HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA2022_09_15THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 15, 2022 dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m New s A d v e r t i s e r | Th u r s d a y , S e p t e m b e r 1 5 , 2 0 2 2 | 2 THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 15, 2022 Claremont residents are call-ing on the City of Pickering to be proactive when it comes to curb- ing speeding in their village."Somebody is going to get hit here," resident John Cowan saidof Old Brock Road in the heart ofthe village. Although residents concerned about speeding have been toldthey're getting a solution, theysay it can't come soon enough."They set aside money in March, and now it's (August),"resident Michael Petersen said.Ward 3 regional Coun. DavidWard 3 regional Coun. DavidW Pickles confirmed the city is in- stalling speed humps in Clare-mont as a pilot project "on the re-quest of residents."A newsletter sent to all Clare- mont residents in August ex-plains temporary rubber SPEED HUMPS COMING TO CLAREMONT See ‘IT’S’,page 6 TOWN OF AJAX ALSO INSTALLING THEM AS WELL KRISTEN CALIS KCalis@durhamregion.com John Cowan and his neighbours, Mike Peterson, left, and Adam Drew, have been pushing for speed humps on Old Brock Road for years in this small Pickering village. They feel people, especially children, are at risk of speeding vehicles. Susie Kockerscheidt/Metroland FROM THE ISSUES TO THE CANDIDATES AND THE CAMPAIGN, WE’VE GOT YOU COVERED WITH EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW TO MAKE AN INFORMED CHOICE ON OCT. 24. YOUR COMMUNITY. YOUR VOICE. YOUR VOTE. DURHAMREGION.COM/2022MUNICIPALELECTION Valid from JulyJulyJul 28 –SeptemberSeptemberSeptember 28,2022 BRING THE POWER TO COOKING,COOLING & CLEANING EVENT Family owned & operated since 1955 #1 Voted appliaNCe Store iN durHam! 2212 TaunTon Road, HampTon 905-263-8369 • 1-800-798-5502 • www.PaddysMarket.ca P a d d y ’s MarketThe Appliance Specialist SHOP-AT-HOME SERVICE ORVISIT US TODAY! Ajax Showroom 88 Old Kingston Rd.,Pickering Village, Ajax 905-428-0937 info@sunshade.ca |www.sunshade.ca SUNSHADESUNSHADE BLINDS & DRAPERY Since1981 “YourWindowDecoratingCentre” DIAMONDWINNER 202221 DecoratingWindWforoveove WindowsWindorerer Years41 100’S OFWINDOW COVERING IDEAS BY *SAVE ON OUR POPULAR DESIGNER ROLLER SHADES AND OUR NANTUCKET COLLECTION UP TO *20% OFF *Save until September 30, 2022! *Roller Shades *NantucketWindow Coverings dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m New s A d v e r t i s e r | Th u r s d a y , S e p t e m b e r 1 5 , 2 0 2 2 | 4 When Russian troops moved into the Crimean Peninsula in 2014, Nataliia Buina and her family began looking for a safe country they could move to. They settled on Canada, applying for study permits for Nataliia’s husband and their two children. Nataliia herself was accepted into the agricultural stream of the federal Temporary Foreign Worker (TFW) program and in August 2017, began working at Truly Green Farms in Chatham. With only limited English, she started as a packer at the tomato greenhouse and began taking courses at a local language centre. Today, she’s responsible for quality control before produce shipments leave the farm, and a year ago, the family gained permanent residency in Canada. “I came to Canada as a temporary worker, and last year we got permanent residency and bought a house,”she says. “I love Chatham, I love Canada and the people are so friendly and nice.” Foreign labour programs for agriculture are often criticized as not offering participants the option of staying in Canada permanently, but the country’s doors are definitely open to those migrant workers, notes Stefan Larrass, Senior Policy Advisor with the Ontario Fruit & Vegetable Growers’ Association. “You have to meet certain conditions set by the federal government, but if you want to come, you have opportunities to do so either through provincial or federal immigration programs,”Larrass explains. Year-round migrant workers can apply for permanent residency through a national pilot program provided they have at least one year of non-seasonal, full-time work experience in Canada. And both seasonal and year-round workers can apply for permanent residency through the Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program if they have up to nine months of work experience in Ontario in the last three years. Through both avenues, government rules stipulate that workers need an offer of a permanent, year-round job, demonstrate English or French language skills and have a high school education or equivalent. Regardless of whether a migrant worker pursues permanent residency, federal and provincial laws and regulations are in place to ensure all workers legally employed in Canada have the same workplace protections as Canadian employees doing the same work. This includes frequent federal, provincial and foreign government employer compliance inspections and a multilingual, 24/7 federal government support line workers can use to raise concerns and seek help relating to their current employment. And not all migrant farm workers want to move to Canada permanently; they look forward to returning to their families, jobs and businesses when the season is over. Efrain Romero Tellez runs a business at home in Mexico when he’s not working on a Niagara Region vineyard. For the last six years, he’s been coming to Canada and three years ago, he decided to start his own business selling fruits and vegetables. “That is what I do now when I am not here, and I am back in Mexico. The business is closed when I’m here and when I return home, we re-start it,” he explains. To learn more about migrant farm workers in Canada and read their stories, visit www.morethanamigrantworker.ca. Canadian farm jobs can pave the way for permanent residency for migrant workers For more information about migrant workers and their lives in Canada - as told in their own words visit www.morethanamigrantworker.com. 5 | Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r | Th u r s d a y , S e p t e m b e r 1 5 , 2 0 2 2 dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m THE LARGEST LIGHT, SOUND AND MULTIMEDIA SHOW IN THE WORLD Book your tickets Now in Mississauga! dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m New s A d v e r t i s e r | Th u r s d a y , S e p t e m b e r 1 5 , 2 0 2 2 | 6 ABOUT USThis newspaper, published everyThursday, is a division of the Met-roland Media Group Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Torstar Corpora-tion. The Metroland family of news-papers is comprised of more than 70community publications acrossOntario. This newspaper is a member of the National NewsMedia Council. Com- plainants are urged to bring their concerns to the attention of the newspaper and, if not satisfied, write The National News Media Council, Suite 200, 890 Yonge St., Toronto, ON M4W 2H2. Phone: 416-340-1981 Web: www.mediacouncil.ca newsroom@durhamregion.com facebook.com/newsdurham @newsdurham WHO WE ARE Publisher and Chief Executive Officer Neil Oliver Vice President, Content, Community and Operations Dana Robbins Director of Content Lee Ann Waterman Managing Editor Mike Lacey Director of Advertising Tanya Pacheco Director Distribution Jason Christie Director Creative Services Katherine Porcheron Durham Advisory Council Dan Carter; Esther Enyolu; Jake Farr; Dr. Vidal Chavannes; Cynthia Davis; Elaine Popp/Don Lovisa; John Henry; Sue McGovern; Kerri King; Steve Yamada; Kelly LaRocca; Peter Bethlenfalvy; Dr. Steven Murphy; Norah Marsh; Tracy Paterson; Chris Darling; Christina Curry CONTACT US Ajax/Pickering News Advertiser Phone: 905- 579-4407 Newsroom: 905-215-0462 Sales: 905-215-0424 Classifieds: 1-800-263-6480 Fax: 905-579-2238 Web: www.durhamregion.com Letters to the editorAll letters must be fewer than 320words and include your name andtelephone number for verificationpurposes. We reserve the right toedit, condense or reject letters.Published letters will appear in printand/or online at durhamregion.com DeliveryFor all delivery inquiries, please call905-683-5117. humps will be installed on Old Brock Road south ofCentral Street. These speedhumps are not the abrupt speed bumps that aresometimes located in park-ing lots but are a flatter de-sign aimed at keeping traf- fic moving at the designat-ed speed limit or slightlybelow. Scott Booker, Picker-ing's manager of capitalprojects and infrastruc-ture, confirmed the com- munity of Kinsale will begetting them too.Cowan said Old BrockRoad has "become the 401 as far as traffic goes" for peo-ple cutting through Clare-mont en route to south Pickering.Petersen noted the de-mographics of Claremontare changing and new fam- ilies are moving in."My wife has concerns about the kids playing out-side, playing on the drive-way, and I don't think that's right," he said.He said thousands ofcars travel on that road that has a 40-kilometre limit aday."This street is technical-ly a side street and it hasn't been designed for thatmany vehicles," Petersensaid. The curve in the road isdangerous, Cowan said,and speed humps will forcedrivers to slow down before they get there."These are very easy im-plementations that havebeen done all over the re- gion," Cowan said.Booker says the speedhumps are expected to cost roughly $40,000 for bothand the city is working toinstall them as soon as pos-sible. "We are going through aprocess," he said. The installation of speedhumps is not an easy deci-sion, but the city's working to have them installed inClaremont as soon as possi-ble. In 2003, the city installedpermanent asphalt speedhumps in Cherrywood,Greenwood and Whitevale- . But for 20 years there havebeen no more installationsbecause "it's a very polariz- ing topic," Booker said. Some say it helps calmtraffic, while others com-plain it can damage their car or slow down their com-mute.So it's important to con-sult the entire community, he said, adding the lettersent out invites residents tosend feedback to the city. "But having said that,many municipalities in On-tario have gone forwardwith the speed hump pro- gram and we've been fol-lowing the trend in other municipalities," he said."So we think it's time to trythese rubber speed humps."Booker said the city hastried a number of traffic calming solutions in Clare-mont in the past