HomeMy WebLinkAboutPN1951_03_30M XUR ING bit T.H. E - vd _9W Pri i;7-SmAs Per pear r RD113'n' ON`fARIU, FRIDAY, CH so 1 "1 A Cent# Per avy A"rized an 6004 clan mattw TOL. TO No. as W. 2" IRA* W. C, MURKAa AND 9" piJi&amm -Be Officiac0901Z Vi ng. -Midgets To R ed B y.. 4 Community "AL _ :.' _ r the fu* time in the history 0.. M village, a Pickering athletic team won an Ontario Championship, when the. Midget D. hockey teaza osirried- of- the Provincia Honoiiu­at- - Paris last Friday night. :Pickering lost the game by one cowl' but won the "round" of two games 13 ;- 10. Almost as many people from Pickering went to Paris as to 'Stouffville on Tuesday night. It was a great night for Pickering sty the fans gave rousing cheers at the closini bell. While the fans wvre happy, no one was happier than the members of the team, the Coach "Dink" Bie, manager Ray Doble and sponsor, Jack Boyes• V Goal-getters,- for Pickering were: Bill Jones, Bernie Beemer, Harry . . . . . . . ..... Scott;` Elwood -White, Pete Dawson and Bert White. There - were, many tense moments - throughout tte game, when Ayr" had Pickering down to a one-goal lead, but the locaks . always mamged to come back with a ' *flourish and keep abead of them. At the opening bell,' -Pickering* scored a goal, but Ayr was right beck to tie it up. Both teams fought kard all the way. As one Ayr fan stated "it was better hockey to watch than the, Intermediatee,- who ..•BACK NOW:-Jack •Remme]7, Don Hilborn, Wayne Simpson, Harry Scott., Ken rrhh, Laurie Wat"Z6 Ron lrvvfia, Bert White played the previous week". FMONT BOW: Jim Pyette, Gord. Comport, Bill Jones, Elwood Whjte,-How (goallei A great deal of credit for time, MBOWter, Leo. Mertinger, Pete VAwson, Bernie expense a - andt- hard work Is due-the Beemeri John Chubb {Bert Cowan not shown). seen who worked with the team as well as those who willinglly provided Girl Recovering After Dog Attack 'NOTICE! Fire Departfnent called Wednemiay the regUkr transportation- when the Pickering L noted Church NO" boys played away from home. Patricia Thibert, 7 3, of the Sun"Y, April 1. .19.5t Pickering Village Plans- Are, now - under -way by, the Third -Cancei;sioh is -recuVerinir-fuil-'', -NOTICB OF CHANGE 7 The local Fire Company Was call- Miss JuYca 9:;bins,)n_..spent a cou. villag* autboritieoand the many ut- owing a vicivus attars on I uesduy dommunion Service and Reception "ed On Weaesdajr noon to a grass ple of days in Buffalo lait week.-- lier interested groups In the e0mm' by her pet dog KAg. The dog tune of lNew XemberL postponed unt)l, fire east of .theme local school. White Mr. and Mrs. Earl OttoweH spent. unity for a suitable recognition _to most c4 her hair out and mangled.. :unaay, Aprit s, 1951 rife gi 'ass file itself -was of no great - the holiday wiih reiatives in Flt-67i- take place within the next few weeks horribly, her right- aiin. -Mrs. Thibext - • Regular Services' concern - it was-feared that-& change erton,. and Mr. and Mrs. Don Scott of which QW-ne, will be said when kicked-the dog off, but it still -atv 11.00 a. m. And 7,00 p. in. in the wind might giv'e some trouble were in New -York' State for, the -. dowls are complete. Everyone in ticked. The girt needed thirteen stit- thi village is 'qdite proud of the ches,in her head and two in. the Whitevale Has Self-Serve Now among a growth of young trees Na holiday. boys for the honors they have arm. - : . the area- and was therefore-.a. "pre- Mr. and Mrs.., Ar-nen - Chapman brought to Pickering and are e whu Lost cautionary move". No damage was were in Buffalo for Good . FridAy equally . -Dr. p. W.-L000s stined to the-IN'elirg- Xr, Grant Van Blaricam, v anxious to see'that their Dr. -r 90,000-fire done, and Easter Sunday. on Tiiisday the' cept &.-,.-his store and hozh4 in a ces are Property recognized 4 f if . 1— WeJ­40­ — Whhevale has Mrs. Frank Baker, Betty Lou and I . ass - The accompanying Photo was "ve or. wAA .days w eterm ne b I V has rabies, lie asked "thit iii'fufure' 1-set up & temporary self-serye groc- taken at a' one - hour's practice at all dogs, that have bitten someone.- etetu in the- Oddellows' Hall- there. Stouffville sink -on the Friday night fire starttd in a storehouse at ,pny-Lawson Church St. Committee to -further. the work of- be kept- alive so they cati- --be,.tewte4. -The 'before the first Ayr game, and as for infection." the rear- of. the s-ore -and strap -swept the rink had been rented for sixty - The. Thibe_rt. dog. pairt •HuskN. and through the buidinga. Some furui- cabutes. the rink r6snAW chased will. diis-' -turb and merchandise - was saved. Part German Shephrerd wi . the boys and., photographer off the trcored at the end. of ten days. An- Pickering and Brougham fire trucks y s4ot could ice before a- satisfactory other, (log, - tA fait ._terrier-'-s�wod worked nearly half" the day helping be taken, tamps, and watched the spectacle withou,', save adjoining buildings, Stamps, - _ments, etc.? to A. W. ya ,Secretary; nwving,. Mrs. Thibert said -- -they monev orders and muiL were saved. St. George's Wmen's Guild would have no more big 9 on the Mr. and- Urn %'an Bla6com and the &,,%Vry necessary and valuable instit4 3, Pickering, Ontario. BLUE CROSS DUES! four children carne from-, Eastern St. George's Women's Guild wil"And -place." so once again "man's best Ontario to Whitevalle box yearn ug.). hold their monthly meeting at the limame of Mrs-. MacDonald- on Thurs• I- friend has forgotten his stuff, -and Wtami normal. ..... ­ " A-9men's Institute To Co-operate In . . - � . day. April 5, at 2-.30 p. m. Wiii the-_ '. Reception To Midget Hockey Team members.. please try to attend this.: "&-S. Ajax" Njusiciii-At Ajax Tice March meeting of the W.om= meeting- *hieh.is of 'great import- Recreation Hall Thursday, Friday J i en's institute was hvid in the Pres- -=Ce. And --..Saturday byterian Church. h, basement. 'with i- Plan to attend the Horticultural hen on or before April 10.- Society, meeting of Thursday, April fine attendance *of 'thirty. .-,,Sarah Catharine Mafttk -'nearly With _a, cast of thirty-five, includ- i Vartoua items' of 'business were Service way held at the bme here male chorus -add the salt tang to Ing twenty beautiful Chorus girls, disposed of including. further The death took place Qver'the pait .arran-.' the.. Ajax Little_ -Theatre- is-present- '--gements for the bazaar on April :.'I; week-end of nickering's oldest rear ing a musical review- in the -Ajax k letter of thanks fr6m the Child- ident, Mrs. Sarah Catharine Recreation Hall this Thursday, Fri- ren's Aid Society for a donution of -Marlatt in her 94th year. day and--matinee-on Satu•dy after- used clothing,-and the appoiht,,.en't Mrs. Mtrlatt, formerlv- of Shel- -noon. of Mrs. Pyette to act as our repres- V_ 4 4,U 6 — .All be of Fallaise and infant-daughter motored to Kingston on Saturday to- visit the former's - mother and sis- ter: Misses blilad -and- Betty Mirray- were -with -Mr. and MrL M. S. Chap- man for the week -end. Mr. and Mrs; Virment' Wright' were among the Buffalo visitors- on I the week-end. Friends here regret to hear' of the serious illness of Mr. 'J. Rosa ,.-Thexton, in Tnrj)nto- Mr, and *rs. J. C. Mbrkat, Ran- noch, were- with their parents here and Stouffville on the -holiday: Sympathy of their friends here is extended to Mr. and-Mr-R. T. A. Law- son in the passing of Mm Lawson'a mother here last week-end, - ' M:, and Mrs. Percv- MacDonald, Pickering, and Mr. and Kra. Row- land, Ajax, • attended the- 60th wed, ding anniversary, of Mrs. P. Mae- Denald's. parents,• -in Orillia. last week, Gentlemen 'To Hold Euchre burne, has been living here for some —eds in e o T- e-n luve in 'co-operating with other time with her daughter, Jfro. Anth- '.turned over to the Ajax Recreation groups for the hockey -boys' bun- __ CARETAKER «'A.NtElj ,pny-Lawson Church St. Committee to -further. the work of- - quet. . The Men's Advisory Committee of recreation for all A loveable, Christian hristian lady, known _ ages in the com- A very pleasing feature of the Car etaker f6i 116ugiiflill School,' St, George's Anglicajj_Church are' 'holdinir a Euchr; possibly to only a few in Pickering, rEu-hity. one of the fine, virtues attributed to.. The musical extravaganza has was an address on ' - . -program 116W 1 mation to Women about Banking",. - P an at the home' of me April 23, 1951. Reply by letter stat- Mrs. Lireener, on Friday, March 30, her by those -who did know her, -was been written, including •e%,eral mus- given by Miss Mary Royes. ing q'uilificiLtions, salary expected, at 8.00 P. in. Prizes and refresh. _T' members insisted on never being ical by ffiembe a of 'the Ajax that she scores, - The e -various services given by.- the - _ments, etc.? to A. W. ya ,Secretary; told about anv undesirable qualities -Little Theatre, and talent from the bank were outlined, showing-it to be School Section No. S West; R. X of her -neighbors, she just did not whole district has been welded into &,,%Vry necessary and valuable instit4 3, Pickering, Ontario. BLUE CROSS DUES! want to hear anything about it, and. a professional like•show• ution. formed her 'own opinions of- her nei- The theme of the evening centres The appointment of managers is ' Members of the Women's Instit. ghbors and friencbL Hir husband around a group of girls who have i7jitde With great care, and 'a periodic Rorticulturbl Society- At Pickering arts, please note *� the. next Blue predeceased ,ber some yews ago, spent a year at Miss Malady'b e'irr and careful scrutiny of the business Town Hall, April 5. Cron payments are due and may be Me Is survived by her daugbter, ishing School on the Continent, and • of a bank is- made by, qualified sud• made at the Cm Bank of Comuerce We, Lawson; son Arthur, of Toron- are on board the ship "S. S. Ajax" to. Sons Joseph W. &nd'Jobm H. pre-, returning to their homes in..Canada• itors, in order to ode-guard depvs- itors and shaie-holders. Plan to attend the Horticultural hen on or before April 10.- Society, meeting of Thursday, April deceased her some .years sgo.' Several sets of sea shanties by a Three things about 'a safe-deposit 5; in Pie-kerifig Town Hall -wbeti Service way held at the bme here male chorus -add the salt tang to 'box should be noted - neither cash Mr. John F. Clarke, official 6c-tur- PicKEamig TOWNSHIP an Monday owning, with intem*nt 'the humorous skits, ballads and nov- nor jewellery should be kept in one." 'er of the Ont. Horticultural' Soc- COUNCIL- - at the ishelburne CemeterT on Tues- eltv numbers which lnterxperse the All bonds should be registered and ieties, will show coloured pictures W1k meet on 411" at 1,30E p. M main theme. a list of them with their serial "211- and talk on ""Nature Rambles." MONDAY, APRIL 2, 19i1 4. bers should be kept at home. Vf@Piay of House Plants and ' of at the Municipal Buildings, hi the The meeting adjourned after a ForAd Bloom, of Shrubs and of VILLAGE of''BROUGRAZ 90WON' M. CONANTX C. social 'halt-bour,with refreshmenta. Bulbs. Musical entertainment. Ey. In *e regular man session. Polk# 4 eryone welcome. T. JOHNSTON- Clerk' Recently sow" master: be Tbe. Foresters, Bowling, Mar. 24 "Ladies', I Daprene Court of Ontirie azfd 7' High Single: Dorothy ......... COME - -ItOGER A. CONANT, B. A. Barlo* .... 232 To... "tarriaterep Ladies' High Triple: Solicitors and Notaries Public AnnolInce that t5 ey are enjAged"in the Practice '-Men's 18et8 Hinsih .......... 008 High Single: of Law under the firm. name of Russ Boys ....... ....... -SAJAX9. �Qri(k - C" - _. _ 77:� -- 'Men's High 710'ple-,' Russ: Boys ..............:. : «....e. $69 . _. , ­ .14 • An "Orion] xisivitical Musical Review . Team Standing Torn Kate .... .... .... .... . PRESENTED' BY -"AJAX LITTLE THEATRE" f­11 With effifes AV—,4 1, stet ..... .. ; .. .... .... . . AJAX RECREATION HALL, OX OSHAVA, Oi�t - 7 1-2 �Sjmcoe St. S., Pbone 4809 Roc .... .... ..... ... .... ... 40 Drizzlepusses *36 THURSDAY, MARCH 291, - 83 .0 P, M. ii. AJAXI'Oit., - Phone-94 .... .... .... .... .... .... Hornets TRIDAY, MARCH 30, - 1.30 P, • r .... .... .... ... ........ ........'33 (total score 64, 216•) - SATURDAY, MARCII 81, - 2.30' P. M. S" Sacks Is Adm. 50c. Saturday h[Stinee, Children =I& (to score 64, 173) Bobcats 82 ,Strikers HOW CAN I ? :. :: - - _ Dis h es has YO n Purse and .P''a lai y B Atiae Ashlq w iY JmNA 11tQILLltI Q. How can ?, treat leather which -- -, - - - WITH sosrittg VOW= threatening to pop the lid off the food has faded? budget each es that combine economy, nutrition and * i . " ;' ° �' -A. Clive' it several coats, of water- - 3astte appeal find an important spot in the meal - planner's book. colour paint, Goosing of course, lkaearoni, spaghetti and egg noodle dishes At this category and the shade of the leather. After the because they lead themselves to ,wide variation with sauces, cheat, ' .paint has thoronQhly., dried, rub the _. '>L#Uvtr.meat, fish and vegetables, may be repeltted often without - surface well with a. good Iurniture a lass of savor,' :� polish, and the result will be pleas -' _ d Thai spaghetti with white Clam ptu7t is s quickie, too. I+eai thaw ing. U minutes preparation - should- do -it.— - , - > - -- Spwhetd With White Chan Baum (tear servants) a � '+�:.� ,, Q. How' can' I prevent' table- candles ,, L TWO tablespoons chopped fresh 1 chopped clove garlic, t '` `k `„ from dripping euceasively? ; espoo pped prey, `l' Chopped onion, 14 Cup olive oil. 1% teaspoons salt, �/a teaspoon A.' if the' candles are varnished I large can minced clams 1 package thin spaghetti. " , : - g cleartheir shellac, t will : - . . sr . gad with th a cod Brown parsley, onion and garlic in hot olive -on until ingredients' ` not only add to are cooked- Season with salt and pepper. Add clam and danmer but will prevent them from dripping lor.ahout 3 minutes. Don't overcook o>c clams will become hard. on,th -table :pxer� or wherever, the Drop spaghetti in boiling salted water. Keep water boiling. Stir candles may be placed. r �oscasionally. When tender, run cold water into hat water. Drain and sem with sauce. Q. How can I treat fingernails ' f-Mseaseai sad Cheese Sae►rans (sht Maings) �, i that are too brittle? '. One pound jumbo macaroni, 2 tablespoons butter. 2 tablespoons I -- -:A'. Rub the fingernails with olive flour; 3 cups m1W iii teaspoon pepper, I teaspoon salt." % pound 1 oil every night before retiring. alimaeicaa cheddar dmw, % cup buttered bread crumbs. Wear as old pair of gloves to Cooh macaroni in .boiling salted vaateic Drain and place in - protect the. bed- .cigthiag: . • - - . - -. - =exaserole. Melt butter in sauce pan, add flour and blend. Add r 4 r sad stir slowly until -mice thickens. Season. Q. Ifow can I remove stains ,Flake cheese and scatter over macaroni.. Coves the top with. from a the hearth? buttered bread crumbs. Pour scum over all and bake in a moderate A. Stains on a rile hearth can be oven (350 degrees F.) 30 minutes, removed with' a strong 'solutioh of washing soda, mixed with fuller's earth._ Apply 'in- a thick paste and 1 _ USING HER N DLEsS allow. to remain for about w hour, than' wash with hot soapy water. r r a - 11 By ROSETTE HARGR E _ Q. How can I make a good soap # UQ11�2 i4YLC�Lt2U7S. _ _ PARIS — bias, Valentine Wit- Her _ artistic sense - prompted' -her A. This can be made fromthe _ ter tlpesit't. know. the .old exprrs to fashion them int6 different scraps of soap around. the house. By this time j*ou'te all probably • Method: Cream shortening, riot% but nevertheless_ - she's,. usin forms, then enatstel them in gay Dissolve these small pieces of soap • - p y g B- in just enough water to cover them, -- -• familiar with those semi -sweet and vanilla thoroughly. Add eggs her noodle. Also her husband's colors. Add one teaspoonful of borax for "chocolate bits" and have used and beat until -light and flftffy. Mix noodle, and- any other noodle she "There are something- Ii1ye - 80 -each pint-of-the mixture. : for cookies and the like. _But and sift flour, baking powder, and can lay her hands on. -.. different kinds of noodles''! says- them _ - perhaps you . haven't realized how salt Add to egg mixture, blending The - nootdles she uses.. are the =:Mme. -Welter. "I -use them all"-- �, How can I prevent pies from versatile they are. and the wide well. -Swirl -the melted chocolate, edible kind. -She makes things Wien noodles were rationed' in overflowing in the oven? 'variety of uses to which they can which has been- cooled, through with them, things like necklaces, - .France, Mme. Welter- would -ex- A• Insert a. 4bort piece of un- be put The following recipes are. - rookie - mixture. --giving - marbled ear- rings• hair- ornaments and the ,change her precious ration tickets cooked macaroni in the top of .the s11 well worth a trial. effect Drop. from teaspoon on like• for other things, getting noodle crust. This will atop the overflow, r r r greased cookie sheet. Bake in mo- Mme. Welter. is- a - graduate_-of tickets in - exchange i:or peopre- -Or do this at :the start --to. prevetrt- ' _ derately._hot-oven (375-degrees F.) the Beaux Arts and is a well - w;ho :preferred steak, it was a good overfiowing.i ORANGE CAKE 12 -15 minutes. Makes 36 cookies. known Parisian interior decora: dial alt' around. - 3 saps sifted cake flour r r tor. But her doctor condemned her 'tQ- How can' I restore' wfltsa - 3 teaspoons baking powder - PUDGE NUT BARS ' -to a long . diet of nopoles, After Now she finds. her goodly Imick- - , le e? _ .. 3�i teaeP + 1 package semi she'd been decorating her own knacks have become a Sobd.source- A. Wash carefully is a basin of interior with noodles for a white, of income. Don't tell anybody. but g�.trr to which has been added two Y4 cup ehoeol shortening ' ' she becattie fascinated by the slip a bride at a fashionable: Paris wed- tablespoonfuls .of vinegar .AX lemon. - . : :_: 3 egie 2 age pery little tliing . dig r a em d t juice. A11ow -it to stand for about j� sup ortaato marmalade - is cup stagar covered that th-e come solid noodle. �Everybodyethought an hour, then wash is cold water; - - ttl She di 2 tablespoons �� pie 1 teaspoon Vanilla _ in many tricky shapes an sizes. +t •• ac ivory . and it will be. reslosed to its for -. _ rind % cap sifted all- purpose Bons .mer freahness: 1 cup orange juice ri'di 'teaelon , �g Powder ' Method: Sift flour with baking 'K teaspoon salt - Q. How can I measure_out.,drops _ powder and salt Cream hortening, cvp,chopl sd nuts at. any Dip th-i! I. have-no dropper? and _ .. odd sugar gradnaIly,' baling to- Method: Melt chocolate and A. Dip the finger ia. water and - - getber until light and fluffy. Add shortening over hot Water. Beat moisten the rim of the bottle in _ eggs, one at a time. beating well eggs, add sugar and vanilla and beat _ one place. If slits `place £s need after each addition. Stir in marma- until' light and fluffy. Mix and sift - - from" which :to drop- the ligrtia; it ,lade and orange rind. Add flour flour. baking powder and salt. Add will drop evenly and easily. • r r alu: oacCiy wicla v. i. :„�, : Juice, mix- 'to egg' sirixtare. Stir in melted oho. ' .. ,Amg welt,.. ending with flour. Turn colate mixture which has. been Q. Ato can I treat when to 'better into well greased pan (10 tt cooled. Add nuts and" bicnd thor insure its being tandem whoa serv- - 15� inches). Bake in moderate' �? _ oughl'y� -Pour into gated' 8-inch A, Allow the celery to lie is coven (350 degrees 'F.) �30 minutes- square pan. Bake in moderately "" �u, i` water for. about -seven or -eight - Cut cake in squares, top with' slice hot oven (375 degrees F.) 30 min- ] �., hours before servin of ice cream and serve with choco- ..-u�. Makes 16 bars.. `its g,.and it will be late sauce, or frost cake aiith eboco- . r r - -•- z' _ eery Tender. . 'late frosting. If desired, top with Now -let's et away front the = °�' Q. How can I make a temporary g repair to a leak in s gas pipe? whole or chopped nuts. Makes- 24 chocolate • theme -for a moment. - - A Moisten some common soap squares. With Lent over; perhaps a fish , . - and' press it tightly . ever the leak.- r recipe won't strike you, -as very- Or use a paste rrsade of whiting and timely. But this is.such it good.one • yellow soap mixed with' water, CHOCOLATE DUET that I'm going td' pass it along,-2 Never have a lig! ted :patch, candle (Frosting or Sauce) timely or not. MME. VALENTINE WELTER: The guests thought it ivory or c !. -r tisfl,e i-e,;r f' kak._ I., 1 package of semi -sweet - SALMON SURPRISE chocolate i 1 16-ounce can salmon - - - 2 tablespoons butter or 2 tablespoons batter margarine 2 tablespoons flour - :1 cup sifted confectioners' teaspoon salt pepper w ro - 9 to S tablespoons loot milk teaspoon . 2 cups milk t4 I _ for frosting - - . f cap trot milli for sauce 41 1 .tablespoon .prepared"" ' mustard } `` • 1 teaspoon, vsmrlla = ': K hard- cooked eggs, sliced -Method: In top of double boiler - n cup grated sharp chew! ' °~ - - -Dnt semi -sweet Chocolate and but- ter. Heat until mejted and mix - Method: Dr ;in and flake salmon. imtil smooth. Remove from heat. Melt butter, add ,flour, salt 'and ` For frosting, add milk and sugar pepper, and cook about 1 minute, alternately, adding enough milk to Gradually add milk and cook until ' 1 make a spreadable consistency. thickened, stirring constantly. Stiri; a mustard into white sauce. Add': stir in vanilla. — k r For sauce, -increase milk to r/: flaked salmon and egg slices, Pour the creamed fish into individual cnMakes enough frosting for top -baking dishes or shells:' Sprinkle a�x of 10 x 15-inch cake or 1'ti cups with grated cheese. Put under pre- f ; heated broiler about • 3 minutes, or chocolate sauce. r • ,e - _ until cheese is lightly browned. -- Serves 6. SEMI -SWEET SYRUP. 1 package semi LONG .. _ . chocolate. _ LONG DISTANCE CALL cup sugar - 1 eup:ho. water _ From Wellington, -New Zealand, " teaspoon salt comes this -odd story about Police Method: Melt chocolate morsels Constable Bertie Kidd, an enthusi -e over hot--- water and stir until. astic radio amateur who was work- smooth. Add remaining ingredients, ing his transmitter in a cell at his blending well. Place, over direcit'heat station some time ago when some- y' and boil 3 minutes. Makes 2 cups one accidentally slammed the'• door l place. and locked him in. Store in c 0o ac . , s ru P , _ P� • Y. ' -- - r - - : • r - When he realized what ad hap• •. CHOCOLATE RIPPLE . pen he found there . was no one 'to-release him,'but her knew exaztly = - COOKIES what to do. CIE sent a radio S.O:S. Model. Airplane Fans Afloat— HN1:CS..Cayuga boasts one of. the .most tl to date collections. P cup shortening about his plight to another an,a- _�of model airplanes in the Royal' Canadian Navy thanks to the carving. talents of Able Seaman . cup sugar •- -• • - • • - teur•in Brisbane 'x1,500 miles away). Fred Hughes,' of Winnipeg-.. As. -result of his- handicraft, the Cayuga has 15 models of the , _ 1 teaspoon vanilla The 'Brisbane man acted prompt- 'latest'Russian type aircraft and their corresponding Allied• plane&.• -• - ` '2 eggs, well beaten - ly. He-called -up a - third• amateur. he _ . -.AB Hughes' • started carving model airpiaries- at the age of tell: He has made all the Yt /a cups sifted -all- purpose chanced to know in Wellington, model planes aboard the � Cayu a from scrap wood gathered .from bo�:es in which the ship's _. flour • •who at once phoned the Police. - •. - teaspoon baking powder And the constable who lixd acci- supplies are "received. For -•b lueprints he- -uses photos of diagrams •in steers €t recognition teaspoon. salt. _ uentalty. slammed the .door walked 'ottrnals. 1 package semi -sweet about fifty yards along. •'� redoes - In the above photo; AB Hughes-, 'right, holding a model. of•� a Russian MIG -lam•, comparem chocolate- melted and opened it to.let P.C. K'dd_„ �! it with an American F-86 held by Ldg. Sea. Glen' Clemmet, of Vanvovver. aw* ReI Ram and Slid Aso• thar � � Zen a" a ke - ✓ ' 'IM!• was a Bwi rtlrsoat to Pass ed0im U Peat A rg A. farm Lost °•�• "� a "Gree�WOOa Toning People's meeting held en Ave., TorOtto• Ln' I Aasiss • s . � - • ,j,,, !gees• Thursday. evening at the home of __ Yssititss . Saturday, April 21 - saetiaa d• sit`, �' sad Ys. Birkwoed 8•slby Alfred •sad Pegg. The sedst- The Bruck Road Berme end School Prentla, � -lot of - household fmshm%� wm a-s Jim K their ristioao sat- C6rbFusn. euowodp convener, Association will hold their next rag- . Phone i4i, • a Pace ca - the ieheol Ws- )Loa- _ � �� - • , ts4 modal Fold care garden sad as April 9, 1961; !rota Eileen Slate, conducted s 14osship dda evening, April 4 at & P• m. Tuesday, April 1? - auektoa.sde_ot tools, garden tools etc., on )� _ "d 8 tcL Dos o' ' rho alter Service based on the Easter theme- i+ A 11{ 11, Con., a Markham T~7•. � t to tea o tint "He >s Hindus" Three members ' of ][r W--�, our Hns3c - now Case Tractor, farms )hubs imp- Lot ► tib Properly of Iii 1 - - - nova and lsasn - tti• Deena- the Y. P. V. represented Greenwood Teacher, is in dWV of the Pror lemeats, grain, furniture ale. at Lot No. 1 Hilbwsy, ; is the evaoisS. being , Union. at the special' Easter S� ram And has to bring Dr. 11, Con:' 7, Markham, Jost west of ]!