HomeMy WebLinkAboutPN1936_04_037. '•..' e', ,fit. ••' - oo 'IN' - __ NEWS., .~ v VOL. LV. -- PICKERING, ONT., FRIDAY, APR.. $ li4H. N-.4a 3 VVVfssd)tvtt Al chars.. _ Audle� Brock Roaf! z ' Yifiiowi The'drams put on by the Picker- - Mr. A. H. Rowe visited .witch his , R. H. 0. PSARSON-Phpafnia ••ting trucks nen our wayi9^, people- at Wee church. was •well farther, Col. Rowe. - - P y received. Tb* 'play is a g�•t a and Our community was again doe- D1sdSargeoo. DonbartoQn ;ay suety day." B. 1?ORSYTH. Oph. D.. Director'the actors did well. Teased when Mr.. Chl'as. Gardiner and R.,Optometrical Associati000l,0atario. Reg. COAL, COKE. a The next Club meeting will be family, left for their, now residence 4 _ . n�td sober of Etre Amerkas Optometrical held on Monday evening April 13th on A14ona. Road. k :' arrirlsfjdb E1es easmined i» appointment. tn:.asea, Clareamnst.ont. WuOD, CEMENT, and it will be the Tenth Anniveisary Following the sale 'alit week. Mr. night with proceedings in keeping Paul Diamond and family. are leuv- SA R _ y �• `�' Rabbits have aurae3 alaou 'TU' bier s c t�1ty uu 1)UiYaLU titluuY rsa.rirWr, and cent of Air. Betson's'young ten-acre ence on a farm located on the Brock Ili. Soler A tvutary ruwi.. nwneyw ►.oitn- r a);iple oru�`rard. It will be anost sec- Road south of Claremont. Mr. Dix- QrlCatorme"i,Wcuy,euuy tne.ate n.n,.Lnns• BUILDERS SUPPLIES "P -to use ntizre guards .for trees. mond. Sr., is taking charge of the � - � - -- _ - tiaa.swuo wwtl °l wY[t tt,w.e, wtutoy. tui - --. also local cartage WOIk ' R. P. and Mrs. Winters and F. M. farm here, just vacated by his, sons, RA'i' )NI BULL. do nudes and Mrs. Chapman attended ' the Paul and Jack. We extend a welcome - ' sJi W. J. 8eA7UN. K. C. We have nleu placed in stock a full Ladies, Night of the Pickering Fus- to the former 'on coming into our 1i. B. BELL J. D. F: RViS line of Maple Letaf Hilliug niers on Tuesday last• at„ the King community and a - wish .of success - J• A wRtutiT: f„u'e E'eeds.. Edward. - and happiness to the latter in their ry0 " 72 >�r Street, Toronto; ',Adelaide alas S. R. Wonnacott took out the last new location. 1�' f� O. RILI1Ati1)yUN� Co.. Esatr' A. vT • MITCHELL load of apples from Grasmere on _There passed away on March 27th OD _C Sulk-IEOVs. Notaries etc., Suite sot. �y, Monday last He lost' only one day at • his horne at the Brock Road, one- . Maeelaior lite Boildind. 36 Toronto 5t. Toto.:to. .-Piokeris Out. Mill pbone Ad. hiss: eackierine ebone 3613. du �� in the whole winter from malting of our oldest residents,' William Bad- lar- trips twice a week.. ero+w, in his 73rd year. Although - Office phone 7400 Residence 8520 regu ??Ps g y g � �HOD[r30N McKILLAN-Barris- the late Mr. Badgerow had been in _ -- ton, Solicitors, Notary Public. Office at i1llstabllahad IMS of Mr. Tttomao°, tot 1 1. eoncesaon 1, Brougham failing health for some years, death oa,ce i,ou:,: Thursday and Sacucday The Beal Storer Claremont - came suddenly and unexpectedly- -. - -- s�aoirtas: from PHONS V24 i Mr. L Mattthewis was a• Toronto Deceased, whose wife, Alida Corning a�p,�ntsaa°t. 1 oroaw otSee : 6U5 xo sr Bank n Pbone Pick zQ,o. Tornow Ei 'n saga. visitor during the past week. predeceased him 13 years ago, leav- - 3, FURNITURE _ - Collie and Muriel Shepherd visited es to mourn, one son, Arthur, of t g"�ONAPIT k ANN18 - Barristers, We are displaying an sttractii•e their home here=on Sunday. Whitby; one daughter, Mrs. Gert- vSoiieitars, Notaries Punic variety of The Postponed Amateur Show is rude Bus':by, of. Columbus; one AORDON' D. CONANT, K. C, Aluminum and Graniteware Etc. scheduled for Friday April 17th. grandaughter, Jennie Bushby; thr� Ati-IN F. ANNIS. B. A., LL. B. Furniture ,nd Furt.iture Keep the date,. in •mind. brothers,' Wilfred and Seth. of Pick- 00ces- -71 291mcoe St. S.. OshawM. Novelties. "V[iss Bell Brown, of 'lbronto %q _Phoom-4 and 5 (Oshawa). 'and at the Court Bring and Fred. of Brooklin and one House. whiibl. (Mr. Conant)-Pbone 7 (Whit. Prices low, in keeping with rims. visting her relatives here at res- _ - P sister, Mrs. Jennie Courtney, of De- by) - - - ent.. troit. RADIO SERVICE - :Nlrs. Winton White, of .Claremont, - - - spent a day ast week •frith Bruue .- Amateur Allow, in the T.wn Hall ' N9 1 L 0 6M1TH. O.-D. al., L. D. S., A:Graduate of Radio College asp friends. Hrougbam. - Fridaj,-April .1711+. (Suttees« tp Dr. J. r t)ales). Graduate of with Mr. 'and -Mis. Hotsw-. of St. Paul - ifDa Rofal c:o(leee of Dery Surseon.,and Toren- Ont., were visitors of 'Miss Bate on Qterryw nod as U¢iversity At Clan act ot�ce oust D. A. u t0-the-Illlnute trainll] Q `ta�li.�•ery Toe. v ane Frid�'iirPhone p g InndBy. and Mr.;. Cnawrave and Mrs. North, of Mr. aild 1.%1 m. N. Elves- and baby . -_ - FINEST LQUIPMENT T�mnto Wednesday daughter of Bronklin spent Sunday L7EBBERTT PALLAiyE. L D9.. spent, Y . it f with Mr. $ D. D.S. C;tadiAtt,f-tlfe-Royat.Cottcye of - ,� -_ and--A s-Beit Hat'vey. t Wm. Petty s: - a p��,ypta. sur;tw°.and tt.e llaiversitr of,T°`°oto -Guaranteed Satisfaction W, J. Brown and famil of Toros- lir, H. McCullough of Toronto; p�1ee m reodenc. second door east of St. And- y' Shingles .For Sala' f aw's Cborc0. Picker.na Oot. OE<ice. noun : 9 AT to. anent Sunday with the former',- .w-as a •ct eek-end guest of Mr. Putts, a. m. to 11 p• m., or by-aboointwent. (X rag _ v r.ise). Phone Pick 3700. 431y 'R-q-onyhIP' P. id•Pal parents, T. C. and Mrs. Brown. our teacher. Tubes and Batteries always ea h A Mrs. R. D. Miller has been under Mr. and Mrs Ro3. Morns• had a ' halt Galvaclied Stet-I Shingles, 1.'- the doctor's care with an attack of week-end trip to U. S. A., teaching B rd'n Felt Slate Shingles. irluotass,an .� a>rl?f. H. ROY MiLLIi*R, o, New Yor1t Also rings buggy wheel&. , Sroupbam. Ontario { tonsiliti,s. points in Michigan, Ohio, f e-ruhhr- ELIZA9Ft'Ti3 RIl1HAltI�130N- The Sacrarnerit of the Lord'"s Sup- and Pennsylvania Lwwu mowers sharpened. i�.lr,reane aatee°obileinaurance of a!I k,nda. 46tf Phone Mirk 1808 Mie, Winnie Barnes entertained T.. PATERSON'S OLAREMOtO e.srwestia<eao►p.nteaa road ftaae,eial .sand- per will be admSnictPred to St. John's pall and • y ices. Phooa'AB13 as, M U s I c congregaition next Sunday. s number of her friends last .$star- B FK s P08TILL. Lioeosed Auctioneer, _ �s Church services arse cancel-ed on day to an enjoyable eveniiig of dan- F. fw oasatlaa of frock sad gat.4o. ase- Sunday o�ririst to water in the base- ting and court ,whist. a6sasdas sf all Wade &Uonesd a oo tl►osMM E%perienOed 1181(3• TeaOher meet. tlno&TW the furnace. On Tuesday evening. April 7�, an � ? aoira& Addreaa Organ Saver F. o., oa4, t A�rieteur Pro xill be given in FUEL EL with a Torontd COnservator3 Traffic on 'No. 7 Ritrhway was the �m R. BBATON. TOWIV9HIP etandinQ. heaviest of the •%ea.,,* over the week Cherrywood Hall, under the suspic•. 'Do Cwt. Converaseer. commisasoner f« end. the hi atway be'ng dry again. es of Roy Morristi's S. S. Chas of - Iskiaa affidavits. Accountant, Etc. Inner or will teach afternoons or evenin�a • f „ tdacriaee licernes. whtterste, Got. Mrs. Bek Matthewq has been vitt. ys, the proceeds ,being for special Bu><lders Su lies _ - Saturday reserved for school iting at tt.e home of their daughter S. S. givings. This evening's esker �r ebiidren. and son-in-lair. Mr. and ,Mrs.' .G. tiariment is going to be different as - r if l( J Resta very Moderett. Harbron on the lake shore, Picker- w*eI1 as ,good.. Refreshments will be LII ber and Lata LiueorMd Auctioneer for York, served. m Ontario and Ontario Counties. Studio at Rey own home one mile Ing• $. C. ►7hinQrlea Aff kindcof sales promptly attended to; _ east of Brougham on No. 7 - Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Moffat 'w-el- The Woman's Assiocation .' will _ TI~taxb' rrxuiurAstcrs Highway. comed a little dsugct ter on! ;larch meet i ►tele. church on Wednesday, - ialIIe (1041 n April astir, at 2.30 o'clock. Roll-Call- y_ wahe arrawCed frw at the NEWSodke'. 25th, the aisth in line from tiicholas • p,Alberta Ooal - Hen and Independent pboon. MRS. CART. DEVITT McIntyre, pioneers here 111 years `a be answered with an Easter . Whitby. Ontario. a¢n- rh Ttie,program, wnjl,be glom „.DOnles6lV Coke ought. _... Pickering 1VIills' Miss Gladys. Gannon and friend by the W. M. S. Ladies of Zion ch- Cfinent. Lime Plash TRUCS�EN t _ ___ fr'fxn. St. Michael's Hewpital spent arch; Cedar Grove. They were unabit- • Saturday with herr people here. to be with us ,in February, owing to Maple Bbdy'Wcod Chopping Each Mr. end Mre. 9heiiock, of Toronto unfavorable i eath_ei conditions. Out j�88ntB for L.nndy FeDe& Insurance - . Hent Sunday with Clic latxer's bro_ ladies are kindly asked to- provide ,1';, DeA1gI1C�eC� - -'Week Da ani me.sl` �xJt,usr t they Bert, .an rs. , the same as had' been arrarrg Feeds of All Kinds to Stock Mrs. of �f ylartilla, has for the. February meeting. Pleas ;^ frog your P C V �, been t?ie guest of R. C. and ?►Iger note chelelte of day: ; ' C - • . . Poultry Feeds, Labrador Shell, Oil ..... oeks6utt Iwplements Cake Meal; Molansee. Any shop you MoWhixter during the past weal:. . f:.oacert and Dance. Brougahm 7th. �€ License •Obtainable =�--r- Secure Prices Before BuYh1& may need. We can mix any ration Tbe village of Brnaxha:m narrowly _ From ;:;_ .that you msy want,.atadiae mixed. escaped great publicity several days ,. Kiniald T Our Front Rank Egg bash gives �'D: when Bert Harvey escaped that WILSON � R Q � Y CY•RIL 9. WORLEY.' 'terrible des*% of. drowning. Bert had Mr., T. Since •was a caller in our reanks. Prices are direct to you, No. Justi6xble Rates' Commissions. ; been. reading. the accounts and look- village on Tu.-sday. LAW01t MR, anew � q Salt at Car-I.ot Prises. in at the pictures taken in other Mrs.- Richardson we are leased - f Phone - Plekef ing, i7N _ p P Pbone ilia► k 7_x00 - _ )ratty . of the continent of the. discs- to teport, is able" to sit up a short .. trous floods, and was picturing to time each day. Mattresses D. N. Lockw' ood himseFf just wit was going to: hap- . J. MicD u4d' was in Niagara', on /'�t� L m pen in his' own back -yard when the Tuesday looking for a position. He u'gII -- PIC1Z£RINa, 01TT. W and Cold JNNER•-SPRING MATTRESSES spring freshet rose to unusual levels expects to =move shortly. ]n good quality-t:uvtxitfg, Ra a. CLENI}ENIN in his awn garden. A ice jam Mr: L,enron is moving to the farin Remedie' s -- Price. had bail+ up sotftil of - hien and not south of Kinsale, lately occupied by X15.00 FUNERAL DIRECTOR having any dynamite on hand, took the late Ambrose Conner. ' Marshall inner-Spring Mattresses -- his long handled .shovel' and proceed- A slumber of our hockey '-'fatit+ Grove's 13romo Quinine tablets, /� MI¢ Price, 529.00 Private Ambolence ed remove the ice. In trying to reach journeyed to Oshawa on Monday ev- Cascara Brotix►QWnine Tablets, �.. Day'and flight Service over to the other side -of the water, •cuing• t,• see the game bei,ween the L.ai,awiti::aucf ., . • . Wbite layer Felt Mattresses _ Phone W00 he fell in up. to the -nock,' and was Whitby, .Red Wings , and Niagara. Buckley' s Bronchitis Mixture. 40c. & 7I9. Price, 59.50 - ` carried ddw-n stream. The cries of The friends of Chas. Crew are' Passmore's Bronchial Mi+cture,- L•MAlvern 5000 anguish still rings • in the ears of sorry to hear that he, is not prog- Rem d7a. Grey felt Mattresses Markham, . Ont I' large ".s' �. ,,..,nno_ - l o' ,• Prrca, - t e are umber that• gathered it ere as we would like, but hope t: T: bene SG.50 f the attempt at a rescue. During that be able to give better news next Aspirin. mac•. + &� 'WALL PAPER -- _ - `-� -- �T' -- awful few hours ifi being buffeted week. Vick' Vapo Rub. Paper -about by strong currents and huge • Mr. and.-_Mrs. A: Hooker: and Mrs Vick's Now chops, b We are selling Sun-tested wall CQ �e E. 111- I >we for every type of iris. There is an blocks of ice, grespino '�� srt , straws. and Mrs. R- V. Mowbray--and Plor- Mists] Now Drops, 3r5c dr'Zft exceptionally interesting selection And Bee the We181k Coal trying-to keep 10s head. above water, ence attended the banquet sponsor- Mistal Clint Rub, > ornew designs. The price is modes. the unfortunate rrmri went through ed by Blue Sunoco Gas at the Royal For . Coughs and Colds \ � ate, ranging from 10 cts: to 11.00. $tut W.e r.. It. saaes mons g y bre• usual experience of-the drowning York on-Monday_ night. ' ' on fuel, �+ • revid ing his past life. He The Junior Inetkurte )Wd- alt' open ;tilat- do not respond to- took o SPEC1�1L5 ' took up so A uch time at this he meeting in -tihe hfill last Friday rev- ordinary tr8atalent tfjt Tiiaware,• °Eualanelware le 7 '10 Rolls of Wail Paper and 17 yds. " .forgot to qct_ off at the -next stop, ening wifh}t over fifty ,young . peoP •: of Border. clic two for i1.8b. and Hardware. and was frmllq brought to sh6re'and 'from Gret+nwood, Mt, Zion to-enjoy WamPole s, Cod Liver EEtm1 All Roils Ready-Triminec. Oystor Obell,'G-tit and - Lice beaiclted a long distance from his an evening toFother: The chair was or taking-off location. During the. rest taken byr a senior -,member, Mrs.' V. . s Killer. All at lowest possible �j al'si �.re0-p11Ef/a -p p of the day the neighbors knew Bert Parkin, who with her usual pleatting y f Ca Aa STER.RITT prices. was at home,' his only suit was hang- manner helped to maloe thin gatther- $1.00 a targe-bottlf s - T-1 Gil Massey-Harris .hepairs, ing on the lire. He feels none the bW a succese. After a good program FUDeTal I�ileotOr worse for the e iiw�r,� Phi ALgIN EU SBY `but would of soisgs and readings. tow E. C.' aP wies_ Phrr , 8 Pnvate Ambnianoe like to purckaafe a Ionic httndlt for 'played sad art the' 'close, a Slipper f Phone 1300 Hardware Yhone 4800 hie .w i most terrifyng was served to all. A silver collection DBUIiG>T8T PICKESII PTCKEl3INa Y^, incl as to his was tak n. bringing to a close a t; Pickering.' ' � ODtaT10 weliarC CJ:•...,1dti w •come ifs. h4Py eaeaing. _ - - --- - ,,•• r • :.-� � .___• _r, ,.. ' ._ ,. ,. _.sora:,_ - x ,..,. _ - . ..- .- ..xi.,.a� ' t..i44ntI.�GC.'gr .S mi- •,ar!-: arss s.4 .•ase"sa ... '. b _- .. - L•.L ._ ..,, ::-•-� - - - _-^-�.--*, aJ-ee Y.c_+•-.[,vc.:x.f v_r r .;`..• Man,a Mighty Mite, Con`quers Golden Gate Blondes Clasaed-o 0 h a i n IN,.°. ,. As Quite .Passer �' 6 spoff:n Artist Dut _ _Mobs Ontano ress P:--:ent I3 Red -Head's Era, During'Fe 1ruary !!!crease ill '' . Brur_e'Uz's Turn Corning . W 0 r k Exceeds .overage - `Since- • rg2o. =—•-Major In - ?a i11' W YOiZN. - The c1 to ou the dtlstries , S h-0 w Improve-� — � 'f4wticn of blondes vs. brunettes vs. !]lent. red-healsfids is been broughC up to f date with an artist's pronouncement x. +• 'OTTAR A. - Moderate improve- `*� ,�° that "nobody !lays any attention to - ment was shown in the _ • - employment r , y - •_ _"adays." situation'in Canada on SMarch 1st as s is no doubt about it: Elie compared with Feb. 1st, and. a cansid- � ;� »,` bio has passed." said Mussell erable gain �cas recorded over ibe' ` : a 1'aatersop, illustrator. designer, pug coirespondin date last year,'the Do- * e - . pettier and beauty contest 'ud• e. g• ate¢' . �z "Thi is it red-haired era;. but - . A -total of 9,411 employers showed , _ . women's hair grhdually' is gNtl3ng _ an aggregate pay'rolI of 931,959 on -the- ,tr` t .r x ; darker. Tn another ear or so, every- lat. of 'Marekagainst 9216,888 the pre {- ' body will Le waiWri ; brunettes." -oleos month. On the corresponding t b _ , 'at This is a good thing, he said, for - date, last year 9.06 firms reported a / g t brunettes have been i, drug on the • 'workin force of 902,301 Persons, f T...p : : � " q' s� -- market for`15-yearz., and are getting - 4 � k, 14? A�, .