HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA1991_04_144 kda��z, Fuer Season •100'500 PON.>a" rim Tim NO GREEN FEES PAYABLE COIF TOURNAMENT & BANQUET BUFFETelWeekdayWeeay Weekday .Neekend ' W n,. 4, k up'29" 1 ANNANDALE COUNTRY CLUB [PO. Box 91, Ajax LIS 3C2 (416) 663-3210 Ajax & Pickering Advaiiivp A Metroland Community Newspaper Sunday Edition lr PICKERING 1DWN CEYIRE CANADA SUNBURST BEAUTY PAGEANT SAT., APRIL 20 Entry Forms Available at Infoplace VOL 3, NO. 15 51 C + 44 GST = 55 CENTS SUNDAY, APRIL 14, 1991 CIRCULATION 35,000 20 PAGES •Julie Stanton's a ily endures ,.year of agony By WENDY GALLAGHER Durham Reporter PICKERING - Tuesday marks the first anniversary of the disap- pearance of Julie Stanton and the beginning of her family's worst nightmare. Fourteen -year-old Julie left her Maury Crescent home on Apr. 16, 1990. There hasn't been a trace of her since. ob "We're no further ahead" on clues to Julie's disappearance since the day she left, says Julie's mother, Pat. She describes the past year as "very, very busy. Julie Star It's flown by in one sense. We're always talking to someone about Julie. Friends have been real- ly, really good. Even people we don't know phone." Yet, what haunts the Stanton family most is that they know the man they are convinced took their daughter- WSen Julie left the house Easter REGION SERVICES CUT Region officials cut police services in a bid to slash the 1991 budget. Page 4. ENVIRONMENT ESSAY: Students can in prizes in our writing contest. Page I BREAKFAST CLUB ABUSED? Aam school progrto feed hungry lids is being abused, a pupil's fatcharges. '`fir . — • �— Monday, she told friends :std family she was head- ed to the shopping centre. She even called for the :ius to pick her up. Instead, neighbors saw her get into a car with a loudffl muffler. Pat says the car Julie got into belongs to a for- mer Scarborough resident whose daughter was a ton friend of Julie's. "We've always known from day two it was him," says Pat. Pat says she and her husband John have done a lot of research on their suspect and on "these types of people. They have no conscience, no heart. They can block it out." Prior actions and criminal con - See MSSING...Page 3 INDEX Billboard Claw _ S Sports 13 The body of a young woman was found In a car matching the description of a car driven by a missing Ajax woman Friday morning on Twyn Rivers Drive. Metro police homicide officers spent hours gather - Ing evidence in the area of the abandoned vehicle. photo by Ron Pietroniro By WENDY GALLAGHER Durham Reporter DURHAM - Police are probing the suspicious death of a woman found in her car in the Rouge Valley, and a possible connection to a missing Ajax resident. Patricia Anne Lopez, 23, left her O'Dell Court home Wednesday around 10:30 pan. with the fami- ly's golden Labrador Retriever dog. Lopez drove away in her 1983 brown Honda Accord Her destina- tion was unknown. Friday morning around 7 am. a Durham Regional Police oiiiiceq responded to a tip about an aban- doned car on Twyn Rivers Drive, just west of the Pickering/Scarborough border. The body of a woman was inside the vehicle. Metro police sealed off the area and set up road blocks leading into the area. A temporary command post was also set up. Four police horses and a police dog were at the scene as were at least two dozen police officers including the Metro homicide squad and police identifi- cation tears round 11:30... Det. Sgt. r'TW: PAPA & L'UIGI'S PIZZA' _.:BUY ONE MEDIUM 3 TOPPING PIZZA, FOR 3WITH THIS ADVERTISEMENT 1410 BAYLY ST. DELIVERY OR PICKUP 839m6677 John Line told reporters the body of a young female was still inside the car. Her death, said Line, was very Suspicious-" Line said police had "tentative identification" on the victim, how- ever he wouldn't reveal who police thought she was. He said he didn't think the body had "been there a great deal of time." Line added that he was "aware" that an Ajax woman was missing but wouldn't elaborate. Approximately 10 vehicles lined . - . See RELAMNE -Page 3 $1389^6 GET ONE FREE -OPEN :-'THURS., FRI. S SAT. .TILL 2 A.M. a x° 11 PAGB 2 -THE NEWS ADVSR MER SUNDAY. APRIL 14, M .Billboard -- r Billboard is a free feature for community events of a non-profit nature. To have your events pro- moted in Billboard, call us at 683- 5110 or write to the Ajax - Pickering News Advertiser, 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ontario, LIS 2H5. The deadline for Billboard items is 10 a.m. on the Monday prior to Wednesday pub- lication, 10 a.m. on the Wednesday prior to Friday publication and 10 a.m. Thursday prior to Sunday publication. Sunday BASEBALL TRY -OUTS: The Ajax Spartans' Baseball Association's fourth rep baseball try- out date is Apr. 14 at Lakeside Public School, 4 Parkes Dr. The times are: major and minor tykes - 9 a.m. to 10:30 am.; bantams - 10:30 a.m. to 12 noon; peewees - 12 noon to 1:30 p.m.; midgets - 1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m.; juveniles - 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. Call Mary at 683-7860. ART SALE, EXHIBIT: The Ajax Creative Arts group will hold its Spring Art Sale and Exhibition on Sunday, Apr. 14, from 10 am. to 5 p.m., at the Village Community Centre, at the comer of Sherwood Road and Linton Avenue, Ajax. Free admission. Call Maggie at 427-7138. Monday MODEL AIRPLANE CLUB: The Ajax Radio Controlled Model Club will meet Monday, Apr. 15, at 7:30 p.m., at Henry Street High School, on Henry Street, Whitby. Everyone welcome. The club meets on the third Monday of every month. Call 265-6194 at night and 747-6922 during the day. GARDEN CLUB: The Ajax Garden Club will meet Monday, Apr. 15, at 8 p.m., at the Royal Canadian Legion Hall, 111 Hunt St., Ajax. Gordon Wick will speak on balcony gardens. Everyone welcome. Membership is $7 a year. Call June at 683-1463. Tuesday TENNIS MEETING: The mem- bers of the Dunmoore Tennis Club will hold their annual general meet- ing on Tuesday, Apr. 16, at Frenchman's Bay Public School at 7:30 p.m. Call Ann Reid at 839- 9832. SENIORS' DISCUSSION GROUP: The Ajax Seniors' Discussion Group will meet Tuesday, Apr. 16, at 9:30 a.m., at the Ajax Seniors' Friendship Centre, 46 Exeter Rd. Syd and Mable Spencer will speak on the Amish way of life. All seniors are welcome. Call Louise at 683-7799. CASH YOUR LDA MEETING: The Learning Disabilities Association of Durham West will meet Tuesday, Apr. 16, at 7:30 p.m., in the library at Lincoln Avenue Public School, on Lincoln Street, Pickering Village. Parents of learning -disabled children and indi- viduals with learning disabilities are encouraged to attend. Refreshments available and those attending should brine a mug. Call Anne Leibrock at 683-5629. TRADE SHOW: The Ajax - Pickering Board of Trade will hold a mini -trade show Tuesday, Apr. 16 from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Gallantry's Restaurant banquet room, Pickering Town Centre. Members can rent tables at $50 from Doug Welton, 427-0032; Mike Danks, 683-9725 or Joe Dickson, 683-1968. DOWN SYNDROME MEET- ING: The Durham Down Syndrome Association will meet Tuesday, Apr. 16, at 7:30 p.m., at the Whitby GST REBATE CHEQUE AT ANDRECEIVE WEARING APPAREL FOR LADIES. MEN. GIRLS. BOYS 8e CHIN "REN w ALL FAMILY FOOTWEAR INCLUDING LADY FOOTLOCKER IN SELEC7'E� LCO STORES. THIS DISCOUNT CANNOT BE APPLIED IN ADDITION TO THE SENIOR CITIZEN'S APPRECIATION DISCOUNT. EFFECTIVE MONDAY, APRIL 15 UNTIL SATURDAY, MAY 4, 1991. HAFiW00D PLACE WHITBY MALL w Haa ��s. a 88yy Price isjust, the beginning. TM� Ww�Y ►+�,. 2 Baptist Church, 411 Gilbert St., Whitby. Dr. David Hinsberger will speak on behavior management. Call 831-8300. RESIDENTS' MEETING: The Hermitage Community Association will hold its first meeting Tuesday, Apr. 16, at 8:30 pm., in the Village Community Centre, at the corner of Linton Avenue and Sherwood Road, in Pickering Village. The meeti� will allow residents to meet each' other and town councillors Pat Clark and Frank Schaper. Call Leanne Lewis at 686-5504. - Coming up OVEREATERS ANONY- MOUS: The Overeaters Anonymous group will meet Wednesday, Apr. 17, from 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m., in the choir room at the Pickering Village United Church, 300 Church St. N., Pickering Village. Entrance by th- doors at the northeast corner of th, building. No dues or fees and every- one is welcome. The group meets every Wednesday. For more informa- tion, call Lily at 683-6479 during the day or Karen at 831-2570 at night. UNITED WAY MEETING: The United Way of Ajax -Pickering invites community members to its 21st annual general meeting on Wednesday, Apr. 17 at 7 p.m. at the CAW Local Hall, 140 Hunt St.. Ajax. Call 686-0606. FRENCHMAN'S BAY MEET- ING: A public meeting on the Metro Toronto and Region Conservation Authority's park plan for Frenchman's Bay west will be held Wednesday, Apr. 17 at 7:30 p.m. in Pickering council chambers, One The Esplanade. Copies of the plan are available at the town's planning department. Call Larry Field at 661- 6600, ext. 243. BLOCK PARENT MEETING: The Ajax Block Parent Associatior� will hold an information nigh, Wednesday, Apr. 17, at 7:30 pm., in the staff lounge of Westney Heights Public School, 45 Brennan Rd., Ajax. Constable John Logan of the Durham Regional Police Service will speak. Everyone's welcome. Call Kim at 686-4441 or Marg at 427- 9925. TOLE PAINTING: The Rouge Hill Library, Rougemount Drive south of Highway 2, will present tole painting for adults with folk artist Nancy Hoar Wednesday, Apr. 17 at* 7:30 p.m. There will be a draw for a completed folk art piece. Tickets are free and can be picked up at the library or reserved at 286-2576. OSTOMY MEETING: The Oshawa and District Ostomy Association will meet Wednesday, Apr. 17, at 8 p.m., in Room 1002F, of the Oshawa General Hospital on Alma Street. Everyone welcome.. Call 725-9767. ` SUPPORT GROUP MEET- ING: The Head Injury Association of Durham will meet Wednesday, Apr. 17 at 7:30 p.m., at 459 Bond St. E, Oshawa. Psychologist Dr. Barry Brooker will speak. For information ar transportation, call 576-3830. CHOIR RECITAL: The congre- gation of Holy Trinity Anglican Church, 91 Kings Cres., Ajax, will host the American Boychoir. Wednesday, Apr. 17, at 7:30 pmL The choir will sing Evensong. An offering for the building expansion will be taken. Call 683-3863. SDC MEETING: The Social Development Council will meet Thursday, Apr. 18 at noon at Pickering Village United Church, 300 Church St. N., Ajax. Michael Ennis will speak about long term care [reform. Tickets are $15 per person - includes membership. Call 686-2661. is Ll i • 0 THE NEWS ADVE WMER SUNDA% APRU.14,1"1-PAGE 3 New detective on Julie Stanton case By WENDY GALLAGHER Durham Reporter PICKERING - A new detective has been assigned to the Julie Stanton case. Detective Herb Curwain has taken over the case from detective Jim Adams who was transferred to the Whitby detachment in a "routine" move, says Curwain. Curwain is currently going over the Stanton file which he describes as large. "We're at the same spot as we were before," says Curwain. "We'd like to think she's alive." However, he says, police are treating her disappearance "like a homicide because she's not contacted anybody." Curwain won't comment on the man police believe abducted Julie. "I'm keeping an open mind. We need evidence to prove the case." Police hope that locating Julie will provide more evidence. While Curwain says police "have our sus- picions" as to who took Julie, he adds, "we're keeping other avenues open." Curwain says police continue to follow up on leads provided by the public. Several peo- ple have phoned cops over the past year to say they think they spotted Julie. He encourages the public to call police if they know anything about Julie's disappear- ance, no matter how insignificant they think the information is. Curwain says he wants to bring himself "as ■ ssin teen s fam�L g //� �'�:..'�j q✓��1//�//%/d//��/�ji// -.; /may//�/ / o efu[ she s sT�11a�'Iliv FROM PAGE 1 victions of the man leave no doubt in the Stanton' mind that he took their daughter. Shortly after Julie's disappearance, police questioned the man. The Stanton have confronted the suspect twice in the past year. The suspect has denied abducting Julie to Toronto newspapers. The News Advertiser con- fronted him after an unrelated court appearance, but he wouldn't make any comment. "What keeps us going" is knowing that the sus- pect is out there and "we hope one day he's going to tell us where Julie is," says Pat. She says she doesn't know what police plans are for the suspect. "I always thought there was enough evidence to charge him. But, I'm told it would be best if we could find Julie." Asked if she's bothered that police are treating the case as a "homicide", she replies, "It did in the beginning. But it's still only a word." Pat says her husband wishes the suspect would have been arrested six months ago on abduction charges, "then he'd be exposed to the public." She says sooner or later she and her husband will make his identity known to the public if police don't lay charges. Pat. her husband and their other two children, Carrie and Tony, are always hopeful that Julie will be found safe. "In the dreams I've had, she's been alive. I haven't a clue where she is," says Pat. There've been many changes in the Stanton' lives over the past year. Pat says she "used to dread" when daughter Carrie went out at night. "I would lay awake until she came in." And, Pat says, when Julie first disappeared, she felt guilty about small things like taking a shower because, while Pat was in a warm shower, Julie "could be laying somewhere". She adds, "You feel guilty about enjoying yourself-" Pat says people outside her family have also been affected by Julie's disappearance. Two of Julie's closes friends call on "special days" and the teen's disappearance "has probably changed their lives." Although Pat and John have friends who "force" them to get out of the house for dinner or a game of darts, Julie's "on your mind constantly." Inside the Stanton home, pictures of Julie in sev- eral rooms are a constant reminder. "I walk past her bedroom every morning." says Pat. The first six weeks after Julie's disappearance were the most difficult, explains Pat "We were look- ing for someone to blame. But, there's really no one to blame except the pennon who took her." Members of the Stanton family try to remain strong for each other and avoid breaking down in front of one another, says Pat An irony in Julie's tragic disappearance is that her parents moved from England to provide her and her siblings a better opportunity. Pat and John Stanton The family moved to Canada in 1974 with their two oldest children. Julie was conceived in Canada but born in England when the family moved back. However, Pat explains that the family returned to Canada in 1979 because the town they resided in in England was going bankrupt. "We wanted to give (the children) a better chance in life." And, Pat wonders aloud "if Julie would still be here" if the family had gone through with plans to move to Nova Scotia two years ago. Pat wanted to set up a bed and breakfast on the east coast. However, Julie was beginning high school in Pickering and didn't want the family to move so that she could remain with her friends. The Stanton have become close with the Bain family in Scarborough. Their daughuer Elizabeth has been missing for several months and a former boyfriend has been charged with her murder. Together, the two families have spent countless weekends searching areas in Durham region for the missing females. Pat says searching for her daughter is "horrible. I want to know when she's found but I don't want to know any gory details. It would drive me to murder if (Julie's death) was gruesome." While Pat and her husband "hate searching", they feel they have to do something. "I want to find her. I want it over. We want whoever is responsible for this in the hospital. He definitely needs help." up to date as I possibly can" on information before making any decisions on Julie's case. "It would be nice if she was alive," he says. But, he admits, it's "hard to say" where she is. If you have any information whatsoever regarding Julie's disappearance, phone Durham Regional Police at 683-9100 or Crime Stoppers at 436-8477. You'll never have to identify yourself or appear in court. Callers are eligible for a cash reward of up to S1,000. Metro police canine unit was brought to the scene of a "suspicious" death involving a young woman in a car. At press time no positive Identification on the woman was released. Photo by Ron Pietroniro Relatives distraught FROM PAGE 1 positive identification on the woman the road in front of Lopez's home on in the vehicle was made. O'Dell Court Friday afternoon. At the News Advertiser press A distraught relative said he time Friday, police still hadn't iden- wouldn't comment on Lopez until a tified the woman. News Advertiser DELIVERY SERVICE Waal POO THESE ti1SERTS i FLYERS COMM M YOUR DOOR WITH YOUR NEWS ADVE1171S6i CARRER MUY AM IN THE DAYSAHEAD SUNDAY, APRIL 1411991 NEWS ADVERTISER ' A&P (PICK) ' CANADIAN TIRE CORP. (PICK) DOMINION (A"PICK) FOOD CRY (MAX"CK) LGA (AJAXIPICK) JIFFY -CLEAN LAUNDROMAT (AJAX) K MART (AJAXIPICK) LOBLAWS (AMPICK) MIRACLE FOOD MART (MAXIPICK) ' ONTARIO WIDE NATURAL GAS REBATE PROGRAM (AJAXIPICK.) SAV -A -CENTRE (PICK) OMMRI - Dtlirend to uledw! hwuh" onyx Is PAGE 4 -THE NEWS ADVWMER SUNDAY, Area 14, 1"1 C�xl tx PURE R E S I R I NG WATE R 428-0252 HOME DELIVERY -BOTTLED SPRING WATER -WATER COOLER RENTALS AND SALES & SERVICE Ste. Anne's Pure Spring Water pledges to deliver: w Quality -bottled spring water products w Service - with regularly scheduled deliveries W Price - our products & service competitively OUR 22.7 LITRE SQUARE BOTTLE IS ONLY $7.00 MONTHLY COST FOR AVERAGE FAMILY: $21.00 3 - 22.7 LITRE BOTTLES 1450 MONTHLY COOLER RENTAL (could be purchased) 1.02 G.S.T. ON RENTAL _1.16 P.S.T. ON RENTAL $37.68 TOTAL 1 YEAR COOLER RENTALS PLACED BEFORE JUNE 30191 WILL RECEIVE 6 BOTTLES FREE! No'm: YOUR r4mAL L%,voKxwII1 tNa-L-DE 7 REFUNDABLE BO?nE DEPOSnS 8 517.00 EAGi AND IF RENR.YG A COOLER AN ADOmCNAL $10.00 COOLER SECURrrY DEpOSrr. OOOLERS MAY BE PUMC HASFD AND ARE NAILABLE IN 3 COLOURS. NOW OPEN Colourfo s TULIP FESTI APR:: 27 TO M easons ROSE FESTF JUNE 22 TO JU CNRMNT FESTIVE SEPT. 14 TO SE? FESTIVAL 0 MID NOV. TO E WINTER CA DEC. 27 TO EAI .40CH IaM KAVO of 300 T"TON ROAQ *WW. OWMIQ CA M UN 5R5 (416) 294-7965 TORONTO e (416) 668-6606 WHITBY - I»IE. Police services, day care cut as region officials slash budget By WENDY GALLAGHER Durham Reporter DURHAM - The region is chis- elling away at what is described by its chairman as the "worst" budget ever. Regional staff and councillors are working with a budget they say they have little control over, since the majority of expenditures are man- dated by the province. Cuts in all departments, including regional day care spaces (already with a waiting list of 600), staff lay- offs and a cut in police service are just some of the decisions council- lors must make if they want to fur- ther slash the budget. The welfare budget is causing the greatest problems in the region's budget. This year, Durham's welfare bill is expected to exceed $100 mil- lion. The region must come up with 11$23 million of property taxpayers' money" to help fund it, says Durham chairman Gary Herrema. That's a 100 -per cent increase in the region's portion over last year. Police department heads original- ly requested 47 new police officers and 11 civilians be hired for 1991 to keep up with a rising crime rate and a 20 -per cent increase in calls for service in three years. The force had to settle for 18 new officers who won't be hired until December. Police commissioner and Whitby mayor Bob Attersley notes that 15 positions within the police department are new and have been mandated by the province. They include a public complaints board, health and safety board and court service. Herrema isn't happy with the pre- liminary budget which increases tax- payers' regional portion by 6.9 per cent. He says 12 people in the last three weeks have phoned him to say they have to sell their homes because they're out of a job. . Herrema questions why Durham's welfare caseload has con- tinued at such a high percentage since 1982. He says, when the region was enjoying boom times and there were help wanted signs everywhere, Durham still had a large number of residents on welfare. Herrema notes that Durham's high school drop-out rate is higher than that of three other GTA munici- palities. Herrema suggests the school boards and region get togeth- • er and talk. THE DURHAM BOARD OF EDUCATION and THE DURHAM REGION ACTION COMMITTEE FOR TRAINING PRESENT THE 3RD ANNUAL Durham SkIlls C H A L L E N G E sw ---- welcomes paltIcipants from as 7 99 7 Newcast►e 1991 .... 