HomeMy WebLinkAbout212�:JaJ l�l .1 n•.F h'!t_ HISTORY OF CNE9 rAD0O of work. Coker Roaster of fon of kid, consider the rears of many r ration., ask thy father and he N11 shoe thee, thy eiders aM they.iii tell thee. fauteronemy 321 7. Chsrryw d is part of Pickering Tfenship. 67350 Some of the ala pioneeee that Battled in S. S. No. '/ Andrew pcC"ifht came frow Ireland IN 105. are had them eons, Jura, John and Andrew. Janes ewe to Cberryuml in 1833 and worried Mary Ann Pawn, who also ewe hwi Ireland. He use been in 18" and died in 1895. He W13 a eleven member of the Stearns PrespyteH" NwM. Mean of the children who attended CherryroM sNmL Y els, John, FirBarat, Seem, Isabella AM Elizabeth. He served as Mae of the township for a nuober of yea" and elm served in no county council. He me Justice of the Peau for a Amber of From. He bought the farm for slue hwtlred dessan. The north Part he bouFht tram Mr. Shunk rrm Vaughan, Servet Arnat"n8, his Frandsen occupies the fern at "e present Edeas. He was ane that favored hiHher Mwemm soon three of his daughters were teachers W two helped to keep the Anne. They NATO six weeks taell"g free Ireland to Causes. Jones McCmiyht wowed rhor yweW after a place In Im1aM. 03ri" Hur"elter AM his wife ewe feet Pence. around 1800 and settled an the Shiley tam neer CRAM An We Intend cowoessim of Vaughan. They later sold it to Mr. Sell" end bought four AuMnd same wound ChsrrywaM. He died in 1865. aged 83 years. His site, Norman, died in 1843. Ked % Feces. gods em boweled to the old hammed" mastery at EJgaley. Rev. thrdetim Reeeor pream" Mr. Burkholder's funeral Assume and le "ase delta it took a long time to 0.o twenty Alla wire horses, Se they Aad to atop half Pay en fend the Hones, ad Mr. Burkholder ae Maui in the attermmn. Isom of the charm: Hlrick, AbMm AM Kill=, (thins) Sahel, Michael, John, Mrs. Andrew Peat, Mrs. Seffer and David. Millin and Abrahm farmed two hundred zeros rev the third to the fourth. W. termed the South hundred and sold ten acne of Iasi to Charles Petty, Sr. far a brick and tAls yand and also land whom the Methodist church now stands. He sold sae land to Jones Mainland which was owed by a dmebtar, Bella, for a neater of years. His eon, Nathaniel built the name when Charge Gtas lived. Rs"aM.l was carpenter tan Also did thrashing with me of no first atw engines. He wee a choir leader. Abraham BurMolder worked the north Part of lot 31, commsia 3, Milli= end Abraba arrled sloe", Sea and Betty Stores. AbrNa and to do a let of threshing with the old Mme Never =Nine. He "Led a there family. Bueuw, Joseph, Ben, Margaret, Sand, AWq Ideate, Hansub, Flow, Jae, getursh and Milli=. rental Hoover, Sr. wee Anna in ISMO and died SA 1881. He homiest Fumy Reeeor who was born 1n 1813 an died In 1895. Mey belonged An no and Memento church. 'they settled on iat 35, ecommion 3, Pickard" around 1X35. Seem of their children: Peter, R. Hoover, miller at Dicks= Hill, Forest Hills, Clarkes Hallen and Green River. we sen" as councillor for the tow - ship AM also Justice of Peace. Naf, were Abrahm, DaMel, John, Benjamin and falls who marled Me$ Hoover. His can Daniel =cried Julia Am Burkholder. He worked his fathers fa" Where Us" 'Tyler mw lives W he alae ata z thrasher. No belonged to the Methodist church. Jacob 0. Reeeor was Mm in 1024 and we ordained a deacon in no Hematite murcA In 1963. He named at Neither W Allaa cgumAm. He mauled nidateth Hirhmander and farmed on lot 34, concession 4, Pickering. Vale m. is omM by Moe Sensor at the present thee. He died in IM. Memm of his children: Anne Willies, Jacob, gllvbeth, Selina, Parry, and Martie. Abusive Serene was Wrn in 1815 and died in 1955s He gorging Mies `hank four VauPhan. He Bad two hundred acres of land an l.ot 34, concession 3 and also one hundred acres across the third emaeseioo which use later worked by Edgar Pilkey, Wien he divided his lowed cat the north part and Isaac the south half. His children we" Male, Elisabeth, Pigging, Nary, Abraham, Isaac. Moms Lawson, who came from England in 1851 fanged an this farm far sixteen years. Robeet Caudle, who came free Boatload, ran a ditcher end did a lot of draining for the on1ghbOms. His really were Goerge, Rueben, hY11Lms issues, Mary, Agdee, Maggie, Robert, John, Morvan and Susie. He later cored to Engine Palls and James JeN3ro cure on the farm. His children were Joseph. Arnie, Polly, Edith, Tame. Arthur Jackson, who worked for Robert Caflmd bought seventy acres. Rhe south hundred acres waa sold to Hash Beeear and the thirty acres across the third to Thanes Caster. Jahn B. Reeser, son of Nosh Reeeor who Was a deacon An the Create, Hashemite church bought it god alae thirty scree Iron the garter estate. He died in 1943 and the fam was sold to James Berland and is still in the garland name. Memos of his splurged: A:nia, includes Mgry and Martha (twins). John Cober was barn in Vaughan in 1030. Me was the youngest em of Bishop Peder Coker, we of the pioneer ministers of the Tanker center. He enure to Pickering argued 1858 A d married Hary gadder. He swabs Part of the rarer. His wife ued in 1862 and he later mrrled Suaeanah Shaffer, 'unitchurch. He used to have menting 1n his hung every staters weeks for forty years. Bishops were Peter Conor, Banned. $Older of Pdgeley, Ssmuel Raker of Cormley and Henry Heise of Victorls Square. Ministers were Christian Hoover of Gorpley, Jahn Ryer of Hegdread, John Byer of Markham, Peter Maker of Cornley, Peter Stickley of Bethesda ad Abraham ginger of Coming. Jahn Cober sold his farm to his am Jesse and retired in 1984 near Goreley and died in 1918. His children were Peter, Susan, PAM,, Bagel, Sarah. Second fanny were MaRha Jane, Mary Are, NnjarSn, Joseph, Nancy, Jesse, E®a11ne and George. Peter Cobvs sen of the above worked the Indeed Burger farm and also the Abrabem Burkholder fan He ws a thresher for a member of years. In 1896 he moved to MirAlgen. His tardy were Alfred, Jose Charlie, Edward and Mary. Isaac Heyer vas barn at Vineland in 1822 and died An 1898. He cone to Cherrysaod ground IMM and Worked a fifty acre farm on tut 31, concession 4 Pickering. He we utod for Being a good fishe man goal enBoyed eating then wawell. He wasamber of the and ienaaadts church, He wasa Bil man sad irhed "or twhdred poundg in his older days. He used tcoke sausage whim he sold in the codmaaity. His family were Moana, Earth and Angeline. His last Aife, Morbus 9erkey. was a Aides ebo bade n, Mnrtm Barka ,we we married Esther Burkholder. Pa pardoned