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Available at the following Bell stores: Whitby Whitby Mall 905 725-1212 Pickering Pickering Town Centre 905 837-1212 Call for Nominations Nomination forms available online and in City facilities. cityofpickering.com Pickering Volkswagen Inc. 503 Kingston Rd. Pickering Sales Hotline: 905-420-9700 www.pvw.com It’s a Volkswagen. No, seriously. facebook.com/newsdurham twitter.com/newsdurham Pressrun 50,400 • 24 pages • Optional 3 week delivery $6/$1 newsstand PICKERING NNews ews AAddveverr titiseserrTHE Friday, January 28, 2011 COMMUNITY 5 It’s a show Youth centre looking for teens with talent RELIGION 12 Unity One day, many faiths ENTERTAINMENT 18 Arts events New feature outlines local arts world in the month ahead SABRINA BYRNES / METROLAND OSHAWA -- Pickering’s Richard Hart competed on Glen Howard’s team in the BDO Canadian Open curling event, at the General Motors Centre on Jan. 26. The event features many of the top men’s teams in Canada. The open continues through this weekend. For more on the event, see Sports in today’s paper. Watch the video story of online editor Bruce Froude curling with Randy Ferbey @ dur- hamregion.com Hurrying Hart in Durham durhamregion.comNews Advertiser • January 28, 20112 P .O¬OBLIGATION¬&IRST¬VISIT¬ONLY¬-UST¬BE¬¬YEARS¬OF¬AGE¬OR¬OLDER¬¬/THER¬CONDITIONS¬APPLY¬0LEASE¬SEE¬5¬7EIGHT¬,OSS4-¬FOR¬DETAILS ÜÜÜ°LiVœ“iÕ>}>ˆ˜°Vœ“ &IND¬US¬ON LD HD } ¬)¬HAD¬GAINED¬CONlDENCE ¬ ¬¬¬ACHIEVED¬HEALTH ¬SPARKED¬ MY¬ENERGY ¬ATTAINED¬A¬ ¬¬¬¬¬GREAT¬lTNESS¬LEVEL ¬AND¬ REKINDLED¬A¬SATISFYING ¬ LOVING¬RELATIONSHIP¬WITH¬ ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬MY¬HUSBAND ,ISA ¬,"3¬,/34 5LTIMATE¬5¬#ONTEST ¬7INNER #RAIG ¬,"3¬,/34 5LTIMATE¬5¬#ONTEST ¬7INNER -/,/Ê/" 9Ê Ê+19Ê ",Ê9"1,Ê  Ê/"Ê 7).Ê !¬42)0¬&/2¬47/¬ 4/¬!.¬%8/4)#¬ $%34).!4)/.Ê 6)3)4¬53¬4/$!9¬",ÊÊ &2%%¬.!452!,¬#,%!.3%¬+)4  Ê&2%%¬(%!,4(¬!.!,93)3°Ê ./¬/",)'!4)/.° £xxäÊ -/" Ê," ]Ê1 /Ê££ÊÊÊÊÊ*  ,  /i\ʙäx°nΣ°{n{™ÊÊÊÊÊ “>ˆ\ÊÕ«ˆVŽiÀˆ˜}JÕÜiˆ}…̏œÃðVœ“ ÈxÊ -/" Ê," Ê -/ÊÊÊÊÊ8 /i\ʙäx°È£™°È™™äÊÊÊÊÊ “>ˆ\ÊÕ>>ÝJÕÜiˆ}…̏œÃðVœ“ Dick Crosby had ‘a real heart of compassion’ KRISTEN CALIS kcalis@durhamregion.com AJAX-PICKERING -- The community is mourning the loss of a man who ded- icated much of his time to those in need in Ajax and Pickering. Dick Crosby, the former co-ordinator of communi- ty and family services for the Salvation Army of Ajax and Pickering, died on Jan. 24 at the age of 65 at North York General Hos- pital. He survived pan- creatic cancer six years ago, but it returned and spread, eventually leading to his death. Often referred to as the leader of the Salvation Army in Ajax, Mr. Crosby retired last October after nine years of service. “He had a real heart of compassion for the peo- ple of Ajax and Pickering,” said Patricia McInnes, pastor of Hope Communi- ty Church, which operates the local Salvation Army. According to Grant Wad- dell, Hope Community Care Centre administra- tor, Mr. Crosby was born in London, England and served in the British army before he moved to Cana- da with his family, where he worked in the comput- er industry. Later in life, he began his position at the Salvation Army, where he attracted a strong group of dedicated volunteers and made the House of Hope (the Salvation Army’s Ajax location) “a welcoming, non-judgmental and com- passionate environment, where the needs of those less fortunate could be met in a dignified way.” Mr. Crosby took the lead in expanding the food bank and added new pro- grams, including comput- er upgrading and resume assistance, which helped people get back on their feet. Counselling services were added along with assistance for parents who needed a little help with camping fees, Mr. Waddell said, and through Canadian Tire, the Jump- start program was added to further assist children’s programs. Mr. Crosby forged last- ing relationships with neighbouring food banks and helping agencies, and always looked for new partnerships to ensure the food bank was stocked. He and his family were also key team members during the annual Christmas Ket- tle campaigns. “Dick will be fondly remembered by volun- teers and clients alike at the House of Hope as a faithful follower of Jesus, who spent his days reach- ing out to people in need and giving them a hand up,” Mr. Waddell said. Ms. McInnes knew him to be a committed man of great patience with a very giving heart who gave extra-mile service. “It was a heart for God and hand to man,” she said. There will be visitation only. It will take place on Sunday, Jan. 30 from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. at 35 Kings Cres. in Ajax. Donations in honour of Mr. Crosby can be made to: The Salvation Army House Of Hope, 37 King’s Cres., Ajax, ON, L1S 2L8. Mr. Crosby is survived by his wife Judi, their daughters Gemma, Chloe, and Sam, and their son Simon. durhamregion.comNews Advertiser • January 28, 20113 AP Orchard Villa RETIREMENT RESIDENCE 1955 Valley Farm Rd. Pickering THE WEDDING PARTY NUPTIALS OF JACK VALENTINO COST: $30 WHEN: SATURDAY FEBRUARY 19TH, 12 NOON WHERE: 1955 VALLEY FARM RD. AUDITORIUM FOR TICKETS: CALL CHERYL 905.831.2641 EXT 308 PROUDLY MANAGED BY COMMUNITY LIFECARE INC. WWW.COMMUNITYLIFECARE.CA Jack Valentino arrives at St Helena’s Hopeful Hearts Wedding Chapel with a problem. He has proposed to more than one woman. How many, you ask? That is revealed as Father O’Malley helps Jack through plot twists, songs and merri- ment. The only thing we can tell you for sure is that there will be a beautiful wedding and you are all invited. This is a very funny interactive comedy and has been a popular show. Presents 30$30$ LUNCH & SHOW A HERONGATE BARN THEATRE LUNCHEON PRESENTATION IN PARTNERSHIP WITH COMMUNITY LIFECARE INC & ORCHARD VILLA LIVE THEATRE AND LUNCHAND LUNCHat Orchard Villaat Orchard Villa Join us for Advertisement News Advertiser sales consultant Paul Taalman (centre) recently presented brothers Javed (left) and Fareed (Fred) Salam (right), owners of Ajax Optical and Pickering Optical with their 2010 Readers’ Choice Awards for Best Optical Stores and Best Eye Care Centres. COMMUNITY Ajax-Pickering Salvation Army leader dies at 65 METROLAND FILE PHOTO AJAX -- The community is mourning the loss of Dick Crosby, former co-ordinator of community and family services for the Salvation Army in Ajax, shown here in a November 2006 photo. He died of cancer on Monday. durhamregion.comNews Advertiser • January 28, 20114 AP WITNESS Upset Ajax crime solver wants his reward Crime Stoppers only pays tipsters who remain anonymous, man who found stolen property learns CURTIS RUSH newsroom@durhamregion.com AJAX -- Brett Maynard of Ajax restores old barns for a living. Late in December, while working near Cobourg, he stumbled upon some- thing unusual at a vacant, board- ed-up farm. He saw something large covered with a tarp. When Mr. Maynard, 43, peeled back the cover, he found a Kubota mini-excavator with the stickers taken off. Yet he was still able to make out the name of Blake Construction on the arm. He phoned his partner and asked him whether he would have stored his equipment in such a strange location. It wasn’t his partner’s. But the partner remembered hearing that a man he knew -- Tim Blake, the owner of a Cobourg construc- tion company -- lost more than $60,000 worth of equipment in a theft a few weeks earlier. His partner told Mr. Maynard to call Crime Stoppers because they offer cash rewards up to $2,000. He did. “I was put on hold for 15 minutes and then I was cut off,” Mr. May- nard said. “I thought I would call police, thinking they were the same thing. Two officers showed up. Tim Blake showed up and confirmed it was his equipment.” “Case closed,” the police told him. Minutes later, Mr. Maynard phoned Crime Stoppers back with the officer’s badge number and information. The Crime Stoppers operator provided him with a per- sonal identification number and asked him to call in a week, Mr. Maynard said. But when he called back, Mr. Maynard was told he was ineligi- ble for a reward because he was no longer anonymous. “I said, ‘Well that doesn’t make much sense. I don’t care if I remain anonymous.’ And she said, ‘I’m sorry, but that’s how the policy works.’” Once you give up your anonym- ity, you are no longer a Crime Stop- pers tipster, Toronto Crime Stop- pers coordinator Darlene Ross confirmed. There is no option. That’s why the call centres have no call display. “That compromises the pro- gram,” Ms. Ross said. “This pro- gram works on nothing but ano- nymity.” She said people who give up their anonymity “then become a wit- ness, not an anonymous tipster. “If people found out that we were paying people and we knew who they were, that would take away people’s trust in the program,” Ms. Ross said. Added Crime Stoppers spokes- man Lorne Simon: “Once you give your name, we end the call.” The policy bothers Mr. May- nard, who said he is upset, but not so much about losing a claim for $2,000. “It’s the principle,” he said. Mr. Maynard feels if it were not for him, this case might have not come to such a good conclusion. “I saved an insurance company thousands of dollars in a payout, I saved the company from a huge deductible and I saved the investi- gators from having to continue to investigate. “And I did it on my own time,” Mr. Maynard added. “It’s wrong.” -- Curtis Rush is a reporter for the Toronto Star LUCAS OLENIUK / TORSTAR AJAX -- Brett Maynard, of Ajax, discovered $100,000 worth of sto- len property in a barn in Cobourg. He reported the find to Crime Stoppers and the property was returned to the righful owner. Mr. Maynard was denied a reward from Crime Stoppers because he revealed his identity instead of remaining anonymous. AJAX-PICKERING -- Teens who love to sing, dance and other- wise share their talent are invit- ed to try out for an Ajax-Picker- ing talent competition. The Talent by Nature competi- tion will be held April 16 and will feature teens 14 to 19. Auditions will be held at Dun- barton High School, 655 Shep- pard Ave. in Pickering, on Feb. 3 and Feb. 4 from 5 to 7 p.m. and performers are asked to prepare a five-minute piece, which could be dancing, singing, drama or otherwise. The talent competition is a part of the Take the Lead program which provides grants and part- ners teens with adult mentors from local community groups to help make events happen. Talented by Nature consists of Deinelle Burke, Kizzie Gross, Esere Ejumodo, Tanisha Ander- son, and Tiffany Anderson. For more information e-mail talentedbynature@hotmail. com, call 905-839-3845, ext. 346 or visit Talented by Nature on Facebook. durhamregion.comNews Advertiser • January 28, 20115 AP SHOW TIME Youth centre looking for Ajax-Pickering talent COMMUNITY Tamil vigil set for Pickering Durham residents invited to candlelight ceremony Sunday PICKERING -- Durham residents of all backgrounds are invited to attend a candlelight vigil in Pickering Sunday. The Durham Tamil Associa- tion is holding the vigil to bring attention to the suffering of Tamil women and children in their homeland, who continue to suf- fer in the aftermath of civil war. It takes place Jan. 30 at 5 p.m. at the East Shore Community Cen- tre, 910 Liverpool Rd. S. For more information call 905-428-7007 or visit www.durhamtamils.com. - FOOD Public invited to taste creations of culinary students OSHAWA -- Durham College’s first culinary skills students will be showing off their skills to the public.at Bistro Max, a student- operated restaurant and class- room at Maxwell Heights Sec- ondary School in Oshawa. Students will open Bistro Max to the public for a 10-week peri- od in February, March and April as part of the program’. The menu will be $15 per person. Students use Maxwell Heights for practical lab work, but will move to Dur- ham College’s Whitby campus when the expansion is built.For more information, or to make a reservation call 905-721-2000 ext. 2488 or e-mail bistromax@dur- hamcollege.ca. durhamregion.comNews Advertiser • January 28, 20116 & Editorial Opinions WE THINK... email responses to newsroom@durhamregion.com A Metroland Media Group Ltd. Publication Tim Whittaker - Publisher Joanne Burghardt - Editor-in-Chief Mike Johnston - Managing Editor Duncan Fletcher - Director of Advertising Eddie Kolodziejcak - Classifi ed Advertising Manager Abe Fakhourie - Distribution Manager Lillian Hook - Offi ce Manager Janice O’Neil, Cheryl Haines - Composing Managers News/Sales 905-683-5110 Fax 905-683-7363 Classifi eds 905-683-0707 Distribution 905-683-5117 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax ON L1S 2H5. Publications Mail Sales Agreement Number 40052657 Member: Ontario Press Council, OCNA, CCNA, SNA. All content copyright AP e-mail letters to newsroom@durhamregion.com / max. 200 words / letter writers are obliged to back up their statements with verifiable facts / please include your full first and last name, city of residence & daytime phone number / letters that do not appear in print may be published @ newsdurhamregion.com There was quite a lot of glee bouncing around the Internet Wednesday when the story broke that Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook fan page had been hacked. The sentiment among folks who have criticized Facebook security in the past is it couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy. According to popular technology site CNET, a bug allowed unauthorized access to a number of public Facebook fan pages. Apparently French President Nico- las Sarkozy was affected earlier this week. Facebook says the bug has been fixed. Now, the average user can’t really do anything about bugs, but there are a num- ber of frankly old-fashioned schemes that regularly compromise accounts that most people should be wary of. Phishing is a classic example. You receive an official looking e-mail or Facebook message letting you know your account has been compromised and if you click on the link, it’ll all get fixed. By clicking, the user is taken to an official looking website and asked to supply their account information, where it is promptly stolen. This technique is frequently used to com- promise not only Facebook accounts, but bank accounts, PayPal accounts, accounts for subscription-based games like World of Warcraft and more. To avoid this, don’t follow e-mail links and go to official websites to change your account information. Be leery of calls for help from friends. Something like this is common: ‘Hi, I’m embarrassed to be e-mailing you but I was travelling abroad in Antarctica when I was attacked by a pack of rabid penguins who stole all my money and valuables. Please help by sending money and I’ll make sure to pay you back.’ Again, you see these scams via e-mail as well and it means the friend who sent it to you has had their account compromised by scammers. If there’s genuine concern that a friend or family member has been stranded abroad, simply call them or their family. Chances are they haven’t left Cana- da. If you’re not using Facebook for busi- ness, one way to protect yourself is to limit the number of friends you have to people who you actually interact with in real life. Then make yourself unsearchable on Face- book under the privacy settings, prevent- ing strangers from finding you. Be extremely picky when approving apps. Scammers love to use apps like the “dis- like” button solely to steal information. In fact, do a bit of Googling before approving any app. When it comes down to it, the fact that I might get hacked is not a reason for me to stay away from social media. I’ve had my debit card compromised more times than my Facebook account. But just like the offline world, a little caution and skepticism goes a long way online. For more information on Facebook scams and how to protect yourself, check out my blog this weekend on durhamregion.com. -- Reka Szekely’s social media column appears every Friday in this space. Contact her on Facebook, Twitter (@rszekely) or e-mail at rszekely@durhamregion.com Reka Szekely If Facebook’s founder can get hacked, so can you Tax cuts boost business in Durham Region Federal Finance Minister Jim Fla- herty came home for a visit this week, but had a message for the nation: cor- porate tax cuts are the quickest route to help return Canada to prosperity. Mr. Flaherty paid a visit to manu- facturer AGS Automotive Systems in Oshawa, one of the Canadian com- panies which has benefited from the series of timed tax cuts under Mr. Fla- herty’s watch as federal finance min- ister. AGS co-president Joe Loparco noted the tax relief helped it through the worst times of the global recession, and positions it for future investments in the firm -- which means new jobs -- as additional scheduled tax cuts are implemented. Overall, says Mr. Flaherty, Canada’s combined business tax rate of 25 per cent -- several provinces, including Ontario, have all committed to paral- lel reductions in their corporate tax lev- ies up to 2013 -- will further enhance Canada’s reputation as a stable and progressive place for global business investment. Tax cuts are generally perceived as counter-intuitive in a time when federal and provincial governments face huge budget deficits because of the mon- etary policies adopted at the height of the global financial crisis in 2008. But historic trends show that corporate tax savings tend to result in greater levels of investment in equipment, systems and new business prospects, which lead to the creation of new jobs. Here in Durham, the automotive manufac- turing sector and ancillary industries that supply it was hit hard by the glob- al recession but are emerging lean and ready to respond to the changing mar- ket. It’s true, too, that Canada has fared particularly well with steady fiscal stewardship under the federal Con- servatives and Mr. Flaherty. Our bank- ing system is robust, unemployment is improving incrementally (it currently sits at 7.6 per cent), and the economy is slowly improving. The combination of corporate tax cuts to encourage business investment and an improving economy will help position companies in Durham more effectively, create conditions for fur- ther growth and reclaim some of the remaining jobs lost between 2008 and 2010. Mr. Flaherty’s visit to Durham to talk up the corporate tax cuts was no fluke of scheduling. His message was one for the nation, but there’s no place like home when you’ve got good news to share. durhamregion.comNews Advertiser • January 28, 20117 P 20112011 99 thth Annual Annual Admission $5 Children FREE Show Hours Friday 4pm-9pm Saturday 10am-5pm 12 & Under For more information contact Cam Hreljac or Tim Prout @ 905-579-4400 chreljac@durhamregion.com tprout@durhamregion.com Fax: 905-579-2742 Friday, Feb. 18Friday, Feb. 18 th th & & Saturday Feb. 19Saturday Feb. 19 thth WIN YOUR OWN 32 PERSON GOLF TOURNAMENT PROVIDED BY UOIT Athletic Centre Stop Sign 401 Simcoe St.Taunton Rd. Conlin Rd. Campus Wellness and Recreation Centre or Tim Proutt @@ 905 579 4400 ON NT Featuring: • Demonstration Area • Great Deals On Golf Equipment & Acce s s o r i e s • Area Golf Courses • T r a v e l • Free Clinics From CPG A P r o s • Golf Resorts • Puttin g C o n t e s t • Draw Prizes SPECIAL SPECIAL GIFT!!GIFT!! 11STST 500 500EACH DA Y ! EACH DA Y ! GOLF DEMO NET FEATURING Sponsored by Oshawa Golf & Country Club LONGEST DRIVE & CLOSEST TO HOLE CONTEST! WIN a Custom Built Driver Councillors reject looking at impact of lower increases KEITH GILLIGAN kgilligan@durhamregion.com DURHAM -- Regional councillors overwhelmingly turned down a proposal to look at a property tax increase of less than 3.15 per cent. Durham’s finance committee recommended the 3.15-per cent increase for the 2011 budget. That works out to a $70 increase for a home assessed at $308,600. During the Regional council meeting Wednesday, Oshawa Councillor John Aker wanted staff to look at what the ramifications would be with budget increases of 2.5 per cent, two per cent and 1.5 per cent. Inflation is about 2.4 per cent, “interest rates are at an all-time low, which is good for the econo- my. Energy rates are reasonable. It’s a natural setting for prosper- ity,” Coun. Aker said. Increasing taxes will negatively affect the economy, he said. Asking staff to report on what the impact of the lower tax increases would be “doesn’t com- mit us to anything. At least we’ll have something to look at,” Coun. Aker noted. Agreeing with him was Oshawa Councillor Nancy Diamond. “If we start high, we’ll never get low. If we start at the assumption of an increase, there’s no incentive for staff or us to reduce costs.” Ajax Mayor Steve Parish opposed the amendment, saying lower taxes one year will mean higher taxes the next. “This is about us doing the hard task. Staff says with 3.15 per cent, we’re not getting anything more. We’re getting the same,” Mayor Parish said. When the budget comes back for final approval, councillors will have the opportunity to remove items, Mayor Parish said. “You can’t say let’s not increase taxes and we’ll get everything. That is absolute bull,” Mayor Par- ish said. Pickering Councillor Jennifer O’Connell agreed with Mayor Parish. “We have no idea what we’re cutting. My fear is we’ll cut some- thing essential and we won’t know what it will be until later on.” If the cutting means a road isn’t repaired or a sewage pumping station isn’t built, “man up and say so,” Coun. O’Connell said. Durham commissioner of finance Jim Clapp said lowering the proposed tax increase would mean a reduction in services. “This budget gets you a little bit more on police and transit. To cut to 1.5 per cent, Mayor Parish is absolutely correct. You won’t get the (bus) route adjustments in Ajax-Pickering. You won’t get to the 70 per cent waste reduction target. You won’t get the ambu- lance response times you want,” Mr. Clapp said. “Departments and agencies wanted a whole lot more than what we wrestled this down to.” Brock Mayor Larry O’Connor noted, “To raid one reserve to keep taxes down, I think that is a foolish way to go. We really need to look at the big picture before going and doing something fool- ish.” Only Oshawa councillors Aker and Diamond, and Oshawa Mayor John Henry voted to look at the impact of lower tax increas- es. durhamregion.comNews Advertiser • January 28, 20118 AP OSHAWA NO INTEREST NO PAYMENTS FOR 1 FULL YEAR 900 Champlain Ave., Oshawa 905-723-4561 Hours: Mon.• Tues.• Wed. 10-6, Thurs.• Fri. 10-9, Sat. 10-6, Sun.11-5 www.furnituregalleries.ca OSHAWA * 49.99 fi nance admin fee, taxes due at time of sale, OAC, see store for details. Not to be combined with any other offers. Sofa’s starting from $999.99 * It’s Coming... 1/2 PRICE DAY • SAT. JAN. 29th BUDGET Durham on track for 3.15-per cent tax increase METROLAND FILE PHOTO OSHAWA -- Durham Regional taxpayers could be facing a 3.15-per cent tax increase on the regional portion of their tax bills this year. Regional taxes pay for things such as reconstruction of regional roads, including Ritson Road. If we start high, we’ll never get low. Oshawa Councillor Nancy Diamond durhamregion.comNews Advertiser • January 28, 20119 AP N8J?<I  ›+%,:= ›(*''IGDJg`e ›Hl`\kJ\i`\j   *''Jfle[GXZbX^\ ›('$P\XiC`d`k\[NXiiXekp  FeNXj_9Xjb\k8e[Dfkfi =i\eZ_;ffi I\]i`^\iXkfi › :flek\i;\gk_ › =`ck\i@Z\NXk\i › Jfc`[=i\\q\i9`ej FKID`ZifnXm\ › )%':= › *'':=D › ((''NXkkj =i\eZ_;ffi I\]i`^\iXkfi › ),:= › =`ck\i\[@Z\NXk\i › ('P\Xi:fdgi\jjfi  NXiiXekp! 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Hurry in for what we have left at Boxing Week Pricing. FREE 5 YEAR WARRANTY FREE 5 YEAR WARRANTY FREE 5 YEAR WARRANTY FREE 5 YEAR WARRANTY STAINLESS STEEL INSIDE FREE 5 YEAR WARRANTY FREE 5 YEAR WARRANTY "",Ê ,- ,-ÊUÊ "",Ê ,- ,-ENDS SUNDAY $249 =ifekCfX[ <c\Zki`Z;ip\i ›B`e^J`q\:XgXZ`kp ›0:pZc\j ›Ni`ebc\Gi\m\ekFgk`fe ›I\m\ij`Yc\;ffi $249 FREE 5 YEAR WARRANTY :FLEK< I  ;<GK? $549 Limited Quantities Limited Quantities Limited Quantities Limited Quantities 280 Kingston Rd. E., Unit 2 Corner of Kingston Rd. & Salem, Ajax 905-426-6900 x KINGSTON RD.E/HWY 2 HWY 401 WICKS DR.SALEM RD.WWW.MAYTAGCLEARANCE.COM durhamregion.comNews Advertiser • January 28, 201110 AP CRYSTAL CRIMI ccrimi@durhamregion.com OSHAWA -- Standing in front of a conveyor belt of truck bum- pers, Canada’s finance minister highlighted the benefit of corpo- rate tax cuts: jobs. Jim Flaherty, Canada’s finance minister and Whitby-Oshawa MP, was at a media event in Oshawa Wednesday morning to discuss how putting money back into the hands of job creators is help- ing keep Canadians employed, using AGS Automotive Systems’ Oshawa manufacturing plant as a local success story. “They’ve given us the confi- dence that Canada is a place to invest from a long-term point of view,” said Joe Loparco, co-pres- ident at AGS Automotive, just after the event. The corporate tax cuts marginally helped the company through the recession’s impact and allowed it to retain jobs, he said. Coming out of the economic downturn, it will also help it make new investments, which will help create jobs, he added. Currently, Canada has a great reputation for international investment, Mr. Flaherty said. In 2007, the federal business tax rate in Canada was more than 22 per cent, he continued. Since then, it has been reduced to 16.5 per cent this year, and next year, will meet its goal of 15 per cent. Along with the federal cuts, the majority of provinces, includ- ing Ontario, have committed to reducing business taxes to 10 per cent by 2012/2013. Such efforts are helping to create the brand of Canada having a 25 per cent combined business tax rate in most of the country, he added. “This has been noticed interna- tionally in the Wall Street Journal and other places, looking at Can- ada and saying this is one of the best places to do business and invest in the world,” Mr. Flaherty said. Canada has managed to keep its financial systems in order and although it went into a brief recession, it came out strong, he continued. And while some, specifically the opposition, are saying that now is the time to increase cor- porate taxes, others are telling them to stay the course, accord- ing to Mr. Flaherty. “We know that higher taxes mean fewer jobs in Canada,” he said, referencing the 100,000 jobs expected to be created as a result of the tax reductions. “New and existing jobs would be at risk if we were to raise those taxes.” Page 6 - Today’s editorial durhamregion.comNews Advertiser • January 28, 201111 AP VIJAY BADHWAR, DMD Dental Care for Adults, Kids and Great Big Babies. • A Full Range of Dental Treatments - Bring the whole family. • Saturday & Evening Appointments - To serve you better. • Flexible Payment Options - Helping you get the treatment you want. • A Relaxing Atmosphere - Virtual vision glasses, stereo headphones to help ensure you have a pleasant visit. We keep our patients smiling by taking the time to understand their needs. Add our friendly, caring staff and state-of-the-art techniques and you’ve found a good dental home. 905-683-1391 172 Harwood Ave.S., Suite 101 ( located in the Ajax Plaza ) Free Teeth Whitening For New Patients With New Patient Exam D ELIVERING F OR T HE F UTURE What do you call someone who runs their own business, braves summer heat and the winter chill, is on the job in the rain, snow and sleet, is always cheerful and courteous and who brings the product right to your door every time without fail while also trying to conquer the intricacies of math, science and auditioning for the fi rst-chair saxophone in the school band? A News Advertiser Carrier To become a carrier you must be 10 years or older. For more information on how to become a News Advertiser Carrier call 905-683-5117 AJAX PICKERINGWe are currently looking for Carriers to deliver to the following areas: Admiral Road Finley Avenue Roberson Drive Beachview Street Lake Driveway West Elizabeth Street Poplar Road Urwin Street Illingworth Lane Craig Crescent Wilsongray Road Kearney Drive Leggett Drive Old Harwood Avenue Delaney Drive Cree Drive Harty Crescent Strickland Drive Barnfi eld Crescent Winterton Way Bowles Drive Shoal Point Road Warburton Drive Cameron Street Burcher Road Stammers Drive Darley Street Roosevelt Avenue Dunwell Crescent Lambard Crescent Selway Road Seggar Avenue Waldron Court Kings Crescent Harley Drive Linnell Street Atherton Avenue Coyle Street McGonigal Lane Major Oaks Road Pickering Parkway Dellbrook Avenue Westcreek Drive Greenmount Street Pinegrove Avenue Beaton Way Sandhurst Crescent Duberry Drive Thicket Crescent Wildwood Crescent Mossbrook Square Linwood Street Autumn Crescent Shay Drive Hummingbird Court Lynn Heights Drive Summerpark Crescent Glenanna Road Sparrow Circle Bowler Drive Denmar Road Strathmore Crescent Garland Crescent Spruce Hill Road Rosebank Road Shadybrook Drive Oakwood Drive Denvale Drive Moorelands Crescent Rosefi eld Road Toynevale Road Rambleberry Avenue Steeple Hill Rawlings Drive Twyn Rivers Drive Longbow Drive Littleford Street Parkside Drive We are currently looking for Prospects to deliver to the following areas: Rotary Club of Ajax Recollections The Rotary Club of Ajax will be celebrating its 60th Anniversary on Thursday, March 17, 2011. The club, in conjunction with the News Advertiser will be publishing a special anniversary publication to promote this milestone and is requesting input from the public. If you have any stories or photographs relating to the Rotary Club of Ajax over its 60 year history they’d like to read and see them. Your recollections could include memories of Rotary sponsored trips, the Rotary Music Festival or good times at Rotary Hall and in Rotary Park, Ajax. Any mementoes would be appreciated too. Please send your Rotary Recollections or images along with your name and contact info to: Rene Soetens at: rene@con-test.com s te Heating & Air Conditioning EST. 1970 www.cullenheatingandair.com 2007/2008/2009/2010 Readers’ Choice Award Winning Company TOLL FREE 1.866.573.3116 577 Ritson Rd. S., Oshawa 905.725.9731 FIREPLACE INSERTS & TANKLESS WATER HEATERS NEED TO FINANCE? NO WORRIES, NEW FURNACES INSTALLED FROM $40*/MONTH. *call for details High Effi ciency Furnaces 2011 PRICE REDUCTION HEALTHY BREATHING MADE EASIER Get help with fl u viruses, dry skin, sore throats, & more. Air Purifi ers, Air Cleaners, Humidifi ers, HRV’s Let us show you how.SAVE 50%-70% ON YOUR HEATING COSTS 8 Week Sessions Cost $125 Zero-Gravity YogaA unique blend of Eastern Yoga traditions with the physically challenging art of Aerial Acrobats. Expand the mind Empower the self Enhance the body Defy Gravity! 1895 Clements Rd. Unit #156 Pickering 905.409.8861 www.p3yoga.com It’s Coming... 1/2 PRICE DAY • SAT. JAN. 29th NEWS ADVERTISER 905 683 5110 24/7 LOCAL BREAKING NEWS, SPORTS, PHOTOS, VIDEO AND WEATHER: ALL DAY, EVERY DAY WHEN YOU WANT IT.