}state of the late Wm. ' Gisl�eti : ioe of theft >i'iltiefb- Weddis� J.- Roy F �r )Coale, to Man'kham Village of No. '7 E:h- Sale at 1.8e, Terms cools. Ne ror Service in 8ipocoe St., U of H. W. Plpbor. •rve as bows is sold. - Lieu MAI itassast. ;. . _ e._arlls ti � Oohsws, early Easter tort• w* t to us. We hope the. patents wale the 1.001 property - will take this opportunity to Dame Sale at- 00: Terms.- cash. No • :,»-. Clarke Pse>}ti<:e. sactioaaes. _ .. - Easter week -and was very out and meet Yr. Williams. Ds. "cave. Ferns soli). J. Stsstth, sleek: • Feawick is a busy man and in much qujetly spent here. as a saesicer, and we are Mr. -ICrs' wi 9lrlen to S privileged to be able to have rain R r� • the week -end out here. Mr. Williams has invited r-PU GTOC3RAP116R • O the teachem from tbo schools where - _ yir• and Mrs. Little 's baby daugh- . was well enough to be b t teaches, as he feels they should er rought have this chance to meet Dr. Fen- Nm ieea s< � w1�• � hcmw. !rota the Sick Chiadret s Hon- pital on Sunday and b doing well , wick. We •feel auxe that many who !i • listen) to' the' morning School Broad- now. - _ men's good oyster e4 casts would like to coins out and -_ e • B Y � ' was well attended and soee.to p meet him too, so enctead a cordial know how to prat On invitation to anyone who is interest- �• e supper• ed, to come out to L S. No. e, on IIa , ��• ••r 'R4 , w. and Mrs. D. Horgan and Ut- Mondry evening, You will be wade • -� _ a tie son were with !stands in the very welcome. The rancher i.' arrsng- ton district over the week- _ lug a'�y P� the Pup` w°rk' *�� which you saav, examine during the �� •.� Mr. George Wilson Toronto. vie- so" half hour. Hostesses for the .�' ti ,• ited his lather on tied Frtdy. evenI will bei )Ras 8. C. Rossetti )Crs. Lorne White, Kre. L. A. )viva. A. Xorden and Joanne wen t . ° S with )Cra. Morass's mother at Nan - eon and I[ra. Lw bb r• _ - - -- :D A i L SERVICE -W1 r1441W tseot• for to w"b4od. +.T O ALL �N AND UJJL i6lIllft sLLE •`;�[�' e�qm �� nrflA :..1,. - -- - '.CN- ARTtart0 d11Sl3 _ �� & {{E�l1i i1�s Tuesial. Apr9 �. - auction ode of fare burr horses. gu e.Ltre, _ - , , IIew .lase OEfER IDEAL SERViCt CO&M tt '4e tosatos, Papec� forage 4 FOR ALL GROUP TRAVEL "Ste 14 Ihs. NI PM )arrester, sew, thresl+'ag _ e sad fail line of tractor n. 8. rest: _ rfw ..e..a.ars- �a�' y� fit' grata, at Lot 34, ooa 9. Pieic- ; - �' erirw Twp , the property o! Sid J: M�5 4so• _ - i, sw .. " Dunning No reserve as farm sold. A)O a� meson�� T�4 Ash. Sao at 14.84 sharp, w��s..'R'., r..ar ...°a .°. a•a Lloyd tibrk. A. 9: I'arace>:� !!liana or Melia► Ipw ifsitssa5a o - - PMONAL Prldy, March l! - mortgage sale under and by vista• of the power of ' - - �, RUNDOWN WI» GA13M mile contained to lwojwltain most- w �• i• �� 1i Tiis� -•"I ydesd 1s IM. sw.M gvgm which will public produced at. the at M � ft *� ,r,,,t� M& time of sate ct ubU ins, P k- - � � Psasstice's Auction Rooms, Funk- ' =miss Oat. Ostm Tods TwMew Ir lie House, )tar m. a farm with- ink l 5 a 010 "Got- augmbft ° to five mites of Markham described - � � .• llsie>r •t �elrMl. Ass ed4r 6 e rants. All as the east *=tar of lot five and the east half of the wuW&eaat quasti i. ter •f lot six, Concession tact' - - _ ham Twp. eoutsidag seventy -dve FARMERS � more or � on th. Properrty NOTICE to a*n is said to be a dwelling house . and suitable fame bsildtngs. The � •� P909" will be of nd subject to � _ i iC�4sS�I �RIG�B "~ PAIR. a reserve bid. ' TTerms: '1e peseecst _1111P of. the purchase price to be paid on _ FOR DEAD OR CMIPPLDD ANPMALS p one- third off tease p�. j - to be Paid within fiftest- days,. Bsi- - 110 anew to be secured by mortgage at piiBE.e; W.00 &I Iwo pa vent per annum: For tur- W.4% SMALL A MPAALS RS"OVBSDr r _ F0M MMEEDY MO+K- UPIPHONE TITO LOCAL REPRESSNYATIVE's PHONE 242W2 - • Old ' ±r &&-N of eII less a - . - sard•�l�opaeeissl • _ :.. _ - . .. _ .. AARa it� s BOWL N BROCK Iniurawes to niveiiity DriPe, AJAX 'w'isx H: . ooetrid�le flaw women M TOU , .: J= TO _ meet, ' +o' E N e o w N : si o,�- -DAT V4LU M t wmw needed to operate 3,700 Wwobes_ _ -1D O U G LAS. G .. -Ton ss what is involved in loop att e . EACH AFTERNOON 3!V0 7:30 _ _ dw Erratlyimased damande made by bid : MAITLAN D � Q upon their &artered �. ALL %DAY • SATURDAY ' . .� RLiORL? pe FM LADRB' AND ti>eSiZ'8 EM ==a ISOUTH - In ten y"I with b*W stag sad AM CUUM L+1i>fY ro®t e111AB N011 assns TRUMa - = FAIR PORT . - g«,-p wroi s ba J=2ped : wa va VBVjVE: Pietering 176 for BX8. 'R�'af710)VS.- , • • �L�wcH ' - from Iwo,ms'Nion year to X102 m : PtiOTTF3 PiCI�ERING J 1 _ tars, federal, provincial and municipal, have risen from $9.6 miltioa -DANFORTH -BUS L.1NES, LTC. _ _ : _. • . • -t� :20.7 min a year, DAILY ... LYE R V ICE.. ::. inte�et paid - to depoeitore bas ��;, bom $22 million to I<57.8 million a yeas' i'�OHO!!'L'O L#tOQE;BJ1� ICL.AREMONT �1 ]PEST BOZFND READ UP . ` . - ' • . MR Hppm 1itEAD >POYN ..... :... _ ..... And these are only three of niariy a =peel» - US P.Y. P,Y. AAL. A.Y. A.R. P.H. PJL - - - - -„•r _ _ _ _ . 111M sea _ ( items. Yes, .today more than ever, it cosh liAS. gas. u��- iiMte►" s -,ac.�. t - s , Bet, . sa and and H•L ROL only Hall, r F - _ - money to run a bank. _ Mai asses+ J sod Daily _ - - :k .. ! ii .284 only _ .. - _ 40 111 Beds i.48 2.ee )sees ............ and Pidward ................ i.4 i ,9.86 6,3e rt Cie 4,65 Rio sees f.is ie,i5 .. -. esnrbss+s junction ........... s .r�. 9.10 4.45 9.00 1s of a =ergo: - 4.45 5.45 4.80 5,45 • e•ii S,N H.M l Vs . � YaivCa 7.45 8.43 4.x7 5.4! 90 HAS 1 Brown a Canon ---• -• f .. b r your bank _�. its 144 ��: Tows Lbsr► t.4e i.4e- 4,15 SAO -- '►,N- +� :t 4;15 i.n • : -•. ! E• - ._• ... �: - .• u t _ . _..... y _ ... _ .. SDK it of tI I ...7... owkw Gre+e - ..-.• -- M� *� g.15 11.16 y' L,ecast Hill tae- S.la 4,05 5;ie . : NL.p i:K S.li iii i F+ r Green Biwa T.1S 5.15 4.te 5.15 - B t.1� S„K =lss 1,1B S'N i 45 S.N _j` v.R !.N 80 .11rsi . i (,7aeessiont lti S. t'� _ _ 2 _. .... ....fir•.+• <:= .�w.,.lv- - _ $ _ _ -, ^M.R :: .RT -n -. _ ,- _ - _ , - .a _ - >�.. ;•r Ciassi#ied &ft • '� :SILK'S MARKET A HELP WANTID n�ith f f 'r I«1 Radio and Electronic ''technic _' *. " � :w, �, •- _ 4iaaa and (2) Electrical --- jstsumeat Technicians for zee dit s - . = - kering Market & Loker' "Plant - -�.:- '- _COL Electronic_ Teat Equipmet►t. Good - r "e,`,•.• Imoskiag conditions. Hauaiag avail MAROARIN! _ - • ,tables Piospitilisation and Health la- - trit�s`u�r.r+ :PHON� 30 MILTSTARY LMTI±:D, _ �AJAZ, Ontario. - • ., _ glillaida chicks. Wide choice breuda , breeds. Started too. Wheth. a a 1 it A erev �� e. QII dLITY y f or eye the egp; or meat market ' .y At shom" not. up thick buying much longer - that is . �� -ice It want mature stack producing _ v. yo 4 whey prices are heat` - t GR Aek for pric. - - list, Canada Approveat, breeders'' pall- -QCEII brum tested. Agent: F. H. Demaine, . ;''ickez3ns, Out. 'USE MACHINERY' FOR SALE - -. _ �Csaae model tractor, rubber . - LOCKER PL ies, starter and lights Casa model A,`� YOU . ._ !'C" rubber tires, good; Case model - . ; - •s" rubber, starter, lights; Case V. _ _ - meats Proven d-- to You $peal :estione, C., starter, rubber tires, manure A. fertilizer grain drill, giats� Aseder and, tractor hitch power; a - - " ICockahutt manure spreader, good - -- _ scan Mairs,.Brougham, Ont. SPACE_ HOUSE FOR SALE__.....`, -:.. y . ,,•' . $1500 - 4 -room, winterized house In So we..Fee�ing� "Cass Fairport Beach, Pickering. Insul- � ' ; ,brick, cement foundation, well on the. FOR, RENT .' _property. Inside conveniencetl Lot i ": 90 by 120, Immediate possession � FUNCTIONAL FEEDS HELP `Phone Pickering 259J3, Full. price, ::Now that Building Loans have beenredneed, roods and•tipioe.'for s PRODUCE HEALTHY, FULLY -,- • : -.. $4600. Apply D. Maitland. Picker wait will be at a premium. - lag Beach NOURISHED BIRDS WHO 'Regardileas of your location, if You have as uafinfshed seeea4 GIVE MORE WGS ""'BETTER CAR FOR SALE - $95,00 Hupp -Se- floor or- basement, NOW' is the time to take advantage of one , ,din, new tires and brakes, very clean y � �. —EGGS . B Y INCREASING Inside. Phone Pick. 259JI, �;., .:�. �, �p `�T1�T PAY M E XT o QUALITY AND QUANTITY - WHAT STRAW for sale - bOed T - YOU LOWER COST AND ..810 ion. Clean, no mustard. W. abel DEFERRED PAYMENT PLAN = two miles north -east of Whitby. �� �w INCREASE PROFITS. I phone Whitby 2187, 'LET YOUR, TENANTS MAIiE YOUR MONTHLY PAYMEItiTS_^ - z 6 Apr_ _ - - _ ,• ! )FOR SALE - white enamel McClary - - ®•. $100 to $200.0 .CREDIT -.with . _ ' Bala tc��oi -d S ' • -Idtchen range. Mrs. Bert Harvey, _ ® s� FIIMhaBaskN $rougharrm, out. 6 to 24 months to pay. WANTED = electric brooders. phone _ - P E6H MASH and E� PElLEE1'S Pickering 190, Interest 1 -2 of 1 per cent Per Month jFOR SALE quarter-cut oak exten- , - %'by Not Drop Into Our Showroom For Suggestions and _ - Idirds Relish Pellets) ;'ion table, siu leaves. $25. 'Mrs. Ed- ' - Complete Information - _ gu A_ndrew__Pickering. aYon'll find plenty good markets for For Sale by • - ' Grade s A. large this summer ing. See � O M R I LUMBER V . ... ►=-• ±;riot skimp on your chick buying. See - .' -- - __ - y""ve'plenty- young• stack to get Sou y ri3er.esg•fiearbero Over A Qaarter�eattay" i Claremont CO -OP the good markets that are surely the I - wlse poultry- keepers, with. most of -. 5c8rboro Junction tier food-prices sky high. Eglts and Junction' top' the list in food val- '; - ne. Be care your chkka are Hillside. H0 1113 $CARBORU JUNCTION ; 3e1. SCAR. 3330 . Agent- F. S. Dems{na, Pickering_ _ KAISER - XINGSWAY ;w. will pieasOW too PAZ pick up dead F 1Flalf Load Re$ uladons Are* In Force , J. are crippled tarps animals aa�t pey heat prevailing pricer. , = ....._. ....... On'' ELEC (CLEANER For laungdiate service, telephone i a collect: - Brooklin 43, Claremont .;; • Ferns amd )wares s - jj1R14 or- Toronto►1PIRE 3-&636.-- • °. 1LATEi GIY1@i _ GORDON"-TO?!. LIMITED Effectiie March 1 to -April 80, Tehicle loads wj• not exceed : PICKER IN 159J. - - . A" Keating S&ftt, Tomote 'I the allowable loads tin nudes Section 81, Subsection $, e[ H. H• Kaiser The JUghway Traffic Ae4 I -� _ J. R. NIXON, County Engineer: � � Pickering - �'BOffiPT PICK-UP W. MED = = -' ,dig DELIVERY. - COL'NTFiY HOMES - 1M i I SMALL. ACREAGE! and � is a most difficult task when mot- � Centennial United Church F,>,RMS her is also -coping with social' dut- Will be another nickel night with all at this service, Rev. E. G.:Robin- 4Ve have waiting buyers with ies, scientific dietetics, mechanical : For the first time in forty years types of skill games available for am, B. D. All' are cordially invited. ` B gadgets, packaged provisions and a We had an overflow Congregation on Good cash down payments the price o! one nickel. There 8111 .y, sixty- Dent- dad'lat: One could almost Easter Sunday and found it meccas- Sr, Psul'a' Church, Dumbarton ALL.- Mr. INGLIS be home-made 'candy lit swill a O.. say that a .gmrf s training for home- wry to put chairs in the aisles, it fish-pond and refreshments will ai= At 3.00 p, m, a Service of Praise - ' - -1 for prompt and erperienced f {'making in the home is; of necessity, - -certainly was a grand sight to see Will be held, consisting of a Can- service. • .. so cost a nickel for children, two - : ')aghts MA,901 Office �Ebls+oeo?t 'being neglected these days• d many Polk out on this glorious nickels for adults. All Proceeds, for' tats dtt honer of the Risen Lord. The _ { '. ,� Course in Home Economics day is the Christian Church The the Sundav School Building Fund; - combined choirs- of. SL Paul's and I J. X. R7LLo GSBY amp' Sdit f provides a systematic method for Primary Dept, retired before the Saturdav evening, the 31st,- `the* St. George's wM Iead the various training girls to . take their place in sermon and we are glad to say we Eager Beavers will hold an April musical selections which will. be in- As Realtors ho es' of today and tomorrow. had fifty -five of them: since the ul- Fool's Party at the Church. All the terspersed with readings from Holy .