HomeMy WebLinkAboutPN1937_03_19` 0.110,41000taesal (garbs. aleali -W DR. H. "O. • PEARSON—Physician "Surgeon. Dumbarton. . lay - R B. P'ORSYTH. Oph. D., Ditector L%eOpeometrica] As oeistiono(Ontario. Reg. lWared Myer of the American Optometrial tido. Eyes esaopimsd by aDtntmeat. i U04. ctaremtret. out. u twgeat. DONALD RULLY- )iarriatur . Solicit&. Notary t W*c. uloaeyw Lose. 091ee formerly oceuPted by me-+aie A. E. C:hris- dsm6south wing of Court Hours. Whitby. illy BEATON, BELL tf ROSS ' Barristors is Solicitors 1W ILLIAM J. bEATON. K, C. H. BROOKE BELL. K. C. J. D. F. ROSS JAMES A. WRIGHT _ -91 Ray btreet, Toronto. %dNaide U38 f� 0. RICHARDSON k Co.. Barris- ==- Solicitors. Notaries etc., Suite 501: Life Building, 38 Toronto St. Toronto. :Telephone Ad..1.688: Pickering ebane 3613. 8tf 1 Mrs. Solicitors. Nota, ie. Public. Office _ 'at Gordon House. Pickering. ,on Tuesday and Saturday evenings from 7 90 to 9.30• or by r19 ap- tmemt. Toronto office. McKinnon Bldg.. 4eiind" St. Phone Elgin 5903. 29tt_C' CONAN�1l✓✓ T &AN XII — Barriste-t4, Solicitors. Notaries Public OGRPON D. CONANT.rK. C. ALLIN F, ANNIS. B. A.._LL. S. Offices- -7.1 2 Simcoe-St, S.. Oshaw4 E'Lones—•i and 5 ((shawa). and at the Court House- Whitby, lMr, Conant) Phone 7 (Whit- by). _. Ueritat -HERBERT T FALi.A19E. L D S.. D. D, S . Graduate W the Royal Collage c f gaaam Sur;rons&ad the university of Toronto. i ce in r,Vnce second door seat of St. And- ra�'s Church. Pickering. Ont. Office boors : 9 a. m M 0 P. P.. - oy appoint meat. , (X-ray yi►r' aeeviee). Plane Pick 9700. Oars 7o. FPOSTILL, Licensed Auodoneee. s for 00"stes of Yore and Ontario. sma- etoa sates of all kinds a4seaued M no sbaeseall a*us& Addrees Green Sivar P. o:, On% R..- HEATON. TOWNSHIP •Clark. Couveyawer. Commimmooer for taiga; sf/tlavtta. Accountant. Etc. Issuer of i.4arciage Lioenwa. Wbitevaie.Out. 1 A. E. RICHARDSON GIENERAL INSURANCE REAL E9TATE 'CONVEYANCING Jl►n old estab&hed agency, reale is serve. Phone, Pick. 60011 •._ .W M. 'MAW - LICENSED AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR .:Sales conducted Anywhere Phone or, write. Address 614 Dunda. Street, East, Whitby. Ontario. CYR L E. MORLEY 4W GENERALINSURANOE •P680 — Plekering, ata WRITES - _ Fire. _ ...: : ...,Automobile - -' Burglary and- Accident INSURANCE Studio Lounges a These are .exoeptiouKlly comfortable as a couch and easily Opened to dou. able or two ' singl'e beds with spring mattresses, - '"'One style has a deep wardrobe drawer- which takes care of the bedding r . and a metal back Prise .$29ai0. Other styles without f� wardrobe or back - ,Price, $28.60&.$261.00 Motor Ambelaace, Dar or Night Pbme If00 Ca A. STERRITT Funeral Director Furniture Dealer Piakeving. Ontario NOTICE Dumbarton 1Whitevale ` -j. GREENWOOD The elambined _choirs of Centeno -- The OddfelIows are holding a . �� ,U_ ur trucks paaa„pont way ial and Dunfbarton united Churches, Euchre and Dance in -their Hall -inn MIL L S every day.” under the direetiF.n of Mr, Barnes, Thursday, -Mar. 25th_ ' Proceeds in will present, in. _the Duaba n. Un -aid of Orphans - F.dticational mound.- -- COAL COBE, fated Chlureh, the cantata, The Cruc= A�dsalssion, 25 cents . 1886--1936 WvOD,. CEMENT,' ifixion" by Stainer. Silver oa Uct- ion.. • COMING►- comic _operetta, "'Gip- • sy Rover to be -presented by the Ch0g i'• BAND, (TRAVEL, Brougham Boulevard Players, Toronto, in the : and Whitevale United ' Church. Watch Monday, Wednesday and• FriAzy Jack Gerow and Miss Yaks vis- for date in-nekt issue of thie.paper. ` BIIILDER'S SIIPPLIEH ited at the Bmwrl home on SundaS _" 3 a160.10081..Oarta$a Work ung' Miss Bell Blown returning _ Aadley. _ :7c. per bag With them l We have also placed in stock a full i Palmerston relatives visited the Bev. Mr.. Poulter, of Wooler ooc- 20 bags - lice of Maple Leaf Milling. Duncan families on Sunday., upied the pulpit here on Sunday ve aeceptabl Rev. Mir. Spencer ry - - 25 bags and ;over, 6c. per bag Co'a Feeds. Norma Harden has returned home y A. W. MITCHELL lfrom Pickering. of Smithfield will be here next Sun- day. A hil line of cattle and pig , Sympathyis expressed for . Mrs. p 'meets feeds Pickering, Ont. Duncan Ser., and family in the death her William The Missr`m Band at the. home Mrs.. R.,Winters on Sat.. , Pig Concentrate - this is necessary of brother, Mr. Muris- -,of. next when Mrs. W. Gee will add- far economical feeding O}�ee phone 7400 Residence 8520 on,^f-Siarkham. Mrs. Shepherd. Gallie and Gladys Gannon were with the Gannon llam= teas them. A full attendance of the members is desired. _}Meeting at Pig Starter for young pigs t ei I lly on Sunday._ firs. Gannon return-- PHONE S•Ll - ed. to -the city kith, them. _ �'D'• A. Lynde,, music instructor in Poultry Feeds, All kinds Chiellea FURNITURE Sirs. George Wills m , was take:z the school here is lioldiz)g a music to a Toronto hospital r•n Tuesday festi%-al serine time. in April and Starter and Growing Mash We ere displaying AD attractive variety of fdr' ari absent-ation and treatrrient. 'our scho�'•1 is expected to take a Bran and Shorts We h�•pe it may be beneficial. Part in it. Every pupi. mill have _- - Aluminum Mod C�ratriteware Etc. Furnitslrp and Furniture Mr. and Mrs, =M. Hamilton pail MT.. Frank Hamilton a visit Saul-- �. keep tis in mind' and practice singing even in doing the chores.' F- Z. C;}REEl�i' Novelties. Prices low, in keeping with times on da He has. been in r healtti at y �' firs. Holliday of Brr•oklin way � _ the anhotd of his. sister and husband air. and .lira Earl Hog`le of Colum- here on Friday last and or zed y _ a .branch of- the" Wosr:,en's Institute, 'R. ♦ 1�1 T PIANO• J �N♦NO' - - e TT �t�t �t .RADIO SERVICE bus. • _ at the h^mie of Mrs. P.• Winters. . A draduate of Radio a L011eg _ •:., This community rvmm 'w-ith the friends. o! rhe late The officers were: Pres. bars. Win- lets, Vice--President, Mrs. Ciarencc AND . With .David .idilne. who passed away at his home at . Btryant, Secretary -treasurer, Mrai. All kinds of RF sir R ork I -Up-to-the-minute training Cherrywoori. after a few days , ill- Everett Bryant, Directors: -Mrs. F. 7111 Tuning Guaranteed , and new fmm a heart attack on Satur• Crawford and ivies: Mel. Bryant C. S. MacDONALD mFINEST EQUIPMENT day afternoon. Paegraima for the year are being,- rrisde out. -- - .209 CLOSE AVE.. '1ORONTO for . We have had- several complaints _._...so;_: Phone Lakeside 1502 Guaranteed Satisfaction r. Brorwarn readers lately of Tomeing _ Alto" _ Orders taken at NEWS nffim ATgod being there too much church aril .. : -'Reasonable' Prices Tabes Batteries alwas..o .,d Institute news and' not enough sport news, to which we reply, Congratulations to - Mr. and -Mrs.. L� S`h i n e s r o r Sale, and that .this Winter taro different par- E. Benson. It's a girl. gl , - H. ROY MILLER. ties in Brougham have asked ua Mr. and Mrs.. W. Reesor were _. _ ,Brouirbam. Ontario publish their articles on Brr.agham Sunday visitors wtith Mr: and Mrs. - at Galvariz+-d Ste*4 Shingles, B t_ rd'. Fett_9lrlte Shingles. l8tf Pbtme� Mari 1008 - athletic activities, which we gladly H.- Make. We Also i r -t ubkoering buggy wbeeb. promised to • do. To date , nvt rn Line has been sent in by these ople pe are sorry to report that Mr F. 3..hnson is very ill W e hope he ry p Lawn mowers sh%rVened. T PATis RSON S • OLAREMON D- A.- -:B:0 E R all rye which leaves room for many • may shortly regain strength and health: _ ,•; t.rir. ' Phune 9811 a comment. On Tuesday, March 23rd at 2 P. The Willinir W-Tkers Class inteno - Insurauce- of All Kinds. m., Bre-ugharn and Clar•esnont_ mem- holding a wilting an.i put -hack dir- ;FUEL Beet Rates Available with bars of the W: M. S. are to be pri. ner'at the bwnp.of Mr','' *- Rewe* Tuesday _ vileged to hear Slim E. Mitchell :n on next. ~Seenrit d S 7 anService. Brougham. Church. It is. to be hoped al1 the wrsnen number from ,here attende•t the Lrish Stew spy-nsored by the K- Builders' Supplies of the oorntnunity vt�ll try to hear this speaker, who I. of Stouffville. on_Satur�y _nie . . Address Phone' :-.: for many years has been travelling snd report a very 'pleasant time. -�•-- - BROUGHAM PICK 516across the nonunion in the interest Meskry Jess •• and Barcus Ree • 41.1I : t. t-7 .t 1; (t filth of the wrork of the W: M. S: and went on a ,fishing trip tn• Besv?r- (�. �,Ii14zI IEiN Pickering Mills from her wide experience has a wonderful slot y Lo tell' tun one day .recently. Oh. Yes! the; brought -fish- home with the -n a 6.1le Coal On j�P dnesday evening the Picky on Easter. Sunda the kinsman y Alberta belts (}i z It Agency for Frost & W-o0d g y -erink Dramatic Club presented their Quartet will take chart e f the - _ DoII1.eHt i( Coke C•ooksbutt Farm Machinery •ti play Attorney for the Defense" in the hall: The many' chureh serr.ice • here. The )fferin will go toward the fund' for th- - GFlnent, Lime, 1'lastet Complete lire and repRirP. present leave the closet attention thloughout The_ building of a basement. •. Dir. and Mrs. Slack a'.so Mr. and ._. .-Maple Body Wood i Chopping end Feeds of all paeseatation and expressed their keen• appreciation of it. The play is =firs• F. Mackay and Billy had e Agts.for; Lnudy Fence en.t kinds. pot an ordinary one, theartists i¢n- ening dinner with :lits. J. .144+rtks i ''dna Mf ov(�ljpr - " personating the differeint charact-d Mrs. W. lfiackay at Stouffville -' Royal Pastry Flour Ars in - a very professirRial irlanner. on Thursday last. It being the 'bdr- and Poultry Feeds, Growing They will always !be welcome visit-, thday anniversary of the latter. yCOCkAlllltt lu,plenlerite ` .Mash, Laying. Mash - on to Brougham. The entertainment was sponsored by the W. X. S. of '- ---+- Dtmbartott - - �i _Secure Prices Before Baybe _' --�— - ,We carry all makes of Plow Pants. ' �• the church, who appreciate the pat- ronage given by the 'colrtlmuriity. Mr. -and Mrs.. R. D. Buchanan 'week -_ -- - ][ 7 T T C n 1kT O S Y WILSON Lockwood . D. N . Lock W ood On Tuesday afternoon, March -9th spent the, past -end with rel- �l 1 L ►J v ltl • PICKEiiINGI, ONT. the Women's• Institute heM 'their. atives . at Havelock ' : 1I Mu. w 0114 41 March meeting at the home of Mr. St. Paul's on -.the -hill, Dunbairt�:n. Pl oaeMark 7500 and Mns. L. Matthews'with an at- Sunday, March Llst. Palen S�rnday. 1 �, O. �L ��� tendance, of 52. Mrs. Harvey, Pres- Sunday School at 2 A m. EKwdng - idents presiding. The meati open_ Prayer, at 3. Prutarer, Rev. it, B., 'Christ FIGHT i .FUNERAL DIRECTOR ed in the usirai knanner: Among the Pattei•aan, M,. A. of Church iV l3 1 Atubulmace• - impctstarl't items of business, _ Winter. Colds ` Private :. V" the renewing of the W. 1. mem- . The next regular meeting of the Day and Night %rvice' berships in the Crippled Childress Dunbarton Y.' P. S. will be held on -. - - _ By 'x Pbone OWAssociation, by payrtlent of $10 as Monday, March 22nd, at 8 P. m,. Miss Helen' Wood, Citizenship Con'-' Building up Vitamin Re. Malvern 5000 membership fee. The drnation of your A Markham, • :,Ont. $5 to the Consumptive Hospital and vener, will have charge of the meet- Ing. C. Reesor, Reeves _ ....... _ ..serY.,e. --- $4 for the Public Speaking contest at=the closing exercises at school on • Pickering Tolvv+nsitip, will be the f We featurefollowing the e oownf ll i Vita Vita For Your Poultry March 25th, when the W. speaker. - The. fans min Products: i. wail -be hostesses to school child- - who witnessed the hock- - Wampole's Cod Liver Oil x1,00 Driuking 'Fountains and Feed ren. The afternor-ri'srogram was P a delbate (m the ' "Whether ey game..between : Brougham and Dunbarton at Whitby, on Monday Ayerst's Alphamettes 50 ca j� - Troughs.made in our own sho p question a 'clean, .--cross- wife was- preferable evenin for the W: H. Moore g, �. mules _$2.00 r, - • : _' � (rood quality and moderately to an untidy, ,gq,�d-natured one". The affirmative was sponsored by can truly repeat Foster Hewitt, by saying, "Wowfel whatgaime folies" Abbott's Haliver Oil capsules priged. - ' Meadamea D. Mairs, M. Ellicott and _a and what really' tickled the fans 25's SSc. Oyster shell •and mica W. Knox, upheld their contention the negative, tak- 'teas the scare—Dunbartonl, Bk+ou- � 0' SO'fl $1.00 100's $1.80 grit twith. ratich spirit;. �everung Also dairy- utetiails and filter sari by Mesdantea H. Malcolm. T. Another pleasant has %sen for by the "On- Ayerat_.Caleium A Caps , - Morton and Miss Duncan, made a planned you 100 $2.13 " pads:- - good d8fence. The judges,'I�eedarii- We -Co" Group of the Dunbatrt _ W. Malt (! Cod-Livtr Oil I IN 59ar Furnace work 'and general tin= is T. Robertson, G ilip Phand U. A. A p6sy Dunbaat�rt Uplift 9oc- 't = 2 lbs, 98i~. smithing promptly attended to. Jolinbton bra�oght' in a favorable lety' will be prr;si rated by members the W. ttiiss ESleen Bvshby Sed all oilier popular Vitsa�io - verdict for the negative. A very en- ,A. pf'oducta. able half-hour was a;¢oeett by all of FSdcer$rg wd11 >te to costume. ' idLVIN BU�HBY at the tea tables which were Other ftemas o! interest on the pro- E.C.Jonesm• Hardware Phone 4600 alzaralantly spread by hostesses ghee++ will �e announced next week. 1 ; PTORBRING) ifrs. NatHtews and Km. Albert and Will Gray. Folidw+ing the program, lunch will I be served. and a socW hntw spert. DruggW R I—a..onauctea ny rxurc55utc NrtvKY U. BELL — 3 ( 'With the co-operation of the :carious Departments of the Ontario Agricultural College ,s�,r , 1. Question:— "Will you please tic animals do not get access to thee" " tell me what can do for Cut Worm bait. z`. or Wire Worm "=H. H., York WIRE 1VORti1S County. The chief methods to keep fret i Answer: Almost every' Spring of wireworms is by practising -A cutworm,; do considerable damage to short rotation of cross. This r t - r r a corn, caubage,, tomatoes, tobacco _moves the-xaai-n-.. bree-ding--plac A; - ' and some other crops by cutting namel$. tre old oastures and mend - them oR at the ground. The insects ows: y- When breaking up such a 'S� y work P.; right _and hide by day just field, a good practice to follow is beneath the surface of the soil or either to plou•,h it early, work it Vag under rubbish' or any good cover- up and sow wheat the came fall or, - ing. They are stout, smooth cater- if this -annot he' done• plough it pillars and when at rest are usually later in .the fall and nest springy Y " curled up into 'a circleso^v oats or barley. In eithe• case. To control them use a poison bait. put in red' or, zrieet clnl e'r in t)•e There are severa! formulae for this springy. 'gest year take olf t' -e clover, but the following is about -as goo3 ploi•gh !arly and put N wheat, ad - . an as ., ' Y• ' c:ing a clover again the fol'oi•:ink " -Bran ..,.............. 25 lbs.. §nrinz; or oats or harley wit" a - Paris grecn or fine white clover may f xai•i. he r•sed. ^ fter Miss Evelyn Larson, blonde Union arsenic 1. lb, this crop of clover has been harveet- City, N.J., beauty shop operator, Cheap molasses .._.•...._.....:_ I qt. ed or ',Aor rbed under.' usual'y 'any . who shared the confidence of R, Wat enough to moisten, crop may foIlov:. Norman Redwood, slain chief of 'gout .......................... 