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VOL. LX - - . PICKERING, ONT., FRIDAY, MAR. Vit. 1941 _ _ : '.,.No. 31
�t:�r..ftnnai ss:n..
1711:�REENWO�UMass- Meeting ,
adjourned till the
18as.4936 k:
24th of Mar'ch
--�"� Monday, Wednesdhy and Friday
Robi. Ruddy, Presid*nt of
-the . Pickering Community WE GRIND FINE
-Club, presided' over the -Mass $ran, 'Sborts - and Feed of All
j Meeting held` in the Club kfds,, also minerals and other +
Auditorium on Mondayev-
i evening, wthen a numbep of concentrates fbr profitable feeding
` different problems confront- kept•�on band -
iiig this neighborhood were We stock only the best Poultry
dismssed, and addresses on _
these subjects-by.two capalY ' _-.IrCads and .3ruppliad. _ . -----
le'experts, Messrs Norman jp. 3r
Keyes, K. C., and Major J.
-S. Galbraith were given, At Md AWOK LAM v� rrYO� -
.;,.j ifie eol th g, .Mir. Ruddy dug' !'. J. �:3R. a r» r. 111111A r
geste formation Of o mammon 11111111Mw
aMociatl0is, to
enable this meeting to be of Ev. AM& 1111111111111M
- carried on with the author-
ityM. ill an of an &u*orUA body.. Or -
It was thought by many uh- * IL Q l[iTRI[Alg
�, this o f rat"Ay-
eing a _ JU &nCE OF TRE PRACI•
ta�3ve body of n - lepay
em Although not a large - for the- County of Oeta de
gathering it was described PECSERtN'O ONT.
•as a fairly representative
group of ratepayers of the
'South Pickering arev6 lilt. • • 311 3E.3 - R .. --
guddy, in opening the meet- .�,...�.
Ing described it, as one to
#cuss with our people the prob- Lasuranoo of All lihdg,
w confronting us in view of the iqt ftAtes Avaiiak" with
welopments in our neighborhood,
ns year, 'w,nd introduced bE<br. Keyes, iaQIIdity and edt7i4l.
ho dealt with some of the many
natures of -Tout. Plamiing. He des- �..Imoress IPbeoe
gibed the many ' plans " which were DRO W HA M PICK 315 -
ied in the laying out of ww mun-
icipalities and corrections In that
' older ones. W. Keyes then Introd-
*d Mr. Getbraith, Town Planning
xpert, who gave us considerable
alp, information and advice. Both
Ir. Keyes and- llfpjor"braith mmm-
1 the ratepsWegra of. the dangers
id evils of ''hnudavoans growths"
hjor Galbraith adding "that a town
ay and •should be planned to a, tax
Lte, not the town and then the.
6te.'" - that a "ghost town" was
wy often the result, where the de-
:lopanent was carried on without at
flan." M% Ruddy urged the sending
Premier Hepburn a telegram, of
copy of a resolution asking for
ie appointment of a Town Planning
==issioner, s¢ provided for in the
kwicipal Act. This resolution was
-epared and passed. The Tow'iship
outncil vas 'to he. asked for a Cow-
ission of six members to" act • as
i advisory board.
Mr. H. AI Neiwinan asked that
overt ment plans and details be 'as-
7tained before any serious moves
"y description be•inside
Mr. Walter C. Thomson, although
tie booms to the superior knowledge
' Major Galbraith, he urged careful
,-epamtion of proposals, with the
>ject of guarding against ail poss-
ility of any other parties six
onths from now "kicJang every -
ting over," a suggestion that vias
asidered by the audience as very
Major Galbraith stated that he had
ane, prepared with a few notes on
sneralities, but finds that we have
problem, a very serious problem
,re, in Pickering.
.Considerable discussion' was indul-
,d in. by many ' present, but wiih
ally, very little being acuvmpli-hed.
owever, it was a start, and none
ft, discouraged (we hope), • Every-
Le.realNes there is much to be done
!re, and from this meeting munch
as learned. „ . •r(. . ,
With the interpretations of several
pable • K Cs.,' present,' it was, we
ink, generally believed . that this
't`h apthority,. as we did not. repres-
t any particular authorized body.
iother meeting, -called for Monday
ch. 24th, is being announced by an
ficie y prepared notice to •ra;te
,vers, published-' elsewhere • in these
veryone spec4%tes on the'. posa'.b-
tlitliee_at the Plant .here
Pumours 8i1tt - snore rutin -urs ar'e
s one. thing that everybody mound
re has plenty of - at the moment.
Itimated cbsts have run from 3 to
millions of dollars, Trernendoua.s-
milding -booms to take place, -and
erybne trying to "make a. killing".
considsrable ' increase - in b"iusiness
to be expected with the increase
pnRulation.. ,But. -- Betware . the
shrnoms, Att and the meeting at
ke.,:ii g on Lohday. Mahe your
.ouggestions:- .
,CNE -CEN .. -:
MUCH' 26, 27, 28.16 29
Sun. Hours — 12-1 noon, 6-7 P. it -
.Phoue $11 - ....� .
DAVE ROBBINS __.__:.__.
Guard Children SCDUMG ..From the first, Lord Scouter.
He took
Y •e � a`: s .a keen and_ active Scouter. He took • ;\
.� re[ugee from invad the regular Wood' Badge training
From Pneumonia course at Gilwell Park_, and. as
..... ed Holland, _
- _ a former leader In work for'crip• .,Scout" Somers of" the Wood 'Pt- _ � +•
Keep. Other , People With pled children at The HagueCuti- „eon Patrol did his turn at all da-
:- _ -Colds Away F r o m Your master Dirk Boon, -has become tie', Including cook and- cookee.
FOR GARDENERS New Industry (' . Youngsters leader of the WQK CuU Pack oP the He was made Deputy Chief Scout
This week we have good news. • - IL --" ` Home for IncuraUle Children, To- at Lord Baden-Powell's request- in
from everyone who planta seeds Is Described 1937.
To the question. "how can I safe- rorito. k - - ,
Ju the soil -Deck, the Amateur Gar•: , .^- . :, ,guard "my child 'against poen• - ' s '� Early' In 'the present 'vzar, after
Aener, is .back on the air from - :Canada Now GrowingMedi- monia," the answer'is Blmple,,says The appointment of Land Som- having ng played a Large part in the • ''
CKOC oa Mondgy,- Wednesday and - cion! Plants, .-Says Ottawa Dr. \elles SiIverthorne, writing in ers, Deputy Chief Scout to the Late organization of British `Scouts for
"1a'riday at -5.30 p.m. (daylight). Dick
9a following the same theme with the current isaua of "Health," or- Lodr Baden-Powell, as Chief Scout eras services, he was, claimed by
s ..
r.- -gen of the Health League of Can- -for the•U•nited-Iifngdom, and later -the Red Cross, and sent 3a Com-
=tips on -planting, and advice on howada. Dr. Silverthorne urges: "pre- announcement of a, suggestion that . miesioner for the 'Middle East to� 1
to get I'll- host for what you plant. Devetopmeat of what is to Can•
Dick Gunnell was the ohap who ada largely a new industry, as.
vent both children and adults with, Lord Somers be made Chief Scout organize relief work in Turg�y,
outlined last week by Dr. H. A. Colds from coming, in contact with of the British Commonwealth, has Palestine, Iran and adjacent 'eoun-
yut "over Hamilton's Community the baby,or the healthy child.". special^intere3t for _Canadiarts, tries:
Gardens project -in a big avr- Senn, of the Dominfon.Arboretum, -
' Ing the shales 1' People -with sore throats, too, In 1912, as, a young man, Lord The appointment of Lord Boat- '
years -and he Department" o! Agriculture, Ottawa, .should be kept away from "babies . Somers spent some time on a farm era as Chief Scout of the `British
knows whut he is talking about.in The war, a stpply of has and children, the doctor advises, near Pickering, • Ont., associate!. Commonwealth will be made upon
the seed, shrub, plant and vege- cut oft' a large supply of medi• ••It this is not possible, wash the with his brother-in-law, the young the formal approval of the Boy
cion! plants and drugs which for•, _
table line. bands frequently and weer a Lard Hyde, Scont Associations of the "yartous -
^ c Other whether you .arm, raise a came from Central Europe, mask,'" he urges. Lord' Somers save active saactive servicecco
countries of the Empire. Arding
truck garden or just. putter with a Others grown in England. may not Doctors should be called early . throughout the first Great. War, to announcement by Lord Hama.,
few flower beds, you will find it be available. pneumonia is de- . Lieutenant =Governor - of ton, Chief Scout Commissioner, the
AII excellent start fa being made in cases where first as a
worth while to'•une In Dick, when veloped, the writer says. "Call him: Victoria, Australia, and it was late Lord Baden-Powell's title,
he takes the al .at 1-1'?0 on you. in British Columbia, >,e stated, ia.. when the infection is fu the ea>ly there that he became active in "Chief Scout of the World," will.
dial . supplying the need:. some 70 acres "-stages so that he may treat it be-- Scouting,. is Chief Scout of the lie kept exclusively as a .memorial
Q • are to be planted this year to
digs—fore It is too late:" State. He returned to Australia as for all time to the founder of the
AROUND THE DIAL talis, a plant. Which produces a "' r, - /•
' One' of the beat shows' on the air- wid ly known -heart stimulant. It Common Cold In Lnnps acting Governor-General in 1930. great world $coot movemt3ni:
on blond e. In -,plain language, pneumonia is
Monday flights is hear4_b this is expected. that digitalis produced "the extension o1 a common"co1Q
of •Ontario from CFRB, when Irl. Canada may, eventually supply into 'the lungs•`' Dr. Silverthorne
the Radio Theatre is. presented. Practically all the needs of the explains. "Every year many babes
Stars.ot the stage .and screen are Empire• die with brooch
>zpneumohla,' an in. -
heard in scenes from the bits of British Columbia Is aL-eady tliw rection in both lungs."
the day -making altogether one of major producer'"of e3scara, wbich Any nasal, or ear' discharge iii
the most enjoyable" O minutes dra•- is obtaln,ed from a plant allied to members of the family should be
uratic interludes offered radio lis- the buckthorn fermi?y. The supply carefully_ handled and all handker. " -
teuera at any tme.. - - of this .Dl4ut, ltolseTer;. has to-ir ch efs -
1 i or dressings should be boil-
• guarded and extendeu to meet tits ed or, otherwise disinfected. it. is
Plantaafon Party, XB(' sliow fea. increased demands on At. advised. Feeding utensils" should
- tared by "tivHEN on WeduEeday, Dr. "Senn x arne�l " Canadians be properly sterilized by boiling.
ttl$tte at 9,30 (standard) is a veI•- against • going into - this • Industry. In recent years -very active and *qty bit of, the old South and has without proper preparation, It is acute serums, have been used to
_ a dignity and smoothness that lids a` highly specialized industry, he the treatmetit of many severe in- .
the -show above the run of the mill; pointed--oat,'requiring'exp, t know- fections, pneumonia being one of •.
Tung ter, sometime and - heaT ledge and• the aUillt to pr )d* :e 5 them, a concludes. "By this meansb4t � � Ouio.KiNd .^
Whitey nFOrd "and in the planta• drugs in volume of a. standardiz-'it ,i"s passible to limiE the spread
ed quality. It was not a field. he
of the pneumonia and the patient �.,�.....,.r
y • ` said, for amateurs.. responds to the early treatment. -
Oa Saturday, March at 2.15 err is' 1110
q.m., the C 8C �rtll presseut a pro ProlInston of dying or developing% l����� _
gram o3 special interest to those
Youth Should - :Prolonged illness 'the child la well
rM%*1elyon the road to recovin a ver}
i lvith relatives_ or friends serving.- FSCs Problems few dayr • '
overseas. This will of a sraettnga Av,� l �s'1�"vflAfk1f`
:= from the members. of a Canadian .
Unit. and from. patients and tbs.-Ckildies should be pArMitted to' 1e
sten is one of the military hos• so{ge their own problems ' and �% Q i E r _
gttala. J . • tonics mistakes so they., may. de. "ye�Nip
relop „ "strength neede i ;in adult O F lr M B _
"The 1~ncle.Eara character, We life." a Pennsylvania State Col. PRESS,
p � [s Q
l38C. red network favorite. -owes lege educator believes. j� S sr7 t • ♦ •
Its creation to the tact that Pat 13r..dd. R Tratme, dean of -the
i spent 6 was "smudge's beth and school of education at Penn State, HIGHLY SATISFACTORY
spent long afternoons with his
said too carets! shettet Ing of s A ilttJe-while back no one would
h .. is steps. of
n. she -Foal Office c5'il& has a softening-lntluenco have believed Haile Selassie would ^� w
t eps•of Hoiden. philos"soophy
Much of which -.prevents him from develop =be around when the League of Nit -
Ing the needed stamina for elder tions was forgotten.
! • ;IIhcle EarL from the `•Rosedale . ears L'a
8lattoa:' are thoughts left In the LET'Elt MAKE OR's; MISTAKES -lira" secs wall Wim,
radon 13un:
lad' mfrM years ago by grand. - O - wrs sT +M kms. ■sem r sur
a : e "If a child has. all.,. the-.difficul- TH E FARMER'S DAY vas ,T s n ss r bus ncc•sr-
,iDaPpy' , • ties removed from his path, i►e will The Untarfo farmer cannot com• Lu'"""�c ;,Ras Om ` . aisa } . uauMst
never develop any ability_ of his talo. too much. He Is never the-
he l ":2-
"L Mon"
'"Fred Allenr rajah of Repartee, - p •.
