HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA1992_05_15I V T n u 60 ' #I RI DURHAM FOR LOW PRICES DVEATISERPickering Edition DES $29.98 THE SHOE BOX PkkwbV Tows Cents Friday►. Mair 15, 1992 2r pages A N"alat Cornmur*y Newspaper Pressrun 35,000 510 t 40 GST • 55 CW* VOL 111 No. 20 T . You can have a good time Saturday and help raise money for the Children's Miracle Net- work Telethon. The three area LOEB stores are putting on a number of events. Proceeds from the telethon, also being held this weekend, go to the Hospital for Sick Children. Story on Page 4. Inside the -:News Verona Mall site fate still in limbo Page 3 Sports 71 DIAMONDS IN THE ROUGH koebdi bw thrown a curve Page 14 1 r. Mixed munc mom ibis"weekend Page 12 Letters.... ...»...»_.._.......f Obi 7 BiRboard»_.._.. 7 S —14 Cit ified......».....» _19 Hydro fined $200,000 in worker's death AJAX - Ontario Hydro was fined $200,000 Monday in connection with the death of an Ajax man who worked for the utility. The fine, under the Occupational Health and Safety Act, was levied by provincial court Judge Ian MacDonnell after the public utility pleaded guilty to failing to take every reasonable precaution for the protection of a worker on a project_ Steve Reilly, 29, of Ajax, died in Welles- ley Hospital 12 days after the Nov. 3, 1990 accident. Mr. Reilly was electrocuted while attempt - Cops on lookout for drunk drivers on long weekend DURHAM - Motorists are being urged to "be patient and use common sense" when heading out on the road this holiday weekend. Durham Regional Police sergeant Sandy Ryrie says drivers should expect to see the RIDE (Reduce Impaired Driving Everywhere) program out in full force this weekend. He also reminds motorists and their families to "obey the rules of the road" by wearing seat belts, adhering to the speed limit, and not getting behind the wheel after deinking. OPP will also operate RIDE programs where possible, including marine units. They'll be checking for liquor violations as well as vessel safety and equipment, including life jackets, "which don't do much good if they're not worn," notes constable Bill Garnett - "New boaters will be out for the first time this weekend. They should know what they're doing before they get out there," he adds. The News Advertiser wishes you a safe and happy weekend. ing to measure the elevated linkage mecha- nism on a transformer at Ontario Hydro's Malvern Transformer Station in Scarborough. The linkage mechanism carries power from one transformer to another. The ministry of labor says workers on the site weren't aware the power supply to the equipment wasn't completely switched off. Ontario Hydro spokesman Richard Furness says Mr. Reilly's widow received a lump sum payment and she continues to get monthly payments from Hydro through the Workers' Compensation Board %I- FUmc�s Aouldn't divulge the amount of the -a mcr,!» ay I+. � Ji �.�• .n °Good samaritan -r electrocuted doing church work AJAX - Electrocution was the cause of death of a Good Samaritan doing vol- unteer work for his church, an autopsy made public Thursday has revealed. Samuel Cabral, of Windsor Dr., Ajax, was killed May 7 while trimming branches from trees behind the Ajax Baptist Church where he was a parish- ioner. Durham Regional Police detective See TRUST...Page 2 Residents concerned about proposed subdivision PICKERING - Some Rosebank residents are concerne" proposed 22 -home subdivision will increase traffic conges- tion, and cause property and drainage problems in their neighborhood. They're responding to a draft plan of subdivision in a vacant lot south of Toynevale Rd. between Rougemont Dr. and Pine Ridge and Winette Rds. The plan recommends a temporary access road through an existing residential lot, which is of particular concern to resi- .,., . -- V dents. "How long is temporary?" Rougemont Dr. residents John and Marion Coverley asked in a letter to town officials. "Is it four months, eight months, could it be a year or perhaps two years?" Neighbor Kris Mukerjee agrees. "It would only seem log- ical that the access road be the same as the permanent road, thereby causing minimal disturbance to the neighborhood." While many residents aren't opposing the subdivision, House gets a new home Built in 1856 by George Washington Post II, the Field House was moved on Monday from atop Post Hill on Hwy. 2 between Harwood Ave. and Chapman Dr. in Ajax. It was relocated to land west of the hill, while a non-profit housing project is built on Post Hill. When the housing project is completed, the Field House will be moved back to the hill and used as a recreation centre for seniors. photo by Ron Pietroniro .Stock up AJAX-PICKERING - You better stock up with your long weekend necessities Friday and Saturday as most local businesses will be closed Monday. Banks, beer and liquor %meswill close victoria Day. Stores in the Harwood Place Mall in Ajax and the Pickering Town Centre will be closed Ajax Transit, Pickering Transit and Handi-Transit will not operate on Monday but GO Transit will rat on a holi- day schedule. Most convenience stores will be open Vi zxia Day. lco CORRECTION N0110E In ow 9ltwnasr fate Flyer' nesried in the Oshawalwhitby This week and the AjeruPiclrring Nsans Mreriesr, the bowing Pape ow.- Boy's ti GMs' Swfnawsar, Sixes 4i� at i.0i sack Reade Saw 30%L The wordiap: Saw 30% M In error The 199 each Is a'Evwydsy Low Prke'. a Bulbs. b coloured BuUCard elwtrklt reed: Rep. 599, Sale 4M (Not 2A9 Card as stated} Only the clear 2lCard are 299. Noma Moonnys Cable 25 Fee. Should Read Rep. 10.911, Salle 9.90. The Price quoted of 3.99 card relates to the Co waciors, 2 per card. Paps 19: Carnbidpe Kitchen Co4rdknMee. TM�polnt of 3.99 se refers only to 3 PC. Set The 3 pc. Set Includes: 2 Towele and the Magnet. The 3.99 Price Point could Incof Own Mita, Pak of Pa Holdem.11w Tie Towel Is sold Individually at 399. We regret any inconvenience this may have U ur armca Bouncers halt drunk from driving Man in his cups put in cuffs PICKERING - The fight against drinking and driving has taken a new turn. Bouncers at O'Toole's Road- house Restaurant on Liverpool Rd. here handcuffed a man they deemed too drunk to drive after he refused to surrender his car keys. The customer had been asked to leave the restaurant around 12:30 a.m. Thursday. Durham Regional Police say bouncers offered to call the man a cab and tried to persuade him not to drive. When the 33 -year-old told bouncers they'd "have to stop me first," they put him to the ground, handcuffed him and called police. The customer agreed not to drive when police arrived, but when bouncers tried to release him, the key broke in the handcuffs. Police took the man to the sta- tion, where the cuffs were cut from his wrists. No charges were laid. TOWN OF AJAX PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE MUNICIPAL HOUSING STATEMENT The Ajax Municipal Housing Statement has been completed and the final Housing Strategy Report will be presented to the Committee of the Whale of Council for it's consideration at the time, date and location listed below. The Municipal Housing Statement recommends a housing strategy that will enable the Town to meet its housing needs for the short and long term. This study was undertaken by The Starr Group, Planning and Development Consultants, on behalf of the Town of Ajax. The final Housing Strategy Report will be available at the Ajax Planning Department located at 75 Chambers Drive, after May 20, 1992. For additional information contact Gwen Winder or Geoff McKnight of the Planning Department at 683-4550. DATE: Monday, June 8, 1992 TIME: 7:30 P.M. LOCATION: Town of Ajax Municipal Building Council Chambers 65 Harwood Avenue South P. TOLLEFSEN, Y.C.I.P. Ajax, Ontario rum"na nc tat ate; L1 S 2H9 t some believe it should be postponed until Rougemont D upgraded and can better handle overflow from Hwy, 401. One resident questioned why only one road would lead to the proposed subdivision. "It's like trying to pack sardines in a can...I object to one exit and entrance. It'll be the only t - junction in Pickering (needing) traffic lights," he argued at Monday's meeting of council's executive committee: Before the proposed subdivision could be approved by council, several bylaws would need to be amended. Trust fund established after parishioner killed FROM PAGE 1 sergeant Walter Hall says Mr. Cabral was cutting branches between two transformers when there was an electrical surge. An electrical ch* arced to a branch, hitting Mr. Cabral in the left hand, travelling up hi, arm, across his chest to his heart. "There's no evidence any contact was made with high tension wires," says Det. Sgt. Hall. Mr. Cabral, 40, had a burn mark on his left hand, although it's "not consistent with a contact bum." Church Pastor Ed Lugtenburg says a trust fund has been established and donauons can be dropped off at the Birch Cres. church or mailed to the Sam Cabral Trust Fund, c/o Ajax Baptist Church, P.O. Box 366, Ajax, Ontario, LIS 3C5. Accident KOs power AJAX - Power to about 2,000 south Ajax homes was interrupted Monday morning after a crane knocked down wires. A contractor was imstalfing a nansiormer at Harwood Ave. and West- ney Rd. for the new Westwood seniors' apartments, when a mobil crane truck tipped over. Ajax Hydro says soft ground under the truck gave way, tipping the truck on to its side, c=wig the boom to hit the wires. No one was injured in the incident, which occurred at l 1 am. Ajax Hydro crews restored the power in 30 minutes and then removed the truck boom from the wires. The outage affected the area east of Harwood Ave., and south of Dreyer Dr. Damage to the track, transform and wires is estimated at $5,000. The Town thatvYfoeta ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION Z22190 DR. GEORGE H. BROWES PART LOT 3, PLAN 205 A public meeting of the Committee of the Whole of Council will be held at the time and date indicated below to consider the above -noted application. The applicant proposes to convert the existing residential detached dwelling, situated on the north side of Kingston Road, east of George Jones Street, to a dental office. The proposed dental office will comprise a gross floor area of 96 square metres (1,032 sq. ft.) and will be located on the main floor, while the second floor will be used for residential purposes. The current zoning, "R1" - Residential Detached by By-law 35- 77, as amended, permits a detached dwelling, a horle occupation and an accessory structure to a permitted use. The Town of Ajax, has recommended the approval of a Town - initiated Official Plan Amendment for the lands along Kingston Road from east of Church Street to Rotherglen Road. This amendment (which has been forwarded to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs for final approval) would permit the proposed office conversion on the subject lands. Anyone wishing to make representation to the Committee of the Whole of Council may do so at the meeting. 14. DATE: MAf 25,1992` TIME: 7:30 P.Y. a LOCATION: aa+ COUNCIL CHALMERS _ a tis HARWOOD AVE. S. u AJAX, ONTARIO " n"aarnr an _w IP. TOLLEFSEN, Director of Planning Verona receiver 'more discouraged than encouraged' Ajax mall site fate in limbo; mixed uses proposed By KEITH GILLIGAN Staff Reporter AJAX - The fate of the Verona Mall site may not be determined until late summer, says the receiver for the property. *Blair Davidson, a senior vice-president at Peat Marwick Thorne, says a developer has discussed with town officials a mixed-use propos- al, with medium to high-density residential and some commercial out- lets. Peat Marwick Thorne was appointed receiver in 1990 after mall site owners Mater's Management was placed in receivership. It could take two to three months to complete the deal by selling the property and satisfying investors, says Mr. Davidson. "I'm more discouraged than encouraged than I was two or three months ago. Then, I was more encouraged than discouraged," he says. Two months ago, Mr. Davidson was working with two groups, one of which "faded away. They wanted it for retail use, but they couldn't awing it." .Mayor Jim Witty says Ajax council "supports the basic concept" of the proposal but the politicians are awaiting modifications to it, which is normal with the planning process. "Before they put in a proposal with the receiver, they wanted to see how the council felt about it. It's safe to say the majority of council sup- rts it," says Mr. Witty. "What I see is what I envi- sioned what Verona would become when it went under," he Witty adds. Mr. Davidson says he's bound by confidentiality and can't release the name of the developer. Mr. Witty won't name the company, but says it's t] into a :::DURHAM - Campers can find out ahead of time if campsites are available at most Ontario provincial parks. Beginning today, May 15, a toll-free line that :provides campsite availability reports for 53 of :.Ontario's parks will be available through the provincial ministry of tourism and recreation. For people calling outside of Toronto, the :number is 1 -800 -TORONTO. People in Toronto can call 314-0998. Both lines are open 24 hours. The report is also available in French by THE NE" ADVEB?1SEN FRIDAY, MAY 15, 1"2 -PAGE 3 campsite can away . pnone Y calling 1-800-2b8-3736 from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily and 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sundays or by dial - ng 314-0956 in Toronto. The vacancy report will be updated every Friday from May 15 to June 19 and daily from June 20 to Sept. 4. ,.:Campsite information is available from (Ontario Travel Information Centres, listed in the phone book under the blue pages- Reserva- tions must be made by contacting the park directly. DELIVERY SERVICE WATCH FOR THESE INSERTS b FLYERS COMING TO YOUR DOOR WITH YOUR NEWS ADVERTISER CARRIER TODAY AND IN THE DAYS AHEAD FRIDAY, MAY 15,1992 SUNDAY, MAY 17,1992 GULF COAST CONDOMINIUMS NEWS ADVERTISER (AJAX/PICK.) NEWS ADVERTISER (AJAX/PICK.) 'A&P (PICK.) CANADIAN TIRE (AJAX) 'CANADIAN TIRE (PICK.) TIRE (PICK.) DOM'CANADIAN FOOD �(�AJJAX K ) MAXI DRUGS (AJAX) 'IGA (AJAX,'PICK.)) 'WOOLCO (AJAX/PICK.) K -MART (AJAX./PICK.) Midweek Weekend Midweek Wee�kendd I L06LAWS (AJAX; PICK MIRACLE FOOD MART (MAX,'PICK.) 1199 19� 1199 P:Vv 'SAV -A -CENTRE (PICK.) 'SEARS (AJAX -PICK.) • Delivered to selected households only Ajax -Pickering , Me 0.. a OMMRI Jr J�1�?�," corDorabons ��stcoornw �r.i J S E A R S C L U B Double I N MMI Canadian Plus �Alk7,J Wea "somebody who has a presence in Ajax now." The developer met with the town "to see if the town and the rtd;to m-dencitDA region suppo a me y idential use," says Mr. David - GULF COAST CONDOMINIUMS Mr. Witty says, "What I saw n. ••Until town council shows 1139 CLEARWATER/ST. PETERSBURG • TAMPA FLORIDA FUNSHINE FARES* some support, (the developer) 2 8 3 bedroom condos - your choice of: Sandcastle 1. II. III. June 1-25. Sept. 1-30 Adult CtIlc isn't going to give money to the He adds, however, there's a Midweek Weekend Midweek Wee�kendd I receiver." The developer is looking for Clearwater/ St. Petersburg 1199 19� 1199 P:Vv approvals from the town, but wants "sufficient comfort" for • Tampa • Orlando R. Lauderdale • sig — X219 the project, says Mr. Davidson. EAST COAST CONDOMINIUMI"EW SMYRNA BEACH 14 nights 2 a 3 ledrooln beadNnat cwAms 7 nights Ft. Myers _ "This isn't a rape and pillage Llmlted �allabtlity -some restrictions apply developer who will slap up some cardboard starter homes," he gQNVS y says. "They want to make sure .1111%S0% QN the development fits." GULF COAST CONDOMINIUMS Mr. Witty says, "What I saw 1139 CLEARWATER/ST. PETERSBURG • TAMPA was worth actively pursuing. It's 2 8 3 bedroom condos - your choice of: Sandcastle 1. II. III. not a 'no way.— Sandcastle North. Reef Club. Angler's Cove. Sea Gate. Ocean Sands, Sand Dollar He adds, however, there's a 7 nights 14 nights "lot of process to go through to �et anywhere• They have to sat- fy the receiver and all the cred- itors. The process could take June 6-21. Sept. 5-27 1459 Sat. & Sun. departures - each of 4 adults sharing to a 4 door .nrsdi'k size renal ar e - ir� � e some time.„ Wort on the mall, at the cor- EAST COAST CONDOMINIUMI"EW SMYRNA BEACH 14 nights 2 a 3 ledrooln beadNnat cwAms 7 nights iter of Monarch Ave. and Bayly stopped in January 1990 when Mater's was placed in receivership by the provincial ministry of fulancial institutions. At the time it was placed in SANDPIPER OR SEASCAPE TOWERS June 6-21, Sept. 5-27 %W$479,St., each of 4 adults sharing S E A R S C L U B Double I N MMI Canadian Plus receivership, Mater's told investors the property was worth $160 million. - The MFI had Peat Marwick appraise the property and deter- Ask for a Sears Club brochure, and get all "details. Points! Prices shown include return airfare from Toronto: package holidays also include accommodation as selected, air conditioned rental car with unlimited mileage, and services of a Canadian Holidays destination representative. ALAMO CAR RENTAL I R. Lauderdale rn • Clearwater/St. Petersburg • Orlando 69 .%_rek with unllmQed mileage 'Travel or any Canaci ar Holidays charter flight to Florida bet%veen June 1-30 and Sept 1-30 92 Code XC 2 -door Economy Spec a,. Rate does not Include C D W PA i E P H0L1 A4CXAG I �MCLUOE H p ��fS • 1 C �gGESE TAX ORLANDO BONUS - Kids Only $139• ECONOLODGE 7 MAINGATE HAWAIIAN nights 14 nights June 1-25. Sept 1-30 1"9 'Children ages 2-11 years sharing with 2 adults Daily departures from Toronto - weekend departures (Fri -Sun j add 550 per adult FT. LAUDERDALE HOWARD JOHNSON POMPANO BEACH RESORT/ RAMADA BEACH RESORT 7 nights 14 nights June 1-25, Sept. 1-30 �� Sal./Sun. departures "Children ages 2-11 years sharing with 2 adults- Gulf Coast and East Coast condos only ASK ABOUT OTHER DESTINATIONS! Cmadi o s A WORLD OF VACATIONS Ont. Reg. No. 1553984 -- mined its value at between $70 Pickering Town Centre 420-7600 Million and $80 million. There are more than 5,000 PROTECT HOUR VACATION WITH VOYAGEUR TRAVEL INSURANCE - WE RECOMMEND IT! investors in Mater's, some 2,500 Prces and dates shown are those available at advertising deadlines and are subject to being sold out or change and to a surcharge by the operator without nonce Paces may vary depending upon date of travel in the Verona project.accommodation selected and are per person based on double occupancy unless otherwise stated Terms and condruons apps cable to these offerings are those detailed the suppliers brochureis Prices shown do not include any applicable taxes. G.S.T., surcharges, anddor service charges. or any item of a personal nature. unless specified This offer may not be valid In conjunction with any other discount or incentive offered by either Sears Travel or Its supphertsl c Copyright. 1992 Sears Canada Inc Any reproduction wdhoul the written consent of Sears Canada Inc is prohibited NOTICE TO TRAVELLERS Travellers snoui d be aware that different living standards and practices and different standards and Conditions with respect to the provision of utilities sere ces and accommodations may exist outside of Canada. Sears Canada Inc In January, five people, d b a Sears Travel Service Ont Reg No. 2264141 including Mater's owner Alberto 1EA Docouto, his wife Giselle kQAA 0 Crispin, and three others were each charged with 18 counts of fraud and theft in connection your money's worth ... and more ith Matex'Q activities _ - .x yes . �.