HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA1992_02_14T f1 moMe lalba 08-1111111 rncy shut high schools IF P 2 THE IN DURHAM FOR LOW PRICES lrrobs,or Tails on the music menu SPORTS t crims Nal"a- local represent Canada LJ ft Pickering Edition News Advertiser "SpwWWd In EM and West trr" Foods• Tisa waits VWW GM *"— " 89` SIN / BAG INarw Mwkst 9 ilrwood Are., Unit 4, Ajax 427-7065. Friday, Feb. 14, 1992 28 pages A Metroland Community Newspaper Circulation 35,000 SIC + 40 GST - 55 cents Vol. 111 No. 7 Stanton murder suspect Public school taxes may rise will plead not guilty By LINDA WHITE Staff Reporter DURHAM - The man charged in the first-degree murder of Pickering teen Julie Stanton will plead not guilty, his lawyer said after the pair made a brief court appearance Wednesday morning. Peter John Stark. 46, of Stoney Creek, near Hamilton, was in Oshawa Criminal Court for just a few minutes with lawyer Leo Adler. As Mr. Stark stood in the prisoner's box staring at the floor, he was remanded in cus- tody until Feb. 28, when he's scheduled for another court appearance. Julie's parents, brother, sis- ter and several friends waited more than an hour before Mr. Stark was brought into the courtroom. Julie's father John says seeing the man wasn't dif- ficult. "I've seen him in court before," he says. "I'm sure he was more surprised to see us, than for ug to see him." Julie's parents confronted and accused a man they sus- pected was responsible for the Dunbarton High School stu- dent's disappearance numerous times, including at a Bowmanville laundromat and at an Oshawa court. Though they refused to name him throughout the investigation, they said he was the father of a childhood friend of Julie's from Scarborough who once had drinks in their home. MKharn Regional Polios detective Herb Curwain Nada Polar John Stant, the man ehuged with Wd-d*W" murder in the pmbabN slaying of Pickering leen JUIN Ann Stanton, to court Mhdrasday. photo by A.J. Groon News of Mr. Stark's Tuesday morning arrest was a "relief," says Mr. Stanton. "This is what we've been waiting for ... We had some indication there would be an arrest, but it still came as a shock." The family is "prepared" for a "lengthy, compli- cated" trial, he says. Two of Julie's girlfriends appeared shaken after leaving the courtroom. "Her friends have been real - See JULEWS-»Pate 10 11 .9 per cent By LINDA WHITE Staff Reporter DURHAM - The public school board's 1992 tax increase depends on "the degree of pain" trustees want to inflict on the school system. That's because the Durham Board of Education has traditionally "man- aged a lean budget." board chair and Pickering trustee Louise Farr warned after preliminary budget talks Wednesday. A draft budget prepared by staff would result in a 22 -per cent tax increase, adding S220 to the average household's tax bill. Staff has also sug- gested cuts that would see an l 1.9 -per cent increasc, including cuts in some capital projects, staff requests, and maintenance work. "No one will leave it at (22 per cent); that's a given." says Mrs. Farr. "And it's safe to say no one is comfortable with an 11.9 -per cent increase, either." While the board's goal is to "get (the increase) as low as we possibly can, no one has set a magic number," admits Mrs. Farr. Board superintendent of business Brian Cain told trustees they face a par - See SCHOOL ... PaRe 8 More than halt of au homes sold in the Toronto area in January were priced under S200DW. says Toronto Real Estate Board president John Hutton. 'For first-time home buyers. January presented very attractive morket conditions. Low prices cou- pled with reduced interest rates and a strong inventory of listings are mak ing home ownership very occessibie. I these conditions hold, we could be set for a strong spring market. Mr. Hugon says Ottawa should Glow nrst- time buyers to use RRSP funds for down payments. -With a lillfie assis- tome from Ottawa, a lot of people could firmly own their own names.' POT FACTORY: Two men charged with cultivating marijua- na m a Pickering lab are released on bail. Page 2 FATAL CRASH: A Pick- ering man is killed in an acci- dent. Pate 3 Letters------------- 6 Billboard .»»»»»»»»-»» 11 Sports -- ----------- 16 Entertainment...»»»»».18 Classified»» -»»»»»»»».20 3333M The Meas Adbiertiser ._ Qua ngy means tesuils -- Adrwiisa In Ajax -Picks ft Naves AdvMbw 03-5110) aid Oshawa-WhNbV fits Via* (SN -4W=. 103,= pomm evoY SlW1 20 Piece 99 ' SUBS BIGFOOT PIZZA �s with 3 toppings and 4 Coke �► plus tax m-" Extrs Cluw counts n 5 i1sms Expires Feb. 22192 -^wr -Add&W i*N ImWk FREE DELIVERY Nat le to e n 1i YA* any alar offer 4 14. LM Catholic high schools may shut if teachers don't ease demands , soon, union believes By DONNA DONALDSON DURHAM - The separate school board is giving its secondary teachers until Tuesday to come up with their final contract demands. And the teachers' union presi- dent speculates, if the board rejects the demands, teachers will be locked out and high schools will be closed. "We're trying to bring about a resolution of the current dispute of the 1991-92 collective agreement," says Tom Oldman, chairman of the Durham Region Roman Catholic Separate School Board. The board's 290 teachers started a work -to -rule campaign at the region's six Catholic high schools Jan. 13. As a result, all extra -curricular activities have been cancelled. Teachers are holding regular classes and must be on school prop- erty 15 minutes before and after nor- mal school hours. Recount confirms Brenner as election winner By R DI BOBBITT Staff Reporter PICKERING - A rocount of ballots cast in the Ward 1 regional election has increased Maurice Brenner's margin of victory over chal- lenger Ken Matheson. The recount, held Tuesday and Wednesday at the civic complex, revealed Mr. Brenner defeated Mr. Matheson by 176 votes in November's municipal elec- tion. Official results announced the day after the election had Mr. Brenner win- ning by 174 votes. Mr. Brenner estimates the recount, requested by Mr. Matheson and ordered by a provincial court judge, has cost the town between $20,000 and $30,000. The court will consider March 3 whether taxpayers should foot the bill. "I'm glad it's been reaf- firmed that I did win," says Mr. Brenner. "I'm not glad we went through the process when the spread (of votes) was so great. I'm angry about the time that's been wasted, but I'm not angry at Ken. I'd like to get on with the busi- ness of the town." Mr. Matheson says he's satisfied with recount results, but adds he still has concerns about the integrity of the overall election process. In ordering the recount, the court ruled there were impro- prieties in the ward's election process - "The present situation :annot continue," says Mr. Oldman. "We have been waiting for the mediator to contact us. Clearly, we're not going to wait any longer. W'e feel very strongly about it, we've allowed enough time to lapse 'for teachers) to put forward a compro- mise position." On Thursday, the board sent a letter to the Ontario English Catholic Teachers Association (OECTA) Durham Secondary Unit, asking it to file a final proposal. The teachers have three days to respond. Mr. Oldman says, if the board doesn't receive the teachers' final demands by Tuesday, it will hold a special meeting to deal with the matter. "I think this is a step in the right direction," says Mr. Oldman. "In the event the board rejects the (teach- ers') proposal it will then consider appropriate action to bring the mat- ter to a final resolution." Blair Morris, president of the teachers' union, says, "I would have preferred to negotiate a settlement: that's the appropriate way to resolve disputes. They have our position and they're not prepared to negotiate on those items." i In November, the board adopted a plan of action to take if the teach- ers decided to walk out and if the students' safety was endangered. These actions included locking teachers out and closing schools. Mr. Morris speculates that, by - demanding a final proposal from the teachers, the board is looking to put those actions in place. If schools were unsafe they could have :lone that already)," he says. "But since they're not, they're .00k:ng for another way to do it." At Wednesday's meeting, the board also authorized the director to take steps to ensure teachers are car- rying out their duties according to the Education Act, and to ensure '. other duties assigned by the board including planning, preparation, instruction and evaluation are also being carried out. suspects in marijuana bust freed on bail PIMMIM - Two taupe arrested in connection Jms and postlemm for the WPM of o fficlarl& The with a hydroponic marijuana laboratory have been charges we laid after police discovered thousands of released on bail. I manjuana plans being cultivated in an indtttsuW ofte Dr. Patrick Darcy, 63, of Toronto and William complex at 905 Dillntgliam Rd., Pickering. Marquis, 33, of Richmond Hill, appeared in Oshawa Dr. Darcy was released on $10,000 bail while Mr. court Tuesday morning on charges of cultivation of marl- Marquis was freed on $20,000 bail. Fresh Chicken Wings SAVE 1-00 Ib. Ib. Lean Ground Beef SAVE .40 Ib. 14398 Strip Loin Steaks SAVE 2.00 Ib. 5 99 Ib. DCtoberfest Fresh Centre Cut Sausage Pork Pork SAVE 1.00 Ib. Side Ribs 49 Chops2 169 Ib 99 SAVE Ib. lb. 20 Ib_ Rack of Loin l f Fresh Roasts Italian Plain or Raisin + Italian Tea SAVE .80 Ib. Sausage Biscuits Buns 49 SAVE .80 Ib. 89 ' 6 49'�, 6 2 a. 1 .89 ro. For I For Fresh Pork Cordon Blue SAVE 1.30 Ib. 3 69 Ib. or Texas Style Back 49 Ribs2 SAVE Ib. 1.20 Ib. 01 Lean Ground Pork 149 Ib. Breaded Pan -Fry chnitzels 2119 PEACH TREE BAKERY With 35 years experience in the business, local residents Harry i Betty Strachan aim to please. 1413 King St. E_ Oshawa 400-2904 'No order too small. we'll do them all.' !located in Malenda'S M&D Meats) rr • -` -0�w11&4 Recipe of the week SreOUP+ l.1WL1 � r ftw.w.. e.. a MO.d AoMe dwb . mg ��a t 5C:, ... ,. a >e. : — ' - •. 1e ,.. . � 5C ... . 2 ..* 2. .roe w,r 210 fol Sw . eo , %no �r r •pr.er a rr rr. ^r ' .c 2 5 - o A. - I der veeeleft r i .. �.. r : a.u. aur •a., r T. W. r W J Tti IMOMM r -2 • • xi 4W D. W -+,a. • r..sr.:.ow ev .r acct woo +"ri ar aero, L— S PI H 'X% W 34 � "M -. ar +M.w '•oyn aM+rY ..r ., ani a..w d :.ni.a ow—.0.6 N�e.i e.a MOW. w -d• ,r.. b •�..n.,,o ,w.ea St.M.., a,o� aa..r ,...+•ra" .0 s4.q Ga S. - SC _M" WEPWUTDM rIA 25. C0010 C TW '2*ewri •1 . s s a,.rt me "W V A. J Mne. IA.fYs—YJ .solwTrseVvt— T. auras T%M a FL M M9DJUI aaf/►TS > " We are the "MEAT EXPERTS" N ver have air question Concerning Poartrt. Neel or Pert. We M torat and we'll Prhllift your questions and our answers. ►Nese forward your questions to: The Meat @sects. 490 Mlaarb0 St.. Oshawa. Oecarle LIN IxI. 46e01�2Lt Cw�ITw M MNOrriE am ,07 "'tee-- il.eMna w�� 13ttQ PI.140 I�ew4..Stiq 613411~ terMrslDrOnn TeeaM ael ai h,a KeatM �� %m6kat" T. K ua" T.a-e.l tba �r Tbm F 6.7S Tbma FI M a sm N 7hm a ft" �µ N 11aw a Fl N FMor aeaesw sa sw 1N M. 'y` is LnFr. Im ON THE MOVE TO OUR NEW LOCATION Please note our new address & phone number as of Monday February 17. 55 TAUNTON RD. E. (Harwood Ave. N. 3 Taunton Rd.) AJAX LIT 3V3 619-0500 Fax 619-0210 - , THE WEWSADVP.fR'If L 1 FfR�Dl►1f Fl� l1A&hI 9i Pickering n ie ■ in crash PICKERING - A 22 -year-old Pickering resident was The driver of the other vehicle, a 29 -year-old struck by a 1984 Oldsmobile travelling westbound on killed after being thrown from his vehicle following a Bowmanville resident, suffered minor injuries and was Wentworth St. two -car crash in Oshawa Thursday morning, taken to Oshawa General Hospital. Mr. Johnston was the sole occupant of his vehicle. It's Steven Johnston, of 1553 Delbrook Ave., was pro- Police say the 1990 Jeep being driven by Mr. Johnston not known if he was wearing a seatbelt. nounced dead at the scene, was northbound on Nelson St. in Oshawa when it was The accident is still under investigation. 0Q= a&Qaqbw DELIVERY SERVICE .4101IatT"MONII AFUM CMINI1b rotltt N oon watt rotes ��cAt141��owr4lto■ nEttwrs4NN�l4r FWAY, FEWWAAY T, I= NEIMs 410VERTtSER {au►x4�ICK) CMADTAE (AU K) MN •CMADM (AM ) ' woa>;o (AMXIPM SLAY, FEBRUARY 16, I= NEWS ADVERTISER (A AXFOCIC) CANADWt TAE (PICK.) DOMNItON `wK1 F0IIGG0�ADCli W KMIART 0 A�uPI c) ) LOBLAINS WU FOOD MAR (AIAxi 1PICK.) SMs ( ) ­A,CENTRE MIX) .SEARS("WPICK) WIDE NAT GAS CASH BACK CO. (AJAM() • n Nrsrd M sMabd hou wwwo only 59'wwo �OwrlrrM ,J FRIDAY CAMER OF THE WEEK IS TANYA SMITH Tanya W"$ do" aafle and mal ip dok Tanya received a McDonald': meal deal compliments of the News AdMism Cggraiulawns for being our Friday Caner of the Week RAGE 4 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY. FEB. 14, 1"2 w i v 06'a M M I I ums w 4( oy'N FINANCING INANCING O OVER 12 OVER 12 MONTHS �MONTHS AJAX I I I tiE TFiE SWEETEST BARGAIN IN TOWN. `X683- I358 BRAND NEW 1992 COLT AUTO TRANS. I wvVqw— AUTO, V6, AIR PLUS MUCH ROOFRACK, PRIVACYMUCH MORE! GLASS, 7 PASSENGER m SEATING, PIS, P/8, - . I AMIFM, Pkis much more... N FRE 79* NOFREIM $1 4 3.9% r5 75 NO TIRE TAX n alorwl pt ivOY/ :v "�A6 Aim 7�" _"rL mliL .1;P ]LOADED! LEBARON GTC 1991 JEEP CHEROKEE LTD. 1991 ACCLAIM Inct, auto, air, peow r MCI. * P.&, pk4 tilt, Incl sk P.L, pb., win"mrs, kwhor int, cruise, AWMcase ., �1 r wdmft nww wpome, trawr low pkg.,the IM buckets plus much Palmer Palmer goes on and OIL Stk. Mm 9dL Amo bc* tK crolim power soft the " rem On PRICED SALE 109995 ro SELL or rMW1227-9willold E 11995111- 1991 SUNDANCE =* 1991 SHADOW CONVERTIBLE *M% nere. game" of MFUM_ 86 L = NMI& - muck amore. SSMttatks.. ult #am can. 66 SALE 199 pffTT MR! month LOADED! SALE 54w month z 0M UM w= 4111lc� rem a fl 1s Irl 1991 LASER R/S TU RBC baaft*mm admimWoni wbo*K ===P so ft="Mdaa. LOADED!SALE ' 94 363 moth I JI I x. tire tax on all 10"M I extra wall transfer SERVICE OPEN AL DAY SATURDAY AND EVERY NIGH' MONEYMATTERS (Part 2 of 3) Once again, we continue the article about investing in an RRSP. Your RRSP contribution limit for the 1991 taxation year is based on 18% of eligible earned 1990 income up to a maximum of $11,500 minus any Pension Adjustments. You received a notice from Revenue Canada in December 1991 advising you of this limit. An RRSP offers almost all working Canadians an opportunity to save for retirement and the opportunity to defer current taxes at the same time. Interest earned within an RRSP is sheltered from tax while it remains in the plan. Here are a few things you should know about RRSPs. First of all, you can contribute to an RRSP in your name or that of your spouse, which is referred to as a spousal plan. For a spousal plan, the contribution is deductible from the contributing spouse's income but the non-contributing spouse is the "annuitant" or owner of the plan. Spousal plans can be used to split income and by splitting income at retirement, a couple can reduce their tax payable. But beware, any withdrawals from a spousal plan, are taxed in the hands of the contributor if a contribution is made in the year of withdrawal or the preceding two years to any RRSP, not just the plan from which funds are withdrawn. Special rules apply for spousal plans for the years 1989 to 1994, to allow up to 56,000 annually of periodic pension income to be transferred over and above the existing regular contribution limit but only into a spousal RRSP. But please take note that the spousal transfer is not applicable to CPP/QPP or Old Age Security Pension. You can make the spousal payment in one lump sum or in periodic amounts at any time within the allowed period for the current taxation year. Should you become unemployed during a year, your RRSP savings could help you cushion your financial needs. A withdrawal from your RRSP would be taxable but your earned income would be much lower making the overall tax minimal. The spousal plan could be used in much the same way since it would offer taxable income to a spouse not working (however, remember the 3 -year rule for spousal plans). If you don't have the funds available by the February 29, 1992 deadline for 1991 contributions, most financial institutions will lend you the money at a reasonable rate. Although the interest is not deductible, borrowing for an RRSP can still work to your advantage. Remember the deadline for making your 1991 contribution is February 29, 199? Should you have any questions call Stan Martin at National Trust, Harwood Mall in Ajax, tel. 683-7334 or Tom Broadfoot at National Trust, Supercentre, 1792 Liverpool Rd., Pickering, tel. 831-6501. CUSTOM FRAMING SALE 2Oo/O OFF ENDS FEBRUARY 15/92 PERSONALIZED FRAMING DESIGN FRIENDLY SERVICE S THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, FEB. 14, 1992 -PAGE S Invest in a National Trust I year RRSP GIC and get an additional 1/4% bonus on top of our already high interest rate, Harwood Place Mall 314 Harwood Ave. S. Ajax, Ontario (416) 683-7344 Visit any National Trust branch and receive a special 1/4'. bonus on am1 tear RRSP GIC deposit. Our highl} trained, Inendh staff can help you decide which 1% ­pc of RRSP 161C. Ntutuai Fund or Snit-Uircordi is right for tiou. But horn. This tx)nu,, offer is onh asailable until Fcbruary 29, 1992. National Trust RRSP,, Who would hast thought you could guarantee sour financial goals with a cluartrr' ANational Trust Supercentre 1792 Liverpool Rd. Pickering, Ontario (416) 831-6501 NEW RELEASES NOW AVAILABLE IN THE GALLERY V SIBERIAN TIGER BY ROBERT BATEMAN 0 'w1wo�! 50 CHURCH ST. S., PICKERING VILLAGE 686-0058 %d,o 0.1 6►,: i,•/,'. •,%.`..,........,.rr%_.----.- ...--_- NAGE 6 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, FEB. 14,1"2 �v 4 Editorials v We'll get what wepay for There's no easy solution to the horrendous challenge of balanc- ing the need for more tax dollars against residents' shrinking pocketbooks. Taxpayers feel they're being squeezed for every penny already and the budgets being struck by the towns, region and the school boards promise to be killers. Welfare demands are putting an overwhelming strain on regional coffers, while school boards struggling with a shortage of classroom space can be sure they're not going to get much help from the province. People are justified, therefore, in urging their local councils to keep tax hikes to a minimum. But it's astounding to hear so many residents call for a zero -per cent tax increase in one breath and then tum around and demand top-notch services in the next. Nothing's going to be handed out free. If taxes aren't collected for capital reserve accounts, there'll come a day when there's no money for things like fire department equipment, building repairs and new ice arenas. In Pickering's case. that would mean going into debt. something the town's managed to avoir. thus far. In con- trast, Ajax residents can look forward to paying interest and prin- cipal on a loan for their new community centre. People want their taxes kept down, and that's best achieved by cutting operating budgets. But residents also want library branch- es kept open, new crosswalks and guards for schoolchildren, side- walks and roads repaired, a new arena for sports groups, snow- plow service, recreational programs and more, much more. It can't work bots ways. We'll get what we pay for and if we can't afford more taxes — and we can't — we'd better accept lower service levels with a bit of grace. Letters This land is your land, this land is my land To the editor, With regards to Mr. Neville Howard Pike's letter selling the virtues of the Reform Party of Canada, there is no need to call him a racist, as he sold himself out. He wants to live in Canada, not a repli- ca of Vietnam, Pakistan, or Jamaica. I thought multiculturalism encompasses all cultures. I guess he wouldn't mind living in the Ukraine, Scotland, Yugoslavia, or Israel. It's funny how all the places he didn't want to live are places from where people of different color originate. As a hyphenated -Canadian (ver) many of us around), I am fed up with people like Mr. Pike. This is Canada, my adopted home. And I love it with all my might. And I will fight for it if I have to. I intend to live here for the rest of my life and I know my children will be here for generations to come. With that said, why should I adopt to Canadian (so called) tradi- tions? I am a Canadian, so what about my traditions? If a fellow Canadian wants to wear a turban and that is his religion, why should he not be able to? Because it is not a Canadian tradition? But what about his kids and grandkids? What about 200 years from now? Would his kids not be Canadians by then? Wouldn't they be part of the so- called Canadian tradition? To these questions, us hyphenat- ed Canadians always hear the reply, Well we were here first" and "our foreparents worked to develop this country." Well, I am here now and I am working to develop this country for my generations to come. I go out and work as hard as unhyphen- ated Canadians. So why should I not have my traditions. At taxpay- ers' expense? But I'pay taxes too. The bottom line is, Mr. Neville Howard Pike, I am tired of people like you whining about minorities The News Advertiser welcomes letters to the editor on topical issues, controversial