� ! discouraged. •' Y. 1 _ Below Average ,"''' � ;, , �t: "Blondes really passed with the The In, on March 1st, ou the bad :.; .A. flapper, but no one realized it until sig 1936 equals 100, was slightly be r :; y Jean Harlow'and oiler Faye turned lover -tie average for the past 15 years �,.✓ f r iso. with red ua:ir," -Patterson declar- - At 103.7 but ;was considerably higher - ---- --- _ .. _ - - _ „ just now is about 'thau March 1st,,_I935, w.h-ea it was• -Nearer and nearer..to completion move the. nighty twin. bridges vpar:uirv: the t,o:4(.n Cate ea. "Eein� �a bilin in California, finking San Francisco with Oakland, ; Al:aye -a. cable spinning mechanism completes- one the bi gest r handicap a g'rl could , The index on March 1st, tur pro'- of its thousands of round trips as cable:, take form. ha�!•;+'!tb a(,ded. pious Sears follow: 193.1; 82.7,-1933, .:76,9; 1932, S8,7; 1931,1100.2; 1930, 110.2 —Tr 1929, 121.4; 1925, 102.6;: 1927, 97.5,E• Today much o! -this custom, tape "If the League ,per'shed totnor 1926, 92.6; 19725. 88.I; 19:'41,' 9M.S; 19'3 claliy in the larger uothern cities, lias r6w, in the process_of time it would !t2 ; 1922, 82.9;' 1921, 89A2. Women, Spam - - broken dovett and. girls, alone or ae Clara' -Few Tries' rise..again: But it -would 'rise again companied by companions. of their only after a fresh r,ar comparable Ontario and- the Prairie -Provinces with that of .1914 -1918." -Lord CeciL fhowed an upward trend. whsle a de- j. own age, are seen In ,public lust as 1n - • • cllr,o was reported In the • Maritime ��ter■����� . other parts•of, the-- world. Puninres, Quebec antl British Colum- = te' ! f S[t?>~Ieh women have invaded 11fad• Ne Kid of Lie I � bid. rids offices, .and professlonal life, � Ill OuXaDarison with - 3larch 4, 1 Y35, - and 'there are doctors, lawyers and . -an improv:ement was sbown,lu each Forsake. Sheltered Livres *to GO even engineers. The constitutional Flamin gL i'OUtll -Girl Prefers e • -•Ot the five economic areak, ' Into Politics three woen idelfu- f ��� . Cortes in ].931 had th.r Quiet 0 oda Desert Expansron was 'reported in -Outarto ties, while the present one -has i re.. where '4,276 co-operating establish- 'The RA19 sheltered women of Spain _ Rollie , 'menta added 5,630 persons to their have been coming from behind the forces bringing the al tv 398:149 at the t`omantic-frou grills that used to shut HOLLYWOOD, WOOD, Ca!kf-The 'Brook- By KEN £©WARDS ' 1st ct{ bfnmh. them off from the world, to invade .. THE. t"'i� lyn bonfire" has gone out. Q� the IIelds once closed to th@m. Clara .Bow, who used :to .train an � - JVine De Mmes �Vbfle 25 years agb• the number of hard liquor and late hours, drinks The gain exceeding at the average la- women in 5panlsh universities could[MARKETS lemonade and can't sleep in the city, crease indicated at March 1 lis the he coun'ted'ba the fingers of the hand, anymore, on account of 'the noise. I/ years since 1920, 'teas •smaller than today lrf .•some of the, •faculties, such _ The pulsing, frosh-and-blood ex-�-- that noted -at the same date -tn 1935, as, phllosap'hp and Ilterature to the ample of what Elinor .Glyn meant r t ,?ha 1,010 firms whose returns were University of 'Madrid there .are more PRODUCE PRIC,'ES *when she described sex ' appeal as 6 `` ' `•;rg,i included in the tabulation for- March women than men. United Farmers' Cd -operative ' Co. `.'it" has disappeared. �( Ga' � � •� f 1935, Ixad ompliayed 394:58: work- Sp'p1t have be;uss to make a wide Saturday were paying the following, A tousle -headed baby and the Ne- -' appeal. particularly in Madrid, where Prices for produce: vada desert did it. saK 1 - There was an advance is factory hundreds of girls go id for swimming ' EGGS -Prices to producers cases "They brought me to my senses," ' pmploymeat la Ontario. at the begin- in the summer' and 'skiing 'in the win- returned basis- Clara said. "I'm'. glad it happened in Sting of March. 193G; manufacturers ter, Every week -end hundreds of them "A" large .. , , . , , , , , , , ; , ; '18C time." - }ia�ing added 2,139 workers to their leare'fadrid for a day oa the sippes "q" medium- �.....:::..::...: l6c She and her husband, Asx Bell, aittaifs. -Leather, lumber,, 1t�0, fle,' iron -of the nearby Guadarrama range. "B" , , , , , , , , , , , ,, , , , , c and the blonde baby, now 14 mor:ths llind steel ind'non•ferrous lotal work The -republic overnight gave ,pan• "C"_ id, came back -from Hollywood from �ihocted greater 'activity, _ 15 - Jah women the vote and is 'Iadrld BUTTER -No. 1� Ontario solids,t sir cattle ranch near Searchlight, t ! seg, �igkway ¢eons nu a ctarrecord s. man women voters 'are " registered 23%c; No. ? 23c• Nev., more than a week ago. Amos the _� - n. ii'hEre a woman.: distia POULTRY- They Raw 'no ' one, . posed for no Improvement and there were Z4lns on guished fn some branch of learning, (Quotations in cents) - _' pictures., i smaller scald is mining, traaspor• used to be a •rarefy,. today there -are' In the old days Clara Bow never �BOddy Dressed ,walked across a . night + _ PORTER iacion,' railway construction' and_ in scores of w_cimelt whose _uaales ar-e ght 'club floor ! - Live -Dressed Milked witllopt .there bein { trade Loggink blrow:ed 'a deeline- as kno�cn throughout Spain. Hens "A" „ „ g a photographer . the season's oPeratlons neared coin= Fears- ago most Spanish A' `� TOt70r�To � g:r13 could Over 5 lbs. .. 1G , '1? _ somewlicre at hand. � OWN � 1 igletion, and, shipping and building not go out unattended until an ltd- 4 to 5'ibs. 15 .`_ 1ti ''Gee, i never .had any advantages. f :. GIFT . f �`• t nnsfruotiun also relctised emplp3ees. vanced age... Those in moderate cir• 3 to 4 lbs. .. 12 .13 _ " I was born in the shin ;" shf said • -ter- \ cumstances wFnt with their mothers Old roosters .. 7 a "You don't know what it means to Thar _ mind, s#strra s, ::,. _- ' ' lire the 'tea we .aid' to re y 4rrive3.l�hy.. SprirrS �T���:r3-- Y' �__ see -,your .o. e , moths pitifully ss families r o qs ed,' in �.hi(h we ( milie. arere attend s t.rfulI grateful can say, I ed by duennas, Over 6 lbs. . , 1C 20 P Y !t for .the 22 slightest bit of beauty, and atrainin ave enough;' is the h!ghest attain-. who never left them albn( is public 5,rto C -lbs. 15 19 41 c ' g Inent of philosophy..-Zirrimernrann, for A- moment. 5 to 5r6 lbs 14 19 - :0 ° eagerly -for the smallest happi- I -'' Rookie Porter - _. 41.4 to 5 lbs. 13 17 19 Wefts. "'I'nlive to By a Under lbs. 1G tiny sorry coinplete happiness.,, ess." F'lo_rdar,tBobby }'orterCeuf Tion. de k s 12t 18 -share askathevan til Young clucks - _ _ j • to, seems to be one Leaf who is 1 Kee Over 5 lbs .. 1 X18 _ graauatinr with honours. This p 4 n ° lbs ... 0 6 St of p E -boy does a Woo d job in' the field. t 1 1 • r rS i {rs we its behcn the old .hickory �• governor s HAY AND So STRAW 'stick: Noone likes Porter - . o' Residence N°' 2 timothyha baled, ton, $9 'to Writes the New fork Sun; "Ina . do we. R10; No. 3 timothy, hay, ton, -$7 to recent issue of the British .'weekly, a -lle.re are: just -a- few nates from 'the New Statesman and *Nation, wits my old scrapbook, fans. o • _ _.,_ _ , _ _ $8; sti•"aw�, .wht�at, bated, ton, $5 to Al Simmons,, the Detroit Tigers' • REGI\� The iieutenantGoi°er- $6;,oat straw,.$5. Pt, kited a book review signed only I. big $75,000 powerhousc;.is dsing' .-Royalty at the Front the initials, .F,D,' A reader ! a 33 -ounce bat this season. nor was assured of a residence 'for WHOLESALF. PROV•ISION'S. of fl reyie,v , !shed to comment nit' In the United States fast year the coming. fish year when 'members Wholesale provision dealers are the book- reviewed. She began her 50,000,000 people `saw. baseball - of •the Saskatchewart' Legislature pas• ti letter, � i 0,000,000 of them saw bi g ` a •.; quo.an9 the full'owirig prices to the F B. in his, her review, add- i , g lea�,va f,': R s_d a'Fote •for maiutenauce and sal- -Toronto retail trade- ing another to the - horrors. that games. ti arses of state in the .Paco of a slight• i threaten. to bleak the English Ian - Pork They tell rtie _411'red S. Howe, Pork -Ham,' 19, C. shoulders, g of_B'Own University.; is the sham- - 1, ly critical attitude en the part ►tie I: .ec; rc;' pork loins; 2p� euae down, make it .old before its r .°,g; C•>,• oPRosition, The }tem totalled pion dou.; ,inut 'eater- of the U.S. Picnics, .13?�c. Mme and hasten the univers-il rule of 2 31fi,^,53. Esperanto. He eats 0 in 18 minutes 50 sec- i Lard=Pure, tierces; I3?:c;' tubs P onds, then cries for lnore. When the vote was under review 13c; pails„ ]3?=c; it is as nothin that the Writer Last Clarence -Stork (C.C.F„ ahaunavon/. P�'ints 13c. of, this !rite► si rues}' hers�lP +U i Year Arky .Vaughan slap - Shortening -Tierces; -10'9X; tubs Under- �Prd in]:t'home �`1v71s,-:e,itd`hIishirtg y a,;ke�1 the-•Geirernment if'it was the 11ri'e; Pails, 11 ac graduette.' That is a facetious word a new all-time record 3'6r Pirate intention to pay any attention to a ,Prints, ll c, that could be expected to have no batsmen. y y; resolution passed by the Regina Lib- general • subversive effect, But a, Don't lau h, just sneeze it off, GRAI C c�iJO'T.�TIONS +A« era! Women calling for the closing of Following are Saturday's closing Convenience, hotiwever horrible' its my friends -anyway, blt&. James Government Howe "dating the 'der foam, will he ezrtbs;aceci .by a num= J. Braddock says she wants .lames c;tiotations on Toronto grain . trans- to retire as undefeated heavy - r., pression." acfions for`car lots, prises on bass- her of insensitive soul's. That this I A-eizbt of the world after he m Hon. George Spence, Minister vY c,i.f. ba is a convenience is obv!otts. Think smashes Joe Lours to so much Public Works, said that as far as lie y Ports-' of. its usefulness in discussing the I pulp, next June. Louis is unde- 3lanitoba wheat --No., 1 Northern, .endless hocks`'tyritten . by. Anon, . sided cohere to let his u knee, the resolution had not been g0?sNo. d0.; 81>ir; -No. 3 do., ppol is . r3 presented to the Government• g19Rc; No. 4 do., 783'c; No: 5 do', hitherto held to be masculine in'll bo'dv'rest. Premier Patterson pointed tint that 71 vs c. gender. { Pu on your old straw fiat and �r 3 •. the ' appointment of the Lieut: Gover= ;1 "The Siamese twin «tied `his/her' j e'l g h a 1 0 down and look over 't e . anitoba oats--1�°. T feed oats, Kentucky i Derby hoof -throwers. i r nor Was a Federal matter, and that Temente, 33'r•se for au -rail sh7 !!lent is demonstrably more useful that► r if the Federal Govc•riiment saw fit to P and%or ' the latter .actual] brings i fou folks who askeil me my can- ' delivered Ontario' points, No. 2 C.W.,_ a ydid opinion on this race—well, appoint 'a new Lieutenant-Gpvernor, gleam to .the legalistic eye alone; i ''iny'faiouriteis !►lent Blanc: His 44%c; No. 3 do., 38, c; extra No. 1 whereas `his her' is: calculated to I sire, .w the province •would- Tint be' so irflios feed oats, 38_�sc; .ltio 1 'feed oats ,] Coronach; won more money �> pitabin as to refuse him residence. .1 ease, all those' who are look for I than any other horse in England 33 �r;c;', mixed feed oats; 80c; No, 1 - -_- _ feed screen! short cuts_ to .saying appraxiinate}y tri this century. You all have your ` nga, $]8 per ton nominal, what they mean." favourite.,iFlont $lane is mine. " 1Vfanitoba barley - No. 3 C.W., _ By the end of 1935 °ver 3,500,000' 44%c _:_..._______ Nezt week, we'll give you more copies. of Mr. Ki-pling's works .bad - - - hentuck-v Derby news .-- I'll -be South' African, corn, Rbc. New Park city's new ;)est office knockin' at your door = so long. been sold sold itt Great Britain; he is one Ontario grain, a -- folk's. _ Tne Duke of'.Pistoia, a relative o!•the very`few authors' whose walks track ski approximate pricei annex, with its, five -mild belt con - 3 the l�in>; of Maly, surveys the Pping point-Whpgt, 70 to• veyor s NOTL'-To-day's column is de_ 'orthern Front (luring battle of editions. Weser been reprinted ,in elieap 'f3c• o8fs 25 -to 29r- 'barley, ysteni, is capable of handling dicated to my old Pal Jim' Savage. editions. , Y 30 to 150,000 sacks of mail daily from 250 S6 Jameson Ave., Toronto. Ambien Plains. Ethiopia He Sbc; corn, 37 to 41c; rye,' 38 fo 40; Address mmands famous Blackshirt Di-' malting barley, Q2 tQ 4,5c; milling incoming and outgoiuq Pennsylvania your sport letters to ?y cion "March 23." 61 `4 oats, 29 to 82c. - RaiIroaa trailir. Ken Edwards,. c;'o *National Press. _ 57 Iiloor St.,W., Toront.a ale- ' •,5�"""' r:- i .S'I.--.::.., g ..-,,' - .-2s,,. k+' 'a -i --•r _ _t .�,- ..7,;_e -. __ `g'+•�vy m•' _ r, Ask your druggist for the 75c Giant Package. 'It contains one regular ull M le and a trial size bottle Use thebottle 'first and if not sattiicsfied theme PurCbase reguslow b pnt� nw ill nbe returned. :_ a ���e���� •:...:. �M ! !'+►MM IMM1 1 ♦1 M7•! !! 1 N 1M! NM�M A Reconstruction Flan for Minto By Prof. S. B. McCready i1 ........... ..:...r.� . -- Editor's Note:. This is the conclu- -,roup in the Danish p:riiument. si.on of a series of ten articles which Education secured this. were publ'shed recently in the Harri• With the schoo} there might be a ston "Review." While written special- 3linto Township School, Farm.-„.vn- ly for the 'Review” and addressed to ed by a Farmers' Joint Stock Com - residents of Minto Township particu- ` luiny or co-operatively by �`hu Tow•n- larly, we believe they have been found -hip Council, Wonlch's Institutes and Interesting to, many of the readers of the United Farmers' of 3linto ''rhes this paper because the problems of :s •the .sort of thirg I saw in Den - nark. The manag•--r of +he farm and, the farm folk of Minto Township are the -same problems that confront rural plincipal of,the school Would be a people throughout the province. sort of Agricultural Enginver . for liinto Township. All the ci-opern- - - -- tive developments would be under YOU can cut Dixie coarse or flakey just as you like L -it. It's economical, too, For you cut it only as you .use it — there's no waste. a (Continued From L st Week) his expert management, The farm ,iii//� stock w or u eriutend the - \r Ag=t Itakings, a .Reconstruction Po'.icy growth of the �re�iste,•ed • seed oats - = -` \ • = ' Mould gradually emerge and take sown on every farm in the Town-� /j11� form. What it might be or should ship. From the farm the cow -test- �, •,: t� be for Minto who dare say! in my ,ins }could be directed. From ,the M.rs. 1rVlri� E.' RoLiartson fool -hardiness I make bold, to sug- .farms poultry department would ii p- bre'd•to- //'� Lauds Principles of- gest that one of the first needs is a come all the township -wide, wide, , �- � • � A. 1410t11erCTlft Society Minto Folk School for its grown-up lay poultry flocks+ The Fall Fair and men. The farm women of Minto other frequent social gatherings �/� ���` C •Iyy Township have splendid fa-01ities for would be held at the Farm. TORONTO. -The tenets of the self -education in the three Women's At the all impol,tant Annual asset- _ t` ',,;s�`��\ i Canadian 3lothercraft Society, branch 'Institutes. The farm men need some- ing of the Society, "reports world be, ` =of a parent society which has . been thing similar to unite them. All over made showing the year's accomplish- Ontario, infant mortality since 1907, Ontario, farm women are better edu- meets and Special Committees would T Neve. upheld and strengthened 19 a Gated; than farm men. Tnere usea submit,, their proposals. for new uu- recent address in Convocation Hall; to be the Farmer's Institutes but .dertakings such as co-operation (not Toronto, when Dr. Burton tion cap- they all'have disappeared and noth- competition) between the one -teach-_ son, t the State Institute for bled- ing has taken their place. Minto er schools, the establishment of Ion, Disease, Buffalo; declared farmers need a school.