HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA2021_12_30THURSDAY DECEMBER 30, 2021 Support the Ajax Pickering Hospital DONATE NOW aphfoundation.ca 905.683.2320 x11501 dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m New s A d v e r t i s e r | Th u r s d a y , D e c e m b e r 3 0 , 2 0 2 1 | 2 F or nearly two years, YOU have been relying on our hospital like never before... Make a donation TODAY to show our hospital staff that they can count on you like you have been counting on them aphfoundation.ca 905.683.2320 x11501 THURSDAY DECEMBER 30, 2021 The COVID-19 pandemic hasforced the cancellation or curtail- ing of popular events across Dur- ham, and we're hoping that 2022will bring the return of some of our favourites.There's no guarantees, butwe're taking an optimistic view and listing the things we're looking forward to in the newyear. THE OPENING OF THERMEA SPAVILLAGE IN WHITBY The long-awaited Thermea Spa Village in Whitby is nearingcompletion. The spa is sure to be a massivetourist attraction in Durham Vladimir Suanez danced with Jeannine Joubert during the Pickering Village Jam Fest in Ajax on June 15, 2019. The event featured a variety of music, food trucks and vendors. Ryan Pfeiffer/Torstar WHAT WE'RE LOOKING FORWARD TO IN 2022 See THERE,page 10 REKA SZEKELY rszekely@durhamregion.com SLIDE INTO A NEW SEASON. THERE’S LOTS TO SEE AND DO THIS WINTER. CHECK OUT OUR GUIDE TO ONTARIO’S STAYCATION DESTINATIONS AT DURHAMREGION.COM/WINTERSTAYCATION Enriching lives one touch and sign at a time. Learn more. 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Get it local. #ShopInDurham Get out and explore … Treat yourself to something great, and local … And support your community. •3 WEEKS PAID VACATION •COMPANY UNIFORM •HEALTH BENEFITS •COMPETITIVE WAGES •OPPORTUNITY FOR GROWTH •TRAINING & APPRENTICESHIPS Possible Team incenTives: Members of the DurhamRegional Police Services Board have approved a bud-get outline that includes anincrease of 4.54 per cent for 2022, providing funding formore front-line officers andnew mental health pro-grams, among other initia- tives.The proposed budget of$233.32 million is in excessof the guideline for policefunding imposed by region-al government, but neces-sary for the service to move forward with priorities ithas identified, the report re-viewed by board membersTuesday, Dec. 21 says. Durham police Chief Ad-ministrative Officer Stan MacLellan said the servicetrimmed down a budget re- quest that originally camein at almost six per centhigher than the 2021 budget."We worked very hard with the region staff tobring the budget numberdown from where it was, at 5.9 per cent," MacLellansaid. The CAO added that, asis the case every year, the service tried to observebudget constraints im-posed by the region, but for2022, "meeting all the pres- sures (meant) we weren'table to get there."Board member Kevin Ashe, who also sits on re-gional council, said hewould be advocating forpassage of the budget in- crease. He said settling forless funding would mean DURHAM POLICE BOARD APPROVES $233.3 MILLION BUDGET FOR 2022 JEFF MITCHELL jmitchell@durham region.com NEWS abandoning some "priori- ties" identified by theboard."I don't think we need to cut programs or people tobe more efficient," Ashesaid.Among the funding re- quirements outlined in theproposed 2022 budget arenew officers — 20 front-line cops and three membersdedicated to mental healthcalls. In addition, fundingfor "crisis call diversion" will help identify mentalhealth incidents and directresponse from appropriate services. The budget alsoincludes funds for a new cy-bercrime unit and staffingfor the regional 911 call cen- tre.The document recom-mends "options" to helpkeep spending in line, while also recognizing prioritiesthat have been identified bythe board. These include re- ductions to payments fordebt servicing, savings onhydro expenditures and al-ternate financing for some capital costs, according tothe report. 5 | Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r | Th u r s d a y , D e c e m b e r 3 0 , 2 0 2 1 dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m “We at Evans, Mitchell-Gill are experienced personal injury lawyers, here to represent you or your loved ones in your time of need” 419 King St. Suite #203 Oshawa • 905-433-1200 www.injurylawyeroshawa.com warehouse sale huge savings on • cookies • chocolates • candies • gift baskets factoRY oUtlet 680 gRanite coURt pickeRing 416-750-8807 www.waterbridge.net open 7 days a week until christmas! Mon - sat 9 - 5 sUn 10 - 4 RETAIL PRICE! UP TO 70 %OFF 416-750-8807 ext.252 www.waterbridge.net dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m New s A d v e r t i s e r | Th u r s d a y , D e c e m b e r 3 0 , 2 0 2 1 | 6 ABOUT US This newspaper, published every Thursday, is a division of the Met- roland Media Group Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Torstar Corpora- tion. The Metroland family of news- papers is comprised of more than 70 community publications acrossOntario. This newspaper is a member of the National NewsMedia Council. Com- plainants are urged to bring their concerns to the attention of the newspaper and, if not satisfied, write The National News Media Council, Suite 200, 890 Yonge St., Toronto, ON M4W 2H2. Phone: 416-340-1981 Web: www.mediacouncil.ca newsroom@durhamregion.com facebook.com/newsdurham @newsdurham WHO WE AREVice President Dana Robbins Regional General Manager Anne BeswickDirector of Content Lee Ann Waterman Managing Editor Mike LaceyDirector of Advertising Tanya Pacheco Director Distribution Jason ChristieDirector Creative Services Katherine Porcheron Durham Advisory CouncilDan Carter; Esther Enyolu; Jake Farr; Dr. Vidal Chavannes; Cynthia Davis; Elaine Popp/Don Lovisa; John Henry; Sue McGovern; Kerri King; SteveYamada; Kelly LaRocca; Peter Bethlenfalvy; Dr. Steven Murphy; Norah Marsh; Tracy Paterson; Chris Darling; Christina Curry CONTACT USAjax/Pickering News Advertiser Phone: 905- 579-4407 Newsroom: 905-215-0462 Sales: 905-215-0424 Classifieds: 1-800-263-6480 Fax: 905-579-2238 Web: www.durhamregion.com Letters to the editor All letters must be fewer than 320 words and include your name and telephone number for verification purposes. We reserve the right to edit, condense or reject letters. Published letters will appear in print and/or online at durhamregion.com Delivery For all delivery inquiries, please call 905-683-5117. OPINION TO LEARN HOW TO SUBMIT YOUR OWN CONTENT VISIT DURHAMREGION.COM Wrapping your head around the weather these days can be a challenge —for me, anyway. I under- stand the polar vortex, hav- ing lived through that frigid winter of 2014 when all theforecasters' maps showed Arctic blue sagging down over Eastern Canada for weeks on end. Somehow, the icy air at the North Pole slid to the wrong side of the globe, covering us instead ofSiberia. I even finally figured out the jet stream: swift- flowing ribbons of wind high in the troposphere fol- lowing the edge between great undulating masses ofair — tropical, temperate and polar. Jet streams flow at the heights most com- mercial airplanes fly, so pi-lots catching one east can get to their destinations a lot faster than on the re-turn trip, with a headwind. Why the four jet streams girding the planet flow from west to east, the samedirection Earth is spin- ning, still confounds me, as I would have thought our solid, twirling planet would "outrun" the buoy- ant air around it, like someone on a bicycle feel-ing wind in his/her face. Just as it puzzles me that the moon is actually cir- cling Earth from west to east, too, but we watch it sailing westward across the night sky. Go figure.I heard the term "atmo- spheric rivers" for the first time this autumn as all those lashing rains started flooding poor beleaguered British Columbia. So a vis-it to some internet science sites was definitely in or- der to help my frail braincomprehend these funnel- ing streams of water va- pour from the tropics that drop half a year's worth ofrain on a faraway coastal area in, like, a single day. I found that new satellite im- aging with infrared allows meteorologists to actually see 400-kilometre-wide "rivers" of warm wet airflowing across oceans with moving weather systems. When they make landfall and sweep up into the mountains all that water vapour precipitates as rain or, at higher elevations,snow. Imagine invisible overhead pipes carrying 15 times the water volume of the great Mississippi! My take-away from all this: 1) The fascinating, frag- ile atmospheric bubblearound the planet, the air we all breathe and live in, is constantly moving and shifting, with areas of highpressure always rushing to- ward low, trying for bal- ance. 2) One good reason forsatellites is the big picture they can give on where all the moisture is heading, a warning system in the sky.3) We're lucky to be living so far inland, and flooded only occasionally, by thunder- storms carrying rain — and migrating birds in spring — from the Gulf of Mexico. So Happy New Year andreturning of the light! Nature queries: mcar- ney1490@gmail.com or 905- 725-2116. Margaret Carney is a nature appreciation col-umnist for MetrolandDurham newspapers. 