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Mrs. W. W. McGee and Miss weekend with relatives and friends Funeral, services were held last
Thursday, for a well-known re-
B: J. McLean were guests at the in the village. - -'
wedding of Miss Miller and Mr Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Parker. of siiient of Claremont and disc-
Kennington last Saturday, Dec. 23 :� rict, in the person of Mrs, I�.hurch Street, celebrated their '
They, the Millers, the G. Rim-' 22nd wedding anniversary on Sat- F. Tomlinson, who passed a
avers, the Fevangs and the Hor- urday, Dec. 23'and attended the way at her home.
tops.spent a happy Christmas day O'Keefe Centre. Mrs. Tomlinson, the former Bea- B 4
at Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hollidays of s trice Alger, had been a resident of
Mr. and Mrs. Lea Pearson and _ Claremont for man
Brooklin. boys and Mrs.-Wilson•and George �, " Y Years. where
�� �+_,� her husband taught school and
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Noyes and spent the weekend-with Mrs. Pear- has practised medicine for nearly '
Carol left for Pineburst, South son's brother, Bob Wilson, at Lon- _
Carolina on Tuesday. don, Ont. .. 50 gears. 'Mrs. Tomlinson was „
+0 '....� : highly respected by all who kww !
On Wednesday afternoon of last Mr. and Mrs. Hogarth and Mr.
htr and an active community work-
week the staff of Lincoln Avenue and Mrs. Rackham and the;r fam- er. Through the years site held
Public School presented Min Mil- ilies spent Christmas with Mr. and �w various offices in organizations of
lei and Mr. Kennington with an Mrs., Doug Rackham, Bowman- the United Church :af which she
electric living room clock. On Fri- ville• They also celebrated Mr. and was a member.
day morning kindergarten class Mrs. Rackham, Sr.'s 45th wedding c She is survived by her husband,
gave Miss Miller a large hammered anniversary. -Dr. N. F. Tomlinson, s daughter
aluminum tray; the afternoon 11r. and Mrs. Reg. Rackham Grace (Mrs. Richard Cooper) of
Z, gave her a cornflower crystal spent Sunday, Dec. 24 with her Claremont, three sons, Dr. W. W. s
water pitcher. mother, Mrs. George Thompson, -Tomlinson of Pickering. Ted of
Mr. and Mrs. Ron.Hall•now of Bowmanville. Toronto and Alan of Hamilton. n
Campbellfoid spent Saturday with Thanks-to Ross Burns and Len • Funeral services were held from
W. McEachwe Funeral Home, Picker-
Fearson who worked hard in order. sad Mn- . Ross Morison be- �. - � _ .
fore driving into Toronto to spend to get the rink ready for the : i w!th Rev A: E. Creaswell
Christmas with his'parents. Mr. and 'Mrs. John Lay have offi ciating. Interment la (laees&Qnt
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Stevenson their son Colin home �Queen's on Cemetery.
University over =the holidays"and Union
had her brother oc it Allen also entertained Douglas Anderson. MARY CHRISTINA y
Webb from Woodstock with them a medical student from University E I E R I
for Christmas. - SOMMERVILLE
Mz. and Mrs. John Ashton had of Missouri in St. Louis last week. T H
20 for Christmas day: Mr. and I Sorry to hear Donald is in Oshawa Funeral services were held on
Mn.0 S.' R. Ashton,, Shoran and Hospital for the Christmas holi- � Tuesday for Miss Mary Christina
Larry, ." R. A ton and Mrs.. .C. days. Sommerville. long-time resident of
Mr. and Mrs. , d Baker,family HEADLINES 1 REVIEW ! Pickering Twp,, who passed away -
f• Ashton, Guelph; Mr, and mess Church 5t 'North, had the family •st Oshawa General Hospital last
N. T. Ashton; Joanna and.BFrnda, for Christmas, the Pierson Baker.. Friday,
Stratford; O: C. and Mrs. A L. Listed below are some of t%e •April 20-Hollywood mufflers irk Sept. .21-Villatte to have new Y'
the Allan Millers and r and Betty The daughter of the late John
Ashton, Cathy and Richard, Cen-! J headlines that made local r v%• - village re,idents, municipal building; village council g J
Churchward, Toronto. - I and Ma-y Sommerville, she was
tralia, and Mr. and Mrs. H. J. ddring 196I, We print them, feel- . Aril•27-Tw . history book to backs sweepstakes. !:, :very active in the Pickering Tw
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Andrew P P ory Y 9 P•
Babcock, Bowmanvflle. ing you will find it interesting to be written, a
spent the weekend o Orangeville.Dwin Sept .-8-Hay.Ridgmd object to orticultural Society and was a
Mr. and Mrs.' Henry Westney look back on-the year of 1961. y sewage charges; village opposes
1[r. 'and \less John pwinnell Xli Sept.
local ladies miss member of Dunbarton United ,r
have been, busy entertaining over , an. 6-Sixteen-room school for
spent Christmas at �Ir,. Dw•innrll'. J death by train. _ save track. Church. •
the holiday weekend. On Sunday,- brothers home in Newmarket and Bay Ridges, Ice Fish:ng At French- May 11=Rouge Lions get .10-
Dec. 24 they had the Gunters they also entertained her father \fr. man's Bay. n. 13•�-T«^ A%srss- Oct. 5-Firemen fix "fm She is survived by a sister, Mrs-
y• J year chevrons. � Ben Lorton of Altona Road. Pick- j
from Oshawa, Patterson s from To- meet a ell costly: n..n East. Christmas.
roato, Westney's from West Hill �� from Toronto and brother PP Y Bring.
Ted, On Tuesday, Dec. 26, \•lr: Rouge wells May 18•-Free vocational Kelton]
gone dTY• Funeral service was held from '
nod Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Westney, an 21►-Barber, ask for bylaws, for township; school tax is 60 per Oct. 12-New hospital announc-
Piokerin On Tuesday, and airs. Bob Elliott from Clear 1 Y' the McEachnie chapel.
g, y the Job- Lake ,pent the day with them. 'Nil don't favor Bayview over-
,c At of total ed.
- -
lin's from Toronto spent the day. Mr, and Mrs. Bob Scott enter- Pass. May 23•-Bi$ parade slated for
with them and guests stn dui- ' Oct. 19-Open Dumbarton High •
twined her mother Mrs, F. Holmes, Jan• 2?-To.re-a%ses� all top j tope anniversary. 5chcx#l: .extra village police for Christmas
Ing the week are Mrs. Nicklin, Ella and Lorne Sharfiey, the'Don land,, r- r• June 1-Sewage plant discussed Halloween:
Gormley, Mr. F..Joblin, Port Perry Scott's and the Ron Watson's for Fqb. 3.- SteinberR's burns at for village•
and ,lister Gladys, Port Perry. Christmas. Aiax. ` ' June 8-Ask change in bylaw to Oct. 26-Reeve suggtst twp' @ry QtJ�@t
l leanor Westney was home for 'Hr: Lois Scott and Donna bad !'rho 10 -. 5s i9lSl,QU(} Eoi Bay, x rmit race track: banners mark buy land for sale to ,etu.try.
Christmas from the Toronto Gen- the Jack Warren's and- the Vic Ridges school . s .450th anniversary. Nov, 2-Announce appciintmi ats
r ral where she underwent an eye Dingley'i for Christmas'dinner. r ro. 1,-a gge;t $10,000 budget" fonr 15 - 204 .ticks dynamite for hospital drive. � •
operation. `less H. Purvis, Lincoln Avr„ fat' t`vp• recreation, found at West Rouuge; John /�
Mr. and Mrs. flay Doble had spent Christmas with her daughter, Feb. 24-Twp. ratepayers to give ,Campbell bead, Industrial Corn- Nov. 9-New'movic drive-in will or PO�IC@
P� 34-hour nonce.before addressing mss be heated.
Mr. and Mrs. Rae, Markham and 4lyrtle, in Toronto. Wn• Police departments of Pick--
Mrs. Doble, Sunderland,with them Last Friday pupils arid teacheti '°„Inc•il: .FaiTnort Brach R.A.,asks June 22-Former reeve urge. . Nov. 16-Tw'p.-council criticized ering Twp, and Pickering Vit!
fur Christmas. ' ' of Lincoln Ave. Public School all for six tax payments- . • ! ,tttdv of rural areas. over East Rouge water; (04 ap- lage, both repcvi the holiday a
Mr. and 1lrs. Runnalls had their enjoyed Christmas parties in all Mar, a- A,. pention Pickering July 6-Hon.. M. B. Dymond
p , peals for tops court of revision. as being quiet.
scn Jack an .family with them on rooms and went on a tour of all the Village for dirtinR room license. ,p.,n museacm. The township police locked '
Monday. Mr. and \Res. Jack Run- classrooms. admiring all the deco- March 10-Drive-in.movie pro-i July 13-Fire.at Lincoln, Street Nov; 23--:Three in deputy-reeve up several• drunks over the }
.),ills brought the Christmas dinner rations. Now for happy holiday. po,ed for vn%,n:hip. ;c+hnol;.\Vr+t Rouge ss der.,tusvcr race. weekend, -had several minor
.c!th them which everyone thur- till they report back to school on March 17-Trap, to murk. 150th name plate discussed. accidents and a small re re- I
cc hly enjoyed. ' anniversa little hope* Nov. 30-Reeve Scott gets third
g January 3, 196_. r7+• Aug. 10-0MP.hokh ttic ho acclamation. eorted.
Mr, and Mrs. Jim MacRae and ' _ -- March 33—Pickering News has for village „etting iew.tge plant. The lxsliee were out in fulh
family from London,'_spent the :n•.v look. ' Atig. 17-Polices search Fur OSh-.J Dec. 7-Twp. votes.on- Snndav :'force patrolling qnd will be do-
Resu'Ifis Of \►,rch 30-Serike'a,n Bay Rid•,es ;\s',e bandits: \\`iliun in 11 hunircl, movies. !ng the same thing again this
construction; garage operators pro- Aug, 24-Claremont protests re-! -D,a•14 - McPherson new de- weekend.