• not necessarily township sick insurance and a, muni - that breast feeding of infanta' was a building. But an organization .o2 cipal 'hospital; - co-operative fire in= - study clubs, or lecture courses, or aurones and protection against chick- one er of the safeguards against can- worth while recreation. en thefts. Honors would be pro- O C The Mothereraft Society goes claimed -(not necessarily prize) -for further in its declaration of faith in It is a remarkable fact that. the the block showing the neatest road- _ breast seeding and in its other tla- only outstanding,, champion. for the the good home gardens,;, the Lural health principles. back -concession farmer in the public sides; best farm bookkeeping; the most The president ' 'of the Canadian life of Ontario to -day is a woman, pro dal herd; the worthy ex- Donkeys have very tough ?r+rrngs MothercraYt Society, 31rs. Robert- Miss Agnes McPhail. And she came P dairy am es o! co -o -operation in the use of VE to their rpouths; hence they canwn, whose, hcsband, the late Irving. to this place from country school Pl P E. Robertson. of the To Tele- teaching. ' It is true Premier Hep- machinery; the. plays pet on by the enjoy, thistles and thorns v�i',hout• local drair4atic groups. i hurt to themselves.-. '. gram. was the founder 'of the or- burn speaks boldly as a farmers' Wouidn't itase interesting to know HA �,,,.. _ ganization .of which his wife was the champion but he is an 800 -acre earl- now khat 3linto. will be in the year 4 fj Cats -cannot. see in absolute dart. ....exponent, believe three generations culturist and so a bit removed from 2000'' Whatever - it is .there is no !D - can go a long way , towards wiping the hard hit 100 -acre farmer' crushed `sem ness; .but, as the -pupils of thea cce> out caaces and' kindred evils. with mortgage. and taxes. The Danes doubt of the benefits it may attain grog• larger as the daylight, .wanes, "It has'been proved that breast are not lacking in country -life ch!m thrm.,h cn-operation. Co-operation HEAR they can see in a mush dinxmer light' feeding reduces the dangeroY irfec- ,pions: Fanners are the strongest is the :World's greatest need. , r than can human beings tion to a minimum," declared Mrs. Robertson the other day,-. "and. it is 88ified A& rtisin$ _ The popularity of mystery stories C 18publ obviating: the danger of cancer. ' If -obvi t opinion and funds were di- � �C+ �Do 1S+�overs a isn't surprising: It's the only kind IlivTNTois l , rected towards..fundamgntals--proper gg�7 of thing you can react with the radio 3 AN OFFER 'SO EVERY I, v1 Xrur prenatal and postnatal care - of bab- List of wanted Inveatlons and full. InforrnAY les, stres$ing breast feeding. fresh 'Far Material lI company, sent free. SSE its. 274. ; air and sunshine, and an intelligent- For Wade Jerry -How did Jefferson break Bank Street. �SoOt Patent side,, Sys, z's i his leg!'• - 13e"nk street, Ottswe. ,Caaada. ly simple diet, which would supply - cement the growing needs of the body in Parker -Do you -see those met COza'e ° aatural'form, thcr results would be `- steps over there" o[�> ��-axTEv. ItlGt!lraT-I'll,W 4 • Possibilities of modern itidustrial phenomenal. And think o! the huge Umveraity Research Workers chemistty ,may be seen 'from the . • Jerry -Sure. }' C paid: nig illUltrated spec ten coot+ sums now necessary for remedial nink Csreat Deal of Waste Parker -Well, Jefferson. d dn'.t. Br3nc t;rovee, k ser' Saint ,John, :.z« following • lines of seseareh: rrultsR lc►:, _ measures which _would become avail- Can Be Salvaged Dr. A. M. Buswell of the t'niver-' Proud Father -What do you think _ �( table for education and constructive -sity of Illinois is experimenting of my son as s pugilist! EXPEGTAHT 'MOTHERS bealthbuilding. In..three generations - iwe Goole' revolutionize :the human AtiIES, Ie,. Industry, se with cornstalks and seaagL+ Yor Trainee -Well, he can shake W. w. I �� racy," new ways. to utilize -waste products production of gas for fuel, ,' handa the best. of any fighter I evrr. may .yet furnish the stabilizing'- in- I3r. 3lax Levine, Iowa State -bar. sun"cr 'peri d One c aches the.. spirit oP the ` Cru- !.new. i ;ally, vchn coati �eade, listeria to ;:bars. Robertson in fluence needed. to restore agrcni- teriologist, id tackling the problem 1: �t o s:dr-adi�c' pr g tune to its former prosperity: of packing house and beet refinery the sunny advice rooms of.. the Can- - b ned to the following The enure 26 letters of the alpha 4. h c a cl a c h c, and :than 3lothereraft Society„ at 112 That is the opinion of research waste. et are 'contai e f wing thoso abort tt, I c College St,, wfit- Society, visits workers 'at Iowa State College. They Dr. C. H. Werkman,_ another .bac- verse* , conic mother ,'x•111 shpt to -work during the jest few teriol9gi:t, • is, investigating beet',.God gives the'grazinR ox his. feed, _ �?ed;- Ili l' pets from. over 5.000 -mothers-ane- -babies P'' 1 tvor•.it; I' c 'riis = last year. And one has. the urge to years- which shows definitely that pulp as a possible source of organic l He quickly hear i the Iamb's low cry ,ru t ,t .a da pe:i�aLlt movement to ever corner valuable industrial materials may iso chemical material.. Buttner who taste his finest wheat * . tonic. Wad khat f .hurry them . y - -� "of Canada as it has. gone"io'aIl oth_ developed from nut, shells: rice and , At any moment, one :of there' Just lift your pt•�+aises high:". 3t,+ l[utd.. •:n of i tan,rn>, t• ' er parts of the Empire .since the oat hulls, scrap ieatber, .creamery searchers •may -solve ,his particular sits rord Ont , v:•t: ~'[:txc.:m uenou. Wfu:c lite binlz of ui, wn a::d s + founding of the original societ in wastes, corn husks gild_ chicken fee- problem. and create a slew market The new,weddin pledge for bride •u weak i Goole: herd:y•Lc on ,:,; Sou i iNew Zealand .in 1907,by Dr. (now there. Formerly these materia?s for farmers,, one ;that means more: isc. To love, to ''cherish, and to ill R=ih�baaL�c nd headscle, InYilie'iis• n ' Sir) Truby King! were thrown awe or used as fuel. dollars in their packets: spire. ttoosl I aoula become cry rr.l rd Y - _ Iowa State College reseaich work- ul I. an 0o d P d zz}. For the m robalil it wall be• lose any moreauene,li ri(.'Fir,, rge„«a ers are un er R p pian, P �{, ice' y I aartcd taking Ur Parrcc'a Fd•nr n to love, chE o no ''ah' d •to - Y escriptton,. Iftook it all dna in thi+ txplod �+ peps n e. ro 'a t�t6 - J ji?'iltg' peau of Chemistry' and .Soils. They _ bre iinprucc Fu•n, the �'ciy ginning' are experimentint with sugarcane (St. Catharines' Standards uy - waste from Louisiana; peach pits ' The old-fashioned family 'doctor An editorial in the Rotarian.3laga- ; -0nt-Speeta,tors blamed from California; wheat,- flax and oat is said to have disappeared. Maybe the springweather as co -ods of L'ni- zine quotes an outstanding architect— straw 'from Minnesota; walnut hulls who confessed' nines?f amazed. with $e is lust coming out hunting for . END PAIN— Sootl2e wersity, of Western Ontario reverted front' Missouri; corn cobs and corn- the-old-fashieneci family. •to ublie school sports such'aq play- stalks from Iowa, soybeans,. artichoke the :neglect so 'many progressive, SORE H A N DS i in with jacks, bounci[tg a • rarbber cities impose upon thems_Ives . in Annie -Come in and see our '' , g tops and many other. products:. failure, to attempt ary beautification 'ball on the campus roadway and Out of the local research work baby, Rubbing tri is M !roller skatin along basemert ,cop- of the immediate territory in a it g r. g has come The 3faizewood 3lanufae- Teacher -Thank you, but I will community which railway trains wait until our mother is better_ "t ridors. turing Co. plant at Dubuque, Ie, Dr. y -- 0. R. Sweeney, of Iowa State College enter and leave. It is quite true in Annie -You needn't be .,afraid, Scientists estimate that 40 per cent succeeded .in perfecting' non -lamina- this case that the visitor is first im- It's not catching. teacher, honest. Of the land area.of the: earth -is des, ted, highly efficient insulation board Pressed with a down-at-thr-heel ssKIN� O:: PAI a ort, 30 per cent is productive, and out of cornstalks, Most of the build- shabbiness of surroundings. brother Now, children, don't 80 per cent is poor grazing ground, ings: at the Century, of Progres Ex- 1f such neglect is damaging t- quarrel! What's the matter" t forest, high mountains, and waste. a community around a railway right- Junior -We're playing shipwreck g position in Chicago were equipped y g P with 3laizewood• of -aa ,how much more so `w}ien it an Susie won't In the at ro . t Y o go h b h om r e,ztends to the highway egtrances and and drown herself, -_... --- -.-' • Aftero _fiiraiuial:} un�uccea- -.._- : .exists. --. ..- �i Our i/Q' rS R fel. atte>ppts the 'Maizewood plant again is Tn operation Che=.ter C. Da- But .if each young generation .is L1VE STOCK MARKETING'; vis, AAA adminiairator, is one of But if the giver doesn't let his left wilder, how come they haven't in- shipping on.the eo-operative plan 'lies' }� u MRS hand know what his right hand doe.:; i been productive .cc splendid , resrrlts. Alli Head-. RS the plants' financial supporter,•+. r vented a new •kind• of naught ness Set lint; on the open marliet near:s real, v some other hand claims the credit. in five thousAnd years'. value .for the owners. Get In touch s► Base `products of 3faizewood may P easily be made into good -quality with "s' 4. If you have catarrhal deafness or WAKE U P YOUR write--nips--cr Telephone head noises, go to your druggist and paper, the scientists said. F.ven It, you don't pray yourself, yap- LYndhtust 1143 this would :not, be- novel, e,9 gra-s_ can't expect the Lord to get excited THE vNiTEa PARMERs get 1 oz. of Parmint (double , CO-OPERATIVE COMPANY, LIMITiM s strength); and add to -it ?a pint of .like plants, similar to in.erican over those offered for' y'ou by sone- LIVE: STOCK CuIIIJISSION uEl T. hot water and a little sugar. Take a farm waste products, were used as ."LIVER BILE body else. Union Stock Yards, West Toronto R tablespoonful four times s day. a source of paper in Europe in 18f,8. J This will . often bring quick re -lief Cheapness of wood pulp at the time And You'll Jutrp Out of Bed in the - from the distressing head noises. made it preferred as raw material. Morning Rai&AoGo of ;Clogged nostrilg should open, breath- This -situation. now is changed, The liver so you Dons out Llys pounds le Ing become easy and the mucous (lgnid bite into your bowels daily- If this tole i stop dropping into the throat. It is however, according to, local experts, Isnot flowing freely, your food doesn'tdiirest, i because wood is consider�lrly more It just decays in the bowels. Gas bloats up : easy to prepare, costs little, anal Is yoaretotnach Yougetcomtipated.l3armfnl pleasant to take. Anyone who has expensive than -it , yeas, whereas poisons tro into the body. and you feel raoru. catarrhal deafness or head noises 'cost of procdssing waste farm to- sunk and the world looks p oes P � A mete bower fnovement doesn'taiwsys set 'should give .this prescription a trial.- ducts. is rapidly declining. at the came. You need something that works eon the liver as well, It takes those >tood, old Carter's Little Liver Pills to get them two — 1 pounds of bile flowina freely and make yon :.FOR SALE 160 CYCLE- --110 VOLT—C. G. E. MOTOR ,IN 'FXCELLENT CONDITION, 2 HGRSEPOWER, 3 PHASE Wilson Publishing Co., 73 Adelaide St. W., Toronto " .1 thbd" Harmless leedo the make bile, Sawf work of calomel but have no calomel or mercury in them• Ask for Carter's Little Liver Pills by same, i Stubbornly refuse anythlni al— 26c. I,iuue No. 14 — '36 167 .1, , , "The Cotntester." A WEEKLY BULLETIN SERVICE .-TOR CONTESTANTS, ARTISTS AND AUTHORS This Service cousists of International Prize Cuntcsts, 1lmarkels for liar-' toons, 111'ustratlons, Borders,, Designs for Dfag3zlnes, _kdverilsing, Greeting Cards and verses. Arttcies, Limericks, Poems, Siuganz, and Stones. _ {9.50 for 1 fear, $1.50 for s months, $1.00 for s months, .50 for 1 month,, and a sample sheet ,10. Mad a 'io. suinpid, sddressed "V1410•pe for other money utakintr ides,•• •DIFF BAKER, 39 LEE AVENUE, TORONTO, CAN. • 'r:S +•L�. uTL.•-tr' . � t. "!S-' S._ •.. .,1,, ;. .. '..... .. - - t. ea 4 � :•-� } . t•� "" ww F t "' .T h cow d T9uab� Fertizer Y --- - ormw Loaf X12tua !'ite ,T ;i. .-We wish to thank our many, _ and P ,•tel iii «•.:.v N4:u nu alvauce i friends and rc4atives for their 1.1.ui- C�Plt� , ,Insura,lsoq C i. $ubecriptioas to the United States nese durirwg the. illness and death of • -and Ot. Btitsin-.4it•.90 at advance. our father, Mr. Wm_ B tJ- �E'rt�atOrs slid' NAWANESA INS. OO. adgerow. - _ --- Fertilizer is nCheap Rates Farm and Css� Arthur Badgw and Mr. o loner an er1 14fN NkFKARProprietor. . pays to sow it with all Buildings Walter, Bushby. our r y Windstorm Insurance on • L. Radio Artist. are featured on the _ BREEN Y grain Gets you a better B� sample ,more of it and it stands WindmiHq silos etc. ]Program at Brougham on Tuesday Automobile Insursaq of Evening nwdi •April 7tk up better. All Rbads Brougham Canada Packers' ertiizer is best Write e1hoas�0 L—J The new Preston "Fertilator" is a - To establish a lasting BOWMAN & $OW$ The mumps and measles pat;en;s TO THEribnte to the mem- box made to fit your old drill and WHITBY ONT •are fully redovered. .. cry' of the departed, sows fertilizer exact. Ask about Mr. and bars. Hay Lyons, 'of For- CONCERT and DANCE one must. secure in a it. vire have the agency for them est Hill Villvge and sirs Fred Har- To be five„ under tilts xns.Pi� ea ��f memorial lasting • qual. and keep them On hand. YOU Cull Buy at $Ogig tris and friend, of ' Taro+ito, users the Wua1Pn's III-titutein the ity as well as beauty TIRES, BATTERIES, s -Sunda of T. and of design. Re can fol- Costs Little. Mrs. Robertson. at she ho W N HALL - R'188 Sympathy' ', seises for '`Fertilizer drills for hire or "For . AOCES9O , fill your d At acs low and better prices p for the BROUGHAM BUth. � friends. of bhe Tete Wm. Badgeroa, r. ,•. salt." y as �■ whose funeral took place from his On the Eveuin¢ of N W STAFFORD Threshing, Plowing, Cultivating You ciaa in Toronto, Bate residence to the place of; inter- Highway Monumental Sawing etc......-- znent, Bethel Cemetery on the 5th TUESDAY, APRIL 7TH Rorer Service and Satisfaction has a1. concession; on Monday. '.~larch 30th. Ph 462 Whitby. Ont. Let ns repair. thitt leaky toll, The entertainment planned -by the Kingston Road West ways been our Motto. w. I. for April 7th promises to be-FROGRA MM. E -ROY CARTER & SONS $trialed Motor RtPgire, ian exceptionally fine one, the art- Will he GivFm -by the Pr•n��l,r Ry.. � rr zsts being well-known ae nrofession- dip Ent�trNinaro, Green Rivet OVfQon- �.aW S4 entertainers. The ra4i,o artists, . R R i,Locust Hill. Phone Mark A03 r :Harold. Cluff and - Harold Rich (the Harol Rich - - Phone 290£3 ' two Harolds) assisted by the Boy _ ANI') FACILITIES BROCK PICIiERt1G, ONTARIO Wonrieir, Douglas Bean,' also Le Roy- xer„ry and Bert Harvey, and several Harold Cluff nlauor TREAT j talented local'artists.