such as a'Please Slow Down' sign;pavement markings, a new all-way stop; and addition-al speed limit signs, butthey haven't solved theproblem.Whitby set up four speedhumps on Robert AttersleyDrive in 2021. The Town of Ajax re-cently installed speedhumps on Warner Drive be-tween Taunton Road and Williamson Drive East."The installation ofspeed humps is considered on a case-by-case basis,"said Dhaval Pandya, Ajax'smanager of transportationplanning. "The town con- siders variety of trafficcalming measures while considering traffic calming measures for town roads."In 2022, speed humps,speed cushions and flexible bollards have been in-stalled on 13 streets in Ajax. In both Ajax and Picker-ing, the installation of new traffic measures often be-gins with communitymembers coming forward and sharing concerns withthe municipality. A thor-ough screening and evalua-tion process is undertaken by staff to determine whatwill be put in and where."We get traffic concernsor speeding concerns frommany community groupsin Pickering," Booker said."It's part of the job. In this case, we agree with them.There's concerns there andwe'd like to move forward." STORY BEHIND THESTORY: Residents calledDurhamRegion.com to share their concerns re-garding speeding in Clare-mont, and we took a look atthe case, and what's hap- pening in other munici-palities. NEWS Continued from page 3 'IT'S A VERY POLARIZING TOPIC' Fans of the Mount Ever-est, a long-standing Indian restaurant in Ajax thatclosed in 2017, will be happyto find some familiar facesare back in the kitchen. The Darbar openedAug. 19 at 611 Kingston Rd.W. in Ajax, in the same space previously occupiedby the Mount Everest —and with the same family atthe helm. Amanpreet Kaur saysher parents, ManoharSingh and Jasbir Kaur, de- cided to come out of retire-ment and are excited to beserving Indian food to the community again. The menu at the Darbarfocuses on traditional Pun-jabi dishes."We're not pre-cooking anything, everything ismade to order," Aman-preet Kaur says, explain- ing this allows customersto request a specific spicelevel or customize dishesfor food allergies or intoler- ances.The menu includesmany meat, seafood andvegetarian dishes, includ- ing makhani masala(chicken flambeed withpeppers, onions and toma- toes in a mild, creamy to-mato-based makhanisauce); jalfrazie (meat stir-fried with whole spices and peppers and finished witha creamy sauce); and sabzkorma (vegetables braised in a creamy masala saucewith sliced cashews and al-monds). You can also find differ- ent types of biryani, naanand paratha as well as adessert list that includesPista Malai Kulfi, a tradi- tional ice cream with pista-chios and cardamom.One of the new menu items is rara, a dish popu-lar at roadside Punjabi eat-eries that sees keema andchunks of chicken or lamb cooked on a tawa andtossed in thick, spiced ma-sala sauce.Kaur's favourite dish on the menu is sabz nawabi,which sees potatoes, on-ions and green peppers flambéed on high heat andmixed with a cream sauceflavoured with mint.When the Mount Ever- est opened in 1995, it wasthe culmination of years ofhard work for Manohar Singh, who started his culi-nary journey by opening acanteen in Himachal Pra- desh, India then opened his first restaurant in Banga,Punjab.After Singh arrive inCanada in 1988, he worked as a master chef at a restau-rant in Toronto. His wifearrived in Canada in 1993and the pair worked to-ward opening their ownrestaurant that focused onmade-to-order Indian dish- es and friendly service."My parents gutted thewhole place, they did ev-erything themselves. When they opened, the re-sponse was incredible,"says Kaur who started working with her family atthe Mount Everest atyoung age. "One of the big-gest things we tell people is, this is a family business.When you come in, you'repart of the family." Over the years, the res-taurant built up a loyal cus-tomer following that be- came like a second family."We wouldn't have beenas successful as we were if wasn't for the support fromthe community," Kaurnotes.The family is now looking forward to wel-coming familiar faces andnew customers to the Dar- bar.We want to hear aboutyour favourite places to eatin Durham! Old favourites, hidden gems, new restau-rants opening, awesomefood trucks. Send your great eats to reporter Jillian Foll-ert at jfollert@durhamre-gion.com FAMILY BEHIND THE MOUNT EVEREST BACK WITH NEW INDIAN RESTAURANT JILLIAN FOLLERT jfollert@durhamregion.com FOOD AND DRINK THE MENU AT THEDARBAR FOCUSESON TRADITIONALPUNJABI DISHES THE DARBAR Website:thedarbar.ca Address:611 Kingston Rd. W., Ajax Phone:905-686-9900 Facebook: facebook.com/darbarajax 7 | Pic k e r i n g N e w s A d v e r t i s e r | P | T h u r s d a y , S e p t e m b e r 1 5 , 2 0 2 2 dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m @cityofpickering Weekly Community Page September 15 Customer Care Centre 905.683.7575 (24 hour line) customercare@pickering.capickering.ca Date Meeting/Location Time Sep20 CouncilMeeting(RescheduledfromSep19)7:00pm Sep20 PickeringCulturalAdvisory CommitteeMeeting 7:00pm Sep21 AcessibilityAdvisory CommitteeMeeting 7:00pm Sep22 PickeringLibraryBoardMeeting 7:00pm Upcoming Public Meetings Forlocationandmeetingdetailscheck: calendar.pickering.ca/council(CouncilandCommitteeMeetings)or pickeringlibrary.ca/board(PickeringLibraryBoardMeetings). Meetingdetailsaresubjecttochange.PleasevisittheCitywebsite orcall905.420.2222fordetails.ForServicedisruptionnotification call:1.866.278.9993(CouncilandCommitteeMeetings)or 905.831.6265ext.6073(PickeringLibraryBoardMeetings). Are you on the Voters List? Seniors & Persons with Disabilities Snow Clearing Program The winter 2022/2023 application period is September 12 – October 14, 2022. •Program fee is based on your taxable income and fee schedule is available online. •Program accommodates 500 households; including the hamlets of Brougham, Claremont, Greenwood &Whitevale. •Residents with proof of permanent physical or cognitive disability will be given priority. •Completed applications can be provided in person or by mail, with all supporting documentation, including a cheque, post-dated to October 14, 2022, and made payable to the City of Pickering, in time to meet the registration deadline of October 14, 2022. Please visit pickering.ca/SnowProgram or contact the Customer Care Centre at 905.683.7575 for details. 2022 Final Property Tax Bill is due September 28, 2022 PleasecontactusifyouhavenotreceivedyourTaxNotice.Failure toreceiveaTaxNoticedoesnotreduceyourresponsibilityforthe paymentoftaxesandpenalty. Paymentscanbemadethroughonlinebanking(seebelow), telephonebanking,in-personbanking,orbydebitorchequeatCity Hall.Pleasecontactusifyourequireassistance. Didyouknowthatyoucanpayyourpropertytaxesonline? Thisissetupthroughyour bankinginstitution.Searchfor “PickeringTaxes”asthepayeeanduseyour19digitrollnumberas theaccountnumber.Onmostbanksites,wearelistedas“Pickering Taxes”orsomethingsimilar.Pleasecontactyourfinancialinstitution forassistance. PickeringisofferingaPropertyTaxDeferralProgram PickeringisofferingaPropertyTaxDeferralprogramforresidents thathavebeenfinanciallyimpactedbytheCOVID-19pandemic. Pleasevisitpickering.ca/taxdeferral orgiveusacallformore information. Late paymentfee Alatepaymentfeeof1.25%isaddedtoanyunpaidtaxesonthe firstdayofdefaultandonthefirstdayofeachmonth,aslongasthe taxesremainunpaid. ThepenaltyandinterestratesaresetbyCity By-laws,pursuanttothe OntarioMunicipalAct. TheCitydoesnot havetheauthoritytowaivepenaltyandinterestcharges. SupplementaryTaxBillInformation Ifyouhaverecentlypurchasedorbuiltanewhome,orhavemade changestoyourproperty,yourcurrenttaxbillmaynotincludeyour structureorimprovementstotheproperty.Thissupplementarytax billmayberetroactivetoyourdateofclosingorhousecompletion andmayincludemultipleyearsifapplicable.Thiscanamountto thousandsofdollars.Therefore,itisagoodideatoplanforthis andputmoneyasidetopaythebillwhenitcomesdue.Youmay onlyhave21daysfromthebillingdatetopaythissupplementary taxbill.Ageneralruleofthumbforcalculatingpropertytaxisto multiplyyourhomepurchasepricebythecurrenttaxrate.For example,ifyoupaid$600,000foryourhouse,yourtaxeswould be:$600,000x2022TaxRate(0.01101191)=$6,607.15 TaxAdjustments Propertyownersmayapplytoadjusttaxestoreflectasignificant changeintheirpropertyassessment(i.e.demolitionorfire).The CitymustreceiveapplicationsbyFebruary28thoftheyearfollowing thechangeevent. Anyquestionsregardingyourassessmentshouldbedirectedto MPACat1.866.296.6722. For questionsregardingyourtaxes,pleasecontacttheTaxSectionat 905.420.4614orTollFree1.866.683.2760. CityofPickering,TaxationSection: 905.420.4614 propertytaxes@pickering.ca TheVotingPeriodfortheupcomingMunicipalElectionbeginsonOctober 17at10:00amandendsat8:00pmonOctober24,2022(ElectionDay). Tomakeyourvotingexperienceasefficientaspossible,ensurethatyour informationontheVoters’Listisaccurate.ElectorsontheVoters’Listwill receiveaVoterInformationPackagethatwillcontainalltheinformation youneedtovote. Whocanvote? OnElectionDay,youmustbe: •18yearsofageorolder; •aCanadiancitizen; •aresidentofPickering(youoryourspouselives,rentsorowns propertyinPickering);and, •nototherwiseprohibitedbylawfromvoting. To makechangestoyourinformationontheVoters’List,youmustsubmit anEL15,ApplicationtoAmendtheVoters’List.Electorscancompletethis processbyaccessingtheonlineVoterLookupapplicationatpickering.ca/ VotersList,visitingadesignatedRevisionCentre,ortheClerk’sOfficeat CityHall. RevisionCentresandtheonlineVoterLookupapplicationwillbeavailable untilOctober14,2022.TheClerk’sOfficewillbeopentoeligibleelectors, duringregularbusinesshours,anduntilthecloseofvotingonElectionDay. OncethevotingperiodbeginsonOctober17,2022,electorswillneedto visitadesignatedVoterAssistanceCentreorVotingLocationtoupdateor addtheirinformationtotheVoters’List. Visit pickering.ca/VotersListformoreinformationontheprocess, addresses,andhoursofoperation forthedesignatedRevisionCentres, VoterAssistanceCentres,andVotingLocations. Grand Opening of Dunmoore Canine Activity Park Bringyourfurryfriendto celebratethisoneofakind off-leashdogactivityarea. September24,2022 12:30pm-3:30pm Openingceremonyat1:00pm DunmoorePark WhitesRoadSouth pickering.ca/animalservices dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m Pic k e r i n g N e w s A d v e r t i s e r | P | T h u r s d a y , S e p t e m