HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA2010_11_19 KRISTEN CALIS kcalis@durhamregion.com PICKERING -- Whether it’s cleaning out litter boxes and walking dogs at an animal shelter, or giving donations to make tough economic times a littler easier for those in need, a cou- ple of Durham residents feel everyone can do something to help out in the community. “There are so many organizations out there that just need that little bit of help,” said Karin Martens, Oshawa resident and president of the Humane Society of Durham Region. Pickering residents in charitable mood GIVING BACK A PART OF NATIONAL PHILANTHROPY DAY METROLAND FILE PHOTO DURHAM -- Karin Martens, president of the Humane Society of Durham Region, and treausurer Claire Nicklin, play with Riley, a bull mastiff cross. Ms. Martens says we can all give a little to help worthwhile community organizations in need of volunteers. $45 /MO.FROMSHARE VOICE AND EMAIL per member Check ‘get a wireless plan with better value’ off your business to-do list. 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Available at the following Bell stores: Whitby Whitby Mall 905 725-1212 Pickering Pickering Town Centre 905 837-1212 full event schedule online at cityofpickering.com/greatevents Pickering Volkswagen Inc. 503 Kingston Rd. Pickering Sales Hotline: 905-420-9700 www.pvw.com From 1974 to 2009 World Car of the Year. facebook.com/newsdurham twitter.com/newsdurham Pressrun 50,400 • 28 pages • Optional 3-week delivery $6/$1 newsstand PICKERING NNews ews AAddveverr titiseserrTHE Friday, November 19, 2010 See PICKERING page 9 NEWS 3 Vet, OPG at odds Ex-Afghanistan soldier claims double standard MUSIC 17 Best of the best Senior honour band plays Ajax SPORTS 20 Court upset Pickering High upends unbeaten Notre Dame durhamregion.comNews Advertiser • November 19, 20102 P 4HE¬PHYSICAL¬CHANGE¬¬ IN¬ME¬IS¬OBVIOUS ¬BUT¬ WHAT¬)¬FEEL¬INSIDE¬IS¬¬¬¬¬ ¬¬¬¬¬MORE¬PROFOUND¬¬ )¬FEEL¬IN¬CONTROL ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬ ¬¬¬¬ CONlDENT¬AND¬¬¬ ¬¬¬¬¬¬ ¬¬¬¬¬COMFORTABLE¬IN¬¬ ¬¬¬MY¬OWN¬SKIN "RENDA -APLE¬2IDGE ¬"# ¬,"3¬,/34 œœÜÊ>Ê՘ˆµÕiÊ«Àœ}À>“ÊL>Ãi`ʜ˜ÊޜÕÀʅi>Ì…ÊÃÌ>Ìi]ʏˆviÃÌޏiÊ>˜`ʘii`ÃÊ V…ˆiÛiÊ̅iÊÀˆ}…Ìʎˆ˜`ʜvÊÜiˆ}…ÌʏœÃÃÊ̅>̽ÃÊÃ>viÊ>˜`ʏ>Ã̈˜} ˜œÞÊÀi>Êvœœ`ÊvÀœ“Êi>ÃÞ]Ê`iˆVˆœÕÃÊ>˜`ÊL>>˜Vi`ÊÀiVˆ«ià ,iViˆÛiÊ«iÀܘ>]ʜ˜i‡œ˜‡œ˜iÊÃÕ««œÀÌÊ>˜`ʓœÌˆÛ>̈œ˜ >݈“ˆâiÊޜÕÀÊi˜iÀ}ÞÊ>˜`ÊL>>˜ViÊޜÕÀʅœÀ“œ˜iʏiÛiÃ ÀiiÊޜÕÀÊLœ`Þʜvʅ>À“vՏÊ̜݈˜ÃÊ>˜`ÊVÀ>ۈ˜}à “«ÀœÛiÊޜÕÀʅi>Ì…Ê>˜`Ê>ۜˆ`Ê̅iÊÀˆÃŽÊœvÊV…Àœ˜ˆVÊ`ˆÃi>Ãi 7…ˆiʜ̅iÀÊÜiˆ}…ÌʏœÃÃÊ«Àœ}À>“ÃÊ>ÀiÊ`iÈ}˜i`Ê̜ÊܜÀŽÊvœÀ¬%6%29/.%]Ê̅iÊ 5¬ 7EIGHT¬ ,OSS šÊ «Àœ}À>“ÃÊ >ÀiÊ LՈÌÊ >˜`Ê VÕÃ̜“ˆâi`Ê L>Ãi`Ê œ˜Ê i>V…Ê Vˆi˜Ì½ÃÊ 0%23/.!,Ê ˜ii`Ã°Ê "ÕÀÊ ÃVˆi˜Vi‡L>Ãi`Ê >˜`Ê `œV̜À‡vœÀ“Տ>Ìi`Ê «Àœ}À>“ÃÊ >ÀiÊ `iÈ}˜i`Ê ÜˆÌ…Ê ÞœÕÀÊ Õ˜ˆµÕiÊ }i˜ïVÊ “>ŽiÕ«]Ê “iÌ>LœˆÃ“]Ê L>ÀÀˆiÀÃÊ ÌœÊ Üiˆ}…ÌÊ œÃÃ]Ê>˜`ʅi>Ì…ÊV…>i˜}iÃʈ˜Ê“ˆ˜`°Ê Ý«iÀˆi˜ViÊ̅iÊ5¬$)&&%2%.#%Ê>˜`Ê>V…ˆiÛiÊ …i>Ì…Þ]Ê À>«ˆ`Ê >˜`Ê >Ã̈˜}Ê ÀiÃՏÌÃÊ ÜˆÌ…Ê >Ê «Àœ}À>“Ê ̅>̽ÃÊ VÕÃ̜“ˆâi`Ê vœÀÊ 5° #HRIS 3ASKATOON ¬3+¬ ¬,"3¬,/34 1Ê7 /Ê"--ÁÊ   Ê"Ê*  , Ê £xxäÊ -/" Ê," ]Ê1 /Ê££ÊÊÊÊÊÊ /i\ʙäx°nΣ°{n{™ÊÊÊÊÊÊ “>ˆ\ÊÕ«ˆVŽiÀˆ˜}JÕÜiˆ}…̏œÃðVœ“ "6 ,ÊÈxÊ" /" -Ê ,"--Ê   Ê Ê,"7 t ÜÜÜ°LiVœ“iÕ>}>ˆ˜°Vœ“ .O¬OBLIGATION¬-UST¬BE¬¬YEARS¬OF¬AGE¬OR¬OLDER¬ 1 7 / "-- Á   " *  ,  -/,/Ê/" 9°Ê ""Ê9"1,ÊÊ 0%23/.!,¬(%!,4(9¬7%)'(4¬!.!,93)3¬  Ê /ÊÊ&2%%¬$%4/8¬¬#,%!.3%Ê* ÊÊ ",ÊÊ&2%%¬5¬9/'!¬$6$t / ¬¬ / Ê" ,t durhamregion.comNews Advertiser • November 19, 20103 AP Company contends it followed the union collective agreement after Afghanistan veteran not granted Remembrance Day off JENNIFER O’MEARA jomeara@durhamregion.com PICKERING -- An Afghan veteran who works at Ontar- io Power Generation in Pickering had to take an unpaid day off to mark Remembrance Day, while other veteran colleagues were granted the day off by the company. “Remembrance Day is important. I’ve had friends die while serving overseas, it means a little more to me than it did,” said Adrian Rizzuto, a 34-year-old veter- an. “I would just like to see it be across the board equal treatment. I just don’t think they should be different in how they treat the vets.” His union said an outdated OPG policy is to blame, one that recognizes veterans up to the Korean war but none after. An OPG spokesman is accusing the union of using Remembrance Day as a negotiating tactic for the next collective agreement. In September, Mr. Rizzuto, who has worked at OPG for six years, asked for Remembrance Day off. He served as a gun detachment commander in Kandahar for almost eight months and thought he was entitled to the day, which OPG gives to veterans. In late October, Mr. Riz- zuto was told he was being denied the day off. “They did mention that I wasn’t entitled to it in my collective agreement, but said they were only denying me. I felt very singled out,” said Mr. Rizzuto, who took the issue to his union. OPG spokesman Ted Gruetzner explained that under the collective agreement negotiated with the Society of Energy Professionals union, Mr. Rizzuto doesn’t quali- fy for Remembrance Day off. However, the Afghan vet was free to take the day off as a vacation day, he said. “It’s really important to understand we’re not denying this individual the right to take this day off and grieve his fallen comrades. We’re proud of the service he’s done,” said Mr. Gruetzner. “It’s a time accounting issue.” In the other OPG union, the Power Workers Union, all veterans get the day off without having to use holi- day time. Mr. Gruetzner said that was part of the agree- ment negotiated with that union last year. Society of Energy Professionals union representatives said OPG shouldn’t wait for a new contract to make sure all veteran employees are treated fairly. Brian Rob- inson, the union communications officer, said the OPG policy for their union was last updated in 1981 and stops at the Korean War. “I don’t think we should wait for the formality of contract negotiations to do the right thing,” said Mr. Robinson. “A veteran is a veteran.” The union OPG local vice president, Joe Fierro, said there is at least one other Afghanistan veteran working for OPG who is upset about not being given Remem- brance Day off. He said there could be others who sim- ply booked the vacation day without complaining to their union. “We want it brought to attention that not all veterans are equal in the mind of OPG,” said Mr. Fierro. The OPG spokesman said OPG held Remembrance Day ceremonies around the company and a memo with employee Remembrance Day stories was circulat- ed. “We respect all veterans,” said Mr. Gruetzner. The Society of Energy Professionals’ contract is up at the end of the year and negotiations on the next agree- ment have already begun. Mr. Gruetzner said OPG was “offended” that the union was going public with an issue OPG sees as part of the contract negotiations. “On a day like this, which really is about Remem- brance, it’s become a labour relations issue and we don’t think that’s appropriate,” said Mr. Gruetzner. The union contends the issue is not part of the new contract, but an OPG policy that could be updated without negotiations. “All I want them to do is update their own internal policy. It’s not our collective agree- ment at all,” said Mr. Fierro. “We’re not trying to get a whole bunch of money for a whole bunch of people. It’s Remembrance Day off for two people -- that we know of.” A Cuddly Gift for You! Starting Friday, November 19th Over 200 Stores & Services H&M Gap La Senza Sirens Roots Zellers American Eagle Outfitters Urban Behavior Sears Olsen Europe Aéropostale La Vie en Rose Coach Boathouse ALDO Nygård Reitman’s Payless ShoeSource Bath & Body Works Tristan the Bay Suzy Shier Dynamite Garage Clothing Co.pickeringtowncentre.com Donations accepted in support of the Humane Society of Durham Region. Purchase $150 in Pickering Town Centre Gift Cards and get your FREE “Domino” the dalmatian plush. Gift Cards must be purchased after November 18th, 2010. While quantities last, one per customer, per day. Retail value: $10.95 EMPLOYMENT All veterans not equal at OPG, union claims SUPPLIED PHOTO PICKERING -- Adrian Rizzuto, an Afghanistan veteran, works at OPG in Pickering and had to take an unpaid day off to commemo- rate Remembrance Day. durhamregion.comNews Advertiser • November 19, 20104 AP Orchard Villa RETIREMENT RESIDENCE ORCHARD VILLA & COMMUNITY NURSING HOME • White Elephant Table • Wonderful Crafts • Yummy Bake Table • Vendors • RafÀ e 50/50 Draw and much more! See you there! Kick start your Christmas shopping. You’ll ¿ nd lots of great gifts at our bazaar. Annual Christmas BazaarAnnual Christmas Bazaar Saturday, November 20 10am - 2 pmSaturday, November 20 10am - 2 pm 1955 Valley Farm Rd. Pickering 905-831-2641 FREE GRIEF SEMINARS Saturday, November 20th with Dr. Bill Webster 10:00 a.m. – seminar for those who are grieving 1:30 p.m. – seminar to learn how to support others in grief www.forestbrook.ca 60 Kearney Drive, Ajax. Co-sponsored by McEachnie Funeral Home at Forest Brook Community Church BETTER YOUR FUTURE For permanent residents and convention refugees 905.831.3118 1400 Bayly St., Unit 1, Pickering Working and New to Canada? TRAINING AT YOUR OFFICE OR OUR CAMPUS ENGLISH LANGUAGE TRAINING IN THE WORKPLACE IMPROVE YOUR ENGLISH LANGUAGE SKILLS AT WORK • Business Writing Skills • Listening and Speaking Strategies BOOST YOUR CONFIDENCE • Communicate more effectively with colleagues and customers • Customized to your workplace needs • No fee service PICKERING -- Four masked men attempt- ed to rob a Pickering restaurant Wednes- day night as customers dined, unaware of what was happening in the kitchen, police say. The men, one of whom is believed to have had a handgun, forced their way into the kitchen at Pho Saigon Noodle Shop on Liverpool Road when an employee went outside to throw out some trash, Durham police said. But when they were confronted by a worker inside, the men fled the scene with- out stealing anything. Diners in the restau- rant were unaware of the robbery attempt, police said. CRIME Four sought in Pickering robbery attempt Damage to cop cars estimated at $7,000 AJAX -- Police officers were lucky to escape injury when a suspect repeatedly rammed two cruisers with his car Monday, police say. At around 11:50 a.m. on Nov. 14, officers responded to a family dispute in the area of Salem and Taunton roads in Ajax. Officers arrived, parked their vehicles on the road and went inside the victim’s residence. Police say after hearing a loud noise from outside, the officers went to investigate and saw a man repeatedly driving his vehi- cle into their parked cruisers. Both police cars were damaged and one had to be towed from the sene. Police say the man was highly agitat- ed and verbally challenged the officers to pursue him. Police chose not to follow in an effort to de-escalate the situation, but the man was located and arrested without incident shortly after. The victim received minor injuries form the assault but didn’t require immediate medical attention. The officers were not injured either, but damage to both cruisers is about $7,000. A 24-year-old Ajax resident was arrested for assault-related offences and held for a bail hearing. His identity is being with withheld to protect the identity of the vic- tim. If you have information about the investigation: CALL 1-888-579-1520 ext. 2525 CRIMESTOPPERS: Anonymous tips can be made to Durham police at 1-800-222-8477 POLICE Ajax cruisers rammed BREAKING NEWS: ALL DAY, EVERY DAY >>durhamregion.com durhamregion.comNews Advertiser • November 19, 20105 AP VIJAY BADHWAR, DMD Dental Care for Adults, Kids and Great Big Babies. • A Full Range of Dental Treatments - Bring the whole family. • Saturday & Evening Appointments - To serve you better. • Flexible Payment Options - Helping you get the treatment you want. • A Relaxing Atmosphere - Virtual vision glasses, stereo headphones to help ensure you have a pleasant visit. We keep our patients smiling by taking the time to understand their needs. Add our friendly, caring staff and state-of-the-art techniques and you’ve found a good dental home. 905-683-1391 172 Harwood Ave.S., Suite 101 ( located in the Ajax Plaza ) Free Teeth Whitening For New Patients With New Patient Exam Heating & Air Conditioning EST. 1970 www.cullenheatingandair.com 2007,2008, 2009, 2010 Readers’ Choice Award Winning Co. TOLL FREE 1.866.573.3116 577 Ritson Rd. S., Oshawa 905.725.9731 Furnaces/Air. Cond./Water Heaters/Fireplaces • FREE 10 Years Parts & Labour on Furnaces & A/C Only 1 year no interest, no payments O.A.C. call for details. HURRY - Don’t be left out in the cold. Call us to arrange for gas service to your home. Allow 6-8 weeks for meter. PAY TO HEAT ONLY THE WATER YOU USE! WITH A RINNAI TANKLESS WATER HEATERS ON SALE! REBATES AVAILABLE PURCHASE OR RENTAL JASON LIEBREGTS / METROLAND Pickering seniors host bazaar PICKERING -- Gail Layzell, right, helped Betty McFetridge pick out some knitwear during the South Pickering Seniors Club Bazaar at the East Shore Community Centre recently. I’m confused. Is it legal or not? No, I’m not talking about the controver- sy over smoking. I know smoking is legal, well, until you try to exhale somewhere. What’s confusing me is trying to figure out the difference between a legal arche- ological dig and illegally desecrating a grave. Not that I plan to do either. Newspapers often have news articles with an accompanying picture of human remains that were unearthed somewhere causing great excitement for archeolo- gists. The remains are scientifically exam- ined and then usually put on display in a museum for anyone to gawk at, the deceased having no choice in the matter. I think that’s dead wrong or should I say, doing wrong to the dead. What doesn’t seem to disturb the diligent diggers is the fact that they have disturbed someone’s final resting place. Is there a statute of limitations on being allowed to rest in peace? If I toddled off to a local cemetery with a shovel and started digging up a grave, I would be arrested on the spot, or more accurately, on the plot. I’d be committing a felony and even the Oxford dictionary defines a felony as “crime regarded by the law as grave.” Honest, I didn’t make that up. Is being unearthed a fate that could await all of us who will be nestled in the ground after we’ve departed this world? It’s no wonder that people want to be buried in their Sunday best. We’ll never know who will be looking at us in the future. I don’t look that great right now. I can’t imagine how I would look a thousand years from now if I was dug up. I’m all for scientific knowledge and advancement. However, if I wanted to be someone’s science project, I would leave my body to science now and not welcome being dug up in the future. I suppose I could address my concern by being cremated. My last smoke on earth. And while on that topic, I think that sci- entists should be concentrating on more pressing issues. Why aren’t they busy trying to develop non-toxic cigarettes for the very addicted among us? Because they know that smokers are a dying breed? Dead is dead no matter how you get there. Go ahead. Put that in your pipe and smoke it. -- Karen Houston is a Durham Region resident, a former Opinion Shaper with This Week and still amuses herself by writing all the time. durhamregion.comNews Advertiser • November 19, 20106 & Editorial Opinions WE THINK... email responses to newsroom@durhamregion.com A Metroland Media Group Ltd. Publication Tim Whittaker - Publisher Joanne Burghardt - Editor-in-Chief Mike Johnston - Managing Editor Duncan Fletcher - Director of Advertising Eddie Kolodziejcak - Classifi ed Advertising Manager Abe Fakhourie - Distribution Manager Lillian Hook - Offi ce Manager Janice O’Neil, Cheryl Haines - Composing Managers News/Sales 905-683-5110 Fax 905-683-7363 Classifi eds 905-683-0707 Distribution 905-683-5117 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax ON L1S 2H5. Publications Mail Sales Agreement Number 40052657 Member: Ontario Press Council, OCNA, CCNA, SNA. All content copyright AP Celebrating the Métis culture in Durham Region I’ve been busy digging through some pressing issues Durham Region’s Métis community has come a long way since being for- mally established in 2003. A combination of benign neglect from fellow citizens and groups in Durham and a reluctance to celebrate their culture and heritage locally left the region’s Métis community, more than 2,000 strong, on the fringes of society. Durham Métis Council president Robert Pilon knows well