thirteenacres on lot 34, rsAlm 2, Mekeriop. His ebildren mere Mise and Joseph. Ellam married Mary Recent. Ile boupld the bantams Stevens fare. His children arm, Alms, Frank, Me, Hilbur, Meq .Arnie And Joseph. Joseph, brother of gilts, married Arnie Mmsov and still fardaw the home plate. He bought the Jews M.mRrma Ion ye is a deacon 1n the Aeewr prismatic therein. Esther, a daughter, is at home. Pred Bench cant fns Cemn.wll. England vban me we sewn years old. He we thirteen reeks eeminP acres@ Nem He settled M Brock township, Mr. Beech we Me first blacksmith 1n Mv it ale. He wrked three years alth another simkwith to learn the trade. He marked for very little money. Bill (i&mw we his flret helper and he etternrd did bleekutthing. Mr. Beech Was barn 1n 1835. He bought one hundred and fifty &ares of land mouth of Cherrymead 1n IV2. He was a local minister among the Bible CTristians and way later mperLrterkent of the Sunday School. Me childram re Mary Jan, Ezra, Wesley, Hamlet, Ma. Henry, Frank, Albert am Wanted. Mr. Basch we a we was "I a very Prosperous fanner. He carried Hemsh Brlgnall of England. Francis Judd cams to Cherrywc l from Devonshire. Hyland 10 1892. He me a laboring ®n end in his older days he leaked after the Erskine cemetery. He we a refuter Attendant of the Methodist church. News of his Mildrenn Bessie, Frank, doily, Hazy, W1111m, More, George. M1mde, flows, Has, and Robert. Andrea Allison we love At Smtle" in 1834. He taught school In Mitevele for s number of years than bought a fifty acre fare in 1899. He raised a large family. He res an elder in funbarton Presbyterian church. He we • strict tempermw mans and a rayl father. Us childrm wren John, Am&, Janet, Andrew, Margaret, Archie, Violate Dlbe, Joseph. JMn Fames came fr® Ryland In 1852. He we three wets coming across In a ening vessel. He had loam" the moon trade In England. Wan did lot of meson wrk around CherryAeed Militia is still M float clave shape to-0ay. He made mortar that stuck on hard as a briek. He Wilt stow houses for Thomas Bernard. MaMrt GarL", John Cebm, Joseph Barka on the elfhtb of Markham. Teeny Gea, Jo!n Hooray an the minth of Wrknm, smd Jahn Pear" of Hillside. He also built his am house and all ki"a of lams. Be did the mem mark for the Methodist church. He marked for tea dollars from sunrise till sunset and elm wrkel a fifty was Term. go had flat ts sm three daughters. Three of the sone were meets. Easy all marked ogether until he died in 1895. The least they wrk" for was fifteen cents m hour. &an man could W as mac as me thowa" brieks in a day straight going. Benjamin Morn married and dams to Pickering th 1X49 and settled an lot 31, concamim 2. Mr. Elect died in March 1895, the sea day m hie neighbour, Samuel Hollinger, died. l'hey bad eight children, namely, Mrs. Stmkdale of mertem Canada, Mrs. Andersen of Torente, Mrs. Sinclair, Mrs. William Totem an lent 33, concession I, Mrs. Avid Mainland. of Staffaille, dillies on the old homestead, Tem in Hamilton, aha Mary of Cbarrywoed. These are acme of the grandchildren. Wm. Sinclair mho 0 the r rafe and Halt, Jemte and Samuel Dixon and Clara am married Jams Burkholder. May belonged to Danbartan Presbyterian church. Thoma and gra. Peat came free Lerfo, Plfeehime in 1635 and settled on n n let 20, concesaian 2. Nair family of one so and three daughters e all deceased. Mr. Peat diad to 1850 aped 73 years and Mm. Peat died in 1066 egad 82 years. Nair daughter, Helen, Mrs. We. Taylor Sr. died on May 11, 1908. ' John Sinclair alae ham in 1055 and died in 1943 aged 00 years. He me married to one of C.F. Pettys daughters. He famed on Lat 33, cm - cession 1. His children sere Allied, Bert and JexSe. George Helllnoer Sr. am and, of the first pioneers. Be awed Int 32, Geareeem i 2. He has the emw deed and it IN still in the Hollinger It is wrked by his FrAbdomp Molter. His family vers Cannot, Jahn, William, George, Farpret, fury and, theins, Rete sed Lights. Sexual ase born on the old hmeatead to 1M. He wrked pert of bis Gainers farm. His children acre George, Harriet, Millim mba wet to vertem Canada, and George mmie8 Enth Sterling. Their family were Tillie, Crla, Homan, Pearl artl Pelma. Mm. Hollinger Sr. who we tom an the old bomestead in 1035 carried Petty Am Am. He man an elder 1n am Pmetyterlen chureb. He we a careful father erg bought from his brothers the old bahastead.in He had am am, Walter, Ma oven the old fem. Walter mrried Dells Gates, oldest daughter of George Cates. Their children were Leslie, William Merle, Murray, path, Mildred, Lenard, Darla, Cecil and HameW. Lenard lives an the old hcaesteed add William bought the BaGamSn Reeser farm. Another am wrm Ne Pap Peters farm union his father bought. He has lade a real suttees of Geaing. Their IMmOtars am ell burled in the Mennonite ematery at Cedar Grove. Alemhder Ferguson cars from Scalend in 1035. He ws a school teacher lid taught on the second concession near Dawarcon. He had three some, Jame$, 'Willi= ard Alaaeder. Jones get the old hmaetead. He me a enter and a tomer. His family was Walter, oho mnied Fattie YacFeae roAlice married ids. Judd. Children were Mandate Mary and Bllrabeth (tains). Florence earned Charles Petty. Prances harried go. Petty. Children mere Bestride, Agave, Laura, Gordon. David Gilchrist we ham It Imago, Pifeebire in 1806. Him vife, May Skitter and the first child came to Croda an an eight week voyage in 1862. May settled on lot 27, concession 2. He wee a active member of Brekim church am served the municipality aeeD{ or for my years. Their children were Isabw ella, George, Willd,avld. Robert, Alexander, Clhrttina. Jams sed Paye Mn. Jahn Somerville of Cherrywood. Me. Gilchrist died in 1880 ad Mrs. Gilchrist died in 1802. William GS1Mri"G eve farmed part of int 27, concession 2. He ws a member of Dmbartan Presbyterian church. He died Jan. 12, aged ninety years. Jams, a brother, farmed the other fifty acres until about 1900 he stand alth bis fatly to waters Croda. He we a nrylAr etteMent of aerryvood Methodist seems. His children were HSFgie, Fred, Joanne, Herbert and Addis. James lawem married Isabella Gilchrist and fumed m Lot n, con- cession 3. He died W16V and his wife diad in 1911. They were members of Dumbarton Presbyterian church. no family aro Elizabeth, David, Mary, Alexander, Isabella, William, Qrletina, Mrs. Alfred Stover, and George. Wm. Overlie, a native of 9erwic"hi", came to S"rboro in 1832 end afterward settled on let 24. mate of cmeessien 2. He died CD 1875 