HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA1991_07_07GOLF MEMBERSHIPS Full seawn =P 7 DAYS '100 SSW Mn.a VIRra.a ' NO CREEN FEES PAYABLE GOLF TOURNAMENT k BANQUET BUFFETa Weekday %feekend� a26"n_ �...,,129- £i ANNANDALE COUNTRY CLUB P.O. Box 9I, Ajax LIS 3C2 (416) 683-321' Ajax & Pickering N Ad -v& ff A Metroland Community Newspaper Sunday Edition PICKERING TOWN CENTRE JULY SIDEWALK SALE 1 - LV JVLY VOL 3, NO. 27 Slit + 41: GST = 55 CENTS SUNDAY, JULY 7, 1991 CIRCULATION 35,000 20 PAGES PICKERING - A Pickering man restricted drug and possession of a has been arrested for drug traffickin& restricted drug for the purpose of traf- Durham Regional Police seized Picking is Ronald Earl Bye, 19, of 130 grams of magic mushrooms here 1287 Bona Park Rd- Pickering. Wednesday worth an estimated street Bye was released on bail and is value of $2,000 to $3,000. scheduled to go to court on July 19 in Charged with possession of a Oshawa. Claremont `furious' over library closing By JUDI BOBBITT Pickering Reporter CLAREMONT - Residents of Claremont are "furious" over the news their library is to be closed until the end of September, says a local politi- cian_ Rick Johnson, local councillor for Ward 3 and a Claremont resident, is up in arms over the Pickering library board's decision to temporarily close the Claremont branch due to budgetary restraints. Council wasn't informed of the closure, but the community received the news from their minister in church, says Johnson, who adds he doesn't know how the minister found out. "I guess the Lord told him." Johnson says he'll fight to have the library left open at least a few days a week. '"The kids and seniors in Claremont don't have a lot up there. Leave something so the kids can get a book for the weekend. I'm quite upset about See FUSS. -Page 3 .lune home sales strong DURHAM - Home of sales show that many sales in the area were up people in Durham region by 41 per cent last month understand the stability over June 1990, reports and value of a housing the Oshawa and District investment," notes Real Estate Board. ODREB president Anne ODREB members 'Briscoe. helped 403 families While sales were high, change residences last the average price of a month, compared to 286 home in the region homes sold in June of last dropped from $158,102 in year. Year-to-date sales May to $149,557 in June. total 3,623, a "dra- Briscoe says it's matic" increase of 92 "a great time to buy", per cent over 1990, citing reasonable says the board. prices and low inter - "Our high member — _ est rates• Wr. .. ECONOMY RECOVERING: The economic recovery will be "slow and halting', an acpert says. Page 3. SUMMER FUN: Pickering libraries have sunn= activities galore. Page S. NON-PROFIT HOUSING: The area gets a new non-profit housing colnWim PAW 8. PACE 2 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, JULY 7,181 CLAVE OF EXECUTIVE HOMES ON 50' & 60'RAVINE LOTS When you buy at The Ravines of Fawn's Landing, we'll buy your existing home, GUARANTEED. Its a NO -RISK way to move up to a top quality Coughlan Home. Ask our sales representative for all the details. Then get moving! IN PICKERING CALL: 831-9269 a..... SION. - THURS. 1 PM - 8 PM np �� arca CLOSED FRIDAY r - SAT. & SUN. 11 AM - 6 F�M..� '0� UP TO 3770 w Llan O 0 0 0 NOMrw THE OAR $344,900 THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDA% JULY 7, 1"l -PAGE 3 Tuss'.p xpected over Claremont library,closure, FROM PAGE 1 this. I'm furious. We're all flabbergasted." In making the decision to close the library for the summer, "the board has taken a lot of things into account," says chief executive officer Sandy Cameron. "It's springing mainly from a budgetary problem. We have to save a certain number of hours." In addition to the summer closing of the Claremont branch, the Bay Ridges branch is also being closed on Saturdays throughout July and August. The board chose those two branches because they have low usage and therefore as few people as possible will be inconve- nienced, Cameron explains. "The board is fully aware there's going to be a fuss over this but we can't nut in a deficit." The budgetary restrictions are due to council slashing 550,000 from the board's proposed operating budget earlier this year, says Cameron. The cut funds were specifi- cally allocated for staffing requirements. "We made it clear at that budget meeting that this would affect service," he says. "We told them." But Johnson fumes that "We gave them millions of dollars. If they can't handle their budget any better than this ... I'm furious." Johnson complains that the library board spends its money on children's entertainers and special programs "and they say they have a budget problem." The library board's operating budget this year is $2.6 million. The Claremont branch is scheduled to close July 15. Its patrons are invited to use the Greenwood branch until their own library re -opens in the fall. The library board has been reducing summer operating hours at its northern branches for the past several years by clos- ing libraries on Saturdays. Economy will `bump along' to recovery r--- YWCA wants to honor top area women DURHAM - The Young Women's Christian Association (YWCA) is accepting nominations for its 10th annual women of dis- tinction awards, to be presented in November. The awards are presented in a number of areas, including arts, community service and the work- force. Young women of distinction will also be honored. "'lite purpose of the awards is to recognize the special contributions women make to the quality of life in our community," according to Oshawa and district YWCA presi- dent Stephanie Ball. This year's honorary chair is Nancy Diamond of Oshawa, a 1988 award winner. She has served as director of Outreach Child Abuse Prevention and Education, and on the Durham Council on Child Abuse and Family Violence. Proceeds from the dinner, which costs S45 a person, will help fund YWCA programs in Durham. Nomination forms are available by calling 576-8880. Tickets for the dinner, to be held Nov. 7, will go on sale this fall. 01 Bank PoonomNMSAdvertiurist has good news for board of trade members °� o MRI �'r, By KEITH GILLIGAN Ajax Reporter AJAX-PICKERING - The "worst of the bad news is over" but the eco- nomic recovery will take some time, according to the chief economist and senior vice-president with the Bank of Nova Scotia Speaking at the most recent Aax-Pickering Board of Trade ch, Dr. Warren Jestin said, "We've seen the low point in eco- nomic activity. In Canada, and the Ontario region. the economy will be bumping along for the next little while." Jestin added, "Expect a slow and halting recovery. Expect good news in September, but don't expect a big rebound, especially in the Toronto region." 0 The "pace of growth will be quite modest. Employment gains will not make up for the jobs lost until at least 1991," he said. During the recession, about 275,000 manufac- turing jobs were pennarnently lost in Canada, he added. Except for the Ontario govern- ment, Jestin said "government retrenching has been the order of the day", so the public shouldn't expect 9ernments to lead the way out of recession. In Ontario, the NDP government announced in its recent budget that the province will run a 510 -billion deficit to help the provincial econo- my. Inflation, Jestin said, is "last year's problem." Excluding tax increases and ris- ing costs for regulated items, such as transit fares and hydro costs, "there is no inflation problem," he said. The Bank of Nova Scotia is expecting interest rates to decline further and Jestin said that with luck, short-term rates could drop another percentage point. The bank is the predicting exchange rate for the Canadian dol- lar to rise before it starts to fall. However, Jestin said, "The exchange rate is the part of the fore- cast I have the least confidence in." The Canadian dollar, compared to the U.S. dollar, should rise to about 88 cents, but by the end of the year, it should drop to 85 cents and flown to the 80 -cunt level next year, says Jestin. "That, by no means, is a sure bet," he added. What could bring the exchange rate down is a drop in interest rates or "some event comes along, such as on the constitutional side. After February, that may take the currency lower." Housing starts and car sales are rebounding, he said. With housing, Jestin said the demand for starter homes is leading the way. Also the federal govern- ment's immigration policy, which calls for admitting between 225,000 to 250,000 immigrants a year, will help the housing industry. "Half of all new immigrants come to Ontariio and more than half of them come to the Toronto region," he said. However. Jestin added, "I don't expect the housing industry to go back into a boom market. Governments are fighting inflation and interest rates will stay high to fight inflation. Look for improve- ments in housing, but not a boom. The same with cars." The federal government's debt will hit $490 billion by the mid 1990s and it's paying $42 billion a year to service the debt. "When one- third of your income is servicing the debt, there's not a lot left over for spending," Jestin said. The figures, he said, were "som- bre and a drag on the economy." Cuts in federal spending haven't "saved a dime", he said, because the federal government has only cut transfer payments to the provinces. "They were only transferring the problem to the provinces." Canada is the second most indebted nation in the world, Jestin said. DELIVERY SERVICE WATCH FOR THESE INSERTS & FLYERS COMING TO YOUR DOOR WITH YOUR NEWS ADVERTISER CARRIER TODAY AND IN THE DAYS AHEAD SUNDAY, JULY 7,1991 NEWS ADVERTISER (AJAX/PICK.) 'A&P (PICK) 'CANADIAN TIRE (PICK) CASHWAY (AJAX/PICK) 'DOMINION (AJAXIPICK) FOOD CITY (AJAXIPICK) 'IGA (AJAXIPICK) K MART (AJAX/PICK) LOBLAWS (AJAX/PICK) - MIRACLE FOOD MART (AJAX/PICK) 'OSHAWA CENTRE (AJAX) 'SAV -A -CENTRE (PICK) 'SKIN CARE (PICK) ' Delivemd to selected households only PAGE 4 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY. JULY 7.1"1 P PPLE AutoGlaSs AN ALL CANADIAN COMPANY +� OUR LOCALLY OWNED AND OPERATED SHOP IN AJAX IS LOCATED AT: 370 Monarch Avenue — Unit 23 Telephone 427-0032 Owner/Operator: DOUG WELTON LET US GIVE YOU A QUOTE IN REPLACING YOUR WINDSHIELD. OUR PRICES ARE COMPETITIVE! OUR NEWEST SHOP IN PICKERING IS LOCATED AT 1035 BROCK RD. SOUTH - UNIT 3 TELEPHONE 427-3108 OTHER SERVICES WE PROVIDE ARE: 1. Windshield Replacement 9. Glass Table Tops 2. Windshield Repair StoneBruises, eta. 10. Mirrors 3. All Auto Glass Replacement Parts 11, Convertible Tops 4. Auto Upholstery (Seat Repairs) 12. Pin Striping 5. Sun Roofs 13. Winter Fronts For Trucks 6. Vinyl Tops 14. Boat Tops 7. Van Accessories 15. Fleet Service 8. Body Side Mouldings 16. Plate Glass — Store Fronts FREE MOBILE SERVICE TRY US! WE TRY HARDER! OUR SERVICE WILL MAKE THE DIFFERENCE! APPLEAutoGlass Pick of the Crop . • .. . u ... . �:.. • i.. Y�> M+..� e...14.c' � r i . • a • . N Jbs+My.:.L �'M�Y1Mh1>'� L'1�' W� T..�lM4,y��,�, � _ . ' . •' ♦ - . • • . . . Y. �l _ 4.� � ~ �. Y � A I ♦ . •. ♦. 4 �R 4 4 ti ��*±� _ mss' ..�•.� . �'.�. THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, JULY 7, 1991 -PAGE S PICKERING - Town libraries have lots of activities planned this summer for all ages. Following are Itehlights of programs being o red. • Rouge Hill branch (Rougemount Drive south of Highway 2; phone 286-2576): Story Times: Offered Wednesdays at 11 am. from July 10 to Aug. 21. Children aged three and over can just drop in. Films: Offered Wednesdays at 1 p.m. now until Aug. 14. Children over six years of age can drop in. Crafts: Children six years old and over can make crafts Saturday, oy 27 at 1 p.m. Call the library for free tickets. Games Galore: Board games, such as Scrabble and Pictionary, will be available for children aged eight and up on Thursdays at 1 p.m. from July 11 to Aug. 22. Register in person or by phone. There's no charge. Pirate Party and Crafts: A Pirate Party will be held Aug. 24 at 1 p.m. 011dren under six should be accompanied by an adult. Free tick- ets are available at the library- • Bay Ridges branch (East Shore Community Centre, 910 Liverpool Rd; phone 839-3083): Story Times: Bedtime story ses- sions will be held for children aged four and up on Tuesdays at 7 p.m. from July 9 to Aug. 27. The pro- gram is free and children may drop in. Films: Free films will be shown every Friday in July at 10:30 a.m. for children aged eight to 12. Crafts: Children aged four and up can make a pinata Thursday, Aug. 8 at 10:30 a.m. There's no charge; register after July 27. Music: Percussion and songs will amuse children aged four to six Tuesday, July 23 at 2 p.m. Register now for this free program. Wooden Spoon Puppets: This free program, for children aged five to nine, will be held Thursday, Aug. 22 at 10:30 am. Register after Aug. 10. Pests and Pets: An animal pro- gram for children aged six to 12 will be held Thursday, Aug. 15 at 10:30 a.m. Register after July 27. There's no charge. • Central branch (One The Esplanade; phone 831-6873): Story Time: Tales for Twos are being held Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10 a.m. now until Aug. 20- Story Time sessions for three to five -year- olds are held Tuesdays at 10:45 a.m. and at 2 p.m., and on Thursdays at 10:45 a.m. Teddy Bear Story Time is held Wednesdays at 7 p.m. now until July 24, and will be offered again from Aug. 7 to Aug. 28. Registration for the second session Auction Sold to the Highest Bidder's Preview: Tuesday & Thursday 3 - 5 p.m. Auction: Date Tuesday July 23rd at 7:30 p.m. VOfficeD�& Industrial Condo's MrJE � 896 Brock Rd., Pickering Kell S. Mapard (Hwy # 401 & Brock Rd l 621'M CALL FOR 11IDDER'S KIT lk It 711-7k- 3-k- iI"�IIF �1� 2ND FLOOR L MLL '"" �DDITION' SPECIALIST VG'c• will hclh vou d<•stKr: your dtratrt Mr,� r0offi We apply Ix-rnttts he FREE i .[is -.; Witt) cath atitidton Rcfcrcni i s avai .iNc, all work gu:uantc,•d (All. N0W. M CALL... vORM DAVIES CONTRACTING LTD. CALL 428-8840/839-4851 - Rdorerom avai ll" - M wall oulie d"d • Panda S- CHINESE RESTAURANT o licensed under L.L.B.O. 375 KINGSTON RD., PICKERING (Corder of Pmgw jffl Dr. south) I BUY 1 I I BUY 1 . I I ORR �K I GET 1 (Dinner I I GET 1 (Dinner) I W FRIED � ry" I FREE Buffet) I I 50% I Buffet) order over 120. OFFI - cash only - Offer expires July 27 Mon. to Thurs. ala atwesAgy 27 I Fri. to Sun. off- e.pwes.i�dy 2�, I . not valid with any other offer- - ■ - takes place Saturday, Aug. 3. Crafts: Children can enjoy crafts on Saturdays in July and August from 10:30 am. to 2 p.m. Wonderful Wednesdays: Children aged six and up can enjoy a varied program of activities on Wednesdays until Aug. 28. Details of each program are available at the children's department. Some pro- grams are free. • Adult programs Films: A film on Switzerland will be offered at the central library Tuesday, July 9 at 2 p.m. and at 7:30 p.m. The central branch also offers a film on Great Britain Wednesday, Aug. 7 at 2 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Register at 831-7809. Crafts and films: Adults can enjoy crafts and films at the Greenwood branch Wednesdays from 10:30 am. to noon. The pro- gram will run from July 10 to Aug. 14. Participants can drop in. Two minutes that can help save a life. Please take two rntnutes to complete this coupon for sour Iree pattern last. txxtklets "HEART ATTACK... A Matter of Life and Death". --GOOD NEWS ABOI;T HEART AT-IAC'KS- and your EMERGENCY RI -SPONSE CARD. a handy reminder of what to do to case of an emergency r---= -------------------------- ----------------� t To: HOECHST CA.. \D.\ IN(' • f'!ca.c send me y­ur HC wrt t r 19190 TranN Canada AttackFxN)klcls and Emergency Baic d'L'rfc. Quehec Rcslxrosc Card. t t H9X IT9 t t t , t `AME. t t , t , t , L ADDRESS , CITY POSTAI. CODE. or call 1 -800 -665 -HEART ; (This is the same as dialing 14800-665-4327) .,ea . Hoechst -----------------------------------------J SUPER S SAVE 50% �- OFF RED STICKE7,1 7� ITEMS 1 ' 11 UMMER SALE!! up 70ON%,TEM.. SELECTED TO THESE l SALE STARTS KIDSTUES JULY 8 v UNTIL SAT _JULY 13TH �.� *_ RE �S HERE s -wY 2 z n J SHYLY PAGE LTHE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY: JULY T. 1"t QlfP. C%OUfe- �Qg Mova Martin says, "Hopefully, yes." Marlene Wallace says, "Probably not. It was too small for too long." The News Advertiser asked residents if they believe the expanded Ajax -Pickering General Hospital will be able to adequately serve the community. Patricia Bortoluzzi says, "Yes. The community is growing and the hospital definitely has to grow.