the experi- ence of growing up Métis in Durham in those difficult days. He and fellow community members routinely faced discrimination and had few resourc- es to raise awareness to confront the problems they faced and effect change. Today, the Durham Métis Council can claim victory in its ongoing effort to join the larger community, share Métis heritage with Durham residents from east to west and north to south, and celebrate its past, present and brighter local future. The annual Métis Heritage Festival every June in Oshawa continues to grow and draw interest, the council offers sewing circles, com- munity potlucks, family literacy pro- grams and a traditional dance group to celebrate an important part of Métis culture. And a timely funding package of $137,000 from the federal government to the local Métis council will expand the local effort to raise awareness and build knowledge of the Métis commu- nity. To that end, master canoe maker and local elder Marcel Labelle will be work- ing with local high school students to build a 25-foot Voyageur canoe made entirely of natural, traditional materi- als. As well, local school children and community groups will be offered a taste of Métis culture with traditional dance lessons offered for free. The Métis have a deep, rich and con- flicted history in Canada, one that’s worthy of celebration and preserva- tion. Historically, the Métis emerged from the mixed ancestry of Indian women and European men and grew into distinct communities, with vari- ous ancestral permutations, through the generations. Today, the Métis National Coun- cil estimates that its members make up fully 26 per cent of Canada’s total Aboriginal population. Here at home, the local Métis can now continue to educate fellow Dur- ham residents about their culture, cel- ebrate the rich diversity that exists in Durham and further establish their rightful place as an active and engaged community in the region. Let us all celebrate together, build bonds and join the Métis as neigh- bours, friends and supporters. Karen HoustonGuest Columne-mail letters to newsroom@durhamregion.com / max. 200 words / letter writers are obliged to back up their statements with verifiable facts / please include your full first and last name, city of residence & daytime phone number / letters that do not appear in print may be published @ durhamregion.com durhamregion.comNews Advertiser • November 19, 20107 P DENTISTRY while Asle pe Our Smiles Speak For Th emselves! 1-279 Kingston Road East, Ajax • 905-683-3300 denƟ strywhileasleep.ca Email: denƟ strywhileasleep@rogers.com General Dentistry with the option of Anesthesia Specialize in young children’s denƟ stry where all dental needs are addressed in 1 appointment Oī ering CosmeƟ c, RestoraƟ ve and Crown & Bridge dental work Periodontal (Gum Specialist) Implant DenƟ stry EndodonƟ c Specialist (Root Canal Therapy) We treat all patients including: Dental Phobic Bad Gag ReŇ exes Diĸ culty with Oral Freezing Medically Compromised Relax. It’s Done.SMRelax. It’s Done.™ Treat Yourself BEFORE The Holidays! SAVE $150 Not valid with any other offers. New customers only. Some conditions apply. *$30.00 off your fi rst 5 visits. Valid until December 31, 2010 When you sign up for weekly or bi-weekly service* We provide: ■ 100% satisfaction ■ Fully Insured and Bonded ■ Approved provider for Veterans ■ All equipment & cleaning products supplied ■ Trained, uniformed employees 905-426-2120 www.merrymaids.ca® TM Trademarks of AIR MILES International Trading B.V. Used under license by LoyaltyOne Inc. and Merry Maids. SHORTBREAD SOCIAL Thursday, December 9th at 7pm Help us ring in the Holiday season at our annual event. Reserve your seat today! Call Jenn at 905-426-6603.1645 Pickering Pkwy., Pickering Call 905-426-6603 www.chartwellreit.ca Margaret Used To Play Solitaire Now she’s on our Bridge team L iving at a Chartwell residence is the difference between passing the time and making the most of it. It’s your chance to stay active and try new things with people a lot like you. Planned activities and spontaneous gatherings give you the opportunity to become involved. Or, you can have a quiet day knowing that tomorrow will bring another chance to join in. parkway retirement residence SABRINA BYRNES / METROLAND Vaughan Willard school kids collect for Pickering food bank PICKERING -- Kelly Mansbridge’s Grade 6 class at Vaughan Willard Public School, held a Halloween for Hunger food drive, where they collected more than 900 food items in the span of three weeks. All the food collected will be donated to St. Paul’s on the Hill Food Bank. durhamregion.comNews Advertiser • November 19, 20108 AP 1(:6)5207+(&$67/( 9LVLWXVDWRXU)DOO2SHQ+RXVH ALL GIRLS’ INDEPENDENT DAY AND BOARDING GRADES 5 - 12 Trafalgar Castle School Success. For Life. 905.668.3358 The Castle’s small, all-girls’ environment prides itself on its community model and offers every opportunity for girls to shine. At Trafalgar, girls dominate our classrooms and excel in traditional boys’ subjects. Students form friendships that transcend grades, borders and cultures. Our leaders, actors, athletes, writers, artists, scholars and musicians are all girls. At Trafalgar, girls are given a voice and are empowered to use it. Make the Castle your home. Can’t make the Open House? Contact us to arrange your personal tour. www.castle-ed.com 6DWXUGD\1RYHPEHUDP1RRQ *HQHUDOLQIRUPDWLRQVHVVLRQDWDP 5FREE Grand Prize BONUS BALLOTS Redeem this coupon at the Rapid Rewards Players Club. Coupon valid November 21 - December 16, 2010. Limit of one coupon per day. Must be a member of the Rapid Rewards Players Club to qualify. See complete rules for details. Grand Prize Draw Date: December 16, 2010 11PM 545 Slots • 60 Table Games We have a winner. November 21 to December 16, 2010 - Every Sunday to Thursday W in W in y our share o four share o f $100,000 4 prizes o f $1,000 each day4 p rizes o f $1,000 each day W in your share o f $100,000 4 prizes o f $1,000 each day P l us, 2 Grand Prize Dra w s of $10,000 W in your share of $100,000 4 p rizes of $1,000 each day P l us, 2 Grand Prize Draw s ofPlus, 2 Grand Prize Draw s of $10,000 P l us, 2 Grand Prize Draw s of $10,000 See complete rules for details at the Rapid Rewards Players Club Centre. No purchase necessary. Valid government issued photo identification is required. Patrons with self-excluded or trespassed status, as determined by the Great Blue Heron Charity Casino (GBHCC) will not be eligible to participate in this or any GBHCC promotion; and if detected at our gaming property will be removed and trespassed. Must be 19 years of age or older. License # 10. BAAGWATING COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION Port Perry, ON www.greatblueheroncasino.com Follow us on Facebook & Twitter A/P Candlelight service part of Oshawa event DURHAM -- Monologues written by those infected and affected by HIV/AIDS will be part of an upcoming event hosted by the AIDS Committee of Durham Region. The Viral Monologues will be held at Oshawa’s Arts Resource Centre, 45 Queen St., on Dec. 1. Approximately 70 people will assemble to show support for people living with, affected by, or who have died from HIV/AIDS. Held on World AIDS Day, the evening will also feature a history of HIV/AIDS, treatment and prevention information, a question-and-answer period, statistics, information booths on safe sex, refresh- ments, live music and more. The Viral Monologues is an awareness event sponsored by the AIDS Committee of Durham Region’s youth advisory com- mittee. According to the AIDS Committee, recent statistics from the Public Health Agency of Canada indicate approximate- ly 61,000 Canadians are living with the virus, and more than 225 cases have been reported in Durham Region. The evening concludes with a youth- led candlelighting service to honour those who have passed away from HIV/ AIDS. Doors open at 6:45 p.m. and the event concludes at 9 p.m. Guests are encour- aged to donate either $2 or two non-per- ishable food items as an entrance fee. Ontario Works is a proven local recruitment service. We assess, prescreen and refer candidates to meet your requirements. We provide follow up support and can help with training. Employer funding may be available. We provide WSIB coverage during the training period. hiresomeonetoday.com Our Service is FREE “I’m really enjoying my work. I feel very fortunate to have a mentor.” 905 432 2929Works Get the employees you need We can save you time and money. Call us  rst. COMMUNITY Viral Monologues focus awareness of HIV/AIDS durhamregion.comNews Advertiser • November 19, 20109 P CITY SERVICES & LEISURE GUIDECITY SERVICES & L SUREEIS GUIDE Winter 2010|2011Registration begins Nov. 25 for Aquatics Nov. 29 for Fitness Nov. 29 for Leisure Quick & Easy, register online using Click to Reg, or register in-person, by mail, fax or phone. T. 905.420.4621 TTY 905.420.1739 Coming to your home November 21st registration@cityofpickering.com cityofpickering.com Want to know what’s happening in Pickering? Check Wednesday’s paper each week for complete details BE INFORMED! Monday marked National Philanthro- py Day, which celebrates the acts of giv- ing and kindness throughout the world to make it a better place. Ms. Martens and all Humane Society board members are strictly volunteers. She’s been donating her time with the Humane Society since 1990, and has been the president for the past 14 years. Her involvement started when she’d simply drop off items to help the animals, and was eventually asked if she’d like to join the board. She accepted the offer and worked her way up to her current post. As president, whether Ms. Martens is attending meet- ings or scheduling pet photos with Santa Claus, her duties are all over the map. While Ms. Mar- tens has seen her share of sad stories when neglected or abused animals are brought into the shelter, she looks at the brighter side. “I think the big thing for us is, we know if we weren’t there to do that for them, what would happen to them?” she said. “We see the worst of the worst but we see absolutely wonderful people who come through when (the animals) need them.” And her heart warms up when residents do their best to help out, including chil- dren who contribute to the building of the new shelter, following the devastating fire in December, 2008. “They have emptied their little piggy banks to buy bricks and things,” she said. Ms. Martens has been a nurse in the Rouge Valley Health System Ajax and Pickering hospital’s intensive care unit for 32 years and has learned dollars and vol- unteering make a difference at the hospi- tal, too. Claremont resident Michael Head, senior partner in Walker Head Lawyers, a law firm based in Pickering, is one of those people who financially makes a difference in Durham. He recently made a personal donation of $25,000 to the Ajax hospital’s Image is Everything campaign to help purchase the hospital’s first MRI. “It’s part of what we owe to the commu- nity,” he said. “(My wife and I have) been here for 30 years. We feel an obligation to support the community.” Mr. Head and his wife donate to between 20 and 30 charitable organiza- tions throughout Pickering and Durham, and he’s also spent time volunteering. He is past president of the board of directors for the United Way of Ajax-Pick- ering-Uxbridge and was also past presi- dent and one of three founding members of the Head Injury Association of Durham Region. The MRI donation was the biggest sin- gle one he’s made, but Mr. Head said a big chunk of his funding usually goes to the United Way, since it supports a number of different charities. He said all of the lawyers at Walker Head volunteer in the community in one way or another, whether it’s sitting on boards of charitable organizations, or spending time at a nursing home. He hopes to see more local lawyers help out. “I’d like to encourage other lawyers in Ajax and Pickering to get involved,” he said. “I haven’t seen their participation in much in the many years I’ve lived here.” THE SURVEY SAYS: A recent survey by BMO Harris Private Banking found 76 per cent of high-net-worth Canadians find it’s important to donate personally to the com- munity. The poll was conducted by Harris/Decima, which surveyed 459 Canadians who have $1 mil- lion in total investable assets and at least share in the financial decision-making process of their household. It found that despite the recent recession, two thirds of affluent Canadians plan to give away one to three per cent of their wealth this year, and that 59 per cent of respondents report the recession has not impacted their donating habits. It also found 91 per cent of women say it’s important to personally give back to the commu- nity, compared to 72 per cent of men. Marvi Ricker, vice president and managing director of BMO Harris Private Banking, shared tips for those looking to become philanthropic: • Have a plan: Think about an issue or cause that is important to you and will motivate you to contrib- ute time, energy and money. • Do your research: Learn about the chosen cause and the organization to understand where your funds could be allocated to the greatest effect. • Get outside help: Speak with your financial adviser, who can help you determine how much money to dedicate to your cause, whether it be on a regular basis or a one-time donation. PICKERING from page 1 There are so many organizations out there that just need that little bit of help. Karin Martens, Humane Society of Durham Region president COMMUNITY Pickering lawyer makes case for philanthropy MICHAEL HEAD DURHAM -- As part of Women Abuse Awareness Month, local experts will be talking about the issue at a special event on Nov. 24. Local agencies will be on hand to pro- vide information and resources to help prevent woman abuse, including tools to help recognize the warning signs of abuse and provide support. A panel discussion will address chal- lenges associated with intimate rela- tionship abuse including mental illness, addictions and issues faced by lesbian, bisexual and trans women. One in five homicides in Canada involves the death of an intimate part- ner and women are disproportionately the victims of these crimes, account- ing for 83 per cent of intimate partner deaths. The event runs from 6 to 8 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 24 at the Durham YMCA, 99 Mary St. N., in Oshawa. Admission is free and refreshments will be available. Everyone is welcome. For more information: CALL 905-427-7849 (Women’s Multicultural Resource and Coun- selling Centre) EMAIL info@wmrccdurham.com PANEL DISCUSSION Local experts to discuss women abuse in Durham durhamregion.comNews Advertiser • November 19, 201010 AP DURHAM SECONDARY & MIDDLE SCHOOL ACADEMY Durham Secondary Academy is a co-ed university and college preparatory day school for students in grades 5-12. 1 Cedar Street in Ajax 905-426-4254 www.durhamsecondary.com New Seme st er starti n g t hi s m o nt h “High School Students” Do you still need a credit to graduate? Are you struggling with a course? Do you need to raise one of your marks? Do you need individualized attention to get a good grade? Then we can help. We have 10 week semesters with fl exible entry points. Find out more at www.durhamsecondary.com or call us today! The Basmaji family, owners of Graziella Fine Jewellery, were pleased to celebrate the Grand Opening of their third location with Ajax Mayor Steve Parish. Their new location is located at 289 Kingston Rd. East, in the White Tail Plaza. Visit one of the Graziella Fine Jewellery locations to À nd the perfect gift this holiday season. Advertising Feature Graziella Fine Jewellery Grand Opening durhamregion.comNews Advertiser • November 19, 201011 AP durhamregion.comNews Advertiser • November 19, 201012 AP SNOWNOW T TIREIRE GUYS the SSNOWNOW T TIREIRE G GUYSUYS Save Save BIG $$$BIG $$$ on your on your SNOW TIRESSNOW TIRES Delivered to Your Home Mounted and Balanced on New Rims! CALL TAYLOR TIRE DURHAM 905- 424-1757 Assistance with Installation is Available. All packages subject to Ontario’s environmental tax. (All sizes available for most vehicles while quantities last. We will quote on non standard sizes and manufacturers.) 