matters and anything else of interest to our readers. We reserve the right to edit letters for style, length and legal reasons and to withhold letters deemed not fit for publication. All letters must include your full name, address and phone number for our information. Letters can be mailed or dropped off at the News Advertiser, 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ontario, LIS 2H5 or sent by FAX to 683-7363. Hews of `N:ws Adveririser Min: Adv*rtls*r Is pro - A Metroland Community Newspaper and u copy-1-1nd naulhorizfa,d um wltholid wrM en cor"M h prohMW- Timothy John Whittaker cd. The publlshfar rsswves the dptd to Classlty or Cetus. Pub1iS1W any odvedhoment of his dboollon. and immigrants in general. For peo- ple like you if they are white it's okay. You think the Reform Party is your savior and they will put us all on a boat and send us back from where we came. But it won't hap- pen, so stop dreaming. Either adjust or leave. This is my Canada, my home and I love all the people that make up this, the greatest country in the world. My only disappoint- ment is whining, bleeding hearts like Mr. Pike and also the few vocal minorities he mentioned in his let- ter. To them both, I say adjust or leave. R. Mohammed Ajax Parents caring for their own children presently being discriminated against To the editor, I was concerned that in your reporting of the results of the study, Child Care: Blueprint for the '90s, you omitted what I consider an important finding, that being that "almost two-thirds of parents who partici- pated in the telephone questionnaire indicated that they would prefer tax breaks and financial incentives to support parents who prefer to stay at home with their children." This included parents who currently use daycare but who thought they would be very likely to use tax breaks, presumably to enable one parent to stay home. Of course we all believe that in any discussion of the child care issue the needs of children should take precedence over all else. Whether we like it or not, the most recent studies coming out now on child care demonstrate that out -of -home child care is at best sec- ond-rate and very possibly contributes to emotional and psychological damage in many children. If we are honestly seeking the best for our children, we must look at ways to help parents care for their own children at home, as well as improvements in institutionalized child care. Having children is a choice that parents make, and IfEVAW00M - 6836110 DIStRIBUIM - 63.6117 KW ADVERIpINC - M4110 CLASWED - 7W7672 rAX - 63.7363 NA14*M A17101EIMS NC Wn 1931300 IIFAL EFM A AUTOMOUVE ADVERMiNG - 796-7672 that choice comes along with responsibilities, includ- ing financial responsibilities. At present, parents caring for their own children are being discriminated against by government policy and taxation. We pay more taxes than families using day care, both directly through denied income tax deductions and indirectly through public funding of day care at all levels of government. The system is interfering with parental decision- making by making out -of -home child care the "pre- ferred" economic option. It is not neutral or passive. Our Minister of Social Services recently stated that her government believes that child care should be publicly funded and universally accessible and that all govem- ment spending is directed in a focused and strategic way toward that goal. If government is going to fund parents who choose outside child care, then equal funding must be given, in the form of tax breaks, to Parents who choose home care. It is not fair that these families, most of whom have incomes well below average because of their choice, should be forced to also support, through their taxes, the choices of other families. Linda Wainwright, Pickering Thr News A&,W w. PA* wd -OrY Sunday, Wednesday and Mday at 130 Commercial Ari.. Apr. Ontarb LlS 2H6. is anis of to M.troland plA a . pubiigi�h0 and DssWb Whp 0fflP Of sui"ban rwwsrsapers which Includes AJCWRckerkn0 News Advertiser. Auroro Sorra. 00Ae Advance. Brampton Guardian. Burlington Post. CoUngwood Connection. Etoblcoke Guardlon/Lakeshore Ad✓ertlw. Georgetown independent. Wngsson Thi Week. Lindsay fib Week. Markham Economist • Sun. Muton Caradan Champion. Mississauga News. Nw wKxkeh Era. Nam You Mirror. North nbena d News. oakAD Beorer. Orwa Today. OhhowW WMIW Thi Week. Peterborough This Meek. Rlehmond HIII/ThaMlll Liberal. Scarborough Mirror. UWXldge/VQL fA* Tribune. Todays Serwn Page slw may vary MW* ream pubNfned rale Cal d due to m*d--ICO requlremenls of dMferent p Wftn. Metrdad Printing. RbNshkhg and Distributing is a member of the Conodlon Community N-vVWers AttoC1011M. Ontario CWqur tlr Newspapen Assodotton and ordab ROSS council. Second Closs Mall RegWolon Number 1497. Mal &bee ~ rales in Canada: 1 yea. S70 per edllon. r I e .."► .y.M LADIES' TURTLENECKS VARIETY OF COLOURS I VARIETY OF STYLES MEN'S JACQUARD PULLOVERS Reg. 19.88 6 00 each Reg. 8.97 LADIES' ABa 1&97 NOVELTY PRINT 11 OO FLEECE TOPS each LADIES'FASHION JEANS ASSORTED Reg, 00 Reg. STYLES 34.97 each 39.97 60ea0ch Reg. 29.96 120O each oil LADIES' SWEATERS MANY STYLES! °S60% OFF LARGE VARIETY OF STYLES MEN'S ASSORTED CASUAL PANTS MEN'S COLOUR - CHANGE T-SHIRTS CHANGE WHEN YOU TOUCH'EM! Reg. up to 26.96 120O each Reg. 19.88 60O each Kendalwood Plaza Kmart Plaza Pickering Town Centre Shoppers World Albion Shoppers World 1801 Dundas St. E., Whitby 555 Si ncoe St. S., Oshawa 1355 Kingston Rd., Pickering 1530 Albion Rd., Corner of Alban 8 Kipling, Rexdale Steeles Ave. 8 Hwy. 410, Brampton Bramrose Supercentre Sheridan Mad Rockwood Mall Parkway Plaza � 259 Oueen St., Brampton 2225 Erin Mills Pkwy., Mississauga 4141 Dixie Rd., Mississauga 87 Ellesmere Rd.. Scarborough 2900 AwoodAood�Mall Warden Markington Square Bayview Y*age Black Creek Plaza Hopedale Mall Hillcrest Mad Yorkton Square 3660 Kingston Rd., Scarborough 6Sheppard Ave. E., Wndowdale 30 605 Rogers Rd., Toronto 1455 Rebecca St., Oakville 9350 Yonge St., Richmond Hill 50 Davis Drive, Newmarket PAGE JI -THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAX FEB. 14, 1"2 FROM PAGE 1 ticularly difficult task this year because, unlike the economy, "education is not in a recession." The board anticipates another 1,000 students this year, includ- ing those who choose to update their skills because the job mar- ket is poor. "Unlike others in the MUSH (municipalities, universities, schools and hospitals) sector, we can't refuse full-time service,"' said Mr. Cain. "Hospitals are shutting down beds, but we can't close our classrooms because we've run out of money. Nor can we charge fees for any- thing. - Further, the board is looking at a S4 -million increase in such legislated costs as pensions, unemployment insurance and pay equity. While Queen's Park has announced one -per cent trans- fers to school boards, it hasn't revealed how that money will be packaged. We know we won't neces- sarily see a one -per cent increase," said Mr. Cain. "But we've speculated in the budget that it will cover student growth." Still, because the provincial government announced transfer payments for 1992 and 1993, the board knows for the first time what it's looking at down the road. "Anything you cut this year is cut for the next three years," warned Mr. Cain. "At the end of those three years, you have to wonder if it will ever come back. You have to make some pretty serious decisions, know- ing someone will be unhappy." He's encouraging trustees to consider the political, economi- cal, social, technological, orga- nizational and environmental fallouts from any decision made. Mrs. Farr said she was "pleased" to see a delegation of Taxpayers Coalition members at the meeting and believes they'll learn just how "complex" the budget process is. The board hopes to finalize its budget by the end of March. CORRECTION NOTICE DUE TO AN ERROR BY OSHAWA/WHfTBY THIS WEEK THE WRONG ILLUSTRATION APPEARED IN OUR SUN., FEB. 9 ADVERTISEMENT FOR LINED TOILETS. THE CORRECT ILLUSTRATION AND COPY APPEARS BELOW. WE APOLOGIZE FOR ANY PROBLEMS THIS ERROR MAY HAVE CAUSED. %MNSTON 1222L uNm Tt* SILENT PIAMM TOILETS NnlooucNG oustWma Tits►, Nam MW soft MoD" DESIGN® FOR FAST QUIFF S(RIIICE TMS fM101-t USPS A 3.5 GALLON (13.5 UnIE51 RUSH CMA To San wAiH AND MAKE LESS WISE Ir COMPS MID WRN A GWOM DISI M01MAC LNR FOR NOK" AND COND6iSa" REDUCTION, THE 12" ROUGH -IN DWARGM AVOWS ROOM FOR ALL TIM OF WALL FO ISM IlB1ND T)" WK AWWAME N W M OW rte. 90.99 SA1Ee0079" . milwort home centre 1279 SINICOE ST. N„ 091A M W NOTION RO„ AJAX SALE Des N& am Obituaries - GILLMEISTER, Wilfred A. - After a lengthy illness at the Ajax - Pickering Hospital, on Wednesday, Feb. 12, 1992. Wilfred A. Gillmeister, in his 78th year. Beloved husband of Phyllis Stiles. Loving father of Dorothy Gillmeister and Lorraine Krause. Survived by brother Harold of Hudson, Quebec, and sis- ter Helga Byers of Qualicum Beach, British Columbia. Memorial service and interment at a later date in Hudson, Que. Donations to the Durham Lung Association would be appreciated. Funeral arrangements entrusted to McEachnie Funeral Home, Ajax, 428-8488. WRIGHT, Frederick A. (Fred) - On Wednesday. Feb. '2. 1992 at Orchard Villa, Pickering. Fred Wright, beloved husband of Eleanor. Dear father of Joan and Vivian. Dear grandfather of seven. Mr. Wright was a verteran of World War I and Il. Mr. Wright will rest at McEachnie WITNESS TO ACCIDENT Sunday, Nov. 1, 1987, 1:45 at Fieldlight & Glenanna. Station wagon rear ended by Sedan. Mr. Jim Morin or others who saw this please call 839- 8209. Funeral Home, 28 Old Kingston Rd., Ajax (Pickering village), 428-8488, after 1 p.m. Friday. Funeral service in the chapel on Friday, Feb. 14 at 3 p.m. Cremation. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Ontario Humane Society. The family will receive friends from 1 to 3 p.m. Friday. 6th Oshawa international PSYCHIC FAIR A FREE LECTURES i mum FiNey 12-10 piL ft"doy 11-10 piL axwey 11-7 p.el. $5 + tut )WN AJAX COIN DAYS CAR WASH 24 75 IOU R's COMMERCIAL AVE " Do R yourself. Have a 3 completely clean car. 100% FRESH WATER RRSPO? Check with State Fa rm ► Competitive Rates on Individual Retirement Annuities. P. Guaranteed Lifetime Income. P. Waiver of Premium for Disability Option. ► "Good Neighbor"Service. ROY MOKEDANZ, Agent 1480 Bayly street, suite 9 Pickering, Ontario OW 3T8 Bus. 416-831-2207 Lme a , wd rw ghbor I State Farm s Frere State Farm tympany CanadLan Head Ofte: scarborougn. Ontanc 1 1/ 1� 1► i 1 '.1' ' WHAT It YOU THINK? ARE YOU: • A SENIOR? • A PERSON WITH A PHYSICAL DISABILITY? • CARING FOR A SENIOR OR A PHYSICALLY DISABLED PERSON? INTERESTED IN HEALTH CARE OR SOCIAL SERVICES? The Govenvnent of Ontano wants to know what you thirds about the propuscd changes to tvng-Term Can: and Sw=rt Scrvices and what services you think an: noeded in your community. WE ENCOURAGE AND WELCOME YOUR OPINION AND ADVICE PUBLIC MEETINGS WILL BE HELD IN THE RE ,[ N )F DURHAM TO HEAR YOUR OPINIONS: DATE LOCATION TIME Monday, Feb. 17 Beaverton Lakeview Manor 2:00 p.m. Monday, Feb. 24 Bowmanville Baseline Community Centre 2:00 p.m. Monday, Feb. 24 Oshawa Oshawa Public Library (Main Branch) 7:00 p.m, Wednesday, Feb. 26 Pickering _ Pickering Public Library Monday, March 2 (Main Branch) Uxbridge 2:00 p.m, Monday, March 2 Uxbridge Public Library Port Perry 2:00 p.m, Wednesday, March 25 Community Nursing Home Whitby 7:00 p.m. Fairview Lodge 7:00 p.m. IF YOU WOULD LIKE: • FURTHER INFORMATION - A PERSONAL INTERVIEW - A QUESTIONNAIRE PLEASE CONTACT: Community Health & Support Services 150 King Street, Third Floor Peterborough, Ontario (705) 741-5634 K9J 2R9 1-800-567-1045 ine redulc:;,*:,:, . PICKERING - Community library branch- es are in jeopardy as a "tough" budget year fraught with problems is predicted by the library board. Difficulties are expected in balancing staff and collections between community branches and the central library in the face of growing demands for more books, more services and longer operating hours. Demands for additional services are increasing at the central branch, where 50 peo- ple or more are often lined up to check out books. In order to meet those demands without increasing operating costs, community branch- es could be downsized. The Bay Ridges Library, on the chopping block during this year's budget talks, could be temporarily saved for another year. But The Rouge Hill Library, on Rougemount Dr. south of Hwy. 2, is also in danger, says incoming library board chairman David Farr. The major challenge facing the new board is getting the system to run smoothly and meet more service demands with fewer dollars," says Mr. Farr. The Bay Ridges Library, proposed to be 7 nrE xis „rW vices year downsized to a seniors' branch this summer, could remain open as a community library if council approves another $12,000 in the bud- get. But Mr. Farr says it's a temporary measure that will keep the library open — although reduced in size and hours — until June, 1993 "if all goes well". Another serious problem is a declining materials budget, says Mr. Farr. He says the current service level can't be maintained with- out more money and predicts library users will wait longer for books, find fewer choices, and experience gaps in research materials. Shop the A80 I for great bargains IS"I EMI'ifUXT F TM; AX 0 • Commisgn •=Rmlunz • Busfrw= Returns Tax Pp • Year -Round 20 YMS Experience Creati, e ffimkkeepinh Ser%ice% - CALL 831-1028 - Robeft Nk,1 M Brack Rd. S., Suite 101)4. Pickering, Ontario L' W W Pat and John Stanton hold a photo of their daughter, who was last seen 22 months ago. They posed for this picture during searches for the missing teen. photo by Ron Pletroniro Julie's mom is sure justice, � will be served FROM PAGE 1 - ly upset," says Mr. Stanton. "I think they're relieved he's finally arrested. They were terrified he was still out there." Julie was 14 when she was last seen Easter Monday, April 16, 1990, near her Maury Cres. home. She was getting into a gray or silver, older -model Monte Carlo with a noisy exhaust system. Her body still hasn't been found, despite extensive searches by police, Julie's family, and volunteers. The original investigation was begun by Durham Regional Police detec- tives, but was expanded in September to include regional police in Halton, Peel, Niagara, Hamilton -Wentworth and York, Metro Toronto Police and Ontario Provincial Police. Funded by the ministry of the solicitor general, the force operated out of a Toronto -area location and involved 20 full-time investigators and addition- al support staff. Durham sergeant Sandy Ryrie refused to comment on whether the task force was investigating the disappearances of other women, as reported by the Toronto Star. Those cases include: • the Nov. 1991 disappearance ofKingchurch' I St. Catharines teen Terri Anderson; • the suspicious death of Scarborough resident Marie Woods, 31. She disappeared in Sept. 1981 and her remains were found five years later in a field near Newmarket. • the murder of Burlington teen • ' • a Leslie Mahaffy. She was last seen in June 1991 and her dismembered body parts were found encased in concrete in a lake near'Iborold.air condition "Some of that (report) is pure speculation," Sgt. Ryrie claimedrC_1CKXlCTC Wil!,, Cvcry 51,11 Wednesday. "And if I commented on that, it would also be pure specu- lation. Obviously, (the investigation) a Hot DI-SCOL111ted Price. wasn't centred solely on Julie Ann Stanton." Following Mr. Stark's court appearance, Mrs. Stanton told reporters, "Ile police have been excellent. lbey're doing everything they possibly can." She says she "believes in justice. I think there will be a good conclusion." Later that day, Mr. and Mrs. Stanton were sworn in as Canadian KINGCHURC� citizens. The couple emigrated to Canada from England about 20 375 Bayly Street West in Ajax years ago - SPRING ., BSIDAL'(92 .A SUN. MARCH 1/92 AT THE PICKERING RECREATION COMPLEX (Valley Farm Rd.) SPECIAL PRE -SHOW SUPPLEMENT WED. FEB. 26 Ad Costs & Sizes: 1/4 PAGE AD =399 r includes booth at show 1/2 PAGE AD 180 -- includes 1/4 page editorial and booth at show FULL PAGE AD =1400 includes 112 page editorial and booth i at show DEADLINE: WED. FEB. 19/92 CIRCULATION: 37,000 (To homes in Ajax, Pickering & Brougham) To Reserve Your Booth & Ad Space call: (416) 683-5110 Fax (416) 683-7363 �A"Pkk a j l IV3 V QJry��J e J3� TICKETS AVAILABLE AT THE NEWS ADVERTISER • Sheridan Nurseries • Val's Bridal • Scrupples One • Dellbrook Market • The Lace Place Cost: " each f / r ..� G,y.y�,�y,�.�'. s -�,et�r�,,,,.� � .. _ _ _ .... %�.�.'32f'liar.:•s� �'�Tz���.+�F j'e?; �L�xftia� l �©t��tl• ML'Qi®[7=1 �. ...'lfgli NAWsAwvqWMW avluW isr. lh;> ."n Bilffioard Billboard is a free feature for Apr. 4 and May 9 at McGinnis WEIGHT LOSS: The Lose Pickering. 427-4179. 1992 registration for spring and community events of a non-profit nature. To have your events Landing Restaurant. 839-0467. FLEA MARKET: Weight the Wellness Way support ROTARY BINGO: The Ajax summer outdoor soccer for boys and pro- moted in Billboard, call us at 683- The Frenchman's Bay Yacht Club holds a group will meet Mon., Feb. 17. The Rotary Club holds its weekly bingo girls five and up is at Pickering High group is for women and meets every every Monday night, at 7:30 p.m. at School Mon., Feb. 17 from 6:30 to 5110 or write to the Ajax- Pickering News Advertiser, 130 flea market and bake sale Sat., Feb. 15 from 10 Monday evening. For time, location, the Monarch Bingo Hall at the cor- 7:30 p.m. Registration fee is $55. Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ontario, a.m. to 2 p.m. at its club house, 635 Breezy Dr. 839-8641. information, call 427-8216. ner of Monarch Ave. and Clements 427-0022 (Cyril), 427-7032 BINGO: The Ajax -Pickering Rd. W., Ajax. Proceeds help special- (Wayne), 427-7416 (Dave) or 683 - LIS 2115. The deadline for KIDS' CRAFTS: Children nine Arthritis Society will hold a bingo needs children in the area. 428-1328 9292 (Ann). Billboard items is 10 a.m. the to 12 can make a Valentine's gift box every Monday from 12:30 to 3 pm., (Val). GARDEN CLUB: The Ajax Monday prior to Wednesday pub- lication, 10 a.m. the Wednesday at the Bay Ridges Library, 910 Liverpool Rd., Sat., Feb. 15 at 10:30 at the Silver Dollar Bingo Hall, on SOCCER REGISTRATION: Garden Club will meet Mon., Feb. Bayly St., Brock Rd., The Pickering Village prior to Friday publication and 10 am. Register at 839-3083. east of Soccer Club 17, at 8 p.m. 683-1463. a.m. the Thursday prior to Sunday VEGETARIAN WORKSHOP: v cmw SEDW AUTO, PLUS MORE publication. A workshop on vegetarian nutrition w mmAC 6000, AUTO, AC W CAM LE, ALIfO., AC and cooking will be held Sat., Feb. W TERCEL, Aura, P.S. ry7aay 15 from 1 to 3 p.m. at the Workout i s Studio, 2200 Brock Rd., Pickering. SENIORS' DEFENCE: Fri., Handouts, recipes, food samples. Feb. 14 is the deadline to register for $10. Proceeds to EarthSave a senior citizens' self-defence work- Foundation. Register at 427-1047. shop to be held Fri., Feb. 21 at the CHRISTIAN SINGLES: r seniors' activity centre, 910 Christian Singles Coffee House _ Liverpool Rd. Space is limited and meets Sat., Feb. 15 at 7:30 p.m. at - there is a fee. Register at the the Christian Life Centre, Hwy. 401 Pickering Civic Complex, One The to Westney Rd. to Rossland Rd. W., Esplanade, or at the activity centre, 420-4622, ext. 2078. left to Ravencroft. Reverend John a gospel soloist who minis- - 1 (1) TOYOTA Saturday ternBersche, tors to singles. Free. All welcome. 686-6193 (Julie), 929-0826 (Ruth). — MARCH OF DIMES:h NATURALISTS' OUTING: Pickering Naturalists will visit Petroglyphs Provincial Park Sat., Feb. 15. Take a lunch and dress warmly. Skis are optional if there's snow. Meet at 7:30 a.m. in the south- west corner of the Pickering GO sta- tion. 831-3811 (John Sabcan). CHOCOLATE MAKING: Children aged seven and up can make chocolates Sat., Feb. 15 at 10:30 or I I a.m. at the Pickering Central Library, One The Esplanade. Tickets are free, 831-6873. CABARET: The Jean McDonald Singers will present a cabaret of Love, Rhythm and Blues Sat., Feb. 15 at 8 pm. and Sun., Feb. 16 at 2 p.m. at the Seniors' Activity Centre, 910 Liverpool Rd. $9 for members, $10 for non-members. 839-1309 or 839-9852. PTA DANCE: St. James Catholic School's parent -teacher association will host a 50s and 60s dance Sat., Feb. 15 at 7 p.m. at St. Bernadette's Parish Hall, 21 Bayly St. E., Ajax. SIO per couple. Cold buffet. Reserve, 683-1309 (Mary Strang) or 683-0275 (Wayne Peon). Tickets available at the door. FASHION SHOW AUDI- TIONS: Auditions will be held for two teen fashion shows at the Metro East Trade Centre, 1305 Pickering Parkway, on Sat., Feb. 15 from 11:30 a.m. till about 4 p.m. Boys and girls aged 14 to 19 are invited to try out for the shows, which will be held Donations for physically -disabled r THIS adults will be collected by the Ontario March of Dimes at the Pickering Town Centre, Sat., Feb. 15 - from 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. FOOD DRIVE: The Rouge 'SATURDAY & MONDAY +< Valley Community Association will collect non-perishable food for the - Salvation Army food bank Sat., Feb. 15. Drop off donations at 1028i I U.S.