HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA1991_04_07rw, w�,'-.•A .� •� ..' ,'t ..i w•r�cco C&Ia.1'►av •Pall ! 14101 Y GOLIFMlEhMMIEERSH�Mlii�.:ti'. �.i �,.. y... .�.,�. :i.,y' ,.1 f."�T''s`^ W ..^,. *1C .!+tit;••, -v , ,. w;,v. DAYS Ajax &Pickering - nee aaa mum iw Alb GREEN FEES PAYABLE GOLF TOURNAA+IENT is SANQUET NUFFETtl W -10"r' 0*ehew N A di, ANNJ n0RDALE COUNTRY CLUB A Metroland Community Newspaper -Sunday Edition P.O. Boot 91, Ajax LIS 3C2 (416) 6833210 NNE 3, NO. 14 510 + 40 GST = 55 CENTS SUNDAY, APRIL 7. 1991 CIRCULATION 35,000 Making a mini -putt . S.•.,N 1: rim "a1 614 Road. The course, a owned by i Z Pickering Playing h Fields, Is expected i •�• 411. to open at the end � �T ♦V a northern wilder- A mini -putt golf ness theme com- course is now .- under construction t on Bayly Street ,J west of Brock . S.•.,N 1: rim "a1 614 Road. The course, a owned by S Pickering Playing Fields, Is expected i •�• 411. to open at the end of May. It will have a northern wilder- ness theme com- plete with water t falls, mining carts and a crashed air- plane. Helping con- struct the ticket booth is Kyle - Hleyburn, wearing earmuffs, one of - four partners in Pickering Playing _ rs . S.•.,N 1: rim "a1 614 ►'`'� Another partner, a Kevin Morgan, takes a break on the site. photos by A.J. Groan DICKERING TM CEYIRE , CANADA SUNBURST BEAUTY PAGEANT SAT., APFOL 20 Entry F w Available 24 PAGES :Seaton should be -';S t Ma comppct ci4- � ` By WENDY GALLAGHER Durham Reporter DURHAM - Seaton must be planned as a compact city with affordable housing and it shouldn't become a ghetto, says former Toronto mayor John Sewell. Sewell, spokesman for the Seaton Community Group, has expressed his Food concerns about the planned Seaton communi- ty scheduled to house 90,000 people in north '--i-extend d-.-. Pickering. He made a presentation Tuesday before Durham's to today planning committee which is in the midst of AJAX-PICKERING - The Daily preparing a new official Bread Food Bank is extending its Spirit plan for the region. of Sharing spring food drive a second Sewell said, while he time, to 10 pin. Sunday. thought the official plan The drive, originally scheduled to was "headed in the right end Apr. 1 was extended to Apr. 3. direction" with respect to bringing in an additional 220.000 Seaton, he was still -wok'- pounds of food for a total of 1,120,000 ried". pounds. His concern for the By extending the drive an additional 25,000 acres of provin- fall days, the food bank hopes to reach cially-owned land is that its goal of 1 million pounds. nearby farmland be pro- Donations can be dropped off at tected• And, he wants the local fire halls. In Ajax, they're located city to be built on 1,700 at 435 Monarch Ave. and 40 Westney acres. Rd- N., while in Pickering they're at Sewell suggested the 1616 Bayly St. and 553 Kingston Rd. region pick out the worst Loblaws, located at 1792 Liverpool parcel of land for farming Rd. Pickering, is also accepting dona- within the 25,000 acres as tions. the site for the city. The items most in demand are baby We want a compact formula, peanut butter, rice and canned city that's not going to fruit. take up much space," he The Pickering -Ajax Community said And, office buildings Food Bank, located at 1066 Dunbarton should be no more than Rd, Pickering, is among those agen- six storeys high and apart- cies which benefit from the drive. See SEATON...Page3 NO WHITEVALE DUMP? Whitevale won't be bome to Durham's trash, predicts Piclkering's mayaG Page 3. NDP REIGN REVIEWED: Our MPP says he and his NDP we "hav- ing as impact"• Pate 4. TOXIC TAXI: You can have your haratdoas household wastes packed up. Pfte7. e largest circulation of anv newspaper in Aiax and Pickerina - 683-51 ID. FAX 683-7gM U1 -15S P,I.ZZA • BUY OLIEREEMEDIUM 3 TOPPING PIZZA, FQ9 99 GET OR WN THIS ADVERTISEMENT 't410 BAYLY ST. D&WERY OR PIgCUP OPEN �r0160 MAMA 8?HU ., FRI. dt SAT. :std •Pt.US APRK'.ASLE TADS 39 / 7 �� , ... R _.�:ii::• i}.X� A.. 5 '.-42 �1.. .real.. ....._._fv..•. .. T > i�..1i'.t 2 AA. r i v` JF: ar- ­I Y, `;t•�:7����7'.,ii ~'a`�':s ,rte' %. R ,�ry'�r,+n-�yf•s . 1.. S L•`j, •�• 411. r ►'`'� Another partner, a Kevin Morgan, takes a break on the site. photos by A.J. Groan DICKERING TM CEYIRE , CANADA SUNBURST BEAUTY PAGEANT SAT., APFOL 20 Entry F w Available 24 PAGES :Seaton should be -';S t Ma comppct ci4- � ` By WENDY GALLAGHER Durham Reporter DURHAM - Seaton must be planned as a compact city with affordable housing and it shouldn't become a ghetto, says former Toronto mayor John Sewell. Sewell, spokesman for the Seaton Community Group, has expressed his Food concerns about the planned Seaton communi- ty scheduled to house 90,000 people in north '--i-extend d-.-. Pickering. He made a presentation Tuesday before Durham's to today planning committee which is in the midst of AJAX-PICKERING - The Daily preparing a new official Bread Food Bank is extending its Spirit plan for the region. of Sharing spring food drive a second Sewell said, while he time, to 10 pin. Sunday. thought the official plan The drive, originally scheduled to was "headed in the right end Apr. 1 was extended to Apr. 3. direction" with respect to bringing in an additional 220.000 Seaton, he was still -wok'- pounds of food for a total of 1,120,000 ried". pounds. His concern for the By extending the drive an additional 25,000 acres of provin- fall days, the food bank hopes to reach cially-owned land is that its goal of 1 million pounds. nearby farmland be pro- Donations can be dropped off at tected• And, he wants the local fire halls. In Ajax, they're located city to be built on 1,700 at 435 Monarch Ave. and 40 Westney acres. Rd- N., while in Pickering they're at Sewell suggested the 1616 Bayly St. and 553 Kingston Rd. region pick out the worst Loblaws, located at 1792 Liverpool parcel of land for farming Rd. Pickering, is also accepting dona- within the 25,000 acres as tions. the site for the city. The items most in demand are baby We want a compact formula, peanut butter, rice and canned city that's not going to fruit. take up much space," he The Pickering -Ajax Community said And, office buildings Food Bank, located at 1066 Dunbarton should be no more than Rd, Pickering, is among those agen- six storeys high and apart- cies which benefit from the drive. See SEATON...Page3 NO WHITEVALE DUMP? Whitevale won't be bome to Durham's trash, predicts Piclkering's mayaG Page 3. NDP REIGN REVIEWED: Our MPP says he and his NDP we "hav- ing as impact"• Pate 4. TOXIC TAXI: You can have your haratdoas household wastes packed up. Pfte7. e largest circulation of anv newspaper in Aiax and Pickerina - 683-51 ID. FAX 683-7gM U1 -15S P,I.ZZA • BUY OLIEREEMEDIUM 3 TOPPING PIZZA, FQ9 99 GET OR WN THIS ADVERTISEMENT 't410 BAYLY ST. D&WERY OR PIgCUP OPEN �r0160 MAMA 8?HU ., FRI. dt SAT. :std •Pt.US APRK'.ASLE TADS 39 / 7 �� , ... R _.�:ii::• i}.X� A.. 5 '.-42 �1.. .real.. ....._._fv..•. .. T > i�..1i'.t 2 AA. r i v` JF: ar- ­I Y, `;t•�:7����7'.,ii ~'a`�':s ,rte' %. R ,�ry'�r,+n-�yf•s . 1.. tAss s rM rrsws ADVZR7 IM SUNDAX Amm 7, un Chris Kerr fouls up Jason Head's attempted lay-up, while Joey Collin follows up on the play during a pick- up basketball game in an Ajax park Wednesday after- noon. 4 non Purane goes for the lay-up, while, at right, Kerr plays a little defence as Chris Blanchard s toward the basket. Lmwerenae lams it none curing a I t ne piayers, Tkom deft: Ryan Brooks, Joey Ilin, Ron Alydrie, Chris Biggley, Chris Kerr, Ja swerence, Christ Blanahafd and Billy Malcolm. .A 4 .1s eotdn co -it b'e' r world model' c&t FROM PAGE 1 A Seaton Community Group document sets out a plan ments, no more than three storeys high, could be con- that would have every second house contain an additional strutted above stores. living unit. "If every house has a lot size of 20 by 100 *This would make nearby farming more attractive, he (feet), then 22 houses can fit on an acre," says the docu- said. menL Sewell said most of the people living in Seaton will be He questioned why the province hasn't "rushed into" middle class with a balanced mix of lower and upper- the planning of the community. class residents. "It shouldn't be any different than Metro Regional planing chairman and Newcastle mayor Toronto," he said. Marie Hubbard said Durham has an opportunity to make However, "It's time for a new model." He said many Seaton a "world -model" city and it's "very very exciting." people are worried about the high-density planned for the However, Hubbard and Durham chairman Gary city. "You can have a dense community where people Herrema agreed that the province is hesitant to make any have front and back yards," he said. firm plans. The Waiting Waiting for the Eastern Ontario Sears Drama Festival are students from Pickering's Dunbarton High School. The cast travelled to Perth to perform The Waiting, winner of the outstanding production award at the Durham Region Drama Festival. The play Is set in the wafting room of a'hospital emergency ward. From left we Tara Ferris, playwright and direc- tor irect for Frank Luke, Natalie Clarke and Kim Fox. photo by A.J. Groan Pickering mayor predicts: Whitevale won't get stuck %,vithDurham_'s­ By JUDI BOBBPIT the PI site will be chown. -' But Pickering could still be cho- P'idteria` Reporter "I don't think you're going to see sen -to host Durham's dump on g WHIIEVALE - Just months after it coming back to PI at all," says another site. Pit PI dump was declared dead, its Thomas. who predicts the province Playing host to the dump "proba- + is walking in Whitevale. won't put a dump on prim- farmland bly rests in the minds of each munic- The question of whether a dump` or an property over an aquifer. :rte, 1pality identified as having a poten- the PI land will ever come to pass -� Whitevale has hired dal landf il," says Arthurs. "Based is being kicked around again, follow- a geologist to complete an evaluation on our experience over the years, `ng Ontario environment minister of PI so that environmental infor- we've got good reason to be appre- Ruth Crier's announcement Tuesday mation will be readily available. pensive." individual GTA regions will Thomas says he's pleased that Pickering would accept the to keep their own trash. Grier has decided against a mega- region's garbage under certain condi- Some politicians — Pickering dump for all GTA regions to share. dons. "If the process was a fair pro - regional councillor Doug Dickerson "At least she's listening to the people cess and if all players shared equally, among them — say PI could be back and getting the region to take care of we would accept our responsibility an the table. Durham region chair- itself." within the region," says Arthurs. pari Gary Herrema says it's possible Arthurs agrees that a dump on the "Fair means everyone gets into the the province will study P1 in its PI site is unlikely. "I don't believe game and there's real consideration i�'ch for a long-term Durham site. PI will be used. I can't imagine why of sites and consideration of real But neither Pickering mayor they'd want to come back to a site alternatives." yne Arthurs nor the president of that's caused them no end of However, he adds, "I'm not sure "�he Whitevale Residents' grief.... politically, P1 would be a the current process reflects ociation, Lloyd Thomas, believe very bad mistake." s , ,that...even at this stage, it's not fair." TH9 N9" ADN16tT1l =1ttuNI M%AFM 7,19" -PAGE a .l..S /:�i/N✓/4//� / .Y ./ y is / n ch0 1 in,area N:1 %// Altona toreg' ,P­ By LINDA WHITE Education Reporter PICKERING - Concerned parents are demanding action on a proposed separate school in the Altona Forest. And they're tired of politicians and school board trustees passing the buck. That's why St. Monica Catholic School's contingency com- mittee, a sub -committee of the par- ent -teacher association, brought local representatives to the school Thursday evening. "Why hasn't anything been done?" a member of the committee asked trustees. "Why are we still waiting?" The board has had a designated site in the forest since 1981 and received funding approval in 1989. But plans to build the school were put on hold when town council asked the province to comment on possible preservation of the forest late last year. Durham West MPP Jim Wiseman assured residents that the review process is "under way". But, because it involves the ministries of the envi- ronment, education, municipal affairs and attorney general, it is a time-consuming process. Add to that list the Ontario Municipal Board, an independent tri- bunal which deals with municipal and planning boards. Landowner Bramalea has appealed the town's decision and is looking at a 14 - month wait before the board hears its appeal (which Bramalea can remove at any time). In the meantime, St. Monica is becoming increasingly overcrowded. It was built to accommodate 350 stu- dents and has portable capacities of 490. according to committee mem- ber Anna Mariann. At present, more than 700 students attend the school. The board remains hopeful that it will acquire the land in question. "It is the ideal site, the perfect spot for our needs," trustee Anna Crosthwaite told a crowd of almost 100. But it is not prepared to exercise its rights of expropriation. "That process is very lengthy," trustee Mary Zecchino said. "School boards don't usually do that. At the moment, it is not in our immediate agenda." Pickering mayor Wayne Arthurs agreed. "It is not the route to achieve result," he said. "We have to deal with this as an issue of community in a whole package." But blame does not rest squarely on the town's shoulders, according to Arthurs. "The town has worked with the board hand in glove. It's not the town's specific role to identify the number of schools needed. Our job is to assist them in identifying sites." Whitevale resident Julia Schembri demanded alternatives. "I am not willing to risk the off -chance that there may be a school in the Altona Forest," she said. "It's my right to send my children to a Catholic school." The board is considering a num- ber of options, "most of which you won't like", according to Crosthwaite. They include staggered classes and busing children to schools in Oshawa. But ward one local councillor Maurice Brenner's promise to do a land inventory of possible acquisi- tion sites in the area met with warm response. "Let's be creative," he said. "What have we got to lose?" The group promised to work together and will meet again at the school on Thursday, May 16. News Advertiser DELIVERY SERVICE WMW POR TME IMM i FLHN C== 70 ME DOOR NRH MR IEMts ADVERnSM CAFAM TOM AIO N TIE 1)M AIGM StMAY, APRIL 7,1991 NEWS ADVERTISER (AJAXIPICK) . A&P (PICK) CANADIAN TIRE (PICK) CIISHWAY (AJAXIPICK) ThiERNErS (AJAXIPICK) CONStAIERS DIMMUTNG (AJAXIPICK) IX MNION (AIAXIPICK) 'EMS WEIGHT LOSS (PICK.) FOOD CITY (AI/1XIPICK) IGA (AJAXIPICK) K -MART (AJAXIPICK) 'K -MART HOME CARE (AJAXIPICK) LOBLAWS (AJAXIPICK) MIRACLE FOOD MART (AJAXIPICK.) 'SAVE -A -CENTRE (PICK) OMMFiI 1 CAGE 1 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, AMIL 7, M i By KEITH GILLIGAN West NDP MPP Jim Wiseman had tutional situation. i Ajax Reporter been scheduled to speak in the Ontario However, the speaker before him AJAX-PICKERING - Durham legislature last week about the consti- went too long, so Wiseman didn't get N'T WAIT, DO IT NOW! "The NutrllSystem plan is very easy to do and stick to! Classes are interesting and very helpful. Staff is always friendly and encouraging. Don't wait, do It now, it's worth it Six months is a short time when the change is for a lifetime...". 1 14' Our Client Susan Dion of Bowmanville LOST 44 LBS. "It's the first time I've reached my goal on any weight loss program and I've tried them all. Terrific!" Our Client Marcelle Hibbits of Pickering LOST 38 LBS. A RW WAY TO LOSE WEW. nutri/system LOSE � O i a GnQ � lJ BALL TODAY FORA FREE NO OBLIGATION CONSULTATION AJAX,-PICKERING WHITBY OSHAWA BOWMANVILLE 1150 Kingston Rd., Pickering 1101 Brock St S. 345 Simeon St. S. 99 Kiril St. W. _ IIN _420-6300 666-0770 723-5211 623-8666 4- &of x �nt�no a bMh DMrI t�rna bt a�Orrd wrA oMr ofawf V.iA alts for nw poprw..t DrOc�p.fn0 ofnYrz O,r o1M pm the chance. The preceding speaker w "someone called Rae." Welcome to Queen's Park. *Do Six months after being electei Wiseman says, "All in all, it's a got job. "I expected it to be a lot of wol and crazy. It's about what I expecto A little more in some areas and a litt: less in others," he says. The job can be both frustrating gratifying. "It's frustrating because some the issues are so big, you can't get hold on them. You have to whittl away on the fringes and try to get t know iL" Wiseman sites as an example of big issue a plant by Durham region t build a water.suppiy plant on the Aja Lakefront. "I support moving the plant t another location, but there are so man things wrapped up in it, so man forces at work, so many jurisdiction and so many things happening. It's d' ficult to move the plant," he says. Another major issue is cross-borde shopping. Wiseman chairs the Finan and Economic Committee which begun to hold hearings on the matter. ,.We know that every time w spend S100,000 in cross-border shop- ping, we lose a job here. We spend $300 million a year (in cross-border shopping). That means a lot of jobs lost," says Wiseman. "How do you stop it when most of the things people cross for are gas, cigarettes and alco- hol?