14” Rims and 4 Snows $499 HST included 15” Rims and 4 Snows $599 HST included 16” Rims and 4 Snows $699 HST included 17” Rims and 4 Snows $799 HST included VSP • Winter Claw Event at Dunbarton High School to take place in February PICKERING -- Due to numer- ous factors, a chef’s challenge planned at Dunbarton High School in Pickering has been postponed to early 2011. The Dunbarton and Commu- nity Chefs’ Challenge, hosted by the Durham Culinary Associa- tion, was scheduled for Wednes- day, Nov. 24. A number of talented chefs from restaurants across Durham Region were set to cook off and be judged on their tasty dish- es. The public was also invited to attend the event and try the food. DCA co-founder James Blair hopes the competition will take place in late February instead. For more information: CALL 905-839-1125 (James Blair) FOOD Chef’s challenge in Pickering postponed LOCAL BREAKING NEWS, SPORTS, PHOTOS, VIDEO AND WEATHER: ALL DAY, EVERY DAY >> durhamregion.comNews Advertiser • November 19, 201013 AP at the University of Ontario Institute of Technology Regent Theatre Concert Series durham Great music close to home! TICKETS STILL AVAILABL E ! LC KITCHEN DESIGNS MILLWORK AND RENOVATIONS 8www.wilsonfurniture.com Whitby.com BUY TICKETS 46.50 each ONLINE: DurhamConcertSeries.com BY PHONE: 1-866-9-GET-TIX 50 KING STREET EAST, OSHAWA THURSDAY .................12pm to 6pm FRIDAY ........................12pm to 6pm SATURDAY .................12pm to 6pm OPEN UNTIL 8PM DAY OF SHOW AT THE REGENT THEATRE BOX OFFICE: THE IRISH ROVERS 4BUVSEBZ %FDFNCFS tQN FOAM ENCASEMENT 825 5-ZONED POCKET COIL KING SET $79900 TWIN $68900 FULL $73900 KING $118900QUEEN SET BIG SAVINGS!!CUSHION-FIRM 800-POCKET COIL PILLOW TOP DECADENCE SETS QUEEN $63900 KING $97995 BIG SAVINGS!! BIG SAVINGS!! BIG SAVINGS!! TWIN $52900 FULL $58900 HIGH-PROFILE COIL EUROTOP PLUSH SET $89900 QUEEN SET PLUSH EUROTOP UNICASE W/ MEMORY FOAM DECADENCE SET TWIN $79900 FULL $84900 KING $126900 TWIN $19900 FULL $24900 QUEEN $27900 TWIN $29900 FULL $33900 QUEEN $35900 TIGHT-TOP PLUSH*HIGH PROFILE PLUSH OR FIRM WITH MEMORY FOAM* SAVE THE HST WE PAY 13% Limited Stock on Some Items! We Pay the HST! SEA L Y KI D S’ MAT T R E S S E S * TWIN TWIN $$129129 9595 FULL FULL $$149149 9595 QUEEN QUEEN $$179179 9595 $$6996990000 $$9999990000 QUEEN SET Posturepedic Posturepedic Posturepedic MARCUS SWIVEL STOOL When purchasing 2 or more* $15995 NOW ONLY<PLUS 25% SAVE Another MARCUS SWIVEL STOOL PLUS STOOLS CUSTOM MADE FOR YOUR HOME! Pick the height, the metal fi nish and the fabric to match! E R ! t, h c ! MATTRESS BARGAINS! Financing Available • Credit Cards Accepted www.masterbedroomstores.com668-4300 WHITBY 1540 Dundas Street East Northwest corner of Thickson & Dundas 427-2047 PICKERING 1755 Pickering Parkway Northeast corner of Hwy 401 & Pickering Parkway LOWEST PRICES OF THE YEAR ON SEALY’S TOP POSTUREPEDICS *Mismatch Base Available with mattress purchase Only $100.00 per/pc. HURRY IN! HURRY IN! SALE ENDS SOON!SALE ENDS SOON!HURRY IN! HURRY IN! SALE ENDS SOON!SALE ENDS SOON! LOWE D ELIVERING F OR T HE F UTURE What do you call someone who runs their own business, braves summer heat and the winter chill, is on the job in the rain, snow and sleet, is always cheerful and courteous and who brings the product right to your door every time without fail while also trying to conquer the intricacies of math, science and auditioning for the fi rst-chair saxophone in the school band? A News Advertiser Carrier To become a carrier you must be 10 years or older. For more information on how to become a News Advertiser Carrier call 905-683-5117 AJAX PICKERINGWe are currently looking for Carriers to deliver to the following areas: Tansley Lane Brocklesby Crescent Riverside Drive Forest Road Kingston Road West Elizabeth Street Stokes Crescent Mosa Court Illingworth Lane Brackenbridge Street Ravenscroft Road Kearney Drive Fenten Street Old Harwood Avenue Delaney Drive Ryder Crescent Harty Crescent Strickland Drive Hills Road Winterton Way Bowles Drive Hesketh Road Warburton Drive Cameron Street Olsen Drive Stammers Drive Darley Street Montebello Crescent Dunwell Crescent Lambard Crescent Selway Road Seggar Avenue Waldron Court Bambridge Street Harley Drive Linnell Street Atherton Avenue Coyle Street McGonigal Lane Major Oaks Road Pickering Parkway Dellbrook Avenue Westcreek Drive Greenmount Street Pinegrove Avenue Beaton Way Sandhurst Crescent Duberry Drive Thicket Crescent Wildwood Crescent Mossbrook Square Linwood Street Autumn Crescent Shay Drive Hummingbird Court Lynn Heights Drive Summerpark Crescent Glenanna Road Sparrow Circle Bowler Drive Denmar Road Strathmore Crescent Garland Crescent Spruce Hill Road Rosebank Road Shadybrook Drive Oakwood Drive Fieldlight Boulevard Moorelands Crescent Rosefi eld Road Toynevale Road Rambleberry Avenue Steeple Hill Rawlings Drive Twyn Rivers Drive Longbow Drive Littleford Street Parkside Drive We are currently looking for Prospects to deliver to the following areas: Pickering Community Concert Band performs Nov. 28 AJAX -- Whether residents just like to sit back and enjoy the music or prefer to sing along to their favourite Christmas carols, the Pickering Community Concert Band plans to offer a versatile musical style that will appeal to the whole family at an upcoming performance. The well-known community band will pres- ent a collection of traditional and contem- porary festive music, including an arrange- ment of O Holy Night by Calvin Custer, Alfred Reed’s Russian Christmas Music and a sing- along with many family favourites. The concert will take place at Forest Brook Community Church, 60 Kearney Dr., in Ajax on Sunday, Nov. 28 at 2:30 p.m. Tickets are $15 for adults and $10 for chil- dren and seniors. They can be purchased at the door, or from a member of the band. For more information: VISIT www.concertband.ca CONCERT Sounds of Christmas in Ajax durhamregion.comNews Advertiser • November 19, 201014 AP 905-683-0407 WE BUYGOLD Old Ajax Plaza on Harwood Next to Home Hardware WATCHES 25% OFF Calendar ONGOING EUCHRE. every Friday from 6:45 to 10 p.m. at the Petticoat Creek Library and Community Centre, 470 Kingston Rd. W. (between Rosebank Road and Rouge- mount Drive), Pickering. Hosted by the Rouge Hill Seniors. New members wel- come. 905-683-2760, ext. 6302. DARTS. Mondays and Wednesdays from 10 a.m. to noon at the Petticoat Creek Library and Community Centre, 470 Kingston Rd. W. (between Rosebank Road and Rougemount Drive), Pickering. Hosted by the Rouge Hill Seniors. New members welcome. 905-683-2760, ext. 6302. NAVY LEAGUE. is for boys and girls ages nine to 12 and Sea Cadets is for boys and girls ages 12 to 18. Call 905- 427-0482 or visit 48 Exeter Rd. Ajax and find out how you can become a cadet. Navy League meets on Tuesday at 6:15 p.m. and Sea Cadets meet Wednesdays at 6:15 p.m. NOVEMBER 20 DR BILL WEBSTER. grief counsellor, TV host and speaker. presents two free grief seminars at Forest Brook Commu- nity Church, 60 Kearney Dr., Ajax. Doors open at 9:30 a.m. Seminar 1, for those who are grieving, begins at 10 a.m. Semi- nar 2, for professionals and those wanting to walk alongside someone who is griev- ing, begins at 1:30 p.m. Call the church office at 905-427-3442 for more informa- tion or to register for either or both semi- nars. Walk-ins welcome. Co-sponsored by McEachnie Funeral Home and the church. SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS BAZAAR. at St. Paul’s on the Hill Anglican Church, 822 Kingston Rd., Pickering, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Crafts, baking and preserves, jewel- ry, silent auction, tea room and more. NOVEMBER 24 AUTISM SUPPORT GROUP. in Pickering meets at 7:30 p.m. at Dunbar- ton-Fairport United Church, 1066 Dun- barton Rd., Pickering. 1-866-495-4680, durham@autismontario.com. AJAX PICKERING NAVY LEAGUE CADETS. hosts a fundraiser at Bos- ton Pizza in Ajax at Salem and Hwy. 2. From 5 to 9 p.m. a percentage of all meals purchased will be donated to the Navy League Cadets. NOVEMBER 25 AJAX-PICKERING CHRISTIAN WOMEN’S CONNECTION. Annu- al Fall Fair from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. at The Royal Canadian Legion, 111 Hunt St., Ajax. Handcrafted items, bake table, gen- tly used items, Silent Auction and more. Also the music of Sheila Jackson as she entertains in song and brings her inspir- ing message, Finding Hope. The cost is $8.50. AJAX PHILATELIC SOCIETY. meets on the second and fourth Thursdays from 6:30 to 9 p.m. at the Ajax Public Library, 65 Harwood Ave. S., Ajax. Stamp auc- tion at each meeting. Coffee and cookies available. New members welcome. 905- 579-3349 (David). NOVEMBER 27 CHRISTMAS CRAFT SHOW AND BAKE SALE. held by the Royal Cana- dian Legion. Local crafts for sale, home- baked goods. sandwiches, tea and coffee. At 1555 Bayly St., between Liverpool and Brock, Pickering, from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. 905-420-6438 (Jan). DUNBARTON-FAIRPORT UNIT- ED CHURCH. 1066 Dunbarton Rd (at Dixie and Hwy. 2), holds its 37th Annual Deck Your Halls bazaar and craft show from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. A 28-vendor craft show, home baking, hot lunch, Christmas crafts, used books, Grandpa’s Garage, silent auction, preserves, knitted goods, poinsettias and more. 905-839-7271. Send your upcoming events to newsroom@ durhamregion.com. At least 14 days notice is required for consideration of inclusion. durhamregion.comNews Advertiser • November 19, 201015 AP Opportunity is knocking, so open the door to these beautiful area homes this weekend! OPEN HOUSE WEEKEND SATURDAY & SUNDAY NOVEMBER 20/21, 2-4 PM 38 PERFITT CRESENT, AJAX $ 3 5 5 , 0 0 0 LLOYD TAYLOR Sales Representative 416-640-9434 Dir: 647-339-3176 Independently Owned and Operated New Gleaming Hardwood Floors, Top Quality Ceramics, walkout to Deck, 3 baths, 4 Large Bedrooms, Master en-suite, W/I closet, Security System, A/C, Green Belt View, 4 parking spots, Close to everything you will ever need. JUST MOVE IN Absolute Real Estate Services Inc. Brokerage 1867 KINGSTON ROAD #15, PICKERING $249,900 Bright 3 bedroom end unit townhome in Pickering...garage...private back yard...fi nished rec room...hardwood fl oors...powder room...$249,900... Contact Bonnie & Paul for all the info. www.bonnieandpaul.com SAT. & SUN., NOV. 20 & 21, 2-4 PM PAUL & BONNIE JONES SALES REPRESENTATIVE 905-831-9500 ROUGE RIVER Realty Ltd. Brokerage SAT. & SUN. NOVEMBER 20 & 21, 2-4 PM 926 SUNRISE AVE., PICKERING $429, 0 0 0 Sought After Westshore Neighbourhood! This Stunning 4 Bdrm Det’d Home is a Must See! Addi- tions at the front and back of the home highlight spacious principal rooms for optimal entertaining! Gorgeous Modern Eat-In Kitchen features pot lights, porcelain backsplash, valance lighting & durac- eramic fl oors. Hrdwd Flrs. Crown Molding. Main Flr Family Rm, Powder Rm & Laundry. Att’d Dbl Car Garage. Finished Bsmt w/wet bar & lots of storage! Large Master overlooks Conservation & features an elegant ensuite & walk-in closet. Visit www.christinapaisley.com for more info and virtual tour! 416-443-0300 CELL: 416-409-9932 JU S T L I S T E D ! Builder Offers: 4 bedroom, 3 bath, 1830 sf, semi on cul de sac, 5 appliances, walkout, hardwood. Builder Offers: 3 bedroom, 4 bath, semi on cul de sac, 2 walkouts, hardwood, 5 appliances, Ä nished lower level. SATURDAY & SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 20/21, 2-4 P.M. East of Salem, south of Kingston Rd. DWIGHT DAVIS Broker/Owner DND International Realty Corp. Brokerage 905- 982-0303 Builder will credit $1000.00 towards Closing Cost $359,90 0 $316,90 0 19 HORTON ST.46 HORTON ST. LYN DUNLOP Broker 905-619-9500 SUNDAY NOVEMBER 21ST, 1-3 PM 9 BUGGEY LANE, AJAX $864, 9 0 0 Priced to sell, this Deer Creek Estate Home backs onto the 8th fairway and offers a spacious home with lots of privacy close to all shopping and transit. This fi ve bedroom home has six baths and grand formal rooms as well as a cozy family room. This offers all a prestigious home should offer with a cold cellar, cathedral ceilings, 2 gas fi replaces, Jacuzzi tub, large deck, nannies quarters, three car garage all for $864,900. lynrealestate@rogers.com Sutton Group Heritage Realty Inc., Brokerage Independently Owned and Operated 4873 LORN STREET, CLAREMONT WANT SPACE & PRIVACY? THIS IS THE ONE! 905-686-5153 866-430-9900 GRACE JORGENSEN* Sutton Group Classic Realty Inc., Brokerage Independently Owned and Operated gjorgensen@sutton.com Come see this ranch bungalow on a huge 211x136 foot DOUBLE LOT. Park your boat & RV, build a workshop, or hang onto for future building. Open concept interior, renovated kitchen w/stainless steel appl. Newly fi nished basement, multiple fi replaces, 2 full baths. Family room with w/o to 37 foot deck and hot tub. Hardwood and ceramic fl oors. Asking $469,000. Call Grace before its gone! O . H S U N D A Y N O V 2 1 S T , 2 - 4 P M NEW LISTIN G Ajax • Pickering News Advertiser Real Estate STOP WASTING YOUR TIME! 905-683-5110 Check out our local real estate section for the latest local listings! We are your partner in real estate. We bring you the best in local listings of real estate delivered FREE to your door every week. (905) 839.7449 (800) 663.7199 pkeeler@trebnet.com www.paulkeeler.com c t e Independently Owned and Operated Re/Max Hallmark Realty Ltd., Brokerage GLORIA LUOMA SALES REPRESENTATIVE PAUL KEELER SALES REPRESENTATIVE Re/Max Rouge River Realty Ltd., Brokerage (905) 396.4557 (416) 486.5588 gluoma@trebnet.com www.glorialuoma.com c t e $47 9, 9 0 0 E 1 9 8 3 1 7 8 820 OLD HARMONY COURT, OSHAWA SUNDAY NOVEMBER 21, 2-4 PM PEACE ON HARMONY… STUNNING EXECUTIVE ON FORESTED RAVINE WITH HUGE IN-LAW SUITE THAT ACCOMMODATES MULTI-GENERATIONAL LIVING WITH EASE. 4 BDRM. WITH MAIN FLOOR LIVE / WORK SPACE & 2 SEPARATE ENTRIES…+ CUSTOM BUILT DRIVE SHED WITH LOFT & HUGE DRIVE FOR BIG BOY’S TOYS! A classic interior boasts a sunken great room with cozy fi replace & raised hearth, stunning black quartz that punctuates the zenith of high end kitchens, spacious master with spa retreat, & multiple terraces…perfect for dining alfresco! Experience Counts ...Now More Th an Ever! TRISH FRENCH Sales Representative 905-428-6533 1-800-663-7119 SAT & SUN NOVEMBER 20/21, 2-4 PM PHYSICAL CHALLENGES? EASY LEVEL ENTRY! COUNTRY RANCH BUNGALOW • OVER 1/2 ACRE! W-O-W! Amazing Country Privacy! Renovated sprawling ranch bungalow nestled on HUGE 1/2 acre treed lot! 90x265’! Custom gourmet kitchen o/looks huge family rm & fi replace! Cathedral ceilings! Luxury bath. Main laundry. Drive shed workshop. New paved drive parks 10 cars! 1/2 HR from GTA! Rare fi nd! 36 Mill Lane, Clarington see virtual tour! www.trishfrench.comsee virtual tour! www.trishfrench.com ROUGE RIVER Realty Ltd. Brokerage1/2 HOURTO GTAONLY $299 , 9 0 0! LAND L E V E L E N T R A N C E . LAND L E V E L E N T R A N C E . EASILY A C C E S S I B L E F O R EASILY A C C E S S I B L E F O R LIMIT E D M OBILITY LIMIT E D M O B I L I T Y VERONICA NURSE Sales Representative 905-831-5115 SAT & SUN NOV 20 & 21, 2-4 PM 36 GLENNIE DRIVE, AJAX $428,888 INDEPENDENTLY OWNED AND OPERATED Rouge River Realty Ltd. Brokerage Stunning 4 Bedroom Brick Home In North Ajax’s Popular Community ‘The Meadows’. Only 3 Years Old. Modern Kitchen, Family Room W/ Gas Fireplace, Upgraded Oak Stairs, Hardwood & Ceramic Floors Throughout. Easy Access To 401 & 407, Go Station, Parks, New Schools, Shopping & Transit. Well Maintained & Cared For Home! Truly A Must See! SUNDAY NOVEMBER 21, 2-4PM 24 FOXWOOD TR, PICKERING 905-683-5000 JIM KELLY* P.Eng FULLY UPGRADED/RENOVATED HOME WITH POOL! 4 Bed, 4 Bath, Finished basement, Upgrades galore. Roof/Windows/CAC/ Hi Eff Furnace/Kitchen/Bathrooms/Pool/ Hardwood/California Shutters/Laundry Room/Gas Fp/Paint/ Appliances etc INDEPENDENTLY OWNED AND OPERATED QUALITY ONE LTD., Brokerage Pickering’s #1 Condo Specialist for 12 years* *Call for details SAT. & SUN. NOV. 20 & 21, 2-4 PM 77 DOBSON DRIVE, AJAX 416-578-6444 905-831-5115 DENISE SHEA 3+2 Bdrm Home In Demand Family Neighbourhood! Huge Modern Reno’d Kitchen Overlooks Family Room W/Brick Fireplace, W/O To Yard! X-Long Living/Dining Combo W/Gleaming Oak Hardwood, Bay Window! X-L Master W/4 Pc Ens! Amazing Pie- Shaped Lot W/Deck & Hot Tub! Fin. Bsmt W/2 Extra Bdrms, 3 Pc Bath, Wet Bar! Main Flr Laundry! Lots Of Room For The Extended Family! See for yourself! FABULOUS!!T O N S O F U P D A T E S ! INDEPENDENTLY OWNED AND OPERATED Rouge River Realty LTD., Brokerage www.DeniseShea.com Broker durhamregion.comNews Advertiser • November 19, 201016 AP Save Up To 90%!Save