and his wife died in 1802. Family were Jane, Kra. Alexander bunter. Ann, Jeanie, Hobert, Jesse and George. He we can of the old pioneers of the Erskine Presbyterian church. His youngest am, George, got the old homestead. He was n active member of the DUMartm churM and died in 1895. the children we" Louis, Kenneth, William, Ella, John, Sandy and Harry. John Taylor, with hie wife and family, fame from Noortbfold, England and settled on let 32, concession 2. Mr. Taylor died la 1847 aged fifty yea" and Mrs. Taylor died in 1083 at the age of eighty -aim yen". Their children "" John, 'Allied, Hobart, Sarah, Emily, James, Fad married a Collins and Mary married a Decades. no van, James, settled an let 29, concession 2 until he died in 1910 aged scanty -five years. He we s prosperous farmer and a devoted damson In the Methodist church. He was also a real father in the church. His children were Willim, Lloyd, Iran@, Elizabeth, H". Thomas Hande"m, Baily. Mrs. Johnstan, 0419, Mrs. Amis, and Arthur occupies the old hmeateed. His children a" Stanley, Ruth, Earl and Puy. 'm. Taylor, another brother, married Race Peat who died So 1¢18. He was well known ever the township. He was an apple NA"r and .hipper. He a member of Dumbarton Presbyterian chureh and a staunch Liberal,ni Ale grander stayed with them in their aid days. She acs s deem maker and Millibar. Alexander Davidson and his wife. Mary Proctor, from Aberdeenshire we to Canada in 1846. Their family were Minion George, James. Julian end Mare James ms a ed Ellen Heir. He got the old homestead which later was famed by his van. Mr. Davidson we a acted horseman and always showed his horses at the fall fain. He was a trustee for the school for a anchor of years. He was also a prosperous former. His children were James, who worked the old homestead, Hobert, a blacksmith. John who want to the States, George who worked the Abraham Burkholder farm, R"eel on the Ben Stwer fare and Lucille who lives M Toronto. Mr. Davidson died Jan. 19, 1928, aged seventy-nine years. John Brander married Mary Taylor, a minter of 'Slllev and debate of GTerrywood. Pe come from Scotland. He neeed fifty acres end want to the Erskine Presbyterian church. Names of hintchildren, Million, John, daily, Annie. They all want to Che"ywod school. Annie, who to still living, is one of the old timers. John and Patrick Tesfy came from Tipperary, Ireland to G"umad Sn 1010. John we a cobbler and stayed at Greenwood. Patrick cm to Cherry. wood around 1500 and bought Casper Stotts fame. There were seam doughm" eM on. an 'J x 11 tH:. who as the oaopn_t lie w.rrlrn i'nry Ye: n .ekof urt.r fritter ...i'atrlaek HCOriak®. Mm b ukht Um Coder Ian' LetArtneo 31. set"I t 1'irkurinl'- Hip !:wily xarn Edith. Nura, IM. LL'f, Alice] ucL.'.r' , Vail, ilea. Vtrk.o. Whale. Nallln, Era. Hagan. I:lluteth, ..rr- ,44m Ghank, vh.. :is oil, of tie '.damaro, worried ica tRa they and settled whrIV SenJu-in Heaenr Jr, lived. III, foully am batiste w:+rrled Jacob Shark, rally serried Christian Starer. $man serried Lamtal Stover, Hattie mulled Ebenwaor Conk and two ease Mahal Had Lanuel. John Shank died in 1:3o aped neventy ash hie wife, Hary Yagdaline died Is 18% Mae 5 year Tnay are berried in the Heuaar cemetery. Jacob Simple who America GrI,w*Shank owned two hundred ace of Lot 28, aonceeafoo 3. He also built the millatClarks Honor and owned .we property there Mich he last thrayb dishonest means and died a poor anti at Conger (1) fn 18V! aged SU years. H14 Wife died at her sons have in khitvale in 1903 said 90 years. May e Pramites and am Hurled in the Reeser eanetery. Their children were Peter, Jack, Abraham, William, Adam. losses Samuel, Hettlo, Harrah am Annie. Jacob Shank took care of his father ash mother when they Had small ThTa They both died nod he buried them on the old farm. e more owe df theold pioneers. Clarke eollow mill end .tore were run by W. Stauffer. He Had two daurhtere Who want to Cherrywom whool. may mang 1n the first choir in the church in 1894. Xr. Clark also had the store. Hr. Amos Stover learned the mllssnp trade free Wr. Stauffer who later sold the mill to P. R. Hower and he finished his apprenticeship with hie. He married Slue Jose Herman, William Hills farmed Hae also was a thrasher. He thrashed for as iw as 21.00 and had two men besides. Samuel T. Stover and wife vera born around 1985. They are make Of the gleet settlers who are burled in the Reeser cemetery. May came ftw Pesm. and bought lot 34, concession 2, Pickering. Their childrem were Christian, Samuel, Peter, Joseph,airNam, Herman add two daughters. They attended the Reesor Yennoedte church. Christian Married Polly Shank evil farmed fifty acres on lot 29, possession 3. Naeem of their fainly we" Joseph, YathLa, ?ether, Puny, Susan, Marie, Chirac, Heron, Humid, nits, Lost ash Pea. Towfest eon of the above married Births Jane Burkholder Bud lived oa the old fare. He ]nater sold it to Russel DeTbison. Site Abraham Burkhalter msrrled Sumama Harkhclmer. Their children were Allied ash Alice. Alfred married Law Lawson and raw lives in North Hwkhw. repay Stover married Abraham Hoover am lived Mere George Todd wow lives and ganaline meeried NAthaslel Burkholder. They had one am, Haway. Christian Buekleldar who elected Elizabeth Hoover was me of the old pioneers. He settled on Lot 350 a sslon 3, riud Pickeng, helonged to the Reeeor i:wnaSte church. their children were Noah, Romapaa ash Elizaberb. Noah married Matilda Burkay of Harkbam. NO tied as a trustee for the school for a number of years. He had one of the best farm in the township And tie a goof Copper. he kept averytbing in goad repair. His children were Nettie, Jacob, Joseph. Jacob married Leila Bf®a and lived on the fano until his dean. He had one son, Craft, WHO lav works the fare. Grant has one child making the fifth generation of Burkholdsm on that farm. .hams Necane weeded Miss Palliator of unu.vele and fumed Lat 34, OrIc,qilion 2 He ntteulM Man Im,byterinn churtL. TL.Ir children vee John. Frani, ddlth, AImrta, Katie sed Cllve. Jose1L Isughlln 1, rrivd Plow Paris nn.1 varkad lnL 34, ct eaiw 2 Thre Pan Children ., e Jamve, leeee sed i6mah. James m mlwl Mary Coxnorth and Luing. tin oldhmuwtood. F..a was very Particular Arvar al[ very Dltegetic in all ilia week. F. won e doican in tile kethMiet thumb uM wen also sullmint ndwat of le.�'mMy +ebw1 for a term. Ills eNr ldm, v :ca e Jahn d LOttia. 