3 gals. Peas: [,uckwhei-t 'and flax, he;ng sandhogs' union, was questioned by liran , 5 lbs. li'-e Oov • Prosecutor about his ' last visit to " ' "' '"' ' "' ' '" "' r e wire-wortrs may ptso he used in tFe was . shot down in front of Teaneck, N. arsenic ............AAAA 3 ols rotation vntil the snit is free from J., home. Cheap Molasses -:.............. :.. 3Y qt- the wo•~ns Alf:•Ifa, 'too; is seldom Water enough to inoisten, injure! but does not v:n'rk well into about............. ... > RAL a rotation. Mix the bran and Paris Corn and g y . green Potat�res beim ver sus- thorouglr:y , until th'e green can be ceptible sho!►Id ne* cr I -e placated. _in seen e4erywbere through the bran. any soilhick i. t-nown to contain Movie � ` Add the molasses to the water, stir, wirewol•tns. �� then .pour the sweetened liquid 'over It has =teen o6served that wire - the poiaaned bran and mix until all worms rre nsunlly wore in poorly is moisS•: ned and will fall almost like drained soil, Fence 'tile draining sawdust through the fingers, will pr)rably aisu he''of .al^e, at If the plants pare been set out least in assisting p!pnt growth.. The pore rania!y-the-plants grog and are being attacked, drop a _ Radio small quantity of the 'bait—one- they ialty .in sprrnz• the less like[ quarter of a tea, poanful—alongside they gra to'be -f-tin br wireworms.41dpr- , hence t+tfore pl^t.tinrr the field, pre- �r Ry VIRGINIA DALS each plant. Do thin late in the par the soil well and, if poorr dd evening :o that it will be fresh when comrr.erris l fe-tilizer and time where Actors are' apt to be a the wotmy begin to feed. -if the p pretty peeded gloomy and pessimistic _ lot when plants have not yet been set out and cutworms are known to be in the Baits. may- bometimes be used a you know them soil, prepare the ground- well and a small. &rale, • esuecially in gardens well. They are al- then .aa evening or two before. set- and gr>en houses. .to canture the ways worrying be- ting out the plants, scatter the bait wireworma-- P0' tames may he placed cause the career of -thinly, as one w uld do in sowing about three inches deep in the soil an actor is apt to grain, o'er the7ZI; or field. The and 10 Leet apart. Stick a short be short, always cutworms will feed upon this and -wire painted irtrn each .potato to pointing out men in be killed before they can do any mark ;ts position Examine. the po- the extra'ranks who • damage tatoes gree a wet -k and destroy the' only a few years One ,application is usually suffi- wireworms present.. Replace t'ie. - a;go were stars -Now cleat to control say ordinary out- potatoes and repeat. This may' he' they have suddenly done for -three weeks in succession 3 break and when . scattered thinly, getting • rid of discovered that and w.��ild resu.c is the larger quantity will cover about their-, worries were . many of the -wireworms- ,It should one acre. be begun in spring as -soon. as 'the Jack Holt imaginary- .Jack TION: Do not inhale the dust -- Holt, after. twenty CAUground a warm and the cvirewortns :.. four years in pic- fromthe e poison when mixing, and have core up, as.can be determined tures, just signed a new contract beware that cattle or 'other domes- with .;nivel. nivel. _ with -Colombia to 'make' six West- - •- � • - erns a veal:" He is as popular as are ,just ever, maybe: more so. a wallflnv.Tr if you don't are suable to explain. a bequest e1 know your American history. Dir- $75,000 to the .Royal Canadian'Moun• ectors, players, authors and any ted Police, revealed in her will. For weeks Clark Gable has been visitors who happen to be around completely mystified by receiving swap stories about pioneer days, and .Sir James , .Va�Brien, commtssione= . high offers foe the decre ii old Ford of the R.C. an - i Ottawa last week g P anyone brash enough to mention announced an -Edinburgh lawyer had_ Carole Lombard sent him as a val- current events, like who won the advised him of the bequest but had entine Asst year. Now -the truth is second race at Santa Anita, or nQt informed him of .the reason the out. A Mr. Brown of Richmond; what happened last night at a cafe, money was left. N. S. Sargeaunt, of Virginia, wants to buy it to•.exhibit is quickly squelched. Ashby. Hants, uncle of .hiss Car -den, . at County Fairs.. But Clark won't To the great success of "The is equally • in the dark, he discloses sell unless CarolA_ gives. him permis- Plainsman goes the credit or the in a letter to the Canadian Press: sion. blame --for all this pride in the past. The company is so enthusias- Sarg2aunf wrote that 31ias Carden Instead of raving about : Henry tic over that picture, and the forth- was the only daughter of Sir John Fonda and Sylvia Sidney in the coming "Maid of Salem"..that they Craven -Carden, Bart.. of Templemom are delving Abbey, County Tipperary: Her 'mo- " . gripping, tragic You Only Live g into history for their Hier wit a daughter of Sir Valentine Once," Hollywoonians come out of next big production, 41, James Baker. the theatre making up silly. couplets. Lewis,'' the stor,;, of the early days - That is what the company gets for of the Wells -Fargo express.. -.7 It is understood that during the dispensing with grammar in the Great War Miss Carden drove an title. One of Henry's .best friends• • " ambulance and in her will included said, `Yam Live Only Once' may Cuff To R C.M P legacies to two women who were with - be ' better grammar, but 'You Onlys.her at that time.' She is also believ 'Live Once''- is: elegant drammer." Mystifies Maria ed to have lett a sum of money to a' Another one, playing with, the same fire brigade. Idea, said, ".'You Live Only -Once' L.egacv of $752,000 Cannot Be Her next-of-kin is• belleved to be a m may be ore grammatical, but 'You Explained esy Relatives 10 -year-old boy, the present baronet - Only Live Once' �s very d'ramatical," and a son of her only brother who LCENDON.—Relatives of Miss Aud- w s killed in a plane, crash in Kent Over at the Paramount studio you rey Carden, of Knightsbridge, London, last year. Busy Boston Bees Bat A group of Boston Bees rookies Iine up for batting wactice at the Waterfront 'Ark, St. Petersburg, Fla., AV Ila the spring training season gets under way with cries of "batter upw' LT.SS,ON,. LESSON XII yoke• of the Roman government, and JOHN'S PICTURE OF THE TRIAL whose true king must needs be of AIVD CRUCIFIXATIO]!J• __ - F the line of David, so easily forgetting John 18:1 — 19:42 all their past history. and .their pres- Printhd Text - John 19:4-9; 14-18, ant shame as to say they would have 25.30 no king but Caesar, as uncirctuncis- g Golden Text — "Hereby know. �A►a — - ed, -.pagan, godless Gentile. r v lome6 because he laid down his life "Then therefore he delivered him. ' !or tta, — 1 John, 5:16. unto them to be cructfied:' In none a Y'HH LESSON IN ITS SETTING of the Gospels does it appear that Pi - The arrest of Jesus took late pronounced sentence on Jesus; Place some time • late on Thursday he perhaps purposely avoided doing night. April 7th,- A.P. 30. Christ was so. But in delivering him over to the _ oruciffed in the third hour of the next priests, tie does not allow them to day, Frtday (Mark 15:25), and be.ex_. act for themselves — he delivered pired approximately six hours dater. the Lord to be crucified. A - which would be about three o'clock "They took Jesds therefore'; and he that afternoon (Mark 15.33).• Burial took place -that -day. went out, bearing the cross for him - Place �- Christ was arested in the self, unto the place called the place of a skull, which is called in He (lar4eaa of Gethsemane, which was Golgotha: 18. Where they cruiciferr -ou the lower slope •►f the Mount of him and two others either side i-; -Olives opposite and east of Jeruaa• Imo' ,on one, and Jesua�in the midst." The -"ASA Pilate went out again,- and he licture of the Son of God walking out the Holy City, the city of Melchi-._ .'-salth unto them, •Behold, I bring him zedek, the city of David, .Ehe city of - out to you, that ye may know tont. 1 the great line of prophets, his head find no ortme in him." If _ had seemed reasonably; the .governor and body n 'bleeding. and carrying on .his shoulder the crush - wound naturally have let, the law take Ing weight of the wooden cross, and Its ooes•se. That he had not done so, knowing in his heart that shortly ha. - but brought the accused out again, would himself be stretched upon it, was a clear proof that he held the _charge against him to be groundless is. a scene calling more. -for medita- ''His words are' a)i ' appeal at Qnce, to ti• ti than exposition. - the sense of humanity, , and to the "These things therefore 'the sold- sense of justice in Christ's accusers.- fare did. But there were standing by "JesUa therefore came out, wearing the cross of Jesus his mother, and his the crown of thorns and the purple mother'® slater, Mary tae wife o't Clo- n garmpat." We cannot belp, but think Pae. and Mary bIagaalene. When Je`- in reading- these words, of a time yet sun therefore saw his mother, and to coarse when. the Lord Jesus; will the disciple standing by whom he be, s8pn crowned with glory and hon. -loved, he. saith unto his mother, Wo - our ( Heb. 2, 7, 91; when upon his man, behold thy son! -Then saith he - head dere will be many - crowns for. to the disciple,. Behold thy mother! ever. (Ler. 19:12) ;- and be will be Antj 'from 'tbat hour the discittle took olotbed with a garment down to the her 'into his owl, home:" The first loot, and girt about at the. breasts cry -from the- cross was a prayer for •with a golden girdle" (Req. 1:13). God' to forgive those who bad cruet - "And Pilate saith unto them, Behold , fled him (Luke 23:30; tht second the man!" Pilate spoke more truly utterance was , to the thief crucified : than he knew. His words were pro. -with him (Luke 25: ") • the third.cry bably uttered in contempt; -but they was the one here given, words' to Ireaily are, an acknowledgment that Mary and to John -the Apostle. It is - • the orally perfect man was the one who rect, led ouly in Joht: y Gospel. By stood before them. = mWizing 'provision. for his mother's "When therefore the -chief priests comfort, Je.:us fulfilled the command - sal the officers saw him, they cried oma', "Honor. .thy [ether and thy mo• guying, C'rucity him, crucify him! Cher" (Ex. 20:12), and thus;,from the PUS with unto them. Take him Pulpit' bf his cross preaches to all . Yourselves. and crucify him; for I ages a sermon on the Fifth Com- -Und no - crime to him. The Jews macdment. answered him. - We have a law, and by that law he ought to die, because "After - "After this Jesus, knowing that all he made himself the Son of God." It are now- finished, that the : if soiosetimes said that Christ never s scripture might be accomplished. declared himself to be the Soa of scrth; •I thirst- There was net there a God' to a way that no other men could vessel full of vinegar, so. they put a 'be eons of God; bat such a conclusion sponge full -of the vinegar upon..hys- . is co tradicted by such words as are sop• and brought It to his mouth." toned' in john 6.18 a%d AM 30, 33, and The fourth cry from the cross is not by the plata manner fa which the recorded by John (see Matt. '27:46, ;9Wn btmught accusation against- the 47) • the. fifth cry, 4 thirstis record- _ 10hrfst, which -accusation our L -)rd ed in none of the Gospelss except in mover denied. John. This incident should care - V. Pilate therefore heard this fully distinguished 'from the one re - saying. be was the more afrald." The coided- in Matt. 2?:34; Mark 15:23; -- :-fact ttlat Christ was said to have and Luke 2.;:36. The Holy Spirit'led ! olsined a dirtne origin naturally Jobn to BE in this in 'dent a fullfill• doeppnlaQ the strange fear which his ment of Psalm G9:21. The vinegar ;presenm inspired• Pilate not only . was a sour wine drink made by the ---WAS s& W but he was- more -afraid: soldier& The branch of hyssop was _ "Aad. he entered into the Praetor• from a plant. possibly one and one - lam 4gain." This word• appeared pre;'- half feet high on the end of which the r•iopsly .10. 18:28 (and also .in Matt. sponge was placed. In his lave he suf- 27.37 and 'ark 15:16). Sere it fered men .and- women to _ minister. .pro• " btibtj means the" official residence of unto him and at thea last received the procurator. though -where Pilatets Beatty and humbly this solace from a 'reside" was in Jerusalem during foe' _ tbs time of our L-1rd'is not _quite.cer- . ".When .7 'esu therefore hail recety- �• - I.ed the vin.gar, he said, it is finish- "Aa4 satth unto Jesus. Whence ed. and he bowed his head, and Save. —tri thop? But Jesus gavo him no ana. up his spirit:' Thla is the sixth cry went' (Cf. 'Blatt. 7:6; 27:12.14). Pil• from the cross, and to found only in - ate would not have understood our John's Gospel.. ' So many men have Lord had Christ answered his quer• come to -the end of life conscious tion. and furthermore, tht question ' that they have not Pt all completed had noUiing to do with Christ's guilt, the work they had expected to do. As Pilate continued to question the Victor Hugo said: 'Life is too short Lord Jesus and a- Christ quietly for a man to carry out all that he has spoke to him, more and more the Ho- planned.' Danton, about to- be gull - man official became conscious of the lotined said: 'I leave it all in a fright- greatn08s, as well as of the innocence fel welter-'. 'It is Christ's declaration = of the a who stood before him, and that the final 'revelation of God has he sovAt again to deliver the Lord. been given, that all alienation W- " But the Jews very shrewdly reminded tween God, and man has ended, that him that Christ had called himself a all other religious. rites and ordinanc• :•liing, that thus he swat a rivhl of Cad- . as are abrogated, and that•henceforth sar, and that It Pilate should release there is only one Mediator between' a man making such calms, he would God and man, the man Christ. Jesus. not be Caesar's friend. Of one thing Pilate ,eras certainly afraid — offend.in gthe powers 3n Rome by whom he HEWSON- :Elizabeth Cairns, had been give nail the lucrative post- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Con- tions Web he had held. rad Hewson, Peetanguishine, "Now it*as the Preparation of the . Ontario, wishes to announce the paseover; it was about the ninth hour gilt of a baby brother (Conrad and he with unto the Jews, Beheld, Wiliam) at the Penetanguishins your EtJ"! Tbey therefore cried out, General Hospital, on Tuesday, - -Away with him, away with him, and -' February 2, 1937. crucify him! Pilate satth unto them, Used to be that father and' moth- 8halt crucify your King? The chief m• announced the births; we'vac oven -.priests an-nwered, We have no king, read that laths;, mother and baby but Caesar." About elz o'clock on .Fri! overs "all doing well," but here little day morning, Pilate brought Jesus sister comas along to break the out, -and; hirhself sitting down on the nava to the world. Judgement Beat, presented. Christ to. - the J6-" -as. their klag. It Is strange - to hear lews, who, chafed under the B—R 1 I—a..onauctea ny rxurc55utc NrtvKY U. BELL — 3 ( 'With the co-operation of the :carious Departments of the Ontario Agricultural College ,s�,r , 1. Question:— "Will you please tic animals do not get access to thee" " tell me what can do for Cut Worm bait. z`. or Wire Worm "=H. H., York WIRE 1VORti1S County. The chief methods to keep fret i Answer: Almost every' Spring of wireworms is by practising -A cutworm,; do considerable damage to short rotation of cross. This r t - r r a corn, caubage,, tomatoes, tobacco _moves the-xaai-n-.. bree-ding--plac A; - ' and some other crops by cutting namel$. tre old oastures and mend - them oR at the ground. The insects ows: y- When breaking up such a 'S� y work P.; right _and hide by day just field, a good practice to follow is beneath the surface of the soil or either to plou•,h it early, work it Vag under rubbish' or any good cover- up and sow wheat the came fall or, - ing. They are stout, smooth cater- if this -annot he' done• plough it pillars and when at rest are usually later in .the fall and nest springy Y " curled up into 'a circleso^v oats or barley. In eithe• case. To control them use a poison bait. put in red' or, zrieet clnl e'r in t)•e There are severa! formulae for this springy. 