HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA1992_04_22CO s.t.. . M jrr�ntttr. RFA�Y 831300 GO*Sls ltd. Ilealta Wednesday, April 22, •1992 1 104 An Ajax squash player has been named top female athlete at the University of Western Ontario in London this year. Lori Cole- man, 21, was presented the F.W.P. Jones Trophy and the Pur- ple Blanket Award during the uni- versity's recent annual athletic awards banquet- Incredibly, Cole- man has never been defeated in university squash play. She's cur- rently ranked number three in women's squash in Canada. Details on Page A26. Inside the t � '1Jtl ,1. , 1i alll APPA 22 our Earth DaY section starts on Page A13 Real Estate ......Pull-out Wbeek»....-.» -- Pull-out L.etters.............................»_.A6 Obit 9 Name Dropping— ­A21 Billboard Sports. Ckasified.......».. ------- A33 s } t Nm yes paiprt EW S DV ERtISER � Julie Stanton A Mefrolend Comrnunity Newspaper Pressrun 35,000 700 + 50 GST = 75 cents By LINDA WHITE Staff Reporter PICKERING - As Julie Ann Stanton's parents held bands behind a framed photo of their smiling daughter with Santa Claus, they vowed to give her a "decent buri- al." The couple is confident they'll find the body of their daughter who's presumed dead "if we look long and hard enough. She's out there. We have to find her," Julie's mother Pat said at a Durham Regional Police press confer- See THERE'S ... Page A3 y • � r .• - "' • y'''ew Down to earth The environment was recently the focus of a full day's activities at Roland Michener Public School in Ajax. Music, drama, and art were among the activites students took part in. Here, Haseba Yusuf, left, and Kim Underwood make tissue flowers to add to a mural. photo by Celia Bronkthorst John and Pat Stanton, the parents of missing teen Julie Ann, want to give their daughter a "decent burial." photo by Ron Pietroniro Inquest wraps up into 5 1deaths at home for kids `Out of something horrific, something good has come' By KEITH GILLIGAN icaps, but only 15 deaths were Staff Reporter examined at the inquest. AJAX - It's "hard to say- Five of the 15 deaths ..i • .V O G occurred in September, 1989, im MIN when pneumonia spread ONLY THE VE1W BEST! - j duMet rW Arts Ltd. Christopher Robin closed JAMI last year, but not because of Aprll 20-25 # Vol. 111 No. 17 and social services ministry is giving care to keep them com- reducing the number of institu- John and Pat Stanton, the parents of missing teen Julie Ann, want to give their daughter a "decent burial." photo by Ron Pietroniro Inquest wraps up into 5 1deaths at home for kids `Out of something horrific, something good has come' By KEITH GILLIGAN icaps, but only 15 deaths were Staff Reporter examined at the inquest. AJAX - It's "hard to say- Five of the 15 deaths who's to blame for the deaths occurred in September, 1989, of 15 youngsters at Christo- when pneumonia spread pher Robin Home for Chil- through the home. dren, says the father of a for- Christopher Robin closed mer patient at the facility. last year, but not because of "I blame whoever came up the deaths. The community with the philosophy of only and social services ministry is giving care to keep them com- reducing the number of institu- fortable," says Ralph Harrison, tions for people with special A coroner's inquest into the needs. (The home cared for deaths wrapped up Thursday, children with severe develop - almost a year after it began. mental and physical disabili- The inquest jury came up times.) with 35 recommendations, The inquest heard of cases ,covering medical care, the role of children being given mor - of doctors, nurses, parents, phine to relieve pain; in some facility administrators and cases, they got dosages that board of directors, the provin- exceeded recommended levels. tial ministry of community In making its recommenda- and social services and the tions, the jury said. "Standards Children's Aid Society. �of medical care must be Between 1986 and 1990,31 adhered to consistently for all children died at the home for youngsters with multiple hand- See CORONER'S.. -Page A4 Q uaMy aeons r ouft -- Adverlm In Alm -Pickett News AdvaWsm ("341101 =W 0it0wa-1AlMY huts Werk (579 -MM.) 14J= POSIM *vWy WOdnescwy e r r s t f au re � :'� _ , PiclwmNG 1MM CEJ . -Monda Saturda , Aril 20-25,1992 ------ �TII yr '"MI Choose from a great selection of infants' wear and baby needs, Eaton Value priced when you need them! At Eaton's, we don't mark up prices just so we can have a sale later on 1. Canadian -made! Cotton seersucker one-piece pyjama with domed front and legs. Assorted bright prints, or stripes in pink, blue or mint. Sizes S., M., L. (069) 599 EVERY DAY Y 2. Canadian -made! Cotton -and -polyester sleeper with domed front and leg. Choose from 3 prints. Sizes S., M., L. (069) 799 EVERY DAY 3. Canadian -made! Cotton knit hat in white, pink, blue, mint or yellow. Sizes S., M., L., XL. (069) 599 EVERY DAY 4. 2 -pack bootie sock from Sommerset. Acrylic -and - nylon with non-skid soles. White/pink, red/white. Sizes 9 to 18 months, 18 to 24 months. (069) 3 ¢9 EVERY DAY 5. 'Baby's Own'cotton all - in -one vest and pantie. White only. Sizes 6, 12, 18, 24, 30 months. (068) 499 EVERY DAY 6. Handy nylon diaper bag with lots of pockets and a change pad! Water-colour print. (068) 1EVERY899DAY 7. Kooshies diapers. Cotton flannel in assorted prints. 10 -pack plus bonus of 1 diaper included. (068) 5999 EVERY DAY 8. Washcloth four -pack. Includes four soft, absorbent cloths in assorted colours. (o68) 1s9 EVERY DAY EATON 1 1234 SM qM2 UUM. ,EATO N S COo& Sail wtot yorMOrwy WuI1CW 9. 'Kiddytyme' hooded terry towel. Soft, absorbent cotton -and -polyester. Choose from pink, mint, blue or yellow. (068) 3"EVERY DAY Infants' Wear TOP OF WESTNEY . . 4vv a : };A`CAREFREE ADULT LIVING E'"PY+Y, affi>tdabie living in a gnietdoes b slwpping MW Public oam a O&M security syswn% aboveground Parkin& five appiianaes and is accrosd* to the handicapped. n utib wiW a _:iia A Convat+ mi Location 2 & 3 BEDROOM UNITS AND PENTHOUSE SUITES - ` EOR APPOINTMENT CALL 428-7162 .1 M 11 • KOM PAGE Al ence Monday. Julie was 14 when she was last seen Easter Monday, April 16, 1990, near her home on Maury Cres. in Pickering. Peter John Stark, 46, of Stoney Creek, near Hamilton, was charged with her first-degree murder two months ago. He's pleaded not guilty and will appear in court for a prelimi- nary trial in AugusL The past two years have been "just hell," says Mrs. Stanton, who's now looking for volunteers to. help in coming searches. -There are no words to describe it." She says "there's no hope" Julie will be found alive and admits expecting the worst "the night my daughter 0dn't come ome. I knew some- thing was terribly wrong ... My main con- cern is that she needs to be put to rest." Her hus- band John is "optimistic" their daughter's remains will be found this sum- mer because the searches will fol- low "a much more professional :approach- than searches shortly after Julie watt missing. Det mve Herb Cugwain says a of 040U" will be brought in when the searches resume May 23. Although that tam hasn't yet !been established. he's —am talk- ! ing with" the ministry of natural resources, universities and private groups. Searches will begin in Port Perry, where "there may have been sightings (of Julie)," accord- ing to Mr. Stanton. Some of the areas they'll be scouring have already been searched, while oth- ers haven't yet been examined. The Stantons will once again double up their efforts with EliTa- beth Bain's family. The Scarbor- ough woman's boyfriend Rob Baltovich was found guilty of her first-degree murder, though her body hasn't yet been found. Det. Curwain says the searches .will encompass quite a broad area" and police "aren't concen- trating just on Port Perry." Areas to be searched will be determined on a "week- r� Peter John Stark is charged with Jube Stanton's murder 0 end -to -week- end basis," he adds. Police promise to "render as much assis- tance as we can" though uniformed officers won't be assisting on searches. An officer will be on hand "in case evi- dence is found," Det. C u r w a i n says. Though four detec- tives remain on the case full-time, the S cantons are depending on volun- teers to find their daughter's body. "We would appreciate any help from the public to fund our Julie," says Mrs. Stanton. Volunteers are asked to meet Saturday. May 23 at 9 a.m. at the Port Perry police station, Suncoe Street north of the Seventh Con- cessioNRegional Road No. 8. They're advised to wear rubber boots or work boots with a sturdy sole, jeans, a long-sleeved shirt and a wind -breaker that could be shed and easily carried. Anyone with hip -waders is asked to take ahem along. The searches will continue each Saturday and Sunday from ,then on, weather permitting. - The More You Need THE MORE YOU'LL SAVE! V� Wutdows �. PYTHON BUILDING SUI 975$ rQck Rd.-S,Picker44. 420-0188 • windows • Doors • Sun roorns Pat and John Stanton are surrounded by reporters at a press conference Monday when they asked for volunteers to help them search for their missing daughter's body. Ajax/Pickering DELIVERY SERVICE WATCH FOR THESE INSERTS b FLYERS COMING TO YOUR DOOR WITH YOUR NEWS ADVERTISER CARRIER TODAY AND IN THE DNS AHEAD Def wid to selected households oNy WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22/92 NEWS ADVERTISER (AJAXIPICK) CULLEN GARDENS (A1AXMICK) DURHAM WHEELS WEST (AJAX/PICK) EATONS (AJAX/PICK) HOME EXPRESSIONS (AJ"PICK) ' I.D.A. (PICK) MOORES (AJAX)PICK ) ' POT POURRI (PICK) REAL ESTATE (AJAXPICK) SHOPPERS DRUG MART ("HICK) FRIDAY, APRIL 24/92 NEWS ADVERTISER (AJAX PICK', ' CANADIAN TIRE (&"PICK) MAXI DRUGS (AJAX) QD, k4wrow of O MRI Corporatbna in Support of RecyclvV photo by Ron Pietroniro 1� WEDNESDAY CARRIER OF THE WEEK IS JEFF SOCKETTE. Jeff "M ofarnq hock". DMerofadnp and co lecang Nootey ands Jeff oowvod a McDoralds meal deal mmpomwts of The News Acvenaw Con7aUawm on owg our Wednesday Camey of The Week 30%-50 0/ OFF Casuals By RUMORS BOFFALO ; m J I LEVI'S EOWImS BaGLE BOY MONGER ' Shorts • T Shirts e Jeans *Sweaters Rompers Leggings Overalls ' Silk Shirts e Swim -Shorts ' Stirrup Pants • Cotton Pants HOURS: MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY 10:00 A.M.4:00 P.M. THURSDAY -FRIDAY 10:00 UL -910 p.tn. AFA=" wm�etam,wv coroner's jury recommends ways to avert similar tragedy FROM PAGE AI children regardless of their abili- ties." The four -member jury also said. • No child should be discrimi- nated against based on disability regarding medical treatment." • Doctors and health-care providers should be educated on the appropriate uses and doses of morphine, including the dangers for children with complex medical needs. • Parents "must be given the supports necessary for keeping their children within the family home and family environment." • And, parents should be sup- ported "in the key decision-mak- ing rok." The jury wants the chief coro- lie's no starving artist PICKERING - A Pickering man discovered he had S500,000 waiting for him after he checked a batch of about 30 lottery tickets last week. Kwong Tsang, 34, found he had the winning ticket for the Feb. 22 Louario jackpot Prize. He had accumulated tickets pur- chased in February, March and April. The self-employed artist plans to bank the windfall and possibly, buy a car in the near future. ner of the province to be notified, in one year, of what actions have been taken by then to implement the recommendations in similar facilities. Mr. Harrison's daughter Rachel, now eight, lived at the home for the first six years of her life. "Christopher Robin's time had come. Out of something horrific, something good has come. Par- ents have more say in what's hap- pening to their children. That's not to say that kids had to die for this to happen," he says. Mr. Harrison and other parents of Christopher Robin children have set up Our Home Project. with two group homes, one in Pickering and the other in Oshawa. 0 NO KrERESr Bur 300 lbs. ,-, Steer Bee and Set 1001b. Poultry FREE! BBD PACK 6 T-Borw Steaks 6 Now York $Maks 6 Rb Eye Stooks 6 D idw Breasts 22 Beef Patios ONLY h.99 Ib. GOAT Yrholr"o `1.39 ib. Whole loin see sM+anT43one, Portarhoun Buy 1 box of Shish4w-bob for 24.95 and 9N 1 box FREE! AND DON'T PAY TILL JAN. `930 ter CROM cmum & xAnma sAsr I#9:tt Li.itel 1Amr�ty upI*ffs nwmq n"g • San rip to 0% on your rattiq cods oxer ofl or electrie d Im Eno, Iffidewy Statrt&nb 1 d 1%e larged seleetion of Air coalitioners, Humidifiers and Air annen to complete1W your Home comfort Sydm , e _ HEATING &AIR der agAAk Jan is 1W t. 4r b IM i*r * Wn ,pd.* Ikikn Canrwr be e.wbM wdh the Lamer Trak Ir YruWae CONDITIONING Wda*!u.u�rc n.ar..ner,a, p.uta un We're The Inside Gu%rs. "a., read the..AlEwsfl ......... ....................:.. ............. a W hree c We've Got Your Number,, GIC/DEBENTURE RATE At Central Guaranty Trust. we offer some of the best GIC and Debenture rates in the business. And you can count on us for even more. Our Customer Service Representatives can help you choose the saN-ings options that best fit your needs. And, thev will tell you all about our total program to help you plan, organize and keep track of all your savings. CALL US TODAY. `5 tar term: rate subject to change. S Issued b% Central Guarants klortgage Corporation, a wholly-ouned,ubsidian of Central Guaranty True Compam. CENTRALWGVARANTY CENTRAL GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY Because Your Money Deserves Professional Attention Member of Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation Ajax Discovery Bay Centre 570 Westney Road S. x•28-1789 Pickering 1900 Dixie Road X420-8880 West Hill Morningside Mall 255 Morningside Avenue 281-6701 �x.....s...�.-vr.x..yy,pF`- - "a::r, acus u:+•ar:..r. w.aPr.. a•-,. . w-...... .... .....w...��+sw ...... .- - -+raw -.... , _�-..� . _ .... - .. ��� a. r. Ajax water plant hundredswould create of trades By KEITH GH"GAN Staff Reporter AJAX - The provincial govern- ment should "wake up" and approve the site selected by Durham region for a new water plant, representatives of construc- tion unions say. Construction of the plant alone will create hundreds of jobs. Count- less other jobs will result because it's widely believed the facility is needed to avert a development freeze in much of the area. "Ibis is a possibility to advance us out of the recession and the peo- ple who can advance the process are sitting on their hands," Robert Hill, the business manager of Local 4894 of the International Brother- hood of Electrical Workers, said during a press conference Thursday. According to information sup- plied by Durham region to the unions, construction of the plant will create 360 man years of direct employment That figure doesn't take into account spin-off jobs that could be created by building the facility. Brian Christie, business manager of Local 463 of the plumbers and pipe -fitters union, noted, "The unemployment rate in the trades (including plumbers, electricians, carpenters, welders, bricklayers and steam fitters) is 50 to 90 per cent, depending on the trade." Mr. Hill estimated there are between 5,000 and 6,000 construc- tion trade workers living in .Durham. Mr. Christie reported some trade union representatives met with regional chairman Gary Herrema recently about the situation and Mr. Herrema told the unions to make their feelings public. The provincial ministry of the environment is reviewing an Envi- ronmental Study Report (ESR) filed by Durham region and requests from groups and individuals to `bump -up' the environmental assessment process used to select the site. The region wants to build the water plant on the Ajax lakefront, next to an existing facility. It would cost approximately $61 million and take about two years to construct. The plant, which would supply 36 million gallons a day, is required to serve existing and future water needs in Ajax and Pickering, which are currently serviced by the Ajax facility and similar plants in Whitby and Oshawa. The existing plant will reach capacity in 1994 and the region has said development would be halted until water supply is increased. The region selected the site using the Class Environmental Assessment process. The Ajax Save the Waterfront Committee (ASWC) wants an Indi- vidual EA process, which is more stringent and would take at least two years to complete. Environment minister Ruth Grier will ultimately decide which assessment is used. Dave McGregor, head of the Detailed 'vision' of new Pickering unveiled XX DICKERING - A document outlining a "vision' of a prosperous, environmentally -friendly, cultural- ly -active community will be circulated to Pickering residents this week. The 27 -page report, intended as a blueprint for the kind of town Pickering should be, will be given to community groups and will be available at town Iibrariea. Caked The Pickering Strategic Plan, the report outlines objectives and strategies for land use, Ioban design, housing, the natural environment, the town's central area, transportation, economic development, parks and recreation, culture, energy and waste management, infrastructure, administration and nance. The town intends to`use the plan as a guide for making decisions in future years. Residents are encouraged to submit written corn ments about the report to the town so a revised plan ..can be circulated. A preferred community plan will ;eventually be adopted by council. It's expected each mew council, early in its term of office. will be given 'the plan for consideration, review and updating. The strategic plan was created after mayor Wayne Arthurs invited community -minded resi- dents to a workshop last spring. ASWC, says, "Sure we're con- cerned. We don't want the town of Ajax to suffer. But there's a process to follow and the region should fol- low that process. "Our stance has never been anti - development or anti -jobs," Mr. McGregor says. "We want to guar- antee to the public that a full and proper site -selection process was followed." Linda Pim, a policy assistant to Mrs. Ruth Grier, says the minister is reviewing the matter. "I would expect some announce- ment within, it's hard to say, a short time, two or three weeks," says Ms. Am. "I'm not sure of the nature of the decision." The environment ministry has been reviewing the ESR and bump - up requests since July, 1991. TREAT YOURSELF AT eEUE��i«s_ WITH DIFFERENT PROGRAMS TO SUIT YOUR �\ LIFESTYLE TREAT .}� YOURSELF TO A Doii.. o.t... N NW16111111cook Leo is am PICKERING 1550 Kingston Rd. FREE CONSULTATION TO SEE WHICH ONE WILL SUR YOUR NEEDS EXTENDED 1 WEEK OFF 60" FULL PROGRAMS —I Editorial,4 4 a. It's time for Earth Century Faith Day is the spring cleaning of environmentalism. For 364 days we pile up work to do -- sweep our messes under the car- pet, let the dust of neglect pile up on the furniture -- and then on that spe- cial day we bustle around cleaning up (pulling the garbage out of the local creek) and slapping paint over the bare spots (planting a few trees). Then, just as after spring cleaning, we sit back and congratulate our- selves for our good work No, we're not criticizing the people who plan to devote hours of their time this week to picking up garbage, or those who got out their shovels and lovingly planted a tree. But how did that garbage get into the creek in the fust place? Why is there a shortage of trees? Why are our air and water polluted? Because for 364 days of the year we don't care enough. For 364 days of the year we casually toss away our litter, or leave it lying there where someone else has dropped it. For 364 days of the year there isn't enough interest in the environment to get people out to plant trees. For 364 days a year we cant' on as we always have -- completely ignoring the harm we do to our environment. But there are encouraging signs. Farah Day has become Earth Week -- a trend we can only applaud, with hope that we will end up with Earth Century, which may give us enough time to repair the damage we have done. Children are coming home from school and telling their parents what they are doing wrong – our school boards and teachers have grasped the importance of teaching better ways than our own to our future citizens. And 'green' sells. Advertising, no matter how it is criticized, is a strong indication of the prevailing mood of the people. If we are to believe the indications of what we read and see in the media, the mood is increasing- ly green. All good signs; all reasons to celebrate Earth Day with enthusiasm. But there is still the matter of the garbage in the creek. Letters fti7tttm Residents aged to get involvPtl Taxpayers coalition takes aim at school board To the editor, First of all, I would like to thank all those 1,800 residents of Ajax who supported the taxpay- ers coalition by signing our peti- tion, in our efforts to secure a zero per cent property tax increase for 1992 from the Town of Ajax. We did make a presentation to town council in both the after- noon and the evening of April 8, during the public meetings. We presented the petition of 1,800 names to council in the evening of April 8. Mayor Witty and the council members held their budget dis- cussions on Saturday, April I1, The News Advertiser wel- comes letters to the editor on topical issues, controversial matters and anything else of interest to our readers. We reserve the right to edit letters for style, length and legal rea- sons and to withhold letters deemed not fit for publication. All letters must include your full name, address and phone number for our information. Letters can be mailed or dropped off at the News Advertiser, 130 Commerciai Ave., Ajax, Ont., L 1 S 2H5 or sent by FAX to 683-7363. commencing at 9 a.m. and going until about 9:30 p.m. I was in attendance for most of the discus- sions, however we were not per- mitted to have any input. The final outcome, although it has not been formally approved by council, and won't be until April 21, was an increase of 1.8 per cent on our property taxes from the town. (Budget details from last night's meeting were not available at press time.) Now we must focus our efforts on the school boards and the Region in an effort to get their PUD increases down to the zero per cent level. I would urge every tax- payer in the Town of Ajax to call your local school board trustee and your local regional councillor and express your views on their Lax increases for 1992. Their numbers are as follows: Regional Councillors — Roger Anderson - Wards 1/2 - 683-1864; Susan Dulney - Wards 3/4/5 - 619-1284. Public School Trustees — Duncan Read - Ward 1 - 686- 4316; Colleen Jordan - Wards 2/3 - 427-5084; Cynthia Dudley - Wards 4/5 - 683-5487. Separate School Trustees 'Judy Feeney - 683-0550; Janice Oldman - 683-9169; Gerry Noo- nan - 683-0329. As far as the 1.8 per cent increase from the Town of Ajax is concerned, I am disappointed they did not come in with a zero per cent increase as our petition clear- ly indicated the townspeople wanted. However, I can say that after attending the budget meet- ings all day Saturday, I do believe council did a good job in getting the budget down to the 1.8 per cent increase level. I don't think it would have been impossible to come in with a zero per cent increase, but council members, however right or wrong, did no* want to sacrifice town services. I think, as a coalition, we have done a reasonable job so far this year, and for those who would like to join or get more informa- tion about the Ontario Taxpayers Coalition, you can reach us at 683-6184. Bud York, President, Ajax Chapter, Ontario Taxpayers Coalition by Steve Nease Hews Advertiser A Metrolond CommunityNewspaper Timothy John Whittaker Publisher Yho entire content of the News Adlter- cser k copyright by rat and unauthorized un°uthorlted use Without Written Con. sent Is prohibited. publisher e h"rv.s the dot to classify of refuse any adve14ornent JOANNE BURGHARDT- Editor -in -Chief GREG COATES - Monoging Editor HUGH NICHOLSON - Advertising Manger MONIGUE LEA - Retoil Sales Monger : ABE fAKHOURIE -Distribution Manager • NEWSROOM - "3-6110 • s DISTRIRUTION -663-6117 • RETAIL ADVERTISING - 663-6110 CLASSIFIED - 796-7672 FAX -60.1.7363 NATIONAL ADVERTISING SALES 493-1300 ' b his discrefbn REAL ESTATE i AUTOMOTIVE ADVERTISING -796-7672 Ave_ AJor. Onto"o lis pd,p of" S M�jrq��� p* a and hWoy at 130 Commercial • o'"rwwsoaPws vstrlch ktcksdys0' PubNrkand OYtrbsAhOgrow q Advanca. Brampton Guardian. Burl �/Pkke*q News Adverlw. Auora BMW BordQ Guardkin/LCBramae dtyton Post, C )Mnywood Connection. Etobicoke M j dPondrarM. grpROn Ms WWeek.lMi Weak. MaW)on Econom dsW 1� Ero. Nath Vork Mkro. Canadian Champion. Ml ossoupo NM. New r"3"l This weak. Patwbarough TNs k. RIcNnond M/ThoubNd. Scarborough U'br /St"i -ft T Min«. r14ire Aeme Baryons. Pane rin . vary sf9 from psblsfred rate card du* to mectrarYCd reGukemeMs of dKtereM prkr►ers. Melydond Prinfkig. Pubfl" and DlstrtKAng Is a member of V* Canodlon Community Cewspdnars Association. Ontario commuNly NeMrWO ers AnockAon and 00010Ross Maas+ Map Re0lma*ln Number 1997. Md stbscr"an rote, h Canada 1 ysa• S70 ' , `y. acs ; +1• A. Stations of the Cross `I Service clubs needed to aid programs in community Michael Ragone portrayed Jesus and Rosemary Basa played the part of Mary when the Grade 7 and 8 students at St. Bernadette's School in Ajax staged Stations of the Cross at St. Bernadette's Church on the Easter weekend. Playing soldiers were Petar Cerovich, left, and Joshua Westlake. photo by Andrew Iwanowski split-up families may get centre for supervised visits DURHAM - This region may be one of 13 areas that wiU get centras for supervised visits between kids from broken homes and their Parents. Diane Garvin, dira:tor of Children's Services Council -Durham, is keeping her fingers crossed that Durham will be picked_ Ontario Attorney General Howard Hampton announced Wednesday that $2 million is being made available for supervised access in the province. Thousands of children who now must meet their parents in public places like restaurants could be helped by the program, Mr. llampton said. He's expected to identify which areas have been cho,,n within too Aeek;. Durham's proposal to the Attorney General's ministry w1cd for Sl)(),-, n Aleach year of a two-year contract, says Ms Garvin. The Durham plant calls for three separate services. One is slated for Pickering and would also serve H&R Block Ajax. The three would run out of existing facilities, says %'s Garvin. kee ' ' The need for such centres exists in Durham, she contends. Job losses in Durham will cause the divorce wit' and separation rate to rise further, she believes. � changes, In justifying the province invest some of the available money here, Ms Garvin points out "Durham is the second fastest growing region in Ontario", with our population expected to increase by 14 per cent between 1991 and '96, compared to the six per cent projected for the Ovine as a whole. Ms Garvin says supervised We now the income access centres offer separated fami- lies "a safe and neutral setting where tax laws and the regular visits or exchanges of the child take place". forms inside and out. She notes that, for 10 years, That's our business. "scorn of mhes have documented the psychological impact of divorce on children and have shown that BWv� these chiidren may experience aca-Cinld]'S Tax Team. demic, behavioral, social and emo- tio1w problems"' Standing UP for Your Ms Garvin says research has OSHAWA identified some protective factors K-Wrt Plaza 436-7189 that lead to the children's successful 15 Bond SL E 729-ZZt7 talo Vhft Plaza 433.2195 �oustrnent to their parents' divorce. 1240 SIm - SL N. 436'9992 A harmonious relationship WHITBY between separated partners and 125 Brook 5t S. 6684M between the chikirert and their par -AJAX Bash SL w M1395 ents is one of the most important HarwooU lr a WN 427.1960 factors," says Ms Garvin. Ops"94 Nift�� ApmpW Studies indicate that the "mainte- Mnk$*Mmmsm �..+.... nance of regular and sufficient EATON'S "—::o..0 activities by both parents with their children is a basic pre -requisite to fevww edjaelmatt ptobietW. FVIM-+- PICKERING - A number of community programs will depend on the aid of service clubs this year following council's decision to hold taxes at the 1991 level. Some of those programs were outlined recently when service club representatives met with town staff. The meetings of the newly -formed "service club advisory committee" are to be held several times a year, chaired by director of community services and facilities Tom Quinn. The committee will work to keep clubs updated on community needs and to increase club publicity. Clubs are being invited to assist with any of the programs below. J Frenchman's Bay Festival - A family festival is planned for Sun- day, June 14 at various sites sur- rounding Frenchman's Bay. It's hoped at least 564,000 will be raised to buy land on the east side of the bay currently slated for townhome development. The festival will include entertainment, raffles, a trea- sure hunt and more. Service clubs that can help organize and operate events are asked to call councillor Eileen Higdon at 4204605. J Music & Folk Art Festival - Pickering Museum Village will host the town's first "Grassroots" music and folk art festival Sunday, Aug. 9. The full day of entertainment will celebrate the country's heritage through performances of Canadian musicians and folk -art displays and demorts-trations. Clubs are needed to sponsor artists and groups or to help during the event- Call Lynn Winter - stein at 683-8401 or 420.4620. :J Seniors' snow removal - Clubs art being asked to sign up for next winter's seniors' snow -removal program. This past winter, 77 seniors were on a waiting list to have their snow cleared as the town struggled to meet demands; service clubs came to the rescue. "It's some- thing the municipality cannot han- dle. It's far beyond our means in terms of budget and manpower," noted Mr. Quinn. "We don't want to be in the situation where we have to drop the program." Call the depart- ment of community services and facilities at 420-4621. J Pickering Baseball Associa- tion - The PBA needs help in rais- ing funds for a building to house change rooms and a snack bar at Brock Ridge Park. The association won't be able to raise the required $100,000 on its own, said Mr. Quinn. Call 420-462 1. :1 Seniors' Lawn Bowling - The South Pickering Seniors' Club has raised $38,000 for a lawn -bowl- ing facility at the East Shore Com- munity Centre and could use help as it works toward the goal of 5200,000. Call Dave Waldriff at 420-6588. Junior Skating Program - Donations are needed so the town can buy "skate aids" for beginning skaters. The aids resemble "walk- ers" and give children something to hang onto as they move across the ice. The town has no budget to pur- chase any and needs about 20 of them at a total cost of S 1,000. :1 Fitness equipment - There's a "fitness equipment crisis" at the recreation complex, said Mr. Quinn. "Equipment is being wom out liter- ally as we speak." The town budgets about S15,000 for equipment annu- ally, but that's not enough as only top-of-the-line equipment is worth buying because cheaper products wear out faster. Staff plan car wash- es and socials to raise funds but could use help. Call 420-3621. O Therapeutic pool - As report- ed in the News Advertiser April 18, resident Monica Cook has offered the town an estimated $1 million to build a therapeutic pool for the handicapped. But the town can't afford annual operating costs for the pool and needs service clubs to help with funding. Call 420-4621. Sunday, April 26 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Admission $2. Vendors wekomel For more Information coli 576-0210 Ext 496 F2 DURHAM ..,..., WIDTHS VnV CALL 00 F • ��G� Jeo x� �' A Take the GO Train to the lays game and there'll be no stopping us. For GO Information, call 665-0022. • Hearing-impaired devices: 1-800-387-3652. �TRANSIT a 6 k K �. ty ' , `y. acs ; +1• A. Stations of the Cross `I Service clubs needed to aid programs in community Michael Ragone portrayed Jesus and Rosemary Basa played the part of Mary when the Grade 7 and 8 students at St. Bernadette's School in Ajax staged Stations of the Cross at St. Bernadette's Church on the Easter weekend. Playing soldiers were Petar Cerovich, left, and Joshua Westlake. photo by Andrew Iwanowski split-up families may get centre for supervised visits DURHAM - This region may be one of 13 areas that wiU get centras for supervised visits between kids from broken homes and their Parents. Diane Garvin, dira:tor of Children's Services Council -Durham, is keeping her fingers crossed that Durham will be picked_ Ontario Attorney General Howard Hampton announced Wednesday that $2 million is being made available for supervised access in the province. Thousands of children who now must meet their parents in public places like restaurants could be helped by the program, Mr. llampton said. He's expected to identify which areas have been cho,,n within too Aeek;. Durham's proposal to the Attorney General's ministry w1cd for Sl)(),-, n Aleach year of a two-year contract, says Ms Garvin. The Durham plant calls for three separate services. One is slated for Pickering and would also serve H&R Block Ajax. The three would run out of existing facilities, says %'s Garvin. kee ' ' The need for such centres exists in Durham, she contends. Job losses in Durham will cause the divorce wit' and separation rate to rise further, she believes. � changes, In justifying the province invest some of the available money here, Ms Garvin points out "Durham is the second fastest growing region in Ontario", with our population expected to increase by 14 per cent between 1991 and '96, compared to the six per cent projected for the Ovine as a whole. Ms Garvin says supervised We now the income access centres offer separated fami- lies "a safe and neutral setting where tax laws and the regular visits or exchanges of the child take place". forms inside and out. She notes that, for 10 years, That's our business. "scorn of mhes have documented the psychological impact of divorce on children and have shown that BWv� these chiidren may experience aca-Cinld]'S Tax Team. demic, behavioral, social and emo- tio1w problems"' Standing UP for Your Ms Garvin says research has OSHAWA identified some protective factors K-Wrt Plaza 436-7189 that lead to the children's successful 15 Bond SL E 729-ZZt7 talo Vhft Plaza 433.2195 �oustrnent to their parents' divorce. 1240 SIm - SL N. 436'9992 A harmonious relationship WHITBY between separated partners and 125 Brook 5t S. 6684M between the chikirert and their par -AJAX Bash SL w M1395 ents is one of the most important HarwooU lr a WN 427.1960 factors," says Ms Garvin. Ops"94 Nift�� ApmpW Studies indicate that the "mainte- Mnk$*Mmmsm �..+.... nance of regular and sufficient EATON'S "—::o..0 activities by both parents with their children is a basic pre -requisite to fevww edjaelmatt ptobietW. FVIM-+- PICKERING - A number of community programs will depend on the aid of service clubs this year following council's decision to hold taxes at the 1991 level. Some of those programs were outlined recently when service club representatives met with town staff. The meetings of the newly -formed "service club advisory committee" are to be held several times a year, chaired by director of community services and facilities Tom Quinn. The committee will work to keep clubs updated on community needs and to increase club publicity. Clubs are being invited to assist with any of the programs below. J Frenchman's Bay Festival - A family festival is planned for Sun- day, June 14 at various sites sur- rounding Frenchman's Bay. It's hoped at least 564,000 will be raised to buy land on the east side of the bay currently slated for townhome development. The festival will include entertainment, raffles, a trea- sure hunt and more. Service clubs that can help organize and operate events are asked to call councillor Eileen Higdon at 4204605. J Music & Folk Art Festival - Pickering Museum Village will host the town's first "Grassroots" music and folk art festival Sunday, Aug. 9. The full day of entertainment will celebrate the country's heritage through performances of Canadian musicians and folk -art displays and demorts-trations. Clubs are needed to sponsor artists and groups or to help during the event- Call Lynn Winter - stein at 683-8401 or 420.4620. :J Seniors' snow removal - Clubs art being asked to sign up for next winter's seniors' snow -removal program. This past winter, 77 seniors were on a waiting list to have their snow cleared as the town struggled to meet demands; service clubs came to the rescue. "It's some- thing the municipality cannot han- dle. It's far beyond our means in terms of budget and manpower," noted Mr. Quinn. "We don't want to be in the situation where we have to drop the program." Call the depart- ment of community services and facilities at 420-4621. J Pickering Baseball Associa- tion - The PBA needs help in rais- ing funds for a building to house change rooms and a snack bar at Brock Ridge Park. The association won't be able to raise the required $100,000 on its own, said Mr. Quinn. Call 420-462 1. :1 Seniors' Lawn Bowling - The South Pickering Seniors' Club has raised $38,000 for a lawn -bowl- ing facility at the East Shore Com- munity Centre and could use help as it works toward the goal of 5200,000. Call Dave Waldriff at 420-6588. Junior Skating Program - Donations are needed so the town can buy "skate aids" for beginning skaters. The aids resemble "walk- ers" and give children something to hang onto as they move across the ice. The town has no budget to pur- chase any and needs about 20 of them at a total cost of S 1,000. :1 Fitness equipment - There's a "fitness equipment crisis" at the recreation complex, said Mr. Quinn. "Equipment is being wom out liter- ally as we speak." The town budgets about S15,000 for equipment annu- ally, but that's not enough as only top-of-the-line equipment is worth buying because cheaper products wear out faster. Staff plan car wash- es and socials to raise funds but could use help. Call 420-3621. O Therapeutic pool - As report- ed in the News Advertiser April 18, resident Monica Cook has offered the town an estimated $1 million to build a therapeutic pool for the handicapped. But the town can't afford annual operating costs for the pool and needs service clubs to help with funding. Call 420-4621. Sunday, April 26 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Admission $2. Vendors wekomel For more Information coli 576-0210 Ext 496 F2 DURHAM ..,..., WIDTHS VnV CALL 00 F • ��G� Jeo x� �' A Take the GO Train to the lays game and there'll be no stopping us. For GO Information, call 665-0022. • Hearing-impaired devices: 1-800-387-3652. �TRANSIT G wallpaper centre IHANUL bAL1 OUR p Yin EVERYr J OSHAWA AJAX SCARBOROUGH 110 Slmcoe St. S. 37 Huv►oot! Aw. S. 793 Markham Rd. WUSI SOLO d John) sewed nwy 2 mo 40 t to the Pana Post Pwa 579-1655 686-0719431-4458 SMEW OPEN THURSDAY b FRIDAY NIGHTS UNTIL NINE} a' I DISCC .1• L - S P E C I A L ON'Ll' cnies 3719$1 ALL REBATES LNaLM OBTAIN A TOTAL REBATE OF 35 $ AT TIME OF PURCHASE AMES REBATE OF 25 $ ADDITIONAL MAXI DRUG REBATE OF los N "' Gkx "&03 Dirtbela CMS3 The right size • The right procedure • The right results - • The right price • col►P,�-r>E err The right way to save Mdxl UG --------------- 240 HARWOOD AVE,, AJAX 428-1100 OFFER VALID UN77L MAY list 1992. . "bituaries • 0 E • 0 GIDDINGS, Willitim Clwrks - Entered into rest suddenly at the Ajax -Pickering Hospital on Satur- day, April 18, 1992. William Charles Giddings, beloved husband of Nellie Newman. Loving father of Patricia and her husband Ken New- man, Alan and his wife Ann, all of Oshawa, Carol and her husband Ken Rozell of Paris, Ont. and prede- ceased by Joan Dungate. Dear grandfather of 16 grandchildren and 25 great-grandchildren. Interment Mount Lawn Memorial Gardens. Funeral arrangements were entrusted to McEachme Funeral Home, Ajax, 428-8488. In lieu of flowers, dona- tions may be made to the Canadian Cancer Society of the Heart and Stroke Foundation. McCULLA, Thomas A. (Tom) - (Employee of Beach Auto for 32 years). Entered into rest suddenly at Centenary Hospital, Scarborough on Thursday, April 16, 1992. Thomas A. (Tom) McCulla, m his 661h year, beloved husband of Margaret E. MacKay. Loving father of David and Sharon. Dear brother of John, Jim, Edith, George and William of Northern Ireland. Lovingly remem- bered by nieces and nephews. Inter- ment Pine Ridge Memorial Gardens. Funeral arrangements were entrusted to McEachnie Funeral Horne, Ajax, 428-8488. In lieu of flowers, please send donations to the Pickering Vil- lage United Church Building Fund. WILLIAMSON, David Math- ew - At the Ajax -Pickering Hospital on Thursday, April 16, 1992. David Mathew Williamson, beloved infant son of Ginny and David. Brother of Jenna. Grandson of Alice and Bill Kimmerer and Helen and Ted Williamson. Remembered by aunts, uncles and cousins. Interment Pine Hills Cemetery. Funeral arrange- ments were entrusted to McEachnic Funeral Home, Ajax, 428-8488. MATERNITY $19.95 SALE * PANTS * SWING TOPS * STIRRUP PANTS * NURSING NIGHTIES Lots of new spring stock! M Kkgslon Rd. 0 R Yo wt ekOp IH Hwy. Miles Rd. 4. j G Saffdi 10.6 PICKERING • / • 831-2088 rwo tinfifins ALL DRAPES, COMFORTERS, DUVETS, SLEEPING BAGS, BLANKETS, BEDSPREADS. PICKFAIR SHOPPING CENTRE LIVERPOOL RD, 8 HWY. Q, MCKEipNG � .� � P.M. 831-0751 ;lair the aint and paper people i ANY PATTERN,1 LLPAPER BOOK Over choose from. .cowr0 to St CWr's special 0rdsr batt plw. Fabric and sco.rm+a rail wK.udeld. RDERS Offer expires Sat. April 25, 1992 GUARANTEED'" LOWEST PRICES ON PAINT AND WALLPAPER RICE' RICE' PRICE' PRICE'NI Wl SA01 ffmv WX11"Pat � III-Mcammm l"10101blum lm� 313111 -am BOW 011 RMsCt,n. !moan+ or mmur.o &Vapor «� riledo$a" o ak", or.: ar° W S'Ow whirnd il, a.n s+ITMt RM t� au olive sparer r room, (s. *y„i11. nooa ana prier firwln. Eery Masse der, up Durada and aeruoo.bla p n«. and reW an dly suttaae for e1,.ry roam. (*1210) Delft!., toner.» and ,Moa aMwdowswy 011101, �Y to soar Itret101 100'3 d paMtM cobws 0/0571 Durable M ,&»lion low aMwdeaM+P cow (as= Irtlw�tMNry 00111111, WNW Mm W" COW (e311211)hwedroawy Ono 1701 an A LDAs 4 LM11i 170 LIMas tAftWtAMa► tAtslr tAMar 17 1711 LUM saw sob Pewee ALM Aftar ti+os w1M 2710 r t Sloe 24A --` t' � LEVOIOR• 112 MW � �0 1 r' AtN�lr WACOFbr wow raw soul! a .. !flee �! 11dIE�wI lIL1iS /lvailabl. in so poplrlar �'" .00a..�.rwl dacaat ad0urs. WiidMs N �a.°s"y We Lw. sin l Iron, 24' • ID 120•' and r peer. ewSoft saw I►n.. nhs. ftlrt�fls from 3s 1011111" Pdit nn PU41 110U11 MICE GUARANTEE! If you find a canparable quality pawl OUR QUALITY GUARANTEE' n let you are not completely satlshed wll or wcowrirtp eharhwe within o3 day, brag in prod d purdine with your s1 CW purchase we wdi ylaWy ropiwe me product or of out pt0tltrcl and we will happily rotund the diflsrsrlca Guararllsed refund your money. Guraifted (Labour not included) t Mar Sole Pftm on PON and !data 1111inda in eMae1 Manalayt 040 27, M2. Cooyaod M $1 Crir's preldaroly oft" Dim sa MMM s lloeMd iMraw SCAM Abbey Lxw shopping cense I" R91111111ftOka panw tlrflm 7b i maw swk) Mon. - Fn. 7240781 10 a.m. - 9 P.M. Sar. 9 a.m 6 p.m AWAX oisoov" &W cense SM •" IPA & w 61 9a S am-9pm Satt 9 am 6 pm Pigg TOM Come pwr. 2 At tk%"M► Mon 1'r- loam 'r•t0am 9 pm M2M Sat. 930 am 6 pm .10i t. to hel=� 'March of '-` ��� 'Dimes DURHAM - You can get fit, help a good cause and win prizes all at the same time during the 1992 March of Success walk-a-thon, sponsored by the Ontario )`'larch of Dimes. Participants in the five -kilometre walk will raise money for disabled adults in Durham by collecting pledges. The proceeds will go toward purchasing assistive devices such as wheelchairs. The walk-a-thon is set for Sun- day, May 31 at Iroquois Park Com- plex in Whitby, 500 victoria St. W. Registration is at 1 p.m. and the walk will be held from 2 to 4 p.m. This year the March of Dimes will give away more prizes and hold more contests. For example, there'll be an early bird draw for walkers who turn in their pledge sheets and money before or on May 31, and a children's contest for the youngster under 16 who collects the most pledges. For more information or to receive a pledge form, call the March of Dimes at 434-5280. Tai Kwon -Do helps you' grow DURHAM - You can learn how to protect yourself with the help of Durham College. The college is offering Tai Kwon -Do for the fust time to pea pie 12 and older. Tai Kwon -Do is a Korean form of martial arts that emphasizes moral, spiritual and physical growth. The course, which will run from April 28 to July 23, will teach the basics, including the basic pat- terns and selfzfence techniques. Cost for 52 hours of training is 5144.45, an additional $35 for grading and $65 for uniforms. Classes will be held Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7 to 9 pm. For more information, call 721-2000 extension 507. Jump on the bandbox before Mother's Day PICKERING - Adults can learn to make a covered bandbox at the Pickering Central Library just in time for Mother's Day. Instructor Bonnie Lawes will lead a workshop Wednesday, May 6 at 7 p.m. showing how to make the lightweight box used for holding small articles. Cost is $20 which includes all materials. The library is in the civic com- plex at One The Esplanade. Reg- ister for the workshop at 831- j 7809. ' !.. v!lftl �.MMi..R.14V1i^.Y1Tw-s' ," ." •'�-'-M rr FE'C'1''UNTIL APRIL 26TH KURTZ rBONELESS LEAN t ROAST RUMP; BEEF ROAST2 99 Ib. 660 k0 WONDER BREAD 659 19!90 Del Monte Canned Vegtables I,ao=790 ILibby's Canned Pastas 14 oz Gold Seal Chunk Tuna I'84°7961 8 ABY BONUS WINNER Mrs. Kimberley of picWng 1 3se/lw 99 POTATOES 5 LB. BAGS 9!9,EA. FRESH CAULIFLOWER 790EA. Prod. of U.S.A. EYE OF ROUND ROAST 1399 LB. 8.80 kg. FRESH PRODUCE FLORIDA JUICE ORANGES 5 LB BAGS $2 29 EA. FRESH TOMAOTES EA!991. BUTTERFLY PORK CHOPS �Nt.r 2g9 LB. 6.60 kg. . - KU RTZ EYE OF THE ROUND PASTRI MI 4.99/49LB. 1009 .0) FRESH CELERY 990 EA. FRESH GREEN PEPPERS 991. GERMAN BRATWURST SAUSAGE 49LB. L 5.5 LORETTA'S RECIPE LASAGNA 1099 EA. 4-41/2 LB. AVG. LORETTA'S RECIPE MACARONI SALAD OR COLE SLAW SALAD .39/100 g BAKERY DEPT. FRESH BAKED KAISERS BUNS 8/$1.00 r CHOC. BUTT RE CREAM CAKE 99 ONLY 6� STORE BAKED MINI STRUDDLES 6/179 Accept Canadian Tire Money at Par 5% Discount on orders over $5W! Free Delivery! Westney Rd. to Dixie Rd. p with your Baby Bonus! And win Groceries '..,-DISCOVER STORE HOURS fIDIDAY - FRDAf 9 L"L - 9 ata SATURDAY SIL - e PRL to s� -w 2200 BROCK RD. N. (IN THE BflOCK NORTH PLAZA) 428.3455 PICKERING --- r---- I SUNLIGHT LAUNDRY I POWDER 4 Iitre 2 49 ' I 1 1 W17HOUT I COUPON 2-10 l um t WUPON PER cusrolER, L — CUSTOMER P COUPON — J POST FRUIT &FIBRE I CEREAL 1 S 1 99 1 _OUT ' 1 COURM I 1 240 I 1 um i cowm PER cUSTOW cusT0KR PER wuPm I SUNPAC I APPLE I DRINK 1 48 ozlass I 9 I i I 17 9lI� ■ l 1 Pe � couPo'' 1 cusrOrER Pw A I t -==-------J LE MENU FROZEN DINNERS All varieties 1 00 I I OFF I l urr, oorraima ptoon , 1 L araorrtarraatrsan J *nare a Smile ��.