1111"Ph clrriadhtella bacL cf {:TStrv,le and famed hot: , concession 3. Ile attended whltevale P I2fat church. The Children were Mehel, Waley. Charlie. Arthur, Navion, EW1e aM Stella. Charles Petty Sr. came to Carode and worked for Mr. Snowball an the seventh concession or amour. He awe to Cherrywaod in 1558. He first headat som land trod ie. HcCrelfhL uM wide brick am the am later Oil ten acres free wo. Burkholder St. At first Mr, Petty weds the with a ucTLw which they turned by hand. He uavally hired face nen. At first he puld than thirty dollars a mmth and they marded themselves and later on he Wit tare fifty dollars a Month. Miry houPht two hundred cards of four fact werad for the klbm for can year for 32.90 a card delivered. The men who worked for alit re 'dm. Harris, George Cstea, Charlie Lintner, Ceorge Aland, George uullaos, and Joe Coates. Hr. Petty died in IM owed e3 Knees. He first lived in a little have@ aerau the read fare the school halloo w'. the siderced. He built the store and bought thirty-five acme of Me north pert of pap Peters fere. Mr. Petty also bought the carpenter Map and the hwee south of the school am also the Collins place. Tree Petty@ were stiff commentives and regular cttendanb of Me Methodist dhurM. he bauugttA meledlan from England aid used It b tae ehureh. (It is in his gramsrn, 'deal" Petty., Name). Me children are Millidq Charlie. and Jones (derueed;. Hilliam worked at Brampton for @armtme and nxrrled there. Later he bought a fare, had 35, concession 2, Pickering. am lived Were till he died. His Mildren were Charlie, if111irm, John, Yep aM Hart. Charlie g., varried . Smith in ISM. They toot days of thele parents in their aid days. There eidldren were Game, Ernest and He@ley. Aeslay married 'dill Sdnclairn daughter am has a enrage in Cneirywaad. Ernest married Hazel Todd, daughter of Jones Told. Charles Smith erne to CherrywoW fret the Old country and varr_ed Mise ?allleter. He worked fifty acres on wit 32, concession 2. Tney were faithful acclaim of the Meicadlat church. Same@ of Children, M111bm, Jabs, Am Am -s. Starry whose dauebter, Haah, married Fred Modern. 'ITe rata was sola to ?zw bert Garland. It is beside their other fifty acre tam.. hk. Howie lived is the iahert Carload! halloo. He and hie wife came tram Yorkshire. Englail In 1875. a laboring ween and also a ditcher CdA he did a lot a work far Mr. !'etty in the brick pend. Their children yam Nateon, Janes, SHIM, Jeer, ?dvara, Ira and Mary, lbey left for weatern Canada arewW 15G). James Mainland am his wife bought slnl.em seem of the W. Euckhelder fez-.. .ielr ehlldrcn were David. Jamba, Jessie am Della. learl e rates, eon of Jonathan Cates, carried Visa e. He was a laboring man and did o lot of ne cuttim. Nn re a larvl worker. darer he bought the BJanan Y.eMeis n fano. Their children were Della, Volae, Leonard, Milmet am Fa.11y. Jcl.n Henderson ums born in LLnMes, Scotland. His father was a mill rlrht thare. They came to Canada in 1866 and were seven GeeM eomLg awes. Tho got land in N(fins Creek, now called Pickering Villnre. Their cottage is still standing, two houses west of the United church, and Se in poo condition. He served an makiW coffins by esndle light 10 the old Shap which las recentely Men torn down. lie was am of the first bloats in the old Preshherinn chWeh. His grandson, Welter Henderson, has hL snuff ba[ in his poaeesotm. It is made out of a thorn tree In Scotland and also his aid am chair. Lusa of his children, Joseph, J---a, John, William, most Thmee who taught school in Charrywaad, and Wry Mo carried JMn Hankie Me lived on the old homestead until he died. Joan Henderson, em of the above, was born in 1852 and marrial Vary Jam Wrnasd, daughter of Minas Succeed Amiga. He bought the Barnard fees uW farmed it Until 1912. He we a prominent can in the HethMist church. He aerve] an school treat" with Geroge Davidson AM - kbM Purkholder for fourteen mccessive yeah. He was a geed fees" and a good carpenter. Names of his children, Raises. Harvgs goes, Ralph and Fresh. He sold the farm to George Gates end spent his last days with his eon. Rose. Thome Barnard atom from Yorkshire. PnglaM AM eattled an lot 33, concession 2 in 1850. He married Charlotte Hageman. He was the first vupeo- intendant in she kNhadist church. He mvM to Smithville around IM uW bouvht two hwgred acres or lend. He died armed 3BBa, Me Sunday school had Presented him with a beautiful am chair, which his grandson, welter Henderson has in his msseesion and prises it very highly. He was me of the old time class leaders and also served as councillor in Pickering township. His children were Perry Jane, Sinclair and Ambrose. George Hedges bought the farm where Jame Taylor lived m Lot 32, Me- cessi2. They were regular atteeate of the Wthodist church.Me- hildren were Jubart end Share. lot 32, succession 3, Pickering was deeded fees the Crow An the year 1801 to George Stewart. It we Sold to Jobs Byers Sr. than to Christian Raymer, Daniel Hoover, James Dime and then to Jesse Todd can the year ISW Am took possession an the first day of April. It is still farmed by his oma, George. All the buildings an the property Mae been built by the RMde 1n the fifty-five years. During that period of time me Omer defaulted payment ends lost the property. Mother renter vee moble to pay two "are rent and James Diana, the own , agreed to waiver the rest if he would start a atom fence in the centre of the farm which he did and it L now all the way, access the face. Herd work through gaol and bad years has made the farm as it is ten-day. Just relating me instance of Jame Todd paying a hired man William Hilts who took thirty-five alga of potatms to Toronto MSU was twenty-five miles. He had five dollars for the potatoes after paying hostler fees, Apple and two tall gates mut of ua total price. James Todd married Marek Wdgsm In ISSU. May lived to celebrate their Golden •Wedding 1n 1932 an the fees of their sm. Hr. Tadd died in l9ls and yrs. Todd in 1936. Ye. Todd did nM have a let of Mutation. He worked an farms and other work. He cradled grain frcm daylight Vatil dark AM received for a years wages $110.00. He worked at anything to make the honest dollar. He was active in church cork, Bang th the chair taught a Suaday School class and we superintendent for years. HL wife Asda bread, butter Anal soap and raised a family of three children, Cnarlle who died In 1922, Road married Ernest Patty and George married Racial Judd. He still Operates ma farm, Is active in church work and served nine yea a Sunday aol superintendent. He had followed in his fathers raotetepa and has rved ten "are on township council, being Peeve at Ne present time. His wife has also done a great deal to aske Me fare whet it is. She Me also been active in Sunday School and church having been organist for over thirty years. A rine m' of maples were planted an We roadside bordering the farm and also elfht aures of apple nrWard in 1096. William Hilts worked for Mr. 