'gest year take olf t' -e clover, but the following is about -as goo3 ploi•gh !arly and put N wheat, ad - . an as ., ' Y• ' c:ing a clover again the fol'oi•:ink " -Bran ..,.............. 25 lbs.. §nrinz; or oats or harley wit" a - Paris grecn or fine white clover may f xai•i. he r•sed. ^ fter Miss Evelyn Larson, blonde Union arsenic 1. lb, this crop of clover has been harveet- City, N.J., beauty shop operator, Cheap molasses .._.•...._.....:_ I qt. ed or ',Aor rbed under.' usual'y 'any . who shared the confidence of R, Wat enough to moisten, crop may foIlov:. Norman Redwood, slain chief of 'gout .......................... 3 gals. Peas: [,uckwhei-t 'and flax, he;ng sandhogs' union, was questioned by liran , 5 lbs. li'-e Oov • Prosecutor about his ' last visit to " ' "' '"' ' "' ' '" "' r e wire-wortrs may ptso he used in tFe was . shot down in front of Teaneck, N. arsenic ............AAAA 3 ols rotation vntil the snit is free from J., home. Cheap Molasses -:.............. :.. 3Y qt- the wo•~ns Alf:•Ifa, 'too; is seldom Water enough to inoisten, injure! but does not v:n'rk well into about............. ... > RAL a rotation. Mix the bran and Paris Corn and g y . green Potat�res beim ver sus- thorouglr:y , until th'e green can be ceptible sho!►Id ne* cr I -e placated. _in seen e4erywbere through the bran. any soilhick i. t-nown to contain Movie � ` Add the molasses to the water, stir, wirewol•tns. �� then .pour the sweetened liquid 'over It has =teen o6served that wire - the poiaaned bran and mix until all worms rre nsunlly wore in poorly is moisS•: ned and will fall almost like drained soil, Fence 'tile draining sawdust through the fingers, will pr)rably aisu he''of .al^e, at If the plants pare been set out least in assisting p!pnt growth.. The pore rania!y-the-plants grog and are being attacked, drop a _ Radio small quantity of the 'bait—one- they ialty .in sprrnz• the less like[ quarter of a tea, poanful—alongside they gra to'be -f-tin br wireworms.41dpr- , hence t+tfore pl^t.tinrr the field, pre- �r Ry VIRGINIA DALS each plant. Do thin late in the par the soil well and, if poorr dd evening :o that it will be fresh when comrr.erris l fe-tilizer and time where Actors are' apt to be a the wotmy begin to feed. -if the p pretty peeded gloomy and pessimistic _ lot when plants have not yet been set out and cutworms are known to be in the Baits. may- bometimes be used a you know them soil, prepare the ground- well and a small. &rale, • esuecially in gardens well. They are al- then .aa evening or two before. set- and gr>en houses. .to canture the ways worrying be- ting out the plants, scatter the bait wireworma-- P0' tames may he placed cause the career of -thinly, as one w uld do in sowing about three inches deep in the soil an actor is apt to grain, o'er the7ZI; or field. The and 10 Leet apart. Stick a short be short, always cutworms will feed upon this and -wire painted irtrn each .potato to pointing out men in be killed before they can do any mark ;ts position Examine. the po- the extra'ranks who • damage tatoes gree a wet -k and destroy the' only a few years One ,application is usually suffi- wireworms present.. Replace t'ie. - a;go were stars -Now cleat to control say ordinary out- potatoes and repeat. This may' he' they have suddenly done for -three weeks in succession 3 break and when . scattered thinly, getting • rid of discovered that and w.��ild resu.c is the larger quantity will cover about their-, worries were . many of the -wireworms- ,It should one acre. be begun in spring as -soon. as 'the Jack Holt imaginary- .Jack TION: Do not inhale the dust -- Holt, after. twenty CAUground a warm and the cvirewortns :.. four years in pic- fromthe e poison when mixing, and have core up, as.can be determined tures, just signed a new contract beware that cattle or 'other domes- with .;nivel. nivel. _ with -Colombia to 'make' six West- - •- � • - erns a veal:" He is as popular as are ,just ever, maybe: more so. a wallflnv.Tr if you don't are suable to explain. a bequest e1 know your American history. Dir- $75,000 to the .Royal Canadian'Moun• ectors, players, authors and any ted Police, revealed in her will. For weeks Clark Gable has been visitors who happen to be around completely mystified by receiving swap stories about pioneer days, and .Sir James , .Va�Brien, commtssione= . high offers foe the decre ii old Ford of the R.C. an - i Ottawa last week g P anyone brash enough to mention announced an -Edinburgh lawyer had_ Carole Lombard sent him as a val- current events, like who won the advised him of the bequest but had entine Asst year. Now -the truth is second race at Santa Anita, or nQt informed him of .the reason the out. A Mr. Brown of Richmond; what happened last night at a cafe, money was left. N. S. Sargeaunt, of Virginia, wants to buy it to•.exhibit is quickly squelched. Ashby. Hants, uncle of .hiss Car -den, . at County Fairs.. But Clark won't To the great success of "The is equally • in the dark, he discloses sell unless CarolA_ gives. him permis- Plainsman goes the credit or the in a letter to the Canadian Press: sion. blame --for all this pride in the past. The company is so enthusias- Sarg2aunf wrote that 31ias Carden Instead of raving about : Henry tic over that picture, and the forth- was the only daughter of Sir John Fonda and Sylvia Sidney in the coming "Maid of Salem"..that they Craven -Carden, Bart.. of Templemom are delving Abbey, County Tipperary: Her 'mo- " . gripping, tragic You Only Live g into history for their Hier wit a daughter of Sir Valentine Once," Hollywoonians come out of next big production, 41, James Baker. the theatre making up silly. couplets. Lewis,'' the stor,;, of the early days - That is what the company gets for of the Wells -Fargo express.. -.7 It is understood that during the dispensing with grammar in the Great War Miss Carden drove an title. One of Henry's .best friends• • " ambulance and in her will included said, `Yam Live Only Once' may Cuff To R C.M P legacies to two women who were with - be ' better grammar, but 'You Onlys.her at that time.' She is also believ 'Live Once''- is: elegant drammer." Mystifies Maria ed to have lett a sum of money to a' Another one, playing with, the same fire brigade. Idea, said, ".'You Live Only -Once' L.egacv of $752,000 Cannot Be Her next-of-kin is• belleved to be a m may be ore grammatical, but 'You Explained esy Relatives 10 -year-old boy, the present baronet - Only Live Once' �s very d'ramatical," and a son of her only brother who LCENDON.—Relatives of Miss Aud- w s killed in a plane, crash in Kent Over at the Paramount studio you rey Carden, of Knightsbridge, London, last year. Busy Boston Bees Bat A group of Boston Bees rookies Iine up for batting wactice at the Waterfront 'Ark, St. Petersburg, Fla., AV Ila the spring training season gets under way with cries of "batter upw' BACKACHE WAS UNBEARABLE Krusehen Brought Him Relief . from Pain This man of 31 Pas prematurely aged by backache, when he should ,have been enjoying the best years of .a -his Me, Here he tells how Krusehen helped to restore him to health, after montlis. of pain:— "I was in hospital for ten weeks, owing to kidney trouble. When I was discharged I felt like an old man, al- though I am only 31. It I stooped to do anything it'was agony to straight- en up again. Several people, advised me to try Krusehen Salts. I tried them .and found they gave me relief from pain and 1. 4'elt better in every way. I cycle 2S miles a day- to and F from work, and shall keep up the daily dose of Krusehen because I can now do the journey to and from work and not feel any the worse • fer it "—S. V.C. When the internal organs- cease to do, their work troperly, impurities begin to accumulate in the system, and cause troublesome symptoms. Krusehen Salts -help to stimulate the liver and excretory organs to healthy. regular activity, and thus assist them to rid the system of harmful impur- �•:ltties. if women are to get better conditions for themselves or even to keep the equalities women have already won." Sli the deleegiVes to the annual meeting will be asked to pass a re- solution containing the following points. To make widely known the facts Implied in contemporary statistics; in the hope that parents may recog- nize their responsibilities to the com- munity. That greater social prestige may be accorded to larger families instead of to small ones as at present. A scheme of family allowances and to provie' such increase of social ser• vices as will make the economic pos- ition of pe.tple with, children at the least as favourable as that of children couples. Provision of. better malt -pity ser•' .vices to diminish Inate':TaI mortality. The Council wiil also supee3t run• ning a parallel campaign to give in., formation regarding spacing of fami- lies. ''We expect a heated debate on all, this" the secretary said "but we feel sure that the solution will be carried:' Hordes' of Insects -Damage Birch Trees sects is ^threatening the valuable nds of white birch in Northern It's A Girl sta Ontario. Those who have travelled throuizli the Rain. River and Wen - English Mothers Want More ora districts hav- noted numerous Daughters deador , dying trees, - all virtims of Do mothers want more baby girls? insects. -Do, married couples: want -larger fa- Ar has Bitch,, a lover - of -forests, .mikes" who has travelled throhgh the area, 'lies? ands of women members o! " declared - here that soma .effort should be made to "save the trees' the Rational Council for Enual'Citt- sensWp want to know the answers to and exterminate the insects. Unless these questions s- because they are somethiag were. doe, the white birch preparing a 31ore Daughters and Big- might become extinct in two years, ger Family campalgi;L says the Lou-. he said. • - - . ' .don (Eng.) Daily Herald. "Both from the .standpoint of Mrs. Eva' Hubback president oL the beauty and the commercial angle, Council mother of two daughters and - we should try to save our birch - on. son will launch the campaign in trees." be said. "Birch is our only 'May by putting a "Bigger F=ily" outstanding hardwood. now that the resolution before 300 delegates to the saw -fly has depleted the timarac in annual meeting. the district. • Unlike tamarse, birch Women members are alarmed at rots soon after. - it is killed and so *Nbe falling birth-rate and in particu is not even of use -for firewood.",- _ lar at the decrease in births of-. the - The damage, he said, is being girls, done by a species of beetle which As the. secretary of the Council lays its eggs under the bark of the said. "We must have more baby girls bireh • trees. The insect pierces the bark, deposits eggs and departs. In due course the eggs produce a small, boring . insect about' an inch - and a quarter in length. - U' This to the insect that does the 4 damage. Feeding off the tender in- t - to • • a ner bark of the birch, the borer Cl girdles .the tree trunk, eating the sapwood and cutting off the supply To Alkahtae Stomaefl Quickly of sap. The tree dies 'within a com- parativeiy short time. the uppermost branches first rotting away - and spreading downward until every bit - V- of the tree above -the ringlike scar is dead, . Background Billy B. Cuoper in the New Fork 'b Sun. Pines and a.'•long road stretching Bey.,gd the blue -grey sky; ' White rand on, the rarge,i coast Anil. ;'ilii geese flying high; ' Smoke im the sea horizon, Sailobats haibored near;;. On all sides, people are learning, that Driftwood on a sandbar, ,* the way to gain almost incredibly And an old,, abandoned p}er,.' ` quick relief, from stomach condition A wild and rugged', -beauty arising from overacidity, .is to alka- That speaks to my very heart, lize the stomach quickly with Phil- A primitive, changeless background Phil- lips' Milk of Magnesia. t . You take either two teaspoons of Of wfticl. I - aim' a part . the liquid Phillips' after meals; or two Phillips' Milk of Magnesia Tab- lets- Almost instantly "acid indiges- tion" goes, gas from hyperacidity, "acid - headaches" — from over -in -NY folks- are . . -. dulgence in food or smoking — and thin and pale nausea are relieved. they're -weak, feel Try this Phillips' way if you have tired, logy and dull. any acid stomach upsets. You will be ''" ' This condition surprised at results. Get either the i r ove; should not be - liquid "Phillips" or the remarkable, looked. of a over; new Phillips' Milk of Magnesia { G o l d e n Medical Tablets. Only 250 -for a big box of Discovery' is a tonic' tablets at drug stores. which increases the A150 IN TA6tET FORM: a appetite, eliminates poisons from tele intestines, and tones up Each tiny tablet is the equiv- the digestive system. Read this: Chas. &lent of a teaspoonful ofAckworth of lit Grey St. London, Ont., �envine Phillips' Milk of rtptltivSd: "A few years ago S was almost a Magvaia. ''.y epreck—my appetite was gone, I slept _ yoorly and felt mean all over; in fact, my a .,. , mi9enneral condition `needed attention. Dr. .. A., ;� .• .. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery wall MADIN" .;, a recommended and before long my digestive `•. w.,. 47sltatl was in good order and I felt well and strong again.' Druggists -everywhere. MILK OF PHILLIPS" MAGNESIA -- - - . COUGHS Take half a teapoonful of Minard's in moke.. Hest M h Word's, i ye if. st. rob ' h wap info rose chat. 0 0 7 IsT11C IN A MINUTE , a . 32 You'll qrf -Nisi ! ,sea roe tormeatM wisp the 11x" torttues d !19* Cooling. attieeytlC. Itpaia U. as W. reMerl��, 1l. gestla a7s wotke the k 1P d y qy � die cost iisttem MA I s tiafaaly. A 7.1e etiat Itottle. at drug late 9ww, It�Ot samr b", 7� Issue No. 12 — '37 �e • B-1 - - 5-6 , From British Columbia word comes' drilling. The Virita property lies fur- or favorrable' development results on ther east. This lvhole south zone is Bralorne, with shaft sinking to lower 'expected to receive 3ntensive'de'velop• levels announced. -Acquisition _ of went. adjoining ground is said to be pre- assistant. superintendent, of the Da-, liminary to- 'an. Enlarged plan of in th'e Kirkland Lake Camp, Fe.'