- Bert Batstone says, "It may not be able to do it well. The commu- nity is outstripping the hospital. It'll need more expansion." Tim Mulligan says, "Yes, I think it will. It'll be a better medical facility with more room for patients." Letters Responsible pet owners are a blessing To the editor: I would like to make a few brief comments to Linda Miller, regard- ing her point about the mother's reaction of fear for her children with respect to the Miller dog. Perhaps Mrs. Miller should not have taken it so personally. When my oldest daughter was 3 1!2 years old; we were returning from shopping. I was pregnant with my third child, pushing my second child in her stroller, while juggling shopping bags and a newspaper. My oldest daughter was bitten by a dog from behind on her back, under her right arm as she walked past the animal, right before my very eyes. The point is, it happened so unpre- dictably I had no time to intervene. Now that she is 12, the physical scar left by the animal has faded. It has grown lighter and smaller with age. However, the mental scar the animal left her with lasted six years. Whenever we passed a dog in the street, she physically tensed up and placed me or my husband between her and the dog. It took a lot of patience, coaxing and encour- agement to try to get her feeling comfortable with dogs again. This was of necessity because loose dogs in the community are unavoidable. I can happily and honestly say she's feeling more confident and it's get- ting easier for her to relate to them. Walking or cycling to school, or the library, or to a friend's house or for shopping, is no longer a fearful situation for her. I hope Mrs. Miller Closed Captioned Decoder welcomed To the editor. On Tuesday, June 18, 1991, I was honored to be an invited guest to the launching of the closed captioned decoder for deaf and hard of hearing subscribers by MacLean Hunter Cable TV I found it to be a very interesting and enthusiastic occasion. Have you heard of closed captioned decoders for deaf and hard of hearing population? No? Well, maybe I can describe what this is all about, as I already have this wonderful technical aid! Originally, there were two continu- ous lines of typed wards (closed cap- tioned or sub -titles) presented on one comer of the very first products of tele- vision sets: but, unfortunately and tanderstandably, the hearing population deed hose and demanded that this type of `communication link' be excluded from fuare models of televi- sion sets. It is only reoudy, in the past few years, dosed captioned decoders for deaf and hard of hearing persons have been made available for pur- chase, but the cost of having one was, and still is, very much out of reach for many of us. In the past, when I watched televi- sion programs with my family or friends, there were many, many times of deep -down wishing that I could laugh at all the sitcoms: be fascinated with all the documentaries: have an understanding of all the news items, and many other programs of interests. Let's face it noticing is so infuriating for an hearing person to explain some of the above items without spoiling a joke or missing the rest of the show! The past couple of years with my closed captioned decoder has provided me with many an educational insight. in the progtanu offered by the odevi- sion corporations and companies. There have been occasions when closed captioned did not appear, but every effort is being made to get all stations to provide this essential ser- vice. It has ban wonderf d to duciss The News Advertiser welcomes letters to the editor on topical issues, controversial matters and anything else of interest to our readers. %* reserve the right to edit letters for style, length and legal reasons and to withhold letters deemed not fit for publication. All letters must include your full name, address and phone number for our information. Letters can be mailed or dropped off at the News Advertiser, 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ontario, LIS 2H5 or sent by FAX to 683-7363. with friends and family the events pro- vided by television. It is also a joy to be able to get many videos, unavail- able in closed captioned at the mrnrie theatres themselves, and be able to understand and follow the stories of those movies via our own decoders. Ptrhaps 1 should mention that there are two advantages of closed cap- tioned. One, it is a wonderful way for young children to learn to read and spell; and two, there is an added advantage for the hearing population on some of our decoders. There is a special adjustment on the decoder itself to eliminate the subtitles! I am asking a favor San the Ajax citizens themselves. I strongly believe that MacLean Hunter Cable TV is pro- viding us the opportunity of a life time. I an asking that if you know of a deaf and/or hard of hearing citizen, please NO than of this wonderful ser- vice and I can gu acme that you will be very much welcomed with open wrim Me TDD raanber is 14OD465- 6609. I think what MacLean Hunter Cable TV has provided for the deaf and land of hearing citizens of Ajax is a wonderful, exciting project that should be taken with gratitude. JO Johnson, Ajax or others that have reacted similarly to her understand how people can develop the phobias about dogs that they do and try to help the victims through them. I live in the Pickering neighbor- hood where the small dog was killed and let me assure people the incident was real. I can also say without reprisal that the same dog killed a cat two days earlier. A group of us are supporting Mrs. Crosby in the court and public sys- tem. We want to ensure that irrespon- sible owners are made more accountable; this incident being th� case in point. Responsible pet owners are a blessing. It is the irresponsible pet owners that are most feared and we are looking for more personal pro- tection from them by public offi- cials. We want officials to make these people more accountable for the consequences of their actions. Barbara Cillo, Pickering NDP leaves parents without choice To the editor: I'm writing in regards to the provincial NDP government's move on daycare I fail to see how removing the private daycare's government subsi- dies will benefit anyone. The gov- ernrnent argument of their subsidies going directly into the pocket of pri- vate daycare is absurd and off the mark. Taking public money away from private daycare in favor of public non-profit daycare will either increase government spending or reduce daycare spaces or more like- ly both. Mr. Rae is going after the wrong end of the equation. Taking "x" amount of dollars away from a private business in favor of throw- ing these finds towards the already heavily funded "non-profit" day - cares will increase government spending on daycare, government Vending that is already out of con- trol, and this spending will be "cov- ered" by more tax increases. I look upon the private day care industry receiving subsidies as preferable. Maybe my math is wrong, but doesn't it cost less to spend "x" amount of dollars per space on a pri- vate daycare, than by funding a bot- tomless pit in a non-profit daycare where all purchases (land, buildings. supplies, wages, food, insuuanceJ entertainment) are funded by public money? So-called non-profit daycare costs dearly , just like government subsidized housing, welfare and education. The private sector can look after daycare needs as well as the govt (if not better). There are standards in place that are policed and the bottom line is if yoy don't like the daycare your child is receiving, there are others. If the daycare industry is completely taken out of the hands of private sector (either due to legislation or simple mathematics), then parents will no longer have the choices they now enjoy and I am not in favor of that. E, Teskey, - Whitby Jews Advertiser PETERS GORD C _CHARLES ABE FAKHOURIEmow Edftr John Pritchard DMPbfr AdlWOOM OepoMrled W1�3 l I%: t� ice.O«a>, EdR0r1o1 Deportrrlenl (ial-5110): Stoke Distribution Dpadr ion 6 PuF* » ��-slim: L t e . Tony Tedford, Debbie Woldock, Chris (Nears Editor), lelh GI�rt. Weng t�ant fid,TOM Galoghet, Al RhrNf, Judi RobbEl and Linda PLbN~Pink, s Arsenault, Geoff Earle, Debbie Burns, Donna Love, Homey McCormick. HIL Torn Buchman, Cad tUrpin, Joann* White (Reporters). A.J. Groan (Chief Reid, Jon Milburn, Camille Fakhourl*, PholoDrq the News Ade OW. garb eery a.roar, wsdrree41 and Ricoh of 13D Carnrwdd M.. 04M Orfa0lo L15 7N5, la one erb Metbmhd AI N PUM 1i aid orso,w,s vo,e a ebu- Telemorkeln% Rik D104 Janice tanroyloll d, Michelle , J. P - ban newspapers cera, includes: Adan Free Press Auaro soi.iw sarrle aonrw Advance.. * e Brampton Guardian. sumvton Fop. Comrvvtood Connection. Etoblcoke Guardian. REAL ESTAh ADV 11G Ni -tulle •w•er.w qrw », r. C 4 Joon Gper*MowrVActorVE*VAOekwood raep«w..+. lanyoon D*week. Lindsay no week. CLASSIFIED A01/ERTIiM1G "w9 Mbwrr, Alta Apporwa� 1i1d0lleworl •AOMarn Econorrlf A Sm. Moon Covdlan armobm Mkee mW News, Nw—imbet Era. Node row MYror. oakw Mors. olfawWNftVbr it* week. Peterborough 110 week. rtkdrrrond sTt1t•-9LiU, �9a-io796-7672a M -76636S e• V - • •,•wars' .. Mv.wrr+ntkgt.ruti«d� soaeaaupnkima,dsoAkeMurop .eNb ne. Mekolmrd Prkrkp. gbYtMq ext OUebrI Y o Arkfon d 111 *A h Erynpr- ltd. Members d NATIONAL ADVERTISING REPRESENTAM •h'ei,•,,e � eahoaah eam..rr. N.�.rvap«. P.aeiawr and cnida eom,..wy w.wwap.rs a9s-1800): col Down. Mr.,,..trolarrd Frtnikrp, The WAS ca+.nl a fin. N.ws Advedb.r M eockillom C7a• Mal rN*Yadlan Nurbr l<l17. Mal shbeopon bas h Canada: 1 yea 570 perftddd* Ofld p prolecfed bl► oopf►A�rf and urrowhorw� use N" wriftn M Is polilbeed Ameshef merves the "M to dw vii of refuse any OdldillorL ned of Ilk l ... .. .,. ._.�..�.�'.,A.y1�I,�t�4:tw++M+Wiau.w.u.R�..r...u..r....ra,._..—..�.....�.....a........,..• �R.�VA,,,��� THE NEW3 ADVERTISER SUNDAY, JULY 7, "91 -PACE 7 er-ters MP taken to task for truck letter To the editor: It is with disappointment I read a letter from MP Rene Soetens printed in your June 9 issue headlined "MP expands on trucking troubles." 40 Three years ago, our trucking industry was deregulated, not at the request of truckers, but at the request of shippers. We all agree the need to be competitive is imperative to every industry, however, one must understand completely the bottom line before making statements. All facts and figures can be made to look good on paper, which our gov- ernment does on a daily basis, but try life in the real world and it is indeed quite a different story. It sickens me to listen to our fed- eral government blaming the provin- cial and vice versa. They all waste so much time and money fighting over who is to blame, instead of sit- ting together to work on a soluticn to save Canada and the tucking industry. While it is true the independent truckers claim the GST back, which I might add, amounts to a six-month interest free loan to the government. The added paperwork and cost to the government to assess these GST claims and refund cheques is some what of a waste. The bottom line I spoke of earlier is this: our trucking industry has been sold out, this industry was left out of the free trade agreement on the request of our American neigh- bors. We now have larger American companies coming into Canada and under cutting the freight rates, mak- ing it impossible for us to compete. The question for the public to ask, is the saving on cheaper freight being passed on to the consumer??? It has been established through the comprehensive studies of trans - 'Honest' folk asked to help find son's bike Ofo the editor: good samaritan had found the ly I cannot call anyone who would I would like you to print this let- money which fell out of my son's steal from a child a human being, ter in your newspaper for the peo- pocket and was honest enough to went into our garage and stole ple to know we still have lots of return it even though when my son Alan's motorbike. good, honest people living in our saw him in the car park he was Alan is very sad as he got this area amidst the thieves that also already counting it. As my son was bike from Santa when he was five live among us. able to tell this man exactly how years old. One Sunday in October, my 10- much was lost - this good samaritan Please, I beg of you the public, year-old son phoned Canadian Tire made my boy very happy by return- if you see a child riding a bike that to enquire if there were any motor- ing the money, as after saving his suddenly appeared in your neigh - bike helmets in stock. The sales Wlerk money he would've gone home borhood "YAMAHA PEE WEE replied there was one left at very disappointed, not only having 50" RED & WHITE, 1985 the price he could afford. He got lost his savings but with no helmet. MODEL, please call me with any his money and asked me to drive We had only lived in Ajax one information and a reward will be him there. month when this incident occurred offered. He and his older brother went to ar_d we felt we had chosen a safe Thank you, people of Ajax, I purchase the helmet while I waited neighborhood to bring up our boys expect a call soon as i know the in the car. We saw them running in in. But seven months later we are culprits are riding somewhere in the car park and asked them what wondering how wrong we were your area. was wrong. The problem by that about the safety of Ajax, as some Alicia Correia, time was already solved because a 'animal' or 'animals' because sure- 427-9753 M • U1 border trucking, that we are indeed at a modest 6.5 per cent disadvan- tage of our American competitors. How do we stay in business with this kind of cost difference? The bankruptcy rate in this once great industry, shows we have major problems. What do we get? STUD- IES. While our government wastes time and tax dollars on studies, we lose our homes, our businesses, and our jobs. We have Canadian compa- nies giving Canadian jobs to Americans, and our government is allowing this to happen. As each truck is repossessed there will be another family hitting rock bottom, wives and children who are suffering also. The loss of a truck is bad enough, most of us have our homes tied into the business too, when the truck goes the home goes. No one seems to understand the severity of destruction this is causing to our families, and our children. God help us all and give us the hope and strength needed to get through the troubles we face. Sharon Reid, Ajax Traffic battled during heart attack To the editor: Recently, I was visiting some friends on Twyn Rivers Drive in Pickering around supper time when I experienced some pain in my chest. My friend offered to drive me to the Ajax hospital. We must have sat waiting for about 15 minutes before the traffic would allow us to get in, and about another 15 minutes before we reached Altona Road. My chest pain was getting worse all the time. Once we reached Altona, we drove along Sheppard Avenue to Whites Road and down to the 401. It was stop and go as well. It was nearly an hour before we got to the hospital. At the hospital the doctor told me I should have called an ambu- lance, but how could an ambulance do any better in that horrendous traffic situation even with its siren on. There is just no place for the cars to pull over. My friend says that around that time of the day, Twyn Rivers Drive and most other routes into Pickering from Toronto are always bad. I wonder what the people responsible for this chaos are doing, if anything, to improve it. I had a heart attack, but I am doing much better now, no thanks to whomever is responsible for making it so hard to get to the hos- pital. James S. Barnes, Lindsav Spring And Summer Merchandise • " .W':•. i INFANTS TO SIZE 20 0/0 nnie t S c h i l d r e n' s w e a r Pickering Town Centre 1st Level 831-5344 PAGE 111 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, JULY 7,191 The official opening of the 115 unit non-profit housing complex was held recently in Pickering. On hand for the ceremonies were, from left, Brock Township mayor Don Hadden, Pickering regional councillor Bob Mitchell, Linda Dionne - Oshawa regional councillor and vice-president of Durham Region Non -Profit Housing Corporation, Oshawa regional councillor John Aker, Ontario riding MP Rene Soetens, Partak Construction representative Leo Brouwer, Diane Hamre - president of the housing corporation and Newcastle regional councillor, architect Vas Kuchar, Pickering mayor Wayne Arthurs, Pickering regional councillor George Martin, Durham West MPP Jim Wiseman and Durham planning commissioner Dr. Mofeed Michael. INSTALLED HOME UWIPROVEMENTS INSTALLED WINDOWS Il�'�rFuv� 1 r -i twr H1\4v COMFORT OF YOUR HOME Have Sears install new replace- ment window in easy -care vinyl or aluminum. They'll look great and help conserve energy. too. We also sell and install pato doors. ASPHALT SHINGLE F-_— OFING. CALL JS TODAY CONTINUOUS -- TROUGH AND DOWN SPOUTS IN RUST RESISTANT ALUMINUM 060 rtE "IGS+ �i YOUR YARD WITH INSTALLED WOOD OR MESH FENCING INSTALLED CENTRAL AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM. NO PAYMENTS TILL OCT /91. On apprvoed credit Offer ends July 31/91 GARAGE DOORS IN CEDAR CLADWOOD OR LOWMAINTENANCE GALVANIZED STEEL SEARS ALSO SELLS AND INSTALLS PROFESSIONALLY INSTALLED MAINTENANCE -FREE VINYL SIDING I REFACE KITCHEN CABINETS FOR LESS THAN FULL CABINET REPLACEMENT SIDING GARAGE DOORS FRENCH DOORS HEAT PUMPS ' SOFFIT & FASCIA PATIO DOORS PATIO COVERS INSULATION AWNINGS CABINET REFACING ROLL SHUTTERS WATER HEATERS FURNACES EAVESTROUGH CENTRAL AIR fotw 24 hours in most areas) ROOFING CHAIN-LINK FENCING WATER CONDITIONERS f CAI I ' OSHAWA 725-4322 PICKERING 420-5582 SEARS CANADA INC. SEAMW PITCH -IN AND RECYCLE! SHINNY HOCKEY Monday to Friday 11.00 A.M.-3:00 PM. ARTTHOMPSON ARENA Pickering gets new non-profit housing complex PICKERING - A non-profi housing complex has opened here. The 115 -unit townhouse com plex of Orchard Valley Court is a 1580 Kingston Rd. The comple; has 30 two-bedroom units, T three-bedroom dwellings, fou four-bedroom units and si; dwellings designed to ensur, wheelchair maneuverability. 4 The venture was financed b, both the federal and provincia governments under the Federal Provincial Non -Profit Housing Program. The program provide. financial assistance by Cana& Mortgage and Housing Corporation and the Ontario min istry of housing for the develop ment of non-profit housing. BARN SHEDS 8'x8' • FULL FLOOR :549` • SHINGLED ROOF • PADLOCK . G.S.T. • BASE ReaA To Stain Or Paint L"LE DOUG HART CJ L TA �.