b e r 1 5 , 2 0 2 2 | 8 Find what you’re looking for, in the location you want, for the price you want to pay! Catch a Great Deal! Browse our inventory of vehicles by Body Style, popular Makes and Models, Province, popular Cities or by Price. Whatever path you choose, you will find the right car, in the right location, for the right price! Right Choice{ } Car Place Price Find what you’re looking for, in the location you want, for the price you want to pay! Catch a Great Deal! Browse our inventory of vehicles by Body Style, popular Makes and Models, Province, popular Cities or by Price. Whatever path you choose, you will find the right car, in the right location, for the right price! Right Choice{ } Car Place Price Find what you’re looking for, in the location you want, for the price you want to pay! Catch a Great Deal! Browse our inventory of vehicles by Body Style, popular Makes and Models, Province, popular Cities or by Price. Whatever path you choose, you will find the right car, in the right location, for the right price! Right Choice{ } Car Place Price 9 | Pic k e r i n g N e w s A d v e r t i s e r | P | T h u r s d a y , S e p t e m b e r 1 5 , 2 0 2 2 dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m It’s always the right time to fi nd your perfect home Start your search on HomeFinder.ca dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m Pic k e r i n g N e w s A d v e r t i s e r | P | T h u r s d a y , S e p t e m b e r 1 5 , 2 0 2 2 | 10 The Trail Hub is offer-ing a warm, comfortablehome base for trail users or those who just want to en-joy a day out in nature.The Trail Hub is thebrainchild of husband-and- wife teams John and LeeFisher and Rick and CindyBatty, who purchased theformer Skyloft property asa retirement project thatwould allow them to in-dulge their passion for na- ture and the trails."We had this vision ofhaving this centre," saidJohn Fisher, noting that while the property hasbeen in use for many years, it was a private ski club formany years and thenclosed in the off-season. "We wanted to make some-thing that would be hereyear-round that everyone could enjoy," he continued."We wanted to essentiallygive this property back tothe public to let everyone come and enjoy it."In addition to fully reno-vating the facility over the last 15 months, the grouphas also cut a variety ofnew trails around the prop-erty, where users can also connect to existing publictrail systems. Users can en-joy the basic 45-minuteloop through the property on foot or on bike, withplans for separate and ex-tended trails in the future. The Trail Hub acts as a nat-ural home base for hikersand bikers to enjoy a dayout on the trail and come back to the hub for accessto washrooms and refresh- ments. "We have 240 kilometresof trails surrounding us forpeople to enjoy," said Fish- er. "There's something forevery level, and you don'teven have to be a trail userto visit us. We have lovely views and delicious food;you can come and sit on the patio and enjoy nature." That food is provided bynone other than Annina'sBakeshop of Goodwood, which has a new outpost atthe Trail Hub, and Fisher isnot exaggerating about theviews, either, considering that the property sits at thehighest point of land throughout the entireGreater Golden Horseshoearea. "People don't realizehow high up they're comingwhen they're driving up, so then you stand here and go'How did that happen?'"Fisher said of the scenicoutlook. "So many people just haven't been here ordon't know it's here, but thecommunity is starting to discover us and it's turninginto a little hub."The group has been fo-cused on supporting fellow small businesses in the ar-ea, with a range of local ar-tisan goods available in itsboutique. They also have plans for more amenities,including a bike shop, inthe future. "There's so much wecould do here," Fisher saidof their never-ending list ofideas for the property. "But we wanted to start slow. It'sjust awesome to see the place come alive and to seepeople come and enjoy it, it's exactly what we want-ed."The facility is also avail-able for weddings and spe- cial events, and hosts week-ly events such as guidedhikes, paint nights and sun- rise and sunset yoga. Formore information, visitwww.trailhub.ca. To in-quire about event book- ings, contact Anne Thorn-ton at anne@trailhub.ca. ENJOY THE VIEWS AT NEW TRAIL HUB DURHAM Trail Hub geek Bruce MacDonald looks out at the magical spectacular view from the Great Room. Susie Kockerscheidt/Metroland MOYA DILLON mdillon@durhamregion.com BUSINESS HUB OFFERS SCENIC LOOKOUTS, DINING AND TRAILS FOR HIKING OR BIKING THE TRAIL HUB Address:722 Chalk Lake Rd., Uxbridge, Ont., L9P 1R4 Phone:289-852-1008 Email:info@trailhub.ca Hours: Monday — Closed Tuesday — Check calendar Wednesday — 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Thursday — 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Friday — 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Saturday — 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Sunday — 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Start planning your dream vacation with hand-picked travel deals and inspiration just for Canadians Visit Start planning your dream vacation with hand-picked travel deals and inspiration just for Canadians Visit VACATION INSPIRATIONSTARTS HERE Start planning your dream vacation with hand-picked travel deals and inspiration just for Canadians 11 | Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r | Th u r s d a y , S e p t e m b e r 1 5 , 2 0 2 2 dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m COÛT DES BILLETS PAR SÉRIE POUR LES 6 SPECTACLES ADULTE: 99 $ ÂGE D'OR: 75 $ ÉTUDIANT: 25 $ LESBOUCHESBÉES LESTROUSDANSLESCŒURS 15AVRIL2023À20H ADULTE20$/ÂGED'OR15$/ÉTUDIANT5$ NATHALIENADON ÀQUATRETEMPS 24 SEPTEMBRE 2022 À 20 H ADULTE 20 $ / ÂGE D'OR 15 $ / ÉTUDIANT 5 $ SAISON CULTURELLE 2022-2023 Spectacles Francophones à Oshawa /Whitby NACHOJAM CHANSONPOPULAIRE 12NOVEMBRE2022À20H DAMOIZEAUX ENPLUME 25MARS2023À20H ADULTE20$/ÂGED'OR15$/ÉTUDIANT5$ INTRUSIONS COPRODUCTIONDUTHÉÂTREDELAVIEILLE17 ETTHÉÂTREPOPULAIRED’ACADIE LE29AVRIL2023À20H ADULTE20$/ÂGED'OR15$/ÉTUDIANT5$ VACHESTHEMUSICAL CRÉATIONSINVIVO 18FÉVRIER2023À20H ADULTE25$/ÂGED'OR20$/ÉTUDIANT5$ STEFPAQUETTE LECHOEURÀLABONNEPLACE 17JUIN2023À20H ADULTE20$/ÂGED'OR15$/ÉTUDIANT5$ Spectacleshybrides Voyez les spectacles en salle ou visionnez en direct sur YouTube de votre domicile où que vous soyez Plus d'information sur le site web www.cofrd.org Achetez vos billets sur le site internet ou en téléphonant au 905-434-7676 ADULTE 20 $ / ÂGE D'OR 15 $ / ÉTUDIANT 5 $ DENISBOUCHARD LEDERNIERSACREMENT 29OCTOBRE2022À20H ADULTE30$/ÂGED'OR 25$/ÉTUDIANT 5$ PANDORATOPP CAFÉPIAF 28JANVIER2023À20H ADULTE20$/ÂGED'OR15$/ÉTUDIANT5$ dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m New s A d v e r t i s e r | Th u r s d a y , S e p t e m b e r 1 5 , 2 0 2 2 | 12 ADVERTISING FEATURE WHY FAMILIES BELIEVE IN AMICA FOR EXCEPTIONAL CARE By always putting the health and safety of our residents first, Amica is a trusted leader in providing exceptional care along with a choice of lifestyles, including Independent, Assisted Living and Memory Care. “Our goal is for residents and families to feel connected, engaged, supported and valued,” says Adam Wiener, General Manager of Amica Pickering. Here’s why families trust the care at Amica. PERSONALIZED CARE Whether they’d like help getting ready in the morning, managing their medications or more, Amica residents feel supported with care that’s respectful to their personal wishes and schedules. PRIORITIZED WELLNESS Amica’s holistic approach to wellness includes enriching activities, cultural excursions and a vibrant social atmosphere all designed to support each senior’s physical, social, emotional and cognitive health. FLEXIBLE SUPPORT As each senior’s needs change, so does their care.The professional staff at Amica Pickering provide the care and support each resident needs so they don’t have to worry about moving again. CERTIFIED STAFF The health and wellbeing of every resident is overseen by a Director of Wellness, a registered practical nurse with specialized training in working with seniors. An RPN is also on duty 24/7, with emergency response pendants monitored on site. 1450 PICKERING PARKWAY AMICA.CA/PICKERING Call Stephanie Winters or Renee Mathieu at 905-839-2323 to book your complimentary lunch and tour today. Sunday,September18 7:00am-5:00pm FreeHealthClub 16+ Enjoyaworkoutinourcardio&weightrooms. FreeRacquetballorSquash allages Noequipment?Noproblem-youcanborrowfromus!Yourown non-markingrunningshoesarerequired. Bookacourtupto24hoursinadvance,905.831.1730 FreeFitnessClasses 13+ PumpItUp 8:30am-9:20am StudioB Thisclassfocusesonweightbearingstrengthexercisesthatare challenging,safe,andfunctional. Mobil-ates 9:30am-10:30am StudioC Thisclassblendsmobilitywork,Thaiyoga,andpilatestomove, lengthen,andstretchyourentirebody. FreeSwim allages 1:00pm-4:00pm Bringyourtowel! 3DayT Yourfreepassincludes HealthClub,GroupFitness,Racquetball andpublicswimming. Accesstomemberschangerooms,whirlpool,steamroom,andsauna isavailabletoparticipants18+for$10.00. Pickupyourpass attheFrontDesk,beforeSeptember27. TrialendsSeptember30. Mustbe16+. Participantswhopurchaseamembershipattheendofthetrialwill gettherenewaldiscountrateandaFreeGuestPass. It’sagreattimetobecomeamember! 1867ValleyFarmRoad|905.685.6582|pickering.ca/fit TryItFreeDay atChestnutHillDevelopmentsRecreationComplex Health Club • Fitness Classes • Racquetball • Squash • Swimming yTrial eepassincludes quetball, Squash, 13 | Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r | Th u r s d a y , S e p t e m b e r 1 5 , 2 0 2 2 dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m Dealer order may be required.Contact your Ontario Honda Dealer for anticipated delivery date.ΩLimited time lease offers available through Honda Financial Services Inc. (HFS), to qualified retail customers on approved credit. Monthly payments include freight and PDI ($1,950), tire & environmental fee ($21) [This fee covers the cost to Honda Canada of collecting and recycling tires], A/C charge ($100), and OMVIC fee ($10). Taxes, licence, insurance and registration are extra. Representative monthly lease example: 2023 HR-V EX-L Navi (Model RZ2H7PK)// 2022 Pilot Touring (Model YF6H6NKNY) on a 24 // 24-month term with 24 // 24 monthly payments at 4.45%//3.45% lease APR. Monthly payment is $727.96// $1,106.79 with $0 // $0 down or equivalent trade-in and $0 total lease incentive included. Down payments, $0 security deposit and first monthly payment due at lease inception.Total lease obligation is $17,471.14// $26,562.97. 