0LOG I ES TECHN 0111111111 - 001" N ACTION NAItWOOD SECONDARY SCHOOL 80 Fglby Court, Ajax (that lights aouM of Bayly on Harwood) A SHOWCASE OF TECHNICAL SKILLS 1 Y S E C O N D A R Y S T U D E N T 3 SEE TECHNOLOGY IN ACTION BY OUR FUTURE WORKFORCE! FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL 430-8511 0 • • 0 0 • k"11111 C1 r k F- -1 n u • 0 • • We want students to tell us how to save environment AJAX-PICKERING - What should be done locally to protect the environment? That's what we want area elementary and high school stu- dents to answer. The News Advertiser is sponsor- ing a writing contest for students to answer the question "What can we do in Ajax and Pickering to protect the environment?" Submissions can be an essay, a factual or fictional story, or a poem, with a maximum of 250 words. Hand-written submissions must be legible (If we can't read it, we won't try). There are three categories — Grades 1 to 4, 5 to 8 and high school. There'll be one winner for each cate- gory and prizes, to be determined, will be awarded. The deadline for submissions is 5 p.m. Tuesday, Apr. 23. Mail or bring your submission to our office, 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ontario, LIS 2H5. The winners must be available for a photograph at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Apr. 24. The winning entries will be run in the News Advertiser on Sunday, Apr. 28. All submissions must include the entrant's name, address, age, school, grade and a telephone number where a parent can be reached on Apr. 24. No submission will be judged with- out that information. For more details, call the editorial department of the News Advertiser at 683-5110. UNBEATABLE FLIGHTS TO BRITAIN! ;if 0 0 ;rrf i;_ 0,0w_ Ill LPopoiMl..V� telm 11111 UGST! • Air Canada wide-bodied service from Toronto • Complimentary in-flight movies, entertainment, full course meals with wine and liqueurs, plus a complimentary bar service e In-flight duty free boutique -Above price reflects trard to Lor", Gam• MvOester for departures April 30 to May 15. Departure dates *0 wry -based on destirb0orr. Prices will wry based on rdum deter. TRY US AirCanada FIR Vacations. �r see soppier brochure for full terms ora conditions,'Thomas AJAX 100 WS W, ra0 5. si GO sm.1 :idudorrs. a dusiorrs, service dwW and Cook taus. Andover a herbed may have boo"_ restric- 427-9938 MOvf: Tina-hL 9i, Sat 65 tions. FW nrdwges may also appy to the cost of �.._ your hoh* Of m are not wAd in =*mclion with any °tib' nomas cook travel For" promium or AT EATON'S afar. Orono Rgrtrion No. 13319 Thomae Cook Tran* Locations at Ealon•e Pickering Town Centre .... 60&2100 Oshawa Shopping Centre .. 5769811 OFFN= LOCATED THROUMIOUT CANADA 'vac 1� r1'l wAvvx =summ%Amn j4>, �-PA=s CouhtyTown Si'ng6r's­`;`s­"­.pring's­how Ma DURHAM - The County Town Singers are preparing for their 24th annual spring show. The County Town Singers will present For the Love of Music, which includes pop, show music, jazz, tradi- tional and sacred music Monday, May 13 at 8 p.m., at Eastdale Collegiate, 265 Harmony Rd. N., Oshawa, Tickets are $5 and can be purchased at the Lafontaine Trading Post, 122 Brock St. N., Whitby. For more information or tickets, call 668-5469 or 427-0201. j AJAX 100 WS W, ra0 5. si GO sm.1 ""' r PICKERING w no 4A �'�' 7 �n�a i_--� 427-9938 MOvf: Tina-hL 9i, Sat 65 �.-, ess'}- pI16 r ♦S M - --.... - -- - — *►.� � ra w sw ►s �.._ CI III At \utrNAan. yowl) find wpportnc counsdulg, saov' ig =1boli. light solum: and new µlis to bar old habits. 10 LBS. FOR X1000 10 no ffik for s10 'Special Door applies to regular services. Does not irldude cost of food or diaries. One ton -pound =program Por person. Wear clients - Carrot be com0ined M oU1er ooers. Valid at participating cwmn. (Expires Apra SM ). nBtE's A 00 WAY TO LOSE W9619. As YAM. mV. w dm -*v0, I +wpM acs wd m.nlNWp 0,99, wnsow.. hK CALL TODAY FOR A FREE NO OBLIGATION CONSULTATION AJAX/PICKERING WHITBY OSHAWA, BOWMANVILLE 1450 Kingston Rd., Picketty 1101 Brook St.S. 315 MUM SL S. is Kktg St. W. 420-6300 666-0770 723-5211 623-8666 VMM &T= NIM ADVeRTL IM SUMMX MUEL 14, tfll G�r'm The News Advertiser asked if a Reform Party candidate would win the Ontario riding in the next federal election. sure they will. We've got no other choice." Myra Schuyler says, "I don't think they'll do well" etters Golden Oldies Sound members still wanted To the editor: I've been meaning to write this note for some time and regret it has taken me so long. Back in December, the News Advertiser very kindly volunteered to help us locate volunteer musicians to help entertain the residents of the Village Retirement Centre, Valley Fane Road, in Pickering. It was my intent to pay for ab ad but on hearing my purpose. I was voluntarily informed by their staff that, because our efforts were in line of communi- ty service, no charge would be levied. In your Dec. 30 edition, a very Prominent editorial was printed under the heading: "Musicians want- ed to put sweet sounds in the life of seniors". The result was positive. We gained two new musicians, Derek Smart (sax/clarinet) and Rob Faas (hom). Both of these gentlemen are from Pickering and joined us as result of the editorial. George Dillon (aecordian) has been part of the team for several years now. He travels from Cobourg each Friday. George and I want to express thanks, on behalf of ourselves, and on behalf of the retirement and nurs- ing home residents, to the News Advertiser, Judi Bobbitt and the edi- torial staff for their kind and gener- ous assistance in publicizing our request for help. The door is still open to anyone who want to contribute to the "Golden Oldies Sound" for an hour or so each Friday for the benefit of our seniors. I can be reached evening or weekends at 839-7636 if you would care to discuss the possibility. Cec Turner, Pickering Kidney campaign on way to goal To the editor: On behalf of the Toronto and District Chapter of the Kidney Foundation of Canada. I would like to thank you for your support during our recently completed March campaign. Although final figures are not in, we are well on our way to reaching our goal of $400,000 and more, thanks in part to your efforts and assistance in promoting our cam - All funds raised will go to support medical research into kidney disease, patient services and public education Programs. Although the fight against kidney disease isn't over yet, we are winning, and with new breakthroughs in medi- cal research, a cure is within reach Thank you again and I look for- ward to your continued support with the Kidney Foundation's activities. Jonathon Noyek, Communicatim Co-ordinator Kidney Foundation of Canada The News Advertiser welcomes letters to the editor on topical issues, stroversial matters and anything else of interest to our readers. % erve the right to edit letters for style, length and legal reasons and to hhold letters deemed not fit for publication. All letters must include irr full name, address and phone number for our information. Letters I be mailed or dropped off at the News Advertiser, 130 Commercial e., Ajax, Ontario, LIS 2H5 or sent by FAX to 683-7363. "Probably not. I don't think anv party's going to do well" know. Everyone's fed up with politics." Party's too new." Clergy concerned about food bank operations To the editor. I am writing on behalf of the Ajax - Pickering Ministerial Association with regard to the "Spring Food Drive" which appeared on the front page of your March 27 edition. Included with this edition were paper bags soliciting public donations of food for the Daily Bread Food Bank in Toronto, to be dropped off at local fire halls. The Ministerial Association cer- tainly commends the News Advertiser for its public spirit and its efforts on behalf of the less fortunate in our communities, and we commend the Daily Bread Food Bank for its excel- lent work, but we also have a concern about this particular effort which we would like to draw to your attention. We are concerned that local people are not being served as well as they could be by this effort. In your article of March 27 you state that "krcal char- ities needing food will submit an order to the Toronto organization and the food will be brought out by Optimist Club members." Under this arrange- ment, food is not given directly to those who need it but is rather taken to Toronto. and, upon request, delivered to a warehouse in Oshawa where it than must be picked up by a local charity and delivered where it is need- ed This represents extra and unneces- sary steps and time in the delivery Process, and we feel that it prevents many people from benefitting from your food drive with much of the food collected locally not being given to local people. Do you have statistics on how many families in Ajax and Pickering actually receive food from this food drive? If so, we would appreciate being made aware of them. As you are aware, there are local food banks located at Dunbarton- Fairport United Church in Pickering and the Salvation Army in Ajax which serve people in Ajax and Pickering directly and are in great need of dona- tions of non-perishable food. Presently approximately 50 families a week are being served by the food bank at Dunbarton-Fairport United Church and that number could easily double with an increase in public donations. This program can benefit from the Daily Bread Program in Toronto, but only if, after making a request to Toronto and having the food delivered to Oshawa, someone who is physically capable of lifting heavy boxes goes to the warehouse in Oshawa with a van or trick to pick up the food and bring it back to the food bank at Dunbarton-Fairport United Church so that it can distributed to those who need it. While we in the ministerial associ- ation support and commend the work of the Daily Bread Food Bank in feed- ing hungry people, we also feel that the local food banks are a less cum- bersome and more efficient way of serving the needs of people in Ajax and Pickering. With these food banks there is no need to place orders, or send people and vehicles to pick the food up first from Toronto and then from a warehouse in Oshawa. Local people can receive food directly from these food banks insofar as they are supported by public donations. Donations can be dropped off at the Salvation Army or at any local church which will then transport them 10 the food bank at Dunbarton-Fairport United Church. The ministerial association feels that many people in Ajax and Pickering already receive Daily Bread Food Bags from Toronto papers and we hope that in the future The News Advertiser will consider giving people who wish to donate food a choice by providing them with a bag supporting our local food banks. The association would be happy to assist you in this endeavor in any way that we can. Thank you once again for your public-spirited efforts. It is our hope that as many people as possible in the Ajax and Pickering communities will benefit from them. Rev. Ian Gray, President, Ajax -Puckering Miniskrial Association Delays on decision frustrating To the editor. I work for an insurance company and have been very concerned about my job security. I've found the cur- rent delays in decision-making by the government frustrating and I have chosen to express my con- cerns. We have a right, a right to know exactly where our future will go. Will we be broke, or on U.I.C.? Please tell us Premier Rae what will it be? You've kept us dangling, yes, dangling on strings. While you spend your time discussing other things Our lives are on hold while you sit back and rest. You really have put us in a terrible mess. Government insurance will be discussed in early spring. Well Bob it's April, we haven't heard a thing. The stress, it's unbearable, and emotions run high. Can't we try to discuss some form of compromise? We are the little people that you say you speak for. Isn't is strange that you've just slammed the door? Darlene Flynn, Ajax News Advertiser CHARLES PETERS GORD MALCOLMDirector of Advedbing Editor ABE FAKHOURIE DIdD**W AdvW"19 DepaftW* (611.1-5110): Tony Editorial Deparfrn*m (6113-5110): lkrk* Purdy Distribution Department (6113-51117):� Jodi John Pritchard Udlord, Debbie Wddock, Yvonne L.wk, Tracy (News Edror), Keit G�wq Wendy G� Al y ~anI � 1, Twq HK Torn �N�E $ouch, Chris Arsenault, Geoff Earle, Debbie Well. Judi ItobbM and Undo WhR* Qepoders) luchmann,�Cecil Turpin, Joann* R*Id. Jan 00P ab rddaP d In Camnrdar hw.. lurm, Kkk DIcL Tejenla*efi g. Gory eland. A.J. Gwen (Chief PhologX9heq. Milburn, Camille Fakhou#W. MloAele Ourrey, Au IMM AdwlMr. P�r�w1 wwiY lndaY• 1Mgnr 1.AJ=0r#cftL1S2H6.kcn*of Nr k%hoWd AM PW1ft p aro SAV pap d &6w REAL ESTATE ADVERnSIIG da3-5110 MkMN Kennedy. J. P. La L, g g, ,«tan MINI. ban nw.s,,p.t Wid, ndara.c Acton Foe Pow ANoq.arrn�4 8=6 tlanne Adreno... Cindy Noun, Jaron r Won Grodo , &~on Por. Boakxft G+o km G.ae.Mu.vAworyFity*odaoor CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING MRburn, ARCO Agparwd. r+r.pn,w�+.row•a�n.w..kun*row,.wwk.Iar�anraa,ati..a.►r a,canosa, a76-ssSa.79a-7672«79aa66s LkldaNewart. a00WOanhft*MM oNM.NWAWM fbo.NanTo*hba,aawMSoAK00- __Wall_ aria W90, rra.naw rymamW/V0W rn surd. roauao,oh haw TM eMte conNd of the News Advedbw k projected by copy" and t0CWM bed tri* wharf 'Cored A. krona, acre on a° t c�ann%0WV sa his drem§on. 1w Met conwd b ProhbMed. �rrbltMr rrN ryaright b ckrtwy Of NAM any adwAMenlMr d Womm eros Mot p owaiion Iwrs n 107. mks .capon own in toner« 1 r+m sro p. NATIONAL ADVERTISING REFIE:ENiA M (03-1300): Dal lawn, M eholaW prkrlkg. PubNrhkq and DMlrlttdlnp. 0 i 0 0 .councillors`squdbbI6over pins; 4beby leffett -J :f FROM PAGE 1 • .. - councillor Doug Dickerson rou- tinely sends letters and pins to new mothers in his ward; - councillors spent more than $600 framing photos and certifi- cates, with Dickerson ordering more than a half dozen frames. To top off the brouhaha, the town • treasurer has informed politicians he won't be charging any further items to the account without a council res- olution. The fracas started in late March when Dickerson asked treasurer Jim Walls to give all members of council a detailed outline of the public rela- tions expenditures, complete with amounts of each invoice and names of those who requested and autho- rized them. The reason for the request, says 4 r L EE r' Bus service to replace exfiinct VIA AJAX - A bus service 1 could be operating by summer to transport people between southern Durham region and Peterborough and Port Perry. David Ferguson, of the provincial ministry of trans- portation (MOT), told Ajax council's economic and devel- opment committee recently the service is "largely a reaction to the federal government can- celling the VIA Peterborough - Havelock line." During his presentation, Ferguson added, "the services l proposed won't be of direct benefit to Ajax.- Ferguson. jax"Ferguson, the manager of the MOT's Toronto Area Coordinating Office, and other MOT staff members are mak- ing presentations to municipal councils in Durham region, outlining the service. There would be four routes — two from Peterborough and Itwo from Port Perry. One route from each municipality would transport people to the Whitby GO train station, while the sec- ond route would end at the General Motors plant in south Oshawa. Ferguson said there'd be two at three trips during morn- ing and afternoon peak hours, while a bus would travel each route every two hours during hours.. Exact -routes haven't been establisbed yet. Ferguson said. In figures provided to the committee, Ferguson said about 550 passengers would be carried daily on the four routes. A single GO train from Pbtabonx4h connecting with 00 Lakeshore lines would carry about 400 passengers a day, he added. The bus service is separate . from plans by GO Transit to' extend train service to Oshawa and Newcastle, Ferguson said, and won't stop the extension Of train service, A single one-way fare between Peterborough and Whitby would be $7.85/ while a trip from Port Perry to Whitby would cost $3.50, said The targetted start-up date is late spring or early summer of thi; year, he added. Dickerson, r - was to find out why funds for the town's Christmas tree - lighting ceremony were charged to the public relations account rather than to the budget of community ser- vices and facilities. Unable to provide those details due to staff constraints, Walls instead prepared an expense summary. In the future, says Walls, he wants council approval on each expense so that he won't be faced with a similar task next year. While Dickerson waits for answers on the tree -lighting funds, Van Kempen's eyebrows are raised over money spent on pins, framing and letters to new mothers — referred to as "baby letters" in a ledger recording outgoing pins. "All these things keep adding up," Van Kempen says. "Where does it end? What the hell are these 500 pins that can't be accounted for? What on earth are baby letters?" He says the price of pins, a secre- tary's time, postage and stationery council discussion of the public rela- in council chambers," he says. "I'm are the "hidden costs" of Dickerson's tions account in the near future, but going to ask the same questions. If baby letters. notes that the matter isn't on a coun- you add all these things together, Although no other councillor cil meeting agenda. where is the restraint? I do not sends letters to new mothers, "I feel any discussion should be believe there's any restraint." Dickerson says he does it because "If (the babies) are still here in 18 years, I want to enjoy their support. I want them to know who welcomed them first ... I want the parents to know I share their pride." He says his expenses aren't high. Van Kempen retorts, "Is it appro- priate for taxpayers to fund a coun- cillor's promotion of himself and electioneering?" While Van Kempen also com- plains that there's no record of exact- ly what Dickerson had framed at the town's expense, Dickerson assures the items were town -related. "I can't envision myself doing something if it was not reasonable," he says. '"They've all got to be town - related." Van Kemnen says he exnects a 1j,W'ft[E1L� kyai�N IrD&G FISH MARKET839.4824 512 KINGSTON ROAD Cod Cod Salmon Blue Fish Haddock Herring s6ss/ �249� Haben Mackeral Ib. Ib. Salmon Eels Cod Mozzarella Cheese MOZIarelid Glasse Pollock Salmon (12 oz package) - ;260/Ib. X249/ea. Red Snapper - - LOBSTER Fresh or Cooked Y 1`�jY AgF1�OM�� pSONSTO�� �y S rf 1 t■g"" Closed Friday-� l �V / 1 V V V oOV fir" �e . ; ►+I+�k i �aa:a olio. D Sat & Sun. 11-6 ' vv. �ft=of7S1= AM 428-8280 � �$D,�LIE . .w 6 ' .:�r.a,"C"w':��'� vN�` �•«�'i�' "' �' 1,♦a �� �"'Yr f�;-�✓�',t�ti4'�K'd�'%i';?f :iy.'K�M �^�'-it�w' !'