HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA2022_10_20THURSDAY OCTOBER 20, 2022 dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m Pic k e r i n g N e w s A d v e r t i s e r | P | T h u r s d a y , O c t o b e r 2 0 , 2 0 2 2 | 2 THURSDAY OCTOBER 20, 2022 FROM THE ISSUES TO THE CANDIDATES AND THE CAMPAIGN, WE’VE GOT YOU COVERED WITH EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW TO MAKE AN INFORMED CHOICE ON OCT. 24. YOUR COMMUNITY. YOUR VOICE. YOUR VOTE. DURHAMREGION.COM/2022MUNICIPALELECTIONIf you think Durham's hospi-tals are short-staffed, its emer- gency rooms are taking longer tosee patients and its remainingstaff are burned out, you're abso- lutely right. Lakeridge Health is being hit by a tsunami of impacts - nearlyall having to do with staffingpressures - that are hammeringthe patient health-care experi- ence.Whether it be nurse to patientratios or inability to offload pa- tients at the emergency depart- ment from paramedics due to a lack of staff availability or longerwaiting times in emergency -again due to lack of staff - theproblems run rampant. A leaked report, obtained bythe Ontario Liberals from Onta-rio Health on Wednesday, Oct. 13, revealed the average time to un- load ill patients from ambulances rose 40.7 per cent in August to 83minutes in Ontario despite lowerlevels of emergency room visitsand ambulance calls. The aver- age length of stay in Ontarioemergency rooms grew by 15.8 LAKERIDGE HEALTH HAMMERED BY STAFF SHORTAGE See ‘THEY’RE’,page 5 TIM KELLY tkelly@durhamregion.com Ray Fortune, a patient at Lakeridge Health Oshawa, has had problems during his three-week stay at the hospital, mostly due to what he says and has been told is understaffing. He is worried that patients are not getting the care they need. Susie Kockerscheidt/Metroland On October 24th Vote For DDSB TrUSTEE On October 24th Vote USTEE Emma Cunningham Paid by Emma Cunningham Campaign Family owned & operated since 1955 #1 VOTED APPLIANCE STORE IN DURHAM! 2212 TaunTon Road, HampTon 905-263-8369 • 1-800-798-5502 • www.PaddysMarket.ca P a d d y ’s MarketThe Appliance Specialist SEPTEMBER 29-NOVEMBER 2, 2022 *See Sales Associate for details and list of qualifying models. 416-795-8589 | mara@maranagy.com |www.maranagy.com Scan for more info Thank youyouy Donald Frew &Sons Ltd.forforf providing the CornCornCor Stalks! Charity Halloween H a u n t & C o r n M a z e 476 Toynevale Rd, PickeRing October21st-31st 6:30pm–9:30pm $4perperson PortionofProceedsgotoSickKidsand Hearts&HandsUnitedIndigenousCharity Robinson’s 15th Annual Family Spooktacular WeatherWeatherW PerPerPmittingermittinger dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m New s A d v e r t i s e r | Th u r s d a y , O c t o b e r 2 0 , 2 0 2 2 | 4 Book your tickets HALLOWEEN SPECIAL Now in Mississauga! 5 | Pic k e r i n g N e w s A d v e r t i s e r | P | T h u r s d a y , O c t o b e r 2 0 , 2 0 2 2 dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m per cent from August 2021.Additionally, the length ofstay in Ontario emergency rooms for patients beingadmitted to hospital butwaiting for beds was within 44 hours — an increase of48.2 per cent — for nine of10 patients, according tothe report. During the summer La-keridge Bowmanville's ICUwas shut down for six weeks due to staffingshortages and its patientswere moved to the Oshawaand Ajax sites. But that's just the tip of the iceberg.Oshawa resident RayFortune, 45, understandsfirst-hand what it's like tospend time at LakeridgeHealth Oshawa.Fortune said he was ad- mitted to the emergencydepartment at LakeridgeHealth Oshawa on Sept. 13after he complained about physical issues and wentinto cardiac arrest for closeto six minutes, but was re- suscitated by officers andsecurity. He said he went back into the hospital and went into mental crisiswhile in the waiting room.Fortune was trans-ferred to Lakeridge's fourth floor and said hekept being told: "We'reshort of staff." He said there were only two nursesfor 23 patients on the ward.He said when he pushedthe emergency button on the wall no one came tocheck on him.He discussed a medical crisis he went throughwhen he took his own bloodpressure (because he saidstaff didn't have time to do it for him) and found areading of 218/112, which ishypertension stage 3. Hesaid he staggered to the nursing station, but wastold by the nurse: "Pleasego back to your room, we're short-staffed." After goingback to his room, Fortunesaid he sat on his bed andwoke up 26-28 minutes lat- er facedown on the floorwith a bruise on his fore-head. He said nobody had checked on him."There's not enough care, it's breaking down," said Fortune, who is nowout of hospital.Lakeridge's Chief ofStaff Dr. Tony Stone doesn't dispute the staff-shortage problem in thesystem. "What you heard fromthat patient (Fortune) is acommon refrain," Stonesaid. "The staff are stretched thin and they'reburning out."The numbers reflect the staff-shortage problem.Lakeridge currently has 230 registered nurse vacan- cies and 41 registered prac-tical nurse vacancies. It isshort 22 personal supportworkers. The current com- plement of staff includes1,730 registered nurses, 878registered practical nurs- es, 41 nurse practitionersand 321 personal supportworkers.Eleanor McAlpine, a re- tired nurse with 30 years ofexperience, including 15years at Lakeridge's Ajax- Pickering hospital site,isn't surprised there is astaffing shortage. Sheblames part of the problem on the province's Bill 124legislation that restrictsnurses to a one per cent payraise. "How do you expect tokeep nurses if you do that?You need to treat them bet- ter, you need to give themrespect and recognition.Look at what's happened inthe last three years. They're worked to thebone, they're exhaustedand we don't have enough of them. They're quittingand going somewhereelse," McAlpine said.Petrina McGrath, who is Health System Execu-tive, People, Quality andPractice and Chief Nursing Executive at LakeridgeHealth, pointed to multipleissues for nursing shortag-es. "Some of it is that peoplehave decided to retire early,we've seen people go fromfull-time to part-time, peo-ple go to agencies wherethey can pick their own schedules and have more control. And we still have anumber of staff out everyday with COVID. It isn't un-common for us to have 20 to 30 staff off with COVID,"McGrath said.Stone said he under- stands the government istrying to figure out ways tofast-track thousands ofhealth-care workers in On- tario who don't have a clearpath towards being li-censed or supported be-cause "those would be thekinds of folks our hospitalwould integrate, mentor,support, and make sure they're well-placed for suc-cess and it suits the team'senvironment. I'm hopingthat materializes sooner than later."Another issue is the in-ability of paramedics to quickly offload patients atthe emergency depart-ment. That leaves para-medics unable to answer emergency calls in thecommunity because theyare stuck at hospital emer- gency departments wait-ing to offload patients tostaff.Stone admitted this was a serious problem at Lake-ridge: "We need our para-medics on the road, not waiting to offload someonein our emergency rooms,"said Stone.He said the problem is complex and also involves200 beds in the LakeridgeHospital system being oc-cupied by what are knownas Alternate Level of Care(ALC) patients, which means patients who are not ill enough to require acutehospital