HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA1991_03_31'Give Bell the bill', -says region on phone book recycling By WENDY GALLAGHER Durham Reporter DURHAM - There's a disagree- ment over who should pay for the cost of recycling telephone books. Last week, councillors on Durham's waste reduction commit- tee agreed Bell Canada should pay for the recycling cost, since it pro- duces the material. The committee supported a Nepean town council resolution. It requests the Federation of Canadian Municipalities to demand Bell Canada and sister telephone compa- nies in the country to "assume the full costs of collecting, handling and recycling of their used telephone directories and to seek the involve- ment of the CRTC in requiring such GOLF MEMBERSHIPS Fullseasort Ajax III Pickering �' LP 7 DAYS 1100 15100p.I,a fY Ve" NO GREEN FEES PAYABLE GOLF TOURNAMENT & BANQUET BUFFETCS Adrfftiwr a a,y Alleekme VW0 ""m•'p'290 A Metroland Communit News a er SundayEdition AN1vANDALE COUNTRY CLlJl3 Y P P P.O. Box 91, Ajax L1S 3C2 4416) 6833210 a commitment from Bell Canada for the 1992 telephone directory distri- bution." Durham's director of operations, Art Leitch, told the committee there'll be a high cost of adding tele- phone books to the Blue Box pro- gram and currently there's no market for used telephone books. See FARMERS.—Page 3 /- PICKERING IMN CEN IRE SPRING AUTO SHOW April 1.6 OVER 30 CARS b TRUCKS ON DISPLAY w% J, IA QIV 41 4c VJI = Oo k-rNi5 5A URUAY, MARCH 31, 1991 CIRCULATION 35,000 20 PAGES ,. ,•& ",ilk ��' `�"�° , '-�,'�i ;.���� : � �,` �t A J r- I a / `'.,._tea •����. k1J r Artistic assistance tob Plow, esoard iron I*% a the wlrum of a Diane Guwak poko* n tft In aid of the Unftd tom. tif�11 Pbtsr, iron Nit, are Parr of the UM Vft PeOw HINe of D.U. 0111= tirrrtlturr, wM MMPI apaloe for Owask'a art sbe% iiiM C ben Gs=rdL ®photo by AJ.1lroan •1111.1111L•1to llllllilaTtiT 1 1 1, I'll'_ e _ • s • ■: DURHAM - Vandals caused more than 542,000 worth of dam- age to Catholic schools last year. A reported 87 incidents of vandalism occurred in 1990, including break and enter, theft, graffiti and damage to grounds. The separate school board's property and transportation com- mittee divided the incidents into two categories: those which are eligible for claim and those which are not. Under the insured deductible amount of either 5500 building or $750 contents, 76 incidents totalling $20,527 in damages, could not be claimed. That means only ll incidents will be partially covered by insur- ance. Brokers reimbursed $15,786 of $21,811 claimed by the board. Superintendent of operations Cleary Smith believes the inci- dents were spread out across the region. "Something like that would have been brought to our attention if it was localized," he says. Inquest called into 15 deaths at Christopher Robin Home By KEITH GILLIGAN Ajax Reporter AJAX - A coroner's inquest has been called into the deaths of 15 children at the Christopher Robin Home for Children. Ontario chief coroner Dr. James Young says the inquest will examine the deaths of 15 children at the home. He says 31 chiklm staying at the home died between 1986 and 1990. "The he 15 deaths, we think, repro:- sent a group that may raise issues that need to be explored. There are few question on some of the deaths, but there are question on some of the 15 deaths we've chosen," Young says - The inquest will begin on Monday, May 13 in 7oronto and Dr. LET'S LINK: Educators say to business. Page 7. COMPOST CHOICE: Made by region. Page 3. CAR SHOW: At the centm. Page 4. NEW STORE: For M and D. Page 3. Ross Bennett. the former chief coro- ner for Ontario, will preside. "We'll examine the deaths, the medical care and explain any issues," Young says. In December of 1990, regional coroner Dr. Peter Clark began a review of all the deaths at the home. Clark's review was called after the 1989 provincial auditor's report highlighted 15 deaths at the Bram:wood Residential Development Centre in Brantford in 1988 and 1989. After the auditor's report was released, Young ordered a review of deaths in all similar institutions in the pruviince. Young says. Clark's review included examining complete medi- See HOME_.Page 3 4VIT*=.I;X467118M:11A r.11:1KIWLK1: .., .. .. '�.+��.' Jii:.i' �•.'$�. �7. n . '..• Com'-.-��'. 1 i y-wypry,r •r �,,t, - f.. . PACE 2-THR NBWS ADVENMER SATURDAY, MARCH 31k 1!!1 Fi r.st ChoiczR "IM"FAL FArAILY HAIR CARL EVERY CUT, PERM, STYLE & COLOUR � Fully -Qualified, Fully - Licensed Stylists � Quaitl y and Convenience � No Appointment Necessar,y Mon,=Fri, 9-9 Sat. 13m6 Fir.A Chdcr N�92! aft TOTAL FAMILY HAIR CARE to 105 Bayly St. W. din the new Loeb Plaza) Ajax Farmers could use old Bell phone books FROM PAGE 1 However, Orma Lyttle, manager of Bell Canada in Oshawa disagrees. Lyttle says it's the taxpayer who pays for the recycling programs, and Bell Canada is a "major taxpayer in the region." While she says the issue of telephone book recycling is "difficult" and "com- plex", she insists Bell has been working with various municipalities for a solution. Lyttle says Bell has been in contact with Durham Recycling Centre about the issue. T= PGM ADYRI!'1'1DBR SA'IIXMDAI(, ,,.. .CACI 306 "M411AC6 3 She says the centre is looking for a compa- ny interested in recycling the books. Still, there are many uses for the used books before recycling, says Lyttle. She says she's had phone calls from farmers in the area who want the old books to use as bedding for their animals. And, she says Bell's concern for the environment has led it to make numerous changes to the directories in 1990, such as using lighter paper, water soluble glue and non-toxic inks. Lyttle says an experiment in Pickering has cut down on the number of phone books distributed. Previously, customers with an 831, 839 or 420 exchange received the Durham phone book and the Metro Toronto phone book. This year, only customers with those exchanges who request the Metro book will receive one. However, customers without the book who call directory assistance for a Toronto telephone number won't be charged for the service. I Lacrosse girls snag garbage As part of a fund-raising campaign, members of the Ajax High School varsity girls' field lacrosse team helped clean up the town. They picked up 36 bags of garbage and two boxes of recyclable Items, raising about $1,500 from sponsors. The money will help offset travel and accom- modation expenses on a five-day playing tour In Philadelphia. From left, Taml Harvey, Sharon Williamson, Shawna Grubb, Jen Hardy and Robin Clendinneng. photo by A.J. Groan FROM PAGE 1 li al charts of the children. Also, med- ical teams reviewed the material and police interviewed the families involved, employees of the home and advocacy groups. Police inter- views are normal procedure, Young says, and are still being conducted. "We took that information (gath- ered by Clark) and made the decision Ito hold the inquest," says Young. 46 Ken Barnes, the administrator at Christopher Robin, says the home is You can join AJAX - If you fed like floating or marchin& you could do both on Saturday, June 22, in one of the most popular events of Ajax Home Welt. Entries are being sought for the 1991 Ajax Home Week parade, which will begin at 10 a.m. on June 22. Any person or group - such as churches, schools, businesses, bands (big or small), sports groups. youth scheduled to close on June 30 of this year. There are 30 children now liv- ing at the home, ranging in age from infancy to 12 years. All the children have physical or developmental handicaps. The home was slated to close this month, but Barnes says the province delayed the closing. The province is moving to reduce the number of institutions for people with special needs. The property the home is on has been sold and will be developed in the future. The purpose of the inquest isn't "to fix blame. We won't find fault or legal responsibility," Young says. Recommendations will be made by a jury and Young adds the recommen- dations are usually followed. "In about 75 per cent of inquests, the recommendations made are implemented in some form," he says. An inquest into the deaths at Brantwood was also called and will begin on June 10 in Brantford. the Home Week groups or neighborhoods - can enter. Children are invited to take part in a decorated bicycle contest prior to the parade and then ride in the parade - The parade will start on Station Street, turn south on Harwood Avenue and then west on Clements Road. finishing in the Ajax Community Centre parking lot. Formation will begin at 9 a.m. on parade Mills Road and the parade starts at 10 a.m. There is no cost to enter. For more information, call Tenn Wood at 683-7089, after 6 p.m., or write your name, address, home and work telephone numbers, the name of your parade entry and a descrip- tion of the entry and mail it to Ajax Home Week Committee, Attention: Tim Wood, Parade Chairman, P.O. Box 188, Ajax, Ontario, L1S 3C3. Sponsors sought for Home Week events AJAX - Corporate or individual sponsorships are being sought for 1991 Ajax Home Week events. Sponsorships can be in the form of a cash donation or the supply of goods, such as food, for an event. This year's Home Week begins on June 15, but most of the events will be held from Thursday, June 20 to Sunday, June 23. Anyone wanting to sponsor an event can call Home Week chair- man Susan Bland at 428-9160 or submit a proposal to Linda Woolcott, Home Week publicity chairman, at P.O. Box 188, Ajax, Ontario. LIS 3C3. Central `_ composting -company chosen DURHAM - A company has been chosen to set up a regional cen- tral composting facility. Durham's waste reduction com- mittee called for proposals from pri- vate companies interested in setting up the operation. Ontario Disposal, the contractor that has operated Durham's leaf composting program for the past two years, has been chosen to handle the composting facility. In the first stage, scheduled to be completed this fail, the composting facility will handle yard waste such as grass, leaves and tree branches. In the second phase, the facility will be expanded to handle house- hold waste. Region staff say it's household waste that causes operational prob- lems at landfills. Organic materials decompose, generating leachate gas and odors and also attract birds. The region will negotiate a con- tract with Ontario Disposal over the next several weeks. Region staff expect 25,000 tonnes of yard waste a year will be brought to the site in the first phase. Tipping fees could range anywhere from $52 to S88 a tonne. News Advertiser & kftmbw OMMRI DELIVERY SERVICE n WRCH FDR THESE NSEM i FLYERS COINING To YOW DOOR WfTH YOUR NEtiMS ADVERTISER CAFFA TODAY AND N THE DAYSAHM SAT., MARCH 30,1991 NEWS ADVERTISER (AJAX/PICK) ASP (PICK) CANADIAN TIRE (PICK.) ' DOMINION (AJAX/PICK) FOOD CITY (AJAX/PICK) .IGA (AJAX/PICK.) K -MART (AJAX/PICK.) LOBLAWS (AJAX/PICK) MIRACLE FOOD MART (AJAXIPICK.) SAVA-CENTRE (PICK.) LJ SATURDAY CARRIERS OF THE WEEK ARE CHRIS AND TIM MCAFEE The 2 brothers enjoy art, playing basketball and collecting baseball cards. Congratulations for being our Saturday Carriers of the Week. Delhtend to selected households only _J PAGE LT= NEW ADVERTEM SATURDAY, MARCH 3k 1"l At Nut" S%- tem. you'll find Supporti_vc counseling, sams-hin, n:l t�. lizht, actnin•, and nm wa1•s to bear old habits. %\TEI;S FOR ONI-Y $49 WR V IRI'N T[ V st R\ It E� oo- V, n,w..r oM of wom. ffa-"� a .0 -ft y� c, 0 w Z71= w .':. ra�ew t.+.d aP�w°s�DY1M°rO•� c.y.+ .ws "., a. Join us for our March of Success April 7th '' A RIGHT WAY TO LOSE WEIGHT. CALLTODAY FORA FREE NO OBLIGATION CONSULTATION AJAX; PICKERING 1450 Kingston Rd., Pickering 420-6300 PIC"JUNG - You can shop for your new car at the Pickering Town Centre this week. Approximately 30 vehicles, including cars, trucks and vans, will be on display throughout the mall from Monday, Apr. 1 to Saturday, Apr. 6 as various dealers par- ticipate in the mall's Spring Car Show. r showat own centr9 BOWMANVILLE 98 King St. W. 623-8666 At Nut" S%- tem. you'll find Supporti_vc counseling, sams-hin, n:l t�. lizht, actnin•, and nm wa1•s to bear old habits. %\TEI;S FOR ONI-Y $49 WR V IRI'N T[ V st R\ It E� oo- V, n,w..r oM of wom. ffa-"� a .0 -ft y� c, 0 w Z71= w .':. ra�ew t.+.d aP�w°s�DY1M°rO•� c.y.+ .ws "., a. Join us for our March of Success April 7th '' A RIGHT WAY TO LOSE WEIGHT. CALLTODAY FORA FREE NO OBLIGATION CONSULTATION AJAX; PICKERING 1450 Kingston Rd., Pickering 420-6300 WHITBY 1101 Bmck St. S. 666-0770 OSHAWA US Simcm St. 9, 723-5211 BOWMANVILLE 98 King St. W. 623-8666 AJAX - The 1991 Ajax Home Week runs from Saturday, June 15 to Sunday, June 23 and a tentative schedule of events has been com- piled. Times for the events hasn't been determined yet. The Miss Ajax Pageant and the Ajax Civic Award ceremony will be held Saturday, June 15 at the Ajax Community Centre. The Mayor's Derby will be held Sunday, June 16 at Picov Downs on Highway 2, cast of Harwood Avenue. Also on June 16, a car rally will be held, beginning at the LOEB store on Westney Road North and finish- ing at the Village Courtyard, at the comer of Highway 2 and Elizabeth Street. Entertainment will be provid- ed at the end of the rally. On Thursday, June 20, an auction will be held at Dona Y Miguels Restaurant, at Westney Road and Bayly Street. A steak barbecue will be held at the community centre on Friday, June 21, while a Monte Carlo Ni4 will be held at the Ajax Roy,,, Canadian Legion hall on Hunt Street. Saturday, June 22 is a busy day, with the parade and best -dressed bicycle contest being held in the morning. The Ajax Garden Club will have a display in the Harwood Place Mall, while a family day is planned at the Ajax Community Centre. In the evening, more family enter- tainment will be provided, along with a street dance, all at the com- munity centre. On Sunday, June 23, a pancais breakfast will be held at the comrr. nity centre, while a country jam- boree, tug of war and soccer tourna. ment will be held at the community centre in the afternoon. A model airplace flying demon- stration will be held by the Ajax Radio Controlled Model Club at its field south of the Volkswagen plant, at Church and Bayly Streets. Home Week ends with a kite fl, ing demonstration and fireworks d� play at the Ajax lakefront. Dinosaurs come to life at library PICKERING - Children can be transported back to the dinosaur age at the Pickering Central Library on Saturday, Apr. 13. Marilyn Jenkins from the Royal Ontario Museum will be at the library veA day to share some of her dinosaur knowledge with children aged six and over. The program begins at 2 p.m. Tickets are S1 and are available now at the children's services department in the library, One The Esplanade. Call 831-6873. ADVERTISING CORRECTION EATON'S - Easter Broadsheet inserted in Oshawa/Whitby This Week and the Nems Advertiser, Wednesday, March 241h,1901. PAGE 7 - FosrA watches prices are incorrect. Should read: Memo G - $90.00, H - $70.00, K $90.00, L - $80.00. Inadvertently, the error listed above has appeared in our advertising. We sine regret any mconvenienoe or contusion io our customers. EATON'S Sun kind of fun. $281 75/MONTH (2500.00 DOWN PAYMENT ALL TAXES INCLUDED Freight b P.D.I. extra. Offerpplies to ordered vehicles only and expires Apel mi. Payment based on 60 month term. KENRO = SUZUKI, Everyday vehicles that aren't - 428 -7539 all Klnaston Rd. W., Ajax _ fid, `'asN}�. ° .r .