.,4�'.w'�`� a, 4. .�.�. a•.Y .r. y: ei . .-y ; t+l r-.;.. �L, ,r .t � .. -. , ;:,� . . , � � i -� � i � t" �f 1 ♦ • � , � ,,. T,r,. �V. .. i`'♦� .�!, a � . .SA"s. .� - a- .b.. ,� ., ': � ,a t a ,, .r+.; � sw_=- .ai..y1N-4,95..C. 1. .-. •. en „xfps LE a Iglfs'i Qa: ?1'lt�Ca'"�'fa i=rf5!rr • h 3 IV ADVWk =iit2UNR&1tAMU.1&1� . COMPLETE FAMILY DENTAL CARE COSMETIC DENTISTRY Whitening ....................... $119 ElorickV................................ $269 ((Cosmetic Veneers t.ab irlckideci) OrtFwdontics ...................... $2,950 DENTURES FULL UPPER OR LOWER =179 + =120 me) PARTIAL UPPER OR LOWER =219 +4 70(LAB) Denture Satisfaction Guaranteed All Lkwu a Denim a 1-800-465-5518 _ IE111116yor1101br11swt C.D.S. Denture Application Fee $15 Some limitations & exclusions may apply. a By LINDA WHITE Education Reporter PICKERING - A local father is upset that his seven-year-old son was given breakfast at school after eating at home that morning. "There was no mention (to me) that my son had been fed at school," says Dave Bullock, whose four chil- dren attend Sir John A. Macdonald Public School in Pickering. "Not only did I give him breakfast that morning, but I was also at the school that day." The school is working with local service clubs and representatives from various agencies to launch a Breakfast Club by September. Under AT -SE Aid •� 10 lop VV \ AND REMEMBER AT SEARS THERE'S ISO �► .►� APPROVED CREDIT At Sears there's no down paymant. Defferred offer ends April 30. 1991. *No payment offer applies to roofing, replacement windows. fencing, soffit/fasda/guttering and siding. the program, any child will be able to eat a nutritious, well-balanced break- fast at the school on any given mom- ing. "Their hearts are in the right place," says Bullock. "But I wonder if they aren't creating the numbers. What screening takes place? Were the kids who ate breakfast with my son that morning lethargic or fidgety?" Principal Neil Simpson says the school doesn't plan to do a "means test" each day. "If a child shows up once and says he's hungry, we'll feed him. Maybe he didn't eat as much at home as he wanted. Maybe he likes the companionship." Four Grade 1 students, including Bullock's son, were taken to the school's academic resource room around 10 a.m. one recent day to eat. Once the club is officially under way in September, breakfast will be offered before class begins. Kids will be asked to make a voluntary contri- bution for their meals, which will pre- vent those students who didn't have ASPNW OR VIM lROOM1 VVE OFFER A WIDE RANGE! OF STYLES AND COLORS � `' CALL SEARS TODAY _ FOR AN ESTIMATE. w�000 OR LOW -MAINTENANCE RUST -RESISTANT CALL SEARS TODAY ALUMINUM FOR A FREE ESTIMATE S ' AWSMAISSIDM F , any 1L7Y1rGL..: SOFFIT FASCIAw • . 'PATIO DOORS � PAM COVERS IAS ': CABNVET REFACING FURNACES EAVESTROUGH ROLL SHUTTERS CENTRAL. AIR WATER HEATERS J. 0"24 hairs n moat areas► ROOFNG CHAN-UNC FENCING' WATER CONDITIONERS IOSHAWA 725-4322 PICKERING 420-5582 SEARS CANADA INC. p �E1��k*1�a► I �� ��A7/i/71k�•s r •r./�i:�i:��'� Ii?.r�i�.': the program, any child will be able to eat a nutritious, well-balanced break- fast at the school on any given mom- ing. "Their hearts are in the right place," says Bullock. "But I wonder if they aren't creating the numbers. What screening takes place? Were the kids who ate breakfast with my son that morning lethargic or fidgety?" Principal Neil Simpson says the school doesn't plan to do a "means test" each day. "If a child shows up once and says he's hungry, we'll feed him. Maybe he didn't eat as much at home as he wanted. Maybe he likes the companionship." Four Grade 1 students, including Bullock's son, were taken to the school's academic resource room around 10 a.m. one recent day to eat. Once the club is officially under way in September, breakfast will be offered before class begins. Kids will be asked to make a voluntary contri- bution for their meals, which will pre- vent those students who didn't have time to eat before leaving home from feeling badly. "I was ticked right off at my son," admits Bullock. "But not all kids understand the program." He says one child told her mother, "You don't have to make me breakfast any more, mom. I can have it at school." But Simpson says the breakfasts won't be "too complicated. They con- sist of cold cereal and milk, juice, toast and peanut butter. We don't envision meals which are difficult to Prepare. There won't be any waste." Bullock believes parents should be notified if their child is being fed at school. "How can I fix anything -if I don't know," he asks. Since the club began on a "casual basis" earlier this year, as many as 26 children have eaten at the school on any given day. "We're not judging parents," says Simpson. "That's not our role. Our role is to teach, and we know that learning is easier if children are well- nourished.- INTERLOCKING ell- nourished" INTERLOCKING STONE (WALKWAYS AND DRIVEWAYS) Pisa stone porches and steps • Timberwork r, . Tree and shrub plantings • %fairnrp waft Rock Wders • Pooh decks OECKS t,LPRESSURE TRED EAT • CEDAR i, TT WORK • CUSTOMDESIGN FOR M EARLY ESTUATE oR sooKNG CALL LEN 420-2367 DEEP SPRING RECESSION SALE!!! EXTRA 20-309/6 OFF SALE PRICE - ENTIRE STOCK - We have the "NEW" TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLE - RAINCOATS. S early for best s0itection. THESE KIM Wall i 4. III' 1 4I IT 41 r - FREE SWTSNIRT I I I I I of f t pS 25CUSTh EAEAA EAYOF OPENINGSL II..i. A rl usea=� time to eat before leaving home from feeling badly. "I was ticked right off at my son," admits Bullock. "But not all kids understand the program." He says one child told her mother, "You don't have to make me breakfast any more, mom. I can have it at school." But Simpson says the breakfasts won't be "too complicated. They con- sist of cold cereal and milk, juice, toast and peanut butter. We don't envision meals which are difficult to Prepare. There won't be any waste." Bullock believes parents should be notified if their child is being fed at school. "How can I fix anything -if I don't know," he asks. Since the club began on a "casual basis" earlier this year, as many as 26 children have eaten at the school on any given day. "We're not judging parents," says Simpson. "That's not our role. Our role is to teach, and we know that learning is easier if children are well- nourished.- INTERLOCKING ell- nourished" INTERLOCKING STONE (WALKWAYS AND DRIVEWAYS) Pisa stone porches and steps • Timberwork r, . Tree and shrub plantings • %fairnrp waft Rock Wders • Pooh decks OECKS t,LPRESSURE TRED EAT • CEDAR i, TT WORK • CUSTOMDESIGN FOR M EARLY ESTUATE oR sooKNG CALL LEN 420-2367 DEEP SPRING RECESSION SALE!!! EXTRA 20-309/6 OFF SALE PRICE - ENTIRE STOCK - We have the "NEW" TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLE - RAINCOATS. S early for best s0itection. THESE KIM Wall i 4. III' 1 4I IT 41 r - FREE SWTSNIRT I I I I I of f t pS 25CUSTh EAEAA EAYOF OPENINGSL II..i. A rl .iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii a'�iiiiiiiiiiA A- A,AiiiiiAA-d%Ai�,ilii Siii�iiiiiiiiiiSiiiiiii�iii� A A A A A A WWI AA .AiAAAi SA iiiiii yiA iiiiii rchdale .iiiiii " A i- Aiiii , I Si - .iiii i- / A A i ii ii A- .G;liiA- A- A- _ � AA.. AA AAAAA r .^� i- iAAA AAAAAA .iiiiiS ~ ' i A- .iiiiii. �' �. • i .AAiiii- . A .AAAAii, . • i s �- .�,x .AAAAAi fi x„~:' ocMlk* W -P i 7� v AAAAASIL loop- »iiii e job, �- .AAAiiA r , .AAAAAA �ISM ' AAAiAA S .AAAAAi - • • �- A A A A AAA a i- .AAiAAA i- iAA1AA SAAAAA SiA A i»>�A Sii I I • • • • ~ 1A 1AAA SAA ,�AAAAA SAA -A, AAAi1A SAA .iliiiA SAA _ • , .iAAAAA SSA • A A -A, . i A, -A, 1 • .. • A, 1 A 1 A A SAA 1 1 1 SA 1A Sii .1 ., 1 A. 1 '. SAA A. A. A. i -5 1 1 1 SAA • ', A, .1111Ai Sii 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 ✓ 1 11 SA1A1A . 1 1 A A 1A SAA 1 AIAAAA Sii , ,A A, -1A Sii • 1 • • • • • ,A A, -,% S i i • 1 1 v © 1 1 IT SAAAAA SAA 1A 1AA-,% SAA • , F1A- 1A-,%1% SAA 1 1 ►�� 1i AAA %AA Sii / iAAAAA SAA n 11 .A11AAA SAA , 1A iSiAAA Sii . ,'. . • 1A .A AA AAA Sii r •1A- .AAAAAA Sii • • ,1A AAAAAA Siio 1A- .SSAAAA '` SAA •. • • • • •• SSSASi SAA • • • • - •• • Si .iAA�AAA .. - .•-SAA �n� AAAAAA SAA. AA .1111 y1 SAA .A, %%1% 1A-41A11AAA1A� A, SS11�.� •a.a.11q1SA 4%,% A 1A � 1'S A'S 114, %A, 1111511'til1,14,11A, 1, S1%A 1A tiAAA�4','S 11'. . . `.11111111x.11/ 111 a. 1111111 a.+.4,'% 1111 A. a.1111111A,A 1A, 111 a.11S 4, SSA.1111111A, %, A, 1111111111111'. "r." TVAGE 1fT8Z-NZM-AlMrAnTs7:R SUNDAT, AlrR1L 14, 1991 0 suimAnq,TR�DOwnRIGGER Svsietvn 455K.,_n.g. PORTABLE de` n.hom TCR 101 • 1armance to.4 hwbm S apshw C"ing System. 1, n6 stroke spool, tro stmud is steel Seled Sys*m ABSOLUTELY THE zoom, VAMSOL�L/U}�E INN Lwith okerm �/H1I�GHEESST and more W ifto TCR Tedmok%l, • Pinel Memory • Siwwv anb-rWasm ow quiet copoc,ty - w,rh T - SALE • 2 -level b«4I,gM $18495 up • 2owm fish SIX26X . 56:1 . M/150 ... NOL7a arin b ILTORA Mfl • Depth forges REG. 395.00 10 120 feet SI.XasX ..... .2 1 . no/2u' slaw JrGHTL INE 0 U T FITTERS LIVE BAIT FREQ FLOW TROLL M NNOW BUCKET ' S^ A95 SA LE� U.�, ., fda le d rued 1 PKXUDEO poly.tbylene, this hsuchel u rwtproa( rd d, nlpeoa(. Seil<liwr,s door drays Ooab face up. F-11 %pill $129% DaWaa ZEBCO SNArSHOT SLX SMNING REELS SALE The Net Snspand SIX —1 infer the ar &I., tveryllur,R m a apuerr,s reel. t'n olt ... dch to.4 hwbm S apshw C"ing System. 1, n6 stroke spool, tro stmud is steel .. 91vM you IW b 10% IW%W cans bell bmnrW. all brass aeons. Tlw SLX a1w includes a precrae front drag, • Compact body dMW 1lciph, ur in It, lh w-dh anc,v ..uracc drae r - anti m . removable bail t.xw, durable gapfrl. with oversized drag docs cowponenb and an I. spool • Siwwv anb-rWasm ow quiet ............. MIs Code Rat. Opacify RETAIL wn s.er • Dmp• oopd aluminum p SIX26X . 56:1 . M/150 ... NOL7a spw ; • One fOldirlg ILTORA Mfl SLX38X ....2.1 ab/240 a1M.M art -Y _1 alaD11M1JiN► 70 4/145 (M110 M75 ' SI.XasX ..... .2 1 . no/2u' slaw 05 6/240 01165 101115 obi 20% DELUXE POLARI7F17 SI;NGI AscFc F-11 %pill $129% DaWaa Wf Mm' SALE NEOPRENE t'n olt ... dch • lrhg Cast` s0oo1 desgn �k 43 91vM you IW b 10% IW%W cans 'i hr. o-nt,nuou. u.a bulb-- Id— v c„It • Compact body dMW 1lciph, ur in It, lh w-dh anc,v ..uracc • Mtcro-aqustable front drag , with oversized drag docs • Siwwv anb-rWasm ow quiet ............. retrieves wn s.er • Dmp• oopd aluminum p IOu,,vr em SS spw ; • One fOldirlg ILTORA Mfl -touch hwmft art -Y _1 alaD11M1JiN► 70 4/145 (M110 M75 ' 05 6/240 01165 101115 obi LrBCO SNAPSTiO-T SI WINNING REELS %—plk" tit 1-9 htr,4.• .h.N. lv,les ,n thr c --W that trot 1—g d,stanc. casbrm r.rloreanc. M b, mat As ww..y IYs all hew' %—Pll r4 cashnit Nhrl—1 hr -pp—, Mas Cast aperrl I.P. tall b—nr,s dove. m. t. d I— I.— Iter S 11 +pe -,1 and an est..pool M Cod. R.nn C-pw-1ty RETAIL 51_N)t 511 S-4 ISO ..... ... 1:75.21 SLil4X S t 1 an -40 ... snX SI.48X .. 531 a10 210 ... sn. , ... fVum&n ank I iqu,d :n.WI r..d,•ut. WARDELL SALE NEOPRENE t'n olt ... dch WADERS 43 h39' 'i hr. o-nt,nuou. u.a bulb-- Id— v c„It 1lciph, ur in It, lh w-dh anc,v ..uracc SALE ............. SALE tv-gh: ur l0 50 ll . , 1�K1 TOP WATER, SPOONS 20r SPINNER BAITS 3?r IGHTLIN OPEN 7 DAYS O U T FITTERS AWEEK LIVE BAIT 286-3011 I t r .. a . 46-q.7 KINGSTON RD SCARBOROl16H ©NT ' s� off �l .4a a 6)) 6) I •). W *,I • "� xy�s�iF1 a ���FW%� „µ �- .°t.-.. WARDELL SALE NEOPRENE WADERS 43 h39' IGHTLIN OPEN 7 DAYS O U T FITTERS AWEEK LIVE BAIT 286-3011 I t r .. a . 46-q.7 KINGSTON RD SCARBOROl16H ©NT ' s� off �l .4a a 6)) 6) I •). W *,I • "� xy�s�iF1 a ���FW%� „µ �- .°t.-.. • 01 r„ � _�.,s•_ ,-+-_._ . —. _ �.�..._.._ _.; �'� 80N1�'$A7E�. iY, fist=lid_ _ i"v v v Vri`ilI GLENDALE MEDICAL CLINIC Glendale Market Place (LOEB) 1900 Dixie Road, Unit 10, Pickering, Ontario L1V 6M4 Tel: (416) 839-3353 N FNVCH AVE. 1 Lc" CScc g r y cc LL K SHEPPARD AVE. 2 2 —HW.*01 HWY 401 7 GAYLY ST HOURS MON. 9:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m. TUES. 9:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m. WED. 9:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m. THURS. 9:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m. FRI. 9:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m. SAT. 9:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m. SUN. 10:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. AMPLE FREE PARKING NO APPOINTMENTS I NEEDED TOTAL FITNESS ft AEROBICS FOR MEN Ft WOMEN CALL 427-6277 or MARS Visit our temporary location: 467 WESTNEY ROAD SOUTH UNIT 21 AJAX, ONTARIO SPRING INTO SUMMER ''42800 BEDDING BY: Sleepking Somex King Koil Baronet (mattress i ut se SK w 9d ,00 00 00 F" - n PINE LIVING ROOM SET $54806- SotR Clwk, RoelaK, Pa1lp OIb11rr1, 2 End TabNs I 6 PIECE SET GROUP IX VIDES: $69900 PANG. HETLS, NHCIUDES: '-- • TRPLE DRESSER • DOOR CHESTROUND kYRROR 64'1W $ •NIGHTTABLES • HEADBOARD 108800 � FURNITURE ROYALE 436e952 MON.-FRI. 9:3(WOO 1624 DUNDAS ST. E,,WHITBY gpg.pqdg SAT. 9:30.6--m � •V•-•_....••r••�1•••4•rr••••r•.••••'•'••••r+•V•'•'•'I�•11'••.'r'r•r`r•.•-•-•�•.•..'•�•. •. ••r•-. ,, . PAGE iZ•THE NEWS ADVErrsett sUMlAy seta 14,1"1 If 11 ANTIQUE SHOW & SALE RICHMOND GREEN 1300 Elgin N ft E., RK>PAOND HILL E. of Yorge SL, N. of Major Madcenae Dr. (F� held at 1 ic►6st Maq SATURDAY & SUNDAY, APRIL 20 & 21, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. 110 SELECTED DEALERS Admission $3.00 Sponsored by Farr* Swv m Vdfur INn for SIN York Remn OPENING WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17th in the SHOPS OF DELLBROOK D_ 0 FISH &CHIPS COME IN FOR OUR OPENING SPECIALS NICK & ANGELO COMBINE 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE TO BRING GREAT TASTE TO YOU! IN THE SHOPS OF DELLBROOK AT THE CORNER OF BROCK RD. & DELLBROOK AVE.om-manzaa.; PICKERINGEM- d% Reform Party hits Durham � DURHAM - The Reform Party of Canada's eastward swing brought success in Whitby Wednesday night when more than 200 area residents turned out to hear the party's poli- cies. "We received a very good response. There were at least 200 in attendance," says Sharon Piper, interim secretary and treasurer of the Reform Party association in Ontario Riding. By the end of the meeting, 108 people had signed up as mem- bers, she says. The federal tiding of Ontario encompasses most of Ajax, Pickering and Whitby. The Reform Party claims a membership of Panda St*v CHINESE RESTAURANT Licensed under L.L.B.O. 375 KINGSTON Rd. PICKERING (Corner at Rougemount Dr. South) O BIGGEST CHINESE BUFFET IN PICKERING With Over 60 Items including A Salad Bar Featuring Both Cantonese & Szechuan Cuisine Take Out and FREE Delivery Available BUY 1 GET 1 FREE ■ w ■ ■ OFFER EXPIRES APRIL 30,1991Tel: 286-9876 �J ■ r NOW OPEN approximately 200 in that riding, including the 108 new members, says riding president David Barber. Delegates at a meeting in Saskatoon earlier this month voted to expand the Reform Party east of Manitoba. All Western members still have to vote on the expansion, says Piper. anaRews shoes ONE GREAT STORE TWO GREAT SHOES SALAMANDER O 4410 SwcoWis in Cadres' a den's Supe► Weide Fitfinpt. WHITBY MALL 1615 DUNDAS ST., EAST 728-9141 is a 4 .";;f �°._•tic:. .'. ._ ,._, THE NZWS 9UMlA%APYV 14 1971-F GZ 13 _ .,-.� • 1W - "sr9N,>':r/`, .+F W1V 1q.:-.: • S� bf il! Mit out :,0834 110 FAX gaff night for Shore players The Kevin Shore Mom orlal Hockey Tournament player draft was at the Don Beer Arena last Wednesday. A group of eight coaches did the honors at the special night. Above, coaches, from left, Joe Leblanc, Reg Cormier and Bernie Dlotte talk over their next pick- At right, tournament organiz- ers Dave Griffiths, left, and Joe Passmore offer some supplies for their coaches. Dave thinks every good coach needs a bull terrier (a Is Don Cherry) named Bugsey. And, Joe shows a football jacket, just In case coaching hockey doesn't work out photos by Calla Bronkhorst Ajax Tennis Club sign-ups slated for Apr. 20 , AJAX - The Ajax Tennis noon at the Ajax Community Club is getting ready for the Centre tennis courts. A rain date summer tennis season. v,is slated for Apr. 27. The club will hold its spring For more information, call registration and fun day on Tony at 427-8181 or Sylvia Sanaday, Apr. 20 f xon 9 a.m. to Clark at 683-6219. 0hy►1'x1pIC synchronized swimmer4 Cardyn Wddo at complex Apr. 23 PICKERING that day. Synchronized `swimmer She'll teach young synchro- Carolyn Waldo win be at the nized swimmers various teth- Pickering Recreation Complex ,niques. - Pool Tuesday. Apr. 23 to share Following the session, her expertise. she'll be available to sign The Olympic multiple- autographs and answer ques- gold-medal-winning athlete tions. 1 Senior -Warriors set for a new soccer season Motor City Cup champs boast experienced club AJAX - The A' W fax arriors s e v e n senior men's soccer team has teams in some lofty goals to reach in order the league to equal last year's accomplish- last year — ments as it begins training for the Oshawa 1991 season. T u r u l, The Warriors finished as last A j a x year's Motor City Soccer League Warriors, Cup champion and as the league's Oshawa runner-up during the regular sea- son last year. This year, the Warriors are expected to be every bit as potent with most of the line-up intact entering the new season which begins May 14. Warriors' coach Michael Brown expects there'll be five or six openings to fill in the line-up before the season begins. To date, 10 players have returned, includ- ing goalies Adam Wood and David Murphy, defenders Norm Le Brun, Liam Langston, Mark Crane and Richard Washburn, midfield players Dave Campbell, Dave Gilpin, Peter Pinheiro and Mark Campbell and forwards Allan Graham and John Behm. Again this year, the Motor City Soccer League has expanded, with two news teams joining the league -- Parbron United and the Durham Celtics. The league has also been split into into two divisions. Division 1 will feature the top Italia, Durham County, Oshawa City, Adria and the Darlington Wanderers. Division 2 will consist of the remaining teams, plus newcomers Parbron United and the Durham Celtics. Returning existing squads are Peterborough Azzurri, Oshawa Portuguese, Pickering Strikers and Oshawa United. Each team will play other squads in the same division twice and one interlocking game against the teams in the other division. At the end of the season, the bottom two teams in Division. 