�t none of lits sciatil)ating wit own to aecotstplish tntnga," Dean torg&ten msn in a year in which = YES
fa switching networks: His . Wpb• Trabue said. thp;•e Is ' prospect .of an electioir. YES 1 E S
aesday, night- show heard at 10,00 "Instead, 'he' should: be allowed Y E -
- Sr: Catharlues Standard, �Rl-�pC YES Y E S
Welock- daylight. time, is still one to face problem and make his own _ p�EYE 1 ere
o! the besr comic shows .on the rtristakes. so. long as .these do not lSOhfE MUST LISTi:N NO j O S®lAsf SOhill
lead to permanent injury:' " : OEtawa talks. Everybody to Ot- OTNEI! N 0
airFane�. Ile added that' -Parents who maize'•" 'tmwa is gabbing from morning to,
, �YfCfS
- deeisi-••• • for their children to an iii„ hr. i have got so that my mouth
attempt to protect -,betii from mis. '�.
tt�o Hold
is never rloa�l except from the ex-
nEl HOId .lob '_ t�' a. are . actual'_y ..preventing haustion of listening to other talk. .lt"
groivw of eharaeter and sowing ars. Lt .is ..the eat indoor sport
tire ,seeds, for. later unhappiness. of -the place• the uutve:-ml It bby,•
A Y.W.C.A, school in" Boston the general vice. \ ► f !`•"+c
which teaches girls how to get •��+•�-•-
icnd hold obs, has courses on os- Bruce Hutchison' in -Victoria
j P f ' Times:- w `#
pure. clothing,. make-up, dictation Saving Ontar><o 8
and .dramatics. A- 10-ceitt twit- `
Aoa fee is charged daily for each Natural COUNTY LIBRARIES '
six hours of instruction. Tho; librarians of the public acid
Resources j evidentl'osociatlibraries in as t67 are _
Director: Mrs, •Waldo ,Powers - '• e.•idrntly. , .uuanimona as to the
tells her pupils that crossing the i
value and the splendid service givAU-
knees, wearing ear -rings, fascim .++w�f. �...��..��..........by,
pn the County Library Angevin• f' w%L
ating sweaters or -feminine hats G. C. TONE 'tion brought about a year ago. Dur. ✓"'� •aJ f
and jewelery are to be scolded Ontario Federation of Aaglerrs. Ing 1940, it rightly earned a title "�
in office wcrk. (NO. 3.4) to A place among the activities -of � � DIM
FOR ALL, ENEMIES the different municipalities. Handi-
In my discussion on birds for c 1.
apped. to some extent by limited —
several weeks -fluancer, it nevertheless brought to �If you haven't tried Hydra -Matic Drive'-=
past I • have- been y y
a predator
the relations between the• libraries of the bet not..—rs• +"
g ' if you haven't ex crienced the ease and.
a predator and its prey. That is, cep ted, many o[ the better class
animils or birds that feed on of . books that in all probability :simplicity of completely at>rtomatic shifting'
for bob is �\ �� other creatures are said' to be Wright not have otherwise been at-
- - take a trial ntn in Oldsmobile with
i predatory or, predators -while the the command of patrons -of tht+se
4 T T E lustitutfona. With- more - funds it Hvdra-Matic toda f In s itc of similar -
animals upon which they feed are 3 • p
undoubtedly could and would ren• e
known as prey. The wolf is a pre- "'names and similar claims there's -nothing
j; dator on the deer, while the deeer der seen a greater service. R'ell - •
is: the wolf'-s--r-------W—No
pey,a are ua
Brous in Its treatment -of the or- -
beginning to understand many : other drive offers half as many advantages.
-of the relations that exist be- ganization.
tween predator and prey but it --GiIL'og'tsood EnterDrisv-Bulletln,* No other drive has iso clutch. N+o "other
' has been suggested that to have -drive gives full accelerating without linanual.' -
a healthy stock of. any animal it - _ -
'' " is necessary. to here a' predator shifting i For a motorise experience that's _
I' Britons to Eat
,1. feeding upon. it, • ulterry new and different try. an Oldsmobile _
We have a fairly good stock Eggs of Seagulls ' " --with Hydra-'Mitic, today! -- - -
of deet in many areas of Ontario,' - - -
In some places they might - be said - -READY FOR IMMiD1ATE DELIVERY t .
s k, to"bp. abundant. Like every otber Seagull eggs soon are to be .. wns\ _.
creature on earth._.thep. are. sub- teamed up with breakfast: bacon tavises
jact td disease, accidents and old 1 in Britain. W, S" •" 1E
For Infant,,' age,. One of the. trays, anwng The Miniatty , of Agriculture, - - -
Feedin,g I, human kind _to. control d'u-easo is and fisheries has just completed ,
sex to 'isolate the sufferers. This can- a scaexull census and has, -made
not be done in the wilds.ao,naturA arr•ancenie•nts to have eggs col -
ive�','has substituted a predator, the lected and •marketed during. the
wolf, to keep the herd healthy. spring laying season. oa4tn..
" Wolves = kill and' eat the' diseased, Seagull eggs long 'have beau a = -
fbyru the maimed and the old. ' It may fav'xite -food of _hardy l3ritip,i ' DONALD• MOTOR SALES -WHITBY
GO c
seem *cruel in'human�eyes but it fi-•hevaien, a"ccording to the Na-. -'
N naturesa method of' -keeping a tural History Society the eggs
healthy stock of -deer. taste' like duck' eggs,
Assoc. "Dealer—J. McGlashan—Dumbarton :'
DAVE ROBBINS __.__:.__.
Guard Children SCDUMG ..From the first, Lord Scouter.
He took
Y •e � a`: s .a keen and_ active Scouter. He took • ;\
.� re[ugee from invad the regular Wood' Badge training
From Pneumonia course at Gilwell Park_, and. as
..... ed Holland, _
- _ a former leader In work for'crip• .,Scout" Somers of" the Wood 'Pt- _ � +•
Keep. Other , People With pled children at The HagueCuti- „eon Patrol did his turn at all da-
:- _ -Colds Away F r o m Your master Dirk Boon, -has become tie', Including cook and- cookee.
FOR GARDENERS New Industry (' . Youngsters leader of the WQK CuU Pack oP the He was made Deputy Chief Scout
This week we have good news. • - IL --" ` Home for IncuraUle Children, To- at Lord Baden-Powell's request- in
from everyone who planta seeds Is Described 1937.
To the question. "how can I safe- rorito. k - - ,
Ju the soil -Deck, the Amateur Gar•: , .^- . :, ,guard "my child 'against poen• - ' s '� Early' In 'the present 'vzar, after
Aener, is .back on the air from - :Canada Now GrowingMedi- monia," the answer'is Blmple,,says The appointment of Land Som- having ng played a Large part in the • ''
CKOC oa Mondgy,- Wednesday and - cion! Plants, .-Says Ottawa Dr. \elles SiIverthorne, writing in ers, Deputy Chief Scout to the Late organization of British `Scouts for
"1a'riday at -5.30 p.m. (daylight). Dick
9a following the same theme with the current isaua of "Health," or- Lodr Baden-Powell, as Chief Scout eras services, he was, claimed by
s ..
r.- -gen of the Health League of Can- -for the•U•nited-Iifngdom, and later -the Red Cross, and sent 3a Com-
=tips on -planting, and advice on howada. Dr. Silverthorne urges: "pre- announcement of a, suggestion that . miesioner for the 'Middle East to� 1
to get I'll- host for what you plant. Devetopmeat of what is to Can•
Dick Gunnell was the ohap who ada largely a new industry, as.
vent both children and adults with, Lord Somers be made Chief Scout organize relief work in Turg�y,
outlined last week by Dr. H. A. Colds from coming, in contact with of the British Commonwealth, has Palestine, Iran and adjacent 'eoun-
yut "over Hamilton's Community the baby,or the healthy child.". special^intere3t for _Canadiarts, tries:
Gardens project -in a big avr- Senn, of the Dominfon.Arboretum, -
' Ing the shales 1' People -with sore throats, too, In 1912, as, a young man, Lord The appointment of Lord Boat- '
years -and he Department" o! Agriculture, Ottawa, .should be kept away from "babies . Somers spent some time on a farm era as Chief Scout of the `British
knows whut he is talking about.in The war, a stpply of has and children, the doctor advises, near Pickering, • Ont., associate!. Commonwealth will be made upon
the seed, shrub, plant and vege- cut oft' a large supply of medi• ••It this is not possible, wash the with his brother-in-law, the young the formal approval of the Boy
cion! plants and drugs which for•, _
table line. bands frequently and weer a Lard Hyde, Scont Associations of the "yartous -
^ c Other whether you .arm, raise a came from Central Europe, mask,'" he urges. Lord' Somers save active saactive servicecco
countries of the Empire. Arding
truck garden or just. putter with a Others grown in England. may not Doctors should be called early . throughout the first Great. War, to announcement by Lord Hama.,
few flower beds, you will find it be available. pneumonia is de- . Lieutenant =Governor - of ton, Chief Scout Commissioner, the
AII excellent start fa being made in cases where first as a
worth while to'•une In Dick, when veloped, the writer says. "Call him: Victoria, Australia, and it was late Lord Baden-Powell's title,
he takes the al .at 1-1'?0 on you. in British Columbia, >,e stated, ia.. when the infection is fu the ea>ly there that he became active in "Chief Scout of the World," will.
dial . supplying the need:. some 70 acres "-stages so that he may treat it be-- Scouting,. is Chief Scout of the lie kept exclusively as a .memorial
Q • are to be planted this year to
digs—fore It is too late:" State. He returned to Australia as for all time to the founder of the
AROUND THE DIAL talis, a plant. Which produces a "' r, - /•
' One' of the beat shows' on the air- wid ly known -heart stimulant. It Common Cold In Lnnps acting Governor-General in 1930. great world $coot movemt3ni:
on blond e. In -,plain language, pneumonia is
Monday flights is hear4_b this is expected. that digitalis produced "the extension o1 a common"co1Q
of •Ontario from CFRB, when Irl. Canada may, eventually supply into 'the lungs•`' Dr. Silverthorne
the Radio Theatre is. presented. Practically all the needs of the explains. "Every year many babes
Stars.ot the stage .and screen are Empire• die with brooch
>zpneumohla,' an in. -
heard in scenes from the bits of British Columbia Is aL-eady tliw rection in both lungs."
the day -making altogether one of major producer'"of e3scara, wbich Any nasal, or ear' discharge iii
the most enjoyable" O minutes dra•- is obtaln,ed from a plant allied to members of the family should be
uratic interludes offered radio lis- the buckthorn fermi?y. The supply carefully_ handled and all handker. " -
teuera at any tme.. - - of this .Dl4ut, ltolseTer;. has to-ir ch efs -
1 i or dressings should be boil-
• guarded and extendeu to meet tits ed or, otherwise disinfected. it. is
Plantaafon Party, XB(' sliow fea. increased demands on At. advised. Feeding utensils" should
- tared by "tivHEN on WeduEeday, Dr. "Senn x arne�l " Canadians be properly sterilized by boiling.
ttl$tte at 9,30 (standard) is a veI•- against • going into - this • Industry. In recent years -very active and *qty bit of, the old South and has without proper preparation, It is acute serums, have been used to
_ a dignity and smoothness that lids a` highly specialized industry, he the treatmetit of many severe in- .
the -show above the run of the mill; pointed--oat,'requiring'exp, t know- fections, pneumonia being one of •.
Tung ter, sometime and - heaT ledge and• the aUillt to pr )d* :e 5 them, a concludes. "By this meansb4t � � Ouio.KiNd .^
Whitey nFOrd "and in the planta• drugs in volume of a. standardiz-'it ,i"s passible to limiE the spread
ed quality. It was not a field. he
of the pneumonia and the patient �.,�.....,.r
y • ` said, for amateurs.. responds to the early treatment. -
Oa Saturday, March at 2.15 err is' 1110
q.m., the C 8C �rtll presseut a pro ProlInston of dying or developing% l����� _
gram o3 special interest to those
Youth Should - :Prolonged illness 'the child la well
rM%*1elyon the road to recovin a ver}
i lvith relatives_ or friends serving.- FSCs Problems few dayr • '
overseas. This will of a sraettnga Av,� l �s'1�"vflAfk1f`
:= from the members. of a Canadian .
Unit. and from. patients and tbs.-Ckildies should be pArMitted to' 1e
sten is one of the military hos• so{ge their own problems ' and �% Q i E r _
gttala. J . • tonics mistakes so they., may. de. "ye�Nip
relop „ "strength neede i ;in adult O F lr M B _
"The 1~ncle.Eara character, We life." a Pennsylvania State Col. PRESS,
p � [s Q
l38C. red network favorite. -owes lege educator believes. j� S sr7 t • ♦ •
Its creation to the tact that Pat 13r..dd. R Tratme, dean of -the
i spent 6 was "smudge's beth and school of education at Penn State, HIGHLY SATISFACTORY
spent long afternoons with his
said too carets! shettet Ing of s A ilttJe-while back no one would
h .. is steps. of
n. she -Foal Office c5'il& has a softening-lntluenco have believed Haile Selassie would ^� w
t eps•of Hoiden. philos"soophy
Much of which -.prevents him from develop =be around when the League of Nit -
Ing the needed stamina for elder tions was forgotten.
! • ;IIhcle EarL from the `•Rosedale . ears L'a
8lattoa:' are thoughts left In the LET'Elt MAKE OR's; MISTAKES -lira" secs wall Wim,
radon 13un:
lad' mfrM years ago by grand. - O - wrs sT +M kms. ■sem r sur
a : e "If a child has. all.,. the-.difficul- TH E FARMER'S DAY vas ,T s n ss r bus ncc•sr-
,iDaPpy' , • ties removed from his path, i►e will The Untarfo farmer cannot com• Lu'"""�c ;,Ras Om ` . aisa } . uauMst
never develop any ability_ of his talo. too much. He Is never the-
he l ":2-
"L Mon"
'"Fred Allenr rajah of Repartee, - p •.