--._ -------.--�-. �._------------_._.__�_.__._._.________�----------------_____-..__TH�n►Elyseo�a'1stt,wEn.,APRIL22,lflLPA4o;11•w Living Catholic�Sm PROFESSIONAL D • meetingsDental Careto is ofpEye Care AJAX - Blending the Catholic Two meetings will be held DENTURE THERAPY To y faith into everyday events is the Tuesday, April 28, one from 1:30 1 CLINIC Advertise OPTOMETRISTS topic of discussion at an upcom- to 2:45 and the other from 7:30 to ing meeting. 9 p.m., at St. Patrick Catholicyour DR. E. GILLEZEAU b DR. M. FITZSIMMDNS The Durham Region Roman School, 280 Delaney Dr., Ajax. REPAIRS (1 hr.) p lessiOnal Catholic Separate School Board Babysitting will be provided at RELINES WE INVITE NEW PATIENTS BY APPOINTMENT invites all ratepayers to discuss the afternoon meeting. NEW DENTURES service w1n WE OFFER FAMILY EYECARE Faith is a verb with Sister Pat To register, call Paddy CauleyCa�� • Contact Lenses Hogan. at 576-6150, extension 282. LOWER DENTURE STABILITY • Binocular Vision My010CTM System Janice • Perceptual Testing • 1 • Dispensing of all Types of Catholic Scholars form dKln teflOT at Frames 3 Contacts "Old Kingston Rd. W. I Pickering Corporate Centre FREE Pickering �Ilage, Ajax 683-511 O Canadian chapter , 130683-1175 83rkway 95303 2 CONSULTATION sMr hounIIB-8801 683-1175 839-5303 DURHAM - The Fellowship of &tholic Scholars has formed a anadian chapter and will hold an opening convention this fall. Membership is open to all cur- rent members of the U.S. -based fellowship who reside in Canada; new members are also being sought. Objectives of the fellowship include serving Jesus Christ and accepting as the rule of life the faith of the Catholic Church. For more information, write the I PICKERING - Want to clean out your attic but don't know what to do with what you'll find? You can sell your wares at a garage and craft sale Satur- day, May 9 from 9:3G a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at Gandatsetiagon Public School, 1865 Parkside Dr., Pickering. Grade 8 students are host- ing the event to raise money for a June trip to the Mar- itimes to study marine biolo- gy- Tables are being rented for '515 and are available by call- ing Gary Leech at 83 I -1868 (days) or 83!-3304 (evenings), Susan Cronie at 839-2720, or Janet Alexander at 831-2723. Tables must be booked by May 1. Learn to build P log home DURHAM - Ever dreamt of owning a beautiful log home? How about building it with your own two hands? Now you can learn how. Durham College is offering a new log home building course, which teaches tool maintenance, chainsaw safety and operation, footings and foundations, prepa- ration of logs, layout, electrical, �lumbing, window and door tstallation and more. Course participants will build a 10 -by - 20 -foot log house. The course will be held at 1430 Scugog, 3rd line, Port Perry from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. weekdays from June 1 to 26. Cost is $973.70. For more information. call 721-2000 extension 507. Fellowship of Catholic Scholars, 813 Hillcrest Rd-, Pickering, Ont., L 1 W 2P5. P0ffC#"hW,,,robber with Checkeredpast By CONST. GRANT ARNOLD 'lite Crime Stoppers phone num- Durham Regional Police ber is 436-8477. Iiiat's 436 -TIPS. DURHAM - Crime Stoppers and the Durham Regional Police robbery squad are again asking for tl the public's help in solving an, armed robbery in Courtice March 9. ;:: ;;:<; :;::;;;;:::;;:;:;:::::::; CRIME At 8:33 pm., a male entered the Checkers Variety Store at 1500 King St. E., and ran towards the cashier. The suspect, armed with an eight -inch black -handled kitchen knife, demanded the clerk give him money from the tin. After the clerk turned over the cash, the suspect reached over and lifted up the casts drawer boking for more money. The bandit also took lottery money before fleeing the stare and running in a north-westerly direc- tion to the rear of the stone and then over a fence and out of sight. The suspect is white, about 18 years old, 5'9", 145 pounds, with dark brown hair paned in the mid- dle and pulled back into a pony tail. He was wearing a three -quarter - length beige woolen coat and his face was partially covered by a white scarf or a baby diaper. Robbery investigators feel this bandit is responsible for throe other heists at that Checkers and two at the Checkers store at 30 Park Rd. N., Oshawa. A re-enactment of this gime will be shown on CITY -TV channel 57 cable 7 on Thursday, April 23, dur- ing the 6 p.m. and 10 pm. news. It will also be shown on CHER TV in Peterborough and CKVR in Barrie Friday, April 24, during the news. Crime Stoppers will pay up to S1,000 for information leading to the arrest of this suspect. Police need your help in funding this sus- pect You won't be required to give your name or go to caul Wistful Wisdom By ,toe Dickson Parents often speak of the younger generation as though they didn't have anything to do with it Mike Janusc, seated, anc Gary Janusc, have relocatec their business, Romiga Furniture, to larger premises, To coincide with the move, Romiga is holding a draw fol a free wing chair. The store specializes in upholstered furnishings. Gary and Mike invite new as well as past customers to visit the showroom and enter the draw. Romiga Furniture is at 1050 Brock Rd. N., Unit12, in Pickering; tel. 831-8017. ii�!!C�CIe meT � •� i VINCENT HAIR D SIGN News Advertiser Penns I .- $ 42o0 *d r Streaks Reg. ` r $ 00 40 Ot s Color Rep.'46' $ 00 1 I i _ 1 with this • . (MEN'S CUT`•"'only MF-" Wigs I ONLY 1 •WASH 1400 We • ��AnWic .W � I• STYLE Expires May 30,1992 gn eiip,mve c.s.1 included 839-2127 LEASE EXPIRES APRIL 30, 1992 WE ARE MOVING - _% N - TrTTM i To A 10174-VAim k I LIST BE LD TO THE BARE W t M E cSolid `Wood cBed & `Table Co. ®® M PICKERING SHOWROOM. -i' i " •• I HOURS: ���1rt►Nr 1st Street SOuth Of 401, W09 Off Brock Rd. YON. -TU eS.10AX -6 P.Y. 1755 Plummer St. Unit 13 b 14 WED. TO FRL 10 &K. 9 P.1t 83 � �QQd SATURDAY 10A.Y• . 5 I? k 9 V'T I � I Galbraith I Repair Centre � son Wd Cb SO �. Appr*** �� main ?Cons ns tars ddMSAe ft rCdpPjng I FREE at ymr preciew ring. Mike Janusc, seated, anc Gary Janusc, have relocatec their business, Romiga Furniture, to larger premises, To coincide with the move, Romiga is holding a draw fol a free wing chair. The store specializes in upholstered furnishings. Gary and Mike invite new as well as past customers to visit the showroom and enter the draw. Romiga Furniture is at 1050 Brock Rd. N., Unit12, in Pickering; tel. 831-8017. ii�!!C�CIe meT � •� i VINCENT HAIR D SIGN News Advertiser Penns I .- $ 42o0 *d r Streaks Reg. ` r $ 00 40 Ot s Color Rep.'46' $ 00 1 I i _ 1 with this • . (MEN'S CUT`•"'only MF-" Wigs I ONLY 1 •WASH 1400 We • ��AnWic .W � I• STYLE Expires May 30,1992 gn eiip,mve c.s.1 included 839-2127 LEASE EXPIRES APRIL 30, 1992 WE ARE MOVING - _% N - TrTTM i To A 10174-VAim k I LIST BE LD TO THE BARE W t M E cSolid `Wood cBed & `Table Co. ®® M PICKERING SHOWROOM. -i' i " •• I HOURS: ���1rt►Nr 1st Street SOuth Of 401, W09 Off Brock Rd. YON. -TU eS.10AX -6 P.Y. 1755 Plummer St. Unit 13 b 14 WED. TO FRL 10 &K. 9 P.1t 83 � �QQd SATURDAY 10A.Y• . 5 I? k 9 V'T Ira'. O 6 0 0 0 4% OTM*BWAJPV=nl&JtVMDA&ILAL902-OAGS13-A- ........... in Urse alternoon, duktren can enjoy seeing the P.W. Wor- man puppet show on hone composting, sponsored by the Recycling Council of Ontario. Mw Greenwood Conservation Area is eight kilometres north off Hwy. 401 on Westney Rd. General admission fees apply: adults S2. seniors $1.50. children $1 and chd- 'dma under five are free. -i, On Sunday, May 3 from 12 to 4 p.m.. the Durham' EnviiamneoW Network (DEN) will sponsor a five4cilo- walk-a-dion for its members to raise money for Dubma env' n - -P 021 groups. Seventy per cent of the Will V ID the pwiticipating Wwrin-am-IM-G-M-W-1 SKMP yaw choice, md the renamder goes toward DEN's Pa wM be held at the MidAuzbFin Bay , 3006 of the Cve8ft* Maims headqsar- ,SM DL. OAWa (east of the sewed Rd exk off HW)t 401. d&C �It�'1�ia1� .a■� s .." -- -.— , v 1. FAri9`i1111rY tYft'si.4 A• ' �, «}•�fr+� ; � ; 1' For the earth Neil Turnbull displays P.E.I. Musset Mud, a new product recently introduced at Sheri- dan Nurseries at Pickering Home & Design. Mussel Mud is a naturally occurring sea compost of oysters, mussels, quahogs, clams and other shelffish and minute sea crea- tures. It is rich in lime which neutralizes soil acidity and pro- vides other valuable nutrients to enrich the soil. photo by Ron Pietroniro .:Fun ideas for Earth Day Hien are some fin ideas for Earth Week from the environ- mental committee of the Durham Region Roman Catholic Separate School Board: • Earth Globes Recycle atwspaper to make paper mache globes. Paint or create an environmental collage on the globes and hang from the ceiling to create an Earth Ddy display: • Tu Eavi�+uattiental ne Cap sdle • and bury an envi ronmcntal time capsule and Wude'a positive vision of the world in'.year 2000. Include goals and objectives' for how the. 19903 will help make it happT e I:eai nmg `Tree Mount a paper tree on a'hall- way bulleti.n'board `with each leaf giving an environmental tip. This is a great way to use scrap Paper: • Invention Convention -° Each student designs and cre- ates something that will help i, 2 J V—, Remember the 3 Rs -- Reduce Reuse Recycle • "t1 c' • e N JUNE 29TH TO \:MIZ7 SEPTEMBER 4 5DIRMERO RIDinv CAMP A wonderful opportunity to learn the life long skills of riding; horsemanship, handling & care of animals. Each one week session will consist of ' Teaching of riding skills along with riding two times each day. • Instruction of understanding, care and handling of the horse. - Safety around the Carse and equipment & its use. - Stable management. -A horse Take a walk for the environment ALSO INCLUDED: Durham residents will have an give a special presentation on the ing environmental group of your opportunity to walk for the envi- history and natural features of the choice and the other 30 per cent ronment on Sunday, May 3. McLaughlin Bay Wildlife Reserve goes to D.E.N. Durham Environmental Net- and adjacent Second Marsh. The Durham Environmental work (D.E.N.) is sponsoring the You can help raise funds for Network (D.E.N.) is a non-profit, 1992 Annual Walk-A-Thon for the environmental groups in the non-partisan, volunteer organiza- Environment from noon to 4 p.m. region by collecting pledges and tion that provides networking and at McLaughlin Bay Wildlife joining in the Walk-A-Thon. public education on local environ - Reserve. Seventy -per cent of the money mental issues. At 1:30 p.m. Jim Richards will you raise will go to the participat- Call 404-1344 for more. Remember the 3 Rs -- Reduce Reuse Recycle • "t1 c' • e N JUNE 29TH TO \:MIZ7 SEPTEMBER 4 5DIRMERO RIDinv CAMP A wonderful opportunity to learn the life long skills of riding; horsemanship, handling & care of animals. Each one week session will consist of ' Teaching of riding skills along with riding two times each day. • Instruction of understanding, care and handling of the horse. - Safety around the Carse and equipment & its use. - Stable management. -A horse stow & riding games competition on the last day of each session. ALSO INCLUDED: :' f • 400' Heated Waterslide `'�`, ` • holler skating & Rollerblade Skating In our Skating Forest Mnkptf ��_' • Giant Children's Playground VJ�� 1 • Hayrides �� r> / • SwimMrtg pond / • and more. Eos Ba•w: A fan* Fun Pas to ti Pak an M Rrd Dw, b salA 1» qa^� awgaMa 1s iduded- Eachbn* s iso r�Yd b Os oa ¢,.e is , barescva 1adi. Book NOW, >)s Is ImkW to 12 riders per ansion. Call Now for further Inforrnabon 649-3334 = 2499 BROCK ROAD, R&M UXBRIDGE, ONT. UP 1R4 ----------- BE A POWER SAVER`~ ` If you're looking to improve your home's appearance, increase its comfort and be a power saver, choose energy efficient windows. Available in all the popular styles, they reduce heat loss, save energy and help improve the comfort of your home. And if your home is electrically heated, you could be eligible for up to hundreds of dollars in rebates from Ontario Hydro. To learn more about energy efficient windows and Ontario Hydro's "Power Saver Window Program 3 Trees'for All By DONNA DONALDSON Durham Staff DURHAM - Schools across the region are taking part in the task of moving 6,000 trees to make way for a new Whitby high school and education centre. The Durham Board of Educa- tion came up with a plan to save the trees on the site of the old Sin- clair School House on Taunton Rd. in Whitby. %"One of the projects is to save me of these trees from the bull- dozer and keep some of the trees on site," says David Burnham, supervisor of planning at the board. The project, Trees for All, will see the relocation of approximate- ly 6,000 trees from the construc- tion site to schools across the region and to school staff. About 2,000 trees will go free to 60 schools participating in the project, and the remaining 4,000 trees have been sold to school staff. "in September last year we sent out a general interest question- naire (about the tree project) and W had a very good response," says Mr. Burnham. "It's a first- • See us during earth week FREE DRAW SATURDAY 282 Monarch 619-0306 ft—ft gRI - JESS "t— «sora► �,� aavrwa i • rti &189 at M MIEi0rY IMIXY FR931XY MATLEM CRRW usa CLEAM OEOO M 17R wousrww r = WW1r PPANM OUPWA s ewes owes PLAOM rnrssarrvwaa osncEEcurum RAW kg n -11011 JM ousaca�wa AJM a47-ft�T SPW4G FASHMS WARTED by today and deliver your MntiOr-at aAides. Asides naw be dean, a exodhat cow1k a, in season + is style • Claim for diose wA specid needs ,,A snap i veto dowses. lyre also TK nodus wa ' steam PAL ■ cat is �rs. Clow W401s CA$H FOR YOUR Dead or Alive Appliances webwam sd heed atppNarlce=. •Puts • S" . Service Used AWWnces 427-6784 come first-served project and schools have priority." The money raised by the sale of trees will go directly into the project for supplies, equipment, transportation, snacks and bever- ages. As well, the Ajax, Whitby and Oshawa branches of Canada Trust donated $3,500 to help with costs. Students and staff hit the site April 21 (yesterday) and the pro - jest will continue until the end of the month or until all the trees are delivered. "It's an environmental field trip for them," says Mr. Burnham. Students will be teaming about tree identification, tagging, root structure, soils and replanting among other biology -related stud- ies. The trees will be delivered to schools the week of April 27. "Mcst of this growth is young and that s what makes this project worthwhile," says Don Farquhar- son, geography and environmental studies consultant at the board. "We're in the midst of developing an environmental action plan for each school and that's why they're tapping into this project." ITS NOT EASY BEING GREEN._ That was the sentiment of Kermit th4q Frog a few years back, but thanks to progress in the best sense, it is getting easier. It's now possible to educate ourselves to make the best possible environmental decisions. Information abounds! Ther are many excellent books, periodicals and articles available at local libraries. Should you choose to keep a good one for your handbook, Earth Dance in Oshawa las a particularly good selection of information along with some practical applications, and most bookstores now have environmental sections to inform both adults and dnildren about any aspect of our effect on the planet. The Ecology Shop in Ajax carries many 'Home and Office' oriented products that make shopping 'pew one stop away. Excellent and inexpensive products have been developed for reduction of water usage (toilet tank dams and flush controls, water saving showerheds, aerators - any of which an pay for themselves many times ova). There are seTaight-forward methods for reduction of electricity usage (fluorescent and wattage redfwed bulbs, seals, weather stri` in& and some solar powered itc..W, more based and, incidentaft ohm ecologically expensive cleaning p eduft for general cleaning, laundr* you - name -W Orpnic gardening ien't as odl the -wall as you might think, either. Imagine mot leaving to worry abort a8 We duemiab used b the gtnowing of that tomaw or baa or pea pod you just picked and are going to serve to your Emil)t 7Lere's Alen a vast array of secyrclsd'pWw produets now ow cite markeL and other o9ke necei itis meand d ifi thda of tissue paper. (Now, if we can just get plastics an track. 7brere are now fud efficient vehicles that are seasonably priced and bustle around getting better than 50 mpg. Most of the solutions here mentioned are available locally Ask you local retailers what the) carry as an environmentally sound alternative to your usual purchases. Visit those retailers that specialize in this kind of information and make it your business to improve your environment! Don't forget to pick up your green ribbon to,~ for the week of Earth day, available at the main branch of the Ajax library, Ajax Community Centre, Pickering Recroition Complex and the Ecology Shop in Ajax. All proceeds go to Durham Eaviromne ntd Network I" left'" to be gteerd J:.' P.''-'.-_ ram•..., THE IM1LrN►Sit+6#ft7**1 ;Arm 3&; D! AiGE IS-)% ELVli DPI 1 r�3:. iM Llgi,", w° •via V� If I were in charge of the planet... Editor's note: The following submissions to our Earth Day scc- tion came from Grade 5 students at Roland Michener Public School in Ajax. If I had the power to keep the earth a clean place to live I would go to all the rainforests and I would tell the lumberjacks they cannot cut down any more trees and they can't take any more homes away from animals. After that I would go back to Toronto and make sure nothing that could be reused, recycled or composted went into the garbage dumps and that's how I would try and save the earth. Stefanie Buck If I could do something for the environment I would. I know some things we can do for the environment. The 3Rs are reuse, reduce and recycle. Reuse lunch containers, reduce the garbage and recycle the cans and paper. If I was the most richest person in the world, I would buy the forests so they won't cut down trees and make more recycle centres. Phillip Jones I am a very concerned Grade 5 student at Roland Michener Pub- lic School. In case you are won- dering, I am concerned about our environment. I think companies should make things without a lot of packaging. If I was the most Powerful woman alive, I would make a law telling companies to make everything recyclable. Companies should not make a lot of styrofoam packaging. I would make another law saying all shop- pers should bring their own bags if they need one. Personally, I think shoppers should not buy groceries if they have too much packaging. Amy Willis If I were the most powerful person in the world, I would try to clean up as much of the oil slicks as possible in the Gulf and other places. My next move would be to help the third world countries, and help them prevent any holes from developing in their ozone layers. After that, I would try to get a way to decrease the amount of garbage dumped in landfills. Another thing I would do would be to make a law about excess packaging. The law would make all companies have to make recyclable products and use rea- sonable amounts of wrapping. Tope Akiabiyi To stop the pollution..I would first make a law that everyone must have a recycle box. I also will talk to people to teach them to use the three Rs and tell them to buy products that can be recy- cled. Also, I would make the fac- tories stop the smoke and tell them to find a new way of mak- ing their product without all the pollution. If we don't do anything about the pollution, Mother Earth will die. Bryce Kwan I'm sure you already know about the big concern about the environment and I'm one of the concerned people. If I ruled the world or any part of the world I -would make it a law that every house should have a compost and every family should plant a tree at their homes, in a forest or some- place where it's needed the most. It will also be made a rule that you must ride bikes from place to place, there will still be cars, but there will only be two or three roads for them, the rest of the roads will be made for bikes or made into places to go and plant trees! Jennifer Head •1►Tilaw. Please aQV�j aV--hw iw •10VA _\IW 101o1AW. III 11M AUTOGRAPHED BY KELLY GRUBER ANYONE S CALL hap azolS 771.71500 SIN AUTOGRAPHED BY STAN WITA & HENRI RICHARD PITCHER PERFECT hu" skis 31 ill = S% AUTOGRAPHED BY EWE SHACK 1011 THE FNiAL SECOND Maap an a imm Im SM FRIDAY.MEET ALAN KINGSLAND & LES TAIT IN PERSON P.M.- A selection of Les g Alan's prints vd be on dlsptay d lox sale, Iramed 3 urikamed. Preview selection from Thursday, April 23. AN piqued items will be available (quantities kniled). Both artists will be happy b perwrjaiize arry of your purchases or arty of their traamed (on the glass) or unframed prm* you already own that you may wish b bring with you. REFRESHMENTS WILL BE SERVED. ALL ARE WELCOW! AUTOGRAPHED BY FRAM( MNMNLICH i WWW BIOwER CLEAR THE TRACK Asan Sas 1A /2n2 Slp SAI UNW OIEAW BEGM ta�eAw wlcw � sm 11 McDonaldV supports the environmental initiatives in our community and we are proud to be a participant in Environmental Affairs Week. MAY 4 to MAY 10,1992 222 Bayly St. W. Ajax AUTOGRAPHED BY PAT BORDERS i JIMMY KEY THE CONFERENCE war an zox r ISM SAI AUTOGRAPHED BY DARRYLSMrLER 9WA10anp tma is VA= to H* W riginalsonisplay I and r Sale! SAITEOI1tI taa>4am nosm V V I Aft AIMLABLE AUfgRiApIED IN OOIOE IIOIfJE i 110tME! i MNION Ipq 1ROOM/tti stlorira: IN FEArW a: MAY 1a: Ml Pba/ AAIM Adw t4dr 'IMA wit Ah * be tairtirp our amvApn b MIB► 2>b Sped r Ail A" nti�a n br C d*ws Gwifin in DAM T111111111111 Lam 11101111110 RApion M M W Proof (dented by Laura awdle & saMra Hb1Aoa BWq meq) wit be f iwW is each draw. CALL FOR DETAt s. • oil] lboi 111 :W6 a • AUTOGRAPHED BY TODD BROOKER Omm RUN bw fte !131 31 to W all 'A, Students take charge of the earth If I were charge of the earth, I would shut down all the factories that make a lot of pollution and make lots of packaging for prod- ucts. I would tell everybody to reduce, recycle, reuse and to com- pose so we wouldn't produce so much garbage. After there would be no more garbage in landfill ,tes so I would plant lots of trees. 1 would get people to invent machines that would unpollute the lakes and rivers so people could swim in them. I would try to keep the earth beautiful and clean. Emma Ito, Lakeside Public School If I were in charge of the plan- et, I would demand that everyone recycle, compost, reuse, and reduce. I would shut down all fac- tories that made products with too much packaging. If anyone was reported for not recycling, com- posting, or reusing, they would have to pick up all the garbage in their town. 1Anyone who didn't have a job ould work for their town. Since the governments would be work- ing for me, they would pay every- one equally. No one would vandalize any- thing. They would take care of the trees, flowers, plants, grass and animals. If anyone was caught lit- tering or vandalizing, they would have to clean all of the public washrooms in their town, twice. If any students were caught not helping in the school yard clean- up, they would have to clean the school yard every day for a week. I am not in charge of the planet though, so I just hope that every- one will participate in keeping the world clean. Alison Sherman, Lakeside Public School Suggestions to save the planet: Environmentally clean for a good cause Nasty garbage is all over the place Villages are dirty from garbage Importance of recycling Reduce, reuse, recycle, refuse Ozone layer is getting wrecked Never litter garbage Make a composter Earth is dying Noise pollution Trees are being polluted Ecology Shop helps you ' green up' By MICHELLE BAIN Journalism Intern AJAX - Residents looking to 'green up' for Earth Day can get some tips from Jill Bontoft, owner of The Ecology Shop. The Ecology Shop opened in Ajax in December, 1991. It sells environmentally conscious and financially sound products, including orgastic house and gar- den products, house cleaning and personal care products, water saving devices for show- ers, taps and toilets, a wide vari- ety of recycling Products, nature shirts, environmental games, wrapping paper and cards made from recycled paper, bird feed- ers and mobiks. In celebration of Earth Day, The Ecology Shop is having several specials, as well as three draws — including one for an environmental children's tape, and an environmental game for ages 6 and up. Ballots for the draws may be filled out for no charge at the shop. Ms. Bontoft says people are becoming more and more aware of the three R's (Recycle, Reuse and Reduce). "Everybody is recycling," she says. "Getting involved is a start but we have to learn to avoid making the waste in the first place." Ms. Bontoft came up with the idea for The Ecology Shop when she couldn't find environmental- ly sound products without going to several different places. "I created a place where peo- ple could fund the products and information needed to use them effectively." The shop also has a magazine and paperback exchange,a bul- letin board for local environ- ment groups and an information dispky. Ratty garbage smells Energy is being lost Clean our earth Your life is being ruined Compost! Be good to our earth Lysol should be ozone friendly Economy is practically gone. Courtney Hollidge, Lakeside Public School Suggestions to save the planet: Help! The world is dying, All the people will soon be cry- ing. Because the world is being pol- luted, The people that try to help should be saluted. What should they do? Reduce, recycle, and reuse. How could you possibly refuse. To do the three R's all the time, Come on people this isn't just a rhyme. This is for the people of the world. That's us. So everybody take a bus. Instead of using every persons car, In a bus you go just as far. There are many ways to save our world from being in a muddle, Come on everyone let's get into a huddle and save our planet from anymore trouble. Caroline Geofroy, Lakeside Public School Suggestions to save the planet: Save -save -save Save our earth Don't pollute Reuse your materials Compost your leftovers Put garbage in its place Buy materials with less pack- aging Take litterless lunches And don't use plastic wrapping if you don't have to. Refill Excellent idea Use materials over and over Save our earth Earth Lisa Smith, Lakeside Public School G�1 KNOW WH47 I'M DOING FR1 DAY VOX .• 7 POP 'FORUM (Town Hall Style Meeting) With Rene Soetens, M.P. Pickering Library Friday, Aril 24 7:15 - 9:00 p.rm DON'T MISS IT DURHAMS REGION'S LARGEST UNILOCK DEALER... 11 Olt i Suppliers of: �""1 ❑ BARK NUGGETS 'J ❑ SAND ❑ STONE U ❑ LIMESTONE ❑ PINE MULCH V ❑ COMPOST ❑ CURBS --, ❑ TREATED TIBER ❑ PEAT LOAM ❑ FIREWOOD ❑ PATIO SLABS I ❑ PEAT MOSS 1 ?f ❑ RETAINING WALLS ❑ SHREDDED PINE G. MULCH ❑ FEATHER ROCK 1 ❑ PISA STOKE ❑ PISA N G,I-; ❑ GARDEN WALL NEW ❑ TRIPLE MIX ❑ TOP DRESSING MIX ❑ WATERFALLS ❑ WHITE MARBLE STOKE ❑ ROCKERY STOKE J ❑ LEDGE ROCK ❑ RIVER STONE I ❑ BIRD BATHS ❑ FOUNTAINS Olt i CANADIAN TIRE AJAX... = CM MAKE A XFi C! SELECT `EIMVIWOMINENTAL CiM0 y PIl 'TS AT CANAMAN TIKE k r j Plant A Patch garden seed kit Jea to• voung gardene-ssq -# . `A thumb when it comes to gar- de . ng the outdoors We carry several natural and Cga nC tertthzers insect and animal repellents And -ememl>er '113t cOmposting is an excellent way to improve •tie A' arnage' Snoi>ang-Doig .ecvo,e, 499 z nfer,soaper 4 - tiurdie, 4, xa;z 4.99 / 7 Ene gy CrK ce 27W C,rcie,4e ;: S C2 . 17.99 E-ergy Choice M Bia. Kir Compact nuorescent . snore 19.99 JEEP tM #NW `GPHM' Enwronmef.— �,M, u-y,na at nomeJe1ec: _....:orlmental Choice clean;ng products energy-saving lightbulbs, water - saving showerheads and don t forget the three 'Rs — Reduce. Reuse. Recycle' SIMPLE GREEN ENVIRONMENTAL FRIENDLY di CLEANER.. • Counters • Cars &nwie Greer ;. zbr. • -T-des - Walls ,gat, 999 999 Motomaster ECU 2e eeoab 1.69 Mod �ROTfCT 11E EARTH Fog --✓ -LOOK S"S pEgAI. Y ON s DO YOUR PART TO HELP YOUR MVIRONMW, COME TO CANADIAN TIRL., iGN TI# CANADIAN TIRE FARTH FLAG.' W E'S AN flfa= /Y"T= - - now your appreciat c , ,,,,i join Canadian Tire in i )bal pledge to help protect the environment. orate into a Canadian Tire store be!ween April 20 and May t, 1992 anc S^ow your commitment to help make the world a better place by signtnc �a Canadian Tire Earth Flag, a norl-paper producing project of Earth Da) Canada. Canadian Tire's Earth Flag is Canada's contribution to the inter natiOnW Earth Moice program. Earth Voice is the United Nation's request to create worldwide awareness of their Earth Summit in June. It's your c ^.ante to make a personal pledge to do your part to help the environment. VWorld leaders from more than 160 countries will convene in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil for the Earth Summit in June. This is the largest global conference ever held on the environment and it is the first intergovernmental confer- ence to address both environment and development in a common agenda. Take action and shove the world that Canada can make a difference' All of the signature panels from Canadian Tire stores will be collected and assembled into a gigantic Canadian Tire Earth Flag A special unveiling of the flag will take place in Ottawa in May, prior to its presentation at the Earth Summit Conference. MWOS YM am PLEBE: 1 PLEDGE to act to the best of my ability to help 111II`G� make the Earth a secure and hospitable horrN Oor Present and future generations. wr n TOMM WE CANMUEA tt1.t'�O..S Canadian Tire considers the preservation of ou environment to be an essential part of our mi cion to service customer needs An ongoing attempt is being made t integrate environmental protection objectives into our business plans. R thinking the way we do business is essential to the future, and a respon sibility shared by all our employees. The staff of Canadian Tire will be joining 250,000 Canadians in participat Ing in the Home Audit program. Every time we change a habit or start new activity to benefit the environment, there is a real and measurable improvement. To receive an Earth Day/Everyday Home Audit, can, fax or write Earth Day Canada at: 150 Blow Street west. Suite M10e Toronto, Ontario M5$ 2X9 Te1. (4161962-19?1 F-.(416)962-5631 99 .2 bag ,.r ac Grass . S9 7?c8 8 �coo,,,,� Crass CtWp.-..-r t For everything you want to grow... Cattle or Sheep Re9.2.49 88 Manure 59-225342254 18k BAG Only each SAVE ELECTRICITY Outdoor Ciothes Dryer 42 -$soil -o Re9.-699g $ 2999 Only rVinyl-covered Clothesline 42 -MX 50 - 200 or 250' Lengths 29 p Sales 99 up FRegpSAVE 38% ig DEN CLOTHES PINS 1,60 42-8951-8 ¢ - Only pkg. KIDS YOU TOO CM—Rj ELP MOM AND DAD SAVE THE ENVIRONMENT - PEDDLE TO WHERE YOU WANT 70 GO AND DON'T ASK FOR A DRIVE 71-1326 Boys Mountain Us _ Reg. 89.99 Only 579 71-1327 Girls Mountain Bike Reg. 89.99 Only -$7999 N r7 AJAX STORE ONLY 260 KINGSTON RD, Ilon.fai7a.aa-lp.w, Aw..fli��-e sale a a1.Rt • e R� 8t ego area - s STORE: 683-8473 (TIRE) SERVICE: 683-2277 (CARS) �COme►r Of Westneey Rd. Hwy. 2) ..: �--....•.:.. ' , _ _ - r VISA I� s: [�1RDIgn TIRE W E'S AN flfa= /Y"T= - - now your appreciat c , ,,,,i join Canadian Tire in i )bal pledge to help protect the environment. orate into a Canadian Tire store be!ween April 20 and May t, 1992 anc S^ow your commitment to help make the world a better place by signtnc �a Canadian Tire Earth Flag, a norl-paper producing project of Earth Da) Canada. Canadian Tire's Earth Flag is Canada's contribution to the inter natiOnW Earth Moice program. Earth Voice is the United Nation's request to create worldwide awareness of their Earth Summit in June. It's your c ^.ante to make a personal pledge to do your part to help the environment. VWorld leaders from more than 160 countries will convene in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil for the Earth Summit in June. This is the largest global conference ever held on the environment and it is the first intergovernmental confer- ence to address both environment and development in a common agenda. Take action and shove the world that Canada can make a difference' All of the signature panels from Canadian Tire stores will be collected and assembled into a gigantic Canadian Tire Earth Flag A special unveiling of the flag will take place in Ottawa in May, prior to its presentation at the Earth Summit Conference. MWOS YM am PLEBE: 1 PLEDGE to act to the best of my ability to help 111II`G� make the Earth a secure and hospitable horrN Oor Present and future generations. wr n TOMM WE CANMUEA tt1.t'�O..S Canadian Tire considers the preservation of ou environment to be an essential part of our mi cion to service customer needs An ongoing attempt is being made t integrate environmental protection objectives into our business plans. R thinking the way we do business is essential to the future, and a respon sibility shared by all our employees. The staff of Canadian Tire will be joining 250,000 Canadians in participat Ing in the Home Audit program. Every time we change a habit or start new activity to benefit the environment, there is a real and measurable improvement. To receive an Earth Day/Everyday Home Audit, can, fax or write Earth Day Canada at: 150 Blow Street west. Suite M10e Toronto, Ontario M5$ 2X9 Te1. (4161962-19?1 F-.(416)962-5631 99 .2 bag ,.r ac Grass . S9 7?c8 8 �coo,,,,� Crass CtWp.-..-r t For everything you want to grow... Cattle or Sheep Re9.2.49 88 Manure 59-225342254 18k BAG Only each SAVE ELECTRICITY Outdoor Ciothes Dryer 42 -$soil -o Re9.-699g $ 2999 Only rVinyl-covered Clothesline 42 -MX 50 - 200 or 250' Lengths 29 p Sales 99 up FRegpSAVE 38% ig DEN CLOTHES PINS 1,60 42-8951-8 ¢ - Only pkg. KIDS YOU TOO CM—Rj ELP MOM AND DAD SAVE THE ENVIRONMENT - PEDDLE TO WHERE YOU WANT 70 GO AND DON'T ASK FOR A DRIVE 71-1326 Boys Mountain Us _ Reg. 89.99 Only 579 71-1327 Girls Mountain Bike Reg. 89.99 Only -$7999 N r7 AJAX STORE ONLY 260 KINGSTON RD, Ilon.fai7a.aa-lp.w, Aw..fli��-e sale a a1.Rt • e R� 8t ego area - s STORE: 683-8473 (TIRE) SERVICE: 683-2277 (CARS) �COme►r Of Westneey Rd. Hwy. 2) ..: �--....•.:.. ' , _ _ - r VISA I� —_ 7! NL�II�wl�ri11��1:"�_1�/1�10�fH1 Peat moss offers safe way to healthy, workable soil Most North Americans spend more time, use more water, and spread more fertilizer and pesti- cides on their lawns than on any other landscape feature. With sen- sible soil preparation, you still can have a lush landscape without excessive use of chemicals. 1. Enhance the soil. Adding `Canadian peat moss makes any soil more workable and any plant- ing more successful. 2. Making wise use of water. Soil that is rich in organic matter retains water without drowning or rotting the plants, because it retains oxygen and lets the soil breathe. That's an important con- sideration. Our water resource is already scarce, and peat moss can help you cut your usage. Topsoil is also scarce, and soil that soaks up and retains water does not wash or blow away or crust to the point that whatever rain does come cannot soak in. 3. Reduce leaching. Soil enhanced with organic matter does not allow water to leach right through, so the nutrients are also preserved. 4. Don't overfertilize. Follow package directions carefully to avoid burning plants. Another advantage of adding peat moss to the soil is that it offers a buffering effect - so, if you do overfertilize, the amended soil prevents the Director of Education writes inter -office memos on scrap paper DURHAM - How far can you stretch a piece of paper? Pretty far if you're anything like the separate school board's director of education. Dr. Earl Lagroix writes his inter -office notes at the Durham Region Roman Catholic Separate School Board on the back of pre- viously used paper. "I've always done it," says Dr. Lagroix. "I guess 1 was born and raised in a time when we wrote on every page and on every spot in a book. I've been doing that ever • since I've been in education." The director keeps a stash of scraps in a drawer and never runs short of supplies. When he writes his memos, Dr. Lagroix strokes the writing out on the other side. But if letters are confidential, he won't use them as scrap paper. "It's impossible to get the mes- sages mixed up," he says of writ- ing riting on the back of used paper. Dr. Lagroix. is a "serious envi- ronmentalist" and says we have to come to grips with the waste we produce. He admits his idea of writing on previously used paper hasn't caught on to other board staff yet. "No one sends notes on the back of other paper to me," he says. And what do staff think about his memos? No one has ever had the nerve to come and tell me," he chuckles. AJAX COIN CAR WASH • OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK - 24 HOURS • 100% FRESH WARM WATER • ENVIROMdENTALLY FRIENDLY PRODUCTS • BIODEGRADABLE SOAPF 04-C. 75 Cm AIw. AF-Rrs AJAX, 0MAND Iw DESIGN • FACTORY AUTI OR EO • UNI -LOCK CONTRACTOR 40 LAKE RIDGE LANDSCAPE DESIGN LS14DS .APE APA*MCTS JsiMwys I's ,. MSA STONE RETAINING WALLS TIMBER RETAI(WNG WALLS "ROCKERIES. ROCK WALLS WOOO DECKS , t' TREE 6 SHRUB INSTALLATION Call us and make an appointment to have a landscape planned especially for your home. 565=7841 shock and burning that could oth- erwise kill the plants. It also keeps those nutrients available for use when theplant needs them. 5. Protect your plants against pests. Organic gardeners and inte- grated pest managers know that healthy, thriving plants are the least likely to be attacked by pests or diseases. 6. Encourage microbial activi- ty. Organic matter in the soil increases the earthworm popula- tion and the beneficial microbial action. "Our Sizzle & Save BBQ Sale Is Heating Up. A beautiful lawn without harming your environment We use up to 100% organic environmentally friendly lawn fertilizer. • Seeding and Sodding • Aeration • Top Dressing • Spring & Fall Clean Up • Weekly Lawn Cuts Complete program for 4,000 sq. ft. lawn from '189' (reduced rates for smaller lawns) ($25.00) Aeration for new customers taking related program. • 1 T 11 r Satisfaction Guaranteed N _ -- ---- 282-4544 You'll Love What"s Hot, What's Cold And What's Free:" SALE X379.95 W an per ow Thermos Limited natural gas BBQ 41222079 Here's a BBQ deal that's both red hot and icy cold. Now at The Appliance Centre get a tree Thermos cooler with any Thermos BBC. We've got sale paces on all our natual gas and propane BBCs. Want choice? We give you more BBC models than any other store in town. And to really whet your appetite, we're knocking 10% off all Keanall BBC accessories like utensils, covers and rotisseries with the purchase of a BBC. What's more, we offer easy financing. There's no down payment and you can take up to 60 months to pay. You can even pay it on your monthly gas bill. Hurry. This sale chiiis out May 16. =1l Consumers Gas The A lian pp ce Centlimd-%7 YOUR NATURAL SOURCE FOR GAS APPLIANCES 111011111111111111 500 Consumers Rd. 495-5326 • 4 Crossroads Place, Unit 16246-1908 • 2300 LawrenceAvenue E 495-6020 1111113111100ft 950 Bumhamthorpe Road V t 276-3572 • 110 0renda Road 276-3545 • MANiE11111IlE: 184 Broadway Awe. 941-4440 500 Elgin Mitis Road East 883-3325 • M N1L 165 Fems Lane 726.6558 IN=: 101 Corlsunm Drive 668-9341 • PE1i :1 CorlswnemPlaee 746• 1 • . . , .. , • 4 .• PAGE WAAMM NEWS ADVEnWta, WED.. APM22, "M UN 0 �"UTOFIN15HING 5%I�E . nw PRI wo0 ER� PORK CHOPS �°'� ,FRESH.�.k,(.,b&t lbo LCORiYTONCOB s�� of U.5 a. no. 1 cpod= NEILSONMILK 2% partly skimmed4 L Dag �LoR CHEER UURApowcler for io--jrith coir rd CLOVER LEAF SOCKEYE SALMON ORANGES WE s�vEss NAVELpoA. .�777 �..OWWWR- . ..• lvxl 0 r qvo,v!e � r I 3 oz. tin * R 0 . V j "AL ■ nu=11 ■ .SCHN� ■ � ���� wii�w t� ai I■ ■ S@�DC�fI ��ir pne.o��„ ■ ■ Pr�aerss c��ee9e Ibod � � �.�d ■ 1500 pay ;5r ■ ■ Lima one pkg. per coupon. Limit ■ ■ °Ae co#w Per curormw' Capon ■ p25, 2p b ■ ------ sow elTed% e , Ap w X Em ammay, Aprd ip, 1992 co, LAW 4# b quarMm.s4pexa" ►`.::w'i��•►isisisi....v�.i%Tr'�r'rf:i:�.�.fa•�.cr'+i%Z.'�iB y K _ _ +fia.'F�t.2r"ii[7i....f�:'� d.'a:M:4...-ii`rt'.�.i..y: �-gni+�afi�l�4 �*1�i'i .Au.Ti ...•s'..'�+ii.°.�.. _•.:=JS..r.-- -' 3t .. _ 6"g; 0 0 . ''��.� _n`. • .. ;� � Vii ` Y• 1• n u L7 0 The"N 1coIs mark silver anniversary Hello and welcome back to Name Dropping, the column that put on a pound or two over the Easter weekend. So, while we can still reach the keyboard, let's get on with it... It was 25 years ago today, on April 22, 1967, that Betty and David Nicol walked down the ... A precious little girl, with a great big smile, turns one Friday, April 24. Wishing Kailey Chap- pell a happy birthday will be Mom Cindy, Dad Greg and big brother Christopher. Family and friends will gather for their angel's birthday bash on Satur- day, April 25... Guess who this was (see photo) about 21 years ago. Yes, it is Fran (better known by family members as `Boozooks'), who celebrated her birthday on Mon- day, April 20. Happy 21st birth- day Fran and hope you enjoy many, many more! Love Mom, Dad and Dathan... A friend writes: "There will be birthday wishe, for our party Betty and David Nicol aisle .into wedded bliss. Wishing the couple all the best on their sil- ver anniversary are daugbters Linda and Denise. "We love you," say the daughters... ... A Name Dropping fan writes: "Our baby sister is over the hill! Jane (Knip) Doak celebrated her trey Crabb turns five years old and wishing him a happy birthday will be Mommy, Daddy, and sis- Kailey Chappell Jaclyn a very happy birthday were atom, Dad, cats Mitsy and Muf- fin, and, with a big hug and kiss, little sister Lauren... A Mom writes: "Oh no, not another teenager! Cory Phillips celebrated his 13th birthday on April 20. He loves horseback rid- ing, hockey and soccer, but hates to be embarrassed by his Mom! Gotcha! Happy birthday...... The little fella in the Foote home is now one. Derek Foote Derek Foote celebrated his birthday on Sun- day, April 19. Wishing him a happy birthday, with lots of love, hugs and kisses, were Mommv, Daddy, Granny and Grampa Sinclair, sister Shannon, broth- er Jeffrey, uncle Joe and auntie Edna. "We love you," the family says... The Preceptor Gamma Upsilon chapter of the Beta Sigma Phi sorority has a new executive. Sylvia Wilkins is pres- ident, Elizabeth Soler vice-presi- Boozooks dent, Angela Bober recording secretary, Liz Manness treasurer, Carol Leetham extension officer, Susan Shearer corresponding secretary and Mildred Hamilton city council representative. Mil- dred is also the president of the Ajax -Pickering City Council for 1992-93. The sorority chapter recently donated S100 to both the Heart and Stroke Foundation and the Canadian Cancer Society... The students at Parkside Pub- lic School in Ajax recently jumped at the chance to help the Heart and Stroke Foundation. A Jump Rope For Heart event was held at the school on Wednesday, April 15 and about S4.800 was raised... A personal note: Before the big guys showed up. there was the big guy and he's turning 59 today. April _22. That's nht. John 'RIX' Gilligan is aging once again. What do you get for a guy who is that old.' Why, something from Hallmark, of course! Anyway, wishing Rix a happy birthday are wife Joyce, grandsons Matthew, Michael and Geoffrey, sons Sean, Keith (yours truly) and Michael, daughter-in-law Lynne, Diane and Bailey... That brings us to the end of another edition of Name Drop- ping. If you have an item you want mentioned, call us at 683- 5110 or write to 130 Commer- cial Ave., Ajax, Ontario, LIS 2H5. The deadline for submis- sions is 11 a.m. the Friday before publication. We're not responsible for lost or damaged photos. Name Dropping is no longer runnintl birth announce- ments. If ,ou have a hirth to announce, call the classified department at h.s?-=1 Ill. From left are Rachel, Micheal, Nicole, Nadia and Matthew Jane Doak 30th birthday on Monday, April 20. Wishing her a happy birthday were her sisters, family and friends."... Jeffrey Crabb ter Amanda."