care but who haveno place else to go. TheFord government did intro- duce Bill 7 in August,which allows hospitals tobill patients on a daily ba- sis if they refuse to leavethe hospital to go to a long-term care bed. But Stonesaid Lakeridge Health is trying to be accommodat-ing."We're going to be work-ing with long-term care.We need to strengthen upthe way we can dischargethese people back into the community. We need theentire region to supportthis strategy if we are goingto hold to our mandate to deliver acute care. Even ifwe could move out 70 peo-ple to a better destination where they could live, itwould be better for themand it would be better forus to open up 70 spaces for the acutely ill," Stone said.He believes those 70 to 80bed openings would help free up the emergency de-partment logjam.Stone said the solutionto the staffing and emer- gency room/pandemic off-loading problem "will re-quire some level of invest- ment to support it in theshort term, absolutely."But Stone said "in thelong term, the health sys- tem needs redesign and re-structuring into a bettersystem where the right pa-tient is always in the rightbed getting the right careby the right folks." NEWS Continued from page 3 ‘THEY’RE WORKED TO THE BONE, THEY’RE EXHAUSTED, AND WE DON’T HAVE ENOUGH OF THEM' Dr. Tony Stone is Chief of Staff at Lakeridge Health. Lakeridge Health photo An advertisement thatappeared on the frontpage of the Oct. 13 editionof the Pickering News Ad- vertiser unfortunatelygave the impression thatthis newspaper is endors- ing a candidate for mayorin the upcoming munici-pal election. That is incorrect. The News Advertiserdoes not endorse political candidates.This was an advertise-ment paid for by the candi-date's campaign. The News Advertiser isnot supporting the cam-paign of any candidates in the municipal election. Weapologize if the advertise-ment made it appear other- wise. We will do our best to en-sure that any future politi- cal advertisements do notcall into question our im-partiality nor give readersreason to believe we have endorsed a candidate. Additional questions orconcerns on this matter can be sent to managing ed-itor Mike Lacey at mla-cey@durhamregion.com EDITOR'S NOTE Elect Sherry Croteau DURHAM DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD (DDSB) TRUSTEE PICKERING www.ElectSherryCroteau.ca Experience Matters “Schools are the foundation upon which we build the future. I will ensure Pickering students get the best of what public education has to offer.” Ads authorized and funded by the Sherry Croteau Campaign dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m New s A d v e r t i s e r | Th u r s d a y , O c t o b e r 2 0 , 2 0 2 2 | 6 ABOUT USThis newspaper, published everyThursday, is a division of the Met-roland Media Group Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Torstar Corpora-tion. The Metroland family of news-papers is comprised of more than 70community publications acrossOntario. This newspaper is a member of the National NewsMedia Council. Com- plainants are urged to bring their concerns to the attention of the newspaper and, if not satisfied, write The National News Media Council, Suite 200, 890 Yonge St., Toronto, ON M4W 2H2. Phone: 416-340-1981 Web: www.mediacouncil.ca newsroom@durhamregion.com facebook.com/newsdurham @newsdurham WHO WE ARE Publisher and Chief Executive Officer Neil Oliver Vice President, Content, Community and Operations Dana Robbins Director of Content Lee Ann Waterman Managing Editor Mike Lacey Director of Advertising Tanya Pacheco Director Distribution Jason Christie Director Creative Services Paul Gostlin Durham Advisory Council Dan Carter; Esther Enyolu; Jake Farr; Dr. Vidal Chavannes; Cynthia Davis; Elaine Popp/Don Lovisa; John Henry; Sue McGovern; Kerri King; Steve Yamada; Kelly LaRocca; Peter Bethlenfalvy; Dr. Steven Murphy; Norah Marsh; Tracy Paterson; Chris Darling; Christina Curry CONTACT US Ajax/Pickering News Advertiser Phone: 905- 579-4407 Newsroom: 905-215-0462 Sales: 905-215-0424 Classifieds: 1-800-263-6480 Fax: 905-579-2238 Web: www.durhamregion.com Letters to the editorAll letters must be fewer than 320words and include your name andtelephone number for verificationpurposes. We reserve the right toedit, condense or reject letters.Published letters will appear in printand/or online at durhamregion.com DeliveryFor all delivery inquiries, please call905-683-5117. A private investigatorlooking into the case of the "Lost Boys" who went miss-ing in Pickering nearlythree decades ago has some new information and isseeking the public's help.Bruce Ricketts has beenworking on the case since 2010 and recently viewedsecurity footage from themarina where three of thesix teenage boys were lastseen on camera.In the early morning onMarch 17, 1995, Jay Boyle, Chad Smith, Robbie Rum-boldt, Jamie Lefebvre, Mi-chael Cummins and DannyHiggins left a party and were never seen again. Dur-ham Regional Police Servic-es (DRPS) investigated the disappearances and con- cluded that the boys stole aboat from the East ShoreMarina on Frenchman'sBay, motored out onto Lake Ontario where they cap-sized their boat and died ofhypothermia.No bodies, boats or arti- facts belonging to the boyswere ever recovered. Rick-etts continues to investi- gate the case. Three of the boys were caught on a surveillancevideo at 1:48 a.m. on March17. Ricketts said DRPS showed screen capturesfrom the video to the par-ents who identified thethree boys as Jamie, Rob- bie and Michael. When Ricketts receiveda copy of the video from DRPS, he watched the whole 16 hours of it. Ricketts noted threepeople - two females andone male - entering the ma- rina service area a shorttime after the missing boyswere seen on the tape. "I was very much sur-prised, and the reason for itis the (Lost Boys) wereclocked in at 1:48 a.m.," he said. "This happened at 2:09(a.m.) or 2:10 (a.m.)."Ricketts explained the three new individualswalked across the lot, whensuddenly the male movedahead, turned to face the fe- males and held out his armas if he was pointing some-thing. The video is too lowresolution to make out fac- es or what the male mighthave been holding. Ricketts said this is a very important potentialbreak in the case, becausethis happened while theboys were supposedly in the marina service area. "What did they see orhear?" Ricketts said. Ricketts has not seen mention of this discovery in any of the police reports thathave been released to him."These three persons are potential witnesses towhat happened that nightat the marina, 27 years ago,and could shed a crucial light on this case," Rickettssaid. Ricketts also noted some other interesting findingsafter viewing the tape.He said that at 2:21 a.m.,the camera near the docks, which he said is the mostimportant camera, shutdown. This was during the time the boys were sup-posed to be in the area andshortly after the threeidentified persons were seen. He questions why it wasshut down and whether itwas done on purpose or simply faulty."That's a crucial piece ofinformation we lost at that point in time."Ricketts is asking foranyone with knowledge ofthe event or who might know the identity of thethree individuals to comeforward to his tip line at lost- boys.tipline@gmail.com. 