Up To 90%! Today’s Deal in OSHAWA/WHITBY/CLARINGTON Visit wagjag.com Don’t quite get it yet? We can talk you through it . Call us at 905.579.4400 ext 2285 Brought to you by your trusted hometown Metroland Newspaper IT’S FREE! Sign up today at www.wagjag.com! Buy Together & We All Win How Does it Work? Follow us on Facebook 1 2 3 Like what you see? Th e n b u y the deal - but be warn e d - you don’t get the dea l u n l e s s enough people buy it. . . s o spread the word. If the deal tips we wil l e m a i l you your voucher whe n t h e clock stops - the rest i s u p t o you. If the deal doesn’ t t i p y o u are not charged and y o u c a n try again tomorrow. WagJag.com emails yo u a n exceptional off er from a local merchant of at least 50 % o f f . Find us at www.Facebook.com/WagJagDurhamRegion Connect with us on Facebook to discuss future deals, to be alerted to special Facebook only off ers or to simply ask us some questions. News AdvertiserTHE $300 for 5 Get-Away Vacations from Travel Logic Services (Up to a $3000 Value) Regular Price: $3000 | You Save: $2,700 BUY FOR $300 www.WagJag.com Discount: 90% Book your fl ight and Travel Logic Services will take care of your stay! You can mix and match the vacations you’d like to take. You can bet on Las Vegas being a great time, or if you’re looking for more beach time, head to Mexico, Florida or the Caribbean. There’s also great destinations in the U.S. you can check out! • Choose from over 50 arrangements • Fruit toppings include white or dark chocolate, cinnamon, fudge Highlights Oshawa/Whitby/Clarington Deal 50% Discount:BUY FOR $20 www.WagJag.com DELICIOUS DEAL!! 50% Off A Fruit Arrangement • Wide range of spa services • Makes a great gift • Experienced staff in a warm and relaxing setting Oshawa/Whitby/Clarington Deal 50% Discount:BUY FOR $25 www.WagJag.com GREAT DEAL!! 50% Off Spa Services durhamregion.comNews Advertiser • November 19, 201017 AP MUSIC IN THE SCHOOLS S tudent musicians just wanna play Honour Band concert Nov. 27 in Ajax MIKE RUTA mruta@durhamregion.com DURHAM -- Music is serious fun for Durham’s best music stu- dents. The Durham Senior Honour Concert and Jazz bands take to the stage on Nov. 27 at Ajax’s J. Clarke Richardson/Notre Dame community theatre. Roughly 60 students from Durham’s public, Catholic and Christian schools will blow their horns and bang their drums as they tackle some challenging pieces. “They are hand-picked by their local teachers based on repre- senting the school as one of the school’s finest musicians,” says J. Clarke music teacher Mary Bell- inger. She led a recent concert band rehearsal as the band worked on the tricky Danzas Cubanas by Robert Sheldon. Bellinger sepa- rated and heard the flutes, saxes and trumpets playing their parts. With the entire band she called out sections of the tune, starting at the end and going back into the number a bit further each time. “Let’s take it from the top,” she finally says. And after the song is finished, Bellinger dispenses some quali- fied praise. “There’s a lot more work to be done but you’ve made a lot more progress tonight than I thought you’d make,” she says. Kaipa Bharucha, a flutist in the band, says “the music is hard- er than we do in our regular schools.” Bharucha says when she was younger, she always wanted to play an instrument. In Grade 6, she took music lessons in Ajax and now takes private lessons in Oshawa, crediting her teach- er, Donna Sykes, for lighting her musical fire. “She’s the one who really made me fall in love with it,” says the Pickering High School student. Remember nearing the end of high school and having no idea what you wanted to do with your life? Bharucha doesn’t have that problem. “I want to become a high school music teacher,” she says. “I’m going to audition this year for university.” Two rooms over, teachers Rob Isabella and Mark Lynch were taking the jazz band through the Gershwins’ Strike Up the Band. As an 11 year old, David Eatock had a friend who played drums so it was natural for him to pick up a bass guitar. In six years, the Anderson Collegiate student has become an accomplished player in the jazz band. Eatock lists Jaco Pastorius, Vic- tor Wooten and Abraham Labori- el when asked which bassists he likes. He’s also in a band, The Ele- phant Graveyard, and writes music. He’s not in music to make a fortune, but for the love of it. “When I write music, I never think, ‘I’m going to make a lot of money off this’,” Eatock says. Randa Khoury, a concert band member who plays baritone saxo- phone, tried out instruments and mouthpieces when she was look- ing for an instrument to play. “I tried out the flute, but I couldn’t make a sound,” says the All Saints Catholic Secondary School student. “The sax worked for me and I went with it. It just kind of took off from there. I liked the sound of it; I liked the feel of it.” Khoury’s played the sax for six years and says it’s incredible how many people she’s met through the band who share the same pas- sion for music. “It’s the best experience I have ever had in my life,” she says. “I will probably replay the moments of honour band and re-live them countless times.” She says the audience can expect a range of music at the concert, “from almost a classical- style piece to almost salsa.” Bharucha says she’s learned how to play with and listen to other musicians as a part of the band. “It’s cool because it’s not just kids in our schools but kids from other schools,” she says. “You make lots of good friends here. It’s fun.” At the concert, the bands will be under the direction of two, high- profile musicians. Colin Clarke, founder and artistic director of the Toronto Youth Wind Orchestra, is lead- ing the concert band and eight- time Juno-nominated guitarist Michael Occhipinti is taking the reins of the jazz band. The concert is at 7 p.m. and the general public is welcome. Reserved seating tickets are $10 per person in advance or $12 at the door. Advanced tickets are available by contacting Bellinger at bellinger_mary@durham.edu. on.ca. AJAX -- Flute player Kaipa Bharucha and the Durham Senior Honour Concert Band, featuring students from across Durham Region, rehearsed Nov. 9 for a concert on Nov. 27 at 7 p.m. at the J. Clarke Richardson/Notre Dame community theatre. The concert will also feature music from the Durham Senior Honour Jazz Band. Reserved seating tickets are $10 per person in advance or $12 at the door. Advanced tickets may be purchased by contacting Mary Bellinger at bellinger_mary@durham.edu. on.ca. RYAN PFEIFFER / METROLAND Mike Ruta Entertainment Editor mruta@durhamregion.com durhamregion.comEntertainment durhamregion.comNews Advertiser • November 19, 201018 AP at the University of Ontario Institute of Technology Regent Theatre Concert Series durham Great music close to home! 40 Years of Sunny Days TICKETS STILL AVAILABL E ! LC KITCHEN DESIGNS MILLWORK AND RENOVATIONS 8www.wilsonfurniture.com Whitby.com BUY TICKETS 46.50 each ONLINE: Durham Con certSeries.co m BY PHONE: 1-866-9-GET-TIX 50 KING STREET EAST, OSHAWA THURSDAY .................12pm to 6pm FRIDAY ........................12pm to 6pm SATURDAY .................12pm to 6pm OPEN UNTIL 8PM DAY OF SHOW AT THE REGENT THEATRE BOX OFFICE: LIGHTHOUSE 4BUVSEBZ /PWFNCFS tQN LIVE MUSIC FUNDRAISER Stars coming to Ajax Abilities Centre fundraiser Nov. 23 AJAX -- A talented group of Cana- dian artists is coming to Durham for Christmas. Christmas at Home 2010 features an impressive array of talent per- forming in Ajax on Nov. 23 to ben- efit the Abilities Centre in Whitby. “Money raised from Christmas At Home 2010 will continue to be directed into the trust fund estab- lished to assist performing and visual arts programs at the Abilities Centre,” states co-organizer Dan Clancy in a press release. “It’s a per- fect fit for the concert and Abilities Centre.” This year’s show features enter- tainers Rik Emmett, Pavlo, Oscar Lopez, Ian Thomas, Murray McLauchlan, Cindy Church, Marc Jordan, Dala, Justin Hines and Carl Dixon. The artists are performing favou- rite Christmas songs and there’s also a 50/50 draw and a silent auc- tion. The concert starts at 7:30 p.m. (doors open at 6:30 p.m.) at the J. Clarke Richardson/Notre Dame community theatre, 1355 Harwood Ave. N. (just north of Rossland Road), Ajax. Tickets are $50 each and available at tickets@christmasathome.ca, by calling the Abilities Centre at 905- 665-8500, or online at ticketweb.ca. RYAN PFEIFFER / METROLAND PHOTO Colourful characters PICKERING -- St. Mary Catholic Secondary School students present Seussical the Musical at the school Nov. 24 to 26 at 7 p.m. and Nov. 28 at 1 p.m. Rehearsing Nov. 11 were, bottom from left, Felicia Rampersad as Sour Kangaroo, Kevork Bostajian as The Cat in the Hat, Torie Lewarne as JoJo, Daniella Suongas as Gertrude McFuzz and Geoffrey Harrison-Edge as Horton. At the top is Nicole Dumpit as Mayzie La Bird. Tickets are $10 for adults and $7 for students and seniors. Call the school at 905-420- 7166, ext. 6416 for tickets. PATTYNANMEDIA.COM AJAX -- Amanda Walther, left, and her musical partner, Sheila Carabine, are the group Dala, among the musicians coming to Ajax for Christmas at Home 2010 on Nov. 23. durhamregion.comNews Advertiser • November 19, 201019 AP Friday, November 19, 2010 Ajax & Pickering Locations Flyers in Today’s Paper If you did not receive your News Advertiser/fl yers OR you are interested in a paper route call Circulation at 905-683-5117. Hours: Mon. - Fri. 9 - 6:30 Your Carrier will be around to collect an optional delivery charge of $6.00 every three weeks. Carrier of The Week Remember, all inserts, including those on glossy paper, can be recycled with the rest of your newspaper through your blue box Recycling program. SAVE TIME, SAVE MONEY View Flyers/Coupons At * Delivered to selected households only 8 Salem Rd South Ajax, ON L1S 7T7 279 Kingston Rd. E. Ajax 260 Kingston Rd. E. Ajax (in Home Depot) 1105 Kingston Rd. Pickering (in Home Depot) 255 Salem Rd. S. D#1 42 Old Kingston Rd., Ajax 465 Bayly St. W. #5, Ajax 1995 Salem Rd., N., Ajax 1889 Brock Rd., Pickering 300 Harwood Ave. S., Ajax 6 Harwood Ave. S., Ajax Today’s carrier of the week is Joshua who enjoys hockey & B. King. Joshua has received a dinner and sub’s compliments of McDonald’s, Boston Pizza and Subway. Congratulations Joshua on being our Carrier of the Week. * Ben Moss Jewellers Ajax/Pick. * Bonnie Togs Ajax/Pick. * Hakim Optical Ajax/Pick. * Harvinder Singh Remax Ajax/Pick. * Little Caesars Ajax/Pick. * Maytag Store Ajax/Pick. * Michaels Ajax/Pick. * National Sports Ajax/Pick. * New Homes Ajax/Pick. * Priszm Ajax/Pick. * Red House Thai Pick. * Shoppers Drug Mart Ajax/Pick. * The Brick Ajax/Pick. * Vanaik Furniture Ajax/Pick. Favourite Holiday Recipe Draw Do you have an all time favourite holiday recipe that you’d like to share with your community? Send it in for your chance to WIN A $200 SHOPPING SPREE at Sobeys South Ajax We’ll publish selected recipes in our 12th Annual Christmas in your Community edition, Thursday, December 2nd, 2010 along with the winner. Drop off or mail your entry to: “Favourite Holiday Recipe Draw” c/o The News Advertiser 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax L1S 2H5 or email: lmccaig@durhamregion.com Remember to include your name, address and phone number Deadline: Monday, November 22nd RYAN PFEIFFER / METROLAND Carver at work PICKERING -- Alex Paterson of Pickering carved a fisherman during the Ontario Woodcarvers’ Association’s 31st Annual Competition and Show at the Pickering Recreation Complex on Oct. 31. The two-day event featured competitions, exhibi- tions, demonstrations and seminars. PHOTO BY AL SEIB Cirque-us in Durham next week OSHAWA -- The Little Buddha, one of the characters in Cirque du Soleil’s Dralion show, is described as “the chosen child.” Cirque du Soleil per- forms Dralion at the General Motors Centre in Oshawa from Nov. 24 to 28. Tickets are avail- able at the General Motors Centre Box Office, by phone at 1-877-436-8811, online at www. generalmotorscentre.com or at the United Way Information Kiosk at the Oshawa Centre. WATCH a video at durhamre- gion.com beginning Sunday. Brad Kelly Sports Editor bkelly@durhamregion.com durhamregion.com facebook.com/sportsdurhamregion twitter.com/scnewsdurhamSports durhamregion.comNews Advertiser • November 19, 201020 AP Trojans OFSAA bound in basketball after beating Lady Cougars in senior girls’ LOSSA final BRAD KELLY bkelly@durhamregion.com OSHAWA -- The Pickering Trojans did something that no other team was able to do this season, and the accomplishment has earned them a trip to the OFSAA basketball championships. The underdog Trojans pulled off an upset at the LOSSA Quad-A senior girls’ basketball champion- ship game on Wednesday night, dethroning the defending cham- pion and No. 1 seed from Notre Dame 60-54 at the Campus Recre- ation and Wellness Centre on the UOIT Durham College campus in Oshawa. Notre Dame had all of the acco- lades coming into the game, mak- ing their sixth trip in a row to the LOSSA final, having represented the area at the past three OFSAA provincial championships, and came into the game without a defeat on their record (35-0) this season, including a 50-40 win over Pickering in September. In the GTA rankings, it was Notre Dame in first and Pickering at two. But Pickering took advantage of its size, speed and depth, jump- ing out to a 14-4 lead in the open- ing minutes, and then hanging on late as a 14-point lead with 5:30 left in the game evaporated down to one with less than a minute to go. But some clutch foul shooting by Tekima Millington-Rowe, sinking five of six attempts with less than 18 seconds remaining in the game, salted the victory away. “It’s a fantastic feeling,” said Pickering head coach Naomi Scott of winning LOSSA. “Going into the beginning of the season, we knew our potential. We had the best bench in this region. We’re very deep. We wanted to capitalize on that and we did. We pressured them and it worked. “It’s big. It’s about the girls com- ing together and peaking at the right time during the season and I really think they did.” Notre Dame came into the game without Brianna Thomas, who suffered a knee injury in a Whitby tournament just prior to playoffs, and then Dakota Whyte fouled out with 6:54 left in the game and Pickering up 47-39. It left a huge hole in their lineup, but they didn’t quit. Even down by eight at 55-47 with just 2:40 left on the clock, they cut it to one point with one minute left, giving themselves a chance. “We’re without Bre, she’s one of the top players in the province. She’s got lots of university scouts looking for her. And then when the going gets tough, we get Dako- ta with five fouls, so we’ve got two university-bound people on the bench and what does our team do? Come back within one with one minute left,” said head coach Rose Booker in praise of her team. “Never count us out is what I’ve learned about my team. I’ve been never so proud of them as I was in this game. When we brought it down to one point, I have never been more proud of my team than all the times we’ve gone to OFSAA.” Notre Dame led just once the entire game, 28-27 at one point in the second quarter. Other than that, Pickering was in control through- out, leading 20-19 at the end of the first quarter, 32-28 at halftime, and 47-37 after the third quarter. Millington-Rowe led the way for Pickering with 15 points, none big- ger than the five free throws she hit late, turning a 55-54 lead into a more comfortable 60-54 margin. “It feels amazing,” said the Grade 11 student who played senior last year, and was on the opposite end of a 58-40 loss to Notre Dame in the LOSSA final. “We worked so hard all season long. We had to build ourselves up to get the confidence and get everyone on the same page to win. We knew it wasn’t going to be an easy game.” As for having the outcome in her hands late in the game on the foul line, she said she welcomed the chance. “I’m happy I got the opportu- nity. I’m happy I made my free throws. When I was on the line, I wasn’t really thinking about any- thing. That is what I practise and I knew I could make the shots. I just knocked them down because I wanted to win really bad.” Scott noted that winning LOSSA was a long process, not just includ- ing getting on a run at the right time this season. “The last two years we really talk- ed about what it means to