HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA1992_05_03O8�. T041?1 CENM ONLY THE VERY BESTI %'SO DIAPER - DERBY MW 7-" Pickering Edition 1 8 D VEATISER I'M GOLF SEASONI WW*Aay MI 1b " kl� from $1100 per year Full Seemn 7 days fmm $500 per year 683-3210 Annn Is CountryClub ri P.O. Bots 91 AJAX LIS 3C2 Sunday, May 3, 1992 28 pages A Metrok ind Cormnunity Newspaper Pressrun 37,000 510 + 40 GST = 55cents Vol. 111 No, 18 T Durham Save -a -Heart can teach you how to save a life. Car- diopulmonary resuscitation cours- es are being offered during May and June in the Durham Save -a - Heart Whitby office at 1450 Hop- kins SL. north of Hwy. 2. The basic rescuer course costs S48 and Lists 12 hours; recertification of basic rescuer is S33 for six hours; and infant/child CPR S30 for six hours. All prices include GST. A course manual is included in the cost. Advance registration is required. Call 666-0995. Inside the i �:. MPP defends budget Page 7 Master Splashers rule the waves Page 20 • EMIR, R Pickering Town Centre Sales Forecast Flyer Letters................_....................6 Billboard................................1 l Sports...........».............._........20 Classified .............................. �4 Hospi*talexpansi*on to shri*nk?. By JUDI BOBBITT health. The review is expected to be completed "We're absolutely thrilled with the news," Staff Reporter June 15. maintains Mrs. Paterson. "We got everything AJAX-PICKERING - Forty-five acute-care Hospital officials are happy a review is we asked for." beds have been postponed in expansion plans at being conducted and there's a "very good" The bed postponement is part of the min - the Ajax -Pickering General Hospital. chance the 45 beds will be approved, says hos- istry's ongoing revisions to delivery of services The news means the expanded hospital pital director of community relations Tracy in an attempt to cut staggering costs of health might have just 20 more beds than it has now, Paterson. `"They could've said 'no' to the whole care, says Durham West MPP Jim Wiseman. but a review of hospital needs is under way by a damn thing — no approvals, no tenders, you consultant hived by the provincial ministry of can't build. See HEALTH... Page 3 Highbush parents and students fight year-round school By LINDA WHITE Staff Reporter PICKERING - Students forced to attend school during summer months "will be look- ing out the window daydream- ing about playing," a Grade 3 Highbush Public School pupil predicts. About 30 parents and 20 students gathered outside the Stroud's Lane school Wednes- day night in an attempt to "help the indecisive" learn more about the modified school year, says Amber Bryer. The school is one of six identified by the Durham Board of Education as a candi- date in its search for year- round schools. The other five are located in Whitby and Oshawa. Mrs. Bryer believes the board's view of the modified calendar is biased. "It's impor- tant for people to hear the neg- atives because they keep hew- ing all this wonderful stuff," she says. Top among the benefits cited by the board is a more efficient use of schools. It's believed year-round schooling can increase a school's popu- lation by 20 to 50 per cent, thereby meeting the demands of soaring enrolment (ITighbush opened with 525 saxdents three years ago. The population rose to 630 last year and 735 this year and 11 Fn .. is sit on school proper- ty. By 1996, it's estimated the population will increase to 1,024. To accommodate that number, the school would need 22 portables, but is allowed only 17.) The plan also offers fami- lies flexibility, advocates say. Students would receive the same number of instructional days as they do now, but their traditional two-month summer break would be broken into different components. The board has also argued the modified calendar allows for be= retention of learned material and improved atten- dance. But that's not the whole picture, parents and students argue. "My biggest concern is that we could be sacrificing our children's education on a pilot project," says Mrs. Bryer. With two children at High - bush, one in high school, and one at college, she's "not impressed" with the prospect of planning family vacations. John Fletcher is concerned that "traditional sports such as baseball and soccer would be .totally eliminated" for stu- dents attending school in the summer because the town's parks and recreation depart- ment "couldn't adjust for just out scbooL" He's also worried the cal- endar would tante an "apart- ment atmosphere" in the neighborhood because kids See YEAR-ROUND_J%p S Mountain men These three young men will soon be off on an environmental mis- sion to Mount Everest, Nepal. From left are Mike Nye of Ajax, Steve Senkiw of Pickering and John Gain of Pickering. See story on Page 4. photo by Ron Pietroniro ilea ft means rmft -- Adverbs• 1n N=-Fwkwfng News AdtwftW (683-5110) and Osttawo-WMby Tats Week (579-"=.114,000 pressrun every Sunday ,,,M .. .. ,,yy1l,',♦h1•�♦�.-���•'7 '1 '7 '7 7', 1-. ��,.1 •�+, .; .1�s �h Rh �f��ti�•sti�n'�`Y'7W'Ch1•s't1'l^�1�1\-�9.'tit'Vr'tRr![�•f�•��.�.•.•.�At�a7..t.�.v.�4.,.i.•.P., .�.�., .�.. �..!:'!'a�� a . _. -� r 1 - PAGE 2 -THE NEWSADVERT1SER SUNDAY, MAY 3,1"2 .,w .. P R I N G SPECIAL EXPIRES MAY 9/92 PLUS TAXES MOST GM VEHICLES �,L'I�� DON'T GET CAUGHT SINGING THE BLUES GET A ni PBMm ghts • Lice Legh Lights • OIL LEAKS . Hazard Ligt,% • Back-up Lights • Engine - Transmission • Transfer Case • Differential • GENERAL • BRAKES - Horn Operation • Tire Condition • Right Front • Right • Front Linings • Rear Linings • Rotors • Drums • Rear • Leh Front • Left Rear • Battery Terminals & Cables - Fkad Leaks ' Wheel Bearings Cables • Fuei Tank Leaks - Universal. Ball & CV • STEERING Jan% SeakS Fluid Leaks • Linkage • Front Shocks • Rear Shocks • Spnngs •. -EXHAUST Aim • MOW • Rpes • Brackets • Leaks UNDER HOOD • Radiator • Rad Hoses • Heater Hoses • Leaks • FLUID LEVELS • Engine Cal • Trans. Fkad • Arm -freeze • Brake Flwd Power Steering $ 95 • WIPER SYSTEM • Blades • Wesfrer system • Motor Operation • Wiper Linkage ENGINE PLUS TAXES • Stertirg •Idle Speed • Running Condition MOST GM ELECTRICAL MISCELLANEOUS VEHICLES • Head Lights • SqW Lghts • P"ng L ghs • Ta EXPIRES MAY 9192 9 Is • JECtAw ON 7 PantlaC Nlielt a GMC Thin" G" Era" Pond" Oukk GMC Tnyeks _'� Nlehoh Cowan Poofte 11 Ak* Nwao ChaaONt GM 011tar10 MoAb S'dm Lid. 1201 Dundas St E, wfAW WIls POntis� 166 KWQ SL E, BWmmnftCadMee : ` �nCe CadOw 14o wd st w, onI�AA ear st w,Ajit lkdk GMC TrtAeks 63-416-' Ndit Ponlise 436.7441 725-6801 _,AU 4ZT-2900 an �cl.� s� w, oew... (Al Pnk p+•f 1100 wow Rd,, pkw" (1 wdb E of PTC) MOdt w. I OM $AT. Ski NO AP". NECESSARY or�1 sAT. a AJL-:'JAL 436-1500 683-9333 (1 of Hrwood A�w;) 663-6561 JECtAw ON 7 PantlaC Nlielt a GMC Thin" G" Era" Pond" Oukk GMC Tnyeks _'� Nlehoh Cowan Poofte 11 Ak* Nwao ChaaONt GM 715 Rd, PfdlAtltq 1201 Dundas St E, wfAW -mole Lid. 166 KWQ SL E, BWmmnftCadMee N • (of i Wjw Rd.) w,wlAr 8684=8 668-8871 �.a 2 s 63-416-' udS,6864MO whiff 831-2693 , rag la 7 A6& - i� 438-2222 :6Z3-3396 668-4044 ,1. 6664"" I OM SAT. a AJL-2 RM. NM. 7 AAA. - i PAL a/01 MT. 0 AAL -1 PJL - O/NN T 0 ,Teenager. says'! Pickering is discriminating against youths PICKERING - The town is jfnsulting" its youth by refusing To rent out a hall for a teenage dance, a young man claims. Howard Mann of Brougham told council's executive commit- tee Monday the town is discrimi- nating against him because of his age - Mr. Mann said he's been unsuccessful in attempts to rent a hall where his band can perform for high school students. Town staff told him there's a policy against renting to people in his age group, he added. Mr. Mann did not reveal his age but pointed out he's old enough to vote. A member of his band had *2�*nted a Brougham hall for a per- 11111ifutance last year and the event went well, he continued, adding there's very little entertainment offered for adolescents. But director of community ser- vices and facilities Tom Quinn says the town does not have any policy against renting facilities to young people. Local community halls are too small to accommodate a live band, says Mr. Quinn, pointing out simi- lar events have caused problems in the past because they were staged in "the wrong building". Mr. Mann is welcome to use space at the Pickering Recreation Complex if he's willing to pay the rental fee and hire the required security guards, Mr. Quinn adds. "If he wants to pay it, he can rent it. If he doesn't want to pay it, he can go someplace else." Everyone renting town facili- ties, regardless of age, must com- ply with regulations, says Mr. Quinn, who claims Mr. Marin did not call him to discuss his con- cerns. Councillor Rick Johnson, meanwhile, told Mr. Mann politi- cians would review rental policy with staff. ' OPEN ' K WART (AJAJUPICtC) 'A&' (A"KK) LOBLAWS (IUAXIPIM) 'CANADIAN TIRE MM) * LOEB FM) FOR T, ' DMOVEAY BAY RiAINACY(I A BUSINESS DOMNION (MAXPICK.) ROSEBAW VII A (IUAXIPCK) The Brew Shop ' SAWA-CENTRE (PICK) ' F.itt WMDOWS (AJAXfM) recently opened ' IG,A (AJAX,PIM) their doors at 1211 Kingston M � ` Rd. in Pickering. The shop ofters a wide variety of brews b choose from. Pictured left is Ed Burke, the owner, and manager Rob Anderson. Tem Nil M ADYQI'!BQ SUNDAY MAY 3, IMMCE 9 P DELIVERY SERVICE 'MACH FOR THESE NSEKTS &FLYERS COMM TO YOUR DOOR WrrH YOUR NEWS ADVERTISER CARRIER TODAY AND IN THE DAYS AHEAD SUNDAY, MAY 3,1992 NEWS MVEHrtSBI (IUAX�PICK) ' K WART (AJAJUPICtC) 'A&' (A"KK) LOBLAWS (IUAXIPIM) 'CANADIAN TIRE MM) * LOEB FM) ' CWyAM (P M) MIRACLE FOOD WART (AJAXIPICK.) ' DMOVEAY BAY RiAINACY(I A PICKERING TOWN CENTRE (AJ "ICK) DOMNION (MAXPICK.) ROSEBAW VII A (IUAXIPCK) FOOD CITY (AM ' SAWA-CENTRE (PICK) ' F.itt WMDOWS (AJAXfM) ' SEARS (AIAXJPIM) ' IG,A (AJAX,PIM) 'D go it@d to nbeted househoi s only Aox-Plckerbtq (Z MRI aQ ac7no��QP&aWVPW of RaCyCra • From fencng to fumaces your I satisfaction s guarmteed. Installed Fencing Installed o m %%am it, ilk• nwnt of %our %ard.' l hir mesh t indo%vs w �l or w(xx] fe•tw ing in aead. %t%Ies and heights offer r' I, % nu h. Crux• n•ad\ for you and \our famih ncu nutl�wd..' pmac-� and prourti, l AL •�•�•� ' 44-rN a range of aim 1 t,i aluminum wplarrment uind(ms to help do --�;- just that. tiN . Installed ` Siding , your home p? Installed Roofing Consider our low maintenance, .inNi siding with Whether %our home needs shingle or flat. insulating under -lament to help consenr energy. Sears has a complete range ul' styles aixi colon; with limited warranties up to 3:i \ran. Installed Entry Doors F ; - There's More From Sears Is your door on its last hinges? Sears also sells and arranges Sears will arrange installation of a installation of custom kitchens a crew steel entry door or complete cabinet refacing and bathroom renovations. We entrance system offering you both can also take care of furnaces, cater heaters, and elegance and security. emestrough. Plus, patio and garage doors, atA more. R Sears Guaranteed Home Impmvennents Talk to someone you know „ CALL NOW SEARS CANADA INC. 05HAV4A 725-4322 PKIMRMIG 420.5582 _.'.._ .._•----------------... ---..............._.-.:....... - They're cleaning up the top of the world AJAX-PICKERING - Three young men from the area will soon be off on an adventurous, environmental mission to Mount Everest. The trio is part of a Canadian team of 15 youths who'll hike the mountainous terrain of Everest, visiting small villages along the way where they'll help the local people clean up garbage. "There are third -world condi- tions there, and there are tourists coming into the region bringing disposable goods," explains 21 - year -old Mike Nye of Ajax. "People there don't have any way to deal with it." He, along with Pickering teens Steve Senkiw and John Gaudi, will join other young people from Canada and tie% Zealand on a three-week trek with the organi- zation Youth to Everest. Arriving rn Nepal May 9. they'll venture as high as 18,000 feet on the mountain, hiking about 10 hours a day with knapsacks on their backs. Native Sherpa guides, accustomed to the oxygen - starved air of high altitudes. will cam` heavier gear. They've been cautioned to pay attention to any feelings of illness in high altitudes; one woman on a previous mission died, they say. They've also been told to expect some stomach upsets from the water. Mr. Senkiw says his doc- tor told him, "You're going to feel like you're going to die." It's not likely to be a picnic. During the adventure, they'll sleep in tents or in village huts, dine on local food and will go without hot water, shower facili- ties and electricity. When they hike. they'll do so without the benefit of roads. "It will be really poor (eco- nomically)," predicts Mr. Gaudi, 3n 18 -year-old student at Picker- ing High School. "I think its going to be a real culture shock." In the villages of Lukla, Phakdingma, Jorsale, Monjo and Namche, they'll call on local governments — town elders — to ask what assistance they can give to the environment. "It's not some western solution being forced on them," observes Mr. Student job centre opens on Mon da y AJAX-PICKERING - A local Canada Employment Centre for Stu- dents will open its doors Monday in Pickering. It's expected to be a tough year for students hoping to Find summer work, says centre supervisor Laurie Roman. "They're going to have to get out there and pound the pavement," she says. "They're really going to have to be aggressive. It's going to be a challenging year." Thousands of applications have already been received. The centre offers a referral service to employers free of charge. Employers or homeowners wanting to hire students for full, part-time, temporary work or odd jobs arc invited to call. Students wanting to register at the centre must be enrolled in high school or at a post -secondary school and must have a social insurance number. The centre is at 1400 Bayly St., Unit 1, and will operate Monday to Friday from 8:45 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. Cali 68;-7691. Nye. Their goals include collecting and burying garbage, helping with the building of rubbish pits, and installing solar panels on tourist lodges so urces aren't con- tinually chopped down to pro- vide visitors with hot water. All three are looking forward to the experience. "I'm really interested in cul- ture and linguistics," explains Mr. Gaudi. "It's a good way to get an education. I'm also inter- ested in the environment and this way we can actually do some- thing physically." Mr. Senkiw, also an 18 -year- old student at Pickering High School, is being sponsored on the trip by Reuters news agency. `►ti'ith the career goal of becom- ing a photo journalist, he'll be packing camera gear and intends to present Reuters a slide show when he gets home. He's hoping the news agency might publish some of his photographs. "I'm really interested in it on all levels," he says of his upcom- ing sojourn. "I've always been interested in other cultures." Mr. Nye, a member of the Canadian Armed Forces' reserves, is also eager about the trek. "I like to travel. I've been all over the place with the mili- tary. I'm looking forward to meeting the people. Each of them has had to raise $3,600 for the trip and Mr. Gaudi credits Pickering High School for co-operating with them in fund- raising efforts. College Pro' Exterior Painting -V In Business For Over 20 Years Top Quality Paints Used By Professional Trained Painters 1� 2 Year Written Guarantee Competitive Prices Free Estimates -�/ We Pay G.S.T. on All May Bookings AJAX AND 666 9645. PICKERING CALL 666m9645 e you" old size 14 Happy Mothees Day -Gift Ceffmates Available nutriisystem rA num/size- .0hh, 8 nutri/size your life. Now's the time. For the counseling, the encouragement, the meals, the morale that will help you get down to a healthy new size. All you ,have to do is call. 1 Done Echo, Nurr/Syste A lkechent f CALL FOR YOUR FREE NO OBLIGATION CONSULTATION - AJAX/PMERING WHITBYI0SHAWA180WMANVILLE 1140 It 11Y, ftfnrinp 3d S'nw,- Sl, S, 0-h 4206300 723-5211 Special of%r does not include escki a Nutri system cuisine, diaries, 8 maintenartce } VAd at pwi*minp center. otter e)*u mw 9,1992 N 11 Year- round school under attack 0 FROM PAGE 1 would be attending school at dif- ferent times and wouldn't get to know each other. "How do you tell your child to go to bed at 7:30 in August when their friends are out playing?" a woman asked. Another woman questioned Lk quality of education her chil- dren would be receiving. "They can't provide every grade on every track," she notes. "That would increase the number of split classes." Other residents are concerned the value of their homes would decrease if the calendar is imple- mented because "people would rather move than live in a neigh- borhood where there is no (tradi- tional) summer holiday." And though parents have already been told they can bus their children to another school if they don't want to take part in the pilot project, some don't find that an acceptable alternative. "I moved here to back on to a school," says Heather Fletcher. "It was important to me when I was looking for a house." For students, the plan means the end of summer fun. "I don't like the modified •school year because we plan big vacations in the summer and go away for a month-and-a-half," says Daniel Vila, Grade 6. "I hope it doesn't go through,- admits hrough"admits BJ McNally, Grade 6. "I wouldn't be off with all my friends. I don't know why they couldn't pick another school." "I enjoy going to my trailer in the summer," says Lesley Fletch- er, Grade 3. "I don't want to work." Seventy-five per cent of par- ents at schools being considered to test a modified calendar must approve of the idea if it's to be developed further at that loca- tion. They'll be given a chance to vote May 4 and 5. Ones who didn't vote will be contacted May 6 and will have a chance to vote May 7. Ballots will be counted May 8. PICKERING - St. Isaac Jogues Church, Pickering, will celebrate the 150th anniversary of +the Archdiocese of Toronto with -aa mass today, Sunday, at 2:30 pm. The mass is intended for Catholics in Scarborough and Durham region. Archbishop Aloysius M. Ambrozic will be the principal cekbrant. There are four regional masses during the anniversary year. St. Isaac Jogues Church is at 1148 Finch Ave. For more information on anniversary events, call 977- 1500. - THE i/sws A>D�!!!'l811CR tiNttDAI� MA1r � t'!lbMC]c s P E ER McDonald's®/Global Pizza Lightship Rohl _ _ 1 _ ♦ '_ _ - - — 11 Contest YOU COULD WIN rr PIZZA FOR YOUR CLASS* Contest Begins May 2nd, 1992 Visit McDonald's And Get Your Colouring Sheet `Complete rules and regulations are availabie at participating McDonald's Restaurants AJAX PICKERING 222 Bayly SL 1360 Kk"on Rd. W. 686-2133 83,4.5665 01992 LcDonald's Restaurants of Canada Limited Oalobal Communications Limitoa 1992 E e We're Pampering Join us in the Food Court May 4 - 6 (Monday to Wednesday) as the Pickering Town Centre `pampers" mom from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. with music and flowers ONLY E VERY BEST! the budget line Being in power does strange things to politicians and their par- ties, including administering a real dose of reality. This came across Thursday when Ontario treasurer Floyd Laughren delivered his second budget -- a budget which smells of conservatism, not what you might expect from this group of NDPers. It seems being in power has given the party a somewhat moderated view of how things should be run. Laughren towed the line with this budget, appeasing everyone from the business community to the NDP faithful. He clamped down on government spending, handed out a few tax cuts to corpo- rations, and introduced a training scheme for people on welfare. He even drew a line between the rich and poor and declared that anyone earning more than $53.