HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA1991_05_051 - -_ __ _ . ___ __._1. _ Full seems '100 P 713AVS min" VMVOAX NO GREEN FEES PAYABLE GOLF TOURNANMNT & BANQUET BUFFETC1 w.doa•r ,vK�,w %W • „p'29- ANNANDALE COUNTRY CLUB P.O. Brno 91, A*x LIS 3C2 (416) 663-3210 Ajax a Pickering A Metroland Community Newspaper Sunday Edition is PICKERING Ir:irviv CFNW, 1st ANNUAL DIAPER DERBY Thwo, i Fd.,1by Wi th at Sot, My 11th, 0iX00Pm vvL..7, ryv. i o 01 c + 44; G51 = 55 GENTS SUNDAY, MAY 5, 1991 CIRCULATION 35,000 24 PAGES 0 You'll pay up if you speed By WENDY GALLAGHER Durham Reporter DURHAM - Your heavy foot could translate into a light pocketbook. Police departments in the Greater Toronto Area are clamping down on speeders in the next two weeks. And increased fines for speeding will hit you where it hurts most. Locally, Durham Regional Police and Whitby OPP will be keeping a picketing closer eye on those who disobey the speed limit. "In addition to increased enforce- councillor ment, police warn that less forgive- ness will be shown to offenders so motorists should not count on hav- Beverley ing clocked speeds reduced," says Durham Regional Police staff Morgan sergeant Bev Graham. The education and enforcement campaign on speeding was launched a e a d last week. The Insurance Bureau of Canada is funding a $100,000 province -wide, public awareness RIPICKERING - Regional campaign to inform the public of the councillor Beverley Morgan dangers of speeding. died Thursday after a four - The theme Slow Down and nxm* illness. Survive reminds people that many Morgan traffic fatalities and injuries are was elected caused by driving at excessive to office in speeds. 1987 and is According to statistics, speed is a described by major contributing factor in approxi- colleagues mately 20 per cent of all traffic asci- as a tireless dents. worker who Jack Lyndon, president of the was com- Insurance Bureau of Canada, says if _ milled to the you have three speeding tickets you community could face increases as high as 25 IM►ror0 - and its rea- per cent in your annual insurance premium. dents. Her l C boli as a porw- Graham explains that speeding TM.Wlaid pri0t w Ler ekcdm fines are set on a pro -rated basis. Speeding between one and 19`� See SPEEDERS—Page 2 CHELD CARE: A study will be conducted on child care needs here. Page 3. STUDENTS CHALLENGED: Area students show off their skills. Pare 4. TOP SECRETARY: Who's the best secretary around? See Page 14. PAPA & L'UIGI'S PIZZA UY ONE MEDIUM 3 �'. 1410 GAYLY ST. , mm To Go TRAIN) 'PLUS APPW#xE TA= - ,INDEX - 6 Ch sWi s S 7 PAGE 2 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, MAY 5,19!1 One way to beat: N new tax on butts Spee dersc oy PICKERING Approximately $12,000 in cigarettes were stolen from a local pharmacy Thursday morn- ing. Durham Regional Police responded to an alarm call at the Bay Ridges IDA around 2 a.m. The glass in the front door was smashed. FROM PAGE 1 kilometres over the posted limit will cost you $2.50 for each kilometre over. Between 35 and 49 kilometres will cost you $6 a kilometre. Over 50 kilome- tres past the speed limit will automatically send you to court. And, motorists ticketed for non -probationary charges face points on their driving record. You'll receive three points for speeding up to 29 kilometres over the limit and an automatic six points for speeding more than 50 kilome- tres over the limit. At 15 points, you lose your licence. New drivers are put on probation for a year. If they commit a Highway Traffic Act infraction within that time, their probation time is extended. A probationary driver will lose his or her licence at six points. GL may not be a millionaire, but want my hair to look like I am:' At Sears Value Cuts, our services don't cost a lot so you can always afford to look your best. 9 HAIRCUT 9 STYLE $29 PERM includes cut & style) NO APPOINTMENTS Shampoo and simple conditioner with every service. v1 Tr k e rerw e.,[na re.; fv uac m Canaaa your rrxx>ey's worth and more Count on us for. Quality, Service, Selection & Price! A FA 10 IAEATis Early BirdSpecials Tues., May 7 & Wed., May 8 Only!!! Lean Ground Beef SAVE .4o,b.1 9 The Fresh Chicken Breasts SAVE 1.10 Ib, Ib. Octoberfest 69 Sausage SAVE 1.00 Ib. WE _.i • I 0 AA�JAX� 1 ERING ..�.. NOW 42T-9�S8 -fCM �' .�.in _.i • I 0 r Immm"m .Child care study launched hmnesuND"erAGE DURHAM - Durham College has received funding from the ministry of community and social services to carry out a child care com- munity needs study for the region. The study, entitled Child Care: Blueprint for the 90s, will identify child care needs, develop a planning strategy and recommend an imple- mentation plan for child care in the area. To maximize participation, the study will ,reach out to the community in a number of ways: - Telephone surveys: A random sampling of parents will be contacted by phone. The inter- views will not exceed 15 minutes, and inter- viewers wish to speak to both parents who care for their children at home and those who work outside the home. - Questionnaires: Care providers, employ- ers, child care professionals and boards of directors will be requested to complete mailed questionnaires. - Group discussions: These sessions will Provide an opportunity for you to discuss the critical issues affecting local child care and explore strategies to meet current challenges and future needs of the system. You're invited to room A-11 of the college's Ajax campus, 400 Monarch Ave., on Wednesday, May 8 from I p.m. to 3 p.m. or the Pickering Public Library, second floor auditorium, One The April home sales climb over ' DURHAM - Home sales were up 148 per -cent last month over April 1990, says the Oshawa and District Real Estate Board. Statistics released by ODREB show that 773 homes changed hands this April with an average price of $158,202, up from March's average price of $155,987. However, prices are lower than last year's average of $173,115. Year-to-date sales show an increase of 106 per cent over last year. Esplanade, on Tuesday, May 14 from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. - Child care community forum: A one -day planning forum has been planned for Saturday, Sept. 28 at the college's Oshawa campus, 2000 Simcoe St. N. The cost is $20 and registration forms are available by calling Nancy M. Draper Consultants at 571-2970. A final report will be released at the end of October. Mourning colleagues p_y tribute Bev Morgan 'caring and passionate' "She was a great lady," says mayor Wayne Arthurs. "She worked so hard in the community and on town issues. She was committed, caring and passionate. I've just lost a very good friend." Councillor Rick Johnson says Morgan "put in more hours than anybody else; she was always work- ing hard. I learned a lot from her. She really pushed for what she believed in." Pickering council has cancelled its Monday night meeting and flags are flying at half -utast at the town's civic complex. Morgan was a founding member of Dump Metro, a group that evolved into Pickering -Ajax Citizens Together (PACT) for the Environment. As a PACT member, k1organ stood up for residents' rights time and time again. She won a provincial award for her work in crime prevention pro- grams, and was also involved in the tight to prevent child abuse. She was known to many as an animal lover and was a committee member of Pickering -Ajax -Whitby (PAW) Animal Control Centre. Morgan was responsible for Pickering's first Neighborhood Watch program, was a founding member of the town's Block Parent program and organized the Village East Community Association. She gave much of her time over to volunteer work in the community and was a driving force in the Bayview Heights Parent-Teacher Association. Morgan is survived by her hus- band, Len, her sons Gregory and Kevin, her parents Eva and David Nelson of Bracebridge, sisters Debbie and Susan and brother John. The family is receiving friends at the McEachnie Funeral Home, 28 Old Kingston Rd., Ajax, on Sunday between 2 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. and between 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. The funeral will be held Monday at Dunbarton-Fairport United Church, 1066 Dunbarton Rd., Pickering, at 1:30 p.m. The family will receive friends at the church beginning at noon. Interment will be at Erskine Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, the family would appreciate donations to the Canadian Cancer Society. .r♦wa♦�a.r-vr sa1r••as•.f♦V••.1. V 19•.01. 1.t.r.Y.w .'R^Ail...,jx� 4,.1."p—#,:..�:�.1e.1.a.r,r--♦.1 ,. +�_� �.r.�.♦4s. .•♦.• •o..� • •.•.say. arrw.►a- _ PA" MTM NKMApVUTEM SUO DA -4 MW S. tfll PA J Trustees hit right notes for music camp kids A DURHAM - An art and music c camp is back on track for public 1, school students. a Although the board's subsidy for the camp was cut from its 1991 bud - r+ get, passed less than a month ago, tl some trustees felt the board had a made a "serious commitment" to stu- dents who had already enrolled in V the camp and paid their fees. Program consultant Dan Tomlinson is pleased that the board reinstated its support. "I don't think they realized how far along our plans had come (when they cut it)," he ° says. Students will be attending the camp, located outside Haliburton, from June 12 to 21. It costs about $475 per student for the nine -day excursion, $375 of which the student must pay for himself. About 30 bur- >, saries are offered each year, "so no '. one is denied because of finances," says Tomlinson. That same program costs $900 per week when offered in the sum- mer, with students from as far away as Switzerland attending, he says. When the program began about 12 years ago, only 21 students par- ticipated. Since then, the board has seen as many as 600 students at one camp. "It's a terrific enrichment experi- ence for kids who are talented," says Tomlinson. The camp must be reorganized to cover one half the anticipated $50,000 deficit and the balance of that amount will be covered by the Program department budget. 0 4 Ajax High School student Themmy Papanicolopolous, shown here, and partner Jim McLellan won a gold medal in electronics. photos by Ron Pietroniro Students' skills earn them medals 4 6 • LOW AJAX-PICKERING - Sean Smith (cabinet making),Local high school students Jason Morrison and Keith Van were among those who Klink (carpentry), entr ( P ), Ency received medals at the Durham Meithig (culinary arts), Jeff Skills Challenge. Bugden (sheet metal), and TO The event, held Apr. 20 at Sam Mac (small engines). schools toDurham s wDurham, { sed Bronze -medal recipients the abilities and talent of the were Matt Perr p r ' region's secondary technol Y (auto body), RELIABLE ogi- Harvey Hale (cabinet making),cal studies students in a variety Ken Simmons (horticulture), AIRof technical skill contests. � Brian Haslam (masonry), John While the challenge Frost (residential wiring), and demonstrated skill excellence Michael Amero (welding). in front of their peers, employ- • Ajax High School (Ajax): ars, educators and community, Gold -medal winners were it also promoted self-confi- Nigel Foy (auto mechanics), dence among students, accord- Themmy Papanicolopolous ing to Durham Board of and Jim McLellan (electron - Per Person Education's technical consul - Round -trip ics), Scott Patterson (machin - Toronto Departures tart John Beatty. Y• ing), and Andrew McGregor Participating schools and (mechanical drafting). London. Manchester. Glasgow $569 their winners are as follows: - Dunbarton High School • Harwood Secondary (Pickering): Silver -medal win_ Justin Meerkae eoneen- Edinburgh' $599 School (Ajax): Gold -medal ners were Greg Miller (archi- trates as he competes Frankfurtwinners were Bobbi Reid tectural drafting), Graeme against othw machinists. $698 . (baking), Patty Schleret (cos- Potts (auto mechanics), and Dublin. Shannon metology), Mike Smith (culi- Terry Upshall (machining). All gold medal winners (New Wednesday flights added!) "gin nary arts). Mary Lynn Holmes Bronze -medal winner was qualified for the Ontario Skills (clothing construction), Aaron Phillip Melek (mechanical Contests in Hamilton on Belfast Muscott (horticulture), Mike draftin McGee (maso g)• Friday. May 10, with the Paris nry), Paul Riley • Pickering High School exception of five categories 9 (residential wiring), and Tod (Pickering Village): Silver which won't be represented. Above Prices are the minimums available and will varybased on Cole (sheet metal). medal winners were Derek Winners there will qualify for departureJretumdates Silver -medal winners were Kwan and John Camilleri the United States Skill Martin McQuabbie (auto (electronics) and Stacey Olympics in Kentucky, to be 1 1 I I body). Lee Garfield (baking), Proctor (residential wiring). held the last week of Jum. • 7ddving ours • bed & breakfasts holidays • European connector fares als • hotels It See wPPker brod►ure for full terms and condbons. inclusions. eG mm. Service dwgm am appticaw tares Airfares adverbsed may hate boowng resinc- aos Offer vakd on new booldrps only and are subject to "labrkty at bme of boolang Offers are not valid in conjunction with any other Thomas Cook Travel Funded premium or offer 'Edinburgh 099 are wa Canada 3000 Otttano Reglstrabon Number 1334M. AirCa�nada AT EATO N'S I Thanes Cook Tran** Locations at Eaton's Pickering Town Centre ......... 686-2100 ............... Oshawa Shopping Centre ..................... 576-9811 OFFICES LOCATED TWKXWMOUT CANADA r - �. From =7990°bW of ,,a, of awn• •x ?� ��, 1►Mo°d�` W;, tufo 0 SIS W1PrO non0hst °per'. o ;Pot w, atom vos 09tH " 4 a S tot" s«� to& •� adds d0°r9�� A lo", rat Offer valid for Mom's gift only »reet 9 Brock stSouth, Whftby Olde Silver Thito mble Quilt Sh _ .._.•wa'�ickllatSG4r�.� ... _ Ff43O-O297 00 E • 0 I TM NEAVYEET M Six MAy S,1!l1-NAGE S BY ENDYGALLAGHER mReporiter DURHAM - A Newmarket man wants you to help pay off the nation- al debt. Real este agent Rick Arlt has organized a campaign for Canadians to donate money to the federal debt. Called Bank On Canada, Arit says the direct involvement of Canadians "will force Our governments to curb wasteful spending." The federal government is paying $43 billion of our tax dollars a year to service the interest charges on our national debt of some $387 billion, says Arlt. That's $117.8 million a day, $4.9 million an hour or $81,000 every minute, he charges. He says he's basing his calculations on fig- ures from the Financial Post. In recent months, some Ontario children have raised money to help pay off the national debt. Arlt's grassroots, non-profit Bank on Canada plan hopes to see more Canadians taking part. He's challenging all mayors, sen- ators and politicians nationwide to hold a debt -busting fundraiser. Trophies will be given to the elemen- tary, secondary, college and universi- ty education facilities which raise the e1•i•iIll'irAft Central Air Conditioning Installed from... $1,495 • 24 Hour service • Electric Repairs Heaters - Drains Servs MADE "u `ANA°" Durham Since 1970 ambRecJU-s shoes OIE GREAT 510pE 7M10 Gf1EATSFpES SALAMANDER spedsins in Lada' a M0%superwideRftV . ' WHITBY MALL 1615 DORM ST.. EAST 728.9141 most money. Trophies will also be awarded for the largest donations by an individual person and to the largest corporate doctor. Ontario Riding MP Rene Soetens says he knows of several instances where people have died and left their money to the government. Soetens says some people wanted to re -pay the country for the benefits they received. He's also heard people remark they wouldn't mind paying the GST as much if they knew if was going toward reducing the national debt. He explains that Bank on Canada money and future profits from the GST will go directly toward cutting the debt. In the past, says Soetens, when people donated money to the govern- ment, it was spent in some way or another and not put toward the deficit. r.. . ■ All cheques or money orders in s BRING A FRIEND■ must be payable to The Receiver General of Canada. They should be ■ : • WPOPla a Monday Night Special sent to Bank On Canada, c/o Richardson Greenshields of Canada is : SW Westney Rd. s., Apx ■ Vo6'024� For the month of May ■ ■ Ltd., 465 David Dr., Suite 318,: Newmarket, Ontario, L 7T9. Money must be received by 7 ■ Buy One : Any pasta gonell2� • y p.m. : June 25 to qualify for awards. Don't send �h. ■ San■ IhNce a Lae DINNER ONLY with this coupon • In order for donors to receive an ■ ■ Fury tiansed under LLB.O. ■ • official receipt for a charitable tax : Not In combination, with any ottwrspecials : credit, their name and address should be visible. If you're competing for a ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■.• trophy, the category and pertinent information should be written clearly on the cheque or money order. The Receiver General has ♦ . desig- nated an account called Gifts to the Crown for donations. Public records will contain a tally of contributions made. For more information, phone Arit Singer Kenmore at 416-836-6112. Panda St*p CHINESE RESTAURANT Licensed under L.L.6.0. 375 KINGSTON Rd. PICKERING Corner at Rougernount Dr. South) PRO BIGGEST CHINESE BUFFET IN PICKERING With Over 60 Items Including Salad Bar O Featuring Both Cantonese & Szechuan Cuisine Take Out and FREE Delivery Available /..•............ti won ............ 0% BUY 1 GET 1 ; : BUY 1 GET 1 FREE ::50% OFF DINNER BUFFET DINNER BUFFET MON.-WED. • • THURS.-SUN. • npfryague W ' expiry dace IRay tt11 • nRt : • . 1Tel: 286-9876 "i apps DIAPER SERVICE day • flrlsft while hospital plurtderled Japers .100%90 absorbent cellon •noeftklng aMninliq • unique selection OfI F I a a accessories • Velcroand snMp fined diapers „ 428-1919 INTERLOCKING STONE AWN"AYS AICD DiiMVEwAYS) • R■a stone ponAtes and atspe • Timbawak • Tree and shrub pbntittga • Retairi V walla • Rock gardens • pool deft PRESSURETRE 11IM - CEUAR • I LATTICE W= • (.'11 nm msom ISR AN EARLyESTEIATE Ce e00KMll`a CALL LEN 420.2367 Bermhna Janome Pfaff Huspama Viking White Elna Etc. Etc. Etc. N you own one of the above machines (or a similar model) you are the type of person who will appreciate the ion rkabie sewing capabilities of the new Elna 9000 computer. REWARD We will allow you the full original purchaso price (up to $650) for any of the above sewing machines when traded in on the purchase of a new Swiss Elna 9000 computer. Here's the sewing machine you must see! The new Eina 9000 has everything: including alphabet button holes, besting and embroidery patterns. All stitches are stored in the 9000 memory bank - and your fingertip is the key But, that's not all, the Elno 9000 Is updartoallo with extra memory cassettes for a vast array of stitching possibilities now - and in the future! See and sew on the amazing 9000 today. And, don't forget to bring your -wanted " machine in for a full original purchase price trade -In allowance. Only a limited number can be acxepted, so, do It loday! Other Machines start at $275 0•L•D.E Offer valid May 6 to May 11. '• 991 SILVER THIMgL 119 Brock St. S. Whitby QUILT S1fOPPE E 430-0297 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Amberlea Chinese Buffet Restaurant ten whites lid. Pickering 420-5515 COME & ENJOY Our TRUCKLOAD SALE LOBSTER & SEAFOOD BUFFET + all the other delicious Chinese Food For only$ 99 Fit -,%K a Sim" oral% Mother's Day premium lunM $ " 5 OFF5 beauffi* dworated rooms Resuva i m Mothersor all 0-5515 42pbm call altteadd i - Dayonly for your table Lunch . Dinner to avdd disappoinonen Rea buffet d weds. t �.