� rat development for Ymir Yankee Girl. Khkland's diamond drilling'campaign Ontario mining interests nolo devel-Ilk only nicely started. A drill is being oping the old St. Eugene mine are re- set up to the north of the -Sylvanite ported as well satisfied with their border. efforts., to revive this famous lead scale, while raspberries: pears, producer of early years. The. ''bot spot" of new mining ` activity Is still the Larder Lake Camp appears to flare a crude oil twenty miles East of Kirkland Lake. .Alberta producer an the -plains, -with • the- 'At least a, dozen new Imining enter - announcement of success for the prises have recelved substantial finan- Plaina Petroleums' driIltl:g test thirty Ging and will be activl'y operating in miles east. of ' Lethbridge. Turner this field by early spring. Arjon Is Valley reported further success with a new incorporation immediately ad• 'west. the bringing in of the -Westside Well. joining Kerr Add;st-u on , the Last reports on the Sunshine Well, John Rogers, well-kne%ii mining engi- note nearing completion, southwest of neer, is prominently identified. The Lethbridge, are .favourable. Armistice Company, adjoining Arjon _ on the west- has -a drill being set up - ready for drilling. Barber Larder Sberritt Cordon in Manitoba is pre- has a crew at work, with camp under. paring for :productioli by iaid-summer- construction. Adjoining Kerr Addison `An offering 'of shares to shareholders on ,the east. is nesterville Mines. at $2.75 per share has been announced. Unconfirmed reports t,,m the north are to the effect that this Company has ohtained a ;Ag width of ore *in _Ln the Patricia district. of Ontario the first drill hole. Pelauglo, adjacent" the Crowehore Mines, with ,properties. to the east, with one claim between, adjoining Albany Riser, have obtained is -actively doing .urface *ork. Martin finances and are preparing for work. Bird has purchased adjoining acre - In the Long Lac Camp, Jellicoe Is pre- a, ,• Brubafer is forming a -company. -paring for a major mining operation. velopinl; this industry in the llMati- Oro Plata controls Jellicoe and owns time Provinces are quite obvious," almost a -share forsharo interest. In Quebec, the area to the north of Oro Plata -has also extensive areas to Noranda, is. particularly active. Waite the west : Jellicoe + come under Amulet has announced reopening. early exploration. Iiutchison Lake is Powell Aouyn is reporting tavour;ble nearing the second level in shaft •6inlr• underground 'results. Rouyn Reward _ 1 Ing with development scheduled to ha. already obtained favourable re• proceed on • two• levels. Geraidton sults, in its first diamond drill hole, Long Lac adjoining, and' llutebineau Quebec Viking -adjoining is preparing Mines to the, east, are expected to for work. Brownlee. is doing further increase, their activities avith' ,early drilling and Quembt rumours on spring. reopening are heard.. Pontiac Rouyn' IwstaP). Pt3nu, BroadrkAbs, a"" L1,01,111111 financing is now, under negotiation. .In. the Porcupine Camp, Preston East -Dome 'is driving frons the shaft In Cadillac Township, Dempsey towards the west ore lone indicated Cadillac has ore showing free gold at as over one thousand ;eet In •length, the first level. in diamond drilling. The'east' zone ` "will tie developed "later. The New A season .w1thout parallel in Cana- Augarita property adjoining has ob- than mining history is the expectation - .1 tain•ed .favourable . results diarhondl among mining men. Que'en' Ct-leLts coronation robes from the robing an- tJC nex, which has been built, just out - Favored V6�otrien side the Abbey, he - train will be borne by six daughters of earls. Be- hind them will rank two ladies -in., LON'DON.- Seventeeii noble-wo waiting six maids of honor and two men will attend Queen Elizabeth wome not the cbedhamber. hi : close when she walks through Westmin- attendance upon her Majesty will be " " ster Abbey for her coronation May her mistress of the robes. 12th. Although no appointment of these When the Queen emerges In her favored attendants have as yet been. made, it is freely speculated that the moat important place, that of the WAKE PLANTS UP Y 0 U N ei 9e of the robes, willed 'be filled either by the Duchess of Buccleuch, _ l ment Certified Raspberries, including "the sister-in-law of the Duchess of Glou- LIVER Edward Lowden, Hamilton. BILE cester,. or' by the Du^hese of Northorth• ' ROBERTSON'S HAIRDRESSING ACADEMY Toronto; Dominion Cbartered. write Mr timberland, a girlhood friend of. the Aad You'll Jump Out of Bad in the Queers." Morning Rana' to Go . $ �N to � rt tbia bo He Gave Up �� is !ww ,inottiowintrfreel7. your food doettn't digest It just ddeeee�ry.a In tae bowels. Gas bloats 12p youratnmach Y teemsd tad.smadw � tone a m - The foreigner was trying hard to >o� go into the a'�� tba world lsob vouL learn English. He. sl;rtrggled brave- atmkand Ana,•bvarettm..mmtd914M.tarws"get ly when he came to "bough,'-' atthe eaus••Too used empethimthst"0eka on the Rest! as well It tab 12"s 9%A am "cough" and ibolgh". But -while he ;'Clspb a Little IA"w Pula to Rat theme two pawing a cinema one day noticed Of paO'ri'agam �Uwk�a", on the -board " /Cavalcade; pro, laeakeatba hBalloet•lsaab. Thar t>b m• pounced success." of "�aaaylemoyslas lab.WL Ask,reel "Zis ees too much!"- he groaned. 6tabboealy twtffsa a0thldf ,lea sra "I glove it up!" r , Charlottetown. -The. Cb -operative 1 - Movement had made considerable • Y progress in -Nova Scotia during the _ last seven years, • Prof- C: C Eldt, - assistant. superintendent, of the Da-, minion Experimental Station. at .. Kentville, 1N'.S.. card at a meeting here. There were thzec� :plants canning beans; fear, plun;e on an extensive scale, while raspberries: pears, ples and vegetables, such as earntits Co -Operation Plar rrnr ^ Fast in l F.I. Charlottetown. -The. Cb -operative Movement had made considerable progress in -Nova Scotia during the _ last seven years, • Prof- C: C Eldt, - assistant. superintendent, of the Da-, minion Experimental Station. at .. Kentville, 1N'.S.. card at a meeting here. There were thzec� :plants canning beans; fear, plun;e on an extensive scale, while raspberries: pears, ples and vegetables, such as earntits and beets,"• were being put up, to said. t'eans werr canned cordnufr- ` cially and semi-commeTciOly. "In 1430 there was only one plant -. .canning t}pples. hot- now there al;e seven, the pack having invreasted from . 10,000 ca es In 1420 to an _ estimate,i 20,000 this year. "It is proposed to hpve the can- ning done co-operatively; the pfa- - duct' to -be up to the GovernmeAt _ standard, sold on Government la bel and under Government ' inspee*n with 'Government supervision. "Better. beans can be grown in. the Maritime Provinces than in *Ay other part of Canada and so. Ar there has been no difficulty wb#- -ever in selling thea -product," prat Eidt. said. "in view' of -the fact that' a great deal of our canned fruit and vege- tables are now' imported from Up- per Canada, the possibilities in 4k- velopinl; this industry in the llMati- time Provinces are quite obvious," he said. Classified ' Ad vert is ng PtMm GUARANTEED. WOOL e "QUILT PATCHES" FiVE POUNDS S1.00 - BDAUT&FUL Yatertalst Waanfast! F"Aut Broadclothal lata ave Qullta! ,.pile Pattern," Rernod gow=teel Eton 101b Departmmt W11s, outremont, lonusal. g POUNDS Q173LT PATCSES—iLlle '(PLUS IwstaP). Pt3nu, BroadrkAbs, a"" L1,01,111111 _5111"t free:— Pattem With Instruction, . Federated Textiles, Montreal. INVEINTORS . ♦ N OFSDR TO EVDRY INVENTOR L&t ' „'of wanted mventlons and full- 10forthadota sent ftes. THE RAMHAT Company, World Patent Attoratys. 273 Rank Street, Otta•Ma, Canada LEARN MUSIC PLAYING QUICKLY ll•.. ORIGINAL, SENSATIONAL, YET vXRT practical way of ptayrng piano, and ukulele, by matcbtng colors. ' Cams own, but the world'a latest ,musical sedba- tion. No leacber 'or 'Instruction' necessary. You can play today the Musicolor Y Write for free Booklet now. Represents es F wantpd, with first-class references. • Whte Simplsy Instruments. Limited, 60 Front St. west, koronto.. PLANTS A.NADA'S LARGF.9T LIST GOVERN- _ l ment Certified Raspberries, including "the Starlight, earliest. Newburgh, the larg- est* also the earliest Tomatoes and Potatoes. Edward Lowden, Hamilton. BEAUTY CULTURE SCHOOL ' ROBERTSON'S HAIRDRESSING ACADEMY Toronto; Dominion Cbartered. write Mr free booklet. 4 Flush Poisons From Kidneys and Stop Getting Up. Nights - -Be Healthier, Happier— s Live Longer when you can'get for 40 Celts a suprlAtty '. efficient and harmless sttmulant and dluutatle that will flush from your kidneys the YnW* matter, poisons and act(] that are now deft, you harm, why continue to break your rest- ' ful sleep by getting up through the 12119111. Just ask your druggist for Bold k,eljal Haarlem Oil Capsules—but be sure and dot -t - GOLD MEDAL—right from Haarlem in Pel - land. Other symptoms of weak kidneys ant irrltatea blander are b-aekache, puffy ayes, leg cramps, moist palms, burning or K%11117 Passage. I: ''-. ... �• ons,' ss' .- 4 ... .. - -,� �`, . ' bT"�,e'L ., TT .... _ .. ,. -,... - ,�,,, � r , . r -r , :v,r -... +w . �, •z:: a �ti•. :: •*.'r. ra•«. cin.- �' ., .: .4:�.,+. •s .t.F, .'.. n. :.. ,... - s'• a '�R., .A- � \ . :`rt.ti • •.'�.,. +- . - .. 4'Sr3"t^.5,. ..abs _ _._ �.s....tBM.. _ ..........'i, - ..tic,t+. _._.. :-.. :.,:-�•N' Jyv' •� '-�.,,... rt " yfie;crieztn k , �' and ~ot Thanks I R E A IWIRadio T _ L?b r 1.� v sthur Prouse and family wish to Se ry per year; ; paid is ad ease We are in this week Inst1T1�3C8 Co• subscriptions to the United States thank their many kind friends and Pas. , .. ' v Expert service and re - neighbors, for their kindness shown, for Cilearn picked• up• by sea WA} rANESA INS. �0. and Gt. Britain X2.00 in advance. ming Victin•'s recent accident. pairs to all -wakes. Reas- -our trucks. Cheap Rates for Farm and Ceoalle> JURN MUHKAR. Prooriefor, —Card of Thanks--- ongble charges. Work Buildings _— _ f • Special 29c. guaranteed. Windstorm Insurance• on BaMdlt Green River Mr. and Mrs. Donald Munro, wi 1•: t, ► Bilge alt - to thank their many friends a nc N o . 1 -2 7c. ARTHUR F I E L, D :'Automobile, hu raga ag On Easter Monday, March 29th, neighbors, for their kindness dna Per lb. Butter Fat Graduate Radio and Television Institut All ELids 1 at 8 p. m. , in the Green River Bap- expressions of sympathy in. their st church, a sacred pageant. en- recent sudden bereaveaieirt in the T r: Member Official Radio Service Men's Write or P6eM j death of. the latter's sister, Mise Is- CITIZENS' DAIRY Association• BOWMAN 8c RUVPB titled "'Keepers of the Cross" will }6 :';'Phone 5201, PICKS RING be presented under the auspices of stella Rose PHONE 52 WHITBY ONT' Mrs. Wilson's group of the Ladies' - - Aid. There will also be a sacrad r Sale Register B - _ W �3ITSY • arcta Trans rt pantomime entitled, "The Old Rugg- y Law Motor Sales ed Cross". Other items will include WEDNESDAY, MARCH 24th - Auc- jL the Grove- Sisters trio- of Taranto. tion sale of term stack, impie- Notice to Creditors Daily Servide Chrysler- Plymouth A freewill offering tn, be devoted to menta' and household furniture, at jMd others _- between Claremont, Brougibam the work Greenwood, Whitevale and Toronto Dealer of the Ladies Aid will be Lot 10, con. 2, Pickering, (1 mile p Se t tae oH. the esf Oliver ll. taken. All are cordially invited. east and 1 north of Pickering My drivers are,.t— raiTnpd to be serial GSD USED CARS Village), the property of R. H. All persons having claims againstGOODYEAR TIRES cousteona add reliable -Greenwood' Crook Terms Cash. Sale at 1 the Estate' of Oliver H. Pugh, late WILLARD BATTERISIl: sharp. Wm. Maw, auctioneer. of the Township of Picering, n Sp a] Rates on Lon GENERAL BiE,ACKSMITHiAiig ki° ltiirs, E. Tremble spent a few days [ Distaasa in the city.THURSDAY, MARCH 26th '-50 the County of Ontario, Retired Far- hauling. SKILLED MOTOR REPAIRS head milk cows, young heifers trier, deceased, who died on or a- Give us a trial on a New or a Uaad Cat Mrs, J. Raine ie spending a week and steers, all T. B. tested, and bout the 20th day of December, 1935 No order too small, None toe large 24 Hoy rs Towing Service 9,ome fine beef -ringers, all the are hereby noted to send in to All 'shipments lasered and protected Gordonr. add Mora J. Clarke spent Spn �soJ Law •day in the city Pro of Wm Reds aw Dick the undersigned Executors of the m the west _ property h gn from her Mr. and Mrs. T. Wilson, of Osh- son Hill, lot 30, con. 7, Markham. said deceased, on or before the first —...__ Phone 2908 awe, spent Sunday evening with Terms Cash. Sale at two. Alvin day of April 1937, full particulars TeL Clare. 311 — !'• C. 1 PIUSh:`Rf'YG, niVTrlFtiO r. Annie family. tel after Chase, 13. and C. _ The Ladies' Bible Class met at -- __ _._— the said date, the said F.xecutoss O'waed and operat 7 will distribute the assets of. the said Fraalk S. Bam -the parsonage on Monday night - -- -t -- with a good attendance and good — Y< " Your deceased having regard only to the g,y claims of rwhich they shall then have ProMr. and Mrs. Milt Ormerod and ' ' Eyes i notice, to the exclusion of all ot- BROCK Will Ormerod and Mrs. Brand"gn, of hers and they will' not be liable to - any person of whose claims they _ .Cresswell, called on Miss Edith and �i11d hshall not then have notice for _the THEATRE - li3rwvard Onmerod on Sunday. assets so distributed or any part WHITBY The Best that =O IWO The Y. P. Union is holding an op- Vision thereol. - arid C+Ri1 �� sit meeting on Sunday evening, DATED at Toronto this lot da o March 21st, at 7.30 dock A short B y fap and 8%turday bsm , S Play, entitled, "One Thing thou y Starch, 1037. ` + (U s lt4arch l9 and `LO I IBdreat" wall be presented Special Ida P. Pugin and William T. E. Pugh C. TUCIL.�0� music will be presented. C; H. Tuck, Opt. Eyesight Specialist Executors, by their solicitors, Bea- Two 8howb, at 7 and 911741661*1 The W. M. S are holding a spec Disney Building, (Opp. P. O.) ton, Bell and Ross. 372 Bay Street. '9ytnrdwy llatinep at L 30 w Op1h IrNM lel service in the Greenwood Unit- Oshawa, Oat. Phone 1516 Toronto. Sat. EveuioR 9nuw starts at ®.30 lessee adChurchon Monday, March 22nd, at 2.80 p. m. Miss Evelyn Mitchell, On. account M recent inquiries we SEALED TENDE$S • "College Holiday"' n%velling Secretary for the W. M. were obliged to have these. articles Harry Hull 5 'work will be the guest speaker, re -appear as the only raeans of sat. - Witti Corse to hear Mics Mitchell. fie- isfying enquiries. will be received .by the Township of Builder and (JOIIr�gpti0r Pickering, up to March 25th, for the JACK BEti N Y dreshments served at fire dose. Ev= In spite of the facts just mentie+n- supply of a 2 or 2 1-2 ton truck, -'BURNS and ALLEN erybody welcome. ed, it is necessary to understand Brickwork and StonewOr� that a cr'ntact lens cannot be 32 x 6 Heavy Duty Dual rear tires MARY BOLAND Dunbarton Wins Title �- and 700 x 20 front tires, with wheel _. a Specialty ed before the eye and left there in•. MARTBA RATE base of 1.60 in. to 155 in; equipped • Arc-hitect's $Snell)@ !n a came . tl�:tt feztrned, dose definitely.. These contact or adhes- ive lensEs should be removed even with :�o. 1 Brantford Hoist, and jhp k .ig. Dwibac.on defeated Brou- with 10 ft. tipping frame; body 6 ft. 