HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983Typewritten document,14 pages, 21 x 33 cm., statutory declerations regarding the incapacity of the bridge on the Base Line crossing over Duffin's Creek, dated June 5, 1908 r., OOLF.TT OB OTTASIO r, }lrppy LLiQC1F, of the Township of 21Ok- ^O wIT;? Bring, in the .'.Beaty of Ontario, yeoman, 1 Jul ouljh --idly p3OLeRS t, S I have reBite'l on thee northern part. of lot nunbei 14 in the broken front acneaesion of the Baid 'm MFOIIP of 'iagering Sol abort twenty-five years; MT residenoe franks nn the 96se line, a Short distance went of the large bridge which Spann tell 9nffine creek on said road, apposite lot number 13. P,. dt high water l have seen the said creek on and near the said road artenilna in width from the small bridge to rho nest of the bridge over said creek to the rise of ground to the east of t,_e letter 'ortdge, a distanne by .admeesurem6at of about too feet, and a, such times have soon the water on said road at that point of a depth of from tnree to f¢¢ feet. I tale also Been the doe piled no to a height oY Several feet on the highway adjacent to tle said large bridge, alters the water end receded from the road. S. kt tines of high Beier the Said road baeomes i.nPasr,Bble from being aleFloge6_ wltc water all_ e1ae4Cdl with Ince fOr a aan- Bideeal.le length of tie. !.t Bnah times I cave to travel an ctra distance of two and ane -half lies to reach any Point East of the said Break. 4. _ prow of one nartrlek having bola a horse drewned in attempting to oroas the said road west, of the creek at high water, 45d Of the driver having Lad a narrow nonlife from t}f' same fate. I afterwards drys the dead horde out of the water with r team. 5. T.he high water carries away abort fifteen rods Of rim fence on both e1deB of said road at the Said creak every spring, emaept when the fenoea ]n•.ve been pra7imle2,, removed. 5. _ consider the said bridge over the .IDlffies' Break un- safe, and thick SL should be replaced b; one of nuoh greater sPlm. '. 7. -iffi 1 maks this solemn declaration conaoientioual." believ- ing it to be true, and knominB that it in of the sure force and effect an if made under oath, and by virtue Of ^hn Gunman Evidenoe Auto 1898• DcGT, ?= bafore me at the 'ooenahip) f4�'y of piekering, in the "01MV of ) .mtxrio, tide �� dey or oume. ) in Vu year of our Lard 1908. 1 e Jonminnicner for taking Affidavlta in the H. 0. J., >e. Vn3T-Y 07 CNT IO Z. JO:y STIv}C^'09, of the Township of Plak- SO T";1 Bring, in the County of Ontario, Yeomen, i)0 ^.pJ2Cti".]Y DRCFdTvv, T.jUT 1. J. hove known the bridge which crannies the Pnf-i.ns' ¢reek an the highway between the broken front bond first across- e-ons n' the .all Towtrhi,,j oP_ 'iekerin. at, lot number 13, also the sold highroi� foal]ad the 9eaa line) at Raid bridge, f^>and during t. ,est twelve yearn, and beve residad during the who Is of that time on the north half of lot ember In 1n the said broken front nanceseton, f-Ontin3 on said lase line and Quite alOP0 to The Said bridge. P'. At high water 1 have He-n tan said sneer en the said lose line extended to a width Of abaft 80n feet and a depth on t].a road of fmm tbrec to four feet. 1 have driven through when e water cane to the sides of me horse and entered the box of F.p bog(,;. AS ane: timee and after the mater had reOedad from the road, I :ave seen ice to a height of from Renr to five feet covering the road Past, and nest from the said bridge, and have .known it to remain thare far a month or more, rendering the road Se nos&bla. l heart of the lee having to be chopped from t)ui road at said bridge to :sake a passage-way for vehicles, and re- member on one onaaeion of the ice breaking off a large telegraph j Ole whinh was ntunAing On the said road near the bridge referred t0 aQorc. 