play for your school,” said the coach. “We talked about heart and pride. We also talked about leaving every- thing on the floor. “We talked about it all week at practice. We come, we play the best game we can, we leave everything on the floor and whatever happens at the end, we can live with it.” The Quad-A OFSAA senior cham- pionship will be in Hamilton from Nov. 25-27. In the junior final that preceded the senior game, Pickering came up just short of making it a sweep, falling 54-48 to Sinclair. HIGH SCHOOL BASKETBALL Pickering ends Notre Dame’s run SABRINA BYRNES / METROLAND OSHAWA -- Lindsay Panchan (left photo) of Notre Dame jumped to get a shot off while Pickering’s Becky Nash put up a block. Pickering’s Rochelle Reece (right photo) drove to the basket for Pickering as Notre Dame’s Kadeja Hughes gave chase during the LOSSA Quad-A senior girls’ basketball finals Wednesday in Oshawa. durhamregion.comNews Advertiser • November 19, 201021 AP NEWYEARSEVE2011 2700 Audley Rd. N. Ajax, Ontario 905.427.7737 www.golfdeercreek.com Your ALL INCLUSIVE Ticket includes: Hors D’Oeuvres & Cocktail Reception Three Course Meal Late Night Treat Host Bar All Evening Champagne Toast Plenty of Door Prizes DJ Entertainment  per person includes taxes & gratuities After December st -  per person Plan Your New Year’s Eve by DECEMBER 1ST - and Save! TO ORDER TICKETS, CALL 905.427.7737 EXT 236 S aAntSaAntDea RDea RHEY KIDS! It’s time again to send your letters to Santa. We’ll publish selected letters in our 12th Annual Christmas in your Community feature on Thursday, December 2nd. Send letters to: Letters to Santa C/O News Advertisier 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax ON L1S 2H5 or email: lmccaig@durhamregion.com by Monday, November 22nd O’Neill and Port Perry in the junior game, Pine Ridge and Eastdale in the senior DURHAM -- Two of the oldest high schools within LOSSA will meet in the Tier Two finals on Nov. 20 at 1:30 p.m. as the O’Neill Red Hawks will meet the Port Perry Rebels. Both schools fielded excellent football teams through the 1960s and 1970s and both schools discontinued their football programs for many years before returning in 2005 and 2008 respectively. The Rebels captured the Tier Two championship in 2005 while the Red Hawks will be trying to capture their first senior title since 1968. The Rebels are undefeated in eight games including two playoff wins while the Red Hawks have reeled off six con- secutive wins, including two single-point road victories in the playoffs, after start- ing the season with back-to-back losses. The two teams did not meet during the regular season. The junior champion- ship game will follow the senior game on Saturday with start time set for 4 p.m. Pine Ridge, which has yet to taste defeat in eight games, will line up opposite the Eastdale Eagles, who carry a 7-1 record to the championship. The Eagles, win- ners of their past seven games, suffered their only loss (25-20) playing the Pumas during the opening week. The game will feature two standouts. Meschach Green, who, in addition to handling the place kicking, has recorded 19 touchdowns this year, while Drew Pottle, who like Green is a league MVP finalist, will be lining up behind the centre and calling the plays for the Eagles. Tier Two semifinals O’Neill 15 Pine Ridge 14 For the second consecutive game, the Red Hawks came from behind in the fourth quarter to record playoff victory. With O’Neill trailing 14-1 after three quar- ters, Taylor Zak and then Jordan Stone with a minute remaining in the game recorded touchdowns to advance their team to the championship game for the second consecutive year. O’Neill: Taylor Zak TD; Jordan Stone TD; Taylor Smith 2C; Jeremy Alexander S Pine Ridge: Cordel Clarke TD; Randall Inniss TD; Duncan Mitchell 2C Port Perry 38 Uxbridge 1 Led by Mitch Vandenberg with two interceptions, including one for a touch- down, the Rebels defence held their northern neighbours to only one scoring point. Nathan Scott, Mitch Tones, Ryan Bullock and Dylan Barkwell also contrib- uted majors as the Rebels advanced to the Tier Two senior championship for the first time since 2005. Port Perry: Connor Haslam FG, 4C; Nathan Scott TD, S; Mitch Tones TD; Mitch Vandenberg TD; Ryan Bullock TD; Dylan Barkwell TD Uxbridge: Dylan Smith S Tier Two Junior Eastdale 41 Uxbridge 6 Paced by the two touchdown efforts of Konaar Bell, Riley Palmer and Matt Cox, the Eagles advanced to the Tier Two junior finals with a convincing 41-6 vic- tory over Uxbridge. Eastdale last captured the junior title in 2003 (Tier Two). Eastdale: Konaar Bell 2TD; Riley Palmer 2TD; Matt Cox 2TD; Ben Donnelly 5C Uxbridge: Mitchell Winkel, TD Pine Ridge 44 Dunbarton 0 The Junior Pumas booked their ticket to the championship with a three-touch- down outburst in the opening quarter including an 86-yard run by Chris Hawke. The Pumas, who captured back-to-back junior titles in 1992 and 1993, will be try- ing to capture their third junior champi- onship. Pine Ridge: Meschach Green 4TD; 5C, FG; Chris Hawke TD; Alex Kaziev TD. HIGH SCHOOL Tier Two LOSSA football finals set SABRINA BYRNES / METROLAND PICKERING -- Dunbarton Spartans’ Stuart Mckenzie tried to get out of the grasp of a Pine Ridge Pumas player during LOSSA Tier Two junior boys’ football semifinals Tuesday at Pine Ridge Secondary School. durhamregion.comNews Advertiser • November 19, 201022 AP Don’t quite get it yet? We can talk you through it . Call us at 905.579.4400 ext 2285 Brought to you by your trusted hometown Metroland Newspaper IT’S FREE! Sign up today at www.wagjag.com! Visit wagjag.com Buy Together & We All Win Watch for this deal on SATRUDAY 57% Discount::: BUY FOR $15 www.WagJag.com $15 for a Custom Calendar plus 5 Greeting Cards OR 15 Custom Greeting Cards from The UPS Store (a $35 Value) - 2 Locations Watch for this deal on SUNDAY 50% Discount::: BUY FOR $22.50 www.WagJag.com $22.50 for a Cigar Humidor from Victory Cigars (a $45 Value) Watch for this deal on MONDAY 50% Discount::: BUY FOR $10 www.WagJag.com $10.00 for $20.00 Worth of Dining at Charlie Ronicks Watch for this deal on TUESDAY 60% Discount::: BUY FOR $80 www.WagJag.com $80 for an Avital 4103 LX Remote Car Starter with Two Hand Held Remotes (A $200 Value) News AdvertiserTHE g p y gj g Watch for these deals! Watch for these deals! COLUMN JIM EASSON The Annandale men’s team that won the Dominion Club Ontario curling cham- pionship is skipped by Chris Van Huyse with Tim March, Patrick Janssen and Tyler Anderson. The team now advances to the Canadian championships to be held in Prince Edward Island Charlottetown and Cornwall Curling Clubs Nov. 23-28. Live scoring can be found on curlcast on thedominioncurls.ca. Annandale will host the Zone 6 playdowns for the senior men and women Nov. 19-21. Annandale has entries skipped by David Gaudette and by Gord Norton. There are 10 men’s teams entered and two will advance to the Regional in East York Dec. 4-5. An Annandale junior team skipped by Ben Bevan with Tyler Sagan, Carter Adair and Jake McGhee, coached by Jennifer McGhee, traveled to the Ottawa Valley Curling Asso- ciation Junior Cashspiel Nov. 5-7. The team was sidelined after five games. The next event for the team is the Zone 6 junior play- downs to be held in Sutton Nov. 20-21. Two other Annandale junior teams skipped by Michael Bryson and Nathan Scott are also entered in the double knockout zone. Two winning teams will advance to the Regional at the Oakville Curling Club Dec. 4-5. On Saturday Nov. 6, Annandale hosted the popular Bantam/Junior Bonspiel. It includ- ed two eight-end games, lunch, snacks and prizes for all. Sixteen teams participated in the competitive draw and another 16 in the non-competitive draw. In first place was the Scarborough Country Club team skipped by Cameron Henry. In second place was an Annandale team of Corey Gaudette, Nathan Scott, Alexandre Wagner and Joe Flett, while a Peterborough Curling Club team placed third. Thanks from convenors Lori McMulkin and Sharon Lalonde went to all of the club volunteers. The defending Ontario championship team of Glenn Howard has Pickering resi- dent Richard Hart at vice, and the pair of Brent Laing and Craig Savill at front end. Next on their calendar is the Sun Life Finan- cial Invitational Curling Classic, from Nov. 19-22. The top teams in the world will com- pete for $100,000 in cash prizes in Brant- ford. Meanwhile, in Windsor Nov. 3-7 at the Grey Power World Cup of Curling, two-time Brier champion Jeff Stoughton upended Ontario favorite Glenn Howard 6-4 in one of the semifinals. Howard, the four-time World Cup champion, could only watch as Stoughton delivered a double-takeout on his final throw to clinch the game. Annandale Van Huyse team off to Canadian finals HOCKEY Pickering’s Kemp wins bronze at Deutschland Cup MUNICH, GERMANY -- Canada’s national men’s team finished in third place at the 2010 Deutschland Cup after a 3-2 shootout win over Slo- vakia on Sunday. All of the Team Canada players taking part in the 2010 Deutschland Cup are Canadians play- ing professional hockey in European leagues, and among them were Pickering’s T.J. Kemp and former Oshawa Generals goalie Fred Brathwaite. Kemp, who has over 200 games of experience in the American Hockey League, is playing this sea- son for the Nuermberg Ice Tigers of the Dutch Elite League. This is Kemp’s second season overseas. Last year the 29-year-old defenceman played for the Augsburg Panthers. Brathwaite was an Oshawa General from 1989- 92 and has spent each of the last three seasons playing in the DEL with the Mannheim Eagles. durhamregion.comNews Advertiser • November 19, 201023 AP (905) 743-4601 ext. 3151 Join the IQT experience! Now Hiring: IQT, a leading customer service provider, requires Customer Support Representatives to start training at our state of the art call center located in Oshawa Customer Service Representatives Training starts November 22nd 2010 $11.50 per hour start, and up to $12.50 per hour after 12 months. Up to $5.00 bonus per hour. Help Desk Support Training starts December 6th 2010 $12.00 per hour to start, and up to $13.00 per hour after 12 months. Up to $5.00 bonus per hour NEW NEW HOURLY WAGEHOURLY WAGE • Paid training • Comprehensive beneÛ ts package (Medical, Dental, Vision Care and More) • Career advancement opportunities • On-Site Û tness facilities • Employee lounges (with Ü at-screen TVs & computer access) • Two-week Û xed schedules with potential for overtime hours Or drop by at: 199 Wentworth St. E. 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Fax resume: 905-377-1479, call (905)377-1407. General Help Adult Route Operators for early morning delivery of the Toronto Star in Oshawa, Courtice, Ajax, Pickering and surrounding areas. Earn $800 to $1600/mo. P/T. Ph. 905-427-6290 Fax 905-239-3614 or apply online www.metris.ca SERIOUS INQUIRIES ONLY AMAZING OPPORTUNITY! Up to $800/wk. Work in pro- motions. Hourly pay, fun work environment. Advance- ment & travel! Must like loud music, people oriented. Call Winnie 1-888-767-1027 ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT COUPLE REQUIRED Mature COUPLE needed for hi-rise in Ajax. Live in position, good benefi ts and salary. Please fax resume to (905) 619-2901 between 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. CHRISTMAS IS Coming Earn $ 750-1000 wk/ avg plus Wkly Bonuses!!!!!! Ft / Pt Positions Available. Train- ing Provided. Call Now. 905 435-0518 HOME WORKERS NEED- ED! Full and part time posi- tions are available - Will train. On-line data entry, typ- ing work, e-mail reading, home mailers, assembling products. HURRY SPOTS GO FAST www. OntarioJobsFromHome.com PICKERING DAYCARE re- quires an experienced full- time RECE pre-school teach- er immediately. Must love children, be creative, ener- getic and a team player. Fax resume to: 905-428-8463. General Help HOMEWORKERS NEED- ED!!! Full & Part Time Posi- tions Are Available. Will Train On-Line Data Entry, Typing Work, E-mail Reading, PC/Clerical Work, Homemail- ers, Assembling Products. HURRY, SPOTS GO FAST! www.Jobs-ExtraIncome.com START A CAREER with a 1.5 Billion dollar company. Earn $750 to $1000/ wk plus Bonuses to Green Ontario!!! Call now for an interview. 905-435-1052 Salon & Spa Help HAIRSTYLIST FULL TIME with experience JOSEPH'S HAIRSTYLING, Oshawa Centre. Apply in person or call Joe (905)723-9251 Skilled & Technical Help COMMERCIAL HVAC ser- vice company requires li- censed refrigeration mechan- ics to work in the GTA. Fax resume to: 905-725-3744 or e-mail jason@ jcarlsonmechanical.ca MAINTENANCE MECHAN- IC positive displacement/high vac pump service and repair. Minimum 5 yrs experience. Please fax resume 905-436- 7468 Sales Help & Agents HAMILTON, ONTARIO CPP Sales Manager - Commercial Division MAGNESITA REFRACTO- RIES (CANADA) INC. is a global leader in refractory technology and service solu- tions for the steel manufac- turing, cement clinker pro- duction, and industrial mar- ket sectors. We currently have an outstanding opportu- nity for a CPP Sales Manag- er-Commercial Division to join our Canadian team, re- porting to the Regional Sales Manager. This permanent, managerial position will be responsible for managing all sales in the Hamilton, Onta- rio, region under our new sales model of Cost Per Per- formance contracts with key steel manufacturing loca- tions. Candidates must pos- sess a bachelor's degree and exhibit a high level of professionalism. Resumes must demonstrate a history of multi-dimensional man- agement development, along with detailed educational achievement. Excellent or- ganizational, communication, and computer orientation is absolutely required. Supervi- sory experience is critical. The CPP Sales Manager po- sition will be based in the Hamilton, Ontario area, and will require daily travel to su- pervise Magnesita sales per- sonnel located at each steel mill in the Hamilton, Ontario area. Will review and analyze daily technical data for op- erational improvement op- portunities and make recom- mendations for product appli- cation and substitutions, in collaboration with the Techni- cal Assistant. Will provide project management support and regularly review invento- ry systems and results with the Site Coordinator. The CPP Sales Manager attends customer operational and service review meetings and directs Magnesita sales per- sonnel in developing third party relationships and in im- plementing strategies for new business/sales opportu- nities. Magnesita Refracto- ries (Canada) Inc. offers an excellent compensation package, with a base salary range of $70,000 to $80,000 -- commensurate with candi- date's proven experience and ability. Resumes may be submitted to HRRecruit@Magnesita.com Career Training Sales Help & Agents REALTOR WANTED Real Estate Team seeks sales partner. No Cold-Calling, All Appointments & Leads Supplied, Make $80,000- $100,000+ 1st Yr. All expenses paid including cell phone! More info available, email request to: Info.reteam@gmail.com Hospital/Medical /Dental CLARINGTON Optometric Clinic is looking for experi- enced Optometric Assistant or Optician. Full Time, benefi ts plus bonuses. Ana- lytical & customer service skills a must. Email resume in confi dence to optojob@hotmail.ca or fax (905)623-4583. DENTAL ASSISTANT, Part- time, could lead to full-time, for busy Scarborough offi ce. Great opportunity and bene- fi ts available. Please sent re- sume to greatsmile@live.ca Hotel/ Restaurant BAKER NEEDED Join our exciting growing team at Heritage House Catering in Ajax. We love life and food and are passionate about what we do…are you? We've just moved to a 4500sq.ft. heritage house and are poised for rapid expansion of our existing catering busi- ness plus the addition of gourmet-to-go retail. We are looking for a part-time Baker extraordinaire to help us get to the top. Send re- sume to Cathy at the_organizers@hotmail.com telling us why you fi t in. RESTAURANT STAFF, P/T and F/T for all positions. Must be fl uent in English. Ap- ply in person with resume to: Sinatra's Italian Sandwiches, 1895 Clements Rd., Unit 118, Pickering. Houses for Sale $ NORTH OSHAWA - 4 bed- rooms, cathedral ceiling, up- graded fl oors, retractable awning, gas fi replace, fenced heated inground pool (16 x 32), new roof, parking for 6, 1.5 car garage, huge lot. Close to University and all amenities, $259,900. Call Mi- chael Baird Mincom Millenni- um Realty Inc. (905)242- 0419 michaelbaird.tv Career Training Career Training Career Training Careers Apartments/ Condos for Sale$ PICKERING 2 BEDROOM Condo REDUCED $175,500 - PRIVATE SALE. 2 Bed- room, 2 bathroom, West fac- ing corner suite. Flexible closing. includes all applianc- es. Call Erika 905-260-6706. Property Outside CanadaP 20 ACRES- $0 Down! $99/mo. Near Growing El Paso, Texas. Guaranteed Owner Financing, No Credit Checks Money Back Guar- antee. Free Map/Pictures. 