>>ECONOMY Finance minister visits Durham to discuss benefits of tax reductions durhamregion.comNews Advertiser • January 28, 201112 AP RELIGION Faiths join together in Durham Durham groups come together to celebrate World Religion Day KRISTEN CALIS kcalis@durhamregion.com DURHAM -- People of different religious backgrounds across Durham Region came together as one on Sunday. Nearly 300 people of more than 12 different denominations attended the World Religion Day celebration at the Garnet B. Rick- ard Recreation Complex Hall in Clarington Jan. 16. The event was hosted by the Durham Mul- tifaith World Religion Day com- mittee. Various religious groups set up booths, as did Durham Region- al Police Services, and speakers shared their beliefs on accep- tance in the world. Groups such as Devi Mandir performed songs and dances to celebrate their reli- gions’ unique cultures. A num- ber of Durham politicians were also in attendance, and Prime Minister Stephen Harper sent his regards in a letter, saying Canada draws strength from diversity. The message of this year’s cel- ebration was to promote the inclusion of people with physi- cal disabilities in the world and among all religions. “Social exclusion must be turned to social inclusion,” said Dr. Jehan Bagli, the founding president of the Zoroastrian Association of Quebec. Zoroastrianism is an ancient, monotheistic religion that was the dominant religion of the Per- sian Empire. Dr. Bagli said excluding people with disabilities is nothing short of segregation and discrimina- tion. Speaker Beverley Davis of the Baha’i Community of Brampton, who has a physical disability her- self, explained religion provides a sense of identity and a frame- work for the creation of a peace- ful society. “It’s events such as these that are building a peaceful society,” she said. She said men and women are spiritual beings and the soul is not affected by disabilities. Joe Dalrymple, a member of St. Paul’s United Church in Bowmanville, thought the idea of accessibility was a good and inclusive message, but he most- ly came to let members of the Islamic Centre of Clarington know that they are accepted in the community, despite an unfortunate incident in the early fall when the mosque was van- dalized. “My primary reason for being here is because I was very sad to read this Muslin group had diffi- culties,” he said. A member of the Islamic Cen- tre’s board of directors con- firmed that the damage is esti- mated at about $7,000 since the entire sign, which was taken down from the base, has to be replaced. “I just think that’s so offensive,” Mr. Dalrymple said. The goal of the Multifaith Com- munity of Durham Region is to raise awareness of the world’s religions and to find the similar- ity between faiths, work together to increase cross-cultural under- standing and to strengthen mutual respect among all of the faiths in Durham. SABRINA BYRNES / METROLAND CLARINGTON -- The Anointed Joy Liturgical Dancers performed a dance for guests during the annual World Religion Day celebra- tion, held at the Garnet B. Rickard Recreation Complex Come in from the cold and warm up to these beautiful area homes, open for your viewing this weekend. JENNIFER KEARNEY Sales Representative 1-866-430-9900 SUNDAY JANUARY 30, 12:00-2:30 PM 148 FLETCHER AVENUE, AJAX WOW! Walkout, full lower nanny suite, 2nd ñ oor family room, lrg corner lot & fabulous location (Harwood- Rossland). Hardwood, stainless appl, 2nd ñ oor laundry, 2 Jacuzzi tub, 2 gas ð replace, interlock, deck. This home won`t last! www.TheSuttonHomeTeam.com $384 , 0 0 0 Sutton Group Classic Realty Inc., Brokerage Independently Owned and Operated SAT & SUN JANUARY 29/30, 1PM-4PM WOW! 1784 APPLEVIEW RD, PICKERING Unique open concept bungalow in pristine condition with large 90’ x 229’ lot. Extensive decking, hot tub, oversized 3 car garage, fi nished basement, circular driveway, home gym, all on a high demand Pickering street. This home is truly one of a kind! Call today for private viewing. Independently Owned and Operated DOUG TAYLOR Broker 905-831-3300 FIRST REALTY LTD., Brokerage WWW.DOUGTAYLOR.CA SUNDAY JANUARY 30, 2-4 PM 19501 SIMCOE ST., SCUGOG www.jacquelynntanner.com JACQUELYNN TANNER Sales Representative 905-619-9500 Charming country property just north of Port Perry. Large kitchen w SS appl. & centre island O/L Din.. Spacious Living room with big bow window Beautifully fi nished basement w W/O to garden. Open Rec/games rm with stone wd burn fi replace. Bsmt.1 bedroom retreat with 3 pc (new shower) Incl. appl, sec syst., A/G pool, tractor, 3 stall barn. Stunning Hobby Farm! $ 429,900.$429,900 Call Jacquelynn Tanner @ (905) 619-9500INDEPENDENTLY OWNED AND OPERATED sutton-group heritage realty inc. brokerage SUNDAY JANUARY 30, 2-4 PM 52” F R O N T A G E 786 ASPEN DR., PICKERING (WHITES RD JUST SOUTH OF FINCH) S-P-E-C-T-A-C-U-L-A-R! --THOUSAND IN RENOVATIONS!! -STUNNING!! 4 plus 2 bedroom home in North Pickering -upgrades-huge SUNROOM, Kitchen w/granite, 4 bathrooms, bamboo fl ooring, carpet, porcelain fl ooring, freshly painted, electrical panel, windows, furnace, air conditioner, 2 staircases, fi nished basement, with wet bar, bathroom and bedrooms, rec room, beautifully landscaped with inground salt water pool with newer liner, 3 car driveway, ---must see-- sought after Amberlea area, child safe area! mins to schools, transit, 401, parks, etc.! BRING YOUR CHECK BOOK!Independently Owned and Operated SHARON CHISHOLM Sales Representative 905-477-0011 416-566-6120 All-Star Realty Inc., Brokerage $4 7 9 , 8 0 0 ! SAT & SUN JANUARY 29/30, 2-4 PM $32 9, 9 0 0 77 DOBSON DRIVE, AJAX DON’T JUDGE THIS BOOK BY ITS COVER! 3+2 Bdrm, Great Family Neighbourhood! Huge Modern Reno’d Kitchen O/L Fam Rm W/Brick F/P, W/O To Pie-Shaped Yard W/Huge Deck, Hot Tub! X-Long Liv/Din, Bay Window! X-L Master W/4 Pc Ens! Fin. Bsmt W/2 Bdrms, 3 Pc Bath, Wet Bar! Main Flr Laundry! Recent Upgr Incl Furnace & Ac, Roof, Driveway & More! Gleaming Hardwood Flrs. Minutes To Schools, Shopping, Transit, Hwy! www.DeniseShea.comIndependently Owned and Operated DENISE SHEA Broker 905-831-5115 416-578-6444 ROUGE RIVER LTD., Brokerage A M - U - S - T S - E - E ! 114 COPE LANE, AJAX (ROSSLAND & AUDLEY) $339,900 Brand new 3 bedroom semi, hardwood fl oor, family room, main fl oor laundry, close quick or long. Photo ID required. SATURDAY JANUARY 29, 2-4 PM WWW.BONNIEANDPAUL.COM 905-619-9500 905-831-9500 Sutton Group Heritage Realty Inc., Brokerage Independently Owned and Operated PAUL & BONNIE JONES* Stunning home in the exclusive “Buckingham Gates” neighbourhood of Pickering. This open, airy, 3,750 sq. ft. home is bathed in light on sunny days, and the hot tub/gazebo is the perfect spot on wintry nights. Absolutely gorgeous home inside and out! SUNDAY JANUARY 30, 2-4PM 2359 CANTERBURY CRESCENT, PICKERING (BROCK/ROSSLAND) KAREN PETERSON*Sales Representative 905-831-2273 1-800-637-1312 karen@coldwellbanker.ca $64 9, 9 0 0 INDEPENDENTLY OWNED AND OPERATED Coldwell Banker Case Brokerage Absolutely Beautiful 3 Bdrm Bungalow With Outstanding Curb Appeal, In A Great Mature Area Of Ajax, Close To All Amenities, School, Shopping, Park. This Amazing Home Is Totally Renovated. Designer Decor, Crown Moulding Throughout. Brand New Eat In Kitchen With W/O To Patio. Updated Bath, Updated Windows And Roof, Some Windows Installed 2010. Glamorous Hardwood Laminate Flooring Throughout The House. New 100 Amp Breaker. Freshly Painted. Paved Double Driveway 2008. Perfect For First Time Home Buyer. Nothing To Do, Just Move In! SUNDAY JANUARY 30, 2-4PM 7 NELSON AVE., AJAXASKING$239,900KHATERA SHINWARY Sales Representative 905-434-7777 Ability Real Estate Ltd. Brokerage www.HomesByKhatera.com REKA SZEKELY rszekely@durhamregion.com AJAX -- The campaign to bring an MRI to the Ajax- Pickering hospital got a big boost when the Town of Ajax committed to donating a half-million dollars. The money comes from the Town’s slots revenues and is a big boost towards reaching the $5 million target. Ajax will donate $125,000 annually over the next four years to the Rouge Valley Health System Foun- dation. Before council made the decision to donate, politi- cians heard from Romas Stas, associate chief of staff at the hospital, and radiolo- gist Mark Prieditis. Dr. Prieditis said there are a variety of important uses for MRI machines, includ- ing diagnosis for brain dis- eases such as multiple scle- rosis, vascular diseases, cancer, spine probes and joint probes. “Our waiting lists are growing and patients have to travel too far especial- ly when they’re acutely ill,” said Dr. Prieditis. He said most hospitals the same size as the Rouge Valley Health System’s Ajax campus already have an MRI machine. In December, the Province announced the government would fund the operation of the MRI once the commu- nity raised the funds to buy it. Dr. Prieditis said staff are trained and ready to oper- ate the equipment when it arrives. “We can quickly and seamlessly provide excel- lent service.” Mayor Steve Parish said he recalls having to go to Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto when he needed an MRI. “I can tell you there is a great need for an MRI in the Ajax-Pickering hospital,” he said. With the gift from Ajax, the foundation has raised 47 per cent of the money necessary to buy the MRI. For more information and to donate visit rougemri.ca. durhamregion.comNews Advertiser • January 28, 201113 AP Durham Region has declared the public alerting sirens installed in the three-kilometre area around the Darlington and Pickering nuclear stations to be now “in service.” The sirens provide a means of warning residents, who may be outdoors, in the highly unlikely event of a nuclear emergency or other large-scale emergency. Regular testing of the public alerting sirens will be carried out on specified dates and times in the spring and fall. Residents will be notified in advance. Should residents hear the sirens outside of these test dates, they are advised to GO inside and turn on the radio or television, LISTEN to media reports, and FOLLOW advice from the Province on how to proceed. Residents are reminded that the sounding of these sirens does not require immediate evacuation. For additional information, please contact the Public Alerting Information Line at 1-866-551-5373 or visit the Public Alerting Project section of the Region’s website at www.durham.ca. The Regional Municipality of Durham Emergency Management Office 605 Rossland Rd. E., Whitby ON L1N 6A3 www.durham.ca DURHAM EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT OFFICE PUBLIC NOTICE SIRENS DECLARED “IN SERVICE” in the Municipality of Clarington and City of Pickering PUBLIC ALERTINGSYSTEM 905.433.4002 / 1.877.433.4003 www.bayshore.ca • A lifeline peace of mind to know loved ones are being checked on • 20-30 minutes visits..$12.50/visit • Follow-up phone call to family if requested • Service available 7 days/week • Friendly and professional • More service available if needed. For more information, please call Caring Hands In Your Home Better care for a better life You’re in good hands with 1ST PLACE LOCAL WEB SITE INNOVATOR, BEST OVERALL LOCAL NEWS SITE, BEST SITE ARCHITECTURE AND OVERALL DESIGN -- Suburban Newspapers of America BEST WEB SITE -- Ontario Community Newspapers Association BEST COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER WEB PORTAL -- Canadian Community NewspapersHEALTH Ajax pledges $500,000 to hospital MRI campaign durhamregion.comNews Advertiser • January 28, 201114 AP KitchensWESPECIALIZEINCUSTOMKITCHENS,BATHROOMS,COUNTERTOPS&MORE! for the way you really live! FREE Installation FREE Estimates Design the perfect kitchen & bathroom. GREAT SELECTION HUGE SAVINGS COUNTERTOPS CERAMIC TILES & PORCELAIN Made in Canada with 100% Canadian Products Get Ready For Design the Design the perfect perfect kitchen & kitchen & bathroom.bathroom. GREAT SELECTIONGREAT SELECTION HUGE SAVINGSHUGE SAVINGS COUNTERTOPSCOUNTERTOPS CERAMIC TILES & PORCELAINCERAMIC TILES & PORCELAIN FREEFREE InstallationInstallation FREEFREE EstimatesEstimates various colours & sizes availablevarious colours & sizes available FREE Installation FREE Estimates Design the perfect kitchen & bathroom. BUSINESS HOURS: Mon. – Fri. 9-6 Sat. 10-3 Sun. Closed Dovetail Kitchen & Bathroom 35 Harwood Ave. S. | Ajax | 905-231-1117 | www.dovetailkitchenandbathroom.com GREAT SELECTION HUGE SAVINGS COUNTERTOPS CERAMIC TILES & PORCELAIN TILES OF THE MONTHTILES OF THE MONTH Starting Starting atat perper sq ftsq ft8888¢¢ MAJORMAJOR DISCOUNTSDISCOUNTS ON TILESON TILES TAKE YOUR SYSTEM HOME TODAY Complete Central Vacuum Systems Starting From Model# 0020E Winter Clearance EventWinter Clearance Event System Includes: Model 200 Up to 4000 Sq.Ft. Coverage Quiet Motor - under 65 dba Only 33” Tall Exclusive Self Cleaning Filter Full 7 Year Motor Warranty Lifetime Filter Warranty Electric Power Brush Package 020E Central Vacuum Systems Now Only $574.99 $445.00 CENTRAL VACUUM SYSTEMS Canada's #1 Brand on Sale! 500500 AIR WATTS 8 Years Running!DURHAM VACUUM PLUS LTD. 905-831-2326629 KINGSTON RD., PICKERING (1 light west of Whites Rd.)2010Diamond 1550 BAYLY ST., #35, PICKERING905.839.0574 www.aroundthehomekitchens.com • KITCHENS • VANITIES • WALL UNITS• KITCHENS • VANITIES • WALL UNITS Help your l o c a l e c o n o m y . Buy Canad i a n manufactur e d p r o d u c t s . Over 200 stock colours of post-formed, solid surface and granite countertops to choose from. 2010 Award Winner Home Sweet HomeADVERTISING FEATURE "No matter where I serve my guests, it seems they like my kitchen best." This saying has adorned wall plaques in many people's kitchens, and for most in- dividuals the sentiment is quite true. The kitchen tends to be the gathering place for the family. When thinking about renovating the kitchen, it pays to have entertaining in mind. It is widely known that improvements to kitchens and bathrooms often reap the greatest return on investment. When making changes to the kitchen, paying attention to the trend of kitchen entertaining can make the room even more valuable -- should a ho- meowner choose to sell at a later point in time. Gearing renovations around kitchen entertaining also can make the space desir- able for current homeowners. Here are some renovation decisions to consider that can make the kitchen an ideal gathering spot for family and friends. • Space: The best kitchens for entertain- ing are roomy and feature an open fl oor plan. For homeowners who have limited space, the fi rst decision may be to expand the kitchen by building an extension on the home or taking down a wall. Many home- owners fi nd that spacious eat-in-kitchens are preferable over a small kitchen and formal dining area. So if a dining room abuts the kitchen, remove the wall to create a large kitchen space. • Multiple islands: Instead of one large island, consider two islands. They are less cumbersome, making it easier for guests to easily traverse the kitchen. One island can be set up with a prep sink and wine cooler, while the other can feature a countertop- mounted induction stovetop for convenience and safety. A few tall stools around the back of one island can provide seating while prep- ping, or for simple conversation. • Company cleanup: Think about large sinks that can accommodate tall pots and pans, such as a double-basin apron sink. Drawer-style dishwashers can be installed so that delicate china and glassware can be washed separately from grimy pots. This segregated style means homeowners can save money by washing smaller loads as needed. • Gathering niche: A butler's pantry or an- other alcove equipped with beverage center enables guests to gather in an area away from the main cooking and preparation space. • Breakfast nook: Cozy banquette seating nestled next to a picture window is a great spot for early-morning coffee or when over- night guests trickle down for a hearty break- fast. Decorative brick or stone -- or even a fi replace next to the nook -- completes the warm and fuzzy feel of the area. • Large table: Homeowners who do a lot of hosting can benefi t from a table that seats many. Purchase a large table or one that can be expanded with a drop-in leaf. • Hidden appliances: The kitchen should be decorated according to homeowners' preferences. Key