'Todd for Mae years and no Job was too big for him to tackle. Mr. Hilts still lives at WhItnale. Richard Blake also worked for MID for three years and carried Mabel 0slaM. Scarfs Deland and his Wife cava to Chorrywtd around 1859 free Part Hope and lived in the Garland hoses an the Harkholdn fare. He did a lot of hand Work for the farmers and later moved to gips MMcbel both nslee addle aiirss, died. Their children Were William, Bert, y, Flare, Russel and Mermen. William Spencer and his wife came free the old Codntry. He we a imeoeing and did a lot or dculdlag. He bought three acres off the north east sooner oS the Abram Barkholder fare add drained it. He Was a number sere gardener and sold hie produce in the near by villages. He Md too daughters Who died in childhood hon Mptheria. James Skapman and his Wife Were 501110 Of the early eottlere. He was a laborld, man of a nate, it,,mitian. He was eeretaker of the school for a number of years. Means of Me million! Jack, George, MAggle, LSeaie, Ell= fari'eBInharhom gataMe and of We s, by thend eeenlived latter accesn the s fam We SECos�t echoel. He Was a laboring San. He and George Gates did A lot or wad matting add sawing and at saving bees they were considered the Met 55pero. they also worked on the fare for Mr. McCreight. IDeir eon, Edward, had a black* Orlin shop at Magwad and later at StoufMlle. Thumae Carter-bought a hundred acre fare an LSt 34, Succession g. He lived at Whitnala and HeMnd the farm to M5 Sm, Willi=, for a number of years.Waves of WilliamstchidJohn What el. son,en, rentedNemee of heir lroon lily, End, Made and Charlie. Joseph Snd Mrs. Collins With their fealty lived in a stove horse on the towdlne nese the second concession at Pickering. Their Children Were qry, Nameh, Bather, JoserA and Jabez. Their eon Joseph lived an l the place until he died. His family ere Alfred. John, Joseph, o Handle end June. Mrs. Robert Milroy, mother of MIS, Mrs. Hey Morrish, who lives at Morrywood at the stare. Jibes vrried Fumy Taylor and thq lived on the atom road south of the second concession. Their family wens gather, Arthur, Albert., Joseph and Sidney. M'. Collins died Ne year We prevent Cherrywnd church Was built. They attended the church at Highland! Creek. Hobart Fomry lived at the career of the third and the toeNine. He ere a blacksmith and M1ie shop was near his house. IS had a family of four. :William. J. married Father Collins and spent most or his life arewd Savory- wood. His children were Leila, and Herbert and rove a lekery zh Pickering v11LFe. John Larkin, eon of name Larkin, mrrl d Am Garland who terve fees Irmlend. He had two sisters Amie andtklar. Arnie became a religious nun 1n the order called Loretta sisters or Toronto. Mine ""led In later life to Mr. v1shael Gleason who was a femoral store keeper. Johnnie Larkin and his two sisttookers to formingtheir andrhourhtgat seveoty-five acres on the southol in the Old 10F. West part house- O He p oI lot 34. concession 4. Pfrkerin6, 11cm Hr. Ulrlck Burkholder. Later he purchased enty-five acme fres the Beale Brea. of *Jtevale who at one tine awned the hotel. Be also bought fifty acres from his sisters. He married lets Sic life to Josephine C'Lenry of Audley and had a family or two sons and two daughters. His youngest son died In childhood. His daughters grew up and were smoelea at public school and high school and Finished at Loretta Abbey after which the eldest mrri d a young man by the name of James O'Comar. His am, John Juridic O'Conner use a prosperous rimer. later 1thheeuaa wows s old to Me. Haler• ie• name Larkin (Am Garland). "are then mreled Patrick Nalm who can from Iemle and lived and worked at Robert Garland Sr.'s Ler three "are. They had three come. The, Jim, Robert. r of rs t Allung. boug'tlived the Bradshavake Share ram of merhundredeand fifty waves esand still laterethey they boukht the Frets faun white Robert now lives. Robert maied Margaret nth patrick am ve irls- Seam of ly or@ still living.hAll wave won nducete at kha family Of fire Imel 8111 lt mals public actual Sand Hhe art- hom high school. nay all graduated with high corks and good gmllfiCAUGm as teachers and held very respomlble poeltlma. Che daughter. Map, became a mit in Religious NCer of the Cool Shepherd and is aw or their wtstandiM teachers. Thome Peep and his brother. Patrick, cow crow Ireland to Clarke Hollow. nor were goad workers at aro kcal of work. They had large famkles. Tha1r descendant; all did wall and many acre well to do remove. Robert Garland Sr. ram real Ireland end bought the come hundred sere Farm an lot 33. comeveim 3s Pickering, Orem Jose Eyer In 1842. John Byer had bought it from the Rev. Cwrge C'%Jn Stuart. AreMwcon of Kingstme in 18yT for M.W. no Rev. George 0'X111 Stuart got it tram the Crow In 1801. School; CarLnd Jr, sled Mary Clancy were mmled Cat. 18, 1863 1n the county of Almost, switch Iaughgell, Ireland. They came to Canada and settled on his fathers farm. nay had a family of fifteen children. Foal died In Infancy. The eleven who grew W me" Men, John, James, Robert, Mary, kla- Abeth, Mnie, Genres, Joseph, and Baily and bulx am were Salm. no farms that are In the Garland dome at present are, the We. Burkholder fes of eighty res and one hundred acres at Cherryunod, the Jahn S. Reeser faun or one hundred and thirty acres end John Farlande farm of one hundred acres an Iut 32, concession 3. His rather bought it frm Christian MGdemaa. John Car1eM was a very prosperous farmer. He Mae worth one buddred thousand dollars. He sae married to Mary Cowen and they had four childran, JosePX, Hap, Cenrgido and John. Mary, second daughter or Robert f rland,e a nm the held N Order of Loretta, Head fomNbel t in Toronto. She, ng a gree he A.B.A. degree and several other specials fro teaching different languages. Shewas an, of it..•fr nding leader, be a In Ill'. Lu . Irdrr Cllcnbetcirri IW }nhnu11101 In k ll'. ,Ill 111. 