... N. Yesterday, April 21, was a spe- cial day for Jaclyn Palmer, as she turned seven years old. A swimming party at the Pickering Recreation Complex is planned to celebrate the occasion. Wishing Jaclyn Palmer Cory fps 1 `.4 •. . ..._ • � ..n' F. •.ai--.moi -;� 7-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - -- -.,t. e cession worse -w it out free Jelinektra a GST: AJAX - Caaada is in die pro- come, we'll hardly be affected." various taxes it replaced) brought lion dollars with the GST. The tax vakia when he was a child, said tress of ooNiwig out of the retxs- Mr. Jelinek reminded students in $18.5 billion in taxes," he said. goes towards the reduction and "Canadians take for granted their s federal revenue minister that the GST replaces a hidden "The fust year of GST brought in servicing of our national debt."freedoms and opportunities. We Otto Jelinek told senior Ajax sales tax. $16 billion. This proves that con- Mr. Jelinek, who was bom and like to bitch and whine, point fm - High School students last week, "The year before GST, (the sumers saved a total of $2.5 bil- lived in communist Czechoslo- gers and assign blame." "The estimated economic growth for this year is three per cent. Next year it is four per cent," said Mr. Jelinek. "New investments and businesses arelcbwr Ymr cropping up all over the place..:r<`><'>s„ This will create new jobs to the near future." ]FLA Mr. Jelinek is visiting several, schools in Ontario to exchange la views with students, discuss ,� NRERIORSENW6lOSSLXIEX issues and hear their concerns. FLAT LATEX ( 3) "That's what this is all about, -Aber Sale Price $39.92 After Sole Price $33.92 he told the OAC students. "We want criticisms as well as sugges- tions. The government will take what you say into consideration." N3.781 173.78L Werner Mees, head of the his- tory department at Ajax High School noted, "OAC students were chosen for the presentation 00111. USED STAIN ;-7x; WATER REPELLENT DECK STAIN because they are closer to the •Ava fable Dark Mahogany, s�-TR��NT OR SOLID NIDE voting age and should be more Redwood or Cedarwood STAIN tQoc aware of current issues and how After Sale Price $21 92 Aker Sale Pace $39 92 they will be affected by them." ` Mr. Jelinek advised the stu- dents to stay in school as long as , they can. "Find the opportunities V!3781. 3.781 YOUR CHOICE and try to specialize." EXTEIM FLAT LATEX Mr. Jelinek also spoke on free 00c, Sale trade and the GST, claiming, if it Ke $35 92 esstonr s, �. �dh,',, rggst�el1 P� •Mc g hadn't been for the two policies, tin sr = Sole PrKe $3a 96 ' 3.ru the recession would have been U1 $17= deeper and longer. EXTEttto_tt SEMI-crosslc$25% "Free trade has increased LATEX3.7tt ow , A"e' �c e Pace Canada's exports by $70 billion $39 92 and sales to the United States $19 s.�u alone has Increased by 40 r Q�e• sore PrKe S � i z9 / y� Pe si.l �. cent," he said. "As far as the t'-------------------------------� negotiations with Mexico go,! 1 ON " NE I I everybody is a little spooked. TheAr I • t main reason Canada has gone to I ' ' -4'00 mu+ $2596 ` . t the table on discussions with I Mexico is to protect our interests I t with the United States. Only one 1.4�. I " per cent of our trade is with Mex- j $9.99 I r ice so, no matter what the out- I ca..r... 946W =��► ....Money talk for women DURHAM =-The Durham Business and Professional Women's Club invites guests to enjoy dinner, meet others, announce business activi- ties and see an interesting presentation on the last Wednesday of each month. This month's pr; senta tion will be given by member Joan Whyte - Elliot, an account execu- tive with investors Syndi- cate. .M. Whyte -Elliot will prosvide expert advice on personal financial plan- ning. :building up wealth and making early rettre- tihent.possible. ...Themeeting will be? held Wednesday. April 29'' at Greystone Equestnan '- Centre,Simcoe St. N.; Oshawa. The: reception will begin at 6'p.m. and din= at 6:45. Cost is '$30 for guests and $25 for mem- . bels. ............ ...... To reserve early, call Karen Graham at 427- 6930 or Barbara Wood at 723-1163. linin t p►ew*wb 3 pr 110100alwlet• 1 — COW •gvbw Mq 3, M2 I -------- ----G` --J % o OF 1WRON WaCOWN , Including our new spring collection *Reg. book price. Patterns may vary from those shown SIWAE Of ROLL ARMSTRONG CAREFREE• VOMY N"AX Sft§4 t SIELF-an tin �NILE* 'X12" *Versatile •12'X12" Reg. 61.39 at an affordable price • In store stock only V� Reg. 974 *In-store stock only _ p• aa. 11 4 v SELM w1101 0 �a Choose from 1000's of beautiful patterns in a large selection of the latest books. 'Reg. book price. Matching fabric not included. Store books only. Q11AllT1r SUMANTEE: 9 rw we no - ar sarria w Will saw you a VVAK 49W to 10% II - 'I saYsW Willi the qM&V of my of aw of Twr PWM. WW PRICE GUARANTEE: 0 11e a am* mph" do Paw or pa AW a omaporohlo pial ar do uate doW 1m mmy lbdm&s Wow for appioalioa At 11i w Wy aW#d1W's stop aM a lower or ilsldaWL) SERVICE GUARANTEE: M ya•�A► PeiNO prim v" 30 ins of p flim, Will; a raW proof we the ho WOWof ow * rtim fu •4 n VA 41 111014111141 of ow paint, ft E itstwilllr rdvW do Aiffaanro. Sale d 4C1h,. Apri11 a Mal► 5, 799'2 No aN items walable at aE skxm Far bandrse opporlurW c.8 1416) 2"-629& .AJAX 105 Bayly St. W. b83-2047 0 t,� I�,i , i1 • •. �. ►•.� PICKERING 705 Kingston Rd., Unit 420-2548 V 911LAWNEXHAY RNMIM Billboard Is a free Ilahsre for con in u My everNs of a non -p elk nahin. To have yaw ewes pro- cooled In Board, car us at 6113- 5110 or wtrMe to Ow A j=41e eft News Adverrser,130 Conxrwrciol Ave., Ajax, Onlorio, LIS 2145. The deadline for Biboard Menu is 10 a.m. re Monday prior to Wednesday pubrcalbn, 10 a.m. Ow Wednesday prior to Friday pubrcaron and 10 a.m. >fw Thurs- day prior to Sunday pubica:orn. 2 2 SCHIZOPFREMCS: Emends of ScNzophrenics. Durham chapter, meets Wed., April 22 at St. Mark's cixurch house, 200 Byron St. S., Whitby from 7 to 9 p.m. There will be an information video about schizophrenia. Free admission. Refreshments served. 404-1301. INJURED AUTO WORKERS: The Durham Region Union of Injured Auto Workers will meet on Wed.. April 22, at the CA.W. Hall, Oshawa. 571-1667 (Eugene Cuili- gon). ALZHEIMER SOCIETY: The Alzheimer Society of Durham Region will hold its monthly meet- ing Wed.. April 22, at 7:30 p.m. in the Senior Citizens Activity Centre, 910 Liverpool Rd., Pickering. Refreshments served. 576-2567. ALZHEIMER FAMILY GROIN: The Support Group for Alzheimer Fam- bes will meet Wed., April 22, at 1 pm., in the Y.W.CA. Sun Room, 1 McGrkyor St.. Oshawa. All care- givers welcome. 576-2567. BUSINESS WOMEN: The Durham Business and Professional Women's Club will hold its month- ly droner meeting Wed.. April 22. at the Greystone Equestrian Cen- tre. on Shirley Rd., east of Sirncoe St. N.. Oshawa. Reception at 6 P.m.. dinner at 6:45 p.m. S25 for members. S30 for guests. Joon White -Elliott will speak on planning for your future. 725-9179 (Joan Am Evelyn) or 427-6930 (Karen Graham). HORSESHOE SIGN-UPS: The Ajcnk Horseshoe Pitchers Associa- tion will hold registration sessions Wed., April 22 and 29, from 7 to 9 p.m. both days, in the man lobby of the Aim- Community Centre, an Centennial Rd. Families (12 years and up) and seniors wel- come. 683-5823 (Ran Lyford). THURSDAY 7 23 M. The fti�W: The Dtnccrr, Region Mar,ufocnar- ers Association holes rs quarteAy dinner meeting Thus., Apel 23 at the Oshawa HdkbV Inn. The topic is Business and per- p�t pia 14 per 2. DROP -N CENTRE: A dre p -h c W60 for pie -school children, moms or duds vA be held d St. Prn/'S United Church, 65 Kings Cres., Aim every Thursday from 4:15 to 11:15 am. and Tuesday Hiro 9:30 to 11 a.m. There vA be craft ,ganift toys and circle time. 68&4M or 427-7415 to reg- ister or for hkxn xAm POTTERY SHOW: The 4 1"- �- tars' C-uild will hold a and sale h the pott��sfu io of the M*- Farm RO"R!ec mahon Complex, on .Fri., Aprr 24 from 7 to 10 pm.. Sat., April 25 from 10 am. to 4 pm., and Sun.. April 26 from noon to 3 p.m. Free admission. 471-5547. NEW -TO -YOU SAIF: St. Marth's Church. 1203 St. Mkifhs Dr., Pict - 441m vA mold a New -To -you sde Fri., April 24 from 7 to 9 p.m. Good used clothes, books, white ele- phcnt table and more. 839-4769 after 2 p.m. I C;UMING UP IIARBECUE: The Grade 8 class of GmdatseRi*-- School holds a barqueLot OEgrocery store, comer of Finch Ave. and Dole Rd., Pickering, on Sat., April 25 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Proceeds to fund a June trip to the Maritimes tO ers, hoot mcrine may' Hcmburg- dogs and pop available. CF DANCE: A 50s & 60s dance in aid of the Cystic Fibrosis Foun- dation, Durham chapter, will be held Sat.. April 25 at Iroquois Park EATERY Your calendar of coming event Arena, 500 Victoria St. W., Whit- by. Don Daynard of CHFI Radio will host the event. Tickets are S 18 per person and can be pur- chased at the arena after April 4.831-5892. NATURALIST RELD TRIP. The Pick- ering Naturalists will visit Cranberry Marsh, Whitby, to view loons Sat., April 25. Meet at south boardwalk off Has Rd. at 6 a.m. 831-5821 Orion Henshaw). POTTERY SHOW: The Ajax -Picker- ing Plotters' Guild will hold a pot- tery show and sale n the pottery studio of the Pickering Recreation Complex, on Valley Farm Rd., south of Hwy. 2 Sat., April 25 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., and Sun., April 26 from noon to 3 p.m. Free admis- sion. 471-5547. MCKERM TOWN CENTRE 839-2507 EVERY NIGHT OF THE WEEK (5 to 10 p.m.) WE OFFER A GREAT DINNER SPECIAL ONLY$9� EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT EVERYTHING ON OUR MENU (5-10 p.m.) STILL ONLY$99 Steaks and Roast Beef based on 8 oz. portions 9 SELLING YOUR HOME? Peartree Home Marketing Consultants, Canada's Largest "FOR SALE BY OWNER" Company with over 70 offices Nationwide invites you to attend a FREE SEMINAR Wed., April 22nd, 1992, 7:00 p.m. JULPickering PEAR TR Recreational Centre cC�a<RTYRa 1867 Valley Farm Rd., Rm. 2 For more information call 1-800-668-5855 • n� �•� n� nu • rw i r�wi, wa.u� error. �c, as��.rwvrc v -w - - WAge AA991wr got W Id This year's Education Week !heme, Learning For Life, reflects the Durham Board of Education's commitment to helping students meet the challenge of the future. The public elementary and secondary schools of the Durham Board of Education are proud to invite you to visit them during Education Week. Discover the wide range of educational opportunities available to today's youth and adults. Special activities are planned for your enjoyment. Mall displays. demonstrations and performances will be taking place at various locations throughout the community. Open houses and other exciting events wilt be happening at your local school. Call for details 576-4600. 686-2711, or 1-800-265-3968 (for outside area code 4161. Ask for extension 205 or 319. Education Week April 26 to May 2, 1992. That's tight, purdw a 1141 lime maim sysm =is"d oenlW 0-'r . naval gas funnoq humid and deoroaic air dour beta 4d 30, 1992 and wel gn you cub tact - up a =350! "a am f a hitt Choose Holt and you'll be matin the hat drat around. Nd is OuYt for Me Cmailim doom with d*mdab ley that lasts year after year And Hen's Adergr dao save on those monthly utility bills! Lt's guy just give us a 0-q. tlre'q tell you how Heil dependability an help you nuke some easy money. Oder available at putidpaung dealm only Cannot be combined with uy other offer. mfti Awdea,;odDwhr AR COMUMM G" am WA71W A COOLM MMOLAM . Dependable Year after Year after Year RODMAN'S 1NMIrtp i Ale coed "fft (E.t,) - 683--3641 For better gaes tomorro better call Sylm to&y Sylvan Leammg Cente can help your child make the grades. In fact, we guarantee your child's skills will improve one full grade level in reading or math after just % hours of instruction. Or well provide up to 12 more hours — absolutely finee. Sylvan offers help in reading, writing, thorns, ajgebra, study skills, konework support and gore xonatgeeext. For better report cards tomorrow, call Sylvan today. FAS*qn Leami Centre m� ,Helping kids be their best. 1801 Dundas St. East Kendalwood Plaza Ams & ENTERTAUUMNT All that jazz hits PTC PICKERING - The Pickering Town Centre will come alive with jazz this week. The du Maurier Ltd. jazz tour, travelling across Canada, will come to Pickering Thurs- day with musicians, videos, exhibits and displays. Live per- formances will be given in the centre court Thursday from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and from 6 to 8 p.m.; Friday from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and from 6 to 8 p.m.; and Saturday from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and 4 to 6 p.m. At the movies... THUNDERHEART (AA): A part -Sioux FBI agent (Val Kilmer) is sent to investigate a murder on a reservation in this superb police thriller, which also carries a strong message about the plight of native Americans. Also starring Sam Shepard and Graham Greene. WHITE MAN CAN'T JUMP (AA): Wesley Snipes and Woody Harrelson team up in this witty, ,fast-moving flick about street bas- ketball hustlers. BEETHOVEN (F): A 185 - pound St. Bernard pup named Beethoven escapes a gang of dog- nappers and ends up at the home of Charles Grodin, a man who believes the best pet is a goldfish. THE CUTTING EDGE (PG): D.B. Sweeney plays a hockey player forked to give up a promis- ing career due to an eye injury. He gets a second chance when he teams up with Moira Kelly, a bril- liant and tempermental figure skater who can't get along with her partners. Call it The Taming of the Shrew on ice. NEWSIES (PG): This new musical from Walt Disney studios tells the story of the boys who hawked newspapers on the streets -of New York at the turn of the century. STRAIGHT TALK (PG): After getting fired from her job as a dance instructor at the Slide `n Glide Dance Studio, Shirlee Kenyon (Dolly Parton) heads for the glamor of Chicago and a new career as a radio talk -show host. Also stars James Woods as a reporter who falls in love with the women he is sent out to profile. BASIC INSTINCT (R): Michael Dnnvlac and Charon Contest winners It was a ditficuk job choosing just three winners in the News Advertiser's East- er coloring contest, but judges man- aged to narrow it down. Pictured with managing editor Greg Coates are the three winners, left to right, Kimberly Scott (second), Sarah Davis (first), and David Lambert (third). photo by Ron Pietroniro Barn t Dias• nestre ' 2885 AN= Rd. Pidaefirq PRESENTS AWARD WW" THRILLER Wait Until Dark VW3WaM Diw•r"RESERVATIONS Shah i Ton krcMd•d Stone star in this psychological thriller. Douglas, a San Francisco Ilk ,k East * featuring... ly affair involving three intriguing women, each with an unexpected motive for the crime. Pretty hot stuff. MY COUSIN VINNY (AA): Joe Pesci has some fun playing a New York lawyer out of his ele- ment in Alabama trying to defend Stone star in this psychological thriller. Douglas, a San Francisco detective, investigates a murder and becomes entangled in a dead- ly affair involving three intriguing women, each with an unexpected motive for the crime. Pretty hot stuff. MY COUSIN VINNY (AA): Joe Pesci has some fun playing a New York lawyer out of his ele- ment in Alabama trying to defend his cousin and a friend of murder charges. ROCK -A -DOODLE (F): Don Bluth's newest animated rock and roll adventure about a barnyard rooster who sings like Elvis and a boy who is transformed into a kit- ten by an evil owl. SLEEPWALKERS (PG): Stephen King is at it again, this time with a tale of a dying breed of vampires who must feed on the life force of virtuous young women to stay alive. ARTICLE 99 (PG): Keifer Sutherland and Ray Lioua head a surgical strike forme of doctors and nurses fighting bureaucratic red tape in a veteran's hospital. BLAME IT ON THE BELL.'* BOY (AA): When an eager -to - please bellboy (Bronson Pinchot) delivers itinerary envelopes for three guests whose names all sound alike, trouble is in full swing at the Hotel Gabrielli. And the worlds of Messrs. Orton (Dud- ley Moore), Horton (Richard Grif- fiths) and Lawton (Bryan Brown) may never be the same. THE LAWNMOWER MAN (AA): Jeff Fahey and Pierce Bros- nan star in another story from Stephen King's fertile imagina- tinn Bringing Kik you the best in* exotic entertainment n 1450 Pay. 2 8 VaNelr Fan) 0W.Eve1i9 420-3.x+80 Wed -Fd 9 wn. - 8 Ladies Cut Perms, Streaks Men's Basic Cut; and Style & Highlights s800 ; • Reg. $24.00 , (short hair only) • SWft CW V `=1400 $3500 Km 'r Under 6 • (with this coupon) I too thl•e wo) • (with this coupon) � r--•-•----------------r----•-•--- OPEN: DRY CLEANER Sa 3�0 Alloadom; (Hwy. �R gin, -----------.--------------------- :DRESSES mWINTER COATS •3 PANTS ' iSILK EXTRA $99 ;PLAIN $ gg ,PLAIN 799 1 Reg. $8 50 51 b�ee0`gg�: �p1 Reg. $10 50 • (w th ?his Coupon; (with this coupons • (with th6 coupon) •---- — --•—r- —-—-—-— r - — - — - — - — - — � EX" Mckertng Town Centre OPEN MOTHERS DAY 12A0 Noon to 9:00 Rm. ALL MOTHERS1 EAT FOR ,/2 PRICE 839-2507 ISTANNUAL SPRING APA 25126 Sat., Sun, 1(r, 51411 aColldee Entrance b our X Acne Show Gilden AM %"Seniors V CMdren 4.12 yrs. s". Under 3 yrs. Free One of a Kind C aMlIl Clothing Ammoriek Fok Ar; Toys, Dolb Min' Ure CULLEN GARDENS &MINIATURE VILLAGE 300Ta��Rd.W. 668=6606 0 S 0 40 TWE ftftV1EIff'f3jR; KR.bikL'22, rA, brand name and eve daydesi ner fashionsg �Y The 11 th Winners location opens tomorrow! So for brand name and designer fashions at 20%-60% less than department store and specialty shop regular prices, shop the newest Winners, or the Winners nearest you! Dresses • Outerwear • Career Dressing • Casual Wear • Swimwear • Lingerie • Purses • Hosiery I _Men's Sportswear • Men's Traditional Wear • Men's Accessories • Infants' • Toddlers' • Girl's bt Boy's Wear Liberal Return Policy • Excellent Layaway Plan! Pickering SuperCentre Hwy sol G CL ILI Thursday April 23rd, 9:30a.m. W INNERS Everybody loves a winner. Pickering, Liverpool Road at Kingston Road • Victoria Park & Sheppard • NkT ton Churchill at Dundas • Thornhill Square (Bayview &John) • Lawrence Plaza (Bathurst & Lawrence) ,t The Dixie Value Mal! (Mississauga) • Oakville Town Centre 11(Q.E.W & Dorval) • Dufferin & Steeles • Richmond Hill (Richmond Heights Shopping Centre) • Newmarket (Yonge Street at Millard) Open Monday to Friday 930-9:00, Saturday 9130-6:00. 57 Spadina Avenue at King (open Monday to Saturday 9:30-6:00) -Selection may vary by store. �� J i- a �'-...ii2y^ � � "- -'"`" •:a.a f,.'. .�* ,. . .. , . __ .. .. .. ........•a..;.�n.ar.c�.„..ww�sis.,. .. ,. t.:,. s., c � ,, . j � ; j .�. � t � ��Kiillrl�Al?Nle,•�i011r�ADV�'Q>tl;�lf1'A1RtCQ,:i!/2 Allacian top female athlete at University of Western Ontario AJAX - An Ajax woman has been named top female athlete at the University of West- ern Ontario in London this year. Lori Coleman was presented the F.W.P. Jones Trophy and the Purple Blanket Award - for athletic distinction during the universi- ty's recent annual athletic awards banquet. Coleman earned her third consecutive gold medal in the Ontario Women's Intercolle- To advertise in this space, call 683-5110 giate Athletic Association (OWIAA) squash championships and helped Western capture the team title this season. Incredibly, Coleman has never been defeated in university squash play. The 21 -year-old has been the leader of the Western Mustangs squash team, earning OWIAA all-star status the past three years. She's currently ranked number three in women's squash in Canada. Coleman has been a member of the junior national team and the women's national team since 1989. She's also competed at world championships in Australia, Holland and England. Coleman is an administrative and commer- cial studies student at the University of Western Ontario. orfs Wrestler out but not down Grappler rebounds from KO to score stunning victory By AL RIVETT Sports Reporter AJAX-PICKERING - Sean Pierson may have been down and out, but there was no way he was going to go down for the count at the regional high school wrestling championships. Pierson, of Dunbarton High School, shook off the effects of being knocked unconscious in his semi-final match to eventually win the title at the Durham -York Secondary School Athletic Associ- ation (DYSSAA) Wrestling Championships at Brock High School last Thursday. Pierson doesn't remember much about his 134 - pound semi-final contest against Brock High School's Duane Agnew. Early in the match, Agnew applied a hold which restricted Pierson's air supply, rendering him unconscious. "He (Agnew) put on a head -and -arm hold and then I woke up a bit later with the coach asking me questions," recalls Pierson. "I didn't know where I Sean Pierson was; I was just confused. 1 didn't know what had happened." After the incident, Dunbarton wrestling coach Stan Tzogas was close to forfeiting the match and calling an ambulance. But, Pierson insisted he continue to wrestle after being revived during a three-minute injury time- out "I was very close (to calling an ambulance)," says Tzogas. "He was out cold. We took our three-minute injury time and I was prepared to take him out of the tournament, but he wanted to wrestle." Although he was still feeling woozy and behind 3-1 in points, Pierson he had no thoughts of giving up on the match and a chance to win the DYSSAA title. "1 knew I wasn't going to give up or I would have been out of DYS- SAA. I knew I had to wrestle the guy." After getting back in the circle, Pierson put on a wrestling clinic to win the semi-final match over Agnew. The Dunbarton wrestler reeled off 13 straight points to claim the match 14-3 in points. "I thought I could keep it close, but I didn't think I would win it as big as I did," admits Pierson. Pierson also made a stunning comeback in the final match against teammate Richard Azevedo, making an appearance at DYSSAA in his fust year of wrestling. After Azevedo opened up a 7-0 lead, Pierson trebounded to win the match and the DYSSAA title 9-8 in pours. Two weeks ago, Pierson wrestled to the top of the beap in the country, winning the Canadian Wtresdmg Charm lite in the cadet division at the national tract in Landon, Ontario. There, he wrestled as part of the Oshawa Olympics Wrestling Club. Competing against 38 other wrestlers nit the 60 kilo weight class, Pxz- son won a total of seven InWh s, including the final over Andy Lalonde of Sudbury by a 3-1 score. The cadet wrestling title represented Pierson's second Canadian title. See DUNBARTON...Pagt A28 F�" r Ajax High's Todd McGration watches the birdie during a quar- ter -final match at the LOSSA badminton championships at Ajax High. McGratton and partner Sharan Parmar won the mixed doubles title. photo by Andrew Iwammski Ajax High tops in badminton AJAX-PICKERING - Ajax High School athletes were kings and queens of the badminton courts at the LOSSA championships at Ajax High last Thursday. The Ajax High badminton team took the overall LOSSA tile, finishing ahead of second -place Pickering High School. Ajax won the senior title over Pickering High, while the Ajax Junior squad finished as runner up to champion Durham Christian school of Bowmanville. In the five senior categories, Ajax athletes won the gold in three, claiming the mixed doubles, the girls' singles and the boys' See AJAX—Page A27 Lori Coleman More Sports results Friday and Sunday Pickering trampolinist flying high PICKERING - A Pickering trampolinist was flying high at a recent provincial meet Ben Snape, 13, captured two gold medals at the recent Elite Ontario meet He was fust in the individual national novice division and teamed with Rebecca Greenberg of Toronto to win the mixed synchronized competition. Snape trains at the Skyriders Trampoline Place in Richmond Hill. Ajacian bowl 'em over AJAX - Two Ajax bowlers helped their team win the last major tournament of the Youth Bowling Council (YBC) season on the weekend.. Jeff Canham and Mike O'Donnel of Ajax were pert of the Oshawa North End team which captured the • championship at the 1992 Easter Classic — a tvwday event for five -pit bowlers. The team — which also included Oshawa meinbers Rhonda Gannon, Daws Keetch and Matt Wallace — plated first out of 60 squads from i ataoes so dwra Ontmm Canham, who's doing exceptionally wen in hit find year with the YBC, is also a i ntdtbor of the On alio ptvvin- tial ram headigg 10 the nation- al in Wirurtipeg May 163. RORMS9 LIVING FOR EVERY LIFESTYLE Cedarcr6ft... l MWEE YOUR =Mff IS OUR CONCE RN w'i ` it.'} +�a $lt�iJ- r'r-.J. t J,, , :...4 ;� M.': i' I..�.J 4yiit �► AM $70 lr"W .y^ y, 6 e 40 r- 0 • Ajax High School overall champs in badminton FROM PAGE A26 doubles championships. Sharan Parmar and Todd McGratton of Ajax High defeat- ed Whitby Anderson's Carmen Nisbet and Gord Leitch 15-9, 15-1 in the senior mixed dou- bles final. Trisha Carter of Ajax had lit- tle trouble reaching the final in the girls' singles event. In the gold -medal game, Carter defeat- ed Oshawa O'Neill's Veronica Pahic 12-9, 11-4. The boys' doubles crown also went to Ajax High. Manish Batt and Jason Bragg defeated Scott McKean and Stacy Proctor of Pickering High in straight games 15-5, 15-7. Pickering High's Mike Twin- er captured the boys' singles. crown after beating Dunbarton's Brad Crecknell 15-1, 15-2 in the final. Pickering High's Angie McLean and Sara Smith won the gold medal in the senior girls' doubles event. The Pickering duo defeated Ajax's Pam Vuong and Brenda Hensley 15-10, 15-2 in the final. Ajax High captured two events in the junior category — the boys' singles and the mixed doubles. Chris Madsen rolled to victo- ry in the boy's singles, defeat- ing Harold Westerman of Durham Christian in the final. Ajax High's junior mixed doubles team of Queen ie Yu and Andy Virtue defeated Oshawa Paul Dwyer's Dawn D'Abreau and Jeremy O'Connor 15-5, 15-1 in the final. Pickering High's Jonathon Roegele and Hugh Read were silver medalists in the junior boys' doubles event. They dropped the final to Bram Peters and Steve Parks of Whitby Henry Street 15-10, 8-15, 15-10. The top four finishers in each category will compete at the Durham -York Secondary School Athletic Association badminton championships at Markham's Brother Andre school today, Wednesday, April 22. Ajax gymnast 13th at meet in France AJAX - A local gymnast represented Canada at a high-calibre meet in France recently. Leah Spiering, 13, of Ajax, a member of the Win- stonette Gymnastic Associa- tion in Unionville, competed in her first interna- tional com- petition at the Avi- gnon Invi- tational in Avignon, France. Spiering t' Placed 13th overall in a Leah Spiering field of 29 competitors from 11 coun- tries. Her overall score was 37.20 with a 10th -place fin- ish on bars, 11th on beam, 14th on floor and 18th on vault. r CAREER INFORMATION FOR IMMEDIATE NEEDS AND FUTURE PLANNING TheMirror -0 V' CAREE _ R FAI R �A C iL DUoFONE . Pnces in sheet at all Radio Shack stores and participating dealers Prices shown are actual retail prices. exclusive or GST aria ap- plicable PST Radio Shack does not amept liability for pictorial or typo- graphic errors DUoFONE' ■ Ten -number aule-dialing memory • Tiro -way base-to-bandsel paging • S�ataphoned ty noise reduction hold • 18995 43-830, nanarv�. __ -- .. tit•. w - tV/1t0 IM!_ CAREER FAIR April 21-23 Le Parc Convention Centre Leslie & Hwy. #71 Open To The Public April 21 4-9 April 22, 23 9-9 Co -Sponsored by' . Welcome to Canada's phone headquarters ■ Ten channel selectable ler top daily ■ Tee-nundler speed -dialing memory ■ Tiro -war base -le -handset paging ■ Super -quiet noise rNudien 431-8024 �0 14995 True cordless wWue Has 10 -number speed -dialing Save $20 memory. base -to -handset signal paging and ex- cellent noise reduction electronics. for corded quality and cordless convenience Can be desk or gall -mourned and handset has virtually unbreak- able ribber antenna Recharges flat or upright 95 43-8305 99149.-Ra ■tate e®e non ATI<T ■ Two -channel selection for call clarity • Larger dialing buttons for ease of use ■ Improved sound performance • !case -to -handset paging. auto redial 11995 :;:. =A ■ Two channel sekcmk operation • Corded quality noise reduction circuit ■ Seven day extended battery life • Aulemalic digital security syslem 16995 431-8009 T DUoFONE' • Three priority -number memory • Noise reduction for quality sound • Digital selectable security code ■ One -button last -number redial 14995ll,. DUoFONE' • Automatic ten -channel selection • Ten -number speed -dialing memory • Corded quality nate reduction circuit • Tiro -way bass -lo -handset paging 1599543-8306 tCt DIVISION ® INTERUN CANADA LTD APPLY TODAY Ism® S Make shopping at Radio Shack eat• ier with a Radio Shack credit card It s accepted at all Radio Shack ® ' L @ stores and participating dealers in vas �t/'a1l Ra Canada Get one today' ie ir 1, , • : ..... �.-� CAeehthernfhile pages ter the Radio Shack store Or participating dealer neatest you Sale ends ARE 35,1992 i? N ! PAGE 2&A -TU NEM ADVEEroM Wn, AMM 22, IM Ajax High, Dunbarton one, two at DYSSAA wrestling championships AJAX-PICKERING - The Ajax High School and Dun- barton High School wrestling teams were the class of the regional wrestling championships last Thursday. Ajax High captured the overall championship with Dunbanon running a close second at the Durham -York Secondary School Ath- letic Association (DYSSAA) Wrestling Championships at Brock High School. Ajax finished in top spot with 55 points, compared to 49 for second - place Dunbarton. Ajax High also cap- tured the LOSSA title last week, ahead of Dunbarton in second spot. Dunbarton coach Stan Tzogas was ecstatic about the outstanding performance by his charges. Dunbarton placed seven wrestlers in the top four in their weight cate- gories and will send four grapplers to the Ontario Federa- tion of School Athletic Associations (OFSAA) Wrestling Championships in Sudbury starting today. Tzogas added Dunbarton may have been able to over- take Ajax High for the DYSSAA crown if an injury hadn't kept top wrestler Kerry Ashley out of the meet. Two-time Canadian wrestling champ Sean Pierson of Dunbarton captured the DYSSAA title in the 134 -pound weight class. Pierson defeated Richard Azevedo in the gold -medal match. Azevedo will also advance to the OFSAA meet. Former OFSAA champ Duke McLean will also try to capture another Ontario high school title. The LOSSA champ added a DYSSAA gold medal to his collection after breezing to victory in the 112-1b. weight class. Chad Pearson also qualified for OFSAA at 126 pounds. He lost the DYSSAA final to Adrian Wooley of Uxbridge. The top two in each weight class will advance to the Ontario Federation of School Athletic Associations (OFSAA) Wrestling Championships in Sudbury starting today. 'k PQM O y• �OPas,,a�w.a�.., y by �`----- - HOMS wwtrS HART -AM! • OnUft S n Plow r Dealer • Mew lo► N - Fold-Dpwm Trailer - Durham's wyest RV Parts Store • SLPPM4L'r i MwkAachww represenbtMes on hard • Fkww*V araitabfe (O.A.C.) . Trade-in eva%mWons - Uwd twentory of Self -off prices! �►r. . •. .•.• yt•, yrs ww•e •+.o r..y/a..,►� •ru;�.I�,'•ii 'tiS'•� ►sw vw tt�r erg Oshawa Vanier's Jason Holland grimaces as Dunbarton's Chad Pearson applies a hold during the DYSSAA wrestling championships. Pearson was the winner of this match. photo by Celia Bronkhorst FROM PAGE A26 Dumbarton wrestler -He has also won a national crown in the ban- tam division. The next meet for Pierson is the Ontario returns t0 the mat Federation of School Athletic Associations High School Wrestling Championships in t0 win regional title Sudbury starting today. Wednesday, April 22. 4--="", Nwwt *,: - � inM. N d aa•YI- John J. McCluskey Chartered Accountant Welcomes you to his accounting practice serving individuals and small business. Personal & Corporate Tax Returns 1742 Bronte Square Pickering, Ontario 420-9540 1A V 3138 PLAYSAFE Ball Hockey league Final Realstrationsl • Stouffvtlle Flea Market • Sat., April 25 Inside • Stouffville Rec. Complex • Tuesday, April 28th, 7-10 p.m. • Teams, Individuals • 18+ over, 15-18, 14+ under • Men's or Women's division 651-9820 1Xrr1LENuNMER SEEKS • ynW 1614 01 PAIN 0 ce Call for sizes and prices on additional sale items. Sale ends Ma}} 9th. 'Pay No GST on all passenger and light truck radials April 23, 24, 25. 10 CASH OM •NO NIFfEST M 1, W 10ItawN Ml>rlttlS Tt1 Ptd' �tV ®■ h ;00:I9CiERTIFIED tOn Ores orad medanal s-v�s AUJ 0SERVICE axow*V SM.00. Payment r. rakOmd on a Uel -red Plan —9 VISA. . Anwrrrn Express or W%* card. Available at PWftP krq ti Ufts 0* VrA your kxal Goodyear %Iakv br deaaAs. AJAX OSHAWA 355 Bayly Street West 162 King Street East 850 King Street West 427-6075 571-3400 _ 436-9010 4777 • x 4 E • 0- 35V PARK MODEL rw A.• w.. awry. moror W. LAG a•wca. be e A ..r< o _ ROYAL 33' F.W. MAXI SLIDE r SOW OwrA Oak Cebmft. ef�{ cW boo 04 M. WALOADW s I�& f lo �75,]AA -11 -28,9000° - 618 HARD TOP �► smag 1+s � W c�w��o 10,49900 1r wu)E PARK YODEL From V up b 42' Mw dlactured to Mobile HomeSw dards but made r br campsde POP UP TRUCK CAPPER V/ARC A I �!,Urn7�PdtuA. 4--="", Nwwt *,: - � inM. N d aa•YI- John J. McCluskey Chartered Accountant Welcomes you to his accounting practice serving individuals and small business. Personal & Corporate Tax Returns 1742 Bronte Square Pickering, Ontario 420-9540 1A V 3138 PLAYSAFE Ball Hockey league Final Realstrationsl • Stouffvtlle Flea Market • Sat., April 25 Inside • Stouffville Rec. Complex • Tuesday, April 28th, 7-10 p.m. • Teams, Individuals • 18+ over, 15-18, 14+ under • Men's or Women's division 651-9820 1Xrr1LENuNMER SEEKS • ynW 1614 01 PAIN 0 ce Call for sizes and prices on additional sale items. Sale ends Ma}} 9th. 'Pay No GST on all passenger and light truck radials April 23, 24, 25. 10 CASH OM •NO NIFfEST M 1, W 10ItawN Ml>rlttlS Tt1 Ptd' �tV ®■ h ;00:I9CiERTIFIED tOn Ores orad medanal s-v�s AUJ 0SERVICE axow*V SM.00. Payment r. rakOmd on a Uel -red Plan —9 VISA. . Anwrrrn Express or W%* card. Available at PWftP krq ti Ufts 0* VrA your kxal Goodyear %Iakv br deaaAs. AJAX OSHAWA 355 Bayly Street West 162 King Street East 850 King Street West 427-6075 571-3400 _ 436-9010 4777 • x 4 E • 0- gans a_ anew '77 -.6 CALL TODAY3 L- - NONE MEM, NOM", SEEM 001100 NONE - Ing Aptil 25/92 ' .:. SPACE IS LIWED:>;;: MON 0000 -- - inno PRIVATE GOLF CLUB I THE HEART OF OSHAW New, td+nrt x tart The Oshawa Gtlf Cbl, i nave6re nankrApfee in rile Hun •f C4 tanadurn traiiIaW fQ: Ogen: 1992 Golf • is ndece n - Ladies - First am; I&bok ��f►� • Memberships • im male (19 -sift Male 4 Course ship colt Female (19-35 Course Available Y- or age 75% - Dr -_g range and It of regulm rates > Practice facilities L i Tired of dwse S & 6 -1-year introductory- personal�Lmd,iae /. hour rounds and offer a well equipped escalating green fees, • Executive - Transface Pro. Shop thea this is the year to Kited Tae - Completely renovated" , consider joining a Newly restructured Clubhouseiociding � Private Golf Club. the entrance fees include a �ck locker room Oshawa Golf Club is a refundable portion avail- facilities and fine first class year-round able for a limited tune dirmg and cue ieg private country club. only. facilities I Inquiries may be made by calling our office at c! C� 723-4681 or visit us at 160 Alexandra St. �,Come out and give us a try! 110 " ONTARIO HOCKEY SCHOOLS l- : ° SUMMER 92 A ' S 5th ANNUAL AUGUST CONDITIONING CAMP ono„ (PICKERING COMPLEX ARENA) PLAYERS AGED 6-13 G S: POWER SKATNG A PUCK CON 71ML - AUGn ESS _ 17.21 rt 1 14R SInIMI r I SESSION AGES TRE -NAI H em -10 70 AJL ' ,W W 9�� PA9� 0.10 10-.70 -1100 NOON -(C)' (CONTACT 10-13 120 -1:70 PX '(D)' (HOUSE LEAGUE) 40 1:70 -200 PJL HOCKEY DEVELOPMENT CLINIC 1992 SUMMER SEASON '7: �Apa lid t8 : tall Apoust 21 Time: 9a -1o:X TImt:10:30 -12 0 Fee: pW Fee: $1111111A YOUR *61 RUC 0RS: Jot Wnder - A.M.B.HA Coach 06634512 L University & Jww E:cperienoe Dan Mach= - P.H. A Coach 4837-2085 College a Junior Experience CAHA ceriliied MAIL OR DELVER: John VYnder Dan Macbm 2978 Seabreers 920 Rectwid Cresoertt PRIMARY OBJEME: WL1Spow *esti ceskisL1V5K8 Develop puck control s�WAA Our proven program Will leach yotr child the necessary fundamentals for PW sid development. You Will see your dild improve, we guaranlee it! Proper skit development now will reduce the risk of"and also enharloe your child's enjoyment of the game for years to come. Your chili Will be assessed on Mm. agky, stoppKg, passirg and shoodrg.a --age r -Y •..I. --I ..r-. err... . rr7.✓ •w �, ✓•� -.�v� �. .� +9Vi ." '1'4 It, n?'ll 9•1•rTV-I'Jo11 F'UMN 5RA 1 M MJAV101L NOCICEY/SPO M DAY CABS (ONE ON TWO WEEN( SESSIOW ' Poner * top, Pudt loulk4 Pio and stem play ' Yd"4w* arta'I • Corrw *AB (aider apes vow) ' O ca eordemm ' ,W W 9�� PA9� ' Supenmee � basdiaat • TWICE daily on-ice'trsettCO•n sooner, bull Pock" (21,2 - 3 to a Akw - Piper ' or ftno Hodtty�ol swws 109.49 *ADULT INSTRUCTION i SUPERVISION 2a- AUCL 20- $22LOCAVK. $411111 iw2We" [SESSION In AUGL 31 -SEPT. - 4 11225.111M SM for 2 vbft 145.49 P165/80R13 .worra.Irso« •omaa. bdunoc&L �Rat.ar CA" a ter, ra.d.S,aaa a" ra,ara a.aaa.a.�. Ontario Hdeatdy Sdadaaa w seer era Wo o.srt. aaa-a-r 1707 SYvmlhw u Sgwa ,areae r aq ere a- Pr -Me-. a�swea. 86S �Pb--e. all -M. tleeesaee r a.a r SCS ir-bMre mal res M be" ---PYr ar gee demon-. WFrr r k-% aew-ee 40.0" acre r r-e�ae► r aww e adrr. b, w weeny -race gees ages ail f Jae raw" o-rft.� A0. awmo-rra-a Peed remo an elaara rare a.� a......a rmow Jyrr L-90 a w r.n. 0. otic rarest ar.r r ser t r • eargamo- aarea� ren j rro.a. r.rs awmON or M •C"�MIDLElt area or it rI1NOW-EAIEYFAM MMININMYSIST HOCKEY DEVELOPMENT CLINIC 1992 SUMMER SEASON '7: �Apa lid t8 : tall Apoust 21 Time: 9a -1o:X TImt:10:30 -12 0 Fee: pW Fee: $1111111A YOUR *61 RUC 0RS: Jot Wnder - A.M.B.HA Coach 06634512 L University & Jww E:cperienoe Dan Mach= - P.H. A Coach 4837-2085 College a Junior Experience CAHA ceriliied MAIL OR DELVER: John VYnder Dan Macbm 2978 Seabreers 920 Rectwid Cresoertt PRIMARY OBJEME: WL1Spow *esti ceskisL1V5K8 Develop puck control s�WAA Our proven program Will leach yotr child the necessary fundamentals for PW sid development. You Will see your dild improve, we guaranlee it! Proper skit development now will reduce the risk of"and also enharloe your child's enjoyment of the game for years to come. Your chili Will be assessed on Mm. agky, stoppKg, passirg and shoodrg.a --age r -Y •..I. --I ..r-. err... . rr7.✓ •w �, ✓•� -.�v� �. .� +9Vi ." '1'4 It, n?'ll 9•1•rTV-I'Jo11 AN sears near tire. how Row ward war.rwy Per Free kwasation On slardrd a" rima .erre allomotive off ice are avaN ' ' . ROADFMDLER TOURING TIRES A premium touring tire for all -season driving designed by Uniroyal Goodrich. #69000 ser Size Sears reg. Each LT19575R14 10999 Passengeir head LT215.75R 15 122.99 Size toad Scans Each 136.99 102.74 31X10 5OR15LT Range reg LT215 85R16 145.99 109.49 P155/80R13 79S 106.99 64.19 193.99 145.49 P165/80R13 83S 116.99 70.19 168.99 126.74 P175/80R13 86S 122.99 73.79 P185/80R13 90S 129.99 77.99 P185/75R14 89S 134.99 80.99 s 1`195/75R14 92S 139.99 83.99 ' P205/75R 14 95S 144.99 86.99 P205/75R 15 97S 149.99 89.99 P215/75R15100S 156.99 94.19 P225/75R15 102S 164.99 98.99 P235/75R15108S 169.99 101.99 ! 8A P175/70R13 82S 107.99 64.79 # P185/70R13 P 185/70814 85S 87S 116.99 129.99 70.19 77.99 s P195/70R14 90S 137.99 82.79 P205/70R14 93S 143.99 86.39 y P215/70R14 96S 149.99 89.99 P205/70R15 94S 151.99 91.19 P215/65R 15 95S 155.99 93.59 III P225/70R 15 99S 157.99 94.79 Performance Tread -W P185,60R14 82H 14590, 87.59 WEAROUT wARWARRANTYP 19516OR 14 85H 15599 93.59 p215/60R14 91H 165.99 99.59 P195,'60R15 87H 161.99 97.19 P205;60R15 90H 16999 101.99 AN sears near tire. how Row ward war.rwy Per Free kwasation On slardrd a" rima .erre allomotive off ice are avaN ' ' . ROADFMDLER TOURING TIRES A premium touring tire for all -season driving designed by Uniroyal Goodrich. #69000 ser Size Sears reg. Each LT19575R14 10999 82.49 LT215.75R 15 122.99 92.24 LT235, 75R 15 136.99 102.74 31X10 5OR15LT 15899 119.24 LT215 85R16 145.99 109.49 LT235/85 R 16 172.99 129.74 LT245 75R16 193.99 145.49 8.75R 16.5LT 15599 116.99 9.50R16 5LT 168.99 126.74 L O 0 OFF $1 1 FF Su uard light truck radials made by DieHard- automotive batteries. 66 -month Uniroyal Goodrich for improved handling in warranty', 20 -month replacement. t166600 ser. all weather conditions. r67000 ser. Sears reg. 99.99. Ea...... 89.99 Automo01,e strop *Complete warranty details at Sears SAVE 15% ON SILVER"WARD ST ANI -season radials by Uniroyal Goodrich. #121000 series. Sears reg. 69.99-119.99. Each .......... For safety: do not mix radials with other tire types COMPUTER ENGINE MUNMEMUP At Sears, we do a comprehensive computer vehicle diagnosis. Includes installation of plugs, PCV valve, rotor and gas filter. FUELwINJECTION C� ING We clean the entire fuel -injection system to improve engine performance. Reg. 69.99...59.99 SALE PRICES END SATURDAY, MAY 2, 1992, UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED, WHILE QUANTITIES LAST tl♦ m T - your moffywop ..and more Visit Sears Pickering Town Centre Automotive Centre Prions 420-8000. We're open Mon: Fri. 8:00 am. -9-00 pm, Sat- 8:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. + 9 i Y41si�'it 'mor �'�J`•` +' �s' •ere _ ..... .`�•a _'_,l trifvVar t!d;J.+:i'�ya,�,�.'Nr %X1.4.�'i,� as i r.rr l_`i`� 0�...`�• .f )P1R46�i�kT��Atiti 1�M�''�i►7M1t+7;aii ���i AYw�l.�,f1 i•s7� � r. ,RRenng ringette team winners at Ottawa event PICKERING - The Pickering Papps Restaurant women's ringette team captured the ladies' C title at the recent Silver Spoon Tournament in Ottawa. The Papps squad won all five tournament contests, including an 8-2 victory over Woolwich, near Kitchener. in the championship final. Cathy Fertile and Sherlyn Poland led Pickering in the final with three goals each. Nancy Brandt and Wilma Larochelle scored singles. Rose Skinner and Janice Wells contributed three assists each, Cathy Fertile and Shelli- Snyder had two each and Poland and Brandt one apiece. Pickering advanced to the final after blasting Cyrville 12-3. Brandt scored four goals to pace Pickering. Fertile, Poland and Skinner al' tallied twice. Ruth Dunslow and Larochelle chipped in with singles. Larochelle had five assist.- Skinner three, Brandt Snyder are Poland twc, each and Wells. I`enile and Dunslow one apiece Papp, kpcned the tournament by trouncing Cumberland 11-3. Wells ark, Fertile notched three goals ap,ece. Larochelle had two with on, each to Brandt. Poland and Sk uner. Assisting were Polanc % , th three, Fertile and Skinner with two each arc: Wells, Laroche,ac. Snyder and Sue Westlake with one apiece. Aftc. winning the second - round game, the Papps squad played to a 5-5 tie against Dol- lard, Quebec in the third and final game of the preliminary round. Fergie scored three goals against Dollard. Brandt and Larochelle had the other markers. Snyder recorded three assists and Skinner had two. Brandt also had an assist Women lacrosse players needed ;AJAX-PICKFRWG - Field lacrosse enthusiasts can sign up for women's league play this summer. The Lakeshore Women's Field Lacrosse League will hold registration sessions Sat- urday, April 25 from 10 am- , to 2 p.m. -at G.L. Roberts school, 399 Chaleur Ave. in Oshawa. and Saturday. May 2 from 9 am. to 3 p m: at Har- wood arwood Place Mall in Ajax. The league will run the months of May and June with games on Monday and Wednesday evenings at Ajax High School For more information, call Margot at 655-3773. CN �����M-+I • -• .17 Elm OUR PRICES 1991 CARAVAN 7 pass., V6, air, cruise, Cass. Like new. SACRIFICE SALE ONLY. $13,995 R w 1991 EXCEL CX DEMO 3 dr., 5,OOC km, auto., air, p.s. $8,895 = 1989 FORD ESCORT LX 2 door hatchback, auto., pisteering, Wakes. Like new. 53,950 1988 EXCEL GL 4 dr. sedan, 5 speed, look and drives like new. ;4,550 1987 FORD TEMPO LX !V— Fully loadea. Drives like new. p Low, low kms. =4,450 1989 SONATA GLS Fully loaded. Top of the line. %1950 1989 S15 PICKUP +r. _ Auto., 4.3 V6, p/brakes, - _, -- - - plsteering, Cass., etc. Excellent condition. 1988 EXCEL 3 DR. Auto., stereo/cass. Excellent condition. Low km. 31995 THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL 1986 EXCEL GLS Top of the line, 4 dr. sedan, auto., sun roof. :2,495 PICKERinG ALL HYLKIUSED CARS _ - CERTIFIED.. AI 6EARLY 42T-0111 USED CARS .220BAYLYBT.E, AJAX S ,Tune -Up PLUS FREE Towing in Ajax or Pickering or Tridon Wiper Blades or Engine Shampoo With Tune-up INCLUDES: Scope, Set Timing, Check Injection System, Check All Fluid Levels, Bels, Hoses, Tires and More. 499 ..• . . • PLUS PARTS AUTO DOC BUILDING OUR REPUTATION ON HONESTY! 0 200 Fuller Rd., Unit 15 CAA APPROVED Ajax, Ontario 10% OFF TO ALL 186'4216 CAA MEMBERS L1 S 7G9 YV `orN� THE TOWN OF PICKERING � s ROP Q�ww is now accepting 1992 CIVIC AWARD NOMINATIONS CATEGORIES INCLUDE: SPECIAL CITATION AWARD, recogrizing outstanding ATHLETIC ACHIEVEMENTS of residents. (Includes Olympic Medalists, I Internationally Acclaimed, athletes, who have brought recognition to the Town of Pickering. j INDIVIDUAL CIVIC AWARD, recognizing longstanding volunteer service within the community. LOCAL SPORTS ACHIEVEMENTS, recognizing local Sports Associations, including Regional, Provincial and National achievements. LOCAL BUSINESS AWARD, recognizing a local Business dedicated to outstanding participation ano support of the Pickering Community. Nomination Forms are now available at the Town of Pickering Department of Community Services and Facilities, One The Esplanade, Pickering, 2nd Floor. Ail nomination forms must be received by the Department of Community Services and Facilities no later than Thursday, April 30,1992 - 5:00 p.m. For more information, please call 420-4621 or 683-2760 �- - AJAX OPTIMIST CLUB 10th ANNUAL "OPTIMIST JUNIOR WORLD GOLF QUALIFICATION TOURNAMENT' • Boys and Girls 9 to 17 yrs. beginners to experts are welcome • Instruction available for novices. • Chance to qualify for an all expenses paid trip to the Ontario Junior World Golf District Championship TOTAL COST =1000 Includes prizes, 18 holes, lunch, drinks. -- To pre -register cell: OrAlex MacKenzie 427-0262 - - Don Davis 683-2186 First 75 Registrations accepted. • • 0 0 Animal'shelte'r e' sta1_1__e_'d­­..