appliances such as dish- washers, refrigerators and even ovens can be masked with cabinet facing, so they blend right into the rest of the cabinetry. A larger refrigerator with features for entertaining, such as room for platters or bakery cakes, is ideal for the host and hostess. A separate beverage drawer eliminates the need to open the refrigerator repeatedly, plus it's at a great Make Entertaining the Focal Point of Kitchen Design height for kids looking for juice boxes. • Lighting: Homeowners should consider many different lighting sources. Pendant lights over islands illuminate these work stations. Recessed lighting under cabinets can brighten countertop areas that tend to be dark. A chandelier or bold fi xture over the table shows off the amazing meal. Because the kitchen is such a gathering spot, renovations to this room should refl ect how much foot traffi c and use the kitchen gets. durhamregion.comNews Advertiser • January 28, 201115 APHome Sweet HomeADVERTISING FEATURE It's not uncommon for individuals to hire a personal trainer to help improve their health. Nor is it out of the ordinary to hire a nutritionist to help a person improve their eating habits. Along those same lines, individuals might hire a professional or- ganizer to help them establish and maintain a sense of order they fi nd diffi cult to do on their own. The new year has arrived and once again thousands of people are adding "get organized" to their list of New Year's resolutions. For many, come February or March such resolutions are long since forgotten, and the messes that sparked the resolution in the fi rst place remain largely untouched. Relying on the services of a professional organizer can help individuals to fi nally conquer clut- ter and other organizational tasks. When choosing a professional organizer, there are some things to keep in mind. • Not all professional organizers provide the same type of assis- tance. Some organizers only help corporate clients, while others may have certain niches, like organizing closets or fi ling systems. It's important to ask prospective professionals what their areas of specialty might be. • Meeting with professional organizers can help narrow down the one that will work best. This can be done over the phone or by e-mail. Some professional organizers offer free, in-person consul- tations. Others may charge for a consultation but credit the fee to the fi rst bill if they're hired. • Professional organizers may have a pricing plan in place, and others may be fl exible. Some charge by the hour, while others use a per-project rate. Upon learning about the organization project needed, the organizer will be better equipped to give a rate. • To begin searching for a professional organizer to fi t your needs, contact the Professional Organizers in Canada. How to Hire a Professional Organizer durhamregion.comNews Advertiser • January 28, 201116 AP New FuLL-Time Programs Starting This FaLL IN PETERBOROUGH* Child and Youth Worker Ontario College Advanced Diploma – Work in a rewarding career helping troubled children, adolescents and families – 3 work placements to ensure you are ready for the demands of this field – Grads will be eligible to join Ontario Association of Child and Youth Counsellors Plaing to start coLLege this faLL? Apply by February 1 for your best chance to get a space in the program you want. For more information on programs available: flemingcoLLege.ca Call 705.749.5546 or 866.353.6464 x1546 lgunning@flemingc.on.ca Community Integration through Cooperative Education Ontario College Certificate – Provides an integrated college experience for adults with Developmental Disabilities, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Mild Intellectual Disabilities or Brain Injury – Program focuses on personal development, growth and essential employability skills – Includes a co-operative experience to develop abilities in potential work environments Plumbing Techniques Ontario College Diploma – Learn plumbing installation, maintenance and repair for residential, commercial and industrial settings – Prepare for a plumbing apprenticeship or add more trade skills to your toolkit – Start in August and graduate in December Pharmacy Technician Ontario College Diploma – Join the growing health care field – Assist in providing pharmaceutical care and services – Interact with patients and a variety of health care providers Focus on Fleming Events, activities and upcoming learning oortunities at Fleming CoLLege Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Ontario College Diploma – Obtain skills to work as a heating, refrigeration and air conditioning technician – Emphasis on energy efficient solutions to meet changing industry needs – Fast-track to your new career in just 45 weeks *These new programs will be offered pending funding approval by the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities. Health Care and Education Sector Grads in Demand. These programs start in Peterborough in September. Educational Assistant Ontario College Diploma – Assist teachers with classroom management, curriculum development – Work placements, semester-long practicum – Advanced Standing program option for college/university grads in relevant field Massage Therapy Ontario College Advanced Diploma – Help people achieve their physical potential, manage pain and stress – Hands-on placement experience including on-site public clinic Occupational Therapist Assistant and Physiotherapist Assistant Ontario College Diploma – Assist clients with mobility limitations – Extensive clinical and field placement learning Law Clerk Ontario College Diploma – Assist lawyers with client interviews, research, preparing cases for trial – 100-hour field placement – Work in a variety of legal settings LAUNCH Your Law Carr Here. Paralegal Ontario College Diploma – Represent and assist clients facing conviction charges and tribunals – Law Society of Upper Canada Accredited – Prepares you to meet Ontario’s paralegal licensing standards g g ust 45 weeks Start in Peterborough this Fall durhamregion.comNews Advertiser • January 28, 201117 AP Save Up To 90%!Save Up To 90%! Visit wagjag.com Don’t quite get it yet? We can talk you through it . Call us at 905.579.4400 ext 2285 Brought to you by your trusted hometown Metroland Newspaper IT’S FREE! Sign up today at www.wagjag.com! Buy Together & We All Win How Does it Work? Follow us on Facebook 1 2 3 Like what you see? Th e n b u y the deal - but be warn e d - you don’t get the dea l u n l e s s enough people buy it. . . s o spread the word. If the deal tips we will e m a i l you your voucher whe n t h e clock stops - the rest i s u p t o you. If the deal doesn’ t t i p y o u are not charged and y o u c a n try again tomorrow. WagJag.com emails yo u a n exceptional off er from a local merchant of at least 50 % o f f . Find us at www.Facebook.com/WagJagDurhamRegion Connect with us on Facebook to discuss future deals, to be alerted to special Facebook only off ers or to simply ask us some questions. News AdvertiserTHE • Equipment, air, and paint balls included • Great group activity - birthday, bachelor party, team-building event •Walk in a smoker and walk out a non-smoker in 1 hour • Improves yours and your family’s health, Increases energy • Only 1 treatment required to quit 76% Discount: 80% Discount: BUY FOR $25 www.WagJag.com BUY FOR $99 www.WagJag.com AWESOME DEAL!!GREAT DEAL!! 76% Off 3 Hours of Paintball for 2 Watch for this deal Saturday 80% Off Quit Smoking Laser Therapy $5 for a Professional Exterior Car Wash by Hand from Mr. Shine Regular Price: $15 | You Save: $10 BUY FOR $5 www.WagJag.com Discount:67% Mr. Shine provides the TLC your car craves by doing their vehicular cleansing by hand. They start by applying a special mild soap, so as not to damage your paint job. The sensitive undercarriage is delicately rinsed, door jambs are wiped, and all traces of bubble beards are swept away by a high-pressure rinse. Finally, a hand dry with a shammy completes the process. Highlights durhamregion.comNews Advertiser • January 28, 201118 AP On Stage To Feb. 5 Ajax Community Theatre. pres- ents Gaslight, a thriller by Patrick Hamilton, at the Village Commu- nity Centre theatre, 55 Sherwood Rd. W., Ajax. 289-892-4132, info@ ajaxcommunitytheatre.com. Feb. 10 to 26 Whitby Courthouse Theatre. 416 Centre St. S., Whitby, presents Suds, a musical soap opera. Tick- ets available online, at the door or at LaFontaine, 100 Brock St. S., Whitby, 905-430-3774. To Feb. 12 Oshawa Little Theatre. 62 Russett Ave., Oshawa, presents Play On!, a comedy by Rick Abbott. oshawalit- tletheatre.com, 905-723-0282. Feb. 18, 19 Oshawa Little Theatre. 62 Rus- sett Ave., Oshawa, presents Glee at OLT, a musical. oshawalittlethe- atre.com, 905-723-0282. To Feb. 26 Class Act Dinner Theatre. 104 Consumers Dr., Whitby, presents the world premiere of What is Susan’s Secret? www.class-act.ca, 905-668-2229. To March 26 Herongate Barn Theatre. 2885 Altona Rd., Pickering, presents the Canadian premiere of Katy DiS- avino’s Nana’s Naughty Knickers, a comedy. Sunday performances are matinees (show at 2 p.m.). 905- 472-3085, www.herongate.ca. Performances Feb. 2 General Motors Centre. 99 Athol St. E., Oshawa, presents Alan Jack- son at 7:30 p.m. For tickets, visit www.generalmotorscentre.com, call 1-877-436-8811 or visit the GMC box office or the United Way Information Kiosk at the Oshawa Centre. Feb. 4 Town Hall 1873. 302 Queen St., Port Perry, as part of its Concert Series, presents Carol Welsman. Tickets are available at the Town Hall 1873 box office, by calling 905-985-8181 or by visiting www. townhall1873.ca. Robert McLaughlin Gallery. 72 Queen St., Oshawa, presents First Fridays, a concert series on the first Friday of the month. The ini- tial First Friday show features Gib- bran. Concerts are at 7:30 p.m.; doors open at 7 p.m. Cash bar. The concerts are free, however dona- tions will be accepted for War Child Canada. www.rmg.on.ca. Feb. 12 The Greenbank Folk Music Soci- ety. presents Swamperella at 8 p.m. at Greenbank Centennial Hall on Hwy. 12, Greenbank. Tick- ets are available at Blue Heron Books, 62 Brock St. W., Uxbridge, 905-852-4282, P O E Design, 146 Queen St., Port Perry, 905-985- 0060, or by calling 905-985-8351 or 905-852-7578. Feb. 13 Ajax Public Library. Main Branch. 55 Harwood Ave. S., presents Music on a Sunday Afternoon: My Funny Valentine Concert at 2 p.m. in the Rotary Room. An afternoon of jazz featuring the Paul Butler Jazz Band with vocalist Gary Faulkner. Tick- ets are $5 each and available at the Main Branch. Free refreshments. Lynn McDonald Presents. Jazz at Jesters, with a 7 p.m. performance by the George Grossman Band at Jesters Court, 279 Queen St., Port Perry. To reserve a spot, e-mail lynnjazzvocals@yahoo.ca or call 905-809-0388. Feb. 18 Music By the Bay Live. presents Braithwaite and Whiteley and spe- cial guests Gary Kendall (bass) and Mike Fitzpatrick (drums) from the Downchild Blues Band at The Waterfront Bistro, 590 Liverpool Rd., Pickering, at 9 p.m. Tickets are available online or at Wilson and Lee Music Store in Oshawa, the Bistro in Pickering and Durham School of Music in Ajax. www. musicbythebaylive.com. Feb. 26 The Durham Philharmonic Choir. presents Creatures Great and Small at 7:30 p.m. at Hebron Christian Reformed Church, 4240 Anderson St., Whitby. For tick- et/subscription information, call June MacLean at 905-728-1739. At the Galleries February SilverStone Gallery. 617 Liv- erpool Rd. (south of Hwy. 401), Pickering, presents a new group of Durham artists showing and selling their work. The gal- lery features original paintings, pottery, sculptures and jew- elry. Hours: Thursday to Sun- day, noon to 4 p.m. www.pin- eridgearts.org/silverstonegal- lery. Feb. 12 Cultural Expressions Art Gal- lery. and the Women’s Multicul- tural Resource and Counselling Centre, with the Town of Ajax, presents its fourth annual Black History Month celebration from 4 to 7 p.m. at the Town of Ajax Council Chambers, 65 Harwood Ave. S. (just south of Hwy. 401), Ajax. Art and artists, a musical retrospective and performances by the Heritage Singers and Soul Influence. To Feb. 20 Station Gallery. 1450 Henry St., Whitby, presents Brendan Fernandes: Dada Afrika. Cura- tor’s Walk and Talk Feb. 17 at 7 p.m. Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Thursday 10 a.m. to 9 p.m., Saturday and Sunday noon to 4 p.m. 905-668-4185, www.whitbystationgallery.com. Feb. 26 to April 10 Station Gallery. 1450 Henry St., Whitby, presents Jane Eccles: Overlap. Opening reception and artist’s Walk and Talk Feb. 26 at 1 p.m. 905-668-4185, www.whit- bystationgallery.com. To March 6 Robert McLaughlin Gallery. 72 Queen St., Oshawa, pres- ents Peter Smith: You May Find Yourself. Hours: Monday, Tues- day and Friday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Wednesday and Thursday, 10 a.m. to 9 p.m., Saturday and Sunday, noon to 4 p.m. www. rmg.on.ca, 905-576-3000. To March 20 Robert McLaughlin Gallery. 72 Queen St., Oshawa, presents Jes- sica Field: Parabolic Behaviours. www.rmg.on.ca, 905-576-3000. Screenings Feb. 8 Ajax Public Library, Main Branch. 55 Harwood Ave. S., pres- ents a Movies Without Borders screening of Mad Hot Ballroom (mostly in English, some Spanish) from 6:30 to 9 p.m. in the Rota- ry Room. Register by calling 905- 683-4000 ext. 8813 or by e-mail at libraryinfo@townofajax.com. Feb. 9 Ajax Film Circuit. presents a screening of Waste Land from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Ajax Cineplex Odeon, 248 Kingston Rd. E. (at Salem Road). Tickets are $7 in advance at all Ajax library branches and $7.50 at the theatre. Visit the Ajax Film Circuit table in the lobby. No membership is required to see the films. Feb. 19 Black History Month Film Screening. at 1 p.m. at the Ajax Public Library’s Rotary Room, 55 Harwood Ave. S. A free screen- ing of For Colored Girls (14A). For ages 14 and up. Register in person, by calling 905-683-4000, ext. 8811 during regular library hours, or by e-mail at libraryinfo@townofajax. com. Registration begins Jan. 31. At the libraries Feb. 5 Celebrate Black History Month. at the Pickering Central Library, One The Esplanade, Pickering (2 to 3 p.m.) and at the Petticoat Creek Branch, 470 Kingston Rd., Pickering (10:30 to 11:30 a.m.). Journey along the Underground Railroad with stories, activities and a craft. For the whole family. Feb. 11 Pickering Central Library. One The Esplanade, Pickering, pres- ents Open Gaming Night at your library today and Feb. 25 from 5 to 8:30 p.m. Open gaming in the auditorium every other Friday night with a gaming system set up on the big screen. See what there is to play as each month will be different. Also room to play board games, card games, chess and more. Take your own game or try one that the library has available. All ages welcome. Feb. 12 Ajax Public Library, Main Branch Rotary Room. 55 Harwood Ave. S., presents a Valentine’s Day Party at 2 p.m. An afternoon of stories, treats and crafts celebrating Valen- tine’s Day. All book lovers are wel- come at this free, drop-in family celebration. Mike Ruta Entertainment Editor mruta@durhamregion.com durhamregion.comMonth in the arts FARM4.STATIC.FLICKR.COM PICKERING -- Braithwaite and Whiteley, above, and special guests Gary Kendall (bass) and Mike Fitzpatrick (drums) from the Downchild Blues Band perform at The Waterfront Bistro in Pickering on Feb. 18. The show is part of the Music By the Bay Live concert series. See item below for more information. Thriller comes to stage this weekend MIKE RUTA mruta@durhamregion.com AJAX -- Award-winning actor Shari Thorne is afraid of her stage husband, but that’s