• f ing RE The entertainment 'sponored by (The Two Harolds) the W. X. S. of St. 3alv's Church Ay-isted by the'li„y Wonder, I:�SUR_1NCE OF ALL KINDS WX3=T8'y "-as, a fine success. The drama • pre - *rented *rented by -b',1e Pickering artists �f ' .Douglas Bean in Your' choice of Fifteen Canadiar Friday and Saturdnk - 'the United Church, w -as very much In Character Songs and Dances - apPxeciated, each member of-. the ,�I�c, and British Companies'of Sound April 3rd 9nd 4th C. H TUCK. rpt. Eyecast , Special• .. er sustaining his or her role to TR'n 9huvra, at 7 00 and 9 G0 1st uthor of "Your Eyes and Rev„ - •Iperfertinn..The play itself Dust of _-•�"'BQ - � _ Financial Standing - - th. ."The Child and Its Dov Kenny « els 'The Earth" is a very fine production If You Could went." O ej .A N U T ears esti ptometrie Association a! `rand met •+s-ith much commendation et y experience in Banking ` W r. Bert Harvey, as always, reeeiv- ` Cook oa. ntano; American Optometric Ans,� Bert Harvey and Insurance. Now serving client. Only C©O ff oeiat2 Speeiali:ing in Eyed id tumultuous applause. He sang and Gam. ane of Bob's and Al's songs. Character Sketches :�4'itb OPpesite Poet O,fiee;' Oshawa The teacher arid pupils of , the music hY the Clark Family In Thirteen Different Townships and School have issued invitatic¢18 to E1911891111" MARSHALL Phone 1516 their friends. and Admfasientoing. Iot nus xiris. Children. with an office evstem to take carr, JEaN ARTHUR parents . to meet Dancing. 10 cents sacra. ' with them at the Adhool on the aft- LEU CAREirILLO` e+rnnon of April. 9th, to be entertain- 4f donde the vnlulse efficiently. � Hull ed by the school. An 'Interesting - 4vent of rhe afternoon will be a pub- r etigairies •are. Invited and .year d 1e�'i1'Y a^ I Wwwfn'rde,q t Cion OW, Ope�1 �On °n "y• T' Builder said tiaotvr Bic speaking coeT#est for prizes to be Apr]) 6, 7 .d Riven by the Women's Institute. Twa Dalronage appreciated. and $ Brlo�cworh and Stonework ]pnpila frotsm the three 'neighborhood .for business n $ R Two 9bo:ve ht 7 and 4 a $'peoialty' - c•hnois,- Brougham. Brack Read :and - ..._ - "SHE COULDN'T - _ . No. 12 on the 7A eoneessioit. Inaper- Gh;N-EI{Al, hula( K3MITHING BrO°gham flirt. Phone 615 Architecta Service tor Hutchi oq is to .be present, and .. TAK� IT" I�e1� 3f p�oeeible. Dr. Tomlinson. Nn'3 Amateur Show, Brosgham, April 17. WOODWORKT61: CROW N INNS S1101) is. atuwted behind the t . and . � With � ,: - �Ro,se+bs.Dk Rd it Rd 91 ell 8ervic s Stations Radio Se C'l/ICe GEORGE RAFT. 4 � Phnee Pick i� _SALE REM111TE11 _ _ Ope FRIDAY, APRIL. Std -Auction sale each every day a hick is reserved Toed for at ` ' If horsess� cattle, fowl, iia -outside wont. _ E7[{18rt seJ'P1Ce and. re. JUAN HF.YNigTr 1lV A LY E R CV N NO L LY Casae to lire Ranee at y, inip. BILLIE sURKE at Brougham en Tuesday the TtL' 4 'emenul etM., the property "of C.- �- T- 'Z7CTCod1W48L6rd pairs to all makes. Rees Deferrari. lot 19, con. 8, Pickrr- I - - to PICSF.RING ont►ble ohargae.WorkPOPULAR PfMCVS_l' O V ' lug•.. (half mile south of Clxrb- � You 'snort. Sale at 1 olclocK" See hills :`8uaraPteed Evenings Bwttoeecr Wm Alarm, auctioneer. SEED GRAIN C AR VR : �,IEL,D Adolf. L2c. Adults 16.. "� "U FSDAY, APRIL ?th-ti�uction �EL Ct►itdreD los.. 4Cbildren Joe. ._We do Building of a!1 kinds. Pale of household furniture, imp- ^-- Graduate Radi ) and Television Institute.' - T&x Included ;Temente, coal, wood, hay etc., the It PLYR to w dean Member Official Radio Servic: Men's Ply. so l YT1gRlNG, k - property of the late Richard Puck - `.gin. in the village of Pickering, _. grKin. Association. TION• FARMF.1tS _ . _ CHi1lENTINp, _ AR � ATTEN S 40 Ph,,ue 5201. PICKERIN 0 "LUM BING Hale at 1 o'ckwk.•See dodgers. W. We have our mills ready 77 ksrwauctioneer. . tD clean 'g our grain.7 - R L REPAIR VOR _ GENE A K and WEDNESDAY, APRIr, ' pth=Atict al aCk Cela ►ma We arseprepgred torepairoare. � 1ftbOFltitl ' ion male of farm •stork _a Charges reasonable. -- O - ' - Represents the s BE Orb find all 'farm b a eU sell Brantford RuoBdt nand, int 1, sun. ?. Tvv p- of Rc rch., Pho11p; llMrk 9200a0�liuerp. wbeel8 rebuilt and bf"t�rinf�, Empire Batttroom BO.3_ 'Canada Life Assurance. CoC'y Egrnpment Duro Water �Ct►alk take). Sale at 1 sharp. See tire•t3ettiII9, wood -work and t , bilis Terms, dash. Wm. Maw, au, -Canada's ofdEst woad turning of all kinds. ( Sy4tems, Beatty lioness. IT WORKS rife Insurance ` stable Egnipmebt F Plaee your, order now for wnd ether Building Materials BATUHDAY,- APRIL, hith-Auction • a y Yes, 5 b'wood-working and turnip . Company 's ale' of Louse,and lot ih Scarlx,ro. 5' illaSpahr'eremedy works quick- g E+ltmatea Free -� Viso fu 2-1ly,safely and sure, when treatment for to Phone or Call Work Guwustnteed _ rn}ture etc:, at .lot 11,WHITBY RIOKERINk}. H. ���� .anile► ea..t of Malvern on Lansing colds, catarrh, south, bronchitis, tonsilkis and vicinity. g �{ n � figh-Kay. Property belonging- to and. throat trouble s is needed, .it's just The Canada Life has served Canadians Brock Road Store and Blackemtth Sho i �• 'rOLT►7E l the estatr of the late ,llAry Flem- bettutr,-try !t for 88 Years. During the past five years p Ing- Property consists of k half '' is. n psi (Successor to W. H. Jackson) T Phone F els Comps y d tapohcy corners and o e tt$02 - y bsrteWarks over $131,000,000. It has Phhoe Pick 2729 P cKFR.INa. -nc're of. land and. brick. house, st. E, C. Jones, Druggist, Fkkeriag assets for the protection of policy owner 1-26 ONTARIO j able, garden etc., and wail be sold of over $242,000,000. - - - -- ------ } subject to a reserved bid. Termi, Phone Pick $222 R. R. 1, Whitby IQCJA L/T Y A T L.------� — - �oY chattels, Cash. Safe at -one o'- _ OWER f'R/GES Cluck. Gordon Seller;, auctionee>< ON THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY FARMER S Public Notice • Phone e i t300 RED fXff ITE e W ' . deliver ! • .'Section as the Public Health YoU .cern get Top Price for coozl rev$ �� lsov� a.�.Ys .'` incl read as follows: "Whenever any � householder knows or has reason to J<l atect that ,any Person within his O1Ce 'Neal ' Calves . I�ht WHILE T ST. ' • THEY LA �+ family or household, or boarding or Crosse & kwie s SO 4 tl �evdl;irsg with him. has any commun- .. - - - -Blas up, �5ce i :icable disease,,he shall, wlt�in twelve - := • iTA , �t Home* FRESH 'HEIivTn'- soUPB lltours, give notice thereof to the HAB • - $ OI' OO R3 T PEAL 90IIP OYSTERS* ALL F Aecretai y 'of the Local Board 'or to L ALWAYS � 216-oz�ne, 27c� :'We have a, Buyer at the 2 Large Tins, Ve. :V STOCK SLC ]W,.dicwl Officer of Health. =n Vie -i of else. act, that there hag Fal`in---Mo�lday! reedy & s roken Sodas, 2 lbs. fore. 19e. - been and still is an epidemic of ?German Mdaples . and also Mumps in + file Township, neither of which calls PANCAKE __._. Wednesday' each week and ' LO MAPLE E FLOUR �BYRLTP J WELL SHORTENING ?or gtlaraWre by plaasrding.. The 7 Fkg., lie. Jugs, 25c. 21 be. for 27C. _ hoard of HeaM is asking that the Pay TO>rOtltO Prices • -above regulation be observed. Ger_ - Sunr>Ese leas,• size 4, 2 Tins for 19e Asa MeaslPs may resemble Scarlet _""- 14ALMONT''', - 9Aj73AGE8 FILLET' i,. Fever or Measles as regards the $TEA K9 �. When is doubt the farnil KER/NQ FARMS - �l ` y phy. iced, Ifk. per lb. r .. Yo •. LIMITED ,,... - rf; Brand "It` eeh or Swoked adcfa:s sbooki be coaeulted: - ' .per . 20c, -' r Ib. 180. Telephoee 11lC. O. H - 6100 . �tcJtering - .Air - - Y,owei - 0007 H d i1WUR/8QjV • paebartsrt Audley, spent Sunday with Mr. and _ Mi -s. Fred Gibson. 1 jBaY'clay.Traiisporti British American Alma Ward was home over W. Ray Thom of Hamilton visited Y The W. M. S. will hold their mon- , X . �cna week end. with his father this week. thly meeting at the home of Mrs. Cl Daily Service Mrs.' Mundell spent several days Miss Evelyn Annie spent tfhe end W. Gee on Thursday afternoon, Ap- yerce - --of this week in Toronto. of the week with her parents here: til 2nd between Claremont, Bzougfiam J11r. T. Caster is able to. be around :Hiss May Somerville spent a fear Greenwood, Whitevale and Toronto and g Y Mr. and Mrs, Milton Ormirod, again after than recent illness. days in the city with friends last Mrs. Bran&n and Will Ormerod, of -motor Oils The Board of,. -the Public LibrarY 'week: Cresewell, spent Sunday with Mrs. My drivers are, trained to be careful � = met on Friday evening last. Ernest Walton, of Toronto spent Wm. Ormerod and family. courteous and, reliable: • Special Air. and Mrs. Clifford Pilkey werea week -end with B_ W. and Mrs with relatives here over the week- ton. Green' River spools! Rxtesbaoz ung LKataaee . Tank -wagon prices - end. The C. G. I. T. will take the set'- -' g• We' are pleased to hear that Mr: vice on Sunday evening, April 5th in A sacred concert wilt be •held in y r E. Gleeson is somewhat im roved in bhe United Chureh. Into order too small, ,None too large. Gasoline &Coal Oil � P the Green River Churdh' an Easter health. We are pleased to have Mrs. S. Monday, April 13th, at 8 o?cloek,, un- All. shipments insured and protected �`! Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Jones, of McConochie in our midst again -aft- der the auspices, of- Group 5, of the from the weather ALF S PLACE " $rooklin, spent Sunday with Mrs. er her severe illness. - -- Ladies' . Aid.' A' speciaF feature will -- Bushby. Centennial Diission Bsnd will be TeL Clare. 311 - p, C, V. CLARE�dOhT1 ONT. be a P entitled,. ` All For des - Mr. Clifford Soden, of Toronto, the guests of Dunbarton on Satur- ue. There will alao be quartets, Clore; B. and C. thous data i:�ll visited with this mother over the past day, April 4th. Mrs. Mussehnan will solos and oti* Easter items. All are' Owned and operated by weekt'end, be the speaker. cordially invited to attend. A silver . Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Wilker, of On Friday April 3rd, Rev. D. G., collection will be taken. Frank S. Barclay -Toronto, spent the weekend with 8iduut will give an illustrated lett.: _ _ ,relatives here. ure on Africa. This will be a spec- Stomach Pains L. E. O�NIF ILL s , :lir. and bits. D. A. Scott, of Fen- ial meeting of the W. M. S. ' elon Falls, spent the week -end with St. Paul$ on -the -Hill, Dunbarton :FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND friends' in Claremont. Sunda Aril 5th. Palm Sunda S. Always a Warning. Y P• Y EMBALMER � K The Baptist Mission Circle were S. at 2 p. m. Celebration of the Haly Never Neglect Them. • ..9uceessor to W. J. Mather, gCtilltY !'bC entertained by the Whitby Cir,!l> u.:h Communion at 3 p.. m. Preacher at Don't think "R's only disagreed with BtouRville a Thursday evCning last. this service, Rev. E. G. Rob*on. me. It only 'disagreed" because Night and Da vice Mr. ORP -NT O 4 • r. Lyman Piikey who was ser- With March having five Mondays your digestion was out of order," BuainPAa Phone Residence Phoo• iausfy ill during the past..week i.• the9R ,0 extra meeting of the Y. -P. S'- Gastrid and Duodenal ulcers develop s r AiE(11 now somewhat improved. _ wa; held on Monday, March 30th. along time ;before yeu,know they �T- Single-7UG•HetUrn-9OC. ' While practicalyl the whole of the The meeting was opened with devot- are there. snow has disappeared at the south icnal exercises, the minutes were GASTROSAL (Stomach Powder) will Madeline DAILY SERVICE end of the tovims'up, Huge drifts may read, followed by the business and give you instant and permanent relief still .be seen . on ' the roadD-Torvmto, north of roll call.- The evening was spent in from all stomach ailments. Ask your% Beauty Eastern Standard Time _ here• the form of a Competitive. Meeting. neighbor. and get a box to -da _ Rev. Mr. Simmonds, The L:npunctuated Reading was won g x' ipave.Picket ing Leave Toronto ow- a#At your druggist, or sent prepaid on Salon. Eastern House) eBay at Dundas) called on Saturday at the home of by Miss Helen Scott. General Kn Mr. and Mrs. Mathersell. ledge, was won by Miss Florence receipt of 75 cents. A. M. P. %1. A. M. P.M. The trwo choirs of the village are Anderson and the Imprmptu Speech How about your new Permanent a 7,00 ' 354 a 7 3 a 4.30' - combining to render special Easter by glias Ina bicConochie. Lunch was G. & H. LABORATORIES Wave for Easter ?' a 7.44 a 4 54 5.40 530 numbers during Passion Week._ served and the meeting closed with r:iUKEKItiG, ONTARIO 1 sm giving you an opportunity, to 3•:'4 .d 5.54 10.00., 6.30 The Euchre Club met on K'ednes God Save The liinR. Next week's 10.Y4 ti.54 11 30 d 7 30 day night of last week, owing to meeting wll be ' Christian Fellow- have your hair looking smart be- l l 54 d T54 P -3 9.30 ONTARIO FEED P. M. 8:54 c 12 3© d 9.30 she Bowling Club supper on Friday ship" under the convener,' Mr. Ed. lore your new "Easter 13.55 4 1. it 1.30 10.30, Mr. and -Mrs. Frank Barclay enter- Brown. All are welcome. Boobet." 1.34 10.54 ' 'c 2.30 11.30 tamed at .bridge on, Friday evening; Greenwood _ Cn Prices as low aspil 96 and up, comment- ' a 2.54 b 11 44 3.30 last, friends from Whitby. Toronto Bray, -$2 1.50 So April 2nd. for a limited time only. a -daily except Sun & Hol. b-•�Sua< and Claremont. Miss Rutledge spent the week -end Shorts, 2 2.St� So why not make your appointment & H« only, & Sat. only.. d�Sat: - The Green River Young People in Tordnto. Sun. &Hol only • w were guests of the Y. P. S. here on Sirs. James Raine is spendin' a etc /� MRS. M,,MUNDELL Tickets and.information at fdonday evening last and provided a' few days with friends in Brampton. Middlings, 25.00 splendid program. Mr. and ]Mfrs. Fred Woodward and Phune IWO CLARSHOI GUY COACH Lia\E� The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup- family have .moved to Pickering. - Feed Flour, 31.00 per and Reception Servuce will be Miss Clara Walls has left for Rye Chop , 22.00 ,,„A,I D r3V&VZY0R PICKER IN 00 "observed in the United Church .here' Pickering with she, has secured a IEasttrn Hoose -Florae 45 on Sunday mvrningr next. , position. Above Prieey;are (,' " per Tan. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Stevens. of Air, and Miry H. Maguire have re- TOQN �OR i O� F. J. DONEVAN B. A'.. B. Sc.. O. Thedinrd, and who are on their turned home after spending some �J ia+l L,• S. Od file are the records of our - w ding touf, spent a few days with time in Toronto. CLAEc8�1ntiT - - ON 10 veyors Gibson and Yarnold,_-_863 ! e' the former's -aunts, the Misses For- M;. end Mrs. Frank Chapman, ,ot polle Clue. tMA4 Kipg giant. Oshawa. _ ,Phone 1981. gie and other relative$._ Quite a number of farmers are a -- T aureliable men to secure Rood, for the spring and aitmtner. One way d - to• svlve the relied providing The mea are willing to work. - The many friends of Mu. O'Flynn rice `formerly Hiss Kathleein Duke, Ry^• O �� pathtze with her in the loss of ihei • ttusbaekd, who died as a result of hit beitsg struck by a street car. �� g t services will be held in on Wednesday. community - ..the L`aitred Church April atlh, and in the Baptist Chureh i ea Good Friday, April 10th. You are "'cordially invited to attend. 8 P. rr - each evening}. The friends of Mrs. Christina BuzA. -cell Gordon will regret tt: hear of her death itCalgary , regal �' u'. f r_.,' n---- - --i si►uck by a car. Dec- $acing c:.sed w�'.t relative of M". 