-.. AJAX-PICKERING - Expansion plans for the work starting in the fall of 1993. Pickering -Ajax -Whitby (PAW) Animal Control Cen- Pickering m the il's executive committee agreeX. d tie will likely go back to the drawing board with the request Monday night, and .Construction estimates for the project have come of PAW's 1992 budget a° its share in too high and a PAW committee is asking the three Operating costs of the PAW animal control centre towns to have architects revise drawings to lower ,are divided between the three towns on a population costs. It's suggested that new construction bids be basis, while capital expenses are shared equally. This accepted in three to six months time, with expansion year. Pickering will Tray a total of S195,515. We'll Make You Smile! We provide DENTURES of the highest quality Full Upper or Lower $299 Partial Upper or 99 Lower x3 Satisfaction Guaranteed Harwood Mall Supercentre Dental Dental Office Office 294 Harwood Ave. S. 1792 Liverpool Rd. AJAX 427-0851 PICKERING 420-8 ` ��� MUSIC FOA YOUNG IOU CHILDREN PARENT/CHILD SMALL GROUP PROGRAM Singing, Rhythm, Piano Sunshine 1 Ages 3 & 4 Sunbeam 1 Ages 5 & 6 Moonbeam 1 Ages 7-10 To Inquire and Register Now For Classes In September Call JOICE MCKAY EXCITING LINDA BEADLE AJAX NEW ADULT PICKERING 683-8432 CLASSES 831-3665 PIANO TU NING JOHN SAUVE PIANO TUNER & TECHNICIAN 30 YRS. EXPERIENCE TUNING $00 SPECIAL 50PLEASE CALL INCLUDING TAXES (416) 509-0973 U un aM "Dori[" J 0 1 C 0 PERMS 1/9 Price 27S0mg. =55 37-0m1- *75 47� :95 For your COnvs*= Our new hours tire: Honda, 9.6 p.ni Tues. -Fri 9.8 pm SaWrday Sb p.m. MARIO'S 116 Harwood Ave. s. _ WC HAIR DESIGN �' s1sii Best Results in Ajax & ins. Advertise with Us GJ(�)= X97( AAbw Go against the grain. Cut down on salt. Adding salt to your -- !ood could subtract years from your Ilfe. Because In some people salt contrib- utes to high blood pressure. a condition that Increases your risk of heart disease. CONTACT JS FOR MORE INFORMATION � eu n�wswurrw� r tf.�t ��Iatar., wsticM.tr,�nwae�r�.s s_. i. i IF TuwRt A - GOOD DR -IM,, WEU PUT A DENT IN YOUR PREI-VUUMS, Liberty Mutual Insurance Company 375 Kingston Road Pickering, Ontario LIV IA3 509-0697 Having a good driving record can be your ticket to discounts with our Preferred Auto insurance rates. If you haven't had a moving violation or accident in three _ years and you own your own home. you may qualify. To find out more, call us. LIBERTY 1912 • 80(hAnnivena7 • 1992 ML-rutiL. Zueercy Mutual InsueanceCffu*/Don Mills ')nl n,) 1391 Garden Centre Pedigree Grass Seed 500a SPRING BULBS SUPER 99 BUY! sack Assorted varieties. Save $5 Super Buy! 50 ft. Rubber 50 Ft. Vinyl Garden Hose Garden Hose Reinforced fire cord. Reg. 19.99 1/2", Nylon reinforced hose. Reg. 4.99 1 99449 ea. ea. Prices F+fecrve ,While Ouantltles Las;l T'' 5:1; A yd 25 1992 0 A. `±riZil`�YM�A►'�11Yitl.RJ:S'!1'�'MIG4S71t'9R?'J�'�!' w�.p; ,�+/ry yr�.�'y�•: � ►.w f�'r"f • Moores - The Suit People • Eatons • White Rose • Cloud Nine • Jerry's • Maxi Drugs • Miracle • Loeb • Canadian Tire • K -Mart • NRS • Shoppers Drug Mart • Cullen Gardens • Pharma Plus • Henry Do -It Centre • Coupon Clipper • Sears • Dominion • A&P • IGA • Franklins • Pot Pourri • IDA • National Sports • Biway • Dellbrook Market • Woolco • Loblaws • Sav-A-Centre • Food City • Cherney's FOR GUARANTEED SAME DAY DELIVERYCALL 5110. - Ajax & Pickering We • • V, deliver! »,.: . 100 Careers 100 Careers 100 Careers 110 General Help Go70 "We prepare you for the SCHOOL 'f2 uAYs then we he/ you want... kind of p you get it" NEW Starting in Oshawa COMPUTER PROGRAMMING (Register Here) Accounting filer Dental Travel a i ConkptAsrs Programming Chairside Tourism Cartw+ler Assistant BU$kass Business Medial On Campus AdlikiMstradw] APPacMione Secretary APOLLO Training =1111 I Word Processing Ffolef Electronics Banking arid Executive i Restaurant Flrtancial Secretary Operations Tn� logy Services Legal PAC --Wtwy Bar i Beverage Diagnostics Customa:r "AWCOMge^'s"t i R Moir Service Call today for further Information and FREE personal Interview Financial assistance is available to qualified applicants SPECIAL NOTICE TO PAST GRADUATES FREE REFRESHER WORDPERFECT 5.1 If you have taken an earlier version of Word Processing we now offer you FREE UPGRADING 14 hours: 4 evenings or 2 Saturdays 1 WA -p Ik �' * IAI Your Business Career Starts Here e Ward Processing " Compuia Service Technician • Micatai C.ompub= and Business AppltcatiaLt fig V OSMWA - 04 -ISIS (yAE-FB�tSaatQGL,GMIV 11 SCARI90Ro - 750�tiiS TOR011T110 - p54511S AOSSISSAUGA- Mi -114W CM Careen Development Institutes Ltd. FarsMJ Cam" Data tiIw*mb suuuw-vANCo11YBR-SUURREY-F,DMOmuN-07TAWA•HAuFAX Twr4.1/oNTREAL4L.Awj,.Qur&wc 105 �J 110 General Help 110 General Help a gLJC Nal echMgan - near oshow in* (111111115. w�kckodo& SM CRUSE SHIP M WAREHOUSE Also do full seta and Man kom Iiaanwl f:ar revel HELP WANTED trtodarau prbaa alsees GG94. =- py,,� - Sorting clothes GaGMMd Rapt. IIIA pills, enables rltlrk and Isom Main TIM. kaa/a Pira San! tlatlalf. - Experienced forklift a i L til s p,RL t4Mlls� FACIA driver c �- fila 837-2203 nwaw} FE 1101 110 General Help 110 General Help 120 MR. LUBE Requires highly motivated, people oriented individuals who would like to use their positive attitude, customer, services abilities to further their career in a STORE MANAGEMENT POSITION for Toronto east/central corporate stores with Canada's leading quick oil change company. Automotive and Management experience a definite asset. Previous applicants need not apply. No agencies please Send resume in confidence to Human Resource Administrator Mr. Lube, 111 Brunel Rd., Suite 210 Mississauga, Ont. L4T 1 X1 WAREHOUSE MANAGER(SUPEAVISOR Large retail store, experience required, career opportunity for the right person. Excellent wage, bone% and profit sharing. Seri resume to: Fila 84077 P.o. Box 481 Oshsw&VNtby TNG Week Oshawa L1 H 7L5 PROCESS SERVEWWVESTIGATOR Ambitious, hardworking person required for legal work ((lust be bondable and have good dmring record, vaned hours, car. bonus, benefits. CONTACE CHRISTIrf)E BETWEEN 9:00 AX - 5:00 PX AM 27TH 4452325 HOMEWORKERS NEEDED up to MO/wk. working at home with new, anteed and exclusive guide listing over 90 firms '^g work at home. Free information, send S.A.S.E.: Horneworking Research Canada, 4655 Kent Ave., Sulte 162G Niagara Falls. Ont. L2H 1J4 Illm MWATION [Tasty of experience vaskubut ablk lacking lls? s Aai><id SU TOP P+nbbt+Itirls. Data JNaa- a6tarteat. Word Odanle OW ((sore- u you we 45 years of ap or over and have recadjr been per- aaaaatly bid -off. you c itY tgaallfy for fand- rCanoe,e���i y. $-"13• Loo" for a flexible Job that's both fun and profitable? Openirgs available in St1CCeSSfUI Ungerie Business. Ennoll in our new kit program today. Part time/Full time. Extent Income Free braining ACT NOWS Excell parr assembling products for our manufactures. Easy work at home. No experierae. Cal 1.6"1.77N Est. hell, 24 he WA SunWor TRAVEL CONSULTANT Goliger's Travel Picke"Town Centre PWWU Sabre E e' I- 0ed Till" cofntlletnntt Pie m al John 420-= - 428.2707 FAX 420.7256 TELEPHM CANVASSERS NEEM TO SET UPSET UP HOLE DEWS Selling, wak km h0h0m) Coalndukn pdd Call 619.1266 Hairstylist required for salon in Pickering Town Centre. 65% Commission Colin 420.6177 CHILDREN FOR MODELLING i TV Needed for catalogues, mall fashion shows b TV commercials b seines. Ages 4-12 Al types b saes. (416) 482-1260. . (Axl drivers wanted, neat in appearance, with current abstract and taxi permits. Ex - Pati a no Tar necessary. Apply tCity Wolfe Unn 3A. Douglas St. Side. UNEMPLOYED or on LAO Earn 1500-5700 pan time wok ng for yourself. For details. send SASE to CAPA, 16 Caporahon, P.O. Office Help 120 Office Help REQUIRED - EXPERIENCED LEGAL SECRETARY for busy litigation practice In the field of Family and Criminal Law required for six month maternity leave position commencing June 8, 1992. Salary commensurate with experience. Send Resumes m: Brian S. Korb, P.O. Box 518, Oshawa, Ontario LIN 71.9 165 Day Care Available INFANTS - 12 years old in caring, sate, tun home enivonment. Licensed by M.C.S.S. Reasonable rates. Receipts, flexible hours. Call DURHAM PROFESSIONAL HOME DAYCARE. 286-1207. Box 646010. 1725 Kingston PURCHASINGIINVENTORY PICKERING Beach Rd. S. Road. POWng, Ontario. L1V ideal applicant will have strong Mother of one will provide Sft (TF) Lotus IZ3 skill(. experience on daycare in own home. Hot SHOPPING Cents in Picker a o°np'Rerawd forecasting sys- lunches, snacks. fenced yard wi - requires an ening am clam tem Plus , v i long knowledge and plat' ground near by Car ing person. Must be self requned by the ultra Wo 683.6x54 !0429gZ ntoukrated, people otkin and Markham lfmt COrnnwinrty, cd- lege or university. Salary. BABYSITTING in my horns. any possess valid drivers licence y40..00o -_ Please fax your age. Lunches and snacks and vehrcla. Janitorial ex- resume to: (416) 831-4922, provided. Whites Road. Oke perience would be an asset. Gr~ Personnel Services Ltd. laltorne Dr. (Opposne school). Send resume in confidence b (0429M 698-2388. (042992) General Avernol0 Lifted. 2 St.. ClF St. Ave W.. Sues 600. You are an over 45 d have CARING - srperscsd baby -W Toronto. M4V ILS. (°'x28°2) ma,y been laid dr, you may s available daily from 6,100 a.rn t)30.000ryr incortte potential. quasfy for training aasstarnce - 6.100 P.M. Loaned On Weems EARN up b (265 - work your DIPrCERT. Lotus, Wbrdperfea. Rd, N. Just east of LOEB's. own hours. assemble stylish D4mne. word. acoDac, bedlwC. supermarket. for n/or am kali ;ewellery at home[ Simple sull=fid. Ventura, pagersker, 427-2071. (042282) instruction. No selling to do. Harvard. Coal and Travel a ever[ Into: Send a self -ad- Torramt. Financial assistance� Employment *-SWStamped envelope to: 70 available for slipbb student Wanted Bolan Inc. Ext, 455. 4325 under 45 or over who do not Steeles Ave. W.. Sure 225. qualty la free -raw w+p. Durham Two vspectabie women to Downsview Ont. M3N IV7. Business Computer Col". clear raw once or sari. Lar (061592) 427.3010 (TF) rates. Call Lon. 427-7113 or at neltitg sales tiralaf cop uchMe. 42¢3570. (0426M Sales owes attendants ww � Help/ MEN w ih trucks w0; do so shifts at our nwwu loations. r -.yup rot- Intervrews will be held on odd ;obs. decorating, panting. Thursday Apra 2392 from 8 a -m. HOME A ,arm Sales arythrng. Call Carl or Jam. 4Z7- - 6 P.M. Appy 1427 King SL E. AlarmForce s Onu m's largest 2856. (TF) at Oshawa Townfike CourtxxL - Jackie Durward (042.292) installer of Home Alarm Business to Systems We onan escwrq E S 1J Teacher needed fornew 4i+y Product. The do ve for 1 V O Business Horne Society expands sitm, the Language Program for neo ,n Ctrl Dont dishy, pen AMAZING opportunity for teenagers. ma+wkga orry. Ex- the I e a d e r i Become the motivated people. Learn now to perience essential. Send AlarmForce agent in your build extra raise through own r • s u me to the Language neighbourhood. F:UWP t trine bkwnoas. 404-9294 1042892) Worship, 7 Snowball Lane, available from Scarborough to _ Unionville. Ont. L3R 4V9. (°x2892) Coboury- Send rexume to File 205 Firewood $4076. Oshawa This Weak. NEW company to Canada h P.O. Box 481, Oshawa. Ont. LIH 71.5. (042892) lookingbr mkowafed i+dbrduah POLumber f1oKA Lumber -pry l■eksrood. - Dr b see herbal based products 4x8t 2-. t eo. 1 B'. 1165. 1 CO Hosp. Medical Free delwry, to Oshawa. Es - 5 customer Saba. ALSO People who wish to bit• un- Dental tabeshed shoe (963. cat days, waned irides are needed. Cas 705277-3381 or evenings. 416 PMIIS IDTHERAAST - exosow 4344665. 0423921 496-02x8. (042902) EARN money reaOMrp books! fur and part tens apportun _ lot onergeric orthopedically220 Articles t)30.000ryr incortte potential. incilned. Salary meg. Partnership For Sale Details (1) 806962-800o. Cy . 183. (OSt9a2) QOwBro Whitby.Ont, ZOo Brook �- N. NRtrby, Ort(. WE buy and sell applutnps, 086-8270. DISCOVERY Togs - is b" (0429M newer furniture, gold. almost TEAM mowaW - fid firs den- anything. quirk prdk-up, N our for a few good people. Earn nbney YmrdialSN, how TwL tai pxlotlrat in gas for j,"eiOantsw 433-1785. Parley's dffkce. Experience preferred. work your own noun. eacsasrw Apply b box "M4 Oshawa FREE skids for Ii and . 717 skpport Homs dsmorreranar Loi. a20•ott �) This Week. P.O. Box 481. rr4son Rd S. CAN Oast and alk Oshawa, Ont. LIN 8N9. for Mail 725.3830. (TFALL) TEILMARKETMG Stars -Gleet TelertrrkN•n are .not not fa2MM FO DGEa and Stares, wwshsr barn. Kala, have spars the law 2 DENTAL Ohio• requires part end ayra. now mi aressse and *vw-rNNWWNC Ex- sofa sass. V2 PAW Asps selec yaws mwdrp yourself ins a Islerrfarketip sur, and can periw,ce not necessary. Serve tion of raw and used funtiihw saw you Success. 8 you swosl kid resume b Fie *4074, P.O. We baa tad"Is. Bdos* you Bow 481. Oshawa TMs What(, buy. 9ltle My Dad's a try[ My at neltitg sales tiralaf cop LIN 7t& 0442041 Dad's Store. 118 Brock SL S, cd" an the phone if you task krMims, berg farm wrtpley.rr.tt 1Alhflby. 4=wMG1. P4249M 160 Day Care col.vTER as a own 1alwna*ow. l YM ata hlaw•as I In ewt" $I& - W„- sysail Washed SVGA monitor. hard drive, 2 hr Itt I lid tltet-, danag SHWTeorker wgrfrss brabyan: Soppy *IN bat d aaI - WW 4111111110S. Cal Anna, 418679- -a. bo� 2M& 042010 HaiwoodlMonarch am (062op2) CLOTNEBCALL -ladles Cal 4284)M. (� APARTMENT conMnt sale - � oortMukaler LIVE In Nary Pteresslo" sofa. 9Seeeslafe. n ckchairs, ' andPre managers, home otlxRlle eeeklttg an ergdMisnced Friday WW SatAV" StXWW Presentations. up to 40lr. misty for 3 yew old in 10 am. - 5 PAL 301A, Apr 5. orbs connrasbn. Ful or pafl tints. Pi kwft• Job also involves King Crescent- off Harwood aa" povids L For more Wit hmo-ork Sate English SSM Al- 49600M pCMM ktbrmathe, call Diane. est- speaking non smoker with WAL11AM Pim artoa - over Cenci s need apply. 480- 710L (04260) 1.000 Nli from 99 canis to LAORM for work? Lae ushep 2"9- 028M418.96 double a dble roll and more. you end a job. Wallis baking for PART lir e daypw wwtled n Open S days per eaek Mon- snergeiic, reliable and hard my home for 9 month old baby Fri. 9.6 p nx S&L 9.5 Rin 623- "Wd% iWK460b to tsork In boy. located at Brock and SMI. fR Kitg SL E_ Bowman - #0 Oshawa area. 721-9778. Manning. (Bradley Estates). vile (TF) (OLS References required. Call A,IAx Pickeritg III; _ no WANTED - ga"aral �okrara' Heather. 666.4330 soar 4:30 reasonable idle► f•kued. Fully Pmt- P429Muarante•d coem•tic packagers. bindery 9 reconditioned workers. Apply In person only to. MATURE babysitter required MPPIY10ee Corte make us a Gioli Hunan Resource Cane, pert tine. starting June for 3 deal. 427-6764, 467 VOntrny 773 Warden Ave, Unit 4A, young childrenour home, lid. S. Ajax. (TF) Scarborough, Orel 1roe 9-m - Pickering. Cali 286-9569. CARPET - I have new Stain - 5 p.rn (0428A2) REUABLE teePcrebte caring masher and 100% nylon carpet, babyslar required for one and �' do Wit9toom and )tall for i� 150 HOS` yoef did. Live In or out. Dente Ajax ares 6868828, (012892) 1 yards). Stam AM 1111111 - 799.2068. (042490 C Day Care ° L AtaTAL eGEN rid PNEUMATIC naifs,rw waphn. 1 65 Available various ntaaw now and time. part wmm time. DENTAL HYGENIST Clownidga Dental used. Leavemanage. 57948579a1- MOTHERn give stbvi g care to eo4722. 567-7Also et9e o T lo 985 West ray Rd. S. Altai. 427.3800 (0506" Infants In my non-smoking speed bilks, (04249M hale 286.1461. (0420M �, - - ._ � _ - ., rapga,.n9..rv.'rc.wrok. ..... • .. _ '��iz n®'L°•�a�-��.r.. ks Tables Odds & ends. stove, freezer, washer/dryer, Des (Inglis, ofmond). sofabed. col- les/end tables, excellent 260 Arts � Crafts 260 Arts 8 Crafts condition. 2 few mowers, new and older ons, bar -b -q, park bench, lao,es bike. grass trimmer, hedge clipper, add BASKET KASE rocking chars. oak kitchen table *14 aic.Cal 40-86 . M4 arcl table ANNUAL MOTHERS' DAY SALE PIANOS/GRANDFATHER CLOCKS - Pianos, nam to own. apt. size. upright. grand, digital. keyboards. CLOCKS - free delivery and as kip Call Telep and take advantage of our low rh d h or rte a sole, or secondary source of income Buick Skyhawk a For rrMovatrorrs that alar btf.Ire itlrprvvafrttrts tram T. 220 � 250 250 a'"� 300 Aftmss t Lora Island Lodge Furniture, 6869612. (042692) awn shoaling, afreetionare, es- oa" ia"aly pit. 3275. Prints , rior and exterior, amlfm CERM1G SYSTEMS FULL size washor/dry«. 0250. Froolance manual an • • r LEATHER ,ladle. - 1st price 101 Mus ismig, aft, idtb.dlt, spri'Y d98ras" eabi Jadtot trot" 996.. $150. and $190. GARAGEAIDVING SALE t43JtOD kits , as Ie,. it 500. tqt- 919& P4204s I G . . s e • • • . e J ' +_; Famllp Loom. 5 Pala. Mal (Cantu Court). and APRIL 25, S A.M, -1 Pill �•1 tarts. t es1Ory voofGST • sae 2. Toys, colrin, /981 VW JeNa 4 cowl sup« Tali nlon. Mafvem TIM Iwn CerMw, Scarborough. 412-0698. AJAX 37 WSAI, NDEBANKS DR., Contends of house, phis much more. condition sunroof, PMNM%. ��. 111000 a bast offer. Ake BIJSlness Home Home HOme dee availattl�lOrSarum r� manual, said & ad along trip 4 now pyi11 now tires s $150.7269239. (042382) �� Improvements Improvements Improvements SOLID oak double prd«w table, extends to T, sere. Srlp. GARAGEIYARD SALE HE ROEN $den by rk)r- 4167255 -ESTIMATES FIRE• HN0 Pontiac Grand Pak, s b pedestal table extends to 5' 6398. Windf01,ar,0MpeLk chak, FRI. a SAT., APRIL 24 8 25 9500 a Dost oft«. Cale 1 -416 - 839-4757 alter 5 p.m. (xECUTIVE NSTTTUTE vi� Gr:NERAL _ 6 $0. Al solid. no version. cus- 1376 TATRA DR. PICKERING to429WCt4p introduoe$ RNAMUL INCE" CONTRACTING J Rewiring,100 a 200 amp 1978 Acadian, standard, runs good. 4 door. $500 ob.o. 1961 err+ linishing Included. Mw%Aw- Ww direct. 9954774 (043082) Bargains galore and much more. describing how you can Specializing in all carpentry, cusrom homes, additions a raofrlg, service upgrade$. Rea- sonable rates. Free 126 HP Lawn tcuit. 11500 2 Sala vsarrarsy. 3e- aA, $1500. sofa MOVING/YARD SALE wo gon.bra staes, $750dard. Mlesan goostad. runs good. new brakes. i75O dam money ie home by: revtewirlg ngnlef, books, teyt - Kitchens a bathrooms, windows - %terpmolin g - estimates. Lie. #E670. bed with spring a, ". like o.b.o. 8.77-2612. (0426M • a orrililirlg ate. txata besemenis, ceramic Glee a hardwood floors -15 yrs. exp. Seniors - NO G.S.T now. $175. Call 686-3243. April 25, 9 am. - 4 p.m. *wada° For info. aN 683.5818shnm ; Automobiles `� se,~ 20 Addley Cres., Ajax 305 Wanted W • 81C-' el ks Tables Odds & ends. stove, freezer, washer/dryer, Des (Inglis, ofmond). sofabed. col- les/end tables, excellent 260 Arts � Crafts 260 Arts 8 Crafts condition. 2 few mowers, new and older ons, bar -b -q, park bench, lao,es bike. grass trimmer, hedge clipper, add BASKET KASE rocking chars. oak kitchen table *14 aic.Cal 40-86 . M4 arcl table ANNUAL MOTHERS' DAY SALE PIANOS/GRANDFATHER CLOCKS - Pianos, nam to own. apt. size. upright. grand, digital. keyboards. CLOCKS - free delivery and as kip Call Telep and take advantage of our low rh d h 31 0 Trucks For NEED hwo7 i eon d0 reports, Sale resume,*, transcripts, legal secretarial, essays, business 2d ton trucks. 22 n. van bodies, I•nere and more. Call 839-0100. eve se, war* ouse prices. 9aa engines. 63500 Of best Flooring, 433-1491. (05079x on«. 4285998. (8290) g, 290 Pets -Supplies- 300 Automobiles CUSTOM rurnnure for your 7 1989 Dodge Dakota. 27,000 _ Cah� Boarding For Sale home over, on a tight budget. wardrobes, chest. etc. or rte a sole, or secondary source of income Buick Skyhawk a For rrMovatrorrs that alar btf.Ire itlrprvvafrttrts tram DOUG'S WALL a 19M - 2 etre. 4 door. auao"uaticeaoilit"► •erM you're after, the Financial Lora Island Lodge Furniture, 6869612. (042692) awn shoaling, afreetionare, es- oa" ia"aly pit. 3275. Prints , rior and exterior, amlfm CERM1G SYSTEMS FULL size washor/dry«. 0250. Froolance manual an cassene, 02900. Phone 416 4347269. (042292SNGj • • r Call atter 6 p m. 631-2279 Drywall, 1WWMDoft 190 Charger Hatchback. 4 the tools you need b profit tam (Anne). M429W • • PERNri"Wft 911 PMW cAong,6 MOVING must sell, boys those lucrative 'intone -at- �•1 tarts. t es1Ory voofGST • sae 2. Toys, colrin, Acoustic Tile, Custom no e• 86.000 kCrown Mao�4269423 home' industries. For your Gardening taping. T4ar C«kng, metal basements. washrooms• Shelving, Specialising In dee availattl�lOrSarum r� manual, said & ad along trip ,,�d � As"itnex , Landscaping 9304892 Bammd % IN x- 8500 now. for SIM o.b.o. Call $14.95 (+1:3 tax and shipping) 1986 Chev Cavalier, sold aer- $den by rk)r- 4167255 -ESTIMATES FIRE• 427-1261 432x665. joso592) 430-6333 (042842! 1D: "RO , box 45117, Nath Yak tired 52800 or as. is. $2000. Your choice Call Brothore 1449: 416-83141621; 705-rw Estimates. Steve. 837.0405. SABER Contracting - all Q Cerele rine io Ulm 6N2 31 0 Trucks For NEED hwo7 i eon d0 reports, Sale resume,*, transcripts, legal secretarial, essays, business 2d ton trucks. 22 n. van bodies, I•nere and more. Call 839-0100. eve se, war* ouse prices. 9aa engines. 63500 Of best Flooring, 433-1491. (05079x on«. 4285998. (8290) g, 290 Pets -Supplies- 300 Automobiles CUSTOM rurnnure for your 7 1989 Dodge Dakota. 27,000 _ Cah� Boarding For Sale home over, on a tight budget. wardrobes, chest. etc. POODLE Pups - small, light Buick Skyhawk x stub. CD player. box fibDressers. ems. 010 495 can. In the country tradition. Call opricot vet c,1•cked, needled• 19M - 2 etre. 4 door. auao"uaticeaoilit"► •erM orbest pne •r w bIMS Lora Island Lodge Furniture, 6869612. (042692) awn shoaling, afreetionare, es- oa" ia"aly pit. 3275. Prints , rior and exterior, amlfm 33 FULL size washor/dry«. 0250. 9786 or 2632967. (0626182) cassene, 02900. Phone 416 4347269. (042292SNGj 330 Trailers Call atter 6 p m. 631-2279 FREE b a good tWx - ore year 190 Charger Hatchback. 4 1998 24 ft. Golden Falcon (Anne). M429W old Daberrt m(black and tan) Needs morn b nn witr cylinder automatic. stesring, deluxe travel trail«. New towed. MOVING must sell, boys good adults. $Omrone 1e, like �•1 tarts. t es1Ory voofGST $10.900 a aonsd« trade for boat.433-4706.( sae 2. Toys, colrin, etw to the tail• b trap hirR l irnereow no e• 86.000 kCrown Mao�4269423 T F DESIGNED and finished basements, bathrooms, additions. and second stories. Dada. carpentry, plumb" and drainage. Call Wah w Leaves at 428-2145.(042492) EUROPEAN the specisiats - wl1 NI Worts Guaranteed. renovate your bathroom or kitchen waft as wait a< floor 579-4940 Trus. 20 years experience. Good references and saiis}ciion guaranteed. For free oui"%Nm. Painting, D. Dykstra 7251913. (TF) gr Decorating wwu r t waw ur yarn« a o son team. Well SPRING •xperienc•d.hard working. rer wvaions, additions. decks, CLEAN-UP, X- Call us fair a free stirnare. o•k1Q len' kdderi abts, dry«• storage. short. rakes, call Susanna, as 432-3574 after 7 9012992) 1983 33 R. auras, 8x15 laiaa room. (air eon. one year o,). CARPET tnstallatwns -tree PAINTING 571-1263 Ba or Rod, ChOmona P4x3M at�ee• 5v 09 wnnla9 Plwre plant � � Training am 1"6 Hells Chev Caprla Estate •ate• bedroom• bath• shed• estimates, restnetehing a specWty. Reasonable rates. 293-5197 1$0 NEI09 - horn balms and gar►. 2 8262709 (0426Mldpup your 2 week old in coli RiDD1 Wagon.1p•d•d. I+ciides air. 9 on sewers, private private 98T -t798 a 987-!800. D i N buds, woos al WHOLESALE RENOVATIONS - Cabinetry, CONCEPT a rOwirl4 "uclW , junior hinder Duppy classes and passenger, mint condition,heded poes•ssio" May 24• 45 cries from Oshaara . M a K Duncan. (TFWFS) SDS Renovations, drywall kitchens. kitchen cupboards, $1700 new for $798 o.b.o. Pas- sat duo-mat,c 80 knitting sort him an tK D certified. 05950. 839-3794. (042492SNC) �:�1�-•s, Gardening taping. T4ar C«kng, metal basements. washrooms• madn.re wan all acOeseones. dee availattl�lOrSarum r� jut o< 8311- � pip arld feat tt696. ,,�d � As"itnex , Landscaping studs. bas«runt rerlovrtb-, t.nr:. and dock. glutin painting. additions. ctsl0m buil hors. Carew Co. 8500 now. for SIM o.b.o. Call DuMy and novice. (5 rrtonif 1986 Chev Cavalier, sold aer- $den by rk)r- 4167255 __ residential. commercial. Free 432x665. joso592) 430-6333 (042842! and up). Cal K-9 KlUbhose, 4044l617w837.2384 1tJa28821 tired 52800 or as. is. $2000. Your choice Call Brothore 1449: 416-83141621; 705-rw Estimates. Steve. 837.0405. SABER Contracting - all Q 622- 105059T carpentry, additions. P SECTIONAL bed sense. excel- PALADEN Dog Obedience - today. 434-5774 ask for Paul' LANDSCAPING JOURNEYMAN electrician. renovations, kitchens, arty wtt Conorter, SWC o.b o. 686 r'ah' ApprOved Qualified IMS C" Vrrw S1Dedalizag n wrvice bathrooms. fwrrr nninfenaloe 3266. �21W *ar. LeBaron. 4 cow, Motorcycles MERL--I^ ftoAW. rewiring.addit onss a d emergency service. furniture Services Instruction. Few tiperxugt sit Honda car. one owner. fully onw.se iV ainiaxr..l 9 ry equipped. all Dower •pes..,wyy� VIKING ra7sner wrt* surd saves available for next steeds torr► renovations. All work refinishing, quality work MAGICIAN, clown, friends.yv� err° aisc so 1L Urost freerer ^w Kao Monday May ! ith. AN accessories. Must be seen, • Tres 4 g guaranteed. free mtrrmsm CAN guaranteed. 15 years Reay b entertain for Dort, n exosbm coo mon. buret breeds - General Obedience Certified. tae6-094e. (1042992) MOTORCYCLE •11ed`�- 4206320 (TPA) a ooruw n. 686-2915. (TFEFG) any accession. Birthday*, offer. 721-2839 evenings. sterling 40Kndergart•n Puppy - Tll%taaseN promotions, openings, through b Advanced tVovaoe. 1988 Olds Cutlass, must be INSURANCE yy�� ��.•� Housecleaning Housecleaning furdralsen• Maple thto.e are FOR Sale Aix alae wasrne and Trial; Preparation Novaoe seen. very dean, i50tX1 w bet 44 1a"LJV / funl Leauoe ►hop. 6367057 w dry«. Ingle. 2 tpeetC. 5 cycle dNO�h offer Call 576-9118. Leave 68 r.11,4334. �) b U1iYty. Ow b requests from 683-9725 Air wasrw and heavy duty dryer or0 v vngUnaclasses. es. w weekday t"1•*sap• or ell 729-9332. ,g Gal A I L LI ND " �(� hods ap B°'dexo wnir' 11aw r' doing i for p td Colour. Lira new $85C w •venrng classes. w rxI off« (dirge 18?11) •j�rj r magic for dwldren s parties and 1w pea 726-0856. (Os2392SNC) Sat. morning classes in General 199 9 Pontiac S u n b i rd . ate,bdr dwe - r saes fa�� rah PROCA/NABuildrrgProducb- Obedience, depending on showroom - pion, 4 dow PINE .00dadu sia.g, small quantity wrtng al respor". For more iew sdpri sedan, 4 ryrld•r. ane. ps.. pb.. warn. ram gardauAOak" MAID SERVICES rt1a9i�" Call Emla. ess1932 $35vsq. strews. st" f2wW, and re9svarion, tetopfnar 9WamRm 61.590, only 54,0010 maw RIDGE • 0-" - laurwq Windom starting reaoova ..wwrrp Serving the community for over a decade. Canng for startingat $75 am 25 up. 94. (0430M original. $3295 certAied. Cal MOUM past aMi at. • 2lit "man our horn with plumbing Stock clearance. 95 sunny St. LHASA Apse puppies. ~. 427-9722 at WIN . Russ Bp Y personalized. professlOftal SefViC@S, Unit 7. Whitby 966-1700. non -allergic. non shedding. Tow" Sties. ,1198 Suzuki saw rge e°0. pv- -1� at highly competitive rales. We honor all compeb'live great for horse w aapare,nes. IM Sumbirld GT. new rad. raw chased new In L. 19,0010 CCUpOnS. lCtad SPECIALTY Raong Bicycle. (Nat a yappy dog). Guararlwd. Goodyear Eagle tires, new it--• as" $19510. 4240109,. W 1991 Banda. 12 speed CKC registered, vet readies and steno saerafic. sale, $2500 w 10426M Handyman (Fully bonded and insured) No pb' a+ spat SX. esoelwt condaon, great paynere farms available. beat ~. Cal JaM. 07-12$3. MOTORCYCLE, Autwrwblle. 683-7515 showers. batoo small - sement en, asking $35C. Cam after 5 p rr 0- 1.706.73124. (0423921 (Boanerrvre). (W2NZ and Property Insurance. Low 4271141. (042882) I� P,°fy -wit „dr1ae� Rate. Cal 427-3595 Marsha �rM J� T N R E E door Trost free `oA Aut0ii1�b11eSgood eeowd car. skm,g $700.Ali 6' vetrig«ator. 1e, cu.h. Hanreat v 0 For Sale go 430 al (oa29ai� 365 - rs"°"�0A waiidion Dtty4ne: 427-4174, Hke: isurw Tess Rom S uttbn tnterlOr and ezMrior ARE you havig vr•brsina Ik16 in -NOB. Art brTOR1. gold. good oord4ron. $, 75. Cal -- - 296.,79. (0426912) NffiiJD A CARE 9sasd uoneoon. rtxr rrrL 8700 rrlpelimmomme�s, r6nov6tiort$ elrd I19 Tim,o b wan ye,. 005559 Moving, _ 230 Articles No efi�grr as I& W3 -SW& (0419M . s : • c onistructlon. Fels' and �D iorals«d-r" Cal Storage T FiniflCial Wanted 1 1� Chrysler Laser XE. 5 deleln P work 427-1041. (051362) 10d•y- AJAX Moving Systems . full �ifeCtO NO speed, aa, now. $2775. Cad • 15 mum a" of glNranMeld• CLEANING � awstrae � servfass, ntsw.s. app+wrr and WANTED - 2 used doaxvtggers. T�ry � 42741379 (042962] Osht CF" 681913 a:perfenced, excellent piano spedafta' fiat roe °fall Call atter s p.m. 432•1610. good aandkbrl APPLIANCE - removal. and refewnces. will dean entire i1AO1drr'y We "0981 "•'r• "•01•d NEED MONEY nose Sunbld. • Free hydro a waw _ _ snow and- s�«fridge. Approved sl oona0forig anstrn fadlo� • sl etlrt� pard aNr+ w Toffy. Pleie� coo idlgoand main 'in 6 �"'am t"". C�aM 427 - Over P�f16 $,rico ce11M.d. call 723i9M PNOFESAL Harisynian not. Also rtrnted, pidaQ truce CAC 1998 Tram Am. 305, P•Nr Services - quality carpentry. EXCELLENT Gummy IE11 55kh lar (TIP e��-thea 7�j Call 80"3 PUM Mrbm,re �r fie. army _ electrical, plumbing and ■aNardablepAots.Badedaed household m w roeiderMyVuck arm �j hit tantsss4� ail int. drive Troy deooraing, Olt. Smd or large. krund. CAM Elleasm, 40•el259 mrwrorcbl AM typo d mtwaa 260 "..".486-7. Mrar. 94800. Hitt Cad Trgr. ^M-'tme"ts hoot a oNoO, redeaebN Mh Cale Carl or Jaw, 427-2N6. AILS & Crafts o11�rIL LTD. 57el•M07• (042•� 400 For Rent excellent rnferencas. Free Moving, Ael11 gel NO' lea Honda Civic. 3 doe. 5 om*rssss. Cad 723.148& 7 a.m $ e Painting, THIS AND THAT FLEA speed, cortilied, exciallom - 890 Pm. M40M Decorating MARKET AND C� SHIM 831 -2693 ,°°" III, ew`Mhht 111100Da3Msbbw ickering now ono ToAovsM ill YpyMIG? Mum droom basement SPIONOTC1LLpeliMihpttam Rd.ark for Paul 0426g2�endors1M1 CASalfr• 4 born auto• air rlrMflt. Lots Of �'� M'/sem Etta ina. 286- con..Pll. b-$10.200.Cal OW ,sell Moate Carlo - air � A M �� Ise ale �M « �..a...�.�., �M 476& (042mw% 5738. 0428M III I S. alawralic, parer n0 pit$' s doMe MM aba. ININ1 " byLji1ft 280 Lost & Found NEWA1M - ale orange, 5 nomh am mals cm. Short hair. Name, L.C. Family heertbroken, Children mins him. Dreyer/ Ck w«age, awl. cad 963 1= or 261-0510. (042662) FOUND Tueedq April u in No was of Lakeside, Public School. a nub maker spanM. (Approm 1 1/2 year old). ase -4622. .290 Pers-Boaroi q AIEWAN Esitkto, 5 yaw old acre,, rmasw0, stow tt & Cd asompow 1$66 Ieaimm Pubes, low kms.. very eisan. 5 spend. rMm cor1M, T-WM CWW& Aa - MV 66000 or bot clear. N3- 1985. leave a message. tam 1868 PirimM Aana 4 door. 74AW men. good oarltIII d now fins. Mdy drhe, $4250 o.b.o. Alter 6, elel3-4007. 042@M 1967 Cull" Cbrra, slaree, at**. air. ps., pb.. 4 door. good coned., 63600 cert. 578.8351. (0429M 107 Nissan Sertva, aummmme, 137,000 kwu 62,900. Cal 966 4297 Ana rwm i eu a5000 + materials (Customer Sands & masks) W-2998 Clear coat available. SHOWER STALLS Repairs ld a renovalod Wal d Cour tiles s uppw a installed tWc. Kit. Isar*. U% dbft i*ft. A up CBS 571411M TWO area a11N1 tflrClls -TILE 16mow tit 0 ad "asohdN w. Plow s iEos, i w ad Doffs. Mmi-1i INelllodel Car 57117U Ln YESTERDAY? Can Y.C-A- MO.-tpag(e Corporatrotl ul "Y. (416) 502 -Neo Tnw Rrfnlotral _ CONTRACTOR • 1REES CUT OR 1lirrlED • m sew • r1TERlppv0 n u 0 L] 0 ANIEO • pmmmw space to is , r5w+.sawwNE BSA Frea P 1L hoer a6d tnaBlr. Pldt,rhtg wtspsrhlg, 1 roan wed y Cd lees Cougar XR7, black, sas•ritB Power brakes, peer 4ts busiems portion. tRf a IBit 270 C � aw rwpp. � �� w 430-72@@ 10 No joba too anw1. OualMy waftntwwhO gMwftN- CW 430 zs65 alrtyilrrla (TF) or busilaes -stent cow ta28M 101 Chisvy Mdbr, 6 r.TlinNOW das. 4 door , very fellable, air WMi91 • bvv odYle occig ► 1$0 NEI09 - horn balms and k�869�Wry.� leasing ownpw"c s0 tars. conditicimirg. anWm steroo, aarrisd. $1860. Ca14'402$5a badrom 1�ilsplw�ite .1 is parrs. Fine Yate- -m a1 buds, woos al WHOLESALE apranera, etlparoe eatwtos, nterr apwlnrorr, 15 tliall,s q Soft smoker. low Par rnordLOshaInclude. es kh •Mrance. Iwndry '"Uleo, so ao0 evenings. Paul 725-9622. 042@M� prior. YNq psy Istalt Cad 198 (340 ROPo CamaraCamara2Kel368. O1 A� Parts & 340 Au1D pwts it IIB® IBM CoMaable Com- 1NMGmadA,g2doa &&kat, ReD�rs Repairs puma for sato, amoft at 610- pow trktdowta, till, cruise. - _ -- Ing farldarlan!s Bay. PsWi1B =1=:� 688-347. !0126621 thereon caroted. 641200. 427- ,"� 0790. (01298?) jut o< 8311- � pip arld feat tt696. 5043, p926M g1�351. 04210 280 Lost & Found NEWA1M - ale orange, 5 nomh am mals cm. Short hair. Name, L.C. Family heertbroken, Children mins him. Dreyer/ Ck w«age, awl. cad 963 1= or 261-0510. (042662) FOUND Tueedq April u in No was of Lakeside, Public School. a nub maker spanM. (Approm 1 1/2 year old). ase -4622. .290 Pers-Boaroi q AIEWAN Esitkto, 5 yaw old acre,, rmasw0, stow tt & Cd asompow 1$66 Ieaimm Pubes, low kms.. very eisan. 5 spend. rMm cor1M, T-WM CWW& Aa - MV 66000 or bot clear. N3- 1985. leave a message. tam 1868 PirimM Aana 4 door. 74AW men. good oarltIII d now fins. Mdy drhe, $4250 o.b.o. Alter 6, elel3-4007. 042@M 1967 Cull" Cbrra, slaree, at**. air. ps., pb.. 4 door. good coned., 63600 cert. 578.8351. (0429M 107 Nissan Sertva, aummmme, 137,000 kwu 62,900. Cal 966 4297 Ana rwm i eu a5000 + materials (Customer Sands & masks) W-2998 Clear coat available. SHOWER STALLS Repairs ld a renovalod Wal d Cour tiles s uppw a installed tWc. Kit. Isar*. U% dbft i*ft. A up CBS 571411M TWO area a11N1 tflrClls -TILE 16mow tit 0 ad "asohdN w. Plow s iEos, i w ad Doffs. Mmi-1i INelllodel Car 57117U Ln YESTERDAY? Can Y.C-A- MO.-tpag(e Corporatrotl ul "Y. (416) 502 -Neo Tnw Rrfnlotral _ CONTRACTOR • 1REES CUT OR 1lirrlED • m sew • r1TERlppv0 n u 0 L] 0 ANIEO • pmmmw space to is , r5w+.sawwNE BSA Frea P 1L hoer a6d tnaBlr. Pldt,rhtg wtspsrhlg, 1 roan wed y Cd S1�E Alan area AWN be ub and 89rnie,ProgreasiwsTia Mum glranarase,d tarsi rales seeun. wit par tip r 640 420-169! ttwiddy. Call Jim. 064-8651. PLUM No joba too anw1. OualMy waftntwwhO gMwftN- CW 430 zs65 alrtyilrrla (TF) 839.1 CRA V�VJs7 JQn} 400 A 400 A l Ro 400 ts 400 ..����� ern For Rent POM 6111 Fdlpell • 116w NEWCASTLE - asrw 6nad it - PIaeM area b96tNarn baaant� B.d naw one be*. boar AJAX - of bsdroorn, barnl,w qwv ma, sib �r p bIh apranera, etlparoe eatwtos, nterr apwlnrorr, 15 tliall,s q Soft smoker. low Par rnordLOshaInclude. es kh •Mrance. Iwndry '"Uleo, so ao0 orm, iv cable on bus route. 6475 w �dy• a6 MM1w kmkoded. 254d/64. (042562) •nth 3 6450 Included; e,6 UMI&L NO DOGS. Call 07.4019 bone p�io inradidsiy, 9600 montAly Includes ale Fist and fast ta"jiad, Kesible, for sI - or and WA-a PRISMAVAMASLE WNW 427-9472k (042682) Nonawelkw, no pati :17-01 ba ityard, foundry fealf1w available June 1.6665 plus 4011. PNWJ3 IIG flewro abedroom row - new 1,w one bedroom main floor apt. NCKERM • b@wAM new aIle btrdmorn time wit kikin Call 294 0780. P120M o i A - bftw Mar bus. 11011^°^ a Incl r b GD. mem for W Ing farldarlan!s Bay. PsWi1B =1=:� pMtinl0. Whim itdldcalift mL No. Pits. Non smoker. rent. 6166 monthly ppwkft foundry.Asking Wudes i1Ckm: 06221& (D1288Q) ttsontlry. 4243751. (04Z68� ,"� 0790. (01298?) jut o< 8311- � pip arld feat tt696. g1�351. 04210 a �a u ; 7Ic Ll .�i.'iai7b'sML�•.r.!►',tJL!'0� .,.',., .,.,�'• ...:,..sy,..�yt'M4'i:''.:'.� .. � W 400 " 400 For ftm 400F"P t t 400 �� one bedroom PICKERING basement at "ell S separate 723-75 4, Ric int and asst. entrance, paAWng, -4560 nlonthy 7237594. Rtdr_ 1480 Pickering Parkway Spacious 3 bedroom apartments Four Appliances - Close to GO Transit(Pidcering Town Centre; Hwy. 401 • Immediate Occupancy From $825 per month. Call 420-3139 Or visit rental officcelmodel a!: 1480 Pickering Parkway = Under New Management 13LUEWATE PR PARK WHITBY APARTMENTS 1 bedroom suites and 2 bedroom suites, in immaculately maintained building, broadloom, 3 8POancK p001, W ooker lade, games room, brini Courts, exercise room. laundry feafrlias and Covered OW" - 101 Kniltio R'l- w Mon --Fd- 0.7 i Sat411un.12-5 571-3522 cow ELXElr AJAX 55 Falby Court 2 bedroom apaRnlanl n tanly fluildlrt4, Air w nddciv% brodoonl, 2 Mpiancea, kurldry fadities, tasurtas and efladn vom wtdmillaeatd paid i g itckided• f ;sill 683-6021 ,a Sat. -Sun. 12-5 f00 SHEUTA Man.-Fri.tar`s ..w-. 'a"" 77 3133 FALBY COURT Two + three bedroom aparbnents in family building. Air conditioning, broadlow, 2 appliances, laundry facilities and Ixtdergro(W parking inoiuded. $742-$819 CW1 6864M Mon. -Fri., 8:30-4:30 p -m. inckiding utilities. Available May 1. Prefer rnon-amoker. no pets. Evenings. 683-4015. (042692) AJAX - by the lake. bright one bedroom baserttem aparvrwlt. Laundry, dishwasher, cable, Parking. all inclusive. $495. Prefer female. no pets. May 1. Phone 426-6133. (042682) WHTBY - BrodkA4wy 2. new raised bunalow. 3 bedrooms, main flea. Fully broadkoomed. appliances, central air, nice neighbouAtood, big yard. $850 Plus utilities. 637.0632. OSHAWA - one bedroom unit for June 1, $685 and two bedroom units for June 1, $820 at 767 Wilson Road North and him bedroom unit for June 1 at r.'0 Beatrc Street, $790, Fridge, M rot utilities included. No pets, apply with Durham Housing, 1615 Dundas St. E. 4th Floor. Whitby Of all 436-6610 for irlormahon_M42NZ) TWO apaarwnts lar rent. one bedroom, $500. Available Immediately. one bachelor, $470. available Jwre 1. Both in- clude utatiee and parking. FvW lit. 4331921. (042692 OSHAWA - 2 bedroom apart- Menls for rent. available May and June. Fist and Iasi• landry la0kat on premises. Cal 579. 3683 or 7269345. (42292) AJAX - one bedroom bachelor apamment. separate entrance. laundry faiiabss. 3 pieoe private bah. fireplace. 6450 mor" in- cludes utLses. Forufomnatron. call Paul at 427-3664. (04779Q) OSHAWA - south end hi -now. 622 Glen St. Very clean, lege units. 2 bedroom, available now or May 1, $660 and 3 bedrooms. $705. June 1. Parking. heat. cable included. 57&M73 or 725-48M (0`505M PICKERING eeoesent 2 bedroom Oaserrwn apartment. Go. other amenities, Parking. fridge. wore. laudnry. $730 plus union. FiesYtsst. 1- 416579.7576. XK29xZ AJAX - super onebedroom b- apartment . part ent. Separate entrance- 4 appliances. c anal air, available May 1. Non emotions. no pees, red. Sl1W in- cludes u Wilms. Cal 42"M or 426-3194. M429800) WHITBY - onebedroom aprtnwN, f 25 Fig and IoM moils res itiQ'A it. we" people only. Call 668-4016 evenings. 725-8911 days. ONE and We bedioomt April - May -June. NO PETS. Fr%IM Mous. ail. uarI prkig ler ars carr. Ohm and Wion. $715 and $740. First and test 721- 9744. (051292) WHITBY - dean three bedroom apartment for rent, $750 monhy plus shared ut0006. Call 686 '-M. (042292) DIXIE and hwy 2. one bus route. 2 bedroom basemrom apartrmient. Private entrance, appliances• shared laundry. air. carp~. dean. $765 inclusive. Firsvlw. Non smokers. Available June 1. 839-0631. (0429M BRAND new aWffwd in heart Of Pickering, including all utn". hitt. hydro, parking. cable. laundry roots everything for $750. Available May 1. Mug We 683-4041. (042222) WWTBY - 720 Dundas West. executive fumished clean one bedroom apartment. own entry. Patio. 4 piece both. garden view. park one, no pets. Bachelor suite also available. 416286 2038 or 416284-16 IS. M42692) OSNAWA - central charming and wry dean 1 bedroom apt, on man Iktor glue full baswnem. Private entrance, central air, garage, niom backyard. Ped welcome, $725 monthly, incluslvs. Call 420-2220. (04211-421 MUST be seen. note Oshawa. 2 bedroom supper duplex. Ind". and slow. no pees. FiWlaet. Relvences required. Lyn, 436 6886. M42W AJAX - -The Breakers- brand new exdusiw lakeside con- dominiume for immediate occupancy. 1,2.3 bedroom. 900-45M sq. h., featuring 5 aPWantss. air. belcaws ane solanum. uxteiground Parking. health dub with indoor pod. sauna. saev7ma room and bs- hards roan. To view cal 425- 1874. M I 9M 25- 1874.(051992) 4 0 Houses For Rent LARGE 3 hmdraom main floor detached brick. Livigroom. dairgaolim loge sr -in kndW . Ied Valid, walk to GO trap. schools. Picholl ig Town Canna Minute no 401. anra.a now. $900 monthly. 472-4350. WHITBY - Immaculate three becircies two Merry. arpeted air. fenced. 5 appliances. garage. Available June I. $1200 . utilities. Rdemer . no dogs. Eve. 479.9310 or days 757- 1701.(042382) TWO houses for rent Athol and Ramon area. 2 1/2 steamy. close 10 amenrbes available Jun 1. PNpin, 6834162 or 4361 THREE bedroom upper bukgdow. appganps. foundry. parking. Go etatfon SM Aim bachelor, apartment. $425 or bah nor $1150 12 uMYss Yt4204)081. MMW- 1WSNicl Nickel & Two LIVERPOOL/BAYLY - 3 WMUY - unseal 2 Mier. 2 Available May 1. . For Rent AYAN,ARLE May 1 - Wh ft W"'f -Iwo bedroan bas► apartnsm bufl0teg, spaefelas nwtt alpwit enl in home, kldpa. main floor. $1000 with 4 mond + u1Mks. FhMaL 1- wHiny - haesrtwM ts011Ww appsanoes. Udod e, gangs 4163797578 (012982) 4M Flow. Tearer, « a�mengr C 0�topabus, 5750 Includes utilities. FaMllit, *"M t8• sir utMMM Inekadsd, available May 1. Atter 6 p.m, no Pats- 2 bo&oorts, 5700. Also 427-4493 or 65$8835. M428M Oft lsdroont, Shoo. Call 430- 0134. (04308 WHIBY -clean two bedroom TYPO and three bedroom walkout basement apartment for rent- $600i'monthly + utilllies, apartments, available at 6N Glen St. Oshawa. 728-4893. Available May 1. 686-4025. (042292) TWO family basement AVAllA9LE immediately - apartment, two separate roomy 1 bedroom apartment, entrance, Scarborough, Im- mediate possession, $925 close to Simcce, tarps eat -in kACMn, kill (broom, private M -ft- ktdudms utilities. Or 3 bedroom house with Spite entrance, $575frronthly utilities included. wit for sok. 6240,000 flan Calf 420• Firsulast, available May 1. 2 few( 1 bedroom apart - 5894. (042192) mem now 401, pntrare entrance AJAX - oomenlent seN con- tained a-4- with fenced yard. laundry. ho0k- ups. parking utilities nokuded �� one bedroom PICKERING basement at "ell S separate 723-75 4, Ric int and asst. entrance, paAWng, -4560 nlonthy 7237594. Rtdr_ 1480 Pickering Parkway Spacious 3 bedroom apartments Four Appliances - Close to GO Transit(Pidcering Town Centre; Hwy. 401 • Immediate Occupancy From $825 per month. Call 420-3139 Or visit rental officcelmodel a!: 1480 Pickering Parkway = Under New Management 13LUEWATE PR PARK WHITBY APARTMENTS 1 bedroom suites and 2 bedroom suites, in immaculately maintained building, broadloom, 3 8POancK p001, W ooker lade, games room, brini Courts, exercise room. laundry feafrlias and Covered OW" - 101 Kniltio R'l- w Mon --Fd- 0.7 i Sat411un.12-5 571-3522 cow ELXElr AJAX 55 Falby Court 2 bedroom apaRnlanl n tanly fluildlrt4, Air w nddciv% brodoonl, 2 Mpiancea, kurldry fadities, tasurtas and efladn vom wtdmillaeatd paid i g itckided• f ;sill 683-6021 ,a Sat. -Sun. 12-5 f00 SHEUTA Man.-Fri.tar`s ..w-. 'a"" 77 3133 FALBY COURT Two + three bedroom aparbnents in family building. Air conditioning, broadlow, 2 appliances, laundry facilities and Ixtdergro(W parking inoiuded. $742-$819 CW1 6864M Mon. -Fri., 8:30-4:30 p -m. inckiding utilities. Available May 1. Prefer rnon-amoker. no pets. Evenings. 683-4015. (042692) AJAX - by the lake. bright one bedroom baserttem aparvrwlt. Laundry, dishwasher, cable, Parking. all inclusive. $495. Prefer female. no pets. May 1. Phone 426-6133. (042682) WHTBY - BrodkA4wy 2. new raised bunalow. 3 bedrooms, main flea. Fully broadkoomed. appliances, central air, nice neighbouAtood, big yard. $850 Plus utilities. 637.0632. OSHAWA - one bedroom unit for June 1, $685 and two bedroom units for June 1, $820 at 767 Wilson Road North and him bedroom unit for June 1 at r.'0 Beatrc Street, $790, Fridge, M rot utilities included. No pets, apply with Durham Housing, 1615 Dundas St. E. 4th Floor. Whitby Of all 436-6610 for irlormahon_M42NZ) TWO apaarwnts lar rent. one bedroom, $500. Available Immediately. one bachelor, $470. available Jwre 1. Both in- clude utatiee and parking. FvW lit. 4331921. (042692 OSHAWA - 2 bedroom apart- Menls for rent. available May and June. Fist and Iasi• landry la0kat on premises. Cal 579. 3683 or 7269345. (42292) AJAX - one bedroom bachelor apamment. separate entrance. laundry faiiabss. 3 pieoe private bah. fireplace. 6450 mor" in- cludes utLses. Forufomnatron. call Paul at 427-3664. (04779Q) OSHAWA - south end hi -now. 622 Glen St. Very clean, lege units. 2 bedroom, available now or May 1, $660 and 3 bedrooms. $705. June 1. Parking. heat. cable included. 57&M73 or 725-48M (0`505M PICKERING eeoesent 2 bedroom Oaserrwn apartment. Go. other amenities, Parking. fridge. wore. laudnry. $730 plus union. FiesYtsst. 1- 416579.7576. XK29xZ AJAX - super onebedroom b- apartment . part ent. Separate entrance- 4 appliances. c anal air, available May 1. Non emotions. no pees, red. Sl1W in- cludes u Wilms. Cal 42"M or 426-3194. M429800) WHITBY - onebedroom aprtnwN, f 25 Fig and IoM moils res itiQ'A it. we" people only. Call 668-4016 evenings. 725-8911 days. ONE and We bedioomt April - May -June. NO PETS. Fr%IM Mous. ail. uarI prkig ler ars carr. Ohm and Wion. $715 and $740. First and test 721- 9744. (051292) WHITBY - dean three bedroom apartment for rent, $750 monhy plus shared ut0006. Call 686 '-M. (042292) DIXIE and hwy 2. one bus route. 