(X)0 can well afford hefty income tax increases. Spending cuts, according to Laughren, will see the deficit reduced to under $10 billion over the next year. The projected deficit will be $9.9 billion -- still $1.2 billion more than promised last year. Strangely, the NDP is going ahead with its plans for casinos, sports lotteries and off-track Netting. It's said these will help boost tourism, create jobs and deliver much-needed revenue. These plans are in total contradiction to what Premier Bob Rae said a few years ago as leader of the opposition. And, while we may be able to roll the dice on Sundays, forget about shopping. The government has stood firm on its stand against Sunday shopping. Gambling is okay, but shopping -- no way' Strange what being in power will do to a person and their party. Buffet table safety tips The palms of my hands were sweaty. I cursed myself for not studying the night before. There was no one whose shoulder I could peer over to cheat. Yes, I went back to school last week. To be more accurate, school came to me. It was the newsroom's turn to find out about the Workplace Haz- ardous Material Information Sys- tem, WHMIS for short. There we were -- four reporters, the boss and I -- assembled in our makeshift classroom. A TV was our teacher, a videotape our text book. Watching over us was the co- chairman of the News Advertiser's health and safety committee. We like him as a work colleague and as a nice person, but give him a pointer ... okay a VCR remote con- trol clicker... "Pens down until the lesson's over... Don't go on to the next part until we've finished this one ... No. Blake, you can't go for beer and pretzels during the break ... And smoking's not allowed. "Spit out that Nic- orette ... There'll be a test later ... Eyes straight ahead." News editor's notes The eyes began to glaze over at about the time the first commercial should have kicked in. But, there was no commercial, just a test on the first segment of the lesson. Then part two. Then part three. It's a scant few hours later and I've already forgotten most of what we learned. Let's see what I remember... It's probably unwise to swallow gasoline. Battery acid shouldn't be used as an eye rinse. And, if the workplace blows up, head for the hills. Not very relevant information for newsroom types. The closest thing to corrosive chemicals we have at the News Advertiser is the coffee that was made three days ago. We only come near noxious gas when a co-worker buys chili from the deli around the corner. And, the only workplace hazard we face is when the newshounds sniff the food at a freebie opening of a new restaurant and we stam- pede for the buffet table. The WHMIS program could be made more relevant for news types if it taught us about: Paper cuts: their causes and cures. The computer keyboard: Is it your friend or a foe just waiting to trap your fingers between the 'R' and the T'? Heavy lifting: How to avoid it by getting the placement student to install new jugs in the water cool- er. Workplace noise: Polite ways to tell an aggressive ad salesman to "Please he quiet. I'm trying to nap." Freebie free-for-all: How much food is too much, how many trips to the buffet table too many? Keeping employees happy: Don't show them the WHMIS tape. Automation and you: Fast for- warding the WHMIS tape when the supervisor's left the room. Letters � Business using fear tactics to stop reform To the editor, I am writing this letter in response to the letter "Union pres- sure driving NDP's agenda' and other letters that have been print- ed in your paper on the proposed changes to the Labour Law Reform in Ontario. Some of the recommendations in these letters would put labor in Ontario back into the 19th century and other statements are misinforming the public. The business community is very predictable when attacking labor issues. They use "bullying" tactics or use "fear" and "threats" to scare the hell out of citizens when changes are recommended to help the average person to improve his or her lot. Do you remember the threats that were used if we didn't support the "Free Trade Agreement" with the United States and all the jobs that would be saved or created if we did support it. Do you remember the advertising campaign and the millions of dollars business spent to support Mulroney's campaign? Do you remember the promises of jobs, jobs, jobs and more jobs? Remember, Mulroney was busi- nesses' candidate. Do you still believe what business and Mul- roney are telling you? Well, here we go again. The business com- munity and especially the media, have been attacking the NDP and Premier Bob Rae relentlessly over the proposed labor legislation reform in Ontario. This reform is badly needed. A special study committee was appointed representing both employers and labor and headed by the well-known and respected arbitrator and former Chairman of the Ontario Labour Relations Board Kevin Burkett. The Burkett Rept, as it is known, is the cor- nerstone of the proposed legisla- The News Advertiser welcomes letters to the editor on topical issues, controversial matters and anything else of interest to our read- ers. We reserve the right to edit letters for style, length and legal rea- sons and to withhold letters deemed not fit for publication. All letters must include your full name, address and phone number for our infor- mation. Letters can be mailed or dropped off at the News Advertiser, 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ont., LIS 2H5 or sent by FAX to 683- 7363. tion. Had labor's agenda been fol- lowed there would have been many more suggestions than what was recommended in the study. What this legislation does is make the choice of unionization more democratic. Instead of 55 per cent of signed employees needed to get automatic union certification it will be 50 per cent plus one, the same as it takes to win any election campaign. No longer will a person who wants to sign a union card pay the $1. It deals with fairness. The legisla- tion is not about economic issues and not about gaining or losing jobs. Those who argue differently are only speculating. It will reduce or eliminate many costly procedures and encumbrances at the Ontario Labour Relations Board. For example, in most cases "Anti - Union Petitions" are used by employers' and their lawyers to delay certifications by intimidat- ing employees to stop unioniza- tion of their companies. Anti- union petitions will be eliminated only after an application for certi- fication has been filed, but not before. Thousands of dollars are spent by the public purse on these hearings every year. The proposed changes will put an end to many of the violent labor disputes that have made headlines over the years. Violence was mainly caused by replace- ment workers taking the jobs of those on strike or locked out by the employer. An example was the post office hiring motorcycle gang members to protect replace- ment works during the last post office labor dispute. Quebec has banned replace- ment workers in law since Rene Levesque was Premier of that province. Did you ever hear that it forced companies to cease opera- tions in that province? Did com- panies lose thousands of jobs as a direct result of the implementa- tion of that legislation in Quebec which is being predicted will hap- pen in Ontario? Has the Quebec Liberal government during the Past decade ever asked to repeal the replacement worker legisla- tion? The answer is no in all cases. The United States has recently passed a Bill in the House of Rep- resentatives, which is now before the Senate, calling to end hiring of replacement workers during a labor dispute, similar to what is being Proposed in Ontario. This should demonstrate the ,concern that many countries News Advertiser A Metroland Community Newspaper «"» OW k protected W and unauth'golrltzed use HUGH NKMOISON - AdverftV Mar OW �- MONKM Re" Saies r AKFAIt}IOtSitEDiftution�°81e Timothy John Whittaker wM d written con- sent k prohlbMed. Thnoem"e bright to 1EtialwOM - 663.6110 OlEIilEU1M-6/34117 e • Publisher Classlty or refuse arty advedkement 7` 72 FAX -US -7363 NAr10NALADVERrtaNcfALEs.v]-1300 al hb dkcrellon. REAL EiTATE i AUTOMOTIVE ADVERnwiG - 66-7672 w �1 share, that to be competitive, busi- ness, labor and government must work together because of global 4' competition and the new world order. If we are all to work together then we must all be equal partners in the process and the changes in the legislation in Ontario would be a step in the right direction. Numerous studies have con- cluded that unions help employers to be better managers. Unionized workers are happier, produce more, and on average make more money. In a study comparing the pro- duction rate of workers in Japan, Germany, United States and Canada it was found that the Unit- ed States has the smallest percent- age of unionized workers and the Poorest production rate per employee, I strongly urge the readers of Your newspaper to look beyond the rhetoric, the threats and the fear tactics being used by business to stop the proposed labor law reform in Ontario. Read the Bur- kett Report which is available at the government book store. These reforms are necessary and there is nothing to fear, but fear itself. Douglas W. Grey, Pickering A- . OrtoAo L. publistled "My � - Wednesday and FAday of 130 Commerdd Of SUI -ban nn, w ich hak,da AJMQV1q W V Neva Atom Do. Do. w. W" rtM Advance. Brampton Guardian. BuMnpfon Post. ColMnpwood connection. Etoblcoke Guoldidn/loke, 00 AdM%w G-or9810vm hdePw+dent, l MMM Tfw week, unday TM Week. 101011t,pm Ecanombt s3-, Milan Cogdan aianplan, Msssba,°o News. Newrrakn Era. Worth Volk Mbar. Nonhmbakib Newt Oahft B11MM. Orta Today. Ostwwa/MMt W Thi, week. Petrborou°h TNs week. Mo.. and WII/1hornto Liberal. Scarborough Minor, U*MdDe/staihee 711131-. Today, !i_ o . Pa°e *" ropy spry daily horst PLM* -d role Card due to m- ",Jcd r-"ww* of dNlerrt Whtrs. Mehdand Prin". _ _ � �ac member ° Nniatton. Ontario CommkmW9fy b aNewsrroPen the«Aaoclp/bn and OMOAo Pr— SOe Class Mall Red,►atbn Number 1897. Mai R O,crlpNon rola In Carwdo: 1 yea, $70 L] 0 0 J ri Budget tough and fair: MPP AJAX-PICKERING - Thursday's provincial budget is a "tough bud- get in tough times," says Durham West MPP Jim Wiseman. "We tried to create jobs, protect jobs and still deliver services, like health, education and welfare. Because of the times we're in, they're in great need. And we controlled the deficit," Mr. Wiseman says. The deficit is $9.9 billion, a drop of $1 billion from last year. Other budget highlights include: • Personal income tax rate rises to 54.5 per cent of federal taxes (up fro m 53 per cent) in July, 1992 and to 55 per cent in 1993. * Personal income tax surcharge of 14 per cent extended to people making $53,000 or more a year. • Corporate tax rates drop one per cent to 13.5 per cent, while the small business tax rate drops to 9.5 per cent from 10 per cent. • No increase in cigarette or gasoline taxes. • The province will spend $4 billion in the 1992-93 fiscal year to create 90,000 jobs. LEARN • The public service to be cut by 2,500 jobs over two years, mainly through attrition and early-retirement incentives. Mr. Wiseman says, if the gov- emment continued operating as it has been, the deficit would have risen to S14.3 billion. CHI "We had to find S5 billion to prevent that from happening," he IN DURHAM says. The Taoist Tai Chi Society of A deficit of S14 billion to $15 Canada is a registered charitable billion is in the "realm of the organization dedicated to making unacceptable," says Mr. Wise- man. the health benefits of Taoist style Tai He contends the budget is fair Chi available to all who wish to to everybody, although not experience them. everyone would agree. It tries to 4 minimize the impact on those least able to pay. It distributes some of the burden on those able r to pay." o Fasaw For someone making S60,000 (0e a year, the budget will mean an As see�e Ousedextra SI a week in taxes. NOnti Ct`� (41q A cut in federal transfer a 55 -2110 pay- menu is costing the province S4.5 Attend Classes at billion this year, %Ir. Wiseman says. "If we got that, our deficit Whitney Hall, would be half what it is." Iroquois Park, Whitby Total government spending will rise 4.9 per cent this year, the (Victoria St. W. of Brock SQ lowest increase since 1953. By Tuesdays 7-9 p.m. removing debt financing and social assistance costs, the spend- Registration ing increase would be 1.5 per cent. new classes first Trustee In Bankruptcy James is pleased to announce the opening of his new business on March 23192. He is offering all insolvency services induding personal & corporale IminkrWIc ies. 58 Rossland Rd. W., Oshawa OSHAWA:721-7506, AJAX: 619-1473 saltxday & even rg q)pntmerlts available. FREE iridal cona*atk n JAILS R YANCH COME CELEBRATE 75 YEARS OF INTERNATIONAL SERVICE THE AJAX LIONS CLUB PRESENTS Saturday, May 9,19!2 at the Ajax Community Centre Arita a= p.m. to 1.•CD a.m. 'tDooes open at 7Ae pmJ - Tickeb are $20.00 per person Proceeds Will Go l bMweis Caring Madmen WoeY Wide 011esuns mud be 19 yeaes of age or are) Olt I MOtMATION CUL 4t7 -M TICKM AVAM"U AT TIE COtQIl1NIV 110 TRS VVWQ 41111IVE Irr?" a SUNDA V MAY 3, blLIMGZ 7 SFtop t!-te ��er� �3e�st t�- an m In Celebration of Earth Day - Den Mother - Wolf Family by Carl Brenders $37000 PRINT ONLY gQ�G`P`$47500 FRAMED Z -Art Gallery Glendale 1611arketplace 1900 Dixie Rd., Pickering 837-0144 [IF 7�xiE qull- ._LZTZ to 6 e- AUTOMOTIVE m o SPECIAL OFFER FOR HONDA OWNERS %ioTUNE-UP $6 95 Reg.'&r Indudes: 4 spark ugs Air F�Iter Distributor Rotor Pic Pickering HONDA 831.5400 970 Brock Rd. Ajax Pickering 683-2751 (Hwy. 401 & Brock Rd. S.) �C©7� LL Zy- ou spent couL 4 ezt these DRUG STORE r - ULTRA FACIAL TISSUES ioo•s 690 ': Pharma flus 683-1210 Harwood Plaza 190 Harwood Ave. S. MEMO 'a HARWOOD c �T_'-AC $ 3 0 0 stores!! SHOP AT ANY ONE OF THESE STORES TO VALIDATE YOUR BALLOT! LAWN & GARDEN COLLECTABLES PUSH MOWER L21zM • 4 W commercial grade arpirw • Easy **# side or roar grass bw aw be • 21• as:tappered wheel sonC 0 aft eeea. • 14 pup steel do* � PICKERING MARINE now operoW by Rosa & Alan Thompson 16" Bayly St, Pkiarintg 8 7-0653 Ig III141 M UL"yi] LOVING TOUCH Br Brenda BiAm 84 Bonds of lave s43B1 Limited Edition COLLECTOR PLATES • Plate Frames & Rails Bradford Exchange Dealer 0 ®PRECIOUS PLATES 'N THOM 475 WESTNEY RD. N. (AOX Marke0ace) 686.7185 r------- 01111111 Shop the Very Best in Ajax & Pickering � 1 WIN t $ 300 I � I wwE• ADDRESS: PHONE: ' STORE VALIDATION t 1 � TO BE ELIGIBLE, BALLOT MUST BE VALIDATED WITH A PURCHASE FROM ANY OF THESE STORES. DROP OFF BALLOT AT THE STORE. CONTEST CLOSES SAT., MAY 16,1992 1 HOME IMPROVEMENT RESTAURANT BEFORE- AFTER f y - - rt' IN >— -.'—,v' Ws are moving to a bigger location soon! �1 1 F UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT COME IN TODAY! ;,, ■•c� Le Centre FamilyRestaurant , New Baseball and Non sports ,�.� F. 11111a 1'_ Across from K Mart Pickering Town Centre Featuring cards arriving dally. SPRING SPECIAL. : '�FASMA AND 00 2 DAILY LUNCHEON &DINNER SPECIALS We aRY also ca Comics -Sports Cards -Posters, PACKAGE also Book Exchange - PAW DOORS �.• 30Fit[ ;FAS=MNOM.G Sr3Tt7 NO EAIE BREAKFAST SPECIALS�N� DAILY 8:30 a.m.-11:00 a.m.KS 8�0ENTRAWE - VWOWRES�AIOsTTOWt310M - LE CENTRE FAMILY RESTAURANT 837.0859 0 ym haven't read It! It's gnu to you! 90 Harwood Ave. S. 427-8070 m�LCARROLL HOME UiPROYEMEPfrS a t t 0 `� AJAX U 428-2431 T-7 - ®r "..•. AJ PLAZA SHOP AT ANY ONE OF THESE STORES TO VALIDATE YOUR BALLOT! LAWN & GARDEN COLLECTABLES PUSH MOWER L21zM • 4 W commercial grade arpirw • Easy **# side or roar grass bw aw be • 21• as:tappered wheel sonC 0 aft eeea. • 14 pup steel do* � PICKERING MARINE now operoW by Rosa & Alan Thompson 16" Bayly St, Pkiarintg 8 7-0653 Ig III141 M UL"yi] LOVING TOUCH Br Brenda BiAm 84 Bonds of lave s43B1 Limited Edition COLLECTOR PLATES • Plate Frames & Rails Bradford Exchange Dealer 0 ®PRECIOUS PLATES 'N THOM 475 WESTNEY RD. N. (AOX Marke0ace) 686.7185 r------- 01111111 Shop the Very Best in Ajax & Pickering � 1 WIN t $ 300 I � I wwE• ADDRESS: PHONE: ' STORE VALIDATION t 1 � TO BE ELIGIBLE, BALLOT MUST BE VALIDATED WITH A PURCHASE FROM ANY OF THESE STORES. DROP OFF BALLOT AT THE STORE. CONTEST CLOSES SAT., MAY 16,1992 1 PACE &TIM NEWS ADVQlnn S11NaAX MAY.% on Learn to build a garden pond PICKERM - You can learn to build a pond in your backyard garden during an upcoming seminar at the Pickering Central Library. Find out how to begin, what to buy, what kind of plants you'll need and how much it will cost Monday, May 25 from 7 to 9 p.m. There's no fee, but you're asked to pre -register at 831-7809. The central library is in the civic complex at One The Esplanade. WkEirERMIND PICKERING TOWN CENTRE Educcitionol " 831-6287 Friday, May 8 . owl DAY! //A fun day for parents and kids. Lots of piaymobile pieces to assemble. Imaginative role-play with real life themes. Please Recycle this Newspaper O MRI Supportppon Of %cyc ty� CORRECTION NOTICE In the Henry Do -It Centre flyer `The May Price Smasher', the artwork of the downspout guard #RS14 is incorrect. It should have read rainspout guard #RS8. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. j C011R6CTIOM 1T�, The 1dr 4 awls hm «arae h tli moot May 3 Tlw blow teras w Is to cmew 41y ad be ftA Slim or Past fm WOW a13 1wa MMtaPerttatttRVsaa�att�llsa* TtN �irtdK ttlla stw tailt� �� tsrlaal M AIs /�'� aatSr tittaasalrtsd• rra>oy. Dbpm rnlaad a pop 31= no as W**** br my itooaasdb tri MR tura PAN*caasd, LkWbd CAMPAIGN OBJECTIVE: $8.7 MILLION Metro Toronto Campaign Headquarters 1992 Yonge Street, Suite 205,Campaign Chairman: Richard G. Stackhouse Toronto, Ontario M4S 3C7 Campaign Director: Major Hugh Tilley FREE POOL SEMINAR ALL POOL OWNERS ARE INVITED You are invited to attend our FREE entertaining, educational evening and talk to the pool experts. WHEN: Thursday, May 7 DOOR PRIZES/REFRESHMENTS TIME: 7'00-9'00 p.m. GRAND DOOR PRIZE PLACE: Gallantry's Eatery Pickering Town Centre QUESTA 2400 (Lower Level) (AUTOMATIC POOL CLEANER) *RSVP*: 286-2866 NO CHARG&M OBLIGATION SPRING SPECIALS Mn CUOPEN 10 FILLS B�� o SUN DAYS LI«No �PW- r 0 GET 1 FREE OLO�IE - , -� X14 a.m. - 3 p.m. ,ASK FOR DETAILS MO»t,aae+da` S"Oft R - : • PARTS LS w+ ► � �` Mg. %4r •TOYS • CHEMICALS START OFF SUMER THE RIGHT WAY WITH SPARKLING ALGAE FREE WATER �=X402 KINGSTON RD., PICKERfNG X86-2866 - r -r• 0I U1 •) •) JN HQ & a memtw arm as Ivr mere/ MUM. r reputation Inas you a XATOIN PMF CA Pa IP TO 20/c r HOME IN sm up to 20% a t W Alarm ni im m-lil • lei g: 11 11 • - u. rr • 11,- WHITBY DAILY s JOHN WEISS HAIR DESIGN 3 hkodel 3 osecIr o: A r $6,000 in PRIZES y �: uu John Weiss Hair Design is searching for the Z h "John Weiss Super Model '92 s H The 3 winners will receive a modeling contract for r' Q runway & television from one of Canada's leading agencies: ;E J Eleanor Fulcher International rn • W - A complete modeling course worth $1,400.00 r� • 3 Photos by High Fashion Photographer: CAa -+ Alex Beveridge SNpW jtt00 6.00• 2 A 5300.00 gift package of products & services with y 1 2 30. .30x500 10:00. O John Weiss Hair Design. n+ ° 12 co P ^� ► H - 500 minutes at Oshavia s Fabulous Tan 3 LU - French h1arncure & Facial by Pampered Nails Plus O - Dinner for 2 at Cafe Chardonnay O cc - Kingsway Limousine Service y r� Plus 5 runner-up prnzes of 5300 00 each • W of E e3nor Fulcher Scholarships (� • t� • - '/ ' Everyone is a Winner T IN EXOTtC11 1 Here is How to Enter: For 3 S CO %Takeover P3ckaye G S.T ZE ENTEFtTAtNMENT W included you will rece ,e SIC -20':a c vo,,r ha r s:,Ied %13Ko-u O. r, Wella products and a 5100.010 Eleanor Fulcher Gift a 3 r Cc)4,1I.UNCHEON J Certificate .,f na,,sts excluded; Your photo mll Ce taken and y . SpECIAIS Q riled so that our p3nol of iuc-es -;11 seloct the 3 :,,nr:ers 3^d 5 y Z runners-up 800 prin!s 3.1l3dle fcr;l, 00 each. C3teoon-?S -i r S G & OFFICE 95 YOU are el!y!ble !f yCu area ':'--3 'e + 15 yrS !C 24 yrSJ 3 TA 420_25 V) 2 25 yrs to 45 ;rs � y' PARTIES Uj 3. tis yrs and over .l fiE O if you are MALE cr FEMALE and do not fit in!o these 4 cc c;te.1cr:es and s .^o cc ,lest please ca,l ter more cmn IFEI.,T L', _"IE 1fCrmat'on (A D� .� 939 DILLINGHAM RD. PICKERING _j 198 King St. E. m 0SHAVIA436-6333 FAM WT=301111 ADVMaXUWAT.KW411101 STs & ENMXrAM=NT THE BABE (PG): John ,detective, investigates a murder ROCK -A -DOODLE 71: Don Goodman plays the legendary and becomes entangled in a dead- Bluth's newest animated rock and baseball figure George Herman Iy affair involving three intriguing roll adventure about a barnyard Ruth. He was a bawdy, free spirit women, each with an unexpected rooster who sings like Elvis and a who embodied the lifestyle of the motive for the crime. boy who is trans - Roaring `20s. Kelly McGillis Pretty hot stuff• formed into a kitten plays Babe's second wife and the MY COUSIN by an evil owl. woman who tries to put him back VINNY (AA): Joe SLEEPWALK - on the right track when his career Pesci has some funOy'e ERS (PG): appy to be on the decline• playing New York "' P Y 8 a Stephen King is at THUNDERHEART (AA): A lawyer out of his ele- it again, this time part -Sioux FBI agent (Val ment in Alabama trying to defend with a tale of a dying breed of Kilmer) is sent to investigate a his cousin and a friend of murder vampires who must feed on the murder on a reservation in this charges. Also starring Fred life force of virtuous young superb police thriller, which also Gwynne. women to stay alive. carries a strong message about the plight of native Americans. Also MN starring Sam Shepard and Graham WE meq" "TUM A{ Greene. WHITE MAN CAN'T JUMP (AA): Wesley Snipes and WoodyMLW Y Harrelson team up in this witty, fast-moving flick about street bas- VACJWM ketball hustlers. BEETHOVEN (F): A 185- moo pound St. Bernard pup named A +CT Beethoven escapes a gang of dog -ter nappers and ends up at the homeqNW of Charles Grodin, a man whoy mss: believes the best pet is a goldfish. THE CUTTING EDGE (PG): D.B. Sweeney plays a ' hockey player forced to give up a promising career due to an eye` injury. He gets a second chance when he teams up with Moira Keliy, a brilliant and tempermen- tel figure skater who can't get on is fun mne and a good tune to get a head start tie along with her partners. UInrniertune N E W S I E S IPG): This new school year Just a couple of hot rS a week dm simn ner at a Sylvan musical from Walt Disney studios LearTung Cente can lidp Nur d M do better this Fall in subjects tells the story of the boys who rang tgkornmadingand writ - hawked newspapers on the streets to ba sictitathand algebra- "1„v, of New York at the turn of the c w,sta,,.Rc_,,a 1*0T kids do bemee century. ■� STRAIGHT TALK (PG): After getting fired from her job as 1801 DUNDAS ST. E. a dance instructor at the Slide •n Glide Dance Studio, Shirlee ,Vty & Aug. (KendehMood Plaza) �� Kenyon (Dolly Parton) heads for SpE Wh the glamor of Chicago and a newLessons career as a radio talk -show host. Also stars James Woods as a for the price 4_ 1 818 reporter who falls in love with the of 16 women he is sent out to profile. FOR MORE INFORMATION BASIC INSTINCT (R): Michael DOuglaS and Sharon Stone star in thi-s psychological READING - 'MATH - WRITING - STUDY SKILLS - SCHOOL READINESS thriller. Douglas, a San Franci,,co I l NIVERSM' PREPARATION ALGEBRA • BEGINNING READING LOSE ALL THE WEIGHT YOU WANT FOR JUST,. $11900 ,Appbs to ow wawhso a* vp to Zip Off Those Unwanted Pounds in No Time And Zip Up To a New Lifestyle BEIi«s� MAY IS IS NATIONAL L WEIGH7 LOSS MONTH _ • Safe Easy Weight Loss • Eat Regtdar Foods • Nutritionally Balanced Diets • Guaranteed Weight Loss • Medically Screened JPICKERING 1550 Kingston Rd. 420-4220 Fl , Find us in the Yellow Pages H_ SUNDAY 3 CONCERT BAND: The Seniors Ac" Centre, 91 Liverpool Rd., S„ Pickering, e cert by the Pickering Cora eerrt� 'Band Sun., May 3 at 2 p.m. Free admission. Refreshments. AN wel- come. 420.6.588. = W 11, 1 � 4 WETGHT LOSS: The Los-- Weight oseWeight the Wellness Way support group will meet Mon., May 4. The group is for women and meets every Monday evening. For time, �cafion or more information, can 427-8216. CESAREAN BIRTH: The Cesare- an Prevention Support and Edu- cation group will meet Mon.. May 4 at 8 p.m. at 15 Irwin Dr., Whitby. The topic is prenatal fit- ness and chiropractic care for pregnancy. The group provides information and support to par- ents and professionals interested in any aspect of cesarean birth. 