HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA1992_05_31L L A i .407, . :e:� _.._,.J�sc�.+,.••.. �. �. • � .,,..tia,a�, �a�r�_xcw_s:ae��+..-�.:.1•es:e�.:- . ���ay.®s:wsz�._m.,:�-+wuw�....,-..�.,....,,,..�.-�—... .acs--...;.as:aw-�-,,.... ,�.,.. •�F�'miti:����- FrS GCKY SEASONI Wer M"'ba$I from $110" per year 61 Full Season 7 days from $500 per year 683-3210 Annandeb Country Club P.O. Box 91 AJAX L1 S 3C2 Pickering Edition fin 0151"181A PICKERING TOWN CENTRE BE A SUMMER ENTERTAINER! Register at Info. Sunday, May 31, 1992 20 pages A Metroland Community Newspaper Pressrun 37,000 5110 + 40 GST = 55cents Vol. 111 No. 22 The value of building permits issued by the town of Pickering are up over 1991 levels. So far this year, the town has issued 529,738,000 worth of permits compared to $21,486,000 at this time last year. The permit_,. include additions, renovations and new construction on resi- dential, commercial and indus- trial buildings. Inside the UP'CLOSE...- I% • r r� — ...with Plckering's own Glenn Healy / Page 1 12 Environment----------- 13 Computers»...»...»»».»...»»».14 Billboard ------ .....».........-.15 ■ U News A*vrdow :. New cop shop 'state-of-the-art' PICKERING - Durham's finest will soon have a new place to call home. Durham Regional Police will he operating out of their new divisional headquarters on Hwy. 2 and Brock Rd. beginning Monday. And they'll be taking over some new duties here at the same time. Regional recruiting will move here from Oshawa, the street crime unit will come over from Whitby, and Ajax and Pickering's youth bureau will shift here from Ajax. The state-of-the-art building reflects a "new concept in policing," according to Superinten- dent Don Martin. "It's a very open concept, a hitevale heritage statu PICKERING - The hamlet of Whitevale was refused heritage designation by town politicians Monday night after a local coun- cillor reported some residents are "afraid" to admit they don't want it. Fear of angering their neighbors is pre- venting some Whitevale homeowners from voicing objections to the proposed desigm- tion, councillor Enrico Pistrino told coun- cil's executive committee. The committee failed to pass a bylaw des- ignating the hamlet even though council had approved a preliminary bylaw last January. The paperwork was to have been forwarded to council and then to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval. -We figured it would be a rubber stamp Monday," says Lloyd Thomas, president of the Whitevale and District Residents' Asso- ciation. "We were quite surprised." Mr. Thomas says Whitevale residents and the town's Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee have been working on See WHITEVALE».Page 3 move away from the fortress look." He points to a community room being offered to residents at no charge as one exam- ple. Police -related groups such as Neighbor- hood Watch will be given first priority, but other community groups, including abused women and minor league baseball, are also invited to book the room through divisional inspectors. The station has been seven years in the plan- ning. The old station, located on Hwy. 2 cast of Fairport Rd., opened in 1967 when 50 people were on staff and the town had a population of about 30,000. Today, 125 people will work out of the new building and the town's population has increased to about 65,000. "Times have changed too," notes Supt. Martin. "Just look at the increase in robberies." The building was planned to serve both Ajax and Pickering, but Ajax residents wanted a "police presence" and will retain their own divisional headquarters, says Supt. Martin. He predicts it'll be another 25 years before Picker- ing experiences accommodation problems. The new headquarters also features video See CAMERAS... Page 4 Q"ft means r"jft -- Advertise in Ajax-Pickerft News Advertiser (683-5110) and Oshawa-Whillyy This Week (579-44UU).>I >fa ow pressrun every WXXMY PAGE 2 -THE NEWSADVERTMM SUNDAY, MAY 31, 1"2 "I��)�U1�I ��i�l� A FVLL n14 FT!@ D - \1 �j • PERFORMANCE TEST • CHECK BELTS & HOSES • CHECK & CLEAN CONDENSER • CHECK SYSTEM FOR LEAKS • CHECK AC. COMPRESSOR PLUS TAXES • CLEAN CONDENSATION DRAIN MOST GM *INCLUDES UP TO 1 LB. OF FREON EXPIRES JUNE 13/92 VEHICLES Wandering wheels EL '' • FRONT END ALIGNMENT ROTATE & need migomen BALANCE 4 TIRES • SPECT BALL JOINTS INSPECT TIE ROD ENDS -INSPECT TIRE CONDITION INSPECT BRAKES 1F INSPECT SHOCKS INSPECT SUSPENSION XP 'RES JUNE 13/giV/ LOW 14-1) pple PLUS TAXES Loss o L p / M 0 N pi r-e%x M.CALU Vr: .-Ll'&5 t4— Iwo %-mum PARTS & LABOUR 'WARRANTY 112 MONTHS L. ,UNLIMITED KILOMETRES* moym i r 9 M 7 AJL Fft Cowm m pon"m & a" 166 King SL E, Bow mmdio 623-9413 623-3396 Oriel AAT. ! -1 PJL he rt Choice""' NUR Clw~ 0 GW OWsnfolfilo , Ca" ac 1530 DAM SL E GM33" BOB MYERS Clwv obt an •Oldsmobile 425 N* St W., Nu 427-2500 WANO SMA SATS L0. C119mroW o Weisnom G" 9 Cadillac 140 WW SL W., 0slimm 436.7441 725-6501 Om "T. " In N". mcn"ff s SOME DEALERS OPEN FOR SERVICE SATURDAYS Call for details. CLIFF MILLS SAN :1611W .r _., Pommu-GMC mm M KW St K oqjAwA (AT MM RQ) 436-1500 IIIIIIIIIIHMAEL BOYER ftolft a Nokk 0 OW Treks 715 10 9 R K Mimi (0 & Whkwft) 686-swo mmm 831-2693 pomm — I Uk%nMk 9 CaNin - 1800 Kirpm Rd, pkkm4 (I mile F_ of PTC '683-9333 Opm MT. BRUCE BISSELL Buick Ponom 201 N* SL W., Ajax (1 Mock W. Of ""wood Am) . 683-6361 0 1j 0 �a�0@ A FVLL n14 FT!@ D - \1 �j • PERFORMANCE TEST • CHECK BELTS & HOSES • CHECK & CLEAN CONDENSER • CHECK SYSTEM FOR LEAKS • CHECK AC. COMPRESSOR PLUS TAXES • CLEAN CONDENSATION DRAIN MOST GM *INCLUDES UP TO 1 LB. OF FREON EXPIRES JUNE 13/92 VEHICLES Wandering wheels EL '' • FRONT END ALIGNMENT ROTATE & need migomen BALANCE 4 TIRES • SPECT BALL JOINTS INSPECT TIE ROD ENDS -INSPECT TIRE CONDITION INSPECT BRAKES 1F INSPECT SHOCKS INSPECT SUSPENSION XP 'RES JUNE 13/giV/ LOW 14-1) pple PLUS TAXES Loss o L p / M 0 N pi r-e%x M.CALU Vr: .-Ll'&5 t4— Iwo %-mum PARTS & LABOUR 'WARRANTY 112 MONTHS L. ,UNLIMITED KILOMETRES* moym i r 9 M 7 AJL Fft Cowm m pon"m & a" 166 King SL E, Bow mmdio 623-9413 623-3396 Oriel AAT. ! -1 PJL he rt Choice""' NUR Clw~ 0 GW OWsnfolfilo , Ca" ac 1530 DAM SL E GM33" BOB MYERS Clwv obt an •Oldsmobile 425 N* St W., Nu 427-2500 WANO SMA SATS L0. C119mroW o Weisnom G" 9 Cadillac 140 WW SL W., 0slimm 436.7441 725-6501 Om "T. " In N". mcn"ff s SOME DEALERS OPEN FOR SERVICE SATURDAYS Call for details. CLIFF MILLS SAN :1611W .r _., Pommu-GMC mm M KW St K oqjAwA (AT MM RQ) 436-1500 IIIIIIIIIIHMAEL BOYER ftolft a Nokk 0 OW Treks 715 10 9 R K Mimi (0 & Whkwft) 686-swo mmm 831-2693 pomm — I Uk%nMk 9 CaNin - 1800 Kirpm Rd, pkkm4 (I mile F_ of PTC '683-9333 Opm MT. BRUCE BISSELL Buick Ponom 201 N* SL W., Ajax (1 Mock W. Of ""wood Am) . 683-6361 0 1j 0 Builder- buyers 'dispute holds up subdivision plan PICKERING - For the third time, town politicians Monday failed to enter into a subdivision agreement with a homebuilder because of a dispute over money. Councillor Kip Van Kempen told council's executive committee he'd received about 75 letters from homeowners who are owed money by Landford Estates. Mr. Van Kempen said the company required r� a grading deposit from buyers that was to be returned, but that some residents have been waiting for the refund more than four years. According to Mr. Van Kempen, the letters were written by residents on Rambleberry Ave. and Kelvin - way Lane. Saying he wants to "make sure this does not happen again," Mr. Van Kempen suggested a two- week deferral of a subdivision agreement with Landford Dixie South Ltd. until the town solicitor reports whether the town can restrict the company from requiring a similar deposit in future. Council's executive committee had also deferred the proposed agreement with Landford Dixie South Ltd. at its meetings of April 27 and May 11. In an interview, Landford vice- president Nigel O'Neill said the company will refund residents' deposits as soon as the subdivision developer releases Landford from financial responsibility for any damage to grading or curbs caused by homeowners. "It makes sense," he says of the deposit required from homebuyers. "We're on the hook with our money." Mr. O'Neill says other compa- nies require similar deposits. "We may be the only builder in Picker- ing doing it but we're not the only builder in the industry." He complains the town made no effort to arrange a meeting with the company and points out that home- buyers paying the deposit entered into a business agreement with Landford Estates. "It's straight business with us. We know the rules." Teens 'busted for 22 break-ins PICKERING - Three Scarborough teenagers have been charged With close to two dozen residential break-ins over the last week in the Pickering area. Police pulled over'a 1983 Volkswagen being driven in a "suspi- cious" manner Thursday morning around 3:30 a.m. and discovered some stolen property. A further investigation resulted in the three occupants — an 18 - year -old and two 19 -year-olds — being charged in connection with 22 break-ins occurring in the Pickering area between May 213 and 27. Whitevale designation quashed FROM PAGE 1 destroying historical character and a designation for the past three homeowners would be eligible to years. "We voted as a village and apply for provincial grants for we all decided we wanted to do it." restorative work. Although councillor Rick John- Town clerk Bruce Taylor told son Monday said there were "resi- politicians that residents could dents being chastised" over the have had their homes exempt from issue and "vigilantes" up in arms, designation had those exemptions Mr. Thomas says he's not aware of been included in the bylaw passed any problems and doesn't know in January. anyone who's opposed to the des- "It was the first opportunity ignation. "It seems almost ludi- Pickering had to be a leader," crous." laments Mr. Thomas. "It would be Under heritage designation, the first village in the town to be Whitevale homes would have been designated. It would've been sig - protected from renovations nificant." 6, Robber sought on many charges PICKERING - PoGce are looking for a lone bandit following a rob- bery at a Canada Trust branch in Pickering Wednesday afternoon. A man entered the Canada Trust branch, 1794 Liverpool Rd., around 4:30 pm. He told the telkr he had a gun, and was given a small amount sof money before fleeing. _ Police have issued a warrant for the wanted man but they're not releasing his name. He is also wanted on numerous other charges. MATERNITY miTRUCKLOAD �= seNEW �,,,a' SALE .'. O STOCK Best prices, selection & quality, now! - - - •otr�rn• V "AV 7t tr1 C THE NEWS ADVEWMF.R SUNDAY, MAY 31,19!2 -PAGE 3 P DELIVERY SERVICE WATCH FOR THESE INSERTS & FLYERS COMING TO YOUR DOOR WITH YOUR NEWS ADVERTISER CARRIER TODAY AND IN THE DAYS AHEAD SUNDAY, MAY 31/92 NEWS ADVERTISER (AJAXIPICK.) 'A & P (PICK.) -CANADIAN TIRE (PICK.) DOMINION (AJAXIPICK.) 'FOOD CITY (AJAX) TGA. (AJAXIPICK.) 'K -MART (AJAX/PICK) LOBLAWS (AJAXIPICK.) MIRACLE FOOD MART (AJAX/PICK.) 'SAVA-CENTRE (PICK.) 'SEARS (AJAX/PICK.) Delivered to selected households only Ajax -Pickering rf% OMMRI n9 Jl w�5 �l J-y���10 � SUNDAY CARRIER OF THE WEEK IS SHAWN CAMERON Shawn enjoys playing Nintendo and bike riding. Shawn received a McDonald's meal - deal compliments of the News Advertiser. Congratulations for being our Sunday Carrier of 7,e Week. No payments � until the job 40 is done. 111still1c d Ro)ofilw �Ar It ),()u su.}x•ct th.0 tour r. N,! nerdy to IX- lvplac,•d. dont di -lax, 1� r l\ 111 arranLc }rroli•ssi(ilMl install;,tion of ., .hinglr or � i ILII r,N)f. \%ith lin,itr•d r— ��arr:uuic�- t. 01000 t�o0o LOOOC] O 3C 1 Installed Garage Doors ll•\our garage d,xa- ha: seen bt,tter da%s Sears %\ ill arrange installation ol' a ne\% one in %our choice of Tither a wotiod, aluminum or insulated steel style. Installed Entry Doors Is your door on its last hinges' Sears can install a new steel o entry- d,xrr or complete entrance w stein oflering %ou 00 eleg;lnce and securit\. /� Rl'f'�tclll1 t .,i nnrt rel.0 ln� - � .ul rlononli,.d t�.r. Gi .Irrtu r tr}1 �r,ur old �_ trained rx}��'rt� ��ill kill ht in either ;t rontcm}Nn-ar\ or traditional .tile. Installed Patio Doors Choose from a %%ide range of attracti%-e, practical stdes S in %inyl or aluminum. There's More We also sell and arrange installation of eavestrough. gas fireplaces. furnaces and %rater heaters. Plus hath rcllo%,dols, a\%tllllgs and more•. -Sews Gwuwiteed Home hnpmvements j idk- to SoIT1eork,- you IGI(A%, i F i CALL NOW OSHAWA 725-4322 PICKERING 420-5582 i SEARS CANADA INC. -wSSUM •� ""IANW-!'l1"WINS AD 5 kFAMY31-om Cameras watch suspects A. FROM PACE 14: statement rooms. "Videos are becoming more and more the norm;says Supt. Martin. "They're seldom contested (in court) and reduce threats and inducements (from suspects)." Video cameras will film suspects being held in any of the 16 cells - eight more than at the old building — and videos will be used "if anyone ever claimed abuse" while being detained. "Panic bars" are in place throughout the cell area. The yellow strips, which operate much like those Found in GO and subway trains, can be pressed if an officer needs help controlling a suspect. Breathalyzer officers will enjoy increased security as well. While working, they'll be viewed by another officer because "a lot of people don't realize how dangerous their job is. Being in the.room with a drunk can be scary,- notes Supt. Martin. All notebooks and guns used by police officers will be locked up by administration. At present, officers keep them in their own lockers. Homes approved for Claremont PICKERING - An 18 -home subdivision proposed for Clare- mont was approved by council's executive committee Monday despite a staff recommendation against it. Town planners had objected to the plan as "premature", noting that regional policies call for the area to remain undeveloped until a planning review is complete. Environmental concerns were also cited. The Claremont District Com- munity Association, however, supported the plan, saying resi- dents want growth in the commu- nity. Councillors Doug Wellman and Enrico Pistritto called for support of the application, saying environ- mental concerns would be addressed at the regional and provincial levels. The decision will come before council next week. High-rise apartments for Southview-Hwy. 2 PICKERING - A high-rise development of apartments and town - homes near Hwy. 2 and Southview Dr. was approved by council's execu- tive committee Monday. Zoning amendments approved will allow 29 townhouses and 201 apartment units in buildings up to 1 1 storeys high. However, the commit- ter decided three buildings near existing homes on Southview Dr. will be limited to three storeys at the request of councillor Enrico Pistriuo. Councillor Kip Van Kempen complained the density and height of the project is too great The committee's decision will come before council June 1. 01 t CREATIVE l�• RAILINGS We will remove your existing metal railings & install an elegant formal custom oak railing. Also -railings to basement. • CALL 287_9500 WE'RE Durham Regional Police superinten- dent Don Martin says Pickering's new divisional headquarters rep- resents a "new "AIN concept in polic- ing." Wi i0fli PICKERING TOWN CENTRE EATERY 839-2507 MON, TUES., WED. 99 TWO CAN EAT FOR Dinner Choices: 12 Filet of Sole, Baby Beef Liver, Minced Sirloin Steak, Lasagna, Spaghetti, Fish & Chips, Steak on a Kaiser. 