1 will be relegated to Division 2, and the top two teams in Division 2 will be promoted to Division 1. The Warriors are currently without a sponsor for this season. The coaches and players thank the Harp and Thistle Pub for its sup- port over the previous season. Anyone wishing to attend the team try -outs can call coach Brown at 686-3241. AJAX - The Del Toy Store pee- wee house league hockey teamuc capped a successful season by win - ;ung the championship ar the annual .Ajax -Village House . League 'fourranent last weekend. Ajax Del Toy won the title with a 4-3 victory in a double overtime thriller against Mississauga Dixie Ford. Chris Kennedy, the game's �Inost valuable player, led the way ,with two goals, while singles were :scored by Wayne Robinson and Greg Salwonchuk. Assisting were Adam Halsey, Michael Lundy and 'Kat Welsh. Mosaic 3-2 in the semi-fuial game. Trevor Penford, Salwonchuk and Greg Bolland were the Ajax marks- men. Assists went to Ryan McOarrigle, Salwonchuk and Bolland. The game MVP was Salwonchuk Construction. The game ended with Del Toy Store winning 2-1 in over- time. Game MVP Bollard scored a goal and assisted on the game win- ner by Welsh. Salwonchuk also had an assist. In its second game, Del Toy Store defeated Newmarket Hempen Jewellers 1-0, again in overtime. Patrick Smith registered the shutout and was also named the game MVP. Salwonchuk scored the lone Ajax 8oal- Goaltender Patrick Smith was the recipient of the tournament's 'Vezina will be at the complex Everyone is welcome to To advatxe to the final. Del To Del To started the tournament Trophy' in the peewee division. He between 1 .m. and 3 .m. on this special vatic event. y y posted a goals -against -average of P P P� �1 Sore ousted Niagara Falls Modern against another Ajax team, Dunedin 1-50 a game in the tourney. CALL AL RIVErr WITH SPORTS 683-5110. FAY • a rWl�toK� • p y�a4 yC , w ... PAGE WTM NKW ADVERT=M SUNDAY.APM 14.1!!1 LIVE EVERY THURSDAY, FRIDAY,' SATURDAY APRIL 18-20 - JR. & THE DISKETTES APRIL 25-27 - JRA THE DISKETTES MAY 3 & 4 - THE ROW MAY 9,10,11 - SECOND WIND CLOUD NINE,: 427-7619 172 Hunt St, Ajax Ont. Almost everything. For almost nothing. •offereWs 30, 1wi. '144395 KENRO SUZUKI., Everyday vehicles that aren't. '" 599 Kingston Rd. W., Ajax 428-7539 Dynamic Pools & Sen ice Av Ci___stn E#au~ - eiavice COMPLETE POOL OPENINGS INGROUND PKG. 7RERFoRCED CONCRETE DEC( NIGHRATE FXMU 1ON S SSM DELUXE MAID. & VACUUM EQW.. 199m95 3 TREAD LADDER LUXE ALlA■NAI COPNrG 30 "11 � PrltNr CHEMICALS IMKX-UDED tieTAll.EDr '91500 R.=.T. r�" *0POSM BOOKED BY NW& 30 BARACUDA QH t4�oo STANUM CHLOME 149" (7 KG) _ � `` . r : r�; • spa KREEPY KRAULY ABOVE -GROUND POOLS 16X3r SOLAR BLANKET�85oo CALL TO SAVE $$ 14-16' ROLLER =~ $1 8800 INGROUND POOL LINERS "LAARS" POOL HEATERS `wrmwwwmYR. 0 9 �=1,11800 ADULT SUMMR HOCKEY LEAGUE: MAY TO SEPT. � Sunday to Thursday Teams &Individuals ART THOMPSON ARENA 839.4425 Ajax peewees win at Thornhill AJAX - The Ajax McEachnie peewee selects breezed to victory in the cham- pionship final of the recent Thornhill tournament, drop- ping Peterborough 9-1. Greg Salwonchuk and Matt McGill netted hattricks for Ajax while the other goals were scored by Nathan Karstulovitch, Matthew Biffin and Roger Watt. The team got outstanding goaltending in the tournament from Terry Stephenson and Chris Delacruz. The duo only allowed four goals in the entire tourney. Ajax's first game of the tournament was also the toughest as the locals battled with North Toronto. In the end, Ajax prevailed with a 2-1 win. Biffin and McGill scored for Ajax. The second game against Chinguacousy resulted in an 11-0 whitewash for Ajax. Watt and Salwonchuk notched hat - tricks, while McGill scored a pair. Single markers went to Karstulovitch, Biffin and Ryan McGarrigle. Ajax advanced to the cham- pionship contest after beating Whitby 5-2. Biffin scored a hattrick, while Karstulovitch and Watt tallied one each. - •t�,•�^i6e'�. ;.�1:.'.. �. �^+.r t_.}'�1i73i•r.,-�q ,A;.t. • �'�`� - . . .. ."� s � . - a 11RT6+'s'M • • • • � • a � • •'.-`�'�..j Y•� t � 1 - , I � � , . s - t � • . . -. �.-� ' ' " - ��•ww�l•�1 www .. — 4 7 0 • • *hes )roe Plow a daaa'a ad. Use yew Mastercard or VISA. OSHAwA OttrPICE HOURS 0 AADS PAL FRIDAY S AAL-( PAL G.M. Automobile Import Franchise requires a PAR'E'S MANAGER Your proven G.M. parts experience, strong organizational skills, flexibility and integrity are needed, in this fast growing dealership. Competitive salary and benefits. Send resume attention: Parts Manager Position _ _ _ Passport Oshawa/Whitby ��� ` Z/ Whitby, Ontario E. LIN 2K7 430-2350 There's stilltime to register in Ryerson courses atDurham College MW SESSION RUNS THE WEEFS OF MAY 1 TO JUNE A 1991 M EVEM A R►= -NUFMG -MlarCHMMIHoao - ol<rt® AND IIa01WAY= YANAGEWIT - CO1QIrM S UDM iIANAGEUM - OCC UIPATiDRAL HEALTH A SAitB'IT .hr mace iNbemN-, e6ow Ryerson poo p= ad ttpecdc aoo m%, Cd Smdm Q= et 571-M SCHI NDL ER EL EURTOR - CORPORRTION Are you seeking employment in the Durham Tired of cornnx irtg each day lo Toronto? 8 so our company have contract and part-time posftm available for: PR06RRMMER . RNRL YSTS CUAUFlCAMOM The awft we should possess the following: years application devebprnent on SIN and/or ASW Strong knowledge of RPG III andlor RPG 400 Some working knowledge of COBOL is (erred Good communication skiNs are Ouaufied applicants are invited to forward a complete mum in cxantt Wu to: Eileen Dixon 1165 Kingston good Plckerla p Ontario LIS 1B6 NO 86ENCIES PLERSE ounces full.1MteE a wobic y '°tech pMwtoe on asaat eti� a � Call a42haoalM�r t = 46b/001.46br010. p41"1) s1 1001) Ajax/Pickering News Advertiser TAXI DRIVERS Pickering area company, for nights and weekends. Lease arrangement. Propane cars. Will assist to get taxi license. LEGAL SECRETARIES One experienced corporate and cor rnercfal, and one experknced real estate secretary, required for seven lawyer Pickering law firm. Must be personable, have pleasant telephone manner, and possess excellent secretarial and organizational skills. Call Gordon 683-3444 or 8394484 SECRETARY RECEPTIONIST Your excellent telephone manner and people skips will be put to good use in our tiendy office. p you are an organized person and have good typing and data entry skips, you're the one we are bolting for. Please appy in wriDnp b: PRECISE TOOL i DE LUTED 954 DILLINGHAM ROAD PICKERING, ONTARIO L1w 1z6 Hoa an exdtrp Cwew as a ;•.,� iapal saerstw% loam office pee, family law, real estate, corporate a com- i morcial. ori Itipsoon cis a estates. Evening dassas available. Cal Bob or John at to Toronto School of BU$b"ea 420.131. HOMEWORKERS , "EEMY Earn $3oo plus per week Mloaai tile. 24 REbsCORDED mes-sap W-661; E ffaE details a+aarg free CALL- A (416) 50f•aef%l e t BE r.4% a, ill 1 TIM HORTOWS - AJAX Ful -Tine Help 7 LM. -3 pm. and 3 p.m. -11 p.m. shifts Part -Time Help 11 u-7 at 428.6320 lake control of your career, loam Lotus, WordPerfect, Bedford, Accounting principles. Study days or everwps- CoN gob or John at tM Toronto school of Busing. 0 s We are an international family portrait - company looking to place highly motivated, positive people for a position in our sales dePartmert I you possess: • Excellent communication skill • Adeline b excel _ T= NEW ADV1111=fiQ UMAT,AMS 34 61/14 AM Ili 110111:1E:31 01i►iIAA011 —44 ' BEHIND' i was working the night shift at a job I disliked, when I decided to take contra of my life. That is when I signed up,for a 6 month Business Course -at the Toronto Schoc Df Business. Now I have a job I really enjoy, I've doubled my income and I feel aned abnnt m veaul _ Toronto School of Business RACE RELATIONS PROJECT CO—ORDINATOR Working closely with the Community Advisory Committee, the successful canddale wdl: co-ard'lrtate and conduct research regarding population demographics • develop and implement strategies to increase participation of community • organize and facilitate focus group meetings draft, revise and refine final report and recommendations. Gualiflcadorw: Degree in Social Sciences and e*ierience to include community research, support to committees, meeting facilitation, project management and an understartdrtg of the communities of Oshawa, Whitby and Newcastle. Computer experience to include Word Processing, Lotus 12,3 and Data Base. Assets include muni-clAural mpenenoe and/or a second language. Plisse eafltf resunw by April ZM b: LION Sochi Romig Could d Nlaltali, Urns, Udby, 52 Sham SLS, Odulrs, OIIL L1H4W CANCELLATION 5M0 (TFNAW DEADLINES WEDNESDAY'S PAPER 1 1 �. f 1 1 44s ..�. •r •.•••�•-- 5 P.M. MONDAY "`"' "'`' FRIDAY'S PAPER 5 P.M. WEDNESDAY 1 1 101" OPPORTUNITY. Mlales 0 SUNDAY'S PAPER _77R`. _. 579-_.3.. . We may have a position for you. 5 P.M. THURSDAY 110111:1E:31 01i►iIAA011 —44 ' BEHIND' i was working the night shift at a job I disliked, when I decided to take contra of my life. That is when I signed up,for a 6 month Business Course -at the Toronto Schoc Df Business. Now I have a job I really enjoy, I've doubled my income and I feel aned abnnt m veaul _ Toronto School of Business RACE RELATIONS PROJECT CO—ORDINATOR Working closely with the Community Advisory Committee, the successful canddale wdl: co-ard'lrtate and conduct research regarding population demographics • develop and implement strategies to increase participation of community • organize and facilitate focus group meetings draft, revise and refine final report and recommendations. Gualiflcadorw: Degree in Social Sciences and e*ierience to include community research, support to committees, meeting facilitation, project management and an understartdrtg of the communities of Oshawa, Whitby and Newcastle. Computer experience to include Word Processing, Lotus 12,3 and Data Base. Assets include muni-clAural mpenenoe and/or a second language. Plisse eafltf resunw by April ZM b: LION Sochi Romig Could d Nlaltali, Urns, Udby, 52 Sham SLS, Odulrs, OIIL L1H4W appliance servlo an wanted it Cal after 0 pen (061"1) Cawr For duels cal Toby d 410- 292.1400 or 14OD409,2M 5M0 (TFNAW - Personality plus 1 1 �. f 1 1 44s ..�. •r •.•••�•-- bush"" (011491) :NE data Mos. I owned e50Q , • Old mrtpaey. naw b - A befid #W the customer is number one 1 1 101" OPPORTUNITY. Mlales 0 Canada. Must have - I a- -, e" $1. Haw b Illi Moral acrd IltnpiaNy We may have a position for you. D1sTTttNurons WANTED - I= sea Pounds,rtae.at ItINNO - $1195 pr hour Earn extra Incomes This your energy Iwai and earm dans tell=. a yar eWmaly ildlalry PwPare your WAW MORE Aasettrbb our Produces. a4 Call us for personal interview wodtsd. *A and poime pool. rnoduct is the dtoie• at the gcod nary in yaw apes Arte- an a vu4s. Car nquiwd President's - Coca Cola, ca14,6427"62 (0414et) novel Dans r ay tiAOMttY? tow recorded Into gh►« dMe1a (704) 629 2011 r NgN X041"1) Tuesday and Wednesday L Cal W. �a,aya,4343532. ..a4/•41, Financial Freedom 4"4444.(041791) An liar OWN" at.000 pr steak our pope we -story baaaenNlawrlagshmnyaw bans No sales. no dor b Cd Bober OLIN ddN Ta9rMo school al UU*A to 11 �4y1 oc dor. wmM aaasblo atsoas Canada Fr wdwntatiort wit a retal1c444 between 12 and 9 only wool r 'ten a males FM NA TochniciwuEsth«icWn V 420't3lM �: lbr�af9lalo� Isere ntaaaaoe of 0141331.all p . p.m. p.m. APPROVED basals aantsval WANTED: 93 overweight aan . to wads on cons- claims. claims. Home and office peapla b lass io•?a pounds in mission basis, loos• yow ill/) aopaatias ver t an ganarar tine nest 3o days. Dolor oast hows. In our Baton. Cal 416-420-5882 4uaMad Iseda tar you wcon.rtandad. Earn •Tara Ya Valads tMa-79i13. (041491) Toth Sundaes a" desilin. cane vent rewb. 1114.694- wAf4t� appliance servlo an wanted it Cal after 0 pen (061"1) Cawr For duels cal Toby d 410- 292.1400 or 14OD409,2M 5M0 (TFNAW . tdYrdad Mt• did*" aft low Igo and • bush"" (011491) :NE data Mos. I owned e50Q , • Old mrtpaey. naw b Ba tettdy f6r Ilea nod tiolle 1 1 101" OPPORTUNITY. Mlales plat morah sore caleow* csskb Mom mfr Mane . tisk. Canada. Must have - I a- -, e" $1. Haw b Illi Moral acrd IltnpiaNy " tq a 7600 ror me pr weak ;can an Call µ1p "i34Tti dans tell=. a yar eWmaly ildlalry PwPare your WAW MORE Aasettrbb our Produces. a4 (4 how reoadsd neaeragy, OW91) novel Dans r ay tiAOMttY? tow recorded Into gh►« dMe1a (704) 629 2011 r NgN X041"1) telt PAY w a em per weds Financial Freedom 4"4444.(041791) An liar OWN" at.000 pr steak our pope we -story baaaenNlawrlagshmnyaw bans No sales. no dor b Cd Bober OLIN ddN Ta9rMo school al ,; lsorbrg Atom "s hOnN, ESTANLISNEO Interior dsaoaarldsa�rtr waned far iw tfainirp (lfwid9d ''itak Oft and gyp. :IBtrnday 4-5 and 3 3-houa dor. wmM aaasblo atsoas Canada Fr wdwntatiort wit a retal1c444 turd parYer b an aaMglnY M+r- 00111 fIM,3M mune bu kmL Cal 132.21117 ew*W •+tee w r go belt b atasp' to an sppoinlnent self-addressed ~V" so - v� b Bow Ince. M dwr 420't3lM �: lbr�af9lalo� Isere ntaaaaoe of 0141331.all Mr. Ken 431-9014. Paw vMtoara Bird. lartgtrai, TACE WTM NEW ADVCW _SSA KNMY. ARI, K UK k � at$46IItNafa, � S ti�alt� OF 148fMti am you bawd va yaw PDT FMoernpw.f � b LXM. a tun attnlsrpt n / lIS, arse der 8660 camecdon d s1gibls Osman 45 and over. DpXXFIT. LaMar, Wso►dpeted, Iltlgsrle fwa Wis waw Pa44b d4row flwtktlaN. seeped, fft OW fe "'" -.:lord Veneas, patgemakr, Call t�157cD4/) Ilarvard and ceeL Flnrnc8l ousmm 1aulo, wmaftos aWaltbb fw � - studeaft under 45 or o in Oshawa awe. Sed resume do nit quality for hes, training. to File 03027, Oshawa This Durham Business Computer WeMk P.O.Bce 481,Oshawa, College. 427-3010. (TF) Orth L1H 7LS (041991) (041691) XEROX 6085 apsra . - ea- MUM*__ P01140111-111P01140111-111for ongoing tem- EARN WHAT YOU U A R E pormy assignment In Durham WORTH AND HAVE FUN. FT/ region Call Anne Capon at the PT. sass positions avaid3w Minas Group, 416-427.8080. No SNPOrlence necessary. Ex - M61691) wnlwe training provided. Ex - ATTENTION - noedextra asset temunim ion. Prerrtknn money? Excellent payl Easy Security Group. 428.1740. work) Assemble products at (041691) homel 504-947-0096, ext. MATURE sabsperson - regular KA245, 9am.-8 p.m. Mon.- part-time, flexible, for ladies Sat., 12-5 p.m. Sundays. fashion store, Pickering Town (041491) Centre. Cal Mrs. Kolar, 424 � rr31k8Qm►ti �PRIOE BUSTER$ PATIO FURNITURE PANIC 50 - 75% OFF GIANT WAREHOUSE CLEARANCE STARTS SAT. 9 TILL 9 Sets and singles available, many colours and styles to choose from while quantities last. Aluminum, web, tube and sling. Variety of lounges. 220 Clements Rd. W., Ajax Unlit 8 & 9 428 -Om REG. HOURS SAT. 10-3 1111M.-FRI. 9-5 Carts and see us at Pickedrig Flea Market, Sunday, Booth 95400. LEGITIMATE companies will 9655. (041691) WHITE WEDDING DRESS pay you each week for aa� nNiG Size 9. $ best offer, psssat work you do in Yen 1 1 tNnfotl for bn9 spw tins. For more into send sd startsn a sem-addres$ed DENTAL ASSISTANT/RECEP- $sews. must be seen. Cal Teresa, 683.0866, cal even- vebpe b: Homo Workers. 35 TIONIST - for east Scar- borough office, anernoonteve kgs and weekends (041491) 243 Cordova Rd., Oshawa, OJ 1P1. (041091) ng hours. Phone 666-1170. LEATHER Jackets - 12 price. oollecl. Marcel 416-426.6642. (041691) Great spring clearance sale. 1 1 OifltMJackets DENTAL Assistant/Recep- for only 199. $159. $199. 5 Points Mall. Oshawa, PART-TIME receptionist for tNika la Orthodontist oflbe. Experienced prelerred. Sed Ritson A Taunton. Family Leather, Centre Court. new honks sakes office, some resume to 1050 Sirrncoe St. N., (041991) foal estate experience Oshawa. Ont. L1G 4W5. guaranteed. Days 4242996. prewrsib' . weekends a must. (041991) PIANO - Always thought a Nonsmoker. Pleasant Offs' Mature pesos wekortr. 831- XRAY TECHNICIAN Per- grand Pianowea bo big of bo epensNe for your hare. come 9269 alter 130. (041891) annex Pal line. 2 even ase our baby grands on sale. RECEPTIONIST/Typet for con- and one da per week and holiday relief. exoslb d 1 s - April 15, and atruCtion oorrpany. Computer • Pickering slice. 839-1806. up. T 433-1 (T Thep Pianos 433 1491. (TFALL) knowledge an asset. Please (041891) 3218248. (042191) ARNOLD'S fax resume to: 420-5879. 10TC1EN cupboards, nodular, (041est)1 1 eI1;10ynlanL demo units. approx. 14 R., up- RECEP710NIST required for 8 per and lower. almond cob,. Cas 434-3858. (041891) month contract. Monday - MEN with trucks will do Friday. .0. taking, word pe- household moves. cleanup PATAGONIA Pang -and and 5.0 and ac. Two ad �' odd jobs. decpainting. bird. $450 or beat offer. 4x6 years experiencfoci e. Call DGS anytinii Call or Call Carl or Pool table. 3800. Phone Keith Ponawo16863323. (041691) Ja 7255629. (o4 i eei ) "I's anrl ewlcenerrts 1 1 anrtotancenlertfs CLOTH wipes. Wed coveralts and clothing, 610 Bayty SL E. (Baseline), 2 miles out of ERRORS AND OMISSIONS If yaw natal a derailed ad sepses bday Ire M frac bre•. plaeas deck b are tet a is ached n every d*" NO. d an era n yon raw or daeaiisd advwtiwrht must be pilon b AialPidrrrp News r3obm in bre for c4rrecten beton to second insertion, The News Aevwso r we rid be aeporksble b mm than am inwcad imulorl ata damapss a o b ligand swant d the epees acaiVed by to twra. Farfm. ro r womMiy ata be asaared b tsikre. Odwawit a oMwse. b p A" any ad•wsswrrwtt adwW and Acompled wheri >noeirhp an ad edam awry itis bnpaim to romm and ratan yw CANCELLATION KHMER b poeebie Warr• erw� 576-9335 798-7672 798-7673 Harwood. 427-280.(041991) MCCLARY wisher and dryer. almond. 2 years old. 4 -year warranty rwrNow g, brand new 51.300. best oHer.Call 436- 1502.(042191SNC) HAIR Salon equipment for sale, exceowt corhdlbon, 623- 2556. 232556. (041891) GAS fireplace for sale. In- staflarne DP36. direct vent. breed now. Carpitis - asking $1.100. 434.5700. (041991) HOUSEHOLD turniturs a 1 testily ' Appliances. Al hairy new. in "Colorswndtm Freezer. CRAFT SHOW - April 27.10-4. RABBIT wwasher, ate- dishwesne. a ants work doing tree &omission. Durham micefor wDatesand under warranty. Wall unit, safe w%�20 � ex�x d mem. have myown sled, living room and den Spam magician. Cal Emw 868-4932. chairs. crystal and china $48.15 includes G.S.T. Cam (TF) pastes. 