- Wiseman lt hol?" Wiseman says people who shop across the border site higher taxes here as their reason for doing so. However, he points to a tractor bought in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario costing S1,600 more than the same tractor in Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan. The cost of a tractor in Michigan, he says, is also subject to a six -per cent state sales tax and a one -per cent municipal tax. .wwnwww I. IBM earns %ownm a ARID rawwrm jar fIS registered • - iFnlus and SUCCESS rate that CBnllot be beaten. Corte gxpwiertoa f br have no excuse not b. This is Ilan d a Iib time N0? Tp e�includes FfREE �rcim GO&W and POSITIVE 01 11%111 �j Bot LOSE WEICAHT FREE' oIETs notrT r e gl ,Mo,tderwl potent tt,ftrapy can bei you achieve Your woo loss goals. ltd 7.10 �in� j� w r r eating labile and you an br �Atterf>d this Famous Weight Loss p,tl7 m Gown �Iyn�%A ftuupp � each w�tmm FliEE T pE Tos d$49.99 or n C� d � wW � � Civic. We j� 8 p 7_710 _r thsi �° n f r bmg a plow and Mart la aanbA-and relax- t GIIp OSHAWA: Sunday, Apia 4 %ro'' irm Olday Inn -1011 W= St E (Harmony Rd. at Hwy. 401) Bew�n of YYlritkn earpa a SCARBOROUGH: Thursday, April ®c +r at East Ho1N The f tri! at dbo �` • IN • A 4 • i --- ---- ter, Jim Wiseman Wiseman says the gratifying p� o and his job as MPP comes with helping people cut through bureaucratic red of �• a `"Those are crises I can deal with e right away and get to the bottom of in o a day or two," he says. "Those are little victories along the road, so I ]mow Yin a having an impact. - 0 Wiseman's committee could have an impact on all Ontarians beta held pre -budgetary hearings and rA,, e ° recommendations to treasurer Floya y Laughren, who will bring in his budge y at the end of April or in early May. if As for the NDP government's efforts six months into its first-ever r term, Wiseman says it's "ludicrous- to charge the government is moving slowly or doing nothing. "We have 50 new members than e before (the election). Half the tabu has never been there (in the legisla:W before and they have a lot to team,- he says. are `The Liberals had 30 to 32 mem. o bers who had been there before and they had an agenda we put there for o- them to follow," adds Wiseman. (The agenda Wiseman refers to was the deal the Liberals and lieu Democrats struck in 1985 when the two parties combined forces to push out the Progressive Conservative gov- ernment of Frank Miller.) As for the government's acco PI shrnents, Wiseman points to a S71F million anti -recession job-creatic:: Plan, revisions to rent review legisla- tion, introduction of a child suppor, and custody bill and a moratorium on the building of new nuclear plants. The economy is hampering the provincial government's efforts, he says, pointing to the high Canadian dollar, high interest rates and business- es leaving the country to relocate in the United States. There's not a lot of cash flow." Wiseman says. "The municipalito and school boards are asking for more money. It's a tight squeeze. There are programs we can't put in place because we don't have the money. How much debt do you want to run?" Also hurting the provincial govern- ment is a cap on spading by the feder- al government. "We took a beating with the feds," he says. The inial deficit is about billion this The public realizes solving some problems will take time, Wiseman feels. "Some of the problems we're dealing with took 1Q 15, 20 years to create. They can't be undone that q dddy (six nwa is)." he says. On Thursday, Apr. 11, Wiseman will introduce a Private Member's Bill, which calls on the ministry of natural resources to study ways to create legi# lation to protect wetlands and marshes. During each session of the legisla- ture, a draw is held for Private Member's Bills and Waman says his name came up early. Wmnw's bill comes about as a result of apromise he m made during last sumer's election campai8m it will "I have a pretty good sense be passed," he says. if it is passed the bill could lead to the preservation Oil areas such as the Altoria Forest anclow Frenchman's Bay marsh in Pickering and the Carruthers Creek marsh in Ajax. ,.y,.. y7 .Public school trustees tour education centres before building'. here By LINDA WHITE iEducation Reporter DURHAM - The public school board has planned a tour of regional education centres. The board's education centre design committee set out on the first part of its tour on Thursday with a bus trip to the Carleton Board of Education in Nepean. Later this month, it will visit the Simcoe County Board in Midhurst, the Peel public and the Dufferin- Peel separate boards in Mississauga and the Lincoln County board in St. Catharines. Stops next month *include the Scarborough board and the General Motors Building in Oshawa. "We are in a unique position because school boards don't build education centres every day,- says Whitby trustee and committee mem- ber Patricia Bowman. "We are look- ing at the most up-to-date centres because we want to pull and learn • from them." Those trustees who are unable to participate in the tours will view videotapes that will be shot on each visit. Late last year, trustees gave the green light to initial planning of a $25.8 -million education centre and plant maintenance facility. The pro- posed 150,000 -square -foot centre would house staff now scattered across the region in six separate premises. Among the advantages of the centre, according to the board, are improved services and communica- tions, and increased cost and organi- zational efficiency. It estimates the average cost per public school household would be $6.14 a year for the next 20 years. The proposed location for the centre is Taunton Road West near Highway 12 in Whitby, which will be adjacent to a new secondary school scheduled to open in 1994. Kits help you start a support group DURHAM - Need help helping yourself or others? 'The Canadian Mental Health Association Durham Branch can help you create a support group. For three dollars, the association gives you a self-help kit which can assist you in starting and maintaining your own support group. Anyone interested in obtaining a kit can call 436-8760 • • •77 W'q- LANDSCAPING INTERLOCKING STONE ■�y�/ \ W ALyMAYS AND DRIVEW�yAYS) �• y,, - P" Stang Wdw and sigx • Twnbm A{111, '� y 4•.``'� - Tree and Owub oenimp • Retainag ways ' • Rode gardens • Pool deft DECKS ,-m6 ..i..r PRESSURE TREiM • CEDAR LATTICE WORK - DESIGNJ FOR AN EARLY ESTIMATE OR BOOK= CALL LEN 42-2367 • T= NEM ADS ZZTIII= MNDr►% AMIL 7, M-PAGS f Coup on us for. Quality, Service, Selection & Priced tA 1) M EATS Early Bird Special Lean Ground . : - Ift Y7- M_ Limit 20 lbs. ro ran e n-� g .ANNOUNCEMENT r CKERING �.. 81�-791 �i T_ K 1" 14 T►•• � f.a M Sa ►s Pat dt Vicky have mowed Io a new location and they are wekmming their clients dt friends to visit them at Albert Hairstylist in the Ajax Shopping Plaza next 10 Reeds Florists. V CHECK WITH US ON OUR iR PERM & SUN GLTIZ 1ENS as SPECIALS Far Appokoneat Call FOR MEN & WOMEN 683-7821 tititti CONAWATgN PAT & VICKI UNISEX hL 206 HARWOOD AVE. S. T= NEM ADS ZZTIII= MNDr►% AMIL 7, M-PAGS f Coup on us for. Quality, Service, Selection & Priced tA 1) M EATS Early Bird Special Lean Ground . : - Ift Y7- M_ Limit 20 lbs. ro ran e n-� g ,M� FAXWsm� 427-9938 M0�/t: Trl-fl1. 111. LS r CKERING �.. 81�-791 �i T_ K 1" 14 T►•• � f.a M Sa ►s 1355 Kingston Road (Hwy. 2 at Liverpool Rd.) THE CENTRE FOR EVERY OCCASION A Day of Pageantry! SATURDAY, APRIL 20 Entry Forms Now Available At Infoplace The Baby Contest Boys and Oft Age groups: Under 1 yew,1 year, 2 and 3 year. A WV and queen, and nmers-up will be selected in each age gr0UPL The Beauty Pageant Girls terry: Age groups: 4-6 years, 7-10 years, 11-13 years, 14-17 years, 18-27 )Iears- A queen and ruiners -up will be selected in each age group. YOU COULD WIN ... ENTER NOW! The queefftV in each age grouch will receive a trophy, crown, barmer, aid "* lo enter the Summer National finals. Runners-up in each age group will receive a trophy and will quality to eater the Summer 1991 finals. • CHLD CARE A11APME • HIGH CRAW N FOOD COURT • CHLDF En PLAYGROUND TOWN CENTRE Filo URS: • 1tMING STATION i BABY STROLLERS 8 WHO.01AIRS ASK AT NFO. PL AM Monday to Fricley DISCOUNT DAY 10:00 LnL*00 p.nL RECYCLE BINS • PLENTY OF PARKING ft 9:30 � pm PAGE 6-1 NSM ADn i ilii SUND&Y, APKIL 7, "ft 4?0, we, sag Al Dryden says, "Chicago (Blackhawks). They're a well- balanced team and they're not apt to choke as some of the other teams." The Stanley Cup playoffs are under way and the News Advertiser asked some area residents who they think will win it all. Jason Cassista says, "Chicago (Blackhawks), because they're the number -one team." Letters Dbeings the forests to the editor: It appeared at fust to be a para- dox. The headlines on the March 17, 1991 edition of the News Advertiser didn't seem to quite fit. One read "Desperate" parents want to tear idown the Altona forest immediately ;for a new school, while the photo story expounds on the pursuits of a young girl who is trying to help save •the rainforests of South America. I I realize that Altona isn't exactly la rainforest, but it is a growth of trees that produce a supply of oxy- gen as do the tropical versions. 'Moreover, it is an indigenous habitat for many migratory birds, deer, fox and other wildlife not found in other ,areas of Durham region. Can one assume that a forest in ,.Ontario Canada does not qualify as !worthwhile to "save" for it's intrin- f sic value, while a forest that is in F other continent (to which most s in this part of the world will ver contribute to or explore in it lifetime) constitutes raising oney for and thus, preserving? y not bring some of that same .commitment and energy closer to the community in which these young Persons actually live? I feel that if these "desperate - ventured with their children the Altona forest to appreciate he beauty and serenity of this on, a more complete "humanis- tic" education of their minds would be the result. I am of the opinion that our stu- dents today are not being focused enough on the tough issues that affect them in their own community. Do these young persons want only dislocated communities made up of the "skeletons" of schools, houses and gas stations, thrown together to represent "modern society"? The new world is so full of "technologi- cal" changes that the question of good and bad, right or wrong are completely left aside. It is quite clear that the question of "improving" or "upgrading" of facilities is very much a question of the improvement of means without regard to ends, and without regard to the clear truth that we as human beings "need" the forests (what is now left of them in Ontario and Canada) as part of our strict "biological" requirements. As Richard Schwindt, economics professor at Simon Fraser University, summed it up, "it's easy to measure trees in terms of how much toilet paper or firewood that they'll produce, but it's difficult and perhaps even impossible to measure trees for their value as wilderness, for recreation or air purity, or for just having the forest there in case our children want it someday. - Christopher D. Boult, Pickerin The News Advertiser welcomes letters to the editor on topical issues, Itroversial matters and anything else of interest to our readers. We erve the right to edit letters for style, length and legal reasons and to bhold letters deemed not fit for publication. All letters must include ur full name, address and number for our information. Lepers t be mailed or drV-2, pped off at the News Advertiser, 130 C.ominmial e., Ajax, Ontario, S 2H5 or sem by FAX to 683-7363. Tom Hannaford says, "Calgary (Flames). I think they're a pretty good team." Sharon Tessier says, "Calgary (Flames). They've got some good players and they're a Canadian team and they got some big guys." Garry Anstey says, "L.A. (Kings). They've been doing pretty good the last while. They have a couple good goal scorers and Gretzky is the number -one player." Fur council presentation inaccurate To the editor: I recently had the opportunity to hear a presentation by Mr. David Sebban, the marketing director of the Fur Council of Canada. Mr. Sebban spoke to the corporate com- munications students at Seneca College on March 19. The purpose of his visit was to underline the role of a communicator in a controversial environment. The actual content of his presentation, however, brought up some serious questions about the credibility of the Fur Council of Canada. Mr. Sebban represents retailers and producers of fur garments in Canada. As a communicator in this field, it is critical that Mr. Sebban be accurate in the presentation of his factual data. After our experience with Mr. Sebban, it became clear that his action plan with public audi- ences rests on misinformation and a reactive attempt to discredit and crit- icize the efforts of anti -fur lobbyists. As a professional communicator and a director of marketing, these meth- ods are outdated, unacceptable and certainly damaging to the integrity of the communication field. While the entire fur issue is a volatile one at best, irresponsible behavior by pro or anti -fur groups causes greater confusion for public audiences. Mr. Sebban commenced his talk by indicating that the Canadian Fur Council is being proactive in its efforts to promote the use of fur products. His defini- tion of this term included: the dis- crediting of celebrities who oppose fur (paradoxically, he praises Pierre Burton for his pro -fur stand), the comparison of fur to leather prod- ucts, (one predominantly used for consumption, the other for vanity), and supporting the notion that much of Canada's native population exists on the income derived from traplines (while then promoting the superior quality of fur -farm harvested pelts). None of these defensive dichotomies support the notion of proactivism in communication. Mr. Sebban also indicated much false data in his talk. His lack of knowledge of fur -bearing species and the methods and fallacies of species-specific trapping contribute to the misinformation that he must be presenting to the media. I recall Mr. Sebban referring to all activists as either "fanatics" or "idiots", while refusing to acknowledge that these people are active solely due to their moral and ethical commitments. (very unlike the economical motiva- tion of fur retailers). Slander is hard- ly a credible communication strate- gy. It is very disconcerting to wit- ness this technique used by a com- munications professional. Many of my colleagues were upset at the purposeful inaccuracy of content in David Sebban's presenta- tion. There were also many negative comments on the communication skills that Mr. Sebban exhibited in his talk. I am particularly concerned about the former, due to the conse- quences that misinformation breeds. David Sebban may well represent the communication professional in their most difficult role, but it should be recognized that an organization, most importantly, is predominantly visible by the communicator that it employs. The Fur Council of Canada would well be recommend- ed to either review its communica- tion statements and/or the communi- cation abilities of its marketing director. A. Michael Kundu, Pickering composting the way to go To the editor: For those of you who are con- cerned about our rapidly filling landfills, this letter is for you. Composting is the way to go. It's easy and, along with using your Blue Box, you can cart your house- hold waste in half. Composting turns kitchen and yard waste into dark nutrient -rich, earth smelling soil conditioner. If you have a gar- den, a lawn or plant boxes, you can use this conditioner to improve the soil and the plants growing in it. i !!trews Aavertiser CHARLES PETERS John Pritchard Tom, . Wi (653-5110): Wcy Wwtra tawN. Tn7cy PUN~ touch, Chds Amsrroun. G"I Earls, Dabble turns. Kkk Dick. TaMmaikelbF Gay Islord. �11N ISM Adrarar, p�tlfya Mry ruwq,• Miad�wdoW ane ramp of la Camnrdal M., AI� Qtarp us 26. r ant or sr MMalorw Rereq. PUM a aro ObbbLo p ~ d a4a- REAL ESTATE ADYERTISMIG bti3-S 110 Oan nwr�apan W ids WCOM a Adan Ria NM, Mapco sarrrc sag" saw W A&Grm sranpran CuaeW� aw+s� tb�. Erab�eab euotaon GapaloirVAdon)rriyNodtipal CUASSM ADVERTISING s+d5anarr.eve- mwar urafor>*wwcelawwnEaanarl_—a a.+ esoanCana�ran ba 576-9336, 798-7672 at 795-7665 Ov�plor► W.o�ga eeiwa Nawrwear wwin nae Ids. OtrMa Mapes, 0#=WW 4bV Yard waste such as leaves, weeds, and grass clippings, and kitchen scraps such as fruit and vegetable make Begg shells and coffee grounds compost. A compost pile that is working well should not have an unpleasant odor. Information on how to make your own composter is readily available at any nursery. The compost pile is really a teeming microbial farm. Bacteria starts the process of decaying Organic matter. They break down GORD MALCOLM EdNorlal D Edifor �portnimd ("3-5110): Bioko Purdy Mom Edkor). KoNh GNNpon, tllandy Galailtw. Al RbNI, Judi tabWil and Undo whtto Oleporlwo. A.J. Goon (Chis! pholoprapMq, plant tissue and are effective eom- posters. Fungi and prDMzoas soon join the bacteria and, then cen- tipedes. beetles, millipedes and earth worms do their part. Carbon and nitrogen, from cells of dead plants and dead nucrobes, fuel their activity. Maybe with this added information on composting, more People will lend a hand in one small way of saving the earth. So get going and just do it. Let it roL A. Beaudet, Pickering ifth School ABE FAKHOURIE Distribution Dopadntslnt (6i3-5117): Jodi Y. OmManf Matopo. Tisay HIM. Tom tiuchmann. Cocil Turpla, Joann* Rold. Jan MMbum. CanNNo Fokhoude, MlchoNo Gurrolr, MkMlle Konneft. J. p. LavefWw, Stan MRH ClJndo Sts+w►arf. lnft ' Jason MNburrr, ANra Aggarwal, �N � .e. nanw,a myw�In uowd. soo�eo�a�,y, ws.O Tho W** conch" i 01 tM Mown Advorf w IS pa*CW `A.wawrwi+ M cWriod P�`"`ya. .d r�"Nle" Is t�rolabNw. wbbMr ns.ro., n,. AaM clow � odrMYomnd d saaana On Mar ftgM assn PemOu uvl. Md ■e.ogon soft in cswdm r r+ac SM par NATIONAL ADVERTISMIG WRESOGNI VE OW13OM: Dal Mown, MsMoiard p&*19. h" " ad . gym► 61 *1 *I $I 0 n u J .I 6 vasTes AJAX-PICKERING - It's now easier than ever for resi- dents to dispose of household hazardous wastes. All you have to do is pick up the phone and call the toxic taxi. It will come right to your door to collect any product with a hazard symbol on it — paint, motor oil, solvents, car and household batteries, aerosols, pesticides, antifreeze, pool and photography chemi- cals. The toxic taxi, operated by Durham regional staff, will be available to Ajax and Pickering residents during April and May. Afterward, it moves on to other Durham locations. The taxi is part of a larger management plan for toxic wastes. Useful paint collected will be given back to residents through a paint exchange; all motor oils, propane tanks and car batteries will be recycled. In all, about 40 per cent of material collected will be recy- cled. The remainder will be disposed at Ontario's only haz- ardous -waste facility in Sarnia The program will also encourage residents to decrease their reliance on haz- ardous products by distributing a list of alternatives through public libraries and schools. Students will become familiar with the program through pre- sentations and projects. To arrange a pick-up any- where in Ajax or Pickering (weeknights and Saturdays), call the toxic taxi at 420-4633. A hotline has been set up for residents with questions; the hotline number is 1-800-561- 0701. gnaRew'S shoes ONE GREAT 510HE 7W0 GREAT SHOES SALAMANDER O Ala in LOW rE MV% WWo FdrqL WHITBY MALL X615 DUNM ST.. RAST 72&9141 Pickering group gets funds to help fight drinking and driving PICKERING - A Pickering group is among several that recently received government grants to fight drunk driving. The Motorcycle Rider Safety Council is one of 26 community organizations across the province that received funding from the Attorney General's Community Grants program. All of the organisa- tions are active in the prevention of impaired driving. A total of $212,000 was handed out. Attorney General Howard Hampton praised the groups for their efforts. "I'm pleased so many citizens and community organizations have volunteered their time to become involved in the countermeasures movement," he said. "Through the efforts of many players, the fight against drinking and driving is strengthened and we can slowly but surely free Ontario's roads of impaired drivers." Statistics show that drunk driving is declining in Ontario. Alcohol- related driving fatalities dropped 13 per cent from 1983 to 1987, while crashes involving drinking drivers declined from 30,000 in 1980 to less than 20,000 by 1987. The decreases occurred during a time when the number of licensed drivers in Ontario increased by 20 per cent. 7= NEWS ADVEE!'MM SUNDAY, APRII. 7, "M -PAGE 7 - • I :49=i 10 T=Iff.l [. [• .1.I.ff..[.l...[e AJAX-PICKERING - Almost a dozen local students were among those honored by the Durham Board of Education at its sixth annual student recognition night. The event, co-sponsored by district 17 of the Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation, was held at Harwood Secondary School in Ajax Apr. 4. Up to three students from each of Durham's 18 public secondary schools were honored for their contributions to school life and for achievement of personal excellence. The winners, selected by their teachers, are known by both staff and students as the ones to count on when help or enthusiastic support is needed. Pickering High School's Mark Baker, Lisa -Marie Stevens and Louise Turley were winners, as was Tobi Williams from Dunbarton High School. Harwood honored Rachel Schavarie, Tyrone Kavanagh and Lynn Thompson, while Ajax High School recognized Brad Ellis, Craig Mustonen, Cathryn Irwin and Arwne Sheppard. NnW'�E� AR�i K lv, VU ONV14aonin IsSTON�G` �jTy S Mon. & Tues. 1-8 Closed Wed. - Fri. Sat. & Sun. 11-6 1-987.1566 428-8280 WOOu 1 lltlCitiltsl�:A/ Zltl�AT.Al�l1.7,HK _}BOARD OF TRADE RECESSION BUSTER MinPfrade show Apr. 16 ,AJAX-P1CK. MM - The Ajax -Pickering Board of some fun. Table rental is $50; there is a limit of 25 tables Trade is out to butt the reoeasion with a mini -made show and 18 have already been sold. Tuesday, Apr. 16. The general public is encouraged to attend. The Recession Buster will be held from 5 pm. to 8 Admittance is free. p.m. in the downstairs banquet room of Gallantry's The board intends to hold mini -trade shows regular - Restaurant, Pickering Town Centre. ly. Board of Trade members are invited to show prod- To register for a table, call Doug Welton at 427-0032, ucts and services, network with prospects and have Mike Danks at 683-9725 or Joe Dickson at 683-1968. 