� PURE SPRING WATER 428-0252 HOME DELIVERY -BOTTLED SPRING WATER -WATER COOLER RENTALS AND SALES SERVICE Ste. Anne's Pure Spring Water pledges to deliver: w Quality - bottled spring water prodaets w Service -with regularly sehedukd delivterks '& Price - our products do service conwIlidwly OUR 22.7 LITRE SQUARE BOTTLE IS ONLY $7.00 MONTHLY COST FOR AVERAGE FAMILY: $21.00 3 - 22.7 LTTRE BOM ES 14.50 MONTHLY COOLER RENMkL (emu be p abowd) 1.02 G.S.T. ON RENTAL 1.16 P.S.T. ON RENTAL $37.68 TOTAL 1 YEAR COOLER RENTALS PLACED BEFORE JULY 311'91 WILL RECEIVE 2 BOTTLES FRE NOTr.: YOUR INITIAL INVOICE W E L INCLUDE 7 REFUNDABLE BOTTLE DEPOSITS 0 $1290 EACH AND IF RENTING A COOLER AN ADDmONAL mixt COOLER SECURITY DEPOSrr. co" UAY BE PURC*IASFD AND ARE /VA4,AB1E IN 3 COIAURS. maw, I �_`Y1 1 TNM NEW ADVBMSER SUNDAY,, JULY 7, t9 t•PAGE .Billboard aulnoara a a free feature for community events of a son -profit nature. To have your events pro- moted in Billboard, call us at 683- 5110 or write to the Ajax - Pickering News Advertiser, 130 Commercial Ave„ Ajax, Ontario, LIS 2115. The deadline for Billboard items is 10 a.m. on the Monday prior to Wednesday pub- f^ation,10 a.m. on the Wednesday or to Friday publication and 10 a.m. Thursday prior to Sunday publication. Sunday FAMILY FESTIVAL: The Hermitage Community Association will hold its first Hermitage Family Festival on Sunday, July 7. A bicycle parade will start at 10:30 a.m. and the rest of the festival will run from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at St. Patrick's *II—k. The rain date is July 14. Call '6-5504. DAY AT THE RACES: The United Way of Ajax -Pickering will hold its first fund-raising event of the year on Sunday, July 7, begin- ning at 1 p.m. at Picov Downs, 380 Kingston Rd. E., Ajax. The cost is $2.50 for adults and children under 13 are free. There is a $1 charge to park. There'll be a LOEB barbecue t noon and face painting. Take your chis. Call 686-0606. BOOK FAIR: A scholastic book fair is being held by the Durham Regional Home Schooling Association at 296 Athol St. E., Oshawa, until Sunday, July 14. Call Wanda Coates at 728-3098 to arrange a visit. Proceeds will go towards the purchase of books and learning materials for a lending library. Monday BIBLE SCHOOL: A Bible school will be held at St. Paul's On The Hill Anglican Church from Monday, July 8 to Thursday, July 11. The theme is exploring different aspects of a Christian life. For six to nine year olds, school runs from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., and for 10 to 15 year olds, school is from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. The cost is S20 a child with a family maximum of S30. The church is on Kingston Road, west of Fairport Road, Pickering. Call Priscilla at 939-8557 or Barb at 839- 7909. Tuesday SWITZERLAND FILM: The Pickering Central Library, One The Esplanade, will show a film on Switzerland Tuesday, July 9 at 2 p.m. and at 7:30 p.m. Register at 831-7809. Thursday ANT FARM: Children aged six to 12 can learn about ant farms with Ted Alloway of the University of Toronto on Thursday, July 11 at 10:30 a.m. at the Bay Ridges Library, 910 Liverpool Rd. Register for the free program at 839-3083. • ;I�'' PICKERING I MUSEUM VILLAGE PRESENTS UNCLE RODNEY'S Amazing Bargain Emporium Sunday July 1r, 1991 I 11'" - 5m - Giant lawn sale of attic treasures, crafts & baked goods 1 Fortune teller Petting zoo At Clowns & children's games • w 1 Dixieland Band . Admission a bargain price $1.00 - per person _ ,,... Vendor space available for a nominal fee. a For furiker information please call: t 683-8401 or 420-4620 i (3 km cast of Brost Rd. on Hwy, #7 at Greenwood) F-1 L Friday LEGION HALL CONCERT: Musician Joe Simpson will perform at the Claremont Legion Hall Friday, July 12 beginning at 8:30 p.m. Admission is free and everyone over 19 years of age is welcome. Coming up FREE FROM FEAR MEET- ING: The Free From Fear Foundation will meet Tuesday, July 16, from 7 p.m, to 9 p.m. The meet- ing is open to those who suffer from anxiety disorders and there are sup- port groups and a variety of educa- tional materials available. The group meets the first and third Tuesday of every month. For the meeting loca- tion or more information, call 831- 3877. CHARITY GOLF: A golf tour- nament in aid of the Ajax -Pickering - Whitby Association for Community Living and the Pickering Rotary Music Festival will be held Wednesday, July 17 at Seaton Golf and Country Club. Tee -offs start at 9 a.m. Tickets are $80 and include golf, dinner, prizes, a dance and Monte Carlo. Call Myra Picotte at 683-3520, Jill Drinkwater at 420- 3016; Todd Robar at 420-2064; or Jerry Vaughn at 686-7025. MUSICAL FUN: Children ages four to six can enjoy percussion and songs at the Bay Ridges Library, 910 Liverpool Rd., on Tuesday, July 23 at 2 p.m. Register for the free pro- gram at 839-3083. PRE-CARIBANA DANCE: Club Carib of Oshawa will host a pre-Caribana dance at the Pickering Recreation Complex, 1867 Valley Farm Rd., on Friday, July 26. Music by Shandileen, featuring Ronnie McIntosh. Tickets are $20 in advance and $22 at the door. Call 728-4293 or 728-7130. .1.1.1.irArs Central Air Conditioning Installed from... $11495 Quality. - = -y you can ---�r�" count on! • Hour Emergency Service • Repairs • ©ectric water Heaters - Drains Serving MADE IN CANADA Durham Since 1970 CHILDREN'S CRAFTS: Childrm aged six and over can make crafts at the Rouge Hill Library, Rougemount Drive south of Highway 2, on Saturday, July 27 at 1 pm. Call 286-2576 for free tickets. clnaReW'S shoes Specialists in Ladies' & Men's Super Wide Fittings. SALAMANDER ° WHITBY MALL 1615 DUNDAS ST., EAST 72&9141 Call today for a free Consultation 4) "THE ORIGINAL ROLAND'S Is BACK" GUARANTEED ORwoNErJ...-. ..........a REFUNI. It ROLAND'S RESTAURANT _ koq ;W & BAR haVe��%0 FOR DINING & DANCING the Ca"b�food e�l�y the hese TRY OUR CARIBBEAN STYLE ■ the aOSp FOODS, HOT ROTI, CURRIES, ' ■ and CHINESE DISHES + MORE. ' ■ LIVE ENTERTAINMENT! ' ■ "STEEL PAN" ' ■■ by S. GOMEZ • ON THE PATIO: FRI., JULY 5 ■ ' SATURDAY NIGHTALL YOU $ 99in CAN EAT BUFFET _..__..� ROLAND'S y ; 250 BAYLY STREET AJAX IL 427-3442 Central Durham College The college for your life time offers you courses and programs to start, advance in, or change your career. There's still time to apply for. • Air Transport Technology - 3 year diploma • Electronic Technology - 3 year diploma • Electronic Technician - 2 year�diploma • Mechanical Technology - 3 year diploma • Food and Drug Technology - 3 year diploma • Civil Technology - 3 year diploma • Civil Technician - 2 year diploma • Quality Engineering Technician - 2 year diploma • Business - 2 and 3 year diploma • Legal Administration - 3 year diploma • Retail Management - 3 year diploma • Public Relations - 3 year diploma • Food and Beverage - 2 year diploma • Entertainment Administration -2 year diploma Durham College buses serve Pickering and Ajax For more information, or to register call the Admissions C>ffice 576-0210 ext. 244 Together, we put your dreams to work. a°v P.O. Box 385 Td. 416-576-0210 DURHAM 2000 Simco* St N. TDD 416-571-5560 C ° < < 1 • s Oshawa, ON LI H 70 Fax 416-436-9774 Air Conditioning from special 00 INSTALLED Ham►! Uffftd Tkm offer! JOHN RANKIN 666-9396 f°'"ln "°d V, *I 4 •). V •) 4 pill Wag. 1 I0 t Ll • • Don't - Open Your Hood to Strangers Special Offer Expires July 12g1 (On Hondas Only) TIRE ROTATION Today's firs manufacturers recommend rotating Mas every 2,.000 km to help extend hie lite, tiro collddion and inflation pressures are also checked. $ 95 �R 29 Front wheels TIRE BALANCE Unwanted vibration in your car rs not 0 annoying, but caused unnecessary tire, suspension a steering wear It IS advisable to check your Ore balance at the first sign of vtbrabon, or when rotating your twos. 0 RADIATOR FLUSH A FILL Iftproves winter warm-up, removes scale and rust, prevents winter freeze-up Includes Pressure lost $36 95 1r�lYiii • S�e�ce Ga ou •tt•M WHEEL ALIGNMENT A reisaliiaed front or nu ses"asfoa eat only arses enngssry da wear, bal wet 1 pncioes tad. wbide nw, be oot d slipain"t and not ere ee Mi f any ierCialon erht 1M tires are wan afinrtrnts ordkrdis tan ikarit eftw tM lie of your, t o $95 t♦Phe i Alignrrtrnt 69 FRONT BRAID SERVICE Regular maintenance of your front disc brakes is a must Includes removal of the caliper, cleaning, lubricating and evaluation of rernatnirlg pad life to ensure safe Drake operation $549511111,11111111111 Fitm SUMMER TUNE-UP Improves performance. saves fuel ileplace Spark Rugs Check Ignipon Timing Disributa Floor Spark Pkig Wins Air Feer Baft v Lwel Coolant Leve( Fwts IsKliwArd $74 95 Mom Hond� COMPETITIVE PRICES F+ee Leet awde se--, A—1 -w SUPERIOR SERVICE Hours P i IF bort Wed 7 30 a m.-5 00 p rrt Wed. 7 30 a nt -8 00 D m. �v+ Pickering 831-5400 HONDA Ajax 683-2751 970 Brock Road Pickering (Hwy. 401 & Brock Rd. S.) 13e a Farl of �9 Ui¢ry Special. 00 'Aw nHE POWER... IS IN PICKERING /, 1035 BROOK RD. S. � FREE Registration ...First 100 Members Only (Muse be IS years or ceder) TWO LEVELS OF SERIOUS FITNESS AND AEROBICS Contact Mina or Reshida for Aerobic information (Aerobic Sessions Pay As You Go) YAZ dt MARS HAS BEEN SERVING THE FITNESS COMMUNITY FOR OVER 5 YEARS..... ISN'T IT TIME YOU EXPERIENCE THE POWER 427 -MARS (6277) THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, JULY 7, I"I-PAGE If Idel 1($ l'I o L ENTIRE CONTENTS OF STORE up T070 0Yo OFF All Floor Models HELD OVER til WED., JULY 10 • Sofa Sets • Dining Room Sets • Mattresses & Box Springs • Bedroom Suites Crazy Prices you'll never see again!! • Occasional Chairs is Dinettes • Coffee Tables • End Tables • Pictures A small price to pay for quality. • Lamps FURNITURE ROYALE 1624 DUNDAS ST. E., WHITBY a4s-o 48 MON.-FRI. ::6 oo�0 � E ZZe CX e p 3 a at Hours P i IF bort Wed 7 30 a m.-5 00 p rrt Wed. 7 30 a nt -8 00 D m. �v+ Pickering 831-5400 HONDA Ajax 683-2751 970 Brock Road Pickering (Hwy. 401 & Brock Rd. S.) 13e a Farl of �9 Ui¢ry Special. 00 'Aw nHE POWER... IS IN PICKERING /, 1035 BROOK RD. S. � FREE Registration ...First 100 Members Only (Muse be IS years or ceder) TWO LEVELS OF SERIOUS FITNESS AND AEROBICS Contact Mina or Reshida for Aerobic information (Aerobic Sessions Pay As You Go) YAZ dt MARS HAS BEEN SERVING THE FITNESS COMMUNITY FOR OVER 5 YEARS..... ISN'T IT TIME YOU EXPERIENCE THE POWER 427 -MARS (6277) THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, JULY 7, I"I-PAGE If Idel 1($ l'I o L ENTIRE CONTENTS OF STORE up T070 0Yo OFF All Floor Models HELD OVER til WED., JULY 10 • Sofa Sets • Dining Room Sets • Mattresses & Box Springs • Bedroom Suites Crazy Prices you'll never see again!! • Occasional Chairs is Dinettes • Coffee Tables • End Tables • Pictures A small price to pay for quality. • Lamps FURNITURE ROYALE 1624 DUNDAS ST. E., WHITBY a4s-o 48 MON.-FRI. ::6 oo�0 PAGE 12 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDA% JULY 7,181 <, : Lw. .s\La"a �_? , Daniel Panko, playing with his brother Roger, returns the ball during a contest against Nigel Momonegan and Michael Manago during the annual Canada Day Tennis Tournament at the Pickering Recreation Complex last weekend. The tournament was a co-operative effort by Pickering's neigh- borohood tennis clubs with 64 competitors taking part in the doubles event. The Panko boys won this match 6-5. photo by Francis X. Faigal Doubles tennis tourney draws 64 racqueteers PICKERING - Dozens of Brian Natola of Glendale Tennis possible because of the generous competitors did battle on the Club who defeated Jeff Hales donations from Massey's court Monday at the Pickering and Brett Donald of .Maple Restaurant, Square Boy Pizza, Tennis Council/ Glendale Tennis Ridge Tennis Club. LOEB Glendale, Jerry's The Club annual Canada Junior The winners of the 16 -and- Drug Warehouse, Tim Horton Tennis tournament at the under portion were Deryck Leue Donuts, McDonald's of Ajax, Pickering Recreation Complex. and Brian Hurd of Dunmoore Bay Ridges Hardware. A total of 64 competitors Tennis Club. Runners-up were Adventure Indoor Mini Putt, from local tennis clubs took part Steve Madden and Andrew Barrie Cox Remax, Pickering in the doubles events. Diamond of Maple Ridge Tennis Photo, Paul Williams Insurance The 12 -and -under section was Club. and the Pickering Recreation won by Chris McNabney and The all -day event was made Complex. Sogrtans"juveniles, Qm 10 after�1 Q� WII1 AJAX - Double-digit scores helped the Ajax Canada Trust juve- nile rep team run its Eastern Ontario Baseball Association won - loss record to a perfect 10-0. On Monday, June 24, Ajax nipped Pickering 11-9, but at one point it held a 9-0 lead and that was ,,IL cut to 10-9 after six innings. The big play for Ajax was a long home -run shot by Shawn Neveu. On Sunday, June 23, Oshawa hosted a doubleheader against Ajax and the locals came away with 11-3 and 21-3 wins. In the second game, Ajax scored 10 runs in the first inning and nine in the third. Ajax will play in a tournament in Oakville this coming week- end. soccer tears JAMk N 'j � YF.:' !� Call our w um wnh f; your weekhr resuNs 683-511 O FAX 6113-7363 '�S•Z. +�'y� 1t' ' fA' i�. Y"1 s�4 w3.Fi 'L v,._.._ •,v1�T 1 1' Tr� �Si.._.�. Daniel Panko, playing with his brother Roger, returns the ball during a contest against Nigel Momonegan and Michael Manago during the annual Canada Day Tennis Tournament at the Pickering Recreation Complex last weekend. The tournament was a co-operative effort by Pickering's neigh- borohood tennis clubs with 64 competitors taking part in the doubles event. The Panko boys won this match 6-5. photo by Francis X. Faigal Doubles tennis tourney draws 64 racqueteers PICKERING - Dozens of Brian Natola of Glendale Tennis possible because of the generous competitors did battle on the Club who defeated Jeff Hales donations from Massey's court Monday at the Pickering and Brett Donald of .Maple Restaurant, Square Boy Pizza, Tennis Council/ Glendale Tennis Ridge Tennis Club. LOEB Glendale, Jerry's The Club annual Canada Junior The winners of the 16 -and- Drug Warehouse, Tim Horton Tennis tournament at the under portion were Deryck Leue Donuts, McDonald's of Ajax, Pickering Recreation Complex. and Brian Hurd of Dunmoore Bay Ridges Hardware. A total of 64 competitors Tennis Club. Runners-up were Adventure Indoor Mini Putt, from local tennis clubs took part Steve Madden and Andrew Barrie Cox Remax, Pickering in the doubles events. Diamond of Maple Ridge Tennis Photo, Paul Williams Insurance The 12 -and -under section was Club. and the Pickering Recreation won by Chris McNabney and The all -day event was made Complex. Sogrtans"juveniles, Qm 10 after�1 Q� WII1 AJAX - Double-digit scores helped the Ajax Canada Trust juve- nile rep team run its Eastern Ontario Baseball Association won - loss record to a perfect 10-0. On Monday, June 24, Ajax nipped Pickering 11-9, but at one point it held a 9-0 lead and that was ,,IL cut to 10-9 after six innings. The big play for Ajax was a long home -run shot by Shawn Neveu. On Sunday, June 23, Oshawa hosted a doubleheader against Ajax and the locals came away with 11-3 and 21-3 wins. In the second game, Ajax scored 10 runs in the first inning and nine in the third. Ajax will play in a tournament in Oakville this coming week- end. AJAX - For the fifth straight year, the Toronto Blizzard will blow into town to give first-class soccer instruc- tion to area youngsters. Blizzard coaches and players will be in Ajax to give instruction for play- ers at all positions during the week- long camp at the Ajax Community Centre fields. The camps will nae from July 8 to 12 inclusive.. The Blizzard will offer a half-day morning camp as well as a full-day camp. The morning camp will run from 9 a.m. to 12 noon, while the full- day camp will go from 9 am. to 4 pm. In both camps, the players will be divided into the appropriate age groups and skill ablilities. In the younger age category, the emphasis will be placed on basic soc- cer techniques as well as fun drills and sainmiages. The intermediate group wiU learn the finer points of the game to prepare the players for more competitive soc- cer. The advanced class will focus on playing under pressure, advanced tacti- cal applications and how to attack anijM defend as an individual player and part of a team. Players from ages 6 to 17 are wel- come to attend the clinics. All players will receive a Toronto Blizzard T shirt, a soccer bell and a ticket to a Blizzard game - A draw will be made from the first 30 registrations to choose one young- ster who71 get free entry into the soccer clinic. The cost for the half-day clinic is $55, while the price for the full-day session is $95. Arrangements can be made for ant's one needing child care between the hours of 4 p.m. and 6 pm. For more information, call Pat Vieim at 427-0245. Upcoming tournament offers slo-pitch and hockey play AJAX-PICKERING - Teams are needed for the first Ajax and Pickering Puck and Ball Tournament July 19 to 21. Twenty squads are sought for the tournament with each team guaran- teed two ice hockey games and two slo-pitch games. The hockey will be played at the Ajax Community Centre's new ice pad, while the slo-pitch will be played at various parks around Pickering. Cash prizes and awards will be given to the winners. For more information, call John at 420-7442. arriors_ soccer tears JAMk N 'j � YF.:' !