-.`,ED--"0r"AR* Rouge Valley Dr., near Altona Rd. and Twyn Rivers Dr., between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. niiis , Sunday CHURCH FILM: A film on Hope for Forgiveness featuring Billy Graham will be held at 6 p.m. Sun., Feb. 16 at Pickering Pentecostal Church, 755 Oklahoma Dr. 839- 1302. WIDOWS, WIDOWERS CLUB: A social club for widows and widowers meets Sun., Feb. 16, at 7:30 p.m., in the 420 Wing, Oshawa Airport. Dancing, shuffle- board, darts and cards. 683-2045 (Ermie), 430-0130 (Forbes) or 683- 3855 (Marion). Upcoming STAMP CLUB: The Ajax Philatelic Society will meet Mon., Feb. 17, at 7:30 p.m., at St. Bernadette's Church Hall, at the cor- ner of Harwood Ave. and Bayly St, Ajax. 683-0240 or 839-2068. VICTORIAN CLASSIC WOODWORKS LTD. Myrtle Statae, R.R. #1, Ashbum, Ontario LOB 1M (416)655-4162 :1 :tgzj :j-aaAl N M 2 DAYS ONLYH Saturday, February 22, 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. Sunday, February 23, 11 am. - 4 p.m. Victorian wood sasen doors roD. up lo '329-00 from $99.00 (in-stoclt ordy). Plus 20% o# all ovdared an sale 310018 h). Ain stdcsh•l�spardr�ls hwvWges. at 25% at ETC. ETC. ETC. PLUS WE PAY THE GST ! SHOWROOM T MMES NORTH OF 4M ON MYRTLE STATION '92 PASEO, LOADED '16,990 '91 TERCEL, AUTO, LOTS OF EXTRAS 110,990 '91 CELICA GTS, 2 TO CHOOSE JGn - '92 CANRY. LOTS OF OPTIONS '91 COROLLA SR -5, LOADED '91 CELICA GTS, AUTO, ABS, LEATHER ALL THE EXTRAS '22,490 '91 SUPRA TURBO, LOADED '914 RUNNER, LOADED '23,590 11 CELICA GT, AUTO, 1 Ac 11 lii-2, LOADED '23,990 '89 TOYOTA PICK-UP, REG. CAB., 5 SPD. 10 COROLLA, AUTO, ♦ '10,990 10 TERCEL, AUTO, 3 KY W COROLLA GTS, LOADED '13,490 real TERCEL COUPE U OLDS CALAIS, QUAD, AIR '7,900 w EAGLE PRu*K AIC, AUTO. W CELICA TURBO, AIC, AUTO. '15,500 w mssm, LOADED CMff DLX, Auto, AIC '10,590 'M COROLLA, s SP. PLUS EXTm 'tib u cAw LE, Aero, AC, Low Kll '11, 590 u cmw s SP, Arc, LOAD® U T WEL COUPE, 4 ctrl, 5 SR '6,990 v cmw SEDW AUTO, PLUS MORE B7 Acum LEa m, s SP, Arc, 6 CYL '22,000, w mmAC 6000, AUTO, AC W CAM LE, ALIfO., AC '9,900 W TERCEL, Aura, P.S. B6 AETTA, MnQ, AC, CABS. '7,490 u et n cElIIURIr, Low KIS AK '17,590 $14,990 '24,490 533,000 '18,990 '7,990 59,900 $7,800 '7,500 '15,500 '9,900 '9,990 :9,990 '6,990 '6,490 $5,990 IT'S WORTH THE DRIVE TO SCARBOROUGH " We Guarantee It!" 2000 Eglinton Ave., E. Scarborough 751-1 530 PAGE 12 -THE NEWS ADVEIMIMR FRIDAY, FEB. 14,19ft IM -AIR SYSTEMS • Coml+renCW drat W • Air Cond1k inn • Hating4Rehperati in Senici g and Maintenance to al ffeW. 24 Hour Service Sorviehp mfr Durham Rion for 12 rare. �Z (416) 759-6787 HOlMEStT1ERS • LIVE-IN CARE OR PERIODIC VISITS FOR YOUR PETS PLANTS a HOME • HOME SECURITY d INSURANCE VALIDATION • PET EXERCISING 9 FEEDING • BONDED & INSURED. EST 198' 686-1691 LO 11111111 C.S.D. SERVICES • DosMindows and application tutoring. • Document processing (resume..). • OS Diagnostics and repair. • System set up and install. Call 427-4013, ask for Christopher Davis or Leave a message. to Valentine Special VP Boston radiccb salad with raspber/ryry dwsaing, aadbd port WW*rkmn .Rh q)Onwh and onion and as Ardeimse. Baby carrots, snow peas, s♦ C95 =eloped potatoes. 1 V Special ti Repular Menus Tues. - Sat. 11 a.m -10 p.tn Sun. 10:30 a.m. - 9 pm Sunday march 10:30 - 2:30 109 Old Kingston Rd, Ajax 427-6760 F S'TAEIKW0tTQT9�auaU' —"Ging:-0 01 a WMM to specw 1477 L0�0f 1 ratan+ eMdrsn 5 yr,, •err IS YOUR HOPE 100% SECURE "We stop the Thief on the outsW 434-1714 or 432-0011 Encore Bridal Fashions Quaft Weal" Gowns Jttry or Rost Good sdecd" of hrideama.. iibilii" octads �r BN and >4 AN taken em consignment. New gowns by Allred Angela, Biandd, Bridalane, But Leukolr, New Image. Cosmetician, In your home, silk i1dCflowers, Invitations, DJ., dal replicas, videographer. For an appaintsneut cap Bobbie 427-5980 "Once Mon With Lore" VISUT" SERVICE BUREAU 467 WESTrEY FO. S.. UNIT 12 AJAX • 11110 OUTPUT TO PAPER OR RMI • FULLY COMPATIBLE MAC i PC BRW LASER PROOFING • COLOUR PROOFS PHOTO SCANNING 8 EFFECTS a COLOUR MAC ri PC WORKCENTRE RENTALS MAC DTP TRAINING • DISK CONVERSION • PUBLC FAX - PHOTOCOPYING ZOOM • DESIGN 6 ARTWORK ON PREMISES . a1WLLL TO A'an PM_ IMCI - SATURDAYS - ---1 1.----- ------ MII�I,TM oo ra ar A- FREE &* *" 1 1 1 rb. �.*••��r�►' Wang 11 NiCNASE OF A MMONG UA 1 1 KrR00000G otm OR SALAD AID A32 0L ORNK 4- ROUND SANDwDES OF EQUAL OR LESSER VALUE ' FROM 99a LNW OttJlt OOt1PON PM TINT 1 NOW IR EXPIRES NAPM IGM PORMO AT TNM LOGA,TN 465 a" SL 705 K Rd 1300 KbWW Rd. (At West Rd.) �Rd.) (D Unrpod ) 1 686-7757 420 -Mil 039 -SUBS L 'OPEN 24 NIOORtS'--- NEW LOC_T'OIP---"IEW OWNEOW J Advertising Feature Goinn away? Housesitters will look after your pets and more Keeping pets happy in their own environment and giving homes a 'lived-in' look is what The Housesitters is all about. Sherry Goodwin and her mother Helen Taylor are partners in the Durham Region branch of The Housesitters. The Durham branch is one of 20 off aces across Canada The firm offers -a complete house sitting service for people who are going to be away for limited or extended periods. A Housesitters staff member will care for your pets, water plants. Like in mail and flyers, enure the utilities are working okay, and generally ensure the house look occupied. Not only is an unattended home a prime target for burglars or vandals, but most household Insurance policies offer only limited coverage if your home is not checked regularly while you arc away. This is especially important during winter months, when walkways need to be cleared of snow and ice, and the heating system needs to be working at all times. Sherry points out that pets are usually happier staying in their own home while their owner is away. "Our sitters are experienced in pet care and will feed, exercise and play with our pets."_ For vacationers who prefer someone to live in for the entire Period they are away, that service is also available. In fact, some people who use the service consistently, request and receive a particular individual to live in their home. The unique thing about Housesitters is that the bulk of its staff - the people who actually Nouse sitter Betty Paton with two of her charges, Carty the dog and Thomas the cat. + FASPL/HE THREADED PRODUCTS LTD. 91 Station SL, Unit 06 Alex, Ont. L1S 3H2 Tel. (416) 619-0350 1 �® Fax (416) 619.0352 T J Sales Counter Arlon: Frl. 8-5 Saturday 8 - noon open to public "SpeClailty Fastener% Rttlng3 and Hardware" look after pets and ensure the vacationer's home looks lived in - are seniors and rcurees. These adults are reliable, and have more experience with the responsibility of home ownership, consequently, clients feel confident having a mature adult in their home. Seniors appreciate the opportunity to provide this service, which is usually in their own community. Should any emergency occur while the homeowners are away, the Housesitters staff can ensure every problem is taken care of as quickly as possible. Information on the customers service contract includes insurance, heating, and veterinary contacts, all kept on computer for easy access. Helen recounts a story of a brand new house her firm was sitting. When the sitter arrived, she noticed her charges - two birds - were huddled together in their cage. The heat was not working. The situation was reported immediately, a serviceman was contacted, and in no time the problem was discovered to be that of an electrical switch on the furnace. It was promptly repaired, much to the relief of the two birds - not to mention the relief of the owners, who would have had a catastrophe on their hands had the problem remained unchecked for too long a period. Sherry notes that years ago neighbors used to perform this type of assistance; but today, with "everyone working" and families being much more mobile, aeighh --r- often don't have the time to provide this type of help. If you would like more detail about the Housesitters service, or if you are a senior citizen who enjoys looking after animals in your own community, give Housesitters of Durham a call. The branch services the area to Pickering in the west, Newcastle in the east, all the way north to Beaverton. Sherry and Helen can be trached by calling 686-1691 or 436-S144, or fax "3- 0421. ►.�1� LOWER DENTURE STABILITY The tMyoloCTM System - P own ow► ThM roar$ of b►Mro Rn -- ri . SUN on a rms yw sli fti"rte Myalot: sf» ollem tion an aq►, trtaapanlJtra tray b: • � WON* andattt*q N dtrrtMao rNlrMiorm, Illi • . wntlrmaraR d -tllddrto' tlotamaa, daeralaad toad «MraiNnNil • a 0ontpMMy ltmalaft non4 luk anti n°Mnill illi MoMtlgtta FREcaolksu rinaNs MlaW J. Mtnnler DT. 420-5020 DENTURE THERAPY CLW 1-0oose,-502o v NXMING TOWN! CENTRE LA- THE MORTGAGE FACTORY 1 st, 2nd, 3rd mtges. to 95% • Rental properties araC cottages • Re -financing • Debt consolidation • R„rai properties • Se:f employed • Bad credit No Income - No problem Prime Deals Below Bank Rates Fast, Professional Service Since 1975 Call 666-4986 (Whitby) Special Elates to Airport "Go In Comfort and Privacy” from » k*ering - 40 Ajax a45" for up to 4.5 passengers 686-1515 Angels about our out d UM Minn. T ORDER a �tat�a p theta or mv4 cumer Lays Gallic Broal rib dose V1111111111 Lis HM while whIIM! FREE DELIVERY w.wA*La�.•.tadal.•�.�1120• NOW CAN MY COMPANY GET INVOLVED IN FOCUS -ON BUSINESS? �« fLlrtlfer 111flu lmum CJ1tU me 9 the NmAdvertiM 6083-5110 and 0* for Janice _ .... .. .... _ . . _ THE NEWS ADVEIrMER MUT, FFJ-14.1"2-lAG$13 A AL 110 No -ONLY 2 DAYS LEFTH . wrists-w..�—.� SAVE ;# 0 FEBRUARY 13, 14,157" EATURE ITEMS-- VERtiAY VINYL FLOOR TILFS 12"x 1. rewaxing ng and easy to se install. No waxing needed. Choose from our selection of patterns and 1591rich colours. REG. $1.09 gill MA Sf FL,VIN TT 9 ft pre-fnishm shelving to fnuh aH y rm. Functional anroom.j Adving for all your practical storage needs. Available in White only. � 99 REG. $9.19 1r:96- 99 16':%" P7REG. $12.29 BRITA NVATER FILTER KIT - Remotres lead &stint tap teaser - Fiiass ap w 6 b'taes a day - Stake ao6se aid w nae beau 99 nave 9 REG. $1&0 sA1B "SUM YWALL w':g•:1.n Fire resistant drywall. A versatile CARRY HOME and economical rigid covenng for PRICE walls and ceilings that can be applied `, over framing. Tapered edge for 9 smooth finished points. Easy to SHEET install, 123-10"t 3 l3" M iINi LA11 ? -.riaeai6• Ceramic able lamp. Whin. Black. Rae. 32421Y4U=4V YMtr 799 REG. $9.69 Ho NlE SL CLR.fIA- mo-noN-ACTIV=ATED S'EC,'L.Rn,N, AI AR.VI I =_ J User 01111senrity code. Up w 2.000 sq. It. sensing coverage. 3 year warranty. Easy inaauariaL Regain+ no wirioF a m long- (sadseparaft2499�� F++__ R k, I. --.L .,1GA1L.1.♦ FURNITURE SET eov ` I ,{ r� r - •� J 7-plrtx sas iacltades 4Y round glass �.71g199" green tilting tt mawtua lase asd 4 REG 5349-9 char+ ve CIMM. t. _ `HC RONVA� STA D saw* sir wbie wig Chk trim. C'orsadf far work of /aipe anx Ealy w assemble. Sim 36"b it 99 'u" "' 4 9 2rw :16 a ]BMW Jutan ultrasonic hunudtfier with 5 Ltm one-pC water tank,^mtst chamber. slide controls for mist. volmne, and h&madtstat, durable and lightweight. ea=sy to fill and `,,�. y9 2 � REG. $55.99 CHOO RADIO ON LOCATION FEBRUARY 15 Al BOTH LOCATIONS 10-3 BROOKLIN 'AJ Hwy. 7 & Hwy. 12 y H P1= N (at HigMraY 82) Hours: Yon.•Thurs.1 aril. • g P.M (at CASHWAY FrL 1 art► -1 p.rt► YN an depm &I me" Hours: Yon.-FrL 1 am • 9 p.n► � Sol.1 LM • S p.m Sal -1 &M 655-3313 lx_sToczc SuEcnONS ONLY NO w MCHECX . 427-9931 ® WMW QUMTI'1TIFF.S LIST. ONLY AT STORE MILTED. PAGE ti4-TiliE NEWS ADVERII.SER FRIDAY, FE8.14, 1992 50% OFF 'KRISTY' LEATHER CHAIR AND OTTOMAN $ 199 Reg. 399.99 LIMITED QUANTITIES 28" COLOR TV WITH EXPANDED STEREO SOUND =14260 $797Each � • ALL REG. PRICED DISCONTINUED I CHILDREN'S OUTERWEAR, ACCESSORIES LUGGAGE PIECES 50% OFF'_50% OFF. BRIEFCASE, TOTES '� BOYS' LANG -SLEEVE AND BACKPACKS FLEECE TOPS 4-6X 25% OFF 4�_,,,,g� Each - Rei $2-3 99 ---- — SELECTED HOCKEY STICKS EXTRA 30% OFF THE ALREADY REDUCED PRICES ON MEN'S, WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S WINTER BOOTS AND SLIPPERS 10 ONLY MEN'S SELECTED SWEATERS 9"019x_� 5 LOW PRICE! BUILT-IN DISHWASHER ONLY... 399 470310 Eac99h. Installation extra WOMEN'S BLAZERS IN PASTEL COLORS 19 ALL REG. PRICED I ALL REG. PRICED SNOWBOARDS RHINESTONE JEWELRY 25% OFF 130% OFF AUGUSTAII-PC.GOLFCLUB WINTERWEIGHT SCARVES. � LEFT OR RIGHT HAND SETS MEN'S TRADITION i GLOVES. KNITWEAR � Ea e: 99 10 ONLY 1/2 PRICE. DURACELL' BATTERIES 1 � 449 �.y mcg 3-99-9-99 DISCONTINUED DESIGNER COLLECTION PAINT 1199 S ALL REG. PRICED IN -STOCK MECHANICS TOOL SETS 25m5OO/oOFF I FALL SUITS ,500% OFF* —MEN'S. 1 ONLY OF EACH SET 99 — REG. PRICED SKI GLOVES • ALL REG. PRICED SELECTED COMFORTERS... °�g-t799g__ _ IN OUR SPORTS SHOP , SEBEDDING DD NGRIB I TIES, TIES, TIES! TIMEX WATCHES 50P/o ��TWIN, DOUBLE, QUEEN O1!999 9� 14 r19 r.-� Each I _ac Eac Ea _ � O OFF* -- BALL REG. PRICED HOCKEY EXTRA 300/6OFF THE ALREADY REDUCED PRICES WOMEN'S WINTERWEIGHT PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT INFANTS WICKER CARRY BASKETS ON MEN'S, WINTER ROBES ... SUPERBUY! 30%o OFF GLOVES SHOP EARLY! 19 99 39 -49 Z 85- -- Each - Rei $2-3 99 ---- — SELECTED HOCKEY STICKS MEN'S SELECTED ARROW SPORTSHIRTS ,WOMEN S WINTERWEIGHT] , SLEEPWEAR, LOW PRICE! i 4WIo OFF 500/6 OFF BOYS' SPORT SOCKS 11 Each 99 3a Reg. 24.99 6Each Pkg. d 6 Rea. Se -13 Rea 6 97 BOYS' SELECTED WINTERWEIGHT UNDERWEAR 4W% OFF 46X, 8-16 SELECTED INFANT AND TODDLER FASHIONS .7V—IO OFF* SAVE ON MEN'S SUPER BUY! TERRY BATHROBES WOMEN'S SKIWEAR 199-24m 3924.99-44. Reg. 49.99 79.99 ALL BRAND NAME MEN'S ACTIVEWEAR 30°/O OFF* GIRLS' BLOUSES AND EXTRA M2% n1:1: KNIT TOPS 4-6X 4"Each WOMEN'S SELECTED WINTER COATS 699Ea9ch ON ALL MEN'S WINTER WINDMERE® Fill All REG. PRICED SMOWSNOVELS 25% OFF 1/2 PRICE. WET/DRY VACUUM 9999 . Ea. Rea. 199.99 1/2 PRICE. PHILIPS® LIGHTBULBS. PKG. OF 2 9910mJ39 Rte. 1.99-2.79 OUTERWEAR INCLUDING - CLOTHES SHAVER LEATHER AND SUEDE CRAFTSMAN®DESK CLOCK STYLES 5 99 18 only 14 873505 Ea. Reg. 44.99 'Savings are taken from Sears regular prices. While quantities last. Some merchandise now on sale may previously have been sold at reduced prices du Reg. prices shown are Sears prices. •:s.- TOWEL RIOT! SUPER SELECITON 88¢-9Each w 1/3 OFF. 7 -PC. HEAVYWEIGHT COOKWARE SET "66 = - 99.99 2 LAMPS WITH MATCHING VASE OM99 Reg. 89.99 Limned quantities. SELECTED SMALL KITCHEN APPLIANCES 250/o OFF PORCELAIN ON ENAMEL KETTLES 997 a. Reg. 19.97 ing the last six months. :: ►' . :.'�'.'. THE NEWS ADVERTME FRIDAY, FEB. 14,1!! 4PAGE 15 • 2 ONLY. 6 program washer. #41160. If new Sears reg. 649.99. Each......................$499 • 1 ONLY. 12 program washer. #41700. If new Sears reg. 799.99. Now.......................$549 • 1 ONLY. 5 program washer. #40150. If new Sears reg. 629.99. Now.......................$489 • 1 ONLY. 10 program washer. #48900. If new Sears reg. 819.99. Now.......................$579 • 1 ONLY. Apartment size portable washer. #27500. If new Sears reg. 689.99. Now ..... $449 • 2 ONLY. 7 program dryer. #81400. If new Sears reg. 559.99. Each......................$389 - 1 ONLY. 7 program dryer. #80300. If new Sears reg. 5388. Now....................................$299 • 1 ONLY. 8 program dryer. Almond. #81708. If new Sears reg. 609.99. Only ............... $379 • 1 ONLY. 8 program Sears Best' dryer. #81900. If new Sears reg. 629.99. Only ..... $399 • 1 ONLY. 7 -program dryer. #81310. If new Sears reg. 549.99. Now.......................$369 • 1 ONLY. 5 button built-in dish- washer. #71340. If new Sears reg. 599.99. Only ............... $449 • 1 ONLY. Sears Classic built-in dishwasher. #70361. If new Sears reg. $499. Only ........ $439 • 1 ONLY. Sears Best 9 button built-in dishwasher. #71390. If new Sears reg. $719. Now.$579 • 1 ONLY. Self dean range with glass door. #67701. If new Sears reg. $889.Only ........ $759 • 1 ONLY. Classic Almond self - clean range. #66719. If new Sears reg. 1109.99. Now ... $899 • 1 ONLY. Almond self clean range. #61799. If new Sears leg. 769.99. Now................$649 • 1 ONLY. Solid element White range. #62901. If new Sears reg. $699. Only..................$599 • 1 ONLY. Self clean convection oven. #56711. If new Sears reg. 1279.99. Only ..................... $999 • 1 ONLY. Budget White range. #60010. If new Sears reg. 499.99. Only ....................... $479 • 1 ONLY. Surface radiant glass cooktop. #46400. If new Sears reg. 829.99. Only ............... $699 • 1 ONLY. Hampton Court buffet and hutch. If new Sears reg. S1700. Now........................$799 • 1 ONLY. Bella Sofa. Brown and Beige. If new Sears reg. 5849. Now ..........................$499 • 1 ONLY. "Sarah" custom sofa and char. If new Sears reg. S1749. Now........................$899 • 1 ONLY. 'Milano' leather sofa and chair. Blue. If new Sears reg. S2898. Now...............$1898 • 3 ONLY. Brass headboards. Single size only. Each .......... $39 • 3 ONLY. Double size head- boards. Each........................$39 • 1 ONLY. 'Roma' black leather sofa and chair. If new Sears reg. $2598. Each.....................$1599 • 1 ONLY. 'Diana' leather sofa. Black. If new Sears reg. $1049. Now.................................... $649 • 1 ONLY. 'Diana' leather chair. White. #50963. If new Sears reg. $600. Now...................$299 • 1 ONLY. 'Laurentian' Oak door chest. #60331. If new Sears reg. $650. Now ..........................$499 • 1 ONLY. Table and 2 chairs. #25010112. If new Sears reg. 219.99. Now.......................$109 Installation extra on built-in items. • 1 ONLY. Nantucket' end table. #35124. If new Sears reg. 361.99. Now ....................... $199 • 1 ONLY. Brass Etagere. #31014. If new Sears reg. 239.99. Now.......................$139 • 1 ONLY. Oxford Hali' double dresser. 264772. If new Sears reg. 599.99. Now................$399 • 1 ONLY. Canister vacuum. #32937. It new Sears reg. 499.99. Now.......................$249 • 1 ONLY. Canister vacuum w;;., lighted Powerhead. #32835. If new Sears reg. 219.99. Now....................................$179 • 1 ONLY. Canister vacuum witn lighted Powerhead. #32740. Only....................................$199 • 1 ONLY. Dry Tech carpet cleaner. #78960. If new Sears reg. 319.99. Now................$149 • 1 ONLY. Rapid vacuum. If new Sears reg. 112.99. Now ........ $69 • 1 ONLY. Canister vacuum witn Powerhead. If new Sears reg. 539.99. Now ....................... $329 • 1 ONLY. 3 thread Berger. #81461. If new Sears reg. S369. Now.................................... $329 • 2 ONLY. Exercise bicycles. #30221. Reg. 108.53. Each.................................. 54.73 • 5 ONLY. Exercise bicycles. #30222. Reg. 176.22. Each..................................89.99 • 1 ONLY. Boy's bicycle. #27835. Reg. 159.99. Now................................... 99.99 • 1 ONLY. Men's 10 -speed mountain bicycle. #27743. Reg. 139.99. Now..............99.99 • 2 ONLY. 20" boys' 5 -speed all terrain bicycle. #27745. Reg. 159.99. Each.............99.99 • 2 ONLY. Women's 3 -speed touring bicycle. #27515. Reg. 219.99. Each ........... 149.99 • 3 ONLY. Men's 3 -speed touring bicycle. #27516. Reg. 219.99. Each ........... 149.99 • 1 ONLY. Women's 6 -speed touring bicycle. #27587. Reg. 219.99. Now.......... _ 149.99 • 2 ONLY. Men's 23" 12 -speed all terrain bicycle. #27719. Reg. 199.99. Each ........... 149.99 • 3 ONLY. Boy's 12 -speed all terrain bicycle. #27747. Reg. 199.99. Now ............ 149.99 • 1 ONLY. Women's 18 -speed all terrain bicycle. #27788. Reg. 499.99. Now_ ......... 379.99 • 2 ONLY. Men's 21 " 18 -speed all 'e-ain bicycle. #27778. Reg_ 299.99. Ea. ............. 199.99 • 1 ONLY. Mens 23" 18 -speed all terra n bicycle. #27779. Reg. 299.99. Now ............ 199.99 • 1 ONLY. Men's 23" 18 -speed all terrain bicycle. #27793. Reg. 399.99. Now ............ 299.99 • 1 ONLY. 12' BMX with training wheels. #27812. Reg. 69.99. Now...................................49.99 ■ • 5 ONLY. 10'' tablesaw. #27499. Reg. 849.99. Each................................499.99 • 2 ONLY. Reconditioned 8 �' radial arm saw. #28308. If new Sears reg. 599.99. Each ..... $399 • 1 ONLY. Reconditioned self- propelled gas lawn mower. #36185. If new Sears reg. 705.90. Now.......................$599 • 1 ONLY. Reconditioned mulcher lawn mower. #36120. If new Sears reg. 349.99. Now.................................... $279 • 1 ONLY. Reconditioned 5.0 HP gas lawn mower. #36155. If new Sears reg. 479.99. Now ...... $379 • 1 ONLY. Reconditioned 4.0 HP gas lawn mower. #36460. If new Sears reg. 518.78. Now ..... $399 • 1 ONLY. Reconditioned self- propelled gas mower. #36475. If new Sears reg. 611.94. Now.................................... $479 • 1 ONLY. 11 -HP lawn rider tractor. #60711. Reg. 1878.61. Now ...............................1399.99 • 1 ONLY. Reconditioned 8 -HP snowblower. #52108. If new Sears reg. 999.99. Now ...... $799 • 1 ONLY. Reconditioned Black 8 Decker" cordless recharge- able mower. #35160. If new Sears reg. 499.99. Now ...... $349 • 2 ONLY. Reconditioned 20 chairsaw. X41920. If new Sears reg. 569.99. Each ...............$399 • 1 ONLY. Reconditioned 10 -HP 3noviclower. #52710. If new Sears reg. 1397.99. Now .... $999 • 1 ONLY. Snowblower attac^- ment. F is most Sears 12 HP. 12.5 HP, 14 HP and 16 HP tractors. Reg. 1199.99. Now................................... $499 • 2 ONLY. Recorc gored RCA OC391 camcorder. 