�/h•t!�t1 . YAti, ywI.'.Te SI'.i+J'►q�wr w%% 'A%,! PAGE 6 -THE NEWS ADVElt71Z SUNDAY, MAY % Wft a4pe 'out C fa I do. It's easier for people to call (for help) without people becom- ing excited." Kay Green says, "Yes. I feel much better." ..Letters The News Advertiser asked if you felt safer now that the 9.1.1 Der is in place in Durham region. Dave Lawson says, "Yes. It's easier to dial and remember the number." Martha Skolnik says, "Oh yeah. It's quick to get through. Everyone can remember the num- ber, even kids." It's a lot faster to get emergency help." Students respond to school coverage Following are a few samples or letters to the editor sent by Pickering High School students. To the editor: I think it is wonderful to see a picture of different individuals from around the world corning together to try end racial discrimination in Pickering High School. The most refreshing thing about the picture is the happy expressions on their faces. We all should try hard to end racial discrimination. Wayne Taitt, Pickering To the editor: On behalf of Pickering High School, I would like to thank you for publishing our pictures in the paper. We sincerely thank your for coming on March 21, because I know that whoever had time to read this article must have been proud of us. We would like to show people that Pickering High School is not what they think it is. I want to see our country respect all people and in order to do that, we must come together and stand on our two feet and deal with the problem. We do not deserve these type of sayings and again, thank you for coming out and showing us that you were inter- ested. I am a black Jamaican girl; I respect my country, and I want to respect Canada too. Sophia Tbobourne, Ajax To the editor: Thank you for featuring Pickering High School in the News Advertiser to tell the people that it's not everything that people said. So we at Pickering High want to thank you for the nice work you did for the school. I am a black kid living in Canada for 1 1R years now. Janice Campbell, Ajax To the editor: I am from from St. Vincent, I have been here for 4 years now, I just became a Canadian citizen last year and am proud of it. I thought the article was very well written and I want to thank you for taking the time and coming to take the picture and writing the kind articles about the activities at our school. Marty Andrews, Pickering iii To the editor. I read the article in the newspaper about Pickering High School stu- dents. I think it was a good idea to do it. People can stop fighting with each other. Why do they fight with each other just because they are dif- ST03ELM concerned about 40'7 To the editor' sites) in the Greater Toronto Area as Save The Oak Ridges Moraine a whole. have the potential for enormous (STORM) Coalition has grave con- Also, the Honorable Ruth Grier, environmental impacts (while encouraging continued reliance on a ceras about the planned completion minister of the envk0nment, recently of Highway 407. We are opposed to declared "Our clear acceptance of fossil fuel -based transportation sys- any portion of the highway travers- Mr. Crombie's principles should be tem). no major road+wlding project should be completed until a structure ing the Oak Ridges Moraine. But our reviewed by municipalities as a ring- plan for the entire Greater Toronto concerns are not limited to the ing endorsement of the ecosystem moraine area. Recent reports by Ron approach to planning as well as to . Area has been established, one which makes explicit reference to Kanter, former MPP, and by the the underlying values of the Royal Commission on the Future of Commission report." Presumably. how green space and agricultural land the Toronto Waterfront, have identi- this would apply to the policies and will be protected for decades to come. Piecemeal planning where Pied the threat which currently exists practices of provincial ministries as to green space (environmentally sea- various policies are not co-ordinated well- sitive areas. river valleys, and other In our view, because highways is incompatible with planning for ecosystems and should be discontin- ued. We encourage readers to write to The News Advertiser welcomes letters to the editor on topical issues. the Minister of Transportation to air ersmi matters and anything else hand legal to the right to edit letters for le.. l Y� concerns to: Hon. Ed Philip, Legislative Building. Queen's Pak, withhold letters deemed not fit for publication. All letters must include y«r full name, address and number for our information. Letttrs be �,�. bio. M7A IAl. mailed or dropped off at the News Advertiser. 130 CommUciat Ajau. ida R. �c, ve., Ontario. LIS 2H5 or seat by FAX to 683-7363. Save The Oak RWW Moraine COWN0t, ferent from others? It doesn't matter about the color because we all the same. I really like this article and what the other students said. I came from India a year ago. In India peo- ple are fighting and getting killed just because of different religions. I feel so sad. If we all get together we can stop this fighting. We all can get together and help each other. Meena Sharma, Ajax To the editor: Well March 21 was End Racial Discrimination Day and Pickering High School did all sorts of things. For instance, students traced their hands on a banner of paper and so the hands could touch one another and Pickering High School baked nine cakes and the principal and educational people decorated them 0 0 0 with symbols showing whites and blacks together. I think every day should be End Racial Discrimination $If Day and all schools in Durham should do the same thing like Pickering High School ending racial discrimination. Steve Bbaguandio, Pickering To the editor: I was really happy to see the pic- ture in the paper of my school. My parents were really proud of me and my friends and even people who I didn't know were approaching me and asking for my autograph. Thank you for showing the public that W Pickering High School is not racist and that there are two sides to every story Karen Hopkin, Pickering ' Truly terrific ' News Advertiser 04AFM PETW GM MM.coW DtaaerdAdwrfwtq � r�ucHour� :-John Pritchard °`P'°''Adi""''`'�°ipoi�""''�«-sit , �.«aD.���,» tt�,:.,t.Pu,d, DMtrtbufloe TOCN00 � 041t" wiatdoeh. wenn. took Tre" f6wm Ice". KOM D*parllWAW x"4117): Jodl PNbNsglEt , � Cid. naitW tO* DtaCL End.. D.bet. � � Al sue mwftwm;'C O.o hupla joamm **K JoVAMN" MR n 20 wor AdA4W nAdrd «w WOW WMN-d r ad odor a W evrnrw W A— Wlburn, CGWAO Fokhowle. Iftbe to i wrest►, exon w i~,d�ai« fur. w..� �aoio M@NoWWft11 POMeiQr�rr 11=6110-0i�a mow. lEl1l EsiAIE ADYEttI1t�MC Mail10 M *oft KOWA*. J. P. LowID11e. flan fir. in 61-0 r -4. Ano -cm ow ClAMWWADVER ISM - d.aw+on�rrwrA.s "ftw s umownsoa«� man kemCa amn � . 7N-707211710-7iM C� ��. Jam EAMwn, Affto A99ow-v . rnrwr.r. � has esusr'o urn voce ra.� oai.e. ta.w� orw+w - tirdo iwotL ands■drwwkswgs.roan.'sYtna"'n1`a'd'"'tb"°'°°°°o'""'°' 'the «dW oatbd 01 00 hews wmaffsodwd we W0110111 no Cowcom Caeo�NafOw. sirwda ands a w o QNVOILd"!O : i ,+ � ft M twohl�d' hlb trs� vN fhfa �b10 eko!► or rN1wo &W aftodbe mit d awnsawro am ma ftswmk n wear twraro ndwmn own to Comae r vier. sm o• MA110MAL I1D11E11g111C WIVE (Ni -1 EOq: Dd Ot0wr4 lltdpl0nd `b` aW 9G:f4nS6;rars...w.r++r..asm......✓�....... ., ._...:. �_:...;,.,.i i..E'$ iwi • .. #1 1) 11 01 • $UMK`EA • I • • ., TM XZW ADVE sUNDOM WAY'iy,1!! -PAGE 7 REAE'SNO 17MELII�f INt�ESEII� N T11E ff OWN#AV//Hon�E w - - DO ACHED I ; from f to 2,068 sq. ft. features include: r» R"W cAw 1 * 4o foot lot * All day brick x'•°,900 * Your choice of ceramics, cushion flooring, • parquet or carpeting, no charge * Colonial trim * 2' x 6' consbuction * Plus many more extras �-j �()O-j vola pV wt�X'- <�fb NOW IS,THE TIME.' 'A J _"2Z 140 12 �-i ION'T 4 DELAY. - X65 y No HOURS: Mon. - Thum l p.m. - 8 p.m. Sat., Sun. & Holidays 11 am. - 6 p.m. SOLMAR, SALES OFFICE 1-416-666-3491 r ' Head office 416-850-3161 SITE 4&]2 N 1 pt PrI low ^ S 4;4*1'::: • ., TM XZW ADVE sUNDOM WAY'iy,1!! -PAGE 7 REAE'SNO 17MELII�f INt�ESEII� N T11E ff OWN#AV//Hon�E w - - DO ACHED I ; from f to 2,068 sq. ft. features include: r» R"W cAw 1 * 4o foot lot * All day brick x'•°,900 * Your choice of ceramics, cushion flooring, • parquet or carpeting, no charge * Colonial trim * 2' x 6' consbuction * Plus many more extras �-j �()O-j vola pV wt�X'- <�fb NOW IS,THE TIME.' 'A J _"2Z 140 12 �-i ION'T 4 DELAY. - X65 y No HOURS: Mon. - Thum l p.m. - 8 p.m. Sat., Sun. & Holidays 11 am. - 6 p.m. SOLMAR, SALES OFFICE 1-416-666-3491 r ' Head office 416-850-3161 SITE 4&]2 N 1 pt 1 PAGE $-THZ NBAS ADvETISER SUNDAY, MAY 5, M Lmurm ve iom Cameron, officer In charge of Durham Regional Police Service's street crime unit, recently talked to students at Westney Heights Public School. photos by A.J. Groen 0o VD D U R H A M I . - G Parents' Night Out An Open Letter to Parents of High School Graduates Is your son or daughter thinking of going to college or university? Have the following issues come up in your household: jobs and careers? education and training? colleges and universities? where to go? what to do? when? As the time draws near when your young adults set off for new horizons, you understandably have questions and concerns about what lies ahead. My purpose in writing this letter is to invite you to spend an evening with me. We'll review some key factors and trends you may find interesting and useful. I would like to share my experience with you, not only as a college president, but as a parent who has seen our three children make the transition into the adult world. Join me for our Parents' Night Out. Let us explore some ways that can make the transition from high school to post -secondary education a whole lot smoother. Your sons and daughters are welcome to come, too. Join me on: Date: May 9, 1991 Time: 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm Place: Durham College Dining Lounge I look forward to seeing you there. Sincerely, �- Gar 7 �J Gary Polonsky _ .President I Cops tell kids: `Don't join gangs' By LINDA WHITE u� Education Reporter AJAX-PICKERING - A group of police officers hopes Grade 8 students have enough courage not to join a gang when they enter high school next year. That's why members of Durham's street crime unit are visiting local elementary schools now. The unit, which hit the streets less than a month ago, is made up of seven con- stables and a sergeant in charge. Its aim is to combat crimes committed by adoles- cents at the street level and, in particular, by street gangs. "Gangs, people stealing your stuff or making you feel scared or uncomfortable. You're going to encounter those things at high school, no M2 tter which one you go to," detective Tom Cameron told Grades S to 8 students at Westney Herts Mlic School in Ajax. "Belonging to a gang makes cowards fed powerful, mvmci- ble," he continued. "We want to ask you right now what crowd you're going to belong to when you go to high school. "Sthope you have enough courage of your own not to join a gang." Cameron advised. "Take a handle on your own lives, and don't be inactive when a group of kids wants to run your school. Tell some - ate." Durham Region Police chief Dave Edwards announced the formation of the unit in January, when he admit- ted youth violence and crime is a "sign of the times". Nursing today ` more difficult' AJAX-PICKERING - Forget Florence Nightingale. Today's nurses need much more than a pleasant bedside manner. They're expected to take an active role in the assessment and treat- ment of patients, working with doctors as part of a team. They're well versed in technology and pharmacology. And, once they've graduated from school, their training as a nurse has only just begun. They'll participate in hospital workshops, learn new skills on the job and may take additional courses outside of the hospital. "It's tough. You have to be able to grasp a lot more technology now," says Pat Blom, assistant administrator/director of nursing at the Ajax -Pickering General Hospital. Reflecting on the changes in the profession since she became a nurse 31 years ago, she adds, "It's more difficult. There's a lot more patient assessment involved now...the trend today is to be part of the team and work together with doctors. The role is probably a difficult one for older physicians." The 220 nurses at the hospital will celebrate Nurses' Week May 6 to 10. They'll be treated to coffee and donuts Wednesday morning, and one lucky nursing unit will win a fruit basket in a draw. Anyone thinking of entering the nursing profession should want to care for people. "That's tops," says Blom. Other qualities nurses need are empathy and the ability to stay cool under stress. Many nurses at the Ajax - Pickering hospital currently take outside courses at Humber College and Ryerson Polytechnical Institute. This fall, a Humber instructor will teach patient assess- ment and emergency courses at the hospital. T= N1EM1111 ADVO JU NDAY_ MAV S *M .FA". • Fwu—fFoffi the ec +c j Of taro Recycling one ton of waste material saves three cubic yards of landfill space. BoMNa SUPER STEAKS Premium Oualiy, Centre Cut, New York Striploin 99 6x6 oz. 269. 1 c9 case 6x8 oz 269 case HWY.2 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK oar► 81 Selling &"W TASTY BURGERS 20x3.2 oz. 869 CM a Authentic - A ooksd OCTOBERFEST SAUSAGE 999 Approx. 18 pieces 'J� > VILLAGE MiM CHRYSLE �S N g HWY. 401 AJAX I STORES 1N YOUR AREi4 Had i Serve CHICKEN RINGS Lightly bred, 799 all white meat Approx. 52 Pieces 2.2 6. case Deluxe Trim BONELESS PORK [14 OIN CHOPS xdoz. i 699 Had i Sera CHICKEN CORDON SWISS Lightly breaded solid Chicken breast stuffed with back bacon 8 Swiss 99 cheese 6 oz. senting Tech Sold individualy 3.3 tb. ease cmPICKERM Guwantee-d Tonder :'LEGATION BACON WRAPPED Mini sab.rs FILET MIGNON LBRIEAKFAST '°' 99 USAGE 49�dof and ran. �o o: 5 each 6 10 LBS. Pr R Consultation Premier Program Our comprehensive Weight Loss Program will help over ONE MILLION clients this year. • Safe and effective weight loss • Nutritionally balanced meal plans • Nutritional supervision • No calorie counting • Over 20 years of weight loss success " �I! ' w o "' A RIGHT WAY TO LOSE WEIGHT. W*aa Das Z Y�da con a Q a aa�«. on. M -pard a�a� pr lcp=v«. w. a«n arK camol e. nidi adrr ar s Vail at pan Etpw•t� rust i CALL TODAY FOR A FREE NO OBLIGATION CONSULTATION AJAX/PICKERING WHITBY OSHAWA BOWMANVILLE 14SO nutpston Rd., Pickering 1101 8mck S4 S. US Slmeoe SL S. 98 King St. W. 420-6300 666.0770 723-5211 623.8666 r: QU BALI T Y & CONVENIENCE" F 3 ,�. HWY. 2 r a aa�i y,�ttry afeka 'Ci WOOD lT�� pm FORD M8M MEATS l�Y un -3 oofii . UJ _ so a J !'00 aJR490 o.ML '.PAM eMeellre tN lia. Mry 1216 PICKERING CANADA'S UWMEST rK`i',,ZEN FOOD CHNk 82 STORES a GROWING Tkoaq Tn vnd t 10 LBS. Pr R Consultation Premier Program Our comprehensive Weight Loss Program will help over ONE MILLION clients this year. • Safe and effective weight loss • Nutritionally balanced meal plans • Nutritional supervision • No calorie counting • Over 20 years of weight loss success " �I! ' w o "' A RIGHT WAY TO LOSE WEIGHT. W*aa Das Z Y�da con a Q a aa�«. on. M -pard a�a� pr lcp=v«. w. a«n arK camol e. nidi adrr ar s Vail at pan Etpw•t� rust i CALL TODAY FOR A FREE NO OBLIGATION CONSULTATION AJAX/PICKERING WHITBY OSHAWA BOWMANVILLE 14SO nutpston Rd., Pickering 1101 8mck S4 S. US Slmeoe SL S. 98 King St. W. 420-6300 666.0770 723-5211 623.8666 PAGE le -ME NEM ADVERTMM SUMAX f+IAY S, 1", Pickering Lions help Scouts, honor member The Lions Club of Pickering has sponsored the Ist Pickering Boy Scouts with a gift of $800. The money will be used to buy camping equipment. At left, Lions' president Bernle Diotte pre- sents scout Darryl McDonald with the cheque. Below, James Clark, a member of the Lions Club for 40 years, Is congratulat. ed by Vic Wareham, east zone chairman. INSTALLED HOME IBMWRpyEMENTs KITCHEN CABINETS & CABINET REFACING REPLACEMENT WINDOWS ROOFING Fat & Sningie AWNINGS 0000 A " EA V ESTROUGH t Soffit & Fascia � '•..lG_ ^�:. i i �'� � iii_ �'� .- ENTRY DOORS FORE -No obligation in-home estimates -Credit is available ` 'NO npayment on approved *Sears conform with all local building codes and regulations 0uaiity merchandise carries required government approvals CENTRAL AIR CONDITIONING -Only Sears authorized installers are used on your job -During installation you are protected against: _Property damage -Public liability AFTER •Sears stands behind its products with a national part and service organization *Product warranties •Installation warranties -Pledge of satisfaction: your assurance of quality work ARE AVOW 08MWA 725-4322 PICKERING 420-5582 { SEARS CANADA INC. Help Light The Darkness for civilian war victims AJAX-PICKERING - Residents are invited to join a world-wide Chain of Light vigil Wednesday, May 8, to remember civilians who've fallen victims to war. You can join communities around the world in the vigil by placing a light in your window at 9 p.m. that evening as a gesture of compassion and understanding. The campaign is being organized by the International Red Cross as part of a larger effort called Light The Darkness. The Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement have joint- ly organized Light The Darkness to help civilians caught in the terror of war. The Ajax -Pickering branch of the Red Cross, in urging the local community to participate in the Chain of Light, points to northern Iraq as the most recent example of People affected by war. The International Red Cross claims that nine out of 10 war casu- alties are not soldiers, but are men, women and children. The Red Cross says civilians have the right to be protected by International Humanitarian Law — a law of which they and combatants arc often unaware. The International Red Cross and the Red Crescent Movement say they're determined to bring real protection and assis- tance to helpless victims of fight- ing. Light The Darkness aims to aid victims of war by: ensuring the right to protection of war victims is known and respected; mobilizing governments and the public to make these rights a reality; raising funds worldwide to bring practical aid to victims. AJAX-PICKERING - A new conference centre is set to open in Pickering. The Palanik Conference Centre will have a grand opening Wednesday. May 8 from 5 to 9 p.m., 401 Kingston Rd. E., Pickering. 'lite new facility can host gatherings of from five to 75 guests. It boasts complete state-of-the-art audio and visual systems. The conference centre's hours are 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday to Friday. The facility's also available outside of regular business hours, Everyone's welcome to the grand opening. ?I .``�.11v.;'.:�::�:di.i6+k.'