1, -hr- nlowm o many ki . u z The High School Convertand Roc hal take: place on Friday, April y , ave 8rd,when school pupils will - j� -:. a musical program under the direct- ion of Mr. A. W. Lynde, the Super visor of "Music in the School. ,'fie � I <> ,• a t program will be given in the Com unity Hall at anR p. m. Admission. c .25 and 15 cents. The 'regular monthly meeting. of 'ted Ch h - a l .,.the w. M. S. of the [:rat wilt be held in the basement of the OOSE a �°rO� and you - Chevrolet is the only low-priced thatch on Friday, April 9th' at 2.30 get all three of today's biggest car that. givos you full; three- p. m...The meeting will, be an Easter SAFETY features: ONE -perfected point safety at the lowest cost- one, and Rev. J. E. Glover will give fir, season-. Iiysltiulic Brakes,_to•brinq the car Along with Valve -in -Head engine; ' -. an address- rm-- - the. - -Mrs. Dopking's group will be in - _.. __ - s k to. a swift, swerve stop, with - 'lor ma�mmum power 'a't minianum charge of the meeting. lighter -than -average pedal pres- expense fot'gasoline and oil -'Knee Many from here took advantage of stirs. TWO -solid 'steel, nae- Action gliding ride with shock- paebartsrt Audley, spent Sunday with Mr. and _ Mi -s. Fred Gibson. 1 jBaY'clay.Traiisporti British American Alma Ward was home over W. Ray Thom of Hamilton visited Y The W. M. S. will hold their mon- , X . �cna week end. with his father this week. thly meeting at the home of Mrs. Cl Daily Service Mrs.' Mundell spent several days Miss Evelyn Annie spent tfhe end W. Gee on Thursday afternoon, Ap- yerce - --of this week in Toronto. of the week with her parents here: til 2nd between Claremont, Bzougfiam J11r. T. Caster is able to. be around :Hiss May Somerville spent a fear Greenwood, Whitevale and Toronto and g Y Mr. and Mrs, Milton Ormirod, again after than recent illness. days in the city with friends last Mrs. Bran&n and Will Ormerod, of -motor Oils The Board of,. -the Public LibrarY 'week: Cresewell, spent Sunday with Mrs. My drivers are, trained to be careful � = met on Friday evening last. Ernest Walton, of Toronto spent Wm. Ormerod and family. courteous and, reliable: • Special Air. and Mrs. Clifford Pilkey werea week -end with B_ W. and Mrs with relatives here over the week- ton. Green' River spools! Rxtesbaoz ung LKataaee . Tank -wagon prices - end. The C. G. I. T. will take the set'- -' g• We' are pleased to hear that Mr: vice on Sunday evening, April 5th in A sacred concert wilt be •held in y r E. Gleeson is somewhat im roved in bhe United Chureh. Into order too small, ,None too large. Gasoline &Coal Oil � P the Green River Churdh' an Easter health. We are pleased to have Mrs. S. Monday, April 13th, at 8 o?cloek,, un- All. shipments insured and protected �`! Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Jones, of McConochie in our midst again -aft- der the auspices, of- Group 5, of the from the weather ALF S PLACE " $rooklin, spent Sunday with Mrs. er her severe illness. - -- Ladies' . Aid.' A' speciaF feature will -- Bushby. Centennial Diission Bsnd will be TeL Clare. 311 - p, C, V. CLARE�dOhT1 ONT. be a P entitled,. ` All For des - Mr. Clifford Soden, of Toronto, the guests of Dunbarton on Satur- ue. There will alao be quartets, Clore; B. and C. thous data i:�ll visited with this mother over the past day, April 4th. Mrs. Mussehnan will solos and oti* Easter items. All are' Owned and operated by weekt'end, be the speaker. cordially invited to attend. A silver . Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Wilker, of On Friday April 3rd, Rev. D. G., collection will be taken. Frank S. Barclay -Toronto, spent the weekend with 8iduut will give an illustrated lett.: _ _ ,relatives here. ure on Africa. This will be a spec- Stomach Pains L. E. O�NIF ILL s , :lir. and bits. D. A. Scott, of Fen- ial meeting of the W. M. S. ' elon Falls, spent the week -end with St. Paul$ on -the -Hill, Dunbarton :FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND friends' in Claremont. Sunda Aril 5th. Palm Sunda S. Always a Warning. Y P• Y EMBALMER � K The Baptist Mission Circle were S. at 2 p. m. Celebration of the Haly Never Neglect Them. • ..9uceessor to W. J. Mather, gCtilltY !'bC entertained by the Whitby Cir,!l> u.:h Communion at 3 p.. m. Preacher at Don't think "R's only disagreed with BtouRville a Thursday evCning last. this service, Rev. E. G. Rob*on. me. It only 'disagreed" because Night and Da vice Mr. ORP -NT O 4 • r. Lyman Piikey who was ser- With March having five Mondays your digestion was out of order," BuainPAa Phone Residence Phoo• iausfy ill during the past..week i.• the9R ,0 extra meeting of the Y. -P. S'- Gastrid and Duodenal ulcers develop s r AiE(11 now somewhat improved. _ wa; held on Monday, March 30th. along time ;before yeu,know they �T- Single-7UG•HetUrn-9OC. ' While practicalyl the whole of the The meeting was opened with devot- are there. snow has disappeared at the south icnal exercises, the minutes were GASTROSAL (Stomach Powder) will Madeline DAILY SERVICE end of the tovims'up, Huge drifts may read, followed by the business and give you instant and permanent relief still .be seen . on ' the roadD-Torvmto, north of roll call.- The evening was spent in from all stomach ailments. Ask your% Beauty Eastern Standard Time _ here• the form of a Competitive. Meeting. neighbor. and get a box to -da _ Rev. Mr. Simmonds, The L:npunctuated Reading was won g x' ipave.Picket ing Leave Toronto ow- a#At your druggist, or sent prepaid on Salon. Eastern House) eBay at Dundas) called on Saturday at the home of by Miss Helen Scott. General Kn Mr. and Mrs. Mathersell. ledge, was won by Miss Florence receipt of 75 cents. A. M. P. %1. A. M. P.M. The trwo choirs of the village are Anderson and the Imprmptu Speech How about your new Permanent a 7,00 ' 354 a 7 3 a 4.30' - combining to render special Easter by glias Ina bicConochie. Lunch was G. & H. LABORATORIES Wave for Easter ?' a 7.44 a 4 54 5.40 530 numbers during Passion Week._ served and the meeting closed with r:iUKEKItiG, ONTARIO 1 sm giving you an opportunity, to 3•:'4 .d 5.54 10.00., 6.30 The Euchre Club met on K'ednes God Save The liinR. Next week's 10.Y4 ti.54 11 30 d 7 30 day night of last week, owing to meeting wll be ' Christian Fellow- have your hair looking smart be- l l 54 d T54 P -3 9.30 ONTARIO FEED P. M. 8:54 c 12 3© d 9.30 she Bowling Club supper on Friday ship" under the convener,' Mr. Ed. lore your new "Easter 13.55 4 1. it 1.30 10.30, Mr. and -Mrs. Frank Barclay enter- Brown. All are welcome. Boobet." 1.34 10.54 ' 'c 2.30 11.30 tamed at .bridge on, Friday evening; Greenwood _ Cn Prices as low aspil 96 and up, comment- ' a 2.54 b 11 44 3.30 last, friends from Whitby. Toronto Bray, -$2 1.50 So April 2nd. for a limited time only. a -daily except Sun & Hol. b-•�Sua< and Claremont. Miss Rutledge spent the week -end Shorts, 2 2.St� So why not make your appointment & H« only, & Sat. only.. d�Sat: - The Green River Young People in Tordnto. Sun. &Hol only • w were guests of the Y. P. S. here on Sirs. James Raine is spendin' a etc /� MRS. M,,MUNDELL Tickets and.information at fdonday evening last and provided a' few days with friends in Brampton. Middlings, 25.00 splendid program. Mr. and ]Mfrs. Fred Woodward and Phune IWO CLARSHOI GUY COACH Lia\E� The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup- family have .moved to Pickering. - Feed Flour, 31.00 per and Reception Servuce will be Miss Clara Walls has left for Rye Chop , 22.00 ,,„A,I D r3V&VZY0R PICKER IN 00 "observed in the United Church .here' Pickering with she, has secured a IEasttrn Hoose -Florae 45 on Sunday mvrningr next. , position. Above Prieey;are (,' " per Tan. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Stevens. of Air, and Miry H. Maguire have re- TOQN �OR i O� F. J. DONEVAN B. A'.. B. Sc.. O. Thedinrd, and who are on their turned home after spending some �J ia+l L,• S. Od file are the records of our - w ding touf, spent a few days with time in Toronto. CLAEc8�1ntiT - - ON 10 veyors Gibson and Yarnold,_-_863 ! e' the former's -aunts, the Misses For- M;. end Mrs. Frank Chapman, ,ot polle Clue. tMA4 Kipg giant. Oshawa. _ ,Phone 1981. gie and other relative$._ Quite a number of farmers are a -- T aureliable men to secure Rood, for the spring and aitmtner. One way d - to• svlve the relied providing The mea are willing to work. - The many friends of Mu. O'Flynn rice `formerly Hiss Kathleein Duke, Ry^• O �� pathtze with her in the loss of ihei • ttusbaekd, who died as a result of hit beitsg struck by a street car. �� g t services will be held in on Wednesday. community - ..the L`aitred Church April atlh, and in the Baptist Chureh i ea Good Friday, April 10th. You are "'cordially invited to attend. 8 P. rr - each evening}. The friends of Mrs. Christina BuzA. -cell Gordon will regret tt: hear of her death itCalgary , regal �' u'. f r_.,' n---- - --i si►uck by a car. Dec- $acing c:.sed w�'.t relative of M". 1, -hr- nlowm o many ki . u z The High School Convertand Roc hal take: place on Friday, April y , ave 8rd,when school pupils will - j� -:. a musical program under the direct- ion of Mr. A. W. Lynde, the Super visor of "Music in the School. ,'fie � I <> ,• a t program will be given in the Com unity Hall at anR p. m. Admission. c .25 and 15 cents. The 'regular monthly meeting. of 'ted Ch h - a l .,.the w. M. S. of the [:rat wilt be held in the basement of the OOSE a �°rO� and you - Chevrolet is the only low-priced thatch on Friday, April 9th' at 2.30 get all three of today's biggest car that. givos you full; three- p. m...The meeting will, be an Easter SAFETY features: ONE -perfected point safety at the lowest cost- one, and Rev. J. E. Glover will give fir, season-. Iiysltiulic Brakes,_to•brinq the car Along with Valve -in -Head engine; ' -. an address- rm-- - the. - -Mrs. Dopking's group will be in - .._... _.. __ - s k to. a swift, swerve stop, with - 'lor ma�mmum power 'a't minianum charge of the meeting. lighter -than -average pedal pres- expense fot'gasoline and oil -'Knee Many from here took advantage of stirs. TWO -solid 'steel, nae- Action gliding ride with shock- She low, fere to Toronto on Saturday >, N .� �� .rya. '�� piece Turret Top Bodies by Fisher! ' proof steering -and built-in Fisher -- Iaat. It was reported that twenty- s% �� Frim 7c7- r.. yy ,v. $- ✓r. .,Q.r-r repp ',-,�•' ..,fit -'. / ,. , ., _ 1 • r:., � n.. -7 .. , e.' ' a .fie .a < r:< .. p r'. - . nLX.X %'".F ,• ,., ,. - . n' .. ... -„�-,. 1. �. , : , ,, +I,H........ Sr•i: ..... .,,; '� .r, LC'-••. .r-':1,4y v54 .rt .. :::-. ' ,. � r Dancing Debut l Quaint Quilt Patterns in %`°`'""`- , 7:o� . , ­ ..— :1 .#The hook '' re,ryg. I, ”"y ` ' ' �x "- Wonder 'Package. - . N/;, :'. ­�:,4,;" .1 I. I— .1 ,ff I.. At may? is�, LL .. _Shelf , f - _ . MR �..-.--- - __ I . .;,-.;Z, . ..: � . � . ', ''. .. . : I , ''. :, 1� .0 '�.�.;��i�i�M s . I—. . �. ... - ­ - - ... ..µ _..._ 1 — R:: S u'1 �— i ''I��' it '.. BY MAU{ dl. MOUGAN i '� '� 11 �' � 4! � �, . n �; ,� "FREEDOM, FAREWELL!" by Julia, Brutus and Porcia appear' in �: x -•-�, nom_ _ • - , Bhyllie Bentley, (Macmillan's Tor- all their complications. R. �� y � ° � ��� . onto)' gives one a realistic picture From the moment the curtain __ot Roman society.. In fact, it made rhes on a slender, youthful Rolnan 1I.fr>G, tis :: °// ���� . one 'feel that this -is the way our' ` ar o his lite � .•�,�, I _ �I SII history books should be written. It through the forest,clad passes of ;.,;, '..;:. � ��l.. 1. I . ,clears up many a haiy thought we the Apennines-In-a, drenching rain r ° a ;� \` all have carried-over from school storm the reader's interest is cap- ` - tiays. torsi. Rome, Gaul Spain and At• i.`.:�'".:.°'_"� <. It is especially. Interesaing as a ries, are visited, each scene com- a `trnthtul picture of the downfall of pletely_' described and giving full .`%i4 - - �" �� / liberty in a great nation.. It's sig-- satisfaction, �_ 6' 0y ( , l Y • . 7 aificance for the Rorld today is Here is ano-her -book � µnose I �" I I . • !� r _ abundantly clear. binding 'alone recommends it for ',, �t 1 s _ your bookshelf. r 4 :s .. t.:�r - =: - - Colorful' and exciting are the obapters describing the the battles To be Reviewed Neat �Veek. ' :: ,y - 4rgies; and bitter controversies in "THE STUFF 31EN AItE AI�117E yi rc s TH o more atiracKive quilt patterns over S00 transfer patterns. ligsv- are sliotivn from the Wonder Pack= ever, the quilt patterns are not to be e Senate. The love stories ' of OF" by Denton Massey, (S. J. Reg- r '' r: ` age. This marvelous package con- transferred. This would be impos- sesar, and SenlIia, Pohipey and inald Saunders, Tatonto). : ' �, tains eight quilt patterns in all; four Bible;' there are so many different Y' ,1. `' " or each piece work, and t%ui for kinds of material to be used that f patch work or applique one could not ex iec•t to tam p the --L— _ F Be Up and Doing Strange World- a^-q �.. �� Thcse are the patteriis'that use uti design• � - s , a11. those scraps and pieces in the f a se of Quilt Pattern ,Waste not time in idle pining, fc mending bag, for if you do not wish In lite s 'hive, be thou no drone; . to make all blocks alike, each may Cut i ge lu�lt blas k. in .aaf .. An old man it Prerov, In Moravia, ""' °-•�, ,Prom the sluggard take thou warning_ has been fined 7s. 6d. for causing ,I have an'indi�•iiliial scheme, and for- leaving one-half intact, and cutting Or his tate may prove thine own. bodil i urs nears "fort innately in each "Goose Tracks" ,out the separate pieces of the other y nj y y years ago. block there are four 'different kind. halt to use as patterns for the Opportunities once, wasted Jn a train on the way to `sienna in y - May sot come to thea again; 1896 he had an argument with a ;` '' . - of print; while =in -the "four •pointed• .prints a plain materia]: The half, . P� -tion-that .: hat has not been cut u will 'And a lifetime spent bewailing . fellow traveller about opening the ar there are just _ Fill the measures of thy pain. `window, and smacked.- the man's there pnttexna are. cess .eC inomicalci�e ai a guide )n putting theppie _ face: He was warned that he would: to malce, fa:cinati+�eo work on and a tokeflter correctly. _ . s Ltfa is sikort, be.-up sad doing, hear about it later-anti he has. ""' • ••• KA especially effective in appearance. Sow the •seeds of -thrift and care; Mrs• Jane McNabb, aged eighty- The shapely limbs of lovely ,Plain Directions - - •. HOW TO OBTAIN V PACKAGE_-.._- .Watchful .be,.etae sloth, pursuing,- - one, of-..Dorriphan 't-Missouri)., wilnts 'Claire Trevor, screen star, will . Ju.;t think of the value. Over 300 - Steal from thee thy • harvest' fair. lend enchantment to he2�--lorth There are ]Borders fur eaclf design tram fer atterns which can be used a divorce from' her eighty-five-year- P Hide not in the earth thy. talent,. coming vehicle The Sotig and auggesfed and with the plain instruc- many times. 173 in tials- of many oid husbarnd after sixty-five years of Dance Man,", in which .she makes _ tions there should be no trouble at sty les sad kinds. Y uv' canrwt afford to Add- onto it .day by-day; married life. The reason? Her hos- her initial a „ ppearance as a dancer Tall in .creatines a beati�ifu2 gitilF Which' be N'iihout this Wonder Packs e, for inat-the-Fatal--hour that cometh,, band.accuses hex of __running around in the film version of George M. could ba.used Yat obed-spread. me-ciupply of. When th4 reckoiil4g. thou must- pay. witlr other men." o ' Coda __ _ in it you get a life-ti If you have- an Early • Ameriesti ,patterns Tor sewink' and painting. ', '. • _ m.- -remit }eu caulci took. far be ore }iuu Waah this column for notes of the -Representatives of Britain and Egypt Smile -- at any tf�e of these ,rots(+: ` ' - - ., ' . - - - and Send 56e in µtamps -or coin (coin - - - would find a more attractive •pi and by rnaking the draperies -w-_-...