�.: 1d FAGfl 4•TItl1E A i05 AD VER1't 0*V6At MAY 13, 09i " " i1 AJAX - Shots were fired at a local donut store late Wednesday night. Durham Regional Police report a six-inch hole in the window of Cof- fee Express Donuts in the Discovery Bay Plaza on Westney Rd. S. Pellets were found inside the store, which was not open when the shots were fired around 10:50 p.m. One worker was in the back of the shop, but wasn't injured. Police are investigating. In ternational Specialties Schnitzel. Steak, 'Filet of ,tiole or 'I anon; SpeciaL,� Sundau .Brunch 10: ;0 to 2:3o Located in the C ourtuard 1yckerinq'I Utage 1(k7 01d'kington fid_ Aja,;V �ItSEMTERS AP.. RP'ERlC,) 1',S.SFGA YOUR PETS PLANTS 8 HOME HOME SECURITY 8 INSURANCE VALIDATION PET EXERCISING 8 FEEDING BONCED 8 INSURED EST '38' 686-1691 ribs club WHAT ARE YOUR CHILDREN DOING AFTER SCHOOL? They'd Love Computer Tune! Ccmpttter Lownwp Fun Sessions For ChNdrert 114 (DROP BY FOR A FREE INTRODUCTORY sESsm) 619-1014 570 Watttep Rd. S. Aox JF YOU WANT TO PAY $10 So. YID. OR LESS FOR CARPET REMNANTS cane to I&6RAM0 Orr BARN t CO. In KNGSTON RD., P,yICyKERNIG t� tt olm 420-6833 OVER GOOREMMANTS .O CHOOSE FROM SALE FAX MAY 90rt12 CQI LTD. Cancmte Quick imp' in ltd• Specializing In: • CancaelAapluM • F„p" Maottumm ot"011.,r + F� aad Datb •Skm TIt. sWW Gust WN OIE YEAR w.rratntlrt Sj.eNlrl Mm y" wdw w>" IN ttw X11 md Im WW, , A- to 10% /rotwtt sur A. so"" plata/ CII us In 666.9338 or 427.4656 "ACTSOONAS IM ISA LUTED TYi OFFER' __ 'a ':— You and LOEB can help sick kids AJAX-PICKERING - You can40 the Hospital for Sick Children. Westney Rd. N. and Magill Dr., have a good time Saturday and LOEB Baywood. at the corner ;Ajax. atxivities from 11 a.m. to 4 help raise money for the Chil- `'of Monarch Ave. and Bayly St., p.m. include pony rides, a dttNc dren's Miracle Network Telethon. Ajax, has numerous activities mmiiltank, games and a barbecue. The three area LOEB stores from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Events ._.LOEB Glendale, at Dixie Rd. are putting on a number of events linclude face painting, carnival ;and Finch Ave., Pickering, will tomorrow, May 16 „ .,: gatnes, live music by the band :have ckrvtms, a barbecue and live Proceeds from the telethon, Smack Dab, and a barbecue. entertainment by a band. Activi- also being held this weekend, go At the LOEB Marketplace, `ties go from 11 a.m, to 3 pm. CLASSIC ALUMINUM Aluminum & Vinyl Products Ltd. • Patio Doors • Vinyl & Aluminum • Replacement Siding Windows • Custom -Made • .Aluminum & Fascia Canvas Awnings • 5" Favestrough • Stanley Doors • Soffits • Storm Windows • Shutters - & Doors (Aluminum, Wood, Vinyl) DURHAM AJAX-PICKERINC (416) 986-5758 (416) 831-1098 F72EE FtiTIMAT ES 4" ROUND i Housesitters will look after your 81x'LsPPY Kee in ha in their own Keeping environment and giving homes a 'lived-in' look is what The Housesitters is all aboUL Sherry Goodwin and her mother Helen Taylor arc partners in the Durham Region branch of The Housesitters. The Durham branch is one of 20 offices across Canada. The firm offers a complete house- sitting service for people who are going to be away for limited or extended periods. "A majority of our customers are those who are finally taking that much deserved holiday. They don't want to wont' about what's going on at home and want to protect their investment; that's where we come in," says Sherry. A Housesitters staff member will visit periodically, to care for your pets, water plants, take -in mail and flyers, ensure the utilities are in working order, and generally ensure the house looks occupied. Sherry points out that pets are usually happier staying in their own home while their owner is away. .Our sitters are experienced in pet care and will feed, exercise and nlav with our nets_" says Sherrv_ , A ,A Advertising Feature pets and more These adults are reliable, and have more experience with the responsibility of home ownership, consequently, clients feel confident having a mature adult in their home. Seniors appreciate the opportunity to provide this service, which is usually in their own community. The services provided by The Housesiuers vary according to the client's individual needs. Sitters provide periodic visits of twice per day, once = day, every 48 hours. Ise sitter Betty ton with two of charges, Carly the dog and omas the cat. quickly as possible. Information on the customer's service contract includes insurance, heating, and veterinary contacts, all kept on computer for easy access. Sherry notes that years ago neighbors used to perform this type of assistance; but today, with "everyone working" and families being much more mobile, neighbors often don't have the time to provide this type of help. If you would like a free brochure, more details ahnttt the NrrcPc:trn.r QEq� PERSONALIZED MUGS yj U C1 Decorated as you wish. Imaginative Gifts lex any Occasion Dinnerware, Vases, Coffee/%a Sets all decorated to suit you also photo mugs. Personalize your Father's Day with a mug or Stein of his own. JUDY DESPINA 428-2367 686-6631 THE MORTGAGE FACTORY 1 st, 2nd, 3rd mtges. to 95% • Rental properties and cottages • Re -f nanc,ng • Debt consolidation • R,,ral properties • Self employed • Bad credit No Income - No problem Prime Deals Below Bank Rates Fast, Professional Service Since 1975 Call 666-4986 (Whitby) SANDWICHES FROM Sandwichs and Salades JUST 99` LUNCH TIME, BRING THE FAMILY ' SUPPER TIME TO SUBWAY. ANYTIME! '865 Bayty St. 705 Kinpton Rd. 1300 KkvAon Rd. ' (At Westney Rd.) (At Whhn Rd.) (Al Uvwpool Rd.) I AJAX PICKERING PICKERING ' 686-7757 420-9911 831 -Subs -=E�=='—=`="==— =°== Housesitters will look after your 81x'LsPPY Kee in ha in their own Keeping environment and giving homes a 'lived-in' look is what The Housesitters is all aboUL Sherry Goodwin and her mother Helen Taylor arc partners in the Durham Region branch of The Housesitters. The Durham branch is one of 20 offices across Canada. The firm offers a complete house- sitting service for people who are going to be away for limited or extended periods. "A majority of our customers are those who are finally taking that much deserved holiday. They don't want to wont' about what's going on at home and want to protect their investment; that's where we come in," says Sherry. A Housesitters staff member will visit periodically, to care for your pets, water plants, take -in mail and flyers, ensure the utilities are in working order, and generally ensure the house looks occupied. Sherry points out that pets are usually happier staying in their own home while their owner is away. .Our sitters are experienced in pet care and will feed, exercise and nlav with our nets_" says Sherrv_ , A ,A Advertising Feature pets and more These adults are reliable, and have more experience with the responsibility of home ownership, consequently, clients feel confident having a mature adult in their home. Seniors appreciate the opportunity to provide this service, which is usually in their own community. The services provided by The Housesiuers vary according to the client's individual needs. Sitters provide periodic visits of twice per day, once = day, every 48 hours. Ise sitter Betty ton with two of charges, Carly the dog and omas the cat. quickly as possible. Information on the customer's service contract includes insurance, heating, and veterinary contacts, all kept on computer for easy access. Sherry notes that years ago neighbors used to perform this type of assistance; but today, with "everyone working" and families being much more mobile, neighbors often don't have the time to provide this type of help. If you would like a free brochure, more details ahnttt the NrrcPc:trn.r QEq� PERSONALIZED MUGS yj U C1 Decorated as you wish. Imaginative Gifts lex any Occasion Dinnerware, Vases, Coffee/%a Sets all decorated to suit you also photo mugs. Personalize your Father's Day with a mug or Stein of his own. JUDY DESPINA 428-2367 686-6631 THE MORTGAGE FACTORY 1 st, 2nd, 3rd mtges. to 95% • Rental properties and cottages • Re -f nanc,ng • Debt consolidation • R,,ral properties • Self employed • Bad credit No Income - No problem Prime Deals Below Bank Rates Fast, Professional Service Since 1975 Call 666-4986 (Whitby) THE NEWS ADVF.AT1 U NUMY, MAY 15,1912 -PAGE S clearance On a huge selection of ladies', men's and children's wear I I A e Outerwear a Jackets e Separates a Co-ordinates e Dresses a T-shirts e Pants a Sleepwear e Outerwear/Jackets a Co-ordinates e Dresses o T-shirts e Pants a Sleepwear e T-shirts e Hats e Dresses e Pants Saturday MaY 16th e 2 pc. suits e Overalls e Fisher Price, Mini Togs, Playlan l and none HARWOOD PLACE 7- r HARWOOD & BAYLY)�' AJAX _.._ _.__..._... _-.✓�a..�3:`-'� - J.��lf•�.4e t •.w.1 - s%w�'Itiijf r` I PAGE !-TUX NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, MAY 15,1!!2 0'p'ln­Uon':.:::,,, f Time to play ball, for most At this time of year, young baseball players have rescued their gloves from the basement and anxiously await the opening of the seaROM - son to shag that first fly or to connect for that first single.''' For a lot of kids in Ajax and Pickering, that scenario rings true, but GM for others, unlucky enough not to be one of the first in line at registra- tion time, they'll be sitting on the sidelines not able to take the fieldX. this season. 1 I Due to a chronic lack of diamonds, especially in Ajax, the waiting lists of both the Ajax Spartans Minor Baseball Association and the Pickering Baseball Association continue to swell each year. This year, approximately 100 children in Ajax and about 80 in Pickering are doomed to the baseball waiting lists and, in all likeli- hood, will not be on a team roster. w ,s Who's to blame? The organizations? No, they merely make the N facilities they're appointed and their human resources stretch as far as possible. The towns' recreation departments? Igo, the rapid population d growth and their slashed budgets makes it an almost impossible task to 1 rtes = K keep up with the demand. But. by working together, these groups might be able to put togeth-:��4� er a winning combination to allow every child who wants to partici- pate to put on a uniform and play ball. Possible solutions might include adding another day of the week to the baseball schedule (both associations play Monday to Thursday), x ITI x`.`< although this might be asking too much of volunteers, or for the towns � to provide plain fields for the younger age groups (do they really need = proper diamonds?). It's imperative that this unfortunate situation be rectified before more youths are shut out of the grand old game of baseball. Letters � Young soccer players feel pinch of 'unsportsmanlike behavior' To the editor, This letter is being written in reference to the disgraceful dis- play of unsportsmanlike behavior by the St. Bernadette's Council and the Town of Ajax towards our budding youth in our fair city. By this statement, I refer to the shallow display of pettiness shown by refusing to offer the church hall at St. Bernadette's at a discount for a fund-raising dance. This dance was to be in support of the Under -12 Ajax Warriors Representative Team. These funds would help pay for the entrance fees for out-of-town tournaments so that the boys The News Advertiser wel- comes letters to the editor on topical issues, controversial matters and anything else of interest to our readers. We reserve the right to edit letters for style, length and legal rea- sons and to withhold letters deemed not fit for publication. All letters must include your full name, address and phone number for our information. Letters can be mailed or dropped off at the News Advertiser, 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ont., L 1 S 2H5 or sent by FAX to 583-7363. could represent their town proud- ly. This cannot happen now because a St. Bernadette's Church official was banned from coaching for the Ajax Warriors Soccer Club, and now because of his sour grapes attitude, the young soccer players of the club will suffer. By writing this letter, we hope that concerned citizens of Ajax //42441c, l,Ou/e- will step forward and speak out against such injustices that our youth are being subjected to. The Ajax youth of today will be our leaders in the future, and this display of outrageous pettiness is not and will never be the means to provide leadership and guidance for them. 'Esther Arscott, Ajax Ajax Ringette Association thanks season sponors To the editor, The Ajax Ringette Associa- tion would like to acknowledge its 1991-92 season sponsors and thank them for their generous contributions, especially during these recessionary times. They are: Bunnies - Optimist Club; Bunnies - Payless Decks & Fences; Novice - Maclean - Hunter; Novice - Payless Decks & Fences, Petite - Burns & Mortson Insurance; Tween - Highland Trophies; Tween - Discover Sports; Junior - Pick- ering Village Sports; Junior/Belle - Home Hardware; Belle - Royal Canadian Legion Branch 322. Ajax Ringette Association �QThe News Advertiser asked area residents what they have planned for the long weekend. Herta Glaser says, "I'm visit- ing friends. It's also my grand- daughter's 25th birthday and she's coming for dinner." News Advertiser of �°Ws °�er' tim Is proteded br A Metroland Community Newspaper unauth hued us* without when con- sent Is prohlblted. The publisher Timothy John Whittaker reserves the right to classify or refuse Publlsher any advertkement of his discretion. Lynn Robertson says, "I'm going up to my parents' trailer outside of Baldwin, hopefully to enjoy the sun." JOAN SURGFFIAARDT - Editorirl Chief GREG COMES - Marlagirlg Editor HUGH NCHOI.SON - Advertising Man MOMQW LEA - Retal hales Manager ABE FAKOURIE - Distrbution Manager NEWSROOM - 18314110 0151RMUTION - 603-6117 RETAIL ADVERTISING - "3.6110 CLASSIFIED - 796-7172 FAX - "31.7563 NATIONAL ADVERTISING SALES 193-1300 REAL "TATE R AUTOMOTIVE ADVEIt1OING - 7967172 Bart Dykema says, "Absolute- ly nothing. I'm sitting down and relaxing. I hope it doesn't rain." til IF HiHFON AWARD 1991 C - V Don Guijaro says, "I'm going to Atlantic City for a little holi day." The views Advertiser. published evert, Surday. Wedr,esday and Friday at 130 Commecid AWS. -yen. Ontario 11 s 2N5, b one of the Mefroland PMlksg. PubW" and DbMbuling group, Of KftJban newspapws which htluda Al Wftkering News Advertiser. Attoa Barret, Battle Advance. Brampton Guardian. Burlington Post. Collingwood Comectlon. EtoblcOke Guardian/Lakeshore Advertiser. Georgetown independent. Kingston This Week, WKIS Y This Week. Markham Economist d sun. MNton Canadian Champion. Mississauga News. Newmarket Era, North York Minor. No0runberlad News, Oakdlle Beaver. Ostia Today. Ostsowo/W►>iliY This Week. Peterborough This Week. Richmond FMN/Thornhill liberal. Scarborough MWror. lltmndge/SlOUTAe Ttbune. Today Senior. Page slmls may vary 00, IV from pubko*d rate cad due to mechanical recl"MOrlh Of different pf"611, Metroland Printing. PubNshng and Distributing is a member of the Canadian Commu'l/y Newspapers Association. Ontario Community Newspapers Association and Ontario Press Council Second Class MON Registration Number 1197. Mop subscription rata in Canada: 1 yea. S70 Per "llon. ..v.+.�-. • wrr•., rsOlrY�it.rr�nrr�r • •rwMerr.rr rr raw rat rrr �wra•ww• -. _ _ _ �_ _ _: --Jr'� -. .4iY1-'�r1 i. ' r• o- 1M : y "�r�'r:t' *Efficiency in the kitchen The energy -efficiency of standard unit with electronic ignition. The therefore, are the ones that use the kitchen ranges does not vary greatly alternative, a pilot light, wastes least hot water. among models. Even so, choosing one of the more efficient units can produce worthwhile savings. Keep in mind that self-cleaning ovens are generally better insulated than regular ovens; though they use intense heat during cleaning, they also require less energy to cook your food If you clean your oven only two or three times a year, you will likely save energy by buying a self - leaning unit instead of an equivalent, regular oven. Other features available in conventional ranges also affect energy use. For example, smooth surface cooktops (with the burners under glass) require more energy than conventional burners. Cooktops with a built-in exhaust fan may exhaust a good deal more heated air from your home than a standard range hood, which means that your furnace must work longer and harder to heat the home. Since Energuide ratings are only available for electric ranges, it is difficult to compare the energy Officiencies of different gas models. Look for a unit that appears to be well built and well insulated. Be sure the oven door closes properly to, minimize heat loss when the oven is on. Above all, look for a energy by burning a small amount of gas at all times. As for dishwashers, about 80 per cent of the energy required for their operation is used to heat water. The most efficient dishwashers, Be sure the models you are considering have a switch that allows you to turn off the electric - dry portion of the dishwasher cycle. Summertime home electronics tips Summer is a popular time for home electronics. Whether people are on the beach or on vacation, they often take along a portable radio, cassette and/or CD player. Also, watching movies at home on a VCR is a popular way to spend a relaxing summer evening. With home electronics continuing to be so popular, there are bound to be questions on how to select the items that are right for your home entertainment system. To help you make your summer electronics selections, Sharp Electronics Corporation offers these answers to some of the most commonly asked questions regarding home electronics products: Q: What is a CD changer? A: There are two types of CD changers - rotary or magazine - which allow you to play five or six PICKERING SCHOOL OF BALLET REGISTER NOW AND RECEIVE10% OFF ANNUAL FEES FOR FALL CLASSES Come out on Saturday, June 6, 7 p.m. and see our year end performance featuring excerpts from Swan Lake at Sir Oliver Mowatt Collegiate (Port UniorUlawrence). Tickets $500 Amo dAdrem PRE -REGISTRATION for Fal Classes wil be JUKE 1311[,10 am. -1 p.m. HURRY AS REGISTRATION WILL BE LUM! • Classes offered in Ballet, Modem, J= and Adult Classes, 4 yrs. and up. FOR MORE INFORMATION about tickets and Pre -registration call KAREN DAVIES 974-9448 AJM - MUNICIPAL- HOUSING -CORPORATION AJAX MUNICIPAL HOUSING CORPORATION The President and Directors invite the public to the Annual General Meeting Wednesday, May 20,19929 6:00 p.m. at River Breeze Town Homes Community Centre 1 Richards Lane Ajax, Ontario Palltlta awl" an wet elde d [Bee" Rat I WNW kmt fthw le Lae) of your favorite CDs, uninterrupted, all at the touch of a button. Q: What are the advantages of having a CD changer? A: A CD changer is a great, entertaining family and friends, or for one's own uninterrupted listening pleasure. Rotary changers allow you to change a CD while one is playing. CD magazines can be used as a type of cataloging or storage unit. Additional CD magazines are readily available to set up music libraries, with jazz, Beatles or classical music magazines. Q: What types of features should 1 look for when buying a VCR? A: You should consider the number of heads on a VCR. Four head VCRs provide superior picture quality compared to two head units. The VHS-HiFi sound feature gives the cleanest, most dynamic sound available with VCRs. The sound quality of a VHS-HiFi tape rivals that of digital CD sound. Q: Why does the number of heads matter. A: A VCR with four heads can give you crystal clear freeze frames and slow motion effects. convenient feature for parties, CORRECTION NOTICE QaH O&DMS The ad for Christine Marshall, which appeared in Wed., May 13 edition stated Christine Marshall would be at Cullen Gardens Sat. b Sun., May 16 b 171h. This is incorrect. Christine Marshal YA be two Sun. & Mon. Cullen Gardens regrets any inoornrenienca this may have caused. Millwork CORRECTION NOTICE An error appeared in our Sun., Mar 10 adrertlsenw* in We newspaper. Ti* PRKE OF 12 x w CEDAR DECK KITS SHOULD HAVE BM $632.43 (NOT $547.TQ. We apologize for any problems this error may have caused. 