+E„��, �.sL rea au ary ae. .: a►.'a . r.. ...ra. .. .►.............. ... �..,....,......._. .........��... .�.,.... .,.«. ..low 4"', Q) 0 0 • • 0 a Dickerson leads lobby group for large towns PICKERING - Pickering regional councillor Doug Dickerson is moving up in the world. He was recently elected chairman of the Large Urban Section of the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO). The sec- tion lobbies the provin- cial govern- ment on behalf of all Ontario municipali- ties with populations Doug in excess of Dicherson 50,000. The 35 munici- palities have more than seven million residents and 75 per cent of Ontario's population. Issues facing Dickerson in his new role are welfare costs to the municipalities, labor rela- tions, financing, infrastructure and the environment. Should Dickerson be re- elected locally in the November municipal election, he says he'll host Durham region's first political convention next year as president of the Large Urban Section. Obituary NOBLE, Andrew - Entered into rest suddenly at the Whitby General Hospital on Thursday, May 2, 1991. Andrew Noble, loving husband of Margaret. Dear father of Audrey (Mrs. Dave Barber) and Anita (Mrs. Ian Alexander). Grandfather of Amy, Joanna and Peter. Funeral service for Mr. Noble was held at the Forest Bible Chapel, (comer of Fairport Rd. and Finch Ave., Pickering), on Saturday, May 4, 1991. Interment Erskine Cemetery. (At home with the Lord). Flowers gratefully declined. � ca mr t CORRECTION In this week's 'Mother's Day Sale' Flyer, the following errors have occurred: On Page 9, the illustrations of the '619'/'617' Levi's Jeans have been transposed with the '631' Super Slim Jeans. On Page 11, the saving indicated for the Men's T -Shirts sold at $4.94, should read '/x Price. We apologize for arty inconvenience this may have caused. K mart Canada Limited STORAGE VNITS PUBLIC INDUSTRIAL 839-4425 THE NEWS ADVVMM491M'4nINDAV_ MAY R_ 1401.OArr 11 Have your say on conflict of interest laws AJAA-1r1LKh 1NG - Residents are invited to tell the provincial government what they think of conflict of interest laws Wednesday, May 8. A provincial committee will be at the Scarborough Civic Centre that evening to hear what people have to say. The meeting is one of 24 being held around the province to address conflict of interest legislation; the Scarborough meeting is the closest for residents of Ajax and Pickering. The committee will report its findings to min- ister of municipal affairs Dave Cooke by the end of July, with new legislation expected to be introduced in the fall. Some of the issues the committee will consid- er are: whether conflict of interest rules should NT include government employees; whether politi- cians should be required to disclose their assets; and whether the current law adequately deter- mines when a conflict exists. Residents wishing to speak during the meet- ing are asked to call 1-800-668-0230. The meet- ing will begin at 7 p.m. at the Scarborough Civic Centre, 150 Borough Dr. i PAGE It -TRE NEWS ADVENMElR St1NDAX hIAY 5,1"1 '. A n Y, "LONG STEM ROSES" p One dozen long stem roses complete with greens, enclosure card, box and "trillium dust" rose preservative. fir MEDIUM - LONG STEMS 29.9 5 DOZENS MOTHER'S DAY FLOWERING PLANTERS An assortment of flowering and green plants sitting in a wicker basket $2495 AND UP Via» IS SUNDAY, MAY 12 THE "BLOSS ' OMS & BOWS" BOUQUET om will be enchanted with these sentimental spring blossoms and loving thoughts in a long - & lasting arrangement \\ a $42 95 THE (170. SPRING GARDEN BOUQUET It's easy to send mom the prettiest gift. this arrangement features colorful flowers in a spring garden woven basket. $34 95 3495 CASH & CARRY SPECIALS "�6 MOTHER'S DAY ROSE BOWI �., An arrangement consisting of 10 1 dozen carnations medium length len th Canadian grown or roses in a clear re -usable rose bowl, ,o 1 dozen roses with greens, baby's breath bow and a mother's week greeting. $999 $24 95 MINI-CARNATION BOWL Mom will love these long lasting colorful mini carnations floating h in a sea of baby's breath. $26 95 MOTHER'S DAY BUD VASE Mom will cherish this arrangement of mixed spring flowers in a keepsake ceramic bud vase. $26 95 AND UP TRILLIUM FLORIS---mT 4Wgj cc 9as _j KINGSTON ROAD ft = Q J N 401 cc Q v 0 0 '� STATION M = O 91 RYLANDER BLVD. WEST HILL 724-1800 DAILr uturtMits :k+�Ik'�6:ah.Yr .i�+'K: ;L'F'iri. �['aiG s�►, . 1794 LIVERP00 PICKERING 68 AJAX - -4717 At%VAV 'THE TRILLIUMOBILE - FROM TORONTO TO OSNI A 1 FTD �i 7 M W W, 11) T Of i 11 771E MEWS ADVER ISM SUNDAX MAY S,1!l1.PAGE 13 • Wheel you buy at Fisw wi'% 1 :►nding, we'Wbu yc.m existing home, caiAIiANTEED. It's a "() 111%' K way .to move tot, 1c, :1 top quality I inrco1►1;,►► Home. Ask oc,►►epresentative it" "ev c1ettails. Then qvi evig hitt ind Opening Phase I] 'Billyll►1KIPS11kIil IIIY/ANl • All clay brick exteriors • 2 car garage • Main floor family room • Wood burning fireplace • Ensuite step up oval tub • Open staircase to basement 0 GST included in price J A ' ;- . - • r....-� '� �-�'-: •,,,,moi-- �7`, �� �'" r 4 k. ELEV. 5 POPLAR ALTERNATE "2536S Q. FT. 269.900* 1TIT I FlNCH Z Y AVE. E. g O < J W Q Q < ¢ W HWY.2 U. 1 tAL w = 1 1 '2 LOTS ONLY oil 11 1 f PAGE W -i= NEWS ADVlQI = SUNDAY MAY 41991 10" lay _%%Ss CULLIGANl %,MAN.►, Culligan has it all! Trust the experts.., 0 •a �, automatic water conditioner or H83 Drinking Water System 95 per month* to, 3 months • Introductorh' Offer From water sc:teners and filtration s;•ste.- to sugh gcauty dr-ikiag water... ACT NOW AIND SAVE! Just call DURHAM REGION YORK REGION 683-6332 Hey Culligan Man! 798-7900 stress part of life for working women AJAX-PICKERING - Two areas of concern for working women are stress and choices. "Change is stressful and women change hats several times a day," according to Shelley Craig, the executive director of the Durham Industry/Education Council. She made the comments at the Ajax - Pickering Board of Trade luncheon on Apr. 23. Craig said, "Not only are women changing what they do, they are also changing who they are. Super -women have super stress." To deal with stress, Craig sug- gested women "take a mental vaca- tion" for a few minutes. "Imagine there's a place you've been or want to go to. Relax and it will take the tension away," she said. Craig also said women can help themselves with a personal pep talk. She said women should alst, take care of their physical health. "It's okay to be stressed out. We're only human. We don't have to ignore the signs of stress. You should recognize them and deal with them," she said. Women can have choices and control, she says. The board of trade event also served as 'Secretaries Luncheon' and the board named Mary Baldwin, from Ajax High School, as its secretary of the year. Baldwin has worked at the high school for 31 years and will be retiring in June at the end of the school year. When Baldwin was presented the award, she said, "I've been very fortunate to be a secretary at Ajax High School. It's nice to be paid for what you love to do. "I've always wanted to go to work, although I never know what's going to happen. I hope all secretaries enjoy their job as much as I do," she said. Mary Baldwin of Ajax High School was named Secretary of The Year by the Ajax -Pickering Board of Trade at a recent luncheon. She accepted a plaque from board president Ralph Bradley. Get the most from your career When times get tough -the tough get trained. We offer training in: Personal Computers in Business Tuesdays, Thursdays: 1- 5 p.m. dt Saturdays: 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. May 14 -June?" Leadership Mondays: 3 - 9:30 pm. Mav 2i- July 8 Purchasing Basics Tuesdays & Thursdays: 3 - 6 p.m. May 21- June 27 Human Resources for Small Business Tuesdays: 3 - 9:30 pat. May 21- June 18 Personal Computers for Skilled Workers # 1 Tuesda,*-s 6Y. Thursdays: 6 -10 pm. May 21 - June 18 #2 Thursday: 4 -10 p -m ( Ajax Campus) June 6 - July 18 Bookkeeping Wednesdays: 3 - 9:30 p.m. May 22 - June 19 Unix For Autocad Wednesdays 3 - 6 pm. 1k Saturdays 9:30 ami -12:30 p.m. June 12 - July 6 Communications Tuesdays: 3 - 7 pm. do Saturdays: 9 a.m. -1 pxL May 28 - July 2 Personal Computers for Managers Mondays: 3 - 9:30 p.m June 3 -10 CADD Drafting Basic Thursdays: 3 - 9:30 p.m. May 30 - June 20 Unix System Administration Tuesdays: 3 - 9:30 pxL June 4 - 25 A.CT. now! Call: (416) 430-8511 All programs are funded by tate Durham Region Action Committee for Training and taught by Durham college Staff. There is an admin Wabon fee of $65. for non members. Members pay $50. with $38. reftutdable upon suarssfid cnntpletion. 1110 D DURHAM C0LL14r (tMinistry of skit 0@v*Wprn&nt Ontario Dumbarton thespians compete for honors PICKERING - The Waiting is just about over for Dunbarton High School students. The cast and crew of 13 in a play by that name will take to the stage one last time at the Sears Ontario Drama Festival on Wednesday. May 8 at the University of Toronto's Hart House Theatre. The event showcases the top 12 plays selected from five regional festivals across the province. The Waiting was first acclaimed at the Durham Region Drama Festival and went on to receive hon- orable mention at the Eastern Ontario Regional Drama Festival in Perth. Writer and director Frank Luke admits, "It's exciting to perform in a professional theatre. It's a rare opportunity that we will all enjoy," Tickets to the showcase are $10 and are available by calling the the- atre box office at 978-8668. ADVERTISING CORRECTION EATON'S - ELEMENTS OF HOME FASHION PAGE 4 - TRUMPET R UFM ACCENTS Price higher that adwa *W shown read: From 25.00 TO 120.0 DLIE TO S1JVM DELIVERY PROBLEMS, THE FOLLOWING ITEMS WILL NOT BE PAGE 63 AVAILABLE DUCK. = . WILL NOT BE 4YA&A" EATON'S - MOTHER'S DAY wm t d in TW Wak and dw NM Adwrtiwr, Wodnes ft April 24. IM DUE TO SUPPLER DELIVERY PROBLEMS, THE FOLLOWING ITEMS) WILL NOT BE AVAUIBLE. MPA. E 1. ITEM G - SHALWAR COLOGNE SPRAY. 45 WILJw QE VAILASLE_ rNny, fr rMa aPPwQ in ou advvft* YVa anur�ly nyrN +rN' M-0mwrima or aMWM b ou awon�. EATON'S 0 0 YII:I:(1 1W BRAND NEW STOC...__ S , BRAND NEW STOCK BRANDNEW S �K BRAND NEW BRAND NEW A- :111:I:U 1991 COLT Automatic Lease for only INCL. Automatic,99* power steering, 158 power brakes. per mo. V-6, Air, 7 Pass. Lease for 1991 VOYAGER only INCL. Auto., p.s., p.b., tinted glass, electric defroster, 7 pass., air, roof rack. Stk. #T6917. Auto. Trans. 1991 SUNDANCE S INCL. 2 dr., automatic, cloth seats, rear defroster. Auto., Air, 4 Dr. 1991 ACCLAIM INCL. Auto., p.s., p.b., tilt, cruise, cassette, air, electric defroster, floor mats, dual mirrors plus much more. Stk. #A6822. Air -1991 CHRYSLER DYNASTY INCL. 50/50 seats, 4 spd. aulomic, 5.3 V-6 engine, air, p.s., p.b., electric defroster, optional pearl coat paint. Stk. #CH6729. 29900 0. Lease for only �� 1879. Lease for only 9� 28 1Per mo. Lease for only 328"9*�mo. ON E.. •^ A,Etf t ..LII . ..LYS -0. G.M Yt8 DY F1 WOpI � PCRAN) . C 1--' THEY'VE OOT TO 00 NOW! ,,a u, M DURHA'S LARGEST CHRYSLER DEALER _}` t. SERVICE OPEN ALL See the Chrysler Experts la gest Selection. Oest Servoce 'iT�© DAV SATURDAY v ND, CHRYSLER DEALER GETS GETTER f} ANO EVERT NIENT reFe�wrrw.taese..weew WE WILL NOTN E UNDERSOLD O RE.SONAeLE OFFER REFUSED ' yf�yl SenK gq,ed VI.1.GECWy0"NAJAX�- tentwNr'NAMora00 AVENNE NORTH, AJAX da<3-lf3Sa SPRING INSTALLATION SPECIALS 6041 MAN UFACTURERS HAVE CUT THEIR PRICE' _i, M 40,W]i V SUNROOMS STEEL INSULATED DOORS BOWS AND BAYS 40% i off IS Door Inserts HUNDREDS OF STYLES TO CHOOSE FROM THERMAL WINDOWS a r FREE LOWE ARGON GLASS WITH VINYL WINDOWS PURCHASED UNTIL MARCH 21ST. PYTHON BUILDING & SUPPLIES INC. llAon.-Frl. VISIT OUR SHOWROOM 9.00 a m: 5,W p m 955 BROCK RD.. UNIT 6 SOUTH Of BAY'L PICKERING Sat 9:00-1:00 839-4480 KENRO SUZUKIS Gas Saver.' NEW 1991 Swift Lf�� o r 0 KENRO SUZUKI 599 Kingston Rd. W., Ajax 428-7539 MIIIIIII T!1* NEW ADVE n== SUNDAY, MAY s, tin -LACE u Billboard GARAGE SALE Dunbarton Fairport United Church, 1066 May 11, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. There will be a dunk tank, fish Everyone welcome, rain or shine. Call Claremont Co-operative Nursery TUESDAY, MAY 14 Dunbarton Rd., will hold a garage, craft and plant sale Saturday. May 11 pond, team room, barbecue and prizes. Everyone welcome, 831-1744. SENIOR BAZAAR: The Ajax School will hold a fund-raising craft e and bake sale Saturday, May RABIES CLINIC: A low-cost clinic,ies South from 9 am. to 2 pm. Items include ]ants, crafts, toys, clothes, books P y rain or shine. Call 683-5437. FUN Seniors' Friendship Club will hold a bazaar at the St. Andrew's seniors' 9 a.m. 2 m. at the p Community Hall, Old Brock Road. Aced cyiat a Durham V ��Y on, will be and homebaked goods. Call 839- FAIR: Fairport Beach Public School, 754 Oklahoma Dr., centre, 46 Exeter Rd., Saturday, May 11, from 10 a.m. to 3 There Items include lace, dried flowers and held Tuesday, May 14 at the Pickering Recreation Complex 7271. FUN FAIR: Roland Michener Pickering, will hold a "circus" fun fair Saturday, May 11 from 12 pm. will be a white elephant, crafts and knit- preserves. The school will mark its 25th anniversarywith a cake; arena, from 4 pm. to 7 pm. Cost is $10 per P pet. Cats and dogs only. Public School, 95 Ritchie Ave., noon to 3 p.m. with clowns, pony rides, ted goods. Lunch will be available for $3. Call 686-1573. refreshments will be available. Call Dogs musts leashed and cats must Ajax, will hold a fun fair Saturday, cake walk and haunted house. CRAFT/BAKE SALE: The 649-5223 be m carvers or boxes. YII:I:(1 1W BRAND NEW STOC...__ S , BRAND NEW STOCK BRANDNEW S �K BRAND NEW BRAND NEW A- :111:I:U 1991 COLT Automatic Lease for only INCL. Automatic,99* power steering, 158 power brakes. per mo. V-6, Air, 7 Pass. Lease for 1991 VOYAGER only INCL. Auto., p.s., p.b., tinted glass, electric defroster, 7 pass., air, roof rack. Stk. #T6917. Auto. Trans. 1991 SUNDANCE S INCL. 2 dr., automatic, cloth seats, rear defroster. Auto., Air, 4 Dr. 1991 ACCLAIM INCL. Auto., p.s., p.b., tilt, cruise, cassette, air, electric defroster, floor mats, dual mirrors plus much more. Stk. #A6822. Air -1991 CHRYSLER DYNASTY INCL. 50/50 seats, 4 spd. aulomic, 5.3 V-6 engine, air, p.s., p.b., electric defroster, optional pearl coat paint. Stk. #CH6729. 29900 0. Lease for only �� 1879. Lease for only 9� 28 1Per mo. Lease for only 328"9*�mo. ON E.. •^ A,Etf t ..LII . ..LYS -0. G.M Yt8 DY F1 WOpI � PCRAN) . C 1--' THEY'VE OOT TO 00 NOW! ,,a u, M DURHA'S LARGEST CHRYSLER DEALER _}` t. SERVICE OPEN ALL See the Chrysler Experts la gest Selection. Oest Servoce 'iT�© DAV SATURDAY v ND, CHRYSLER DEALER GETS GETTER f} ANO EVERT NIENT reFe�wrrw.taese..weew WE WILL NOTN E UNDERSOLD O RE.SONAeLE OFFER REFUSED ' yf�yl SenK gq,ed VI.1.GECWy0"NAJAX�- tentwNr'NAMora00 AVENNE NORTH, AJAX da<3-lf3Sa SPRING INSTALLATION SPECIALS 6041 MAN UFACTURERS HAVE CUT THEIR PRICE' _i, M 40,W]i V SUNROOMS STEEL INSULATED DOORS BOWS AND BAYS 40% i off IS Door Inserts HUNDREDS OF STYLES TO CHOOSE FROM THERMAL WINDOWS a r FREE LOWE ARGON GLASS WITH VINYL WINDOWS PURCHASED UNTIL MARCH 21ST. PYTHON BUILDING & SUPPLIES INC. llAon.-Frl. VISIT OUR SHOWROOM 9.00 a m: 5,W p m 955 BROCK RD.. UNIT 6 SOUTH Of BAY'L PICKERING Sat 9:00-1:00 839-4480 KENRO SUZUKIS Gas Saver.' NEW 1991 Swift Lf�� o r 0 KENRO SUZUKI 599 Kingston Rd. W., Ajax 428-7539 PAGE li THZ NZWS ADVICRIUBi SUNDAY, MAY 5,1"1 Billboard Billboard is a tree feature for community events of a non-profit nature. To have your events pro- moted in Billboard, call us at 683- 5110 or write to the Ajax -Pickering News Advertiser, 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ontario, LIS 2115. The deadline for Billboard items is 10 a.m. on the Monday prior to Wednesday publication, 10 a.m. on the Wednesday prior to Friday pub- lication and 10 am. Thursday prior to Sunday publication. Sunday VOLUNTEERS TO SAVE THE ROUGE : Save the Rouge Valley System and 10,00 Trees for the Rouge Valley will need volunteers to hold a tree planting ceremony Sunday, May 5 at 10 a.m. at Austin Drive just off Bullock Drive and Hwy 7 (Markville Shopping Centre), Unionville. Everyone welcome. For information or to register, call d97-6337. TEA AND FASHION SHOW: The Village Singers will hold a tea and fashion show Sunday, May 5 at 2 pm. at the Village Retirement Centre, 1955 Valley Farm Rd. For tickets, call 839-9852 or 839-1309. FAST MEETING: The Food Allergy Support Team (FAST) will meet Sunday, May 5, at 2 p.m. For more information or the meeting loca- tion, call Eleanor at 420-5522. PLANT/RUMMAGE SALE: The Pickering Horticultural Society will hold a plant and rummage sale Saturday, May 5 at 10 a.m. at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, on Church Street one block north of Highway 2. You'll find bargains and perennials for the garden. Call 831- 1077. Monday PHILATELIC MEETING: The Ajax Philatelic Society will meet on Monday, May 6 at 7:30 p.m., at St. FIRST TIME EVER 30 - 70% OFF! FACTORY CLEARANCE %uian &on fowl ne,u and r00«,e9o,0c. s+mM ar sw,m WEED EATER par tn"wr,en now and Mconiditoned. starts,p at s75 M , WEED EATER **circ fnn rn new and tecondsaned. S" M, at s t o.00 At ere kK"Y 9L a 141ed Carr, or Vha orty (G S.T. 8 PS T e,ero) Pbuk rVWEED EATER. Q' Senow St. Unit I' Markr<rn. pntcro as toxo open to e» a,erc SAIF HOURS Tixrs May G � Fn May 10 - Noon to &W pm Sarvday. MO, I; - Q a.m to 3 30 pm Easy to ". on Alden Rd. sm Yds. east d Er,o Put >r4e Or 3 obcks west of Warden M POULAN WEED EATER sle"p-71-T" I ( �1161 It.., "'R_XNT-;S PURE SPRING W A T F w 428-0252 HOME DELIVERY -BOTTLED SPRING WATER -WATER COOLER RENTALS AND SALES & SERVICE Ste. Anne's Pure Spring Water pledges to deliver: w Quality - bottled spring water products w Service - with regularly scheduled deliveries W Price -our products do service competitively OUR 22.7 LITRE SQUARE BOTTLE IS ONLY $7.00 MONTHLY COST FOR AVERAGE FAMILY: $21.00 3 - 22.7 LITRE BOTTLES 1450 MONTHLY COOLER RENTkL (could be pum utred) 1.02 G.S.T. ON RENTAL 1.16 P.S.T. ON RENTAL $37.68 TOTAL 1 YEAR COOLER RENTALS PLACED BEFORE JUNE 30M WILL RECEIVE 6 BOTTLES FREE! MOM YOUR MIAL Dfvact: WIL DKUJD t 3 RE0i7MMUE SOME DEposrrs * S:2= 6ACtt AND WREWnMAODOLEILANADDrIMNAL530.000DOLERSECLM yDepoar.CDgSS NAY Rtt llWH AM AND ARR /VAR.AKE of 3 OOLOM. Bernadette's Church (Harwood and Bayly), Ajax. All stamp collectors welcome. For information, call 428- 6447. BONSAI MEETING: The Matsuyama Bonsai Society will meet Monday, May 6 at 7:15 pm. at Faith Place, 44 William St. W., Oshawa. A rock planting workshop will be hosted by Jane Donnelly. The meeting is open to all interested in Bonsai. Call 683-2568 or 668-8333. PARKINSON MEETING: The Parkinson Support Group - Durham Region Chapter will meet Monday, May 6, from 7:30 pm. to 9:30 pm., at St. Mark's United Church, at the cor- ner of Colborne and Centre Streets, Whitby. Use the south door entrance to the assembly hall. Sam Qwan will speak on medication and side effects. Everyone welcome. Call 666-8576 or 668-6580. MIDWIFE INFORMATION: Local midwives will be at the Pickering Central Library, One The Esplanade, on Monday, May 