make have been on the increase, and, office space. up a good part of his business. says Mr. Ivens, that trend will Gunther Ivens Contracting is Windows and doors, sunrooms, likely continue over the next few also a certified Pella -Hunt recreation rooms, bathrooms and months. contractor. Pella -Hunt, a reputable kitchens are all part of the Ivens For that reason, he advises company for many years, stock. anyone who is considering manufactures sunrooms, windows Many people are choosing to renovating, to begin that task now. and doors. enlarge their home rather than When lie accepts a contracting Although his workmanship is top move. For some lannilies, Project, the electrical and notch, for quality homes, his uprooting from school and Plumbing aspects of the job are prices are surprisingly macerate. community is not a desirable included in the quotation. If' you would like more proposition, even though they During his 38 lir so years in the inforniation on the talents of the require more living space. So the construction industry, Mr. Ivens Gunther Ivens Contracting team, logical choice is usually has done a great deal of call 839-0691. I HANDA'S Everything "Made Fresh on Premises" Dine in or take home a prepared meal Open for breakfast ' Coffee 3 desserts to complete meals OPEN Mon. - Fri. OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 690 sm. - 7 pm. 1410 BAYLY, PICI(ERING Sat 8 sm. - 7 pis. (Nest to GO Station) Sun.11 B.rn. - 6 pm. - 4204083 RSP - RRIF • GROUP PLANS OPTIONS COUNSELLING FOR TERMINATED EMPLOYEES • CANADIAN 8 GLOBAL MUTUAL FUNDS INDIVIDUAL FINANCIAL ANALYSIS d RECOMMENDATIONS TAX PLANNING CALL: MICHAEL SKRETTEBERG SR. PARTNER PLUMBING FOR YOU LTD. 1050 Brock Rd., Unit A5 PICKERING "WE DO IT ALL FOR YOU" SALES - SERVICE • RENOVATKM FREE ESTIMATES GRAND OPENING SPECIALS COME VISR OUR SHOWROOM 837-1350 ATTENTION ALL MOMS! DISCOVERY TOYS Edtrca4onal Toys. Books, Csantes for All Ages. Offers you the OPPORTUNITY to: EARN EXTRA INCOME • Worn from Home • At your own pace • In your Own Neigilft ttootl For more kdonnation cal: SYLVIA WELCH 427-7085 5 MORTGAGE CORPORATION +OUR NAA IS OUR REPUTATION' 1 st 6 2nd Mortgages Up to 96% Personal bans Refinancing Equity take-out • Self employed • Debt consolidation No income with equity Former bankrupt 683-8241 (HOUSE CALLS AVAILABLE) �'f `.•s'i t'a'i"�':: �'C i'i : �'�'i t a.,`,+�•, �..• l x �::���<.• • ! ► y•M•fi III, • • • -9 14.0 s • • 6 -4.6, 1 • r 0.60, • 3 1 • ♦ i,+ • • • c V. IP s • • v 914.0 • • I I t•w 1. 's • ► s •'f R o . • , rte.•. THE NM ADVERTISER FROAV, JANUARY 29, Ifs-PAa:13 Looking for Miss Universe See page 14 With the Ajax -Pickering News Advertiser rV6, r��� The magic never stops for real-life Ken and Barbi ♦♦ i s♦*♦• t i• i Y i i• i i I 4 Y i I•• a . s♦♦• s a•♦••• s . s s . a s s s♦♦• a s a♦♦♦♦ s•♦ I s•♦• i i R•♦ K♦ i• f ♦•• s i By JliDI BOBBITT Staff Reporter PICKERING - He can make a live canary disappear and then crack open an egg and watch the bird flutter out. He can make his wife's head appear to tum com- pletely around on her shoulders while her feet stay firmly on the ground. He can do a million other illu- sions, and make them look as easy as magic. He's Ken Poynter of Pickering and, along with his stage partner/wife Barbi, he's hoping to work a little magic on their own careers and become famous. "I want people to walls in and get a chill up their spine and leave with their jaw to their chest and their eyes just in a glaze," Ken, 28, said in an interview recently. The couple — whose names really are Ken and Barbi — have been working together for three years in their company, Poynter Productions. They're newlyweds who are currently entertaining aboard a Caribbean cruise ship during a working honeymoon. When they return home in May, they'll start working on plans to perform in other parts of Canada and establish themselves with a wider North American audience. They've -already entertained in places that include Mexico, Club Med resorts and Toronto's Harbou front. Ken, who chose his career at age nine after seeing illusionist Doug Henning perform, wants to be as well-known as Henning and David Copperfield. "Every magician wants to be famous... Henning opened up the door and Coppetfield walked through the door." Adds Barbi, "And you'd like to walk down the hallway." While their lives are glamorous and exciting, the business of magic is also hard work. Ken admits to being a perfectionist, meticulous about show details that could go wrong, such as music, lighting and Ken and Barbi Poynter are partners in magic and partners in marriage. special effects. `The magic itself is not a problem; it's putting the whole production together ...Either you become a perfectionist or you're stricken with anxiety." Little things have gone wrong. A canary once got loose when the Poynters were performing at the Pickering Town Centre, forcing Barbi to abandon Ken on stage and chase the bird through a store's furniture department. Another time, Barbi had to do the head - twisting trick with a migraine headache. "I walked off the stage smiling and burst into tears because I was in so much pain," she recalls. "The show must go on." Even if everything goes off without a hitch, there's a chance a volunteer called to assist on stage will be a poor sport. "If someone comes up on stage who's going to ruin the fun for everyone else, you have to use your talent as an entertainer to win back the audience or let it roll off your shoulders," says Ken. It doesn't pay to poke fun at a volun- teer with a poor attitude, he says. "It starts becoming a war on stage; you have to be a good host." Even worse, says Ken, are peo- ple who insist they know how a trick was done. "A lot of people want to beat the magic and find out how the trick was done ... They never guess how it's done. People come up with this cocky attitude and you can't convince them they're wrong. It ruins the atmo- sphere you've created. People are captivated and in awe, you shouldn't have to figure it out." The business of magic must be run as just that — a business, the Poynters say — and can be expen- sive to break into. Illusions, which can be complicated productions with backdrops, fog machines and strobe lights, can cost up to $20,000 each. "You really have to work to get a good, hour-long show," says Barbi, who adds that. "The more iifusions Ken does, the more he �k ants. I don't think the show wi11 ever be big enough for him." But, magic can also be lucrative. The Poynters have seen their income double each year and are investing their profits bask into the business. In two years, they expect to have a show worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. Not a bad return on the invest- ment of a little magic kit for a 10 - year -old Ken. By 14, he had an agent and was performing at birth- day parties, corporate functions and flea markets. He learned from books and videos, and became pro- ficient at manipulating his hands. As a youth, he'd ask his buddies to chain him up and leave him alone while he worked to escape, laughs Barbi. "His parents would come home and there he'd be on the floor." Ken is now training Barbi in close-up and stage magic, so she can have a greater participation in shows. "I want us to have a part- nership of magician -magician," he says. "I think we should be a magic couple." And if their crystal ball reveals children in their future, with a little luck — or magic — they'll be twins or triplets. Then the Poynters could really stage some great illu- sions. PAGE WTHE NLWS ADVERTfSER FRIDAY, JANUARY 29, IM Searching for Miss Universe DURHAM - The Canadian Search for Miss Universe is on! Contestants wanting to represent Canada in the pageant, to be held in Mexico City in May, are now being sought. Auditions will be held Saturday, at 12:30 p.m. at the Holiday Inn. 1011 Bloor St. E.. Oshawa. Registration is requested by calling 434-2121 but isn't necessary. Portfolios are welcome but not mandatory. Contestants must be aged 18 to 25 and must be Canadian residents. About 50 finalists representing various regions of the country will com- pete in the Canadian finals on Apnl 13. Make it an evening— �:�y to remember , - A Join us February 13 14 or � • lid � �- `w `�' t'�'��` Dance ;ate .. Saturday Night e _ r C Va C .6. SPECIAL DINNER Saturday & Sunday CIO Pnrate rooms for Dining 3 Dancing meetings. Saturday Pickering Corporate Centre parti*s or Call 1305 Pickering Parkway banquets. for reservations 420-7577 's�`- Brunch or Buffet 2 FOR 1 Sundaysonly Value up to $10 Restaurants AJAXFREE rehtl wty Sae sort Onnx Buy 1 Sunday buffet or brunch at reg. price and receive the 2nd cf equal or lesser value FREE with this coupon. Not valid with any other coupon or in-house offer. One coupon per table. Please present coupon to server upon ordering. Expires Feb. 12. Valid Sundays only. 235 Bavly St. 1X'., Aiax 683-5111 Gael.Schroeder. Art Galleries UUT! UMW `he:Glory: 15 elive the ..... .... ....... . ement of the iSy Les Tait j 141U Ddyly Jl., U1111 94 MON.-WED. Pickering 10.6 LimM" � THURS.