� Call our w um wnh f; your weekhr resuNs 683-511 O FAX 6113-7363 AJAX - For the fifth straight year, the Toronto Blizzard will blow into town to give first-class soccer instruc- tion to area youngsters. Blizzard coaches and players will be in Ajax to give instruction for play- ers at all positions during the week- long camp at the Ajax Community Centre fields. The camps will nae from July 8 to 12 inclusive.. The Blizzard will offer a half-day morning camp as well as a full-day camp. The morning camp will run from 9 a.m. to 12 noon, while the full- day camp will go from 9 am. to 4 pm. In both camps, the players will be divided into the appropriate age groups and skill ablilities. In the younger age category, the emphasis will be placed on basic soc- cer techniques as well as fun drills and sainmiages. The intermediate group wiU learn the finer points of the game to prepare the players for more competitive soc- cer. The advanced class will focus on playing under pressure, advanced tacti- cal applications and how to attack anijM defend as an individual player and part of a team. Players from ages 6 to 17 are wel- come to attend the clinics. All players will receive a Toronto Blizzard T shirt, a soccer bell and a ticket to a Blizzard game - A draw will be made from the first 30 registrations to choose one young- ster who71 get free entry into the soccer clinic. The cost for the half-day clinic is $55, while the price for the full-day session is $95. Arrangements can be made for ant's one needing child care between the hours of 4 p.m. and 6 pm. For more information, call Pat Vieim at 427-0245. Upcoming tournament offers slo-pitch and hockey play AJAX-PICKERING - Teams are needed for the first Ajax and Pickering Puck and Ball Tournament July 19 to 21. Twenty squads are sought for the tournament with each team guaran- teed two ice hockey games and two slo-pitch games. The hockey will be played at the Ajax Community Centre's new ice pad, while the slo-pitch will be played at various parks around Pickering. Cash prizes and awards will be given to the winners. For more information, call John at 420-7442. arriors_ soccer tears RION— eT.a K1CK out o tourr s{ y AJAX -The Ajax Warriors' recent house league soccer tourna- ment proved to be fun for all the teams which participated. After several close preliminary games, the top four teams out of eight squads went on to the charn- pionship final and consolation showdown. In the championship final, Walton's Restorations downed Baker's Dozen Donuts 1-0. Meanwhile, Gerrit's Garage Doors hooked up with Rotilicious Restaurant in the consolation final. After regulation play, the game was knotted in a scoreless tie. Five penalty shots were taken by each side with Gerrit's winning 3-2 on under -10 house league select soc- cer team put forth a fine effort m the Robbie Festival at Terry Fox Park in Scarborough recently. The first game was against Agincourt with Ajax losing a tight 1-0 contest. shots. All the champions and finalists received a trophy and each player who participated was given a sou- venir mini soccer ball. Special thanks were expressed to the Toronto Blizzard soccer players who first practised on the fields then assisted the coaches during the course of the games. Meanwhile, the Ajax Warriors Max,dropped its second game of the tournament to a more sea- soned squad from Guildwood 5-0. However, the Ajacians bounced back in fine style to record a 2-0 win. Scoring were J.J. Czerwinski and Keith Woodcock. The Ajax squad fared well in the tourney, considering it was the first of the year, and the team was one of the youngest in the divi e sion. -_ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •'•,,•NNr•�•�•N,•N,•r'�'�•,•r•�•r•• ,'��,',',1 •',:,1.:•i •i •i •�.�,►w.a .� coreboard PICKERING SOFTBALL ASSOCIATION PEEWEE BOYS DIVISION Results from June 17 latermaker 5 (MVP Kevin Gignac); P.S.A. rates 13 vs. Coughlan Homes 12; ichardson's EGO Sports 17 vs. Both tndscaping 16; Whites Road Shell 16 vs. M.S. P. 10. Results from June 19 btermaker 15 (MVP Kenny Potts) vs. Pick -A- ix 12 (MVP Brad Clark); PSA Pirates 23 vs. V.P 16; Both Landscaping 14 (MVP Karl jsons) vs. Coughlan Homes 13 (MVP irsten Spahr); Richardsori EGO Sports 15 RickiJo's 7. Standings as of June 19 :AM GP W L T P bites Road Shell 8 6 2 0 12 atermaker 8 5 3 0 10 5A Pirates 8 5 3 0 10 xh Landscaping 8 4 3 1 9 ck Jo's 8 4 4 0 8 chardsons EGO Sports 8 3 4 1 7 NSP 8 3 5 0 6 :)ugnlan Homes 8 3 5 0 6 ck A Mix 8 1 5 2 4 PICKERING BASEBALL ASSOCIATION ?sults of games played from June 17 to June T -BALL DIVISION Ian Pro 34 vs. MacNeil and Roberts 26; cry Fire Protection 20 vs. Boyer Pontiac MacNeil and Roberts 30 vs. Boyer Pontiac Poulan Pro 34 vs. Victory Fire Protection SOUIRT DIVISION rry's The Drug Warehouse 13 vs. Fast 1dies 9: Boyer Pontiac 12 vs. Remax 2: ,max/Doug Cain 7 vs. Master Mechanic 6; kst Eddies 10 vs. Boyer Pontiac 6; >melife'Ron Shute 14 vs. Remax/Doug Cain I. Jerrys The Drug Warehouse 14 vs. Master Woan c 7: Jerry's The Drug Warehouse 13 rnelife/Ron Shute 6: Boyer Pontiac 20 Master Mechanic 3. TYKE DIVISION )yer Pontiac 11 vs. Quality Tune-up 2: Pet vue 11 vs. Rite Way Construction 10; ?r :fled Heating 11 vs. LOEBs 6: Pine Ridge arden Gallery 10 vs. Indoor Adventure Mini )If 6; Quality Tune-up 15 vs. Pet Value 3; to Way Construction 14 vs. Boyer Pontiac 6; ?rtrfied Heating 17 vs. kldow Adventure Mint cif 16; Rite Way Construction 13 vs. LOEB 5; tie Ridge Garden Gallery 11 vs. LOEB endale 10; Pine Ridge Garden Gallery 9 vs. )yer Pontiac 5. PEEWEE DIVISION allpaper Country 16 vs. Carpet Towne 12; v ss Chalet 18 vs. Papp's 11: Carpet Towne 0. Swiss Chalet 6; Pickering Honda 7 vs. (paper Country 5; Pickering Honda 6 vs. arpet Towne 4: Red Sox 16 vs. Papp's 6; allpaper Country 2S vs. Boyer Pontiac 8; ckering Honda 14 vs. Red Sox 12.. BANTAM DIVISION xnpuoentre 14 vs. Boyer Pontiac 7. Medical Card # Dufferin's Games Room 12 vs. First Tee Golf Shop 10; Pickering Village Sports 13 vs. First Tee Golf Shop 9; Dufferin-s Games Room 16 VS. Compucentre 6; First Tee Golf Shop 15 vs. Bay Ridge Florist 12; Pickering Village Sports 20 vs. Boyer Pontiac 5; Bay Ridge Florist 16 VS. Boyer Pontiac 5: Pickering Village Sports 28 vs. Dufferins Games Room 8. MIDGET DIVISION Tidy Car 11 vs. Pic kfair Plaza 10; Marchants 11 vs. Red Sox 6; Tidy Car 13 vs. Marchants 5; Pickfiar Plaza 18 vs. Red Sox 14; Tidy Car 9 vs. Red Sox 5; Marchants 12 vs. Pic kfiar Plaza 8; Marchants 17 vs. Red Sox 9; Pickfair Plaza 10 vs. Tidy Car 9. PICKERING SOFTBALL ASSOCIATION SENIOR T -BALL GIRLS' DIVISION Standings as of June 27 TEAM G W L T PTS State Farm Insurance 8 7 0 1 15 Auto Expressions 10 7 2 1 15 Aexcel Ins. Brokers 10 5 3 2 12 Dominion Color 9 3 6 0 6 Elirpa Construction 10 3 7 0 6 Mercy Heating b AC 9 1 8 0 2 Results from June 25 Elirpa Construction 24 (MVP Vanessa Relitzki) vs. Mercy Heating and Air Conditioning 21 (MVP Michelle Adolph); Auto Expressions 22 (MVP Natalie McCullough) vs. Aexcel Insurance Brokers 21 (MVP Chantel McConnell). Results from June 27 Aexcel Insurance Brokers 19 (MVP Sarah Young) vs. Elirpa Construction 18 (MVP Pauline Harm); Auto Expressions 22 (MVP Stacey Armstrong) vs. Dominion Color 20 (MVP Shannon 1 fewert). PICKERING SOCCER CLUB Gids' division results for the week ending June 28. UNDER -e DIVISION PSC LOEB Glendale 1 vs. PSC Blizzard 1 (Goal by Erin Sdcock) PSC Boyer Pontiac - Buick 4 (Goals by Christine Axe 4) vs. PSC Slo-Sports 2 (Goals by Lindsay Civello and Christina Pearsall). The Kelsey's players of the week were Bobbi Axe and Ashley Bridgeman for Boyers and Cardin Pask and Tari Alexander for Slo-Sports. UNDER -10 DIVISION PSC Pickering Slo-Sports 7 (Goals by Vanessa Steinwall 3, Melissa Kostesk . Carlene Firman, Katrina Dunn and Karen McKenzie) vs. PSC Payless Drug Emporium 0. The Kelsey's players of the week are Vanessa Steinwall and Katrina Dunn. UNDER -12 DIVISION PSC Marlin Travel 4 (Goals by Nikki Grieco 2. Cheryl Brunet and Sheila Keber) vs. OPSC Zippy Print 0. Outstanding performances by Lisa Dyberi and Adrianne Lupson for Marlin Travel and Tracey Nemeth and Carolyn Lue for Zippy Print. UNDER -12 REP Pickerng Power Harvey's 1 (Goal by Ainsley Yule) vs Scarborough United .'A' 3. Registration Form Ontario Hockey Schools • 0 Name: Phone: Home Address: Bus. Postal Code: City: Players Age: Level of Hockey Played (90-91) Position Played: Sweater Size: Youth S M L Adult S M L (INDICATE SESSION RETURN YOUR COMPLETED APPLICATION AND CHEQUE - OR MONEY ORDER MADE PAYABLE TO: ONTARIO HOCKEY SCHOOLS _ 1707 SILVERTHORN SQUARE PICKERING, ONTARIO L1V SCS Outstanding players were Rupi Randhawa and Andrea Mitchell. UNDER -14 DIVISION PSC Kelsey's 0 vs. PSC Annandale Dodge 0. Outstanding defensive performances by Tanya Wutschert, Erin Wheeler and Kendra Guest for Kelsey's. UNDER -16 DIVISION PSC Hayes -Dana 2 (Goals by Sarah Gowdry and Heather Lott. Outstanding performance by Melanie Cayford) vs. Darlington 3. WESTSHORE MIXED SLO-PITCH LEAGUE Results to July 3 Binn's Kitchens 13 vs. Piccadeli 7; Cavanaugh Electric 21 vs. Pickering Tile Centre 18; Bayly's 19 vs. Mobile Vacuum 17; West Rouge Cycle 20 vs. Cal Sayer Electric 12; John's Tire wins by default over Travel Port. LEAGUE STANDINGS TEAM W L T RF RA PTS West Rouge Cycle 6 1 0 124 65 12 Pickering Tile Centre 5 2 0 111 64 10 Piccadeli 5 2 0101 76 10 John's Tire 5 2 0 84 70 10 Travel Port 4 3 0 122 106 8 Bayly's 4 3 0108 113 8 Cavanagh Electric 3 4 0 93 128 6 Celebrity Lanes 3 4 0 90 92 6 Dnn's Kitchens 3 4 0 90 111 6 Mobile Vacuum 2 5 0 85 126 4 Cal Sayers Electric 1 5 1 108 144 3 Langley Plumbing 0 6 1 44 65 1 AJAX WARRIORS SOCCER CLUB UNDER -12 BOYS' DIVISION Results of June 6 Ajax Hydro 6 (Goals by Joey Frazer 2, Erik Bradstock 2, Jeff LUttleichn 2) vs. Ajax Vanice Pizza 2 (Goals by Jason Moreau 2); Beckford Service Centre 2 (Goals by Ryan Noonan and Jason Segobin) vs. Little Caesar's Pizza 2 (Goals by Jamie Lee and Kurt Taylor) Results of June 13 Ajax Little Caesars Pizza 9 (Goals by Allan Racette 4, Jamie Lee. Kurt Taylor 3, Paul Sahata) vs. Ajax Venice Pizza 1 (Ryan Brown). June 20 results Beckford's Service Centre 6 (Goals by Ryan Noonan 3, David McBride. Chad Ming, Jason Segob,n); Little Caesars Pizza 6 (Goals by Kurt Taylor 2, Brian Biffin, Paul Sahota, Josh McDonald, Allan RaceRe) vs. Kinsmen Club 0. Results of June 27 Ajax Hydro 3 (Goals by Matt McAslan, Joey Fraser, Mike Clabby) vs. Little Caesars Pizza 2 (Jason Rutland 2): Beckford's Service Station 2 (Goals by Billy Wallace, David McBride) vs. Kinsmen 2 (Goals by John Crocker. Deva Bass). LEAGUE STANDINGS TEAM W L T PTS THE NEWS ADVEWMEIR SUNDAY, JULY 7, loll -PAGE 13 Ajax Hydro 3 0 0 6 Little Caesars Pizza 2 1 1 5 Beckford Service Centre 1 0 2 4 Kinsmen 0 2 1 1 Ajax Venice Pizza 0 3 0 0 UNDER -10 BOYS' DIVISION Results for week of June 24 Roland's Gourmet Foods 2 (Greg Petrie 2) vs. Walton's Restorations 1 (Tayo Akinbiyi); Jensen Auto Body 7 (Shane Foster 2, Jamie Hyde 2, Blair Colby, Jugveer Randhawa, Keith Woodcock) vs. Rotiliscious Restaurants 0; Gerrit's Garage Doors 3 (Adam Hutchings 2, Jamie Homey) vs. Bakers Dozen Donuts 0; Simon Appraisals 9 -.s. Parker Interiors 1. Results for the week of July 1 Simon Appraisals 2 (Darryl Sandilands. Daniel Seens) vs. Walton's Restorations 0: Bakers Dozen Donuts 3 (Allan Wvod, Vince Catania, John Kingate) vs. Rotiliscious Restaurant 0; Gerrirs Garage Doors 4 (JJ Czerwinski, Jamie Horney, Adam Hutchings 2) vs. Roland's Gourmet Foods 3 (Stephen Petrie, Nicholas Castanheiro, Greg Petrie); Parker Interiors 3 (Jonathan Branzanti, Chris Raynor, Emilio San Martin) vs. Jensen Auto Body 1 (Jamie Hyde). UNDER -5 BOYS DIVISION Results for the week of June 17 Distinctive Decorating 4 (Gordon Caldwell 3, Stephen Dizig) vs. J. LaLonde Machinery Movers 1 (Joshua Drazikov); Esso Clean 'n' Fil 2 (Yiorgo Chnstadoulou 2) vs. MacLean Hunter Cable 0; Black Angus Freezer Beef 5 (Jordan Price 4, Simon Breau) vs. Burns b Morison Insurance 2 (Scott Kovacs, Jason Weese): Saints Community Bingo 1 (Peter Stevenson) vs. Discovery Sports 0. Results for the week of June 24 Esso Clean 'n' Fil 6 (Yorgo Chnstodoulou 3, Ryan Warburton, Matthew Carroll, Glen Brown) vs. Bums and Morison Insurance 0: Distinctive Decorating 3 (Eric Curdiffe, Stephen Dizig, Gordon Caldwell) vs. Discovery Sports 0: Saints Community Bingo 2 (Peter Stevenson, Kyle Peacock) vs. MacLean Hunter Cable 1 (Andrew Smith); Black Angus Freezer Beef 1 (Jordan Price) vs. J. Lalonde Machinery Movers 0. PICKERING VILLAGE SOCCER CLUB Game results for July 3 SENIOR SOUIRT DIVISION Nice'n' Freezy 1 (Ryan Martin) vs. Sketchley Cleaners 1 (Michael Tregunna); P.L. Building Services 4 (Kenneth Stevens 3, Shaun Griffith) vs. Remax 0: Bruce BRsell 2 (Bryan Wheaoe 2) vs. Coffee Time Donuts 1 (Courtney Burns). SENIOR SQUIRT STANDINGS TEAM W L T GF GA PTS N1ce W Freezy 3 0 1 5 2 7 Sketchley Clean. 2 0 2 5 2 6 P.L. Build. Serwcs 2 1 1 5 1 5 Bruce Bissell 1 2 1 4 5 3 Remax 1 3 1 1 8 2 Coffee Time 0 3 1 2 4 1 JUNIOR SQUIRT DIVISION All Promotions 7 (Chad Morrison 3, Jordan Servos 3, Nathaniel Allard) vs. Stan's Renovations 0; Demtra Sheet Medals 1 (Jameson Smith) vs. Telescan Sewer Service 0: All Glass 1 (Jason Kennedy) vs. Ontario Data Supply 1 (Connor Bums) JUNIOR SOUIRT STANDINGS TEAM W L T F A PTS Demtra Sh. Metal 3 0 1 6 1 7 All Glass 2 0 2 8 4 6 All Promotions 2 1 1 13 5 5 Telescan Sewer 1 2 1 5 6 3 Ontario Data 1 2 1 5 6 3 Stan's Renovations 0 4 0 0 15 0 MINI SQUIRT DIVISION Pickenng VII. IGA 3 1 0 14 3 6 Gillezeau's 2 0 2 11 7 6 LOEB Marketplace 2 1 1 7 3 5 St. Jame's Cafe 1 2 0 2 11 3 Pickering Photo 1 3 0 7 11 2 Fox d Flowerpot 1 3 0 4 13 2 MINI SQUIRT DIVISION Gillezeau's Hawkeyes 2 (Adam Alexander, Andrew Dissanayake) vs. St. James Cafe 2 (Sean Vokey 2): LOEB Ajax Marketplace 4 (Evan Potts 2. Thalia Bilton, Kyle Withers) vs. Fox i3 Flowerpot 0: Pickering Village IGA 4 (Jeffrey Moore 3. Michael Andrew) vs. Pickering Photo 2 (Amy Draga. Derek Pierson). AJAX CYCLING CLUB ClaremonvOwasco Time Trials from Tuesday, July 2. 1. Bruce Smith, 24 minutes. 34 seconds 2. Simon Small, 25:03 3. Mark Walters, 26:14 4. Mark Boucher. 27:47 PICKERING SOFTBALL ASSOCIATION SENIOR GIRLS' T -BALL DIVISION July 2 results Auto Expressions 23 (MVP Brandy Devnes) vs. Elirpa Construction 20 (MVP Mallory Valianes); Mercy Heating and Air Conditioning 24 (MVP Maxine McDonald) vs. Dominion Color 15 (MVP Cheryl Rene): Aexcell Insurance Brokers 23 (MVP Kalem Dhekney) vs. State Farm Insurance 23 (MVP Jenny Hoshdian). Jury 4 results Auto Expressions 17 (MVP Katie Lutes) vs. State Farm Insurance (No MVP listed): Dominion Color 15 (MVP Knsnn Dale) vs. Elirpa Construction 13 (MVP Melissa Saunders): Mercy Heating and Air Conditioning 18 (MVP Amanda Wallace) vs. Aexcel Insurance 17 (MVP Leigh Cushine). Great Family Vacation Delawana Inn - a summer re- sort that boasts an extensive variety of pre -planned activ- ities, balanced with many un- scheduled pursuits for you to enjoy. The owners of Delawana Inn claim that they can provide you with a `real vacation' and a glance at what they offer bears this out. You may choose - windsurfing. waterskiing, ten- nis. swimming, fishing, golf- ing, kids camp, sunbathing. to keep you and the kids occu- Died. Incidentally. the kids can be supervised continually in a variety of activities including a sleepover camp. This means that you can then relax and en- joy fine dining and dancing with perhaps a little night- life to spice things up. ..t . I r.-. -I*t,"- lr_lL a well balanced program aimed particularly, but not ex- clusively to families. Their careful planning guarantees a great time for everyone. I highly recommend it! DELAwANA inn HONEY HARBOUR ONTARIO, POE 1 EO 1-800-461-9907 P1 PAGE 14 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, JULY 7, 1991 I WILDWOOD FORD SALES LTD. 1167 KINGSTON RD., PICKERING LIFETIME �•c�. SERVICE GUARANTEE 839-6666 SHERI DAN N U R S E R I E S PICKERING time & Design Centre 1755 Pickering Pkwy. Pickering, Ontano 428-6316 CANADA LIFE Thank -you for your support 961 Brock Road 179 King St. E. South Oshawa Unit 86 Wwrm9 Ll W 3A4 725.1107 (4161426-1401 DEAL. WITH "FRANK PEOPLE" 200 Harwood Ave. & 683-3364 Give the gift of life 81 Dowty Road Ajax, Ontario LIS 2G3 Phone 416 686-0085 FAX 416 428-2671 AJAX - The Ajax All -Pro Sports Collectables mosquito baseball team made its biggest strides of the sea- son, reaching the semi-finals in the Clarkson tournament last weekend. Ajax met Barrie in the semi-final contest. In a see -saw affair from start to finish, Barrie jumped into the early lead, with Ajax battling back to keep it close. In the latter innings, Barrie came on strong to win 10-6. This knocked Ajax out of further action. Catcher Jonathan Mitchell and third baseman Kyle Sheppard com- bined to throw out three Barrie run- ners attempting to steal. Ajax played the host Clarksom team in the tournament opener L- E 0 Leo Laboratories Canada Please give to help others $55 Kingston Road West, Ajax, Ontario Tel.: Ajax (416) 427-8826 Friday night. Clarkson scored a run in the bottom of the seventh inning to nip Ajax 10-9. Pitching duties were capably han- dled by Evan Risko, Chris Shaw, who took the loss, and Kyle Sheppard. Mitchell led the offence with two singes in three at -bats, two runs scored and an RBI. Doug Soutar and Evan Risko each had doubles. Saturday afternoon, Ajax scored a well-earned 28-0 victory over Welland. Ajax won the contest large- ly on a 25 -batter, 21 -nut first inning assault. Evan Risko led the scoring parade going three -for -four with four runs scored. Catcher Michael Moorcroft Trintec Industries manufacturers of Quality Clocks and Thermometers 467 Westney Rd. S. Ajax Phone 427-2039 threw out two runners at third base with Jeff Baker applying the tag both times. Andrew Alley gained the victory with a solid pitching performance in front of solid defence. Other members of the Ajax squad are Scott Brown, Adana Hudson, Brian Moore, Greg Woodfine and Kurt Winter. The Ajax mosquito reps com- pete in the Eastern Ontario Baseball Association league against older teams. However, the team's skill level and determination displayed in the tournament bodes well for future league play. PAYING T00 MUCH for Home & Auto Insurance 683=9725 PINE RIDGE INSURANCE M Mo -a 1 Ave., Unk 13, Ajax, Ont rb f�� DESIGNER Ar1CHENS EST. 1963 22 Fully Decorated Kitchen & Bath Displays 333 Kingston Road At the Rouge Ravine Boyerr= [on HWY. 40181 WHITES R0. Area 0"07REE SALES NOU ft Mft-1Wft 0 AJ" P.K AIL-sa 0 "-sm PK IM slop mm-mams #,NSMPA FAL a AJL-.570 PA 798-7989 A,u►xmICKERm wi.2693 PICKERING TOWN CENTRE (LAW U" War Eaton) 2:00 P.M. TO 8:30 P.M. Herongate Animal Hospital Ann Bissett DVM Jeff Hurd MRCVS 65 Kingston Road East Ajax, Ontario LIS 4S7 (416) 427-0789 1] • I /eeerra IPIt�(Eir11G THE NEWS ADVF177SER SUNDAY, JULY 7, LM -PAGE IS PUENENOP les W I Nesuv Q ; ^.... _.. �PNalrrWw ZSerca IIWE BUILD FINE HOMES a COTTAG "AT COMPETITIVE PRICES" Pickering or Toronto ' From your plan or ours. ' 798.7673 or ' FREE firm quotations. X. A-1 798-7672 11� no+ ro on'gd�o y hese o. FAX (705) 748 3312 `"'' OPEN TUES. • FRI.9.5 SAT. 12.4 1-579-2238 SEND $3.00 FOR CAT. AND PRICE LIST Oshawa Office Hours: Mon. -Thurs. 