'Honday, Tuevday ani Wedu',4day ._Repai>rs more frequently 'than a glass eqe, �7 Iti,v ghant by a sc a-e.of 1.0 t,, w;n the 1 6 in. by 10 --ft; .steel cover, about 12 0. THE CROW] $ •.W. H. 3Touae Cu Alnre tL;.n` .Ori and 'in some, cages it _is necessary March 22,_ 33 ynd 24 Cup, for the fluid ieritents to be changed gauge, in floor, and with front rack Rosebxnk Rd. and Kingston lid: First Snow at 7 pe, wilds Y -u i c'se game xnd vve 36 in. high; no spare fire or license 4-29 Phone Plsk 5N treciuently. It must be remembered L4ot.d6ruplete Show at 9 heard no cont�,.i:�,t•+ as t�- the ghat- requirwd. Tenders will be opened- at however that these are not resorted GEORGE ARUSs Ity, or_yusu►dty of hs�ckay �lis}.tayed. the office pf the -Clerk at Wititevale e first ,ie:end wag rather slew, to often, but are �enly used when, all on Th ' ursda March 25th, .- 18 Y 3 at • �, 'other remedies fail as . it .is not N ach team n�a, •i,. �autrms+ h..ckFy. two o'clock in the afternoon. The IN - 1\ O�jI �Pj to pleasure ou to have anything artific- ® However, to%ar,ts the enol of the lora•est or any tender net necessarily �t - --game the lsoys began ter die Is, l ial placed in cantact with the eye-..wa i Y u accepted. - East meets West",- faA and x yti tt; hrand- of puck- ball and curly- an increase in -vision -' that was otherwise • impossible i R. C. Reesor, Reeve. Pickering Ont. E We do 'BitildinR rsf alt irindb, chasing that }m..r4 the v, ;111ea �.,t- ' foul dexrPes of heal' N0"tire r•nd would make this,. means .of correct Roy Ward, Rd. Supt., Claremont.. SPECIALADUEDATTRACTION CARP)��iTERItiG, - Rept the fang :n a`t ua-"i• \.•'thni ion acceptable:' r y EiI9 FI ALL-COLGR PiorURE CHMENT[N(3.' side managed to sere in the First the ,S .l GL�IdB 20 minutes. Thp seoond penial .was N p ye a ai or d "Po � e :_ a _a 'rent crowd-rlA�ser with_ plenty (,f - - , n 1 a action which was cl9maxed:neer the ,r1 l r/ O >fi00FIYP, end of the �ieri^d `by tw*o penal4y 'liar a me to shot4; . both &%-ardod to • Rrou�,•ham. ; r� R O F , T - ' We a au sell BrAntford Roofing J. Ward trieei _tfie faint tvhpn. Blpn- •. Sin bad the -Sailor i MNt�riai9, Empire B�throorrD .:.µWITH kits tripped his check in front of �' •ECIMPMent, Duro W&ter 'the DunbartrKt net. Tt-was' unstlrr Barred " Rocks --White Leghorns I Syitetni, $catty 9tHhl- Egnionient earful. Derusha tried . the second and 1\ew Ham shires -Drops Drops - Vhen Boyes fell on a loose puck and F p f an other Building Material -jLhrew it ,info the corner. SccTe at Address all Bred from stock that will give you a , Sybilla .SPAHR'.S .Riemedy in drop "',E timates Free, . the end of the second period was rigorous type and size of bird %ithabili doses for colds, catarrh, cough, Work'Guara � deadlocked 0-0. G -in into the -3rd Inquiries to to produce large eggs.' � � �?a r' g . g gg get tonsil and throat ills, does 'more, ;T• T• PIR • frame both teams took it easy and Before you costs less. s dyer, surer, •SAFER I r1 d waited' for the breaks. Penalties �' NORTON ��' y book' your 193 i orders, 83 Melbourne St. our prices .-for guaranteed high -producing Results good, or money back.' were numerous and Pollard had his in ±' Phone °502; ' g - hands full- keephig' the -players '' In LI N i)5A Y PIC IiF. EIf \!;, chicks.. Jones Drug Store Picker ARI hand. There �•as no scare at the end �.. ' • _ � , ._ . our . of regulation time. The play picked ; " -; - L-1 N DS A Y up m the overtime and' h atui gd ELECTRIC HATCH Phone 600 for High -Class Provisions .at fast hockey, heavy body r e_ckin E R Y and many penalties. �i'aa three THF. MM= and vuC 1-1�'='E minutes left White took a pad; fr(a?t -- — ---- — K. lfhe o to ,bang flys rubber notice . _ R. & W Coffee Fuller's A mber for the one and ryrtl • nal of the � r gam .Final score, Dunbarton 1, (�A-1 ,R . � BI Brougham 0. lb. ten '22c. Honey, 5 lbs. 39C. Di Heinz - - Hear Geo. Dixon,. England's _ A Dinah an-' Soups Greatest Poultry Expert, speak aril h P e nZ So p on "Care and Diseases of,. Poultry" You .can get Top Price for cake Flour 18c.. Amt. ti in Dunharton -Community Hall on " f 2 ns 27' • Choice -Veal Calves Right �� _ �, TKesday, March 23rd at a p. m. Weston S WafersJaVel Water' �.-��'E 4 ; 10N, FARie7.: =��;; - .at Ho1 F 2 pkgs., for 25c.2 bottles for' 3c. .. r. . I,�. 1 IL t ►tEPA1 i� �, )Kh w,e have .- a bz ye at the :'.IZoy�aI ..Pastry Flour Broken' Soclas� _. ti4'F art l r� pared toct�rH:. FaCrri' , • Monday Tuesday .,..& 24 lbs. +8rJc. 2 lids. for 9C. trucks, tractors "�t A all farm -� � -ma0biuery, wheels rebuilt -and Wednesda " , each' week and Cookie Fi s FigBar Biscuits tire -setting- wood -work and y g g wood turning of -all kinds. • ,- Place your urder now for 'ay Torun o Yr><ces: - • .: 2 lbs. for 19c. Per ,lb. � . 15c. woOd• working and turning. : 'rP/�,; y{ER//tI G FARMSSweet and Juicy Lettuce and Celery Phone or 'Call 14c. A. H. RE LI1lITED Oranges, doz., 35c,E acl� Telephone - ��. Steck Road Store and Blacksmith Sboa Pickering 0440 Lowes BOO7 e$ MUR/SON (3uooessor to W. ii. Jaduoa) j _sr PHONE 00 r <�, r a, .�: .. ,,. rr: a -i,. L �n.a.:T. Nr .. ,�.' t ..,..,.,.. ,,,, '. w. � xr � ...y.-�, .c - w ;+�,. •,q• -1.t 1 .-c.'--.-. i*w ..A- ...� ;., �. ,. .o. ....,aa ,;r.^. , .,s ,,,, .,:•., �.' :�. :fit ''+'' , � r t� . `R' •- - : , utsremerat Vaughan Glover has been unable to attend Markham High School this week owing do illness. Mrs. David Walker has undergone an operation in East General Hos- pital. We all hope tar a speedy re- covery. .Mrs. Robt. Worthy, of Brampton, is visiting with her mother, Mrs. Gibbons, who continues in much the same health. Mumps and flu continue to make things inconvenient for many of our people. Mumps have even . started -to pick off the older folk. Miss E. Hosie has been iokwth the flu, and the pupils of the Sen. or -Boom in the Public School, :were %given a few enforcedholidays. Mr. Fred Hardy, fwbo has been in poet health for some time, and losing weight rapidly, was talon to St. Michael's Hospital last week. Some x-rays have been taken but the mouPt .*old not be known till :,"about the middle of this week. It is feared that a major operation will be necessary. Fire broke out , in the home of Mr. •Fred Hardy during the forenoon of Tuesday, March 16th. The local fire company was called, but wining xwighbrrs had the blaze extinguished fore any great damage had been &d vrie. Curtains on a wind6w-were- destroyed and a small hole burned in the ceiling. ' Cause unknown. The drama, "It Happened in June" _ presented by the Goodwood Society, under the auspices of the 'Library 4 Bred,, on Friday evening last, but the rat -to -large an audience. `The, work of the players was very .9d and they received good att- antion, but it appears to be an ex- tremely difficult mutter -to get a Marge audience out to many c -f the T different functigns that take place in our connanunity. The Women's Mission Circle. of the Baptist. Church celebrated an e- vent. of unusual interest -cn Sunday sand Monday of this week, March 14th and 15th; when the Circle held their Golden Jubilee birthday party. : On Monday evening tables -sere set out. wet: place cards, far the guests and the introductory session of the # evening pr. ..ed- over by -be Pas.. tor, 'Rev• r>,:.,u=tine. A toast to the ,Ding was proposed by the toasulaz ter. A tx.ast to the Charter memibers " by Mrs. R. E_ Forsyth, was . respon- '.ded to by Mrs. Minnie Morgan,fol- le-isig which > a presentation of k framed mottos to the Charter Mern-' krs Nrs. Morgan and Jars. Gibison; by Mrs Evans -Ward was made. At - "`"this time the candles were lighted ". .'by the Presidents of the Circle and ase Mimirm Band, (the latter, Miss Loraine Forsyth), and later ex- ::. tinguished by the two•charter mem- •16ers ( Mrs, Adam Spears acting for -.Iker neother; Jere. Gfibbons, wbr, was unahl to be pre4er.t)' . The cake wapS. then cut by these two mem-. "•1bers and the Jubilee toast prnpr•sed by Din. -Edgar Ward, 'Nlm. G.' 3l. Forsythe `responding. Mrs. James Coates propr•sed the toast "to Our "tblissionaries" and Jiiss S. E. Evans ., respunded. Worthy of mention are the ntungerous charts, and posters in !black and white, that were dispiay- �ed on the walls, describing the orig- inal organization, "In Memoriam" :etc A ,hymn; chosen by Mrs. Gibb- -=ons, was sung after which Rev.- P. D. Augustine and Rev. Harry Wil - ,;,)r,, of Whitevale, led in the deur t= ► Tonal. service. A trio, Misses Jessie Lew -i , Jean Ward and Anna For- syth, was much appreciated. Thr. -Roll Call br-ught forth many int- ere_:t;rg 'responses. Mrs. John Jlich- el_l, Whitevale, brought greetings iron,. that Circle, and 'Mrs. Lee, of Stouf'ville; greetings from their -Circle.- A short memorial service, with a `"•ohe-minute silence" was -ib- served., with the male quartet, sing- i ing. "Crossing the Bar" and %.I r:,. Richardson leading in prayer. 11ass' S.•• E. Evaris gave, an outline of the }iistory of the . Xlissiow Band, f- il- . owed by. a vocal, anl.o"bsl 11, ; Alma P.lgh. Mrs. Jlervair Pugh gave • •}.atr,r±taY S1tetC�S +' t' e t''.<•�c,}..�i,��e !at:jZati >2 ;,n rrh i ltl .7rQ i.: n•l;icl: it that biers hay bFor c 314 f;.rr lirpi lents dur- ing tl•al pc:i-iotl, Mrs. Dan F-rsytli, wh, heir,• that office tor 32 years, .Mt, . A. -Al. Pugh, 10 years and :1Ir _ .Tames r•:pates up' until last year. It ' has seen.' particularly 'nated that Mrs. Gihbons, had taken a very actl lye part in the Circle during the Iife "f the Circle. The evening was closed with the singing "Blest be the Tie that binds". On Sunday, the special services were addressed by r dist Edith Clutton, who spoke to Oke Circle in the marring and the- .land he- . land at night. Mina' Clara Neal is visiting with Farm' N a c h i n e r friends in the. city. y Mrs. John Mf,#rgan spent the week Frost and Wood, Cockshutt, De Lav - end with bliss S. •E. Evans. al, Pedlar People Ltd. E. and Mrs. Bryan spent a fev- New Coc"hutt, Gear Shift, Oil days' last week iw'ith relatives in Bath, Grain and Fertilizer Drills the city. - 6 -ft. Deering Binder Mrs. Snodden is in the city this 6 -ft. Massey Binder week, where she. is undergoing a _ $-in Roller Bearing Grinder minor operation. ' tit -in. Fleury Grinder Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Russell Moffatt Steel Ran ge H ONIt° $1/. Pilkey, at Briatbush Hospital, Stou- 'on 'a 9 Walking plows ffvilie, • Saturday, Mar. 13th, 'Turnip Drill, near new ' arm. _ ing regard only to .claims so filed. . We draw 7uee install de the latest ty W. F. DISNEY, Greenwood New Mammoth Ekct:ric Incubator whicn ALL SIZES PHOm1c Pmic 2314 41 tf Of Hatchery. If interested in Barred Rocks Notice to creditors .FANNING I[IIiL ed chicks at reasonable prices, give -us SCR��i\ S R. S. O. 1927, Cap. 150, Sec. 51 UNIONVILLE POULTRY ,12K STOOK In the Estate of Georg! Amos Brig. ,RADIO SERVICE nall, . deceased. Clipper Plates Sharpened ALL persons having claims ag- ainst the Estate of George Athos "" !"' Brignall, late of the Township of SARGENT'S HARDWARE Pickering, in the County'of Ontario; MARKHAM, ONT. 80ly deceased, who died on or about the r Tjwentieth day of March, 1937, full Tubes and Batteries on Hand particulars of their claims. In:med- Night and 11ay Service lately alter said date,' the assets of BABY CHICKS the deceased will be distributed a- PAUL WILSON � lsALdA1L mongst those entitled thereto. hav- tl$Ul 9820 ing regard only to .claims so filed. . We draw 7uee install de the latest ty New Mammoth Ekct:ric Incubator whicn DATED at Oshawa, the Third day are hatching wonderful chicicshere in our of March, -1937. Hatchery. If interested in Barred Rocks or White EA16cns, Government Approv- W. E. N. Sinclair, X. C:: =- ed chicks at reasonable prices, give -us Bank of Montreal Building. a call. Oshawa. Ontario Custom 11ateb in _ g SAFE • DiRECT • ECONOMICAL CHANGE OF TtMB-'TABLE•' Custom Hatching for Farmers and , without placing v:mr order 1'nr'r!if- car. that rvervlir•,h-' talk- -- - Effective, Sunday, Sept. 27th, 1986 those having Exhibition stocic done at the ]owe -;t pTi�P rP'''''r economical transl)ortation », LEAVE PiCKERING a low price that will surprise you. CANAbA'S. For Tomato For Oshawa - - ASSOCIATE,, DEALER -J. MCGL ASEAN, Dunbarten, Out.7. Hens' eggs. 2 cents each. _10 Ducks' eggs, 3'cents each UNIONVILLE POULTRY Tickets and Information at GRAY COACH LINES _ . EAS"t-ERN. HOitSE - PiCBERINGPHONS to •pe A LF'S PLACE CLARESIOLNT, ON T. Phone Clare. 3201 Farr's .Elevator t;1i(/4'P1.\G Mil. 1. 'CUARF_MONT. Ohl. Oat and .Corn Chop Ontario Corn ' Ar.centina Corn .Glutted, $35.09 All kinds of poultry feed and dairy feeds See. us for prices before buying Coal -Wood -Builders' Supplies Oats testing 39, the. to bush, free of weeds. Carload of Feed Wheat fast arrived Mise 8806 Res, M XA11 L.. ENO � /LL ,RADIO SERVICE o� FUNERAL A[REOTOR AND, -�-Fully Equipped for Guaranteed Weld a EMBALMER at a Succasaor to W. J. Mather," - 'Reasonable Charge r 3coutiville Tubes and Batteries on Hand Night and 11ay Service TVh-" trt" pines f'lO�tE to f) haw, for a uiinutt 'Step into General Motors' Business Phones Residence Phone PAUL WILSON � lsALdA1L ssi= tl$Ul 9820 Phone Clare. 518 with )v !tat cart• ,k0 .11'3.:,::1 to,hl uiiit T : iinit. h,,it part to'hart -as Gmpes and t`,:.,. itr. ' ;odan-sial (_:nl,rFolei-­grow up :e w - smouth sueece -loll t,ofory \ our r1 f", 'R-ith thousand?, sof• tlrc,e fioW in'<.,i1rl 'pain shipped all over* ��e tS 8 tti RtU« Canada- there-� iW •inlay schen roti order your ncA)- Chevrolet. ' SAFE • DiRECT • ECONOMICAL CHANGE OF TtMB-'TABLE•' , without placing v:mr order 1'nr'r!if- car. that rvervlir•,h-' talk- -- - Effective, Sunday, Sept. 27th, 1986 ing.about.'.. Thr- neer Chevrolet-th't' only i-omnlnte car in the ]owe -;t pTi�P rP'''''r economical transl)ortation », LEAVE PiCKERING C.77e ' For Tomato For Oshawa CHAS. COOPER, CLAREMONT - ASSOCIATE,, DEALER -J. MCGL ASEAN, Dunbarten, Out.7. an, interesedlateApofnts ani intermediate pointe A. X. P. X P. Ila. A. Ic P. X. P. K. a 7.09 c 12.54 ' 6.54 - a 8.31. 2.31 d 8.81 = a 7.44 1.54 d 7.54 938 c 8.81 ,4.31 ' EE 8.54 a 2.54 8:54 irasterti 11.01 4.31 d 1041 -5-31 ?t 10.24 3.54 d 9,54 Standard P. M. d Z$1 11.54 a 4.54 10.54 Tfrne 12.31 6.31 A...[, d 5.54 b L1.44 e '1-81 7.81 1,, 1 a --Daily. eceept 3vn. & • Hot b --Sun. A Hol only. - e -Sat~ only. d -Sat., Sun. & HoL only. Combination Hockey Tickets For Toronto Maple Leafs -7, Tickets and Information at GRAY COACH LINES _ . EAS"t-ERN. HOitSE - PiCBERINGPHONS to •pe A LF'S PLACE CLARESIOLNT, ON T. Phone Clare. 3201 Farr's .Elevator t;1i(/4'P1.\G Mil. 1. 