360 minutes free airtime. Free Bell Cellular network access. Free Reil Cellular Message Centre. Free detailed billing. Free installation. Free Lease Plus Protection flan. 24 hour Customer Care. National coverage with CellN*et. Includes battery and charger. Car phones available. Choice of phones: Motorola or Oki. Limited time only, hurry in for details. 49Illrh. ;­Tlltl, The Fit,Ii (,('IlUlar Portable Phone Packagc. Look Around. We, Promise Yotiff End Up Back Here. TC trentway communication services ltd. -CELLULAR TELEPHONES • TWO-WAY RADIOS • DIGITAL PAGERS eau 428-0437 for this and other specials! 785 Westney Rd. South Unit 25 - Ajax • SAME DAY SERVICE • CUSTOMER PICK-UP & DROP-OFF • FULLY COMPUTERIZED SHOP SERVICE FACILITY ftil CellularAgentoved TM ' :; Three busted cfter spof plants AJAX - Three residents were charged with drug trafficking OW drug cWti. vation after police seized marijuana plarus'IUauky evening, A search by a joint forces drug unit of the RCMP and Durham Regional Police in a Pickering Village home around 7 p.m. led to the charges. Police say they seized at least one pound of marijuana plates- 'They esti- mate the value at $4,500. Charged with possession of a narcotic for the purpose of trafficking and cultivation of a narcotic are Eustathia Bermingham, 27, her husband Brian Patrick Bermingham, 29, and his brother Gary Robert Bermingham, 22, all of 26 Willows Lane. /1' Music and more at libraries soon PICKERING - Painting for adults, Mr. Dressup and a family concert are some of the upcoming events at area libraries. The Rouge Hill Library will present a "hands-on" decorative tole -painting program for adults on Wednesday, Apr. 17 at 7:30 p.m. Folk artist and teacher Nancy Hoar will work on a piece for the audience and then invite people to join in. A draw will be held at the end of the evening and someone will take home a completed folk art piece. Hoar will have other pieces and forms of decorative tole painting with her and will share ideas and information with any- one wanting to pursue the craft further. Tickets are free and can be picked up at the Rouge Hill Library, on Rougemount Drive south of Highway 2, or reserved at 286-2576. Reserved tickets should be picked up by Wednesday, Apr. 10. On Saturday, Apr. 20, children can enjoy Jim Parker of the Mr. Dressup Stage Show at the Greenwood Library, Westney Road, Greenwood. Music, Magic and Dress Up will be presented from 1:30 p.m. until 2:30 p.m. Tickets are $1 and can be reserved at 683-8844. The Rouge Hill Library will welcome musician Ted Roberts on Sunday. Apr. 21 at 2 pm. The Ted Roberts Family Program, with a mix of old and new songs, can be enjoyed by all ages. Tickets are $1 each; pick them up at the library or call to reserve. OPENING Saturday, April 13 Colourfoirall Seasons TULIP FESTIVAL APRIL 27 TO MAY 20 ROSE FESTIVAL JUNE 22 TO JULY 1 CHRYSANTHEMUM FESTIVAL SEPT. 14 TO SEPT. 22 FESTIVAL OF LIGHTS MID NOV. TO EARLY JAN. WINTER CARNIVAL DEC. 27 TO EARLY JAN. o*o CHILDREN'S PLAYGROUND *1 0 r zs • SAME DAY SERVICE • CUSTOMER PICK-UP & DROP-OFF • FULLY COMPUTERIZED SHOP SERVICE FACILITY ftil CellularAgentoved TM ' :; Three busted cfter spof plants AJAX - Three residents were charged with drug trafficking OW drug cWti. vation after police seized marijuana plarus'IUauky evening, A search by a joint forces drug unit of the RCMP and Durham Regional Police in a Pickering Village home around 7 p.m. led to the charges. Police say they seized at least one pound of marijuana plates- 'They esti- mate the value at $4,500. Charged with possession of a narcotic for the purpose of trafficking and cultivation of a narcotic are Eustathia Bermingham, 27, her husband Brian Patrick Bermingham, 29, and his brother Gary Robert Bermingham, 22, all of 26 Willows Lane. /1' Music and more at libraries soon PICKERING - Painting for adults, Mr. Dressup and a family concert are some of the upcoming events at area libraries. The Rouge Hill Library will present a "hands-on" decorative tole -painting program for adults on Wednesday, Apr. 17 at 7:30 p.m. Folk artist and teacher Nancy Hoar will work on a piece for the audience and then invite people to join in. A draw will be held at the end of the evening and someone will take home a completed folk art piece. Hoar will have other pieces and forms of decorative tole painting with her and will share ideas and information with any- one wanting to pursue the craft further. Tickets are free and can be picked up at the Rouge Hill Library, on Rougemount Drive south of Highway 2, or reserved at 286-2576. Reserved tickets should be picked up by Wednesday, Apr. 10. On Saturday, Apr. 20, children can enjoy Jim Parker of the Mr. Dressup Stage Show at the Greenwood Library, Westney Road, Greenwood. Music, Magic and Dress Up will be presented from 1:30 p.m. until 2:30 p.m. Tickets are $1 and can be reserved at 683-8844. The Rouge Hill Library will welcome musician Ted Roberts on Sunday. Apr. 21 at 2 pm. The Ted Roberts Family Program, with a mix of old and new songs, can be enjoyed by all ages. Tickets are $1 each; pick them up at the library or call to reserve. OPENING Saturday, April 13 Colourfoirall Seasons TULIP FESTIVAL APRIL 27 TO MAY 20 ROSE FESTIVAL JUNE 22 TO JULY 1 CHRYSANTHEMUM FESTIVAL SEPT. 14 TO SEPT. 22 FESTIVAL OF LIGHTS MID NOV. TO EARLY JAN. WINTER CARNIVAL DEC. 27 TO EARLY JAN. o*o CHILDREN'S PLAYGROUND *1 S Heart-felt gess Guess the number of balloons in the truck and you could win a prize. The Ajax -Pickering Heart and Stroke Foundation is holding the contest and it is running it in conjunction with a tournament being sponsored by the Ajax Minor Hockey Association. First prize is an autographed hockey stick by Oshawa Generals' star Eric Lindros, while the second prize is an autographed photo of Lindros. From left are Dave Low, president of the local foundation, Eric Mitchell, the tournament director, Chris Kostka, special events chairman for the foundation, and Murray Hadfield of Kenro Motors. Each guess costs $1 and can be made at the Ajax Community Centre. The winner will be picked Sunday. 1991 PICKERING VILLAGE SOCCER CLUB REGISTRATION Fir �w rw r aMwr l 9 Fw�tmdM t AT llgt6�IGe���MlCil00l kid -M Ftp. I000TIWION r;E -><lS.M st�t•ai� alli blim . em armQ h 9L at w ar-71111M AM •spa INVITATION TO TENDER THE PICKERING HOCKEY ASSOCIATION invites tenders for the provision of learn and individual photographs and for trophies, awards ano sponsor recognition items for the 91192 season. The Association registers approximately 1,100 players per year with a total of approximately 80 teams and 70 sponsors. Please forward proposals no later than April 26, 1991, to: Bob Meldrum, 1206 Canborough Cres., Pickering, Ontario L1V 3K9. Additional information, if required, can be obtained by calling 839-6160. C h -> = NZW ADVZWIM SUMM a, AMM 7, "W114AGIY 9 i Y not take part in a spring program AJAX-PICKERING - The local YMCA is offering youngsters an afternoon of adventure and the artis- tic an evening of country crafts. Registration for the spring pro- grams being offered by the Pickering -Ajax YMCA is now under way. Programs range from artistic and physical courses for young chil- dren to adult enrichment courses. For preschool children, programs include Polka Dot Door, for youths from 18 months to 2 1/2 years, Once Upon a Storytime/Craftime (three to Five years), Stickey Fingers (three to five years), Kiddie Gymnastics (2 12 to four years), Junior Gymnastics (three to five years), Ceramics (three to five years) and three dance courses for three to five year olds. One program being offered is Afternoon Adventure, which is for children from 2 1/2 years to five years. Activities include theme -relat- ed stories, crafts, songs, finger plays, puppets, games and gymnastics. The course is offered on Tuesdays, from Apr. 9 to May 28, from 1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m. The same program ii offered on Thursdays, from Apr. 11 to May 30, from 9:30 a.m. to 11 am. The cost for either eight-week ses- sion is $50 per child. For older children, programs include Acting... For the Fun of It (nine years and up), beginner and intermediate Ceramics for Youth (six to 14 years), babysitter training (11 years and up), beginner and advanced Karate (seven to 16 years), and pri- vate tutoring for Grades 1 to 8. Physical programs for adults include Fitness Workout, Tai Chi and Yoga for Stress. Adult enrichment programs include Your Personal Style and Image, What's Cooking, Creative and Educational Parent/Child Play, and five craft programs. The Country Crafts program runs from Tuesday, Apr. 9 to May 14 and each session goes from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. During the program, partic- ipants will make a different item each week. The cost is $42.80, while supplies will cost about $80. For more information on the Y programs, call 839-8011 or 686- 1828. The Y offices are at 1400 Bayly St., Unit 15A, Pickering, next to the GO station. ATSEAZ �q0* AdL 4142 1 1 AQ 40 10 0AND REMEMBER AT SEARS THERE'S NO 55i" PAYMENT ON Sears. dAPPROVEDown aCREDITAt rred offer ends April 30. 1991. -No payment offer applies to central air conditioning. heat pumps. furnaces and electric air cleaners when installed with air systems. IIE� =P An & AM LET OUR EXPERTS INSTALL ONE IN YOUR HOME TODAY! REPLACE YOUR OLD ONE WITH AN • ENERGY-EFFICIENT SEARS MODEL. SEARS ALSO SELLS AND ARRANGES INSTALLATION OP, SIDING GARAGE DOORS FRENCH DOORS HEAT PUMPS SOFFIT & FASCIA PATIO DOORS PATIO COVERS INSULATION AWNINGS CABINET REFACING ROLL SHUTTERS WATER HEATERS FURNACES EAVESTROIK'H CENTRAL AIR (voty 24 nous in most areas) ROOFING CHAIN -LI WC FENCING -WATER CONDITIONERS " OSHAWA 725-4322 PICKERING 420-5582 SEARS CANADA INC. .R EAM i h t Pr GIC >< TW N9W ADVArrtsst suND %APlUL7, IM Billboard Billboard is a free feature for community events of a non-profit nature. To have your events pro- moted in Billboard, call us at 683. 5110 or write to the Ajax - Pickering News Advertiser, 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ontario, LIS 2H5. The deadline for Billboard items is 10 a.m. on the Monday prior to Wednesday pub- lication, 10 a.m. on the Wednesday prior to Friday publication and 10 a.m. Thursday prior to Sunday publication. Saturday FASHION, TALENT SHOW: The Canadian -Jamaican Youth Group will hold a Fashion and Talent Show Saturday, Apr. 6, begin- ning at 7 p.m., at the YWCA, 199 Centre St., Oshawa. A dance will follow the show. Tickets are $10 a person and $5 for children 10 and under. Call 686-2297 or 428-8821. THEATRE TICKETS: Tickets are now available for Pickering Players' performance The Hand That O'BRIEN DANCE CENTRE Jazz 6-11 yr. olds Pre -Ballet 4 & 5 yrs. Wed., April 10 *Based on min. enrollment of 5 students (8 wk. program) CREATIVE DANCE, PRE -BALLET, BALLET POINTE, JAZZ & TAP AGES 3 TO ADULT WORKSHOPS, CONVENTIONS, COMPETITIONS, ANNUAL RECITALS, SUMMER CAMPS DIRECTORS: KAREN O'BRIEN, C.D.M.A. R.A.D. EXAMS AVAILABLE NEW LOCATION: 545 Kingston Rd. W. in Pickering Village (Form" Piciu nng Ur vd Chu=) 2 STUDIOS 683-1 269 CSTT., I PURE SPRING WATER 428-0252 HOME DELIVERY -BOTTLED SPRING WATER -WATER COOLER RENTALS AND SALES & SERVICE Ste. Anne's Pure Spring Water pledges to deliver.- t& eliver.t& Quality . bottled spring water products w Service - with regularly scheduled deliveries W Price - our products h service competitively OUR 22.7 LITRE SQUARE BOTTLE IS ONLY $7.00 MONTHLY COST FOR AVERAGE FAMELY.- $21.00 3 - 22.7 LITRE BOTTLES 14.50 MONTHLY COOLER RENT kL (could be puwbnw) 1.02 G.S.T. ON RENTAL 1.16 P.S.T. ON RENTAL $37.68 TOTAL 1 YEAR COOLER RENTALS PLACED BEFORE JUNE 30V91 WILL RECEIVE 6 BOTTLES FREEI N01ML- YOUR INITIAL INVOICE WILL INCLUDE 3 RO UNDAKia SaffL i DEpos 'S a $1200 EACH AND W RBr TIM A COOLER AN ADDq10NALJ3Q= aXKM SBQIRrfY DBPoSrr. CDOLERS MAY= M1101ASBDAND ARE MALMLE DrSCOIMMU Cradles The Rock, to be presented Apr. 12, 13, 19 and 20 at Dunbarton- Fairport United Church. Tickets are $7 for adults, $4 for seniors and stu- dents. Call 686-2687 or 831-3943. BASEBALL FEVER CASINO NIGHT: The Pickering Baseball Association will host a Baseball Fever Casino Night, dance and buf- fet at the Pickering Recreation Complex Saturday, Apr. 6 from 7: 30 p.m. to 1 a.m. Tickets are $15 per person and include a meal ticket and gambling package. There will also be a 50/50 draw and lots of prizes. All proceeds to the PBA. Call Betsy Gummow at 286-2213 or Bruce Middleton at 831-3300. RUMMAGE SALE: The con- gregation of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church will hold a rum- mage sale Saturday, Apr. 6, from 9 a.m, to 2 p.m., at the church, 35 Church St. N., Pickering Village. Items include mens', ladies' and childrens' clothing. Refreshments available. Call Florence at 683-4665. CRAFT SALE: The Pickering Arts Council will hold a Spring Craft Sale Saturday, Apr. 6 from 10 am. to 3:30 pm. at the Rouge Hill Library, Rougemount Drive south of Highway 2. Tables are available. Call 286-2224. Sunday BASEBALL TRY -OUTS: The Ajax Spartans' Minor Baseball Association's third try -out date is Apr. 7 at Lakeside Public School, 4 Parkes Dr. The major and minor tykes are from 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m., bantams from 10:30 a.m. to 12 noon, peewees from 12 noon to 1:30 p.m., midgets from 1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m., and juvenile from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. Call Mary at 683-7860. AQUARIUM SHOW: The Durham Region Aquarium Society will hold its 19th annual show Sunday, Apr. 7, at the Kinsmen Community Centre, 109 Colborne St. W., Oshawa. An auction of tropi- cal fish, supplies and other hobby items runs from l 1 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., while a fish exhibit goes from 1 pm. to 4:30 pm. Admission is free. Call Frank Caputo at 289-3490, Wayne Rakestrow at 725-7911 or John Smith at 579-4124. WELCOME HOME RALLY. A rally to welcome Canadian troops home from the Persian Gulf will be held Sunday, Apr. 7 at l pm. at the Oshawa Civic Auditorium on COMPLETE FAMILIA DENTAL CARE lag Oendstry for Adults A Ctntdi COSMETIC DENTISTRY Whitening - ........................$119 Bonding.......... ...................... $269 (Cosmetic Veneers lab included) Orthodontics ...................... $2.950 DENTURES FULL UPPER OR LOWER $179+120(LAB) PARTIAL UPPER OR LOWER $219+$170 219+:170 (LAB) Denture Satisfaction Guaranteed AN Procedurs by Lmsed t)e W A Denture Therlipist -- 1-800-465-5518 tatatfa Eq*y DttM 11by 31 s C.D.S. Denture Application Fee $15 Some limitations & exclusions may apply Cam A s•• on efwt Dracarsbd Chlmvt• • BUM Resburanf in dw fthon • We Wyant« t. VAAT A DE4L! - - - . - - _ _Expires Apr l 3OM1 4:30-9:30 99 ALL YOU CAN EAT12& modw SEAMIkOBSTER iapft BUFFETkb COW t Ot+sr Dessert,l'Ce Cram d Hot Food Bar UrVed with 911W Lunch or Dimer_ DINNERLUNCH S 9ECIAL� *M-SWL $^an 'lot SNL„ 3 iiiim �r•� t "'V -� ALL TAKE-OUT ORDERS_with #a coupon i 20% OFF t in combination with fd0 _ any other specials or dis( , . Thornton Road S. Included will be trooper who served in the gulf, brass band and a gun salute. Ca Craig Okazaki at 725-1111. Monday ART SHOW: Artist Maureen Killam will exhibit watercolors and pastels at the Bay Ridges Library '- the East Shore Community CenA, 910 Liverpool Rd., from Monday, Apr. 8 until Monday, Apr. 29. Call 286-2224. CARD NIGHT: The St. Bernadette's Church Catholics Women's League will hold a card night Monday, Apr. 8, at 7:45 pm., in the parish hall at the corner o Harwood Avenue and Bayly Street, Ajax. There will be cribbage, euchre and bridge. The cost is $2.50 a per- son and there will be prizes and refreshments. Call Germaine at 41� 3581 in the evenings. Tuesday NUTRITION SEMINAR: Dr. Christopher Scott MD, will present a seminar on nutrition and the immune system on Tuesday, Apr. 9, 7:30 P.m., at the Travelodge Hotel at the 401 and Victoria Park Rd. Call 686- 7765. AVICULTURAL SOCIETIM The Durham Avicultural Society will meet Tuesday, Apr. 9 at 7:30 p.m. in the Pickering High School cafeteria (Church Street, north of Hwy 2). Desiree and Kevin Wyant will pre- sent a talk and slide show on the Second International Parrot Convention and Loro Parque in Canary Islands. Call, Jacquie 282- 5997 (Toronto) or Vince 723-1978 (Oshawa). EPILEPSY MEETING: The Epilepsy Oshawa and Area Chapter will meet Tuesday, Apr. 9, at 7:31 p.m., at the Kinsmen Centre, 10� Colborne St. W., Oshawa. A support group for members will be held. Everyone welcome. Call 436-3152. JOB SEARCH SEMINAR: A workshop on Conducting A Successful Job Search will be held Tueday, Apr. 9 at 7:30 p.m. at the Pickering Central Library, One The Esplanade. Speaker Robert Donald Of Westcott, Thomas and Associates will discuss various aspects of find- ing a job. The program is free; pre - register at 831-7809. MORE BILLBOARD. -PAGE 11 T= lrswsAolvll0 IM stWft%APKL% 19l1-PAGN u .3illboard FROM PAGE 10 SENIORS' DISCUSSION GROUP: The Ajax Seniors' Discussion Group will meet Tuesday, Apr. 9, at 9:30 a.m., at the Ajax Seniors' Friendship Centre, 46 Exeter Rd. A representative from the McEachnie Funeral Home, assisted by a lawyer, will discuss wills, death 49d funerals. All seniors are wel- me. Call Louise at 683-7799. KINETTE MEETING: The Kinene Club of Pickering will holds its monthly general meeting Tuesday, Apr. 9 at 7:30 p.m. at the Seniors' Activity Centre, 910 Liverpool Rd. New members are welcome. Call Fiona at 839-1605 or Diane at 420-9556. BLOCK PARENTS MEET- ING: The Pickering Block Parent Association will meet Tuesday, Apr. 9 at 7:30 p.m. in the library at 4aughan Willard Public School, 911 Dixie Rd. All are welcome. Call Cathy at 286-224. Wednesday REFORM PARTY MEETING: A public meeting hosted by the Reform Party of Canada, Ontario Riding Association, will be held Wednesday. Apr. 10 at the Whitby Public Library from 7:15 p.m. to 9 Om. Call David Barber at 430-6779 or Ralph Perry at 668-3541. FINANCIAL PLANNING: A presentation on financial planning will be given Wednesday, Apr. 10 at 2 p.m. at the Bay Ridges Library, 910 Liverpool Rd. The free program will be of particular interest to those CORRECTION In this week's 'BIG BUYS' Flyer the following errors have occurred. PAGE 5: -The illustrations of the Ball Gloves have been transposed. The 12" Glove sold at $32.97. should be illustration A and the 13" Glove sold at $47.97, should be illustration B. PAGE 9: -The illustration of the Carty Case is incorrect. The Case sold at $17.99. is for the 'Nintendo' Game System, and not as shown. -The prices of the Concord 110 & Cam IID Cameras have been trans- posed. The 110 Telefoc us is $14.97, and the 'Cam IID' Fulty-Automatic Carrera with bonus film is $69.97. WE APOLOGIZE FOR ANY INCONVENIENCE THIS MAY HAVE CAUSED. K nowt Canada Ulmited over 50 years of age. Register at 839-3083. COMPOSTING INFORMA- TION: There will be a Composting Information Night on Wednesday, April 10 at 7 pm. at the Rouge Hill Library, 1340 Rougemount Dr. (Hwy 2 and Rougemount, south on Rougemount), Pickering. Call 286- 2579. TENNIS REGISTRATION: The Dunmoore Tennis Club will hold registration at the Pickering Recreation Complex in the foyer Wednesday, Apr. 10, from 7 p.m. to 9 pm. Call Ann Reid at 839-9832. OVEREATERS ANONY- MOUS: The Overeaters Anonymous group will meet Wednesday, Apr. 10, from 7:30 p.m. to 9 pm., in the choir room at the Pickering Village United Church, 300 Church St. N., Pickering Village. Entrance by the doors at the northeast corner of the building. No dues or fees and every- one is welcome. The group meets every Wednesday. For more informa- tion, call Lily at 683-6479 during the day or Karen at 831-2570 at night. Thursday CITIZENS' FORUM: The Citizens' Forum on Canada will be at the Whitby Council Chambers, 575 Rossland Rd. E., Thursday, April 11 at 7 p.m. Everyone wel- come. Call 686-0432. EDUCATION SYMPOSIUM: The Durham Board of Education's Transition Years Task Force will address issues related to the restruc- turing of Grades 7, 8 and 9 in Ontario schools. Sharon Bates of the Federation of Women Teachers' Association of Ontario will discuss Understanding the Needs of the Adolescent Learner on Thursday, Apr. 11 from 7:30 pm. to 9 pm. at Henry Street High School, 614 Henry St., Whitby. BLOOD DONOR CLINIC: The Ajax -Pickering branch of the Canadian Red Cross will hold a blood donor clinic Thursday, Apr. 11 from 2 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. on the lower level of the Pickering Town Centre. All blood types are urgently needed. The clinic will also be held Friday, Apr. 12. Friday BLOOD DONOR CLINIC: The Ajax -Pickering branch of the Canadian Red Cross will hold a blood donor clinic Friday, Apr. 12 from 2 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. on the lower level of the Pickering Town Centre. All blood types are urgently needed. THEATRE: Pickering Players' production The Hand that Cradles the Rock begins Friday, Apr. 12 at 8 p.m. at Dunbarton-Fairport United Church, 1066 Dunbarton Rd. Additional performances will be given Apr. 13, 19 and 20. For tickets call 668-8620 or 831-3943. - Coming up TENNIS REGISTRATION: The Dunmoore Tennis Club will hold registration at the Dunmoore tennis courts on Saturday, Apr. 13, COMPLETE FAMILY DENTAL CARE COSMETIC DENTISTRY v"en.......................................... $119 Bonding................ ............................ $269 (Cosmetic veneers Lab mduded) Orthodontics ...................................$2950 DENTURES (Dentist Supervtsm) RILL I`PER OR LOWER *119 +*120 LAB PARTIAL UPPER OR LOWER 1119 + 170 LAB Dertttre SaosttacW Guara seed a P=MM by IQea 1*0 a Dame Nwva CDS - Canadian Dental Services C� 1 5-5518 CDS DerMure Apo ation Fee $15 Expiry Date March 31/91 Some lirrdalions a eidusiom may appty. STA�Ti�'VIIrr. ATTENION "DANK GOLFERS CLASSES START Mon., April 15 at the Legion Hall Ajax LEARN bow to Walt; Foxtrot, lim=o, Quickstep, Jive, Rumba, Samba & Chacha, the easy way in a fun atmosphere. 10 weeks course US hours) Taught by: Frank and Maureen Cooper Former Ballroom Champions To Register Call: Marr, 427-7742 OAKRIDGE GOLF CLUB Memberships Available For The - 1991 GOLF SEASON W&_ From =700.00 '" For application and further ,ie information call: 985-8390 General Delivery, Ashburn, Ont. LOB 1AO from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Call Ann Reid at 839-9832. DINOSAURS AND KIDS: A children's program on dinosaurs will held Saturday, Apr. 13 at 2 p.m. at the Pickering Central Library, One The Esplande, with guest speaker Marilyn Jenkins of the Royal Ontario Museum. Suitable for children aged six and up, the program costs $1. Tickets are available at the library's department of children's services. Call 831-6873. SPRING DANCE: The Ajax Seniors' Friendship Club will hold a spring dance Saturday, Apr. 13, from 8 p.m. to 1 am., at the St. Andrew's Community Centre, 46 Exeter Rd., Ajax. Music by Maureen. Tickets are $10 a couple and a buffet will be served. For tickets or more informa- tion, call Les Pearce at 683-3323 or the St. Andrew's Community Centre at 686-1573. FUN FAIR: A fun fair will be held at Gandatsetiagon Public School, 1868 Parkside Dr., Pickering, Saturday, Apr. 13, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. There will be a raf- fle, prizes, bake sale and crafts. Everyone welcome. Call 831-1868. ART SALE, EXHIBIT: The Ajax Creative Arts group will hold its Spring Art Sale and Exhibition on Saturday, Apr. 13, and Sunday, Apr. 14, from 10 a.m. to 5 pm. both days, at the Village Community Centre, at the corner of Sherwood Road and Linton Avenue, Ajax. Free admis- sion. Call Maggie at 427-7138. PTA DANCE: The Parent- Teacher Association of Our Lady of the Bay Catholic School, 818 Eyer Dr., Pickering, will host a fund-rais- ing dance for family and friends Saturday, Apr. 13 at 7:30 pm. Beach party theme. The cost is $1250 per person, which includes a hot buffet and door prizes. Call Tim Janssen at 420-1793. Durham Lawn �ur 1 "Anrrual Programmes ' will provide you with a healthier. more »eed free lawn ... Basic FOU SOraq Late Sprinttrrawt�er FenJa-r Fernhicr 1 Weed ( .niroi Fcrt Licr Wced Comrol nerna"rrr r-� err Spr-t 1�1e 1 nt Fcrt�l�icr Fall Fermiicr Wn.d ("mtn�i ' Wced Cuotru! FM�Ivcr Icniblirl"(owrolI In+ect Control Leed Control /ILII MSMIf'i I(at any ttmc ,.n� •rc not tit ntroQ with the results of our -Prernsurn Programme- we will re-appl, the rnatirnah at no extra Charge Addkio"al Servicei • Con Ancon" • Compltlt Prope, Maiwumance \,r 9-d- bud w—k) I C4l1 a "o obit' p . _ lodQlFo► rratiow +a lata" a� mad tele. 'We nay do carts abort your law"'. l7T k` rhe metroporltan Tororhlo and conservaron region authority or PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE FRENCHMAN'S BAY WEST PARK CONCEPT PLAN At late Manch 1st, 1991 11111011" of the Whler and Relaled land Management Pa Conoeppt P were considered. The 0eveninig � at on f� tin, -in 's say tin THAT A Special Meeting of the VMv and Related land Management Advisory Board be held on lute everting of Wednesday, April 17,1991 in Pkkerirg b receive pubic input on the matter of the Frertchmah's Bay West Park Projetx". Therefore a special Board Meeing has been scheduled for. DATE: WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17, 1991 TME: 7:110 P.IL PLACE: COUNCIL CHAMBERS PICKEIM CIVIC COMPLEX ONE THE ESPLANADE PICKERNG, ONTARIO M you wish to be listed as a deputation for this meeting, please contact our Secretary, Gina DaSilva at 661.6600 by Apr! 5, 1991. The other altemaive is b attend ere Board Meeting and sign the speakers list. Each deputart or speaker will be givers 5 minutes to present their comments in accordance wish ft Board's procedure. Copies of the report and recommendations on the Frenchman's Bay West Concept Plan to be =Wdered by the Board " available from the MTRCA office or Town of Pickering Planning Department bybe Wednesday, Agit 0 1991. For turuher Irhfortlhglon, pie>llse cattact, Mr. Larry Ffald a t 1361.1600 exL 243. i r h t TACT MTMwNUXApm1,1!!1 11 PACKAGE #1 of High Efficiency Gas Furnace or Central Air Conditioner of Electronic Air Cleaner of Power Humidifier ✓ Night Set -Back Thermostat ✓ Air Conditioner Cover ./ Completely Installed ./ Wananty On All Parts & Labour PACKAGE # 3 ./ Central Air Conditioner ✓ Power Humidifier V Night Set -Back Thermostat of Air Conditioner Cover of Completely Installed ✓ Warranty On All Parts & Labour INCLUDED FREE WITH PACKAGE P%�`KAGiL4 # 2 ./ Central Air Conditioner ✓ Electronic Air Cleaner ✓ Power Humidifier ✓ Night Set -Back Thermostat of Air Conditioner Cover ✓ Completely Installed ✓ Warranty On All Parts & Labour PACKAGE # 4 ✓ 15 Point Furnace Check-up ✓ 8 Point A/C Spring Start-up of Warranty On All Parts & Labour From $ 3 9 you can select one of the above packages or talk to one of our trained specialists about your pm-646icfar needs. . )f f• i• K: • Ll AN a THE NEWB ADVEWMn StMMX AM& 7, IM PACE 13 • All Clay Brick Exterior • 2 & 21/2 Car Garage • Woodburning Fireplace • Your Personal Custom Changes • No GST • Walk to Schools & the Rouge Valley ;ajr-fIN FROM MEADOWCLIFFE WILL GIVE YOU A GUARANTEED PRICE FOR YOUR HOME: Office Rivets ♦ ShWWfd Ave. ED to o Slits Q 02 HWY. tt�=�+�•F�P+' C.Btl4b'?'=f"/''3�R"i't!"?'�,1. r!',�,',r,r - - - --- Pi•AAM 1&T= NIM ADVXK11f6Q SIUNDAY, Apam 7,1!!1 Nancy Young: ere arethe 17 foods that cause you to lose wei*ght..." Everyone who will try them can lose five to six pounds during the first week. Get results'. LOSE WEIGHT! An Amazing Discovery: Negative Calories Now you can lose weight easily, even if you eat a little too much... Nutrkionists have discovered that cer- tain foods cause you to lose weight. These are foods with negative calories. The more you eat, the more weight you lose. In a report that you can receive with- out obligation, you will discover what these foods are, why they cause you to lose weight, and how. QUESTION: How can certain foods cause you to lose weight? ANSWER: Experiments have shown that 17 particularly healthful and nutri- tious foods (some of which are veg- etables and fruits) burn more calories than they contribute. So the more you eat, the more you bum off your excess weight. These foods (with negative calories) are transformed into energy, not fat. Q How is this possible? A, The power of negative calorie foods to dissolve excess fat will seem obvi- ous to you when you understand how your body accumulates fat. You are born with a certain number of "adipose" ceps. These adipose cells swell up and multiply when you take on too much weight. As soon as your metabolism slows down, this allows carbohydrate -based foods to be chang- ed into fat. This fat is stored. Therefore, you cannot lose weight by draiping the fat from the cells. You can only do this in three ways: omit foods that are rich in fat (dieting); intensive exercising; or eating foods with negative calories that burn off the fat and drain it from you cells. Obviously, it is the last method that is far and away the easiest because it requires no effort, no deprivation. Q Ho many pounds can you Jose per week? A: If you are more than 20 pounds overweight, you lose an average of five to six pounds in the first week, and three to four pounds in subsequent weeks. If you are more than 20 pounds overweight, you will lose weight even more quickly. Some people with more than 40 pounds to lose have lost up to 12 pounds in the first week. Q Do you how to k6w some bind of special diet? Or is h pat a ouesdw of adding negative calorie foods to your normal diet? A. You don't have to follow any diet, or change anything in your Westyle. You can eat pastries, sauces, butter, cake, anything you want The only thing you have to do is add negative calorie foods to your normal diet... and watch your pounds and rolls of fat disappear. Q How many negative calorie foods do I halo, to add to my normal diet? A: Just add 25% of your normal diet. But you can exceed that amount because the more negative calorie foods you eat, the more quicldy you lose weight. 0: Instead of adding these negative calorie foods, can I just replace 25% of my normal diet with them? A- Yes, because that is not really impor- tant. The only thing that is important is to absorb at least 25% negative calorie foods because these are the ones that burn off the excess fat and cause you to lose weight. 0: Will it be easy for me to maintain my ideal weight after losing my excess pounds? A: Most people who lose weight with diets of pills or other methods quickly gain back the weight they have lost. But with negative calorie foods, it is different. The only thing you have to do to keep slim is to add negative calo- rie foods to your normal diet. 0: What are these negative calorie foods? Where can you get them? A: All these negative calorie foods are natural foods. There are 17 of them. Among them are fruits, vegetables and other natural foods that you will find in any supermarket or at your grocer Q Is there any proof that people have tried negative calorie foods and have really lost weight? A: Everyone who has added negative calorie foods to their normal diet has lost weight. Here are some excerpts from letter we have received. "I had frier everything..." "I have lost 35 pounds. All my life I have suffered from being fat and I had tried everything to lose weight. The negative calorie foods are the only thing that have ever worked for me. I feel like a new woman. My husband also lost 23 pounds. We are delighted to have rediscovered the joy of life that we had long since lost." Mrs. Claudine S. "My excess "ism weaned away..." "In three weeks, I lost 19 pounds of excess weight. Since then 1 have not regained that fat. Because I had already tried so many methods and medications to lose weight, I no linger believed in any of than. But I tried this anyway. Thank heaven! Maybe my experieno can be of help to other peo- Miss Francine P. `I llwasht I tearld be ht aN my Ido...' "I often dreamed of becoming slim, but nothing I ever tried ever helped me lose weight. Now I have discovered negative calories. I lost 23 pounds in two short weeks and a total of 68 pounds more quickly than I would have dared to hope. My husband told me last night that I am prettier than I ever have been." A: Yes. Negative calorie foods were discovered by nutritionist physicians during their search for healthier foods. When you add negative calorie foods to your normal diet, you lose weight but you also lower and normalize your cholesterol rate. This always con- tributes to your health. Cr I have already tried bean pod cap- sules, pineapple capsules, other meth- ods, other diets, and nothing helped me lose weight. Why would it be 0- ferent this time? A: Because the process of negative calories is natural: you burn off more calories than you absorb. Because everyone who has tried them has lost weight, there is no reason that ii would work for everyone else and not for you. The results are so certain that you can try this at our risk, and with no obligation. Try these foods that help you lose weight, with no obligation and com- pletely at our risk. Decide only AFTER having lost your excess pounds if you want to keep the Report. HERE IS MY PROPOSAL: If your do not lose at least five pounds per week, within 90 days return the Report on "Foods that Cause Weight Loss" and I will send you your money back no later than nine days after receipt of your returned pack- age. Therefore, either you lose at least five pounds per week until you reach your ideal weight, of I will refund the price of the report This is unconditional, no questions asked. This is a written, formal obliga- tion on my part. No Risk for Yat You can, therefore, accept this trial offer simply out of curiosity, because you are not risking a single cent Why Would I Dare Make This Offer? Because I am convinced that when you have lost your excess Pounds, you will be so happy that you will wart to keep the Report on foods that make you lose weigh• Because everyone, absolutely every- one. who has adopted these foods that cause you to lose weight have lost their excess pounds. Because there is no reason why it would work for others and not work for you. Read this Only If You Have Decided Not To Take This Trial Offer later than 9 days after receiving your package. This is an unconditional, no - questions -asked guarantee. You eat as much as you want, L. . and anything you want. All you have to do is add one-fourth negative calorie foods to your normal diet. You are the one to decide if you . want to keep the Report of if your prefer to return if for a refund. You may even return the Report after having lost your excess weight, but I don't believe you would do 9. 4Now you have the opportunity of . changing your appearance and your life without going on a diet. Even lt you have been overweight for years, it's not important. Everyone who has tried negative calorie foods has lost weight. These foods must make you lose weight too, or 0 won't cost you a single cent. If you don't want to lose weight for yourself, do it for your husband, your children – and for your health! Last Minute! Copies of this edition of the Report on "Foods That Cause Weight Loss" may soon be depleted. The next edi- tion may not be able to go to press for two months. If you want quick service and want to take advantage of the price of this edition, send in the attached coupon now. The only thing you risk is forgetting it. NOTE: This Report is not sold in book shops. You may obtain it only with the coupon below. SURPRISE GIFT: If you reply within five days, we will also send you a small but astonish- ing surprise gift. You may keep the gift even it you return the Report for refund. r------------------------------------ Coupon for free, no -risk trial Mail this coupon to: Na" Yong 2 Baler Sheat Wes=t, =he In, Dapt.1N Toroth,, 00tWIS, 11114W 3E2. To be valid, this coupon must be mailed within 15 days, r r r r r h r r r I am interested in your trial offer entirely at your risk. I understand, therefore, that t. I must lose at least five pounds in the *31 week. 2. 1 must continue to lase at least on pounds per week until all my excess weight has disappeared. 3. There is no diet b blow, and I can eat whatever I want, 4.1 have a the WaNth guarani, period in which to verity that my excass ponds are going — not awnwg. S.11 am not f00% saestied, I will return the Report at any Mem dun'rrp ft 90 -day trill period. In that can, I will not have to make any exphnation to you or meet any conditions. You will send me a refund check no Jaber than rine days atter hav- ing received 1 returned package. Under the leans of to banal guarantee, please MW me in a plain package with my keo SUM6ee get. I endose payment of $24.95 by O motley order or El cheque to Nancy Young Ll I prefer to pay postmam l add $5.00 for C.O.D. f2tarpes Please charge to: O Visa or O Mastercard Card # / / Exp. date: Sigrlature: Last Name: First Name: Address: City: 0 40) C E 46 60 Mrs. Martha S. This trial offer is entirely at my . risk. If you do not lose at least Prov.: Postal Code: W Q I have read in a magazine that nega- five pounds per week, all you have to t tive calorie foods not only help lose do is return the Report on foods that I NOW EwMhtq is kxkW o in to pilo, or t4.9t my hn surpibe OK oM pAW .�� to 11weight, but also improve your health. cause weight loss within 90 days. I will r Cale Wool Lou*' nV Won sei 04 end �q dwM and Ow G.S.T. is that true? then send you your money back no --------------- ---- — -------- ------------ -------- - .�'s i i i i 1 1 1St 1 i ..: ., . � l i-1.'f.i� i ��t? 9 ti � i � ? �.� i ► i � i i i ..{' r � i � I i i'vi i'S'i i i � i ". 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CHAIR, LOVESEAT +lr IN HARDWEARING DURABLE FABRIC ALL 3 $ 4 PIECES BEDDING BY: Sleepking Somex King KOH o�ronet tress & box spring; CONTEMPORARY ROSEWC BEDROOM HIGH GLOSS ROSEWOOD AND BLACK FINISH )-set $148.00 I" set$168.00 SALE )-set $19&00 PINE LIVING ROOM SET $54800 S ChairRockr, Partyn, 2 End Tables INCLUDES: "' - TRIPLE DRESSER • DOOR CHEST - ROUND MIRROR • 54"160" ROUND •NIGHT TABLES HEADBOARD � FURNITURE ROYALE 1624 DUNDAS ST. E., WHITBY 436-8852 MON.-FRI. 9:369:00 - 42$-0448 SAL 9:30400 PETERS PRofESSlOK PffrEit PLANTING ►- MIX r I All purpose mix for plant !ng and transplanting root- ing cuttings, starting seedlings, planting bulbs ofI and container growing. - SALE $4.99 20 L RM- n•99 PANSIES Great Garden Value $1.39 BOXOF4 N 401 E. 13" St. E. I J PEAT 6MOSS Great Garden Value "4cu. ft. CATTLE & SHEEP MANURE $1.99 Rep. $3.50 20 kg PERENNIALS Large selection now available FROM MANY NEW 1991 $1,99 INTRODUCTIONS $108800 AT VANDERMEER NURSERY LTD. DORMANT OIL (swmq Spray now before buds open, kills overwintering insects and diseases. Use Dn Roses, Fruit trees and Drnamentals. Great Garden Value $6-49 sRs,9 (IOLF GREEN $8.99 — 9 kg GOMM Reg. $15.99 191= -- Roo. $25.99 wim Ott w Lists MSK�IE NZ SALE PRICE From 45¢ Flower & Rei. ow vegem* seeds $1.99 ® VANDERMEER NURSERY LTD. SALE EXPIRES APRIL 17,1991 - GROWER OF QUALITY BEDDING PLANTS ITW EASY TO P"Y! Pick UP t" Will caro at this p&bcVWig store. 00"" me" the feetured C•l-L produm to their coned garden use. NO purchase is necessary. Detai nd Contest ►ales are available at the store and are printed on the game card. SHAWAV0VM$1j;,MWpjWM AOl1UNDNM iSECOND aT"m ��IMS +•.o P M*IS P`N� ter.. '.11ko Is"I° 792 GAYLY ST. E. AJAX 427-2525 f fh 0 • I r See Our. Spec-tacult L H0� r 1 !