- _ - .. _ table' skirt of a small' patterned preferred) for this'Wonder Package - .. . have most r men's E _ . _ ,. . _ print ynu will h a harming to! 1�'o Editor. I�'ilRan Yubli�ii• . . - - - t - _ i g. Co e -Adelaide - .- . _ e wu a ackae ,tails Torente., 73 . - .� . scheme - - - West" -- • delaid � trrrt.. .Th V4 I r - P co - - - I 1. • _ 1._ .. __ . , _ - }s Business leave .. ithat — .. __ . . J, '. y ad to likely buyers. And let tht i, get'bus on the most im octant salEe ' _ _ vs Here.s .s Cosine as for, hundreds of y p _ :. campaign which-the ll ever Bare :a I irsands of superior young�eo_Rle.y - . triake= at _ _ , . o> = •- It's a Isusiii_ s into which everybody - _ must go sooner or later. It's. the that needs thea,: Wn16r B. Pitkin .� • - ��. y "business: of selling yourself, to tlZc auxhaF acrd. psyciiolo;,st, in 't#ie i:r �,„' . world. Few young* folk9.have ivtide tarian :llagazine<._ _ _�� . t 's°°�° ` :_•'it s'art:in Eycrybody's Business L•et - - _ ' h�i,' "� ,3 , ` W them think -of themselves as com- 52 r; - ,y �-'= .. - . .c . . Probe Londen Shies _ _ i �, i a . �;� - _ - . d ^� b 9 I . . - ��� ,. „ . . _ - I: t. Meeting in . Zafaren Palace, _Ca'iro, b.tiypt< to open negotiations aimed •at settling dit'.'erencc•; be- �a . 'tween 1lritain and Egypt, Sir Miles Lampson, British. High -Commissioner, left, -Nahas Pasha, centre. t w. I - and Admiral Sir' William Fisher, commander-in-chief ,of the British Fleet in the Mediterranean, right, ,� apparently were in the best of spirits.. _ - , - I� ='. _ . - �, :, - - l' Colorful Religious Ceremony _ �` ; . �;� r'' I _ _ .. Pr ys1. ,e.. T in,,,,+•"" , r ` It .. _., - FI' ' y � r. . 1_ — w <:.. 1. y <1 r a�i i, . _ . 'Q a ,0, �.. w i .. I .1 . sl n .. A . A .. .,.. 1 i -I 1. j �. �I `' ' ' f .. • lilt ,: it•• ,t ;. . y , :. `: •* 11.1 . $ 1 , { f 311 2 t ¢ I ¢j 3 '` a .. q�, �r - r ' F fE �' ' G .' a a fie! �: a:: $: ;: "' tk .� h, 4 \ y ' x s,-,' .. k a .M'� : �R 4f`sr3o c ra +x _ s 11 ':'.; .X.;S.. .J:..a...,...:-.,..f.,5..µ. w..A:..nrPS,w...Kt<�x '•�''rak>... ..9w'i : ?y:: �; , , l'f 4 giant -finger of light searches the night sky in London 'as '� - • High ranking dignitaries of Catholic Church participated .in, ceremony at Rt: Rev, mous. H. L. : British Anti-Aircraft squadron seeks out mythical -enemy planes in • • , larnb,(center front) is comecrated Bishop In Philadelphia by Cardinal Dougherty. air defense drill. Civilians particlpated. • - • • . . . • - . . - 'I J_ - .. .. • •'-....r.a*a..+;•csrwb.v=..'e: .ss`. ,.. � .. a• .-, -.- "4l, ..- ` y" ,•,� T _ - .MONTREAL Anq rwti 4Should Be Told or thousands of travellers the Blount Royal Hotel has 4 solved the problem of where to stay in Montreal. Located -to L �� in the heart of the city — less than 10 minutes' walk _ - _ -from all depots, ' a Yew minutes' walk' to' retail store, „ ow 'theatres and points' of interest — yet suRlciently' away —" AL 'from the noise of traffic to ensure sound, refreshing sleep. - Impeccable service .and eplendid garage facilities. Write, -AD (Ottawa Journal} wire' or telephone, for reservations... It is 4as.tiutiable to scoff at spcech- MOU•NT ROYAL H0TE_l. es, this though most of us are glut - h h b ao� ,' t ngr ore pretence at it, if !all I J. ALDERIC RAafM6ND VERNON Q. CARDY, ons scoffing, speeches were. as fine as that de- president Managing Director _ M ' . :livered .recently to the Ottawa Can- I Y adian.' Club by Dr. Hamilton Fyfe. Dealing with education, Dr. Fyfe f . - I.NSIDE EXPERIENCE -y+ y� didit't.tell how many millions we were I "' Fo1•einan: "Do you think you are Queenys. flan u de spending on it, or how many. fine fit for,really hard labor?" school buildings we have, or h$w k AppiicanE:-'"Well- some of` the -many Nousandg of pupils. Instead, he 11 beet jud;;es in the country nave By Adam Broome told is something • of what education I ihuught so." --r- should be. tt. t ` x• — ssxq�sas It should he, he said, th,s a • • r S1CtiOtt h.#r, I:t.l.t dr 9l' lien, a� fa< . students should be ialtol'it ",loty ` to Elagaged, Brut Afraid t0 Marry _Ilan iu wbich her mother is confined, mous contuoser: ,s alloud to snake Ill's learn." These doctors could'tell from the bane' A drat at'neararce to Lundun. Pte is to history wbether her mother's .afliL% cr,nduct the tit sr,performame•of a arm= -What you want is not a m,m The problems of Every Day Living phony Or -his d,tn-composition at the ber of feel's you wil:-forget; Intt_ tion•is hereditary or not. If it is not. Queen's Halt 1ha evert itus aroused are failed ancL'-innumerable. - Some hereditary, then her mind will be at -I very" iecuf intete r The flan k crowd- the capacity for finding out folks -have big problems which • they rd, ard.mllljoa, og llsteiic, : are %%'ai,trIg thin„- for yourself: • You have to , ease. for the t'etfrn,nalw. u, ,,,•t;e over the treat litht.y, others are apt to mag I tlritik, xere 1 In this young lady's ra•lio. learn how to learn."'nify trifles, but we all have our #rob• - i'arq;11 ir,aL't,< n•- - tnt,snr e, and rats-. ,�. , ,, - position, I would pursue this line of Y{ ,;lw his baton yad�lgnly•collupre.;. dtio�.,.no finer :,bout educt tion --has- Ictus; " action right away. Why 'go on Rorry- , �Icdlcat aid Is Imrnrdiately ft:rttwom- ehver been tbe�nstt.l]ed d. And hs tt n , _ ere__ -oni Yo This reek a t ins to try and and _f:e-ttfug_hetoxe_xou.._aFe _sure... A L, bulLLt_L ol,yiouc ttvat tfi€-_m1 to1 m go y,..: dean. • in- tie awlience are two young - could- answer a big pr-ob.etrt. It has c0iie to there is anything to worry •about? t<uPle._ Lettrro. \f.,r tC•n and $trphen people the further truth that educ- me from a You •g lady whom I think The chances are there is nothing to ation •is a continuing process., that -- " f;,anksorne, a' student is trt.ced as 1 .y is eery, sensible indeed. She writes s,;orry about:'.Eveti 1l' you sfiolild dis• • nc-, urtr,t t? r dr:a,tly yd,,:,u c•roru welt snot somethine v:hich.eca�s r: ith to fife in part: ' _. 'cover' that the trouble is hereditary, t°river-311- c,,fe iast bPfure i•areni's , graduation fro,n some university, but '., e death "I have been keep ng company with well, ecce thea, that dens not mesa. (must be persevered 'with and de- ' .. velopecl tbrou hcut the whole -of for over three .years: Ae are that you are going to go the same `'Sounds plausible. enough, said g , very fond of each' other, and I .am w•ay. I think it 'is now generally •ac - life, then as a 'peop:p ~,qe would be ti the Commissioner, looking more puz- better educated. _ sure,}ve:are. suited to each other and cepted that we only Inherit tenders- ., � vied tFah ever, "But what shout the, could be extremely happy t6geffier: aes, acid there are many "coach on big black bourtied fellow who n•tts Sohn Richard Greed, the great his - i 1 tofian, died when a comparatively A month ago , ,: a became engaged. He record w liich'p:ove` that tlfose !Whet- Y 1, seen at the political club .in --Soli(. t $as often' spoken of marriage -before; ited tendencies can .be overcome. It. h- with the girl" ! young man. He had had a university alcrflya hesitated. At last I've you.`take• care ot..yourself and look af- hitx a was a great scholar, b m and now I ter your health, if..you keep ac~cheDsyt ed and but I L Taunton ,roiled a4d shook rorhised to stagy hl ~ d l wry, rutlife and t be f cy outlook and avoid worry hearts itw"rather a . fa - nil•, a a"He �I m afraidof marriage cause, and am uite sure that cry but he never 'lost curiosity p his mean grave they'careedrthrs epitaph: lh �/ e� �} ■ "1'm sorry, Sir; I banked a bit on 1 for the past five years, my" mother thing,will be a21' light. RO i AL YEAST CAKES died learning. If more of tis could that follow myself. But he seemed i '. ' - too -r~ood to be true al the time; con 1 deserve a similar epitaph, this world has been in a mental hospital and I Besides., the young man to whom are always would be infinitely better. sometimes have the thought that her. you a -re - epgaged knows all -about it, - rnlarh Ince a Character out of a meld- L trouble may be hereclitarq. 0i course You are not hiding anything from him FULL STRENGTH drama. The woman said at once,---�----' he knows all about it and he says it so, if you discover that' the trouble when -1. questioned her about him— does not• -matter, but thai fact does, Is hereditary and there are signs that i that he wis n, cousin, and that he --- _ _fi e f - sot seem to ease mX_mlafl'' you •might bRome afflicted, you could.- ,: too, knew nothing' shout the affair. The time of day, I do. not tell a 14Sy correspondent is to be admired agree to marry, and if both of you are �'- Theso, Italian's living abroad are very. � some do, by the clock. very fond of children you might adopt. . Or by the distant chiming be for her wise forethought. She ser clannish. and this "fellow—I' inter= a child. Tlie one thing you sbould al,• .. RAISIN BR£Al� viewed him 'myself,=—at Pdmagna'a Set on the steep',# top; —' -- tainly tercels a highly developed type - worry nod fear.. ow , request, sometimes entertained i But b the progress that I see Of social conscioasae�9. -r q r:. I Y • p be she is worrying_ herself unduly, the . wife in the evening when his In what I have to do. r work was over." It's either done o'clock to me After all, not everq-inmate of a men- N 2TE: ThC► writer of this colunta ( h d ed psychologist and a u - J! f • hered- a m p t rmr,t st flit ugh nary Insanity. There are a great many thor of a several yworks �sHa is willing - 7.„• f Oft sounds must extraordinary: do I --J. K Bangs. cases in which the patient has become to deal with your problem and give you think he tvatC telling the truth— I -+-- and she"'' I meantlly� >�hfnge$ simply sa the int you the beirefiE of his wide expert- "Sorry," �� evitable consegneAce of uadtte strain enee. Questions regarding problems Sorry, said the Commissioner, I Berwick. had been ave* .Most of hadn't .noticed it.” and worry, The past quarter of a of EVERDAY LIVING should hs the world.- had led .campaigns in Lag one, addressed, to: Dr.' M. M. Lappin, ---- a many countries amorigst peopte of He. saw now that there was A pin century has folks -ir a. very tryi and many [olks..have simply been un -room 4211 73 Adelaide Street West iTiAny, -Faces# Rut he could. never through the tog left hand corner of able.,tn bear the strain. I! Is true'•that Toronto, Ontario. Mnclose• : S teat ft-�, quite get rid •of the insular notion the sheet: and turning the ]eller •that to be' foreign meant almost of over.he,saw a printed cuttin;4 from there are many in our mental fnetlT, etampC d, addressed envelope for ranecessity to be di -honest, untruthful a paper: utions who might -not have been there ply. and immoral. > "H'm--1 his doesn't seem. to make ii the proper help had been secured t � 4n tame. But that -does fiat alter the "I've not any reason at all to-dis- much sense. Something aLout a, con - act that they are ere, believe it_"' cert at the Brightmonth Aquarium. condition t and that The.. Chdef tr.�pricior s` decided Ah -1 see—my rnlstake=that'i the . their. condition makes t necessary for. Do'nt 5 } back of it." them td be there, although they may words put an end to the Cummissiou- not be suffering from a [arm of, ln- _ er'K hopes in thnt direction. He had He spread out the rever.,e aide or - •• FILLED BUNtS ., i p sanity which is hereditary, �t1eSS �� , „ hoped :;o much from the black -beard- the fratment .There w_ a3 a #;roto- This 'young lady should find ,but G ed Italian with the air of a CnrcicaD graph showing a 'highly ornate con- trsrtltlti that it �ravr-lturd to bite his 's -button_-1 a case. for berself: fust exactly'06 nature of �. hope,, and "Ha—this looks mhrc li'.:e it, far.- no a1O-h�shou h$ve p } flights of iniAginatit%n thus no dilticu'.ty in dol rig this. A talk now _ rudel • Ilton ht to a halt. ` • elli's;stick, I suppose`.' _ , with" the-tamilp. Physician would sure. 1 "But tlicre'6 sometbing a Ettle Taunton's description of the c: sa 1 nioie vheering,'` went ,o'n Taunton. as fantastic was amply enough borne'5 bring her an, interview with the - t ( out by -the nature pf the letter which superinteridenk ddctor of the institn• ". We 41d get some information from I "Pain" - Francesca. " i F'rantc-ca.' .1tid though it's flue that the Commissioner now proceeded to " 1Whethet the Pain 'it doesn't take us ver far for the read: There was no address b4oad ,''� Y y -Rural Damage by Fire - .Remedy You Use e �.` present, i4 dut•c ;ice r;rnund 'for, fur- the word ' Brightmouth. \o da r" ' + of the month was stated, but the .' flier engilirics. ' - tt' STREUSEL CAKE ` °c month itself was riven as A•igaA. property damage by fires in. rural. 1S SAFES I,, S The Conon Toner+ w1lo Lad teen "Dear lfadam.—I have heard districts.` is caused by defective £ sitting holt: upright for the, past fete from your husband . here, to whom .flues, lightning, spontaneous com- � minutes. relaxed .agatR. Then there 1 you must not speak a w6.d on the bastion in.' hay .and grains and un- t =9 �; ,vete grains of hope after all, subject., of this Ietter, that you are safe methods o4 Iightinr, amounts to tion t EntTUst Your The Chief Inspector brought out a 1 a good Italian, also• that you hold $?.51),000,000 in the .united States. ' i Own or Your Family, 's :.� bulky, pocket -b o''.i,and,.laid it 'on the (anti -Fascist view• . But now is the almually. Except in rare cases, such :>M desk before hill,., time to lay aside politics. I am no as an oil' explosion; where smother- i�hell = Beirig to Uri!®Wi ' Italian• iti sel but I am.p d&otel ing methods. aie best; pressure -'water Preparations r Y � h' b Ili : I can It . � t� t• t t R .•ir t r s T n >pp i pro - Try the the Tested Royal Sponge -k ,vuu'. tri' rlr, fit t rs to read this ;Inver of Italy. find . of It^11inn music. j streams are ,the only effective pro- $ee: eg dor these light, Iett�t:'I 1 And especially I admire hour :Ci;g inr 1 tection against -fire. A recent stir- ' rT jIE"person to ask whether the J g. ipat'elli tylia is going in October to I vey brought out the fact that over 1 preparation you er'your family ='delictotfs breads ::. • ' - Ne dre��l' from 'the pori et-bpt>k A 1 conduct•,lria 'teat Symphony for the b?. million farmhouses in'the coon- are takirig,tor the relief of beadachas'^ created sheet of foolscap paper, which_ he r:nefuLhl unrolled frail a l firs>< time in 'F•ngland at' a Queen's l try are Nv'ithout running'water. l,'1 SAFE. to use rc +ularih' is your 7udividually w-rgpped—t1,e only dry, I Hall P omenade Concert. • i should': family doctor. Ask hlul parlicularfy }}c t,t with such protection-Royu1' piece of oiled silk which he liaa used' S - t about ":15I'IRI\•" Yeast: Cakes'ah�a3s keep their full to protect it. "Then . at least you (It6e t;Yfie sure that this _was cuing • A thirteetl-year-old •Sunderland x i=avf•tiir.� to be a -rent success. It mearrs fnuc'n• He tivih tell•}ou tont before flit t putter. 