666-9421 (Km). ADULT ACTIVITY: The Active Living Group offers exercise class- es for mature adults every Mon- day and Wednesday from 6 to 7 p.m. at Harwood Secondary School, Ajax. 683-9044 (Louise) or 427-2875 (Rebecca). RUG HOOKING: The Ontario Hooking Craft Guild will hold Its Oinnual rug hooking show Sat., May 2 from 7 to 9 p.m. and Sun., May 3 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Polish Veteran's Haft, 1551 Steverson Pd. N., Oshawa. Adults $3. Children under 12 with aduths free. 723-0750. PARENT INFO: Dunbarton High School hosts a panel discussion on the Transition to College or University, Mon., May 4 from 7:30 to 9 p.m. in the school library. 655 Sheppard Ave., Pickering. STAMP CLUB: The Ajiax Philatel- ic Society will meet Mon.. May 4, from 7 to 9 p.m., at St. Bernodette's Parish Hall. at the corner of Harwood Ave. and �i3ayty St., Ajax. Everyone wel- come. 683-0240 or 839-2068. LIVERPOOL MEETING. The Liv- erpool West Community Associa- tion meets Mon., May 4 at Duh- barton-Fairport United Church, 1066 Dunbarton Rd., Plckerhg, at 7:45 p.m. Several issues. Guest speaker John Wlersrna, general rncwxxjw of Pickering Hydro. 839.1498. BOOK FAIR: A Scholasric Book Far wi be helot from Mon.. May 4 to Fri., May 8 at St. Francis de Sales School. on Church St., south of Hwy. 2. Pickering Village. The fir we be open from 9 am. to 3 p.n-L each day and from 6 to 8:30 pm. Thurs., May 7.683- 3320. BINGO: A M hidNeht Madre Bingo h aid of the Whom Busi- ness & Professional Women's Club wi be held Mon., May 4 at the Silver Dollar Bingo Hal, Brock Rd. & Ba* St., Pickering. Doors open 10:45 pm. Jackpot $l DW. Free admilssim 831-2421. PARKMISON GROUP: The Parlklrtson Seaport Grok�, Dut=n chapter. meets Mon., May 4 at 7:30 pm, at St. Mark's United Church, \*Aby, oorner of Colborne St. and Centre St.. south door enhance. AM uml- corne. Refreshmentsa�alable. 6668576 or 668-6680. TUESDAY GENEALOGIC 4 L� =I1ETY: • The Wqt*<*VaW1a 6�enealo i dCsllarlo - meets Tues.. May 5 from 7:15 to .10 p.m. In the cafeteria at Henry Streethool, 614 Henry St., Whitby, ctopic Is Friends of the Trent Severn Waterway, with ;,sides. 723-7469 (Beetle Gm aont) r � or 668-8177 (Joyce Hilton). FREE FROM FEAR: Free From Fear, a support group for those suffering from anxiety disorders, meets the first and third Tuesday of each month. Guest speakers, information, educational materi- als. 831-3877. UNEMPLOYED WORKERS: The Unemployed Workers Associa- tion will meet Tues., May 5 at 1:30 p.m. at the Steelworkers' Hall, 115 Albert St., Oshawa. Speaker from Employment & Immigration Canada to answer questions. 430-1141. OUILTERS GUILD: The Durham Trillium 9uilters Guild wip meet Tues., May 5, at 7:30 p.m., in Room 208 of Central Collegiate I istitute, 240 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. 728-W29. WRITERS GROUP: The Ajax Writ- ers Group meets Tues., May 5, from 7 to 9 p.m., at the main branch of the Ajax Public library, at the corner of Harwood Ave. and Kngs Cres. 427-2682. 5 SCHIZOPHRENICS: Friends of Schizophrenics, Durham chapter, will Your edendw of caning a--mto meet Wed., May 6, from 7 to 9 ,p.m., at St. Mark's church house, 200 Byron St. S., Whitby. Guest speaker Barb LeBlong, manager of health policies for the Ontario Medical Association, will talk on proposed legislatio i and the advocacy act. Free admission. 404-1301. FASHION SHOW: St. George's Anglican Church will hold a Tops 'N' Trends Fashion Show Wed., May 6, at 7:30 p.m., in the parish hall at the corner of Randall Dr. and Hwy. 2, Picker- ing Village. Tickets S2 at the door. 683-3513. CRAFTS: Adults can learn to make a covered bandbox at tthe Pickering Central Library, One The Esplanade, Wed., May 6 at 7 p.m. $20 includes materi- als. Register 831-7809. PARENTS' MEETING: The Ajax High School Parents' Advisory Committee will meet Wed., May 6 at 7:30 p.m. in the school library. The topic is Getting Back on Track. 686-0654 (Sherrill Willard). HARWOOD OPEN HOUSE: Har- wood Secondary School, 80 Falby Ct.. Ajax, will hold an open house Wed.. May 6 from 7 to 9 p.m. Demonstrations. savezov"Ous ov rotre infant ira a 116cole on septembre 1992 09 Le Conseil des ecoles fraKaises de la communaute urbaine de Toronto peut vous aider 6 faire ce choix! GNos ecoles publiques elementaires et secondaires offrent la possibilite aux familles francophones de la region metropolitaine de Toronto de donner une education Bolide en fran�ais a leurs enfants. Les periodes d'inscriptions commencent des maintenant. Profitez-en pour vous renseigner. .Vous sommes /u pour sous' Le Conseil des ecoles fransaises de la communaute urbaine de Toronto (416) 391-1264 :rtormah on a%a lable In English) CALL AS ..OFTEN AS YOU LIKE! TALK AS LONG AS .:YOU LIKE! YOUR BILL NEVER ,.',-,,-'GOES UP ALL FOR A LOW MONTHLY ,FEE SAFE & souNo DICKERING TOWN CENTRE �- - 798-7080 i -M.'0 -7 t ♦ .. '`� .+ C•Ww-o Q NOTE - PICKERING RESIDENTS WITH THE FOLLOWING EXCHANGES (420, 831, 837, 839) CAN CALL EVERYWHERE BUT THE AREAS MARKED WITH AN ' ...A NEW TOLL FREE CALLING AREA FOR AJAX AND PICKERING RESIDENTS MAKE METRO TORONTO PLUS ALL THESE OTHER AREes e i nr.ei cel I ,. . 4• .iE `.S'~1�`et'Jk'"QiFi..� .3.,:: ... .:.':t .r.' �." ..i>r .. ,t:. , . _ y., "I ?•�• © © L& •, � w _ © .. �. SUNDAY 3 CONCERT BAND: The Seniors Ac" Centre, 91 Liverpool Rd., S„ Pickering, e cert by the Pickering Cora eerrt� 'Band Sun., May 3 at 2 p.m. Free admission. Refreshments. AN wel- come. 420.6.588. = W 11, 1 � 4 WETGHT LOSS: The Los-- Weight oseWeight the Wellness Way support group will meet Mon., May 4. The group is for women and meets every Monday evening. For time, �cafion or more information, can 427-8216. CESAREAN BIRTH: The Cesare- an Prevention Support and Edu- cation group will meet Mon.. May 4 at 8 p.m. at 15 Irwin Dr., Whitby. The topic is prenatal fit- ness and chiropractic care for pregnancy. The group provides information and support to par- ents and professionals interested in any aspect of cesarean birth. 666-9421 (Km). ADULT ACTIVITY: The Active Living Group offers exercise class- es for mature adults every Mon- day and Wednesday from 6 to 7 p.m. at Harwood Secondary School, Ajax. 683-9044 (Louise) or 427-2875 (Rebecca). RUG HOOKING: The Ontario Hooking Craft Guild will hold Its Oinnual rug hooking show Sat., May 2 from 7 to 9 p.m. and Sun., May 3 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Polish Veteran's Haft, 1551 Steverson Pd. N., Oshawa. Adults $3. Children under 12 with aduths free. 723-0750. PARENT INFO: Dunbarton High School hosts a panel discussion on the Transition to College or University, Mon., May 4 from 7:30 to 9 p.m. in the school library. 655 Sheppard Ave., Pickering. STAMP CLUB: The Ajiax Philatel- ic Society will meet Mon.. May 4, from 7 to 9 p.m., at St. Bernodette's Parish Hall. at the corner of Harwood Ave. and �i3ayty St., Ajax. Everyone wel- come. 683-0240 or 839-2068. LIVERPOOL MEETING. The Liv- erpool West Community Associa- tion meets Mon., May 4 at Duh- barton-Fairport United Church, 1066 Dunbarton Rd., Plckerhg, at 7:45 p.m. Several issues. Guest speaker John Wlersrna, general rncwxxjw of Pickering Hydro. 839.1498. BOOK FAIR: A Scholasric Book Far wi be helot from Mon.. May 4 to Fri., May 8 at St. Francis de Sales School. on Church St., south of Hwy. 2. Pickering Village. The fir we be open from 9 am. to 3 p.n-L each day and from 6 to 8:30 pm. Thurs., May 7.683- 3320. BINGO: A M hidNeht Madre Bingo h aid of the Whom Busi- ness & Professional Women's Club wi be held Mon., May 4 at the Silver Dollar Bingo Hal, Brock Rd. & Ba* St., Pickering. Doors open 10:45 pm. Jackpot $l DW. Free admilssim 831-2421. PARKMISON GROUP: The Parlklrtson Seaport Grok�, Dut=n chapter. meets Mon., May 4 at 7:30 pm, at St. Mark's United Church, \*Aby, oorner of Colborne St. and Centre St.. south door enhance. AM uml- corne. Refreshmentsa�alable. 6668576 or 668-6680. TUESDAY GENEALOGIC 4 L� =I1ETY: • The Wqt*<*VaW1a 6�enealo i dCsllarlo - meets Tues.. May 5 from 7:15 to .10 p.m. In the cafeteria at Henry Streethool, 614 Henry St., Whitby, ctopic Is Friends of the Trent Severn Waterway, with ;,sides. 723-7469 (Beetle Gm aont) r � or 668-8177 (Joyce Hilton). FREE FROM FEAR: Free From Fear, a support group for those suffering from anxiety disorders, meets the first and third Tuesday of each month. Guest speakers, information, educational materi- als. 831-3877. UNEMPLOYED WORKERS: The Unemployed Workers Associa- tion will meet Tues., May 5 at 1:30 p.m. at the Steelworkers' Hall, 115 Albert St., Oshawa. Speaker from Employment & Immigration Canada to answer questions. 430-1141. OUILTERS GUILD: The Durham Trillium 9uilters Guild wip meet Tues., May 5, at 7:30 p.m., in Room 208 of Central Collegiate I istitute, 240 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. 728-W29. WRITERS GROUP: The Ajax Writ- ers Group meets Tues., May 5, from 7 to 9 p.m., at the main branch of the Ajax Public library, at the corner of Harwood Ave. and Kngs Cres. 427-2682. 5 SCHIZOPHRENICS: Friends of Schizophrenics, Durham chapter, will Your edendw of caning a--mto meet Wed., May 6, from 7 to 9 ,p.m., at St. Mark's church house, 200 Byron St. S., Whitby. Guest speaker Barb LeBlong, manager of health policies for the Ontario Medical Association, will talk on proposed legislatio i and the advocacy act. Free admission. 404-1301. FASHION SHOW: St. George's Anglican Church will hold a Tops 'N' Trends Fashion Show Wed., May 6, at 7:30 p.m., in the parish hall at the corner of Randall Dr. and Hwy. 2, Picker- ing Village. Tickets S2 at the door. 683-3513. CRAFTS: Adults can learn to make a covered bandbox at tthe Pickering Central Library, One The Esplanade, Wed., May 6 at 7 p.m. $20 includes materi- als. Register 831-7809. PARENTS' MEETING: The Ajax High School Parents' Advisory Committee will meet Wed., May 6 at 7:30 p.m. in the school library. The topic is Getting Back on Track. 686-0654 (Sherrill Willard). HARWOOD OPEN HOUSE: Har- wood Secondary School, 80 Falby Ct.. Ajax, will hold an open house Wed.. May 6 from 7 to 9 p.m. Demonstrations. savezov"Ous ov rotre infant ira a 116cole on septembre 1992 09 Le Conseil des ecoles fraKaises de la communaute urbaine de Toronto peut vous aider 6 faire ce choix! GNos ecoles publiques elementaires et secondaires offrent la possibilite aux familles francophones de la region metropolitaine de Toronto de donner une education Bolide en fran�ais a leurs enfants. Les periodes d'inscriptions commencent des maintenant. Profitez-en pour vous renseigner. .Vous sommes /u pour sous' Le Conseil des ecoles fransaises de la communaute urbaine de Toronto (416) 391-1264 :rtormah on a%a lable In English) CALL AS ..OFTEN AS YOU LIKE! TALK AS LONG AS .:YOU LIKE! YOUR BILL NEVER ,.',-,,-'GOES UP ALL FOR A LOW MONTHLY ,FEE SAFE & souNo DICKERING TOWN CENTRE �- - 798-7080 i -M.'0 -7 t ♦ .. '`� .+ C•Ww-o Q NOTE - PICKERING RESIDENTS WITH THE FOLLOWING EXCHANGES (420, 831, 837, 839) CAN CALL EVERYWHERE BUT THE AREAS MARKED WITH AN ' ...A NEW TOLL FREE CALLING AREA FOR AJAX AND PICKERING RESIDENTS MAKE METRO TORONTO PLUS ALL THESE OTHER AREes e i nr.ei cel I ,. . 4• .iE `.S'~1�`et'Jk'"QiFi..� .3.,:: ... .:.':t .r.' �." ..i>r .. ,t:. , . _ y., "I PAGE U'T= MM "VUTUM SUM MY, MY 3. JIM Renewed emphasis on vision health With today's emphasis on healthy sensation of a foreign body in the living, more people are placing their eyes. focus on healthy eyecare practices. * Always use the correct cleaning The Bausch & Lomb 1nVision methods, solutions and eyecare Institute, a non-profit organization products with contact lenses_ Never dedicated to vision correction and use homemade salt solutions, tap ,family eyecare education, water, or saliva with contact lenses. recommends the following steps to Cleaning solutions shouldn't be healthy vision: mixed and matched, or brands * Visit an eyecare professional for switched, without consulting a regular vision examinations. professional. * See an eye doctor for pain or * Ask a doctor about the latest irritation of the eyes, or a persistent options in vision correction. CREMATION: what's in volved? In recent times we have witnessed a growing interest regarding cremation. More and more people are asking us questions about "what is involved." Today many people feel that cremation is a desirable alternative, but are uncertain of costs and procedure. In response to this PiNE RIDGE MEMORIAL GARDENS is pleased to make information available to you without obligation. Please call 427-5416 or mail attached coupon to: PINE RIDGE MEMORIAL GARDENS 541 Taunton Road West, Ajax, Ontario, LIS 4S7 Name_.. Address ........... Phone Number ..................... k i 9X, Hear,Here weft: ymlulsa ate AU "M OF IEA/:IK' AM -New innovative designs •Various assistive listening devices 'Baftries and ads �s ReOqb1ed v* QVA, W C$ A&P, MnsteryofHeW Re CaK Yet lie aw Gieee %W cau 427-4277 awk Arab Sudo" CIO AlnAcm tuo Ihwww Crich KeepRite 4 Centra! Air Conditioning Tops The Best Seller List Again I luntlreds of thuus,ulLls (It (',ln,uli,lns kllO%..' that tllt� tint�st n.1111c in central ,lir conditioning equipment is KeeplRitc. Year atter vear Kecpl�itc out wils every other manuf,lehlrt'r by tlrlivcring outstanding quAity teature-, much as: • I eed cunden wr tan for quiet operation. • ioxv temper,ituro Culuut lur ( .irt,ltlian chmate protection. • ]()%N electrical uperating cults. Model KSSD Exceptional Quality at Reasonable Prices A little knot-vn last is that this e\ccptiunal pro dUCt is .It".i;;nrtl dild huilt by ('011.1di,lns. Proof positive that' ('0110dians pnkluce quality. It vuu want the lht-4 for vuur home, hilt don't want to break �uttr hlIdgCt, cAll vuur KV(.J'I ZitC dCAIt-r holly. ANN& Keepiile. CkAM" rw, can cuw,4 a, NORDIC HEATING & AIR D & D HEATING LIMITED CONDITIONING Markham 321-5622 Pickering 321-1236 CLIMATE CONTROL KRISTEN AIR Pickering 297-3976 Nax 445-8365 iteaa Tne , Where Your Comfort Qs Our Concern C THE P4,_ U11 FOR A PUL ONAL GOiti i76 � 777777 Y SE CE ,-* Ai[ #1 Burger Tasty Burgers Produced exclusively for MSM Meat Shops by J.M. Schneider. 20x32 oz burgers. 8 88 box �~P4 mcroware or Oven Heat Chicken Cordon Swiss U�r baaoa. od. dfaw biaat, tblr. ota �. bbw wN t�tlaw Clams 7r/ YMa�� 299& r� FPI orae Ready A Breaded Sole KmW W LA tilt bf:f • a1W bur womb aleft 2,t i a Sim 999 ua bw 9uaHty Big Red Wieners Low 7bKhr,.ssl i 1299 dv Microwave or � Oren Ready Meat Pies aw.. � ra.lrub, wdew itl w Combiadw of r rtaa troa� ae 7 �79 1 Premium Quality Centre C • lew York Strip loin . - w 9tg8 w 2 149 60OL 849 &A bw Individually Frozen- SkiWm Boneless Chicken Tender, Breasts 99 j ft, MW a a bOX rrlwlesollte 15 • "Wy. Z . woodall J -; � ScHNEIDER Deluxe Trim Boneless Pork Loin Chops 14 x 4 ox chops 99 box114 ~ "h1i 01 Quality Bacon 3 WWk*•ra1 .•ap. 1 1., b. p.cYtO.. Nq*,Ww"Im. lclwYdtc $"? PW am raw by M atb •aF 199 Ok Produced by J.H. Schneider Min1 Sizzlers = rd •w w - 99 trio bw Microwave or Oven Ready Chicken Rings uglily Orae - Y d`r ne" FW to Wd 4&Z pow& 7 99 L2 a bu ®l Microwave or oven Ready Lasagna Laws *owr baA bwwr ora. otaq, ww blwofabt a•.a Wft ww +low 6 49 2a M ® .Fresh- Refrigerate Wieners Oualfty wlellees. Produced - . 89 excessively for M&M Meat Shops ese a ft d u by J. M- Scflneider. Seasoned Spirals Su er P . 4 52 4 �bea j • ., THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, MAY 5,1rit-rAt,e u Autnentic • Precooked 0toberfes.1 Sausae The official "Oktobertest usage" by J.M. Schneider. 16-18 pieces 99 �'`•..,vll • 3.3 Ib. box 1,9 ®Hicroware or Oven Heat Hot 'n' Spicy Chicken Wings 1049 2 a bw ®Hierowave or Oren Ready Veal Cutlets A la Suisse oM !dw aboow oM owabd bwa. as a aw�bya 1099 b= ®i guaranteed fender 1 (Yoz. Bacon Wrapped Filet Mignon 6d Twwawtw now a *" ana...w.a wawa 10 GL part w•"Aft 5 99 foal Ready to Hake Apple Pie bi/o fwb bM �a 2 �rrb-xw. 49 "al Ready to Bake Sausage Rolls Pork 3 ffeef sausage in a99 puff pastry - 24 pieces NO a boy Thaw 'n' Serve Nanalmo Bars I cid filling on a coconut graham as" crumb X12 NL mus% topped with r" dark chocolate.999 Hwy. 2 ■ ' t wai+► � Vdbq� , ., 2 ...+M1«;.f.�:Y�M"=�u'S'���>r¢'•3.:•+°e �*•+;.�-..:'f ,..,_.y. {ter:-.,,. r'.... PAGE 14 -THS NZVS ADVIanrgM SWMAY, WY 3, IM E cm a) cm co 'Cl ,. 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N :o p =3� a n =a { ZMl • a r, « N N12p: cV�l g• M N y rl 0—� �.,•3H Zoo 20 �di •00 •��� 3� IL rq m 0Go • Oji>� r •~ -01101 SVcn as0 �LticL —o'n1' a•e• —• � o �wtE• o—• <1`IVt MIA u mL OLL ` _94vac �► c1 EV cAQR m y�y LFC C O• A v 0 3? . 01 f"l w e ► M NA 9L a _ ¢ • p cV �L 0 Mini �• : v ui tD lel �10 = r m O u 0 r i� !p ' 3 0� "� ~ • W =1i "�'� ° a 0 C4 it!.� o� ��► ~ a �� 40,00 �1° a °4 oa foo F+ i Np 00 wL i>< • iIi V N.�• + c= O'Cm•l. u� A� 0 t N,�•I AQ v; « C �I: w a= C^ �d CUQ� •w�L ov''ar •'�Ceai"'1i �0=•«N •N; N� C �O a—aea ( 5 lV0• �aN ►� �AA.Ali r 9•NC• 9000•n�'"• I9I��00�• • $ip moi' �• •OILOO OOOC• Lt _M1`Q :;MOtA .1LL ii 'L<0N ��No U)4/9 .101CILOL +4lz��•MUC •er+ nL ly 1��y��ll 4 '.•'E�.��.*..?.. ...:' .. 'li..�.�. IP'b6:..A:YiV•y.,�4 . .7.{.. .. .., .:. .,. - .,. ,� .. ,,ate ;. Via. .....�'�'ht{' QllsffTa•f�`. PAGE 16 -THE NEWS ADVF.>R97 n suNDAlf, MAY 3.182 Ti,,eemoff for charoi-tA. AJAX-PICKERI NG - The Ajax -Pickering Board of Trade will host a fund-raising golf tournament Thursday, June 11. - - - -- — Proceeds will go to board of trade projects and to the local branch of the Salvation Army. A day at the Glen Cedars Golf Club in Pickering will be followed by a steak dinner and a giant auction. Golfers will also have the chance to win some great prizes. Everything is included for the price of S100. Air Canada is offering a free trip anywhere it flies to the duffer who gets a hole -in -one on the company's hole. Wildwood Ford also has a hole -in -one prize of a new automobile. Other prizes include a S450 executive planner chair from Global Upholstery and Dickson Printing Office Centre, a $250 Lowery of Lon- don figurine from Galbraith Jewellers and a S400 Mark Berry print from Gallery Brougham. To date, 10 local companies have agreed to sponsor holes. They are Bob Myers Chevrolet Oldsmobile, Pine Ridge Insurance, Royal LePage Realty Pickering, National Bank, BFI Industries, Royal Trust, Dickson PrinIin Off; I- L_ Ice entre, Apple Auto Glass, Air Canada and Wildwood Ford. Thirty golfers have registered and there's room for more. Tee - off times are from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. with times arranged at the board of trade office. For more information or to register, call Leslie Whyte at the board office at 427-4270, Joe Murray at 420-4060, Joe Dickson at 683-1968 or Ozzie Tanner at 429-1710. JOE DICKSON PRINTING Remembers 1968. Who was there before Joe at 218 Harwood Ave. Ajax Plaza? Earl N. Davies, owner of Schrane Electric and Maintenance, now Sage Electric and Durham Alarm Systems. THAT'S WHO! CALL THIS_ AREA FOR A FIXED LOW MONTHLY PAYMENT OF 1 I Per Yorwl no G.S.T. RESIDENTIAL ,CA NA DA'S) fHEDL�� �r o 11YA11C ALL FOR LESS THAN THE PRICE OF TWO REGULAR PARK VISITS! 4� ALL PRICES EXCLUDE TAXES. � Uv/ v J q 'D Bnng your bathing "" v I� suit and jump into over 15 wet'n'wild slides, ' tubes, a relaxing lazy river and a separate kids' water play area. For Season Passholders On 'Friday, May 8, starts at 5 PM. C'mon - Ride the rides, play the games and check out all that's new, park In limited operation, with most rides open =' , (except water rides), FREE Parking, pont Miss Presented Ultimate Vi y CFNY FM�b Dance with P live appearance by SKAFACE. � a �� • YTV CONCERT - Starring Shari Lewis & Lamb Chop, Bob Schneider, Kideo, Sandra Beech b, more! rt • SPI -ASH BASH WITH IAN ZIERING - Star of Beverly HAS 90210 • BLUE JAYS DAY - Most & Greet some of your favowite players! • FEATURING STARS FROM THE YOUNG AND RESTLESS - Joyce Becker's Soap Opera TM Festival. } .w, >' SUNDAY MAY 0 BUY NOW! AT THE PARK OR -A Season Pass entitles the owner b adMeSSM to the adgrmind to use of all regular rides arta shows at Canada's Wonderland in operation On day d use. ExUudes food. games. mnerUgrdise, Kingswood Music Theatre and sPeaal attractions. F is defined as relabel ,'.grandparents, parents. endc•rklren, with al bast one farcy member 1S years or older'. Service any Mrdlny charges are extra. '" •r Registered Trade Marks of Canada's Wonderland Inc. C des apply and are non reUxldable. DeYvery and _+ Copyright Canada's Wonderland Inc., 1992. 