HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA2019_05_22WEDNESDAY MAY 22, 2019 Go to: eastmagazine.ca Home Decor •FooD & Dining PeoPle & Places •FasHion Pastimes... anD so mucH more EAST of the City Magazine Durham’s Lifestyle Magazine Esplanade Park (behind Pickering City Hall) www.pickeringribfest.com Brought to you in-part by the NoFrills Stores of Pickering & Ajax! Pickering Ribfest Is Coming! Friday, May 31st thru Sunday, June 2nd! Da Costa’s 1725 Kingston Road Pickering (at Brock Road) Summerhill’s 87 Williamson Dr., Ajax (at Westney Rd. North) Tom’s 105 Bayly Street West, Ajax (at Monarch Ave.) A groundswell of support for an airport in Pickering is gaining momentum, ahead of any release of a federal aviation study, and ahead of this year's federal elec- tion. "It was never designed to be be- fore or after an election," says Pickering-Uxbridge MP Jennifer O'Connell of the long-awaited KPMG aviation sector analysis study, which she says is not yet complete. "It was designed to gather information for the minis- ter. There's other politics at play." Any suggestions the three- phase study is complete and a rec- ommendation has been submitted to the minister of transport have a lack of credibility, she says. "Some are trying to stoke up this idea, but there's a lack of cred- ibility in that. I've inquired with the minister's office and that's not the case." O'Connell, recently an- nounced as the riding's incum- DURHAM TORY MPPS CALL FOR DECISION ON PICKERING AIRPORT LANDS See FEDERAL,page 3 JUDI BOBBITT judibobbitt@gmail.com TORONTO - Top experts Richard Florida (right), John Kasarda and former Ontario Minister and MPP for Pickering-Ajax-Uxbridge, Janet Ecker, discussed the potential of the Eastern GTA 'Aerotropolis' at a Toronto Board of Trade event earlier this year. Durham MPPs as well as mayors of several municipalities across Durham are calling on the federal government to make a decision regarding an airport in Pickering. Toronto Board of Trade Twitter photo D IG DEEPERINTO MORENEWS @ DURHAMREGION.COM WHAT’S ON KKIINNGG OOFF AALLLL MMEEDDIIAASSPPEEAAKKSS HHOOWWAARRDD SSTTEERRNN TTAALLKKSS AABBOOUUTT RREEGGRREETT,, TTHHEERRAAPPYY OPINION MMEEAASSLLEESSAARREE BBAACCKK WWHHYY AARREE AANNTTII--VVAAXXXXEERRSS RRIISSKKIINNGG LLIIVVEESS?? dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m New s A d v e r t i s e r | We d n e s d a y , M a y 2 2 , 2 0 1 9 | 2 PICKERING OPTICAL 1360 Kingston Rd., Pickering (Hub Plaza) 905-839-9244 AJAX OPTICAL 56 Harwood Ave. S., Ajax Plaza 905-683-2888 AJAX OPTICAL Heritage Market Square, 145 Kingston Rd. E., Unit 7 905-683-7235 Ask About our 2 FOR ONE SPECIAL! Glasses for the Whole family!Glasses for the Whole family! AJAX OPTICAL 3 LOCATIONS FOR QUALITY & CHOICE OR VISIT US ONLINE AT ajaxoptical.com Spring Look YOUR Best! Is I n T h e A i r . . . Beware of 11 critical home inspection traps before you list your Ajax/Pickering home for sale Ajax/Pickering- According to industry experts, there are over 33 physical problems that will come under scrutiny during a home inspection when your home is for sale. A new report has been prepared which identifies the eleven most common of these problems, and what you should know about them before you list your home for sale. Whether you own an old home or a brand new one, there are a number of things that can fall short of requirements during a home inspection. If not identified and dealt with, any of these 11 items could cost you dearly in terms of repair. That’s why it’s critical that you read this report before you list your home. If you wait until the building inspector flags these issues for you, you will almost certainly experience costly delays in the close of your home sale or, worse, turn prospective buyers away altogether. In most cases, you can make a reasonable pre-inspection yourself if you know what you’re looking for, and knowing what you’re looking for can help you prevent little problems from growing into costly and unmanageable ones. To help homesellers deal with this issue before their homes are listed, a free report entitled “11 Things You Need to Know to Pass Your Home Inspection” has been compiled which explains the issues involved. To hear a brief recorded message about how to order your FREE copy of this report call toll-free 1-800-611-8940 and enter 1003. You can call any time, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Get your free special report NOW to learn how to ensure a home inspection doesn’t cost you the sale of your home. AdvertisingFeature Home sellers: Avoid FAlling sHort oF Home inspection requirements Ajax/Pickering- According to industry experts, there are over 33 physical problems that will come under scrutiny during a home inspection when your home is for sale. A new report has been prepared which identifies the eleven most common of these problems, and what you should know about them before you list your home for sale. Whether you own an old home or a brand new one, there are a number of things that can fall short of requirements during a home inspection. If not identified and dealt with, any of these 11 items could cost you dearly in terms of repair. That’s why it’s critical that you read this report before you list your home. If you wait until the building inspector flags these issues for you, you will almost certainly experience costly delays in the close of your home sale or, worse, turn prospective buyers away altogether. In most cases, you can make a reasonable pre-inspection yourself if you know what you’re looking for, and knowing what you’re looking for can help you prevent little problems from growing into costly and unmanageable ones. To help homesellers deal with this issue before their homes are listed, a free report entitled “11 Things You Need to Know to Pass Your Home Inspection” has been compiled which explains the issues involved. To hear a brief recorded message about how to order your FREE copy of this report call toll-free 1-800-611-8940 and enter 1003. You can call any time, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Get your free special report NOW to learn how to ensure a home inspection doesn’t cost you the sale of your home. This report is courtesy of Mike Hogan - Re/Max Rouge River. Not intended to solicit buyers or sellers currently under contract. Copyright © 2019 Neil Simon’sLast Of The Red HotLovers Starring Chris Cole & Barb CliffordfordChris Cole & Barb Clif Do not miss this Genuinely Brilliant Comedy! Herongate Barn Dinner Theatre 905-472-3085 www.herongate.com Special-Save $12.00 off per couple Valid, Friday’s & Saturday’s until June 7 ..with this coupon SAYING HELLO TO A THERAPY DOG Samantha Sterritt stopped to pet Tea, a therapy dog with Therapeutic Paws of Canada, during the City of Pickering's Petapolooza at the leash-free area at Grand Valley Park recently. Jason Liebregts/Torstar COMMUNITY AJAX - A man was tak- en to hospital for a mental health assessment after a crossing guard was at- tacked in north Ajax. A 68-year-old crossing guard was working at Wil- liamson Drive and Salem Road when he was assault- ed. Durham police report that the victim was as- saulted by a 26-year-old