'RIVERS' OF AIR? DURHAM COLUMNIST ON WEATHER TERMS MARGARET CARNEY Column The sun about to rise over Lake Ontario, as seen from the Whitby shoreline, on a January day. Since the Dec. 21 Winter Solstice each day has a little more light in it, prompting columnist Margaret Carney to wish her readers, 'Happy New Year and returning of the light!' Margaret Carney photo RETURNING OF THE LIGHT BILLIONAIRES DRIVING INNOVATION To the editor:It seems that many peo-ple see the new gleaming rockets of billionaires likeBranson and Musk as merevanity projects to feedtheir egos and narcissism. While this may be par-tially true, these space pro-jects have already made re- al advances in the field ofspace travel. In the space race of the'50s and '60s, myriad spin- off benefits helped to shapeour lives today, from tran-sistors to mini computer chips, new materials likeTeflon and too many otherdiscoveries to list. For those who say we could better use the moneycountries or individualsspend for space explora-tion to help the poor andhungry instead, I say, ofcourse, we need to attend toour poor. I also say that we can walk and chew gum at the same time ... in otherwords, we can do both, ifour governments choose to, as can the billionaires. Who knows what thesebillionaires may do withtheir riches to that end in the future? Will they be like Bill andMelinda Gates, who used their vast wealth to help ridAfrica of polio, a hugelyvaluable humanitarian en-deavour? Musk and Branson et alare, at present, showinghow competition can driveinnovation, making space travel accessible to manymore people and they haveshown how to build reus- able rockets, thereby re-ducing costs. Mankind needs to ex- plore.It's in our nature. Beforewe dismiss these billion- aires as mere dilettantes,we would do well to lookdeeper to see the benefitswe will all reap from their efforts eventually.As an example, scien-tists are now trying to grow crops in a simulated Mar-tian soil.No doubt, some new dis-coveries may eventually come from these experi-ments and could be used toincrease crop productionon earth, thereby helping to alleviate hunger. Who knows?The sky is the limit.JONATHAN O'MARA,WHITBY LETTERS & COMMENTARY SIGN UP FOR OUR WEEKLY NEWSLETTER AT DURHAMREGION.COM 7 | Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r | Th u r s d a y , D e c e m b e r 3 0 , 2 0 2 1 dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m BOXINGWEEK OFFERS ARE ON NOW! 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All correction notices for errors in this flyer will be posted in our stores. Products illustrated in this flyer may not be exactly as shown and unfortunately not all products may be available at each location. Tasco reserves the right to limit quantities. Prices shown reflect reduction off Tasco regular prices. tascoappliance.caVALID DECEMBER 22 - JANUARY 9 dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m Pic k e r i n g N e w s A d v e r t i s e r | P | T h u r s d a y , D e c e m b e r 3 0 , 2 0 2 1 | 8 Find what you’re looking for, in the location you want, for the price you want to pay! Catch a Great Deal! Browse our inventory of vehicles by Body Style, popular Makes and Models, Province, popular Cities or by Price. Whatever path you choose, you will find the right car, in the right location, for the right price! Right Choice{ } Car Place Price Find what you’re looking for, in the location you want, for the price you want to pay! Catch a Great Deal! Browse our inventory of vehicles by Body Style, popular Makes and Models, Province, popular Cities or by Price. Whatever path you choose, you will find the right car, in the right location, for the right price! Right Choice{ } Car Place Price Find what you’re looking for, in the location you want, for the price you want to pay! Catch a Great Deal! Browse our inventory of vehicles by Body Style, popular Makes and Models, Province, popular Cities or by Price. Whatever path you choose, you will find the right car, in the right location, for the right price! Right Choice{ } Car Place Price 9 | Pic k e r i n g N e w s A d v e r t i s e r | P | T h u r s d a y , D e c e m b e r 3 0 , 2 0 2 1 dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m @cityofpickering Weekly Community Page December 30 Customer Care Centre 905.683.7575 (24 hour line) customercare@pickering.capickering.ca COVID-19CityResponse GetthelatestinformationonCityservices,closures, businesssupports,communityresources,andmore atpickering.ca/covid19. Holiday Hours of Operation (Subject to change. Please call 905.683.7575 for the latest updates.) CivicComplex(CityHall)905.683.7575 December31 8:30am-12:00pm January3 Closed CHDRecreationComplex 905.683.6582 January2 Open December31&January1 Closed PickeringAnimalShelter 905.683.7575 December31 10:00am-12:00pm January1 Closed DonBeerArena 905.831.1035 December30,January2&3 December31&January1 Open Closed Developmentproposal:A37-storeyresidentialtowerwitha 4-storeypodium,consistingof472residentialunits. Applicant:GreyrockConsolidatedHoldingsCorporation PurposeofZoningBy-lawamendment:Toincreasethe maximumbuildingheightfrom77metres(25-storeys)to116 metres(37-storeys).Theapplicantisalsorequestingsite-specific amendmentstoreducetheminimumparkingratio;removethe minimummainwallstepbackprovision;reducetheminimum requiredcontinuouslengthofabuildingalongastreetline;remove theminimumbalconydepthrequirement;reducetheminimum widthrequirementforalandscapedareabetweensurfaceparking andanexistingresidentialdevelopment;andpermitstairsand airventstobelocatedinthefrontyardandprojectmorethan1.2 metresabovegrade.Arequestisalsobeingmadetoremovethe“H6” HoldingSymbolthatappliestotheproperty. Learnmoreandprovideyourfeedback! Monday,January10,2022@7:00pm Participateelectronicallybyaudio,orwatchthe meetingliveviatheCity’sYouTubechannel: youtube.com/user/SustainablePickering AnInformationReportwillbeavailableon,orafter, December31,2021fromtheCity’swebsiteatcalendar.pickering.ca/ council.Alternatively,youcancalltheCityClerkat905.420.4611to requestacopyoftheReportbemailedtoyou. Notice of Electronic Statutory Public Meeting Ifapersonorpublicbodydoesnotmakeanoralsubmissionata statutorypublicmeetingormakewrittensubmissionstotheCityof Pickeringbeforetheproposedby-lawispassed,thepersonorpublic body: i) isnotentitledtoappealthedecisionoftheCounciltothe OntarioLandTribunal;and, ii)maynotbeaddedasapartytothehearingofanappeal beforetheOntarioLandTribunalunless,intheopinionofthe Tribunal,therearereasonablegroundstodoso. IfyouwishtobenotifiedofthedecisionyoumustmakeawrittenrequesttotheCityClerk. Formoreinformationcontact:IsabelLima,(Acting)PlannerII|905.420.4617|ilima@pickering.ca Notice of Electronic Planning & Development Committee Meeting TheCityofPickeringisconcludingPhase3oftheHousingStrategyStudy. CitystaffwillpresentareportregardingtherecommendedHousing Strategy,tothePlanning&DevelopmentCommitteeon January10,2022at7:00pm.ThestaffreportrecommendsthatCouncil approvetherecommendedHousingStrategy&ActionPlan,andthe implementationofthePlan.Acopyoftherecommendationreportprepared bytheCityDevelopmentDepartmentwillbeavailableattheofficeofthe CityClerk,andontheCitywebsiteonorafterDecember31,2021. TheoutcomeofthestudyprovidesrecommendedactionsthattheCitymay considertoaddresstheaffordablehousinggapsthatwereidentifiedin Phase1oftheStudy.Atimeframeandestimatedcostofimplementation hasbeenidentifiedforeachrecommendedaction,aswellasthegap, identifiedinPhase1oftheStudy,theactionisintendedtoaddress. DuetothecurrentCOVID-19pandemicandthePremier’sEmergencyOrder tolimitgatherings,andmaintainphysicaldistancing,theCouncilChambers remainclosedtothePublic,andthePlanning&DevelopmentCommittee isholdinganElectronicMeetingtoprovideinterestedpartiestheability tolearnmoreabouttheStudyandprovideanycommentsandfeedback beforeanydecisionsaremadeontheStudy.ThisElectronicMeetingwillbe heldon:Monday,January10,2022at7:00pm Residentscanparticipateviaconnectionintothemeeting,orwatchthe meetinglivestreamedviatheCityofPickering’sYouTubechannel: youtube.com/user/SustainablePickering Pleasenotethatthisitemisscheduledfor7:00pm,however,thismatter couldbedelayedduetoCommittee’sconsiderationofprecedingagenda items. ShouldyouwishtoaddresstheCityDevelopmentDepartmentandthe Planning&DevelopmentCommitteeduringtheelectronicmeeting,please registerwiththeCityClerkby12:00pmnoononthebusinessdaypriorto themeeting. Pleasevisit pickering.ca/delegationtoregisteroremail clerks@pickering.ca.Pleaseensurethatyouprovidethetelephone numberyouwishtobecalledatsothatyoucanbeconnectedviaaudio whenitisyourturntomakeadelegation. Yourcommentsand/orquestionsregardingthisstudycanbeforwarded toMargaretKish,MCIP,RPP,PrincipalPlanner,Policy,CityDevelopment Department,bytelephoneat905.420.4660,ext.2196,oremail mkish@pickering.ca. Formoreinformationpleasevisitourprojectwebsiteat pickering.ca/en/city-hall/housing-strategy-study.aspx DunbartonIndoorPool 905.831.1260 December30 Open December31&January1,2 Closed EastShoreCommunityCentre 905.420.6588 December24&31 9:00am-12:00pm December25-28&January1-3 Closed GeorgeAsheCommunityCentre 905.420.2370 December31 9:30am-1:00pm January1 Closed PickeringMuseumVillage 905.683.8401 December24-January3 Closed PickeringPublicLibraries 905.831.6265 December31 9:30am-1:00pm January1 Closed dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m Pic k e r i n g N e w s A d v e r t i s e r | P | T h u r s d a y , D e c e m b e r 3 0 , 2 0 2 1 | 10 The pandemic was Dur-ham's education newsmak-er for 2021. We look back atthe top five stories from the past year when Durhamschools navigated the pan-demic. 1. Outbreaks force localschools to close for the firsttimeThere were many CO- VID-19 outbreaks in Dur-ham schools in the fall of2020 and the early monthsof 2021 — but none thatforced a school to close toin-person learning. Thathappened for the first time on March 29, when thehealth department orderedfive schools to close — GlenStreet P.S., Westcreek P.S., Vaughan Willard P.S., St.Josephine Bakhita P.S. andÉcole élémentaire Ronald- Marion. By mid-April, 10schools in Durham wereclosed to in-person learn-ing. At publication time, fall 2021 had seen threeDurham schools close dueto escalating outbreaks. 2. School board job post-ings call for uncertifiedteachers In November, the Dur-ham District School Boardreleased a job posting for"emergency uncertified- supply teachers" in re-sponse to a provincewideteacher shortage and an in- crease in pandemic-relatedstaff absences. "This willhelp ensure that classesare not cancelled and that students are not senthome," the board said in astatement. Other boardsfollowed suit with similar job postings. Some localparents were surprised bythe postings, calling the sit- uation "worrying." 