2 bedroom basemrom apartrmient. Private entrance, appliances• shared laundry. air. carp~. dean. $765 inclusive. Firsvlw. Non smokers. Available June 1. 839-0631. (0429M BRAND new aWffwd in heart Of Pickering, including all utn". hitt. hydro, parking. cable. laundry roots everything for $750. Available May 1. Mug We 683-4041. (042222) WWTBY - 720 Dundas West. executive fumished clean one bedroom apartment. own entry. Patio. 4 piece both. garden view. park one, no pets. Bachelor suite also available. 416286 2038 or 416284-16 IS. M42692) OSNAWA - central charming and wry dean 1 bedroom apt, on man Iktor glue full baswnem. Private entrance, central air, garage, niom backyard. Ped welcome, $725 monthly, incluslvs. Call 420-2220. (04211-421 MUST be seen. note Oshawa. 2 bedroom supper duplex. Ind". and slow. no pees. FiWlaet. Relvences required. Lyn, 436 6886. M42W AJAX - -The Breakers- brand new exdusiw lakeside con- dominiume for immediate occupancy. 1,2.3 bedroom. 900-45M sq. h., featuring 5 aPWantss. air. belcaws ane solanum. uxteiground Parking. health dub with indoor pod. sauna. saev7ma room and bs- hards roan. To view cal 425- 1874. M I 9M 25- 1874.(051992) 4 0 Houses For Rent LARGE 3 hmdraom main floor detached brick. Livigroom. dairgaolim loge sr -in kndW . Ied Valid, walk to GO trap. schools. Picholl ig Town Canna Minute no 401. anra.a now. $900 monthly. 472-4350. WHITBY - Immaculate three becircies two Merry. arpeted air. fenced. 5 appliances. garage. Available June I. $1200 . utilities. Rdemer . no dogs. Eve. 479.9310 or days 757- 1701.(042382) TWO houses for rent Athol and Ramon area. 2 1/2 steamy. close 10 amenrbes available Jun 1. PNpin, 6834162 or 4361 THREE bedroom upper bukgdow. appganps. foundry. parking. Go etatfon SM Aim bachelor, apartment. $425 or bah nor $1150 12 uMYss Yt4204)081. MMW- 1WSNicl Nickel & Two LIVERPOOL/BAYLY - 3 WMUY - unseal 2 Mier. 2 Available May 1. sidnia$Rirl, a ebetstll " beufroan main bvsl at hour, Verye ��ry (oe28B2) secs. bwtery ante ft t aa� ares. $�f 00 and laundry. IDarkirtl• 1. Nov GO. 889-5297. CEKFRAL mnlbtr - 3 bedrswn ePviehmee'y $1000 per' on site- Apply to Durham lets DMtdaa E« main floor. $1000 with 4 mond + u1Mks. FhMaL 1- wHiny - haesrtwM ts011Ww appsanoes. Udod e, gangs 4163797578 (012982) 4M Flow. Tearer, « apartment in triple: with prevlsgos bwkodet Ralawncaa d43ift1 bWm m pL OBIMwA! Do you hats tit sBpwaM wMranos. Wo bbdt required. No peas. IMralsbls • 4a0 IPAL Wadi ftL XM23" 0a09 d huraing *veto all Own (10 OW and lite, SM Jura 1. 418 8967778 or 4/6. M1-11abo2w1 hili Ihasg ads? I Ilam a stslslp 2 monthly. 097634, (o1289ri 848+2802.062982) bsdmm mpL that we emend + srlL� pptt vim 0 1 MSE EUT apennim 2 ices MCKBMIti - nlsh lbw d 3 bmhlosrq � datafs MM Wfna iii vd& ttralkoeR M � ' a' ��2 bsdroa4s, krrJtsn pa, bedroom bungalow, 4 why mP*Aarktarono tar- ammr bo* entarog wftm apPYinces, alc. ak Mer. does bmd Vw4 a "ll, Mar 1- $960 piled tArolphgt, ft a" ,n 1 Beth' 8 mal to Go WWWd" to G0. $960 n1sm90y. plus 1/2 . '^� �- 1� .wnwue 0pan titling ayaa wan bus, eMsrmrl, firstlleK hBSL 4o Miss. Available Y4wfst- 1y gym' $825 YwCN$ 471-4740 Qe15393513 1 #VAaABLE May 1, andw" nsft Pan Rows, Fasdda csMg w-442.1/64 1 nue `YWY mi e. kidanr In kitcMn with IMurtsculwe Yr1aTiY - dwMrftB cMury ' aloes. hydro and pilling a applartoss, cental ale taswul atov�oh N home. Time bndrsr ctanry - krJuded. Cleo to ail aniteftRlss, fridge a IF go ' etyb, No tri bathroom. 0 ldlclnnr4 Sk. nfrad yard, bsslds Ill M d y bCOK no be ansa SM plus 172 utlM m Cad Ow W"• In a dean writ al souk pe+1l• ding to oft - baudgtsa UN nonRdy. Cal 729411 or 5 PAL 43938400. 012 W bumther and am*. SM Mar I. s1oso WONiy + un: ks, 5796121. (Oa2NMPICItE1Mq - hr4tkltod, f11,,,,1r "'01R�• C4 BOW GN"Om% 4891x55 w 2891542 062M Candn Tana Fully. 4274771. IIG - wet to Go, 3 bochalor walkout bas mment AJAX - 3 bsdtaoen house an AJAX Dallied Ttrsreo,1. 2 and bus*m m apannlen, applwncan, apartment. laundry. cable. Draw East.1860 tla fti. *W 3 �0O1m �M' atre9 1if0. kMrtdry, utsbstfuctW. view May I. Paessasiaa, I56o u1Mbs, full kRdtnn. beak SM bit, no pest. AwaNOb July 1. IftonitNy Inclusive. Cato 428- alas flat' 1 and June 1. From 1982 863-0164 w 483-5256,' 1951 and :745 Pool sawed Par month. Md Knight. 531- 7279 w 2561405, (062SSQ) 5605- P420M large subs. cow b 401 and Go. OSHAWA - 3 bedroom main NEW brV4 one battloan bass- 4297290 unit 7 pm. (0429921 flow bungalow, com" air. 4 AJAX -all Ro bio, it -- 'or moat SpMb6tsrt in South Ajar. appliances, quiet basement apartment, one Separate entrance. parking. MAX -ale bodroorn bas~ nMplitouhood• ample Poking. bedroom, full bo h and kRcnrl, letury 4 ps0e bnthroon rowdy apann om separate arc i -- ,e $790 a morals. Available June I. Prlrnb enrlml^ Mop no and • tsrpnlad, fridgNstove, than central air/rac, 4 piece Cal 4202869. 1042982) last. aaialabb Mar 1, bnrg a lrnst6grleynr, 5825 nwraliy in battteoom sire rrarlter/drI-. WISTBY - 2 bedroom, heat. nMssapo all 8392514 or 427- 3178- (04219Q) dudes Lefts. Fina and Isat MksUuy Heights. Non smelter. laundry. fig. SM m inky. required, ataalabb ImrnsdM* 5850 incluslve. Firstllmsl 428- 21 1" etrttg eklpsrktsrtrtt AJAX - 3 1, I o man(low. Nan emokw, no pais. 427-3139. 311114. 042392) duals ler reduced tont. Apprac Professionally decorated, ( ) OSHAWA - 26 ft. INhgroom. 2 5508 noldhly. Bah mabbb hardwood floors, 5 appMwt, AJAX South - beautiful band bsdro m, 3 Pisa bath. base• Jute 1. EvenligsAwskends, Irtosd backyard with kv-" now quiet one bodroun base- ment apartment, fridge and 427-2457.10420M POOL dose to a/ arremo a an a meat apartment. Private Move, SM plus 1/2 udiaiea. 51486 mon ly and you real Y Quist street. $1025 ktcksivi& Avail. June 1. 427-7409. onrarmw ups from take. all 432 -OM or 576-0787 after 6 YOM downpairmeft kit this sin applarton, 4292664. (012802) p.m.Ofw okerida• (042892) to own 4 bedroom semi ONE longe bedroom beawnetl PICKERIM - thine bodifee s, ONE bedroom basetwa apart- detached house. Two aPwbTd , Whby, *91 and lost two bathroorre, main floor, 5 riterN In horrw available June 1. ballrOOMS, fatWtsd roc room oequired. $660. ResabwdlTHkk- appkancw, walk to 00 and SM per month. Includes Indigo. with wood stow. Ir , yard SM area Fiera new and AN pia !til• SMS monthly. aval M Mow, and utlaiss. 421.7687. and nice area Cal for mon month Mol 988.3478, (042302) April 15. Telephone 81191385. (042692) information, 705-437-3613. 1 r . THE 410 ""m_`'445* I'll h'"ft 4451 W 510 TW MCKERIN3 - spouses lerpg - MCKERINO T h three Bedroom bungalow g. FOR LEASE mainfloor, air arondftloning, fireplace, formerly owner IMMEDIATE POSSESSION occupied, parking. eat -in kitchen, 1,500 TO 13,000 SO. FT. laundry. parkkng, near Go and schools. $900. 631.8350. INDUSTRIAL/COMMERCIAL 04299 UPPER level house, large 2 CITATION BUSINESS PARK, OSHAWA bedroom. kitchen. Ibkproom, diningroom. garage, 6 min. to 401 A HARMONY ROAD EXIT Go trakvdiaal•arbus. teat, hydro. W. FRANK REALTOR - JOE BOSCO first/last, Inclusive. n •s�_5380 References.References.PFsnPhone 471-4740 w � 7W�77 642.3164. ro4269¢1 450 Shared 500 Homes 420 Townhouses Accomm For Sale For Rent in PICKERING bungalow to share OSHAWA - 366GahW Dr. Irrt with 6 toss and furnished maculate 3 bedroom 5 level room. $300 to $335 plus 1/4 sidepet, main floor, lamiyroom. utilities. Available May 1. Single with fireplace. master ensuile, non smokers. Call Ken, 420- finished rec room, professional 7347. M42992) landscaping. Open House a Sun - NCE 47 year old divorcee has 5a�5 $182.500. house to share with non-smok. Ing lady. no Pols, Completely NO Money Down - 3 bedroom, 1 furnished• close to Oshawa 1/2 storey brick house, large Hospita, must see. Call 404- drive and garage on large lot, 9626.M42692) Ritson/401 area. $109.000. OUIET clean home in Pickering $1079 monthly. Call Rick or Village. to share wRh mature or 5791252. person. Non smokers only. Reasonable rent for compatible FOUR bedroom semi krtctert. Person. Call 619.1519.M42W livingroom, diningroom, t7fiHAWA -house to share with lamilyroom, new carpets and one mature use to person decorating, very clean' available (Share kitchen. working De immediately. Clare to 5 Poirm Laundry. T.V., Mal, $119.500 or best Offer. Cal bath. parking and Pod.) $400 725-6767. (042292) per north. Cal 7235880 after 4A0 p -m- (0426WSNC) NORTH East Oshawa - three Vi bedroom detached home on sage - house lo large lot, finished rec room, share. Share kitchen, bath, Large eat -n k4cherL beautdully, Laundry. Pariug 014 GO, noon decorated throughout. Smoking ferrnale Prslsmed. $500 $145.900. Call after 5 p.m 726- mm"thly. Call Laura, 619.1900 7151. (042, 92) 470 cottages For BROKER has s/0,300 to lend a o Rent $147 per moth. COrtact Jerry at 666-6805. Commnsy Finan- ft10E Lake -new ore, two arw kxat Services. (TF) OGMWA - 1050 Simper SL S., three bedroom oonagea. Boric wNTBY - West L 4 lsvM two bedrooms, avallable now ler )Our hokdays. 416753 ynd. imrdiaMy. $607 plus ueltke. 2370 or 416-342-7M. M5/292 oalitsp4. 3. 1 bedroom. 1 tri Fridge. slow, garage inck+ded. -.----.---- baths. large kschen over look ng Durham Housing, 161 Alayground on site.PPIYDuno aG�� 4 itidlartnd Sandy family horn hreoHcs.II hat St..41h Floor, Larig Tower. Witt- beach, 3 bedroom Viceroy neighborhood. No agents, by Or all 4366610 between conape. available anytkme- May P kon. 66600,7. (42692 9:30 mdtd - 430 p.. wes,". by video. 434-001. --- BY owner - why our-Lairrd low OSHAWA - OW Ormond Dr - GREAT fishing and family available June 1, $865 - 3 he" at Rice Lake. One how bedroom urn, 570 floomnc Street Seat of Oshawa. Pidka . mus- - IWO bedoom unit avaaabie ks and bass- modern O=agee. June 1. 1825. Heat and hydro ISM it. wreAront. Privacy in extra. Fridge slow. and garage rural ares. low sprang wrek4rh0 inckaded. No pet. Appy with and weekly rates Children Durham Horwirg, 1615 Dundas pregrant store, beat, rtom will SL E nth Floor, WMtby or a/ and covered docking. Sun - 436 -6610 for information. nymead Cottages. R.R.e3 M420M Hastings. Ont. KOL iYO. 7055. PICKERING - LFvetpod and 0962601. (0519OZ Glenanna. targe 3 bedroom. CAaeP L)L 6RO area - Wood- newlyppWood- nly decorated. aiancn. land Estate - We are fully in dome to everyttwg. Amiable July. but are you planning a May 1. Cal 2fi&. 2 days or Jute or August can holiday? 3469W everwtgm. (4266 How about a Spelt weeend OSHAWA - 3 bedroom ingo 'selection d strew a good desirable NE development, conagss groat backs onto greenbelt, 4 prices. with a neared 0eesh. alone lo rllac ypamncsis, 1 1'2 bslfr, garage. 70&6531317. (TF) sel. playground and poor on sae, saoapeonaiV dean. avai- oft Jule, 1. sli (706) 739 490 Seat. (042W Paw =11111lft portaft BRAND now 3 bedroom CLEARWATER - Nue luxury townhouse. NXII M Wilk". VA trona X I,. 2 bedrooms. 2 Fridge, stove, dishwasher, baths, pock h amah curb t,,,,t g"a8e $860 . uik ms. No Pmt. oout• available may }d. For fur - Available May 1. Cal 4300141 then nquerims. contact Stere. alter 5 p.m (0423521 728.1162 Bus. or 433.0843 Rea. PKWXia11G ( ) 4 P428M bedroom townhouse, 2 1/2 CLEARWATER - 3 bedroerrs boths. 5 applioneem. finished h+M furnished, or con. mobil baamutt no garage, outdoor herruea Heated posts, hit tub, Parking. tofu Late. $1050 veldt, near Isstldrs tes, chin into mhAy Pwa• Cal 282-2890 er»lrn W (Less than mofM). 02833640. M42M $275 weekly. 683-5503. 430 Rooms To 500 For Homes PICKERNG - clow to public trartsportetoru, mores to rem quiet. non-smoker. 1300/ nW". 6391789. (042992) AJAX - u furnishod roan small - aft anylitt. Pmft non mmok- irM hmdL CIA 42a -72K Sher 7 wm*Ai"L P$280 CLEAN. fxivaN. bathroom. om k cablers , wwame wotk- als pwmk tion trinalw, .hall khdon, wwwry with filly, aeftb VMBONM amid Finch. 0390 per Month. ea3-5442. PILEM AAAA - WmowlA weZ w�aB FLOW IED roorm in air condi 4 SEDii0011S owy $161,900 IE OSHMA 31nnd Appm. 1,000 sq. ft. .I IM r1,' ' cond., nlait floor hM4 i hlmdry rooms. Shp cif of" f".f. Ef" II'lir, 1. 3 ballis. fin- b=L, cot air, FJl.bfylS't poss. 23", 1-4!pJM, 517 Gel" Df_ OalbSw. t.1 am her wo eharsA A.IAX - APplecreH VdkWo - tacade& Non Smaller. avaiabb III 1 3 Year Old, 186011411, 4 May I. 608454Z (042892) ItIlik"" mab#22 1a"beft e ad Shafamily room with f��e red pface, 450 A0001 rfL $fi99,b90(a gow� 427410 21 after CENTRAL Ajax - renovated 6 p rr. 042892) hares Io Shan, bur appliances MIMTBY - junior olceckrire 3 pool deck barber s. paintig , atgroutd pod, able, 2 minute walk to an ccintrall air, main floor amenititos. Furnished/Uniturniwith 1keWaoe 89 426-77she0. 880 week). E0. IM corse 10 �PfWg• School, 4297737' (� 401. Otalet neighbourhood. BEAU Valsy - near 5 Puke, $179,000. 432-8925. NO ehSn hale, Lima of all facilities, AGENTS. 04268?) central alk. parking. separate 3 bedroom ranch style bedroom, share bath. SM bungalow on gorgeous 1 112 weekly. 576-5411 leavemossage. 050502) iyw mac 1oreN around IIV Mean great for kids. h4aw AJAX - shred accemada llov% *L, eeparaM enranok wro to laundry facilities. padding. Aval- deck. attached homed garage. able immediately. $500 Asking $169,900. 9935112 Inclu ". 8116.3080. 0428921 after, 5p.m. 042882) bedroom. •*ren Moor laundry and fam,iy Jacuzzi, skylights. appliances. large lot A must ees. Open House April 24, 4-7 P.m . 779 King St. Woodnlle, 70&43IW2525. M42602) MUST be seer 11 Oshawa - 2 Plus 7 bedroom deeaiYhed henme. garage. central air. firepace. hardwood floors. new decor. imrmaCutatel -4126.000 -23- SW. 23S.W. 6-6 p.m. 7234630 after 6. TO ADVERi1SE YOUR ewn sure - $123,t100. End unit Move In dortONiort. Oak te all anlwtlRss nomstallon. Cal Dave or Kathy, 4204M& (04204) 535 Lots Sale LAKEFRONT building lot, 137x268, serviced. b -A" treed. Crystal lake, $78.900. Cal 705."&2M or ate -477- 1168. (042892) 575 ""To UNLIMITED private funs available. Bank or finance com. pany tum you down, power of sales, arrears, consolidating, new business, account receivable, in home service. New Era Financial Corporation. 416-721-9563. (051992) A BROKER has $10,000 to lend on a mortgage. Repay $160 per month. Call approved Mortgage Corporation, 798-7367. MONEY Problems? Loans. debtconsol consol,dat ons, credit arrangements. personal budget planning, garnishees stopped. FREE CONSULTATIONS. Credit Cournse/on (Pickering - Oshawa). 4331425. (TFALL) MORTGAGES and Wens. 90 % financing, down payment also arranged. Any amount available. Call Doug or Rick 6684805. Community Financial Services. AVAILABLE - Private funds - for equity mortgages- for any purpose. pay bills. business Warr. renovations. sec. Don't delay, Call today, 416-502-81111M. MCA Mortgage Corporation. Business 590 Opportunities Wril Dish Satelite System Direct broadcast Satellite avallabie only through network market- ing - no Inventory - n0 descrambling fees. Offering 80 chain is of movies, sports, news, live events. 480 lines resolution • digital compression. Stereo sound, plus many more Incredible features. For more information and free brochure call 1-705-739-7696. SPEOALTY (JILL GREAT Summer Im owmwntll $70-1535 Ashpnae sealer unit with bower 77.72 and a/ the tools to do tie lob right. Asking only, $1700. 1986 34 ton Chev Truck. $4500 or 580 Mortgage s6000 a sold together 436 Insurance ' ""'I mmo ARE you tired of waiting in Iwo MORTGAGES to 96% of proper- for an o4 chrge7 Wal no morel ty value. Some below bank 1" finally here. Professional. rates, sWCaalai g in pre'MAalay- enrwOnmenlaNy sate samirm a ng first-time buyers. Mortgages you door. Mobile AwoLube by and bans for any puposs. At uppontment. Crve us a cal at applications oorriderea. regard- 6636362. (0426021 lass d crew rang and irncorme. Fast service and approvais. Mortgage rttar Rayean Fncial Lit 571-286058Q 0 Inciir2nre kusnawa. bep-['lie. MORTGAGE PROBLEMS? WE CAN HELPI 420-3111 Ajax -Pickering & Area Up to 90% financing. Refinancing, consolidation, power of sale, foreclosure, poor credit, self-employed, cottage property, vacant land. Fast, professional service, 24 hours. EQUIGUARD MORTGAGE SERVICES 640 640 ALDfEMIER SOCIETY OF DURHAM presents NEW DEVELOPMENTS IN UNDERSTANDING ALZHEIMER DISEASE with 'DR. D. MCLACHLAN Director, Centre for Research in Neurodegenerative Disease University of Toronto Thursday April 30, 199Z 7:30 pm - 9:30 p.m, at Balyc41fe Lodge 70 Station St., Ajax (1 block south of 401 exit at Harwood) NO CHARGE - EVERYONE WELCOME! Call ID rosefve seats - 576.2067 640 E° g 670 is GENESIS, Bks Jaye. Phantwm, 3I110ERE singlea Personal In - Grateful Dead tickets and VOduc*m Sovice. A corrode tarnsponabon packages from ad way 1e meet trends. Toa free you town. Cal Stereo Trend. - 1-416.550.2634or619.1781 p 433-1132 or Grew Canadian fel 64..s 1 - Tours, 613548.5997. 050390 1 FACE x-A•TNB NEMADVaRTISM RED, A>rRMA IM 670 Pawak 670 670 Pam oil filter change and free UM Mss Ism ut$d Oligo• Cal aw Urry Ills. (410 72"1S7, AN A w spitift- C. AeMgs wausrulw • CYdr li Dkm D OEfEOt , • BEACH 80+5(2 SIM)) Ern1H .ta *Fre plat► p t� enrr� l.akCooler for Sl.49when yougotoyour - Md t4vAelpifto oun se camp counselling. Free and � for genuine Nissan oil and oil (doer change, and APR 25. Wis carip4sweg�paa��4� YN For Gooier a the ptdfea tea din companion. olChn10 FiCA'U k keeps your popard juice cold... food hesh... wi � PAce. 11 n MdrTsfalflCitic coffee warm ...and protemCDs canum MAY 30 In Oshawa, T,nsday, 1 toFill MY 73 cooler is a S 19.99 value. yours for only $1.49 • p n. and Wednesday 1 to 8AIRtlwvery, �' phaeel. ( Savings offers valid Nom March 23.1992—May 15.1992 point velikle j itgon. j p.m Pirkwng Thur$. 300 p.mOISTRE1111 nn aNri.ppio tion/Oon.e6.b Wr .. Rtlostioorr to 6 p.m. For further nlonnationq Centre - NeeO SALES LEAS*46 SEnnCt nag*S SMYS"On Ynr�slat call Oshawa133-g9ip1orPidr-someo^e to tale to7 CaA us APR >s 4211.5255 erin0 420-8781. (TF) anNirns. 433-1121, 427-5830. STAY TUNED Tune-Up/Analysis Includes checking. starting and ignition system. spark plugs and all filters: adjusmg timing and idle -spired: adjusting belts I axe extra Sur cviindet diesel. turbo and Pulsar rwin earn cripne extra Panswdaddxronal labour extra if required Valid at parncrpaung Nman tarakm Q* $ 3 95* . Labour Only Bonus Offer -Io obtain a Nissan Little Cooler, go to vow C95— participating Nissan Dealer for an S18 95 genuine Nman oil and oil filter change. and a frer 20 point vehicle lnsprctton This handy cooler is the perfect hange and rid travelling companion It kei pts your pop and juice cold food fresh coffer warm and protects il cassettes and cosmetics from heat and damage Its a 51999 value, yours for only S 149, Kirrgchurch TOLPar :1416)$03, S CO .. i ,tis.. st» ,, i s aoo+s. o. F� : (4 11) ii•aa�•iii"a:a.. � 3in . Om W LI Wed OM . � Omar* LtS Mtl (Case d OAIaYary ail:) ' laxe, extra T he Nissan 1-ittle Cooler a available while Supplies las " Axes extra extra Diesel & 100 7X extra Fhew offers apply to Nw arilDamm vehic Its only 1mvrngs offers valid from March 23.1992—May 151992 _ --- — DRIVE HOME A LITTLE COOLER. Get the Nissan Little Cooler for only $149' with $91M -oil and oil filter change and free ON SALE 20 point vehicle inspection. ,WE , • BEACH 80+5(2 SIM)) Rfght now you an get the wssank Nissan APR 21 l.akCooler for Sl.49when yougotoyour - MAV parndpaing Nissan Ddu Foran 518.95 • LITTLE FEWIGEORGE THOROG000 0 PM) genuine Nissan oil and oil (doer change, and APR 25. a her 20 point vei ick inTec ion. This handy MAY 23 MW MN 25 Gooier a the ptdfea tea din companion. • DENVER k keeps your popard juice cold... food hesh... APR 1B APR 23 coffee warm ...and protemCDs canum MAY 30 and cosneua from hear ad damage. The U MUSIC FESTIVAL '92 WITH cooler is a S 19.99 value. yours for only $1.49 • . TRACY • SwLY REO with $1895•' oil i al ffher change and ; froe aft Savings offers valid Nom March 23.1992—May 15.1992 point velikle j itgon. j am—th,%—tin C—i....I#* hid, »win is C.—m—IA6d nn aNri.ppio tion/Oon.e6.b Wr .. Kingchurch RHMOM Ta 01111114111111111 ftft 1111114111111111 SALES LEAS*46 SEnnCt nag*S SMYS"On owl M ft* •IMI w11t _Aim olw.r us1 Ms 1 d WSW" ea al `J 670 Ir 675 -co wma 675 JH uses, esti bas M W Lw GENTLEMAN 311. alis, ATTB1110N 0*0 - a w*AV so M$ldt Dass roar m6di m, atlradtrai sans$*. asaad, sad Itsodurahrr ti Sus scar floss? The Mm*q b meports$*he* , aasy go" eAh tat:B panels bAMtrp for a un* she Need Milieu nlloslr 3:11, and hum ir. Iranatsd ti king - halals 511:10.12. John 10:11. nrsWrp dm a room lanes mwdorota' mist- Jltn CattrMst 1.706.1165114711• answered. P.O. Sox 31002, Fres Information package• ITFALIJ 1300 King •. E. Ottltaeia L1H Debars, 723.2= (10 a.m • 11 am. 0428M pm) (TF) now" 1016"Al �.�� " T Nice Your Cd SM or CANADA'S 0 aip. r -'L ALL FOR LESS THAN THE PRICE OF TWO REGULAR PARK VISITS! NEW! �S 1W • Bring your bathing suit and jump into over 15 wet In wild slides, tubes, a relaxing lazy river and a SPrlar2t0 kirke' ur2tor nlnv Oren For - Friday � 8 � ��' C'mon - Ride the sat 5 PM, and check out all thn at s nom, p� In limited operation, with most rides open (except water rides) FREE P MOss The Ultimate Video Dance Party Don't p Presented by CFNY FM logo with as special five appearance by SKAFACE. _ • YTV CONCERT - Starring Sheri Lewis & Lamb Chop, Bob Schneider, Kideo, Sandra Beech & more! -• SPLASH BASH WITH IAN ZIERING - Star of Beverly Hills 90210 <„ • BLUE JAYS DAY - Meet & Greet some of your favourite players! • FEATURING STARS FROM THE YOUNG AND RESTLESS - Joyce Becker's Soap Opera t° Festival. ass.— �n i ,l�iv4/ye Awj A season Pass entdlss Ire owlet to aarnssan to the Wwnds Plus use of al regular rides and snows at carnda•s Wond•nand in sic op•rapon on say d use. Excludes good, games. merchandise, parking. admission to Kingswood MuTheatre and special aprap,ans. Fanny is dttine0 as boated hw%*V crwpes a exttra x•00 Tirade Marks onesaCanada•s 8wyears «a wine. o�� �s Pwr sive are even refundable. Delivery ata Copy^Wu Canada's Wora•nara Inc.. 1992. is • 10 E 0 0 @gE ON SALE ,WE ON t: • BEACH 80+5(2 SIM)) AM 3 APR 21 Pyl1LA Oft ME BADD (7 PMI MAV NOW • LITTLE FEWIGEORGE THOROG000 0 PM) AUG 10 APR 25. VOGUE EN V MAY 23 MW MN 25 APO >d APR 21 • DENVER AG 12 SEPT 1 APR 1B APR 23 a IENNY LAGGMIS (7 PW CHAPMAN MAY 30 NOW U MUSIC FESTIVAL '92 WITH SEPT 3 APR 27 . TRACY • SwLY REO AK 5APR AW >16 APR 1 2 71 . BLUES B.B. BLID& GUYMR- J0111111II IONGI • 1111 0 SVM II, HMS MFA&M THM (6.30 Pit) SEPT >z APR 27 ALL WM BW (7 PIA 20 APR >s • s� �l � TBA . •WBAPA w � AL11MN 501" �S1 ,tUE zz APR zs . � � 8 THE RWY Bl1NCIV 1811 1111 BUTES TRIIfEtiR p PMI AM 4 APR 23 CE CE PENISION • KU MM ELL t0 COIT1e! All shows at 13:00 PM unless indicated otherwise. Due to the nature More SNOWS �of theatrical bookings, schedule and prices subject to change without notice For - Friday � 8 � ��' C'mon - Ride the sat 5 PM, and check out all thn at s nom, p� In limited operation, with most rides open (except water rides) FREE P MOss The Ultimate Video Dance Party Don't p Presented by CFNY FM logo with as special five appearance by SKAFACE. _ • YTV CONCERT - Starring Sheri Lewis & Lamb Chop, Bob Schneider, Kideo, Sandra Beech & more! -• SPLASH BASH WITH IAN ZIERING - Star of Beverly Hills 90210 <„ • BLUE JAYS DAY - Meet & Greet some of your favourite players! • FEATURING STARS FROM THE YOUNG AND RESTLESS - Joyce Becker's Soap Opera t° Festival. ass.— �n i ,l�iv4/ye Awj A season Pass entdlss Ire owlet to aarnssan to the Wwnds Plus use of al regular rides and snows at carnda•s Wond•nand in sic op•rapon on say d use. Excludes good, games. merchandise, parking. admission to Kingswood MuTheatre and special aprap,ans. Fanny is dttine0 as boated hw%*V crwpes a exttra x•00 Tirade Marks onesaCanada•s 8wyears «a wine. o�� �s Pwr sive are even refundable. Delivery ata Copy^Wu Canada's Wora•nara Inc.. 1992. is • 10 E 0 0 7'1BE MEAS ADVERTISFi. AEa, AlR1L 22, 2!lLIACL �7-A • IYour Birth Announcement in Oshawa to Wh't6V this Week 0 s• Could Be Worth 1 over : 200,000 Dollars Receive a special gift pack consisting of a Penaten gift pack, Gerber food coupon, Huggies coupon, 5°° Playtex coupon, Jerry's own gift coupon value of $10 and a chance of winning $200,000 with a Wintario Ticket. i�Tim �i l: 67� AO a D Tiili I)RIJGJ N��R1:I[O[JSI: Just place & pay for your birth announcement in Twice (2x) either in Oshawa/Whitby This Week or Ajax/Pickeri'ng News Advertiser or 1 of each and receive your special Birth I. I Announcement Coupon from t Call today he News Advertiser. 57 • 9335 This special birth coupon may be redeemed at one of the following locations: AJAX WEST HILL PICKERING WHITBY M®M75 BAYLY ST. 91 RYLANDER 1725 KINGSTON 31 W., AJAX BLVD., ROAD, NC Baywood WEST HILL PICKERING WI, E r,Shopping Abbey Lane y No East of B ocr Rd ■�■ BESI — — . rig Anrncc Irnrn tFe Dnc- r+— (RC' N � ,. � ..ra. r_. . ...r �,• _ ..r. .,►.r rw r..w..>1 ,Lc t. .. r.�rv. - ..-.. PA4i 3i -A THEIVS��'�'131�I, WE�� A�t�2� I44A w� C0ltANGE JCTICE 355snL TIN 6 TIN LIMIT TIMI , 89 IAORN NkCMN FROZEN d I TENDER CRISP'w/N,u•,, PIZ7.A 42 80g BOX lkgrPPACKAGE �� i f e4EA 104290 w Ant�� "�FA OB luijlTj FARMS "THE FOOD TERMINAL" "KEEP YOUR FOOD COSTS DOWN - SHOP BY THE BASKET"($2.00 DEPOSIT) 4 PRODUCT ..FROZEN D[RECT FROM MAPLE LODGE FARMS CANADA GRADE "A" ROASTING CHICKENS 2.•1 LB AVG. �cl 2.18kg 3 BIRD LIMIT -_A%A-A xrJ0. --A'.A_A aE Sf _•• -v'_AA +b t.=: A'., �1•�IV �gEVOIiSl�F QOZEN - BACKS A"AO*D RoclW,;Wl'IsH VN CHICKEN LEG'. 79 ,A' -A Z; :_%i .._ . V' IB.1 SHOULDER & BLADE 89[W_A� 3.:3 kc 69 � I _� _ �N'A-"i!C W..'•E `4 1 99 usI-I xC�vls -;-; _,'W\ 3AG . t_8.1. • =ROM C�.-APIC PACKERS • A- SERwCE COUN•'ER 3• / 3♦ • �.1. �• c 1 CHOICE CANADIAN Vv., . SHOL 1L"Hn1 4-89 Ice LB. SXJPR DE-VEIM 8i. 1.521ce XJL - INDI K i.so Ice LB. SVVE�'r PI F COTTAGE HCLI.S 1 4.$9 Ice �- BEEF -• BUR.GER.S • IF -b;;" F'FLIFS • C—A.VrAIN'S* A KIN(:IXIM 3,99 LnrnT s somas .n fill 1.79 + �•usn DooE 1 i FMfr21 s MUE oL _ ■ om �� - DhM&L ;. PUM E"eTr gE URL. WE Iles[�l1EwYMrTou•r. PRODUCT OF NEW ZEALAND GENUINE FROZENPRODUCT OF ONTARIOFROZEN WHOLE OR HALF WHOLE OR HALF • SPRING LAMB LOIN OF PORK %0 CENTILE ('11011S REMO %'El) •GOATS 3.73 kg 20-291-13. AV(:. a 3_73 kg j LB.1169 LH. 1 �C" OF ¢ a -ti DR,EJ ". yGCG.,C" OF AIEXICC DE_ MCNTE ASSCR"E� YAMS 69 ILEI) c.AI2I.Ic 1 PINEAPPLE 79 iJ c;l.cwr s VV SCHNEIDERS SALE • SINGLE SLICES ALI. YAIti}T t'[},N ;.IN/9 2169 •CHEESE BLOCKS rc BARS -g -K AM • :Rs 1.99 S PAC I.mQT • COBN® H1 • PAWRAIQ SM4010ED NIVAT PURE PORK SAUSAGE 5008 TRAY PAC CHICKEN �3TYI� D HAA18 1.28ke LB:1. COOKED HAM I� Ice L 4.39 B. , WESTTON222 ' aA,oAs ST (ANSOOrM1E CHERRY RD. a AVE ST. 00 mwMh d • D.A•r •L a r Wd s IMd i ✓4•r lL J1tY r, > KELLOGG CANADA - EGGO - FROZEN ASSORTED WAFFLE S 3129 WA o,49 T,yrr o,,.. �.r• - EA. --- SI(IPPY ASSORTED 399 tkgJAR 9 EOM VALI.EY ASSORTED EO �KTAILS DASSONTEO 1 I 1Q BTL. EA 1.69 EF "TE F�oz�T EA aft IOU, 1410 tt UL TUBE { STYI��TG GEL BONUS 175ML TUBE � OMAPPLWAIWN SMA«RS PACKAGE OP 8 ..Wvw{GYPC QBRM IRIRSW �H f NWY IOt RD. A • *use& dMry.N1 "OUR FAMILY OAr 17, 0 0 0 -• • FL -;H IN BATT Fri • F9_' -*I ti r IC.ti • IF -b;;" F'FLIFS • C—A.VrAIN'S* A KIN(:IXIM 7oow Box S(Hi�. 'MJ -F- - 4100PVA- p I, .n fill • :Rs 1.99 S PAC I.mQT • COBN® H1 • PAWRAIQ SM4010ED NIVAT PURE PORK SAUSAGE 5008 TRAY PAC CHICKEN �3TYI� D HAA18 1.28ke LB:1. COOKED HAM I� Ice L 4.39 B. , WESTTON222 ' aA,oAs ST (ANSOOrM1E CHERRY RD. a AVE ST. 00 mwMh d • D.A•r •L a r Wd s IMd i ✓4•r lL J1tY r, > KELLOGG CANADA - EGGO - FROZEN ASSORTED WAFFLE S 3129 WA o,49 T,yrr o,,.. �.r• - EA. --- SI(IPPY ASSORTED 399 tkgJAR 9 EOM VALI.EY ASSORTED EO �KTAILS DASSONTEO 1 I 1Q BTL. EA 1.69 EF "TE F�oz�T EA aft IOU, 1410 tt UL TUBE { STYI��TG GEL BONUS 175ML TUBE � OMAPPLWAIWN SMA«RS PACKAGE OP 8 ..Wvw{GYPC QBRM IRIRSW �H f NWY IOt RD. A • *use& dMry.N1 "OUR FAMILY OAr 17, 0 0 0 iw OXFOAD FARMS 2279 PPG EA 1.79 • :Rs 1.99 S PAC I.mQT • COBN® H1 • PAWRAIQ SM4010ED NIVAT PURE PORK SAUSAGE 5008 TRAY PAC CHICKEN �3TYI� D HAA18 1.28ke LB:1. COOKED HAM I� Ice L 4.39 B. , WESTTON222 ' aA,oAs ST (ANSOOrM1E CHERRY RD. a AVE ST. 00 mwMh d • D.A•r •L a r Wd s IMd i ✓4•r lL J1tY r, > KELLOGG CANADA - EGGO - FROZEN ASSORTED WAFFLE S 3129 WA o,49 T,yrr o,,.. �.r• - EA. --- SI(IPPY ASSORTED 399 tkgJAR 9 EOM VALI.EY ASSORTED EO �KTAILS DASSONTEO 1 I 1Q BTL. EA 1.69 EF "TE F�oz�T EA aft IOU, 1410 tt UL TUBE { STYI��TG GEL BONUS 175ML TUBE � OMAPPLWAIWN SMA«RS PACKAGE OP 8 ..Wvw{GYPC QBRM IRIRSW �H f NWY IOt RD. A • *use& dMry.N1 "OUR FAMILY OAr 17, 0 0 0 7116 N`wi �iY10�.�� A!!!<d ne fl��� �!•iA, 9 NO COUPON REQUIRED 3 CASE LIMIT UNIT COST 6 LppAr •6 VITA ALL. VARIETIES GENERAL, MILLS UNiT COST DEL MONTEiAegg SODAPOP z ee per BUGLES PUDDING CLIPS 750 ml BTL �+ ECONOMY PACK 1759 BOX 1 PKG OF 1 1 .; 40 COW • SimEP - 18 kg BAG • TOP SOIL 30L BAG ONTARIO SEED CO. ] .A`%AW SEED 1 kg BAG gBAG c. 3199 P 3EATSMOG. .S 2.99 20 BAG POT�'ING: S<)II IBAG BA OOM TISSUE FESTIVAL PKG OF 200 LARGE 8 ROLL PACKAGE I CASE LIMIT ALWAYS nroRr LIN LIN r, IN nAn... soAp 149 LeroLVUs 1 I. sow-rl.� r Mev 129 �RrB:Q B_UCEJ 69 PPCCTEP s GA%IBLE • PAIJPERS JUTA80 PHASES . Inn S D1 i •A V4A c+ospasAeiFBi<+1.cooea�wn� ` 4.99pi A2.99 2100 CIPIC 'd EA RMFOODS wrnt Tum COUPON Lm T'Vhm I LPAi 1 civ"w cLmow OO. rcaawL 1 OIE 001lCrPOFAI LYrlltlliNRALan 1 .J wrra •sur COUPON7379 j �GTiU�li6 � i :1,991 cworwuowlaaommIFALAnLawurTolE FlsolEaoloarlwtAiaTrsnlllEll�vaar � J �NNNNN�� eeNNNMNN��N�����N� Y s wrm 77ur COUPON I rg 99111 .oX of i 1 aalFa%"Wftao.� w mw carom 1 aEOa�GII MA NMYSMK KTK" 1 ---N -- N-----�����--- ------ _ WRQ 'rfOt COUPON 1 Ig TIN wI 1 EX111AIM Ift 8W f , 1 cnwawowaa nsaaaauunrr6w 1 _ OIEC01/OIIIq iMrTrrr�OTLLW ------------- rm:;;�� = ; • wrrx •FHS aoUPow CHRISTIE 1 •C c s o i oara�wowaao.�ryr� wassurracMo14M Do olEaann�wlFravraoltllcTAarn ' .1` • AULT DAIRIES • SEALTEST • LIGHT'N LIVELY • ASSORTED i •r�• O h: ':V -x P•Wk%SIL MAW :A_ R.INI•: �' E , BENCKISER • CALGONITE 0 Dow D1 1 1 w 1 to Calgoni 900IFFEES)if J1.,O �Q m1.IL GSI • BiAVY DlT1T MA 650ML SPRAY 9R mr YD�at A[>IIYr HOT HOUSE SE E"11JE SS SELECT YOUs OWN E'+- E x PLANTYOUR OWN 2.IS&& I.B. G�t� i�T BE STS FEEL YOUR OWN BAG =-18ks I.B.___ F: A ;a�.cyp„1aE,uFx'7aG�YliaS � 4AGARA w-wO r GRADE ROSE: RUSHES '.IA IIJPE 7"P 7LD IMCK 1991 TOlVlATOE S 2.18 ke EDt'TI,;.A LARD: E SIZE FILL YOUR __ ovvN HAG OF i"_`IAU • Ic'(MA[X CI•� szv0 PES 299 500--q•.9 A , LFROM 7K TROPICS BA1vAlv��B .64 kx .S I -M LIMIT 4291 I.S_ 1 ""N i3UN(' 11 �.S M• _V .: Ulu • PRODUCT OF U S.A WASHINGTON • n GRADE • LARGE SIZE PRODUCT OF U SA:&FOFV" 01 OLAsi['�r SIS 66'r-7Y'r YOwNa�'`i69 FANCY NAVE[. IiANGFl4 iPT' F� CELARGE SEES ffsa 10 s Fri 171jj) COCOl'�IUZS SELSC'i' YOUR OWN EA. SPINACH 1431"W"FUU4/0 10 OZ CELLO SAG 1699 SELTCT YOUR OWN • IDA RBD • A6c1?4T XM ZCTCCHINNI S F1LI. YOUR OWN SAG 2.18ks LB. 10 LB- FAMILY SIZE POLY BAG 4A ���N��������������70") � ----I-------������������-------It wrrN 71Ir1 COUPON 1 wma imso COUPOPT 1 olloom KBJa00fis 1 KRAFT PAIrCA1 1 CORN ���3 � � AML A& 3 u TiN on s>ouAREs i wWIIMLL LM I%l APA rI*Lwffo Kn calalwo UWLCLOM34T NII 3r1Aef 01E �;�� 1 �wrm cowaUFw FrarrslaR RTAIRr a.oIIIn6 oEorllollrvlNrur IFTAR 1�m1F1lfo 1 IaftlrAlkM,A}MIT. low' --------------------------.. 'u'6i5•Yr — ..�_ 'Yv _ ; .mar :s ;> _ _ _ '• aq.. ..K-"�aL"��..-... J�. ,.. ' �iE+L•✓ .-�..� . .�y .na•. �. �'.• _. .Y ... ...-......rr'�+...,. _.. ._ ... gip;:... /:>. . bl IVIED ►► From Our Family To Yours... `�, ''w A SAFE & HAPPY EASTER! ftd MraW 0 -Me "A Cube! Steaks SAYE 1.00 Ib. 349 1e. so -NNNA Va ' Md S w_ London' Broil SAYE 1.00 1b. I Boneless Chicken Breast's' Rack o'F Park toasts p Z 9 9�. Fresh Pork "I ShIs bob Meat4! r 89 Ground� Pork 409 :- SAVE .10 FrfflCh a 099 SAYE on fo .; /4 :M1 s f :ourfte court 151 Simcoe SL S. s Taunton Square 1816 Dundas SL E 1113 Klrg SLE 723-1602 Corner of Taw%"wwI tson (Acro" frommart) 2 132.1381446 Tues.9-5 571. Tues. i Wed. 9-6 I Wed. 6-5Tues.9-5,6 Wad. 6�6 Tues.9-S, Wed. 8-6 Thurs. 6 Fel. 9.8 Thum. 8-6, Fri. 8.7 Thus. FrL 8.8 Thurs. & Fri. 6-7 Set 8-6, Sun. 9.5 Sat 8-6 Set 8-5, Sun. 9.4 Sat. 7.5 JPE-N SUNDAY It 6 Locations Servinp Durham Y Pi Effeedw THI Sun., AprN 28A2 ' ...r .i•.. . 7 a.. y ._ :CS•:�(i �Try '�t.'rY�"�7t� Ll 9 9 I LOOK FOR e , e EVERY SATURDAY Boxes from Scarborough to Brighton Pickering IRI) Wednesday, April 22, 1992 - 16 Pages HOME AND STUDIO $189,600 This 3 bdrm. home is 1 truly unique. Fully equipped sound studio currently exists and could be converted to your studio needs. i (Present equipment excluded) whatever your hobby or profession, this home could be your answer. CALLLARRY 4 7 SEENS6,886.333300 Il��-�sr MWI AJAX "NORTH END" 1.150 SO. FT. • $159500 Large eat -in kitchen Kit. loaded with cupboards Fireplace in living room Pro. finished basement Great rec room Large comer lot 3 bedrooms 3 baths SHOWS WELL CALL GERRY THATCHER 686-6-+330000 X�s 1WJf�7/� "97 NO G.S.T. $142,900 Whitby, brand new gorgeous 3 bedroom irsehold and unit horns includes 5 new appliances and 1 718% mortgage for 3 years. Cali Barrie Co: 2W 3993. 1*/MW ROUGE RIVER realty ltd. FINISHED BASEMENT, SEPARATE ENTRANCE, FINANCING AVAILABLE Priced for quick sale, gorgeous home. Charming and cosy In excellent family area. Close to schools, major shopping and transportation. For more information call Noricis Bambridge at 427-477124 hour pager. C3 C1&=1JaTn6tP-0*y NITERESTNG CAPE COO DE811011 Seehrded i pr1hrialle boasts this 4 b*m Cape Cod style Jacobaw cuslotm bulk hone. A mM to ses. Cedar and stone construction, hrdwd. floors, ant. sly open brick fp., Igs. fam . shoe kit. Cal tie Pickering Hall of Famer John North for personal lour �31a�01� WMW -T- mob.,J C Ilia I Pool, I �?"Arr ASSOCIATE BROKER FOXHOLLO1ti 3,000 SO. FT. EXECUTIVE Bright open greenhouse kitchen, walkout beautiful deck, finished basement with wet bar, large master bedroom retreat, central air, central vac., 2 fireplaces. Excellent value! Jacquelynn Tanner, 683- 8542. /& FA1 IID "I RUST ATTENTION 1 ST TIME BUYERS! Only $159,500 gets you this beautiful 3 bedroom with huge eat -in kitchen, finished rec rm. with upgraded brdlm., + roughed -in 3 -pc. bath. Gorgeous landscaping. A must see! Brian Kondo 683-8542 (24 hour Pager). FA.11IEN FRUST ING ROUND POOL SUMMER FUN - S154,900 Spacious family room with walkout to pool, fireplace with woodbuming insert, wet bar, sat -in kitchen and 4 appliances. 3 bedrooms, close to French Immersion School. To view call Mary Wright at 4274771 or res. 428- 6654 n' Cwsada Tr'restRetaEty SHOWSAIG"* Inpl� see, CalHonla shutters throughout, ceramic upgrade, broadloom, beautiful Idlichen, much moss. Cd Kip b m iia 04Z. unpiRy PLUSs •'� hle le a "1tY • 3,111$4. t1. on. hose • CK& air, sec. aye, • Mp 2 level d�idt, • 4 ba on sulles, Roman tub Huge satin kL whodkout • 4 large bedrooms •Showa Me a "Model" UMM ROUGE VALLEY REALTY INC. PAGE 2 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED., APRIL22,1"2 X000 MLS RESIDENTIAL SALES Soo 600 400 200 0 1992 - 1991 1990 JAN t L13 11AK PR IAY JUN Jt;L AUG SLP OCT NON' DEC You'll Get Results When You Advertise with Alax/Pkkering GYI��� QdnQ���QP Igo .poll. Realty World East REAL ESTATE LTD. wawa- 831-6000, Ajax 428-600 SAM KIMBERLEY Sales Representative Realty World "International" award winner! Realty World "Ontario" award winner! Realty World "Pickering" Award Winner Realty World "Salesmaster"! `' aR. r r t 1 NANNY'S QUARTERS! Lge. 4 bdrms., 5 baths, study, sun rm., on pool, fin. bsmt., 2nd kit. for nanny/in-laws, cent. air 8 vac., ceramics in k,t :laundry & baths. 28' fam. rm. Sam Kimberley. PARK & GREENBELT Lge. 4 bdrms., new oak flrs., new carpet 8 ceramics, -^n. fir. fam. rm., oak 8 marble fp., cent. air, french doors, 2112 baths. Call Sam Kimberley. Realty World East REAL ESTATE LTD. 1099 Kingston Rd., (Furniture Mali) 831-6000, Ajax 428-6000 WC FEAT ASA PM! 7 years now Immaculate 3 bedroom with 3 -pc. an suite of master' Upgraded brdlm. 8 modem sat -in k L I Over sized single gar.' mks onto park' Gail Petrrk $31-60001 - 10 ,- MAX HOME: Mi PHICE! h pays to as quickly on rare value like 5209,999 for 2,300 sq. ft, 4 bedroom home. Hurry, it won't last. COUNTRY CHARM Tucked OWN PRIVATE WORLD Tucked away in this 100x275' forest lot is a 3,100 sq. fL Gorgeous 3 bedroom detached, decorated to perfection. Located n heart of toren, flexible dosing. Try your offer. Cal 2"�ow s 2 �� pial, 3 walnuts, premium ki 831- S. Helmer 831- f= for details. . 2 skyrphts and more. Cal Corrie Dennis831- FOR 112 THE PRICE OF AN AUTO Your down payment will bury you a dream come true. VWalk to Town Centre, schools, mill $$ rec centre, large eat -in Idtl M with walkout, 2 hath rooms, upgraded carpet, solarium with a view. Shows to perfection. call Corrie Dennis 831- 5000. YOU WONT NEED A YAP TO FMO TNS Fully detadled. tarps kitten, main floor fam. rm., dining., fp., cent atr, ret room, 2 walkouts to large yard, CID" b stools, shopping. Cal SbW aunTan Y I ASKNG 120/,500 4 bedroom !citta features large matter wdh sitting roan & 4 -pc. on wile, for of fivirg a din. rm., main n►. laundry a !army roan with ip., family size kildw, cent air ti more. "DONT PASS THIS JOHN BODDY CABLE ON Or Such vabue ler this gorgeous deledled 4 + 1 bedroom will fam. rm., 4 baths, upgraded ret. rm. and marry extras, Shows like model. Contact Mary Po" at e31.6o00. PROPERTY PRICED TO Don't miss this rare rend! 364' property with detadhed renovated home and bonus bait. apt- A sTEvE COOPER money maker! Cal Steve Sda Rawasmtat m (,"w%ar ori o -nrw% $1111M DOWN & 7.99% KrM . And you can own your own home complete with hardwood flom, On. pine rec room with w/o to garage, 3 washrooms, COMME DENfIMs absolutely gorgeous. Call NEW HOMES • 2,600 sq. ft. & up • Guaranteed trade-in for your present home • 8.9% financing/3 yrs. Sam Kimberley Trade your home in on a 1 1/2 yr. new Ige. Jr Exec. home. Mn. fir. fam. rm., cent, air, 0. bright kit., 2112 baths, quiet child safe street! Please call Sam Kimberley. rye �Bq X99? 9oF` %9eA For your chance to win visit any N,sr,��-Jq REALTY WORLDTm open house or office. I APPROx I AW SO. FT. This 3 bedroom detached %atures, main floor fami y room with fp., master with wa!kin doset 8 4 -pc, on suite, formal living 8 dining rooms, eaOn lot $179,500. Michele Kervnedy WHY PAY RENT/$123,900 ' Stunninglneutral decor, 5 appl. included & all window coverings. Convenient location. Call Shelley Enright 831.6000. 9 j te 3,000 SG. FT. Lmw AREA Fully detached al brick ceramics, central air, large let, double pampa, fireplace, 2 years new. Don't m one, l bedroom n4 w suite. Harvey C. Brown a31 _j AJAX $9,500 DOWN Balance carries $1,348 mo. PIT. over 1,7oo sq. fL. cent air, eat -in kitchen with walkout, main niton family roan wqh fireplace. Ron & Jan Whalen, assaciaM brokers SM 4000. EXCELLE1t1T STARTER 0 $129,500! Pickering, detached, 3 bedroom, det gar-, large ASKtNc oNLrs2irsoo let dose to sip. &public 4 bedroom, 2 suet, features mason wdh walk-in d3oset, �' Scams. Walk to lake. a*ir*V dhoe & 4 -pc an suite, large modern wxtw% main Vendor says sell. Call Bev Am famiy room with fp., french dons, double ger. a mora 9EY� MHui lisort 83'-6000. MidWe Nenfte� 831 .6000. sales i pft Bsmt mislrad N RAM �AWM L8d 5QcM 1.. 2 bbl FW* 4 11L! $1129,9100for ft 33 THE PRICE 8IMGM ttedroorq, 2 luprrsleaide oora home w IV bas, fin bsmt, unit bar, . ant, b mfty weer* k Prima firms Wiwi Goo/ walru sm-et m 4 BEDROOM "NEIGHBOR OF THE FOREST STRANGER TO THE CITY ` E" this 100X275 it ravine let. oomptete wil '.. wild life at kwft ALL THE TOYS! stwv fireplace, pine pine g ��ry Mein noon family & laundry room. large eat -in kitdtsn, cars. Giant custom deck Fulfil a�dream to awl ce int air & vac., irgrwW pool, fr W. , $194,aoo. can Cal Don Dentis 831-6000. Jdm or Furl Hum 8314000 y. . • .t THENEWS 111192-PAGE3 _ am P06SESSION — l RANDY i TARN MLLER PMRNG-�r�ppp This bun maws andfeeatures numerous LAST BRYON COGHLAN LESS THAN V,000 WN 6replece, big kit, fini Sella Repossimative renovations & updates! Over -sized, heated garage Sala RepreaMgUra Huge 6eelald townhouse, bsmt aa. Call 683-8542 F"ILYMUST 4242U34= handyman. $137,400. Bryon Coghlan 831- • a. CORPORATION )REALTOR .,► : PICKERI AJAX 3 � -aA�o .�-li la c•. a ' y 683-8542 831-42426 "",, ram 1 BEST BUY!!! _- ANGELA HOFFMANN STARTER PRICE & HOME MIKE NEWMAN REAL DEAL Sales Representative Immaculate 3 bdrm., move -in condition!! Great layout! FEATU R E PROPERTY Sales Representative LUXURY CONDO - PICKERING Won't last at $126,900. Call Angela Hoffmann 683 Upgraded to perfectior, long dosing available, million �ry�{ 8542. dollar roc facility. Call Mike Newman 831.4242 iEe_Tv�- EN' I� :. ... F.. - - .tea- k✓/ ZLZ ry sAk For more information _ on this and other ' properties callZZ . — Gail Dail PRICE WAR! :154 900 _ / I CHECK IT our v 1806 - AJAX SPECTACULAR d SPACIOUS LOCATION, STYLE 8 VALUE!! 831-4242 S,i,. q K °� 4 2 ter. oven concept J Fp., cent air Impressive, bright 8 sunny, w/o to Prestigious Otter Creek, open epreemddW SHARON CHISHOLM 4 3 bdrms., mn 9r faun. J 3 baths, dole. art. gar. gorgeous yard. Professionally concert showroom fireplace. extras Asst- MomeSales Representative J Approx 1,950 sq. ft. -4 Agent will assist in finished bsmt. Call Angela Hoffmann galore. Call Angela Hoffmann 683- financing 683-6542. 8542, Sharon Chisholm 6838542 bdum LESS THAN~ 5850/MIONTH ` CARRIES LIKE RENT — - r' -"" — CENTRAL AIR JOE -ANNE LOYST Pickering . det. bung. with lake view. 3 bdrrr , large _ _.- HELEN MASON DRAMATIC BEAUTY Saks Representative eat -in kit., plus huge 2 bdrm. bsmt. apt. with floor to Sales Representative Multi-level 4 bora - lovely coon concept kacher ceiling back fireplace. For details call Jo -Arne Loyst --'----^-- w siand 8 panty - 2 fireplaces prof fin 5asemen;' 683-8542 Only 254.900 - Call Helen Masor to view 683-8542 IT •'i � Neil r ;� + i. � � , '� � � 7 _.. LOOK NO FURTHER WANDA HOLMES SEARCHING FOR A WINNER?MARTYSTREETEg: F ► r- it19,900 Saks Representative This 4 bdrm. home has it all 1,900 sq. It.' 55' lot' ��? Re JACK MORRIS Quiet court! 6 rift. news Dble. garage 6 much more! Could prooa* throw a scone to :?+e 'ake `rom this 4 Unbelievable price ... $178,9001 Call Wanda Holmes i bdrm sosutt• Ajax home. All new windows, `abulous 683-8542, premium lot arc more. Marty Streeter 683-8542. C -- Arm x AFFORDABLE PRICE + \ +a■ SOUTH AJAx-$1K400 FOr fhiS C 4 b&M. 9 main loon faillik 8 FNSHEDTOP TOBOTTOM UM&YMMS, gS . �AU�f be* Ii lid 0 jACpJELYIIrI Am REDUCED - $19 VJM kn��a bright, specima 4 bdrm, 4 baths, frith BRIAN KONDO Gorgeous! Wak-out bsmt, wraparound deck from aorta R wAo bsmt End of court locafon, welting dstana IDW Mt Oft 2 -Pr- bath- Stlreirg iS bei9+Af1S. Co Sala Rapwal "" greenhouse kit 3 lam. rm., central air, upgraded al amenieas. Jwqu*m Tamer. 683.8542 (24 he O arsai-4my brdlm., laundry chute A much, much more. Grant Phi• . ? creel Cal Brian Kondo 683-8St2 (24 hr. pop* ANNOUNCEMENT 011119M GLOM w' M� IEMMAN COUNTRY GN -17ACRES AeddwA This YK:TOn� 8a1N + Reno Nick bungalow in datable Greenwood Vbpa fabubui 2,1001 a9 h home hex laabxas area. Ciao to goU, sift rkkgl Stream, rolirg hid. ie3.8542 Don dN2yr an trx anal Darryl Gorier, Assoc $3,900- Mika or Paft Newman 831 4242 DARRYL GLOVER ,,, , !� aASSOpATE BROKER ASSISTANT MANAGER ALL THE BELLS & ,. WHISTLL$III WAYNE EINHORN, REGIONAL MANAGER is pleased to 4 bdrms.! 4 baths! Mn. fir. laundry! announce the appointment of DARRYL GLOVER, Oak staircase! Skylight! Huge Associate Broker to the position of Assistant Manager of SaleoRop=_v private lot + dble. garage too!Call the Ajax branch.Darryls SeNs long, successful career in Real MOREEN STIES MAIN FLOOR DEN ReFnamatiw GORGEOUS GLENDALE SEMIret Wendy Rapson 831-4242. Estate should prove to be a valuable asset. Prime court location, perfect for little ones. $174,900. UnWallililafiDrW Darr* Marten stiles 831-4242 '� i •r rAaAOrO RtGUES• ELAINE TwmAw- XKv uARY O. PMK• IWt RottE�- . vneA►r T _ 1► NATIONAL REAL ESTATE SERVICE PROMISE OF SERVICE Our Purpose The• \RS. National Real Estate Scrt ice rn.tndatc• is to tic• tile• rtrrntlx•r one real (.%tart• comp:rrry in %(*ming rite needs of our cunuttunities. Wc• look to fulfill till, purpose- In providing an excellence gf wn ice haled on knl►wlc•dgc. (.f fort Allot integrity. Our ONectives • f�► .t[wacs pl.tcc IIIc• needs of* ottr � ustorncrs tint. • i n ►►flc r tilt• n►►►st prt►gr< clic(. real (,•t.ttc wl-Nisc% in \4►rth .xrrre•riea. • I tilt• highest Icycl of pt�►Ic..i)►t.tli%tn 1414MU4'lic•nts. • I Icad rile indttstr-% in rnarkc•ting �(.� hni►It►�n .IIId prt►cluc ts- • i►� Ix- Iugaldord .t. .t gt►t►el and fair 4111pltncr. Our Ideals • Commitment: �%c arc• dedicated to clu.ilit�..c•tyitC, and trust. • Integrity: Wu de•nrand the highest e -t lrte .tl ct.urcl.0 ds .IIId pe•rforrnance•. • Excellence:l%t- .triyt• to Ex• the• hest ur t'wtlthntg we clo. • innovation: %%t• constantly seek tic %% idea. tg irnlnocc performance. • Leadership: %% c encourage and suppt►t t thc• leadership capacity of each individual. • Accountability: We attain our pur-pwst• through a commitment to our yalucs- • Achievement: We perforin to the highest lv%el to deliver what we promise. Our Commitment To meet our obi ectives, - are committed to the f'011owing: • Fo r-rnrtlate creative business strategies hast -d on commitment. performance and accot►ntablIM • (:reale an energized htrsiness clitnate to inspire enthusiasm and determination. • Expand and develop innovative, client-orie med real estate service's. • Nurture positl%v attitudes committed to attaining thc• \RS goals. • 1►14)yide leadership thlotighuut IIIc real estate industry. • Develop consistent public relations to enhance exposure and credibility. • Generate exciting opportunities fur e•mplgvees and sales asux-iate•s. • Expand ownership throrrghc�ut our organization Our Company \RAS is a private compam,, wholly-owned by its etnplovees, sales associates and broker owners, who are committed through investment to success. SUCCE8siiist NATIONAL REAL ESTATE SERVICE . ASSI c TE 13FMFR ACHIEVERS REAL ESTATE LTD. AW 428-7677 Pidte"831-76n ' SALES REPRESENTATIVES West HEN 286.7677 r root a now x GEOFFREYttM - '�` ON1D �OIrMrAlr THE NEWS ADVENMEIR, WED, APRIL 22,1992 -PAGE S 0 .J MARILYN WOOD Sala Representative ELVIRA LAROCOUE Sales Representative ELVIRA LAROCOUE Sales Representative tp, I. LRBHANG resn taveSaks eti BARRY EARL Sake w SOON TO BE SOLD Specious 4 bedroom home. Main fleocr laundry, main floor fam. rm., cent air, much more. Close to schools, shopping 8 transportation. 