� This is' a', big fob in a scientific der group remained for the church young folk over thirteen years- are Scripture and several of the old - - Sixty Experienced' Salesmen : ; World. 1� is 'a job that can be done service we are unable to give a true well -known 14mns will • be suns. Established 190a invited to attend. most efficiently and effectively, ies picture of school., attendance, but it Last Week the W. A. held a Pot Come and join us in this afterEaa- school, Oa top of that, Bids just must have been .near the one hund- Luck Luncheon and their regular ter Service of Praise. Sunday School i love it: p: red mark again. meeting. Amon items discussed at 2 p, m• as usual, when the mem• Pickering, District High School y Good Friday service was also well ,ire: the painting o! • the church berg are asked to return their Leo- - Home Economics __ ..`' - attended when pictures of the Life floor which will be.done before our ten pyramids. Dumbarton United Church .. of Jesus and of Westminster Abbey - �Original• courses o! this nature were shown, anniversary services in May. Will called, Domestic Science ,limited the As with 'moat other churches• our h ext Sunday morning is our guar- the ladies please note they' arc in= s -._.- training largely, to•-Cookery and' Easter morning service was like an . ferly Coammnunion ' service and we cited to Mrs. Carl Walker's home Sewing, Today a modern course in anniversary occasion with almost ev- hope to see a full church again, an '-Thursday, April 5, to discuss CW Home Economics simulates more i ery pen occupied. Our own choir •There will be a reception of new wars and means 6f, raising funds, I - closely the social and domestic train- rendered appropriate Easter music members at this.serrice. Remember. we would like to see ing necessary ' for the mistress of in a very .acceptable way, and be- The following week, Ap'; S' on noes on Sundav mornings at 11.15, r the home. _ _ side our choir we 'had the children's W, M. S. are holding .their Easter and if you are new to our community1 _ .The. room itself resents a name- choir from East .Woodlands Sunday and hw a not yet selected a, church HAVE EVER NOfiICED ' P TLnkoffering Service 'when the. sp- e like atmosphere and is modernly ey- i School. These young girls gave us ecial speaker will be 31rs. • Bonis of. hmne, .why. not come to us.? We will AMEN STAYS ARWNDAS ' — Cupped and decorated. It, is subdiv- two numbers and their AS- .sweet voices . west Hill. bars. Bonis is the daugh- make are most welcome. LQNe AS SH•E CACKLES h, -lied lute units' and has everything rang out clearly and joyously • with ter of a missionary and wife of the Vie- 'get e�` - -t" - report there are required for a kitchen, dining -room, the Easter Message. some still on the sick lint. Mrs. Hor- We are hoping to have these Rector at St, :Margaret's Anglican H WARES-0. LE NM living room, sewing room, bedroom p B Church, and the ladies would like to ton. is in hospital, having undergone THE R MER L -and laundry. young people wdah, us agairi next an operation and is' improving nit - dt9• see a large group on hand to bear TO HIS DISMAY -All girls ge't experience-,'in all of Sunday evening when they will give her message and h'1 us meet .our. e1y. Dirs. Snider has had another bad the divisions by sharing in the work us the Easter Story in tableau form. Allocation throu h the special envel- attack and our syrhpathy Qoes out to ��' PAYS 70 ' _ .. aaxid ,rotstiri through th jobs, El- The service Rill be in charge of the B p her in her suffering. Mrs. Stotts g' session and we believe will be o! °pea which will be found in the loc- and Mr, 11h-tmwell have had attacks emem work is taken in Grade 1 AO�VE�iTIS� all ' Nine.d more work is taken in exceptional interest. We extend an at pews. of the flu and Mrs• van horn is .Grade Twelve,' Our present 'big effort is the fin- ° invitation to all who can come', to be B still not fully recovered from her .' uncial campaign for funds omits f The Course in ' ' Hoare Economics, with us - morning at 11.00 and ev- bout with the latter. •' which to build the manse. This week Mr. and, Mrs. H. Brumwell expect Jncludes: •n�ng at 7.30; `._ 1: Selection and making of cloth- letters and pledge cards will be to _move .into their -new h,xne this B W. M. S. Pickering,l riited Church anaiied to all members and adherents week and we hope they map have i m8• _ and we hope' you will - read them s� 4 2 Preparation end -serving meals. i will be held at the home of Mrs. W. carefully and return the cards as maul years of health and happiness M. Social -duties of a hostess and C. Murkar, at 11.30 there. �j 1 p. fin. on Thurs- soon as .possible, We hope most of ,,,• Centennial column did not app `N�`' family. day, April 6th. ..Devotional­ period the cards hill- some_in on, -the. offer- sear in onr'lsst issue• as it was.rec- f 4b. Home care of the dek. will be in charge of Mrs. Frank ing plates Sundav 'mornings ducting eived in a mail just as we were go- Q, d--Food and nutrition, Baker: "the study in charge o! Mrs. the next couple of weeks, but if you l • 1.' Consumer vdacation. � George Shaver. are unable to- attend, kindly mail ing to press ;last Thursday. Ed.) The above is good training for A special zo:lection; and donations `them to W. H. Irvine Port Union P. - =— -Zboas� a making' ss.well as a career. . of new, or •B�d • used-clothing for 0., who is treasurer of the Building St.' George's Church. Pickering In years gone by, - the daughter :girls from eight to eighteen years Fund. Messrs F.. Br.4mwelL and Carl _ Sunday► April 1, 1961 learned these skills and arts'by pre- of age will be appreciated. Walker are co- chairmen of the Coen- 4a" example and apprsntieeahip I Everyone welttme, - including via- mittee. Sunday School at 10,00 a. m.� ' jlta meow is the Dome. Today this J itors...� ,•.._ _. �; � Bbl. -Friday evening, •March 90, there 'Morning Prayer at 11.00. Preacher 1 ,..- . 0 W ' • _ A. �, Richardson _ nvllzolltla' Choose - _ _ , =8UAA M lw.er, C" Be WA" � � �Ye�rr yeig idaire Refri eroter g r arlcote Ralo An an (i+r,A.. i \ cc au Ob4estaWlahed I►s•sl now fioll -Halo sfdvs To serve TM Amsmiax� MU � k Efe Stove " k _ llama •o. _. ss�.••� plao-unsaff_ _-Ake" Aid Lime Brick ...�.. Cxmcrote Blocks T, Of All l[!ar -- Baas and Ionee Cs0ar . So ft A ]aetrk Ste" • sm 'IS li i user - - -- - - • A.aM.eesP In bad..ss y_ y MITC14EI1 pboas . Mr. and Mrs. T. McGill and non ' Oat Pick. l4i9PY OI+TSi ?lsalll! of Sarnia, were guests of Mrs..Mc- �rigtdatn Made ONLY by - -gg -"' Gill's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John "OUR TRUegs >?�e T.w'a"R AAY'• petty over the holiday. �GENER.AL MOTORS: KEN 00 CLARKS Mr. and Mrs. W. Judd visited Mr. . � Mrs, George Todd on Sunday. -- - '• J � S BALSDON &SON R�ai�T'T =�� Miss Mary Ann Morrish was home - AUCPiONEEBB STAFFORD BROS. for the Easter nt week-end. PHONE PICKERING 39 -Mrs Fenny entertained some of _ and Authorised far. no WOEKB' her familly on Sunday. ; Counties of Ontarle and Yak. Phone - Wbttbr am 1Mr. Stanley Taylor is home - 'for Farm Stook, Lmrlemeata Boa the Easter vacation, bold FmMftwet Real ]lam 818 Dead" 8f. N., Wbftby, Oat. An impressive Easter Service was Sales our Suety at Rembonable held in Cherrywood United Church r FILLIP Bates. Dual Barlbs !or 60 on $undav morning, when thirteen Price of One. new members were received into the LET _ MCEACHP�TIE' church, five by transfer, the remain- .w • 1� PH TO-FINISEM#a ![Wi71sn P. O. phone, Agic UWS • w-& der by profession of faith. This was g� Hee. -- ]farkbaaal P. O. pboae Mark. 206 D>gA,ITS followed by Communion Service. b0�ls� •'"rHAB�Y SUPPlri!'if prentless - helve been sstsblishod _ _ y r+i.�ra.,..'"Wo We art pleased to have the church w y _ NZED8 a -_� idlp. , �. yell filled and extend a welcoame to p� _ - '�"'" �� all at any time. _ -STORE HOV88 raivate b a THAT - 0- 4 4•o. Week Days PRESCRIPTION °° P. �, DAVID H. MARSHALL Wm..McRecBY�P =: - ,ALldI('y - Sundays- •. 1,00 - P, M. to 6:00 P. M. Phone P'iek. 3 Master- Bobbie Blake, Greenwoed. 8'Apf[ ssmd STOf3E ACCOUMS has been visiting .hia grandparents • is rban. wid. Mrs. Blake dimring the R'SON193 PZCz !7 , -i!' Pickering.. Ont. holiday. iJ9 R. BOYES, - t�h�n• 8. ' •'°•• w' Jack and Mrs. hall and famay of the Navy Department, Ottawa, .rith ' Lmaurence grid ^ V - . Clark; of 'i.,ron- - -- /�,/ of �y _ 1!Y M. M A lllf to, called on relatives at Grasmere �a$ Stare .0ftonum il� on Sunday. : Charlie Clemence, after his txip in iti� ! wot�os the an•)-%blocked. loads of Simcoe WEST HILL _ PICKEBINQ FA>;i7dTOEi d Grey, says he mould not trade 'SCAR. 2.602 PHONE:' ei - RORT. Ate• PROP. old - Ontario County for a '4ozen of IL IL L OMrt.ar.A; Oli . !tbore ee Write - them. ,�� West Whitby Oa 1lii �� �bk� much sympathy is' expressed' for Ns. ll sway. Betzresa Whtt3yy :lira. Har•vHospi al. tv' h !s in the . And Ate• _ - Oshawa Hospital She has served - the mail route mere for several yeatrs � 7+( ]r � O U 7�( T C EM E ]� �' T . . and has been -aaost faithful. 1 '� 1 ]C � Y 1 Y Bert Guihrie is making arrange - • - r ments for a good attendance of the - - . ratepayers and students at the , ' OP'M+M 'rMIST - ml etinv of the -Club on Wed i�sday � • THE FISH �iND C$IP � TEL CS, � formerlX a,t Pioherlag �ILEEN JACKSO�'�T ..so is is.ao "d 2.00 to s0o eveniay aL the echoolhoase, April {, on Saturda s will in future be• in-Piekerin ever Thurg- OPTOMETRIST Even>hlgss 11[as., WeO.. >i�+, ? to ti -when `Sr, Briggs, Principal of the a 9 ' $ y Pickerin Hi h School will explain:' " _ Glasses Fitt«! . P. o. -da zti k . Uur ricer haQe izot' changed = . FICKEBINt3 Di811i1t7C $ice'` OPP tvlth colored ides. the layout of the .�'- � . _ .. _.. .r _ , p _ : pllE3&WA,, OTMAX V m,:,,✓., tic- Caiymes u-hich trill Tuesday E7e�'gs mad � be open_to students• The ladies wui - 'T at the whole famtl� to 'an 8C0130mYCa1 meal PYery By Appoiatssea! Pbone - it4s. NMI Office 1616 First Door $ tt Of Masoai: cTitttie.Dw service Arraaiea) provide us usual _ :. Thurs ay night -. _ . Frank Puckrin is not operating PHONE PICH.. •_ his maple syrup camp this year and _ ... - a..a rmr .many w ill miss this local product. - oilers &Atkinson Car! Disney at Pickering, was a.i'ypr�V �hYlrsday'rOAI t0• i p. III...' visitor here on Sunday. Pbose Aihz 901 W s - 8tAO1t. 9W3 _ blr. Passichauk, of Western Can -. " _ '• Licensed ada, has been visiting his daughter mere, Mrs. Elliott Corry, to our CLE N DENIN (• West• We_ understand he is 'looking wi,�r of the lamp, Our next Bingo . Airs. Harold Harris 1 for a small farm in Ontario. will be on April -sth when the. Jack DIXONT uet�oneera The community was shocked ,Mon- Pot will be $40.00. A resident 'of Whitby since bet . Ias last when the word came in- 25 Yeaa's llsp4eieslee . i that.. Mrs. Harold Har*�s had passed `1 real goOd time was held at the marriage, Mrs. Harold Harris 104 �� � � dance last Saturday night and the Mary St. East, died in the Oehxws away following" an opemtion to the next dance will be on Saturday, the Hospital early on Monday morning. specializing L& l%ar'n>: Stack Fad' Oshawa Hospital, the result of a 7� Try. -and come, and enjoy your- She had been in •the hospital for C�a Q tare and Pmpeety 84140. blood clot. She was p°sssssed of a s,� the past week j V dp ,gales persenaliy Listed aad - bright, cheery• diposition and was y� pp '27, a Variety; Mrs. Harris, the former Marjorie Advertised, Bills prgwed sAA highly regarded by ail. In her early Concert will be put on in the ball, Annan, was born in Pickering Twp. MARK,HA M 7� - days she attended so. 4 E, school the proceeds of which wlil take the She- was the daughter of Mr. and PMOS tiOW where Miss Marie Thompson worts s. Brownie Pack on a bus trip tv reet- Mrs. Theodore Annan. Pickering _ R' �I Prom t ,Service - tea£her, and is now mgrs. Pratt, tea -. erboro one day ut the sununer holi-' who survive, _ 1�Y U IRON p china at Ntio._ -l: -Olin:- Pratt- speaks ' nays. We hope that all will keep the Also surviving Is: her husband• - J. very highly of her kindly and cap- date is b@lk_tmxee. chilidren, Donna 10; Joan 171 PROPRI1r:"COA Reasonable Rates able disposition. (an• obituary cep- I the children along when they come Paul 22; two brothers, Fred of .Pick- - } 2" ST y j .r