3. Schools provincewideclose to in-person learningamid worsening third wave As spring break startedon April 10, there was a re-cord-high number of 239 active COVID cases in Dur-ham schools and 19 activeoutbreaks. "We have seenin the last three weeks an escalation in terms of caseswithin our schools," NorahMarsh, director of educa- tion for the DDSB, toldtrustees. On April 12 theprovince announced the "difficult decision" to moveto virtual learning afterthe break in response to a "rapid increase" in CO-VID-19 cases and the risksposed by variants of con-cern. On June 2, Premier Doug Ford announcedschools would not reopento in-person learning be- fore the fall. 4. Bell times for Durhamhigh schools spark anger and frustration from stu-dents and their familiesThe Durham and Dur- ham Catholic districtschool boards implement-ed bell times of 10 a.m. and 4p.m. for high schools for 2021-22, as a result of aschool bus driver shortagethat has been aggravated by the pandemic. The 4p.m. dismissal time is laterthan usual and students say this impacts their abil-ity to work at part-timejobs, participate in extra- curricular activities andcare for younger siblingsafter school. "I've heardfrom quite a few students that they have to leaveclass early just to get towork on time," says DDSB student trustee Kayla Mal-colm. The bell times are upfor review this winter. 5. Approval of a CO- VID-19 vaccine for childrenfive to 11 sets off online ru-mours that kids could be vaccinated at school with-out parental consentInformation circulatingon social media in October and November suggestsvaccine clinics are takingplace in Durham schoolsduring the school day —and that children could bevaccinated without the OKfrom their parents. Local school boards stress this isfalse, with one official call-ing the rumours a "co-ordi-nated misinformation campaign." Vaccine clinicsare taking place at someschools in Durham outside of school hours — and likeall other clinics, parent orguardian consent is re-quired for a child to be vac- cinated. STORY BEHIND THE STORY:COVID-19, and inparticular its effect onstudents, parents andguardians, was the major story of 2021 in Durham.Reporter Jillian Follertlooked back at the year. DURHAM'S TOP FIVE COVID-19 EDUCATION STORIES OF 2021 Glen Street P.S. in Oshawa is one of six schools in Durham that has closed due to a COVID-19 outbreak. The number of active school outbreaks and cases in Durham have hit record highs. Jason Liebregts/Metroland JILLIAN FOLLERT jfollert@durhamregion.com NEWS BELL TIMES FOR DURHAM'S HIGH SCHOOLSTUDENTS A SOURCE OF CONTROVERSY once the doors are open butlocal residents will also beflocking to enjoy the out- door pools, variety of sau-nas and spa services.Folks looking to get asneak peek can visit the spa's Facebook page forphotos and videos as the fa-cility nears completion. PICKERING VILLAGE JAM-FEST The popular PickeringVillage jazz festival took an innovative approach in 2021with a drive-in festival atthe Ajax Go Station. Attendees could enjoythe music at a safe social distance in their cars. Or- ganizers are to be com-mended for organizing theevent under tough circum-stances, but here's hoping that this summer they canget back to a more tradi-tional festival with multiplestages, street food vendors and lots of pedestrian traf-fic in historic Pickering Vil-lage. The event is tentativelyscheduled for June 17 to 19,2022. THE ORONO FAIR After two years of CO-VID-19 cancellations, the 168th Orono Fair may final-ly be able to take place in2022. The popular event, orga- nized by the Orono Agricul-tural Society is one of thelongest running agricultur-al fairs in Ontario. The Oro- no Fair draws thousands offairgoers each year with ahuge range of attractionsoffering something for ev- eryone. This Sept. 8 to 11,the four-day weekend ofcompetitions, livestock, cu- linary creations, live mu-sic, a large midway and dis-plays may be able to onceagain welcome residents and visitors to the Oronofairgrounds.We also await the return of popular fairs in Port Per-ry, Brooklin, Uxbridge,Beaverton and Sunderland! CANADA DAY AT LAKEVIEWPARK IN OSHAWA Traditionally, Oshawathrows the biggest CanadaDay bash in Durham every July 1 for with a slew of ac-tivities at Lakeview Park onthe shores of Lake Ontarioranging from sandcastle building to live music to ahost of vendors and food op-tions. The grand finale is amassive fireworks showthat can be seen through-out the city. Unfortunately, the pan-demic has forced the can-cellation of the popular fes- tivity this year. We wouldlove to see it return in 2022 if safety allows.Oshawa is host to sever- al popular festivals that res-idents would love to see re-turn in full force includingthe Peony Festival in Juneand Autofest in August. ART IN THE PARK IN UX-BRIDGE The pandemic forced thecancellation of Art in thePark, organized annuallyby the Uxbridge Lions. We're hopeful that art lov-ers can come back this sum-mer and enjoy both art and nature in Elgin Park.In addition to showcas-ing local art, the event dou-bles as a fundraiser for Dog Guides of Canada. RIBFESTS AND FOOD TRUCK FESTIVALS Ribfests stretch across Durham in the summermonths and while the drive-through versions ofthe popular events havehelped keep cravings at bay,they don't quite compare tothe real thing where thou-sands gather for sticky, de-licious food, nightly enter- tainment and a carnival at-mosphere.Starting in Pickeringand stretching east, the re- turn of the rib is anticipatedin Durham.And if that's not enough, Durham has seen a big in-terest in food truck festi-vals, including the instant-ly successful Food Truck Frenzy in Whitby.These festivals are notonly a treat for the taste- buds, but also fundraisersfor local service clubs likethe Rotary Club. Continued from page 3 THERE IS PLENTY TO LOOK FORWARD TO IN 2022 11 | Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r | Th u r s d a y , D e c e m b e r 3 0 , 2 0 2 1 dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m Live your best life. Since 1988, Parkland has been helping seniors remain independent by creating beautiful, vibrant and safe communities. Enjoy the lifestyle you’ve earned and the independence you value in a place you’ll be proud to call home. We can’t wait to welcome you and those you love to Parkland. experienceparkland.com/ajax Connect with us to learn more Lorraine: 905-424-9369 or lshaw@shannex.com CHIEF SCOUT LES STROUD Les Stroud, TV's Survivorman, shared some outdoor survival skills with local Scouts at Scouts Canada's Camp Samac in Oshawa on Dec. 12. Stroud said he was "incredibly honoured and excited" to be appointed the organization's new Chief Scout. In the role, he will serve as a Scouts Canada ambassador in Canada and internationally, attend major events, share his outdoor knowledge and serve as a role model. Mike Eybel photo SCAN THE CODE to visit our Facebook page and share the photo online. BOOST UP. Book your booster today. Protect yourself against COVID-19.agains It’s up to all of us. Paid for by the Government of Ontario Visit ontario.ca/covid19 dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m New s A d v e r t i s e r | Th u r s d a y , D e c e m b e r 3 0 , 2 0 2 1 | 12 free professional buyer service: • Find out about the newest homes on the market that meet your needs • Get more informed about the specific areas and how to get the best price • Find out how to get the best mortgage rates and saving programs, plus much more - Call today!! WEST REALTY INC.,Brokerage Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated EAST ****Certain Conditions may apply. Not intended to solicit persons under contract. ReMax West Realty Inc. does not guarantee the sale of your home. Exclusively offered by Frank Leo.Copyright©2009 Frank Leo*FOR DOLLAR VOLUME JAN-APRIL **FOR TRANSACTIONS 2020 & 2021 ***ACCORDING TO A STUDY OF MLS DATA PREPARED BY AN INDEPENDANT AUDITOR FOR REAL ESTATE STATS FOR 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 & 2021. SEE MORE PHOTOS & PROPERTIES: www.GetLeo.com Call Today 416-917-LION (5466) and Start Packing! WE’RE GROWING! LOOkING FOR 2 MOTIVATED LICENCED REALTORS TO JOIN US. SkY ROCkET YOUR CAREER AND HAVE A BETTER LIFE. GO TO JOINTEAMLEO.COM Sell Your Home Faster and For More Money. GUARANTEED HOME SELLING SYSTEM • Your Home Advertised 24 Hours a Day Until Sold • 360 Degree Marketing Massive Print, Internet, TV, Radio + Billboard Strategy Reaching Millions • Learn the Secrets of Selling Without Ineffective Open Houses • Our Team of Professionals for the Same Price As Hiring a Single Broker • Get Up to $10,000 No Interest for 60 Days**** • Total Service Guarantee In Writing • Your Home Sold Guaranteed, or I’ll Buy it**** • Competitive Rates, Exceptional Service • In Depth Neighborhood Report for Each Property We Sell • Planning To Move Soon Free Consultation • Database Of Qualified Buyers BRokER Sponsor of Children’s Miracle Network & Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation • #1 In ToronTo ( CenTral, easT, and WesT CombIned) by UnITs of lIsTIngs sold for all brokers and sales represenTaTIves for all CompanIes*** • #1 re/maX Team In THe gTa** • #1 re/maX Team In Canada* • #1 re/maX Team In THe World* UPDATED WExFORD BUNGALOW!! Prime location minutes to DVP/401! 3 bedrooms on main floor and 2 bedroom basement apartment with separate entrance! Parking for 4 cars. Perfect Home for family or buyers looking for rental income! All amenities minutes away, move in ready! SOLD FOR TOP $$ ATLANTIS NIAGARA WINERY + CANNABIS Incredible Turn-key Opportunity!! Winery & Cannabis Greenhouses in the Heart Of Wine Country. The Perfect Location to an absolutely Gorgeous Venue and many Endless Possibilities. This is THE FUTURE of WINE VENUES! Call for More Details + Read the Google Reviews!! $9,00 0 , 0 0 0 ANOTHER SOLD FREE CONFIDENTIALHOME EVALUATIONS LARGE FAMILY HOME Located In One OfThe Most Prestigious Parts OfThe GTA. Surrounded By Multi-Million Dollar Homes. 4 Large Bedrooms. 