• :�� ,� �• RANTEED I Coug4ran I 2536 Sp. R. UP i0 3647 SQ. FT. ra ■ All clay brick exteriors ■ Z car garage ■ Ruin floor family room ■ Wood burning fireplace ■ Ensuite step up oval tub ■ Open staircase to basement ■ GST included in price Ravine Lots Also Available I III IIt1.'Jl CALL: 831-9269 MON. - THURS. IPA - 8 PA CLOSED FRIDAY SAT. a SUN. 11 A.M. - 6 P.M. I V i1'lf�E SUNDAY, APREL 7,1!!1 PICKERING - The Pickering Chester Cartage major peewee hockey team won its fourth straight tourna- ment of the season after coming away victorious from the recent Jerry Jacobs Memorial Hockey Tournament in Thornhill. This year, the Chester Cartage pee- wees have captured titles at the Rochester Fire on Ice, Dundas Invitational and Richmond Hill Invitational tournarnems. In the final of the Thornhill event, Pickering ousted the Mississauga Jets — the pre-toumey favontes — by a 7- 1 score. Pickering pounced on the Jets early, scaring three goals early in the game with the Mississauga squad unable to get untracked. Leading the way for Pickering was Tim McCarthy with a hattrick, fol- lowed by Peter Casey with a pair. Notching singles were John Conway and Chris Cook. Assisting were Chris Selig, Jeff Kearn and Robert Vessio with two each, McCarthy, Cook, Andrew McPherson, John Gallagher, Greg King and Chris Cummins with one apiece. Pickering advanced to the final after knocking off Stoney Creek in the semi-final 3-1. Stephen Birch, McCarthy and Kearn scored for Pickering, assisted by Kearn, Birch, Cummins, Cook and Casey. Pickering started of the tournament against Goulding Park of the M e t r o ��vQ• Toronto t Hockey League. The a P '� two teams 9 played to a •�} 5-5 tie in a OCIAT�� game which could best be described as rough and tumble. McCarthy scored a hattrick for Pickering. King and Birch scored one each Assists went to Kearn with three, Cook with two and Birch, Kevin Hall, McPherson and Selig with one apiece. Pickering blanked West Mall 5-0 in the second -round contest. Joey Calasuanno and Daniel St. Aubin shared the shutout for Pickering. Scoring were McCarthy with two, Birch, Gallagher and Keam with sin- gles. Earning assists were Hall with two, McCarthy, Casey, Cook and Conway all with one. In the third game of the tourney, Pickering doubled Montreal 6-3. McCarthy notched a pair, followed by McPherson, Conway, Gallagher and Hall with one goal each. Assisting were Birch with two, McCarthy, Vessio and Selig with one apiece. Glendale tennis sign-ups soon PICKERING - The Glendale full group and private lessons avail - Tennis Club will hold its annual reg- able for adults and juniors as well as istration this moruh. leagues and tournaments for all Lev - The tennis club will hold sign- els of players. ups on Thursday, Apr 18 from 7 Registration is open to all pm. to 9 pm. and Saturday, Apr. 20 Pickering residents with basic mem- from 10 am. to 12 noon at Vaughan bership fees beginning at S 15 for the Willard school, owner of Dixie and whole family. You're invited to join Glenanna Roads. Pickering's "most successful com- The Glendale Tennis Club has munity tennis club". �sr�arD�trr3'ti`i:`i'.`ts1.'►s�alSat�.S�.1.1.a^r,�s.r�-� .a.oa;.rf.•.e�. .••_-;.' _.. ....•A. .tAII&A.ILA4% X IL,IL4yti.wa.R9.k�.•�,�-� I •s "�i�3 --... � � _ _ � . .. .. - -..rs.. ��� .. , . I S sal .J . .. ;., beNto 6 . . god Mir awuft tJ 683-5110 il FAX 683-7363 PICKERING - The Pickering Chester Cartage major peewee hockey team won its fourth straight tourna- ment of the season after coming away victorious from the recent Jerry Jacobs Memorial Hockey Tournament in Thornhill. This year, the Chester Cartage pee- wees have captured titles at the Rochester Fire on Ice, Dundas Invitational and Richmond Hill Invitational tournarnems. In the final of the Thornhill event, Pickering ousted the Mississauga Jets — the pre-toumey favontes — by a 7- 1 score. Pickering pounced on the Jets early, scaring three goals early in the game with the Mississauga squad unable to get untracked. Leading the way for Pickering was Tim McCarthy with a hattrick, fol- lowed by Peter Casey with a pair. Notching singles were John Conway and Chris Cook. Assisting were Chris Selig, Jeff Kearn and Robert Vessio with two each, McCarthy, Cook, Andrew McPherson, John Gallagher, Greg King and Chris Cummins with one apiece. Pickering advanced to the final after knocking off Stoney Creek in the semi-final 3-1. Stephen Birch, McCarthy and Kearn scored for Pickering, assisted by Kearn, Birch, Cummins, Cook and Casey. Pickering started of the tournament against Goulding Park of the M e t r o ��vQ• Toronto t Hockey League. The a P '� two teams 9 played to a •�} 5-5 tie in a OCIAT�� game which could best be described as rough and tumble. McCarthy scored a hattrick for Pickering. King and Birch scored one each Assists went to Kearn with three, Cook with two and Birch, Kevin Hall, McPherson and Selig with one apiece. Pickering blanked West Mall 5-0 in the second -round contest. Joey Calasuanno and Daniel St. Aubin shared the shutout for Pickering. Scoring were McCarthy with two, Birch, Gallagher and Keam with sin- gles. Earning assists were Hall with two, McCarthy, Casey, Cook and Conway all with one. In the third game of the tourney, Pickering doubled Montreal 6-3. McCarthy notched a pair, followed by McPherson, Conway, Gallagher and Hall with one goal each. Assisting were Birch with two, McCarthy, Vessio and Selig with one apiece. Glendale tennis sign-ups soon PICKERING - The Glendale full group and private lessons avail - Tennis Club will hold its annual reg- able for adults and juniors as well as istration this moruh. leagues and tournaments for all Lev - The tennis club will hold sign- els of players. ups on Thursday, Apr 18 from 7 Registration is open to all pm. to 9 pm. and Saturday, Apr. 20 Pickering residents with basic mem- from 10 am. to 12 noon at Vaughan bership fees beginning at S 15 for the Willard school, owner of Dixie and whole family. You're invited to join Glenanna Roads. Pickering's "most successful com- The Glendale Tennis Club has munity tennis club". �sr�arD�trr3'ti`i:`i'.`ts1.'►s�alSat�.S�.1.1.a^r,�s.r�-� .a.oa;.rf.•.e�. .••_-;.' _.. ....•A. .tAII&A.ILA4% X IL,IL4yti.wa.R9.k�.•�,�-� I •s "�i�3 --... � � _ _ � . .. .. - -..rs.. ��� .. , . I S sal THE NEWS ADVE>t'MU KMA%AM& 7. "K-IPAGi b CHERRY DOWNS GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB requires the following WAITERS/ WAITRESSES Full time experienced people required immediately. Must be able to work both days and evenings as well as some weekends. Apply in person between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. 2110 Concession 7 Pickering, Ontario L1 Y 1 A2 SHOPPERS DRUG MART Pickering Town Centre requires FULL-TIME EXPERIENCED COSMETICIAN Call Pat McKechnie 839.4488 or 683-9797 LOCATION: OSHAWA, WHITBY, PICKERING EARN $8.00/HR. GUARANTEED PLUS BONUSES Well established nationwide marketing firm requires people to work on a special promotion in a major department store. Complete training provided. Part-time and full-time positions available. CALL MRS, ORLANDO 1-800-6WI470 ARE You EARNING $1,000. PER WEEK I Our people are every week (girls & guys). Worlung Sundays 8-5 and 3 x 3 hour evenings. 'Wake up or go hack to sleep'. For an appointment call Mr. Ken 431-9914. 1 LEGAL SECRETARY Law Office in Pickering requires experienced real estate secretary preferably with some registry office experience & willing to assume respons ility. Telephone 839-1195 or 683-1143 or Fax Resume ID 839-1345 HELP For light assembly. Punch press operations and material handling duties. Full-time positions. Steady days or steady nights. Apply in person to: PRECISE TOOL OND DIE LTD. 954 Dillingham Rd. Pickering, Ontario LVW 1Z6 . rt 4 NEW 8 USED CAR SALESPEOPLE REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY We otter :A full benefit pkg. : Sales Training : Salary Experienced personnel preferred. Come join our aggressive sales and management team. PLEASE CALL: PAUL FRAN 839-6W FOR AN APPT. WILDWOOD FORD SALES MASSEY'S Is Hiring WAITING STAFF & Everlenced LINE COOKS Apply in Person 774 Liverpool Rd. S., Pickering LEGAL SECRETARIES One experienced corporate and commercial, and one experienced real estate secretary, required for seven lawyer Pickering law firm. Must be personable, have pleasant telephone manner, and possess excellent secretarial and organizational skills. 0811 Gordon 68344 or 839.4484 TUVEL COUNSELLORS Be ready for the next boom in the travel and hospitality industry. Prepare for your career now! Days or evenings. Call Bob or John at the Toronto school of Bwk►ess 420.1344 COMPUTERS Take control of your career, learn Lotus, WordPerfect, Bedford, Accounting Principals. Study days or evenings. Call Bob or John at the Toronto School d Business 420-1344 SECRETARIES -a ee an exciting career as a egai secretary, loam office o.Mcedures. family law. real evate, corporate 3 com- � ercal, civil litigation, wits 3 es:ates. Evening classes available. Call Bob or John at the Toronto School of Business 420-1344 CLEANING COMPANY equres a part-txne person, clean office Mon. -Fri. pproz 3 12 hours per no. ob can be started anytime her 8.30 p m For mon Caul Mike: TELEMARKETERS Required to work from home. Previous ex- perience preferred. Only serious candi- dates please. tRECEPTIONST **ed. areas arrdud: aim" al aNe OPAL salary depoodiall an ftr 683 -IM or Fa NO wO18t boors niluisd. M you have there, le" them a6 home because we ars loo" . for people Nd went to mab lot at I M" and wads as of es pvrreble. r Nis $ouruds No ,ornwlwrg Nat Mores. you. NW you here a car. Nen ed 43&911@ ,041291, matt rs re-. - 1 .,.._ r wak and W tr *wh ail and sunal"? Boon. an Ave - yaw ; sale Dealer. set yaw own'. hours. sal Is l antsy. lrfarrds. <. srodtphce and a.Igltborlworl . Gals 997-1425.061291) , IEFp A JON? Got a car? l You answer res lo both of 1hw question.. we have an erosNrt apporkaft for trio night P80P1a Cal 43640M (041291) f1«1«,e needed Appy h t 111111 10 KkV St. E. Oshawa SHOPPERS DRUG MART 1 1 IN— aI (0 '1129 1) PIGMerInp�Town rw c�M NE yaw own bond Owe a trd- PART M Pslsorw ' FULL-TIME BOOKKEEPER qua dd style resYvart Ina PAd ereparitrae pualerrsd but , Enperie ud to trial balance. Computer parrrrt«ti do ii, whkbr all Vain. Ct air Fits An and " Wm** M>eoes wy.CaalMary Kent, locslbn. Tum key apara& ' From 1131-1262 040991) or 683-0 Call 430-3615 for details. FANTASM OPPORTUWTV Financial Freedom TUVEL COUNSELLORS Be ready for the next boom in the travel and hospitality industry. Prepare for your career now! Days or evenings. Call Bob or John at the Toronto school of Bwk►ess 420.1344 COMPUTERS Take control of your career, learn Lotus, WordPerfect, Bedford, Accounting Principals. Study days or evenings. Call Bob or John at the Toronto School d Business 420-1344 SECRETARIES -a ee an exciting career as a egai secretary, loam office o.Mcedures. family law. real evate, corporate 3 com- � ercal, civil litigation, wits 3 es:ates. Evening classes available. Call Bob or John at the Toronto School of Business 420-1344 CLEANING COMPANY equres a part-txne person, clean office Mon. -Fri. pproz 3 12 hours per no. ob can be started anytime her 8.30 p m For mon Caul Mike: TELEMARKETERS Required to work from home. Previous ex- perience preferred. Only serious candi- dates please. tRECEPTIONST **ed. areas arrdud: aim" al aNe OPAL salary depoodiall an ftr 683 -IM or Fa NO wO18t boors niluisd. M you have there, le" them a6 home because we ars loo" . for people Nd went to mab lot at I M" and wads as of es pvrreble. r Nis $ouruds No ,ornwlwrg Nat Mores. you. NW you here a car. Nen ed 43&911@ ,041291, matt rs re-. - 1 .,.._ r wak and W tr *wh ail and sunal"? Boon. an Ave - yaw ; sale Dealer. set yaw own'. hours. sal Is l antsy. lrfarrds. <. srodtphce and a.Igltborlworl . Gals 997-1425.061291) , IEFp A JON? Got a car? l You answer res lo both of 1hw question.. we have an erosNrt apporkaft for trio night P80P1a Cal 43640M (041291) f1«1«,e needed Appy h t 111111 10 KkV St. E. Oshawa `urine" 1 1, 1 1 IN— aI (0 '1129 1) NE yaw own bond Owe a trd- PART M Pslsorw ' qua dd style resYvart Ina PAd ereparitrae pualerrsd but , WANT MORE parrrrt«ti do ii, whkbr all Vain. Ct air Fits An and " MONEY locslbn. Tum key apara& ' From 1131-1262 040991) Call 430-3615 for details. FANTASM OPPORTUWTV Financial Freedom (041191) AVAILANLEI For the right working from your home, PEARTREE ,2 franchises k d vwuaL YINb bdit for full training pwAded. 8111001111111:111111 In Durham Regret hardworking reliable in. ur Oshanst These are wNl"tabllhed canipalsry $1.9to for MON 11111106 $27.5W eadL For .6. Mar 1A01d1i plus bonus. Must bs re rruellon plsess al 1394714 a over and have own are No anydi 041291) sxporience necessary. In - AFFORDABLE alrrrs. P►aMd dividuels must qusNy #Waugh *Am ne/bu chess for YOMhill CLOTNINO store for sale, pars. . Irtlsnlaw. Cal 4311. under 11600. Sal" agents 1,20fL. men's and ladies' 0 ace. 9321.061291) needed. No experience rspMred I16Nh baright P11101111111,eas Casual s1), 1 a►, h businessFULI: 14 y. 008ftM d nt8ia, FULL -TINE **need hair ` $23 -Mi. (041191) write for Inquiries: P.O. Baa 8"K TI per how plus carry ESTABLISHED Interior 1457. BencaM' Oreft KOL 100. (010991) mission N Call RadrM 421607. (01099,) dsooralorMsagrtar wanMad tar ,rid parser h an exalting fur- FRESWO.I11ATIC - be 12 4a. MMMBEN management pal - nn" b xkw* . Cal 432-2163 pop mad*m an Wei Mea arelabie to as Ot wma .,. hears na — @ or 611111391. 1111 oM Sstlow w'I SM a area Fee Son ids so /4100.96'- 04 SN11111) ..."S/3t. 0601166)I 397-17M 06011861 Canadian Tire Pickering requires FULL-TIME CASHIERS e PART-TIME MORNINGS HARDWARE PERSONNEL e FULL-TIME SEASONAL SALES PERSONNEL Mfe offer compefitive salary and an excellent benefits pockage Inckx Hr g profit shoring. Apply within 1300 Kingston Rd. Pickering Press Supervisor A successful sheetfed printer requires a Supervisor to assume full responsibility for the Press Department within the guidelines of a Collective Agreement. This is a three shift operation and requires someone with superb technical skills in full colour printing, with a solid background in lithography. The successful candidate will have the ability to build on the existing skills and strengths of our staff, leading them to operate at their optimum level of technical ability and performance. Written applications should be addressed to: File *AAA The Hayhurst Career Centre 378 Fairlawn Avenue, Toronto, Ontario ­M5M 1T8 , ONE OF CANADA'S BEST Alio GROWING HOUSEHOLD NAMES IS LOOKING FOR FRANCHISE OWNERS IN PICKERINGWHITBYISCARBOROUGH WE ARE LIVING LIGHTING wwretwkyffift f9ir WE OFFER GREAT LOCATIONS, FULLTRAINING PROGRAM, ON-GOING SUPPORT, STRONG BUYING POWER AND "YOU" THAT'S WHAT ITS ALL ABOUT Cats Collect - Michael Mayerson 416-661-9916 I 1 general help 1 1 general help STUDENTS - Grewopportunity HIRING - $13.95 per hour b esm extra money. New con- waked, lull and part-time aced cept in music sales. General tions available. Car required. Call Mr. McCartney 4363532. meMkg. Sunday, April 7th. 11 (040991) p.m. 1170 Simco* St. N., ^'usage• warm mist, high Oshawa. Resume pr*femW. CARPET installer's helper (040991) wanted. Call 831-5750. leave WANTED: 93 overweight rescape. (040791) People b 1064 10.29 pounds in ATTENTION - n*edextra the next 30 days. Doctor mon@Y7 Excellent psyl Easy fiscal mnnded. Earn estra In- wofkl Assemble products at osrrr with results. 1116594- 5660 homel 504-847-0096. *:t. NOBT a mummer Nodat kom Spain In your home. For Owhan. July/Augnwt .... Call Language Connectien hlarnatic". JoeepA Craig. 4161123.11M p101el) VIDEO memories - Expert fhrinMker with 12 Mdso w cordsr wB atpe" your spocw occasions - weddings. birthdam graduations. also of- fice and house contents for insurance, trairtkp tapes for office. Free consultation. Reasonable. 668-6003. (040991) VD information. coMideMial. CAN 723.6521 Monday -Friday 830 arm. - 4:30 p.rfL Free clinic Tuesdays and Thursdays, 430-530 p.rrL Cal 4334MI during chic hours. (TF) BIRTH contra and family plan- ning counselling. Free and ooMWwtiaL available Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 P.m. Clinic in Oshawa, Tuesday. 1 to 3 p.m.. and Wed- nesday / to 6 p.m. Pickering Thurs. 230 - 530 p.m For fur- ther inbr"Wm al Oshawa 433-8901 or Pickering 420. 8781. (TF) SHARON Lynn Woodruff bom July 28, 1968. Your birth parents would really Nke to reel you and talk with you. PNN" contact Bony Ster" at Kowa, kblx n ChldrortV Aid. 705743975/ or Laurie as Parent Firlders 416-4868348. (040991) DISTRESS Centre. N*ed someone 10 talk b? Cal us anytime. 433.1121, 427-S93o. . (TFNALL► KA245, 9am.-8 p.m. Mon.- FACIALS 1 12 haws (quaffed SURIMM Professional 0 imfr Sat., 12-5 p.m. Sundays. esthetician) cleansing, Day Care seeks a hoar voaW (041491) Ossining. a nraWkwm. facial 1D noun Wesly atrHitO BEAUTY SALON r squires ^'usage• warm mist, high eoW d Apra. Must have ECE licwsed STYLISTS it Oshawa �'�. �. lash Wt. In, r2 with"In- Full Full or part-time, salary/ $1st 4342771. kr lows pow TWrr oorrrainiig- (ansa (0 1�1)�' wpm IN Requires a psi" Oft good sense d humour and cill 1- Marsha 1 804367- O�TAR teeing Would tau ability b work ildop-m- ><y 5244 (W0991) enjoy learning lay play the ands a Isarn member. S4nd WANTED: Career MiWsd In- Tl guitar? Find aura Ile flat four lessons ars free. Call 427 laming re*umM b: 1367 Aaaq dividuate who love Il* arta - 2578' (011291) Rd., Pickering, LIV /M2, money- Ob am'P-Y, new in evenings. (416) 642-2267 1 AAs, ; t_ Carson. by April Canada. Must have ABORTION kalornsaon. Cal 12191. (041191) Transportation. 6663151. Hoer 683!033. (TF) PII MERICA Financial Ser- (011291) 000 a yew sokrW7 PSYCHIC Advisor - Tarot card Mics -now hrng, no flail No dividual attention. Klaumer Kernels Brookin. 6554871. eednn9's. past. Present. tuna. lamed No obiigatioral 19 Ctrs HAIRSTYLIST wwhted, full or By sppoinomsrx Dis. Oehswa RW ever. Car required. Cal for Pam -erne. Otis Creak. Wlrby. 725-4143.(041291) appointment 436-0966. ODpomuWY ler pamnershp or 6260 Full time abor y' atrsilabls 42&3243 (04099$) (041291) vert a cher. Plains Cal Frantic 666 Palfin aatrykas 1N / / M i turd{/ ta6■Itd IZ APPLIANCE SALE - Fridges. � r�,/�at,y LOVE gordow 10 Ren � RAB/IT wants work doing p0v� mho• � new � � IOBqOR-sl loam OIL seek hstasetta ofd �S, Andre oral. Now bsssbd a hod" MWWOOO . IOW " and tON, Case&=,. 12651-1 np men• Cal Erne4dW4M fir•• drape. memorabllla. pleturos, ru � ff chtNa Ilntr, satin an Meg , wi tl Weir washer and dryer. vaouuln blcpciq etc Cal a6& Praia ON older = 1 H1H mob p4119t) ill, go dopa far . (010691) lis. bars. Cera 42NM or 424 30.76 (0I1181) $300. Juki tester quaby prkser. overlooked? Are You darted )st people. 965-4277 i Person apt• delivery and pick BATNROOII sink Excellent In an aarnative? Cal (416) AMAZING Deal - ISM corn- palble oortpll nk SM or int DOG TFU NNNi CLASSES . starting April 6 at 7:30 P. m. evenings. (416) 642-2267 1 WANTED - stoves. fridges, oortdMtoro• OWN YON" • AP' potclrnaely 32' king b M over wsshare and dryers. waking Or b Own 542.50 monthly. El 1, Smell losses for more in- IN ADVEt'1')pN IN 7A0 4 efRPasl vanity. Cal 4301821. (031091) nol• Also wailed. pickup truck (WAw than 1978). Call Pick- typsnwdas, Writ to awn. $17.50 roldl4p. Pitons Karen. 686 dividual attention. Klaumer Kernels Brookin. 6554871. SECMN CALL 3711114111111111111GIRLVAAdW p.m. Apx conpwry needs 7 birycie, red. 12- W" 12488.13. (TF) 5533. (040991) (040791) 78&7672.7967675 issue preaA the Wood d erased, 28', eacearr cemmdkbn, 6260 Full time abor y' atrsilabls 42&3243 (04099$) WW� 'we call 683 -God 9670. ask for Mr. Brown. - not r*igior The hioWing is the hied minister MiGM rare and decorative glass It". Includes arnfail . 2 an aaeL Cal flabeA 6666251 a 434,2907.041191) 5100 or best offer. 855.8764. (041291CP,P USED Utdgss and stores, 1 year warranty on large selection. Landlords and dealers welcome. Oshawa Used Appliance Sales and Service. 133 Taunton Rd. W. 434-3999. (TFALL) COMIC BOOKS - 19Ws and 1970s colection, soft, Muk Captain America, Iron Man, Avengers, Spiderman, Sub. mariner. X -mien, etc. Cal Fran- cis 420-3531 after 7 p.m. (040991) MANUFACTURER - Buy direct and save Big SSS on stained glass inserts, french doors, made -to -measure sideglass. Custom Stanley entrance sys- tems and garden doors. Many discontinued lines and display rodsk at extra savings. 905 DWxVharn Unit 4, Pickering, 837-1714. Open dolly 9-330, Thursday fill P4099ICNC)7 Saturday 143. PIANO - Always thought a grand piano was bo big or bo expensive for yaw home. come sal ave baby grande on sals. March 15 - April 15, $5,895 and ITFALL)sp Pianos 433-1491. FOR sae - Divad Clack pilot hsedest. $285; bedroom suet, $550; Bushnell telescope, $125; Biocutn. $55. phone 427-9307. (040991) COMNMOOOIIE 64 with games, $350; compeer desk, SW: ping pang table, $50; single eel~. 5100 and flow, $150. Cal 8347668. (040791) McCLARY wsher and dryer. almond. 2 years old. 4 -year wamanry led W I brannew $1.300. best offer.Call 723- 5M. 215689. M42191SNC) PATAGONIA Pang - cope and bird. $450 or best offer. 