a y y.i i pears elsewhere in this issue. Ed. +around with tickets. -The prQSrairs erring: Jack, of R hitby, and one sir- - AMBULANCE ' I will consist entirely of local talent, ter, Mrs. Jean Wonnscott, Audley, the children themse'ives are doing a - ' - - - - E ast Woodlands i few numbers, so all in all, it should Presbyterian Church Ladles' 1 be an enjoyable evening. • Thankofterin Ateetin , April A f A e. are sorry to report ' that Mrs. , On Monday tight April 16. there g g 1 l will be a nxeetin of the Girl Guide The Easter Thankoffering Meet- Palmer, of Highbush Trail is oa the 8' 64Yong'Friendly Resident AgentS7i sick list again. We wish,her a very and 1300vtrie Mothers` Association in of the W. M. S. of St. Andreveg recove at the home of Mrs• Albert Hull at g speedy ry• ' the - corner of the Hi hway and Old. Presbyterian Csureh will be held on " SOB �8IIM1rGE A Mr• and Mrs, Frank Martin'' are g Tuesday, April 3, at 2.30 p. ,m. VTM O"UALTY, BOB D8, At)T WUB" _ home again after a very enjoyable and Rosebank p Road. Mothers, please try the church. Mrs. Frank Dean, To LiABII.iT'Y INSVRdN(7S tte4 trip to Florida. and keep the date in mind. onto, uri11 address ,the meeting. BUY PROM AND Mr. and. bliss Fern Bates spent the are cordially invited to attend• TOUR PR'3Pl�RTIBB r CR 6ALE WITH week -end "in Bracebridge, Ont. Cecil C, Richardson Air. and Mrs. Danny, Scott spent - CYRIL E. MORE I the week -end at Afannoth with blr, tiTlie Townshi_Fihn Board Suffering a coronary thrombosis• p Scott's parents. Cecil Chester Richardson,, 54; bum • The Junior choir under •the direr- The Pickering Township Film Li ister, died Friday last at his home, tion of Mr. Fantham, sang very well T 6 Donve an. Rd, He had practiced rary is presenting the foll' in Du4barton ' United Church last law in Pickering and Toronto for films for this month's circuit en Sunday morning, and they�iave been j t}rirty years. Veteran of the First ins April 10 - "Welcome We ohbo and CONANT ` - invited to sing again next Sunday �,1 orld War, he serv6d with the Can- a tourist rands picture; CX)NA,NT � night. adian Army. He was later associa- teach your Child" an educatio Barristers and SoUcitors All those that missed Qm' Y:'� ' ted -' Reparations Commiss- ,film: "Pay off 1n Pain" the ho t3ordoa D. Conant, & G - PLUN1iSING and HEATING Service in the Hall last Sunday ev- I ion, :rn settling c arms of the drug traffic; "Seaside Ho Bogsr G. Castaat; 8• A. PRESSURE PUMPS eying really missed a very enjoy- i of war. Son of the late Fral t;es ray on in._) �rurce Ed __. "�' A'SP IAI,Ty, ' able and inspiring ' service. Once I Ches'.en Richardson and Frederick Island; 'Birds of Canada a - - Olfices: more the choir. were singing at Hunter Richardson, he was at" .one study of the domestic habits of Oshawa, Ont., 7 1 -2 Simcoe St. S. J. Hewson e ' ! : their' best and Mr. Donnelly read" - I time keenly" interested in his fat 1{ildeer; Cedar Waxw►ng >3urd Ni Phone 4909 Fairport Beach _ the Easter- Story. The- congregation,a her's 1000 -acre farm here.• He was hawk• Ajax, Ontario H. Sttrrowe enjoyid the singing together of the born in Toronto and received his 'Phone 115 �R, R. 2, Pickering old Easter hymns _ and also enjoyed education at Upper Canada College, PHONE = FICIiERING 260W2 very much the several numbers'surtg TUTS and the University of ,Toronto. ,Interesting grogram "At Greeaw by the quartet. - tile. Richardson graduated frnm Os- - . A large crowd was out for Bingo � goods Hail in 1921• He w•as a main- `tp�l 2' - - on" Mondav'night and the following ber of St. Patrick's riding Progress -. - (-soup Two of the Greenwood were the winners: gibs. Sleep, P.ck= ive Conservative "Association..and A: are sponsoring.a good ente ering. Mrs. Malcovich,' Pt.-., Union, the Delta Upsilon fraternity, tie _ _and Mrs. Jack RVest, of E. Wood- yes formerlf active .in boxing, and meet at, the Greenwood Church - SVbStrlbe fiathe News Ya1aY lands were the -winners"-on Share-- farninpr was a hobby, He lea -es his Monday night, April 2. P'iMures ° the - Wealth- Mrs. AiurphS, of Enst wife; the former Marjorie Brigden- n' will-be thLOwn on the scr Woodlands and Mr. Gibb, of Dunbar Henry; a brother Kenneth, and $is- in other good talent welt.il e were the winners, of the $10.00 t Burnett. �in the program as welt. - Corse _ ton w the ter Mrs. Ernes _ _ _ special, and Mr. Cuusmbw was V �. --�•+. ^.. � - �. ..� .. w , h_yV1X+xar�Y'S•n./ , ew.rssd;:KTeS�r.i- + +,.,p•,rA•.4 .e.0+RG:,, S,f. .,.,�.,, _'... r,,,p., - ,;fl�t:^,a' � :R ` .. . a. �r„•.+ ,re,.nf:'aMxY,riY#t'�"•�txp�v+.. r,,,+,euiaFftCfRxf^925a . ,ti'�ta,iw .. tl�lxyQtu"i. ' s..i.5�:o'N AL•o^vr+",� : '_'�[' � Z - b r llc Ease �' �' ' - _ �S•ts t 1{t: t }t'? ss _ * that she - always had, justto live � sT * with hi. and make him happy. * That, she counts as her highest • A f ierri00n Teas make ..•.•'N �t••• -- *Privilege. - - -F-love { . >t 1i'•.' "Dear Anne Hirst. "I'm 25, and *.. t =• t. * . Useless this g+rl you is - - f� ierLC�ly entertainment , , -t•.; a? ?d for eight mouths I've been going • s willing to take ou "for richer, with a girl of 28. We want to get * for poorer, "' and be a loyal and _ • ••••'• married ti but argument-finances. �fina cesg * loving partner in tvhatever. for- one tunes or misfortunes await. I 'SALAD �� t ,tt M •.??,? _ y,,, "She wants 'a a +cannot feel she is the one for ' t., :.�•,.,M handsome a n= you... _ gagement ring, + ltil,"•;;t ?•: {k �"�''"• If she cannot be happy with- YY. {�{l' }•::: A new home. * out riches, let' her. find them with t• Y : 1 z; Expensive furni- i vomeb_g rear, 7" - - She - :' E—A _ - -- — �� she'"t -wining `^ j y �• to work for two If the girl you love demands - or three years, luxuries you feel you cannot pro- - Y vide, see her u she is-and be ` to help get thankful you found her out in time - - e p .... these. But she Anne Hirst is Here to liatep _ states plainly that she would never to your problems, and try to help �a be happy if she had to do without argument -:'Why move this, why3 - -you solve them. Write her at Boxy ` t� ,,,;;i•' •' -r -her good clothes, etc. . move that. No man vet has been .. _ , g 1, 123- Eighteenth St., New Toronto, able - to understand why a woman ' , ;,;,,�•,, "She doesn't come from swell- Ontario. f „wf .. likes to rearrange furniture ever � .” • g Y a t, to-do-family, though I think they HRONICLE.S little while, Maybe no woman can Nty µ� 'have a clean, comfortable, and hap- _ - • �- expla:n it either -but there it is. r;;,, '. t;;;t ..Y:;, -;,;,. ;,h py home. (She calls it poverty.) LINGER M The average man, of course, likes - ` "" She makes $1,000 more a year than 7 furniture as immovable . as the ,I do, and she has move saved. Bin •`° Rock of Gibraltar. w r=, :;',,, Y • C�o>etidoltt�¢ D Ctorl,r¢ ,;;, "She says it e, the 'man's job s e While we are on the subiect, buy the furniture, though she knows s 1 have found that moving fairly _ d n...:•�,,•„ 1 haven't any cash on bans. To give heavy furniture requires knack„ • us a start, I'm willing to sell my These 'are housecleaning days- more than strength, Suppose you car, and cash all my bonds - about �� 0 L and my hands proclaim it! Some have a big cupboard without cast- ' " 1'• $2,500• folk can use strong 'cleaning pow- ers. Too heavy to move? Olt no, " I "Should I marry the girl? Or am _ I tiers without any ill effects, where- it can be done quite easily. You LAURA W HEELER ' . I � � 4a as it leaves my hands rough, red need a ,couple of wooden rollers- 1 blindly in love. She says she t; and raw -and this week there is old- fashioned certain poles will do Lovely, -bold design in si6itrle:•i loves me. and I honestly think she 7 an Institute quilting to go tot But quite nicely, Tip oiie end of your filet crochet, Each senate's inter- does, C. J_ M." still I have two bedrooms and a Y eating to do; and you have a mss- BLIND INDEED cupboard and with our foot - closet of the Fibber McGee var' slip a roller underneath. Novi do - terptece when squares are joined. * Suppose soli sell everything iety, all ckan as a new vin, so my Big square =it's 7 inches. in No. + you have, and start the i hands won't the same the other end = -you - wi1L�- Cotton- smartest crochet. Pat- + • g girl off in Apparently �noetmany hhouse- easily as a toy wagotr- except t directions. t st le ,he demands? e : ups) r y find tnat cupboard will move as y Laura Whetter 'q Pat- ' + As the den a it wife tern f an s lee I ^�`•• gives have started housecleaning that a chit come. your fe - '- --- you must watch -and, adjust - - - as fires and furnaces are still tern makes- crochet and knitting so + w ill have to give up her o ' `w go- the rollers from time to time. job. With ing strong. I hardly know what Even a kitchen stove can be mov- .,imple with its charts, photos and * no motley -ahea'd, hori do you RE'S eonOie directions. * r t % _ •gave me the idea •maybe the ed this way -but not by one wo- - expect to pay the bills? Does crows flying back and forth;, ar . mane : " Send TWENTY -FIVE CENTS * your position give any certainty V the Sits buzzing around the win. Dressers are not tx ick at all to In coins (stamps cannot be ac- * that in, say, three years, sooty t 00 down -or maybe I •just couldn't move alone. Take out the draw- cepted) for this pattern to Box 1, + income will be doubled? F3ouses stai5d the' lbpk of. the house any ere and there is very little weight 223 Eighteenth 9t, New Turonta * need repairs, furniture and clothes Monger. Anyway, if the weather left to push around. Felt that Print plainly PATTERN NUM- * wear, out, raising children is i{ - is cold to start with it will prob- tresses can be roofed up and tied •BER, your NAME and ADDRESS. 0 costly, Yet your wife: will expect And f� = ably- bt hot enough ivh_en I Fret for easy handl3ag, Suring rant- Send twenty -f4c Cents inure (in -e to continue to live on the saint - REtlFf 1= �/�%(� tthrough-'hiw-ecleaninR. tresses are another Drovpusition.- coins) for our Laura Wheeler * luxurious scale on which her Now if I just went into a room Mere, 1 yin afraid, you do deed Needlecraft Book, ltlust *atir•nc of + marriage began. How-could you Nobody k10� the Huse of rhetuna- J and cleanest it that wouldn't be so help. Otd- fashioned beds can be - patterns'for' crochet, embroidery, * support that, and allow for the tism but we do know there's one 'bad. taut no, I snake work for my- taken down .and reassembled suite knitting, household acce +series; • unforseen emergencies w h• i c h tlh�nr�t?�ase the pain .. ,it's self, I wonder "would these easily with the- aid of a hammer. dolls. toys many hohhv And .. upee must ode - And whew two rooms look. nicer if I chang- I wo ldn't -know about new ones gift ideas. A free patterp_is printed * � i a Y� �� ltxfs�Nrtse - q - against. __ the relief is prolonged because ed the dressers around ?'" And as we haven't any. It- is -a -good - in the book. * I. have no_ dovLt the girl Iovcs • INarrnxrnvs contains not one• but _ _ take the double bed into the other * three roves medical ingredient*. oth two cis beds n thiink r000m have and alone tobecause �th I9atis �t always ° ' you as much as she is capable of _ _ „ These three ingredients work togeth2t• y loving anybody but herself. To ..to lug you not only fast relief but " available. But for- Goodness sake. * me she items one who puts the 'more prolonged relief, moat." And so I ' chang,e• things don't - take chances. If you 'need New And Useful fleshpots first; she is frank to say Take lNS;"wxrrxs for fast headache around, Ragging the stuff from - --help wait_ until- you can.. get - it. _ hat without material .things she relief aw .. or. for the pares, of i one room ;c another .mvvsefi be__._p,nd if you have,ceilinF;s and walls - TOO - * could•never be. happy. neuritis or neuralgia and the aches and cause if 1' asked Partner to -itely to wash, use a stev- ladder to -'- +- T pains that often that would ;mmediate1% start an - o. be' fair. however, maybe she reach them.- Give farmers _wife, tlecompaay,*,cck - ,Don t Require Water - * makes these demands to stimulate _ whose kitchen ceiling is very high, Useful far decorating re viaiti�c- • our ambition, spur . used to make a practice of putting g F p You on :to plants trade -of pasdsol. Said to be greater, productive heights, for ■naNw■y■ • ""•o■ `"-.. ;_chair on the - kitchen table to + •.. _.. !