40,000 // 40,000 kilometre allowance; charge of $0.12/km for excess kilometres. PPSA lien registration fee of $16.00 // $16.00 and lien registering agent's fee of $6.50, due at time of delivery are not included. 2023 HR-V EX-L Navi // 2022 Pilot Touring -- Advertised price/payment includes charge of $300//$300 for premium paint colour.*None of the features we describe are intended to replace the driver’s responsibility to exercise due care while driving.Drivers should not use handheld devices or operate certain vehicle features unless it is safe and legal to do so. Some features have technological limitations. For additional feature information, limitations and restrictions, please visit www.honda.ca/disclaimers and refer to the vehicle’s Owner’s Manual. For all offers: licence, insurance, PPSA, other taxes (including HST) and excess wear and tear are extra.Taxes payable on full amount of purchase price. Offers only valid for Ontario residents at participating Ontario Honda Dealers from September 01, 2022 until September 30, 2022. Dealer may lease for less. Dealer order/trade may be necessary (but may not be available in all cases). Colour availability may vary by Dealer. Vehicles and accessories are for illustration purposes only. Offers, prices and features subject to change without notice. See your Ontario Honda Dealer or visit HondaOntario.com for full details. DEALER ORDER/TRADE MAY BE NECESSARY. Meet the all-new versatile 2023 HR-V. MODEL RZ2H7PK MODEL YF6H6NKNY Reserveyourstoday. PILOTRESERVE YOUR 2022 LEASE FOR UP TO 24 MONTHS Ω ON ALL 2022 PILOT MODELS 3.45 %A PR FROM • HONDA SENSING™ SAFETY TECHNOLOGIES* • ECON MODE & ECO ASSIST™ • i-VTM4™ AWD SYSTEM • AVAILABLE REAR ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM HR-VTHE ALL-NEW 2023 LEASE FOR UP TO 24 MONTHS Ω ON ALL 2023 HR-V MODELS 4.45 %A PR FROM • HONDA SENSING™ SAFETY TECHNOLOGIES* • ECON MODE & ECO ASSIST™ • AVAILABLE REAL TIME AWD™ • REMOTE ENGINE STARTER Technologically advanced. Naturally dependable. OVER 96.14% OF ALL Honda MODELS SOLD IN CANADA IN THE LAST 10 YEARS ARE STILL ON THE ROAD TODAY. Family Owned And Operated Since 1953Family Owned And Operated Since 1953 733 KINGSTON RD. E. AJAX MON-WED/SAT: 9AM-6pM, THURS/FRI: 9AM-7pM SUN AND HOlIDAyS: 10AM-5pM WHIlE QUANTITIES lAST @macmillanorchards1953 FRESH-LOCAL-FABULOUS Order Fresh, Free Range, Local Turkeys Now! THE SILVER LINING TO SUMMER’S END! Salesperson Kelly Martindale Cell: 905.242.3747 OshawaOffice (905)723-4800 •PeterboroughOffice (705)742-4777 RoyalHeritageRealtyoffice FeaturesAnEatInKitchenWithCeramicFlooring&CrownMoulding,Large PrimaryBedroom,4PieceBath,CombinedDining/LivingAreaWithWalkoutToAn EnclosedSunroomWhereYouCanRelaxAndWatchTheSunGoDown,WalkoutTo DoubleAttachedGarageWhichIsGreatEspeciallyInTheWintertimeLowerLevelIs FinishedWith2MoreBedrooms,CozyFamilyRoomWithGasFireplace,BigAbove GroundWindowsLetTheNaturalLightShineThroughAllLocatedInAFamily FriendlyNeighborhoodWithParks&SchoolsNearby.BackYardIsAllFencedTo KeepYourFurBabiesFromEscaping.32AppleBlossomBlvdClarington WelcomeToThislovelyRaisedBungaloW TranquilitySurroundsThisBeautifulCenturyVictorianFarmhouseThatFeatures UpdatedKitchen/Living/DiningArea.4LargeBed,3Bath,4SeasonSunroom AllSituatedOn40+Acres34Workable,20OfWhichAreTileDrainedInTheHay Field.ThisHobbyFarmComesEquippedWithA60X50BarnWithOver10Stalls, LargeDetachedDriveShed/Garage(26X44),AnInsulatedWorkshop(25X14’6). GrowYourOwnVegetablesInTheHugeGarden,SetUpAVeggieStandOrJust RelaxAndEnjoyThe2LovelyPonds&PeacefulSettings.ExcellentLocation. 3501Hwy#7KawarthaLakes 40acRe FaRm FoRsale Sold:$829,900 List:$829,900 87RoseGlenRd PoRThoPenoRThumBeRland OpenHOusesept 17&18•2p.m -4p.m. SOLD dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m New s A d v e r t i s e r | Th u r s d a y , S e p t e m b e r 1 5 , 2 0 2 2 | 14 www.perkinsrestaurants.com 1097 Kingston Rd, Pickering •Pickup • • Dine-in (905)492-1745•perkinsrestaurants.com KIDS EAT FREE Tuesdays & Saturday Evenings (Meal only, 10 and under) Earlybird Special $8.95 Mon- Fri Until 10 am Pumpkin Season! Spice up your Fall with the return of the Perkins Pumpkin Menu! Transport your taste buds to the closest pumpkin patch with our seasonal favorites including our Pumpkin Spice Pancake Platter. Bakery Items Buy 2 Get 1 Free (excluding pies) $1.95 EA $2.95 EA $2.95 EA $2.95 EA $2.95 EA Expires September 30, 2022 20% Off TOTal Bill Offer Valid with the purchase of two meals and two beverages. Not to be combined with any other offers. Not valid with 55+, Duos & Trios menus Expires September 30, 2022 $5.00 Off PiESBuy ONE GET ONE fREE ENTREE With the purchase of 2 beverages. Valid 3pm to close. Maximum Value up to $15. Not valid with 55+, Duos & Trios menus Expires September 30, 2022 Valid only at Pickering location. One coupon per person per visit. Not valid with any other discountsor offers. Only original coupon accepted. Taxes paid by the customer. Valid only at Pickering location. One coupon per person per visit. Not valid with any other discounts or offers. Only original coupon accepted.Taxes paid by the customer. 20% Off TOTal Bill $5.00 Off PiESBuy ONE GET ONE fREE ENTREE Expires October 15, 2022 Valid only at Pickering location. One coupon per person per visit. Not valid with any other discounts or offers. Only original coupon accepted.Taxes paid by the customer. With the purchase of 2 beverages. Valid 3pm to close. Maximum Value up to $15. Not valid with 55+, Duos & Trios menus Expires October 15, 2022 Offer Valid with the purchase of two meals and two beverages. Not to be combined with any other offers. Not valid with 55+, Duos & Trios menus Expires October 15, 2022 Valid only at Pickering location. One coupon per person per visit. Not valid with any other discountsor offers. Only original coupon accepted. Taxes paid by the customer. Valid only at Pickering location. One coupon per person per visit. Not valid with any other discounts or offers. Only original coupon accepted.Taxes paid by the customer. Valid only at Pickering location. One coupon perperson per visit. Not valid with any other discountsor offers. Only original coupon accepted.Taxes paid by the customer. Breakfast • Lunch • Dinner Pies must be ordered in advance.Pies must be ordered in advance. 15 | Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r | Th u r s d a y , S e p t e m b e r 1 5 , 2 0 2 2 dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m V!VA Pickering | (905) 831-2088 V!VA Whitby Shores | (905) 431-7410 Independent Living | Assisted Living | Respite Suites | vivalife.ca Put a little more joy in your day. Yo u know the feeling. That spark of joy when sharing a hearty laugh with good friends and family. At V!VA Retirement Communities, our simple goal is to help you feel more of that every day. We take care of the chores like cooking and cleaning, and you focus on the things that make you smile. Tolearnmore,callyourlocalV!VARetirementCommunityoremail pickering@vivalife.caorwhitbyshores@vivalife.ca. N o w A vailable A N Y TIM E DIN IN G Call or email your local V!VA Retirement Community today to reserve your spot! Our Lifestyles Team will go over arthritis, inflammation, and provide tips, tricks, and exercises to bring strength and relief. Seating is limited. RSVP is required. National Arthritis Month Presentation THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22 | 3:00 PM dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m New s A d v e r t i s e r | Th u r s d a y , S e p t e m b e r 1 5 , 2 0 2 2 | 16 EAST **Certain Conditions may apply. Not intended to solicit persons under contract. ReMax West Realty Inc. does not guarantee the sale of your home. Exclusively offered by Frank Leo.Copyright©2009 Frank Leo SEE MORE PHOTOS & PROPERTIES at www.GetLeo.com CaLL TOday 416-917-LION (5466) aNd STaRT PaCkING! MULTI-MILLION DOLLAR Sell Your Home Faster and For More Money. • Find out about the newest homes on the market that meet your needs • Get more inFormed about the specific areas and how to get the best price • Find out how to get the best mortGaGe rates and saving programs, plus much more -Call today!! * FOR UNITS OF LISTINGS SOLD ACCORDING TO A STUDY OF MLS DATA PREPARED BY AN INDEPNDANT AUDITOR FOR REAL ESTATE STATISTICS FOR 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021 WEST REALTY INC.,Brokerage Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated FRANk LeO & AssOcIATes TI-MILLION DOLLAR FREECONFIDENTIAL HOME EVALUATIONS free service professional buyer Guaranteed Home Selling System Broker Children’ & Canadian Cancer #1 RE/MAX TEAM iN THe GTA * #1 TEAM In ToRonTo (Central, east, and West Combined) by Units of listings sold for all brokers and sales representatives for all Companies* Sponsor of Children’s Miracle Network & Canadian Cancer Foundation We Live And Work In Your Area! GET MORE FOR YOUR PROPERTY! Let Us Show You How! Broker 6 BED RESIDENCE WITHOVER 1300SqFT SHOWROOM Situated on ¾ Acres, Live/Work Potential $4,688 , 0 0 0 WATERFRONT WITH 1.5 ACRES Impressive Custom Build $3,880 , 0 0 0 BACkYARD OASIS 3 Bed Backsplit with Inground Pool $1,199 , 0 0 0 4200 SqFT HOME Luxury 1.25 Acre Estate Lot In GTA $4,000 , 0 0 0 BRAND NEW HARD LOFTS 900-1700 SqFt Located In Downtown Toronto. VIP Pricing. Call For More Info FOR SALE 2.2 ACRE DEVELOPMENT SITE WHITBY Suitable For Condo, Rental or Longterm Care FOR SALE • Your home advertised 24 hours a day until sold • 360 Degree marketing massive print, internet, tv, radio + billboard strategy reaching millions • Learn the secrets of selling without ineffective open houses • Our team of professionals for the same price as hiring a single broker • Get up to $10,000 no interest for 60 days** • Total service guarantee in writing • Your home sold guaranteed, or i’ll buy it** • Competitive rates, exceptional service • In depth neighborhood report for each property we sell • Planning to move soon free consultation • Database of qualified buyers WE’RE HIRING! WE ARE LOOkING FOR 2 MOTIVATED LICENSED REALTORS. GO TO JOINTEAMLEO.COM TO APPLY NOW! INDOOR POOL North York 5 Bedroom Oasis! $2,150 , 0 0 0 BUNGALOW ON 25 ACRES SOLD FOR TOP $$$!! SOLD RENOVATED BUNGALOW ON 1.5 ACRES! SOLD FOR 200k OVER ASkING!! SOLD $11,0 0 0 , 0 0 0 ATLANTIS NIAGARA WINERY In the heart of Wine Country! Cannabis Greenhouse!! Call for more info. $2,899 , 9 0 0 PRIVATE WATERFRONT OASIS 452ft of waterfront, 4.73 Acres with 6 beds, 5 baths,Triple garage & heated workshop. BUNGALOW WITH LAkE VIEW! 4900sqft Of Living Space, Finished Basement With Wine Cellar $1,699 , 9 9 9 VACANT ESTATE LOTS 1+ Acres $400,0 0 0 OPPORTUNITY kNOCkS Calling all investors and first time buyers. 