5 Bathrooms. Main Floor Family Room. Double Car Garage. Massive 60’ x 177’ Private Landscaped Lot. Incredible opportunity!! SOLD FAST FOR 111% OF ASkING!! ANOTHER SOLD UNBELIEVABLE VALUE! IN HEART OF THE CITY!! Large Sun-Filled 2 Bdrm + Den unit In Downtown Toronto, With Updated Kitchen, Stainless Steel Appliances. Fantastic Building With Low Maintenance Fees! Parking Included, Steps To The Subway, Eatons Centre, & All Conveniences!! $749, 0 0 0 LAkESIDE CONDOEnjoy Lakeside Living At This 1000 Sq ft Suite With Low Maintenance Fees & Plenty Of Space. 2 Bedrooms2 Bathrooms. Laminate Floors Throughout, Upgraded Kitchen With Quartz Counters & Stainless Steel Appliances, Walk-In Closet & Ensuite Bath. PLUS Large Balcony, Parking & Locker included. Walk TO GO Station. A must see! SOLD FOR 114% OF ASkING AMAzING OPPORTUNITY! Executive Detached Single With Huge Potential Backing Onto Park. 4 Bedroom, 2BathroomInSouthLakesideCommunity.Don’tMissYourChanceToCustomizeThis Amazing Family Home. Steps To GO Station, 401 Access & Lake. SOLD FOR 140% OF ASkING INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY! Calling All Builders, Developers & Investors! One time opportunity to own this large, 100’X190’ Lot in a sought after location! 3 Bedroom 1 Bath home. Many developments around the area. Minutes from Hwy 404 and all amenities. Call for more information. SOLD FOR TOP $$!! BUILD YOUR DREAM HOME Bungalow For Sale In Pristine Condition. ¾ Acre Ravine Lot In One Of The Most Prestigious Areas Of Toronto. Surround Yourself With Lush Greenery In Small Private Cul-de-Sac. Flat Lot With Potential To Build Up To 8,000 Sqft Home. This Is The Largest Lot Left To Build On In The Area. $3,00 0 , 0 0 0 QUIET COURT, PREMIUM LOT Meticulously maintained 3+1 bed 3 bath home located in a highly sought-after location. Largespacious kitchen. Over 2000 sqft living space. Large lush Neighboring trees allow for ampleprivacy and tranquil setting. Full Basement with walkout to back yard. Incredible Income/In-lawSuite Potential! 5 Minutes to HWY 404,walking distance to all amenities,school,beach and lake. SOLD FOR 140% OF ASkING!! CHARMING BUNGALOW! Prime Location In the Heart of Toronto! Prestigious Area Nested Among The Old Charm & Elegance of New Builds. 2+1 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms With In-Law Suite. Detached Garage. Do Not Miss!! SOLD FOR 128% OF ASkING! INCREDIBLE VALUE!! Detached All Brick Bungalow With Plenty Of Upgrades. 2+1 Bedrooms 2 Full Bathrooms. New Flooring ThroughoutThis Charming Oshawa Home Is Centralized In Family Friendly Neighbourhood. Lush Gardens Next To Detached Oversized Garage. Move-In Ready. Perfect For Retiring Or First Time Buyers. SOLD FOR 113% OF ASkING FAMILY RETREAT OR INCOME GENERATOR! Three PlusAcres of Land & LakeView. Fenced Backyard includes In-ground Pool/10 Seat Hot Tub, & Pool-house. Five Minute Walk to the Lake. Detached 2 car garage. Updated Kitchens/Bathrooms. Geothermal System! SOLD FOR 110% OF ASkING ANOTHER SOLD ANOTHER SOLD ANOTHER SOLD ANOTHER SOLD RARE OPPORTUNITY TO BUILD YOUR OWN DREAM HOME TwoLots,A0.6AcreBuildingLot+AdjoiningRecreationLot23.9Acres. Over700’FrontingOntoLakeSimcoe,TrulyARareOneOfAKindOffering. A Blank Canvas For You To Bring Your Dreams To Life. $1,25 0 , 0 0 0 STEPS TO DENISON PARkSpacious detached brick home on desirable street inWestonVillage.Separate entrance to basement. Large lot 138 feet deep. 1 parking!Amazing opportunity minutes to Go Station, and all conveniences! SOLD FOR 122% OF ASkING ANOTHER SOLD ANOTHER SOLD TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT Opportunity To Build On Busy Avenue In Toronto. 70.51 x 153 Foot Lot. Potential For Townhouse Development, Office Building Or Purpose-Built Rental. Developing Area With Only A Few Sites Left To Build. Easy Access To Subway. Upscale Neighbourhood In North York. Call For Information Package. SOLD FOR TOP $$$!! VALUE PLUS!! Charming Bungalow For Nice And Quiet Country Life, 3 + 2 Bedrooms, 2 Bath, Cozy Finished BasementWithWood Fireplace. Private BackyardWithAn Inground Pool,2 Ponds, Garden Shed,Workshop and Gorgeous deck facing a premium lot, 50x183! SOLD FOR 102% OF ASkING! DETACHED BUNGALOW! Situated On Premium Lot.This Home Features 2 Bedrooms OnThe Main Floor,Laminate & Crown Moulding On Main,Combined Living & Dining Area, Functional Kitchen With Backsplash & Walk-Out To Gorgeous Deck From Kitchen.Finished Basement Features Spacious Rec Room With 2 Additional Bedrooms & An Extra Bathroom. Close To All The Amenities. Don’t Miss This One! SOLD FOR 140% OF ASkING ANOTHER SOLD DREAM LOT IN DEMAND AREA!! Once-in-a-Lifetime Opportunity To Build On A Private Well Treed Lot In One The Most Luxurious Neighbourhoods In The GTA. Detached Bungalow With Plenty Of Updates. 13,000 Sqft Lot. Yonge St Only A Few Steps Away. Custom Homes Nearby Valued $6M-$8M. This Is A Deal You Don’t Want To Miss. $1,90 0 , 0 0 0 AMAzING OPPORTUNITY Calling all builders, renovators or first-time home buyers, solid brick bungalow, with parking! Excellent location, steps to the Danforth, great shops and amenities, TTC and subway. Excellent schools and a family-friendly neighbourhood! Rebuild your two-storey dream home or move in and make it your own. Opportunity Knocks!! SOLD FOR TOP $$!! ANOTHER SOLD ANOTHER SOLD ANOTHER SOLD ANOTHER SOLD OPPORTUNITY kNOCkS WITH THIS 4-PLEX! Huge potential! 4 Self-Contained Units, Corner Lot, Attached 1 Car Garage & Detached 2 Car Garage. Located within Walking Distance to Restaurants, Stores, Shopping, Schools, Public Transit and Nature Trails. SOLD FOR 162% OF ASkING SPECTACULAR ESTATE Prestigious Mississauga Rd 2 Storey 4 Bdrm,5 Bthrm,Surroundedby mature trees, gorgeous garden & Pond. Meticulously WellMaintained, Amazing Character thru-out, Incredible home simplymust be seen, an Entertainers delight! SOLD FOR TOP $$ OPPORTUNITY kNOCkS!! All Brick Century Home Conversion Located In ‘The Heart Of Stouffville’! This Property Features Beautiful Old World Charm, Craftsmanship & Millwork Thru-out, 9’ Ceilings, Open Foyer,Separate ReceptionArea,Large Rooms,2nd Floor Kitchen,2-Car Garage Plus Parking For 8-10 Vehicles. Amazing Street Visibility Next To Post Office. Steps To GO!!! $1,44 9 , 0 0 0 ANOTHER SOLD END UNIT TOWNHOMEGorgeous 2000+ Sq Ft Of Living Space. Large open concept Living Room, FamilySize Kitchen And A Spacious Dining area W/ Walk Out To Backyard. from 2nd Level.3 Bedroom,W/ Loft & Laundry Rm. Fabulous Finished Basement w/ 4th Bdrm & RecRm. Great Opportunity! A Must SeeSOLD FOR 117% OF ASkING RARE OPPORTUNITY Attention all builders,renovators and Investors. Semi-detached family home with a deep lot and mutual drive parking. Short Walk To Main Street Or Victoria Park Subway Station, Danforth Go Train Station,Ttc,Catholic School,Malvern P.S. StepsTo Shoppers,Groceries,Community Centre And Parks + So Much More! Come Check Out This Home With So Much Potential. SOLD FOR 115% OF ASkING ANOTHER SOLD ANOTHER SOLD ANOTHER SOLD Frank leo & associates MUlti-Million Dollar 6 PLEx IN PRIME LOCATION Central Toronto Income Generating Property With Over $100k Net Income Annually.Tenants Paying On-TimeWith Hassle-Free Setup. 3 One BedroomApts & 3 Bachelor Apts. Many Capital Expenditures Completed Within The Last 10 Years. Same Owner For Over 45 Years. Walking Distance To Subway, Shops & Schools. $3,00 0 , 0 0 0 ANOTHER SOLD 13 | Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r | Th u r s d a y , D e c e m b e r 3 0 , 2 0 2 1 dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m New s A d v e r t i s e r | Th u r s d a y , D e c e m b e r 3 0 , 2 0 2 1 | 12 free professional buyer service: • Find out about the newest homes on the market that meet your needs • Get more informed about the specific areas and how to get the best price • Find out how to get the best mortgage rates and saving programs, plus much more - Call today!! WEST REALTY INC.,Brokerage Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated EAST ****Certain Conditions may apply. Not intended to solicit persons under contract. ReMax West Realty Inc. does not guarantee the sale of your home. Exclusively offered by Frank Leo.Copyright©2009 Frank Leo*FOR DOLLAR VOLUME JAN-APRIL **FOR TRANSACTIONS 2020 & 2021 ***ACCORDING TO A STUDY OF MLS DATA PREPARED BY AN INDEPENDANT AUDITOR FOR REAL ESTATE STATS FOR 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 & 2021. SEE MORE PHOTOS & PROPERTIES: www.GetLeo.com Call Today 416-917-LION (5466) and Start Packing! WE’RE GROWING! LOOkING FOR 2 MOTIVATED LICENCED REALTORS TO JOIN US. SkY ROCkET YOUR CAREER AND HAVE A BETTER LIFE. GO TO JOINTEAMLEO.COM Sell Your Home Faster and For More Money. GUARANTEED HOME SELLING SYSTEM • Your Home Advertised 24 Hours a Day Until Sold • 360 Degree Marketing Massive Print, Internet, TV, Radio + Billboard Strategy Reaching Millions • Learn the Secrets of Selling Without Ineffective Open Houses • Our Team of Professionals for the Same Price As Hiring a Single Broker • Get Up to $10,000 No Interest for 60 Days**** • Total Service Guarantee In Writing • Your Home Sold Guaranteed, or I’ll Buy it**** • Competitive Rates, Exceptional Service • In Depth Neighborhood Report for Each Property We Sell • Planning To Move Soon Free Consultation • Database Of Qualified Buyers BRokER Sponsor of Children’s Miracle Network & Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation • #1 In ToronTo ( CenTral, easT, and WesT CombIned) by UnITs of lIsTIngs sold for all brokers and sales represenTaTIves for all CompanIes*** • #1 re/maX Team In THe gTa** • #1 re/maX Team In Canada* • #1 re/maX Team In THe World* UPDATED WExFORD BUNGALOW!! Prime location minutes to DVP/401! 3 bedrooms on main floor and 2 bedroom basement apartment with separate entrance! Parking for 4 cars. Perfect Home for family or buyers looking for rental income! All amenities minutes away, move in ready! SOLD FOR TOP $$ ATLANTIS NIAGARA WINERY + CANNABIS Incredible Turn-key Opportunity!! Winery & Cannabis Greenhouses in the Heart Of Wine Country. The Perfect Location to an absolutely Gorgeous Venue and many Endless Possibilities. This is THE FUTURE of WINE VENUES! Call for More Details + Read the Google Reviews!! $9,00 0 , 0 0 0 ANOTHER SOLD FREE CONFIDENTIALHOME EVALUATIONS LARGE FAMILY HOME Located In One OfThe Most Prestigious Parts OfThe GTA. Surrounded By Multi-Million Dollar Homes. 