1 ou can depend on' will see that I've trot ,just been liav- , .fill: Gladys Smithson, has created ati drscorerl of '':1s trio" most " sin" tt,e 1:, r'luto freshness of -Royal Yeast , for -Signor Parelli—for the mini • t 1 p, p ins de.usiana. unollicial record by skipping '18,000 remedies lysin advised tgninst by , Cakes, do wonder u 7 out of st insist C11 . And C7encral Berr:icic, after he had I The eutuare 'influencesca of twhicli I revolutionssure.''',in just under two and a phvsicians as had for tlfe stomach h u<�tt;res icLo use dr ea t insist on Royal- Urfhr n package read the first fcty lines,. began to. know which are 'at -worlc :wiain3t •him quarter hours. It is estimitte.d that if and.'often, for the hcnrt. Which is, see the force of Taunton's sub:_1�.: l she had moved forward a yard for food for thought if you seek quick, � and T believe—T know—f Nave the1. FREE tiro about- delusions.. • Be' took the each skip daring the 13,000 ,revol'u- safe relief meal,* fo counteract them. ' and I f BOOKLET letter and i;:id it carefully on hi= tions -he would have covered ' aver 'Scidntists rate "Aspirin" among have chosen you to be the saviour Aids Fou! blotting pad, produced a pair of ten miles) the fastest hzdhods yet d(srocered for of your country—I can call it notli- `.1m Ronal Yeast horn -rimmed reading -Masses and- be. I the relief of headaches and the pains j inti less. I cannot, .alae,-myse,If put , - e # Bake,Book" give'.. , gan to study it.. i of rheumatism, neuritis and neural - rested Royal my plans into execution, but I think) : Sponge Rocipc The sheet. on .w'hichAhe letter wts3 .i. y'ou are seeking mental Improve- gia: And the experience of millions from 'what i hear of you from your of. users Etas proved it saje for the < for the breads pie. written m 't1'aS a ince Of ordinary, mem --and - effici<rncy, sou should tured above .and p b husband that you will he a more ,crfte for partl,culars of the courses average person to use regularly, In blue lined, ruled foolscap,. rather "f,tt ed r moder:,te fees by The in- . S p many Others,' than warthy substitute. 'If you sue- cl1fC11 statute of Practical and Applied 1loftr 01V irrlerest rcrnentbcr tiffs. FRFe! send cuu- dirt. and cons derably frayed at the ce ;-''fillcarr nett the plan whIrh .�.-. . Y y Psychology. .'f pontudayt edges. The wilting was in Ink �, I have -fashioned you will be able tot SL'Y M.tcDF•r'`- had be un .rather -to fade, -ani Lht► t Head "TIiT; HF.Ll'ER" — a 'neyv '`Aspirin'' 1'ahlcts are made III s ' t::AVADA GOODS g lock: back bpon he past and feel. `monthly m�5azine 'of nem for el,- l-.anada. `:Aspirin 15 the legrstered'- i M style fres neat, very upright, 'with that you have saved your country erybody pubs,=lied b� • trade-maik of the Bayer Company, ' each letter- carefully - forme -Ai and BTJ'.N-LNBRAA•DS LrMfTED and' Signor Pirelli. •- - { The• InstituEe of Practical and - 'Limited: Look far.tha name Bayer FrsewMe. and r.tberty St., Tomato• Ont, giving the impression that the writer General Berwick read thus far and Applied Psychology in theform of acrosson a_very tablet. - . rtesee sena tue the Ir— Ror.1 Ye:.t- had tried to "disguise' his usual hand. then idOked a In e laxity. sate nook. p rn one dollar a year There was nu complete addre3s. a t21 and` and Cr e i • _ ."Excuse toe, . Slr," said Taunton. (To Ile Continued) SainNe Cory, — Ten Cents s .., tti'rlte for yotrr co, ODAYf 'But before you begin to read theacve.ar.- letter. itself I• think -It -wauId -be _ a ' 916 CONVZDDSATION 2=3)Xmo T!y ,�"_ Itl3utO. 14 -- •36SPIRIN, Town _ ..t,., good idea to look at the new spnper rutting pinned to it." b. erelang, AQrIl lit ar 8 p, zL at the 9 t, LJ1 f7-rI'.he Womanis Association cT the Bapdot Church, when Rev. J. R. -The next meetvtg of the Hortic- United Church -will meet on Tuesday Dick will speak. Serviceg on Thurs- - - - nkun'ai 'newly 'will be held in Dunrtic- ReddittApril 7th at the home of Mrs. W. V. day and Friday will. be held in -the _ -barton ort Tuesday,Baptist Church: On -Sunday morning hieIg April 14th' 11he parents of school - children April 5th, at II am m the service in On -Sunday -morning - topic "Annual, Gi+owitig and Show. -- imlgw" Fill! paabicularg next week are • asked to'direct direct their attention the Baptist Church will be conducted t; a r11'!he W. `M. S. of St. ADdre�v's to a notice by the Twp. Medical Of- by �Pt� Tom Best, of Toronto, P1Ckt8r1I1� S Leader ►thee`- -- ficer, in another n+olumn. who will apestic at the ser- :.'.Pi'e&Aft'ian Church nwdil hold its -S .George's C'hurc14 Spnday, vice at 7 p. m. Beginning Monday regular meeting at the blame of Mrs ,4Pril•' 5th., Paha Sunday. Sunday April 61>h CagrtaostP• Beset mill speak VOe *� . M t W. R Miller, on Wednesday, .April School ,at 10 aL m. Morning Prayer each evens �� I (J �'Ei N I* at 3 P. m. A' good rhbtendance is tilt it a rr>r Evening � y`'r ns at 8 hn. in the. Uh3it- .. - •>regtlested \ entti,ng Prayer at 7 p. ed Church (-Saturday excepted i • _ •. _. --,Mr. tad Mrs. F. H. Hall were is thz Preacher at both services, Rev. There will -be brighk Ag apd aP- Fashion. dictates they i@W tib ff Toronto on Wednesday ni E. G.• Robinisoa. _ ecia2 inusrical numbers. Captain Beet, Gorgon _ 41. y gitt last st- The executors, off, the,_et tate of fwvrrowly pastor. of - Whitby Baptist ;Permanent. Crease ii! tending a ,birthday Party given . by the late Richard Purwkriii- will 'brad Church has • had a varied experience _ your trousers. their., daugtlker, Meade, . at . which a an auction sale of the household ef- as a veteran of the Boer- War- mild `' _nnhaber of- friends were present to' fects, impleinenta etc., -ax the rem- the Gloat War , Y. M. C. A. Seciret A ere$se in your `- ' a mist its 'tllhe celebration. 16es at the east end of the village 'ary and Lecturer,' as' -'well so a prea- !7 Pants for tiles life of > the pants, reported, at I on Tuesday, April 7th. See -dodgers cher of great power and aleoegs. in p , $nd the f amou ' tae -of writigg to be in a very crit- for fills Particulars. his younger days he s dieting- • • s miracle ieai condition. He suffered a atroloC -,Services as usual will be held ort uisihed athlete, holding Canadian pocket Protecting against -some weeks ago, and has never mad• ,day next in the united Church, Championships in the quarter. half. P g $ st loss of any degree of recovery. His many) at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. At the"morn- and mile runs. With this varied ex- .coins. lrienda hope for the best tng service, tore Sacrament of the perieoce, he makes' a stroz%g appepl -•-Mrs. W. B. Powell is spending a ' taw da s ' wiifb relatives I Lords Supper will be dispensed. Mr. to both young and old. All are cordSee - few es to Uxbrifte, Orozier will also tell a story to the sally invited to ahead these aervic- our window fol" new pat' Mies Jfaee- O Riley as been visit - senior scholars for the Sunday school es, • •in8'' for a wee3c wisdh, friends in Tor- There will not be say Jtraior j - d �,. - - terns in stjc f 'sq' Con- gregation during this -.service hour. �+ • ` b* township oouacil will meet on' Sunday Sclllol and Bible Classes will New Butcher Shop e t t Monday' next for the transaction o€ j _ - - - m at 1a >L m. l�etg Beit -T w Sp ng'rices-- • Mr. Arthur Boyes, who has been P• in,, We have opened up a new Butcher - - - +t:alniined to his bhouse t --0n Friday evening last a delight P P y .$2.95 31563. ��hrquglh illhsesa fool-d,� sees presented in And Sho in the remises former! oc s -` .:Zia now iahproving• copied by W. Se-rvaot. H. Anechin ' row's .C�rch by the Rotary Club of spent Saturday I Whitby, under the &u -ces of the A share of your patronage is so - last is Toronto with her daughter, Ladies' Aid Society of the Presbyter- licited, - _ Mrs. L. Ifo Devitt and family. ran Churck The dr - -mrs. R A. Doo i entified. a opening special with every -� C HAPMAN � Douglas, of Toronto. +�D� �,Y �' an exceed' gfeakorder: Dalton's O. P. tea at. - hia . been spending a few days with m8iy • e her sisters, Misses Ida and B. Bun- !Fusing one acrid the -audience were 25c. per half lb. delighted with its presentation. Each C:LARW4UE SILK, _ Ong. member of tht' cast did his or her 29-31 r -•'Anna. S. A. Arnott, of Oshawa, I Paxt to perfection. Notwithstanding seooarpanied by hes sister, Mica Ida the many dd ei attractions in the we will be glad to Deliver. WO STANDOUT VALUES � < _4err, p Suisday last with !lira. J. vity these was IL good-attendance.goattendarue. Phone 1850 C. Phillip.. �rl After the . —!rhe Sacnarnerht _of the Lord's aired -t„ the hori'e of Mr. ands Mme: �T - Tip Top Tailored Suits or Coats for 8uppwer will be administered in the Artihur Bopes where retraahments DO11 yT L • Fresbyteriaa Chuxfs an Sunday, were served by the ladies of the en --SB l h --.S$ -men or Wom me clo mengreof the - -Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Cronk, of �-At -the- next meatirfg� TAKE. CHANCES Price= -$23.75• -At �' .. Wellsville, N. Y_ spent the week- Men's Askowlation on Monday night and with the farmer's parents, R. H. lye:t an open meeting is declared. lay Safe`sordon' S "Business Girl" _ and Mrs. Cnorilc. and an invitatoaf to everyone is ex- :Ho$e. -John Powell, of Church Str. wino terhded to be with them at the base. COReullt four DTuggiK • _ --Splash-proof, sulYered a stroke several weeks a9", Ment of St. Andreiv's Church. fir. er Po p�$S roofs Sn$$-resistliigt Chif 3moved in health. y' `v' YOUR DRUGGIST I8 MORE ---rl0sie the speaker for the event. ion The play "Dust of the Earth" was evening, and will thorn • - speak on commercial flying: Mr. Ir- _ ._ - _ - ..resented on. three of isat Irlmid his.gam and red Waco A MERCHANT 'week, and four other engagements plane is well known to Pickering. _ ♦- >are to be filled within six weekF. people, and will tell the layman - - Fred To Buntilu ,�, •-Pickerin --Services will be held in the H. V, R. NO014H. DRUGGlIS1 --' tttsny of the thin g$ - - he would like Presbyterian Chum on -Sunday at to lokaw WD -out the aeroplane and.DUNHABCON. ONTARIO _ •. 'Zgeta►6►lished L857 ,the usual .hour, 2.30 p. m., conduct-— ltyir.6. Tile Douglas Bn+oa. string - ed by the peotor, Rev. Dr. Cprmich- Quartet are also expeoted and an - Sunday Sohoot as usual at 1.30 interesting evening is looked for. �U ,�. Hardwood -Of interest to Transport Own- areweloo:ine, includi!>g the ladies. ]Hardwood -�i'Ite death task place suddenly, ~.: Fe !covin�r QUALITY M ens and Drivers. "P. C. V. hetiahseahis hoirne� 2731 Wa4biington Blvd. 9 expire on April lat. New regulat- Chicago. on April hat, of Tharrraa J. long effective on that date require Larkut. formMy or 'Pi caring. Dec- Ali rgdes of>mB le, ,aimh the carrying of Public Liabf7ity and eased was a son of the late Jno. and fl _ .Roand-Rteak. 200 Property Damage Insurance' in add' Slims h Larkin, and a brathe, of Jno. a -id Ejak flooring. Minced Steaks 41 140. - ition to the Cargo Protection prev- and Annie Larkin, of Chicago and StewingBeef, iously dernanded, both policies to be Mrs. James J. o'Cortahor oi. Special priceo'oa maple r `.' 1140. , ailed -with the Dept. of Highways. may' -Rolled Short Rib ( Pot- roast) 14o. Alta. and the late Henry Larkin of and birch in large quan- --.Sosr►e of our sports are enjoying ping and Sarah O'Connor of cooped Ham. . Uiheir hhathual spring pastime m. fish- Orillm Ont Deceased attended Pick- tlti9s. ;Head 'Obsess, • " j i Ing for suckers. whkh made their Bologna, bo Bret appearance last- week. -On Fri-ntc Coilegp and taught school for Now in th9 time to buy a number of years in. Ontario before WeiIIers, 1$0. rday evening and Setttrdxy nxtrning taldrrg up residence in 0hicago. ITE before the eprinQ ailvAnae r the rarm and mild weather caused ` _iRfe_ ereelC to rise.. koalal the wrier was 'r�etit�e�d a 'few ago. -tmtrt a�-acfive :._ •; . • t1Ce8. - . Qgt.. ' business carreer. Mr. Larkin prides .. Breakfast Bacon., by piece, • a foot in depth on . the highway, himself in his ownersof the old irK �' * (� Breakfast Bacon sliced, where Arthur Cook took hiY stand hOmeatead farm on the base line. w•- PiCKERiNG -�' Schneider's or $Wift's Premium P Per Bacon, ' + r th a spear and' bagged several now occupied cup by Oliver , Paacce. Tote LUMBER YARD .rinalese, k8 180., 2 for, db0. rood sized suckers. funeral sf+rvice will be held in Chic- -- �x�ev. Mr. McLean 6f the Depk Jewel or Criepyflake SherteniloQ, 2. 260 o ago on Satuiday, the body being -at Social' Service. of Canada, add- _ � - o brrougt by train to - Picke' ng on Sun- Qysters, • psi jar, 28e• - nssed the congregation or the Unit- . NOW, d"dwilseonaons•. may, April 5th, a�th interment aG ed a everfiag last the R. C. Cemetery, at '9 a M. - - - Mr. lLci.eau is Field Secretary of -� d�►ble anxiety +� 'sin- AY FAA :8ALB-A the otganizattion and gave his hear- pathy is. febt Hbaled and toot hay," w, •3 uMcDonald, • by everyone of this hdescription of_ v ars' 8 e thoR Ryon farm Dn � • very thorough r abartony 31-32 � • the work .an:i p.-oblent.4. ss u.,.:d by commurdty, for Mrs. Thos.Payne, of � the "Glen' Ian Farm"• ip• the very POTATOES FCR SALE-Doohete • babe Srcial Service Cc>uacil. The' sndCobhe,a Loc 18, cow, 2.•li'ickerirtg. • • Buk—her (phone 3000)'. ,PiCkerl'xi — 'vwn occupied the choir loaf and ttt►ene greet mystery surrounding 'the div,- Jos. Oman, Pie,entig, wif _ assisted by Dr. Falh6 e, who tsazW the appearance of her husband from the fwdlias narnber "In the Garden." ' !home since 8.30 .on Sunday. . ng sprayer • Hardware' unday. eveni OR B&LB-.l[ai"o-HarrisIstat: Mr. Payne,who is inclined to teegat.upaeity,lagood coadiUm.Pickering Store -During the noon hoar on Friday, ' snare Farms Prckeriag.. a2-33 take• all oi ilia t'eapbafalbili.tieg very 'last, . the residerKs., of the viidagp' O RBNT-Half of brick home: - ser;+itisly, leak the -house about tills stat Picker- ]'tlShed to. the 9treAte, the fire alarm - garden and� isnags, oa CharoA }having been sounded. The fire tri- hour, dnoeeed in a savant,, black iesth- iso. !tPPlr at luso otsce. iscr TTT$T TRY er cost; black leather osp• brown � _ l -Sade responded promptly and were ata Clover Markft s. 1., f hite o6 n mous weed sl•S3 r Hog Special for soon on the scene. The excitement riding breeches andhifst !les rub- ti 1 W, a-edrk tIne2 om no3, P,i wend seeds !.!'Hese r hogs, ' ..soon' died out as the fire proved to her boots' to go to the stables to see t • be located in the chimney of J, J. after some. wo'tit there. Since leaving , OR'48A LE -Red clover seed, No, l; les Hess' Stock Tonic for cattle• the house, nothing hie' been heard of 1 A. governrdent grade Also 2 Holstein grade (►Connor's hoose on Christina Str., ' springers. T. B. tested. A. J. Taylor• Cherry - him • r him or from him. Needless to say wood. Dr. Hess Pana min for I he hens, -and .was con exti*h•*lti.hod }i: fila y 32.33 - ti s., Payne and her friends .are ytff= use of. tc s i�ery-litt.e-curage `rEF.D OATS Ft)li' :CALF.-B+•onet Sa�StaCtion �uarant4'ed 'or money was done, 'but had the five r a ft one extreme torture, 'and anyone 1�-yariaty, Also oat and mixed grain chop and _ start it knowing of or having any inforin it- Red Clover seed,' Apply to Luther Middleton might have been different as. . Brougham. Phone Pick 5128 .- 2sti pack 'there was a hi ton , as to the whereabouts - of-- Mr. . l;h wind at the timer t R RENT -100 Beres, dairy fn.rm, -iThe members of the Anglican' �' who i .53 years of age,.dean �� y _ clay loam, running creek, eriodern tiara, + + Young p� shaven, iron -.ere* !fair, snrntroo9rat water installed, Irick house, h9 Clint trom To- COOPERS DR,I-K1L f0r1t'e OII Horses, ' ung pie's Association met `in bald medium height, and weal ronlo. Apply T. Jacques; West Hill, out. tett 'tiheir Club Rooms on Fridayevt3rhirh g. i tnA Y' , • , _.. Cattle, Sheep, ' Pigs A,Bd Hens - ;;Z � Marchi 27th. The meeting •openedr 1'28 pounds, are, a -cited to phone moa _.[,•AUHHL HULL'E88 OATS FOR � �� Pick ering. 'Feari itg tile•* Worst, -part LJQtE - No.1, . A -good yieldiag variety, SPEYC..IALS THIS WEEK with a hymn and prayer, followed -by Grain .,nd straw have both good feed qual in. - the' Roll Call., Rev. E. -G. Robinson 1es have been carrying on lengthy, Price, $2.10 per hundred pounds at the sarm: . _ _ Solid Cupper Boilers tit S2.25.