3. Than said road in rendered impassable from high Water and ice, 1 have to tra=el Urse miles around to reach any Point rest, of the said wrack, and in going to ?iolering pillage one mile es._a. 4. I know o✓ the :iartricka having h.d a horse drowned in at-,eapting to arose said road west Of the bridge at high water, and of the young man who was driving the horse having had a lear- re.c eIoaaDls from a water:+ grave I bolieve the aero brMdle +n nenneafo for Poe"S travel. g, .SVM 1 make thio enlemn deolaration oaneelemtioual, be— lievin„ St tobe true, and lvmwinc that it iS of the Same force and ef_^eet as if nade ander onth, and by virtue of 'he Canada .v,i i,_ ... .mt, 1893. mo at ti.e iarvne9¢� i * _a Count, of 1 P dry of Sane, _n the r a. oar Lord 19n8. ! fl�iYo//Q8_�o72P-- A uer for taMnd !ffidavite in the 1. ,.. T., &a. V c? O'P,'i.10 1 1, 10110 Dill IS -.Y3, e the Tavmablp of 'iak- 5?)_ 'R� er1nG, in 1So Jaunty of Ontnr3n, Ysm_�n, � 1 l Cave knew: the bridge which eroasea the Neons' crank on the highway between the broken front and first eonces- -.inna or till nxld rrnmshdn O_ 'inkxring (:maws as tile 'naso line), at lot number 13, also the said highwa at Sad bridge, for about years, and have resided On file aCttrhevin por- tion e'.n, nmbur 12 in the laid first concession, quite Gees the, eeldbridge, during the last -�✓- years. 2. at high water 1 have neon. the ssaid Greek on the said hlghlrnr' emended to a width Of anont 800 feet (being from tie high ground cant Of said bridge to the weall bridge to the went n_ Olid creek% and to a depth on Sale road of from a/ - to }1/ feet. T. MT" also seen ice (filled op On said portlen Of _o:td to u height OF several Seat at 'aims of high water, after the water had aubslded. 3. At times of high water the said road at and near the creak beonnan impeseable from being flocAsd with water and bloek- ce, with ice. l nave known the road to be obstructed Il iso end +passable for several weeks. When said road iS an obatructed iij water and fine, 1 have to travel On extra distanae Of two and One-half miles around to reach aey paint wast n* Yoe Said arcek. A. r woe Of ane wa.tricy i.. ring lad a brae drevnad in attempting to axons the said road with it west Of the bridge At a time of high water, and of Lite driver On inG perdlOUnLv nanr meeting the same fate. ,,. .. consider the said bridge Over the $iffins' creek un- safe for public travel, orn think it should be replaced b;, one o' ramh creater length. 6. land 1 mese this solemn declaration conscientiously be- _A_ liersnp it to be tore, and ;mowing that it is of the aurae ferOe and effect as if nade :tinder eoth, an,l b; virtus Of the Oeool4a briasnae Aot, 1119$. ➢):r, -,IS O tef"s me at the ^Own -1 e_ 'inyoring, in t.v .m i-1 �y�� ty of Ontario, thie S`G day 07w�. of Sane, in the year of oar ) 3ord'19�08. 1 J. Oan ssiuner for taking 2fidavit8 in the h. u. d., An. gUOT�y 03 otP/3I0 f I, JallAw01'!ry?T., Of the Tm•nsnlp of tick- I[+Pn TO 'eI:?:) ar1w., in the Gount; of Ontario, Yeomen, D:) SDTu.'iNLY D^.JLI3F. THAT 1. I hove knonn toe bridge Gniolt &raneen too ➢affirm' orGeC on the l:ighonr+ between W.e "o rokon front one That aunee- stonn of the said Township at :Diakering (said road being known as t'ie kae0 line), at lot nanber 13, also the hlgnwa4' at Paid bxilge, _or gloat yearn, and nave rePiana on lot another 10 in &aii broker. front oonceaeinn, not far from Yve Paid brt,tge, for about�� .n .