-10-8 FRI837-2952 SATURDAY - _. _. _ r.;tt�wttema•tnaaarr - - m Smoke-free, booze -free Valentine's dance planned PICKERING - A non-alcoholic, er Al Fisher. smoke-free Valentine's dance is The dance, open to all, will fea- being planned in Pickering. ture refreshments and the music of A group of residents is organiz- a D.J. and a trio of musicians. ing the event, to be held Friday, Mr. Fisher says the dance will Feb. 12 at Swans Marina on offer people a chance to have fun Liverpool Rd. S. without being subjected to smoking It's not intended the dance and drinking. make a profit, but if that should It starts at 8 p.m. and the cost is happen the proceeds will be used to $10 at the door. For more informa- hold a second dance, says organiz- tion, call 420-1830. ICANAA D Ch1nM1 int r 1 BUY 1 1 DINNER FOR 4 4 Egg atolls � 1 BUFFET I BBQ Chicken Wings 1 DINNER I Diced Bccf with 1 1 (reg. price) I Vegetable & Almond 1 1 Sweet & Sour Chicken I & RECEIVE I with Pineapple 1 Chicken Chow Klein 2nd BUFFET I Special Fried Rice 1 Reg. $t0.S0 I DINNER I 119.99 ' 1 for Nf 1 Pick -Up gg 1 I)elivery x+22.99 � 1 .n. { ..ii{{.I.t arwnt caw Not Vrid 1 liar... <.rs{ -%,. ,*,-c 1 ~ ahnq Feb. tamI C.s. 1 Ic• .04 r colon Iv •t E /fires Fr6 lotNot Vabd 1450 Kingston Rd Q Pickering N 831-2011 A SWEETHEART OF A CONTEST YOU COULD WIN A DINNER FOR TWO COMPLIMENTS OF PLUS A DOZEN ROSES FROM e `,�• L, JUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS AND SEND YOUR ANSWERS IN TO THE NEWS ADVERTISER BY FEBRUARY 7TH. Name these famous couples... 1. Where for an thou? 2 They're having royal problems. I She's the Beauty... 4. Play it again... 5. The Ottawa couple who may be moving this year. Mel la 130 Commercial Ave., Ain LIS 2H5 • Ajax i Pickering NEWS ADVERTISER A Metroland Community Newspaper THE NLVS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, JANUARY 29S 1993 -PAGE is fv .......... :�PA ► A': =� • f. �f. • .. � .. � s•5 -►Y , � •:i ?'rya • r � {�� � G .anti/ �- ri r��rr, oft /•� sr - { � t ti • V - '�'' r y 1 i, ^ . r -i7 yil'�C 7_.I., - McDONALD'S' FUNDRAISING PROGRAM — '�' The 1993 M'Donald's" Value Fundraising Program '= offers your school or sports organization an opportunity to provide a nutritious lunch while raising money! A VARIETY OF PACKAGES TO CHOOSE FROM; offering value, service and the quality you have come to expect from M'Donald's'. For further information or to arrange a date, contact the Community Relations Representative for your area. AJAX Maureen Dowhaniuk 686-5895 PICKERING Rob Coxhead 446-3750 Ext. 7022 T alcconaltrs --- ------------------------------- t '411111W THIS CERTIFICATE ENTITLES THE I '411W THIS CERTIFICATE ENTITLES THE I BEARER TO UNLIMITED USE OF ANY I BEARER TO UNLIMITED USE OF ANY IPREMIER OR MADEMOISELLE SPA FACILITY I PREMIER OR MADEMOISELLE SPA FACILITY E*b- FW 743 FOR TWO WEEKS ABSOLUTELY FREE OF CHARGE t FOR TWO WEEKS ABSOLUTELY FREE OF CHARGE Ftl4 7= FITNESS COUPON FITNESS COUPON 1 Ljlll�Ll­ all, OW 77 Gearing up for Super Sunday AJAX-PICKERING - Area bars are hoping for a Super Sunday as many are hosting Super Bowl par- ties. To find out where the entertain- ment action is this weekend, just fol- low this guide: BOURBON BAYLY'S: Bourbon Bayly's will have the Super Bowl on the big screen starting at 6 p.m. Sunday. You can enjoy karaoke at the bar Friday from 9 p.m. to I a.m. Bourbon Bayly's has the band Victims of Luxury back by popular demand Saturday from 9:30 p.m. to 1 a.m. Call 427-1888. C E N T R E F I E L D' S Centrefield's has a lot of activities lined up for Super Bowl Sunday. There's a special mixed pool tourna- ment, beginning at 1 p.m., with lots of prizes. The Super Bowl game is on at 6 p.m., followed by karaoke at approximately 9 p.m. Call 837-1850. DANNY'S PLACE: Dannv's has a Super Bowl bash starting at 4 p.m. Sunday. The Super Bowl will be followed by a night of karaoke with a S50 cash prize and a free tape to all who take part. The bar has a University Night bash on Saturday, starting at 9 p.m. Call 683-29-4). HARP AND THISTLE: The Harp and Thistle has the music of brew your own Deer or wee at he price in our ow modern tad'ties. ,v CB31w'14 THE BREW4T BEER SHOP Doham Spwm PUn (ben nc dk, Jo's; Just Wes' o` Lverpooi PtCKERING THE ASSOCIATION OF AJAX BINGO SPONSORS iBc B --GO Doll PRESENT Bernie Jessome Friday and Saturday from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Each night, Jessome will perform a half-hour tribute to Roy Orbison, and he'll be dressed like the late rock 'n' roll leg- end. The pub has a Super Bowl party on Sunday afternoon when you can watch the big game on the big screen television. Call 428-0943. MORGAN'S PLACE: Morgan's has music and football this Sunday. Enjoy the music of one-man boogie band Jimmy Fraser from 3 to 6 p.m. After the game, Fraser will be back on stage from 10 to 11 p.m. Fraser will also play Friday and Saturday from 9 p.m. to I a.m. Call 839-4744. DONA Y MIGUELS: For your dining pleasure, Dona Y Miguels has live Mexican music every Friday and Saturday night from 7 to 10. Call 686-4468. FOX & FLOWERPOT PUB: The Fox & Flowerpot Pub has quiet country music provided by Werner Schroeder on guitar Friday, starting at 8 p.m. Jazz vocalist Laura Greco entertains Sunday from 4 to 7 p.m. Call 428-2162. JOKERS: Jokers has steel guitar player Mike Holder and the Texas Mickeys this weekend. The four - piece band plays country music Friday and Saturday from 9 p.m. to 4 p.m. and again on Sunday for Joker's Sunday afternoon jam from 4 to 8 p.m. Call 427-0337. KANGAROOS: Kangaroos has jazz with the Ragweed Jazz Band each Thursday from 9 p.m. to mid- night. On Sunday, there's a country jamboree with the band 'Rider' from 3 to 7 p.m. Call 839-6845. KERRY INN: The Kerr Inn has the versatile sounds of Bruce Hare and his band Middle Age Crisis on Friday and Saturday from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. The band plays a variety of music. including the best of '50s and '60s rock 'n' roll. Call 428-8790. MCGINNIS LANDING: On Thursdays, enjoy your dinner to the music of Rob Fielding's classical - style acoustic guitar from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Fielding will entertain from noon to 2 p.m. Sunday. IT'S YOUR CHOICE Buffet Tuesdays & Wednesdays ` or 2 for 1 OT Burgers Saturdays & Sundays " P.M. restaurant Expires Feb. 2&'93 special PRIME RIB SATURDAY Valentine's b Day DINNER SUNDAY TUESDAY - FRIDAY - All You Can Eat Buffet 5-9 p.m. SATURDAYS . PRIME . PRIME Q SUNDAYS _ NITES RIBS from x/95 785 Westney Rd.' uth of AJAX "1 428-6022 PLAY NEVADA DOUBLE YOUR FUN! EVERY NIGHT AT 7 AND 10:30 PM SATURDAY & SUNDAY MATINEES AT 1 AND 4 PM $1000 JACKPOTS!! $3500 IN PRIZES.". HAVE SOME FUN S SUPPORT YOUR COMMUNITY GROUPS: ROTARY, KINSMEN (Lic. uMO36396), SPARTANS MINOR BASEBALL, WESTICY RINGETTE, LEGION, 5 PIN BOWLERS, AJAX AQUATIC CLUB, J1 CYCLING, AMEXMEN, NAVY LEAGUE, HUMANE SOCIETY, ` f oMorlAP" ERIN-OOG PARENTS, SPINAL CORD RESEARCH, - DURHAM EPILEPSY, PINERIDGE HIGH, KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS, ST. ANTHONY DANIELS C.S. NAAwood FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CALL 427.8572 7 a�I- V 1OFA RE 01` patN�NGS 36 00 x230 S / _'��• ALL TAX INCLUD! .�.' DE s495. r pular up to LL OTHER IN STORE STOCK ' CUSTOM FRAMING off 1N_ST OCK OIL PAINTIIE S f2a"X 36") GS 14000 ALL Tq tt"'p'° X6:2LUOEpt fine Art & Cas tom 4 ramieR 'fit Af mdabie PRcu . LtCCe1Ssf'tt A'V t t Z71111 lffklTq IN- �_j_ 360 Bayly Street West, Ajax 619-3166 (Be6de the Chrysler Trim Plant) a wimoile i0ru %A h O'Toole's Pickeringhas Of Fun! just made Sunday - Brunch Day! Now you can enjoy a delicious brunch at a price that won't leave you in a crunch. For adults its just $9.95 - kids 10 and under, $3.95! So bunch the family together and get ready for a Whole Brunch of Fun at O'Toole's Pickering. 0Toole s scrumptious Brunch features mourn -watering Pancakes or French Toast Omelettes made to order Roast Beef cooked the way you like it, 6 delicious salads and 4 fabulous desserts plus dont miss our always Fresh vegetables. coffee, tea and juice are included in the price. 0 0 restaurant pub Avab* Will, at 0 roole's Pict erfrtg,179n Mer" ft& --------------T—------—------ With this coupon, receive I With this coupon, receive 1$2 I the purchase of the purchase of 2an adult Brunch. 1 an adult Brunch. Available from 11 am. -2 P.M. every Sunday. 1 Available from 11 a.m.-2 pm. every Sundays one coupon per person, per visit I one coulw per person, per visit. Expires February 28th,1993� 1 Expires February 28th,19%TM 1 1 Vesta---- pub I restaurant pub Wilabie mo at OTOoie's Pickering, 1790 Liverpool Road. 1 Available only at OToole's Pickering, 179011Y8np001 Road. --------------f--------------- With this coupon, receive 1 With this coupon, receive 2the purchase of 1 the purchase of an adult Brunch. I 2an adult Brunch. Available from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. every Sunday. I Available from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. every Sunday. One coupon per person, per visit 1 one coupon per person, per visit. Expires February 28th, 1993. 1 Expires February 28th, 1993. dft0 CONI" restaurant stub 1 restaustsint pub AvaiWble only at OToole's Pickering. 