6 from 7 P.m. to 9 pm. A film will be shown. Register at 831-7809. Tuesday CPR COURSE: Durham Save -a - Heart will be offering a 12 -hour Basic Rescuer CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) course on Tuesday and Thursday evenings starting May 7, 9, 14 and 16 at 7 to 10 pm. at the DSAH office, 1450 Hopkins St., Whitby. Call 666-0995. CANADIAN CLUB MEETING: The Canadian Club of Durham will meet Tuesday, May 7 at 6:30 pm., at the Holiday Inn (including dinner), 1011 Bloor St. E., Oshawa. David Gordon will speak on 'T'he Power of Image Making and How it Influences Canadians'. Everyone welcome. For reservations or information, call 668- 4522 or 6684335. GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: The Whitby -Oshawa Branch of the Ontario Genealogical Society (Durham region) will meet Tuesday, May 7, from 7:15 pm. to 10 pm., in the auditorium of the Whitby Public Library, 405 Dundas St. W., Whitby. If you're having problems starting your geneology, this is a beginners' and problems night. Meetings are free. Phone Bessie Gannon at 723-7460 or Joyce Hilton at 668-8177. GARDEN CLUB MEETING: The Ajax Garden Club will offer a flower arranging course `Fresh Flowers for Mothers' Day' on Tuesday, May 7, from 7 p.m. to 9 pm., at the Ajax Royal Canadian Legion Hall, 111 Hunt St. The fee is $20 and covers material osis. Register by Apr. 30 by calling Debbie Whittaker at 430- 1283. -Wednesday OVEREATERS ANONY- MOUS: There is a time change for upcoming meetings. The group will now meet on Wednesday, May 8 7 p.m. to 8 pm. for S.S. and 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. for general at Pickering Village United Church, 300 Church St. N., Ajax. Doors are at the north-east cor- ner upstairs to the choir room. BOARD OF TRADE NET- WORKING: The Ajax -Pickering Board of Trade and Palanik Training and Development will co -host a net- working evening Wednesday, May 8 during the grand opening of the Palanik Conference Centre, in the Furniture Mall at 1099 Kingston Rd., Suite 200. The event will be held from 5 pm. to 9 p.m., with an opening ceremony at 6 pm. All in the business community are welcome. Call 427-4470. VARIETY NIGHT: Westney Heights Public School, 45 Brennan Rd., Ajax will hold a variety night Wednesday, May 8 from 7:30 p.m. tM 8:30 p.m., featuring piano, jazz, folk - dance and rap by students. Call 427- 8445. SUICIDE PREVENTION: Distress Centre Durham will sponsor a public forum concerning Suicide Prevention Week (May 6-11) on Thursday, May 9, from 7p.m. to 9 p.m., at the Whitby Legion Hall, Byron Street (just south of Hwy 2), Whitby. Professionals will give infor- mation and answer questions. Everyone welcome. Call 7234461. FUN FAIR: Maple Ridge Public School, 2010 Bushmill St., Pickering, will hold a fun fair Friday, May 10 from 6 pm. to 9 pm. A Ninja Turtles sewer trek, games room, cake walk and bake sale are some events. Call 420.4214. FUN FAIR: Woodlands Centennial Public School, 1470 Whites Rd. (at Highway 2), Pickering, will hold a fun fair on Friday, May 10 from 6 p.m. to 9 pm. There will be* games, crafts. bake sale, used toys and books. YARD AND BAKE SALE: The Ajax Lions and Lionesses will hold their annual yard and bake sale on Saturday, May 11 at 9 p.m., 500 Clements St. W., Ajax. All donations will be appreciated. No major appli- ances. For information or pick-up, call Earl 686-4754 or Duke NS6-_4)96. Q 0 0 ar-s y / �yy�7'tic���� :: ,z �r.i i,yr i:. /. '%:f ?�fy /sem/,/: s• y /.. shy i AJAX-PICKERING - A star- Radio), Wayne Parker (Glass Tiger studded charity car rally will roll bassist), Steve Anthony through Ajax and Pickering today, (MuchMusic), Mike `Pinball' Sunday, May 5. Clemons (Toronto Argo running The first annual Peugeot-spon- back), John Bassett (CFTO-TV), sored Ronald McDonald House Rob Fellows (Canadian race car rally will begin at Scarborough at driver), Steve Grant (Motoring I Ia.m. before arriving here. `91), Larry Gowan (singer/musi- In fact, the rally will stop at the cian), Lee Eckley (CHUM -FM), cDonald's outlet in Pickering Al Connelly (Glass Tiger gui- (Pickering Hub Plaza, Glenanna tarist), Karina Stiff (Scarborough Road and Highway 2) between 1 Mirror), Gil Moore (Triumph p.m. and 1:30 pm. drummer), Bob Mitchell (The Each team will consist of a Toronto Star), Floyd Salazar celebrity driver and a navigator (Hamilton Tiger -Cat defensive from the media. The rally begins back), March Thompson (CBC - in Scarborough and will conclude Radio), Pat Mastroianni (Joey on there where a cheque for $6,600 Degrasssi High), Siluck Saysanasy will be presented to Ronald (Yick on Degrassi High), Karl MacDonald House by Peugeot Pruner (Dan Watson on E.N.G.), Canada president Peter Cheong. Linda Fox (The Toronto Sun), Confirmed celebrities are Mary Justin Louis (Victor Torres on Beth Rubens (Bobbie Katz on Urban Angel) and Carola Vyhnak -N.G.), Mike Leaver (CHOO (The Toronto Star). Ajax ringette annual meeting set for Ajax Legion today Robert Mack finished fifth in AJAX The Ajax Ringette firestYle. 50m back stroke and the Virginia Lucente swam to a Association will hold its annual MAX 100m free. She was fourth in the general meeting this weekend. - 100m free. Mike Lucente was The wrap-up meeting is slat- Som breast stroke and fifat in the fifth in the 50m breast, sixth in the ed for the Ajax Royal Canadian fourth in the 100m breast and back. June Gottschalk was seventh Legion on Hunt Street on ;011 Sunday, nday, May S beginning at too, Ajax's Chantelle Parsons was p.m. heck. All members are welcome to close behind with three second- Place finishes in the 50m back, Also in the 10 -and -under girls' division, Abbey Crooks was fifth attend. In In the 11 -and -12 girls' division. Grams captured top spot ry, Colin Johansen finished third in the 100m back and fifth in the For more information, call in the 100m back, eighth in the 200m back and eighth in the 100m pool with first -place finishes in the 50m back, 100m free and 50m Diane Andersen at 683-6848. 50m free and 200m free. Brock Reagan was seventh in 200m in the 50m breast. TBE NEWS ADVZMr=M SUNDAY mAY i rm.rAmr_ » 4 � tor: mss.-:�,,, � a 10om back and Min free; and ' � Ilf iA yM C" Quad meet Sint Wan Leng flee in the 100m ': Teammate Jennifer Mack took .68"11 3 FAX 683.7 Into the swingthingsof for national squash event New signs are adorning Pickering town busts promoting the 1991 Packard Boll Canadian Junior Squash Championships, whish swing into action this Thursday. On hand for the unveiling of the new bus signs were, from left, Tom Quinn, director of community services and facilities; mayor Wayne Arthurs; Picturing Recreation Complex assistant director Bram Wittenberg; transit director George Paplk; and Nell Klllens, complex program superintendem photo by A.J. Groan PICKERING - The 1991 Donna Mitchell, Darren Forbes and will be on hand are not confirmed as Packard Bell Canadian National Kathy Dunlop will play the cektri- yet. Junior Squash C hampianshops will ties including Dave Reid of the The luncheon will begin at 12 kick off with the Celebrity Toronto Maple Leafs, Glean Healy noon, the introductions and the fiat Challenge this %doesday. of the New York Wanders and Bill on the squash courts begin at 1:10 The event promises to be lots of Watters, Toroom Maple Leaf broad- pxa- fun with a full slate of celebrities on carer and Playa a@m along with More than 200 junior players hnad for the luncheon and some Participants registered, in the squash fioam across Canada have registered Play on the squash courts. orW. . to play at the 1991 national junior Members of the Special The celebrity line-up will also squash championships at the Olympics Squash 'Team, including include several members of the Pickering Recreation Canpkx May Aldo Alibetti, Allen Willoughby, Toronto Blue Jays. The Jays who 9 to 12. I 10om back and Min free; and breast. yM Whitby Quad meet Sint Wan Leng flee in the 100m Michael Singer also came up Teammate Jennifer Mack took I'At AJAX - Ajax Aquatic Club's Natalie Hill captured second beast and eighth in the 100m fre& In the 10-and-mtder boys' ate- with a big performance with a sec- and -place finish in the loom free, second place in the 100m back, while finishing sixth in the 50m younger swimmers ruled the pool place .in the 50m breast. She was fie was fifth in the 50m fly, sixth free. at the recent Whitby Quad mat at eighth in the SOm fly. 2- in the SOm breast and eighth in the Nicole Sweet finished insec- Iroquois Park pool. Danielle Sings finished in sec- 50m back. and spot in the 5C m free, and third Soper Apostalon led the way' and spot in the 50m free, while Nicholas Williams was second in the 100m free, 200m LM. and for Ajax in the 10,sod-under girls' placing fourth in the 200m nxh- in the 100m fly, 50m free and fifth the 100m fly. cAtegcry. Aposud n swam to fust- vidual medley and fifth in the in the 200m I.M. Also competing was Shannon Place finishes in the 50 -metre 100m fly and 200m free. Robert Mack finished fifth in MaWatter who was seventh in the firestYle. 50m back stroke and the Virginia Lucente swam to a the 50m free and sixth in the 200m back, 50m free and loom 100m free. She was fourth in the fourth in the 50m back. She was - 100m free. Mike Lucente was breast and eighth in the 104m Som breast stroke and fifat in the fifth in the 50m breast, sixth in the fourth in the 100m breast and back. June Gottschalk was seventh 50m butterfly, ., 50m fly and 100m free and sev- Craig Michell sixth in thel00m in the 100m back. Ajax's Chantelle Parsons was enth in the SOm free- heck. In the boys' 11 -and -12 catep- close behind with three second- Place finishes in the 50m back, Also in the 10 -and -under girls' division, Abbey Crooks was fifth Sort. Geoffrey Fanner ruled the In In the 11 -and -12 girls' division. Grams captured top spot ry, Colin Johansen finished third in the 100m back and fifth in the 100m free and 50m fly. She placed third in the 50m free and seventh in the 100m back, eighth in the 200m back and eighth in the 100m pool with first -place finishes in the 50m back, 100m free and 50m in the 100m back, She was fourth in the loom fly, sixth in the 100m 50m free and 200m free. Brock Reagan was seventh in 200m in the 50m breast. breast; Erin Brooks sixth in the fly. He was fourth in the 50m breast and seventh in the 200m the back and eighth in the 100m back. I a 360 minutes free airtime. Free Bell Cellular network access. Free Bell Cellular Message Centre. Free detailed billing. Free installation. Free Lease Plus Protection Plan. 24 hour Customer Care. National coverage with CellNet. Includes battery and charger. Car phones available. Choice of phones: Motorola or Oki. Limited time only. hurry in for details. .95 mth. 36 mth: $49to own The Bell Cellul, Portable Phony Package. Lwk btmd, We, Proff "se Yod End Up f ack Here, communicmon TCS services l d. X428.0437 for this and other specials! 185 Wes" Rd. South Unit 25.7- : -MLUUR TELE1 . NS -MWAY PJM 0 DIGITAL PAGERS DCII iUllurAgentved !ter Real tate H—ow your gar-de—n grows DURHAM - new home, the best T.,*...,.., i<rnma e....,tlwn&.16." when it comes to advice is to "be landscaping your prepared". cornerstm LINDA MCLENNAN Sales Rep. 623-6000 (Bus.) 786.2440 (Res.) 24 Hr. Pager RAISED BUNGALOW 2112 yr. old link in quiet north end Bowmanville. 1766 sq. h. 2 bedrooms up, 1 bedroom down. 2 - 4 pc. bathrooms. Large family room, double oaraoe and B u i l d e r s' Association mem- ber Alexander Budrevic, a leading landscape architect and president of his own landscaping firm, says new homes offer distinct advantages when it comes to planning your property's look. "Owning a new home enables you to design and implement your landscaping requirements to suit your particular lifestyle and taste," Budrevic says. "You don't have to cope with an existing garden that was designed for Budrevic sug- gests new home buyers negotiate a landscaping allowance with builders since fea- tures such as walks to both front and rear entrances and sod in both yards are often limited. Although a complete landscap- ing project may be financially impossi- ble to undertake at one time, Budrevic recommends home- owners devise an entire plan to • include patios, planting beds, shade trees, flower gardens, play areas and perhaps a swimming pool. 10 ACRE HOBBY FARM Just south of Kendal HMIs, only minutes to 401! 3 bedroom raised bungalow. Above -ground pool. 20' x 50' barn with a fenced paddock. 2 sheds. Small seasonal creek at back. Asking $249.900. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, PLEASE CALL LINDA McLENNAN 623.6000 (BUS.) OR 786-2440 (RES.) 24 HR. PAGER Y r;, t M .tree yoe pha a ctwgfkd ad. • Vw your MasterCard or VISA. OSHAWA OFFICE HOURS MON.-THURS. 8 AJ" F.M. FRIDAY 8 A.M.-6 FM. COTTAGE HOSPITAL (UXBRIDGE) An active, progressive community general hospital requires immediately: OBSTETRICAL REGISTERED NURSES Full time, part time and casual. Current OBS experience including fetal monitoring required. NURSING SUPERVISOR Part-time. Critical care experience and CC1 required. Management experience an asset. REGISTERED NURSE Regular part time on the MedicaUSurgical Unit. CCI required. Applicants must also hold current BCLS and College of Nxses certification. A challenging and rewarding opportunity awaits you. To apply or for more detailed information please contact: Heather OStroski Personnel Officer 416-852-9771 TEMPORARY FULL-TIME Licensing Clerk/Typist Receptionist Required for the next 5 months, for car dealership in Pickering. Could lead to a permanent position. CALL . ROBERT BENNETT 6830-5722 ®NNANDALE DODG(' PICKERING ONT FAMILY RESPITE SERVICES - mqutrss a VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR Part-time position R1 wwsmv* to coord' W9 volunteer recruitment and public relations acMies. Degreeeolo lie in human services and exPwWnce working with families caring for individuals and dlaNerlgin� deeds firKpared. Relat�e..d e,wx.Perieno•nd atrairlrlg an asset- Travel "-0•yirDwh m Reg10r11aQl ed. We are Vpkabons for RESIDE COUNSELLORS CASUARum*L Now PMT-ne, WEEKE1r10s for Adult Pbm !!kill resufne by MAY Kim to: '-E YwwFellr ." r..'. DAYAS 20f1 Dundee SL Eat, #301 ■ UGHT/HEAVY EQUIPMENT CLOTHESCALL Ladles MECHANIC ■ 3 year apprentice_\ lsalda� seaMYg ooaiaiiMatiol or equivalent experience. ■ Dutchmaster ■ Nurseries Ltd. AUTO glass Instanter. Tap WIN 50 to 80 wwkkrg drys ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ � %1■ ire �� Ajax/Pickering News Advertiser ►a.c Fa«,C o•s Iry raM0pOtMfAlabtif lrFt SALES SERVICE SUPERVISOR Supervising a staff of approximately t0 Sales Service Representatives. YOU will work closely with the man- agement in identifying and imple- menting new policies and proce- dures to help meet departmental, goals 2-3 years supervisory experience in a manufacturing based customer serv- ice setting is required. Strong inter- personal and management skills, as well as previous computer expen- ence, are necessary. Interested candidates are asked to send their resume to JSMOS MacDonald Atlantic Packaging Products Ltd. 111 Progress Avenue Scarborough, On/3rio M1 P 2Y9 Fax: 297-2254 A6ft%01AG^1G� ri100UiTb 9"MMl1ME lid EXECUTIVE SECRETARY You will be responsible for organizing the Van Driver's daily runs, generating reports on overtime, prices, scrap etc., as well as a variety of secretarial duties. You must have 2-3 years of secretarial experience, preferably In a manufacturing environment as well as knowiedge of vehicle and equipment leases. Strong administrative skills, typing 50 w.p.m., dicta and shoRtlarld are also required. Please send resume to: James MacDonald 111 Progress Avenue Scarb x"h, Ontario M1 P 2Y9 FAX: 297-2264 SECRETARIAL POSITION in Pickering. Experience preferred in Word Perfect 5.0 and Lotus 1,2,3 Apply to Mrs. Erin 420-7335 RE Li UUMD HONENLUO R TO 11W411t with elderly gentler� in,Whitby. Kat have own car. Call: HOME RELIEF 472-0709 MATURE PERSON NEEDED For snack bar duties. ,01 m242-1 FURNITURE SALES Needed: well groomed full-time salesperson. Sales experience a benefit. This position offers a potential of $25,000 to $35.000 a year with a guarantee as well as benefits. Management potential. Call for appointment 427-2047 or 668.4300 rM 110 = or% HOMEWORKERS , NEM! Eam M pus per wao Me 0146 avaiabie. 247 pour RECORDED mes- sage reveals amazing Mee. detail. CALL: 1 (416) 5014153 ftl B 1 %M TELEMARKETERS Rewired io work from home. Previous ex- perience preferred. Only serious candi- d" Placa.. � ASSE.M B E PRDoucTSS AT HOME CALL Fal NFOFPAAT04 ta04752•M5! UT. 104 Dreamy 40jidg* Fee 001'"'" Be nadr for the next bocci in tlo travel and NmpkWy indm y Papare for your OWI Muss n«da caner now! Days or www@ - sysriiipa. Cad Bob or Jelin m the Toree ffM School of Blmliltese 420.13" r' "e V& e-AkhVi69_" ::FAX 579- CANCELLATION DEADLINES WEDNESDAY'S PAPER 5 P.M. MONDAY FRIDAY'S PAPER 5 P.M. WEDNESDAY SUNDAY'S PAPER 5 P.M. "THURSDAY STUDENTS $11.05 National firm has immediate openings for summer positions in Marketing Dept. No door to door or [Management elemarketing involved. Great resume exp. opportunity, co-ops, internships and scholimtups avaA". For interview app't. tag Aiax/Pic ung 420-9189 f 1 4)eWal help re- dasriers iesNsac- and cormrdaL $11130 to start. IOr special iiaersst to .ornon over M51. Car eoasiaL 725- 9177, 24 hour answering. (050791) 1 positive People, to join our man of tslspfiorw apsralors pari-dow Prod trarnirs MGM kq We needed Cam call ar 42a54M f050e91) CAMP Kochen Stall nagiiisd for large rssidwstal airidreri resorts in Halibunon and M u*aka%. Joie 15 w August 20. Cookarliakom 54.2W to 66.500. Head ChM's. 0.0o0. •------• - � aasAplt, (ggpggQ KAi06.081051) ... .." � . `.. DishCounte and Service, CLOTHESCALL Ladles 1 a fl1�N b* 1 1 fN�r � $2.0 82.000 a (3.000. Posltiorrs MOOD. lsalda� seaMYg ooaiaiiMatiol basad on season oorMraaa you armed OA1Rr Ousan now hYiip lir AUTO glass Instanter. Tap WIN 50 to 80 wwkkrg drys 0 fg go cs,�uy hull a pM•tw pmoom Mimi �a Apply la 1, , anti Roo iftmid provided frew you so wit a attend fila in be avolloble a wok iilglila i n.q.,t. at Akers Auto Gloss, so, ,leu► .wwnsr iMll 27 lowniantwt sennet Fldow Yay g406o7�t at 19 Silver St.. Boesrranvinte fuota kwmduab. vm 10n, 8 pun. ail Dkwe U& 1060 Sbaweekendiiioe lf>MTa1) taseadva wS 7185 lir mora idaiaeNpi 069e91) WANTED: 03 ovwwe ht b NEED cram ki on -0 lade can five mile- flied a� a: JP es, - Food Monsgs- peopla to loss 10,78 pounds 10 .the next 30 days. Deafer hoipl we are looking for now U0., P.O. act 333 Seaton hn ALAflrrlti 81L101E polwintsl marketing exclusive and aeoomwiMidad• Cu" creta in' ittaikae6 imponsfW people to assist we In setting K. Ta rft ar Mop 2W. 111nrAsyiFrNley 3 to 6 pan. wpyyc ny elite pmYe1 A. 0000 wM revel. 1-416804- appoial m hi, No MOMS Phone µ16) 481-38Y8, Fax productsof quality sy aanced fd �i iM(1 Fiwrdyaln"WI 141N4"1=(0IMI) _ Canadoppaa IEMPORAIM Faapewoa m 4iiid ktwla I - 4 a Tina m wo*hV alai IN wa Toa- -- P for an inkiiwe OMMO - 813.85 per hour n�No y FF510041" d ' paodnutAloa aupMviror ~ 10606e1apf wodie4 full and pm -dins partF tons avail" car : oft In Ajox. For daft& IMNi•TVLMM wrsd. vMy veli- pis 0 Call Mr. McCartney 438 9611111101)` oNsct Swan Taylor U3. 