2411 W Great Garden Begin Here... VANDERMEER HARDY AND CAREFREE PYRAMID CEDAR C 36" SALE $115150 r Reg. $24.50 Wh Wblk Supplies last Mav 1422 Values NURSERY DELIGHTFULLY FRAGRANT 1 OMMON LILAC = ;; SALE ' l $ 8.75 last emu U V V E v1A 1 1 Y `1l %W 1 Y L. 0 Plant your vegetables, strawberries and raspberries. Qi Treat your birch trees to leafmmor with Cygon 2E. 0 Ideal lime to plarg roses, perennials, fruit trees and sl N 0 Visit llarxWmeer Nursery for a great selection of plants. Bayly St E r! `y 2FA GE i THE NEM ADVbef SM VN-"- "- l; fl1AY 151 1M_ Billboard is a free feature for community events of a non-profit nature. To have your events pro- moted In Billboard, call us at 683- 5110 or write to the Ajax -Pickering News Advertiser, 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ontario, LIS 2HS. The deadline for Billboard Items Is 10 a.m. the Monday prior to Wednes- day publication, 10 a.m, the Wednesday prior to Friday publica- tion and 10 a.m. ft Thursday prior to Sunday publication. Obituaries MAJEAU, Jean -Jacques - At the Ajax -Pickering Hospital on Tuesday, May 12, 1992. Jean - Jacques Maleau, beloved husband of Halina. Dear father of Alicia, Jimmy, Fernando, Rene and Car- men. Grandfather of 13. Mr. Majeau will rest at McEachnie Funeral Home, 28 Old Kingston Rd., Ajax (Pickering Village), 428- 8488, after 2 p.m. Friday. Funeral mass at St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church, Pickering Village, on Saturday, May 16 at 10:30 am. Interment Erskine Cemetery. Visit- ing hours 2 to 430 and i to' 9 P.M. Friday. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Ajax -Pickering Hospital Building Fund. OLDNIAN, Robert (Bert) - In loving memos of a dear husband, father and grandfather who left this world on Tuesday, May 12, 1992, at the age of 66. He will be sadly missed by his loving wife '.Mary Teresa (Tern ) and their children Bill, Bob and his wife Donna, Tom and his wife Judi, Jim and his wife Janice. Patrick and his wife Carol, Roseman and her husband Bruce. Grandfaiher of Craig and Colin Oldman, Sarah, Kelleigh, John, Shannon and Jacqueline Oldman, Kathleen, Ryan, Sean and Colleen Oldman, Brendan, Vanessa and Patricia Oldman, :Maureen, Chris- tine, Kaidvn and Sarah -Anne Finn. Survived by brothers James of Brooklyn, New York and Willy of Ireland. Funeral arrangements were entrusted to McEachnie Funeral Home, Ajax, 428-8388. Interment Resurrection Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, donations to SL Michael's Hospital Cardiac Fund or the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario would be appreciated. "Lonely is the home without you; Life to us is ;not the same. All the world would be like Heaven, if we could have you beck again. Your life was one of kindly deeds, a helping hand for other's needs, sincere and true in heart and mind, beautiful memories left behind. Sacred Heart of Jesus have mercy." SINGH, Purindra Threkha (Indra) - Entered into rest at the Ajax -Pickering Hospital on Wednesday, May 13, 1992. Indra Singh, beloved husband of Sum - intra Ada. Dear father of Royston, Raymond, Alan, Roseanne and her husband Glen, Ross, Adrian, Dale and Denise. Grandfather of Angela, Cory, Shawn, Ray, Lesley -Ann, Rachel and Zackery. Brother of Aditya Singh, Nemo Singh; Mithra Kant and Damanti Burley. Indra was a foam employee of the Miln- istry of Envirolament, Province of Ontario; Superintendent, Marine Engineer, Transport and Harbor Deparmient, Guyana. He was also an Elder and Treasurer of St. Timo- thy's Presbyterian Church, Ajax. Mr. Singh will rest at McEachnie Funeral Home, 28 Old Kingston Rd, Ajax (Pickering Village), 428- 8488. Service at St. Timothy's Pres- byterian Church, 97 Burcher Rd., Ajax, Saturday, May 16 at 1 p.m. Interment Erskine Cemetery. The family will receive friends from 2 b 4:30 and 7 to 9 pm. Friday. A 461w0 .. /-IMA . CTrumn —8 w 1 CounciINGO:l The Litera- cy cy Council of Durham Region is holding bingo sessions each Friday afternoon, from 1 to 4 p.m., at Bingo Country, 610 Monarch Ave. S.. Ajax. The sessions will be held until July 31.434-5441. 16SATURDAY YARD SALE: The Ajax Pony Club will hold a yard sale Sat., May 16 and Sun., May 17, from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., both days, at Audley Stables, 1/2 mile north of Hwy. 2 on Audley Rd_ Ajax 686-4641 • s YARD SALE: The Ajax Pony Club will hold a yard sale Sun., May 17, from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., at Audley Stables, 1/2 mile north of Hwy. 2 on Audley Rd., Ajax. 686-4641. BINGO: A Midnight Madness Bingo in aid of the Durham Business & Professional Women's Club will be held Mon., May 18 at the Silver Dollar Bingo Hall, Brock Rd. & Bayly St., Pickering. Doors open 10:45 p.m. Jackpot $1,000. Free admis- sion. 831-2421. HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY: The Pickering Horticultural Society will meet Tues., May 19 of 8 p.m.. St. Andrew's Church, Church St. north of Hwy 2, Ajax. Topic is Trees in Urban Environment. Flower show. 831-1077. RABIES: A rabies vaccination clinic sponsored by the South Durham Veterinary Association will be held Tues . May 19 at the Pick- ering Recreational Complex, 1867 Valley Farm Rd.. Pickering from 4 to 7 p.m. Cost is $10 per dog or cat. Dogs must be on a leash and cats in a carrier or box. FREE FROM FEAR: Free From Fear, a support group for those suf- fering from anxiety disorders, meets the first and third Tuesday of each month. Guest speakers, informa- tion, educational materials. 831- 3877. DOWN SYNDROME: The Durham Down Syndrome Association will meet Tues., May 19, at 7:30 p.m., at the Whitby Baptist Church, 411 Gilbert St. E., Whitby. Speech thera- pist Anne Archer will speak. Annual election of executive. 668-9510. WRITERS GROUP: The Ajax Writers Group will meet Tues.. May 19, from 7 to 9 p m , at the main branch of the Ajax Public Library, at the corner of Harwood Ave. and Your eakildw of coming oval Kings Cres. 427-2682. 111 RABIES: A rabies vaccination clinic sponsored by the South Durham Veterinary Association will be held Wed.. May 20 at Luther Vipond Memorial Arena on Winch- ester Rd. E., Brooklin. Cost is $l0 Per dog or cat. Dogs must be on a leash and cats in a carrier or box. OSTOMY MEET: Oshawa and Dis- trict Ostomy Chapter meets Wed., May 20 at 8 p. n. at the Oshawa General Hospital, room 1002F. The topic is colon cancer. All welcome. 576-9516. ENVIRONMENT: The Durham Environmental Network (DEN) meets Wpd., May 20 at 7:30 p.m. in the council chambers, town of Scugog. 181 Perry St., Port Perry Food and land issues will be d1s- cussed. All welcome. DEN meet, again Sept, 16. 286-9565 or 43Vr 0497. MANUFACTURERS' FURNITURE LIQUIDATION SALE • SKLAR PEPPLER • BRENTWOOD • PALLISER - • REFLECTIONS • THER-A-PEDIC • WASHINGTON • BRAEMORE • DISTINCTIVE UPHOLSTERY • SAUDER • LEA • AMERICAN DREW TjffFwwffuw&u CLEARANCE CENTRE HOURS ®Mon. - Fri. 3:00-9:00 Sawrday 9:00-6:00 2 C „w„ Moi PICKERING Kingston Rd. Bast of Whites Rd 1095 Kingston Rd. Pickering: 839-2000 ... _ -Pip -eel,:.• S�'�IENF,w>1r1D1{�7�F,Ri�Yl�Yr1MAY'16: �t�IdCBd Garden Centre ....... ... PEN41 • zil Potted > �1.� �_;� "'J :; . v Your Choice mean„ xris`t r :z' _ �` `�51` 99 Your choice. ' .. , 4r . ea- ��; �. x _ 10" hanging 29 _! _ `_ - �' baskets Choose from Ivy. fuschia. `�� sunshine impatients. geraniums. or hnrnr ur il.rrdr•n • ~�• \ ..Yi p etunlas and many more Special Purchase Super Buy. _ = ' :_ .: ; • Mother Plant 14" DiameterChoicia Geraniums Planter Urn Super Buy Excellent Value�Y ' Y"� Attractive blooming 12" high with 2 = Jt plant in a 10" pot. pedestal. U tS 99 ! - R".4.69 99 „r., 99 - 6g , �r.7dP �lo s rosy bu5nps It1an1 varieties Of h�h'd ea• ea. f " leas i limbers arld Assorted varieties to Many Var16U65 fn s 1 orrbUndas each each choose from. 2 gallon container choose from. 2 gallon container \y�` grown. grown. Noma Rear Bag Weed Eater Trimmer Wallmount Hose Green Cross Green Cross Mower 8~ electric Reel Killex 21", 3.5 HP trimmer for Rust proof BaniSeCt Lawn weed killer. Briggs & Stratton patio sized holds up to For control of e 1 Controls over engine. Full gg lawns. 1.6 99 250 ft. of one 99 Reg. Grubs 99 gg 50 different baffled deck. AMP. Model half inch bottle. 099 8" wheels. 61200 hose. Reg. 15.99 lawn weeds. 1 litre size. Reg. 269.99 each Rog. 19.99 each Reg. 25.99 each Bch Reg. 14.99 oath Green Cross Weed & Feed All Purpose Top Soil Cow Or Sheep Garden Feeclex Kit Fertilizer starting a beautiful Manure Cultivator 15-5-5 liquid 20-10-5 fertilizer. garden is Wooden lawn food and 22 Ib. bag covers unthinkable until For a lush, healthy you have started garden there's shaft. Perfect weed killer. 99 4,400 sq. ft. 99 y 69 nothing better. 29 for the 99 4.1 1 with Feeds your lawn with quality soil. gardening applicant. & kills weeds. 30 litre bag. 9 kg bag' thusia. R 2.99 Reg. 1.99 each Reg. 17.99 oath Supor bW1 each Reg. each WHITBY MALL HARWOOD PLACE PRICES EFFECTIVE (Thiekson & Hwy. tl2) (Harwood & Bayly) (While a,antities Last) WHITBY 576-8370 AJAX 686-0811 TILL MAY, 19, 1N2 ;4i FACE WTNE NEWS "WWOU FRIDAY. MAY 15,1!!2 as�wiMMI ng pool and r QN+1�71 iR [i 117 �iC ... barbecue safety tsps the experts n- ,BUST ROOFING CG. For many people, summertime means hot dogs and hamburgers on TasiidenU Roofing Sp9daJW the grill and cooling off in the poo�Y In btlsiriess ftN ov8r 10 jl@1fS` But the Insurance Information 7fREE E,e Institute warns that pools -and barbecue grills -can be dangerous. DisaluntS for Seniors Every year, many thousands of , people are injured in and around ' �; ng Roof Tune-ups at 475" '*'l swimming pools and hundreds _ = � EqlrltWyZM cc drown in home or public pools.: �416� 619-141 V Pool alarms, which when activated L — �. �. ... �. — — �. i J ring inside or outside the house when a person or object enters the �' t water, may give parents a false sense of security.x*��� 1 The ?nstitute offers these tips fora l safe swimming season:`;INI.' J t • Beginners should be accompanied by a good swimmer. ` • Don't swim alone or allow others to swim alone unless there is -- somebody nearby who can answer a distress call. - Check the pool area regularly for glasses, bottles, toys or other potential accident hazards. Also keep electrical devices away from, ---- pool. " — �dyiAmericaq Don't swim during thunderstorms. • Treat diving boards, with respect. Never dive into an above -ground pool. Look for at least nine feet of water in an inground pool. Also, keep clear of the area near a diving board. - Don't swim if you're tired or have just finished eating. Charcoal -burning grills injure several thousand people every year. Small children often are hurt when parents leave the grill unattended. For safe barbecuing: • Follow the manufacturer's instructions to start a gas grill. • Use the grill only in a well - ventilated area, away from trees, shrubs and low roof overhangs. • Make sure the grill is on level ground- - Never use electric charcoal igniters when it's raining. • Never pour starter fluid on burning gals. • Don't wear shirts with loose sleeves that can catch fire. - Keep water handy to extinguish flare-ups. • Turn off the gas when the grill isn't being used. 5EAIR 5 CORRECTION NOTICE In our Sears, "Store Managers' Sale' flyer, on page 2, under Vacuum/Sewing Machines, the $270 off Kenmore 'Destiny'r"" upright vacuum, #30982, reg. $669.99, sale $339.99 should have read reg. $669.99, sale $399.99. Also, in our Sears, "Great Outdoors Sale" flyer, page Al, the Noma Moonrays, #50508, reg- $79.99 on sale for- $49.99 are no longer available due to unprecedented demand. We regret that rainchedts cannot be issued, and apologize for the inconvenience to our customers. . SO «,. neer FOAM ON FOAM MODELS! Firm Pillow Princess Pillow �tPrince, Fn se Solt Set Firm Set 8259 " D. *559" D. 0489" D Q. *599" o- *519" O. *499'* K. *789" K. *689" Double - •279'6 %U$r Great Pillow, r Tops ' P DouNe side &,WoR _ S. `279" Feather *729" D. *349"D. " . *399" 0. `799" t K. 969 YOUR CHOICE OF FIRMNESS Firm Medlt m Plush Anniversary Platinum (Pillow Diamond S. *359" D. `629" D. *499" D. *429" a. *719" a. *599" O. *499'* K. *899" K. *789" Cottage Specials;:: Spring Or Foam SET MATTRESS Slnoe `139" "7906 Do llift `159" *9905 Also Mattresses by SIMMONS, SEALY b KING KOIL } Beds Bedroom Bolles unem PNIow Fwfftn Nfaterbeas ALL SALE PRICED Tremendous Savings on our BEST SELLING CARPETS PLUSH CARPET �� WITH SCOTCHGUARD! NAOA 5 year warranty sojro um 18 Colors to choose from... � HIGH DENSRY Gusrsntsed Woricmmshlp EAFAD 15 yrs. experience CALL Fast a se 427 8838 Fast esn da m ice hpr�e DURHAM CARPET ta aJA l=- 785 WeAX Rd. S., Exper ns AJ 1d ,For -Bu rWJ a a Ali I �M F TONS S. Econo'A' Frame Kit OUR BEST with 6" Foam Futon 8" Foam Core •- Futon Mattress *-I -, rl'�� Single - 1995 Double - s -14995 $14995 Queen - s 1 7 99s ­\ Our most popular frame with 8" Foam Futon Double - •279'6 - =339'6 ­"uRC. Pine Room Setting with 8" Foam Core Futon (maple available Double *339" Chair *229" >< % Coffee Table *7904111111111111 / End �- Table *59" "c 1 Futura Maple OTHER METAL AND WOOD STYLES 150 OFF any T ube Style:. Waterbed - — Bedroom, - ------ Suites "------ r= - - wt• ... I ...­­­ � ... THE NEWSADVEIi'i18Ett"FaiDAY, kAy It, t9k.PAGE Ii maintenance'Stayingafloat: Tips on routine for your pool For North America's pool owners, oxidize pool water and kill bacteria chart a course to ensure a clear and to remove any floating leaves or -When hosing down the pool area, preventive pool care is the and algae. clean pool. twigs. It is much easier to remove make sure objects are washed away difference between sinking or Be sure to read product labels. -Clean skimmers at least once a debris when it is on the surface of from the pool swimming in their backyard pool. Too often, pool owners don't give a thought to maintenance - until there is algae in their pool, Brushing up: Cleaning your pool regularly is as important as testing pool water. These tips can help you COMPONENT > ><>>iEF1NIT10N pH The measure of pool water's aridity and basicity Free available The amount of chlorine chlorine available to kill bacteria and control algae Total alkalinity The measure of pool water's ability to resist a change in pH Calcium The amount of dis- hardness solved calcium in the water *parts per mullion discokxation of pool water, or other problems that mean "everybody out of the pool!" lqHere are some simple maintenance -ps that can help pool owners avoid these problems and swim worry - free through the pool season. Water chemistry - Easy as A -B -C: Alkalinity, acidity, basicity and calcium hardness are the essentials of water chemistry. Routine testing and maintenance are the keys to balanced water. Pool water care depends primarily on four components: pH (aciditylbasicity), free available chlorine, total alkalinity and 4alcium hardness. The chart below offers more information to keep your pool water balanced and healthy. - In addition, the pool should be shock treated once a week. This is an extra dose of chlorine, in addition to the chlorine needed on a regular basis. Through this extra cleaning process, the water is cleansed of algae, bacteria, dirt, perspiration, suntan oil and other contaminants that may have entered the pool. All shock treatments are not treated equal. It is important that *your shock product rids your pool of invisible bacteria and algae, as well as makes the water sparkling clear. Chlorine products both POOL &SPA SERVICE • pool openings • chemicals • repairs to pools & spas • showroom BEACHCOMBER 428.9767 � lM week to keep them free of debris the pool, than after it has sunk to and ensure that they operate at the bottom. I / maximum efficiency. -Brush the pool walls regularly to -Use a long -handled leaf skimmer prevent dirt build-up. _>RAJNGE I.0-3.0 ppm* 60-125 ppm 200-1,000 ppm 2-3 times per week monthly 1 2-3 times per i season I ",F A WA E ' 1 i I� r •A weekly vacuuming is essential - it removes any particles that have become submerged, along with any , dirt that was loosened by brushing. Ca f Gusfirst FOR THE BEST DEAL ON A NEW ROOF • Quality Workmanship • Highest Quality Materials • Full Warranties • Lowest Prices in Durham Region • Free Estimates INTEREST FREE FINANCING AVAILABLE! - No Service Charge ' All Prices G.S.T. & P.S.T. Included WE'RE PROUD OF OUR INTEGRITY - CALL US! TOTAL SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. GUS'S DIRECT ROOFING • 725-2234 • 0 ( —fell r Don't Miss Our HUGE SELECTION o) _ • CHAIRS • TABLES • SWINGS , » LOUNGES • BARCARTS • UMBRELLAS • CUSHIONS • & MUCH MORE... • WE ALSO CARRY 880S, PARTS AND ACCESSORIES FOR ALL YAKS! CHOOSE FROM OUR GROUPINGS OR CREATE YOUR OWN! ALL ITEMS MAY BE PURCHASED SEPARATELY! .5 YEAR WARRANTY ON ALL RESINS DAYS ONLYH FRI., SAT., SUN. & MON. 71/2' Textilene Umbrella t HLw assorbrrsrrt d padom, and colours. REG. $12.99 Resin t� � Rag. 9.99 499_' CAN W CARpY Mid Bads Resin Chad fT Rog. 12.99 1 I h ti" 899 Solid Resin " 1"TaW (Grey only) �. 250Cnh&4Csm 99.99 $ 40,000 BTU B60 with side BurnerTank included $17500 17500 Req. 199" 15 Piece Patio Set - Large Oval Resin Tat - 6 Solid Resin High B, Stacking Chairs - 6 Textilene Cushions - 71/2' Textilene Umb • Base Hi Back Stacking Chair Reg. 19.99 NOW $ 1299 ED Solid Resin Multi position Recliner 999 X2999 7 Piece Patio Set • 36' Round Resin Table • 61;2' Umbrella • 4 Resin Stacking Chairs • Base e ® 100% Solid Resin LOUNGE - Reg. 89.99 $62501 cmIHeavy Duty 3 Seater Swing $388004RZ" M SW I Mwn x900; Cushions $256 Footstools frZrov r"O n.e_ 2199 81& Pagoda c;hm i 1000 pg.189 89 �75oa cushion Rag. 1(One Patlem On y) Reg. 39.95 RT RAVE DE ''`"'' Westney Road South Alt HT TD.LIA ff 4uarMrns :2nd left past eayly, access Shaw Ct. *PL S MUCHe MUCH, MOREII Z 41-08 N MNY 2 ow .HOURS o :.;Mott Ttsa. 9.6 z eA�Y r Wsd-RL 9-7 e e _q. ^'^7 94 ow 11-3 Ll a . 1PAGE 112 -THE NBADVls!