man using a gardening tool with a metal spade and fork. The victim was knocked to the ground and attacked. Citizens driving by wit- nessed the attack and rushed to the victim's de- fence. The accused was subdued and held to the ground until police ar- rived. The victim was tak- en to hospital with serious injuries. Police believe the inci- dent was unprovoked. The accused was taken to hos- pital for a mental health assessment. The suspect is from Ajax and has been charged with aggravated assault, possession of weapons dangerous to public peace and failing to comply with a recogni- zance. CHARGES LAID AFTER CROSSING GUARD VIOLENTLY ATTACKED CRIME DURHAM - A court se- curity officer employed by Durham police faces a criminal charge for alleg- edly assaulting a teenaged prisoner. The charge, announced Tuesday (May 14), came af- ter an investigation by the Professional Standards Unit into an allegation made in March of this year. A teenaged male who was in custody at the time al- leged that he'd been as- saulted by a special consta- ble with the Court Services Branch, police said. Chris Silverthorn, 47, has been charged with as- sault. Silverthorn has been a special constable with the Durham police since 2005. He was released on a promise to appear in court. NEWS DURHAM COURT CONSTABLE CHARGED AFTER ALLEGED ASSAULT 3 | Pi c k e r i n g N e w s A d v e r t i s e r | P | W e d n e s d a y , M a y 2 2 , 2 0 1 9 dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m Jennifer O’Connell We’reheretohelp!Ourfriendlyofficestaffcanassist youwiththefollowingandmore! •Immigration,RefugeesandCitizenshipCanada•Veteran’sAffairs •CanadaRevenueAgency•CanadaPensionPlan•OldAgeSecurity •EmploymentInsurance•GuaranteedIncomeSupplement 905.839.2878 Jennifer.OConnell@parl.gc.ca 4-1154KingstonRoad,Pickering,ONL1V1B4 joconnell.liberal.ca MemberofParliament Pickering-Uxbridge SeasonalAllergies?LetusHelp! DP1 Please visit us at .ca .ca 888-925-3265 107 Warren Rd., Whitby READERS’ CHOICE AWARD Diamond 2018 Family Friendly, SystemSafe™ Residential & Commercial Service Duct & Furnace Cleaning A/C Units l Dryer Vents Carpets & Area Rugs Furniture l Stain Removal bent Liberal candidate in the next federal election, says the government "didn't necessarily know how long the KPMG study would take" when it was commis- sioned in May 2016. At the time, it was estimated it would take approximately two years. While she says she has no idea when the study will be released, O'Connell says once Phase 3 is submitted, it will go through a staff re- view before it gets to the minister's desk. As far as she's aware, the study is not at the point of staff review, she says. "Criticism it has some- thing to do with the election is unfounded," she says, adding the study is intended as a piece of information. "It's a piece of advice given to the minister of transport." Among those calling for a decision to be made on the Pickering airport lands is Pickering-Uxbridge MPP Peter Bethlenfalvy, who recently wrote to fed- eral Transport Minister Marc Garneau, asking that the KPMG study either be released or the expropriat- ed lands be returned to the people. "This letter is sent with the full support of the City of Pickering, Town of Ux- bridge and all Progressive Conservative MPPs in the Durham Region," he wrote. "Without a decision from the federal govern- ment concerning the fate of the land, agriculture cannot benefit from long- term planning, residences are not being considered, and business cannot flour- ish." Noting Durham is wit- nessing increased pres- sures on economic stability, Bethlenfalvy called the air- port lands "key to unlock- ing more economic poten- tial for the region." In an interview, he said his letter underscores the length of time uncertainty has been hanging over the fate of the lands, expropri- ated in 1972. "Three years is a long time to complete a study," he said. "I think all parties agree it's time to make a de- cision. Don't leave it as is. That decision is where I come from; it's a long time to make a decision." Support for a Pickering airport is confirmed from Durham Region, Pickering, Ajax, Whitby and Brock, with statements of support from the chair of York Re- gion and the mayor of Markham, points out Pick- ering Mayor Dave Ryan. The momentum of sup- port reflects increasing awareness of the issue, he says. "It's always been there," he says, adding the city has a "lineup" of private inves- tors willing to build an air- port. Three groups have in- dependently approached the city, willing to invest in building an airport. Other companies have expressed interest in locating to Pick- ering's Innovation Corridor on Highway 407, with assur- ance an airport will be built, he said. While O'Connell says there's "never been a busi- ness case" for a Pickering airport and a business case is crucial, Ryan says there's no better business case than willing private inves- tors. "What better business case is there, than private money?" Companies wouldn't invest without a return on the investment, he says. "It's not just Pickering but it's critical to the future of the GTA," he says of an airport. "The GTA is not re- alizing its full potential un- less we can optimize the la- bour force." One way to do that is to bring in high-tech industry attached to the aerotropo- lis model, he says, and that model, outlined in April at a downtown luncheon hosted by the Toronto Re- gion Board of Trade, is the preferred vision. O'Connell says she's "un- comfortable" with sugges- tions no public tax dollars would be needed by work- ing with private investors to build an aerotropolis. "I understand what that vision is, but there's never been a business case for it. Who are these investors?" The federal government would never operate with "secret investors," she says. "I have a lot of questions with that approach." Private investment didn't build the Pearson air- port, says O'Connell. "I wor- ry about the things being promised." There would be signifi- cant questions of security surrounding building an airport, she adds. "A business case is cru- cial. I can't justify spending billions of dollars on infra- structure without under- standing if it's a good invest- ment." The expropriated Pick- ering airport lands could be returned to agricultural use, she says. "There's an ability to have an investment in agri- culture." Land Over Landings, which has been advocating for 47 years to keep the lands for agricultural use, is hosting an evening with environmental lawyer and former Ontario environ- mental commissioner Dr. Dianne Saxe, during its an- nual general meeting Sun- day, June 2. Special guest is former Ajax mayor Steve Parish. Doors open at 6 p.m. at the Dr. Nelson F. Tomlin- son Community Centre, 4941 Old Brock Rd., Clare- mont. NEWS Pickering-Uxbridge MP Jennifer O'Connell says the long-awaited KPMG aviation analysis study has still not been completed, although some critics are suggesting it has been completed and submitted to the transport minister. Ron Pietroniro / Torstar Local journalism makes a difference. Support us by registering at durhamregion.com THE ISSUE: THE PICKERING AIRPORT ISSUE HAS RE- SURFACED AND THE