•, test bylaw, moval of station. pety-reeve; new'vocational school Traffic wah rep6ried as being R
Our Hospital j April 6-Village mill rate is rail- Sept. 7-Tocfr township indUS it bunbarton to cost $82:3,785, fairly heavy on all roads in this
M arathon ed by 6.81, tilt] area; school enrollmcut• up. Dec. 21-Both council. OK race
area oer, the holiday, but po- 1
April 13-E.• Rouge' water sys- Sept. 14-Twp. will not endorse trick; shopping centie for gay, lice feel that those who are
Heeds tern debated.
sweepstakes. Ridges, drinking.are doing so' at home,
Bridge __ where it makes a better and
Our Help ?' - — > < r,: ;I safer holiday.for everyone;
The marathon Bridge of �iovem• r
her to April -moves on into its '
second month. Hostesses will a Hits Deer
,l please forward the two dollars and `ea
r' the score within one week after ° ° > A ]urge buck deer caused $ .�
t. x damage to the car of John 'Irwin
she^ each game to Mrs, G. K. Haney,
ssy^h Y ! of Dyson Road, Rosebank, when it- r
TT Lincoln Street, Pickering. Jumped out in front of his car last
o. Adbu.^ C•tvmYo, Partners itr the ladies marathon Saturday just west of the Rouge
aor.�r^ are as follows: Eileen 1 hompson.
l,00k4^ Bid Thompson, Mrs. J., H sinee ` River bridge on,No. 2 Hwy.
and Mrs. B. O Bnen, Mrs. �i: District Game Warden Ben
r Smith. advised Deputy Game �.
cr..^wood ` ' Wood and Mrs. B. •MacKenzie Warden Wm. Newman to pick up
alt ochow Mrs. E. Middleton ;nd Mrs. A :: {the deer. t
CiAucil.y u , :
..al. ! Landymore; rs. June Webster and ar. i`
W Mrs. Marnie Parish; \Fr:. \fcllveen : I f#
2 and Mrs. Lucille Avery; Mrs. Vir- Local Service Club' s.`.food V<k•.M �, ginia, Hunter and \its. Karen ... {' ::'
' Ate. _ Hunter; Mrs, Helen Smyth and
��••�iick.rin Mrs. L. `icholl. "� �•- �� * Do Outstanding Job
1.soy =J� In the'couples' section the fol. - � y � - 1�
f Coke Ontario P ti The service clubs of Pickering
T.- loving are playing: Dr. and Mrs.
W. E. \1eBean, Mfr. and \ins. R. �� ° ; I wp., and Pickering Village, as in ,
routs for the 35,1)00 people living w r :: f the past few years, set out again
Mr. and fir;. S. Ba}vckln. i
n this span be Metro To• s this Christmas to look after all
Tonto and Oshawa, \Ir. and Mrs. W. J. Edo aids, \[r �i needy families and as far as in
and Mrs'. G. K, Honey, Mr. and k>,.
• Ajax and Pickering 'General Mrs; C. D. Jolilfe, kn v e no one
•c :� of n there v:ti over-
Hospital has only one admit-
Mr. looked.
P Y Mr. and \frti. J, S. Spooner; '\fro Food, clothing nand toys �ecre
Ling room, one operating room. and Mrs. R. •Harman,. Mr. and
and no basement \tiro E. S• Sntyth,' 1fr, nodes: N distributed to more'.families this Y :•:
• The from* building, serving ,, e year; than any year in tie past,
)'armola, \ir. and Mrs. Soctens.
35,000 residents, has had a 379 \Ir. and 14'rs. Stan L.atidymcare. according to one service club men-
per cent increase In surgical f• ; : a '"''"”` her who was busy all last week on
Mr. and Mrs. 'Marks, Mr, and firs. s. � � s�' �i. � the jo b.
operations since 1934 Thomas Houghton. i
• Outd9t� foeilities an cracking Sefvice clubs donated monev.fpr
.)der rile pressure of explosive Any games missed must,•he turkeys, the white gifts from the
p played prior to the next month's various churches were turned nvet4
demands for service. The need ones The �tarathorr-Bridge is un• TOYS GALORE! Chief Donald L nde and Deputy Chief Jim Glendenin , of the South-West
for o new hospital is NOW g' Y P Y 9 along with articles of_good cloth-
GIVE GENEROUSLY TO OUR der the sponsorship of the Ajax Fire Department are shown here vo,ith only a few of the hundreds of toys that firemen col- mg and Sys,•
HOSPITAL BUILDING IsUND and Pickering 'Wotnens Hospital Llected and repaired and repainted 'lit time for Christmas. The toy& were turned over to the It's a big job eachyear, but one
uxilfary. `various service clubs and orgaanizations for distribution. that is well worth all the work. �l%
.' ..
„a *IlM Two
F I C 4C E�E4 N,G N•tws - Thw'adey. Deee mAw 28. 11!6 t
.,. ., - .
EWS --BROU GiHAM.` HIEWS— Walter Thom .C.
E>iTA � LI : � E � 1 t � 1
looted eroe+y Th>cradey Sympathy of the community is Mrs.. Matthews is spending the •'BARRISTER • SOLICITOR •' NOTARY PLJliL -
TAre Neese Printing and Pgcbbehino COMPs►ny emended to Dr. N. F. Tomlinson weekend 'will: her nephews at COMMISSIONER FOR OATHS
by and family in the sudden panning Agincourt and Scarboco.
Aattip nd as Somd Clou Mail Matter Post Office Dept+ Ottawa, • of Mrs Tomlinson She was well The Woman's Institute held their Telephone: WHiteholl 2.0910
IiMMRItUTIOM lATEit i=•1R IK !� — bib
Stabs $3AA W YM known is this community where Christmas meeting in the Town- Northwest corner of Old Plant Road on 14o. 2 Hiehwap
HARRY jNURKAR, Editor she was bores and raised. ship Hall on Tuesday afternoon
` A/YERTISIMP RATES UPON REQUEST Several family gatherings will' with a good attendance..
be held during Christmas. Mr. and The_president. Mrs. Annisr was _
Mrs.-Al Harvey will be entertain- in charge and opened the meet- p
ing their son John and Mrs. Har- ing by welcoming all,present: "Donal:d G. �rOSSley
�� of and little granddaughter Susan -
o, �e of Kitchener, as well as Mr. and As this was the Christmas party . ,PUBLIC RELATIONS CONSULTANT
Mrs. Mitchell of Toronto. for the children Santa paid his
I ural to look forward to a new year and hope that it Mr. and Mrs. Manson Ellicott yearly visit giving each child a Trade Publicity — Product News — Advertising
r than the year that is just will have their family an home' book and bag of candies.
will be brighter and more .p osperws as well as Mrs. Wm. Ellicott and Mrs. Blackman and Mrs. Fallis CONANT BUILDING — AJAX PLAZA
Wig• entertained the children with games Ajax:WK. 2-1231 PiekerinQ+WH, 2-0363
Miss Pearl Barrett
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. English and stories while the parents were
However, it often helps the'future, to take a look back. Surely are having with friends busy with contests, A lovely lunch
the biggest mistakes will not be repeated and one often benefits at Oshawa. was served by the hostesses: Mrs ,
from taking staJc of a year just completed• Mi•. and Mrs. D. A. Beer are vi-
siting Oshawa friends during the bell and Mrs. Perry.
-No one knows just what giant steps will be taken in 1962, or weekend-> y The Sunday school concert was . A. R. FORT I E R INSURANCE {
just what troubles we may encounter. It is a good,thing that Sympathy is extended to the held cc Friday evening with a „
crystal balls cartsxx be depended upon for accuracy. family of the late Mrs. George good attendance. The children aU A
Hamilton of Keswick. who. was did their parts well. Santa was PHONE ATlantit 2�16
that 1962 will be good to you and that well known eta this community 1
the?-. as usual sad presented gifts
It is our fervent hope where she spent her girlhood days. I to as the children.
by this time neat year, we can all look back and feel pleased with — — —
vAw vm see
Most resolutions are not kept very long,but one that we could 'ABLE
all make, which certainly would make living worthwhile, would f
be to try sand get along better with each other. '
If such a resolution could ever be carried out, and it could be, GLEHDALE APPLIANCE SERVKE
° entful ear CONTRACTORS
then 1962 would go down in history as the most ey y '
since Aisne began. It's worth thinking about, anyway. SPECIAL INTEREST RATE OF THREE PERCENT I EXPERT REPAIRS TO WASHERS DRYERS '
And now, may we wish you and yours a VERY HEALTHY.. ON BALANCE OWING ..,AND DRYERS VENTED r -
f .CALL U'S N 0 W
'Telephone TEmple 9-1758
Dec. 21, 1981 Dear Sir: PHONE WHITEHALL 2.0387 "
t Is this Democracy' 1
Mr. Barry ng News 1. A child signing an OM COOPER:;_.COOPER BLOCK LTD•
'The P:ckering News hockey contract becomes
Pickering,'Ontario- of the team for years.
ro rt — TORONTO
P _
: ..;Dear Mr. Marker: 2. That the' child under the _
03fHA rules, could be forced to
Would you be good enough to remain with the team in spite BACK IN BUSINESS
an" ate a little space in thank", of his or her parents wishes. STRUCTURAL STEEL
paper to convey my sincere thank, —__-:
of Rublic-spirited citi- g• Boys from Pickering Twp.
to a groatp have been attempting to receive � -` CRANE RENTAL
zees interested in the welfare of a release from their former
unfortunate neighba»in our town- clubs to play hooky with their
�}p, who gave.of thetr time and friends and schoolmates, on a STATION ROAD, PKKERING, ONTARIO
efforts to make sure the needy team sponsored by the township, Phoeem WM. 2-1960 — WA. 2.310: — MO. 1163911
people in the community were with the taxpayer's moneg, and PICKERIHG - PMO�HE 11VH. 4.250(0
looked afteg for Christmas. have been refused
The Township of Pickering can 4. As a result, these boys are
be proud indeed of the men and now playing with a team they do — -- _—
vvomoert taking such n keen interest not desire to play aaith, against Creators O f
in their fellow men. The service their own and tbeir parents
clubs, women's organizations and wishes, because if they don't. or MONUMENTS
groups do a great deal all they will not be able to play at
- . •!through the year to make citizens all.
in needy cirmmstances a little gush, the conduct of many M� Health yappi� . OF. DISTINCTION
• taoore comfortable. 1 think we minor hockey officials, who neg• o :
mould give credit where credit is lest their responsibilities to the
due and therefore 1 ask your read- child and parent to fnlflll their • for THREE GENERATIONS
applaud the Sol- and ProSplli Yours'
err to silently PP own ambitions
)Bowing for their work during this parents, take care before you
C••hristmas season. permit Tour child to sign an _
: OMHA contract.
in - 1962
Mr. Dinty Sleep, Dumbarton Ki-
wn Roue Hills —DON HOPKINS
. : ,�„�, Claude Bro , o_ _ S lad. •�
r.;om, Allan Betts, Pickering R Pearce of Ottawa and a few friends
tary,. Mrs. G. Crichton and Mrs.
Hertberg, Red Cross, Miss Walters spent Christmas day with Mr. and M O N U M E N T S '
of the Ontario .County Health; Mrs. H. Pearce of Altona Road. PICKOUNG -COFFEE SHOP i
R. Ferguson, West Rouge Mr. P. Smith of Woodview Road
Women's Guild, Mr.' Ed Bentley, is'home from Ajax Hospital and DUNDAS ST. EAST WH=Y PAC i•a3S2
~. West Rouge Kfwanis, Mr. Victor doing fine.
LanSois, The Canadian Legion Mrs. D. Wallace of Altona Rd., _ Wi11�S and Joyce ` fade _
and last but by no means least, spent Christians day at home with
Captain Waywell of the Salvation her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. P.
Army. Walduff of Altona Road.