428-7677. DREAM HOME On almost 2 acres. All the toys, Inground pool, solarium, 4 beths, 4 bdrms., approx. 4,000 sq. ft To view tail E. Lamcque 428-7677. JUST REDUCED Fantastic! Buys This executive home is approx. 2,660 sq. ft. with in-law apt Shows very well on quiet end of st. Call E. Larocque 428-7677. VIU10RIAN PASTELS - "10' Ajax elegant 3 bedroom with 4 -pc. on suite, unique floor pian, bright sunny 8 open, sunning while kit. with bow window, open 10 tam. rm. 6 sliding glass walkout. A real gem, call quK ki 428- 7677. GORGEOUS A GRACKMI L.ov* 4 bedroom home, has air, central vac., 3 appliances. Beautifully decorated top to bottom. M absokrts reasure, in move -in conditions. Barry PK3MF IG VL AiGE Ctww on=, 3 bedroom. 2 storey + finished basermnt inic, minciad daet dons, ran l as Panni, wir-do ata ttlifROL i JOHN COLLINS 90% replaced, kitchen lunch tar Gorpaara Sloe trowhout. Carrot i John Cobs 428-7677. W47 Bm&A 4' 1 an PRESTIGE LOW= Coafain horse wish bnnal " and dining 100w* Olon 0011 111011101, JOAN HUDSON room 8 Mroe Maw with wdww b POOL Pine tails ve rec mOnL FYrdw 831-7677. 1 l JUST REDUCED!!! 50x250' lot! Tons of mature trees! 4 bedroom, all brick backsplit, conveniently located. Main floor faro. rm. Won't last" Call today 428-7677. FRANK STYVA Sala Representative Family home in popular Westney Heights features main floor fam. withgas fireplace, ELVIRA LAROCOUE laundry, upgraded carpet. Call E La tree 428 - Sales Representative 7677. PRETTY AS A PICTURE This 3 bedroom home has rt at. gent Or, cent -- frac., gar- dr. opener, huge deck of main floor NANCY RED rami!. nom and immaculate to boot' $189.900. Sake Representative Cal Reid to view 428-7677. ra-s: no— G j►,pAG� DOOR. UNDERGROUND SPRINKLER SYSTEM "COSY COUNTRY DECOR - Pickering, open concept sunny holtywood kitten, 3 bedrooms. 4 -pc. on suite, fam. rm. with LIZ HAUG find''". cent. vac. b much morel Don't miss Sake Representative out Only $185.500 428-7677. -- POM AND This 2,000' home is next lo beautiful Petticoat Park 8 Lake Ontario. 3+1 bedrooms, sat -in SHEILA EARL kitchen, en suits 8 fireplace, enjoy air Seim Reprpsetatlw conditioning a much more. Sheila Earl 425-7677. GREAT PRK:E For Mts 3 bedtsoom hone with 4 -pc. an suit. Just JOSE HARFW= a walk b the Wks. Word last brig at this pita. sake RspieeskMatfw Joeis Heirk 831-7677. GR�NTING At affordablely decorated, JOSIE HARRISON maintained 3 bedioorn hone. To see >:alea Rspneaettladva is to buy 1'&M Josie Harrison831-7677. Fabukm four bedroom well cared for home features all the 9 wants' an fte most wanted list ANNE WRIGIiT-AIMERS 'Cent air, 'Family room, 'Formal din. rm. ' For Sales Representative details call Joanne Wright-Aimers 686-7677. ELVIRA LAROCQUE Sales Representative L2 HAUG Sia Representative PEGGY STRATTON Sala Representative 1 POPULAR GLENDALE Beautiful kept and very well maintained home. Approx. 1,600 sq. ft, features fireplace, cent air, 3 specious bedrooms. Call E. Larocque 428- 7677. T - c9F -BOATERS DREAM' Pickering, walk to lake 3 bus. Fully detached clean 3 bedroom, country lutchen, carries like rent Only $8.000 down buys. Call quickly. Lu Haug 428-7677. Liu _tom PICKERING LUXURY Beautiful 2 bedroom condo. 2 owls. on surfs, Laundry. 2 parlung spots, 5aicory 8 sol., indoor outdoor pool. Games -oom Cad Peggy 428-7677. SOUTH AJAX 4 BEDROOM knmacuWe! Huge yard, fin. basement las 2 -pr - ROSS WATSON 8 wet bar. Walk to acthod d park Great value. To Saha Rspressnh IW View call Ross WhIson 428-7677. ENCLAVES MAPLE RIDGE Absdutely gorgeous executive side spit on Premium bit overlooking retreat, unique open design makes this sharing home. Josie Hanson Sake 832-7677. ,fir, 'gal= j r. POWER OF SALEI 5% dwmL arSuper 3 bedroom starter with eat -i DAVE JOHNSON nt td SRapwaenfaYue opt to vi w Dm b 428-7677. = I I ti ill 10 .You'll Get Results When You Advertise with L��n� �u • �1,�u��T:+►iii - --= -- -- News Advertiser 1! rAVb w- A O6 M611410AUT&K1 II5LKv 1 �wra RON CRAMoI Sales Representative APRIL Z4 IM .BML Crama) 'The Golfer's Choice CANADA TRUST REALTY "WHERE THERE'S , AWILL. •"+ •.`• THERE'S A WAY" •. 420-4200., YOUR DREAM CAN COME TRUE... LET RON SHOW YOU HOW TO TEE IT UP IN YOUR OWN BACK YARD!! -!�"" . .y0-► Rq v7 lot S r SPECTACULAR 5,000 So- Fr TEXAS STYLE MANSION Backing or, the 16th hole at OaK Rages Golf Courser Ashburr: Now under power of sale for x385,000 asking $993,D00. unbeilevaole value. This unique home has a btafly aper. concept greeting you with a marble over & high that explodes with light and vistas of beautiful interior space and with trees and Goff oourse beyond. Sun;,1y spectacular There are A bdrms. in the home and 7 baths. The main floor limp room and 2nd floor family room, sect, have a fireplace and french doors opening to the rear yard and Golf course. The home still requires approx. $100K to complete the interior to your owr sowfications. What an opportunity a dream home at an unbelievable pace that you car fmsh b your own taste To inspect please cap Ron Cramm at 4201200. $hopping for a mortgage??? Ped vau hnuw that... 4' Life insurance companies toner (through mortgage brokers) mortgage rates below those offered by major banks d trust companies ec 01 YOu ma,. now bu% a home with as little as 5`k down for first time home buyers and 10% down if �ou'w C `` tmned a home in the last fire years 11111000AGESPECIAUSTS Or IF IOU USE A BROKER FOR LIFE. AUTO, FIRE AND INVESTMENT NEEDS DOESN'T IT SEEM PRUDENT TO USE A REPUTABLE BROKER WHEN SELECTING THE LARGEST LIABILITY MOST OF US EVER INCUR - YOUR MORTGAGE For honest, objective advice, and the best rotes available kindly call STEVE KING 428-8565 CONFIRMED INVESTMENTS INC. CAWBELL HEIGHTS COUNTRY ESTATE HOMES BY FAMGATE A prestigious development in Uxbridge, with only 35 homes being offered. The builder is one of the most respected in the area. Lots are one-half acre and up. They have town water, natural gas, cable, underground hydro, sidewalks, etc. Magnificent rolling hill with mature trees. OPEN SAT. & SUN. FROM 1 - 5 P.M. FOR YOUR VIEWING PLEASURE FAMILY TRUST CALL LARRY MESON ASSOCIATE BROKER 640-2082 Larry Olson Associate Broker strtiwaornrltlnwtewlal�Ea�oec '' '� e i11 N R Mi RESIDEWWA.1" WIFE GOLDEN KEY REALTY LTD. DAN BARTLEYW� �. a< Sales Representative PI3 Ige. b r VILLAGE Unique 2 storey, 3 ge. drms., new kit.,formal din. rm with french doors, updated bath with Jacuzzi, fin. 281 -2200 rec rm. with 3 -pc., dble. gar, 82' frontage. A steal V $249,900. Call Dan Bartley 281-2200. LUXURY CONDO - $5,000 DOWN Scarborough by the Guild 1 berm„ good s ze master 'din. combo, solanum kit., indoor pool, tennis, '•.,e,c.se rm., 24 hr secunry guard $30,000 below. sew don't miss this one. Dan Bartley 281-2200 PRESTIGIOUS ROUGE VALLEY Fantastic custom built 2 storey home. 4 Ige. bdrms., master with en suite, spa d greenhouse, skylights. Jen -air kit., marble flr. entrance, cent. air, huge 72 x 183' lot. Sunken fans. rm. Reduced $369,900. Super value. Cail Dan Bartley 281-2200, VENDOR SAYS SELL Rckering Custom b;, *. 4 ievei backsplit, 4 big berms , country sized iu-. 2C' fain. rm with fp., fin. rec rm. wrh bar, dble. gar, huge 50 x '50' lot. Reduced $249,900. Must seA- Dan Bartley 281-2200 AJAX STARTER 3 bdrms., 2 storeys, Iw/C•n rm. combo with ^ardwood firs., fin. bsmt., fenced yard, fridge, stove, dishwasher. $8,000 down. Hurry, Dan Bartley. OPEN HOUSE 206 NORTHMINSTER COURT, OSHAWA SUNDAY, APRIL 26, 2-4 P.M. Immaculate 3 bedroom semi on large pie -shaped lot backing on to park on a quiet court in preferred area of NW Oshawa. Financing assistance available to qualified purchaser. Call Geoff Rison at 428-7677 or 666- 1135. NATIONAL REAL ESTATE SERVICE GEOFF RISON F.R.I. Achievers Real Estate Ltd. Associate &oker _ ��a:.+�rca�x+►,Y:,.,. - -.. .�. __..� .._._.......�q�,._ .. rye - - .. y yam•• s^v- L • `' THE NEWS ADVEWMEB, WED, AMM22; fl92=PAGE 7 Agent wins Top NRS Sales Representative. Award _9 By john Duarte Elvira Larocque embodies the name of the company she works for — NRS Achievers. In her four years in the real estate industry, Larocque has built quite a success story. She was the top NRS National Real Estate Service sales representative in the Achievers office and Durham Region in 1990 and 1991 and she has just returned from Las Vegas where she accepted yet another honor -- the top NRS sales representative in eastern Canada. The honor also placed her in the top 65 sales representatives in the 3,900 NRS representatives across the country. Yet, Larocque is quick to add she doesn't thrive on the recognition awards bring. "I don't work for the recognition, I work for my clients," she says. "My personal philosophy is that if people get what they want, I am happy." Larocque says she owes her success to being committed to both her career and her clients. "This is a service oriented business and value means a lot," she says. "But people have to feel comfortable in the situation. I try to work on their comfort level rather than my own." NRS Achievers broker/owner Bob Oldman says it is ,great to see Larocque achieve her success. "With all the stuff you hear about how the market has been under such stress, it is great to see someone excel," he says. Larocque has a background in cosmetic sales, where she was a top producer. She turned to real estate sales four years ago and has a natural instinct for the industry. -1 took the step into real estate sales because I felt then- was hemwas more for me ... more of a challenge," Larocque says. "I absolutely love it. I love the work and I love the people." Oldman says she uses all the tools at her disposal and that is what makes her a success. "This business is built one brick at a time," says Oldman, "Elvira uses the bricks at her disposal. She uses every tool we have all the time. That is what distinguishes her. This is her year." Larocque's fellow workers are proud to have her part of the NRS Achievers office. Some actually travelled to Las Vegas to see her accept her award. "Seeing people go off with their dream home is what keeps me going," says Larocque. Like any real estate organization, NRS has a program to reward top achievers. But unlike other real estate organizations, NRS doesn't rely solely on the numbers a sales representative achieves. The NRS program takes into account customer satisfaction and service. NRS National Real Estate Service is a Canadian success story in that it is the third largest company in this country and it is also a force in the United States. The company is also 100 per cent employee owned. Buying 0 R F . SINCE 1977 XOT home 9 bedroodetachedm in ieaturinp a beautiful bey window, I garage and cans as DAVE BAKER bungalow with bads ob windows bated high on Fabubuscustom '"° vac. Vkn't l■tl $154,900. Sales Representative 8394423 10 acres. 5 bdrms., fireplace, spedaculsr view. Located minuses outarde fart P"• ower d moving, Try an ofberl -- -- -- -- - TIRED OF RENTING? Call me about - • No down payments - L • 7% mortgages I • Creative financing • Exclusive 2% down program 1 ! - uu i SUPER �xaatw Like country decor? This honor has bts of windows and a Brat layout, Separate dining room with bench doors,le�e bt, sunken Many options for 1 st time buyers NEW vtC OMM Nave► thought you could affad Pmebwk near the lake? bbu IMM roo lMy m, and hu9a kgchwr °ng':214,900. Don't wait ax DAY OR NIGHT AT YOUR SERVICE an! :Im,900 buys this wstom built vimnan wilt' a coach houses Conte wish a guaranteed trade in pian. � •+�.a 6-1 HL hllil ADVERTISER. WED APRILZ& lm .6 . AJAX ,i .. 1450 I� PICKERING KINGSTON RD. 00" GENESIS4,�. _ :: � : • FEATURE THIS WEEK DRESSED UP AND WAITING FINISHED TOP TO BOTTOM -5153,900 This is a stunning completely renovated DOUGLAS CAIN Excellent Westney Heights all brick starter home JOAN CAMPBELL bungalow offering new kit., new beth, cent. air. Sales Representative complete with fin., rec rm. with, Is own 2 -pc. bath. Sales Representative Shows first class 8 features a 2 bdrm. in-law a Home features 3 bdrms and a pnvate fenced suite. Look no further, this is your new home. Call backyard. Cali Douglas Cain at 831-330C now Joan Campbell 831-3300. STUNNING 3 BEDROOM ON 50 X 165' LOT ' ONLY $169,900 - A PICKERING VILLAGE DELIGHT !9N7IT? COUNTRY SIZE LOT Maintenance -free older updated home. Large eat -in kitchen J Now imagine the concert of crickets 3 sounds of 6 nice sized rooms, eat -in Kitchen with side with�� fenced rd. Se tate livi and `— summer on this .43 acre wooded lot, cedar b WIW ED AMSON entrance to finished recreation room. Mortgage JOE PITINO sbne Cape Cod, 4 bdrms., 1 1/2 baths, fam. rm. Sales Representative for 95% of therchase price b available oNy dining rooms with main floor den or 4th bedroom. 2 baths, Sales Representative with fp.. Country living in the city., $245,900. $167900. Cal � Williamson 831-3300 or les• updated windows and enclosed porch. Jane White 831- 2992 M. Call b view Joe Pdm 831-3300. --__- ti 1)i 'a FOR A FREE MARKET t EVALUATION, TALK TO =� YOUR PICKERING VILLAGE SALES REPRESENTATIVES, ` I - L ! 1 Only$179,900 Prvate and features in round LARGE 4 BEDROOMCK OVER t'2 ACRE!! JANE AND GEA�RY JANE GES, � MARGARET FLETCHER pool rs 3 spacer fun' This 5-pc GEARY OR JANE WHfTE ONLY $t 71,900!! PICKERING VILLAGE of � 9 ret Safe: Representatives large nate with fin bent ant extra 3 -pc balk s Sales Representatives It real pump. cen!. air, cent vac. and much Very private park like setting Oppo►tunrty knocksi Sales Representative Geary White 831-3300more Don't hesitate, call M Fletcher today 683- wHRBY EXECUTIVE . �.. i 1x114,900 - 2,36o SO. FT.! Absolutely spotless 4 VALUE, VALUE - $172,900 N� �''" teat. sped 2 storey DONT MISS THE BOAT! $134,900! foyer, grnhs. appl. kit., Detached 3 berm. backspL: n P ckenngi JOHN McCARTEN Mn Ar fan r— w.' fa e pc er s :e oversized SALLY McCRAE master bdrm. retreat, neat. RICK SERGISON Beautifully 8 extensively upgraded, big bright gar means great va!�e to, :nis 1.478 h . 3 PAUL KEELER Sala Representative y, y se es Representative decor and more. Sally Sala RepresentaWs SWn R�ve„t�ve family kit., appliances 3 w/o to yard. Lots of odrr . 3 oC Pickern� ce acfvad Please come McCrae or Paul Keeler Saks gorgeous wood throughout' Cal Rick Sergison buy ! John McCa.'ten 83' -330C 831-330011 voill All STEPS TO LAKEFRONT PARK -`� - •, �, ��':. Established neighborhood borders on miles Cl1STOM ILT BUNGALOW I of lakefront park This freshly pointed home Situated on a tis x 360' lot over 2,400 sq. h. of LAURA PETERS has mn. Ill fam. rm., woodburning dove in elegance with all the bells 3 whistles. 3 lye. LET THE S, wit NI!! rec rm. and hardwood firs. are some d the a ALiRE P bdrms., 3 baths, fin. bsmt, dole. gat Lapted in M a dean with Igo. gramlquk Inn wilt verb 10fenced gadw mit k Sales Representative features. Cal Laura Peters 6832992 Asking fam. rrr with Ill for those cod nits 3 Igo, k%w, master, bdmL has on only Pidcerir .Asking 5329.900. Cal today for your suite. Call Yrkki LoOes, Assodau Broker or Diens Bromley, Salsa Rsp. $1 PwaW vw"lig. Nalene Pdpnm 831-3300. saa_9001 TH"(W OF SELLING - I NEED A 4HOUSE .` Clients need a mature neighborhood. ..- : Premium lot, minimum 60' wide, single r _ i" `� 'STEEPLE MILI MEA' Prefer dole. gar., 3 bdrms., must sMw wat sidei*. bungalow, badus *. Grin, Unique floor pian - Sandbu buil! This homes y between 1170.000-=180.000. Between OF A tiND - POtB[A OF 8ALE! .�'" (eeaues a ry ' t1�.900• Dsrdted �on � -4 Rarer ' ' spaaous layout with sop. kv. and dn. Pi It in a Newcastle. CALL trees. bsdting on 10 3 bdrms, 2 belts rms., fam. nn. with cathedral oaikng, floor to I Ic or - Bev M wca stle. 30. J1UI.E TIEBlI.000K (Jep� tub. sep. j, huge fam. kit with STEVE K LL ceiling 1P• and a french dr. leading b an elevated BEY MoLEAN Saks RsprseentalMe nwWs kor. Lower level ism. nn. with stone 1p. & $ide RsptsaMative mast! Add b flus a huge kit wish pantry privets $alas �e master with an su bar. Must be sold. Call JlieTreWcock 683.2692. ite and a w/o bsnit. leading Iwo a t� ROOM TAKE A CLOSER LOOK._ REDUCED $149 Specious ttlwnhome 1,600 sq. Ill mn. Hr. At the 3,200 sq ft. of fin. space in this �. I.OW DOWN -� iAw ELEANOR STAPDFIELD tarn. rm., fp., newer window 6 roof, an suite Stunning all brick freehold townhouse just 1 r. NANCY POUNDER bau*sPlit• 3 fan. rms., 4 baths, sop. entrance 1u Y Sales Reprssentatdve beth, freshly pointed 3 3 bdrms., wb b yard Ssks Represarttative to 2 level bsmL! For more details about LEE BYERS old. Upgraded broadloom and kit. cabinets, huge & greenbelt, dble. gar. Priced to sell possible in-law, Potential call Nancy Pounder Balsa deck off din. rm., interlocking pathway. This is $149AM, Eleanor StandIll 683.2992. 1-3536. excellent value for your money. Cal Lee Byers at 1•HE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED, APRIL22, I992 -PAGE 9 PICKERING KINGSTON Ro. � GENEWSAltItio,T -L, "rT"""CARRY FEATURED THIS WEEK '� LIKE RENT" k Spacious 3 bdrm. t l; home in S. �. .J .M. shows well, new } T bathroom, eat -in kit., r Ige. yard, close to • schools & parks.-_ A SPECIAL LIFESTYLE ARKSII $149,900. Call Superb south Ajax,sq. ftltoar one, 3 LAURA sontat 6 Laura Marks 683- R q S JOHNe e�TE bdrms., 1 1/2 baths, iam.r. with w/o, huge kit., Sales ReprosentaUw 2992.x. 2 car gar., 3 appliances. A gem Cad John _ McCarten 8313300. 0 b« 7i f '� :•r i% ■ + y Biu _ DESIRAB 4 bdnn detached with renovated Wt & baths and FLOOR PLAN ALLOWS FOR LARGE DECEPTIVE BUNGALOWPnew red rm., light oak parquet throughout french BEDROOMS __ doors 8 decks front and back Located on quiet Here's a dean, well kept, beautiful 3 berm. home �� ��, LOT int near the lake with pinnate tot with mature MILT SOMMERVILLE with inn. flr, fain. nn., fp., dble gar, cent air and CHRISTINE GASKINS trees & flowenn9 shrubs. Feels like home! Saes Representative so much more. Good location. Call to arrange a Associate Broker S' 85,900. Ca:1 Chrstine Gaskins, Associate viewing. Milt Sommerville 6832992. 3 film Inn _k_" Country in the midst of town. This home offers 3 + 1 e - bedrooms, amazing kitchen, - s. fireplace, hot tub in basement, a' , beautiful rec. room, walkout to it above -ground pool and much = more. LOCATION LOCATION - PPFJMIUtN LOT - VALUE! MILT SOMMERVILLE f $199,900, priced to sellI En ? Milt Sommerville Saks Representative :234. through 4 borers., ceramic .Ir. n hfp..spacius GARY FUSELLI a' Loy the t 9 z 5' fain. entry, ttxough to eat -in lulu fain. rm. with fp.. ,in. rrn., spacious kit., lax & din. rms., Ige. master MARGARET FLETCMEA rec m-. cent, air and much more. For further Salsa Representative perm., 4 -pc. en suite, huge deck off kit No! a 683-2992. details call M. Fletcher or J Rod at 683- tnrough street. Gary Fuselli 831-3300. + Sales Representative 2992. Rodriguez It i BEST BUY IN TOWN!! 912'x. ''} ! FINANCING!! �e VALUE PLUS i Only $148 9C0 Bea ;:f l freehold 11 For the price of $142.500. This property offers METICULOUS CONDRION ' towrnouse, E--opear sy e k:t. neutral decor IEVERLEY COLLINGTON alot. Spacious kit., 3 + 1 bdrms., red nn., Ige. — $6,900 down br the detached 3 bedroom home throg,^ ,;oL±, s,;C,rg ;ass doors `rom k,, to Carnes Sales Representative treed lot, pool, enclosed picric area & more. ED WILLIAMSON with garage. It oozes once of ownership and is JASMIN ROORIOUEZ fenced yard M ;st oe seen" for orgy Detached in Oshawa. Call Beverley Collington at Sales Representative real easy to ow- Call EC W"Ilamson, Associate Sales Representative S• 230 Der Tort- Ca for an appo!rwment, 683-2992. Broker, 831-3300 or 28fr2992. as P.ocng,,ez at 683-2992' I _ YOUR CREAN HOME - ONLY dj'279,900!l ` DETACHED BUNGALOW ONLY $162,900 Finished lop to bottom bedong on Io greenbelt This fully detached bungalow features 3 + 1 9Rk4N O'DONOGHUE with a great view of the town and Wo. Huge EVERYTHING YOU WANT i MORE. bdrms., Ige. eat -in kit., 1 3 -pc. & 1 5 -pc. bath Saba Relpmeentadve greenhouse kit., fabulous en suite, many Cathedral ceilings, country kit, 3 bdrms. plus fin. features Ige. Jacuzzi. step-up tub, fin. bsmt with u gime Pickering location.Call Brian FRED WATTHE bsmt with fp and appliances Cal for the extras. AYTAR JAYMU fp., Ige. tot backs on to parkland. For more info. O'D ogghue 831-3300. Salsa Representative $159,90D. Fred Wade 321-3536. Saks RepnasntsUve call Avtar Jammu at 683.2992. s:. • std. 1 THE PERFECT 10 - $171,969 A 3 berm. home with so much b offer. htdudes a GLENN PSE COUNTRY CITE 1 4 -pc i 1 2-K b@IK a"IdL, fp, in bamt, Thb 3 bdnn. home gas katitosa to schools and GLENN PRICE dbhL car gar., Iga landed lK cent vac. 8 lfales =' bsftmft a bar ooncre�lu mn. � &Wqf. much morelll Calf today br mora Glenn P fir oorhatrtxtion. Ige eat -M Wt and 6* sarhoed lot 1[b a must I full time sales representative Free Home Appraisal BEAUTFM NGROUND POOL GREAT R&W LOT • • It's a 101 With so marts upgrades including This beautiful greenbelt home is situated in • with 4 GLENN ppm broadloom, florida cabling and upgraded GLENN PRICE ming 4 w/os to back xhdudirg Sales Rapranoggwe cupboards in kit, french doors in liv. rm. and Saha Rgwom " 2 wks from bcmt, slgeight Jatwzzi and abide) in inWkxWng brick walkway and also a be"ful 4* an SWIle, wmdow much more. Calf now i walfk-in closet and much, • • • • • • • • • - • inorowid pool dmttt a must sael Calf todaw. PAG>! lA-'1'E�' NEWS 7�DVERT151�'R, WEb:, A1PRiL 22;1�1t ,�., r .N ttr: x,. K , IV^.i 'I F BRISCOE ESTATES LTD. Canada Tn,ist Realty ANO OUESTION ABOUT IT.' Members of both the Toronto & Oshawa' o� AiE M.L.S. Systems DURHAM HOME SALES PICKERING & AJAX 839-2121 Mm how orW resaIrn week of April 11-16, 1992 WEEKLY AVERAGE 1942 SALES 1991 SALES WHITBY & OSHAWA 428-2121 COMMUNITY SALES TOTAL PRICE TO DATE TO DATE Each office is indeper:deni y owned and operated. Ajax 9 $169.611 200 301 AJAX NEAR THE LAKE Whitby 21 $185,400 315 482 r' 't A beautiful 4 bedroom home on oversize mature lot. Oshawa 54 $132,907 738 948 SOUTH ROUGEMOUNT!! Spectacular family room with oak flooring, 2 skylights, Scugog- One of a kind, spectacular fireplace, walkout to deck, spacious renovated kitchen - f� Uxbridge 10 $125.700 210 122 custom home on huge lot with 20'x11' - Hollywood style. Sun filled living room, Newcastle 25 $140.960 166 358 an ✓g pool, hot tub, huge island broadloom over hardwood. Numerous upgrades and Totals 119 $146,003 1629 2211 kit. with breakfast bar, skylights, extras. Asking $249.900 Sean Flood 297-1555. w/o and much more. Asking gam✓ 1Nlse wlsn by ooal:S msrmbat•s as they are r.pwt.a $339,900. Call Ed Mateo 428 ... !¢ � OOREs coupons, howwN. Md only ovsx a period of nrne am those ave rogos useful 2121. ,a . "fy for ostablihing trends and making comparisons. r r q "" •� 1 21 NO MORE RENT!! s 1450 Kingston Rd. n 420-4206 — -- Jist listed 2 bedroom, large = ng room, lovely Qatar deck. Canada Trust Zeal sin rm., updated kitchen 8 WARM AND FRIENDLY DECOR ty bathroom, in the heart of PICKERING Canada Trust Realty Inc. i Realtor Pickering. Priced to sell at This elegant family home has 4 bedrooms, a four piece $108,000. For more information en suite beth in the master bedroom. Family room with Canada Trust call Flora Waters 428-2121, fireplace. A country style eat -in kitchen which overlooks t a fenced yard. Central air p, ceramic Welcomes entrance, pine floor in halt. Featuresures conditioning, upgrades. A 3 must to view. Asking $239,900 Sean Flood 297-1555. STUNNING PICKERING HOME!! Only $229,900 Fully detached - - w l� many quality upgrades .� RORY lnroughout. Includes custom$HEEH/�N, ',each doors 3 oak trim, oerarnic flooring, brick fp. to tam. rm., - B.A., M.B.A. sundeck d landscaped grounds. Call Linda Clarke 428-2121. PICKERING 41 This beautfuly maintained home features 3 bdrms., a Margot Johnson -Phillips, Manager of Canada Trust Rea InC., 1 main ProfessionallyfiEn-ned b� New °��ng, is pleased to welcome m FIRSTTIME euYERs:!! Rory Sheehan 10 her Team of ful-6me Detached 3 bedroom, fireplace Central air and central vacuum, 1,650 square feet of real estate professionals. Rory has bull tits real estate reputation On living room. hardwood floors, 297-1555, living space. Asking $187.900. Sears Flood quality ServiCe and time) results. backs on to park, quiet b mto!,Y Rory is available t0 al his ClentS, Or nose to schools a shopping. Yate wf10 would like to talk real estate, at the Pickering office - 420 - Only $155,500 Call Mana .laver 4200 or 427-4200. 428-2121. t 420-4200 n PICKERING JUST LISTED - WON'T LAST!! ON -. South Ajax - $139.900. 3 carafe Trust FWMV tnc./iitaltor +� bedroom, eat -in kitchen, 4 1 app antes central air, Irv. rm, caps. to patio, garage 8 ore Junun session. Call 24 HR. s Denny Mo 428-2121. .PAGER ' THROUGH OFFICE JUST LISTED FOR ONLY y S222r= MAW HEWRT 420-4200 AL,EEN MUFtFW 4 bedrooms, hashed basement , sonRilillnewdeta approx. 3,000 sq. k of Wr4204= f>1tlYf Sibs 4 pl ------ area. For more information please call Mita Rozerlberg 428-- a 2121. i _ This l,ts `t�" �'"Don� PICTURE miss the opportunity to buy 3 YOUR bedrooms, fully fenced lot 3 Basement partially Ili W ad with ->< in-law potential. Askirg ,p $148,700. For your personal HOME preview. Call Judy shave 428- 2121. t POWER OF SALE! qc=w �. 3 bedroom, ink home in Whitby 2 washrooms, dining & Wing ' room with walkout, partially finished basement, single garage. Close to all amenities. 4 Asking $139,900. Call Judy Shaw 428-2121. 91 / GO EAST AND PROSPER! OPPDM dy for affordable wing, 'You deserve two dedicated professionals with over 17 } r 1,600 >;q. n. tetached, walkout experience. Put us to work for YN nested�r�� inti. you and let US hey you Backs on greenbelt ony make the right move. For all you Real Estate needs or a free $148,900. 1.cal Michele Jones; market evaluation of your home. Call Aileen Mu or J. H Marie . I TRUSTED FOR SERVICE RESPECTED FOR RESULTS. .., ss,r_;� ..+.:»sy. ..- .. .. •s..zru,y,r; .. r is r-^^—+--�--•—..._-- _. _._ _. ._...._ - - - WW. AMMU I PAGE t �Weslney'Rda,.100 .1450 KingstonRd.3 �iw f :Pickering 420-4200 A'ax 4-4771 27 4771 C"wida Tnist LACY BATf:SON Canada Trust Realty Inc./Realtor AJAX MANAGER „�..- DON'T TELL ANYONE BEFORE YOU iii; NORTHWEST PICKERING SEE THIS BARGAIN $127.500 Beautiful detached sides rt, Spacious d bright 3 bdrm., 2 baths with eat -in kit. SOUTH AJAX cal' professionally fin Rec rm. has sliding glass door w/o to back yard. Stunning executive home on ravine Beautiful ASILOFF bsmt., beautifully landscaped ' Large lot Garage & private drive, conveniently located to western exposure on Carruthers Creek. Walk to Location in demand area of custom built horn MARY KLASSEN shops. perk & school Dont miss out. To view can DONNA COLBY park on Lake Ontario. Big house. small Once. reaentative Please call John Sales Representative Sales Representative , - t_ '- ENJOY THE SPORTING LIFE •-^ STEPS TO LAKE ONTARIO 5219,900 YOUNG COUPLES DREAM - • Custom built 3 bdrm. approx. 2,300 sq. ft. A specious 4 bdrm. home with lovely landscaped -r ,.; '". __-- Featuhng ceramics Throughout fo er,Eat-in'rsr NOW IS THE TIME y large open �' yd. kitchen 8 separate side entrance to.�d;, _ :� • To make the move to thr; s acus, luxury home kit., fam. rm. with prof. solarium & deck addition, finishrd besemerrt 4 car rlki m -'~' •., '"rte ARDNER MARY KLASSEN On prove drive. MARG BEATTY nestled on private lot. Features library• large wsentative cathedral catlings. 2 fireplaces, more Laura ly $154,900 1 urge you to call & view It. Mary coon kitchen. four bedrooms. $229.900. Call Salles Representative Sates Representative '" DEMAND NORTH AMBERLEA BEAUTIFUL STARTER HOME IN COMMUNITY — FINISHED TOP TO BOTTOM!! •fir I QUIET FAMILY NEIGHBORHOOD Ouahty 4 . t bdrm. executive home. Features This 3 bdrm , 2 1,2 bath gem • features eat -in kiL, FRST TIME BUYER SPECIAL fully fin w'o bsmt., wet Sar, numerous upgrades. _ fmrshed rec rm , w/o to deck A fenced back yard. SM -900 351u ng- Premium 66• frontage. Picture perfect setting4 JOHN HOLLONAN Clow to schools & s� oopng. Priced to salt Only nfi Specious two kava! townhouse. 2 Just listed and paced to sei, at $234 900. Call 1 y WALLY MAGES washrooms. fin�sned basement $4.200 down sentativeJanice Sales Representative 5 64.900 For further info., call John Hoaccan at Sales Representative anc tames fa $1.060 Monthly includes all utilities. Vendor very anxious' Call ftly Magee — at 427-477, s MAPLE RIDGE!!! ONLY 5229,goo OSHAWA DETACHED JR. EXECUTIVE Specious 4 bdrm. home. Approx. 2.350 sq. ft Immaculate detached one of a fund to-ievei ou: t Tome 3 washrooms. +� Mn. Or. fam. rm A laundry. Very private mature specious farhuy room wrt floor -to -ceiling brck firep+ace Tastefuiy EBURY yard with interlocking patio. Separate formal din. decorated throIghout. 2 car garage, wa;kout to Orvate yard. CAC. rsentative rm. with french doors Call Lee Ilanebury forC FLocated on a oust crescent Must be seer to oe aaoreca:ed Cal Walt' inform ee at 427 a". UST tr } Canada Trust Realty Inc./Realtor JUST LISTED! tDPEN OON( PT HOLE N (T's SMART TO OWN GILENDALE *173,900 End Una - 3 bedroom townhouse. convenient Specious 3 bdrm. semi with fireplace and location now lake. Excellent starter with eat -in i gthedrrl ceiling in sunken living rm. Wb to • kitchen, large master bedroom and a fireplace in prnete hedged yd. and patio. Eat -in kit, sop. din. I the rec room to relax by. Interest rates are low eCOY rm. with hardwood firs., upgraded carpet Cal and the price is right at $125.900. Cal Terry Tentative 420-4200. SeNa -. � ! •- GREA LOCA COIF HOME TO EASTBAN(! = Plus lots of ceramics, natural wood trim and Feat right at hone in this AmberNe, 2 storey FEATURES GALORE! doors, eat -in Mdw% walkout to pyo and yard UA eewtlp, backiig on b park Main Its tom rm with Quality Greenpark executive hone with vile tIr 1 backing on b parkland. This spotless 3 bdrm. erMsUre easy . i tib b deck. Four good sized btimks i � �USKEV wants'. Cent vac., AWFM ntwcom, solid eek .TATE wQTS home won't last long at only $159.900. For rrti el,.d rec int. for only $237,000. Cal Dors Muir Sake Repmenitstive curved staircase, ceramic Byer and kitden, Sebe RepreeerttsthTe further inbrmaWn please cal Jane ttlbttt at 427- 2 427-44771 4771. SEEING 0 BELEVI I&I Character and charm are evident in this 3 bdrm. rergtr class • classic. Feat. rid.. ..� eat -in kit faro. nn. PERFECT ETAATER w/fp. and wd"t b Country When with beautiful phis arpboeNs, large priv. yd. and tTtaltout b private deck d gnat tiadk yard. PMre - more. Asking an oMeoversizedh!candy eated garage for pwaon. $169,900. For more �. into. pkt!ase call DOTT For more info. and b view please al Elaine .. 42D4200.Jane Mans at 427- wrrtetlw $► + jl•.. y!`g. CHILD SAFE LOCATION DUETCOMFOffT FUTURE HOME *1164,110110 4 bdrrns., 2 baths, 2 car FMPORT AND FNCFI sq. approx. large lamiy room gar., July private fenced with fireplace. Eat -in kit with ceramics. Very �� yard. Fronts on to court yard and play ground, Pickering at its best Fabuk>us ravine lot, desirable area in South Put r faro' to _ and just a short walk b c and the lake! oversized family room with fireplace, kit hen, this rest home. Priced to sell fas Call Bruce 5 APPLIANCES NCLUOED T00! Saba R MANTES emsevitative walkout rnes 42"M io deck. Asking $259,800. Clair � R �Y» �, at 427-4771. JIM BRADBURY Showings by appointment only, so tall Jim Sake, RODfs$*MB" Braditilmy 427-A771 TRUSTED FOR SERVICE 111111IRESPECTED FORRESULTS1 . . 'acz '. � ..-..,..:--. .. 7,ris � .: �:: : `:\::•Y'�` i�'�`i�b'Y.+'..-.?.�Y�wi...� . , tea: '.a. .... .. PAGE 12 -THE NEWS 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . APRIL 22. 1992 I 4 �g Now more than ever it's important to advertise your properties in the Ajax Pickering News Advertiser 4 I& 3) 1 91 All ads appearing AEU in the News Advertiser Real Estate section on Wednesday, Friday or Sunday, will also appear in 11,000 copies of Best Homes in boxes from Scarborough to Brighton every Saturday. That's 46,000 impre ssions of your Wednesday and/or Friday ad and 48,000 of Sundays,* FOR MORE INFORMATION,_ PLEASE CALL THE REAL ESTATE ADVERTISING DEPT, 'When listing your home for sale, sell it fastest for the best price with a Realtor who advertises in the Ajax -Pickering News Advertiser with the biggest ,and best circulation in the Ajax -Pickering area, - , 4 I& 3) 1 91 THE NEM AnvEXMER, W=., Alma V i"2.pAG E 13 Energy Efficient R=2000 Homes By buying an R-2000 home, consumers can obtain superior comfort, quality and value, and also make an investment to protect the environment. R-2000 homes are super energy-efficient and environmentally sensitive, and they are built by specially trained builders, tested, and certified so that consumers know exactly what they are getting. What is an R-2000 house? Developed as a joint effort between the Canadian Home Builders' Association and Energy, Mines and Resources Canada, the R-2000 home is a carefully designed product which combines modern construction materials and techniques with innovative, energy- efficient technologies to provide unprecedented levels of home comfort. An R-2000 home is not "just another energy-efficient house". Every R-2000 house must meet certain performance standards. These are spelled out in the "R-2000 Technical Requirements- which set a maximum annual energy consumption target for the home. This "energy budget" is calculated taking into account such factors as local climate, house size and the type of fuel used. All R-2000 houses have these key benefits: - careful sealing against air leakage which reduces drafts, heat loss and mositure flow into walls and ceilings, as well as the amount of dust and pollen entering the house • a whole -house mechanical ventilation system to provide a steady supply of fresh, clean air to all rooms - high levels of insulation to reduce heat loss and to provide improved soundproofing from outside noise • improved heating systems -- both space and domestic hot water -- for increased levels of comfort, energy efficiency and safety - design options to take maximum advantage of sloar gains Indoor air quality The continuous fresh air system, an integral part of the R-2000 home, helps to ensure a healthy indoor living environment. Allergy sufferers often find that their symptoms are greatly alleviated in R-2000 homes. Where can I find an R-2000 house? An R-2000 house does not have to conform to a specific design or layout. New home designs can be adopted to R- 2000 standards upon the request of the buyer. Builders can construct any size or style of house, and they can use whatever techniques or materials they wish, as long as the house meets the R-2000 Technical Requirements. R-200 houses are built by registered builders who have met established professional standards. Across Canada, R-2000 builders receive special training and are certified by the Canadian Home Builders' Association. When you buy a new R-2000 house from a registered R-2000 builder, it comes with a numbered identification certificate. This proves that the home has met all the R-2000 Technical Requirements and distinguishes your home from the look-alikes and clones. Your home will also be registed with the Canadian Home Builders' Association. If you place a premium on home comfort and quality, and you're concerned about energy efficiency and the environment, check out an R-2000 house. Call your provincial Home Builders' Association for the names for the names of registered R-2000 builders in your community. It could be the smartest move you've ever made. LIST WITH MULTI MILLION AWARD WINNING TOP PRODUCING SUPER - SALESLADY 1% i gi CAssm E Brokof _ Associate Broker W 837-1340 LaSt1CID d) ib011lf 5 Set on Ravine Lots Overlooking Petticoat i w coat Creek n Pickering 3.. Ask about our GUARANTEED SALES PLAN ti. Me 'x:111 IN UPGRADES - rwoup valley area Q_I �� -Al Clay Brick - Masonclad Windows _ - Five Plans Including Five Bedrooms - �_ Ceramics in Foyer, Kitchen, Baths Walkout Basement - GST included The Castleloch • 3,315 sq. ft. _ T,,,,,,,,,, From'249 900 Sales office Hours 14 Friday Tht cloyed Sat a sun. - 11.6 �m" Romp Vaft ftft Enka"„�- 509-1 X22 am SALES OFFICE a Mrd 2 Z M E g Ni N PAGE 14 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED, APRIL 22,1!!2 THE PLACE TO LOOK WHEN BUYING A HOME. Pen House Bonanza 'nners Announced Oshawa Whitby This Week and the Ajax Pickering News Advertiser are pleased to announce that Dave Lang of Re/Max Summit Realty (1991) Ltd. and Mary Pedro of Century 21 Hancock Ltd. have each won a half -page ad in both the Ajax and Oshawa Wednesday Real Estate sections on Wednesday, April 29th, for their participation in our Friday, April 10 Open House Bonanza section. Congratulations to both of you!!! T - 1ST TIME BUYERS' DELIGHT This cosy immaculate home comes wth 4 bdrms., 3 baths, main flr. laundry, fireplace, entry to dole. gar. 1.900 sq. ft of spacious Acing. Don'? miss iii Call Peter Wong, Associate Broker at 399-6028. REAW M-V.P, REALTY CORP. POPULAR WESTNEY HEIGHTS - 3167,900 Tnis ce: a: x ck home w.tt' an, garage s :.ertainy oncec to sell. If you are seek:ng an af!oroable 3 Dorm home with master bdrrr a suite, spacious eat -in M:: w~h fionda ceiling and more, youll have to sae:./AM CALL LARRY S12,��/T �� Summit Really 1991) Ltd TOR. LWE 686.3800 Buying or Selling Your home? Look to your Real Estate Guide. OPEN HOUSE "GREAT VALUE" 81 EMPEROR ST., AJAX APRIL 26/92,1-4 P.M. $8,000 or less down. This spacious 3 bdrm. Serol has completely repainted interior area. The 4 -pc. bathroom is new with a 2 -pc. off rec rm. in basement. We offer updated forced -air gas furnace & roof reshingled in 1985. Your basement area could become a handy in-law apartment. To view this great delight please call John Hughes 686-3800 or 666-2223. 1 RF/%W x Summit Really 11991, Lb. ` { + 668-3800 N 111t s�ve TOR. 686-3800 JUDY PATERSON 286-3993 TheAJAX through SCARBOROUGH Advantage!! GORGEOUS JR_ EXE(XlM SOUTH AJAX 3207,000 Gorgeous 4 bdrm. home with gingerbread trim, Modem white tam. sized lit, mn. Ar. tam, rm. w1p.!! Mn. fir. faun. Attrac tiely decor: Wswian style white picket staircase, spat. mstr. bdrm. w/4 -pc. on tune and wA closet Prem. 50:120' kX treed and landscaped. Walk to lake and conservation area A must to seal Cal Judy Paterson, Sales Rep. 296 3993. GREAT STARTER! 31 78A Super 3 bdrm. 3 bath home. Cosy mn, fir. family rm. with fp.l Master bdrm.has 4 Pc. ensutte b walk-in closet, IW deck! Mins. to GO, dolt & Pickering Town Centre. Call Judy Paterson, 28333593 for a personal showing. JUDY PATERSON Sales Repmserttatire MULTI MILLION 33 PRODUCER MEMBER 100% CLUB ., �'0'_ .0` •_ter I PERFECT FOR POOL PARTIES! 3205,900 This gorgeous 1,800 sq_ ft raised bungalow offers everything you could dream of! 3+1 bdrms,, 4 baths, huge modem country kit„ 0 formal liv. & dirt. rm., fabuktus rec rm. with fP., tam. rm. with w/o to patio & pooll All the bells & whistles. Call Judy Paterson, 286-3953 to view you dream home. 0 � I*/MW Rouge River Realty Inc.k�'�" Now there's a better way 3, LU sell your L-� PICKERING AJAX 7970 BROOK RD. n 235 BAYLY ST. -1683=1 790 E I 41 o, �... .- "1.r i�.i�{�';..,5,•',y.' _ _ _ _ _ _ ..r..++.:w+s..�.:=�• -_ '-_-sem..-=—•�"'^�"-r-- 1TT%. R X27-6522 = . OPM r _ y; With all this. Plus this. ., .. '... .. - ! With our exclusiveHomeMatcfF. sweet, your H10meMateh relende" searChes for buyers Royal IxYagc tali, Keprtsenta(»'e ha, more who ere looking for a home with features just than the usual resource% .: ,. .' '. Via; _ -:� Yti• and our Personal Service Gtraranlee v by your Sales a and bacsided ked hY .. -' Yo- how and Pie buyers for a Royal ;z to sell your home. like yours. Even day. And it doesn't slop until Nomefilatch matches interested a sale i. made! Royal Lepage, IZpa@e - - buyers to your property. NomeMatch is much more than t, Finm cing can make your home a Statoil Im foeMatch. Another-&antaw only from soon as you list with us. yo it property a computer system. featurca are put into our IlomeMatch p p 'With Norm ;Match, you ll get other unique out an the market. We can show you financing options to make Royal LePage. Why would you list your home -Yvith anyone else? computer system and matching Mgins st-nices such a, our Instant Messaging your home more aurxlive to buyers. And we'll clear the way for more /y p��� V� UM Ettiystrm. a custumved Markrting Action Plan unconditional offers by pre -approving bode tr/ 9-21'•'tild' IGv F-4aN R'nKc. iim.rd, tlmlwr Ask your Royal LePage Sales Representative about HomeMatch today!�'���' .. . - ' . . <;Y F # •,Jsr:Wr...$ •,orir'y.i �. ' - .. ... ,��'�`�. ; �', .Hy ...r.- : n's•sx-, .• ty,lt�.4_ ?t�t.�lht4r"'':i�: w-+-s.v 'L: b"'='. E I 41 o, �... .- "1.r i�.i�{�';..,5,•',y.' _ _ _ _ _ _ ..r..++.:w+s..�.:=�• -_ '-_-sem..-=—•�"'^�"-r-- 1TT%. National • Housing Starts Rise Ottawa -- March 9, 1992 -- February housing starts increased to 162,000 units, seasonally adjusted at an annual level (SAAR), according to Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC). This is a 12 per cent increase from the revised January level of 144,000 units (SAAR). The marjority of the increase was due to higher starts of social housing in Ontario. Except in Alberta and British Columbia, the market has not yet responded to lower interest rates. All of the increase is attributable to mulitple units, which rose 32 per cent in urban areas from 57,000 units SAAR to 75,000 units SAAR. Single detached units in urban areas remained the same at 62,000 units SAAR. "Private market starts should gain strength over the coming months,- said Gilles Proulx, Chief Economist in CMI•IC's Market Analysis Centre. "The recent federal government announcements allowing lower minimum down payments and the use of RRSP funds to buy a home should provide a boost to house construction. These measures along with low interest rates and stable house prices mean that many renters can now afford to buy a home." Housing starts in Quebec were down 47 per cent to 18,000 units SAAR. Both single detached and multiple unit housing starts were down significantly. Starts in Quebec have dropped for the last two months due to the ending of the provincial government program supporting homeownership. The decline in Quebec was balancede by a 63 percent increase in Ontario to 62,000 units SAAR. Growth in social housing construction in Ontario more than offset a drop in private construction of both single detached and multiple units. British Columbia starts rose again as the markets there continue to show strength. Alberta, Nova Scotia, Saskatchewan and Prince Edward Island also posted increased starts, while Newfoundland, New Brunswich and Manitoba showed slight declines. witty ■ -� REAL ESTATE LTD. ■ ■ hi� 15 Harwood Ave. S. ■ AIatTA WITTY 683-8661 ■ ..••••e.mmoom•■ goal ■ REDUCED FOR CAMM SALE!!! ■ ■ S" cleen tree excellen� t baton l New quakly brbadoom, ■ ■ fp, with insert, 2 wbs b Iga dock, cent cur 3 beats, ■ ■ mn. or. lam. rm., eat -in Wt SUPER VWXII Only ■ ■ $199,900. , PRICED TO SELL11 ■ Power of sale! Only $234,500. Execuive, all bridle, 2 ■ ■ storey (approx. Z700 sq. ft) with c ble. gar., oversized ■ lot in a prestige neighborhood. Gorgeous sold oak ■ staircase open b int), huge tut.. 4 oversized ■ Illbdrms., 3 =, ceramic firs., mn. Mr. laundry and ■ lam. nn., III, w DEand TACF DSI THE NEWS ICKERING OFFICE= 1970 BROCK RD.LEPAGE _ - 683-1790 -' Sales Representative " Associate Broker A GREAT FAMILY WWI $179,900. Spacious 4 bdrm. home boasts 2 new baths, solarium, inground Pool, fireplace in rec room b oak cupboards 8appliances in family kitchen. Heather Cullen' 6831790. $268,750. Cathedral ceiling in foyer sets tone of this 5 bdrm., 4 beth fully fin. exec. residence. Extras ind. Prot. landscaping 8 underground sprinkler system. Paulo Whiteley' 689-1790. PRICED TO SELL! $259,900. Huge country lot with beautiful view. Solid, 3 level bride bungalow, very Private on cul-de-sac, 4 bedrooms 8 fam. rm., 8 1/4% financing. Over 1/4 acre. Call Tom Bozanis' 6831790. STAXTON GLEN ESTATES $824,900. The ultimate in home 8 lifestyle. Min. to GO 8 Town Centre. Award winning grounds, pool, hot tub, gazebo. Finished lop to bottom w/every imaginable luxury. Jdl Smith' 683.1790. ! , -- ,41 CLOSE TO AMENITIES y $174,000. Priced to sell. Pride of ownership inside 8 out. 3 bdrm., approx. 1,550 sq. ft, 1 4 -pc. 8 2 2 -pc. baths, mn. fir. den, breakfast area, liv. rm. w/fireplace, din. rm. wMralkout to large deck. Jim McAlpine' 6831790. Of CUSTOM BUILT HOME! $699.000. This 5 bdrmL estate home on 2 acres fronting on privately owned 30 acre, lake 8 only rninL from Pickering d 401. 3 fireplaces, fir. bsmt. b more. Cap Gerald Jaeger' 6831790, nvn: s WILIMS A M. FLJL FAIL RML $184.500. Don't miss this down to earth value at 1988 prices! Move before the market does. W/o fin. bsmt, fenced yard, cent vac., 2 storey foyer. Suspended floor. Doug Joyce" 683179o. MMAPLFRIDGE LOCATION $2",900. Lovely 4 bedroom hone on beautifully landscaped lot on quiet crescent in prestigious 'Maplendggee Walk to schools. Cent air and vac. Call Kathryn Parish' 6831790. SUPER VALUE - N, AJAX! $19000. Bright eat -in kit hen, girel!!1111 fam. rm., main llr. lawn., full 4 pc, in master. basement, lanced yard. cwgk* landscaped, paved drive wkurbc air, fireplace. Doug Joyce" 68317K � — BEAUIM 0f91C1r BMMIIGALOW $156,900. 