1790 Liverpool Road. Available only at oToole's PiCkering,1790 Liff" Road Thi mrm AnirmileO. imml AV_ fAlttltAav 28. IfeeiLvAtG)P ll'T Cara W Mins allill y - Will be both Oshawa -Whitby This Week (576-9335) and Ajax-Pickw" News Advertiser (798.7672) Combined Pressrun d 103,000 every Friday 100 Careers 100 Careers GeneralHelp C Day Care Articles Vans, 4 Wheel Apartments 1 0 P 60 Wanted 210 Flea Market 220 For Sale 320 Drives 400 For Rent Carol Hobbs Assistant Technical Director of Ultrasound Ajax and Pickering General Hospital 580 Harwood Ave. S. Ajax, Ontario L 1 S 2J4 mi+ (416) 428-5208 Fax: (416) 683-1262 YOU are outgoing, confident, determined. ambitious, reliable, NANNY needed In our home. live in Or out for 3 children, MATCHING sofa and swivel TOP quality verticals (2 sets) 1990 Transport SE. loaded. PICKERING orand new clear speaking, a great oonver- references required. Cap atter 6 rocking chair. $325 Also grey love seat, $150. Phone 427- 152x84' and 142x84' can be cut to size. Neutral color. $75 while. $13.500 o.b.o. certified Cali Sandy or Des at 728-629' bachelor casement apartment, share kitchen, new 3 oce. bath. sationalist and NEED MONEY. Exciting telemarketing positions p.m. weekdays. 420-1922 1915 evenings. (020393) each. Call 668-5294 to view. Oetweer 9-5 p.m, (013193) central a,• cemral vac. cable. lets you conte your own (013193) WHITE kitchen table with 4 COOLERS -walk .n, e'xe'. Auto Parts 8t jll laundry facilities Close to all paychecks. Morning or evening cab sitter re- y chairs. 5200: Shop Vac, f75: 7'x'2'. $1800. SarMwch 340 3 amermes $450 Inclusive 837 •992 shifts available. Cap Jim, 9 -noon quire.OCASin Glendale quire. m Glentlale area. Iwe seat. 5100: carpet sweeper, cooler, $600; 60 quart Bear Repairs (02r293) or 5:30-9:30 p.m. 420-5883. References preferred. 420-2591. $20 Days. 426-6311 or atter 5 mixer. $4500 Drspiay shelves. AlliSin oerso". =a -ore rfomhatgr• PICKERING A l l o n a Rd (012993) (gym) 427 7729 1013193) $95 each Bun rase. $150. 728- HOMEMAKERS or mature NANNY wanted - liveout, FORsale. 6 mon month full member - 2255 (020293) students, part time telemarket- Ravenscrue and Delaney, two ship to Premier Health Club, Articles Ing positions available to those great kids ages 3 and 6. refer- monthly payeri $33.17 420- 230 3 Wanted 16 years d age and older. $71hr. "ems please. Call Cathy at 686- 9470 (013193) For Rent An training provided to those 4575 7 p.m. 10 p.m. (013193) VENDORS wanted - if you nave wards yT aD : ' , e o. who quality. Cap 420-6991 to ar BABYSITTER - caring. a craft or an ingenious product r .: , dryers. wore.rg or d dr range an interview. (021693) experience, live out in Pickering, to sell, the Create 'NSell Flea rot Aso warted, pkkyk­D :ruck ARE you a parent. Two children, non smoxer Market is for you Soon to open 'newer "an :978 Call daycareperson, leacher fooling Telephone 837-5624 evenings. lin downtown BOw arv-lle wit'­PlCker•ng, 420.8833 !TCA-_; 'wo oedroom owe- me- apar•^•ert. private entrance. $800-orthly, all rc us ve Call 686.8905 lo 13193) PICKERING for extra income? 6 p.m. 10 p.m. (012993) 50. vendors We rave room for WANTED pool table. Sx Discovery bright one oecroo^ oa_ser-nert apartment. Dr vale entrarce. Dark;ng. 4 aDDl-ances. ava'Idble - eC a:e'y "2^ 393' 267-6720 cleaning, Monday -Thursday 3 hours after school, $6 hour. Pickering location. send name. phone number and school grades to: Fib x6002. Oshawa This Week, P.O Box 481, Oshawa. Ont. L1H 71.5- (013193) JOBS in Hawaii - reconstruction from Hurricane Iniiu now in '198 110'3.931 back a"w 3 p m from W`,.�tby basement aWmisr'1. Deraii 0. Articles Aax .r woke"^; Wal Day 'Or ' Toys cit be perfect for you. Can Da y Care you Oper Sat and Sun. Call 623.0864 (020293) reasorarie once. 434 64.8 after 3 (020293) 400 Apartments ONE :"'.room -aurtor.S mcoe S45C -0,-! i Jane. 416-579.0178. (013193) 165 CAMPGROUND 1le^Yps^ p m. n0 p9ts Cali 428-39'4 For Rent a'era per ea'. HIGH school student for Available DISHWASHER - Kenndre. one NEEDED - dive to Suntler'antl.-5-i44 pm10203031 .. ONE » corn ayarme^f. $5510 i okarces Inck.ded. arge fenced ry ^auded ca rk r 544-4796 O' warehouse - stockroom CRAFT - k: a.a ., tear. like new. $3DC Obo 427- weeli early morning and or AJAX - s..Der o^it cit:•,.^' 3822 •020593 cleaning, Monday -Thursday 3 hours after school, $6 hour. Pickering location. send name. phone number and school grades to: Fib x6002. Oshawa This Week, P.O Box 481, Oshawa. Ont. L1H 71.5- (013193) JOBS in Hawaii - reconstruction from Hurricane Iniiu now in '198 110'3.931 back a"w 3 p m from W`,.�tby basement aWmisr'1. Deraii SOUTH Oshawa large '. Articles Aax .r woke"^; Wal Day 'Or carpeting, separate entrance. 4 - s^e. Dache o' basemen 20 2 has Call 4' C; 509 ' 544 appkanws. 5650 monthly. avaJ- apam-kar•. Cape and Jl,lias L For Sale - -- able mmediately. Non smoker. ^c .CeC Ow^ er'•a^Ce ^o^ CAMPGROUND 1le^Yps^ 26 Arts & Crafts n0 p9ts Cali 428-39'4 Smoke' '91e'e':95 'eq'.."od 'Or oras: 'o coast aflo,atnon, carry estate BUSY reap saes person LARGE Drght 3 bedroom. 2 atr er Su4ab.i _ one ow -on $'2C at 500 rel 101 $' nrht Pad. pm10203031 .. ONE » corn ayarme^f. $5510 i okarces Inck.ded. arge fenced w`y'"k y Rist and as' 'equ•reC f+t000. asking $695 Lifetime CRAFT - k: a.a ., lard. 2 car park.. g. mm and al 434- __-- 'no-Dithip 6'4761-9257 ,arous .-a:is For ntormaton. utilities Pets OK Avalabie TVYO Dicoorrt aWirrneM it ^129931 can 4283680 (0207931 ___ Feb 1 Can 576-62.36 1013193) para rg, across from Gm ^or^ progress. 516-929-10341.ext - olarT, kv room. a:rn room. Pets -Su lies- AJAX Oxrord Towers :nree ruj g ''90 (021693) MOTHER, a=:.ere^ser: s w -y- PIANOS GRANDFATHER 290 PP r . to bali children d any age In CLOCKS Olaros. •er• •o ow- Boarding w Docroom apar"W1 Ava &AT o s. . Cron. t1c". ue, separate -- -- --- Office Help APplecroh area. References avaklabks Call Rita, 426-0335 apt. skze..prgnt, grand. dgaa January Sale no* or d33 -1a91 Vardr , Culor a:,a,n e^tranb.. $50c . utk!� =rst 6 Doo'. sauna, close :o shopping, 4C' and ast. No pets. Cas .odecl. EUTE ;•: 110 General Help1 General Help120 1 O '1013193) keyooards CLOCKS tree Yv ' ^o^ a o• ou' sc^oo, and Go. Cas 6835322 MJ 700 711ilill'is"7 "•n293' entrance, eat- ^ Krtcnen ill 'oat^. S35C separate entrance. oauvery and sell aro Cal. Teyo ava ableBEAUTIFUL 'un length w0' estate BUSY reap saes person DAYCARE available In my and lake advantage d our low :raring, 'he Pull -nerhw. Cnr-na Drenrernng :ran pm10203031 .. ONE » corn ayarme^f. $5510 i i� OFFICE ASSISTANT MING We are a small, progressive firm In Pickering We require an individual with excellent typing sk iS. 2 years office expenenoe and general computer knowledge Telephone selling skills are all absolute neoessy The successful candidate should be wriscientious. friendly, reliable. customer onenled and a self starter. Pay $10fir Hours 8 a. IT, to 5 p In minimum 4 day per week. Call Donna or Peter 286-1600 or lax us your resume at 831.7023. needs admrwNrafrve as&start. home. 18 years expwwroe. 'rot prices or an stock :.rig our ^y a' 's bits: Resu'ts WHITES Fid"" 92 area one '.' oCged � �es nc'u Cod approx. 2t7hrs. pot week Er and coed lunches, acts of January Sale no* or d33 -1a91 guaranteed Call -Omi416)236 b9l,00m III separate AvaND,e March T. One urge Pernence preferred.Please can activities. any age welcome. JFA-" 6933. (020293) entrance, eat- ^ Krtcnen ill 'oat^. S35C separate entrance. ENra.428-7677. (0!2993) rot4,rences ava ableBEAUTIFUL 'un length w0' - - Automobiles ' d9e and Stove. 3 me. bat- Fast was^•oo'-•, era 'able Can berwwr ' you re single Or a single Reasonable rates. 831-2246 coat. ar;e write lox Dollar. s : e 3 s55c per month. and last. mea a:a'y rn. Gu `55258' ;C'31931 (10131931 14 $1500 0 o 0 4209876 For Sale rid sr-1dk.;:O 'no pets Suit le o 9 0 T 4274968 (0.3.93) penin or separated or divorced '�1 for''ore '^fomtatiOn. (C13193' A,,a ab,e March 1. Phone -9 - AlliSin oerso". =a -ore rfomhatgr• WHITBY pile beGoom apan- with three years work EXPERIENCED Teacher and P, ^:s all so d colours. 199 t "' " , _all 509-8887 (020493) (iter' r east end of Go bus. experkence. you may quality for financhal assistance ors you are mother avalNbie for daycare Full or art time. references OAK PINE :ebbs. chars. beds i.n^':,.'e - ECrt or 65.000 k^ls .air, power. SPACIOUS now •onovaled y0 �mn- mtac- A*O ODmCITl0r, wI private OVM 45 and have recently been available Harwood and Hwy +2 a^d beC'JOr" - hand- amvlrr. cassette. Clow 'o otters one D e d r o o m a s e m e n t e n r ra n c e . and la'; a yard laid off, you may quaky for train- Near St. Judes and Apple Cr oar aa'ted before your ayes by 686-9'53 (020593) a p a r! m e r t , a v a a b ! e Lwnory 'aaktrs and para.( S ing assistance. DIPICERT, school. Call 6864104 (012993) one or O'uar o s largest 1900 C^ev Tracker CL, s+Arer. •mmsd,arely, separate entrance, $587 mor:illy 668-7634 Lotus. Wordpertect, D -Daae. FLYERS, manufacturers Buy direct and sora 'oo. 4 *-so drive. 4 .aUnCry'acdrrres. S65C �rcfkskve. 'C2rst93; t�,d, �}�• �- RESPONSIBLE r e � I a O e save E 42- round solid oak 9 cylinder. 5 sPool excellent '-ret and las: o'%One atter 3:30 AJAX onghl spacious one - Ventura, pagemhaker. Harvard, reasonable Cayrare team. Over pedestal table and 4 cna,rs. condition Am.'m cassette, p.m. weekdays. anytime bec-Dom Disemte^' apa---wli. Corel, Corrykrter Programming t w e r: y years combined 6699 oueen cannonball bed, upgraded interior 48.000 K'ns weeKar Cs. 420- 7468. Gond fres^ y re^ova:ec a..^C•y and Systems A n Analyst. Cob.. ewererice, tiered develop- " $299 200 Stan chores $?S $7500. Call 966 J3e0 (Ot3'931 AJAX bear .eke � 5 room. air :ac.,�' as a app ances. Pascal and C. Macintosh, Quark ^ental 5e'vCes C 1. 98 5 774 T R A C ZONA _ 1990 -c.n0a Col natUhDacrk, spar• -vita �v-ng DroaObom.30ce Data. park.rg for your home a business. Can rd part/ bad dct'Vities fenced yard enced WOOD WORKING DWC •Wert aper rine^t. 4 oke befit, ruu cc^C'o^ed THOSE WHO 911110- ANESE L()(rAL:�(.E•.