9� WV P I`_- \ "" _.,� Hear, Here We're your tul service heartrg center. AU NM OF HEAfW AIDS -New innovative designs -Various assistive listening devices -Miniature canal aids •Batteries and repairs Regs*rW wo DNA, W.C_B, A.D.P., Wi slery of Healrt, am Gats, ilei lde and Green Shedd Call 427-4277 Durham Audton sft Swvk" Wo Ap=-fkk.rr,o #AmWM aInic 605 Kkpa m Rd. X. Ajar TAKE THE PLUNGE AT THE PEOPLE IN MOTION SHOW.' ti n The PEOPLE IN MOTION show is two full days of products, services, activities and job opportunities for disabled and elderly persons. It's a chance to see the latest in accessible sailing, adapted fishing gear, customized vans and a wheelchair that operates under water. There's information on computerized shopping services, security, and barrier -free living. The truly adventurous can even learn about scuba diving opportunities. PEOPLE IN MOTION, Friday, lune 5th 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. and Saturday, June 6th 10.00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Queen Elizabeth Building, Exhibition Place, Toronto. Admission is free and it's fully accessible. Si vous desirez des renseignements en fran(ais composez le 235-4875. O Ontario Mro In MiAm ■ 7 I 04 r I Cl7 or no? The News Advertiser would like to know what you think about Sunday shopping. Should stores be allowed to open on Sundays or should the Retail Business Holidays Act remain as it is? Please fill out the ballot below and let us know. We'll report our find- ings and some of the better comments in a future edition. Please mail or drop off your ballots to The News Advertis- er, c/o Sunday Shopping Poll, 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ont. LIS 21-15. Be sure to include your name and address. r---------------------- Are you in favor of ; Sunday shopping? E] Yes ❑ NO i Comments: i i r � r � i i i ------------------i INTEREST FREE FINANCING AVAILABLE! - No Service Charge' All Prices G.S.T. & P.S.T. Included WE'RE PROUD OF OUR INTEGRITY - CALL US! TOTAL SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. OSHAWA DIRECT ROOFING e 725-2234 Satisfaction Guaranteed Harwood Mail Supercentre Dental Dental Office Office 294 Harwood Ave. S. 1792 Liverpool Rd. AJAX 427-0851 PICKERING 420-8990 SATURDAY, JUNE 20 Registration Deadline: Monday, June"15 W. Culling all jugglers, rinime artists. musici�s.-agcians singes dancers ona clowns Have we missed anyoneI The Picke ng Town Centre invites y u to audton for the right to be a Silll ENTERTAINER n our Centre. Were taking the S"REET PERFORIll concept and piac --g it INDOORS whom the customer traffic issteady and "rain, wind, sleet or hail' cci lc* effb& your show Perfoai;ii� ted will be able to. perform at their convenience during mall hcKa in JL* t. It's a great wayaptestyour performance vilixto,al. and enjoy alis. q. ive comments ar support of a ready -mode audience. tA.Mplete this form and I#C>tihe Info Desk in theEFlickwing Town Centre, down Centre ton Road Ontario AdministraS A would like to audition on June 20th to be a Pickering Town Centre 'street" performer. - Name: Type of Performance: Address: Phone (Day) (Eve) Registration Deadline: June 151, 1992. PAGE 4 -TRE NEWS ADVEWMER SUNDA% MAY 31, IM Opinion - Time for mayor to come forward We were glad to hear last week that the illness that's stricken Pickering mayor Wayne Arthurs is not life-threatening and that his health is improv- ing. We wish him a speedy recovery and hope to see him back on the job soon. That said, we must also express our belief that it's about time the mayor carne forward and disclosed the nature of his illness and how much longer he's expected to be sidelined from duty. It's a tough call but one we feel we must make. Yes, we agree that a person has a right to privacy in time of illness. And, we've given mayor Arthur that privacy since he came down with his undis- closed sickness in early April. But, when the ailing person has a high profile and is a public figure like mayor Arthur, the rules change. They change because, when a high-profile public figure disappears from sight for an extended period, the rumors begin to fly. We've heard all types of rtunors about mayor Arthurs and we've received letters unfairly attacking him for his absence. We've chosen ncx to publish the letters and we refuse to pestis on the rumors. The mayor could dispel some of the incorrect rumors by being forthright about his illness. The mayor is being paid by the public purse, therefore the public has a right to know when he'll be back on the job. This is 1992: no illness should embarrass its victims, be it mental or physical, be it alcoholism or AIDS, bad nerves or a bad back. Mayor Arthur could help others suffering from similar ailments by coming for- ward and revealing that, yes, even the emperor can become sick. By coming forward about his illness, the mayor can prove to a populace that's becoming ever more cynical that there are indeed honest politicians. Lastly, but most imporL•ind), we think that disclosing details of his ail- ment might just help mayor Arthurs in the healing process. The Stantons: grace under pressure As searches are being conducted of the Port Perry area again both days this weekend for traces of Julie Anne Stanton, we're saying a prayer -- a Parents' Prayer of sorts. Let the search be fruitless. Let it yield no traces of the Pickering teen who's presumed murdered after dis- appearing April 16, 1990. Let her show up on the doorstep of her Maury Crescent home, having gone missing for no apparent reason -- two lost years and too, too many tears later. Let us write a headline "Julie found safe and sound." The perfect end to a tragic story. It's a story the News Advertiser most recently brought you on Wednesday after reporter Linda White joined last weekend's searches for Julie Anne. Its a story that won't go away... until Julie Anne comes back ... or until her remains are found. It's a story that, believe it or not, we wish we didn't have to report. We wish it was none of our business. Of course, some cynics among our read- ers will say we report the story for business, that we do it because we think it will sell newspapers. We'd love to sell newspapers with the headline "Julie round safe and sound." Contrary to popular belief, journalists are not heartless people: we like happy endings as much as you do. We wish this story could resurrection of Jesus Christ, usually with family. But, Julie Anne Stanton has to leave her family that day to check her work schedule. She doesn't return at the expected time. And, a parent's worst nightmare begins. Every minute she's late seems like an hour. Hours stretch into days, days into weeks, weeks into months. It begins to sink in that maybe Julie Anne's never coming home again. The Stantons organize search- es for traces of their daughter. They track a former family acquaintance whom they suspect responsible for Julie Anne's disappearance. (A man is eventually charged with first- degree murder.) And, we track them. Police and reporters become a part of the Stantons' everyday lives. Those everyday lives changed forever on April 16, 1990. Every time the phone rings in their home must strike terror in their hearts. Every knock at the door must sound like the Grim Reaper's come calling. Every report of remains being found must chill their veru_ souls. The Stantons and volunteer searchers are out today looking for Julie Anne's remains. If they can't have her alive, they just want to have her, period. So they can give her a decent burial. So they can close the book on this chapter. So this night- mare ;slight come to an end. Letters F:�l Let's deav�th Frenchman's $ ' ayissue now To the editor, On May 11 I presented a seven -page documentation to Pickering town council concern- ing the litigations over the disput- ed ownership of Frenchman's Bay. Despite a 10 -minute time slot to deliver this verbal presen- tation I believe that a public gen- eral awareness has been achieved. During the past few weeks there have been more developments arising, some of which should be given serious attention. Depth soundings undertaken lately reveal that the bay's bottom is becoming furrowed. This is the same condition which many of you may have noticed when wad- ing in shallow water along the lake's bottom just off a beach area. This indicates a settling of sedimentary material. Along with this action certain areas in the bay cannot accommodate vessels with a six foot keel or a hull which requires a draught or displace- ment of the same distance. In fact there is one 50 -foot boat in the bay which is resting on the bot- tom. At a recent meeting with offi- cials from the NITRCA and the Ministry of Natural Resources it was disclosed that sedimentation was becoming a worrying factor. Loss of habitat could result if sed- imentation continues. l still main- tain that the berm at the channel has contributed to much of the problem. Under the status of the Charter of 1853 and the provisions to operate a harbor no mention is made of ownership of the land beneath the bay's surface. Neither is there any provision to control other marinas, or real estate. As it stands now, the owner of the Pickering Harbor Co. Ltd. con- trols all marinas. And it is also responsible for the dredged up eyesore at the end of Sandbar Rd. which is a municipal disgrace. .The News Advertiser welcomes letters to the editor on topical issues, controversial matters and anything else of interest to our read- ers. We reserve the right to edit letters for style, length and legal rea- sons and to withhold letters deemed not fit for publication. All letters must include your full name, address and phone number for our infor- mation. Letters can be mailed or dropped off at the News Advertiser, 130 Commercial Ave Ajax, Ont., LIS 2H5 or sent by FAX to 683- 7363. Hews Advertiser a th: Ne rs And, ' liser It pwlecled by ,A Metroland Community Newspaper u astir ht and 'Timothy John Whittaker Publisher wiltiout wrRleri cow sent Is prohibited. The publisher reserves the right to classify or reluse any advedlsement .;at his discretbn. As much as we decry or con- each conscientious individual who Pickering's politicians and demn violations of the environ- spends time and money to fight bureaucrats will settle this issue ment in other part, of the world certain egregious acts there are very soon. there are events .occurring in our hundreds who sit back in abject Frank Threlkeld Jr„ own back yards. Unfortunately for complacency. I can only hope that Pickering Heart and Stroke s aY s thanks To the editor, The Heart and Stroke Founda- tion of Ontario, Durham Region, extends its most sincere apprecia- tion to your newspaper for all the media coverage you have provid- ed for our organization. Public awareness is the key to our success. Without your support in making us known within the community, we would be unable Lo recruit volunteers and raise funds for valuable research pro - jects. Our Person -to -Person Cam- paign last February enlisted a large number of canvassers enabling us to cover a vast area. We received calls from citizens who volunteered in their commu- nity, after reading about our needs in your newspaper. Your media coverage of our Jump Rope for Heart, the Heart Fitness Swim, Dance for Heart and other community -held events, have added to our success by increasing the number of people who have participated. Thank you, once again, for your support in helping our Foun- dation to be a continued success, and we say: "For a Strong Heart ... Our Heartfelt Thanks!" Irene Thompson Area Co-ordinator, Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario Annual art show big success To the editor, ` Rackham said we will have another "just art" show We would like to thank the News Advertiser for ' in the fall. The club is a non-profit workshop for the great promotion of our recent 25th Antral Art local fine artists and hard work is producing a good Show. It was a great success and $50 was donated to calibre of work. the Ajax -Pickering Hospital Fund. Olive Henderson Thank you News Advertiser for always support - won the door prize, a lovely watercolor of the Stan- ing us. ley Farm in Ajax, painted by Sheila Masters. Maggie Whitford, The two days of the art show helped to promote ° .blicity uRa�ager, local artists in the Durham area. President Eileen ;Ajax Creative Arts ,JOANNE BURGHARDT - tenor -in -Chief GREG COMES - Monoging Editor HUGH NICHOLSON - AdverfisN Manager MONIOIIE LEA - Retail Sales Manager ABE FAKHOtWE - Detibution Manager NEWSROOM - 663-6110 aanBBunoN - 663-6117 • • RETAIL ADVERTISING - 60.1-6110 CUMFIED - M-7672 FAX - 653-7363 NATIONAL ADVERTISING SALES 493-1300 REAL ESTATE R AUTOMOTIVE ADVERTISING - 79R-7672 the News Adwrlw, pnbished awry Sway. VYeaMOday and Frkloy at 130 Cw~dal Ave- Alec. Onlarlo US 2H5. b ane or 1w Metaland p&*V, pUbN hp ar,d DW m" Wap at subuttan n,"paow, which InCkJd- AJCWftkwWV News Adverb". Aram Darner. Bane Advanta, Brampton Guardlan. Suiington Post. C0111ngwood Connection, Etoblcoko Guardk1rVL0k0hore ACwrtlsar. Georgetown independent. Kingston fib Week. trtrtay Tr1b Week. MarWgrn ECOnOmbt & Sun. MKon Canadian Champlan. Msrrauga News. Newrrsorket Era. Nosh York Mkror. Nonhunbwlond News. Ookvly Beaver. oroa Todgr. OshorwiV,"W THS Week. Peterborough 7Hs Week. Rlcrrnond HM/Thpo" tbwal. Scaborough Mbror. Urmndge/ssmowe Tribune. Today$ Senor. page sizes may vary do My ham pttllted rate cad due to maclwical requzemenh of dl feroM prhten. Metralond Akntkng. Publishing and DlshbuMng is a member of he Catalan Carrmuify Newspapers ASsockrnon. Ontario COMmuity Newspopyrs AnockMw artd OMarlo Press Coundl. Second Class MON RegMralbn Nurkw 1897, k a subcr4~ raps h Cando: 1 yea. S70 per edtio n. N r) J J 7= NEI" ADVEIR "m su"AT, MAY 31,1!!2 -*AGE 7 n g h c-ke th Glenn He ly .T 1kin o � y wi s the National Hockey League wrapped up its 75th anniversary year, News Advertiser managing editor Greg Coates talked to Pickering's Glenn Healy, goal - tender for the New York Islanders, to get his views on what many are calling the most controversial year in hockey. The year was marred by a players' strike, saw the addition of the San Jose Sharks, and a deluge of European and Russian players. On a personal level, Glenn, 29, missed seven weeks prior to the player strike after having the tip of his right middle finger sliced off by a puck. He came back to play the first game after the strike and ended the year with a shutout against the New Jersey Devils. The Islanders, however, missed the playoffs. Glenn grew up in Pickering and played all of his minor hock- ey here. He played junior hockey with the Panthers and then played for Western Michigan University before being drafted by the Los Angeles Kings. He was picked up by the New York Islanders as a free agent in 1989. News Advertiser: You started playing hockey when you were four years old. Have you always been a goaltender? Healy: "I started as a defence - man. I was just awful. After a year of not touching the puck, my dad put me in goal. He figured rather than chasing the puck, why not wait until it came to me? He looks like a coaching genius. "My parents were always very supportive. In my mother's eyes, I _ couldn't have a bad game. I'm the 0 only goalie in the world who's never had a bad game." News Advertiser: This has been a year of turmoil in the NHL, particularly because of the players' strike. What was it like as Pickering native home for summer after frustrating year with Islanders a player? Healy: "It was difficult for us. They (team owners) didn't take us seriously all season. When negoti- ating, we would come to the table and they'd send in their B team." News Advertiser: What was it like trying to play under those conditions.' Did you think a strike would actually happen and once it did how long did you expect it to last? Healy: "During a game, you're focussed. But it was tough. We never knew how long it was going to go on. "I thought clearer heads would prevail. Neither side wanted a strike. I really thought they would sit down and work it out, but it got to the point where we were negoti- ating with ourselves. "I thought it was going to last a long time. We had our year-end meetings and get-together. We were told to pack our bags and go home. I stayed in New York and before we knew it, we were hack in Toronto practising." News Advertiser: Your first game back after the strike was against Toronto. It was also your first game since the finger injury. Was there any added pressure? Healy: "I don't think so. If there's one place you want to play, it's Toronto. There's pressure {with family and friends in the stands, etc.), but it's a good pres- sure. It's nice to go out and do well. I try to prepare just like any other game. I don't do anything different." News Advertiser: Your last game of the year was a shutout against New Jersey. You must have been