41st Pool rade. $900. Phar Kahn 5763576. (041191) DOVER - � 5266. (041291) stucco. nsa11011W, handyman APPLIANCE SALE - Fridges. � r�,/�at,y LOVE gordow 10 Ren � RAB/IT wants work doing p0v� mho• � new artuttion company. Cal •vert• Ings 28&9045. (041191) rrolasirng ? We rued 1 c nmegic to children's partes and as OCCMi0fs. hi1e nV °vert and used. new rasher and FNANCIALFREEDOMDoyou em9 d hands b help at- land our large country gsrdern men• Cal Erne4dW4M dryer $76(1 so. Slspfynsomns Furniture. 227 Court St.. possess nigh achieving weekly. Need own MN9TB1 TAPER . t you re- Oshsra5767446 fWcaa/) menap•m•nt skills? Do you transportation. Pbughmans provided. Engin* 683-1936. aPL M - SPLASH HOT TUB COMPUTER - IBM Conpstbb. tlniev* your ablates are being (041291) RENTALS - 81 year, nom . a $300. Juki tester quaby prkser. overlooked? Are You darted evenings 420-3643. (040791) Person apt• delivery and pick $250. Audiovox car phone In an aarnative? Cal (416) ASSISTANT MANAGER p' 427'622L (041201) SM. 14sp•od lady's bike. 9663479 (24 hour recorded TRAINEE- Needed for aural spstdatlzing In taw rspek d SW. 579409L (040791) r Hou gtl. (041191) circulation kmnprtr. sales ser- 4 efRPasl PART -INE *vorrgs . 611 pvariwnee an aeset• but not PwaibMq. mmanrl. trim, al TRADITIONAL solid wood p.m. Apx conpwry needs 7 ssermaL Must be neat roil- JESUS a my best friend. bsdnoan anmae dieser and people with carsweakw••k able and harp own car. For in- issue preaA the Wood d wm NwAbd. how to td me - 6260 Full time abor y' atrsilabls 42&3243 (04099$) WW� 'we call 683 -God 9670. ask for Mr. Brown. - not r*igior The hioWing is the hied minister MiGM rare and decorative glass It". Includes arnfail . 2 an aaeL Cal flabeA 6666251 a 434,2907.041191) (010991► 3:11. Isaiah 36:1412. John night tablas. tp of Ne Sears - 1 1 s11{ce (1!* as 116 10:11. signed Jin CwrpW I. o-pe0io gkesnsdz* boa and mesa moves. Claw, , ice. odd jobs, dsorMing, 1 7069539475. 1050961) numen. 6 mantle old. Paid BOOKKEEPERJACCOUNT• SALESPERSONS - kWspsrnd- ATTRAC71VE while 34 taxer 7 , =king 52 500 433 �� ) ANT aerL� trnotivated. well organized ere dlatrOrs for s- clusiv products. Unique d two NOT dila ben. walks, music movibinag COLLECIIBLE9 Fremsd aal- ibls. ler Dour• PoraoR rat No car. Must woAkbg qm mops. a„Mgke Ood[s US- and M01aca 51111111101 OOlsMon. ba gives set g hooks. must have b al passes have Must have own ear. Cal a37- C ll $37 171st. (040791) uteri srnnak r. srmiasr tdY sMho Weds b dioovor kms, 124psed men's like. Cad of counting of accounting. Computer �I»•�r BMM1Cai "do"lock b httf11>rnss b all honest p1 O662aberSpJn (011261) knowledge required. Submit comprehensive rsurw to: I 1 brig loo . maatbrshp amm 83025. We*. AJAX PICKER8IG APPLMIIF CES - S199 and up. fully art F ND 25 Y Shopprkland Drug Mart. 224 rofktnd B►vd., Flilll tinier dental assistant wgmwat gas tl ow" Rd S, Oshawa This P.O. Boa 491. OshoW LIM g"� d Come mak• us a dsaL 1Mowdalsk OFAMI& M2J 4Y7. Ajax. 427-3500. elk Ion Dr. 34- 7LS p41291) 427-6794. 467 Rd. S., Also. lMI291) iN poosol) verst•in or Dr. Zeigler. ATTRACTIVE veal astsbishad abinets, boat prices. fres deanery and ser up. •No GOThigh FREE compuar training to (041191) kdy. mid I, Its who artpys AKIN Soso al" Mt 5/.300 a baa cow. Amiqu l odgdtb MMMMMM4S and oar. O PICERT. Lake. warawlatt PBOLWm r Pam Mmt dantd o Vrwugin dancing and Vow c amanaatlal sada wall aide by side, 16005. SM 7- do, m uwlnare. aoCi►ac.­0- e FSQLimd 31 ORION- established professional Ple"a" loom soL dak k6kP 6eIt11EM every gam 4556 teres stygys eaoedent Harvard and Cowl Flratochl Cad 424i�a0.1�1 Wrr� Iho Reply,no iNlelk p750. 4342m p40S9t) Ombt anoe ausdtbt for Bll9r GROUP practice re as 83001 its atadems ii - 45 a o r who quires an - 1 � PJ3. BO. 401. OsM Ak LIM CLEARANCE d err mew and ds nal gtNfay for hes tablq. denial ii-- and chat- 7L5• Poor") awed IwsNure. lodges and Durham Business Computer CoMpe.427a01Q (iF) alb asaWra a fh mirnitarin 5 Iaar/ arperbrtoa Cal Suras Isat a Ia1BN I @NNW beds. dismal No rlll►i66 6e&slaa 010661) Deft Slow, tis Brock SL $w-• Whitby 1 blifthapheird 430-0561. Visa 1 em NOW MO bW. bloc steaGOLDEN d d �d p410m) 1 AM looking for highly DAY awn pagis0.yaw follows MOW CORW Marland and Pailcarse. 4312-7502.(TFNALL) F M Sidle - For 6rsfrood eta. 050 McKay Rd., ptof "fadvaned 1r a skiff salso n resew r WAS. fichod area Weekdays 11:15 SW FOM: FOIIIW: adul at. Hasrgod dyla only 7 &AL - 3 pain, Yo IN Friday. p466nI If r r fr`�[�, r��,rfr�i r �. rr1 1 VA� I 1 s ,' 1 ': n 1 ': • 1 1 1 1 how mmnnmnnb SABRE Contracting - all carpentry, additions, Renovating? Bathm m renovations, kitchens, bathrooms, home maiNenarhce CW sa w9w" servioe. furniture Ca n,, refinishing, quality work Kitchen binets guaranteed, 15 years No job is too small. experience. 686-2915. Malcrav Fumit ire. I (TFEFG) HOME ors riortexteror. dryrwll oecrec rooms, PROFESSIONAL Brick COMPLETEbalran oplena. stucco. nsa11011W, handyman 1p ciatain9 in fieplaces and welcome. 28&215& (061591) jam. Len 839-2096 or 565 - chimneys. Will do bricks, inanity wan n-- bp. Moon 2358• (040791) blacks or stones of all kit%*. Cal Rene Gervais at Artistic kadens. dlrgg 000llil No job ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR 8401114116M. 8881128. ro"gh-In. Also avadsbte train _ basements, ((TFN�ALL changers, nwiriag, addllmw and renovations. All work door lighting. rewiring. fully MN9TB1 TAPER . t you re- walk. drywalland licensed and Insured - serving HEATING a Air Conditioning _ Pickering - Ajax. All work residential, commercial, Plumbing, 686-6498. guaranteed Days 420.2999, Iwnacn. air cendNbnsrs. duct ALL remora 1, and addeionr evenings 420-3643. (040791) work. , - Ned. naoca, card Ilkarbieg eves by a fxansd hallnt�rillalr par* our price. Cao Dave 426 1Newrmees. Call Pat at IN3. 1 7693 days or 683-6476 aSwaYaa Far kes eafnwls spstdatlzing In taw rspek d eienhrps. t040991) GARAGE doors, redwood, dadrrood and steel. We also Install Stanley ap4n•rs, re- placement windows. tenting and docks. 5 years experience. Frac sstinsle. Cal 579.9964 Jeff or Sl4ve. (041291) FURNITURE refinishing, antiques. dining and bedxoo n tease, Paw=. Olke furniture. hands 1pip . a/ rspans, kn afrarwe firms. tr*s pick up. delivery and estimates, wperisrn' - Ian 264-8591, 321-6246.(092191) ROOFING sperialzkhg it no Md rePar, beat prices. 424 5389.(040791) JAMCO Cortracling, seI; entrances, basement apartments, additional bathrooms. to docks and hal tubs, M Phase rerwratiors. No obligation sstinslea. Ajar 427 -Me. WhaDy 886.3430. (041191) MACDONALD'S HOME IMPROVEMENTS. The corn. plow handymen service. Dont looking to cal. NO JOB TOO SHALL. 570-0977. (051091) CUSTOM UflaTa d exterior Woodworking dolein g- one. n GCB Construction - i4lor and exterief repaks, renovViffne and cwwvuction. No jab loo big or bo of . N It needs to be done. we an do it_ Few clean. Professional work guaranteed Call CRAIG 666 1913. (041091) PROFESSIONAL Handyman Servic-. quality carpentry. electrical plumbing and decorating. sic_ Smog or urge. fauns a offioe. resonate with excellent retennc4s. Free estimates. Call 432-4548, 7 amL - 630 ort (TFNALI I ROOFING (Same day ea>imatas for flats and singles. Specudzing in mot m w & Over 20 yrs. exp. (chimney repairs). For a 9Aft lob call Jobs 4274131 Naso Lie, M"631 ro f offRougeVal- COMPLETEbalran oplena. lay mDa Inc. Joe I^9 kWaltsfan by p vbmbnob welcome. 28&215& (061591) from 51.11ND. Prim Incudes N. N. REN Y 1 inanity wan n-- bp. Moon basements, bathrooms, faucets and American Stam- kadens. dlrgg 000llil No job dard flmures and Plumbing Its _rural Call Lucas at S3& ro"gh-In. Also avadsbte train 2451. f050291) $2.460. Sala 5x7 bathroom changers, nwiriag, addllmw and renovations. All work Pedkro6s coveeYp ) tis MN9TB1 TAPER . t you re- walk. drywalland quite a master taper, and electrical completely prier. ler M your rtaS - lop constructed. Call Rays gwpty is may guraem Cal Plumbing, 686-6498. Guy 43&6446. PWW) OF EFG) ALL remora 1, and addeionr BA PLN NOM Have your at fair prices. 10 years Ilkarbieg eves by a fxansd experience. Excellent PwfsaiWad Specializing N 1Newrmees. Call Pat at IN3. basements. new weffk and am (051491) aSwaYaa Far kes eafnwls spstdatlzing In taw rspek d cel Bab. Bin. SOS3M2, Ras CONTRACTOR CARPENTRY 68&2M (0610a1) - Clanton I. o Isrle see s, � pa He Call 72 9.1221 or 7254$W (041291) NEED A NEW ROOF w ors toga, slip tabs. sets. ealnnasa. 43aG.ao. (050691) AINSWORTH Nome iin we MGM wnd abs drleeseays and gradarays. N bls king *v iaStiodkltg stns. bagged firewood. Free soanow& 60"M (7F) LOW* * P�o� a ext i� Int onra, sod. wabepafYtp skew and msr- fioe bBtktg Mia litres, Moss or apatMtffnb For free salines Cad Lou at 42&a11in p41191) JN PAINTING AND DECORATING - Rss(dersdA oongrnrNgl (rtlfflsr, stealer. wallpapering, quality workmanship. British Iwdasmtan, the stilts, Cal G RonIn aseerlglq ~ 61 Pal khMNIgartam and 3:15 for a heir, ding bb" amp household more. residential, JOUIIIEVN dtraridarn. aS&56Ma0sr6PAL p429Pt) 4M4M4.10' 1191) per oM utrB 515. oetgosrtoaa $31-3175 after 5:30. os� wM leek. Cd 6p.� P011 SALE - MMple ab i t SP•c1a1121ng Is service MIE & Etaabr PalnlYng, SALESPERSON wanlaHd. frI pwm�7 04109ICNC) Melanins, $128. Pbypwr, S30; Chan" table. $25; doubts changers, nwiriag, addllmw and renovations. All work gsod pubes, end wodl. Far FIFE saY.ltls fad a1IyY.Ie, of pat Info. terrporay, good BABrnM 2 1 Aa6MaCt akolor, M. car peal at ab WmOrarmeed. fists ealnlwlss. Yd 5766551(D41691) ooel.rfiasbn. Call Bob 6ti 2N& POW) tinddfwn. 5 i 3, b Yrs HaasotY MOVING??? We veil mow amYdhim9 � mnsbas $a Pima sd3.4217. Cal 4291380. (TFA) PROFENDONAL mat moves, best rates, free a 401 arse, IN my hones Daylbw LAIII M CN/TDIS LEATHER 041251) CAR OMM - Lmwa prion, Oki person %red. b 6N • �' • pb7IN) spstdatlzing In taw rspek d ALUM ANTIOM Hantzrnrl hram ing. drpwOK eloctrleal, fair prices. Exaellent pSALES e osint:oma hoses tack ane aslom paduo- �a P(ffes. I6lbd - InNs PwaibMq. mmanrl. trim, al t611wrt, Cas Dat r Pat at base plus mI ss its On. 1 N1 and baelng, and ON, askiq IIISAW a baa wlwvalffn. qudly and sr- SS317Sa p501S1) MAomtabdnasi s Chidd�� 041291) ONN. Cd 434 6453.041191) vice SGL 10 peas b Ptdurtlq an aaeL Cal flabeA 6666251 a 434,2907.041191) YEN with trucks will do Mack C7lon. Jol.� 5513. (TNFWFS) r RECESSION Proof - FOWW ling mesa moves. Claw, , ice. odd jobs, dsorMing, / � tw yr OLD" type "kid up babe ewkrg, $15. Cas 724- CAIMflITpl Min 15 ynymsa'- � antsad WA,4 t r� )oboe too "f"r advertising sales p pOlsli9. wry M Cd Carl r Jun.. 427-2656. (M WALLPAPER clgratn . -ors 6352 1191 (a �7 paMrnoeaoaM6bfaaonpbM Ouatlty workmanahlp y workmanship buskwwiw unset @X_ 1AW raw *am Be ones 10 NOTPOINT fridge and stove, ation kitchs n boh Wlararnl/s0 Cal 43D,2566 patience an asset. Car essential. essential. Fr W4WVisw sal 1 saSRr 89.5 a double roll. Open 5 dols Per weak. Mon. - Frl, 94 mOdwdeat. Film afer 1220 pati. 693-7354.(041291) dry11a1. ��al fabotK stud dodfs. RsIsatro N. For fres MCK'/ Painting and paper 688-59a6 Val -Pak d Kwsatsna Durham. P4=1) PAL. Sal 9-5 pia 42119S1. 65 19rIS St. E., Sowmlaw0a GRANOFATIER cloche, Sart estimates. Call 420-9114. (041091) hangling• a downpnleselart I )ab dew m an dbdoble III - Wbrdq Inipfn JOIN tine Teas - CRAFT SHOW - Apd 27.10-4. less admission. Durham (n) your fatly Ire IN n BsrNdul cherry, rmalnogatny and pall SAN Ids sPaNitMski - Fr a free sWinwN at no oWpalbrn, Cad Flldt. 571.4066. �� �� boomer Poland@, ftN r Part- lktne, sedkq award winnlig Colags, Oshwas Campus. Up b /201b1es athbNors apaol vr� oak color. ntodulr piece, W abinets, boat prices. fres deanery and ser up. •No GOThigh � rarnowls Ir6dnarn rrs6H s "oilba floor �=1) C40 demand bsap p 1) Cd (4/q 7a6ZT66. pto691) G.S.T, Cad S46.15 got. 57$14210 sit 445 (a1M1) chiding Mbins steel ek4c, a1 for $900., Call 725-2657. on s lleclsd models' 433- ides Good rderernwes and ��ddsyr For IBKE/ PABITN4ri -wall and ae/rIp n4psYs, stat atsotA our �1�: 1401. (TF) .ct :.o -, k6kP 6eIt11EM Ift oertNlo411e46 72S-4UI. '16 * a4/i3 nF1 • , TLC Movkag. Local and da at MEN with large truck sou do town, hourly or flat rata OuaNy household more. residential, work at reasonable rates. commercial. All types of Plese Cal 427-3518. (TF) moves. Cal Carl or Jane. 42-,. 428-7230. (040791) 2856. (TF) AJAX Moving Systems - full , ligh viviia plandscaping. services. moves, appliance TWO men with trucks 'THE and piano specWfets, flat raw MOVERS'. Will do aft types at or hourly. Specializing In moves. Very eompstllve. naive Durham Region. Now offering us a call. Pete 576-9533 free boxes with move. Cal 427- (TFALL) 0005. (TF) faPM, 1 gatl1i61tt1Ip k MOVING??? We veil mow amYdhim9 � 30% OFF - kttetbm Deooraar trucks. ' msn end trucks. ler all types offers 30% off her fine d ars- 100111. window trsslmon", moves, best rates, free a • , estimates. all discount for seniors. Call 571-0755. vw*ab, veristlars, des fabrics and upholstery (no (TFNALL) G.S.T.) Cal Elyzaboth at 426 1 ,Mwv 1-880 2656 (040791) h84assck/aRillp hollsecknartltlg CLEANING LADY � 1i9W1 hixfle6, 01(ICe. RafBr6r1C6i I(regtirad. TWO rellabe kkerning women s411kst111tp a • available wsky or bi•waky. . 1 sxcebw 'job. reasonable rases. Cat Margaret 427-2079 or Lucy I 428-7230. (040791) H HONEST, reliabie mature , ligh viviia plandscaping. Pseok 15 y44rs exp4miethoee, handyman, residential will do hasewak br the day, spso:eW. Call Bob 113&1215 rates $45-$55. Every other sv4 wVL (041491) Thursday available. After 6 P -res. - yth, waskeds. 576 4367. 10411911 LAWN mowingd m -aln- 1 gatl1i61tt1Ip tenance available profes- sional service. reasonable GARDENER Wadable. $17 per rales. From $20 per week. 479. week. Spring clean p SM. 4777 (Azim). tW0791) Ca 831-6340. (041191) cow 1 clad cow 1 ,Mwv 1-880 imlifirvacheem DURHAM PROFESSIONAL • HOME DAY CARE 01111ers warm, loving day care ler children 6 weeks and up in Supervised homes at reasonable rates. Serving AjavVickenng area since 1984. PRE SCHOOL teaettar cam ��� Iai^g are In her flans at rIkIMRMs LArapool and Hwy. s2. E:ced k" rsls'sxnoes• isoslpte glan. BUSINESS OWNERS. Flying Plate caN 424394. (040791) Prlaed and 4vered door Is door In Coffman, Whay and PAYLESS sties - This year Ajax awa b haresby Canada oM sock Playmate for moa Post w low cost, as 46&4450 pamtiea, waft b ties pet• hot o• 469-0395 (Toronto). kowtoL Plains con my at$3/•6386.IDWM Accoumm mom p411a/) •- MOTHER d2&Ads6btocam ING and income far your clod or d ddten In my Preparation. David Krople. home. meals and snacks CGA, 4264N87- jf 12M) provided, good rates. Ap- pberoh Vosoo- $83 -SU . um (0W791) BIPMG 9lornat Chfdewo EP Cottle dwlnp ave 24 haute/ filarcorra',7dP*4nldays a . week°°` Y NCNE TAXES Sehool pww wnftrvmum a.I.t0 amp and' - epats . Yin aedobb. Ayes 6 %sats b Pfd. 12 peon. Call Oshs.tl S79 0961 atlylml» (TFALyw7rlM LOOKINGbday aw4 Try a � as dw/ calls Wasasls Ma6esood F#EEIAMCE• aenY railed, School for Children ages 16 odbh talbwd aCoslMtat. 40 mmtlhs - a pews. CON no- pears a1Ppr)/aoe earn par. 2273 hirlin area -SWA" Nikki, looping aW aci gnor lesIessaN !041 0P OL speclalzes In laooapine LITTLE III 1 094, NcerlOed records sad tax aneers. dq Oars oP dip for 3 Isar RuSw bb rales. Fits on - OM and np Good MDL Call PJNMNM bw Phons 67644 6631063, 061m) Or W" Bust 8125 Mab PJa,. AFFOIWABLE • Elperkitnosd Oshawa (0111991) daycaw amu bble b my Acme, M001E tat wk.rs dorso by a 1 eggs ors yaw sod up. it.rohes pmdnoi W aco mminftL Baal: ltd ands provided. broorrw #SM% SED. Abe bodltasllYtg wx iscsyib nd ghen. RMI on aaccounting Servloas ler upon MPUL Tdlphrle 427- sinal business Phus cangN , am (040'791) karltl 427 -ROS. (042591) • pB�60i swam AOOOIMIMQ boakkespilg, 1►ap►ua. snandAl $UswnKd preparation and tact returns, msnw and carpi l .9 -'.Cd Snlsal 08.354& p41091) r: NEED HELP? Bod*"Ping, resumes. Income tax CALL (OSSIFIED 9) Cis"B.sas, 576-!335 wdnelmn( ". Cd 76$•76%? INfaPPa 1271x5 , 4:17WM lwYr�'lA�i .9lrJ P•Lb?!h, �//fr5�.p I� • CJ • Y1�81R811atRli 11 �B B or M iPMb1MN4f8r 8 __----- 11 11 8 illy A1111111111=11- ' nweuaur• NIRKEr Tong 1$6(-1$1$ --- --- - In loving and cherished memory of my former husband and father of our 3 daughters, who passed away suddenly, one yew ago today, in Los Angeles, NoRo r is No words can say wits we feel today and have fes in our hearts since you went away. Sometimes we feel so b,�y Tears come to our eyes We think of you at peace And know we shouldn't cry So we smile behind our heartache As you would want us b And when we shed our lonely tears No one knows but God and you. We low you Tony until we meet again_ Nanci, IMlan* Maggie 8 Jenny 1 1 aprM u eats for rent 1PICKERING Bright, luxury bachelor in new executive home, $495. Whitby, main floor o new executive home, suits 2. $895. Whitby bright luxury bachelor M. 2134-3694 APARTMENTS FOR RENT at 165 & 175 Blow St. W. Oshawa. Apply within or Call AJAX 3 bedroom, many up grades. 5 appliances. 2 storage sheds, pool, close o all amenities $1.025 ail' ^c!usive Pk;KERING fl ST SHORE - MTLY mod4rn, grkasld kvsl m apt n rice haw. renovaw. includes , uslion kitchen i y Ava{ttle May 1st 3344;1 (Muni) or 1263197 as $500 REBATE - New luxury apartment building, 855 Wilson Rd. N d RoesWW Rd. For rem, large one bedrooms and 2 bedroom. uHiiss and parking included. Call 430.8781. (040991) 2 -BEDROOM available Jure 1. East of Knob Hill. Oshawa• fridge• stove. Parking. $750 monthly, all inclusive, no in- Craaw til Jere /12. FisLUM required. Phone 7233064 miler 6 P -m or wsekWKIS. (041901) 2 -BEDROOM basement apartment, private separate entrance• all appliances Included, $700 mommy In- d udn ulijkles and &able. Call 866.6137. (040701) AJAX - 2 lorga bsdroan base• "*.I sporovem pill sepw W*VA e, walk so GO stations, no palls. asking $750. Plus 1/3 utilities. June 1 Possession. 427-0372. (040991) AJAX - 3bodroan main Aoor, WP wdwut dock aommt and back, laundry facilities. hardwood foots. $860 plus 12 otskiss, first and fast. Non- smokers. 688-8720. leave Musaga (040891) AJAX - Brand neW luxury lakeside apartments. The Breallefs, 1.2.3 bedroom available. Fe" undsr- pound parking, all a11I IMnps, 1841 1ekab wNh pool. 426 bbsdmomAJAX � etbapi sena spu 2- In super lova-, osmmtral aM separate entrance, freshly Paints d, $625 plus 40% MUtki§L Cam Bony 6367499 AJAX • Flarerood north, Ings one poor" (k*bg Failing Woo#" for Mak" badrolor, $450, utilities Included. rance. 3-ploce wrashroom, Separate wklldmf, avalsbio lnv"8d1 4tety. Call 427-4988. P41 19 1 AJAX - large one-bodroomn Pon" entry. prive" foundry. LOU of coasts, tNOD tttoold*1 k"nk-a Awlia le May 19L Day cars available same l - - - - - 6-Br1T AJAX 55 Falby Court 2 bedroom apartment In family budding Air condition- ing, broadloom, 2 appliances, laundry facilities, saunas and exercise room, underground parking Included. Call 683-6021 � Sat -Sun. 12-5 SHELTER Mon. -Fri. 9-5 CORPORmliorl 1 RfMUpn {I•RL BLUEWATER PARK WHITBY APARTMENTS 1 and 2 bedroom suites in immaculately maintained building, broadloom, 3 appliances, pool, snooker table, games room, tennis courts, exercise room, laundry facilities and covered parking. 101 Kathleen SL W. Mon. -Fri. 9-7 & Sat -Sun. 12-5 S 571-3522 SHELTER CORPORATION . r,..... AJAX • One -bedroom apartment, available I. I., im"Ir. $650 per month. One -bedroom basement apartment• available rrnsdiaey. $565 per month. Clean, private• all utilities included. rust and let required. Cal 2866732. (040991) AJAX - ons large bedroom basement apartment. $595 per mo. includes ublsies. Available May let. Non-smokers, no pets, references, separate entrance. 663.4015. (040791) APARTMENT to sublease. 2 bedroom. corner or Harwood and Bayly in Ajax. $250 month- ly plus utilities. Non- smakersony. Cal 434-5058 or 428.8761. ,40991) AVAILABLE immet lately. one. bedroom apart . $575 and bachelor $420. north Oshawa. Utilities, cable included. 720- 9010.(040791) 268010.(040791) BASEMENT - Walkout apartment, almost new. fumiahed, very privale, quiet. "N.Contained. parking. Thidk- son/Hwy. 2 area. $600 all Inclusive. 6669633. (41091) BEATRICE WOODS - 580 Beatrice St.. Oshawa. 