�(-� Express. and Illustrator. Durham Business Computer College, 427.3010. (TF) wafts, 'unmcnes, snacks. etc. etc 839 6059 (013193) 45 OM Kms.. auto. air. sunloot QUEEN s o oaterbed minor n amain red. mint condition haaCooarC 6 storage :'avers (8900 430-0034. 102'0293) 'Oom, dining room, K •cher, master Dedfooml a^^ Col. wakout 10 vara. (3010 'ncudes Ckxsa p a1'b' .els SfiOC D,us 50". -' ites : 's: and as: Cal 518-OC15 10203931 AVOrl Cal 426.7691. (013193) WITH TORONTO, DENTAL Office receptionist - A EXPERIENCED ECE teacher dusty rose raps. comforter.'wo 1969 -oyota Tercel. two door, es and pa'K ng %0 WHITBYn one beC'Oo^'bail, : Jan Now L.A L.A. NEW YORK R: our Pickering oracuce Inn and mother of one will provide et shesets ncl;,ded S30C o b c s:. ^ •Oo', low -^ 'sage. we smpk ^g. no pets S..it COupe Drvata S49C ^or•- r ^duces NO START UP FEE PARIS CONTACTS mediately requires an ex daycare n our home. caring. Planned Call 436-6386 C20293 mtavttaineo, S5510C Doo Ca,l Gu `55258' ;C'31931 neat. Da•k -; and aundr, 'aal,t,es FOA1ARTUPFWEEK Ly 2669. (020293) low mileage, mint condition. penenced energetic team 'Ne secure anvronment SPANDEX •navy 0,11erenr '�1 for''ore '^fomtatiOn. OSHAWA 'wO beC,OO_ A,,a ab,e March 1. Phone -9 - LARGE, International family Oshaw, L1J 41(6• (013193) \EEDS MODELS merrber are a progressive activities and acventures P, ^:s all so d colours. (020493) apar!• if-• .ery ;cod area. x27 2.57 :C204 PLUS GET A FREE FOR TV computerized (Abes office wrth Reasonable rates. receipts Parisi sequns. rhinestones 19a7 Chev Caprice. 4 door, close to Osrawa Centre. C`li e SMOKERS we co^^ec nw GIFT COMMERCIALS evenings and Saturday ex� Hours Forward resume available Harwood and 401 area. 619-1663. (0210393) a compel;tie Prices Please park Due, cruse. air- werc^ve bu-Io,rg, fr,age and stove. laundry 'aaie'es ,'o Orb^• caSa•r,ar: aclarimen' NO INVENTORY TO BUY and benefits. Cat Jim. 420- income, For more krartWion• paraded _ call Lula at 683-7139 (020293) transmit"on, This cal, a r• ex- parking. sepa'ale er'rarce. shareC AND GREAT EARNINGS FLYERS, and references to Flte.a6C20. P.O. LAURA'S LITTLE FRIENDS LAZIER H P. Later Jet Only col condition On 136.000 Dees $6'5 Call 723-0742 'aka^Cry. no pets. =ars' and Iasi. CALL FOR CATALOGUES, Oshawa This Week. Box HOME DAYCARE - reliable printer corrtpaUb) S45C Cap 833 kms.. 548100 oW:foC o D 0 728- PICKERING-verpop•.K-OSro. 'eferences. S55C Cap 683.4'76 APPOINTiEEIT 461, Oshawa. Ont. LIH 7L5. daycare avadabb. All ages plus %73. (020393) 0705. (^210293) row are beC'oom oasemer: or ei message. 4289W3 MRS. C. LORD FILA WORD Sales Help/ welcome. s27 -249e. _ games good ARCADE for sale. 1986 Olds Gerra, excellent aparimen:. large ceilings. floors. 3 WHITBY one bedroom bue- 416-619-1574 AVAILABLE FOR Agents YARY Pbpp1K sew awayi But for your home a business. Can oonarton, oil 61.000 (rules. 4 y Hardwood prA Darn' •Wert aper rine^t. 4 oke befit, ruu ~ a iiiesaapN THOSE WHO 9 f m mere, British nanny now Dwight. 642-3556 (020293) door, arc cor., cloth inter -or, r, private entrance, bright and $5510 Inclusive Ava l- k;lGner. living and C,n.ng room OUALIFYCALL- L.A sALES Rep. Specialist for coat- mother d 2 available for srt- �y tin in m home. Pickering g Y g LENNOX Electric Fwnace, skiver. only 5390. Peter. 723- 5281 ora36-3110'.;0210293) cneery able anytlma 420-5106 before 2 w :^ ova K 0u:. pars ^y Cal ut,'mes $60C Inclus•ve Can MODEL b TALENT in s and finishes. Greater 9 area, r with mfg., Village. References. Phone, 619- � 55.000 BTU *Wnc furnace wind Ford T kms.. p. m. (1020693)404 05. ,0Three AMTAW a,.7aJTieteT 401 -gam. and manto proK and processes. Post (013193) 30h. d heavy gauge wiring. Ex- $1 00 O.b0 ELAN edaon. f1 roc o.b.o 427- ELAN AJAX one bedroom basement WHITBY Three bedroom .n WHIT cv��nrn WM T Ing aerxndary technical cash O.A. secondary EXPERIENCED rekaDle mom for potJohn. 72 or workshop. cleflonPhone Phone Jonn, 7250858 after . t 10131931 apartment. separate entrance.duplex, ge.itis stove. Farling. aYrGns� r Gilt Full timr position. Fax resume 1- gives sab loving Ciro in my (rid a and stove. s500 all 9 5775 plus utikhes.:aO 1. A.so $175 P s CoIP1111 �gtflredforfll l EARN extra income, - agency 416-921.6134.(013193) - home. Fenced yard, daily 490p.m(013193) 1982 Chrysler Cordova. 6 inclusive. 619-0561. (013193) two bedroom �r apartment, rwi apartments In Ailax Good b8f19 needs new faces to work -- imrthediatsly, full/part time, Hose. MedlCal 1 50 outings. nutritious lunches and snacks An Harwood and ails BEAUTIFUL Mon Lee Designer wadding dress, brand new, 9 Ender, auto, ps.. pb.. stereo. bucket seats, ay. kxwso. were BOWMANVILLE - one bedroom for fireplace, $625 Inclusive. Walk to Go Cogs 509 - SahrY and (lis. MU6t j�yg women s'r-5.11•, men Dental Y rr. 68506%I• (013193) never wpm, sae 10. Open tfont, wig• original pant, no rust, apartment rent with avaWble immediately. 5683 per mmedlatel no y, g 2091. (020x931 enCB El 8XI7BfH 6'4'. Call now for free consultation 430.5715 - f 4 V-0adk, peak and bows. Must 95,000kms.. certified $2395. month He hydro parking - --- -- "bifl9BenB �d430 (ate BE your own bosell kWeperWa d TRAVEL agent required, contractors wanted for experienced. full we. Garrard teNmarlkeling program work system, deliver resume to your own days and hours. No Donald Travel 102 Brock St. S., saperierm needed We train. WhitbAJAX (012993) Guwa*ood commission - da* cash bonres. Also w, 1 1. W MAX - full tints, 24 his. per Cad delivery Mum know weep gerheraylpM factory work cky Delivery fes, plus SAMOGS. rout wall"conditiah. Cal am hours 430 986e. 10 am -5 Murray, 603.0820• (020393) Y R SALES secretary required in secretary Pickering office. Must be prdi- rectumCOMPANY bated in Pickering dent n word perfect with at leap minima fu1 time bMnp dPIk. A 5 Yam computer experience. expen rf d 5 Years SalarwffPy to salary to be negotiated. khckrde etrperierhos essential Salary b be negotlated. Send resume GUY amly needs we iNout babysitter for Monday to $725 o b o x20 1237 Crown Auto. 426.9423. (020293) Inck,ded. (�) WHITBY - one bedroom. separate laundry, separate Friday to start March 22. 1993. (o 2993) 1881 Toyota Supra, auomtatrc, power everything, brand new PICKERING - one bedroom entrance, 4 pce. barn, available Cal 426.7691. (013193) JERRY'S Wipers, Cbth wipers, pant. excellent condition. As- basement apartrrent, separate Immediately. (550. Call 576• MOTHER of 3 (15.7.3) able to new arca used shop coats. ins.- king $3200 Certified Cap 8 entrance. $600 includes, utilities. 0398. (013193) provide experiercW daycare• lead ooverats, used clothing. o r new clothing for the whole 7237 atter 6:30 p.m. o r cable. Laundry and parking. No Smoking, no pets. 428-7300. Ise AJAX - new two bedroom btase- las of activities, references farrniy. Bea the recession. Ica weekends. (Repair receipts $40. Days, 705277-3381, eve., 434.6665. (TF)appliances.�' mens apartment, bi l above available. Ritchie Rdu82. 427- than 1,2 price. 610 Baylp.m. E., -fable). (013193) AJAX -sound, large bright newt' ground. separate entrance, 0327. (0131931 Ajax. Hours, 9 am. -6 p.m, 427• 1881 VW Rabbit, corwertible. renovated one bedroom base- broadloomed. laundry, cable, .neo meet y 2669. (020293) low mileage, mint condition. ment �rr>� on bus route' Parking. ' � op"'• in- central air, parking. 5640 .. First and last, 428.9214. (020393) 1 r Wanted CARPET - I have several 1000 $3300 certified. 420-7267. dependant heat, 5585. 427- TWO bedroom available Fob. 1. LARGE, International family Oshaw, L1J 41(6• (013193) Yards of new Stainmaster and 1974 Chew Nova, automatic, Y 6011. (013193) f625 .hydro. Female t0 share MEN with trucks will do carpet. Will damp car. •Spirit d Americar COZY studio apartment In duplex, $425 monthly, Inclusive. household moves, clean up jobs, odd jobs. decorating, roomnylon nd f 60.loving- coons and hall for ad. d Good condition, r cylinder eludes carpet, pad, and engine, blue and red, racing duplex. Carpeted. private p Gar $75 monthly. 728-9345. �' ly painting, anything. Call Carl or Installation. (30 yards). Stew. stripes on white. 60.000 kms. on entrance, south central Oshawa LAWRENCE and Port Union Rd. Jane, 427-2856. (TF) 789-2068 (TF) rebuilt engine $2500 as is. Call Bus at door, now Go, F vstllast! One bedroom basement week hoary wage phis bonus COVERY TOYSI Immediate -- - 839-7237 after 6:30 or references, (340' Non smokers apartment 4 appliances dose ereneee wRh resume and fa- wird «may to: Fib ward to File 82066, Oshawa along E Oshawa THis Week. Da Care Day w 2�5 Firewood SKNS boots and bindings. used. good for the beginner or casual weekends. (013193) preferred, one Year base. 481- to GO. TTC, showng, schools. 9472, 9.11 p.m (020493) 72a- This Week, P.O. Box 481, P.O. Box 481, Oshawa Ont. Oshawa, Ont. L 1 J 71.5 013193 ( ) 160 Wanted skier. $200 o.b.o. 420-1237. PAYING too much for auto etc 5550. 1!2 utilities. PICKERING 'Excellent z c e I I e n t 2977 evens s. (012993) "g L1H 7L5. (013193) E.C.E. supervisor required for LOVINGbabystfter for two great ROKA Lumber Hardwood, 4'x6Y12•. $60. 