pleased. Healy: "It was nice. It was my first shutout in two years. I've had plenty of chances, but let a lot of them go in the last few minutes. "We were out of the playoffs and acting as spoilers. If you can't be at the big dance, you want to wreck it for everybody else. i In our last three games i .kc ended Toronto's season and kept New Jersey from passing Pittsburgh in the standings." News Advertiser: The Patrick Division has become one of the toughest, if not the toughest, divi- sion in hockey. Do you see this as good or had? Healv: "It's frustrating for us. We finished with 80 points (it was actually 79), but out of the play- offs. Any other division and we would have been in second. It's not really fair. I think the playoffs should be for the best teams." News Advertiser: Do you think the addition of European players has helped or hindered the league? Healy: "It's made the league better and that's the important thing for fans. It used to be the fourth line was three goons who couldn't hit an empty net. Now they skate a hundred miles an hour and shoot a hundred miles an hour. The game is faster and a lot more ew!tine." News Advertiser: There's a lot of talk about the amount of stick work going on in the league. An example is the slash which knocked Mario Lemieux out of the playoffs. Does this concern you? Healy: "I think it's being blown out of proportion. There's a lot of intensity out there, especial- ly in the playoffs. If it had been anyone else (other than Mario Lemieux) it wouldn't even have made the papers. I think the league is doing a good job cleaning it (the rough stuff) up." News Advertiser: Have you set any goals for next year? Healv: "I want to stay injury - free and if we make the playoffs the year would be made for me. I think we're on the way up. We have a lot of good people, like Al Arbour, running this team. "We started last year in such turmoil. (Pat) LaFontaine failed to show. Brent Sutter wasn't happy. We had a slow start. But from Jan- uary on we were one of the best teams and our record would show that. "This year we'll be starting with our players intact. We just need a few small moves to solidify the club. "I think the toughest part will be making the playoffs. That will be our goal from the start. It's time to take a step up. The games we're losing by one goal, we're going to have to start winning. "We have a lot more depth now. We traded three players for six. It used to be that one injury would kill us. And if LaFontaine wasn't scoring, we wouldn't score." News Advertiser: You live in New York half of the year. How do like: it as a eitv'' Healy: "We don't go in there too much. Anything you want to do, you can find there. I like com- ing back to Pickering. Even though some things are going on now , its far less LfanLerous. The Nrple are a i,,t more triendl, ." T W McHappy Day helps hospital, local charities AJAX-PICKERING - You can fill your belly and help fill the coffers of charities on Wednesday. June 3 is McHappy Day at McDonald's Restaurants in Ajax and Pickering and $1 from the sale of each Big Mac and pizza will be donated to Ronald McDonald Children's Charities and local charities. In Ajax, 25 cents from each dollar will go to McDonald's charities, while 75 cents will go a new pediatric playroom at the Ajax and Pickering General Hospital. In Pickering, all money will go to McDonald's charities. Community leaders, corpo- rate executives and local celebri- ties will work alongside McDonald's employees at both local locations, preparing food and serving customers. Since the first McHappy Day in 1977, more than $6 million has been raised across Canada for children's charities. At the last McHappy Day in 1990, more than $1 million was raised across the country. The Pickering McDonald's is on the northwest corner of Gle- nanna Rd. and Hwy. 2, in the Hub Plaza. The Ajax McDonald's is on Bayly St. west of Monarch Ave. _lTOPEN HOUSE AJAX HYDRO Saturday, June 6 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Come celebrate with us, we invite our customers the residents and businesses of Ajax, to tour our new administration and service Centre. DEMONSTRATIONS -V ENERGY MANAGEMENT INFORMATION ill ' SAFETY DISPLAYS v` BALLOONS FOR THE KIDS v REFRESHMENTS +� I Staff will be on hand to answer your questions 155 TAUNTON ROAD EAST -�, • East of Harwood r 619-0500 Commissioners - N. Maxwell - Chairman - a. Boyle - Vice-chairman - J. Witty - Mayor • D. Jewel • D. Trempe - General Manager - A.P. Starck, P. Erg. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AJAX MUNICIPAL OFFICE 65 HARWOOD AVENUE SOUTH AJAX, ONTARIO L1 S 2H9 1992 FINAL TAXES 1992 Final tax bills have now been mailed. The instalment due dates are as follows: First Installment - June 24, 1992 Second Instalment - September 30, 1992 if you have not received a tax bill and you are responsible for payment, contact the Tax Section immediately at 683-4550 to obtain the necessary information. Payments not received by June 24, 1992 are subject to a - penally charge of 1.25% on the first day of defauk and on the firm day of each month thereafter •Payment can be made - t 1) participating banks4rusts companies (service charge .Tnay apply) nks - in Ontario .7 - Tinnist Companies Town of Ajax only 2) by mail (post dated cheques acceptable) 3) after hours drop box located at the municipal building (DO NOT DEPOSIT CASH). 4) in person at the Finance Department CORRECTION Ra Tax Information Brochure Included With Final Tax Blil: Telephone Number for Ward 4 'Councillor J. McMaster Should read 683-5315. It ADNANDLEW TOURING TIRES AT SEARS WEAROUT WARRANTY 1A,, -. ,,,.., _'.v. ,1 - 4n1A M,4 ww.snty 'lam Pha F,_ I. 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Installed by Professionals. #13016. - ```° your car. r• s. .,'. ,_ . �,... _ ., _ „�--'MtarrartMd as long as you own . SALE PRICES END SAT., JUNE 13, 1992, UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED, WHILE QUANTITIES }LAST - t ■d your money's worth... and moire t Visit Sears Pickering Town Centre HIGIFf"Y Ah Automotive Centre 7.00 PAWN' N Phone 420 -MM. We're open Mon.+ri 8:00 a.m.-9.00 Sat. 8:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. P M, 31 .) A] ---- - nw.......+iei», - , `•717aift!!!'£.....""r"� a --- - ►" w"7,7 r ..,,. ',:'A;` • V many more in-store ► specials ► we reserve the right to limit quantities . BONELESS TOP SIRLOIN STEAKS $339 LB. 7.47 Kg THE NEWSADVERTISFa StjmVA>4 MAY », iVYA-rwt,j&s HOURS '1,10N. -WED. 9 A.M. - 7 P.M. 1 HURS.-FRIDAY 9 A.M. - 9 P.M. SATURDAY 8:30 A.M. - 6 P.M. L SUNDAY 10 A.M. - 6 P.M. PRODUCE OF U.S.A. PEACHES •APRICOTS NECTARINES •RED N PLUMS 13 MIX & MATCH !1LB. 1.52 K OUTSIDE ROUND GOLD SEAL GRANNY SMITH STEAK CHUNK LIGHTOR ,*APPLES y ROASTS TUNA IN WATER 49 0 9 LB. 5.49 Kg 2 LB. 184 gm TTN 89 TIN 1.69 Kg No EYE ROUND MOTTS F FRESH STEAK OR CLAMATO JUICE (1 LT) ` � �� - TOMATOES y ROAST $69 ' 8.80 Kg LB. BOTTTLE 1.52 Kg b9LB MAPLE LODGE PANTRY SHELF ENGLISH CHICKEN TORTILLA CHIPS 450 gm WEINERS 9S1CUCUMBERS PKG. � $139 PKG. 450 GM BAG 59EA. STORE MADE SUGAR CELLO ITALIAN STYLE 2 Kg BAG SPINACH y SAUSAGE w $ 49 $119 A 5.49 K 2. LBBAG Kg . 79PKG. DIET OR COCA COLA CELLO CLASSIC CARROTS ROAST BEEF 24 x 355 ML CANS AND 99 0 PER 100 $599 -COOKING 9M 69¢ ONIIONS CASE BAG (21b. Bag) 401 g 3 BAILEY r --I PAGE 10 -THE NEWS ADvEWMEK SUNDAY, MAY 31, IM N6��ll w � ---------- A Z -Ae 14 qr r O� � - r r r 7"" "�"'� 40 cm'CLQ ai N 13Lcm cm rA -C CD (a Me CL 0) C 7 too c A > UJ D 'Z 40, ., Sa) ICA .! 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O J ; N >.• ago L W� I� IL 4) _ y '^vim• - - ._—_.�..�y. .... PAGE n -THE NEWS ADVER77SER SUNDAY, MAY 31, IM T n �s. ,�.-.is..;Ow- Players, helpers needed for developmentally handicapped soccer league DURHAM - The first season has four handicapped youths play - for the Sunnyside Soccer League ling alongside four or more peer for the developmentally hand[- helper volun- capped will kick off in July. teers. The The league gives developmen- games will tally handicapped youths, aged 15 be non - to 12, the opportunity to play park c o m p e t i- houseleague soccer throughout the tive with summer. 30 -minute Four integrated soccer teams halves. will play in the league. Each team The season Scoreboard this summer lasts until mid-August, capped with a playoff weekend and barbe- cue. All players will receive a uni- form and team pictures from the season. Any youths interested in play- ing or even helping out with team duties, call Myron or Tony at the Sunrise Recreational Youth Group at 668-8761. PICKE NM SOCCER CWS BANTAM OIVISION George) vs. Mewel Construction t (Goal by Girls' rep and house "us results for Boyar Pontiac Built 13 vs. First TM Golf 8; Poly Alexander Mitchell); Kelsey* 2 (Goals by R. the weak on&AV May 23- tech Coatings 13 vs. Compucentre 11. The Hor- Munro. D. Gillam**) vs. Professional Chandelier Pon Hope 6 vs. Pickering 0 (First game for new nets 7 vs. Duffenn Gane Room 5; Boyer Pontiac 1 (Goal by Ryan M"wison). Pick" team). Built 10 vs. Poytech Comings 9. SQUIRT SOPS' DIVISION I IDGET DIVISION A DIVISION PKXEtIMIG SASESALL ASSOCIATION Houe Helliwell 15 vs. Marchant Sports 9; Pttier• Results for the week o1 May 25 Results of gaffes played May 1910 22. Ing Playing Fields 11 vs. Pielwing Photo 2. Artisan Metalcralt 2 (Goals by Nicholas So~. T-IIIIALL OWSION Jennifer Sadler) vs. Halerlda's M a D Mems 1 Madded and Roberts 32 vs. Victory Fire Equip- PICKERING SOCCER CLUB (Goal by Ryan Hannan. The player of the gene mart 29; Coughlan Hones 33 vs. Boyar Pontiac MITE DIVISION was Jennder Sadler; Bowler Drive Bombers 7 Built 32; Robert Case Reahyil(. Meredith 36 vs. Results from Mon.. May 25 and Wed.. May (Gomel by Jamie Bishop 6. Darryl Lloyd) vs. Car%- Awlech 36; Victory Fire Equip im 1 34 vs. Really 27. tied Courer Service 3 (Goals by Faraz Khan 3); WorldlAw Shuse 27. Prosure Group 2 (Gaels by Shawn Coukice. Adri- Wemyss Inc 1 (Goal by Michael Weiss) vs. ROOM DWISIOII an Antoneseus) vs. Pizza Pizza 1 (Goal by Kyle PCCCA 1 (Goal by Ryan Gmnon). Players d the Poulan Pro 16 vs. Deer Creek Goch and Country Kavaralzis): Jim Nicholson Insurance 6 (goals by weak are Shane Jess and Ryan Gmnon. Estates S. Fast Eddies Catering 10 vs. Redly Kaylon Warner 4• Christopher Butler, Philkppe SQUIRT III DIVISION World EUVOon Dennis 6; Jerrys 14 vs. Boyer Dabo) vs. Annandale Dodge Chrysler 0; Blizzard Trick or Treat 2 (Goals by Tyler Wray 2) vs. Bruce Pontiac Buick 10; Pickering OF I 1 3 vs. Aub 4 (Goals by Jordan Doody 2. Andrew McCallurm ValWlse Electronics 0; Bkzzard 2 (Goals by Sean dyne Inc. 2; Fast Eddies 9 vs. Deer Creek 1; Andrew Hunter) vs. Rockets 2 (Goals by Trevor Gostin, Noel Coultiee) vs. CON Progress Club 0; Poulin Pro 15 vs. Pesky World EasvDon Dennis (tines); FtDergWs Canada Inc. 5 (Goals by Breo Boyer Pontiac 6 (Goys by Blade Prim. Jed John- s. Cameron 2, Kyrie Aitken, Brandon Barbaro, stun, Jas Athwal, Marko Jeremic. Matthew MOSQUITO DIVISION (FORMERLY TYKE) Daniel Power) vs. Jerry's Drug Warehouse 2 Pernsrowskf. Happy Athway vs. Lanbrook 0. OuaNq Tune-up 26 vs. Boyer Pontiac Built 8; Russell Certified Hearin 15 vs. ReMax/ pOH Sk27 2). SQUIRT D OMby K Piege g Doug Cain 7; �Y � by John Mizanki 2. N uakftolis W000kmpc, Lonny (GoaVolpe) Kelly Je sa ft o; Parte Garden Gantry 10 vs. R. Buraey 9; White's Road Sher 3 Boyer Pontiac Buick 16 vs. ReMax/0" Cain 15; Dzitm n Graphamil vs. Barzand 1 (God by Julien Bob Johleorl Chev-Olds 1 (Goalby Sean McK- Prohssional Hair Salon 14 vs. Pickering Village Doris); Rocks% 0 vs. V A S Motor Control Ser- son) vs. Port Royal Mike 0; Monarch Kitchens 1 Sport 9; Horyvwod Sit 'n' Sleep 9 vs. Picketing vices 0; Fnevsay Ford 6 (Goole by Cedric Set" (Goal by Keith CuMeq vs. Strikers 0. Phaco 6. 3. Sean Thonpson 2. Sellar MacKenze) vs. Nears saumi BOYS' SELECT TEAM PEEWEE DIVISION Linen 0. Plic" Sayers 4 (Goals by ll -i Ia Hoch. KWM Pillaring Honda 10 vs. Swiss Chaise 9; Boyer ATOM A DIVISION Rhodes, Joao. Mars, Nichols VI" ve. Wltarsy Polsiwe 6 vs. Per Valu 2; Discount Car and Truck Peg Perego 2 (Gash( by Dennis McCalty. CMiew 3. Rental 16 vs. Papps 9; Pickering Honda a vs. pher Fortin) vs. Rodalnod Furniture 1 (Goal by In Meir Hist solea Bane of the treason, rte Pkk- Boyer Pontiac Buick 8; Ender Elkay Century 21 Brett Carpenter); Compucentre 5 (Michael a" players displayed excerent ~ in order to 14 vs. Discount Palm Cenrel3. Pistschmann 2, Dale Chislett 2, Alexander '. , to win wer WhAby in a see -saw belle. ease issel I MCKEMG MO AUPO GLASS aW TMM I.ONLLYY WNSED as UTLACEWN I 1 ' We pay the $50.00 Deductible PLUS we give you $25.00 PLqh Back! For a total of Call for an appointment! �W BRCKX RD. S. UNIT *16, PICKERING8 37-7819; Olson Milan � � ne step ahead of petition A Pickering Strikers player keeps a step ahead of a member of the Oshawa Turul squad during Motor City Soccer League senior men's action at the Oshawa Civic Field Tuesday night. :_photo by Ron Pietroniro - ;=fit` �`�'•Tr-r: � � ax t._ .- ''� _ '.,�` ,r k . ,:.� �s r. �+w�"a� _ s �a=t r,:,y) •. � l eft -w �, �tqr.; +KeepRite Central Air Conditioning Tops The Best Seller List Again I Iundreds of thousands of Ca kno' � that the f inert name in central air conditioning equipment is KeepKite. Year atter year KeepRite outsells every other manufacturer by delivering; outstanding quality features such as: is 2 -speed condenser fall for quiet operation. is loin' temperature cutout for Canadian climate protection. • lot/,' electrical operating costs. _ _ Exceptional Quality at Reasonable Prices A little knoiiYn fact is that this e\ccph:111a; prtkitict is designed 111d built by Canadiru•s. Proof positive that Canadians prtkiuce quality. If you tti•ant the be t fur your honit, but don't want to break Your budget, call vour KeepRite dealer today. KespF*M... Quality You Can Count On NORDIC HEATING & Pickering INS R D A Markham 3221 5622 D Fick Hering 3976 Ajax 445-8365 - -- -�-._.._ , - ,sr�r aniy.a.�ra o•srri•.".... ...ate ..+Ma-.v,.r� .-..,.rte-. �3 3:..i'._'�"''_a.-._+:1G.�..a:r�a.r:-.wa_. __. _.... _-_�..w,..-.+-..-....-...w+.--,.. -... ,---...,. ►.w�.. -- wt: - �... • t J Annandale Recreation Centre, Church St. S. First Present (Flwy 401 to EA 399, South on Brock Rd. A' iStar International 1W ng on Bayly St., Left on Church St. S.) .Left PS DIVE BOARD P001 COWLM S1� C IiC y Saturday May 30 11 am 10pm WT ALSO OFFER SPECIALS Sunday May 31 11am 7pm Peadings * Books * Crystals * Free Lectures r E.S.P. Test * Hourly Door Prizes * & Much More! FreeFaig Psychics • • Admission only..._._ .. S4 Clairvoyants fcNlo ' :2 6 un7v F**, ~ a=1va ee Sy an adua) cs WArER ANALY313 Palmists Entrance Fee Includes Admission to the Museum of the Astro Paranormal & Strange Psychic Curiosities^' Spiritualists Don't Muss This Special Psychic Event! +KeepRite Central Air Conditioning Tops The Best Seller List Again I Iundreds of thousands of Ca kno' � that the f inert name in central air conditioning equipment is KeepKite. Year atter year KeepRite outsells every other manufacturer by delivering; outstanding quality features such as: is 2 -speed condenser fall for quiet operation. is loin' temperature cutout for Canadian climate protection. • lot/,' electrical operating costs. _ _ Exceptional Quality at Reasonable Prices A little knoiiYn fact is that this e\ccph:111a; prtkitict is designed 111d built by Canadiru•s. Proof positive that Canadians prtkiuce quality. If you tti•ant the be t fur your honit, but don't want to break Your budget, call vour KeepRite dealer today. KespF*M... Quality You Can Count On NORDIC HEATING & Pickering INS R D A Markham 3221 5622 D Fick Hering 3976 Ajax 445-8365 - -- -�-._.._ , - ,sr�r aniy.a.�ra o•srri•.".... ...ate ..+Ma-.v,.r� .-..,.rte-. �3 3:..i'._'�"''_a.-._+:1G.�..a:r�a.r:-.wa_. __. _.... _-_�..w,..-.+-..-....-...w+.