'NEW' WITNESSES SOUGHT IN 'LOST BOYS' CASE Private investigator Bruce Ricketts is seeking the identity of three people seen on security footage around the same time six teenage boys went missing in Pickering in 1995. Ricketts only recently viewed the footage and is asking either the people in the video, or people who may know them, to contact him. Bruce Ricketts photo KRISTEN CALIS KCalis@durhamregion.com NEWS SIX TEENAGERSDISAPPEARED ONMARCH 17, 1995 Charities are reaping the rewards of the 2022Ajax Mayor's Gala after itraised $250,000 this year. Since its launch in 2019,the gala has raised morethan $700,000 for local char-ities and organizations. Last June, the galamarked its first in-personreturn since 2019, as nearly300 guests and dignitaries set sail on an evening ofglobal cuisine and enter-tainment at the spring time event, as the Audley Recre-ation Centre was trans-formed for the Ajax Mayor'sGala 2022 World Cruise. "We established the May-or's Gala because we recog-nized a need in the commu- nity," said Mayor Shaun Col-lier. "We can't go back to thetaxpayer to support charita- ble organizations and events. We have to rely onthe generosity of our busi-ness community. Without them, we couldn't do all thegreat work that we do."The 2022 charity ofchoice, the Salvation Army Hope Church and Commu-nity Services, will use thefunds to build a commer-cial kitchen in the new King's Crescent facility,across from town hall. "This kitchen will in- troduce new opportuni-ties for new programs andincreased services," saidJason Sabourin, pastor and executive director ofthe chosen charity. "Cook-ing classes for those on a budget, and increased ca-pacity for meal programsserved to those on the street or disenfranchisedare some of the ways thisequipment will ensurepeople are given all the op- portunity to grow and feelvaluable and part of acommunity." Gala funds will also sup-port a counselling room atDurham Hospice's Whitbyfacility. Once constructed, it will service families fromacross Durham Region.The gala committee re- views and approves thecharitable recipients. Thecommittee looks for pro- jects that will have real andimmediate impact in thecommunity and often willannounce additional recip- ients once the final tally isin.The 2022 gala is also funding initiatives with thefollowing charities and or-ganizations:• Durham Region 2023 Parasport Games• Durham's Child Nutri-tion Project, providing fresh fruit and nutritioussnacks at 24 Ajax schools• Durham Youth Servic- es (Joanne's House), pro- viding "Fresh Start" kitsfor youth transitioning toindependence • Durham Children'sAid Foundation, providingfunding for a bursary pro-gram in Ajax • Hearth Place, provid-ing funding for variousnew programs, includingManaging All Sides of Can-cer, Body Image, and Survi-vor's Guilt• Ajax Royal Canadian Legion, providing funds fora capital a project, includ-ing new exterior doorsThe vast majority of the funds are raised throughgala sponsorship. Morethan 40 local businesses and organizations support-ed this year's gala. A liveauction also gave attendeesthe opportunity to bid on local experiences and eventake home an art piece pro-duced live at the gala. The gala committee hasbegun planning for the nextevent set for June 3, 2023. CHARITIES BENEFIT FROM AJAX MAYOR'S GALA Ajax Mayor Shaun Collier greeted guests at the Ajax Mayor's Gala held at the Audley Community Centre. Jason Liebregts/Metroland 7 | Pic k e r i n g N e w s A d v e r t i s e r | P | T h u r s d a y , O c t o b e r 2 0 , 2 0 2 2 dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m @cityofpickering Weekly Community Page October 20 Customer Care Centre 905.683.7575 (24 hour line) customercare@pickering.capickering.ca Community Grants Program TheCityofPickering(FinanceDepartment)isacceptinggrant applicationsundertheCommunityGrantsProgram,PolicyFIN040. Pickeringorganizationswishingtoapplyforagrantarerequiredto submittheirapplicationsby4:30pmonOctober28,2022. Grantsareavailabletovolunteerorganizations,serviceclubs,orsport clubsthatarenot-for-profit;servesPickeringandatleast80%ofits membersresideinPickering.Regionallybasedorganizationsmaybe considerediftheorganizationcandemonstratethatitsserviceswill directlybenefitPickeringresidents.Applicantswhoareinreceiptof fundingfrombingoorUnitedWayDurhamarenoteligibleforthis program.Applicationsmustbesubmittedusingtheprescribedform. Anyquestionsshouldbeaddressedto: Grants@pickering.ca The 2022and2023CommunityGrantprogramisfundedthroughthe City’sMunicipalContributionAgreementwithOntarioLotteryGaming Corporation(OLG),inwhichitreceivesrevenuesforhosting thePickeringCasinoResort. ApplicationscanbecompletedonlineontheCity’s website:pickering.ca/CommunityGrants. Seniors' Centre Without Walls pickering.ca/adults55plus 905.420.6588 Call in a few minutes early, 416.507.1616 and enter passcode: 260259# *Reserve your spot in advance for these session. Call Liam, 905.420.4660 ext 1844 or by email to lthompson@pickering.ca It’s Easy to Participate! Tuesday Trivia 2:00 pm - 2:30 pm Wednesday* Games 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm Thursday Name That Tune 10:30 am - 11:15 am Connect with us weekly to join other adults on the phone for social fun! Notice of Completion Walnut Lane Extension Kingston Road to Liverpool Road | Municipal Class Environmental Assessment EngineeringServicesDepartment FirstIssuedon: October20,2022 TheStudy TheCityofPickering(City)hascompletedaMunicipalClassEnvironmentalAssessment(ClassEA)studytoextendWalnutLanefromthesection presentlyconstructedsouthofKingstonRoad,eastwardtoLiverpoolRoad(seemap).Theextensionisrequiredtoserviceexisting,approvedand proposeddevelopmentintheCityCentreandLiverpoolneighbourhoodsandwillaccommodateallroadusers(vehicles,publictransit,cyclistsand pedestrians).ThepreferredsolutionisacentralalignmentfortheWalnutLaneextensionandaminimum36metreclearspanbridgeforcrossing PineCreek. TheProcess TheClassEAstudyfollowstheSchedule“C”planningprocessaspertheMunicipalEngineersAssociation’s,MunicipalClassEAmanual(October2000, amended2007,2011and2015). HowtoReviewtheEnvironmentStudyReport TheEnvironmentStudyReportdocumentingtheplanningprocessisavailableforpublicreviewandcommentforaperiodof30calendardays startingonOctober27,2022andendingonNovember25,2022.Tofacilitatepublicreviewofthisdocument,theEnvironmentStudyReportis availableontheCity’swebsite:pickering.ca/walnutlane.Hardcopiesarealsoavailableatthefollowinglocationsduringregularbusinesshours: AllcommentsandconcernsshouldbesentdirectlytotheCity’s ProjectManager: NadeemZahoor,P.Eng.,M.Eng. TransportationEngineer Telephone:905.420.4660ext.2213 nzahoor@pickering.ca Inaddition,aSection16OrderrequestmaybemadetotheMinistryof theEnvironment,ConservationandParksforanorderrequiringa higherlevelofstudy(i.e.,requiringanindividual/comprehensiveEAapprovalbeforebeingabletoproceed),orthatconditionsbeimposed(e.g., requirefurtherstudies),onlyonthegroundsthattherequestedordermayprevent,mitigateorremedyadverseimpactsonconstitutionally protectedAboriginalandtreatyrights.Requestsonothergroundswillnotbeconsidered.Requestsshouldincludetherequestercontact informationandfullname.Pleasevisittheministry’swebsiteformoreinformationonrequestsforordersunderSection16ofthe Environmental AssessmentAct at:ontario.ca/page/class-environmental-assessments-section-16-order.Therequestshouldbesentinwritingorbyemailby November25,2022tobothcontactsbelow.AcopymustalsobesenttotheCityofPickeringcontact. Allpersonalinformationincludedinyourrequest–suchasname,address,telephonenumberandpropertylocation–iscollected,underthe