These are the •people who sat
down one evening and arranged
;the distribution of Christmas bas- w
kets for this township. We-o ve
them a great deal OT praiser "
Yours very truly, -.HANNAH'\S' Y
—A. W. CANE.
' • • HAPPY birthday to \irs. FurAer- h -
son of Oakwood on the 20th of d LET US CATER TO YOUR
December. '
Many .Shanks to \lr. Stroud, NEW YEAR'S PARTY
� e
ank -
Idoseban ;
:'Drugs and the staff of the Cana-
'Drugs Imperial Bank of Commerce _
for their kindness in donations to FA NDWKHES .... : .SO
of the Rosebank Convalescence Home
for their Christmas party on Dec
COCKTAIL ................+........+.:'der=. sot
Mr. and Mrs. g, 1 ,
wood Dr., spent Christmas day POTATO SALAD and COLE SLAW ........ ........ Nbd 333
�w�ith Mr. and Mn- Mailbot of g
soarbow. SMO�'I D • fAl1iCY CAKtSs i
Mi;3 Pat Kaven of Toronto
spent the CbrMmw holidays with
South.' her ts, Mr..and Mrs. Kaven MAIN •STET — rKKEbNO «� 'INIi. 8i
of d Rose Mrs.RC.d Morris of A9
Aotebank Road South entertained
�y �`°� °v� the I°''� H ANNAH'S CATERING-
and PICKERINBrown of tfxbridge, Mr.Mn. Ty" of Sarnia, Mr- Dick
f •
z _
Thursday, December 21, 1 961 - - T H E P I C K E R I N G NEWS =s.wsrii.; -� aqo 1'hrM►
} •ASS g' h v a tail- Ho me , Inter' hone Now
WAN' N eve Ty ,�,+ P h O n e Nn dri annoys ns so much when as to dnvuig a e N ilrl it gater behind as, especially when
we arc coming to a sign we
_ - Mo're Than Fantasy
.• y - want to note.To read it we have
? • ' Is Ra 11 Co a to slow down a bit and we are
d y 'p Afraid the driver hugging our "Home Interphone," a �ney i ing, listening in on a aleepinj
tail will bash into us if we do. communications .,service w i! baby, rounding up the family
f' The nearest thing yet to and service personnel and con- Nearly one out of every ten such features as door-ariA , ..with the,"come and get it c1LII
ow f=11 pocket phone service will be in- tractors; Mr, Lowry said. `raffia smash-ups is the conse- ing;hands-free talking and eleL can be accomplished simply by
troduced here at the end of No- The new service is effective 3uence of following too closely, tronic baby-sitting, will be -lifting the nearest telephone re.
ts� vember. indoors or out. It keeps the user Says the Ontario Safety League. available here at the end of ceiver in-the house,, ,f
The Bellboy, a pocket-size in' touch with clients or cus November, according to J. W. When•a call fpr onE person is
y It is a terrible price to pay for c `
PARTS AND SERVICE transistor signal set, is Bell tomers at all times. For exam- Lowry, Bell. Telephone manager answered by another;the person
Washing achines—$20 and u le, if an important call comet 'he privilege, al rather stupid- for this territo who took the call can "hold b
0 P Telephone's new instrument — P P 'ty, of driving along in packs. It r'y'e P
AJAX BARGAIN CENTRE for people away from their in for a doctor while he is mak- is a price that is paid for The system was. market-test- lifting a small button. By turn.
Phone: WHlteholl 2.8J10 homes or offices who don't want ing his rounds, the person an- nothing. Because tailgating does ed by the company in Hamilton ing-another button this person
Open Every Night Till 9 o'clock sweriiig his' calls immediately during the spring and summer can , page the person .wanted
to miss-important calls. not benefit the driver in any
puts the doctor's personal sift- and results indicated a demand over the intercom system. The
NOTICE "Essentially, it's an extension %'ay• y
nal on the air. This is pickea for the service. one the call is intended for can.
of the bell on your telephone, The time saved•by,a hurrying De. S. D. Weisbaum up by the doctor's Bellboy— 'Home Interphone works en- then answer at the nearest tele-
said J. W. Lowry, Bell manager !river who crowds the traffic
announces the opening of an „ and his alone and he know= tirely through. standard tele- phone. The intercom calls can
for this territory, We also con- ahead is negligible..In fact, in
office for general practise of that he is to telephone in a: phones, including the Princess be answered without touchins
alder it a step toward two-way city traffic the driver who keeps
877 Antonio Street soon as possible. sets, with separately mounted the telephone.
pocket telephone service. well back ,often has the ride
soy Ridges, Pickering Township, The personal signal receiving loudspeakers. Built inside each •
e4 y set veal hs only t 3s once% anti with the fewest holdrups; he is telephone in the system'is a
If som ne calls while you
as of October 2, 1961. g Y � Q,' able to see well ahead and has . .HEART' TROUBLE
are away from y o u r regular can be carried easily a ock- microphone unit. Door-answer-
Phone No. 839-3031 telephone the Bellboy sounds a y P the opportunity to move into a IN, CANADA
Ontario Count Medical Society y et or clipped to one's belt. It i� g A major. cause of death is
Y ^ee-ftow in lane when some-
Ontario beeping tone. The beep powered by three small mere -
_ lets you know you should go,to u .thing threatens to block the lane SPUDS SHOULD WEAR .
APPLES AND POTATOES FOR SALE ry-cell batteries which have a THEIR JACKETS this country is still heart dig-
hours s2.00 per bushel, other the nearest telephone and call life of about 750 or 'e is in.
our office o other re-arran -
There is •a well-known rule ' Potatoes, a favorite and ease but there are many forms
varieties ovoilable. Please bring con. e e r p g roughly three months. An on- sonabl • standard food with most people, of this condition that vary in
for* calculating a reasonably
- I n weekends. ed lace. 8 y •
tloiners for a es. Op• P off switch controls the power,
' PICKERING ORCHARDS "Bellboy service will be par- Another switch parent you to _safe distance between cars— are at their best when they are degree of seriousness: Any
one length for eve 10 miles baked in their well 'scrubbed
I mile,west of Pickering an No.2 titularly valuable to such peo- turn,off the tone signal after every symptoms of heart trouble
oar hour o! speed. That is the. skins which when crisp are de-
Highway WHiseholl 2-1217 le as doctors, clergymen, sales it is received. should have medical care. Man
g y — p rgym n, _ minimum for driving when kicious with, butter. Whether y
RETAIL EXCHANGE SERVICE p� 'conditions are good. baked, boiled or steamed the of the forms of disease include
Oil and Got Furnace Parts PTA Meeting potatoes keep more of their those that are simple and tem-
Complete Oil Burners g minerals and vitamins when I porary which, with proper career
surner Motors •7 Loea 1 Choir DETOUR F'OR 60 DAYS they are not-peeled before'cook- I can be cured _.proyi:iing the
Fan Motors--Gas or Oil _ A young woman from British
Transformers � ing. They do not need to be! patient cooperates with his doe-
'., Electric Controls Held AS �OC1a� On Columbia recently went into the '
. soaked or cooked too long,•since tor. As with rttany -other dig-
Electric town hall to inquire •gh p
• ; Oil Filler, — Nozzles this. destroys sohse of the valu- eases, the overweight t arson is
Carburetors (Servics annual -Christmas .Social of about a marriage license.
Space Heaters — Floor Purnocee The man friends of the On- She was flabbergasted when able mineral!. Children often !c less favorable.condition for °
Troller Heating Equipment St. Francis de. Sales Parish took y g tike a sliver of raw potato to complete recovery` than tbs
- _ Accessories, ere• - place .on Thursday, Dec. 21, The t.irio County Junior Fa;n:er Choi, the clerk told her she- would eat and this will' supply them patient who is of normal weight
Coleman er Primus Equipment school was appropriately decorated will he interested to know that the need a 60-day beginner's permit, with extra vitamin C. �'or even a little under.
Sala a Service — Parts for the occasion with sparkling choir was singing on the Chri+t- since she was from another pro-
MILLER HEATING SERVICE holiday colon and glittering Christ- mss program of Country f alendar,
!h wince.
9 Tudor St. —Ajax,Ont: g g the C Dec,farm broadcast on Sun A "NEWS" CLASSIFIED AD
treat trees. The evening began with She seemed'so stunned by-this
WHIlsholl 2-1'191 carol singing. and a very pleasant cla) 24 at 1:30 p.m. nears the clerk explained care-
tone was achieved by the enthusi- The choir consisting of Lhirtr fully that the temporaryi permit
NOTICE TO CREDITORS members. and under the directior. was necessary for those who
antic group. Following this, some
AN creditors and others having of those resent took advantage of Mrs. Elsie Dob<on, sang spa BRIN+�S THE DESIRED RESULTS
p had not previously held a
claims against the' estate of John of the opportunity to enioy a cis] Clul+tmar tzt13
ppo ty license. Her permanent license +'
'Thomas Stephenson, lot• of .the V11- friendly game of euchre or bridge. �* January 11 the Ontario would be granted after she had
tag• of Pickering, lei the County of while otbers danced to the toe County Choir will +e competfns ■t■ss■■■fs■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■1■■■■�t>f■■■■■■a■■a
i0moria, Retired, who died an or in the inter-county chMr tom t! nsssed her driving tests, he told ■ '
tapping music produced by %fr. J.' her. ■ SHOP OPEN MONDAY, TUESDAY, THURSDAY
about the 31st day of October, 1981, ill on his fiddle, accompanied lion at the Jungian Farmer Confer. ■
are hereby required to deliver par- �1r. C.:Van Hyden on the aloe- price m Toronto. It was only .then that the AND FRIDAY-9-8 P.M. — SATURDAY 6 P.M.
titulars of the some to the under- -- — young woman; who was plan- ■
tric guitar, and Mrs. A. Hughes• y g P ■ TEST YOUR OWN TUBES FREE I
,signed not later than December 28, ern the piano. • ning to marry a soldier from ■
` 1961, after which rime the laid The door prizes were won by Christmas Camp Borden; realized'that she ■
--- -
.,estate will be distributed hoeing n-�♦1r+• ti'ernay, fir. Cooper, and - had got into the Department.of � DN No, Z HIGHWAY IN DUNBARTOIN _
gord only to these claims of which i \Liss Van Asten. • Transport office-instead of the ■ I�
...the undersigned has notice at thaf'I ' ed Decorations ■
Tire eight "dress �do1L+" were u�wn clerk's office. �■ _ 11
lime. `..von by Mrs. g Kearney. Str. J'
DATED of Pickering, this 5th day - r .
'. O'Hallachan, �lr<. A. Hughey, ":: Hockey-8
of December, A.D., T96T. Beautiful key e `
okon Hermes, Executors: \ E.,,h yv.,' .\a m.rrthuu tho ng'llAget, (sponsor- i in
Ella May Homes arxt Alexander \tiss C uBrke, [r. J Slamen,
. r4 Paquette. 11n..A. Deck.; Pickering,
- 1
\[ d . O%houtneh wa, �ervrc? n t y. Canninliilcax \�otorsl %son at ;a
�hn+tma> lights on the homes n.
e-o William G. Lawson r on:. - Pickeriniz 8:. ■
I + the Piekerfn. di,rod, hpt,ths. ear i3
r Box 310, -
members of the social committee' the ham-miWiters havr outd.mt Car,fautgton 4.