�t none of lits sciatil)ating wit own to aecotstplish tntnga," Dean torg&ten msn in a year in which = YES
fa switching networks: His . Wpb• Trabue said. thp;•e Is ' prospect .of an electioir. YES 1 E S
aesday, night- show heard at 10,00 "Instead, 'he' should: be allowed Y E -
- Sr: Catharlues Standard, �Rl-�pC YES Y E S
Welock- daylight. time, is still one to face problem and make his own _ p�EYE 1 ere
o! the besr comic shows .on the rtristakes. so. long as .these do not lSOhfE MUST LISTi:N NO j O S®lAsf SOhill
lead to permanent injury:' " : OEtawa talks. Everybody to Ot- OTNEI! N 0
airFane�. Ile added that' -Parents who maize'•" 'tmwa is gabbing from morning to,
, �YfCfS
- deeisi-••• • for their children to an iii„ hr. i have got so that my mouth
attempt to protect -,betii from mis. '�.
tt�o Hold
is never rloa�l except from the ex-
nEl HOId .lob '_ t�' a. are . actual'_y ..preventing haustion of listening to other talk. .lt"
groivw of eharaeter and sowing ars. Lt .is ..the eat indoor sport
tire ,seeds, for. later unhappiness. of -the place• the uutve:-ml It bby,•
A Y.W.C.A, school in" Boston the general vice. \ ► f !`•"+c
which teaches girls how to get •��+•�-•-
icnd hold obs, has courses on os- Bruce Hutchison' in -Victoria
j P f ' Times:- w `#
pure. clothing,. make-up, dictation Saving Ontar><o 8
and .dramatics. A- 10-ceitt twit- `
Aoa fee is charged daily for each Natural COUNTY LIBRARIES '
six hours of instruction. Tho; librarians of the public acid
Resources j evidentl'osociatlibraries in as t67 are _
Director: Mrs, •Waldo ,Powers - '• e.•idrntly. , .uuanimona as to the
tells her pupils that crossing the i
value and the splendid service givAU-
knees, wearing ear -rings, fascim .++w�f. �...��..��..........by,
pn the County Library Angevin• f' w%L
ating sweaters or -feminine hats G. C. TONE 'tion brought about a year ago. Dur. ✓"'� •aJ f
and jewelery are to be scolded Ontario Federation of Aaglerrs. Ing 1940, it rightly earned a title "�
in office wcrk. (NO. 3.4) to A place among the activities -of � � DIM
FOR ALL, ENEMIES the different municipalities. Handi-
In my discussion on birds for c 1.
apped. to some extent by limited —
several weeks -fluancer, it nevertheless brought to �If you haven't tried Hydra -Matic Drive'-=
past I • have- been y y
a predator
the relations between the• libraries of the bet not..—rs• +"
g ' if you haven't ex crienced the ease and.
a predator and its prey. That is, cep ted, many o[ the better class
animils or birds that feed on of . books that in all probability :simplicity of completely at>rtomatic shifting'
for bob is �\ �� other creatures are said' to be Wright not have otherwise been at-
- - take a trial ntn in Oldsmobile with
i predatory or, predators -while the the command of patrons -of tht+se
4 T T E lustitutfona. With- more - funds it Hvdra-Matic toda f In s itc of similar -
animals upon which they feed are 3 • p
undoubtedly could and would ren• e
known as prey. The wolf is a pre- "'names and similar claims there's -nothing
j; dator on the deer, while the deeer der seen a greater service. R'ell - •
is: the wolf'-s--r-------W—No
pey,a are ua
Brous in Its treatment -of the or- -
beginning to understand many : other drive offers half as many advantages.
-of the relations that exist be- ganization.
tween predator and prey but it --GiIL'og'tsood EnterDrisv-Bulletln,* No other drive has iso clutch. N+o "other
' has been suggested that to have -drive gives full accelerating without linanual.' -
a healthy stock of. any animal it - _ -
'' " is necessary. to here a' predator shifting i For a motorise experience that's _
I' Britons to Eat
,1. feeding upon. it, • ulterry new and different try. an Oldsmobile _
We have a fairly good stock Eggs of Seagulls ' " --with Hydra-'Mitic, today! -- - -
of deet in many areas of Ontario,' - - -
In some places they might - be said - -READY FOR IMMiD1ATE DELIVERY t .
s k, to"bp. abundant. Like every otber Seagull eggs soon are to be .. wns\ _.
creature on earth._.thep. are. sub- teamed up with breakfast: bacon tavises
jact td disease, accidents and old 1 in Britain. W, S" •" 1E
For Infant,,' age,. One of the. trays, anwng The Miniatty , of Agriculture, - - -
Feedin,g I, human kind _to. control d'u-easo is and fisheries has just completed ,
sex to 'isolate the sufferers. This can- a scaexull census and has, -made
not be done in the wilds.ao,naturA arr•ancenie•nts to have eggs col -
ive�','has substituted a predator, the lected and •marketed during. the
wolf, to keep the herd healthy. spring laying season. oa4tn..
" Wolves = kill and' eat the' diseased, Seagull eggs long 'have beau a = -
fbyru the maimed and the old. ' It may fav'xite -food of _hardy l3ritip,i ' DONALD• MOTOR SALES -WHITBY
GO c
seem *cruel in'human�eyes but it fi-•hevaien, a"ccording to the Na-. -'
N naturesa method of' -keeping a tural History Society the eggs
healthy stock of -deer. taste' like duck' eggs,
Assoc. "Dealer—J. McGlashan—Dumbarton :'
.. -
L' the man killed in the accident on -i
Dead Man's -Curve'."
" - - _ ;hon his
"�tonnle"' Larry • o
u�t� Guam nte� plea for l:et to atop.
LG "Shut t:P!" L'eutl:v commanded. 'TYLE TERROR _
"Go on Monnfe.' `
_ "It's rigs, D'_P.: Ile came out ;
_ �,� here from �c h y rk Co find out y ca m
-LA --a�hout tide accident. Yroliably hop= f�1 --•�—t•���•a���r
` .e+l to K,,t me . >::,cen::ed of -an-'_ s "Babby's mother let him have
_ _ r slzughter. (,jaius his brother was tea and coffee—and caffeine soon
showed its effects. He was restless
murdered,--w'hei, eycryotte knows at night—nemus in school—bad- !
h^ -as drunk. . . Oh, Mike, 1've
• \ t tempered at 6ouae. No wonder • he
been such a foul." 1 didn't get along in his classes. A
- "It's all right, honey. N'e all' "Then the meddling school _ ,a
_ ° make iiifstaket; VN'Mat- about this - teacher suggested Postum for
- ir E CclTlns? Vas your brother killed I Bobby to drank. And hOw' that boy 4
In that wreck."
has changed! He stands head of his
_ Last Rope Gone class— his mother says "No
t more tea or coffee for Bobby".
141oaule'a words- Larr s' �'����
— r • SERIAL STORY last faint hope- of escaPing IU 11's _ .Many pie an safely stink coffee and cel _
- - — fate. There had becn a chance blaay orbecs—and all children—should never'
ua.ta : ,:.. •:,, a ••.. drink them IE caffeine nysets Ton, drink. ddi-
� MANCE AHEAD thta Bentley might.. havgallowed cions, economical Poscum. See how muchj�
AA„ " RO 'the Hayitook to settle with him p2oi IxRer >:� �.,�.
for rrstling, but non• Larry knew Q�
:y;o- ti COPVRK:MT. IlAD.
s •�'fi • BY TOM HORNER NSA seRvtea,i9c. Bentltw would turn him over
Mon -
to anyone, alive. _angry with (tion-
Pie, hating himself fo_r loving her,
Larry-•. stared at ltet4 wietimpt.e=_
CAST OP CHARACTERS he ignored BantIey's Question.
MONNIE MILES—her mania for heading. -Was that your brother"" Bent
fast driving almost wrecked her "You—Oh I' hate you!„ she con- ley persisted_ kp sugar thoroughly. Add egg and
tinned. "You come to the ranch, ,you ought to know—you killed
l beat until'- cieamp. Add All Brau,
x-0.•9 - romance' posed as a friend—just to get a apricots and milk. Let soak anti!
tARtiY COL'UNS —newspaper him. 1 don't 'kuaw how, 'but you
reporter, hunting the murderers of chance to steal cattle. Che • or- did. Just as y oil intent(` to kill ate most., of moisture is taken up. Sift
_ his brother. dinary • rustler doesn't sink that —because Hugh 'knew what I ± _ r flour with baking powder. sods. -
M I K £ BENTLEY — wealthy lo—. And you made ►love to me— know—you're rugriing narcotics ` Jr salt and nutmeg.: combine - with '
_;:rancho', knew •toe._ much about Lies—all of it—Lies. iii here by plane, Bentley. You're, u y nutmeats; add to first mixture,
"auto accidents. She -drew closer to -Bentley, link• getting away with it now, -but you j� stirring only until flour disappears.
to ac WEEK: Larry is caught ' ed het arm is his. •'I even thought won't always be lucky'. Cf Bake in greased loaf, pan with was-
- =
In -the .hangar. Bentigy Imprisons l cared a little for him, DQlke. rie {To Be Continued) t.7 ed paper in the bottom, iii mod -
fooled me, just as he (doled Dad trate oven (350 degrees F.)' about
him In a cellar, orders his men to -and rete Barnes. -. ; } y SINE B. CHAMBERS -?0 minute's.
-- _ steal RAyhook calves and make ft He didn't fool me for a min- -"Make" - B �n,eida 1 loaf (dl.g a 9 i lacy
appear Larry. It. the thiel. At the ute," Bentley put in. "I had him Drapes - #�
_..:Haybook the next morning, Bent- - -Homey Di3hea
ley ggta a call saying that Collins spotke� from -the minute a arc New .Bedrooms
him. I warned you—The Ieilow'a For The Family Dila Cbamt+an wea�romer perroani
has been caught with the stolen a slink one 'P /i Ieffete from Interested tendert. rf�e
Pink, Blue and Other Pastels Prom Christmas on we have
calves. The Colonel Is determined --� J V_ pleased co 'reeeire - susiertir+•
"You don't know how slick' 'he - - — - va tartar for ler column, y rod- to.
to hang Larry. The Coionet and been doing- a great deal of discuss- eve. teas: w ((seen co your -pet
Barnet go to the truck, promising really Is -Mike. Do rou know who Returning to Favor peeves.,, Requests for reelpes or
lag about Company dishes and Sug• speeint means are to order. Addrear
io come by for Larry -at midnight. Lartq Colima is—w by he !s here?" gesting menus for St. -Valentine's, your letters to "miss _*ante f3. 4;kasM
Monnls goes to Bentley's, deter. She did, not wait for his snswee. Bedrooms in pink, blue and oth$r berr. ns wen Adelaide street. To.
Co211as is tGe brother' at
este] altadge, so popular iii the and St. Patrick's Day. lk seems route geed strimped, self-addressed
nfinad "to tell that calf stealer p then tit and proper, that we should eavaofM It sou .crew a reply.
whatt 1 think of him." Early lKineteen Hundreds, are -reap-
consider now a few homey dishes
Fearing in thls.more -sophisticated both for economy and: health's Women Know How
•'CHAPTER x111 - BODICE NOVELTY IN' age as a foil for too much shining
eruity. Even the most determ• "eke' i o Handle Money
;Laity sat In the ee half knc ss : SHIFiTFROCK ed career womaz Is likely to VEGETABLE CASSEROLE
o! We basement room that formed _ _.
his prison, trying 'to decide what � strike the note of femininity in 'the 'place in a casserole alternate Elizabeth S. Grccei•, : blond.
Bentley intended to do with lam. ; ' decoration -
eco tion of her bedroom and the (aspera of carrots. potatoes and on-
black Yrocked vice-president of
It was evident that the tiarecitte - young daughter of.• the: house as _ Joni, sprinkling- both lasers with the Association of ' Bank Women,
smuggler hoped to avoid killing - .r
rule caste her vote for daintiness salt and pepper and Braked cheese. -thinks that woman can- handle-
(,arty. himself, but it was equ:rill• � � r tatlared.severity. _ Somii, 'chopped pamley added to
ether t..an money just as well as- men. Miss
- relent that he wotiid (sever DPtmlt _ Much of the success of the softly each layer also 'adds zest. over
c C Grover is a bank. women''; depart-
- =Larry to be taken to trial for cattle lemttatne bedroom depends on the with scalded milk until ,even with meat manages in New York city.
IArr. Lar 'anew too mach at). cat choice ' and• nee or fabrics, .says a the top layer. Cover atad bake in "Women are just as capable of �
Mentley and hie opeiatfons to re- * e , . writer 'in the New Yory Times. - a siow oven for one hour. Be sure handling financial affairs as _
t, t ;,main alive. •+ t -From the season's Chintzes. for ea- to sprinkle some grated cheese on men," Miss Grovel• said. "Whew'
ry _ Heatley was evidently- hatching yia ample• a distinguishP4 design may tap—and dots of butter, - once they set their. heads `to it,
some plot to guarantee Larry's be chosen to drape the wall back This dish stands high in too:( they .altovr capability and apti-
petmanent removal.. The man who
., . of the bed, and - this colorful
Dab merit -for the vegetable. Juices ate rude.
-bad planned Httgh`e "accidPrit" tern toilet! by a- bedspread .. and retained—,the adding of .the milk
could invent another jest as of = hire. helping to ices up the. family
_ + of, .b mllkp quota and it is economics;.
;.. , +
slaps curtains Iii of sheerest la ed meal.
__ {ertive. ' The ..white, ]tL turn is set q
Larry thought 6t Moanfe. Stihat- - , pastel -tinted walls and harmortz• Served with bacon or cold meat, it
Ing upholstery and ltiwr covering. :makes a perfect ba ilc t�!
ewer story Bentley told, she wro*-?Id
__- ntot yglleve thay_j,elrry had-tuitiec�-_ . -. - A liedioom for .a ,young girl- IRISH STEW a DUMPLINGS
cattle thief. If he bad to dir, it ' achieve an effect at amarl darn• - 'hleft •,tabiespootts shortening in
was somfortfn to knout that she . • . 1.
-tineas by means of an old-time test frying pan is deep one tf possible).