--,.. -... ,---...,. ►.w�.. -- wt: - �... • t J BEAT THE HEAT MAY 1.11 SPECIALS 1.16112= BONUS: - WALK IN STEPS -7s RECTANGULAR INGROUND DIVE BOARD P001 COWLM S1� EQUIPMENT CONCRETE DECK WT ALSO OFFER SPECIALS • LINER REPAIRS & REPLACEMENT ' COPING REPLACEMENT • PMP & FILTER ' EQUIPMENT yIR = STORE FOR YOUR RIES rt, ► WArER ANALY313 Island Pools & Landscaping p g FULLY GUARANTEED 283-9000 141 Island R d., h �` INCE BAsm ON EASY ALCM +KeepRite Central Air Conditioning Tops The Best Seller List Again I Iundreds of thousands of Ca kno' � that the f inert name in central air conditioning equipment is KeepKite. Year atter year KeepRite outsells every other manufacturer by delivering; outstanding quality features such as: is 2 -speed condenser fall for quiet operation. is loin' temperature cutout for Canadian climate protection. • lot/,' electrical operating costs. _ _ Exceptional Quality at Reasonable Prices A little knoiiYn fact is that this e\ccph:111a; prtkitict is designed 111d built by Canadiru•s. Proof positive that Canadians prtkiuce quality. If you tti•ant the be t fur your honit, but don't want to break Your budget, call vour KeepRite dealer today. KespF*M... Quality You Can Count On NORDIC HEATING & Pickering INS R D A Markham 3221 5622 D Fick Hering 3976 Ajax 445-8365 - -- -�-._.._ , - ,sr�r aniy.a.�ra o•srri•.".... ...ate ..+Ma-.v,.r� .-..,.rte-. �3 3:..i'._'�"''_a.-._+:1G.�..a:r�a.r:-.wa_. __. _.... _-_�..w,..-.+-..-....-...w+.--,.. -... ,---...,. ►.w�.. -- wt: - �... • t J +. syr,+• THE NEWSADVP.RTL4ER SUNDAX MAY31, IMPALE 13 -:. . �. .\ .�.......... T FEATURE fl.�%i-• %r 4% :...�..v. ?L:: •:?:........ :.:: ....:.::::.-:::: ::::::Y'i :?:: - ...:: :.: ::•ii...>i:.l_?i:ii:i'r- :i:y .:: rl. .:r::?:: f .. /:. .:y1.:y'. :: ..:: :•: yf .....::::: ;:..........::::::Q�f.. ..N ii+i};:.:....;r•:::;:.. :. :. fi... .:.. i'ffl... F.:rf.?. .: :. .,.:./• ::vYrf/• hii''� ..lY: N/• .............. . .... ...:.::.....:•:::::. �/..:::f/...:: f 1 .. / f..r ..::: / :' r fri:?:l:fy :: - r/U'fr'vi:•i:4i:.F l:.:i :...:/.•:: - � f .::1 -��?.; �. r... ::.: :.::: r -.-/ff :: : ...:. .1.::.i:r.::. S1*mP1e,i*ne%rr%ensive,, dams conserve water Evervone aurees Now that the summer is almost upon us and water conservation is an important issue for the community and homeowners, anything the homeowner can do to lower -water waste - not to mention reducing those water bills - is welcome. In recent years, with the demand for energy and water conservation, various devices have been marketed. Some have been impressive, while others leave room for improvement. Still others almost require an engineering degree to be able to install. So when a device comes along that is practical, easy to install and actually reduces waste to the point of saving the consumer money, most people will sit up and tale notice. Rich Krechowicz, of Callrich Services, has seen a lot of energy and water conservation devices in recent years. Through Callrich Services, he markets a number of water conservation devices, one of the most popular being the toilet tank dams, which retail for S 15. Having a friction fit, a seal is created on the sides and honor[[ of the dans. Ivt.xlc of spring stainless steel and surrounded by thermal plastic, the devices are inserted into the tank. Easy to install, and with a promise to last many years, their job is to hold back some of the water at the end of the flush. Rich estimates that about 10 litres of water is detained, representing 30 to 50 % of each flush. Callrich also markets other water - saving appliances, which include the 'frugal flush,' a flapper that closes before all the water is out of the tank: and the aquasaver, which works for the American Standard toilet. Rich explains that homeowners will realize very real savings within months of installing any one of these devices, as they are very inexpensive, and your water hill will soon show the difference the installation makes. The owner of a hall or other public place where toilets are flushed regularly by many people, will, in less than one month, note the very Positive effects of having these tools. In fact. Rich says, that in some instances, the results are noticeable in one night (for example, where a wedding party has rented a hall). Another point noted by the businessman, is that "It's cheaper to retrofit an inexpensive toilet rather than to buy an ultra low- flush toilet," which, he says, costs about S4n0. More information on the water saving devices is available by calling 428-3926: in Oshawa, 721- 0178. Earth helpers, ahoy! Good fun and entertainment are diapers, health and beauty -care promised at the second annual products, vermicomposting and Environment Fair, taking place worm castings, biodegradable today from 11 a_m. to 5 pm. at the cleaners, and much more. Bowmanville Recreation Complex. Admission is free, there are door The more than 50 exhibitors at the prizes, plus the promise of an fair include small- and medium- informative day- sized aysized businesses with such The recreation complex is at the environment -friendly products as north-west corner of Waverly Rd. water -filtering devices, cloth and Hwy. 2. Tree -saving information available Members of the Canadian Institute represent the producers of pressure - of Treated Wood (CITW) have treated wood products and to help announced a program to govern ensure the highest possible quality industry activity pertaining to of these products, was renamed in environmental and ecological 1982 to more accurately reflect the protection, activities of its members. The 26 -member trade assocm' u'on For more information call 1-800- repiesents the [mated wood industry 463 -TREE. in Canada and has always been concerned with forest conservation. .The CITW's new, far-reaching agenda includes proposals to PECK -ALL rigorously promote health and DECKING safety standards for pressure - treated wood products as well as pressure treating facilities. F427-5901 imates CITW members have also agreedDesign to promote effective environmental bdi mansho protection in the absence of& Mociilieatim regu,at«y statutes. The CITW, founded in 1954 to where garbage should not go. Iff <' �►�;��f ( moi` r Agreeing on where garbage should go is much more difficult The Greater Toronto Area needs three new landfill sites. And soon, a long list of possible locations will be announced by the Interim Waste Authority (IWA). The IWA is looking for one site in each of the Regional Municipalities of Peel, Durham, and the combined areas of Metropolitan Toronto and the Regional Municipality of York. Over the past few months, the IWA has worked with the public to determine the criteria that will be used to select the long list of candidate sites. However, while this list is an important step, it is not the final one. In about three months time, the list will be shortened to a few potential sites and next year, one preferred site in each area will be selected. Many more difficult decisions need to be made to shorten the long list and make the final selection. The public has an important role in helping to make those hard choices. Your input is important to the site selection process. For more information on how you can get involved, call the Public Information (Office in your area. Interim Waste Authority Limited Office provisoire de selection de lieux _ d'elitnirtation des dechets Ltee. The toll free numbers are: Peel: 1-800-361-5448 Metro /York: 1-800-463-8484 Durham: 1-800-661-9294 Put something into the landfill site search process. �' .�?alb.C•';isk�y.,,<*;.',av[a,��Y,� +.-`. v . 3.h1 jpft ?AGE 11 T9eSUNpr X MAY 316 IM I—Ace IlOtriltg, Sers ���Fss��cnmzm knproventeltb SloraOe � INT111MOATEO by your PC? ►trials an trOMkelp d major buM- neq sertwan at reasonable l f Doug r 420-245e. acts CONSTRUCTION Interior, and exterior repairs, renovations and Atlrnim Yarorlary - •f��• NARRy-o-TNtc•YovERB - lag la ?rephase 80"' rtd t�rerey mow big or small. we prim regain. Works will bNdte, Mem 011 C40 432-7!166. (TF) bbc/w and stores of m kktda Free eaWrtres wakrrrrship MEN with large truck will do Cal Rene Geral, household move. residential, Chimney Sweeps construction. Fast and r te) cm.. at . Al"d moves. Hon—ie How All - Painting, cleaning Cal Carl or Jane, 427-2656. clean professional work How HOme HO windows, garage and yard dean Two men with trucks 'THE guaranteed. Improvements Improvements Int roveRlentS Int roverWIS up• lawn and landscaping. MOVERS' will do a1 AJAX Chimney Sweeps CRAIG 686-1913 - p p •,•„••-• k,-,,, —fire,•,• „w Special. 110. off regular shim I sans. prunktg, seal driveways. aey deaning. Pest screens k1- Small mWing jobs. 436-019% r a Pete. 578 9533 (TF) -F ". atalbd only 525. •Pio loss ro TME Trashman and Appriance mus-. Guaranteed, we prwern Removal and Yard Cleanup. chimney fired -Free Estimsel Tel SOD -OM. (060392) 666.7741. (Pell Home Driving Schools -Improvements S i B Driving schools, 3 Isl sons and test. $75. 10 lessons, $150. Call 287-3060. (0708921 Carpeting LLOYD'S TILE Quality Tile and Cement work. 25 yrs. exper- ience. Wil do small and large jobs. Reasonable Rates Free Estimate Call Lloyd at 4284039 CARPET installations - free estimates. restretching a Specialty. Reasonable rates. 987-1799 or 987 -ISM D A N Duncan. (TFWFS) Gardening, Landscaping :iy. :74a.suf G•+�.e.naE.y 9.c. • Estele • Corso an4 Caere. Mrero ace 1 *Wft eel • r+nin" • Lankpcapng • it toning wess it t rlac" sane • Rock Gwewn Aushonsd !Antoni ketole, 839-5349 <= CITY LIMITS CONTRACTING Commercial, Residential, Industrial Specialized in: • Drywall • Painting • T -Bou ceiling • Metal studding • Also rooting available Excellent rates Free estimates Call Charlie Pager -501-5703 Home 287-8478 COMPLETE HOME RENOVATION WORK Perforated by Licensed Tradesmen Spoculizing in: Plumb ng. Ceramic 'cling. Drywall In- stallatlon d Finishing, Ccmplete Bathrooms, Basement Finishing. Small Jobs Welcome. QualAy Work, Reasonable Rates. Cal Darton at 428-9021 IP FOR MORE COMPUTER SEE PAGE 19 ASK ABOUT OUR SUMMER SESSIONS! J CERAMIC TILES Small mWing jobs. 436-019% r a Pete. 578 9533 (TF) -F ". MARBLE AND et$ .w EUROPEAN Nit ill fenovate your bathroom or Painting, GRANITEtiles. kfttw wase as well as fOOr 20 years exp.ren ce. Good Decorallina INSTALLATIONS references and satisfction guaranteed. For free estimates, Room at a time FREE ESTIMATES ° I'�`"ra'`°13' (TF)Piing. Mable lady to dear your QB -8190 Housecleaning Designed for �' ARE you having orobbirms find- y — S Y rx>nd s• really ing ome to dean your Moire? or 034780 son team. Well experienced. For professional clos"ng. call Wor! r Wsi11p D E C KS Se) fin•` � s«w�a today.Guaranteed. 427.n's Horne MOVING? PROFESSIONAL painting and HOUSECLEA04NG Maid Easyl Cal Mike at . 431-0890 Mable lady to dear your QB -8190 house, guaranteed lowest razes. office or none. Low rated Cal trucks for all types o/ Lori at 427.7113. (060392) . SABER Contractingall OAK dining room table and 6 All painting and china, china cabrlet. very good wallpapering done fe b L'nd NOME Improvements and non. 51300' Phone after y 6 pro . q I a I 428-8190 l p.m. or leave message. 576- and Dord. repairs. Basements. add-ons. 4367. (060290 DOUG'S WALL 8 doors. decks• fence and firm. Excellent DAVINS PROPERTY]_IMPROVEMENTS CEILING SYSTEMS Al Streeter Wood Working. 436- Moving, references I CARPENTRY - KITCHENS 9207. (0619W)- WUU"IENANCE Drywall Wa,nscoron Stora affi Ca11571-1708 Spring Clean-up. Lawn Cutting Tree Trimming Garden Work. 427-8796 LEAKING TUBS i SHOWER STALLS R4pa,ed & renovated li a door ties s,ppiied 8 .nstaaed MIC. Visa. B B B LOWEST pRICESt Free •semares Cal Bemra '-ogresave T,le 420-1669 Computer learning fun sessions �w Just For Kids! Discovery Bay Centre 570 Westney Rd., S., Ajax 619-1014 W OMPUTER OPEN ,'j-'Cto the WAREHOUSE PUB MON. -PRI. 10:0000 M TO 8:00 SATURDAY 10:00 M 6:00 ••New", Lower Prices Complete 386 DX/33 System incl: 105 Mb Hard Drive $ •� 1 Mb Ram _ 11199 VGA Colour Monitor High Density Floppy Dr. 101 Enhanced Keyboard Full Warranty and More... MS DOS 5.0 - $59.00, MOUSE - $29.00 1501 HOPKINS ST. WHITBY (416) 430-808: FAX WAn_n'M RENOVATIONS Basements. decks• cabinets, painting & decorating. For estimate to Durham Reg:on call Don at 668-8489 ?rimming, Suspended Ceilings, Acoustic Tile, Cuslom Shelving, Speciallz;ng in Basement Renovations. 427-1281 HH RENOVATIONS Basements 'Bathrooms Kitchens , Rods Doc its Ceramic tale Small jobs welcome. Guaranteed work Rstefencn available, all L ucas. 139-2451 I • Weekly or Monthly `�:>: • IBM Conlpp atible • Delivery and Set-up Available DANFORTH TYPEWRITER krtabl i.had 1930 2940 DANFORTHAVF., Toronto Houm Moo. FrL 94, Sat. 9:30-4 Specializing in Upgrades! Best Deals on Computer Systems Authoriud OMaler for • CarlptRer Aswell" • Lows • wo fflerreot • lituAldti . Okideta I• Neroedt DURHAM BUSINESS MACHINES 1080 BROCK RD. S. UNIT S. PICKERING 683-8081 or 831-8081 CAN�r> liA1�1i10?' heel ielos mese tun ucadonai sa tware? Wtna is die bat place to bury an MPC? MASTERMIND PMP• Educational m Towle CENTRE 831-6287 " OUALITY work by lather and g or 034780 son team. Well experienced. hard working, renovations, MOVING? PROFESSIONAL painting and additions. decks. Mc. Can us for We will move anything, wallpapering. 1 room or whale a If" estimate. 571-1263. BrI or anywhere, anytime. Men a house, guaranteed lowest razes. Rod. Oshawa. (060292) trucks for all types o/ No lob's too small. Quality . SABER Contractingall moves. Best rates, free workmanship guaranteed. Cal carpentry, additions, estimates. 10% discount 430.2595 anytime. (TF) renovations, k,tchens, for s•nlors. frarfi bathrooms. hone nanIonanos S40/hr. 8 up Services emergency service. furniture Call 571-0755 refinishing. Quality work 15 years AJAX Moving Systems - tull MAGICIAN, clown, friends. esaerencs. 666-2915 (TFEFG) services. moves. ono• and Ready to entertain for any sell pato specialists, stat rate of any oecassion. Birthdays. JOURNEYMAN electrician. hourly. We now have heated promotions, openings, fundrasors. SpenatZi m rg service d1a^9•s. storage urate. Now dtenfg free M sham am fees rang, additions and ?un Leeucec boxes with move Call 427- ham' 839-7057 or renovations. All work 0005.(TF) 726'e394.(TF) guaranteed. free est+vtes. Call 420-6320 �-cA FOR MORE HOME & BUSINESS SERVICES SEE PAGE 18 'I • l I Computerize your �--� Business! Computer professional available in spare Ume to develop PC systems for your small business HOME PROGRAMMERS 839-9456 111111 Centre • y I • PkkerlrV Town ineive, wow ,�.. ,,►. 420-9707 • Member of a 60 store Canadian chain Serving home and business needs for computers, software, calculators and video games Authorized dealer for: NG / T y Nintendo Ia� Ohm c commodoreo [hp]HEWLETT sH /� ( ZF) PACKARD v 1i�i A ATARI' TOSHIBA C'CrAnoll 0 t V 3 4V e AID millm > a v ! B D Billboard is a free feature for community events of a non-profit nature. To have your events pro- moted in Billboard, call us at 683- 5110 or write to the Ajax -Pickering News Advertiser, 130 Comrnercial Ave., Ajax, Ontario, LIS 2H5. The deadline for Billboard items is l0 a.m. the Monday prior to Wdnos- day publication, 10 a.m, the Wednesday prior to Friday publica- tion and 10 a.m. the Thursday prior to Sunday publication. NDAY 3 March of Success :The March of Success walk- a-thon, sponsored by the Ontario March of Dimes, will be held Sun.. May 31, . starting off at the Iroquois Park Complex, 500 Victoria St West in Whitby at 1 to 4 p.m. Proceeds will go towards purchasing assistive devices, such as wheelchairs. for disabled adults in Durham. For more information or to receive a pledge sheet call 434-5280. D-DAY PARADE: The Highland Creek branch of the Royal Canadi- an Legion will hold a D -Day parade and service Sun., May 31 at the cenotaph on Altona Rd.. Pickering, at 2 p m People are invited to place o wreath if they wish. MUSEUM VILLAGE: Pickering Museum Village opens Sun., May 31 with events for the whole family from 1 1 a.m. to 5 p.m Three km east of Brock Rd. on Hwy. 7 683- 8401 PARKINSON GROUP: Tne Park!nson Suoporr Group will hcid a barbecue at 7.30 P.m. on June 1. The public is invited. For more information and location, call 666-8576 or 668-658C. Rain date is June 2. BONSAI: The Matsuyama Bonsai Soce y w1l hold a beginners' work- shop at Faith Place, 44 William St W.. Oshawa. Mon., June 1 at 7 p.m. and a general meeting at 7:30 pm Newcomers are welcome. 