Pickering, Ontario. \lnt GR•roux, \In. t ontlette m -----------
and these lvv,, ■ r l 1 a n
\try. Burney. Also helping %with 1 \\'r ,sus.t.t tlt.st asp` esi+inr Pickerting United Church ■
FEMALE HELP WANTED—Girl required +.+• ..
as stock clerk by monufactwer, the rFfrr,hments «'arc the Gradr'ff this -4 l: )nu take a drive ■ � ■
Modern office, pleasam working 1[1 rP re,entativr<, \fear O'Carjl J , The first meeting of the Un- ■ ■
p thri,utth F u krrin� l all,+:v-, the+uh-
conditions, all benefits. Apply PO- roll and Mrs. Belan2rr, ilea Church women for 196 ■
Box 55Q Ajax, Ont. Everycme had a.good time,'and.!divi.ian of Bay Ridge .+red \Chart ■
a will he ou Thum lay. January ;■
I Range or Acing No. H%%y, Lou I■ ':
CARD OF THANKS ome are aireadyin¢ laokirr� for 4, at S.1 P. \L, ,in fhe C, E.
%sill be.plea,ed wsth the pre,enta- ■
We wish to use your paper to •x I%%'aril to next year's "s rt-tngrtlur. coirc, {'lease attend this very ■ TEmple 9-1.191 '839-1191
lion of talon and the;beautiful job L y j■
press our sincere thanks is everyone -------- many homcm%ner.+ have•done, imp.\sriant met!ttug: l■ ,
who have shown us such unlimited ROUGE �'��� - ------------- */1•t//■/7//■f■1■■■///■/■■■■■1■■1■■■■■//■■■///
:bolp by means of transportation to I - C
.":visit my dear wife, who was stricken .loint Meeting . .r
by a stroke, Oct. 4th, and was can- Happy birthday to Barn• Brett Joint ,
fined to Ajax Hospital for nearly two of Kingston Road who_%gas 13
"months, and is now at Fairview ou Dr_c. 25.
;pf neighbours, and the comforting I Mr ant! \[r+. A.. Smith of Al- Well Attended
Lod • Hospital. The .man kind acts
visits of ministers and friends'
the tons Road entertained many friends
kindness shown by the nurses, the and relatives over''the Christmas A joint meeting of the Ladies' e
many lovely from the W.M,S•, i holidays. Aid and Women s Missionary Stu ;
the W.A•, Institute, Lodges and I Mr. and Mrs. C. Scli vArn and ciety was held in the'c�iurch on It
individuals of our community, accom- 'son, Mrs. A. U'esth-rook and little Thursday afternoon at 2 p.m. Mrs. ••
ponied by the earnest prayers of our Norma of' Altona -Road, spent James Murdoch, presiding. A very
friends, will never be forgotten. We I
seek a continued interest in your i Christmas with \[r and ors. T. nice candlelight senvice was the
prayers to Almighty God, for a eom- I M. Annable of Ottawa. highlight of' the nweting. Mrs. ,
p!e»•reco+•ry in His own good time. Mr. and Mrs. C. Rolstone of Van tiu8; Mrs. Courlie, Mrs. Harry
Again' thanking one and all and Pickering, spent last Tuesday eve- Boyes and Mrs. James Brisbin
" wishing you a Bright and ' Happy ning at the home of Mr. and Mrs. taking part. A reading Was given
New Year. O. P, Waiduff and family. by Mrs. Ross \turison and the
Your sincere friends,
.like Parr of Yeterboro, spent members joined in .singing carols.
Martha and warren WUfson the holiday time with his'family, .Mrs. Wm. Boyes'presided at the
.Mr. and Mrs. J. Parr of Old Rose- .piano. r ��
bank Road North. The offering was received anJ
TEMPLE TAX! The winner of the euchre that
dedicated by Mrs. -Ken Heron. 1f
was held at the home of \[r. and The closing.prayer was offered
Mrs. Brett last Saturday evening by Mrs. Van Nus.
,is pleased to announce were Mrs. Little, Nim F. Schwalm
and Mr. Kellsvay, Mr. King. he members of the Ladies'Aid
Answering Service Mr.. and Mrs. E. Knight, Mr. served a delicious luncheon.
and Mrs. J. Hamilton of Brough- In Memoriam
'IS NOW OFFERED TO am and \tear Toyne of Kingston
TEMPLE SUBSCRIBERS Roatl %Pent Christmas day at the HOOD- In loving of
home of Mr. and Mm F. Schwalm Chas. E :Hood, who passed a-
". for information call cif Kinr;,ton Road. w'av, Januan 2 1960. "
\(r. and \(rs., Edmonds, Sr., of When gallantry to the girl
Toronto,-spa nt last wednesday at It-S sad to n alk 'tlie road alone: friend exceeds the
TEmple 9-1144 the l,aine. of Mr. anal Mrs. Ed- Instead of aide by-side, boy �
mond,,of Altona Road. ,pocketbook, a s best
But to all there conies a mom friend is the telephone. '
\Ir.. and Mrs. Le: Hollinger of ent,
Altona Road ;pent Christmas 'clay Help Came quickly,and SAVED BY-THE E BELL
\'hen the wa\s of life di%ide•, he sighed with relief:
• � at the home of \tr, and Mrs. \\'m.
G L END A L E 'Holhncer of Cherrv\vnod --Sadly missed by wife Arenia i P.S.—Seriously,though,wherever, you are,at home \
1 and daughter Hilda and family. or away, you can usually reach family or friends-by
'.:A P P L I A N C E BAHA'IS BELIEVE . . . That � telephone—a service so valuable. ..yet so often
the poor in your midst are God's' ---"— "r- taken for granted, The Bell Telephone Company
S E R V I C E trust; guard ye God's trust, and'1 LOST - Christmas Day, after- I of Canada. _
IE (PERT iIEPAIRS TO be. not intent only on your own! noon, one ski and one ski pole,
ease. If ye encounter one who is `between Brock Rd. and Pick-
WASHERS, DRYERS poor, treat him not disdainfully. eting Village on No. 2. High-
Reflect upon that whereof ye
TEmplo 9-1758 wsy or Greenwood Rd: Re-
_ _ trere crested. AT. 2-2409. ward. phone: WH2-3423.
♦.. ... ... t„' .. .... . .lie:
. C
:;..'Page Four
TIN E P I C K E R I N O NEWS s ''Thursday. Decent er 28. 1941..
Off=WH.2.6212 Residence WH. 2-3115 FAIRPORT BEACH The Men's Club met in the tation comet., Mts. Goo. Wil ey
church basement Monday, Dec. and Mrs. Lewis Jones; not!5inat.
:A MERRY CHRISTMAS Mrs. P. Pearsall enjoyed having Mr. and Mrs. J. Sheedy and 11and the following officers ing comm., Mrs. Leslie Harryr%.'
AND her sister, Mrs. Ruth Simpell of Donna spent Christmas day and and Mrs. Lorna Jones; p
Midland visiting her rec-ndy. enjoyed a family. dinner at the Were elected: Pres., Mr. Donald age con=.,- Mrs. Percy Jo r
A HAPPY NEW YEAR Congratulations to Mr.' and home of Mr. and Mrs. K. McDon- Jamieson; rice-pres., Mr. Earl. and Mrs. T. Jordan; bus'
Mrs. W. McLean who celebrate ough of Scarboro. Disney; sec.-treas., Mr. Grant comm., Mrs. Ralph Jones
CYRIL f X111 O R L E Y their 11th wedding anniversary on Mr. and Mrs. O. Henry and Jones. Mrs.,W. Carton. Members of
Wednesday. Dec. 27. children and Mr. and Mrs. F. The W.A. met last Wednesday board of stewards: Mrs. J
Mrs. Ken Hess. who has been is Greer all of Weston spent Christ- at.the home of.Mrs. B.Jamieson: Empringham. The meeting el
"Your Friendly Resident ,4geW" 'arbor. General Hos;ital for the mas day at the home of Mr. and The,meeting opened with Christ- ed,with a short worship by Rsr,
past'five ve months with a broken leg Mrs. W. McLean. mas worship taken be the presi- T. Fleetham.
32 KtNGSTON RD. W. P.O. BOX'160 vas happy to be released from There will be no further meeting •cent and ended with a duet,, Mr. and' Mrs. Orr Grahat4
the hospital for Christmas day to of the Dunbartoa Badminton Club "Silent Night," by Mrs. Donald and daughters, attended a partT
PICKIERING, ONTARId 1•ome with her family. until Jan. 9. Jamieson and Mrs. Jack Emp at Utica Hall on Friday night
Many happy returns of the day Miss Sheila Wagg held a party ringham. Business followed and honor of Mr. and Mrs. Fr {
to Donald McLean who,-will be for a large group of young people it wad announced that the in- Lynde of Ashburn,who eelebrat,i
12 on riot. 31. at her home on Saturday, Dec. 23. augural church service for the ed their 45th wedding anni.
Youthtime will ibe holdiag its Mr, and Mrs. E. Butler and neir women's organization would versary.
J 0 H H L • L A Christmas social this Friday eve- family visited in Buffalo over the be Jan. 14. Reports were given Mr. and Mrs. B. Jamieson ant1-S
nin ri at 7 m. at Dunfair Baptist weekend at the home of Mr. and and the followin g officers were Mr. and-Mrs. Donald Jamieson;
a Church. A good time of games Mrs. L. Leeds. effected for the new women's or- and Karen had dinner Saturday{;
and refreshments is planned. The Denney family were happy ganization: 'Pres., Mrs. Lloyd night with Mr. and,Mrs. Elmerll
PRUDENTIAL ASSU'ANC' ! ENGLAND The regular services at Dunfair to have their mother Mrs. Denney. Wilson; vice-pres., Mrs. Lorne Jamieson at Islington.
COMPANY LTD. Baptist Church will be held this Sr., of Hornepayne, Oat., with Jones; sec., Mrs. B. Jamieson; The Young Peoples Union
Sunday at I1 a.m. and 7 p.m. with them for Christmas. treas., bars. Jack Empringham; met Sunday night at the•home'`
UFE = AUTOMOBILE — FIRE Pastor Holmes preaching at both Mr. and Mrs. Miles Cook cele pianists, Mrs. Wm. Harbron and of Mr, and Mrs. Donald Jaml•
services. brated Christmas with all of their Mrs. Geo. Pickett; sick and nisi' eson.