2 storey family home surrounded by serene fields. $499,9 9 9 2 BED, 2 BATH WITH LAkE VIEWS Fully Furnished In Touchstone Resort $725,0 0 0 SPACIOUS UNIT WITH HUGE TERRACE! Central Location $550,0 0 0 PRIVATE LAkE ACCESS 4 bedroom detached on 60x100 ft treed lot! 3000sqft with walk out basement $1,399 , 9 0 0 LARGE FAMILY HOME SOLD FOR 100%OF ASkING!! SOLD RURAL SETTING LAkE ACCESS. $500k In Renos. Easy Commute Downtown TO $1,400 , 0 0 0 ENDLESS POTENTIAL Commercially Zoned. Huge Shop! $1,399 , 0 0 0 HEART OF LESLIEVILLE Fabulous 3 bedroom, 2-storey Victorian! Tons of potential/charm! Attentions renovators/builders/Investors! $1,000 , 0 0 0 92FT OF WATERFRONT Incredible Raised Bungalow with 4 Beds and Walkout Basement with Direct Access to Lake $1,150 , 0 0 0 $1,499 , 9 0 0 RESIDENTIAL/ INDUSTRIALZONING Live/Work. 5bed/4bath Bungalow w/ walk-out Apartment & 2400 Sqft shop $728 , 8 0 0 GORGEOUS TOWNHOME Move In Ready! Eat-In Kitchen and Bathrooms HALF ACRE DOWNTOWN BARRIE Great Opportunity for Developers and Investors $1,800 , 0 0 0 COUNTRY LIVING SOLD FOR TOP $$$ SOLD DETACHED 3 BED, 3 BATH SOLD FOR TOP $$$!! SOLD DOWNTOWN PENTHOUSE SOLD FOR TOP $$$!! SOLD WATERFRONT HERITAGE PROPERTY Recently Renovated 2 Storey On Over 1 Acre Lot $1,250 , 0 0 0 ExCELLENT LOCATION Huge potential for this semi detached with parking and garage. $824,9 9 9 DELIGHTFUL 4 BEDROOM Located in quiet neighborhood near downtown Cobourg and Victoria Beach $899,0 0 0 TWO HOMES IN ONE Renovated 2 Storey + Renovated Bungalow on 1.6 Acre Lot $999,9 0 0 4 BEDROOM FAMILY HOME SOLD FOR TOP $$!! SOLD IMPECCABLY MAINTAINED BUNGALOW SOLD FOR $45k OVER ASkING SOLD STUNNING FAMILY HOME Open Concept Layout with Chefs Kitchen On A Huge Lot $675,0 0 0 BEAUTIFUL TURN kEY Newly Renovated With Income Potential $1,149 , 0 0 0 LARGE FAMILY HOME SOLD FOR TOP $$!! SOLD 17 | Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r | Th u r s d a y , S e p t e m b e r 1 5 , 2 0 2 2 dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m New s A d v e r t i s e r | Th u r s d a y , S e p t e m b e r 1 5 , 2 0 2 2 | 16 EAST **Certain Conditions may apply. Not intended to solicit persons under contract. ReMax West Realty Inc. does not guarantee the sale of your home. Exclusively offered by Frank Leo.Copyright©2009 Frank Leo SEE MORE PHOTOS & PROPERTIES at www.GetLeo.com CaLL TOday 416-917-LION (5466) aNd STaRT PaCkING! MULTI-MILLION DOLLAR Sell Your Home Faster and For More Money. • Find out about the newest homes on the market that meet your needs • Get more inFormed about the specific areas and how to get the best price • Find out how to get the best mortGaGe rates and saving programs, plus much more -Call today!! * FOR UNITS OF LISTINGS SOLD ACCORDING TO A STUDY OF MLS DATA PREPARED BY AN INDEPNDANT AUDITOR FOR REAL ESTATE STATISTICS FOR 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021 WEST REALTY INC.,Brokerage Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated FRANk LeO & AssOcIATes TI-MILLION DOLLAR FREECONFIDENTIAL HOME EVALUATIONS free service professional buyer Guaranteed Home Selling System Broker Children’ & Canadian Cancer #1 RE/MAX TEAM iN THe GTA * #1 TEAM In ToRonTo (Central, east, and West Combined) by Units of listings sold for all brokers and sales representatives for all Companies* Sponsor of Children’s Miracle Network & Canadian Cancer Foundation We Live And Work In Your Area! GET MORE FOR YOUR PROPERTY! Let Us Show You How! Broker 6 BED RESIDENCE WITHOVER 1300SqFT SHOWROOM Situated on ¾ Acres, Live/Work Potential $4,688 , 0 0 0 WATERFRONT WITH 1.5 ACRES Impressive Custom Build $3,880 , 0 0 0 BACkYARD OASIS 3 Bed Backsplit with Inground Pool $1,199 , 0 0 0 4200 SqFT HOME Luxury 1.25 Acre Estate Lot In GTA $4,000 , 0 0 0 BRAND NEW HARD LOFTS 900-1700 SqFt Located In Downtown Toronto. VIP Pricing. Call For More Info FORSALE 2.2 ACRE DEVELOPMENT SITE WHITBY Suitable For Condo, Rental or Longterm Care FORSALE • Your home advertised 24 hours a day until sold • 360 Degree marketing massive print, internet, tv, radio + billboard strategy reaching millions • Learn the secrets of selling without ineffective open houses • Our team of professionals for the same price as hiring a single broker • Get up to $10,000 no interest for 60 days** • Total service guarantee in writing • Your home sold guaranteed, or i’ll buy it** • Competitive rates, exceptional service • In depth neighborhood report for each property we sell • Planning to move soon free consultation • Database of qualified buyers WE’RE HIRING! WE ARE LOOkING FOR 2 MOTIVATED LICENSED REALTORS. GO TO JOINTEAMLEO.COM TO APPLY NOW! INDOOR POOL North York 5 Bedroom Oasis! $2,150 , 0 0 0 BUNGALOW ON 25 ACRES SOLD FOR TOP $$$!! SOLD RENOVATED BUNGALOW ON 1.5 ACRES! SOLD FOR 200k OVER ASkING!! SOLD $11,0 0 0 , 0 0 0 ATLANTIS NIAGARA WINERY In the heart of Wine Country! Cannabis Greenhouse!! Call for more info. $2,899 , 9 0 0 PRIVATE WATERFRONT OASIS 452ft of waterfront, 4.73 Acres with 6 beds, 5 baths,Triple garage & heated workshop. BUNGALOW WITH LAkE VIEW! 4900sqft Of Living Space, Finished Basement With Wine Cellar $1,699 , 9 9 9 VACANT ESTATE LOTS 1+ Acres $400,0 0 0 OPPORTUNITY kNOCkS Calling all investors and first time buyers. 2 storey family home surrounded by serene fields. $499,9 9 9 2 BED, 2 BATH WITH LAkE VIEWS Fully Furnished In Touchstone Resort $725,0 0 0 SPACIOUS UNIT WITH HUGE TERRACE! Central Location $550,0 0 0 PRIVATE LAkE ACCESS 4 bedroom detached on 60x100 ft treed lot! 3000sqft with walk out basement $1,399 , 9 0 0 LARGE FAMILY HOME SOLD FOR 100%OF ASkING!! SOLD RURAL SETTING LAkE ACCESS. $500k In Renos. Easy Commute Downtown TO $1,400 , 0 0 0 ENDLESS POTENTIAL Commercially Zoned. Huge Shop! $1,399 , 0 0 0 HEART OF LESLIEVILLE Fabulous 3 bedroom, 2-storey Victorian! Tons of potential/charm! Attentions renovators/builders/Investors! $1,000 , 0 0 0 92FT OF WATERFRONT Incredible Raised Bungalow with 4 Beds and Walkout Basement with Direct Access to Lake $1,150 , 0 0 0 $1,499 , 9 0 0 RESIDENTIAL/ INDUSTRIALZONING Live/Work. 5bed/4bath Bungalow w/ walk-out Apartment & 2400 Sqft shop $728 , 8 0 0 GORGEOUS TOWNHOME Move In Ready! Eat-In Kitchen and Bathrooms HALF ACRE DOWNTOWN BARRIE Great Opportunity for Developers and Investors $1,800 , 0 0 0 COUNTRY LIVING SOLD FOR TOP $$$ SOLD DETACHED 3 BED, 3 BATH SOLD FOR TOP $$$!! SOLD DOWNTOWN PENTHOUSE SOLD FOR TOP $$$!! SOLD WATERFRONT HERITAGE PROPERTY Recently Renovated 2 Storey On Over 1 Acre Lot $1,250 , 0 0 0 ExCELLENT LOCATION Huge potential for this semi detached with parking and garage. $824,9 9 9 DELIGHTFUL 4 BEDROOM Located in quiet neighborhood near downtown Cobourg and Victoria Beach $899,0 0 0 TWO HOMES IN ONE Renovated 2 Storey + Renovated Bungalow on 1.6 Acre Lot $999,9 0 0 4 BEDROOM FAMILY HOME SOLD FOR TOP $$!! SOLD IMPECCABLY MAINTAINED BUNGALOW SOLD FOR $45k OVER ASkING SOLD STUNNING FAMILY HOME Open Concept Layout with Chefs Kitchen On A Huge Lot $675,0 0 0 BEAUTIFUL TURN kEY Newly Renovated With Income Potential $1,149 , 0 0 0 LARGE FAMILY HOME SOLD FOR TOP $$!! SOLD 17 | Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r | Th u r s d a y , S e p t e m b e r 1 5 , 2 0 2 2 dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m New s A d v e r t i s e r | Th u r s d a y , S e p t e m b e r 1 5 , 2 0 2 2 | 18 2022OPG Community OpenHouse The climate will not wait, and neither will OPG. Date:Saturday, Sept. 24 Time:10 a.m.–4 p.m. Location:Darlington Energy Complex 1855 Energy Dr., Clarington, ON Join us at this FREE drop-in style family event to learn more about how our operations, projects and other initiatives are helping to combat climate change and power a brighter, cleaner tomorrow. No registration is required. Learn more at opg.com/openhouse Join us at this FREE drop-in style family event to learn more about how our operations, projects and other initiatives are helping to combat climate change and power a brighter, cleaner tomorrow. No registration is required. Learn more at opg.com/openhouse Where a brighter tomorrow begins. SCAN opg.com EnjoyafullycookedRoastedTurkeywith CranberryGingerSauceandGravy,orchoose Maple-GlazedHamwithHoneyMustardCreamSauce. Includesfourdelicioussides. Justheat&enjoy! Generouslyserves6-8people. Lastdaytoorder:Sunday,October2nd,orwhilequantitieslast Pick-up:Friday,October7thtoSunday,October9thALLPICTURESSHOWNAREFORILLUSTRATIONPURPOSESONLY. Turkey or ham - you choose! T h a n ksgivingDinner C OM PLETE ThanksgivingDinner fortwoisalsoavailable visitfarmboy.ca fordetails. ON NOW AT THE BRICK!ON NOW AT THE BRICK! SAVING YOU MORE For more details shop instore or online at thebrick.com Do you want ENRICHMENT for your child in high school? Do you want ENRICHMENT for your child in high school? The International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme will provide you with an exceptional learning opportunity recognized throughout the world. Post-secondary and scholarship opportunities will increase dramatically with the IB Diploma. St. JohnPaulII C.S.S. 685 Military Trail Toronto, ON M1E 4P6 416-393-5531 INFORMATION NIGHT IB Head of School: Andrea Magee stjohnpaulii.info@tcdsb.org Thursday September 29 th, 2022 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm A suspect has been ar-rested in connection to three bank robberies inAjax.The first robbery hap- pened on Friday, July 29,when a man entered theScotiabank on HarwoodAvenue South, passed a note and demanded cash,Durham Regional Policesaid, adding the man fled southeast on foot. On Friday, Aug. 5, alone man entered the TD Canada Trust at 83 Wil-liamson Dr., gave the tell-er a note demanding mon- ey, police said. He