6x zoom, hardcase. #31971. Each .... $799 • 1 ONLY. Reconditioned Carcn E08 ca -corder. 8^-m, 8x zoom, emote. x31871. If new Sears reg. $999....... .....................$899 • 1 ONLY. Reconditioned Canon E80 camcorder. 8mm, 6x zoom, remote. »30809. Now ......... $599 • 1 ONLY. Reconditioned Canon E06 Hi-Fi camcorder. 8mm, 6x zoom. If new Sears reg. $1379. Now.................................... $899 • 1 ONLY. Reconditioned Canon E40 camcorder. 8mm, 6x zoom, #30810. If new Sears reg. S799. Now.................................... $749 • 1 ONLY. Reconditioned Canon E57 camcorder. 8 mm, 1 Ox zoom. #30860. If new Sears reg. $899. Now...................$799 • 1 ONLY. 28" stereo color TV. Floor model. #14260.Only.$719 • 1 ONLY. 28" stereo color TV with surround sound. Floor model. #14240. Only .......... $759 • 1 ONLY. 20" color TV. Floor model. Only ........................ $299 Reg. prices stated are Sears prices PRICES IN EFFECT SAT., FEB. 15TH, 1992, UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED, OR WHILE QUANTITIES LAST stPICKEWNG EARS TOWN CEniKONLY! your money's worth... and more M(,81i�'FNT►�Y6A,RlDAY, PICKERLNG - The Bob Baun H. C. Junior A ringette team picked up a silver medal at its own tournament last weekend. Pickering went undefeated in round-robin play but lost 7-6 to London in the championship game. Pickering opened the tournament with a 6 win over Whitby. Leading the scoring were Kim O'Neil and Laurie White with two goals each. Danielle Ramsa} and defencemar. Jennifer Valliere scored singles. With two assists each were Sarah Dowiey, Erin Allaby, Danielle Ramsay and defenceman Leslev Bickerton. Getting one assist each were Dana Leavens and Colleen Pelley. In the second game. Pickering defeated Oshawa 8-4. Scoring and assisting twice were Danielle Ramsav and Kim O'Neil_ Singles and assists went to Laune white, Dana Leavens and Erin Allaby. Assisting were defenceman Laurie Kroes, Colleen Pelley and Jennifer Valliere. In game three, Pickering was off to a fast start with Laurie White scoring four goals and ar. assist. Dana Leavens scored two goals and assisted or. one. Singles went to Lesley Bickerton, Danielle Ramsay, Laurie Cook and Erin Allaby. Leading in assists were Colleen Pelley and Erin Allaby with three apiece and Lesley Bickerton, Sarah Dowley, Kim O'Neil and Tara Fran with one each. In the final game of the round- robin, Pickering and London fought to a 3-3 tie. Pickering came from a 3-1 deficit to tie the game with 2:45 remaining on the clock. Sarah Dowley led the scoring with a goal and an assist. Singles went to Colleen Pelley and Laurie White. Danielle Ramsay, Erin Allaby, Kim O'Neil and Laurie Cook all had assists. In the championship game, Pickering lost to London by one marker. Scoring three goals was Laurie White, while singles were tallied by Dana Leavens, Kim O'Neil and Danielle Ramsay. Assisting were Erin Allaby, Dana Leavens, Sarah Dowley, Laurie White, Colleen Pelley and Jennifer Valliere. THE AJAMCKENN 1141M ADVERTER l THE Z_ ; AJAX"MRNG beindw t gentel Call our sports department w 1h t+ your weekly results ` 683-5110 FAX 683-7363__j PICKERLNG - The Bob Baun H. C. Junior A ringette team picked up a silver medal at its own tournament last weekend. Pickering went undefeated in round-robin play but lost 7-6 to London in the championship game. Pickering opened the tournament with a 6 win over Whitby. Leading the scoring were Kim O'Neil and Laurie White with two goals each. Danielle Ramsa} and defencemar. Jennifer Valliere scored singles. With two assists each were Sarah Dowiey, Erin Allaby, Danielle Ramsay and defenceman Leslev Bickerton. Getting one assist each were Dana Leavens and Colleen Pelley. In the second game. Pickering defeated Oshawa 8-4. Scoring and assisting twice were Danielle Ramsav and Kim O'Neil_ Singles and assists went to Laune white, Dana Leavens and Erin Allaby. Assisting were defenceman Laurie Kroes, Colleen Pelley and Jennifer Valliere. In game three, Pickering was off to a fast start with Laurie White scoring four goals and ar. assist. Dana Leavens scored two goals and assisted or. one. Singles went to Lesley Bickerton, Danielle Ramsay, Laurie Cook and Erin Allaby. Leading in assists were Colleen Pelley and Erin Allaby with three apiece and Lesley Bickerton, Sarah Dowley, Kim O'Neil and Tara Fran with one each. In the final game of the round- robin, Pickering and London fought to a 3-3 tie. Pickering came from a 3-1 deficit to tie the game with 2:45 remaining on the clock. Sarah Dowley led the scoring with a goal and an assist. Singles went to Colleen Pelley and Laurie White. Danielle Ramsay, Erin Allaby, Kim O'Neil and Laurie Cook all had assists. In the championship game, Pickering lost to London by one marker. Scoring three goals was Laurie White, while singles were tallied by Dana Leavens, Kim O'Neil and Danielle Ramsay. Assisting were Erin Allaby, Dana Leavens, Sarah Dowley, Laurie White, Colleen Pelley and Jennifer Valliere. Fishing, sportsmen's show at trade centre The Ontario Fishing and Sportsmen's Show has just about every- thing lovers of the great outdoors could need. The event is being - held at the Metro East Trade Centre, at Brock Rd. and Hwy. 2 in Pickering, until tomorrow, Feb. 15. At left, Keri -Anne Bilotta, Miss Fishing 1992, gets some pointers from fishing professional Bruce Leeson during a seminar. The show runs from noon to 9:30 p.m. today and from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. tomorrow. photos by Andrew Iwanowski Panthers may soon clinch berth in hockey playoffs PICKERING - With the playoffs just around first time in four years. The top five teams in the COMM the Pickering Panthers have picked each division see post-seasor pla%. the right time to get hot- Coach Paul Watters says, "We're preparing for The Panthers won two Metro Junior 'A' the playoffs, tightening up the defence, working Hockey League games last week, giving them on the power play and penalty killing." three straight victories. The team has lost just _ Watters says the Panthers will probably play once in its last six encounters. Wellington in the first round of the playoffs. Pickering hammered the host Bramalea Blues Pickering has lost all three games with 8-3 Feb. 5 and edged the Kingston Voyaguers 4-3 Wellington this year — 5-4 in overtime, 4-2 and last Friday at the Pickering Recreation Complex. 1 l -8. The Panthers are seven points up on the The Panthers played in Kingston last night Oshawa Legionnaires for the final playoff spot in after the News Advertiser deadline and they're in the Bauer Division. Pickering has 25 points, Wellington tonight. while Oshawa has 18. This evening's encounter "is a big game. It's a If the Panthers make the playoffs, it '11 be the good pre -playoff game," says Watters. Tonight's game will also be the first the Panthers play in Wellington where the rink is very small. Pickering has made a number of player changes recently, he says. We made quite a few additions and subtrac- tions at the midway point of the season. We haven't played Wellington since we made the changes, so it will be a good test for the new guys to make sure all our systems are a go," Watters says. Since the changes, the Panthers have been "starting to come together at just the right time. On the ice and in the dressing room, we're start- ing to work well." Local cricketers represent country at Trinidad tourney AJAX-PICKERING - Local crick- et playas will be among those rep+e- senting Canada at a tournament in Trinidad next month The Durham All-Star Cricketers will represent the country at a 10 -team tournament in Port of Spain. Other participants include Guyana, Bermuda, Grenada, Barbados, Windward Islands, New York, Jarmic a and two teams from the host may. 'ONE OF THREE PAIRS NOF •coLo" LEAF ncKErs They'll be competing for a grand prize of about $3,000 (Canadian), $1,500 for second and $800 for third. Sixteen players will leave Toronto March 12 and reuirn March 29. The team is led by former Ontario and Canadian player Richard Moore, who scored 1,060 rims when playing for the Ajax Cricket Club last season. All- rounders Ulrich Osbourn and Ed Vkk h will assist Mr. Moore. Other tour party members include Errol Barrow, alae of Canada's fastest bowlers, who has represented both Ontario and Canada m Lander -25 tour- naments; ex -Canadian captain Brian Hale; Nigel Griffith, the team's first wicket keeper; opening batsman Graham Castanheiro, who has also represented Ontario in under 25 tour - namenlls; and all-rounders Raj VAdera and Steve Williams. Phillip Filings Roy Pam, Anwer Omar, Lu Vnrani, Imran Malik, Jey ExWts�►e No Purchase Necessary Just fill in the coupon and drop it off at the National Sports Centre at 5 Points Mall, lffl/ Oshawa or at Abbey Lanes, Scarborough Your Im starts with us...GumntsWl OSHAWA �..,Y This Wee t ' NAME I ADDRESS I Ramasingam and Haroon Quereishi round off the team Charles (Chic) Presley, the team's marketing manager, will travel as an official. He'll also carry letters of goodwill from Ajax mayor Jim Witty, Duriharn West MPP Jim Wiseman, and Ontario Riding MP Rene Soeteas. The team is holding fiend -raising dances and is looking for sponsors. Call Anwer Omar at 428-7470 (home) or 535-3189 (work). 1 Draws will be held Wed. 12, Wed. 19 & Wed. X — -�— -- 7 F' • _1.�fu377Z_: fit' w: —'— - �p Y THE Z_ ; AJAX"MRNG NM ADVERTISER t waMe b be In the go=! �! Call our sports ` department with your weekly rest IS 683-5110 FAX 683.7363 Fishing, sportsmen's show at trade centre The Ontario Fishing and Sportsmen's Show has just about every- thing lovers of the great outdoors could need. The event is being - held at the Metro East Trade Centre, at Brock Rd. and Hwy. 2 in Pickering, until tomorrow, Feb. 15. At left, Keri -Anne Bilotta, Miss Fishing 1992, gets some pointers from fishing professional Bruce Leeson during a seminar. The show runs from noon to 9:30 p.m. today and from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. tomorrow. photos by Andrew Iwanowski Panthers may soon clinch berth in hockey playoffs PICKERING - With the playoffs just around first time in four years. The top five teams in the COMM the Pickering Panthers have picked each division see post-seasor pla%. the right time to get hot- Coach Paul Watters says, "We're preparing for The Panthers won two Metro Junior 'A' the playoffs, tightening up the defence, working Hockey League games last week, giving them on the power play and penalty killing." three straight victories. The team has lost just _ Watters says the Panthers will probably play once in its last six encounters. Wellington in the first round of the playoffs. Pickering hammered the host Bramalea Blues Pickering has lost all three games with 8-3 Feb. 5 and edged the Kingston Voyaguers 4-3 Wellington this year — 5-4 in overtime, 4-2 and last Friday at the Pickering Recreation Complex. 1 l -8. The Panthers are seven points up on the The Panthers played in Kingston last night Oshawa Legionnaires for the final playoff spot in after the News Advertiser deadline and they're in the Bauer Division. Pickering has 25 points, Wellington tonight. while Oshawa has 18. This evening's encounter "is a big game. It's a If the Panthers make the playoffs, it '11 be the good pre -playoff game," says Watters. Tonight's game will also be the first the Panthers play in Wellington where the rink is very small. Pickering has made a number of player changes recently, he says. We made quite a few additions and subtrac- tions at the midway point of the season. We haven't played Wellington since we made the changes, so it will be a good test for the new guys to make sure all our systems are a go," Watters says. Since the changes, the Panthers have been "starting to come together at just the right time. On the ice and in the dressing room, we're start- ing to work well." Local cricketers represent country at Trinidad tourney AJAX-PICKERING - Local crick- et playas will be among those rep+e- senting Canada at a tournament in Trinidad next month The Durham All-Star Cricketers will represent the country at a 10 -team tournament in Port of Spain. Other participants include Guyana, Bermuda, Grenada, Barbados, Windward Islands, New York, Jarmic a and two teams from the host may. 'ONE OF THREE PAIRS NOF •coLo" LEAF ncKErs They'll be competing for a grand prize of about $3,000 (Canadian), $1,500 for second and $800 for third. Sixteen players will leave Toronto March 12 and reuirn March 29. The team is led by former Ontario and Canadian player Richard Moore, who scored 1,060 rims when playing for the Ajax Cricket Club last season. All- rounders Ulrich Osbourn and Ed Vkk h will assist Mr. Moore. Other tour party members include Errol Barrow, alae of Canada's fastest bowlers, who has represented both Ontario and Canada m Lander -25 tour- naments; ex -Canadian captain Brian Hale; Nigel Griffith, the team's first wicket keeper; opening batsman Graham Castanheiro, who has also represented Ontario in under 25 tour - namenlls; and all-rounders Raj VAdera and Steve Williams. Phillip Filings Roy Pam, Anwer Omar, Lu Vnrani, Imran Malik, Jey ExWts�►e No Purchase Necessary Just fill in the coupon and drop it off at the National Sports Centre at 5 Points Mall, lffl/ Oshawa or at Abbey Lanes, Scarborough Your Im starts with us...GumntsWl OSHAWA �..,Y This Wee t ' NAME I ADDRESS I Ramasingam and Haroon Quereishi round off the team Charles (Chic) Presley, the team's marketing manager, will travel as an official. He'll also carry letters of goodwill from Ajax mayor Jim Witty, Duriharn West MPP Jim Wiseman, and Ontario Riding MP Rene Soeteas. The team is holding fiend -raising dances and is looking for sponsors. Call Anwer Omar at 428-7470 (home) or 535-3189 (work). 1 Draws will be held Wed. 12, Wed. 19 & Wed. X — -�— -- 7 F' • _1.�fu377Z_: fit' w: —'— - �p Y m vuausv team guava tries to sweep the ring away during a ringette game against Pickering in the Pickering tournament last weekend. The home squad won 6-3. Papps Tween IA's take silver medal in ringette tourney PICKERING - The Pickering Ringette Association's Papps Tween 'A' team won the silver medal at the PRA's annual tournament last week- end. Barrie claimed the gold medal, narrowly defeating Pickering twice by scores of 8-7 and 5-4. In the final battle, Barrie scored a powerplay goal with less than one minute remaining on the clock. Earlier in the tournament, played at Don Beer Arena, the Pickering Tween 'A's walked over Ajax 10-4; soundly defeated Whitby 7-2; and shut out Scarborough 8-0. In an Etobicoke tournament in January, Pickering posted wins over Barrie and Etobicoke in the qualify- ing round, but lost the gold medal to Barrie. As CORL playoffs continue this week, the Pickering tweens are in top spot with one game remaining against Markham. Coached by Doug Allan and Ed Edmunds, the team consists of for- wards Kayleen Coughlin, Kristy Michea, Lisa Bonser, Katie Edmunds, Cathy File and Kim Wells. Defensive pairs are Jenny Kelleher and Susan Conway and Melissa Barber and Erin Helmer. Goaltender is Karyn Allan. Come enjoy our super Sunday Buffet only 1_46 95 112FOr Kids - Annandale Goff A Country Club 683-3210 - P.O. BOX 91 AJAX MATTHEW DAMARIO "BOWLS FOR MILLIONS" Representing Atlas Tag Company of Canada, Matthew Damario tumbles pins for the Big Brothers Association in "Bowl for Millions" last Saturday afternoon. 117401101fI.`Ilg !b 95� 1992 SWIFT GA � HATCHBACK t _____9888 �►� 191 SIDEKICK JA 4X4 AUTOMATIC Rear ABS brakes, 3 Yr180,000 kms no deductible warranty ' and much more! AFTER l" DEAu91 nEaATE i STSG auDwaE MM M HOl U=& UC. FEB WU " FRt; PK TADS i UG FEES s aMt�Jacl Emu► cM NDT aE coM@WD rirtN ANI OTNER OFFERS YEIMCLES TM w.raa A" n OMMOS HAY NOT BE UACTLY AS S O Mt M0RUzNGS/DE�JI��Js see "Saving You Money Is Our Business" THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY. FEN. 14.1"2 -PAGE 17 WeAftr for (* fft"" W EXECUTIVE HOME itr Kmrtey Drive I'Pros"kxs Pftff" Price at $ZM m FEB. 16 DU -A t 1 NOTICE NOTICE OF IHT>` MM OF THE TOWN OF AJAX TO PASS A BY -LM TO RENAME A STREET IN THE TOWN OF AJAX TAKE NOTICE that the Council of ttw Corporation of the Town of Ajax will OWS40 the passing of a By4aw to rename Tw4on Avenue to Reese Avenue at Rs Council meeting of February 17.1992. The reason for the proposed nanw charge is the similarity between T~ Avenue and Taunton Road and tie possbility of contusion arising tram having two weets so named. Any ply owner who leets that they will be adversely affected by M proposed renaming may appear at a hearing on February 17. 1992. - tlw core d cAar b— ss Harwood Avenue, Ajax at 730 p m. to speak to the proposed By-law. AT Hodges, CA LO., C.ALC. C;Ork Corporation of the Torn of Ajax 65 Harwood Avenue South Ajax, Ontario LIS 2H9 TOWN OF PICKERING DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES AND FACILITIES PRESENTS Leaders In Training Program Teenagers: Enjoy a program designed to help you develop the skills you need to apply for part time jobs in our community. Program Outline: The program covers a variety of workshops: k.0* L - Leadership Skills - Self Confidence - lob Search - Interview Skills - Communication - Planning - Problem Solving - Working with others Dues: March Break - March 16 to :0. 1992 Tues: 9 am. to 3:30 pm. t.ocatian: Recreation Comdex - Photography Room Fee: $50.00 • a Code: GYL RCSPWN8090 FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CALL 420-4621 P&R%dffWM NLW6 A9VIQT=FliDAV, FM 14. L902 Lobster Tails' music dished up at Danny's Place AJAX-PICKERING - Newfoundland comes to Ajax this weekend with Lobster Tails enter- taining at Danny's Place, 88 Harwood Ave., Friday from 9 p.m. to 1 am. Comedian Barry Kennedy will be on stage Saturday, with shows at 10 and 11:30 p.m. On Sunday, a karoke contest offers a $50 cash prize. Call 683- 2940. To find out where the rest of the action is this weekend, just follow this guide: Centrefield's: Foolish Behavior rocks Centrefield's Friday and Saturday from 9 p.m. to I a.m. Centrefield's is at 1050 Brock Rd., Pickering. Call 837-1850. Kangaroo's: Nite Life plays 60s and 70s rock music Friday and Saturday from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Kangaroo's is at 985 Brock Rd. S., Pickering. Call 839-6845. The Harp & Thistle: Musician Jim O'Grady, who does "a bit of everything". will entertain Friday and Saturda,. from Q r.rn. to 1 a.m. The Harp & Thistle is at 282 Monarch Ave., Ajax. Call 428- 0943. Kerry Inn: It's Valentine Night Friday with a dinner -dance and music by Par 3. Dinner will be served from 6 to 9 pm. with danc- ing from 9 p.m. to I a.m. On Saturday, Par 3 will entertain from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. The Kerry Inn is in the Cloveridge Plaza, 967 Westney Rd. S., Ajax. Call 428-8790. Tudor Rose Inn: Enjoy 50s and 60s music h% "Rock" at the Tudor Top videos Top 10 video mnals 1. Rockmer 2. Hot Shots 3. Point Blank 4. Delirious 5. Thelma & Louise 6. Mobsters 7. City Slickers 8. Silence of the Lambe 9. Terminator II 10. Naked Gun 21/2 in Mdmb& Supplied by Jumbo Video TLM. Rose Friday and Saturday from 9 pm. to 1 a.m. The Tudor Rose Inn is in the Cloveridge Plaza, 700 Harwood Ave., Ajax. Call 428- 1815. McGinnis Landing: Classical guitarist Rob Fielding will entertain Sunday from noon to 2 p.m. at McGinnis Landing, Pickering Home and Design Centre, 1755 Pickering Parkway. Call 428-6383. Jokers: The very talented Chris Dunn plays 50s and 60s music Friday and Saturday from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. and Sunday from 4 to 8 p.m at Jokers. It's Trivia Night on Wednesday, beginning at 9 p.m. Jokers is at 335 Bayly St., Ajax. Call 427-0337. Morgan's Place: Dave Coupland and Rick bring you 70s and 80s music at Morgan's Place ` Barn Dinner Theatre " 2885 Allona Rd. Pickering PRESEMTS POOLS PARADISE (A &fth Cme*) PLAYING Feb. 7 - March 21 Starting at =27.95 DWw, sh. s Tmes Inckww FOR RESERVATIONS I � CALL 1 X472-308 T Hundreds of Quality Furs & Leathers at r Blowout Prices UM UEAT ER JAM ..........-19 ... LEATIER i FUti I1�5SIEDE,wac�r-_«-......-. .. LA=mmws--.---.