8 a.m. - 8 P.M. Friday 8 a.m. - 6 .m. Saturday 9:30 a.m. - 3:30 .m. P y p !"rwwN A~ a...Mra.ra YM«. bN1 br M 11x.1 bon.. w+y rw.1 Nw- a _ -bw1.N .1• -e M NUY•EN ,r G^NGEIl.AT1pN MwM- 1..r. - mora t ander Fir 14e1rm me 210 Mtidss Fa SAO 2!0 AAdc Watbd 230 FavionFarSde she mad SAM Zo Amb a Gab iso cmvuw �° so a,e so Pers - Siopli" - &.dreg no +Ws Lemon llehic%s A1Anhobiles Fa Salle 300 AusmloEissWattsd 305 Tnrdts For Sys 310 Th,dtswanbd 3tS YMe si air 320 Trailers 330 Aub Pah a Reprs 360 ALft R`"ll, , ■ Maas � Sao nrtobis4 360 Ma■e Receaem vahioles 365 370 Farm Equpmert 375 Heavy D* EQt+att4t+t Sao corrertssiom. Pisase call 571. inonviow. Car Bruce Crawkwd. 5 Skilled Help Apee,alb Fe Rat 400 Apewretbwmt d 406 )ionise For Rent 410 TWas 41S Ralf Roans To Rat 420 411111110 �� 4" Rand Uritr 44S shared Acooanivai ew 4" C i ndminirws Fria Rent !6 aas 4rayraus• w an Rod mLivins 1111111011101 a1`0 R. 48S Pliviax" = B-r-yFws&. TewdtawaFaSde w Ca aniFersda file FavionFarSde she laf Fa sde lco 016411.Tse6i111111nigivelign w vacalim A tax camagns1Heassa� so SPaks Z %fts3bg as Lemon za business. If interested. awmiscomamn see "m•�eslae-es w MANAGER WANTED - Reta& Training an Wholeplum ale sales. Must haw pnavert errperiertce d five years 1 1 0 General Help t1r6 he is; air lco - - - MM-BAM VSC`e� maWdy. 7L5. (071191) "m•�eslae-es w MANAGER WANTED - Reta& Training an Wholeplum ale sales. Must haw pnavert errperiertce d five years 1 1 0 General Help amore in spa related sans and he Oeehs •in mentinme trim I" Card d ihrit - - - MM-BAM Areiok.reeetets maWdy. 7L5. (071191) IY11f�1tR I lliii SS FOR SALE - Ecco l- � 100 Careers 100 Careers 110 General Help 110 General Help 110 General Help 110 General Help 110 General Help IIIII� O THE BARON'S k�,rR BACK I, THE ORIGINAL REDBARON IS BACK! , Steve Cavanaugh r:as retumed as Redbaron (1991) Computer Services and would like a few good people to join with him in this renewed venture He is looking for a couple + of good sales people to work outside the office In protected sales territories The company also needs a flelcubenCh technician to service hardware A good working krowlecige of DOS- baseC computers and major software packages - such as WordPerfect. Lotus and Dbase - is required A working knowledge of LANs would also be desirable Please forward your resume to, Redbaron (1991) Computer Services 213 Byron Street South Whitby, Ontario 1 LIN 4P7 LM 93e7e/ Orltato K e COrlar" a ssa0uan MM cGmm w svv MANAGER WANTED - Reta& Training an Wholeplum ale sales. Must haw pnavert errperiertce d five years 1 1 0 General Help amore in spa related sans and ATTENTION stylists and nail accessories. Salary to Com- !♦ t� mtensurate with experience. Send resume to Fie 3051• P.O. - - - MM-BAM Bos 481. Oshawa Ontario. L1H maWdy. 7L5. (071191) IY11f�1tR I lliii SS FOR SALE - Ecco l- I ASSEABLY,'(Rf MSFW I bre location. very prortable piz- I CALL 631-1379 (24 Ars.) I za business. If interested. I I Phase car Corrado. 57&:0415. I READ Ot)M FOR PAY I 107M1) 1 CALL 631-1399 (24 bs.) ) 105Career AT i Training an (HOME.► CALL I FREE computer training to elOble persons 45 and ova. D ;CERT. Latus. Wordperfecr, D l � -1 (24 his. J - - - - - - - -base. multlmate. accow. bedlord. Ventre• Pagerrliker, Harvard and Carel. Firrartoial as' sisranoe available lee elgibre students undw 45 or over who do not quality for free training. Durham Business Computer C*Upe. 427.3010. (TF) 110 Gil H* ASSEMBLERS!!! Excellent wages! Spare time assembly. Easy work at home! No experience. Call 1-601-388-8242, ext. #103, 24 hrs. VAN DRIVERS Airport service requires persons with good driving records who like to meet people. - Durham Region to Pearson Airport. Shirt and tie dress code. - 24 hour service - Afternating weekends. APPY 960 Alliance Rd., Unit 5 Pickadng Behip"n 10 &m. - 3 pm. r 427.6875 Don Wyke or Laurie TELEPHONE ADJUSTER We are a large, progressive, general insurance company presently seeking a telephone adjuster for our Pickering Office. The position is on a six month contract basis. The preferred candidate will have at least one year of experience with personal lines automobile claims. 0 interested please call: The Canadian Surety Company Picketing Service Otfice 416.420-2557 No agencies please. STUDENTS $12.15 National firm has immedlale Itpartirtgs for summer positions in Mafkeorg Dept No door to door or Mlemadkeling Involved Great resume exp. Management opportunity, co-ops, koffahim and scholarships available. High sctlool students welcome. Must be 17 yrs or older. For interview apps call AoWickwing 42ttM89 OehogrW Alitby 576.5179 PERMANENT PLACEMENT i EXECUTIVE SEARCH Immediate opportunity with progressive, established local company for assertive, self -motivated, & dynamic individual with i minimum 3 years industry experience. I Preference given to individuals with good knowledge of Durham Region marketplace. Excellent commission & benefits package. For immediate consideration, fax your resume in confidence to: Andrew [crown, Quote #AS07071 (416) 579-6050 II,IIl01:Iy.1: Immediate opportunity for consultant in dynamic established temporary agency in Durham Region. Successful candidate will have 2-3 years' industry experience and a demonstrated ability to probe clients' needs, seek and fix problems immediately; communicate clearly and concisely with clients and associates; prepare and adapt quickly to rapidly changing market conditions. Submit resume with salary expectations to: Jane Smith, Quote #AS07072 Fax (416) 579-6050 ACCOUNTANT for small manufacturing firm. Knowledge of ACCPAC an asset Must be experienced to financial statement levet Resume to: ROTHCO MANUFACTURING 1420 Bayly St. #7 Pickering, Ontario L1W 1L8 MANAGER REQUIRED FOR BUSY SUB SHOP PLEASE CALL 831-7827 or come in person to A340 Kingston Rd. time openings for good natured people to do ionei canvassing, no pressure sales involved. No experience necessary, good hourly wage and bonus. Call Joe at EARN S5W$IAW we" at PART TIME home using your telephone HOUSECLEANEIRS warped 10 answering machine. For dsurs, wok in the oshmewmitity day to Saturday. . 668-6 eeN (613) 545.07M (071301) area. Day shft drivers license DENTAL Receptionist (Ajax). ATTENTION stylists and nail a must Can 426.8642. (071091) !♦ t� tech, chairs for rent in North w 350 Oshawa salon. 5 LOOKING for enthusiastic in- in - HOK VORM maWdy. div;" to join my team, will , nal tech space. 11250 tnonditly. Available immediatNy. Days train. Must be wiling to work some , lam! 576-3n2. evernitps 579-31 (071091) evenings and enjoy having IWale work schedule. Make lots , Earn $3pp � � woo ■ 130 3 Agerrts or money. Excellent Vanalyd)obsavaiable.24 HAIRSTYLIST L Nail Tech- Carew opportunity in lingerie salsa Phony Jessica 420-231 S hour , hour RECORDED mss-, nkian required for busy hair •Squires a seer motrvat•d aril sage art»rig lee salon in Whitby. Wage plus EXPANDING Finuneiel Service ■ deface ■ cormnli sion. Call 430.3156. Company. Looking for sell , ■ HAIRSTYLIST required in rrlotivaled person to train for CALL: tfion* busy salon. FW time or management. Experience an , (416) 5of�53 Nd f3 ■ part time. Salary plus asset but not necessary. For : n 11v9ginmature corrertssiom. Pisase call 571. inonviow. Car Bruce Crawkwd. 5 Skilled Help 1220. (070991) 418-63P8376, resume regtwod 010 111111111110 f� Subway requires FULL-TIME / PARTTIME COUNTER PERSON For busy sub shop. Apply in person to: Subway HUB PLAZA 1340 Kingston Rd. 831 -SUBS 120 office Help ACCOUNTING Ass:srarr, Secretary. This busy Dossgn re - Quires a motivated ;earn player wrth excellent bookkew,rrigq and secretanal skills. ACCPAC as. Pw*nce an asst. Send resume to: Accounting Manager Cool - CAKE Decoratorwarted - Tues- waters Farms Ltd. 591 Liverpool ermt Rd. Pidkg Ont. L1W 1R1. day to Saturday. . 668-6 (070991) ATTENTION NEED EXTRA DENTAL Receptionist (Ajax). MONEY" Exc~ pay. easy Seeking a career receptionest work. asserntNe products 0 kor*+e. 504-847-0096 ext KA245, with experlence. Veru should 9 aim - 8 p.m. Mon. - Sal.; 10.5 have a happy, outgoing per. sonalty and good telephone p m. Sunday (071291) w,f. Computer es; - enee an BELAMV-S RESTAURANT is asses 7812266. (071191) Demo PartnsCooks. Apply Deon, 105151 mc S1o• St, N.. � � Oshawa (071191) 130 3 Agerrts ORDER PAC1cEFLSHIPPER - An agress+re -W&ng wholesale, WANTED Vai.,re :vuacw perm conPany bcared n Pc 019 son to work Part -6m• :r sales. •Squires a seer motrvat•d aril Apoiy to Holland Bu:iding eager mtdiriduaf b asses n our Centre, 1277 Wilson Rd. N. warehouse. We supply an ex- Oshawa. (070091) ceient wonurtg •mnronmsrtl as 161MEDIATE comxrrsslont sales well as a complete benefits Pisase hep needed for AshpnaK Coding baduge -rill- Robert Company Must be a go-getter Behan, 427-2000. (071191) Cam Paul at 1-416-436-1573. ATTENTION Permanent full. (071291) : n 11v9ginmature ^Ous•keeperinanny io take Charge d hpueeltpld duties, as- 5 Skilled Help sat young mother in whee:cD•yr. "00hy 3 year ole boy M,st oe PRESSER Ex e-.ercad ^onest, post ve. healthy, skatole. energerc. FrerkJvGer- wanted for twsy Oryd•arong -an an asset. References a plant n Ajax Cat Gene at 681 2212. (070991) must. Drivers kcarme. bondable. Cora 430-1326. (070791) A.0 a He" ser4ce person J08StWWI* out required for a busy local Jab opportunrtes avadable. ALAI company, Must naw senile• e trades and occuoatrons. Fre• D•nenc• and gas Liitt•r. II I Ceres•. Call Etrenn 430-3633. transl3watwn and hots ng. Ex- (071291) cellent Day. Benefits. For ria. KA605n. KA605 51)•847-0096. HoSpi. Medical ext. 07 (071191 150 Denial HAIRSTYLIST wanted 1m1MedkV81 Must be able t y oat ladies and mens. good wages. 668-6922. (070791) EVENNGS 6-11 Pun. Ajax cortt- pang reds sus more amtWKK* people weh cars. immediatefy in Durham Region. Students welcome. SM low week. Phone 42&3242. (071291) UTTLE People,& Play SChrod requires two assistarlr teachers. POWDO a ovb&e August 26th. Flat* Pay depends upon education. Resumes and ap- plitaxtionsN7aoosptYsdttwrl July 2G Free pickup and dsrnary, in Ajay Pickering. $25 for xo copies. Cal 1-(41648646e3. (071291)170 t URGENTLY a quired - An Avon ted repsaseAU"" in Mae Pidurny Am man. Sea mow am hmm car Clot n000m(070001 y. Cas 637- UNIVERSITY Student seeks yard real paining. odd iota etc Car Michael 2B699s7. (071291) 120 0■w t* 120 omm Hip SWITCHBOARD/ RECEPTIONIST Required by medium sized company located in Pickering. Must have good typing skills and an aptitude for figures. Please respond in writing to: Marcella Verwey Ellis Packaging Ltd. 1830 Sandstone Manor Pickering, Ontario L1 W 3Y1 PAGE 16 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY. JULY 7. 191 120 orbs mak+ 120 once mv 120 ofm* Help SECRETARY TO THE TRUSTEES The Incumbent wit provide support and Initiative for the Secretary of The Board of Education in managingtorganizing the Board of Agenda and cormlunication required for Board meetings;; provide secretartal/derical support to the C'4mdr of the Board and other Trustees and the Office of the Director as requested from time time. Qualifications: Secondary School Graduation Diploma or an equivalent combination of eduction and experience In a secretarial environment; excellent shorthand and typing skills with abNlty to accurately record and transcribe minutes of meetings; Word Processing capability; able to deal courteously with general public. Trustees and Board staff. Salary Range: $33,035 - $36,705 Please apply In writing by Friday, July 19, 1991 stating qualifications and experience to: L. 0arnball, The Durham Board of Education, 665 Rossland Road West, Oshawa, Ontario, LiJ 3143 THE DURHAM BOARD OF EDUCATION 130 �' � 130 sad nts 130 � 4 SALES AND MARKETING REPRESENTATIVE Due to expansion we have a vacancy in our Sales/Marketing Department, for a well- groomed, energetic salesperson in downtown Oshawa. Your professional attitude will allow you to grow with our fast paced financial service company. You must have a reliable car and you will receive a car allowance as well as a good starting salary with opportunity for commission. Call Mrs. Ferguson 433-1124 150 Hosp. Medical 150HolM��;180 Business , , FULL-TIME MEDICAL SECRETARY Requirea Immediately for nuclear medicine clinic. Medical dicta -typist with accurate 60 WPM. Good organization and job prioritization skills mandatory. Salary commensurate with experience. Suitable applicants may present resume to: 300 King St. W., Suite 105, Oshawa Between 8:30-5, Monday to Friday 160 °" Care Wanteded PICKERING family wants seeable, Coring Iemele lair one and four year old boys, full time Monday -Friday. live-in or out. Pon -smoker. References required. Drivers license an asset- Phone W*ni, 4200184. (070991) Day Care 165Day Care vavall" HIGHLY recommended ded nurse has space for two children in my home. Specializing in new borne. FW fir- or part tine. Cal IIWO a1426-7453. (07129,) AFFORDABLE day care. $75 Per week. Maher and daughter do day care together. Any age. ATTENTION Taxi Drivers • Cey Wide Taxi Shares, and other dares for safe. Corsact Roger at 7W2710.(071291) 200Market Basket 220 � 220 �� 300 A" For Sale 310 TmksSF `, 320 "a'D'" 0' SALON FURNITURE for eels. GRANDFATHER clods, Sung unO stand 427.9133. (071091CNC) 1980 Buick Century Estate 74 Blazer, automatic, p.s., p.b., 1979 Dodge Van 3/4 ton, Seven Years old. Five stations m inner clearance sale. We pay Wagon, power steg, brakes. slowing, AM/FM faesone, 2 wheel drive. insulated, 1/2 camporized. As Is, with smoke glass nrrrors, one G.S.T. on selected models. all Conditioned. =1.150 twridied excellent condition. $2,250, t900 or best offer. Call 420 - round desk. one brown bassin Setup 6 delivery included. Best Of best offer. Phone Jim, 576• Certified, 723-5722. (070991) 7599. (071091) and chair, one glassed in total prices. 433-1491. (TF) 4687. (071191) ago St. E.. B°wmanviNe. (TF) unil. Bring an offer. 576.5591 a 1990 Oldsrrtobie Cutlass LS. 19W GMC S15 pick W, long box. rangler package. 4.3 hire, 1971 V obwagon Van, sloops 4, 723-0767. (071191) Articles 230 73.000 miles. automatic, P -s• V6. auto, p.s., p.b.. till AM/FM Iridge glove. sink. tuns greet. kin fun. 84.000 miles. THREE Piece living room set, 2 Wanted p•b.. artNm cassette, 8 track cassette. Box liner and tonneau 34. king 51,500. Rob 668-0434. S1 years old. catch and two swivel Player with tapes. Excellent run- cover. 18.500 certified. Miles (071191) rodkw42 w ��, 5500. WANTED . stoves. fridges. gory av�itiobn�. Minim ce hs_ Jackman Motors. 985.0044. Services Phone 38. ( ) washers and dryer:, working or Phone available. (0700 a (071291) Auto Parts A 6 X 12 Pool table, slate, excel- not. Also wanted, pickup truck bve b look after Your children. day, 7 days a week sumvrer Fuli/part time, or during your camp and transportation 1998 Chevy S10.42.000 kms.. 5 340 Repairs lent Condkion. (recliner chair, (newer than 1978). Cal Picker- Ing 420-9833.ITF) NO G.S.T. At DealS on Wheels speed, AM radio, liner, rally EUROPEAN tile specialists • wil stereo; good for cottage. Public Autonart.Over2acres a wheels. stablaierbar. must seN. Puterized bookkeeping, income Moving. 427-5452. (070791) vehicesfor safe byowner. OPen Asking 56.500. 725.3656. CARS & TRUCKS wanted for FOUR- PIECE bedroom set, 280 Lost 3 Found every Skandey my. 1730 Sim (071291) scrap. Same day pup. Cal 686-8556 or 1.800-567-2677. 1425. wooden picnic table and weave . N.. Oshawa L725-0002. ( ) 1970 Ford 3 ton. 6 rylrtder, flat 2856. (TF) chair, sunbeern gas barbeque,mess� two area ruga, 9 X 12, three FOUND cat, long fur, while aril OWNER MOVING 1988 bed, excellent throughout, 81,500 355 Motorcycles bathroom cabinets, microwave. ginger, very friendly• south a Cones table 426 Westney Rd. and Finley. Cal Reliant 12,800. 1985 Buick - Losable lOeded $6 500 1 original tries. Certified last year. Excellent for small staff. The Quaky Shoppe 427• 1542. (071091) Dodge Spor111M. 12 seat«, a/c, Contractor. $1,475 or best offer. 683.5503. (071291) WALLPAPER clearance - over 1.000 rolls from 99 cents to 290 pets -Supplies- Pa b.. P.b.. lira glass. $8.200 or best o ffer. 416-666-2786. _ $9.95 a double roll. open 5 days per week, Mon. Fri., 9.6 Boarding (07129,) TOO Marty 320 Vans, 4 Wheel - p..._ WCreat Your Sery klc' I cars - Na ertcwgh Drives Sat. 9-5 pm. 623.6981. 65 King LABRADOR Retriever puppies parkngi Call Jack all 43D-8202. ago St. E.. B°wmanviNe. (TF) C.K.C. registered, hips and eyes if you are interested in a 1980 PROFESSIONAL Handyman USED fridges and stoves. ,Year guaranteed. black. yebw. females, loving Pontiac. erBradley Capri. do 05 Chev Cuba van. 41' x warranty on large selection. Landlords and dealers welco• me a„d loyal. Ready to go. $500, (4161-656-4314 071191 GT. rust. ex condition. No G.S.T. (070991) n9 75 41X). 263.8118, after 44 P.m. (071191SNC) Oshawa Used Appliance Sales . ( ) basements, kitchens, washrooms. additions, paving Avaiable welcome. Ajax. 686-7260. lroll A /10 Fseam 2 and Service. 