683- 2568.725-2045. HORSESHOES DEADLINE: The deadline to register for a senior citi- zens' ityzens' horseshoes tournament is Mon, June 1. The tournament and urch will be held June 8 at the seniors' activity centre, 910 Liver- pool Rd., Pickering. Cost is $5, 420- 4621 (David Waldriff). STAMP CLUB: The Ajax Philatelic Society will meet Mon., June 1, at 7:30 p.m., at St. Bernadette's Church Parish Hall, southeast cor- ner of Harwood Ave. and Bayly St, Ajax. 683-0240 or 839-2068. EDUCATION TALK: The Quality Education Network, Durham Region, will meet Mon., June 1 at 7:30 p.m. at Heydenshore Pavilion, Water St., at the foot of Brock St., Whitby. Education reform will be discussed. Free admission. 286-2984 (Patti) or 404-1412 (Anitta) 2 FOOT SEMINAR: The Ajax and Pickering General Hos- pital and the Charles H. Best Diabetes Centre are holding a seminar on diabetic foot care at the Holiday Inn, B!ocr St. E , Oshawa on June 2 at 6 30 p m The speaker will be Dr. George Merry of St. Mary's Hospital. Kingston Adm s. Sion S3 for seniors and S5 for all oth- ers Everyone welcome. 434-7233 GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: -he Whr,by-Oshawa orancn o' '^e Ontario Genealogical Society (Durham Region) meets Tues , June 2 from 7.15 to 10 p m In the cafete- ria at Henry Street Hign School, 614 Henry St . Whitby Guest speaker Brian Gilchrist will discuss Finding a Place of Origin it the Old Country The group wi!I celebrate its 10th anniversary 723-7460 (Bessie Gan- non) or 668-8177 (Joyce H!Iton) FREE FROM FEAR::,ee From Fear. a support grc-;D `a• 'nose suffe-ng from anxiety disorders, meets the first and third Tuesday o' each month Guest speakers. informc- tion, educational materic s 83 . 3877 ALANON: Alonon, a support gro-p for fr ends and family of problem drinkers. meets Tuesdays at 8 p m at St. Paul's on -the -Hili Anglican Church, 882 Kingston Rd, Picke-,ng 366-4072,728-1020 TRIVIA CONTEST: A Canadian Trivia Contest, conjunction with Canada 125 celebrations. will be held Tues . June 2. at 7:30 p.m , at the Harp and Thistle, 282 Monarch Ave . Ajax Teams of four. S20 a team. Proceeds to the Hospital for Sick Children. 683-8291. 686-3089 or Your calendar of coming events 428-0943. MENTAL HEALTH: The Canadian Mental Health Association, Durham Branch will hold its annual general meeting Tues., June 2. at 7 p.m., at the Michael Starr Building, 33 King St. W., Oshawa Guest speaker will be Meg Sears of Houselink Community Homes. Free admission. 436-8760 TALENT SHOW: The separate school board will hold its annual Showcase for the Arts on Tues.. June 2 at 7 p m. at St Francis de Sales Catholic School, 72 Church St. S., Ajax. WRITERS GROUP: The Ajax Wat- ers Group will meet Tues.. June 2, from 7 to 9 p.m at the main branch of the Ajax Pubic Library, at the corner of Harwood Ave and Kings Cres 427-2682 KIDS' CONCERT: Children's entertainer Markus w it perform in concert Tues.. June 2. at 7 p m , a' Eastdale Collegiate, 265 Harmony Rd. N , Oshawa Proceeds will go to the Ajax-Pickerng and Whitby Association for Commurny Living Tickets are S7 each and are avo!- able at the association's o`fices, 50 Commercial Ave.. Su *e 212. Ajax 427-3300 OUILTERS: 'ne Durham Trillium Qu'ers G�nc meets Tues.. June 2 a' 7 3C p m ct Central Collegia*e, Room 208. Simcoe and Gibb Sts. Oshawa 728-3629 NEgEol re WOMEN AGAINST BOREDOM WO -en Aga'^s* 301eac—, c suo Dor* group for sngie ^O" ers orc divorced women, rnee-s every Wednesday at *he Coffee TimE Donut Shop at *tie corner o' "wy � and Brock 'load ln Rcke,­g at 7 P m For rno-e informc' a-. cel 683-5035 (Dune) MUSICAL SPLASH: -ne Rcker nc Syncrro Sw,— C ..o p,ese^-s c musical splash extrovagarzc Wed. June 3 from 7 to 9 o T a,. the P,cke,ing Recreation Co^rbiex 1867 Valley Farm Rd Vo!un*cry donations at 'he door oerefit *mac Hospital For Sick Children Foundo tion 839-4151 (Scrdra Mills) FUN FAIR: Lncoln Avenue Pub lic Schoo nO,ds a tun fair Thus June 4, from 6 30 to 9 30 p m at 7C Lincoln Ave . Picker ng Village Free admission 683-4941 10 Gr Q i 9 .1 IQ�z TIM 1st YEAR ANNIVERSARY '!° :!Our Pickering Conic tf `'� kites you to t1wir u C7►�� hj 1 WEEK OPEN HOUSE o' LOSE ALL THE WEIGHT YOU WANTENROUIEo 0 140 NT FEE ® dC • �. • �� •�� Findus PICKERINGso ' in the Yellow '1550 Kingston Rd.FULL - . X420-4220 ..Product Pages TRE NEWS ADVMrSQ SUNDA% MAY 31,1992 -PAGE LS P Ajax Acro's Gymnastics Club 48 Exeter Road 427-0036 Summer Camp " Registration C 1, �� j �' ' � war wc�'y � •t Registration on '` �--� H'`'="''°` Saturdav June 13 4 9:30 am - 12:30 pm r w • f- J Register Early - fCamps ll sickly 9 Canadian Tire Pickering Presents 1ALIGNMENTi 1 TWO WHEEL PASSENGER CAR 1 1SAVE 1 1 1000 W 1 t We will inspect all key 99 1 1 components and 1 1 adjust front wheels as required. I i 1 1------------------1 1SAFETY CHECK1 PROVINCIAL SAFETY STANDARD INSPECTION 1 t SAVE I 1 1 991 1 1 I L--------� y ss.ss� 0 ReOwe Spa& Plugs 1 0 Interrogale F.I. Computer for ine fault codes i 0 Check air fitter 1 1 0 Check fuel filter 1 1 0Cheek PVC valve 1 0 Check distirtk,lar mp a rotor 0 Check spark pug wires L Check IAC mow and throttle bone ----------------J SERVICE Mon. -Fri. 7 a.m. - 9 p.m. HOURS Saturdays 7:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. .Pickering Store Only 839-8124 1300 Kingston Rd. (AT LIVERPOOL) 't PICKERING SHUTTLE VAN SERVICE. ...,.... .,.,r.uny Wang aa, awns 100 Careers 100 Careers 1 'OOCareers �LG o"Weprepare you for the OOLAYS (kind of job you want... then we help you get it" C M~ Dental Travel a I:n Prograrankv Chas" TourMm CO-pw► Assisdnt Busko" Medical On Cis Appyc,� Secretary APOLLO Tra&ft word Prooeesinga Bankip andExecutive Flnenic�seaeteatry T servicesi+pM ..nat.ry Diagr,� Cu UM.Cf�Pd-W a pepsin Ssgvbe Call today for further Information and FREE personal Intarvlew Financial masistana is available to qualified applicants SPECIAL NOTICE TO PAST GRADUATES FREE REFRESHER WORDPERFECT 5.1 If you have taken an earlier version of Woi Prooeesifn0 we now offer you FREE UPGRADING 14 hours_ 4 evenings or 2 Saturdays It II Manager of Accounting Our client is a world leader in the chemical industry. For almost fifty yeah, they have set extremely high standards of quality and currently maintain an unrivaled reputation for consistency. They now seek a vers_:ae and experienced individual to overseethehnanaal management of the dynamic organrution for a rwne month maternity leave contract period. You will be responsiblefor the timely monitoring and reporting Of all aspects of this firm's financial admirustratton, including banking, insurance, taxation and accounting. Your analytic and terpretive skills will help you to meet and exceed financial expectations as you direct smtegtc reviews and inventory issues. k fIn addition, your excellent interpersonal and commurrcation skills will enable you to effectively lead a five person team. A CA, CMA or CGA designation is essential, as well as several years of general and cost accoun ing experience. A thorough working krnow edge of CICA requirements and corporate tax law plus a familiarity with sales, general accounting and costing systems is a must. This position is located in Pickering and sans July 1, ending March 31. 1993. Our client offers competitive compensation. Please forward your resume to: w Re 6 1740 d RetxuRIt Ad Conadsntla Reply Service Advarl/rinp Inc. 45 Cis St. E•, S1/fe 600 Toronto, 01111110110 M4Y 1S2 Corr6dlsnrid AOP* Service 1'No Telephone Cas Phare) We "Ret 01 CIM&I1015 for their htler111 boaem arty three under rnrsidwaoon wi be cora sided by our dent 105 Trmnft 110 Gawat Help 110 Geneirm Hop an toour ..mnr'Ta..dgr Jus 2nd ae I pAt to learn about Lases, Ysss0111aegMq and what a PC can do for you. Car BYwm at Uhl -775L I I 110 GOWN Help FRENCH SPEAVJNG TEACHER'S ASSISTANT FOR SCHOOLS IN AJAX AND PICKERING 289-2273 CHF A uFEnME Wanted •• Gang■SeN?aars. Vis. SalatlPpeopie. • Do You Want a High Income? • Do You Want to Earn From Home? • Do You Want to Be Your Clan Boss? Start Making $$$$$$$ Now[!!! CaN (416) 428-1430 or (418) 619-1501 WORK FROM HOME 5300 Weeldy possible. Free report Send stamped envelope rWn ese C� Hwmmb 4655 Kent, Suits 162 Niagara Fags, L2H 14 BROKERS rvrnsd loo Ontario aRiaixumL Clown, sypport U.S. and OWbac X 1113gw. Parr Time - 4 haus per dale; Must have 1068 Tractor or various shat arartble. Lop news. Must be solvers. Plem win asslgnannis. Exce1MM W* by June 13, 1662 in: Fra tokq*4 to manning, keyboard s406a. Oshawa Whiby Thin alae an Mea Pldyrkp aur Walk, P.O. Bac 481, Onhataa, Call Nancy or Linda at the LIH 71.5. p60562) kllnacs Group. 427-6040. 100 Careers 100 Careers 100 Careers 110 General Help 120 Office Help AIlhl�`lk4l►i1NI,i1d3! Our Client, a progressive manufacturer in Durham Region is expanding and has an immediate need for a process engineer with either a mechanical or electrical degree. Ideally, you have 5-10 years experience in the rubber or plastics industry in plant or process engineering and you enjoy a hands on environment. You will bring to this position skills in AutoCad as well as a proven success record in innovative machine design, process improvement and project management. Qualified applicants please forward resume ■ MINACS & ASSOCIATES ■jam 375 Finley Avenue. Suite 203 ■•■■ Ajax. Ontario L 1 S 2E2 ■■■■■ (416) 427-6060 • Fax (416) 427-5023 This is a challenging position in a dynamic organization As a team player you would be required to assist customers with their inquiries in both French & English and to help resolve any difficulties. Requirements of the job: Is Previous customer service experience preferred ■ Excellent interpersonal skills • Good analytical, organizational, and decision- making ability ■ Effective communication skills, both written and verbal ■ High School Diploma, additional education an asset ■ Keyboard skills • Must be fluent in both French & English Located in the Oshawa area, we offer excellent working conditions, a competitive salary and an attractive benefits package. ■ THE Please call or fax your resume to: ■�� MINACS Susan Vivian 71 Albert ■■■■ GROUP Street, Oshawa, Out., L I H 4R1 ■■■■■ INC. (416) 434-4400 • Fax (416) 379-6050 110 General Help 110 GNWW HdP 1 J 0 General Help BILINGUAL SALES CUSTOMER SERVICE REP. ala an 61s>rbCshad and wry V win &W cliabntncu naandiar�I rp azo howhol m ala looldnp for lthotld ptnass: Prado faltparwllog M algoatn aWtaoa: irlcludi!q -rd galas, cuatonw :panne • ExoaA•K �� #allF �+nol�falet l ala an ouboirtp, Pirar6 s6nd aatrlrk f! lip >>riveryry I H4 /Illi 04ilaw 1W PA. Boa4in Csbraa Hata. IMIUNrENANCE CLEANERS Bondable and resaW Cal Monday -Friday 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. 6813-7526 mfewist pOttMhM�ati011 a 1fIMJ4t. dual Will In 10 b canpat L1H MODELS NEEDED Cwt les, Malgnrz;,na N tsnrnsrciab 3 videos. Ferrels, maks, IMtrw. No aw rte- Appy now 411112-120 CHLDREN 4-13 also PROGRAMS Applications are now being tmd aakaesspffoertT tams Proglawe• Free witio� funding assistance may be available to qualified applicants. Recently laid - off workers 45 yeas of axe or over may also qualify for faulting available is C��iparatsedwe Accoun-ting, Data Management, Desktop Publishing, word Processing and more. Computer Learning Centre. Whitby, Monday to Riday 66111-9719. HIRE EDUCATION Plenty of experience but lacking computer skills? Programs avail- able in Computerized Accounting, DeskTop Publishing, Data .'Nan- agemeni, Word Pro- cessing and more. If you are 45 years of age or over and have recently been per- manently laid -oar, you may qualify for fund- ing assistance. Call Computer Learning Centre, Whitby. 668.9713 ACT NOW! Excel. wages. Spam time assembly. Easy work at home. No experience. Call 1-504-641-7774 Ex1.103, Open 24 has. incl. Sunday WANTED EXPERIENCED TELEMARKETERS Must be htghry motivated, reliable and have excellent phone manner Work from home. evenings d Sat- urdays Generating quality leads Sao ,BONUS 133-7028 CITY Wxte Tax requires drrvws NOW r appearance wxh r,,nent abstract and taxi perrre;s. Ex- °eSec�92n: UnApipsy 9 OVER 45 AND RECENTLY LAID OFF? CALL US ABOUT COMPUTER TRAINING GRANTS. 831-8167 130 Sales Help/ Agents DMS MARKET SERVICES REQUIRES Reps to promote a well read business newspaper. Evenings 8 Saturdays Full training provided Call Paula 481-2300 (Mon. -Fri.) AGGRESSIVE SALESPERSONS No Experience Necessary Will Train Apply In Person Toddler Bobbler 1035 Toy Ave., EARN w to szse a asaerrb+rp At►nysL Unit 16 So pairs of Virl11 ean,ng at ID caw fair !writ, s raw isr and 3 112 yang h Rrae,e1- home, work your own fours. kncasbn, bap bgfpht �P• 50% osnNiekn. Call 723.17W Pickering Snipe instructions. Infor: Send 847. (oill"M (OgtX1sQ) SASE. to: Bolan Inc.. Ext. 455. CorrpuaM Collings, 427.3010 (TF) ASI( for PaUI 4325 blespws Ave. W. Suite 2M. Dow. wvmw. om. M3N tv7. ARE you or» If this bast? Then k4 Dot Means bag prafgsI We ON you& we will show you Cash in on the revolutionary �N cam the income you EL -POW Weight Lms System by sMirp - petentad now swsepirng Amental Cal to►the line kMmntsnort describing sen- building indusifiry. our corn. party Yt someri racing dr+arnie saionN hart time or fur time home business opportunity. 91-W WN you be ane of eq quaffed feerrOriy frrwed Phorne t,lorfe Cartkna y. oarnd we Mico Diet Advisor at 434- p� tons availssble�. P41:1011for act - Nnanrnt to qualified people. 7727. (0604212) Phone of fax for an appowernne. EARA Money reed;ng bocksl Phone 416-623-7751 or tax. 416423.1 7. (060262( De aie (1)) 400 e1Q AGGRESUVE saws person CY lea (061862) reh MMnwnce to aM HVAC WELL samawsedService aw and Contracts. Contact Tony. 8634477. (0SOM vi owe the Durham T•O anetaars wonwn needed lookip for ser -motivated lin- In fast growing Iingerls dinl0ufft rho ware to manage busknses. One fur *M one pan Oak ern business. r you poi- dyne• excellent Intone, no seas a" WK%mf4) qualiflM delivery, no coneming. No saosrMe convnU tiraaktn skit Ubmwkaft Fur training 427. and the energy necessary to 4205. (080302) bard a strap branch onion. send yew Mune to: Mr. M. PART tine (12.15 hours par POM M4nkworth OnL week!. Salasperson for corn - nercial and office cleaning KOK91R company. Must be cuetoner ELECTROLOGIST needed, oriented with a prows track recent graduMM racy nook. ttnoord Lands PoMded and k t si Send Mauna and oPy don- M4Port and *aktip. Wager Acass to: L *M as taatdas ole-miasba Sand is"na with SL E SLUa 306 Whft. LIN MbwneK 10 P.O. Box 485, 7HLRODIM Oshawa, Ont. LIN 7N1. CISAMU& god pair for an- poriencedand people with own medicsit 1 50 P` Imrwportaroand ayrgan,t b rads. Car 8gbMI between to arR-3pint.1 IYelOTNERAPlST -fuel or MT Paid dolly. 4P to 61,iM part tiro, OHIP Clinic Is ONtanR mesio hunt trier, or wieldy. Stay hate and M" money, easy work. No WAVON . Phae Martin, Lal. 725-4241, days, 606.0848 kalerary, tint now. For mow (08064?) information on hot new apparknM. rust S.A.S.E. Io: port *ft nln Th " =Si t ft Wpdmd for - INnOlt �y Pradim Apply Io FIM P.O.oft /' Poe �' P O Bou04095. w eek a4 aThis 4Rr f". ce 7X5. pasta, LIN 120 omce Help 160 Day care Wanted IF lou ave oeeg 45 and halls raoMnsy been laid e6, you mayhin aAar1RTTEn nW ome for two smnall children. for Wei -in pfelanre& Car 2@34M a. Vwnuww p6p°Nitdl�01�dr' Huard. Corsi and $ysterre am requited. I11110. A etperwnad nPrYrd OPPORTUMITY ki Kuwait - NAmTn +Ta - chat renin tabtrraglg row In pregnene. w- available for Independent O1PEAIEMED hair Mls w geled VM awn c8nasrs. Ape Financial arslstrnps aeearbMekg ID caw fair !writ, s raw isr and 3 112 yang h Rrae,e1- °mss pay and trartpo __ Nyrab M brrW new salon. Plane cY 5164a24o341. MIL Gr" batlorb GO 72SOM. kncasbn, bap bgfpht �P• 50% osnNiekn. Call 723.17W under 45 r o�wj,o�� fo i<ne trainip. Durham 6 kuaklaea fid. phlpkoa ave tsslosnm but must spank 847. (oill"M (OgtX1sQ) or 427-M1. 1 2 CorrpuaM Collings, 427.3010 (TF) EngWL saps kkqulrin only Call after 5:30. 420-5142. 111111 i 46 to i 49 135 Skilled Help - .::.... . 135 Skilled Help 165 Day Care 165 Day Care Available Available TOOL & DIE MAKER A precision metal component manufacturer requires tool and die maker. 