4 Large Bedrooms. 5 Bathrooms. Main Floor Family Room. Double Car Garage. Massive 60’ x 177’ Private Landscaped Lot. Incredible opportunity!! SOLD FAST FOR 111% OF ASkING!! ANOTHER SOLD UNBELIEVABLE VALUE! IN HEART OF THE CITY!! Large Sun-Filled 2 Bdrm + Den unit In Downtown Toronto, With Updated Kitchen, Stainless Steel Appliances. Fantastic Building With Low Maintenance Fees! Parking Included, Steps To The Subway, Eatons Centre, & All Conveniences!! $749, 0 0 0 LAkESIDE CONDOEnjoy Lakeside Living At This 1000 Sq ft Suite With Low Maintenance Fees & Plenty Of Space. 2 Bedrooms2 Bathrooms. Laminate Floors Throughout, Upgraded Kitchen With Quartz Counters & Stainless Steel Appliances, Walk-In Closet & Ensuite Bath. PLUS Large Balcony, Parking & Locker included. Walk TO GO Station. A must see! SOLD FOR 114% OF ASkING AMAzING OPPORTUNITY! Executive Detached Single With Huge Potential Backing Onto Park. 4 Bedroom, 2BathroomInSouthLakesideCommunity.Don’tMissYourChanceToCustomizeThis Amazing Family Home. Steps To GO Station, 401 Access & Lake. SOLD FOR 140% OF ASkING INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY! Calling All Builders, Developers & Investors! One time opportunity to own this large, 100’X190’ Lot in a sought after location! 3 Bedroom 1 Bath home. Many developments around the area. Minutes from Hwy 404 and all amenities. Call for more information. SOLD FOR TOP $$!! BUILD YOUR DREAM HOME Bungalow For Sale In Pristine Condition. ¾ Acre Ravine Lot In One Of The Most Prestigious Areas Of Toronto. Surround Yourself With Lush Greenery In Small Private Cul-de-Sac. Flat Lot With Potential To Build Up To 8,000 Sqft Home. This Is The Largest Lot Left To Build On In The Area. $3,00 0 , 0 0 0 QUIET COURT, PREMIUM LOT Meticulously maintained 3+1 bed 3 bath home located in a highly sought-after location. Largespacious kitchen. Over 2000 sqft living space. Large lush Neighboring trees allow for ampleprivacy and tranquil setting. Full Basement with walkout to back yard. Incredible Income/In-lawSuite Potential! 5 Minutes to HWY 404,walking distance to all amenities,school,beach and lake. SOLD FOR 140% OF ASkING!! CHARMING BUNGALOW! Prime Location In the Heart of Toronto! Prestigious Area Nested Among The Old Charm & Elegance of New Builds. 2+1 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms With In-Law Suite. Detached Garage. Do Not Miss!! SOLD FOR 128% OF ASkING! INCREDIBLE VALUE!! Detached All Brick Bungalow With Plenty Of Upgrades. 2+1 Bedrooms 2 Full Bathrooms. New Flooring ThroughoutThis Charming Oshawa Home Is Centralized In Family Friendly Neighbourhood. Lush Gardens Next To Detached Oversized Garage. Move-In Ready. Perfect For Retiring Or First Time Buyers. SOLD FOR 113% OF ASkING FAMILY RETREAT OR INCOME GENERATOR! Three PlusAcres of Land & LakeView. Fenced Backyard includes In-ground Pool/10 Seat Hot Tub, & Pool-house. Five Minute Walk to the Lake. Detached 2 car garage. Updated Kitchens/Bathrooms. Geothermal System! SOLD FOR 110% OF ASkING ANOTHER SOLD ANOTHER SOLD ANOTHER SOLD ANOTHER SOLD RARE OPPORTUNITY TO BUILD YOUR OWN DREAM HOME TwoLots,A0.6AcreBuildingLot+AdjoiningRecreationLot23.9Acres. Over700’FrontingOntoLakeSimcoe,TrulyARareOneOfAKindOffering. A Blank Canvas For You To Bring Your Dreams To Life. $1,25 0 , 0 0 0 STEPS TO DENISON PARkSpacious detached brick home on desirable street inWestonVillage.Separate entrance to basement. Large lot 138 feet deep. 1 parking!Amazing opportunity minutes to Go Station, and all conveniences! SOLD FOR 122% OF ASkING ANOTHER SOLD ANOTHER SOLD TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT Opportunity To Build On Busy Avenue In Toronto. 70.51 x 153 Foot Lot. Potential For Townhouse Development, Office Building Or Purpose-Built Rental. Developing Area With Only A Few Sites Left To Build. Easy Access To Subway. Upscale Neighbourhood In North York. Call For Information Package. SOLD FOR TOP $$$!! VALUE PLUS!! Charming Bungalow For Nice And Quiet Country Life, 3 + 2 Bedrooms, 2 Bath, Cozy Finished BasementWithWood Fireplace. Private BackyardWithAn Inground Pool,2 Ponds, Garden Shed,Workshop and Gorgeous deck facing a premium lot, 50x183! SOLD FOR 102% OF ASkING! DETACHED BUNGALOW! Situated On Premium Lot.This Home Features 2 Bedrooms OnThe Main Floor,Laminate & Crown Moulding On Main,Combined Living & Dining Area, Functional Kitchen With Backsplash & Walk-Out To Gorgeous Deck From Kitchen.Finished Basement Features Spacious Rec Room With 2 Additional Bedrooms & An Extra Bathroom. Close To All The Amenities. Don’t Miss This One! SOLD FOR 140% OF ASkING ANOTHER SOLD DREAM LOT IN DEMAND AREA!! Once-in-a-Lifetime Opportunity To Build On A Private Well Treed Lot In One The Most Luxurious Neighbourhoods In The GTA. Detached Bungalow With Plenty Of Updates. 13,000 Sqft Lot. Yonge St Only A Few Steps Away. Custom Homes Nearby Valued $6M-$8M. This Is A Deal You Don’t Want To Miss. $1,90 0 , 0 0 0 AMAzING OPPORTUNITY Calling all builders, renovators or first-time home buyers, solid brick bungalow, with parking! Excellent location, steps to the Danforth, great shops and amenities, TTC and subway. Excellent schools and a family-friendly neighbourhood! Rebuild your two-storey dream home or move in and make it your own. Opportunity Knocks!! SOLD FOR TOP $$!! ANOTHER SOLD ANOTHER SOLD ANOTHER SOLD ANOTHER SOLD OPPORTUNITY kNOCkS WITH THIS 4-PLEX! Huge potential! 4 Self-Contained Units, Corner Lot, Attached 1 Car Garage & Detached 2 Car Garage. Located within Walking Distance to Restaurants, Stores, Shopping, Schools, Public Transit and Nature Trails. SOLD FOR 162% OF ASkING SPECTACULAR ESTATE Prestigious Mississauga Rd 2 Storey 4 Bdrm,5 Bthrm,Surroundedby mature trees, gorgeous garden & Pond. Meticulously WellMaintained, Amazing Character thru-out, Incredible home simplymust be seen, an Entertainers delight! SOLD FOR TOP $$ OPPORTUNITY kNOCkS!! All Brick Century Home Conversion Located In ‘The Heart Of Stouffville’! This Property Features Beautiful Old World Charm, Craftsmanship & Millwork Thru-out, 9’ Ceilings, Open Foyer,Separate ReceptionArea,Large Rooms,2nd Floor Kitchen,2-Car Garage Plus Parking For 8-10 Vehicles. Amazing Street Visibility Next To Post Office. Steps To GO!!! $1,44 9 , 0 0 0 ANOTHER SOLD END UNIT TOWNHOMEGorgeous 2000+ Sq Ft Of Living Space. Large open concept Living Room, FamilySize Kitchen And A Spacious Dining area W/ Walk Out To Backyard. from 2nd Level.3 Bedroom,W/ Loft & Laundry Rm. Fabulous Finished Basement w/ 4th Bdrm & RecRm. Great Opportunity! A Must SeeSOLD FOR 117% OF ASkING RARE OPPORTUNITY Attention all builders,renovators and Investors. Semi-detached family home with a deep lot and mutual drive parking. Short Walk To Main Street Or Victoria Park Subway Station, Danforth Go Train Station,Ttc,Catholic School,Malvern P.S. StepsTo Shoppers,Groceries,Community Centre And Parks + So Much More! Come Check Out This Home With So Much Potential. SOLD FOR 115% OF ASkING ANOTHER SOLD ANOTHER SOLD ANOTHER SOLD Frank leo & associates MUlti-Million Dollar 6 PLEx IN PRIME LOCATION Central Toronto Income Generating Property With Over $100k Net Income Annually.Tenants Paying On-TimeWith Hassle-Free Setup. 3 One BedroomApts & 3 Bachelor Apts. Many Capital Expenditures Completed Within The Last 10 Years. Same Owner For Over 45 Years. Walking Distance To Subway, Shops & Schools. $3,00 0 , 0 0 0 ANOTHER SOLD 13 | Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r | Th u r s d a y , D e c e m b e r 3 0 , 2 0 2 1 dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m New s A d v e r t i s e r | Th u r s d a y , D e c e m b e r 3 0 , 2 0 2 1 | 14 ID 3050ID 3050 ID 3010ID 3010 ID 3025ID 3025 ID 3030ID 3030 ID 3040ID 3040 ID 3045ID 3045 ID 3020ID 3020 ID 3015ID 3015 Then Enter ID Number For Property Details & Locations Call 24/7 1-833-606-948724 Hr.Free Recorded Info Talk To NO Realtor , Brokerage No Gimmicks! For Information on My Exclusive Guaranteed Sale Program, Order a FREE Report By Visiting: Ontario Inc., www.ReferralsForAnimalWelfare.org FREE Recorded Message: 1-833-606-9487 ID# 4800 Call/Text:905-440-0505 https://bit.ly/3yMmzhu THANK YOU! Become a Kitty Kare Sponsor! KITTY KARE PROGRAM! https://amzn.to/3F1Kegm Donate Supplies Via Our Amazon Wish List! PLAY SANTA ONLINE! THANK YOU! 10 BEST BUYS! Homes In Your Specific Price Range/Area. Includes Pictures, Address, Price! 