11 Illy 1 :xpe ^ Opposesand Lu nYLI the Joint Geller lura they mixed imply love. luuy .... I gum It mI .Ilblio lxn. Robe arlond Jr. .nd Ill, xLa v.Ln rel In pm ilk I.g nYWwd Wome. Indian, yon lt," 'l l.'d to . Inrtk L. rvffi, '11cy v s tried five'yv` Wis.,,be red 111 nm:illy :red .Il rd On IY '11.17 IAA n family. Ill S"Pro"I'll J. 1918, rel u. v -r l.d. In h... IIn n ..t . �Yt,er. lxr. wmdidr along, 111: a .I illy 'r till. I Will' ..y 1.1'1 � . rink blvd hotel m Details.) Italy boa t ..d . .1....818 Green River Public achuul slid M.rAdnm HIKED SehnnL ,ILxlr lfd1IkIA•�r, 41,w 1a. graduated "hell aha uno Na rvx tIL Ilrst .'I. , rt111ruI1, kill, scholarship that v uNod by It ll'• 6 Cnllr re ul l s :.in. • + of the irfeat Girl, In illi "Lula family t cJrs'le . 1•m u•h get tl.0 yp school at o young a Sit, a, n rrlod t u I lue yu.n.Y. Mae, Peter link, and live, in Tor ,'They Ln med gill .uW III Illy'. lbs s N,h and George CduWN ,live in GJnuuNn. May Loth Imve a Imxb¢„ vW a living very, very well. Mott, atoned free scratch. All of than Garland lemlllee ver, members of the Boman Catholic Murch. John Spar was boli In PA. in 1778 and died In 1845. His rife, Yegfru,alav died in 1845 and both are bailed In the Yidemm cemetory In Derided, He bouyt four handrail acres of land from Bev. Ceogs OlRill Stuart, ACNdsacm a ginastm who got it from the Crum. Me farms that John gyne bought consisted of Robert Garland Sr. and John Cobers and across Ne road George food and Joseph Garland Jr. It vy bought In 1033 for fifteen hundred dollen. Hubert Garland Sr, bought the old homestead in 1842 from John Eyer and it has been in the Garland name ever siuds. no Jahn Garland fan first consisted of eighty acres which vas bought free (filiation Windle, In 1848. Ylrick Burkholder bought the March twenty Acres of Lot 32, 1n 1859. Christian Wideman marled Barger P.yer, daughter of John Byer Sr. Witnesses were Daniel Lemon and Barbara Wideman. TTey v cried In 1833 by the Rev. Wm. Jenkins, Presbyterian minister of giNmaod gill. I will give the names of Ne pioneer families who attended Ne Reemor Yennoufte Church under the supervision of Biabop Jacob Grove ®d John E. Ba¢coi. minister. John Pyer, John Shank, Jacob Shank, Samuel Y. Stover. Christian Burkholder, Daniel Hoover, Mr. Shank. Illtick Burkholder, Mr. Snider. Jacob G. Senor, Abroban gravel vel Chrfa[im gamer. Grleclan WWI—,. Same of the families who went to the long school house were, Hoover. Hollinger. Saylor, Garland, Larkin, Burkholder. Hccreight, Davidson. Lawson, Gilchrist. Shank. Stover, Petty, Manor, Laughlin. Perera, Wideman, Ramey Bron, Peat and Williams. In conclusion I Would like to write what the add pioneers vent through and the hardships they endured that va might have it an good a e ham When Me first pioneers coos to (Itrry,00d it wait a dense forest Ic in reported Net Ne farmers had to Protect their livestock from volume and bean. R.vds were foo mal . let .same trail*. Ox" were Chun named In Me cultivating of the no 11. IDM (that adII. were few and far betwm,n. Me red mew carried on we wttl lunn J xlno an the Inks or m Radical aid w e Instead of *morn w dleul rivals every home- had Ito supply or estate, hers, leaves and mean rnl phinta for sndtol lurlmeee. Hansen were built of log hwed en h b.1r*'.lee. Mere wus no reit an ties anile now buyer or pictures. The only drenntlm, wow• a at ne or two with pxtle, hams and Me same of dear. Funnlure had Comm tow few aft in away mass between Sam" rostrad. nee crudest *Find of a racking Muir was a lutury eft many wnm refused to sit on them. May uvea culled the lazy mane chain They did rot have stairs to rot to este second (leer but used ladders. Mare were not aven nieces in the early dugs. In every home was a fire place MIN was netted vial a large stow allows. no fire piece ne hots the mens or cooking the family settle and heating the house. no present generation sumot. begins ua Amirante wh1M was caustl heeause so simple a thing as a mats was not Iwmted. In many assume. perhaps In all of than, the oeuglR had a Met @tone which w'_ts a pine of steel AM a place of punk. fires sere started. In those primitive times there were no nilmads, re steamship@, no airylmee and an eutuobiles. Walking aft homes back riding here the prinabple mLee of travel. Me "[mints in the home were ginner, at lout as far as light was errea d. Mare hero electric light bulbsft ano gm m gets, be "reason or coal oil lamps. Homes were lighted by placing torten wine In melted tallow contained An small fist lamps after the fasiu of the Searles lamp. Such light ne vary that and Irregular being bright w Nm an the mick was trimmed or reflected. Tet with Nie vert of light Me worm knitted eft seems and did their "Andres shares, For shows and huts Me farmers tamed hides and took eh® to Me sho maker. Ween* dresses and ane clothing were made in the hoe by the vaso folks. Me simple groceries sold M Me stems In these days weft by the fount eft had to be wrapped and tied. goals had to be prepared fres raw materiels. House keeping is simple nu compares with those arly days. new wen an now ar eight or amen ten hear dap than. esu east out An the fields to work Wile Me stare hers still shining eft centiwed atdl the twilight of evening time faded Into themnees. As for the women. It me literally true wmme work was never Eau. Mink of a mother of eight or to children, a common th"In those day@, wfiu them was an seeing machine or knittiny machine, u washing machine or clothes wringer and me electric sweprs, Wm all fie choking had to be done M the firmplecog Me Leaving Is aut dowary and the wmeo af turdaymad dminF their goes,ng had tMrttting far ted family aMfmaklry the clones for Mem all besides all bar ew work. Year of the women milked Ma con, fid calves aft hap aft cultivated gardem. Mese were strenuous days. WAS the old pioneers first come to this country they sawed the grain by hand and cut It with a sickle and the reads wits scythed. new the former sows by machine had raps by machine. Sines then has come the drill, the cradle, the reaper, the self Linder, the the home ewer threshing achene am the stem thmmhLg machine ad III ..r e . 1.110 lrnetrr hal the Lrnrlor ndl the nmnlne am a lot of fomne. Im9. have n oorne an the plow. Tn. Pronent Ponartlon In living in All 011 .yA M1ee airrilemrn d. uerld Crow MIA of air old IAr.rs eho first net I `ed Leen frcrpnrtumll erten.. the writer Frown nanKhleg alont the lairor IaAVM in cmurcHan with Lit, rnlinrl.lm or admrinl am Infara%tlm. rerardliew UP, plaw.em of air dinl.rlelr thernrare 1 can spap"clato what line nM Ihmmill 1.'p Caner line evoted to the eol4ctlon of lnromatlrn hernlnf the elannnes of the garryload dlntrlat. Ir the il owl that wn a mniloll Ie prenrrved it will In ruture dqe prion to ha a nine of lnferall too rwnemiw time plmeeen. by llrt h. Pinion. 