1EtI-STTLE coli for sats.: a whi ft f � f 686�40�4. � : Downtown Port Flops. Es. 8732. 690 4110 weekdays 060791) EMM ares Yroorrr and wk tablished clientele. Over ;4050M) m Ilona N lilac Y nesdsd k rs10JxM In eaiujiurisrif O-iar relocating. Sacrifice at _mw ',JANITOR experienced. EMPLOYMENT °pporkmil- at Icy Inn ler good telephone skills to f a schools ti $I" 819 o0D Cog now 432 7 08 er Tlssdsd Yrmnocloo 4 for loci ,Ment cafe faidry. LiDht and ms's and inusiresses. FW lm wi A)ex and Oshma Cal 72L p he" du4W 11 PAL - 7 a,an. peit YnM CaMaG Webr 42Fpem pbobbt) �2. (080791) NEw oPPORTUNITY. Meq "_dit 4 day.fwMk. Corntap up to shoo at nam par, "ask . ' Sus as The Tatpcomy Enploy- EonrM �t Assambls our prodeels 24 :anent Centre. 875-2911. w ori err ilwd Cal 1 pNfNf hour recorded Info. elm 1�To1) 571 e90L 11) x(804 12011 or p" LITTLE aasaas Rsslsiuran< Is 'ANT -TIME cook, ap- now IitYg port -tine dining paoakatafsly 20 horns waft. • • • ADD 82000 a your doom swvm& Mum be /8 years , Call 8394744, Pldiakig was. • part•tlnne. Discover DD W- 110 phone cells plow. 4060781) irwaisliww al 427-4147. 080781) Apply In poiam a 272 lag St. E.. Oshmm. 060681) WA—MED. Marl ftson. non wM T hood srpwNnae, ps iieau, ke contra o your cafeer, team Lotus, SECURE? An you pfryskMy AJAX emip•ny now M" 4363212.1060791) WbrdPerfact, Bedford, a liwalssy sepim you ars pscpb vat cone for fug ant iossi MIDDLE EAST Accounting principles. kwW to vire a brand cow product tem could make you port-tim pwNfono. Mum be able a work waNags, au- EMPLs Job dap Shy oreverwgi tllr QN Bob orpJ�0�M� secure.Poe 428-3243. avaiNTI isblsl AN raw and occupational Free TorontoSCI"of SCI" of 109 Coberne St. Oshawa :.. •n1vm wa"and Alnbrhgr lowiigl Ex- ;smba pqf SWA" For iter- BInbm 1 •------• - � aasAplt, (ggpggQ KAi06.081051) ... .." � . `.. •�•�-a•♦ t-a't -L 41t ,l'cf r•.1c•.� 4'• ..c - _I :..§. �: C � # � i. *-U% errOAMFMD INDEX ter • Haw M tat bq dater a$ a "1110, Ian dks �erwbrray► Paced- -k IN* heal, noel as ewpsrrde4b peeaba sew*, ootporata 6 .oaf ori .. w het MWCK dui �4 avis i as ewrawa-Uwe" estates. Ewnng claim an w tidy a sampr awibiN. •tr he4pe111 swrer weer, CA Bob or Jdm at Ow TotolMo S4M R of he*wealled' Bowb AN dwrsedshear/ere 420-1344m wenwaee hs* eraeabr ata w errs wwrd AMUM CONFtKDT Daft bm • A000utls Payable Cl�aita� wall Y AJAX -' Wp W*40*1 ISO b b eercdert ter NOW (050801) (Nw111 w 4wom 1. some* MM I Scat Molt AJAX - one -bedroom bee - 1n reo«wb ---- rpig, raw ants No - MKML AFTER OONNIE YEAR ITS YOM. Fuss bntalsllan 116 hdr out cow" and Lotus 1.2-3 we allall Inclusive. Inwtatl - h 4wum " � and. baton. Cafe evenfrge, Paul 72b -0M 05391) required. frrtNrky, wth an BM AJAX • huge, h .6 8, R prhnll. ballwor4 EXCELLENT Deal - 6 IBM PMERM O.ACE etMrStnos. shorn/ raps to busts. No. olhaPpbi@• awrp tbb con"Asis $9e - Please send resume to: private palki g, mbb, hydo Or tent to own $1250 monthly.7�ON Phone Karan 083.7216. �� � fiW w back dad. $125 waft or SM "althly. Bsnew star nes (081081) _ When roll NIM ilia 00C* -a Wih10lFa-M Yalu we 0521. POW) NIM Conpwah; PC XT. TM YM.. A AX -rush floor 3bedtoan 14py. 3oMS hard dW 3 yens 3 MONTFIS FREE RENT fridge stow a&- Scorn, ACCOW1 a Payable clerk _ w vel ewswd"'"r Cane" subsidiary d a major b «t �b 1 Aalli� akM11a $old, Telephp a k57a 7 (for a frtrled tune on:alectad wibc) private entrance. parking. VIA .w�tgrwrw wwtrd U.S. /r www.wwwib Corporation located la m5o"t) Thwabr df6Gtitrelr 111duCifg ytlu 12 mOft11 rout b_. tea- peopfe $609 plan 2!9 210 _.. 1 MA 1 ' mob rw 111 rt ler 239mei' cbslows" .... r... 7285666 tra re/Adae A000utls Payable Cl�aita� wall ��� • evww eercdert ter NOW (050801) iNU.Irm A sound background AJAX - one -bedroom bee - 1n reo«wb ---- rpig, raw ants No - ment apartment available. 116 hdr out cow" and Lotus 1.2-3 we $600 per month Inclusive. is hrseft" required. frrtNrky, wth an BM Would oorw' - bear cant h to hs.rr..srw..wrr Syetrn 36 would be an asset. exchange for soma evening li arre.lerr�elrire surw Please send resume to: ani Cal 683.7347. 132 � d wwr� Paeatnel: P.O. Baa 100, Ajax, (051091) 135 emw4 wdere Ontario. LIS 3C2. (060891) AJAX central - 2 basement /M tdsw /udoes /M bb�wle•wk•+ FREE computer training to Apartments. 1 1 -bedroom and 1 to e"wtmiwe sews eligible persons 45 and ova. 2bedroon4 4 Appliances. $650 130 Seata a.wd DPrCERT. Lotus, wordpsAsa, plus utilities, separate IN brave d -bass. muilimate. ampac. M[fallOMnmNers. 663-6768. 0791) +x•01' bedbrd. Ventura New mother. large, spudded IN elyarbnrbr.•b "�w"� in , pagernAker. Harvard and Corel Financial AVAILABLE May 8 - full nw,6 m assistance available for siigibie bethroWn. 4-0- Inge Nvlrp ISO nw.l.ererrn students under 45 or over who room, separate bedroom and iiN^9 room, pphras smranoe, to• do nil quality for free training. klkAr laundry araibtly 11660 Inclusive. S Ajax 421- . te4 eNb.ervr. Durham Business Computer 1674.9arr-9pm. (050991) tae a rd of O lwrw lee ewd M e.erdln � 427.3010. (TF) BEATRICE WOODS - 580 Bea terI O�yah� ue *were. dtn I - but 11" won't last � euSt.. 11111112 kft ° miles IOL $771. Stare, *lige. L"" 1104 t N"b ria idwm/sm cis Orn" eri 0610101) Pad10tht, sman bob" $880 ,sna N.G. TWO salts people needed 0411116 ma b�1 r ata ".carat henbat i nledis". due b irncrsola in 7119 haeeetneetnwar 'w'6'kl tra11fie Carta Dennis at Kom aM oras a" "NAM Suzuki. Ajax. 428-7539. 210 _.. 1 MA 1 ' mob rw 111 rt ler 239mei' cbslows" .... r... 7285666 ;678.75 PER110NTH (On &An) utnnles. June 1. 683.4076 belor. % 68:,-3¢70 ata 5, art ��� • L MUM ter NOW (050801) 4 yea oldwpisbted quarter ous - spaci3 bedmotn mWences uD b 1.270 sq. k AJAX - one -bedroom bee - hose Palrrino carom. i► - wel-to-wall Carpel Mrit ano irtderiduel tea" ment apartment available. cludes saddle, $1,300. WK! Sit cow conbof $600 per month Inclusive. Telephone 434-8122, 725-7388 an suite washer and dryer Would oorw' - bear cant h elowlit t (060501) - 2 w9hf001ns; exchange for soma evening COCKAPOO pups, reedy for - b6loortie$ or $Oharkm rt. every suits ani Cal 683.7347. good home. First shots, sbriw area on suite (051091) dsaomig vet ducked. As- THE BULDNG AJAX central - 2 basement king $250. Cal aler 4. 132- - per" included with rem Apartments. 1 1 -bedroom and 1 3693. (051001) _ play areas 2bedroon4 4 Appliances. $650 lo a ���� plus utilities, separate Firmly doge �FREE black and - SeCtxity �� M[fallOMnmNers. 663-6768. 0791) "Ata° lemyr type greet 'Nth THE LOCATION New mother. large, spudded kids420 and other anirtwls Cal 420 9191. (050591) POlering newly expanded to ' 71 Town Centre, AVAILABLE May 8 - full 43o401117.0f088t) nearly nearly 300 shops shops bethroWn. 4-0- Inge Nvlrp CUTEST puppy looks for new home, German shepherd steps from PkkWing RWVation Ciente room, separate bedroom and iiN^9 room, pphras smranoe, puppy. 10 wadies old. one shot. must sell. 655-8978. minutes from Wy. 401 �access ID GO Station a all bus mutes klkAr laundry araibtly 11660 Inclusive. S Ajax 421- . 1SNC) 1674.9arr-9pm. (050991) CUTE CUTE poodle for tab. We currently have a number of suites available in POwing's most low rise aptirimerlt tamplex, BEATRICE WOODS - 580 Bea terI O�yah� ed. 7 SNOW UP, 7 ate. old. Al shots W t0 date. Cafe 428- but 11" won't last � euSt.. 9367. (050891) 1565 91 -16 --Rd Sub IOL $771. Stare, *lige. L"" 210 _.. 1 MA 1 ' mob rw 111 rt ler 239mei' cbslows" .... r... 7285666 p509911111211 hahv services arilChaa �b PUREBRED male Basset nil 11S Liverpool at 10119011011 Rd. (Hwy. 2) included. no pats. Applications may be sucked up at Durban 212 ra wear,• Ser emir y N p r Me ata rbrdewryww.d 1 hound. 7 mcoo old. looking Or Call831-3$66 Region Non -Profit Housing 210 wedw /w rdrrt 213 wsr•..wer.brd PHARMACIST raquisd RABBIT wants work doing 'a fora good horrne. Call 428- NEW a a00rnd19ined biose• M 3103. (QSo89t) horn. -Fd. 9 Lm -9 pAL, Sat-: Sun. 9 a rrL44 pjvL Corporation, 1615 Dundas SL E.. 4th Floor Lang Tower. oras .twee"., •mine tin» 1 -- pat- magic for dtiaru parties and sizes plus many bks pans Paris 1-416.434-1297. (060101) Whiny or call 436.6610 be- y. aA ocaesions. have my own available. Can bean swn 1 1 aparbnNlb for sur chowb a sat magician Cal Ernie 086.4932. Thursday and Friday. H p m N p (TF) Saturday 10-5 For further an wrawmir an wmiwbebar A with medication ortlrcaM. Part-time sweating, $PLISH Splash, hot tub detaiaa18889235.060791) avis ��' =M'"^t rriphls. for W W n n ing hcarr, rentals. 6-8 person spas. USED fridges and stoves, 1 ata rbrdewryww.d Cal 6345151. ('060791) deliverick y and pup. included year warranty on large etr�eewl,esne mitart: De , li_uaaasp we in out reesorvsba, nesse. 427- selection. Landlords and =2!e 4e..rnde.erwe1 1 fsaCMng 6220. (051491) dealers welcome. Oshawa ahs Peen. wrt*aw a beeraly n tJ 1-416.434-1297. (060101) Used Appliance Sales and 218 w y i r��i SCHOOLHOUSE PLAYCARE COlnpaf110a6 Service. 133 Taurean fid. W. ata smiwr rat ewer- CENTRES OF DURHAM INC. 799. (051491SNC) 4134-3996. (TFALL) ass tw�.e.awsw•r tepuiea one ertdausi i, EM MALE 5'9•, hazel eyes. 170 OMYS and Wil laps, various ter war"w0limmA10 3M 9-.d d..". teacher. for school aged lbs.. dkh tnbrrde hat. seeks Patterns. double and voce. 300 beery ask ea./. -..0 rocs.urr. good salary and benefit -•-.­,-.,,.,.. .•v. - daradng. sato, Sunderland, 1-703357- w,,,w for 3 children, too tea til.• in s� sryrew 2820 wrenigs. (050791 ) w boom ear bower Paukaga F m AN dhrrsrs. mew le (050591) ass abww.r �• mitart: De , li_uaaasp we amusement parks. Single WALLPAPER clearance - ower t6P.e/nn•ke.d 1s+•brw"r tdr.rd PrvNor 123 019 1475. (061) lodes welcon Plsaes sal (p6p6o1) 30 twit +r.e.u1 30 Ph­" MEM with trucks will do 1-416.434-1297. (060101) f9$9.95double roil. Open 5 ate Pa a jobs. odd jobs. decorating. de111a6fIC t 1 0aikkhikk6 anylhh Call Cal or day. per �a week. Mon. - Fri.. 9 s w`-4148 799. (051491SNC) ���a l IMt l /w0i King A v laundry facilities. air mrndbfatirrg 0860 per nana4 h%tts %UK. Ila 4362'171. fWAUllwodOmShgNew wak perm .. m it $100 or SL E.. BownarwSM 3os s ra.by NANNY /Housekeeper GOLDEN lblsmix. bow alr. Anoftd dn1-1 1 3sr ewP'r'e ..�mirneemiew Peoulled(TF) •Snots 01" dn9dren• have own oil and be able b New mother. large, spudded COMPUTERS. FROM $et9. See "ed4 dewd"9 wwr.s. swim_ Days only. Monday- leather Cosa. Marand and Pensee new a used. MM at - 30 VA*6@ftW6*.*dft Cab ewniegs 427- Ps1k ars& 432-7'5M (TF1'MLL) Ike and conpufer suppers. ROUGE Valley - Lope nub as o...�s prices slashed up to 30% �• two to four bedrooms, 318 dw ebre4•r"wwn were 3@M. (050591) discount Tales adtratap• now. ap0101rt, large kk hwL kegs s 'miiiil' Cas �r Fist Chaim Stypes inc. ass 1Mnoed hot. Ample poi king !ween 890 a.m. and 430 pm. wsdkday& (050991) DOWMANVILLE - one- bsdrown corndo. a appasnow aveleble May 15th, subrtAe fa retied or professional person, $675 monthly. fimtAast plus hydro. Cap Kevin 655-3203. (060001) BOWMANVILLE - lege. bright 2-bedroorn spertm nt, living room, din" room, kadw. full bath. hidge, stove. washer• dryer. firer and laM required. $735 mortlllly plus 1" 621 2312. 823-9101. (060091) BRIGHT. spacious two 2- bedroan Woo Aute kkipw• Mivs& Wmdry twodw class b as amrdlies. $700 and $726 Per math plus reefs. One avelebleMay 15, one Jun 15. 576-0411. (060791) BROOKLNI - targe, raw bee► 1� I sprersrtL ale , , .. R kitchen, I" room, d" _ room, 4 app0arces. pine ft o SM. d 3baduoorn mala now. an b"'b`w ew"kw 1 BaDM01) W«pney Rd. S.. Ajax. 666 SM qty flus urla Cee nwtrly rsrnogted aero www s..es..ti -906 0100791) ass mi.ww..d ewe.rwr"tb L7VE4N1 NanMHousok"PW ae4 rs a i.wrr wske+v for 3 children, too tea til.• in s� sryrew aehop and a one year aid. Cal w boom ear bower 420-0512. Ask for Mw9wat ata rb�1.MaM► (050591) see gwerrw4b aw 1a.t laCrnen, oinpyrMy prlvMe b reftwisw stone hove kn Scat•. oro' t6P.e/nn•ke.d 1s+•brw"r tdr.rd 1 1 Alllad sur coasts 1w neer (p6p6o1) 811 eea'swwwsw MEM with trucks will do tis b..wn nw newt household moves. cleanup SIGtbrweetd ler rat 517 oerrerwrNmi rowed jobs. odd jobs. decorating. Sim e."d...+rr.r.lw Mo 0aikkhikk6 anylhh Call Cal or SM wa.berw /r raw Jane. 427$156. (TF) S543, Fax 696-0136. (OtiMi) Rob -906 0100791) 4203 or 4794100d. (050191)1) . CONTENTS d hawse lir sola. 100YTM Pldkerkng - now 00 aANWD June IVL 428.2140 0606101) • Telephone 427-9307 after 6 train. 2 -bedroom spacious 0000 North Oshawabeasion - 01) P-(0559 µn8 roan, t[kopha, modern SENIS r• one bedroom basement ONE used coo Air l garapi laCrnen, oinpyrMy prlvMe b reftwisw stone hove kn • apartment. Pi Mtfarnoak 9 alaundry. cable, parking and door 10X10•, glass panels. CAN chiding all, Seas. W04423, utasies. $SSD am incl user. 000413M (050891) (p6p6o1) . Cal • • AAvaaili LAWN WWM 21- lawnboy, TWO-BEDROOM available S580and � 9 sidebag, used one ss@ML ex- June 1. East of Knob HIB, MARWOOOMOI - spaaious Ceart corndaion. SMS. 031- Oshawa. Fridge, stove, REGENCY PLACE one -bedroom basement WHITBY 799. (051491SNC) parking. $732 monthly. allApartment. Private entrance• WA-,. & a dryer, good oirndNwS, 8350 irnclaiMe noinati-- 0 Junef g2 Fkstllsst required. 723 laundry facilities. air mrndbfatirrg 0860 per nana4 ssraw w are a .card SM z.ser p101N11a� arliCta6forsob Pater- pI' =4 after a gilt w weshwah, (060111) aANWD June IVL 428.2140 0606101) • ebbredasn.r.wsdew ser nsr..wtewrs Stew, aerie *MOWS. ri FAM 1 CLEAT) CLFARAIICE OF ALL now itrlBiBY - 3 bedroom apart- -bs Mme• VRwrgeogwlt - Nat i"fta k w me rs»wrwd YD news ca t"Waist. Cal 723.0521 Morndty Ftd'r MOVBIti gay - Oedrooen trete cad unt, doers a end tables, will seed 1umMua• fridges and Mores. bads. dne0tar1 1- No antra la du hldga and 8. 666-3220 • one -bedroom basement • swat 'yw�wr. 130 ant - 430 p r& Fes dlrte fish flrnder, a waft oonpornat lossoneble der absurd My etas•. $Boos uEba. No dogs. May 1.216Gm 100 l ..: : ,ew ardafate 8011 w h@M wow" its arreewwrwemu Tusadays and Thursdays. 430330 pat'CM 433MM I' - fish a0uedkM etecsic OMWsh ssl4DodgeAIMvan �a Store 110 Bradt SL S. Whitby. 490-0561, YIN WHITBY Basemeat aM epwar.s.w dung Cb* Incur& (IF) Stew, aerie *MOWS. ri FAM arxxtpleL OK10101) apartment. large 1 172 aM arwrke....swsea sae ewwaawebb TREAT you nen an Modrots eft: 4340017.050'781) BABY ham. on asst, nsdch- ase! lensnol tooni . e*.TeleSM sur e.wwewe Day - Faclab 1 1/2 hours GRANBFATHEn Clocks. h$ alb and dmnK (Bean) pMM� sts tw.whone hredraumm d see erefeempareraee (410AH1led esthetician), Cleansing. steaming. rceatoA salty We pay C S.T. an aOWW modus, abbtarpwssCdwbbabMw. change Wq dtlaaplarpaw �Ia1 1) er Mo a ysb�� semraetlaes, faeW massage, Satyr i delsary hektds/'u! M3477'• p6'01') _ WN µ hw•irmoommo 1ws41s4art�rbw�w mask. liarm mist. high iencti. 82L Loh sm, 87 1461.(IF) � �' _ hmshM. salt COUPON. $726 sk" wtt &A"Gaimimso h%tts %UK. Ila 4362'171. fWAUllwodOmShgNew wak perm .. m it $100 or h�Bl" aP�' sladtb pbaa• TsMp Pomo hhnOil 4'Wsoa bo k naq PRO" w arb BBi1N Dotard aid Miy pion• bow alr. Anoftd dn1-1 1 waft 433.1401. (TFALL) madam.. aspasb aha. VW, po*hL on erababwd.rs.sw.MwwaMag. Fero and bona, 1)b$10 eack. Cd 431 43o401117.0f088t) es bomb err e w aArob mo daq 094. lolmm) said" se .w.trr11..w as �b�rt...lrw ago ant. to 490 b F. Clift.me P.M. Clittie int Oshawa. 11l fie aittr 0, bots arNt sur• nub � a*��µ apabaarr, ala10t r saaskoawsq�+eer�r tat watiwrwrwabe Tuadtly.lb3pm.aalWd• 9kha $700. Body fait. are WANTED - Uel e11atlea11ni 111Siwedlately. Nelly Newly rel taeddevendlea4ertrr Sol ,.rara,,,teeape" tlasttay 1 In 6 Pat, Thus 220- SMpaa�lur- whit lapSrs the, dnaon desk and chair. chest el motor, 30 Ip gad am Moa CAM 98647" her noome► ndNNM L Lap yard. Or block from 00 $fail". 7u •weeks eaawer arra. ria idwm/sm cis Orn" tea• � 26 onSMe 0610101) Pad10tht, sman bob" $880 s7n es' �se� 4394MM or Pikka log 420 0411116 ma b�1 r /rflps. M►mr1tM ML7Ba1. pfOMq 7119 haeeetneetnwar 'w'6'kl «sem UL Alss Ta1s/- piobttpw"or oedt M-0110~d1M1mamlak AJAX PICIMAINp APPLLW � GPOftSWAPWAN Tat ,.bra nuum a sommmmNoTnEto CoMre. Need sernearna to tric NO Cal us CES - $1910 and UP. fully gams � Cas tmtlte 118 a gnael SM loft Cal Pith. aft 42610M!• RF1 Wim' in p� ants � � ss9 e.eweean re drrak■ any b tk 43!1121. 421416RI. cleat 4274T79, 497 W hmabhed. 1.416ia¢612L .�� Y45 in%eg NOST a armor saderA hem cid. a. Afar 1 sIM) aB6tl10B6raai10s 7wa haserreM~ :iib Spain In your hOno. for f fillNNote wM1Br - oeeobdnooen bar 710 8101110 las aadmoom lhtdram Region JIAyrAllgnrtl Bt. Cal Conlacdon �10i .COL as l aldild :l�B atilt i mrmraMGa to be sots by pttbli suco most apartment. lots of Uidptrssar Otfrala mo eta 21110111411 a�M 4111k'1234� PODS") ami IWC > Cal N m may. May S. 1190 i MAIL Oshawa. 9 I� �o WAO 0 err ..ewer. I ABONIIDN kdrmalwL Cal 0610101) � h $a '-- , ps si► �fMlrak on -IM. 000781) sµls ew� 0aao33 (TF) sP1IRNi gpaalr -arra sal tsner hasty, aht)r 1010 Csa- per a 436010910 w Junior SM a• 01000101CNq WHITBY - ono -bedroom an buds w urs an 1 N month phut fres blraMafian and atwmwA 80$0 monthly. OWN"Bro ! sur .d.a4.rwtdyMwrhr. 2 bags d sae for month trial last. Whitby - A iyiroom al r.. 1W sobcow. w •.ark ere 4A in Ts4atd Show $all , MW cow.Cam Youngs Waw SW 066.45". (0014101) CAM CLASMED apanmalt, 5026 monthly. aaalfbb bm.00N 20 and ala R bb. CIA awi m O10tin I KINGSTOMILawreace- bacheler, basement. am asay, wm*w. adlc clow I* u At T IWI"L 9N. 2NLN74. 060781) • LAS 240*. b118sttrsAl "WAMOK lop Whey. Pula♦ slondy 110101001. Walt to Pilo- WPOW9M, aftb. Oats. 4 saparato oaratace. Neoa- makw ant. 5780 par mom b Plus U) 0th AB& 4204M pNptfil0 -talo batth9la a*wbaaK Seep al bakok*6 Bpvas wase a thnkoas IM a =&l78A pa88Bt) Ubad oma~ baaMwoat a11.Ai . t 1.as •Plebath. 6MR o Pialtile VOW on WAN") am bodorwm bMaraattaow lata $77$ par rlwmO. If .1-111 bM4 law" OWL mosme Jaw 1s 416707. ewlt- Yys 631-70M 061081) POPIT U 1111 lit N1 clay WA40dloorR�baBamilll la Route. laundry. cable. a3a aakh�rredwa - Annandale Roc p•Atlnt. net-smloltar. 5008. lox =94016 PIGtvIIIB - wob droop � ) sass r.rsptw Complaa, Chwrh $t-, Ajit Ad. FABRIC VM10oab avis. valents ���� $811 days. 0007 1~ �� 72i baaahhehn aWrthhhaM, air, badl�oor�abatentsan a�palblNa�w 2R HOW 28741162 eM earrrtrrar.r.r. ntbNon 8226 Cal as�aa 72x64'. 566: 64x64•. i79. mPmOD entrance. does b central air, 3.bedroom N6operatonrLOtle m w .srydittFr•atre 6219 060781) Pleated shades 31x64• or i>oeih�iz. WINTRY - +Pah*hwKaarnSla*,$sop baaemutA alp.rfnera, kldlfdaa sot ie"rr 30x64•, 620. $uncut roler apotNas one- 00, 101 and 'town Centro aM awq.a de"a"r"' badlosm agaknwa, owlba� With klalrsa, 18aPl10os Sad month and $800 per franth. awl IS ttlAlaa and cable Ful use car trtaaserrw $hades 73 tr4x7tr. 646. ,ms baled, Splen* for Jtattbr Biht ao9wL kna9MMly. Stip VOW" included. 363-0810 d Wm ft faDM&w. Nafth ore te.11bl�.r.. a7dl� It NOWT .(Mal bays 7?#4'. Gua*& Available, July 1. pin. CSB YM10a 42040M w 428.7882 dere. Oohaaa OR low h10alev tet► 6ts 6a 408/7.0$0681) - _ - u • I • I • • CONSTRUCTION C�a rewiiii aumdom Arid additfOnS. No job too WWL Fcw he estimate 428-3744 Al Nome vel Impfovements Decks, fences, all renovations. Quality work, low prices. Discount for seniors. Free esti ave 420-7438 ARNOLD'S Home Improve - drywall. T -Bar Ceilings. nnetd studs, and wood hafflinlg. For good Prices and good quaIM workmanship all Arnold 420- 6372. 