2 - bed - unit a\ailable May 1st $790. Slow, Midge, klelkies Included. no Pats- Appfratiorrs miry be picked up at Durhsion Region Non-forolk Housing Corporation, 1615 Dundas St E., 4th floor Lang Tower, Whitby, or call 4366810 be. sauces 830 aim and 430 Pl wandays (040901) BEST deal In PldkMip - Baer mont apartment. $400 per month, includes utilities. MParuo perking• entrance. ons- now appNam_ fiat nmomlNn and $200 deposit required. Call 26622116 for appoiatlmtt. (0'40891) COMPLETELY renovated mtbdan / be Oshawa alpafitw -k* capsMd. 41= bath. clean. quiet. private anaalce, urge back yard. parking, noir buses. $575 inclusive. 57948/2 or 571- 1400. (OW791) in now duplat. appNamncas and brwdloaa taus be ern. central Oshawa. 720-5902. (041291) LIVERPOOL and 401. 2 - basement ^"Mme. 4 apple noes. 11015 morally. 127-1084. (040901CN1011 WAIN FLOOR 3 bedrooms. fridge. stove, dishwasher. pokin9. Illegal Mad palle, $000 Including Mlles and cable. Available AWN 15. Harwood and Bayly area. 4262933. (041191) MAIN floor Of houal lege kitchen. dining room fainly roan, Ifvi g morn, an auks, two, those - - i, I available, May lot... $885 plus 1/2 _4AMM& 4CM6$8.=&Or 246 11108. (041291) 14 „ . yk��,,s��, a '¢� ver < Y y•' h UMU FUM DOW downtown) Private enhance metit apwbfwn, 4 sppl(arbes, and driveway, 2 bedroom with separate entrance, $775 fridge and stow. $620 plus monthly inclusive. Call 124 hydro, 1011. 217 Albert St., 0376 or 830.4856. (041081) Oshawa, from door. Available May let. 1-705.359.1296. PICKERING - large new (041191) furnished, one -bedroom, NORTHEAST Oshawa, main floor of three-bedroom bungalow. Immaculate, appliances. laundry. oeroil l aii parking, bus, share utilities. $800 per month. Phone Part 7232017. (TFALL) - ons OSH$700 separate entrance' broadloom, bath, fridge, stow, 2 -BEDROOM bungalow, on obedroom, plus 5700 plus hydro, one 4- walk t walk to GO, no pets, $675 Rundle Rd., large lot, attached garage fireplace frkige. slew, bedroom. brand new, walkout Irx kusiw. Cee 284-1618. 424 washer, dryer. $875 rrnorrhly to balcony from bedroom, two plus hydro. 3774. (041291) pjw hill and hydro. Available Available Available Aprl 1st. Cal 757- list PICKERING - ons bedroom May 1. 723.1850. (40991) 5752 Scarborough. (41291) basement apartment. Irving AJAX - 2 -bedroom bungalow, OSHAWA 2 bedroom, upper kitchen, close to GO, 401, Town Centre. Call Victor by lake ideal for retired couple hal d duplett, close to centre 420-6863. $675 monthly plus or newly wed, no pate, no appliances. $795 plus utilities of town and bus route. stow and utilit" included. First and utilities. (41291) and takes. 427-8007. (040991) 1 required.(011191Phare 7231032. SOUTH Oshawa -baseent baciuebr on mquiet court, con- AJAX_ detached 0697. (041291) vsnient to bus and Shopping, basement OSHAWA CENTRAL. ground $425 monthly inclusive. No fridge, stow and 2 baths. $875 plus. Also 2 -bedroom base - level, cosy apartment, $395 pets please. 571-5703. qmm sa ill" May la, 67W monlNy includes cable, fridge/ (41191) ment apartment. $485. Call stove, dr parking, deck, SPACIOUS bright 2 bedroom Ill3. 9.6 p.m. (40591) one -bedroom• smug room, 4- basement apartment AJAX - attractive 2 -bedroom Piece bath. kitchenette, newly , fenced back yam' quiet bungalow, 4 appliances, carpeted. Call 985-8882 or sire quiet arrest. $625 plus. Cee garage. fireplace, hot tub. 668-6335, leave message. Deborah. 579.9770after6p.m. Available k>ril 5th. Only $900 (040991) (11291) monthly. 5711776. (04 1091) OSHAWA Centre area - 2- THREE THREE small bachelor apart- AJAX - detached as brick ex - bedroom basement menta for rent, $450, $475, ecu tive home, close to $750 plus 1/3. Pickering (Brod& $500, Pickering -Ajax area Cal everynung. many extras. Cal and Finch) 2 -bedroom base- 9.5. Monday to Friday. Tom or now 29&7237 or 427-1245. mem apartment. $750 plus 1/3. Dam. 427-3393. (042891) (41091) available insrkedWely. (416) 579-49051 (416) 683-3553. TWO-BEDROOM basemem: SEAUTR FUL country setting. 5 (41291) apartment. Oshawa. KingrFlar. bedroom farmhouse, farcy many area_ Kltchan Iminis foldqul;l dike, shed. air, ....rrv..enrwkxkn w9e one bedroom in new houas. room, air, 5750 per montn 1b on"n'"e tram Oshawa, $'•200 pis utilities. 4362605. Separate entrance, parking,�� inclusive. Available CaN Mr. 434-9783. (TFALL) yard.Nyschools, shopping. $575 " hnegotiable• 420-6345. Leave message. COUNTRY living, nrtutes from 428-33%.(041191) (041191) Oshawa and 401. 3 bedroorrls. eat area• front room with n9 WHITBY - 2 -bedroom bright 2 -storey plus garage. PICKERING -Large 2-bedroan basement apartment. $800 apartment. appliances. Iau�Y. Correia! ah. baserrem apartmel walk to plus 1/2 utilities. Double central vacuum fireplace. $875 Lelia. $750 inclusive, fest and garage. huge lot. available mail pus; tAfries. first/lass. last required. 427-7895. irrrrksdWely. Cal Lucas 834 no pass, May 1. Call 432-1282. (4 0791) 2451. 0981) (4 (04079, ) THREE-BEDROOM semi In dsalroble Norm wt Oshawa. 2 baths. finished family room. dad[ and poria. paved drive, fenced back yard. $949 per at - utllles, list and last required. Possible long term Ions. Available June 1/91. Call 576-6924 after 5 p.m. (041491) AJAX - brand new one - bedroom lakeside condo, 5 appliances, custom venetian. parking. Indoor pod, sauna. hot tub. tennis, wilderness location, $750 plus utilities. Available immediately. 683-6878. (41091) RENT' to own or purchase now with low down paymem. New one bedroom plusden, 1 1/2 baths, 1.416-852-5128. Whitby. (041291) WHITBY Harbour - new luxury cordo. 7th floor, 2 -bedroom, 2 baths, walk to GO station. $1.000 month. Utilities included. Call 686-6868. (41291) tow"houses t f2f mfft WMW - Fa/rlgbloak 4 plus 1 bedrooms, large, clean hone min floor family and laundry morn, air ca 10"n1n9. fully finished basement, 4 batlMooma. aVaisble IMay 1. $1.350 plus WMdu. 6663297. (040991) MCLAUGHLM Square. 2 level. 2 bedroom, to flow, southern explosurs, ai►,1 1/2 baths, fridge/stove, includes draperies, utilities, parking. June 16. NOW monthly. 436- 6224 evenings. (041291) NEW LUXURY condo on har- bour front in Whitby. 5 minutes to GO, 2 beciroome, two 4- piel baths. 5 appliances, pod and whirlpool, underground parking. May list, $1,100 monthly. 6831352. (41291) OSHAWA - Bright and spa - dial luxury two-bedroom con. do in Plaza 700.2 baths, dining and breakfast room• indoor pool, sauna, exercise room. etc. 5 appliances, 579-0245. (040991) 1 1a1Mtd1 uon FREE Now is the time to take advantage of our special offer. 1,2 and 3 bedroom suites in a beautiful garden home community. PICKERING - vary large bright WINTRY - 3 -bedroom main FOR Rent: large 3 -bedroom Oshawa. Can be seen 6 7 D. m. 2 -bedroom apartment. own floor. $900 inciusive. Good in o an ��cloedi GM. • Woodbuming Fireplaces entrance, large kitchen and landlord looking for good to ap 2 Storey. 4 bedroom, $1.200 eat area• front room with n9 fanfare 4340213. (41691) les included. available • -6Appliances fireplace, $800 monthly, walk rrl ONE YEAR NEW3-bedroo1 irrvrrdiaeey. Cal cher 5 P.M. • Air Conditioning to GO and mall. 886-1385. WHITBY - Carnal, clean. lips- 571-4314,(041191) home, elegant furniture, 1291) quiet 011aparvirient ~'9°fldin no pets r* LAKEFRONT Ontario - • Tennis Court and Car Wash MATURE femme warted• $4o0 monthly, hrsiViast required. 2911911 ext. 2038 ask for Kris. Available Apel 151h. Atari computer, systems to sale. as - lung $700 293-1911 ext. 2038. (041291) NEW spacious executive apartment. Whitby, one - bedroom baernsnt. Separate e mane. non-smoker. no pas. May 1. $700 fins and Last. 66& 5435. (041191) ONE -BEDROOM apartment, downtown Oshawa• skybil in kitchen, includes fridge. slows and an utilities. No pets. May 1. (476. Cap 5765677 or 263- 8809. 638809. (040991) PICKERING - One -bedroom basement apartment. Single person. parking, available irmhedialely. Please call after 7 or weekends anytime. Ill 2457.(04099/) PICKERING - one -bedroom basement apentral , no pas• non-smoking. private entrance. unties paid. $600 per month. fjrsUlast. References 839.2255. (40791) waterbeds Re1.renCss f►sU detached 3 bedroom, 4 _ fnry. t1 1M -hiv May 1. 666-2230 after 5 p.rrt pule utilities. 771 SY►ooe St. (040991) Oshawa. Can be seen 6 7 D. m. furnished, non-smoker, Available May. 1 -416.470 - WHITBY - Large. dean. 2- 1867. (0-61191) bedroom aparti W,. near park IINERPOOI.firinJh, enrd new and school. First, Iasi rent 2 Storey. 4 bedroom, $1.200 required. Phone Ess -4803. monthly plus utilities. -_ - 11rtrrdiate.4247185. (40791) WHITBY - one -bedroom rrl ONE YEAR NEW3-bedroo1 apartment, trdge/stove very 112 baths plus en suite, t modem. Dundas/Pne St. area PICKERING - LikwpoolvFincl, 4747588. (042191) appliances, pets welcome. one -bedroom basement. bus or avarlsble May 1. $1.150 plus walk to GO. separale entrance WHITBY - Spacow min floor. utilities. Phone 576-6852. and yard. 4 appliances, .r-oeoroom oungalow. (u+nyhl immediare. $550 plus 1/3 appiarhoes, laundry facMties. utilities. Call 839-7157. carm air, cess to schools. (040791) parking. $975 per month all inclusive. References required. PICKERING - Liverpool and Available it V iately. 430- Sayy. Excellent two bedroom 8745. (040991) ONE -BEDROOM basement apartment, $600, ftaUtast. Parking- cable, unlit". Close to all amenities, available April tat. Cal Cheryl at 839-0477. Io+059v OSHAWA - $650 for large err bedroom basement apartment. with big windows. near Holiday Inn, laundry and utilities included. Call 432.3637. (041191) tonenwn apartment. GO and other amenities. parking. WHITBY - two-bedroom MW- fridge.a- fridge. stowen . laundry. $730 nm six Alex by June ter. plus 50% utilities. First and Close to downtown. 6681415, Lag. 1116579.7578. (041191) 427.1600. (040791) PICKERING - near Town Centre• newly renovated bachelor basement apanrtrnetit, appliances• sus mature Person. First/last, available now. no pets. $550 inclusive. 4362951. (040791) OSHAWA - 3bsdroom man PICKERING - one -bedroom floor. 5 appiarloes. Cenral air. basement wartrwa. Seawalls use d driveway and back yard. entrance. fireplace, shared $796 mor", shared uslitiss laundry facilities, $575 per 4361501. (40001) month. IIisulasureleronce required. Available OSHAWA - clean onebedroom immediately. 347-6446. basement apartment, (40991) furnished, non-smoker, PICKERING laepa sM-0on- separate entrance, patio, taied basement Parking- 4.1- bah, sue quiet onebgdroorn apartment. Parking, walk b mature (eas es. $560 monthly, GO, $625, as inclusive. Also MsulasL' 432 -2253 - self -contained bachelor (41291) apartment. New W incius" OSHAWA - Gorgeous one- C WA6 MM (040791) bedroom very spacious, PICKERING - Bre. luxury wooden dad&, yard, also bright bachelor in new executivefi n- debsed ��' both Include laundry, home, elegant furniture, 14ordwsood Boors, srololft SO& Whkby luxuryappsarroes good 100d kbit b ons bod oar on main Aver of stn and bus Mop. Cas 433 ho, $74S. now executive m 0697. (041291) (10891) OSHAWA - Kip a Ritson. PICKERING - htrennorrt +IPa4 Bright. clean.tyle bedroom r wit - 2 bodraorea Wus dOL wok 10 G0. now MMIK school nab fiilor in duplex. Fmillpe, wov+, poking, Vold. �� Immediate. $737 monthly. qmm sa ill" May la, 67W utilities�knde0' 26018/6 imckrsie. Cas (416) 203-2%C POM) (041191) PICKEIisIG-24ndrown bas► ' 8838861. (41291) mens apartment in raised WHITBY bachelor basement apartment, separate side entrarres, fridge• stove. uas of Iswdry facilliet, sutable for 1 person. $495 monthly nclaskre. Available May 401. Cal 4347457. (040791) WHITES Rd. loth of as* - one -bedroom basement apamrretit. own entrance, 3 - piece piece washroom. available May ISL Cal 4240125 after 6 p.m. (040791) COTTAGES at Woodland Estaea. 90 ni uoss snort' -- I at Pickering. Fully equipped, 1,2..9 and 1 bedroera ooaagas, hesbd pool, beach, bases and miens. store, video games. Milekly bingos and movies plsygwwnd. 33 acres b roan Many Juno and August opsoligs. $225 and up par week ON *swore and ssookomnd apsk9als arealeaAeble. Talc and Ment sage aro a rAmbb. Cas 1-7066631317. (042191) PICTON - 2 -bedroom -IN oo6aga, 20 miwMs Mom Swwbw&& Cil 416.434- 427 after 7 pin. p40101) ba11868 fw OSHAWA -main floor 2 bedroom in home, fridgo, txungislow. 2 yeses Old. Midge, 1n011nea in Cdbonrg, dna mento some. di hwmshr. loop does stow. 4gisoe bath, 10 and last mental-- real Vacant. $775 9114. (040081) bpd& gad. 8750 MNlael WNtN morldiy and utiles, no Pals. Per 11011 372.1966 or 436 by - al -b odlecrn SPNVF IL Phar 11367534- (040791) cobja, pinoes fades, use of at fac8tlos including: hilar«r. $650 monthly. 668.4016 laundry. pakig, female. non - Rd. N„ Oshaoa. 2 badroore evenings. 725-8911 days. PICKERING - Ore.bodroo m 931,2006 ((10791) (041191) basslrntlm sporbnsnl, auraftis p/calions mgr be picked lip at OSHAWA - Now building in • Ori antrwtoe q*Unosa- 4 nits walk Is a8 cawaniott bodes. One, and Pak collie, ^0^ en • SM SL E, 41h Floor, Lang TOaar, two-bodfom WWWOM wo WAIML 838.4823. (010981) 428-7737 pager 3379177. fridge, slew, ria I . dryer. PICKERING -fang(& BrigM 2 - weekdays (40001) perking and Ldkieo km*xhk, bedroom baaprtnsra apannma AJAX -teal kept 3bodmm Cas 7267080. Maw nouwpL In now home, 4 now awK IanOed yard. hide• and (051191) appliances. air condkionknp, stove. $1.000 nemhy plus OSHAWA - one -bedroom Pall kW siltsgs laWad. $700 ' 8838861. (41291) apartment, $450 Incudes Plus- Cal 281-9111041191) owryth O A BWA May 1• PICKERING • Very loop, AJAX Special - 4 beduoone 24 Bond Wes, Oshwa. 576 bright, one -bedroom mr1M Vitt 4-PbOs an suile, 1850. (040691) apartment, quiet Christian now 2 -bedroom In-law OSHAWA - ors bpdr0an wit ins Own ea►wp. McPhee, saw Pdo' P*+es -, apartment, double garage, 10 oust, s sitting room any. On upper flow d,wad kept duplex, $525 frldps. stoup cable u1'k 401 andper ol us, u1siM A� �+ +Aa$'1/91. inckudia a1 tiAlNo� jinN i+' 4269756. lwwet ) OSHAWA - 3 -bedroom family room, with fireplace, single garage• large lot• washer, organ. fridge. :sow. Available April 121h. Cal liner 5 p.m. 851- 6232. (041191) OSHAWA - Attracliv• 4- bedroom semi, basement excluded, 5 appliances. 2 baefx, parking. new kitchen. broadloom, close to O.C.. immediate, $825 plus 2/3 utilities. First and last. References. 297.9579. (041291) OSHAWA - Harnonyepliw. 3 - bedroom bedroom bungalow• living room k4cnn. 41)=0 bOM ret roonNeoodbuirnng :rove, lags tenosd bad& yid. $950 plus ut kim Possession May 11112. 434-5230. (041191) OSHAWA 3 bedroom ranch style :bre bungalow. finished basement. attached garage. $875 nrorahly, Met and {est 436-9717.(041191) OSHAWA 3•bodroom bungalow• main floor, appliances, close to all amenias. Lidliss itckided- Cal 453•490.9- (41191) OSHAWA Consist - 34edmorn main floor bungalow. apP$ulcaa. Passing, quill away K4 nlakuw k1oelPb� gfsremxJes last and IML $875 incusivo. Available now. 436-29S/. (010791) PICKERING - attractive 3 bedmoan bungalow, main W.Vk air. 5 app6ancps. near GO and srJtoa Available Apra lot $900 Pkis 12 ul ti m non- smtmkr prutlwuad 839.00/8. (041191) PICKERING- main floor bungalow. 3111- I- e, comt- air. parking. laundry. doss b everything. $885 plus. Cas Doug 284-2907. (040791) fi TTracedrr000 foohem with eroo kW^ on lags lbs, with in- tP>„+md Pool Double grape. $1,200 par Install Phe Males. 4344783. (TFALL) THREE-BEDROOM hoose loll rent. Kitchen. Nving room. ditrMg rosmtt sigh oar garago- dose b al amm�ioa and 401. 888 $ plus nasliss Avalabb May 1. 434-6311- (0411191SNC) WHMY - Ro..wwlo.rrad. 3 plus 1 bedroom bungalow, 4 boraM w"bdk yard. 2 bshed Aw air N - able Jul 1. $I= par tttttmntl► Plus tAifss 721,alMr 6 pm. (010891) FROM :85000 MONTHLY OPEN HOUSE WD. s THURS. 3.7, SUNDAYS 114 1663 Nash Rd, Unk 18, Baenromd)e (Courtier) SE corder of Naah i Tndls Roads - 434 -9783 or 436-2605 Halcorp Property Managermnt 18EOROOM townnouas, 1 1Q baths. garage. 4 accliances. Daserrrrn, available may 1st. Harwood/Drsyr. $950 mommy Plus utilities. To view call 696 7357 evenngs. First month's rem is (reel (041291) AJAX . }bedroom row, house. Westney Rdhlwy. 2. End unit With garage. $925/month . unties. let a last relerences, non -en -i g. no pas. Avail- able April 15th. 428-3238. (040791) NORTHEAST OSHAWA - 3 bedroom townhouse. asparele Iiving(dining roorL 1 112 baths, closed bad& yard, garage. 3 appliances. 571-3838. (040991) OSHAWA - beautiful 2 - bedroom aownhaws, and urtk Professionally finished basement, wet bar, 4 Appliances. close to GM, ad" 401. Woo inclusive. References. Call 416-298. 8216. (041191) OSHAWA - spi cloud 2 and 3 bedr- sowMouses in dean eon ;, includes as u*kks slid 4 appliances. Close b as amenities and schools. Call! 434.3072. (041981) PICKERING VILLAGE - SPcdm, aN OOK's. 3bsdroorn townhouse, / 1/2 baths. tiamr0m 4 close b schools and GO Station, $1000 plus hydro. araNible May I. Cas 6868701. (041491) rooms for rent MWaffted t ONE furnished room Ilei rent 631.7468. (041 o01) BEST in Oshaea - large room or huge bachelor. private. fndge. cable. laundry. quiet people only. Privais entrance. Cal 4U-7`314. (TF) OSHAWA - single female *Min" to rent room laundry and Pill" faNtties, clues ro al amenities and GO (local blue routs outside door), $75 weekly. 434-2534, ask for Sandy. (041191) PICKERING -Room for rent n horns. Parking, close b GD a shopiol Mab. non-smoker. Rent negoliable. Call Terry after & 831-5206, (OaIo91) LIVERPOOL and fins - wok - Ing girl for furnished room slnn Ikaclnsrn and bath with 2 shwa- AvaNebb May. $300 middy. 421-76S7. (041491) AJAX - furnished room in quiet es M Parkingfaun adlq RENTING - luxury garden Pwlm malo. nonendkw. $96 1n011nea in Cdbonrg, dna mento we" or Sol mond 42B- 26Mae fosswih one yaw Mase. one 9114. (040081) and 2 badwama, 5 aIf- amn000, Pon* emaramt000, from $860 PICKERING - Whites Rd. Per 11011 372.1966 or 436 Lag• bedroom in bnwn*K cobja, pinoes fades, use of at fac8tlos including: hilar«r. WILBON Visage - 767 Wftm laundry. pakig, female. non - Rd. N„ Oshaoa. 2 badroore en der prsleuad $86 vmW*. ants 931,2006 ((10791) mav1.s w^ife umil km*mi LNo pale Ace CENTRAL AJAX - room in p/calions mgr be picked lip at seventy fOlmaud hone. 4 Durham Region Non -Profit q*Unosa- 4 nits walk Is a8 F4ossig Cap., 1615 Oundn amenities. Close to GO, SL E, 41h Floor, Lang TOaar, Pallet Cobb. $66 wo*y Ed Whby or call 438MIO be. 428-7737 pager 3379177. tsreen 990 al and 430 p,rra polm1) weekdays (40001) INNVRNOMM $90 weakly, Itew I6 IINNNAw- lovely, quiet home, near Westney and GO. non - chi air conow" a Irandry. 427 711& (0410DI) PICKERING - now GO train, fU mailed room laundry and kitchen priviledges, non - shaker, =111 Cal 003.3774. (041291) AJAX Large 2 bedroom 64W son - Private sntrasce, ttaly kailpeed. More strophes, 4 appliances. central our M N W*Q. armtral vatxaxlL grape, cowl yard. oars sop. tib Irlraluslw..W, 4177, (41101) AJAX - Furnished room for nOD4"% kp Iatrrala. ohms of lacifte. $00 WNW Include; telephone. cable, utilities. Phare 426418& MINIM) 1 tiYtN WHITBY bwnhose to sham $00 was ky. Use d d fecMkhs. IWA0 66'sw2sw 1640191) PAGE 3=-M NMAD d . PIGffJr110 - Lk pool and Hwy. 2 area furnished or on - r ktrMNsd room fpr not V wkw, no pen. share all fae6lties. asallsble a - vwdloay, its ptelerred 420-0889. (010791) AMAX - 4 -bedroom eaectow honer, air condlYortfrg, security system irMroon provide farni- ly room, non-smoker, $375 plus. Cal 426.9214. (060791) SPACIOUS becisitting room, Pit wM bathrooms, kilchorieft. dose 10 GO, slopping and 401, $475 monlhty. 831-1242 days: 420-0878 anawerYp machine. (010991) FURNISHED/unfurnished rooms. Irndry ladltim. from $95 weekly. Also one- bedroont private washroom Ming room, dining room, over- Wdcng Wuk. WW inclusive. No smoking, no pets. 688- 6667. (041291) t pine far Mat PRIVATE office space. baoati- ful Victorian domr, central secretarial, downtown Oshaiiift available now from $300 rronthly. Call 434-8766. (TF) "01 heases far tale BUYERS r % RNANCNG ed buyers. Hcros hip can be a reality, i 1 is yours in 1991. ing and experience guide. : Judith McGulm sx � Realty Ltd. hawa 576-3111 I hr. paper i wering service. $126.900 - HMI got you a large 4-bodroom sem in move -in corWnion. Hardwood floors. fenced yard, 1 1/2 baths* finished basement, close to schools. shopping and GO. 571-4048. 041 191) 3 1/2 yew old Cape Cod. on large nttv11 lot. 9/x6.57 n with bout Sunni, oak cupborde slid railings upgraded carpet. light fibMAes. oerwral aimvac, Tnaled rec rooms, SM.000. 