+.:✓+ . v . `� v . _ .. :+1, �•�dw3t� �i� 1p 11- 41 0 lp-f I oil 0 jo i 3x5x8 MINI TIES 459 h USED RAILWAY TIES 6 x 8 x 8 549each ROUNDS 4 5 x 8 x 8 649each LgQUARES � SII TERMS: _ _..� ..ice aIIASTEFtCARD o CASHES VI MINIMUM DELIVER IES AVAIL-p►BLE AT CHARGET SERVED • FIRST COME FIRS ILE S AVAILABLE WH ALL ITEM LAS ECTAL pROERS LAYAWAYS OR Sp NS • NO FINAL _ NO FIE • ALL SALES F DYED WITH NE ORDER ACCE . F REDIT CARD MAJOR C UMBER No SpR-nNG, OF L 11* -s+,► pm Li"i :i1 x'11 s I SIZE 1 x 6 2 x 4 2 x 6 2 x 8 2x10 2x12 4 x 4 4 x 6 6 x 6 6 x 8 8 x 8 THE NEWS ADVERTWR SATURDAY, MARCH 30,1!!1 -PAGE S 01111rorre'r4i CEDAR .32 Fr. .37 Fr .69 Fr. .82 Fr. .99 Fr. .89 FT. PRESSURE TREATED .24 Fr .29 Fr .47 FT. .59 Fr .89 FT. Fr. 1.09 Fr. .62 FT. .99 FT. 1.69 FT. 2.39 FT. 3.29 FT. 4x4x9 PRESSURE TREATED 4 99 each.a,- UN& 0 10 477 KINGSTON ROAD, PICKERING (JUST WEST OF WHITES RD.) a PHONE 284-4631 / 839-4321 / 686-1550 FAX (416) 839-2051 I 9 Aft 0 PAGR f~THB N9W AdVBRI' n SA7VRD", MARCH 31k 19101 peace - To the editor: I'm writing in regard to the letter to the editor from D.R. Bulmer on Friday, March 8. This letter makes it sound as if only the NDP ran in the last election. Instead the people of Ontario real- ized that we needed to elect a com- petent government. The world has seen us as American puppets for a while now. And why not? With Mulroney selling us out, what else should they think? Obviously D.R. Bulmer missed eep] several quotes (in the Toronto Star) from the United Nations that con- demned the bombings on civilians. Did D.R. Bulmer feel justified that so many innocent people were killed? How many lives could have been saved without this war? We all acknowledge that Saddam Hussein is evil, but is George Bush not evil? Being peacekeepers means keep- ing peace. It doesn't mean that world giants beat up on smaller prey. Just like Iraq and Kuwait. Were we any better? C03112ments on target Perhaps D.R. Bulmer could tell us, where were the Americans when Russia invaded Afghanistan? Sure, the Americans kept their athletes from participating in the Olympics in Moscow. So what? Where were the Americans when Israel took over the Golan Heights? Where are the Americans in South Africa? When American power isn't threatened, obviously they feel that sanctions are enough. Jim Wiseman is right in saying that sanctions weren't given enough «Give credit when credit's due To the editor: I have expressed my concerns before in this column pertaining to our federal member and his Conservative party policies now ruining our country. Having said this I must in all fairness extend my appreciation to Mr. Rene Soetens for his challenge to the $153 per day allowance to the unelected senators and the favor- able ruling by speaker John Fraser that such an allowance is out of order. Good work, Rene. Now if our M.P. would explain more about the supplementary estimates showing an additional $559 million being spent before the end of this month including $1.5 million for the enlarged sen- ate, millions more for launching the G.S.T. More for the Governal- General and on and on. Fat city Ottawa, forever preaching restraint, not for them- selves of course but by the pub- lic. The budget showed little, the supplementary estimates shows all. Ken Spense Sr. Students, parents tpushed back and forth' To the editor: I am writing in concern to the item written a few weeks ago by Mrs. Zecchino school trustee con- cerning once again the children who now attend St. Anthony Daniel. The trustees have once again decided to move our children the second time in three years and, if that is not enough, this time with- out buses. I do not know how many peo- ple in our area read the item but for those who did not they should be aware that to return once again to St. Issac you must go along Fmch Avenue which is more dan- gerous now than it was three years ago, even if there are lights and The News Advertiser welcomes letters to the editor on topical issues, controversial mattes and anything else of interest to our readers. V1le reserve the right to edit letters for style, length and legal reasons and to withhold letters deemed not fit for publication. All letters must include your full name, address and pone number for our information. Letters can be mailed or dropped o$ at the News Advertiser, 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ontario, LIS 2H5 or sent by FAX to 683-7363. crossing guards. I do not understand how it was alright for buses three years ago but not now. The distance has not changed, only the number of cars. We have been pushed back and forth and made little fuss, but I strongly feel that when the safety of children becomes involved we must do everything we can. Walking over one mile to school is a little too much and dangerous for the little ones in junior and senior kindergarten. Hopefully this article will not fall on deaf ears. Mrs. C. Micha, Pickering time in the Gulf. Even Joe Clark (whom I don't particularly like) had the right idea with his proposal before the war. Negotiate. Unfortunately George Bush decided to invade. Perhaps D.R. Bulmer watched the news that night and heard that our prime minister wasn't notified until after the fact. Puppets, eh? Jim Wiseman is right in express- ing honestly and precisely the situa- tion in the Gulf. I'd rather have my children hear the truth than listen to American propaganda - If the NDP have not created mira- cles in the short time that they are int power, it could be because the prob- lems they inherited take time to resolve. If the NDP are elected federally, we might just get our country back. Perhaps DR. Bulmer's fear is that Canada won't become another American state and DR. Bulmer will remain a Canadian. Connie Ferrara, Ajax Mall walldng good for everyone To the editor: It has come to our attention that there is a definite need and growing interest in the Durham region, for a comfortable and entertaining envi- ronment for year-round walking. A walking program contributes greatly to a person's overall well- being and level of fitness. Walking is probably the most flexible, inter- esting and relaxing heart -healthy activity around: - You don't need any special equipment or skills - just a good pair of shoes and sensible clothing. You can do it with a friend, or by yourself. • You can walk just about any- where, any time - around your neighborhood, near your workplace, or while you're on vacation, for example. Don't be fooled into thinking walking is too easy to be a good fit- ness activity. Walking offers many of the benefits of more vigorous aci- tivities with much less risk of injury. What better place than the Pickering Town Centre to provide an environment for safe and enjoy- erting own N~s Advertiser CHARGES PETERS corm U►lcouA able walking. This program has been successful at other mall facili- ties, attracting people of all ages and abilities - from the very young to the very young at heart. The mall walking program will be sponsored by Pickering Town Centre, the Ajax -Pickering Heart and Stroke Foundation and the Durham Department of Health Services. We are looking for volunteers to aid in nuking this mall walking pro- gram a reality. For further information please contact The Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario, 835 Westney Road South, Unit 4, Ajax, Ontario, LIS 3M4,016) 686-1521. Cindy Andrew, Education Development Co-ordi- nator, The Heart and Stroke Foundation or Ontario, Central Region Lori Martin and Abu Wmiaa, Public Health Nurses, Durban Region Public Health Department, Marjorie Pountney, Pict T Centre John Pritchard Pt"S11@r Dbecta of AdwAWip Display Advo NWV Deporknere ("3-6110): Tony Tidlosd. Debbie Waldock, Yvonne Lewis, Trey Bouch, Chris Arsenault, Geoff Earle, Debbie Burns. Kirk Dick. Tebsrnaikelkrg: Gary bland Editor Editorial Department (baa -6110): Blake Purdy (News Editor). Keith GIIRgon, Windy ef, N RNNI, Judi Bobbin and Linda White aleporlers). AJ. Gwen (Chief Ohm — ABE FAKHOURIE Distribution Dopartm*nf ("3-5117): Jodi SA0^ y (Aalaad Lft rwgM. Torry Na, Tom Buchmann.�Cecil Turpin. Joann* geld, Jan rte Nrw. Ad o bft prbwrd orwry &Eder. ww+.wor aro FAdar a ra connwdd AN.. � D Milburn. CanNN* Fakhourl*, MIChoN* Qurny, AJar. oAab us 2 +G. M<ar d •r MMM«ad wrap. PJrhYre ad psaaa p om d *lxr- REAL ESM ADVERTISING 6113-5110 MkMN* ban rOWIPM rr w,rdM r Mdw Acta, Fno Prone Auora eamrc ear. eanor AWabco.. Kennedy, J. P. Lawr9n*. Stan Low, srarpon cr,ada,. erw,sta+ Parr. &abbot* GuG"M c9o9810wVAa=V&Vyaodn„ood CLASSIC ADVERTISING Cindy Hogan. Jason MOMM Anka Aggarwal, r+a.a.rdr+. ia+ewr mr Met unbar sr wNk Ma" Nam Mak Mba.O zl M. Foaronrf sa sun. Moan canna, 676 9336, 79s-7678 or 796-7663 - Linda SfowaA. Charplar. mWaMIpor twa. Nowrrra" - bo. .orra.Ofnwa/NRryr mk wwk Potwaoush mr weak. Ndrrrad HWhw WAft4M tan. Scarborough Moor The 0Mr* canitrd of me News Advert er N MMgord wY�Nip.�Fltlf�rp a+d DYMbrap k o diAron d HotMgrh fr..rPrw ue. Man.e.r. « wman conned Is b1' cgWdgtd and unaulhorM*d ue* wRhoul A■odosorti arrnrswy Nownpopm his d eroNon. ProhbNed. Pu ApM b closslht Or MMM any adv*AM*mtxM d mo Carndlan Corrrnarlty Nwrpapn Arod«bn ad Ontarb C bbher resferve$ no sooa,d Cb Mtor R 9h geor, Nrnbw IN7. Mot oaatftn rdor in cameo: t your. $70 par NATIONAL ADVERTMING REPRESENTATIVE (693.1360): Dal Mown, MMplond ensure Prktlkrg, PtrbNslrkng and Distributing. #1 Tres Nmm Ann *A-nylnAv_ mAwre iw t1Ma-ltirs q SId nes-education in: urged to cope with technolo%gy BY LINDA WHITE Education Reporter PICKERING - As technology continues to change at a fast pace, educators must be prepared to meet its demands. That's the message Durham Board of Education's technological nsultant John Beatty brought to e Ajax -Pickering Board of T'rade's monthly luncheon Tuesday. "We must respond to skills short- age and the shift to high technolo- gy," he said. The emphasis on skills training began in the late 1950s and early 1960s he said, when 60 per cent of the workforce was unskilled. By the end of the century, he believes that number will decrease to just 15 per cent. "In 20 years, the workforce will ce technology that hasn't even Ween invented yet," he warned. "That calls for a restructuring of education and motivation." That change is being addressed by the ministry of education, which has prepared a technological educa- tion consultation paper. A number of Parkside, lord alRgin schools to meet in grand battle AJAX - Students from Parkside and Lord Elgin Public Schools will face off in the Grand Battle of the Books. The competition, hosted by the fax Public Library, will be held "Wednesday, Apr. 24, from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m., in the council chambers at the town hall, at the corner of Harwood Avenue and Kings Crescent. The teams will be quizzed on chil- dren's literature. The winning team will be award- ed a trophy, which the school will keep until the competition next year. Everyone is welcome and admis- sion is free. The Ajax Kinette Club is sponsoring the battle. For more information, call Sarah 0white, the library's program co-ordi- nator, at 683-4000. &MOMMG TYRE AMOENN M&gffrromy Bms Enjoy the look and kel of fine lingerie with an Amoena bra created fox comfort- able Neat with your breast form. Special care in the design and manufacture assures you of a precision fit plus the pleasure of sok satins and elegant laces. Amoena bras have specially made pockets of absorbent cotton to keep you more comfortable and secure. The shoulder straps, underberds and kotatd-style backs give better support than an ordinary bra. Let our trained fitters help you choose an Amoena bra ... it's the natural choice kir comfixt, style and elegance. Ole C4mabetki MASTECTOMYUOUTIOUE 1050 SIMCOE ST. NORTH OSHAW4 ONTARIO OUS. 4330122 SUITE 6106 key questions that will affect the future of technological education are asked, including the following: • What influence should local needs have on the technological edu- cation program of study from the beginning of elementary school to the end of secondary school? • What kinds of workplace learn- ing should supplement technological education programs? • How should females be encour- aged to actively participate in tech- nological education? • How should opportunities for specialized training be accommodat- ed within the broad-based technolo- gies? "The paper is open and available for anyone's input," said Beatty, who asked those in attendance to take part - Volunteers are also encouraged to participate in the third annual Sun kind of fun. JC77 =R JA $28 1 75/MONTH ($500.00 DOWN PAYMENT) ALL TAXES INCLUDED Freght d PD. I. extra Offer applies to ordered vehicles only and exp res Apnl 30/91. Payment based on 60 month term KENRO = SUZUKI. Evtrvd;n we ..:dc, that ircr,'- 428-7539 599 Kingston Rd. W., Ajax If you're required to fire a Goods and Services tax return, let the experts pre- pare it. We'll find you the biggest input tax credit you have comint±. MR Bw Canada's Tax Team. Put us to work for you! oslurr► Kalut Pim 4r6.7rN 15 9WA SL E 723?=? Law rktla Pim 43$$165 120 Shwoo SL N. 4>Fr112 WHIM 125 Brock SLE IM3371 MAX 71 Station SL M1395 YaMweard =*pled the Vay Port Durham Skills Challenge, an event that showcases the abilities and tal- ents of secondary technological stud- ies students in a variety of skills con- tests. While the challenge promotes contact between industry and educa- tion, it also demonstrates the impor- tance of technology. The challenge, which will be held at Harwood Secondary School on Saturday, Apr. 20, will feature auto mechanics, cosmetology, electronics, graphic communications and resi- dential wiring, as well as a host of other competitions. "It is an investment in the techni- cal skills of the youth in our commu- nity," according to Beatty. Local companies have been also invited to participate in the board's 360 minutes free airtime. Free Bell Cellular network access. Free Bell Cellular Message Centre Free detailed billing. Free installation. Free Lease Plus Protection flan. 24 hour Customer Care. National coverage with Cell\et. Includes battery and charger. Car phones available. Choice of phones: Motorola or Oki. Limited time only, hurry in for details. business -education exchange, to be held May 6 to 10. Employers are invited to see students and teachers at work, and in return, teachers will visit their company and see the tech- nology being used in industry. "Become involved in the future workforce today," said Beatty. For more information, call Beatty at 666-3821. filth. ;�, fill lis - f' 'mil The Bell Cellular Portable Phone Package. Look Around,, We, Promise Yotifl End Up Back Here. T C trentway communication services ltd. -CELLULAR TELEPHONES TWO-WAY RADIOS - DIGITAL PAGERS �n428-0437 for this and other specials! 