authorityofSection30oftheEnvironmentalAssessmentActandiscollectedandmaintainedforthepurposeofcreatingarecordthatisavailableto thegeneralpublic.Asthisinformationiscollectedforthepurposeofapublicrecord,theprotectionofpersonalinformationprovidedinthe Freedom ofInformationandProtectionofPrivacyAct (FIPPA)doesnotapply(s.37).Personalinformationyousubmitwillbecomepartofapublicrecordthatis availabletothegeneralpublicunlessyourequestthatyourpersonalinformationremainconfidential. Alternateformatsavailableuponrequestat905.683.7575 PickeringCityHall ClerksDepartment OneTheEsplanade Pickering,ON L1V6K7 Monday-Friday:8:30am-4:30pm PickeringPublicLibrary CentralLibrary OnetheEsplanade Pickering,ON L1V6K7 Monday-Friday:9:30am-9:00pm Saturday:9:00am-4:30pm MinisteroftheEnvironment,ConservationandParks MinistryofEnvironment,ConservationandParks 777BayStreet,5thFloor TorontoONM7A2J3 minister.mecp@ontario.ca Director,EnvironmentalAssessmentBranch MinistryofEnvironment,ConservationandParks 135St.ClairAve.W,1stFloor TorontoON,M4V1P5 EABDirector@ontario.ca dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m Pic k e r i n g N e w s A d v e r t i s e r | P | T h u r s d a y , O c t o b e r 2 0 , 2 0 2 2 | 8 Polls Are oPen CITY CoUnCIllorTo loWer ProPerTYTAXes” “I’M rUnnInG For YoUr P Oppose High-rise condo development on Kingston Road Champion transparency with monthly Town Hall meetings Protect the environment by stopping urban sprawl Create Free social events for all ages Promote local business so our community can prosper Expand the snow removal program to include all Pickering residents, so you don’t have to shovel your sidewalk or the bottom of your driveway Always put Pickering Residents first above all else Job Development Safer City Streets Address homelessness VOTING DAY IS MONDAY OCTOBER 24, 2022 Vote Lisa Robinson for City CouncillorWard 1 Authorized by the Lisa Robinson City Campaignwww.votelisarobinson.com 9 | Pic k e r i n g N e w s A d v e r t i s e r | P | T h u r s d a y , O c t o b e r 2 0 , 2 0 2 2 dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m Visit: mauricebrenner.com Email: brenner@mauricebrenner.com call 416-347-8900 Paid by Maurice Brenner Campaign YOUR PRIORITIES ARE MY PRIORITIES R Affordability for housing and Reducing ResidentialTax Burden R A balanced approach to Development and Intensification without compromising infrastructure and quality of Life R Supporting Local Businesses and Jobs R Solutions to Gridlock R Maintaining and Protecting our Environment R New Animal Shelter (2023) R Transparency and Accountability R Protecting the Community Character of Pickering and its Existing Neighbourhoods SHAHEEN BUTT WARD 3 CITY COUNCILLOR 2022 MUNICIPAL ELECTION | OCTOBER 17 - 24 Proven Leadership, Taking Action, Getting Results Experience Matters: Current City Councillor, Ward 3. 25 Years Corporate experience at IBM Canada. Over 20 years of community engagement with various cultural groups and associations within Durham Region. Regular communication with residents through newsletters and personal area visits. Member of: • Site Plan Advisory Committee • Pickering Library Board • Animal Services Appeal Committee • Civic Awards Committee Election Day: October 24, 2022 Early Online Voting: October 17, 2022 to October 24, 2022 Paper Ballot voting on October 24, 2022 only City Councillor - WARD 1 Election Day is on Early Online Voting OCTOBER 24 OCTOBER 17 Raveena RAJASINGHAM Elect voteraveena.ca Fresh Face on Council to Be Your Voice dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m Pic k e r i n g N e w s A d v e r t i s e r | P | T h u r s d a y , O c t o b e r 2 0 , 2 0 2 2 | 10 For Pickering Regional Councillor Ward 2GARYSTRANGE ONLINE VOTING IS NOW OPEN VISIT GARYSTRANGE.COM TO LEARN MORE PRIORITIES THAT MATTER TO YOU Authorized by the campaign to elect Gary Strange NAME:David Pickles OCCUPATION:Regionalcouncillor Ward 3, City ofPickering WHY HAVE YOU DECIDED TO RUN?As our community evolves, I want to ensurethat we see positive changeand benefits while preserv-ing our unique community. I will strive for new busi-nesses, a hospital and newschools. In these challengingtimes, my leadership, prov-en experience, competence,and effectiveness will con- tinue to work for you. WHAT ARE YOUR TOP THREE ISSUES?Community growth: I support sustainable, order-ly growth, beneficial forboth residents and busi- nesses.Infrastructure needs: Iwill continue to seek newrecreation centres, bike lanes, transit, roads andsidewalks. Property taxes: I willcontinue to work for fairtaxes well utilized, and new non-residential revenuefrom businesses and build-ers. NAME:Peter Rodrigues OCCUPATION: Communityadvocate, environmental defender WHY HAVE YOU DECIDED TO RUN?I have seen many exam-ples of Pickering councilnot fully engaging resi- dents in meaningful dis-cussions about develop-ment, especially in whichthe residents concerns were not heeded. WHAT ARE YOUR TOP THREE ISSUES? Properly manage andcontrol growth. Expandemployment for local jobs.Increase interactions and meetings between council-lors and residents. WARD 3 REGIONAL COUNCIL CANDIDATES MUNICIPAL ELECTION DAVID PICKLES David Pickles photo PETER RODRIGUES Peter Rodrigues photo With its first season ofpaid waterfront parkingwrapped up, the City of Pickering invites resi-dents, businesses and visi-tors to participate in anend-of-season review.Public input and lessonslearned will help assess theeffectiveness of the Water- front Parking Permit Pro-gram, and assist staff inpreparing recommenda-tions for improvements in 2023. Staff will report find-ings and recommendations to council prior to the startof next year's program. The city first launchedthe program in May 2022 inan effort to mitigate park-ing issues at its popular wa- terfront destinations, asthey continue to draw visi-tors from throughout the region, and beyond.Extensive community en-gagement and staff recom-mendations helped shape the development of the new pro-gram, which was approvedby council last November.The program included paid permit parking at allcity waterfront parking lots,as well as prohibited park- ing on one side of water-front-area streets, and man-dated on-street permit park-ing for the opposite side of waterfront-area streets, ef-fective May 1 to Oct.1. Businesses shared com-plaints throughout the summer, stating the pro-gram was negatively im-pacting their business.Pickering residents were eligible to receive ano-charge permit to park atwaterfront parking lots, or where on-street parking isallowed. Free parking wasalso provided to accessibleparking permit holders and vehicles bearing veter-ans' licence plates.Affected waterfront ar-eas, rates, permit registra- tion instructions, and oth-er program details can befound at pickering.ca/Wa- terfrontParking.Visit LetsTalkPicker-ing.ca/WaterfrontParkingto participate in the review process. The survey closeson Wednesday, Nov. 30. CITY SEEKS FEEDBACK ON PAID WATERFRONT PARKING COUNCIL PUBLIC INPUTSURVEY AVAILABLEUNTIL END OFNOVEMBER KRISTEN CALIS KCalis@durhamregion.com Catch a Great Deal! Browse our inventory of vehicles by Body Style, popular Makes and Models, Province, popular Cities or by Price. Whatever path you choose, you will find the right car, in the right location, for the right price! Right Choice{ } Car PlacePrice Find what you’re looking for, in the location you want, for the price you want to pay! } 11 | Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r | Th u r s d a y , O c t o b e r 2 0 , 2 0 2 2 dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m *Call for details, offers cannot be combined, O.A.C. AIR CONDITIONER & FURNACE SALE FREE Aprilaire 600M Humidifier with purchase of Furnace & Air Conditioner “Your Heating & Cooling Specialists” FROM $39 AMONTH* RENTALOR FINANCING PROTECTION PLANs FROM $9.95/MTH* * sERvICE CALLs FR O M $79* Pickering, Ajax, Whitby, Oshawa (905) 576-7600 1910 Dundas St E Unit 117, Whitby all for details, offers À la carte care services and all-inclusive packages Trial and respite stays Healthy dining options Social and recreational experiences Downsizing and move-in support No waiting lists! Create your customized package of services with Chartwell today! 