>t�llt FUMY. MAY I& IM -- Potpourri of music at Fox and Flowerpot AJAX-PICKERING - Music of all kinds is on tap this weekend at the Fox and Flowerpot Pub. The band Sheltering Sky per- forms a mix of light rock, folk and jazz music Friday and Saturday from 8:30 to 11:30 p.m. On Sun- day, The John Deehan Quartet plays light jazz from 3 to 6 p.m. The Fox & Flowerpot Pub is in the Pickering Village Court Yard. Call 428-2162. To find out where the rest of the entertainment action is this weekend, just follow this guide: JOKERS: Back by popular demand for a second week is Jimmy Fraser, the musical wun- derkind who plays five instru- ments. He's at Jokers Friday and Saturday from 9 p.m. to 1 am. and on Sunday for a matinee session from 4 to 8 p.m. Next week, it's "dirty, rotten" Rick Ray. The club has Wednesday night trivia begin- ning at 9. Jokers is at 335 Bayly S[. in Ajax. Call 427-0337. THE HARP AND THISTLE: Solo artist Daniel Mark plays a mix of your favorite songs Friday and Saturday from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. The pub has karaoke on Sundays from 7 to 11 p.m. and Thursdays from 9 p.m. to I a.m. The Harp and Thistle Pub is at 282 Monarch Ave., Ajax. Call 428-0943. KERRY INN: Irish eyes are smilin' at the Kerry Inn this week- end. Bill and Marlene Dunn are back for a second big week. The duo plays all sons of music you can dance to Friday and Saturday from 9 pm. to 1 am. There's also live entertainment on Sunday from 7 to I l p.m. The Kerry Inn is in the Cloveridge Plaza, 967 West- ney Rd. S. at Harwood Ave., Ajax. Call 428-8790. CENTREFIELDS: Andrew Heathcote plays some rock and blues Friday from 9 p.m. to I am. Al Matthews is in for a set of '50s and '60s rock `n' roll Saturday from 9 p.m. to 1 am. On Sunday, Centrefields has karaoke starting at 8 p.m. Centrefields is at 1050 Brock Rd., unit 14 and 15, Picker- ing. Call 837-1850. DANNY'S PLACE: On Sun- day, Danny's Place has karaoke starting at 6 p.m. There's a $50 cash prize and a free tape to all who take part. Danny's Place has a Monte Carlo Night every Thurs- day and '50s to 190s DJ music on Wednesdays. Danny's Place is at 88 Harwood Ave. in Ajax. Call 683-2940. KANGAROO'S: Kangaroo's has karaoke Friday and Saturday from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. The Rider Band plays Kangaroo's country and western jamboree every Sun- day from 3 to 7 p.m. There's jazz on Thursdays with the Ragweed Jazz Band from 9 p.m. to mid- night. Kangaroo's is at 985 Brock Rd. S., Pickering. Call 839-6845. MOR'GAN'S PLACE: The band Coupe De Ville will play sorne light rock and country tunes. Friday and Sa<'urday horn 9 p.m. -to I a.m. The Royz Band plays light rock and jazz on Sunday from 6 to 10 p.m. Morgan's Place is at 776 Liverpool Rd. S., Picker- ing. Call 839-4744, McGINNIS LANDING: On Thursdays, enjoy your dinner to the music of Rob Fielding's classi- cal style acoustic guitar from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Fielding will entertain from noon to 2 p.m. Sunday. McGinnis Landing is in the Pick- ering Home and Design Centre (Brock Rd. and Hwy. 401). Call 428-6383. TUDOR ROSE INN: Tim Hewic will entertain you with a musical selection from the '50s and '60s Friday and Saturday from 9 p.m. to I a.m. The Tudor Rose is at 700 Harwood Ave. S., Ajax. Call 428-1815. DONA Y MIGUELS: Carlos plays Mexican music in the Cac- tus Lounge Friday and Saturday nights from 5 p.m. until close. Dona Y Miguels is at 325 West- ney Rd. S. at the corner of West- ney Rd. and Bayly St. in Ajax. Call 686.4468. Ir your club or restaurant offers live entertainment, call Al Rivett at the News Advertiser, 1683-5110, to be included in this +weekiv feature. Star treatment Star treatment was recently showered upon Pickering's Frenchman's Bay Public School student Kalene Dunsmoor as her makeup is applied for the play You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown. photo by Ron Pietroniro Please recycle this newspaper Lunch, Dinner or Anytime at Old L verpool House We offer a variety of dada specials ifli WL LUNCH DINNER �ia A ILALY ra SWAM E aMat Superb dining in the old world comfort of a restored country mansion DPW Lamb a New 5 drilla a wort 11:00rf-1=MN SSL tM-t:M &0ft4i061:l ®� 12H KMSTON RD., PICKEfUNG 831-1000 683-1010 THURS. MAY 14 W FRI. qv MAY 15 Rode IN Blues Band "LIVE ENTERTAINMENT" over 30's crowd "Grant Fullerton" f0mfterly OfLig� xW � Andrew Heathcote EVERY SAT., MAY 16 WEDNESDAY _ Al Ladies' Night Coming LIVE MALE � AY -Mathews ENTERTAINMENT 2e �No Tribute D NO 0 Bob Seger COV9i 837-1850 1050 Brock Rd. S., PWkW4 gust S. of 401 off Plurt> m) L7 011 4 I$ MMSMUMMUN= Ii w"IM Ste. 1 '9 9 tha...1R..o.. llwa, Aneft rs. Rd & srtb t . �p `4 I �lCWfe>ffl�sAwhpQiMea .Ifrtaieio. ]� • maw a» Nos. sweet A sear ��I� 1lMrwMh EX1110111"111" Eby sIAR. ` 1 get tttlANY Ilatm 60U1R.8: sw:M Asa �.a. Saw a n rraft Cara. P10%w. I AUIV 11735 BAYLY ST. J 481 1,71 1(E. of Brock Rd., S. of 401) 1 I PICKERING, Old . "a$�l 1210 "W" P'� P� pant, side & gear 5 1 C 22nd Annual - M AJAX HOME WEEK PARADE The 22nd Annual Ajax Home week parade will be held on SATURDAY JUNE 20dt,1992 Famaeon begins aI M A.M. on Mk Road, Ajax with the Parade commencing at 10:00 AIL AN O"en are mvftd b dressth up eir bites and p bcWb in the ChOrent Bc vdo Ca o Anyone an just prior b tlra parade. Anyjoin n the tun and pertidpme in Ire parade - dwrdres, sdwols, businesses, bands (big and vn4 sp" W&j;x. yo* WWI* - #0 m" die merW C011100119br Ire m at the bottom d tlrs page and mail it b us W*: or call To wood at: Residence - 693.7089 or Business - 235.4265 1992 AJAX HOME WEEK PARADE - ENTRY FORM Name Address Telephone # Home Work Name of Entry Des =don of Entry MAIL THIS ENTRY FORM TODAY M.. Ajax Home Weep Parade 21 Baker Road Ajax, Ontedo LIS 2T8 ARTS ENTERTAINMENT • Art auction helps feed needy Ll Ll • r� PICKERING - You can sate your appetite for beautiful art and at the same time sate a needy per- son's appetite for food. S - Paul's on -the -Hill Anglican Church is holding an art auction at the church hall Saturday, May 23 to benefit the church food bank. Being held in cooperation with The Magic Image in Pickering Village, the auction features framed and unframed etchings and prints of wildlife, landscapes, historical and contemporary works as well as picture frames. Twenty -per cent discounts are offered on work done by Magic Image. Previewing begins at 10:30 a.m. and the auction gets under way at noon. Light refreshments will be served. he 'ews dvertise' ties THE LATEST CD RELEASES aNLy 13 99 3. E G�CRO CS dcl08R0�0 E1 GpFt'� {�►OR BARE NAKED LADIES' C.D. $110° ROCK TS FLAGS AND -iUNDREDS OF LASER MC CD 1211 Kingston Road The food bank, which is open Tuesday and Friday from 10 a.m. until noon, is accessible to any- body in the community in need of food. For more information on the auction or the food bank, call Ginny Buder or Don Matthews at 839-7909. LANDLORDS Free Listing Service Landlords with accommodation to rent can call Big SistSe NeO- We have a free listing It You wan locate housing youth. to list, call: _ 951 436 Ask For Richard BIG SISTERS N•0•W Newcastle Oshawa,Whitby 179 King St E. Oshawa T= MM A> V=rlIBQ iI�AY, MAY 14 M•il•AGE 0 Mae p & St*p CHINESE RESTAURANT Licensed under L.L.B.O. 375 KINGSTON RD., PICKERING (Comer o1 Rougenlount Dr. South) r--------� r-------- 1 8UY 1 I I BUy 1 GET 1 ; GET 1 o� FREE 50% OFF i DINNER BUFFET �? I DINNER BUFFET: Adults t wear I I Adults only I Thurs.-sun. 1 Coupon valid May 15 - June 1192 I Coupon valid May 15 - June 1,192 L---- ----J L----ci,- -----I 0 W 401 {lQrz 1 r�7�XIXlXX�lIXXItIX� �i JUNE 29TH TO SEPTEMBER 4 SUMMER* RIDING" CAMP A wonderful opportunity to learn the life long skills of riding, horsemanship, handling & care of animals. `` 11, Each one week session rnll consist of: • Teaching of riding skills along with riding two times each day. • Instruction of understanding, care and handling of the horse. Safety around the horse and equipment & As use. • Stable management. •A horse show & riding games competition on the last day of each session. n, J, �,.�i ALSO INCLUDED: �.f ' * • 400' Heated %terslide ? • Railer skating & Rollerblade Skating In our Skating Forest Mw -go tf ■� '�.. • Mont Children's Playground Y_ • Hayrides • swimmin� Pond 1 — / • and Mrs ^+ Ems a FW* Fw pas b sop" an f~ Fwtl O� b ��tli �qr M /-w -¢�s� s w�/�d Ead1 idr ■ �r .1.11.E b d tint � }( bwb� l.di. �, . • 1j1rrr Book NOW, alae to Invited to 12 riders per Call Now for further information 649.3334 2499 BROCK ROAD, RMm UXBROGE, ONT. L9P 1R4 '. rr�rY VIDEO 95 DYNASTY 'OPEN DAILY 8:00 a.m. -1:00 a.m. �:.., .•._.�•,••.••�•, a........�w•�• aa.oeR recum as rv.o swastwucwing arena in ttrs spectacular sequel to HIGHLANDER. MF ---- a a=_® ®.® MAY ST. AJAX (LOEB PLAZA) 427-6961 1477 GAYLY ST. PICKERING 831-0401 • Super Nintendo System Rentabs50° Reg. Nintendo (2 day Rental) '200 VVCxR Rentals ssOO • Cam=der Rentals 11�C1E 1r•'111�i�t1l:'1Y3 Anvlrtdrisi®t tl'RtbAY, M1►4't� lylt Pickering squash player settles for silver for third time at junior nationals PICKERING - Five members of the Pick- ering Squash Club served up fine perfor- mances at the national championships in Calgary last weekend. Nicole Carroll, Chris and Brad Hanebury, Markus Templer and Josh McDonald all competed against the best in the country at the Canadian Junior Squash Championships. The ongoing rivalry between Nicole Car- roll, 13, of Pickering, and Toronto's Court- ney Power heated up at the nationals. Once again this season, the two met in the finals of a big tournament showdown — TAI CHI & MEDITATION CENTRE We are New! With this ad you will receive W off. CALL FOR DETAILS • Resolves stress • Build vitality • Learn sell defense • Aduft A Childress • Try a FREE class Programs CALL TODAY 420-2662 981 Brck Rd. S. at Bayfy St. this time for the national championship in the girls' under -14 division. And, once again, it was Power who won, defeating Car- roll 3-0. Carroll, from the Pickering Squash Club, and Power, representing Toronto's Pine Val- ley Squash Club, each won five matches to advance to the final. The rivalry between Carroll and Power dates back three years when they first met in the Canadian championships in the under -12 division. Since that time, Carroll has won three national silver medals, each time being PLAY BALLI!! By AL RIVETT Sports Reporter AJAX-PICKERING - It's almost that time again. Umpires at diamonds in Ajax and Pickering will soon motion to the pitcher and bellow "play ball!.. to begin yet anottxx baseball seascm. And, in both towns, more youngsters than ever before will hear the umpire call There's a new those two words as basehwl continues game in town to grow at a rapid pace in Ajax and AJA,Y - Coming to an AJax ball park Pickering. rearyou...beseball with a new twist This season res the inaugural year for a form of baseball called rookie ball in the Ajax Spartans Minor Baseball Associadon. Rookie bail will be played by eight and nine year okic in Ajax this season. The difference between rookie ball and its predecessor, T- bell, is that players hit the hell from a pitching machine, instead of fiom a stationary toe. ASMBA official Marsha Canham says the concept will better prepare the players for acmai baseball in a number of ways, by fmmi ng better fraud -eye coor- dination when hating and kip" than wide their defensive fielding skills. •'Este ball is pitched conumeitly and acanrately into the players' strike zone, eliminating walks and wild pitches," says Canham. The rookie ball was discovered by Pimple from the Ajax iuvoriie rep team which played in a mumanent in Koko- mo Ind.= last season. Canham. says rookie hell was a mal hit with the Ajax players and penin, bt, was nothing we- cial t4 die Amaicans at it has rn *cW T4xA in dieUS. for many years. ..The ASMBA will start with eight t odkie bag teams, made up cf wares fiom de T4 mill A pmgnm to yew The rgaaia►a6an has the wentilm of lewft the T-bdl ream haft an exhib don o)kieball par—Canham warm lira; the edged out for the gold by Power. "But, they're also very good friends. They've trained together," says Nicole's mother Natalie Carroll. In other championships this year, Power and Carroll finished one-two at the Ontario Provincial Junior Squash Championships in Ottawa two weeks ago and at the recent Quebec Provincial Championships. Also at Calgary last weekend, Chris Hanebury placed third overall in the boys' under -12 event — a huge accomplishment for the Pickering player who's an up-and- aborts coming star on the national squash scene. Hanebury also finished second at the recent provincials in Ottawa. Brother Brad Hanebury was eighth in the boys' under -12 division in Calgary, winning his second match. Markus Templer, 16, played well in the highly -competitive boys' under -19 event. He still has two years of eligibility in this cate- gory. Josh McDonald, competing in the boys' under -14 category, placed sixth overall in the country. p ckeringvillage `) lrt6TJV211. / june 13M Towns can't keep up with ' growth of game 4 The biggest single reason for the swelled ranks of baseball in from last year. That translates into seven more teams to bring both towns is the popularity of the major league Toronto Blue the number of squads to 48, up from 41 last year. Jays. "We're way up from last year," says Gummow. The PBA "Well, I would say we've grown due to the fact that Blue ball season will officially start on Tuesday, May 19. Jays are so popular," says Pickering Baseball Association The; bulk of the PBA trams will be in T -ball (for kids six and (PBA) president Betsy Gummow. " the kids idolize people like seven years old), rookie (eight and nine years), and peewee (12 Kelly Gruber and John Olerud and they sec local players like and 13 years). Nigel Wilson make good. That's the type of things the kids Pickering will also field five representative teams called the aspire to, they want to play the way the Blue Jays do. We even Red Sox at the mosquito, peewee, bantam, midget and juvenile have girls wanting to play the way the Blue Jays do." divisions. They'll compete in the Eastern Ontario Baseball In Pickering, more than 60) playas will be putting on the Association (EOBA) against teams from Ajax, Whitby, cleats for the upcoming scuson, up by more than IW players See BLUE JAYS ... PAGE 15 P 0 0 Check out those � wheels Former Olympic cyclist and nation- al team member Eon D'Ornellas helps Gilbert Har- boun during a Skills clinic for members of the new Touring Con- cept Cycling Group in Ajax last weekend The club, for recre- ational cyclists, now has 56 mem- bers since being formed last September. photo by Andrew Iwanowski Winning routines meet routine for area synchro swimmers AJAX-PICKERING - Area synchronized swimmers with the category was the team coached by Brenda Hogan. Team members Alexander, Vallery Black, Lind- say Borisko, Elizabeth Leslie, Dinsdale, Natasha Dupuis, Jen - nifer Flatman, Oshawa Synchro Club fared well at the Central East Regional B from Pkkermg, Ajax and Whitby were Hailey Cramm, Rochelle Chantal Roy, Corine Williams, Brenlee Wood, all of Pickering T�: A r� •�, t` � ,s and Nicole Kozak of Whitby. Shea and Ltslie Wim, and 3• The meet was a qualifying Lindgren, Stephanie Murray, Desta Ostapyk, Sharon Pugh, Car- FWshing fourth in the 10 -and- funder division from the Oshawa In duets, Brenlee Wood of Pickering teamed with Sara Wood event for the Ontario Age Group Championships in Etobicoke June vie Lee NkMaster and Erika Van- derheyden. club were synchro swimmers from Pickering, Ajax and Whitby of Whitby to place second in the 10 7 to 10. Ribbons were awarded to the 0-P six finistners. In sixth spot were the l I -and- 12 coached by Robyn Parash nnak -and -under competition. The 11 -and -12 duet of Carrie "�.A P 0 0 Check out those � wheels Former Olympic cyclist and nation- al team member Eon D'Ornellas helps Gilbert Har- boun during a Skills clinic for members of the new Touring Con- cept Cycling Group in Ajax last weekend The club, for recre- ational cyclists, now has 56 mem- bers since being formed last September. photo by Andrew Iwanowski Winning routines meet routine for area synchro swimmers AJAX-PICKERING - Area synchronized swimmers with the category was the team coached by Brenda Hogan. Team members Alexander, Vallery Black, Lind- say Borisko, Elizabeth Leslie, Dinsdale, Natasha Dupuis, Jen - nifer Flatman, Oshawa Synchro Club fared well at the Central East Regional B from Pkkermg, Ajax and Whitby were Hailey Cramm, Rochelle Chantal Roy, Corine Williams, Brenlee Wood, all of Pickering Anne Fraser, Michelle Healy, Jana Mewhinney, Lindsay Million, Marisa Rotaines Meet in Markham May 2 Fernandez, Kim Garvey, Jennifer and Nicole Kozak of Whitby. Shea and Ltslie Wim, and 3• The meet was a qualifying Lindgren, Stephanie Murray, Desta Ostapyk, Sharon Pugh, Car- FWshing fourth in the 10 -and- funder division from the Oshawa In duets, Brenlee Wood of Pickering teamed with Sara Wood event for the Ontario Age Group Championships in Etobicoke June vie Lee NkMaster and Erika Van- derheyden. club were synchro swimmers from Pickering, Ajax and Whitby of Whitby to place second in the 10 7 to 10. Ribbons were awarded to the 0-P six finistners. In sixth spot were the l I -and- 12 coached by Robyn Parash nnak -and -under competition. The 11 -and -12 duet of Carrie Placing first in the 1) -to -12 team coached by Holly Lund- mark. Team members are Cheryl and Diane McBain. Team mem- bers are Krista Cramer, Shaina Lee McMaster and Melissa Red_ mond fmished sixQt. 0 .Blue-Jd - Ys' Noulad� FROM PAGE 14 Oshawa, Little Britain, Peterbor- ough, Orono, Port Hope, Cobourg and Belleville. If there's a down side to the ever-increasing number of players in Pickering, it's the fact the associ- ation's waiting list gets longer and longer. This year, a total of 80 players, will have to be placed on a waiting list, up from 60 in 1991. Gummow explains the lack of diamonds in Pickering is to blame. "Ideally, we want every child to play, but, unfortunately, they don't make land any more," says Gum - mow. This season, four diamonds will be used by the PBA, including Brockridge Park, Amberlea Park, Rosebank Road School Park and - - - _ _ _ . nM N" ADVWr1= MIMT, MAY 13,1"WAGB.Li ashes number�'u­p-ardsJn-towns'mi nor ballproo rams Centennial Park. .In Ajax, baseball is also enjoying unprecedented growth at all levels. This year, the Ajax Spartans Minor Baseball Association boasts more than 1,200 players on 88 house league teams, sac rep squads and one T -ball select team this season. 'That's up about 100 players and six teams from last year. The ASMBA has expanded this year, but not nearly enough to keep up with the demand for baseball. This year, approximately 100 will be placed on waiting list, with 90 players on the T -ball A waiting list alone. According to Marsha Canham, who's in charge of publicity in the ASMBA, the organization had plans to expand by 12 teams this year, but was limited to only six new squads with lack of diamonds cited as the reason. New in the ASMBA this year is rookie ball for eight and nine year olds. An upgraded version of T -ball, rookie ball uses a pitching machine to enable the players to hit actual pitching, instead of from the tee. Rookie ball has been used in the United States for many years and was introduced in Pickering last year. The Spartans will field eight rep teams this season, with squads in the T -ball select, mosquito, peewee A and B (major and minor), bantam, I? .es 49CC&eW midget, junior and juvenile divisions competing in the EOBA this year. The ASMBA will use six dia- monds this season, including the community centre, Millers Creek, Miles Park, Hermitage, Cedar Park and a new diamond at Applecroft school. Nad�e Providing cosmetic and general dentistry with gentle treatment in I 3 I �M ,/ Complimentary cosmetic consultation ,/ Payment plans available. 