246372. (050581) ELECTRICIAN - wiring, rewiring, cslom hors, ser- vice changes• licensed and insured. 436-1294. (050991) JAMCO CONTRACTING Separate entrances, basernew apartments, additional bathrooms, fernces. docks and ha like. A9 phase renovations. No obligation -*not- Ajas 427 -MM, WMDY 8663130. (051091) PROGRESSIVE TILE Bath- repairs. loose kek- irg tub enclosures and shower Stals. Shop o home service. Ceramic Wall and floor ries. Fast- Ofte"n service. 10 Yew guarantee, 420-1689. Low spring Prices. nwinlo r BBB. (051791) MACDONALD'S HOME IMPROVEMENTS. The com- plete handyman Service. Don't hesitate to cal. No JOB TOO SMALL 575.0977. (051091) CEDARCRAFT SUN DECKS Standard packages or design your own. Pre- season Prices. ESTIMATES 427-9006 CARPENTER wish 10 years ex. ponence available to do decks, fences, drywall, interior repairs or renovations. Free estimates. Call collect anytime Bob 623- 0198. 230199. (051691) PROFESSIONAL Bridle Layer specializing in fireplaces and chimneys. Will do bricks, blocks or stores of all kinds. Cal Rene Gervais at Artistic sonary guilders.6664428. (TFNALL) CARPET and vary) ietaaation and repairs. Bofors you bury call Dennis for free 40WM t and expert advice. Seventeen Years experience. Call 434. 2983. MSM I) PROFESSIONAL Handyman Services. quality carpentry. electrical plumbing and decorating, Mc. Smell or large. hon a onlce, ressonable with excellent references. Free eslimatM. Call 432.9548, 7 a mit - 830 p.m (TFNALL) CUSTOM Woodworking - int► person roe. Weerney Rd. S . near 40!. nor and exterior home improvements. Call Rouge Va- ROOFING WY Carpenters Inc. Small jabs a day estimates Waim.r. 288-2156. (051591) ler oafs and singles. ALL renovations andaddliors *pairs. Over Spetial2ing 20 in roof M at fair prices. 10 years experience. Excellent p• (chimney references. Call Pat at Bab r e repairs). For a 8780. (051491)4204337 includes ' at utilities.0891)) noCa14245147. �267774. COTTAGE ralistng footings. John 427 0131 block foundations. conc*te MMlO LIC /01631 floors. driv ways and SlroreNrre rdmim "staining Walla. Cal Gary 416 SEE - This spa- 6869865 or message 70641457- FRANC WILSON - Rocling and 9400. (061251) eevStrohughing. AN workman. NEED A NEW ROOF to rod, »�P tl�r"d' Cal 435- overlops, grip jobs. Roo. lass .931. (050881) astknalm. 4304@@. (050891) ROOFING- ortceNsrn prices, all WINoOw Clwtirg Swvke guaranteed. Can 420- -wait we also dean someba,gte. 2061. (TFN) sonits and allow". emkon- amenities. $650. 427-2380. mynah Maldly camera- Cal poame 1 or I30IOD7. rndr 4b 5log16863766 SERVICE to all makes a CARPENTRY. cabiemy. trb models. All work fully Evening work, renovations, klcllwts, guaranteed. and weekefW DSIhaalshtrs MMOM i dundas- Ten few stpwsnce. Fane feakfaiaL AlSOOMM service trtatafsd Phone Ksvi1 w 427- g� (hP1AIL) g 438. (°�"')� ill (052391W .. ebralbbm NptovwnwA - SpedABekig ti Ow mens and bedwoars, Also it % irA" Ift 1,,ddh st III bag 1frd- Free SPecial(21ng In service and renolvatlofa: All week guaranteed. five estlnl9las Cal 42&4229, (TFAI HIROPEAN w epsellAVAwill m - Pur - or kNdnn wast an "I amt Beer tles. Goad m, mo and o 4813 (1F D. pykNtt 7211 S i A Construction - P'ww dao. big or wag me ON, lo ketose, cal ter a hes MtlmatL 571-8266 or 623- 0317. (050791) Plaster repak, ari t too un Call"atr�6 Geste 6 P nL (061081) SABRE Contracting - all carpentry additions, renovatlons, kitchens. ballYoare, Mona nlsltarl--- rmwowal V Mfi�woreek guaranteed. 16 fiesta exParlence. so. 91 r lK i�/N i ' ' Y1s1a111 -1 by prdesslonab n $1.880. Price Includes b wMI marble top, Moak Daft and American Stan- d ditties and Plumbing PHIn. Alm malabl horn lift eat 50 belhroom kegs aovining m-lif fay wits k. thyme& IlsA.. and ctrieal completsly Istructed. Call Rays mbina. 686-5498. ESMOIML painting and 1 111,i9 OusSy tlrork of prices. Excellent rots. Cal Dark or Pal at 50 (060191) NORMAL paYititg and oft 1 roan or whole guaranteed lowest No job's too small. ly workmanship feed Cal 430.2595 + � (IF) SUDGET Painting and Decorating. 17 years experience. Interior and stttarbr. Clan and eBlip, , BM Prices. Oudly wait big a anti Free estlraaL 434- 1051. (060W1) iMtE'S PAINTMIG - veal and milling rapals, aft about our 798-7673 skinaY blot, talon. picaint«- sxterbr palrht(ng and paper hanging, carpel. 1Mnyl and We in"Istios and npaks. Top quality Workman- ship o rob -ion pias. For has salmstes call Jeff or Tor 9427-1447.(051091) RICK'S Painting and paper f'w'gi'8• a dean professional jab done at an allordabb Urine. For a tree estimate at nc bion, call Rick, 571.6085. DELUXE PAINTING Interior and exterior painting, good Prices. good works. For FREE estimates call anytime. Mel 578.6553. (TFALL) LOU'S Painting a Decoratig Interior or exterior, wallpapering, stucco and rnarblzlrhg trim, woodistainihp, PdYurothare finishes. homee. offices or apartments. For free estimates call Lou ai 428.8583. movlrlg i store o TLC Moving. Local and out of town, hourly or flat rate. Quality work at reasonable rates. Please at 427.3518. (TF) AJAX Movrg Systsms - full services, moves, appliance and piano specialists. flat rake or hourly. Specializing in Durran Region. Now offerig free boxes with store. Cal 427- 0005.(TF) MEN wth lar(p hudc ail do househoid more. r.sidemiy, commercial. All types of moves. Call Cul or Jere, 427- 28M. (TF) MOVING??? We win move anything• anyowe. anytime. men and trucks. for all typos at moves, best rates, free estimates. 10% discount for seniors. Call 571-0755. (TFNALL) TWO men with trucks *THE MOVERS. Wls do as typos at moves. Very coo pet:tNe. Give us a call. Pete 576-9533 ( PALL) EMhousecleaning REUAMLE. Omw%nced are available in my home (South Ajax hOWiO. I Issid V meds and .narks provided. fwho•d yard. ran-amoher, reasonable rates. For more Information please all 427. (050591) DAY care available in my home. Westney Rd. a 1'1wr. 2. Caring mom of 2. Nutritious snacks and meals. Prefer apse 2 and up. e83 -MU. (060591) AMBER -EA - Cobbler's Cf. Day care available in child oriented home, full or parttime, ages 2 years and up. Call Cathy, 4242322 (0508g1) DAY care ava " . over over. crowding or sitting ii from of the TV. Full-time, part -tire and references available. 4 years experience. Lots of TLC. 424 8526. (051591) ExPERIEI4CED mother's hel- per wanted for 9 month and 2 year old. Start June. Maplendge area. Pickering. Cal 4242707. (051 o91) CHILDCARE professional wth medical background will accept 4 children (lplet trained) for unique home day care begin- ning May 27. With receipts. Liverpool and Fitch. 420-8764. (05logi) RELIABLE day caro avalabke in Warm. loving atmosphere, tut -rims or part -tints. Close to Ajax/Pickering Hospital. Please call 686-0286. (050591) DAY care available home, happy. secure. safe home. IunMes and snacks provided. References upon request. Dixie and Hwy. 2. Cal 420-0809. (050591) BABYSITTINGair Westshorer Cklahoma- trot and cad meas. newborn and up, $70/week- Call Cindy at 420.6980. (050591) EXPERIENCED day care Provided. full and part -tire. any age. Located Westney Rd. and Hwy. 2. Phone 686-7047. (050591) -11h DODY'S MAID SERVICES LTD. ave your house cleaned with tha )ecial touch. Fully insured and bonded. CALL 831 -MAID EXPERIENCED cleerwg lady available. nscesrn references, 550, hklpe ant stove. Pleaso al 939.3379 aflr i (050591) GRANDMA'S Company - Groan cieans (no chwr cais) horrnas and onions. We after ' had rr-in-Ini dam Bonded, insured and police Security checked. 725-9177 24 hr. ansaerig- m5wol) 336 de"ng STEPHANE'S CLEANING SERVICE - commercial or nsidrnial. Free estknaun. For we muhs all 725-2386. (060791) LAWN -W hmtftow NpM Irrdseapirkg. badge and Was, maintenance, spring/fall cleanup. Handyman, nrsidrt lid and mumetrJ ' Call Bob 8361215. (062891) wMaLOC1011G bricit waft and patiosdriveway curbik nalwaIK lawn Mow kdanv of andel wood toning reesombb prfass, gtlwafn..d work, het satintslss 494307& (050501) WORD Proososig . Paves. resumes. form letters. Also writing, editing and proofreading, for business dims. Cal Ann Mare ea:- 7582. (050791) ATTENTWItIL Small busewmal Bring your books up to does. Special roes for catch UP work Stop dek"W Cal 841-5241 now. (060591) INSURANCE computer con - raking emicas evel able. 421l'- 76". 247677. MW591) FAX YOUR ADS 5I92Z� • GADVERTf1SBY000 SirBcflA TV CAI. 57641!23 7967672.7867672 370 DURHAM PROFESSIONAL HOME DAY CARE Offers warm, being day care too children 6 weeks and up in supervised homes al reasonable rates. Serving A00 ickenng area since 1984. STEPPING Stonss Chkdca* Contra offing are 24 hwW day. 7lost& a weak --- 11o011 care. Unpin tusrvice nursery school, junior kkhdergarten, sarartw camp and transPoru- On atralabl. Ages 6 w wm b 12 YeCal Oshara. 576 ws. 0861 willik (TFALL) wESTNEY and Ritchie - mature• reliable deperhdable babyaklar. my harm, doss to schools, parks. lunches Provided. any age wwefoonris d Marie 4760626. (050691) PICKERING - large. 2 Self-contained basement apartment. 4 -piece bath. 4 appliances. close to school amenities, ava,lable June 1. $780 inclusive. 427.6885. (050591) PICKERING - one bedroom basement apartment. single Portion. parking. Available krvredLody. Pleas tilt after 7 weekdays, 6632457. (050591) PICKERING - bright, clean, Spacious 2bsdroorn basions* apartment. walkout. Private entrance. $750 inclusive. 420- 6844. (050791) PICKERING • one-bodroorn basomort apartment no peat, no stroking, private wKrwlm ilial" Paid. $575 monthly. First and Yet Ratim" . 836 2256. (060691) P1C1(EANp - by tlhe Ylke -two bedrooms main raw fiepieoe. walkout b dock $696 Includes u bus 427-1339, (050561) MCKEiMNG FIncMWhkes Rd., now 2bedroon% oak stays to kilt, cathedral coiling• JacuaL 4 appliances, 1.150 as it„ )raid and dock. 5976 notldfy. 8994707. (060791) PICKERINC; - WSSIMhon area. large, clean basement apartment. 4 -pisco bath, separate entrance. S appawtoss Aral) " May It 635 447-7595, (060561) apali e yowisam Wines - a*. central and _ Poktng. Ilfeg. PkWa ba K np►amaker, *W kat. 5730 Yrckekla 4268923- (060751) 24SEDROON and bachelor aaWa' Also .4 PI kering MnW htans� Lindsay area. Firsulast, references available kfwwdM*. Phone 416 80 2496 OMaawh 100 aAL to 77' pest (060791) S OMOM00M on lop fbor d hd- b detacled bugtdow. In plot entrance. sepers" kkcludkhg uNNiw. poll- - ession June 1. Call Ted 886 221UL 0060591) 757 WILSON am N. O•haa k 2 bedroom units. Available June lot and July It S790. Ston. "Ie. uftes included No Pols. A*kcaftm may be parsed tip w Otahwn Region Non -Profit Housing Caporadon, 1615 Dundas SL E.. 4th Fbor Log Tower, whl- by a call 43641810 bMwwsan 9:30 a.m, and 4:30 p.m. waddwL Mallet) -0edroom dose to amenities. Laundry. air conditioning. fenced yard. • . • 1 11 51,200-51.500. Furniture/ and utaaies negotiable- Minutes to WHITBY K -Mart area. �m- highway/W train. No pets, maculate 3bWroom home. � non-smokers. 428-1678. Country setting i, tet sty. �') _ double attached garage. tic AJAx -deal one air AJAX - 3-bndroorn min floor semi. includes trudge, stow and utilities. 3850 monthly. Close to all amenom. f rsweat available June 151. Cal 6113- 4W 83 49.5 after 4 p.m (050591) AJAX - Hugo 4-0edroom. 2 1'Z bathe. stops to k ke, bus, man floor famsly, fireplace. $1.150 Plus. July 1st. 428-3088. (030791) AJAX - main flow, dean 3 bedroom appliances. laundry. central air. lanced yard. S90o n,,*. 2861927. (050591) AJAX - WesukeY/401 - large 4. bedroom, Nvmydnng, family rooms, hardwood floors, garage. 2 docks. greenben. $1,054 mornNy. arm and, Last rWool os available July let. 723.4518. (0•aasl) AJAX south. 3 bedioomh nein Ibor. 5850: she bodroan base- ment apartment, 5525. Fenced. appianosk air. gas barbecue and tool shed, 1/2 utilities. First last, references. 6W 2425, evu *VL (050691) CEN nub %WW.. $1.000, we a digs. stove• utilities, garage included. RWNN- as taquire . no Pon, available Ylsredslsly. (416) 985-7775 or (416) 6662692. (060791) HOUSE for rent with in law spwYnrll $1.100 rrerYtlfi if dudes utilities. 43s 8166. OSHAWA - 3-bodroom butgdoa. MI raotrr, k(Idisn, "aft bsft rec - kill d burning busk yard- -SS950Pius UNOW 5239, available in y edianty. 434. PICKERING - main floor 3 bedroom backing onto Fland men's Bay. Fkwint. aatarwt, 5675 plus utilliN• No pets, amebic May 30. CAN 6111114=r. 0050701) lICKERMIG • 3 -bedroom tltsih ftw' waling distance to (i0 and shopping. rktgWelow. laundry facilities. 5660 rrModify Inclusive. FksulNt. June 1. 427.8472. (060781) PICKERING Village - 3. bedroom semi• large yard, 5850 Per mash, first and had, available 1.111 lately. Cal evenlgs NO.7599, (050791) PICKERING - detached 2- uWss Cal Nine - 8304&m* �, 2862292 aM►� Rnt (050551) Soon- With fireplace. ceramic person roe. Weerney Rd. S . near 40!. 1 1nwi � / 1 �'M!e•6f',•1•t�� M�� Inilllns �w rNwl wltMw _ UVEIMOq/I(wy, 2 - on► AJAX • bec11•lor rpsrtalww 931.9199. (05099!) son ntsk + 1 - new near I - 1door. aL .4 nerdy 4 I 4 �• • . • . s • . cwF and waft, walk to Md P�+h �' ran Osnawa location, -1 Plaza. and 00. $650 month) includes ' at utilities.0891)) noCa14245147. �267774. • • • 9 • Inclusive. Avail" June 1 4 (0. �' 4 2971 (050791) 8060991 rdmim fireplace, roc room wrth SEE - This spa- AJAX - bright, bmAul new one -bedroom basement r Rrt[ CID" nbripla• brltrt~. In cunom built 5120° Per I ionth plus usites, apartment with wood love. Cities home.apartment. i home, private entrance. MOST PROPERTIES ARE b Odhwm Cern* and parking, central vac, huge to, close wall yren6rtoS '�"" C'' `3`'�°' a"'r 5 '°°`"'°" `lose '°' ''' RENTED WITHIN p.m. (051091) amenities. $650. 427-2380. 14 DAYS. now 2.luedroom apartrnent. new SIPPllances, '' CREDIT, STABILITY AND air AJAX -bright, drytwo.b•droom Ins. Ttw"t inn- .2-norey. conditioning, backs onto ww C-110. 5750 monthly OsleBANK baseman apartment. private ernrarhoe, utilise khcludod, fist CHECKS DONE ON Pk+s hydro. 7239236 or 579- and last, Inclusive, non- condition. imnedioa 51,100 (°�"')� •M �:5 POTENTIAL TENANTS. NEW onobedroorn spades available immediately. Call 9010. (050891) a ba.nsm . Locoed 427-3067.(050891) LEASE: 1 YEAR MINIMUM In the demanding Westn" Heights. SW plus 12 uta. Cal now It lasts. AJAX - Bright, dry one bedroom bast apart„• REFERENCES AVAILABLE. while Sharon Chsholm Family Trust Corp. appliances, no pets, non- plus 2 full bathrooms. Air Realty. 883.8st` 2.105 1) smoker. transit and 401 close by. $575 plus 1/3 utilities. FEE ONE -BEDROOM basement Available June 1. 427.7594. 479-9M or 852- apartment, Rouland/Wilson (050991) _ area. broadloom, 4 -piece bath. AJAX - furnished one -bedroom large 3 -bedroom 2 - laundry facilities, parking, basement apartment separate • central air. rto pets, prefer quiet enhance. laundry. cable. 5600 •• responsible adult, $500, induces utilities. Non-smoker. dosed beck yard, gwaga 3 utilities Induced. 723-5460.rolerences, available June 1. • • • • (050791) 427-5557. (050891) • ONE-BEDROOMbasement 1,2 a 3 bedroom apartments, -- apartment• separate entrance. 318 Malaga Rd., fridge encs fair hOYiea full bathroom, fridge, stow, stove, carpet throughkwt. Park cable and laundry facilities. and Bloor, near GM a 401. Parking. 5650 per -nth, fist 5660 for one -bedroom $750 l- 11 and last required. Available bedroom and 5850 343e June 1St. Call Arnold 420$372. No pets, 263.4104, 4369819, (050591) 434-4502.(061491) • ' ONE -BEDROOM basement 2 -BEDROOM apartment on - apartment, large, air conditioning, Parking- Private quiet strew, rear Rilsori and Blow in Oshawa. Largs living e'rn^OeLaundry, '"ep'•'° room and kitchen. 666° plus HOME OWNERS ASSISTANCE cated In Oshawa. $590 Per hydro. Available Jure 1st. 728 - Month. Utilities included. Avg 2255.(050791) WILLASSIST YOU TO FIND able Ju June, tet. Call 4242653. (0'' 1 Rttagesfor YOUR IDEAL RESIDENCE O _ 3bedroom mai, -on levetvel of d bungalow. quill area COTTAGES - Lake FREE OF COST. immaculateand nn:teaIncudes fridge. stove inside. avab: and PROPERTIES IN EXCELLENT utilities and cable. $900 10th 22 to 241h, from 55 per monthly. Ask for Mike 427- week, seasonal trailersr CONDITION. (0A ver- n rthemi astom8885, 1 t2 Rows northeast a Pickering-' REASONABLE RENT. OSHAWA Dont - 2 - 2-bodnoom base- "w"'p'"'me"t. Ce 1-705-653.1317. (o5i4491) sPa air' KingrHar- nnony THE AREA YOU WANT tea available May 1. Ileuses /e1 _ ,) Mr. (CUR SERVICE SPANS 25 CITIES) li OSHAWA - 2 -bedroom 3b'°'°ara �ioo V.I.P. SERVICE. apartment, vertical blinds, il coos i s' a St.toO quality broadloom, balcony, per month. Available fridge. stove.ose to 401 and M�`Yely' Cal Franky 321 - d South Cil Plant ron; M, 7118 hone 428-1719, C21 Available May 1Q 5685. 723- Lartdaar Realty inc. fo505al) . • 1 1 • 1 4898 or 5764202. PSI 091) AJAX - 3 bedroom aaf-� . . e • . PICKERING - large. 2 Self-contained basement apartment. 4 -piece bath. 4 appliances. close to school amenities, ava,lable June 1. $780 inclusive. 427.6885. (050591) PICKERING - one bedroom basement apartment. single Portion. parking. Available krvredLody. Pleas tilt after 7 weekdays, 6632457. (050591) PICKERING - bright, clean, Spacious 2bsdroorn basions* apartment. walkout. Private entrance. $750 inclusive. 420- 6844. (050791) PICKERING • one-bodroorn basomort apartment no peat, no stroking, private wKrwlm ilial" Paid. $575 monthly. First and Yet Ratim" . 836 2256. (060691) P1C1(EANp - by tlhe Ylke -two bedrooms main raw fiepieoe. walkout b dock $696 Includes u bus 427-1339, (050561) MCKEiMNG FIncMWhkes Rd., now 2bedroon% oak stays to kilt, cathedral coiling• JacuaL 4 appliances, 1.150 as it„ )raid and dock. 5976 notldfy. 8994707. (060791) PICKERINC; - WSSIMhon area. large, clean basement apartment. 4 -pisco bath, separate entrance. S appawtoss Aral) " May It 635 447-7595, (060561) apali e yowisam Wines - a*. central and _ Poktng. Ilfeg. PkWa ba K np►amaker, *W kat. 5730 Yrckekla 4268923- (060751) 24SEDROON and bachelor aaWa' Also .4 PI kering MnW htans� Lindsay area. Firsulast, references available kfwwdM*. Phone 416 80 2496 OMaawh 100 aAL to 77' pest (060791) S OMOM00M on lop fbor d hd- b detacled bugtdow. In plot entrance. sepers" kkcludkhg uNNiw. poll- - ession June 1. Call Ted 886 221UL 0060591) 757 WILSON am N. O•haa k 2 bedroom units. Available June lot and July It S790. Ston. "Ie. uftes included No Pols. A*kcaftm may be parsed tip w Otahwn Region Non -Profit Housing Caporadon, 1615 Dundas SL E.. 4th Fbor Log Tower, whl- by a call 43641810 bMwwsan 9:30 a.m, and 4:30 p.m. waddwL Mallet) -0edroom dose to amenities. Laundry. air conditioning. fenced yard. • . • 1 11 51,200-51.500. Furniture/ and utaaies negotiable- Minutes to WHITBY K -Mart area. �m- highway/W train. No pets, maculate 3bWroom home. � non-smokers. 428-1678. Country setting i, tet sty. �') _ double attached garage. tic AJAx -deal one air AJAX - 3-bndroorn min floor semi. includes trudge, stow and utilities. 3850 monthly. Close to all amenom. f rsweat available June 151. Cal 6113- 4W 83 49.5 after 4 p.m (050591) AJAX - Hugo 4-0edroom. 2 1'Z bathe. stops to k ke, bus, man floor famsly, fireplace. $1.150 Plus. July 1st. 428-3088. (030791) AJAX - main flow, dean 3 bedroom appliances. laundry. central air. lanced yard. S90o n,,*. 