83'x115' lot 3 bedrooms, style kitchen, 4 appliances. nm fireplace in Giving nn., 3 IMpe above Wade wrtdows in 23' roc room. Cal Tom Dommilis' 601790. $244,900. Beautiful multi-level home on large lot has main floor family rm., laundry and office wAvalkout Nanny quarters w/separate entrance, window VIOU ■ NI Wick bungalow on fully fenil I�ot in a convenient ■ coven ■ location close to schools, shopping 8 transit. ■ Features are 5 appliances, specious-, kv. rm., fin. res ■ rm. Price is right for ftsuper starter horrtel 5% ■ r . an • a 0 • M • • .. i IMMACULATE 4 BEDROOM $249,900. Nicely kept 2.500 K. ft master bdrm with bnght S Mng area. Nice size lot. with solanum, main floor fam. nn. w1p., laundry w,ert. to garage b side entrance Massarai Naevi* 6831790 WED, APRIL 22. JIM -PAGE 15 AJAX OFFICE 235 BAYLY ST. W. 427-6522 WELCOME MARILYN POWERS Sales Representative BACK WITH A SPLASH We are thrilled that Marilyn Powers has decided to return to Real Estate after a 1 1/2 year absence and that her choice is Royal LePage. Marilyn arrives with 17 years of local experience, 2 years real estate management, her Associate Broker status and the well deserved respect from peers. Please call Mariiyn anytime at 427-6522. Mt7YE-/I AND ENJOY I GREAT VALUE! 4 BORK $197,500. Imm=We 1,800 sq. it hone $167,900. Freshly painted brick tome with man firfam. rm. 8 laundry. Nkcely with double drive linked by garage. landscaped b fenced with patio 3 Features tam. ^ri w- ireplaace, en suite fishpond. Close to school and park. bath, premfenced . lot Walk b schools b Heather Cullen' 683.17%. trans. Wilma Tarrer• 427-6522. i�INNI Wway DREAM BUNGALOW DESIGNER POOL A YARD $156,900. Great loeaoonl All Bride! Full $349,500. Better Homes d Gardens baths, sap. entrance b An. basement, would bre Itis irground pool b waterfall. walk b separate i public schools, 3 A back yard Peso to relax in. Exec. bedrooms, modem kitchen, spotless 3,000 sq. R. home in prime S. Ajax decor. Cal Mary Gair*- 03-1790. 'r, Oiort Barbara Edwards' 427 -�. TOO KM / JUST EMM $265,000. Do you enjoy enlertainirgl Dream sae tem kitchen, lilac fireplaces d tarn. ans., gracious foyer, oak cirarlar staircase, master retreat knmecuiele home. Call Scott McCormaW 683-1790. .NW LISTED $158,900. Taally renovalled 3 bdrm. with SOP. entrance to basement and 2nd kitchen i more. targe lot, must be seen, shows extremely well! For further inb. please cap David McknyW 427.6522. DEE 4 BORML N GLENDALEI $224,500. Newly decorated spacious home on 50010 It. lot in demand area. Has man fir. tam. rm. w/fp. 8 cum. Direct access from garage to house. Close to all amenities. MMassarat Naevi' 6831790. LKE A PRNATE PIM$( $266,900. Sunshine, bright 4 bdrm. brick home overlooking acres of conservation. Hugging shores of lake 3 Duffin Creek Premium landscaped lot Wish b know more? Cap Wks Tarin 4274822. LOIS POLAK Sales Representative A BIG WELCOME Royal LePage Ajax branch is very pleased that Lois Polak has decided to join our team. Lois brings with her 8 years of real estate experience in Ajax and area and is now able to offer her clients, old and new, Royal LePage's excellent marketing strategy along with her quality service. Please call Lois anytime at 427-6522. WATCH THIS YARD BLOOM! $169.000. Lovely private pe lot and mature trees surround this specious 3 bdrm beckspilt. Corrpiete with finished ret rm. Lovely south Ajax home. Call Barbara Edwards- 427.6522. _QUALITY TNROUGHOUT! $169,000. In popular West Lynda area k Whitby. You will find a finished res roof and maintenance free exterior. Thi sparking 3 bdrm., 3 bath bungalow is must to Seel Barbera Edwards' 427 6522 $169.000. Lovely 3 bdrm. hong, Iarpe eal4n IdL. upgraded bidlm., leipe st'rrple alt. garage. part fnt rec nn. w4h wood - S" C� Wb+>�� A must suu t n wrwa - e4+iwwKvw $179,900. Bungalow. 3 bdrm., 1 4 -pc.. 1 2 -pc. baths, main Ar. tam. rm., cental air, att q"e, walk to lake and schkwls. Cap Sharon White' 427-6622. PACE 16 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER. WED, APRIL 22.1992 THE RAV S OF FAW..,a'1ir i/ALG / S LANDING When you buy at The Ravines of Fawn's Landing, we'll buy your existing home, GUARANTEED. It's a NO -RISK way to move up to a top quality Coughlan Home. Ask our sales representative for all the details. Then get moving! IN PICKERING Executive Homes on 50 ' - 70'Treed Lots om CALL: 831-9269 MON. - THURS. 1 PM - 8 PM CLOSED FRIDAY SAT. & SUN_ 11 AM - 6 PM Couan �ES GST INCLUDED Caraft Brick TI)f I Pf la/ ' cov b b ` UP TO 3770 h WILLOW - 3485 Sq. Ft., ru n .1 I 1 is f 992 OM p -nil iun 90 000 essr \777 i t Ar 10 fi ` t ' t t j ' ` �`l. �'!•-/mak' , e '�. a' ,r l — �#� • ' f �-'' —i r. fir^ � i' ; �' �L—.-_� t t Shop at home decorating from Eaton s • r ^ i PUN _. HOfE E 011111�1N 61MM WEXOMW► APNL 3 IM ...'�+ .'............................................................................................................................................................ Mf in,�." '.,?ts.9� 4� � .. a y.':4 4�7L-�' � •ws `L' >�+r4?'=kr.La :{r1. �. Color and texture: Two elements that can make or break any room They are an intrinsic part of the decorating process, but so many people overlook the importance of color and texture. Instead, people often settle for a simple set of sheers, and paint the walls off-white. With a little imagination, they could achieve a look that is not only beautiful, but a reflection of their person- ality. Color: your primary source of inspiration Color plays a monumental role in the decorating of any roof. So why is it so often over- looked? The answer is easy, many people don't have confi- dence in their decorating abili- ties. Often, they simply have difficulty visualizing the end result. The use of a custom dec- orator can help solve these problems. Custom decorators not only bring valuable experi- ence, but a huge selection of fabrics and treatments as well. It's no longer a service reserved exclusively for the well-heeled. Thousands of Canadians count on custom decorators every year! You can usually find one that offers a no -charge consulta- tion and an estimate right on the spot. So, if you're thinking of taking a step beyond off-white, call in the pro's. They can help you bring it all together, beauti- fully. Texture: Get a feel for it Perhaps just as important as colour, is texture. Unlike color, texture adds a three dimensional feel to the room. It completes the look, whether you choose high-tech glass, oriental silk or country cotton and wool. Unfor- tunately many people forego this extra step and end up with a room that is simply O.K. rather than sensational. Again, this is where a good custom decorator can prove invaluable. There are so many treatments available, it's almost impossible for the novice to be aware of the possi- bilities. Thankfully, the profes- sionals carry a multitude of samples, so it's much easier to visualize the completed room, even for a beginner. Should you use blinds, drapes, or a combi- nation of both? What style, what material, what shape? These are all crucial questions that must be dealt with in order to achieve the look you're after. For a few solid ideas, give one One of the types of renova- tions that most dramatically changes a house is a new exteri- or. Changing the outside appear- ance dresses up your home and increases its value. When you undertake the renovation of the outside of your house, it's a good idea to be aware of the different possibilities before making your choice. Today, there are a num- ber of different styles of exterior available. Vinyl is in fashion The most common exterior finishing materials are vinyl sid- ing, compressed wood siding, aluminum siding, brick, and stone. Choose the most conve- nient material that meets your particular needs. Presently, vinyl siding is extremely popular. It is an eco- nomical, long term investment that requires no maintenance. Vinyl comes in a vast array of shapes and colors used for sid- ing, soffits, eaves, and other accessories. Good quality vinyl siding is very resistant and will only crack in exceptional cir- cumstances, such as being hit very hard during very cold weather. Aluminum siding offers great durability. However, it can be dented on impact, so it is less appropriate in situations such as young children playing ball games against the outside walls. It comes in a wide variety of col- ors, the dancer shades being par- ticularly attractive. There are different qualities of siding. The thickness of the vinyl or aluminum sheet will give you a good indication of its quality. It is important to make sure the installation is done professional- ly to avoid buckling. Brick, on the other hand, gives the house a more classic character. As it ages, a brick fin- ish acquires distinctiveness. Brick offers high resistance, durability, and is aesthetically pleasing. It is good investment for the home and comes in a wide range of colors. Choose the texture that best suits the style of the house. Because of its great architec- tural flexibility, brick can take on the charm of an old style home or the elegance of a contempo- rary one. Or if you want to give a slight rustic touch to your house, brick will do the job. Whatever your choice, you should carefully calculate the amount of material required. Measure the surface to be cov- ered by taking the size of the house and subtracting the open- ings. Then, depending on the material chosen, add between 10 per cent and 33 per cent extra to compensate for waste. , ►A T%AI. AIr ru%urn„%1%c Career of the professionals a call. He/she will probably be able to suggest just what it is you're looking for - and at no charge too! by Wally Kzanoski, Group Buyer, Eaton's Shop -At -Home Decorating Consultants TIMOTHY JOHN WHITTAKER Publisher Advertising Manager Hugh Nicholson Sales Manager Bruce Danford (Phone: 5794W) Home, Exprtitsalons is a monthly publication of Oshawa/Whitby This Week, 865 Farewell St., Oshawa (579-4400) and is one of the Metroland Printing, Publish- ing and Distributing group of suburban newspapers. 1993 o-A.c. — — — — — — — — — — — 25% <� ��,yr; '�y¢��� �r. d.� �� r OFF t � �«� e' '4' I ANY AIR CONDITIONING �.:.' .'Y'rv'f,�`'. `* ;,Yk. �} 'w � OR �: .f .V A . t HEATING DIAGNOSIS SERVICE I OFFER EXPRES MAY 10, 1992 0 [t%xrm.1.►a n n u �, F11 ennnitsw ('all For a FREE: in home eslirnale today! A-1 AIR CONDITIONING & HEATING F"EIt WdJUAXA9H 1 M1Y -127.9566 06HAMIAMEMICASTLE - 721-1605 SC ARKHAUSTOUFFVILLE - 509-1393 QUAUff MUS a St=YYUE SV" "67 0 • Onlwlood s tan&* o" a FAM Low me Alyn rid i uWalirq om kWob an moat d our km* d int ploduda. ihaaa unia m aok1* ambit M up to 2112 telae amlt hMt b ptr hone M they Moan arty a 21 aar pet of EIIarEr aEeiallt rriltM wdlla drat and illaraat taanadl. i ' you hara dacMc h* ft, wk about OlMalio Fli►dlol Phar Sellar J M&IM hloatli,, Pmp m Dapar*Q on you► d A6V you MW �---- quo* br a Ivbata We Wow doft plodma aot ondalp b dw Ontrio Hydro Guitlekw WINDOW AND DOOR CENTRE cMDASHW Z-ftf te-dl�ftd ta dat..4.&W6 Ifer 1200 Phillip Murray Ave., Oshawa 436-1344 550 Lansdowne Sk W., Peterborough 745-2223 e � r �M•. � ! 4 � • <� ��,yr; '�y¢��� �r. d.� �� � �«� e' '4' r 4.... �.:.' .'Y'rv'f,�`'. `* ;,Yk. �} 'w � s... .'� �: .f .V A . t C �t 4.'.. • vim" .r x, s"rY HOME EXPRESSIONS EAST. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22,19!x!, PAGE S ................................. .............. .......... _........... ................................ Have you pruned your greenery yet?. By Lorna Miller Pruning is a necessary part of gardening. But, it is also the part which can intimidate gardeners. Judicious pruning of shrubs, trees and plants is necessary not only for their appearance, but for their health, productivity and rejuvenation. Nature provides her own pruning devices. Animals nib- bling away at buds and branches control the shape of trees. Fruit trees prune themselves by drop- ping any extra fruit allowing a smaller crop of larger fruit to mature. Snow and ice storms coupled with high winds remove any weak, diseased or old branches letting new, stronger foliage take over. However, in our own back yards, we become responsible for the pruning. Pruning requires proper tools. To make the job easier you will need several tools, depending on the size of the object in need of pruning: a double-edged pruning saw will be handy for removing larger limbs; an anvil -type or scissor type hand pruner for close, smaller limbs; loppers, or long -handled pruners for getting at high limbs; hedge shears; a curved pruning saw; a pole saw; pole pruners and for pruning roots for transplanting - a long - bladed spade some or all of these tools should keep you well-equipped to prune anything in your garden. Most of us can get along with just a good pair of hand pruners and a pair of shears. Don't for- get a heavy pair of gardening L) gloves - shrubs and raspberry plants are prickly. Talking to a professional before you tackle the job is a wise idea. Sid Kamstra, of Kam- stra Flower & Garden Centre, Taunton Road East, Oshawa, has some sound professional advice for the amateur pruner. "The reason we prune is to get rid of the dead wood. Look at how much growth there is from last season. Remove any old or dead branches and prune to promote new growth and shape. Remember, prune to maintain a balance between the mot systan and the branches." "Pruning should be done at various times of the year, depending on the plant or shrub to be pnnod. Spring or late win- - r ter is the time to prune .,'hydranxaRs or weig Lias or other later flowering shrubs. Early { flowering shrubs, like lilacs, or flowering almonds should be cut back when the flowering is over. Fruit trees should be done in the late winter or early spring for the best results. Evergreens should be trimmed and shaped between the 15th of June to the end of August. For raspberry and other fruit -bearing plants, older, established plants should be thinned out in the fall and cut back to about 2 feet above the ground in the spring. When ,,planting new bushes, cut them back severely when planted. For roses, now is the time to cut back to three outside buds above the ground. Choose outside buds for bushier plants. Cutting to inside buds can cause the plant to grow into itself rather than spread.,, Now you know when to prune, here's a few tips on how and why to prune. That perennial favorite, the lilac bush, should be thinned and cut to maintain vigorous blooms. Begin by cutting away all the small, thick sucker growth at the base of the plant to reveal the larger stems in need of cutting. Choose several young, vigorous stems and cut the old growth away close to the ground. Feed the bush with a mixture of manure and garden lime. Scatter about a foot away from the base of the shrub and water. When cutting the blooms, cut above the young, forming buds of next year's blooms making a clean cut with a sharp knife. Never tear blooms from the branch, it could injure the tree. Proper pruning strengthens, rather than weakens the tree. With evergreens, shearing, or pruning should start when the bush is small to create the desired shape in the full-grown plant. Each growing season, the evergreen send out new shoots Please see PRUNING/page 4 F v v 'f DOOR CRASHER ER AL THUGHT 08:, R�ooR �1 D BRASS OUEREWAM4)COAIDARE r WHITE HEART BED __- BUNK BED MATTRESSES COMPLETE WrrH MATTRESS r i > Slnoe, 299- -- 98 From19 ��J OuW4 mattress M the L = : lowest prices around! Ooue�l. 349 + ✓�� 0~ 399 ' ■ We now take phone orders - ��-� 1ASS hLite 721-9766 = = S H O P- A T- H O M E LET OUR COMPLIMENTARY CONSULTING SERVICE HELP YOU MAKE THE RIGHT CHOICES Custom window coverings, re -upholstery and bed coverings are just a phone call away! Plus, they're all competitively priced and backed t the Eaton Guarantee. Our consultant will come to you, at no cost or obligation, with samples, advice and an on -the -spot estimate. Special Offer 100.00 off labour With any fabric order of Wi500.00 or more for custom re -upholstery or draperies, you'U receive 100.00 off the labour cost! Offer good on 'orders placed between April 22 and May 23, 1992. For your c6wenieM ao m&Moa, '4 11 Oshawa 420-3411 Pickering 3434011 Toronto ..�.....�xi..-_,-_-.:.ras.3..a._....ia.�•�ss::.�-'�.,'r�:---{�1i �'-�sl�'im.'",'".6�i"rfy"Sarorl.�i'Li�6riai�:fi�..:;,y:_['4w,.,uauu+az'�---�-'-" -- -- __�_..._.�........w.v�... PAGE 4. NOW EMEMKIM111111 E"T, WBMMW, AfiiML 22. "It Nothing to fear from pruning From page 3 called candles, these are the shoots to be trimmed to keep the desired shape. If you want the tree to grow a little each year, wait until the candles are two to four inches long, then pinch off the very tips. If you want the tree to remain the size it is, cut off all new growth. Start shear- ing soon after new growth appears in the spring. Don't allow the tree to make a lot of growth, or the smaller buds will remain dormant. It is these smaller buds which provide the bushiness to the tree as they grow. Shear your shrubs as they grow all during the season for best results. Shaping the evergreen tree to a rounded point at the tip, pro- vides a natural, bushy looking tree and provides protection from breaking due to heavy snow and ice storms. Also, this shape lets sunshine reach all branches promoting growth and bird nesting which, according to legend, provides 12 months of good luck to the tree's owner. To rejuvenate older ever- greens, cut back using the Basal pruning method which involves cutting limbs off at the base of the tree. Never cut off more than one third of the tree in one year. Always cut a large limb back to a live branch or to the main trunk of the tree so than no stub is left to rot away. Never remove more than one third of the green material on evergreens or branches on a deciduous tree. For hedges, shearing should take place when it is growing the fastest. With evergreens, the growth is early and won't need shearing after midsummer. Deciduous plants, like the privet or barberry, grow over the sum- mer and will need at least two shearings per season. For a fuller, healthier hedge, don't wait until it has reached a desired height before you start trimming. Trim slightly while it is growing for a tall, dense hedge. Trim when needed - just as with your lawn. We have touched on a few pruning tips, but there is a lot more to learn. H you have a new hoose and want some fruit bush- es, hedges, evergreens, flower- ing shrubs and trues, Kamstra Flower and garden Centre will offer valuable assistance and advice. Talk to Sid or Wendy Kamstra. They have almost 20 years experience in the business and will guide you through plan- ning and care of your garden. A healthy, well tended gar- den with mature shrubs, trees and flowers will add to the esthetic and real value of your property. Kamstra Flower and Garden Centre is located on Taunton Road East, Oshawa. Phone: 579- '3395. and capes O U ' 0 2 1 nlimited OFF All Landscape Service 1 - Iffldatim (fully automok 1 1 Wodwork mund (dec s nkler 1' - 1 planters). 1 Umited time offer - 1 1 with this ad. 1 If you demand quality & value, with 1 the security of guaranteed work, 1 then call us now for a free, no - 1 oWigation estimate. 1 1 1 1 436-1808 or 283-32911 I• Not valirany other offer = = — ... tib• +c K •�` . ON ANY SIKKENS EXTERIOR WOOD COATING PRODUCT J %��, �;, moi✓ . vim...,,.. - Pr7/TT/C/Pr7ST11717). BRANDOM Kitchens Annuafsprrng ) EHOUSE WAR Cash and Carry Prices have been slashed on Brandom Kitchens superior cabinetry to clear out our existing inventory. _Evethingmust "rJQo!! Now's the time to buy cabinets for your home, .toottage, garage and basement at unbeatable prices• .5001 VE UP `IO 7096 Take advantage of unbelievable savings on: * Solid oak cabinets, Melamine cabinets *Quality bathroom vanities & tops ,* Counter tops & misc. trim materials Plus much, much more! X00 NE %AEEK0MLY! These savings will be available one week only -- Come early to get the best selection at the best h prices. Sunday, April 26 to Sunday, May 3 Sunday Brandom Kitchens„ N 10- 3 ppm. 1732 Baseline Road W. eaPA e 99-5 Courtice, Ontario .m. 9-8p.m • �� ' e NTT By Lorna Miller Good fences make good neighbors. Deciding on what makes a good fence depends as much upon personal preference as what its purpose is. If you want complete priva- cy, a board fence topped by a trellis is a good choice. If you just want to establish bound- aries, a plastic -coated, chain link will do the job. The most popular fences today are the alternate -board fencing made from treated lumber. Although, since the environmental scare about the chemicals used in pressure -treating these boards, cedar has become a popular wood again. Putting up a fence has been made simpler by the invention of the new "Superspike". The "Superspike" replaces the old "dig a hole and pour in concrete to set the posts" method. The "Superspike" is constructed from two plates of heavy gauge steel 30" in length which nar- rows to a point at the tip. The top is a steel socket which screws together to hold a 4"x4" post securely in place. The spike is pounded into the ground until the socket is bot- tomed on the soil, the post is fit- ted in and secured with two screws. Simple, no hole to dig, no cement to mix and no waiting for it to set. The "Superspike" eliminates underground rotting, termite and frost damage. It is frostproof and will not heave. "The only problem you might incur is running into rocks while pounding the spike in. Then, a hole must be dug anyway to remove the obstruc- tion. This could cause problems if there is a lot of rocks or roots along the fence line. In this case, it would be just as easy to dig a hole, put in a sonotube and pour concrete, sink the posts and let it set for 24 hours before you con- tinue with your fence," says Dave Reid of Beaver Lumber in Please see FENCING/page 6 With your support, we've got kidney diseas on the run. Please suppor The Kidney Foundation's March Drive Campaign. HOME EXPR Wl EMM WEDNEWAY, APML ZZ ISM PAGE s HOME UPGRADES introduces CalaZPATIO FURNITURE MAW IM CNaM V Top QualityAluminum At An Affordable Price MANUFACTURES SUGGESTED PRICE: $1,547.00 11 piece set OW$99999 THE KIDNEY FOUNDATION OF CANADA We Can't live without you. v1vft,w nu. o wi ;~ - ..' 'fie `�.'�. s.z�,► srk.��r•*�4�a��.M3,a..��r �•.a� . ,,,t.:�ev�'� :y.? - 1' 'FACE 9, HOPE EXPRESSOONS EAST, WEDNESDAY, APRR 22,1992 ------------ C6 6 (jr 43��9jg nj tjhc� .From page 5 Whitby. Dave admits that in the five years he has sold the "Superspike" he has had no complaints. But, his personal preference is the concrete method. The two methods cost approximately the same price when you consider the extra 4' of post you must purchase to sink into the ground when you use the concrete. The spike come in four sizes: The standard spike for patios, fences, mail boxes and boundary fences, the Commer- cial Heavy Duty Spike used at stress points like gate posts, unsupported ends posts, etc., and for long run fencing: 6x6 Construction Spike, 39" long, used to install 6"0" posts, heavy duty foundations, docks and walkways; Bold down and Concrete Set models - used to anchor 4"x4" wood posts into existing concrete slab or wood surfaces and the 44Cs used to anchor 4"x4" wood posts into new concrete slabs or footings. !or oar of rtitisd, Pat*" wwkma , ao uw~s too tan NO JOB'S TOO SXALL W*W got it dosis In Latf UW tlm for the bast pries Quality vrorkmansbip for a reasonable fee... the kind that Grandma used to brag about. That is what Mfllbi +h I''! • delivers howwnevery ..no matte I- mw Oai tux cnom I'i- DOORS i VA DOIMS IIIA - pOQM ADMIGNs : RISC R001ft ; ��II • JCffCljMD I:,, CALL AM Hoon TOM p,; FMA M1115T W 1111111 Honest Appraisals... "The time saved makes the "Superspike" more convenient," says Pat Haslam, Beaver Lum- ber in Bowmanville. "No con- crete to mix or sono tubes to install" Steve Antalfy, Home consul- tant at Beaver Lumber in Oshawa says that the "Super - spike is much easier to use and the costs is about the same. However, there is less work with the new spikes." Before you decide on a fence, check out your options with the Beaver Lumber store in your area. They offer guidance with the planning, materials needed and help you choose the right fence for your needs. Be a good neighbor, build a fence. Beaver Lumber in Whitby is located at 419 Dundas Street East, Phone: 668-5818, Beaver Lumber, Oshawa, located at: 564 King Street East, Phone: 434-1171 and Beaver Lumber, Bowmanville, located 246 King St. E., Phone 623-3388. M1*11bu*11t 127! SMt00E A. NORIii, 06HNMA 728-6291 A DWW0N OF NUWoiK HOW CD= t • Smgp iers of: Bark Nuggets Sand Stone ► White Limestone Marble ' Pinemulch Stone Compost ► Rockery Curbs Stone Treated Lumber Peat Loam ► Ledge Rock Firewood Patio Slabs ► Riverstone Peat moss ►Bird Baths Retaining Walls Shredded Pine Mulch Feather Rock Pisa Stone ► Pisa II Garden Wall "New" Triple Mix ► Fountains Top Dressing Mix Waterfalls - Stone & Supplies -T.,qm:r-r. i►rriTs plls,)�, 0I FREE DO-IT-YOURSELF .. UNILOCK SEMINAR! SAT APRIL 25TH -� .. 10 A.M. 12 & 2 P.M. Brock Road North, Pickering I r't,_ i I1� 11/2 MILES NORTH OF HWY. #2 •10 SIMMONS SIMM. ,loNs LM COME TRUT", S. Dreanniay Set~ ---------- '199- D. Dreamway set ...._......_ ...'249- SALE D. Caresse Firm Set .......__---'379" LOAM SUPPLY 0. Carew Firm Set..........._..'439- D. Cavaller Plush ----------- '399" \ 0. Cavalier Plush......____.......'469" B ' Pocket Coil D. Dynasty Firm Y 0. Dynasty Firm Set... --..--..'669" K. Dynasty Firm Set ................'879" HWY. 2 .o, __+__L GAYLY 901, C6 6 (jr 43��9jg nj tjhc� .From page 5 Whitby. Dave admits that in the five years he has sold the "Superspike" he has had no complaints. But, his personal preference is the concrete method. The two methods cost approximately the same price when you consider the extra 4' of post you must purchase to sink into the ground when you use the concrete. The spike come in four sizes: The standard spike for patios, fences, mail boxes and boundary fences, the Commer- cial Heavy Duty Spike used at stress points like gate posts, unsupported ends posts, etc., and for long run fencing: 6x6 Construction Spike, 39" long, used to install 6"0" posts, heavy duty foundations, docks and walkways; Bold down and Concrete Set models - used to anchor 4"x4" wood posts into existing concrete slab or wood surfaces and the 44Cs used to anchor 4"x4" wood posts into new concrete slabs or footings. !or oar of rtitisd, Pat*" wwkma , ao uw~s too tan NO JOB'S TOO SXALL W*W got it dosis In Latf UW tlm for the bast pries Quality vrorkmansbip for a reasonable fee... the kind that Grandma used to brag about. That is what Mfllbi +h I''! • delivers howwnevery ..no matte I- mw Oai tux cnom I'i- DOORS i VA DOIMS IIIA - pOQM ADMIGNs : RISC R001ft ; ��II • JCffCljMD I:,, CALL AM Hoon TOM p,; FMA M1115T W 1111111 Honest Appraisals... "The time saved makes the "Superspike" more convenient," says Pat Haslam, Beaver Lum- ber in Bowmanville. "No con- crete to mix or sono tubes to install" Steve Antalfy, Home consul- tant at Beaver Lumber in Oshawa says that the "Super - spike is much easier to use and the costs is about the same. However, there is less work with the new spikes." Before you decide on a fence, check out your options with the Beaver Lumber store in your area. They offer guidance with the planning, materials needed and help you choose the right fence for your needs. Be a good neighbor, build a fence. Beaver Lumber in Whitby is located at 419 Dundas Street East, Phone: 668-5818, Beaver Lumber, Oshawa, located at: 564 King Street East, Phone: 434-1171 and Beaver Lumber, Bowmanville, located 246 King St. E., Phone 623-3388. M1*11bu*11t 127! SMt00E A. NORIii, 06HNMA 728-6291 A DWW0N OF NUWoiK HOW CD= t • Smgp iers of: Bark Nuggets Sand Stone ► White Limestone Marble ' Pinemulch Stone Compost ► Rockery Curbs Stone Treated Lumber Peat Loam ► Ledge Rock Firewood Patio Slabs ► Riverstone Peat moss ►Bird Baths Retaining Walls Shredded Pine Mulch Feather Rock Pisa Stone ► Pisa II Garden Wall "New" Triple Mix ► Fountains Top Dressing Mix Waterfalls - Stone & Supplies -T.,qm:r-r. i►rriTs plls,)�, 0I FREE DO-IT-YOURSELF .. UNILOCK SEMINAR! SAT APRIL 25TH -� .. 10 A.M. 12 & 2 P.M. Brock Road North, Pickering I r't,_ i I1� 11/2 MILES NORTH OF HWY. #2 •10 SIMMONS SIMM. ,loNs LM COME TRUT", S. Dreanniay Set~ ---------- '199- D. Dreamway set ...._......_ ...'249- SALE D. Caresse Firm Set .......__---'379" LOAM SUPPLY 0. Carew Firm Set..........._..'439- D. Cavaller Plush ----------- '399" \ 0. Cavalier Plush......____.......'469" B ' Pocket Coil D. Dynasty Firm Y 0. Dynasty Firm Set... --..--..'669" K. Dynasty Firm Set ................'879" ROUSEL Skvle $790 Double 449" CAR BED S. -22r 5 piece 4,799", Bed `669" D. L &XeIOt......_».'269" 0. L•anCel0l»»__».'329" Extra Firm Set D. Anniversary»».'439- 0. Annlversary»».4990 0. Anniversary..».'689" Phu 4 Pods W' Pine Bookcase Wr Tranqullity Tube style D.'481a" Q 535- 8" FoamDAYBEDS Futon Jim Mattress D. -169" i 0.1990 1 415r , K. - 2390 Futons & Frame 10" Futon 289 Inserts for +� Waterbeds Available. T&J 8000 PINE u M] 5 piece x839", Bed `239" SOUTH SHORE 1510 5 piece `4990, Bed evailable. aNEa sesaN TED AANTS LOAM SUPPLY d 3RD COW. Y = HWY. 2 .o, __+__L GAYLY 8" FoamDAYBEDS Futon Jim Mattress D. -169" i 0.1990 1 415r , K. - 2390 Futons & Frame 10" Futon 289 Inserts for +� Waterbeds Available. T&J 8000 PINE u M] 5 piece x839", Bed `239" SOUTH SHORE 1510 5 piece `4990, Bed evailable. aNEa sesaN LOOM . MOPE EX MESSK*n EAST, WEDNESDAY, APWL 22, ISM PAGE 7 f ;. •AWNINGS are Anak'Ding a comeback If you're buying an awning, includes taking down the in if for long. When the down- retract, make sure the canvas is With awnings, you'll have it it's better to deal with a compa- awning as the cold season pour is past, open the awning not creased anywhere that dirt made in the shade. Have a great ny that specializes in this area. approaches, storage during the and let it dry. could accumulate. summer! That way you get good after- winter and re -installation in the Awnings can be cleaned with sales service, a guarantee and spring. They can also advise you a brush, water and mild soap, to even storage service that may on repairs and cleaning. rid them of dirt and dead leaves come in handy when the time A retractable awnin ch ld th 1 ad 'ld 0 L) a g ou at can a to mt ew. comes to fold them away for the be left open when it rains or it If you are storing your winter. will fill up with run-off. In a awnings yourself, make sure Several manufacturers of can- heavy storm it should be retract- they are completely dry and, if vas awnings offer a service that ed but not left sitting with water they are fixed awnings that don'r Down To Earth Talk From Mark Cullen "Is this a fitting name for a Blue Spruce you ask. Yes, indeed! Fat Albert really is a fat Blue Spruce, almost to the the point of looking round, though it does have the characteristic point. Fat Albert is a neck addition to landscape plants that I'm really excited about. " I A1ark Cullen. Aft-rebant of Beauty The Fat Albert Blue Spruce is a Weall & Cullen Pick Of 'Fhe Crop value. Our buyer chose it for its exceptional colour, a dark blue/gree and its full, dense growth. All credit goes to the unique Iseli Nursery in Oregon for this great tree - and the great name. Let Fat Albert lend its generous form to your yard. E°r�eu3ME0'g6 April Ston Hours: Mon. -Fri. 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Sat. -Sun. 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 pair. Open Suxdays That cozy, comfy country It r The Gift House is proud to have � � . i their decorating talents featured in. -,L-A ; -_: this month's issue�'I of Chatelaine..; Drop by our store to discuss your personal decorating needs. • Country • Contemporary • Traditional 4wr17Ir .X_ILn V 10 KM ST. E UO«.-FRt S-5.30 571-3511 OSHAWA SAT. 104 i� LNEEVAB I Example of 1" custom venetian N' ■ ■b'l'H N 36. F, 42' 1 54. Y 60' T " 1 4'f 30= 36' d a 54' 259012590 3150 32 SS 3395 36 75 139 55 2730 2730 132.55 33.95 3535 39.5S 143 75 970 2870 3395 35.35 3675 4235 146.2: 30.10 30.10 3605 3815 39 55 46 20 50.0 3150 31.50 36.15 3955 4095 49 00 S4.6( 32.55 32.55 4095 4235 43.75 53.20 5841 33.95 33.95 4235 75 44.60 57.40 62b: 80 46 20 t9 00 47.60 51.80 54 60 51W 56.00 59.65 157-40 6125 65-45 1 61.25 65.45 7070 65.45 70.70 76.30 off CUSTOM VERTICALS I � 1 3O%off DRAMY FABRICS, PLIEINJOUR SHEERS, LIlVENS M 159 BROOK ST, No WHITBY 668-3911 FAQE I, HOW EXPI DNIB EAS% WEDNESDAY, APHL22, ISM ............................................................ ........................................... . .................................................................................. . ............ ............................ ............................................................................................................................................................................ ... ........................ ............... ............................. ...... . .. .. ... ... ............... .. .... .. . . . .... ..... ­­......' .... . .. .... .. .... ..... ..................................... . ........... .. .. rot. UmtnL"I bqe!' Iror* I WTe: Mm*af toot, oy!'t&" K, 6-A at tur1G of harvest N 0 TF-: r, ktrub owoterr io h6* Getting to the root of the problem This spring a unique product trees in a filter fabric sac called will be available for the first a rootbag. The fabric of the sac times in local garden centres, allows the roots to penetrate the Ravenbrook Root Kings. but restricts expansion and lat- These are large trees that, cral growth. The result is the during harvest, retain at least development of a more com- four times the amount of roots pact and fibrous root system than are normally retained in within the sac. the same size tree grown con- Ravenbrook farms Ltd. has ventionally. But the best news been experimenting with the is that the roots of these trees technique for over eight years. are contained in a very small, Ravenbrook will be making very light, root ball that can the trees available locally from easily be handled by home Oshawa Garden Services and owners. Kamstra Flower and Garden This is done by growing the Centre. HOUSEWARMIlVG 4O% OFF ALL FIAOR MODIIS & NO G.S.T _:Now' fW a I"W i", ergot' the no" 1*" of fine mom .iillrid wicker furnishings at reinork" savings. Designer syings in hundreds ",of fabrics and a wide range of finishes * you find just the right look for ::;your home. Right now, save 40% on al Noor mo" and 39%Cus on lam Orders ... bo& G.M.-Fred Visit Pacific Passage E==�� irw" " the k _j wvw� quality Kmm and wicker 6nishings. Lwafmn only Md 10" Mnaden Fw =2 " Road, PWm* (416) 4 4 am a 2099 • Remote • AF -T • Timor • Black Me 3 Years Pa Labour Ind fl I j YA A 0111! VCR PLAYER/RECORDER * Infra Red Remote * 2 Week, 4 event programme time • Electronic Display * One Touch Recording • Auto Power, Play. Rewind $229� A W 04 ' 28'9 MTS STEREO • Remote • Audio / Video Jacks • Sleep Timor • Comb Fifter 3 Years Paris & $5, Labour Inducted fl L I V 1 0 M . . . . . . . . . . ZIV Not watching TV7 Turn it off- sa!ynergy Insulating your attic C0015 your k~ in swnmer, warms it is winur. A', HOME EXPRESSIONS EAST, WEONESOAY. APRIL 12.1992, PAGE ............ .......... ........................ ..................:......................::: ...,,.,�.,., .....,�.,.. w ,.� .,,,. ...w........w.:. .............................................................................. . ■ ■���� .J... _ — - - - - By Lorna Miller — .w The English Garden sur- rounding a palatial mansion or a humble cottage provides glori- ous color throughout the season by the careful choosing and placement of the flowers grow- ing therein. It is careful planning with regard to size, color and bloom- ing season which makes a gar- den spectacular. The time to start planning and working your garden is right now, according to Jeff Lee, Assistant Manager of Oshawa Garden Service Ltd., Thickson Road, Brooklin. He advises that the soil be dug up and a mixture of peat moss, loam and manure be worked in. "As soon as you can get a shov- el into the ground, you should start working it," he says. "It is also time to get the coverings off your plants, burlap and collars off the roses." If you have a mature garden, you will be busy cleaning it up, and getting ready to plant according to plan. However, if you are a new homeowner or want a change from the usual, Jeff advises you to draw up a sketch of your house and lot including the location and dimensions of your proposed garden and bring it into the Cen- tre for an advisory session with Manager, Rick Pecman. "We offer a free advisory serv ice to get you going on your garden." If you are considering shrub - "Our Sizzle &Save BBQ Sale Is Heating Up. You'll Love What's Hot, What's' Cold And WhaPs Fre e:' bery, Jeff cautions you to take into consideration that in a few years those little bushes will have become huge, so allow room for them to grow without crowding each other out. "A juniper bush will spread two to three feet circumference over the years, so allow about four feet for spreading when planting. Remember that proper placement of shrubs is neces- sary. Askyrocket juniper will grow upwards of eight feet high and a Moffat juniper will grow to five or six feet tall. So, don't Plant 41222079 Free Tl,tsrnnos PW'lOffA� COOI�P I with puGrase of any Therrrros MO smaller shrubs and bushes close to them as they will die from lack of sun," he says. "You can set out some annuals and perennials soon," he says. He Here's a BBC deal that's both red hot and icy cold. Now at The Appliance Centre get a free Thermos cooler with any Thermos BBO. We've got sale prices on all our natual gas and propane BBOs. Want choice? We give you more BBC models than any other store in town. And to really whet your appetite, we're knocking 10% off all Keanall BBQ accessories like utensils, covers and rotisseries with the purchase of a BBC. WhaPs more, we offer easy financing. There's no down payment and you can take up to 60 months to pay. You can even pay it on your monthly gas bill. Hurry . This sale chills out May 16. =1� Consumers Gas The Appliance . C e 1rOl1R NATURAL SOURCE FOR GAS APPLIANCES SALE �'379.95r � th.>tr r.r r...• Themas t.inrAed natural gas BN ow? Any plans? points out that here, as with the shrubs, you must consider the sunlight requirements of each variety and plant them accord - Come Check Out OurAV. vt Cosmos, large ferns and other tall plants form a background for marigolds, delphiniums or day Please see GARDEN/page 10 NEON SIGNS 195 $ American Brands from BAR MIXES- sting, Strawberry Daiquiri, Lemon, Lime, Grenadine & Pina Coloda flavors All A �tr f � l� ;� , . Via.-,-. e�-:.. , •,: 'HEY � COWIRIN � MA w1, RENTCulligan a. 11�i� 500 Consumers Rd. 495-5326 4 Cmssroads Place, l)rrit 16 246-1908 2300 LaMnence Awerm E 495-6020 .=81WAVft 960 Bumlrarrrtlrorpe Road Vlkst 276•3572 �ft-110 orenda Road 276-3545 NILE: 184 Broadway AMe.941-4440 �� NLI: 500 Hein Mh Road EW 883.3325 �-165 Ferris lane 726.6568 VIEW- 101 Corrsrnrers Drive 668-9341 IN 1 Carsrrrners Place 745.3261 Mawl••�w.M• uearw.�M�weu..www.r+way+..•o�..+aM.wa.sewaaarewia•sw��+••«+wwwrnrd IM M►wMi•r N.�11►wr M� �s�rc�/6i� Ma q�r«�r� •wMa�.wR �1wiwMY�Ya.wih mrwa toNc« sYo a MN «"r or� has it all! Trust the experts... •a � automatic water conditioner or H83 Drinking Water System 95 per l]IOIIt1* for 3 months Introductory • r From water softeners and filtration systems to high quality drinking water:.. . ACT NOW AND SAVE! Just call OSHAWA/AJAX .686-3550 MARKHAM 798.7900 ALL OTHER AREAS 14 00-565-58_54 ka7GfJ...µi PAGE 10, HOPE EXME11111111IOMIN EAST, WEDNEsoA'% APPAL 22 Im �. .._ �.w ....... . Gardens take planning but they're worth the effort From pt>gta9 Although allergy sufferers hate will provide homes for benefi- Oshawa Garden Gallery North, Brooklin, Ontario. Ph. lilies while the smaller pansies, it, if you can stand it, a few cial insects. Keep fit, keep Nursery Garden Centre is locat- 655-3331. petunias, sweet William and plants at the edge of the garden happy and keep gardening. ed at 5515 Thickson Road corkscrew hazel make a nice showing near at the border. For ground cover, English Ivy, a perennial, is a good choice. Clematis is a vine which blooms towards the end of June with a brilliant red flower, looks marvellous on a trellis. Honey- suckle, also a hardy perennial vine, blooms each year with a white or mauve flower and has a sweet perfume. Ornamental gar- dens which incorporate a pond, rose arbor or a gazebo are becoming popular as people take to gardening for fun and exer- cise. Even the smallest plot can incorporate one of these ideas on a small scale with careful planning. Also, planting in large pots or tubs surrounded by pebbled, flagstoned or paved walks is an attractive alternative for small, city plots. For a more natural garden, wild flowers like astors, tiger lilies or Queen Anne's Lace are being domesticated. Contrasts in colors and textures are provided by plants such as the chocolate - brown, small, tight blossoms of the rudbeckias next to the grassy, pale beige Pennisetum Alopccuroides. Courtyard gardens arc now being moved into sun rooms. These gardens are mainly plants in pots which provide a riot of color in the spring and summer and can be kept over the winter inside ready for blooming next season. Carefully shaped and trimmed hedges lend symmetry to a gar- den and larger hedges or rows of trees provide privacy. Planning a garden, working in it and enjoy- ing it are all part of the fun of getting back to nature while pro- viding a setting for your home. Today's gardener can be made aware of the beneficial side some plants provide to Repel insects and fungi naturally. The golden rod for instance. 436-M HEAT11110 • M CONOMM 16 /oU3TRIAl. PROPANE�2'7Jt11 A Ow VANWN" IN MO E ) Ph - 0q ONEffilinwildw NdEllidoW -ce"O: • Dud wok - • 5 yiiii=A- aadma ottlutd�d worart�r • Lm Pions, Hipp Mew N Coswd Mar ENatric or oil Hn "Sys%m Today i Sml Your J' J [ 413.'T'\VIIr: _71ft1q_jaIA N_ NHERIOR SEM1114M LATEX FLAT LATEX100031 Aber Sale Price $39 92 After Sale Price x33.92 6 $19%3_78L $173.78L T i I . T o' , OIL USED RAIN ''0o! WATER REPELLENT DECK STALLI, •Ava3able in Dark Mahogany, SEAR-MMINARENT OR SOLID NIDE Redwood or Ceda".,M STAIN ,cooc c30C 6200) Aber Sold Price $21.92 Aber Sale Price $39.92 $81! $6 8L 3.781LTY0,R CHOKE EITUM FLAT LATEX oocNEW MELAMINE PAINT After Saie Price $35 92 *Mar resistant,. adhere Eggshell G=3 $17%379L finish Aber $ale Price $34 9b EXTUM fES■-doss LATEX - a E==$2S%37U A»e, Sae Price $3992 ilu= two 99 3Jt11 1 Aite, Sale °• x $ i i 29 $9941.W -------------------------------� ON NEW ON PANT ...,,,.. SP-96� 1 1 _r $999 1 ca�.r1'ior U «1! av*R,1Ml -------------------------� -� 3 510F 0 OOFFJILL, IN-STORE W=OVEN Including our new spring collection 'Reg. book price. Patterns may vary from those shown.C SINGLE i ROLL ARMSTRONG CAREFREE" F""aOM r Maw SUi-STK[ �R ? • FLM TILE* 12"X 12" *versatile design • 12 "X 12" Reg. $ 1.39 at an affordable price •ln store stock only Reg. 974 • In-store stock onlyANIL ED Choose from 1000's of beautiful potlems in a large selection of the krtest books. *Reg. book price. Matching fabric not included. Store books only. E 4 i - f � i MOPE EXPRE8s10116 EAST, wEDNEWN, APAL 22,19!2, PAGE 11 i. Ion on vour h If the house you've just there are underground cables if work to be done and on the delivery trucks to get close to the can keep costs down by doing bought is too small for you needs you have to di& space available for machinery to premises is also a consideration. some of the work himself or if you have just had a new Costs vary depending on the the job. Adequate space for Naturally, a good handyman baby, you may want to put an addition on your house. First, you must determine::v:.......,,w.-..�.........�.........� �..-.M ...:..,.:. H.. .,,_,_..... _....:..,.............;;,.............,..,,.,...,� ..,,,,.M..,.,.. _. _ M ..,...,... how to do the addition. The size ...................... of your lot, the presence and condition of foundations, the Bu i gton Hamilton Brampton e Mississauga Kitchener Windsor Toronto 0 Gu h 0 Oshaw type of roof, and aesthetics must be taken into account when mak- . K. raq ing this decision.�t s Ways of Adding OnZ. You can enlarge your house , by building one or two extra 1 rooms of the desired size at the back. It is also possible to add an 1 1D �?� •� 7g extra floor above the existing s; i _ floor or floors. This can be done v in two ways. An entire floor of • Ar the same dimensions as lower Rq� floors can be added or part of the �' roof can be raised. r �� Gs� ONS If the foundations need redo- -via �►V`� _ �.Q ing, you can take the opportunity E to build a partial basement. If there is no basement, you can THE SLEEP FACTORY IS SINGLE OE�� i add space by lifting the house - CELEBRATING THE GRAND�S MATTRESS and building a partial basement OPENING OF OUR NEW - $ 99 7 underneath. FACTORY OUTLET IN THE 49 S :Hatching the Addition BATTLEFORD CENTRE Remember to keep ten per 7IS _ cent of the arca of each room as window space. Try as much as ;.