Would always love him, alrtays - e � „ ► .' er or canopy bed. l:otlow'h one Add q lis• of caval ,steak cut is
have -faith do him. He w t� cfer4 • of the popular modes of the .sea- inch lilze cubes. Brown the meat
,on, its slender Posts and- lost head•
Y be had told her why he had conic well, then add .4 cups o1 water.
back to Texas. Perhaps BP).tl�y board are finistrcd in black enamel S'immei• until lender which takes.
mould overplay his head. tc _led with gold. The flat canopy. aboat one hour: " Season to taste
But Lamp didn't 'want to dim. - ' "t and the bedspread, • not(, in sheer and according to the family's. i *
He wanted to lire. Just when `tun- - • ` , ,4,�,. + ' ' white orgy dr, are nlshed with tag add 11;4- tablespoons of flour, I
ale's fleets had promised hitu a , .s; v -'; _narrow ruffles tong the edge. of mixed in_ si cup water and cook
life full of happiness, he had. stclr • the tester >tnd the toll and skirt of ' unt-11 thickened. :add one can
ped into a trap ... He might try r - the.spte3d. _ _ a (large( .of cci"e'nsed vegetable '� r
to, escape Benil9y prohahlY
soup. MIX well and heat ;again.
boiled rte -would 1 them *64L.- �,t��1` ' T The standard dumpling batter
two gnarls outside his door, others
Overdriven Wife. is made 'by mixing cups sifted
partolled.the.grounds. -He wouh!n't `, — --- flcur, teasl>amis baking powder'
bare a chance, As long as he wn� t Radine Carlson of Duluth, and v, cup milk. Drop by spoon- v`
`still alive.. _ _ Minn., charged in a divorce ac, fuls on top of the .boiling stew. - C Ei+
- - -- -
' The'. ceiling light [lashed on. Thr.' -. , °. •. tion that her fiusb9nd, Anton,
;Cover and steaiit 'for 15 minutes. ' �✓ '
cellar door open -ed. -Bill Iltll Cants in.- `r - " treated her ."like a horse," , to Se rti'e at once. N '
a title in the crook' o[ his arta. r wit: ; rds�
-him .came roBentley :lrt and
ce'� cat 'tai 1e` care thf - 1' tablespoons sugar
Monate! T -wood -and chops- it; .milk_ ,cows.. a. cup shortening
Repardiat' n a d a a t es ca o g YO
"Nlornie, °darling!" Larry rns'ti d I and does 'all the w•orl: on their '1 ez!g
to her,' brushing past Bentl•. k.. 1$$ 10 -acre fare) , including' the ?sc cap honey -
cauight her in his' arms. She str;t►:• housen•ork, and then goes cut And 1 cite htllozgs ail RZ,+u ,
_ _ _ -. �,. cn} dr, ined, ctttshed pine•,
glen to free herself, ana not Y y - 1 if
sr,c• B Anne Ad ms does da wort. whenever she can. ,
4%- ceeding slapped him full fn tits- apple
If the hes closet ..or s{ cup milk
a hirtwaist shorta
"Let ' rue ko=yod ' cow thi, C poor clot ...< .. L cups flout THE finest baling
words hart more titan tt.,: you just need abecoming. alt- It;�_teaspoQns baking powder• J THE arc m�dr easy
around -snort of ' a frock, Radio Stations Change +
blow. "Don't ever speak tn,•-nte• �_ teaspoon SaLt by Calumets double -action,
Pattern .46t 5. Its n)o�t out:rand- Location Citi Dial teaspoon socia which permits. on to use less
: again: I -just came Here to tell yon + y
:how much I despise you—" Ing feattirc i _ the in yoke I March 30th
Blen4' sugar and shortening. arci Contiauons leavening is tftc
_ and. fropt Panel. treatnlerlt, wilh.. NEW 1 egg and beat` until creamy. Add secret—during the mixing and in
the yoke lines in a _novel -slant. - F R E E
gathering l ala gh 1941 honey`. All -Bran, pineapple and _ the oven. Easy'•opening, won't.
mi1•k: Dfiz w'Pll. Sift flour anti bak• -spill container, ��ith handy meas.
s / the sides of the bodice—so flat- Radio Log Card uring device. under the td.
frig pow•clrr, salt and socia; add to
�_ terinn to your bustIine. - A te- " IRKED SUBPABSi\t:LY LV
You'll n"a this valuable new fiat mixtu, e, stirriu, -well.
_ and out Basil, the notched col- "g �'f11 not -2.5 min y
easily; len the of all Cauadianr and APRICOT BROWN BREAD +
far mai• match or contrast. Have n1osT U.S-. - Station,. -
o als[i Fijj in, SIGN and Mail coupon 113ost hostesses preset a fancy
•'rf tlls[i the sleeres straight and Short or b1 fat• ) ' acco panime • to �^
t in long or three-ijuarfer'- leljgth. ' below for, -your' FREE- COPS'. sac at Yn nt.
And start this stile soon: — — — — — their party salads, serving this r
Rowerm-)fnlestte, (IDJir Ltd. bread _au!i'.the muffins following
ar Pattern 4GS5 is ,available in luitox ro, o� r' 1 cup chopped dried apricots Chu
VIN�wul m�•. I rrc. me r•r >mtr nec�'�
St.S'TAMPS._ misses' and women's sazes.14, 1.t;,.
Radio Loa curd Q. 1r;; cups stutr or buttermilk .,...
1F, 20, 3?, 34, 3G, 315 40 and 42. Yablespoons shorteltirg
Size 16 takes 3'.i y�ardQ, 3!1 inch I - •Jixi;c ?s 'clip sitfiar
fabric. i c ga r
ar.�M 1'cnrt'urch sc:t m all Bran 0Ou-
- - Send twenty cents 20c in 1us ettPs fl0[Iloe, 81!•AgtlKi
( ) Number of Tubes - _ � cups float
e0inc (.sfamp-s cannot'be' acct�p tPaspoors Columf•t Rakin AKING
ed) for this Anne Adams pat- _ - - Powdor
tern. Write plainly size, name, ?1 teaspoon sociaL•
arlciress.'and style number, .+-► �s teaspoon salt r: �hIbER
_ ° . _ ? teaspoon uu meg - , eattslN,o,t
Sc]ttl your i•rder to' .4itne Ad- r41 jy ettp chopper( tn;'t meats b * -
ants, Y.00n1 43.5, 73 West Ade- :dale ' htsricots in • mitt: aiutttt 1 , } ;h" f
nlhimes. 111Pnd shortening nr.tt '�
jaide-.-St., Toronto..
yi w
.. .. _.
'ti rma Repeat Performance- "His Women •
Te ` DEAD HORSES.AND CAI TLE Folks" at Pickering Community : PIANO -TUNING
1 $1.75 per year. $t.50 in advance ]~'fir .free iCk u hone Club Auditorium, Tonight AND,
Subscriptions to the United Stated BRO�JKE_[N �. "
p P
'atai Gt. Britain, $2.00 in advance. .. " " "9 - t , r All )Linde of itsp cir Work
CLA1:E :OlvT , • ' ' ' 5o6 Pearson'a Cartage >, All Tuning' Guaranteed
• _- - PIC KE RING; . n 'Guars „�..
,Jolter Barbar, Pro magi • AUINCOURT . zone 2'144 C. S. MaoDONALD
WePa the hunt char �s DAILY
P $ Phone or drop in. and let me show 299 Mae Ave. Toronto
the ROADS to
you how Bray Chicks made real
GORDON YOUNG LTD TORONTO-PICKBRING profits for poo �n � yam, p>sone lakeside 1502
� * * f ��� , Personal attention, prompt
UL Toronto Phone Ad.3*6 . Y urniture Moving
1"kwlood Miliiag Co., Pickering •
.,-SUCCESS - r�r Your Phtronage is Appireciated L. & Wilsen, R. x. 1; Myrtle Sto. L. E. O*N& IL
;' A ate road built of the ffnest materials VOVKSHUTT pHU1�1S PICK 530! Duabarton f�'gmmQnit� NRlY J�'IINBRAL DIREOTOR AND
Y.;75. It ie a one-way road with three lanes all P. C. V. HARVEY PEARSON (, >d1iBAL2rE$R
swing smoothly and surely to profitableFr
} •
_ egg produotion. Any time you want to
O1! U/Wood A. C. E. H. Prop. �D A N V I til G .9ueoenor.tol�V: J� Nattier. `
` change from one lane to another you .
-.Agency • -- SATURDAY, MAR, 22 ce
_ , 8to u¢xilte
. ply ease avec—there are no :'_..Night and ILcy tl.ryi
gutter sf and -
no bumps or shocks and no slowing 1941 Basin§as Phone Resiienee Phonef
clown. Niew Stoet of Pssta on Had gg
S ..The three new lanes are 17, 22 I-2 and. Service on above madtlnes (GOOD MUSIC
' .--36 p.c. protein Istrength and the new Implements on exhibit in season pE�MANENT NAGOINI' PAIN ADMISSION 25e
Flown, mowers etc. 8.3 ® P. M — _ 1 Pick
cad is r - -LYE
- ,�c o�d' .L. LYE .�: __ AND NER�E;. ee n i
'IFi11'-the Borskes'` C: H. TUCK. OPT. D. --
r9►9'��' ll)isney B1oeJs, P.06 THEATRE we` carry allll tin® of
Xaple Leaf Xutual rile R oN,: Fresh
Insurance Cs • All Showa Daylight .Saving Time - and
�� ad
Healthfully Air -Conditioned
k-2.4DAY'._FRIDAY_$c__iT_U Y Jared
Cheap rates for Farm and Count><, R. CL'ENDENINQ�� MARGri 20, 21 and 22 1Vlesta
t. tisuldings. Two Sboa•s. at 7.30 and 9.30
Windstorm Iasance on Building) Our ay atmee at 1.3o
Our delivorT is at your servie.
Windmills, Silos eta
.. Phone Pick 1620-' _
Autorobile Insurance of Private Ambulance
- K S
All Binds Day and Night _
Wtite or Phone
Phone 8000 =
s a Bovvm�►x o E �_ - IIIVeINJ5C0� ,YOu'll Find out''ATTENTI016W11ITRY, ONTARIO Markham C)nt.(WITH
Vi -cal -'zed with Y-O...PETER LORRE Brock Road Gravel
Now t'ou'can feed this famous mash in _.._
a ploteinstrength to suit your own cir- ,Repair Shop ORIS KARLOFF -
B .
Farr's Elevator BELA LUGOSI Pit
rumstances, choose 1,3, 22 1-2 or 36 p HELEN DARRISH Crushed Pit Run
according to. whether you have -no ... Tractor Service ClaremOn# �4nt.
grainat all, some grain i
-- g r for feed o plea- radtrat I. H
- - e H. C. Tractor School. _ � O�YeI
ity of grain. In ;all three you get the ►_.._.� '
IW years e� erience MONDAY. TUESDAY k WED.SDAY /t
bere&& of Y-0—ricb in Vidamins A.B., Service in all mekes of Traetor , The farmers of this eom. _ S$A(i -and Ul
14.G, an' R. wwcb eawre vitality, vig-
Lieerrsed .Garage Service MARCH 24, 25and 28 - -
lour pep s,ad. Profitable Production, Satisfaction gvarantad mnaity are Belling me t0
have all farmers who are Complete Show at e.aa tone
L t
Ernie Sh Olid interested - is markctin -
Delivered or Loaded is Pit
.iJ:VBA.?CN - OV'r, E'hone5104 CLABEMG?N7 8
r hogs sign a petition to - PHON94 01 ot, P*k 1,026
r'+^'c 77- • _ff roate *(We tie -ward 6421
- I3 R A D L E Y' �I have the government' -pay., Westward
: a bonne on livc weight `pviTH JOHN BOUItNIZ d� I3ON
Men's Overalls. $1,39 a pr.;up graded hogs. Please' CHESTER MORRIS
Expect Ph'nted- and Decorator — Men'@ work boots, $2 95 u • tall in ANITA LOUISE e *!� �%
Rood workmanship. Reasonable. H. P BUCK JONES
; Notin., - Yo 10
J. W. Johnston. Frenchman's Bay. Farmers, -=Look your harness Ptrooe Res. 38J• Office �• ONA MUNSON
FOR SALE car trailer. well
over. all gee what you need, We do BaildinR oaf sl`1 kiaasl
equipped. Will accomodate fear then some in a►rd we will -fix ALSO AN ADDED A "17RAcriox, OARPI�NTERFI�.
POraons. FL Z�nr•gab, RJ " R,„ 2, PICEERIN0. ;�dILLS
-Pic9oerfng, Rouge Hill T -: _1� On up. «i IN(a},.
dy With sCEM�IT
' iFoR -_ALE —.on a lot loo x 20o Harness and Shoeere aired �
is .solid 'brick 2 story& ,morn house,
Shur -gain feed, ser fed Hair"v n�
C. O. Bradley ROOFIN -
haaemen>< Hot water heating. 4 vice mill, chicken WITH ,
'. _piece bath. Sun roam. Elec. Pimdp, Phone Pick 3504 A b.ao sell `Branttori RooBogMIRIAM HOPKINS hiKterisls,
hell and sisters► In*sta..sitrubs and starter, - :- $�rOwiilg empire:Bathroom
trait; rtag+etable garden. Ben house T ��t� CL7IUDE RAINS $gt�ipment, I)am'Wster
WSAcext ;ttge for city propertly. i 0 WNSBIP mash, laying mash, -- �9yeteme. Bestt
kering ti _
OF i range mash joy COMING — Thum. Fn, and Sat,
_.. EP lent
Stable ai n
GANDER —for sale or with ex MARCH 27, 28 and 29
ickange for geele, Phone Pick. 2711 PICKERING starters Concentra. CLAUDETTE COLBERT EdHnrates Free;
te8 calf starter, tur- RAY MILLAND J.
emus other articiea Apply Saturday TREASURC.R'S SALE of LA1 DS. > > ' F. d . PROIJ SE
- .'only, 1►Siarch 22nd, between 11 a, M. IN -
and 6 p. m. Mrs. Scott, Altona Road, FOR TAXES
key starter,: salt
_ _ - Phone 5302
Rouge Hill: �- will b: held in the � « 1f '
�_,9OW GOVERN:IIENT SEALFD 1,E- TOWN'.Fl!P HALL lit blocks and, bags "Arise, My L.Ove PICKERING, ONTARM
ISTERED GRAIN — and know what BROUGHAM Pttrina fly spray
you sores. We have it in ilegist-red ON -for cattle. -
No. 1. Noliarb Barle' a
3rd gens_ '
-- ,
tion at $1.05; 'Registered'No. 1. !;r- 16TH �T ` ...,ban Oats, 3rd generation at 90c. or • 1941. nt 2.00 p m. E, S, T. D, lY Lor, WOOCt
No. 1. Commercial Seed E n,?% s at Liat at.Gol ector's or at my office. PICKERING. ONT. largains70c. er bush 1 W p .. H. w st _ and ., . , in UsedC a r's '-
Son, Westglen Fa,rrn, 1?ickering Ont.