< < l y very realistic, plants are. fire- proof. both your sakes. Or, if t'hrcugh ►■eg n Wily - stand on while' washing, the veil- r. inks. It took a. broken arm and a acid 'and grease• resistant ar,d corn- • her childhood years she lacked cracker nos',° to make her �"`ly waat,ahte. _ - _ * the necessities of life. she may _ • - • -have vowed she will never repeat change that - little habit, . As' a pry Sponge rt • the experience, tn stn nfia n e matter- of fact she had no bust- S ,n e- A,rr. ia'Lic sr+ill,root * A - - news nasl3 ng- ceilitigs anyway -- P4 C P 1 girl who really loves a map a� not with hen hiF;lr blood- pressure.' water coataine'r on toy eases ma- • love,. him for himself. not -for- 12•Tabletrn 25t Some women do-, the- craziest feriaT damping ahvres. Al et .l trig +what ,'he' Firoyides, She is even 1Eea+omlea► <s- TabletbtN•NE # things. Are -you among the ghil(y ? gcr on contait.rr C veR seen ilo.v * eager to sacrifice- the comforts !r Gencrall.� we think. of house- of tiatc� + _• -- ._._ _. _. ,_ _.__ .._ _ .,,., - s cleaning along pracitcal linec, but it has its sentimental side, For Metal Repair , $;5 +a ����� le instance, cleaning out that out -of- Ilouscholdcrs repair' kit for tr3eod , the cupboard. he _things ing metal household goods feature; tt. y'ou take out .` and the things 'puttylike metal substance. hard eelsily, speedily with - you put back again' betauae' you brushed on, maserial dries to r Fiord Fv can't bear to destroc ythem! Las't finish and is said to be ru.••tigoof.•_ new Fast DRY Yeast! week I opened-- a boa front Just l Disposable Holder Le°ea •k = 1 r such a cupboard. • Its contents dCtS"v - a child's tea -set; .a bag of A combination cigarette voider r and filter is made of polystyrene marbles; a tiny mechanical toy _t and a poor, dilapidated doll -with plastic. Eliminating the need- of a, . cleaning holder and changing fil- a - - � no arms, a Patched up head. faded g R -- : -, " c o m p l e x i o n . and troth -eaten ter. article can be thrown away clothes, after filter •.is used, Filter can be _ used for '20 cigarettes, - e':,' Why lead t saved it'• all these years, Daughter probably didn't - s - I think' . _Folding. Boat every mother knows the answer, A portable,lEoldiug, 16 -11, boat ` With one's family is .made of aluminum alto}'. salt- a y Frown up there is so little left to.' t'entind us of Rater resistant' frames and plastic- coated planking. Complete with oar' _ .• ,,', a. - I was being ridiculous so this locks and folding chair, dinghy is-' `•`:k; time I took the 6 ft. b 4 ft. when 'opened and <_ : —14%%Z poor old doll down y � New bread and bun treats are to the cellar,' As I shut the fur- eaFy to pack. carry and handle. a treat to. make with the new , • I SIZES nace door, 1 thought of a little Ink Pencil form of Fleischmann's Yeast! �_� poem Daughter used to lout- Never a wort about east cakes �• 4iL "I once had a dear little doll, Chicago company introduces a Y y ANNE ADAMS dears= low- priced . pencil- styled, ball -point that stale and lose strength ... new EASIEST slip you ever sewed', Just the loveliest doll in . the Pen, combining features of per and ,Fleischmann's Dry Yeast keeps ,�/ - ""• - - Two 'main .pattern parts with worlcT pencil. Using purple -blue ink the lull strength and fast - acting --seams shaped at sides to make it Her cheeks were so red and so pen is approved for cheques and right in your cupboard. Get a' fit divinely; Add`lace at top or -hem' white, dears- documents. Lasting longer than 12, month's supply, � • y �' ._ or both-it's a real glamour -slip! And her. hair' was so beauti- lead. pencils, item never requires Pattern 4772 comes in sizes 12, fully.. curled.. • sharpening and is said, to be elleaper 14, 16; 18, 20. Size 16 ,takes 231 But 1 `lost my dear little doll, than using pencils. CHEESESREAD. r 's.••,�y� yards 39 -inch. fabric. _ _ . dear'?, This pattern, easy to use, •sim- As I played'ou the heath one Faster Stitching *Scald 3 c. milk, ;Q G granulated sifted bread flour. Knead on _ .... ple to sew, is tested for fit. Has day •" A Norwegian company is n;ak- sugar, 1 %'' tbs. salt and 4 tbs. lightly - floured board until smooth complete illustrated' instructions, For my own satisfaction, 1 , made ing a sewing machine reported to shortening," cool to lukewarm. and elastic. Place in greased bowl Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS up a : different version -just for stitch twice as fast' as conven- Meanwhile, measure�into a large and grease top of dough, Cover (25c) in coins (stamps cannot be myself- tional models and can over- stitch, bowl s c. lukewarm water, 1 t'sp. and let rise mrtiI doubled -iri bulk. accepted) for this pattern, Piing "I lost my dear little doll, dears . button -hole, zig -zag, sew on but- 'granulated sugar ; stir until sugar • Punch down dough; turn out on �1ua v SIA. NAME AD_ DR_ _ESS, _ As I cleaned up tlW attic one tons, etc., without special attach- is dissolved. Sprinkle with 1 en- lightly - floured board and divide STYLE NUMBER. day' ments.' With only half as many, velope Fleischmann's Royal Fast into 4 equal portions. Cover Seed order to Box ]. 123 fyigli Ah ' ire, how foolish can 'the parts as usual types machine' is Rising Dry Yeast. Let stand -10 • lightly with a cloth and let rest mothers be? - said to sew 1,$00 stitclies.a minute, • minis.. THEN stir well: for 15 mires. Divide each portion teenth Street, New TOFO11t0. Stir in cooled milk mixture, Stir of dough into 3 parts; knead and READY NOW 1 Your brand Her `! Capped For Safety ut 4 c. once - sifted bread flour; beat shape into smooth balls. Place - Aane Adams, Spring Pattern' Book! `What's the difference between An electric ,plug features a plas. with a rotary beater until the 3 balls in each•of'4 greased loaf Send Twerity -fife cents for this col- i•alor and discretion:" "ti built- in''cap which automatically batter is smooth. Cover and set 'pans (4%" x Ilya'). Grease tpps lection of the smartest new- season Weft; to go to'a sµtil restaui• doses the outlet when not in use in a, warm place,- free from acid sprinkle catch loaf with ;4 c. fashions ,for. ail ages ;and sizes. C ant without tipping the, waiter Cover keeps connections clean and draught, Let rise. until doubled shredded cheese. Cover and let - tL There are one-yard patterns, one• would be valor.•' protects children from receiving in bulk. Work in 2 c. lightly- rise- until doubled in bulk. Bake pattern -part patterns and F.REt.- - "f -see: And disci•e; ion ?" • - shocks when exploring wall sockets. packed finely- sluedded old in moderately }tot open, 375 °, 45- instruction� to make, a <letatL ";)'hat would- be to eat at a dif- cheese and 5 c. (about) once - 50 mina, envelope handbag!` dent restaurant the nest day." ISSUE 13 - 1951 .n - I IN +-?�. ;�`.;'� - • ' } = ".,!Classified Advertising . • , • - '. ^i .. AGENTS WANTED >ee1R tsaLE I "n' OILS, GREASES, TIRES SIX Hares -power Garden Tractor. VIOWL discs. cultivator, Cost 1520. — Acarvi BATTERIES. paints. electric - al01, 1325. T. Brown. 13eamaville, 0¢tarla. •re, milk coolers .road Bled grladsm Power COMPLETE plumbing and besting shop saws, drills. Lad. lathes, eta Dealers with or without tools an4 stock. In �• : _ - : i. 1 - wanted. Write: Watxo Grasso and On - ,%Lase of Crysler. APPLY A. I. B1aL, 667 �y S tiX 1T l f. VCHOd. etiwnto. WOOD milk London. Oat. 1 �= '1_ 1cC130 Greeting Card Company, Hiib qua4 WOODS mats cooler, etc. suitable machine L tty cards, excellent service• good coal- In first class condition, suitable for cool - - mleafon. Wholesale, setall, 21 James Ave.. Ina milk or can be used for sag grading , _•- . 1-0 r Ontario. - Each year there- orilfs a time - ;i't.vin -W rittefl that we were F' Brantford. �P,�i� for quick sae. cordon se +ar - •: _- S _.,— . —.._. g - aTP TI 1 Tliere afire- U - -- --- ..- .-- . t0 b6.. — :- .foMk.. Out._ µ w'hen every sports tvriterTtZfthy Of just abOnL to__announce. another' j Amade selling 0. comDleU line Foos. - :._ilis salt -and a whole of of us who time out - -this one or the purpose _ - Pharmaceutical arse Beauty Products W GENERAL rtDr• in ts. hi town railroad r his salt-and be Opera i hot ett in that corn- ti catl'ttg up' a bookmaker and se � have everything for the home. -No 09"120. with : a saw tnilla highway, railroad - -Y .rt [ tot turnover i40:e00 ;-- mod•sa aowm'ta _ %note o sell. wr1 o: a to ' '�- •• - -4•e him %'firs thr irr elect curb a L LTD. malt, excellent fixtures. -- lcd+ty -- feel it f. .,,,,., niu�,or a- --list Popp - to let go all holds and predict the double. However, +tie suddenly re- �> heat, ■+ winners of the National and Amer- nl timbered -- that- -hookinaking__ � MEN wairm. to represent Toronto real has Q� `• •state, firm. in rural sent Toronto ts not FREE 1931 CATALOGUE r ican Leagutt baseballi races. Just hreq declared highlv illegal on both I%'- - -- necesearny a tun -time occupation. send Of Auto Para and Atceeaories to- garages. w this should be. is more than we side: of the border. so .we'll just. - replies in strictest co Parrott, R e to auto dowers. arse service stations. 3 St. whole li.y A. R. Parrett, Realtor Jaxdal• Anto Supplies. 8b3 8t. Nicholas - o t Montreal 1 Quo. I t Toronto Dt rimes P., 11< s 1116 Yong. Btree I. Q 19treet. Pa ., n the odds .. can say, but its an ancient t.aseball have td try and imagine ' custom like rising and stretching Stimiethag around a thousand to t1ABY eHICRls t1ED1CAL before the home team's half of the une. we wonld think 1'['ell, we INEERITt SCE makes an the difference. seventh inning, or giving the rasp- iu,l wish we had -a dollar r`ding on If the chicks hai• inherited health and IT'S IMPORTANT—Every suf■ berry when the empires' names are the rtvit New Yirrk Cflubc err such visour and Production ability in their blood fKK Of Rheumatic Paters O! Neuritis you have something worth—whits. If not., should U7 Dixon's Remedy. announced over the loud- squawkers orl,l�. For that matt el, we 'last wish yon wows be becur Ott without them. Top MUNRO S DRUG STORE • + • ice had a dnllaf p- °rind ,■�c� Notch uses outptanding breeding suck to put inheritance into Top Notch Chicks. 335 Ottawt Well, that time has Foiled around • r t Buy wood .inheritance and you win bek as ;1.25 Express Prepaid happy at the end of the year as you 'weft _ once again, and like the character As for out, opinion of the Stanley when the chicks arrived. Also Turkel CRESS CORN SALVE — for sure relief who was met on his way down to Cup results. vthich - somebody has Pouits. older Pullets. Free Catalogue. Your Druggist sells CRESS. _ Bangor to get pie-eyed'- "Gosh. how fn -t called to inquire shoat. surely Toll Notch crock Sales. - Guelph. Ontario. POST'S ECZEMA SALVE we do dread itt" that is one event that doesn't re- ' GENCINE BY -LINE CHICKS BANISH the torment of drxt eokema raabm • • # quire any deep thought From start Crosses or inbred tease arse like good sad weeping akin troubles Post'a 1itlem■ ' For We, personally; would mach ..to finish of the precrnt season the hybrid corn Early maturing uniform Vol- laws will not dl. burnt rate. ' Detroit Red Wings' have ' looked- s iota Twelve to 14 months lair., less brood/—Uses 10014 on the farm Comports= Testa rtagworm, pimples add athlete'• foot, wo _ _ �.__ year when, as nobody remembers, a m;ie the best. They've Iri.pr:tc- _ show 21 to ;3 more •age per ben housed respond »Sara le tk..tiow st porn as ticall 811 the way. The have than standard brads. Cock• »ls 3 uis to olatmeat. rearalaea et' bow atnbharo m ' we Came within Otte time Ot calling Y y' y 11 weeks catalogue on reifu••t. 81-Lbw - hopeless they peat , - we i winners, the Philadelphia hockey's he front line, They have _ _ Cbuka 542 Queen Street. Chatham. Out, PRiCE 41.60 PER 6AR hockey's leading goal-scorer, They LL uuR t• B i c x e are R.O.P sires Pe Free REMEDIES - • Fhillies just nosing out our Brook. h 3 - Sent Poet Free on Repltx of Prky have by 'far the hest defence in with a proven breeding background of re NO Quark St .K. Corner •t Lowe, hermit lye Dodgers pick in a photo finish. _ -- . w 292 saga 'reeve «%filed Dresden a» ill's did, howrver, select the New the, league and a goal- tendet who, Officially 0mven the cream of Canadian "PEP UP" York Yankees. a ttam which 'the at this writing, appears to have the probably could remain in good con - stanfa and their Production will truly Try -- -_.: Vezina Trophy right in his mitts. dit :on while producing 4S pounds of breeds you we have 1 Gov ended C. C. a a. rONJV rABLrsra major ?ty of prophets couldn't sec + + , tague from which to lire choose. Inw•caw � " vitality and iene»i .e tots .'winding-up better than -third_ � - - milk. At the 25 -pound sate. she eogu. Y.elterbnrD Poeitry Farm t,u.