10BestDurhamHomes.com FREE Recorded Message (Talk To NO Realtor) 1-833-443-4855 ID# 4810 Scan QR Code MyAcreageHomes.com FREE Recorded Message (Talk To NO Realtor) 1-833-443-4855 ID# 1047 ACREAGE HOMES! Private Locations Under $800K Includes Pics, Address & Price! MUST SELL - FREE HOTLIST! Scan QR Code HOME SELLERS! Free List Of Durham Home Sales And Current Listings. Includes Pictures, Address And Price! MattsDurhamSalesReports.com FREE Recorded Message (Talk To NO Realtor) 1-833-443-4855 ID# 1041 Find Out What The Home Down The Street Sold For! Scan QR Code MyBungalowHomes.com FREE Recorded Message (Talk To NO Realtor) 1-833-443-4855 ID# 1052 FREE Recorded Message (Talk To NO Realtor) Private Locations Under $800K Includes Pics, Address & Price! BUNGALOW HOMES! MUST SELL - FREE HOTLIST! Scan QR Code As Seen And Heard On THANK YOU! FOOD BANK DONATIONS We Need Both Wet And Dry CAT Food! Drop Off Outside Front Door: 1505 Wentworth Street Whitby THANK YOU! We Need Both Wet And Dry DOG Food! FOOD BANK DONATIONS Drop Off Outside Front Door: 1505 Wentworth Street Whitby Senior Advisor And Offical Realtor To HSDR Quiet Water Front Community Fish From Your Back Yard! 3+ Acres - Backs Onto Creek!Peaceful Hamlet - Private Lot!Secluded Sandy Waterfront! Enjoy Mornings By The Lake! Bungalow With Water Access! Traditional Kawarthas Cottage www.MattsGuaranteedSale.com $595,000 OR TRADE! - $2,083/month $599,900 OR TRADE! - $2,100/month $499,000 OR TRADE! - $1,747/month $799,900 OR TRADE! - $2,800/month $1,250,000 OR TRADE! - $4,376/month $1,200,000 OR TRADE! - $4,201/month $550,000 OR TRADE! - $1,925/month $599,000 OR TRADE! - $2,097/month 15 | Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r | Th u r s d a y , D e c e m b e r 3 0 , 2 0 2 1 dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m The Regional Municipality of Durham and The Regional Municipality of York have completed an Environmental Screening Process in accordance with the Waste Management Projects Regulation (Ontario Regulation 101/07) of the EnvironmentalAssessmentAct to amend the Environmental ComplianceApproval for the Durham York Energy Centre (DYEC), located at 1835 Energy Drive, Courtice, Ontario. The Regions will submit an Environmental Screening Report to the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks on December 20, 2021 for review and approval. The Environmental Screening Report has been prepared to increase the annual processing capacity at the DYEC from 140,000 tonnes per year to 160,000 tonnes per year. This additional capacity is needed to accommodate population growth within the two Regions, allow the DYEC to operate more efficiently and produce more energy. This increase in capacity will not require any modifications to existing infrastructure. The Screening process involved identifying and applying criteria for potential environmental effects, public/ external agency and Indigenous consultation and the development of measures to mitigate any identified environmental effects. The proposed capacity increase is not expected to have any significant net effects on the environment. The results of the study were documented in an Environmental Screening Report, available for a 60-calendar day review period from December 20, 2021 to February 18, 2022. The report is available for public review at durhamyorkwaste.ca If you are unable to access the digital copy of the report posted on this website or require an alternative format, please contact 1-800-667-5671. If you have concerns or comments regarding this project, please contact The Regional Municipality of Durham (contact details below) to discuss. If concerns regarding this project cannot be resolved in discussion with The Regional Municipality of Durham or The Regional Municipality of York, a person or party may request that the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks make an order for the project to comply with Part II of the EnvironmentalAssessmentAct (referred to as a “elevation request”), which would elevate the project to an Individual EnvironmentalAssessment. Requests for an “elevation request” must be submitted in writing to the Director, EnvironmentalAssessment Branch and to the “Proponent”at the address listed below no later than 60-calendar days from the date of this Notice (December 20, 2021). Elevation request must be made in accordance with the provisions set out in Section B.3. of the “Guide to environmental assessment requirements for waste management projects”(ontario.ca/page/guide-environmental-assessment-requirements-waste-management- projects). Please submit the elevation request to each of the following two contacts. If submitting a hard copy request, please advise by phone or email as well due to COVID-19 circumstances. If no elevation requests are received by 4:30 p.m. on February 18, 2022, The Regional Municipality of Durham and The Regional Municipality of York intend to proceed with the process as scheduled. Durham York Energy Centre Throughput Increase (From 140,000 to 160,000 tonnes per year) Notice of Completion Works Department Public Notice Director, EnvironmentalAssessment Branch Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks 135 St. ClairAvenue W, 1st floor Toronto, ON M4V 1P5 EABDirector@ontario.ca Andrew Evans, M.A.Sc, P.Eng Project Manager, Durham York Energy Centre Regional Municipality of Durham 605 Rossland Road, East Whitby, ON L1N 6A3 info@durhamyorkwaste.ca 905-404-0888 ext. 4130 All personal information included in a submission - such as name, address, telephone number and property location - is collected, maintained, and disclosed by the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks for the purpose of transparency and consultation. The information is collected under the authority of the EnvironmentalAssessmentAct or is collected and maintained for the purpose of creating a record that is available to the general public as described in s.37 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of PrivacyAct (FIPPA). Personal information you submit will become part of a public record that is available to the general public unless you request that your personal information remain confidential. For more information, please contact the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Park’s Freedom of Information and Privacy Coordinator at (416) 327-1434. First issued: December 20, 2021 (revised) dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m New s A d v e r t i s e r | Th u r s d a y , D e c e m b e r 3 0 , 2 0 2 1 | 16 For everyone in the world, whatever colour your skin may be, whatever your religion may be, whatever your medical status and situation may be, I wish you good health, lots of love, and PEACE! Let’s make 2022 the year we choose to love and accept one another! www.LifeLibertyandLisa.ca Robinson Pickering 1101 Kingston Rd, Unit 120 905 839-3000 Scarborough 3224 Eglinton Ave E 416 261-9954 Your Complete Natural Health Store! Herbs • Vitamins • Supplements • Nutrition Organic Goods • Beauty and Body • Pets • Much More! Sale Ends January 31, 2022 Start the Year Off with... Less Stress Smarter Prevention A Healthier Bodyess StressL 10% OF F! 17 | Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r | Th u r s d a y , D e c e m b e r 3 0 , 2 0 2 1 dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m If it sounds daunting to open a new store during apandemic, try openingfour. With the addition of anew location at 1084 SalkRd. in Pickering thatopened Dec. 11, Kings Cross British Shop has grown tofour stores in Durham —all over the past year. "We're over the moon ex-cited about how busy it'sbeen," says owner JohnPerks. The first locationopened in March at theOshawa Centre (it wasoriginally called Blimey's)followed by one at 12 WaterSt. in Port Perry in Juneand then a north Oshawa shop at 1053 Simcoe St. N. inSeptember.A big draw for the storesis fresh British baked goods made by British Pride Bak-ery including meat pies, sausage rolls and scones.You can also find hun-dreds of imported British grocery products, choco-lates and snacks — every-thing from pickled onions,square sausage and En- glish bacon to Flake choco-late bars and Walker's Crisps. "People were falling inlove with us and we real- ized there was a need formore stores. As we openedmore, the momentum kindof grew," Perks says. The new Pickering loca-tion is the biggest of the bunch at 8,000 square feet. In addition to the retailstore, it will house a hub that includes on-site bak-ing space as well as a ware-house. Perks says Kings Cross British Shops have flour-ished because there are many people in Durham who want a taste of home,whether they're recentBritish expats or peoplewith British heritage. "When you taste thingsfrom home it brings backthose memories. You're re- living them and passingthem on to the next genera-tion," he says. Holiday treats are espe- cially in-demand rightnow. Kings Cross has pop- ular items like Marks & Spencer Christmas pud-ding, tins of Churchill'scookies and British choco- lates such as Cadbury Ros-es and the famous "Cele-brations Tub."Baked goods can also be ordered online for delivery.The lengthy menu in-cludes meat pies, sausage rolls, pasties, scotch eggs,bakewell tarts, scones andVictoria sponge cake. Perks says he's not fin- ished growing the businessand is looking at possiblelocations in Peterborough, Ottawa and Barrie for 2022. "It hasn't been easy,there have been a lot ofchallenges. But we're so grateful for our loyal com-munity and we're going tokeep growing."Are you opening a new business in Durham? Tellus about it! We also want toknow about business anni- versaries, store closings,amazing local makers andsmall biz owners. Send yourideas to reporter Jillian Follert at jfollert@durham-region.com 'OVER THE MOON' WITH SUCCESS OF BRITISH-THEMED SHOPS JILLIAN FOLLERT jfollert@durhamregion.com BUSINESS KINGS CROSSBRITISH SHOP Website:kingscrossshops.com Address:1084 Salk Rd., Pickering 12 Water St., Port Perry 1053 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa 419 King St. W., Oshawa (Oshawa Centre, second floor) Facebook:facebook.com/ KingsCrossBritishShop Phone:1-888-654-6430 Email: hello@kingscrossshops.com Kings Cross British Shop recently opened in Pickering, the fourth location to open in Durham over the past year. It sells fresh British baked goods made by British Pride Bakery as well as British groceries, candy and snacks. Kings Cross British Shop photo Family Owned And Operated Since 1953Family Owned And Operated Since 1953 733 KINGSTON RD. E. AJAX MON-WED/SAT: 9AM-6pM, THURS/FRI: 9AM-7pM SUN AND HOlIDAyS: 10AM-5pM @macmillanorchards1953 HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL FROM THE MACMILLAN FAMILY & STAFF Whether Your Celebration Is Large Or Small, We Have Everything To Make It Convenient And Yummy!!! dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m New s A d v e r t i s e r | Th u r s d a y , D e c e m b e r 3 0 , 2 0 2 1 | 18 RegisterNow JobOpportunities www.softron.ca •416-773-1999 1-877-SOFTRON •905-273-4444 40Years Serving Canadians! Likeuson Followuson STARTINGNOW Baywood Plaza, Unit 17 - 75 Bayly Street West (905) 427-4747 www.softrontax.com 19 | Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r | Th u r s d a y , D e c e m b e r 3 0 , 2 0 2 1 dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m Oshawa Mayor Dan Carter said his city willcontinue to push to hostDurham's next hospital de- spite the fact that