Treasurer 1'I3 oN
~FOR SALE'= 2 fresh-milldng goats -
:. also Coleman lamp, 2 Coleman lam -
terns, 1 Cutting -box. F. Hayward,
: FOR SLE — . tluant'ity- of
Van -Seed -Oats; 65c. 'bush. Thomas
MicGriskih, Lot 16; Scarboro, Half
,''mile East of Malvern,,
_ . _ , _. Davis, D4:nlaartonr
.o..e.., .. ..��
.FOR SAIL - household effects of
the late D�aters.
'd J. Scott. Dishes,
Chairs.es, Sewing=machine.` 2
Quebec Stoves, Refrigerat-
or. Circular saw and frame: Olde
fashioned wooden bed, Chest of dr-
_.' .nwers. Two fox pens. Sealers. Niue-
; -
FOR SALE — breelVast room suite,
6 pieces. Davenebte, oak frame. ,Mrs.
W. Duman, Cedarview; Drive, High-
land Creek. J
FOR SALE — Erban Seed ;Oats, 60i.
hush. Wm, Heron, Pickering, phone
. pick 5203. tf
Dired fo Downfown.''
� You go direct
to downtown
- in every town -
��- enroute when
you travel by
motor coach:
_. vvet_69 - .. •
�C'r \e a When planning your next trip consult
x,,40 'Tg%P your local agent for all travel
✓, ao�Ho information
Eastern House, Phone db00
-:_1940 Dodge' Deluxe aspecial coach
1939 Dodge special 4 -door sedan:--'
eran -
1939 Dodge Deluze special coach -
19:39 Plymouth Deluxe coach - -,
4 939 Chev Master sedan <
1939 ' Plymouth 4 -door Deluxe sed�iii
All these are equipped with,
heaters and guaranteed in
_ excellent shape,
ALF*: MOLE, Claremont
' y PHONE 8901
- �. / } •f '.Z7 4 f ,:. ;C.? A :..pry ',
nap, .•+ a'_o.: .., :e, �; - •• e .. 4+• '"'• X ^'•�•.•`
BROU ^M Members brought contributions for j �, Pickering, Audley Road, one :dile r
DARE lViOl� Jl r the Layette Shower, asked for by the I Picketing to Discuss Home Coming f north of No. 2 Highway. As the
Miss Helen _ 'a visited her Red Cross. A liberal donation -as f Reek as be':ng earl•:.ed on in many sale is llirge, the auctioneer will
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Benson hitve sisters in Turonto last Satur'aAy received. Hostesses Mrs. and bliss localities this summer. be prompt in starting; Sale at 12
e: non,^ rented the R=ohr home. Miss Gladys -Gannon and Toronto Bayless Mrs. Gillma iln and Mrs. And. noon, D. S. T. Terms Cash NP re-
Mk, and Mrs. Carl Dopkling visited friends visited her people here on Glen served tear-and refreshments at Following the meeting in the -Club serve D the farm has been sold,
- Sunday. _ . _._ _ _ the close, of. the-, meeting. Auditorium last Monday evening,, W. F. Diaries, clerk; William Maw,
-•-----fir. Doplung'a parent, over flu end -- .
of the week. # ?4rs• and Miss Mountjoy, of Ked- Mr, A. H. Wilford, addressed a auctioneer.
;We call the attention of all fs,:•' ron, were guests of Hugh apd Mars. group of the PieWrIng Village bus- FRIDAY, MAIL. 21st Audion
users is this district .to Joe. Fap�r'a Gannon, last week'=end. iness people, said outlined a plog Sale of High Class Dairy Herd,
f l 'Severacases omeaslw
es have he is organising following �.,
' = advertieernent this week, found in, g n P Farah Stock, Implements, L H. 'C.
:sn adjoining column. been reported again. among the chit- NOTTER J.
the oamps►ieit being promoted this Tractor, 'Hays Grain etc. at Lot 8$'
Awing - to terrible weather Condit- daen 4 the schooly�e
_ q by Mira 1l>ouglas R, 'Oliver, Dir- Cam. - D. Scarboro, Eglinton Ave.,
•woo is visiting ector of Putario Travel and Public- the Noperty of AS.
ions of Tuesday last, the I.agette Rey 3�[ller A. Cbichton.
Ohotwer to have been 'held at the, hie father this week, leaves. shortly ity to aid in bringing our A;nericsln gale sharp as 12,30 A S. T. Tenew
'Criub House, is held over for another • o take his position at Iroquoian Falls: friends back into tole country dining Cadl. AL 3 Farmer, auctioneer*. .
Quite .a number of Broagiiaai peo- thetourist season. These Hlowe-Cober THRJIi:BDAY lttARCH 27th -aver
il'he Baptist Young People enter- pie attended the Social at Pickering ,��� ,• : ing Woeloe are being amlwanged in a tion aat� of Hig>b Grslilie Jersebre, `
wined the Young People of the Un- on Wednesday night, M/srrh .12th. •� lQlr •!0� great many towns in Obutario, sial Imsplealnc�erita, Fowl a>od
The Y. P. held a . social at �. �`(JJJ a l first weeic in Jul,* sjopears to be t
zted ,lures Last Mondsd eveoling. 1t�C1F Furniture, the pnoperf{y of I�aii
and Mrs. Allan Gray's on Monday a favourite period, though other dates
due to inclement weather, the Young Lewis, 'Lot 28, Con 61 Whitby TAvp.
People of WpUtby, weee- not repres- nie}tt, Mati+ch 17th. are being suggested hare.- A Comm-.dAe mile west of Brooklin. Sale at ,
anted. A veryha gathering took /The W; M, S. ?,4nraa�E-Quilting and ittee was appointed under the local one cllclock sharp D. S. T. kerma,
-_ happy, 8affi g Pot Luck! Supper will be held-'in the Chamber of Cotinmerce who will re-
!!! Tow�1 Hall on the afternoon and pv- , port on the uestion later. The lard' Matin 'auctioneer. C. H
-• = iRev. Walter Daniel will speak ons In simple wt'lea do- q p Bowman, Clerk.
shin of Aril 2nd. _ has sus its chief merits that of being
Sundary next, in the morning on - g p di7t� Postponed Auction Sale
The Y..P. will meet in the church able to attract all one-time local re-
"""Can Democrac • be made to work?" memorials that will The Auction Sale of Registered
- .and in`the ,eveniil , on -"The mean- Sunda;., March 19th, under the lead- �dpotnt. Indignity sidents to the ,home town, at the
-'ship of Miss Thelma Carlton,- the same period Cattle, Grade Cattle, Implements,
' ixig of a Shadow.". - aPPwrenw our _ = etc. belonging to John R. Phillips'
The regular monthly meeting of Missionary Obnvener. Topic - Links-
work Gill eland out Spruce Lodge Farm, one mile west
between • East and West. Roll Call- from ever
'the W. A. will be held in the school " ,p� 9 SKATES SHARPENED of Brougham, has been postponed to
" room of the United Church on Thurz beJti'nnins� �� itfi -the letter H = through the ages.
RAplp SMVWX _- Lrlectrle wire
The Annual :Keating of Brougham MONDAY, MARCH 24th, Sale at 1
-day, b4Wh 27th., at 3.30 p. m. -There uta Greater Tribute lag and Repairs. ]3>rpest 9orvieo on p m Terme, Cash A. S. Fri ila3r,
will be a quilting, so, if possible; Public Libsai-y will be held at the N• W STAT "RD I
r Li'brarn^, on Friday evening. the"21st, A$ 1V►ltes of ILeCeivort' 8eaaranable Auctioneer. 7
come early, bring your thimble. A Sigiway I%aaasetd Rates, T- Tasted Fres. Rvsseil TUESDAY, MARCH 25th suet-
fop general business and election of
Pot supper ,-ill be served. officers and pnrahasing' committee. - w� IL e"": a �• ton sale of Fame Stock, Implements,
W. Richard Trim, w to for many This ineeVn�a oopen to library pat- h' l�! 1Zf►ilit Duizy Utensils etc. at Lot 10, B. F
years fairrlled east of Claremont, pias- gluon Road west
sed away at his .home in' Btoufiville, rons, and your presence is requeet- •SALE REGISTER Gooicession, pickering Twp, one mile
on ,'Fridaty last The funeral lovas field,
�• Ess tared South of Pickering Vlllag% "
on lk�onday afternoon. e S- fwas ie dlle. W Allan Miller, of Toronto, wale i _ ct FRIDAY, MARCH 21st - auction the property of Robert Found Sale
moth his people for the week-end. Bale of Farm: Stock, b elements at 'i o'clock, D. S T. Terms Cask
- Abad accident occurred down the. L E. Kennedy continued his -
-._ Grain Boots and Fnraiture, Elmer Powell, Clavier Win. HA.W,
roc oa €d.--P+aglo s- - -- - -
t Hazy
aeries of Lenten-Seiawne on Sunday - -- J
farm on Monday afternoon during - the property of E. Scott, lot 2, con. auctioneer- _ --.- ,!
the snow storms, when sus panel, truck withspeang on uiie-"-T�vo Malefactors,
` belonging to a Toronto fi=, met Svdffi Jesius crulcitied _vests' them."
head on
-with a 1940 Dodge• ell', There has been a good attendance at
hnr d on it up quite bad all the: church services.
In response to the request of His The Nimiile-Filigeis Club sponsor-
ed an enjoyable Euchre and Dance.
- '
Majesty the King, :special- services .-in the Town BAll on 'Friday evening.
for prayer and intercession will be
held in the unitedsold Baptist The' Clark Orchestra and Alain Gray
churches of the village. In view of -were in charge ' of the miusic and the
the very critical times, through r+chieh floor mahagernent. There wap. an at
the Empire and the World vase pass- tendalsce tl.st -comfortably filled the
fng, it behoves Christians everywhere hall for dancing. The Club held the
to gather in large numbers next
event to furnish funds for work for
%'rind, in humble, earnest prayer. war victims. _upon which they are
y working.
Tide Women's Missionary .Society The Brougham Hockey boys play-
the United Church held its mon- -
their'fi!iial of hocks on
•.tbjy meeting on Thursday afternoon ed t4 Y
in the- school room of the church. Tuesday the 18th, with a score of /
As the
lbs. Johnson conducted the Devot- ?---1 in fez-or of BrouBroughamsones period, and DE's. _lather Pil- . North. roads were- blocked all after-
. !- .say's Group presented the Study' pion and evening, they Fere afraid '
Bookt- Lltiios between East a�►d that they would neves' be able to get
WeRA a s*tch of the Life apd Work up a tea¢n, but they figs W i anag- >9
of Hiss Auld, in Trinidad and ed to get eight plalgere .together and
the late Rev. Yohan Mmaih, D. D., went out to play: Being so short o1
;*f players, they. knew. they really. had.
The "Naevus'" was, ,usable to leach to play h to win, and they did.
'fheT f started cif the season very
CClaremont this tweek - we got with-
poorly, but made up for that in the
Ing about three miles of. the village,.
but in all his Y of making that end: They' are now the Wianere of fir
trip, We. have never encountered such the cup .for this ear. a�
.The W.I. held their March meet- • ' �`„�,'�+� a
driving conditions. We decided to get 1 g o. Bayles' n Tuesday, Msrcl► 11th, at the
basis quick; when a southbound car home. Dlfrs. W. Gray, con-
shot out of the blinding snow, clipp- vener for the program, had arrang-
ed the. ,ride of our cad,
and nose
for a visit Ool ti3* �"
.. .. edY
dived" into the snows -banks at the rieultural Representative Ft A. In-
side. A Toronto baker asdvised ag- nes, who gwe an address on "Home Onh nldvrOlet Has All These
an further, there "
' striae trying to go Y stalled cars' Beautification illustrated by lovely tAMAD1AN-sYttT
wrere three -wrecked or tel slides, which were enjoyed by all. - 41 FEATURES FOR '41
up .the road not a hundred yards a- - sr oesetAi Marc" . -
aPy (You could not see them f1lom1. Cotwabd safety SQ.w
w1 ere vats were for the bltflding snow Edaeation 2, TivecwMatic Clutch
�1D31 cwtId not. see your oars front of Eyesight _CHEVROLET MEETS EVERY `4. Reinforced Girder Frame I Ttteeee Tota
the car). we understand some local end
cars were involved, and considerable :
=DRIVING NEED s• Separate ark g Braksic Bnkes
. damage done. It was- really the moata. Valvi-in-Head Engine
' 6. Separate Perking Braga
4iangerous,,drivving we ever expenen - _
•. 9. Shockproof Severing
sed.. Strap 1 when we. left' Pick- - �+ rt to.
L' itired Knee•Acttion
/��1 Q /*
Yr. r•.'_- - - - .: '. .. j1J' �i i • • • 11. Thrilling .few Bign t .