800-755-8953 www.sunse- tranches.com LARGE ARIZONA BUILD- ING LOTS FULL ACRES AND MORE! Guaranteed Owner Financing No credit check $0 down - 0 interest Starting @ just $89/mo. USD Close to Tucson's Intl. Air- port For Recorded Message 800-631-8164 Code 4001 or visit www.sunsiteslan- drush.com Offer ends 11/30/10! Industrial/ Commercial SpaceI 1200 SQUARE foot industrial unit, in N. Oshawa, Prime lo- cation. Call Tom (905)435- 7492. 343 BLOOR ST WEST at Park, Oshawa front unit, In- dustrial / commercial unit, available immediately. 1,425 sq.ft. Call 905-579-5077 or 905-718-0963 SOUTH OSHAWA, Industrial unit for rent. Approx 800sq.ft. with overhead garage door and parking. Ideal for small business or offi ce/work- shop/storage. For more infor- mation call (905)579-1840 STORAGE UNITS 10' x 20' Wilson Rd. S. Oshawa. Un- heated. $125. - $135. per mo. Call (905)725-9991 Careers Career Training Business OpportunitiesB HYGIENITECH MATTRESS Cleaning &Upholstery Clean- ing/ Sanitizing Business. New "Green" Dry, Chemical- Free process removes bed bugs, dust mites, and harm- ful allergens. Big Prof- its/Small Investment. 1-888- 999-9030 www.Hygieni- tech.com OVERDRIVE AUTOMO- TIVE. Interested in starting a career in Automotive after- market with low overhead and group buying power? In- formation package available to qualifi ed candidates. 905- 836-1660, 416-900-7590 leave message. Franchis- ing@overdriveauto.com www.overdriveauto.com Mortgages, LoansM $$MONEY$$ Consolidate Debts Mortgages to 95% No income, Bad credit OK! Better Option Mortgage #10969 1-800-282-1169 www.mortgageontario.com PRIVATE FUNDS- 1st, 2nd mortgages. Consolidate bills, low rates. No appraisal need- ed. Bad credit okay. Save money. No obligation. No fees OAC. Call Peter 416- 460-4594, Mortgage Leaders Careers Career Training Apartments & Flats for RentA 2 BEDROOM apartment, lo- cated 309 Cordova, Oshawa. Completely renovated. Available immediately. Fridge /stove, Hydro includ- ed. No pets. Call (905)579- 2387. 2-BEDROOM APT, Ade- laide/Wilson. Quiet and clean, adult-lifestyle 6-plex. 1-parking, no smoking/pets. $800/inclusive plus hydro. fi rst/last. Available January 1st. Call (905)433-1436. 2-BEDROOM APT. available Anytime or Dec 1st. 2 locations. 946 Mason & 350 Malaga Rd., Oshawa $850 & $875 monthly all in- clusive. No pets. 905-242- 4478, 905-435-0383. 2-BEDROOM BRIGHT, North Oshawa basement. Close to shopping/bus routes & schools. No smoking/pets. $900/inclusive. References required when applying. Available Dec 1st. Phone w/references 9am-4pm 905- 728-9380, After 4pm 905- 260-9900. 2-BEDROOM North Oshawa. Newer well-main- tained, clean, quiet adult life- style building. Intercom for your security. Suits re- tired/mature working adult. No pets. $939-inclusive. Available. 905-720-2352 Apartments & Flats for RentA 33 RICHMOND ST. W Oshawa. 2-bdrm apts start- ing $800. Heat, Hydro & Wa- ter incld. Secured Ent, Eleva- tor, Fridge, Stove. Laundry Onsite & near schools. Call us today! 905-431-8766 skylineonline.ca 50 ADELAIDE ST., 290 & 300 Mary St. Bachelor, 1 & 2 bedroom, adult complex from $795 Utilities Incld; Ele- vator access. Walk to down- town. Near Durham College, Oshawa Hospital & Bus stop. Call us today! 905-431- 4205 skylineonline.ca AJAX Bright 1-bedroom basement apartment. Freshly painted, separate entrance, laundry, parking. First/last. No smoking/pets. $750/month inclusive, Avail. Dec. 1st Bill 905-683-4843 AJAX - BAYLY/SALEM. Large 1-bedroom bsmt. sep- arate entrance, parking, laundry, cable, utilities inc. $750/mo. No smoking/pets. Available December 1st. (905)426-9209, (647)221- 3558. AJAX, CENTRAL, 1-bed- room basement apt., clean, bright, 4 appliances. Near all amenities. No pets. $600/month plus utilities. Available December 1st. Call (905)683-8768. AJAX, LARGE 1-bedroom basement, $750/month, in- clusive. No pets/smoking, ceramics, large walk-in clos- et, parking and laundry. Call 905-683-0896 leave mes- sage. AJAX, NEW apartment building, studio, 1 & 2-bed- rooms, available Dec 1st. In- come preferred, $17,000- $32,000/yr. Call (905)683- 9269. AJAX, WESTNEY/HWY 2, large bachelor 1-bedroom basement. Private walkout, appliances, cable, 4pc bath, parking, no smoking/pets. First/last, $710/mo inclusive. Available Immediately. (905)686-4960 BASEMENT BACHELOR downtown Oshawa in 4-plex, Separate entrance, Free parking. $500-inclusive cable/phone extra. First/last required. Dec 1st. 289-928- 0886 BOWMANVILLE: 3 bedroom close to all amenities. $930 per mo. plus hydro and cable. Also 2 bedroom with den, $930 plus hydro. Move in allowance offered. Offi ce hours 9-5, Monday - Friday. (905)430-1877. LARGE ONE BEDROOM apt for rent, 356 Ritson Rd. S., Oshawa, $680/mo. plus hydro. Parking included. Available IMMEDIATELY (416)833-7833, (905)7235433 LOOK! 1140 MARY St. N. 2-bdrms. From $920, Utilities Incld. Near public schools, Durham College & amenities. Laundry on-site, Elevator & Security entrance. 905-438- 1971. Skylineonline.ca MARY STREET APTS bachelors, 1's & 2s bdrm apts. Utilities included, min- utes to downtown, short drive to Whitby Mall. Mary/Garden 905-666-2450 www.real- star.ca NORTH OSHAWA- 2-bed- room, Dec. lst and Jan. lst. Clean, family building. Heat, hydro and two appliances in- cluded. Pay cable, parking, laundry facilities. (905)723- 2094 Classifi eds News Advertiser To Place an Ad Call: 905-683-0707 Or Toronto Line: 416-798-7259 localmarketplace.ca • Email: classifieds@durhamregion.com durhamregion.comNews Advertiser • November 19, 201024 AP RESOURCES FOR EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN AND YOUTH - DURHAM REGION RFECY has been supporting children with special needs and their families for over 20 years. We are seeking a dynamic individual interested in a career opportunity with our organization. CHILD CARE CENTRE E.C.E. (CCCS1110) RFECY offers a unique child care for pre-schoolers that require specialized programming to meet their developmen- tal and medical needs. This position in- volves working directly with children with a variety of special needs. Qualifi cations: • Degree / Diploma in ECE • Current registration with the College of Early Childhood Education • Min. 3 years experience working with families and children • Experience working with children with complex needs Please visit www.rfecydurham.com for further details regarding RFECY. If you are up to the challenge and wish to take on this stimulating position, send resume by November 26, 2010 to: Resources for Exceptional Children and Youth - Durham Region Email: hr@rfecydurham.com Fax: 905 427-3107 (Please identify position reference # in subject line of email) NO TELEPHONE CALLS Although we appreciate the interest of all applicants, only those selected for an interview will be contacted Quality Engineer Company Information ASCS Canadian Signal is an international supplier of Air Traffi c Control and Weather Radar Antennas, HF Antennas, Earth Station and tactical MilSatCom Antennas for government and defence applications. Please visit our website at www.ASCSignal.com General Purpose: • supplier quality management (monitoring and improvement) to reduce dependencies on receiving inspection • development and improvement of in-process quality assurance methods with a goal of reducing or eliminating fi nal inspection requirements • customer support and continuous improvement Main Job Tasks and Responsibilities • Development and support of policies and procedures for maintaining a program that will meet the quality control needs of the organization in accordance with company, industry, and customer standards. • Develop and implement quality specifi cations, testing procedures and standards for raw materials, in-process work fl ows and fi nished product. • Develop and implement inspection and sampling techniques in quality control plans. • Prepare inspection and quality reports. • Investigate product problems and recommend improvements in products, processes, or quality standards. • Lead internal and external response to non-conforming material • Analyze and report performance of production to quality targets. • Supplier quality surveillance and improvement. Education and Experience • Engineering degree • 5+ years experience supporting quality systems, policies, and procedures within multi-disciplinary teams • Demonstrated experience as QA liaison with demanding customers • ISO 9001 experience • Experience with SAP, MS Offi ce tools • Working knowledge of Lean manufacturing practices, process improvement, and SPC • Highly motivated with good negotiation skills • Project management experience • Strong presentation, technical writing, and communication skills • Good interpersonal and teamwork skills • Ability to travel to customer, supplier and other company site We thank all candidates for their interest but must advise that only candidates to be interviewed will be contacted. Interested candidates should submit a cover letter and resume to hrcanada@ascsignal.com. Product Analyst Company Information ASCS Canadian Signal is an international supplier of Air Traffi c Control and Weather Radar Antennas, HF Antennas, Earth Station and tactical MilSatCom Antennas for government and defence applications. Please visit our website at www.ASCSignal.com General Purpose: Provides secondary responsibility for the growth of a product line or primary responsibility for a product(s) within a lime. Works closely with Product Line Manager to develop and implement product strategies, plans and policies. Main Job Tasks and Responsibilities • Support assigned product(s) through its life by working closely with customers and sales staff • Track product(s) through pre- and post-launch, ensuring all functions are working together • Evaluate all new product possibilities and determining the leading candidates for success • Develops recommendations for product strategies, plans and policies through analysis of market data • Provides detailed product descriptions for projects selected, and ensure that all requirements are clearly understood • Ensure sales force is properly trained on the product • Develop product presentation materials for sales support • Participates in trade shows Education and Experience • Undergraduate degree • 5 to 7 years of product line management support • Actively working towards an MBA preferred • Strong analytical skills • Excellent communication skills - both verbal and written • Must be capable of infl uencing others - both internally and externally We thank all candidates for their interest but must advise that only candidates to be interviewed will be contacted. Interested candidates should submit a cover letter and resume to hrcanada@ascsignal.com. DIEMAX TOOL AND DIE CURRENTLY SEEKING All Tool and Die Staff including Senior and Junior Designers Project Managers CNC Operators and Programmers Shipping and Receiving Staff Toolmakers and Apprentices Purchasing Agent Openings on all shifts. Lots of Advancement and Growth Opportunity Email resume indicating job preference to: HR@diemax.caPOSITION'S AVAILABLE FOR: RN, with/without ACLS Bayshore offers competitive salary and benefi ts, 24 hour clinical & supervisory support, paid orientation/information session and continuing education. NEW GRADS WELCOMED Please submit resumes to: Diane Moore, Area Director Email: oshawa@bayshore.ca Fax: 905.433.5008 Mail: 1 Mary St. N., Unit C, Oshawa, ON L1G 7W8 *please state 'RESUME' in subject line for emails Massey's Restaurant Requires FULL TIME COOK Must be Responsible Apply in person with resume 774 Liverpool Rd. S., Pickering 905-839-5758 2 & 3 bedroom apartments Close to school, shopping, hospital On-site superintendent & security. Rental Offi ce Mon. - Fri. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. (905)686-0845 or (905)686-0841 Eve. viewing by appt. www.ajaxapartments.com Ask About Our Move-In Bonus* ● 1, 2 and 3 bedrooms available from $915 ● Utilities Included ● Large Suites ● Durham Transit and GO Transit at Door ● Close to shopping, schools and Hwy 401 100, 101, 200 & 201 White Oaks (905) 668-7332 Email: rentals@capreit.net www.caprent.com *certain conditions apply, see Leasing Specialist for details FALL RENTAL SALE Condominium Suites in Oshawa 2 Bedroom Apartments Starting At $790 ● Free Utilities ● Free Parking ● Full Security System Call for more information 905-728-4993 RETIREE'S & GM DISCOUNT Bay Ridges Annual Christmas Bazaar Saturday, November 20th 9:30a.m. - 1:00p.m. 900 Sandy Beach Rd. Pickering Raffl e basket, Crafts, baked goods, fashion jewelry, Gift ideas & more Skilled & Technical Help Apartments & Flats for RentA OSHAWA Ritson/Bloor Large 2 bedroom, upper half of house. Huge backyard, 5 appliances, storage shed. $1000/inclusive. Available Dec 1. Phone (905)571-6111 OSHAWA, 385 Gibb St. Avail. immediately. 2-bdrm apt. $860/month. Extra park- ing $25/mo. Laundry on site. Close to all amenities. Call Patrick 905-443-0191. OSHAWA, One bedroom, Simcoe and King, 2nd fl oor apartment. Appliances, laun- dry, intercom, 3-closets. No parking. $675 plus electricity. Quiet,respectful tenants please. Call (905)986-4889. OSHAWA/BOWMANVILLE 1 & 2 bedroom apts. Suites w/balconies, parking, laundry facilities, near all amenities. 905-623-4172 The Veltri Group www.veltrigroup.com PICKERING - Brock/Del- brook. Bright 2-bedroom basement apt. Sep.entrance. includes all uti- lites:cable&parking $850/mo. close to transit. Avail Jan1. no smoking/pets. Call Her- min 416-429-3000 ext.4909. after 6pm:647-955-7694 PICKERING, Liverpool/Hwy #2. 2-bdrm mainfl oor $950/mo, Renovated, like new, walk to Go/Town Cen- tre. Avail. immediately. Short-term considered. Call Roger (905)420-4511 PORT PERRY. Large,newly renovated 2-bedroom apt., Water St.,overlooking lake.New fridge&stove,park- ing for 1-car. Washer/dryer hook up in unit. $950+hydro. Available now. To view call Rick 905-985-1998. ROSEBANK/SHEPPARD. 1-bdrm bsmt., separate en- trance, new/clean/spacious, nice neighbourhood. $850/mo. Includes cable, laundry. Suits single working person/couple. No smok- ing/pets. December 1st. (416)566-0928 SIMCOE ST S/HWY 401 - 525 St. Lawrence - Close to Schools, Hwy, GO Station. 1-bed $809 utilities included. Call 905-436-7686 www.metcap.com WHITBY 401/BROCK, Trip- lex, very large 3-bedroom, main fl oor, private laundry, parking. 2-entrances, walk to GO/downtown and all amenities. Available Decem- ber 1st. $1250/month, plus utilities. First/last. (905)666- 1366. WHITBY PLACE 1 & 2 bed. Landscaped grounds. Balco- nies, laundry & parking. Access to Hwy. 401 & public transit. Near shopping & schools. 900 Dundas St. E. (Dundas St. & Garden St) 905-430-5420 www.realstar.ca WHITBY, 2 bedrooms from $970 all inclusive. Close to all amenities. Offi ce hours 9-5, Monday - Friday. (905)430-1877 WHITBY, BRIGHT clean, 2- bedroom top fl oor of triplex. Brock/401, walk to Go sta- tion. 2 parking spots. Prefer no pets, non-smoker. $995+ hydro. Call (905)666-8787 Skilled & Technical Help Careers Hotel/ Restaurant Apartments & Flats for RentA WHITBY, CENTRAL, 1-bed- room, ground fl oor with pri- vate entrance, deck, parking. $750/month includes utilities except phone/cable. Suit sin- gle professional. No smok- ing/pets. Available immedi- ately. 905-665-9411. WILSON/KING ST East- Un- der New Management. Close to retail/grocery stores, school and doctor/dentist of- fi ce. 1-Bed $849, 2-bed $969, hydro included in rent. Call 289-240-8650. www.metcap.com Houses for Rent BEATTY/KINGSTON RD. 3 large bedroom detached house. 2-full bathrooms. Corner lot. Fully renovated. Central air. Alarm. Close amenities. $1200+utilities. Available Dec. 1st. First/last. 647-222-6597, 416-721- 5319. Skilled & Technical Help Careers Hotel/ Restaurant Houses for Rent ! NO DOWN PAYMENT? - NO PROBLEM!! If you're paying $850+ monthly rent STOP! Own your own home - I can show you how. Ken Collis Broker, Coldwell Banker RMR Real Estate 905-728-9414 1-877-663- 1054, or email kencollis@sympatico.ca 3 BEDROOM HOUSE Oshawa, Ritson/Olive, near schools/shopping, available immediately. $950/month, plus utilities. First/last. (905)433-2170 A RENT TO OWN beautiful spacious 3-bedroom 2-storey home in Whitby. Great family neighbourhood, fi nished basement, move right in. 24hr message. 