left thebank without getting anycash.A few hours later, po- lice report a suspect en-tered the RBC branch at320 Harwood Ave. S., gave a note to the teller advis- ing that it was a robbery and demanding money.The male threatened theteller and fled with cash, police said. On Aug. 14, a man wasarrested by the OPP Len-nox and Addington De- tachment for an unrelatedincident and now facescharges for the Ajax rob- beries.James Finnegan, 63, ofno fixed address, has beencharged with three counts of robbery and wearing adisguise with intent.He was held for a bail hearing. CRIME SUSPECT ARRESTED IN THREE AJAX BANK ROBBERIES 19 | Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r | Th u r s d a y , S e p t e m b e r 1 5 , 2 0 2 2 dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m Being asked to create animage no bigger than your thumb could be intimidat-ing.But Ajax comic book artist Valentine De Landrodidn't shy away when theRoyal Canadian Mint (themint) asked him to design the Oscar Peterson coin."I feel extremely fortu- nate just to be a part of the process," De Landro said ofhis role in honouring thelegendary pianist and jazzmusician. The $1 circulation coincommemorating Petersonwas released this month. The mint first contactedDe Landro a few years ago,to design a commemora-tive Second World War coin."They said, would you like to submit some ideas?" he recalls. "I was thrilledto."This time around wasjust as exciting for the art- ist who has lived in Ajaxsince 2002."I'm an admitted fan of his before I started this pro-ject," De Landro says of theMontreal-born pianist whobegan playing instruments at age five.De Landro had no trou- ble getting to know Peter- son's music, which waspart of the art direction."He was already in myplaylist," he says. Creating the art was awelcome challenge."I always try to under- stand where my art is goingto live once I create it,where people are going tosee it or where it's going to be seen," he says.De Landro drew the im- age at 700 times the scale, and then reduced it to thesize of a loonie."I think they were inter- ested in the storytellingability of comic book art-ists," he said of the mintcontacting him to design coins. "That's what I do -- Itell stories through pic-tures and they wanted the coin to have a narrative fo-cus."His artwork can be found in a wide range of comic books, including thepopular DC and Marvelpublications. De Landro grew upwatching cartoons, and hisinterest naturally shiftedto comics. "That was your stan-dard Superman, Batman,Spiderman," he says. "My grandfather, I think, wasthe person who gave me myfirst comic book." AJAX COMIC BOOK ARTIST DESIGNS OSCAR PETERSON COIN KRISTEN CALIS KCalis@durhamregion.com NEWS The Durham DistrictSchool Board has madechanges to how communitygroups rent spaces inschools for things like Brownies, Beavers andsports.The board recently up-dated its Community Use of Schools Policy and Proce-dure with a goal of makingthe rules more equitable. Previously, groupscould get a permit for thefull school year and renewthe permit annually. "These changes weremade to address and re-move barriers to access," said DDSB associate direc-tor David Wright. "Previ-ous to the changes, organi-zations could maintain ac- cess to specific spaces atspecific times basically inperpetuity." Under the new system,permits will be issued fourtimes per year without au- tomatic renewal rights. "If multiple groups areinterested in the space, theexisting group will not beguaranteed a renewal as we look to provide equitableaccess to school locations,"a are DDSB report says. Permits will be reviewedin the order they are re-ceived, and programs forchildren and youth will be given priority."We understand that thechanges that have been made may displace groupsthat have long-standing tiesto facilities, but it is impor-tant to remember that schools are public spacesand no group should feelthat they are a permanent user or tenant," Wrightnotes.The DDSB is also in theprocess of reviewing fees for community use ofschools and has warnedgroups that an increase could be coming.The rates have been stat-ic for more than 15 years, according to school board staff.Trustees raised con-cerns about the changes atthe board's Sept. 6 standing committee meeting.Ajax Trustee Donna Ed-wards noted that having to reapply for a permit multi-ple times in the year — andnot knowing if the cost willincrease — makes it diffi- cult for groups to plan.Edwards also expressedconcern that community groups were not consultedon the changes.Whitby Trustee NikiLundquist said she is "struggling to see how thismakes sense," and said thechanges could actually be a barrier to access."Most people aren'tlooking for a three-monthpermit or a four-month per- mit, they're one-year pro-grams. And that's true of alot of children's activities.It's true of almost every ac-tivity I can think of thatwould be done in a school," Lundquist said. The DDSB report says"approving permits forshorter periods of time al-lows the board to manage any labour shortfalls withless disruption."Community groups can only rent space in schools ifcustodians are available —there is concern that highrates of staff absences due to the pandemic could con-tinue into this school year.The DDSB has also up- dated the permit requestapplication to include lan-guage that aligns with itsHuman Rights, Anti-Dis- crimination and Anti-Rac-ism Policy.For example, the policy notes "the district shall notpermit space to hate groupsor individuals that engagein hatred, violence, dis- crimination or bias againstany groups or individualsbased on prohibitedgrounds of discriminationunder the Human RightsCode." TRUSTEES CONCERNED ABOUT NEW RULES FOR RENTING SCHOOL SPACE JILLIAN FOLLERT jfollert@durhamregion.com dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m New s A d v e r t i s e r | Th u r s d a y , S e p t e m b e r 1 5 , 2 0 2 2 | 20 Adorn your Home with Quality Windows and Doors 119ConsumersDrive,Whitby AdornHome.ca Made in Our Whitby Factory! • Window • Doors • Custom Glass Call us Today! 905-665-9565 Building Connections in Firearms Safety September is World Alzheimer’s MonthSeptember is World Alzheimer’s Month Firearms and other weapons can be found in households across the country. In most situations, theirFirearms and other weapons can be found in households across the country. In most situations, their presence creates no problems for responsible gun owners and family members. However, firearms canpresence creates no problems for responsible gun owners and family members. However, firearms can pose a significant risk if someone in the home is living with Alzheimer’s or another dementia.pose a significant risk if someone in the home is living with Alzheimer’s or another dementia. Together in Safety is a public safety resource program created by the Firearms Safety Education Service of Ontario and the Chief Firearms Office of Ontario. Working with our partners, like the Alzheimer Society of Ontario, we are promoting awareness and education in firearms safety and harm prevention to all Canadians. If you are concerned for a loved one with a dementia diagnosis, visit https://togetherinsafety.ca/dementia- firearms/for more information and resources. 905-427-2116 NEW ROOF, R E - R O O F & R E P A I R SPECIALISTS We f i x o t h e r roofer’s m i s takes! AJAXroofing.com AJAX DIAMOND WINNER 2020 Proud recipient of the Readers’ Choice Awards for the Past 10 Years! High Holy Day Services at B’Nai Shalom v’Tikvah Reform Synagogue 905.428.2580 bsvtajax@gmail.com • bnaishalomvtikvah.ca Free First Year Membership LOCAL EVENTS LEARN MORE AT DURHAMREGION.COM 21 | Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r | Th u r s d a y , S e p t e m b e r 1 5 , 2 0 2 2 dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m BURLINGTON 1510NORTHSERVICERD. (905)335-2580 BRAMPTON 338QUEENST.EAST (905)456-1700 MISSISSAUGA 2111DUNWINDR. (905)275-1700 TORONTO 3041DUFFERINST. (416)781-9145 RICHMONDHILL 11160YONGEST. (905)770-3222 PICKERING 1095KINGSTONRD. (905)421-0367 *PAYNOTAXNOTAPPLICABLEONALLBRANDS.SOMECONDITIONSMAYAPPLY.TASCO®ISNOTRESPONSIBLEFORREBATEOFFERS.AMOUNTEQUALTOHSTWILLBEDEDUCTEDFROMYOUR TASCO®REGULARPRICEATTIMEOFPURCHASE.ADDITIONALINSTANTSAVINGS,FREEGIFTSANDALLOTHEROFFERSAVAILABLEWITHPURCHASEOFSELECTBRANDS,MODELSAND/OR PACKAGES.SEESTOREFORDETAILS.OFFERSVALIDSEPTEMBER15-18,2022.tascoappliance.ca SAVETHETAX ONSPECIALVIPEVENTPRICING! * VIPEVENT FOURDAYSONLY! THURSDAYSEPTEMBER15TOSUNDAYSEPTEMBER18 PLUS,INSTANTSAVINGS,FREEGIFTSANDOTHEROFFERS THROUGHOUTTHESTORE! dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m New s A d v e r t i s e r | Th u r s d a y , S e p t e m b e r 1 5 , 2 0 2 2 | 22 Tim Hortons ®has been raising funds for local charities for over 25 years! Last year,Tim Hortons ®restaurants across Canada raised a record breaking $12.2 million for over 600 local charities! This year many Durham Region Restaurant owners have chosen The Denise House as their charity of choice and we couldn’t be more thrilled! The Denise House, since 1984, provides crisis intervention, safe accommodation, supportive counselling and information and supportive community outreach services to women and their children fleeing violence and abuse. Pre-Order a Smile - Order a box of Smile Cookies for your workplace, event, or organization.Visit www.thedenisehouse.com to download the form. Share your Smile Cookie Selfie! Use #SmileCookie on Instagram, Facebook, andTwitter to show your smile (and your support)! Tim HoRTons smile cookie campaign sepTembeR 19 TH To sepTembeR 25 TH A New Beginning for Women and Children We will help you find a job! Are you interested in finding employment in the skilled trades? We will help you explore market trends and secure the right opportunities- all FREE of cost! Sign up now gotothey.com 1550 Kingston Road, Unit 16 Pickering, ON L1V 1C3 Phone: 905-427-7670 A 17-year-old has beenarrested following two jewelry store robberiesand one attempted rob-bery in Durham Region inMay. On Thursday, May 12 atjust after 3 p.m., DurhamRegional Police officers went to the Graziella FineJewellery story in theWhitby Mall for an at-tempted robbery, police said.At about 3:40 p.m., offi-cers went to a robbery atParis Jewellers in the Osh-awa Centre, police noted,adding one of the suspectssmashed a display case, grabbed