4'x8'zl6•, W. insurance? Good rates for most LOOKING for quant y drivers. Cal 5031167. (013193) location' •stunning three MAX - Large three bedroom, rnatem' leave in INTERESTING part time OPPOrw sly Scarborough kids. San wood 418'xtr avaiaDls, appliances. Hank's Appliances carries a full line of Closley RIGH Hotel Barnkrupt or Credit bedroom. main sop aPartmsnt• man and second floor d nearer $1000 month) Utilities, y'ent area. Experience desirable, turMies with coelia(( wagon n send Pickering- Flexible hours. Pw- 11 years, live out, school, holidays on. Light housekeeping $40. Days, 705277-3381, eve., 434.6665. (TF)appliances.�' NI Cros Problems. No credit check Cars n home, 3 baths, kitchen nook, 4 laundry, steps to Go.. , yard. Parking, 5975 resume by Feb. 1. to y 1 an important community Dearham Wood Daycare, 66 omrrng n lin clean honor. Whites and BROOKUN Firewood - well precision d ands and leased to own. 1976-1984. 72S des are exact o enact standards and 1966 0 686 3775. (TFALLI standards (0i 3193)l area 1 416 888 1424. (013193) inclusive. Caret Mgmr. 433 - Dear am W� Ad Wsed,B service No expenwnce but car necessary. Stroud's Relwwheea own car.t Cal after 6 p.m or leave name seasoned hardwood and tolerances. This attention to Trucks For 534 Mary St. E., central Whitby • 0270. (013193) bedroomin bedroom and typewriter Ontario. M I E 1S4. (012993) YP Please conte, wfif Park Rd. S. and phone number. 837.2673. im9 softwood. 1r and 16'. Kindling Softwood fon yt5 face detail and rrorlkmanahp meats 31 0 gale suite one and two su OSHAWA- deluxe legal adut oban• quirk budding. tripbht. Spacious one bedroom LARGE, International family Oshaw, L1J 41(6• (013193) EXPERIENCED lie in or out avertable. cotd. Pick up Sat. and Sun. 656- you can r e I y o n C r o s I e y products for superb a Nicely decorated, utilities, ent with don, front and Portrait company needs mature. wel organized Individual with ATTENTION parents and nano required for 9 month old y �+ 8797. (122792) _._... .- BGR Autobod - insurance and rokabitity. In fact, their ap Y f stove. laundry tadliiies back back entrance, large yard, good telephone skibWcomaM caregivers. Know the joy of baby, light housekeeping non smoker, Maple Ridge area. piancesare sodependable. that carrs,wepay $100deductible. Autobodyipaml specialist. and parking. On-site parking, appliances, laundry. management. Call 666-2450. $615. 404-9703 or 416 -477 - our therm to err earrni a I in the business Out atPPafw' nD ('i ments for portrait situ 40 hr. d play with award running DIS- sittings. Refererhoes requited. cal 427- 21 Flea Market Crosley provides a ten year Fibreglass repairs. Guaranteed. I i m i t e d warranty. . T hat 's 1989 F t 50 4z4, no rust power. 06HA W A ' tnKo bedroom apart- 3621' ( ) week hoary wage phis bonus COVERY TOYSI Immediate 4169 baw message. (020390) SO'S and 60's second hand confidence ... that Crosley 62 000krns cap.5950Watereo mens for rent. neat. hydro MAX -man loci apartment, 4 and benefits. Cat Jim. 420- income, For more krartWion• BABYSITTER in rrty (tome for References doth'rtp1Dresses and fun fur cloths. Dr see q„a(;ty. Hank's Appkarces, 191 $8500 ruittokn. Stipa package, Oshawa. Included. Washer and dryer bedroom, laundry facilities. 5883, 9-12 a.m. or 5:30-8:30 call Barbara at 436.0071. six month old. 12. Cal Kathy.low Silting 710 1 y' St, E. Uni e6, CD -6 pack, amvlm cassette, 225 available. $600 monthly, lust Available March 1. 6850. 833 P.M. (�3) required. Call 420-3280. 619-0139. 728-4043 (Behind Multrech) Fourth Ave. Oshawa. 571.1433. and feel. 434-6311. (013193) 79M. (013193) PAGE 11111111 -THE -NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, JANUARY ",19W AJAX - main floor bungalow, 3 clean, large 3 bedrooms Lnbedrooms, move n condition. 400 Aparrtnrtw"s 400 A alb Rent For ts 400 Ap rtr�Ren 410 I 420 TRent mnhoor R� 420 TownhouFor ses Call 683-6021 Mon. -Fri. 9-5 ,r,I I it K Sat. -Sun 12-5 "'"'""•1111' AJAX 77 03 FALBY COURT Two bedroom apartments In family pudding. Air conditioning, broadloom. 2 appliances, laundry facilities and _nderground parking ncluded Call 686-0845 Mon. -Fri., 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. =ark ;ng avallatl-ei Duet se..,r,g laross "o^cak ae..na,r;a.ned -1r^yar,,: ec ac: 'v' -es Z -us stoic right oksloe _ ij0ng ree D;S serYCe tic :rocery s we every jesCay A'ak.ng da:ance to s'1oPi :rug store :iaM ,'Ino 3 two btdroom apartments ONE i-- •w. c CA - me --s ava' able Reasonii ie ratesal. inclusive .ocalod r so,.:h Oshama C 'ase to schoos. shops and Ti Cali n28-4993 betwee 99 p (t2 I ' 93. PICKERING gorgeous. twc bec•oo- a:,ar1-+s^l, above gourd w•- Caboprivate yard. inciucies aDG anCK. ,ner••a air. utilities. ca -K. -r^ Ara ao,• Mar;, h. i Nc sr1oK rg Ii rrior-t'vy 683.9629 021993 PICKERING '0..r oeC•oom bunga,0w writ` -ooms -enlec j^ dNaualy or as -la- 'oor fon $95C Pius Includes s . app.an- C" ' '..2 bat. -u1^sum 'ion srnoikers Call Ken. 420-734- (013-93 PICKERING nice one oed-oor' base-nen• ape.:r-kemmt avai,ao.e Marc^ ' S625 rro-t-y No- s--foierS no Do's "gorse Cal: 81-a2 (ul3'g3 WHITBY two nedroor• apa^ine^' a L-.tes rdludec C,066 tic a amenities. GO but and snooping 5643 --tont- y For alpp,ca/or Call '26 '2`_5 or 579-6'C7 02C203 PICKERING _xo v om d" a -c s --,x nc Sy25 a ^ M;,Ca^e^ =1e Ma, s' k a• _ _ -- 33170 'Inc 5oor. air Cone Cnec, J^i;1j Da"K nC. ircxec P aa- nC V !age Adz Six, Call 603.4294 it RISE N OS-IAgA SOUTH ENC 3-X b :ji S-0es 1 D ^ oo- iron S55C 2 0ecvo- fror- $625 3 be -oor- !ror^ S" 5 SutaDie a.3lability Inc ,Aei he a' :aL^,e AX "lances 5711 D4TJ 0 r'25 489E FOUR apartments . squeaky AJAX - main floor bungalow, 3 clean, large 3 bedrooms Lnbedrooms, move n condition. home Large sundeck, quiet 5890 .. 420-5021. (013193) building, brand new carpets. BAYRIDGES main floor, 3 $795 All inclusive 2 1.2 bedroom $950 per month, bedrooms, close to Town, $695 utilities included References monthly all incluse Oufet required. Call 420.1 524. neighbourhood. large bright two (020393) bedroom main floor of home. MAIN 1 oor 3 bedroom sundeck, parking, laundry Very AJAX - three bedroom large yard. $795 monthly one bungalow, main floor• bright and bedroom, $495 monthly spacious. dose to amenities. Inclusive, central Oshawa 433- $850 . 1,2 utilities or $995 5586. (020393) Inclusive. 427-2360 (020293) PICKERING two bedroom PICKERING Frenchman's Bay. basement apartment. private three bedroom main floor, entrance. central air vac. hardwood floors, schools, lake. parking, fridge. stove, fully Town Centre. 4 appliances. non smoker. no pets First and Available Feb 16. 831-9356. last. $750 Can 428-6923 (013193) (020293) PICKERING - one bedroom AJAX two bedroom basement apartment, large living room. apa^rrient, separate entrance, private entrance- 4 applances. laundry facilities, fridge and non smoker, available stove, available March I First immediately $650 . 1,2 First and last requirec. nor smoker and last 8390018 (020393) $-75 utdrhes ,nduded Call aper MAIN 1 oor 3 bedroom 40.4281852 (020493 armn'ne•-t. Llverpaot and Kros- preferred y no area in Pickering. Available AVAILABLE �mmeCately e,al.ly. $975 monthly for imm0 Os"awa. 639 Cuber S; 'we luni niorrnatron. Please call beo'ci $650 per -on:' 430 9446 (C 13193) 'nclu s we Fv St and last required._ - pose to bus and showing No/, Townhouses nets Cal 43458'1 0. 430 4f 20 For Rent --3, :A.Ll 'esponsible female On bus caseins^• apa^.-nen- 41 O Houses For Rent Ri \14 O%ti'N FOR LESS: vo ' 0v14N . z%D.OaO P1 ii ( )R%11 1) x (-a►► Cetached, name' nor -re cose '0 Oshawa Cer••e e Suo-- a^acheC garage ve y ea- ava able -^rlwc a -e y s9'5 plus utii,tes Cal' 498 -462 '020493 TWO aye ^ec•0o-s 'wc Phi:hs. possble in-law in small Srpiex S,rtco),Taunror Gen ^ossess,or 725-1007 "20493 ONE, levo and three bedroom -y condos Beautiful :•ooer,y. quality iealures 6 a, oianoss, air CondmoneC 'nom S •'5 ^lonthy Purchase 001,0115 a.a aNe South east corner of ism and Trulls Rd . Couri Roe- "Ouse. Wed and 7hurl. 3 D -^ Sunday. ' 4 p m For -rare ir`forrtatior, kali Jobecnrne Snide,. 5797505 or "a Ja Sha a -c. 579 3052 at i iorrelde Adva-'age Clearly -id Realtor 433-4747 i-FAc_- PARKLAND SETTING "GUILDWOOD" on the bluffs. Balmoral Estates offers you!! Rental accommodation • Panoramic view of Lake Ontario from the bluffs in Scarborough - • 2,000 sq. ft- 3+4 Bedroom Townhomes • 5 appliances • Finished Basement • Pool/partyroom/playground • Minutes to'GO" & TTC • 30 Livingston Rd., Unit 17 OPEN HOUSE TUES., WED., THURS. 6:00-8:00 P.M. SAT. S SUN. 12:00-4:00 P.M. 261.6235,261-2114 Call Mon. -Fri. 10:00 to 8:00 p.m. PRINGLE CREEK CO-OPERATIVES HOMES INC. Is now accepting applications for 3 and 4 bedroom townhouses for our waiting list. Fuli housing. no subsidy is available. CLOSE TO SHOPPING AND 401 LARGE UNITS, LOVELY PARK -LIKE SETTING. 500 For Sa' a 580 IMortnncce PRINGLE Creak' Whitby - large MORTGAGE LOANS lot, two storey, a bedroom horns with main floor family room, t sit and ?nd to 95% of value fireplace and den, central air. All property types personal vac Asking $207.000. For K1a^s Quick service and private viewing, call 6662349. approvals prime rates (012993) 1 CITYCAN FINANCIAL $97,500 - Brick semi, deep lot. CORP. add on kitchen, two baths, 571-28800SHAWA hardwood floors. good condition. 686.2936 PICKERING r.,•t mil 111a -;M - hrick hun- galow with in-law apartment, 50x193 it lot. power of sale. Call PRIVATE MONEY Frank Mllanovic, 728.9414, Coldwell Banker RMR Realtor. (012993) Call Michael NORTH Oshawa - no down payment, take over mortgage. N8 -72M $1344 monthy. P.I.T. Free hold AnUbis IrnestmenlS townhouse. No fees. Three bedroom, 1450 SQ.It., plus Ltd. professionally finished basement, garage. 