1-844-727-8679 |Chartwell.com/care-options Are you exploring retirement living for yourself or a loved one? At Chartwell, we provide valuable services, including flexible, personalized care support. CHARTWELL COLONIAL 101 Manning Road, Whitby CHARTWELL HARWOOD 240 Old Harwood Avenue, Ajax CHARTWELL PICKERING CITY CENTRE 1801 Valley Farm Rd., Pickering CHARTWELL WYNFIELD 431 Woodmount Drive, Oshawa CHARTWELL BOWMANVILLE CREEK 105 Queen Street, Bowmanville Family Owned And Operated Since 1953Family Owned And Operated Since 1953 733 KINGSTON RD. E. AJAX MON-WED/SAT: 9AM-6pM, THURS/FRI: 9AM-7pM SUN AND HOlIDAyS: 10AM-5pM WHIlE QUANTITIES lAST @macmillanorchards1953 SPY - HONEYCRISP - GALA MUTSU - RUSSET - MACOUN EMPIRE - MACINTOSH - AMBROSIA FRESH CIDER & MULLING SPICE NEW CROP!!! WE HAVE All yOUR FAVOURITES! A n ita c o n tinues to give her clients,bothpresentandfuturethebestserviceinwhichsheiswellknownfor. Winner of Mulptiple ReadersChoiceAwards. Multiple Readers' Choice Award Winner! VOTE FOR AVZ ACCOUNTING BEST OF THE DIAMONDS IN DURHAM for Best Income Tax Preparation 2250 Hwy 7A, Barn office, Port Perry ON L9L 1B4 Tel: 905-985-0152 Fax: 905-985-0349 IncomeTax Preparation CompleteAccountingandBookkeeping Services CRA/Payroll/Wsib/Hst DesignatedServices Available AVZ Accounting&TaxInc. Tax ReturnsPersonal, Business,Corporate,Farm &Trust Small Town Friendly Service 2017Readers’Choice Awards PORT PERRY STAR 2018Readers’Choice Awards PORT PERRY STAR WWW.AVZINC.CA • www.facebook.com/AVZ-Accountng-Tax 20202019 dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m New s A d v e r t i s e r | Th u r s d a y , O c t o b e r 2 0 , 2 0 2 2 | 12 EAST **Certain Conditions may apply. Not intended to solicit persons under contract. ReMax West Realty Inc. does not guarantee the sale of your home. Exclusively offered by Frank Leo.Copyright©2009 Frank Leo SEE MORE PHOTOS & PROPERTIES at www.GetLeo.com CaLL TOday 416-917-LION (5466) aNd STaRT PaCkING! MULTI-MILLION DOLLAR Sell Your Home Faster and For More Money. • Find out about the newest homes on the market that meet your needs • Get more inFormed about the specific areas and how to get the best price • Find out how to get the best mortGaGe rates and saving programs, plus much more -Call today!! * FOR UNITS OF LISTINGS SOLD ACCORDING TO A STUDY OF MLS DATA PREPARED BY AN INDEPNDANT AUDITOR FOR REAL ESTATE STATISTICS FOR 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021 WEST REALTY INC.,Brokerage Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated FRANk LeO & AssOcIATes TI-MILLION DOLLAR FREECONFIDENTIAL HOME EVALUATIONS free service professional buyer Guaranteed Home Selling System Broker Children’ & Canadian Cancer #1 RE/MAX TEAM iN THe GTA * #1 TEAM In ToRonTo (Central, east, and West Combined) by Units of listings sold for all brokers and sales representatives for all Companies* Sponsor of Children’s Miracle Network & Canadian Cancer Foundation We Live And Work In Your Area! GET MORE FOR YOUR PROPERTY! Let Us Show You How! Broker 2-STORY PENTHOUSE In The Heart Of Annex! 1107Sqft with 2+1 Beds and 2 Terraces $1,200 , 0 0 0 INGROUND POOL 3 Bedroom Backsplit on Quiet Street $1,094 , 9 9 9 INCREDIBLE 4 BEDROOM Updated Detached. 2 Min Walk To Lake on 54’ x 100’ Lot $1,100 , 0 0 0 BRAND NEW HARD LOFTS 900-1700 SqFt Located In Downtown Toronto. VIP Pricing. Call For More Info FOR SALE 2.2 ACRE DEVELOPMENT SITE WHITBY SOLD FOR TOP $$$!! • Your home advertised 24 hours a day until sold • 360 Degree marketing massive print, internet, tv, radio + billboard strategy reaching millions • Learn the secrets of selling without ineffective open houses • Our team of professionals for the same price as hiring a single broker • Get up to $10,000 no interest for 60 days** • Total service guarantee in writing • Your home sold guaranteed, or i’ll buy it** • Competitive rates, exceptional service • In depth neighborhood report for each property we sell • Planning to move soon free consultation • Database of Thousands of Qualified Buyers WE’RE HIRING! WE ARE LOOKING FOR 2 MOTIVATED LICENSED REALTORS. GO TO JOINTEAMLEO.COM TO SKYROCKET YOUR CAREER!! SPACIOUS LAYOUT Bright and Sun-Filled Corner Unit with 2 Beds, 2 Baths and 2 Parking Spots $749,0 0 0 $11,0 0 0 , 0 0 0 ATLANTIS NIAGARA WINERY In the heart of Wine Country! Cannabis Greenhouse!! Call for more info. $2,899 , 9 0 0 PRIVATE WATERFRONT OASIS 452ft of waterfront, 4.73 Acres with 6 beds, 5 baths,Triple garage & heated workshop. VACANT ESTATE LOTS 1+ Acres $400,0 0 0 END UNIT 2 Bed, 2 Bath With Walkout To Finished Basement Backing Onto Green Space $699,9 9 9 2 BED, 2 BATH WITH LAKE VIEWS Fully Furnished In Touchstone Resort $700,0 0 0 1.2 ACRES WITH 213FT DIRECT WATERFRONT Tastefully renovated home. Potential for lot severance. $1,100 , 0 0 0 LARGE FAMILY HOME SOLD FOR 100%OF ASKING!! SOLD LIVE/WORK OR INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY! Commercial/residential property in Central Toronto $1,299 , 9 0 0 UPDATED FAMILY HOME Spacious 4+2 Bedrooms, 4 Bathrooms with 2 - Car Garage $1,350 , 0 0 0 ENDLESS POTENTIAL Commercially Zoned. Huge Shop! $1,399 , 0 0 0 PRIME DOWNTOWN LOCATION Bright Open Concept 1 Bed + Den $699,0 0 0 LARGE 68’X 152’LOT ON QUIET COURT Beautifully Appointed 2-Storey, 4 Bedroom Estate Home Located In Desired Mill Pond with Amazing Backyard Retreat W/Inground Pool !! $2,638 , 0 0 0 INDOOR POOL North York 5 Bedroom Oasis! $2,150 , 0 0 0 RARE INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY Fourplex with 4 x 3 Beds On Extra Large Lot Close To Toronto’s Best Schools $2,499 , 9 9 9 BUNGALOW WITH LAKE VIEW! SOLD FOR TOP $$$!! HALF ACRE DOWNTOWN BARRIE Great Opportunity for Developers and Investors $1,800 , 0 0 0 RESIDENTIAL/ INDUSTRIALZONING SOLD FOR TOP $$$!! SOLD WATERFRONT HERITAGE PROPERTY Recently Renovated 2 Storey On Over 1 Acre Lot $1,250 , 0 0 0 RECENTLY RENOVATED 1 1/2 Storey with 4 Bedroom and Huge Backyard $724,9 0 0 DELIGHTFUL 4 BEDROOM Located in quiet neighborhood near downtown Cobourg and Victoria Beach $725,0 0 0 LAKEFRONT CONDO TOWNHOUSE Updates Throughout. Walk Out To Boat Slip $599,0 0 0 STUNNING FAMILY HOME Open Concept Layout with Chefs Kitchen On A Huge Lot $675,0 0 0 BEAUTIFUL TURN KEY Newly Renovated With Income Potential $1,049 , 0 0 0 RENOVATED 2 STOREY 4+2 Bedroom Home with Self-Contained Basement Apartment $950,0 0 0 COMPLETELY RENOVATED ON 50FT LOT Contemporary design with luxurious finishes and finished basement apartment! $1,650 , 0 0 0 RURAL SETTING LAKE ACCESS. $500k In Renos. Easy Commute Downtown TO $1,400 , 0 0 0 CUSTOM WATERFRONT HOME 3500 sqft Bungalow with walkout