'CUARF_MONT. Ohl. Oat and .Corn Chop Ontario Corn ' Ar.centina Corn .Glutted, $35.09 All kinds of poultry feed and dairy feeds See. us for prices before buying Coal -Wood -Builders' Supplies Oats testing 39, the. to bush, free of weeds. Carload of Feed Wheat fast arrived Mise 8806 Res, M XA11 V ituLL1 f'lO�tE to f) haw, for a uiinutt 'Step into General Motors' big, nianufacinri.wv.l,lanls, birfliplai�e of the tiew Chep'- ssi= _ :tolets. 'h.00l: at th:,=, carp c:,itit' in-irritntg down. the line! Sce with )v !tat cart• ,k0 .11'3.:,::1 to,hl uiiit T : iinit. h,,it part to'hart -as Gmpes and t`,:.,. itr. ' ;odan-sial (_:nl,rFolei-­grow up :e - smouth sueece -loll t,ofory \ our r1 f", 'R-ith thousand?, sof• tlrc,e fioW in'<.,i1rl 'pain shipped all over* 77 Canada- there-� iW •inlay schen roti order your ncA)- Chevrolet. ' :Cn Come l�i,�i.:t' :... '. ^osis n nv- i on't. let another day go by ..' without placing v:mr order 1'nr'r!if- car. that rvervlir•,h-' talk- ing.about.'.. Thr- neer Chevrolet-th't' only i-omnlnte car in the ]owe -;t pTi�P rP'''''r economical transl)ortation », C.77e -+y CHAS. COOPER, CLAREMONT - ASSOCIATE,, DEALER -J. MCGL ASEAN, Dunbarten, Out.7. "M u�asu�� S�1011d BAKE WITH ROYAL always full. strength ,Every cake of Royal �s sealed in an air tight wrapper free From .contaminafton rrHERE'S one infallible 'rule in 1 bread -baking — ou'r yeast must be full strength. Weak. yeast "can cause spoiled dough, 'soggy grayish - texture,. an. unpleasant ofd taste". That's why it's important to insist on yeast that is rotected against loss- of. stten&'t : -every - cake sealed in an -air -tight wrap- per. Royale is the only dry' yeast that has this _special protection. It stays fi esh, full strength -and- -free and -free from impurities. For fifty years, Royal has stood for dependability. T6day-7.out of 8. Canadian housewives demand Royal when they'bake with a dry yeast. They know it is reliable. . Don't take chance's with weak, uncertain .yeasts. Be sureto buy Rgyal. Send for FREE Booklet To get uniform re- sults to bread-bak- Ing, it is lr» portant to lkaep the sponge at an oven temper. atwe. The Royal Yeast Bake Book" ves• Instructions, or the care of >� dough. Send cou- ;�i non forltee copy o! ? the book, giving 73 . tested recipes !eg tempttn} rade. Vas Q[M, bOne y sad roue, o- WV MAIM -IN - CANADA GOOD! standard Brands Ltd., Fraser Ave. lk Ltbwty Bt. , Terouto 2. Out. , Phase � m • the fres Royal Tom, Ame tlasas...y �.� A average weekly purchase -of mined - 1 gold ddling• the three months ended January 31. was 74,566- oun.ees. Bearing Trouble:—Mr. Cecf Jen-, Cold exhorter! tc; United States by kins of Pittsburgh, Fenn., re.er...y the government dLrinu• the 12-6ionth tougiit two bear cubs cs pas. l'o period w.nounted•to 1 776.3$5.ounies date thpy have routed-the'tzinily's and to tr,c Unite 1 Kingdom 7.1,566 dog, eaten the family cat, wft-cice.l ounces. There was no go!d• exported part of the Barra;, ruined bis wile's te ether e. < . 7f•-- - -- t ,�, ATS oN uizY' 1 6Y CORTLAyD FITZSIMM;V " Synopsis of Yrecedina lastaline nfs: to ether and shat they chose to call rot It has been ten- = years since Pap a common- danger- cenientect sr }:.gt= Clark has wan a United. League in lriends'ndF., : - pennant with his New York B:ues. of.to Terry event bac'. to, the :ce and Du and as the season opens the sports had to explain the situation which writers, . With tun exception of Terry so had • arou :ed t: a suspicions of ]icr:ly. Burke of, the Star, sire them little The kidnapping or worsee•f F•i'etre spi chanes. He' bets $10. on them, at 200 was. causing a terrific' furor. Papers spc to 1 at the restaurant of Tony that received the story later than 11, Murallo, a gambler, in the Broadway the Star: -speculated- on 13urke's to• - district. In the hard - fought open. ability to get himself out of a hole ter ing - same with Philadelphia. Whit: -arid at- the same time to scoop .the silk per, tko visitors' star pitcher; dies town an the new angle of -the day's w from a rifle bullet through the strange murder. Terry did not mind heart as'he' is -nearing the home tyili, but- he •wvs..worried about the. as plate after smashing out a home new thought that Doyle had put, in- an run, The - Blues wim There has to his. head. Would - ti:e gang- think me been ill -feeling between Larry Doyle of it and use it as a means of get- 16 the Blues' rookie shortstop, ex. ting him. out of the way? tab Fordham star, and Whitper because Fie went uptown to sec Alice An- cQl' Clark's pretty -daughter, Frances, , had. shown. her preference for Larry. 4rews; the ondy ,person -in whom he Detective Kelly suspects Doyle un- could 'confide. She was -terrified . til he learns that Larry was talking• that something' would- happen_.to hire' iy. with Frances un Err the stands at, but except to caution him to be. wO careful, -she did net let him see her roi We 'time'the shot was fired. Terry full writes a story about Frances clear- fetus' •'it's -getting• on my nerves," he bar ing Whitper's rival of suspicion and W Larry, beats him up at Ta_ ny's. When said to her as he paced restlessly - the Blues 'are to open in Boston, and down her small living -room. fovi-of the Boston stars are iniur- .11'11 as jumpy wr a cit. Every step he .ed. By clever work Terry learns I hear, every strange man on the thr that•Sid-Stream, notorious New York street, the•.person'-%Vho• josiles'mb'in gunman, wrecked their taxi by' firing a erowd, all those things send pin- . .do a' rifle bullet into a tire. Stream prickles tp and -down my spine- I'm "'r. .is found dead and Terry. receives not it coward. I could face some- terested+ in each other. W11iy elon't - :;''"'''`''x�r`...:,"a'.,z''''''c''''•::•::•::•:•: you be honest?....._ -- - i?i Frances had never spoken to him like that' before and he slap both :::::i::i'; hurt and startled. She .saw the hurt look "in his eyes, but paid Ae atten- tion to it as she raced on.' (� '11: hove Lai, y : , _ .� . I I'W go• :;r ing to marry him some day. Nwkin he •4 asks me. He's too much of a3 gdntle- ' man to break his word to pout Esc- ,,;.: z cept to speak in passing, I longe -not seen him since the day be-as::ed per- .......... <micciosLto-Collie—over.— Why sire • � . o`.. you so pig-headed- about bel p7 fay- ` ers'.' Where do you, expect arse to 'c / •b , "r` find a husband—in. the street? Ball .pibyers are- the only men `1 havd ever .., .::,. i:nur•n since 1 tins a litter chit I've be,.. -i brout ;A up uritis them and . t N. f l ;5--•, • � understand ti en:. I feel strange - /, 1 ' f'•: with other men." L "Frances, pease—"` There .was so much pain in his voice- iiia`.: she X. stopped, arnazed at her own anger. "i'm sorry," she said .and Vent 41/ to the Wln:,ow and looked do An at the busy street'. _ "I don't v,a:it, to be mean, b'rasi- ( v3 ecs, or. unreasonable. I've nothing - ( 'f Anst Doyle except the Yac't -that d- = } he :3 a ba d.N.a.',L. believe me t:F.en 1 tctk you t::: t t like hi::. 1 dcq. Ilea yp'.:ng aiid like "all - youth; he-thin'.is .pung _ are 'better than old ones, lyhat k::s he done Once he has been with I- \:'hither over y'ou. - Ile sulked.After to ;t flame when ti'haper i, us `ki31- ,� c .. l:e broke training. . the Went dov rta�:n to tdie worst dive in the -ck. and beat up .a ne:vsprper r&vi. ; I pi:b -him in -to bunt and he knocks. '-� o, t a home run. fie has made many e:rurs,`and'.wv en i take him out of _ %.� —� t: „arrc,, le gets sore. He':l IIaN e I'. *..., `4n abso'utc- wi~tier for to co back to the -minor leagues are. " learn the . professional gamma?' ore who lt:t2 tt sports touch. -To- • y'n sinir3Y fitted' mot: l bang a neat "You'll kill his career .at the very r c: buttons and a !cattier belt Yoe star;," ;he accused. "::ot if -,he- i9 mane of the right hlnr;_Inrt t.�e :'r^raip.;aahing, part stub. I;e is the 'victim of-cirom- tov) wide, pointed collar, and cuffs stances viii:.t now, ani! I'm lMrry, match ..gin short and ver -T perky , but `1 can't let it o on.' fled s'cevest Tice so.'lar borrows g methiug"from tl•e o'd Puritans, but "You.won't_help him any by drop s its own dl3t1nct:ve debonair Ptn� him." rit that mai:cs " the v: *.ole "frock I'm afraid.` to keep him. Yo►c've rkle. The body of the ess is cut read' the papers. Kelty - is Clot . rat - long panels taking no I-: ue, at' all isfied that Doyle is innocent Who, -. rim- .- So many ilttea6tive•-ma= is to prevent :some_ of these..slnal•t :als suggest themselves, such as reporters from farther linklim,.dpoyle and wool -fabrics, sheer corded with us? Suppose 'it is suatgtcd 001, or a •;illy peasant -stripe cotton. that Doyle, because he is in rklte _ Barbara Bell Pattern' No. 1211-B 1s with you, has hired some one aliable for- sizes- 1?, 14, 16, is, 20 these men so that the Blues can - d 40. CoFresponding bust-measuret win the. pennant with yon ,8A the uta 30, 32, 34, 3G, 38 and 40: Size prize -for .Doyles work?" -�` (34) retluires 4 3-4. yard. a5 -inch (To • be Continued.) Me •pica 6-3 yard for contrasting ---- ' ar and cuffs. 11 have never seen"itbette>t ciYihsa- KbW TO ORDER -PATTERNS tion than the -Anglo-Sax on coth.'pt•" Write your name and address plain. Lady. Astor.. . giving number and size of pattern ted. Enclose 20le In stamps or n (coin preferred}; wrap It care-. _ and address your order Bar - a . # a - a BBell, Room 421, 73 Adelaide 8t. Toronto. Headache fast fails this time he thinks he --is ough on the force." Get RealQuick-,Acting, But what could'. Larry have to Quick -Dissolving with It?" When I took Larry4'611t 'of the "ASPIRIN" by mail the warning: "People who 'too Younger Generation Imbued game, he was pretty sore and wand - erect around a. bit:` It was his arms and reassure Mm; but she must With Material Training SAgroup .for misfortune to go over to their bat Principal Says _MONTREAL, a'precipice, is -beginning to ge me. Tack." - ' -40 — A practical -minded `.'. "But, Arlyone would ae that!" US E EU of people, particularly the she assured' him. "They know: 'your "'I'll have to get rid of Doyle,", ' young ones, has been developed. in ata Canada, Dr. R. C. Wallace, principal up after the second tragedy.. and vice-chancellor of Queen's Uni- le t, -they know it now•, otherwise ' versity, told the Women's Canadian sense ONES Club here. • known you to be unfair," ac - it often enough, people will begin • •Dr. Wallace said that as an educa- '� After an :elephant's tusks reach a.^ - CanUda Sends Gold- --for he •had an uneasy feeling 'We are tor Certain size, they become a hind- ranee to him. The enormous weight TO Britain, U.S. into professional' and practical and material traini,g too, much and often exerts such a downward pull' ' those old 'subjects at the root of ed - upon his neck that he is 'unable to OTTA`NA. -- The -Canadian Gov- ucation — the Oass'.cs, philosophy, -keep up with the rest of the herd ernment' - held 105,455 - ounces of mathematics and particularly the but. and is frequently forced to live a gold on behalf of, the treasury and mahities are bezinntng to take Be. yolitary existence.176,213 ounce, in the Dominion mint coni place in ow' n fads.'' on January, 31, Finance Minister Fn Canada there is responsibility of Dunning told Ernest Bertrand, Lib- using its material. wealth for better. Guard where he is tonight. t--ayder i Son (19M)' Ltd., Seed eral, Laurier, in an answer tabled in _ went of civilization, ,he university be stopped his pacing and sai down• th House of Commons.` Ifead pointed out. It may be, he stg• During the 12 months ended Janu- Bested, there are other things' -more 11 ary 31, the government purchased fundamental and in neglecting them • he said after a long pause. "These ...a Q.�� cases are getting under his skin. If ' 3 637 1.13 ounces of gold and the ' we shall' l.e the losers" u�asu�� S�1011d BAKE WITH ROYAL always full. strength ,Every cake of Royal �s sealed in an air tight wrapper free From .contaminafton rrHERE'S one infallible 'rule in 1 bread -baking — ou'r yeast must be full strength. Weak. yeast "can cause spoiled dough, 'soggy grayish - texture,. an. unpleasant ofd taste". That's why it's important to insist on yeast that is rotected against loss- of. stten&'t : -every - cake sealed in an -air -tight wrap- per. Royale is the only dry' yeast that has this _special protection. It stays fi esh, full strength -and- -free and -free from impurities. For fifty years, Royal has stood for dependability. T6day-7.out of 8. Canadian housewives demand Royal when they'bake with a dry yeast. They know it is reliable. . Don't take chance's with weak, uncertain .yeasts. Be sureto buy Rgyal. Send for FREE Booklet To get uniform re- sults to bread-bak- Ing, it is lr» portant to lkaep the sponge at an oven temper. atwe. The Royal Yeast Bake Book" ves• Instructions, or the care of >� dough. Send cou- ;�i non forltee copy o! ? the book, giving 73 . tested recipes !eg tempttn} rade. Vas Q[M, bOne y sad roue, o- WV MAIM -IN - CANADA GOOD! standard Brands Ltd., Fraser Ave. lk Ltbwty Bt. , Terouto 2. Out. , Phase � m • the fres Royal Tom, Ame tlasas...y �.� A average weekly purchase -of mined - 1 gold ddling• the three months ended January 31. was 74,566- oun.ees. Bearing Trouble:—Mr. Cecf Jen-, Cold exhorter! tc; United States by kins of Pittsburgh, Fenn., re.er...y the government dLrinu• the 12-6ionth tougiit two bear cubs cs pas. l'o period w.nounted•to 1 776.3$5.ounies date thpy have routed-the'tzinily's and to tr,c Unite 1 Kingdom 7.1,566 dog, eaten the family cat, wft-cice.l ounces. There was no go!d• exported part of the Barra;, ruined bis wile's te ether e. < . 7f•-- - -- t ,�, ATS oN uizY' 1 6Y CORTLAyD FITZSIMM;V " Synopsis of Yrecedina lastaline nfs: to ether and shat they chose to call rot It has been ten- = years since Pap a common- danger- cenientect sr }:.gt= Clark has wan a United. League in lriends'ndF., : - pennant with his New York B:ues. of.to Terry event bac'. to, the :ce and Du and as the season opens the sports had to explain the situation which writers, . With tun exception of Terry so had • arou :ed t: a suspicions of ]icr:ly. Burke of, the Star, sire them little The kidnapping or worsee•f F•i'etre spi chanes. He' bets $10. on them, at 200 was. causing a terrific' furor. Papers spc to 1 at the restaurant of Tony that received the story later than 11, Murallo, a gambler, in the Broadway the Star: -speculated- on 13urke's to• - district. In the hard - fought open. ability to get himself out of a hole ter ing - same with Philadelphia. Whit: -arid at- the same time to scoop .the silk per, tko visitors' star pitcher; dies town an the new angle of -the day's w from a rifle bullet through the strange murder. Terry did not mind heart as'he' is -nearing the home tyili, but- he •wvs..worried about the. as plate after smashing out a home new thought that Doyle had put, in- an run, The - Blues wim There has to his. head. Would - ti:e gang- think me been ill -feeling between Larry Doyle of it and use it as a means of get- 16 the Blues' rookie shortstop, ex. ting him. out of the way? tab Fordham star, and Whitper because Fie went uptown to sec Alice An- cQl' Clark's pretty -daughter, Frances, , had. shown. her preference for Larry. 