785 Westney Rd. South Unit 25 - Ajax • SAME DAY SERVICE • CUSTOMER PICK-UP & DROP-OFF • FULLY COMPUTERIZED SHOP SERVICE FACILITY T�C�� �.re��V�arAppro ved IWA .01 = —13. O , • SAME DAY SERVICE • CUSTOMER PICK-UP & DROP-OFF • FULLY COMPUTERIZED SHOP SERVICE FACILITY T�C�� �.re��V�arAppro ved IWA PAGE 8•T= NIM ADVERT68R SATURDAY, MARCH 31k D" M and D Meats has opened its sixth store in Durham, the newest In Ajax at Transit Square, offering cus- tomers the best value at the lowest prices. Ajax store manager Pete Junkin, left, and M and D owner Richard Halenda ensure the M and D tradition of high customer service Is met. AT,.SEARS ♦�lop lop � 40 top O Oa I AND REMEMBER AT ,SEARS THERE'S ISO 40 DOWN PAYMENT ON APPROVED CREDIT Offer apples to Roofing. Windows, Fencing. Eavestrough. SoffitFascia and Siding. 'No Payments* offer available through your Sears Retail stores until April 30/91. commuous EAYES11t0 UGH AND OO'YYNSl�OUTS LOW -MAINTENANCE RUST -RESISTANT ALUMINUM D %V0 OR FOKM CALL SEARS TODAY FOR A FREE ESTIMATE SIDING SOFFIT & FASCIA AWNINGS FLIIRNACES RIDOIFING SEARS AM SELLS AND INSTALLS PAGE DOORS TIO DOORS _ EAVESTROUGH CHAIN utW FENCING r off, - • &• INSTAIIED ASPIiALT SIrNGLE ROOM WE OFFER A WIDE RANGE OF STYLES AND COLORS ORVM "Noun CALL SEARS TODAY FOR AN ESTIMATE. HEAT PLAWS MVSULATION WATER HEATERS 0*w 24 ham in most areas) w OMAWA 7254322 PICKERING 420.5582 SEARS CANADA INC. .#ti4�*iiu�'�►k!'�f►�ilt��e'�.i°r�t�'.e����t+.�li�C�`��1:�Lr'�'tJ�`i�1►mh� DURHAM - M and D Meats has been operating in Durham region for the past 10 years. Company president Richard Halenda, a Whitby resident, oversees six retail stores in Ajax, Pickering, Whitby and three stores and a pro- cessing plant located in Oshawa. M and D Meats specializes in sausages, high quality cuts of beef, fresh chicken and pork. The company was started 10 years ago by Halenda's parents, Michael and Doreen. He says that in order to take "pressure" off the first store, a sec- ond store was opened to better serve customers. When stores are too busy to pro- vide quality customer service that M and D Meats is known for, the cus- tomer pays and that shouldn't hap- pen, he says. "To take the pressure off the last store, we open another store," he says. That's why he says he was rea- sonably confident that the store in Ajax was a good decision for the company. The store was opened in Ajax despite all the talk of economic hard times. ` fbe slower times have been good to the company," Halenda says. He explains that customers are becoming more and more selective with what kind of food they buy. They want to spend their money in FRANK ,.,.o- one place instead of spreading it around, therefore spending more at M and D Meats. Since customers are spending more money in his stores, combined with the fact that more people are visiting his stores, he has to increase his business so as to retain his high customer service levels, he says. Halenda says he has always given the customer the very best value A the lowest prices. This keeps the cus- tomer coming back for more. There are currently 130 employ- ees working at M and D Meats. Including the Ajax store, M and D Meats is serving more than 12,000 customers per week, he says. "The beauty of the trade is there are no high and low seasons, we are busy all the time," he says. He explains that only products are affected by the season, steaks are popular in the summer and roast in the winter. i Just recently, M and D Meats sold 60,000 lbs of chicken breasts in one week. He says they would have sold more except for one reason - they didn't have any more. "I didn't know that people in Durham region ate that much but I guess they do," he says. The company gave rainchecks for the first time in its history to those unfortunate customers who misse-4 out. REDUCED TO $104,5W Laney dean 2 bdrm. ground floor condo, Math new kitdten and bath. Walking distance to GO. Call Maggie Shannon' for details, 686-1821 x432-8157. Member of 0MMR1 Corporations in Support of Recycling News Advertiser Register now for Durham College Continuous Learning Courses .* BY P"". Call 436-1100. Have course number and VISA or MasterCard account number, expiry date and cardholder name. « In Person, register at the Registrar's ofte, main campus, 2000 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Monday to Thursday &30 a.m. - &30 p.m.. Friday &30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. '' By mail using registration form In the calendar.' Include course number and cheque (please no post dated cheques). By Fax using registration form in the calendar. Include course number. VISA or MasterCard number, expiry date and dam. name. Fax to 436-9774. F. « Calendars are available at Durham College: 576-0210. ext 507. .. R D U R H A M eeaalaI Durham" College Main Cwn&Wpus P.O. x 385 20M Skncoe St. N. Ott aws. Ontario oslnwa OnWAo Cw" LI H 71.7 X 12 5Y 0`:.0 � .0 'do w � J::.0 5 s � .0 "W one place instead of spreading it around, therefore spending more at M and D Meats. Since customers are spending more money in his stores, combined with the fact that more people are visiting his stores, he has to increase his business so as to retain his high customer service levels, he says. Halenda says he has always given the customer the very best value A the lowest prices. This keeps the cus- tomer coming back for more. There are currently 130 employ- ees working at M and D Meats. Including the Ajax store, M and D Meats is serving more than 12,000 customers per week, he says. "The beauty of the trade is there are no high and low seasons, we are busy all the time," he says. He explains that only products are affected by the season, steaks are popular in the summer and roast in the winter. i Just recently, M and D Meats sold 60,000 lbs of chicken breasts in one week. He says they would have sold more except for one reason - they didn't have any more. "I didn't know that people in Durham region ate that much but I guess they do," he says. The company gave rainchecks for the first time in its history to those unfortunate customers who misse-4 out. REDUCED TO $104,5W Laney dean 2 bdrm. ground floor condo, Math new kitdten and bath. Walking distance to GO. Call Maggie Shannon' for details, 686-1821 x432-8157. Member of 0MMR1 Corporations in Support of Recycling News Advertiser Register now for Durham College Continuous Learning Courses .* BY P"". Call 436-1100. Have course number and VISA or MasterCard account number, expiry date and cardholder name. « In Person, register at the Registrar's ofte, main campus, 2000 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Monday to Thursday &30 a.m. - &30 p.m.. Friday &30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. '' By mail using registration form In the calendar.' Include course number and cheque (please no post dated cheques). By Fax using registration form in the calendar. Include course number. VISA or MasterCard number, expiry date and dam. name. Fax to 436-9774. F. « Calendars are available at Durham College: 576-0210. ext 507. .. R D U R H A M eeaalaI Durham" College Main Cwn&Wpus P.O. x 385 20M Skncoe St. N. Ott aws. Ontario oslnwa OnWAo Cw" LI H 71.7 X 12 5Y I AAAA AAAAA AAAAiA .AAAAAA .AAAAAA .AAAAAA .AAAAAA .AAAAA -i �:. a .iy 7 •tib _ <.. �`A�.. r�' ..v= :.L. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAJSiiiiiiiiiAAAAAAAAAA S�,i�riii�.iiSiiiS SiiiAAAii AAAA- i- A- rchdale A- �A • , R �S M P =: A- A - 1 A- I A- iSAAAAA 7 "n. PC .400 .00 IL .AAAAAA A .AAAAAA ;. 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V e • THE N19W8AUV1Xrb'iA1W1U1WAY;AAftM3kMI-MG811 :�. �.,µ,o",.s, s •:. fx, � •a .;i . . .��';_ �"+xr EY ✓ '%r63r tiyay- ,�, r a.. ,y, �frl-�.. It's here. It's happening. It's April at Eaton's. A month to make the most of, thanks to Eaton's Great Names Event. It's the brand names YOU want — at competitive prices all e time. In beauty, fashion, appliances and more. It's bonuses, 'Spotlight Specials' and a great contest — don't forget our contest! It's practically everything you could want, as you'll soon discover... Each week, until April 27th, we'll be featuring a number of especially outstanding Great Name buys ... our Spotlight Specials. Watch for them in your newspaper. Shop for them in-store! h,,, � 6i�,/ A women's spring sportswear wardrobe. (Total approx. retail value: 500.00) A 'Beauty Basket' including fragrances, cosmetic 2ND PRIZE accessories and cosmetics. (Total approx. retail value: A complete men's fashion 474.10) wardrobe. (Total approx. retail value: 500.46) Women's lingerie and sleepwear. (Total approx retail value: 305.96) A women's accessory package. (Total approx. retail value: 209.15) Visit your nearest Eaton for full contest details! he ones to watch tor. • ;-webok • Merit • Eaton Vanity Fair • I ondon Fog • Mackie • f iorsheim • f ,iton Viking hore•t • x kev • Juvena • 1',enaxmie %taggi B • � .vrnity for ,Men • -.)u(heron • Kodak • ! nnstian Dior • i .tt'e Lauder • 1 , nda Lingerie • ( )ura( ell • �%onderBra • %endome • Guess • Lagostina • Valerie Barad • Black & Decker • Vera Scarves • Tresor • Rubbermaid. These and more..in-store! BONUSES! Something to look forward to! Starting April 17th, there'll be many welcome little extras for you when you make your Great Names purchases. Special offers too! Ji. N'S Goods Satisfactory or Money Refunded AGE 12 -THE Naws ADVBRT6BR SATURDAY, MARCH 3k 1811 Billboard a Billboard is a free feature for ,ommunity events of a non-profit Pickering Konvey mixed slo-pitch team will hold a fund-raising dance Monda y GENEALOGICAL MEETING: will now meet in the choir room at tature. To have your events pro- noted in Billboard, call 683- Saturday, March 30 at Valley Farm PARKINSON SUPPORT The Whitby -Oshawa Branch of the Ontario Genealogical Society the Pickering Village United Church, 300 Church St. N., Pickering us at >110 or write to the Ajax- Lodge to raise funds to travel to Calgary for the Coors Canadian GROUP: The Parkinson Support (Durham Region), will meet Village, from 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. 'ickering News Advertiser, 130 Championships. Tickets are S25 r Group of Durham will meet Tuesday, Apr. 2, from 7:15 p.m. to Entrance by the doors at the north- �ommercial Ave., Ajax, Ontario, 1S 2H5. The deadline couple and include a hot buffet. Call le and ncrth Monday, April 1 from 7:30-9:30 p.m. at St. Marks United Church 10 p.m., in the auditorium of the Whitby Public Library, 405 Dundas east corner of the building. No dues or fees and everyone is welcome. for 3ilboard items is 10 a.m. on the Rob at 839-6737. (corner of Colborne and Centre St. W. Jim Glendinning will speak The group meets every Wednesday. Monday prior to Wednesday pub -Sunda Street, south door entrance), Whitby. on three disasterous fires in history For more information, call Lily at ication, 10 a.m. on the y Dr. G. Martin will speak on nutri- and he'll display memorabilia from 683-6479 during the day or Karen at Wednesday prior to Friday publi- 'ation and 10 a.m. Thursday EASTER SERVICE: An Easter tion. Everyone welcome. Refreshments will be served. Call, fires. Call Bessie Gannon at 723- 7460 or Joyce Hilton at 668-8177. 831-2570 at night. UNIVERSITY WOMEN'S prior o Sunday publication. sunrise service will be held at St. Paul's -on -the -Hill Anglican Church, 666-8576 or 668-6580. AUTHOR READING: Author MEETING: The Canadian Saturda y 882 Kingston Rd., Sunday, March at 7 a.m. A family 31 celebration BONSAI MEETING- The Matsuyama Bonsai Society will Mark Fleming will discuss his book "Churchill, Manitoba, Canada - Federation of University Women, Ajax -Pickering chapter, will meet CLASS REUNION: The One with folk music will begin at 10 a.m. Call 839-7909. meet Monday, Apr. 1 at 7:15 p.m. at the Faith Place, 44 William St. W., Polar Bear Capital of The World" Tuesday, Apr. 2 at 7:30 p.m. at the Wednesday, Apr. 3, at 7:30 p.m., in Room 431 of Dunbarton High 'arent Family Association of :anaxia will have a gala reunion for EASTER CANTATA: An Easter Cantata will be held at 9:30 a.m. Oshawa. Open to all interested in Bonsai. Call 683-2568 or 668-8333. Pickering Central Library, One The Esplanade. The program y, free; pre- School, at Whites Road and Sheppard Avenue, Pickering. Prof. ormer members from 1973 and ear- ier on Saturday, March 30. The Sunday, March 31 at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints _Coming Up register at 831-7809. SENIORS' DISCUSSION Ken Howard, of the geology depart- ment of the University of Toronto, leadline for tickets is Feb. 28. Call 26-0062 or 731-8013. (Mormon), 119 Church St. S., Ajax. BIG BROTHER AWARDS: The GROUP: The Ajax Seniors' Discussion Group will meet will speak on groundwater pollution. New members are welcome. Call FUND -RAISING DANCE: The All welcome. Big Brother Association of Ajax- Tuesday, Apr. 2, at 9:30 a.m., at the Karen at 427-0236 or Louise at 831 - Pickering will hold its annual gener- Ajax Seniors' Friendship Centre, 46 1165. al meeting and volunteer recognition Exeter Rd. David Ross will speak on SCHOOL PARENTS' MEET - COMPLETE FAMILY night on Tuesday, Apr. 2, at 7:30 antique phonographs and records. All seniors are welcome. Call Louise ING: Parents of Ajax High School students are invited to at the CAW Hall, 140 Hunt St., a meeting on 1 DENTAL CARE Ajax Ajax. The Big Brother of the Year at 683-7799. OVEREATERS ANONY- Effective Schools on Wednesday, Apr. 3, 7:30 in library Award will be presented and the at p.m., the of zo individual and team winners at e th MOUS: The Overeaters Anonymous the school, 105 Bayly St., east of Jl.0��' R" >•L 71i L7M-T -,i.It-L—_777, COSMETIC DENTISTRY Whdernrxi S119 Bonding _ 5269 Cosmet c Veneers Lab inclkxted) Orthodontics S2950 CDS - Canadian t, I�IL� Expiry Date March 31 91 Dental Services 1-800-465-5518 Some hrrntalions & exCIUSKM may arov ^--IVT. 5 PURE _SPRING WATER 428-0252 HOME DELIVERY -BOTTLED SPRING WATER -WATER COOLER RENTALS AND SALES & SERVICE Ste. Anne's Pure Spring Water pledges to deliver: w Quality - bottled spring water products w Service - with regularly scheduled deliveries w Price - our products do service competitively OUR 22.7 LITRE SQUARE BOTTLE IS ONLY $7.00 MONTHLY COST FOR AVERAGE FAMILY: $21.00 3 - 22.7 LITRE BOTTLES 1450 MONTHLY COOLER RENTkL. (could be purchased) 1.02 G.S.T. ON RENTAL 1.16 1? S.T. ON RENTAL $37.68 TOTAL 1 YEAR COOLER RENTALS PLACED BEFORE JUNE 30/91 WILL RECEIVE 6 BOTTLES FREE! ROTE: YOUR INrnAL INVOICE W W. INCLUDE 3 REI'UNDABLE BOTnE DEPOSns @ Su i x7 EACH AND IF RENTING A COOLER AN ADDr MNAL $30.00 ODOLER SECURrrY DEPOsrr. COOLERS MAY BE PURCHASED AND ARE MAILABLE IN 3 COLOURS. 