133 Taunton Rd.HORSES BOARDED - Box by 6663130. (070881) For sale DURHAM PROFESSIOJAoPE9514G W. 434-3999. (TFALL) stalls available on private 10 ape hobby farm in Whitby. Ex- cellent vers given. Riding at WCreat Your Sery klc' I FREE skids for firewood etc, SW McKay Rd.. Pickering. Days m Monday to Heber Downs Conservation 6553142. f7 Fririday. (TFNALL) area (07099 1) -To Addeo aN %92 a 79670 a 7967613 �, 14� PROFESSIONAL Handyman KITTENS Free to good home. Services. quality carpentry, electrical plumbing and rates, Serving Ajjax/pidkerin220 N VARIOUS like new pneumatic 10 weeks old. Pan Persian. 4 since 1964. FOr Sale solaand roomAndrew nailing equipment. Calf 579- 8579. atter 6 P -m I no answer. grey. 2 ginger, 1 calico. Call 263-4274. Business Home Moving please leave message. (071291) Services Improvements r Storage perienced mom of two would Comte offering care 24 hourly THREE PIECE bedroom suiNAutomobiles 436'1547. (070991) bve b look after Your children. day, 7 days a week sumvrer Fuli/part time, or during your camp and transportation second VCR for home or compo. $150 leach. Alto avaa APPLIANCE SALE . F'rias' t« a boy. Solid rrt�{e. Asking 300 For Sale NEED help? Resumes, cont - EUROPEAN tile specialists • wil MEN with trucks will d o $450 Cal aper 6 p m at 683 LOOKING FOR SAFE, RELI- FORMER E.C.E. teacher is of. Puterized bookkeeping, income renovate your bathroom or household moves, cleanup iobs, 6490. (071091 1 86 Plymouth Reliant. p.s.. p_b., tax, Cortplete secretanallclerical services using Wordperle 1. kitchen wails as well as floor tiffs. 20 yrs. experience. Good odd jobs, decorating. painting. anythCall Carl or Jane, 427- CLEARANCE -new and used 4 -door, 25 L. auto Certified. Bedford. Cantax software. Cort- references and satisfaction 2856. (TF) upholstery, fridges. stoves, $2•81)(11' 839-9782. (071291) petgive pricing, professional guararhteed. For free estirna se FREE Daycare. Are you locking 16ADVERTISE IN 771"5 I a flexible affordable ahema- washers and dryers. Best pries $1 Malibu - 4 door, standard, air staff. The Quaky Shoppe 427• D. Dykstra 7254913. (TF) TWO men with trucks 'THE anywhere. Corse n and make corwn As s, best prigs. '0"'^9- 8865. (TFWFSI GCB CONSTRUCTION • kterior MOVERS-. WE do >r types d us r offer. My Dads Ston, t t6 Brock St. S. Cal 434-6943. (07129t) Chimney Sweeps and exterior repairs, renovations moves. Very competitive. Give us a call. Pete 576-9533. 430-0561. Visa 1999 Lebaron Coupe, fully Y ps and Construction. No job too trig ITFALL) accepted. (060291) loaded. 44.000 kms. warranty. or small. If I needs to be done VERTICAL BLINDS. 104 X 82, rust -proofed• certified. 311,500. SUMMER DISCOUNT - as chum- we can do t. Fasticlow proles- EL CHAPoN THE MOVER Wil do big do big or small moving. 375. 3250, new 78 X 94. $50. 9384 350. Horizontal t8 X 38. 666.3377. (070991SNC) nays including Condition W.E.T.T�Cert4iW Sweep snonal work guaranteed. Cap Craig at 6861913. (072391) and commercial. Lo - S10 Wee. 18X39, lino Yellow. 1919 OLDS Cutlass Suprern► lrni.. loaded. exoNbnt oondtion, Pest removal. caps. screens. PROFESSIONAL painting and Coll a -d " distance. Houses. apartments, offices. Reasonable The Glider Eceresm, W. Sim new. All a best offer. 420-8119. 28.000 km.. Certified, 314,700 guaranteed no moss. Chimney n C pe l l f 'wallpapering 1 room or whole rates. Free estimates. Call or best on« No G.S.T 728- rimkney Cricketh a house. gue araeed bwew rates- Edgar. 1416)-576-9513. BEDROOM suns for sale. con- 8352. (071991 SNC) 427466,3. (070791) No job's too email. Quality (070991) Ming of a large Cannonball lul ,Twt� queen site waterbed. 19119 Fol Tempo L auto. air. Commercial woo ltm anship guaranteed. Cal 4302595 anytime. (TF) HARRY O The Mover . Move big Double dresser with hutch $6.400. Phone 579.3473. air« 5 p.m. (07129,) Rental CARPENTRY cabinetry, tri- or small. we price shern all. 432• 7�. (071191) minor, one right table. walnut n work• renovations, kitchens, color. Excdent condition, as- 1998 Whip Ford Mustang LX, WHITBY 40 Th.ckson RC. additions, decks and lances. AJAX Moving Systems - full am $1.200. Call 576-6758. 9 cruse• power steer brw�' Prime industrial space 250 Ten years experience. Free �"'Oas. moves, appliance and FIREWOOD - Hardwood. $125 AM,F t ��e• 70•� kms. per h., excellent space with fretted estimates. At Streeter specialists, Fano specialists, flat ran or a bush cord delivered, 2 cord mr+rmurtt one owner. �Y d" Mint condition, asking only offtee, from 5.000 to 32.000 flexible Woodworkino. 436-9207. hourly. Durham Region' Now offering free boxes Coit 0312.0364 or 016 355-3620 anytime. (070991) $6.600. 837.1590. anytime, forms. Call Mr. Littlejohn, 666-4970. (081891) CUSTOY WOODWORKING wnM move. Call 427-0005 (TF) r*isssape. (07129 1) interior and exterior home HEAVY DUTY washerand dry improvemwna. Call Rotupe Val. TLC Moving. Local and out of 'or sale Excellent condition. 1 997 Maida RX7- Five speed. Fishing Charters My Cvpwu«s Inc. Small joie town. hourly or hat raft. Quaiity 5650 or test offer. Call 839- 67'000 kris' Champagne' ex- welcome. 286-2156. (oe0491) work at reasonable rates. 4512. (070791) cellent condition. Still under warranty, unified. Asking SALMON -Lake On. DIVERSIFlED RENOVATIONS - cal 427-3518. (TF) we QUEEN e waterbed, walnut. $9.000. Call 5792495. (07119 1) eNG taro on tellyy equipped 28 n. ca- ExPwwxW local Contractor will MOVING??? We will move ASkirg $250. Call 576-6758. 1167 P hrm'otxh Sundanoe• red- tom Trawler. Oshawa to do Y°u' lob right ft firm time. anything• anywhere. anytime (071491) Scarborough. Fish catch Additions. decks. kitchens, men and trucks, for al types of HARVEST Gold, 19 cubic GE Dir, 4 door, AM;FM, candied, 33.995.432-2421. (071291) guaranteed JulyiAugusi. Groups bas«nents. all renovations," moves, best rates, free fr,dge. 3 door. 3350 Kenmore and individuals. Weekday insured, references. Cal) estimates. 10% discount for stove S30C. Both excellent 1997 Pony mint condition. Only discounts. 416.580-8302. (TFALL) Michael, 639.7017. (071691) seniors. Call 571-0755. condxon. Cal Sharon Jones, 33.000 mites Idfor second eal SABRE Contracting - all (TFNALL) 425.6710. days. 831-3640. car °r befit 7 school. Asking 32.800. Celt 577.0643. 071191) Gardenia 9i carpentry, additions, Painting , evenrn°s. co7,o9,1 Landsca �n g renovations, kitchens,- Decora Market 1996 Built Skyhawk. 39.000 km. maroon/grey interior 4- -- bathrooms. homy maintenance emergency service. furniture ti nra ologe 200 Basket door. fully loaded. auto.' air res conditioned, tilt, cruise. p.a.. PICK YOUR OWN STRAWBERRIES AND RASPBERRIES FARM Mon. - Fri. 6 a.m. - 9 p.m. Sat. b Sun. 6 am. - 2 p.m. Located on Sweles Ave., 4 miles east of Markham Rd. JNgtlway 48) mom 294=3575 iter more i4minalion Fenced yard. school children 1 65 entrance. basef wK aparknerk additional bathroom. fe decks. and hot tubs. All phase basements, kitchens, washrooms. additions, paving Avaiable welcome. Ajax. 686-7260. lroll A /10 Fseam 2 220 �C Imeflodung brick, wake and by 6663130. (070881) For sale DURHAM PROFESSIOJAoPE9514G New Flea Market in N every Saturday fused HOME DAY CAREgt. b Inn Parking- ""dors I Office furrnitxe, and ON@rS warm, being day ca }{may mer. dNkse fumis, saes tend children 6 weeks and wanted. No charge. Phone Rogw at 766.2710.(071291) Puler fumilure. overstocked lwenlay. 434-1663. (071191) Supervised homes at reaso PROFESSIONAL Handyman MUST SELL Now 9 -Piece Services. quality carpentry, electrical plumbing and rates, Serving Ajjax/pidkerin220 Articles Strathroy Mahagony dining homne r office, reasonable with excellent references. Free since 1964. FOr Sale solaand roomAndrew - 830 pm. (TFNALL) - aBrentwoodMahogany USED industrial VCRs for sale, vanity desk mirror and chair. WHITES/STROUDS ex- STEPPING Stores Childcare Exceptional quality. l*R and Misoenaneau aroessory 0-- perienced mom of two would Comte offering care 24 hourly Doby stereo sound, great 436'1547. (070991) bve b look after Your children. day, 7 days a week sumvrer Fuli/part time, or during your camp and transportation second VCR for home or compo. $150 leach. Alto avaa APPLIANCE SALE . F'rias' regular caregivers holidays. available. Agee 6 weeks W 12 831-6396. (070791) ebb industrial and consumer ow and used. Nese washer and years. Call 579-0651. (TFA) Bee HWk $75/5100. 432.1413, dryer set, $760. Stephornoni LOOKING FOR SAFE, RELI- FORMER E.C.E. teacher is of. after 7 p.m., or weekends. Furniture, 227 Court S1. ABLE CARE FOR LITTLE ONE? tering full time daycare in her AIR conditioning recharge and Oshawa 5767448. (07099 1) I have 4 yrs. experience in home, private and protected daycareand menu planning. playground. South Ajax. Close repair, far and hone unit, beer Iridge, $75. Gold fridge and PIANOS Sumner clearance St James and Duffin. Locato St. James, Duffin Bay and 500 stove so. 5sof, white clove, sale. New, used, upgright &grand, electric pianos. Bea Bay School. For more into call Lakeside schools. Reasonable 427.02',12. (070791) $125. White fridge, $300. pf1Qes• Telep Piano Works 433- rates. 6W4310.(071091) Washer. $250. Dryer, $200.432- 1491. (TFALL) FREE Daycare. Are you locking 16ADVERTISE IN 771"5 I a flexible affordable ahema- 7565. (070791) WEDDING Dress by Demetrios. BF.CI ION �N' irgforartahw 37Sa$i to APARTMENT Size trudge and stove in excellent working White with train, irtnhatulate, size 610, $700 a best offer. parent exchrn ange parent to exchange daycare 7MM2.7w7m with. North Aju. 683-7582, condition. Asking SM a best Call Laureen at 839-7423. offer. 432.3574. (071191 SNC) (071291) p -b.. p.w., p -L. pow- Trunk. Akio FM stereo Cassese. Excellent condition. $6.500 or bow offer. Phone 723-5547. after, 5 p.rn (071991) 1986 Silver Honda Civic hatchback. Auto, stereo, cassette. Asking 55.800. Mile 427.7646. (071191) 1(195 Buick Skyiadt. 4 -door. Vs. auto. p a-. p -b_ AIWFM cossat,s, 52,500 certified. 1986 Mercury Sable GS. 4 -door. V6. au W p.s., p.b., p.w.. A locks. Air aondommm . AWFM onsaw 54.910 cwtmw. Mare Jad~ Maas, ON$ -M 4. (071291) 1885 Honda CRX, manual trans.. 5 -speed. halchbock, 117,000 b1s. Asking 53,500 or best offer. Call 683-9312, Manes, fD70791) 1565 Pontiac Ilk 1 l4 2 door. dark blue, aulornatic, steno casaeft 90,000 kms. Asking 12.650. certified. 433-8858. (0709911 1945 Topaz L. 4 -door, automatic, power steering, Palmer brakes. 75.000 cries. Ex- Csrlirsd (07pZ1� 1844 Lincoln Town Cartier Series. mega boded, ex contsBNif dition. digital twhc8ofs and entry. while and silver. 19.000 conified.432-7565. (070791) 1964 Mazda GLC Spat, Pub •--,.furl. i 0 CI refinishing, qualitywork I 'S Painting E Doconhng, guaranteed, 15 years In1ef1of a anterior• walpaperng, experience. 6862915. (TFEFG) stucco and marblizing trim, woodstaining, polyurethane PROFESSIONAL Brick Lay« finishes, homes, offices or specializing on fioplaces and apartments. For free estimates chintheys. Will do bricks. blocks dl Lou at 428-8583. (OBt691) or stones of all kinds. Call Rene P001 • Gervais at Artistic MasonarY Builders. 6664428. (TFNALL) Maintenance JAMCO Contracting, separage teram& �-rnces 9 entrance. basef wK aparknerk additional bathroom. fe decks. and hot tubs. All phase basements, kitchens, washrooms. additions, paving renovations. No obligation /-P. NOW OWROVEMEM - estirnstes. Ajax 427-0868, vl hi Imeflodung brick, wake and by 6663130. (070881) patios. retaining waldodls. COTTAGE raising, footings. Progeny nuintenanee. Free block "dst concrete floors. drkrws'ays and i hosglie sawoms. Quality, work. 430 3076. (070981) NW" wells. Call Gary 416 Now -(RAt4DUA s Cerny - Grew 705667 - }{may 94M TFALL AINSWORTH Home WPWAwspocid" in PROFESSIONAL Handyman me xwm � bothrooms. yip Services. quality carpentry, electrical plumbing and driveways and walkways. in decoratingeta. Small or Wrgk br,p W*V killed" wM. bagged firewood. Free homne r office, reasonable with excellent references. Free S$tWOMas. 86&0089 (TF) estinkatas. Cal 723-4245,7 arrt. JOURNEYMAN electrician. - 830 pm. (TFNALL) Spscializirg in savior denpes rewiring, additions and HOM renovations. All work PrivateTuitiorts, knProven ents oular•ee•a free mwna as. call Schools 420.8020. (TFAi NEW LOOK RENOVATIONS FRENCH lessons for reasonable rales. Call 426- Decks as low as $7.25 Per sq. ft 7735. (071091) two Fences, also bath, basement 8 kitchen renovations. Roo" o knits. Asking '1a1c1ibat'` QUALITY WORK AT FAIR PRICES. Askifg $1J700. Call 428-1894, after 6 p.m. 683-878 1984 Pontiac J20W. one owner. NEW ROOFS - re -roofs, repairs, Two -door, hatch , sub, ps., cab., hes astimtabs. 24 how em er- stereo. only 30,000 miles original. A-1 condition. $2,995 Certified. G.S.T. included. Cal Russ 427.9722. anytime. Big Town Sales. (070991) 1984 Renault Encore 4 -door, 5 - speed, air, AM/FM cassette, 11,200 as is. Phone 427.5386. (071191) 1992 Morale Carlo - 90,000 kms, n LJ E RENOVATIONS - cabinetry. (0 1591ICY iM Cab 4369831. basements, kitchens, washrooms. additions, paving FRANK Wilson - rooting and stories, free estimates. Carew eatrestroughfng. All workman. Corrtpafy 432.6885. (071191) ship fully guaranteed. Call 435 0931. TFALL Housecleaning Yard Maintenance Now -(RAt4DUA s Cerny - Grew dean (to chemicals) homes and auto, AM/FM steres ransene. REPLACING cabinets or °ff10as' Weoffer nfaffw-int-lao' FORAY lime Services - Lawn p.s., pb., 2 door, blue, $2,196 counter tops lot bathroom or clean. Bonded, insured and arcing, roto tiling, garden Can, u is. Telephone 434-5576. kikfnn, caN Makldm 427.2874. y� �r�checked 1�, ��' tW. 2862344. wing. ro ) (070791) 9, Ak- 355 400 Aparttrlents 400 " `� " `s THE NEM ADVF.RMn SUNDA% JMY 7,19!1 -PAGE 17 " OPP For Rent For Rem 400 400 400 " 400 400 " Y 38900*p-- l 48 mo. lease Rom 1M, Hordla Ce•oo custom ak suspension, to speed, raw tkes wildb�i.20Taax�. CallYh BLUEWATER PARK AJAX PICKERING OSHAWA eo .. '07119'' WHITBY (FindVUverpool Area) windows, aose to as amenities, chin FLH Electra bide, all ria APARTMENTS 55 Falby Court Modem 3 bedroom Townhouses, 2 appls., garage, cable included. Separate entrance, New chunksPhone. 26.541 of best aver. Phone 72e -441o, alter s p.m. 1 and 2 bedroom suites in immaculate) y 2 bedroom a apartment m family building Air condition Close t0 Town Centre. FOR p�q��S Cpm �pppW0) 362 -RENT and parking. Lansing able. ass• first and last. available August tat. 433- (070591) 1962 Ronal Enfield, good &nape. maintained building, broadloom, 3 appliances, Pool, snooker table, games room, tennis Ing broadloom, 2 appliances, laundry facilities, saunas and exercise room, underground parking Included OR (Pickering) 420-0426 MARCHANT PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 1166 or 432-0913. (071191) AJAX Large oche -bedroom bass - 7203, d. 3,days00 Phos) 416722 70991 courts. eX�gSe room, laufldry facilities and covered Call Ment apartment, separate . 68 683-602 NORTH OSHAWA . Close to ONE Bedroom apartment, avail• entrance, Wing .rooM 4 -piece 365 Marine 101 Kathleen SL W. v L Sat -Sun. 12.5 hospital• one and two bedroom able August 1st. Piduaing, $650 apartments available. Fridge, al inclusive. 294.1124 or ::66• bathroom, kitchen, laundry facilities, central air, $700, in - .-Fr1.9-7 8 Sat -Sun. 12-5 SHELTER stove. fully carpeted, frst,law , 750. {07129, ) eludes utilities. close to 12 FT. Petrel aluminum �E Mon. -Fri. 9-5 h a•< and reverences required. No -- ------ pets please. Lynn 436-6886, AJAX 2 -bedroom basement r���ital. 696-39e4. (o7,09v LARGE 2 -bedroom apartment llsailboat83 and Trailer. leave$1,200. Call age . 7249 and leave message SHELTER 571 -3522 CORPORATM TWO bachelor apartment• fridge, stove, cable, WHITBY Bachelor apartment, separae entrance. 1595 inti!&es with fireplace, fridge. stove, laundry �^d parking. Close ro please. (071191 SNC) - �... apartments, also ORONO 3 -bedroom, fridge, g one•bedroom. Pa week! or stove.$675Monthlyplushydro. Y Y $548 per month in dean quiet included, references. no pets. well maintained For g. ap- no laundry, available 401. $750 available immediately If interested '* t• Recreation Heat included. Call 7263865. monthly. Ouhet neighbourhood. poinimeni to view, call 666- immediately. 686-7967. please xll571-0694 (070591) 370 839-0964 or 754-7213. (0711911 2450. (071191) (070791) Vehicles 340 Automobiles 300 Automobiles Automobiles Automobiles Automobiles Automobiles Automobiles For Sale For Sale 300 For Sale 300 For Sale 300 For Sale 300 For Sale 300 For Sale 1983 23' Elite Motor home. Automatic, p.s.. p.b., rod. air conditioning, fridge, stove, furnace, colour TV, shower, hot/ cold water. Excellent condition. • ' . $19.900. 723-0497. (071191) 1972 Champion, 4500', fully • , equipped house trailer for sale, good condition, will trade for vehicle or boat, 26.500 vakw. -A JILL Kevin 985.7354 or 1-705-786- 1072. .705.7861072. (070491) MUST BE SOLDI 1976 Ford Mobile home, stove, fridge, and furnace. propane or electric. ex- ceBeM running outfit, no rust. Make me an offer around $4.300. certified. 728-0705. ER (071191) 400 Apartments 7.9%** For Rent I 011 all Tenants are Waiting for Placement 50adverse you VI onWeRxwo moils Homeview 436-1752 no additional fees AJAX 1 bdrm. bsmt. apt, avant imm., fridge, stove, washer, dryer. $575 monthly all inclusive. FimViast 427-2940 AJAX 2 bedroom basement. 'edge. stove, separate e -!ranee, air conditioned. '••eplace, $750 monthly, cable and utikties Included I,rst and last Available July 1 st No pets. Non-smoker PHONE 427-6420 APARTMENTS • FOR REM at 165 8 175 Bloor St. W., Oshawa Apply within or call 725.3946 576.3477 PICKERING Main floor 1 bdnn., 4 pc. bath, sitting room, private. Share Ig. modern kit $550 inclusive. Close • to GO and Olopp it CA 420.4252 0 UNIGNT one -bedroom downtown kWW pnmfeslow2600 tial anda,W lw FSQUkO .430.4238. (0701191) EXECUTIVE WATE WP40KT Iona OMrs MW 15W MIA. 3- I. , —rn apararari, oanPM• with wU to was 4.pboe; eh,t fn kkhok diihassb r, docking facilities, garage, on Lala Scugog. 2950 monthly, k"mkra- August ISL TOM has, 1-41645614M& 40711291) OSHAWA Ir 41wi an ellen SL, very dew all top unlK swo, bedroom apart t. 8056 arab ebb kmmdM* or Auguel Isl. Caibb and parking krcbded. 