4rews; the ondy ,person -in whom he Detective Kelly suspects Doyle un- could 'confide. She was -terrified . til he learns that Larry was talking• that something' would- happen_.to hire' iy. with Frances un Err the stands at, but except to caution him to be. wO careful, -she did net let him see her roi We 'time'the shot was fired. Terry full writes a story about Frances clear- fetus' •'it's -getting• on my nerves," he bar ing Whitper's rival of suspicion and W Larry, beats him up at Ta_ ny's. When said to her as he paced restlessly - the Blues 'are to open in Boston, and down her small living -room. fovi-of the Boston stars are iniur- .11'11 as jumpy wr a cit. Every step he .ed. By clever work Terry learns I hear, every strange man on the thr that•Sid-Stream, notorious New York street, the•.person'-%Vho• josiles'mb'in gunman, wrecked their taxi by' firing a erowd, all those things send pin- . .do a' rifle bullet into a tire. Stream prickles tp and -down my spine- I'm "'r. .is found dead and Terry. receives not it coward. I could face some- terested+ in each other. W11iy elon't - :;''"'''`''x�r`...:,"a'.,z''''''c''''•::•::•::•:•: you be honest?....._ -- - i?i Frances had never spoken to him like that' before and he slap both :::::i::i'; hurt and startled. She .saw the hurt look "in his eyes, but paid Ae atten- tion to it as she raced on.' (� '11: hove Lai, y : , _ .� . I I'W go• :;r ing to marry him some day. Nwkin he •4 asks me. He's too much of a3 gdntle- ' man to break his word to pout Esc- ,,;.: z cept to speak in passing, I longe -not seen him since the day be-as::ed per- .......... <micciosLto-Collie—over.— Why sire • � . o`.. you so pig-headed- about bel p7 fay- ` ers'.' Where do you, expect arse to 'c / •b , "r` find a husband—in. the street? Ball .pibyers are- the only men `1 havd ever .., .::,. i:nur•n since 1 tins a litter chit I've be,.. -i brout ;A up uritis them and . t N. f l ;5--•, • � understand ti en:. I feel strange - /, 1 ' f'•: with other men." L "Frances, pease—"` There .was so much pain in his voice- iiia`.: she X. stopped, arnazed at her own anger. "i'm sorry," she said .and Vent 41/ to the Wln:,ow and looked do An at the busy street'. _ "I don't v,a:it, to be mean, b'rasi- ( v3 ecs, or. unreasonable. I've nothing - ( 'f Anst Doyle except the Yac't -that d- = } he :3 a ba d.N.a.',L. believe me t:F.en 1 tctk you t::: t t like hi::. 1 dcq. Ilea yp'.:ng aiid like "all - youth; he-thin'.is .pung _ are 'better than old ones, lyhat k::s he done Once he has been with I- \:'hither over y'ou. - Ile sulked.After to ;t flame when ti'haper i, us `ki31- ,� c .. l:e broke training. . the Went dov rta�:n to tdie worst dive in the -ck. and beat up .a ne:vsprper r&vi. ; I pi:b -him in -to bunt and he knocks. '-� o, t a home run. fie has made many e:rurs,`and'.wv en i take him out of _ %.� —� t: „arrc,, le gets sore. He':l IIaN e I'. *..., `4n abso'utc- wi~tier for to co back to the -minor leagues are. " learn the . professional gamma?' ore who lt:t2 tt sports touch. -To- • y'n sinir3Y fitted' mot: l bang a neat "You'll kill his career .at the very r c: buttons and a !cattier belt Yoe star;," ;he accused. "::ot if -,he- i9 mane of the right hlnr;_Inrt t.�e :'r^raip.;aahing, part stub. I;e is the 'victim of-cirom- tov) wide, pointed collar, and cuffs stances viii:.t now, ani! I'm lMrry, match ..gin short and ver -T perky , but `1 can't let it o on.' fled s'cevest Tice so.'lar borrows g methiug"from tl•e o'd Puritans, but "You.won't_help him any by drop s its own dl3t1nct:ve debonair Ptn� him." rit that mai:cs " the v: *.ole "frock I'm afraid.` to keep him. Yo►c've rkle. The body of the ess is cut read' the papers. Kelty - is Clot . rat - long panels taking no I-: ue, at' all isfied that Doyle is innocent Who, -. rim- .- So many ilttea6tive•-ma= is to prevent :some_ of these..slnal•t :als suggest themselves, such as reporters from farther linklim,.dpoyle and wool -fabrics, sheer corded with us? Suppose 'it is suatgtcd 001, or a •;illy peasant -stripe cotton. that Doyle, because he is in rklte _ Barbara Bell Pattern' No. 1211-B 1s with you, has hired some one aliable for- sizes- 1?, 14, 16, is, 20 these men so that the Blues can - d 40. CoFresponding bust-measuret win the. pennant with yon ,8A the uta 30, 32, 34, 3G, 38 and 40: Size prize -for .Doyles work?" -�` (34) retluires 4 3-4. yard. a5 -inch (To • be Continued.) Me •pica 6-3 yard for contrasting ---- ' ar and cuffs. 11 have never seen"itbette>t ciYihsa- KbW TO ORDER -PATTERNS tion than the -Anglo-Sax on coth.'pt•" Write your name and address plain. Lady. Astor.. . giving number and size of pattern ted. Enclose 20le In stamps or n (coin preferred}; wrap It care-. _ and address your order Bar - a . # a - a BBell, Room 421, 73 Adelaide 8t. Toronto. Headache fast fails this time he thinks he --is ough on the force." Get RealQuick-,Acting, But what could'. Larry have to Quick -Dissolving with It?" When I took Larry4'611t 'of the "ASPIRIN" by mail the warning: "People who 'too thing I could see, but this :uncer- 'walking game, he was pretty sore and wand - erect around a. bit:` It was his arms and reassure Mm; but she must know much die." Dirkin, the tainty,: this on the• edge -of .for misfortune to go over to their bat truly; frightened she was. Terry _ Chicago star, dies from poisoning a'precipice, is -beginning to ge me. Tack." - ' -40 just after hitting a homer. -Pietro; "Nothing will- happen, Terry," "But, Arlyone would ae that!" US E EU the Chicago bai boy, disappears, and she assured' him. "They know: 'your "'I'll have to get rid of Doyle,", ' it is suspected Dirkin way somehow Boston find wag- accidental. At Pop blurtedout finally. up after the second tragedy.. Poisoned while handling his bat, • le t, -they know it now•, otherwise ' '''It's ' the_ first Mime 1 have -ever' 1"rances? You know What the papers Which is 'missing. Terry suggests they would have done something be- ' known you to be unfair," ac - it often enough, people will begin it may have been' thrown into the fore this. : Go . home now and sleep .she cused. ly, but not this way. If they want nearby Harlem River. and you'll 'laugh at -.1 this' in the ' I don't like t'o do it, :but there children and boys out of it?" "I don't like it," Doyle said. "I morning." He knelt beside her and re§ted are ninny things to be considered. 'I ean't do anything with the boy," don't like it a bit.. You'd better • watch' t his head on her lap. • She ran her he added lamely, She"had reaR Terry.'s story. your s ep from now on. ' "Dbn't worry, I will," Terry said fin!;crs through. his hair and wanted desperately to hold him close in her with real sincerity. arms and reassure Mm; but she must The two younstcrs l.::d dinner not do- that -or be 'would 'guess how " .r ,%spirin" tablets give lnick- re- truly; frightened she was. Terry lief, for one reason, becausocy dissolve or disintegrate almosfin- fell asleep and she did not. waken -40 illustration above.) him as •the troubled thoughts raced .l Ience—when you take n l .:'�1 Spi- US E EU throu_gh'her head. .� • rhey're right --- %Uptown Frances Clark was having _KO name ftti111ri Ni ��y 9 a bad time with her father. Pop - had cone home completely broken w11 Cart gard4niog t=porfs up after the second tragedy.. To "take certain or re- "What am I going to do, , Wks a! 1"rances? You know What the papers puftuos�Rwith y4er �e mwillget dowbIe, are saying about me, and if they, say sassed seeds w reason- it often enough, people will begin Ab prion *aa a firm of believe it. I'want to win'.natural- 'apa�1 ly, but not this way. If they want a cross on every tablet. to kill. men, why can't they, lease Tear sm BOOR/ children and boys out of it?" OA~bse an �seaw "What do you _suppose, they have wed Ieela as e•s.a NaMw sev"". done with Pietro?" Frances asked. +tiMfse.atese. haatldedMCt • �, .and Get— She"had reaR Terry.'s story. ASPIRIN.....,,. "I wish I knew. God ktlows Dept. WP S. P.O. Boz 2454, Montreal viers for seed, must be seat direct . where he is tonight. t--ayder i Son (19M)' Ltd., Seed Pop was a broken old man when '' K IUbasr,_ Bnglana. be stopped his pacing and sai down• He pulled off his shoes and stuck his feet -into the waiting slippers. ' bm" NO. 12 —.17. "Kelly questioned Doyle again," he said after a long pause. "These ...a Q.�� cases are getting under his skin. If ' For QUICK Relief If you suffer from headaches what -Vols want -is quick relief. ' " .r ,%spirin" tablets give lnick- re- lief, for one reason, becausocy dissolve or disintegrate almosfin- stantly they touch moisture. .(Note• - illustration above.) .l Ience—when you take n l .:'�1 Spi- rin" tablet it starts to dissolle at- .� most as quickly as yot; swat it. And thus is ready to startt �r 11l: almost instantly.. headacl R, neuralgia and neuritis. pains start casing almost at once. "As irin" tablets are made' in Canada. "Aspirin" is the registered red of the Bnyer Coinp�q y, Limited, ' of Windsor; Onta io. ibnk for the name Bayer in the foriil.of a cross on every tablet. Try it; -,You'll say it's m:irt-c?otia Demand .and Get— ASPIRIN.....,,. _ LOOK /OA TldL Ile4CLR ff�i • • , ... '".:'✓.: ,_... ..✓.ray'"'_, .. .. .n � ... C ! - ...✓. 11'.II. �M.Rc!'4� ;0- j.. ♦ .... SPORT REPORTER By KEN EDWARD8ING y • Hi folks. Here Bill ' s are just a' fewLy �. facts that are i wAh placing in "l ,o scrap- C book; from Time: M"ti to time: s. a a: Did you know, M by any chance, at- Sea gram'C.s horse,YLE ii�� "Inferno." was w a, o L EN _ r g� the greatest race u X7191 horse to ever win the .dings era Y g •�i Plato. Also. when "Inferno's" re- �' o r r it C main& were sent to the Veterinary -Co}! f ti• age or autopsy, it was fiasco er- ed that the great racer's big heart v , weigbeif 17 pounds—Just about fve .c. ..+ ... vk more than the heart of the average-' ,; - -- "• - -.blood anrse. IntOresting, too, is the fact -that Belle Mahone, w:.ich • won the Plate i in I917, is the oldest, living King's-, ` Y . Plate winner. If you don't .believe in ghosts, maybe you Iean towards fairy �'�•'' isle&... .— .. .� _ �+ �.:r ;>� � - -• Do you remember Milo? Well, he Is said to Have been'the greatest ofyW all wrestlers. Milo could actually rr carry an ox about on his shoulders - - write is name on a wall with ro a 104-iwund weight hanging from HAS. EVERYTHIN.R. his a CUL Ob - me, a ,glass of o�da400b,t water, [lives! .. . • for 1937 - Coach stth T - >tif Timi marches on,and with it •rir► rvnk,- -. more I%tjieve it or pots", to find Longer Wheelbase - {� -that Strangler Lewis of modern-day Rigger, Roomier Bodies HECK over Oldsmbbile'impressive list of ; , - wrestling, once threw an 1800= Nigher -Powered Engines, fine -car featuxesJor 1937, Siad you'll agree Pound steer on his farm! Improved Clutch that Oldsmobile piovides everything you want - Sead any interesting sport . facts New Unisteel Tarrot Top and should have in a new car. Yet this newest - - - •to Keb. Edwards on. Wilson, Publish. Bodies by Fisher Style Leader is priced down among the lowest , Jag. 73 .Adelaide 3t., .1S'., Toronto. Super-ilydrattpe Brakes , w `Nt' New. Improved Rear Axl. to dive you the greatest value in Oldsmobile's \, i and the a his ' s name will it pub- Construction history. See and drive this beautiful new- Iished in this column along with the New Dual Stablilzers Oldsmobile today. One ride will convince you fact given,. Thank you. Proved Kneo-lletba Wbeds that it is tpol _ "The Car That Hos_Everything,''' t Fisher Na-Dratt Ventilstlon , Manrhf pa�rnenla to suit ncr pates NewCaAtarContrelSteering „n the eneralMotora Leta resent Pon. Taxi Owner Found - P�RICtD IR a 0 M I E ' *r L _ Dead In Ditch PROM - ftryt�atSoma) w'r4 O KitcLeaer Sportsman's Murder Delivered at factory. Osha.a, Ont. Government taxes, license , and Bafflo Police 'y Remaining 1r.e h�ardru t, Prices s je, in Podteb Ruling Out Robbery /•CI"ut Models Nie Arablis :'fbeaY—•Car >�f os Rosa .; -.' � _ :8lGGER . �Ft�lFR AND SAFER THAN EVER =Near By _ _ THERE'S' NO DELAY _ c M K1TCiipNEk—Local,and Provintia} WHEN YOU ORDER ' CHAw7. CVVP -- Cla emon . ' Police are faced with one of the most A NEW OLDSMOBILE Assoc.De+aler--J lyicVla8hali� iJuilDaCton baffilns Wi ler mysteries in this city's . history following the discovery_ early Sunday morning of the body of Law. ' rence Hewitt. 39 -Year-old taxicab pro. -- :prietor and prominent Kitchener phone, he. returned to -the rooln and room. Fie was not a a� �Q peaking very long Mr.- William Denny. who celebrat- s, ('PtyFolk 'Pay 'announced that he had to go atter a before he returned. 1 didn't think e Shot through -the heart with a .32• ed' his natal day in March, was been u , j fare because one of his two delvers there was in unusual about the : More. Taxes Than �calibro ballet, Hewitt was found was out on a call and the other was call, 'because be often went' out on in' Brant and is a .-son, of the late. shortly atter t a.m., sprawled in the off duty.. "I'll be back in -five min- runs while I -was there. Mr. and Mts. W:lliam Denny, who "Country Cousins imuddY ditto's beside t ase Kitchener- utas;' he said. Then he put `on his a' : pioneered .there. For -fifty ars af- _ ;Prestos Highway, two miles east of -- coat and went out. It was the last time ter graduating from the -rural school -here and soar Centreville. Halt of[ - � g R ' A • " - he was seen alive. An effort was made Walkerton Cou le ' :'-$he road was his sedan car, Its 11tSht p -:-:•, . Mr. Denny' carried -on' fartnirrg'and h.EW YO I►— lady from Vassar f to trace the, mysterious call that took College has figured out that, :by- pwltch tamed on ane the battery dead. the young • man away from his home :. Married 54 Years threshing business. For the last 23 ,A robbery theory was blasted when and lured him to his death but tele•. years he has been engineer with the end large, iStaS. city folk.—leastwise the polies found in the dead man's poc- Canada,. Spool an9 Bobbin om n those in the States of New York and; phone officials were unable io throw W akerton:-Mr: and Mrs. Wil- p � y Illinois—pay more taxes' than- their. lets W to bills and a few -cents. in any light upon its orlgtn. His bride, -the former Miss Mary vasih, Hewitt was extremely popular liana Denny celebrated. the fifty- Sparling, 'was born . in: Brock Town- country. cousins. 'here aa& so tar as his family Is aware, ._'Didn't Catch Conversation fourth aa.niversary of their wedding ship, Tune 19, 1864. Following their Using thoze two States for her ' he bad no enemies. 