1991 Bowl -for -Millions will be pre- group will move to a new location Harwood Avenue, Ajax. All parents sented prizes. Call 686-2871. on Wednesday, Apr. 3. The group welcome. Call Sherrill Willard at 686-0654. NATURALISTS' MEETING: RATH. Pickering Naturalists will meet Thursday,Apr. 4 at 8 p p.m. at the ACRYLICRouge Hill Library, Rougemount 1 Drive south of Highway 2. Ron Barbe of the Ontario Herpetological •7�nzg�,,;over , non -slip, mace -to -measure Bathtub Liners fit Society will speak on snakes. Call existing wom or damaged bathtubs. Margaret at 831-1745. • In in 2 hours or less without disturbing existing tub, walls, tiles, plumbing or floors. • Custom formed one piece tub -to -ceiling Bath Walls • Free in-home estimate • Written guarantee PATRICK M. WOODFORD WOODFORD MARKETING INC. MARKHAM, ONTARIO TELEPHONE: 1-416-471-3177 or 1-800-361-9812 INTERLOCKING STONE 1 (WALKWAYS AND DRIVEWAYS) Pisa stone porches and s �►��- '� = it - • Tree and shrub plantings • Retaining walls • Rode gardens • Pool decks DECKS PRESSURE TREATED • CEDAR LAMWE WIDRK CUSTDM M=y FOR AM EARLY ESn"n OR 800KNG CALL LEN 420.2367 Panda St*p CHINESE RESTAURANT Licensed under L.L.B.o. 375 KINGSTON Rd. PICKERING (Corner at Rougemount Dr. South) O BIGGEST CHINESE BUFFET IN PICKERING With Over 60 Items Including A Salad Bar Featuring Both Cantonese & Szechuan Cuisine Take Out and FREE Delivery Available BUY 1 GET 1 FREE■ ■ OFFER EXPIRES APRIL 30,1991 ■ ij t I286-9876 ifi I...0.•r. CORRECTION NOTICE St. Paul's On The Hill 839-7909 The Correct Times for Easter Day Services are as follows: 7.00 a.m., 8:30 a.m., 10.00 a.m., 11:30 a.m. TANNING a1500 With Oft 4 or* per Pkkwft Is 0* x Tuft S&W am 428=7618 sun kind- offuno $28175/MONTH ($500.00 DOWN PAYMENT) ALL TAXES INCLUDED Freight & P.M. extra. Offer applies to ordered vehicles only and expires based on l)0 month term. April .30191. Payment K = SUZLMCL Everyday vehicles that aren't' 42&7539 SW Kingston Rd. W., Ajax a IN IL 4, E1 E to 0 _-'•••.+�..►e=•w sa.�Nlrq •. nwr�v.-•rti.n+.r.-iu -�..vwrw rws--.�.►..r_'�-'_. __ TEE NIERS ADVERTISER SATURDAY, MAWR ^ M91-PAGR 13 Pickering atom Cupmamsoup Kids are cardiac kids Pickering wins Ontario semi-final over Oakville in thriller series PICKERING - The Pickering Cup A Soup Kids minor atom 'A' hockey team advanced into the Ontario finals after defeating the Oakville Rangers in the semi-final round. The semi-final round required a seventh and deciding game with Pickering coming up with a big effort to nip Oakville 3-2. Pickering will now meet London :n the final. In game seven, the Kids got on the board in the first period on a goal by Brett Giglio, assisted by Patrick Lessard and Justin Vertolli. Oakville tied the game later in the period. Joel Civello put Pickering back into the lead on a goal assisted by Benny Collins and Trevor D'Ornellas. But. Oakville came back to tie the game after a scram- ble in front of Pickering goal - :ender Elio Baldi. A scoreless third period put the ;ame into overtime. At 3:17 of the ,xtra period, Civello scored the ;ame-winning goal, assisted by 2yan Bevington and James -angston. Oakville continued to 9'rjOVAT�O� press in the remainder o: the peri- od with Pickering goalie Aaron Laderman forced to make several key saves. Pickering began the best -of - seven series with a 5-4 overtime loss in Pickering. Scoring for the Kids were David Gillespie with two, Desmond Collett and Giglio. Assisting were Giglio with two, Joel Civello, Ryan Bevington, Benny Collins, Vertolli and Darren Dzikowski with one each. Game two switched to Oakville with Pickering cruising to a 5-3 victory. Civello netted the first See CUP—Page 14 Pickering Master � ,:Finns in exhibition ringette contest �+ - ine Ajax xebecs wom- en's ringette team had the pleasure Of hosting a team from Tuusula, Finland in an exhibition game at the Pickering Village arena Tuesday. March 26. The Rebels dropped an 8-0 decision, but the fans were treated to an exhibition of the Finnish style of ringette which featured great speed, strength, agility and differ- ent styles of playmaking. The Finnish team, made up of 11 girls ranging in age from 15 to 21 years is on tour for 10 days and will face a number of Canadian squads. Kristiina Vuori, the coach of the Finnish squad compared the play of her charges to that of the Canadians. "I think one of the differences between a Finnish ringette team and a Canadian team is hardness of the game. In Finland we play very rough ringette. I hope when we get more knowledge about ringette and we start to improve personal skills of our players, we will come closer to the ringette in Canada." The Finnish team will also meet an Ajax team of junior and belle - age players. The Rebels will host the Ontario Women's Ringette Championships next month. PICKERING - The Pickering Master Splashers Swim Club is getting bigger and better every year. The masters swim club - for adult swimmers 20 years and older has grown to its highest member- ship in its eight-year history this Year. The club boasts more than 70 members in 1991. Approximately one-third of the club's membership is involved in competition and have been to sev- eral meets so far this season. The club will send several members to the Ontario Provincial Championships in Nepean Apr. 12, 13 and 14. As a warm-up for this, 12 members of the Pickering club competed at a meet at the Etobicoke Olympium with many of the local swimmers achieving personal best marks. The club also hosted its third annual Spring Splash at the Pickering Recreation Complex in February. The event drew 232 competitors from 35 clubs across Ontario, as well as two clubs from the U.S. At this meet, 32 Ontario masters records were broken, indi- cating the strong competitive ele- ment in the province. The Pickering Master Splashers also engaged in a Heart Fitness Swim in February. This year marked the 10th year year for the event, sponsored by the Ontario Masters Swimming Association, to raise funds for the Heart and Stroke Foundation. Participants swam one half- hour endurance swim with four members participating. The amount raised was $1, 093. For more information about the Pickering Master Splashers, call Maureen Gilpin at 831-8611 bobs, {. ow spurs FAX 683.-7363 r. Pickering atom Cupmamsoup Kids are cardiac kids Pickering wins Ontario semi-final over Oakville in thriller series PICKERING - The Pickering Cup A Soup Kids minor atom 'A' hockey team advanced into the Ontario finals after defeating the Oakville Rangers in the semi-final round. The semi-final round required a seventh and deciding game with Pickering coming up with a big effort to nip Oakville 3-2. Pickering will now meet London :n the final. In game seven, the Kids got on the board in the first period on a goal by Brett Giglio, assisted by Patrick Lessard and Justin Vertolli. Oakville tied the game later in the period. Joel Civello put Pickering back into the lead on a goal assisted by Benny Collins and Trevor D'Ornellas. But. Oakville came back to tie the game after a scram- ble in front of Pickering goal - :ender Elio Baldi. A scoreless third period put the ;ame into overtime. At 3:17 of the ,xtra period, Civello scored the ;ame-winning goal, assisted by 2yan Bevington and James -angston. Oakville continued to 9'rjOVAT�O� press in the remainder o: the peri- od with Pickering goalie Aaron Laderman forced to make several key saves. Pickering began the best -of - seven series with a 5-4 overtime loss in Pickering. Scoring for the Kids were David Gillespie with two, Desmond Collett and Giglio. Assisting were Giglio with two, Joel Civello, Ryan Bevington, Benny Collins, Vertolli and Darren Dzikowski with one each. Game two switched to Oakville with Pickering cruising to a 5-3 victory. Civello netted the first See CUP—Page 14 Pickering Master � ,:Finns in exhibition ringette contest �+ - ine Ajax xebecs wom- en's ringette team had the pleasure Of hosting a team from Tuusula, Finland in an exhibition game at the Pickering Village arena Tuesday. March 26. The Rebels dropped an 8-0 decision, but the fans were treated to an exhibition of the Finnish style of ringette which featured great speed, strength, agility and differ- ent styles of playmaking. The Finnish team, made up of 11 girls ranging in age from 15 to 21 years is on tour for 10 days and will face a number of Canadian squads. Kristiina Vuori, the coach of the Finnish squad compared the play of her charges to that of the Canadians. "I think one of the differences between a Finnish ringette team and a Canadian team is hardness of the game. In Finland we play very rough ringette. I hope when we get more knowledge about ringette and we start to improve personal skills of our players, we will come closer to the ringette in Canada." The Finnish team will also meet an Ajax team of junior and belle - age players. The Rebels will host the Ontario Women's Ringette Championships next month. PICKERING - The Pickering Master Splashers Swim Club is getting bigger and better every year. The masters swim club - for adult swimmers 20 years and older has grown to its highest member- ship in its eight-year history this Year. The club boasts more than 70 members in 1991. Approximately one-third of the club's membership is involved in competition and have been to sev- eral meets so far this season. The club will send several members to the Ontario Provincial Championships in Nepean Apr. 12, 13 and 14. As a warm-up for this, 12 members of the Pickering club competed at a meet at the Etobicoke Olympium with many of the local swimmers achieving personal best marks. The club also hosted its third annual Spring Splash at the Pickering Recreation Complex in February. The event drew 232 competitors from 35 clubs across Ontario, as well as two clubs from the U.S. At this meet, 32 Ontario masters records were broken, indi- cating the strong competitive ele- ment in the province. The Pickering Master Splashers also engaged in a Heart Fitness Swim in February. This year marked the 10th year year for the event, sponsored by the Ontario Masters Swimming Association, to raise funds for the Heart and Stroke Foundation. Participants swam one half- hour endurance swim with four members participating. The amount raised was $1, 093. For more information about the Pickering Master Splashers, call Maureen Gilpin at 831-8611 1PAC814-THB NPM AD4BnUM SAMDAY, MARC6 SA 1!!1 Ajax gymnast third at Niagara Cup AJAX - An Ajax gymnast was gym dandy at a recent meet involving competitors from Canada and the U.S. over the March Break. Stevanna Yau, 10, represent- ing the Oshawa Gemini Gymnastics Club, placed a high- ly respectable third at the Niagara Cup competition in Buffalo, New York. A total of 90 gymnasts took part in the competition. Yau and her Gemini club teammates were also able to capture the Niagara Cup by fm- ishing first overall. The Ajax gymnast will also take part in the Elite Ontario championships in Newmarket in April as well as gearing up for the provincial championships at the Gemini club in Whitby May 11 and 12. To hone her gymnastics skills, Yau trains at the Gemini club four to six hours each day, six days a week. Stevanna Yau of Ajax dis- plays her trophy after a third-place finish at the recent Niagara Cup meet. Splish and splash at Pickering Celebrity Swim PICKERING - Teams are still needed to participate in the Pickering Swim Club's eighth annu- al Celebrity Swim. The Celebrity Swim is slated for the Pickering Recreation Complex on Apr. 5. All proceeds from this year's event will go to The War Amputations of Canada to be used locally to assist a disabled young amputee. The event also serves as the kickoff to the Pickering Swim Club's Swim-a-thon fund-raiser. The Celebrity Swim will involve numerous relay teams (four mem- bers per relay team) swimming against one another in one or more heats. The top teams from each heat will progress to the final event. The best times in each heat will reach the grand finale - the championship relay race. Town departments, service clubs, business, local politicians as well as the local media will be contacted to participate in this worthwhile event. As an added attraction, the Celebrity Swim will be offering a chance for household bragging rights as a series of parent/child races (25 metres for Swimming Fundamentals and rookie swimmers, 50 metres for all others) will be staged. Following the swimming, a social time with refreshments will be served. The awards will also be pre-, sented to the winners. The Celebrity Swim will get under way on Friday, Apr. 5 from 7: 30 p.m. to 9 pm. Teams are request- ed to be on deck at 7 p.m. The minimum entry is $40 per team for the celebrity relays and $2.50 per person for the parent/child races. For more information, call Cathy Bromley at 839-7727, Doug Wellman at 831-1088 or 831-8642 or Liz Bowes at the recreation com- plex at 831-1711. Cup -a -soup Kids move on to Ontario finals against London . Vl.■ IAVG 1-7 two goals for Pickering. Other scorers were Giglio with two and Vertolli with a single. Drawing assists were Vertolli with three, Douglas Carr with two, Bevington, Collins, Aaron Walker, Giglio and David Gillespie. Oakville captured the third game 4-3 in a disappointing effort for the Kids. Pickering led 3-2 late in the game, but a couple of mistakes allowed Oakville to tie the game and score the game win- ner. Vertolli connected for a pair of goals, while Collett added a single. Assisting were Giglio, Gillespie, Bevington and Langston. Pickering bounced back to win game four 5-2. Gillespie all ig,iv acurca two eacn with Collins scoring the other marker. Assists went to Giglio, Vertolli, Civello and Dzikow•ski. Pickering played a must -win game at home and responded with a 3-1 victory, thanks to strong goaltending from Baldi and Laderman. Carr, Civello and Bevington scored for the Kids, assisted by Langston with two, Vertolli. D'Ornellas and Collett with singles. The Oakville Rangers won the sixth game 2-0 to force the seventh and deciding game in the series. The Kids are alright The Pickering Cup -a -soup Kids minor atom 'A' hockey. 1 team advanced to the Ontario finals after defeating Oakville. Team members are back row, from left, Douglas Carr, David Gillespie, Desmond Collett, and Elio Baldl. Middle row, Darren Dzikowski, Patrick Lessard, James Langston, Drew Marks, Trevor D'Ornellas, Justin Vertolll, Joel Civello and Brett Giglio. Front row, Benny Collins, ,Ryan Bevington, Aaron Walker and Aaron Lederman. ATTENION . . GOLFERS OAKRIDGE GOLF CLUB Memberships Available For The 1991 GOLF SEASON From :700.00 For application and further __2information call: - 985-8390 General Delivery, Ashburn, Ont. LOB 1 AO .:J♦ '1'.I .a'w a�..�J .: �. _ 'N. -a :.sem `. .