11.11. IWarvllls Cherryw cad Church Special to the F.venlnF TNerrxm. Chnrrywmad. Nov. 9th. To build a church Inn mol community le no away b.ek. To wild Petbodiat church in o community women must hoopla nCt.,d.n chums,% or Other coots is still bonier. Wt. tonal. 1, I.In. way the uvlY Wesleyan "etbelet. in Chrrrywuod did. Ten pr est aiY'rtC^tlun lemterinE -these m.lrmrlsinr n .. people . tise- . rvices of u.e sigteen.th n.niversary of the :parch, poroma they Wilt their church they held services In Weir homes or travelled it,, morn cases in spring hwNe to HlgplaM Creek 'dere the nearest Methodist church was 10ente12 _ 9y 1074 the early HethWiste were convinced that the commodity Would be a better place to live In if they Md a church. no Owner of the brick yard supplied the brick and his wife furnished the alter. you local merchant supplied the coal ell for the loops. HeWen gave freely While Being neighrtm MunF denominations. nosily the total cost of ni canvassing dollen wasraised eel Joyfully did the advisersm advisers et for tbt first session of worship in their new church m1theuEh it was net artistically perfect, but the simple rectangular building of Mita brick Was beautiful to than. In it they saw the work of their sun hods through self macrifite add hopes for a puller and better er®.ulty life. Thirty years gRernNe they outdo atctnmeaimlmovemente, an alcove at the frcM, for the choir sed a vestibule he back. k special anon rmoved frect on abandoned church use met up to accumulate the many rigs. The improvmmts in the church add "a early growthsthe conFregation ne adds possible by the church union in 1804 when the Mile Christiana ,joined with the Methodists. This anniversary was an meation to pair tribute to the recovery of the early church workers. Services to mark Lha anniversary were held the nest Sunday at 3.30 o'clock add the speaker and Rem. Hr. Iawrence of Washington church, Baseboard and at 7.30 p.m. Us speaker ne Rose. Mr. Bcibrsld, Chairman of Toronto Jet Presbyterian church, assistdd by the choir of the Centennial church in Searborm. Nmee of choir considers: Nary Jane Bernard, first Organist, Amkmee Perused. Sinclair Bernard, Mise limallne Burgolder, pulse Stwffer, Bendel Hewer, Mr. and Mrs. Nathac%L l Burkholder art Hiss Easily Taylor. Nmea Of the ministers word H.C. Roes, J.B. Real, J. M. Pwi Pr. Bink, J.T. Gldwell, H.B. Coupon, J.J. Redalitt, G. H. Stevenson, Jahn Vickery, R.E. loye, Wm. Neal, lost grWe, Rev. Communicate, Rn. board, Nov. Luau, Rm. Legget and Rev. Rannold Mich bring it W to 1908. Rev. lake had a very successful revival meting aner the church one Wilt. Bev. Mr. lemedy Of Paterboro held a revival merting around 1900 Mich proved a outcome. The Erskine Presbyterian tlWrch Was bent in 1e53. It ne the Lint church in the section and one used for a number of years but the congregation later worshipped at Waterton. There is me service on the third Sunday of June In rmmberance of the bad pioneers that are Wridd in the cemetery. It is one of the beat kept up cemeteries In the township. They also gathered n the W rWat,m or mieh or the mn eetnnrn who nor, mrl. .. tLar farm, nM PIRCM tlim in Lhe ewrtnq Mde4 1e . err11L L,. .,y hpiiAtall. The neat oldnnl. church In than llnnnor Mnno.n,lt.r w 1,A K n Fee. John My Ilnnmrn rum In IMh%. Ilsf m, Lid, t rel.bd�•n It, . for school honnn Which stoo-1 on the o of Ld 1..� ..Lei 1, At Ia.. .er5 sere of Hanham township and horo�n hast thq w,WhIjq '1 I, to.:r hemp. thalr last house nneth¢n v.m. hold In 3a,mi,l lin....,. Ines. er.ry ChrinMas Ny ss It was hie birthday .,M n arly ... rTo,n segM for 'l fr r. ITconnote" ister] et rasherGrown in Ann or ch, m.l.et crosarla. Where . la. cf tie old settlers are hurlM. Chorrysom uWey School Coorrysmd S.mmy salwol "a orranfand ever nfty-riva raven Pats. At fleet It Are Aslan Sunday Sthral. Miss Mien Ltuckdala has the Ana or orYan lint Its. 1UP 1mll.ed PM1110 to ome to tlu atlmol mum on .relay Aft,,now Awl the :+coley Sonml we newel AIM omt ell.nar mMrinLmyM, or Troschool M Tv r Am Chastines dlrelewed M.inister At AMA rmA .At Line iwrllhale mIn mdWith sing - fry Am themrm0lm of tlu 1109m. follmed by tlmeee. ,Mr.I M. Burkholder led the sines Ay. There vee an orm, AM holes Scott Seek en Interesting Part Cn tb s1m4v. ID1e Sunday School re carried an without a lender for ease Stan. Finally they travelled upas Fr, lumaM, we we a anter at lncuet Mill church end attended service there, to to superintendent. Me objected At first because Me church version we In the anernaen but finally to seek Joarra or the school. Tom, K J'u Mr. Bukholderr,, Mm. Murry, Fred SeMengoods, Corlstlan s.• Jwe TayloJ. Taylor. Na. S. J. Sylerr a aand Interesting Tedd. theGeorge Stoday Slale,chool a brother Of Mllon SLe si- tAok a very imam or t Part in the hers. School when It nen tint fovM. )'n little nen oda o[ etas [lest teachers. Mom we a SwAay SNcel stvted by Mr. Pater Scott some tins beton the other we organized. It vas held in the mutant house an the comer. After Mr. Scott hared away Sunday School we dropped until it we Organic" later. At the prssant tics; (1952) Mr. James Armstmngi is suMrL,tdndaN sed hoe been for general leve. Written by Mr. R. Tindall former Eaten Batch. Cberrysoed School Phe brick school house me nosh In 1g6B. Me Old log school house has sold to Me. Peters and we used to wmhip In =ill the church ns Milt to Ira. Bene of the first mhenl teacher, wre Benjamin Wood, piss Scott, Visa goes an assistant, Jonathan Black, Mr. laeeroux. Mr. Simpson, Ano Jolla %riAolder, John CMleolm. Mr. H,mberstane. Mi. Katlic. Thenen Henderson, Forest baton, F.A. Bales, Miss Anderson, Arvtis Seth. James Bnmmnd, Fine Belem, Miss Ferguson, A.J. Mutates. Mien Sleep end Mr. Baer v vtich brings It up to abuts. IM. Them ars saw of the Eases m played, baseball. footfall, bid_ seek, tickety mer. hone Am too am M1aON, paper and Pitching home >:wef Am SO long as the large ,taus mars, In Me south wet comer of the sehml Ford Am playmd Duck the rock Am A Comer. e girls Amount had skkipped.m Everybody used toyV to Pact" Porn to Photo. pAAtyed that time the girls didn't skate. A let of the boys had sodden skates m the spring eVetes Fed Just cure in. At first mMdy Md hoots) sticks, An all had a hard mol limb Nth a crook on. 