428.0077. (x1991) 576-0210 ed. 496. (041:391) 115 $1,000 REWARD Ydormaoon dampers" needed la M reroswy of my fbI bast'. A wry Aitfinhkslre and uqn 1909 smm GSi I Ison most ricyde. New spam Pam Muoreecent orange an peal ones. Vane a Mines pipe, healer fins. fl you Mirk you mod have no IC you pxabeby old TAs bks gas stolen from my home in go Souen RrJwig 13adh lees d Alex. lsle Sun.. April 7 or wry hfoeday maninp. No bye. Be row fira Any wrlormafion call 3naM Leave message (sblctly cwddwldm or eared Dukms R"WW Pdm Fie e91 -44N7. VD iNomltYoek a0r140rhIW Cam 72341521 Monday-Faidn 430 a.m - 43pAL Fee dnk Tuesdays and Thursdays, 3QpClinic-3p�Gm 433890 durin OMTTN Corarttl and family plan. reirig or aNLeeiWg. F saillifthis ".arid 411 w Friday. 430 aAL to 430 p.m. Clinic in Oshawa. Tuesday, 110 3 pm. and Wed - 1 / w a Pm. Piders Thura 230 - Sag pin. For far- ther idrnarm sem Oshawa 433-8901 or Pkycerk 420- 4741. (TF) DISTRESS Centre. Need atla sse to "a b7 Cd us 011 is 451121. 427.6a38. (TF) FACIALS 112 hors ftmftd esthelicNommiing,tanM )�cleansing. ackid nessage, harm rubs. high fhaqusincy. 52L Lash I t, $7; hr1 lig wax. $18. 43112771. jD11491) ASOR110N idrnr6rL Cad 8/36033• (TF) JESUS is my beat friend. Jesus ended re Wad d God - not religion. The hkdfg is ere hMed mnlstw Mfcer 3:11, ktalsh 56:10-12. John 1011. '16lISaa4rs7f.an Coinigibild 1 u ►a MI" a tlatlld GOLDEN lablahapherd mix. New mother. large. studded Wether colar. Marland and Park area 432-7502. (TFNALL) • • laic aft" NOTICE TO CREDITORS ANO OTHERS All C)a ens agajnst the Estate of Udo Schmieder, late of the Town of Ajax, in the Regional Municipality of Durham, who died on or about June 2nd, 19%. must be filed with the under- signed personal rep- resentative on or before the Ah day of June, 1991; thereaft- er, the undersigned will distribute the assets Of the Estate having regard or*y to the cktirns then fled. [Wed this 14th day of April, 1991. JEW DIIINII AYMNW a N. r 65 aI Stlaot WIA 1711 Roel; %fOB;Ir Odark M51120 l 4lfllalaa lar stub MANUFACTURER'S CLEARANCE 20.60% off Irench dons with stained 90th 0.0 doors, Stanley entrance dons ISM custom stained glass. dew keerw and customized stained Via"nladrt, 906 OMnghem, Unit 4, Pickering 037-1714. Open USED sawas system $2.700 complete, all you need to receive satellite TV. New Pohle►. wee, pole and cerrsnt. Will help with rata%&= and reprograming receive. Paul 611 p.m 436-8726. (041991) WEDDING gowns. recent styles. bridesmaids, prom dresses. party drosses. mother of the bridwgroont and fiowsr girl drem". Pkm" cal the ORIGINAL CONSIGNMENT SHOP. phone Bobbie 427- 5960. (041691) BIKE - Raleigh, 14speed. mens. $100; tlisdk mink pdwt, $1.500; tensa wadding dress, size 7. 3850. Cal 579.0503. (04169/) AJAX PICKERI G APPLIAf4- CES - $199 and up. fully guarartesd Cane make kit a deaL 4274784. 467 Weeny Rd. S.. Alar (051291) Bi/M sr - hkach. bullet 4 chins and table. 3800; smaller and dryw $250 w best oke. 43012650. psta91) DEH MB0NWL dihrashr, trundle bled( wlrk 9). ral3aood si gb bed hkb•a red. d1rn6 keetoar, 2 man a 3 man pup ter al swan maMkne scram organ. weight bench with weights. 427-0318 or 644- 1190. 0siser ) NFT>fJNMprtwhb ceadr Plana. bread nosy, mum ram, $1,286 or beat ONW. Em*W 831.4 ms. (012391Slin CRG Oft hooped - Style in exosksrlt condition, quality mattress Included, 8150. Plass cam 831-790L 041491) GRANDFATHER docks• sten your family tradition. Bentkd Cherry. mahogany and oak cabinets, beat prices• free dMverY and Mt up. 'No (BT on selected models.' 433 1491. (TF) MOVIIG Out - RUN sem, 7- pim dlring roa, om leMia, tabus, drapes, bird, kest erne all heater• humidifier• barbecue• lawnmower, lownchaks. study desk. etc. 0862324. (D41481) FM bar and Cobb for saw Cal 664-4425 after 5:30 or rrrwltda p11M19NO j USED fridges and stoves, 1 year warranty on large selection. Landlords and dealers welcome. Oshawa Used Appliance Sales and Service. 133 Taunton Rd. W. 434.3999. (TFALL) GIBBARD - Ike -new - Cher- rywood angle bed. box spring and mattress, triple dresser with mirror, night table. $2.400 or best offer. Call 668.2967. (041991) BATHROOM sink. Excellent condition, creamy yellow. Ap. proximately 32- long to In over vanity. Call 430-6921. (031091) WALLPAPER clearance - over 1.000 rolls from 99 cams b $9.95 a double roll. Open 5 days per week. Mon. - Fri. 98 P.M. Sat. 9-5 pm 6234981. 65 " SL E.. Bowma nils. BEDROOM SET Solid pine. in- cludes queen bed, night stands. armoire, chest of drawers, dresser with tri -fold mirror. and blanket roll, best Misr. 428.6877 anytime. (041491) Tingles settler WEDDING gowns (recent Styles). Bridesmaids, mother of VW brldrgroorm flovnr girt dresses, for the ORIGINAL CONSIGNMENT SHOP phos Bobbie 427.5M0. (041891) WANTED - stoves, fridges, washes and dryers, working or not. Also s4nted. pickup truck (newer then 1978). Cal Pick- ering 4204M (TF) rMdee AMAZING Deal - IBM com- prlhte oorrputers. Will or rent b own $42.50 monthly. Electric typewrites, rex 10 own. $17.50 mo" . phone Karen, 686 5533. (041891) AMIGA Software for axle. tale tilles. with documentation. 3S.00 disk. Call 696-4655. (041891) f>!trr W/pllaf a bearalla REGISTERED Persian ca, lerrale. blue cream, 22 monde old. Also fish tanks, 65 gallon complete, 2-35 gallon complete. 1-20 gallon 7280 ' For further int CON 7260654. (041691) • • --williketileft• FREELANCE. sorni-retired. Briesh trained acoountars, 40 years enpwiertoe Waft Par - moral irtcare tax, boddiapig andsSpeciumzes in incomplete Ovate records and tax arrears. Ressonabb ragas. First con- sultation hes. Phone 576.6952 or wide Baa 9128 Man P.O., Oshawa (041901) l m yr0�aI114 r 24EDROOM aramtbb Jwe 1. East d Knob Him. Oshawa. fridge, stow. Pill". 5750 moor+,. d nchiewe, no Io - acne B Jure AIP_ FisYlsM wgr*St Phone 7233954 air 6 pnL a wsmMsrda (041991) wHriev bdesr baeerrara apartment, separate $lide snlrafloe, *114116crow, use of NWWY talose, ere" IN 1 person. $495 monthly tnckakw Available May 49L Cam 430.7457. 012191) WHITES Rd.south d Iamh - mearbedroorn epecban bee► new apaaMwa own erttarhM� � at cd iao.m2s atter 6 P.m (041791) LARGE 241sdroo n apanenaw wkh balcony In dean btdaltg near Oshawa Cern ns. 5774 ir- dudes utikbs and parking. ameem May 1st Cd am 3207.(04/4x1) LARGE ore-bodroom bas. Mont apartment, separate erllrennce, avemable May 6, 5440. South Ajax. private bf0 eIQ Inge kkMen. no children, non-smoking preferred. 42$.1874, Red. Ns11MjM a r . < : . 300 300 Renovating? Bathroom or Kitdten Cabinets No orb Is too small. Malgray Furniture. 427.2674 PROFESSIONAL Brick Layer special¢ing In freplaces and chimneys. Will do bricks, bbdks or stones of all kinds. Cal Rene Gervais at Anktic Masonry Builders. 666.4428. (TFNALL) CARPENTER - Lowest prigs, framing, drywall, electrical, plumbing, masonry, trim, all renovations, quality and ser- vice fin. 10 years in Pickering. Mack Construction. John. 428- 5513. (TNFWFS) EUROPEAN tile specialists - wil removals your bathroom or kitchen walk as wall as floof tiles. Good references and satisfaction guaranteed. For fres estimates D. Dykstra 725 4913.(TF) SABRE Contracting - all carpentry, additions, renovations, kitchens, HANDY Hamner - 15 years bathrooms. home maintenance emergency service furniture Plus experience in home refinishing, quality work renovations. Carpentry, guaranteed. 15years drywal, dedw forcing. all In experience. 686-2915. torior and exterior improve- (TFEFG) ments accepted. Work .860. Price includes guaranteed, freestimates, e I handylllan quality workmanship. Visa. faucets and American Stan - Mastercard accepted. Call PROFESSIONAL Handyman oollecl. Marcel 416-426.6642. Services, quality carpentry. (041991) electrical plumbing and ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR decorating. etc. Small or large. • basements, adakxw out- hone a office, "waonabio with door lighting, rewiring, fully excellent references. Free licenced and inured - serving estimates. Call 432.6548. 7 Pickering - Ajax. All work am. - 830 pm (TFNALL) guaranteed. Days 4242996. GC8 Construction - unwire and evenings 420 -no- (041491) exterior repairs. renovations FURNITURE refinishing, and construction. No job too antiques. ding and bedroom big or too small. If A needs to suites, piens. coke furniture. be done. we can do It. Faso hand stripped, al repairs. in. clean. Professlonal work sunroo chins. time pick up. guaranteed. Cal Craig 686 delivery and estimates, 1913. (042591) experienced. Ian 264-6591, RICKS piing and paper 3218248. (042191) ARNOLD'S I rO011n6 NOME IMPROVEMENTS, pieswring, painting, drywall. T -bar ceilings, metal studs and wroodfrarning. For good prices and good quality worknrnship. Cal Arnold 420.6372. (041791) MACDONALD'S HOME .-- ROVEMENTS. The ooh, plwe handyman service. Don't hestaw to Cal. No JOB Too SMALL. 5760977. (051091) CUSTOM Woodworking - 1me. rior and exterior home ROOFING 6Same day estimates for flats and singles. Specializing in roof repairs. Over 20 yrs. exp. (chimney repairs). For a quialiity job call Derwtis 42o-9337 John 427-0131 Metra L is r1111l/631 nnprovemwxs. Cal Rape Val- �TElISTRa1DS - Three IW Carpahws Inc. small jobs ffe• N�6 will =,r. 26&2156.(051591) Portia. reds q the perk hat 0NAL - additions, COMPLETE bathroom plumb- garages. f garapes, hamng b finishing installation Iota) Mont and office renova- .860. Price includes tions in and ouL cormorcial vanity with moble top. Moon and rssi l - . flee seines. faucets and American Stan - Marion Carpentry 723-7020. dad fixtures and plumbing (041891) rough 4n. Also avalable from H. H. RENOVATIONS - �' extra 5x7 bathroom Pa*��ing cat basements. bathrooms, work, drywr&K heating and kkh-- dir9- 10 9- No jab electrical completely loo whol• Call Lucas at 839- constructed. Call Rays 2651•(0601291) Plumbing, 686-5498. MASTER TAPER - II you to. (TFNEFG) quire a master taper, and 0.G. PLUMBING He" -your Psireft for at your nheads top plumbing doe by a mcesed 4rraMY is my !ice• Cat protoesional specializing in Guy 436.8445. (041 891) basements, new work and CARPENTER wo 16 >Aw M- ateratlan For free aerrrhalss call Bob. Bus. 5035862, Res. _ aeslldftllorwrnova .. - addtione, 886.2969. (051091) alterations. kkchon, bath, I (1�tM Ch akylglns, fennoss ,end decks RelerwnoM. Fa hes eati141111 wall 420-9114. RICKS piing and paper (012191) hl a dean peoksabnd job dare as an &I dwo Pr`__ For a free estimate at no ALL wow.rofw and addYors at fair prices. 10 years experience. Excellent IMesrn- - Call Psi at US. am 06/491) NEED A NEW ROOF ow lad, ere UK $MIP jobs. flee, Mae esWnllo, 4304OW 069491) CAMOMM wok. rerlowlfsas� kkeherw, adOmts 4 dada Tea yaw etpsrsras. Fes esrnlrsa M Somew WoSM ,dwor" Ori- saL CONSTRUCTION - bu. MW asaovslbae dors. cast: :coma. In -laver apanm"ts. grapes, deft. drywm, door and wCallaftindow Installatlonpsb. rtM. Free estYlaaaswodwnwww � loo mtial 4246444. (041491) AINSWORTH Home me Too e, and & -dlwoirls iso deo, -my and wakarsys. in long holding , - sions, bagged firewood. Free emkrnwes. aha 004a (TF) JOURNEYMAN electrician- Specializing In service changes, tweirirg, atddkions gand renovations. All work C�1r4� t�01(�TFN'"''rtalsa cd RId6 57, 8086 (052301) INTERIOR aExterior PakPW Prices.NO&tFar ktg, FREE esllnitfi i� cem arnpknte, Mal sx-a663. 0416M) LOU'S Pakling 4 DeooaalYg, I��wvnYWL palntkg and rsampapwkp, 1 room a whole house, guaranteed lowest rates. No job's too small. Ouality workmanship guaranteed. Call 430-2595 anytime. (TF) NKUS PAINTING - wait and calling repairs, ask about our gift certificates. 728-4881. (TFNALL) Fc i IRoMIIO a st"sae MOVING??? We will mow anything. anywhere. anytime. men and tnxks, for all types d moves, best rates, free estimates. 10% discount for seniors. Call 571-0755. (TFNALL) 335 Md ' -W rel TWO nen with trucks 'THE MOVERS'. Will do all types of mows. Very corrpatitiw. Give us a call. Pete 576-9533 /TFALLI AJAX Moving Systems . full services, Troves, appliance and piano Specialists. flat raw or hourly. Specializing In Durham Region. Now o" free boxes with move. Call 427 - OM. (TF) MEN with large truck will do household mow. residential. commercial. All types of moves. Call Carl or Jane, 427- 2856. (TF) TLC Moving. Local and out of ben, hourly or flat rate. Chuft work at reasonable rates. Please of 427-3518. (TF) CLEANING UOY Mill dean homes, office. References if required. GRANDMA'S Company - Green deans (no dernicak) hones and offices. We offer 'mother -in -lacer dean. Bonded. insured and police security checks. 725-9177 24 hr. answering. (042691) t gardeMtg a GRASS cut and trimmed. WO". $20 and up, rebblo person. 427-1489. (041791) REASONABLE price lawlnmowirg and yard care. Bill Baler, 12 Duffin St.. Pickering Village. 428-1685. (041491) LAWN mowing, spring clewh up, light landscaping, handyman, residential specialist. sal Bob 839.1215 evenings. (041491) STEVE KELLY'S LAWN CARE - Lawn spraying, fende- ing and cutting. Free sainaes. 576-9753.(041691) Can 1 Iwna schools ARE you having problems find- ing the time to clean your hone? For prolessional clear, ing call Helen's Home Senioss today 427.1041. (041491) • • . 1 musts, t GUITAR lessons. Would you enjoy learning to play the guns? Find oust The first four lessons are Ire•. Call 427. 2536. (041791) day can/ 1 • Mn EXCELLENT child care, all apes. IulYpan-tiny, mother at 2 b provide nutritious snacks, lunches, non-smoking environment, family atmosphere. reasonable raise. Courtice area. 433-1941. (041891) wESTHEYrRoub d. babysA- ling available in fry home. hot meals. reliable, references, 4274937. (041991) DURHAM PROFESSIONAL HOME DAY CARE Offers warm, loving day care for children 6 weeks and up In supervised homes at reasonable - rates. Serving Ajax/Pidkering area Since 1984. RELIABLE day cam available In warm loving atmosphero. any age welcome, Dougin Park area. Please call 937. 1364. (041491) PRIVATE home day care available. full-time or part-time. receipts and references available. lar of tun and verde loving ore. 4241739. Bernice. KnpabrVLiverpool. Pidranig. (041491) LAURA S Little Lambs cites a saw. herih9 happy. Uk-lalirg environment for your child. Dixie and Finch. Pickering. Vaughan W bMfSL laser Jo- quire area 420 8856. (041791) ECE teacher, oiler ­So day cera n hw Aare in the Roeddrdk South area Lunches and snacks pmvids& A nice Place b be. Good raves and references. Please cam 500 -WI& (041491) LOVING and care in My hmW aekeborn103 Yoram eaoa8ru roles Ices, nutritious ha lunches. "S. 7M7. (041491) OUAUTY day are Nuosima meals. fenced back yard. Walsall R0. N., ,tear sdteols, any age wdamna 429-0007. (x2191) wally i g. exterior, 1ra8pa(Ierirng, stucco and �TElISTRa1DS - Three wile, wrao0ltaMnilsg, year old seeks pYymrss lr we Pslytlarlrle fksisllse homes, Portia. reds q the perk hat allots a apwtwltw Far fee lunches and snadta Please 4rtrnnalas cam I = at 4294M call � nem at 431-439a. 1111111121191) (041191) /ROF<MBONAI.psirakg ofd DAY can available In my POW' 9'G sere walk a home. ants year and rig, ftf fair prices. Excellent Wm a PWMkM VA fid! wbwrncea Cd Dort a Pr at Hwy. 2. Call 420-0206. aa3i740. (060191) (041491) STEPPING Stores Childcare Centre otierkg care 24 houry day. 7 days a week, occasional ore. drep-n service, nursery school. Junior kindergarten, summer camp and tra asporta- tion available. Apes 6 weeks b 12 years. Call Oshawa, 579. 0651 anylrns. (TFALL) hY�M4 arrlC9a PROFESSIONAL woRV--ig, done on later • let printer. Call Marie, 2M8- 9614.(041791) NEED HELP? Bookkeeping, resumes, income tax pnpedion. Am seawriol and denial services. WordperwR BedbM. Cantle, compalilve Pricing. prok"ww stall. cam The Qu� Poe. 42740M (TFALL NCOYE TAXES P financial statement Pf*amtbn and tax returns, mtrwr and oonpusodzm& (5m Susan 8493641.041991) by a Ptdsn mw aa� fafkpat • wkmk 520. Also boccie I and accounting swvk os fa errraN business plus coeptasr kaorial 427 -OM (042481) • REGISTERED PSYMOGIST AND FIEGISTERED NARRM i FAKY THERAPIST is passed to amolxtce the oPening of his Part-time practice at stns FM* WONfOss Clift 1631 DlJf WU S1. E J �a • 0 1 • • • �. apartments 500 ,L 500 PICKERING PUCE IDft$ fine ultinl8te east adnn"e" When you rent and occupy a suite for a full year we will give you... 3 MONTHS FREE RENT (For a limited time on Selected suites) Thereby effectively reducing your 12 month rent b... $678.75 PER MONTH (On Selecled THE SUITES ) spacious 3 bedroom residences up to 1,270 sq. fL wall -lo -wall carpet throughout ano irKfNidual heating and air condibonminrtgp control 4 appliances V"ng an suite Washer and dryer 2 washrooms • bek:oities or solariums in every suite storage area on surN THE BUILDING parking Included with rent play areas day care centre on site ='►"~ Security entry SySISMS THE LOCATION opposite Pickering Town Centre, newly expanded to nearly 300 shops steps from Pidcerlrtp Rocreation Centre minutes from Hwy. 401 - lcose parksaccess band schols� station a all bus routes We currently have a number of suites avajlable in Pidwhng's most popular low rise apartment complex, but they wont last long. 1165 Glenannla Rd., Suite 115 Liverpool of Kingston Rd. (Hwy. 2) or til I-3666 Mon. -Fri. 9 a.nt-9 p.nL. Sat. i Sun. 9 aim -4 pirt. BLUEWATER PARK WHITBY APARTMENTS 1 and 2 bedroom suites in immaculately maintained building. broadloom, 3 appliances, pod, snooker table, games room. tennis courts, ,exxe{ri exercise room, laundry facilities and covered Par"_ 101 Kathleen SL W. Mon. -Fri. 9-7 & Sat -Sun. 12-5 _ S CORPORATION 571-3522 STIE)On AJAX 55 Falby Court 2 bedroom apxrbttod in tollily Wift. Alk Cofltl bW irlg, broalt)oom, 2 applisrwxslaundry , saunas and exam room, -IlldeWund paflting NIi:kXW Cal 683-6021 Sat -&ft 12.5 Mon. -Fri. 9.5, rent PICKERING BY THE LAKE In Noor exsa large aniarlm. 5 Por ft* bd 4n nrrdesA sk, dock. Is of loor ON I� Meee bdnns S P• ft" hdrdN Utilities Call Don Stewart APARTMENTS FOR RENT at 165 & 175 Bloor St. W. Oshawa. Apply within or call WHITBY Bright, luxury bachelor in new executive home, $595. One bedroom of new executive, $745. Luxury furniture available. Call 284-3694 Avail. May 1. Bachelor apt. in clean quiet building. Fridge, stove; parking, laundry lac. included. $565/mo. 666.2450 RENTALS ON VIDEO its Free viewing for fenaift List (5504 rental ew HHomiiViieew) at 436-1752 PICKERING Large, bright, modern main floor, 3 bdrm. apartment. Avail. Junta 1 st Call 420-9281 ONE -BEDROOM apartment• heat, hydro. laundry. water, cable. parking included. Quist person preferred. Rossland/ Wilson. sew ftvb@ - -a& able May 1. 436.7201, lane message. (041991) OSHAWA - 2-bedroorn apart- ment in house. Sao. 4 -pied bath, available knnediately. close to shopping and schools. Quiet neighborhood, parking available. 757-5752 coNecl. (041991) OSHAWA - King 8 Ritson. Bright. Clean• two-bedroom main Now in dupies. Fridge. stow. parkng, yard, storage space. available May 1st, $780 irncim". Cal (416) 2632W- (041991) OSHAWA - large bachelor basement apatmerL lii $place, fridge, stow. "am balk, own entrance• parking, laundry, $425 ffw" LORM included. Cad 726562x. (041601) OSHAWA - (ape one•bedrogn with fridge, tow and patting, does 10 'r '.sn and 401. $700 per manta with heat and hydro Included. Call 72192 after 6 p.m. (041991) OSHAWA - now buil" No camwaniat ballot Orr and - n bsdroomn opwor ars no bidgk sate. mMm dryer. pill" am umn Included. Cad 728.709& leave massage. 