some jewelry and fled.At about 5 p.m., sus- pects robbed the MichaelHill Jewellery Store in thePickering Town Centre,police said. A 17-year-old boy fromScarborough, has been ar-rested and charged with robbery two counts of rob-bery with offensive weap-on, three counts of wear-ing a disguise, two counts of failing to comply andtwo counts of weaponsdangerous.He was held for a bail hearing. The investigation is on-going and police continue to look for a second sus- pect.Anyone with any new information about theserobberies, including dashcam footage in the areas atthe times of the incidents, is asked to contact the Ma-jor Crime Robbery Unit at1-888-579-1520, ext. 5355. Anonymous informa-tion can be sent to DurhamRegional Crime Stoppersat 1-800-222-TIPS (8477) or online at www.durhamre-gionalcrimestoppers.ca. ARREST IN ROBBERIES AT DURHAM JEWELRY STORES CRIME SCAN THIS CODE to see more crime news. 23 | Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r | Th u r s d a y , S e p t e m b e r 1 5 , 2 0 2 2 dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m Proper food storage means less waste. Buy it.Eat it.Don’t waste it. durham.ca/BuyItEatIt If you require this information in an accessible format, please contact 1-800-667-5671. Space provided through partnership between industry and Ontario municipalities to support waste diversion programs. Children from five to 11 years old cannow get a booster shot in Durham Region. As of 8 a.m. on Thursday, Sept. 1, theDurham Region Health Department is of-fering booster shots for kids.The province announced on Wednes- day, Aug. 31 that children between five and11 would be eligible for boosters.Those receiving a booster must have finished their primary COVID-19 vaccineseries 168 days or six months ago, thehealth department noted.It's recommended that children in this age group with underlying medical condi-tions who are at greater risk of severe out-comes due to COVID-19 infection receive abooster, the department said.However, all children five to 11 years oldare eligible to receive a first booster dose,the department added. The department noted that the intervalof 168 days (six months) may be associatedwith a lower risk of myocarditis with orwithout pericarditis. "With informed consent, children five to 11-years old may receive a booster dose at aminimum of three months (84 days) aftercompletion of a primary COVID-19 vaccineseries," it said in a statement.To book an appointment and for a list ofclinics and hours of operation visit dur- ham.ca/vaccineappointment or call 1-888-444-5113.For more information on COVID-19 vac-cines in Durham Region, visit durham.ca/ covidvaccines. DURHAM KIDS BETWEEN FIVE AND 11 CAN GET A BOOSTER NEWS The Durham Region Health Department is now offering COVID-19 vaccinations for children from six months to under five years old. Steve Somerville/Metroland file photo dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m New s A d v e r t i s e r | Th u r s d a y , S e p t e m b e r 1 5 , 2 0 2 2 | 24 MOC.MSIRUOTSLLAFARAGAIN TATHGINREVO RUOYKOOB ⓇARAGAINEROLPXE# MP01TAYLTHGIN SKROWERIF SLLAFARAGAIN There are lots of great eventshappening in Durham this week-end, here are a few to check out. BROOKLIN HARVEST FESTIVAL• Sept. 17 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.• Grass Park, 41 Baldwin St.,Brooklin Celebrate the start of the fallseason at the annual BrooklinHarvest Festival featuring afarmer's market, petting zoo,wagon rides and kids' zone withinflatable corn maze, balloon art-ist and scarecrow scavenger hunt. Take in entertainment atthe main stage in Grass Park, in-cluding a Town Crier competi-tion at 11:30 a.m., followed by live music from The Doozies, TiannaWoods and Andy Earle and theBandits. Check out stores and restaurants on Baldwin Street toshop sidewalk sales and meet lo-cal business owners. BEAVERTON FALL FAIR • Sept. 16 and 17• 176 Main St., BeavertonThis theme for this year's Bea- verton Fall Fair is "return to ourrural routes" and all the popularevents are back, including a de-molition derby at 7:30 p.m. on Sat- urday. You can also check out thebaby show, car show, horse show,wrestling show, ProRider FMX show and talent show. DIG-YOUR-OWN POTATOES AT BRAGG FARMS • Weekends in September from10 a.m. to 5 p.m. • Bragg Farms, 3048 Conces-sion Road 3, BowmanvilleDig-your-own potatoes takes place weekends in September.Regular potatoes and sweet pota-toes are available as well as pre-dug potatoes and baked goods like sweet potato brownies andsweet potato pies. Visit bragg-farms.ca for details. ART ON THE FRINGE• Sept. 17 and 18 from 10 a.m. to5 p.m.• Uxbridge Historical Centre — 7239 Concession 6, UxbridgeMore than 20 emerging and es-tablished artists will be on hand displaying work at Art on theFringe including paintings, ce-ramics, fibre arts, jewelry, furni-ture and more. Shop the exhibi- tors, enjoy the scenery and listento live music by local artists. Re-freshments will also be available. DURHAM REGION BLUES FESTIVAL• Sept. 17 and 18 • Regent Theatre, 50 King St.E., OshawaThe first Durham Region Blues Festival will include twodays of entertainment featuringmusicians, street vendors andfood vendors in the Victoria Street Parkette adjacent to theRegent Theatre. The Regent The-atre also hosts The Official Blues Brothers Revue on Sept. 17 at 9p.m., featuring comedy and fromthe original movie albums re-leased by John Belushi and Dan Aykroyd. PINGLE'S HARVEST FESTIVAL• Sept. 10 to Oct. 30• Pingle's Farm Market, 1805 Taunton Rd., HamptonThis popular annual event atPingle's includes: a main corn maze and mini toddler cornmaze; playland and visits withthe animals; wagon rides aroundthe farm; apple picking; a harvest market; live music; and a season-ally inspired menu. Pumpkinpicking will also be available in October. Visit pinglesfarmmar-ket.com for tickets and informa-tion. BROOKS FALL FUN FESTIVAL • Weekends in September andOctober (including Thanksgiv-ing Monday) • 122 Ashworth Rd., Mount Al-bertBrooks Farms has hosted theFall Fun Festival for more than a decade. Visitors can check outthe farm market, wagon rides,corn maze, farm animals, a hugeplay area and pick-your-ownpumpkins. Visit brooksfarm-s.com for information. WHAT TO DO IN DURHAM THE WEEKEND OF SEPT. 17 AND 18 The 2022 Brooklin Harvest Festival is coming up Sept. 17. Brianna Moses painted a pumpkin at a previous festival. Metroland file photo THINGS TO DO THE ANNUAL BROOKLINHARVEST FESTIVAL ISBACK, AND SO IS THEBEAVERTON FALL FAIR Durham has its first fully auto-mated indoor driving range andgolf simulator.Tracer Golf recently opened at 1698 Bayly St., giving golfers theoption to practise their game anytime they want, day or night.The facility is open around the clock, 365 days a year and has noemployees working on site. Users make reservations and payments online and a smart-phone app grants entry to thebuilding.All equipment turns on and off automatically based on a custom-er's booking. Toro Lee co-founded Tracer Golf with his brother Tosan Leeand says they were inspired afterbuilding a simulator so their fa-ther, a golf "super fan," could practise.A key focus in creating TracerGolf was affordability. "We're golfers, but we didn'tfind ourselves going to the exist-ing golf simulator places, becauseit was too expensive," Lee said, noting that outdoor golf is also be-coming increasingly pricey. "Wewanted to make it affordable for people to improve their game."The automated systems re-duce operating costs, creating savings that can be passed on thecustomers.In Pickering, a regular bay atTracer Golf costs $18 per hour, and a premium bay is $22 — thecost is per bay, not per person."You could have four people in the bay for $18 for the whole hour,"Lee said, noting it's a fun optionfor time out with friends. "We alsosee a lot of couples coming; we get a lot of date nights."Premium bays come equippedwith a system that uses high- speed cameras to capture a play-er's swing from two angles, allow-ing the chance to review and im-prove. There are currently four Trac-er Golf locations with a fifth slat-ed to open this fall in Newmarket. Lee says there are plans to expandthe brand further.Are you opening a new businessin Durham? Tell us about it! We also want to know about businessanniversaries, store closings,amazing local makers and smallbiz owners. Send your ideas to re-porter Jillian Follert at jfoll-ert@durhamregion.com BUSINESS DURHAM HAS FIRST AUTOMATED GOLF FACILITY TRACER GOLF IS OPEN24-7, 365 DAYS A YEARAND CUSTOMERS ENTERUSING AN APP TRACER GOLF Website:tracergolf.ca Address:1698 Bayly St., Pickering Email:info@tracergolf.ca Phone:647-812-8524 Robert Cayanan practised his swing at the recently opened Tracer Golf in Pickering, Durham's first automated indoor driving range and golf simulator facility. Jason Liebregts/Metroland JILLIAN FOLLERT jfollert@durhamregion.com 25 | Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r | Th u r s d a y , S e p t e m b e r 1 5 , 2 0 2 2 dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m Living atWinchester Glen Retirement Residence: a personal experience Hi,My name isAnn and I am a resident atWinchester Glen Retire- mentCommunity,IwouldliketosharemyexperienceonRetirement living with you from one Senior to another. “Retirement”– it’s an easy word to say and spell but when“Home” is added to it then it becomes something totally different. Retire- ment Home! ME ?! NEVER !!! I refused to even think about it. My husbandandIhadlivedourentirelivesinourhomeonanicepiece of property where we had our garden,patio,big back yard,wildlife and more.Contemplating moving after his passing was something I just brushed away.Leaving my memories,my independence,and MY home – No thanks! No Retirement Home for me! I was going to keep what I had. Then Covid hit, while I was having some health issues. My kids wanted me to consider looking at Winchester Glen. I looked (not too hard at first) then as time went on and I went back to look more,it didn’t seem that bad.I took the plunge and moved in May. It’scomingupto5monthsandIcannottellyouhowithaschanged mylifeforthebetter.Thisisabeautifulnewhomewithawidevariety of modern suites, phenomenal staff, great activities and the food is exceptional! Ihavebeenfortunateenoughtomeetquiteafewseniorswhilethey are taking tours of my home and I would like to point out some common questions/concerns that usually arise: 1)Is it an old age home?Well,it is for seniors,but I can assure youthatweareactiveandenjoyinglifehere!Wehaveatheatre wherewegathertowatchsportingeventsandmovies.Thereis a pub located on the 2nd floor where we enjoy cocktails while 2501Thoroughbred Street,Oshawa Call to book a tour:905.401.2501 W e Want you to experience life at the Glen aDVertorial listening to live entertainment,common lounge where we play cards,shootagameofpool,workonajigsawpuzzle,gotoour fitness room,hobby room,outdoor patio or just sit and chat. 2)How difficult was the transition?Any change is hard and as we age,change is harder.Some of us are making the change withoutourspouse,somearerelocatingfromadifferentpartof the province to be closer to their family and some are moving forhealthandsafetyreasons.Thedecisiontomovewashard… but once it was made, I found everything else quite easy! I settled in quickly and feel very at home here.And Hey! I have 5 kids, so the actual move was conducted with free child labour… available for rent if needed. 