a good thing. Thorne plays Bella Manningham in Gaslight, running at Ajax Com- munity Theatre Jan. 27 to Feb. 5. Bella is married to Jack Manning- ham, played by Oshawa’s Geoff Coulter, and it’s not a happy union as he is a despicable human being who’s trying to drive her insane. “She’s desperately trying to hang on to her sanity,” says Thorne, a two-time winner at the Associa- tion of Community Theatres-Cen- tral Ontario Theatre Festival Gala Awards (THEAs). The Ajax resident says when she takes the stage with Coulter, “he scares me.” Gaslight, written by Patrick Ham- ilton, was a hit when it debuted in 1938 and is set in London in 1880. A 1944 film version starred Ingrid Bergman and Charles Boyer. The play is the origin of the term ‘gaslighting’, a kind of psychologi- cal abuse in which the perpetrator makes the victim doubt their own memory and perception. Thorne says she’s wanted to play the character for years after read- ing the script. She seems to have a special fondness for thrillers and dramas. “I do comedy as well but I really, really enjoy a good drama or thrill- er because I find there are so many different layers you can bring out about the human psyche,” Thorne says. There’s a lot she doesn’t want to say about the play because it will spoil it for the audience. But the seemingly serene home atmo- sphere we encounter as the play opens certainly doesn’t last long. Jack Manningham is trying to push Bella over the edge. Thorne describes him as a “nar- cissistic sociopath. “He can be extremely charming, but he’s extremely deceitful and will stop at nothing to get what he wants,” she says. “Psychopathic or sociopathic personalities have a way of manip- ulating your mind so that they can destroy your self-esteem,” Thorne says. The cast also features Christie Bartram Charron and Bill Baker of Whitby and Uxbridge’s Carmel Warman. True to her word, after Gaslight, Thorne is going to lighten things up for her next role in Bell, Book and Candle at Herongate Barn Theatre in Pickering, opening May 27. Comedy or drama, Thorne says the theatre allows her to be a kid again. “It’s my sandbox; this is where I play,” she says. “I’m five years old and I can do whatever I want.” Ajax Community Theatre is in its second season at the Village Community Centre theatre, near Church Street and Kingston Road. The group welcomes those who are interested in volunteering in a wide range of areas, from helping out on play nights to creating sets. Learn more about ACT at www. ajaxcommunitytheatre.com. durhamregion.comNews Advertiser • January 28, 201119 AP HERONGATE DINNER THEATRE 2885 Altona Rd., Pickering 905-472-3085More Savings at herongate.com. CLIP & SAVE VALENTINE’S SPECIAL Save $8 Off Per Couple Any Show in February With Coupon CALL TO RESERVE CANADI A N PREMI E R E! NANA’S NAUGHTY KNICKERS! IT’S A HIT from the producers of THE BACKYARDIGANS original MUSIC. exciting DANCE. playful INTERACTION.original MUSIC. exciting DANCE. playful INTERACTION. www.MaxAndRubyOnTour.com™ and © Rosemary Wells. ™ NELVANA ™ Corus. All Rights Reserved.Media Partner an all new musical production Saturday, April 9 Regent Theatre ON SALE NOW! Call 1.855.985.5000 or visit www.ticketmaster.ca THEATRE Gaslighting Bella at Ajax Community Theatre PHOTO BY DAVE EDWARDS AJAX -- From left, Geoff Coulter, Carmel Warman (background), Shari Thorne and Christie Bartram Charron rehearse a scene from Gaslight. Ajax Community Theatre presents the thriller to Feb. 5. About the event: DATE To Feb. 5 TIME 8 p.m. (2 p.m. on Jan. 30) ADDRESS 22 Sherwood Rd. W. WEB www.ajaxcommunitytheatre.com TICKETS info@ajaxcommunitytheatre.com, 289-892- 4132 Art show reception Feb. 6 PICKERING -- Photography and visual arts students at a Pickering high school are showing their work in the city. Artistic License features the work of senior photography and arts students at St. Mary Catholic Secondary School. The show runs Feb. 6 to 23 at the Pickering Civic Complex, One The Espla- nade, Pickering. “The show exhibits a wide range of the unique styles and ideas of each individu- al artist,” states a press release. “The visual art students’ pieces are both traditional and modern forms of art. The works created are done in many differ- ent mediums including painting, sketch- ing, photography, sculpture and mixed media. Each student chooses a theme for the majority of the work they have done in the course such as conceptual photog- raphy, illusions, interior design or works inspired by their musicians and inter- ests.” View the work weekdays from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. There is an opening reception Feb. 6 from 1 to 3:30 p.m. Award presentations are to take place at 2 p.m. The show is a partnership between the school and the City of Pickering. durhamregion.comNews Advertiser • January 28, 201120 AP Come and see Durham’s leading source.comwedding For vendor information please contact Laurie McCaig at 905-683-5110 ext 230 or email lmccaig@durhamregion.com wedding professionals Sunday, February 27 11am - 5pm Ajax Convention Centre BRIDAL DESIRESBRIDALDESIRES INC.INC. MakeUp by LENA Sight & Sound In partnership with PICKERING PHOTO Inthevillage AJAX PICKERING NEWS ADVERTISER Spring 2011 Sponsored by Tickets at the door $6.00 each or 2 for $10 or $4 each online at durhamweddingsource.com RYAN PFEIFFER / METROLAND Sarika’s song of thanks PICKERING -- Sarika Navanathan sang during an annual Tamil thanksgiving festival at the OPG Information Centre Jan. 14. The free event featured demonstrations of Tamil thanksgiving traditions and cultural programs. ART SHOW Pickering students’ art, photography displayed Brad Kelly Sports Editor bkelly@durhamregion.com durhamregion.com facebook.com/sportsdurhamregion twitter.com/scnewsdurhamSports durhamregion.comNews Advertiser • January 28, 201121 AP Ajax teen off to Jamaica to qualify for U17 World Cup BRAD KELLY bkelly@durhamregion.com AJAX -- A trip to Jamaica next month to help Canada try to qualify for the U17 World Cup may just be a precursor to a much longer trip away from home for Luca Gasparotto. The 15 year old from Ajax leaves Feb. 5 with his national soccer teammates bound for Flor- ida for a training camp, then off to Jamaica where they open the CONCACAF U17 World Cup qualifying tournament against Barba- dos on Feb. 17, followed two days later with a game against Honduras. A successful run at the qualifying tournament will earn Canada a berth at the World Cup hosted by Mexico in June. In some friendlies leading up to the qualifi- er, Canada did well against the U.S. and Costa Rica, leaving Gasparotto optimistic leading into the qualifier. “We held our own and we played well so I’m pretty confident that our team will do really well,” he predicts. Beyond that, Gasparotto’s family is going through the process of completing the paper- work to make him eligible to join the AC Milan academy soccer program in Italy. If all goes well, he will leave for Italy in August where he will attend school, train and live with the academy team. It’s quite an accomplishment for a kid who started playing with the Ajax Soccer Club Strikers at the age of six. “At an early age I found I could kick a ball and I realized I was pretty good at soccer so I stuck with it,” he says of the early beginnings. He progressed through the ranks to play on the U14, U15 and U16 provincial teams, where he has served as captain. His big breakthrough came in April of last year when the Ontario team played a two-game series against Que- bec. The Canadian team coach admired the way he played and sent an invitation to join the national team’s training camp. He was also scouted and recruited to attend an AC Milan pre-season training camp last August, where he trained six hours a day. His play in Italy was impressive enough to garner an invite to join the academy this year. Despite his lofty credentials, he was still humbled to get the call last week to play for Canada at the World Cup qualifier. “I didn’t really know what to say. I was sur- prised and happy. It was a great feeling.” The fact he is a year younger than his Cana- dian teammates -- he’s 1995-born while the others are 1994 -- doesn’t faze him in the least. The fact that he will be missing a month of his Grade 10 studies at Ajax High School while in Jamaica is more of a challenge. He’s had to put the time in with his teachers in advance to gather up the work in order to stay on top of things. He says the coaches with the nation- al team set aside time each day for players to concentrate on their studies. “It’s hard with school,” he admits. “Catching up and missing all the school and juggling and balancing my school life and my soccer life and my personal life. It’s challenging. “You always have to keep on top of your school.” It wouldn’t be a surprise if his best subject were geography. Gasparotto has seen the much of the world already through soccer, visiting France, Italy, Switzerland, California, Florida, Jamaica, Costa Rica and Martinique. Gasparotto a world traveller RYAN PFEIFFER / METROLAND AJAX -- Luca Gasparotto, 15, will be travelling with Canada’s U17 national soccer team to Jamaica in February. CURLING Norway’s Ulsrud opens Canadian Open with a splash OSHAWA --Thomas Ulsrud and the Norway team he skips certainly made a statement early at the BDO Canadian Open curling event in Oshawa. The team that made a name for itself with flashy pants and fine play at the 2010 Olympic Games in Vancouver was doing much of the same at the General Motors Cen- tre Wednesday night, once again showcasing gaudy leg wear, while winning the opening draw. The winning part didn’t coming easily, however, as Ulsrud needed five points in the final three ends, including a steal of two in both the eighth and ninth, to take a 6-4 deci- sion from Brandon’s Rob Fowler. The win gave Ulsrud an early edge on Edmonton’s Kevin Mar- tin, who fell 7-6 to Toronto’s John Epping in extra ends. Martin and Ulsrud, who squared off in the Olympic gold medal game, won by Martin, are in a tough pool in Oshawa that also includes world champions Jeff Stoughton of Win- nipeg and Peter Corner of Bramp- ton. In other opening draw action, Coldwater’s Glenn Howard, which features Pickering’s Richard Hart as third, cruised to an 8-2 five-end win over Sarnia’s Mark Bice after scoring five in the first end. Sas- katchewan’s Pat Simmons downed Newfoundland’s Randy Ferbey 6-5, while Alberta’s Kevin Koe doubled Bradford’s Dale Matchett 6-3. The lone local entry in the tourna- ment, an Annandale rink skipped by Mark Kean, had to wait until Thursday for its first game, which ended in a 6-3 loss to Winnipeg’s Mike McEwen. In other Thursday morning matches, Jake Higgs beat Wayne Middaugh 7-5, Don Walchuk downed Jim Cotter 7-3, Simmons edged Bice 6-5 in extra ends, and Stoughton easily handled Corner 6-2. durhamregion.comNews Advertiser • January 28, 201122 AP Friday, Jan. 28, 2011 Ajax & Pickering Locations Flyers in Today’s Paper If you did not receive your News Advertiser/fl yers OR you are interested in a paper route call Circulation at 905-683-5117. Hours: Mon. - Fri. 9 - 6:30 Your Carrier will be around to collect an optional delivery charge of $6.00 every three weeks. Carrier of The Week Remember, all inserts, including those on glossy paper, can be recycled with the rest of your newspaper through your blue box Recycling program. SAVE TIME, SAVE MONEY View Flyers/Coupons At * Delivered to selected households only 8 Salem Rd South Ajax, ON L1S 7T7 279 Kingston Rd. E. Ajax 260 Kingston Rd. E. Ajax (in Home Depot) 1105 Kingston Rd. Pickering (in Home Depot) 255 Salem Rd. S. D#1 42 Old Kingston Rd., Ajax 465 Bayly St. W. #5, Ajax 1995 Salem Rd., N., Ajax 1889 Brock Rd., Pickering 300 Harwood Ave. S., Ajax 6 Harwood Ave. S., Ajax Today’s carriers of the week are Naomi and Jennaiya. They enjoy playing soccer and Dancing. They have received a dinner voucher compliments of McDonald’s, Subway and Boston Pizza. Congratulations Naomi and Jennaiya on being our Carriers of the Week. *BAD BOY FURNITURE .......................................... AJAX PICKERING *BRUCE MANOR........................................................................AJAX *DURHAM BUSINESS TIMES ................................ AJAX PICKERING *FM WINDOWS ...............................................................PICKERING *FUTURE SHOP ..................................................... AJAX PICKERING *GERALD CARPET CLEANING ...................................................AJAX *KERRY’S PIZZA ........................................................................AJAX *LITTLE CAESARS ................................................. AJAX PICKERING *MICHAELS ........................................................... AJAX PICKERING *NEW HOMES ........................................................ AJAX PICKERING *NEWS ADVERTISER............................................. AJAX PICKERING *SEARS ................................................................. AJAX PICKERING *SHOPPERS DRUG MART ..................................... AJAX PICKERING *SLEEP COUNTRY ................................................. AJAX PICKERING *SMART SOURCE .................................................. AJAX PICKERING *STAG SHOP....................................................................PICKERING *SUN WIN CHINESE FOOD .................................... AJAX PICKERING *THE BRICK ........................................................... AJAX PICKERING *VANAIK FURNITURE ............................................ AJAX PICKERING *WILD WING ...................................................................PICKERING CURLING COLUMN Annandale curlers making their mark Local connections to BDO Canadian Open in Oshawa JIM EASSON Annandale’s Corey Gaudette rink won the A side of the ban- tam boys’ zone play at West Nor- thumberland Curling Club (for- merly Dalewood) Jan. 15-16. Gaudette had Nathan Scott at lead, Alex Wagner at second and Joe Flett at vice with coach Chuck Gaudette. The Zone win advanced them to the Regional Jan. 22-23 at the Peterborough Curling Club where they won the A side there too. The team now advances to the Provincial finals slated for Tweed March 2-5. The Ontario Police Curling Championship is being hosted at Annandale Jan. 26-30. Teams will be competing to see who can represent the province at the Canadian finals slated for Truro, Nova Scotia March 26 to April 2. Three of the nine teams entered represent the Toronto Police. The Annandale team of Ben Bevan, Carter Adair, Jake McGhee and Corey Gaudette with Jennifer McGhee coaching, are looking forward to the Can- ada Winter Games which are to be held in Halifax, Nova Scotia from Feb. 11-27. The team will compete during the Feb. 19-26 window. Annandale member Alex Bianchi is coach for the winning Clancy Grandy rink in the Pepsi Ladies Junior Provincials. Play- ing out of the Kitchener-Water- loo Granite, Grandy’s team is made up of Sarah Wilkes, Laura Crocker and Lynn Kreviaz- uk. The team, including coach Bianchi, is heading to the M and M Meat Shops Canadian Juniors slated for Calgary Jan. 29 to Feb. 5. The Robbie Burns Mixed Fun- spiel was held at Annandale on Saturday, Jan. 22. The bonspiel was full and had a waiting list. The next bonspiel on the cal- endar is the ladies Cupid, skins format, to be held on Saturday, Feb. 12. The Annandale men’s team of Mark Kean, with Chris Van Huyse, Patrick Janssen and Tim March are in the BDO Canadian Open at the Oshawa GM Centre running Jan. 26-30. Team Kean will also head to the 2011 Ontario Provincial Curling Championship Domin- ion Tankard to take place in Grimsby from Feb. 7-13. Team Glenn Howard will be looking to defend its Ontario title there. They won it last year and get a bye directly into the champion- ship. This Ontario champions team consists of Glenn Howard with Pickering resident Richard Hart at vice, and Brent Laing and Craig Savill playing front end. HOCKEY Raiders Limestone City Cup champs Ajax-Pickering Peewees win final in shootout KINGSTON -- It was an excit- ing start to the New Year, as the 98 Peewee Ajax-Pickering Raid- ers gave their family, friends and fans a championship finish in the Kingston Limestone City Cup Tournament. The Raiders came out in winning fashion to beat the top-ranked Gloucester Rangers 7-1. Round- robin play, which included games against Ottawa Valley Silver Seven and the Mississauga Senators, had the Raiders top the leaderboard with a record of 2-1-1. “The boys earned everything they got this weekend by work- ing hard and playing together,” remarked head coach TJ Hill, reflecting on the team play over the weekend. “They are a great group of kids and it is a pleasure to coach them.” In the final game against the Ottawa Valley Aces, the Raiders came back from a 2-0 deficit with regulation play ending in a 3-3 tie. After five overtime minutes of play, the score remained tied. Excitement mounted on the ice and in the stands as both teams prepared for the shootout. The Raiders won the shootout, ending the tournament victorious. Team members include Rob- ert Dancey, Eric Scholz, Rob- ert Carmichael, Reade MacIn- nis, Riley Teigen-Katsumi, Jor- dan Assenza, Noah Power, Liam Andrews, Christian Tsukamoto, Arnaud Vachon, Craig Rushton, Evan Alexiou, Keegan Parsons, Cameron Murphy, Liam Morgan, Tiger McDonald and Bryce Keats. Coaches include TJ Hill, Mike Snetsinger, Dave Snetsinger, Kyle Aitken and Matt Craig. The team’s manager is John MacInnis. SUBMITTED PHOTO KINGSTON -- The Ajax-Pickering Raiders Peewee team won a tournament in Kingston, prevailing in a shootout in the championship game. durhamregion.comNews Advertiser • January 28, 201123 AP FREE ADVISING SERVICES FOR INTERNATIONALLYTRAINED PROFESSIONALS DISCOVER YOUR CAREER: •Academic options; •Credential assessment options; •Employment opportunities; •Language and professional skill enhancement; and •Referrals to community services. 905.721.2000 ext.2020 | itiadvisor@durhamcollege.ca www.durhamcollege.ca/itiadvising Weekend Air Brakes Courses Peterborough Campus – November 14th-15th Oshawa • Peterborough • Lindsay 1-800-753-2284 Oshawa • Peterborough • Lindsay MINISTRY - APPROVEDMINISTRY - APPROVED TTSAO AIR BRAKE ENDORSEMENT COURSETTSAO AIR BRAKE ENDORSEMENT COURSE Insurance Accredited Courses65+ Refresher CourseFire Fighter Special’s Oshawa CampusOshawa Campus Peterborough CampusPeterborough Campus Oshawa CampusOshawa Campus February 12-13February 12-13 February 26-27February 26-27 March 5-6March 5-6 Cascades Boxboard Group - Cobourg a Division of Cascades Canada Inc. is part of the Norampac group, a major Canadian manufacturer of corrugated products and folding cartons. Requires: Accounts Payable/Reception (Permanent Position) Challenge: • Answer phone and provide administrative support to all departments • Responsible for all Accounts Payable duties • Support Accounting Group Qualifi cations: • Strong clerical aptitude • Strong knowledge of Excel & Word • Knowledge of AS400 and Pecas an asset • Excellent Organizational skills Please submit your resume to: edna_gibson@cascades.com Or by Fax: 905-372-4663 by February 11, 2011 We are a growing Canadian marketing-distribution company based in Bowmanville who specializes in servicing furniture, mattress, appliance and electronic retail stores across North America. We are currently looking for BILINGUAL (English/French) Call Center Customer Service Claim Representatives to join our company. You would adjudicate warranty claims of moderate to high complexity. You must have the ability to process a high number of inbound and outbound calls and to remain productive while working in high stress situations. Candidates must be bilingual with strong multi-tasking & prioritization skills. Prior related work experience is an asset but not mandatory. Interested & qualifi ed candidates should apply with resume and salary expectation to: hr@ phoenixamd.com. Only candidates being considered will be contacted. Superintendent Couple Live on Site For luxury Condominium in Pickering. • Must have good understanding of HVAC, fi re alarm, plumbing and electrical systems • Some cleaning duties required • Some heavy lifting is a requirement of the job • Ability to work as a team player, • Troubleshoot issues with contractors and property manager • Good command of the English Language required • Familiar with pool upkeep and chemical balance an asset • WHMIS, lockout and tag and ladder/ fall arrest training an asset • Clean criminal record check required • Good starting salary • Must be "on call" every other weekend for emergencies Resumes may be faxed to: 905-420-0013 Attention: C. Maitland No phone calls or e-mails please POSITIONS AVAILABLE Cleaning Homes in Pickering/Ajax No Nights or Weekends Paid Training ~ Weekly Pay Car Required ~ Paid Mileage (905)426-2120 or Email: owner4610@merrymaids.net TRANSPORT Job Opportunities 3 TRAILER BAY MECHANICS Must have experience. Contact Pat (905)725-5544 ext.22245 4 DISPATCHERS Auto experience preferred, but will train the right individuals. Contact Olivia (905) 433-3636 x 22253 Career Training AIRLINES ARE HIRING- Train for high paying Aviation Maintenance Career. FAA approved program.Financial aid if qualifi ed- Housing available. CALL Aviation In- stitute of Maintenance (877)818-0783 Drivers DRIVER, OWN CAR re- quired for local/out of town trips and occasional week- ends, for disabled lady & nurse. Non smoker, suitable for retiree, salary negotiable. (905)839-9977. OWNER-OPERATOR & AZ Company Driver for Cobourg based co., to run US/Canada or Canada only; full-time year-round work. Paid %, must have minimum 3 yrs. exp. Fax resume to 905-377- 1479 or call 905-377-1407. WANTED: EXPERIENCED AZ Car Haulers. Mostly On- tario, no US. Fax resume to 905-263-2746 or email at corstrucking@hotmail.com General Help ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT COUPLE REQUIRED Mature COUPLE needed for hi-rise in Ajax. Live in position, good benefi ts and salary. Please fax resume to (905) 619-2901 between 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Career Training General Help ASSISTANT SUPERINTEN- DENT required for one of the largest property manage- ment companies located in Durham Region. This is a live-in position, must relocate to building, evenings and weekend work. Monthly salary (rent not included in this position). Answer tenant calls, fi ll out service requests, collect rent. We thank you for your interest but only se- lected candidates for inter- viewing will be contacted. Apply by sending resume to careers@vrpl.ca or fax to (905) 579-9472. CALL TODAY: Order taker positions available $22 hr/ avg rate Full time. NO EXPE- RIENCE REQUIRED Excit- ing Career Opportunity. Call 905 435- 1052 GREAT TEAM Environment. Paid Training. Weekly Pay. Earn up to $800/wk. Bene- fi ts. No Sales, No experi- ence, No problem. Call Christina at (905) 668-5544 GREEN CO. Seeks motivat- ed individuals $22 hr/ avg IMMEDIATE OPENINGS We will train the right Candidates Mgmt. skills an asset Call 905-435-0518 HOMEWORKERS needed!!! Full & Part Time Positions Are Available. Will Train On- Line Data Entry, Typing Work, E-mail Reading, PC/Clerical Work, Homemail- ers, Assembling Products. HURRY, SPOTS GO FAST! www.Jobs-ExtraIncome.com INCOME TAX PREPARER. Required for March and April experienced with Profi le es- sential! Flexible hours + good pay. Accuracy + good client skills, Please call: 905- 420-2440 Career Training General Help LOOKING FOR person will- ing to speak to small groups. Part/full time. Car & Internet necessary Diana 1-866-306- 5858 Pickering-Based Publisher seeks exp inside advertising sales rep for growing busi- ness. Must have proven track record in B2B ad sales and mktg. Base plus commission. Resume to: carol@electricityforum.com START NOW! Have fun! Gain great Exper.! Work with people! Promo team fi ll- ing 15 F/T openings NOW! Up to $20/hr. Paid training. Hiring by Jan 31. Call Whit- ney 1 888 767 1027 SUPERINTENDENT Durham East area. Mature couple only. Salary & 2-bedroom apt. Routine repairs, mainte- nance & cleaning. Clear cur- rent Police Check required. Please send resume to File #432, c/o Oshawa This Week, 865 Farewell St. Oshawa, ON L1H 7L5 Career Training General Help WATSON'S GLEN GOLF Course is located on the North West corner of 7th Concession Rd/Lake Ridge Road. We are currently seek- ing to fi ll the Head of Gardening position. We have numerous gardens through- out the course and several signature gardens along the road way and entrance. This position is full-time seasonal. This position answers to the Head Course Superinten- dent. Previous commercial experience an asset. Please forward a resume by Feb 11, 2011 to contact numbers lis- ten, this positions starts mid April. Peter Lucas - turf@watsonsglen.com or fax 905-655-7361. Salon & Spa Help ANGELA'S ESTHETICS Day Spa & Medical Spa re- quires a Full-Time/Part-time Esthetician. Minimum 2 years experience. Deliver resume to: 112 Athol St. Whitby, Suite 203 or email: angelasesthetics@bellnet.ca (905)666-5401. HAIRSTYLISTS WANTED for chair rentals in Whitby salon. Great working envi- ronment. Fun and easy going, but still very profes- sional. Very reasonable weekly rental. Please contact Christy at 905-926-0745. Careers Salon & Spa Help LASER HAIR SPECIALISTS required, full-time, for Ajax Spa. Must be qualifi ed. Please fax resume 905-427- 9280 or email: northajax@rogers.com Skilled & Technical Help SKILLED LABOUR required for busy renovation compa- ny in Durham. Hourly rate to be arranged. Call Jim to start immediately 905-449-9919 WELDERS/FITTERS/FAB- RICATORS required for Raglan Industries Inc. Com- pensation dependent on skill level and experience. Apply at 5151 Simcoe St. North, Oshawa, ON L1H 7K4 or by fax 905-655-5997 Office Help BUSY FAMILY LAW FIRM seeking experienced Legal Assistant, to start immediate- ly., 3 yrs. minimum family law experience required. Please email resumes to mark@bordenfamilylaw.com OFFICE Representative: An expanding insurance offi ce located in Whitby is offering a career opportunity to a highly motivated and effi cient individual with good problem solving and excellent com- munication skills. The posi- tion is permanent part-time. We require an individual who has a minimum of 2-years customer service experience in Canada. This Individual would be required to satisfy insurance licensing require- ments. If you are interested in a career in the insurance industry and possess these qualities, please fax your re- sume to (905)666-2264. Careers Sales Help & Agents BRYSON INSURANCE is seeking experienced RIBO licensed Personal Lines Broker. Successful candidate will be able to provide effi - cient and courteous Personal Lines quotations to inbound callers. Knowledge of SigXP and CQ an asset. Experi- ence in sales, ability to ex- ceed sales targets and strong knowledge of person- al lines markets required. Interested candidates, please forward your resume in confi dence to rshaw@ bryson-insurance.com INSIDE OR OUTSIDE Sales Rep- In Oshawa. Are you in- dependent and thrive on challenge? Do you have su- perb negotiation skills, and the ability to fi nd solutions for your customers? Do you have strong customer ser- vice & relationship building skills? Do you have the ability to work independently and thrive in a competitive, goal driven environment? If you answered YES we have a position for you, $12.00 per hour plus bonus, Unlimited earning potential Contact Marcia Davis, mdavis @greenlawncare.com 905- 433-0099 INSIDE/OUTSIDE SALES People required. Largest Co-op direct mail company now hiring! Base + Commis- sion, paid training, benefi ts. Submit resumes by Feb.1st to roxannet@ openandsave.com Hospital/Medical /Dental CDA II NEEDED, for dental offi ce in Oshawa. Hours are Monday-Friday, 30-37/hrs per week. Experience an as- set. Please reply to WillaB@rogers.com CERTIFIED DENTAL Assist- ant needed for 3 days per week with no evenings and weekends. Please fax re- sume to 905-686-4347. Careers General Help Skilled & Technical Help Hospital/Medical /Dental DENTAL HYGIENIST required 1.5 day/week (Mon- day/Tuesday) in Courtice. minimum 5-years experience required. Must be energetic organized and friendly. Please email kingtowndenta- loffi ce@yahoo.ca or fax 905- 434-5510 Careers General Help Skilled & Technical Help Hospital/Medical /Dental PT CHIROPRACTIC Recep- tionist needed for busy multi- practitioner offi ce. 4-8p.m. Mon & Thurs to start. Must be friendly, effi cient, comput- er literate and fl exible to cov- er other weekday hours. Fax 905-428-0495 or email whcc@rogers.com Careers General Help Careers General Help Classifi eds News Advertiser To Place an Ad Call: 905-683-0707 Or Toronto Line: 416-798-7259 localmarketplace.ca • Email: classifieds@durhamregion.com SELL IT NOW CALL AJAX 905-683-5110 Place your ad at 905-683- 5110 durhamregion.comNews Advertiser • January 28, 201124 AP JUNIOR ACCOUNTANT Strong accounting skills, A/P & A/R, Self-motivated & detail oriented with good telephone presence. Send resume to: hrdept1998@gmail.com New Year, New Opportunities! Are you are a hard working sales professional who understands the needs of the business community but looking for more opportunity than you have now? Consider us. For over a decade the Durham Business Times has been the area's leading business publication. We're growing and need an; Advertising Sales Professional: New Business Development We're looking for full time, creative, results oriented sales professional, to develop new business. If you are a good fi t for this role, you will be self motivated, passionate about local business and have an enthusiasm for growing within it. The successful candidate must possess: ● A willingness to work within a commission based pay structure ● Excellent presentation skills ● Media or B2B sales experience ● A determination to break new ground We offer an environment that embraces new ideas, encourages professional growth and offers a base salary with a competitive commission plan. Benefi ts are available for successful candidates. Please email your resume to careers@durhamregion.com with subject line "Business Sales" before February 4, 2011. Only those invited for an interview will be contacted. 2 & 3 bedroom apartments Close to school, shopping, hospital On-site superintendent & security. Rental Offi ce Mon. - Fri. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. (905)686-0845 or (905)686-0841 Eve. viewing by appt. www.ajaxapartments.com Quality Apartments for Rent ● 1, 2 and 3 bedrooms available from $915. ● Utilities Included ● Large Suites ● Durham Transit and GO Transit at Door ● Close to shopping, schools and Hwy 401 100, 101, 200 & 201 White Oaks (905) 668-7332 Email: rentals@capreit.net www.caprent.com NEW YEAR SPECIAL Limited Time Offer Condominium Suites in Oshawa 2 Bdrms starting at $775 3 Bdrms starting at $900 ● Free Utilities ● Free Parking ● Full Security System Call for more info 905-728-4993 RETIREE'S & GM DISCOUNT Whitby This Week INVITATION TO BID Bids for services listed below Address to: The Circulation Manager This Week Newspaper 845 Farewell St. Oshawa ON L1H 7L5 Will be received until 12 noon on February 9, 2011 Contract commencing March 1, 2011 To deliver newspapers, fl yers, catalogues and other products to approx 115 specif- ic drop locations in the Whitby area. Vehicle required. Information packages available at This Week Newspaper 845 Farewell St. Oshawa ON L1H 7L5 Bid #103-2011 Lowest or any bids will not necessarily be accepted. Only the successful company will be contacted. LOST CHELSEA - 2 YRS BERNESE MOUNTAIN DOG MISSING SINCE THURS. JAN 13TH AFTERNOON FROM DOGGIEMINDERS AT LAKERIDGE/BAYLY. ❋ $1000 REWARD ❋ 905-427-3013 - 289-314-9971 905-242-6637 1-866-333-3299 HomeChildcare It’ll  t yourchild’s lifestyle! weewatch.com/youtube Safe Educational Reliable HOME SAFE SERVICES Complete personal care, companionship and house cleaning. Available 24/7 Denise (905)239-6027 Office Help Apartments & Flats for RentA Hospital/Medical /Dental DO YOU LIKE WORKING with people, fl exible schedule and good work ethics, then we have the position for you. Full time position for Phar- macist Assistant. We will train the appropriate candi- date should you not have experience. Please email your cover letter & resume to skay pharmachoice@yahoo.ca. No phone calls please. MEDICAL BILLING Agency seeking full-time individual. Knowledge of specialty and ER billing great asset. York Med Experience necessary. Please email resume to: billservice@hotmail.ca Articles for SaleA Office Help Apartments & Flats for RentA Hospital/Medical /Dental PHARMACY TECH F/T for Blister Packaging with home health care an asset. Professional, high volume store. Experience with Kroll preferred. Please submit resume by email: joanps706@hotmail.com SEEKING EXPERIENCED full-time medical receptionist for busy computerized (PSS) G.P. offi ce, Monday to Thursday. Require applicant be good multi-tasker, detail oriented, computer skilled, good interpersonal rapport. Fax resume to (905)623- 6397. Articles for SaleA Sales Help & Agents Hotel/ Restaurant EXPERIENCED COOKS required for Bella Notte Restaurant in Whitby. Full & part time positions. Please email resume to: bellanotte@rogers.com Teaching Opportunities REGISTERED E.C.E.s needed in Pickering. Must have school age experi- ence. Assistant supervisor experience an asset. Call Donna, (905)839-5726 e- mail valleyfarmday- care@hotmail.com Property Outside CanadaP 20 ACRES- $0 Down! $99/mo. Near Growing El Paso, Texas. Guaranteed Owner Financing, No Credit Checks Money Back Guar- antee. Free Map/Pictures. 800-755-8953 www.sunse- tranches.com LARGE ARIZONA BUILD- ING LOTS FULL ACRES AND MORE! Guaranteed Owner Financing No credit check $0 down - 0 interest Starting @ just $89/mo. USD Close to Tucson's Intl. Air- port For Recorded Message 800-631-8164 Code 4001 or visit www.sunsiteslan- drush.com Offer ends 11/30/10! Articles for SaleA Sales Help & Agents Industrial/ Commercial SpaceI STORAGE UNITS 10' x 20' Wilson Rd. S. Oshawa. Un- heated. $125. - $135. per mo. Call (905)725-9991 Business OpportunitiesB HYGIENITECH MATTRESS & Upholstery Cleaning/Sani- tizing Business. New "Green" Dry, Chemical-Free process removes Bedbugs/Dust Mites/Harmful Allergens. Big Profi ts/Small Investment. 1- 888-999-9030 www.hygieni- tech.com SERIOUS ABOUT starting a home based business with unlimited earning potentials. Part time or Full time. DON'T MISS OUT! CALL: 1-800- 664-4168 WORK FROM HOME. Looking for 3 self-motivated people to teach online from their home computer. Flexible hours, free training, great income and real sup- port www.free-2-b-me.com Mortgages, LoansM $$MONEY$$ Consolidate Debts Mortgages to 95% No income, Bad credit OK! Better Option Mortgage #10969 1-800-282-1169 www.mortgageontario.com Articles for SaleA Sales Help & Agents Mortgages, LoansM FREE 50" HDTV! 5 yr. mortgage @ 2.30% Beat that! Refi nance now and Save $$$ before rates rise. Below bank Rates Call for Details Peter 877-777-7308 Mortgage Leaders NEED A loan with bad cred- it? Has your credit prevented you from buying a home or getting a loan? We can help you get up to $1,000,000. Business or Mortgage Loan and up to 200K Personal Loan. www.oncreditloans.com Call 1-877-500-4030 WORRIED TO DEBT? NEED MORTAGE RELIEF? Call Hugh 647-268-1333, 905-707-2324 www.igotamortgage.ca Apartments & Flats for RentA 1 & 2 BEDROOM apart- ments, located 309 Cordova, Oshawa. Completely reno- vated. Available immediately. Fridge/stove, Hydro included. No pets. Call (905)579-2387. Articles for SaleA TendersT Lost & FoundL Apartments & Flats for RentA 1-BDRM APT., Central Oshawa, bright, clean, park- ing, private entrance, wire- less internet, gas fi replace, 7-large windows, $750/mo inclusive. No dogs. First/last. (905)213-6593. 1-BEDROOM, WITH DEN, top fl oor bungalow, Down- town Oshawa, Available im- mediately. Suits single per- son. $700/month. 1-BED- ROOM and bathroom in basement, $600/month. (705)331-4111. AJAX SOUTH - spacious, 2- bedroom basement apart- ment, newly renovated, park- ing, laundry included. Im- maculate, access to yard, good neighborhood. $975/month, all included. No dogs. (905)420-4269. Articles for SaleA TendersT Lost & FoundL Apartments & Flats for RentA 2 BEDROOM NORTH OSHAWA quiet apartment, Simcoe North at Russett. Hardwood fl oors, well-main- tained 12 plex, newly reno- vated, near bus/shopping. New appliances, cable/heat/water/parking in- cluded. Laundry, No dogs. March 1. (905)576-2982 (905)626-3465 AJAX, NEW apartment building, studio, 1 & 2-bed- rooms, available now. In- come preferred, $17,000- $32,000/yr. Call (905)683- 9269. BROOKLIN, Baldwin Ave. 2+1 bdrm apt. Second fl oor level. Avail. March 1st. Freshly renovated. Parking included. Call Property Man- agement (416)791-9691 Articles for SaleA Apartments & Flats for RentA BOWMANVILLE: 3 bedroom close to all amenities. $930 per mo. plus hydro and cable. Also 2 bedroom with den, $930 plus hydro. Move in allowance offered. Offi ce hours 9-5, Monday - Friday. (905)430-1877. BRIGHT ground level 1bdrm apt in beautiful Oshawa hospital area. 2 en- trances, laundry avail, all ap- pliances. Non-smoker, pets allowed. $800/monthly (heat & water incl) 905-852-3675 CENTRAL OSHAWA, 1 bedroom apt. near Oshawa Centre, $675 per month plus hydro. Avail immediately. Call (905)728-7361 CENTURY HOME, located in Hampton. Two 2-bdrm apts. Upper level $1100/mnth. Main level $1200/mnth. 2-car parking, swimming pool, all inclusive, newly renovated, no pets. Call 905-433-0171 DUPLEX OSHAWA main fl oor 2 bedroom apt. plus walkout basement with 2 rooms. 2 washrooms, large kitchen. Newly renovated. $995+ part hydro, heat in- cluded. 905-433-0270 MARY STREET APTS bachelors, 1's & 2s bdrm apts. Utilities included, min- utes to downtown, short drive to Whitby Mall. Mary/Garden 905-666-2450 www.real- star.ca NORTH OSHAWA, 1-bed- room apt, clean, quiet, se- cure building, laundry on site, $700/month plus Hydro, Call Tony (905)260-2215. NORTH OSHAWA, 1-bed- room, eat-in kitchen, living room, all utilities included. Available Feb 1st. No smok- ing/pets. (905)213-8116. NORTH WEST OSHAWA, 2- bedroom apt. in semi-raised bungalow, $850/month in- cludes utilities, fi rst/last. No pets/smoking. Avail. immedi- ately. (905)576-1710. OSHAWA 2-bdrm basement apt. Own entrance, Dish- washer, A/C, central vac, fi replace, laundry, cable, Avail March1. $950/inclusive, fi rst/last Working Adults preferred. No pets. (905)576-8675 OSHAWA Large 3 bedroom updated apartment in up- scale, quiet, well-managed building in good area. $1250 inclusive. (905)728-8919 OSHAWA NORTH Extra large 2 & 3-bedroom apts., (3-bdrm, 1200sq.ft. 2 4pc baths), well managed, quiet building, controlled entrance, video surveillance, large bal- cony, new appliances, utilities, Rogers cable ($82.42 value), parking in- cluded $925, $1185, Feb 1. (905)579-5584 OSHAWA, BOND/SIMCOE Large 1-bedroom apartment $775/month. includes heat, hydro, central air. Modern luxury apt. Hardwood fl oors. Students/pets welcome. No credit check. Available Feb 1st. (905)922-4911. Articles for SaleA Daycare Available Health & Homecare Apartments & Flats for RentA OSHAWA NORTH, Spa- cious units. Adult & Senior lifestyle buildings. Renovat- ed 1, 2 & 3 bdrm apts. Across hospital, near bus stop, wheel chair and se- curity access. Call 905-728- 4966, 1-866-601-3083. www.apartmentsinontario.com OSHAWA Stevenson/Philip Murray - 2 bedroom apart- ment, parking, fridge, stove, laundry avail. newly decorat- ed, no pets. First/last. Avail. March 1st. $825 incl. Call 905-720-0384. OSHAWA, 945 Simcoe St.N. 2-bedroom $820/month inclusive. No pets. ALSO 293 Monytrave 2-bdrm, no pets $820. ALSO 208 Centre St.S. Oshawa, luxury 2-bed- room, $1000/month plus utilities. 905-723-1647, 905- 720-9935. OSHAWA, 385 Gibb St. Avail. immediately. 2-bdrm apt. $860/month. Extra park- ing $25/mo. Laundry on site. Close to all amenities. Call Patrick 905-443-0191. OSHAWA, One Bedroom, Simcoe and King. 3rd fl oor apartment. Appliances, laun- dry, secure intercom. No parking. $640 plus electricity. Quiet, respectful tenants only please. Call (905)986-4889. OSHAWA/BOWMANVILLE 1 & 2 bedroom apts. Suites w/balconies, parking, laundry facilities, near all amenities. 905-623-4172 The Veltri Group www.veltrigroup.com PICKERING, 401/WHITES Newly renovated 1-bedroom basement. Separate en- trance, shared laundry, 1-parking. $700/mo. inclu- sive. No smoking/pets. Suit mature single. Avail. Feb/March. (905)839-3053 PICKERING, Whites/Stroud 1-bdrm basement apt., sep- arate side entrance, new hardwood fl ooring. Includes washer, dryer. Close to 401. No pets/non-smoker. $900/mo all inclusive. Call (905)831-8787 Articles for SaleA Daycare Available Health & Homecare Apartments & Flats for RentA PORT WHITBY, 3-bedroom apt, newly renovated/paint- ed, 4 appliances, laundry on- site, near GO/401, down- town, use of big fenced back- yard onto green space, $1100/mo plus utilities. Feb 1st. 905-925-1131. WHITBY 123-Annes St. 1- bedroom apartment available in quiet adult lifestyle 6-plex bldg. Perfect for single ma- ture person. Avail. now. No pets/smoking. $795/mo all in- clusive. (905)725-4145. WHITBY 3-BEDROOM main in triplex. New carpeting, paint, en suite washer/dryer, parking. Non smoking build- ing, no pets. $1170/monthly inclusive. First/last. Feb 1/2011. (905)427-9437. WHITBY Brock/Dundas bright, quiet, newly rennovat- ed 1 bedroom, small build- ing, ground fl oor, parking, laundry room, central loca- tion, no pets/smoking fi rst/last. $814/mnth +hydro. Call 416-438-4895 WHITBY CENTRAL -2-bed- room on lst fl oor of a superior standard low rise apartment. No dogs. Hardwood fl oors, outdoor patio. Available March-1st. 200 Mason Dr., (905)576-8989. WHITBY PLACE 1 & 2 bed. Landscaped grounds. Balco- nies, laundry & parking. Access to Hwy. 401 & public transit. Near shopping & schools. 900 Dundas St. E. (Dundas St. & Garden St) 905-430-5420 www.realstar.ca WHITBY, 2 bedrooms from $970 all inclusive. Close to all amenities. Offi ce hours 9-5, Monday - Friday. (905)430-1877 Houses for Rent AJAX 3 + 2 BEDROOM semi detached bungalow, large yard, clean, quiet area 2 baths, close to all amenities. $1200/month + utilities. (905)683-6203. Articles for SaleA durhamregion.comNews Advertiser • January 28, 201125 AP Canada Need A Car LoanNeed A Car Loan Call Credit Zone R SHUTTLE SERVICE AVAILABLE R HUGE SELECTION TO CHOOSE FROM R ALL CREDIT APPS. ACCEPTED* Call The Credit Zone Hotline905-668-1838 • 1-800-519-9566905-668-1838 • 1-800-519-9566 ZoneZone Bad Credit? O.K. • New to Country? O.K. Bankrupt? O.K. • Slow Payments? O.K. Or Get Approval 24/7 On-Line At A Division of Durham Auto Sales Ltd *Down payment may be required. www.creditzonecanada.comwww.creditzonecanada.com MASSIVE JEWELLERY LIQUIDATION OF FINE JEWELLERY Over 500 Fine Quality Designer Jewellery Items "Appraised Designer" Watches - Swarovski Elements - Jewellery - Custom Made Collection of Rings, Earrings, Pendants, Chains, Bracelets, Bangles set in Diamonds & Precious Stones SPORTS MEMORABILIA COLLECTION NAME BRANDS * HOME DÉCOR * APPRAISED JEWELLERY *DIAMONDS * GOLD * STERLING SILVER * ELECTRONICS* ART* BEDDING * CONSUMER GOODS * TOYS * DESIGNER PURSES BRAND NEW ARRIVALS - MANUFACTURERS MUST SELL ! *NEW HOME FURNISHINGS & DECOR* AUCTION SALE Claremont Lions Club 4941 Old Brock Rd. Claremont Saturday Jan. 29- 1:PM START - PREV: 12:NOON Persian Rugs *Professional Cookware, Hollywood & Sports Memorabilia w/ Crosby Various Signed Jersey - Maple Leaf Superstars - HOF - Old Sports Cards - Signed Photo Collection ESTATE COIN COLLECTION W/ Bank Notes "1948 CANADIAN SILVER DOLLAR " Subject to prior sale up until sale time *GOLD COINS * SILVER BARS * ICCS COINS * TOKENS ATV'S * EBIKES * SCOOTERS * WITH PLOWS Caledon's Own - "Alicia Soave" Art Collection Group of Seven Art Collection - Tom Thomson Canvas, Emily Carr, Alicia Soave, "Norval Morrisseau" Canvas Estate Certifi ed, Trisha Romance, C. Gagnon, C. Kreighoff, Benjam Chee Chee, Serigraphs, Oil Paintings, Wall Décor, Museum Framed Giclees, www.auctioneer.ca 905-554-7007 INQUIRE ABOUT FUNDRAISING DIVISION - TURN KEY SOLUTIONS VENDORS WANTED OSHAWA HOME & GARDEN SHOW MARCH 11TH 12TH 13TH AT THE GENERAL MOTORS CENTER Limited space available Please call 905-579-4473 Devon 2236 or Wendy 2215 15th Annual Spring Home & Garden Show Pickering Markets Trade Centre Squire Beach Rd & Bayly, Pickering Friday March 25, 2011 * 3pm - 8pm Saturday March 26, 2011 * 10am - 5pm Sunday March 27, 2011 * 10am - 4pm showsdurhamregion.com To book your space call Audrey at 905-426-4676 ext 257 The Durham Parent Baby & Kids Show Saturday, April 30, 2011 9am - 4pm Pickering Recreation Complex 1876 Valley Farm Rd., Pickering To reserve you space call Audrey at 905-426-4676 ext 257 Sunday, March 6th, 2011 Health Experts and Vendors wanted! Call 905-683-5110 ext 228 NOTICE OF SALE: Storage-Mart #3032 85 Westney Rd. S, Ajax ON L1S 2C9 February 18th, 2011 10am Units: 2062 Melissa Roberts, 7007 Jamie Welsh, 7060 Amber (PD) Anderson, 7210 Jasmin Seputis Storage-Mart #3033 1700 Alliance Rd., Pickering ON L1W 3X2 February 18th , 2011 11am Units: D52 Michael Pennie Storage-Mart #3034 996 Farewell Street, Oshawa ON L1H6N6 February 18th , 2011 10am Units: 111N Charmaine Cowper, 32N Mike Wahl, 96N David Chicoyne According to the Lease by and between the customers listed above listed above and TKG-StorageMart and its related parties, assigns and affi liates in order to perfect the Lien on the goods contained in their storage units, the Manager has cut the lock on their Unit(s) UPON A COURSORY INSPECTION THE UNITS WERE FOUND TO CONTAIN: Household goods, furniture, applianc- es, tools, luggage, toys, clothes, electronics, fi le cabinets, boxes, bags & plastic totes. Items will be sold or other wise disposed of at the dates and at approximate times listed by the addresses above to satisfy owner lien in accordance with the state statues. Terms of the sale are cash only. No checks will be accepted. All goods are sold in "as is "condition. Tax must be paid or resale numbers furnished. Buyers must provide own lock if needed. Seller reserves the right to overbid. All items or spaces may not be available on date of sale. SUNDAY FLEA MARKET 9- 4 870 Taunton Road East, Whitby (Between Thickson & Garrard) Over 25 vendors www.thisandthatfl eamarket.com Phone 905-985-7715 Hope to see you Garage/Yard SalesG Houses for Rent ! NO DOWN PAYMENT? - NO PROBLEM!! If you're paying $850+ monthly rent STOP! Own your own home - I can show you how. Ken Collis Broker, Coldwell Banker RMR Real Estate 905-728-9414 1-877-663- 1054, or email kencollis@sympatico.ca MCGILL/OLD HARWOOD large 4-bedroom, 3,000sq.ft., 2-1/2 washrooms, eat-in kitchen, family/living/dining room, 2 car parking, $2,000/month. Feb. lst. (905)686-6684 or (416)712- 4059 WHITBY, 3-BEDROOM main fl oor, $1450/month, in- cludes utilities, cable & laun- dry. No pets/smoking, close to shopping & schools. Ref- erences required. (905)683- 6863. Townhouses for RentT 3 BEDROOM Townhouse Pickering, end unit. Close to Pickering Town Centre. 