IDEA OF BUILDING AN "AEROTROPOLIS" IS GAINING MOMENTUM LOCAL IMPACT: DURHAM CONSERVATIVE MPPS SAY THE KEY TO UNLOCKING DURHAM’S ECONOMIC POTENTIAL IS TIED TO AN AIRPORT IN NORTH PICKERING Continued from page 1 FEDERAL AVIATION STUDY STILL UP IN THE AIR REGARDING PICKERING AIRPORT STORY BEHIND THE STORY Durham’s MPPs and several municipalities across Durham, including the City of Pickering, are in full support of an airport being built in Pickering. Pickering-Uxbridge MP Jennifer O'Connor says the long-awaited KPMG aviation sector analysis study release is not imminent, as some are suggesting. The latest Pickering airport machinations are yet another chapter in the long-running saga of the Pickering airport lands, which were expropriated by the federal government in the 1970s. dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m Pic k e r i n g N e w s A d v e r t i s e r | P | W e d n e s d a y , M a y 2 2 , 2 0 1 9 | 4 ONLY ONLINE S hare important stories, photos and more at DurhamRegion com DurhamRegion com 5 | Pi c k e r i n g N e w s A d v e r t i s e r | P | W e d n e s d a y , M a y 2 2 , 2 0 1 9 dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m @cityofpickering CustomerCareCentre905.683.7575(24hourline) customercare@pickering.ca pickering.ca Upcoming Public Meetings Registertodayatpickering.ca/ActiveNetwithcode16636! JoinusatPickeringCityHalltolearnmoreaboutyourlocalgovernment. Meetstaff,learnaboutourprograms,visitourTouch-a-Truckandmore! Your City 11:00 am - 5:00 pm •Pickering City Hall @cityofpickering Saturday,May25 11:00am-5:00pm EsplanadePark Saturday,May25 Artfest on the Esplanade Artfest Tash a ’ s G e e k y C h a r m Tash a ’ s G e e k y C h a r m PineBa b y C o . PineBa b y C o . PinkSquirrel Pink S q u irrel •Over100Artists&Artisans •MaskMagic •InstrumentPettingZoo •OutdoorPlanetarium •Createandtake:ASuperSelf •PrintMaking •GiantPuppetParade •HighintheSkyArtsActivities •VRPainting •Livewoodcarvingdemos •Livecartooningdemos •Livemusicalperformances •CommunityBBQ&IceCreamTruck$$ Getcreativeatthisfreefamilyartsevent. pickering.ca/artfest Saturday, May 25 Gardening101 AtPickeringMuseumVillage May25,June1&June8 10:00-10:30am Everythingoldisnewagain!This3-weeklearn-to-garden workshopisdesignedforbeginners,andwillinclude hands-onlearninginthemuseum’sheritagegardens. Handoutsandreferenceswillbeprovided. Registertodayatpickering.ca/ActiveNet withcode16636! Date Meeting/Location Time May22 HeritagePickeringAdvisoryCommittee CityHall–MainCommitteeRoom 7:00pm May23 PickeringLibraryBoard CentralBranch 7:00pm May27 CouncilMeeting CityHall–CouncilChambers 7:00pm Allmeetingsareopentothepublic. Fordetailscall905.420.2222orvisittheCitywebsite. ForServicedisruptionnotificationcall1.866.278.9993 Congratulations toour2018Recipients SpecialCitation Award Hamayal Warzan Choudhry Bravery/Heroism Award Aeron Soosaipillai Lifetime Achievement Award Dr.AskarYasmeenSiddiqui Individual Volunteer Award Eva-Maria Boessler Cindy Coccimiglio DonnaMcllmoyl Ser viceGroup Award Kinsmen&Kinette Clubof Pickering Knightsof Columbus, St.IsaacJogues Council#11098 St.John Ambulance Therapy Dogs CommunityGroup Award DurhamMental Health Services Amateur Sports Award Jake Gilmour Veronica Large JanineMutton Alexa Vigliatore Youth Volunteer Award Stefani Diana Avila Mansi Premkumar Jaclyn Holdsworth MatthewMcDonald Sarah Power Youth Leadership Award Francesco Carbone Sustainability Award ICON Homes Arts Awards Mar y Berg Jennifer Galberg Rick Pyves Cultural Diversity Award Aamir Saleem Heritage Award Nimble Thimbles Urban Design Award Metrolinx Economic Development Award Triple Groupof Companies LocalBusiness Award DaSilva Racing Investigative Solutions NetworkInc. Ontario Power Generation PickeringNuclear Environment Award PickWaste Access Award for DisabilityIssues Jerry Coughlan DRPS Children’s Games Par tnership Pickering Challenger Baseball Civic AwardsCivic Awards The City would like to thank the individuals and groups who participated in the nomination process. We greatly appreciate your contributions. SeniorsMonthCelebration&BigBand Sunday,June9,2019 2:00pm-4:00pm PickeringRecreationComplex 55+eventfeaturinglivemusicalentertainmentby TheGeorgeLakeBigBand. SenioroftheYearAward announcementandpresentationtakesplaceatthisevent. Lightrefreshmentsavailable. Ticketsare$6.50each. OnsalenowatEastShoreCC, GeorgeAsheLCC,andPickeringRecComplex. pickering.ca/greatevents 905.420.6588 GetactiveattheRecinJune! 1MonthHealthPlusPassfor$25.00 FreeFitnessClassesfor55+ Includesunlimitedtnessclasses,cardio rooms,weightroom,andpoolduring publicswimtimes. OnsaleJune1-June30,2019. Passisvalidfor4weeksfromdayofredemption. MustberedeemedbySeptember1,2019. *Thisspecialisforanyoneover16yrs.Limitedtoonespecialperperson. InhonorofSeniors’Month,wewillbehostingsomefree workshopsthroughouttherst3weeksofJune. Registrationisonarst-come,rst-servebasis. Only20spotsineachclass.Reservationrequired. Reserve your space online at Eventbrite.ca pickering.ca/fit 905.683.6582 NordicPoleWalking M June3 PRC 11:15am-12:15pm ZumbaGold Tu June4 GALCC 1:00pm-2:00pm ArthritisDanceFit W June5 PRC 12:45pm-1:45pm Yoga55+ Th June6 PRC 1:00pm-2:00pm ChairYoga M June10 ESCC 10:30am-11:30am Barre&Balance Tu June11 PRC 1:30pm-2:30pm KeepFit Th June13 ESCC 1:00pm-2:00pm BacktoBasics M June17 PRC 2:30pm-1:30pm Nia Tu June18 ESCC 11:30am-12:30pm dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m New s A d v e r t i s e r | We d n e s d a y , M a y 2 2 , 2 0 1 9 | 8 905-668-1511 905-723-6111 $250,000 Amazing Business Opportunity Be Your Own Boss, Turn key Business For Sale $334,900 Newer Renovated Kitchen! 60 x 166 Foot Lot With Driveways On Either Side! $350,000 Detached Showstopper With Finished Basement 3 Bedroom Home With Open Concept Main Floor With Hardwood Floors $355,500 Second Kitchen With Oversized Detached Garage 3 Bedroom Bungalow With Hardwood Floors, Steps From The College $365,000 Sitting On Premium 55 x 166 Ft Lot Tons Of Living Space In This Sidesplit! $369,900 Awesome Bungalow On 2 Acres Tons of Updates, 3 Bedrooms With Gleaming Hardwood $369,900 Opportunity Knocks! Move In Ready! Recently Renovated From Top to Bottom! $376,500 3 Bedroom Beauty With Large Eat-In Kitchen Beautiful, Well Kept Detached Home In Desirable Neighbourhood! $399,900 Classic Century Home Charmer, Renovated Throughout! Enjoy 3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms & The Cheek Of Yesteryear With Modern Day Amenities $439,900 Fantastic 186 Feet Deep Lot 4 Bedrooms, 2 Baths And 2nd Kitchen With 2 Additional Bedrooms In Lower Level $449,900 Finished Walkout Basement! 3 Bedroom, 3 Bath Home With New Windows and Shingles $499,900 You Won’t Be Disappointed! 70 Feet Of Frontage Detached One Car Garage and Shows 10+ $597,500 Quiet Setting Surrounded By Mature Trees, Mins to 401 3 Bedroom Bungalow With Stunning Wood Fireplace $674,900 Detached Two Storey Home With 2nd Kitchen & Separate Entrance! Beautiful Quiet Family Neighbourhood, Min to 401, Restaurants, Shops and More! $799,900 Over 3500 Sq Ft Of Living Space! 