3)Is it affordable?For me personally it’s comparable to having myhome.Here,allutilitiesareincluded,phone,cable,internet, and an emergency pendant.There are no maintenance fees, no utility fees,no property taxes - one bill,no stress! 4)I’m concerned about COVID lockdowns!Yes,thefirst2years of Covid were stressful but I must say I would prefer this envi- ronment than being alone in my previous home. Retirement homes follow the direction from Public Health and the RHRA to ensure we remain safe and well by daily checks. You are still able to come and go as you please but if you are sick,you are asked to stay isolated for the protection of others. Covid hit everyone emotionally hard due to lack of contact with the “human world”, here you don’t have to worry about that lack of contact. 5)Theareaseemsquitebusy.MostofDurhamRegionisgrowing and yes, it is a densely populated area, however, I am happy with the closeness of everything I would need. ie. Costco, banks, restaurants, grocery stores, pet food, pharmacy and more! These are all a short 2–3 minute drive away. Let’s face it,most retirement homes are built in areas like this that cater to the needs of Seniors, so they don’t need to be driving on the busy roads for long. 6)Did your kids make you come here?As mentioned earlier, my kids really wanted me to consider Retirement Living a few yearsaftermyhusbandpassedaway.It’salwaysdifficultwhen you are still the parent,but you feel that your kids are making decisions for you. The final decision was mine, but I realize now how much peace of mind they get knowing that I am in a safe environment and very much enjoying life now! I don’t begrudge them that. 7)Howwasitmakingnewfriends?Ihavebeenveryfortunateto meetsomewonderfulnewfriendsthathadthesamefearsand concerns that I had.Everyone is very kind and caring and you feel like they have been your friends and neighbours for years. 8)What about my pets?I am happy to share that Winchester is pet friendly and my cat Lucky is also thrilled with her new home! She gets a lot more attention here! ForanyoneconsideringRetirementLiving,Icanhonestlysaythistransi- tion has improved my quality of life and I wish I had moved sooner. Come for a tour here atWinchester,you may be pleasantly surprised! You can even ask for me by name! Ann thiS content WaS funDeD anD approVeD By the aDVertiSer dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m New s A d v e r t i s e r | Th u r s d a y , S e p t e m b e r 1 5 , 2 0 2 2 | 26 ROSSKOPF, Sharon Ruth ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ It is with great sadness we announce the passing of Sherry Rosskopf, a beloved wife and mother, on Sep- tember 4, 2022 after a courageous battle with cancer. She was the cherished wife of Herb and loving mother of Desarée. She will be fondly remembered by her brother Don and his family, and by her sisters Debora and Christine and their families. Her family would like to thank the doctors and nurses at North- umberland Hills Hospital's Palliative Care Unit for their amazing and attentive care of Sherry. A Celebration of Life to be held at Fellowship Baptist Church, 469 Elgin St. W Cobourg, ON K9A 4X5, at 6 p.m. on Saturday, October 1, 2022. In remembrance of Sherry's life, the family asks that any charitable donations be made to Northumberland Hills Hospital's Palliative Care Unit or Sick Kids Hospital in lieu of flowers. Condolences received at www.MacCoubrey.com. CARLTON, Barry ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ CELEBRATION OF LIFE Please join us for a Celebration of Life for Barry Carlton at The Royal Canadian Legion Branch 606, 1555 Bayly Street, Pickering (entrance at rear of building). The gathering will take place Saturday, September 17th between 1:30 and 5:00 p.m. TEMPLE, Marilyn ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Please join us in celebrating the life of Marilyn Temple Sunday October 2nd, 2022 12-4 p.m. Ajax Community Centre - HMS SOUTH Room South Parking lot area 75 Centennial Road, Ajax There will be an opportunity to share your memories between 1-2 p.m. Light refreshments will be provided throughout the afternoon. Every life deserves to be remembered. Let US help YOU, to tell THEIR story on our High Quality Granite. Call or visit our showroom in Ajax now, to learn about your options. Proudly servicing ALL cemeteries with 8 showroom locations to serve you. Hours of Operation Monday to Friday 9-5 p.m. Evening and Saturday Appointments offered 905-427-4366 sanderson.ajax@bellnet.ca 32 Old Kingston Rd, Ajax Celebrate your life’smilestones with anannouncement! 50% discount on your Anniversary, Birth, Birthday, Engagement, Graduation and Marriage announcements Please enter the code ANN2022 when placing your ad online at yourclassifieds.ca *Offer valid until September 30, 2022*Some restrictions apply To place your announcement contact us at: 1-800-263-6480 or classifieds@metroland.com CLEANERS WANTED immediately for fast growing cleaning company. Evenings, mornings and nights for stripping and waxing to clean grocery stores & pharmacies. Call 289-892-6180 email davidcleaning2@gmail.com WE'RE HIRING! Miller Maintenance is looking for Seasonal AZ/DZ Winter Operators to join our teams in the Durham Region! To Apply: Email: hr@millergroup.ca Text: EZSNOW to 833-759-1115 Miller Maintenance will be holding open houses on: Sept 17th - Brock Road Yard (1085 Toy Avenue, Pickering) Sept 18th - Manchester Yard (17 Brook Street, Port Perry) Sept 24th - Newtonville Yard (1400 Newtonville Rd, Newtonville) COME STOP BY 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM! Ajax/Pickering AREA YOUTH, ADULT CARRIERS WANTED:Paper routes available! If interested in any of the above, please contact: circulation@ durhamregion.com OR customersupport@ metroland.com Caregiver needed Mature, pleasant caregiver needed for mostly part-time weekends for Caribbean home, caring for 2 children, early mornings into the evening. Live in or Live out. Help with meal prep, bathing, playing, and putting to bed in our non-smoking, no pet home. Ajax resident preferred. Call 647-954-9099 1331 Glenanna Rd Pickering (ROADSIDE) Multi Family YARD SALE Household and kitchen items, clothing, jewellery, Music CD'S, elliptical step machine and much more! Saturday, Sept 17th 8am-2pm Rain or Shine Best Garage Sale Ever! Come one, come all Sat Sept 17 & Sun Sept 18 8 am - 4 pm 68 Silverbirch Whitby Something For Everyone Furniture, electronics, housewares, tools, toys, specialty items, framed prints ANNOUNCEMENTS OBITUARIES EMPLOYMENT MARKETPLACE And have you gone, forever gone and left us here to weep. Till we are called to follow you, and in the grave to sleep; yet since you could no longer stay to cheer us with your love, we hope to meet with you again in the bright world above. What would I give to clasp your hand, your happy face to see, to hear your voice and see your smile, that meant so much to me. We are sad withinour memory, lonely are our hearts today. Do not stand at my grave and weep, I am not there, I do not sleep. What are you celebrating? Share your special event with a photo and a message in our Announcements section! Find the right ride for you Find your dream job Coupons, flyers and more savings 1-800-263-6480 classifieds@metroland.comCLASSIFIEDSOBITUARIES | ANNOUNCEMENTS | JOBS | MARKETPLACE CELEBRATION OF LIFE SPECIAL OCCASIONS DRIVERS CLEANING/ JANITORIAL GENERAL HELP COMMUNITY EVENTS GARAGE SALE 27 | Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r | Th u r s d a y , S e p t e m b e r 1 5 , 2 0 2 2 dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m AAA AUTO SALVAGE WANTED: Cars, Trucks & Vans. 24/7. 905-431-1808. **!$$$ !AAAA! AARON & AARON Scrap Cars & Trucks Wanted. Cash paid 7/ days/ week anytime. Please call 905-426-0357. $500-$10,000 CASH 4 SCRAP CARS FREE TOW IN 2 HRS Open Sat. & Sun. 647-403-8542 MOVING HELP Need small moving help, pickups, or moving your entire home? Need assistance with an appliance or furniture? Let our full service student run moving company help you today! Call The Moving Consultants at (647) 771-3624 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT Brighton Area Ideal for 55+. Call Mon-Fri between 9-5 613-475-3793 835-885 OXFORD ST. 1, 2 OR 3 BEDROOMS Large, renovated suites with balconies and hardwood floor, on site card operated laundry facility, vending machines, near schools and shopping; just perfect for families. 1 bd: $1,145 2 bd: $1,254 3 bd: $1,354 Parking: $50 Hydro: extra For leasing please contact Jasmin or Brean Lu at 905-240-0107 or at oxford@davpart.com PICKERING 2 BEDROOMS FOR RENT Major Oaks/Brock area 2 bedroom main floor Private bath, livingroom Shared kitchen and laundry 1 parking space Cable/Internet Utilities included Close to bus stop No smoking/no pets unit Suitable for professional couple, small family, or quiet person Maximum 3 individuals Credit check required First and last required Security monitored $1700 per month AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY Contact Tak (289) 200-0038 ALL CITY APPLIANCES Appliances repaired professionally. 40+ years experience. Fridges, coolers, washers, dryers, stoves. Central Air Conditioning and Heating. 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