676'0971(071091) MN OSHAWA - Large 2 -bedroom apartment with kitchen and Wng room, tlpphWnoaa, prhaM entrance, parking, walk to dfaerMown, amaNebbAuguet 1A morthilir 61161918. (D7099/�udes uMML PICKE11104 Brock and Finch. 2• bedroom new basement apartment, available immediately. New kitchen, WOOVo0nl and buldry room. No Polls. 2700 monthly plus 114 utilities. First and lm s79_4905 Of 603-3553.10711911 9° LeSARON CONVERTIBLE INCL A.•c cs. 00. AMF OPP :ass p4A much !ore [�FOR S'. &P3397 Y 38900*p-- l 48 mo. lease oYager'►' �T•• '...s' • SIR 1 �^ • 1 1�t ` • J ON l �OF I r l it "• 0"A I a�tr 1 /. • •,• n Mb 4=4 Nall � — 0 ��-Vftlliil 1991 COLT AUTOMa1C c PcW­ Dow FOR 15 5 permo ONLY 48 mo lase 199`0 DYNASTY 4 OR. AY.FM s b'r u- se .•" oc4s St. FOR O9* per mo OIKY 295 lease 1990 JEEP CHEROKEE LTD evle •": 7t:be, �ea1 a . -cells a.,s awe -0•e 59900* FOR txr mo ONLY38 mo lease AS t el 1 4IM1111110L I � F � r� � � f1A 1Rv •' f - pay GREG TED TED ,TEFF JNl KERRY LEONARD PARK DWANE DONNA BILL . ALEXANDER WKECNNME WLLWANN, JR. WLLIA ASM CAVAN McELROY PICKARD WOODCOCK GROBERT PICKARD PICKARD WILUAMSON THEY'VE GOT TO GO NOW! DURHAM'S LARGEST CHRYSLER DEALER :NN '. SERVICE OPEN ALL �Le, See the Chrysler Experts for Best Selection, Best Servilce. 'x OAY SATIMOAY _�•_ NO. 1 CHRYSLER DEALER GETS BETTER: 'hyhaw•s 1&oN with 11,11/ each or qwf WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED �w"o `•� AM EVERY NICHT 7&•e Med OW faxes, he. fralim of Itis phis rLYMOUTN Special Services at..� 4, ism teires "rift P" r&rrw�r�W�VILLAQE LTD. h( le! 4a Months.�a W "no CMRYKE R eaaoltwroewgsm,z*tadift 1I_ MARWOOD "ENUE NORTH9 AJAX 683-5358 ... ..... ... ...•I. . ..,.t.. .. r. a . . .. e 2fk ^ r0ur, c,es.r• 1 r I PAGE WInIE NEWS ADV>r1Ti1 M SUMAX JULY 7,11 1 FitAparbnents Apaa Rem its �►parnnenttt Room 455 c°nft For 500 f�riv�te Homes 400 Rent 400 Fa Rent 400 For Rent 400 For Retic 410 Rent 430 Rent see TOWNHOUSES and APARTMENTS WHITBY one•bedroom' large WMW WO&O UWW. One Ai=fuk 0n- nishad room in air AJAX luxury lakefront -The VENDOR'S loan • Your gaini kitchen. main raw. do" b GO. year old luxury 2.500 eq.ft. 4. Sit-, d home. shared laollies, available September 1rt. $600 Breakers' one -bedroom. Ex- Must 80. Was $1511.000. now bedroom, master •nsulte, dos• 10 but slop, nor►-amokw. includes UtiNies. No pets. 668- throughout Durham Region 3161 or 723.9340. (07099 1) 10,01ANAM cusive amenities. Available $1136,000. 4•bedroOmt, 1300 fireplace in family room, Phone 606-48a (071291) Imr, lately. $1,075 monthly. sq.ft., 4 appliances, new appliances, immediate. - From $685 to $1,005 PICKERING ons -bedroom AJAX South - Furnished Further erlquwiss contact Stew, subdivision, unistons double RMwOrwis. $11-100. 292-2134. 433-0843 res., or 728.1162. bus. drive. 4352464. 70991 (0711291) watt Tv tdtlrrt irtar,a.a cam• •70991 (0 ) f basement apartment, private Ptrortek Pad (0 ) irr9• laundry. kitchen WHITBY- 1650 sq.ft 2 storey entrance. gas fireplace, lots d AJAX- SpadOm. detached 3 facilties. Naar shopping. hospl- FLORIDA Clearwater luxury gulf house backing onto quiet park. 3 parking.Plus Dau' -lou with 4- piece batt and laundry facilities. DURHAM REGION NON-PROFIT bedroom "mer• Central oodfl air, tit' and lake. Non-smoker. � condo. two bedrooms. two bedrooms. ly 2 1/2 baths, main fridge, stow, hardwood floors, references. $350 monthly. bathrooms. Available we" floor family room, finished rex. Close to all amenities. 686- large backyard, conveniently Irrntedfale. 427.7596. (071291) alter August 171h. Enquiries room in basement, double HOUSING CORPORATION 8905 (071291) 'orated $850 plus 60X Wlrs. NORTH Oshawa - Master 72 tom' Steve, 4330843 res. or garage. 24 111 deck with spa, Barry 728.1162. ' N.W. WHITBY - 2 -bedroom %,m bus. (071691) central air. Asking $182,900. &M),749& (071491) bedroom with emsuite bath m, aParli „la"• �� �� � 0 Tient nr duple. $6?5 - monthly plus utilities. Available 436-6610 THRFF-Radroo1n in WHITBY HARBOUR Sail Cal 430-0737. (070991) centra! air, Ute d ItOiJee and appliances, large backyard, two $400 Winds. Luxury 1 tear deck, Monthly, plus utilities. -bedroom BY OWNER _ 1 1/2 storey, 4 August 1st. First and last. Please call 666.5074, after 6 15 Dundas St. E. (Woolco Mall) single garage, one year base. Male or female, non-smoker condo, 2 baths, solarium, bedrooms, 'Best of Old i Best Asking 51,100 plus ullitim. Cal preferred. Call 723-0332 upgrades, south view of lake. of New". 179 King St. p.m. (070991) 4th Floor, Lang Tower, Whitby ONE -bedroom kitchen, Ind a 9 SW9306 or 789.7395 and ark (070991) $950 monthly. Balcony, rec (Woodville) 705.439-2525. for Stove. (071291) CLEAN centre. 723-8605 or 287.1663. Open House Sunday July 7, 2- quiet furnished room, For and stove, parking, North of (070891 AJAX 4 -bedroom house, dose kitchen, laundry, and park' ) 6p.m. (071091) Rent -Geared -To -Income Housing Oshawa, clean and new to all amenities. Quiet street. $350 rtonthy. Cal 623-4702. DOWNTOWN TORONTO - PRIVATE Open House building. $550, inclusive. Avail. Fridge, stove, available August. (071191) St.Lawrence Market area. 2- Saturday. July 6 and 13, 1.5 Call able immediately. Also 2- $1.200• Telephone 748-2843, bedroomcondo with five p.m. Two storey, mature, 3- Durham Regional Housing bedroom available Sept. 1st. Authority 723.1850.(07°991) after 7 P.M. 427.1354, Glen. 445 Rental appliances. 1 1/2 baths, jacuzzi, bedroom brick home, oak floors (07M91) unit8 bath' parking. amenities. Avail• and trim, fireplace. 180 ft. deep 434-5011 BOWMANVILLE Spacious 2- MAIN floor. 3 bedrooms, control able Sept.lst $1,200 per month fol with cedar hedge backing bedroom apartment, walkout, air, patio. yard, shed, 2 car PRIVATE office s inclusive. References required. onto park. 495 Madison Ave., pace, beautiful appliances, furnished or (080691CNC) Oshawa 725-0048. (07119 1) Parking. South Pickering area, Victorian decor, central AJAX One bedroom basement unfurnished. Short term lease. _ $89& -non h. utilities or $165 or secretarial, downtown Oshawa. MCLAUGHLIN SQUARE - 3- PICKERING A-1 condition , s ENTaca•!meni, REE available Immediate to November 30,,91. 213. /svlast. Avialable imrn. Ed available now from $300 bedroom condo, southern townhouse. 3 bedrooms, 1 1/2 -mediately. Fridge, stove, Call 6231713. (07109 1) or Linda, evenings, 839-5675. mont5y. Call 434-8766. (TF) exposure, facing courtyard, 1 l/ baths. Finished basement, air warner, dryer, $600 monthly, as WHITBY 2 bedrooms basement, nc,,,rve. First and last. 427• MAIN floor of house Ip rent, 3 2 baths. cable, Pool• sauna, un• plus central vac. $137.900. Im- Stlared WHITBY 1 ISE private. $685 inclusive. 3• �eC. (071291 ) main flop, walkout to derground parking. $950 mediate possession. $10.000 bedrooms, lots Of parking, avail- 4 J�O ACC M. Inclusive. No pets, references, down. 831.6639. (07119 1) able September fbedroodm, AJAXbright one•bedroombase yard. appliances -er•T apartment, separate included. $825 plus 1/2. Avail- let. 1st and last. Lease negotiable. Frenchman's Bay, Pckering. FEMALE roomale preferred, to 728-2139. (070991) $163,900 2 -bedroom pent- $950 Pius utilities. Use of house/condo in a„ rid room, separateling able September 1st. 686-2'Y+4. N^'rants, yard, share furnished house, Pickering near park and peach• Call 420- WestneyrHwy.2. $450 monthly /l Cottages For Wim. Three appliances, pool, .� • •+': u `4 • . • e. appliances, parka(, (0711- _- ---- o srnoking, no pets. Call 427• 1273. (070791) inclusive, laundryand L� tennis, squash courts, under- �� Rent WHITBY -'a36 (071091) • spacious new one- available. Ca427-9405. ground parking. After 530, 666- NEW Luxury 3bedbath large6327 + : r • + +•: u , - bedroom basement apartment, PICKERING Gorgeous new 2- carpeted weft oak trim, separate or 668-6808, ask for private a/c, 2 baths. 5 WOMAN with one child has HOUSEKEEPING crorlages Doth appliances. 2 car garage. scrub detached home to share A. (070991) and SeptSlem- ° ° ugfist 10tsor •st. '»c'oor-^ apartmrent, ate entrance, raper parking, $650 induct- walkout to private deck and with same in northeast Oshawa bar fishing. store, pool, boat and BY OWNER -Detached two . above ground glass door Ing utilities. fast and last, non- Yard. $1.095, all inclusive. Avail- area. Pec room, large backyard, motor rental. 1-705-6531317, storey, all brick. three bedrooms two intrande, 4 appliances, private smoker preferred. 666-5435. A able July 1st or August let.. $45C monthly plus 1/2 utilities. (071391) plus two. Four bathrooms. ' 7 ,ve. August 1st. $750 per MUST TO SEEM (070991) 432-13240579-7633. (07079 1) Available immediately or August central air, backs onto HOUSEKEEPING u •_ month, nckuive. Phone 683 9629. TF WHITBY Large ons -bedroom ( N) cottages g-1erlbell. Close to Go train and 1st• Cai1434-7205, aper 6 m. WHITBY Executive 4-0edroom, P• available by week or season, on basement apartment, central air/ 401. $230,000. 683.0494. air. 2 1112 baths, family morn, or Wave message at 6661767. the Trent River, good fishing, is rrl I = n + ROSSLAND and Thomson, 2. vac. laundry, parking. Walk 110 fireplace, green -house' (070991) . (071197 ) ruin pool. sore. seasonal oedroom basement apartment, GO. $600 all inclusive. Call breakfast, garage• no pets, ons HOUSE to share South A)ax, camp sues available. Cal the PRIVATE SALE . Semi oFaceft •,.ill + 400 sq.ft. separate entrance. Paul. 432-7878 days. 668.8239 year lease rmnimum $1,250.. $100 weekly all utilities. Red Setter Resort. 1-705.778- detached. 4 -bedroom, two 4 - walk out basement, two car evenings. (071291) Available now. Refererces.416 References a must. Work, 666 3096• (070991) piece baths, eat -n kitchen, 5 Fmo • i • oaring prat• yard and very dean, laundry and utilities Houses For 297 -Mi. (071891) 7669. home 111570. (07079 1) FABULOUS island retgaL 3 appliances. }Wished basement, nclu0od. Cal doled, x16770• 41 O Rent WHITBY Man floor, 3 fenced lot, east Oshawa. bedrooms PICKERING and Hwy.2 and bedroom home. total privacy. $145.000. 571.6046. leases signed ' (070791) Plus den. no Pers, references. Liverpool. Two-bedroom share Buchhom Lake. $825 weekly (07109 1) AJAX lxgeonepedropnbas• AJAX - 3-bodmom' serrit bass Old exdutled, 4 appliarhdee, $a%. Evenngs. 416.430.7298 all facilities. non-smokers Cal 1.705.292-9383. anytime. $189,900 Three years old. 1900 or days pager, 379.7082. preferred. Ca'I 420.0899. (070991 SNC) sq.h., professional decorated Y 'mem apartment. all industee. crow k4cf+en, fenced yard. close warner, dryer, separate __ (071191) PICKERING Whra's Rd. N. ET KAWARTHAS Cosy 2-0•droom yid Landscaped. prime, Whitby DAYS 66601= to amrnities, Available July 1st, entrance. Available August lel. First, tap i iegrer+ots. $850 AJAX 3 -bedroom detached ecutive home, to share. Air, mixfom lakefront oonages, 45 location. Close to shopping and horre. backs orwo school. Avail- cable, parking, schools. 5769933 p 434.5299. Call 686.4698. after 6 p. m. 217-957 . (0 12 )AiMies. 416 071091) 297-9579. (071291) quiet area. minutes northeast o} (071691) able August 1p. Ref•rer7te. rq Srgb p kokuDle okay- $400. Pet fish � and °h' 668-54M - BEST In Oshawa - woecpm or PICKERING Near lake 3• pets- $1,150 monthly plus Cal Bruce, 837.2082, home or swimming, boat and motor at tor OWNER must sell. Two uWliss. Leave massage al 472. 497-8834, work. (071091) rNmals- From $140 weekend. bedroom semi bungalow, in ONE MONTH FREE with one PICKERING Neww aro-bedroor• Mug• bacA•Ip. Pmvaa. fridge• bedroom townhouse finished cable. Laundry, quiet people basement. 1 11/2 baths. S 0781. (070991) WHITBY - available July 1191, $375 Per week (705)-8772159. preferred N. E. Oshawa location - year lease Rosamond. 182 casement apartment, ought, D'Arcy St.. Co okrg. Luxury one espouses orwyico, only,Pmrare entrance. Call 434• appliances. rre•r trantpomabon. 7314. (TF) THREE -Bedroom scull, 1 112 responsible person wanted to (070991) Attached garage. $129.900. bath*, walkout to fenced yard. share 4 bedroom house. with 2 579-1997. No Agents. (071091) quiet, non- and 2 -bedroom sures, from smoker, no pets, $625 per shops. $1.025 monthly. 297- 6500, 472-3713, 622-4363. 2 -bedroom casemrrn - dam' dose b 401 males. Full us• of house. 485 Resorts OSHAWA North Harmondy/ and And plusOSHAWA hydro.2-e3 o month incudes uIdbm, cable. twn with air. Kin •Harmon area. (071291) amwiiti•s. $940 mouthy Parking. ill 668.6075, ask for N Rossland. 922 Ripley Cres. Pkm utilities. Call 655-8749. Graham. (070991) OItOn vail Own opr7n airiieble. 372-3355, Awilebie August fp. Cal 6a6 372-1955 or 436.2605. 7450 0430.6235. (07109 1) Available mediat•yr $700 AJAX Picienig Beech areA 3 Lar • four-bedroom ape (071291) G TOWnt)ouses FISH b CRUISE - The beautiful Proxwnatsly 2000 sq.ft., 2 12 (TFNALL) AJAX Bayy/Harwood area. 3- incknw Call Mr Greene. 420 bedroom cusan. three ears cid Y 8345. (071191) 1300 sq.ft. garage• 1 1/2 baths, trent waterway n an affordable baths. spacious main flop fami- OSHAWA Tnr•e_D•droom 42 Y For Rent houseboat R be Markham i Sheppard. t- (rirrdroorn mem floor apartment• bedroom basemeni. AJAX Spacious. crobedfoo m }ridge, stove, $1.025 plus bungalow. Irdge and stow. by a R Rental. ly room, fireplace, greenhouse finished roc room, $950 plus Summer specials. 705738- kitchen, 2lar garage, $193.900. own dose o at amorwtes and GO. 2 entrance. 4 appliances. air appliances, a- secs Dain, P utdkM. twat and last, no apartment• private separate ' utd*,w Fret and last, near CM • PICKERING townnc se, 3 � (071291) 4116-287-1663 or 723-8605. so. 3 416-21) $695 Plus n utile, s.47laundry, 227`.(0 109 Plus utilities. 492- plus part utilities. 472- 2272. (071tWt) non-smokers. 427.5047. entrance. parking, fridge, stove, (071691) 4 -piece bathroom, storage bedrooms, 1 t,Q Oaths. 546 Monef9h. Available now. Private Homes finished basement• garage. 579.6106. (070991) 8 9 500 PICKERING. 8181. 8181. (071291) closef kitchen utilities. cable BACHELOR house Ip rent, "Ir". FOX HOLLOW - appliances. wok to Pickering For Sale WHITBY Clean 3•Dedroom bus route. AvaiNlle after July Townline/Hwy.2, Two at brick, cos 3 - AT Morningside a Lawrence. Town Contra, July 31 p up Y with WHITBY Large bright com- aPartment man floor d triplex. 19th. 428-9135. (071091) bodroorls, kitchen, wrarhroOmL Man floor of 3-b•tlroom 311. $1,040. Days 2984001, Ireplacein Ik^n9 room, spew» Pletely $elf contained one. fenced yard. pool. no dogs. OeOroom, walkout basement $800 plea ut4tiea. I mkWiate AJAX Largo pr -bedroom base tk 729 no0m garage, first and last. last. bungalow. 4 appkances. air �wn9s.428-OM. (071291) dining ?corn, •at -n kitchen, dr - T TIME cular staircase. t 11/2 baths. 5 rt7ning. walk-ou 10 dock, PICKERING L. erpool Rd. apartmrnt. air. pykng. Thick- Possession, references. 683- son and Ourdas area $650, a• 8661. (071291) merit apartment, sit 5575 ttonthwy Oki iAleiet• OMarte, eat -n kitchen. close o 5763072. before 5 p.m. or 432- area laundry, garage. 2 balls, $975 UYERS new appliances, air, finished plus part utilities. 472-8187. teat Available e' 1st and RNANClaiG basement. 420 8x42. (071191) S•pbrllbor 172'buyers- Incknive. 6669633. 70991 (0 ) WHITBY rite, clean and quiet 8903, atter 5 m. leave all amenities, non-smoker. D- Parking. Laundry.$650 inldudto ^'a••a9a (071191) Y (071291) Call 839-9446, days. 1-3, b ars. Home REDUCED FOR WICK SALE III 'OV dim (b a ��• PICKERING Bachelor, bright basement apartment. $650. utMios. Fust and Iasi. August WHITBY - 3 -bedroom main WHITBY Thresbodroorn main Ov • 8-10. (070791) $149.900. 3 -bedroom detached 4 is yours in 1991. t?aterrhent. has cedtinrng room, Good landlord looking for good 1st. 427.1795. (071091) 1b0. tended lot, parking, 2 fbor, walkout o fenced yard and WHITBY 3-bodropn townhouse. ` • fin's me^t and ellperieruce apiece liwath?OOnn and kitchen. tenant. 4 appliances and all Share laundry and sed• utilities included. 430-2213. SOUTH OSHAWA - one • t2wNAet tttrlr Brod i H••Y. 512. lieauuluay decorated. northeast Oshawa, No agents. pati0, cyce,• draDos and ape 2 washrooms. finished pliariga induced. $825 plot 12 basement, air, stove, fr' •,� Must b • s o I d I 728-7641 itlg LR*Wi�hoalty entrance. $500 m7nthly. gap. (0712911 bedroom basement apartrlwht $825 „o,,,p7, Qhs 72 utiitie4- Cal or rhe. Own antra -0e. eat -n R4eies. Available udkhMCGUIn evenings, 224-6005 days, 433 Sopuerrbor wafter, dryer, $975 monthly 1st. 6862264. Rei. 0755 anytme. 2378. (071191 1 BROCKFINCH •Two bedroom Lucas 939.2451. (070991CNC) kitchen. 4 -piece cath, large (071491) (071191) pkis utilities. Fps, and last. 6836 3`M0. X PICKERING t -bedroom basemem apartment. separate WHITBY detached 2 (070991) U •mayOSHAWA 3 -bedroom 1 1/2 Irrg moms twig yard, no pets. NORTH OSHAWA . 3 . 1- yoarsnew, basement. separate entrance, entrance. utisss. Hund park- PICKEWtlG LIVERPOOUBAYLtd.baths, walkout deck, large First and last r 3Dedroorn, 1 1/2 baths. stow. Mla 576-7111 krden, rexry. squired. $575 bedroom semi with attached trdge. dishwasher, availble room, Vrpe fenced antral au and vac, us• of ng nckaded. AvaiHlle August faciities. host and hydro tp. $750 monthly Includes utilities. garage• fenced backyard. pato, OcoOer tp. i9B0 DlR LY - LY 3-DedroOm townhouse, payer yard, three car dire, sidelaundry Please hardwood mor". 428-9623. included. AvaitaWs rmedylefy. (071091) can 432-2652. (071191) shed. control air, finished roc room, 1 12 baths, fireplace,. air, tours,l: 1 a1675a49S (071191) A a entrance semi. Reduced to Parking wak o GO, $600 monthly. 837-1952, leave MOVE -IN condition, freshly WHITBY Bluegrass Meadows. (126.900. 7239108 (071291) close to schools and all AJAX- detached, 3 -bedroom, schools and shopping. Available Large, bright one -bedroom message. (071091) painted and carpeted. 