4+2 Bedroom Home On Quiet Street. Separate Side Entrance Leads To Finished Basement $799,900 End Unit Townhouse in Prime Location Fabulous 3+1 Bedroom, 4 Bath Home With Finished Basement! Shows Pride Of Home Ownership! $899,900 Wonderful Bungalow on Huge Lot! 100 x 170ft Development Potential, High Demand Location $324,900 Large Lot With Insulted & Heated Shop! 2+1 Bedroom, 2 Bath Home In Need Of TLC! $599,900 Centrally Located! This 3 Unit Home Includes 3 Kitchens, 3 Baths, 3 Separate Entrances! $749,900 Detached 2 Car Garage, Home Shows 10+ With Designer Touches 4 Bedroom, 4 Bath With Finished Basement $749,900 Rare Opportunity! 65 x 145 Feet Welcome To Rural Living Minutes From The City! $789,900 Opportunity Awaits! Legal Duplex With Inground Pool 5+2 Bedroom Home, 5 Level Backsplit In High Demand Neighbourhood Look No Further! This Is it! 3 Bedroom, 3 Storey Townhome Close to All Amenities Including Parks, Schools, 401 and More! $769,900 Walkout Basement With Pool! Situated In Lovely Family Neighbourhood, Close To Schools, Parks, Shopping and More! $529,900 Don’tjust find a house, find a home. Search over 100,000 current new and resale home listings •  Home alerts to notify you of newly listed properties that meet your search criteria • Local demographic information to find the best neighbourhood for you •  Contact real estate agents and home builders directly Don’tjust find a house, find a home. Search over 100,000 current new and resale home listings •  Home alerts to notify you of newly listed properties that meet your search criteria • Local demographic information to find the best neighbourhood for you •  Contact real estate agents and home builders directly Don’tjust find a house, find a home. Search over 100,000 current new and resale home listings •  Home alerts to notify you of newly listed properties that meet your search criteria • Local demographic information to find the best neighbourhood for you •  Contact real estate agents and home builders directly dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m New s A d v e r t i s e r | We d n e s d a y , M a y 2 2 , 2 0 1 9 | 10 RBC Dominion Securities Inc. 1Strategic Insight’s Retail Brokerage and Distribution Report—Canada (Fall 2018). RBC Dominion Securities Inc.* and Royal Bank of Canada are separate corporate entities which are affiliated. *Member-Canadian Investor Protection Fund. RBCDominionSecuritiesInc. isa member companyofRBCWealth Management, a businesssegmentofRoyalBankofCanada. ® / ™ Trademark(s) of Royal Bankof Canada. Used under licence. ©2019 RBC Dominion Securities Inc. All rights reserved.19_90510_002 Canada’s leading full-service wealth management firm 1 comes to Pickering We’re thrilled to announce the opening of our new branch in Pickering and lookforward to helping the community build and protect wealth. Please stop by or contact us to learn how we provide expert guidance for your specific wealth management needs. RBC Dominion Securities 1315 Pickering Parkway, Suite 700 Pickering, ON L1V 7G5 905-420-3430 www.rbcds.com/pickering.branch Children ages 6-12 are invited to join in on a variety of organized activities including active and passive games, sports, arts and crafts, and more. For more information, contact Andy at 905-723-0036 x2272 Carea Community Health Centre I 115 Grassmere Avenue I Oshawa, Ontario | L1H 3X7 T 905-723-0036 I F 905-723-3391 I E info@careachc.ca I w careachc.ca VIK Summer Camp DURHAM - More than 100,000 customers at McDonald's across Dur- ham Region raised an in- credible $245,000 for Grandview Kids. "On McHappy Day our community believed in Grandview and the Grand- view kids," Robin Burns, of McDonald's restaurants in Oshawa said in a press re- lease. On "McHappy Day" all 24 McDonald's restaurants throughout Durham joined together to support a single cause: Grandview Kids and its Believe Cam- paign, a community fund- raising effort to help build and support a new Grand- view. "The Grandview Kids' Believe Campaign is huge," added Mike For- man, of McDonald's res- taurants in Whitby. "It's to help us build this $50 mil- lion-dollar facility to take care of the nearly 10,000 children in Durham that need Grandview's servic- es. Hopefully the folks in Durham, on McHappy Day, helped to make it just a little bit easier for these kids." Grandview Kids is the only Children's Treatment Centre in Durham Region, and provides life-changing outpatient treatment and rehabilitation services to children and youth with physical, communication and developmental needs. This substantial donation will support Grandview's Believe Campaign and a new Grandview, which is now a big step closer. "Since the early 90s, McDonald's has helped change the lives of many Grandview kids and their families," Brigitte Tschin- kel, Grandview Children's Foundation executive di- rector of development said in the release. "The com- mitment from McDonald's Durham Region, to help us build and support the New Grandview, will ensure no child is left behind, so all kids across the region will live life at their fullest po- tential. The generosity and kindness from the community on McHappy Day will ensure many more dreams will come true! Thank you for believ- ing." Visit www.grandview- kids.ca for more informa- tion about Grandview Children Centre. Visit www.grandviewkidsfoun- dation.ca/mchappyday- thankyou for more infor- mation and photos of McHappy Day. DURHAM MCDONALD'S MCHAPPY DAY CUSTOMERS RAISE $245,000 FOR GRANDVIEW KIDS WELLNESS Justin Scarsella, left, and Kevin Wilson from VPI Working Solutions in Ajax worked the drive thru during McHappy Day, a day when $1 from every Big Mac, Happy Meal and any sized hot McCafee beverage sold were donated to Canada's 14 Ronald McDonald Houses and local children's charity Grandview Kids. This continues the commitment of $500,000 McDonald's Durham Region has made to Grandview Kids. Ryan Pfeiffer/Torstar 11 | Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r | We d n e s d a y , M a y 2 2 , 2 0 1 9 dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m THE PANDORA STORE PICKERING TOWN CENTRE 905.492.7263 © 2019 Pandora Jewelry, LLC • All rights reserved JEWELLERY FOR STYLE EXPLORERS #TravelInStyle FIFTY SHADES OF WHITE Paint Squad Cabinet Refinishing can easily transform your kitchen or bathroom cabinets from ‘Outdated to Outstanding’. Using our professional refinishing system, we apply a factory finish to your existing cabinetry at a fraction of the cost of replacing or refacing! Paint Squad uses an HVLP spray system - NOT a paintbrush or roller, so the finish is smooth and professional. White is the most popular colour we spray, but there are many shades of white and, we canalsosprayanyothercolouryouwant!Our coatings are non-toxic and the same product that custom kitchen door manufacturers use. We can also update your existing hardware. Whether you want a new handle or even soft closehinges,wecansaveyoumoneyoverthe cost at the big box stores. We will fill existing holes and drill new ones to match whatever upgraded handle selection you want! Are moving soon and don’t want to spend a fortune to update your kitchen before you list? Spend a little money on refinishing now and you will have a better return on your investmentwhenyousell.Plus,you’llsavethe old doors from