1107 KINGSTON ROAD EAST _' Congratulations to Kathleen; children and grandchildren attend-
Stat£oe Hasa, Alex Shopping Cuitsi Phone: WFiI. =-1301 Watkins who was 14 on Dec. 27. ing Christmas dinner. There were
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. 19 in all sitting down -for dinner. ,
IFlsaaa For lasmediote Coverage Day Or Nish► Charles Mitchell of Fairport Road We wish all of our readers a . BAY
who will celebrate their 21st wed- very happy and prosperous new
ding anniversary on Jan. 3. !year! Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Wiseman, had Mrs. Powell's parents, Mr. and
Bill and Dianne. spent the Christ- Mrs. Feaver of Malton. with them :
APPRAISALS mas weekend with relatives is for. the Christmas weekend.
ROAD a Falls Ha i w G HiWELL Burk'
e . Mr, and Mrs. Marry BaLsdoa. Eva Happy birthday celebrated her
(Gladys Newell) Donnie and Darlene. spent-Christ- birthday on Christmas Day: also
- mas with her parents. Mr.and Mrs. to George Lungey whose birthday.
The Brock Road Home and •erson and family df Pickering spent Claude Smith at Trenton. was Dec. 26: to Brenda Beckatead
3 -Real Estate Broker Pickering Village` School will hold ifs regular meet- " C�.r►,stmas with them. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. on Dec 2f1 and also Wm. Barloet?.
WH. 2.5770-1 or Toronto WA. 3-9513 ing,on Tuesday. Jan.2.Come and Mr, and Mrs. Hosley of French- James H. Moose on their recent on Dec. 28•
Whitby - Phone MOhawk 8-4703 enjoy a get-together with the mem- man's Bay spent Christmas eve- marriage. The couple are living at
Y hers. Refreshments will be served. niag a-ith the Compton's. Dunbartoa Shores Rose Duchtsae and Dennis Ado.
Cobourg FR. 2-7601 A dance. wader the auspices of � E. Cornutt spent a' few Sorry to bear that Mrs.C. Maas- Garry. bubo are stationed with.the are
7. Us."ftishway" U Mille,lost of Dvnbarton, Me. 2 High so the First Brock-Pickering Pack days to Toronto attending her field is confined to the Ajax Hos- home Christmas kave�v t6 their
Cubs and Scouts was held at the lodge and visiting friends. pital and hope that she will) soon
` Brougham Hall. Dec. 23. Mr. Ivan We take this opportunity to ex- be feeling better. parents.
Fuller provided music. The dance tend the compliments of the sea- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Buck spent Ron Roberge of the RCN at u'
was fairly wall attended. Mr. 1• son to all our readers. A very Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Ron Halifax a also home oa kave
ST GEORGE'S I DR. ALFRED. Crompton and Mrs. McChassie. happy and pr new year. Clark in Toronto with his
Miss- Cargil and partner won the parents. Mr. and .Mra.
.• spot prizes and all seemed to have —"'---'""-- Mr. Wm. Barker spent Christ- Fred Beckstead.
L L. ANAGg vI3ITIxG'A SICK FRIEND mas with his granddaughter. 11Ira
' a very good time. ,Michael McIaeren of the RCAF
Mr and Mrs. Wa. Carter. and To a sick pe. on there are Bert Macey and family. Y
- ily spent Christmas weekend in m
. Mr and Mrs. Gordon Carter at- many �n>:s that can proms Montreal. Chnstmas�eavtN
P 1 CX E R l N G_ Mr, and Mrs. A. Snea and fam- Que. M also .home;
_ • RTE TERP.�ARIA'V tended a dance m Toronto on irritating. strich -as wrinkled .
Banquet and Meeting Dec. 22. Mrs. Wm. Carter woo sheets or bedclothes that are not r. and Mrs. Orman Fertile
nq 9 Clifford Clark has been confined and Linda Lee spent the Christmas
Facilities Old Rosebank Rd. North the door prize• tucked in at the foot. Used home through-illness and we:hope
Christmas is now its the act sad weekend with his mother. Mrs.
e P dishes left near the patients he w ill soon have a speedy:recav-
CATERINO SERVICES I T familses got together to celebrate bed can vex him. The visitor cry. H Fertile. Sr.
1 R It. No. 8, Pickering the occasion. Mr. ana Mrs. Harry who sits on or jars the bed or -
(Seating 200) Dawson -s nt the weekend with I Mr. and Mrs. E. Buck spent
�o � I tal!:a loudly on controversial 'Christmas at the' home of their
Telephone WH. 2-1393 1 Alephone TE. 9-18.._ thetr son. Mr. and Mrs'. Harry :
Dawson. Jr., of Toronto. also ��-i sublets, Won't help the sick one daughter. Mrs. Wm. Bell sad fain- BERT'S WELL
siting,with old friends. i to rrlak. 'Moat visitors, like to ily. /±/±
o Answer TE. 9-1504 take special treats to the friend Con atulations to Mn and Mrs. DIGGING SUPPLIES
tiirs. W. ' tit,ddleton had her qr
family spend Christmas Day with who is sack but nothing eatable Wm. Fairbairn who were married, �+
OPTOMITRIC LONG DISTANCE CALL (should be given unless tine doc- last Saturday 'in Toronto, The 3t3 TILE ONLY
'V15fON CARE ;renirh 7-st4o Mr. and Mss. Sowerby and for or'nurse have been consult- bride is the former Sheila Moore! WsNs Cleaned, Purified
faintly had the formers mother: ed: ' Anyone .on a strict diet of Moorlands. Pressure Pumps and
JOHN L. RAWS N, R.O. (No Tol! Charge) ; Mrs. Cousins and Miss Cousins•of could be harmed by the gift of Dave Brunelle spent Christmas
PLEASANI 579E:T — Toronto.'sid Mr. and Mrs. Hend- food. with his daughter and her family Septic Tbnks Installled
:(OFF uvE2POOs RD. SOUTH) ! in Detroit.. WHitehall 2-0187
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Powell
FRENCHMAN'$ BAY � Monteith, Monteith, Riehl '
3 Co.
EVENINGS j G. w,. RIEM, C.A,. R.I.A. ` Support Hospital D rive
Ajax Oshawa - 3-ro4ord
— Oshawa RAndolph 5- 527
$5.00 for coo.GALS. �_ • PAT DUNNE TEn�
P. l.1"1
• . $7,.00 for 1000 GALS. #� E A T I N G
$9.00 for 1500 G ELLS.
Gas and Oil Installations '' Make sure your snow tire treads are good. Carry
1AVING FURNACE TROUBLE I Ckan-Out Service lire chaair_* � our trunk. Have brakes balanced
i ( 244HOUR CALLS and Ile surd the steering system's in shape for
winter.Install antifreeze.Check windshield wipers
Tudor Street, Afax to make sureyou'll see wherd you're going.Heaters To 76H a Coin le
• ' i WHO Z:349� and defrosters should work properly; so should pp�
headlights and tail lights. And do you recall any ":'LET US CAPTURE FOR YOU THE RADIANCE
news stories about carbon monoxide poisoning) ®OF YOUR-WEDDING
.. ...Check your exhaust system for leaks.Get your car
✓ FIRST.MORTGAGES ARRANGED: in'shape forwinter now. You might save yourself OOK NOW FOR THAT SPECIAL DAY
,the inconvenience of an accident.
1 �` �''"% WINTERIZE .FROM $49.50 UP
FINANCING i FOR FAST ` �� , 12 — 8 x10 PRINTS
< LIMITED l Driving conditions are worse in winter— 1'2 — 4 x 5 PRINTS
AUBREY E. IRELAND winterize your driving as well as your car �%
TE. 9-1632
;'t' 100 'ADELAIDE ST. W. :Highway Safety Branch uR ce
Support Your ,,, ,
Hon H L Rownlree Q. C.r Minister
•R R. 9-1417
hursday, December 28, 1961 THE . P 11C K E R I N G NEWS Pave fAre
BUSINESS DIRECTORY service, s• 'in Wrnklion ...'WRLIAM G. LAwsoN
The Churches am sbakiw
GUARANTEED McEACH�+lIE"S . (Highway Na. 2>
Radio-TY Service .W. A• McKAY, M.A., Ph.D. TELEPHONE WH. 2-2741
Funeral Director Pickering MINISTER " f E
Any Make or Model
ARTHUR FIELD * United Church •.Service of Wortlhip eI3URCi ST. M. • "M PICKERII�C3, ONT. tie
11.00 A. M.
PICKERING Private Anibulance'Service Mini,tan REV. MELVILLE suTrARS Church School
R NIGHT " '3' ,tom nepamneats .
9:43 a.m. and 11:07 am $
: Sunday school Sam•Hour SERVING IN THE , Y O es 'DRUGS LTD.
West of . Dunbarton 1.15 P. M. sun. School PRESCRIPTION SPECIALISTS
2.34 P. X. - Church Service
• —� _ !' {tl1WIILIIIu:IluiiJiiiiiiiill I ru�r'!im u'�l�:!i:,Jl"'I.'... '
ATIantic 2-0063 Pickering, Ont. GRACE PRESBYTERIAN WEDDING
CHURCH + . -
-• MORNING WORSHIP �'1111111NIIpIIIIItlIIIIIIfiSIMtINi111nIIInNIhllmiHUilAiimininiUllliluui:Ju�liiiiTORE HOURS: . ' '•
` KEN and CLARKE 1.1 a.mi Auditorium School
Creighton, Fraser ON-MILLER �.
, The St. Andrew's Presbyterian WEEK DAYS DAILY 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
•P R E N T I C E SUNDAY SCHOOLS Church in Pickering was decorated t1f
-Drynan R Murdo West Rouge School— with white chrysanthemums and SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS 1 p. . to 5 p.m.
AUCTIONEERS 9:90 a•m•—&years and over candlelight was the seeting for the
tirrard ad Aatborlert ter tb• Barristers. Solicitors and 11,a m.—up to&years wedding of Miss Katherine Mary " L
I1 a m:Nursery Miller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
cower,e of oetorie•w York Notaries Public Centennial Rood School— Hugh Cameron Miller of Picker- PICKERING PHONE Whitehall 2-5961 �
Pam si1•ci6 inplragssc. moves" 11 a.m.—All ages. 7, ing, to Mr. Robert Michael Kea-
fosattw•, Real alet• obo oar &ANK OF COMMERCE CHAMRIRS 40& ROUGE HIGHLANDS DR. cington. son of Mr• and Mrs. Mi-
epedeb at Reasonable get" i
OPAL Sailvia AT ONE P=11 S Simeoe St. N., Oshawa cleat! Kennington of Barrie. Rev.
E. H. Hunter of West Hill: assist. ' HARDWARE
�D W fA R
Mabsa P.O. PMn Agle1r &2W* ed by Mr. Kenneth Heron, officiat- graham 1
Nwkboso P.O. Pbww Morb. 206 Telephone RA. 3.3446 rte s ed at the ceremony.
t►REUTICK bow barn rN�Esbed S The bride,_. who was given is
Aedle".on time Anglican Cberch marriage by her father, wore a APPLIANCES - PAINTS - TOOLS
Ag gown of white delustered eaten,
PICKERING - ONTAMO with appliques of lace•and. seed
�r John �Sik pearls with chapel train. Her fin. GLASS - ETC. _
E. R. FLEURY • REY. H. S. SNE►NfERD, SJL,DD. ger-tip tulle veil was held by a
BARRISTER - SOLKITOR i) E N T 1 S T S" 1U• goring. Onto crown'of orange blossoms. She car- GENERAL HARDWARE
Pbene WHltehall 2-3313 ried a cascade bouquet of carna-
NOTARY PUBLIC tions and red roses.