basement overlooking lake with 150’ shoreline. $1,595 , 0 0 0 STUNNING CUSTOM BUILT MANSION Premium 82 X 222ft Lot, Massive 5+3 Beds, 6 Baths With 4 Car Garage $5,300 , 0 0 0 TWO HOMES IN ONE SOLD FOR TOP $$$!! SOLD SPECTACULAR OPPORTUNITY IN DEMAND LOCATION SOLD FOR TOP $$$!! SOLD SOLD 4200 SQFT HOME SOLD FOR TOP $$$!! SOLD SOLD 13 | Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r | Th u r s d a y , O c t o b e r 2 0 , 2 0 2 2 dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m New s A d v e r t i s e r | Th u r s d a y , O c t o b e r 2 0 , 2 0 2 2 | 12 EAST **Certain Conditions may apply. Not intended to solicit persons under contract. ReMax West Realty Inc. does not guarantee the sale of your home. Exclusively offered by Frank Leo.Copyright©2009 Frank Leo SEE MORE PHOTOS & PROPERTIES at www.GetLeo.com CaLL TOday 416-917-LION (5466) aNd STaRT PaCkING! MULTI-MILLION DOLLAR Sell Your Home Faster and For More Money. • Find out about the newest homes on the market that meet your needs • Get more inFormed about the specific areas and how to get the best price • Find out how to get the best mortGaGe rates and saving programs, plus much more -Call today!! * FOR UNITS OF LISTINGS SOLD ACCORDING TO A STUDY OF MLS DATA PREPARED BY AN INDEPNDANT AUDITOR FOR REAL ESTATE STATISTICS FOR 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021 WEST REALTY INC.,Brokerage Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated FRANk LeO & AssOcIATes TI-MILLION DOLLAR FREECONFIDENTIAL HOME EVALUATIONS free service professional buyer Guaranteed Home Selling System Broker Children’ & Canadian Cancer #1 RE/MAX TEAM iN THe GTA * #1 TEAM In ToRonTo (Central, east, and West Combined) by Units of listings sold for all brokers and sales representatives for all Companies* Sponsor of Children’s Miracle Network & Canadian Cancer Foundation We Live And Work In Your Area! GET MORE FOR YOUR PROPERTY! Let Us Show You How! Broker 2-STORY PENTHOUSE In The Heart Of Annex! 1107Sqft with 2+1 Beds and 2 Terraces $1,200 , 0 0 0 INGROUND POOL 3 Bedroom Backsplit on Quiet Street $1,094 , 9 9 9 INCREDIBLE 4 BEDROOM Updated Detached. 2 Min Walk To Lake on 54’ x 100’ Lot $1,100 , 0 0 0 BRAND NEW HARD LOFTS 900-1700 SqFt Located In Downtown Toronto. VIP Pricing. Call For More Info FORSALE 2.2 ACRE DEVELOPMENT SITE WHITBY SOLD FOR TOP $$$!! • Your home advertised 24 hours a day until sold • 360 Degree marketing massive print, internet, tv, radio + billboard strategy reaching millions • Learn the secrets of selling without ineffective open houses • Our team of professionals for the same price as hiring a single broker • Get up to $10,000 no interest for 60 days** • Total service guarantee in writing • Your home sold guaranteed, or i’ll buy it** • Competitive rates, exceptional service • In depth neighborhood report for each property we sell • Planning to move soon free consultation • Database of Thousands of Qualified Buyers WE’RE HIRING! WE ARE LOOKING FOR 2 MOTIVATED LICENSED REALTORS. GO TO JOINTEAMLEO.COM TO SKYROCKET YOUR CAREER!! SPACIOUS LAYOUT Bright and Sun-Filled Corner Unit with 2 Beds, 2 Baths and 2 Parking Spots $749,0 0 0 $11,0 0 0 , 0 0 0 ATLANTIS NIAGARA WINERY In the heart of Wine Country! Cannabis Greenhouse!! Call for more info. $2,899 , 9 0 0 PRIVATE WATERFRONT OASIS 452ft of waterfront, 4.73 Acres with 6 beds, 5 baths,Triple garage & heated workshop. VACANT ESTATE LOTS 1+ Acres $400,0 0 0 END UNIT 2 Bed, 2 Bath With Walkout To Finished Basement Backing Onto Green Space $699,9 9 9 2 BED, 2 BATH WITH LAKE VIEWS Fully Furnished In Touchstone Resort $700,0 0 0 1.2 ACRES WITH 213FT DIRECT WATERFRONT Tastefully renovated home. Potential for lot severance. $1,100 , 0 0 0 LARGE FAMILY HOME SOLD FOR 100%OF ASKING!! SOLD LIVE/WORK OR INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY! Commercial/residential property in Central Toronto $1,299 , 9 0 0 UPDATED FAMILY HOME Spacious 4+2 Bedrooms, 4 Bathrooms with 2 - Car Garage $1,350 , 0 0 0 ENDLESS POTENTIAL Commercially Zoned. Huge Shop! $1,399 , 0 0 0 PRIME DOWNTOWN LOCATION Bright Open Concept 1 Bed + Den $699,0 0 0 LARGE 68’X 152’LOT ON QUIET COURT Beautifully Appointed 2-Storey, 4 Bedroom Estate Home Located In Desired Mill Pond with Amazing Backyard Retreat W/Inground Pool !! $2,638 , 0 0 0 INDOOR POOL North York 5 Bedroom Oasis! $2,150 , 0 0 0 RARE INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY Fourplex with 4 x 3 Beds On Extra Large Lot Close To Toronto’s Best Schools $2,499 , 9 9 9 BUNGALOW WITH LAKE VIEW! SOLD FOR TOP $$$!! HALF ACRE DOWNTOWN BARRIE Great Opportunity for Developers and Investors $1,800 , 0 0 0 RESIDENTIAL/ INDUSTRIALZONING SOLD FOR TOP $$$!! SOLD WATERFRONT HERITAGE PROPERTY Recently Renovated 2 Storey On Over 1 Acre Lot $1,250 , 0 0 0 RECENTLY RENOVATED 1 1/2 Storey with 4 Bedroom and Huge Backyard $724,9 0 0 DELIGHTFUL 4 BEDROOM Located in quiet neighborhood near downtown Cobourg and Victoria Beach $725,0 0 0 LAKEFRONT CONDO TOWNHOUSE Updates Throughout. Walk Out To Boat Slip $599,0 0 0 STUNNING FAMILY HOME Open Concept Layout with Chefs Kitchen On A Huge Lot $675,0 0 0 BEAUTIFUL TURN KEY Newly Renovated With Income Potential $1,049 , 0 0 0 RENOVATED 2 STOREY 4+2 Bedroom Home with Self-Contained Basement Apartment $950,0 0 0 COMPLETELY RENOVATED ON 50FT LOT Contemporary design with luxurious finishes and finished basement apartment! $1,650 , 0 0 0 RURAL SETTING LAKE ACCESS. $500k In Renos. Easy Commute Downtown TO $1,400 , 0 0 0 CUSTOM WATERFRONT HOME 3500 sqft Bungalow with walkout basement overlooking lake with 150’ shoreline. $1,595 , 0 0 0 STUNNING CUSTOM BUILT MANSION Premium 82 X 222ft Lot, Massive 5+3 Beds, 6 Baths With 4 Car Garage $5,300 , 0 0 0 TWO HOMES IN ONE SOLD FOR TOP $$$!! SOLD SPECTACULAR OPPORTUNITY IN DEMAND LOCATION SOLD FOR TOP $$$!! SOLD SOLD 4200 SQFT HOME SOLD FOR TOP $$$!! SOLD SOLD 13 | Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r | Th u r s d a y , O c t o b e r 2 0 , 2 0 2 2 dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m New s A d v e r t i s e r | Th u r s d a y , O c t o b e r 2 0 , 2 0 2 2 | 14 The air is crisp, leaves are crunching underfoot and yellow school buses are everywhere. Fall is here! It’s a great time to get a complimentary auto insurance policy review from CAA Insurance 1. See if you have options like: •CAA MyPace TM, Canada’s only pay-as-you-go auto insurance payment program with savings for those who drive up to 12,000 km/year •Forgive and Forget ®to protect your driving record/rate after your first at-fault accident •Savings of up to 20% 2 on auto insurance 1Auto Insurance is underwritten by CAA Insurance Company.2To qualify for the discount you must be a current CAA Member in good standing (CAA Membership dues paid in full by Membership expiry date).A La Carte Members maximum savings on auto insurance is 5%. ®/™CAA trademarks are owned by,and use is authorized by,the CanadianAutomobileAssociation.Certain conditions,exclusions and underwriting eligibility rules apply. ®Forgive and Forget is a trademark owned by CAA Insurance Company. We Provide Getting-Day- Trippers-to-Fun Coverage For a complimentary policy review, call 1-855-245-3716 or visit caasco.com/FallFun. Find a licensed CAA authorized broker at caainsurancecompany.ca/findabroker. SAUNAS & BATHS, BIERGARDEN AND MORE... thermea.com The first Canadian village devoted to wellness. Friday November 