�` LONDON BED MATES BED S�� possible to align upper - windows; 000 - r with lower ones. Choose win- dows in the same style as exist- 1- _ ing windows. '139" 9ES The exterior wall treatment as CAPTAIN'S BED .. AYBED well as the roofing should be in EM r► �t keeping with the rest of the _ house. When adding an extra floor, you can choose between adding a half story, a flat roofE239a�� `149" i with parapet or a truss roof. + ap 9q A half story minimizes the BRASS HEADBOARDS SOFA BED effect of height and gives theFFM , house a homey look. The flat $99911 roof with parapet says town " tgJ�'"� ,a►.g�E -'' ,�- _ house - be careful of the design ,,,,PW,.to d►1 �E " :3 99 of the parapet. 9 E A truss roof facilitates the job- of insulating and ventilating the PFMCM COLONIALgo 10` area under the roof. It is usually _ Bn BIJNK r► il00 "� 3• the most popular choice. r pam s.w rww dw Don't forget to avoid plumb- L""` ing problems. Install the newMona$279" i s a' bathroom above the existing one. SPACE SAVER WW ADJUST -A -MAGIC 9M s 9 Take into account also the con-------� r..�,.,,,�.,,,,.,,w,o•,�a.,. row ..ra.rae.r.rr�.a inwrr.r 9 struction of existing walls and - wru •�-•�--�+••-.-°"g•w►-•••;; sS , • s w ..rs rr .ra �1.`�' 0 floors, as well as insulation. Be ""�' �'=�?�: �-••-•r=te-� �' � awe that the frame can auppott a deab .... «..�. � _ futures addition. See that the -'` 4*40" piumI , g and e3ewical Wmt we i. X279" K p attlleasstt 10 pi by Money percent of Ah ra" the �K Money your lot as yard and be sure toLA W"d Me" adhere to municipal by-laws ids est TO Aug. 1192 � � G SSOTO regarding the necessary distance s •See store O.A.C. wnh ant► ■nudwg 90PMhMd between the house and the street. ?- During most renovations it is the f•X TAUNTON ND. ` possible to live in the house �. while job is being done. �>Slee*W C" OW so It is essential to obtain the ,fin necessary permits before begin- nirig any work. A plan of the 6 man" renovation will have to be submitted for approval. Don't �� i t� t i• t , 1 i• , • 1 • i i '•% • • forget to find out if or where --MENU iPMGE 12, HOME EXPRESSIONS EAST, WEDNESDAY. APRll.22,1992 Carport or car garage'?, If last winter you had a rough time cleaning the snow off your car, it's time to think about building either a carport or a garage. But which one should you choose? Many factors come into play: The cost of a carport is half that of a garage, a major difference. As well, a carport, since it has no walls, takes up less space on your lot. Every time you drive your car in or out of a garage you have to have a bit of patience to open and then close the door. Unless, of course, you have a remote control door opener that allows you to open the garage door easily without having to get out of the car. When it's cold, garages accumulate humidity and this contributes to metal corrosion. The first thing to do is to inquire at your local municipal office about the zoning and planning regulations that gov- ern this type of building. If you decide to build a car- port and you own a two-storey house, you might find it a good idea to use the roof of the carport as a large deck, which can become an ideal spot for relaxing or even stargazing. Although the choice of materials is, to a certain point, dictated by those already used for the house, you can take certain liberties. Pressure treated wood is highly recom- mended for this type of pro- ject. Available in a large range of sizes, for the price, it offers an unbeatable cost -quality, and even cost -durability, ratio. Pressure treated wood is also available in brown, although it is less used than green. Use cement pillars that are 8 to 10 inches in diameter and that go 48 inches into the ground to prevent any movement caused by freezing and thawing- If you opt for the garage, it will contribute to your home's resale value and you might possibly experience the joy of being able to start your car even at minus 30 degrees Cel- sius. You will be able to store many tools on the walls of the garage, which will save you the expense of building an outside shed and allow you to keep your skis close at hared. �I 49 I AL9A1 1 mm" Level Loop. wenn, aor" Doles L i SM so M I F ATmq STAMOUSM Ta km I00% I AL9A1 1 mm" Level Loop. wenn, aor" Doles L i SM so M c.,tlo,� STAMOUSM Ta km I00% STANi1 """ Now .:. >, Nun%"W001m.a 4S FLOORS, �8 �� Wl sa. VD ei+r wwlr•rr &x0ftem 10 V" 23 8 tadrbr STAN+NASTEII xTAA -" LIFE — TAki Marr UP TO 2 % 99 S0. ro. �wlr"r rwrr NA liarm pwo"n s a& ra r.rau aamw trb.a.ea...raa OHM AT NOW INOEJI NO Ofti" M C.AAL Kot mw arri n - AN typog q*w ane photographic errors subject b cortacbm. n i %rmt i CHOICE FOR 4S FLOORS, W n �11« EW or CANADA'S ,.I ST AIWM"'--''- I colour _ Vyle - 25 enClDll0 ASTEp OC hose,yST AINtI �, QlKlion a9+,nsl soil 6 stains p. aeq 29 9S Carpet only 1 ' I e :OFF� -_ 37% OMchook Ipt#wz l I ori t � V"M ICOR NlrrS�M ap +aToWWII s a snrrMa ver 8"00a .bi.iM LOW hobit Sam 101ohmil mom PAS. as Flow 2 Mac�� 6 wZ 021. ,.� PftM NO PAY NT • NO KNTFOR 90 DAYS mk mien purlctme SM. 29% down upon credit tlpprovd �Or��a3 tt�iNM lu 11Vr= mous �9rp1W9ow" Will r� 2111 0AW Dv. WS Dift SL 10 Aldi PA — St 9 Aal6 Pal — 5A11 n 12 PA -5 Pal �qA tit0 MMM 4 ttt� Omit 8 E > fir SL #bn Fn R30 All "61519♦ i Pat — Molt l 9 AllAal* Pal SIL 9a9 A &6 Pat — y� OA 12 PJ -6 Pal ft WPM 3W VOW 1017 FVO AW. W. Sl I0t64 ft a4ft $0 ett =lltrt M 16 AAUPPJt SM NNNL Ymfa 9 AIL -9 Pat — 9 Aat6 PR S119 Aat6 Pal — 9n t2 PJA - 5 PJt fL •1 i UP TO �11« EW or CANADA'S ,.I ST AIWM"'--''- I colour _ Vyle - 25 enClDll0 ASTEp OC hose,yST AINtI �, QlKlion a9+,nsl soil 6 stains p. aeq 29 9S Carpet only 1 ' I e :OFF� -_ 37% OMchook Ipt#wz l I ori t � V"M ICOR NlrrS�M ap +aToWWII s a snrrMa ver 8"00a .bi.iM LOW hobit Sam 101ohmil mom PAS. as Flow 2 Mac�� 6 wZ 021. ,.� PftM NO PAY NT • NO KNTFOR 90 DAYS mk mien purlctme SM. 29% down upon credit tlpprovd �Or��a3 tt�iNM lu 11Vr= mous �9rp1W9ow" Will r� 2111 0AW Dv. WS Dift SL 10 Aldi PA — St 9 Aal6 Pal — 5A11 n 12 PA -5 Pal �qA tit0 MMM 4 ttt� Omit 8 E > fir SL #bn Fn R30 All "61519♦ i Pat — Molt l 9 AllAal* Pal SIL 9a9 A &6 Pat — y� OA 12 PJ -6 Pal ft WPM 3W VOW 1017 FVO AW. W. Sl I0t64 ft a4ft $0 ett =lltrt M 16 AAUPPJt SM NNNL Ymfa 9 AIL -9 Pat — 9 Aat6 PR S119 Aat6 Pal — 9n t2 PJA - 5 PJt fL •1 fJ Nr�ln�•��I:��. Api11 I99! .1.1.1100 4 oplvr I-' p.1Kv% 0 C= AT VILLAGECHRYPLYMOUTHSLERAJU NORTH details inside.... MW: x SMI i' i 0 C= AT VILLAGECHRYPLYMOUTHSLERAJU NORTH details inside.... MW: x SMI POM 2 Wdnoo+er. Mff 22.19112 WHEELS DUM1A111 WITS ... the Taurus remains hard to beat" Car & Driver Best in Class Ford Taurus has been on every Car & Driver Ten Best list since 1986. FORD TAURUS L TOYOTA CAMRY LE HONDA ACCORD EX 4 -Door Sedan 4 -Door Sedan 4 -Door Sedan FEATURES • 3.0 LITRE V6 ENGINE • AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION • DRIVER'S SIDE AIRBAG • AIR CONDITIONING • AM/FM STEREO CASSETTE • CLEARCOAT METALLIC PAINT • POWER WINDOWS AND DOOR LOCKS • TINTED GLASS • REAR SEAT HEAT DUCTS • REMOTE FUEL FILLER DOOR REMOTE TRUNK RELEASE • INTERVAL WIPERS • DUAL POWER MIRRORS • TILT STEERING WHEEL AND SPEED CONTROL • FULL WHEEL COVERS • LIGHT GROUP • MAP LIGHTS • SIDE WINDOW MOULDINGS • ENGINE BLOCK HEATER • FLOOR MATS FEATURES • 3.0 LITRE V6 ENGINE • AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION • DRIVER'S SIDE AIRBAG • AIR CONDITIONING • AM/FM STEREO CASSETTE • CLEARCOAT METALLIC PAINT • POWER WINDOWS AND DOOR LOCKS • TINTED GLASS • REAR SEAT HEAT DUCTS • REMOTE FUEL FILLER DOOR • REMOTE TRUNK RELEASE • INTERVAL WIPERS • DUAL POWER MIRRORS • TILT STEERING WHEEL AND SPEED CONTROL • FULL WHEEL COVERS • LIGHT GROUP • MAP LIGHTS Taunm CASMACX APPLIED FOR A 11MfiED TIME PLUS ackk�d corr,tfort and trunk that Camry andel Ac ord don't have. �. FEATURES • 2.2 LITRE 4 CYLINDER (V6 NOT AVAILABLE) • AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION • DRIVER'S SIDE AIRBAG • AIR CONDITIONING • AM/FM STEREO CASSETTE • CLEARCOAT METALLIC PAINT • POWER WINDOWS AND DOOR LOCKS • TINTED GLASS • REAR SEAT HEAT DUCTS • REMOTE FUEL FILLER DOOR • REMOTE TRUNK RELEASE • INTERVAL WIPERS • DUAL POWER MIRRORS • TILT STEERING WHEEL AND SPEED CONTROL • WHEEL CAPS $20jr345 $1,685 more than oon',t wally equipped Taurus• • SEE YOUR ONTARIO FORD DEALER AND DISCOVER WHY TAURUS IS HARD TO BEAT, • *Comparison based on latest available MSRP information; excludes freight and applicable taxes. Dealers may sell for less. Price of $18,660 for t ; Preferred Equipment Padcage 171A and options 43R and 902. May require dealer orderthe Taurus L includesS00 . Ontario FM or P.O. Box 2000, Oakville c --f - - ...lea-►♦,s♦�.. 14iaii�..t►:.1.:� •.i"' •���.. . . • J.•J.a -1JJ-• .• •.• •. ';f .. • 4•.`A•. •_•. • •. .sr TI f~ r a 16 April 22,1992 Volume 2, Number 8 TIMOTHY JOHN W HITTAKER publisher Hugh Nicholson advertising manager John C. Duarte features editor Contributors Joe Duarte ... Jim Robinson National Sales Representatives (Phone. 1416-493-1399) Dal Browne Sandra Borten IAnra Heeling 999 Graphics and Design by Mirage Creative Services Wheels Durban Is pub- lisher twice monthly, with a total pressru■ of I Ie,t109 copies, at 36S Farewell St., Oshawa (telephone number 579-44N) and Is one of the lretrelaod Printing, Publishing and Distributing group of sub- urban newspapers with dis- tribution i■ Oshawa. Whitby, Ajax, Pickering, Nowmanville, Scarborough and Port Perry. Reproduction In whole or in part without written per- mission from the publisher Is prehilid . The publisher reserves the right to classi- fy or refuse any advertise- ment based on his sok dis- cretion. .fie Us e "led 4� do�� mb P.WA&V r r mawttlers and iwl1es his Merida m Durham to vises him of Hopp Cher Olds Geo and test dliw a GN today. s _ I r 1101011IRL* DUN" wEiT Ylfadrnadey A 1 V, t99d PAM 3 SUPER CELICA R you are looking to put some driving excitement into your sum- mer, try the Toyota Celica GT -S liftback. The front -wheel -drive sportscar features fully independent suspension and a sophisti- cated computer -controlled 2.2 -litre, four -cylinder, 16 -valve, fuel - injected twin cam engine. _ ano WP?4NDIT�S864LLY OH, BOY TOP QUALITY DOES SNFttT CARS HAVE THE BEST DEAL IN TOWN OY, THE VULTURES ARE CUT A7 BE A A��'S. THERE'S GOT 70OBE \ / BETTER PLACE TO BUY \ PFACU/ A CART TMT Nko A i86 NISSAN 30= Turbo i T4er. PRICED TO SELL *9,898 A cute iii c r, low lens. PRICED TO SELL %1 `88 THUNDERBIRD Lx Loaded wish extras. PRICED TO SELL $9.432 713 11 = AE *0 '85 CAMARO The siver eider PRICED TO SELL *4,444 • '88 DAYTONA Thr. bdpd PRICED TO SELL *5,944 `88 SUNBIRD SE Sporty ladies' car. PRICED TO SELL *6,' `88 FORN)LA T -bar, boded. PRICED TO SELL *9,488 '1 r '8T CARAVAN V6.7;:0 go PRICED TO SELL *9.94' `88 CELEBRITY 116, tartar favorite. PRICED TO SELL *6. Ll �40 `86 CAPRI A teal gern. PFdCED TO SELL *2,888 `89 ESCORT Low lens. PRICED TO SELL *3,988 885 OLDS REGENCY Luxury, transportation. PRICED TO SELL *6,444 z M 2 . ...vis' � -. .. .ICs's`►a:a. :a.'6�,�. - - , .- -:.�- - •ie:_"$k'3'.F"+;F°:.:". �,,-.�r.+)rx'F.arn•>� Y w t an* V6%W V 1 V rW 10UAN UWgtT MERCEDES SAFETY The 1992 Mercedes 500SL comes with a 5 -litre, 322 horsepower, V8 engine to add thrills to any drive. But thrills is not all that this Mercedes is concerned with. Safety plays a big part in driving the 500SL. The car also features a roll-over bar that pops up automatically to protect the driver and passenger when sensors tell the car it might tum over. COMPARE AND SAVE. Where the smart money goes. -:HYunDA1 DEALERS ASSOCIATION 1lft resooFt_•tw not M oono�r tiinAra�� **r M%MW P%W16604v o*c#w M "o O.MMi Ap{ MJbr ML JP04 Me", non >6600a O�iR ot+oYOo, 1111�N1�!t!!!!!wM w1U0".O!1101O! onwr o� br'-..:�!! VfN'AMMO 4.4 Get ready to hit the road Fasten your seatbelts. Adjust drivers -- Wheels Durham's fea- the driving gloves. Wheels - tures editor John Duarte, and test Durham's second annual road test ;: driver Jim Robinson, and World issue is coming your way on May of Wheels editor and regular con - 6. Roadtest '92 will have some- /'��f.0 thing for everyone, featuring test drives :ii.lVP,4DT rrsorr a w v ni —30 v ay.ea�ww. of this year's cars, and it will also tributor Joe Duarte. offer you the reader an opportune- You read their views and ty to cash in on the best deals on reviews of the latest automobile wheels. models weekly in Wheels Automobile dealers across the Durham. In Roadtest '92, they region and in Scarborough will will bring some new looks at this feature incentives on the latest hottest cars as well as refresh models. Roadtest '92 will feature your thoughts on some proven a map with the locations of all the winners. participating dealers for your This is a great opportunity for shopping convenience. you to read about the '92s and By purchasing a new vehicle at head out to the dealers of Durham a participating dealership between Region and Scarborough to give May 6 and 10, you could win on your car of choice your own test of two prizes of $500 to put drive. Who knows? You could towards your purchase. come away with one of the two Leading you down the road in = $500 prizes to put toward your Roadtest '92 is our trio of test :; purchase. qr MIHEELS DUIMMAMI WEST V$sdrmdmy. April 22. 1992 POW S IT'S HERE! A 3 -MILLION DOLLAR SALE! It's yours! Repeating what turned out to be one of the greatest savings events in BOB MYERS' history! THURSDAY! APRIL 231. 12 to MIDNIGHT! ALL BOB MYERS SALES AREAS CLOSED WEDNESDAY!... FOR THIS TOTAL SAVINGS EVENTI CLOSED TO ALLOW SPECIAL CREWS TIME TO REDUCE PRICES ON EVERY- THING IN STOCK FOR THIS INCREDIBLE SALE' HURRYI RECORD-BREAKING CROWDS EXPECTED! TOMORROW! NOON TO MIDNIGHT! OV ESW`\ jt A l H JP50,cY' IT WOULD BE DIFFICULT TO LIST ALL THE BARGAINS' EVERYTHING'S REDUCED! 1992 GEO METRO, 2 OR. COUPE 19112 DELTA N ROYALE, 4 DR. Air Dap. ABS Dram pomw dritwr sen P.■.. pAL. bulk mism. 4. mils, ave can. elmmicas back Curran SW% bdp sift mldp.. Weed pins, mchr" SLE bucket suss. scatchp W doth trim., OV odomeNr. 5 yatt, Ystp 0ro!p. Slodt R/06. spd trans. pubs esy M raw - Wow clelmm, spun 1004' .heel caws, split Mete Slack b&q war MSlodt 66296. KIRP $9144 1902 CAVA" VL, 4 OR. SEDAN $ACME ABS Drabs. p.s , Pb.. p dL, Ips. twl tank. DEW 22 I =10 • maa, mclitrnp bucket seats, Wor-he" seu bets., as.$w1m daytrne nurrq ", am. tram., m cart Sb* /6207. 1102 ASTRO � 0 PABSHK'6t KS0.9 $11,312 4.3 l Vee avetA1f � A9S bwmMos. tiol1lt �bMs *askW 1902 CORSICA LT. 4 DR SEDAN =13'351' ABS Drabs. drives air Deg 3.1 l VS, am. treed plass. DELTA 88! duel mirror. It. mam m tort. Dube apes, AMFM cars.. black arrant. Smck 16183. �- KSAD.S15' i8 A HUGE SELECTION! ALL REDUCED! 19112 DELTA N ROYALE, 4 DR. Air Dap. ABS Dram pomw dritwr sen P.■.. pAL. bulk mism. 4. mils, ave can. elmmicas back &U `21 Wow. c * nife camn 3.8 I, V8. *m *" dies. ad ,507' yatt, Ystp 0ro!p. Slodt R/06. tflQ CSW 1Q Tdl PICKI�, �VERADO s l W sus , Rs . pd ,1M I MtN eMl tYrttae0 &E «� = O 6161A59' dtwme bAWK Pum wpm t assts, tiuowe aaeots S"641114. as.$w1m BLAZER! 1102 ASTRO � 0 PABSHK'6t �E 4.3 l Vee avetA1f � A9S bwmMos. tiol1lt �bMs *askW 17999r • fAC10M CAIEICK9 MO t� /�M A981MN to o�lla Aa0 RIeaL IlC. tAxes DELTA 88! PLAN TO STAY AWHILE... ITS PERHAPS THE LARGEST AUTO SALE AND SELECTION IN AREA HISTORY... DON'T MISS THE AMAZING REDUCTIONS DURING TOTAL SALE 1992! �► NO PAYMENT 'TIL SEPTEMBER? \. . YES! WITH APPROVED CREDIT AT THEIR TOTAL SALE FOR 1992, BUY WITH NO MONTHLY PAYMENT AQ NO INTEREST UNTIL SEPTEMBER! PLUS. UP TO $1500 CASH REBATES ON SELECTED MODELS! HURRY!! o e. CHEVROLET • GEO.OLDSMOBILE IT'S TRUE! ALL SALES AREAS (BOTH NEW AND USED) WILL CLOSE ALL DAY TODAY! SPECIAL TEAMS ARE REDUCING PRICES ON EVERYTHING! TOMORROW. THURSDAY. FOR 12 GREAT HOURS, THE AMAZING TOTAL SALE COMES TO THIS AREA WITH TOTAL SAVINGS ON EVERY VEHICLE IN STOCK! EVERY FAMILY -SIZED CAR... EVERY LUXURY SEDAN... EVERY SPORTS CAR...AND EVERY PICKUP (BOTH NEW AND USED)) AT IMPORTANT PRICE REDUCTIONS' REDUCTIONS WILL BE PLAINLY MARKED (FOR YOUR EASY SELECTION) WITH A GIANT SALE TAG ON EVERY VEHICLE IN THEIR VAST SELECTION' DONT MISS IT: YES! EVERY VEHICLE IN STOCK (NEW AND USED) WILL BE TAGGED AT IMPORTANT SAVINGS WHEN THE SALE BEGINS AT NOON SHARP THURSDAY! BUT THERE'S MORE! FOR TWELVE AMAZING HOURS TOMORROW, YOU CAN SELECTTHE NEW CAR OF YOUR DREAMS... ANY VEHICLE ON THE PREMISES... AT SALE REDUCTION. AND TAKE FULL ADVANTAGE OF A SENSATIONAL CREDIT OFFER' BUT THERE'S MORE! THEY WILL REMAIN OPEN AND SELLING UNTIL MIDNIGHT THURSDAY NIGHT TO GIVE EVERYONE IN THIS AREA A CHANCE TO SHOP THIS HISTORIC TOTAL SALE! 12 FANTASTIC HOURS TO SAVE! NOON 'TIL MIDNIGHT, THURSDAY! L -*7m- TAG ON EVERYTHING TOMORROW! - GEO! ,� — r CAPRICE!- ���� CAVALIER! S-10 PICKUPS! BLAZER! CIERA! r ACHEVA! DELTA 88! 'me�' CUTLASS �- SUPREME! OLDS 98! SPECIAL NOTICEI YES! YOU CAN CUSTOM VEHICLE OF YOUR DREAMS ORDER THE NEW DIRECT FROM THE FACTORY AT REVOLUTIONARY SAVINGS! ITS TIME TO BUY! DONT MISS IT! EVERY USED CAR AND TRUCK REDUCED! YOU BETTER BELIEVE IT! TONIGHT, SPECIAL CREWS WILL WORK INTO THE NIGHT PREPARING GIANT REDUCTION TAGS ON EVERY USED CAR, TRUCK AND VAN! SHOP THURSDAY AND SAVE! MANY LATE MODELS AND ON E OWNER CARS TO CHOOSE FROM! IukSMI ,•� '5099 A1�, AMbRI ular.o, war tttipaw, atd11l use11, aa.oY�, "Wale dw. did mtiaow, do b dates S ocit P IK 1901 CAVALNI,4 DR Air son. AMIR/slows p.s.. Rp. 4rdlot sates, catooU. ver dttimbr, Thal mins, doh sono. and VW. THEY'RE ALL GONG TO BE REDUCED! SORRY, NO ONE WILL BE PERMITTED ON SELLING PREMISES UNTIL THE SALE BEG NO AT NOON THURSDAY! IL;J:�7 425 BAYLY ST. W. G�� AJAX YES! EXTRA SALESPEOPLE AND FACTORY REPRESENTATIVES WILL BE ON HAND TO HELP SPEED YOUR SELECTION! 42? -2500 YES! CHEVROLET • GEO •OLDSMOBILE REDUCTIONS WILL BE PLAINLY TAGGED ON EVERY UNIT FOR 12 GREAT HOURSt NOON TO MIDNIGHT THURSDAY! - - sE ECTIOW, AND EASY "� of i ;�.a �;i'.'• _ PAGE $ WOO waft Apri 22.1992 tAHIRM DUNN" W23T 7 Collegesbenefitfrom program Thanks to Toyota Canada, Stu- dents enrolled in automotive - apprentice programs at select Canadian community colleges will have more tools with which to acquire the hands-on knowledge :. they need. Unlike programs of other man- ufacturers which primarily involve the supply of new or damaged vehicles, the 3 -year, 8 -college, S1.2 million Toyota Technical Education Program (T -TEP) involves the installation of a ser- vice bay on campus, equipping classrooms with furniture and materials, factory -training for edu- cators, and a commitment to the future. Although new to Canada, T- TEPs are currently in place in six other countries. Not meant to be a free-standing course but rather to supplement existing automotive -apprentice - By JOE DUARTE ship programs, T -TEP is being ; conserve educational time, are "By helping Canadian colleges courses to meet a broad range of introduced at three colleges specifically built so that students upgrade the skills of their auto- student needs, not simply (Centennial College of Applied don't have to remove external motive technology students, rang- is Toyota's needs. Arts and Technology in parts in order to get at working ing from basic to the certified "And the wider availability of Scarborough, Red River College parts. journeyman level, Toyota's com- highly -skilled technicians at all in Winnipeg, Manitoba, and Toyota has also pledged to train mitment will help advance the service outlets across Canada will L'Ecole Daniel Johnson in instructors and to keep abreast of technical skill levels of the whole result in even higher customer Montreal, Quebec) but will be automotive technological progress automotive industry," explained satisfaction for the whole auto - expanded to five more schools in by re-educating these instructors Tschoepe. "The Toyota training motive industry, not just for our other provinces by 1995. The when necessary, as well as updat- package offers flexibility to edu- own dealers," concluded value at each school is estimated ing the modules, manuals and cators wanting to tailor their Tschoepe. at $150,000. materials (most timely of which is The cornerstone of T -TEP is a series of four modules consisting that a new Corolla is due in the fall) as required. FREE MOTOROLA of practical and theoretical compo- r But Toyota Canada's vice-pres- nents representing current automo- ident of parts and service Peter bile technology. The four parts of = Tschoepe emphasized that the pro - CELLULAR PHONE WITH EVERY NEW each school's package are: an gram will not churn out a crop of engine-transaxle simulator, electri- technicians capable of working OR USED INTEGRA GSR OR cat circuit module, a drivetrain cutaway and a Toyota Corolla cut- only on Toyota cars, since the components used are nearly gener- VIGOR PURCHASE OR LEASE DURING away. The cutaways. meant to is aeras the industry OUR SPRING VALUE DAYS Toyota Canada`+ �T has launched a new training pro- I Lk gram and course l' curriculum to help automotive - rt apprenticeship -� y students at com- munity colleges across the Country / by donating eight ` training packages by the end 1995. r .ro I{ co U 0 0 0 8 ,��ACURA INSTALLATION 1!i ANTENNA EXTRA, SOME RESTRICTIONS APPLY OFFER VALID UP TO MAY 15. 1992 PACIFIC ACURA Aok, 365 GAYLY ST. W., AJAX a00oo (416) 428-8768 Atoo P J D ruF7%1v nninin a nrnn ccnnnl Made in Canada. And respected throughout North America. Vb engine. Air conditioning. - C � C I AM/FM • ruise ontro . sterecassette .HUM ce. Front wheel drive. Slx passenger comfort. Canada's &est Sell” Car. YaMre a Y�u4r�g Prloed S 1,000 �M 'Under , Cath Bads The Family Car That's Fun To Run. Yaks * r'9 Piked S S7SOGM Foor, Cash 80* Under 12o995 Plus SSW For The Family Going Places. WNW • Includrg Piked 'Fim Under17995 5750 GM Cash Back CHEVY OWE" " CHEVY CORSICA 4 DOOR SEDAN CHEVY ASTRO VMI CABS) as standarti equipment. Comes with driver's side air ba Anti-lock brakes g 4-cylirxien engine g Looks great. Seats 8. Comes with anti-lock brakes (ABS) ' ..- 2.2 lite 4-cyli��der engine with mu10•pon fuel injection. with multi -port fuel injection. Air conditioning. standard. Air conditioning. Automatic transmission. Air conditioning. Automatic transmission. AM/FM stereo Automatic transmission. AM/FM stereo cassette. AM/FM stereo cassette. cassette. And automatic door locks for added satiety. And anti-lock brakes )ABS) as standard equipment. And value priced with the family m mind. KE MATRACKS TO CHEVY BEST VAL�JE DAYS. GOING ON NOW FOR A :; LIMITED TIME AT YOUR GOLDEN HORSESHOE DEALERS. oa w GAP 440 MAP 010 SAP 4110 040 *10 SAP 010 SAPoa aAwo� •Pries la new and unused 1992 model year w4urles equipped as dMi rb d Fe•gM. er licence, insurance. GST and othaWKable ta•es not me luded Dealer order may be necessary Dealer may sell for less See Deal& fp Beta is Whic lei may not be euc[y as Nrnsrn .�► '. -i ;. ..d ♦.4..�.,Ei.i-..iii.i.• T, .1..,:. , • • • . � • • r'. 1r e � • i • i • s ♦ ,. - ,,,.,gV`�. r Y f r �e.. t �y� (, ;+ 1lrF• ir„ �}• • • • a. i. • * i a • ' . a -0 rY ..y. a. o- `'� rte+ , ia� �- A�i.' _q �:e .►r •„w. :.i:r.i ►:•r ai.ali►is��ai•q+say*�i►��aiihrV.wiillethri��M iS i9�'`►.i. r.i�.. ia•,�.pM�is•,f �yew.�e �sRM Minivans continue to be the people's choice The hottest segment in the Canadian and United States auto- mobile markets today is the "people mover" or "minivan". Before 1982, what one might put into that category consisted mostly of Volkswagen buses with a marginal sprinkling of seven - seater vans brought back to Canada by people stationed in Japan. But necessity is the mother of invention. It was a combination of that an(rgood market research which prompted Chrysler go ahead with what we now call their ' Magicwagons, in 1983. Looking for a way to crawl out of a fiscal red hole, Chrvsler By JIM ROBINSON tried putting a window -van body r close to one million minivans in- , minivan, the Axxess. The Axxess 4 working on a minivan. on a stretched K -car chassis pan. the United States and perhaps Z has been dropped in the U.S. ,but And that's just the beginning. It worked and did it ever work 140,000 in Canada, or roughly 30 it continues to be sold in Canada Most manufacturers are Magic for them. Chrysler still has per cent of all truck sales in this - because our interest here in mini- already working on second -gen - more than SO per cent of the country, the automakers are rush- van is so great. And Ford is 4 eration minivans, while automak- minivan market and remains the ing to get in on the act. Z already well advanced on the ers without a minivan are work - vehicle by which the standard is In addition to the Chrysler trio replacement for the Aerostar. ing overtime on joint ventures to set. of Caravan/Voyager/Town and Toyota has the Previa. Mazda catch up. In the Canadian Automobile - Country, the division is also sell- - has the MPV. General Motors has If the trend keeps going as it Association 1991 review of ing the Mitsubishi -built Colt/ the Chevrolet Lumina/Pontiac has since the middle of the Canadian buyer preferences, the 4 Summit mini -minivan at a quick- ; Trans Sport and Astrovan. )980s, the 1990s could well Plymouth Voyager/Dodge ened pace. Volkswagen is back on the scene - become known in automotive Caravan was the second most Much has been said about the with the Eurovan. Now it's terms the Decade of the favored choice among perspec- joint venture between Ford and rumored even Mercedes-Benz is Minivan. tive buyers, edged out, just, by Nissan to build the Nissan the Honda Accord. Quest/Mercury Villager. But With the prospect of selling Nissan is retaining its own mini- r SEVILLE CARRIES ON THE CADILLAC HERITAGE Dramatic new styling and the appeal of the Cadillac character come together in the 1992 Seville Touring Sedan. Richard Ruzzin, head of Cadillac's design studio and design chief for the Seville, says, `This car is designed to be internationally accepted, but by no means a copy of a competitive luxury sedan." Ir -,q. _ 4hvq 9� 6cvAaaPUBLIC 9� ��9 4 y<�,Fq s,y�o 495 s 4 9, 1 AA 0 ► 0, ti- •t• ►11L�• •'� ► DURING THIS SPECIAL 3 DAY EVENT, OUR ENTIRE USED CAR INVENTORY WILL BE DRASTICALLY REDUCED - SHOP EARLY FOR BEST SELECTION. u 7.996 Financing or up to =1,500 cash back available -� selected new models. . 1 • • . ,.E an 1. It 0 A 0 0 PIR gy F%j RIGHT HERE tl At, AIR Js 4 5\3 \P. 0 ONE WEEK ONLY! THEY'VE GOT TO GO NOW' P� I k'HA P.1 t 4 P—f HF� ", L E H LIE AL E R SERVICE OPEN ALL I DAY SATURDAY tn,• Ct)ry cicr F xpert, 1�r B�—1 ",t�loction Bc—,l Scr oc.- AND EVERY NIGHT VI PLYMUTH LLAG E CHR SLER AJAXLT D. 19 HARWOOD AVENUE SOUTH, AJAX 683-5358 FAX #bds-D/,sd RIGHT HERE tl At, AIR Js 4 5\3 \P. 0 ONE WEEK ONLY! THEY'VE GOT TO GO NOW' P� I k'HA P.1 t 4 P—f HF� ", L E H LIE AL E R SERVICE OPEN ALL I DAY SATURDAY tn,• Ct)ry cicr F xpert, 1�r B�—1 ",t�loction Bc—,l Scr oc.- AND EVERY NIGHT VI PLYMUTH LLAG E CHR SLER AJAXLT D. 19 HARWOOD AVENUE SOUTH, AJAX 683-5358 FAX #bds-D/,sd 111111015 1116 1912 WHEELS DUMAN Me Modified Talon will soar with the best All -wheel drive, five forward speeds, four big discs at each cor- ner complemented by ABS, a super sound system and, lastly, 293 horsepower on tap - does that sound like fun? Sean Hyland races an Eagle Talon TSi in the Firehawk Series and runs a speed shop at the same time out of Tillsonburg, Ont. Hyland had been racing Mustangs until the all -wheel drive Talon came along last year and that was the obvious place to go in Firehawk. Where the Mustang as all power with a chassis which waved like a sapling in a storm, the Talon Scoupe offers style,, flair and great W ,pace The 1992 Hyundai Scoupe con- tinues in the stylish and sporty tra- dition that has boosted sales to over 5,500 cars since its introduc- tion in August 1990. Scoupe signals outgoing fun and sporty motoring, a car for the single young buyer who wants to enjoy life. Attention to detail as well as fit and finish continues to amaze, considering the thrifty price tag - Still available in base and LS trim levels, Hyundai has added style and colors to make this year's model even more appealing. In addition to ebony black, Mars red, noble white and bright blue, vivid yellow and peacock green now compliment the line. The Scoupe featr>res advanced aerodynamic styling. Its sleek lines reduce wind resistance to help it slip through the air. This year it bighlights new. cleaner looking rear taillamps and back -panel With its large irMerior, the 1992 Seoope lovers don't have to sacri- f= comfort to drive in style. The car has ample bead room, leg room and just plain room a nwue. The inside of the Seoape still offers a very sporty motif, with a saarbinataioa of fine fabrics. lush 4arpeting and qty craftsmani- t The Sooupe'a agonomies keep the driver in mind. All gauges are tasy to read and contrda are in the right place to minimize distrac- tions. Soft, body -hugging bucket sats redone fatigue. The Scoupe promises to be even more interesting and aurac- tive next year. Major changes are .in store for the Scoupe in 1993. Coarplinrenting the new Elantra and the re -designed Sonata, the new Excel and Scoupe complete the Hyundai full product line-up that appeals to the tastes .�of a sruwft aumbt r of n" of is very taut with a turbo -powered 16 -valve four cylinder which brings power up very sharply. The Mustang barges through the course, the Talon is more like a darning needle, requiring accura- cy. To make a long story short, he realized that it wouldn't take much to modify the race Talon and make it a street Talon or silhouette car, - as it is known. Ergo the Talon Stage 1 and Stage 2 he is currently producing, one of which he supplied for a ; road test The car begins as a $24,000 Eagle Talon TSi top-of-the-line model with all the options such as air conditioning and stereo system. Stage 1 is the dress -up kit which makes the car look the part but not act like it. The kit is $5,904 and that includes a $500 plus Momo steering wheel and shifter knob. On the outside, Hyland adds a very discreet "Stage 1 " graphic on the rear valance panel and a not so discreet set of Momo R 116X7.5 inch wheels carrying a pair of ultra-grippy Bridgestone RE71R Potenza tires. Also added into the equation are Eibach sport springs which lower the car just enough to make it look serious. The real fun, though is Stage 2 kit which is priced at $13,526 and gives you all of the above plus D Jim. oa�d est HKS adjustable struts front and rear. To adjust them you just flip Z off the rubber cap on the shock tower and use a screw driver to select one of four settings ranging from street to full race. Hyland said the engine is surZ. - prisingly well designed and easily strong enough to take the 30 pounds of variable boost Stage 2 brings to the bottom end. That's why, despite all the modifications, the car does not have the warranty voided. He can put a full Stage 2 ; together in about one full day of work. Hyland next hooks up a turbo with a very business -like look - about it, not one of those factory jobs which is nothing more than a big hair dryer. The fuel computer is re -calibrated because of the increased flow demand and that - means a modified mass air sensor. The last piece is an HKS adjustable wastegate control for the driver and a peak hold boost gauge, also for the driver's infor- mation. Now being a Talon, there is a boost gauge in the instrument cluster but it's only there for show. Flip open the arm rest and you find the real gauge and a piece of equipment about the size of an eight -track tape. That's the vari- able boost control unit. With it you have a low setting, a high setting and then there is manual with a knob which allows you do do all kinds of harrowing things. I just left the wastegate control on high during the day Sean let me go out - and play in the traffic. Even with the shocks set to "street" the ride is bumpy and the big shocks don't give much at lower speeds. As you feed in the boost, the dynamic moments between where the road flows and what the chassis wants to do are fed into the springs and shocks NOW. You come to know the meaning of the term "bump steer" very quickly in a car like this. That, of course, is the down side. The up side is truly amazing grip augmented by all four wheels having torque. Having benefited from lessons learned during a recent tire testing session, I tried to make the suspension bind up and lift an inside wheel, but the Stage 2 was having none of it. But let me warn you, you'll need all that tire patch when you plant your right foot down. There really isn't any whistle noise or that kick -in -the -pants feeling. The Stage 2 Talon gives a millisecond shake as the power jolts through the four CV joints and that just takes off with a slight pull to the right. After a while you being to compensate for this and start to get to know where you are by the way the power going to the front wheels is transmitted back as "feel" in the steering wheel. The 255 -section Potenza tires feel hard as rocks as you get into the higher slip angles. Due to our highway speed limits ,and out of respect for other drivers, I did not pull some of the point -and -shoot acceleration lines this car is capa- ble of, although I was sorely tempted. Outside of a Turbo Porsche or a ZR 1 Corvette, I can't think of anything street legal and with a full manufacturer's warranty which can keep up the Talon TSi; and I'm sure neither can turn in with it through the twisty parts - One thing for sure is the Sean Hyland Limited modified Talon TSi is at least a match for the hottest cars on the road, and it costs a heck of a lot less in the bargain. The Saturn SC. From S14,97S.•' The o* thing as attiAaLiwe as eir • r hm ee es eir from Looks aren't everything. However, they are the first thing and fuel -filler door releases. And rear -window defroster. you'll notice about the new Soturns <•A". You'll be drawn to the SC's responsive 16 -valve dual -over - And they'll look gree for years than to their dent and nest <--head-cater engine. Close -ratio five -speed manual transmission. resistant polymer bodyside panels..A OFour-wheel independent suspension. And fifteen -inch alloy - When you Ret to know these cars a little better, were sure :wheels. you'll be attracted by other things- Like the SL's four -speaker But what you might really find appealing is their price. '~ AM/FM stereo. Tilt steering. Intermittent wipers. Remote uvnkbd So why fight the attraction. Come see your Saturn dealer today. 'MSRP fora base model 1992 Sarum SL erluipprd with a S speed manual transmission a $9,995. PIN n rock ded; freigFu, GST, PST, inwrance, licape fm and ether sppbabk taxes are am included. See dealer for details (y RP for a base'model 199YSuurnSC equipped with a Sr�a marnral trmnrrdrrion n $14.975. PDI n included; fre�hr, GST, PST, assurance, license fees AM other Whable tafei 4,mimt YOU" K4�JQt *Vk .. •' T. t WJ 61 `J • I WHEELS t»t war w. J_ a i,, Aprh zx. IM ulna„ Crownwith 'ctorm resses erfor mance and p Victoria last spring, it's safe to say sively while waiting at a light and all autowriters I know were having a BMW 535i pull up on the impressed with the solid feel of this right. The road ahead went from body on full frame design. It was two to one lane with his lane merg- produced with a today -tech 4.6 -litre ing into mine. Big Bimmer dropped overhead cam V8 which can pro- the clutch but it was too late, as the duce 210 hp with twin tail pipes. torque of the V8 pulled us cleanly Yet the new car is noticeably more away. I fuel frugal than the A big North American six -pas- senger sedan used to mean lots of straight-line go; but about as easy to " handle in a tight space as the Queen Mary in New York Harbor. The North American big car came very close to extinction as the ; marketing consultants and the dread- ed bean counters started to move in on big sedans about a decade ago. They warned, respectively, buyers didn't want big cars any- more, and they were too expensive to make. Listening to the mar- keting guys is often a mis- take, just ask David Peterson. And bean coun- ters can take you to the poor house cutting quality and desire factor just so they can keep the share- holders happy with the same rate of return. ,• Ford has marketing guys and bean counters, too, who were saying all the same things 10 years ago. But Ford then was in big trouble. The marketing and bean counter types had Ford churning out dogs like Thunderbirds which were nothing more than upgraded trim levels on Grenada chassis. Something radical had to be done and it was called Taurus/Sable. The rest, as they say, is history. Ford took a mix of front - and rear drive and applied the aero - brush liberally across its model line, making each of those models stand out despite the marketing guys and the bean counters singing choruses of doom. It now seems Ford can do little wrong. Even the major restyling of Jim 5.0 -live V8 it replaced in the for- mer Marquis -Crown Vic line. 1 did drive the Grand Marquis ' last May and it was great. I said then it had everything the major European and Japanese super luxu- ry sedans had but at at least half, and in some cases, one-third the wheel disc brakes with ABS and the Lincoln Town Car is starting to Recently I tried the fust Crown traction assist, and P225/70R 15 catch on among a segment of the Victoria with Ford's long -promised tires on special crosswire alloy market (60 plus) who don't like to handling package. In one word - W,heel& see anything changed. WOW! The suspension took everything When we got our hands on the It was already more than fast I could give it and more. The only new Mercury Marquis/Ford Crown enough. This was proved conclu- thing I could fault is the amount of rice pressure needed on the brakes. so I'll know when to expect the After extended bumper -to -bumper kickdown when I want to pass. driving, it gets a bit tiring. That's what a tach is for and it real - This is a rear -drive car and it ly does help with the new breed of came with the handling package's 4 electronic overdrive autoboxes. 3.27-1 rear axle ratio, which is part I found I could get the seat back of the reason the more perpendicular on this car, Bimmer driver is - which was not the case in the Grand still wondering Marquis. One thing which is the r what's wrong with same is the great view outside, his car thanks to there being 30 per cent • The other major more glass area in the new car. handling assist is - It should also be noted there is the air suspension now an air bag for the driver and package on this front seat passenger. The passcnger r car. And with a air bag is stowed behind a panel on liar; body on frame the dash. design, this has And then there is the optional to be one of the (S61 0) JBL sound system acoustical_ quietest interi- ly mapped to give the best possible ors you' I l find sound reproduction in the interior of anywhere. the Crown Victoria. It's simply a A n d treat to hear. This is the fast time the speaking of the JBL has been offered in the Crown •� _ interior, the Victoria and that also goes for the •,�.:. = test car was fit- dual power front seats with lumbar -•r--• _ ted out with and recliner, and keyless entry. black leather, And one point I feel is very The all-new Ford Crown Victoria features a handling and performance package. smiled because I used to own a car like that- The hatThe handling package as listed goes for 5483. What you get is speed -sensitive power steering, beefed up gas shocks, redesigned - stabilizer bar at the rear, and a changed front end with a stabilizer bar designed specifically to handle the weight up there and the kind of dynamic forces a guy like me can - put to it On top of that you get huge four - Miata means driving fun "How come you're driving another Miata, didn't Using tires specially deagrted for the car, the han- you do that car before?", one of my colleagues at dling is what proves entertaining. Mazda used a corn_ `"'� My response was, "yeah, but this is the yellow one." - puter to design a special aluminum backbone which absorbs chassis stress from more than 2,000 points. In truth, I drove the Canadian prototype three years z This gives you something solid to pin the independent ago and one of the early production blue ones that suspension on. With four disc brakes, stopping is same summer. Since then I've laid my hands on a : swift white one and aged to try the silver automatic as ; Because there really isn't enough power on the well. Last year, it was the British Racing Green SE I had on as glorious, top down early April drive to standard car to get you into trouble, even the greenest tyro soon learns how to use what's on tap tD its f� And "yellow advantage. You start watching the tach and making while there is more to the one" than . your downshift based on the feel of the rear end and just a paint job, any excuse to get out in Mazda's , the grab of tires coming through to your seat. chary little MX -5 Miata is good enough for me. Z In fact, there is a "black one" to go along with the ; After a while, you blend it in with the exhaust note as you downshift. Soon you're hanging out the rear new Yellow Paint scheme, the black being the Special ; end here and there. With practise, you can steer the Edition (SE) and the yellow the I imued Edition (LE). rear end by the gas pedal which adds dollops of fat to The only real dif%nence is can leather interior in the Se : any Sunday drive. and a tan cloth top instead of the standard black. The one major drawback to all this is the soft top Besides the special yellow paint, the LE also comes ; which, when up, adds one beck of a bWhd spot to the with several new options carried over from last year's "greet view over your shoulder. That's probably the real rea- one" and these include CD player, speakers in son all those people with older sportscars never put up the seat headrests, nice little scuff plates on the sills, the top. Being hearty has nothing to do with it. Seeing and powr windows and steering. what's behind you is. There is a limited slip differential and several Since the car was introduced whole swarms of Options, the most important of which is a removable : owners' clubs and after market equipment suppliers Abp• have sprung up selling everything from pens to go - The little 1.6 -litre, IOD -plus horsepower, 16 -valve > faster kits. engine seems pretty tame now. Delivery is still a blip ; The base car still can be purchased for $17,945, of the throttle away. There is also the toggle -switch i while the all -optioned Miata LE tops out at $19,995. If like gear change which stip delights, once you've put : you want the removable hardtop, count on adding some kilometers on the clock. The instrument cluster ; $1,600. The "black one" by the way has a list price of is analog with white letters on a large black face. just $20,995. Standard transmission is a five -speed manual while If zipping down country roads with a snarly little there is a four -speed automatic available as an $850 ; exhaust note at your right ear sounds like fun (and it off• is) it's probably time to try a Miata LE on for size. Road Test .by JIM R0BINSON ice y complemented the cranberry metallic exterior color which was further enhanced by the alloy wheels. The instrument panel can be had in electronic digital, but mine was, thankfully, analog. It had a major fault - no tachometer. This car comes with an four -speed electronic onic automatic gearbox. Around town I normally drive in "drive" not "over- drive." In the city I like to know how high the engine is revving in "drive" so I can shift into "over- drive" and tax the engine less. On the 401 in "overdrive" I want to know where the engine is revving important when considering a car like this versus the offshore luxury sedans and that is the Ford can haul 5,500 lbs. As I've said before, the Europeans and Japanese don't even want to talk about towing options. Base price for this car is 522,965. The way it was finished was with every possible option you can think of including the Iosta- Clear windshield which can remove frost in seconds. All -up price was $28,187. A similarly -sized and Powered Mercedes-Benz 500E will set you back S 107,750. The much smaller Mercedes-Benz 300E base- line model is 567,550 which sort of makes my point CSC MOTORS CHECKLIST 1992 SUBARU LOYALE 'GREAT SELECTION CSC MOTORS. t cxlsrm�lt 1705 DUNDAS ST. W. _ HWY. #2 & 23 WHITBY 430-6666 1i11Ys TILE EOUIIfA" OF7IM PtlBotM P MOE liMSSM..01U POM 12 Yll,dnaW" Apri 22, I= WHEELS DUAHM WEST x. �. THERE WILL BEIC ERING. ...,; . ry .. AT 0 C' PICKERING .TOY TAIIIIIIIIIIII, ON Ric -ONL --SALE 1. of In' FOR TWO DAYS ONLY -SATURDAY, APRIL 25TH AND MONDAY, APRIL 27TH ALL NEW 1992 TOYOTA CARS AND TRUCKS WILL BE CLEARLY PRICED FOR IMMEDIATE CLEARANCE ARE YOU TIRED OF PLAYING GAMES WHEN BUYING A NEW CAR OR TRUCK??? COME ON BY FOR "NO HASSLE BUYING" ` All trade-ins welcome - On the spot appraisals available - competitive, on -the -spot financing. Don't miss this sale!!! It may be the easiest way to buy a new car or truck and the least expensive way!!! TOYOTA'S • TOYOTA'S • TOYOTA'S 1989 TERCEL door hudk AhVW wry doom osir *7.9 S speed, moonoot, sport 04, lzm bn. 001012,9 1!180 door. auto.. Ps., a* 50,000 in. k aa, $9999 G 196! CRESSIDA Auld , k* equipped, kaasr 6 M' I 004$181995 1961 CELICA GTS uiy We with S speed, as 0* *9,99 19M COROLLA LE PAL. AW M cots, mh Got '1021 _ _. KUM__1_ 1966 TERCELv6, maorsoof, dw s�Fnslt, air, S door hatch, AWFM siw me. _ . sato., 36.00 km. ow *7,495 OWN, `16.1 1990 COROLLA door, silo, air, AWFM coos.and 1987 CELICA GT )wdoor, S speed, AWIGM. oair'10,99 o.ir'S, 1990 TERCEL 980 MYUIDAI SONATA W door Aft. P.S. AWFM rase. , k* boded. o* 46,000 km. **`8,49 006'8591 19M VIM air ok . 1984 YAmA GN eauiPped ttidt coed. .door. S speed. AWFM CUL, 1969 TOYOTA VAN 7 pass., auto.. sir Gond., a+y 50, k` 00V *13,99, L_ 1980 CHEROKEE LTD. boded Mo u% 4x4, ordp 31 0* $18,91 41 11 - "NEVER KNOWINGLY UNDERSOLD" ,. :2 0