2 P►Ge No's ADY"nJl§I�R FRIDAY, M4Y,15.1M Cz15t1C1d[1j 1011 S PRICES SLASHED FOR THE SUMMER AT CASTLELOCH HOMES Castleloch Homes presents an offering of 22 all -brick detached homes with the privacy of ravine lots bordering Pickering's Petticoat Creek. The setting is within an existing community of similar sized homes and is m the area near the Pickering/Scarborough border and the Rouge River Valley. From Altona Road it is only minutes to the 401, two GO stations, and the Taunton/Steeles by -pus to Scarborough Castleloch's President John Calleri has been in the business for eighteen years and explains, "people don't need gimmicks to purchase a home, they need a hands on, up front builder who is going to build a quality product". Calleri feels the only way you are going to accomplish that is to hire a family of quality trades: seasoned carpenters from Ireland, trained electricians from the military; masons from Italy, etc... the list goes on!! Plans are already under way for two more Phases of Castleloch Homes in Pickering. The Castle set includes five plans in 16 different styles to choose from including three five bedroom styles, sizes from 2,455 sq. ft. to 3,360 sq. ft., and lots that vary between 40, 45 and 50 foot frontages. Four of the group will have walk -out basements. Castleloch Homes provides an abundance of quality features that they are quick to claim. Starting with our choice of clay brick, each home has its own style of decorative quoining and soldiering. The exterior framing is of 2" x 6- construction with an R-20 insulation value, and sub -floors are screwed down to floor joists to avoid squeaks. Inside, ceramic tiles cover the vestibule, powder room, all the kitchen and breakfast nook and both the main bathroom and the en suite bathroom. Plush 36 -oz. broadloom is in the main living areas. Each home includes a masonry fireplace in the family room. Classique swing doors with brass hardware throughout, and Colonial trim is standard even on archways. All kitchens enjoy a pantry and some include a breakfast counter as standard. One of the finer touches and a sign of their commitment to produce a quality home for you is the use of the top of the line Mason windows. The Masonclad brand name is a wood sash window made from pressure treated wood and vinyl cladding that means that you'll never have to climb on a ladder to 10OII1PS paint these windows. Masonclad windows come with a 10 year warranty to you, the purchaser. Other features in the various plans include such things as a greenhouse kitchen. dens, corner fireplaces and 9 foot main floor ceilings. All models have an oval Roman tub with tiled deck and border in the en suite bath, as well as separate shower. The EMPRESS and CASTLELOCH models have a double circular staircase with a finished area in the basement, as well as a second set of basement stain from the laundry room. This is an excellent innovation to be able to come from the side door or the garage and go directly into the basement with all those things that you would rather not carry throughout the main house. 00F i OMi4 MDor -- - KDAo 3 0(M WPI •M 1 '. •. AED.DOM .� CWK .oMO" SECOND FLOOR • ._. FIRST FLOOR NWW other stoKbW hames that we namely west ami seldom tufted about but age sonedieleu amportaat am makings up a qualky hoarse are such duntgs as a roasted-im besement mace amd wuhroom for that future recreation room. The duct work is oversized for your fiuure addition of central air condbiionin& or maybe yon will wul to add that as an upgrade to your new boom Roughed -in central vatanam and the mush -in for a security system is alredy included so there is no muss to fuss later wheat you make the decisions to eompiete Hese suellagt fee uses. They even imclde a 2W amp, electrical service ri* #8090 a the A r uit breaks pamd• box. 7 , - , W"M 4a is the sartius a as l.aLrleaeCa- 3r�N sq. /r. model at 2,455 square fed grad features two front ehvations. THE SARIS • ,,,, _ SOUCI can amp from 2.590 sgnm feet b a five bedwom pian that goes up • to 3,060 square feet. THE KWKINGBAK at 2765 sgtttase fed .••• •DD. c'.yr bodudes a main floor dee and an extra `- i. •+,,• .[DWr secoad ma��,,,�yy�_ t///��,pp��� :.-. •, �>� o• ; a.rn`'-•i T Cserwiices two of the four I P ', n r 11s. .. - `u,G(M �` \ l BE EhMPRM at Z"5 square fam willi upon eaftring 16a OD• �- Y ` t _ �•t. ���.J with a double ckcdw ssavase facing M.. open pkm sunken hvft rem. Combine thus Math a aim AOQ cea nd this ttrulyfoot Is a nettleOrin a..�+�. i ...�.: `' • yIouii be pmd to idle im ad shun o& Ad at the top of the castle set is lie dwwpece Tbu cm falure as double � � with a two. ^m7 h___J in mid you'll be I we raeM _ SECOND FLOOR • • gaeeted wMb a donde cbcdw rsaurase FIRST FLOOR - openiK up throe full storeys. A grim &w deet is im the ticket for tbat office at come. At a fab said isnPMUve ves ktok forward to showing 3.360 square fed there's ngot a :asrll � off their plants amd feetaues b you soon anywbere. And as you would Slow► dwar :ala office as Highway 2 in Picka;rgs, located on the atorth side of expect. dme is also ftu mcomd set of Kingsm Road between Rouganotint and Ahooa Road, or even give diem a stairs Som the btudry to the basement all at 3051-1222 or at 286-1811, and they can direct you to the building site, foyer: THE HEIDRIJURG at 2.455 then you can begun to build year excitement. open hours are 1:00 Pm 10 equate feet with walkout basement amd 8:00 p.m. weekdays (closed Fridays) and 11 a.m. to 6-00 p m. week=&. privacy ravim lot is only :251.900.00, They wail also be opmm on Victoria Day from 11-6. and the largest model, THtf �- CA.4[1.L+LOCH as 3,315 squire ted '>= •, : x', r ovedookistPetticoat Creek is ►" : - - r r-- Anil Am _ - ...-.. _ Mwv�+M•r � *�.,. .. '45��.euw.'9*E'^'I��4�." `.',ret.: t i 0 L n 7;114 N"aws' "VF.i'1$4ER FUMY, MAY 15, IMPAGE 17 � \ !1►�i /� 1►\I 11� COURTICE FREEHOLD TOWNHONiFa 1 BBQ AND MEET THE BUILDER JUNE 14TH! $117900 •No Condo Fees •Garage *Pantries •Colonial Trim *Oak Spindles & Rails • B P• 432-3340 � : i Q o N Q _ � t ` OOY s i J z � r�z .. SALES .o. CENTRE rass ackages •( lat Brick F-- .. , n,,, -1h.-, *Your (Choice of Co olur _ •Summer '92 Closing, 2_I r IKEI� Y." BBQ AND MEET THE BUILDER JUNE 14TH! +' wall• 900 434 -ext» + COt.,' RTICE *(fila-, brick •Brass Package DETACHEI) •Pantries *Oak Spindles 33' LOTS *Colonial Trim 04 Appliance~ � a g i s i J z � r�z .. SALES .o. CENTRE �W..C' AVAILABI.I: IkiE.Ard jbll.r .na1nA 1.418 .y. ft. Ele.. B S146.900 WHITBY MODEL HOMES NOW OPEN BBQ AND MEET THE BUILDER JUNE 7TH! 900 432-2337 FROM D M *ALL BRICK 9501LOTS •Job Loss Protection Insurance •P t ' *IV • OSHAWA 10 - s i J ©EiEiG.. ,, q �EgrwE � n .o. ' N � � Ili -.i . CS .�,�•I. an r1eS lrep aces Clay Bnck Pl-.w •Ceramic Foyer and Bath 035 oz. Broadloom *Brass Package ;� r sq. ft. He%. S226.5W _ 50' & 60' LOTS - PREMIER LOCATION! 900 4041732 F� FROM © arEs cs.l� �... sr •GST Included *Walk -out Lots Available •Ceramic Floors *Pantries 035 oz. Broadloom *All Brick Construction e Landscape Package and more! r; '771--7 2.807 sq. tt. Ek',. B $238.900 F- n ti -PACE 1&TRXNRWB ADvFxr m FRIDAY, MAY Is,1fla = ! ".. � rr 1�:��c• '_r � � [:�rtt.•. GENT Y ou WISH TO, SEE...' `:YOUR HOME z I N �� s �r z ; BEST Q f OMES �� e M M 0 r I � , � 1lE L COTAR- , ,Ajax/Pickering 0z �Jj7zJrl If homes were ice cream cones, you could sell one for a dollar and a smile. For most us, though, a home isn't small change. It's big bucks' -probably the largest investment in our lives. In the sale or purchase of real estate, "oops!" can mean a lot of trouble ... and money. •'_r,:.,�P!+Sl°YJF.+"`Y::�''.Pi:'.",'.'.'t.'Si�:ir�1'ld�"L'�'�:'[( That's why professional real estate salespeople 't!`�.-y"°*� ` W are essential to your trouble-free home sale or purchase. • help you to best establish a correct value and price for your home • qualify the purchaser ' • are experts in the fine art of negotiation • advertise your propea in the Ajax/Pickering. News l ' Advertiser and Best Homes. the real estate sites authorities. 4 • network with 1100 other salespeople whose 4 - prospective purchasers are seeking homes • know about mortgages, financial matters and government purchase assistance programs ' T • are service oriented and look after details to assure a ' smooth sale • can maintain objectivity • save you from the problems of personal negotiation r • are provincially licensed and are governed by a code of ethics Remember, too, that most sales are made through ► information systems like Multiple Listing Service, realtor- to-realtor contact and realtor referrals not through a 'for sale" sign on your lawn. If it's ice cream, we recommend the chocolate chip mint. It it's real estate, use a realtor for results. 798-7672 Aiaa'Plckenng G_7>>=, .�_ _r �l 1 `else � _Tse For Results. ONTORO RD. - AJAX 160x150' lot with beautiful view of fake Ontario set amid custom executive homes. Dnveway and well already on property. Building permit available. Just start building your dream home! For more information contact: ERIKA ANNE COOK RE%W "HALL OF FAME" REIMAX ROUGE RIVER REALTY LTD. 286-3993 286-6559 OPEN HOUSE OPEN HOUSE SUN., MAY 17, 2i P.M. ONLY $249,900 3,300 sq_ h. all brick home. Very large kitchen and master bedroom, main floor family, laundry b library. One year old d fully upgraded on 71.69 h, premium lot Dir: Hwy. 2 b Prestonvale Rd. South to Glenabbey & follow our signs to 119 Robert Adams Dr., Courtim. Edna Hamel, Sales Representative. FAMILY TRUST C 01411 1\ 0\1 tit IW caStlelocb 1�ottte5 Set on Ravine Lots Overlooking Petticoat Creek in Pickering The Heidelburg - 2,455 sq. ft- - targe Pie Lot - 12419900 'CondlgM Apply Rouge Valet' area . Al clay Bride -Masoncled WkWows • Five Plans Including Five Bedrooms - Ceramics In Foyer, Kitchen, Baths - Walkout Basements - GST included - Guaranteed Sales P W From$241 5900 Mon. - Thum 1.8 • 'SIL a SLIM �agut[o>r�New "out -W.�,-k„W. .114 SALES OFFICE M _. _.„� *r.�,� �rwMn. •1CM�T fAOi�R —• • 1 �.A� : �f -• �.� � �a� _ _ _ r.�.. � .e" . wr..�n.�.-.rear• . � . n-- _ _ _ _ _ _ _.._.......�...�. E ca$tittoo *melt 0 0 0 • • 'MV WQYK Anvrsrree rs tasm.v rv.v .� .�� .• w. ... 110 General Help 110 General Help 110 General Help 120 Office Help 124 Office Help Requires highly motivated, people oriented individuals who would like to use their positive attitude, customer, services abilities to further their career in a STORE MANAGEMENT POSITION for Toronto east/central corporate stores with Canada's leading quick oil change company. Automotive and Management experience a definite asset. No agencies please Send resume in confidence to: Human Resource Administrator Mr. Lube, 111 Brunel Rd., Suite 210 Mississauga, Ont. L4T 1 X 1 air. Canodmierw me" our tantaetic any and success publications by mail. No d• Far--1m1e16 we 1356 099 on Rd. Boa $3 t�53 Plekering. Ont. L1V 188. 05158M AUTO Glass tnma.re Wwftd - Midnurn 2 Imams o f I , far III* Durham Raglan for was es- tablished business. Send means b: Flo 040272, Oshawa This Week, P.O. Box 481, Oshaala LII 711.15. 051942) IBC= DIM mew big pmntllN Cash Minn thin rwokelbnary Eumapom Wave Lis 9IMaa mmw amphmp Arn wW Call k r false idamoYon daabig sea- aliormal pat flaw or fulf tine I mmmm business oppotwdty. Phos Glob Caby. depend we Mitac Dims Advaar ae 434- 7727. (062142) EARA up Is 5286 - wadi your own he=. as on" styYeh jewellery at hornet Simple Instruction. No s"" to do, everl Into: Seed a sell-ad- dmemd aI anvw.'s to; Bolen Inc. Ext. 455, 4325 Steeles Ave. W., Sine 225, Downsview Om. 113N 1V7. (0515M SEWERS tmarawd - axHm com- pany in Ajax requires ex- (1phhonnee 0211 Angola, 683-1501. WJSIC iacllwn ler piano, or- gan and keyboard for Sspsrn- bo '92. Rale inces requiad. Send mawm» taffh refe rocas to Ms. Kwok, Walter's Musk Contra. Oshawa Centro, 576- 2414. 762114. 061992) EARN up to $700 weMdyt As- sunbiw products at home. Fm do". and SJLS.E. with this ad to L. Loveridge, 1355 Kingston Rd. Boa 63.153, Pickering, Ont. LIV 188. Pi� BUS need people b add"" and still erweiitp- al home. FREE detailsl Send S.A,S.E. b L LoverWpe, 1365 Kingston Rd. Box 83-153 Pickering, OM. L1V 168. 1'0615421 almnaY glass worker ex- peuomosd In Mod" lad and bma panels, *A or pint lima. Cd 837-1714, OSISM YIt JVLOMEO or on LIC? Earn $5004700 pat Wm wmmkinp ler ymwaw. For dells, send SASE to CAPA, 16 Corpoalbt. P.O. Bae 048010. 1725 Kingston Rod, Pidorlmmp, Ontario. L1V *I& (TF) E)WEI BICED caper rmstal.r helper required. Must be empo, w -(cable and haus valid dri eft loaoe. Cal 576- 7847.(051702) 767817.(051742) EARN erritionsy pW�g« AIML Deals (1) 806982-8000. CY - IDTCIEN Manager( and Cook - rmlptss. Mut be smpoiomosd Send mourns to: Fib 01082, Cshwa VAdit This Wmwk PA. Boa 481, Oshawa, LIH 7L5. PANT Las aaeil$M IMMO and Inventory cleark lot matauram. Elpwiw an asst, but hall neoaay. Suis nllwm Send mourns to: File 04061, Oshawa Whitby This Weak P.O. Box 481, Oshawa LRH 711.5. (052192) PRODUCTIOWOUALITY Con- trol Assistant for well es- tablished east Scarborough Company. Experience with Cobb assaw" m nutisc urimg and quaWy assurance helpful. Good mathernatical and com- pu er skill along with +billy to analyze and irueprst docu"wi tation and drawing. Own treeportdon a must. Salary, $11.00 plus per hour. Fuca own► pang benefits. Please fax resume to: 831.4922. Grahan Personnel. (051992) CONTRACT POSITION OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR A progressive inlemational manufacturer located in Oshawa is seeking a mature Individual for a penod of seven months. The candidate will need to possess excellent communication skills, be detail-onented, enpy a variety of tasks, and be aWe to organize and pnontze assignments to meet deadlines. The candidate will also be required to have competence in the following areas - confidential payroll, Including govemmeni remittances preparation of R.O.E.'s, etc, accounting purnols office management personal computers Send detailed resume in confidence b: File #4079 Oshawa/Whltby This Week, 165 Day Care 220 Articles Available For Sale CHURCH/( and Hwy 2 - de- COUCH and 2 matching ring pendable mother of 3 can chairs, solid web and coil provide daycare in my home. eonstrua'on. Wood tri n, canon safe fenced yard, Iola of toys floral pattern. ivory background. and books, lunches and Good condition, $250 Sold snacks provided. Call 619. cherry wood coffee table. refinished. $125. Solid Oak 0427. (051792) dining set. Ike new. 2 extra table 1I Q Employment ment " 6 char'• ''ew $24m, w p $1200. a31-3315 or 631-2068. Wanted ONE 9arracuda automatc pod YEN w i n !rucks er n d o •mane(, f 165. One large codc- housenok7 moves. cleanup /obs. az� bvd cage. lite new. $40. odd Iobs. decorating. paining. one small budgie cage. $10. anyth ng Call Carl or Jane. 427- new condition. Two 60 galbr 28%. (TF) fish tanks cor pate. $130 each. Gas lawnmower. Ike new. $240 2Qj Firewood call 43C-8737 ;0528921 ROKA -,.rrt)er Dry trewood lx8xt2 $60 4x8[16-. $65. Pros delivery to Oshawa. Es- 'abkshed since 1963. Call days. 705.277-3361 or evenings. 416- 434-6665. (0423921 16•434-6665.(0423921 P.O. Box 481, Oshawa, 210 Flea Market Ontarb L111 71-5 ESTABLISHED three Lawyer fwm in downtown Whitby re. Qualms an esp«Nnaw real as. tate secretary 10 start WWM*raly. Ptatse "sdy with reeuro to Costh, Livingstone. P.O. am 377. W1ngby. Ort. LIN SS4. (051992) • w. M K- "THE SPECIAL R YOU are ovw 45 and hire wry been had of. you may PROMOTION" q"'My, for W&" mmsu nm. CON uxby DPR ERT. Lope, Wordpsrlea D4esa, word. acapec. baaord. Yrs. C. Lord auocad. Ventura, paperrwker 1619-1574 Harvard. Coral and System Lam a message. Andyst. Fnwnoal weig arrot are , .. for eligible studeua AOC and hisn" istaMbterince under 45 or over who do nor Porton required must be ex- peyr,� with own truck and 44+0Y for fret training. Durham Business Compner Collage. tools. must have pas fitter II 427-3010. (TF) ligan". call 570831. (051542) OLDER couple tt.r - bbe su• 135 skilled Help sm parbmbndant of all. "W sancta• Rowed air sert4eWW RIMGLASIF Panornimould ookpM preferred. 0 irAwoo- Maker required by Pickering pleas d 725.2801. (0612M area truck cap mwmufaourer. EXCFnM Job Opening - lip Applicants mutt have Whitby salon is I so ay ImaYelllet riff dlormeee b thePlus elper� +wECall 426-7373 7373 9mdr tin of omdtmMuell have atyMtar laslMonab le land for ■ V hour looks. For iaevlew calf 886 V �� oft (06210M EF While Chiropractic kw In Igpow mmTAM cument Ileal b 1ppwaramnow TAM cams(• atttMmC- and $tad p.wn 1 Elk- Health 02 We% SL UM 3& MOOM &#A E - pat tkmme haus, for nisi AssWUnt WOOM,aleft a Otopm°p. pie and sum required for ow as a aa,�the °°°0 11h',,,,,,,wi ie 4°'2CI- Pickering Clinic SM3 bmMasn 1-9 p.M 061542) Caring, 1108E 9osara - a tesla cam. pany in Ajax rmquires nix- respo ns(ble team ed atwam. b der placer player, needed on wmill" wok In their own hens. Ap- plicants wiN nail reliable a part -tittle basis. PMultiform. Wimrow" « O• ph" Ancef Approx. 20 hrs. 1183.1501. (061504 per week HAl11STYWTS - we •filer a busy Call erwi n- as guaramed PW pas oaerdnbn, medcaf '' pin and adwanI tmidrmp b . gm ler. No dWnUft ► Tues., Thurs., Fri. Wltlby, 8.4327. (0517M 88 „- ,-- - -- WALNUT dn,ng •oom facie win 4 crwrs unique, $300. Three "cknng chairs and two odd cher.. $50 to (3000. P52090 130 Sale s help/ 130 Sales Help/ Agents Agents HAMMOND organ for sale, $2000 or oast offer Excellent condition. 4 years aid. Cal 427- 3876.(0515921 SUNHOOM 'or sale - 8x16'. 4 windows, snding patio door• eavestrough and shutters. Placed on deck or pad. Instalied. asking $3500. Call 9873616 !052192) JURE 3oxes - 19% Wurttze. '954 Seeburg All wont ng and good condition. Call after 4 p.m. Pau. 831-9'53. (051792) Sales s Help/ Agents REPRESENTATIVE WEGU Canada inc., a Whitby based custom manufacturer of automotive and Industrial rubber products, diversified in moulding, roll coverings and tank ilinings. requires an experienced sales representative to service eastern Ontario Including eastern Toronto. Salary plus commission. Send resume to: :6U CANADA 1i P.O. Box 567 Whitby, Ontario L1 N 5V3 Attention: Personnel Manager No telephone calls or agencies, please Our Used Car Department requires EXP -RI -N D Sa Fc PEOPLE who are self -motivated. Call for aMi tftent: 725-6501 Mr. Bob Malarczuk Used Car Department or Jim Pyette New Car Department Ontario Motor Sales Limited 140 Bond St. West Oshawa, Ontario 220 ArticFor Sale ALMOND Flc"a side -by -aids tridpt and Nb nave. ss12s. Buil-in d"s*moh r. 5300. Gall dubs, $150. Compass Pionew Sound Sy am Now Nr fabs taw. Cal 43a4M M62042) CARPET - I )mole new Sta n- meOw and 11101E nylon caput. WM do WWI gmonn and half for $360., w chmdas CatpsL pad. Plus iotdowL (30 yards). SIM 7*6206& P52M l WALLPAPER demance - over 1.000 roue tram 90 Lerrts 10 SM a double toff and mom Open 5 days per reek Mon.