0) 0 x }� A:'tP'�4M'•... ;�•Yg',IEJ"ti$F x"'',24 ' x °�t•a,�-.ti�!fiifi.z.-... d... r. f..vv-s.+y�,, ,. ,.dr'8fi •�+ _ V „ ILIJ 11 Aiam DATE DXEY MARKY MARK 8 THE FUNNY BUNCH/ 17 . PAULA ASDULLOR ME BARO (7 PM) ICO MAY 10 MAY 23 • CE CE PENISTON BOYS (2 SHOWS) AUG 3 9 EN VOGUE KENNY LOGGINS (7 PM) MAY 28 MAY 30 • BEACH • EMERSON. LAKE AND PALM E FEAT (7 PM) TIi0ROG00DI AUG A G 10 .TRACY CHAPMAN • SIMPLY RED JUNE 5 JUNE 7 • GEORGE • JOHN DENVER 12 AUG 25 . PETER MURPHY • MOODY BLUESICHICAGO R PM) HIS ,JUNE 15 JUNE 16 • B -52's • JAMES TAYLORSEPT MUSIC FESTIVAL '92 WITH SEPT I 3 • RINGO STARR b LB SRR BAND(7 PM) BR JUNE 20 . BLUES B.B. KINGIBUDDY GUY/OR. JOHN! THUNDERDS (6.30 P1 JUNE 22 THE FABULOUS SEPT 12 • ALLMAN BROTHERS/ . SANDI P09TI TBA BLUES TRAVELER (7 PM) JULY 4 . %WLIE COLE Due to the nature of • KIM MITCHELL i,1d;cated otherwise. ` Mom dhows Ito conte! All shows at 8:00 cha, thoul notice. Prices exclude taxes_ schedule end Vices I theatrical bookings• For Season Passholders On 'Friday, May 8, starts at 5 PM. C'mon - Ride the rides, play the games and check out all that's new, park In limited operation, with most rides open =' , (except water rides), FREE Parking, pont Miss Presented Ultimate Vi y CFNY FM�b Dance with P live appearance by SKAFACE. � a �� • YTV CONCERT - Starring Shari Lewis & Lamb Chop, Bob Schneider, Kideo, Sandra Beech b, more! rt • SPI -ASH BASH WITH IAN ZIERING - Star of Beverly HAS 90210 • BLUE JAYS DAY - Most & Greet some of your favowite players! • FEATURING STARS FROM THE YOUNG AND RESTLESS - Joyce Becker's Soap Opera TM Festival. } .w, >' SUNDAY MAY 0 BUY NOW! AT THE PARK OR -A Season Pass entitles the owner b adMeSSM to the adgrmind to use of all regular rides arta shows at Canada's Wonderland in operation On day d use. ExUudes food. games. mnerUgrdise, Kingswood Music Theatre and sPeaal attractions. F is defined as relabel ,'.grandparents, parents. endc•rklren, with al bast one farcy member 1S years or older'. Service any Mrdlny charges are extra. '" •r Registered Trade Marks of Canada's Wonderland Inc. C des apply and are non reUxldable. DeYvery and _+ Copyright Canada's Wonderland Inc., 1992. 0) 0 x }� A:'tP'�4M'•... ;�•Yg',IEJ"ti$F x"'',24 ' x °�t•a,�-.ti�!fiifi.z.-... d... r. f..vv-s.+y�,, ,. ,.dr'8fi •�+ _ V 1 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • t • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 7=XZ ADV T1611011 SUMUX MAY 3,1!!bA►C! 17 4 -mm"vea %wanaaa - corporate supporters Andrew Canada Inc. Canada Brick Halton & Peel Industrial Association of Colleges of Canox Training Advisory Committee Applied Arts and Technology Du Pont Canada - Finishes Procor Ltd. of Ontario Division Radio Shack Bell Canada Escalator Handrails ■ E -U ve s -ft o W- -.1m Algoma Orchards Humber College Automodulw Assemblies IBEW Canada Trust - Oshawa H. Kassinger Construction Durham College Ontario Association of Eco -Tec Ltd. Certified Engineering Enterprise Ford Technicians & Technologists Halminen Homes D. Petrie Associates Guillevin International Smith Drafting Hong Kong Bank of Canada Tarxien Co. Ltd. The Minacs Group Inc. TADA United Association of Plumbers & Pipefitters - Local 463• Bowmanville Weldco Williams Communications Metro East Trade Centre Brock Road & 401, Pickering, Ontario o Science sideshow on its wayto Pickering If you've ever been to an old- best exhibits from the world- degrees below zero, shatter into wheel while standing on a turntable. Trade Centre, located on the fashioned circus, then you'll famotts Science Circus. It will be at pieces- There are puzzles, illusions and northeast corner of Hwy. 401 and remember the sideshows - the the Metro East Trade Centre for the Remove George the Torso's lugs, skill tests to baffle and amuse, plus Brock Rd - smaller acts away from the noise Onto Skills Competition on May heart and kidneys and try to put lots more. The Science Sideshow will be and spectacle of the centre ring - 8 and 9. Them batik in the right places. Find open Fnday, May 8, from noon to 5 and how much fun you had! More than a dozen hands-on out how difficult it is to draw Science Sideshows visit p.m. and Saturday, May 9, from 8 Now there's a Science Sideshow exhibits will delight, inform and backwards while watching your communities throughout Ontario am- to 5 p.m - from the Ontario Science Centre dazzle visitors. See a flower, hand in a mirror- Become a human each year. Enjoy the Pickering Admission is free. rollinginto town with some of the immersed in liquid nitrogen at 196 gyroscope by spinning a bicycle Science Sideshow at the Metro East OPEN THE DOOR TO OPPO Visit our exhibits at the Ontario Skills Competitions, May 8th & 9th, 1992 at the Metro East Trade Centre e1Nb are proud to be a sponsor of the 1992 Oetario Skis Competitions. Now is the lime b be insirm, al it shaping the Mn of �,.�...�t ,yam. t,,a� ,.,,�y in N� skids. Togeltler, Jet's work b build success and wealth for D~ Region and Canada." EGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM Richard Ramlogan, Skills Canada Provincial Officer, accepts a donation from Ron Stead, Manager, Operations - Training, Union Gas. 111 WLJ A Bruce Nuclear employee explains the details of his trade to a Skills Canada student member —'dbwWs no abort.pe of skilled trade.DpDl. at Dofasco. We train people ,n all the trades nead ed at our tour molimen -tori -year steakrALkwg Were in Hamilton. Ontano. Intensive classroom unstrucuon at our Trades Training Centre and at community schools and colleges is aombured with hands-on V ork expenemm at Dotavoo. The typical apprenticeship is lour years and fully qualtlres tradespeople m the regulated Uades. Our tradespeople play am essential role in helping us produce world class steel for Canadian industry We're proud of our trades people And we'll continue to grow our own. •I' S'�1rM. tIN�Y. v !" �t yr r-'�' ^ .. • .. .{O IC.,.Y.�, _- . tC }p ., fes.: " .`Era' �� +• PAGR I&TIM NEM AD MUM 3tn41DAlf wAY 3, im ........ ... we I llwu" 49 ht M.STANLEY Vida6 � ,,, hd 1W7 &tM1Wnq A Wo Skills Competitions an investment in youth 'The Ontario Skills Competitions (OSC) is Competitions is to reward students for a million -dollar investment in young excellence, to involve industry in directly people. The OSC is a showcase for evaluating student performance, and to Canada's top technical students to kap training relevant to employers' needs. demonstrate their excellence in both skill and leadership. Nearly 500 judges and contest organizers The '92 Competitions involve over 400 from labor and management make it COmpe itors and 5,000 visitors. Guests will possible. They not only design the ;include industry representatives, trade and contests, they provide equipment, tools, ;technology teachers, parents, the general supplies, money, executive time, talent, public and government officials. technical expertise and awards for the This year, as Skills Canada expands winners• #cross the country. guests from British To qualify for the provincial Columbia, Alberta and Quebec will also competitions, students have won their attend contest within their school and also within , T*hirty separate contests will be held for their school board or college campus. Gold high school students and 15 at college medal winners in each contest at the .level. The competition is unique, Technical Ontario Competitions will represent txpests from labor and industry design the Canada in the United States Skill Olympics Fcorttests to test a variety of shills that are in June, 1992. *eq nred in entry-level trade and technical In 1994. Skills Canada will hold thefust jobs. annual Canadian National Skills -.,-.—,The philosophy of the Skills Competitions. BELL CANADA A DEMONSTRATION OF FIBRE OPTICS TECHNOLOGY vNrr A wwos aw oMr►wv wo as na L^w" *1111mMo6ow w � orrice aOlNWerr. L.*MMI __0W / W 0PrM@ a me M"MOM WIWO Mr waL wAwovt nt M>Ar VOu ooW{AUMM VIME: 0:00 TO 6:00 P.M. Mlr*O RAST CONNtNTMN CtlITII! M" nti OML ANswsiaM Youn CALL Tool manufacturer working hard to meet needs of consumers Throughout the world, Stanley Tools is a recognized leader in hand tool and tool storage manufacturing. The majority of all the firm's hand tools are made in one of Stanley's manufacturing facilities, whether it be Canada, the United States, England, or the Far East. Stanley takes pride in making a quality product at a competitive price. Its commitment to excellence extends from its manufacturing of products right through to the markets it serves. Stanley supplies four major brand of tools and tool storage systems to the consumer, industrial and automotive markets. The consumer marketplace is dominated by the branded tools and tool boxes of Stanley and Beach. For everyone from the do-it-yourselfer to the contractor, Stanley provides a complete line of tape measures, knives and blades, saws, levels, squares, hammers, screwdrivers and planes, as well as the tool boxes to store the tools. The industrial marketplace is dominated by the firm's Provo, Challenger and Beach product lines. Whether it is for a manufacturing facility, or the mining, oil and gas exploration, forests or construction industries, Stanley provides the tools. Proto offers over 0,5(X) different products to serve these markets. The products include sockets, wrenches, screwdrivers, punches and chisels, hammers. torque wrenches, pliers, C -clamps and other specialty t(x)ls. The automotive marketplace is primarily serviced by the Cha!lcnger brand. Mechanics and body specialists rely on Challenger sockets, wrenches and other specialty tools uo get the job done right, and On ume. Stanley wishes all the participants much success at this year's Ontario Skills Competitions, hecause.... they arc the l uture. CONGRATULATIONS SKILLS CANADA Ontario Hydro is proud to be a corporate sponsor of the Third Annual Ontario Skills Competition. As a major employer, we recognize the need to encourage it ­mtinuous learning philosophy amongst our workers. Skills Canada, through a variety of programs. is working to ensure the availability of the skilled staff indust" needs. At Ontario 1 ivdro, we appreciate and support their efforts. Best wishes to all contestants! "WE'VE GOT nr' - • ART & DRAFTING SUPPLIES • AIR BRUSHES • GRUMBACHER SUPPLIES • WM. ALEXANDER SUPPLIES • WINDSOR b NEWTON • LIQUITEX • BOOKS • ROWNEY • CANVAS • GEOTYPE ..• FABRIC PAINT • PORTFOLIOS • EASELS • BRUSHES • A FRIENDLY ......................... SMILE 0 COLLECTIBLES CARDS& POSTERS - ATTENTION COLLECTORS CHECK US OUT! Bowls on a lirtrr Matins LwM rc..6i■rastltat/! 'S POINT$ MAI[ , 434.23 46, 0 0 CALGAH Contest sponsors �Go 0OFASCO ,11.,. 1....1.. .... . ..11...11.... 1.-_, b. SKILLS CANADA than the following Chair tesama ctl>3mt Dan i Tool: Aum R ,�',;� Pts:llttc��h for their services- I Sponsor "" Chair - Vince Majaushas & Awards Supplier - Bell Canada - Ontario Hydro Chair - Bob Crawford Materials and support. Materials S"ppt1C` - Durham. Keith McCmne Sheet Mew Supplier - C.I.B.C. Awards Supplier • Wllitb Photographic Ciub Y Board of Education Sponsor - Dupont Canada - Chair - Edith Cavan - CJ.B.C. Jobintrs kw •Durham Board of - Smith Drafting Products Finishes Division -Norman Wade Materials Supplier - t'pP DuPont ���� Chair - Don Millet chair - David Lewis Sponsor - HAPTIAC Education Awards Supplies - Smith Products Canada - Weldco - Snap On Tfis Sponsor - Canox Materials Supplier - • Durham CollegeeDrafin • Tools Supplier Materials Supplier - Durham Volkswagen _ W Mechanical Awards Supplier - Snap On College Awards S her - DU R H A M , Air Awards Supplier - Black & Volkswagen ` . " air - JOe DeCaria , Cooled - Gas ngine Decker - Canox l .m ti and Robo ice Sponsor - Escalator Chair - Glen Pascoe Brick Masonry Chair - Paul Walters Handrails Sponsor - Snap On Tools Chair - Don A ttfield Materials Supplier - Festo Materials Supplier - Durham Materials Supplier - Briggs Sponsor - Canada Brick Inc. Board of Education & Stratton - Snap On Tools Materials Supplier - Canada Computer Technolory Norman Wade Awards Supplier - Snap On Brick Chair - Mike Lake Smith Drafting Products Tools Culinary Arts - Food Materials Supplier - Humber Awards Supplier - Lightoher Cabinet Making Preparation College North Campus - I.C.C. Reprographics - Chair - Grant Glennic Chair - Fred Kolar Awards Supplier - Weldco Cooper Lighter - Lennox - Sponsor - Stanley Tools Materials Supplier - Camco 1DmIgnand Tec' nn o j Federal Pioneer Ltd. Materials Supplier - Stanley Inc. - Durham Board of Chair - Norm Dale Norman Wade Tools - Delta International Education Materials Supplier - Holophane Canada Inc. Machinery - Cooper & C 1Llinary ArL . Bn� Technology Teaching CAD Architecturaland Horton Ltd. - Conestoga Chair - Hazel Daubeny Systems Mechanical College Materials Supplier - Rose. & Awards Supplier - Chair - John Bisset Awards Supplier - Stanley LaFlamme - Durham Board Technology Teaching Sponsor Tools - William Knel' and of Education Systems Materials Supplier - CAD Company - Lee Valley Tools Awards Supplier - Bakery Ontario Sheet Metal Works - Auto Desk - Calpe,�ny Indivi : lal and Production Club Material Supplier - B.V.A. Computer Vision - Naylor &�, r - Graphic Arts/Printing Manufacturing Ltd. - Delrey McLeod Chair - Stewart Brandon Chair - Carmen Camuti Contractors - Don Park Inc. - Awards Supplier - Cadkey Precision Machine Commercial Photora by Environmental Sheet Metal Inc. - Mersal - Computer Chair - Andrew Brown Chair -Rick Young Assoc. Toronto - Heather & Vision - Auto Desk - Naylor Sponsor - Dofasco Steel Inc. Materials Supplier - Durham Little Ltd. - Leslie Bros, teInc. Autmoti& McLeod Materials Supplier - Rouen College - MCA Ottawa Sheet Metal v Machine & Mold Co. - Cosmetolocv Section - Ontario Sheet Techpolory Durham College Chair - Stephen Cheung & Metal and Air Handling Chair - Sandy McDonald Residential Wiring Henry Hlady Group - SMWIA - Local Sponsor Ch . T P ZE Skills Canada student members Robert Pye and Wendy Elliott meet Prime Minister Brian Mulroney. aur - eny order Job Skill Demo Union #30 - Toronto - Materials Supplier - Snap On Sponsor - Ontario Hydra Chair - Greg McNamara Residential Air Handling Dols - G.M. - Ford - Mazda Electronics Technology_ Materials Supplier - Molson Group. 4 40 *At* *JbF 14 - Toyota - Nissan - Honda - Chair - David Swain Companies Prysler Sponscr - Bell Canada Awards Supplier - Molson Awards Supplier - Snap On Materials Supplier - Companies Message from the Board of Directors a member of the Skills Canada Board of Directors since its inception in 1989,1 have seen first-hand the enormous growth and tremendous excitement surrounding the Ontario Skills Competitions. From our humble beginnings at Mohawk College, Hamilton, to the Metro East Trade Centre in Pickering. the number of competitors has climbed from just over 150 in 1989 to over 400 today. Helping Skills Canada achieve this lev I of success have been thousands of volunteers from Durham Region and across Ontario. Their investment of volunteer time, technical expertise, financial contributions, donated equipment and prizes assures that Skills Canada programs provide employers with well-rounded, motivated, productive, quality workers. On behalf of the Board of Directors, I would like to thank everyone involved in making this day such a success. V Dick President Skills Canada GIVE YOUR SAVINGS STRII%IH IN HUMBm. VIM. IIM.IMYrI I.M..1 I l . .rl YIu 1 IWI. Ill I..0 Ir.I.N1141M. IlirWl1 N1M1 w•\I.n.h tl I•wl_ Iw.wr. _ r.n YI P. IJ rt. .JIIM,i � • . ,TINT I,\ 1". ', ;• _ Taimium Ft -ND r �T.p - tNrFUPtt�6 .. 1fPM� INVESTMENT PLANNING CENTRE "WHITBY 666.0896 AJAX 428.6398 DONALD R. DASn : 11ADEGE WEBB MAWER BOB HART SHIES MEMtESENTATNE _ . 12t A11g1 St, alrarar 16, Congratulations and Best Wishes to all contestants in the 1992 Provincial Skills 0111 irion At Consumers Gas, providing opponunity fef achievement through Education and Training i a corporate commitment. Developing a skiged workforce is a key element of success for today and tomorrow. SKILLS CANADA COMPETITION CALGAH, COMMITTED TO CANADIAN YOUTH S'rS? MES POORMAT/QVES CALGAH • Compum SYSTEMS AUTODESK CALGAH COMPUTER SYSTEMS 2299 Gu&w te, SL Laurent, Ou6bec, Canada H4R 2E9 Tel: (514) 335-0405 Fax: (514) 748-1130 / 335.6541 Congratulations &Good Luck to all contestants in the 1992 Provincial Skills Competition Packaging Products Ltd. 1PAG9 >/-T= NEW ADYRTOM sumDAy, mAY 3, IM 'Pickering ru a PICKERING - The Pickering Master Splashers won medals and smashed meet records at the Ontario Masters Swim Championships at the Etobicoke Olympi- um April 24 to 26. Ten members from the Pickering club competed at the championships and were well rewarded for their hard work and training this season. Pickering's Mark Miller eclipsed a pre- vious provincial and national record in the men's 35 -to -39 age group 100 -metre freestyle event. Miller won the gold in a record time of 56.17 seconds. He also cap- tured gold in the 200m freestyle and won bronze medals in the 50 -metre freestyle and 50 -metre butterfly. Ajax minor novice squad 'Buffalo'ed at major tourney AJAX - The Ajax -Village Admiral Evans Securitv minor novice hockey team finished the season by competing at a recent- tournev in Buffalo. Ajax lost all three of its games while competing against older play- ers in the major novice Pepsi Tour- nament. The Admiral Evans novice dropped its first game to the Buffa- lo Regals major novice AAA team 10-2. Adam Grayer won the team MVP award, scoring both goals. Ryoma Ito, Simon Barg, Drew Knox and Michael Carroll had assists. In their best game of the tour- ney, The Ajax novices were edged 4-3 by the Hamilton Red Wings major novices. Hamilton's intimi- dation tactics didn't slow down Ajax and, with a few breaks, could have won this one. Michael Calnan was the Ajax MVP. Calnan, Grayer and Dennis Colterman had the goals. Defence - man Jason Sharpe contributed an assist South Shore Massachusetts, with four third -period goals, won the MW game 7-2 over Ajax. Gray- er had both Ajax goals with Coher- man, the Ajax MVP, adding an assist Judy Rynbeek and Cathy Mills, both of the Pickering club, battled it out against a strong field in the ladies' 30 -to -34 age group in the 100 -metre butterfly. At the end of the race, the two Pickering swim- mers tied for the bronze medal. Judy Parrett excelled in the 50 -to -54 age group 200 -metre butterfly, swimming to a gold medal while establishing a per- sonal best time. She was followed to the finish line by Maureen Gilpin with a silver medal. Gilpin only recently began compet- ing in this event. Pickering's youngest competitor Andrea Ken,.on — s,.vimminL in the 20 - to -24 age or(%- - - won fold mcdak in all her eNrcnt,,. in.ludir the -'i('-metre breaststroke, 100 -metre breaststroke and 200 -metre breaststroke. The complete results of Masters Splashers swimmers at the provincials: Andrea Kenyon, 24, first 50 -metre breast; first 100m breast; first 200m breast. Judy Rynbeek, 30, third 400m freestyle; third 1,500m free; third 100m butterfly; sixth 100m free; sixth 200m free. Kathy Gallows, 32, third 50m breast; third 200m individual medley, sixth 100m breast: sixth 50m backstroke: sixth 100m L%I.: 10th 50m free. Lori Ackro,,d, 35, third 80Orn free: fifth �iirr hr;a<t: tilth 1(Min hrca,,t: <irth _'(Cri breast; sixth 200m free; fifth 400m free. Judy Parrett, 54, first 100m fly; first 200m fly; first 400m free; first 200m back; second 200m free. Cathy Mills, 30, third 800m free; third 100m fly; seventh 100m free; seventh 200m free; seventh 400th free. Ian Thompson, 35, fourth 200m back; fifth 200m free; fifth 50m back; sixth 100m back; eighth 100m free. John MacLean, 35, fifth 1500 free; sev- enth 100m free. Mark Miller, 36, first 100m free; first 200m free, first 100m fly; third 50m free; third 50m fly. Rtaureen Gilpin, 5',, first 50m fly: sec- ond ,ti(+m !1N: thir ! Irl-(:. Practice mokes perfect- Colin Russell, a member of the Ajax Aquatic Club, powers new 50 -metre pool in London, Ontario May 8, 9 and 10. Club through the water during one of the club's recent practices at the members came off a successful competition at the annual Ajax Ajax Community Centre pool- The club is currently tuning up for Sprint Long Course Meet at the University of Toronto pool its next competitive event at the London Invitational Meet, at a recently. . photo by A.J. Groen The Ajax squad missed their Mcl/nrin Aerials'gymnasts flyto toppular teammate Jonathan of I r r ow. on the we*md as he wasmeets recovering from reoerut surgery. PICKERING - Pickering Aerials' gym - The Ajax in novices comf.