SUNDAY sERYICtS sister. Mrs. Gordon Rimmet Phone: Whitehall 2f1911 - Pickering
lReeib at Old KMgMon Red Her
�d Creek &30 a.m.—Holy Communion - was matron of honor. and her sLs-
11.00 a.m.—Horsing Prayer ter, Miss Ruth Miller. was brides-
AT. 2.7391 or AT. 3-1362 i Pickeiing 1IAD a•m.—Holy Communion mid. They were gowned alike is _
O IV ieal Centre (� Sunday) cerise citiustered satin dresses with e
-` 1100 a.m.—Sunday Sehael In the ax LUMBER C 0■
• NOURf, - Parish Nall matching accessories and earned � -
fMrodey h hidoy-9•i�1a10 it a. q 11.00 a.m.—Nurwry, I nosegays of white crysanthemums. A
(At the Parish Hail) The best 'man was the groom's -
~ �"io1'
OFFICE: WH. 2-0660 Roam—ages up to 4 low brother. Mr. George Kennington Johns-Manville Dealer
of Barrie. The ushers were Mr. t
RES.: WH. 2-1 65S laoo a.m.-Holy Communion and Gary 'Kennington and Mr. Gordon DON'T MOVE—IMPROVE �
MONUMENTS IeMronsions for the Sidi Mrs. Kenneth Halliday. aunt of -WITH ALUMINUM OR WOOD _.
the bride. sang 'The Wedding
"Highway Mono eenr Weeks" Prayer.' before the ceremony. and COMBINATION DOORS & WINDOWS
ROURT AUSTIN. Prop. E • Burin the signing of.the register,
., Christian Science 'i "At gDawning' Mrs, Howard Mc- .,'PAL-O-PAK INSULATION FOR ATTICS
LL 1, Whitby, Ontario • Cler ent, presided at the mgaa.
Tore !elks wNt of Whkby SoCfefy '-The reception was held at the TERMS ARRANGED '
on No. 2 Highway,'besweem S H EAR R lOUOE HiW, ONTARIO Adelaide House. Oshawa: at
Whitby and Ajax 1
CHURCH SERVICE AtVO which the bide s mother received NO. 2 Highway �. ?WHltehalt Z-3251 •.x
'PHONE. Whitby MO. 8.3461 *, SUNDAY SCHOOL wea ring green with gold brocade
SUNDAY-11 a.m.—In the and gold ,accessories. and corsage
and of yellow roses. She was assisted
!i ral a A�tertun building, Kingston Rd. Y
Fu e
F. r of the room ar . .
mother b the 9 e
PLUMBING At Rouge ng Y
i Ambulance Service Tutimanies of Healing an given cog blue silk with matching asses-` yenera� Hardware
at the Wednesday Meeting, sorias and a corsage of pink roses.
ALFRED -KAYES' held at a p.m. Following the receptio3 the r
PLUMBING BATHROOMS ALL ARE WELCOME couple left for a trip to Montreal.
No. 3 Highway .The Reading Room is open to PAINTS
PRESSURE SYSTEMS at Pickering Beach Road ►t+. Public Daily Roller skates, toy w�$ans. ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES
Some Location • . metal trains and any other toys
ESTIMATES GIVEN For fbrt%*r information
* Call ATlantic 2,2333 that Junior, discards if left on - -
Phone WHit•hali 3-6717 the floor in a dark spot may TOOLS GLASS
Telephone cause bad falls for adults, It is
WHitehall 2-3610 difficult. to make a youngster s
St. Andrew's understand that people can be
Television & Radio Presbyterian Church hurt if plaything$ are left on
_ sidewalks or on stairs but if the
Re •� Church St. N., Pickering, OnL toy or other article is confis-eat- I/
Kenn.fh Herons s A. Mini,trr ed for a four days, it taay help Salsdo n s H a rdwa re
PHONE: TIM& 961191 Phone. WHy_�gg him to remember to put away
PLUMBING -••u A.M. . Sunday School toys that art: not•being used.
DUi4WMTON RADIO a T-V Phone Whitehall , 240480 Pickering
A M. RAREW 11 00 A IN. Church her
�' s� During the festive season,
most people eat a great many
more rich.'fooO than usual. It
The one Ply to 111 is a good idea to settle for some
ROGER G. CONANT, B.A. everything in PIull+binj8: well planned menus daring this E�T ROUGE
MRRISTEtR AND SOUCITOR GOOD VALUE AT THE FAST time that Will provide nourish-
_ ing but not overly rich dishes.
CONITH BLDG.. AJAX Raw MCI Cheese.Es available in matey cif-
-OPM DWIV TO 333e PAIL ferent varieties I
7N shoo•tit• $OWN Osh"s $emudey TIN 1:M P.M We' would like to take this op- Mr. and Mrs. W. Hodgins and
REPAIRS i ALTER*TIONi " porttmity to
wish, everyone is family of Flagstone Terrace were
4320 Kingston Road SERVICE 8fNNS' CARTAGE West Rouge and district a very is Ottawa during the holidays.
INSURANCE CO. �to. r happy and prosperous new yearl Mr, Harold Norton of Alliston
West Hill �MaeLEOD S Of Water S V ' Several Christmas parties were spent the holiday with his sister
WRRs on PHONE p p 7 held in the district last week. The and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Rohr for Parer and e•ot" AT. 4.4721 -300 Pais. .................... �f8.E0
First West Rouge Scouts had Jed McLean. Chesterton Shores.
11rNdingr • . ......... .. �
�a Insurance on Wildbsgs, It30 gals. ....... ..,... ..... t6.00 their party on Dec. I$ in,St. Ed- Sympathy is extended to Mr.
tllfidtailb, Pike. INC. 1,000 gals. .. 3700 ward's Hall. The Cubs held theirs Tiff L ycox an family o
Clifford a d am f
Ache obil• Insoronce of An Kind! • 2-��� ALSO SANe 3RAVEL od Wednesday. Dec. 20. the Girl Friendship Ave.. in the death of
. TOP SOIL AND PILL Guides held their party ,on Dec. his brother last week is Toronto
Bowman & Gibson DENNEY BROTHERS "Mac Can Fix-lit" WEST MILL AT. 640&9 21 with bowling followed by a A happy birthday to Mr. Andy
PHONE: WHITEY MO. "321 HEATING CONTRACTORS ' party at the hall. The Kiwanians Dand on Tuesday, Dec. 26.
entertained their'families on Thurs-
day All the rote wrappings
Hot Water, Steam Systems Dec. 20 at the Rainbow pretty pP gs of
Installed HAVE YOU Room. On Friday, Dec. 22. St: the Christmas gifts should ve
W. H. J. TlfOmpson, Edward's Sunday school held their disposed of as soon as they Piave
B A.' LLB. Alterations and Repairs . SEPTIC TANKS annual party. . been removed from the parcels.
They should not be put in the
Timple 9-3357 TRIED A Miss Linda Lennox who is with: P
EARRISMIt and SOLICITOR CLEANED the Ice Follies in Philadelphia, basement near the furnace or
• spent the weekend before Christ- left in the living, roam near
Ala and Onhrk NEWS
OLENWOOD ELM. AJAX T� �� ��• � � f1r V. J. BUTT wood Road.her parents of Ridge-. an open Rreplace, Pack all the
Berta Sea 9°C �� tease from inflammable .materials into a •
WNNobaE !.6131 Berasim goto>t i Russian sea Oshawa _ aA, 3.4043 Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Huberts and container and put it where it
?MsNau art Titgle !. captain who discovered tbea in family of Sumyslope, spent Christ- aril! be mate from fire until it
1786. CLASSIFIED? with hoc parents ;n Learning- refuse. moved with other
Pane Six '- THE r I C K E R I NG� • .NEWS Thursdey, December
"23 1?.'
Thompson and McClemeats of the with gifts for the children. A most the morn o9 Christens service ae decorations, cards•to friends••gift+. Dunedw
~DUHBARTOH Base I= were Miss Joan Wilson enjoyable ciao was had by all. Sunday conducted by the Minister lots of food and Santa Claus. All The congregation
Of Guelph. Mr. J. H. McClemeat - On Monday. Dec. 18 at the Dr. W. A McKay.'Mr. R. Pit- these are indications of alai- to hen? of the deai6
of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Angus regular meeting a group of Kiwan- cairn, organist and choir director, se's Dory when "we try to make` " Somerville in Oshawa
Mrs. Margaret.Striver of Sandy McFarlane and Beverly and Don- fans from Ajax attended. played the organ and Miss Patricia others happy. Jesus came into the Saturday. Miss
Beach Road has been in Ajax as of Scarboro. On Tuesday Dec. 19 the Ki- Clark played the piano.It was nice world to bring joy to'the=�vorid, wad great worker'
Hospital for several weeks where JUwamis News wanis chartered a bus and the to see such a large, choir which we are given a spirit of renewal •greatly missed. j
she underwent surgery on Tues- On Monday, Dec. Il the animal senior citizens were taken on a sang some of the beautiful carols. a a second chance with God Those of the
day: Dec. 19. Her friends wish h^ er r Christ party for the Duabartod Christmas light tour of Metropoli- Dr. McKay read the scripture les- through the hands of a tiny baby. "Nods who have books;'
a speedy recovery. members' wives and families was tan Toronto area.On their return son from Matthew 1:1-18 and Let us pray that the spirit of the itedi are•asked to 1$2t
Miss Gina Dowey of the On• held in the church Sunday school Christmas refreshments were serv- Luke 2:1-20. The sermon was on loving saviour be in our hearts at Kerry Pearce before
tario Ladies' College in Whitby ooms. 9 delicious turkey dinner,4 ed in the .Sunday school rooms. the theme. "The Spirit of Christ- this season and all year. On Sun- year.
visited Mary-.Beth McClement last vas served to over 100 guests by An enjoyable time was had by-all. mas." If we had to explain Christ- day evening at nine:o'plock there For the next two S Y
Friday. Dee. 22. She left in the :be senior W.A. After a short Dunbarton United Church. mas to someone unfamiliar with it• was a family Christmas eve ser- bers of the congrega
eyening to spend a three-week va- musical program Santa arrived The church was well filled for it would perhaps include trees with vice of song and meditation. to present ballots for
cation at her home in Kirkland
Mr. and Mrs. William Kookson `a
of Wiilowdale, spent' Christmas • • -
Day with Mr. and Mrs. George
Lawrence and Eddie. •
Visitors on Sunday with.Mr.