04191) OSHAWA - one -bedroom apartment. upper of duplex. King/Harmony, fridge and store. orlkkp- (vat. hydro (included. Cables Avail" Ma+r ISL 8850 Pr WAROL 4364085. 041691) OSHAWA . Two bas $mem spam.mtsrt. L Miss included. Both with lace Nrbg loons. Midge, "row and pwdn Two~ bedroom. S850/morah, cite - bedroom. $550 MOnUL 576- 8486. (041691) OSHAWA 1 bedroom apartment. $460 Includes wraytlbg. Amiable May 1. 204 Bond 8t Wast, Oak - "Nm ONE bedroom apartment LARGE BMW new apar.tsiM, 57610% 8869401.041791) avdYbla. Pkkwkv& aspsals snitantilk aparaes anaance, doe to P1t2 EWO - Lace 24 8*= m $860 itcllakgr Alto avaYltble baclnsln apalti at, UN inclusive, Hwy. 2. In a prestigious subdivision. Suit 2 basement apartment, 4 Mplienw& to )olss $750 Call 2MI750 Or 294.1124. 041791) piallesslonallilL arailsble UW 18L For mow idumnalbn NN Inclusive, first and last required. 427.7896.(04191) WHTBY - wain to GO, one. 421.9766. (041791) PIANO - ccs kxk bedroom walkout basement apartment In house, 4 LIVERPOOL and 401. 3- badrosm nab floor. pfkb/. t Vol 0 00. separate ent an e watt b app an Appliances. available pus hydro IfAN vmk ro GO OW stops, $x60 month) available y' rd. 4 ces. and yard. 4 appliances. Immediate. $575 utilities _ Donl(y. MRS furl" Cal 427-164. -71. Included. Call $39-7157, bedroom, main Moor, t{850: W*tK =m bmwn@K SM. �1Imm •(04161) . . r s, aver able immediately, $490 monthly, maim floor 2-0edreom Pie den. deur ..w.. wit �rWWAR rsrb•s w all utilities included plus -unnu 1 �Ab Si1MMY, ARi.14, AM -PAGE 17 •Brand new luxury forB- 4125.(041691) lakeside apartments, The PW *w M -No - 2-bedrartbOW menu apartment, private AJAX Rle.ent fill, laaleAly decorated apartments/ = bsd,pp,m ' $89 $ � � M' Central TINIEE ^ bungalow. err.anoe, txsnbal ani, a"nl.a1 renovated bungalow: 3- arW 960 inckuded. FM�ted~ P�abls. Pad Blvd tM60 mtt.nrt POA tOiN. aralsbis May IOL fireplace, ret room with w i,ur vsl:, laundry. pa iki g. fridge and store. Itr1y carPafad, 4- bedroom, main Moor, t{850: W*tK =m bmwn@K SM. Cal 13342T3. (041981) No pats. 5765493 (04f9f) i fl on laps lK wilh (n. gtotnd Pool Doubts garage Piece bath. no pets, non. Shared utilities, private 767 and 79 Wilson Rd. N., 4-1111edreew bungalow in $1,200 per north plus udlo w sm*w. list and last, referent- entrances, appliances, Collision - Two-bedroom units, central Whitby, available 4344M' (TFALL) ate ►squired. $750 Inclusive. 428.6923. (041881) shopping, 683.7161. (041981) avnNable Immediately, and May Imm dialsly. hydro and walor THREE-BEDROOM semi in BASEMENT Walkout IWJure tel SM. 4•bsdroorn extra, first and last, $800 desirable NO "sect Oshawa, 2 PICKERING brWC spacious, 2 bedtocm, apartment, al most new, runt &mkA* June tut 11,006 Stow' frkfge, mules included. monthly. Call Pat 666.4553. (041891) baths, finished family room. 4 -place beth. base• mint apartment, rPWlarpss, furnished, very private. quist, mg-mMabed, putt g, Thick- No Psb• Applications may be AJAX - 3 -bedroom detached deck and Pob. Paved drive. fenced back yard, SWO per Private entrance, transit at door, suits couple. Non- son/Hwy. 2 area, $600 all Picked W At Durham Region Non -Profit Housing bungalow finished basement rr'mid - nAldies, fist and Iasi Possible antakers, evenirngs, 831.6048. WcINW.6869833.(041991 ) Cdrporatorn. 1615 Dundas St frid".dove a2batM,$875 d pest Dom base required. long fern lease. Available June 1/91. (041991) BASEMENT APARTMENT • Private entrance, 1500 E., 41Floor Lang Tower, Who- by or call 4364610 between mentaapah apartment. ens. $485. Call Call 576-6924 after S p.m. DICKERING - Ora -bedroom monthly, no bels, Liverpool and 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. 6834203.94 p.m (041791) (041491) basement apo"Iti-4- -all" Hwy. 2, microwave, toaster, weekdays. (041681) AJAX - By the lake, 4 VERT clean semi, 5 Immediately, Private entrance. park. cable, non-smoker. $525 fridge, stove, master, dryer and parking. Avail" innediaely, A Lar basement bedrooms, loft, fireplace, central ail. appliances. clean, appliances, finished rec room, closis tonold fisIllast.83%4623• (041891) $100 deposit plus room for raft One or two be o.. rnearsl arruernoiss Ouist insure May 15th. $1.185 per month my D� tAamennities, b PICKER ING-2-bedroomse. gym- $320 �Ny 837- 1459.(041491) 428-3120. (041991) Plus utilities. Call Ursula Rep., Re/Max June Ju1. Harmon Oshawa Y lir Scott 666-0573, work merit apartmnt e 4 appliances. separate entrance, $775 BAYLY/Lhrerpool -Ice s 2- lverpbigeof large ADELAIDE/SIMCOE AREA Realty Plus Inc.. 831.3300. 2731. (041681) monthly Inclusive. Call 420 bedroom Mature, working persons. (041491) WHITBY - 3 -bedroom• main 0378 or 8394858. (041991) aPertrrenf• separate entrance, eat -in dean, quiet triplexed older home, close to downtown and AJAX - by the lake, upper floor family room with fireplace, PICKERING TOWN CENTRE - larp.bgM one -bedroom base• kitchen, 4 -piece bath, P appliances, broadloom, law routes. 1 bedroom plus 1 bachelor. First and last. '571-6407' Level, 3 -bedroom bungalow,4 appliances. art Pootble sat -in kitchen, finished basement, fenced. excellent ment apartment, private erntratce, laundry'' Jure 1. $750• 831.8632. (04 1691) References. June 1st, $1,000 plus utilities. Call 683-7821 days or 426- area• dose to school and Park $1.195 monthly plus. 666. laundry. broadloom. $600 Inclusive. Call 839-7992 BEATRICE WOODS -580 (041691) 7367 evenings•(041691) 2894 (041681) alter 6 p.m (041491) Beatrice St., Oshawa. 2- AJAX - 2 -bedroom. separate entrance, fridge and stow, AJAX - detached all brick ex- WHITBY - charming house. PICKERING •Whiles Rd./401 bedroom unit available May $675 per month, inclusive. ecutive home, close to quirt cameral location beside Available immediately. One- tet. $771. Stow, fridge utilities Phone 427-6206. Available everything, many extras. park, close to schools, bedroom basement apartment. Aided. no pets. Appription imlrtadielely. (042691) $1,100 rtonthy plus utilities. �n0.�� Done. country Separate entrance. Share may be picked up at Durham Call now 298-7237 or 427- yard. cehtral laundry. Close d trans.. Region Non -Profit Housing AJAX . 2 -bedroom basement 1245. (041791) air. $1.075 plus utilities. 683 1600 monthly. 837.1952. y. 83 Corporation, 1615 Dundas St. apartment, Private separate �� _ rutin :icor �. three 5109. 2661842. (041891 ) (041691) E., 4th floor Lang Tower, Whitby, or Cad 436.8610 be- entrance, all appliances included. $700 monthly in- bedrooms, four appliances, wHlTer -three plus one - PICKERING - Westshore, 3- bedroom main floor twew 830 a.m. and 430 m. p dudes uncles and cable. Cal 6864137. laundry. parkin separate 693.75g• $750 due 6837537 ~i bedroom semi, 2 baths. finished finished basement , 5 apartment. PaAin9. ate c�s, rear weekdays. (041791) (041791) (041491) appliances. air conditioned. cton perGO, �c her BROOKLJN - new base- AJAX - 2 -bedroom spart"mm, AJAJ(� 3 bedroom. mem aroodstwe. breed yard. dole month Incl mprth incudes cable, sincere . s utilities. Phone 831-3681. nwnt apartrtrM�on* bed, oom kitchen. living room. dining 2 appliances, $678. available May 1. Can ess-394A (04 1991) Noor, $850 phi one bedroom to amenities. Available May 1p. $1.095 monthly. Call 427- (61/491) roan 4 applarnces, pee floors, AJAX - 3bedroom main floor• basement apartment. $525. Fenced, appliances, 7122 (041891) PICKERING - unfurnished $650 or 3bedroom main tloor. newt' renovated. Rob 655- Large walkout. deck front and air conditioning, 1/2 utilities. Fest PICI(ERiNG - Brock Rd. and bat koulPark basement, 4203 or 479 8666. (041691) back• laundry facilities, last, rMerences. 686.2425, Hwy. 2. 3 bedrooms. 3 urKround undry parking laundry hardwood floors. SM plus 1R evenings. (041691) washrooms. gaagr, walk to facilitie 1 facilities CENTRAL Whitbyutilities. - x first and last. 686 flea 110 and Pickering Town s, aver able immediately, $490 monthly, maim floor 2-0edreom Pie den. 8720, leave message. two and last. 683.9223. 6e6 all utilities included plus (041691) 9221, 1-519-767-0260. Isxndry. $875. June 1st- 263 -AJAX •Brand new luxury (041991) 4125.(041691) lakeside apartments, The PICKERING - one -bedroom CLOSE b Lakwrwtr Park, 2- Breakers. 1.2.3 bedrooms basement apartment, separave bedroom main floor of house. available Featuring under - entrance, $550 utilities 11630 Monthly Per heel and ground pwkng, al , included, available hydro, working persons health club with pool. 428- immediately. Kitchen and preferred. Available 1874. (050391) laundry facilities available, im edwsely. For more icor- AJAX - brand new pro es - parking. Call 420-9590. motion call 434-5126. sivtady rniehr0 twobedroont (041991) (a t 691Cf4C) basement a vey at- PICKERING - Beautiful one bedroom sem with view of the bay. Newly finshed and very r. - Close to GO and shop- Ping hoppig centre. $875 plus 1R utliies. Available June 1st, cad 281-5208.(041991) SPACIOUS bright 2 -bedroom basement apartment• appliances, fenced bark yard, quiet street. U25 plus. Cal Deborah. 579-9770 after 6 p.m. (041791) THREE small bachelor apert- ments for rent. $450• $475. 00 $5. Picenng-Apt; area. Cal 9-5. Monday to Friday. Tom or Dave, 427.3393 (042891) TWO or three-bedroom apartment, Whlaby. Very targe. ONE-BEDROOY basement Call 284.5883 for more apartment. Ajax, separate ktormancii (04 set) an&WKS. available May 19t, Two B.dro.w $575 iicecrng kwi net, cow to apartments. GO. Cad 427-7537 or have Ore . Owe and Slmcde aei mneesaga (odte9l) The other downtown Boesranvae. Call 603-3293 ONE -BEDROOM apartment. (041791) Mary SL N.. Oshawa. Soft - contained. m TBY - 3 bedroomain contained, available floor. $900 inclusive. Good 1rti^alh• �1 3693 r 72a•8x10. (041681)) landlord Looking for good Mnant. 4362213. (04 1091) AJAX HARWOOO/DR VM WHITBY - furnished one- Qe bedroorst faaesrronw SSWA- ttednoom alwbrwt, wapimc ment for rent, includes an separate entrance. first and appilanc s' eapasb entrance tot ava0tm May ISL SM � 0-1 (041981��y WISTBY - Largs. dean, 2- AJAX - large. clean. one- tledroorn apam.rgrt, (n throe Hednoonn baesmtaw apar.rwt year old building, now path and Sega AM laundry. aI III o.e .decd Fast No rent agnrie.d c•rt.aI alk. slrw .Pace aril Film 68848031 (041981) T-.1. $600. 2861927. AJAX - urge ore-0edroom basement apartment, own entrance. laatdry facilities. An"I" May tat, taco per 1110110incudes udblsa First last required. 427-8479. (041691) AJAX - oroboditionst bsssrrsrt�apalsarlI doee to all alneni es. first and tact, aabenc es, no pen. $860 pr mrnornM Includes uBwa 426 7483.0117x1) AJAX - main floor, one - bedroom. kitchen. 3-plep baled, prlvsle en.ait , pwk(n& snit *QK flet and last $660 monthly iacks(w. Call 2911- 47M orSMW 701 p4/ael) AJAX - Mab got 4-b dmo m. 2 V2 bohL poking. fu xIAN Pke ho Non•atdN, two-bedroom basement anP&MWFA. Pill". laundry. $650 plus 112 utd kw Non- anokAr. June IML 4263747. 041491) AJAX . new one -bedroom enmaioa WW"kY. nice bright bca mL sew bcksrve6 fire and lath. 6863717. (041791) FOURbedroom apartment in Vartk'e apartnant wrdn ktads of house newly renovated new room, 4 -piece bath 4 OSHAWA - 3 -bedroom. 2- S" house. Park Rd/Hwy. 92. 1 112 bathrooms. $850 monthly. Available irrrrnedWidely. Ample parking. Cad days 6234225. evennge 6661382. (041691) OSHAWA - dein lbedr0orn upper level. ding roon. kvrg reont, washroom, clew td 401. schools and Shopping. $885 plus utilities, first and last. Avafiable May 1411. Cad 432 - SM after 6 P.m. (041691) Centre. 2 appliances. Avaiapy May 1. 282-5445.(042191) PICKERING - 3 -bedroom, 5 appliances. main rem. cbse Do GO, shopping, schools. etc. $885 plus 1R utilities. 724- 2977 evenings. (641491) PICKETING - Brock Rd/401, 3 -bedroom detached. $950 monthly, first and last plus utilities. Call 686-2703. (041491) OSHAWA - freshly permed CWPess. two 4 -piece baths. tkee 10 sA - and appdroes, separate enhance. backs onto park, $750 PICKERING 3 bedroorn bun. ww9. 3beWo0rn sent. 1 1R baths. Paved drive' i•rkoel Oshawa. available i^�iue. 427-7409. (041691) %aloes for rent. Top floor only. Pard, ebee to schools and stnrnednaely, $BSO Per north- AJAX - bright. spacious 2- Man floor. SM pin hear and hydro. Non-smcker. Close to Shopping. S87S ^Wormy Pis utdtw. rust and last. available Cad 757-5752eonret. (041got) bedroon basement aparmwit GO train. Aryl May 1st Immediately. 683-2996. LARGE - quiet. dry basrrert In super bc8bon, central or. 420.9498. (041a91) (041991) apartment. at appliem n ill- eluding central vac and air, separate entrance, freshly painted. $625 plus 40% PICKERING Village - 3- PICKERING. Fretd+marnY single person• non-smoker utdtrss. Cal Barry 839-7496, (TFEFG) bedroom semi. large yard. 3 bedroom house, main flow, ,ecoid govey. no first preferred $660 urn ". 726 or 428-7367 evenings. $130 per moron. fist and lost, and last. cssve affable or 571222911 (041891) LARGE 2 bedroom sputmort in 9 unit building. neer Simmer 401• $630 month includes u/doies. Available June 1st, Call Edith at 576-3111. (041891) WHITBY - one -bedroom apa nodsn4 Okndssl SL age. 470.7588.042191) WHITBY - Spacious main boor. 3 -bedroom bungalow, laundry WAOMC oen.al,,air doe 10 styroola, 6TailHnlmied. Avail" ken*"*. 430- 46. P618M) AJAX Large 2 bedroom "d 11olts fir 4 appliances, central air garages aotrrl yard mast sea tHi4 ittduslw. 427-5177. (011491) AJAX - Two-bedroom. air, fridge, stove, balcony, pthissestamnos, no --Ft . Free SM inciuskm Near GOA. AW b M 41610 :1347870. 003191) bsaMrfant apr.lamtt. pftvm entrance. walk to GO. tow. piece baud, a- III sevens air, $750 inclusive. June 1 Possession. Cad Comb 831- 2273.041791) AJAX -Hwy, 2/Westney 1fdltts, IovNy ate bsdhoom above round, glass door rtanAyy Ptkftd a( taslor. NWHUFAMM. 1875. 420• Bd4& (01/M1) AJAX - one bedroom base- ment a Writent, separate snlanp, ulililas Incuded, SM Par inand PA% mPhone seliam oat 8.01/481) evsilY� AJAX - urge 1 bedrown base- ment apartment, separate Sims oe, than laundry. $625 ab inclusive. available April tat. 420-1429.(04179 AJAX - Spacing 2 bedroom central air. freshly pairnted, 11, me en.artce $686 Dig 40% UMkl8L Ca/ Barry at 834 7496. (041491) I Ci1:Ntrit ill COTTAGES at Woodland Estate, 90 mUnUee iord of Pickering. Fully equipped. 1,2,3 and 4 bedroom congas, $door pbnnbirg am sloasit homed pool bescf. bots and motors, store, video panes, weekly bangs and rntovies. Playground, 33 aces ro roam Many June and August openings 5225 and up per wok OI s41aa0rt and aree.I specials ave available. Train and Not Sim ane available. Cal 1-70"53-1317.(042191) GEORGIAN BAY - to minutes from Wasags Beach, 3 - bedroom cobs%., tennis, am* beach. may be viewed on ntde0. Gil 434.6831. 04696) brsrRs ise PKWJ31 Ni lirodt RdJ401, 3 bedroom detached. $950 mind my. fist and NO plus utilities. Cal( 9ai-2704. (041991) Ab«koanAC- dtagesn writ onsm.fMamtAb in Ajar 5 minutes from 401. $375 womiN. CAN 886091& 104 p.nii, ask for, Debbitt 041791) BEAU 111w aoat.y eaftitp, 5 bedroom farmhouse. family form *Mb drier shed. aur, 15 minutes from Oahawa. $1200 plus udkiDs. 4311.28M 434.1763- (TFALL) BOWMANVILLE - Four- bedroom detached home, available 'Inn48lllteyr. Gond IIW,DIIW r hani a2 apespes brtd Also 2 bedroom apartment. Whitby, close to GO, renovated. Both available kmftld y. 4274=5 or Bela 6988.(041791) HE OSHAWA - 3-bodroom semi, fully broadloomed, WOW to dock. linishaid bsertwt, forgo balha, SM Pus U■tNs.rMsr1. *is1t>blb Jure 1.728.0869, (04191) avalatrb nvnedtately. Cad June 1. =25 pin unless. 834 evenings 8647we. (041991) Oand-inlrA� 3177 (041891) qB/e�+� f Stivare-21- AJAX - brand new one. 2 bsdrm. b floor. scullion bedroom lakeside condo. 5 explitm". aw.t 1R baths. appliances. custom tridgWatove. includes venmare, DarkM i11601011 POOL aaurtL holt draperies. utdkiss. parking. tub. tennis, wiidernw, btatbn, Jury 18 1850 nnOrtltly. 436 $750 plus utiess. Available 6224 evenings. (041291) Immediately. 683-6678. WI4TSY HW~-. Now luxury (041791) add. 10th Nov. 2 bedrooms AJAX - by the lake, new 2- betorViadrknt. 2 bells. 2 pill" spaces. 5 appoancw, bedroom. 5 apdiances. air• weak to GO. avadeble June 1. Pcck Mo pkn utist". avail. $1.150 including parkin slab kat 1st. 6837621 days. uttkies. 420-8420, 418.666 or 428-7367 evenings. 1814.(041791) (041891) 1 "hbriii for tam H iris Brats mmi FREE Will, is rte time b We advantage Of Oty Spedal offer. 12 and 3 bedroom stiles in a edea AU garden lum oollmtnity. Woodbuieft Freptaoes •M • Terms Court and Gar Wash FROM :85000 MONTHLY OPEN HOUSE WED. i MRS. 3-7. SUNDAYS 11.4 1613 Nath Rd•r UBR 11ir Bo(wlw u l b (Coialki) SE =Stir Of Nath i TfuMb Roftda. Malcom P1 pwty NWOPW&d I -BEDROOM townhouse. walking distance to GM. echoob and plant, avoisbb May 1. $790. Stow, fridge, utilities included. 5745197. (041891) Wow" RdJFtmey. 2 End ail with Sommmith utwMs� hat rdae,tcas. non-sm irking. no psis, Aval- 041491)ros�*� RENTING - luxury garden Mwit, in Cobowg, one more Ina with one yew and ' 4 - 5 app- tw pdwa entrances. Mom $860 por inand 372.1966 or 436. TOWNHOUSE for ern, 1300 oafod 9L. 3' , - Irtcsd yard, rec room, close to i sI hools and shopping. AvatF mala Juju, 1.4i78 om tfillllaar 432-2121.041091) if Il,Ilas tit• T1s tlfsws Aovtanlls>B! SUNDAY, AmIL 14, 29m r 1 est . 1 1 �9NMMi e g 1 1lrfWli�i Bf,�� AM-11sw hart. ! hetdthsd OSINWA Crag etw vast >I�•MtadnE. >•bsds9lm f !! 6" 1 now *Am Now% ban", mema111MM ptdatst Ph" dK 29,00 eq• ft., proleed. 8% hear Oshaea Cor enars. m sop=" atf0fr 611611 4674li0. 481891) landscaped, country lot, stone ealsior. Mute kitchen, hardwood Ileore on Callwrtdu, a W �w CtMTRAL AJAX - Soft WOW t 349A00- Car 416-283• I psrtnrnt, e:pa cloomPlw -SIO fam1il11d MWAWM$d bate a •has. 4 4plMeea 4 MIL wrt w a1 6674. POW) wide dlkw", 6136U=M 438- '1•1 (041901) PETERSOROUGN 3• OkOd� .sba«Mmenb, im 1111111L SM 111111,0110 ants. sewn, bI amlaRles. Close to GO, bea*KV6 PMfti, atbbt M - t 'A. ba .-_awmiob sspeafe nathet-In-law apartment SPACIOUS 4 -bedroom . . , horns. a" �,� bahWK n0 Plft A . wadittGd 4 7 Ix7ss17nw eager 3 deminMdre, wast end. dose b Foy. 116, low downpaymenlL Mees Under room with wwkmn. s mw be Pld-b up a steps to schools and 0-01111AJAX-shoobamnW apart Owner holds mortgage. 706• 7464735 (04191) amenities, quiet tleudltg Coiporalbn, 1615 relent in neighbourhood. 6156.500. Dwmka SL E.. 4th Floor Lang entrance, spacious rvkt8 loonµ PICKERING - just reduced. Open House tlils weekend. Tester, W11ayadeN436•A610 mdern klicho t, 41ftce beth, $219,000. Attractive executive 571-4488 or 576-9S39. b*m@m 630 aim and 430 laundry and air corWlonktg. 2s1101sy. large family kitchen, 2 (04191) P.n. weekdays. (041961) Super I- cei . $350, available 1/2 baths. family room with WN, -9 AND Filch. We date OSNAWA !-bedroom immedialely. 428-3392. p41491) 1Msplace and walkout. Main you to con"rel Exquisite Nombotme now CMc Centre Ibal v4c fM 2.2W sq• h. home loaded with CempleX, 4 appliances, FEMALE wereed b share ore- roc„ n security LOWadse. 4 large bedroon gere9e• Ifoo" possession ocmmodatlons in a hale at agents. 