576-7360. WHY not? Our rates are 112% 510 Townhouses For Sale AJAX Westney-02 beautiful executive 4 bedroom. 2 t/2 baths, fireplace. double garage. appliances, close to all amenities. 3000 sq.lt. plus. $1200 Immediate possession. 492 7435 (0202931 540 Out -of -Town Properties so acre c s••ess sit e- a^,•'s Crown Land. dose to town- F isn- ,Whunnng paradise Cabin site Vendor will finance. Good credit. $265.rm y_. Super special cabin. cathedral osings. two bedrooms, open concept. wood stove Canning Lake Drag atter ?Ove acres. Only S2g4mon-hy Call 427-6637 (020493) PICKERING Village - one For more information call 5edroom eciudes large yard. 666-2008 plenty of storage space. parking. ,se of exercise room. full use of at arnenrties, utditis secluded 450 Snared 5OO Homes Non xnteKnm any y call and leave message. 611 9 3026. Arr�mm Fnr Caln -- -- -- ---- -_ _ PICKERING mmaculats 3 awiin M area 0cr-- 01 e- m 3 bedroom louse. parking. becroo^ town^Ouse Par ally laundry. close to bus. S40C PICKERING _verpoo 4^' - 3 h.^,shCPU. apoi,ances Indudrlg inontnly inclusive Call 436 sore - -air top ava laoie dshwasner and washer dryer 8674 of 432-9099 (0205931 va2h i S9Co-o,­:- fir a Sg(X . Jtiktws NO- sroKers AJAX •wo nsC-oor'• a n,ng -cluslve Evenings. 438-7881 only „aures 6'9'4^ or 690 AJAX Westley N Attractive 113193381' at:e• 5 c :'save crea" ricer. bodroom, owr 4 PICKERING =,emchr-lar s Bay "ressagei (C131931 -- PCs ensu a bathroom. urge closer pun T. V. room. sham at ' w 0 s e c• •^ b^ g a o w 3 a-'iO cinders Jr a(:b0'^. d Room 430 s To 'a°wparg. � smok,ng � kin ''erytais $1'0 weal 'WC mao u-orl maks onto Rent preferred y wale• ^-ineda:e $'30C plus last separate entrance. 683- Cap 683.71.72. (020293' 4;r '4'5 or aver ngs 426 2500 A-' A X :- AJAX South - lamas wanted to -20593 maleic •zicimn I coal quos clout s-a•e 3 bedroo^ ho. se, no r rid r ing avaaial aundry ava4aoie nor-y>r -is- 'Je nee: and tidy. Dahrtlg, Cab. phone. utilities. A -AX _'.fir'. s�a____s '.w_ AJAX •wo nsC-oor'• a n,ng NON SMO'(ER 58C Do, wean laundry. bus. available March 1. n..C•0.0- deer -+sr, apa--' -00" ^g .00r-' • •C-0- ur Call 686-6.99 ,C2C393- $400 Month,y -,rat and last. I Separate o112,iCe. broadloor- I noshed base -^e-' � r.Cge -.-. AJAX South unfurnished large 683-'965 message (C2(rA3) oerar-sc !bon. 4 PC* Data. avail able r,r-recta;sly $695 rrontniy stove a.&,al March 1 Fry and ,as:, Se*OC Pius r„a es 683 roo^ 'or singe Irian First and AJAX 4 share executive p _s cit Ties 6838227 5399 t013'93; last separate entrance. 683- no -0 wth family, cable. 1Ct2993 . 5088 (020393) parkeg. laundry, fireplace, very PICKERING i cedroom PICKERING � cage exowil l s.; residents: 01 or Cort � NORTH Oshawa room to nom. clean. quiet. Non smoker secia-ale -re Those pa"' ^y^, rose to nus $75 wow 'esponsible female On bus caseins^• apa^.-nen- r-lerca, use 00cloom. I 0r 2300 mtonth y P -e -e- route 5395 6861859 (020293) entrance aundy tacwe,es urge Kitchen, par% ^g spaces. Coached bck w•-` detached garage Gas rove and dryer `*male -eischone 5793528 SHARED accomodation in caroiel yard. Camilla air, at Ara ab,* �mred,alely 42C 1013193) court:'y setting with. young rnc,..s ve 11va,iabw March I 9650 :ays. 686 7870 everings ROOM 'o- rent - S38C-ionthy, Coul boii ng for nor Smoking S'SC month y Firs! and last 0.3'93• to, non srioKer Drelerraby Single !emaie. -lust have owe 831-2789 rC'3193) COUNTRY , .mg - large 4 temAs Lau^Cry facilites. vehicle SACC-lonthy.furnished WHTBY one bsc-oor^ upper nec-oo- 'ar^lrouss 3 minutes parking axis location whir ,,xury room. tacilres included Cat eve Of nice order ••icor, nor` east of Oshawa s':.551-orI^,y -aaities Poo sauna, etc Fret t72-9192 (013193) or Go urge windo-S. waw r 433-5586 '-_20493 and a s t 42' 7868 save Condos For closet. avadabie ;so S55C AJAX 'our oedroon-. 2 1 2 message ;020393)455 Rent I-lonttvy 666-3'6' or 123.934;. nal^s two ,tar garage. fireaace WHTBY cga^ quiet see', "9 NORTH Oshawa one bedroom c:oSS To schoo.s and put c ^mature ale or female Or bus NORTH Whitby luxury conooi apar"hili urptW Cuprex very 1•anst. S-250 per, -ronin Fry mule, now GO. all amenities one bedroom, den, solarium,, p• vale, Park mg. ava,ab''s and Last A.a,:ab,, ;eC - 686. ,ncluoed. $90.weeKly Cal! Brad. central air. 4 applances, indoor ,nrled,ale $495 ^-Ontnl 'y Y 5620 Or 683-4.^.39 ne+0ra n p -h 666-9524 (02C293� - poo. whirlpool. I}Ikards room. k 5600 BASEMENT bache•o, 726'9239x6681316 1020293) 01,31931gpWYANVILLE shared u erg ou par , g. pe^.^e Westn Rtc^ utilities included. Call 668-5548. a 9y le WHITBY Brook 4C' arge twc PICKERING custom new 3 accomodations. LVaverly Rd. (013193) area Ava .able Fat 7 No, nedroor- nasarrie^1 apart nen! it ceCICCr .-,a - -loor. 2 nates and 40'. quiet home to share smoke, ,aund-y faclaes triogx separaleen:•ance park 3C oy, K• -nor 1700 wrtnoneOther nonsmol Fully COURTICE - luxury one Rdr% Vacation %0-T%0 Properties DAYTONA - a- -a Inn ;,;each Cnuo, time s^are condo. sleeps 6. wee" 'S teeosd. rest soli,. $2500 0 0 0 at 72&3652 ;013193; 575 Loans 6DRPOW 3' r. :.. . as S: IC oor ^+oath o u � iiia'' Jerry. 668 7200. Anubls invest mtenlS �Td MONEY "•0010,+15, Loans. debt CZ -50 Cns, at ocredit arargeme^1s personal budget Punning, garrrshow slopk,eC VREE CONSULTA'.10NS Credit Counsellors (Pickering Oshawa' 433 1425 (TF) 670 Personals LOVELY souls. American aa,es desire s.noare relationships, Cor - responds nce•mar rag e. Free photos 'with brochure. 24 his. 707257 3790 (02230-) JESUS says. can the wind said parK.ng, no pets Rer: ing avaaial aundry ava4aoie ac,.zi., sgit . ceramics. app'iances. furnished, pool, laundry and bedroom unit with 6 ance6 app and fireplace Available Feb 1 ATTRACTIVE three bedroom the blond Does your minister negc ie Phone 4273'38 $_0C pK,s Aw1es 686-6622 0' rose to GO $980 ncus, ve cable al! included. 5350 per $80) utilities. F1rw and last semi on nice court n NSE wear gtasseso The Mreling s 11. (C2"5493 757-'671 (020493` 420 51 C6 be'ore 2 r m month. 623-1424. (020493) plus required. 689-0315. (020493) Oshawa, new carpet throughout. the hired minister. Micah 3 AJAX one basemgrt ONE frac OWr bosom, agar; 1026493 SOUTH Ajax - furnshed room, . lanced yard, call 725-2885 Isaiah 56.10-12. John 10:1 . Campbell. 1-705-95394715 . 0oroom aparmerr. $600 mouthy Prefer Singe or worK ng coup,e. no critwor non s. -x , Referee merit nim Quiet Home. southeast Osrawa sultabe for single r heat AJAX 3 oearoom. 2 t,2 banns. }amity room with fireplace Air rear bus stop. share ktCrlen and bathroom, cable TV, non smoker SW wieekly Call 427- 4/'0 Florida VY9 VaCatlA�t1 �elMalS (020293) gp�utp,O{RONTONarea - (TF) less than the current bank rates. For qualified buyers. Transfer to our lenders for free. Example 5 year closed mortgage. 9%. Please call New Era Mortgage Corp. 721-2089 (020593) MORTGAGES and bans. 95% financing. down payment also arranged. Any amount available. Call Doug 6686805. Com- munuty Financial Services. (TF) Business 59O Opportunities HAIR sa. 6, -,-so 11 , rs tab,,sre0 since 1990. client file stays with new owner. vendor willing to stay and assist with business and cbentelle. Salon has excellent walk, trade. Lease $800 monm y Phone 576 8236 IC20293) SECOND income opportunity Free, ^.era,ls Send name and ad dress 'o NPL. 210 Glebemou^I Ave Toronto. M4C 3T MONEY make a fortune by lust 00"- ^g a ban" account. Learn how Can amar,ng recorded message for corrxi details 416 72'-2032.(012993) MAKE a fortune w�1h your :.1 -era • use any lupe of -.tmera. Amazing recor000 message reveals details Cap today.4t6 728-6290 20493) 6Legal 1 O Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS AIL PIE;SONS rav -g clams against the Estate of MICHAEL CHARLES LEE. ate of the Town of Ajax, In ^e Region of Durham, Marketing Manager who died or or about The 7th day of December 1992, are required to lie proof of same with the undersigned Solicitor for The Executors on or before the 101h day of March 1993 After such last- 'mentioned date, the Executors will proceed to drsinbute the Estate having regard only to the clams of which they shall Then have received notice DATED at Peterborough. Orland, this 11th day of January. 1993, by JOHN G McCARNEY O C . 351 Red St . P 0 Box 868. Peterborough, Ont K9J 7A2 Solicitor for the Executors. CHARLES LEE and ROBIN READ 670 Personals ccs reouneC Ca 426 '429 (013193` _ person, rear ous 0A0. hydro and cable included Irl medals possession. $500 first cord 7.ored. 3 app •ances. $1100 first and Last Available ,mmediaiel 428-9150 Y 3995. (012993) AJAX - large furnished room for LAKE Allred (near Orlando) - �}� house n 1800 sq.ri., 5 bedroom home, unfinished basement. Ideal for the large family. close to school. Personal yl l7 OC Sincere Si a Intrcxluction PICKERING - new basement and :est Call 433.1 797 after 5 (0129931 rent, executive home. share two bedroom !� community for rem March' 5139.900. 577 Bervil Cres., LYt C! Service apartment, carpeted. private Cable. p-m.1020493T WHITBY - immaculate 3 facilities. working fernab, $350 April, $1400 U.S. per month. Open House, Sunday 1-4 p.m. IV A confidential writ to meet entrance. now amenities. PICKERING -two bedroom bedroom finished basement, month) Call 428-8258. y Pictures/video available. For 434.3788. (0202931 � Y laundry, parking, fireplace. basement apartment, private dose, 5 appliances. central air, (020393) viewing call 837-528.