and Mrs. G. Lawrence were Mr. -ARK
Lawr-nce's sister and family, Mr. �I
and Mrs. Walter .Atkinson.. and
family from Clarkson. , �. _• __
Mr. and Mrs. Briars .Walker
spent Christmas Day-with friends ---, •
In King City. ills I �,
Rouge H
` Kevin Preston of Smith's Falls -- —
spent the Christmas holiday with
Mr. and Mrs. George Watson PRICES EFFECTIVE
and family. On No. � Z Hwy. Just East of Rouge Bridge - and Sat. - DecerAbr`
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Willis
Wed., Thur., Fri.
spent Christmas Day with Mr. and Open, Every Evening TIN 7.00. p.m. Ex'eept Thurs. & Fri. Till 9.00 p.m. Z7 - - -30
Mrs. D. Willis and family in To-
Sympathy is expressed to Mr. While They Last, Strictly Fresh GRADE 'A' LARGE .(Loose) MAPLE LEAF FROZEN GRADE A OVEN READY
and Mrs. B. Lofton on the death
--—__- =': of Mrs. Lotton's sister. Miss May
Somerville in Oshawa Hospital on Do'z' ** "
Saturday. The funeral was held IJ
from McEachnie's Parlors on _ TURRE T
uesday.'Mr. and Mrs. D. Thompson and
family spent Christmas Day with A i
•Rev. and-Mrs. Payton and family C 20 LBS. & OVER '
in �n�
Now that -the Christmas vaca-
tions. p
are here. the university ,jlriwg yosir OM/w Bartow)
�a C
scholars attending the shoos col=
Y - kges are-home. Among those that
i this, correspondent has seen are MAPLA LEA F B M 16 LBS. 6. 49e
Bill McKay of Guelph. Roger TENDEtPLAKt TWO LOS* n
Canton of Ottawa. 'Bob Pearce
of Ottawa, YORK BRAND (SAVE 16c) 4 Oz. Till
!, Mr. and Mrs. T. Young visited
Mrs. Young's sister. Mr. and Mm. Ir„t - �ienna sus a'Everett Smith of Seaforth: g
Visiting at the home of Mrr. and ARD
Mrs. E: J. Annis for the holiday MAPLE LEAF <h
uackenbush of..
were Mr. Allen G2 '
Fort Wifli Mr. Jac Cropley
lb. pk�e.
and Jan of Deep River, Miss E: e- MAPLE LEAF '
lyn Ann ls o£ Oshawa and Mr. olis au a �• E
i . f Of ;�iu
Gordon Ann s cas{aesasl C H EESE TWO
Mr. and Mrs. Vt'm. ryas and MAPLE LEAF SLICED b Oz. Vac. WrapPsil
icon and Dick Pearce of,Sarnia.vi- �.oais ass SLICES
Kited their parents during the holi- � SALAMI _
day. _ i' 9'
Mr. and tSrs. Ed B=o�ti•of Ux-� SAVE 17c 241
bridge visited Mr. and Mrs.'Harry MAPLE LEAF COOKED READY TO SERVE
_Pearce on the weekend. (REGULAR) SMOKED HAM (whole or half) . : lb.
Jim Carry of Ec:nonton spent
the holiday with his parents. Mr. H O R T E H I ilia MAPLE LEAF SMOKED PICNIC
rnd Mrs..H':rb Carey.
Visitors at. the'.home .of the
Shou- lder .
When dre;sinl or changing •
baby, as the safety pins are EY� E BONELESS BUTT
taken from the child's clothing Save 15e) tY
they should be closed.and put 95
into.a pocket where they will be
,. . .. . .: . . (Same 15c1
.safe from the baby's little -
:`. grasping fingers. Another dan-
.. Ste ms or .Roasts Ib
gerous article that shop)d not RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE:'- (Save 6e) ,.
be used'or left near a baby is k
a thin plastic bag or sheet. A TEA BA s pkg• 0f 60 C
baby can pull thib fabric over
-his face and, if the plastic is ROUND or SQUARE RUMP ROAST . . . Me':
drawn over his nose and mouth
when he inhales, the child can 1RUTHERFORD'S (EXTRA SPECIAL) _.Quart Carton Fresh Lean
be suffocated. (Save 16e)
As soon ,dried Christmas has 'Krim-thee E
passed,the dried up tree should I a
be removed from the house and POTATO _; ( 7th
placed where it will not be a 10 oz. Twin Pack Box 59c RIB ROAST lb. '
Are hazard. Every bit of tissue I � � � � � � � � � � � •� � � � � _
wrappi>ag should also be dis- �;H� Full 1 The Bag 69C SIRLOIN, T-BONE & WING STEAKS. lb.
posed a and never stored in -_-
the basemept near a furnace. YORK SKINLEWi Giant 13 Oz. Bag k
R s;* Inspect all the electrical 'de- i••,, BOnoless Reftd Prim* Rib Roast . . . . lb.
wires or for worn or broken SALTED PEANUTS r _39c �,r s ,
wires or socket and pack them
so that the cords cannot be dam- RRSSN
aged. Put Christmas c a n d 1 e . (Each Pkg. contains 3 N.H.L. Hockey Cards)
and other inflammable articles RUTHERFORD'S FRESH CREAM ince tea
• away in a metal container, in a �
C601 place. Home fires start Fresh 10% Cereal Cream . . . 1/2 pt.,Carton�18c
from unbelievailly simple taus- Fresh i8% Table Cream 1�2, pt.. Carton Z3C FRESH (Not Frozen) GRADE A, OVEN READY
es.'Don't give fires a place to
iri° start in your home. Fresh 35% Whipping Cream . 1/2pt. Carton 39c CAPONS AVg. 5 t0 7 Ib$. 15. 9
SMALL CARTAGE No 1 Selected Firm Golden Ripe'
Fresh (Not Frozen) ,Grade A Oven Ready Avg. .5 6 Ibis. ,
` . FOR WATER __--
Telephone: a New` Yeare-To All CHICKENS
TEmple 9-1485 Happy
{r1 .:a�. x as"- :r � ..v r, �•' u ',.+. .. - - . . . � bra. � - '
4. ,
ir N E..,n i C X E o++Aw;:N-AAI S`
�^ Mr. and Mrs.Qeiq Murkar•and Mr. and Mrs...Uoyd Maeoa of Mrs. -Lloyd Peelers, and family St: Awaen a �'C1lureb .
,�� � family with Whitby spent Christmas Toronto. Keith,Naeton of Whitby here. ' The church was s auNfullyhte-
• day with, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ped- and Mr. and Mrs. Al Robereaao Mr. Ken Dean of Dorset' spent coeated with Bowers and lighted
the and family.
I of Claremont and Mr. an& Mrs, Christmas with his parents. Mr. candles for the Christmas service
Mr. and Mda. Murray' Fraser f foyd Pascoe were among tboa ind Mrs. Harold Dean here. which was well attended. The ser
W. sad Mrs. F.rait Halter spent Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Reynolds and family of Port Perry, spent attending the family gathering of Mr. and Mrs. A. Rozell enter- vice was conducted by the minis-
Chrbtmas with Mr. • and Mrs. spent Christmas day with Mr, and the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Norton old wined a number of friends last ter, Mr. K. Heron. The combined
Harold Hopkins. Mrs. Doug Reynolds of Bowman- Dough Norton, Christmas day. Saturday evening. choir entered to the processional
vine. Mr, and Mrs. Bruce Lehman Local firemen were called to the The Claremont bowling group hymn, "Christians Awake. Salute .
Mr. and Mrs.Alan Redshaw and and family of Whitby spent the home of Mr.. Leslie Goslin oa had their Christmas roll-off last the Happy Morn.' The scripture
family spent the holiday with Mr. holiday here with Mr. and Mrs. Christmas eve to a chimney fire Friday evening for cash prizes. lesson, read from St. Matthew,
i 1 and Mrs. Alvin Redshaw. Les Lehman. The fire was under control before The Girl Guides and Brownies. ,chapter, one, the Christmas story.
Mr.and Mrs.Gordon Goslin and Mr, and Mrs. Michael Burke of any serious damage was done. Mother's L.A. held their Christmas Mr. Heron's sermon was entitled.
' family spent Christmas with Mr- Toronto were the Christmas guests Mr, and Mrs. Fred Morley of 3arty on Dec. 18 at the home of "The Five-Little Finger of God."
and Mrs. Les Gosh. of Mr. and Mrs. Hanthorne. Claremont. Mr. and Mrs. Wilt Mrs. A. Samarillo. Two beautiful anthems were sung
Misses.Georgie and Viola For- Mr.'and Mrs. Simma of Toronto Morley of Stouffville spent Christ- Mr. Robert Roy is spending the by the choir; "For Unto 'Us a
N� sythe spent Christman day,with and Mr: Edward Cook of Dun- mss with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon "hriatma week with his brother, Child is Born," by Handel, and
Dr. John and Mrs. Button of Barton spent Monday with Mr. Morley at Waterloo. 2aue1 in Toronto. "Arise. Shine." by Seinper, with
Stouffville• ind Mrs.Bill Welsh. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Hardy of Mr. and Mrs. Steve Doucette Elizabeth Boyes as soloist.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hockley' Mr. and Mrs. Jack Morgan en- Oshawa spent Christmas day with spent the holiday with relatives The junior congregation leader
hall Chris dinner with Mr. tertained their daughter June and Mr. and Mrs.,Norris Hardy and in Toronto. was Mrs.,C. Hawker, assisted by
and 1Clis. K n Petty and family °amily of Toronto on Christmas. grandmother, Mrs. N. Linton. A large number :attended the Miss penny Snead. The minister
of victoria Square. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLeod and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Redshaw annual Christmas concert of the wished the congregation the com-
1 I• Mr. and Mrs. Don Hedges spent :amily and Mrs. Robert McLeod spent Christmas day with Mr. and United Church last Wednesday pliments of the season and espe-
i Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Gor- .spent the.holiday with relatives in Mm J. Rennie. night cially thanking the choir for their
don Neal and family of Green- irampton- The Young People's group of the The deepest raympathy O[_-t& loyalty and service during the
l w� Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hagg and United Church were out carol community is extended to Dr. N. past year and the organist and
• IMr, and Mrs. Bob Redshaw. 'amily spent Christmas,with rela- singing on Saturday evening. F. Tomlinson=and family !a the choir leader, Marion McCkment.
Jr., George Middleton and Ronnie :fives in Toronto. _ The Girl Guides and their cap- *Asing of a loving wife ai}d mo- -
Hedges had Christmas dinner with • Mr. and Mrs. Dick Cooper en- 'tam were, wit carol singing on 'her, suddenly,- at her how here
® F, •+Mr• and Mrs. Chas. Redshaw. tertained Dr. Nelson Tomlinson, I Thursday night and later had hot last weeeIL home of Mr. and Mrs. Rosa Red-
KAYE,sS' PLUMBING Mr• and Mrs. Cordingly,of Ux- Mr. and Mrs. AIan Tomlinson and ,chocolate at the home of Mra. J. Mr. sac)Mrs J.weekend y of To-. shave were: r. a and Mrs. Robert
1. W_ were the Christmas guests family of Hamilton and Mr.. and,Rennie. Tonto spent the weekend with Mr. Redshaw, Mr. and Mrs. S. Wide-
-• X717 ,'of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hollings-' Virs.,wTod.`Tomlinson and family ; Mr. Craig Peters of Alliaton and Mrs J. McGuire. man and Mr. and Mrs. J. Rennie
head �f Toronto on Sunday- spent the holiday with Mr. and Sunday dinner guests at the and family.