Bring, there uvea no indication of';.ft
It til tionDorip Shields
"such wieather as we met as we drove a/ ` e" _
1 .:2. writ
�') ; 13. iia D
d4 Dual Parer r Construction
J y 1 1 Dao C ru
on north.
s t 15. All Doors Hinged from Frbac
C. • ., -Y•. "' _ 16. Concealed Door Hinges -
. , . :..._
nB4n�To e� the best ride and best drive
WOOD 18. Sd,'wideFro
Front Seat
19. Two Arm RestsO a you want all 41 outstanding features <
- 20. Convenient Front Seat'Adiustmew i
Mr. and Mrs. Pretsell, of Toronto, e r 21. Full Horn Ring
Sunday with friends here and Eyesight .Specialist . - : which Chevrolet'offersfcr for'41. �OU Want - 22, Dual Horns Mounted Behind Rkdutor Grill•
23. Weight 3250 lbs.
attended the church sanies. ' Disney Building (oljp• P. O.) -'a Cheti-rolet's blgileSs, roominess and 24. Glass Area 2264 sq. ire.
^ Automatic Locks on All Doors-'
Mr. aind Mrs. Brock • of Osha,% Oshawa, Phone 1516 y
_ , - quality . You want its Fisher Body
Zs. Left and Right Door Front Locke
apenli Sunday with their daughter ; , IN °' r 8 � � T 7. instrument Panel Clock
Undoubted'— the thousands of beauty 9lid�eorfifort... its �:alve-in-Head 28. Glove Compartment with Lock and Light
:and husband, M4. and Mrs. Ross. „
' s Trunk Lack.'
Disney. years of 6.6iization, particularly s��; +� E r enc
29. Accessible
the last fins centuries with so ictorti Engine pe form a its 30. Evenly Mounted Windshield Wipers
.,Sand• Mood-had_ 31'. Rear Axle inspection Plate
easeful sale on Wednesday. We are many cldse range occupations, ave Vnitized-KTiee=_ ;;, f-Adjusting Tension-Type Rear Spring Shackta
sore} to lose Mr. Moore . from this affected or started to affect -the . Vacuum-Power Shift. This .year's low 34. Rubber Cushioned Rear Spring Mountings
nelghbOrhood, htLnlan vision, but the structural 35: Steel-bound Flt Window Glass Channels
'iiia Ladies' Bible Class met at the defects rw'hich cause ' eyestrain • and .priced Chevrolet brings you all these 36. Positive Crank-Controlled Whe Vanti Anosfang with Lock
_ 37. Six Belts Hold Rear Wheels to Flanged- Axle
headaches must have. originated advantages plus a host of others at no 38.'Two AdiustsbJe Sun visors
home of Mrs. Fred W. Gibson, on g P ;9• Lavish Use of Bright Metal
blondars etiening, with M¢s. J. L. before we became civilized. `Other' v
NX-1-le, hone icould one account for 'the .extra cost! See Chevrolet drive 40. Front's at and Door Scull Pads
: Pegg in charge of the program. 41. Hypo Rau Axle
The Mission Circle are holding same defectis in those jungle aces . Chevl oust at your dealer's today.
their March meeting at the home '.of Faulty eye-curvatures, N%+ich cause
George. Pegg, on. Friday even' astigmatism afflicted -many of. the
ing: March-'21st. All the Young Peo- Rtmnns, Cicero, for example. Their
B�actice of training slaves 'was
uple will be made welcome as this
avoid eye weaknesses. Certainly waR'
a social evehiing, fAYIN6S ti
The i� . �,. hada ve -fine :enter. eye troubles qo back as far es the _ k1RTIfIkRTE1
taiament ori Friday evening, March beginning of w*rltten • hiisbory, and
14th. Marry thanks to Mr. Roblin, no telling how far beyond ,. Aad ► 1 l f a 1 l '
.Put some fine pictures on the me have learned from history is 41I416 ;
confirmed by the eyes 'of these READY F IMME IVER
screen:, Africans. Mialforniations in. the r
Mrs. Gee spent the weekend with '
her sisters in the city. eyes are not caused by the refining rNA MOTOR SALES -- W• Y Pa
The W. A. held- their meeting at requirements of cultured society _ r ,`
not the :price we are' paying for* r Dealer-=-J. McGlasheA-DmbartOII
the home of Mrs. F. I.. Green, on progress. The strain of our nod J, � "At:soCe
• ' Thursday last.
- em civilized life falls heaviest uponthe eyes
----- -
ig 77.777
velt pressed a demand for ;7,- s •
THE W A R - W K E K--Commentary on Current Events o00,000,000.immediate cash I .,CABINET OFFICIAL
to finance t help-Britain .pro-
=NAZI SPRING OFFENSIVE - in Some, 'sources Said that g
• in addition to flying, fortresses, - HORIZONTAL Answer to Previous Puzzle 19 Luster.
t.S DEVELOPING RAPIDLY the equip nt to be sent over-
1, ?Pictured 20 She is
seas at ace included naval U, S. A. A T O D E D A I �'
. biammbers and convoy
mall crafduty,
to o . 2 cabinet L E I -interested in
and machine. the Greek official. N R HOT N E N I L — refo-rtna.
D R FEU R E D O 22 Soup dish.
Activity stepped up sharply on American factories. .Last sum-, bat U-boats. 99, warships alto- 13 E U PEA S OWE D 23 Lo
1' l all fronts last week in the war mer . . . the Fuehrer . was able gether would be released to 15 One in cards. VICTOR ng step.
between Britain and Germany. to concentrate most of his air. Britain before the end of 1941. 16 Scottish ' C R E E D S E R A I 25 Poisonous
The los awaited Nazi s n T E NDE R H���� '
g- 'ng. p of- squadrons over Britain in seek- To Meet Early Crisis court official. R 1 Ptomaine.
fenaive appeared to be under ingl to knock out the Royal -Air Authoxitative circles in Wash- `18 Lowbred A T R A E E U 27 New. zu rs
`'•way, spurred -by fast approach- Force. Henceforth he must keep ington appeared' to be acting on person. R C O S T P D Y E S (abbr.).
Wing springweather. and the 19 Squints. HEN ERODE R U T 2
pas- a, considerable niumber of his the theory that the coming three 8 Southeast.
sage in the United $tate& of the planes near the Russian frontier, montha would br1mg the • great 21 Entrance• PER O L O G f E S S E 29 To barter.
F:. ;gigantic British-aid bill. On the as well as. in- the Balkans. His - "crisis" in the war which would 23 The crappie 1 R 1 S H C O P S E S 31 Skin '
M• '-side of.Br•itaiii, vast preparations adventure into' southeastern Eur- indicate the ultimate winner. (SsYr)` a `.i n.
24 Mountain 46 A soft-soled 4 Poverty- y -
were being made for counter-of- ope by arousing Russian suspic- The best military opinion there shoe, stricken. user
34 To s
.fedsives wherever the Nazi, ma- ions has weakened- his air • straf held that 1941 would not seethe (abbr.) remorse.
attacked--on land, sea, or Ing abil ti y' against the British." end of the conflict, but that 29 Young person. 48 Pronoun. 5 Sound of 36 Idant.
air; or on the diplomatic or econ- Battle of Atlantic American aid would be suffiei= 9 South 49 Preposition inquiry. .' 37 Characteristic
omic fronts. Carolina. of place. 6 D 39 Street.
The British Parliament last ent .to bolster British resistance r3'-
30 Feather scarf. 50 Ascot. 42 To. soak flax.
Balkan Front week voted a huge new secret ai,d prolong the war in the 'Rope 32 An essay, , 51 Pleased. ?Seed bag' 43 To piece out.
The air war over Britain was app�opnation.' for "many more of defeating Germany in 1P42. 33 Sooner than. 53 Postscript. 8 Printer's 46 Step of a
renamed its intensity in man ships"—warships, merchant ves- 34 Portuguese 54 Exaltation. measure, series.
ty y No Later' Than June
instances equalling the. frightful eels of all kinds—to 'combat the money. 87 Three, "'9 Small deer.. 47 Amber-
The Canadian military expert
days of last September when steadily intensifying German sea W. R. Plewman, notingthat ma- 35 An indirect Ss Her title, 10 Frosted. colored resin. -
offensive promised, b Hitler is tax.
' casualties were highest. The war P y . teriai aid from the U.S. to Brig 38 Buildings Secretary of Il Mod ern• '48 Back of foot. '
on the sea his January. and. February gs 49 Singer's voice. Aft
grew steadily mure taro would be assuming colossal forming 14 Tolled. g
serious (Britain lost 148 038, speeches.- The Germans were g a S9 A labor S1 To gossip.
proportions by September, esti- square. 18 She is the tons of, shipping the last week in looking for victory on the sea organization. 52 To suffice.
and it was there that they must meted that Hitler could act pos- qp Ste• __ first woman 53 Professional
February). But the biggest de- sibly make his 'suprem'e attack 41 Was mistaken, - VERTICAL — of the U.
Belo menu, from the military be met and conquered. This ap- athlete,
P Y on Britain any later than June. 44 To relate. 2 Long inlet. S. A. cabinet. 55 Musical note.
. point of view, were shaping u peared to be the view in London
P g P At leant two months before Sep- - 45 Compass S Eucharist 17 Disturbances 56 chaos:
in the • Balkanninsuia where and Washington last week. The
Pe tember, he declared, Germany, if point.
chest: of peace. 5? Palm
the chief belligerents were align-
Battle of the Atlantic was, ion �3'•
ge hg's- 'she would win the war, moat -
ins their forces in readiness for An alarming new situation strive to get the upper hand of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 II
the battle of the eastern Mediter- with reference _Lo the war on the Britain and isolate the British $
ranean. sea confronted Britain last week Isles from America.- I 13. H 1
Yugoslavia and Turkey had when the French Vichy govern-
not yet joined fight. Yugo- meat, no doubt- under Nazi pres-
sure to do so. thmatened to use -
- •_clavi& S problem was far Irorri � .---
--essay, since she was all but our. the French Navy to convoy food -Sup' e' r-warm Clock 21 �
-ro nded by Arris forces. A di- ships to unoccupied Fiance
through the British blockade. --
reef challenge. to Hitler could Sate French fleet evar-siace—i - - - M-
: mean her quick extermination as An alarm designed to :waken
June has been a troublesome and 34
s nation. Her answer to Aria the soundest of sleepers has been 2 33
demands evident] de uncertain 'factor for Britain.
y penal to Armed conflict with French assembled by Herbert -Dupuis of
considerable degree on shat app- foodefinitely was fit. Catharines, • Ont.
dahi 36 -
port $ritain gave Greece. The P convoys 9 y ,
aama - could be said, possibly, of not wanted at-such an hour, as Its fundamental principle, of .
Turkey who waited also to see mss' course, is noise. This Mr. Dupuis
what /Yugoslavia would do and M 42 _
U.S. To Tura Tides has: obtained b ng • 45 7
. The lid was off on American a wch
bow t�,e Soviet Union was going aid to Britain the ins t the string
g bar of
to take it all. aid ordinary
the winding ary alarm clock to a vs-
Turkey Can Take It Lease-Lend bill passed Congress cuum cleaner switch, with a po- 48
Writing on the Balkan situ&- in Washington last week. Not lice whistle attached to an aper-
tion, Associated Press correspon- a moment was logit in releasing a tore on the vacuum cleaner. 51
5? s
Dewitt Markenzie said: gest quantity of war materials When the ala= goes off its me- ' 54 � �<
"Greece . might fail, and Yugo- to to serosa' the Water; '-`flying lest ring is lost in the combined
alavia be compelled to acquiesce fortresses" were quickly dis- wail of the vacuum cleaner and
in -Hitler's.. southward sweep, but patched i and President - Roose- screech of the police whistle. '8 "; b
if the Turks hold to their alliance '
'-,with Britain and stand astride - _
the Dardanelles, the, Anglo-Al- .,
lied cause isn't likely to suffer ' _ -
x ,irreparable disaster in that the.-
_ _ atre of war. -Should the Turks - .: -: ° ` i - • � . -
.iby any. Chance- go over to the - -
Germans, however, it might meats
the loss of the Battle of th
" `Vediterrgnean for the British _
ITf the Turks fight, they should
be abN to put up a very Strong
defence. The Turco-
Bulgarian -•
border not only is protected by
_ mountains, but A strongly ferti-
ied. Tothe south betw ,
European and Asiatiq Turkey, -
runs the Dardanelles, one of the 1
,host powerful strategic positions •
•:4vi- the world. This, too, is hear-
AlY fortified." And last week the
'Turks learned that their north- Y ,
eastern, frontiers were safe from !
fay encroachment'. by the Soviet Ar
, > 3
Union should they choose to fight Q:
pn the British side . against the
Might Turn Against Russia'
{cL 3
Highly-informed'opinioa in the u y�
: United States last week advanced
the theory that Hitler, instead of � �� ,' - �, �."-•� >�, �
fighting his. way, via the Dsrdan- >ryu e
elles through Turkey' to' the 4
Middle East might turn against
Russia ar
ch Ukraine,sin
. _ .seize the ri z'
s . .
ino%-ing onward to the Caspian I
Sea and the Russian oil-fields. tE LUXE KNEE-ACTION ON ALL NODELSORIGINAL
Be thIlt as it -may, grave • alarm 1
was felt in Moscow- ever the��.
Sof ' Germau forces in a
threatening manner on Rifs�ian
borders all the way from zthe -- - - -- _ -_ -- - --
Baltic to the Black Sea (a mil-
lion. Rumanians •: were said to be
lined up, "their fields left mun- •
tilled," along.. the common . bor-
der With the Soviet Union). News
came of Russian troop move-
ments in the Caucasus, coincid- : *Compar'e What You Get For What YOU Pay.:
Red Army forces-. along the Prut Check trip the extra advantages, at no extra reinforced linisteel Turret Top.. an em
River frontier of German-occu• cost, that Chevrolet brings yowl Besides the action Tiptoe-Matic Clutch .. , and 1
pied Rumania. The Russians : features illustrated above there's a bigger, fected, full pressure Hydraulic Brakes
were going to be ready for any ' more beautiful Body. by Fisher, of the same You get all these features 'plus rec
.Nazi attempt to force the Dar-design sire quality used on many higher Chevrolet economy,
thv Mediterranean. at low• price
daaeor close their. outlet to priced cars ..There's a safety-increasing ' Chevroletfor'41, General Motors' No. l C
Russian Air Force, Factor -
=Flow much; the; threatened clay _
between Germany and the So- •
viet Union was affecting the
-Battle cf Britain was pointed out
last week by the British United
Press military- analyst J. W. T.