filling up our landfill! For some people, Paint Squad Cabinet Refinishing is the right choice in today’s tough economy. It offers tremendous value for those who want to update their kitchens, but don’t want to spend a fortune. “OUTSTANDING!” “...Smooth...” H H H H H “You’ll be amazed!” REFINISHING For a FREE estimate, visit: paintsquad.ca or call: 905-492-3155 DURHAM - As the weather begins to warm up, staff at Canada Post are urging pet owners that while their dogs may be their "fur babies," they still have to help protect deliv- ery agents. Lori Glazier has worked as a delivery agent at Cana- da Post for more than 14 years. While she is the proud owner of a 120- pound Bernese Mountain Dog named Mickey, she in- sists that pet owners need to make sure their dogs are secure when their mail is being delivered. "We encounter dogs ev- ery day on our routes," said Glazier. "When we're en- countering dogs, they can be unpredictable." Glazier says all dog owners must make sure that their pets are a safe distance from the mailbox or are secured when re- ceiving a parcel delivery. Alternatively, she says owners can keep their dogs on a leash inside or outside the home. If owners fail to keep their dogs properly se- cured when a delivery is being made, Glazier says that she "keeps on walk- ing," and the mail is re- turned to the station with a note about the dog pres- ence. The mail will then be re- delivered the next day. "If I'm approaching a dog and they are off the leash, I don't take the chance," she said. "I could be carrying a big parcel and I could look scary to a dog." As a dog lover herself, Glazier says that owners need to consider the safety of their pet as well. "The last thing we want is for a dog to be punished for something that could have been preventable," said Glazier. Sec. 2 (1) of the Dog Owners' Liability Act states that "The owner of a dog is liable for damages resulting from a bite or at- tack by the dog on another person or domestic ani- mal." In some cases, if a dog is deemed a dangerous ani- mal, they may be euthan- ized. "As a dog owner, you owe it to your dog to keep your dog safe as well. Be- cause as we know, dogs can be very protective of their family and their home," said Glazier, adding that when her paper girl makes her rounds, she secures her dog Mickey in another room or keeps him on a leash at her side. To make sure everyone is safe, owners should keep their dogs on a leash or in a separate room when re- ceiving a parcel. They should also keep the dog on a leash and at a safe dis- tance away from their mailbox, so that agents can safely deliver their mail. "Keep the delivery agent or anyone approach- ing your home safe. Any instances can be avoided if you are a responsible dog owner," said Glazier. CANADA POST REMINDS DOG OWNERS TO KEEP MAIL CARRIERS SAFE JACKIE GRAVES jgraves@durhamregion.com DURHAM Lori Glazier has worked with Canada Post for 14 years and says she and her colleagues encounter unfamiliar dogs every day. While she is a pet lover herself, (here with her dog Mickey) she emphasizes the importance of pet owners keeping their pets secure and well away from delivery agents to ensure their safety. Ron Pietroniro/Torstar dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m New s A d v e r t i s e r | We d n e s d a y , M a y 2 2 , 2 0 1 9 | 12 Always online first at DurhamRegion.com/coldcase UNSOLVED: ONTARIO COLD CASES THIS WEEK:John Antic had no pre-existing medical, domestic or mental health issues when, on the morning of Nov. 5, 2012, he left a shopping mall and vanished. DURHAM - Starting this fall, Durham College will be playing a big role in getting veterans across Canada ready for new jobs in the tech sector. The college is working with non-profit organiza- tion Coding for Veterans to offer online classes to veter- ans. The specialized courses, offered through the school of continuing education, will cover subjects like com- puter programming and web app development. Oshawa native David Mack knows first hand, how valuable this training will be. He spent years serving with the British Army, in- cluding tours in Iraq and Af- ghanistan. When it came time to look for a job outside the military, he struggled - even though he had an MBA and a long list of skills. "I had all this experience and I couldn't necessarily make it translate, I was dis- couraged by that," says Mack, who sits on the advi- sory board for Coding for Veterans. "I knew if that could happen to me, it could happen to everyone else." Durham College is the only school in Canada to be offering this version of the program - the University of Ottawa Professional Devel- opment Institute will work with Coding for Veterans to provide cybersecurity certi- fications. About 10,000 men and women transfer out of the Canadian Armed Forces and reserves every year. It is estimated that more than 180,000 tech jobs will be up for grabs in Canada by the end of 2020. "There just are not enough people to fill those jobs," says Debbie Johnston, dean of the school of con- tinuing education at Dur- ham College. She says veter- ans already have strong skills in areas like leader- ship, team work and resil- iency. "What we're going to do, is help them build the tech- nology skills, so when they go out and look for jobs they will be incredibly desirable candidates." Similar programs are of- fered in the United States, including Operation Code and Vets Who Code. Registration for Coding for Veterans will open in fall 2019. Email info@coding- forveterans for more infor- mation. DURHAM COLLEGE TO HELP CANADIAN VETERANS TRAIN FOR NEW TECH JOBS JILLIAN FOLLERT jfollert@durhamregion.com COMMUNITY AJAX - The town is showing off more than 100 kilometres of trails at an annual event in June. Trailfest is scheduled for Sunday, June 23 and there are several ways resi- dents can take part. For the more experi- enced bike rider, there's a 48-kilometre ride through the trail system with May- or Shaun Collier. There's also the 18-kilometre Tour D'Ajax along the town's in- tegrated cycling network. Families can enjoy a five-kilometre Family Walk/Run & Stroll or step back in time during a one kilometre Defence Indus- try Limited History Walk- ing Tour. "It's so amazing to see family and friend's get to- gether, to explore all the trails Ajax has to offer, all while staying active. Throughout the day, there will be a free barbecue (for pre-registered partici- pants), a DJ, entertain- ment and community dis- plays. Whether you cycle, run or walk, there is some- thing for everyone," said Poonam Swift, corporate and community festivals and events co-ordinator for the town. The day kicks off at 8:30 a.m. in Arbour Park, next to the town hall at Harwood Avenue and Achilles Road. Registration for the Ride with the Mayor and Tour D'Ajax begins at 8:30 a.m., with the ride begin- ning at 10 a.m. and the tour starting at 10:15 a.m. Registration for the Family Walk/Run & Stroll and Defence Industry Lim- ited History Walking Tour begins at 11:30 a.m. with various walk times start- ing from 1 p.m. Trailfest 2019 is support- ed by Elexicon Energy, Northern Cycle and Lon- go's. Ajax is connected by 140 kilometres