2• P WHITBY Central, basemorx open nail in nowwer arthsrhtiss• i1,tOD rronthy plus 1250 sq. h., garage, 3 bath, 1995 per rnorth AJAX for safe, almost new. home. utilities, first and last, fenced yard, fridge/stove/ Pius Utilities. Phone 823-9028. COURTICE�� let Fkr• FreMold townhouse, 1085 sq.h• cleans bedroom unr pa- parking available, ciOus one -bedroom apartrlr-t use d bad yard. $675 plus 50% Fridge, stow, $685 71191 large bedrooms, 3-4 plea monthly nclusive. Available references. Call after 6 p.m. . $1100 . utilities, no (0 1 3 -bedroom, central air arhd vita no pats, no watorbods, utilities per mouth. Available References, 571-4096• available 172/ dogs, refe/en . inmrdiate _ baths' 0ertri air, front end-. garage, CIOse 10 GO train. wmkadialefy. Close to transit. 91 711191 possossi0n 6838661 712-1 IMMEDIATE a August, spa- fence, deck, green bell. 7 $159,000. Call 428.0665. C (0 1 (0 ) first and last immediately. GUI Perry 416- 0 66671008. (070991) cious 3Dedroornt lowwtfouses, applianc s. much „pre, °) required. S595 Plus hydro. Avail- 297.1555 or 416.576.3071. EXECUTIVE Slone Tudor on 10 AJAX Spacious clean one- AVAILABLE rwlw3be0r0oms, 1 OSHAWA Civic area. Large, includes all utilities and $197.0DD. 4367680 (07 ypl able P. August Ist.91) 6662230. aper (070991) 5 p.mt 70991 f0 t 1/2 baths, plus ensu(., 2 n� decorated. �►b•, �^Oa• CIO" to schools • �• edF�rK o Bowman - bedroom basement apartrrnt, P PRIVATE WHITBY - 3•bedfoom viye Gal Course. 54 bedrooms, trw�• 5 Sliti edit IrwI yard. Avaisble and amu WWW. Cal 434-3-72 AJAX One-D•droom self OSHAWA WisorvOlive area, 2- contained. walkout basement separate entrance, laundry Wphoncw awwal badksplil, large detach* S batty facilities. appliances. 1550 plus IsPraf s WGff*0k doubts August let, $975 nondtly plus, (071291) 9ar>� finished roc fireplaces. family.central Ded2oorn basemwm apattlwn, apartment, $600 includes bright and dean hidge. novo, utilities pqn with air ai'�aand share utilities. 683-8661. t Close b al ytrrwilea OWNHOUSECONDO Wfilby- lirephcekbrrdvaI ask kitchen. vacuum, intercom, many 870591) «acq�is, 839-33597. � 571 4499• (071291) Brand and cable. Non-smoker, w shw, dryer, Large Yard, $650 no pets. Referwtcos preferred. (071291) new carpeted 3 new windows, roof, 5 upgrades. Independently FOsMavOshawva- (D70591) Townhouses bedrooms. Garage. patio. 4 appliances. walk to GO. appraised. $675.000. Selling inckKWO utilities. No smokers. Available now. 427.7728. 427-5047. (071691) (071291) gnat,,, „ 1lWAC1 TIE herr for MnL 420 ^A*Wlcer, basement. Pass $175,000. 969.7314. 4071191) Privately$50. OM or tiller. No ert �nenit T09 11-17 ertes b list. Avail For Rent tt-tedfe. 1« siboo. AJAX Large deluxe one- AJAX - Harwood/Bayl in house. separate entrance, able $1200 per cable and Fins Yom. aper,tt plese her apppineerry 571-477& (D7o991) E HOE agwft 023-47Fo ap#070791)k*r t anb2Miscii L CON bedroom baser ant apartment. bedroom main flop. wak•out to patio, four piece entrance, $935 monthly, first s��ce . nond and last Relrren Suitable for as first and last. Available required. Ptwtee col 725 loPokliflift u by flow& Few- CFJfTRAL Whitby . Priws• 3 bath, bedroom with walk-in and last, 12 utiffies. Close to immediately. 723-8580. '4071191) badreewrk paiee s aest 2112 bedroom, maintenance free ba91< seam" 4buingelow. !right irMaw spart. closet, dining area, Private GO. Cal 420.1281 or 427-5739. Nbrh-smtlist no pais. 4071081) AVAM.ABLE distill one NORTH OSHAWA how" for beth 2900 COMM a4 Sell Vag. HItb d- nine with separate entrance, in - A Available Available Augurs tat 666 3378 WHITBY- soh. 4 bedrooms 2 bedroom sparunem Pr•st�ious baths, fireplace, laundry north end area. Laundry ' /teleme7 fww•ee, e+iral ground pool, 7 appliances, sllakcmw. WrepwA. "N woodbuming stow, 220 amp 4070791) apartment in nom•. I►idg•, t in home. fridge. WHITBY Orr -bedroom opers- stow, washer, dryer. central air. faciiiti•a. large tan tacities, Parking and ail ut old badryard, 5995 ircladed �5D r9uortlty, list and , landreapld. ullw r 1slteeM service with brealler. Must be :REE br $2881aa4 816 seen. $168.900. 666-2956. merit and two-bedroom dos• o shopping. GO. ac ooL last requibd. Cal anytin•, 579 Fitt Itnd last. «able August 11ed 1pamen !HL 071191) WHITBY Ouren's Cortrrlort M !10 slpartmrent apP•oucirutNy 1522 $750 mM* includes udes u tib". and $650 per month- Erwrinhp First i last Juy 1st 427-4493 NW. (0709911 40711 ) WNITBY Throe A AX LOOP 3-0edrsorn eel -in bedroom house. largo lot, krtch•n, ceramic hollywood double and weekends, 427-2457. or 655.1935.(071191) (09Mgt) -bedroom epartment. $750 Piu: ulNkwc Woesmy 4bedieom• 3 bW^ house for Double garage, main floor f (ip(tYp, arplsoek owtaal tbc, (auarudfy erg mom vAh WHITBY Close to GO and Top floor of duplex. avalable rent. ear, •nsuite, mail floor powder Replace. 2900 sq Cal aha HARWOOD and Bayly. 3- clovers. 2-bb1O01 l aarac- bedroom house. imrriedialaly. Plane 696-4025. 9wa9e• available August 1st. $1,250 monthly Of Oki offer. roomt YM W paswnml with 6�0 P.M. 430.8162. Not agwtls, finished upper I•vel. civ apartment, balcony, immediately, ,g $795. iuClnrdva Avail plus utilities. OSHAWA 2•bedroom CAN 430.2963, 8 a.m.-9 aPanldisidt p'tn aparilmat IwwC As - 11,2. 3 bedroom suites in a kin $209,900. 6$3-5849. COURTICE 2 -storey, 3 - 9 Hardwood Hardwood floor. ceiling fan. i1(e A, ,p 1st or September able anytlrrr. (071191) ler feat. flew i hydro $676 / bedroom, central air, vac.. a�A1 f10 m ODfllm 4070791) SOW pits 3D% Wilier. No pow, let. 899.5207. 4071891) no s„pki . R�1e10M 686 par C1pN o alt air -"ilius. $676 per PICKERING Three•b•d►own rtontll fist and last required. bungalow, main floor, 7and � io tocig M „' BOWMANVILLE Private - 3- drive Professionally Plly es 4769. (071291) PICKERING area basement 4 Available1st• Cal 434- appirroes, new 00, $890 plus , bedroom INk, 1 12 baits, ci- ed. close • iNOOdblJft1111g Fife$ ruler oak staircase, ONE bedroom basement apaAmerit, shah bathroom. P.m-. or leave 12 utiltirs. knnurdiate. 420 (new •at•in to sclbol and park Main (bon • kitchen, with wakoul o to ced fan* rep. with ti s kitchen and lose t AN utilities CmMai air sepyaN atryt°e' included. Close to GO and air' woodsl utilities OSHAWA bull -C) 0378. (071091) 06HAWA rhewv build' n con ON Rd. Udroom U yard, nicely decorated. king $225,000. 432-335. (rF7 ) •Alf Conditioning $147,900. Call 823.8131. includ 427_8121 July 1st. J $675. dor _o and two �r 2 wasfrp0tts twee -aft a (0�1) WHITBY FOR SALE - 3- • Tef�S Ciourt and Ciar Wash bedroom luxury Caed. area.: 0 weekly $$300 $675. Cal 4278123 alter 690�• bedroom opartrtxx with jr iM wak o Town Centre, GO, townhouse wish P.m., weekends anytime. mw". Please call ��' (071291) days. (071191) �• washer, dryer, parkig shopping, •tit. Garage, and Utiltirr induced. Call 728- Workshop. dad. First. REDUCED $10,1X10. Lar3• lots Of upgrades. Flexible _ bedroom fbefoWtownftop b dosing. Cal afler 6 P-mt. 6e6 FROM 850 MONTHLY OSHAWA - large nicely graft Inst, �• cwt- meetag•• 4070991) fftwwm=. $1,175 plus, Paler Whitb Air condkioned, plus 2120. 70991 NORTIEAST OSM- - Large demaled 2 -bedroom apartment AJAX Onobedroom basement or Tensa, 267.7482. (071291) r ram. Askin $185,$500. 3 phsro,bed,ppn horns. North- OPEN HOUSE Call 430.1&%. (071191) h o•bedOom aprrbr wg avail- in duplex, clow to 401, bus and able August let. Separate Oslkarra Centre. 1650 mouthy apartment, 4-plece bath, WMTBY $149900. kitchen, living room, own trrvropullt•' 3bWroortt• 1 12 baths. O• i THURS. 3%, SUNiiA�$11J �f Oshawa, Professionally 1663Nph NEWCASTLE 20 minutes east finished basement with side Rd,V11�1�r90wRr11Y�NtCOlMlkej solum Kinchly udkin fou► app$wced $875 includes fridge, stow, heat, hydro and parking. ►ec entrance, newly renovated, ppm gerape, GO bus. sdrook. dean. bright kxl air." of Pickering, detached 4- entrance. 3 bathrooms, SE ver of Nash i ThAs Road< bedrooml 2 storey, 23W sgJL whirlpool, books onto grow 678-539 leave theasago. or 576- pppC Main North Sales Rep. rag•• de 4315660 p 576 line $660 a1 iwivaded 889 ROUM Suomi 4344Mo1'$362M $tn,9D0. Cal 4168MI303, specs. Adift $144.900. Open =I. l g 9381. (070991) IS$& ( Remy. 1291 1869 (0712911 Ltd. 9063900. (0709911 �� Ply E 91) days. Pw �73�17. P71191) AAsk for'�Muabn• (07 CA. 0 0ft ' D 0 .0 IF U 505 "'"''°da,,;, 570 90 n5 ` ecs5ties Opportunities es ISM 27 It. Prowler. steps 6. aroMlw. sl mw. and both. tarp Iridge, sow, furnace, 3 -way hook-up. exoalent condition. $6,950. Call 565.2177. 580 e Insurance BROKER has $10,000 to sand as $147 per moan. Contact Jerry al 6OMM Community Finan- cial Services. M711911 I WANT TO BUY I WE buy your house, townhouse or condo by assuming mortgages. Flexible closing - Any location. Open a.m. - 6 p.m. 7 days a week. Mr. Nouse 416.646.0880 SAVE thousands - with low in- bo hgr single woman to share the ex - Fret 1n-week momfmy. No credit crocks. rq ma the from eeken :,Sae. a hassles. 51O terest and adjustable rate pense and enjoyment of package. Taxes For Sale Sale mortgages. ear Rids or Brent. CortFinancialServio>ts, 670 personals 670 personalCommunity 666{6805. (071191) f3 EARwATEA 3 bedoonn lir- DISTRESS Sale Whitby. Bluegrass Village 3 -bedroom Abroker has $10,000 to lend on SPLISH-SPLASH Hot tub rentals68 Perim spas.Sum- RETIRED widow, mid 50's a mongage. Repay only $221wishes pools, hot tub, tennis, to meet other retired ""For bo hgr single woman to share the ex - Fret 1n-week momfmy. No credit crocks. rq ma the from eeken :,Sae. a hassles. 51O Cal Matrix 499.2400 pense and enjoyment of package. Taxes For Sale Sale Toronto Line or out of town 1- traveling. 5765443. (070991) included. 427 6226. (071691) 336-9133 ( olle 11 S36A133loolect)•(071491CNC) 600-397-6116. (TFALL) f3 EARwATEA 3 bedoonn lir- DISTRESS Sale Whitby. Bluegrass Village 3 -bedroom ABroker has $IOM1obndon a mortgage. Repay only $221675 6%% Companions 675 Companions VV lownhouss condo. fixed price. $145.000. Bought $155.000. monthly. No credit checks. No pools, hot tub, tennis, Room for rem. $75 weakly. Cal hassles Cal Matrix 499.2400 Toronto line or out of town 1. ' 576-1250. 0. (save message. (071291) 9o0.3e7,6116 (TFALL) Meet new friends V CondosFor MORTGAGES to 90% d proper• ty for romance or s DOMFA C«haeee . Nd torn. one to at 104 Cat us alhytiras� 520 value, some below bank marriage VD information. confidential. Sale rates, specializing in pra-quality- Frame coleus, Banamfl ass& on 830 a.m. - 490 pAL Foe clinic Small otwl lie. Lags IOL told Tuesdays and ThlRsdays. 410. r any Mortgages ing first-timebans and foaio lice any Purpose' AN MATCH MATES door bath with septic, 2 dkiehouni(TF) COOOMINIUM 44 Faby Cn, Ajax. Fifth floor, west view, two 'pPNcat1Ofa oonsideted' "mrd regard - Personal Introductions - ning counselling. Free and 05-14 n 9L N O,; 05SIQ . bedrooms. two bathrooms. en- suite laundry, tennis, pool, less d credit rating and income. Fast service and approvals. Service CABIN Sudeck and tat am Clinic in Oshw^ Tuesday. 1 to central air. saxel" TV. aexwity. Ra1"can Financial Ltd. 571-2660 JOAN McCoy s Far ItMlher kdo cal go and cabis. Ilrsy.7. MAW underground. $124,000. 686- Oshawa. Pckain9• 434-8399 $199.000. Ca/ 9134336.5647. Jt este tw he blind lead 3877. (071191) (TFNALL) 570 Thiien Sites ntYllsler, Mb A All. For 535 `° sale 535 `° Sale CROWE RIVER 2 + ACRES - $28,900 Boat, lish, swim i Private, secluded treed lot adjacent to park S walking trails. Power b phone. Great for vacationyear round home. Owner financing. 613-332-0368 ALGONQUIN PARK 3.5 + ACRES - =59,900 417 ft. shoreline, Crown Land, pnvacy. Canoe the park, ad permits. 1 only - Bast buy! Owner finanf V. 613-332-0368 THE RECESSION IS OVERT sem. Bethany VOW. 2 loge. adjacent 580 � Mortgage 100 X I'M IL saved and to bund. wont last a $Stn oto UranCF Cal Omwgs. 416.8s4.7656. 815,000 b Wind. down paymanu (071 191) also arranged, Call Doug a GARDEN HILL -Woodlands Brent 668.6805 Community M. brdy heed loll. Financial Services. (071191) 1.1. sere, great value, at DOWN PAVIENTS arranged. $50.900. Private. 41&4W2976. Why pay rent? Own your own (071891) homn from III ,200 monthly, Kfkl)MGMIVESTMENT LOT large selection of homes in Orono. 162 IL homage X I le available. Call Doug or Rid on quiet. wooded. serviced lir. OB&S OS Comwnay Financi l Close to s1 1; l:I , sethotls Call Services. (071191) 416403.510:. (071261) DEBTS out d annool9 Loaner' 120 X 210 Ft on pared reed, a consolidations credit miss ROM d 401 a Cothoug arr-nigo W.consultation.a'National ang Free seen This weeks special $44.444. Phoma 416-342,2071 (071001) 433- 42t"01- P251 �w 545 ,� 545 "�b°s Properties LAKE LOTS - $39,900 •Two minute walk to a beautiful private sand beach •Prestine Lake -tall pines & hardwoods -big lots -Ideal for vacation or retirement -cottages available (416) 349-2911 MADEIRA Beach (St. PeM't). fully equipped. 1.500 sq. ft., Mortgage luxury condo, 2 baths, 3 Jlp� 580 nce bedrooms healed pool Jaausi, Up flow diectly601 onanialloble.Gere. Now 9. 1 13 FAST action let, 2nd and 3rd 336-9133 ( olle 11 S36A133loolect)•(071491CNC) m�+9aees-Purchase rdkmw oe, f3 EARwATEA 3 bedoonn lir- Po~ d eat. sin employed, bad rxseit O. Call anytU& aished RNAWO (permanent) home servos. 656- rwm", sub house, heated onsail , 6073. c.FtC. Matpape Cstmrek pools, hot tub, tennis, (1F) Mm9eboard, ast r beach and ' mapr aurae C"us. 670 w.loonn. (LMR MIM Baal) 993• WWW V mm (:steel) Conages550 Corsages For s DOMFA C«haeee . Nd torn. one to at 104 Cat us alhytiras� saie 433-1121.127-WX (TF) VD information. confidential. SACK IFICEI Waterfront A- CIA 723.8521 MOndAy-FddiV Frame coleus, Banamfl ass& on 830 a.m. - 490 pAL Foe clinic Small otwl lie. Lags IOL told Tuesdays and ThlRsdays. 410. whin pin ttrhr hRe 2 piaoa IR- S90 PAL Cal 433.8901 during door bath with septic, 2 dkiehouni(TF) bedroots . Ido, noes dock and dSdt Plus lege dedt owrltok- a1RTH ceellral and UW* W kg hka. 1 416e85 N55. 8 S ning counselling. Free and 05-14 n 9L N O,; 05SIQ . c MondoW asum. to Friday. 830 aAL to 4 CABIN Sudeck and tat am Clinic in Oshw^ Tuesday. 1 to down. $400 Ra -dy or $u.6oD 3 pjn . and Wednesday 1 to 6 Is nL Pickering Thurs. 23D - 530 Also Ca9ee Shap with apt.ltrn. Far ItMlher kdo cal go and cabis. Ilrsy.7. MAW 0th OtAaesa 4336e01 a Pidaing r Pick down. $900 nto"Inl Or y 420-$781. (TF1 $199.000. Ca/ 9134336.5647. Jt este tw he blind lead f��..�.�. i�glesSes4 Mn blind? Does your rriniss r Tin !meq is r» hk.d 570 Thiien Sites ntYllsler, Mb A All. Isaiah 56:10-12. John 10:11. taoR RENT - 199$ 23 L Clary Jkn CanpbN 1.70$053.9475. (TFAW lrtalarlhaRlt� tnckldMhg star, nate. fridge. am. washroom, ABORTION IMaRtaMon• Cal tllttpe 9 nAiv�ellp��leead inwano0 044= (TF) 77111k ami sit 9127, g71191a RAST wants work doing IIIOOYOIB Teri hat►. with a ooccaebrM, he"inly owls add -groan ea anion. 6500. ►. Call EaNs 00"MCall 432-9099, days. ;rite (D1 OUTDOOR SUMMER CONCERT featuring - The METRO TORON70 SALVATION ARMY RESERVIST BAND Sat. July 13,7:00 p.m. Please bring your own lawn chairs. More Concerts July 27, August 10 & 24 at CHRISTIAN BLIND 111SSION 1`T'L. 3844 Stouffville Rd, just East of Hwy. 404. THE NEWS ADVFJrM%S2 SITNDAV_ TRt1 V 7. 1001.PAV-V 10 The First Step Toward A More Healthy Environment Recycling You can help in the struggle against waste build-up by recycling old newspapers. plastic, aluminum and glass products. 1V~jwAdaert"er Get Your Mind Around This It might look like a table. But it is really a sophisticated instrument that brings volunteers together. Providing the right environment to work out the problems facing Canadian communities today is one of the most important things your United Way/Centraide does. Choose a charitable organization that puts volunteers in the position to make a difference. f r Choose United Way/Centraide. Vfty A New Spirit CenCralde Volunteerism at Work! of Giving t P, PAGE 20 -THE NEWS ADVEKnSER SUNDAY, JULY 7,1f11 rk• home centre 0 3i�e4ta 8 300 PROPANE BARBECUES 30,000 STU FEATURES MCLUDE 390 SO. IN. OF COOKING AREA, FRONT - HANDLES, HEAT INDICATOR,_ - WINDOW AND PORCELAIN GRILLES. HANDY FROM SHELF AND TWO SDE SHELVES ADD TO THIS BARBECUE. TANK INCLUDED 99 REG. %9.9149rs3m SALE... THERMOS TABLE TOP PROPANE BBQ TAMC EXTRA , 5W. 43.99 /� J Now 99.� ' o ONLY36 `�:��F# In a#& a 1 1/2 HP -4800 R.P.M. 10" TABLE SAWS MODEL *34 -REG. 189.99 99 SALE... 1594340M " 71/4'"- 20 TOOT CARBIDE SAWBLADES 7-7%' _ now" �NOW ONLY 99 END CUT PRESERVATIVE WATER ReMMU SIT FORMUTA-PROTECTS SAWED MACHINED & DRILLED AREAS OF PRES. TREATED WOOD. 1 LITRE il11�� REG. 6.9999 SALE 3>w. OE ST. f., OSHWA 204M ��lAM�IIM L WEED EATER GARDENING TOOLS 35.5 cm/14" 6104 HEDGE TRIMMER B jq • 35.5 CM 04") DOUBLE-EDGED BLADE • 2.6 AMP MOTOR - MODEL HT 14 • TWO -FINGER TRIGGER FOR 99 COMFORTABLE OPERATION 49 ONLY12114 WM EATER LAWN TRIMMERS MODEL 1208 REG. 45.99 MODEL • 8" CUTTING PATH a 1208 • TA LINE ADV AUTOMATIC LINE 9 9 ADVANCE • 2.0 AMP MOTOR SALE,2m -- MODEL 1210 • 10" CUTTING PATH • TAP -N -C" AUTOMXlC UNE ADVANCE MODEL • 2.8 AMP MOTOR c 1210 • ADJUSTABLE ASSIST HANDLE REG. 55.99 99 .- SALE39 �5 PIECE PATIO SETS • V �l r t CLEARANCE! THE 'RIIAER MODEL: NO ES 4 RIVIERA. IIIICU lII+10 CHAS. 4 'CORAL- CUSHIONS, ONE rXW FASIN 7 Vr U00111IIIIIII& 6 �A�AS. AM�� RAgE;S�AIR �I'iR CLEARANCE! AM or*rc ar-sroac "M -SIV LAWN FURNITURE 2 00 Yo,OFF! "NOMA" POWER MOWERS +� 20" STANDARD ROTARY MOWER - 3.5 H.P. - 6&S ENGINE MODEL 0750 -UNASSEMBLED 5; "CLEARANCE! MODEL LP750 aREc 99 ~. 179.99 -�-- SALE... 5 9 r ATE HARD WARE 20% OFF! ����� • " T SPRING ORNAMENTAL HINGE 89 GATE LATCH REG. 12.29 SALE...9 REG. 3.39 �'f 69 :5,821 SALE... L 25,615 THUMB g- T HINGE LATCH G. 10.39 REG. 10.29 825 SALE 259819 SALE 829:59 2, MANY OTHER STYLES - ALSO AT 909! nFFl BORDER FENCING a9� 99 r� RAILWAY TIES -USED- IDEAL FOR A VARIETY OF LANDSCAPE PROJECTS REG. 8.99 SPECIAL 7 39EA. 41100 t . .V 0 N wa AJ3..mil ]do 1 40