5-appliances, 2-washrooms. Full house. $1200/mo plus utilities. Parking extra. Available February 1st. Har- ry (905)839-3547. Articles for SaleA Garage/Yard SalesG Townhouses for RentT CARRIAGE HILL 2 & 3 bed. TOWNHOUSES. In-suite laundry, util. incl., Balconies, patios, courtyard. Pking. avail. Near shopping, res- taurants, schools, parks. 122 Colborne St. E. (Simcoe N., Colborne E) 905-434- 3972 www.realstar.ca Cordova Co-Operative Homes 71-650 Gladfern St. Oshawa Accepting applications for affordable priced town- houses 2-bedroom $675 3-bedroom $706 4-bedroom $734 Plus heat & hydro. electric heat - no appliances supplied. Near: schools, park, shopping, dentist, bus. Applications in top mailbox outside unit 71 Phone 905-728-8081 (no subsidies available) PICKERING 3-BEDROOM 1-1/2 baths end unit town- house, with balcony. Across from Pickering Town Centre. Very clean. Available Feb 1. $1380/mo+hydro. (905)839- 3087. Articles for SaleA Townhouses for RentT TAUNTON TERRACE 3 bedroom townhouses. En- suite laundry. Landscaped grounds w/pool & play- ground. Private backyards. Sauna & parking avail. Near shopping & schools, public transport. 100 Taunton Rd. E. (Taunton Rd. & Simcoe St.) 905-436-3346 www.real- star.ca Rooms for Rent & WantedR AVAILABLE IN Oshawa, fur- nished room, bright very clean house, run of house, non-smoker, parking, laun- dry, high-speed internet, near all-amenities, $500/month. (289)314-1949 FANTASTIC ROOM, walk- out deck, furnished, cable, internet included, 2-piece bath, & shared 4-piece bath, cooking facilities, parking, no smoking no substance abuse, family home. $500/month $135/week, utilities included. Available immediately. 289-404-8408. SE AJAX AT LAKE, up- stairs, very large, fur- nished/unfurnished bedroom with en-suite bath, walk-in closet, newer large upscale house. No pets, non-smoker. $150/week. Suits one work- ing person. Long-term. (905)550-0761. Vacation Properties SELL/RENT YOUR TIME- SHARE FOR CASH!!! Our Guaranteed Services will Sell/ Rent Your Unused Timeshare for CASH! Over $95 Million Dollars offered in 2010! www.sellatime- share.com (800)640-6886 Articles for SaleA Vacation Properties SUNNY WINTER SPECIALS At Florida's Best Beach-New Smyrna Beach, Stay a week or longer. Plan a beach wed- ding or family reunion. www.NSBFLA.com or 1-800- 541-9621 Recreational VehiclesR 2003 YAMAHA 450 Kodiac in mint condition asking $4000, after market tires and rims call 705-872-1869 Lost & FoundL LOST ROGERS Blackberry in Roots black case in Pick- ering Town Centre or Wal- mart area. January 15 -16. Call 647-345-9253 Articles for SaleA **LEATHER JACKETS 1/2 PRICE, purses from $9.99; luggage from $19.99; wallets from $9.99. Everything must Go! Family Leather, 5 Points Mall, Oshawa (905)728- 9830, Scarborough (416)439-1177, (416)335- 7007. BED, ALL new Queen ortho- pedic, mattress, box spring in plastic, cost $900, selling $275. Call (416)779-0563 BEDROOM SUITES - medi- um wood, 1940's, double bed, nightstand, mirror, dresser, armoire, desk, $750., dark wood, twin sleigh bed, nightstand, mirror, dresser, desk, shelves, $350., light wood, twin cap- tain bed, nightstand, mirror dresser, desk, shelves, $725. Phone (905)665-1796 Articles for SaleA Articles for SaleA STEEL BUILDINGS. Factory Deals – Save Thousands 30x40 – 100x200. Can erect / Will deliver. www.scg-grp.com ource#1F2 800-964-8335 Articles for SaleA Articles for SaleA CARPETS, LAMINATE & VINYL SALE! I have 1000 of yards for sale! Free under- pad with installation. Free Estimates. Guaranteed Lowest Prices. Big or small jobs, I do it all! Lexus Floor- ing, Call Mike 905-431-4040 CONSTRUCTION EQUIP- MENT B. E. LARKIN EQUIPMENT LTD. Kubota Construction, New Holland Construction used equip- ment. Durham, Clarington, Northumberland Sales Rep Jim (647)284-0971 FURNACES: LENOX Manu- factured, 93% fuel-effi cient, 70,000 BTU's, $1699 (In- stalled). 90,000 BTU's, $1849 (Installed). 10 year parts warranty. Humidifi ers $250, Napoleon fi replaces, direct/vent, $1,899 (In- stalled). Residential services. (289)404-3738. HOT TUB COVERS All Custom covers, all sizes and all shapes, $375.00 plus tax Free delivery. Let us come to your house & measure your tub! Pool safety covers. 905-259-4514. www.durhamcovers.com Vendors WantedV Cars for Sale Articles for SaleA HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS Best Price, Best Quality. All Shapes & Colours. Call 1-866-585-0056 www.thecoverguy.ca HOT TUBS, 2010 models, fully loaded, full warranty, new in plastic, cost $8000, sacrifi ce $3,900. 416-779- 0563. RENT TO OWN - New and reconditioned appliances, new TV's, Stereos, Comput- ers, DVD Players, Furniture, Bedding, Patio Furniture, Barbecues & More! Fast de- livery. No credit application refused. Paddy's Market, 905-263-8369 or 1- 800-798-5502. TRUCKLOADS OF NEW SCRATCH & DENT APPLI- ANCES stainless steel, white and black French door fridge's available, variety of dented ranges, laundry, dish- washers and fridges - differ- ent colors. SMALL DENTS EQUAL HUGE SAVINGS! Front load washers from $399. New coin laundry available, Call us today, Ste- phenson's Appliances, Sales, Service, Parts. 154 Bruce St. Oshawa. (905)576- 7448 VENDORS WANTED for Courtice Flea Market. Week- end & monthly rates. Re- sources for new vendors. Call 905-436-1024 or cour- ticefl eamarket.com Firewood 100% A KOZY HEAT FIRE- WOOD, excellent, very best quality hardwood, guaran- teed extra long time fully seasoned, (ready to burn), cut and split. Honest meas- urement. Free delivery. Wood supplier of fi rst choice by many customers since 1975. (905)753-2246. Vendors WantedV Cars for Sale Firewood A-1 FIREWOOD, dry hard- wood, guaranteed. (905)436- 6600 (905)260-1774. FIREWOOD, cut & split, all hardwood. Delivery, (905)263-2038. Pets, Supplies, Boarding BEAUTIFUL GOLDEN RETRIEVER puppies. Expe- rienced breeder since 1967. First shots, dewormed, vet checked. 6 YEAR GUAR- ANTEE. Supplier of service dogs. $475. Judy (905)576- 3303, Al 1-705-632-1187 GORGEOUS DOODLE puppies with excellent personalities. Low to Non- shed. Boys & girls available. Come for a visit and fall in love. 705-437-2790 www.doodletreasures.com WEST HIGHLAND White Terriers, both parents on site. Vet checked, shots. Per- sonality plus, very social. Newtonville area. Males. Call 905-786-2645. www. morningstarkennels.com Cars for Sale STOCK CAR, dirt, late mod- el, rocket chassis, complete turn-key car with lots of parts. Everything goes. Seri- ous inquiries only. (519)738- 2624. Ask for Derek Sr. TIRED OF TAKING THE BUS? Car Repairs Got You Down? Bankrupt? Poor Credit? 100% Approval. Drive The Car You Need Today. Call 1-877-743-9292 Or Apply Online @ www.needacartoday.ca. Cars WantedC ! ! $ ! AARON & LEO Scrap Cars & Trucks Wanted. Cash paid 7 days/week any- time. Please call 905-426- 0357. !!! $$ ADAM & RON'S SCRAP cars, trucks, vans. Pay cash, free pick up 7 days/week (anytime) (905)424-3508 Vendors WantedV Cars for Sale Cars WantedC ! ! ! ! $ $ AAA ALL SCRAP CARS, old cars & trucks wanted. Cash paid. Free pickup. Call Bob any- time (905)431-0407. ! ! ! $200-$2000 Cash For Cars & Trucks or $300 Gov. Program 1-888-355-5666 $200-$2000 Cash For Cars Dead or Alive Fast Free Towing 7 Days a Week 647-628-0946 $250-$2000 Ajaxautowreckers.com Cash for Cars, Trucks and All Scrap Metal. Or $300 Government Program 905-686-1771 416-896-7066 CASH FOR CARS! We buy used vehicles. Vehicles must be in running condition. Call (905)427-2415 or come to 479 Bayly St. East, Ajax at MURAD AUTO SALES Adult Entertainment #1 Asian Girls Hot, Sexy, Busty Best Service 24/7 Out Calls Only 289-634-1234 416-833-3123 Vendors WantedV Cars for Sale Adult Entertainment Chanel In/Out French 647-779-3845 Kylee Kisses Durham's Hottest & Highest Reviewed XXX Playmate! Erotic & Irresistible Green-Eyed Brunette Beauty Private & Discreet In & Out Service Serving Durham Region (905) 809-3853 MassagesM HOT XXX SESSIONS $80 all incl. 36DD Cdn Blonde Simcoe/401 905-447-6660 Private & Discreet AAA PICKERING ANGELS ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Relaxing Massage VIP Rooms & Jacuzzi 905 Dillingham Rd. (905)420-0320 pickeringangels.com Now hiring!!! AJAX RELAXING MASSAGE "New" European Touch (905)426-9509 OSHAWA The Holistic $35 you want Ritson Rd. / Bloor 905-576-3456 Special $25 Relaxing Massage 6095 Kingston Rd. 401/Meadowvale SPRING SPA 10am-9pm 7days 416-287-0338 Now Hiring Auctions durhamregion.comNews Advertiser • January 28, 201126 AP REPAIR - SERVICE - INSTALLATION Financing Available 905-571-4822 •support@greencomforthvac.ca www.greencomforthvac.ca WeTreatYour Home Like Our Own CALL NOWTO BOOKYOUR FURNACE START UP! “Keep Cool, KeepWarm, Keeprite” MENDIS MOVING & DELIVERY SERVICES Move with care, quality & confi dence with Mendis Moving Services. Professional movers, Competitive & Affordable Rates Home, Apartment & offi ce. Last minute moves. Local & Long Distance For Free Estimates call Joe (416) 731-6773. E-mail- mendisservice@yahoo.com Home Improvement Moving & Storage Home Improvement F & M Windows & Doors Specialize on all door installations You buy the doors we install them for a low cost! 905-420-7394 No Job is too small Basement & Bathroom renovations Decks & Fencing Let me help you get rid of your TO-DO Lists For an estimate call Ian at 416-606-0195 PLUMBER ON THE GO Top Quality Plumbing at Reasonable rates Service and new installations Residential/Commercial No job too big or small Free estimates - over 20 years experience (905)837-9722 Home Improvement Moving & Storage Garbage Removal/Hauling A1 1/2 PRICE JUNK REMOVAL!! Homes, Yards, Businesses, etc. We do all the loading Seniors Discounts. Cheap and fast Service! John 905-310-5865 HandymanH NEED A FRIEND WITH A TRUCK? ● Junk Removal ● Gen. Deliveries ● Small Moves ● Snow Removal ● Odd Jobs Reasonable Rates Call Hans anytime (905)706-6776 www. afriendwithatruck.ca Painting & Decorating ALL PRO PAINTING AND WALLPAPERING Repair & Stucco ceilings Decorative fi nishes & General repairs 20% off for seniors (905)404-9669 Painting & Decorating TMS PAINTING & DECOR Interior & Exterior European Workmanship Fast, clean, reliable service (905)428-0081 Moving & Storage Apple Moving Dependable & Reliable Good Rates 24-hour Service Licensed/Insured (905)239-1263 (416)532-9056 DOAEC MOVING/DELIVERY ✓ fully insured and bonded ✓ honest & reliable ✓ reasonable rates ✓ Local/long distance (905) 426-4456 (416) 704-0267 House Cleaning KERNAN CLEANING SERVICES "We Clean Your Home Like It's Our Own!" ✱ Residential ✱ Commercial ✱ Bondable Contact Pamela 905-426-5517 647-207-5244 Flooring, CarpetingF HARDWOOD FLOOR SPECIALIST Hardwood & Laminate Installations Sanding, staining, & fi nishing of old fl oors 20 years experience Call John (905) 655-3492 (416) 220-4768 Service Directory durhamregion.comNews Advertiser • January 28, 201127 P FIGURE SKATING Pickering skaters start season with a bang PICKERING -- Skaters at the Pickering Skating Club have been working hard and dedi- cating many hours on the ice in preparation for the first test day of the season. The STARSkate program encourages skaters to develop more advanced figure-skating skills in various areas such as skating skills, free skating, dance and interpretive skating. Skating skills are exercises skated to prescribed music, con- taining edges, turns and field movements designed to expand on the fundamental movements for skaters of all levels. In free skating, skaters learn how to execute jumps, to spin in a variety of positions and to incorporate those and other skills into a program of a spec- ified length using connecting steps and music interpretation. Dance teaches timing, musi- cality, rhythm, interpretation, structure as well as basic skating skills such as edges, flow, con- trol and unison. Interpretive skating encour- ages creativity and movement to music, and allows skaters to explore the performance aspect of skating without focusing on technical elements. Each test has a mandatory standard that must be met in order to succeed on the test. Preliminary-baby blues -- Meaghan Hall, Faith Lewis, Cas- sandra Neilsen, Kaitlyn Robson Junior bronze-swing -- Haylea Lambert Junior bronze-fiesta tango -- Ashley Hamburger Junior bronze–willow waltz -- Alison Dudu, Lea Kreutz Senior bronze-ten fox -- Alex- andra Scott Senior bronze-14 step -- Alex- andra Scott, Stephanie Scott Senior bronze-European -- Arline Killam Junior silver-Harris tango -- Holly Branigan, Sydney Vander- sluis Junior silver–American waltz -- Sydney Vandersluis Senior silver-paso doble -- Alexandra Rehnke Skills preliminary -- Haylea Lambert, Amy Wu Senior bronze -- Christina Hazell Junior silver -- Holly Branigan, Emily Emerson Senior silver -- Alissa Kuksis Elements preliminary -- Ali- son Dudu, Natalia Savor, Ryan Thomas Spensor, Emily Wardle Senior bronze -- Holly Brani- gan Junior silver -- Kailey Trew- artha Free skate preliminary -- Nata- lia Savor. Emily Wardle Senior bronze -- Emily Emer- son, Alexandra Joknic There are various levels in the Starskate Test Stream for each discipline from preliminary to gold. Achieving gold is a presti- gious accomplishment. It takes many years of hard work, dedi- cation and discipline to develop the skills necessary to achieve a gold test. Pickering Skating Club had three skaters achieve gold tests during this test day: Natasha Calizon achieved gold in dance-Viennese waltz; Emily Emerson achieved gold in dance-Viennese waltz; Alex- andra Joknic achieved gold in dance-quickstep. Pickering Skating Club wel- comes all skaters of all ages and abilities. Registration is on going throughout the season. Drop by the arena at the Pickering Recreation Complex or register online at www.skate- canada-pickering.com. SWIMMING Pickering Swim Club hosts Winter Swim Fest meet PICKERING -- More than 100 swimmers from the Pickering Swim Club competed at the 2011 Winter Swim Fest that was held on Jan. 22-23 at the Pickering Recreation Complex. A total of 10 teams from Ontar- io competed representing the GTA, Belleville, and Peterbor- ough (Trent). A total of 348 best times were swam during the meet and a total of 2,148.12 seconds were taken off by these swimmers in their events. Philip Kay took the most sec- onds off (92.16 seconds) of those who competed for the Pickering Swim Club. There was one club record in the 100m Individual Medley brought down by Warren Mayer, swimming a 1:13.89. The Club record was previous- ly held by Michael Foster. durhamregion.comNews Advertiser • January 28, 201128 AP 201 BAYLY ST. W. (AT MONARCH AVE., AJAX) 1-888-468-0391No Credit? Slow Credit? Bad Credit? No Credit? Slow Credit? Bad Credit? Call Ms. JuliaCall Ms. Julia 1-877-288-67401-877-288-6740WE WANT YOUR TRADE, ALL MAKES, ALL MODELS, ALL YEARS!WE WANT YOUR TRADE, ALL MAKES, ALL MODELS, ALL YEARS!CHRYSLER • DODGE • JEEPCHRYSLER • DODGE • JEEPVILLAGE CHRYSLER“Thinkinglike acustomer”License fee extra. Finance example $10,000 x 60 mo. @ 4.99% variable rate = payment $43.36/weekly, cost of borrowing $1499.95. OAC.www.villagechrysler.caNo ChargeNo Charge$250$250Gas CardFREEGPSGPSWITH ANYWITH ANYUSED CARUSED CAR$$175175 Value ValueVILLAGE CHRYSLERAll prices and payments are plus HST only!NO GIMMICKS... OVEROVER450450NEW & USEDNEW & USEDCARSCARSORORThanks Thanks Durham for Durham for Voting usVoting us#1#12010Platinum2008 DODGE RAM 1500 4X4Auto, A/C, Quad Cab, Low Km & Much More. Stk#T10390BYOU OWN ITPER WEEKMONTHSINTERESTDOWNSIGN & DRIVE$77724.99%$0$20,9782008 JEEP WRANGLER 2DR 4X4YOU OWN IT$24,978DOWNSIGN & DRIVE$95724.99%$0Auto, A/C, 1 Owner Jeep. 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