-175 Er+sR�0000M,wa�r_'7'50 IM LUTM JACKET --.19 lam' S UUM ' FUR UIED ®'3, Y ' LOW MONTHLY PAYMINS' RJRS lMICVWDAALLY GUARAWM - CER I APPRAISALS - MAJOR CREDIT CARDS ACCEPT® - FREE WSIATIM - FREE STORAGE Sale starts 9:00 a.m: 9:00 p.m. Feb. 130 to 160 SALE LOCATION ROSEBANK PLAZA' 512 Kingston Rd., Pickering 837-0414 Friday and Saturday from 9 pm. to 1 a.m. There's no cover charge. Morgan's Place is at 776 Liverpool Rd., Pickering. Call 839-4744. Country Gold: Rick Johnson and The County Band appear at Country Gold Friday and Saturday beginning at 9 p.m. Country Gold is in the Mackenzie Plaza, Ajax. Call 686-4995. Dona Y Miguels: Musician Roberto provides Mexican -style entertainment at Dona Y Miguels Friday from 7 to 10 p.m. Dona Y Miguels is at 325 Westney Rd. S., Ajax. Call 686-4468. Fox & Flowerpot: Hot Canary & Rhythm, billed as a jazz whistler, entertains at the Fox & Flowerpot Pub Sunday from 3 to 6 p.m. The Fox & Flowerpot is in the Pickering Village Courtyard. Call 428-2162. *********** M AO�M/(ftAiA I L dd i E * East Friday and Saturday from 9 pm. to 1 a.m. There's no cover charge. Morgan's Place is at 776 Liverpool Rd., Pickering. Call 839-4744. Country Gold: Rick Johnson and The County Band appear at Country Gold Friday and Saturday beginning at 9 p.m. Country Gold is in the Mackenzie Plaza, Ajax. Call 686-4995. Dona Y Miguels: Musician Roberto provides Mexican -style entertainment at Dona Y Miguels Friday from 7 to 10 p.m. Dona Y Miguels is at 325 Westney Rd. S., Ajax. Call 686-4468. Fox & Flowerpot: Hot Canary & Rhythm, billed as a jazz whistler, entertains at the Fox & Flowerpot Pub Sunday from 3 to 6 p.m. The Fox & Flowerpot is in the Pickering Village Courtyard. Call 428-2162. *********** TIt1ES )(01 re gT IN tic)( ENT ERT A+LAMENT * East * PRESENTS... * Jane -A Jones TIt1ES )(01 re gT IN tic)( ENT ERT A+LAMENT JL _the reamd., Richards a Keith Richards and the X -pen- sive Wimes - Live at the Hollywood Palladium (Virgin): Prime grade hock & roll courtesy of one half of the Stones' dynamic duo and his hand-picked band. Recorded live on Dec. 15, 1988, the set fea- Art sale set for March 7 PICKERING - Local artists will present a spring art exhibit and sale Saturday, March 7 in the Pickering Town Centre. Original paintings, photography and sculpture by members of the Pickering Arts Council will be offered in the lower level of the mall from 9:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. For more information, call 286- 2224. Art exhibit at library PICKERING - A showing of paintings by a Blackstock artist will be held at the Pickering Central Library from March 2 to 28. Donna Griffin -Smith will display 20 watercolor paintings depicting landscape and nature studies. The art can be viewed on both the first and second floors of the library Mondays through Fridays from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. and Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. !t R tures a mix of Richards' solo work and some Rolling Stones' stan- dards. If it sounds like the latter minus Jagger, well that's because Richards invented the sound, and why mess with a good thing? Moose: The Compilation - Various (PolyGram): A wonderful introduction to some lesser-known Ontario bands with names like the Polka Dogs, Grievous Angels and the Cajun Ramblers. All are affiliat- ed with the Moose label in one way or another and span the spectrum of Popular music from folk to rock and punk to country. There's some great stuff here; check it out. Kick at the Darkness - Songs of Bruce Cockburn - Various (Capitol): I wonder why it's neces- sary to have Five Guys Named Moe sing "Feet Fall On the Road", or the Jellyfishbabies offer a cover of "Call it Democracy." Perhaps diehard Bruce Cockburn fans will appreciate the fresh renditions; or, like myself, perhaps they'll just wonder, why? Little Feat - Shake Me Up (PolyGram): After two decades and 12 albums, Little Feat is still red hot. Serving up their trademark lava -hot gumbo, the new line-up proves they're every bit as passion- ate as the original and. on this disc, just as inspired. The Temptations - Milestone (Motown): Fifty years and 30 albums: The Temptations must be doing something right. With a line- up that bridges the gap between new and old (and minus the late David Ruffin), the Tempts straddle a sound that recalls their classic hits of the '60s and the "New Jack" club sound of the '90s. As might be expected, the group excels at the former, while raising some serious doubts about the latter. Poison - Shallow this Live DDING5 4 , Season's Country Club sr# *— Wedding Receptions on the Terrace or by the Furplace FROM 50 - 400 CLAREMONT Town of Pickering 649-2436 25% Off Saturday Breakfast With this coupon only 4284022 785 W � Rd. S. --------------- (Capitol): Full marks on this album for energy - the most important ingredient in any live set - even if you don't believe Poison contributes greatly to the legacy of rock & roll. The songs, as is the band, are highly derivative, and appeal mostly to a particular hormonally -charged seg- ment of the teenage population. But they'll turn it up to I 1 and be happy, and that's all that really matters. dames Reyne - Any Day Above Ground (Virgin): Unknown in North America, Reyne is a well -sea- soned performer in his native Australia. Sounding like a cross between Sting and Bryan Adams, the intelligent rocker's "West Coast" guitar style and snappy groove should have no trouble catching on here. -- Michael Baginski Read 4 the News Advertiser ' TOGETHER WE CAN REALLY cLM- v► MIS ) V WA 1 PITCH -IN )ARTNER! MAGIC W Tick NES ADVZRTMM F'1R104Y.IP=.14.1"2 Aja:wPiakering '! Combined Pressrun of 01 03, 000 OS&M Th Nam CLASSIFIEDS5'6 Fa=9335 ERRORS AND OMISSIONS ..::...:... ecce.. �..-, f..,.;....«•:». 376-9333. 790-7672 Classification Index Cmdss Fa sale loft LAW ::Help Wankel 'avows 100 Cagier miring 145 Gens ad w+p 110 Once Hilt 120 sales Nslf>Agarts 130 Swed He4 as Corpute'Data 140 Norrpsal Medical Dental 150 Hewn Care 156 Day Care Www me Day Care Available 106 Emoloynie t Wailed 170 Btariess 10 euarrss ISO MIX Decals (1) 9054MR-ww- Cy - %lw- Saws tai. (022582) Market a~ 200 Feewwd 211115 Flea maw 210 Artdet Fa saw 220 lw Artdee ward no Cres iras'mm 236 Bala Litharge 240 Gara"YaC Saes 250 Ars 6 Gags 260 ccmwe, Adso 270 Lor 4 Fend 3x^ Pee S.cvl.• so-" atld E 3WS A,Aorroode3'T Sae 300 AraOnwWes 04MM ws Trucks For Sas 310 Trucks waged 31s wafts. 4 while dive 320 Traders 300 ALAI Part a Repays 3" Auto Leaarg Rentals 350 Moecydes 366 Sno.nnoows ]ill Wnrr acs Fsoeaeon vendee 270 Fam Eaupm4m 375 Ilea" Dury Eww-e ss 380 Apinrrwas no, Rent 400 Apartments Wanwd 405 kousm Fn Rent 410 H04i ng wanted 41S Townhouses Fa Rem 420 space For RON 425 Rooms For Font 430 Rooms w..,425 Room 6 Bead me IriOirlt4 Jrea F cr Rant 445 Snared Acromnodaapis 450 cdndmnrms For Rent as Oft* at R"Specs 460 9 Wardnoxse Stp a5� 462 440 camas For Rid 470 cages warded 475 RMOMWRwLNM asds 44" rltxvacaas 466 Laid Fa R4rt 4x6 Howes For sad sM sal. war" 1.0 sw 566 =" 1.0 Fv faremaa.a P►dpwfy SIS Cmdss Fa sale 5!0 LAW 05 Fwwlaa alls For Side Me Los Fa Sale 75s rIIMy Annarlwawta 766 WeaadnPlaprrfes so cesq.s Fa ado of Idabie Ndlaes a Pals rile Gatga Trocars an Site Imlay To Lad 675 Suite 2.Oshwa.Oct. LIG41K2. Apply in person. Habda M i Bn�imr�'Oppdrislst 9�Ie PUW Notal Ts"ieers�'s rC alas gErrts Atirasrts m as 630 ill ON Brig - sonars we Pa &won PW SM* At Arriouncervients Me ing - 798-7672 . x -579-2238 130 'Commercial Avei,41ax Open- 'Monr day Thursday $.30 a.M.to 8.00 ..tin., Fnoay u�r v w p m r 105 Tia � 105 T MV 110 General HOP 110 General Help 110 w� OUT OF WORK? Need io upgrade your skills to develop new job skills? Our training programs will help you succeed. We have helped hundreds of individuals develop the skills necessary to succeed in today's business environment. Computer training in Word Processing, Desktop Publishing, Computerized Accounting, Data Management and more. Funding assistance may be available. CALL TODAY. Computer Leaming Centre, Whitby. 668-9713, extension 37. ACRYUC NAIL technician. AUTOCAD Training Courp, tramp ay. kit r M Ost+asrs:�. 22 hours. 2 Student class. Two kit ncltLded. 11385. Ado do cur sets and relies from Call Joseph. 576-8038. moderate prices. 4164664M4. (021442) 110 General Help 110 General Help TAXI DRIVERS Willing to trove regular laud and wheel accessible vehicles. Lease arrange) Days and weekends. Drivers abstract recess.W 831-2355 $� CAUISE SNP JOBS RIa N� Hut I SwOmecy" ralM. AS W,W,F)S M'�iJlh7! ons _ _ iii In Ilsaairas Ale cads a Thada 75s rIIMy Annarlwawta 766 X IV1LFa ing - 798-7672 . x -579-2238 130 'Commercial Avei,41ax Open- 'Monr day Thursday $.30 a.M.to 8.00 ..tin., Fnoay u�r v w p m r 105 Tia � 105 T MV 110 General HOP 110 General Help 110 w� OUT OF WORK? Need io upgrade your skills to develop new job skills? Our training programs will help you succeed. We have helped hundreds of individuals develop the skills necessary to succeed in today's business environment. Computer training in Word Processing, Desktop Publishing, Computerized Accounting, Data Management and more. Funding assistance may be available. CALL TODAY. Computer Leaming Centre, Whitby. 668-9713, extension 37. ACRYUC NAIL technician. AUTOCAD Training Courp, tramp ay. kit r M Ost+asrs:�. 22 hours. 2 Student class. Two kit ncltLded. 11385. Ado do cur sets and relies from Call Joseph. 576-8038. moderate prices. 4164664M4. (021442) 110 General Help 110 General Help TAXI DRIVERS Willing to trove regular laud and wheel accessible vehicles. Lease arrange) Days and weekends. Drivers abstract recess.W 831-2355 $� CAUISE SNP JOBS RIa N� Hut I SwOmecy" ralM. AS W,W,F)S M'�iJlh7! 9 • IEL� �1q Of t>• loin calsno rollers. dick T)PiAT1dE M1A0147t2 Hsaii. t,SFRXlB/C M1gtrF4rf CLILLl1xtaim" to tJs6iK Cfa Kingston Road. Pncuep. On- X IV1LFa EXCELLENT earning oppa- tkinty awaiable in hoar pony salsa. lipnnents Pnds N Joy, C 6*w,s Wer. No tweWnrit reputed. Trnornp ponrdtd. Call Joyce 436x766. (021492) fern reputes Property IAarnpsr with previous experience in residential ncom e. high-rise budding management. con- dom.rkan espenerwe an a"O. L0EMPLONM or on UIC't Earn Send return• to: 845 atapie I&SM . 4700 part tons waktp Are- Boa 541. Burlington Ont. for yourself. For on". rind L7S 2H7. (021442) SASE to CAPA16 Cdrporatbn. ECE lsecrw to Ap, C«+W, P.O. Box 646010. 1725 427!263. (022092) Kingston Road. Pncuep. On- 72.0. (021492) taro LtY 6P6. (TF) R TUTOneeded to teach at south d Pickering. For mon information. please call a39- LawringCentre. Reybde0uca- MATURE full time person ton or experience a mast. Send . in N, r1i shop. Balk resurna to: 908 StnOoe St. N_ roan receding and seeing. Suite 2.Oshwa.Oct. LIG41K2. Apply in person. Habda M i ()22082) Ds. 1794 Liverpool Rd_. Piddsir OPENINGS for 2 ambitious Plaza(02149Z women in kngeris business. EARN noriey reading boabl Evowgs. t toll rims. i part tines. 530,000ryr Income poNnod. Eaasisrs inrortm. no doevesI. Decals (1) 9054MR-ww- Cy - no Cptemrng no ltwnwguinilp, tai. (022582) Fut ramming. 427.420L t022011111M WiligWYIan assistant or ap- FLCONSTRY Business courts, 1wrll1 wJ." 11 for wM os - 1•> _._. a... - tahu k..al -- -teen... rsrwil... CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESMATNE We are a progressive and fast -paced credit union seeking enthusiastic, service-onented individuals b contribuM to our financial institution in either a Full or Part-time capacity. We currently have positions available at our Pickering and downtown locations. If you demonstrate a flay in dealing with cusbmers and enjoy working in a fast paced environment, yowl excel in our teamsprued atmosphereWe're looking for a high degree of professionalism, enthusiasm and the ability to effechvey promote our products and services. You have a strong customer service background that preferably includes sales or public relations. We offer an attractive salary, and a challenging work environment where we are committed to the professional growth of our employees. Please forward your resume In confidence b: Human Resources Dept., HEPCO Credit Union Limited, 700 University Avenue, Toronto Ontario ASG 1 X6 We thank all applicants for their interest, however, only those selected for an interview will be contacted. HOMEWORKERS NEEDED Earn up b $350MIL waking at home with new and ttunazirg guide listing weir 90 firms o0ering work at hence. MIS, iniomtation, send S.A.S.E: ftneworteirlg Researtch Canada, General Help 110 General Help 110 General Help uke working With People? We Need You! Local Food processor requires FOOD SAMPLER DEMONSTRATORS weekend work ' mature and friendly ' starting rate $8mr. ' training provided Call 432-3554 Hourty wage & commission. Fluent command of English. Hours b call: Mon.-Thurs. 6 p.m. - 8 p.m. Sat noon - 2 p.m. WAITRESSES WANTED KERRY INN RESTAURANT & TAVERN Ajax 967 Westney Rd. S. 428-8790 TOP HAIRSTYLIST REQUIRED WITH OR WITHOUT CLIENTELE TOP WAGES 60% COMMISSION PLUS BONUS ASK FOR MIARIO 683.5911 OR 7250745 (w5.) 1Care 65 Avail able 4655 Kent Ave., State 1626, -- FaILt, Ont. LM 1A 130 Sales Help/ 165 Day Care EXPERIENCED mother d three _ Agents Available 1Ovey children warm loving Daycare. any age. hot lunchell. 130.210c 9 A 130 sal s � watts °�. •. on 'How b van and Spears a salon. Exotsrs calor oppor- floral shop '--m yew hallo.- hit* la sin too Poison. Gel Large profit, :-citing paid _Ails you Ion. No SM - ,0, Ptlarno 4:30010. Poke a lwnwy. For Wer- alrw doll esi66otS. m2>aim AD166L Assistant . lou vow P" kill"so* 120 00« wo AoCptfal. xCmaMlt bM44Na S61tny b 5310000 Pl ose saved IF )los atm am 4S ad ham "sun. b ft saw. ONwa wow* Maw W SIC ymrl mw This weak. P.O. Box 451, ��Mi__r hmdair wManloR Oshawa, Ont. LIN 7LS. 1•Lake, wassr� B� - imam wMf1ED solo Sims invader. Hovard and Qewl Mlnilwlwl 2 Iowa apwW-k Trilo l 8 Tomldi nc Fawlsl cur for 90 Dtahan Raglan, for 1aM- ak ands, arMads br arable ostaWishd bu"wn- Sand shade sa oder 45 or war U" assumes W. Filo IMI= Oshawa do not illLnift fa► Mw 1 tialits, whiby This weak. P.O. Bar DushomCemtpaltr 481, Oshawa, LIN 71.5. �14: POW 14: POW i 110=111M000� Mo awl w CAS 1fw /qty neaded people quires customer service WAD Isom me and now. Stan mp � Q�handle Intow bOq. FlmoarartetB rotratmpmr bbtplisiNn w a1Net Pseison ration or wparinlos rlsosetary. Mks 404-2$56. (0 HOM 10 eArawlanas Why R4 MOIgBlEBER - S hours pmt Dillinsh it wrMiwg to: PersonrlN dw Msnl4 - IoFdday doitp mwarM' 962 as* s!t w, DAYCARE available for children actiribes. P4f*r«toes awrlaDie. 15 months and oder. Fid/ rims 426.0993. (021492) pwnsrirt spots available only. Bnealdast, kncMs and snacks EXPERIENCED child care provided. Reeerpas germ. non avala)ls. i ntars 10 pesclwoL smoking. Sft weekly. Ajax. 666- non smoker, references 72.0. (021492) available. Bay Ridges area. EXPERIENCED child can south d Pickering. For mon information. please call a39- provided. any age. full or part 1346. (CM9DQ) finks. located Wastrteq Rd. and Hwy 2. Cal 6e6 8116. (02199?) DAYCARE available in your home or mine. Reasonable DAYCARE available in my rates. Experienced. Non homy kinins. snacks. rsosgss smokers. any ape. Call 421- green. platnoorn and tented 0476. (021642) Ind• rnon-smolknq. neer Meese BO . Pearson School. Breina, 1•M a mother d 2 look ted to 4211-11266. (021642) daticans in my, home in the Ap DAYCARE available for plecrott area, fun time for d**_ t yew or ofda. Cao children. � � u p• IenvO 627-0606 (o21ep� yard. experienced full finite.Liverp amd o) 2. (5 5366. drive drive from Go) 439.5366. F 205 Irewood 170WanW ROKA LUMEER YEN with trucks will 00 DRYARIEw00p Ioueehol0 "ores, cutup jobs, odd 4ARDWOW jobs, arc g. wh.. , anythingA' r It r It I r a so r Al TF sow 135 skuled Help () o care � 4M 160 ,,E 4,6-434-66W kW HIM CALFS PART Time Babptlsr - in W SROOKLIN Firewood - RSpnWntatiw home (LkwilicauFilloh) fa 1 00850MM 2 VON*. (adred F*gUW d br Met WW rear ON ac7ra1-2 Oars pm Mod /cur 5$S Per loos clod location. Great "�`W14s0I'CAN 4304= picked cup)' �`�d' tree Odi- IMIy for tfwMATURE waren warned to &A Way 12 Iss�.ww WWWtiall• Call � ► )oa+bilimmonig.� (mss � w.1I� .k m %:�m. 210 fw 210 Pw210 Fwmww J' PICKERING'S NEWEST �- IINDOOR FLEA MARKET 7 _ ; yam. s- 1211 Kinston Rd. - i -- ` Ofulillillir,340AbN1Mld am J0.8) 0 Books Drapes Conill"llics - • Handicrafts + C • Toes a Gift Bask giftBlow ' . F Ida/aoossa. ; Lawn Olmanwrns • Trock tlture Chocks • Socks _ • Greeting Carola •Dishes - r,..• Tooke + Wndry. and nw1 pnpsratbn Un1t d' orm Oma. LIS IPI. fashiorn now soekitp fashion .� W Duvets & Covers • .kallveNery Pe atter e. 831-4310.1130E Hc4021494 a eaiemrtebaFlll 1 35 Skilled Help' . ExerciseEquipnwltt •Records ■ " A" ane a donne kv ildepsrlit - '• TpwelS 4. $60&'DAY in yew 1aWb0x. The eaDoesa Cal Cathy, 414674.OIIAUTY Asaarantos - Gradualm' � *' 'Utllmate Homs Business FASH M Nelwark - Do jou 4150.1422o92t of a recognind Mood and Opportunity_- send 51.00 . hos wlpenfarloe In pavpim a technology course with did ' r t Ea - See Addressed stamped Ent- dMod sisT We OAr sop com• 5d tiMpt Paalrm 10 mbotwoew loch, � vsldpe (S.A.S.E.) to NAM., R mMion and frl0artbes le our M�M�tfSfy niques and quality contra' RJr1 BawmtamWMM� Omtarfa Linlli IC tan = r e ePPe► MIoIL 115 TMI y p100edures? Etpalence In a« _V000 3K2 JMSM SMygR 4/4215./5» Or 466• •LKS • jos I� sone shift olk and � IN I TELEMARKET hon booms. 8024644. �U ( S]�, required. Send room* to: ' opemlanom Pad w dark 5o k a4dra Tea and C48sm Limtbd' 1661 tlltd IlntiS 5iy f IIiPpM555 clow a wads alt% naM 1 FIS x fter aM stood d. 421047111111.�� 1 �er 144 Millis ftoc odamis �MI! Of MIdSN QSff ad551Md t151R +••Ii - ' pro"Carmartti LIS silt. L MEN ,:.. „ } � a_y . , r :+; '>►y ` `�"� - ` 1 I ., 'E.)`�ri. ��.�4�. _r -ecce s1'�nt./iatas4,l+1s.a4•e. 6.664-.:62.-v'+4vey... yl.......i.w►....=�►.... ,e.... 220 k 260 Ang A c,ma 260 Arts s crafts 400 fir"" Fa Rent wAlltAPt9T fyeriae left$ " ° P BASKET KASE OM le sol IIB -86 a ir. Mo sok. Open k ogle pr weak. Mon. - FDL, M P-nt, WIDE SELECTION OF GIFT BASKETS Set 94 PAL 823.8981. 86 King SL E„ Botnmin ". (TF) CRAFTS i GIFTS 1 RADFORD DR., A.IAX f� skids - for 8rsaeod eta CALL 427.9769 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION 860 McKay Rd.. Pickering. Days cover, rnsching valance. black candied 4276094 (021492) only 7 �yJ1L Monday to 300 Automobiles - Apartments For Sale 400 GUN Collection for sale - For Rent Winchester 30-30. Stevens 22 CAL.. Mossberg 22 CAL.. MIHRB�GOAREA Weatherby Centurion shotgun, brand now Panner -Hak, 270 Bot. [Responsible adults, assorted arnmunelon. Must sell. ge, dean, bright, 3 Cal now, 404-9145 «7261290. droom apt., appl., 021 CANADIANTIRE ndry, parking, & 2 SALE New b used frost free trances. $749 + share refrigerators. new 14.6 cit. ft. Store- Ajax utilities. Avail March 1. $559. Fridges, stoves, coin 571.1449 laundry for apartment units. Safety Stephensons Furniture and Appliances. 227 Court St., Inspections ONE 8 TWO BEDROOM Oshawa, 576-7"8. 3,14l th. bkm f 39.95 APARTMENTS FUR coat ' 3x4 length, blue fox. AVAILABLE IN OSHAWA nett condition. sized to fit ladies 7-11. $500. Call 427-5041, leave Car dt light ht trucks Includes fridge, stove & a message. (021 792) utilities. Close to 401 FREE skids t« firewood717 683-2277 exit, (Park & Bloor) Wilson Rd S. Call first and ask 1990 Chrysler Dynasty, Vs, For more information for Mark. 7253630. (TFALL) Loaded. 50,000 kma. $14.700. call 571-0085 17 Cubic Ft. ft". 3 years aid. 430-1096. (022092) excellent condition. $650. Slave 1909 Corsica 6 cylvidow. air.. any ONE MONTH'S FREE in very good condition. $100fm servo cassette. trunk rack. RENT Evenings. weekends, 430-1434. $7350 certified. T81ephone 436 -(021892) 3360- (021692) When you sign a 1 yr. BUDGET Ceramics - Greenware 1989 Pontiac Bonnevise SE. 3.8 lease on a small 1 bdrm Sale - 40% orl all n -stock. Feng Idle. V6, 60,000 krra., whaeu for $5641month Includes 1x3 reg. price. Feb. 17-22. 101, blue interior, bodytinterior `ridge, stove & utilities. Tues and Wed. 10-10. 88 immaculate. pl., pw_ air. cruise, Call now! Foxhunt Trail, Counties. 434- and more, non-smokers car, 571-018 1051. (022082) S12.0M. 839-9589. (021492) COFFEE table, end tables. 1969 REPOS - from banks and house plants, pictures, all in leasing companies. 80 cars, PICKERING FURiq good condition. 434.4617trucks. vans at WHOLESALE APT.(021492) Prices. Why pay retaiP Cal the FRIDGE frost free. and stove Repo Cenfre 2868388. (TF) 1 bed., 4 pc. beth, walk to $400 Washtr, dryer, $350.. 19" Escort Stationwagon, a Go, dean, modern, prof. desk. $20. A-1 corddion. phone cylader. automatic, power steer finished. Own entry, TV, 428-2657 (021492) ,ng and brakes. a mftm stereo. csrteied $3995 Crown Auto bright iL tiry, perm n0 pets. SECTIONAL Couch, chair. P�� X14 ottoman, teak cofee table, n9• 92) 284-1618,4M3774 tongue and groove Pre wen bar 1188 LX Ford Mustang. A-1 wHITBr lar with oak top. Call after 6 p.m. condition. auto. of.. pm., ps.. aim WHITBY bright 9e basement 427-8467. (021992) fm cassette, cruise 35000 apartment, one bedroom. miles, certfied. Reduced to Parking, air con., fireplace. WOULD you we a bigger In borne Tax Refund? M you cur- •T00. 5794235. (02209?) $sparse entrance. quiet couple rent) rent out upstairs. $700�monthy. Must Y part of your 1987 Chow Celobmy. CL. aw. "a Available April 1 416264 - hone -under the tads- you could am .'^, tilt slaering, pulse 9036. be missing out on a HUGE m- wipers, excellent condition, corns tax break. Fp complete $3500 or lest otter. 686 1693. FURNISHED R=l - separate information package, just send (C214W) entrance. use or kitchen and your name. address and cheque la u n d r y facilities. a, r for $3.95 to: Akuq Investments. tte6 Dodge Aires. EXCELLENT conditioning. cable. SW weekly,352 Pompano Crt , Oshawa, wnnfw driving car• four cylinder, Harwood Mail, area. Call 428 - fuel injection, now winter twos. 8485. (0219922) Ontario. L1K 1M9. (021892) newly painted ,ed Lady owrw. LEATHER Couch, tan with leave message. 428.7464 of ONE and two large bedroom brown frame $250. 428-2149 96535% (days). (022042) aparments. Close to Oshawa (021692) 1946 Mustang GT. 5 Irtre, to. very clean, quiet area PRACTICE drums. MX1000. 5 automatic. 