� :ears. 2. At high water I have seen thn Paid oreek en the Uses line opposite lot 13 extended to a width of about 8p feet (be- ing from the high gran& Ras-. o. Paid bridge to the amnil bridge to the west of said Greek), ,,n, to a, depth of iron Fii.._ta.-✓ Peet on the road. I have also seen ia& piled up on $aid per - tion of road to a height of several feet, at times of nigh water, after the water had milsided. S, At Limas of high water the Raid road at and near the said oreek beeome9 impasnable from being flooded with water and blcoked with too. I have know it to be imeaseable from water and too for several nooks dorLaa a freshet in the spring. :'hen the said pardon o. road to so obstraoted , i have to travel an extra dietsnse of two and one-b:.lf miles to resale any point went of &did araok. d. .I know of one hartriak hiving had a horn& Arm-.ned in n a,empving ,a drive i., over vne said portion of road. west. 011 the bri-ire at a time of high water, i of the driver having had a narrow annaPa from losing hi9 II Pe in tho same way. v. .. ndnniasr thn nairbri+.;-e anaav_e for publin r,rave.l, and think it should be replaced 'o,one of much greater length. -a- 6. And I make this sale= declaration oonaoientiousl;+ believing it to be trve, and knowing that it is of the &ane force and effect as if made under oath, and by virtue of The Canada tvidenae Act, 18 98. chip o1 Piskerin", ix ti,.e .men-) ti] of Ontario, this �5' � dsy of grans, in the year of o.ir I nxd LL1''9�08. ! A Coractnsioner for taking Affidavits in the Aigh Ocnrt of Justine, bo, uudLCy 1, S'):Sr?1 G Y, or the Township 92 3i-berime, in Lha Bounty of Ontario, Yeoman, ➢0 40?. l9lf- 1. I have reeided in the �ielniT• of the bridge e;hlnh. Orono - Go the DUfflns' Greek hetwaen the broken front and first oonaes- SiOns Of the Baia Township of �Iokering, at lot nunher J-. duiih� the loot sixteen .finis, and for that tine have 4e nmue V:e paij. bridge and the highway thereat (known as the -lase line). During tines of firshets 2 save Been the waters of said cree:: ext.nnding in width from the said bridge west to the small bridge On the said road, a dlstanao Of Over 900 feet; end at such t9ys r Mn>e seen ice on the Said road to a height of from four to five 'e , after the water had subsided, and On one ocoasier. a Bas c Jed tam „ .)ie, -oe ,o a.. -o¢ voi..,._..,F ,.nu a vu _. n is 1.,� Oersons to get through. i have seen this Sob x,mul, en road for ad long as three weeks. 3. Shen the said road is blacked by high water and ice as aforesaid 1 none to travel two and one-)u:lf miles around to get .o ury paint west of the said creek. 4. 1 remember O4 a horse having been dreamed in an attempt .o cross wit}, it oyer this portion of road, neat of Said. bridge, at Sigh Wotan '.?d,O.mg man Who ryas driving the horse Game near losing his life also. 8. _ 09n8idex the present bridge struatare unsafe for m)b- lie travel, and think it should be replaced by one of much greater length. 6. .and l rvke this sO-sen denlaration aonnolentiouBly bBliev- ing it to be true, and knowing that it is of the Bane force and ef- fect as if rade under oath, and by virtue of The 0anada-,vissnae 7 -v- "at, 1945. 9YM"IaM before me at the Town - Ship Of Biskerin(5, in the Coun- ' ty of Ontario, this e5'=, aa; of dose, in the Year Qi' our ford 1908. 1 ---�oner for trdoln-ffldnniLS 000N3Y OV OE'!�L0 ; 1, C7J.1 �,] V- 4o 0S the Township o4 I'Sakering, TO ^.m;1 in the County of Ontario, Yeoman, TO Y.O.',.14'.'