•r. "bl ` ton t'3hterv, ' Out Dnilar. At Druggist, a • • So a Alan rash enough to, pick would need extra protein at .milk - aga-nat Detroit for the Stanley Cup lag rates above 35 pounds per day. BPRtivaxlLL 81aad -wt°d chicks err+ aloe OPpgs'!'i7NlTtsl frig MEN ds #it►lt�i :- Still. duty is duty, so once more should be a fan prospect for a Timothy nd other poor - quality etabt• _ All popular breed. at 013.12. _ into the breach. dear friers is, dread Y pullet, 1124 oo be■vs cocit•rels•84 6s Bt» a$ A HAIRDRESSER lunacy commission. w'aU1tl*i'• you grass bays ale law ia- protein and 91aIL on atone chick.. mixed and outlets JOIN CANADA'S LEADING KXOOS it a we may. Besides. there is a - #pink? We1T -home on 3lielt, Cfltn• are not attractive to daisy cows. 1prinatint irarp,`t�r.mm. Ontario Great Oupmannlu twar• hunk of space to be filled up., the mission: for we're- taking the To- Only an occasional cow would eat IF -you want to cub m oa the k4ro +sf - ed praosrati dead -tine fast approaches, so here' ronto Afaple Leafs. 25 or -.30' pounds. roughage Of 'this- prose that w• err+ Fall, me sat-4 to t or booant erg Stec ssful as soma .asw �ntzt Summer end Fait• ep•mQ a t••ot or Tlloaeaada of suCC•esftlr marvel s »AUatst _ goes -but with the warring that r_ _ type and even then she would net I two more and purchase R.O.P. sired Pull- ' Amsrlca's Greatest 87atsm anybody rash enough to wager on large .amounts of .extra protein to lots. You have a far better chance of girt- 11tamrat•d eatalogu• Tree these selections would be taking nos your ,ter alit down more sews from Write or can R FA�M FBIO T produce at i profitable level. by e7 lass with n than-from o ding •f back MARVEL $ Sloar sR1CSDING icgi()9t+a far leas of a chance betting on _ by tize .re;e with Da assn• brooding beer ii! St.tor w., TDrwu + • • of tkem. With 8364 m e a doom this for Branches 9- wrestling matches. On h' h- qualit legume -grass as �•aa to od ei 11 14 more prone lase for eA rotas st . aamftm. -. • . • -, - tg Y P 1051 atalogu. and read all about Twaddle _ f1 RWsn Bt. rlttawa tore. COws Gan get more than, R.O.P. Sired Chicks. Also Turk97 Poutts- pt'sSERY aTOC15 -In the National League, Brook. _.1 enough protein for niaitltenance -otaer pndloi ' : lyn looks to be a cinch. They should Tw•dar+ ,hick . Ostsric. �t°I AFRICAN VIOLET .high production.' Alfalfa, an alfalfa- _rersna. O■tarto. �• Etna. —slow plaais 0i 6a, have won last year, and probably -. bronllemixture, Ladino and other DOUGLAS CHICKS poRSatd. Write far Hot Choi" Ewa" wotIld hive done so but for elate- ••I can think of no quicker -way . clovers are high in protein when Pants. suttee tits Aiken N%raery..chate lesson slump occasioned. in all pro- you and succulent. In anothez set sus ,ter. asst, am too C n L a s a¢wts Paget. Quebec.- to ruin the quality of a good egg y R ebicka varist7 of pore` arseda Dal eta er . . bability; by some of the Dodgers •• o Pests, cows-were able to get 2% - . warted %'rlri Lin • r•nvow satisfaction PATENTi getting the not-unusual notion that thin to yack it- little end uq says gtlwrantteA -' gettin -clippings can win bag games. a well known poultryman. Yet far timr's• their normal protein, require- .. DOUGLAS HATCHERY AN OF7ZR w seen mveatoezLl■t o! tr - . press too many poultrymen fail to use meats from rotationally grazed le- Stittsviile. Ontario •e•tsmas acid tut1, tatarmatlan gear tree. • • e t mC and r e =grass pasture. The �■•y ca, Rest.twd Pueat aetw- - '..this simple method f�JT "detping'. a �'.� - .- • e _, DYEl%4. A%D QLEA/g160 _. - ape• eta Basle. 4t,e.L ,Otte wa, Anyway. 'the figures show the good egg- good. _BAvc_fwn .ortn>as,q«a. ay+tleg m eras tr=HXRlTONHA -UGH A Conte eras, !a- . Xteodgers winning by a fairly com- • « " ' if pastures are made up of tow I", wru• to a• for tor°ronatina.. We ee■t sottastor. s. "Miller t »s• tee fortable margin, their keenest con- Athen eggs are packed aith .the quality grasses, extra protein prob. are Mad to snsweir soar Questions Ow � tT°v"°t° e"°kte' 't tr1"'mv - itntion coming from the Philadel- points up,. the air cells have a ten- ably will be needed. On pastures of turtrne*n B, Parker'* °" works Lsmn.a'. -a- - _ y tit rnn•s st.. Tnrtaito rROroGSnrI4Y phis Phitltes, who figure to sag a bit deticy to weaken and the yolks to this typo or. on . legume mixtures from their 1950 drive -r drive that rise. These eggs wild vrnt tI,►ts - go. doe!% to subjected to midsummer heat and shw ► 2"'T snlatY.nnn, stmazed everybody, including them- quality to either B or C Grade.' At drought, a grain ration with 's pro- #m axis -= patching rem from Brow � ran , 25 covPOV with order-t •rip. Brea•teil Bronze pmllarum 'clean stock-. rots 3k tell s:r tartan 04.Ro aft selves. certain. times in- the year - this can tern keel of 12 per' cent probably e4� its area axed tom. aim avast- .04 poe soil -all- prints 1 69. ifirwa e• • b • 2Ileus a loss of as much as" 20 cents- -would be needed to -be supplement- •fit a W, Baker, R.R. 1. Westboro. Oat 06 . station 20 reprints 11.ee. antilwaol cent soybean -oil 'row ituttaa R MoattuW So that's the Way the dope reads a dozen under•the Grade A price. ed with 20 per A NTION Resort ownero -w_+ bond • -- Brooklyn Dodgers, first, Phila- ' • ' meal to meet maiffttn4nce, and pro- i^•u�nsoltm Pries strip 4~7 the traced• IDioem4 delphia Phillies second. Therefore, High temperatures also are more duction requirements. uon on request Rue Lake knit[ work& wAampa. -OLD CANADIAN a P081AOm Go »'s Landing. Ontario. stamps Bend o writs Jackh aural_. with our ctutontary mule-lilts con- disastrous to eggs packed with the --- ,.rat Roau s. Woodstock O•taru. sisteney, we are selecting neither of little end up. Above 30 degrees, the. Iron- curtain Kiss - l0�• OFF AS -ROLLS wuvTSn - -- VA twe26 our pica for file 141ju =tai i:✓4l 1_ ,i r e eneil :t touches f;HING..E$ -- 'JROLL$D League Pennant --and, when 'it the shell and is then more likely to r Ytew a oau'ai+, 'e sera with reformats. A;. Wr1ls The scene is a train compartment . e.■ tee t.e.. at tetteK a•.n La■sbw tog• lira G Barrett. . . ■•-•• '- comes to that, for the World Set- go bad. from bacterial action than rate eisenunt 9091[•. on ord•-ro r c•le•d a Galt. Oat. aes-is the New York Giants, When completely surrounded by egg in Rumania, The characters: A march 11 Thep 9rm9cte are raeun7 ow Russian officer, a Rumanians officer,, -candy with .%shit baverfectta¢e w• doubt • . = - white. Out an egg packed little end anybody can nnciee They win trl.. you - down has a better,chance of keep= an• old lady, and an extremely at Tears of valuable wervies. `Me -now pause briefly, so that tractive girt ROBERT JONES LUMBER CO. WAKE UP YOUR you can 411 get the laughs out of ins the yolk surrounded by white The train enters a tunnel. The' Hamilton, Ont. ���E� ���� -. your system over such a ridiculous and cushioned -by an air tell. passengers. hear -first a kiss, then a choice.) vicious slap. The train emerge SACRIVICE • Drip for growing tow O • ie • !' Eggs packed little end down also L bakery. •ndipta•nt t2Fs -arro wtor. into the light again. Everyone. re- ties rent. agndlns weft - ,r.•rt• fl!nitor. � Ca1=W Am ?"I Jaw oat ilt .. _ i are less liable to shell breakage in Bwattr, ores is Go We turn next to the Americas mains silent, but the • Ru."iaq, otf'i- `d• lrisettis� fit' League and here we find that the handling. And the customer is less ter has a black eye. ORDER NOW FOR SPRING DSLIV1CRRr Bear ■io■W poor ! wisest 0 pintl d _ likely to break the yolk when he -- Chinese Elm ,t,2 inch tilt• toe for ;� h o 7«sr trM as7 figures make it even easier for a The old lady thinks:. .'What A !6. l5; Dwarf Apple fret cataclatom or M�f� of ��Ir� breaks the shell. ood girl she is: Such• good man- Stn or Cortfanet: Dwarf t+•ar 7»q (Barn _ .prognosticator to choose the win-' , , • e nn. Boston Red Sox, by as far - -- ners, such a fine moral character;" Nit err etapv'. lravoHto, s -n. -tits« soon t� Y7� _ If you have good - quality hay, . ctrotty. 83 9 pch ors xh st sax Pascal as a circus Dress agent can toss The. girl thinks; "Isn't it strange sb tot 1a !1. Giant sxhtbuton Pascal w j%d �� �j a ha#y J i� oilage Or eat ire. the protein con- that the Russian tried to kiss the Privet f;edstna plants It to 11 Itch aide. JA■r Pik be on ahk■s 2 �� tl■e, At bull, is what it loons like. Steve rooto in red white *or pink t for 11.41, �• tr•ah io 1vQ•yp and O'Neill has the pitchers; he has centrate in your dairy -cow ration old lady and not me." = - - -- -Plow, tr•;a• sweet- eatUw Burbank, Lmm• GiNa • ,.�,, fa ° -_ may: pe an unnecessary expense. The Russian thinks: "That Ru tiara' �r Ghana Duke. 6-ft us+ tt.00 ■aph - iu.sL6W iMr "Ike hitters; and in-addition to one or a ear $5,00 Free colored Garden FBIL -,of the best infields in baseball- Tests conducted over a four -year mania% is a smart fellow. Tie steals Gat with Even order 9rookdale 'Pesky, Stephens, Doe" and Dropo period have shown that levels of a kiss and 1 get hit." Kingsway Nurseries. Bowmanvill•, Ono -he now has added Lou Boudreau protein usually recommended can The Rumanian thinks: "1 am a ALUMINUM 900FI140 -a very handy guy to have around be cut 3 or 4 per cent Without loss ii bttitliant fellow. I kiss the Back 'of SIDING . at all times, of production. A ration of Ti igh- I my 'hand, hit 3 Russian officer and sa Wua ■e _m either. corrugated m ribbed - • F quality roughage, supplemented with get away..with it." assign All aysranteed prlmari trrsde:' _ it". wide . farr![ grains, contains enough.pro- _ ' A' eons - i1, 75, 7 '- i2.0b, r - 03.36, - - Yes, indeed, it looks as if Mr. 11' - 12.03. 10' - 12.16, !", ridge cap - - tein. to maintain a cow with above .. Ala. 51• cap - 32c, l3" bip - 21e. O'Neill might be suffering from avfrage production., NYLONS 6^ •prop - 20c Buy at these low Vrtce■ what one word described as ' , * • '•whne-nock Is available. Above prices a» ' ' - "a plethora of riches,." In fact, Steve Guarenterd delivered to yfiur stsllon. Three groups of cows were com- , , AGAINST ROBERT ONES LUMBER CO. '.2riight be ike the egg who found EVERYTHING j himself with five aces in his Flared pared on a. ration which differed slake r.tra rgenrr Hamilton, Ont. - in a pokergame -on his, own deal- Only in protein content. Corn, / taki°a orders for - W beet pulp 'and 41 per - cent Amazing N r 1 • a-.. WE HAVE iron SALE good grocery •-and was puzzled about how to get . woarantred °o to stores; dry goods store: several hotels: lid of Y e extra - one. - -- _soybean meat were included in tht �jy�j the" month■. Ho 1'bntlara parlor,. •boa area one butcher concentrate; while corn slags; al- ttipp� wonex nr sloe. ever shop -An"no interested In ipcatins to ■ a • • MAKINO w`�eW• time &A ter -tool Du■117e■a Wet is touch with- Philip- ' ' falfa and timothy were fed as TOugli- collect. Krwdrs, Young. R -nitnr tt Frederick street . Kit- So Boston Red Sox it is, accord, age. Levels of protein feeding were o jR iw Canada, H•[aR chimer _ _ ins to the crystal bail,'ard- if the p 1•n. %%harts. : Y I0, 1'4 afid 18 er cent. When milk HOMESPUN Yarns land and made from have any trouble at all making the records were added at' the end of Song -erred New n, as oohs native boot. Grey. brown. fawn. maroon, royal blue, ..grade it should . come from the the tests, there was no significant Paddy green, scarlet, yellow, black.beathu. direction of Detroit, where [led difference in production between the ■ ■ ■ swop per 1 Iel skein, white _95c per ; it- Fiery Itching terns.' Ndulelyl. Northland sweater pat- n . eh�n Skin. _terns.` A'duit: Deer. bear, curling; Indian � a __• -' dRolfe has a team that should im- three, groups. _ / >rt24r M1 g J watha Childs: Deer, ;"an design,. ..f• i l�l1 114 ►R _ fnrm- .wltlr•h • !