of cycling trails that encompasses off-road trails, dedicated bike lanes and shared use lanes. To register or learn more, visit www.ajax.ca/ trailfest. AJAX SHOWCASING ITS TRAILS AT ANNUAL EVENT SIGN UP FOR OUR WEEKLY NEWSLETTER AT DURHAMREGION.COM 13 | Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r | We d n e s d a y , M a y 2 2 , 2 0 1 9 dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m LOOKING FOR WORK?Meet many hiring companies Do Not Miss! AJAX: JOB FAIR: Wed May 29th 1-3pm HILTON GARDEN INN HOTEL 500 Beck Crescent, Ajax L1Z 1C9 Questions 1.877.628.0740 www.jobscanadafair.com DELIVERY ROUTESAJAX/PICKERING PB081 601-700 Beckworth Sq. (69 Papers) PC180 603-615 Aspen and 1834-1879 Cricket Lane (33 Papers) PC185 1879-1994 Fairport Rd and Taplin Dr (32 Papers) PC192 735 Sheppard Ave Units 1-81 (72 Papers) (Flat Rate Paid) PI376 1945 Denmar (38 Papers) (Flat Rate Paid) PI379 1915 Denmar (36 Papers) (Flat Rate Paid) PJ396 Greenmount and Denvale (61 Papers) PJ395 Holy Hedge and Major Oaks (52 Papers) PJ397 Strathmore Cres. (41 Papers) PJ410 1443-1521 Major Oaks (40 Papers) PT904 1748-1808 Pine Grove (25 Papers) PT910 1840 Westcreek (38 units/Papers) (Flat Rate Paid) PT916 Valley Ridge, White Pine and West Lane (18 Papers) PT901: Waterford Gate, Forrestview and Starview Crt. (26 Newspapers) PT919: 1527-1622 Oakburn Street (35 Newspapers) PT925: Woodview Ave and Rouge Forest (58 Newspapers) PR703 Sunbird Trail Pickering (45 Papers) PQ627 385-400 Brookridge Gate and 100-1051 Dalewood (42 Papers) PQ626 Hoover and Richardson (35 Papers) PQ622 Fawndale, Riverview and Valley Gate (45 Papers) PQ632 Hoover and Littleford (55 Papers) PQ641 Rouge Valley and Littleford (22 Papers) PQ644: Steeple Hill and 575 Steeple Hill Units 1- 42 (48 Newspapers) PQ666 Howell and Hoover (38 papers) PQ646 Fiddlers and Tomlinson (25 Papers) PQ647 Rougemount Drive (31 Papers) PQ655 80-140 Woodview Drive (29 Papers) PQ653 1345 Altona Rd 40 Units (Papers) (Flat Rate Paid) PQ658 1330/1355 Altona Rd 38 Units (Papers) (Flat Rate Paid) PQ649 302-487 Sheppard Ave (48 Papers) (Flat Rate Paid) PQ634 506-698 Sheppard Ave (59 Papers) (Flat Rate Paid) PL495 820-869 Hillcrest and 858-88 West Shore (27 Papers) PM540 Breezy, Chipmunk, Mink and Sunrise (31 Papers) If you are interested in a Route that isn’tlisted please call (905)683-5117and have your name put on a waiting list. All Routes Listed are not necessarily available Looking forDELIVERY DRIVERSto deliver flyers and papers to carriers in the Pickering area.Pick up depot is located in Oshawa. Do you have a van?Are you available to work Tues. Wed and Thurs. each week?Can you lift 40 lbs? If so, please contact Troy Coleat News Advertisertcole@durhamregion.com 1 & 2 BEDROOMS CENTRAL OSHAWA Available immediately. Couple preferred. Fridge/stove, hardwood floors, carpet, fresh paint, laundry. Near shopping, bus. No dogs. Reasonable. Call (905)725-2642 2-BEDROOM CONDO,on Church St. Ajax.Available June (senior building). All expenses included in rent, except phone.1 year lease. $1950/month. Call Ken 416-573-2767 If it’s collecting dust,it could be collecting cash! Call to book your ad today905-576-9335 or 905-683-0707 Articles for Sale Ads 2nd week FREE! (items under $1000 – up to 25 words, prices must appear in ad) Starting at$20.00+HST Give your old stuff a new lifeGive your old stuff a new life GeneralHelp GeneralHelp GeneralHelp Drivers AZ & DZ DRIVERS Required with minimum 3 years experience on tri-axle dump trucks. Clean abstract required. Benefits available.Year round work. Please call 416-989-4003 or send resumeemanuel@giancortransport.com Apartments & Flats For RentA 2 BEDROOM APTS, Simcoe North at Russett. Bright, clean, big win- dows, quiet, newly reno- vated painted & new floors. Well-maintained 12 plex. Includes heat, water, parking & cable. Laundry. No dogs. 905-626-3465 Condominiumsfor RentC LARGE EXECUTIVE Lakefront Condo. Condo, 2 bedrooms 2 bath- rooms Luxurious 1424 sq.ft. 3rd floor Condo in the sought-after Break- ers Complex. Two bed- rooms, two bathrooms with two walkouts to large covered balcony with beautiful direct south lake view. Open concept with large up- graded kitchen, granite countertops, stainless steel appliances, hard- wood flooring through- out and extended marble foyer. Includes two un- derground parking spac- es. Car wash and vacuum facilities available. Durham bus to GO Transit in front of building. Access to in- door swimming pool, hot tub and sauna, exer- cise room and lovely decorated Party Room with kitchen and bar. $2,800.00 Per Month Terrific views from all rooms of Ajax waterfront park. 416-788-1763. GeneralHelp Apartments & Flats For RentA Condominiumsfor RentC Boats &Supplies 2009 PRINCECRAFT YUKON 14.3’ Excellent condition. Mercury 15Hp 4-stroke motor, with trailer. Includes cover. 2 removable seats. anchor, bumpers, paddles, gas tank and more. Asking $4400. Call 289-240-5155 leave message GeneralHelp Apartments & Flats For RentA Condominiumsfor RentC DaycareWanted MATURE, CARING part/full time live-out nanny needed for Caribbean home caring for 2 small children, early mornings and afternoons, some weekends. Help with bathing, meal prep, playing, putting to bed in our pet-free, non- smoking home. Ajax resident preferred. Call 416-420-4023 Articlesfor SaleA HOT TUB COVERS All Custom covers, all sizes and all shapes, $375.00 plus tax Free delivery. Let us come to your house & measure your tub! Pool safety covers. 905-259-4514. www.durhamcovers.com TRUCKLOADS OF NEW SCRATCH & DENT APPLIANCES. New coin washers & dryers. Call us today: Stephenson’s Appliances, Sales, Service & Parts. 154 Bruce St. Oshawa. (905)576-7448. ArticlesWantedA WANT TO PURCHASE CEDAR TREES: Are you losing your pasture land? Do you own property with Cedar Bush? I am looking to purchase large quantities of Cedar Trees from 3ft to 16ft in height. Please call905/852-5276 if you wish to sell your cedars. We will dig by hand. CarsC 2013 FORD FOCUS SE $6495. 2011 Hyundai Elantra Tour $4495. 2011 Chevy Aveo 5 $3495. 2011 Kia Forte SX $4995. 2010 Chevy Cob LT $4495. 2010 Dodge G.Caravan SXT $3495. 2010 Dodge G.Caravan SE $3995. 2009 Nissan Altima 2.5S $4495. 2009 Nissan Versa $3995. 2009 Nissan Versa $3495. 2009 Nissan Versa SL $3495. 2009 Ford Escape XLT $4995. 2008 Dodge Caliber SXT $3995. 2008 Nissan Rogue S $4495. 2008 Ford Fusion SEL $3995. 2007 Mazda 5 $3495. 2007 Chevy Optra $2495. 2006 Honda Civic DX-VP $3495. 2006 Ford Five Hundred $3995. 2006 Saturn Ion QUAD $2995. 2006 Honda Civic Hybrid $3995. 2006 VW Jetta 2.5l $3995. 2006 Hyundai Sonata $3495. 2006 VW Jetta 2.0T $3495. 2006 VW Passat $3995. 2005 Subaru Legacy Wgn. $3495. 2005 Chev Impala $2995 www.ambermotors.caAmber Motors - 3120 Danforth Avenue M1L 1B1 All above vehicles are CERTIFIED + 13% tax and transfers 416-864-1310 Articlesfor SaleA Cars Wa ntedC **! ! $$$$ ! AAAAA ! AARON & AARON Scrap Cars & Trucks Wanted. Cash paid 7 days per week anytime. Please call 905-426-0357. AAA AUTO SALVAGE WANTED: Cars, Trucks & Vans. 24/7 905-431-1808. MassagesM LaVillaSpa.ca H H H H Relaxing massage 634 Park Rd. S Oshawa (905)240-1211Now Hiring!!! PICKERING ANGELS H H H H Relaxing Massage VIP Rooms & Jacuzzi 905 Dillingham Rd.