=_f s were the class of two recent meets in rhew their season with two toircrnF ,North York and Orangeville. went c hampwaships; Streetsville Five Aerials' gymnasts fared well at the and the North American Silver North York Gyros Pre - Stick; finalises in the Newmadwt Competitive Meet Satur attud St 'Ibonuas Ioxrrl+ftuxaLs and A BY "_ 4 division finalists in the Timmy Natasha Spencer, '6, Tyke Tournament was second in the five - Team matnbets are Adam Gray- ''and -six-year-old category. �. er, Michael Calm, David Bird,She placed first on floor Michael Wilding, Drew Knox, �)ind beam, second on bars r Dennis Colterman, Ryoma Ito, 'And fourth on vault. Simon Barg, Tyler McGregor,. Jennifer Milne, 8, fm- Soott Robinson, Jonathan Burgess, Fished fourth in the eight Michael Carroll, Jason Sharpe, year-old category. She was Michael Bateah and BMM Arscdt third on floor, fourth on The coaching staff are Keith Wild- vault, fifth on bars and sixth on beam. Effie ing, Don Bird and Frank Robinson. Mitskopoulos, 8, was seventh overall with a '�'fifth on beam. Pamela Tidy was eighth over- I ;category with a first on beam, third on bars ;all with a third-place finish on vault. Lind- ;and floor and sixth on vault. ...,..say Huribort, 8, was ninth overall, finishing. Kathy Tidy was fifth overall with a sec-, on beam. and on floor, fourth oa vault, sixth on bars Meanwhile, Aerials gym- #udseventh on beam. �/� _ ::Aasts also competed at the Nicole Marchand, 16, captured second Orangeville Gymnastics Club place in the tyro A category, She was first invitational on Saturday. on vault, second on beam and fourth on . Sara Soetens topped the floor and bars. Lindsay Dalton and Hayley 3 argo Al2 category with a °Veldhoen were tied for third with an overall 1.*, score of 37.20. S be was first y score of 36.20. 00floor,'beam and vault and a Dalton was second oasecond on vault, fourth on bars- =bars and floor and ninth on beam. Veldhoea 1 Erin Kerr placed first- __awas third on floor and bars, fourth on vault overall in the argo Al 1 divi- land sixth on beam. cion at the meet. She finished In the cadet A9 division, Emma Wilkin - first on floor and beam and :son of Pickering was fifth overall, placing sixth on vault and bars. ;second on floor, fourth on vault and fifth on Kelly O'Neil was second in the cadet A 10 beam and bars. �.,: AERIALS Qyft MA4=r_.4 Li U, - AJAXVCKERNO MW ADVERTISER% NyrNt to be In 9"1 � can our sports department with your weekly resuft - I - 683-5110 w1w FAX 683.7363 'Pickering ru a PICKERING - The Pickering Master Splashers won medals and smashed meet records at the Ontario Masters Swim Championships at the Etobicoke Olympi- um April 24 to 26. Ten members from the Pickering club competed at the championships and were well rewarded for their hard work and training this season. Pickering's Mark Miller eclipsed a pre- vious provincial and national record in the men's 35 -to -39 age group 100 -metre freestyle event. Miller won the gold in a record time of 56.17 seconds. He also cap- tured gold in the 200m freestyle and won bronze medals in the 50 -metre freestyle and 50 -metre butterfly. Ajax minor novice squad 'Buffalo'ed at major tourney AJAX - The Ajax -Village Admiral Evans Securitv minor novice hockey team finished the season by competing at a recent- tournev in Buffalo. Ajax lost all three of its games while competing against older play- ers in the major novice Pepsi Tour- nament. The Admiral Evans novice dropped its first game to the Buffa- lo Regals major novice AAA team 10-2. Adam Grayer won the team MVP award, scoring both goals. Ryoma Ito, Simon Barg, Drew Knox and Michael Carroll had assists. In their best game of the tour- ney, The Ajax novices were edged 4-3 by the Hamilton Red Wings major novices. Hamilton's intimi- dation tactics didn't slow down Ajax and, with a few breaks, could have won this one. Michael Calnan was the Ajax MVP. Calnan, Grayer and Dennis Colterman had the goals. Defence - man Jason Sharpe contributed an assist South Shore Massachusetts, with four third -period goals, won the MW game 7-2 over Ajax. Gray- er had both Ajax goals with Coher- man, the Ajax MVP, adding an assist Judy Rynbeek and Cathy Mills, both of the Pickering club, battled it out against a strong field in the ladies' 30 -to -34 age group in the 100 -metre butterfly. At the end of the race, the two Pickering swim- mers tied for the bronze medal. Judy Parrett excelled in the 50 -to -54 age group 200 -metre butterfly, swimming to a gold medal while establishing a per- sonal best time. She was followed to the finish line by Maureen Gilpin with a silver medal. Gilpin only recently began compet- ing in this event. Pickering's youngest competitor Andrea Ken,.on — s,.vimminL in the 20 - to -24 age or(%- - - won fold mcdak in all her eNrcnt,,. in.ludir the -'i('-metre breaststroke, 100 -metre breaststroke and 200 -metre breaststroke. The complete results of Masters Splashers swimmers at the provincials: Andrea Kenyon, 24, first 50 -metre breast; first 100m breast; first 200m breast. Judy Rynbeek, 30, third 400m freestyle; third 1,500m free; third 100m butterfly; sixth 100m free; sixth 200m free. Kathy Gallows, 32, third 50m breast; third 200m individual medley, sixth 100m breast: sixth 50m backstroke: sixth 100m L%I.: 10th 50m free. Lori Ackro,,d, 35, third 80Orn free: fifth �iirr hr;a<t: tilth 1(Min hrca,,t: <irth _'(Cri breast; sixth 200m free; fifth 400m free. Judy Parrett, 54, first 100m fly; first 200m fly; first 400m free; first 200m back; second 200m free. Cathy Mills, 30, third 800m free; third 100m fly; seventh 100m free; seventh 200m free; seventh 400th free. Ian Thompson, 35, fourth 200m back; fifth 200m free; fifth 50m back; sixth 100m back; eighth 100m free. John MacLean, 35, fifth 1500 free; sev- enth 100m free. Mark Miller, 36, first 100m free; first 200m free, first 100m fly; third 50m free; third 50m fly. Rtaureen Gilpin, 5',, first 50m fly: sec- ond ,ti(+m !1N: thir ! Irl-(:. Practice mokes perfect- Colin Russell, a member of the Ajax Aquatic Club, powers new 50 -metre pool in London, Ontario May 8, 9 and 10. Club through the water during one of the club's recent practices at the members came off a successful competition at the annual Ajax Ajax Community Centre pool- The club is currently tuning up for Sprint Long Course Meet at the University of Toronto pool its next competitive event at the London Invitational Meet, at a recently. . photo by A.J. Groen The Ajax squad missed their Mcl/nrin Aerials'gymnasts flyto toppular teammate Jonathan of I r r ow. on the we*md as he wasmeets recovering from reoerut surgery. PICKERING - Pickering Aerials' gym - The Ajax in novices comf.=_f s were the class of two recent meets in rhew their season with two toircrnF ,North York and Orangeville. went c hampwaships; Streetsville Five Aerials' gymnasts fared well at the and the North American Silver North York Gyros Pre - Stick; finalises in the Newmadwt Competitive Meet Satur attud St 'Ibonuas Ioxrrl+ftuxaLs and A BY "_ 4 division finalists in the Timmy Natasha Spencer, '6, Tyke Tournament was second in the five - Team matnbets are Adam Gray- ''and -six-year-old category. �. er, Michael Calm, David Bird,She placed first on floor Michael Wilding, Drew Knox, �)ind beam, second on bars r Dennis Colterman, Ryoma Ito, 'And fourth on vault. Simon Barg, Tyler McGregor,. Jennifer Milne, 8, fm- Soott Robinson, Jonathan Burgess, Fished fourth in the eight Michael Carroll, Jason Sharpe, year-old category. She was Michael Bateah and BMM Arscdt third on floor, fourth on The coaching staff are Keith Wild- vault, fifth on bars and sixth on beam. Effie ing, Don Bird and Frank Robinson. Mitskopoulos, 8, was seventh overall with a '�'fifth on beam. Pamela Tidy was eighth over- I ;category with a first on beam, third on bars ;all with a third-place finish on vault. Lind- ;and floor and sixth on vault. ...,..say Huribort, 8, was ninth overall, finishing. Kathy Tidy was fifth overall with a sec-, on beam. and on floor, fourth oa vault, sixth on bars Meanwhile, Aerials gym- #udseventh on beam. �/� _ ::Aasts also competed at the Nicole Marchand, 16, captured second Orangeville Gymnastics Club place in the tyro A category, She was first invitational on Saturday. on vault, second on beam and fourth on . Sara Soetens topped the floor and bars. Lindsay Dalton and Hayley 3 argo Al2 category with a °Veldhoen were tied for third with an overall 1.*, score of 37.20. S be was first y score of 36.20. 00floor,'beam and vault and a Dalton was second oasecond on vault, fourth on bars- =bars and floor and ninth on beam. Veldhoea 1 Erin Kerr placed first- __awas third on floor and bars, fourth on vault overall in the argo Al 1 divi- land sixth on beam. cion at the meet. She finished In the cadet A9 division, Emma Wilkin - first on floor and beam and :son of Pickering was fifth overall, placing sixth on vault and bars. ;second on floor, fourth on vault and fifth on Kelly O'Neil was second in the cadet A 10 beam and bars. �.,: AERIALS Qyft MA4=r_.4 Li U, Ajax swimmers class of own meet AJAX - Alas Aquatic Club immers were the class of their awn long course atv �t meet at the University of Toronto Vorts compllex recently. The long cause (50 -metre) meet attracted more than 600 swimmers from approximately 60 clubs. Michelle Bricknell led the way in the girls' 11 -and -12 division by winning five gold medals and three bronze medals. She also captured the high point trophy in her age group- Bricknell won the 200 -metre backstroke, 200m breaststroke, 100m butterfly, 200m fly and 200m individual medley. She also placed thins m the 100m breast and 1 o0m back. Alyscia Crooks, also competing On the girls' 11 -and -12 division, won the 100m breast and captured a sil- ver medal in the 200m breast. Duane Dobko was the dominant swimmer in the boys' 15 -and -over "division, winning a total of six medak Dobko was fust in the 50m freestyle, IOOm back and 200m back. second in the loom fret and third in the loom fly and 200m I.M- Camil Toma was fourth in the 200m breast in the boys' 15 -and - over category. Ellen Grams ended the meet with a pair of silver medals to her credit. She was second in the 100m breast and 200m breast in the girls' 15 -and -over category. Laura King was third in the 100m back and sixth in the 200m back fugal. Alina Toma swam to a second_ place finish in the 200m breast in the girls' 13 -and -14 division. She also finished fourth in the loom breast and 400m I.M., seventh in the 200m free and eighth in the final of the 100m free. Nicole Sweet was eighth in the 100m free and Andrea Grams eighth in the 200m fly. William Sutherland made the futak in six events in the bt)vs' 13- Y'` (r cujd� MUSIC FOR YOUNG \y' CHILDREN PARENT/CHILD SMALL GROUP PROGRAM Singing, Rhythm, Piano Sunshine 1 Ages 3 1114 Sunbeam 1 Ages 5 & 6 I Moonbeam 1 Ages 7-10 To Inquire and Register Now For Classes In September Call JOICE McKAY EXCITING LINDA BEADLE AJAX NEW ADULT PICKERING 683-8432 CLASSES 831.E l' IROQUOIS SPORTS COMPLEX IN WHITBY JULY 6TH TO AUGUST 14TH - offer central pick-up & drop-off - access to five baseball diamonds - other sports available: ie. swimming, tennis, soccer etc. - excellent staffing from a ratio of 1-7 - hats, T Shirts & shorts are provided through our sponsors; ZETT BROOKS, RAWLINGS, SPALDING. Please contect: Doug Nekoda 886-9612 Hugh Welter's 623.1344 oAJAX OPTIMIST CLUB 10th ANNUAL SUNDAY MAY 10/92 � OPTIMIST JUNIOR WORLD GOLF QUALIFICATION TOURNAMENT' Buys and Girls 91017 yrs. be!j#m= ID 9Xpeli are WOIW e ktsfruction avails ble fix novices. -• Chanoe to qualify for an all socpertses paid trip 10 to OntdrlO Arill0r Wald Golf District Championship TOTAL COST 42" ktdudes prizes, 18 holes, knch, drinks. To pre-ngbW call: or MacKenzie 427 -OM .. Don Davi= 683-2186 Flyd 75R b a scooped and -14 division, with his best finish a fourth in the 200m free. He was also fifth m the 100m free, seventh in the 50m free and 400m I.NL and eighth in the 100m and 2o0m back. Wade Prescott was fourth in the 100m breast, sixth in the 200m breast and eighth in the loom fly, Chris Hall was fifth in the 200m I.M., sixth in the 400m I.M. and 200m back and seventh in the' 100m back. Abbey Crooks swam to a fifth in the 50m breast and eighth in the 100m breast in the girls' 10 -and - under division. Geoff Fannin was fifth in the 50m free and 100m free, Sixth in the 200m back and seventh in the 50m free in the boys' 10 -and - under category. PLAYSAFE BALL HOCKEY LEAGUE REGISTRATION EXTENSION BY POPULAR DEMAND! ONE TIME ONLY! ■ Deadline May 8, 1992 ■ Teams, individuals ■ 18 & over, 15-18, 14 & under ■ Men's or womens' divisions ■ Stouffville Rea Complex HURRY- 651-9820 . nae NEws ADvEl1TW= n7NDt+ V JIJ"y A jyM" n JUNE 29TH TO SEPTEMBER 4 SUMMER* RIDING* CAMP A wonderful opportunity to learn the life long skills of riding-� horsemanship, handling & care of animals. _ Each one week session will consist of: ' Teaching of ridin i skills along with ring two times each day. • Instruction of understanding, care and handling of the Horse. - Safety around the horse and equipment & its use. • Stable management. • A horse show & riding games competition on the last day of each session. ALSO INCLUDED: / 400' Heated Waterslide ? _.'� °` ; �'f • Roller Skating & Rollerblade Skating In our Skating Forest _ t ". ' i . Mini -golf nor - Giant Children's Playground • Hayrides *a • Swimming pond •and more. Ewers lame: A Fawl, Fun Vow b 1e Pant an M Fna Jain b .4111:11 to 9ama pf = edbm s lick ded Each hw* s also nMrd b 00 Our gwM b , Iwrbsow Inas. Boot NOW, span is entad to 12 elders per session. Call Now for further tnforrnation 649-3334 T _� $489 BROOK ROAD, FWw uxBRDGE, ONT. L9P 1R4 500 Homes Out -of -Town 540 For Sale Properties PI EKING - detached brick NAPANEE - 43 acres of excel - bungalow wO earaps, double nave tarrrsarta. Older 4 bedroom driveway. 3 bedroom ea -n oak have, wakshoP and garape_ kflcterL firwhed baseregit. with Asking 3150.000. Phony (416) build in wood slave. new mol. 7231217. (050792) newly decorated. 311M.50o. 039•1077. NO AGENTS. 550 Cottages For � � rr'�alsourd - �/ Sale NO nosey down - 3 bedroom 1 $64,900 cottage • new 3 172 storey brick house. large bedroon % eKynor �aalekl al drive and garape on urge bL swvdss. pnvale sand beedL RltsonJ401 area. $109,000, apaty clear was. big prlvase bL $1079 1Wrhiy. Call Ruck or 2 M. dri prfvaa sale, IN,, Doug. 069,81106 or 5791 available. 1-414.349-2911. f05129M M508M 111AYF*W built .woo eo h. 5 MOney TO bedroom. 4 bath. pool- 5 (inground. heated). Oak LI>Ktd baa .m car** air. corneal vee. etc A meet ass. (Whifty ARE Debts, bills and eredsors grey. 1106-0454. (0515M OW-Wrte can hWFor BROKER nd has s10.0W to ea free noi imm counsel tq and peace d mind. pal 3147 par mond Corral Jerry 434-6104. SYSTEMATIC -6049 4906 Cormvt0y Fist- FINANCIAL C R E D I T dal Services. (TF) COUSNELLM Oshawa- Ont 2.11112 Soft 4 11 an n encs on horns desivabls Non East UNLIMITED private funds Oshawa 3 V2 baps- matin Moor are)labla Bank or Wisince con► don, prod b sell or 3236.000. Wry nor lou dom. power at Cal 5794012 for spoirlorm l sales, wream, corwolidatinp- WNT$T - Jump eaecUive 1 new business, account P� I badrtoonR �d ve 3 receivable. in home service. central air, main Il POOL New fro Financial �alorl cls 72195113 n trim f!++I' - W f061992f ML doss to shoppirp school. Mortgage 401. guile neighbourhood. R $179,000. 432-8925. NO 5V Irtsttrance AGENTS, P50392) MDRTGAGES b 95%d proper. MUST be seenll Oshawa - 2 ty value. some below bank plus one bedroom deucedrats. special¢ng in p-qually- home, garage, central air. imp first -lino buyers. Morvm- tkeplacsk lladwoo0 bera, new artd loans y for M Puoose. AI decor. k"Wecuk w $126 000 avpkatiorss oarsidered regal 72353$2, 84 pim 7210030F dram* OV and kndolnt saw0. Rllean Final 1.01. ,apPrM SAVE Yhiblti OshMo. 4B -2113a. Pidtnrii bedroom all brick.a.cutiw horns oft etlskl9a, aoor main 7.111111101116 First Mortgapae, new fancy OW foundry moil- central Purchases. renewale, and air, listed dui $217,90(1 NO consolidations. In home, AGENTS. 430141141. P509M � Md � " WL 7 stowes O """ Mr. M May 2 ooepat0bs rosea Phor(sl%OM and 3. 1.5 p.m. 3 bedroom 7254123. @0522921 dalacriad 2 swap Milk Marta 4ona311 lot 1 illusilp alae oak 590 pop B latspllce, hasAlaod poo..: _ baMueost16 laps multi Iwel dale $1513100. es$ Madsoa Ara afel 725-0011 to5o3s21 prea��iirlllm w 520 Condos For a•"'a$ f _ wolh IN frour .SO 4/$4344M fgt0 � COURTICt - luxury one boils- alk co ul.Millisolpilisw p JM IE ?T 1� wn Ili as� took [25,000 a no Nw�Us pw1 all k�Wap wt w $950 PW MWAIL 09SW1L disdMYa191asyaMatancM Lori f'or RM pp JW d. dNU as 4W Sita all. uKIEtFRIOMT «l+ldwap let. CwO f�OWWOBC Cryef (� $78A n E"nlit Cie70NN2lM of 41sd77- I "L Pop" std a JM. 1pliatlslat - .tltltbw 1ra111tR 11062 7ix1$0 /1-, sertr{ead let. cat - ll tee~~T $I I*.Ns. Cai7Mp44a. - 4 1131 w Gent QelaltiNsn Pow" - T4tas. $1?s4CMb7 pan" 675 Companions5-1 Lend 670 Personals Attractive single wl,ile Lady in late SOs, average build searching for honest and sincere white male, who will share the interest of dancing, waIk,ng, travelling, pleasant conversation and much more with the spring has sprung, let's gat walking and sharing mud& more. Send fscent photo and phone number to File #4051, Oshawa This Week, P.O. Box 481, Oshawa, Orn., L1H AS. MONEY Probisrns') Loam debit BIRTH Cored and nand, War. cor.solidalions, credit "If COu"Mil ing. Free and ananpa,Wm, . personal budget Planning. garns++ss stq ped corrdertNl wrlsbls "winder b Friday, 83o a.rrL b 430 p -m FREE CONSUL-ATIONS. CliecinOshawaTuesday.1b Credit COurwebrs (Prlynrtg- 3 ant. and Wednanday 1 to 6 Oshawa). 4331425. (TFALL) P -m Pkdyrsq Triers. 3410 Pm. b 6 p-nL For fuller i domytmn MORTGAGES and bre. 90 % CO Oshawa 4331901 or Pick. � � rr'�alsourd - w"42047111. (TF) Cal Doug or R ck 668-6803. Co rrv" Fnartcw Savical, (TF) Phone tied up - use your Fax tnachlne to send us your Nssdled ad. Remember to ftackade your colrpaey'a name, address i pbom ON 600 Notices 600 Notices of g TOWN OF PICKERING PUBUC NOTICE Public notice of intention io pass a byaaw, to slop up, dose and sell to the abutprlg owner a portion of Pinegrove Road between Twyn Rivers Drive and the CNR right -of -w". NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, that the Council Of the 0011'pora6orl of the Town of PkkerkV intends, at its meeting to be held at the Pickering Civic Complex, One The Esplanade, Pickering. Ontario at 7:30 p.m. on May 4, 1992 to pass a by-law to stop up, dose and sell to the abutting owner a portion of Pinegrove Road between Twyn Rivers Dnw and rie CM right-of-way. The proposed by-law and plan and description showirg due landfe s acfed may be office of Mie Clerk of Mie Town of At Mw above menroned m wwV, Courycil WM hear in person or by his or haw counsel any Penton who daims his or her lairds wif be low mW who WOW ID Mrs Clerk b be to aid. Any such person who wishes to be heard should as soon as possible make wrkbn application to: Town CJ.Tay1w. AMCT, CMM PCivic kieft ondrio L1V GlCf- .420-4611 DATED at Piclrering this 7111 day of April. Im ADO A lab spic".C. mops roorntass . C". Lit Dlay somm proses of dynaeM o kv sass. For droew I dortrnow wise b Cindy Price, Bas 470. RD. Keloaewa 8.C_ V IY 7P4. Aduft only preset. (060792) THANKS to St. Jude for taws raceiii M50692) JESUS sacs, on the bind bad to Woo Does your n.n if.r wear glasses? The fwarq a the hied mitir, Micah 3:11, kaiah 56:10-12. John 10:11. .lin CanWb*L 1-70414610475. DISTRESS Centre . Need sorneory to ta0t toil Call us anytrna- 433.1121, 427-Sa30. 675 TTOmkocked a 10 unall. lachad people ' for a foi temCordidanda Free Infian Pacltap• Dasaeatn. 723,2022 (t0 a.m - • P -m.) (TF) 670 Persoria May the Sacred heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, preserved and loved throughout the world, now & breveec Sacred heart of Jesus, thy Wngdorn come, St. Jude, worker of miracles, pray for us, St. Jude helper of the hopeless, pray for U& Recta 9 times daily for 9 �' ,.-�r����'•v y M"{7- 'L���.. .'i..+.iY�i-'..lar:.; 4yM •�. .. ...4 :.R1•..'.. �i'Y . .� .. .. ...,, .. A , .. e . ':, e'er ""..-...... r,..Y. ;, : ;`e".`.?L•:'a it 4'!' � � YH:i�a+`.±4. THIS WEEK'S SUPER SPECIALS cLTTtxoM cnNnoA ONCARIO PORK ONTARIO PORK cu,DE"A!'BEeF PORK BACK RIBS PORK T BONE STEAKSAM BUTT CHOPS C 99HOT EK)G�b. $299 _ $ 29 Ib. $ .80 Kg en99'� $6.59 KS� $2. Kq CHICKEN DRUMSTICKS TOWN CLUB, lb. WIENERS 99 tau PKG. $21.81Ke. BANANA'S (FROM THE TROPICS) ��.25¢lb. 55¢ K �`6%TOMATOES I GREEN PEPPERS PRCMT 'Cf OF U.SA. SEEDLESS CUCUMBERS ODUCT OF U.S.A. V lb. PE 10 LB. BAG 1.52 Kg PURE SPRING GINGER ALE ROMAINE & LEAF LETTUCE (Product of U.S.A.) ASSORTED EUROPEAN SALAMI 69 lb. BLACK FOREST HAM 791 $1.52 Kg Q $3.99 LB. TETLEY NESCAFE INSTANT TEA BAGS COFFEE(200 gm) I t72s) $99 $ 98 4 seRu' � ES 72 SUGAR 2 Kg 9 1 24 Cans � - Pkg. S1.09 °'s 19 0 �-+ instore many Socials we m erve the right to it quant►t1e� :Prices Effective May 3rd - May 9th, 1992 120 HARWOOD AVE. :x619-0228 HOURS MON.