839-2154 evenings. close to am"Itios, asking dab, 11111/1"t. $900 plus Wastney and 401. Asking 3450 (04'691) $216,000. Cap 931.7815. uwsa 725.7582 after 6 p.m. Per month. Cal Lod at 297- PICKERING - two year, 3- W1991) 441891) 1852 after 4 p.m (041991) bedroom . LOW sq. IL two- BROKER has $10.000 to lend PICKERING VILLAGE - PICKERING Village. house 10 pone" to Norerd ds 11 21/ at $147 permonth. ContW Jer- SPstya etttactim "Wroom townhouse. 1 1/2 baths, share with Profenicrks non. smoker temple.pool, Ulm A. 2 baths. fireplace. garage. dose to an arnaritiss, asking ry at 668.8805. Community Financial Services. (041891) � 4 appliances, � b schools and GO Station, P�� Rsplaw, �" air. laundry. etc. Cal row, asking 61716 900. Call 428-8690. (041891) _ Ranch home on 61,000 plus hydro, available $400. 428-6120, machine. PINVATE 2 12 year oW new, 3 29 ��UN May. 12, $310,000. � Whitby 4 unit May I -Cal 686.8701. (041491) (041791) bedroom bednpii plus self- Coss b GO. yearly ()o yearly hw9NtB tg11W to -Executive home contained 1 bedroom apart- meat with raw entrance. central �) plus taxes x 15� 4m rem share, quiet location. $475. Cal Bruce air• finished roc room appm - insurance. lotat10M0 $300.000.427 -WW (041991) ACCOMODATION wanted: Townhouse or small house Tow -warded office 420 9000, res. 837-2082. P414office 1) coo and concrete driveway. $189,900.434-7494. (041891) CENTRAL Whitby - 4 - in Pfdc enn9 area, Petr owl $80041,000 monthly re- A lekesids iwx, in pi PRIVATE sale. Beautiful 4- bedroom. 2 12 baths, air, main floor family room. fireplace and for end of June. CaII with fireplace, walkout to Pnvsle beach, Pe•Ic and morel bedroom executive fomne n the Village d Newcastle. $30.000 reakOuL separab dining room $189.900. NRS Redly One Inc 497.5 x97.5958. (01/491) Fsysle prolessklnal. 401 and spent on upgrades. Must be Pat Houghton, 436-1800. IMS N9 30 minutes GO Union. L b saes to be beloved. 967-3309 (041891) t 11�1i+ short term. $600 plus. 5 anytime. No Agents Pleasel - Brack 1650. (041991) $245.000. (040981) $stRrteYaea 1 wayPICK2. $90 ave-" y.. usFide-" a �qq Md PRIVATE Sale Immediate kitchen, washer, dryer, TY rodruom fkrnsheNunished, possesson, :204,500. Pres- t9kPA ares. Manning Rd. A OS H A W A- bea u t i f u l 2. bedroom and ung bwnhane.4 nen-smdcers Please. 663-1490 after 6 p.m. (041491) 2.400 p• it. industrial unas at Whites Rd. and 401 . new TTickson Rd., WhiDy. Close to schools and transportation. appliances. Professionally finished building, 360 sq. R air condi- -tared o6ke` $790 rtKmld*l net. D'Angslobulk 3-bedroom.5full Ievel sidespfm with kitchen basement. wet bar, upgraded carpel. lots of AJAX furnished room, shared facilities, air condiponing, close John Whams. R&Uax Raspy overlooking family roomAs- woodwork. Close to GM, schools. 401. $89.000. Cal b b bus •0. -s nonmoker. $375 Pin 6832992 (041691) sunabie mortgage. Phone 433 416-296-8216.(041891) per 110nd - Phone 686.4842- (041791) PRIVATE office space, hesub- 0974 or 571-955 evernirps (041491) ful Victorian decor. central 8 coomim,K fate BEST in Oshawa - lenge room eecrusnaL dowmoen Oshawa, SALE - $124.900. 3 -yew cid or huge bachelor, private, available now from $300 homes, 24". 1 12 batoL WHITBY HARBOUR fridge. cable, laundry, quiet montliy. CAN 436-8766. (TF) came' air- central vac, carte (Sailwinds). luxury one - people only. Prirrab orate music 1 spew, L loge paved bedroom. 2 bath. solarium. Cal 4347314. (TF)1 t tette,« rule driveway pin mite. no GS -T. balcony. Cow, fiom, s_ DICKERING vies" - Poim- Port Hope. 8857275. (041691) view of take. peps to GO. i159 900 or wa $900 426 sionai male has 3 -bedroom IownWaae b share. $325 per month, pin pertid utilities. to GO Transit. 427-7267. (04191) UVERPOOL/Bayly, clean bright recon air , la', ne L laundry, suit non-smoking ismwb. Wak to GD and shops. Call 0314M evenings or - mossaaig . AAveileDiy s May / LIVEFAKx)L and Find t - walk - Ing 9M for furnished room, share kachon and bath with 2 others Available May. 6300 421 7687 r UYERS FINANCING buyers. Home tart be a (soft, is your in 1991. and experience txm ML•Gt1he spin Apple Ras4 wa 5763111 t: paper A fift0 servlee. SAVE on real °pals and legal toss - Ajax - Thnie-b d000m 2- . 6894 (04191) Morey- 1 12 baths, off mus er WHITBY- Rosabnd Rd E. New bedroomnn'eriily�aled•9es condominium, large 2 halt. appeoon@l* I= sq- bedroom, 2 bathrooms, h. SM finished basoment, solarium. pool, whirlpool, close to amenities. Fenced recreational facilities. yard. Priced b ate. 4261567. $169.000. Cap 666-3050. (041691) (042191) • • 3Dth. ADOWN. tive ave- din rte raised bungalow semi in 12 to OPEN HOUSE - tourmy wig mmNor�elosings u„ $130.000, 4.S sate. parks Mrcvo�g Mortgage Open concept raised tames. $1,250 per moral Cal 576-3941 other 6 P -m p41s91) burgs°w. 3bsdroorn hnilled bas d la~p dKK u-�o enrehly. - (041491) 1.440 ace. it. detached 3- Oshawa- 416-731-2446 ROOM for nal to latny swig be&Oca, 1 12dx b, central weekends 705-438-3673., neer Ajta I access to air. est -in kkn n, stain floor (04191) as facilities. 1 0 St i San., 14 PAL family room with walkout to and barbeuM ` d er X10 ftqlbt Www �-r Aim I, Premium t L OA4948c 00 • pftft 83rnonatty. Cal SVIAO APPR�X. Open house April 13. 11 p m. 427-0335 evo nktpt. (04/491) 3200 eq IL frig q aes, by 2 Terre Or- AOL $175900. LAKEFRONT cottage on W, opera 1l M loge ped lel 42-0407. (04191) Crows Lake. 8 room chalK NATURE Ifirs ner, •400 � � dirk 6n bath[ �. 3 bedroom co-operative b plate selok no agent- 416 �' 1hMest required.Whitby. Close to schools. 342-5756 after 5 pm. p41991) 4261376 ask ler Mary. Mnsl Sp -1517 downtown and shopping, able April IWL Atari computer downtown in sake tar ed86 asking $700• CUSTOM like new raised 91e7 end I nee • ' 4261376, (041401) new bathroom and front bungalow. 3 Oedroons Plus entramoowsy. Fully carpeted OFFICE specs, he do"od. ri4 FICKEANG - UMOPO GW* 'ergs *AM kMehen. dining, with now tale in kitchen and sq. ft. in clean. attractive. awe waking dslserce to nmol ffnisliod baeesrMrn, superior storage axes. Laundry room. olden buil" overlooking and OO. a/ Wakmhe. co 426 de00fa1n$ "sot be seen- Nor- lots Of closet space and tag SL Available 1m,nM0slsly 4241. p4t401) M V&My- Asking $1759,00. Owage area, CaN Deborah at Cal 72IFo91. (041081) Call 8862068. �1M1) 576-3111 or 436-0316. has hrmnlelred loons WtmY -work OMfor rmhow OEBMABLE Nateµ Ostaso - (04(1091) WWW OFFICE OR RETAIL SPACE - Pewson Lamm, $12 Class b 041 m use, phaark a4". as all fe" " sess s brick bkmgalow On b $21 eq. IL 250 b 5,089 sC t. psilrig kiokew nmNk kchrdsd. ftOW quiet sI I in B--WwiiW Free mii ft I pa" at rear. 916, Stat and lot =Ma Peel 11 Film . no solefte Rapi* deotrraled, tinlelked roc 11ll 6114.40/ or 4344123. (04/891) speallefe, dealing Asking ti 78900. daft ML room. Close to hospital, (041001) AJAX - dieo +1eit)elted assn 300 (Dt170q 4M.sho4 3 mss. school and fior no b spin hook dm b 101.9?34817. (04,881, 1.ad bus, 401 well shopplsiaML DISTRESS SALE - 2 1 bedrooms, recently 89 "oft. so and bet sus- ��• beat ! bedkeanl fonovabd, hardwood flows. FAST ac of 18L tad well 31d 0069 or leave mossy. Mamma Ph -e as ow ea- large 50x120 lot• double mortgages. Purchase p4,99t) Ira• to list. Recently V.0e-4tIecbmto4m. selmrAla Planar d 881186 ear PWA(F qNG - WAbm Rd. No wnnMb sMwMl 114 slog• gree kmsstrloml eAPb) bed awA OK Cas Large bolk at b be8amemL WhNby 6120.0 lea OeuseS OMs, �l ;1a4A0M 725- a 4089 Meets eerMcek 438- 61". ale -8073. C.H.C. ab Toole a jells, see of all 6106.600. Cas 430410". Mate Ceiwe. (TF) facilites MekmMng: kftftn. 441N1) COURTICE 2 -storey. 3- bg/6r8M b land, dotal paly- latdiy, pwmv4. tomb 04. . I - VAN- m4 oeittrd air, vac, smaller Iatw 1 06 washy. OOtNN MYIENR swaged d(shstmhm. , '. ,rp bark mores oo attm w4 ass Oeu6 9l1,9D86. p8/191► 60 pe7fter 16 00 drive, Professionally slat Or OnO F�� Ss «so• M) HOUSE 6n Clutch SL. Pum w sewalea of boom mombly 1i'd`alid• tray teuoed, doe. peta11t) ,p has aom to wet, dMMd ad„kb1LI and pat Call Oft# of b mchoa µ Yee Sew A booker hes il0AM lend M aooeiato/"age- 41211 -ISM gM4@W FYn� B� � � ~�0R As' ISOs Rementry 62Zt 441791) cid Sarstoee. pI1M1) 1i1119 6225,000. 4323367. M esnsy- No arefr dolts. me 1 NORTH Obams - R2000. 7 4 khdwm Teeple Cas Yank d man I- )Ntr OU 2-beMmm "ale Tso38 LM w orad) Irtekt 90w 4my reetR amilra $00.9t7i1/0.41sM,) ►ICKERINO • For real - wa/t°al air and vacuum, Intercoms, Female, mom mwm l9 ohm 997� bas•momtb mit $ 14.900. ML �1• b walk am Sbsdsmall knew in Lttgtow Ts " 5761. 6/•490 489 a127.427O1Oa Hoy. aim L 6460 was"Inst) MAOeRA limadn - (clearitamer Irlyn bdlydi 1. Pbsme 28- OPFJI Name Sawdsy 1.4 ate AJAX - So14h Aim beatAlld 4 M IIIIA ). fiilry cbww"WIPe w 9720. Werk s9:-31917. Supifthomk lot. Plicae 2 samlykhw 24". 2 Herts, waster, dryer. 1,500 sq, IL 441491) hosts' I bedlmomM, flmieltod garage. sit. 1.400 sq. ft.. luxury condo. 2 baths. 2 AJAX - anpwAffib %Nab lm t lh" bsmamilt. Imply redltn 61115.000. 696.40M or 143- bedroo1111 plus dem. NNW shore dam and modam hateuft 1 1�' 111me1d101Iee Nis. (0416111) pool, JectcK top 11th. Dker✓y with too athsrs, Large 6" IdMMn. 212ltellts, akdug sad m GIM- 72340M 4418111, yard, OeiNral ale. ava11Mb berg memo. Aekpj 62389,00. AJAXI'WHITBY Custom 4 GLEARwATEII - abedroorn kmhtaMiNat.ly. Cas N6-12011, ad al8-i n 48Ug1) bedtoorit, imps man flow Iamb. MEANd WA rMgotlWbk p41a9t) O11tIAwA - said detachmd. a tb1�d 11OrtMa, club house . heated apsnnwa, to Mtmao sate gwl 'W. lopped die9 b dock. quist edoel aid makmm b Soldigly MaW In- Poolhot ttuutb,�*nllss. eeeep,0. ise1 saber loitM. Ltd. 1d Purl 041401)Simpkin R.E. 1 Iesp0lsWe kndividwl, more• L10. as612l1.4410t) sff"Mo female preferred. 6,24,600. No agsrrM. Oats Ch Paddrp avaleble, Isnced-in am fD$IM) 14 VALLEY 29,10 ap�6m 10611at3 _ epecbr Osdl yard, avarabll SOLA. SOLD. BOLD -FNM eq. IL 4 bedroom exeartlw Aprl 22. 60440 mashy. M Home hems. SwIMe baesmortt and GLL CLA9SIAED ktobeka No Int ngtied. Car The stro�wyy toCo ad aw oft mon am Lots d 570->i E 7204-,9044. leave mMaa.g.. I1drM twit ox oaretdnbn. 111111' SM 43&61@L Addng I) 7M7M7M7M 48/01) Car 4!00803, (TFNALL) 6 ss�� : 1 1 6B1B M 116 : 1 1 9B1B M i 6 r111r �/ tIPORIB e1ra lferd ace st el der 119• Mwltt c 9000 LE. Woo* 11892 YAM 0411$ LX Itptlfry t tla6l 0001st RAY fArll 1IBk lV_troller, lank see Iso ow eke ate star. V4L door. coup*. 4 cyto ler. 6 ala 46A00 bq SAM 436 - now life 10e min . g del, ab. ttt�r bu%K dist a►. peed. AM1FM show atosE 7r1.10� (Bt/N1) new tits, awnlrtg, good µ,29i 00"Ifled. G.S.T. lost aoitdll en btfdebu, line t166011rwratto Sia ton 4X4. V- (040dr1491) . 6796. 961.6067• Included. Call 427-9722 � � s no so g. � an min � 1973 21' PROWLER ti pork, anytime. Ba Town Salm. 02.2M Ce0 (Allot) 4V -WV fully boded, a has rner, ace. with basulrul me and 1e19e p/,0111) mater Itseh, atrkknp 117.000. private let, Wilberforce/ 1tw Pontiac Acadian, NpM /889 LktoOb 4•ib01r, Townow. Old 416967-3836- (041961) Bancroft area. $210 d this ' 4epMd rrtatnxd 1re11h fully equipped, excellent IMM QMC Sisom 12 Ion pkk- oeno lafespold TtttNeroom krr►1 dorNola only W� condition, oatrled. $4,500. up with cap, automatic. length aas with ull length tied moll ful shad Mit Deer Asking $2,Mint133-8 427-6792 pw91) plemus, ueldde, P.M. 576- hld11e and Dab. eonM work (011091) 1890 Trona -Am. T -loaf. poster 0693 p4/891) needed on POss. Must 90, leas Thunderbird• in good �• steering and brakes. 1999 Jeep Commanche 4 $4,000 a beet offer. 57131273. 0ondpbnr best O roles. l am d� As es 4 or boo� I ddw Laredo. WA flow. p� �nbws, power bdus. (041891) 1171. F best oiler. Car bfJb 9906. (0416at) sailor hick AMIFM cassaba. ORT ready a wmnw ram 1171. (fFi1ALLSNC) heavy der suspension and We haw a loge seI cion of 1ri3 Cutlass Cierra, fully 1979 Cutlass Supreme . for sbdrloa4 car phone Optional. new and used Park Model loaded, good oorl -i . $%SW. pert, body good, now poor. $10.900 or bed offer. Days Trailers on apes in a large Cao ager 6 p.m.. 428-0358. Sroy with red knMrbr, $4W or 915062, 9 0@39415. beautiful perk with fancy and (031491) bele offer. Cal 43481M alk (04191) aduk spas. Open 7 days a or BR (041691) waneµ Cal for acomplete listof auto Fond TTwnderbkd, V4 1980 SUZUKI 6AYAURI unit- PfpeOn L=ke Trailer Park auto with cassette, only 1f/0 PNNo wagorL 4�ykte gtantlad, low n1 0 maty 50,000 mess. 1;2.300 certified 4�Peed• AM/FM aaose. tot extras, $400. Cal ewnirps 7057995376 (041891) or best offer. 721-9198 of now parts. $5W. 427-71154 after 0.967-3779.(041891) 1Kf anytlme. (041691) after 530 p.m (042391SNC) 11O G.S.T. N Deal$ On Wftooll tris Jeep Cherokee Chief. lean Ford Ranger XL. Pilo Automart/Fleamarket good condition..4x4.5 air 107e ProtMer trailer 23 awning, aubrrnetk N1c. 69,000 km ex- Over 2 actor. of vehicles bit onrndplornkg• 4x4, $6,500. 9116 - air conditioning. haler hookup. cellent $3.995. 1987 Reliarm 2481. Calalter Sp.m. (04/691) sway bars, etc. Also 14 12 It. LE. auto., air. excellent. sale sale by owner. Open every fiberglass boat, surf master $3,695. 1985 Nissan Mk tory N., OOsshawo 1730 Sin St. 725.0002. Leave with trailer, 1981 Evinrude $1,795 mint. 1984 Acadian, (041891) • motor. 663-4113. (041491) auto, excellent, $2.295, 1992 Buick Skyhawk Ltd., auto.. ONTARIO Motor Sales. now, MOTORCYCLE APACHE trailer, hardside excakaM $2,295, 966.4089, used leasing GM Enpbyees trailer. 6 man. stove, furnace. 4351,6,. (04,99,) CO Omela or Rodney at on- INSURANCE ice bac. excellent condition, 1903 Pontiac WW LE - fully torio Motor Sales. 7254501 ler cit long(4abest9241.( (041691) loaded. loaded, V-6, very good ��1�(a1891) -683-9%25 long (416) 4369241. (041691) Campos, 190 Viking hardtop tem trailer. •�. ..vim. sink ke bon, $3,200. Cap =her 6 P -m. 6630564. (041491) WK/liiY> - BOAT sips - Balsam Lake on Trent system quiet harbour, eller water, good fishing, up to 40 It. $275 up. Phone (705) 454-1946. (043091) 12 12 h. akmimxn boat with sNering whets and windshield. with 1968 25 ho spot. great ler fishing. asking $1.300. Call 6963901. (041691► 30 hP Nissan long shah boat moor. brand new. $1.700 firm. 962461. polsel) 1804 15 A. Fibrelrr, 70 hp. Esinrude. InOw and extras, $6,500 er bast offer. 261-0494. (042591 SNC) 14 1L boat, aluminum, 15 hosepwer mO101 A 4 horow Paver motor. tsh finder. volar. in excelent conckion. $2AW or bow ober- Call 13661878. (04191) W Bowrlder boat, 55 hp. new EZ load trailer, good top, 2 downrlpgers, 2 rod holders, dspen finder. cb. `ado. twin tonks. 83.850 or beat otter. 679996. (041913NC) 12 h. flbrploss boat, 6 hp johns , 6 b. tiruM, Irtkr I" ro" maser- $IADD or boat other. Cal 0219107 alta 5 pm. Wiwi) 9. bei �r A for rttpecial. Tape � family on an unloll stable cruise along the TRENT WATERWAY in our 6 or 4 sleepers. From RAR Houseboat fteraala. waskands tram 8445 Par bot Car 70- 738.'Isa2- pt2ri1) :11 Mai "a Cooks LT, stack its., PJx. eaamSerM. rets Pleated, F • IusookbvmK � 612,600 at ban offer. 997- 1944. Call after 0 p.m. 11889 PWAK Gp d Pik LF, fully loaded. showroom condition. $14.400 or boat OW. 0 6-M13 w 04 -MM (Dam) 1899 CAVAUER Z24 Mini aomd dw boded, bw9mody will 91Nr lalerlor, page WAR tiros. 30AN kat, oeitlNm a 611.500. TekphaM 72940M saw 5 Pik k w Is" flNseegm lim �wmpo, bClaw � a� tlw • ahs" trertleatI No G,6 -T. 03-6 $L 481491) "a Mads =% OX. adµ. sky pa., PIL. mwft" maw. 36.000 km. 67ASIL 062-71N w 427.2662.44101) tm Olfb dent Bra1t�Mlq key boded. V-01 goy. scow, 75,000 km. Im_maculat• 671.5340 1(0110001SNC) Cal teM TOYOTA COROLLA LE Aub. 111. Ah11FlA, repb0atrreinl ON 616,000. As now, :10.900. Ca19663NL p4isei) 91117 Dodge hall -ton D100. rPON-maintalned, certified. 66.000 4204580. (041781) 086 Oldsmobile Calais, DDAW kat, good mn M', 7Aoo or limit offer. Plowa i1-2047. p8/M1CNC) aonOpron. $2.500. 430-3042. (041691) SPRING has sprung - clean up row - cash for your tornpists scrap car or truck. Fast pick W. 428-1061. (041991) PINE RIDGE AtINSURANCE 190 Nighthawk 750. excellent condition, new tires, chain, sprocket, battery, paint, timing. chain, $1.500 oemifed. 432- 3756. (042591SNC) OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY, APRIL 14, 2-4 P.M. 1135 HARVEST DRIVE PICKERING Maple Ridge. 2,100 sq. ft. 4 bedroom home with exciting features. Finished basement. Landscaped lot and inground pool. $269,900. 1W Cordil CORRECTION NOTICE An si mil app�n a on Pqp 2 of our Annkwmy See Aw in this flfwspapttr on NNdlt.sft April 10. THE PRICE OF 2-'XW RANDOM LENGTH PRESSURE TREArED LUMBER SHOULD HOME BEEN SLID PER LN EAR FT. on We apokqllbe for =V pamol-AW -ow- t6 erwr may ham cowe& SALES MANAGEMENT OPPORTUNITY Are you:- a people motivator? - stimulated by creative opportlmities? a self-starter? - motivated by challenge and the rewards that accompany ad*wement? organized? - a team player? a problem solver? - community minded? ff you believe you have these derecteristics and are able to support your beliefs with a proven track record, we would be pleased to discus the above position presently open at a very successful Metropolitan Toronto based media organization. Salary, commission, car allowance and company benefits. Mail your resume to: Sales Management Box #3010 Cho Oshawa This Week 865 Farewell Ave. Oshawa, Ontario Llx ME; • n LJ • • • 0 • 0 0 . .,y. �' ori• .' . . . epecbr Osdl yard, avarabll SOLA. SOLD. BOLD -FNM eq. IL 4 bedroom exeartlw Aprl 22. 60440 mashy. M Home hems. SwIMe baesmortt and GLL CLA9SIAED ktobeka No Int ngtied. Car The stro�wyy toCo ad aw oft mon am Lots d 570->i E 7204-,9044. leave mMaa.g.. I1drM twit ox oaretdnbn. 111111' SM 43&61@L Addng I) 7M7M7M7M 48/01) Car 4!00803, (TFNALL) 6 ss�� : 1 1 6B1B M 116 : 1 1 9B1B M i 6 r111r �/ tIPORIB e1ra lferd ace st el der 119• Mwltt c 9000 LE. Woo* 11892 YAM 0411$ LX Itptlfry t tla6l 0001st RAY fArll 1IBk lV_troller, lank see Iso ow eke ate star. V4L door. coup*. 4 cyto ler. 6 ala 46A00 bq SAM 436 - now life 10e min . g del, ab. ttt�r bu%K dist a►. peed. AM1FM show atosE 7r1.10� (Bt/N1) new tits, awnlrtg, good µ,29i 00"Ifled. G.S.T. lost aoitdll en btfdebu, line t166011rwratto Sia ton 4X4. V- (040dr1491) . 6796. 961.6067• Included. Call 427-9722 � � s no so g. � an min � 1973 21' PROWLER ti pork, anytime. Ba Town Salm. 02.2M Ce0 (Allot) 4V -WV fully boded, a has rner, ace. with basulrul me and 1e19e p/,0111) mater Itseh, atrkknp 117.000. private let, Wilberforce/ 1tw Pontiac Acadian, NpM /889 LktoOb 4•ib01r, Townow. Old 416967-3836- (041961) Bancroft area. $210 d this ' 4epMd rrtatnxd 1re11h fully equipped, excellent IMM QMC Sisom 12 Ion pkk- oeno lafespold TtttNeroom krr►1 dorNola only W� condition, oatrled. $4,500. up with cap, automatic. length aas with ull length tied moll ful shad Mit Deer Asking $2,Mint133-8 427-6792 pw91) plemus, ueldde, P.M. 576- hld11e and Dab. eonM work (011091) 1890 Trona -Am. T -loaf. poster 0693 p4/891) needed on POss. Must 90, leas Thunderbird• in good �• steering and brakes. 1999 Jeep Commanche 4 $4,000 a beet offer. 57131273. 