Mason: ."Hitler must give • much CANADIAN-BUILT BY' GENERAL MOTORS
thought to .Russian .air strength. DONALD MOTOR SALES—WHl
FIe has now to consider the pos-
Aibility that if the war goes. into
>Qext year, Russisrr air power - Assoc. Dealer—J. MCGlaalian—Dunbe
May be added to the British
which then will be augmented by
"' the eXpectcd peak production of - "
�- 4 PI_X T8 id kDE SNUFF
,-,.,-.German GSea Menace Extends South'
=, her of eetablish>;lents •. �
ng repo nese otaile-d S0 located by �V E
repol•ting Cog
Existing or Feesifrle as Lollowa: Prints Ed- �yog SMOKE
., Gorman !leer Atteck Lewes ward island. 2; Quebec, 51;
On-British Ceeivey Routs — tario, 20; 4lanitvba, 1, and British �� %'.' P� -
i' j North Sea Columbia. 6. Thee plants repre- D ���� '
µ SOVIE r rented a capital investment o1 $60,- / MOMEy
GREAT'' RUSSIA las,64z in Yfxed and entreat assets. ✓ W'T�
— EIRE!"'`' They furnished employment to 8;
BRITAIN Gprwa" plowes, iYre GennORiYrr. 158 person's who<<vere paid $7,-
K; 1 wed on Ner.egion, brought by 733,023 in salaries and wages. The - k
French coasts, iateee, roil, reported plants also spent $23,002,316 for
r> raids on Shipp- ready to strika•iw materials and containers, and pro-
�1 GERMANY from Rumanian, duced- goods with a net selling
. Bulgaria" hoses value at the tactory of $47,054,707.
' ? �JtaGAyY Of the establishments reporting, 45
fin~ made cigars only; 17 made tobac-
'` ITALY }GRu/NAN/IA co only; s ,made tobacco and cigar-
y ettes; 4 made tobacco and cigars; 5
-+ U-bootstwsed -1 1 made snuff only; 2 made tobacco . e s
in ltolycoutd OULG s : and snuff: 2 made tobacco, cigarsA IL
. S
SPAIN cover middle and. cigarettes. and 1 matte tobac- ISE
"edits ranaon s
er 'a cond
t cigats,-a.snuff.
P x. 'GREEc :� I;.".: Shade Trees Add Canadian National
',•-w..•�Btserte8111 libel
Value to House ways leve
iliNer would like. Mediterranean �ia.y? , r a - . ~-
reweh �� he : The gross revenues of the all
What Science Builders of new homes will ,
µ +mwrs find it .advisable to' set aside a inclusive Canadian National !tail=
LIBYA eeut� to Ge"'e. ways System for the period ending
ALGERIA - —is Doing _ small sum of money for a sizable �- -
shade tree, land planting experts March 7, were ....:.$$,4841141
tae compared with ,,•.. .. _
4 Q96i,'938
' It was suggested that the home -
_. _ - iod of 1940corresponding
an increase o3 .98,206
reputable nursery for the
_ The director of Kount Wilson than and select a tree of a hardy, or 24, ,
Observatory. Pasadena, Calif., says lived, variety which will add
Menace of German submarines and . lanes to British shipping grows he has found evidence that the permanent value to the property. �.-
X- as Hitler's threatened 'runpreced'ented tea warfare" hits in the Atlantic atmospheres of the largeststars The owner' 'should. avoid: one
and other waters:- U-boat attacks last week were expected to extend to are boiling at a terrific pace. A• that will grow so rapidly as to be
...the. Mediterranean, where German bombers have already been raiding temperature of 5,000' degr*e's Fah- seriously injured by the first
- British vessels. - -- reahelt is quite usual. wl sfiorm, pr one >fvhose
ind of ice
—o— is will tonne to the adrface
s opo
coo -
SOME GERMS DIE FASTER I and injure lawns or will clogC�®
" ........:..:.-s-....: - 6. -What should one say when
_ 7
tel and' 'fails to under-
Resistance of bacteria to ageu- sewer •lines. Ove
rtes that would destroy them oar= " Some hardy trees are naturally ` p SIN
stand some remark? 0 -
H o w C" K D 187 Aa,wass fes over a gide range; ' young bac- low-branched or cast dense shade tTOO
feria are strongly resistant, slid and if used, should be placed iL t _
1. Igo_ Itis better to tell the where they vrill not ipterfere.
BY ANNE ASHLEY � -the older ones have-reduced rote- •- .
truth and face the consequences.- ere of survival by a .3-to-1 ratio, m
The only justification for a with lawns, driveways and walks. -
the medical section of the Ame•ri- _ �
Q.- " How can I prepare a ..White tie" would be to protect. --can Association for the Advance.
Simple, furniture polishrY another from injury, or sire ment of Science' is informed. -Fur- Synthetic gasoline made from
A. A ' fnraittire polish that happi?iess to'" the person who is ther differences are Niue to' inhesi- coal is -said to be quite suitable TO VE
can be used on the finest woods burdened. 2. No, if we think tante, some strains being particT�- - for use in aeroplane - engines, It V
tan bq made of one .part vinegar, that the persons towards the end larly hard to kill. The combined takes seven tons of coal to pro- TORT�JR
Frith equal parts =of linseed oil of the group did not catch the differences due to age and inherl- duce one ton of petrol. PILE Illtll !{[lire
and turpentine. name, it may be repeated, but tante give a ratio of _10 to-1 be-
Q. How can I prevent mus- usually ante is sufficient. 3. Fes; tween cite most and least reoi�tant QUICKLY
Hard plasters frost blistering" the bride has the privilege of ex- Individuals
A. Thep will not blister,. anti pressing her _ preference as to .
width and size and her choice of _ e l If you are troubles tvlth Itching
-tire result. will be better, if the id, white gold or platinum. a r _
Dante is mined with the white of piles or rectal soreness. do not delay
Aircraft of 'the Trans -Canada treatment and run the risk of lettins
eta egg, or with warm cam horst- _ 4. Yes. but not .in a scolding man- / this condition become chronic Any,
p Air dines flew more than $,000: itching .or soreness or painful pass-
ed oil instead of hat hater. na:. ;4rid above all, the father- _
000 `miles in 1940, and carried age of stool Is nature's warning that
How can " I remove white should set the. example and not proper treatment should• be secured
nearly 10,00,000 pounds - of • mail, wt **..w. ou.4w of Can r,ae , at Dace.
to as the diain room ,table reprimand his son for what he ie+n.r., ....« r,..r kr sack e.w,u _
fro g- 100,000 pounds of express. and s..uaeraa m,V,4 �e,e arasu va For this purpose get a package of
caused b hest? fails to -.do himself. 5.. No, The �t«a K,as .ttuWreeer wYs tus Seca-R.oid from your dru Ist and
y ' -^5$,000 passengers. - r"wgr"TV nb w` 4 . use as direeted. This gem-gRold
A. Apply, in the order nam- g'Seat should pay Chia expense. _ fere,,.,,., Acres" g.•siae' formula which is used Internal* in
fed kerosene slcohoi and linseed 6. "1 am sorry. I didn't under- bele w crus Produce mcnr the form of. a small, easy to take
Mae nruttun, awed ...e.
-elr� sweet oil. . A different clatli stand what you said." Irw..ns.aor w sue... tablet, will quickly relieve the Itch-
- , n,. "'� re *'°vet's'. Ing cad soreness and alrl In healing
should be used for each of these rcoaa.e or .rue the sore- tender spots. •Sem-Heinis -
sraq see awe... tr_ M
a+ppiications, Rub is the linseed �Ct. �oue - pleasant to nee, is highly recto- -
ail until the spot disappears; mended and It seems the height o!
S/OM 841/00/19 !oily for any Doe d risk a painful . +
How can I make a whip- + 1 a ti eroremedy le mayltbe hada at so
geed cream substitute? Tobacco "�utput CIGARETTE PAPERS -
reaaoaablE a cost. '
A. Grate one apple; add two j i • ti you try heat-Road and are not
- les --Canada for 1939 the 'In. 7B'OMEfMIAgAfAOt entirely pleased with the -results,
or three tablespoons of sugar and lilt .your druggist will • gladly return _.
:tone egg white, then beat until dustry Produced Goods Worth your money.
light. This makes an excellent -Six Per Cent More Than" The
substitute for for whipped- cream. Previous Year — Cigarettes '
Q:. How" cati.I scale fish more Mair*.ttem s s e-C L.A S S IF I E D' ADVERTISEMENTS...
A. Take five _or six ,bottle According to the latest CNasn3 -
caps, nail them on a convenient of -Industry statistics oLihe tobac EI.ccTftic )to,rums raft SALE. JJEAI.Elltl %ANTED LEGAL
istick,- allowing for a handle, and co industries in Canada for 3939: L•LECTRIC MO TURS, NEW AND SI-'LI, 2u0 AlITIQLES FROM DOOR J. N. LINDSAY• LAW OFFICE CAP.
,this will. make an excellent im- the output for the .year, including reconditlor:ed. Jonea do Moore BL- -.to deur: tollot, medicine. essenc. itol Theatre Building, St. TRomas,
�.•--plement for scaling the fish. excise duties, was valued. at $^0,- ectrie Company, 296 Adelaide St. rs, apices, firm products, cleaners,-_ Ontario. Special Department' for
gyest. Toronto, etr. Guaranteed ny 7ic;, world- farmers collectlons.
690,241. which. represents.' an til- wide repura.tion. i:C ry family a
• crease of $5,501,944, or over *,ix ' RARY CHICKS customer.. Energetic-warkers as- KEN Wet \TED
per cent above that of the revious sure-. of trees ss. NO RISK. cat-
'.'Mod e t n : ' p Qt!AI ITY CRICKS." CARRED' RUCK aligns, . conditions, on request. LOCA 1. yIAN Ci00D PAY W>iiirK-
year. Cigailettes formed the n13in and rehire Leghorn. Blood-tested Familex Yt•oducts, Sr+r,St.•Clement, ly. Full or spare time. Rook or-
itenl of production .with an.out tit • by Government approv d labor- lfuirrPal, ders for Canada's ' flnes'C Crelm.
e P p aton•."Rigidly culled.-K�ly Chick planta Experience unnecessary.
o� .,163,433,000 valued at $5i,2I?: Ilatcheries. Burris FARMS fa'UR •ALE Sates outfit free. E. D. Smith's
E•t i q u e,t t e 662. Smoking tobacco w:as next in Nurseries, Winona Oat
Importance with an output-of _4,- tart-) Breeding Station Flocks. sit- Bruce :and urey Counties from PHOTO FINISHING
BY ROSER i A' LEE 709,519. potrnds valued at $24,498,• teenth year culled and blood-¢1500 to $8000. Otto. Johann, Owen
111. Cigars came nett with $ pro- ''tested- by` Sha Poultry •Depart- Sourid. TRY I31PERIAL FOR FINE. QUAL- s
anent, Ontario Agricultural Col- ity Photo Finishing. Any 4 or $ `
:1. When one finds himself in duction of 135,825,000 valued at lege, Guelph. ,Barren Rock Cock'- FARH FOR !CALF: Exposure , film developed 'and Z41
55,411,054, followed by chewing prels 5e each,, White' Leghorn •printed, with enlargement, 25c.
predicament, where a "white `--- Cockerels .c each. Write for Cir- ; Xi_F1.LI:NTLY slTi:ATED FIFTY careful processing by ettDcrta•`svho
„ tobareo, ,ot7,890 pounds, Talned cul. The Oxford Farmers' Co- highway nere., clay loam, small know how assures eatlsraatlon.,"
Ile will extricate him, isn't the Operative Produce Company. Lim- Imperial Photo Service, De'pt.'A.,'
He justified? at $2,284,33 , and snuff. 838,955 ited, %Voodstock, Ontario• house, basement barn, electricity'. Station J Toronto.
roundr.• valued at $1.149,?62. I town Schogls close. Wrn. Pearce,
2. .Is' it ilecessal•y to repeat „_Exeter.
7t uewcelner's name to every per- { son's bred to lay barred plymouth
rocks and S.C.a�: leghorns• Barron F.4jim Eej,l'iPMF:\T AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR
son when. introducing hfnl to a <
Strain. 16 years breeding, culling List of inventions and full Yntor•
group' tl F•'ANNIN0 JIIIJ, (Kline) REST _
hatching; and blood testing. Price :matioti Bent Vee The RamsaY,'
3, Is •-itood• form for . the Torh
Seth Rud April Rocks and Seem orader, Wil3 Oat separator. Co., Registered, Pafeut Attornellm.
g sa �� Leghorns ashatched 10 cents. Kline Manufacturing, 4..^o Willard 279 Bank Street, Ottawa. Canada.
b7� de-'to go with -the bridegroom r - :':Rork Pullets 17 cents, I.e.ghorn Avenue, Toronto_• -
en he buys the wedding ring? _ Pullets ,,l ,:eats. 'Circular wk.h - PERSONAL
4.• Isn't it a father's dui to • either priers on request. J. I). FINANCIAL
y foreommort �' Johnson, I-ergus, Ont,.' _ SIORTGAGEb OR AGREEMENTS DUPREE PILLS $1.50
reprimand, his young son for any
ea o cpurtes - f , T;Li, RTEAN AHE A 1) WITH of sale purchased for cash, prompt . DOUBLE STRENGTH $'3.00. Ladios—
nary Soft r
throsk Whit �uyuig. eliet for delayer
b. Isn't, it the proper thing �� OM cal h high tall egg prices. Bray {tahawa. Ontario. overdue, or p'aipful periods. Wil-
fo. r a hostess to insist upon pay- Vft It e g T.eghorn and NH. x US. pullets; GOITRE Liam Crosby. Dept )VL, !04 On-
for breed .cockerels and .capons. tario Building, Toronto.