72.000kms., mint Parking. no pots. 723-0742. 44 piece. $0 o -b.0. 404-6424 or c o n cii ti O n, tilt , s m o k e d ('021692) 433-1420. (021892SNC) headlights. sunroof. inermorion LUXURIOUS large two bodroom GIRLS bedroom set. French wipers, recano goats, $4250 apartment. 00v, -Own Oshawa provincial plus desk and chair tib o Leave rtrssage. 416-614 Completely renovated. 5 1 lel •i•r f a;- ,► t r . d ► t-.,, ►�1 i - '!.,': •'t"5. %r '•'r sit 400 FAp rl s AJAX 55 Falby Court 2 bedroom apartnlertt in gill bW tg. Air oorWici t4 broatlfoofn, 2 appliarim. laundry fadkties, sataws and evelodaa Isom, untlelground pafkag rill, . Call 683-6021 Sat -Sun. 12-5 1CORrID AT10 Mon -Frl- 10--5 a►ur .r ..r0- PICKERING 1480 Pickering Parkway Spacious 3 bedroom apartments • 4 appliances • close to GO transit • Pickering Town Centre • Hwy. 401 • Immediate occupancy From $769 per month Call 420-3139 Or visit rental office/model at: 1480 Pickering Parkway 1113015 Pickering AJAX 77 03 FALBY COURT Two bedroom apartment in family building. Air conditioning, broadloom, 2 appliances, laundry facilities and underground parking included. 5701; mo. Call 686-0845 or 686-0841 Mon. -Fri., 8:30-4:30 p.m. BLUEWATER PARK WHITBY APARTMENTS t bedroom suites and 2 bedroom s3ltec, in mmaculatlly maintainedOuldinq, broa0 oom, 3 games pool. snooker table. gaes room. k+nnts courts, exercise room, laundry factiitin and covered to Kamran SL w Mon. -Fd. 9.7 & SaL-Suit.12-5 571-3522 SHEL ER CORYOR.47T0(h1 i , - - $900 win sell separately. 0482 (021892) appliances. avat a e ''"mediately. New window one CLErAN one bedroom caseriet Kitchen table, butcher block top. 19113 ToyotaColica. sunroof, eovrerings' "� bfOd1DOrt new apo private entrance. 4 dews. $150 K sae dubet new tires. must be seen' $2.695 tile. Includes 45C sq.tt Ion. wit t" and stove. $500 monthly cover, rnsching valance. black candied 4276094 (021492) 51,000 now 11.95. Call Mike, at nesulgive. Available March 1, and pink Rust color Ieatrner lath Trans Am. block. T -bar 404-2495. (021492) 728-2553 (02t892) ottornan. 839.5535. (021692) roof. rebuin motor, an con.. MORTH Oshawa basement AJAX north - like new 2 PIANOS'GRANDFATHER power door locks. power apartment, approxwnatey, 12W bedrooapartent. separate bedroom apartment. windows. tot steering. cruise CLOCKS Pharos, rent o own. windows.flit sq -it . fireplace. appliances, fully entrance. $675 monthly. Room, ndo apt. size. upright, grand. dgnig. Citfelb. as s, carper I, separate entrance and $300 monthly No smoking, and keyboards. CLOCKS tree $3500 or best after. Call Steve Located across from no pets 686-6687 (021992) delrvery and to up Call Tol p at 8342017 or leave message. Durham Collsoe s`^^ trot and CENTRAL Whiney - 3 bedroom aid of our arehoouus• Trucks For I -t. Ph«r Of 432- PICKERING - 3 bedroom apart- 'nems overheadprices. 1 3 0913.(0220M available, 4 appliances 433-1491. (03129?) • Sale 424755 3• (021692) included Cal 831-3666.9 am. fireplace in Christian home. BASEMENT apartment for rent to 5p.m.. Mon. -Fri. (TF) FOR sale -- 6 it pin harvest D d D k t s in Oshawa Available 20. 666.2032. (022092) o te49 o go a a, x•, table and 4 p --beck own. 25,000 kms., V6, lite now. As- immediately. 686-2216. matching pins hutch. 430-2225 king $11,000. Certified. 435- (021 SM anytima (021492) 0409. (021692snc) _ SOUTH Oshawa _ available 230 WANTED - stoves, fridges, orking or M. Also w , - 1. pickup k�truc k (rteww (hart 1976). Cal Picker - Ing 420.6833. (TF) 290 Pewsuppaes- Boarding SHAR-M puppy. hnillkle doo Paper trained, 10 weeks old, nab. Cal 427-7954. (021692) FREE to good hone - urge bealsiW orange and 1Mtb neale, txs. 2 Yeats old. mallet and �dgclarlsd, em Y atkelglc 831- mim PALAOEN OBEDIENCE - Fr Ou$id Van 0 my APP t a khstrt►rAlaa Lkrt8a0 opa111W silk aw"A for to telaalkss clangs. asveffelF Baltifftlou. (irewritg, Nis"Bign. Ganral and Minced Obed m. JUNIOR PUPPY • BE(i/N6i8 OPEN & UTILITY - W a11 it Feb. 200 SENIOR PUPPY & TRIAL PREPARATION NOVICE - Thursday Feb. 2781. Ow Ke - cess rate SPIN*$ for Nslil. QUALIFICATIONS - Ex kogm- for RAF. Poco$ dog tfe..a school, a for 'Poke Dog Demonstration Team'. REGISTRATICIN 668-9425. 300 Autollmoblles For Sale IM gamimNg SSE. !10.000 kms., My drivgrL IAo«roo1, al kratlhr interior, furyloaded. Pr - led condtton. $14,1100. Call shr 6. 435,4071Z. (021492) 360 snowmobiles dances, laundry- parking. walk to schools. bus, shopping. SKOOOS • 3 t9tW s, ice new. first and last. $700 monthly plus h 723-0 plus double Ski -Doo bailerpaid, ydro. 2SN leave $9000 Sel for s45001ilm. 725- (�) 3991. (022092) OSHAWA - Wilsoni'Blocr - 2 ���rtMM bedroom. MardvApril, no Pers w`1R'"""'� stout, fridge. air, carpet. $740 400 For Rent per" f« 1. tinct and tact. 721- 9744.(030592) TWO bedrooms in quiet and AJAX . -The Breakes' brand dean 8 pea. north Oshawa. new exclusive lakeside cor- dae to al arlauntes� dominiums for immediate �' �� fro. 1,2,3 bedrooms. $730 Plus hydro. Available Occupancy. Ilarah 1. 723.1912. (022092) 900.4500 sq. h., featuring 5 AJAX - large one bedroom appianwa- air' balconies anG solbasemrrl aparW-N. raf�ale heakhcl urkdeth irldouind pool. entrance. SM y ihckud- heakh dub with oma pool. ufatm and cable. Amiable seldis eaerci o roan and Ai - !^g lards roonL To view cal 426 mnsdmm*i. Fisl and 40 mon- 1874. (031292) th required. No pets. Non smoky. Rglerances. Cal 696 PKXER NG - 2 bedroom base - 1754 after 5 P.M (021662] Ment apartingrll, 4 appkings OIE bgdno«n upper SPWM K raised carpeted floor, barge len prbwle hone ftkfgs. Stowe, swap area seapraM entrantoe m him rolae. 1650 kKkA AL utaaaas orciirxsekr M+ 1-41' Avajtabie hatch 1. 427-1684. $640 niondolfl. awka6r I 00220 6. 725.1252 etsnthgs Central doaesowi Oshata 1021490 ONE bedroom basement WHITBY - 1 bedroom apanlo- 3 appkarroW own apseernign0. �K and crag. m- so Pic anng Mall. bus at lora 0 --dooWalt celleni location. complete � PInclusive, Cal after 7 p m $ kit 420-2720.(0219M 8863087, fll2.40 OSHAWA • KingA-I-pony. 2 LARGE crew ore Ogdroan base bed1O0re. baeentwtt apararera Available imnrdiately. $700 --.t ariannhent- seearate AJAX - near Harwood Bayy. Available immediately. 3 bedroom upper Jovial. $900 inclusive. 8343668. (021692) WHITBY - one bedroom apamnsnt. $SW. Two bedroom $62$. First plus last months rent required. Working people only. Cal 6684016 everrngs. 725. 8911 days. (021694 ONE MONTH FREE wham one year lease. Rosamond. 182 O'Arcy St.. Coboug. Luxury one and 2 -bedroom suites, from $650ntonth plus hydro. Rera to own option available. 372-3355. 372-1955 or 436-2605. (TFNALL) WHITBY - 2 bedroom baserewR apartment, 1300 $4.11. of luxurious living space. 4 apPirpes, er - air, private entrarioe. parking in dr -airily. must be seen. Available Mar. 1. $M montMy uoitiss included. 430-7106.(021492) PICKERING - one bedroom private entrance. "No IML $850. 420-=7 or 261-9300. (021692) - entrance, drive and yard. no pets, non smoker p mmm. AI 6345. (022092) incksMe 1Nti0. Writ 1 4111111 AJAX - basment apartment Hwy 2.427-4222-10218M dose to hospital, one ' 'I "" t WHITBY - one bedroom ape- mnem in duplex, 1 block from Go "*V room kitchen. 3 piece shooter and sauna, private train. Parking and large Yard- enhance• parking. cable T.V.. no Eat -in kkdwn. Availsille March pots. Fk*UWL SM rtor". NOW renting - Whitby, Thkiaon R&Dryden Boulevard, 1,2 and 3 bedroom units. Included we unties, fridge, slow. O 11 11'' throughout, laundry and Menage facilitke, outdoor and under- ground lor ~en.• No pots. Applications may be picked hp at Durham Housing, 1615 Dudw St. E., 4111 For, Wiley or csT 436- 8610 368610 for hsortreliorL (022092) ONE bedroom basement apartment. Separate *'*a- dose to Knob HE and Gm. Living room. dining room, kitchen, fridQW21101fe. $500 m«Nhy. Available March tat. First and tar. Contact 723- 0268 23011268 after 6 p.m. (021M 1. $630.886-7634. (Q12082) � r jse both'AOA*.,-ucAd+�ertf�Ier {7 3.7�6T,�} rt�f 0 AINJAX ' 10 Tudoch Dr. base- iam aparlr-wit- . SA 50. plus S50 utilities. 686-2.'78 (022092) PICKERING arge and ah - two Tree bedrop^. corner unit. 1 112 baths. 5 appliances. two balconies. view of crenchrnan s Bay Ciose to Go. 401 and shopan9. SM mommy. utilities included Call .ohm Mccarten, Ramax Geress Limited. 831- 3300 or 686- 3330.(022092) LUXURY newer two bedroom apartment m preferred northwest Oshawa. nctudes 5 appliances. private parking, as utilities. No Dins. $750 monthly. Available March 1st. 5761836 (0216912) LARGE brand new two bedroom apartmrrt, executer Alex homr. case to Go. $675 ineluswe. One nwnd free rem. Suit retired couple/ prodeesrdhals long'Ierrtt non- smokers, Feb -March. 42497%. (021 ACTION Make your mom now - Spacious Whaley Orn and two bedroom apartment, all inclusive. $675. A $799. No need for cr. wry quiet. Ava4 able now. Call 432-9127. (021692) AJAX - WeWW#Hwy 2. One bedroom, bright, basement apartment, on ground floor, separale entrance, $600 per month includes hA'ties. No pets. available now. 427-0700, evenings, (021692) AJAX - large 1 bedroom bail ment apartment, separate entrance. Eat -in kitchen, parking, laundry, cable, appliances, no pets, non- smoker. First and last. $625 monthly. Available Imlgdiarey. Cal 427-1795. (02199M WHITaY - one bedroom bas'. ment apartment, stove and hidge. sepses entrance, dose to Hay 42. $475 inclusive. 430- 8967. (02169112) WHITBY - 1525 Nichol Ave. 2 bedrooms available immediately, $795.. fridge, stow, utilities included. Landry and children's playground ava'- able on see. Applications may be picked up from Durham Housing, 1615 Dundas St. E., 411h Floor Lang Tower, VlMitoy, or cal 436.8610 behvggn 890 and 430 Weekdays. (021892) 400 FApour = 400 " 410 ° AJAX sootiess 2 storey. 3 close to amen: ties. $75.7 Rem AJAX - beserre ll as"s"t' separate entrance, laundry AJAX - talo wry clad ans 11xe@ NM 3 bedreorn Wtk, ends► loom. air. append s. pw kng, $Y Win 111-- one $ bedro«n floor construction. Kklp/Townllne new GO and bus -ft. 3 piece Main with pool. arts 2 bedroom basement Dahaws, tr a- I Itaclhen, got - bath, non-smoking female W0111111. 5 a11P1 ' . central guile bast, bow rartt legill 'jt. greenbelt, garage, 3 new preferred. 426-9916. (021694 alrivac. parking. :1025 and apphrgN. April 1. SM plus ATTRACTIVE two bedroom $775 ilekslvl. CIA 427-7409, utilities. No last nionih with aprtrrsnL Whitby, dose b Go, (MOM references. 723.6069, 576 - very glean, parking, $795 _ 101E b"itio n plus den bee► 2613. (021 SM 5ineksjw. Aveffable Apr' 1. egg- maga r apbua nHer efhoppihy CENTRAL Whiney - 3 bedroom 5267. (021 SM Go. Liverpool and Bayle, laundry main floor bungalow, 4 PICKERING - bachelor and cable. $575 a1 Inclusive. appliances, carpeted, fenca0 apartment, lower level with 424755 3• (021692) yard, $795 monthly plus 213 fireplace in Christian home. CENTRAL Whitby - one plus dies. Firevia t, awllabie Feb. Suitable for one person, all b"Corn basementbrlgltt. neve 20. 666.2032. (022092) utilities/laundry facilities lyrenovals0 prkrasontance 4 AJAX - Wjia- estney Rd(401, s Included. Minutes Io Go/401. appliances vr9 $450 plus 2( cious house, duplex, for two $495 monthly. Mary Kass", 3 utilities, flrstAast, available families, separate entrance, two Canada Trust. 420.4200. Feb. 20 666.2032 (0220g2) bedrooms, central air, (021 W OSHAWA new buildingin car, broadloom, firscLace. large yard. NEWLY renovated one bedroom venwnt location onarid x$850 plus. Available raised basement apartment in bedroom apartments with *rope immediately. Call 640-7430. older area of Whitby. excellent slave. washer and dryer. prknp 1021692) neighbourhood. $550 per month. and utilities khckudad. Call 404- WHITES Rd. and Oaklahoma, 3 FinctAast all inclusive. Call 432- 1398. (TF) bedroom brick bungalow with 4581 or 579-4511. Robert. ()a PICKERING -one bedroom garage. $850 plus 2i3 utilities aPPtrVMW man floor laund away from Knob Hit. Bus r1. basement apartment. 1575 basment Der month. Lar 9 NEWLY rennovaded 2 bedroom kcluems Avaiabls March tsl apartment, completely self - basement apartment. 1300 837-0538. (021692) contained. $600 plus 113 sq.ft., appliances, parking, OSHAWA Two bedroom base- utilities. Both available March private entrance and utilities merit apartment. available Mar 1st. Cal 756-9040. (021692) Included. Whitby area. Call 721- 0239. (021 SM ch 1st. Close to south Gm, $685 AJAX - large clean two bedroom monthly, utilities included. basement apa"inlenl. separate PICKERING - Liverpool and Leave message 434-2326. entrance, laundry. appliances. Bayty area. main floor of house. (022092) parking. four piece oath. $650. 3 bedroom, central air. $850 286-'927 (021692) monthly, utiktosnckuded Cal Two room, staff apart mart fp B O W M A N Y I L L E - three after 5. 3630610 (021992) ren! on my country estate. 2 bedroombungaiow *..th gas AVAILABLE imrned,ately m rrkles est or Claremont, includes large den. separate bedroom at hein a .ery Quiet area. 1 1.2 Oshawa%Wh.lby apar,ment and full bathroom, shared barks. close to all amenities. building, spacious, carpeted, kitchen, separate entrance, available Aonl 1st. $900 m cintniy newly painted. apartment Close pool, gardens. and stables in . ulrlrtxes First and Law. 623 O bus. shopping, utilities rase you own a horse, fermis 3064 (021492SNC) n c I u d e d . N o pets - One preferred. Non srnm w oly 5650 PICKERING . 4 bedroan, men bedroom, $600. two bedroom, per month. also .00- 'a rent. floor. cities o acrical. waking $700 430-0134 (030392) $400 per '+oath Call 64912635 distance to Go. SW mrtoo thfir in- OSHAWA - March 1st. Large Or 5441118• leave message eludes utilities and laundry one bedroom. private entrance. IiOUSeS For �4requir�. driveway. 'ndge, stove. $550 1 A�varm e�Mar� 1,2 hydro First and las! No Rent 10218921 pots. 1-705359-1296 217 AI- agage NEW THREE bedroom sem. stove. Deft St. V ew. 4 8 p.m OFFERING ONE MONTH SHEPPARDUesdowvak ., washer dryer, freeze, FREE RENT FOR THE STN e' r De'ac-et 2 5'c'eJ. 3 :iwhN.hit fan. pets, no enter' ng AND 6TH YEARS END) bedroom, familyvinth •ppm Ilacilnties. available Mawcn 11675 mo,••^y avalla ae ;),us unlaces 6 rrpn•^ 021892) 11 --lam Asking $1,250 or .ease. South Oshawa 6551683 after 6 ONE bedroom basement 3;ms w'" Shared D•^ :022592' across !nom GM aoarl-Living na.room. Living $4^.O.,monIh. AJAX - 3 ooc-oo-, rumn flop, room. room, slave, know,. nog., stow. smgwate A",er52867799orAniata 'Dasa ro scnoo, and bus, 11900 entrance. $400 plus utilities 7070 'nonlhily vidudes •mess c cast Frtat aria last rvo car oa^nq. 0--.d kasl nrtiu„aC Avadabs Apel No pets. Cal! ctilleC!. 764.6667 AJAX -i- - 427b479 ';2'892) - -- 1071092) bed•oo^ bungalow, stove. TOWnhOUses hedge. utilities included s910 AN AJAX large 2 bedroom base- monrnly c,rst.lastrote,ences For Rent Mani aDamment. 4 apWianCee, ava,lable Starch 1192 839 Cable. snare 'aurdry, seoarare, 7569 ((1279512) entrance, rip cert. non sr'xal(er. AJAX sootiess 2 storey. 3 close to amen: ties. $75.7 Do, ,O- t 12 Dain, green i n c l u s i v e A v a�! a o s house crimen, fireplace, double immed ately 428 8359 garage ova& •c Go S"00 pe, (021692) marl^. ' -s' s' c .s _• t es OSHAWA -67 Wwuso i Rd. N..2 Available Marc' 15. 6817982 bodroor- „nits availabw $ ,9C (0710421 580 Bearnc St. 3 bec-oor- ..nib OSHAWA S,mcos N a' available April 1111t. SaS5. fnoge. Ta, -o- 3 Ded,00m. 'a,ge side. ut"Ma ncludsC 4o pets. iutdnen and AVIV rear-, chase to appwk.al'ons MON be Picked ..o SChoo, and shocp n; S65C at Durum r-ious ig. 1615 Jun- r-ionthry plus util4,es cwst',as:. dos St. E.. 4th hop Laing Tower ava,4ble ,Mmed4101y 683 - Whitby. or call 436 66'0 tie 29% -;CNC; tweet• 830 and 4 3C weekdays filled in WhiDy. Asking $750 FREE one months will van one 0220921 PICKERING sAwrb 29W sq 11 apartment, non-smoker wo rig'': d,c a DeC•oo,-. 2 1 2 AJAX Ox!oro 'Owers 2 . 3 ba• - s. p:us a .., 'dys oscroum aparmoris Avauade Rosebank alga S'45C per March 1st Pool, sauna, arge moron Ca +onn McCarter, Sites. Close to 4C' and Go 'iermx Gervse -image. 831 - From 11'00 Cal 6838421 enol 7 3300 or 686-3330 00220921 p.m.(021692) Markham. 10 mkt from Go. 655. OSHAWA - two bedroom units apartment, with private PICKERING SOX o1' 'ret BASEMENT bachelor apart mion'•u •unt �:verpOOi,iisy!y '-,en- !or ,err n Ajax Ow" Ava��ao�e Feb .5. new y entrance, non-strioker. S45C decorated. 3 bedrooms. main m o n t h l y. Call 427 5207 f Dappliances. or. 4 apances. s90C Siwe ;U1 ) utilities. F,rsttati. 284-4219 or PICKERING basement 8372401 (021992) apartment- separate entrance. GARDEN HILL on 1 aces on walk to GO. 2 bedrooms. country, A farmhouse known. appkanCes. SSW Plus reproduction, 20 nen. Oshawa, tri utilities. Call 683-5099. Poterborough. 3o min. Ajax, (021692 Pictenng. A rtsut seel $1200 LARGE two tMOroorn basenom plus utilities 416-797.2601 AJAX MONARCH BAYLY 2 and 3 bedroom townhouses newly decorated, fridge and stove, 1 1 2 baths. single garage, and basement 5818 - S864 month plus hydro April Occupancy minimum gross income 52,727; month required 683-9342 weekdays 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. apartment apartmn south Ajax. Ft". (021892). . stove, fireplace. Separate PICKERING . bungalow. hoover PICKERING entrance. parking, available floor. Weathome area, 2 large iLt11e1PooWnth area) immediately. $725 monthly. bedrooms. lanced yard. parking. Spacious 3 bdrm. lights. 2 mckniw. 6862295. (021 SM near schools and Go. Available appilit es, garage. Close NORTHWEST Whitby - 2 in. V. $765. Ca' Larry, 11 Town Cenlre.Fell fiMaib bedroom apartment in duplex 286-1264 o r 759-5075. Ca/ (PkWn9) 420.01 available April 1. $645 per non- (022192CNC) r (rorordo) 362 -RENT th plus uolikes. Fins and last. Merchant Property THREE bedroom complete piease phicii 6665074 also 6 nt limited home worh yard. Centrally b new «learn nheasage. (02169Q) filled in WhiDy. Asking $750 FREE one months will van one ONE bedroom basement per month plus utilities. Call year lease Lovely one, two, apartment, non-smoker athr5.43D4MD.(021794 three bedroom suites. 6 preferred, no pets, available SROOKLIN - FUMappliances, quality finishes March 1st. $600 monthly, al beautifully decorated,3 throughout. For more into or to f ;uusiv)e. Call 428-1429. bedrooms, 1 112 baths. main view call Josephine SnKW all ll « 579-3052. (TF.FRQ WHITBY - ThidksoruDundas. Large WCW Yard. 15 min. from bright 2 bedroom basement Markham. 10 mkt from Go. 655. OSHAWA - two bedroom units apartment, with private 3967 after 6p.fr(021492) available" tet. $760 at 240 erlt-. laundry facilities, 2 car OSHAWA lovely bungalow, nand Dr. Heat and hydro parking, cable and utilities Close to gk amee*jam neiiii extra. Fridge, stove, garage inckuded. No Applications included. $800 per maid . Avail- thew. 3 bedrooms, $975 per pets. able March Is'. 432.1627. nand Two bldtoambeeenata may be picked up at Durham NEWLY finished 2 bedroom, awl. $860 pr month In- Housing. 1615 Dundee St. East, 4thor calif 436 ckIdge use Plena 1.414 Flow.betweeen lease apartment, $470 per mondh pits hydro, non smoking. 6610 8en 9:30 and 4:30 4536993.0278?) week (1 Cal Jura, 7238902. (022092) 06HAWACerh4s ares, 3 bdrrtt OSHAWA -two and 3 bedroom PICKERNIG Vilags - quiet add bu%WW fin. basernrm with townhouses, includes all 4plex, two bedroom apant ant irr-low. woodstove, 2 appli- utilities, 4 appliances, close to available March 1. Hydro extra, anew. Available April 1. no schools and amendlaw, call 434 parking. large yid, seek to Go pole. First 8 last. 579.2910 or 3972. (TF) bus and shopping. $700 579.4081.(011214912) monthly. 2862375. (021992) jtj•IgjX - detached 4 bedroom, 2 TOWNHOUSE - spacious two bedroom townhouses. North of WHITBY - roomy Iwo bedroom st«ey. 2 1R washrooms, double close rt GO balk stations, bawrrient apartment. Inge bit, car garage. air cbnd4ioring, -sch schools. north and south GM, parking. available March 1st. No aPPtrVMW man floor laund away from Knob Hit. Bus r1. smoking/pets. $725 all stopblaci no pets. Available March atop n front of complex. Avai- inclusive. Call Stephan, 834 $1200 Plus trifle s. 427-1354, able March and April 1st. Cal 2451. (02169M Glen. (02169Z 434-5914.(021892) T!'d9lllle* (576-%** Combined Pr( sum of 1031000- every PAGE 22 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, FO. 14,1"2 420 TowlWuses 420 T°`M 544 500 500 Gas BROCK RDJHWY. 2 3 bdrtns., 1 1/2 baths, newly painted, 4 appliances. large ed -in kitchen, full basement with walkout to garden b garage. $985 + lAiities. PPG Menagernont Ltd. 759.9395 OSHAWA - 1050 SMooe St. S., Condos For 2 bedroom available mie"oly, 5807 plus ueNies. 455 Rent Rent Fridge, stove, garage, and RIDGE PRIVATE! IMPRESS dhiidren`s playground Included. MCLAUGHUN Square condo APPhiraliom may be picked UP foil Fart. two bedrooms, 1 1/2 at Durtrn Hoeing, 1615 Dun- baths, large balcony, indoor dos St. E., 41h Floor, Lang parking, pool etc SM a mond. Tower, Whitby, or can 4364610 inclusive. First and last. Avail - from 8:30 - 4:30 weekdays. able March 1st. Phone 576- (021002) 2850. (021492) PICKERING - Liverpool/ PENTHOUSE on the lake for Glenanna. townhouse end unit. rem• with lovely lake view. 2 spacious 3 bedroom, four bedrooms. 2 bathrooms. 