(905)420-0320Now Hiring!!! pickeringangels.com Articlesfor SaleA Articlesfor SaleA Articlesfor SaleA Classifieds LocalWork.ca Monday - Friday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm • Oshawa 905-576-9335 • Ajax 905-683-0707 • Fax 905-579-2418 • classifieds@durhamregion.com ABSOLUTELY AMAZING painters at bargain prices! Summer special $100/ room (WALLS 1 COAT) Fast, Reliable. Free estimates! Second-To-None Painting 905-265-7738 Painting & DecoratingP Painting & DecoratingP Congratulate Your Grad Thursday June 20th Deadline is Tuesday June 18th With a special full colour notice For only $4999+hst 3” wide by 2.75” deep Approx. 40 words To Place your ad call our Classified Department Oshawa/Whitby/Clarington This Week 905-576-9335 Ajax/Pickering News Advertiser 905-683-0707 Or email tellis@durhamregion.com Congratulations on your incredible achievement. We are so proud of all the hard work you have put into school, especially I.B. We know you will achieve all your dreams. Love forever, Mom and Dad and Landon R.S. MCLAUGHLIN HIGH SCHOOLSAM P L E SARAH ROGERS Congratulations on your graduation from Wilfrid Laurier University with a Bachelor of Music degree. Good luck on your Master’s Degree at the University of Ottawa. We are very proud of you, Love Mom and Dad LAURIER UNIVERSITYSAM P L E TIM CROUCH Graduations Graduations Graduations Graduations MassagesM Service Directory Please read yourclassified ad onthe first day ofpublication aswe cannot beresponsible for more than one insertion in the event of an error. dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m New s A d v e r t i s e r | We d n e s d a y , M a y 2 2 , 2 0 1 9 | 14 ANTIQUES, FURNITURE & COLLECTIBLES SALESaturday May 25 2019 - 10:00 am Estates from Uxbridge, Stouffville, NewmarketUxbridge Sales Arena720 Davis Drive Uxbridge ADDITIONS: Lrg Copper Boilers, Tin Soldiers, Qty Dinky Toys, Oak Office Chairs, Qty Airplane Models Guillows Orig Box, Qty Steamer Trunks, Vintage Suit Cases, Ant Storage Chest, Framed Group of Seven, Brass Top Tables, Miniature Carousel Horse, Coke Smyth “Sketches in the Canada’s”, Cast Police Patrol, Ginger Bread Clock, Cedar Chest, Wicker Plant Stand. FURNITURE: Ant Fire Screen, Wash Stand, Parlor Tables, Teak Danish Modern Chairs, Gibbered Ladies Dresser w Mirror Walnut, Small Side Board Scotland, Bed Room Suite w Side Tables & Dresser, Mirrored Music Cab, Marble Ped Table, Circa 1920’s Drafting Table Simpson Sears, 6 Hoop Backed Chairs, 2 Wooden Benches (70” Long), Pine Rocking Chairs, Pine Rnd Ped Table w 6 Chairs, DR Table 6 Chairs Sideboard China Cab, Tea Wagon, Music Stand, Cedar Chest, Rattan Bar Stools, Organ Ant, Piano Stoolmore too list. COLLECTIBLES: Qt Vin Suit Cases & Trunks, Slag Glass Lamp, 1776 Cast School Bell, Childs Wooden Wheel barrow, Sap Buckets, Vin Hockey Cards, Ant Scale, Berarduon Bros Press, Large Brass Figurines, Cast Pans, Toy Model Kits, Sleeman Sign, Oil Lamps w Shads, Tin Train, Tin Car, Coffee Grinder, Qy Stamps, Hess Cars, Wicker Doll Furniture, Muskoka Windows, Wooden Storage Box, Dale Earnhardt Jr Pic, Prince William Ceramic Doll, Qty Copper Pieces - Flemish/Venetian, Pearl Target Drum Set, Childs Emerson Guitar, Enamel Ware, Qty McCoy Pottery, Two Man Saws, more to list. ART/BOOKS: Qty Framed Group of Seven Prints, Qty Framed Pics, 1852 A. Fullerton Hand Colored Butterfly Pic, McCoy Pottery Books, Frederick Richardson Prints, Cicely Mary Barker Flower Fairy Prints, more arriving. CHINA: Noritake, Schurmann Germany Pitcher, Depression Glass, Qty Corn Flower & Pin Wheel Crystal, Old Foley, Carnival Glass, Japanese China, Cups & Saucers. SUBJECT TO ADDITIONS & DELETIONS Terms: Cash, Debit, Approved Cheque, Visa & Mastercard. 3% Charge for Visa M/C GARY HILL AUCTIONS905 852 9538 - 1 800 654 4647 - 416 518 6401garyhillauctions.ca garyhauctions@sympatico.ca WEDNESDAY, JUNE 5th4:30 PM A U C T I O N S A L E Auction Sale of Furniture, Antiques and Collectables a Toronto Estate, selling at Neil Bacon Auctions Ltd., 1 km west of Utica. To Include: Sideboard, maple deacons bench, LG Plasma TV, wicker hall table, bedroom suite, cedar chest, needlepoint chair, Dyson vacuum, silver tea set, jewellery including sterling, 20 gold rings and necklaces, 20 Lladro figurines, pocket watches, carpenter’s toolbox, milk cans, trains, plus many other interesting items. Sale Managed and Sold by:NEIL BACON AUCTIONS LTD.905-985-1068 SANDERSON MONUMENT COMPANY LIMITED SERVICING Local Cemeteries IncludingDuffin Meadows, Pine Ridge Memorial, Erskine and Catholic Cemeteries OPEN Mon. to Fri. 9-5Evening and Sat Appointments Avail 905-427-4366sanderson.ajax@bellnet.ca 32 Old Kingston Rd, Ajax WELSH, Brian - We are very saddened to share that Brian passed away on Friday May 17, 2019 in his 63rd year with his wife by his side at Ajax-Pickering Hospital after a brave, courageous and strong-willed battle with MSA. Brian lived life to the fullest and touched the lives of so many. He leaves behind his beloved and devoted wife, Grace, of almost 37 years, an amazing dad to his most loving children Erin (Brandon), Daniel (Catherine), Tyler and Scott. Awesome Grandpa to his cherished grandchildren Brayden, Kameron, and Logan, and to his wonderful and true best friend, Ed Stinson (Sue and family) Dearly loved son-in-law to Ray and Evelyn Lopes, and brother-in-law to Janet (Chris) Lumb, and Carl Lopes. Predeceased by his parents Robert and Lillian Welsh. He was the second eldest of 4 children and survived by brother Gord (Tiana), sisters Linda (Don), and Karen (Ian) and many nieces, nephews, family and friends. Brian will forever be remembered for his loving kindness, integrity, heartwarming caring nature, great sense of humor, razor sharp wit and sharing his many stories and his love for hockey. He will be truly missed by all who knew and loved him. His zest for life, family and friends will be remembered through the times spent at the trailer on Benoir Lake. He loved his time on the water, boating, teaching his sons about fishing and just sitting back and enjoying late nights by the fire. Throughout the years he spent his winters in the arenas cheering on his daughter playing ringette or his sons playing hockey. His other passion was riding his motorcycle and he spent many years giving back to the yearly ride for sight. Every chance he could he would be shining up his bike getting ready for his next ride. Many thanks to Dr. Price who was there every day seeing Brian, other doctors including Dr. Bitonti, Dr. Stas and for the nurses on 2 west for their dedicated care and compassion during his time there. Visitation will be held at THE SIMPLE ALTERNATIVE FUNERAL CENTRE in Pickering (1057 Brock Road) on Friday May 24th 2019 between 7-9 p.m. and Saturday May 25th, 2019 between 10 a.m. -11 a.m. - followed by a service at 11 a.m. - and reception from 11:45 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. - . Friends and family may attend at any of the times. In lieu of flowers donations may be made to Ride for Sight. Expressions of sympathy can be made online at www.etouch.ca Father’s DayTributes Publishing Thursday, June 13 