-WED. 9 A.M. - 7 PAL -FRIDAY 9 A.K - 9 P.M. SATURDAY 8:30 A-bE - 6 PAL SUNDAY 10 A.M. -5 PAL Sailing courses offered for youths PICKERING - Youths 10 to 16 can learn to sail this summer at Frenchman's Bay Yacht Club. Sailing instructors are certified by the Canadian Yachting Association, says the club, and will provide courses at the White Sail and Bronze Sail levels. Swimming proficiency is mandatory for would-be sailors. SPRING FUEL INJECTION SERVICE Interested people are invited to attend an information night at the yacht club, 635 Breezy Dr., on Thursday, May 7 from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Lessons will take place on Frenchman's Bay during four two-week sessions. The first session starts Monday, July 6. For more infor- mation, call Beth McGee -Mowry or John Mowry at 839-0894. ❑ Replace Spark Plugs ❑ Interrogate F.I. Computer for engine fault codes ❑ Check air filter ❑ Check fuel filter ❑ Check PCV valve ❑ Check distributor cap & rotor ❑ Check spark plug wires ❑ Check IAC motor and throttle bore SAVE =10°°OFF FUEL INJECTION FLUSH when done with spring fuel injection service $6995Reg.'7V SPRING OIL CHANGE ktckldes up lo 5 litres of Nu Gold Motor 9 9 Oil and Molofnasler oil litter. Does not include Wfbo Charged whldes. 19 MOST LUBE EXTRA VEHICLE SERVICE Mon. -Fri. 7 a.m. - 9 p.m. HOURS Saturdays 7:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. PFUNMIN Nov Sion OnlyCSERVICE, 83H124 1300 Kirt"m Rd. (AT LIVERPOOL) PI XMING PIANO .TUNING JOHN SAUVt PIANO TUNER t TECHNIgAN 90 YRS. EXPERIENCE SPECIAL TUNING $5oOO PLEASE CALL INCLUDING TAXES (416)509-0973 3 :Read the News Advertiser ,e� G r> — T= NIERS ""MMER SUNDAY, MAY 3, lflbfAGB 23 P Imagine a home overlooking a ravine 3 -Bedroom Luxury Totcnhomes from $-139190() nc(;ST FANTASY... tfr__ww p� L •atyysa A home of your own by a ravine at an affordable price that fits your budget. The place of your dreams in an established neighborhood, with all the necessities of life close at hand. A home cohere you can raise your family in comfort. ...BECOMES FACT Look no farther than The Gates of West Shore. 3 -bedroom townhomes from J. 179 square feet to 1,283 square feet :1 Central air-conditioning Built -is diduvasher Select ravine lots available Lavish landscaping with a de*naed play area Minutes from schools, day-care 3 minutes from the 401 J 30 minutes from downtown Toronto i1wY 40/ PkINN TWM CWAM I Go Train 9t. e 1 F; # THE GATES i, •• -u• •Mean Turn your fantasy into fact. Call The Gates of West Shore sales office now to reserve your new home. On-site financing is available. *To quaMW purchasws 53 7,,,5650 v by -"-VAGB24-THEh11 'JtDVZZTnR'3UNDJ y KArWLq!2- OuarMfh► mum Quality - allva " both Oshawa -Whitby This Www (576.93351 and Ajax-Pl *Acing News AdvwUser (no -7672) ComWned Pressrun IN 114,000 every Sunday M TeW }ai21TRO—T.<xsc�c �MZMZ• 1 ® W M 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax - Open: Monday - Thursday 8:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Friday till 6:00 p.m. ERRORS AND OMISSIONS s>•es-seas. Tos-�es>•z Classification Index [:;� Oft Careers 100 Greer 7rar%N 105 Genoa l,eb 110 Ot6ce Heo 120 sklred �Agnts tz Ca" ulergiau 140 11aepRai Med" Dental Iso Heaw Care 156 Dav Care wanted 160 Day Gas Araiape 165 Employment W~ 170 Buorm" to Buerrss too M 17;vc- Manan Basket 200 Frewood 205 Fisa Marks? 210 Arecls F a sale 220 Andes Wardec230 Chrsanas'row 235 Gara"'Yod sales :50 Am&crafts 2" ca"Pule, 000a Loan 6 Farc 3.• Pea SA VO" Boarirg 200 AulanoOws Fa Sam 300 Auii motom Wanwe los TnX*s ;are Sae 310 Innis W~ Sts vain. 4 sent Dnre 320 Traisrs 110 Aub Pats a Repa m 360 AubLoa"e R4rxas 360 3N Snown0bies 360 Mane as Reaerasor ,16,06 s 370 Firm Enuprwv 375 4wry Duh Equprrwir 300 Apanwrs Far Rent 400 Aparn amts Warned 405 Hauees Fa Per 410 HW>tnq wanted 415 TarrMauss Fa Rem 4120 Soaps For Rem 425 Rooms Fa Hent 430 Roans Warred as Room a Board 440 NWustul lira For Rent 445 Shared Aaomradawu 460 Cmdanenms Fa Rent 456 Oka p I��ReW spam 460 w�arehorae�S42 g:Spaw 465 Cottages For Rem 470 warded 475 Retrernert L-% 480 Recurs 406 Florida 14caeom 400 Land For Rent 406 ffdwe, For Sale 500 trareed To Bury so rorrrnwses Fo Sale $10 rniassseeFRgsry 61S Caedos For Safe 520 Oerebprrwt land 52S Fawn For Sant sIe Iota Fcr sale ae5 Out -0f -Town Rapers s 540 Companions lin Cawnq For Sae IN Mdbie NOW a Parlis sato Caspar Tram Sins 570 Maey To Lend US ww B '.0m t raft = Public lfdtces 000 Lepel Nd0e4s 610 Telden i20 iiepistatldr,s no Ctmirg Evers of Arrctiaec iso E sec Ptstxuls go auirs6 Prsonals 671 Companions lin Arnancerneirrs s00'r Bnways 700 Bras 710 Deans7" quaMy lot training assstana. in Mernaiams 740 Cads o1 thanks 750 W Anounoements 760 E 77'4 Scarborough and Durham Region. $60,000 annual w� 100 Careers 100 Careers 100 Careers 110 General Help 110 General Help 110 General Help 120 office Help — eat 100x �LG T"We prepare you for the OOLkind of job you want... YS0A then we help you get it" Accounting Computer Dental LAPOLLO a Computers PTDWwnmkv chaksweComputer AssistantBusiness Business medical usApplications secretary ining Word Processing Hotel Comppulter B�,g � Executive Ki ReslaeNsnt Financial Secretary Operations Tech�0 Services Legal serxetary Bar i Beverage pygnostics Customer Receptionist Merrgement i Repair S*rvke Call today for further information and FREE personal Interview Fine ial assistance is available to qualified applicants SPECIAL NOTICE TO PAST GRADUATES FREE REFRESHER WORDPERFECT 5.1 ff you have taken an sairfler version of Word Processing we now offer you FREE UPGRADING 14 hours: 4 evenings or 2 Saturdays CALL THE SCHOOL FREE TRAINING Looking for work? Need to update your skills? Refresh you math, English and typing skills today and be ready for upcoming training prograims. CALL TODAY. Limited seats available. vocational Access, v Iffty "111-zroa. 105 Train nf�ng ACRYLIC Nail Technician - limleing areisble. neer Oshewat, two drys, kit Irmiueed. saes. Also dolid errs and males ficim IaeOderaN priers. 41&48&MC (05021 110 General Help STORE MANAGER WANTED For Rue MFrafeing CA" PtCkerfng Tavel Car" Fti4ills, retail slrpsrierros rsgr+ind• cora 831-1242 for app *MnenL WA 110 General Help 110 General Help LOOKING FOR A REWARDING CAREER IN ADVERTISING? THE NEWS ADVERTISER REQUIRES A FULL TIME TELEMARKETER TO SELL ADVERTISING FEATURES. SALARY PLUS COMMISSIONS AND BONUSES PLEASE FORWARD RESUME TO: Monique Lea 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ont L1 S 21.15 or call 683-5110 HOMEWORKERS NEEDED Earn up to $350/wk- working at home with new, guaranteed and exdusme guide listing over 90 firms offering work at home. Free inkimistion, send SJIS.E: Homeworking Reaea►ch Canada, 4655 Kent Ave, Suifle 162G Niagara Falls, Ont. L2H 1J4 HAIRSTYLIST WANTED FUWPART- TMIIE TOWN CENTRE A" wfthinor phm 420.3415 ASK FOR SMRM I even I "EXPERIENCED' WAITRESS/ WAITER FULLTM EVENNGS #A* in %= Danny': Plane N Harwood Ave., Harstlllst f NEVI OPPORiUr 11 LLAT WAOEU MAKE EXTRA IIOI�EY salon in IMSBWWM PW4=1 wim mm PW"30 1waff orE "Wiff- 2a' mu" iN¢U4RI CALL NOW! 24 HRS. mn 1s/ Flaxlbie Hmm, Exaelott Ewr* a - Cal totlfljr Mrs. C. Lad 619.1574 Pickering Town Centre. 65% coritritlssion Colin 420-6177 Advertising Sales Representative We are actively looking for the right individual to fill a challenging position in our organization. Top salary/commission eamings plus full benefits are available for someone committed to all out effort and achievement. If you wish to further your career in sales with a large, and growing corporation, we have an excellent opportunity. Please submit your resume in confidence to: Oshawa This Week 865 Farewell Ave. Oshawa, Ont. L1 J 6H3 ADULTS WANTED To Deliver Newspapers Door to Door in Ajax/Pickering area - Must have own vehicle. - Able to deliver: Wed., Fri., Sat. call 683-5117 Ask for Judy BYRE 011MAT1ON Plenty of experience but lacking computer shills? Programs avad- able in Coatputeri7AW- Accounting, DeskTop Publishing. Data Mm- ag==. :, Word Pro- cessing and more. If you are 45 yeas of age or over and have recently been per- mmatitly laidl-off. you may qualify for fad- ing assisiaoce. Call Computer Learning Ccour. Whitby. COSMETICIAN PART -TW FLEXIBLE HOURS Apply SHOPPERS DRUG MART slow00d Plaq nBiI OE SW M � ser refit. Istf �R tint swim" jKlae �eNl fr�r (NOElOR.MW or cm Uic4 Earn WM470o Pelt tlrteseorkkq to Locant to work? Lar w yaeseM' dam' ..W Z you enol a lob ow hWP for CASHIER with experience fl lfa b CAPA 1e CrfpOraaon, P.O ltaking neadedfa3tihanasealdra aux r4e010, 1725 IOrlpaM 011W96W. tellable and hard cafeteria in Plckrring- EAWK tP to IM - work yaw Pidwip, Onlrio. L1v *else kWMduals a wak in We*Ands and ,an wrereYlps own howl. asson" stylish 10506021 0 Oshawa area 721 -ens. Ir cklded. PI..s. caw laurle, jssrrtlary at Aonlel Simple Glassktsfaer waited - µ1e) itgl-7s/3 l instruction. NO so" to 00, MWmurn 2 yeah etpsrlrr001w NEEDE irmteAstetl - dynardc DICKIE Dae Ica Ca fam ate her even Into: Send a NN -ad - the When Rpbn for teal es, sel4no Marled salsa waaall rL wile mice avalsble In Pkk- dressed 1 wvW s4lsa.OF lo; tablished business. Send Octal 1 0l X111 Fu App" •ring anA Ajax. Students Bolan Inc. Est. 466. 4325 rte fm b: F!e µ922, Osllswa Within: cNwniws Furniture, through Pensioners. FWVpwt sables Ave. w., suer 715, '1AIk wMli'.'A.1'1."BOet'aiSt� >1BBS.OurtfttOt.PE:;)vaIM1�:_ Mrposrsss.MaMfde �rge6snavlelNO1R•N'1r1; - ANtsata l�'yF.tl:l- •lie!' ' "CSM at"4pFT.wOC r :�1'lWj:.:- : - • - - 135 'SOtIC1E de Mexrr - Car adian fine fashion jewellery company looking for consultants. No delivieries. Im- mediate commission. No ex- perience. trairltlg provided. Call Connie, 1185-3750, Ella, 726- 4481 or Marg. 436-0248. (050792) LOOKING for experienced telemarkelers who would Ike to work from thew own home on a commission basis. Call 721- 1698 ask for Greg. (05069M $$$ Serious about making money from home? SASE Arse into). Horneworks. Box 21112. NA 290 Harwood S. Ajax. LIS 7H2. (050692) EARN money reading books) f30,0001yr income potential. Details (1) 806962-8000. CY - 183. (051%2) CANVASSERS required to work door to door sening up appoint- ments for Magic Portraits Phone 5769526. (050792) HAIRSTYLISTS - become W of our talented and am oboes team. Stylists and recent graduates required. Call Valentino•s 666-3805 Whitby. (050792) 120 office Help SECRETARY REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY • Reception duties • Typing • Preparation of bank deposits • Car an asset' Call 831-2111 OVER 45 AND RECENTLY LAID OFF? CALL US ABOUT COMPUTER TRAINING GRANTS. 831-8167 REQUIRED - EXPERIENCED LEGAL SECRETARY for busy hugauon practice in the field of Family and Cnminai law required for six month maternity leave positron commencing June 8, 1992. Salary commensurate with experience. Send Resumes to: Brie S. Korb, P.O. Bou 518, 0shalfn, onhrio L1H R9 .] 0 rF you we ow 45 end bare 130 sales Help recently bore laid of. you "My Agents quaMy lot training assstana. DIP/CERT. Latus- WordperfoM D-0ase, word. ampw. tledtelyd, TWO experienc ,oda0veroainp aeaoced. Venturi pspemisker 9" representativesarced Minirnsim 3 years experisnoe re - Harvard, Corel and Systems Analyst.Financial asartanos quied with references 10 service a�Weo students Scarborough and Durham Region. $60,000 annual w� rtN Submit resume gassy for free training. Duthem Mort omm Inc.151 Business Computer College. 427-3010. (rF) WentworCosh St. 9•irc �t Ord. (0514M skilled Help 135 Skilled Help 135 skilled Help stssts�rss>_ LEAR SEATING CANADA LIMITED Lear Seating Canada Ltd., a Just -in -Time automotive parts manufacturer, has a challenging opportunity in hfommlion Systems at our Whitby facility. Expansion of the Information Systems Gmup has created a requirement for a Senior Programmer Analyst. Our computing environment consists of multiple IBM S136's and a Novel LAN supporting a wide range of manufacturing and business support systems. SENIOR PROGRAMMER ANALYST You will asstm responsibility for the design, development, testing, inpleinertafon and support of a wide range of business appkadon The preferred candidate will possess file • Diploma from an aaxedited coin ulltyyoolege or urtiersky e 3-5 years � prog�experience with experiewith RPG II 6 MAPICS • Exlen,Sire Baha communications experience is JR malarial sdwiduing fit manufacx<x % experienpe • Exposure to Novell 386 LAN l in*gy • Exceftlt irderperwriaf and problem sw ft skills We provide competitive salaries and a comprehensive benefits per• N you are interested in pursift this career opportunity kx ter, we i wile you b submit your resume in confidence b: LEAR SEATING CANADA LIMITED 2001 Forbes Street Whitby, Ontario �� LIN 7V4 A 6ee.Jr.y ere Low e..rr4 Ccraorghm. ATtENTION: Human Resonances Only appicalkm under maderatlon will be ad=wWged. No _ _ - _ _ - - �'��• a • 1 •are N 1, . n,a � 7-7 I two IMP410_ c I . cvliiY/tiJ!>4Fwo Ata1 Ya rryy9yw a.'lPsB e'i.a„'rsS'�!R".' 130 135 mw mop 135 skm.a alp 220 sw; 300 "0"" 355 � 400 ', "tee^ C010,111"400 PERSON M esti AWW NEATM Allo A9i COlDfT1om MPANY CO is kl ft for Comb" Sala: � � Experience an atssel se Pleacal 686.3511/4303633 lorfaxio430-2941 SEND RESUME Iso: P.O. Box 308e Pick tring, Ontario LiV PIANOWe-Awne Rel11t AT)IER t ntae - Pla. we to mm. nd apt• $be. upright, gra. keyboards. CLOCKS �• delivery and sat up. Cal TOW and take ad arhta le d our low overhead warehouse prim. 433.1491. (050792) 230 Articles BICYCLE with hNnat .hr;ablt for 5 year aid boy. Must be in 9rod . Cal n1.2697. WANTED - stoves, fridge, washer and dryers, working or nor. Also warped, pickup truck (newer than 1978). Call Pldwring. 420.8633. (TF) CANADIAN TIRE AjaxlPlckering Sa" '39.95 nnnvc nn wT n, ,nn TREADMILL - manual, cheap. 150 HOSP. Medical Day Care Day Care Cal Lou ar 428-2931.050392) 1995 Lynx GS, auto. on**. arty • 15 Mil" waft of Dental 165 165 fm .tarso• 2 tort. blue, 5 door gra Available Available 250 GarageNard deluxe. sacrifice. $1,495 ob.o. DENTAL Assistant warped kr time. DENTAL HYGENIST wanted part time. Cloverridge Dental, 955 Westney Rd. S. Ajax, 427.3600. (050592) . MEDICAL Transcrptionst re- quired to work evenings and weekends. OVAL IF ICATIONS: Mandatory 5 year dada -typing experience in a hospital transcription department; knowledge of medical termind- ogy in all specialties; an expl- lent command of English grammar. Thorough working knowledge of Word Perfect 5.01 5.1 essential, ability to work un- der pressure with little wpervsior>_ Send resume to: Desiratta. Prdo"*" Office Services, P.O. Box 24023, 601 Durdas St. W. Whitby. Ont. L 1 N 6X8 r f 416 666 82 - Sales 434 2786. (050592) " ydro water ArWeS 220 1986 Pontiac Sunbird, • Scenic ftNtirtp to 1965 Tempest Bowrioer SStso. ride SATURDAY and Sunday May 2 showroom condition, 4 door, ��• 76 E n Evinrude 55 5 HP. trailer, and 3 - 10.5 p m Rain date Sun- auto., pis., pb.. stereo. real clean �� 1e Im,a a Writer 11 AVD 9 Printer. $450 each. Iirtxte0 use. Oast 8391771. day May 10. 37 Cloveridge Dr. car. Runs excellent, $3295 •- (050792) W. (off Harwood, past hospital in certdied. Cal 427.9722 anytime, automatic, am/fm cassette. sunroof 113000 kms $900 or 1941 MFG Bowr.der, V6110, Ajax). 5. orlb,�� Russ. Big Town Sales. (050792) SS - Save $$ - reasonable gates, pvecl��V� docking rates at fuse service used baby girl's clothes and 1985 Dodge Charger, good marina on Trent Severn cloth diapers and parties. Pale condition, cerpfied. $I--- or Waterway. 45 minutes east d gneon sectional couch. 1989 beet offer. Telephone 995- Oshawa, 14'30 ft. Phone (705) 724 Cavaier, disher. washer/ OOS3. (050392) 939-6610. (05079M dryer. Most ileus are new or nearlyinew. Contributions frorm 1985 Jena. 4 door, 5 speed. 1991 Forester 20 ft. Pontoon three other farcies. (050392) sunroof, very clean, low �, with 40 HP Evnrude mala equipped 0 HIwith power a and mileage, certified. Call 726- Cnrnnutar oen.roso7921 tnrr Brand new. $9.200. Phone Video less Mercury Staliornragon. air. ArWeS 220 MCW4 sh Plus prriPlAWS With keyboard and mouse. $750 cruise. auto. $600 or best offer. to 1965 Tempest Bowrioer SStso. ride USED IBM Compatible Com- Cal 728.0682. (050392) 76 E n Evinrude 55 5 HP. trailer, for tab' atarhrhp i $185. �� 1e Im,a a Writer 11 AVD 9 Printer. $450 each. Iirtxte0 use. Oast 8391771. 6666&Puft"31877 (� � 1953 Mazda GLC 4 door, (050792) AVAILABLE immediately - automatic, am/fm cassette. sunroof 113000 kms $900 or 1941 MFG Bowr.der, V6110, o 50. (� 21 0 Flea Market ArWeS 220 MCW4 sh Plus prriPlAWS With keyboard and mouse. $750 .. best offer. 886-0992. (050692) complete with trailer. S"00. Phone 7059396610. (OSp792j ,1182 Chew Y 160 Da Care MUST SELL!!! For Sale kin �� 1e Im,a a Writer 11 AVD 9 Printer. $450 each. Iirtxte0 use. maibu Classic Sta 9hbn Wagon. Lf conditioning. BOAT and motor for sale. 12 ft. h McCullough Wanted was COUCH and chair, excellent Bedroom Suite _ OUe8r1 SiZB bed oro year old, as package se[. Dower talegate, excellent coWtion. $800 is bear aluminum cart top elude motor, al ac - ,,,,,n 6 Wp WTURld nanny required oondition, peach and beige. $300 a best offer. 831-1714. y1��r MR. PICKYACK $1100 plus tax. Cal 433.1333 Oshawa PW792) as or �1�� rn 868-7003. cassories and trailer. $1200 or enilive-in for 2 children o my horns, job in- y2) Books 'N' Thi rlgS People's Pla school's P y Mbyroom a apaip August 17/ h wtih best offer. Call M or Rob e4a^ �� E � speaking and non-smokers Articles 9)Q quality T Used 280 Lost A Found 1982 Monte Carlo - air oordrt attain 8 p. m. 578-2088. (050792SNC) VALIANT PROPERTY �� MANAGEMENT 579-1626 OR AJAX EA=fi*0-FrL 5 Palley Court iftionl n fainly bwll ft Air con Mkirr kirq, pkanas, laundry facilitin, sum and sryrand paffking ndlJdsd. Call 683-6021 12-5 SHELTER 9-5 CORPORATIOM Ajax 77 03 FALBY COURT Two + three bedroom apartments in family building. Air conditioning, broadloom, 2 appliances, laundry facilities and underground parking included. $742-$819 Call 686-0845 need apply. Will Pickering. 4288 xmirhp. >243. (0508ffi) 220 For Sale books Home Show, Iroquois Park aktorrnaC. power at.«ng Do«•r braksI" Dower BOAT ripe - Balsam lake on Mon. -Fri., 8:30-4:30 I RELIABLE, responsible car' n9 MUST SELL!!! NOVELS, LOST - female puppy. bsadk with DrowNwhite colouring. Pan g' windows. $1900 or best after. Phone 1-818-430.7289. Trent System, qu»t Harbour. clear water. good fishing. up o p.m. IMMEDIATE Occupancy - babystter required for infant n Orly Hone. a a.mL - 4�0 p.m. Bedroom Suite _ OUe8r1 SiZB bed NON FICTION, Responds to Doodler. Substantial TricicsHa Subatantkal reward d 057242) 40'. $300 and up. 705-454-1946. ( OSHAWAI Do you hate ins beautrtut new two bedroom thought d ruining through e.5 daily. Whitby. 668.2242. I�s02) with headboard, 9 drawler buffet style dresser 2 LITERATURE, found. Last n Westney Heigfta area. Please call 6839587 a 1192 VW Rabbit. 4 spiked, gas. $750. 428-9154. Evenings. A artTT)entS P 400 basement apartment, tuff "� ad`x I have a stateh 2 baseMason. ost+L Dinvare est. full bedroom ap. char w41 exceed People's Pla school's P y Mbyroom a apaip August 17/ h wtih ESTATES and 427-7374. (prtp69Qt (050392) For Rent Dankng. Please no perk hon 1� exDecSatMine. Featwes: 2 165 Da Care Available Yenjal mirrors. Large arml'I with 4 drawers �..w a .w,a..-r w __..-- - COLLONS 290 Pets -Supplies- veep Oftuta c s P 2doe..3 Pilo pi- now _ "ries ar " •pal. 4W. VI Single or o. 937 Frey with Dmale entrance, one car- $660 . udeies. 637-1808. an LOVING morn will love and care for yaw child n her hon .safe and shoe free k nvironrrorrL $75 weekly. Harwood and Clovendige area, Ajax. Cal 428- 7998. (050392) EXPERI Boarding tire brakes. . fuel •tank, rad. 1822 WhMw Rd. at $1700.430-0160. (050742SNIC) HOSERACK nding Was" in - StrOuds L W West Ser of Pickinrh¢g.. Begin. 1979 Acadian. standard. runs Pickedrig Fnon a acilities.. 509-2564.good. 4 door. SSW ob.m 1991 Widow area Nosan SUMortvnagm. standard. 831-15M n case of ran. Boarding also nuns good. now brakes. $750 FJVCED rrharfher d 3 12 QpEj�(s X1(6 a� . ( ob.o. 837-2812. (050692) yew ofd boy, homeaway from FREE skids lar f rs000d , 717 BROOKLYN aes - 14 x 14 Don GREAT Deoll 1455 Olds Cut. home. good quality y lomeals Wilson Rd S. Call first and ark 11: &K stall, lighted outdoor arena daily lass Brougham, rust be siert Peal dhrOugho L the other an ,OSOB92J rr+ormoua open Ivkp area with FENCH Mans Bay - $garcons rustic pro floors, Florida piing immaculate ground floor 1 in kitchen with immaculate bedroom ap .noix. Available appLartAW central ar. tasteful •huh 1 $700 inclusive Call 420- English 24English atpe. two am bathmom. 8510 to view ;050792) Silas pis 112 utilities. cam after FINCH and Fairport -new large 5 P.m. 4363640. 10506e2) FINCH one bedioai, basenierq LARGE two bsdrown Dasorrnl aDannont. at. cable. laundry. apartment $800 month) ale for Mart_ 72S 19M rTF11 I h y in- Morar sntrarna, non smoker. 1/2 years old. References SPORTS Card Slow - Kfrwnen available. Whose Rdr82 area Home Show, Iroquois Park 4243509 9603M Arena Whi". May 610. 566 . DUFFINS Ray Low" Cenbe 7765 ( has @Paces ,or 18 lsknds b 9 CARPET . I have now Stain - Views 427-6263. (08502) neper and 100% nylon carps[. 81ABYSITER or rw- I required WIN do Wnpoon and hal ler lo We in or out, a psriartw r: S=_. kCkdes caDat• Ped. plus gW►ad IS, cane IS, 2 ;parts. 9 installation. (M yards), Stew months and 3 1/2 years In 70020M P529M stall. quality care. $ i 7o per fm. c n*o. crtAied. moWL Please cad 8867550. (050892) $3790 o.b.o. Cal 6863227 Weave mleeeage. (06079M HIMALAYAN purbred kittens Trucks For with papers. i weeks old. WWaer, 3 310 inhales, , tarrele Peon. Rib Sale M66 carPabd, appianees. super REGISTERED Persian Kbws ltle8 GNC Sporleide, 80.000 karts., bsrd@C 306, Ira, 813.500. lar sale. Reedy to GO. Have had first needles F r 1 rth 5765149. (oWdifl ) dudes Parking ler 2. use of lergs $57S per month. 