4th, 2022 7:00 pm Audley Centre Ajax, 1955 Audley Rd. North Girls Inc. of Durham would like to invite you to join us for a FUNdraising evening of cocktails, charcuterie, and an exciting live and silent auction featuring some stunning designer handbags, raffles and so much more! With something for everyone, this will be a truly fun and inspiring night! POWER OF THE PURSE 15 | Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r | Th u r s d a y , O c t o b e r 2 0 , 2 0 2 2 dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m V!VA Pickering | (905) 831-2088 V!VA Whitby Shores | (905) 431-7410 Independent Living | Assisted Living | Respite Suites | vivalife.ca Put a little more wow in your day. Yo u know the feeling. That spark of joy when embracing your passions. At V!VA Retirement Communities, our simple goal is to help you feel more of that every day. We take care of the chores like cooking and cleaning, and you focus on the things that make you smile.Tolearnmore,callyour localV!VARetirementCommuntityoremailpickering@vivalife.caor whitbyshores@vivalife.ca. N o w A vailable A N Y TIM E DIN IN G Call or email your local V!VA Retirement Community today to reserve your spot! We invite you to strut your best costume down the catwalk. Come out to enjoy a fun party with friends. Refreshments will be served. RSVP is required. Halloween Party MONDAY, OCTOBER 31 | 2:30 PM dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m New s A d v e r t i s e r | Th u r s d a y , O c t o b e r 2 0 , 2 0 2 2 | 16 There are lots of great events happening in Dur-ham this weekend; here area few to check out. BRYSON PUMPKIN GIVEAWAY Oct. 22 from 10 a.m. to 2p.m.Bryson Insurance, 541 Bayly St, E., AjaxThe 15th annual BrysonPumpkin Giveaway in-cludes lots of free family fun — a fall photo shoot ar- ea, music, popcorn, bake sale, barbecue, raffle tableand — of course — pump-kins. PINGLE'S HARVEST FESTIVAL Sept. 10 to Oct. 30Pingle's Farm Market,1805 Taunton Rd., Hamp- tonThis popular annualevent at Pingle's includes:a main corn maze and mini toddler corn maze; THINGS TO DO WHAT TO DO IN DURHAM playland and visits with the animals; wagon ridesaround the farm; applepicking; a harvest market; live music; and a seasonal-ly inspired menu. Pump-kin picking will also beavailable in October. Visit pinglesfarmmarket.comfor tickets and informa-tion. BROOKS FARM FALL FUN FES- TIVALWeekends in October 122 Ashworth Rd., Mount Albert 17 | Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r | Th u r s d a y , O c t o b e r 2 0 , 2 0 2 2 dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m Robotic Surgery will save lives! Help us do more for our patients. Learn how you can make a bigger impact on cancer care in your community by having your gift doubled during the Million Dollar Match. Visit www.OurCancer.ca. Help us do more f Small Busi ness Celebrating Entrepreneurship October 16 to 22, 2022 dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m New s A d v e r t i s e r | Th u r s d a y , O c t o b e r 2 0 , 2 0 2 2 | 18 There is LIFE in Retirement Living. Hi there! We are the Ellers’! I’m Bruno (86) and this is my wife Bebe (71).We have 3 sons and 6 grandchildren. Here’s a snippet of our background, I immigrated to Canada from Germany when I was 20 years old and did not speak English or French. My wife is of Polish origin, and she came to Canada from Sweden when she was a baby. After we married, we lived for 38 years in Hudson/St.Lazarethenuponretiringwedecidedtomove to Ontario as most medical services are in French,it was hard for us to communicate to medical staff….so off we went! Hawkesbury, Ontario was our first location where we lived for 6 years until our youngest son, who lives in Toronto,toldusthatheandhiswifewereexpecting!What grandparentsdon’twanttobeclosetotheirgrandchildren! FromHawkesbury,wefoundaveryniceCondoinCobourg and were there 3 years until we were advised that our lease would not be extended. Wheredowegonow?!Somefriendsandfamilysuggested welookintoretirementliving,sowedid.BebeandIvisited a number of homes in the area surrounding Toronto and we were not impressed with any of them……. but then I noticed an ad on the internet for a brand-new home that was not officially opened at the time I was looking – it wascalledWinchesterGlenRetirement.So,wedecidedto makeanappointmentandvisit.Winchesterisamulti-level “U”shapebuildingwiththenorthwingforsupportedliving andthesouthwingforindependentliving.Allamenitiesare located on the 1st and 2nd floor in the middle of the“U” to make it nice and easy for all residents to find the fun! Bebe and I were impressed with the suite that we were shown which was a 2 bedroom/2-bathroom unit that also had a nice large balcony! We had looked at a few more places but nothing compared toWinchester,so we placed a fully refundable deposit and in July of this year, wemovedtoWinchesterGlenRetirementCommunity,and we areVERY happy that we did. Our suite has large rooms, vaulted ceilings, a beautiful kitchen,and the hallways are extremely wide and well lit.2501Thoroughbred Street,Oshawa Call to book a tour:905.410.2501 We Want you to experience life at the Glen aDVertorial AND,wehavemovedintoabrand-newlivingarrangement which nobody has lived before! Best of all,was our little dog“Peanut”was welcomed with open arms as well! TheotherbenefitsoflivinginaRetirementCommunityare the amenities on site,Bistro,Library Pub,Game’s Room, Fitness Room,Theatre,Dining Room and more! Some of our activities include, bus trips, Karaoke, movie nights, Euchre,Wine and Paint night,live entertainment and my favorite,Happy Hour!! Of course, it is not an easy decision to move into a Retirement Community setting, since you feel like this is going to be your last place to live, but trust me – you do LIVE here! There are so many positive things to think about.For instance,the number of new friends you make is amazing! When I drive my wife crazy and she tells me to leave the suite, I can knock on Vince’s door and have a beer with him! There are no maintenance fees or property taxes, everything is on one bill as your phone, cable, internet, and emergency pendant are all included.Appliances are supplied and if they break, the Maintenance Manager repairsorreplacesthem!Winchesterisliterallya2-minute drivefromagreatplazajustnorthofthehomeandCostco is the same distance on the opposite side of Simcoe. Last, but not least, the staff are extraordinary and they go out of their way to make you feel comfortable and at home. Familyandfriendsarewelcomeatanytime!Come and join us,you won’t be disappointed! Bruno and Bebe A New Chapter... Moving to Winchester Glen Retirement Community has opened a new chapter in my life. From the welcoming message on my door when I moved in, to the Grand OpeningwiththeMayor,DanCarterinattendance,Iknew I was going to be treated like royalty. ThereissomethingforeveryoneatWinchesterGlen.Weekly trips to places such as the Great Blue Heron Casino, WhiteFeatherFarms,andtheEnniskillenIceCreamStore, these are just a few of the highly favoured off-site events. While back at our growing community, you can partake in wine, beer and cider tastings, concerts, watermelon socials, strawberry banana split bonanzas, and teatime. The second floor boasts pool and games tables, plenty of areas to socialize,lounge or curl up with a good book. I have particularly enjoyed the following events: HighTea, Wine and Watercolor