- FrL. 94 p nL SaL 9.5 p nt 626 6981, 85 Kling St. E. Anaaa--- III (TIP) AJW( Pickering Appliances - no raesonble ole mmhaed. Ful/ guaranteed reconditioned appunceL Cato remake u a deal 427.6784, 487 Wessnwy Rd. S. Aga. (TF) SINTABLE for unpigrcmape - two large water coolers. Coleman stove, 3 lanterns, cataletic heater, child's in- RNANcuu s.nic. inquirer a 16 Day Care a �� sorted CM a dauons, W 11mis otpbyse. Banking, iri Wanted M� and time. Piece call 663.2955. corns tax knaMedpe an asst EXPERIENCED reliable but not essential. Apply in SALE mete and used frost live wrlimp, 301 WmmwoM W. P.O. 2 � 6requilrod in � - � 1 for r aparttment �uni�its. Box 106, Oshawa. L1J 1M9. pnL 2 young children. Plea• Stephenson'& Furniture and 1051W call 428-6705 after 6 p.m. Appliances. 227 Court St., WANTEDI . office assistant, Da Care 220 Articles 220 Articles Oshawa. Call 576.7448. well organized, good assist Ka y L aro akar. R.ep«tt,aff. itd. 1 5 Available For Sale For Sale SOLID leek and pine furniture, p- 11 wodke. honest. loyal FREE skids kcal lirwnr oil, 717 tfJOLID krnffnilmed pis ding kitchen and vanities, buy dirso and enthusiastic - wiling to TENDER Loving Care, home FREE ski Call first and ask for room suite, incudes double ttom one d the largest marlulac- tadkle cry task) Plwsant phone My from hone. quaWied and turves in Ontario. Avoid the raid manner, good aornmkaNcalon very e p riotoW E.C.E. teacher Mack. 725-3630. (TFALL) pedestal tale which wrliands b skill. Elpeionce in ar10 k1vi11g nxow► al 2. Is offer- 98', B chairs and buffo. $650 or die man. Eg. Compelq pis hep o real safest an iro a quaMy program for young OAK ding room ruNek hand beg offer. Paas call 831-5180. bedroom suite. 51325.. oak SO" resume b 821014 Ont. children in home daycare, pedestal pkMe double ptedwaal table. $741, al Before and after school cars wish Dalle and hutch. $3000 in. ONE knack sae water bed, no solid, no veneer. Finished in Ltd. Suis 215, 650 Khp SL E. also available. Reasonable dusts o st beoiler. 434-8730 headboard, $80 or tea a$w. your stain choice. 9&5-8774 0 Oshawa, LRH 1135. (052192► nils. 4249770. (051792► after 6 p.m. 051282SN(,y Calf 725.2056. 052192SNC1 985-8330. 10528921 PAGE 31 -THE NEM ADVEWMER FRIDAY, MAY 15,19!2 220 For Arac FOR sale - 5 almond appliances. 3 years old. Fridge, stove, washer. dryer. frower. AN In good working condition. Call 686-7034. (05 1792) PIANOS/GRANDFATHER CLOCKS - Plants, rem /o own, apt. sae. Wright. grand. dlpkal. keyboards. CLOCKS - free defvery and sal up. Call Telsp and take advantage of our low overhead warehouse prices, 4331491. P904M FOR Sale - 4 appliances, bridge, stove. washer, dryer. all in good working condllen. Cal lar fur- ther defaik, 420.1525. (052092) PNEUMATIC rails and staplers, varous models, new and used. Leave message. 579.8579 or 1. 800-567.7722. Also Targa 10 speed bike. 230 wanes BUY and Sol - lightly used - upscale highest quality children's wear, maternity fashions and Inspiring lays. im- mediate earnings and savings. Call Wise Choice, 427-1751. WANTED - stoves, fridge, washer and dryers. working or not. Also wanted. pickup truck (newer than 1978). Call Pickering. 420.8e33. (TF) 270 Computer video IBM Compatible Xrs, DOS . manuals. many conliguratrons avaihble from $195. Red Baron, 1991 Comtpuier Services. ew 3487.(051992) TWO Internal Moderns. $50 each. One external Mariam. $75. One IBM printer, $98. One Ci izen printer. W. Call 420- 8737.(052892) 280 Lost b Found FOUND - -4arwood82 - small awhea male dog. Call 426-3W7. (051592) LOST - targe Yak. male. black and brown tabby with white Pam. who belt. extra ice on front paws, lost at Church,' Roseland Ajax. Call 686-41189 REWARD. M52092 290 Pets -Supplies - Boarding REGISTERED Persian Kittens Ilor sale. Reedy to Ga Have had first needles. For further Information. please call 728- 0654 (0521921 LHASA pups. balls of fun. Ready to ga $275. 432-2293. M619e2SNC) LHASO Apso - 8 weeks. mer pup. House trainrg stand. vel eeedrd and heath guarantee. CKC riegessoo0. Parra rit tears available. 1-705-71111,45-3124. (05199¢) OOC Training Classes - Puppies 'ham 12 weeks old. aro Basic Obedience. day classes start Mon. May 25. Evening ciasus begin mid Jun. Open classes available. Cal K-9 KMlbnou". 4404-8617 or 837-2364. M51792) BROOKLYN area - 14 x 14 boa Us& lipfted ou kmx aron4 dry turnout. wood lancing. wash hall, quality Care. $170 per ninth. Please cal US -76M (05152 WHITE German Shepards, CKC. 8 weeks. $375. 436 -IM message. 1061582) 300 m FaSalfe 19e9 Chew 310 pickup, 8 fcylisdoi automatic. $sm. 58 15Thundetbaloa d, ded, M O S Ca 287-5WA 1052190 9N6 Dodge LoSenon GTS. Lady driven. 97.000 hums., otrner tbougta new. Firm. Cerdtied. SOW OF bel "for 43"07 O-nkugs. 4N"02SNC) l9 Spdit 53,000 lees.. S speed. orb armor. BMW cer- 1Bed or best seer. 21ss960i. 06,582$Nq 1987 Nissan King Cab, r srdaausL brakes mndlfon, Gams a Cae 7260817. (061642) 11Mi Burk Skyihls I - 2 Mee. 4 door. rMaw oft erualMM felt. Her and exterior. Arrufm O Nova. 821x. Phone 1416 43472N p622848N ) IM COMW Sedan Dallas, near now. deem 2 "kill all 'plats. cer-Bsd. sum Cocoa, Auto, 428.9423 081504 7m- Capda cies sic Hila w ale wwowtYtg, 8 feels. Pa. pb, am9m stereo. tod radts. radial fires. Priced b ssl felt, $4700 oertlNs I Call 7262600. 1IM8 Olds CUUM" Supremo, showroern o1lrh111111, .2 door. VS. alub. ps., pb.. arMfn stereo driving car 83M co lNlsd.Call 427-9722. Russ, arhyliree. Big Town Sales. (osigs2cNiq 1888 Pony G.L.S. certified, manual tranankiaion. Bt400 eb.o. Call 4244373 (061 7521 250 Garay /Y 250 Garage/Yard 300 Automobiles les or a, ION REPOS - Newer - older. GLOUCESTER SQUARES ANNUAL STREET SALE 1986 Caravan SE, I98eCoNaL Bowler III Flinch, 9 anL • 3 pin, Prelude, 1988 Acccrd, Sit, 16, Ralndste Sun., May 17 1991 C GT, many morel s Repo The Repo The Centre. 286.8388. Kids clothes i bye, housewares, kitchen cabinets, bath (TF) tub, toilet, sink i vanity etc. INS Chew Celebrity 4 door, air, broking lake, can be seen by ap- ps., pb.. cruise. amvtm cassette, GARAGE SALE - MAY 15, 9-12 mint oordtion. Candied. SWW. Furniture, clothes, toys. 430-7M evenings. (052'M 1466 FIELDLIGHT BLVD. 1USCheve"o, new ties, recent Hwy. R2 and Valley Farm Rd. lune -up. will tartly. Cal 987- 3326. (0521 W) Rain or Shine. 1985 Ford Tempo, tour door. now OC and 401. Large yard. auto. needs some work. $1000 MAURY CRES. - STREET SALE o.b.o. 42&7402. (052092) SAT. S SUN., MAY 16 b 17, 9 A.M. - 4 P.M. 1984 Monte Carlo V6, auto' air' (FlNCHOXIE AREA) power steering, power bakes, stereo,console, bucket seats. Sale of the century As is, $1700.427-5043. 1992 Ford Escort wagon, standard, new bakes. exhaust MULTI -FAMILY GARAGE SALE AND aft tires. Runs well. 8400. Cal after 6 p.m. Al, 985-3266. SPORTS CARDS (052192) SATURDAY MAY 16TH, 8 A.M. -4 P.M. 1982 Monte Carlo - air 1090 RAMBLEBERRY AVE. conditioning. automatic, power (DIXIE - HWY. N2) steering, power brakes, power windows. $1900 or basil offer. GARAGE SALE Phone 1.416-430-7269. (062292SNC) Saturday, May 16th, 8 a.m. 1979 Pontiac Lemons. 6 1232 Charlotte Circle, Pickering cylinder.n r �: blue. motor less (Near Burger King) than 30,000 original kris- Needs very little to certify. Asking $900. Telephone 721-0808 after 4 p.m. GARAGE SALE SUN., MAY 17, 9 A.M. - 7 1560 RAWLWiGS DR., PICKERING (Dixie(Gkenanna Rds.) See what tressi you can Lind. Bicycle, Btmkbeds Tools Books YARD SALE, SAT. b SUN., MAY 16 b 17, 10 A.M. - 3 P.M. 1648 PORTLAND CT., 4274833 Household Items. new and old. Kids tcys, much m ore. GARAGE SALE SAT., MAY 16, 94 P.M. RAIN OR SHINE 8 LACHLAN DR. (Westney, Hwy. t2) A potpoum of childrenladul aricies, ar array of something for everyone 2nd hand rose designer label clothes Appliances many giveaways MULTI FAMILY GARAGE SALE SAT., MAY 16, 94 P.M. 1808 APPLEVIEW RD., PICKERING Baby Berns, toys, tools. Lots of bargains. 2 FAMILY GARAGE SALE SAT., MAY 16, 9-2 P.M. 1856 a 1869 BOWLER DR., PICKERING (3 blocks W. of Liverpool, off Glenanna) MAURY CRES. - STREET SALE SAT i SUN., MAY 16 i 17, 9 A.M. -4 P.M. (FINCH MME AREA) Sale of the Cenrisy STREET SALE Saturday. May 16, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. HARVEST DRIVE (in Maple Ridge) MULTIPLE GARAGE SALE Sat i Sun., Miller 16 i 17, 9 ILIR - 3 pitta Rain or shine Start at 1916 Btookdtim Silitumis (Fairport i Glenanlna). Fumitlrt, car, seat, baby items, IoM kids tlottuis, It household hems. GARAGE A MOVING SALE MAY 16,17 i 18, 9.4 P.Y. 64 Cluett Dr, Ajax 683.2662 White provincial bdrm. set, tamps, chandelier i miscellarwous. ` 2 FAMILY SUPER SALE Saturday, May 16, 9-4 p=L 37 Mill St„ Pickering Village Ajax Tools, TV, vacuum, VCR, furniture. GARAGE SALE Saturday, !Merica 16, f a.m: 106 DBntel Cres., Ajax (Off Cb auW) Little bit of everything GARAGE SAIF Sun.. h Mon. Mair 17 8t 18, rain Or shins, 15 Chadwick Dir- Alm. (Wedney a a Ig! a 011 Adams). Lob of goods. cldllkg, yodaek, aDPe .boob. GARAGE SALE SATURDAY, MAY 16, 9.2 P.M. I@M New SL, Pickering (StroudslCrieket Lane) Barry things, furniture, knick knacks, household Items. 1992 Olds 88 Royal L.S. 1882 Buick Park Afvertue, $2300 Loaded. 17.000 IuR phone 438- or beat ober. Not certified. New 233D• (051594 ties. good -R litlon. Call 725- 1900 25 1990 Chair Lumina Euro, asaornaie, 4 door. black. A-1 condition. mess tins, cotNktd. 08900 Cal 263.8629. M62190 2056. M52192SNC1 FREE to good home. 1963 Meteor Mercury. Has potential. Cal 4241501. (0520021 (052192SNC) 1979 Cadillac Davies, running, good tires, solid body, some mechanical needed, parts provided. $1900 or offer. As its. 1980 Dodge Volare, running. good tires, small mechanical required. $400 as is. Phone 427- I 9N (Alai) (05219(1) 30 Trucks For Sale 1001 GMC Sierra, he ton fury, loaded. 2950 kdorriews, mita also gnat extended warranty. Asking $17.800. Phone 728- 3685.(051992) 1091 S 15. 2 wheel drive. S apeod, extended cab, box Neer. extended transferable warranty. $10.500 certdied. Please cal 576-6193 after 6 p.m. (052492SNIC) 1983 Ford Ranger, excellent aond(non. oerHed. W. $3000. 57,500 kms.. 725-4555. (051982SNC) 1975 Blazer tar parts. 454 rebuilt. 34 ton axles. 38 x 15 monster mudders. Call 427- 5207. M51592SNC) 320 vans, 4 Wheel Drives late Ptymoun Voyager SE. 7 passenger. or. $6.000 kmw., as- sume lasso. no down payment, no pop son, Ior 30 days and no G.S.T. CAN Eric. days, 69644N eirsnirrps, or 434147$. (oWM 330 Trailers /03 33 It. Tounn, as IS Florida rooms fair can. one year dot, aeparaM bedroon bath. shed, on sowers, prints prlwete hedged lot. posgselon May 24, 45 males from Oshawa - M a K Beaver Park, Or - . season V2 paid lot. Asking $19,500. Seen by sppokM .m 416725 1449: 416.8314 M2t: 705-7$6 6221. 052192) TANDEM Initial 10 R bong, 6 U 2 R stick 2 IL a" sides and a$ suet oww&ucft% drop draw+ roar tailgate electric brakes, $ION ob.o. Cal Des or J. Hood. 7284192 p6Za821 TRAILER - 2 at" boa trder. 4x7, 5' high. Covered, good os I k 5600. Cal 837-1714 or 725 -UW pfiifto 355 MOTORCYCLE INSURANCE 683-9725 % P11NE MW Nt!'SURANCE 365 BOAT slips - Bairn Irte on Trent System, quiet harbour, char lush, good up No 40'. 1300 tip. 1946. 400FW PAM PICKERING - Altonfe and Shepherd area, big bight one to rdtoorn basernsrtt epwinerN, all busies included. Separate entrance, laundry, cable and Parking. $625 per month. To view cel 509.0191. (05/082) TWO and three bedroom apartments, available at 868 Glen St. Oshawa. 726-4993. 400 "��nt 400 ' ts 400 "Pa�'s 410 "°"� � AJAX 55 Falby Court 2 bedroom apartment in family building. Air conditioning, broadloom, 2 appliances, laundry facilities, saunas and exercise room, underground parking included. Call 683-6021 ELTM Mon. -Fri. 9-5 v= Ajax 77 03 FALBY COURT Two + three bedroom apartments in family building. Air conditioning, bro . iloom, 2 appliances, laundry facilit -s and underground parking included. $742-$819 Call 686-0845 Mon. -Fri., 8:30-4:30 p.m. One months free rent - when you sign a one year lease on a small one bedroom apartment includes fridge, stove and utilities, ca!I now 571- 0108. AJAX - basement bachelor apartmenx, separate entrance. available immediately. First and last. Non smoker. $475 monthy. inClusive. Call 428.7830. WHITBY - large 2 bedroom apartmont, eat in kitchen, sopa,alo entrances. laundry, parking, top floor d duplex. $750 plus utdrees. Available July 1. 571-1820., (052192) SOUTH Ajax - 3 bedroom mom ttoor apartmord, 4 apply rvim. large yard. For more infwmsation, Call Patrcra Reabum. 683.8642. PICKERING - Live podleatry. excelem 2 bodroon basemen apartment, Go. aro amorrares. parking. fridge, stove. laudnry, $730 plus ut*tes. FwsUlast. 1- 416579.7576. (051792) AJAX - bright basement apartment. separate entrance. or can.. appliances. prkrg. rear GO and but route. 3 pace bath, Yon smoker. 428-9918. OSHAIMA . south end rkrrre, 822 Glen St. Very clean, targe units, 2 bedrooms, avaAabie Wills w May 1, 5680. and 3 bedrooms, $705, June 1. Parking, how, Cable included. 576.0073 a 725-&M. M62504 AJAX - available Jun 1. 2 bedroom aprtrrent- Cable, al utui e. porkwg. $600 monnMy. 42s-8095. (0511W THREE bedvoits, aprtrrrtt for sub loose. 4 tpplanow and ale. $709 . hydro. Chas b GO and at arrresars. Available June 1. CAN 837-0649 or 683-4171. (05171tt2) WHMY - elegant two to dsoont neat Go. available hmwnrNrety. Parkkg. SM �itdkrhre. tib SMALL e.clh.kt qxw" IL lap floor. cbse to Cies. cable, la rrodry, pnkig, no caws. work - Ing lady preferred, $375 monthly. Call 436.led rressaga p619821 WHITBY - two bedroom apartatrrM ground floor, newly uertov 'i primes erttran 1 3 unit buiWNrp, 2 blocks train date-toarrn. Heat and hydro Yndu andtl y F or.� � basorllm. very clean. BNO. 20 and bat Call Korb. 665 4434. (061752) OSHAWA - one bedroom aptrt. mos N a t o= an Cebu SL Obits mocoss person paefswd, $630 ittordl4), *udM a ktcludox . Cog 721-20L ps1M21 AJAX - Mrse bedrOOra mesh Saw. Clew to am amrniiets, nloaktlly Pur, Jute 1.6834678 it %*, Nab or 683- 3270 ahsr 5 PJIL (OGIOM WHITBY - two bedroom In- cludes heel palking. I I I Jule 1. rNo F , L MM per ma nd Elrsnitgs, sasokrtds. 427.2467. FINCH and Import - large bright one bedroom basement aPMUVM . ak. 'sift btndry. 011111.0- --Ulm ON ktckuim 8675.254-6184. 051792) SOUTH Osh.ra - Ing. 5 plus bedroom apartment. $850 morldlltr pis uNNiN. June 1 possession. First/last. R - robs. Cal rxriec/ 705- 277- 06 277-1311. 051790 AJAX - two ttedreom beeemrnt apartment, available July 1. Four piece bath, separate entrance. 66W pin 112 uNkies. Cal 688.4788. (051782) PICKERING Go - Llwrpod and AJAX - thrN bedroom mail Bayly. 3 bedroom house floor, includes applanow. 00111► apartment. Large kitchen, 4 pletely renovated with new appliances, air conditioning, kitchen and bath, new carpet parking. $995 plus 60% utilifies. throughout. Must be seen. 5925 290-5157. (051792CNC) monthly pkis utilities. Cal Don. 931-1527. (051792) PICKERING Town Centre - one - - bedroom basement apartment. THREE bedroom bungalow, private entrance, laundry, nicely decorated, large from and broadloom, available back yards. Rosslad(Sleven. I-, y, utilities Included, son area Oshawa, $995 month. Ss55 monthly. Cal days. 294- ly . utilities. First and last. 1670 or after 6 p.m. 839-7992. References. Inquire, 430-0548. ask for Jim. (051 792) (052192) WHITBY - two bedroom base- WHITBY - luxury downtown mem apartment in home, fridge. living. 2 bedroom. elegant gar. stove, washer, dryer, central air, den home, $1 loo nomhy plus $750 Includes utilities. Fkst/la it. hydro. No outside upkeep. AvaN- A 'W�le irrwrrsdiaeely After 6 able immediately. Call 430 - Avail- --- p.m. 427-4493 or 655.8935. 11.420. (042 1921 (052192) FOR sale or rent in Bowmanvilbe OSHAWA - attractive on -lakefromProprty.privateroad. bedroom, sky lights, fully private beach, 2 storey 3 carpeted. 4 piece bathroom, bedroom home. 1 1/2 baths, conlplekely renovated, parking, main floor laundry. downstairs now buses. peAect for single familyroom, large deck over - adult, $575 Inclusive. Other broking lake, can be seen by ap- apartments available. 579-7195. pointment only, must have (052192) references, call between 10 am. - 4 p.m. 623-6684. (051 9M PRIME Rouge Valley -one bedroom apartment including air OSHAWA sem - 4 bedroom. conditioning, laundry. fireplaces. now OC and 401. Large yard. wet bar. Close to shopping. double driveway. Available Livmgroom, diningroom, full imtmlediately. Could be shared. kitchen. Available wri mediately. $995 a. Call 725.5624. (051992) 286-1034. (0521792) THREE bedroom bungalow. AVAILABLE im nediatety - two woodstove. extra bedroom One bedroom apartments available in Oshawa includes fridge, stove and utilities dose to 401 exit (Park b Bloor). For more information call 571- 0085. bedroom apartment. 3630 per downstairs. garage. no pets. 2 month. One bedroom aparrnent, washrooms. firstilast. By the $530 per month. Tenants pay Oshawa Centre. Available July own utilities. First and last 1. 579-2910 or 579.4087. required. Pets are welcome) Townhouses Doreen Tillson, Sales Representative. 623-3393 or '4 For Rent 432-4804. (051 9W, NORTH Oshawa bachelor FULLY furnished and equipped us nicely decorated spacious apartment. $425. available June townhome. Walk to Pidkerng PICKERING - one bedroom 15. Also one bedroom, $575 Town Centre. Just pack your basement apartrrent. separate anytime. Twee bedroom. tate bags and Trove on. $1050 per entrance, fridge, stow, $475 June. 6869153. (052692) month, John McCarron, ReMax pin 1/3 udeies. Available June PICKERING . clean 2 bedroom Gonosis Ltd. 831-3300. 1. Plano 427-2180. (051 592)(051792) apartment, waken, central air. ONE bedroom basement shared laundry. avarlabr June FREE one months Yom with ono openiffanb. $600 includes cable. 1. $725 inclusive. First/Iast, year lease. Lovely one, two. launddry facilities, self Non-smoker. professionals. three bedroom suites. 6 contained. Available June 1. 839-0631. (051792) appliances, quality finishes Call 839-0477 evenings. AJAX - large one bedroom throughout- For more into or b (051792) basement apartment. apartment. $550 all view all Josephine Snider at PICKERING - Liverpoowdk in Brocknfvsle . AvailabJune t. Fit- 579-7505 or Paula Sheppard. 5793052.(TF.FRq Rd. area One bedroom and last. Call 428-8363, aparrrent, private entrance. (052092) TWO bedroom bow house Io - Now IatwrOry faalaies - lo- cated in Oshawa. close to InOpo• PICKERING - big bright lower amenties, t t2 baths, Includes fug bath. Parking. $550 hat d hare. Own entrance. miumonance We. Ingnound pod, monthly. Utilities included. fireplace in large front room, stew« and slckadod. 650 Phone 839.7157, aver 5 447- !nage ( largo krtrl+on and eating area. monthly. first and taeL Fueled 8080. Suit bus ness couple. $825 basement. Available June 1. WHITBY - basement barhebr monthly. 6861385 or 831-4201. Maryann, 427-2643. (0520e2) apartment len tri-prx, separate (051992) entrance, on block from GO tram PICKERING-one bedroom TOWNHOUSES - specious two wtaon, and kit.. Partin $475. and three bedroom Iownhousm. Parking. basement apartment, pnvato North d 401. Close to Go Tran Available immediately. 668- entrance. t„dge, laundry, above, Station, schools, north and 7634. (052192) parking, `bites included. No AVAILABLE n Oahwa - apen- pets $580. 619-1865 or 364- south it.m. blocks away from meet building.close to bus. 2964. (051 592) Knob His. Available atop J from d shopping, ulast. Yvckaded. No complex. 914.M2 June and Pon. 2 ltedroorrt $700 and one PICKERING Brock beautiful July. 435 -Seta. (05299¢) bedroom $600. First and last. new on bodraom basement OSHAWA - tastefullydeooraMd aprtmrnt' Prkrate emaance• 4 3 bedroom 1 1/2 belle , garage, Cal 930 0131. (05249Q1 piece bath. 2 car parking, POOL Cb" b bus and schools, BASEMENT apartment Iw rent, 54WOO bUndry, custom bUN SM . 