254.6184. backyard. prorate entrance. MW36M fudge. stove, washer. dryer.PICKERING - beautiful now cute W" eel -ilk kBCitah, killDaUt, e.5 Oedrow, bwrtert fit. utilities and cable Included, p,sas enmance, cable, laundry. Cbes to amenities,atamenities,Weal for Se„k Wilson Included. No 1.436- tokVia Available, Mar Pets Non smoker. Single a t. 4368772 (OSfJB➢21 "pile only. Fast and lap. $555. AJAX - by the lake. bright oro 831.2351. (0606021 bedroon baseman aDartmott. OSHAWA - soul+ end hrnes, o u or Laundry. dishwasher. cable. 822 Glen St Very civet lags Pickering. hcuerin9 riMwMor wgrpd. Call alter 8:30. 420-61112. COMPLETE kitchen. stove/ ONE d a kid a,wq,awad, infornehon, please call 726 Oodpe DakouL 27.000 0654 kine- 4 x 4 aide. CO player, pack % RELAX n ft p uzzL spsoow Whilby 2 bedroomn apartment. Parking. Al inclusive. $495. Prefer tenel4 no pas, y. unaa, 2 bedrooms, available ovale hWga cuPboardl• e.1 n 5500 plea 9 pleoe oak ahtigle lnw. many sant. $ICAlks pit. carPabd, appianees. super Phone 4266133. (050642 rtoke or tS 5850. " Parking. exce0503Mllent condition. make an dininaroom suds• $2`500 "Ali. FREE 10 good hoot - ane yes► or best offer. 435.0409. 1p�, pd -O ,erucic yard. hea. cable included. 5760973 PARENTS • Ire Offielan Little, off-- 60"7u- M50NM Also portable Kenmore old, neutered. German short (0429M available now. $775 all THREE bedroom bungalow, or 725-44111111 (050UM People's Pla school's P y Mbyroom a apaip August 17/ nails and �4 dishwasher, used one yew, 5200 "-a- Ardque style oval haired pauper, needs rope" to run. good with a*AL Has had 180 Cid Series 20, sleeper inclusive. Call 432.9127. M50502) R1en floor with garage. tndge. stove. dishwasher. walkout. LIYERPOOLISAYLY.wge� bedroorm 18 P2.io Children 3 rteow. varlma{ATIC venous modee rnw and used, Leave m-7722. 5798579 a crura cabneL 5500 obs 436 1519. M503M sante klbedatoe r n coavenbn ran. Excellent forested nal Rhond11�430-3990. w�L 305-Ve. k* bided, 9Ma antral air. and vee ro pees Available Jul 1. $500 tlontity t tea"' � to 20 nnl. rrfortls. Rpiar now. spaces p anllmfifed,aeocawbrchidnen 104567.7722 Also Tags 10 0 speed bills. (0506923hIC) POPCORN Popper, 12 oil. RM MW792SNC) Chedl4apboadt'Scla nm � rent. May and June. Firlitnast. laundry utilities. 723 5619. l Cal 4200671. (050 18 iron d b 5 years. call Tine, 1289909 RIFLESIorsab-2221250aern $700 Twin jN spray drink lounlinK MM Batt 3 months �• FAdpe 2 espta;s chairs, AUlOtnOi>Oes curtain. $8980. Cal Aen 868 300 facilities. m Cara 579 3603 or 72693x5 M50 06039 NRI O - Pltksring ruse AJAX -very attractive 3 LOVING ehidcaw In my horse, king with scope, 22 Magnum; Mosebop nrMh tape 303 Cuss- old. Alpine sell ear steno, cost 200. CaN 821 3741 W296-0171, ext. 247. For Sale 0�2! �Y depattwobedoarL one bedroom basement bedroom main floor, well „le,esined. and decorated, 5 MY age, hot kaotlss. snacks, Mm school and park. Ha abodr tom LeinlfisW, FAC. Regiied. Cat 6063006. 0Mt12) Mc 1181 Pontiac 8000 SE, a door. aflo. V0. boded, -- kill COOL.320 Vadis 4 Wheel near Cd. available ;netsdiaMy. Pa*iq, 1796 ndwimL 890- woo, sets of aurae., no pots. suitable for bwiness appianas, storage shed. private fenced yard with in - Hwy 82 8860677, (060892] WALLPAPER clearance - over SEVEN Pica Cherry kends Prol6ndal - -i nn sfist aa- ail, cruise. into.. PL. PL. gray ca Is ski rtavr. $18,000. 4300180. 5287 (Taorpo). (060502) Person. Must be asen, $800 nduaka Fiat and IML 837- ground pool, close to all MOTHER d lee wile provide Ow" d TLC for your dud Hot 1,000 rola from 90 ants to SIM1990 a double row and mom ceBat condition. $1200 raft set, 1350. Ford Crown Victoria 19" Chair 314 ton van, 305 AJAX -new attractive one bednoonn bfarrert aparmerlt 2454, p50NO ' amenities. on a street. quiet 3975 suck. Available J. inert, Snacks. �� AN t> trot, 5 boyo Y11 eek Mw- open 1 .. fl ,table, Icor n4dy1 t>Oloftr 542 km&. PNPNW all Ill. SM Cal 433- Suits I non Sffdokw. prime PKXERM - 3 l e , n basw 1.427-7400. bedroom Flsrvlaodf401. 8 aL 521 SaL 9-5 p TV. m Tv. f22S Antique Crystal a d $ OR ;rc;dad For mow � �) entrance, all broadloon". ' �p dor to Ga S=5 kcko a. Available may 1. Two and throe call Ce Charlene. 883-0449. "g. • call P50311112) 05 Kinm. SOBFrL. . BOW ft (TF)) King SL E- Beanelh 4570. � $f76 pari. 986 ad, call Coal MONK 89D•490. 427-0ISti. 050792) 330 Tr�lefS Appliances. parking. partly /umished. Bus so Go. No pML � faciklr. =0-3M8. aPayyrosets. ara9abls aI 888 Glen SL OsAowa 72a-4903. PICKERING VIBope - it ny AJAX Pklkm2 AppBertoes - ro ALMOM Kerprtore fridge and Sea FiraVtast. Rerences. $850 rtltNMhty ihdnueive. 888 3735. PRIME Rouge Valley - one 060002) harts, IIISI Mable hours. wasmobb craw wined. Fully stet - - - fttrvek sin naw, only 1=90. etpiW Slaw. 5 Lbw. 5- 108 26 K. Golden Falcon 0 1 PICKEAING - yM„t Shore,3 Has Chad ler corrpely. Fated guaranteed reconditioned $750or bee aft. $wesAdra opo@4 ttlonhdr. IttOy WWW4 deluxe travel trader. Never mtdNorrrb betioonn nein Boor spewtnl sate yard. Call 818-0427. applahoeL Cants mule in a iso for sale Very dtesp 427- tp81 saucer werraety, 29,000 towed, $10.900 a consider PICKERINGeerce "gy ��" � bin, Close a sltoppip wro� °�+I air. E EIralnednntl>Kdifnwe deal 427471K 40 Wafsy 8605.050092) &VMW late.. $13JM O-B.Q trade for beat. 433-4706- 22 p Lw m.PAIIidi 4 ter ly, Separate Dons daycare In ttty have for Rd. S. Alow- �) PROCANNA Bhfidihp Produce - 406-0882 a 5790800. 0SOM py60M 1pawnem G0. rltlher anwhiiee, kMdsn low oraanc�ts awla>ra Jus 1. $800 . 1 18 morphs and olds. RECORDS. tapes. CD's, tiding, snug quantiy stattih8 at "0 REM - Ilan bade ad 11!08 Viking Hstiapk Shape a. pwft 8730 Pke ud9% all � 1. 2861036- P5099i?)��r mo oil . WWO �81- Nhtntbus kehclhr, and anode power. video Iola mora Wht- $3da4 slafras, starting i25pr• tatlainp cattptttaa 80 cars. Sbharher tl0ve. kaofosk los bast 41657:7576 060892) ROWYANYN.LE - are. bedroom Fully farad batiyard. IYtand by Recuse Slow. Sunday War Widow startihp r $75 and up. Irudts. vera$ d WHOLESALE eaodat tt0rhd11W $3200. 4� "The condo 6 appeances plue aur WMT1Y -nest ase bwdnoar pltgsoan Close to palmitate. 10. Heyderrhono Pav8fia6 It- SkKk cerate.. 96 Sunman SL ghee.$• 9� pry NOW Cal b 8890. 0603 0D^9xti0nit4 dine todieittoaet, 9146. for sattner. Call 427- 9118 050882) 4 Over 50 dicers tam Yodan ria b For itSartaler Unit 7. Whitby. 888-1700. llSPo CellMa 21640M (TF) WU 33 IL Tainu, 0115 Fblids near e- 1okSeWe cat- domloiums for immediate MO PIA ter• First and bM Private walkout entrance. �� ,w,l �s 60AIS 170 51L01a. 8B 2068 06oe9� LARGE seolbnr dmw- WE buy and ale appMaaOM f.w« Itetnlifrw. pdd, akaost 1088 Grand Alk 2 door alak air, wan, (ail cea arta year dd), Plsaad tff6ndwtrw. tl8. arae.. aSgrab h.dfeerk (lint, and. 8t'0e 0 a" occupancy. 1.2,3 bedrooms. 000.4500 act. f .. featuring 5 regwwl Cab Kevin 865-3203. IDSosa� Fisvlasl $700 per aMWL 888 OB90. i05030I2) re1n Aide-a-bod and field- attlihiq, qw* pe,,wk N fair,cordlied amok 433.17ok Iin 9 504& 00302) ML W"msion May � ippBartaSe, ail, bebonl s and thufun`'„ed ROUGEYOUNT - new one �Y- !fnladtls ampancy MEN wHA trucks will do a bort ends. $750 St. S Oshawa, IGA Plaza. 1106 Thundle id LX bodM torr from Oshawa - M i K Ih. with ppq, taiiise, cablecabta tuuthery, paring. two ore bedroan spa In0taelhaM $inciters. dSeraq jobs, alto. Raitbow vanasn cerin parlyti- Itt� 17100. CeMbd. 198 Cher. Bes►fa Pack. Orhalw. seesoa 'Senna. OMC60 mount and bi- Available � Jurke 1 Lap mouth Phone s3�a9e4. (050002) ltd jobs depeyaMnp, PaMMiq, alkytlfAhp .Od c A er Jonek 4T3- In very good condition. e.8 Mbdrrsne X00 oleo. 725- � �In a YacAl�ir CWobrq 1 11., . a, $3006, 12 paid for. Askiq $19,500 1980 PAP" MedoBon. $3006 SIGNS by 1 416726. Builds noon To New cal 426 1874. (0519M fere. Cal Aller 6 p mL 2061183. 051504 EAST Oshawa - 3 bedroom eat- n Wtdnn, ki a work 4 286$ (TF) 6470. (060592) p d A�1 am al-. illTALE 1986 Buick Re* 82000Can• 144% 4168314821; 706-790• 1rf0o Aug 287 6060 0 am. 0505M ONE tedroorn besanrt apart- Pte�cERll6G eas.ffhsnt Apert. plea bathroom, available Immediately. $800. Also 2 - , used lroa 1fM andno risk e.8 der 7110 p,m, mat Inlona, owibbb June 1. mens for rent, close to Go 205 Rrewood • tttdgae. coin waters and Y)wts for apartment units. 8863241. P0304 FOR Sale ding Fdahlal 1007 and 1088 Chsaew 2 door and 4 doe., seek bah In eftca- 55 Mlotor�rcles $600 Per morph bCkxbe fridge, 1 and tflNi.L 421-7887. Staioo, ave Plus utilities. No by !rotpA depaiL R.LwrtDa entrance. $800 e.8 Inclusive. 8 ROKA Ltnnbar -Dry 8rekwoofL Supti non's Forniture and - roan Wk k salols efts ds l0 or. hint O0"w0n Now lira cin baMk, POW fequi ed. 683-2888 Ask for Fwd 7211-23441,entrance.(SOW 4xBx/2', $80. 4118x18', am Fre deBwry b OsAaae. Ef- Appliances. 227 Court St., Oshawa. Call 576-7448. HkMd4 leo arks mss• std 4 Certified. Mutt tel. cal 728- 0917.050792) 1080 Yam ha Cued Rtlyae. AJAX - Wewey and Iregr 2 - orJae-05080 PIC3(FMM - 2 betioem Wd ttbNhed tine. 1963. CIA data. 706.277.3361 or enwntihps, 416 ( we clnais EaOaMnt otwhdti0rt, a1t1Inp $800. P1ew tab ata 0. only 20 lu ,,,up fL I* IN* Buick Skyhawk - 2 link 4 �1bOrd. unpin co -Kook - super price for new one . , ii M n sponme t. yr. Swage• PICKERING • one bedroom bmwrwt apwvn@K aparal , �� LN«p 1. Close to Go, 436.8866.0623M SOLID Oak Doubt Pedestal 1364401.080892) door. aulomstir SooeBaft iso• $6300 or bat dila. Te4pltore laundry. and much mora No entrance. fridge. stow. $475 available Immediately. $595 a• 40% taloa s0ads b T, o0nplte KNITTING maclhkw Passtp E• rior and exterior. Am/fm 4241722 iloswg) peas- Non anwkw. call 427• Pte. 1/3 utilities. Available Jnr» utilities. 427-390Q 050792) 21 0 flea Market with 8 °�` tidi `� Also- ro versa. Brand new, $1295 986 ecce. ww ogwK we mm' In- dwidSt Pasatn manuals. Ler «e..a.. �. P"°"' 1.616 430 7289 051292) CAMIC 8470. p60BpQ) PICKERING t. Phare 603-739L (050892) WHITBY - exclusive proles $774 anirtIn». (051492CPq sons avaloble. Aim yarn and 1086 Cadillac Sedan DrAl k 570 -SM . one bedroom basement apatmem. private ONE bedroom apartment in older spartmop bu". 17 siona 1it+bn9. 2 bedroom w , den. fnreplding rxivase leak v COOKSTOVE - Claw Jowd• wry good otrnhdkitth $250 ole 0. POOL Table - 4x8, 3 years old. $1150. Call 8865738 after 4 calabpur. escelient hone bead buts on poerplol Cal leather Interior. all options, ardied. $8506. Crown Aub, 795-7872 entrance• laundry facilities. parking• roes b 00.8069905. Ouahec SL i420 mor" plus hydro. FisVWL Call S713%M y. $895 per month all utAit'9: 127-7227 M50892) III- 050692) 728-0806 cher 4 p m 060592) 4269123 (050792) (050802) 050592) nckxfed. Avala A May :. r, 668-2326. MW392) nil.. -. _ •::. ..,..::.� 'lawS� �' - - e a • I{6 v . * .,• "^ i. .. . _ _ .., .... - -•.. a•.+a...a. _.,a ,.,._<. �... .. • ... .., 1. .. - - - . _ ' - -v. _.arm: .::s..; -t; {..... tic.: •.:4: ' �u«. R � �`�� � '�� � `� • • •fkwM For Room To - Fa Rant 410 Rent43o Rent 470 Rent ! I aAx - Mtirge one 6, &M . w m mel am No A 3 Fa1C1801t0E - Ilse bas twirl In KAWARTMAB - Lake Kes. 8 4 • • ' • . . J Oasswent wanbtuera, 9660 al bsdusstR dsaadu/, W IsL quiet arm Wet how t s1 sAsbe�-46 MWASO tlttrd"M Inclusive. Call 428-8363. Close to .-k-i t a ft kltcAen, wuAer, dryer. of Pei rboro, Cary I' Hone Carpeting' bnprovements M1p ov mems Yalldiallore _ tree JOURNETMAN 910drICIM. estimates, r stretching a SpedMft In untie due 0 8 speclaky. Reasonable rales rewiring, additions and 987-1798 or 987-1600. 0 a N renovations. All work ��g. 100 7200wnpDuncan (TFWFS) gua mined.freeCallIlpgra42D4o- (WA) ratifig Gardenblglimates. LiNO G p 00 -4fP_W;_ tiM4ayu! ash. • Eno • Co11doRialem LEAKMIG TUBS i SHOWER STALLS Walk% rG"s4V6W 8 knuma . WC. Mea &a& LOWEST PRICESI Fee adamm ss Call Bar" Propas We 420 -IM Moving, MOVING? We Vial Neve aaywi my-! a . eapkae. Ilse treks ler d type d Na amt mug. lose setkws 10xdi as atMewhom $491r.6up Call 571-0755 GINI HELPERS - wool referenced. Nanny's from Quebec. Summer and yewu loud, . Law fbdm be as a sdnaduls a suit yah needs 1-519-925-5333. V,--- Far fwe eawrwsw estirnsas ai Mel 5766653 D. Dykstra 725.4913. (TF) � FENCES and dada a discount Prices. Poet hale digging and ` -' •1 semrg. 683-2891. 050542) Service$ FE/1QNIG - chain lirek. wrought Yon. and wood rrimew only or MAGICIAN, clown, friends. Installed. 726.3256. Beady b w0wa n Ion any ape. �) any accession. Birthdays. NOME Improvements and promotions. openings, fi d.4 on shoes APPLIANCE rertcval and Moors Bow wrrs, add-ons, • --%- ave yarn cleok-ups. Terry. 506.0626. M503M Home �vements Sped"Zirig in dtyorm. Installing, taping. uck tO, m� Tikld ft also repairs. over 20 rears e1lperienw. Call John anytime. Milk o would. 427�1g5 �1J1�1J we S.or..r e...A. - fir sur -AFRI. SPECIALS LkvAbd Offer W", kw.km ig fool $12.95 a (416) 606 -YARD (416) 582 -YARD CALL TODAY - SUNDAYS TOO VAZ GENERAL - CONTRAC'TINGSpsdakft - - Wines adowls„ rJoks all talslDra - Kldws i baflroolt11, 1lrbdot11s . tlwMypnnlii - ba8llwa, t78fa11110 til i haId11100d flops -15 pL alpL For ir& cal 6833818 afir noon. dodo. Iran and lrkn �� 4334. ��- 83670137 a AI Sbeeuw Mood Working, 136 2207. (0521 9Z RABBIT wants wog doing JOURNEY Man Dryad Taper. muHIic for dril ran•s 1 -1 are Plasaring, drywall boardall ham my own Ernie. 004M instated. mNal stud. Ynou/atiru, T -bar callings. teatu►e spray. wnovations a specialty. Cal Bit for tree estiname, 432x409. ping r,6aFa�u QTY work by war and son vara Well experienced. hard working. renovations. adalors docks. oak- ural us for a two osonuNa 671-1281.84 or Rod. Oah- f050W2) SABER Contracting - all carpentry, additions. renovations, kilenens. bdroons home en*--- - a smrIII I service. furniture tell ,Ishing. quality work guaranteed. 15 years arosrlarnce 6162915.(TFEFG) Housadeardrg ARE you hanig problems And- lag sm 10 khan your home? For IrIs 8 form 427-1041. 1106139ry w�a pAoBo de lanwet Cd EBsbal4mms. Interstate" Glen q� enoat l Owwebb pea. Cal Koh and � �� .l1r.Ia an- ' T e V COBWLETE Rancova ns and •sww �a� Undecu~ I tt�I11M ++Pelts arldltiorns beasrruogs, Painting bathrooms. kitchens. with Decorating cw1 .1�4' g. FraunNas�Cic N . ��3b�pa� Q Eupre, td8lbs. Cd =?-NM #NONM bar tope. Oshawa. Use M 40■MILii lm 432.21M 11062411112) PROFEaslpwnL Dandng and BP abase w I tRLOCK and trick dawning. woks. pdis, and *K-MWs. swing and Rewaoruabb DESIGNED and finished neen9 1 roam or Male basements, bathroom. addl- Ita+sak bsl•N rales raw& too repair. Retaining wall systema, fans Alae No job's small. Q tions and second storey's. corbucfbn rnaissr sodding. nre.re so aable "am Glenpark Landscaping, bdks.doramna utparutry. pkurtbiree and 430-25015 a hlp Wem(TFjdWenti Cal Cal Waiter l savor N estimaes, quaky work. 721- call 9290 x436 5967. f0506o2f briar 436x080. 050792) I (M AN pl n*do"�0 � W 11111 - Mary blwwowrt tae d ltltttwnz u* w Pkbsntng DO An - Painting. cleaning wd LMN MOWER SERVICE SPECIAL wYndians, grago and yard Blaen up. lawn and landscaping,or fL 'eveo. pruning, sees drivewaysSmall ettd 0011E moving Join. 4360/581050394 Excellent EUROPEAN tits speciellats -lea Nlemwm Cal 571-1708 r 11" r rc renovate your bathroom or k0ckan wai as w2) as Boor or 683 8780 ��yy�y� 'r " - ew 20 GoodImprovements references and salisllcticn NTERMnPaiginp, CaDodprca& ocind work Forties V,--- Far fwe eawrwsw estirnsas ai Mel 5766653 D. Dykstra 725.4913. (TF) � FENCES and dada a discount Prices. Poet hale digging and ` -' •1 semrg. 683-2891. 050542) Service$ FE/1QNIG - chain lirek. wrought Yon. and wood rrimew only or MAGICIAN, clown, friends. Installed. 726.3256. Beady b w0wa n Ion any ape. �) any accession. Birthdays. NOME Improvements and promotions. openings, fi d.4 on shoes APPLIANCE rertcval and Moors Bow wrrs, add-ons, • --%- ave yarn cleok-ups. Terry. 506.0626. M503M Home �vements Sped"Zirig in dtyorm. Installing, taping. uck tO, m� Tikld ft also repairs. over 20 rears e1lperienw. Call John anytime. Milk o would. 427�1g5 �1J1�1J we S.or..r e...A. - fir sur -AFRI. SPECIALS LkvAbd Offer W", kw.km ig fool $12.95 a (416) 606 -YARD (416) 582 -YARD CALL TODAY - SUNDAYS TOO VAZ GENERAL - CONTRAC'TINGSpsdakft - - Wines adowls„ rJoks all talslDra - Kldws i baflroolt11, 1lrbdot11s . tlwMypnnlii - ba8llwa, t78fa11110 til i haId11100d flops -15 pL alpL For ir& cal 6833818 afir noon. dodo. Iran and lrkn �� 4334. ��- 83670137 a AI Sbeeuw Mood Working, 136 2207. (0521 9Z RABBIT wants wog doing JOURNEY Man Dryad Taper. muHIic for dril ran•s 1 -1 are Plasaring, drywall boardall ham my own Ernie. 004M instated. mNal stud. Ynou/atiru, T -bar callings. teatu►e spray. wnovations a specialty. Cal Bit for tree estiname, 432x409. ping r,6aFa�u QTY work by war and son vara Well experienced. hard working. renovations. adalors docks. oak- ural us for a two osonuNa 671-1281.84 or Rod. Oah- f050W2) SABER Contracting - all carpentry, additions. renovations, kilenens. bdroons home en*--- - a smrIII I service. furniture tell ,Ishing. quality work guaranteed. 15 years arosrlarnce 6162915.(TFEFG) Housadeardrg ARE you hanig problems And- lag sm 10 khan your home? For IrIs 8 form 427-1041. 1106139ry w�a pAoBo de lanwet Cd EBsbal4mms. Interstate" Glen q� enoat l Owwebb pea. Cal Koh and � �� .l1r.Ia an- Journeymm rllunnber No job loo smeE -Fat c@2) howers.* basement veal bars, W- nnovaomk oradditior>_ Daytime: 427-4174, Fiume: B. Ask lot Tont. ASCAN QUALITY ROOFING girt • ' ISPOSS • Eavtestlough • SOiilslFaxia Free eal'nlalms cell (416) 619.1600 NEED MONEY YESTERDAY? Q11N ILC A. 'as �e FREE PICIQUP a DELIVERY °°'*°"'°"'°r.�. nal alb klrge feat M do L (0060268M New 8 Used Lawn Mowers awwaxill. AsM "as of � � I N Call ar Jaffe. 427,"Ift WkRd0W Ansmxm Helps L RENOVATIONS - Cabkselry, sen kftahes eevbaards. Two ala ttlllh $111dss -TIE \IBOOwVy fracas. Fir f0ed pr(oei ba"moats, w"=oass,hanew MO IEW tui der �pn sl 182)2)aad� «� rase ` Carew Os. 432-SM�Oti1MI ausaccall. PhNt► 67s�413i � a2) Pl�adtiacse `1 400 Af 1 400 _' rw" -400FW PANa MswV - huge ate 1, -1 I ora Two bedroom ailaslmer6 b "comma - 2 beesoos � w1BnT -dem 2 bedreeas 'tta..nerq SPNW a K. PM" oshsaia lea. hydro. h(dgo and 2)iM apaklar& Implement ver ewmgsr high atrfltgs, one irAhds& Pafbq ono ar. I. 9400 Malay Odle to lydw apatMttae. needy tar odry. YMs11t tie rpNeed, at artpBYaed. cow Cor spaated hNtby. Fla mad Noon smokers. M Mos 838 w 00. Joe t ardbsy. $No dose w Oorwaorwz G0. Inatok let. IA13 aonrdr Atataskle ple Ayba 406421 or 983- alloq bookers. no peb. 9576 Itaalediately. 434-4311. am ArO3m SM Pam" 1s"ke. as -me. A6a7BM pSOMN01 SOUTH A* - new belled ane MaPOri4 $IOW n VO* pki bads d. 6; P - professional non own h" and tteeroom basement apaino Udki@L Aveb b In JwIL 486 rrtonlidy. 8311.1719. 05080 lemsle ow1eeed. a400 B s�andmaor�iantar *OWNS •ntrahroe, car 427- 4016 drys, 42i0MJ! •wndttgs, 3130.10500821 weeMatds fOrOL1BM CLEAN oey fumwl j ncoh4 a1skerIC Send. $10weekly. long AVAILABLE now -cam"saparN• entrahtoe. d faewfes. rre•kerrd. 9396 really Cal bd81a ane bedroom FAR, Holmes br vent 6 Wmat Showlsryy. $100 weft. aftw 5.705x77-21SIL 0505 M ttas•ptusre sparswl •spsvaw In B 111 rt 3 asbs W e. oonv 8384271. Pldtsrkl0 105017821 NICE Lake -new amtwo and entratisk Sock pwkkq. 110111191116w, d ourk No6b d space. Beantlhd 445 V� now for I 1 7 t -'-1 Now .. CoampX463- Cable. humidly % N w Aka✓ yard, suYWe la W418 . MMug� fl@M 2370 a 416342,2730. 061280 Shepherd area. $650 all ling, for mow tdorwildw all ktdustAL To view a8 $060191. 43j) -010L 4000M FOR herd. 1000 "A Industrhl �OROIAN - now Wessell Beach Ididlamd. FIC11aBN0 - owwaYaq bum t it pitBrock wd cop beach, 420- abedroom Viw oy uat TWO bedroom basement, Son. .121-1- ns m f9�06.10 1G �, ararsble anyante May kndidst Available June main floor. llvingroom In be viewed by vgeo 43442)1/. ,. ''WWnftV Int two cars, for Cruors bwnwu, /wee ave 77 u 450 llcconurf. do' 'WW all Maga r 427- 2 untrllss. oN `p.w. awma 0887.1750 per mach, 1m and p6038M GREAT fishing and family DETAG® tlld0l^ Kiowud LUIMT per"*& 2 bedToorn � � mile - how ONE and two bedroom Bryy arse, 3 bedmom Image and sollekM parking, FaoAriw kip and aperrnsrgs, cotviwq btedoru, kitchen, roc room with included. Larndry, leo tlsreha ' modern °opapes, clean. no last month's rent wooeaew osnfal sit, sleds 10 SMffenthly Inclusive. Car 1880 L walwhaR promy in wquied Cal 4360177 after 5 G0. , pl , •alcor. awe- Todd. 42D41641. 050704 n l �bw Children p.m. Cal 729.3x75.0514M Ob A* 1. 91000 pke uMleL BROCK PACs c@@W n 5 - per- APARTIMENT for req - o2) Cal c06ecL 1 a16lM-0M7 eau to she ktrge home In plograft mow' bmf, nelor we and covered 11 mig. Sun. bedwonz •125 fiat and last, siardings.( idsdc ommky ssein4 a30d nymead Cottages. R.R.93 uMhE irchudsd. Cable. prhsb OSMWA - 3levenson/401 ntontldy • utilities. Can 666- Haserugs, Ort IOL IYO, 710& «granas. owndry tm*kWk area. 3 bedroom 2 storey 1982 MSOM 6962811.061992) kitchenette. Single female detached. 1166 sq.ft., MWtoaaahow►2000egk- CA18 PW&. 427-8362.0 601182) ism cul ah►eBLFOIiDatN-YYbod- n. dishwasher. plus finished basement. 4 CAFatale - We ave ONE and two bedroom Aprr, 3 years new, possession bedroom home with 3 adults land hft in may -Jure. NO PETS. Fridge, kntbb. 8885 pit* utElm Seen Wokiry bas a mW or elle b July. but are you pbnrNng a Nov.. air. capeL Darkitg for LoscMnw. 4264722 M605M shars as arnsnkles Including H s r ALV e rs OW car. Bbw and Wilson. $715 LARGE 3 1lsbeorn rnait floor dslR"Wh r, "What and dryer. 3 Spline weekend arta $740. Fist and last 721- detached Irick. Livitgroan. Irrdgas urge freemsr, txrrrral at, gel i WT We w here a good spee 9744.