3 appltanon air Gond fireplace BEAUTIFULLY KEPT - 3+ BDRM. - $134,900 o r- i u. r.. 1,457 90. Fr. REMODELED HOME LARGE KITCHEN Comer let, hardwood flooring, large kitchen, double drive, garage, 2 4 -piece baths, financing pom ble. Please call or drop by OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16,1 J RM. 337 Jarvis St-, .E Oshawa 4342875 appliances. Walk to schools and south Alai-. East Hampton. Mar - To IContra. AvaiableMarch t. ch t available. $900 plus $,075. 266243,. (02,692) monthly. first and last 428- OPEN HOUSE545 Vacation 545 Vacation PICKERING - large, clean 2778. (02169¢) SAT. i SUN., FEB. 15 Properties Properties townhouse. 3 bedroom. 3 stones 1i 16,12-4 P.M. AJA waterfront - beautifully of living space above ground. decorated 3 bedroom, fireplaces. PICKERING MAPLE 831-3372 Cottages For family and l i v i n g r o o m, pool. sauna, etc. For viewing dningroom. large eat -in kncen, RIDGE PRIVATE! IMPRESS OffiCe b Retail COTTAGE - $59,900 call 683-9318 or 416885.6244. garage. 4367070 or 241-9378. (0219W) YOUR FRIENDS! condlironed.IndoorPool sauna' 460 " 'Breakers- 4 bdrms., 3 baths, 1 5- aauash. tennis, underground Fantastic lake, new 3 bedroom shell, big AJAX - luxury one AJAX 3 bedrocn townhouse. bedroom. gorgBOuS lake view. pc. en suite, dble gar., Dark minutes to Go Avail- private lot, trout fishing, private beach, Wastney Rd Hwy 2. end unit 24 hr security, underground wire garage. $975imonth . 5 close to schools, must througnouT Partially finished peNmsnt $111.900 576-0037. township road, all services. parking appliances, rec utilities. Furst a last. references. Centre. Pool. sauna, available , Aid 5294,990 V , c l o • a n decor, central 416-34}2711 Non-smoking. ro pets. Available April 1 $900. 683-4236 Landbrd/Tenart. cost. Pet bver-femaie preferred. secretarial. downtown Osnawa. March 1.'92 428-3238- (0219912) (02, 9W) 831-3372 Cottages For 430 Rooms To LUXURIOUS two bedroom. air OffiCe b Retail LUXURY 2 bedroom condo in 670 Ocala. Florida. Has 2 - CiA Townhouses Rent condlironed.IndoorPool sauna' 460 pa,n „s. upgraded "Od"rg, •,ow a w00dnand Estates Only aauash. tennis, underground J 1 V For Sale D06 on site 549.900 u.s 6W. armor and flooring, frrsshly painted and Dark minutes to Go Avail- Change of Names. Willis 3397 (021892) Personals ROOM 10''w' scare krtcner arc bathroom tacilltles. In able Feb 15. 4+6-683-1444 NORTHEAST Oshawa townnouso. three bedroom end Cottages For LEGAL AID DENIED? private home. Burt OffiCe b Retail u'rla n- lour and three piece 550 Sale May ,1ep, Also Cal 6yly area A,ax. Hoc tub. cal setbat 460 brand new •,ow a w00dnand Estates Only lIiali esled Divorce. 2306. (021992) C••v S e armor and flooring, frrsshly painted and appliances, carosise. finished Change of Names. Willis r AJAX south quer home. own PRIVATE o",ce space. aaauidul througnouT Partially finished peNmsnt $111.900 576-0037. COTTAGE access by boar Horseshoe Lake. Arden Orn. 20 IrsuranceClatns. room. $325 plus gam utiiowneses, V , c l o • a n decor, central (f»092) x 24 sq.ft. dwelling let. 225' x Landbrd/Tenart. cost. Pet bver-femaie preferred. secretarial. downtown Osnawa. ono moor .er,ray, cion.. ....iti Dinpoa ono movies. ia•g- 108'. Waterfront. Asking Mamaga'&rthCertficates. 696-8506 (021492) ava,lable now fro- S30C PRIVATE A 1 stagbw -$134.501) $70,000 Steve aLynne. after 6. Pardons, Debt Recovery AJAX South - pleasant fur- monthly. Call 434-8766. (TF) for a 3 bedroom townhoulse. two 43290' 1 (021892) Business Registrations n,shed bed smug room, friendly adul home. share facilities. but - Cottages For bmhs. many upgrades. Iris hed basement, immaculate 420- - r hortgay. 580 �ncorporabors. Immigranor a door $85 week,v 427-0394 470 Rent '692. (0216912) insurance 1` CALL 428-6265 after 6 p.m ;02.692' one :arable PICKERING GO- 3 . 1 bedroom MORTGAGES � �d loans. 9C •ti FURNISHED room to rem near DON T wa' • 's •oc a'e •ow^house. vendor provide financing. �' p c . -g 'o", Centre . deserve �, no" sags f i r a - c i n g w i, tow down Ar �mou �yl� arranged n , n , Sega a'e •intra^ce. cable. •,ow a w00dnand Estates Only payment Exceilenl 11 o n. 3 Call Dour or Rick, parkng. $85 -iy Fritt/last. 9C ^.nuts NE d PiCkW"g Fes, equlpp•d. 2 3 0' 4 y appliances, carosise. finished Comvrxxi-y Financul Services. Services urge rurnisnec or unfumrsred 839.17370 ='692` o, 3 piece barn. ta.ated trate. heated baa gents. end unit. very tear. ro aponrs ft29.500 668-8946 Money To 100 V ear ad '09 house, mosny PICKERING clean, Drpnr sand pyo, sandy Dont p - _.. 575 bedroom . D 1 u s don. room,. a,r coi. Iii oned K lcr..n racrrr.e ling ono moor .er,ray, cion.. ....iti Dinpoa ono movies. ia•g- 520 Or1d0S FOf L a aur w person •rood DrY9roi+^d. 33 acme io corn. Safe - - ------ _--- RABBIT wants work doing wooer IrW a bo„ so wmek'y Fret and fast. 83ni913t �,pes available beginning May 10 5295 and up Per week BOWMANVILLE HONEv vrooie-wI Doors Dur d fir•"a1 Ovwduea We an flop $133490 Ouick sale - Prwn/m. Oshawa, lovely (C216921s ^ha o e Weekend culs. S spoeasona, oedroom condo. tiny but terrific. Loans, debt consolidations AJAX single room in large one :arable Air confl�goak leasing. tuna c,aij c friendly home Shared krtchen, lbedroom aconage y. for FREE CONSULTATION. Na laundry. and Dartung available. available. 1-705-653-1317. widow. bacMeon or coup.@ Must trona) Crwdit Ca,nMing. Prix Cal Pat at 4277113. (0216912) HOmes ser $83.900 Can 623-8989 •�t49xfvc, ening - Oshawa. 433.1425 AJAX-+arwood and Dryer Dr.. 500 For Sale tame all 831-7843 anytrne (TFALL) urge rurnisnec or unfumrsred GCB CONSTRUCTION nten NORTHEAST Oshawa luxury A Broker has $10.00010 kind on a Dr'vaM home Ac 100 V ear ad '09 house, mosny condo. Super deluxe. pre: 2 and a mortgage Repay only $221 cas s 10 I cabs 10 kxcren $325 monthly. renovated on two acres. 3C bedroom . D 1 u s don. monthny. No credt Checks No First and tact Cas 666-5566 nines norm at Oshawa and Atari numerous upgrades.:°.mesa exposure $299 000 Phone hasles. Cal Matnx 499.2400 A high quality sincere dattrr, and introduction service excka'veiy for the residents of The Durham Fagion Inexpensive. Thoughtful ,ideas), large tiers base WeI're9'�our"M u `�.; TO AdMeflile C� 5�6r/3�6 er T967�i12?1:1, Business Home Home Services Improvements Improvements the very best impression you can ita profess ally -prepared Laser Printed R4sum4 Masters • Covering Letters • Etc PHONE (410) 605-0167 FOR INFOPMATnp/ OR APPONtYHrr OMPLETE word processing) hcretarialfconputer program - ung services available. lesumes, business letters. stu- Jent papers. essays, reports. -anuscrpis. shorthand. dicta. lata entry, filing. Liz 420-0384. (021992) EXPERT set up and training in 3edlord Accounting or manual system Also computerized bookkeeping service with pickup >nd delivery included. 427- nOt9.(TF) LOOKING for an affordable answering serine? How 6 $15 per month. Cal our message centre NOW for a 1 week FREE trial offer' 619-0169. (022092) F& M HOME RENOVATIONS Specializing in kitchens, bathrooms, and additions. 10% discount for Seniors. Free estimates Call 420-7394 DOUG'S WALL III OILING SYSTEMS Drywall, Wainscotting, Trimming, Suspended Ceilings, Acoustic Tile, Custom Shelving, Specializing in Basement Renovations. 427-1281 SHOWER STALLS Repaired 3 renovated. Wall b floor tiles supplied 8 installed. M/C, Visa, B.B.B. LOWEST PRICES! Free estimates. Call Bernie, Progressive Tile 420-1689 DRYWALL FiNISHINGS Boarding, taping. textured Ceilings, suspended ceilings. Call Neil 619-0079 Painting Car LOU'S Renovations specaliz Decorating Maintenance ing In rec rooms. drywall. T -bar lessees ceilings, carpentry and painting. LOU'S Painting and DecarsrtS Custom Car Cap 428.8583. (021892) - wall papering. airless spraying RENOVATIONS - Cabinetry, no � 4 100 smell or too large 0ontinllle Service References available, quality a s r m r n t s. kitchens,. war manshp guaranteed Cal CotnplaM Car washrooms, additions. paving, anytime. 428-8583. (TF) and Truck stones. free estimates. Carew Conparhy. 432 6865. (0214912) PAINTING In 'Dr and "(Wgr RNia�t SABER Contracting - all estimateo � work. �3 carpentry, additions, M21 99Z 428.8765 •enavaIIons. kitchens. bathrooms. horns mantenanos PROFES90NAL parshg six -- -- emergency service. furniture waspaoenrp. 1 room or N' Fal we Flooring, refinishing. quality work house• guararwsed lowest rases Ca tl guaranteed. 15 years ng No job's too small ouallly workmanship guarareeed Cal experience 686-2915 (TFEFG) _ __ 430-25% anytime. (TF) INSTALLATION Roca •s. JOURNEYMAN electrician. WHY not give younetl a Ith •estretchs. sub floors. custom Specializing m service changes. D.C- dun the receesivi7 Part ant °orders, sane prices. rew,r g, additions and Service. 416-430-6323. renovations. All work Iaalpaper your hhOne by wades 33 59Z guaranteed. free str.wes. Call man with 32 yawn experience a - 420-6320 (TPA) recessionary prices. Fp free s I Ha tTlan �Y Heating, tame all 831-7843 anytrne Air Conditioning Pant GCB CONSTRUCTION nten Services and @Kronor repa:-s, renovation NORDIC hearing and air con lucen. laundry and bath. Non and Construction No job too big dxion L.T D. Gas furnaces from MAGICIAN, c -own 'r.ends or small n t needs to be done, $995 installed Tax included. Ready to entertain for any age. we can CIO r. Fastclsan Probes High VVIC " tum&COS from any occassion. Birthdays. Moral work guaranteed. Call $1995 tax included Low prices promotions. openings. Crap s 686-1913. (TF) on central au from $1275 in tundrasers. Magic shows are --- - - ---- slatted tax included Once 321- Home 1236 Horne fun) Lettuce Help. 839-7057 a (Scar). 428-9876 728-8334. (TF) Improvements (Pli (020 RABBIT wants work doing MOVtrlgr EUROPEAN t le magic for children s parties aux 1021692) Doer payment negotiable Toronto Ino or out of Iowr 1 I spec sts all occasions. have rrry own $94.000. 705-357. 1037. 57"-6205 (0218921 WO -367.6116 (TFAL0 JESUS �• an the blind ised renovate your bathroom or _ Storage magician, call Ems 666-4932 STUDENT NIGHTWORKER go bWV Dan menses krichen was* as ,ref as floor Whites Ro oa klahomha• taurdrY kncen. Brgm. Claw BROKER has $10.000 to lend at 575 TO 1M0r1e'' 575 To wail , The s '�0f 1e� end � X11. garage house 7 $147 per month. Contact Jerry Lend 282.9643. (021692) the .her. ~ $ 3 5 420-0042, (1�) at 668-6805 CommvMy Finan- WMTES Rd and Hwy $2. Bed- �+�• asking $174.900. 981 Isaiah 56110-12, John 10:11. • Flexlbim Terms sal Servcea (02209?) 5112 after 5 p m. (021 SM • Receivable 30-90 fit days Jun Campbell 1-705-963.6:75. GUILDIMOOO - Large room forCREDIT LARGE Sams, an I* 0 front, 4 PROBLEMS - PmrateFunds lucen. laundry and bath. Non protess.oral ron.sm.or ng ORON0-3bedroomranchstyle • $2.000 - -5.000 smokrg. w" I ng person. 11325 rnornhfy. FeWAsist. 420-5501. 71 Births person Share kitchen, bungalow on gorgeous 1 1,2 (021 99Z w • Cndf Cards bathroom. laundry. Parking. atxes, small forest soured wind- Stone., Oshawa. 579-5273. ' , Re,esublish Credit • Prevent Naos Gamnshas - Good For Fist Timm Buyers • Lille No Down Payment Close to G o. Available Ing stream•. great TOr kids. n -taw Venture Loans 72,....,.....1 1 w..ww Personal I Do immed'Moly. 6350 monthly, apartment. separae entrance. Mature female (non smoker) REDUCEO in Raglan - 282.9643. (021692) wo la deck, attached hosed • Stam up Capital • Low Monthly Payments WMTES Rd and Hwy $2. Bed- �+�• asking $174.900. 981 • Creative Financing • Flexlbim Terms tcrttrvg room. able tv., prone. 5112 after 5 p m. (021 SM • Receivable 30-90 fit days - CO Competitive Inlefes Rates parking included. Shared LARGE Sams, an I* 0 front, 4 •55.000-$10,000 - PmrateFunds lucen. laundry and bath. Non bedrooms. 1 1,2 hams. swing . Prwaw Investors • $2.000 - -5.000 smokrg. w" I ng person. 11325 rnornhfy. FeWAsist. 420-5501. glass washout to deck. must ant. Reduced $119.900. Open �y.� DMC CwFinancing (021 99Z House. Ss.. Sun.. 11 p.m. 654 • Cndf Cards • N*wAJ d Cars 450 Shared Stone., Oshawa. 579-5273. ' , Re,esublish Credit • Prevent Naos Gamnshas - Good For Fist Timm Buyers • Lille No Down Payment ACcomm• Greenhouse kkhsn. wisia, with or $133490 Ouick sale - Prwn/m. Oshawa, lovely T.F.G.east PICKERING - Hwy 2 and three bedroom two storey link. IF Liverpool. 3 bedroom Pleasant quiet court. single, Townhouse to share with 1 Canon. 111400. orafnly, inclusive. garage Flagstone weeuway. M Can Grant. 4203-5664 -6446. (021982) wralloul to lege &a*. Iernced yard. warm Inlahed baeemmrs. AJAX/PICIL MM - large 4 111400 Impntnly. 571-0190. (022092) Q Mortgage 580 584 claim 10 Go Train, SOUTH Ajax - $127.900. 3 s.��.�,�,,�� ■:leerart.0 r" (416) 60340M (0211192) bmdroon townhouse, finished TtY • share cozy furnished rec room, upgraded carpMs. lowest maintenance tees n 3 bsidr an raw hos . finished Alias. In r»rdiion. 683. ret room, an UDIUms included. �mo�/hwys�-in 9669. (0220812) Mature female (non smoker) REDUCEO in Raglan - prMmneQ Ill morse". Please $156.900. Two or three In -1 nnrn can 430-8740. 1(021e82) bungalow. sunken in dining AJAX - large, furnished room, in Foam, fimiscm. fun basernsM 3.000 sq.tt. home. Shared large convtwcial zoned int. tadetiss. includes phornm. cabs, Open Hobe Sunday. 6664106. utilities, laundry. Available 102U12) >kr95 morMflly. Cal Inrned50. 42B-0350. AJAX - 1585 54JL. 4 11, 1 no R (022692) ( main floor tamllyrooin with PICKEivm - seecutivm hone it ;1s1 3 baht. close b 401, to share Whites Rd. N., air, Go and school. 8189,9100. Cable. parking. quiet ares, $400, OPEN HOUSE. Saturday, 2-4, Bruce 637-2082 or 289 Mgt. 50 Chalfro s Cas., 427.9424. (021902) (0216M SINGLE mak looking b shah AJAX - dream house, rre,st be now three bedroom house with seen. BaarHuBy, landscaped, woo tither. Includes furr*hW professionally decorated. room and den. $400. EvayMnine Greenhouse kkhsn. wisia, with included. Whitby Mall ansa. esparals antranca. Badu orb ty value. some below bank '�" `a" Available imrodiatety. 728- green belt. Close to Go. race, special one in prwquaMy- 2nd ���' kr hnonn. con fidential service. imemediste 8805• (021492) 1184,900. Call 428.8138. in first-time any �r4� approvals, 7 days a week. CNMWA - Eat at 401, tired d y �~ Canada Mortgage Centre. 60" dumps? Sha brrraW- !BL R am appidiefs Cansidmrad, regard. L Imes d r I rating and inooms. Phone (416) 725.6123 Ian 3 bedroom hams, t. All sys- f Fast service and approval. (osha a). 11; - 2) a�on�ssmo preferred. �4^ Fines LIQ 571-2800 ) 7�I4f72 °show, 6062000 Pidorip. (TFflAll Rosea - .tartlet i Kann an thrilled to announce the birth of their daughter Madeline Louise at Sarbotougn Centenary Hospital an Feb. 8th, at 12:15 p.m., weighing 7 be, 11 of Proud grandiperterift are William eftte Wells, and Gary and Margaret R�fZ Special thanks to Dr. Thal: Karim and all the nurses at ScarbofDlgll CienMflary fflOA"t Forges OsiliawalftThis AjaxlPidcerhg News Advertiser Classified Dept. Is open for your convenience To Place Yot w Classified Ad Please Cal 576-9335 tiles. 20 yrs experience. Good references and satisfaction guaranteed For tree ewnass D Dykstra. 7251913 (TF) CUSTOM Woodworking . trwr r•or and exterior home �mproverne. - Call Raps Vol- ley Carpenters Inc. Small )obs we"frie. 2862156. (021492) DESIGNED and finished basements, bathrooms, adds - tion and second stones. Docks. TWO men with trucks -THE carpentry, plumbing and MOVERS-. Wnp do as types at drainage. Cap Walter Leaver all moires. Very eotpetitwe. Give 428-2145. (030092) uF&)eall. Pet576-9533. (TF) Tax, Financial Directory Ju a L'ahDehltry in AJAX Moving Systems - fun e°Dnova',ions carpentry.b "Mseho10 services. moves. apwmo..w NEED MONEY abirMry• doors. trim,, dryw, Pian) specialists. int rare o YESTERDAY Per" WkS wshr-i hem hourly, Specializing Oftg t Dualism hstwnasis. Licensed -Me-- Rnh Now onang tae. boas Car M -C -A - Jett, 623-5742. Work fully wih reeve. Can 427-0005 (TF) Mor% pa p-larwemd (0209e2) MEN with large truck wtl do M 8 N Conti household move. residential. �ati00 OOdary Contracting. nial unix commercial. An types d neves. (416) 502-8800 in Oaserrnsrt �art►lnmrnt aria Cab Carl a Jane, 427-2856. electrical. plurraing, drywal, in- (TF) terlodcing storks, retaining walk. ACCOUNTING. bookkemping. Fences. decks, reasonable TLC Movig. Local and out of payroll. GST. PST. financial r :ass, 15 years in business. burs- haltltr or tat rale. Ouft stttennmrrl preparation fa amu Guaranteed work, Mario 426. work at reasonable rates. buokwmses, inconr tat refutes. 10112. (0312021 Ptmasm Cal 427-3618. (TF) Cal Susan. 0063648. (021!192) 670 Petm 670 Persona 670 Flow May the sacrad hull of Joliette be adored, 91, i1- III loved and preserved throughpiA the world now d flow4w. Sacrad heal of Jesus rty Krlgdorn oorrw, SL Jude worker of Miracles pray for us, St. Jude helper of the hopeless pray ler us. Reeft 9 times deify for 9 days. Publication must be pDeisw. 1-P PMC Ativkor - Tina erdl6 past• present, future. By ttppeilartsllt. Dia, 7254143. 1o�1MQ1 can help A60-, - Ie I Neale - Divorce. Changs of Noo ee, Wills, Insurance Cuomo. LompodrromiL Pandas. mw- dage491th CenNieaue. Busl- non Fb000aft-. it fligranin CAN 42tt-e2e6. (02 Mi Corerol and family p;an- VD ~Motion. corNidmlNnl. JESUS In Oshawa - At the nine Counselling. Fill and Cd 723 -OW Monday 10:30la ryL moi- �Mble4 Maldo a p nL Room 221. Sunday 8:30Tuaedsys for and Thraedars, 484 705453.9475. (030502) Clinic: In OshowR Tuesday. 1 to 5:110 pJft. Cal 4338901 during ADD A idle dlltfo howe. (TF) aPi 3 Pm. arW �rr�ay 1 19 b p,rn, Piderig Thum. 3X10 pro_ mommas: -Cindy, Lica. Ohre Cindy. Li Diwo ADO"M - Happily married and Jennie- hate eac8ing per- b 6 Pm For fnlrMw irNprnelion qn 00-a 433.8001 or Pick. pin efilg 420 8781. (TF) ox far We F - Ids Bale dkcreM kMornw bn a loft home for a nor ban at WAS b Cindy Price, Doe 670- DISTRESa Centre. Ned some- ome- you g Chid. Cal Centel, 416 RD, Kelowna. B.C.. Vly 7P4. young oro b talc b? Cal urs anytime. 841-0574. (891002) Adults only pbs". (0312KI 433 -1121.427 -SL -4. (TF) .Ula It ` I L. I BEA BEAUTIFUL BRIDE Let me help make your wedding a beautiful memory with complimentary facials and personalized makeup tips for the entire bridal party. PLEASE CALL TODAY FOR YOUR FREE INFORMATION SAMPLE PACKET 1-01— M A R y KAY CARLA WADMAN 427-7308 ld, rtcillltt� I101) 1 �wttl fire bol�w��e� J �'U1t1C lltl�'"� llf 4 the next 'Weddtng 'Pizrnner will run. Mamh 13,191. ff 4 you waft to announce your engagement fru of charge, pkwe drop us a tett at 05fiawa,5Vfutby 7ku 'Wee( Wedding 'P(nner. P.O. Box 481, 765 f areweU St., r c��, Oshawa, Ll H 7L5. CONFUSED???? About Insurance We are easy to talk to and can prov de the nght answer for all your vtsurance needs GWILLIAMES & ASSOCIATES INSURANCE BROKERS I.M. 80 Melford Drive Scarborough, Ontario M1 B 2G3 321-M P�mt lsik4cao goo OSHAWA )VEDDIAG PHOTOGRAPHY To Suit All Budgets Feats From... ... $349 Dead F'rom.