•�� tf �"Io lom !!!A1 .moi:. ADULT SUMMER HOCKEY LEAGUE MAY TO SEPT. � Sunday to Thursday Teams &Individuals SART THOMPSON ARENA 839.4425 :.Li-r�•f 11 �vfN1fY1>..,a .s.... � s•'C, .. Tennis sign-ups AJAX - The Ajax Tennis Club is getting ready for the meter tennis season. The tennis club will hold its spring registration and fun day is set for Sauw& 20 from 9 a.m. to noon A rain date is slated for Apr. 27. For more information, can Tony at 427-8181 or Sylvia Clark at 683-6219. STORAGE UNITS PUBUC DIDUSM& ARTTHOMpSON I- ARENA 19 0 0 T/ ti when yeti place a clessinedd ad. Use your MaslerCard or VISA. OSHAWA OFFICE HOURS MON-THURL e AJ" p,)y, FRIDAY a AJ" M SATURDAY %W A.M-.,lrtiflpK SALES MANAGEMENT OPPORTUNITY Are you:- a people motivator? - stimulated by creative opportunities? - a self-starter? - motivated by challenge and the rewards that accompany achievement? - organized? - a team player? - a problem solver? - community minded? If you believe you have these characteristics and are able to support your beliefs with a proven track record, we would be pleased to discuss the above position presently open at a very successful Metropolitan Toronto based media organization. Salary, commission, car allowance and company benefits. Mail your resume to: Sales Management Box #3010 C/o Oshawa This Week 865 Farewell Ave. Oshawa, Ontario Lix 7L5 THE TOWN OF PICKERING DEPARTMENT OF '' • COMMUNITY SERVICES AND FACILITES �� Requires PART-TIME FITNESS INSTRUCTORS The Town of Pickering Department of Community Services and Facilities is looking for knowledgeable, enthusiastic additions for the FITNES9 INSTRUCTOR TEAM. Applicants must be certified through the OFC, YMNVVCA, Seneca or George Brown College. Teaching experience is mandatory. Applications may be obtained ttom: Personnel Department Or* The Esplaniade Ontario L1 6K7 Appicafions must be returned to tfte Personnel Deparhn rd no later than Friday, April 5, 1991. Applicants selected for an audition and Interview will be contacted by the Fitness Section. Auditions w17 be held: Wednesday. Apra 24,1991 5:00 pin. PM02 Only those appicarlls selected for an interview ♦� = = / HOMEWORKERS "EKED'Earn , Vanety dIpbs araftieper �2a, hour RECORDED ores. CALL: (416) 511114 �f ext B %M Millie of CALLCLASSWW Ajax/Pickering News Advertiser THE TOWN OF PICKERING DEPARTMENT OF ' COMMUNITY SERVICES ,•� AND FACILITIES �^°'�°- Requires PART-TIME FITNESS ROOM SUPERVISOR The Town of Pickering Department of Community Services and Facilities is looking for knowledgeable, enthusiastic staff to create an environment supportive of positive wellness practices and offer opportunities for users of the Fitness Room to learn the skills they need to optimize their well-being. Applicants must have current Basic Rescuer CPR and appropriate experience in the fitness field. STFA and a degree in Physical Education or Kinesiology would be preferred. Applications may be obtained from: The Town of Pickering Personnel Department One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario L1 V 61(7 Application must be returned to the Personnel Department no later than Friday, April 5, 1991. Only those applicants selected for an interview will receive an acknowledgement. Successful applicants will be required b adhere to the provisions of our "Smoke Free Environment' policy. An Equal Opportunity Employer FULL- AND PART-TIME • Waiters/Waitresses • Bus Persons Minimum 2 years experience 428-6788 Ask for .terry REPRESENTATIVE We are a dynamic, succasshl and we1-esu"Wtsd sabs- ociarred company, dieftwing Manuel and automated plastic vents b to Industrial Marko across Canada Successful candidate must be a recent cobs" Grad., -ociened with a proven trail record in industrial Candidate will be required b cover ditrbuors, end urea and consulting engirwrs. from Tmoreo b Ottewe, with some No weak trpt out of the pcovirp. Exisn aft tech icai training will be given. We offer a base salary. pit& an exoNete pMonnana bonus, knmpany car a retarts ally, itcka h% salary Itis" n oatidatta b: Th VM PI NIdlNt S" Chun f* Plastic Lirr ft 55 (:tllldNM Hoed ThornflMl, Ontario UT as FAX 579-2236 CANCELLATION DEADLINES WEDNESDAY'S PAPER 5 P.M. MONDAY FRIDAY'S PAPER S P.M. WF DNESDAY SUNDAY'S PAPER PAL 'fHURst)AY TO ADvERT151e IN THS 1ECTIM CALL 576 -SUS 71167.72. 71671T75 LOCATION: OSHAWA, WHITBX PICKERING EARN $7.50/HR. GUARANTEED PLUS BONUSES Well established nationwide marketing firth requires people to work on a special promotion in a major department store. Complete training provided. Part-time and full -lime positions available. CALL MRS. ORLANDO 1400.668-1470 A growing truck body manufacturer seeking self motivated people who are SKILLED SHEET METAL FABRICATORS With fabricating and aluminum experience. SEMI SKILLED SHEET METAL Able to work on their own. WE OFFER: • Competitive wages • Full benefit package • Profit Maring • Full time - day time flours Apply kit person to: well reciiiin an ackrlowh;,dclemenL PK WELDING AND •••••••.••••••.•• � wto a appicaries it be required dhere � �. � • WORK AT HOME FABRICATORS to the provisions of our'Smdw Free • • f-� �h t>�/ preeada lYty )rte aeiaila • 747 BIOOr St. W., �� FOR BUSY p • 114"a"401eat • Oshawa, Ontario All Equal Opportunity Employ DEALERSHIP ,r • �► • • �► • • • • • � � • • � • APPLY IN PERSON TO: 1 1 tl omw Mitey 1 1 >+t �y 1 / tN trey 1 1 alar tltly DW�lei6 lls� CAR MANAGER _ n 1 1 1 1 MYfheii • • SHALL electrical appliance store needs 12 people as soon ATTENTION HOMEMAKERS - wouldnt you lu b be paid for E71PFJiBICED knenwunr. pe,eer wed for project in OFFICE Person - Brookln ol- fkoaialss showroom eeekip ;'VICTOIBA BC Travel apsttRr WANT MORE :for sale. Great IoeaUon, as possible ler their customer service departmartt, cars an Itocredwtip for a charge? ittayoureapertiMwetebokirg Whitby by small general contractors. Call 831-1635. versatile team player for bookkeeping, customer downtown, excellent MONEY? For .- asset. No experience for. PM -date 612 boon per f04ot91) vicetales/gerteral office 'functions. Computer apporaatly. mote Irtlorttta- Financial Freedom tion all Jerry Pallia (owner) ,. — 1 1 Nit 1 1 � necessary. Call 723-3411. 1) vtceek. morning or afternoon plettblel. i7.5o per hour, train 1 1 ekOW A ex- p«i«c. a pito. Able ro at 90 604-727-2474 after 6 p.m.. tvOfklnQ from your y � Western tint• or Sundays. NEED a fob? Got a car? Cal PART-TIME counter help 8w1YY1NG Pool service lro provided, own transports- , tkn �Md A(s>��itp lbs. Some stockwork necessary. Tetitnial orierMa- full training provided. (033191) CIM 96lil-3a60 43641021. (x/91) wanted for Pickering. Dry cleaning Plant• Weak nighisnecessar ' Person, no experience " � n� „ Call 886 1691 for an (40291) kit" we" TAKER/PASTRY CHEF Needed b menage bake shop. don a bonus. A wi1Yg autuds appreciated. Competitive ? NEw OPPORTUNITY. Make 10r IIIOre IMO LIP b 1500 a Mae per week FIIII and sun 11.800 per mon ; tlt I qutBy. Car wquNed Cal and SM5� 1 `4369321. W. int and medtrNcah Inclined- ORGANIST/ Music Director re- Wpeftnos In the trade cience necessary. Cullen W. 9W Fie salary negotiable. a2 Assemble our products. 21 FANTABTIC-«OPp�* ., hours recorded Info. gives (033111) EXPERIENCED keyboard, i8 per hour. 531-2498. (40291) quired by Ha►morty Rd. Baptbt Gardens, Whitby. Sue Green 91. (033191 of a details. (ON) 6232011 or (804) �Metlntte FYtartcW weaYt PMIniedoM Retlkn able b HOSTIHOSTESS - Ind Pry i* hand bite re Church in APPY b Uw 8888.08. (40291) BOOKKEEPER -reel smote clue" of 52Q6444. (033191) 679-3132. We teik (10 3191 � � F � yuNed for working Part-tkne fib. � b current material. ,w Bob's job? Cal '723-Ul NO Rd oehawe L.1H8 =mane gement company situated In Ajax is currently r: 1 1 NR Wel at 17 36 per hour. Plow eel voab an weL Pleete phone jJ/3r-5149` (4=1) I. (40291) 6T7 statin g qualifications, I e�lew 1 1 «P d person seskirie ESTABLISHED Interior my Toronto it 0 nunbr WANTED: 93 overweight (033 9/� of �ttp books 10 trait decorab kiglWi rnr raterMed Tor ` dtid pMner In an eading iur-;..GET paid to review book and HANISTWXT wwneed . Ajax 1.416989.3200. (40291) location, and Whitby shop. HIRING .113.95 per hour pecpb b IoM 10.29 The next 30 days. Doctor u ndelf Hwy PnteeOed tors Alex real estate belertoe an a oortpkAerhed ac- ng system. Resumes YASSEY'S k hiring full-time n iture buss "L Cal 432,211)3; t enusaW Book Ant free p e9S 60 est dirt (2s ncertt grads weli b start vrocked. fuN and pie -titre pool. , L Phone 427-3811.,,-41M � teoonstwntded. Earn *etre In- � �, 1416594- kk hen Myer. Apply in person. 774 Liverpool Rd. South. o6ioe 10 am b 4 p.ra. a must. Ideal for and salary expectation for- ! am � 1 � 1194 1 � 91) M►• f+ MpNy 4.ib3632. ""-' SM �) ' - student. 1) Pbsseal683.3384.(40291) 4,..�.::� u. -."err Wlryby This W� P.O. 461. Oshawa. L1H 71.5. �•1 AT I�1�1� - LAM.r.... itsw M*E computer training to R.N.A. with medication OTMIRIFATNER daft. gait 019bb Persons 45 and over. OVICERT. Lotus. Wordperfect, ptificals. pwl.*m for small your f+^+y fraditi t. Beautiful d -base, multimate, aocpac, nursing horns in BownrmriNe. Apply to administrator. 623. cherry. mahogany and oak cabinets, best prices, free bedford. Ventura Pagemaker, 5731. (040291) desvery and eM up. 'No GST Hward and Corel. Financial confidential atiis I I Monday on selected models.' 433 - assistance available for eligble��� iwwY- Call 430.6821. (03109 1) P.M. Clinic in Oshawa. Tuesday. 1 103 p.rrL. and Wed- 1491. (TF) students under 45 or over who 1 Thurs.230 - 590 p.m For fw- repairs. instafaoons or do k do not quality for free training. . Save SM. 25 if" 433 433 01 or -8901 or Pickering 120- BILLIARD TABLES •sale d Durham Business Computer 427.6292. (TFN) nearly new and new tables. College, 427-3010. (TF) BUS Persons required at Ham- Clearing stock before patio SECRETARY required for a t niers Night Club. 987-4226. (040391) season. Fres installation. MCD Billiards and Patio Centre, 37 person office, must be self- ADOPTION - loving couple King St. E., Bowmanvi#e. Visit motivated and wellorganized. day Cate our 3,000 sq. h. showroom. Experience an asset. For an in 1 Wan 623-5353.(033191) terview call 579-9148. (040391) Also household act $500 good ,qualified esthetician) . condition. warranteed. and BABYSITTER - 2 children, 8, QUALITY"L opine' crib with mattress. $150; double strofer sales help 1 i agents 10. Finch between Liverpool and Dixie Rd., Pickering, 7 $125. Fisher Price highchair I lamed $4,500 last month sell- a a .m.-8 30 a m. 3:30 p m.190 -4.3 $75; 2 Playpens $20 and S30. Telephone 579.6064. (04029i) Ing cakes and cookies from my m 5 days a week. p. m. slows. beds. I fields. No home. You can too Call 969 040391) ALL SCASHS paid for }ridges. 3479. (0:0.:91) HANN-irHousekeepe, needed stoves, washers, dryers, air lam looking for highly to care for 14 month old twin gib starting April 15th. 286- conditioners, dead or alive. Reasonable quality repairs to motivated agressive sales professionals for a unique new 9668 (033191) all ma r ances. Visa, concept in advertising sales. MasterCard accepted. 728. 440,. (04029,) Car Ron evenings, 68 pies. ! mpbymetrt 831-8864. (040291) 1 h wanted FREE Skids . For firewood etc., TWO WO TSALES people to join our 850 McKay Rd., Pickering, days only 7 am - 3 p.m. Mon - Winning past retail team Your MEN with trucks will do day to Friday. (040991) experience with our training household moves, cleanup Program can result in a lucra- jobs. odd jobs, decorating, AJAX Pickering Appliances - tive career. For a personal in- Painting, anything. Call Carl or $199 and up. fully guaranteed. terview call Murray 428-7539, Jane. 427-2856. (TF) Come make us a deal. 427- Kenro Suzuki. (040291) 6784. 467 Westney Rd. S., Ajax. (033191) 1 1 anllouticomemts 1 I amflOYnClm1lmtt 8ri)Cl/t wanted ERRORS AND OMISSIONS If your reW or classified ad appears today for The first time. Please check carefully to we That it is oonect in every detail. "oe of an error in your lAdvxbw 9La l or classified advertisement must be given to Atax piokenng News in time for correction before fro second insertion. The Ajax'RclwrV Nen Advertiser will not be responsible for more than one nuorrect insertion. or for damages or costs beyad the cost of to spew x�Y ocaaped by to error. Furrier, no resparobiiy will be assumed for talky.. inadvertent or other"mis to Publish arty advertisement ordered and accepted When anoeli g a, ad before expiry it is important to receive and retain yaw CANCELLATION NUMBER for poss i, kjt" rehrenw 576-9335 798-7672 798-7673 personals 1 Mtltiee hon yle FACIALS 1 112 hou,s by q,ualdied esthetician Cleansing, steam- ing, extraction, massage' mask, warrr mist, high frequency Only S25 Lash tint S7. full leg wax 578 430-2771 FRIDGE b STOVE. 17 cutxc h.. harvest gold. Top of line models. Excesent condition. SSW or best offer. Aher 6 p.m Cal 4244274. (1X13191) USED fridges and stoves. 1 year warranty on large selection. Landlords and dealers welcome. Oshawa Used Appliance Sales and Seukwne tri T -.w.... a vu VD nto, on. cordidenttal. 434-3999. (IF- L) Cal 72348521 Monday-Fnoay MCCL.ARY washer and dryer, 830 a - in- 43D p.m Free cmc almond. 2 years oke. 4 -year Tuesdays and Thursdays. warranty remaning, brand new 434530 p.m Cam 43348001 $1.300. asking $800 tint Cal during clinic hours. (TF) 723-5899. M4MiSNC) BIRTH control and tamily plan- SATHROOM sink. Excellent ning counselling. Fres and Condition. C!isomy I In . Ap- confidential atiis I I Monday Iliorxrrwtely 32- king to ft over to Friday. 8:30 a.m to 4:30 iwwY- Call 430.6821. (03109 1) P.M. Clinic in Oshawa. Tuesday. 1 103 p.rrL. and Wed- pis Liners. equipment, in - y t to 6 p.m Pickering ground and onground kits. Thurs.230 - 590 p.m For fw- repairs. instafaoons or do k it ipw 1 rnn call Oshawa . Save SM. 25 if" 433 433 01 or -8901 or Pickering 120- serving Dwham Region. Cal 8781. (TF) 427.6292. (TFN) DISTRESS Centre. Need WALLPAPER clearance -over *orisons to talk b? Cas is 1.000 raft hom W cents to $9.95 a double roll. Open 5 anytime. 4331121. 427-5839. (TF) days Per week. Mon. - Fri.. 94 awilabis com endng April 1. p.m, Sora. 9.5 pm 6236081. ADOPTION - loving couple 65 King St. E.. Bowmrwise. wishing to legally adopt (TF) Caucasian iNant- Cal collect at 7262914. (033191) COIN operated was arid(813) Mard115 - AprM 15, $5,8x5 and dryer, $650tset (w to $1 each). FACIALS 1 112 hours (by Also household act $500 good ,qualified esthetician) . condition. warranteed. and Cleansing, steaming, delivery available. Also emrwion. message. mask, dishwasher. $250. 432-7565. warm mist, high -Ir , (0402m1) Ortly M. Lash tiro, $7, full lag wax; $18.4342771. ('010491) CLEARANCE d a1 new and Used furniture, fridges and ABORTION iniomallon. Call slows. beds. I fields. No 003.803;!. (TF) reasonable offer, refused. My Daft Storer. 116 Brock SL S., POdINN riCOi Whitby 430-0561, Visa accipled. (010391) TOOL S. ' BASEBALL CARDS. hockey cards. any baseball or hockey memorabilia, pictures. autographs, preferably older nems. Call 420 -SW or 420- 3935.(041491) WANTED - stoves, fridges, washers and dryers. working or not. Also wanted, pickup truck (newer than 1978). Call Pick- ering 420-8833. (TF) 0; FIREWOOD. $125 bush cord. fans cords available, deliva . Cal evenings, 4163553620 or mobile. 432.0364. (04o2g1) ROKA LUMBER - Established 1963. Seasoned hardwood, 4xBa16'. $65 and 4x8x12'. SM. Free delivery to Oarwwa area Call 705-277-3381 days or eve -VC 434-6885- (040291) FIREWOOD - logs, cut and sok. Call 9e5-3361. (03289 1) 1 CMIpY18r/iidN AMAZING Deal - IBM corm- patble computers. 