► • ■ ■ Wasn't so bad after all. The mall in charge of the tests, S QWC� Relief dos and squirrel, dancer 25 each. -Knit - i • .e une needles 25c pair. Esavywelght sippers i - figures a 1200 -1b. cow -producing 75e each. Bute length. All delivered. Miss :... :.:. ci .. But if you think were predicting 70 pounds of 4 per cent milk daily Here fs a clean ill bring penetrating Ida" Maxim. Box' 332, Sifton, Manitoba. y P aatfeeptfc oft that will bring yon speedy' a World Series between Boston 'Carr get along on farm grains and relief from the Itching and distrbs of USED Farm Machtnery Audtlon SAiV, an Red Sox and • Ntw York Giants, 30' pounds per' der 'of nod alfalfa Res +ma IunSag Toss area Fees, Rashes make, area model, of tractors, combines _ - ! P Y g and skin troubles. and most tither machines. Saturday.- April "- -tou aren't aware of the way our hay, legume pasture or silage. Even oU of only foes and healthy satinps le 133 7th, 1.00 p.m. on corner of No. 12 sad 67• - - reputed, mind works. No, we can't' if she -eats only 25 pounds of rough. - open sores and wounds, . but bolls and Sfgbws7■. Uz•Sprlat Farms Limited. IIs•, ;eem to see: Boston; or even the age per day, -she ought to be able simple ulcers are also Quickly relieved. bridge. Ontario. JIM ■kid atfeetlonr -tD• Itching of �es•ma a,ETRAC diesel -trawler tractor, Model Detroit Tigers. Along about next to maintain body weight and, pro - In Quickly stopped; the eruptions trip up A.D., U horpepower. I2 -taeh - track;. sz•. October we look . for ap all -New „ ejuce 60 pounds of milk. sad scale on in a very few dark The eelleat condition. Ferri Brothers. R.R. No. - sam• . ttve alt B►rb•Y■ Itch, salt Itb••m• • ! York series— Giants versus Yankees, _ • ' •' add other skin anptiona, !, Nt°''°•1' UhA • --with Leo Durocher's. club finally Red clover ha has less . rotein You a•a obtain Moon••• smsrald -On " - Y P, , Wherever arpw;q are, said. - taking it all. and on 30 pounds per day, a cow ISSUE 13 -- 1951 ' ,r tip. .. �+,a::. - ,� -- ... •, � :.. - :. - . - _ ,-,a., C. Devitt decorated tie fs+0e;t O1* the church with a C :Ob sad glow- , T -BROOK �.TIUM WNITBY 1.� . �,� apprednd • Consratulahons to Mr. and Mrs. PHONE 618 D. A .Peters ()!farina carter) Tor a e ra Bier so" At no 100.11, - - -- THURSDAY, PM,., SATURDAYS - 3 ROH 58,, 80, th1, - onto, on the birth of a daughter �'�-� Y 1:esir a! 01 Zhorke va . di.edng Slivers at T -W and 9.00 P. M. Saturday Naillaeo at a.80 Mr and Mrs. Chas. Osborne and XCjg, 1 • i11 - son Charles Jr,, and 'lady friend of - Toronto, called on Mr, and Mrs. W. "Stella _ C. Willson on Good Friday. _ jl' -ANN SR==AN a" VICTOR MATURBf, IN Miss Wilcox, Toronto, NNpeat - the THURSDAY, FRI., SATURDAY - MARCH 3B, 10, Sr. I PLUS ADDED ATTRACTION , week -end at . tits home of, mr. and Mrs. B. d Mrs. Trensvr Island _ .p rook- SWEDEN and Mia, D. araw:ord, ilrook- - e - r' . DI T XM CO2AM_W3TH • ••__. -i - �• Mz and Mr's. L• sap_ _ - _ CHARLIE McARTHY) and MOR'TIMER SNHBD :. Was _W TECHNWOR; WITH . ALSO CARTOON and- -MWICAI: - - - - A of — -John's :1nurch, will hold their next , 3111CONTmky, Tam ., - � 2, E, t. 4"Mung on weaneaday, April 4, at ) ADDED WESTEg.V_. HIT; .s j . Zvening Show ,fit , ?00 . Last Complete Show At 8A8 P. X. 8,00 P, M, at the home of Mrs. T. - -- -- -- _ • Philip. Jr. 'COW TOWN Budlep and Miss Sharp, of _ __ ...... Colt WITH GENE AU'YRY!• Oshawa, visited Mr. and - , Harve Mza IN TECHNICOLOR, STARRING PLUS SECOND HIT - ; - y-• one day recently. -RA N+ N TEE SCOTT d RUTH RdylAri - Congratulations to Mr, Tames - -- - -- - _ 711 Ocean Drive " :: - - Routley, of Brooklin, who celebrated. his 85th birthday on Sunday, ]far. - _ 113XGTD O'LRI'ElN.snd JOANNE, DRU' 25th. , (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT)' Mrs. M. Matthews spent Easter - , TUES.', E N y . `' MONDAY TES: R D 'ESDA APRIL 2, 8, 4, ALSb FOX NEWS $undrai zvit�t 31 r, and Mrs. Harold COWJNG ATTRACTION - THURS., FRI., - APRIL 5, 6, 7, Craeforth. w,, tbv The Toast Of New Orleans - Mrs. John Mu , kar, "Pickering, vis- She. Wore A Yellow Ribbon-. oy friend Mrs. T. C. Brown .; �, IN TECHNICOLOR, WITH e' 11 TECHNICOLOR, WITH -' MARIO LANZA and KATHRYN- GRAYSON, JOHN WAYNE and JOANNE DRU ro` - 1 : ADDED FEATU RE a . FoM 'Growth Lriveabilit - R The White - - A t e y Q M E ten• _ . ANOTHER TECHNiIC*JLOR HIT 3TARRI:`G _ GLF.Nti FORD - VALLI - CLAUDE RAINS and V>rgor Use Master' thick Starter - - _ . _ , BENEFIT BY THIS � - : -. -. . G04© NEWS .THEATRE POLICY r" �► -Grain Base Feed Made Especially To" Give Yonne Clticks - V 1 i3oz Office Ones Evestutsg wo Pr IL _ . A Good Start In Life. Available in Mask or Crumbled !r'orm. 'COMB I NATION �ar ■ and o H 4.00 P. IL _ era, "days and oidaya - l _ ' 1.80 P. M. '_YOUR IHOMA To" PAM. � - CLAR1'.rVt01'�tT , -iCO- OPERATIVE �. C "�� 9 �"�a� t`. :� -. Ample Free Parking PRO= !8 CIALRMOI4'1' "Bat you live else is e 1 .WORLD wbori big eiawts sue i ....BRR (j u tho making - awns wh" caw OUGHAM Gi iA - lob. your bon.o, root future. pot, _ FOR y�e M �,�� eonstractive sports and inMrpre- - Mr. and 11frs. Fla Ellicott visit- , - teNone of others I cad neserno- 'E. Fiw Pickering 188 J 1 y tionef'e.w1, there it N substitute SCIENCE !r _ . s �, ed her parents 3fr. and lira, B. + . ' '-for THE CMRtSTtAN SCItiICtl Mill S. CHAPMAN & SON J- .- Gamey Heating Systems 1ffcGuckin, Goodwood; on Sunday. MONITOR. Mr, and airs, W. Ellicott: also Enioy the benefits of being s� • 09"trou6b and 1>_aemtca bmppuea airs_ Gordon," of Toronto, spent Ens- _ . infon- d- tecolly, notionally, Phone 281 rli► � Pickering, Ont. ter Sunday with his parents, Wty1. b+ternotionolfy with Your local - gold and tastalted 2nd Mrs Eil;cott. -_ -.._ - _ _ . wr end The Cbriseien Science RC?Dh�IAN ' Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. lsOf' a` LISTEN Ta6adar'nl k _ g b ever - - C. B. She d op the. -arrival of a ABC sections to "The Chris"aa - °- GRA.%': SUGAR 5.1h.. bags ........«, ...;...z....,, « ».. «..:...a„6le. 1• young son,. a brother for Bryaiu Science Monitor views the News.° - Sheet Metal Works Mr. John Hamilton was confined And Yfe this coupon _. TOMATO JUICE S. -A,, 46 oz, tins .....«....» ..... ..........Eye. to bed last; week. uiib the flu, but loday for a special in- ' troductory sNbseriptiew. PON* CH.CKE_N I3- -tDDIE, Brsitsaick la Floor of Pickering News to out again now. - - r - -- -1 - The Executive of the Firerren Ise ehrtrtNea sele"41 NMonime 1 _CATS.1 P `_�YL3fER'. - «.. - _„ Loag • ExFerieneed held their - anwAal S46al Night for- -free. Norway few, aaa.s t s,1Mw•, Y f I► °- •-»:....� ....•:•.•.::; .:....... _ _... _ wives and families last Thursda in _ r+ow ..wp ON as IwrreareNeey l{LEENEX, Regular .....:. ...........�„� 2 for -18c, the Hall. ;es- dtmClous amner %-u _ sub"drnee ra The Carkaaa sei..ro -- followed by an evening of euchre, 1 "-26 boom t ".i.'a st. - FE-•LCHES "Lynn Valley" f0 oz. �S�tS iiaidWaiE Several from here took= in ._ttte E s� - -- - _- _ ogat'er supper at GtevriwoW Chuwh + �`N...e► t :9 ..... •last Tuesday. - a c - - - - . SHREDDED CHEAT for BEATTY ELfCTRIG RANGES Special Easter Services iith macs- '="' ;VITA" B. CEREAL is was well attended. Rev: Ff; Lacia- "- _ • - � - ..•.. .......... _.... BEATTY ELECTRIC WASHERS ie took as his text He is riot•ht•re; .e,Ne�'' "' rants' - t`y MARGARIN! ~ He is Risen.:'. lleteptjan .af several. - GHERKI1 g e 'PANUETTES"•AND new members into communion. .airs. ........... .. 160x; jars "• #3e: �s►�tarwr+.rt�+ y13 ...�. .. - ._ ..,.�.. _ -- iil4RGENE lb... _ .45c.- - -- - B -H Paints -and Ge ,erat Ha�diareN C R E T IT B. CEREAL "small' - 3 t•e•ao , T`� '_ TOMATOES 2 Soz this . ««..... «. «....«,«.......18c, PHONE- Mr. Eddie Ortiz apent.,the seek - - "red by Mrs. Romney in :onor of -GHERKINS- 16oz. jars ......................... ,., ,,,«, »....4Se. - 46 PICKERING Fend with relatives at Freeport, her late husband. Good attendances ' Miiie Valentino and la+ly friend. of wore --bad at both &urehea CArtiATIO\ 3iILli ........... .... «..................._. ».,.2 for Sic. Toronto, were with his people -here. Mr,,, aiid Ni s: Ed. Boniface -g pent DILL PICKLES ' =oz• jars Mr. Eric'1Nallace, Toronto. was a the week -end with relatives in tkAs I week -end guest of bit•. and firs. E. City. • i L P Aylmer" 0os.- .... «.. . ».r..... ... e,10c, T03t 4T0 SO i �, OLD HORSES • $18.00 $eerie, ' . .. _ Xr.'• and Mrs: Milan Tomlinson, of MIXED PICKLES "Supreme" 16oz, jars - _. .._ At Your Fare _ . ar Stet pas -wag' buried Harnilwn,' spent the week-end- with ALSO at Thedford on Monday af:ernoun. his people here -.' "TIDE" DEAD. O CRIPPLED STOCK She was in her 71st year. Mrs: - air. •and Mrs. - Norris - Hardy at :Itl1D 61ANT S11E - wit " 25� Hourly Pick -•p Stevens was the former Elise Ag- the 6th Line Uxbridge, spent Sun- - ..,. -- -- ... Phena Collect - Agincourt 18712 nee• Fazgie, and at one time taught day ,with. Mr, and,Mr.s.. C.--Hardy-.. _ 1-ET J"AJ1 ANY bEN D FOR saw IN CALMIR CAMPBELL. iJrK whvvI A++ ";ieaae,uuut. 5ympathv is - Miss Brown, Toronto, wab the . extended to the , survivors: her sis- -week-end guest of Mrs, H. G. Me- s 1 bars, Miss Annie. Foigie, and Mrs. .. Intyre. - 4T REALLY PA YS TO BUY A T" I The Woman's _ Association held CHAPMAN'S GROCET El4/A NICHOLSON Robert Carron, Claaenwnt and one , ` � brother, Mr," John_ FoI'gie, Dunbar- their aneeting in the United Church ton. on 'Thursday afternoon with a good _ One -Claremont resident said "he ' attendance. A • hot supper was aer- PICSERING TOWNSHIP CABINETS• ' could not runember an Easter when yea at 5,30 p, m. _• _ OIJARANTE -ED „ there were as few risitors as there_ Mrs. Wilker, of Toronto, aptnt B>VLDING PERMITS -.RADIO SVRVICE FOR YOUR KITCHEN have 'been on this past week- end." the hnlid'ay ' here, -with 11r, and e _ Sorry to report '• Mrs Fred •Pugh Mrs. Fred Evans. Issued TmesrFri. 1 to 3 P. M. A& Cabinets Factory Primed $ ill yet. A $12.00 Easter Ham. was put Any Make or Model Coats, making an Ezeellent Be" Mr. and Mrs, Graydon Taylor, of -up for Lucky Draw at "Bob Madill'a -'- , by aP �O° - -- - Uxbridge, went' Sundae with Mi, Store' last... week. and, went to "Jim. n��* D: for Fsaal Z. -amei I-=" and Mrs. Sam Taylor 1•lere. • . my" of the Ken Ward garage.. �+ ji L - Idr, and' Mrs. Hutton will move Mr's. Welsher entertained her par- �i a J. �iROU31C+ �tia dives oron this Thursday "and 'Mr. ents Prom Toronto over the holiday. PHO'VE PiCkeri _ LUMBER YAAflB and Mrs. Fred Binatead will move!. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Ward moved nR into the •dome of Mr, and Mn. H. S14iILDING '1lN3FEGTOR into, the home they vacate. Y pi,�,,i► +�•, ONTARIO New lights, new carpeta'and new - Loyst on Friday, wbile the lattee PICA�ING pSONE: piNdc. 84. ly painted floors freshened the ap- moved into the , Jack Brignall 'ie dd- pearaace of the Baptist Church heroe ence on the main street. nu off Sunday. Mary - Gostick, daughter A PfeoeW4 put on by the child- �• �•�g 247.. weanice CIO* of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gostick, Miss lad .of the 'United Church Sunday w>� Flt now y Telephone Mary Schneider, Mrs. Earl Parrett wool, on Wednesday, evening, in �!!�.__ tlr P and Miss Helen Parrott were bap- the church basement was - _.. _ tined at the 1morni by a fairly large audience. enjoyed ilweo•ss p age! per Mr. Wanted M:• and Mrs. Thee Lye and Leone Mrse Will Evans and Mps. Hwy: loyal F�ve wt■agrE�, stag egg sneaks Johnson attended' the W. 31. S. - <tflaew� r of N_>�� aid and Leo, of Toronto, spent reel Presbyterial meeting in King Str. ' p Aga id to 113 Yeats week -end with Mr. and Mee. Len LItNSED AUCTIONZIIt �QWinan QL" Glbsoa . . - • • • • . ,. , .United C}lurch ;last Thursday3 when _ . •' No Espreenee Necessary t Lye' „ officers and members met _for a Nk A pager drive will u held diiscussign. • Fkkerins and Wbitby Twpa _ Da Week Regular ' 'here on April 7th, to raise funds to ' Day Mr. Ede .Lewin had a business , give the children swimming lessons - Fares ,Household and Property_ APPLY IN PERSON TO next summer. Do your part by haves �p to' Toronto ' business such any. as- Sales • 3 Helen Stott - CMe! Operator ing your tansies tied and ready and mpf -tr sighing. is ick- Specialty when t1e call. = R P Bell Telephone Company Of Keith Carson and Glen Evans ing. up, which is a sure sign of i Prompt Attention GNeti mil R ' - became membet•s of_the__Iocal_Uni.ted_. sprung - according, to -Mess — - -- I+lc>ier%ts, Ontario _. Church on Easter Sunday; The Hammond - and Walt. Hardy. Whitby R. R. 1 Fkone 61*' - front of the church was tastefully Mr. Bob McLeod is out and a- decorated ' with an Easter 111y dons- -row. again after a- lengthy illness. - .