1-877-900- 0449, all credit welcome BLOOR/RITSON 3-bedroom house, $1,200 + utilities. No pets. Available immediately. 905-579-5077 or 905-718- 0963 Skilled & Technical Help Hospital/Medical /Dental Houses for Rent AJAX AVAILABLE, upper level 4 bedrooms, garage, 3 baths, $1450 plus 2/3 utilities. Prefer no pets/no smoking. Call Dennis Mor- gan 416-587-0060 or 905- 619-9500. LARGE 3-BEDROOM locat- ed near Bloor/Townline. On quiet crescent. Close to amenities. Fenced backyard, laundry, parking, fridge stove, utilities included. $1295, Available immediate- ly. Chuck 647-831-0420. OSHAWA, 3-bedroom, near OC/Walmart, whole house, laundry, appliances, parking. Available December 1st. $1200/month, plus utilities. First/last, no pets/smoking. Call (705)742-5811, Skilled & Technical Help Hospital/Medical /Dental Houses for Rent OSHAWA, Clean & bright 3 bedroom mainfl oor bunga- low. Hardwood fl ooring, freshly painted, 3 appliances, close to all amenities. $1000/month plus hydro. Avail. December 1st. 905- 430-9085. PICKERING, BROCK/BAY- LY - newly renovated, open design, main fl oor of three bedroom bungalow, own laundry,lots of parking, available Dec, $1325 inclu- sive Condolyn Mgt 905-428- 9766 Skilled & Technical Help Houses for Rent ROSSLAND/SIMCOE ST. area. Charming two bed- room, main fl oor of bunga- low, close to all amenities, laundry facilities, parking, $1100 plus utilities. Dec. 1st. 1st/last (905)431-8826 Townhouses for RentT A DOWNTOWN WHITBY 3-bdrm new luxury town- house 3 bathrooms, 5 appli- ances, single garage, deck. $1395+utilities. No smoking. Avail. immediately. 289-314- 3301. CARRIAGE HILL 2 & 3 bed. TOWNHOUSES. In-suite laundry, util. incl., Balconies, patios, courtyard. Pking. avail. Near shopping, res- taurants, schools, parks. 122 Colborne St. E. (Simcoe N., Colborne E) 905-434- 3972 www.realstar.ca HILLCREST HEIGHTS, Oshawa now has a 2-bed- room townhouse unit available. Upgraded kitchen and bath including porcelain tiles. $1000 plus gas. Hydro included. Please call 905- 576-9299 Skilled & Technical Help Townhouses for RentT NORTH OSHAWA- Ross- land & Harmony, 4-bedroom townhouse, renovated, air, garage, fi nished basement. Including water $1300/mo. Hydro/gas extra. Avail. Jan 1st. 905-472-8947 or 905- 409-0548. TAUNTON TERRACE 3 bedroom townhouses. En- suite laundry. Landscaped grounds w/pool & play- ground. Private backyards. Sauna & parking avail. Near shopping & schools, public transport. 100 Taunton Rd. E. (Taunton Rd. & Simcoe St.) 905-436-3346 www.real- star.ca WHITBY 3-BEDROOM townhome, appliances, laun- dry, all utilities included. 5 minutes from Go. $1650/month, fi rst/last, credit check, references required. Available December 1st. no smoking. Anthony (905)665- 6368 Rooms for Rent & WantedR LARGE ROOM AVAILABLE near Oshawa Hospital very clean, very quiet. $450. 40+ male preferred, includes cable & laundry. No pets. Avail immediately. Call (905)429-7144. Apartments & Flats for RentA Arts & Crafts Rooms for Rent & WantedR FULLY FURNISHED ROOM. Bowmanville. Close to #2. Wireless/Cable. Parking. 4pc. Bathroom. Must be ex- tremely quiet, clean, non- smoking, no pets, employed, references/credit check rqd. $400/500/mo.+ share utils. Avail. immediately. 1st/last rqd. 416-669-4272. LIVE IN A CASTLE! hot tub inside, jacuzzi outside. $575/mo includes heat, hy- dro, cable, water. Furnished. North Whitby. Parking available. Near transit. Dec 1. fi rst/last.(905)432-6454 OSHAWA - Large, bright, clean room in family home. Near UOIT. Share bath/kitch- en/laundry. $450/month. In- ternet extra. No parking. First/last. Available immedi- ately. Nancy 905-725-1067. ROOM FOR RENT, shared cable, laundry, A/C. Picker- ing, Whites & Bayly. Smok- ing ok, (pets negotiable). $550/month. Near all amenities. Avail. Dec 1st. Call 905-420-7401. Vacation Properties SELL/RENT YOUR TIME- SHARE FOR CASH!!! Our Guaranteed Services will Sell/ Rent Your Unused Timeshare for CASH! Over $78 Million Dollars offered in 2009! www.sellatime- share.com (800)640-6886 SUNNY WINTER SPECIALS At Florida's Best Beach-New Smyrna Beach, Stay a week or longer. Plan a beach wed- ding or family reunion. www.NSBFLA.com or 1-800- 541-9621 Lost & FoundL FOUND - AJAX, cell phone, near the Ajax Community Centre. If yours please call and describe (905)426-0514. Apartments & Flats for RentA Arts & Crafts Lost & FoundL LOST - VOLKSWA- GEN/FAB key, Monday, No- vember 15th at the Value Vil- lage Ajax. Call Aileen, work# (905)686-9959 REWARD Personals A MATURE ADULT single male, 53 yrs. old is looking for a down-to-earth non- smoking lady (between 35 and 55) as a companion for a long-term relationship. If any of you ladies are interested please call 905-686-9838. Daycare Available CHRISTIAN DAYCARE in my home with over 20 years experience. Reasonable rates. Pickering area. Available Monday-Friday, 6:30am-6pm P/T, F/T, after school. Call Gemma (905)683-9406 Horse Supplies & Boarding AJAX, BOX STALLS for rent. Quarter Horse Gelding for sale. Stock trailer 3yrs old. Call (905)426-9726 Articles for SaleA **LEATHER JACKETS 1/2 PRICE, purses from $9.99; luggage from $19.99; wallets from $9.99. Everything must Go! Family Leather, 5 Points Mall, Oshawa (905)728- 9830, Scarborough (416)439-1177, (416)335- 7007. 42" ROUND white IKEA ta- ble/4 chairs $150; entertain- ment unit, hold 36" TV, 5ft high $75; X-Large pet carrier $75. (905)239-6679 PIPES AND HUMIDORS FOR SALE! Best Selection - Best Quality - Best Prices! Victory Cigars - 215 King Street East Oshawa. www.VictoryCigars.ca 905- 443-0193. Articles for SaleA AFFORDABLE Appliances, HANKS - PARTS/SALES /SERVICE 343 Bloor St. West. Stoves $175/up, Fridg- es $175/up, Washers $175/up, Dryers $149/up. All warranty up to 15 months. Durham's largest selection of Reconditioned Appliances. (905)728-4043. AMAZING BATHROOM VANITIES modern and con- temporary bathroom furni- ture. Complete sets include mirror, faucet, and drain. from $299.99. Save hun- dreds on your next renova- tion. www.modernbath- ware.com (905)441-1272 ANTIQUE DINING room suite, table, 6 chairs & hutch, table extends to seat 12, golden oak, $2500 o.b.o. Call (905)263-8637 BED, ALL new Queen ortho- pedic, mattress, box spring in plastic, cost $900, selling $275. Call (416)779-0563 BRAND NEW LUXURY Ho- tel Mattress Sets. Large hotel order surplus. Queen and King Size Pillow Top Sets in original wrapper. 14 sets re- maining. Liquidation prices range from $490.00 to $790.00 tax included. 10 year full warranty. To re- serve call 888-567-1164. CARPETS, LAMINATE & VINYL SALE! I have 1000 of yards for sale! Free under- pad with installation. Free Estimates. Guaranteed Lowest Prices. Big or small jobs, I do it all! Lexus Floor- ing, Call Mike 905-431-4040 CONSTRUCTION EQUIP- MENT B. E. LARKIN EQUIPMENT LTD. Kubota Construction, New Holland Construction used equip- ment. Durham, Clarington, Northumberland Sales Rep Jim (647)284-0971 FURNACES: LENOX Manu- factured, 93% fuel-effi cient, 70,000 BTU's, $1699 (In- stalled). 90,000 BTU's, $1849 (Installed). 10 year parts warranty. Humidifi er $250, gaslines $7.00/ft, ser- vice call $39. Residential ser- vices (289)404-3738. HARDWOOD FLOORING Liquidators Ltd. Canada's leader since 1977. 1-800- 263-6363. www.hfsdeals.com HOT TUB COVERS All Custom covers, all sizes and all shapes, $375.00 plus tax Free delivery. Let us come to your house & measure your tub! Pool safety covers. 905-259-4514. www.durhamcovers.com HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS Best Price, Best Quality. All Shapes & Colours. Call 1-866-585-0056 www.thecoverguy.ca HOT TUBS, 2010 models, fully loaded, full warranty, new in plastic, cost $8000, sacrifi ce $3,900. 416-779- 0563. PINE ROLLTOP DESK $170.00, Antique dining ta- ble, chairs, buffet, hutch, $950.00, Dresser + mirror, $100.00, single bed - $25.00 Double bed + linens, $140.00, Antique slipper chair - $150.00 Sofa and chair - $150.00, Glass coffee and end tables - $75.00, An- tique desk and chair, $250.00, 2 Coffee tables $75.00 each, Framed prints $40.00 - $80.00 each, Lamps $30.00 each, Computer desk $65.00, Glass patio table $75.00 Call: 905-435-2408 RENT TO OWN - New and reconditioned appliances, new TV's, Stereos, Comput- ers, DVD Players, Furniture, Bedding, Patio Furniture, Barbecues & More! Fast de- livery. No credit application refused. Paddy's Market, 905-263-8369 or 1- 800-798-5502. Garage/Yard SalesG YARD SALE Sat. Nov 20 8am-4pm 956 Bayshore Court, Pickering durhamregion.comNews Advertiser • November 19, 201025 AP Grace and GloryArena Starts Dec. 5th 2010 Are you hungry for more of Christ? Do you want to recover and go on to succeed gloriously? TUNE in on Sunday 2:30 pm on Grace TV It is all in your inheritance package. It is time to showIt is all in your inheritance package. It is time to show forth His glory and praise in your life.forth His glory and praise in your life. Visit us at 10-377 Mackenzie Ave Ajax, ON (905) 426-4110 orVisit us at 10-377 Mackenzie Ave Ajax, ON (905) 426-4110 or www.rhomi.orgwww.rhomi.org Channel 399 Channel 241 Channel 186 Email: ejackson@durhamregion.com Call Erin Jackson at 905.683.5110 For further information ERIN ROSE GLADWELL January 30, 1989 ~ November 19, 2000 How much do we miss you - we'll tell you no lie. How deep is the ocean, how high is the sky? How many times do we think of you - How many roses are sprinkled with dew? How much do we long to see where you are - How far is the journey from here to a star? And since you've been gone, how much do we cry- How deep is the ocean, how high is the sky? On this 10th anniversary and always, know that you are forever remembered, forever in our hearts, forever our Angel. Sadly missed and deeply loved by family and friends. In Memoriam On November 19, 2008, James "Jim" Rodd lost his bravely-fought battle with cancer. Loving and devoted husband of Mary Fitzsimmons, cherished father of Cathy Fitzsimmons (Kevin Smith) and Jennifer Fitzsimmons, dear brother of Chuck (Marmie), Rosemary and Oliver, brother-in-law of Helen, uncle of Dale, Erin, Brett, Millisa, Raymond and Stefanie, you lived your life with kindness and compassion, selfl essness and generosity. It has been two years since you left us, and though the pain subsides, the memories never fade. Though you have been greatly missed, we know your journey to explore your fi nal frontier has taken you to a better place. You were--- and still are---greatly loved. Articles for SaleA TRUCKLOADS OF NEW SCRATCH & DENT APPLI- ANCES stainless steel, white and black French door fridge's available, variety of dented ranges, laundry, dish- washers and fridges - differ- ent colors. SMALL DENTS EQUAL HUGE SAVINGS! Front load washers from $499. New coin laundry available, Call us today, Ste- phenson's Appliances, Sales, Service, Parts. 154 Bruce St. Oshawa. (905)576- 7448 Firewood 100% A KOZY HEAT FIRE- WOOD, excellent, very best quality hardwood, guaran- teed extra long time fully seasoned, (ready to burn), cut and split. Honest meas- urement. Free delivery. Wood supplier of fi rst choice by many customers since 1975. (905)753-2246. A-1 FIREWOOD, dry hard- wood, guaranteed. (905)436- 6600 (905)260-1774. FIREWOOD FOR SALE… Huge quantity available, ma- ple hardwood. Large pieces not split. 905-623-4676 FIREWOOD, cut & split, all hardwood. Delivery, (905)263-2038. Pets, Supplies, Boarding FREE LARGE HORSE STALL, 30 acres pasture, shared turns 2 times/week at feeding time. Hwy. #57/Taunton area. Call 905- 725-8710. Pets, Supplies, Boarding GORGEOUS Goldendoodle puppies, great personalities, beautiful shades of red, low to non-shed. Ready the end of November. 705-437-2790 www.doodletreasures.com MAREMMA PUPS, pure bred, parents came from Abruzzi, Italy. 2 months old, ready to go. Good with chil- dren. Excellent guardian. Only 2 left. The pride of Abruzzesi! (905)725-8710. WEST HIGHLAND White Terriers, both parents on site. Vet checked, shots. Ready to go. Bold person- alities. Newtonville area. $1000. Guaranteed. Call 905-786-2645. www. morningstarkennels.com Cars for Sale 1994 DODGE GRAND Cara- van LE, excellent condition, well maintained, single own- er, highly reliable, all extras, deluxe quad seats, highway miles $1200. No rust. (905)430-0572 2000 BUICK Century $2699. 2000 Pontiac Grand Prix $2999. 1997 Dodge Caravan $2999. 1997 Chev Blazer 4x4 $3999. 1999 Durango 4x4 $3999. 1998 Chev Silve- rado Exd. cab $4499. Others from $1999/up (plus HST). Certifi ed & E-tested. Free 6 month warranty (905)432- 7599 or (905)424-9002 www.rkmauto.com 2000 SATURN SL1, 4dr., au- to, 230k, regular mainte- nance, runs well, new brakes, good tires, $1000 as is. Call (905)430-8018, leave message Nature’s Keeper Landscaping & Maintenance • Free estimates • Fast reliable service • 24 hour service, including holidays • Emergency service provided • Ask about our salt delivery program • Discounts on joint driveways • Senior discounts available Snow Removal Residential Only Program to run from Nov. 1st - April 15th or last snowfall Pre-pay early and save on the HST Call 905-925-9954 or 905-925-9951 Interior Renovations & Design • Kitchens / bathrooms • Basement • Decks / fencing • Painting • Trim (905)434-0363 Home Improvement PLUMBER ON THE GO Top Quality Plumbing at Reasonable rates Service and new installations Residential/Commercial No job too big or small Free estimates - over 20 years experience (905)837-9722 Home Improvement Home Improvement Home Improvement No Job is too small Basement & Bathroom renovations Decks & Fencing Let me help you get rid of your TO-DO Lists For an estimate call Ian at 416-606-0195 Garbage Removal/Hauling A1 1/2 PRICE JUNK REMOVAL!! Homes, Yards, Businesses, etc. We do all the loading. Seniors Discounts. Cheap and fast Service! John 905-310-5865 BINS TO YOU DISPOSAL SERVICE DRIVEWAY FRIENDLY BINS 4 TO 14 YARD MINI BINS 1-888-662-DUMP 1-888-662-3867 HandymanH NEED A FRIEND WITH A TRUCK? ● Junk Removal ● Gen. Deliveries ● Small Moves ● Leaf Cleanups ● Tree Removal Reasonable Rates Call Hans anytime (905)706-6776 Painting & Decorating ALL PRO PAINTING AND WALLPAPERING Repair & Stucco ceilings Decorative fi nishes & General repairs 20% off for seniors (905)404-9669 Tor. Line 647-868-9669 Painting & Decorating TMS PAINTING & DECOR Interior & Exterior European Workmanship Fast, clean, reliable service (905)428-0081 Moving & Storage Apple Moving Dependable & Reliable Good Rates 24-hour Service Licensed/Insured (905)239-1263 (416)532-9056 House Cleaning CLEAN MOMENT Experienced European cleaning. Residential. Pickering & Ajax area. For service call 647-295-0771 "Clean is our middle name" Flooring, CarpetingF HARDWOOD FLOOR SPECIALIST Hardwood & Laminate Installations Sanding, staining, & fi nishing of old fl oors 20 years experience Call John (905) 655-3492 (416) 220-4768 BUSINESS ANDSERVICE DIRECTORY Death Notices Please read your classified ad on the first day of publication as we cannot be responsible for more than one insertion in the event of an error. To place your personalized In Memoriam, call 905-683-5110 (Ajax) and let one of our profes- sional advi- sors help you. In Memoriams Catch Classifieds ONLINE! ANYTIME! Log on to: www.durhamregion.com HUBBARD, Kenneth Paul - Sadly passed away at Rouge Valley Health System - Ajax Site on Tuesday November 16th, 2010. Beloved husband of Janice Knight; father of Ken & Bill Hubbard; brother of Dorothy & Cindy. Paul will be greatly missed by all. Visitation will take place at THE SIMPLE ALTERNATIVE FUNERAL CENTRE, 1057 Brock Road, Pickering (905-686-5589) on Saturday November 20th 2010 at 11am until the time of the Service, being held at 12 noon in our Chapel. Cremation. In lieu of fl owers donations to the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto would be appreciated. 