Painting and blueberry picking at Wilmot Orchards. For those who love exercise, there are strength and balance classes.Ladies can get a manicure or hand massage too! Our voices are heard at our monthly Town Hall Meetings. We have an active role in making improvements,helping choose what activities are offered and celebrating with the team on their many successes. Lunch and dinner are served in our beautiful dining room andmealsarewholesomeanddelicious.Themaintenance andhousekeepingstaffmakeourlivesmorecomfortable. Staff are always ready to please! For those who enjoy the quiet of their own space, the suites are beautifully designed, bright, and open up to patiosandbalconies.Thepetfriendlyenvironmentallows for residents to bring their pets with them, or for me, to have visits from my granddog. I am pleased to have made new friends and to create new moments in this chapter of my life.I am glad I chose Winchester Glen as my home. Karin Schilling thi S content WaS funDeD anD approVeD By the aDVertiSer 19 | Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r | Th u r s d a y , O c t o b e r 2 0 , 2 0 2 2 dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m Every life deserves to be remembered. Let US help YOU, to tell THEIR story on our High Quality Granite. Call or visit our showroom in Ajax now, to learn about your options. Proudly servicing ALL cemeteries with 8 showroom locations to serve you. Hours of Operation Monday to Friday 9-5 p.m. Evening and Saturday Appointments offered 905-427-4366 sanderson.ajax@bellnet.ca 32 Old Kingston Rd, Ajax CLARINGBOLD, Robert Alan "Al" 1946-2022 ___________ Passed away peacefully on October 12, 2022, with his wife of 34 years, Sheri, by his side. Al grew up in Ajax, Ontario where his baseball exploits often made the local newspapers, even being part of the Bantam Provincial Championship team in October 1961 although he wasn't old enough to play. Once his throwing arm gave out, Al found a life long passion in the game of golf. He made his first of seven holes in one during his second round at 14 years old. Al made many friends at the Lindsay Golf Club where he spent time as President, General Manager and even helped maintain cross-country ski trails. Al was also an enthusiastic member of the early morning "Dew Chasers". Al retired from the Town of Whitby after a 37-year career as Treasurer and Chief Administrative Officer. He loved his time with the Town and not only made many life long friends, but also earned the respect of Mayors, Councillors and employees alike. Al is survived by his wife Sheri, his brother Dave (Barb), his five children, Amelia (Jeff), Jeffrey (Linda), Jennifer, Robyn (Mark) and Sean (Robyn). He adored his six grandchildren, Michael (Leah), Iain (Tina), Alana (Josh), Owen, Brittyn and Nev. Al recently had the honour of meeting his first great grandchild, William. A celebration of Al's life will take place at the Lindsay Golf Club on Saturday October 29, 2022, from 2:00-4:00 p.m. The family would like to thank the wonderful, compassionate staff of the Palliative Care Unit at the Ross Memorial Hospital. Donations to the Hospital Foundation or the Junior Golf Program of the Lindsay Golf and Country Club would be appreciated. Online condolences may be left at www.lakelandfuneralcentre.com HARLEY, Gloria December 14, 1924-October 4, 2022 ___________ Gloria (Gonsalves) Harley - Peacefully at the Ajax Pickering Hospital on October 4, 2022, in her 98th year. Predeceased by her husband Allan Graham Harley, loving mother to Allan Charles Harley (Katie), Diana Hills (Michael), Sandra deFreitas (Duane), Maria Black (Phil). So loved by her grandchildren Michael Hills (Alanna), Ian Hills, Allan J. Harley (Amber), Justin deFreitas (Erin), Kayla deFreitas (Leroy), Cara Ally (Azam), Charles Harley, Jason Harley (Peacilla), Neill Ross (Celine). Awesome great- grandma to Andrew, Pandora, and Emily Hills, Quadad and Atorai deFreitas, Sadie, Thomas and Wally Harley, Allan Azam Ally. Very loved aunt of the Harley Clan in Belfast and Scotland. Of Portuguese descent, our Glo grew up in British Guiana on a sugar plantation. She has lived in the Caribbean including Barbados and St. Lucia, before moving to Canada. Gloria was a young and joyous soul keeping up to date on the lives of her family, music, every tennis event, and world issues. She never shied away from giving advice whether you wanted it or not and She greeted every encounter with curiosity, compassion, and eagerness. Glo lived all over the world, moving due to social unrest, sometimes job opportunities with her husband, or choice because she found a place she loved. She was generous, loving, open minded and had an incredible ability to make friends with anyone she met. With the British, Portuguese and Guyanese tradition in her soul, she would insist you eat and have a drink whenever you visited and loved cooking. Her joy for life extended to tending plants which she always surrounded herself with. Watching things grow gave her such joy. Her kindness and generosity were something that never dwindled, and her spark never went out. The family would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to the staff of the Ajax Pickering hospital, 2 East, who took amazing care of Glo. Arrangements entrusted to McEachnie Funeral home and a private family interment has been planned. A celebration of Gloria's life is planned for November 27, from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. at The Heydenshore Pavilion 589 Water St, Whitby. In memory of Gloria and consistent with her wishes, the family asks that in lieu of flowers, donations be made to The Ajax Pickering Hospital Foundation https://www.canadahelps.org/ en/charities/ajax-pickering- hospital-foundation The void your absence leaves is filled with light and echoes that dance, like you loved to do, with the silent music of the soul (Kayla deFreitas) LINDO, Yvonne Mrs (Lopez) October 4, 1926 - September 25, 2022 ------------------ Yvonne Lindo was born in Kingston, Jamaica. She passed away peacefully at home with family by her side. Yvonne is the eldest of seven children to Leo and Mercia Lopez. She attended Alpha Academy in Kingston Jamaica. She married the late Dr. Randolph (Jack) Lindo and raised three daughters; Dr. Jacqueline Lindo, Maureen Lindo-Gregory and Susan Lindo. Cherished grandmother to Damian, Stephanie, Nathan and Travis and her great- grandchildren Blake, Kaleb and Scarlett. Remembered lovingly by her only surviving sister, Mercia Brown (California). The family migrated to Canada in 1977 and resided here in Ajax from 1978 until her passing. Yvonne, was full of life; talented, resourceful, a wonderful host, part of charity groups and an assistance to her late husband. She attended St Bernadette and St Francis de Sales church in Ajax where she enjoyed meeting other members. She was also part of the Ajax Seniors Club and Pickering Library Seniors Group. She will be greatly missed by her family, friends and a multitude of people from the community where she resides. Mommy had a big heart and was very instrumental in the lives of many. Her life will be celebrated with a service being held at St Bernadette Catholic Church, Ajax at 1pm, followed by a reception in the church hall. We would like to thank our palliative care team and PSWs that took such great care of mom. 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