2 ua 6w. 4 aplMiarreas $500 plus utilities. No last kbchwL July 1. 8675 ulMlrs 434-7000. (052192) months deposit. References itckud4d. A merit b am 426 required. 6832M6. (052002) 3755 (052oMf OSHAWA - two and three uses. Including PI .ice MWM Go • Liverpool and ONE bed1001r1 basement �afl- bedrOOm1 tOMll pplion at utilities, a applanccse Be*. 2 esgt bedroom baso- rrtsnM ti hoar. available Jure 1. b shoots and amerhMea Cal front spertmerM, 4 appGexcee, 5500 par month. krck+des *(cgs, 434-3072. tallosm I cord., pr%,Mo entraraoe. $750 pore, and u9ehs. 4242463 or Plus 40% utilities. 2945157. 421-7667.10517921 TAUNTON and Simcoe - 3 (N179ZWHITBY -taro bedro«n pace bedroctrt 2 1eveL 2 bate, pod, �r - 4-unsas rAoDk mart playground, painted, new awo mo. r w. co Fridge, sant te rlwrt $795 per building. wet mslaose so, n and quest $750 watud" orb OFro air. month. Avalabfe krrnWit". dose b al anx6. Oroies, 5750 Ineku la e ' -- Fiat and Saari Losehlevo. 425-4722. OaClhe,ot apamrterM. SS75: ono last. Available krtrrsedlately. bodras r. $723 YrAnkro. For Ahr, 6 p."L 42744M (052192) (05156M appoinMrl - 1 b view CON am OSHAWA large two taedroorn AJAX South - 3 bedroom basement apartment, 5800 10anhoLes. *&hod besemselt. NORTH othesses - upps duplex monthty includes Pill" is $ 14 PWM batt 2.2 puce ban, 2 ttedroerlt hld5e aril stave use d tangs backyard, pnivre SMR1D/k"r�'. 6" and Isar foo dean newly rotor. Avalabk uttarxoe hides, stove,nsasMr, Puts• AuaYbb July 1. Call 4211- krwssdhrsttr. P"ift for t - dryer Inge 6044 ki hole tit$ 9881. (061 7621 $550 a month. 725-3079, bath, all utilities and cable TIRES Osd►oarn toaashouge in Q0621 am include. Close to as arnrrrllas South Oshawa in small, quiet Two bedroom upper haN at I" ler wo" couple • Avail- osn I I I Al Mlles l acbrNd. 14eruse leadty. Parking and all ebb it1ill 1tedM*y. 438.8772. Close to MMokg. 7m2M1. Ulla. bwdud.a Sato n ottilify. (0517512I (� Cbm to 9ft0 GM. Avalablf A= - soUTH Pickering ChM 3 Immediately. 678-0334. baee111srK IF 11tgg#Ae. t Is On h IN *IW 111aa. 4 3 pfoe bath, tenors! air. pdsate Will stxoss. 1 12 bar. psdkilg, AJAX - 2 bedroom we& out. sntrarn, Ss501non81gr NrJtudn Inge **tied on foerq $1100 bads onto gssertbM, nw Go, u1Wba A sallbie im mSMMy. T� Gntl10 plickto i Class, lools III Ie entr-- r 4 phase bar, Cal 427-31M4. fmim21 lodge. ste^ mailable Am 15. June 1. Call evenings and $760 Inclusive. sats -320,. 410 HOt1� Far wasksrd.. N3.7271. (061 l" 1110520M Ril!nt Rooms To on.� o - b m - AJAX - HarwoodMwy 2. 4 430 Rft apartment. Brock Rd. NJ401 bedroom home. 25M sq.ff. steam b area, Pickering. Separate farrow rare. great fact tioth, FURRMWA qb��4 erMrafhce. Ilxalfktst. fsonMldter, cow $1300 nr" W 11I pit* uftw;s t v aindexepad horns. skgle r 281-$585 or (414) 7733713 kmn dio*. Call 427.6007- couple. Refreeoea. 55501 etrrAW ass 7:0. a8 Lou. 05ISM 1a V pin 12 twree. 619- mom 6821 WHITBY - Go area, three AtAX Wealney - furnished tttlom AJAX South - furnished e bedaom WWWWnre, afro PkA- In Inge boor of ib, b. Nsasd usak bodtoom bmrlwM ica serMd. 3 plus ane 1, , - h, �_rn.. Non amoker. hat tub, but $400 „w kitchen.expertiseen- -- avahlable July 1, excellent r,p,y� kWlew. 427,UL ebb. pailk1i8. Ohm ,fir location, very clean. 4 non smoker. $650 indusia- a ll"arr°es. if ' ' bwxmskf. NOW srx�e iaaltsdfN N Avalebb 1 11 1sN. Fka and tot and beL SM6 and 8836 Shared kkm&mk bath. Separate MSL 427-7680. (062082) Cd Assam 0519M entrrhos " Bustousv wolk b oo- PNCKERM - datacltad dart 3 800 weekly. Flrat and fast. ONE and two bsdroain apart- �4 anile mW. $31-1279 mtnb b rs. a OshaConrdsltbedburgdm. main floor. locatbn. dm%. to last rnonel cowapplair. s y. t AJAX twrM, oorrpWe serif re larger I $e90 , bedroom. yard. near schools. use d 11,100 &will. SM $716 Ings 1 bsdxOofR 5650 2 and Go SM non sm�e, Pr t Old indb d 0 uWNaL Cal bedroom► Call 436.04177 aper, 5 Avvdbbls July 1. Cal 831-$777, 427-2301 alter 6 pm. 0s19921 p.m, Cal 723.39M M526M ONE and two bedroom apart. IMMACULATE dose bedroom PICKEANG -Largs bofdd ed SOW In deakable N.E Oshawa. '"' bed sllting room with private m.na lorplr«r us hydro Slnboe/ alto'" to pow. fenced yard, ball Cobb TV. padkip, 00 INmonthly al Gibb area. Available int- mar schools' shkppkg, paved air and vac. Must Nke pate. mediately . June 1. Cal( crive, available July 1. $975 Shared laundry and kitchen. Slevin, mediately or29. rte 1.2) Plus Wiifies. Flrst/last. 985. 6500 monthly. Cal 4243734. 9978. (052292) leave M-Uoe. (0517921 • C� �J L] 0 r THE "Wi;(#166A ,'1r W fit" l4-1IIA>ti[' . 575 moly) 590oopon n' a 590 o atu w� 590 B 670 MONEY Problems? Loans. debt consolidations, credit arrangemortis. personal budget planning, garnishee; stopped. FREE CONSULTATIONS. Credit Counsellors (Pickering - Oshawa). 4331425. (TFALL) Mortgage 580 Insurance MORTGAGES ro 95%or proper- ty value, some below bank rates. specializing in pre-qualy. Ing first-time buyers. Mortgages and kraits for any purpose. Al apprcatione considered, regard- less of credit rating and income. Fast service and approvals. Raycan Financial Ltd. 571.2880 Oshawa, 696.2936. Pickering. 7.99% Furst Mortgages, new purchases, renewals, and consolidations. In home. personal, confidential service. 7 days week. 2nd Mortgages at oortlpet eve rates. Phone (416) 725 8123. (052292) MORTGAGES and bans, 90 % financing. down payment also arranged. Any amount available. Call Doug or Ruck 668-6805, Community Financial Services. EXPERIENCED DECORATOR REQUIRED Owner of Interior decorating business looking for experienced decorator to take over business In the Pickering area, small start up Investment required for the right person. Inquiries 666.5574 430° 500 500 $150,000 buys 112 equity of For a low budget motion picture wleTaY -one - ' " Still June t. share fat$Iaim ° � 10 share limn;;, thoughts. li;, and laundry. sena. Non em�nt . referencee s. First and last references. o � PE Serious principles only months required. $320 per (TFALL) P.M. Pickering Thurs. 390 p.m. month Includes utilities. 430. CMVATwrs HAIRDRESSING salon in the s7e9. (052,92) Aiax plaza. AS you do Is pay axing 420-8781. (TF) NEWCASTLE . very large loom 179 Dt1111aM r , A* 3 bdrms., 1 112 683-6060, ask for Tony. for rent. Separate entrance. baths, CanL air cored. 3 cent Vac. Otiet and Jennifer have exciting per- separate kitchervint . private 3 crescent. Landscaped yell 427-;202. home. Several areas available. Call 286-2150 for further piece bath. $110 weekly in - dudes all uawiee. Must Not! OPEN HOUSES RD. Kelowna. B.C.. V1Y 7P4. Adults only pbasel. (060492) Car 987- x19 after 5 or leas c�rr MM W Finery Ave. S., AISIL SaL a &M.12- 1W rn.esage (9515;2) _ 11 W 4. slung., On transit mule. 3 bdrms. Priced PICKERING - Hwy 21Dlxie. 10 set Call 427-29;5, Cozy room for rent, share e, 42 waylrell St., Who Sun. 12-4. 1pt1�VMM laundry, cooking and parking Female y Charming raised bung., ng ng., 3 + 1 bdirms. facilities. preferred. see weekly. 420-3049 after 6 Fam. ►m. with fp. Very desirable weekdays. (052092) furnished f« neighborhood. Cal 430.6133. 40 KW* Cfee., Ajax. Sat. i Sun. 12.4. AJAX - nice room m mature working non-soking $204BW 1� LRW 2 storey home With 4 bdrms., 2 1 f2 female. share all facilities, $100 baths, fam. rm.m with 11p. On quiet court a week or one bedsrtting room, Can 616 -Sen. includes bolo, fridge. t.lepin �� 7 Carnegy Cres., Ajax. Sun. 12-4. entrance. Par. - so''. 428- entrance. $100 a week. 428- Desirable loc. 3 bdrms., loaded with 3268. (051792) upgrades. Sunken fam. rm., custom Plantation shutters throughout. Won't last 445 kwus « units UG -SM. gent 1 kcal -668-5855 FOR rent, 1000 sq.tL industrial unit with air conditioned office OLDER charm - renovated 2 $108,500 - Port Hope . 3 space on Brock Rd. Cal 420- pk,S one bedroom, mature area, bedroom. 1 1r2 bathe home. k1b hardwood floors. air. ace. firepl1 of extras inside Cal 1905.(051992) and of. 112 barns, partial finished 416-8857275. (05199M Shared basement, Insulated garage/ 450 Accomm. Wanted workshop. Fenced yard, d tO :126.000. 723-5362 8-8 . 723 505 Sao0630 after 6. (051992) Buy AJAX1 . HorwoodBayly Smioker to Share lownhouw gAYFlELI) built 4000 mit, 5 WANTED - three bedroom PW rpoUabiS CSN Scott at bedroom, 4 bath, pool, house. Lease to own. 428-0956. Home, 428-6880, work. 754- 4162. (051792) (nnground, heated). Oak basemen, central air, central 51 O Townhouses WHITBY - house to share, at vac, etc. A must see. Open For Sale House Sat. and Sun. May 16 facilities and pool. $375 per and 17. 1.4 p.m. 666-8654. TOWNHOUSE - 'Duicn Clean -i - 44 month, cal 430-06. (051992) (051792) 2 bedrooms, 2 full baths. 4 WHITBY - executive home, use No money tfown - 3 bedroom. 1 *Pk --.new broadlooms ful- ly finished basement. close to a all rookies. sec weekly or $500 wrrekl Call weekly41. y' all 112 storey brick house, large wherilesl $87,900 after 7 p.m V51 W driw and garage On large lotor weekends. 434.5080. Rksorv401 area. $109,000. Can RELIABLE person wanted to Rick or Doug, 668.6805 of 579-535 Lots For share lakefront luxury 2 4M- P52892) Sale bedroom condo. Central air, NORTH East Oshawa - 1418 ensuite, laundry, pool, spa, Parafon Dr. Sun, May 17, 1-5 LOT for sale . E n t i e l d . sauna. underground parking. P.rrL 51148.900. 3 + 1 bedroom 100,X519, $96.000. AS permits 728-9671. tK00 Kintlill • 40% ue'll'se. family home, large Sat -in ave ' (060392) First and last. Cal Phil, 428- kitchen, 3 baths. fully finished LAKEFRONT building lot. 7399 after 7 p.m. (051 79Z walkout baseman. To view call 137x288au . serviced, beam" condos For 434.82e5. M519, treed. Crystal lake. $78.999. 455 Rent PICKERING - 1968 Poppy Lane Cil 705488-2284 or 416-477. „66,' beautiful Gem. detached 3 PICKERING - Luxury one froom. 2 baths'hardwood Out -of -Town 540 bedroom condo plus den. "DWI. 1k•Di• . Properties Llvmgroom, diningroom, 2 finished basement with bar. baths. solarium, a► obit.. pool. $164,500 or best offer. 420- LARGO Florida - beautiful 2 tennis. sic. 3 appharK.es. July 1. 3106. (052192) bedroom. 2 bathroorm, double $1150. 839-7373 after 6. ro52 GREAT ldt><ndnnl Great Value 3 verde mobile home, modern kitchen with d4hw'a'"" PICKERING - 2 bedroom, 2 bedroom brick bungalow on 9L bap* dtposil ceramic tie b' hind countertop, newly gmWdM$by401.W110oM,ahop-- bathrooms. solarium. 5 p„Q Old rmcfsstim FniOwd decorated, new carpet appliances, central air, full roc room. est in kitchen withabo screen room necreaws dorn taclbAcross from walkout. woodstove In $2e1rU.S. 416-729-5695. Town Centre. $1040 monthly llvingroom, 2 baths, 1 tar (0611992) inCIUS e. Cal Tory Of Mary. 997-31707. (061792) garage. $149.900. OShawiL 107 OPEN House - Sat. May 16, Limerick SL 576-7648. OPSun EN May 17. 12. 4 Bob c° pm. HOUSE sat. and Skin. 1-4ate oon - 3 b.d�m wtkisice l 470 RF entSir OSHAWA - Open House. 1215 loon,. on bSnrnul LOS Silkier nme St. S. Sun. May 17,11.5 Lake (10 man. from, Bdbcayg.dn GEOR- rent wasanga hoi a yew 400 ,,rec Beach and Midland Sandy r°wm`r lutche n, 60xxIie931ot. walk kv .n onaill beach. 3 bedroom Vic m"w and shopping• 5 minsims fxrpoem. Now pre it= and awall� a„ y1 � b Go and 401. $129,900. 4M ktchon. MaprWiciont ibldatons =. f» ei.wed btr via.o 434de T 4274. (051 QW flrspb, full cedar deck with (05220 FOR ease or we - $114.900. 3 "aalkwouts n livnngM r mm. GREAT fishing and fondly airsenaince bedroom, good condition. C1 fee w bed. dniled weer, ••Pte f►Y•tern ho" at Rice Leh•. Orn hour eee d O;naasa. Pklt'ral. resat- z«drg «art. $796 monthly- and;care Inesl ksrp $100.900. Large 3 bedroom systeAa Kim ane bees. modern dosages 00. Car Bob L aamL hardtaod soars, neweryons. Mas - 1900 It wlasoloci pAar7r n whdows or mnL $150 i ionlhly. ddb Real Estate Ltd. (416) 632- ekKal arm low -kg -id$a9OW. 3 �„� � lot.2554 or (416) 53702376. and wookly, rete;. Child. C2 zwft needs TLC or rent. (052W proper. ;tore boat, mobil rents $eeb- Call Frank Mi1•noxic or CO�y, SS FOr •••-71 and covered docking. Sun- Fred Mitchell. 434-3800. 550 nymlead Corsages. R.R.e3 p619e2) Sal! Om. � 1Y0.70& IMMACULATE 4 level. 5 66 1 (Mi9Hemings, boheoa him on been preMs- fllJSKOKA � INCE Ldo - now arse, Soo and year round road. vO04°wr "-By landscaped lot In 1d;tnee wrap around go" Irsdsoorn coange• Bonk Mow for you► hdadsys. 416753- deerable Sunset IMiglnts atiloe ti pard, Now, arra. 14a ll heated Yprowld In kitchen. 4 appliances, 2370 or 416004M (061292) pseL Iter ptarp, centers' attr arld simew. 57e-&3.4 or 72s- trsC Dbh anhw. 4 plooe beth, 2 am jai n 2) „�„� � 30 Me� tialp weem m. Ex„a etaalnt $68.100 cotta • - now 3 In bumnwtt, tact.; red feam 9 •est of Peterborough, 90 Plus anter For a1PPekA bedtoornt salrisr oonplMe4 an R*KOM from Pidtsrktg gamik twit as 430 4011 «723 tf63s ssrvldss PtAft sand beads. heated woos Ploy g;atlnd. OMM dfystol chm like, big Pr�al.IoL ions and m9br rea1.I; mow. PICKS Na - detached bddt 2 hr. dtfa, prMsae aalo, to Fell and Weekend tlpedds, bungalow with garage. 3 available. 1-416-349-2911. August heUay bookings so b.ereom, eat -In okitchen. 406150 avaN.bi.- 1-706-6e3-1317. Siris ted e...Iaea. W&A herd in (rFAW wood .tau.. e«e red. meway 570 �A�-P��- tl•4orat•d. Assumable 6aee b.aedm...a dawloao... $194,600 a3a.6a7. ,o . end NO �,m an wady f« wterw w1 ii4 bud lnullded 9y aeric traldl ef10N6t loss i/0.000 b load a1 lose• a Ips sslecom d new ntrtattaalsastdband or, .•aeon. 705-736-56x,. $147 per m enOL Contact Jas„ "atltNtlpa- at swaii Many f s me«n+� hM 485 Resais us+ .AAE Bone 1laklN Found In heck ttpedare F a illift and i "Il fdsaebQ ~Itis �Sddl CIIOtitfE liver - Con{lbsrold - M coo foIn 10 r anult orWill lliaa�bu wl � two �TRAIEor bfiPPARK taint sad bedroom brick bungalow. INC Open 7 kilt sumbbbl tib wed to deer . separate livingroom and days a week. 706.79a-5376, woo stlppilli Phone, hydts dbinemom. swele garage. PALsttdos Ssaeonal Traasr and fln�amadlis. 706 904Mw•ndy 1114.500. ExdusMly NOW. cort9rnlo. R•Max 8sss from 5760 par Samoan In P4" i3nt1wY. 631-3300. (DIM Wx IS Eslob. 30 minutes east of Peterborough. 90 490 1 Reh� OSHAWA -can 3 bedtodrn minutes from Pickering. (• outer i� 9h�b uindo Im-WA& aWOmba la ab11sis eft bh. heated ,CLEARWATER ; avk.m Pdaa.aslen. Extra lo19. pool. store, 1.705.x53-1317. ttaletott bawlrwtt b tMralxfd brrwli, neer bttedtes, and now1 Ufa. a'dr law wwoww WMW Priced ""Law altradadtl. ChildrenNeftod weoonn Phmne 4AM then mobq. 5275 1" b a~ W Carter. 575 671-791x. t0s2IM Lead soar. I 56af Ill FLORIDA - Maderia Beach - wtmr - buy private and ewe. Enjoy summer with pool and UNLIMITED private funds earn « finance t swiYacht deb - 2 bedroom, full dock. 3 pin one berlroorn taller pery turn r of an7 htn olden p� d equipt, 2 pooh, beach, dub executive, large lot, many n. sorts sales, home, PH III stewllhsauntL hot extras. Must be eeenl Open account new business, ■ccount usi tub, children welcommi, Rent Hour Sts and Sun. Reduced, receNable, In home sentence. weeklyl WN hly. Close to all $175.000. 432.6925. NO Near Era Fyw cW CdrpomdW amtolllias. (416) 93WOM (TF) AGENTS. 1061792) 416-7214M (0519M THE "Wi;(#166A ,'1r W fit" l4-1IIA>ti[' . 575 moly) 590oopon n' a 590 o atu w� 590 B 670 MONEY Problems? Loans. debt consolidations, credit arrangemortis. personal budget planning, garnishee; stopped. FREE CONSULTATIONS. Credit Counsellors (Pickering - Oshawa). 4331425. (TFALL) Mortgage 580 Insurance MORTGAGES ro 95%or proper- ty value, some below bank rates. specializing in pre-qualy. Ing first-time buyers. Mortgages and kraits for any purpose. Al apprcatione considered, regard- less of credit rating and income. Fast service and approvals. Raycan Financial Ltd. 571.2880 Oshawa, 696.2936. Pickering. 7.99% Furst Mortgages, new purchases, renewals, and consolidations. In home. personal, confidential service. 7 days week. 2nd Mortgages at oortlpet eve rates. Phone (416) 725 8123. (052292) MORTGAGES and bans, 90 % financing. down payment also arranged. Any amount available. Call Doug or Ruck 668-6805, Community Financial Services. EXPERIENCED DECORATOR REQUIRED Owner of Interior decorating business looking for experienced decorator to take over business In the Pickering area, small start up Investment required for the right person. Inquiries 666.5574 MOTION PICTURE ESTAB41SHED JESUS Me "" es the blind loi0 dtblltd7 Does your rldrllster $150,000 buys 112 equity of rant glosses? The Mining is a low budget motion picture DRUG the hind minister, Micah 3:11, 10 share limn;;, thoughts. li;, and STOREIPHARMACY lo " ,'i'Sp. 1-: ellwan 19:15. �, Campbell.1.706.953-9476. Serious principles only ,LOCATION (TFALL) MOTION PICTURE 670 Personals INVESTMENTS $150,000 buys 112 equity of BIRTH control and ramly plan- a low budget motion picture ringg counselling. Free and OD"1id°rta1, available Malay with a realistic grossing 10 share limn;;, thoughts. li;, and potential of $10 million +, to Friday, 830 a.m. to 430 p.m. Clinic in Oshawa, Tuesday, 1 to Serious principles only 3 p.m., and Wednesday 1 to 6 416-$61-9043 P.M. Pickering Thurs. 390 p.m. OSHAWA to 6 p.m. For further information HAIRDRESSING salon in the Call Oshawa 433 -SWI or Pick. Aiax plaza. AS you do Is pay axing 420-8781. (TF) rentl Other uses possible. Cal ADD A little spice...B.C. college 683-6060, ask for Tony. roommates - Cindy. Lisa• Diane !051992) and Jennifer have exciting per- EXTRA income. operate from sonal photos of themsekves for sale. For discreet information. home. Several areas available. Call 286-2150 for further write to Cindy Price, Box 670- information. (051992) RD. Kelowna. B.C.. V1Y 7P4. Adults only pbasel. (060492) DISTRESS Centre - Need Someone to talk to? Call us AVAILABLE1 anytime, 433.1121, 427-5839. CONTACT 675 companions LANDLORD AT FILE #4080 ACTIVE single 90's • oman, ser. OSHAWA THIS ly 3C's seeks warm down to earth man for lasting friendship WEEK 10 share limn;;, thoughts. li;, and honesty. No bars, no games. P.O. BOX 481 lust the simple things in lite. Reply to: File 64078, Oshawa OSHAWA Whitby This Week. P.O. Box 481, Oshawa. LIH 7L5. (051592) L1 H 71.5 ATTENTION Singles - carefully selected introduction to unat- tached people krokng for a loci CALL CLASSIFIED farm relationship. Confidential. 578-9335 Free information package. Datescan. 