(020293) --- --- --- POWER of sale - large sem. that Someone Special Imrttedatey. Non Smoker. $500 1;3 u t i I t t e s 42C-4154 entrance. parkin three parking. private drive. garage. school. PICKERING - single room with Hollies with garage, near Cmc Centre. � This Call Could Change your life. . weekends or after 6 p m1. appliances. a v a i l a b l e irnmed,ately. Call 420-5010 Palk- $1 100 pus. Feb. 1. John, 430-9734 use of lutchen, walk to Pidwi "'� Town Centre, Pickering 5 For Sale Backs onto greerWelt. Try your NINA 2994M. RONA294-5563, f AUREEN420-10 9 weekdays. (020493) painted apartment. dose to bus 416-395-5040 days or nshed bedsdown.ting room• use of down. Call Glen Posteraro. Real basement apartment, alarm offer. Call Frank Milanovic, 728 - and shopping. All utilntes appiarloe6 $900 monthly. First TWO bedroom. North Oshawa. evenings. (020293) Generating Station. GO stallion, 0 9414, Coldwell Banker, RMR smoker, $350 montnly. 668- SOUTH Pickering. two bedroom. full tower floor of house, bright, close to al amenities, parking, balcony, laundry famMes, $675 AJAX - duplex. spacious house for families. Separate 6325 monthly. 6160 blefeekN- Phorw 420.4318- (012993) SIX year old 2559 Ll Nosh East Oshawa, many extas. Real Estate. (020493)- DREAM Home Whitby, - 680 Mn0UrlCelrlellt$ 680 Announcement$ modern, spacious, private plus hydro. No last months two entrance. 2 bedrooms. central MOTEL rooms from $125 $214,999. Will consider bun- - trusteed top-firbottom, 3 baths. tsfting, near a0t, lake, park. required. Available now. 723 ureekly Cable TV fridges mad gamma for trade. Call 5792879. 2 r wablout basement $700 per month. Cap 222-4011. large (012993) 1912 or 571.5914. (020293) ai, appliances. fireplace. service, }nae s free local yard. pool. $850 plus. Available �'f�• ireptaces, (020493) to landscaped yard. All balks and appliances, 4 PCs bat, private WHITBY - two level, one immediately. 640.7430. calls, rricrotowet-fi2il extra per THREE bedroom Irak. Oshawa, whistles. $219.900. Call Fred LARGE two betlroom bedroom plus den, archnec. (0203931 week. RitsoM401. Call 723- walkout from dining room 10 Mitchell, 728.9414, Coldwell apartment, fireplace, laundry. rurally designed. $795 Inclusive. IMMACULATE 3 bedroom burl 7272- (012993) large fenced yard with deck. Banker RMR Reaitw. (012993) parking, public bus. schools. rmtnes from 401 at Harmony Parking, avalable immediately 9 y n Whitby. 92 �Y' (HOPkif ROOM to rent in quiet home, TV Single garage. 1 112 baths, $134,900. Call to view, 725 -NORTHEAST Whitby - two Rd. March 1. $650. Call 571- Also two bedroom available March 1 $775 inclusive Go and re newly renovated and remodelled. Call cotes, 1416 Iona VCR altlkrded• herd AI- tons Rd. and Shepherd area, 6767 (012993) storey, 4 bedroom with large ceramic rile toyer, mem floor 0694. (013193) 699-5287. (0131931 742.8371 for more details. wlak to Roue Valle $350 9 y 1140,800 •three bedroom Ilrik familyroom with fireplace. WHTBY • two level apartment. AVAILABLE immediately in (020493) monthly. Phone 509.2932. with one car garage. Large central air, vac, gas heating, 4 one bedroom, whlrlpooLbath. Whitby apartment building. AJAX - Westney Rd., new 3 (013193) fenced backyard, vendor will bathrooms, large lot, reground fireplace, hying room, large Spacious, carpeted, newly bedroom 2 stones, 1 1/2 ea! n WHTBY - furnished or unlur- hold fist mortgage with $6000 pool, two car garage, in-law kitchen, bright, appliances. $675 painted apartment. dose to bus kitchen, fenced, deck, 4 nshed bedsdown.ting room• use of down. Call Glen Posteraro. Real basement apartment, alarm inclusive. Available and shopping. All utilntes appiarloe6 $900 monthly. First kitchen and separate fridge. Non Estate Broker. 404-8217. system. 8% assumable immediately 6688142 included. No pets. Two bedroom and last. non Smokers No pets. smoker, $350 montnly. 668- (022m)mortgage to qualified purchaser. (012993) from $660 Can 430.0134 references. available now. 428- 3767 after 2 p.m. (020493) $134,900 - country charm in the Asking $221,000. For viewing O S H A W A - available BRIGHT spaocus brand new 2145. (020493) Shared ptyl 56'x 152' lot. Detached call 668-1477. (012193) bun alow overlookin the Immediately, clean quiet one one bedroom basement apart bedroom basement apartment, m e n t in South Ajax 4 storage. separate entrance, appliances, 4 PCs bat, private cable, utilities Included. $475 entrance. parking, great monthly, first and last. Non neighbourhood, no Fels. Smoker. 404-8335. (0 93) smokirg. retererces $550 AJAX - one bedroom walkout monthly nc!us ve 686.3396 basement apartment, non ONE bedroom basement Smoker, titling room, eat -in aparmeni, available Feb I kitchen, full baM. SM plus V3 Newly decorated. $600 monthly, unities. Fret and last. 428-7748 non smoker preferred First and or 686-3178. (012993) ast. Call 639-9497. (012993) H WTBY - row bedroom. roo. 2 1Q baths. 5 appdiartces, family room with fireplace. fenced yard, two car garage. targe bit. $1200 Can 420-7124.(020293) PICKERING Village - three bedroom Tudor style house. garage. large lot, fireplace, pos- session March 1. Rent $1000 per month plus utilities. Fist and last required. 666.6858 days. (020293) 450 't l 9 9 HOUSE for sale by owners 46 ACComm. Rouge. Won't Gail Moreton, Dobson Dr. Ajax, dose to 401, 683 7777. W. Frank R.E. Ltd. Gni SHopping Centre, schools AJAX - Wesiney and 401 area. (012993) _ and hospital. Open House Sun, Large 4 bedroom home, all $88,000 - 4 bedrooms. Jan. 31 and Feb. 7. 14 p m Call Inclusive, can move in Feb. 1. rengvated. large lot. Hastings. 4263409. (020493) 5400 money. (416) 683-6092. Middle class quiet street 705 WEST Hill - $234,900 - 4 (012993) 696-2981 (020493) bedrooms, 1 112 baths, family SHARED Aocomodatlon in quiet townhouse. $400 monthly, inclusive. Ajax. 428-7984. (0203931 BROKER has $10.00010 lend at room, fireplace. pool, central air, $147 per month. Contact Doug central vac, dishwasher, at 668-6805. Community Finan- immaculate. move In condition. cal Services ITFI Flexible. 2811741. (020293) Dr. Susan Leet is pleased to announce that Dr. Mahmood Gulamhusein has joined her practice of Optometry at 1550 Kingston Rd. Suite 311 in Pickering (Hwy. # 2, Valley Farm Rd.) NEW PATIENTS WELCOME FOR APPOINTMENTS CALL 831-7020 Business Services Housecleaning Home Improvements .95 for service cap. All work guaranteed Business discounts also available 498-7580 ARE you having problems find. ing time to clean your dome? For prolessional cleaning• aN Helen's Home Services today. 427-1041. (020793) ARE you tired of deaning7 Let T.L.0 ApanmenUHousedean- Ing give you back your spare I", from $45. Call (416) 512- 9701.(020393) ILLUSTRATION, camoon,ng, Home graphic design, advertising. Improvements Business or personal. Reasonable rates. Also lessons available. Randy Timms, (416) 342 2279.(TF) Disc Jockeys DISC -o=key. '7 years experience. music for all ages. ..ow rates. call Mike. 686-6105. ^'3193) Driving Schools sae ,'ti ^3 S, -co 7 r,f�ssons a - r 'est $75. 10 lessons. $150. '-a � 267 3060- (010893) Electrical Services DO ALL Panting Residential snow removal Small moving jobs Garage 8 bsi^t. clean-up Call 436-0456 TMS Painting & Decor nter cr Exteri_-r European WorkrlanShlp cast clean, reliable service t Ltl. a i -IAN _ _=:.sic_. 'e de^' a . ^dust rias. ARNOLD-xr.d.r*,p+u.w-,r:s _ic inn err -,al No lob loo big or piaster ng, pairing_ drywalj. rK, sma�i Free estimates Can bar ceiling. metal. studs, and 436-9860. !020293 wood 'ramrng For good prices -- --- --- Flooring, a^c good Oual,Ty wont a"snp_ all Arnold. 4206372 'C2C293) Carpeting EUROPEAN -e specd,st win -S. Fos or quality 3 aifOMabie e -4^3vale yo.- Dathroom 0, M O R L E Y S: a' D e' a - ,I . tchen walls as well as floor _D^olstery cleaning w^^ dry saes 2C years expel, errxf Good '_am only Call .2' 9'23 relerences and sanstact,on 2993) guaranteed For free estimates. 43 -2595 ITFA D Dykstra. 72519'3 (TE; Handyman .` bathrooms. home maintenance OUAUTY work by father and cleaning by the day. Rates. 345- .:� 'ea-. We experienced. - I'd work n Re n GCB CONSTRUCTION -)ars e^ova c s a -c 'a^ D'C'ess c^a �. ala ?ec CRAIG 686-1913 V ova ons. addrtiors, decks. etc. can us for I tree est.mate 57'-1263 -3,11 or add. Oshawa :"FALL) RENOVATIONS. -out" Pei Ill coir^:MS cab,refs. etc Ba:,rooms casements. drywaii additions. 7oors, w -down 22 years experience..,r,on carporra" quality won,,. 'rip estimates Phone 5204379. BEAT •lie Sp,-gaa- A. 'V0146 ,ohn (020593) RENOVATIONS Basements desks cabinets painting 8 decorating For, estimate In Durham Region call Don at 668-8489 ALL RENOVATIONS Carpentry, drywall, plumbing and wiring. Fair prices. Pat 683-8780 DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC REPAIRS (1 hr.) RELINES NEW DENTURES LOWER DENTURE STABILITY "Permanent Rubber Soft Liner" William Stell DT 84 Old Kingston Rd. W. PICKERING VILLAGE, Ajax 683-4294 After hours 428-8801 FREE CONSULTATION GENERAL Home Improvements Moving, drywall. taping, painting, Storage Plumbing woodwi accoustcal ceilings. 'e.tu•ed cel Ings Very good MEN w ^ wr - ,+ w -res. 30 years experience Call ho,Se^o 1 move res de^''tai. Licensed Plumber S•eve. 668lo0124931 _ gs ( commercial a i'yoes or moves For quality work at HOME rovemenrs and m Cal' Carl or ,arra 427-2855 p ;TF reasonable prices. 'epa,'s 3asemenis. ado- ons. I Call Ray at doors, decks. lerces and trim Al straeler Wood Working. 