Ing for the long distance " phone immediate delivery. 8 t a r t e'd
alls' of a guest.. OF chicks. m
Order chicks hundreds HAVE YOU GOITRE" "ABSORBO" RABBITS
f.custoers choose year after reduces. For
• 13ray particulars write
year..' Bray Hatchery, 130 John,
J. A. Johnston Co.,, iii King E.: RAISE RABBITS. NOT A GET-
Hamilton. Toronto. rich-quick scheme but a sound
'branch of agriculture. Literature l
M. RAyVL[NSON LIMITED - 25 FRIOU CHICKS MEDICAL Free. Brunton Farms, 52 Winnett,
r WITH iy%'ERY 200 PUL'LETT Olt, Toronto.
10D mired chicks ordered, ne give illi. SirLl•',OD'S ST,OSLV:HIC HEAIS
610 YONGE ST. • TORONTO t -••5 ' tree chicks. Pullets $15.00 to •obstinate Stomach Troul>la: User RHI:L'MATIC SUFFERERS "
+�+t MOVING SHIPPING i $19.ri0 per 100: Mixed Chicks $8.00 atatea: "For years I suffered ter- -a'
to $10:00 Der 1U0; Cockerels, 3L5D rible gnawin Palos below breast- IT'S PROVEN — EVERY fi['FFER-'
PACKING STORING Nellous Restless I
_to. i$5.50 per 100. Our price list bone, few itouce atter eating, er of Rheumatic Paine ,�r Neur-
will attrprfse Sou. Send for copy, -causing gas and bloating. aly.only iti9 should try Dixons Remedy.
.l(:, c I•'urttlture 1'rul Goddard Chick Hatchery, Britan- relief was soda and that only for %old only at Munro's Drag Store `
Cars—W'Inuipeu• Rnd Wine I! ni,p Heights, Ont. short time. Then I took Dr. lfc- 335 Elgin, OttRNa. 1'o�tpatd $t.DD. i
to Const. g Cranky? Restless? f Lead's Stomachic. After three bot-
Can't sleep? Tire a"tUCntS, PCLLETS ties I was tree from pats. I kept �� 1
"aft? Annoyed byte- BOOKLET PRODUCING EGGS UN- on Improving and have note been Guarmteell %
1' der Ten
'ants Der dozen tar Feed- well• For several years, enioying ` '
male functional die- Cnst.mailed free on requeRt. Order meals without medicine. Good for rip jp
orders andmontlt]ydistrese?Then take chicks and ulleia nota.. ,Manor• all forma of, indigestion. Thug CAR AND TRUCK `Plai�Ts
Menth-otatum P
helps check gat h- Lydia X. Pinkliam's. Vegetable Coni- Farm, Clarkson, Ontario-- Store nr «rite Dr. __VcLeod's Stom-
eringofmucus,•• pound, famous for over 60 years In .- r achic' Co„ 558 Bathurst Toronto. Used _ New
SoiQl$ S relieves stuffed. BAF ERY EgtilPJiE _ $1.�Rii per bottle Dostpa{d. -
7 t 7 choked- onstrili, helping such rundown, Creak, nervous , Sl•Fa ALl'/.111f1i ti•' RE8LHyd MU• _
er` Tars and tuber, conditions. Made especially for women. BAKERS* 0, - .VS AND % ACHIN- SATISFY TOITR. LF — EVERY TORS, PUtYFR-UNITS. Hydraatle
SV�EE 30c.
tin WILL WORTH-TRYIIdC3t_ cry, else rebuilt- equlpi%nt al• •, sufferer of Rheumatic 'Fainr or e 0 1st e , winches. Geaeratera. Y;
7 ways nn hand. Terms. arrahged. euritls should try Dixon's Rem- ytartenr, Magnetos, Carburetors.
Correspondence invited. Hubbard _Neurit
Sold only at Munro's Drug Radlelare — Exchanse service, w
r Portable Oven Co., lU3 Bathurst Store; 330 i;lgin,.Ottawa. Vorztpald Ginaa — Satlatadttea er' refYat.
i -ISSUE 12— 41 St., Toronto. Ft.Uo. 1.eIT Aute Parte. Dept.a.. Tercets. a
by Isabel hlsron and
an instrumen- expression and ability, and thy, we
' tal by Grace White. A' hig'hlig'ht of say, were very well done. It is a �� D
}"'-- the evening was a presentation of a good story, voell done,, and recon=-
-The many friends of Mrs. Ken. Life Membership in the Women's end very sttonly, that . you see it,
hllprleyt regret to hear of her being Missionary Society, by the ladies to .Tonight in the Club Auditorium. tr Fe
obliged to retvu'n to hospital _ last Mrs_ Bunting
n8 in a PPreciati9n of her
Tire, Ontario Count ,Seed Fair many years of work in the organiz- In Memoriam —
Y ation. Mrs. W. C. Muj9car read the
whish wvah >chednled to be held in address, and Eileen Bushby, pres.'d- I CALVERT In loving memory of _ -Beaverton- on March 19th; has been Dear Mother `who passed awayMANYaant of the t G. I. T. Cunup ;Wade . . YEARS AGO
postponed. until Wednesday, March the presentation. At the close of � M�'ch 21st, 1935. • t
26th. $200 in prizes is. being offered. the pro Deep in our hearts, lies si picture
-8kt'iuten!est' pro has been ar- gra+ the girls entertaiZed s ----•_,.. -
mg the members of the Society„ with Of a loved one, gene to rest; We placed en the iinarket $ oCe
:rapged, ;which includes a speaking light r�reshanents. In M,emory's Frame we shalt ]deep it; �• ry
contest, and Junior Judging ��-+it¢rs. H_ M. Aitkep will be the Because she' was one of the best. commodity which has met with a great
etiti6g. There is • still time to get Guest Speaker at the Annual Roast. i •--d-ovingly remembered by . Beatrice •
particuiaxa from E. A.. Innes, U,x$�- •Beef.. Dinner'• (]lot), - which will• be'and•her daughters. success and which has proven 'by, the
xidge, .arid e_n%r those good seeds of served by the ladies of Pieldering. Nn 1
$' - iced Church, on Tuesday, April 1st, Letters to the Editor test of time to be . First CTasg in quality
_ -.
The regular meeting of the Wom- at 6.30 o'clock. 40c. and 26c. Those -^�� -- -
en's Instntute will .be held at the who follow M,rs: Aitken°'s daily broafi- In view .of .the' economic' develop- -
Club Roams, on Tuesday .afternoon, cast are familiar with the wonderful went which is presently taking d uniformity.
26th, at 3 p. m. Roll Call = war work elle is doing through the Place in the Township of Pickering, :
y L,aim proud of Canada". Imp- Tambyln WfW� Service, and her plea E am whiting to you as a student The Hanle Of this i commodity. is ' -
of - Towhr Planning and -a summer >
ortant• Hisb*ical
'vents of. Ontario,' for babie6' . apd childreni's clothing, by MI s. C. A. Sterritt. Reeding, by the next shirkrwnt to -be sent -'to resident of your community, to
Ifts. Kingston. Contest — Parade of Reading, Eng., and to. be packed on swggest t�rat it is highly desirable; - ]BIG
STORE. --:Old Time Hats (to be worn-bycon- April 1st. The Ont rule eve indeed, necessary, that the author- _TEA -
nestants). Prizes give. ]=Hostesses = �g must be new„ We would like ''ties 'Of your township should "ii) e •
Mesdamesz McDonald, Newman, Dix- to havv- Pickering represented in this immediate steps to appoint a Town now retailirig at 65 cts• per lb•
an and Johns. Important Business, ! splendid work, apd are asking all Planning Committee to prepare a
to be discussed. A � Attendance Tows Planning and Zoning Scheme
80� those who wish to donate anything 8 g
is requested• that will fit a Mild up to 16 yeary, for the Pickering that is bound to
-"'St. George's Church, Sunday, of age; to Ieave.samai with any men- develop ;into a large municipal- 'And Right z Now
kgmh 23rd, 4th Sunday in Lent. il' ber of the W. A. _ ity in the near future. t
at. = and 7 p. to Services of Prayer . -,A fairly good ``house" greeted As you are probably atVWe, the -:'-We are placing on the' insrket another commodlty.-
sad Intercession for6w Empire AA the players of "His . Wornen ` Folks' Ontakao MAnicipal Boardhale to ap- which We anticipate will meet with the same
.this �q of crisis.�
AWvply, so the Club Akditorium on Wednes- prove of all plana or schemes of of p — -
][sreh 23x4 has been knopn in the day night. The e> uva%% a pidwt►-ether ent4nicipalitiea under. the provision. good BDCCeBs, and will merit the 8sille
'Ckuvh for dentaries as "1Nbtbwbg kept many away. On Friday night of the Planning and Development First Clis9- unlit. gni] uniformity.
' Elmiday.' The day on which the (tMight) ihw• wibo did not see the �• I understand that the Hon. Mr. q 9, T•
ebmmch appeals to. her mmsbert to play, Noll have an opportunity a Hepburn contemtplates • appointing The name of this commodity is
xrstasa to the pri'vil" and duty -of acing it; a second presentation being a Special Towl% Planning Expert or -
oeW - i ria]dExperts to Dope with news Indust- BIG
p- _ The appeal comes with sp- >msde• The nary is one in a moder'n-
eciaiy this yea¢ and all are age, air -liar` of today play_ rise developments which are taHng
�ecnxthial$* invited to attend these ser- ins apart. - We mist sot tell tare Ir k iwBo _ vn11I assist 'eoimnaatnitiea
-vices, F�*acher, Rev- E. G Robin- story, but toll you that the play is in the formulation of Towu Plan- � ,sand the retail `'IntrodnetOr " pr
is 63c.'s lb.
son. Sunday School as usual at 10 full of interest, exeitmen:t and hum- � Srhemyeb- ' i►
+a. m. our throughout. SeveVW acts call A PrbpgF' town plain at the ores- This coffee is ground from the -coffee .bean- and is
Groupaffiliation of the Comrades for -a considerable amount of seting, Ent time would not duly preserve
roup of the C.'G L. T. with the (cop next eolwmn please) the existing charm of Pickering, carefully packed in lined bags to insure, the Yery
United Church Women's Missionary which is quite an old community, hest flavor and freshness. We wantou to tr it.
'Soddy, took place in the school- Card of Thanks but prevent the. traffic tangles and y y'
rooms w*tb Mks. F. T. Bunting, Pr whim problems which have confron- Compare it with any of the regular higher priced /• _. _
11W� wish to thank the ladies who g coffees. We think you'll Wanl4o use Big Store
' ersbytezial Rdpreeerrtatnve, conddet- ed and are now confronting the .old=
Ing the serxice, assisted by Mrs. H. so kindly sent my son Ted, a parcel er towns and cities ' of Ontarici.
for Christmas, which � ve much Coffee continually.
T. Fallaise, 'president of the local W. r`1' � your - local authorities, in - _ y .._: _...
]K 3 Following the cereemony, six of appreciated by Ted, and his parents their wisdom, tate prompt action
the ladies presentbd a short scission- give their apologies for the delay, and make a unique record for the
spry plop*, "The Fountain of Youth" but the tbahlcs are _no tees sincere- future City of Pickering.
+and ttogeical ntanbeR+s included a solo --,Fred sad Alice, Favile, Pickering So CHAPMAN
-- - .
1pss'talaa A. Keys, Y. Q'
Pickensg -,Nardwa`r'e r .
`-. ,See O►pr Display of
Mc ar
y and Findlay _
- Stoves and Ranges1.7
,Your rousing response to an d -+'
. k I his united appeal will be 1
. Ithe cheeriest word you � ary ;Electric Ranges
can send him
Frigidaire Ref rigerators
• Private John smith is through with drill andt
duties for the day. _ � ',S ock and Poultry Foods
He is tired, maybe a bit.'Ted.up." He is far from -
home and lonely. of - All binds -
He longs for a dash of gaiety, a bit of cheer ,
yearns, perhaps, for a, homey nook where he can m
read, lay games, listen to the radio, write to the
.. • .' t g ni f r.
rmick •Deering Farm NecF,ieery ars
: folks ck home � Repairs.
- •7�gt • o Mc_o
It is the fob of these, six or anturiom to see "
that discomfort, boredom, loneliness have no place
in the precious leisure moments of our men in —
"i uniform. Wherever they go these services go too; —�� • h Cats (it !t. Or D'r ■si ami r
"s come bomb or battle. -
.. _ ��
# W n.
ry amp, g t the of drinks
s the ranges, these a ' J. S. ' B AL DC`�N
services bring them hot drinks and snacks, smokes i i •'
and other comforts. Recreation centres are set up t � `CKERING -+
... sports and entertainment organized ... reading _
and writing materials supplied. Comfoatable
canteens provide extra food. There are educationalXx
facilicies. Hostess ' hooses enable the men to
- .l ,kq anion nwicar avci-a� cvncacss. - -' SPECIALb.
aSAk�ATioN AY Understanding, Experience and Dollars 1
Understanding hearts, orgaaiiation a'nd _ R - _
ex ience backed by your dollars can do the +3 reakfast Bacon :- 25c• a ib'
-, i W.0 A WAR job effectively.
._.� s •
AN 1.SG10N''� ; ;c ' let the volunteer helper who calls -on. you carry ifliriced Steak `�—L• r
back your pledge o fullest .support for our
Y D�
I(, C'' HUTS
You never have failed them—you will not now.
• Pork Liver,
a lb.
A*M.o.it D•E•
-Stewing Beef,
a -ib.
_ Service
*l�wa.s m o o ps o^"
Jews Sho�rte>lltia ,
l ac,
a lh
**Fol W
Not' 1 He du9 ars
nte 200 B St T
Cl Cle
_. ;.
ane a ,- ay ronto _ assiC iw in — 3 1 »;nf, 13c. - -
:��-GIVEt �
-f r