7232022 (10 a. m. - 8 7987672 P.m.) (TF) � s Air SI LO'R ClklTl Discounts S Sery ices RESIDENTIAL WINDOW CLEANING SERVICES Exterior from $200° interior prices on request "Senior Citizens 2C% Discount" Satisfaction Guaranteed 686-5566 Whyte Glove Cleaning Service "HIRE YOUR OWN PRIVATE CLEANING TEAM 261-9354 r"R14 & W FREE SENIORS' CARD 222 GAYLY ST. W., AJAX 686-2133 Breakthrough in Denture Materials A sew peftasne - soh reNse Inswilal Om y1u exua comded, enceNeet It and I , heft for year upper and Iwai • Elininaft Pok" IwlekMr stoat whits d0• • Proven very slteeesdul in Gtlrnwty and all over Europe, Jalpan, Engliend and Nt7rth America. We accep SN ISM --tr Flee Flioncin ig pglkw/ r:oltsuaaaon Avaihble DENTURE TFIERAPY CLINIC WALTER J. WIMMER, D.T. ® Plickodne Town Centre 420-0020 Toll Free 1-800-661-5020 Seniors get grant for insulin A new grant is available for seniors through the Assistive Devices Program, Ontario Ministry of Health. Seniors who are diabetic and require daily insulin injections are able to receive iuper Centre �Dentlffice 1792 Liverpool Rd., Pickering • Open six days pet Week ociuding evenings and Saturday • New patients Welcome • will accept your insurance on assignment • Denture program, tab included FUD or FLO 299 PUD or PLD 399 Please call 420-M rilnnr% At 71C i V v a v a.0 NO G.S.T. FOR . SENIORS Hours: Mon. - wed. 9 stn - 7 p.m. Thum - FrL: 9 LM - 9 p.tn Saturday 8:30 - s pm Sunday 10 a.m. - 5 p.r L 120 HARWOOD AVE. 619-0228 $125 per year to cover approximately 759 of the cost of needles and syringes. Anyone over the age of 65 and who is covered by the Ontario Health Insurance Plan can apply. Just call the Assistive Devices Program weekdays during business hours to obtain the application form, Insulin Syringes for Seniors Program. The Toronto number is 327- 8804; or toll-free, 1-800-268- 6021 (1-800-268-6023 for those who use a telephone device for the deaf). LetCyMCAREHelp A little extra help goes a long way in keeping you where you want to be ... Home. Our staff provides personal care, light housekeeping, meal preparation and skilled nursing to make things %T easier for you. CYMCARE 571m3501 ;. r*fsitalMalll1f1i1A1r Tltia t#t1►wk fRTR.QtZ�►1 .Ntrnithineai Drseen.as aa! Ire fYMt aGuaahr fC.t,r.G.. 1PAGE 22 -THE HERS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, MAY IS, IM Business Gardening, Gardening, Services Landscaping Landscaping FIWeil / biNlgual seaan" tranatalor looking br part time position (2.3 days per wel in WhitbyrOshawa area. Tatsplhaia. 43431132. (052192) Housecleaning HONEST hardworking reliable person with 15 years eWwo . do housework by the day. Every other Thursday, available. Rale $45-M. Phone after 6 p.m anytime weekends or WW40 message. 576d367. Flooring, Carpeting LLOYD'S TILE ABLE CONTRACTORS • TREES CUT OR TRIMMED • LAWN SERVICE • FENCE/DECKS • INTERLOCKING STONE 839-1584 s. r Ir"noat and Landscape - Home interlocking brick. wake. patios and driveways. retaining wan Improvements system, pressure treated lancing, sodding and tree ford Vdl. Free estimates. Quality, work. 721-9290 or 436-5957. GARDNER'S Top Soil . triple mix garden Soil. Delivered, 539.00 per yard. x55 for two etc. Quality Tile and Cement add $6. Qer yard for Barden soil' work 25 yrs. experience. sand. grave. shavings. Con- n Iracting also. Phare 619.1439. W01 do small and large jobs Nanny Services DOUG'S WALL i CEILING SYSTEMS y w a I I, WavMcotrrg, ming, Suspended CA&M oustic Tile, Custom Nving, specializing In amard Renofinto la. 427.1281 Home Home knPromne►Is knprnlrements VAZ GENERAL = CONTRACTING Ste u T. asmm Monies, additions 6 roofing. ICsf:NsrM 3 bathrooms, widows - Watwpmd ft - basement, xdramie tate 6 hardwood fgore -15 yrs. up. For free estimates call 683.5818 am bona iferprovfir" jptw l Quality work means Professional results. Day to Aay on the lob untd complete $eele 6 -11" tame • litrxs Reasonable Rates N I- V1411111111 911111'eva •EST111 I6 FM - LEAKING TUBS i SHOWER STALLS Repaired & renovated. Wan a floor tiles supplied a installed. ll Visa B B B. LOYIEST PRCESI Free astmaies Can Bill P rogro"ve Tile 420-1689 DAVMIS PROPERTY YAWTENANCE Spring �. LawnTree Trimm g Garden Wail 427-8796 , 100 a 200 amp Upgrades. Rea - rates. Free s. Lic. *E670. NO G.S.T CARDINAL CONTRACTING Licensed ��l man 20 yrs. experience All Home Renovabons LOWEST PRICESI FREE ESTIMATES John 520.4379 Free Estimate 668-8489 JOURNEYMAN electrician, specializing ., service G,ar,ge6. rile v �imani oparial Finimprdas RENOVATIONS CERAVIC TILE - PAINTING DRYWALL Call Lloyd &1428-6039 GINI HELPERS - well rewiring. additions and A}ax 6863376 son team. Well experienced, SKYLIGHTS - CONCRETE CARPET installalons - free referenced Nanny's from Quebec. Summer and year round renovations. All work 9uara,,,oill freeesteralss Cas SABER Contracting . all Basements, decks, cabinets, painting 8 doors. decks. fences and trim. estimates, restrelching a specialty Reasonable raise. Plac4•Trwrits. Low' faders tee and a schedule b tuft your 424 ) 6320. (TF carpentry. additions. ren decorating. For estimate In 9907. ;052192) 967.1799 or 987-1800. D & N needs 1-519-925.5333. Pa ovat 10ns, kitchens. bathrooms, hone mantenance Durham Region cal Don DESIGNED and finished Duncan. (TFWFS) (051) Plumbing emergency service, furniture RENOVATIONS Cabinetry. ,ef ni h It 1 a t kitchens kitchen cupboards 710 Births 71 0 Births •.� • ITS A BOY! Colley - Brian and Lori are • thrilled to announce the s I W.Qua Ity work guaranteedd . 15 years nd t 668-8489 basements. washrooms, experience. 6862915. (TFEFG) additions custom bud homes. QUALITY work by father and Carew Co 432-6865. (052592) A���ryo' i m fireplaceshard son team. Well experienced, HOME improvements and repairs. Works with brie working, renovations. repairs. Basements, add-ons. blocks and storm of an kinds additions• decks. atcall us for doors. decks. fences and trim. =r« «how«. workmorehp afree «turtle. 571-1263. Bin or Al Streeter wood WOrnung. 436 - guaranteed Call Rene Cwval Rod. Oshawa. (051992 9907. ;052192) 6664x28 (TF) EUROPEAN We tpecalets -win Pa COMPLETE Renovtlrons andy renovate our bathroom or DESIGNED and finished fell additions. baserriems. kRchen wast as wed as floor basements. bathrooms, addi- to n nd _ o s a seco s of" S. birth of their son, Dennis bathrooms. kitchens, with til«. 20 rears emenenas. Good decks. wry, piur'dn9. anti Tax. Financial ceramics. Pkity". electrical, references and sat,sfct.on Brian on May 1 O, at 1 rad p.m., weighing Directory }wmmg. Free «t.rall Can guaranteed For free «Iimad«- �� (01249 Leaver tl 6 lbs., 3 025. Proud Grandparents Gloria E,aer,e. 432-2150 (052492! D. Dykstra 725.913 ('F) Farren and Matt and Barb Colley. Thanks to everyone at Markham, Stouffville Hospital. 630 Registrations 630 Registrations ST. PAUL'S CHILD CARE CENTRE IS NOW ACCEPTING REGISTRATION For. Nursery School, September 1992 and Summer Fun Camp 1992 Induding new Summer School Age Program. Ages 18 months - 9 years. Limited space Available. cat 839-2501 fa more details CO�! WOR3HIP� AI1111111IMM PRESBYTERUN CHURM 1820 WAi1es PA N. "The Farah CMlrah" 'tBORSFtP 11. 0 AAL 839.1383 Pickering Standard Church - rAeollo") Snook PA and Hwy. 47 Sunder: Staf* sldlool 10:15 '111111figislil 11 LXL end 7 PJw Wed. 7:30: Adult Bbe Study and ChrWia Lw Club tar children awe • teems BAPTIST CHURCH Mfl,t>1i�a at AppieaoftNblit Sdwd 5b Cafes //�wvee 9" Fiat of LOEB Paw) MORNING WIDIGHIP: 1090aJa Rev. *M Refile - Paseo 0&17A Dunbrton-Falrport Uftd C1%ft 10M Otlydwloa Rd• ftko q 839-7271 was* & mud somm NEED MONEY YESTERDAY? Call Ill Mort,glaggir Corporation today. (416-502-8800) 710 Blrths IrS A BOY William and Barbara Cooper are proud to announce the birth of their son Zachery William Cooper on May 6, 1992, at 3:17 a.m. Weighing 4 lbs. 7 ozs. Proud sister Shanyne is looking forward to welcoming her new brother home. Pkl`"30da�i St. N, Nui�ll.al 034M Rrw Howled Zurbrin P111111411111 spell Wonilllp i Swdw School 100 am. PRESBYTERIAN 35 CHURCH ST. N. PICKEANG VILLAGE REV. JAIES BIGGS WORSHIP i CHURCH SCHOOL 1111-00AX TO ADVERTISE YOUR CHURCH'S SERVICES OR SPECIAL EVENTS PLEASE CALL JANICE a aeeee4s-s:sii%fa�' e�1lfi�u- r PROFESSIONAL WOM windows, dooni, polo dools, derdis, lens, beserl 1s, res rooms, 571- 3f8 JACK OF ALL TRADES Wilt build decks, fencing, rec rooms b washrooms. P"nj, Decornting Room at a *m painting. Designed wybodys � .. Loth rates. Workmanship Guaranteed. Cal Mike at X128-6190 All Work Guaranteed. 579-4940 prices. kit all PAINTING and deofxasng, 20% ell somas. Baan and sufNckxr. Ceri_cr /D t ekp.ri.nc.. call 404 d exterio Interior and exterior . M 9s". ro519M repairs, renovations and � wl construction. Fast and Clean work house ms lows ra No job's'too small. Quality wwk-m aho guaranteed. Call CRAIG 6*1913 43D-2595 enlffilin . (TF) Moving, Pa rory Services MOVING? We will move anytA anywhere, anytime. Me trucks for all type. of mo Best rates, free .pima tff%discount for seniors. S40'hr. & up Call 571-0755 MAGICIAN, clown, friends. Ready to entertain for any age, any occasslon. Birthdays, promotions, openings, tundraeers. Magic shows We fool Leeuce Hal. 8347057 or 728.8334. (TF) RABBIT wants work doing magic for children's parties and all occasions, have my own magician. Call Ernie. 6681932. AJAX Moving Systems - tug services. moves, appliance and Window Cleaning piano specialists, flat rate of hourly. We now have heated _ storage units. Now offering tree boxes with move. Call 427. 0005. (TF I MEN with large truck will do household mow, residential, cornmorcal. All types or moves. Call Carl or Jane, 427-2856. TWO men with trucks 'THE MOVERS- well do all types of moves. very CDffgWeNe, gra• us a cal Pete- 5769533. (T71 Window Cleaning swvkss Exterior from 520.00 Intenor Prices on request Senor Citizens 20% discount. Satisfaction gguaranteed 886-5566 11 min I I From Our Family to Yours... Best in Quality, Service & SelectionI'll �1 Lean • r• L J • 14137�r St cow 451 Skncee SL S. C Tawwnif yai calfs- toes Oari/r !t E PktiY� PA ,N wseaiq as t► a tACaebIM (lir" M 00la•eeN nAxis.." 57,.,41& 434 5�o"° "1.7961 427.9"0 sN.tlta Wrltna Tee. ►e. Il « Tw.a e+, wee. lie y1aw-wee. t.7 mews 2 Wed. ti Tkwx. a Fel. sa Tsea.s. wee. H nkiirw a FrL N Thwe, A Fri. ai ppi, allaetM T _ Thurs. a4S, Fru ►7 all a a, sw 64 nes aFit .7 aeL sa aw flit trees s4i era M4 nal laaw V l2 err nor, • • r • • • •'• • • . f n 4 . • .. w . a . r 1 • • f . w I'f.It►4.O'•FM. C.� at a s I i -f r \ l . a . a .. • ♦ r . .TYB,ADYF�i'iSii4PliDyk�f i1MY44 1!!m►rACr623 W A■ All -i W r i= I —i a A. IF YOU WANT GOOD'DEALSI .w -k;' $OMETHING WITH, A* rHEELS THEN L BECOMELIENT OFJDJ I Ll ILl ti\• An ;, NOWT •. ,BRAND NEW1 1992 COLT 100E • • 1992 LEBARON _ StI s CT7634 ncI s cy 5 sod .cloth buckets a to . pcwe• steer n cowe• steering e'ect• c -- - ' _ «. :�..• ��' orale r g • ,r :e`reste . power brakes plus ^uCh more $7118799** ONLYs13916' PER MONTH OR SALE ' _- es. of — c oowe _ - _ AM FM cass ,cc :._ . r»ed ;:ass Ierroster. an :a; 'oWing rear seat, tIf cr.:se 3 Tc a14,399°°" ONL�30a«' PER MONTH OR SAIF BRAND NEWS RAND N 1992 VOYAGER^ 1992 SUNDANCE Snc r'5 3 1��� SN •x'3'9 int 3 : L. V6. auto. trans.. 7 Incint .:, a..lc r. ars we, – oass seating. air bag. power – stee-^^ ` steering. powe• brakes. = S defroste! air ccr•c . oAMFM defroster. rear vi de'" stereo, delay w per5. Moor "rats w Pers. dual mirrors. AMFM dual horns, side r^o„ oings a stereo. door and much more. s �>H 5pkr system. light pig . more k oNL#314"' PER MONTH OR SALE 1 4,995 a�#199"• PER MONTH OR SAL �g, 999°° 1991 CHEROKEE LTD. BRAND NOW 1991 SHADOW CONVERTIBLE 1992 ACCLAIM , Incl Dae cordovan pearl coat. leather bucks sears. • • a■� trailer 2 Aub. M6. 7 pm. sk CWW-. Inc: ; 5 L engine, auto. powe, steering. pcwe• brakes _ a r cond . tilt. cruise. AM FM sass . cloth seats, power m r•ors. defroster, clock remote. trunk more 'lease 247'' _ 111 99500" erpn pawn 6 -way seat. - AAWFM stereo Cass quick PER MONTH OR SAL _- es. of — c oowe _ - _ AM FM cass ,cc :._ . r»ed ;:ass Ierroster. an :a; 'oWing rear seat, tIf cr.:se 3 Tc a14,399°°" ONL�30a«' PER MONTH OR SAIF BRAND NEWS RAND N 1992 VOYAGER^ 1992 SUNDANCE Snc r'5 3 1��� SN •x'3'9 int 3 : L. V6. auto. trans.. 7 Incint .:, a..lc r. ars we, – oass seating. air bag. power – stee-^^ ` steering. powe• brakes. = S defroste! air ccr•c . oAMFM defroster. rear vi de'" stereo, delay w per5. Moor "rats w Pers. dual mirrors. AMFM dual horns, side r^o„ oings a stereo. door and much more. s �>H 5pkr system. light pig . more k oNL#314"' PER MONTH OR SALE 1 4,995 a�#199"• PER MONTH OR SAL �g, 999°° 1991 CHEROKEE LTD. 1990 GRAND VOYAGER SE 1991 SHADOW CONVERTIBLE 1991 DYNASTY Incl Dae cordovan pearl coat. leather bucks sears. • • a■� trailer 2 Aub. M6. 7 pm. sk CWW-. ,nCl Ead blue tl•ar Loaf dors vmyt buckets drive Ind Bright wrav ]ear ,mat clolt+ and —' 5C'SC bent* prdeaar pkg pkg ank loci brakes. a spd p.t, tp.b.. rear caper- na side air bag 5 spd man trans 2 5 L turbo EF1 seat a sod a ,to trans J 3 40 auto tram K 16 EFl king, �•olr. Ytbd glare• t � A "me manual air Iondows front drs vented _ 1 oonv ntanal spar• ire. rues "....� taww. L.320 arl•a. �— of tadmY wwla" . -- erpn pawn 6 -way seat. - AAWFM stereo Cass quick cord add to AAL FM ;ass $385 erect defroster. tweed P2n75R15 Eagle FT' .4. �FU � � . •raiella SIL i"MIA. oder pkg 25J. add to I ' w astdm upas p p d l _ glass Cua m rrors SIN eJP35J0 — rS OWL radials SM •P353a PRICED p m ult, cruse, alum a ■ora I o••1■. belwy __ wfrek 9k •P1 52'6 SALESALE ONLY 332"0 PER MONS+ SALE ONLY r -- 4aar ibiiaw saint. — PRICED TO SELL R MONTH 1 OW D-250 POWER RAM 1989 GpJkND CARAVAN 36 19M NEW 1988 DOWN D100 PI CKUP PICKUP 4X4 YORKER LANDAU LOADED SIL OT7T7M rd M1, M0. 9k T7aQA Y•+M0. pa. ak 7 onn '�_ p sr IMAIii M: alb pa p0. aa» PAJ., d* web '.. f .Y $a /T75s4k If alla. p a .0.0.. pb.• p �J., lF r Mom peri" 2 IoM ■� ,: amd.. Iles am 01111110. AWRI ria iM1.iMo. ntat1r10owA0. R alrio0. nor w4 w. dalromm.aaft ahoYrlw t•Aaar, air cant. ltawm.ab>yst00o i . -- -- .. — - _,.�!" . 0. ■iron 111 011111111106 WAS #A*W Mwaallopmu& - AIYfM 'aria, p. era a ■ora. lalantw hKbry 3t .i ...' : ` �■► – , - �,.._- ao., p,., dol waft, boa iw. M• a■pr. AMfM ' PM lawlan, cup" a a ■ora I o••1■. belwy __ .. Ow oowe. 1 maw. taalMea `— I alma. r -- 4aar ibiiaw saint. — PRICED TO SELL PRICED TO SELL I� JIODM1a PRICED TO SELL PRICED TO SELL BILL GREG TED TED HAZEN JIM KERRY LEONARD PAUL DWAYNE DONNA WI__pQp�bN LLIAMSON MCKECHNIE WILLIAMSON JR. WILLIAMSON HARDING MCELROY PICKARD WOODCOCK GROSERT PCKARD PICKARD Aa�ENN C� Ail o .Vq rJGr Iwr .•-7 •r•rwpyr• L.e.S•E■ SEARS PICKERING TOWN CENTREONE DAY , itil I ].A sill]iI MAY SATURDAY, Plus Everyday Good Values MANY ONE -OF -A -KINDS, FLOOR MODELS, DEMONSTRATORS, SOILED, SLIGHTLY DAMAGED AND RECONDITIONED MERCHANDISE AT CLEARANCE PRICES! HURRY IN! CONTEMPORARY LIVING ROOM FURNITURE, BLUE ON WHITE STRIPING 10 ONLY SOFA 10 ONLY LOVE SEAT 399 99349#5088299 Ea. Ea. #50881 10 ONLY CHAIR 2 99 Ea. 99t:50883 4 ONLY SOFA BED $447#48106 a. LEATHER LOOK FURNITURE IN BLACK OR PARCHMENT SOFA LOVE SEAT ?A99999 Reg. 449.99 Reg. 399.99 Ea. #50411 189Ea. #50412 8 Black6 Parchment ' -- Black'8 Parchment CHAIR OTTOMAN 2 999 99 Reg. 249.99 Reg. 99.9729 Ea. #50414 12 B4ack/12 Parchment 11 Parchment only Reg prces'rom our 1991 Sears $pedal Eddon C42ak" Pg_ 76 10 ONLY. ROCKER RECLINERS $!99 Reg. 279.35 Each #41412 Reg. price from our incl c^rs;mas N's^ Boo+ Fg 9. OUTSTANDING! SWIVEL ROCKER Each #43180 $99 8 only • MODERN LOOK FURNITURE IN WOVEN JACQUARD 13 ONLY SOFA 8 ONLY LOVE SEAT 379 Reg 879 99 Reg 8'9 99 Ea Ea. 9932999 #50861 #50862 6 ONLY CHAIR 2 ONLY SOFA BED 8 9999 Ea g 569 99 Reg 1'29 99 Ea 9,186 503 549,50867 Pn9. prces'•om our 1991 Sears Fal Sale Ca!a cgue Pg 54 CONTEMPORARY FURNITURE IN PARCHMENT COLOR 10 ONLY SOFA 2 99 Reg. 599.99 49Ea. »51111 3 ONLY CHAIR 9 99 Reg. 399 99 9 Ea. #51113 a 5 ONLY LOVE SEAT 9 99 Reg. 549.99 9Ea »51112 3 ONLY OTTOMAN 2 9 99 Reg. 169.99 Ea. #51114 . r • �. 1 400i6 OFF DISCONTINUED 4096 OFF DISCONTINUED 1 ONLY. RECONDITIONED 16" 259'o OFF. DISCONTINUED 1 ONLY. MEN'S 11 -PC. RIGHT- j ` FLOATATION DEVICES. GAS BARBECUES. GAS CHAINSAW. #41526. ELECTRIC TRIMMER. HAND 'PROSONIC` GOLF REG. 31.94-41.99. REG. 199.99-419.77. IF NEW SEARS REG. 370.01. SEARS REG. 21.40-99.99. CLUBS. #31185. REG. 499.99. EA...........................19.16-25.19 EACH .................. ONLY .............................. 209.99 EACH ..................... 15.99-74.99 EACH .............................. 299.99 :- $150 OFF 12X9' CABIN TENT. 1 ONLY. T' ELECTRIC STRING 2 ONLY. RECONDITIONED 15" 25%1 OFF. GRASS SEED. ONLY. WOMEN'S 11 -PC. 075494. 10 ONLY. REG. TRIMMER. #51500. IF NEW GAS WEEDWACKER. #51415. ASS ASSORTED. SEARS REG. RIGHT-HAND'AUGUSTA' 398.99. EA. •••..•••••248.99 SEARS REG. 21.40. IF NEW SEARS REG. 169.99. 3.49-25.99. EACH GOLF CLUBS. #31511.. .., $30 OFF DINING SHELTER. ONLY.................................12.84 EACH .............................. ....2.59-19.49 REG. 599.99. EACH....... 399.99 #75269.2 ONLY. REG. 79.99. 1 ONLY. GAS BLOWER. 1 ONLY. 18" SIDE DISCHARGE $5 OFF WATER WEEPER TM 2 ONLY. MEN'S 7 -PC. RIGHT- IGHT EA EA....................................49.99 #51520. IF NEW SEARS ELECTRIC LAWNMOWER. HOSE. #50942. SEARS REG. HAND GOLF SET. #31519. $30 OFF 8X1 0' FAMILY TENT. REG. 223.34. NOW............5134 IF NEW SEARS REG. 289.99. 16.99. EACH....................11.99 REG. 159.99. EACH....... 109.99 ` #75501.4 ONLY. REG. 169.99. 1 ONLY. RECONDITIONED 10"50% EACH..............................173.99 OFF DISCONTINUED $5 OFF. PLAYSKOOLTM SANDBOX. #25103. 1 EA ................ •'• ..............1n•% ELECTRIC WEEDWACKER. 1 ONLY. 1T' REAR BAG ELECTRIC LAWNMOWER. RAKES, SHOVELS, PRUNERS. REG. 9.51-42.99. REG. 29.99. EACH ...........24.99 6 ONLY. MEN'S 21" G. 259. RACER. #27960. REG. 259.99. #51505. IF NEW SEARS REG. 47.73. NOW.............28.63 IF NEW SEARS REG. 317.57. EACH.......................4.75-21.49 $10 OFF. WHEELBARROW. EACH EACH..............................190.54 #50280. SEARS REG. 69.99. ..............................119.99 1 ONLY. DEMO 10" ELECTRIC 5096 OFF JACUZZI' 3/4 -HP $40 OFF CRAFTSMAN' . • EACH...............................59.99 ' . 1 ONLY. FLOOR MODEL WEEDWACKER. #51505.:SAND FILTER. 3 ONLY. ELECTRIC BLOWER. #51624. 1 ONLY. CRAFTSMAN' 2400 'PRIME -TIME' 7 -PC. PATIO 'IF NEW SEARS REG. 47.73. .'SEARS REG. 549.99. SEARS REG. 119.99. WATT GENERATOR. IF NEW ._ SET. #98591. IF NEW SEARS -NOW..................................28.63EACH ........................... ...274.98 EACH ............................... 79,99 SEARS REG. 1041.99. REG. 1249.99. SET........ 999.99 _. 1 ONLY. RECONDITIONED 22" . 50% OFF POOL 3 ONLY. MEN'S 11 -PC. RIGHT NOW...............................899.99 R 3 ONLY. MEN'S 21" RACING WEEDWACKER. #51138. ACCESSORIES. LIMITED HAND GOLF CLUB SET 40% OFF. DISCONTINUED _ BIKE. #27968. REG. 299.99. IF NEW SEARS REG. 80.08. QUANTITIES. SEARS REG. :#31189. SEARS REG. 399.99. PATIO CUSHIONS. SELECTED 'EACH.............................149.99 ONLY ................................. 48.04 4.9 9-49.99. EACH.... 2.49-24.99 EACH ............................. 249.99 STYLES AND COLORS. R: 1 ONLY FLOOR MODEL. 'DESERT 1 ONLY. RECONDITIONED 20" $30 OFF PORTABLE 2 ONLY. MEN'S 11 -PC. RIGHT- COLEMAN' COOLER BONUS PACK INCLUDES ONE 32-L� SANG' 7 -PC. PATIO CHAINSAW. #41920. IF NEW PROPANE GAS OUTDOOR HAND AUGUSTA GOLF CLUB COOLER, ONE 7.5-L COOLER, - SET. IF NEW SEARS REG. SEARS REG. 569.99. GRILL. #39817. SEARS REG. SETS. #31509. REG. 599.99. ONE 2-L JUG, TWO CAN 699.99. SET...... 549.99 ONLY ................. 341.99 69.99. EACH....... 39.99 EACH ................ ..399.99 HOLDERS.ONLY............. 29.99 SALE PRICES ARE IN EFFECT SATURDAY, MAY 16, 1992, UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED, WHILE QUANTITIES LAST. Reg. prices shown are •i _ r- Prices do not include home delivery charges. Sears prices. For details, please inquire at your nearest Sears store. Copyright Canada 1992. - OIL your money's worth... and more ;+ Sears Pickering Town Centre'Only Phone 4204000. We're open Mon. -Fri. 10.00 a.m.-9:00 p.m., Sat. 9:30 a.m.-6:00 D.M. . r OIL your money's worth... and more ;+ Sears Pickering Town Centre'Only Phone 4204000. We're open Mon. -Fri. 10.00 a.m.-9:00 p.m., Sat. 9:30 a.m.-6:00 D.M.