5 years job shop experience building progressive dies required. Competitive wages, plus complete benefit package offered. Apply in writing to: PRECISE TOOL & DIE LTD. 954 Dillingham Rd. Pickering, Ont. L1W 1Z6 COMMERCIAL SERVICE TECHNICIAN FOR H. V.A.C. EQUIPMENT Required immediately. Minimum 5 years experience. Licences required. Top wages and benefits. OSHAWA MECHANICAL 728-5215 INFANTS -12 YEARS OLD In caring, safe, fun home environment. Licensed by M.C.S.S. Reasonable rates, Receipts, flexible hours. Call DURHAM PROFESSIONAL HOME DAY CARE 286-1207 310 Trucks For 365 & Marine Sale 1888 GMC Sierra, extended cab, Rust Chedted. since new, loaded, complete with trailer hitch. obaronie control. cap, bed -liner, alarm system, new ties. $13,500. Call 831-2551. (16029M tiM4 Chev with cap, 8 grinder. standard 4 spied. brown, good mechanically, power steering and brakes. 63,000 as is. Cal 220 Articles For OSHAWAOBEDIENCEASSOCIATION- (416) 7862049. (053192) Articles 230 TRt1CK Cape very low prince, free Sale Wanted Color. marry styles. Specials yc.r dog. For the Novice group, our next classes star. 165 Available from SM. downsize. Call 1 - SOLID oak and pine furniture, kitchen and vanities. buy direct WANTED - stoves, fridge, washer and d g '�. �� 800-267-2885. Belleville. Mr. Running Board. (061192) from one d the larges f morulas- or not. Also wanted. pickup truck 4276784. (060492) lurers in Ontario. Avoid the mid- dee man. Eg. Complete pine (newer than 1978). Call Pickering. 420-8833. (TF) 330 Trailers bedroom suite, $1325., oak double pedestal table. 5741, an 270 Computer ,976 Hardtop camper. sleeps 6. solid, no veneer. Finished in / video in good condition, $1500 o.b.o. your stain choice. 9658774 or MOTHER d 3. (15.73) able to Provide etperiernced dayCan. IW Cas 837-0031. (0531 92) 985-8330. (061192) IBM Computer - IBli 640 K MOFFAT Maitre D sort-cleaningpa-. COFFEE table, 2 endsables, diningroom table, py of memory, EGA monitor (16 Ours)' 5 114 flopdisk drive, 355 Motorcycles 6 chairs, entertainment unit, china/bar 10 MG hard drive. Real good deal, exoeliem for University. condition. Two 6.000 BTU air 17. A traxied dog a a welcomed t ac Sunbi'd. At condition, memtber of !he family. We use $2995- Call 427.9772. anytime, all cr unit - aerrywood. ChUffor- field and matching chair, one co- $350. 427.1822. (060592SNC) 19" Honda Sabre. V-65, one owner, 61,000 kms., ordinafing char, custom made. (0609WSNC) new battery, $2200. Fairing One Bauhaus. chaste loid. Cap JUKE box with wall ptayer, records. 530M firm. Cyan scale available, "It onsnify. Call 430- 571-2686 after 5 p.m. (060392) table• antique day bed. . 7482 evenings, weekends. 250 Garage/Yard 250 Garage/Yard 400 Apartments For Rent Sales Sales papers on P"W% s, shots and seamen irlorior. tow kers.. every deworrrnsnf,ready togoJune 12- option, MOVING SALE - HUGE -1911 SPRUCEHILL RD, May 30 -May 31, 8 a.m,-12 am. Antique Collectibles, toots, baseball cards, electrical supplies, stained glass supplies, dl lamps, baskets, paint 8 supplies, photo equip. (studio) plus much more. Da Care _ - 200 Pets -Supplies- 290 Pets -Supplies - 160 Wanted 220 For le _ Boarding _ Boarding LIVE-IN or out nanny/ OF RCE tinct housekeeper required in °CCT"e` for sue °h'r 430 went OSHAWAOBEDIENCEASSOCIATION- Pdtering. Light housekeep,r9, 8226,(060297)2Beet 2 RECOGNIZED BY THE CANADIAN KENNEL CLUB children ages all 7 and 9. Ce;`.ef 323-2418. (060392) TONING rabies - set 8 Else d ;,r wOri(�nas a teamP n g , we Ww nes you train Day Care Sun America, grey. Idle new, 1ied 2 years, paid $55•ooa as- yc.r dog. For the Novice group, our next classes star. 165 Available long 58000. Manicure table and re 2. Those preparing for trials are Invited to attend P*ft Per Pair, air keg. Seo, 2 chars, 5250. Relocator. Cao OUr pre-trial classes starting June B. por Info. sail 4.35- DAYCARE available in my 4276784. (060492) FJFp. home. fenced backyard. mreal6 AIR Conditioning - auto and win CIOO ,e„ � or ht 5 Spool ore ownf r, c rtiletsik and snacks. full or pain time. any age. Whites/Oklahomfa. 831- dow units, recharge and spans. by kch oenned service tech. from URINE -ERASE removal of urns pains.odors Automobiles 3846. (053192) 535 and up. Also gold �r dee and trorn capes. Regardless Stan For Sal e 300 24. hr too free mlormaton, MOTHER d 3. (15.73) able to Provide etperiernced dayCan. IW 30 stove. $450 air. Dryer. P y $200. 432 x583. (06059?) p Bedell Chem, imxted. 800 -56 -ERASE. (060292) IOU C9ebnty Wagon. V6 auto. site or summer rmrortera. out- Sid• playland and lots of MOFFAT Maitre D sort-cleaningpa-. 00 . fully loaded. excellent DOC Obedience Training sum- condition, good driving car. aclrvmrs. Riche Rdrs2. 427- stove and frost free fridge. black Inontigoid sides. $500 Good mer Classes Comnenang June 34995 certified Also 1%6 Pon- 0327. (053192) _ _ condition. Two 6.000 BTU air 17. A traxied dog a a welcomed t ac Sunbi'd. At condition, memtber of !he family. We use $2995- Call 427.9772. anytime, AFFORDABLE - experienced daycare available in my home, Conditioners, used 3 months, $295 each. 576-6024. the mosvariornal approach. For Russ, Big Town Sales. (06059 "ote year and up. Lunches (0609WSNC) more .ntomnaton. Call PatrcQ- - - --- - - 619-0864 or Judy. 683-7536, 1088 Taurus, excellent and snacks Provided. income talk recepfs given. References JUKE box with wall ptayer, records. 530M firm. Cyan scale Classic Touch Obedience condition, air conditioning, Training. (�5W) cruse control. Stereo Cassano. given Won request. Call 427- 9505.(0531M table• antique day bed. . 56000. private. 839-2428. ROTTWBIIER pips - excelient (06059 MOT/ER d two girls (7 i 9) reg dressers, M stand. stained glass, supplies, crockery, t ermpermert, German bloodline. 90r990uS litter, father and 1187 Cadillac COLO* De Ville, available wfon school is our in June ro provide plenty d TLC I a n i e r n s , and numerous collectables. Call 839.4207, papers on P"W% s, shots and seamen irlorior. tow kers.. every deworrrnsnf,ready togoJune 12- option, daycare and fun acts lhes in my must sell before May 30. aluminum wheels, 433-0755 anytime. Jackie showroom condition. i owner. Iwrrrs. For children 5 yaws and (=19Z tJtBORADOR lastrervem. male Non amdker, $11.900. 434-2443 Up- Pldereg Whites PAVSWOuds Lane. 420-1521, CARPET - I have new Stain- and female. yellow and blad or 434-1383. (0605N2) leave M Mrs. • (06039 master and 100% nylon most. Wil do IIVrlgrpdrn and has for CKC registered• hips and eyes /886 Cadillac Sedan Dwiae, WESTNEII and 401 - tris fine S360., includes carpet. pad. plus guaranteed, vaccinated. near new, most options. dewormed, tanooss, loving and certified. outstanding depon"Ag delicate available 'relegation, (30 yards), Slays loyal Ready to go. Call 416 auoomobdIL 58595, Crown Auto for 12 month or older children. 789.2068- (062692) 655.4314. (060292) Pillaring. 428.4423. (063192) Pork. IarnI yard• 427 17007, M8039;2) WALLPAPER clearance - over Automobiles 1485 Cadillac Fleetwood, BIIORT or lag terms tleslsMlty 1,000 rolls from 99 cents to $8.95 a double roll and more. bowled, now braises,-oelMry For Sale oaxl... Plane 430.0028 sfler Mature. Warm and caring Open 5 days PK wesK Mon.• 6Pm. Meow environment, fenced yard. rkarNbrst inadks and krrcfhas- Fri 9.6 p.rrL Sat- 9-5 p.m. 623• 6881 65 King SL E. Bowman- 18,8 Buick Skylark 4 dao. 8 Two up, we" vrw (TF)' ao cylbdw amtic, air. Ps- pb., df"wwo to Roland MWWWW AJAX Pickanng Applionms - ro arMm radio. now tree. new radfssor, good body. 82300. Cal Pa WSBVWP 9setr 2- Rsoep/ awn- a26s226. pso564 masaobl• offer miumw. Fully reconditioned 8367844. gON guaranteed appLuxeL Como mole us a CANADWN TIRE 18" Toyta To" SI115, 2 dim y/al4/1YIAlt 1 l ' - 170 _ 467 Westrte)r dest-de Mach, 5 speed, air ems, or Dlwlraetinw aluminum who "N" ` �t �7S4) ^"`�"' 71 �e� 9� condMbt. Fury Fully MEN with tucks will do FOR Sale - Lawnmowers, Qsfiss.. eard0 d 82700. Cam 6862571. `•w'W'1 tfklarsrs rofilskNses Ward - (lJ p�pdsehold ,�ppe4ofkrl�htrgp,•, rMhkg Cwm Cats a Jaap, 423- fwd hsrrros VM Ste pay 610 Is 18p GD. Ptkt. VB 2 alcor. elfe- callent condition. ��5�8 �(i�F�)) � bas Pkk- w _ , j regular -- - - _ - makrrwtce now tins Wd*NMY. Mks, 00-6137. 210 Flea Market TALE - new and used hat free kid2.6• coin rxSslhsrs find dryer RREPLACEr trawlfor apartment units. NO site on p•detetg boss 1 Stepltsrlson F nth orad for. 33150 osrl-1 also Cam 426-0765, moom 18q Trane Ant, black, T -0r fool. air. Poser, ttiisdorss, Power kwd wester oftelleat oolhdkbnes,, s u un and Appliances, 227 Court St. door locks. crullso, a steering. 1818 $tom . 52700 Cam S O tt 441 p6 eONW Cal 4261066 (080«6q Oshawa, call 576-7448. COWER KE 2017 or leave message. dMMarmMd 4 ester FAEE for Ila•taoodr 717 4 4:11111.1aulesair WAIF SM he (0012029C)and dpi. semi Sheer. 4ht beige. 98 skids Wilson Rd Cal SM and alk ler -Fd slscsiol Paver TIP 181 Dodos Mirada. Wasil -COWN*bi pain cSrhdkiaL as is. 819100 or Nest P*ft Per Pair, air keg. Seo, hark. 725.3630. (TFALL) fosrs l lsettl¢ b* K fat imk ONW. 430-7150 Shat, 6 p.,rL 811111 cobbei9a Palcb dolls (pre ^cel)- 812- sect Cab 91664666- FLORAL SWOn km hol tweed fins twskews. Every- Waft will a tool" meow � � is" Honda Accord. Midtbacr, (0631225 �� Relscio 436• CIOO ,e„ � or ht 5 Spool ore ownf r, c rtiletsik Fm-mr VVtdaslM.Y u oft ,IIWFtlamrakamma 8550 as Is. 728-8352. loser ti ten? ifkr9• now Ifhd - ffn ONE oak dkrig room wbfe and RMI Fen Cal 38aasg. PW292SNq 11 market cortltsg to b udU Y Poll Perry Do you haw Sane•• 4 chats, 3250 oAA One full Size narpclins, 5250 or bet sionowsm OSIMWA - south std Infra, W=4 822 am SL Very clown, IN" ung PS9a1t9 b sem? We tart an -n°dab Opp trarldon• Far off• (tOW42) PIANOSIGRANDFATHER 1811 Parytac Sfrtbird LE 4 door. �' 2 Onaam available now chile trk In in black, fold t � IS 3880 or a bacela 325 Pot day an cannh so u; you can St up, 6 your w= CLOCKS CLOCKS - Planw. rant to own, WL site. kp(ght, grand, dglW, down backseat. air. anVtm aaraMs69e MT 1. 8475 Paiktg, meestw 8.000 kris.. full ww. het. cable �k�d• 57e 0973 and errs 0*0 icis" (Maio keyboards. CLOCKS - free rerylr to 80,000 kns• 310,500 or or as. (061992) t ed 726 and SundaysM� 41Saturda 3508Or41649gSp305,(081ISM anddeliveryfake and 3,t up. ge of CRM r low °o s 0068 abla 305 Automobiles Wanted MUST move Immsd)tely track to England, overhead warehouse prim. 4331491. (06)5/92) 19186CONOW, lady drkien, air, Pow16r brakes, slowing. Exml• TOP 8 3 i pato kir Ne•d 10 soil ndcrowav tNwlsion. frkip ONE set of 14' brand new mrrdNiOrr• P-M*Qkkwed, dow ar�SW UmdP�F7 end MOM( Mn. Blore• t Stingray rime. asking $450 oleo. Cal 7235814 afik for Jell Powe' "Wized, amp. Rust able and IrsstaN•d. CRN 963 P 68600 a beef 7301 Of 4261879 slier, s =28k) a (save a mnstlYs (083120?! p.,rL Oft. 5094M 10 101 A21 (0il03t2) ..k - i r ... • , e , - rj�, T� f y 1 y {. .. , .... : • .-. __.. - "R-• .551,5. ,, _•�.,, ,a .. lower level, professionally 3655 Marine 400 Apartments For Rent AVOID THE LINE-UP AT THE U.S. BORDER Instead, take this beautiful 1989, 2955 Avanti Sunbrldge, bayliner boat. - fully loaded - extremely low hours - excellent condition Call Tim 430.3248 16" 18 h. Larson boat and trailer. in -board. outboard, V6. 3.8L. fully loaded, excellent condition. Call 579.3110. 400 Apartments For Rent ONE MONTH'S FREE RENT, When you sign a 1 yr. lease on a small 1 bdrm for $594/morlth includes fridge, stove 8 utilities Call now! 571-0108 FURNISHED APARTMENT Pickering Village, 98 Church St. S. Large clean, new, turn. bachelor in,, 6-plex, own entry, eat -fn kitcher, TV (0600, ONE BEDROOM Parking, no pets. 1982 Tempest SS160 Bowrder, APARTMENTS 416.20:6.2038 • 416.284.1618 70 HP. Evnn,de, 1988 mailer. asking 5400. Call evenings. AVAILABLE IN OSHAWA AJAX - 'The Breakers- brand Sun. -Thum. 9859611, (060592) Includes fridge, stove & new exclusive lakeside con - 16 ft Grew with trader, excellent Utilities. Close t0 401 exit, dour n urns for immediate condition, Johnson V4-90 motor. :Park 8 Bloor) occupancy. 1,2.3 bedrooms. $9000. Call 420-8737. (060492) For more information 900-4500 sq.ft, featuring 5 O'BRIEN Slalom sa,board. N.P. call 571-0095 appliances. air, balconies and sonanums. underground parking, sad and rigging CO.mplefe. As- 1171. (060292) heahh Club with indoor pool, king $800. Gerry. 623-39". PICKERING village - large sauna, exercise room and l (060282) ought one bedroom basement dards morn. To view Can 426 M TBY - bright cru bedroom basement• 4 Piece bath, central apartment. Separate entrance. 1874. (070392) 400 Apartments tndge' S10". shared laundry, parking. utaties included. Non OSHAWA two large bedroom For Rent srrx*-p taeniid $600. first and apanr„e„t, dose To O.C.. r.Cety k11nNdaaiy. Call1Patricia.831 .9607. decorated. parking, fridge Either - June 18/92 or June 24/92 Time: 7:30 p.m. Location: The Gymnasium Northview Communitv Centre 150 Beatrice Street Oshawa, Ontario The Co-op is owned and managed by the people who will live there. Be part or our Community! Occupancy Fall 1992 1 and 2 bedroom Solarium Apartments Rent assistance available 1-800-663-7222 AJAX 55 Falby Court 2 bedroom apartment in family building. Air conditioning, broadloom, 2 appliances, laundry facilities, saunas and exercise room, underground parking included. Call Mon. --Fri. 9-583-fi021 � Sat - Su11. 12-5 ersnwe. urr+r Ajax 77 4133 FALBY COURT Two + those bedroorn aparmm* in fiamtay h*Jin9- Air corldi6or ft broaftm, 2 appliances, laundry facilities and I uriftVIaund paria%llbd ided. $7424819 J Cab S 111111111ML- M,.y 111.311re8:30 APARTMENT RENTALS CHOICE LOCATIONS IN OSHAWA 1. NO RENTAL FEE TO YOU! VALIANT PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 579.1626 OR Ad AA - easement bachelor OSHAWA - bV% ore bedroom apwflrrf r3,. "Waft ent►a'.cs. basuterst aprtmpnt. now O.C.. d SMfit Non M*. First and quiet noWbounhood. Includes nondfly. udelas. WWI*Y. Parking, $496, Inclusive, Call 428-7830, mug be seen 4263983 or 886 1 7871. lOeo2 2i ../,t. q ,;.. s „-L stove, laundry, no pets References Call 723-0742 '053192) OSHAWA ding and W"on. '35C sc.!. modern 3 bedroom-. '•'(1ee. stove, washer, dryer, 3,900 plus hydro Available June '5 721-9728, Isave /message. Dmase. !053192) DICKERING 'wo bedroom with args "Cirfr00m w.nf• ',replace. Dig kitten. walk to Go and '"aa, own entrance. $825. suit bus. - re" OOuCwe. 6a&' 386 or 831- 4201 (060292; AJAX - brgnt one bedroom Daswnent apartment. separate entrance. twark out 10 backyards. air con.. laundry taclses. H" 2'W-tr-y. Avaiall June ' $6.0 nccludee itilfes FfRlaw, Cao 427.1798 •053'92; OSHAWA ore 041dr00m apamrnor,. -ai^ floor of mss•. r'cludes yard. basemert and a.Mry. $65c monmiy incudrlg ,tdnos. Can doled. 5'9-855 Sa'. 1. Avaiabie mr.ed alo,y. 060492) WHY a closed -.n aparrynf7 Ty this Prig'! 2 Decroom arcnrtei y ds"ned •400 so h. apartment Nark -out to unoscaped yard, yore TO 41veryfhng Oniy $9-5 -lonthlyincisive. gall Dorothy PICKER:NG Bay Riogw new -ehr, 428-767-7,(06059Z one 1)410.00•" basement AVAILABLE mmediatily - 639 apartment. fully ca meted. an CubSt. Oshawa - apamrrent separate entrance. $550 a budding, Close to bus. Shoop". month, all indusne. First and utilities nciuded. No pets, 2 Last. Cap 8397064- (053192) bedroom, $700 and one PICKERING Go - Lrverpool and bedroom. $600 First and last. BayrY, trinesbedroom bungalow. Cap 430-0+34 (060292) man /how. large backyard. large WHITBY - beautiful o n e kitChe n, 4 appliances, air bedroom ,joartmem. Gose to a1 00ni ring, parking, Segs Pius amenities, 5485 including util lies- 290-5157. (060592) parking. and utillM. Call 666 - EAST Oshawa - 3 bed roo"e. 1171. (060292) eat -in kitchen, lnvingroom• 4 OVER !lore - large 2 bedroom Piece bathroom, available apamrent. Wh4by. 5625 plus tmrnediatefy, 5850. Also 2 I Ydro. Tor. 6657049. (080292) bedition "Poral "Iran ry aparsrury separate entrance. "W an M TBY - bright cru bedroom basement• 4 Piece bath, central inclusive. Call 721-2346. �W y, Cable. utssies- Minutes to washer, dryer, large eat in fill bald, and kiea shopping. 401 and GO. Suit WWMY tit" bedroom ipsm- sirgle $550 fist and last 725 Go, 1� Porkier walk to 8850. I,yao daps 2862001, July AJAX - basement bachelor 1 . 106062121 ala ug fmwt. close to Go. local bus. Pus col behimshed• IMMEDIATE ATE possession 5500 mor". inclusive. 427- bealnslor baawvmw Spanner 3/38, leave a missed Avai- c.rftrat Whfoy, naw -9 11 -es able Jure 1. t06029M ,� � monthly550 Two bedroom anunt for pan rent, Adelaide and Pak. with air, Inclusive. Call 666-2220. excellent condition, $795 CENTRAL wirhey - 2 bed,dmm Procludes evvylldi Firl and Pk* den. 3895. One 0 -- n,rn lest No pits- Cal Jos at 728- bm n wit. 3596. Clean sps- 9684.