(05126M dinitgromp Inge eett•it Ikllduaru Iwge deck. Brock and Ftruch �d . it COWS -a hew a col. AJAX. begle nw 2 Ilsdroorn Ionoed yad, wok b 00 bait. 427420L (050e923NL) prices. ��� a heated ol�. basement apartment. Near alb• Picket V Town Caeca. CENTRAL Ajax - mwwaud 705x63.1317.. mow". everythitV $675 all itduaMe. 2 Minuses b 401, avakbb nowhome b sAaw two mYtuAe walk persons. $845 ars person. Cal $850 monthly. 472-4350. b d amenkist, 4ipppanoss. w�8w■ Florida Man- days. (416) 386.7927 a P50590perking. cable. air. pool deck 490 was >ra wvawgs,61fi1872(0wiM UPPER two lwsrdpage Mum and b.b-q. Furnished/ P I C K E R I N G -bright one from door mom 2000 94A unfurnished. $90 weeky. Ed. CLEARW ATER - Now luxury bedroon beam wrq aparurnx, of living space. Three 4267737. 050890.) 9u8 ions oaWo 2 bob% in 2 ssparas entrance. paring. 4 bedrooms. 2 washrooms. BEAU Valley . neer 5 Poinb, bsee pool. MMh dub, lwnys court. avalable May Sud. For Steve. app8arnoea. Available May 1. cenaral eiWW• Mounrry 00 -in house.-ahsoua., caw d alltaclltles, Cher inquiries. contact Stew. $700 plus "Use. 267x720. kitchen. $900. 839-1034. central air. parking. separate 726-1182 Bus of433,OW flee. 0507421 bedroom, share bath. $80 (0505g2) ARMWtS THREE bedroom house with weekly. 576-5411 leave CLEARWATER - 3 beciocn 405 a Wanted g+raw. we backyard. arall. ^-age M50W - fully furnishad. air can,_ QUIET nonable Jury 1. $700 per mond+. LARGE house with i►ground �Helpepools, � arnaking business1d p lady sev quiet 1, , "r Cal5 06 eks POOL hoe rrspiecw- large lot how . rear beeches dWl wn apartment. Prefer Pickering- PICKERIM - • 3 Rant n 9 " ' ' Cat Rick. 8e6 welcome. (Less than motel). Alan area. Rarely home, the- bedroom bungalow. Casein ileo. 12M (O507=21 $275 weekly. $83-5503. Want traveao. 4164=4194 yard, eat -In kitchen. OIkET claw, Aorta in pfcnerig 052292) leave massage. 050392) lrmdryroorm 4 appaanrae, now Village, b aha with rrehre LARGE 3 bedroom house lir 1�0u$es For Go. p--b0rtw- �• � person. Non smoke, only. rent. Newport Richey. near 410 1107 p5i442) Reasonable rant for aarrodl I Clearwater. Book now for Rent $Els - 4 bedroce, neer OC and Polon. Cal 619.1519. (05072M wirers Summer rano in area CENTRAL Whfty - 3 1 ,an 401. Large yard. double Ale two bedroom condi. 666 main floor. $1000 with 4 driveway. some redecorated. 500 HomeS 3387. (061242) Available utilities. garage Avle imorr o*. Could For Sale FLORIDA - Maderia Beach. prinrlegos inciudsd- Rsleranow sh rot 11886 .. Cal 7253624. we1500 aqA krury oado. Died required. No peb. Available PICKERING - 3 bedroom ly on gulf. Two plus one June 1. 4 1 6 985 77711 or 416• TOw 0 42nhOlWS MdL@^ large khChM *9@MW bedrooms. 2 baths. 6 68 62642. 050542) L For Rent 1ec roar" waft � waada'x epparnass sor.osd FOUR bedroom executive harw mein floor he, THREE bodroc .film small la and laundry. Available gtbl immediately. $1200 mor= Cline 9 M Udl* s� Call Fay William. Rerwptb shOWi'ne Genesis ltd. 321-3536. T500012) 100 a lena.dbelooery. yard. i mrd Inewted Doul jaaka, nussklyr dishwasher. dryer. barbepue. mondry. Phos, 72341064. eek b Go. $100.900. invew- ��...,.� moe Opportunity. valor can Homes assn wit financing. 1.41 x66 500 Sale 0967 after a Dm 050792) WHIM. OSHAWA - 3 bedroom nein marwsiq near floor trungal0w, central ai. 4 � �lownhr ay" Biwa appliances. quiet 8'790 �Araft"" ae 1 @We and sairagioincloded.No Deis. Apply a DurAam Hous Cee a2D 21163 )1815 Durand 0 St E. 40 Floor DETACHED - new house. 3 Whitby or can 436-6610. bodnoon bwsokero. gewge. (052192) Dp, - dike. Inge forucrd yard. GOTTA Ilene Id Now malsbla - ai ear I formed. applbnwa. law badroorut loendnorwe w2) Now GM and 401. Avaitabb Cee room. $875 per month, 5721.5 Nahr" aN DIn" 'rte" uNNn Included. 723.75, a s79 so37. f0 19121 5761957. M608M WHITneat take an A - Bungalow TOWNHOUO3 - evackan two near take and GO. New endetreeCs4r.. lownhousm plusubs SoIncludes ass 3 be an Mo401. Close b Go Train plus bedroom -1 Mobs d rmiss In-law Station, schools, north and &WAnN. Card check M621a5 south Gm, blacks array hom ntaasaga 105.1082) Knob lel. Bus pop in here of AJAX SOUTH - 3 BEDROOM. J�k �� p60ableM era JUNE 1. APPLIANCES, AN CON., GAS BARBECUE. /830 ROO1nS TO FENCED YARD, $796 PLUS 10. 4 Rent UTILITIES. CLOSE TO AMENITIES AND SCHOOLS. ALTONA Rd/Hwy 2 - bright 81162425 ewvk4pL 05am peon at the Ravine. Cable. I Fla la 10 O *Am - 3 pipe Ilsraby, l ---w wm2*b6 shoe •no be bmm east uO aemdW a d&4 bdWL Ilan pending, amagak bored baakplell, paslsu pebaaa 8M paddy. Car 386 dealmond d ai, gushed vel: t881.1A8g58a) wowb 1 to lode. NNpwask gym try tut 090 All M Amba Close to scANN mad aN Opinions _ wiser ohne Oimmenea awankie. 11000 OeC slasnllA IIakrrelM, lathn/tI tea. Pbe odMU s. FbeYlet a" prbaes. bas MMW deppb& idoWAe. AtpaYls Jury flan, Me w bMwettl ale0k AP - Call $71-4M abler 4 p.as. Obs and hVdW* herb& Sao" a" one exam. Cas 726 V1 btidlaaa hone fuer no 27611- 811 1 21 - evarma hw mwkl*, ams ��M yMwp BObia OW aa� w.l+le& It10N /0r wilt. ah" Mad Nry. Mdft ad pwift Bali as aoianANtrM,LE - wswAy Fmft 42aao1alt. a► BLACK CREEK TRAIL AREA - COURTICE $243,900 Bright! Attractivel 2625 sq. ft. 4 -bedroom home, ig. 5 -pc ensuite, sitting area. Spacious greenhouse kit, MIF Fam. Rm. fireplace, W/Os to private yard. Well cared property, quiet cres. close to schools, shopping. Many upgrades. For appointment call 432-7241. "OPEN HOUSE" EVERY SUNDAY 1 PRL -4 RK Sim an IL Wain � /CC►,e�nlr�a aira� ~ 2112 basila a Ceramic is lab Fm* mLR -• Harm 436 EtltltAvL Satz close w 401.Oadw oast, weandgs basad bedwaK 4 badnanw. slow ' T I 111IBaaMEs► svad11la aeela Mlift.. •sww F bompi n 2 bbilk ftepUca, t� . on 4M 11, are d0 td8lbs. Cd =?-NM #NONM bar tope. Oshawa. Use M 40■MILii lm AJAX ins- I MWO IN2 do year law dstsslpa- bas a dn' awl lenby bdara, BIB waddy a to owe 4 bedroom selwl $320 WANthly. 435-4703. vbn� NM PC detached hoose. Two AM- hatthhsd ,wow M sig bslhwowo. alrhd tae a$ta ar *Awad 81118 home, show Call Harris Dwyer =w Wr � , DURHAM LAWN EQtlIMENT •'-`e'7 hw-. 24 ht: � W 11111 - Mary blwwowrt tae d ltltttwnz u* w Pkbsntng era 8 =M till 417• oR LMN MOWER SERVICE SPECIAL o9b an Journeymm rllunnber No job loo smeE -Fat c@2) howers.* basement veal bars, W- nnovaomk oradditior>_ Daytime: 427-4174, Fiume: B. Ask lot Tont. ASCAN QUALITY ROOFING girt • ' ISPOSS • Eavtestlough • SOiilslFaxia Free eal'nlalms cell (416) 619.1600 NEED MONEY YESTERDAY? Q11N ILC A. 'as �e FREE PICIQUP a DELIVERY °°'*°"'°"'°r.�. nal alb klrge feat M do L (0060268M New 8 Used Lawn Mowers awwaxill. AsM "as of � � I N Call ar Jaffe. 427,"Ift WkRd0W Ansmxm Helps L RENOVATIONS - Cabkselry, sen kftahes eevbaards. Two ala ttlllh $111dss -TIE \IBOOwVy fracas. Fir f0ed pr(oei ba"moats, w"=oass,hanew MO IEW tui der �pn sl 182)2)aad� «� rase ` Carew Os. 432-SM�Oti1MI ausaccall. PhNt► 67s�413i � a2) Pl�adtiacse `1 400 Af 1 400 _' rw" -400FW PANa MswV - huge ate 1, -1 I ora Two bedroom ailaslmer6 b "comma - 2 beesoos � w1BnT -dem 2 bedreeas 'tta..nerq SPNW a K. PM" oshsaia lea. hydro. h(dgo and 2)iM apaklar& Implement ver ewmgsr high atrfltgs, one irAhds& Pafbq ono ar. I. 9400 Malay Odle to lydw apatMttae. needy tar odry. YMs11t tie rpNeed, at artpBYaed. cow Cor spaated hNtby. Fla mad Noon smokers. M Mos 838 w 00. Joe t ardbsy. $No dose w Oorwaorwz G0. Inatok let. IA13 aonrdr Atataskle ple Ayba 406421 or 983- alloq bookers. no peb. 9576 Itaalediately. 434-4311. am ArO3m SM Pam" 1s"ke. as -me. A6a7BM pSOMN01 SOUTH A* - new belled ane MaPOri4 $IOW n VO* pki bads d. 6; P - professional non own h" and tteeroom basement apaino Udki@L Aveb b In JwIL 486 rrtonlidy. 8311.1719. 05080 lemsle ow1eeed. a400 B s�andmaor�iantar *OWNS •ntrahroe, car 427- 4016 drys, 42i0MJ! •wndttgs, 3130.10500821 weeMatds fOrOL1BM CLEAN oey fumwl j ncoh4 a1skerIC Send. $10weekly. long AVAILABLE now -cam"saparN• entrahtoe. d faewfes. rre•kerrd. 9396 really Cal bd81a ane bedroom FAR, Holmes br vent 6 Wmat Showlsryy. $100 weft. aftw 5.705x77-21SIL 0505 M ttas•ptusre sparswl •spsvaw In B 111 rt 3 asbs W e. oonv 8384271. Pldtsrkl0 105017821 NICE Lake -new amtwo and entratisk Sock pwkkq. 110111191116w, d ourk No6b d space. Beantlhd 445 V� now for I 1 7 t -'-1 Now .. CoampX463- Cable. humidly % N w Aka✓ yard, suYWe la W418 . MMug� fl@M 2370 a 416342,2730. 061280 Shepherd area. $650 all ling, for mow tdorwildw all ktdustAL To view a8 $060191. 43j) -010L 4000M FOR herd. 1000 "A Industrhl �OROIAN - now Wessell Beach Ididlamd. FIC11aBN0 - owwaYaq bum t it pitBrock wd cop beach, 420- abedroom Viw oy uat TWO bedroom basement, Son. .121-1- ns m f9�06.10 1G �, ararsble anyante May kndidst Available June main floor. llvingroom In be viewed by vgeo 43442)1/. ,. ''WWnftV Int two cars, for Cruors bwnwu, /wee ave 77 u 450 llcconurf. do' 'WW all Maga r 427- 2 untrllss. oN `p.w. awma 0887.1750 per mach, 1m and p6038M GREAT fishing and family DETAG® tlld0l^ Kiowud LUIMT per"*& 2 bedToorn � � mile - how ONE and two bedroom Bryy arse, 3 bedmom Image and sollekM parking, FaoAriw kip and aperrnsrgs, cotviwq btedoru, kitchen, roc room with included. Larndry, leo tlsreha ' modern °opapes, clean. no last month's rent wooeaew osnfal sit, sleds 10 SMffenthly Inclusive. Car 1880 L walwhaR promy in wquied Cal 4360177 after 5 G0. , pl , •alcor. awe- Todd. 42D41641. 050704 n l �bw Children p.m. Cal 729.3x75.0514M Ob A* 1. 91000 pke uMleL BROCK PACs c@@W n 5 - per- APARTIMENT for req - o2) Cal c06ecL 1 a16lM-0M7 eau to she ktrge home In plograft mow' bmf, nelor we and covered 11 mig. Sun. bedwonz •125 fiat and last, siardings.( idsdc ommky ssein4 a30d nymead Cottages. R.R.93 uMhE irchudsd. Cable. prhsb OSMWA - 3levenson/401 ntontldy • utilities. Can 666- Haserugs, Ort IOL IYO, 710& «granas. owndry tm*kWk area. 3 bedroom 2 storey 1982 MSOM 6962811.061992) kitchenette. Single female detached. 1166 sq.ft., MWtoaaahow►2000egk- CA18 PW&. 427-8362.0 601182) ism cul ah►eBLFOIiDatN-YYbod- n. dishwasher. plus finished basement. 4 CAFatale - We ave ONE and two bedroom Aprr, 3 years new, possession bedroom home with 3 adults land hft in may -Jure. NO PETS. Fridge, kntbb. 8885 pit* utElm Seen Wokiry bas a mW or elle b July. but are you pbnrNng a Nov.. air. capeL Darkitg for LoscMnw. 4264722 M605M shars as arnsnkles Including H s r ALV e rs OW car. Bbw and Wilson. $715 LARGE 3 1lsbeorn rnait floor dslR"Wh r, "What and dryer. 3 Spline weekend arta $740. Fist and last 721- detached Irick. Livitgroan. Irrdgas urge freemsr, txrrrral at, gel i WT We w here a good spee 9744.(05126M dinitgromp Inge eett•it Ikllduaru Iwge deck. Brock and Ftruch �d . it COWS -a hew a col. AJAX. begle nw 2 Ilsdroorn Ionoed yad, wok b 00 bait. 427420L (050e923NL) prices. ��� a heated ol�. basement apartment. Near alb• Picket V Town Caeca. CENTRAL Ajax - mwwaud 705x63.1317.. mow". everythitV $675 all itduaMe. 2 Minuses b 401, avakbb nowhome b sAaw two mYtuAe walk persons. $845 ars person. Cal $850 monthly. 472-4350. b d amenkist, 4ipppanoss. w�8w■ Florida Man- days. (416) 386.7927 a P50590perking. cable. air. pool deck 490 was >ra wvawgs,61fi1872(0wiM UPPER two lwsrdpage Mum and b.b-q. Furnished/ P I C K E R I N G -bright one from door mom 2000 94A unfurnished. $90 weeky. Ed. CLEARW ATER - Now luxury bedroon beam wrq aparurnx, of living space. Three 4267737. 050890.) 9u8 ions oaWo 2 bob% in 2 ssparas entrance. paring. 4 bedrooms. 2 washrooms. BEAU Valley . neer 5 Poinb, bsee pool. MMh dub, lwnys court. avalable May Sud. For Steve. app8arnoea. Available May 1. cenaral eiWW• Mounrry 00 -in house.-ahsoua., caw d alltaclltles, Cher inquiries. contact Stew. $700 plus "Use. 267x720. kitchen. $900. 839-1034. central air. parking. separate 726-1182 Bus of433,OW flee. 0507421 bedroom, share bath. $80 (0505g2) ARMWtS THREE bedroom house with weekly. 576-5411 leave CLEARWATER - 3 beciocn 405 a Wanted g+raw. we backyard. arall. ^-age M50W - fully furnishad. air can,_ QUIET nonable Jury 1. $700 per mond+. LARGE house with i►ground �Helpepools, � arnaking business1d p lady sev quiet 1, , "r Cal5 06 eks POOL hoe rrspiecw- large lot how . rear beeches dWl wn apartment. Prefer Pickering- PICKERIM - • 3 Rant n 9 " ' ' Cat Rick. 8e6 welcome. (Less than motel). Alan area. Rarely home, the- bedroom bungalow. Casein ileo. 12M (O507=21 $275 weekly. $83-5503. Want traveao. 4164=4194 yard, eat -In kitchen. OIkET claw, Aorta in pfcnerig 052292) leave massage. 050392) lrmdryroorm 4 appaanrae, now Village, b aha with rrehre LARGE 3 bedroom house lir 1�0u$es For Go. p--b0rtw- �• � person. Non smoke, only. rent. Newport Richey. near 410 1107 p5i442) Reasonable rant for aarrodl I Clearwater. Book now for Rent $Els - 4 bedroce, neer OC and Polon. Cal 619.1519. (05072M wirers Summer rano in area CENTRAL Whfty - 3 1 ,an 401. Large yard. double Ale two bedroom condi. 666 main floor. $1000 with 4 driveway. some redecorated. 500 HomeS 3387. (061242) Available utilities. garage Avle imorr o*. Could For Sale FLORIDA - Maderia Beach. prinrlegos inciudsd- Rsleranow sh rot 11886 .. Cal 7253624. we1500 aqA krury oado. Died required. No peb. Available PICKERING - 3 bedroom ly on gulf. Two plus one June 1. 4 1 6 985 77711 or 416• TOw 0 42nhOlWS MdL@^ large khChM *9@MW bedrooms. 2 baths. 6 68 62642. 050542) L For Rent 1ec roar" waft � waada'x epparnass sor.osd FOUR bedroom executive harw mein floor he, THREE bodroc .film small la and laundry. Available gtbl immediately. $1200 mor= Cline 9 M Udl* s� Call Fay William. Rerwptb shOWi'ne Genesis ltd. 321-3536. T500012) 100 a lena.dbelooery. yard. i mrd Inewted Doul jaaka, nussklyr dishwasher. dryer. barbepue. mondry. Phos, 72341064. eek b Go. $100.900. invew- ��...,.� moe Opportunity. valor can Homes assn wit financing. 1.41 x66 500 Sale 0967 after a Dm 050792) WHIM. OSHAWA - 3 bedroom nein marwsiq near floor trungal0w, central ai. 4 � �lownhr ay" Biwa appliances. quiet 8'790 �Araft"" ae 1 @We and sairagioincloded.No Deis. Apply a DurAam Hous Cee a2D 21163 )1815 Durand 0 St E. 40 Floor DETACHED - new house. 3 Whitby or can 436-6610. bodnoon bwsokero. gewge. (052192) Dp, - dike. Inge forucrd yard. GOTTA Ilene Id Now malsbla - ai ear I formed. applbnwa. law badroorut loendnorwe w2) Now GM and 401. Avaitabb Cee room. $875 per month, 5721.5 Nahr" aN DIn" 'rte" uNNn Included. 723.75, a s79 so37. f0 19121 5761957. M608M WHITneat take an A - Bungalow TOWNHOUO3 - evackan two near take and GO. New endetreeCs4r.. lownhousm plusubs SoIncludes ass 3 be an Mo401. Close b Go Train plus bedroom -1 Mobs d rmiss In-law Station, schools, north and &WAnN. Card check M621a5 south Gm, blacks array hom ntaasaga 105.1082) Knob lel. Bus pop in here of AJAX SOUTH - 3 BEDROOM. J�k �� p60ableM era JUNE 1. APPLIANCES, AN CON., GAS BARBECUE. /830 ROO1nS TO FENCED YARD, $796 PLUS 10. 4 Rent UTILITIES. CLOSE TO AMENITIES AND SCHOOLS. ALTONA Rd/Hwy 2 - bright 81162425 ewvk4pL 05am peon at the Ravine. Cable. I Fla la 10 O *Am - 3 pipe Ilsraby, l ---w wm2*b6 shoe •no be bmm east uO aemdW a d&4 bdWL Ilan pending, amagak bored baakplell, paslsu pebaaa 8M paddy. Car 386 dealmond d ai, gushed vel: t881.1A8g58a) wowb 1 to lode. NNpwask gym try tut 090 All M Amba Close to scANN mad aN Opinions _ wiser ohne Oimmenea awankie. 11000 OeC slasnllA IIakrrelM, lathn/tI tea. Pbe odMU s. FbeYlet a" prbaes. bas MMW deppb& idoWAe. AtpaYls Jury flan, Me w bMwettl ale0k AP - Call $71-4M abler 4 p.as. Obs and hVdW* herb& Sao" a" one exam. Cas 726 V1 btidlaaa hone fuer no 27611- 811 1 21 - evarma hw mwkl*, ams ��M yMwp BObia OW aa� w.l+le& It10N /0r wilt. ah" Mad Nry. Mdft ad pwift Bali as aoianANtrM,LE - wswAy Fmft 42aao1alt. a► BLACK CREEK TRAIL AREA - COURTICE $243,900 Bright! Attractivel 2625 sq. ft. 4 -bedroom home, ig. 5 -pc ensuite, sitting area. Spacious greenhouse kit, MIF Fam. Rm. fireplace, W/Os to private yard. Well cared property, quiet cres. close to schools, shopping. Many upgrades. For appointment call 432-7241. "OPEN HOUSE" EVERY SUNDAY 1 PRL -4 RK Sim an IL Wain � /CC►,e�nlr�a aira� ~ 2112 basila a Ceramic is lab Fm* mLR -• Harm 436 EtltltAvL Satz close w 401.Oadw oast, weandgs basad bedwaK 4 badnanw. slow ' T I 111IBaaMEs► svad11la aeela Mlift.. *19tr�u. Jtrws 1.42$d t. T V, and ��' " car 427♦ooD. F bompi n 2 bbilk ftepUca, t� Tif�11�1j FrBeMae11/a MONK cres w OWL FMN sINrZ:w tthrdsrea tttutMtottls . and let ataaa nonny • 14 leas Ile Md. den w f3O, sa 11, are d0 td8lbs. Cd =?-NM #NONM bar tope. Oshawa. Use M � rata! down. 91914 ahead y and year no Is kR hem and bautroom ala MWO IN2 do year law dstsslpa- bas a dn' awl lenby bdara, BIB waddy a to owe 4 bedroom selwl $320 WANthly. 435-4703. Oft become a detached hoose. Two AM- hatthhsd ,wow M sig bslhwowo. alrhd tae a$ta ar *Awad 81118 home, show Call Harris Dwyer no now mm bmw Cas+ books. ase tttaahsr. dee to Remax RBAection and nice awe Cd for agora Cars w1Rs. Phase 488.4842. 706-437-3613. 111rr1r2f •'-`e'7 hw-. 24 ht: � W 11111 - Mary blwwowrt tae d ltltttwnz u* w Pkbsntng era 8 dMhmrR Am jalmhe gleaM 00 TNK MMWA - hybol Nle amide ttptaepk Arai PldwAty Tale CWW46 8326 bwgalow, AbIntwtsdlaey. Car 430- � �1 pvml% n= n4i,�ri is nt2, i rw,w.wwwr.u.....■. - - 204ML 00 1-0 PRL 17 WWff Fmff iniBlabadeWil . 3 t1tl, ,IdL =1 10018 with i wd bac Grist fallliiy home. Prhrata �a tents. 8ott00 668-0067 . 3 bsdloonti AJAK - Sa44A00. Douched s bCalba, belck, B(aD "A 4 baboon. reduced. dtaAtb enema 2 Replace, ow k= 416 Ifedloonn basNswtt spamtult 0 0 0 • out. 245-2804. or I L S �. 0 . :.•.!w:: �.. .. s@@I .! (l�ii/ JI, A.4 JA.7. � tri.:. .:ui .>r :u,.. -.. ..a.,a a a W %jwNlul -1 ia, 11 ly I, w i eiecironic type Wouldn't it be great if every mom engage in such activities as reading service to recruit as your mom's had a modern super -nanny? - extensive parents' reference guides, super -nanny is to spend some time Someone who would answer child- get answers from expert columnists, in the local computer and software rearing questions, help youngsters and participate in electronic public store researching prices and with their schoolwork, dream up forums where parents can discuss comparing features. exciting meals, do the banking, buy their experiences with others acres Some companies even maintain birthday gifts, figure out what's the country- toll-free numbers to answer Riling the garden, and troubleshoot The best way to find an on-line questions. the family car. Mary Poppins was wonderful Looking for a valuable after fiction, but now even moms of school activity your CHILDREN moderate means can enjoy the will enjoy? benefits of a super -nanny - in anJ electronic version. C m P 13 T E R T E By connecting a home computer to o$ (,L � S an on-line service, mom can shop, U �---� bank, and receive information she Computer learning fun sessions needs to run a household, rear Just For Kids! children and hold down an outside Discovery Bay Centre career. On-line services make a 570 Westnely Rd., S., Ajax great gift for today's busy woman. 619-1014 The concept of on-line services isn't new. By using a a modem, • • Pickering Town ordinary home computers can 'talk' I Centre over regular telephone lines, giving 420-9707 families access to new headlines, shopping, banking, discount stock Member of a 60 store Canadian chain brokers, airline ticketing services, Serving home and business needs for ". electronic encyclopedias, personal computers, software, calculators and video games Authorized dealer for: � 1 / messaging and more. ��� B u What is new is the fact that women NinTendo comprise the fastest-growing 11 Pmasmic audience for on-line services. C�Commodore' �hp�HEWLETT aS�,,,� A r7Q Much of the PACKAGiD ■ •/"1f�` 1�Pu�h on-line &A A�AR1 TOSHIBA CdH011 services among women can be attributed to their time- and money- saving benefits. On-line service users can pay bills, buy stamps, or PL �SOFTWARE check a movie review in minutes, without getting in a car. Some on-line services charge for usage by the minute or hour. Others M AY S P E C I A L S, offer flat -rate monthly pricing that doesn't vary, regardless of usage. MICROSOFT OS/2 2.0 >>{ Once on the seirme, members can f■IatoaAAtaaIA w -A r ■aM. ww•■J>w 14 Specializing in Upgrades! Best Deals on Computer Systems Authorlrod Bohr For • t oepuror Asooeifte • Lot= • war&% t.et • l twbiAl • Okidata • Microsoft DURHAM BUSINESS MACHINES 1080 BROCK RD. S. UNIT 5, PICKERING 683-8081 or 831-8081 0 w1�N1fi�0� ��se��■solt- TOWN lam le lob ■rota fw treatloaU "1211am4 Whom M tits bast pbm b by► arr * M Effman,� ���OPEN -to the WAREHOUSE MON. IIIO�i. - 156. 10:00 ro too SATURM 10:00 m 6.00 I'MADUATION SPECIAL Complete MDX/W System incl: VGA Monitor _ -_ ''105 Hard Drive $ 00 Full Warranty ...1499 s DL900 Pdnter ' E: Beca/Ise higher education -is challenging enoughl 1501 HOPKINS ST. WHITBY (416) 430-8081 . ,..:. -,w.4.i►,tL,i�,...�,-r...ii:r'fi.ic:+.: � ..�a�a.r.r a! a 213 Byron Street South Whitby, Ontario A LIN V7 4416) 668-3487 0 Bulletin Board Service ER (416) 6681480 �5��` e e COMPUTER SYSTEM BOARD UPGRADES 8088 / 286-20 with one meg. exchanged & installed ...... ............_......_._ $199.00 7 8088 / 386 -SX -16 with one meg. exchanged & installed ...... ____ 5250.00 8088 / 3WSX-25 with one meg. exchanged & installed...__....._..„.._. $299.00 9 8088 / 38&DX-Z5 with one meg. exchanged & installed ....... ... ............ $350.00 9 088 81386 -DX -33 64K Cache one meg. exchanged & installed ........_... 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