9 ' Sunday; and for the event ill mem- mat riage by Rev. ,:41r._ Moffat,_ pastor, researches,' Dr. Qe' Newcomer of McGinals declared he was unable to Y of the Presbyterian Church, Wal- Poughkeepsie, NA., Women's School ' Called Out by Telephone ''' bars of their family, six sons and ; At 10 o'clock Sunday night the tele- catch' any - of Hew!tt's conversation two daughters, were present at a kerton, they" took' up 'residence on reported that a typical city, dweller phone nag in his home, where he sat 'while he Was answering the mysteri- dinner, served' and the ' bride and the old Denny_ honiestead, where' here wtih a $2.000 income pays listening to a hockey broadcast *ith ous call. "The -radio was going pretty groom of over a half century ago they lived until their removal to' taxes of. $270 to' $334annually. A his with 'Aad Bernard McGinnis, a loudly;' said be; "and•drowned out his were at home t., receive the felici- -Walkerton about_ a. quarter century farmer with a, like. income, in folw, _.' close Mend. -After answering the, tete- words. The telephone is in another ta'tions of ,their familyand, friends, agog ' ' cases ont of five, paid.$193 to $lf,8 . CA7FINEST''--LOW PRICED CAS w_ IgI it o Price delivered at factory, Oshawa, one. Oovernrtient tax", license and, • s< freight additional (Prices subjegt t . change without no ace,) P-87 - • CHAS. COOPER -- Claremont. Assoc. Dealer--;' lcGla share, Dunbarton 4t L 7. .w. ,,; ''t: .,vr. - .X: � at cn.• r :- .;:a. - �:.r ... ..,y,.- .: ^._. '. ....: _a•...-. pC',a. /-•:•� •• •v., c. , � ar� ..a. x� ,•a,�.� :: a,..p..-._ .•-,.•.-.st .I ;.. -+._ ,7'!p,3f.�'�'".�:,i':. .Y'. ',"'�{,''.R'. `:E't :s�`�,`'•'' _ .. .: r. a c.: s. � .. .. £'tea, .. .+. �.. ..'t . ' ,'iS •1'• ,'_ i-^a:a '� '`' :... :w_.. ...a. ,:.. .., ,.:.. ,rix. ,...,, _.. ..r •..c:;,. .. .y., „ p.. -#.0 .M fie. s',,: .: a.. .�-:"�'..,c�—..-.' til, ....... ,.. ,,;, .. .. ,,.; �..: : �4, •.e 3 .. n7 � E r L00A Lj1b&m -We 'congratulate i+iiss Eileen -Mr. Leslie Morley moved last - - Bushby on • tmccessfuily passing: the week into the residence • he recently examination- in Grad.,-11, piano. purchased from J. Poynter, and haw Acv, H. G. and Mrs,' Crozier at---Re':. :lir. Sperwer, of -Smithfield been occupied for several years to.re tended the funeral of the foraiez':i gill occupy the pulpit in the Uniteu Traffic Officer Arthur Runciman._0ouain at- M�orlo on Tuesday, Mrs. Arthur Boyes is recover- Chd=h, '`Horning and evening on Geo. E. Dixun, 15.years instruetr:r nivel from Sunday next. Sux day SHho::l and in poultry husbandry at the Nation- - dig y. pm her levant severe Bible Classes at 10 a. 7n. - al Institute x "Pickeri-ng's Leader Store" e'wport, Salop, Eng., ' iilness and is now able to be 'arr�un r ---St. Patrick's Day was observed will address a meeting in the. Com- ber house. in the usual 'rianner_,by a number muni-.t Hall Dumbarton, Tues. Mar. =-The Indies' Aid of ' St:' Aird y � . _ ... _ of .our .real Ls -on W - -"Care Green Green wasend Diseases - c is nee ng this aft- - thetrninant colour of Poul F oon` ('I'liursday)' at the home of on that day and many were the pry >�" Bring your proble[ios. ernLAVIES : - --- - If on would have our hoose smartly dressed, 1. Mrs. W. J. Miller. Irish songs be,� over. the radio in -Frank J. Prowse undt:'rweut a' honour of Irelirid's Pat" Saint* In Memoriam �pn will decorate With ' successful operation for'h'ernia,_one -,Following a significant' news - fast week_ He suffering eon_. - _9ALVERZL- n, lovir►g meanory. of'. :.' f! SEMI-TRIMMBD ispatck-one --morning last . week, Staunton our dear mother, Mrs. Thoa. Cal- '�ytFildexable pain, but he is making i, � - - - frown Ottawa, a small group of lot- r r satisfactory recovery. : al men, well-known for their strong vim' who passed Maate21st, y�5 GEN'Y'LEIVIEN • F. H. Westney was in Columba:; We who- loved you sullymiss political leaning, were seen to As 4t dawns another • 4aa Saturday attending a meeting into a huddle over in the ahada4ii3 year; oif the Maple Leaf Fire 'Insuranoa 1n our lonely hours of thinking, ' ` If you would be smartly dressed, you will Weer ` much to the amusement of some Ciomopany's Board of Directors, of who iwere not quite so' interested. °f You' are ever near. « ff APPROVED w9lieh he is a member. -Miss Fivelyn' Mitchell, Traveli- -Lovingly remembered b, Danab- .Iohnston. OLOTHk3i8 Do not forget the meeting of all tern and Som- Ing i ' •6ntairio County Jersey Breeders at Secretary °f the W. H. S of the United Church ' afCanadaWe invite you to come in and see`'our Dew "a) on 77 -'the Council cham*6r in Whitby on . , will pl be guest speaker for the local aux- the new sample racks, and remember we carry a com- i8aturdity afternoon next' ' Marsh diary, th. Wednesday, . March 24th at Notice to Creditors - plete, stock right on band•-•No delays, 2 Some of the officials of the 3 p. m. in StAndrew's Church. 'Ail Canadian Jersey Cattle Club will be the ladies 'of the congregation are In 'the Estate' of Mrs: James Tedd, _ _.:Patronize _e carries_ a stock,- . the dealer who _ pa+eeent to address the meeting. invited to earne and hear interest- tlecesaed. -'Farmer's are becoming quite Ing facts about our hone mission aiaaipns about their !all wheat cop, NOTE—Our'new spring sample' book Which - as the tie work. All persons having - claims ag- frequent frosts and thews is ainst the estate of Mrs. James Tod 'ou Will_ receive -represents only a-_ small poi - 'Itkel to cause much damage. Some -The Senior Dramatic Club of dr z y g the United Church'' presented' their late of the village of ' Cherrywood,t ion Of our big stock. of the fall wheat is already turning play, "Attorney -forthe the Defense" to in 'the County ' of Ontario, w}io died quite bmwn.. Up to. the last fewa large audience ' in Brougham on on or about the, 24th day of Aprilweeks the outlook for a good cropWednesday night -and- yrt e- "4.06, are herebT-notifl-ed to send toT' was very premising. Strangely enoughHili ( 7%ursday night of last week, and ,the undersigned executors, -on or ms,so, -C H A P M A N , naval I were well receivod. They appeaTe,' before the '15th day of ,April 1937, - "etuiooi has not yet found it necess- in ,Hampton, north of Bawrrianville. full particulars of their claims. Af- - -- - - -- -- ' ary to take the same actl'rin that on Wednesday right' of this week. Ler said .. last-mentioned_. _date, the �*rtt= r T T RQ �1►i�� PRICES wane of. the schools nearby have . _, assets of said estate will be distrib_ NEW lJ S_ 1�1 A box sricial -will Fre.'held in ltio, been obliged in do, close up; through � 1 school house :m Thursday even- uted amongst the, parties entitled taness, measles, mumps and what- ins Marsh g>th, under the auspices 'there -to, having regard only to - -� not. No cases have been reported in of the Sunday School. Bert Harvey. claims,, of ,which_the Executors shall Men's Knee -Rubber Boots, _ ; :$2,29 the local. schor4.'_ Touch wood says the p^pular comedian, will provide then have notice. , nolmebody. 1 the eintFu�aiiirnent• T3,ei�e IW911 also be y of kilareb; Men s 6-Eyelet Brown Rnbbers; 1.76 -Death 'vain very suddenly to D, this first • - DATE f da Mins Isabella Rose onWedneoda;,' other local talent. An orchestra will 1927• M9n's Plainpver Rubber-, 79c. - be in attendance. Adrnisailon 25 eta, George- T. TWd. Pickering. R.' R. t, March loth, at the borne of her Al- brother-in-lave, Donald Munro . Al- Ladies with boxes free. ChildrenHu ,- and William A. ts.•• Whitevale, Men'-Spat rk-abbess, 994. though she suffered horn 'In=bago, free. Cnni•ert at 8 D, m: - Out, Rxecatem, _ .. _ otherwise she was o -We noticed a letter is the Star - — hoes _ ling g New stock —New `P' a few nights ago : floor wane party t ]� health. She had retired. for the ev-_ py..p�ed The PieKerin o writing;'- regarding the g Bee our neve range of clothing Sam las. .:ening in her uausl.gvrd health. but highway to the north of the village, in the morning her a y was _MEAT MARKED' Agency for Tip- -op Tailors .and - found in hear thing that it was about time eonie- _ - g. thing w:e done abrwt it, the floods -Firth Bros., Hamilton. to heart failure. Her funeral took in the spring over the highway and. - place on Friday, interment being in so on. The e� editor reminded -him Our Motto=- Quality cit Service' Araldne. Cemetery. She was adages- ghter -of the late John -and Mrs. that thepositi't'si of the highwayQ�p�•' j could _not influence the floods.WoSpeclAl��Country Fred. T.. Buntin _ Plck Rase, and was born in Nnadahir - der if_that was a katal in"T St le Sousa e erinst Scotland, and came to Casnada a- p. - bout Sb and most of the -174. George's 4Mwtch, Sunday, .7 g ^. FstabiLhed 1857, 4 years ago' March 22st. Palm Sunday. sunder tans has resided with Mr. and His. l 5c. per lb.-- c:=9llmirrN the latter School at le a an. Morning Prayer a _� at 12. Pk+eec'herChris �. B. Pastel'_ .2 lbs. for 25c. :A NEW YEAR'S MENU -Leat week we annourxxd Robt. �, M. A. of Christ, Churcr, Osh- Rlnddy's entry in the luster's Shield aiwa: Even m. ULARLrNCE 9ILK, Contest at the Eglintm . Hunt Club, >n8 yet 7 P=. 29-81 - ` - to be held on . Saturday afternoon Preachei. Rev. D G. I2krbinaolt. On Manager µ Health ,Friday evening, at B, there will be laaf. There Were, at the beginning .Phone us for Delivery of the "Jumps" contest wxme weeks a Devotional- Evening is the Club Fisons 16"' " i Friendship t "also, sixteen M the belt known hor- Rooms• under the auspices of the Y. P. A, with a aho:'t address by the PAsea in Canada Many had droppdd rrau, ldusrN•wswe,�t� Plc asant Memories i ont, till Saturday, when only four Rector. All are chrdially invited. r entered the finals. Mr. Ruddy, and _A ticket' ensures a seat tilt Mus- Contentment his entry entry "Patricia McNeil", who is Love>re' night April 9th, urian the HOUR RAowtN, RAY ly AiRN- - Gym Boys we presenting the Gen ka and Banner Lot iB, con ., Pickering_, •,,Cheer were First : Winners, had Airws�g Jo., Cowan, _ x_80 • known Chi test competition, A well- tial "Y" Orchestra, o! 30 musicians. _ their a . Al least lh.of the orchestra are viol- I-�I(iS Felt BALE- B pigs. about 50 h, Prosperity �.liiean Army horse, own- lbs rain. s o Weeks old. Stamey Murdoch, ed and' ridden Mrs. Ta or, the mists, which is sibl the world'a R R i, Pickeripg, p°'� y :Dreams Come True favorite instrument. Thanaporting � l tF;U OATS FOR SALE-A gnao• former Enid Hunt. The Shield, or` Happiness an o>ichestra of this size to Picker- �titr of Alaska Date Appi J. c. Bryant, •iginally presented 'by the late Geo. Phone Pick 1407. 1$eardmore, M. F. H. is now present- u►8 quite a kis undertaking sa anal ' • take advantage. ea ee re -plica, b the All. in Double Portion - � P , X Present M. ta8e Your chance to L+kIIU E+RAIN FOR yA LF,-Fiprini hear 'them. Tickets. Will be on sale l . wheat, "Durham'. also Banner oats, Walter tri o You F. H., H. R. Bain Cpngrattilatiorta 11wh- . "Du int• 81 1 this week end at 45 cents and 'seat= �� 1 _ (KAI.F.—!i,rd wttFxt r,HtA wild • Burvlars again IDaifl one of8 18 limited. The musical OOltl�ll- pe; s; on No. 7 Highway 11-2 male. east ---*fir-perkdial visits to Piekering-ovasLq �d Wm.' Hum. ofPiekcring S. C Pun ke 30.32 Thursday morning lash but thev plrnes are also appearing as an um �� A P M FOR NA LE-80 acres, being. - ` ed feature. lot m. 66n,5. Pickering; aprinsafcreek. met: with very little strccesa in.their --lfie �, ADPlotJohh20- Gillman, Brougham. 33 search for spoils. They entered A. official visit of OBR W e • .-R E 1 D H.• Robinson's dairy and took one of District-Deputy Grand Madel['. of- H B FOR RALR -Good work i , hone' elsn2ineabit.n, AppiyC., Car. Butcher ,(phone 3000) Pickering the pouches carried by the drivers, T"tO District .B', took Plaice on bails, Hi[bland Geek, satso ; but it contained only about tw; Thursday night of, this week, W. VO-R SALE-Hood Olyde gelding. a. dollars, and the 'empty pouch was War. Belo. J. A. K. Taylor. D., D. 7 years old, Orville Burton. R R 2. parse P G. M. and •h4a Sec anont, Phone Glare 1405 pp.8e • found about threel� w �t Wo=, Pickering Hardware'Store Bra. Mikes, of VOR S A L'!� Unit E A P- Re the village, ' which. would bring OikC ��' �� ' *ZM i Yorkshire boar and i sows in pig B L Pit is o to the conclusion that the thieves duced by Wor. Bro. R. P. Wietrten, R R a, Piekering (Base Line) so-$1 were Toronto men. Theyablw end- to the Wor. Kanter, -Officers and i. CELL, SWAP-(if, roan Shepherd, savored• to break into M. S. chap- Members of the IirdjCe. Following k male, i year old, goon watch dog, Church- COOp@r'8 Dry °Kin Cooper's Ketol the loci session. a ward, I.isott's sideroad. Pickering, 30 v tiisa'8 Store, but the lock would not � ban4uet `vl'� -T-- be manipulated: It is thought that served in the. A. Y. P. A+ rpeertB, at Fr1R SALR'-3sprade. 2.regiyter. . .' Ill Disinfectant for lice on the are the sauna which lit. Wor. Bro. Ts,�Mr was the Holsteins and 1 grade. Herd is ru130 y gang which aurcditcd. Wm.David.on.Cberrywood,2v-80 �woke into" Oshawa and • Whitby Principal Speaker, . T'1le usual toasts t•07'UH O(li I 1 E PUPS FOR i.. places ' of business where they met and brief addresses' were given, A � ' ' ' your .Live Stock. SALE— Iced heelers. Males $2,60, Apply - . with better luck. securing - about nuanber Of the lrnembers Of ,neigh- D. Munro, 'ickering. Phone Pick 1309. 31 Q c 1200 worth in an Oshawa store and boring 1Qti}ges Rre:e..viait><na on this FOR RALE-Clydesdale mare. 7 ,Royal Purple Pqultry Specific to _ $75 worth in Deverell'8 garage«. �'�on• years old, Also coal burnin&,brooder stove in gond condition. M. B.'Burk. Phone Pic < • --on Thursday evening leer a __. ______ loan 80-31 combat the worms Mi Poultry. large nam ber attended the Cotmrnun O R SALE -11(10.. ii u s h e l s. of 2 • year • Ity night program in S. S. No. I Spruce Lumber Foldoats and 100 bushels of Bu pye`fl - in Inta8h, !O $ter; shell and oats : Atso 2 good grads cows, y East. The feature of tike evenitig " - Pucl4rfn, Phone Ptck 2302 was an:, address by. Mr. Allan .Liah, Grit W have some exoe t• N`OR RAI;B-I Perfection oil stove, _ octan, who recently returned from _ p 4-burner. with oven; hind power wa.hi : w+, several years Sojourn in Nigeria, Ion$lly nice S�r110e >In l machine with moringer. elan New Williams new. . Africa. He gave .much interesting Ing machine. Apply at Nrwa Office' 29tr Royal Purple Hog, Tonle inch dressed, . deoking�hnioraation about tht country uIORSAI-E-McClnr y full ivory and naOheid sidings. l black porcelain enamelled coal and wood Which Wee mach en yed. Musical - - ' - range; complete with high closet. - U• d only aeteCti0Ai1 Were given b a nitxed one year. Price $40.00. I. Sbipton. Brock Rd, y Dry and Well manufac- _ rickering, _ 80 dgGut for MtiCoimiCkXeerimg hsIIn ]M-acbinery quartet'eompoeed of Mia.'-Waller, tIIred. - - Mrs. Ferguson and Mess're. Hetger !`I(IWS FOR SALE-Olose spring. and Repa`ih. and Williams, with Mia. P. N, _ . `len and fresh Cows. Pure brad ind arade..'r. B, t •sled and blood testrd Fra delivery ouaillotto:'—ss we have 040 Itowt, of. tt pianist. piano 64lk13CtkOttB by • 1 �Di�� Wm J Murp $Prahy.MuoFarms. Wnd•ay. Ont Mies McGregor and G. Crawford�•� �G •:• Pb°4'e 1re862. l8tf it'ie not'umde,; - and guitar numbers by >K�a M• LUMBER YARD FOR A A LB-Pereherno horsPn. 1 Telephone ON Coorer, vocal, by V. Cookson and palror black merea, matefiedt%am, 8160, c ` y .,reading* 9 PHONsi 8400 b and a yearn old. tesistr,edi one black mare. *• �. BAL$DON ' P�1►•'a1i+sRNG 4u b Mies M. Stephenson. to fool. '623, 4 ears old; one en mareio.'/wl J ++ Wr kbiments were served. followed Kay 6 ran old; one las colt. yearling John 1 , �R I Pickering. $03 w