(0529821 nous grist aduk basking, all ONE bedroom basemen t tlkin kckdot July I. 686 288 9or 283.4125 (oeo4821 apartment. East Oshawa, OSIMWA LARGE two badman separate entrance, above 9rfinrd back door. 2 appliances, basement apartment. 5800 shared washeddryer. Newly nprylgy. Includes twikttg fa decorated. Available July 1. backyard yard two. use ofprMM $475 Pluss 8832881 snl►tkosk (t�`2982)ltiss washer, dryer, large eat in fill bald, and kiea PICKERING.kkhTridai condo ore bedroom taus Solariums 4 place emblem, cabs• Included. Clone to all C t and 2 piece bads, a1 Incuen& ammbn. Ideal for work" Washerdryer. hit ^stow. etc. k11nNdaaiy. Call1Patricia.831 .9607. 43"l M521M (192) QE badman bnamarrt aw- PICKERING - one bedroom insist In home. 8590 mouthy bssernety aparoneht, eeparaw Ificksslift Avall. Junk Rolm in erdranos, fridge. stove, $475 + harp, $3W monthly. Aveftle 113 utilities. Available Jure 1. July. 421-7687 Of 4930297. Phone 683-7388. (060392) PICKERING - two bedroom CENTRAL Ajax - two bedroom lower level, professionally basernsty aparinrnL central air. *MOW apartmord. Appliances, Parking. yard, suit stole parent utilities included. Parking with no paw. non srnoling. June 1. private nttrdranca Available Jun• 686-975. (053192) 2. 5850 rronfhy. Cal 223-9770 WWW-. =Oi SMALL apart ono in Pickling (OBD Vibus. prm" drMeway. tilting AJAX • three bedroom mstn bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, floor. Available August 1. Brialy, ground flow. 5550 first and last, well-maintained appliances, includes "in. For single orgy. Parking, drapes, M , yard, available now. 427.9383. eloi• to transit, relennces. (080392) $075 plus sox utilkin. 819- 1545. (OBo39Q) - .._ ...-_ _w.. ... •�•..+.vw.xau..uas41ows Jai,il"A garage. 2 walkouts, 4 • us stop n front of appliances, $850 plus 213 complex. Available June and July. Ouse with Professionals. s395 mortthy. Mao k 400 "` t R� 410 H01� om 420 T01N 440 R B°Oo'oard 460 rata a 4� r�io�At i�wq space soca - - -cottages For cottages For 550 550 OIE bedroom &pain Os, upper floor of capita in Oshawa. RANI®3 bednoore burpalpw, spacious three fireplace, excellent blatbn, bedroom bwnhane, ►tear has HOONOW Comm N gtlist lrflly ( 92S sale sale Fridge. Stove. cable. private entrance, Parking, balcony, Dias and Hwy 2 AN stipk.,, r and GO elation, 5 15- N oee, er avaiisble June 15. 420.9308. oto W%o backyard, 2 /2 betirs, 1 nn use a Pickering foundry. � 01. 3075.(0531M e Pt A"3i"IflCommereial Space A COTTAGE - 66,900 m n t lHarmony area. 8650 rrtontfty, all inclusive. Available July 1. Call 436.6085. 03821 garage, like new. Available BEAUTIFUL two atony, 4 t1 4204. 433277402 or 416 qZ 450 Shared Prime location in modem building located in g Pickering New 3 bedroom. exterior clotnoeted, plus all services. + (060292) bedroom hornet 3 washrooms, AcComm. $700 Pfivate said beach, crystal tear Ww, 2 WHITBY - one bedroom apart- lamflyroom, fireplcs. partially THREE bedroom townhouse n townhome. Walk to Pickwng CENTRAL Oshawa - shared ac- Last remaining unit of 650 Square feet, on main hrdrive, pfivate sale. Temts 8valable. tram in triplex, one block from GO train and lake. Available kreredis*, finished basement. !Sneed yard, South Oshawa in smile. quiet 2 terracenowaO6e• n.all artentiss, WNne6 CShopping. 725.21. 401 Moises. lose lo 60 OSHAWA -one asbly two bedrooms n htotasep, twr baa level fad Elizabeth Street. Now 1-416-349-2911 large yard. 6830. Cres. whiary. aval- route, parking and utilities available at competitive rates, for immediate Genesis Ltd. 831-3300. ,,-, fly. $390 inclusive. Cal 86N-7634. (060292) - pang. 2 bedroom able June 1. $1400 monthly. TOWNHOUSES - 8661171. (080482) and three bedroom es �k�- 3ingle PON with in - fant welcome. First and last. ng and laundry, facilities Included. Starting at $575. To LARGE 4 bedroom sem, near basement ap�mp,t Include,n9 lridgerstova, Wikies, FOUR bedroom quiet court, nor. Nath d 401. Close lo Go Tran th east Oshawa. Separate din' Station, schools, north and 31714 ICSI I92SNiq of 436 MADGETT h& PARTNERS 6836847 590 Business 590 Business Opportunities Opportunities park' cable. Large backyard. storage i room, large kitchen. 1 12 baths. South Gm. blocks away from Knob Hit B SHARED A000rnodatlon in Victorian h W� A 1W ( aq.h.) and OSHAWA - BowndWdow: Wit- shed, non smoker, separate entrance, close lo al amenities. garage. 2 walkouts, 4 • us stop n front of appliances, $850 plus 213 complex. Available June and July. Ouse with Professionals. s395 mortthy. Mao Office Space(4504500eg11) n a well anchored wrens 520 �rldoS For Sale $695 monthly. first and last. 432- utilities. July 1 and last. Cal 434-5614. (061 1921 Karen. 433-7810. a one bedroom apartment $49 July 1. In p1f111e Oshawa locations. 576 backyard. $950 plus utilities. 7703. (060492) (060492) OSHAWA - BeatrioslWflson: Or- ( 92S W56 or 579-1626. (061862) PRIVATE sale - C;emral Ajax . PICKERING Village. 2 bedroom apartment, PICKERING - leiBM 3 bedroom 1110111d 2 and 3 bedroom units, detached home, 2 12 baths, available $760, $825, S. AJAX area in We" Heigh$, 500 Homes asking $115,900. Western exposure, 2 bedrooms, n0 ' lase Wus familyroom with ftroplace eat -n Heat, hydro extra Fridge, &love, one bedroom available Im- For Sale renovated n modern neutral ydall 666.3949 after 5 P.M. ( (061092) kitchen• ay rrt all appliance lndudlrg garage included No pets, appedletey nree thbedroom, 1dN HEAST Oshawa - 4 ear train, quiet bedroorrs. finished rec room . neighbourhood. (1-416) 928- laundry. Close to transportation, with Durham Housing, 1615 detached home, use of all ONE and two bedroom apart -Shopping. rec, tion. Sunny Dundas St. E. 4th floor, Whitby facilities Including laundry roars_ merits in Oshawa Convenient backyard. $950 plus utilities. Or call436a610 for infommion. $360/monthly. 686-0785. location, clean, no last ►morals Available anytime in June. 686- (053192) OSHAWA - two and threeAJAX Fell" required $690 1 bedroorrL 4149 (060.392) bedroom townhouses, including - fkar'reflsd bedroom n $715 large 1 bedroom, $750 2 bedman. Call 43600m. after 5 SOUTH Oshawa - available al utilities, 4 appliances, does quiet townhouse, share p.m. gall 7233675. (061192) August 1, 3 bedrooms, main floor, fridge. S1OVe. dishwasher, to shoots and amenities. Cal bathroom kitchen, non smoker. 434-3972. (06049?) Available Immediately. Suit OSHAWA - one bedroom. Park, Adelaide $550 in- laundry facilities, close to schools. but. FirsVlast• FULLY furnished and aduk Or atudOnt. $400. Call 428. 7g64 area monthly, $700 . (D53192) nicely decorated spacious icludiss 30- 12 54M060292 es; and parking Cat ( ) Monthly plus hydro. 723-0619 message. (060592StVC) townhome. Walk to Pickwng CENTRAL Oshawa - shared ac- NORTHEAST Oshawa - 3 PICKERING - luxury one can 723.9430 (06C.M) Town Centre. Just pack your COrttodations in a large charm" WWTBY - bachelor spartmens SOUTH Oshawa - 4 bedroom bags and move in. $1050 per house. Close to all amenities. available. Clean, quiet buldi g sem , 5 appliances, available rn nth, John McCan on, ReMax non smoker. available suitable for single person. June t. $1000 plus ulilklee. Can Genesis Ltd. 831-3300. ,,-, fly. $390 inclusive. Cal Fridge. Stove. heal, hydro, park- 430-7070 after 6 p.m. (053192) WHITBY - 1600428-3717 days. 721-2394 man tree ng and laundry, facilities Included. Starting at $575. To LARGE 4 bedroom sem, near evenings ( ) familyroom, fireplace. ce. three view. call 666-2450. (060292) Oshawa Centre. eat -in kitchen, -0 sldrg door to patio. fenced bedrooms, 2 112 baths. 4 THREE bedroom house toShare appliances. available July 1. in AJAX South - fumahed one Yard. hardwood fb. finished ons Aim with easy going person, $950. Call 430.7620. (05� $4 31 In 00 due aundr laeilit' decor, new upgraded broadloom, excellently main- tained building. 619-2032 or 873-4512.(06049M EXPERIENCED DECORATOR REQUIRED Owner of Interior decorating business looldng for experienced decorator to take over business In the Pkdcering arae, small start up imrestment required for the right person. Inquiries 686-5574 ONE bedroom co dominium in Mcl-aughin Square. Centrally 61O Legal located in Oshawa. Waking ds- 6 Notices tarhCS b GO terminal. Appian we - CBs included. Newly decorated, excellent security. Swimming FRENCH- John & Cheryl (nee Chewka) are and hobby, rooms. Parking, as- king $99,000. Call evenings, delighted to announce the birth of Christopher 579-2027. (060492) Lots For Lewis, bom February, 18th, 1992, weighing 8 535 Sale lbs. 3 oz at 6:45 p.m. A brother for Magnan 50 acre beautiful building �, Irene. 4th grandchild for Barb &Nick Chewka, just on Hwy 12. One concession Joan & Stan French. Special thanks to Dr. north a Cannington. $150.000. Cal 571-5052. (061349?) Hoang and the Staff at McMaster University LOT for sale - Enfield HO t I 610 NLegal oucces bedroom basement apartment- tt- baaertem' no pets. $970 .. 431} NORT N GO .1 res. CHARMING s)it 100•x519' S98000 Ary � a . new kitchen, separate entranoe. 0249. (060492) -------- - HEAST Oshawa - 4 ear train, quiet bedroorrs. finished rec room . neighbourhood. (1-416) 928- . -y . Per**h1s area. nicely landscaped• bsauth- available. 7269871. (060392) -. cab's. Parkng• share laundry. non smoker, $625 inclusive, DETACHED bnck home. pick- enng Whites Rd and Hwy 82 4 two prate bath. $895 plus ►eat 1531, leave message. (060502) - tui hardwood floors. eldst pne ret room with r,eldstone LAKEFRONT Building lot, /►( 630 Registrations 630 Registrations Available -mine"ely. First and bedrooms. garage. oentrai aur. and hydroAvailable June 19 Cal Condos For fireplace, app:anaes Included. 137xM serviced beautiful beautifully dudbVClean to am comer W 1 six Will List. 427-7566 (053,92) Quiet court Requ rements: Bin a Anita Richardson. 455 5763111, RsMax Apple Reany. Air con.. Open House Sundays. freed. Lam• f78.900. Cal 705-4862284 wonot101 OSHAWA duplex - 3 bedroom. Lease, no pets, firsulast, Rent win I-5. 620 Annapolis. Oshawa. $161,900. Far appointment' Or 418-477- 1168. (060662 program, program. uNrmsle0 Prnate funds please, will do same File 84087 Oshawa Whitby THIS Week, Large btamplepanung, sundry references. Available August 1. NORTHEAST Oshawa - 3 PICKERING - luxury one can 723.9430 (06C.M) available. Power a sales debt consolidation, loans, n tone P.O. Box 481, Oshawa, L 1 H 71-5. Son arses. Surta single. Cal room, near bus schools and all m aensres- $750 plus utilities 1. $995 monthly 683-6638. (060492CNC) bedrooms. stove, fridge, roc bedroom with solarium, prime roam. Nos eornodex. $740 pita location. Air, 5 appliances. - - _ NO money down 57Camper 0 $ ' Y CAMP aNakils. Cal 5763366. (060692) 4 1 6 7542868. (060292) washroomvjacurn,lnrshed rec �ltre&. Frw and last. Ava4abb parking. looker' pool• tennis and - 3 bedroom. t 1;2 V Trailers Sites 987-40,9. (060492) $350 weekly. 1-705-932-3315. room. walkout basement to ter- AJAX -three bedroom, 3 buts, July 1 7'15-2339. storey brick house. targe WESTtEY north a Hwy 2. 4 bedroorrs. Irving/dnrng room, AJAX -bright Clean furnished (060492) raced yard. ,8x36' aground kid- ney Priced OSHAWA - BowndWdow: Wit- one year lease, close to schools. $850 (060292SNC) Jackie. rg Late 427u5286 aS0. Call ftte 6. THREE bedroom drive and large 101. RinOn 401 area $109,000. Cal FULL Service Seasonal Trailer pool. to soh by owner. 571-7096. (060492) arm. Alto 7, 10 and 12 14 year mortgages at very corrpotsive sorv'Rossland - 2 bedroom unre available. 1790 and $820.4 plus utilities. AvahLabb June , Call 683-2236 twonhouse. $9010plu Wifitioa. In-law suit 011• Rick or D 866-6605 or 579- st-$ from $750 per season n Woodland Ages: 6-12 yrs. package. Datescan, 723-2022 (t0 am - a bedroom unit, $'005. Fridge, after 5 p.m. (060592) Possblw Nosh end, close to MCLAUGHLIN Square, Rich- &choolt arld mond St., 2 bedroom, 1 t2 4252. (0611 9Z Estate. 30 minute; east of Peterborough, 90 Four, 2 -week periods running pekaal 6550 ndudes u"609, stow• ulioros ncludod. No pets. apply o Durham Hous 16.5 PICKERIWG - three bedroom bun "r a I c w man floor. 5 a nom as. Avail- able July , or 15. 432-3866. baths, many amenities and (116 t 19?SNC) escurity. First and last, $950 PICKEANG - must los seen 1700 sq.lt. of absol,?ell gor- minutes from Pickering. Waterfrom silos with boat dock t, �{� between: July 6 - August �. Dundas St. E.^9• ab1' 4th Floor, Whapp au, rete yard, no per 9so'J6 Evng Space. 3 bedrooms, 4060 available Beam. heated rip 6 a Cal 0392) �6tO for rnformaton. smokng. available July 1. $900 t __ month, inclusive. 623-0111. 43� Rooms To M onlay o Friday after S p.m. ac., cv., alarm, ed ba many Pool, store. 1-705-653-1317. (053192) Supervised Nouns: Plus 2 'Awns First and last. J Rent ro60i� grad upgrades. 9.900 f�� WHITBY - one -2 bedroom apa•tment, tin.-, bedroom �-0018. =3192) Cottages For � mm.m. Cal ��y Tc 575 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. aPartment. After 12 noon, 666- OSHAWA - large, Spotless 4 bedroom with I�nishod Room fa rent full use Homo. Pnvele barn, 4 • 0 Rent AJAX - Best Brick Banker lMENend Daily Programme: 9 a.m. - 4 Og 3397. (060492) beserrhertt, Overlooks park oak un gym. Barbecue. furnished a HOUSEKEEPING Homo. Four bedrooms. 3 1,2 baths, hugs }dimly, VISAS p.m. AJAX two odruertbaa.rrem apartment. Large "Mom. 4 from eke shore $1075 plus unless. Available nhmyed-poly. Cottages at unfurnished, f,00 weekly n- Woodland Estate. 3c minutes elusive for dotailt. 4261211. oamAutcery laundry.Premium lot. 8 car secured anddurwcured.caie os, Tabkarh credit. rem $130 per 2 -week ball"FOO". Can 76'1-4985 (0531 921 leew oast of Peterborough, 90 parking, lower walkout Ura. bodk hotel period pace $675 plus 40X sidsret Aradepis July t. 264' BAY Ridges t message. (053 92) "Mules from Pickering- Beach, apartment. (259.000. Call 427- and tips will our ha6ab. Bad credit accepted. Cal Doug 0760. (06041it2) - immediately avaryblo. Clean 3 bedroom Ad. Icy ground. stJAX - furrnshed room in a heated pod. home. A►, cab's. Parking.s non boat and motrentals. Sprig. 0689 0 192, at 6665. (06049?) Call 831-6130 to register! TWO bedroom. lower ink of house with finished baserrlertt g, smoker. 690 weekly. Call 428} Fall and Weekend specials. BAYRELD Bust, 4000 sq.n. 5 LOONEY Problems') Loans, debt duplex. now GM$675•hydro. apartment, walking distance 9114 leave 1 August holiday bookings still meSaa"' (MT g2i bedroom. 4bath. pool, (nground conso!,daT10nS. credit Fist and last. Apprarx:es. Park- from GO train, per mhonth, ava labte. t-705-653-1317. and heated) oak basement, amangoments, personal bd6el - ng included, Available Jure t 579.1721 first and last. Credit cnock Cal &34.6902- COURTICE - turnisMrd room. X1921 broadbormed. 4 must fir. central vac. «C. a f1MhrlbY area). �^ planning, garnshees stopped. FREE CONSULTATIONS. 675 Companions iRoofing after 5p.rm- (060492) M6049Z Piece bath. KAWARTHAS - Lake Kas- owhmw airnrac Loa. teepnar, snabog - Qs min. northeast a temil_ P h - House Sat. and Sun. May 30 and 31.,1-4P.m.61Starg"DI Credit Coueeeoa P (Pickering Oshawa) 4331425 (TFAII PICKERING - man floor TWO bedroom upper halt of house. Laundry, Parking and all Wane& included, $725 monthy. . bungalow, 4 txedroorrs, cote to Schools. shopping and GO. T.Vworking & y takerront, .. person. $85 n9 cmage&. weMuy. First. yet, 666-86U (052892) BROKER . Mortgage TALL blonds &man non-smoker senior lady. various interest, Imm lo aoutn GM. Available immediately $95C monthly incudes Wil4et laundry facilities. references. Good fishing, swmmvng toau. 4369640 (OW49Z motor rentals. From $1351 has $ t 0.000 b lend at580 $ 4 7 Per $147 Der morxh. Contac Jerry COn �`J Insurance oWgorg, humorous. and TLC looking . 5 7 6 - 0 3 34 . (060292) and 427-8479, Available July 1. (060292) weekend a $.'i6Slreek Ane; NEWCASTLE . very large room ly. 05. Con -, Finan - dudbVClean to am comer W 1 six Will for same in tensor g o n I i e m a n for steady BRIGHT one bedroom apart. AVAILABLE Immedi atel - 3 with separaa& ornraryoo, pnvap 5. 