2861927. (050591) AJAX - WesukeY/401 - large 4. bedroom, Nvmydnng, family rooms, hardwood floors, garage. 2 docks. greenben. $1,054 mornNy. arm and, Last rWool os available July let. 723.4518. (0•aasl) AJAX south. 3 bedioomh nein Ibor. 5850: she bodroan base- ment apartment, 5525. Fenced. appianosk air. gas barbecue and tool shed, 1/2 utilities. First last, references. 6W 2425, evu *VL (050691) CEN nub %WW.. $1.000, we a digs. stove• utilities, garage included. RWNN- as taquire . no Pon, available Ylsredslsly. (416) 985-7775 or (416) 6662692. (060791) HOUSE for rent with in law spwYnrll $1.100 rrerYtlfi if dudes utilities. 43s 8166. OSHAWA - 3-bodroom butgdoa. MI raotrr, k(Idisn, "aft bsft rec - kill d burning busk yard- -SS950Pius UNOW 5239, available in y edianty. 434. PICKERING - main floor 3 bedroom backing onto Fland men's Bay. Fkwint. aatarwt, 5675 plus utilliN• No pets, amebic May 30. CAN 6111114=r. 0050701) lICKERMIG • 3 -bedroom tltsih ftw' waling distance to (i0 and shopping. rktgWelow. laundry facilities. 5660 rrModify Inclusive. FksulNt. June 1. 427.8472. (060781) PICKERING Village - 3. bedroom semi• large yard, 5850 Per mash, first and had, available 1.111 lately. Cal evenlgs NO.7599, (050791) PICKERING - detached 2- uWss Cal Nine - 8304&m* �, 2862292 aM►� Rnt (050551) Soon- With fireplace. ceramic person roe. Weerney Rd. S . near 40!. boon, 2 full battu. Si.0W pits 5&50 per non.n. ail indunrve. utilities. Firwtaa. no pets. please cal 6863&45 or aha 6 aretahces. available July 1. 931.9199. (05099!) 579.9197 after 5 p.m. (050891) STORE space awiAble. good WHITBY - main floor, 4 Osnawa location, -1 Plaza. bednowrs. no pets. nfwwxm. 1.800 sq. ft., available June reasonable. Evenings 416434 301h. tient negotiable. Cal 432. 7.198. days. pager, 379-7062. 2971 (050791) THREE bedroom bungalow. rdmim fireplace, roc room wrth : woodsrovro on loge fol. with in - r Rrt[ ground pool. Double garage. 3 -BEDROOM cordo. 5725 5120° Per I ionth plus usites, mor". very clean. Mary St. 434.9783. (TFALL) E.. Whitby. Cal cosec 1-705- WHITBY - 3-bWroom house on 944-5652.(050791) huge to, close wall yren6rtoS AJAX -Brand new one - $950 . utiktios. Possession bedroom lakeside condo, 5 June 17, 1991. Cal 294-2472 *Ph--. atom venetian. or 436-7974 after 5 P.M. fang• indoor pool, sauna, no (050591) tub, Irina. wilderness location. WHITBY - 401/Brock SL. GO $750 plus uoktin. Available immediately. 683.68.8. Ins. Ttw"t inn- .2-norey. (05059/) lusted, garage, air. crpnaw. tom• appliances, top WHITBY - now condo, 2 condition. imnedioa 51,100 bedroorrha 2 baths. on suss plus udNties. references, no may. waft to GO station and Polls, 757-1701. --WVS 479 Laky. S95o Pr mondk ukliiee 9010. (050891) Included. EvsrhYgs 29648872. • executive 4- (050111011)WHITS► bedloor. air. 2 172 beet farm- AJAX - cordo for ran- July led ly room with }Ireptace. August let. Throe -bedroom plus 2 full bathrooms. Air no pus, 1 year leNe corhdltfoning, 4 appliances. 51,260 plus taillies. July will 00 n. Relerentce&. 416-297.0851.days 479-9M or 852- (061081) S weekends. _ tevenings. los"SUPER 1 1tifIR 1846 large 3 -bedroom 2 - storey condo, living room. NORTHEAST Oshawa - 3- dining sal -in kris henrbr�wtltf�bar j2 bedroom I M INXM , separaes belt May 31. For fanrfly w fvitglditi g room 1 12 baths. share with friends, 51.250 dosed beck yard, gwaga 3 Ykek+siw. dowreoan Whtfy. appliances. Cab 571-3838. 8665846 alar a. (050891) 10500011) BROCK RDMWY 2 - PICKERING 3 bedroom, 1 1/2 baths, eat in kitchen, walkout to privacy fenced yard, garage. $985. pkJS u6bUeS. 759-9395 RENTING - luxury garden hares In Coboug, ort nond free with one yew law• one and 2 bedrooms, S appNrrcN, Pdvtae rttrances, from SW partaid 372 -ION of 436 2901k (TF) OSHAWA - Spacious 3 - al uWN N and 4 apyiNsrtoes Close to schools and all am dikes. Call ler appoiwrwn 436-3972. (060791) PAGE22-1 NERS AO vQTffiQ »�X MAY S,1!!! SUNDAYS 114 O 47r'dO' financed a lox 613 carpet• beautifully deoonow , _ . - 52rSr1{r258 2r5B5 1 1 125 tltltllt . 1 1 �BMBi S2f 9815 . 1 (12119M tM 9815�'� 1663 Nash Rd., Unto 18, for 8M ♦IM star basement apartment with 21120. (050791) TENT trailer, slseps 5, $1,000 whhdows, facial. trim*. 75,000 uck ���• MOTORCYCLE : 1 1 1 separate side entrance. new dam' negotiable 5298 tnalMy YM low down Payment to own your awn WMTDV - Immaeolate 3- bNreaa i 18-1 d osrtttl tett, FLOOM. 8194 MsItlaNa Seaeh 1267 PV"W A Twbnte, 26 11515 Comm 2Vew b nfty 1118! Dodge Caravan. 7 equip equipment, includes depth fids" etc $36.900. 7234204. hoot, with iroornte aparetto finished basement. quiet . Close 401. GO, bedr0orn hp Pea�� standard. w Na with IFM trod ondit o>n. low mileage. Pmol SSt• passenger. 09.000 k o, 4- 2A M' Halcorp Property iWBflageRllM lul hardwood titers, fenced yard. Cal 4284MM 051691) -pl -' o Have. Saturday 00"t ombre n tonnk. clubhouse, close b beach' Shopping. of wrsrtMlos Interior. Asking $3.250 c rill ed. 555-5511. 060751) SM aur 5]Op.nl(050751) deluxe i� ,smiles. Otero t • REE $ room co-operative In 1:30-4 p.m. 433-0738. rent weekly a mattlty. 416 63�N. (050901) is"POnbaeSMLE.130,000 1575 CllsveN 360 moor, wheels, 2 -door, law mobs, otsaMe call rack, 2.000 e hitch, power rear latch 1986 Buick Regal $5.800. Whitby. Cbs• to schools, downtown and shopping. l980>01) WHIM . Tomin OxOathrs, CI ER • 3ermainalt km, air, auto• excellent condi$5.9 fon, will CetNy, only seeond owner, 1600. Phnom 431{135 060751) tttrtdosn$, 512,000. 723.1515. f�O80t) stereo, sink. $,,800 or best Deoorate0 n grey faces with new bathroom and front 2 112 years old. Large furnished hxmllahed nroblo 2ewrtrarls"t) homes, chub house, heated 56,500. Call 831-8790. (060791) 1858 VoMo, ro nnf sold Cif, /SSS Char 34 ton vert, long Now is the time l0 take advantage emranaway. Fully txrP•fed greenhouse kkdm% numerous upgrades, 53' premium lot pools, hot tub, tennis, ehufflsbowd, crow beach acrd 1987 Pontiac 8000, 4 door, 5800 a beat britt. Cal 427- 1647. (051051) bolt. rebuilt 350, auto tans,• Pb.. slelvkg, krertsled, can Of Our Special Offer. with new tib In kitchen and dotage area Laundry MOM bec king onto open aka Clow b schools i GO. Open house, maser amraatons. Children walm, . (Lew foam cadet). auto, air eondNloning, low "l a . extra clean, anNlod. NO Q&T. N Duel$ On Who" be arllled. $1,700. Cal Rick 723-75W. (050791) 1,2 and 3 bedroom Suites in a lots of closet space and storage area. Call Deborah a Sunday 2-4 p.m., $239,900. 430-3791 evitningLVA"kends. 603-5503 051491 ( ) 15,800. Call 728.0617. (050991) Public Aularrrt. Over 2 arses d vettiebs for salo by owner. 190 �� dO and beautiful garden home community. 576-3111 Or 435.0316. Lstiltlwtlees MADEIRA BEACH (Clearwats" 1979 28 ft. Terry Taurus trailer. Open @varySutday0* 1730 tmsrrly body 1984 Yamaha Royale. 1200or- . (040991) 1 St. Peters). Fully equipped. 1987 red turbo Sprint, aokkng Skncw SL N.. Oshawa 725- walk SM. Phone 4366960. Cars 2 -storey, 3- COUom. for asin washeN<kysr. 51,500 sq. h., �•� or bee offer. Very good 0002. leave message. (050791) • Woodbuming Fireplaces central bedroom, antral air, vac., PICKERING - 3 -bedroom luxury condo, 2 baths. 2 bedrooms plus den, heated condition. Call 434.7008 or 8:30 to 4:30 434.8147. (!FALL) -� Rj121'f{ 0216 • s anoeS dishwasher, its.faektrp bade drive, professionally townhouse, and unit, area's most down" 0onpbx.With 2 P'Jaeuni,top floor,directly 1981 SNC) U.S. government seized vehicles from $100. Fords, ' • Air Conditioning lsdscaped, fullyfenced, dose baths, finished basertnert, 2 un on Gulf. 723806g. (051091) 1987 Tempo GL Sport, 2 -door Mercedes. 0". CarveRes. loO Yamahaew Maxim • Tennis Court and Car Wash 110 schoois and park. Main few ar iy room with fir pfaix. As. derground parking spaces, walkout o Interlocking patio, �� yds 1 � ah, P -w•• P -L. P.O.. cruise. spot wheels, stereo, excellent surpke, buyses guide. 1-805 962.8000. (050791 000 k spite, $1,100 or best runt. p.m. weekdays. (050991) king $225.000. 432.3357. (TF) $155.900. 831-6430 (050991) condition. certfied, $5.500. good running car. $3.595 anined. G.S.T. included. Cal 430-8732. (050791 ) FROM'85000 MONTHLY ANTIQUE Lovers -one pkx 3- WMTBV - fpr sale, 3bedroor►n, 33' Gleam Deluxe tralw . sleeps 6, like new, many Phone 430-0060 alter 6 p.rn (050591) Wa�� AutomobileLE.A sew Off - 1987 Iiolrrt LE, ail, $3995, RIdwcvcwo OPEN HOUSE bWraom brick near hospital, hardwood floors, ask trim. now luxury townhouse, lots of upgrades. antral location. Cal extras, $16.000. 728-9871 or 725134 1987 Tempo GL. 4 -door. auto. 1986 Chevette, Standard deluxe 52 295 19es S N arae lot. 3 bedrooms. brand WED. d THURS. 3.7, rows SUNDAYS 114 O 47r'dO' financed a lox 613 carpet• beautifully deoonow evenings aner 6 p.m. 686- 1' 0791) steering, brakes. AM/FM, air. GLS, air, standard, min 172-0000. (060791) 1663 Nash Rd., Unto 18, Bow., nvlle (COurtice) rrswk 420.9793. 061091) basement apartment with 21120. (050791) TENT trailer, slseps 5, $1,000 whhdows, facial. trim*. 75,000 uck . $2,285. 1988 Ram 50 Trude MOTORCYCLE SE corner of Nash & Trulls Roads. COURTICE . Beautiful rw separate side entrance. new dam' negotiable - for or best offer. Table nickoded. Cal 4330244. km, certified. $1.995. Pickering 96.000 km, p.s., p.b., $3.995. INSURANCE 434-9783 x436-2605 equip equipment, includes depth fids" etc $36.900. 7234204. 434-3852. t C4nNtes ids (050991) 428-9423 Crown Auto. 1985 Reliant auto, wagon, (060291 SNC) Halcorp Property iWBflageRllM nig boards. 64.000 krrl excel - (050791) 401, a -i En kitchen y Truck ar'�r• sleeps !, 2 (050791) propane, $1,995. 1984 CO�f 25 683-9%25 Or huge bachelor, private, with walkout. Lob of added will ATTENT10N1 A bride burgabw PICKERING condo, walk to GO, way fridge, stow, furnace. 1986 Buick Regal $5.800. Acadian, auto, excellent, ORMOND Place - 240 omrrond sftafed for sale. 3 bedrooms. glass penthouse. newly stereo, sink. $,,800 or best Auto, overdrive, 305, $1'995. 1983 Ranger Pickup, Dr., Oshawa - 2 bedroom units. 1nods Pte+, to and big n. decorated, french doors, offer. 623.5320. 050891 ) wets air AM/FM st rewr 68.000 km, 6 auto, (3.300. PINE RIDGE available June 1st. 3 on id !nigh and dry basertem, living t, living souther( • arks view,. 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, Carina, ties• excellent elbm shape, certified. 1982 Buick Skyhawk, auto, $2,200. 1970 Corsair travel � INSURANCE bedroom units available June ble J 1st, July 1st. 3824. Heat, hydro QUIET kxxsiderate look- for corriratible b room , bathroom . For a reasonable price. Sale by �i an *Ws, laundry. 420 579.6449. (051091) traibr, $2,995, 968.4069, 435 extra, stove. fridge. garage share smoke-free home near mss• Cal an)R� 723-9005. 4659• f134,90D. 060791) 1979 28 ft. Terry Taurus trailer. 1966 Hyundai Exch GLS - S 8161. (050791) 1984 Yamaha Royale. 1200or- . included. No Pats. Appicafiorks GM truck plant. Own room and (050991) WHITBY Rasbnd Rd. E. Now asking $8.500. CON after 7 p.m. speed. 31,000 km, rust check- ed since new. Osrtlied, $3.495. Cars loaded. low mileage. Phone 420-4304. may be picked up at the Durham Region Non separate bath. Reasonable ATTRACTIVE 3 -bedroom condominium, large 2 bedrooms, 434-7556.(050591) Telephone 428.4179 but.. 4 wanted (056!91) -Profit Housing Corporation, 1615 weekly rent. CAN 432.2684. (050791 ) home. greenhouw kitchen large meter. rt deck 2 Datnrooms, solarium pool, whirlpool, beafi i home663-SM (050791) CARS AND TRUCKS worxed 1983 YAMAHA XT 125 ENDURO, Mini eornorign, l►ud- Dundas St. E.. 4th Fbor Tower. 6610 vVhbyorcall436-6610 PICKERING - new home, lenoadrecreational d, 74 H yard. Hart BIW., facilities. f189,000. Call 666-3050. 1 INS BUICK BKVHAWK 2 door. automatic. � scrap. Fres klwfn9- Sarna � service. 1-800.567-2677. ly only km• between 830 am and 4� female preferred. Share laundryniche, Ne castle Newcastle. $t 39,900. 967- 9. STM. Open Hary 1-3. SlrndiyIFTIA BOATS sip - Balsam Lake on sees., seely., stereo casseno, new palm, (012591) $ridden' on 79111- $975 obex. Phone 7862811. 060791) fK p.m. weekdays. (050991) living. private fur- n i s h • d living v i n g room and X791) Trent System, quiet harbor, deer water, good fshrng, up to good running car. $3.595 anined. G.S.T. included. Cal CARS and trucks warted lar Free 1960 Yamaha 650 Special. As- h011iblg Rted bathroom. Parking, clow to BOWMAN1IILLE - 3 -bedroom COTTAGE - $73.890. 1 40 ft. $275 up. Phone (705) 427-0722 arnyNrtr, Rues. B' g ms Saar wrvip. t-800.567-2677. 77. king 1600. ask Ajax bealion GO. $400 monthly plus 1/2 bwnh0L"- 0Sno ail and vas, arae lot. 3 bedrooms. brand 454-1948. 05/981 ) Town Sales (050791) X791) 6832945 cher 5 er leave MOUSE n AaxWhaby ares 5 apDdanoss, garage. July 1191 utilities. (051791) tardy room with walkout deck to fully fenced back yard. new, sand beach. dock. yew round coeds hardwoods, ALUMINUM fishing boat. INO 1085 Chev Citation. V-6, 4- f+ fw (050591) 1) PICKERING b June 3092. Young proles- home to share _ utNies and eundry facilities garaga new earDetin9, cheer arpeting, new 401Auure sur- rounded bl Clum tend. Vendor IS It. Springbok- Pro 164,40 hp Jck- e1 1111 rtns0r. 281b. door, very clean. p s., ply., aril certify, asking $2.650. Cal 1 awe au59 jNIr55 a 1 sronal Couple. tarn-smnkrng, no included. Furnished Or GO. 7616. (050591) financed 1-613-472-6000. thrust trolling motor. Hum- 427-0406. (050591) 1998 Ford buck exiondscab, • P111%. ro kilt. Call 416-427- 3315. (051091) urturnslyd. is 83 1k11t- 9687. (050507) BROKER hat $10.000 b tend fate a ni+gbird depth a flsMinder. sido cortrals, swivel soots, tar- 1915 Clwees. toer rt4a, fully loaded. 8.000 km. Cap with covers and bed Inside. • REAR axis - for v-6 2800 Ford 1 1rOelli far rant PROFESSIONAL person to at $147 par mgnth. Corsaet Jsr- Dared floor. Nonage oortpart- emONert condition. One owner. $3.000 ceNied. Cal 668.2099• 522.000. 7251341 er 726 Capl 7678, $125. also dsh and rest seats. 868-6348. anan house. Hwy. 62 and 7' a 968-6805 Community Finandd Services. (051491) TROUT Lake •$29.900. our loss• tarot and W 1pe pump. Gest offer. 639-0504 anytime (060791) , 9871. �n) 06/S91SNC) Lnfurnis tarps furnished 0 a unfurnished, laundry and ape. 0ottag r sand beach, weekends after 8 m. p' INS CHEW CITATION .Cue 1"0 GMC Siera 112 ton COURTICE SINt;I F RfY111 - 2-ator•y 3.1 4 sea' n me bow sh l..aton us• toxrren weekdays. (050591) arm pickup, pear., sees., P.L. tilt paiknp. $450 vrckusn0. Cal Bruce 539.6981, leave badroorn 2 12 barns. rec room nbesern rt.fernoed oaa�ts. O 47r'dO' financed a lox 613 t0" 26 h. T ahterror, !door. ps.. Db.. 20.000 km, mint, prtNled, Msarkg, cop. Iter, 24.000 km, air, $14,500. Best offer, massage- (060591) sized lot. $164.900. No 172-0000. (060791) Cabin SWIM �. h� $3 150. Phone 433 -MOSS. rrswk 420.9793. 061091) WORKING lenruft preferred to Cal 7237426. (05079 1) washing 4Kmkm on prert>.ses, twin 4-cyfnder wigs es con- (051091) 1986 CAev Silverado 12 ton. share hone wrh ore alar. our COURTICE . Beautiful rw 1 top. ansreive rahng 1665 Ciera Brougham, fully 'laded. black and silver. cap. auto. black ham 00 Station, WhilDy. decorated 3 -bedroom. 2 ./2 O Distil tar sate. Port HMO. k+W equip equipment, includes depth fids" etc $36.900. 7234204. V4L ewos0 " nOrig overdrive, 2•cylndw 308. run- $395 inclusive. Cal after 5. bath hone. Close to sdnoott. rented good location. (060291 SNC) car, 91,000 miles, maroon nig boards. 64.000 krrl excel - 6663515. (050991) 401, a -i En kitchen , 2'� Vendor holo Colar. -rod. higgege rant. fere Condition, urtlfed. $7.500. Or huge bachelor, private, with walkout. Lob of added will 22 h, sauboat with cradto $4,000. Brian 427-3067. 7234G64• PSMt5h AJAX - Harwood•40t, clean FEMALE rranledto sharemortgage. share ac- k�mmodations n a house a features. Call 133-4770 to Over $52.000 income. Phone 432.4983 aftertle epe 4, cabin and s of lot (050981) tt124 Chevy Blazer . Ya roofs b rem• wed kitchen faction. toaet and both, no palest res and 401. Asking $450 vew. i/6p,900. 1 (� 081) 4 p.m- (051491 ) extras. $12.000 or best offs". COO 4330254. (050991) 1085 H Hyundai Stella► - 5 - awo, excellent condition, $4.900. washing 4Kmkm on prert>.ses, per ,+inti. Cal Lori a 297_ 1852 atsr A P.m. 0991) DESIRABLE North Oshawa - Noor" detached. an I"" efflp a btrslnaea TEMPEST SS160 equipped Speed. AM1FM raft, suwoof, Speed. A saels"t 0adklon. OD Ion. ex Certified er bee offer. 420- 9847. (060991) wn pudert or M ^9l• Person. $95 weekly. 428-7964. WHITBY fished, ataded garage, ail. with 55 to Evnrude Plus rolls". Cal (060791 ) fosos9lchuC) - Proleesionalnabto snap ts"ge 4-0sdroom exeeu Pool. fireplace, no existing rnatgape, Croup data Open OFFICE spec, fumiLNW. 664 $4.996 4168833569 or 416- 28944 (050791) 1996 KCar -PA_ D -b-. 1081 Ford F 150. 8 eyNnder. Propane Conversion. good BEST n Oshawa - Wp room true home with pool. Near 2' Fal Asking $179.900. 579.3624. in dein. attractive. _auf4 A M�600 osrtlled. Phare ' sates tax errrrpL SO « 4p C Or huge bachelor, private, use � � rtDrxhly, 11rel1 (��1) King St Available ^ 1 1 un tw � 430.3042. (051091 ) after 6960 altar 4 perm 050791) 0 fridge, cable' laundry' quiet last, references. 644-6370 DOWnWAYaENTS Hanged. Cal 725.9991. (061691) 11198 Ford Mustarng S0 1082 Plymouth Carawlle. people only. Private a trans. before 5 p m. 5761709 ahor 6 � Pay rete? Own )ran own WMTBY OFFICE OR RETAIL Ikr•. 2 -door sedan. Four -brow, power atoer Car 434-7314. (TF) p.m.. bear manage. (051091) norrie icor $1.200 monthly, SPACE - Pearson Lanss, $12 bright red with austorrtteded lrornt paver brakes, ail. Cnise, good 1 1 hWiii far NIS 1 1 bwas lir ttslli FURNISHED room for rent near large selection of homes 10121 84 h. 250#0 5.000 04 h. end am wales" 3 ort oorodkion. CenNlad. $2.500. Pklr•nng Town Cone, with 11SSOi Tarr rem available Cal Doug or Brent F � r•e rtwxnieiDal parkirq a fear. yew wnaty. 40.000 km as- Cal 42aafti2. (060791) cable. Available arvredelely. 9886206 Carsrxwniy Finkarecal 811 668-5011 or 434-0123, king 113.500. 432-2922 wit Thunderbird. In good if SM weekly. list and last. Cal PRIVATE a1Na span. beauty- Servioos. 061491) 930.0310. cC' Angela (098981) oonditbru 54.000 niea !050591) ful Victorian decor. central P16 MMOG - 3 -bedroom 2- 1757 money to 11120 Mazda CO. !door SE, 54 w boot ager. Cal 622- WANTED - rooms far rem. Alto 'era dOO°MOM^ Oshena Storey nome with finished7 ail. auto. boded. Oliver.11,000 1171. (TFNAU-404) basement. mature person to look after lot available now from $300 basemte, waakout to dock, w OshaA morning house in s- Middy. CON 434-9796. (TF) 30x145 fL lernad with Mai-aaRlrlg - ^" ^' km $14,400. Als1169 o 1/9821A"In Won is" OL•, s- hre rest. $179,900.4203199. Cavalbr !door, Mr. aub. AMI ahem Condition. auto, fuel bill, t tedupd rent. Mut 2,100 eq ff ihdkustrial uNls a FY. more. 27,000 km Injection. p.b.. p.t.. air W able to get along with Whites lid, and 401 - new (060791) ROONEY Pn help! l Overdue askng • tenants and also firm. 965 cosi Nle Can ins. Lona. debt COO 7SQA04303. ( krrrseuisla o0rnd sten g 4-d or. S Aye• 3216. 7265635. (061091 �� 380 p- � � ooendt- PORT Perry exeeutlw - 4 consolidations. financial Cal 7?a-6,903. 