435 --- Painting, 282.7813 3207. (-F) FREE ESTIMATES INTRODUCING -b+un Free Decorati ng Serving -y' 4 season "nyl decking Ajax 8 Pickering ma'erai ,corsac arper-w or INTERIOR and pa.^ TELE NEWS AD'VER MER FRIDAY, JANUARY 29,1193 -PAGE 19 11LIMM111111111a s basements. Per Ov dila^s and ar^, w;1;, Daperrg Good prices. additions Reasonable rates. 9oo0 —' For hoe estimales. Tax, Financial •riendly professional service ail vff . 5'56553. 1022593;__ Directory Cap (416; 666-1573. (021893) PROFESSIONAL painting arc callings. se ent renovations LA Nome Improvements wa Pape' ^y^ O^e room or ACCOUNTING Docrr.e,r_ r -S. Fos or quality 3 aifOMabie e w^oie house.'o guaranteed wes' a-! 'ax Dreca,V,:n ;:o' year storage nits Now onenng hoe 'rove Call 42i .110,; 140 po S too small Oua,y eras or montniy Call Judy prices Complete ntenor worts ars^'C ^y �dranteeC Cola (leis=. Aaounrarr 420-2061 renovations Pram ng, 43 -2595 ITFA 1,KS!g91 drywanng, taping, painting Cap .` bathrooms. home maintenance Ron. 839.2610 days or a31 PROFESSIONAL Dairtng, into - 8644 after 6 and wee�e^Os .,Or and err••or dr+wan •apng. (020293) piastenng a^d sc'ay Ca Moving, A#'e0o or Heka. 723.1337 'F) Storage Party Services MOVING? We w - _.r J' y-- _y a^yvil ary:'me Me- a :rucks 'tar all Types c' oyes Best rates. 'ree estimates 10% d,scourt fol seniors $40 hr. ,3 up Call 571-0755 ;""noes and decks at dscourt ."le, prices. Res,denbal and S.D.S. Orywa�, Systems AJAX coving Systems - fun - m m e r c i a l A work Orywap. taping, framing. T.bar serv.ces. '*tows. appliance and -annt9eC.6835788 IC2C293r callings. se ent renovations pard specialists. teat rate or Res,osntal and Commercial hourly We now -ave Heated HousecleaningStew 837-0405 '0202931 storage nits Now onenng hoe 'rove Call 42i SABER Contractingall �ew:^ ove Larperiry. aaditiors. HONEST, dependable pe-sor '"novations. k 'c -ens. HARRY O -THE -MOVERS w':r '5 yaws experience. do bathrooms. home maintenance -c- Dig or sma, we or Ce cleaning by the day. Rates. 345- emergency service. furniture :nem apt Free asivinates. se^ors $65, every other Thursday relinishing, q„aiily wort discount, short notice moves. avaable. Phan after 6 or leave y^uaranleed 1 5 years p a -os moved Comparable message on machine. 576- experience 686.29.5 ;TFEFG) rates Can 43228W (TF) 4357 (020293) JOURNEYMAN a ec:ric,an RELIABLE house cleaner win Special z N it service changes, MAN vin^ 'ruck ands mer is ng to do vacuurrxng. dusting. 'ew.' ^g, additions and ao fou, moving ^e"as, prces o bathrooms and floors. rerovations. A!' work fit your budget Special rates for Reasonable rates. call 686- guaranteed. Ire estimates Cap sor om Starting at 330 r Gve 2(377. (013193) 420-6320 ITFA: Pets a call at 576-9533 TFA L; t ---- BEAT THE RECESSION FIGHT BACK!! MAGICIAN, . - .•- 1-. R.,acr :O 9^'Bran ,a any age. any occass-on a,rthdays. promotions, openings. tunoramers. Magic shows are tuns Lettuce "alp 639-7057 or 728-8334 ;'c) RABBIT wan's wo'k doing Magi for ch dren s *allies and ail Occasions, have my Own mag,can. Call Erno. 6681932 IT P) Plumbing aaaaaaaaa Experienced Joumeyman Plumber 1., cc'JJ S-., ra'":S S'all 's t)aserron: ixas"rxr-s xi ;ars etc A^y-eroval,cr. of addition �ayt,me 42' 4174 Horne, 42'_8K9 Asx prior,# ERRORS AND OMISSIONS • y0 r reLa, or cassi6ed ad appears today for C1e 'list lime. please checik Carefully to see that 4 ,s correct in every detail. Notice of an error ;r, yo..r retail or ciass,fied acverrtisemer': must be +en :o Alax,,PicAerr:ng wows Advertiser in lime 'or correc for before T* second insertion The A ax/Picker np News Advert.se- w I not be 'espors,ble for more :ran one incorrect -senior, or for damages or costs oeyord the cost of the Space actually oca:p,ed oy :he error Further, no 'espon S�bdity w''i be assumed for fa,'ure, nadver!er, or otherwise :o publ',shairy adverr.,sement ordered and accepted. When cancelling an ad before expiry ,t is mpor:ant to receive and CANCELLATN y o r IO NUMBER for possible fu,: ,e reference 576-9335 798-7672 As a recession fighter, we're offering a mail -in or drop-off only special for classified advertising. Simply fill in the easy form, tick off your selection, and sit back and wait for your phone to ring!! 3 CHOICES 1. Oshawa/Whitby This Week 8 Ajax/Pickenng News Advertiser (over 400.000 paper circulation) 10 editions $60 2. Oshawa/Whitby This Week 3. Ajax/Pickering News Advertiser A. 6 papers $50 A. 6 papers $50 B. 3 papers $30 B. 3 papers $30 - —--------------rx—xx�xx�xrfix�}— G Coupon must accompany ad In order to receive special AC Copy - up to z4 worus R Ut;b11t;U MNN_Vu i Pitai MC Selections Q 2A LJ DLA L'BJ All ads to be dropped on or mailed in only (no phone orders) -All other coupon offers 3 Locations Ajax - 130 Commercial Ave. Invalid with this special" 1 Whitby - 400 Dundas St. W. Oshawa - 665 Farewell Ave. I or mail to: Oshawa/Whitby This Week. P.O. Box 481, Oshawa L 1 H 71-5. Att. Mary van Kessel Enclose cheque. money order or credit card is with exp date. Payment CGsh Cheque Credit Card ixi date Please include your na�addrephone x ,1 we need to contact __ L------------- ------ tl: OPTOMETRISTS DR. E. GILLEZEAU 3 DR. M. FITZSIMMONS WE INVITE NEW PATIENTS BY APPOINTMENT WE OFFER FAMILY EYECARE • Contact Lenses • Blroc;lar Vsicr • Percecrl.a;-esr.rg • C,soers,rg of all Tyoes o' -,a-es g CO^'acts Pickering Corporate Centre 1305 Pickering Parkway $822 683-1175 839.5303 680 A_..^%ncer^er,s 680 A- -e- s 680Mr- DENTAL OFFICE ANNOUNCEMENT We at 927 Liverpool Rd. in Pickering, are thrilled to give our clientele a warm cozy atmosphere to experience the finest and most up to date dental techniques as well as the most modern sterilization techniques. However for those who stall require even more special care. Dr. Mary Kay M.D. joins our staff to help you sleep like a baby, while you have your dentistry done. Also joining our staff is Dr. Steve Goldman, (periodontist, a gum specialist, and Dr. David Eller (an oral surgeon.) We also offer evening hours and Saturdays. New Patients accepted Emergencies seen immediately 839-5951 Keep Smiling Drs. P. Goodman, S. Weiner B. Labovitz, Y. Choi 927 Liverpool Rd. S. Pickering, Ont. 671 Business Personals VALENTINE ;+*.., - - .n '-y Dea_•'. D"'sona gilt ;oudo,I photograpry of yours*# geasorabo pactages VaNn • re calendar ava"abe Can for appo,ntr"ent. G H nnorograpry. 420-9370 :0210[ To place your personalized in me monam. Call 576-9335 and let one of our professional advisors help you. 710 Births 710 Births ,3 ITS BOY Brendar, Stepranie & Drother Bailey Catney would 1!ke to announce a new baby boy born Jar. 3rd. 1993 at 7 lbs. 4 oz., narneC Ardrew Joseph. COME AND WORSHIP THESE CHURCHES INVITE YOU TO ATTEND THEIR WORSHIP SERVICES AMBERLEA PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 1820 Whites Rd. N. THE FAMILY CHURCH WORSHIP TIME 11:00 a.m. Supervised Nursery OWESTNEY HEIGHTS BAPTIST CHURCH Meeting at Applecroft Public School S5 Coles Ave. North, Ajax (Just East of LOEB Plaza) MORNING WORSHIP 10:00 A.K Rev. James Rendle, Pastor 686.1720 Dunbarton - Fairport United Church 1066 Dunbarton Rd., Pickering 839-7271 Worship b Church School Church Service 10:30 a.m. To Advertise Your Church Service Call Janice at 683-5110 Pickering Village United Church 300 Church St. N-, Ajax 683.4721 Rev. Howard Zurbrigg Phyllis Spencer Worship 3 Sunday School 10:30 a.m. ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN 35 CHURCH ST. N. PICKERING VILLAGE 683-7311 REV. JAMES BIGGS WORSHIP b CHURCH SCHOOL PICKERING STANDARD CHURCH (METHODIST) 3595 Brock Road at Hwy. l SUNDAY Sunday School 10:15 Worship 11:00 a.rrt. Evenings 7.00 WED. 7:30 Bible Club • Children 4TatuMuk Bible Study Come and llorship with us every Sunday. PAGE 20 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, JANUARY 29, IM THANK YOU DURHAM SALE! FOR MAKING VILLAGE, "THE FAMILY DEALERSHIP" DURHAM'S LARGEST CHRYSLER DEALER IN A ROW. REMEMBER WHY; HONESTY, INTEGRITY, 10 YEARS PRICE, SELECTION AND SERVICE. BRAND NEW_'�_ BRAND NEW --- 3 1993 VOYAGER 112 PRICE AIR, 112 PRICE ROOF 1993 SUNDANCE 4 DRI _ RACK, 1/2 PRICE 7 PASS. 1 Auto., air, tinted glass, floor mats, AWFM V6, 7 pass., air, auto., roof rack, flood stereo, buckets, dual mirrors. THANK lights, floor mats, moulding, rear wiper. $1,250 REBATE OR THANK YOU PRICE $1,000 REBATE OR 5.9%FINANCING $6 9 YO�pR��E 51999* 5.9% FINANCING � SAVE! 1992 COLT 1992 DYNASTY LUXURY! ftludes auto.. buckets. front whee; arrve. AAWFM. plus much ' Includes auto-, V6. v. hrt, :-.; se. WXY sass.. 50/50 seat. plus more " Stk. +P3729. much more. " Stk. aP37 SALE $ SALE 9 O PERST 3780° 15600*CW$13,995°° A ��� w�rrN 11o+Yr►+ 1992 ACCLAIM 1992 •CONVERTIBLE .- .. _SALE 0 t SALES16,69500$34900* a YZN-. 111 1 Y S '�,�� 1992 b. _ _ 1991 _ �,_ 1991 .- .- 4r VOYA VOYAGER VOYAGER SHADOWS LE °' LE SE d CONVERTIBLE_t T Loaded Loaded T11 00 0t1A — ',' V3747 r` "�J1!! '" V38TOM = V3749 1990 1990 :1990 f 990 p 1990 , s , 1989 TEMPO FIREFLY GRAND GRAND DYNASTY JEEP CARAVAN 4 DR. 4 DR. VOYAGER 'VOYAGER CHEROKEE SE LE LE CH8172A LTD 4X4 P3708B T8169A S8154A V3801 V3784 T8168A 1989 1989 1989 1989 1989 1992 1992 GRAND EAGLE TEMPEST VOYAGER NEW IMPERIAL FIFTH VOYAGER PREMIER 4 DR. SE YORKER AVE. LEP3702 IN144A T8054A t'3700A IAt /t,A C8134A *Not � ld 1 , y. . ".1 1 1 • 1. . . .. . 1 w7 . M 1 .. 1 . •.. - 1 1 1 PLYMOUTH LTDAJAX. SERVICE OPEN ALL CHRYSLER DAY SATURDAY ilLLAGE�� AND EVERY NIGHT 1 A HARWOOD AVE_ (North of 4011 683-5358 ' tir``i`''Sen " ``