- clnse searches in the sur mund1in w, H,,westney PYck.ring. 32-3E • .gave an interesting address from a. R Gal-wanizerd Boilers at $1.00. _ rtisfrici..-Other aid has iiow-been ob- IORSALE-Wheat $1.69 per cwt.: - test taken from Hebrews. 'rhe meet- ' jj P . - Closed with rained, and huge for some informat- Buckwheat, 31 23oercwt.; Mixed Ba ner + big prayer.- The next oats and Velvet barley, =l.o0m-cwt.p' mixed - kgent for HeOcrmlek--Deering Farm Machinery meeting will be held on Friday ev_ ion is looked for sfaortlyw _ grain, ground. s1 00 -per cwt. ; Red lover seed, — i7 b0 per bushel. Terms cash. Pbone' AMI. And Repairs arcing,• April 3rd.' The meeting will '1726, C.,A, Annit, Dunbarton, 2e-32 -H 1iVhitevale ,. - Our Motto:We nave -t Otsn)ret it, Or i be Devotional, led by the convener, -y _ `•-t HOICE F A-1 RY CO R•8-11 - I r it is not made, Rev. E. G. Robinson. This tneetin A aet•ies of Plaster servtces is be- ter ed •nd grade cows. Government L g _ _ _ - .b,far all the adults, and'Open at 8 tasted. Frrb and close -�pringeraJways on telephone &W " inR arranf�ede tfy� *t Q, Un- hand. Blood tested it desired Free delivery or ■��■�n//��■■ �• M. _ ited and. tist Pptu88 aces of 7 or more. 3etlNsctioagc,annteed. V B i/ VN, -: PICi1LR V _ (�wrches. 4thr- W m. J, of 7 o , i re, Satisfaction actio "a a,,, vices will a mmepee on Wednesdav t . S. ��F'`''bi�`�' .m.+!` ,:.TM.."[�s^, _ ... yr Y�1 .» • r._t ^ .'*„• a ler, . .. .�:'�+�e'4'cil•�,-.r.�...c" �' :.:. w -. -..- .. . !. — - .- .e -r7.' _ _ _ . •ar :r'.-,. .f ♦.s�.na..r'•r :i ..� �, ,...> w- ear•>+✓ - ... - ,. , ,SS - .. n . m erelang, AQrIl lit ar 8 p, zL at the 9 t, LJ1 f7-rI'.he Womanis Association cT the Bapdot Church, when Rev. J. R. -The next meetvtg of the Hortic- United Church -will meet on Tuesday Dick will speak. Serviceg on Thurs- - - - nkun'ai 'newly 'will be held in Dunrtic- ReddittApril 7th at the home of Mrs. W. V. day and Friday will. be held in -the _ -barton ort Tuesday,Baptist Church: On -Sunday morning hieIg April 14th' 11he parents of school - children April 5th, at II am m the service in On -Sunday -morning - topic "Annual, Gi+owitig and Show. -- imlgw" Fill! paabicularg next week are • asked to'direct direct their attention the Baptist Church will be conducted t; a r11'!he W. `M. S. of St. ADdre�v's to a notice by the Twp. Medical Of- by �Pt� Tom Best, of Toronto, P1Ckt8r1I1� S Leader ►thee`- -- ficer, in another n+olumn. who will apestic at the ser- :.'.Pi'e&Aft'ian Church nwdil hold its -S .George's C'hurc14 Spnday, vice at 7 p. m. Beginning Monday regular meeting at the blame of Mrs ,4Pril•' 5th., Paha Sunday. Sunday April 61>h CagrtaostP• Beset mill speak VOe *� . M t W. R Miller, on Wednesday, .April School ,at 10 aL m. Morning Prayer each evens �� I (J �'Ei N I* at 3 P. m. A' good rhbtendance is tilt it a rr>r Evening � y`'r ns at 8 hn. in the. Uh3it- .. - •>regtlested \ entti,ng Prayer at 7 p. ed Church (-Saturday excepted i • _ •. _. --,Mr. tad Mrs. F. H. Hall were is thz Preacher at both services, Rev. There will -be brighk Ag apd aP- Fashion. dictates they i@W tib ff Toronto on Wednesday ni E. G.• Robinisoa. _ ecia2 inusrical numbers. Captain Beet, Gorgon _ 41. y gitt last st- The executors, off, the,_et tate of fwvrrowly pastor. of - Whitby Baptist ;Permanent. Crease ii! tending a ,birthday Party given . by the late Richard Purwkriii- will 'brad Church has • had a varied experience _ your trousers. their., daugtlker, Meade, . at . which a an auction sale of the household ef- as a veteran of the Boer- War- mild `' _nnhaber of- friends were present to' fects, impleinenta etc., -ax the rem- the Gloat War , Y. M. C. A. Seciret A ere$se in your `- ' a mist its 'tllhe celebration. 16es at the east end of the village 'ary and Lecturer,' as' -'well so a prea- !7 Pants for tiles life of > the pants, reported, at I on Tuesday, April 7th. See -dodgers cher of great power and aleoegs. in p , $nd the f amou ' tae -of writigg to be in a very crit- for fills Particulars. his younger days he s dieting- • • s miracle ieai condition. He suffered a atroloC -,Services as usual will be held ort uisihed athlete, holding Canadian pocket Protecting against -some weeks ago, and has never mad• ,day next in the united Church, Championships in the quarter. half. P g $ st loss of any degree of recovery. His many) at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. At the"morn- and mile runs. With this varied ex- .coins. lrienda hope for the best tng service, tore Sacrament of the perieoce, he makes' a stroz%g appepl -•-Mrs. W. B. Powell is spending a ' taw da s ' wiifb relatives I Lords Supper will be dispensed. Mr. to both young and old. All are cordSee - few es to Uxbrifte, Orozier will also tell a story to the sally invited to ahead these aervic- our window fol" new pat' Mies Jfaee- O Riley as been visit - senior scholars for the Sunday school es, • •in8'' for a wee3c wisdh, friends in Tor- There will not be say Jtraior j - d �,. - - terns in stjc f 'sq' Con- gregation during this -.service hour. �+ • ` b* township oouacil will meet on' Sunday Sclllol and Bible Classes will New Butcher Shop e t t Monday' next for the transaction o€ j _ - - - m at 1a >L m. l�etg Beit -T w Sp ng'rices-- • Mr. Arthur Boyes, who has been P• in,, We have opened up a new Butcher - - - +t:alniined to his bhouse t --0n Friday evening last a delight P P y .$2.95 31563. ��hrquglh illhsesa fool-d,� sees presented in And Sho in the remises former! oc s -` .:Zia now iahproving• copied by W. Se-rvaot. H. Anechin ' row's .C�rch by the Rotary Club of spent Saturday I Whitby, under the &u -ces of the A share of your patronage is so - last is Toronto with her daughter, Ladies' Aid Society of the Presbyter- licited, - _ Mrs. L. Ifo Devitt and family. ran Churck The dr - -mrs. R A. Doo i entified. a opening special with every -� C HAPMAN � Douglas, of Toronto. +�D� �,Y �' an exceed' gfeakorder: Dalton's O. P. tea at. - hia . been spending a few days with m8iy • e her sisters, Misses Ida and B. Bun- !Fusing one acrid the -audience were 25c. per half lb. delighted with its presentation. Each C:LARW4UE SILK, _ Ong. member of tht' cast did his or her 29-31 r -•'Anna. S. A. Arnott, of Oshawa, I Paxt to perfection. Notwithstanding seooarpanied by hes sister, Mica Ida the many dd ei attractions in the we will be glad to Deliver. WO STANDOUT VALUES � < _4err, p Suisday last with !lira. J. vity these was IL good-attendance.goattendarue. Phone 1850 C. Phillip.. �rl After the . —!rhe Sacnarnerht _of the Lord's aired -t„ the hori'e of Mr. ands Mme: �T - Tip Top Tailored Suits or Coats for 8uppwer will be administered in the Artihur Bopes where retraahments DO11 yT L • Fresbyteriaa Chuxfs an Sunday, were served by the ladies of the en --SB l h --.S$ -men or Wom me clo mengreof the - -Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Cronk, of �-At -the- next meatirfg� TAKE. CHANCES Price= -$23.75• -At �' .. Wellsville, N. Y_ spent the week- Men's Askowlation on Monday night and with the farmer's parents, R. H. lye:t an open meeting is declared. lay Safe`sordon' S "Business Girl" _ and Mrs. Cnorilc. and an invitatoaf to everyone is ex- :Ho$e. -John Powell, of Church Str. wino terhded to be with them at the base. COReullt four DTuggiK • _ --Splash-proof, sulYered a stroke several weeks a9", Ment of St. Andreiv's Church. fir. er Po p�$S roofs Sn$$-resistliigt Chif 3moved in health. y' `v' YOUR DRUGGIST I8 MORE ---rl0sie the speaker for the event. ion The play "Dust of the Earth" was evening, and will thorn • - speak on commercial flying: Mr. Ir- _ ._ - _ - ..resented on. three of isat Irlmid his.gam and red Waco A MERCHANT 'week, and four other engagements plane is well known to Pickering. _ ♦- >are to be filled within six weekF. people, and will tell the layman - - Fred To Buntilu ,�, •-Pickerin --Services will be held in the H. V, R. NO014H. DRUGGlIS1 --' tttsny of the thin g$ - - he would like Presbyterian Chum on -Sunday at to lokaw WD -out the aeroplane and.DUNHABCON. ONTARIO _ •. 'Zgeta►6►lished L857 ,the usual .hour, 2.30 p. m., conduct-— ltyir.6. Tile Douglas Bn+oa. string - ed by the peotor, Rev. Dr. Cprmich- Quartet are also expeoted and an - Sunday Sohoot as usual at 1.30 interesting evening is looked for. �U ,�. Hardwood -Of interest to Transport Own- areweloo:ine, includi!>g the ladies. ]Hardwood -�i'Ite death task place suddenly, ~.: Fe !covin�r QUALITY M ens and Drivers. "P. C. V. hetiahseahis hoirne� 2731 Wa4biington Blvd. 9 expire on April lat. New regulat- Chicago. on April hat, of Tharrraa J. long effective on that date require Larkut. formMy or 'Pi caring. Dec- Ali rgdes of>mB le, ,aimh the carrying of Public Liabf7ity and eased was a son of the late Jno. and fl _ .Roand-Rteak. 200 Property Damage Insurance' in add' Slims h Larkin, and a brathe, of Jno. a -id Ejak flooring. Minced Steaks 41 140. - ition to the Cargo Protection prev- and Annie Larkin, of Chicago and StewingBeef, iously dernanded, both policies to be Mrs. James J. o'Cortahor oi. Special priceo'oa maple r `.' 1140. , ailed -with the Dept. of Highways. may' -Rolled Short Rib ( Pot- roast) 14o. Alta. and the late Henry Larkin of and birch in large quan- --.Sosr►e of our sports are enjoying ping and Sarah O'Connor of cooped Ham. . Uiheir hhathual spring pastime m. fish- Orillm Ont Deceased attended Pick- tlti9s. ;Head 'Obsess, • " j i Ing for suckers. whkh made their Bologna, bo Bret appearance last- week. -On Fri-ntc Coilegp and taught school for Now in th9 time to buy a number of years in. Ontario before WeiIIers, 1$0. rday evening and Setttrdxy nxtrning taldrrg up residence in 0hicago. ITE before the eprinQ ailvAnae r the rarm and mild weather caused ` _iRfe_ ereelC to rise.. koalal the wrier was 'r�etit�e�d a 'few ago. -tmtrt a�-acfive :._ •; . • t1Ce8. - . Qgt.. ' business carreer. Mr. Larkin prides .. Breakfast Bacon., by piece, • a foot in depth on . the highway, himself in his ownersof the old irK �' * (� Breakfast Bacon sliced, where Arthur Cook took hiY stand hOmeatead farm on the base line. w•- PiCKERiNG -�' Schneider's or $Wift's Premium P Per Bacon, ' + r th a spear and' bagged several now occupied cup by Oliver , Paacce. Tote LUMBER YARD .rinalese, k8 180., 2 for, db0. rood sized suckers. funeral sf+rvice will be held in Chic- -- �x�ev. Mr. McLean 6f the Depk Jewel or Criepyflake SherteniloQ, 2. 260 o ago on Satuiday, the body being -at Social' Service. of Canada, add- _ � - o brrougt by train to - Picke' ng on Sun- Qysters, • psi jar, 28e• - nssed the congregation or the Unit- . NOW, d"dwilseonaons•. may, April 5th, a�th interment aG ed a everfiag last the R. C. Cemetery, at '9 a M. - - - Mr. lLci.eau is Field Secretary of -� d�►ble anxiety +� 'sin- AY FAA :8ALB-A the otganizattion and gave his hear- pathy is. febt Hbaled and toot hay," w, •3 uMcDonald, • by everyone of this hdescription of_ v ars' 8 e thoR Ryon farm Dn � • very thorough r abartony 31-32 � • the work .an:i p.-oblent.4. ss u.,.:d by commurdty, for Mrs. Thos.Payne, of � the "Glen' Ian Farm"• ip• the very POTATOES FCR SALE-Doohete • babe Srcial Service Cc>uacil. The' sndCobhe,a Loc 18, cow, 2.•li'ickerirtg. • • Buk—her (phone 3000)'. ,PiCkerl'xi — 'vwn occupied the choir loaf and ttt►ene greet mystery surrounding 'the div,- Jos. Oman, Pie,entig, wif _ assisted by Dr. Falh6 e, who tsazW the appearance of her husband from the fwdlias narnber "In the Garden." ' !home since 8.30 .on Sunday. . ng sprayer • Hardware' unday. eveni OR B&LB-.l[ai"o-HarrisIstat: Mr. Payne,who is inclined to teegat.upaeity,lagood coadiUm.Pickering Store -During the noon hoar on Friday, ' snare Farms Prckeriag.. a2-33 take• all oi ilia t'eapbafalbili.tieg very 'last, . the residerKs., of the viidagp' O RBNT-Half of brick home: - ser;+itisly, leak the -house about tills stat Picker- ]'tlShed to. the 9treAte, the fire alarm - garden and� isnags, oa CharoA }having been sounded. The fire tri- hour, dnoeeed in a savant,, black iesth- iso. !tPPlr at luso otsce. iscr TTT$T TRY er cost; black leather osp• brown � _ l -Sade responded promptly and were ata Clover Markft s. 1., f hite o6 n mous weed sl•S3 r Hog Special for soon on the scene. The excitement riding breeches andhifst !les rub- ti 1 W, a-edrk tIne2 om no3, P,i wend seeds !.!'Hese r hogs, ' ..soon' died out as the fire proved to her boots' to go to the stables to see t • be located in the chimney of J, J. after some. wo'tit there. Since leaving , OR'48A LE -Red clover seed, No, l; les Hess' Stock Tonic for cattle• the house, nothing hie' been heard of 1 A. governrdent grade Also 2 Holstein grade (►Connor's hoose on Christina Str., ' springers. T. B. tested. A. J. Taylor• Cherry - him • r him or from him. Needless to say wood. Dr. Hess Pana min for I he hens, -and .was con exti*h•*lti.hod }i: fila y 32.33 - ti s., Payne and her friends .are ytff= use of. tc s i�ery-litt.e-curage `rEF.D OATS Ft)li' :CALF.-B+•onet Sa�StaCtion �uarant4'ed 'or money was done, 'but had the five r a ft one extreme torture, 'and anyone 1�-yariaty, Also oat and mixed grain chop and _ start it knowing of or having any inforin it- Red Clover seed,' Apply to Luther Middleton might have been different as. . Brougham. Phone Pick 5128 .- 2sti pack 'there was a hi ton , as to the whereabouts - of-- Mr. . l;h wind at the timer t R RENT -100 Beres, dairy fn.rm, -iThe members of the Anglican' �' who i .53 years of age,.dean �� y _ clay loam, running creek, eriodern tiara, + + Young p� shaven, iron -.ere* !fair, snrntroo9rat water installed, Irick house, h9 Clint trom To- COOPERS DR,I-K1L f0r1t'e OII Horses, ' ung pie's Association met `in bald medium height, and weal ronlo. Apply T. Jacques; West Hill, out. tett 'tiheir Club Rooms on Fridayevt3rhirh g. i tnA Y' , • , _.. Cattle, Sheep, ' Pigs A,Bd Hens - ;;Z � Marchi 27th. The meeting •openedr 1'28 pounds, are, a -cited to phone moa _.[,•AUHHL HULL'E88 OATS FOR � �� Pick ering. 'Feari itg tile•* Worst, -part LJQtE - No.1, . A -good yieldiag variety, SPEYC..IALS THIS WEEK with a hymn and prayer, followed -by Grain .,nd straw have both good feed qual in. - the' Roll Call., Rev. E. -G. Robinson 1es have been carrying on lengthy, Price, $2.10 per hundred pounds at the sarm: . _ _ Solid Cupper Boilers tit S2.25.- clnse searches in the sur mund1in w, H,,westney PYck.ring. 32-3E • .gave an interesting address from a. R Gal-wanizerd Boilers at $1.00. _ rtisfrici..-Other aid has iiow-been ob- IORSALE-Wheat $1.69 per cwt.: - test taken from Hebrews. 'rhe meet- ' jj P . - Closed with rained, and huge for some informat- Buckwheat, 31 23oercwt.; Mixed Ba ner + big prayer.- The next oats and Velvet barley, =l.o0m-cwt.p' mixed - kgent for HeOcrmlek--Deering Farm Machinery meeting will be held on Friday ev_ ion is looked for sfaortlyw _ grain, ground. s1 00 -per cwt. ; Red lover seed, — i7 b0 per bushel. Terms cash. Pbone' AMI. And Repairs arcing,• April 3rd.' The meeting will '1726, C.,A, Annit, Dunbarton, 2e-32 -H 1iVhitevale ,. - Our Motto:We nave -t Otsn)ret it, Or i be Devotional, led by the convener, -y _ `•-t HOICE F A-1 RY CO R•8-11 - I r it is not made, Rev. E. G. Robinson. This tneetin A aet•ies of Plaster servtces is be- ter ed •nd grade cows. Government L g _ _ _ - .b,far all the adults, and'Open at 8 tasted. Frrb and close -�pringeraJways on telephone &W " inR arranf�ede tfy� *t Q, Un- hand. Blood tested it desired Free delivery or ■��■�n//��■■ �• M. _ ited and. tist Pptu88 aces of 7 or more. 3etlNsctioagc,annteed. V B i/ VN, -: PICi1LR V _ (�wrches. 4thr- W m. J, of 7 o , i re, Satisfaction actio "a a,,, vices will a mmepee on Wednesdav t . S.