5649 or rem to own $42.50 monthly. Electric typewraers. rent to own. $17.50 mond! y. Phone Karen. 696 5533. (040291) Per metps4K PATAGONIA Parrot - cage and bid. $450 or bot offer. Phoria Keit 576-3576. (040581) 1 1 bmmft far $500 REBATE - New luxury aparttnert building 855 Wleon Rd. N d Flit Rd. Fa ket- large one bedroorns and 2 badroon ulties and pakng included. Call 430-8781. (040001) 10 Whiting Ave.. Oshaasi, our bedroom, broadloom, good storage space, fridge and stow, references, available .0 M50. Cal 720.3078. $010691) AJAX - 2-bedworn basenlsrt apatmarx. separate enaarAw non-smokers. no hots, quiet couple. $700 mondify includes uOles. dome to lake, bus and shoppP40291) races. 683 _. RABBIT wants work doing i� ods' tstng Pump. torch. sseemser AJAX . 2 bedroorq new bright trim& for cln4dimn s partes and as occmsmm. ham own 6-s902 mier, planarspacious �mbngrelectrieal listings. boenwr apsrantim Own washer. dryer. lodge. ^e9icle^ Cal Ernie 8 haNswre and more. 416ING sem' 4 faring full accounting, book - 2786. 46 Robi sora Cresons, Piece bath, eat -in kitchen. daaft, 9 ledy wB make your YNi11101111. 06=1) Cleee 10 GD and pial Cer" CB�MM� Piot wft. Ajax and Whkby area Please call 42671.2. air, vane, fully (033191) CONTENTS SALE - we're cludms cant utlS0 me^ SM Also bookkesping moving, 2 dromm with night 6rMAtM. John 420.2552, 426 JESUS is my best friend. table, brass queen seed bed, 8218. (040291) Jesus preadnmd Lie Word of God - not reIrrmkg ase berg couch Call 432-1263, 8364686' (010291) AJAX .Brand new luxurreligion.The is the hired Minister Micah sloven, waslnrs, dryer, new lakeside apartments, The 3:11, Isaiah 56:1412, John PUM - Always thought a Breakers. 1,2,3 bedroans, 10:11. signed Jin CanpbN 1- rad piano was foo big or foo awilabis com endng April 1. 705453.9475. (050991) wk's for your hone. come FeaturNg Underground poking. Kitchen table and 4 shale. see our baby grands a1 sale. a1 appliances. 1 1 dub %t IOat i OWANd Mard115 - AprM 15, $5,8x5 and Pool 428-1874, (W W91) 1 up. Pianos 433-1491. ALL)- AJAX - bright. spacious 2- FOUNDhair pointer. Call 420-1567. FMDGE, rriaowaile. SW BTU basertrMr in � k>calfort. Canto � (03319ick,c) air conditioner• lir color, TV, separate entrance, freshly 7$67M 7W7M Cad kicen table and dais, cedar painted, $625 plus 40% To Advertise call 576-9335 or 798 - PAUL'S FURNITURE REPAIRS Repairs and restor- ations to modern and antiques. Chairs, dining room and bedroom. AN touch ups done on premises. FREE ESTIMATES 427-2340 PROFESSIONAL Brick Layer specializing in fireplaces and chimneys. Will do bricks. blocks or stones of all kinds. Call Rene Gervais at Artistic Masonary Builders. 666428. (TFNALL) FURNITURE refinishing, antiques, dining and bedroom suites. pianos, office furniture, hand stripped, all repairs. in- surance claims, free pick up. delivery and estimates, experienced. Ian 284-8591, 321-6246.(042191) MACDONALD'S HOME IMPROVEMENTS. The corn Plate handymen service. Dont hesitate to ca#. NO JOB TOO SMALL 578.0977. (05log 1) H. H. RENOVATIONS . basements, bathrooms, kitchens. telling. rooting. No job too small. Cal Lucas as 839- 2451. 362451. (050291) RESIDENTIAL, and corimwr- dal construction - rerwwtbns. alterations and addkiorie, no job too small, for ttes estimates Call 4340880. (040591) NEED A NEW ROOF re roof, Ow tope, strip jobs. flats. free eetirinsaet. 4340880. (050991) CUSTOM woodworking, into rior and exterior home OV"Ww W.M. Cam Rouge Val - Will Carpenters InC. Small jobs welcorne. 2862156. (040391) S&L CONSTRUCTION - bow ment renovations done, rec rooms, in-law apartments. garages. ducks. drywall. door and window installations. OuaMy workmanship. No job too small Free estimates. Cal 426-6864. (040591) AINSWORTH Home ImPecive►iwn4. Specializing in iec toots and bethroons. also driveways and Walkways. in Zang cawing inrrodkng stone, bagged firewood. Free estinhaue. 6860088 (TF) JOURNEYMAN electrician. Specializing in service changes. rewiring. additions and renovations. All work guaranteed. free estimates. Call 4244320. (TFA) CARPENTER - Lowast prices. naming, drywall, electrical, plumbing. masonry. trim. all renovations, quality and ser - vim first, 10 years in Mads Constrtraian, Jo 5613. (TNFWFS) ; , I TERov available for "` « home renovations. addlicie alterations, kitchen, bath, drywall, skylights, 1«h, and dedu. References. For free estimates. Call 420-9114. (41001) EUROPEAN No speaa#ps - VA kicMn your bed mon or s a waft will s floor tiles. Good references and SRU$Iaetbn guaranteed. For low estkrrns D. Dykprat. 725. 49/3. (TF) FOR ant your tenowlion meds, baeMrw . and additions. coni plea service and reasonable Pd=& Core TKA Caeivakim A 29"177.(042191) SABRE Contracting - all carpentry, additions, renovations, kitchens, batiroonls, home makilsriarim o"wysncy service, k rnexte refinishing, quality work guaranteed, 15 years experience. 686-2915, (TFEFG) OCS Construction - Interior and exterior repairs, renovations and construction. No job too big or too small. # it needs to be dome, we can do it. Fasv clean. Professional work guaranteed. Call CRAIG 686- 1913. (041091) M1. plumbing ARE you thinking of having that extra washroom in your house? Then call Ray the Plumber. Prices starting from $1.750 for complete basement washroom, including vanity with marble sink, top quality Moen and American Standard fixtures. Call Ray 6865498. (TFEFG) B.G. PLUMBING- Have your plumbing done by a licensed professional specializing in basements, new work and alterations. For free estimates call Bob. Bus. 503-5662, Res. 686-2959.(051091) LOWS Painting a Decorating, interior or exterior, wallpapering, stucco and mar- bihzing trim. Hones, offices or apartments. For free estimates call Lou at 426.8583, (041191) Jul PAINTING AND DECORATING - Residential, commercial. inerior. extenor. wallpapering, quality workmanship. British tradesman, tree estimates. Call 686-5566 after 6 p.m. (042691) INTERIOR a Exterior Paining, good Prices. good work. For FREE sstmaties call anytirine. Mel 5766551 (041691) PROFESSIONAL painting and paper hanging. Quality work at fair prices. Excellent references. Cal Dant or Pat at 6838780. (050191) PROFESS10NAL painting and wallpaper;ng. 1 room or whtole house, guaranteed lowest rates. No job's too small. Quality workmanship guaranteed. Call 4342595 anytime. (TF) RICK'S painting and paper hanging. a dean prclessional job done al an aflordable price. For a free estimate at no obligation. call Rick 571 -MM. (Os0991) IOKE'S PAINTING - wall and cis" repair. ask about our gin certificates. 728-4681. (TFNALL) IIIw111/ i TLC Movig- Local and out of lowwn, hourly or hat rate. Que ty work at reasonable rates. Please Cori 427.3518. (TF) AJAX Moving Syste"s - k1 services. moves, appliance and pyo specielwa. No ran or hourly. Specializing in Durham Region Now aft" bee bores we move. Cam 427. 0005. (TF) MOVING??? We VAN now aan d trucks.allfur tlpM d moves, best rates, free estimates. lox discount for seniors. Call 571-0755. (TFNALL) R*M with linge truck will do household nskurAK commercial, All types of "loves. Call Carl or Jerks, 427. 281541, (TF) THIO men with trucks -THE MOVERS'. WE do all rA ms of ^nova- Wry eo"petiiw. Gko us Is call. PNB 576-9533 (TFALL) M0�9C�OOr� r 798-7673 J DRESSMAKING Altering, redesigning, re -cycling, 20 yrs. exp. Adults'and children's wear. Fine clothes and fun clothes, custom sewin. Joan 139-1543 ". SPRING CLEANUPS - ft's time to phone 4 you're looking for Professionals with 17 years of experience in garden care and landscape construction. Specializing in flagstone and unique gardens. NATURE'S ART 433-2145. (00991) LAWN mowing and main- tenance available - profes- sional service, reasonable rates. From S20 per, week. 479- 4737 (Azim). (040791) DAY care required. Your home or ours. Gradatsetiagon school area. Weekdays 11:15 after kindergarten and 3:15 for 8 Year old until 5:15. references. 831-3175 after 5:30. (033191) CHILD CARE PROFES- SIONAL with medical back ground will accept 4 children, toilet trained for unique home care beginning May 27, with receipts. LiverpooVFhch. 420- 8764.(033191) ay Cama 1 nurse �ho(ols %7� DURHAM PROFESSIONAL HOME DAY CARE Offers warm, loving day care for children 6 weeks and up in supervised homes at reasonable rates. Serving Ajax/Pickering area since 1984. EXPERIENCED, reliable caro available in rry holy. Fornoed yard, playroom and much more. Healthy meals and snacks provided. Non-smoker. 42746860. (033191) STEPPING Stora Chlldcare Cw" oft" pre 24 hounu day, 7 days a wesK orasiotal care and drw,n service and trarsporueon available. Ages 6 weeks to 12 years. Call Oshawa, 579.0851 anytime. (TFALL) EXPERIENCED ECE leach* and mother offers day care r bombe. Lunches and snacks. Lots of toys. big house and lot. All ages. Call 686-0007. (033191) PRE school teacher offers loving we in her home at LMMpool and Mry. 2- Exoe4aM references. receipts given. PW" rap 4243984. (033191) LOMM mother of 2, lot rally with Ministry of Community SW*M waMg to babyslt child in my Ikorrlm. Monday to Friday. Cori 4340518. (002901) NON-SlNO W nom in Ajax, avaisWe for day Care. rhewborn 10 3 years. 6 a.m. - 59D p.r1L, reasonable rales. Call 427- 9256. (033191) 10,000 flyers primed and delivered door to door to Karnes by Canada Post al low oust. Call 400.1950 a 469- 0395 (T,,,,,.(01030,) ING and Income tax Preparation, David Kropla, CGA. 42111,041112- (041201) NEED HELP? Booltkeepifg. resumes, Income tax preparation AN sern- -and clatal services. Wbrgrsriecl, a Consist. prkig pralmssionml am. Cal (TFC Shoppe.427.8005, CUSTCO mmgrlsls. PMS, no DIE logo, bot pica. Film estimates. Call ea3-7810. "Make your knPwobn ad*.' EFFICIENT AND RELIABLE your plus dwst Nllphone stand. Coffee services F , "d • two�lades, Cal Mald lip l.. hroriaL 427 -NW (012NI� 725-4910 and 725.ese5. PWNI) CHARTERED Amialinun • (TFEFG) faring full accounting, book - EXPERIENCED European kesPitg ad tax tsrvi, . per- daaft, 9 ledy wB make your sonal and business. CAN 416 - home sparkling clean. 4204ef12a- (033191) Piot wft. Ajax and Whkby area Please call 42671.2. BICOIE on Nestle done by a (033191) 1 MIM M. Bar$ apani ent, private entrance. me^ SM Also bookkesping ARE you hwft problMrls fled- and amounting servioss for Ing the time to dean amsl tltsilsss FOUND Adult cat, Harwood dwst Nllphone stand. Coffee iANio. Call Sony 8367498. electrical plumbing and hare? For poNsMpel clean. hroriaL 427 -NW (012NI� and gayly, orange stroe, nnP table, desk with hutch, • (TFEFG) M.....w R igCON Heanl 1kill San(ps hair. wmaig black and yellow COW with bei Call 693-1480. bedroom furniture. 2 solar and Chaos. 723.4988. (010291) AJAX - Tw bednoari. top five 1 today 427-1041.andyman (010691) -Ing r .4 (010381) dishwasher. ant for $2,100. Cad apani ent, private entrance. PROFESSIONAL H a l e Aga ft Ary COMPLETE kttchon cabinets, balcony, yard ft" parking Sento quaky carpentry 1 CALL CLASSIFIED GOLDEN lab/shepherd mix. dean oak color, modular fridge, stow, air, non -sunders electrical plumbing and - New mother, large, studded places, Including stainless Preferred, references, $850 decorating. etc. Small or large. D e K LAWN MAINTENANCE - leather colla. Marland and steel sink, fridge, stove, induslve, awilsble tow. 883. horfeoroffice. reoona6lawMh specializing to lawncare, Pat sea 432-75(12 (TFNALL) dishwasher. ant for $2,100. Cad 4840. (003191) excellent references. Free gardening, tree pruning and l e Aga ft Ary 725-2657. (040291) APPLIANCE SALE - Fridges AJAX yilestrey/401, badtmior bsswrwn aparirent, ssparao estimates, Call 432-8548. 7 residential am - 830 pm (TFNALL) abort gaping. Ask free spring dears up and CALL CLASSIFIED sloven, waslnrs, dryer, new entrance, parking, laundry. fartiizing. 8850. Free estimates. 686 578-9335 IfU1BDIFIER, like new. $100. and used. new washer and Cable. 3 -pc. bath, 2 pc kfldnen, SBL IT NOW I (010291) Kitchen table and 4 shale. dryer $780 set. SNpfensort s $525 a mond . firaVleq Ava1 CALL GARDENER evegAble, $17 per "B -76M $15C. 1101"ce patio self, $100. Furniture. 227 Court St., able April 1. 886.82581 leave 579•/535 week, Spring clean up SM. Cad 427 -SM (030191) Osh ns. 5767448. (010291)_ Measaga (040691) 7$67M 7W7M Cad 8314310. (040691) 79B-7873 1 1 4901-. frffY fes Mgt AJAX - large 1 bedroom base- ment apartment, separate entrance. share laundry, 5625 a1 nduliw, available April tat. 426 1429. (040591) AJAX - lovely. on►bedroom apartment. private entrance, laundry tadllties arid parking. 4 -piece bath. non-smoker. no Pets. MW mardny. frw4w. Cal 4268184. (040291) AJAX - SDaCmA 2 bedroom, central air, freshly painted, OSHAWA - main floor, 2 separate entrance. 5625 . 40% bedrooms in house. h wi klm Cal Barry at 83x7498. Nowand paving. now Ninth (013191) GM Plant, heat and water included. $675 mathly. hist and last- Call 4365194 or 725- 8967.(040791) 25- 8967.(040791) PARK"ENTWORTH - large one bedicom in new house. Seperate entrance. parking. monthl r.111dit1111te1 negolkbls. 426-3356. (040291CNIC) PICKERING - Lavge 2bedtoorn lossertrit rpaibiwrTl, Welk b lake. $750 nlcusfve, Iist and last required. 427-7895. (033191) WON 2apartment. own entrance. Large kitchen and egirg area front room wih hr"*Q k $800 monWry. walk to GO and math. 606.1305. (010581) PICKERING - Iaige 2 t, Ire ff anted gayly.somMeM Professionally Lives finished, private entrance, parking, avallable June 15. $750 includes 000ties. 420. 9457 attar 6 pAL (040291) end laigm elo bodroom r Parking. 41WM balk Seperate envanol $725 per month plus 112 utilities. Call 420-2835. (033191) PICITEANG -2-1110droanbow MWA aPWWWN for ism New GO, separate we ranee. aired - able April 1. 420-1635. (033191) FICIT[J LNapoaYF kch. auk"0 b@BWOK bus or to 00.nnspsrab antalns and yard, 4 appliances, immediate. 5550 pkis 1/3 utilities. Call 839-7157. (040791) PICKERING - one-bedro bassimm pdvft entrance, now Hwy. 2 and LkretPod. NOD kWwhw del 420-9381. Available May 1. (010281) PICKERING - LlvWF and Bayly. Esteem two be**= baemrtlefr aparilnwa, GO and other amenities, parking, fridge. stow. laundry. $730 Plus 50% utilities. Final and last. 1-416579.7578. (040301) PICKERINO - 2 bedroan baa♦ ment apartment, private entrance, antral ori. p 0 , and all" y�pabdhi � place bath, no pets, non- smoker. fist and lass. lallow- aaa la4"' - - $750 ind,shue, 4211HIM. %NW91) T hldpe. Move bun" %cow ava ll". Fireplace, RdMAM from Harmony Rd. cut off. $700. Available May 30th. Phase Call 571 -MMM. (010291) LIVERPOOL and 401. 