city offi-cials have been informedOshawa is out of the run-ning. In mid-December, theexpert panel leading Lake-ridge Health's independentsite selection process toldOshawa's CAO the propos-al process was movingfrom Stage 1 to Stage 2 — but that Oshawa's submis-sion would not be movingon because the city did notmeet a criteria requiring that potential hospital sitesbe more than 10 kilometresfrom an existing hospital. Carter said he's not ac-cepting that decision."The fight is not over,"he said. "Everybody's un- der this presumption thatbecause one of the criteriawe didn't meet seems to put us on the sidelines. We haveno intention of giving upand we have a very good case to move our proposalforward and I think thepublic will get the opportu- nity to see exactly whatwe're speaking about."Carter said the two sitesidentified in north Oshawa for a potential hospital arein the ballpark of 10 kilo-metres away and ques- tioned why that arbitrarydistance would disqualifyOshawa as host. He pointedout that on University Ave- nue in Toronto there areseveral hospitals in closeproximity."We never did get a justi- fication of why 10 kilo-metres was picked," saidCarter. "I've been frustrat- ed by the process becausein my opinion the processhas been rushed. We're talking about a billion-and-a-half dollar in-vestment in a new hospitaland basically they dropped the gauntlet on everybodyin June saying all this workhas to be done and the cri-teria wasn't set until Sep- tember, site-specific crite-ria."Oshawa will name the city's two sites in Januarywhen the city's consultantswill make a public presen- tation on the city's hospitalsubmission at a specialmeeting of Oshawa coun- cil. The date for the meet-ing has not yet been set.Carter said he believesan Oshawa hospital site has benefits, includingsupport from local post-secondary institutions and access to the Oshawa Exec-utive Airport for medicalflights.With Oshawa disquali- fied, that leaves Whitbyand Pickering as the twomunicipalities vying for ahospital site. "That's only if the prov-ince really wants to take onthe environmentalists," said Carter. Environmen-tal Action Now Ajax-Pick-ering (EANAP) is opposingthe location of a hospital in north Pickering and is ask-ing that the headwaters ofthe Carruthers Creek be protected."We need to be buildingour hospitals within thesettlement boundaries," said EANAP member Ai-dan Dahlin Nolan recently."We need to avoid urban sprawl."Officials from Pickeringdeclined to comment onthe issue as the site-selec- tion process puts an em-bargo on media interviews. Lakeridge Health is- sued a statement sayingthe site selection process isbeing led by an expert pan-el, entirely independent of Lakeridge Health and itsboard of trustees."The Panel, supported by an independent Fair-ness Advisor, is evaluatingall site submissionsagainst a set of mandatory and additional criteria thatwere finalized following apublic consultation period. At this stage, the ExpertPanel continues its workon behalf of the Board fortheir consideration on which site to protect for aproposed future hospital.As this is a transparent process, we invite all com-munity members to visitthe information page onthe Lakeridge Health web- site regularly for updates." STORY BEHIND THE STORY:After Oshawaofficials were told the citywas no longer in the run-ning to host Durham's next new hospital, the city'smayor has vowed to fightthe decision. MAYOR VOWS TO KEEP PUSHING FOR NEW HOSPITAL Oshawa Mayor Dan Carter. Metroland file photo REKA SZEKELY rszekely@durhamregion.com NEWS WHITBY, PICKERING MOVING ON IN SITE- SELECTION PROCESS A Durham police finan-cial crimes investigator is sounding the alarm about asharp increase in telephonescams that primarily targetseniors. The so-called "Grand-parent scam" is turning upwith alarming frequency in Durham and beyond, withfraudsters becoming in-creasingly bold and aggres-sive, Det. Martin Franssen said."It's off the charts, on adaily basis," Franssen said. "Across Canada it's a hugeproblem. Internationally,it's a huge problem." The scam sees criminals placing random phone callsand targeting seniors whoanswer, portraying them-selves as grandchildren who've been in an accidentor run into trouble with thelaw. The criminals explainthey immediately need large sums of cash for med-ical treatment or to get outof jail. A new twist is that thescammers are arranging topick up cash from victimsright at the doors of their homes, said Franssen."These are runners thatare part of the gang," he said. One recent victim inDurham was defrauded of $27,000, Franssen said. Dur- ham police are taking re-ports daily about the scamtargeting people here - andthose reports probably re- present just a fraction of theactual number of incidents."I bet you for every (re-port) we get, there's a dozen others we don't hear about,"Franssen said.The investigator has a couple of hints to help avoidbeing victimized. One is forfamilies to establish a "safe-ty word" - like parents do with young children toavoid abductions. Seniorsshould wait for the word be- fore being convincedthey're hearing from a rela-tive. "If it's really your grand- son, he'll know that word,"said Franssen.Another precautionarymeasure is to screen calls by letting them go to voice-mail. Most criminals don'tleave messages on voice-mail, whereas a young per- son in trouble would. In addition, not takingcalls from unknown sourc- es can prevent a criminalgaining information abouta potential victim, saidFranssen. People answer- ing calls indicate to scam-mers they've reached a via-ble line and that someone in the home is answering, andmore importantly - to acriminal - the age and gen- der of the person associated with the phone."Simply by saying hello,you've given the bad guys four bits of informationthey didn't have," Franssensaid. People who think they've been targeted byscammers can call Durhampolice at 905-579-1520. More information is availablefrom the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre. DETECTIVE SOUNDS ALARM ON FLOOD OF SCAM CALLS Det. Martin Franssen is an officer with the Durham police fraud unit. The award-winning investigator is pushing for the formation of a national policy to protect seniors and other vulnerable people from criminal predators. Ryan Pfeiffer/Metroland JEFF MITCHELL jmitchell@durhamregion.com dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m New s A d v e r t i s e r | Th u r s d a y , D e c e m b e r 3 0 , 2 0 2 1 | 20 A NEW WAY TO STAY CONNECTED TO YOUR COMMUNITY! TRUSTED LOCAL NEWS ACROSS ONTARIO: VISIT communitynews.pressreader.com TODAY! *Your credit card will be charged $19.99 plus tax for an annual upfront subscription plan. At the end of your one-year fixed term, your subscription will automatically renew for an additional one-year fixed term at the prevailing rate plus tax unless you contact us with your cancellation request at least two days prior to the end of your subscription term. Annual upfront subscription plans are not refundable.This subscription plan includes unlimited digital access to all Metroland community newspapers listed at communitynews.pressreader.com. Community newspaper selection is subject to change without notice.You can contact us at the Customer Service Centre by calling 1-833-440-7474 or by email at customersupport@torstar.ca. Once you complete the subscription form, you can sign in to the ePaper from communitynews.pressreader.com.You will need to sign in using the email and password you set up for this subscription. Take advantage of this limited-time introductory offer $19 99* FOR A YEAR! Get full access to all our weekly community newspapers online, from one convenient website. Plus, enjoy the enhanced translation feature, which allows you to read stories in several different languages! We’ve got you covered Our local journalists report on the things that are important to you and your neighbours; whether it’s local politics, schools, businesses or upcoming community events—if you’re thinking about it, chances are we’re writing about it. •Cambridge •Durham •Guelph •Halton •Hamilton •Kawartha •Muskoka •Niagara •Ottawa Valley •Peel •Simcoe County •Toronto •York Region Kim Jimmo-Shields has been a nurse for 25 years,caring for people in allkinds of settings, including as the executive director ofAbbeylawn RetirementHome in Pickering.Now, she's starting a new chapter — but caringis still at the centre.Jimmo-Shields recently launched Nurse Next Doorservices in Ajax, Picker-ing, Oshawa and Whitby.For the last 18 months she has also owned Cla-rington's Nurse Next Doorfranchise and says thecompany's home care ser-vices are much needed inDurham. "Health care is very strained right now, we allknow that. Government-funded services are notenough for a lot of people," Jimmo-Shields explained."We can fill in the gaps." Nurse Next Door offersservices such as nursing,personal care and meal preparation — as well ascustomized care that fo-cuses on "what brings joy"to clients. There are many similarservices in Durham, but Jimmo-Shields says shewas drawn to the "happieraging" philosophy at Nurse Next Door."One of the first thingswe ask our clients when wemeet them is what did you used to do that you don't doanymore?" she said. "We want to know what they'remissing out on. Is it shop-ping? Having social visits with their friends? Wewant them to start enjoy-ing life."Appointments are a minimum of four hours,something people are often surprised by.Jimmo-Shields stressesthe importance of spend- ing time with clients andhelping with whatever isneeded to improve theiroverall well-being — that could be anything fromplanning meals and mak- ing a grocery list, to plan-ning a get-together withfriends. "It gives us a lot of time to work on their quality oflife," she said. While seniors are a main focus for Nurse NextDoor, the local team alsolooks after high-needs ba-bies and people of all ages who need care. Are you opening a newbusiness in Durham? Tellus about it! We also want to know about business anni-versaries, store