'N chose up sides am Played t gone As a11M echi,aey viol, on all enjoyed to Me full extent. Chareymed school contlnuse: Me first hool her have of cee ties beforec1P50 meaSh" O'C ady inW18% D -Z. teacher at t a on e built ealnry of emmty MUMS, NO SOM1mW until U51 Men Nr. Porter eucnaded Mm. Me neat, A.F. NeKmte stalM-wetil 1df0 when "a trick Sense, ne Unlit. At Ne PrOmet tlae it is used AS a enmity bell. CherrySeas Stare Mergvaad atom see built 1n 1812 by Charles Petty Sr. Name of the store keepers were Williams, Crosson, Y.wny 8umeefMt, Alfred XePoerson, John cross, Than Snbins, Theses LAW, Retort Davidson aM at present Noy Morrish. John Cram ease frow ARineeurL. Nis NSldesn who rant to school Mee, wine, Fred, Letia, ?Abel, and Nonson. Names of the blackaMths were 4 WS ter Fission, Us. Irwin, Meet Poynter, NoheM Davidson ant John Petty Mm eCll Operates the Mop at Lberrysood Station. (34e:1111TA") Cnnrrlv.hvl v nal nrMr Gryllrn HeCreleMs birth plane In In1uM. Tv store vin built In 1872 l.y CLS,. Petty Sr. who also hod the We yard to the north. The Williams really nlmrst" the store for n mmMr of years. 1 .don-rnmmimm the nnman or the really. Then nn three or four. no School was a lot WI1dWf standing on the swM most comer MF stories. later rn me played Pusey wants acomer m the stories. 'Iia building w moved over Wax 1t was clams s the hall. It was Musa an the Bible Christian church a mediae or yn. NPorter and Jackman. xn The first teacher was Hr. Black. He was followed by Nin Scott Who taufnt cis years, late she Muoe principal of IbaMeme Hell in TmuM.o. Phan Collared Yine A,matrmg, Burkholder and CM1almn (from AWIp), Hr. Wilmot, Ferguson, Collins, ChrishoL and others too mommus to mention. After the William left the atom they aero followed by the Cransm really, Charlie, All. Albert and a Reuniter Mergie. the Green pertly some next then gob Chaldean. On the hill Mere Course 'rand lives them was the Sayre really. Sams ant to school. Then followed the Stmkdales. Tm Ins a gotographer wmes from the thumb. After than came the Burma family. MRS blacksmith shop on the south wet corner and the house Men Me Walkey family lived. Audi, Macomb, was Will. Across from them lived the Collins family, Esther Ant, Arthur, Albert, Joe send Sid Mo is still living. opposite the school lived Mike Bondholders faetly, America, Charlie, Jennie and Toq. Next to the atom lived the Charles Mean family, Agme, Ida must Fddle. lint to than the Charles Meaning family, LibbSe, Charlie, George and others. To the east lived the Shoemaker, Mr. Dorcas, small family. the house 2e Just a tit to the west of Custdeae gate. George, galla anal Aggie. bar. Diuead west to tell a story. INS Sharpe mostly lived door the fwd. Nomura sidensd, on top of the hill. He was a big sen with very big feel. Ons Jay he took s air of booth to Mr. Dunne to be repaired end asked Shari could do them (tbe Map wan very Smell). Mr. Cmca considered and at last amid Net e'll depend e. the Brother as ell have to work outeidew. Before the stare urs built Woods had a stare a title Most. The vil vas brought up from Dumbarton once a week, then ahs the store ace ppaed at Grtrrynced Mr. 'Williams weft dine days s week in h backboard to Mitnhle for the =11. The tlosa Family, Annie, JIM, Jahn, Mary, Neve, Sizzle " Nettie all attended than School. Cow for the atom lived the Gilchrist family. Mr. Gilchrist we or for many yarn. His grandson, Rag Snenllle, lives m the old hams. Coming back then Mon the James laves family, a half mile sant of the stun. save, Idbble, Mery, Alli, Bells, 'Will, Sora hast Sturm. A grandson lives on the fan. Dome In Clarke Hollow lived rater Hoover had he had the grist mill. The featly, Alf, All. and L1bbie all eirt to Smoot. Combe door trie rcW ere Gin Stover famt]y. Miss. Ben, Levi, MSnah a1 others. cab US north of Mmrclfj L3 mr.d Slvd the Keough many, Net at the tum. of Ne rued. On down the and the two &rkholders, slim aM fat Abe. LT the east side of the road ware Joan end gaMa, an the eras side a let of thes, Ben, Bill, Lizzie, Poen, Ueturah and others. West of the atom vat Millime Burkholder family, Nathaniel, who had the carpenter shop at the comer lawn the atom armee free the bLekamth shop. Us sister Ju1L, ,uu Julie and Pew Jene, On the other side of Ne toad we Peters who c foot Xinmten and Pap Peters, as he was called, had a here lip. He used to hunt skunks and rabbits. His grand"Ophter, Mambo little, kept house for his. She worried Jin Intel. There were two Burkholder girls, Roeem sM Lizzie, sisters of Noah. Them were the Rirtaoe, he we a well digger, them vera two boys utl Pary. Tken at the towline lived HSggina. x111 mane to school and also tan toys 411 and John Thiene ("mains), one of than is a doctor in Toronto. iwy dam the road were the Berw1da, Mbroee, Sinclair, Jane who harried Jahn Henderson, We. Hollinger lived on the sideread. Us adv lives them Sam Hollinger lived on the amd, Geowi George. Levine, Little, ll and Ro so Rosetta. .]cross the read the glared. Will's . Peg lives In the atone house now. There neem several girls, Marino MAgggie (Bill Simlatrs mother). Lucinda, Mary, Tena, Jennifer. Harriet Roach Is living at her hone, &am. oar Will Taylors. She is pat eighty-five. ]heed am a few other hunts I can see but can't name the. I hope this will be of some "a to you. In W endeavor I've seen a great my faces brought to mm. In all Uses I can scarcely see any who am living. Ito a long vy book ah back, almost eighty years since I started school, not each wonder I forgot wanes. I wish yea hall In that you have Undertaken and gad If sap of this is of use to you. tan old errywom school rtm t [A girl). George Brow from Poet Ltlum end his wife, Christi" Lata" foss ylteshim, Scotland caw to Canada In early 1800 and Cook land on Iat RE, concession 2 were they famed until their ray hnd tir want. Thrive eblldt" whoattmtnd Mez'a�wo�d school, David, willies, Janet, Elizabeth mmied Janes Theme (m children), bIph®L wrr1M Robert. Film. ny, had an Wldrev Walter, Cbristim, Robert, willing, Arthur and Darid who Carried Elizabeth Peeme, daughter of Jobs Proms, in M and famed the &nql becutmd until he died in 1997. They had three children Effie warted H. Redone Kenn , died very young. Donald Brom Hitse who weried Lum Petty am fared 1M ?E, and"eeei2 (Bow Roadstead). They have fear children, David Walter, Loma Margaret. 'anThanking all the granite Mo have ca -operated in helping to get required deadmotlon. I also get a lot out of the history of Pickering and fr" mm Cr Asada of properties.