705-877-2159 (060292) cal Sery cee. (TF) 7 7/416 five v e year open, no program. Bad croltit relationship. F1eD1Y with photo mens available Immediately, bedroom. 2 stonry sem. wakout Mise piece bath�h�kitchenette COTTAGE rent Clow b 15 area. lakefront. OSHAWA -clean 3 betlroom ngalow, ta&tNu program, program. uNrmsle0 Prnate funds please, will do same File 84087 Oshawa Whitby THIS Week, $450 a month includes heat, hydro and cab's. SlmcoeTaun- e- SI host kitchen o yard. fnr&hedand Dasomwtt, Close ro O.S.C. ord.$87 at a Brn.Bancroft private. 2 ' minutes from Oshawa. $100 bedroom, fully oqupped, wash. decorated. OU10t neighbourhood, rm- available. Power a sales debt consolidation, loans, n tone P.O. Box 481, Oshawa, L 1 H 71-5. Son arses. Surta single. Cal and 40,. per month plus wooky includes all utilities ox- roomh-shower, oxceMM fohng -WIMr Possession. Extra large service. Now Era Financial (060592) after 530 p.m. Wash toolklies. aNakils. Cal 5763366. (060692) cep Phone. Must be seen Cal and swimming Boat nckcled. washroomvjacurn,lnrshed rec Corporation. (416) 721.9563. ATTENTION S - carefully 432-1099. (060492) 987-40,9. (060492) $350 weekly. 1-705-932-3315. room. walkout basement to ter- (TFALL) aNecled introduction* lo unat- OSHAWA - attractive one WESTtEY north a Hwy 2. 4 bedroorrs. Irving/dnrng room, AJAX -bright Clean furnished (060492) raced yard. ,8x36' aground kid- ney Priced 7.41% Fire Mortgages. 5 year people lookng for a Long bedroom Copyn rroy renovated, family room, near schools, . room for mature waking non JUNE Getaways Cyan, cony. sin" lert'ele preferred. Clow tonable log pool. to soh by owner. 571-7096. (060492) arm. Alto 7, 10 and 12 14 year mortgages at very corrpotsive term relationship. Cordiden led. Fres, information sky Ignts. fully carpeted. upper shopping. Go. bus. 6863358. style otxrtagss n to transit, and shops. Shan picturesque setting. Sandy ORONO - 3 . 1 bedroom droom rates. In hon►, personal, con- package. Datescan, 723-2022 (t0 am - a level. roan, q�• erg• W" backyard, great for single (0� tar�w. $85 weekly. 6865721. beach with fireplace txadkspk, IiV&groom, eparsto fidential service, phone for P.M. ) (TF) pekaal 6550 ndudes u"609, BEAUTIFUL country home. Reasonable to select adult (080462) paddleboats, Canoes, badmnton horsesh dining room, "t -in kitchen, tway r ,' information. 7 days a week. 416. 725-6123. (063092) ABCAN QUALITY ROOFING Seciaizing in: • Roofing • Repairs • Eavestrough • Soffits/Fascia Free estimates can (416) 619.1690 579.7196 lICKERLNG oes, etc. Dont, ►►shed rec nom ( family. Spacious grounds, quiet close /al-osritiss a Call NORTHERN HEIGHTS mrure US ear raves fol back- MORTrrgA and bre• g0 %PKXERM 71 0 Births Tax, Ftrtarteial basement - linart 2 t. qui tt Enfield. commutAppliances, to all six appliances and furnished RESORT n Norland• 1.706-454- kg onb gwerlbes wilt creek, tnancing. down Payment ret ale �ireCtO basement apartment, quiet Points. Appliances, now rooms for 33WsoSMplus U4 1928. Sonw available for July $158,000. Call 963-5438. arranged.Anyarnountavailaby. - ry $test nee► GO stetlon. Daley avaYable 256202&. 0eo1621 and August Book soon) W im' $780 avari able 1' 030 -SM t AJAX - larfgftt thea bedloofn utlllsa. Non enrclow Cal ken. 420.7347. (053182) 1 - 1rum= bedroom semi with use Cal Doug a Rick 868-8805. room In quiet, northend Community Fk1wrcW Services. rICKEfMNO - two bedroom mart Ileo►, solely teftovaeed and decorated. including neer LAME Mame, bright clean, cable. on low route. Central 485 Resorts Bowmanville. Close to all Bu$it1� amenities. Includes man s+ams�s y 590 basement apartment, 4 appliances. fully kitchen• 4 piece bath, plus location. $80-$75. 433.4748. antras &134,900. phone 418• Opportunities carpeted. eePaW1i Prstr tamely no Pees 132ti2an 829.8482. 1080492) 2/he8 o k Rmulm dia� ►sola closeafoomTO� 2 - bright for Sale. Buckhorn COAST to Coosa - prkraw prime mtsluw less. 08WAM Call 819 Phq» Dom cel -1527.016421 Pbmeer Park res c� pod leblt. MtwM� ��the Rouge, Rkvinx. � �hV facilities, � house W+ti00• umtipine modern 3 pits bedrooms 2 1/2 bathe, 2 faf►ttyroorrs, FICKEIeN1i - bright baeettmora AJAX - tlsee bedaom, nmais Noor SaFIP$encss. leaned =• Md tg. n10n efrmnlw► restaurant. planned Prdemed $85 may ftivitiee. 416-637-5315. (8�1 dmkmorq daft garage, huge deck, full fait alpsted alppfrffn )fad. close to scU els and 1881. (0631f� � 9at>�" .000. dudbVClean to am comer W 1 six Will amntiles. Fill and feeL Ar85 �`I"hr�� plus 80x. FuRNW ED �j Fiabi w qulet saseulkrs cable, 490 t�iM wf3Tsr - 4 bedroom ratea'8ve, � wee n '� X194 � � fig• A� tAelt osslan Roeslamd/Amdsnon. backs 4140. (OBD382) WINTB♦ - three bedroom able Mm ol Rleasate6le FLORIDA - Maderia Bead' lt, main floor famil r I AJAX -bright, modem one have, oontat sit grape avail west. CIA 427-2W. 0531li� 1500 W h toxo room. sundry. den, luxury gu/ frail whMlpool tub, thousands in (063182) wMITBr -large clears two Oedfoan batrnsfr apattrwr with separate wdout b ywd utYfsCal s18s8a48100 n4 nift Pits � PICA kattYfted bedconrooms, p2 I b ths�, all liou�s Sun �19.t100. Open or unturnig ed Zoom with own bedroo May 31.1.4 rat- 78 670 Pwsonft antral air. fret Eat in kMdlert non strokefs prebrtad. AVVA- JOHN Body 3 bedroom phs finished lower level with ►fes, Mated O01R air. ffgaotatd ped. . posit, Devetoo St 608,05W 080492) Parking, shared kNcten and acreefed Sutpach• sup rRTM afttW and m1y Pk - Able anmsdlsoly. Sow marhy, Ilroplaoek access to awrytltng laundry facilities, utflNles 7238080. 1y Qrly. Pheba BAIICROFT awe - 3 bedroom bungalow. nit counselling. llin . F reeand 11, top naaelw. 427-3472 f PICKEiWNi BE appianas avaleblo Jay 1. Cal 4211.9308, (080.1821 iron• s500/moothly. First (�) newly dMOrated, acrd Ise 88631se. 060402) CLEARIVATM - 3 bedrooms amab loam sed 9+►a8e' 3H ace Clinic' a:11D am Oahow% Tuesday, lol�io - oM bedroom. pafUaiy fumifted 4 piss bath. FWE bedroom 2 brshe U -MY, AJAX - mice flumished room ler fully famished. air con. moble W septic and feel, flew dock.3 homes good "Ill and ►ship, snow p m., and Wednesday 1 b 8 AN ineluslw. Cable, washer, loving and dlnIng rooms, fireplocsk Heated and imming_ fail Shale 100111,111111111 11011111 Smoking ,pada lien,beadl8s,and� $5ildren �arn9 Thaw. 3D0 p m 10 prrLFo43niwhi drys►. air eon., suNabte for stu• dOI ent working person. Non wdrota. $Saeed yard. WW coddr shed. 3� may. Call 420-3266. (0531 go tempot. --- 7,500 813.39 or Pick. bedroom d&eacrad house, air conditioning, garage, quiet paling, Proles (LsesGtftsrt"10111• ins Townh wing 4208781. (TF) nopets.'-%F. Coes awry air kpfis b Go. 6125. Call 837.0328 diva. au►L Recession price, $888. CLEAN quiet rooms for U.S. weekly. 683-5503. employed persons/students, (p7tJ3821 A W pioL 51 0 oases ADO A Mtlt epibe..BC. allwe For Sale (063182) wMITBr -large clears two J111111411. rsteranoet. ifst afd kat. For appoirmfrterd, 1.416288- separate kitchen, bethroome. Parkin bus. Nea► Roue 500 Homes 9• 9 momma" - Lha, Diane FROM PAGE /4 Jortirtilleir two excelling Matte a PRIVATE Deal) 118dfoonn 4panrrtrl n or aced 7119.0e6492) V mer. ter. sessloo. Cal For Sale 2862458 son Pickering Three bedroom eonte tktaloa d Memosives ler WwnhOLN* ;N,dred Sale. For discreet nbnn lot, and Par n well moi tainted four UPSTAM bungalow apartment (053/92) , 1/2 baths, eat -in itC write b Cfrdy Prim Boa am yen old fafrdly buldag. with eltivocr, piduwprw gfowds for rens. 1200 sgJL 3 bedroons. 5 appliances, private yard. LARGE furnished bachelor AJAX -pmvw sail - 3c- wart, ptivele Sneer's, yurdry Wader am I fiPf1e• A$ an, Separate dining room, naw RO• Keoakta, B.C., V1Y 7P4. upgraded Aduits 1miMNrgepsddrlgattas File bid ISL Avail a JWy 1.888.0072. Swimming pool, Simcoe/ T&~. 8075• ugfts included. cable, non smoker, Dixie/ brick victorlan home, 4 Glenanna, available 0°ms 4 rtatMoomt, caw broadloom ortly plwM. (080410 __ _ Uxafghout. Now Mab and Go �OIIYler Itiel Mair title &131.900. Available June 30 JESuB art blind Yad lea 0eo562) 5761663. 080392) krnedislely. $120 tom made oak/brass trims. weekly. 631- Wayne slxtlln thio heat 6125. (053182] 9 ug d? and on. 883-0728. (053110 the blind? Dan your redid" PWIY etttra sPeclaL kmdb a pony star glosses? The him" is b our ctlde bktlny pry or Io ONE and two bedroom atwtrrmr'Y Available ler May- SOUTH Ajax - family with reference: requires 3-4 wokotA '" trap PK3U3W1G - dear', OOsr I-- bk. round hem' WHITBY - 3 bedroom tato hired fnkdsler, Micah 3:11, spaced Cao uhf at loswtlwwe, BmduPmslend. 5 Isaiah 56:10.12, John 10:11. �•� (�f� June. No pits, fridge, sow, air. carpet parking for 1 car. Boor bedroom d&eacrad house, air conditioning, garage, quiet buck Oflok 6 IL x 9 h nished room. Separate entrance, a$ facilltlet. Wsq finished playhouse. Asking =237,000. Cal hem' aefnrel ak, ta&IkI$y Jim CtlrtpbNl 1-705 8535475. RABBIT wants work coon decorated, asking $135,900. g mepic for dam's and Wilson, $715 and $740. Fiast rrergldlotxlwed. Call 128 3081. (053162) Shore9ayly,1100 waft. Fist/ 8867814 to 85241561. (0803g2C(1,C) Laos Wan builders price, ore DISTRESS Centre - Need parties afld sonwate Y oocasionta haw 111► own and YsL 721-6744. (TF) fast Cal 8354271. 0631621 yew naw. Opp► Have SaL May to U k b? Cal us 301h. 1-4. 10 BasetB Bhld. I** anlylk, 433-1121, 427-88J6m(� N Call Emile. 8854832, -. --.. - 150.430.7815. (0804521 (TF) NEED MONEY YESTERDAY? Call M.C.A. Corporalim totiry. (416) SM --81800 THANK -YOU ft ng Please look over your ad the first day it appears making sure it reads as you requested, as we cannot be responsible -for more than one insertion. W --q - n; I `1 .. �._.._ _� ....,...�...-.__. awc =•'�•8rtR7t&rttwse�a:xa.+se._ x!r+`•1%iv3i -� - _ , h".ail : � � • Your horne office I If you're not yet among the more an �an 26 million North Americans working either full- or part-time from home, by the year 2000 you just might be. There's already a legion of workers whose `commute' is simply from one room of the house to another. Whether you're all set up at the kitchen table, or merely thinking about starting your own office at home, take some advice from the husband -and -wife team of Paul and Sarah Edwards, whose book, Workin From Ho The Edwards offer these tips to make your home office more Productive and more comfortable. 1. Since you will spend as much as 75 per cent of your day sitting at a desk or drawing board, the chair You choose is of great importance. Make sure it has a supportive back, firm seat and armrests, self-locking casters, and height that can be adjusted from six to nine inches. so that your feet rest flat on the floor. 2. Desks vary according to tasks. The ideal height for a writing surface is 30 " be THE NEWS ADVEtRM" SUNDA,4 MAY 31,1".,.PAGE 19 be a haven me s, but for typing age gracefully. or computing, it is 26 inches. 3. Storage problems can be solved As an alternative, you can have in several ingenious and practical both a desk and a separate typing or ways: pegboards hold memos, computing table. Whatever style notes, maps and easy reference you choose - pedestal, campaign, material. even roll-top - it should be no Vertical file cabinets take up less longer than seven feet unless you space, but lateral cabinets - have the luxury of abundant space. especially those made of wood - Of the many material choices, will have the pleasant appearance of including steel and plastic, preferable desk choices are solid hardwoods like oak, ash and maple. Aside from their natural beauty they g me covers N OF p everything from tax tips to soothing O� /, sound effects. A 'fes THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF "Even if you love bustle and could z moo; z PICKERING work in the middle of a tornado, z Environmental Assessment Act, R.S.O. treat yourself to some of the 1990, c.E.18 decencies that soothe and comfort��� Class Environmental Assessment for you as you work," says Paul Municipal Roads - Edwards, expatriate from the Schedule B corporate and government career worlds, and co -host of a radio show. Nonce Res actin juts ry a Cku f~—NJ )vi'II. O� ♦ 4WD I I I ♦ ♦ '91 . MSU . C&CMOTORS Ae- 1705 DUNDAS ST. W. _ HWY. #2 8 23 WHITBY 430-6666 - PW fwi^ M 4MX UK. i Tams CENTRAL AIR CONDMONNG NEW YODELS ON SALE Low Cost Finarc tg No Payment for 6 monfhs Paymerfs Imm $40.00 per mordh NOW BOOKING FOR SPRING INSTALLATIONS Free Estimates w M t� _ wrai�IM 21 haw Emap M Smice otA* You can Cant On ser*Q Nftm MADE IN CANADA Since 1970 e - ............ r U Retirement of southerly east -west part of Pinegrove Avenue (Part Lot 1, Plan 282, Pickering; Part 6, Plan 13449) Subject to any comments received as a result of this notice, and the receipt of any necessary approvals, the Town intends to complete the retirement of the southerly east - west part of Pinegrove Avenue outlined below: �r - �6. ~ � 4 - J r This section of road is no longer required as part of the municipal road system as a result of the construction and opening of the easterly extension of Hogarth Street as part of the development of Plan 40M-1692, Pickering. Further, the relocation of the intersection of Woodview Avenue to a point further north of the CNR right-of-way creates a safer environment for grade crossing traffic movements. There is no cost to the Town of the retirement of this section of road, which is expected to be completed by late summer 1992. Further information is available at the following location: Department of Public Works The Corporation of the Town of Pickering Pickering Civic Complex One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Interested persons may provide written comment to the Town respecting the proposal within 30 calendar days from the date of this Notice. Comments should be directed to the Director of Public Works at the above address. If concerns regarding this project cannot be resolved in discussions with the Town, any person/party may request that the Minister of the Environment "bump -up" the project to an individual environmental assessment. "Bump -up" requests must be received by the Minister at the address below within 30 calendar days of the date of this Notice. Minister of the Environment 15th Floor, 135 St. Clair Avenue, Toronto, Ontario M4V 1 P5 If there is no "bump -up" request received by June 30, 1992, the Town will complete the retirement of the southerly east - west part of Pinegrove Avenue as proposed. This Notice issued at Pickering, May 31, 1992. Stephen A. Vokes, P. Eng. Director of Public Works The Corporation of the Town of Pickering furniture, rather than office equipment. They also can help divide room space, and hold a printer or fax machine. 4. Lighting can mean the difference between serious fatigue and a relaxed, productive area. The Edwards recommend combining natural daylight with indirect lighting. JAHERONGATE ANIMAL HOSPITAL 65 Kingston Road East, Ajax 427-0789 HEARTWORM PREVENTION MONTHS. We would like to advise individuals to have their dogs tested annually and administer preventive medications throughout the summer months. Call now for details: 427-0789 YES fV f f SUBARU. ILI '92 LOYALE. SEDAN AM C011d NCL OPT OPT-- AUTOM41IC NVL OPT. OPT. POWER *WpowS L PT OPT PLOWER LOCKS NMOL OPT. OPT. AWA/ MCL OPT OPT. TILT STEEMA G NVCL #XL. OPT. C&C MOTORS 1705 Dundas St. W. H WHITE 430m6666 •FNiyIK, PDI (fW)A Lia. i Tann Extra UNUM UK oma R1 PAGE 20 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDA% MAY 31,1 2 �lljlkl*r 0_11111V*41 NtA I WttKI 5 5ptclm N 131 to 11p �E 1iVIT1� LIGHTS m" smq -�° �� -YOUR CHOICE 264M 266m WTWE OR POLISHED BRASS : ry' .OR WHITE Y 'r. 59.95 95 Aim 1_4TT_�O..RE ut;4 MM V. _Y�_- tptp SPARTAN "ULTIMA" SHOWER STALLS 32"X75"X30" WHITE ONLY REG. 191.69 SALE! 17A99 &S"W -AM-STORE OW- YOU CAN COUNT ON OUR STAFF FOR FRIENDLY, HELPFUL ADVICE! 11 SO 1 -aa I x ......� i 59 t OAK TOILET SEATS •�ir�v����� REG. 23.29 WE'RE PROUD OF OUR STAFF...PEOPLE LIKE PAUL JERMYN WHO HAS OVER 14 YEARS OF FINE SERVICE IN OUR PAINT DEPARTMENT. PAUL KNOWS PAINTS, STAINS, VARNISHES, AND OTHER PAINT SUPPLIES INSIDE OUT. HE WILL BE PLEASED TO HELP YOU WITH ANY PROJECT. PAUL IS JUST ONE MORE REASON WHY YOU CAN RELY ON MILLWORK! RESURFACE LIKE NEW! ,top'''' AD 00 f . — .10 KG -REG. TLi9 .Y. I . r SALE... 0 2fOs22 • 20 KG - REG. 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