416-983.5261• Orono. (040991) OSHAWA - Beautiful 3 - bedroom detached. bright sps. alous kitchen, family morn with tiragiace, central air. 1 12 baths. private bard. garage. Immaculate. Must see - $154900. 5764963. 041 191) OSHAWA -ore daac- . 3 bedreon dose b schod and 401. tensed yard, dock, quip asmo t prep stoner home. $121.900. No agents. aes- 5216. ps(IMI) PICKER ING - just reduo.d. 0219.0W. Amsc m atacaiws 2-oww. large family Idldrsm 2 12 baths. family room with fireplace and wastout. Main fbor l i dmy. ser- vacuum hosrocnL security sysmi No agonn. 0362154 evenings. (o41e91) PICKERIIIIG - two year, 3- bodnrlom . 1.Sw sq. R two. Mercy brick. Neutral decor. 2 1/ 2 baths, fireplace, garage. Nae to r amenities. a" 11176.900. Can 420-0690. (041191) PONT PERRY - beautlul 4- roor aid sidmodt. IAA sq. t-. maeb � an* room with tl4plaoe. Ingo fdtcwMt double car garage with ahaonwic q MW Hoed dtde. f 1Mho/0 back yard. Also in- cludes al appliances and win. £ 304 5 . $MO is i196�900 966 PORT PENNY EXECUTM 4 baboons. 3 baths, oMtwal air, fealty, scam with beplros. W Pwb POW (hostaft soMak Is," daces II22b.000, 906 450. PSI 191) POWATE sale. Beautiful M beds.. a ecuen Ikons in do $Pwd on Wrai* Yui be 7 tem b be bells ed. 187.3!08 $245M0.010m) Plaaaki POVATE Sate • Imrrhadfale posaaon. 7idD4,500. Rd. woo, MwMrlg Rd. 6 Thickson Rd, wit sdm* ow ns Clone a D'Angolo bulk 3 cede4Mr4 5 kd !, IavN sidaspilt with kitchen 11L 1130111 twiny room. As. . Plies 433- �h4 or Witt 1arp4geMG evMhisga �•f' 041291) c SOLD, SOLD, SOLD -Firth Homs Medslf�G Corsultans. The successful wall b and your horn with 0% commission. CM 430.0103. (TFNALL) WHITE'S AND RUCH We dwe you to comparel Exquisite 2.200 sq R horns boded with Wgmdek 4 hap IHsdroors, clone b &Innklm atlkirg $215.000. Call 0.11-7915. (041191) VZKT§= 8!!?D ArsI L 7, Im . 11 hMn181W ado " 1 1 butnes $w 0118 : 1 1 gag ter ode 1 �! 14 N. beat. alemiMwm 15 7 -- 1090 Ford Almost XLT. 6 Situated in Pickering, minutes to the oyAdo 2.24 M erglfn, lop d 401 and other amenities, on a quiet PMW mob►, fish kbdw. Crater, crescent this 3 bedroom home OLft old. 107AM Ian. $7,790 offers tasteful decoration through- only 60,000 km. Excellent out, HUGE family room with cathed- or bast oiler. Call 616.4VM ral ceiling and fireplace, premium noon. $1,500 or boa offer a lot, finished basement with walkout, 631-475.(041691SNC) large eat -in kitchen with HUGE pan- BOAT sips - BaUam Lab on try. Custom interlocking walkways, miles. Autos W. rnw tires, shocks. rad and carburstor. landscaping & a fully fenced yard. 0 m1 s. Asking Many extras. $224.900. 831-4321. clear ws Good fig. W to n 1 : 1 1 gag ter ode 1 �! 14 N. beat. alemiMwm 15 I= "WINK Vey 4411M. 4- 1090 Ford Almost XLT. 6 h, F. mebr i 4 low oyAdo 2.24 M erglfn, lop d pwMger, sit. cndasu tr.4-6. PMW mob►, fish kbdw. Crater, the gyre radio and Caalolte. OLft old. 107AM Ian. $7,790 In atnaI - txtrhdMlon =J= only 60,000 km. Excellent osrlBod. OBB40 . (84MI) or bast oiler. Call 616.4VM condllot asking $2.600. Cal noon. $1,500 or boa offer a (010791) 631-475.(041691SNC) 1909 imp Chackaa WOO BOAT sips - BaUam Lab on 1964 Thunderbird, in good miles. Autos W. rnw tires, shocks. rad and carburstor. Tram system qdM harbour, 0 m1 s. Asking �~ clear ws Good fig. W to $4.900 or boo 666 � 293.2974. 041291) 40 k. $275 up. phone (706) 1171 •(TFNALL� (416) 839-2017. eek for Steve. 454-1948. (0'43091) 1983 Honda Civic, 2 -door IMMACULATE. 1989 18' Sun- hatchback, automatic, new ray 1750MC ktboardrapboard, brakes and sxhaust, no rust, Includes steno. raft, grater, 84.000 miles. Fully cwdNed. batteries and many extras. $2.295 a best offer. Must sel. $13,000. Call after 6 p.rn 723- 837-1564. Pickering. 041291) 0905 Oshawa 040991) 168,7 Plymouth TWWW - 4 - BOAT. motor and trailer for cylinder, automatic. AM/FM sale. tr f mgb" 6 hp John- osssette, mita interior, rtse 1 son moor. 8/b do voting paint and mirror mechanical noon. $1,500 or boa offer a work. 72,000 km, $1,500 or Said separM*. Cal 623.9107. boa offer. 57940125. 00wm (041091.%q I.- mosae. (040991) FOR sale: Adventure 165, tom- 1603 Trans AM boded. power bnattn bass and walleye boat, � M• Pan door lodks. T- 16 12 it. Ittnp, at f bergbss bar. air oonaticnkp. block. on - construction with large front king $5•0W er best offer. Cal castirg Platform. Lockable (416) 839-2017. eek for Steve. storage compa�wrft Large 041191SNL) awatod II Do Powered by an ol Injected 45 hp. Mariner tiler 1942 Buick 4 -door, V- handle tilt tisane ser end trim and tit on a custom drive• g autarrstie power sleerkg, power brakes, power door an trailer up fenders with and alum "V- locks, air, certliable. $1,700 or best offer. 830-8749. (040991) num bedroom co -o r t' i mans and s a A ki 1982 L rod Ch W a the n Whitby. Close to schools. I e - f� pip rs. s ng 725.09,58, alter a au ryster New Yorker, velour interior, p.w., downtown and shopping. f9 PtiOs 5P•M.(041001SNC) P.L. air, good condition. Decorated n greytees will bathroom COUNTRY LIVING WR:e1 192.000 km, $1,500 or best new and front ord . or4Y $70000 1 1 tale offer. Pfau 430-3906 atter 4. entranceway. Fully carpeted Large. Private pot 3bedroorn CUSTOM lila new raised (041191) with new tile in kitchen and wafter (almost now„). gra' vinyl 1949 CAVALIER 224 Mint 1161 Toyota 2 -door, 4 -speed. storage arae LatxWry 'tom• lots of closet space and siding, shingled roof, fully c rpm, many extras. Wow condition, loaded, burgundy with grey interior, while wall gad running condition. $700. storage oma Call Deborah at ate. 1.705-653.1536 or tires. 30.000 km. mortified. 683.6018. (040991) 576-3111 or 435-0316. 416-571-Mi.011291) $11,500. Telephone 7234835 IOW PLYMOUTH VOLARE. (04m1) REDUCED country" under atter 5 p.mt or We" message, cylinder. reliable car, as a C O U R TI C E 2 •store 3 - y $130,000. 4.5 acres, open (041291) MIX). Call 427-9427. (040791) bedroom, central air, vas, opr,p6 raised bungalow. 3 1901 HONDA Prekude Sl. 4- 19M PLYMOUTH VOLARE 6 dishwasher. ns' 'n9 beck bodMont finished basemertt. wlltel steering, fully boded, cylinder, 4 new tires, new drive. professionally large clack, Balsern Lake arae �• Power sunroof. showroom battery. as s $350. Cat 686 landscaped. fully' , . cote CD"NTNM b Oshawa. 416.731- condition, no winters. only 4612. (041191) to schools and page. Main floor 2446. weekends 1-705-438- 3.500 miles. $17.500. Poore 7 mwnwy room with flap As- le f Chrysler New Yorker, king $225.000. 432-3357. (TF) 3673. (40901) (040901) transmission, new )OU a 190 Caprice Sedan, loaded. transmission, new cruis4 A J A x H I T S Y Custom 4 Carteied. 86,000 Imo Full size conhal- good body. Sold as i bedroom, large main floor farrtF luxury. $9.500. 434-5969. or for pains. $600. CAN Doyls1 ly room. Angelsrone firpince. MATURE apple orchlwd. ap- (041291) Towing 427-0091. (041091) linishod bssemenvwapkout Prca+rwealy 500-1 000 lues n nature lot $011200'. hoped in- Ctwa rww ane for lease. 281• ground !,fool. Sirrpkiss R.E. 0313. 040691) Ltd. 06-1231. (041291) _11ce A �wlaees BLUEGRASS Meadows - quip urr_j we court, junior executive. 3 WHITBY OFFICE OR RETAIL bedrooms, 2 12 baths. wahw SPACE . pl ana Lamas. $12 baaam wiL carwal air. u sNlu y, b 321 sq. fl. 250 b 5.000 sq R decorated. prwrtan bo. Proles- Fns municipal pr" a row sionally landscaped. Don't B91 668-5011 a 434-0123. delay. $204.900. 432-1871. 1041991) 040991) BROKER has $10.000 to lend ■:1.�.y. �� st $147 per morwh. Contact Jer- ry at 668.8805. Community FAST anion la. 2nd and 3rd Financial SorA=- 041691) mortgages. Purchase COURTICE - 3 bedroom '�"a"ca' Paw of gals' SM ef�a' Oaf credo OK_ Cal detached 2 storey. circww aaircaee, dight, kec wi- even him aw 61168. 606-90773. C. 436 room , * ng r00, Noor -meld- Mortgage Corea (TF) fa"'0 illy w1) $1M,OD0- 4326007. 011191 615.006 to tend, down pay- CUSTOM lila new raised or Bart M6�' d DauG w bungalow. 3 bedrooms plus Financial Sorvicea, ps,C p Large quina, kitchen, peril. Robbed baeernnerw, superior A broker hit $IOA004 lard on docorm g, rINust be seen. Nor- be a $INN 9e Ropey only SM Ih Wl+by $175AW. �dwe"a. no Cal 0062088. 0e0001) hCody. Coal hassin C"',Line M * 4000-14Tom 1- DOWN PAYMENTS arranged. 000.3074110. p4MI) Why par nn? Own you own home from 51.200 rnprwhy. I 1 4BeaYtf large soloction of homes Cal Doug or Swe 006006. Community Fw^ 101LEARINA-11M Rorrl0a Two dial sewicas (041661)90 bedntlom mwbie park. Pools. terwhle, Gama KENDAL HILLS - Fanasbc 20 morn elle- Cal 432.7604 air nine acres. 3' edroom 1.400 4 P -M (41261) p. It. bungalow, 1 12 aaerJnd Fh>fh� PaOs. ebM I Place beF 1 c°^y ewwoakrg valley. tinge jyf l.nraMa shad. Prkrase 416-6836291. MADEIRA Beech - plamwbr (40691) SL Paley. fully equitpad, NORTHEAST Oshawa - 3 • mow' 1.500 a% IL luxury condo, 2 baths. 2 bedso. *Md n taMb Very clean, upgrades. b . "" - P� dm. hooted 8136,900. Open house ovary PaLJN=MLtspsoor.Dieow an Gull. 72540Mu (041191) Sunday. Call 433-0019. (040691) POMPANO BEACH BEAUTY . GPCcI 11aM - Sal.. 2 bedrooms. 2 baths. I. ha! to Sun.. April 7. 1.4 pieL. 11106 COMO SL S., WIMby. Bsst16 *L "I fully decorated 2 plus I all amenities.M�leerly or npathly, Pham µ1p 434- � on 72x133 $1218 or M6504t 0107Yt) MI UM king $152.600. 430430-22487. CLEANWATEtI - 3-4sdrooah krrdMtad mobile owwmwil OSHAWA 6139,500. 3 �'�' � ��' M� hot tub, tennis. bedrooms, 1 1/2 storey, detached gtafga, ka Inishod sholibpools, boardottratyions raw bank we baaMrhot, 1 4- and 13pisae , - Chi Mo baa SM maw baths, new oak ,- dant 4824wy MUM) both. 6 applathras lot 33k2W. Zane 83.571.4060. (tri1191) NEAR Cl Ur - 3 btlOsoont 2 bathrooms, mobile, fully . $ "a" fW ads equipped. clot air, clhlldlen welcome, pool, central WHITBY HARBOUR (Sailwinds), luxury one• location. Raasoeable rafts. Cal- 1, empirLS"14 bodroom, 2 bath, solarbm, (4116!) balcony. carorrdc foss, sough C0B*M% v i1Mp view of lake, asps b GO, 1 (056.900. PAwota 42af /694. 1191) 6196 SM At 1060. hod top fW= far Gab Val K. s� 6, ice box and • stove. $5,000, 427-5036. (40061) HOBBY Farm - 5T mora n Amollimbshhpn 1 tai 15 BaMvlte 1sMh totally ronovaMO 3bedrown house. Ideal for weekend roast or hurtling, $121.100. 14' FIBREGLASS BOAT 25 For information call Anna Ip Mslctay. tater. 3 yaws aid. OMyalg. Silas R9p1eeMMsawe, saoflMM cMtAY, $9A00 or W. Falk Real Eefsb Ltd. 436 best ole«. Can 031-1525. 5377.061191) (Mi 191) 190 CAVALIER Z24 loaded. 1979 Mercedes Bene 30110. 45.000 kM $10,500. 432.2796. exceler 1 condition, 35 mpg (041191) $8,900 certified. 576-5415. 190 Suniod GT Cornvwtbb - (041191) PO- SU". power brakes, 1979 Monte Carlo, good parer wedowe. power trunk etc. . car. car ifi . $1,200. and roof. AWFM caesets. Pl- 430.072.IDW01) cruise °Dfsio1' a O01saMs'0' COMPANY OWNED new tins. eawbrtt ooudiao 3 VEHICLES 105 Suntwd. 19M &we$12.6 0 certified. 576 893 Sunbud. 19W Cawatior, 19W after 6 Rml. (040991) Tempo, 1984 Dodge Mei Van, 190 Suzuki Samurai 1X . 1961 Cube Van. Good vehicles whit with black convertible st a good price. call 728.7305. top, AM/Fl/ cassette. top Rick or Bob. On view at 000 carrier, underdosed. $4.990 or Farewell St., Oshawa (041 191) beat Caw. 725-2566. ps M1) DAMM,=n wvairtibin 85 BMW 107 Coprto Estate Wagon - 32SE. $4,200 or beet offer. 58.000 hwy. l rrL Ps.. pb.. p w., Phone 427.9307. pk=l) P.L. b' AM/FM costate' � NO QS.T. At Desi$ On Wheat$ group. 1R. cruise. a excetorw Public Autemtan/Flearlsukot. condition. Maroon with guy Over 2 acre of vehicles for irworor. Cord5e0 upon tale. As- " Sir750. Harold. 7267736. sslsby Owner. �n every Sun - (0,4m1) day only. 1730 Skraoe SL N., Oshawa. 72S-0002. Leave 1947 Honda Civic 1500 S. nsesaga (041191) 42.000 hiaftwsy rttisa ertcap Icy GUST. At Oat/ On Wtroes ttnaly Ne.n, 116,fItJO o.rnf.d. No G.3. T. Can bony 66 Public Aenorwean/Floamorkat. P.M. only. 6!163012. (041!91) Over 2 saw of velrleleo low cal. by owner. Open every 106 Buick Century ltd. Fully Suday, only. 1730 Sknpoo St powered, double color, N.. Oahma& 725.0002 Leave I ill 116=1 er bot afar- mominga 041191) 63seeft (40791) 190 HONDA ACCORD EXI, 4 uuiid,f ane, GMMow SEakis. �. dopa. est-WOr, 1w osded, cal Ornate or Rodney ssty Own. $8 5DR be rw I V 679,2494 taro Motor Sots, 725450/ for (040901) you► beth dei 14/491) ISM Honda CRX. Sepeed, Cal* tom/ mint AMuFM M.n, nava askmaking : 1 1;4.500 Cal 4060901.OWMM � -Inn tip now - amb era low exhntpltls 1184 Nw Yodkw, bun, 44ow, 9=0 ear a Herds_ Fast pith up. auto. 0 OWM=WfnG, pat_ P.L. 4261061.011097) P.S.- wire wheele. loaded. 776.= IMI $I.966, 4347533 / 7ti6AB 5R 4048 1906 Nam Mktg in eaoelMM flea Dodge D*OW pick ftp, ca n- Sstst on ualsa0s� AWFM cassette. a m. p -L. 9- 16 WOWS& Adding 7)2,460 PJX... , bureplas. now* or bat ever. 4837301 or NO- 00 4. flow �• asrin - 5474 air 8 p m. Pill 191) SAM err boot aft. 5744M4 041291) 19" Oldsmobile Calais, 190$ fp0� Bf110N00 t 4n4 100.00D kfR Plod Comtel �yod, 4 'N" da► AWFM $71-2 0 w bast o1Nr. Rskoae naafs� ase les. atoaaetM 571-2047. 041M) aMdMm tell asay. MI= 1490 Plymouth RdstM LE - best afar 4369068 lens automatic power slowing. MONWOL 4ZMW OL 3877 power brakes. cerise. air. Ueda 017281) 9I%M km, oMhsolf AIIIFM, 1490 Toyota 464, shat baa. 7 Good oss�' ML Inch lift kit with 35 Inch 4390. 04=1) madders, cenffied, asking IM Buick Ragd Ltd 24MIr, 114= 430'7100, 214-129L �y fy 6ba ___. per (4119130 @Mstb , power brakes. ale/ "$I Dodge 112 on pickup, 3 cndK UOAW knL atca6alM spots. ovardtoe.11790 or bast OWAMM 90 11Y1V $5 300 576 Coen. Cal 571-0185. (041191) 1184 CIE11EM 2 door. or b Cherry 1 a J !436.70600 4 !peed, AMiFM, bun, er bat oiler, as Y 4361490 only 75,000 tO1M913NC1 knt - _ osr Ills 02450.433 1 rant, 4 wh" 9068. (040961) tta11 LeBaron GTS, 4 -door. 100 Voyager Van, Waded, +tip. P.s., Pb, factory air. only Powe► bob. Power wirudawus. 57,000 G6S.d Intel, d3A66 c NMM condition, low km. 023- certlied, QS.T. Included. Cal W-9722 any tirne. Russ, 60 404 after 9. pWnl) Town Sala. 041191) 1090 GMC TOWWO 2500. 305 7905 Plymouth Caravelle. autarrtaWo, peww stowing. Four -door, p.s., p.b., air Power brakes. lift. AM/FM oonditbnirg, cruise. Good stip caaeaa. sMMod. VOK O nd11Wn. CWU1Wd. 712.790. 7"90 klfs. $10.= or best Ca142MM 141281) COW- Will Cattily. 1.416418 SM 061191) 19wo-ebm da 1990 Yamaha FZR ON R. BlsckhMr, now Michelin high sport road mdng Oak put an In mild summw. Nevar bean raped, so r IMt oardl " so under w es way. $6,70D Dow. 9234066. 040791) 1994 750 Honda Shadow. 111.500.433'0324.(040991) CORRECTION NOTICE In our "Sears Days" flyer. Page B3 it reads: girls' 314 lenght popover 4-6X, 8-16. Reg. 34.99- 39.99, each 20-99-23.99, should read: 4-6X reg. 24.99 for 14.99 8-16 reg. 29.99-34.99 for 17.99-20.99 it reads: boys' lined nylon jackets 4-6X, 8-16 reg. 39.99 each 23.99 should read: 4-6X reg. 34.99 for 20.99 8-16 reg. 39.99 for 23.99. Page 136 Sears Days leather style #6132 reads "Made in Canada" Sorry, but this item is "Not Made In Canada". Page 137 Ladies' slip-on canvas casual style #8854 will not be available for the promotion. However the oxford style is available #8831. We regret any inconvenience this may have caused. Sears Canada Inc. (NmvA��ert�rer � Iyer Recycling As the biggest advertising flyer distributor in this area, we want you to know the facts. In the early days of newsprint recycling, shiny color flyers couldn't be recycled. But the new recycling plant now open in Ontario actually needs a certain Percentage of 'glossy stock' because of its clay content, which helps recycled newsprint fibres bind together. Even stapled flyers are all right; the staples are removed in the recycling process. The only ones that cause a problem are the ones held together with glue -like some magazines -which 'gums up the works'. Recycling is an evolving process and &=is still some confusion among flyer printers, distributors, consumers, municipalities and the contractors who may pick up Blue Box contents. We're helping to resolve that confusion by supporting, financially as well las morally, the Blue Box program. If you're not sure whether a flyer you've received is recyclable, give us a call. Well be happy to help. A�rA�rti�e,• n �J 0 06 0! 40 t� Rte. DBERT Sale $13,69 0 '(t 1NEEK �r� � .Gov, T KLTZ 99 ROY 41 EXArDER_ V e 1 WEEK BRAND NEW �RDER NOW J 1991 MAGIC WAGONS Automatic, elect. defroster, roof rack, cloth seats, AM/FM, dual mirrors, rear wiper & more. PEAR END CLEARANCE! "- - 1990 SHADOW AIR 2 DOOR INCL: 4. auto, P/S. P/B, air Gond., tinted glass, elec. defroster, AM/FM stereo, doth seats b more. Balance of Factory Warranty Avadable. Stk. *P33W sage $8,995 1990 MINI V6 RAMVM INCLV6, auto, P/S, P/B,Cloth seats, dual reardoors w/glass, 4900 Ib G.M. side door glass, pass. seat, a more. Balance of Factory Warranty Available. Stk. *P3365 Sale $103,995 lr�af t lllfyA.Y�n:�� ���y��'fv:�/'f.J!�t•S��!/��=�1�►9 TIM NEM Aali � ill aOali SUNDAY, �M 7, "014PAGS 23 Nm1 a Sale en are `!'� LEONARD t �r NINJA TURTLES & al rented lir- i irldiGi are trademarks S lir- Studios O t989 - ONLY AT VILLAGE CHRYSLER, AJAX! - THIS WILL BE THE BIGGEST OR UP TO SALE!!! FACT RY AUTHORIZED KALE 1991 SUNDANCE BRAND NEW,, - ONE WEE OgY! With -Auto Transmission - r ONE WEEK ONLY. $89895 Iwo CRs r E ALL WHEEL DRIVE 91 VOYAGER ALL NEW 7WHY,O—R,�ETHEREST� ONE WEEK ONLIIR/�/G TNf/q qp *Plus freight, taxes & licence TyEBEST-� ' Rebate alreadv discounted. '51990 DYNASTY ASR 4 DOOR Aff1w INCL: 3.01 V6. 4 $pd. auto. P/S. PB, P/D.L.. tilt. cruise. air Cond., AM/FM Cass., cloth seats. W.S.W. radials, defroster, tinted plass, dual mirrors a more. Balrtce of Factory Warranty Avail. Stk. *PW4 Sale 129995 1990 CHEROKEE LOADED LIMITED 4 x 4 Stk. SM59 Sale $23,333 1990 SPIRIT A`R 4 DOOR INCL: 4 cyl., auto, P/S, PB, air cord., tilt, cruise, AM/FM cass., buckets. sonsole. defroster, foldown rear seat. dual mirrors, tinted glass, + more. Balance of Factory Warranty Available. S& safe $11,275 1990 VOYAGER SE Ajj"` % WAGON - 7 PASS. I LOAD INCL: Aub, PPS, PA3, P/W, P/D.L_, air cored., 7 pass.. to. Cruise. AM/FM cass., console pkg.. fud size spam, Phrwrors. vanity mirrors. a more. $alance of Factory Warranty Available. SNC. .3330 safe $159675 IN CK READYTTO GO! BRAND NEW 1990 COLT 200 INCL: 4 cyl., 5 spd. manual, rear window shelf, P/B, defroster, AM/FM cassette, doth seats. Balance of Factory Warranty Available. Sik. *P3360 Sale $6,995 1990 DODGE 8350 SPORTSMAN WAGON t2AMS INGL: Vs, aM. M. P/w, FIN'. WOL, 12 past. seats, anti spin rear axle. AWFM case., tilt cruise, surtscreen lass, Slflple fear dOOf, defrosie/, ant COfld.. P/mirrors. LE decors pkp., rear healer/air cond.. +more. Batrtoe of Factory Warranty Available. Stk. 'FW86sale $189575 r � • HARWOOD AVENUE SOUTH,683-5358 r..t.,ra.a.-.•�-_..o.tai,•�..,r,.�.....w.s • . • •'t'.'.I��•�'!a'I3••P.�J� 4,.���r.K,.fb ',KA `F. � ,.. �.y .. �p'�:♦ I rim PAGE 34.= mz ADvzrrs= surmAX Arm 7, nn M'1611work The power cleaner from Karcher. High tech takes the hard work out of cleaning. Perfect for the house, With car and boat.$ lth Z. a' -an ld ig,c 01 dtkessuriesb rVIMMMOnalm IMOD& 455-900 P.S.I. PRESSURE M. 479.99 99 SALE...449 4S2455 AND qkv • STEEL HEAD • SWEEP TYPE 99 / ONLY 4 420106 not owcnY AS SNOWN 480" ROTO WEEDE�t • THE EASY WAY TSO WEED YOUR GOM M CR FLOWER SM �• • W *QUAAM CRAFT• 39 OIty 6 egos SUMP PUMPS • V3 HP MOTM • 1 V4" DISCHANGE M."." 99 SALE 6 9 3099,6 V�MAVVA I= SWIM ST. N., O'~PA rt8�6Z9't o�wrA� «ioK.ra,A�a-. �n M94AA.-6rK • 3 -PIKE WOOD OMKMam t#Axw •MLawsCAW*M Ct�iSE�. SETS GIS , ri PIW Au mMs stoaop . ftsw oom MODEL 990 1MM�sm�s wEtor�� z SALE... tAiT �a "FLOLLERw ALL PURPOSE ��IDf ,MOIlAO�/IIIN6 , ,SCREWDRIVERS _� • NO "IMAAM N POM 5 KADES 9 APRIL 8TH TO APRIL 13TH ONLY srAu�r� DOOR SALE! • 1 3/8" INTERIOR MAHOGANY SLAB DOORS 2'6"X6'8" ONLY...2199 =2" • HARDBOARD SLAB DOORS 9 2'6"X6'8" ONLY.. 9z! • COLONIAL DOORS 2'6"X6'8"� � 99 ONLY... asz.a PRE -HUNG MAHOGANY 2'0"-2'4"-2'6"-2'8"X6'8" ❑ .. ONLY . 45"" 5"306 -man P COLONIAL PRE -HUNG 2'0"-2'4"-2'6"-2'8"X6'8" 5 9"" ONLY... 6=2084MM •� _::.r��r�Rr ac�it.nc� • WROUGHT IRON LEGS • LUMBER 94CLLIDED UNASSEMBLED 99 ONLY3 soom WORK GLOVES 99 ONLY Mit LAWN SPREADERS DowT Von�Q4 OR YOUR CHOICE 34." d° s T SALE a . 2999'sn 1'`Y:70 0 0 • .10' -WHITE OR GREEN 60RDER FENCING. 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