0ondpbnr best O roles. l am d� As es 4 or boo� I ddw Laredo. WA flow. p� �nbws, power bdus. (041891) 1171. F best oiler. Car bfJb 9906. (0416at) sailor hick AMIFM cassaba. ORT ready a wmnw ram 1171. (fFi1ALLSNC) heavy der suspension and We haw a loge seI cion of 1ri3 Cutlass Cierra, fully 1979 Cutlass Supreme . for sbdrloa4 car phone Optional. new and used Park Model loaded, good oorl -i . $%SW. pert, body good, now poor. $10.900 or bed offer. Days Trailers on apes in a large Cao ager 6 p.m.. 428-0358. Sroy with red knMrbr, $4W or 915062, 9 0@39415. beautiful perk with fancy and (031491) bele offer. Cal 43481M alk (04191) aduk spas. Open 7 days a or BR (041691) waneµ Cal for acomplete listof auto Fond TTwnderbkd, V4 1980 SUZUKI 6AYAURI unit- PfpeOn L=ke Trailer Park auto with cassette, only 1f/0 PNNo wagorL 4�ykte gtantlad, low n1 0 maty 50,000 mess. 1;2.300 certified 4�Peed• AM/FM aaose. tot extras, $400. Cal ewnirps 7057995376 (041891) or best offer. 721-9198 of now parts. $5W. 427-71154 after 0.967-3779.(041891) 1Kf anytlme. (041691) after 530 p.m (042391SNC) 11O G.S.T. N Deal$ On Wftooll tris Jeep Cherokee Chief. lean Ford Ranger XL. Pilo Automart/Fleamarket good condition..4x4.5 air 107e ProtMer trailer 23 awning, aubrrnetk N1c. 69,000 km ex- Over 2 actor. of vehicles bit onrndplornkg• 4x4, $6,500. 9116 - air conditioning. haler hookup. cellent $3.995. 1987 Reliarm 2481. Calalter Sp.m. (04/691) sway bars, etc. Also 14 12 It. LE. auto., air. excellent. sale sale by owner. Open every fiberglass boat, surf master $3,695. 1985 Nissan Mk tory N., OOsshawo 1730 Sin St. 725.0002. Leave with trailer, 1981 Evinrude $1,795 mint. 1984 Acadian, (041891) • motor. 663-4113. (041491) auto, excellent, $2.295, 1992 Buick Skyhawk Ltd., auto.. ONTARIO Motor Sales. now, MOTORCYCLE APACHE trailer, hardside excakaM $2,295, 966.4089, used leasing GM Enpbyees trailer. 6 man. stove, furnace. 4351,6,. (04,99,) CO Omela or Rodney at on- INSURANCE ice bac. excellent condition, 1903 Pontiac WW LE - fully torio Motor Sales. 7254501 ler cit long(4abest9241.( (041691) loaded. loaded, V-6, very good ��1�(a1891) -683-9%25 long (416) 4369241. (041691) Campos, 190 Viking hardtop tem trailer. •�. ..vim. sink ke bon, $3,200. Cap =her 6 P -m. 6630564. (041491) WK/liiY> - BOAT sips - Balsam Lake on Trent system quiet harbour, eller water, good fishing, up to 40 It. $275 up. Phone (705) 454-1946. (043091) 12 12 h. akmimxn boat with sNering whets and windshield. with 1968 25 ho spot. great ler fishing. asking $1.300. Call 6963901. (041691► 30 hP Nissan long shah boat moor. brand new. $1.700 firm. 962461. polsel) 1804 15 A. Fibrelrr, 70 hp. Esinrude. InOw and extras, $6,500 er bast offer. 261-0494. (042591 SNC) 14 1L boat, aluminum, 15 hosepwer mO101 A 4 horow Paver motor. tsh finder. volar. in excelent conckion. $2AW or bow ober- Call 13661878. (04191) W Bowrlder boat, 55 hp. new EZ load trailer, good top, 2 downrlpgers, 2 rod holders, dspen finder. cb. `ado. twin tonks. 83.850 or beat otter. 679996. (041913NC) 12 h. flbrploss boat, 6 hp johns , 6 b. tiruM, Irtkr I" ro" maser- $IADD or boat other. Cal 0219107 alta 5 pm. Wiwi) 9. bei �r A for rttpecial. Tape � family on an unloll stable cruise along the TRENT WATERWAY in our 6 or 4 sleepers. From RAR Houseboat fteraala. waskands tram 8445 Par bot Car 70- 738.'Isa2- pt2ri1) :11 Mai "a Cooks LT, stack its., PJx. eaamSerM. rets Pleated, F • IusookbvmK � 612,600 at ban offer. 997- 1944. Call after 0 p.m. 11889 PWAK Gp d Pik LF, fully loaded. showroom condition. $14.400 or boat OW. 0 6-M13 w 04 -MM (Dam) 1899 CAVAUER Z24 Mini aomd dw boded, bw9mody will 91Nr lalerlor, page WAR tiros. 30AN kat, oeitlNm a 611.500. TekphaM 72940M saw 5 Pik k w Is" flNseegm lim �wmpo, bClaw � a� tlw • ahs" trertleatI No G,6 -T. 03-6 $L 481491) "a Mads =% OX. adµ. sky pa., PIL. mwft" maw. 36.000 km. 67ASIL 062-71N w 427.2662.44101) tm Olfb dent Bra1t�Mlq key boded. V-01 goy. scow, 75,000 km. Im_maculat• 671.5340 1(0110001SNC) Cal teM TOYOTA COROLLA LE Aub. 111. Ah11FlA, repb0atrreinl ON 616,000. As now, :10.900. Ca19663NL p4isei) 91117 Dodge hall -ton D100. rPON-maintalned, certified. 66.000 4204580. (041781) 086 Oldsmobile Calais, DDAW kat, good mn M', 7Aoo or limit offer. Plowa i1-2047. p8/M1CNC) aonOpron. $2.500. 430-3042. (041691) SPRING has sprung - clean up row - cash for your tornpists scrap car or truck. Fast pick W. 428-1061. (041991) PINE RIDGE AtINSURANCE 190 Nighthawk 750. excellent condition, new tires, chain, sprocket, battery, paint, timing. chain, $1.500 oemifed. 432- 3756. (042591SNC) OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY, APRIL 14, 2-4 P.M. 1135 HARVEST DRIVE PICKERING Maple Ridge. 2,100 sq. ft. 4 bedroom home with exciting features. Finished basement. Landscaped lot and inground pool. $269,900. 1W Cordil CORRECTION NOTICE An si mil app�n a on Pqp 2 of our Annkwmy See Aw in this flfwspapttr on NNdlt.sft April 10. THE PRICE OF 2-'XW RANDOM LENGTH PRESSURE TREArED LUMBER SHOULD HOME BEEN SLID PER LN EAR FT. on We apokqllbe for =V pamol-AW -ow- t6 erwr may ham cowe& SALES MANAGEMENT OPPORTUNITY Are you:- a people motivator? - stimulated by creative opportlmities? a self-starter? - motivated by challenge and the rewards that accompany ad*wement? organized? - a team player? a problem solver? - community minded? ff you believe you have these derecteristics and are able to support your beliefs with a proven track record, we would be pleased to discus the above position presently open at a very successful Metropolitan Toronto based media organization. Salary, commission, car allowance and company benefits. Mail your resume to: Sales Management Box #3010 Cho Oshawa This Week 865 Farewell Ave. Oshawa, Ontario Llx ME; • n LJ • • • 0 • 0 0 . .,y. �' ori• .' . . . 6 ss�� : 1 1 6B1B M 116 : 1 1 9B1B M i 6 r111r �/ tIPORIB e1ra lferd ace st el der 119• Mwltt c 9000 LE. Woo* 11892 YAM 0411$ LX Itptlfry t tla6l 0001st RAY fArll 1IBk lV_troller, lank see Iso ow eke ate star. V4L door. coup*. 4 cyto ler. 6 ala 46A00 bq SAM 436 - now life 10e min . g del, ab. ttt�r bu%K dist a►. peed. AM1FM show atosE 7r1.10� (Bt/N1) new tits, awnlrtg, good µ,29i 00"Ifled. G.S.T. lost aoitdll en btfdebu, line t166011rwratto Sia ton 4X4. V- (040dr1491) . 6796. 961.6067• Included. Call 427-9722 � � s no so g. � an min � 1973 21' PROWLER ti pork, anytime. Ba Town Salm. 02.2M Ce0 (Allot) 4V -WV fully boded, a has rner, ace. with basulrul me and 1e19e p/,0111) mater Itseh, atrkknp 117.000. private let, Wilberforce/ 1tw Pontiac Acadian, NpM /889 LktoOb 4•ib01r, Townow. Old 416967-3836- (041961) Bancroft area. $210 d this ' 4epMd rrtatnxd 1re11h fully equipped, excellent IMM QMC Sisom 12 Ion pkk- oeno lafespold TtttNeroom krr►1 dorNola only W� condition, oatrled. $4,500. up with cap, automatic. length aas with ull length tied moll ful shad Mit Deer Asking $2,Mint133-8 427-6792 pw91) plemus, ueldde, P.M. 576- hld11e and Dab. eonM work (011091) 1890 Trona -Am. T -loaf. poster 0693 p4/891) needed on POss. Must 90, leas Thunderbird• in good �• steering and brakes. 1999 Jeep Commanche 4 $4,000 a beet offer. 57131273. 0ondpbnr best O roles. l am d� As es 4 or boo� I ddw Laredo. WA flow. p� �nbws, power bdus. (041891) 1171. F best oiler. Car bfJb 9906. (0416at) sailor hick AMIFM cassaba. ORT ready a wmnw ram 1171. (fFi1ALLSNC) heavy der suspension and We haw a loge seI cion of 1ri3 Cutlass Cierra, fully 1979 Cutlass Supreme . for sbdrloa4 car phone Optional. new and used Park Model loaded, good oorl -i . $%SW. pert, body good, now poor. $10.900 or bed offer. Days Trailers on apes in a large Cao ager 6 p.m.. 428-0358. Sroy with red knMrbr, $4W or 915062, 9 0@39415. beautiful perk with fancy and (031491) bele offer. Cal 43481M alk (04191) aduk spas. Open 7 days a or BR (041691) waneµ Cal for acomplete listof auto Fond TTwnderbkd, V4 1980 SUZUKI 6AYAURI unit- PfpeOn L=ke Trailer Park auto with cassette, only 1f/0 PNNo wagorL 4�ykte gtantlad, low n1 0 maty 50,000 mess. 1;2.300 certified 4�Peed• AM/FM aaose. tot extras, $400. Cal ewnirps 7057995376 (041891) or best offer. 721-9198 of now parts. $5W. 427-71154 after 0.967-3779.(041891) 1Kf anytlme. (041691) after 530 p.m (042391SNC) 11O G.S.T. N Deal$ On Wftooll tris Jeep Cherokee Chief. lean Ford Ranger XL. Pilo Automart/Fleamarket good condition..4x4.5 air 107e ProtMer trailer 23 awning, aubrrnetk N1c. 69,000 km ex- Over 2 actor. of vehicles bit onrndplornkg• 4x4, $6,500. 9116 - air conditioning. haler hookup. cellent $3.995. 1987 Reliarm 2481. Calalter Sp.m. (04/691) sway bars, etc. Also 14 12 It. LE. auto., air. excellent. sale sale by owner. Open every fiberglass boat, surf master $3,695. 1985 Nissan Mk tory N., OOsshawo 1730 Sin St. 725.0002. Leave with trailer, 1981 Evinrude $1,795 mint. 1984 Acadian, (041891) • motor. 663-4113. (041491) auto, excellent, $2.295, 1992 Buick Skyhawk Ltd., auto.. ONTARIO Motor Sales. now, MOTORCYCLE APACHE trailer, hardside excakaM $2,295, 966.4089, used leasing GM Enpbyees trailer. 6 man. stove, furnace. 4351,6,. (04,99,) CO Omela or Rodney at on- INSURANCE ice bac. excellent condition, 1903 Pontiac WW LE - fully torio Motor Sales. 7254501 ler cit long(4abest9241.( (041691) loaded. loaded, V-6, very good ��1�(a1891) -683-9%25 long (416) 4369241. (041691) Campos, 190 Viking hardtop tem trailer. •�. ..vim. sink ke bon, $3,200. Cap =her 6 P -m. 6630564. (041491) WK/liiY> - BOAT sips - Balsam Lake on Trent system quiet harbour, eller water, good fishing, up to 40 It. $275 up. Phone (705) 454-1946. (043091) 12 12 h. akmimxn boat with sNering whets and windshield. with 1968 25 ho spot. great ler fishing. asking $1.300. Call 6963901. (041691► 30 hP Nissan long shah boat moor. brand new. $1.700 firm. 962461. polsel) 1804 15 A. Fibrelrr, 70 hp. Esinrude. InOw and extras, $6,500 er bast offer. 261-0494. (042591 SNC) 14 1L boat, aluminum, 15 hosepwer mO101 A 4 horow Paver motor. tsh finder. volar. in excelent conckion. $2AW or bow ober- Call 13661878. (04191) W Bowrlder boat, 55 hp. new EZ load trailer, good top, 2 downrlpgers, 2 rod holders, dspen finder. cb. `ado. twin tonks. 83.850 or beat otter. 679996. (041913NC) 12 h. flbrploss boat, 6 hp johns , 6 b. tiruM, Irtkr I" ro" maser- $IADD or boat other. Cal 0219107 alta 5 pm. Wiwi) 9. bei �r A for rttpecial. Tape � family on an unloll stable cruise along the TRENT WATERWAY in our 6 or 4 sleepers. From RAR Houseboat fteraala. waskands tram 8445 Par bot Car 70- 738.'Isa2- pt2ri1) :11 Mai "a Cooks LT, stack its., PJx. eaamSerM. rets Pleated, F • IusookbvmK � 612,600 at ban offer. 997- 1944. Call after 0 p.m. 11889 PWAK Gp d Pik LF, fully loaded. showroom condition. $14.400 or boat OW. 0 6-M13 w 04 -MM (Dam) 1899 CAVAUER Z24 Mini aomd dw boded, bw9mody will 91Nr lalerlor, page WAR tiros. 30AN kat, oeitlNm a 611.500. TekphaM 72940M saw 5 Pik k w Is" flNseegm lim �wmpo, bClaw � a� tlw • ahs" trertleatI No G,6 -T. 03-6 $L 481491) "a Mads =% OX. adµ. sky pa., PIL. mwft" maw. 36.000 km. 67ASIL 062-71N w 427.2662.44101) tm Olfb dent Bra1t�Mlq key boded. V-01 goy. scow, 75,000 km. Im_maculat• 671.5340 1(0110001SNC) Cal teM TOYOTA COROLLA LE Aub. 111. Ah11FlA, repb0atrreinl ON 616,000. As now, :10.900. Ca19663NL p4isei) 91117 Dodge hall -ton D100. rPON-maintalned, certified. 66.000 4204580. (041781) 086 Oldsmobile Calais, DDAW kat, good mn M', 7Aoo or limit offer. Plowa i1-2047. p8/M1CNC) aonOpron. $2.500. 430-3042. (041691) SPRING has sprung - clean up row - cash for your tornpists scrap car or truck. Fast pick W. 428-1061. (041991) PINE RIDGE AtINSURANCE 190 Nighthawk 750. excellent condition, new tires, chain, sprocket, battery, paint, timing. chain, $1.500 oemifed. 432- 3756. (042591SNC) OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY, APRIL 14, 2-4 P.M. 1135 HARVEST DRIVE PICKERING Maple Ridge. 2,100 sq. ft. 4 bedroom home with exciting features. Finished basement. Landscaped lot and inground pool. $269,900. 1W Cordil CORRECTION NOTICE An si mil app�n a on Pqp 2 of our Annkwmy See Aw in this flfwspapttr on NNdlt.sft April 10. THE PRICE OF 2-'XW RANDOM LENGTH PRESSURE TREArED LUMBER SHOULD HOME BEEN SLID PER LN EAR FT. on We apokqllbe for =V pamol-AW -ow- t6 erwr may ham cowe& SALES MANAGEMENT OPPORTUNITY Are you:- a people motivator? - stimulated by creative opportlmities? a self-starter? - motivated by challenge and the rewards that accompany ad*wement? organized? - a team player? a problem solver? - community minded? ff you believe you have these derecteristics and are able to support your beliefs with a proven track record, we would be pleased to discus the above position presently open at a very successful Metropolitan Toronto based media organization. Salary, commission, car allowance and company benefits. Mail your resume to: Sales Management Box #3010 Cho Oshawa This Week 865 Farewell Ave. Oshawa, Ontario Llx ME; • n LJ • • • 0 • 0 0 . .,y. �' ori• .' . . . Campos, 190 Viking hardtop tem trailer. •�. ..vim. sink ke bon, $3,200. Cap =her 6 P -m. 6630564. (041491) WK/liiY> - BOAT sips - Balsam Lake on Trent system quiet harbour, eller water, good fishing, up to 40 It. $275 up. Phone (705) 454-1946. (043091) 12 12 h. akmimxn boat with sNering whets and windshield. with 1968 25 ho spot. great ler fishing. asking $1.300. Call 6963901. (041691► 30 hP Nissan long shah boat moor. brand new. $1.700 firm. 962461. polsel) 1804 15 A. Fibrelrr, 70 hp. Esinrude. InOw and extras, $6,500 er bast offer. 261-0494. (042591 SNC) 14 1L boat, aluminum, 15 hosepwer mO101 A 4 horow Paver motor. tsh finder. volar. in excelent conckion. $2AW or bow ober- Call 13661878. (04191) W Bowrlder boat, 55 hp. new EZ load trailer, good top, 2 downrlpgers, 2 rod holders, dspen finder. cb. `ado. twin tonks. 83.850 or beat otter. 679996. (041913NC) 12 h. flbrploss boat, 6 hp johns , 6 b. tiruM, Irtkr I" ro" maser- $IADD or boat other. Cal 0219107 alta 5 pm. Wiwi) 9. bei �r A for rttpecial. Tape � family on an unloll stable cruise along the TRENT WATERWAY in our 6 or 4 sleepers. From RAR Houseboat fteraala. waskands tram 8445 Par bot Car 70- 738.'Isa2- pt2ri1) :11 Mai "a Cooks LT, stack its., PJx. eaamSerM. rets Pleated, F • IusookbvmK � 612,600 at ban offer. 997- 1944. Call after 0 p.m. 11889 PWAK Gp d Pik LF, fully loaded. showroom condition. $14.400 or boat OW. 0 6-M13 w 04 -MM (Dam) 1899 CAVAUER Z24 Mini aomd dw boded, bw9mody will 91Nr lalerlor, page WAR tiros. 30AN kat, oeitlNm a 611.500. TekphaM 72940M saw 5 Pik k w Is" flNseegm lim �wmpo, bClaw � a� tlw • ahs" trertleatI No G,6 -T. 03-6 $L 481491) "a Mads =% OX. adµ. sky pa., PIL. mwft" maw. 36.000 km. 67ASIL 062-71N w 427.2662.44101) tm Olfb dent Bra1t�Mlq key boded. V-01 goy. scow, 75,000 km. Im_maculat• 671.5340 1(0110001SNC) Cal teM TOYOTA COROLLA LE Aub. 111. Ah11FlA, repb0atrreinl ON 616,000. As now, :10.900. Ca19663NL p4isei) 91117 Dodge hall -ton D100. rPON-maintalned, certified. 66.000 4204580. (041781) 086 Oldsmobile Calais, DDAW kat, good mn M', 7Aoo or limit offer. Plowa i1-2047. p8/M1CNC) aonOpron. $2.500. 430-3042. (041691) SPRING has sprung - clean up row - cash for your tornpists scrap car or truck. Fast pick W. 428-1061. (041991) PINE RIDGE AtINSURANCE 190 Nighthawk 750. excellent condition, new tires, chain, sprocket, battery, paint, timing. chain, $1.500 oemifed. 432- 3756. (042591SNC) OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY, APRIL 14, 2-4 P.M. 1135 HARVEST DRIVE PICKERING Maple Ridge. 2,100 sq. ft. 4 bedroom home with exciting features. Finished basement. Landscaped lot and inground pool. $269,900. 1W Cordil CORRECTION NOTICE An si mil app�n a on Pqp 2 of our Annkwmy See Aw in this flfwspapttr on NNdlt.sft April 10. THE PRICE OF 2-'XW RANDOM LENGTH PRESSURE TREArED LUMBER SHOULD HOME BEEN SLID PER LN EAR FT. on We apokqllbe for =V pamol-AW -ow- t6 erwr may ham cowe& SALES MANAGEMENT OPPORTUNITY Are you:- a people motivator? - stimulated by creative opportlmities? a self-starter? - motivated by challenge and the rewards that accompany ad*wement? organized? - a team player? a problem solver? - community minded? ff you believe you have these derecteristics and are able to support your beliefs with a proven track record, we would be pleased to discus the above position presently open at a very successful Metropolitan Toronto based media organization. Salary, commission, car allowance and company benefits. Mail your resume to: Sales Management Box #3010 Cho Oshawa This Week 865 Farewell Ave. Oshawa, Ontario Llx ME; • n LJ • • • 0 • 0 0 . .,y. �' ori• .' . . . a THE NEWSADVERTLSER SUNDA%ATR1L 14,1!91 -TACE 1t IL & A&M, owr Awaits ar 0a1 Plymouth VILLAGE Chrysler Ajax Ltd. ONLY 1 5 IN *249 STOCK nenth it T PASS. - r rte- Z 1991 MAG WAG NS Automatic, pis, p/b, tinned glass, elec. defroster, 7 -pass., roof rack, air, opt. Pearlcoat Paint. T-6689 VILLAGE PLYMOUTH CHRYSLER NORTH AJAX IN STOCK ,ee, cuunnurc c Ito or::.. njjin. bbe �,n J.'9% 9 on - selected models t. r Cash-, debates 'up to 1 420000'a 2 -dr., auto, cloth seats, rear defroster plus much more!! 30* ONLY 1ST Amo. IN STOCK 1991 DYNASTY 50/50 seats, 4-spd., auto, 3.3-V6 engine, air, pis, p/b, electric defroster, 28* Pearicoat Paint. ONLY 328 CH6729 per ff00. AIR AIR v PAGE U6THE NLWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, AFREL 14, 1"l - - ---- - - - - ounEr fER,103A I o� "NOMA" POWER MOWERS 018" PROMOTIONAL ELECTRIC -UNASSEMBLED • " MODEL 749 NOW ONLY129 a 423749 ZOWER • 3.5 H.P. - B&S ENGINE MODEL GP750 - UNASSEMBLED x NOW ONLY �1. 99 159 - 423750 S 3000 PROPANE BBQ = = 30,000 d.T.U: TPM mumNCL. =' 'x ;•NOW ONLY �- -, 99.14 91 } - asa000 ` A 7rl PEAT MOSS � 99 L 4�: - . ONLY,00 5 ------ FROM OUR RENTAL DEPT.- SPRING SPECIAL! f, PRESSURE TREAT D COMPLETE LAWNMOWER CHEM OUR PRK:ES ' d*CK OUR QLiLf SERVICE 4 .2"x4"x8' ............................ .NOW ONLY 249 FA. , 2250 PARTS EXTRA •2"W' RANDOM LENGTH ....ONLY 33" LIN. FT. OSHAWA STORE ONLY •2"x6" RANDOMAENGTH ...ONLY 53`LjN. FT. "TRASH N' STASH" •2"x8" RANDOM LENGTH ... ONW 7V LIN. Fr. PORTABLE GARBAGE BAG STANDS •2"x10" RANDOM LENGTH. ONLy 110 LIN. FT REG. 15.99 99 92'X12" RANDOM LENGTH ....ONLY I'LlIN. Fr SALE 437030 ;,NOyy ONLY INA. SHING LES '1"706"X5' P.T......................'NOW ONLY 1-59 IFA. RAMPART •1"X6"X6' PT.. ......Now ONLY 179 EA. .............. PREMAIIIII SHINGLE PROTECTION C • HEAVYWEIGHT 3 -TAS SH*/GLE 1 `� •5/4"X6" P.T. DECKIONLY 45" OT5/ LIN. Fr. • SUN -ACTIVATED SEALMIG ' STRIPS PROTECT AGALNST •4"X4"XW-16 P ............... .T. ONY 74 - UN. FT WIND UPLIFT ` 1 • A RANGE OF POPULAR COLORS AND BMWS .4••X4'708' P.T. i TO CHOOSE FROM ................... iVOW ONLY �' EA. • 20 YEAR WARRANTY fig, 99 BUNDLE •6"x6" RANDOM UR4M P.T... ONLY Lid. FT. ..,.:,SPECIAL so�oo� so�m LAWN SPREADERS �-CITADEL � ,� .�� �j- BROADCAST SPREADER -MODEL 10300 OR SASIC VALUE AND PROTECT1oN� / *DROP SPREADER -MODEL 10350 • LAW -COST 3 -TAS SHINGLE ' •�; 11 YOUR CHOICE • MOST PovuAR cowls AVAL+ASLE_ _ / • Sl44-14WATW SEALM �� r SiRlvs PmcTECT AQAL w w*w UPLIFT '> REG. 34.99 • u YEAR WARRAKfY .999 BUNDLE SALE n WHITE VINYL SIDING ® THE TEXTURE AAD SCIUARE EDGE PROFILE OF REAL WOOD CARTON COVERS aoLMLE-s 194 SQ. Fr ONLY 00 ® SOLID WHITE SOFFIT 1r LONG x 1s v2" 099 NOW OW... 1 PEACE ® PERFORATED WHITE SOFFIT 1r LONG X 18 u2" Now ONLY.... 10� ® WHITE FASCIA 1099 1r LONG x 8" NOW ONLY... PIECE L A 999 510300 23" SPRING RAKES • STEEL HEAD • SWEEP TYPE ONLY 4! 4201 06 NOT EXACTLY AS SF101AIW >. ..,__. _ -.-.. - r I'�-' -: 3'L e : . Yi:.Mcrul� - - waa:mr�raw�,n:.n�.•n..�-- _ -_-.�.... �_-.._... _..._ . .. • � � � ,