Deadline Tuesday, June 11 @ 5 pm For further information please call one of our Classifi ed Sales Representatives at 905-576-9335 or 905-683-0707 CORNEIL’S AUCTION BARNFriday May 24 at 4:30pmLocated 3 miles East of Little Britain on Kawartha Lakes Rd 4 Selling the Contents of a Dunsford Home plus others- curio cabinet - Foley lunch set - pine cannonball bed (queen) - 32” Samsung smart TV - kitchen cupboard - glass top bear table - futon - teak cabinet & chesterfield - oak drop front desk - pine corner cupboard - qty new jewelry - wicker chairs - qty new cabinet doors - 9 boxes hardwood flooring - cement lawn figures - alum ext ladder - drill press - Makita 10” sliding miter saw - 4’ lawn aireator - 13’ alum boat - 6HP Johnson outboard motor - Poulan Pro 17.5HP riding mower - 06 Ford F150 XLT Triton flareside truck (tonneau cover, 136,000KM) - Qty of china, glass, household and collectable items GREG CORNEIL AUCTIONEER1241 Salem Rd Little Britain 705-786-2183 for more info or pictures go to www.corneilauctions.com (terms cash, debit, cheque 10% buyers premium visa, mastercard 13% buyers premium) Open for viewing Thursday from 8:30am to 5pm and 7pm to 9pm and Friday at 9am KELLETT AUCTIONSSelling Contents from Markham, Toronto and others At Kellett Sale Barn, 1322 Old Scugog Rd. 1/2 mile south of Blackstock, Ontario Tues., May 28, 2019 @ 5:30 p.m. No Buyers Premium George Baxter print Crystal Palace 1850’s, Framed Royal Hankies, B/A + Red Indian Road Maps, old licence plates. AUCTIONEER: Bruce Kellett 705-328-2185 or 905-986-4447www.kellettauctions.com WANTED - CONSIGNMENTS OF VEHICLES - TRAILERS - RV’S/MOTORHOMES - BOATS - TRACTORS - FARM & CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT - RIDING LAWN MOWERS for PUBLIC AUTO AUCTION Sat. June 15 - 10am at MCLEAN AUCTION CENTER - LINDSAY 2194 Little Britain Rd., Lindsay selling for Donate a Car Canada, local consignments, etc, CALL TO CONSIGN - MCLEAN AUCTIONS 705-324-2783 view terms/photos/updates/list, pre-biding & Live Webcast available online if you cannot attend the auction at www.mcleanauctions.com ONLINE ONLY ESTATE AUCTION - ANTIQUES - SIGNS - COLLECTABLES - TOOLS - Beginning Saturday May 25th - 9am - Closing Tuesday May 28th - 7pm at MCLEAN AUCTIONS SALES ARENA at 2140 Little Britain Rd., Lindsay - FURNITURE & ANTIQUES: antique furniture, early east coast corner cupboard (1850-60 (forged nails), beautiful burled walnut antique secretary desk, Victorian carved sofas and chairs, antique oak C-Roll top desk, marble top mirrored buffet, GLASS & CHINA: collectable glass & china, crystal, Pressed glass, Old Country Rose Royal Albert dinnerware, Royal Doulton figures, Roseville vases, Sterling Silver, SIGNS & ADVERTISING: porcelain & tin signs, license plate topper & plates, impressive Copper sign, Pepsi thermometer, tobacco tins, reproduction Red Indian gumball machine, belt buckles, Coke trays, Enarco Oil bottle with spout, COLLECTABLES: antique tin toy cars, trucks, Buddy L, Lincoln, Tonka, toys, antique tabletop pinball game, tabletop vintage ship models, Military items, CNR lanterns, clocks, Sports collectables/Hockey cards, Comics, records, books, jewelry, framed & unframed art, old telephones, Tobacco cutter, COINS: early Can silver coins & pennies, silver dollars, some uncirculated, mint sets, proof sets, specimen sets, stamps, etc., TOOLS: Tapco 10’6” Pro 19 Bender, Bosch sliding compound mitre saw on Bosch T4B Gravity Rise stand, Craftsman Professional 10” radial arm saw, Milwaukee Rotary Hammer drill, water pumps, Pressure washers, airless portable paint sprayers, sand blaster, salamander heaters, chain hoists, 2 - 1 Ω ton lever hoists, hand & power tools, garden tools, wheel barrow, 20 ton hydraulic jacks, Fyr-Fyter Company fire extinguisher on wheels, Agri Fab tow seeder/fertilizer spreader, Partial list, over 1500 interesting and hard to find items, NOTE: closing Tuesday-7pm MCLEAN AUCTIONS 705-324-2783 photos/catalogue/terms/preview/pickup times at www.mcleanauctions.com In Memoriams Death NoticesAuctions Catch Classifieds ONLINE! ANYTIME! Log on to: durhamregion .com Please Recycle this newspaper DO YOU....Paint? Make Furniture?Repair Appliances? Build Fences?Do Roofing? Clean Homes? CALL CLASSIFIEDS 905-683-0707AND LET THECOMMUNITY KNOW! 15 | Ne w s A d v e r t i s e r | We d n e s d a y , M a y 2 2 , 2 0 1 9 dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m Hover your camera app over this code tmore deals. featuring P WERFUL SAVINGS! with See these deals and more at SAVE.CA Your only destination for more coupons,more flyers,more savings. Products displayed are based on a sample of flyers available on Save.ca as of today’s date,and are subject to change based on product availability and each user’s location. Cut out paying more Your only destination for more coupons, more flyers,more savings. #SavingWithSave Save $1.00! Get your coupon at save.ca/coupons expert advice? breaking news? today’s top stories? where you live? crime? events? what to read? cooking? SIGN UP NOW We’ve got a newsletter for that. Care about /newsletters dur h a m r e g i o n . c o m New s A d v e r t i s e r | We d n e s d a y , M a y 2 2 , 2 0 1 9 | 16 *No purchase necessary. Skill-testing question required. Odds of winning depend on the number of eligible entries received. To enter without registering for a Torstar account, go to DurhamRegion.com/GetUp for an alternate mode of entry. Open to residents of Ontario 18 years of age or older. Ten (10) prizes are available to be won, each consisting of $100 worth of Digital™ Esso™ and Mobil™ Gift Card. Approximate retail value of each prize is $100.00 CDN. Limit of one entry per person. The contest opens on May 16, 2019 at 6:00 a.m. ET and closes July 18, 2019 at 9:00 a.m. ET. For details on how to enter, and complete contest rules, visit DurhamRegion.com/GetUp. ** Digital™ Esso™ and Mobil™ Gift Cards are redeemable in-store at participating re- tail stations in Canada or with the card onboarded into the Speedpass+ app but it may not be redeemed for cash unless required by law, applied as payment on an Esso or Mobil account, or used to buy another gift card. Imperial Oil is not responsible for replacing value of any of these cards if lost, stolen, destroyed, damaged or used without your consent. Esso and Mobil Gift Cards can also be onboarded into the Speedpass+™ app. Cards are not reloadable at the station. Service station return policy applies to purchases made with card. For complete terms and conditions or to check your balance visit giftcards.esso.ca. Esso is a trademark of Imperial Oil Limited. Imperial Oil, licensee. Mobil and Speedpass+ are trademarks of Exxon Mobil Corporation or one of its subsidiaries. Imperial Oil, licensee. DurhamRegion com Daily Local News Opinions & Insights Must-See Events Cr eate your account at DurhamRegion.com/GetUp for a chance to win, plus: Ever y day at DurhamRegion.com we connect you to what’s happening in your community. To get you out and about, we’re giving away Esso and Mobil e-Gift cards. ** Get up and go this summer! Create an account online for a chance to WIN* 1 of 10 prizes of Esso and Mobil e-Gift cards** worth $100!