-- fit,, trs QSJ-"A 711 PARI tw. S. 06riAwA Zips for brides: Choosing perfect bridesmaids "gowns a The bride must select her own faille bodice with a floor -length less dramatic than the bride's. gown before choosing her tulle gown. To best complement w The bride must select her bridesmaids' attire. The maids' this type of gown, the maids' bridesmaids' gowns depending on gowns must reflect the bride's, not dresses can be made of one of the the type of wedding she is having. the other way around. fabrics, such as the faille. Slore elaborate fabrics, dramatic w The maids' gowns should be ' Style features in the bride's gown colors and color contrasts, longer similar to the bridal gown with should be complemented, not lengths and even today's mini regard to neckline and waist copied, in the maids' gowns. For lengths are appropriate for formal • Fabrics of the bridesmaids' example, a bride may select her evening weddings. Tea length or gowns must be compatible with the gown with a puffed 'Renaissance' knee -grazing lengths in lightly - bride's. Some bridal gowns combine sleeve, thus the maids' dresses decorated fabrics can be worn for a combination of fabrics, such as a should also have puffed sleeves, but casual daytime affairs. (V 1A So mach to UM care of, so many businesses b choose from. font let your business be passed by. This wedidwq 0anner is e amonft 09%awaaNYfti" re of the This Week, and the ApdPickeri^0 Nwa Advertiser and is a combination of Advertising and Editorial lo assist our now brides x in their plants. For more informaton please contact: F ,Dome This Week Ix, Terrilyrtrte kielt y�,� ` 3s. � 579M00 Ettt. 301 a� Ajax -Pickering n -AQvt adz( AAlt J r 3 w la 4663.51110 WEDDING BLITZ l AT S WEDDOO Nl1ATATIONS Reply cards, Napiats, ttlHd,es. Confes Cards. and all oMter items WEDIDWO CAKE RENTALS :40.00 EACH 3 layer Weddi Calces complete with Wedding Cake�fop ornament a Floral Clusters. (Your tdwice of Dolor). WEDDING FLOWERS Pwkape Plan =190.00 Bridal Bouquet Mother's Corsage, Flowers for 3 Attendants, and Ilouienniers & Fathers Corsapes. SARGEWS RENTALS BOTM LOCATIM 70 Mar SL L 571-1011 K hart Ph= 555 Slm m SL L Dear 'Melissa, Happy first Valentine's Day! You're 5 months old today! hove Mommy & Daddy John, This weekend not only commemorates Valentine's, but our first date. I love you' Heather Special Princess, You am the world to me, and I will always love you. Pook er V, Ladan. We love you. Osheghcum Divunatun Kheily Mikhohimet Rosvatim. Happy Valentine's Day- Ptdram-Parham Saeed r 16 Marcia, Happy Valentine's Day. I love you. LoviwR you forever, Dawseek XOX u ,Don't Forget Oshawa Wey This Week Ajax -Pickering Classified Dept. is open for your convenience every Sat. 9:30 to 3:00. To Place Your Classified Ad Please call 576-9335 THE NEM ApVEETISER FRIDAY, NM. 14,1"24%GE 23 650 A► 650 740 In 670 Pwwna 670 670 670 Pam MIEM.rm 11111 • aroars CA" t oU_"MTA_KB • RMS *MT' MOU6E AM T'"°', &I". h b'"'�"'""01r Ua�ntine's D a�a°e°r latte►artd t1� I MOST CERTAINLY DO SUNDAY, FEB. 167H, 12.N NOON (PREVIEW 10:X) Oft With Love... HOLIDAY INN OSHAWA,1011 BLOOR ST. E pie God,e a Parent slime: Quantity of estate, modem d newnds ladies' & gents' jewellery, sterling silver, gold diamonds, coins, silent teen aid Aorvent w sh our dad was hare Hooker. Here I sit, and think of you, I hope our dreams will come true. old bank notes, silver mint sets, SPORTS CARDS & . MEMORABILIA, glassware, crystal, Hummel, Doulton, rheic are o0ters J"� we �, n know, t love you, Jane Kaiser, Nippon, Prussia, Bavaria, Goebel, Collectables. Dolls & clowns, Housewares, Giftware, rugs, cast iron banks, bar signs, framed an of A.J- Casson, Bateman, ,N he tans We bvtedhim tis! / Across the miles. Feel me there my Charlie, 1 love you more each day 4 Romance, Egyptian& Italian art. Oriental Arts & crafts, Dow God take a Mark carved horses, lamps, Delft Blue. Cranberry, brassware, mm&Ve to our laiiherin heaven above, etc. Many more items too numerous to mention... To# him ho much we m MASS him and gim him To my loving wife lily Kumar. Have a Happy Valentine. TERMS: As per posted 8 announced, Cash, Visa, MC ow bYe Day - Here it is, in your favorite paper. Happy RLLEB FLEISBQIBQ BUCTIOAEERS We miss � much. Valentine's, Sweetie. I love you! Cathy I love you forever Vinnie Color, Cathy, Jason and Samantha. .Ula It ` I L. I BEA BEAUTIFUL BRIDE Let me help make your wedding a beautiful memory with complimentary facials and personalized makeup tips for the entire bridal party. PLEASE CALL TODAY FOR YOUR FREE INFORMATION SAMPLE PACKET 1-01— M A R y KAY CARLA WADMAN 427-7308 ld, rtcillltt� I101) 1 �wttl fire bol�w��e� J �'U1t1C lltl�'"� llf 4 the next 'Weddtng 'Pizrnner will run. Mamh 13,191. ff 4 you waft to announce your engagement fru of charge, pkwe drop us a tett at 05fiawa,5Vfutby 7ku 'Wee( Wedding 'P(nner. P.O. Box 481, 765 f areweU St., r c��, Oshawa, Ll H 7L5. CONFUSED???? About Insurance We are easy to talk to and can prov de the nght answer for all your vtsurance needs GWILLIAMES & ASSOCIATES INSURANCE BROKERS I.M. 80 Melford Drive Scarborough, Ontario M1 B 2G3 321-M P�mt lsik4cao goo OSHAWA )VEDDIAG PHOTOGRAPHY To Suit All Budgets Feats From... ... $349 Dead F'rom.-- fit,, trs QSJ-"A 711 PARI tw. S. 06riAwA Zips for brides: Choosing perfect bridesmaids "gowns a The bride must select her own faille bodice with a floor -length less dramatic than the bride's. gown before choosing her tulle gown. To best complement w The bride must select her bridesmaids' attire. The maids' this type of gown, the maids' bridesmaids' gowns depending on gowns must reflect the bride's, not dresses can be made of one of the the type of wedding she is having. the other way around. fabrics, such as the faille. Slore elaborate fabrics, dramatic w The maids' gowns should be ' Style features in the bride's gown colors and color contrasts, longer similar to the bridal gown with should be complemented, not lengths and even today's mini regard to neckline and waist copied, in the maids' gowns. For lengths are appropriate for formal • Fabrics of the bridesmaids' example, a bride may select her evening weddings. Tea length or gowns must be compatible with the gown with a puffed 'Renaissance' knee -grazing lengths in lightly - bride's. Some bridal gowns combine sleeve, thus the maids' dresses decorated fabrics can be worn for a combination of fabrics, such as a should also have puffed sleeves, but casual daytime affairs. (V 1A So mach to UM care of, so many businesses b choose from. font let your business be passed by. This wedidwq 0anner is e amonft 09%awaaNYfti" re of the This Week, and the ApdPickeri^0 Nwa Advertiser and is a combination of Advertising and Editorial lo assist our now brides x in their plants. For more informaton please contact: F ,Dome This Week Ix, Terrilyrtrte kielt y�,� ` 3s. � 579M00 Ettt. 301 a� Ajax -Pickering n -AQvt adz( AAlt J r 3 w la 4663.51110 WEDDING BLITZ l AT S WEDDOO Nl1ATATIONS Reply cards, Napiats, ttlHd,es. Confes Cards. and all oMter items WEDIDWO CAKE RENTALS :40.00 EACH 3 layer Weddi Calces complete with Wedding Cake�fop ornament a Floral Clusters. (Your tdwice of Dolor). WEDDING FLOWERS Pwkape Plan =190.00 Bridal Bouquet Mother's Corsage, Flowers for 3 Attendants, and Ilouienniers & Fathers Corsapes. SARGEWS RENTALS BOTM LOCATIM 70 Mar SL L 571-1011 K hart Ph= 555 Slm m SL L Dear 'Melissa, Happy first Valentine's Day! You're 5 months old today! hove Mommy & Daddy John, This weekend not only commemorates Valentine's, but our first date. I love you' Heather Special Princess, You am the world to me, and I will always love you. Pook er V, Ladan. We love you. Osheghcum Divunatun Kheily Mikhohimet Rosvatim. Happy Valentine's Day- Ptdram-Parham Saeed r 16 Marcia, Happy Valentine's Day. I love you. LoviwR you forever, Dawseek XOX u ,Don't Forget Oshawa Wey This Week Ajax -Pickering Classified Dept. is open for your convenience every Sat. 9:30 to 3:00. To Place Your Classified Ad Please call 576-9335 PACE 24 -THE (YEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, FEB. 10, 1992 Builders applaud the five per cent solution BYSUSAN FRANCE1' The minimum downpayment required by the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) has been cut in half - - from 10 to 5 per cent. The CMHC is a self-supporting crown corporation run under Housing Minister Almer Mc Kay's jurisdiction. "Basically, we are here to insure banks and trust companies against borrower defaults," said Mark Tokiwa, manager of the corporation's Oshawa office. "As well, we are involved in social housing, provide market information and research new technology for housing." The cut in the minimum required downpayment for a CHMC insured mortgage, which was announced last week to a standing ovation at the Canadian Home Builders' Association meeting in Winnipeg by McKay, will allow man first- time home buyers to purchase a home. Anyone who hasn't owned a principal residence in the last five years is also eligible. "The 5 per cent down will help stimulate home sales , especially in Durham Region where prices are lower than in Toronto and surrounding areas," said Frank Veltri, first vice president of the Oshawa Durham Home Builders' Association and the president of Veltri Homes. "1 really don't think people will Year-end leaves realtors optimistic With an inspiring year-end report and an average January market, local realtors are looking forward to the usually busy spring market, the Oshawa and District Real Estate Board reports. "We are encouraged by the 5 per cent downpayment plan from the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation," says the association's president Mark Smith. "The government is showing that they believe housing to be a sound investment, and that buyer confidence is what we need to continue this road to recovery. This should open up the market to people wanting to take advantage of the wide Continued on next page benefit much more than they can right now. If they are waiting for lower interest rates, lower rates are usually offset by higher prices." In Oshawa and Whitby, the maximum property price that can be accepted for a CHMC-insured mortgage is S175,000. In Ajax, Pickering and Uxbridge, the maximum is S250,000. In Scugog and Brock township the maximum is S125,000. In order to obtain this insi-rance, the buyers must not be spending more than 42 per cent of their gross combined annual income to pay the principal, interest, taxes, heating and other expenses, such as car payments. There is an application fee of $235, or $75 if the buyer is providing an appraisal of the property. Also, when the mortgage is accepted there is a premium of 2.5 per cent of the mortgage. This premium can be payed in advance or included in the mortgage payments. The lowered required downpayment will provide many renters with the opportunity to go out and purchase a home. As well, low interest rates, lowered prices, a low inflation rate and many builder incentives go together to create a good buyers' market. OPEN HOUSE SUN, FEB. 1 i, H PAL 5 KNAPTON AVE, AJAX ESTATE SASE Aust be sold. 2,400 sq. ft., 5 bdrm. executin home. Dir.: #2 Hwy west of Marwood, left on RiWn, second left Knoplon Ave. 4 .'f i r��Iii�i►it"i'Ciltiati44 �k+i�'.1 +r�!a:4i+)4hi�>Yc 1:ttil+it.�ih�:tiedtJli:ait4�:�CsRt't:Z�tl Real estate company sponsors Canada's Olympic team "We're really excited about our involvement with the 1992 Olympic Games nationally and locally," says Wayne Senis, of Realty World East. "Our goal is to bring the excitement and thrill of world- class competition into the homes and lives of the people." Realty World brokers across Canada are gearing up for their most results -oriented event of the early 1990s -- the 1992 Summer Olympics taking place in Barcelona Spain, from July 25 to August 9. To help celebrate Realty Worlds sponsorship of the CTV Olympic coverage, the company is running three "World Class" Sweepstakes across Canada. One home shopper in each of the three contest regions will win an exclusive travel package for two people. The prize includes return airfare to Barcelona via Toronto from the closest commercial airport to the winners' Canadian residence, seven nights hotel accommodation, daily breakfast, Olympic souvenir gift pack and five event tickets. Full details on the contest, rules and entry forms will be available starting Saturday from Realty World offices across the country. "Our sponsorship of the athletic games asOPEN HOUSE SAT., FEB. 15,1-3:30 P.M. 22 PARKER ORES. One owner home, 3 bdrms., 2 baths, hardwood entrance, fridge, stove, central vac. March possession or T.B.A. Convenient b plaza, school b bus. 1st time home buyers welcome $127,900. Eleanor Standfield, 6832992 Reinntt Genesis Ltd. isn't just a two-week commitment," says Senis. "The program is just getting underway when the 'World Class' Sweepstakes kicks -off Feb. 15." In addition to the sweepstakes and national television coverage, Realty World East will be sponsoring on-going community events -- such as fun runs, family cycling events, special Olympics and various tournaments and activities with local sports clubs and associations. "The Olympics, which continues to be an event which truly unites the world, offers our organization an exciting opportunity to support the accomplishments of emerging Canadian heroes," says Harold Waddell, president of Realty World Canada. Realty World has joined a select group of Canadian corporations -- like Petro - Canada, the Royal Bank of Canada and Canadian Airlines International -- In sponsoring CTV's coverage of the Games of the XXV Olympiad. 100 n Westney CANADA 4214111 AJAX TRW AJAX - PARKETTE LOT - LOADED $179,900 1,660 sq. ft, cent air• cent. vac., almost in-law apartment Cosy kitchen =nbnaton w1h family room has 2 w/o and fireplace. 3 baths, circular drive. Available immediately. Mary Wright 428-6654 or 427- 4771. 1W AL RYNBE.EK Styes Repteeentadw THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, FEB. 14, M -PAGE 25 RF/MAIC Genesis Ltd. 683-2992 ASK FOR US PERSONALLY D= GRANT sslss RepneenMlw WE HAVE CASH BUYERS FOR: 1. Detached 3 bedroom - 1,100 sq. ft+ - Preferable Ajax Area. 2. Detached 4 bedroom - 2,000 sq. ft.+ - Pickering or Ajax. 3. Semi-detached bungalow with an in-law suite up to $170,000. Preferable Bay Ridges Area 4. We have numerous clients for first time buyer properties due to the new 5% down regulations. Thinking of selling, upgrading or relocating - Now is your chance!! Phone AI or Doug at your convenience for more details or information anytime `THE MARKET IS HEATING UP" Just urder 2, DOC sq "' 3 becroom - prof fir bsmt Wet bar - cental aur Super court location Oversize fam. rm. w,fireplace - a u 1 ryas - . �,a 3 bedrooms Fnishee bsmt. Eat -0 k-itchen Waik o lake 3 parklands Aaprox. 2.000 sq. 4 3 3ecmorr Finished bsmt /wet oar Mar Ir. farr, " w'!reoace 5 -pc on suite off master bdrr Ce^nl air 6 vac. EOk -71 2.80C sq Ft. executive $23&.900 Mair Ir fam rm. 8 der 4 bedrooms Scarlett Ohara saanrase Mass.ve greenhouse waren Prime court - South Ajax $189 888 4 bedrooms Fr 06mt wet oar;4-pc Cert air d vac. Huge bngFt eat -v! kit. Modern eat -m kachen Frepace fn Iry rn 3 Oedroorms Hige br Single gam ✓ LANDELL WILL BUY YOUR HOME! at full market value' V LANDELL WILL BUILD YOUR ESTATE HOME! at an unbelievably low price ✓ LANDELL WML GUARANTEE INTEREST RATES! from date of puceLeee to closing 7b�e Estates of M&Vv Hoffm Homes on 1 acre lots backing onto the 13th, 14th and 15th fairways Of private golf course. From $399,900 GST included. ROAD 71W Hoym 3WO sq. ft. 84T9.9W • some restricuoins may SALES OFFICE 640-7020 con.-Thurs. - 12-6:30 p.m. Sat. & Sun. - 11-6 p.m. Fri. - Closed or by appt. PAGE 2&THE NEWS ADVF•R17SER FRIDAY, FTS. 14,1"2 January home sales up by 16 % Continued hom the previous page selection of homes on the market and the low interest rates, but were finding it hard to save up 10 per cent of the purchase price of a home. "We still look forward to a decision by the federal finance committee on the proposal of using RRSP funds toward a downpayment as another long-term initiative towards affordable housing for Canadians," Smith says. In the month of January, 287 homes were sold in the Durham Region by Oshawa and District Real Estates Board realtors. That figure is up 15.7 per cent from the 248 sales in December. 0 N ■ The average price was S 144,126, up 0.4 per cent from the previous month. Homes sold at 93.7 per cent of their listed (asking) price and the average number of days on the market (before the home was sold) was 62. The Oshawa and District Real Estate Board is a trade association which represents about 1,000 realtors in Newcastle, Bowmanville, Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax, Pickering and Port Perry. Realtor is a registered certification mark which identifies real estate licensees who are members of the ODREB and as such abide by a strict Code of Ethics and Standards of Business Practice. FIND THE HOME OF YOUR DREAMS READ TW Ajnl-Pkkerirp 3 TIMES A WEEK KIM A W Genesis Realty Inc. • 831-3300 I y SUN, FEB. 16,1-4 PX 26 DUCATEL, AJAX VERY DESIRABLE Hoitywd. kit. with dinette, w/o to deck, spac. liv 8 din. gyms., mn. fir. laund. 15 x 19' fam. rm. with fp., master bdrm. has 4 -pc bath and twin closets, vac., many upgds. Was $212,900 - Now $197,900. Wafter Brown 831-3300. Artist A (-nncept INA s0 t:4� In Courtice 'rhe Niagara 'A' 1037 sq. ft. From $199.")• Especially for you. The neighbourhood you've been looking for. The home you've been dreaming of. It's all here. Incredible selection, ravine lots in a community of parklands and greenspace. Bungalows, sidesplits, backsplits, and two storey homes. ' , ; • ,� It's time to live the dream. Fe W—emi, *limited availability e e e Homes up to 3,447 sq. ft., customizing and walkouts available. Fireplaces and landscaping included, genuine clay brick exterior. 50' lots, many overlook ravine setting. GATED Yi1.kI.Lm tY iMF ONT&mt "AR NI t P IMAA MAaa AV fY �1M.RAM OPEN HOUSE HOURS: l-sP,a 1y..7bW 12 -Spa �y O -d raft ad arwft DIANNA L.i1ANDZUtt Sala Rgeessntl�e 171 ■ -51 THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, FEB. 14, IM -PAGE 27 OPEN FAMILYTRUSTCoRPHOUSES CORPORATION REALTOR a SUN., FEB. 16, 24 P.M. 17 REDMOND [ —1 2 SUNDAY FEB. 16,14 PAC 1661 MIDDLETON ST., PICKERING AJAX PICKERING 683-842 8314242 [3]70 SUN., FEB. 16,24 P.M. BROOKSBANK ORES. F4] SUN., FEB. 16, 24 P.M. 18% BAINBRIDGE DRIVE, PICKERING 151 SU N, FEB. 16, 24 P.M. I 1267 ABBY RD., PICKERING i j SI SUN., FEB. 16, 2-4 P.M. 111 �� 11 80 HARLAND ORES., MUST BE SEEN Gorgeous home, 1,950 sq. ft., 3 bdrm. $196,900. AI & Manuela DaRocha 683- 8542. 2,500 SQ. FT. EXEC. Beautiful bur bedroom with 2 family rooms, loaded with extras. Steven Curran 683- 8542. SOUTH AJAX BUY! $164,000 Shows '10'. 4 appliances. Great locale! Jacquelyn Tanner 683-8542. 2,737 sq. ft., 4 big bdrms., fam. rm., den. Randy & Tam Miller 683-8542. ENCLAVES RETREAT Gorgeous 4 bdrms., sidesplit, european concept, billiard room, 2 fps.. $1,000 in upgrades. Kip Merriam 683 -8542 - $189,900 3 bdrm., main floor lam. rm., fin. bsmt., sep. ent. Maggie Mclvor 683-8542. 7 SUN., FEB. 16.2-4 P.M. 37 HARMAN DR., AJAX ---- 8 SUN, FEB. 16,14 P.M. 125 CLEMENTS RD. E, AJAX 9 SAT., FEB. 15, 24 P.AL SUN, FEB. 16, 24 P.M. t 10 RADFORD DR, AJAX JUST LISTED, =179,800 SWEETHEART OF A DEALtt The warmth of a tp., mn. Dr laundry and mn. Dr. family rm. and much more are yours in this immac. Ajax home. Marty Streeter 683- 8542 (24 hr. pager). FMN, FE8.16, 24 PJE 1316 POPRAD NfE REDUCED 3 bdrm. brick bung., 2 kit., 2 stoves, washer, dryer, $169,900. Rod Mendez 831=4242. FIREPLACE MATURE TREES Surround this immac. Upgraded 3 bdrm. badcsplit, huge kit., hrdwd. firs. $167,900 buys it. Call Helen Mason 683-8542. 2-4 PJL ® MPMFWli, FEL COW FANTASTIC 4 BDRM, - Features walkout bsmt. 8 2 bdrm. in-law suite. Call Gail Dal at 831-4242. SUPER STARTER - $1s�soo 3 bdrm. det., Wiest His. in. bsmL, cert. air & vac., huge lot 8 more. Colin or Mme Blakelock 683-8542. 0 SUN, FEB. 16, 24 P M 218 RANDS RD, AJAX � $189,800 Immac. & spacious home, mn. flc fam. rm., fp., eat -in kitchen backing on to g�eenbef & much more. See you there. Mary Roy 683.8542. 24 PAL 216 DE AIEY DDFEL RIVEPMAX'E6:"31 *TAL I �TERSL.EY DR., AM 2,300 SC. FT. & LOADED Huge fam. rm. with cathedral ceiling 3 fp., oversized master suite, dream kit. +++. Barbara Preston 683-8542. $186,000 A perfect '10'. 3 bdrms., 2 fps., skylight, CAC 8 more. Karen Whlker, Associate Broker 683-8542. F11 1344 POPRAD AVE. PICKERING SSM94 system, pod, 150' private lot, walk to GO b Town Centre. $183,900. Diana Stinson 831-4242, 663-4332. 27SUN., FEB. 16,14 P.M. 31 CHARLTON, AJAX Large three bdrm. home, eat4n kit. with w/o finished bsmt with a 3 pc. hath, wet bar plus w/o to rear yard, backing to park. List $170,000 range. Call Mike Newman 831-4242. V71SUN., FEB. 16.2.304:U PJ1L W FEB. 16, 24 PY 9 CHRISTENA ORES.. ® 25 PEAK DR.. AJAX INA CLASS BY ITSELF! 3 bedroom home, formal dining, french doors, hardwood throughout, fin. bsmt with a side entrance - unique! Sharon Chisholm NICE AREA! NICE PRICE! Gorgeous 3 bdrm., sunken fam. rm., greenhouse kitchen, main Door laundry. Priced to sell at $194,900. Brian Kondo 683-8542. • , ..,jPACE 211•THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, FEB. 14,1 2 AND I '" * -a - - 0 . 'T.V�% , - — , OW � - - VIEW WARRANTY 12 MONTHS/UNLIMITED KILOMETERS 'PARTS AND LABOUR •DEALER INSTALLED GM PARTS � ITER SERVPEOPLE WHO GET BE ICE FROM — — KNOWYOUR VEHI__------- � r s 50 PO NT INSPECTION Isi WITH EVERY LUBE a OILES FILTER a Pads) n'rig. Roto' p,um. Wheei NSIONSTEERING Sor�n9s. S,O_s_ Tie Rod Pune(I A& L) Clutch is R. Headbgttts L. Parkinglall. StOP. • SUSPE nk IdMr+g L1GfS IHead�gh Erids brier) Tle Rod E ws Oute'• Ce^Ke L' • GENERAL PEAfORMANCE ,Ehg ne. P T•ansm�ssan, Stee"n9 Bra„es) Signal ,2 WJs1*efd +,oe•. Arm. Steenn9 Bo'. Power Steerng CyM+de' ower • MISCELLANEOUS :Glass Condition Steering HOSQ�, gest Coad t•ovTens�on. Algnment . ENGINE ;Olt Lea Ks Oa Pa. O� Leaks Main Seal. O� Leaks Roc1er Gover. Olt Leaks' T mrcg Core'. E^g"te w Sherd was'*' rb^+) rear) re vrsuat fire inspection) P Wfper. Centre DRIVE SHAFT (U Joe+ts' front• �K• . EXHAUST SYSTEM !F"°^t oe. mounts)ANS . REAR AXLE (P -.On Seat) lett. sh«k. right) P'oe. Rear Noe. &acKetsip�I Hp • TRANSMISSION SYSTEM Automatic Od Leaks) �, :�E� NSIONN510N Beat ��95� � Wer pu,npl •BRAKE SYSTEM CONT - pedal and COOLMIG Lmesi LU • IL • FILTEr; ACS r TOTAL APPROX.VALUE $84" PLUS TAXES 1 r • MOST GM VEHICLES WITH THIS AD ONLY ; EXPIRES FEB. 21192 Ontario NOW Sales Ltd. Chevrolet • Oldsmobile e • Geo • Cadillac 140 Bond St W, Oshawa 436-7441 725-6501 Michael Boyer Pontiac Buick • GMC Trucks ns bn Rd Bruce Bissell Pontiac Buick 201 Broy St W., Ajax (1 block West of Heywood Ave.) 683-6561 Gus Brown Pontiac Buick GUMC Trucks Cliff Mills Pontiac Buick • GMC Trucks 266 King St W., Oshawa (At Park Rd•) 436-1500 Sheridan Chevrolet • Geo Oldsmobile • Cadillac Nurse Chevrolet Geo • Oldsmobile 1530 Du�ndas St E y r- tl Mtby K- 668-4044 668-3304 Bob Myers Chevrolet Geo • Oldsmobile Khps ., PlCkeling i� + rMl 1201 Dundas St E, Whitby 1800 Kingston Rd., Menng 425 Dam St W. 831-2693 668-8858 (1 We E of PTC) Ajax 686-5859," 668-8871 c 683-9333 427-2500 4^—c.w'�'�._ . 77 J SF Tri ww . °.:'"`�, TRt�'!""�. �"`1` �tr•G"''.f:wr " °�.F�i* r ._ y QTS s. �. Nurse Chevrolet Geo • Oldsmobile 1530 Du�ndas St E y r- tl Mtby K- 668-4044 668-3304 Bob Myers Chevrolet Geo • Oldsmobile Khps ., PlCkeling i� + rMl 1201 Dundas St E, Whitby 1800 Kingston Rd., Menng 425 Dam St W. 831-2693 668-8858 (1 We E of PTC) Ajax 686-5859," 668-8871 c 683-9333 427-2500 4^—c.w'�'�._ . 77 J SF Tri ww . °.:'"`�, TRt�'!""�. �"`1` �tr•G"''.f:wr " °�.F�i* r ._