3- bedroorn main floor, parking, walk to GO and shops, $850 m x". Apr# 1991 free. Cal 427-1684. (033191) LUXURY - executive above ground one -bedroom and den, basement apartment. Dish- washer and laundry. patio, all inckielve $800 monthly, avail- able April list. Hwy. 2 8 Whiles Rd. 420-3741. (040591) NEW one -bedroom apartment. Spacious, bright, separate entrance. parking. central air, central vac. available April 1, 686-0778; 686-2322. (040291) NORTHWEST Oshawa - spa- cious one bedroom apartment, electric heat, air, private entrance, parking, no pets, $625 inclusive. Call 263-2089. (033191) ONE bedroom apartment available. Pickering, separate entrance, $650 inclusive. Cal 286-1750 or 294.1124. (040591) ONE -BEDROOM basement apartment for rent in South Oshawa, private entrance, utilities included, close to Plaza fiist/last required. Phone 7253446. (033191) ONE -BEDROOM basement apartment. South Oshawa, $475 monthly inclusive, separate entrance and Landry. Available immediately. Suit one person.Call 728-7366. (040491) OSHAWA - 24bedroom apon- mem in house. $650, 4 -piece bath. available April 1. does, to s►wpVing and schools. quiet neighborhood, parking available. 757-5752 cosect. (040291) OSHAWA - high rise, 822 Ginn St., very spacious and clean units. Bachelor 5450 monthly, April1st; 2 -bedroom, $630, April 1st; 2 -bedroom, SM. May 1st. Cable and parking inckrdad. 5764W73. (041291) OSHAWA - King a Allison. Bright. dean. two-bedroom man Boor in duplex. Fridge, tea. Parking. yard. worage space. available May 1st. $780 ndusive. Cal (416) 263.2594. (040391) AJAX HARWOOD/DREVER One bedroonn besenere spert- ment for rent. Includes all appliances. separate entrance. P&kM avallable imrnedislely. Cal 207-8886. (04058/) AJAX newly rarmetted bitght t bedroom apartment in quiet area Udibm included. $coo per month. 4267163 or bus. 427-3755. (040391) AJAX Rideot SL. SL*mb 3 bedroons man floor. $850. I Large one bedroom $600 available klhnljd e�lyw1 Shared utilities. Tastefully decorated. appliances, new Carpets. private entrances. rand, trarwpoAMipn. shopping close. 683.7164. (010291) AJAX South - One bedlilm haniansd, $360 non8ry or un- taditles,a to hospital. shoppig, bus. Non-sma ker. Available April t. 427.832. (033191) BASEMENT - Walkout apartment, almost new, tu^nleled. vary gala, quK tercoroltkisd. parting, Thick- um"M. 2 algia our ncksivo. 0864MM (010291) MILIGWalkout alarge mMtbenw. lawldry. separate entrance. quiet neighborhood In PId1Ml4ig. PMNd ler ootpia am OW191) May lout 427- DOWNTOWN Oshawa - 1 bedroom apartment, just tarmv attire 3rd 11oor at marry 11111 In boandkm rued SM all ilekmly& won and &ML "WOW ces, sultable 1 person only. 432-9109. FAMILOUS new on"- ,, .ort basement OPartment, full 4- piece Washroom, sat -in kkhen, COW parift Weems private ontraa _82 a5 �11 io P -m a (ttls 462-2320 ns" 3 (033191) seatpe), FINCIWICTORIA Park - tarps 2 -bedroom baserfend. $750 irckisMe, asparate eriffmce, non-smoker. 492-9367. (033191) FOUR-BEDROOM t In howse. nely rMlovMW. now ewP@ft. two 4-pieceer�,�b,at,,�hs, Clam 1D Cschoo) and shopping. Oshawa. available April 1. $900 or bag agar. Cal 767. 5752 coMci. (040291) U I Pi is • 11 apamnents PICKERING PLACE "Now offers the ultimate east advantage" When you rent and occupy a suite for a full year we will give you... 3 MONTHS FREE RENT (For a limited time on selected suites) Thereby effectively reducing your 12 month rent to... $7678.75 PER MONTH VOn Selected Suites) THE SUITES spacious 3 bedroom residences up to 1,270 sq. ft. wall-to-wall carpet throughout and individual heating and air conditioning control 4 appliances including en suite washer and dryer 2 washrooms balconies or solariums in every suite storage area en suite THE BUILDING parking Included with rent play areas day care centre on sits security entry systems THE LOCATION opposite Pickering Town Centre, newly expanded to nearly 300 shops steps from Pickering Recreation Centre minutes from Hwy. 401 easy access to Pickering GO station 8 all bus routes dose t0 parks and schools We currently have a number of suites available in Pickering's most popular low rise apartment complex, but they won't last long. 1865 Glenanna Rd., Suite 115 Liverpool at Kingston Rd. (Hwy. 2) or call 831-3666 Mon.-Fri.9 a.m -9 p.m, Sat. 6 Sun. 9 a.m.4 o.m. ' _ .rte•..:•-.rs.:.w.vttiAa�i:hwt�it��?[iG�l1Ai'1�1�']�%i9�liK ry rent ,IINIt tont = $ far HMO 111 9 11 6 9 6 fn fart. e s $ Q611B6s tllw eds PICKERING - Rosebank, APARTMENTS FOR RENT at 165 & 175 Bloor St. W. Oshawa. Apply within or call PICKERING Bright, spacious. 2 bedrooms. 4 piece bath, basement apartment, appliances, private entrance, transit at door, suits couple, Non-smokers. evenings. 831- 6048.(040591) SELF ronfained walkout base- ment one-bedroon apartment with separate entrance. New GO station and all amenities. Non-smoker preferred. Call 42745532. (040591) THREE small bachelor apart. ments for rent, $450, $475, $500. Pickering, Ajax area. Cap 9-5, Monday -Friday, Tom or Davis. 427-3393. (033191) TWO-BEDROOM apartment, downtown, Oshawa. $625 in- cluding utilities. Available now. Cap 725.8580. (033791) WHITBY - 2 -bedroom, $890 monthly. Fridge. stove. heat, hydro e4udsd, washer, dryer. Available now. Phone 655. 4434 for appointment (Brian or Keith). (040291) WHITBY - Basement apartment. 1 1/2 bedrooms• laundry facilities, available immediately, $675 plus 1/3 utillBes. Telephone 831-9453. 639-5900. (040291) WHITBY - cosy one -bedroom plus den, private entrance, in- cludes frdge. stove. laundry. parking. owitrat ail. utilities. no pets. available immediately, $675 monthly. 430-2663. 040591) WHITEY - one -bedroom base- We-' apartment, separate entrance. SSW monthly. Cal 430-6987 after 5:30 p.m. 040291) WHITBY - orr-0edmi$575 mortthly. fridge. stove. hear/ 'iydro included. Available now. shone 655-4434 for appoirft"Vint. Bran or Keret. (040291) WHITE'S RD. and Hwy. 2, basement spammerit for rent. fireplace. whirlpool, marble flow, asking $850. Includes frii and stow. 420-0512. (040591) L -wale, detached specian 3•bedr00111. 2 baths, upper level, $1.075. Good lawkm. available immediately. Call 2862931. (033191) , PICKERING - 3 -bedroom . FRE E house, 2 1/2 baths, 5m gVkw e. finished baseent. close to GO, school and shopping. $1,150 monthly, first and last and utilities. Cal 886 ( Micheal before ,o am. Now is the time to take advantage I DISTRESS KALE (033033 191) PICKERING• main floor bungalow. 3 bedrooms. central ail, parking, laundry, close to everything. $885 plus. Call Doug 264.2907. (033191) STUNNING 3-beldroom estate home on 28 apes with 6 acres professionally landscaped, overlooking city of Oshawa, rent $1,000 monthly plus utilities. Cal) 668.6797. (040291) THREE bedroom bungalow. fireplace, rec room with woodstove, on large lot, with in - ground pod. Double garage, $1,200 per month plus utilities. 434-9783. (TFALL) TIRED of paying rem? Super north Oshawa semi, has in-law apartment with fireplace, car- ries rake rent. South Ajax back - split with in-law apartment - rent to own or buy with low downpayment. Call Frank Mitanwic Crann Realty 434- 3800. (040391) of our special offer. 1,2 and 3 bedroom suites in a beautiful garden home community. • Woodbuming Fireplaces • 6 Appliances • Air Conditioning • Tennis Court and Car Wash FROM 585000 MONTHLY OPEN HOUSE WED. 8 THURS. 3.7, SUNDAYS 11.4 1663 Nash Rd., Unit 18, Bowmanville (Courtice) SE corner of Nash & Trulls Roads. 434.9783 or 436-2605 Halcorp Property Management Mroom for rwRt shatilMfhamd rlted �wicommodirHodi BEST in Oshawa - large room YOUNG PROFESSIONAL or huge bachelor, private, seeking same as roommate. fridge, cable, laundry quiet Just t, f TWO-STOREY house for rem. People only. Private entrance. ans erred to area looking lot apartment, townhouse or 2.100 sq. It.. 4 bedrooms. 2 12 Cap 434-7314. (TF) house. Call and leave message baths, family room, air(416) conditioned, double G n 'caN 878.2120. (033191) car garage. Ajax, Westney Heights furnished bedsittng room. air WHITBY - professional male to arsa, no uta. $1,150. 428- conditioned. cable, use of ler9e share 4 -bedroom execu- 8614. (033191) household facilities and pool. tive home with pool. Near 0 Prefer mate. $90 weekly. first Thidkson Rd,'HWy. 2. Full use Ge111111eNciw and last. 8339131. (033191) of facilities. s500 r>onthly, tint! IFA UNFURNISHED $90weakly, last, references. 644-6370 821e. 001) Dusty, quiet home, near before 5 Pm. 5761709 alter 6 2 MONTHS FREE RENT - at- Westney and G0, non- pm' leave message. (033191) tractive office, retail and s/I nom apace available dnnkw3 air cordrionifg and APARTMENT to share• female in Prime, location seconds from laundry. 427-7113. (033191) preferred. in Scarborough for downtown Oshawa, ample AJAX - bright tumahed room $370 a month. Call 757-1447. (032991) parking, available for imf- for nonsmoker, share all 8436 oven' (040291) median occupancy. Spaces facilities. $90 weekly includes (04=1) vary n size from SW sq, ft, to telephone, cable, utilities. spas fat rill[ 1,200 sq. it. International Phone 428-6160. (040391) OSHAWA - Attractive 4- bedroom semi, basement Property Investments. 686 (040291) ROOM .n house. Use of OFFICE and warerx)," space kitchen. lace available in central Whitby, y AJAX - 1,2pp W. h. pnrtr of- at door. Walk to lake $100 light sq - Zoned I industrial. 1,000 rice and warehouse. second 1A1eekly 420-75%. Pickering. h., air conditioned office. 2.000 floor mezzanine. $425. Call 10331911 sq. ft. warehouse. 430-8943. 683-7515. (033191) PICKERING furnished morn, fodo291) 2 MONTHS FREE RENT, cable. central air, close to PRIVATE once space. prfrtr stokNrorn, olfin, retail shopping and GO bus $120 ful V Victorian decor, central anfra- and 3 -bedroom residential Per week. Call Giselle 428- secretarial, downtown Oshawa, spaces available for .,i , We 3103. (040391) available now f,om $300 oocWancy. 2 blocks south of PICKERING - Whites Rd. rrNX"Illy. Call 434-8766. (TF) downtown Oshawa anSirncne. Large bedroom in Dasemw,t. - BEAUTIFUL country setting. 5 Spaces vary in size from 3DO cabial prions jades, bite of >A 1 1 «fit tulle sq. ft. to sop sq. h., ample facilities including: kitchen. fiWlasL 839-0774. (033191) Parking. Call International lace � room �fir* As - WOOOFARM M -y. I.-Mrig. female non- anor - 1525 Property Imrestrtrnts at 868- smoker preferred. US weekly BLUEWATER PARK Nichol Ave., Whitby, 2 6797. (040291) 831.2095. (033191) bedroom units, available rm- WHITBY APARTMENTS 3""erao;rn,t available lab$; a : W."ve,'"""' . e '"'^' 1st, 869th. Fridge. at" and 1 and 2 bedroom suites in immaculate, NE1N LuxuRY y Maintained building, broadloom, 3 appliances, uasbs included. No plate. Ap Ppcatforfs may be picked up condo on hr - bow from n Whitby. s mints pod. Snooker table, games room, twin courts, from Durham Non -Profit to 1:x0, 2 bedrooms, two 4 - exercise room, laundry facilities and covered Housing, 1615 Dundas St. E., 4th floor. Lang Tower. piece mss- 5 «• � and whirlpool. underground pafking, w tap 436.6610 blalsalan�8330 panting. April list. $1,100 101 Kathleen SL W. S.M. and 4D0 p.m. weekdays. monthly. 663-4352. (040291) k4ori.-Ffi.9-73 S&L -Sun. 12-5 �m9l) WHITBY HARBOR: New 0 w� fell, - 14-114-1 luxury adult, 10th floor, 2 bedrooms, blakwy/ladaruml 2 snpirm 571-3522 CORNMfOWN COLBORNE. ONT. - Two- baths, 2 parking spaces. 5 walk o GO. ava6 3 bedroom co-operative in Whitby. Close to schools, downtown OOM 3 All 16 1(04Ml) 416- 821e. 001) appliances, app{ � ger 8661814. Perms Avail.WHITBY: New condo, able May list. Telephone 1- Merfrortt, aduk 2 bedrooms 416282-5865. (040291) 2 bphr, � room, waking distance to GO station, first NORTHEAST Oshawa. iha Broom nth free. $1,050 month, floorutilities induded 294-3872 PICKERING Basement apartment to share. Female preferred. $350 monthly. Call any- iNne. Lam fne65age. 42&6199 PICKERING - wo share large 3 -bedroom apartment with responsible iomele, (Smoker, o.k). washer and dryer, nowshopping. bus and GO. saw Inclusive monthly. 416-831- 0676 evenings or Warm mes- sage on machine. (010591) bungalow, immaculate. (0406e1) PKXEFWC - person o share 844*wmae. Isuadry , l? alk townhouse with 2 o0rrs park - P' FIRST Titter BUYERS 100% FINANCING ✓ dual fled buyers Home wnership a n be a fealty, 1/ ind out f t a yours in 1991 ✓ et caring and experience your guide CALL' Jtad' Doses. 3 bedroom. Appliances; plus too many ex- tras to list. Recently redecorated, centrally located. No reasonable oiler refusedll Whitby $129,900; Oshawa $109,500. Call 430-6044. (040291) DOWN PAYMENTS arranged. Why pay rent? own your own home from $1,200 monthly, large selection of homes available. Call Doug or Brom 666-6805. (041691) FIRST TIME BUYERS. Love to own your own home? Now is the limel From $1,295/month. Down payments arranged. Cap Kerr$ at 686-2411 or 432-1686 HomeLile Quality Realty. (040291) FOR sale - trade try house for yours. 1 am looking for some- thing smaller. Presently in a Wimpey executive home. South Nail, 4 years old. 2.140 sq. h., swmmng pool, finished rec room with walkout and shower, landscaped and beautifully deloorated, 55x116. after 5 P.M. 427-50l (040591) HOUSE FOR SALE - 3 - bedroom bungalow, finished basement, lots of upgrades, large lot, asking $139.500. Must be sold. No reasonable offer refused. 416286-7149. (040591) NORTHEAST Oshawa - 3. bedroom luck. Interlock drive and wait. fence. custom win- dow cover ngs, dishwasher, very dean. $152.9(0 or best offer. Call 434-2770. (040291) NORTHEAST OSHAWA - R PWY Cres. Detached 8 room farllily hams. over 2.'00 sq. h., 'ae(Xace. double garage. and many upgrade$. $'89.900 CAN 435.0923. (040291) PICKERING- Artraarve execu- 1,va 2 storey, large family kitchen, 2 112 baths. fainly room with fireplace and walkout, main Now laundry, central vacuum, intercom, wunty system. $229.900. No Agents. M-2154 evenings. !040291) PRIVATE sale. Beautiful 4 - bedroom executive hone r the Village Of Newcastle. $30.000 spent on upgrades. Must be seen to be believed. 967-3309 anytime. No Agents Pleasel $245.000. (040391) SOLD, SOLD. SOLD - F,rst Homy Marketing Corsunams. The Successful way to SM your home with 0% commission. Cap 430-0403. (TFNALL) MCGUIR SaleRe/Wx X.START A FAMILY. The North osnawa A i Rea Apple Ry 2-9EDROOM house, large nipt lot, 54x136 tt. deep, nee .ern bungalow s what need. Two bedrooms. 723.2017. (TFALL) Iyou (040591) /- Ltd. ✓ wakout to back Yard. backs on G Oshawa 576-3111 Fi1RNISHED: Shared aocan► modabons n Whitby to parkiand. Now all facilities. / 24 hr. paper & Basement excluded, large fenced yard, Close to all 579.1997. (040501) answering service. i URGENT - I have slab"" cash $5,000 DOWN. Move -in April 301h. Attract" 3 -bedroom raised bungalow semi in Nw t ml Oshawa 12 to 24 ,hand dosing. Now schools, prks. shopping. Mortgage and taxes. $1.250 Per month. Cap 5763941 after 6 p.rrL (040201) Z appliances, laundry facilities, saunas cise room, underground parking included. Pankig, bus, share uttlNfes. sew per I1cold pha,e Pail 16wrAB11Me 1 imp a W-9hy. 1140ormonfif in- dudes utilities. Cam 420.6647. 2-9EDROOM house, large nipt lot, 54x136 tt. deep, nee 723.2017. (TFALL) w �� (040591) appLvxx , satONie dish. 15 �3-�0�� (w OSHAWA - 3be01oom brick. BEAUTIFUL. 