closings,amazing local makers and small biz owners. Sendyour ideas to reporter Jil-lian Follert at jfollert@dur-hamregion.comNurse Next DoorWebsite: nursenext-door.com LONGTIME NURSE BRINGS NURSE NEXT DOOR SERVICES TO DURHAM JILLIAN FOLLERT jfollert@durhamregion.com BUSINESS NURSE NEXT DOOR Website:nursenextdoor.com Phone:905-925-2273 Facebook: facebook.com/nursenextdoor Kim Jimmo-Shields is a nurse with 25 years of experience who recently started her own Nurse Next Door franchise serving Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax and Pickering. The company focuses on "happier aging," including keeping seniors living at home and getting them back to doing things they love. Photo right, Jimmo-Shields, right, and her staff, from left, Stephanie Burton, Jenna Proctor and Nicole Barker are all smiles. Susie Kockerscheidt/Metroland 21 | Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r | Th u r s d a y , D e c e m b e r 3 0 , 2 0 2 1 dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m *Call for details, offers cannot be combined, O.A.C. AIR CONDITIONER & FURNACE SALE FREE Aprilaire 600M Humidifier with purchase of Furnace & Air Conditioner “Your Heating & Cooling Specialists” FROM $39 AMONTH* RENTALOR FINANCING PROTECTION PLANs FROM $9.95/MTH* * sERvICE CALLs FR O M $79* Pickering, Ajax, Whitby, Oshawa (905) 576-7600 1910 Dundas St E Unit 117, Whitby all for details, offers c HUGE SAVINGS AT THE LEATHER STORE JANUARYJANUARY CLEARANCECLEARANCE SHOP IN-STORE OR ONLINE AT WWW.WILSONFURNITURE.COM sale Dec29-JaN10 sHOPTODaY Wed.Dec.29-Fri.Dec.31,10-5, &Jan.2-10,10-5orbyappt. ClosedSat.Jan.1 &Wed.Jan.5 OUT with the OLD Save up to 75% off SAME FAMILY OWNED | 2 LOCATIONS | AN OSHAWATRADITION SINCE 1934 www.wilsonfurniture.com MAINSTORE:20 Centre St. N., Oshawa,905-723-2255 TheLeatherStore:81 Richmond St.W., Oshawa,905-723-0411 DarrylSherman 3rdGenerationOwner Free Parking Ask for tokens FLOOR MOdELS&dISCONTINUEd STyLES SPECIAL ORdERS AT SALE PRICES Mattresses, dining Rooms, Sofas, Sectionals, Bedrooms, Home Office Our line of authentic flatbreads have a thin, crispy, stone-baked crust. Topped with only the finest ingredients, they’re a tasty solution for lunch or dinner, or serve them as an easy appetizer. Choose from five unique varieties, including our newest recipe – Chicken Tikka. 699 ea 390-430 g SAVE $1.50ea Sale price in effect Dec. 30,2021-Jan. 5, 2022. FLAT-OUT DELICIOUS! ON NOW AT THE BRICK!ON NOW AT THE BRICK! SAVING YOU MORESAVING YOU MORE SAVING YOU MORE SAVING YOU MORE For more details shop instore or online at thebrick.com dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m New s A d v e r t i s e r | Th u r s d a y , D e c e m b e r 3 0 , 2 0 2 1 | 22 SCHAPER, Frank ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Loving husband, father and grandfather Frank Thomas Schaper (age 83) passed away December 21, 2021. He is survived by his wife Marion (nee Kime) and sons Andrew (Krystyna), Grant (Valerie), Kirk (Elissa) and five grandsons: Nathan, Justin, Gregory, Aidan, and Nolan. For more details and to leave a condolence for the family, please visit www.mceachniefuneral.ca BROCKMAN, Gaile R. December 18, 2021 ------------------ Gaile R. Brockman, 78, of Little Britain, passed away on December 18, 2021 at Ross Memorial Hospital. Loving wife of Bob, mother of Lyle and Gerry (Patty), and grandmother to Peter, Victoria, and Jack. Predeceased by her dear parents, Ruth and Ben, her brother Norris; survived by her sister, Wendy. She loved her extended family, including the many nieces and nephews, and the cousins, who were like sisters to her. Gaile was born and raised in Oshawa, where she met and married Bob. They settled in Ajax, where they raised their sons and built their life. They retired to Lake Scugog, escaping to Orlando each year for the winter. From being a lifeguard at Camp Samac (where she caught the eye of young Bob), to managing Payroll at the Town of Ajax, and retiring as an Executive Assistant at TD Canada Trust, she pursued a full life of work. Gaile was an extrovert. She relished her friendships and acquaintances. She enjoyed people, and was kind and welcoming to all. Gaile was an avid curler at the Annandale Golf & Curling Club, an elite- level Baseball Mom, and a competitive domino player. She enjoyed her social activities at the Hidden Valley park where she was able to reunite with her fellow Snowbirds. Like her father, she threw herself into golf after retirement, both playing and helping run the lady's league. She loved hosting dinners, and no one ever left the table hungry. Nobody could overcook a roast beef like Gaile...it worked because Bob preferred it that way. She loved throwing celebrations, trying to bring together friends and family through BBQs and open houses every year. A memorial service will be held for Gaile in the spring. To celebrate her life, a gathering of all that loved her would be warranted. Unfortunately, the threat of Covid transmission will prevent us from doing that in the near term. The family appreciates all your hopes and prayers in this time. Gaile was a long term survivor of breast cancer. If desired, Memorial contributions may be made to the Breast Cancer Society of Canada, or the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada. EAGLEN, Bernice August 4, 1930 - December 18, 2021 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Bernice Eaglen (Hutcheson) passed away peacefully in her sleep on December 18, 2021, at Ballycliffe Long Term Care, at the age of 91. Bernice is survived by her children Linda Thomson, Wendy Eaglen and Wayne Eaglen, granddaughters Stephanie Thomson (Jon) and Shayne Eaglen and great-grand daughter, Violet. She is also survived by brothers, Ray Hutcheson (Carolyn) and Bruce Hutcheson. Bernice will be remembered as a woman with a big sense of humour, a generous heart, and a tenacity for gift giving. You could always spot her with her fabulous sun hats, her many bags and camera in hand. She was a social butterfly always attending events, visiting with family and was a long-time member of St. Paul's United Church. She will be sorely missed. Special thanks and gratitude to the staff at Ballycliffe LTC for their tireless care and specifically Patty O'Connor for her kindness and support. Cremation has taken place and there will be no funeral service. In Bernice's memory, donations to The Salvation Army or the Humane Society of Durham Region would be appreciated. Celebrate your life’s milestones with an announcement! 1-800-263-6480 or classifieds@metroland.com *Offer valid until December 31, 2021 *Some restrictions apply To place your announcement contact us at: 50% discount on your Please enter the code ANN2021 when placing your ad online at yourclassifieds.ca Anniversary, Birth, Birthday, Engagement, Graduation and Marriage announcements Call or Visit our show room now to order for Spring Installations. Appointments preferred. Limited in stock granite, still available. Servicing ALL cemeteries including Arbor, Mount Pleasant Group and Catholic cemeteries. 8 locations to serve you from North Bay to Lake Ontario. Providing Quality Granite for every budget. 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Your memory is as dear today, as in the hour you passed away. In my heart your memory lingers, always tender, fond and true; there’s not a day, dear friend, I do not think of you. 1-800-263-6480 classifieds@metroland.comCLASSIFIEDSOBITUARIES | ANNOUNCEMENTS | JOBS | MARKETPLACE SPECIAL OCCASIONS 23 | Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r | Th u r s d a y , D e c e m b e r 3 0 , 2 0 2 1 dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m MOVING HELP Need small moving help, Pick ups, or help with labour? Moving across the city? Need assistance with an appliance or furniture? Moving out of your college/university room? Let an experienced student- run company help you today! (647) 771-3624 EXPERIENCED HANDYMAN With 30 Years renovation experience, carpentry, plumbing, drywall, plaster, painting, all jobs large or small Call Harold at 905- 839-7777 or (cell) 416-574- 7720 Due to COVID our offices remain closed. Newspaper Contact |905-579-4400 Classified Marketplace |1-800-263-6480 classifieds@metroland.com Obituaries |1-800-263-6480 classifieds@metroland.com Please contact us for our current deadlines. Online available 24 hours a day durhanregion.com Contact Us COMMUNITYUPDATE Clean Room for Rent Furnished, shared kitchen & family room, parking. $700/ mo. First & Last. Working older woman. Non smoking unit/no pets. Call 905-995-3902 CLEANERS WANTED immediately for fast growing cleaning company. Evenings, mornings and nights for stripping and waxing to clean grocery stores & pharmacies. Call 289-892-6180 email davidcleaning2@gmail.com Full-time Press Helpers Must be able to work rotating day, afternoon and night shifts. 10 Tempo Ave, Toronto $17.35/hr to start, $19.28/hr after 6 mths. plus $2.30/hr shift premium for night shift. Benefits including DB pension We are currently looking for full-time Press Helper, whose main responsibility is to take bundles of newspapers from the Stackers at the end of the printing press and pile them neatly and accurately on pallets as per the customer's requirements. Reporting to the Crew Chief, the individual will assist Pressroom staff with both set-up and clean-up as well as general maintenance. Qualifications * Completion of high school * Good manual dexterity to jog and stack printed paper bundles to pallets * Ability to stand for most of the work shift * Ability to lift up to 40 lbs. * Ability to work in a quick paced team environment For the full posting and to apply, please visit: https://careers.smartrecruiters.com/Torstar/careers Ajax/Pickering AREA YOUTH, ADULT CARRIERS WANTED:Paper routes available! If interested in any of the above, please contact: circulation@ durhamregion.com OR customersupport@ metroland.com SUPERINTENDENT For High Rise (Durham). 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