060721) tem stereo, 4 -door, Dlaek, boned aMoa $790 01thly not. badrarna 3 bathe, cental ail. $6.000 Certified. 420-2071, FURNISHED room for rent in John Wt wft Rerllax Rooky family room with lreploo• in- oorlsid•nd black Pontiac sun odird SE. q� pr ono) quiet Ajax home. Working Plus (050291) gated pod (howas"' oOMW National Credit 433-1425. urudw 9, krrL 513,400. 726 1924 Chevette, 2 -door t Week.garenen 0► I. (05 $9D per 450L decor. 1225 000. 225 347. 060791) hatchback. autsi, local driven, nrveelk. 422-9261. 060791) 1 1 b21iM felt 2810 4508 (060791) / j11Wi6r5 FON cert f PRIVATE - $110 000 - 2 somerbodlims NIM SPwb LP slew Chevy Cly' two well. now • unrelnW MOM us• of kitchen and laundry. Whitey Rd. and Hey. 2. nor►srtkok r. Cal 4200512 ask for MargwsL AJAX • 2 rooms for roK $75 and SM udunlshod, close to GO and store. 839-7663. PICKERING -furnished bedroorm separate scram and facilities. 596 weekly. 830- 4271. (05001) � hed roomscWaM sffarrent, Close to at a1nMiMs. Phone. Disking. kiln, use irch/ded. First and Inst. 668-3640. klldten and aider, 1a41Aes Tracker, Isard top. 4 nNne01 braise. OW&UNC SIAM 728 - it OortUitgrk large )sed, good Cwwu wa - Franchise�aralg drive kssdod WM gcodtN, 1496 060201) .�swauAJ In PICt(erjilg, i1'if)tAeS � #)e 4564. 05=11) cat 725 Well n C ono G.S.T.•Priced too sellk. aAo, 24000T � � �1 and Otflef anl8fMtleS. On 8 fMet PRIVATE - hwrralato !trial oto mrlorn 3098 060 x10,500. 416355 I) 335L ,11.;00. Cal 126- crescent ta 3 bedPOOr1) hiOR)e y bedroom. larg2 In e master low Corsica block, 4 -door. /2N ParOloc Fido. 4•apssd, out HL)GEfar)iily(roommwith Oodroorn 58191 nrauied oMitg, hatchback, V-{. air extra dean, now brakes, e so -in kitchen. central air. aorrdlYornNg• amftmmgc• AMI Oarllbd. 53.500. CON 725- ial ceiling wind fireplaicte, piremiu ) garage• possible fall FAST abrin tet. 2nd and 30d FM eaesene, ►ustprooled. 0217.050201) t,,� H�,,.,,,.�.��� possession. Open house mortgages. Purchase 23,000 krn mint OD"Nt�• 165$ Tapas rto Orgtkss, 4 Io, fl�Wr�'RSRvft walaxA s.k.d.y and Sulkdalr 114 pin. a�llwlpe, poaw d sate, eel 512- M) cylinder. auto.. dean gray laf(je'n l(I�118n with HUGE pan - Cylinder. Stirling Ave.. Courticie. MCbIbed Oea OK. Cal 1298 Causer ow witAb. %taflar, Baas rusk good filo $16411 WO 432 -MU (020201) ate. bore osrvlos cab rMkitalyed 1oa11ku. 35.000 kn Nog OsktAli" 146.000 km. � � �, 3 PRIVATE 2112 ynlw new, 3 i11~' 41K-8073. C.M.C. hardtop option. Most go $1.100or bee olw,Cwdhlbla "��,Sk,orF,,, $ a vv��..��4 , bedro, badw^ -Pauls MWW�C 1e 931.500 Cao tan µt2) 451- 4300237.(020751) 7a�+• omlkNeilts�d nc rmoonsaco�iw $$ISA oto �' 4000 after 6. 434-54169. M" exbw. �4r90. $TI'4W. 3 do arrallgsd ad fin- im MtsWtg MLX 3J1 2Yar ably price. $134.900. 2- 7 akt0. Al11FM Powar prlsM wNhoan wM slwasr drlsssay, alupfartass, 10 w a Bart N6N06 CorlstaaMy 12M Mrada � bedroom cordo. 471, R r 1371 rmcw nswlp, brakes. tit and bra tarn amokw' $350 mt°mthy' new building. ground floor 7494 hgaN' 4 FfnartaYl 8sMow. MUM) (Ont Condition. Fhro4posid, Now brakes. $becks and 623.3774. (051091) wdoU to Isen acrd Sam• A brohis has 910-4100 b lord ms1aft blue, � i hblwr$o ase. gs $$750 or bow slaw. AJAX - an fake. now, quill, atpplNWN Irtckudsd. M�vebd �fCNC) On • ntorlgage, gapslr pyy driven. AY/FM cassette. Call 606-6963 anytime. osrntortablo roam for red hit vendor. Call now tassel PRIVATE BeakuMul 4- 5221 monthly. No credit $11JIOD a bsM o9er. 060751) bsdl0anammdahamitde chs a nohwsb.Cal -. Cal( {69-12{4 anytime. Makury conpbtk d baettotwa Wilson, 2863220. 060981) 1985 filtaan 91wtsa, 5•speslb Full privacy. bathroom with Vigo d NssaLa MUM 4962100 Toronto Lir Of out Of 1{98 Pathe Grand AM SE. � workhonchlostill. icy ��� $Ilosrsr. beck986 t yard, waft. NORTN Oshawa - R2000. 7 spent an upgrade kri $ding lows 1 e00 327411{ 063191) White. 44m.ean. 4d, lods0. COO 722.0280. 0601191) year Old 2-bodroom, Bond SCarbtt ONWa staircase, power windows, locks. toornunfvmblled Cuzzl tub, built -In asIIM ROOM for rent - W eplsco. Creleprnt double 1 1 v 75,000 lots 5050 8 CONIK 9/ A00 a bol slow. room in adult hone, non- basement. $129,900. ddm and 434,2$61.0507791) •�agow best offer. Call {{6-6256 sobut smaller. air SM ed^� Telephone 5791997. 060791) light packag.e. all window � Shy MIMIcity anylinn WWI) INS Chair me" CInsIG Phone 6964{42. (0505{1) OPEN House a Sada!'• � 4. covwkw.Must byair seentobe sleeps 4• VCA. Oable TV, 1{52 Toyota Can" LE. top el automat cht e.P.O.. 4-door. V-6 •119900' 633 Carpis Au11, Japl�l hdowUatdeer OU -3300 amipnolb to loris, araesstic. OA. min conditioning. p• 79.000'kmr WIfITBV BlkOWSM VOMOO Oshawa. 4 -bedroom brick yrs Pb"9238,000. bow moming. sand bench. • 89= � carte � 9Z.1g0. 133. loom far ►wt in air conditbned msrsics 2 bathrooms, k khan, fsnlb. 9600 tlnsldy. 416{{2- so undo ow way. Cal 666• 2569 061)791) lill ownhous• wslrirets, il I pod dining, living, finished SAVE thousands - wM lok. 81116. (061N1) 3045 0701) fOdMa. 975 weekly or SM basement• super toreet and adjustable rate - 19111 Dodge Ram 200 . IItBt monthly. Available neighborhood. 725.1741. mortgages, CM Doug or ONK 1 ibfW 1967 Cutlass Supreme VEX good tlontltlort, $SAMar he lately. Cal 5761250 DSJIAWA - private 44edro.n Community Finioncbl Services oJrouOMM boded• shwpk air, nearest offer. 663-5993. anN'n~ (050991) 24" home, 1 1,2 baths. don. 0800M (061491) XNIB Fladdal 2 bedroom C►uiw Ilk AJbFM cassaft goal) who 1Mrels. 58.500, Oran, modern hone. 1 1/2 baths, mom WO custom fireplace. Mame Marks" Ca-- fid' Fort LaudsrdUsk coot9��1four miles to Disney �1) ase edd now pointota Supla,b. fit". ca h !targe air. tepe bads, marltrafll oq 175.600. Cafull PMgk all. mel SR ban* sRh 0% c The vicomuM nnKd�is(�a R C bsdtown IaM 433 rad aub, kwSertra 4 -door. boded. num OL 52.900 w CON 428-2821. M110111111111) 7394 a 434-5004.05001) Cd 430.0100, (Ti4liALU 2043 far mane hnbrmltbn. dean, mw4 "L Cd� v17 wl� ppl8boo offer. 80 879-699{ r � • unrelnW MOM us• of kitchen and laundry. Whitey Rd. and Hey. 2. nor►srtkok r. Cal 4200512 ask for MargwsL AJAX • 2 rooms for roK $75 and SM udunlshod, close to GO and store. 839-7663. PICKERING -furnished bedroorm separate scram and facilities. 596 weekly. 830- 4271. (05001) � hed roomscWaM sffarrent, Close to at a1nMiMs. Phone. Disking. kiln, use irch/ded. First and Inst. 668-3640. klldten and aider, 1a41Aes Tracker, Isard top. 4 nNne01 braise. OW&UNC SIAM 728 - it OortUitgrk large )sed, good Cwwu wa - Franchise�aralg drive kssdod WM gcodtN, 1496 060201) .�swauAJ In PICt(erjilg, i1'if)tAeS � #)e 4564. 05=11) cat 725 Well n C ono G.S.T.•Priced too sellk. aAo, 24000T � � �1 and Otflef anl8fMtleS. On 8 fMet PRIVATE - hwrralato !trial oto mrlorn 3098 060 x10,500. 416355 I) 335L ,11.;00. Cal 126- crescent ta 3 bedPOOr1) hiOR)e y bedroom. larg2 In e master low Corsica block, 4 -door. /2N ParOloc Fido. 4•apssd, out HL)GEfar)iily(roommwith Oodroorn 58191 nrauied oMitg, hatchback, V-{. air extra dean, now brakes, e so -in kitchen. central air. aorrdlYornNg• amftmmgc• AMI Oarllbd. 53.500. CON 725- ial ceiling wind fireplaicte, piremiu ) garage• possible fall FAST abrin tet. 2nd and 30d FM eaesene, ►ustprooled. 0217.050201) t,,� H�,,.,,,.�.��� possession. Open house mortgages. Purchase 23,000 krn mint OD"Nt�• 165$ Tapas rto Orgtkss, 4 Io, fl�Wr�'RSRvft walaxA s.k.d.y and Sulkdalr 114 pin. a�llwlpe, poaw d sate, eel 512- M) cylinder. auto.. dean gray laf(je'n l(I�118n with HUGE pan - Cylinder. Stirling Ave.. Courticie. MCbIbed Oea OK. Cal 1298 Causer ow witAb. %taflar, Baas rusk good filo $16411 WO 432 -MU (020201) ate. bore osrvlos cab rMkitalyed 1oa11ku. 35.000 kn Nog OsktAli" 146.000 km. � � �, 3 PRIVATE 2112 ynlw new, 3 i11~' 41K-8073. C.M.C. hardtop option. Most go $1.100or bee olw,Cwdhlbla "��,Sk,orF,,, $ a vv��..��4 , bedro, badw^ -Pauls MWW�C 1e 931.500 Cao tan µt2) 451- 4300237.(020751) 7a�+• omlkNeilts�d nc rmoonsaco�iw $$ISA oto �' 4000 after 6. 434-54169. M" exbw. �4r90. $TI'4W. 3 do arrallgsd ad fin- im MtsWtg MLX 3J1 2Yar ably price. $134.900. 2- 7 akt0. Al11FM Powar prlsM wNhoan wM slwasr drlsssay, alupfartass, 10 w a Bart N6N06 CorlstaaMy 12M Mrada � bedroom cordo. 471, R r 1371 rmcw nswlp, brakes. tit and bra tarn amokw' $350 mt°mthy' new building. ground floor 7494 hgaN' 4 FfnartaYl 8sMow. MUM) (Ont Condition. Fhro4posid, Now brakes. $becks and 623.3774. (051091) wdoU to Isen acrd Sam• A brohis has 910-4100 b lord ms1aft blue, � i hblwr$o ase. gs $$750 or bow slaw. AJAX - an fake. now, quill, atpplNWN Irtckudsd. M�vebd �fCNC) On • ntorlgage, gapslr pyy driven. AY/FM cassette. Call 606-6963 anytime. osrntortablo roam for red hit vendor. Call now tassel PRIVATE BeakuMul 4- 5221 monthly. No credit $11JIOD a bsM o9er. 060751) bsdl0anammdahamitde chs a nohwsb.Cal -. Cal( {69-12{4 anytime. Makury conpbtk d baettotwa Wilson, 2863220. 060981) 1985 filtaan 91wtsa, 5•speslb Full privacy. bathroom with Vigo d NssaLa MUM 4962100 Toronto Lir Of out Of 1{98 Pathe Grand AM SE. � workhonchlostill. icy ��� $Ilosrsr. beck986 t yard, waft. NORTN Oshawa - R2000. 7 spent an upgrade kri $ding lows 1 e00 327411{ 063191) White. 44m.ean. 4d, lods0. COO 722.0280. 0601191) year Old 2-bodroom, Bond SCarbtt ONWa staircase, power windows, locks. toornunfvmblled Cuzzl tub, built -In asIIM ROOM for rent - W eplsco. Creleprnt double 1 1 v 75,000 lots 5050 8 CONIK 9/ A00 a bol slow. room in adult hone, non- basement. $129,900. ddm and 434,2$61.0507791) •�agow best offer. Call {{6-6256 sobut smaller. air SM ed^� Telephone 5791997. 060791) light packag.e. all window � Shy MIMIcity anylinn WWI) INS Chair me" CInsIG Phone 6964{42. (0505{1) OPEN House a Sada!'• � 4. covwkw.Must byair seentobe sleeps 4• VCA. Oable TV, 1{52 Toyota Can" LE. top el automat cht e.P.O.. 4-door. V-6 •119900' 633 Carpis Au11, Japl�l hdowUatdeer OU -3300 amipnolb to loris, araesstic. OA. min conditioning. p• 79.000'kmr WIfITBV BlkOWSM VOMOO Oshawa. 4 -bedroom brick yrs Pb"9238,000. bow moming. sand bench. • 89= � carte � 9Z.1g0. 133. loom far ►wt in air conditbned msrsics 2 bathrooms, k khan, fsnlb. 9600 tlnsldy. 416{{2- so undo ow way. Cal 666• 2569 061)791) lill ownhous• wslrirets, il I pod dining, living, finished SAVE thousands - wM lok. 81116. (061N1) 3045 0701) fOdMa. 975 weekly or SM basement• super toreet and adjustable rate - 19111 Dodge Ram 200 . IItBt monthly. Available neighborhood. 725.1741. mortgages, CM Doug or ONK 1 ibfW 1967 Cutlass Supreme VEX good tlontltlort, $SAMar he lately. Cal 5761250 DSJIAWA - private 44edro.n Community Finioncbl Services oJrouOMM boded• shwpk air, nearest offer. 663-5993. anN'n~ (050991) 24" home, 1 1,2 baths. don. 0800M (061491) XNIB Fladdal 2 bedroom C►uiw Ilk AJbFM cassaft goal) who 1Mrels. 58.500, Oran, modern hone. 1 1/2 baths, mom WO custom fireplace. Mame Marks" Ca-- fid' Fort LaudsrdUsk coot9��1four miles to Disney �1) ase edd now pointota Supla,b. fit". ca h !targe air. tepe bads, marltrafll oq 175.600. Cafull PMgk all. mel SR ban* sRh 0% c The vicomuM nnKd�is(�a R C bsdtown IaM 433 rad aub, kwSertra 4 -door. boded. num OL 52.900 w CON 428-2821. M110111111111) 7394 a 434-5004.05001) Cd 430.0100, (Ti4liALU 2043 far mane hnbrmltbn. dean, mw4 "L Cd� v17 wl� ppl8boo offer. 80 879-699{ r � ably price. $134.900. 2- 7 akt0. Al11FM Powar prlsM wNhoan wM slwasr drlsssay, alupfartass, 10 w a Bart N6N06 CorlstaaMy 12M Mrada � bedroom cordo. 471, R r 1371 rmcw nswlp, brakes. tit and bra tarn amokw' $350 mt°mthy' new building. ground floor 7494 hgaN' 4 FfnartaYl 8sMow. MUM) (Ont Condition. Fhro4posid, Now brakes. $becks and 623.3774. (051091) wdoU to Isen acrd Sam• A brohis has 910-4100 b lord ms1aft blue, � i hblwr$o ase. gs $$750 or bow slaw. AJAX - an fake. now, quill, atpplNWN Irtckudsd. M�vebd �fCNC) On • ntorlgage, gapslr pyy driven. AY/FM cassette. Call 606-6963 anytime. osrntortablo roam for red hit vendor. Call now tassel PRIVATE BeakuMul 4- 5221 monthly. No credit $11JIOD a bsM o9er. 060751) bsdl0anammdahamitde chs a nohwsb.Cal -. Cal( {69-12{4 anytime. Makury conpbtk d baettotwa Wilson, 2863220. 060981) 1985 filtaan 91wtsa, 5•speslb Full privacy. bathroom with Vigo d NssaLa MUM 4962100 Toronto Lir Of out Of 1{98 Pathe Grand AM SE. � workhonchlostill. icy ��� $Ilosrsr. beck986 t yard, waft. NORTN Oshawa - R2000. 7 spent an upgrade kri $ding lows 1 e00 327411{ 063191) White. 44m.ean. 4d, lods0. COO 722.0280. 0601191) year Old 2-bodroom, Bond SCarbtt ONWa staircase, power windows, locks. toornunfvmblled Cuzzl tub, built -In asIIM ROOM for rent - W eplsco. Creleprnt double 1 1 v 75,000 lots 5050 8 CONIK 9/ A00 a bol slow. room in adult hone, non- basement. $129,900. ddm and 434,2$61.0507791) •�agow best offer. Call {{6-6256 sobut smaller. air SM ed^� Telephone 5791997. 060791) light packag.e. all window � Shy MIMIcity anylinn WWI) INS Chair me" CInsIG Phone 6964{42. (0505{1) OPEN House a Sada!'• � 4. covwkw.Must byair seentobe sleeps 4• VCA. Oable TV, 1{52 Toyota Can" LE. top el automat cht e.P.O.. 4-door. V-6 •119900' 633 Carpis Au11, Japl�l hdowUatdeer OU -3300 amipnolb to loris, araesstic. OA. min conditioning. p• 79.000'kmr WIfITBV BlkOWSM VOMOO Oshawa. 4 -bedroom brick yrs Pb"9238,000. bow moming. sand bench. • 89= � carte � 9Z.1g0. 133. loom far ►wt in air conditbned msrsics 2 bathrooms, k khan, fsnlb. 9600 tlnsldy. 416{{2- so undo ow way. Cal 666• 2569 061)791) lill ownhous• wslrirets, il I pod dining, living, finished SAVE thousands - wM lok. 81116. (061N1) 3045 0701) fOdMa. 975 weekly or SM basement• super toreet and adjustable rate - 19111 Dodge Ram 200 . IItBt monthly. Available neighborhood. 725.1741. mortgages, CM Doug or ONK 1 ibfW 1967 Cutlass Supreme VEX good tlontltlort, $SAMar he lately. Cal 5761250 DSJIAWA - private 44edro.n Community Finioncbl Services oJrouOMM boded• shwpk air, nearest offer. 663-5993. anN'n~ (050991) 24" home, 1 1,2 baths. don. 0800M (061491) XNIB Fladdal 2 bedroom C►uiw Ilk AJbFM cassaft goal) who 1Mrels. 58.500, Oran, modern hone. 1 1/2 baths, mom WO custom fireplace. Mame Marks" Ca-- fid' Fort LaudsrdUsk coot9��1four miles to Disney �1) ase edd now pointota Supla,b. fit". ca h !targe air. tepe bads, marltrafll oq 175.600. Cafull PMgk all. mel SR ban* sRh 0% c The vicomuM nnKd�is(�a R C bsdtown IaM 433 rad aub, kwSertra 4 -door. boded. num OL 52.900 w CON 428-2821. M110111111111) 7394 a 434-5004.05001) Cd 430.0100, (Ti4liALU 2043 far mane hnbrmltbn. dean, mw4 "L Cd� v17 wl� ppl8boo offer. 80 879-699{ r � r � me J THE NEWS ADVERI'1.4ER SUNDAY, MAY S. H91 -PAGE 23 WE HAVE ` PULLED OUT ALL THE STOPS! We made a facimy purchase of used vehicles, - • , 1 1 / � , :W &�USEQ MUST r o jLnw PAVUFNTS 1990 SHADOW ,` 2 DOOR--�� 1990 DYNASTY 4 DOOR 1990 SPIRIT 4 DOOR NEW YORKER 1990 CHEROKEE LIMITED 4 X �{ 1987 DODGE OMNI tnW ,si al>C OMauw. AWiM Wrro D0: h, auu. a Curl. AWM :A abN stab. WSM —14. /Mair Im av W. AM,1M asi budWt. eOnfMi otot6 IYOD •v oal *,a mous +,MnaK Di DD W. :r.ai4r doN t.aa i mar BaNnn d Uciar .a ,VaalaW SA W3338 Iasi dual .-.as t -aa Balancr d �'/—'•�'4'oft( 1w_am toil rwa da4nc. d � 9'� bctory • amra.alaMi SA •D7i65 '•aae>l aub:rait. ar, D r .. user >5 LY—Di755A Sia a.r' A34 Mtarts ox s -.•s �iiJS ir>r is iDC+.aw s.1es8,995 sbe42,995 swe'11,275 0,"y'11,995 s;e$22,995 Onys4,675 1990 DODGE B350 1990 WOW 1989 DODGE SE 1988 DODGE SPORTSMAN WAGON LEBARON 16 USED VOYAGERS DAKOTA MINT ARIES 4 DOOR I;ONVERTIBLE .,. �- aax :ax Y,. aVM uraa.> M- LE w ODu /Mora Da .an LE ,�y r9 ». —, , ea... a. . (iaaaca d Otrr ra•a•M1 a.WIM 8 TO CHOOSE 7 9 95 a. > �n..,•.^ a,a.ana . M25f LaYi �. ..,. :. d rs.-rrM1 a.MaA::s S• rr C' 2 TO CHOOSE FROM FROM FROM ' 3-, 6253.55 pfr rnonth 6133.39 qtr month t, � 'e at `f Z_MA11W CON"� <.«fi..... - :a• i „611A]UNIM101 lIiECUEttIl1fY1601I� �1' viod :A&NO ;..,..: ]Ofta %, OCKM 60000OCK - OII011ERr FICKIM pCIuOD THEY'VE GOT TO GO NOW! DURHAM'S LARGEST CHRYSLER DEALER See the Chr sler Ex t fBe Se " Unbelievable i but true. Just examples � of over MNei Dealers Welao_tne!! I •� N SERVICE OPEN All DAY SATURDAY so W y per S or St lectaon. Best Service R NO t CHRYSLER DEALER GETS BETTER LE�IE,y AND EVERY NIGNT s.•. D.rmruor.e�A-a..e.a�at .•o,.w> WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD NO REASONABLE OFFER RE FUSED VILLAGEPLYMOUTH `` .�► CHRYSLERAJAX LTD. raw.tr-c aa... ai....pni 19 HARWOOD AVENUE NORTH, AJAX 683-5358 JN>1 ION MAA 3AA • 0-10SH30Nn 39 AIMIMONN 1()N MAA alU Losing control is a horrifying As a dancer, controlling my body has been my life's work. ,Ay friend, Mary, is slowly losing control of her body. She has Huntington's, a hereditary brain disorder which causes gradual mental and physical deterioration. I can't imagine living with such a cruel and fatal disease. r t , You can help. Mary and others who suffer from Huntington's. Please support the Huntington Society today. Help find a cure for Huntington's disease" �y------------------------------------------- lL Gizella WitkowsAy W Principal Dancer National Ballet of Canallir Huntington Society of Canada 13 Water Street North.'Box 333, Cambridge, Ontario NIR 5T8 ; ❑ Please accept my donation of $ , y � ` (Cheque or money order enclosed.) ❑ Please send me information about Huntington's disease for: patients and families __ health professionals u general interest Name Add rc%% City Province Postal Code Ch.intahle Regt.tratlon Nunther (964 W)-11-15 -- Income tax receipts will be issued. a ♦-►-.•�.aM-a..s•..w..a+....a...w.�....r.w......a vws.«.w w. wit ^ 4 0 t. t• >s . ... .'• i_ .�.. `� _ _ ". ,4 Y �A^ " Unbelievable i but true. Just examples � of over MNei Dealers Welao_tne!! I •� N SERVICE OPEN All DAY SATURDAY so W y per S or St lectaon. Best Service R NO t CHRYSLER DEALER GETS BETTER LE�IE,y AND EVERY NIGNT s.•. D.rmruor.e�A-a..e.a�at .•o,.w> WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD NO REASONABLE OFFER RE FUSED VILLAGEPLYMOUTH `` .�► CHRYSLERAJAX LTD. raw.tr-c aa... ai....pni 19 HARWOOD AVENUE NORTH, AJAX 683-5358 JN>1 ION MAA 3AA • 0-10SH30Nn 39 AIMIMONN 1()N MAA alU Losing control is a horrifying As a dancer, controlling my body has been my life's work. ,Ay friend, Mary, is slowly losing control of her body. She has Huntington's, a hereditary brain disorder which causes gradual mental and physical deterioration. I can't imagine living with such a cruel and fatal disease. r t , You can help. Mary and others who suffer from Huntington's. Please support the Huntington Society today. Help find a cure for Huntington's disease" �y------------------------------------------- lL Gizella WitkowsAy W Principal Dancer National Ballet of Canallir Huntington Society of Canada 13 Water Street North.'Box 333, Cambridge, Ontario NIR 5T8 ; ❑ Please accept my donation of $ , y � ` (Cheque or money order enclosed.) ❑ Please send me information about Huntington's disease for: patients and families __ health professionals u general interest Name Add rc%% City Province Postal Code Ch.intahle Regt.tratlon Nunther (964 W)-11-15 -- Income tax receipts will be issued. a ♦-►-.•�.aM-a..s•..w..a+....a...w.�....r.w......a vws.«.w w. wit ^ 4 0 t. t• >s . ... .'• i_ .�.. `� _ _ PAGE 24 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY. 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