2 -bedroom baallkouse. End unit. PO- Fi1RNISHED: Shared aocan► modabons n Whitby Wilson Rd. South. Oshawa, 3/30.000. flexible possession Lnoloom, Un.12-5 Basement excluded, large fenced yard, Close to all sionaly finWnd paeemrt wet ler, 4 appfartcet, close b GM, M. condo, laundry and D+nkM fatiilbes 571-3058. (033191) � I"ri. 9'5r antertpies, > cop utilits Cal 5760800w 726 school, 101. w". milnt10 uilttss Cas K16) Awikbb April 3oclose o al amsrtiies and (�, $110 per 3 bedroom co-operative in Whitby. Close to schools, downtown ssw..u.a. 7139. (010291) 821e. 001) week 686.8035. (040581) and shopping. Decorated in grey, tortes with OSHAWA - 3 -bedroom bungYow, Clow b arlwolt OBNAWA-TONINFIpUSE-3 bedroom 1 12 bell grape, AJAX - Executsre 3-bsdfOOM home, furnished, air, all new bathroom and front entranceway. Fully carpeted t;✓ettly96/eT eB699 f ' rem fagappfaoM shopping and bus, five 6880 unties. pool, 4 appliances, erakou b10w ut 10 10 nw,ute oak to GO �• $400 induervs. 683- with new the in kitchen and Storage Laundry COTTAGES at Woodland AJAX 4 yew old clerk honks okra 434-7068 or 432-2232. polio. available April 1, rrtonilli 839-0434, (033191) 8436 oven' (040291) area roan lots of closet space and Estelle. 90rtiKMsnorllleastof In nice arse. 3bedrooms, 112 Pickering. Fully equipped, baths, large kitchen with (04=1) PICKERING VILLAGE AVAILABLE May 1st. Professional, responsible storage area Calf Deborah at 576-3111 or 435-0316. 12,3 and 4 bedtltotn oplUgee wrrrotR Irxldry' fenced' avail kld00r pkartbktg and ehtotsess abut April list w May 1st. As- OSHAWA - Attractive 4- bedroom semi, basement ' attractive. "Saincom townhouse, 1 1/2 baths, female o share with same. 3 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath, m4ml) heated pool, beach. boaN and king $1'048 Plus u)pties, 782- motors, store. video DOW or 6864895. (040501) excluded, 5 lances, 2 aPDI d� ��' 4 ' close to schools and GO Station, Uoanhouse n Pick -s $410 a morMh ^g 1// First in kitchen, baths. ea _ in kitchen, 3 baths, great games. y Wrlgos Gild tomes' APRIL 1 -detached 3- 33 aC1es b b plosr s tok0 C , Itrartediate, 1825 plus 2/3 $1,075 plus hydro, available May 1.CaN08BB701.(033191) and last. 1639 days w 420-8811, ask for Kathleen. . Must sell. renters readya. 428-0867 • bedroom, new house, great Many June and August utllltles. First and last. RENTING - luxury garden (033191) or 683.1570. ��1) Oshasla Wg• Irwlad openings. $225 vaeL 011011 season and yard, prhele drive grape, full References. 297-9579. (041291) homes n Cabwng, avis month Ins with one Yea► oro WHITBY •large 3 bedroom> 2 C O U R TI C E 2 Storey. 3 - tpeclsk we aveilsble. Trallr LeeliM NW tent s6as 5 Rm PKXER11G-cosy20edkopq and2bedrooms.5appgartces PftAS it=stwey, SM entrances.965 fireplace, fantasy, living and dining rooms, 3 bedroom. central air, vac., disharasler, inlerbdd are available 579-5037.` �M1� Call-7068531317.(042191)close one b W% quip neighl oAkood. to amenities, noper w 136 �roo�' central vac.. air. dedk,twndry.$500mon[h,M drive, professionally - BEAUTIFUL country setting. 5 aplllaloss, SSW pkppdygiet, 2605. (1F) 1. Cal Chris days 839.800 landstaped. fully rertotd, close Main fktw Fair bedroornfarmhouse. shed. dl klm;w_ Romfpine. fiWlasL 839-0774. (033191) �� ow ltll� end. 3245, evenings 4261144. (ate � room �fir* As - 15 minutes from Oshawa. PICKERING Village - 3. 3& VINOW king SMODOL 432.3357. (TF) 61,200 Pkv tAflliss 436-2805, AJAX - 11Me►be0roorR stain�' W434-9783, (TFALL) lbor aPP bedroom sem(, large yard, "50 Per north, first an st d last, AJAX • furnished room PICKERING Glendale, 3- bedroom house b ahre with BELLEVILLE at" on Moira River. Four-bedroom, 2 s4prale kLVOY, 5600. 863 CLARENKWT - Ow" old fr- avail" Immediately. Call etrrtigs 9667500. (040291) for non-amoker, share all facilities, $00 weekly. Includes lute other, 1,800 sq. IL. 3baths, fieplace, central air. $475 7637 evenings. Flrat/last. rriuouseforrent,vaywellkept. �� s0- ft.. �, PICKERING -attractive 3- tollpltonte, kable and unwples Phone 429-610M (040301) inclusive. 837-1992, please Uetra �1) wilt hold mortgageCulligan waser system AKim sking �i^9 AJAX . Phone 1-418-299-0313. W FEW' 3 (033191) bedroom detached. 2 -storey bedroom burgeon'' nWh level• �• 5 applienalle, mer GO and PICKERING - Fitch. east d PICKERING - Executive hone $134,900. 698.8239, anytne. (a�1) noPlu911419% fte. 64 ti00les nI0o109191) Please. 889-8057. Ill Classified schook. Ava)kbb April 1st. $000 plus 12 utNliles, non- M Whiles eooecnaire home. one bedroom, parking, storage, b share, air. c". perking. quiet location, $475. Call BROKER has $10,000 b lend at $147 per mortth. Ciortuel Jer- -W kw PNOWF$d, 939.0016. non M*W. eo Pets. CON 937- 1509 (033191) Bruce. office 420.9000. res. p7:1242/ (003191 ry at 6668605 Cwtstlun . . . . . , Financial Servioel (041691) tiyers for the Jobowing proper- es in Oahawa. 3 -bedroom bungalow with in-law aPaMTWC WON maintained 3. bedroom bungalow style North Oshawa with . h Pool a bonus. Quick closing. Please cal Ed HutchuK Crann Really 434-3800. (040291) WHITBY. For the dm&cnnu lig buyer. Fully decorated, $348.000. partially furnished. Nvngidinig morns with 60 oz. -P$L Ha% kpcMn and break. fast with cOrar is flow. Family room with oak floor, 2 wag units, oak study And powder, room with marble flow. 4.1 bedtODM 3 12 baht, sauna, large rec room, workshop, laundry, double garage. double deck, greenhouse, fully landscaped. central air/vac and intercom system, Telephone 4164 66-2786. (040291) . e apairtnient for sale OSHAWA -- triplex, 2 2 - bedroom, 1 1 -bedroom, Oshawa Centre location, ex. cellent condition. 6260,000. 579-6291 or 576-3951. (=191) ttatB a 162' FRONTAGE by 118' lot in OnM quiet. wooded. serviced lane. Close to shopping/ schools, 45 minutes from Toronto. Call 903-5103 alley 6. (033191) •M tltsllweae 1pllt� WHITBY OFFICE OR RETAIL SPACE - Pearson Lanes. $12 to 921 sq. iL 250 to 5,000 sq. ft. Fres municipal partici at few. Bill 668-5011 or 434 0123. (041991) FAST action 1st. 2nd and 3rd mortgages. Purchase refinance, power of sale, self employed, bad credit OK. Calf anytime. home service, 436- 6168, 686.8073. C.H.C. Mortgage Centre. (TF) $15,000 to lend, down pay- ments also arranged call Doug or Brent 668-6805. (041691) 1 e .04.00" LAKEFRONT LOTS $29,900 TO $44,900 Private one acre ots, sand beach, dock, children's play- ground area, 4 season the on Townshq roads. balance of ttfe lakefront owned by the Gown Cottage packages available Financed Can have complete cottage packages ready for Your summer summer holidays 1-613-472-M. 1 Florida 1llrttalt MADFIRA Beak ,C.earwaser St Deters). fully equipped, washer. dryer. 1.500 sq. it, Luxury condo, 2 baths. 2 bedrooms plus den. heated pod. Jacuzzi. top floor Directly on Gut. 723.6069 or (613) 336- 9 133. (040V 1) 369133.(040391) 1 uTPefi, trallersr 29' Prorre +o, sale r park or Clear :oke. Lakeriekd. Sleeps a. hedge, stove, hot ware, heater, shower, furnace. excellent. $8,000 or best prier 683-8039 after 6 p.m. (OM, 91 1944 SAYL'NER 15 ft. 3ownoer Be.'So no force out- board w ih '88 heavy duty trailer. AM,FM cassette, ski platform, plus accessories. $6.900. Phone 668-3816. 1 I Cam fear ale low Sprint. bin rr"Wage, s. speed. red ext.; grey int.. 4 - door, great on gas, $8.500. Piano warm cabinet. upight. excellent condition, refinished. $1.295. 433.0909. (040291) /4N Honda Accord, 4,200 km, 5 -speed, mint, must sell nmrwdwMY. Along $13,900. Call 686-1125 or 6861124. (040291) 1906 Buick Rlapal Lo. Fumy loaded, thousands in optiwls black grey leather iir"nor. 15' aluminum wheels, new sport radials. mint condition. Asking 1110.900. 433-1397. (040391) 1=0 VW Goll, certified. tun roof. aluminum sport rims. Blaupunkt AM/FM cassene with equalizer. $5,875 firm. Phone 579-0759, (040391) 1987 Bonneville. 120.000 itwy. miles. ail, 37,000. 1965 Astra Van, beige, 75,000 miles, propane. excellent condition. $5,800, best offers. 17 ft. fibreglass boat. 70 hp. Mercury, pita trailer. 32.000. 416985- 0781. (033191) 1987 Caprice Estate Wagon - 58,000 hwy. km p.s.. p.b.. p.w., p.L, power seat, air. AM/FM cassette, light group, tilt, cruise, in excellent condition. Maroon with grey interior. Cer- flied upon sale. Asking $6.750. Harold. 7267736. (040291) 1"7 Mustang, 2.3 litre, 4. cylinder. 93.000 km, auompic, $4.000. Call 728.2976. (040591) 1986 Pontiac 6000 stationwagon, 4 -cylinder, economy. 6 PUWVW, AM/ FM. p.a., p.b., nonage traveler. 75,000 milts, wee maintained. clean, must sell. $4,300 reduced. 6662526. (040291) 1986 Reliant $4,800; 1985 Buick LeSabre, Collector's Edill boded. 38,500. 1994 Dodge Sporran. 12 seater, air conditioned. loaded. WSW or beet offer. Tokpflonr 416686 2796. (010291) sit= - - E $ ...r w tatty 1 1 � / 1 hoo 1946 VOLVO 760 GLE. 19118 Blazer aulpttilh;, pot. 106.000 k . b 111116, bbd( Pb.. new brakes. now rad. bather, mitt oon,dltion. Call re ill tranffnbslon, good 7233167.(011015911) condition. 62.960. 723.5722 1966 Mercury Lynx wagon, alter 5 (0031191) 78,000 MkC 4 tV9rtder, sub, p.s.. p -b., AM/FM easaelb, cruise. tit. osrt15isd. 62.450 or best otter. 837.1583, Pifite►ing. (093191) IS" Pontiac 8000 LE. woody. aid+ wagori . one owner. V-6, sub., fully loaded. dean car, $4,295 certified. G.S.T. Included. Call 427-9722 anytime, Big Town Sales. (010591) 1965 Thunderbird, in good F w the horns of your condition. 54,000 radios. Asking w0- $4,900 or best offer. Call W6 -&earns in �S 1171. (TFNALLSNC) ow nCamaro Z•28. air, power -- windows. bdcs, certified. As- king $4,900. Call 579-5503. (040291) 1~; INSULATED STEEL ENTRANCE DOORS AT ALLIED PLASTICS SKYLIGHTS 707 ARROW ROAD WESTON, ONTARIO (416) 749-7070 THE NATIONAL HOME SHOW. BooTH NO. 165 air conditioning, Power windows• power locks. cassette, sunroof. mag wheels. $2.300 certified or best otter. Call 721-9198. (D40291) 1964 Toyota Ceica. 5 -speed. Power antenrWrnnors. stereo cassette. Eagle GT plus 4 tree. Runs well, needs some body work. Uncertified. 52.500. Lee Or Peter 931.6369. (040591) 1963 Mazda 626 LX. 2 -door coupe. 5 -speed, white/blue interior, excellent condition. 432-7815. (04o291) 1963 Omni. 4 door. halchbaCk, as is. S 1.000 Or best Offer. 430- 1956.(04C391) 1993 Pans,enne Wagon, boded. Recon XMSSN, new battery. S1.300 or boa oner. After 5 p.m call 931-5054. (033191) 1962 MAZDA 626.4 Cylinow. 5 speed. AM.FM stereo, low kms. excellent condition nsWe and out. Gully certified $2.500. Cal 427-0627. (033191 CNC) 1962 Pontiac Grand LeMans. 4 -door, auto. ps.. P.b.. cruor. air. good running condition, $1.000 or best otter Can 683- 8369. (033191) 1961 200 SX tOr Parts. $200 or � best over. Cal 693.5117, ask lar Abe. (040291) If Tournament Go Glen Cedars- Tues., May 28,1991 1981 Dodg. Maraca. air. TOURNAMENT CO-ORDINATOR MESSAGE cruse. sunroof, leather, a"ei. km on rebuilt 316 4-��«. Tee o r Green Sponsorship $,zoo. 427.,707. (03319,) plckering News Advertiser Charity Golt1w, Malibu Classic. 4 -door. for Me tenth consecutive year,th!or n am fawdli sar. csnt0d. good condrion. totanam9nt will be held to raise money n�Y sx and Pickering 51.500. Call 579-3211. Af l weeds from the golf tournament are forwarded 110 the Aj salvation Army and used to purchm food Illind 9M at C r"nos tl ' for clic less You can sponsor a tee or green which will entitle you to dinner, loco CHEW MA;IBU. low tortunate In our towns. mileage. as is. best offer. ,� And its g person. We also Supply the g Telephone 427-7359 after 5 We're asking for you help in reaching out to as many people t k• golf &cart rental for 1 p.m. (033191) with your company name on it to acknowledp y e flag i ti n easy. Simply register to PIa1► a round of golf on th4 fide Iklks of Glen Cedars and loin 1900 Plymouth Volare. 6. us tar a great dinner• M gulf's not your p", You fact stilt get In on the dinner and, 9e your contribution "Call for Jetatls. Cylinder• reliable car. as is aRlnlards, an even" of felowshlp- $600. 427-9427. (033191) il! 1 tflirlg b Thai YOU US M help -q Ottlem T /079 Malibu star 0110agon.qt) betvieln 9 a.m small VS. new starter and it you have my '`-esdoM please battery. good liras. Asking 04 5pm. Monday to friday at 6835110. $600 at is. 6863399. (04059,) : G 1979 Pinto wagon. 4 -Cylinder. 4 -speed. AM/FM CMGMte, ka Of new parts. $500. 427-7154 after 590 p -rat (040291) UN HONDA ACCORD EXI, 4 doors. automatic. fully boded. $8.500, low rilsegs. 579-2496. (040591) NO 11S.T. at Deaf$ on vvtleeK- Public Autornart/Fbr market. Older 2 acre d ve ioin for fab by owned. open every Sunday only. 1730 Simba SL N., Oshaea. 7254002- Lsere none@& (0,11=1) ONTARIO Molm Says. now, MOW. b=kW GM ECall O"Wft or ntpbyees bgb 1W SaMa�725650M1 � your best deet (04 feel) WOLFS AUTOMOBILES - 1984 Ford Ranger XL. tuft 6. tarYrWe dmsood up, beauty. 46,000 km, $3,995. 1967 R"Mt LE, air, auto, lowly bkn, 114 kris, $3,995 corlBsd- 1995 Nissan Micra. nine, sUrar, 54pow. $1,996 certified. 1984 Acadian automatic, needs nothing. $2.295 certitfed. 1902 Skyhawk Ltd.• luxurious economy, looks and runs excellent. $2,295 oertlfied. 1990 Mazda RX7, mostly nbult with a1 pants, $1200. 1979 Camaro, exceptional everything. SIAM as is. 9B6 4009,435-4161. (040291CNC) 1 lorllt94 a. (tab 199 Nissan King Cab Deluxe with iwVsmft, 55.000 high• way kite, 5epeed, 2.4 etre ER ergine. p s., pb.. a1 season steel baked radios, warranty. Cal 430.9609. (040391) 7, r__1 L_j 0 n � J o ptions Kirk Dick There are two options below to choose from. When Tournament Co-ordinatoratm 011:11tiorl I" to bodwc' � Kirk Dick your tee off tilm. � Golf & D' a inner Ertjgr 18 hoses 0f Q0 011 the Drams K w faifw" d Glen Cedars Ditlrti6Ktiadt BE A PART • tiaN the trinutargs and trnjoy a aan�ry� Y .,s OF THE GREAT r '1. . ` t_ k �x c DRIVE ` Z � . Dionet on, �:: .��' mow. x3,�� y , Winer UK (�ap�d���`rL�w/yorr/k for a case �� i^a✓„ '�`�iy R>` ••ti FOR �ho us •M.YI- {/{r1. .S�1' '�`� r5..3�A S ­ K,'P„n»�e istration a ..CHARITY Regeadin e +!�' '^ Sr'...: ,;.iKfBy I'M 191 ► ; /1 s r ! ) /"...- bYYAY x your tee of time today limited Y to-'144'Golfers,,So and regi ster683=51 , to avoid disappointment,Call, ,:"` Dick. 10 1943 Toyota 4x4. short boa 7 Inch lift kit with 35 inch � MCeeds to sah�tion Army • • News Advufser mudders, certified, asking �. vi Chilli" 8dreau . Fund Ill 430-7500. 294-1296 & i >_� sj .. - .,33T:.L.fi.s YinirslwuW9h)-�+.:nM.L.^.•+i4.i ilIS2lY44S'lr$RM. w:ihY. KiG&re9o.lf »•+0....- �.-••-FYLC"M , g r':+..-% a ' UaRy �N� H�ysLEa p`y00 1.E `GE ISS CHIS SA DON I THE NEM . A]61itTISERSA'ftkbAY,MARCIfM,'!!01-TAIWO' El Kw .. •= DODGE sPOOrrO IIAN INLCLIDES: [dual 988 ARIES 4 DOOR LE WAGON -LOADED AIR CONDITIONING Ina. 2 tone paint, 12 pass, seatog, am. J'V cl.: 4 I., auto.. spvlda. suns«een glass, smgk rear door. ONLY AUTO TRANS. cY p.s.. p.t., esus rearheal. AC. AM,flr ass..eq M/FM cloth seats, tinted glass, "1 Pac4age 4. eat a tadory .arr avae mirrors, delay wipers, st~- more. Only 43,300 miles. Bal. .4saltwertrain wart. avail. Stk. pity ' *138* 00 s18 975 SHADOW Ind.: 4 cyl., ps., p.b., air Gond., buckets, console, defroster, tinted glass, AM/FM 6 more. Bal. factory warranty. Stk. BRAND NEW! SALE! _ 1991 VOYAGER14 199 s Incudes: Ps., p.b., cloth, 5 pass. seating, � defroster tinted glass, AM/FM stereo, dual mirrors 3 more. ' . 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