•v 1 T have resided on lot number 13 in the broken front son- Oeesi n Of the said 'Oraship of �iokerini, and !lave well ;cnov.T the large bridge over the puffins, Break, Where it Drosses the highway b etw can L,.o 0a'0k •er. front "A first mnaessions of said township op- p0e3Re lot number 13, also said highway east and west of said bridge, for over twenty n_ •n _ nave Peen the Paid orerk e..trnded to a width of 000 feet at Brad on said road, and to a dept i, of from two to three feet on said road east and wast of the said. bridge. 2. Tiuk3 At high water it in not pOsBible nor safe to travel said rOBd. On account Of the deep water and ice. sad to reaeh aA' western point from east of the bridge one has to travel an extra distance of two and one-half mLaB at 9110`. times; at tines Of freshets great quan- tities of ias becomes lodged on the road at said bridge, rendering the road i , sDkq!o for sm.e time after t..c wator can ewbsided. 3. Ti LA. 1 onnsi&ar the present bridge stnustare At said point to be quits unsafe for pablic travel. 4. A'T i make thia selemn declaration annsaientinuely believing it to be true, and knowing that it is of the same force and effect as if made ander oath, and by virtue of ^ne Oanada Evidence Act, lg93. DEC',_ZA] before me At the 'Township) Of Pickering, in the County of OBEs?ia, this c$ — day Of ) jacu, i-. t.. r of oar :.Onl 1918 .. Ceraoieeioner for taking A±YSdxelta in the :;. .. C., fie. OOIIiu^'Y OF OWT" 71TO ) T, _'S{Tg12 ididIIR„ of the. Township o4 Pick - 6 :': sr , in the 'amort; of Ontario, YeamIn, 1. 1 )wve gnawn the bridge wiiiah drosses the Ttfflns' ommk o f .ns higbway between Yap, broken front, andd first aomee- siona o_. 'ns said '"nwnship of 'aiakering (said road being 'known as the 3ese line), at lot number 13, also the highway at eaid bridge. for aboitt, � years, and have resided on the aorto pert of the third range of the said broken front aonaesslon, on lot _vumber le, daring the last years. -sr Spm - nt high water 1 have se_a the said creek on the Pace line o maito lot nambar 13 ertendsd to a width of shoat ?P feet (being fromthe high ground east of said bridge to the small ort!Sa to the wee. Of said or _ak! a..d to a depth an said road Of frnin Axm 1,fast. .. imve also se#xa ice piled up or said portion of road to a height of several Peet, at times of high water, after thn water ),ad enDOieed. c. At times of high water the said road at and near the said oreek becomes Smpaseabla from being flooded with wafter and blocked with Sae. T have :mown it to be ipassable Pram rater and ice for several weeks during a freshet in tT.e spring. when n u,. acid rad f.s no onetraaboi, t h,,m, to *.ravel an extra din- tanae of two and one-half mllen to react an; point west of the quid aroa'c. 4. 1 !mor of ane ;vcrtrlok having, bad a horse drowned in a.tumpting to drive ewer the said portion of the 3ase line to tie neat of the bridge at a time Of high water, and nP the drtver heving baO. a mirrow escape from the name fate. b. 1 consider the said bridge nneaPs for public tmval, and thinY" it should be replaced by one of mtoh greater length. c. And .t aako thin nolean decisration eoneoientiouelv believing it to be trte. cult "Ooing tnat it ie of the Same force and effect as if made under oath, one, b; virtue of 'ihe Janada [ividenne Aet, 1893. before me at the "m'rn-) ship of Pickering, in the Zone-) t; 04 nnterio, Lhte '5-=' day 1 of June, in the year c4 car : Ommniaeioner or Lak!.ng hYY4lavlta in tae H. G. d., &c.