45 Yrs Experience Ernesto Ceramic Tile ◆ Ceramic ◆ Marble ◆ Plumbing ◆ Wood Flooring ◆ Bathroom Reno's Call Ernesto (416) 282-6853 durhamregion.comNews Advertiser • November 19, 201026 AP In the Nick of Time Artisan Show SUNDAY DECEMBER 12TH, 2010 Ajax Community Centre (HMS Room) 10:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. *50 Booths* Admission $2. Children FREE www.showsdurhamregion.com "The Spirit of Christmas" Bazaar Sat. November 20th 9am - 2pm St. Paul's On The Hill 882 Kingston Rd. Pickering Baking, Tea Room, Books, Gifts and much more. Canada O/A Durham Auto Sales Ltd. Need A Car LoanNeed A Car Loan Call Credit Zone ❏ SHUTTLE SERVICE ANYWHERE IN ONTARIO ❏ 100’S OF VEHICLES AVAILABLE ❏ 100% APPROVAL RATE! “Over 30 Years Of Trusted Professional Service” Call The Credit Zone Hotline905-668-1838 • 1-800-519905-668-1838 • 1-800-519-9566-9566 Bad Credit? O.K. • New to Country? O.K. Bankrupt? O.K. • Slow Payments? O.K. www.www.ccreditzonecanadareditzonecanada.com.comOr Get Approval 24/7 On-Line At Coming EventsC Cars for Sale 2002 FORD TAURUS, fully loaded, excellent condition, $3600 certifi ed. Call (905)666-1270 or (905)435- 2366 2004 BMW X3 4WD, fully loaded, heated leather memory seats, black on black, full 18 month Lubco. warranty. Excellent condition Certifi ed, e-tested $14,500. Ray 905-666-2794 or 905- 718-0439 Private Sale TIRED OF TAKING THE BUS? Car Repairs Got You Down? Bankrupt? Poor Credit? 100% Approval. Drive The Car You Need Today. Call 1-877-743-9292 Or Apply Online @ www.needacartoday.ca. Cars WantedC ! ! $ ! AARON & LEO Scrap Cars & Trucks Wanted. Cash paid 7 days/week any- time. Please call 905-426- 0357. !!! $$ ADAM & RON'S SCRAP cars, trucks, vans. Pay cash, free pick up 7 days/week (anytime) (905)424-3508 Coming EventsC Cars WantedC ! ! ! ! $ $ AAA ALL SCRAP CARS, old cars & trucks wanted. Cash paid. Free pickup. Call Bob any- time (905)431-0407. ! ! ! $200-$2000 Cash For Cars & Trucks or $300 Gov. Program 1-888-355-5666 ! !!$ WHITTLE SCRAP Solu- tions. We pay cash for your scrap cars, truck, and vans! Fast free pickup. 24/7. 905-431-1808. $$$$$ JOHNNY JUNKER Always the best cash deal - up to $100 - $300 on the spot for your good cars, trucks, vans. Environmentally friendly green disposal for speedy service. (905)655- 4609 or (416)286-6156. Cars for Sale Cars WantedC $200-$2000 Cash For Cars Dead or Alive Fast Free Towing 7 Days a Week 647-628-0946 $250-$2000 Ajaxautowreckers.com Cash for Cars, Trucks and All Scrap Metal. Or $300 Government Program 905-686-1771 416-896-7066 ABSOLUTELY the best CASH deal for your old junk- er. Cars & trucks wanted, dead or alive. Free p-up. Call 24 hrs. John 905-263-4142 or 905-914-4142. Cars for Sale Cars WantedC CASH FOR CARS! We buy used vehicles. Vehicles must be in running condition. Call (905)427-2415 or come to 479 Bayly St. East, Ajax at MURAD AUTO SALES Vans/ 4-Wheel DriveV 1999 DODGE CARAVAN with $24,000 wheelchair con- version. Keyless back entry, can be driven with/without hand controls. Electric seat for transfer or fl oor tie down mounts for wheelchair trans- port. Excellent condition, asking $8,900. 289-240- 5730 Garage & Storage SpaceG INDOOR STORAGE available for vehicles, boats, bikes, etc... Please call (905)655-4683 after 6pm or during the day at (905)243- 0033. Cars for Sale Adult Entertainment #1 Asian Girls Hot, Sexy, Busty Best Service 24/7 Out Calls Only 289-634-1234 416-833-3123 xxx SHEMALE DEBRA Sexy, tanned, toned body xxx (289)893-0471 Cars for Sale MassagesM A Special $30 PICKERING SPA Relaxing Massage V.I.P. Rooms Modern Facility NEW Attendants 1050 Brock Rd. S. Unit 25 (905)831-3188 Now Hiring AAA PICKERING ANGELS ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Relaxing Massage VIP Rooms & Jacuzzi 905 Dillingham Rd. (905)420-0320 pickeringangels.com Now hiring!!! MassagesM Natural Healing Centre European Massage $40 1/2 hour 37 Harwood Ave. Ajax (905) 231-1877 OPEN 7 Days/Week Asian Girls serenityajaxspa.com 905-231-0272 43 Station St. Unit 1, Ajax OSHAWA The Holistic $35 you want Ritson Rd. / Bloor 905-576-3456 Special $25 Relaxing Massage 6095 Kingston Rd. 401/Meadowvale SPRING SPA 10am-9pm 7days 416-287-0338 Now Hiring Want the PERFECT Employee? Take these quick steps to ensure you’re getting the right candidates! Employment Advertising Checklist Every ad should include: ❏ Prominent job title ❏ Company profi le and logo ❏ Advancement/Education opportunities ❏ Type of working environment ❏ Job description -skills required -experience necessary -education needed -duties to be performed -hours ❏ Remuneration -wages/salary -benefi ts -vacation ❏ Location ❏ Reply information ❏ Deadline ❏ Equal Opportunity Employer Confi rmation Let our Employment Specialists take care of all your recruitment needs. Classifi ed Department Phone: 905-683-5110SELL IT NOW CALL AJAX 905-683-5110 Metroland Durham Region Media Group PICKERINGADVERTISING FEATUREBlinds ‘N’ Drapes Has Got Your Windows Covered The easiest way to freshen up a room is to change the window treatment. Whether you want to allow more light in, want to stop the harsh glare of the sun or just want to add the finishing touches to a room, Blinds ‘N’ Drapes can help! Owned and operated by Don and Vera Wright, Blinds ‘N’ Drapes has been serving the Durham Region since 1967. Over the years, they have earned a reputation for their high quality products, competitive pricing and outstanding personalized service. Their showroom is a warm and inviting place that showcases all the new and exciting window covering products. The friendly and knowledgeable staff can help you pick out the perfect window treatments to suit your needs and budget. You can also have one of their experts come to your home or office for a free shop at home consultation. They will also professionally measure and install your purchase as part of the package. Blinds ‘N’ Drapes is an authorized Shade-O-Matic dealer and their line includes the largest selection of shutter available today, including Tuscany Wood Stained Shutters, Tropic or Seaview PVC Shutters and Aluminelle Shutters. The line also includes high quality blinds such as Romanelle Roman Shades and Panel Tracks, along with soft fabric blinds like Moodscapes Cellular Shades. The economical Lasting Impression Pleated Shades are very popular. If you’re looking for basic horizontal or vertical blinds, there is a great selection of fabric, wood, aluminum and PVC. If you’re looking for soft appeal, check out the Shadow Magic Horizontal Shadings or the Visionelle Vertical Sheer Wrap. Shade-O-Matic is also known as an industry leader when it comes to specialty blinds and automation. Now is a great time to pick up some Shade-O-Matic PVC shutters. Until Christmas, all Shade-O-Matic PVC shutters are 50% off! “We look forward to exceeding your expectations by providing you with the highest degree of personalized service and expertise in the window covering industry,” says Don. Blinds ‘N’ Drapes is located at 1755 Pickering Parkway, Unit 19 (in the Pickering Home & Leisure Centre). The showroom is open Monday to Thursday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Friday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. For more information, please call (905) 686-8182.durhamregion.comNews Advertiser • November 19, 201027 P BLINDS ‘N’ DRAPES WINDOW FASHION Custom Shutters • Shades • Blinds • Drapery Imagination • Innovation • Inspiration SHOWROOMSHOWROOM Pickering Home & Leisure Centre 1755 Pickering Pkwy Unit #19 905.686.8182905.686.8182 www.blindsndrapes.yp.ca 50% OFFOFF until Dec 31,10 SUBMITTED PHOTO Perfect season DURHAM -- A couple of lacrosse players in the West Durham system joined the Toronto Beaches, helping the team win the Division II Ontario junior men’s field lacrosse cham- pionship. Andrew Kelly, left, and Julian Garritano were part of a Beaches team that went undefeated on the season at 14-0, then won a semifinal over London 12-5 and the final over Peterborough 10-5 to complete a perfect season. DURHAM -- The Durham West Huawei Midget AA team’s season is a tale of two stories. While enjoying great tournament suc- cess, the team is winless in six league games this season. The AAs dropped a 4-3 game in Peter- borough and then lost both ends of a home-and-home series with Kingston over the weekend. The Peterborough game was a stinger as the Huawei midgets jumped to a 3-0 lead in the first period but Peterborough countered with four straight goals, two of the goals on the power play. Jennifer Sisson with a pair and Dreua- nah Davidson were the goal scorers, with assists to Nicole Staneland and Dreuanah Davidson. Against Kingston, the AAs lost at home 2-0, with an empty-net goal, and then 4-1 in the rematch in Kingston. Shanelle Doucette staked the team to an early 1-0 lead but, once again, the team allowed four straight goals by the opposition. HOCKEY Wins hard to come by for Durham West after dropping sixth league game in a row BASKETBALL Register for Durham City Basketball Association Learn the basic skills of the game AJAX -- An opportunity to learn how to play basketball in a fun and structured environment is being offered once again by the Durham City Basketball Associa- tion. The DCBA house league has been pro- viding affordable basketball programs to the community for seven years. The asso- ciation provides a structured program designed to introduce basketball to youth in a safe and enjoyable atmosphere. The program includes 10 sessions and is open to boys and girls aged 4-16. There is a large emphasis placed on fun, while learning the basic skills of basketball. Coaches will work on developing the par- ticipants’ skills through individual and team drills each week. The players will then apply what they have learned during game play. Each week, the first half hour is dedicated to skill development and the final 45 minutes are devoted to structured league play. All players will receive a T-shirt and awards at the conclusion of the program. Registration will be held Nov. 21 and 28 from 1-3 p.m. at Ajax High School (105 Bayly Street). The cost of the program is $115 if registered on either date above. For more information, visit the website at www.durhamcitybasketball.ca or call 905-4237-4253. UOIT HOCKEY Pickering’s Larabie shines against Brock GUELPH -- After getting off to an impres- sive start, the UOIT Ridgebacks couldn’t maintain their momentum in a crushing loss to the Guelph Gryphons. Having struggled to score goals on many nights this season, the women’s hockey team jumped out to a shocking 3-2 lead midway through the second period. How- ever, things would swing in a hurry as Guelph fired back often, reeling off seven unanswered goals to take the game 9-3. After trailing 2-1 after the first period, Whitby’s Sarah Worthington fired home her second and third goals of the year to give the Ridgebacks the lead. Jill Morillo, also of Whitby, assisted on both goals and scored one of her own for a three-point night. Leading the way for the nationally ranked Gryphons was Jessica Zerafa, who had a six-point night on three goals and three assists. She leads the OUA scoring race with 16 points in 10 games. Kaitlyn Mora also netted a hat-trick for Guelph in the win. Jessica Larabie of Pickering was in goal for UOIT and left in by coach Karen Nystrom for all nine Guelph markers. Larabie was solid in the Ridgebacks’ previous outing, making 43 saves in a 2-1 overtime loss against the Brock Badgers. Morillo had the lone UOIT goal. The game winner came 1:37 into over- time as Brock’s Sara Brady set up Megan Keane who found the back of the net. The Ridgebacks will be home on Satur- day against the Waterloo Warriors, cur- rently at the bottom of the OUA standings with a 1-7-1 record. UOIT is just ahead with a 2-8-2 mark. Puck drop at the Campus Ice Centre is at 3:30 p.m. durhamregion.comNews Advertiser • November 19, 201028 AP 201 BAYLY ST. W. (AT MONARCH AVE., AJAX) 1-888-468-0391 No Credit? Slow Credit? Bad Credit? No Credit? Slow Credit? Bad Credit? CallCall Miss Julia Miss Julia 1-877-288-67401-877-288-6740 WE WANT YOUR TRADE, ALL MAKES, ALL MODELS, ALL YEARS!WE WANT YOUR TRADE, ALL MAKES, ALL MODELS, ALL YEARS! CHRYSLER • DODGE • JEEPCHRYSLER • DODGE • JEEP VILLAGE CHRYSLER THANK YOU THANK YOU DURHAMDURHAM “Thinking like a customer” License fee extra. Finance example $10,000 x 60 mo. @ 6.24% variable rate = payment $45.07/weekly, cost of borrowing $1677.98. OAC. You’re #1 with usYou’re #1 with us 2010 Award Winner VILLAGE CHRYSLER www.villagechrysler.cawww.villagechrysler.ca2010 CHRYSLER TOWN & COUNTRY Auto, Air, DVD, Sunroof, Sto N Go, Rear Air & Much More! Stk#P1386 YOU OWN IT PER WEEK MONTHS INTEREST DOWN SIGN & DRIVE $98 84 6.24%$0 NOW $28,8882002 MAZDA MX5 MIATA $12,9782 dr convertible, hardtop/softtop, one owner. STK#J104358. CASH PRICE CAS H PRI C E $21,978YOU OWN IT PER WEEK MONTHS INTEREST DOWN SIGN & DRIVE $84 72 6.24%$0 2008 DODGE RAM 1500 SLT 4X4 A/C, Auto, Loaded, 1 Owner, Low kms, Stk#R146 2009 JEEP PATRIOT 4X4 YOU OWN IT PER WEEK MONTHS INTEREST DOWN SIGN & DRIVE $67 84 6.24%$0 Auto, A/C, Pwr Grp. Stk#V867 $19,9782009 CHRYSLER PT CRUISER Auto, air, pw/pl/pm, cruise, keyless entry, tint, former daily rental, Stk#V1224 YOU OWN IT PER WEEK MONTHS INTEREST DOWN SIGN & DRIVE $36 84 6.24%$0 NOW $10,97 8 $12,97 8 NOW $22,978YOU OWN IT PER WEEK MONTHS INTEREST DOWN SIGN & DRIVE $77 84 6.24%$0 2010 DODGE DAKOTA SXT 4X4 4 Door, Auto, Power Group, Stk#V1374 $17,9782006 RAM 1500 QUAD CAB Auto, Air, Pwr Group, 1 Owner Truck, Stk#T10215A YOU OWN IT PER WEEK MONTHS INTEREST DOWN SIGN & DRIVE $80 60 6.24%$0 9 7 8 $13,9782007 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN Sto N Go, loaded, Stk# P980B YOU OWN IT PER WEEK MONTHS INTEREST DOWN SIGN & DRIVE $53 72 6.24%$0978 2008 DODGE NITRO 4WD YOU OWN IT$17,978PER WEEK MONTHS INTEREST DOWN SIGN & DRIVE $69 72 6.24%$0 Auto, A/C, Pwr Grp, and Much, Much More. Stk# V1395 OG TO4978 $10,978YOU OWN IT PER WEEK MONTHS INTEREST DOWN SIGN & DRIVE $41 72 6.24%$0 2007 DODGE CALIBER SXT Auto, A/C, Pwr Group, 1 Owner. Stk#V1362 $19,978YOU OWN IT PER WEEK MONTHS INTEREST DOWN SIGN & DRIVE $76 72 6.24%$0 2008 JEEP LIBERTY 4X4 Auto, A/C, Loaded, 1 Owner, Low Kms Stk#R154 2006 TOYOTA COROLLA YOU OWN IT PER WEEK MONTHS INTEREST DOWN SIGN & DRIVE $48 60 6.24%$0 Auto, A/C, Pwr Grp, One Owner CarStk#V1219A $10,978$19,8782008 DODGE CALIBER SRT 4 Fully loaded, Stk#V1228 YOU OWN IT PER WEEK MONTHS INTEREST DOWN SIGN & DRIVE $76 72 6.24%$0 YOU OWN IT 2008 PONTIAC G6 Auto, A/C, Plus... Stk#V1149A PER WEEK MONTHS INTEREST DOWN SIGN & DRIVE $41 72 6.24%$0 $10,978$19,978YOU OWN IT PER WEEK MONTHS INTEREST DOWN SIGN & DRIVE $89 60 6.24%$0 2006 TOWN & COUNTRY LIMITED Auto, Leather, Sunroof, Loaded, One Owner, Low Km. Stk#V1398 2009 CHRYSLER SEBRING CONVERTIBLE Loaded, , Auto, A/C, Stk#P1103 YOU OWN IT PER WEEK MONTHS INTEREST DOWN SIGN & DRIVE $81 84 6.24%$0 $23,978YOU OWN IT $15,998PER WEEK MONTHS INTEREST DOWN SIGN & DRIVE $53 84 6.24%$0 2009 DODGE JOURNEY Auto, A/C, Power Grp, One Owner, Stk#T10078A $19,9 7 8 7 pass., auto, pwr. Locks, Stk#T10253A 2009 PONTIAC MONTANA SV6 YOU OWN IT PER WEEK MONTHS INTEREST DOWN SIGN & DRIVE $53 84 6.24%$0 $15,798$19,9782010 DODGE CHARGER SXT Auto, air, 3.5L V6, pwr grp., sunroof, leather, spoiler, alum. wheels, fog lamps and much, much more. Stk. P1330 YOU OWN IT PER WEEK MONTHS INTEREST DOWN SIGN & DRIVE $67 84 6.24%$0 DOWN SIGN & DRIVE YOU OWN IT 2010 JEEP COMMANDER 4X4 $99 84 6.24%$0$29,798Auto, Leather, Sunroof, Nav. STK#P1361 PER WEEK MONTHS INTEREST For voting us #1 For voting us #1 in both Sales & Servicein both Sales & Service 2007 SEBRING LX Auto, Air, Power Group, One Owner Car, Stk#P1335 YOU OWN IT PER WEEK MONTHS INTEREST DOWN SIGN & DRIVE $41 72 6.24%$0 $10,9782006 DODGE CARAVAN Auto, Air, 7 Pass, DVD, One Owner vanStk#V1340 YOU OWN IT PER WEEK MONTHS INTEREST DOWN SIGN & DRIVE $53 60 6.24%$0 $11,978YOU OWN IT PER WEEK MONTHS INTEREST DOWN SIGN & DRIVE $91 84 6.24%$0 2010 CHRYSLER 300 C Auto, Leather, Sunroof, Nav. and Much, Much More. Stk# P1392 $26,978YOU OWN IT PER WEEK MONTHS INTEREST DOWN SIGN & DRIVE $61 72 6.24%$0 2008 JEEP COMPASS 4X4 Auto, A/C, One Owner Car. Stk#P1165 $15,9982008 JEEP LIBERTY SPORT 4X4 Auto, A/C, Pwr Grp, One Owner, Low Km. Stk#R154 YOU OWN IT PER WEEK MONTHS INTEREST DOWN SIGN & DRIVE $65 72 6.24%$0 $16,9782010 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE 4X4 Auto, Air and Much More! Stk# V1375 YOU OWN IT PER WEEK MONTHS INTEREST DOWN SIGN & DRIVE $98 84 6.24%$0 $28,878YOU OWN IT DOWN SIGN & DRIVE $46 84 6.24%$0 2010 DODGE AVENGER Auto, A/C, Power Group, tilt, cruise & much, much more. Stk#V1313NOW $13, 9 7 8 PER WEEK MONTHS INTEREST 2008 JEEP WRANGLER 2DR 4X4 YOU OWN IT $24,978DOWN SIGN & DRIVE $95 72 6.24%$0 Auto, A/C, 1 Owner Jeep. STK#V1308 PER WEEK MONTHS INTEREST