Many letters and messages have been re- munity is he who abounds with a heroic sense Praised be the Judiciary who, imbued with' words of Lord` Erskine:
ceived from various indignant farmers, taxpay- . of duty and has the courage and fortitude to the horror of injustice and wrong reflects in A Government in league
ors and residents, giving me encouragement stand for his convictions in upholding the in- his behaviour a transparent lovo of fair gay- 'Becomes a circling Junto . . .
and thanks ai a gesture of their appreciation tegrity�f justice and the ideals of virile above all questionable enactments and hero- - To rob by law . . .
an "the splendid work you are doing, to quote people. ically considers Dame Justice first and fore- To masse their rapine"and to sharer the prey.
but one. most for him to defend at all coats. regard- JUDICIAL INDEPENDENCE ABOVE
Those who do not effectively maintain those less of parliamentary acts or even Parliament LEGISLATION
Several of these letters voluntarily offer f1- precepts of national character and resist with itself!
naneial support to defray the expenses of these whatever weapons of ability they possess,even By John Stuart Mill
advertisements. 1 have not had time to write like the aged "widow's mite" will some day in the words of our late Prime Minister
them all personally but wish to announce that become prey to their.own indifference, to their W. L. Mackenzie King: The Community exists .'Where the will of the legislature, declared
no financial support. whatsoever is required. ou-n indolence and perish thereby, because they for the welfare of all its components; in a in its stautes, stands in opposition to that of _
h se. nothing, do ;nothin 'because they are conflict of interests, the interest of the Corn- 1 declared in the Constitution the
that I have not m>; to sell nor advertfs+e, but Y !! 8 g munit must be supreme. Legislation to this the people, ,
that I have set out to defend the rights of the nothing... end is necessary pto the p aetvatioa of udNes ou ht to be governed b the latter
taxpayers because their interest is in common The committing of abuses, political, social, I,;berty," lather than the former. They ought to regulate
with mine. ..,economic or what not, is not so much a wrong a er -
-their decisions b the fundamental laws, rath
against one individual as it is agai-wt our THE OFFLNDI\G ASSF.38�tE1VT ACT than by those which are not fundamental.
Of all the letters received, the.most heart- t No le slative act, therefore, contrary to the
was from aged widow who sent society., its laws, its ethics, its more s, its reli- ON VALUATION OF LANDS gi
rending on, its liberty, its democratic ideals. 35. (13 Subject to this section, land shall be Constitution can be valid. t deny this would
me $2.00, (her little mite.) as her contribution � assessed at its actual value. R.S.O. 1950, c. 24, be to affirm that the deputy is greater than
to the furtherance of "fair play to the tax c Those Who today abuse power, are the first 33 (1)• his principal; that the servant u above his
payer." May God bless her. ones to scream to high heaven .when little master: that the representatives of the people'
• David comes out of their own sacred volition ( _Subject to subsection 9, in ascertaining are superior to the people thtmselvea•`thst men
I hope I may be forgiven.if I may soundt as a mission to face the Colossus. the actual value of land without buildings acting by virtue of powers may do not only
messianic but I wish my readers to know that - thereon, consideration shall be given to the what their.powers do not authorize, but what
I am not seeking to teach but merely to reveal Unless we live in the utter decadence of a' present use, location. rental value, sale value .they forbid.
that which should be taught, namely that in. a moronic sordid mentality, society has no choice and a other eircumstanem ateeting the It is not otherwise to be supposed that the
community of law-abiding citizens, we all have but to take action on the perpetrators of these value. R.S.O. 1950, c. 24, s. 33 (2), 1955, Constitution could intend to enable the repre-
a duty to perform in the maintenance of those abuses, not because of any regard for the vic- c. 4, s. (1). . sentative- of the people to substitute their will
ideals we are taught in our schools, colleges, Lien hi If but because of the-need to protect to thrt of their constituents. It is far more re.-
universities and churches as the rudiments asbd all the members of our society from similar The above two paragraphs of the tinn::l to suppose that the courts were designed
foundations under which our democracy stands. abuses on them. Act became effective, one.in 1960 and to be an intermediate body between the people
imielate. - the other in 1955 and show with aca- and the legislature, in order, among other
In.our democratic eociety — which heaven deride simplicity and legal dignity the things, to keep the.latter within the,limits as-
Goverru ental character and integrity are the -knows has plenty of weak spots•--, our institu- rhetoric of competent enactments. s�gci ed to their authority.
keystones which support the arch of those pre- tions are more vulnerable .to governmental Then comes the revolution in the com- If the above were not true, to quote De
eepts and. ideals under which we must pass. skullduggery, while if nothing is said, this _ pleie opposite and Fidel Castro takes idontesquieu: "The Judiciary is next to noth-
When any group of individuals or professionals skullduggery becomes the germ that engenders over with his hill-billies in the Sierra ma,„
resent the vehement remarks of a victimized the crime as the disease that corrupts our-so- 11Maestm in Cuba and forces on the This Independence of the judges is equally
element because that element has been wronged ciety and opens the road to Communism. _ farmers agrarian reforms "interven- requisite to guard the Constitution and the
by their abuse of power and judicial errors, fins" the farms and affecting the tax- rights of individuals from the effects of those
then it cannot be denied that rather than ex- The bystander willy-Hilly citizen who does ;payees in order to emasculate them Bl humours, which the arts of designing men,
altiag themselves, they merely take umbrage ' nothing about.it is, in effect, acquiescing with from any right to defend themselves, or the influence of particular conjunctures,
under excuses and pretexts to shield their his inaction to •the encouragement of further while at about that time began the sometimes disseminate among the people them
motives or errors. crimes and as sure as a pup has fleas will be- ,:Goslin Dynasty at Pickering, Ontario. selves and which, though they speedily, ve
come himself enmeshed in the web of his own ggii
It is a disgraceful situation to have a citizen' ++ lace to better information, std more can
.etupfd complaisance and no one will hear him.. - Now let us read the bo*ibast of the new rate reflection, have a tendency, in.the mean
•scandalize those in authority for impinging on If this is any contribution,encouragement Qr Amendment as of 1960-61 lime, to occasion dangerous innovations in the
Dur liberties, it is far more,disgraceful to have hope, I have in some small measure contributed and serious oppressions of the
them supply the citizen with a justification for my "widow's mite" to the course of civil duty. !3)• For the purposes of subsections 2 and government,nor party in the community.
such exposures
4, in ascertaining the sale value-of farm lands
1 propose to place a full-page advertisement used only for.farm purposes by the ,owner PICKERINCs TOWNSHIP
As Lord Erskine would put it "If Govern of messages and letters sent to me and which thereof whose principal, occupation -is farming 1lLNICIPAL" ELECTIONS
mart finds itself annoyed by the freedom of I hope will convey a message, speaking far' or used only for farm purposes, including the
speech, let it examine its own conduct and it louder than all the Assessment Acts and their residence.of the owner or truant and of his :Today, 9th•December is election day; I went
will find the cause; let it amend it and it will :champions can voice. employees and their families on the farmlands,
find the remedy, and not be like the story of . consideration shall be Rive to the sale value to vote, having been a taxpayer for the 'last
Jupiter in remedy,Lucian's a pleasant atoll: Wait till come elections! Then let us sav to -twenty-five years; only to find that,I could not
of such lands and buildings for farming pur-
our parliamentarians seeking re-election: this vote because my name had been taken off the
"�upiter and 'a farmer were walking to- is what you did; What did ou do to correct poses only and no consideration shall be given list by the Comrissioner. I was also informed
gather discussing with•great freedom subjects. the misery you have created In the face of it to the sale value of lands and buildings in the }hat sithough my farm together with all my
all, what human right have you to think you vicinity to which this subsection does not ap- neighbours' are supposed to be listed in the
of heaven and earth. The farmer just listened g?�� p)y.-1960-61 c. 4 s. 4 (1). g
while Jupiter tried to convince him, but the should be re-elected "Claremont polling booth, that I had to go to
farmer doubted Jupiter who turned around and - —- -- It would be an inEeresting revelation to in- - the"Emperor's Castle at Brougham"where the
threatened the farmer with thunder. "Ah, Ah!r' quire if the Assessment g rev issioner had •.Commissioner directs the real empire of hi.
said the farmer, "now Jupiter, I know you are any influential part in the making or wording subjects but only to fail again with the infui
wrong; you are always wrong, when you have ,AS TO OUR JUDICIARY, Yof this appendage. The language reflects his oration that I was not eligible to vote, where
to resort to the force of your thunder." And idenlozv of values and o ens the road to poli_ pave I learned from another indignant tax
continued Lord Erskine: "I can reason with the p payee`who has owned a farm in another com
The emblem of human rights is embodied in tical licence such as realistic value placing munit for some forty years, so his name was
people of England, but I cannot fight against y
thunder in authority." the sole person of Dame Justice. She is blind ;;practically a carte blanche force into wrong taken off the list too, which dust about comes-.
but carries in her right hand a rapier-like hands. Whoever was responsible must have ponds with a new interpretation of the Assess-
In swell-organized Society of valiant and sword with which to defend herself and her. .had a very cogent reason for completely up- mart Oct that "no consideration. shall be
virile citizens, the interests of one affects the ':children at all coats. The Justices of our Ghosts setting the act as per 1950.1955. given" . . to the sucker taxpayer.
others, as if we were members of a large are.her worthy guardians, sworn to defend her He just pays his taxes, has no say in how
family. ;also at all costs. Who can deny, when reading an enactment his money rs spent nor can he vote to a point
that is telling you plain and plunk, or in effect pp J
This happens not only in our homes but in Sometimes circumstances and conditions =that "no co'ti'aideration shall be given" to 'anyone to CKERY? IS THIS .DEdfOG'R+AC�
the community, in our towns, in our country. make.it possible•for stealthy -elements to am an well-est blished taxpayer! g OR DE,120CKERY. .
g Who can deny
During the lifetime of many of my readers, we bush both Dame for and her guardians and that this stupid appendage has a deep color, n we criticize the Communists for liqui-
have emerged from two._international rata- only when it is too late do' her guardians climate or appearance of arbitrary arrogance, dating their opponents or the Central Africans
clyama which have been the biggest proof in realize it. abusive in principle, parasitic do Practice, vi- for -hunting, when we are in effect, doing
history that even nations must hold the views grave is the Judiciary who when finding this cious in effect and constitutionally immoral and the same thing m Pickering Township to the
that the individual's interest is the common motherly emblem has been deceived an de-
0 of:
good of each individual nation, luded and find' himself impotent to overcome 0 Cans►dal
m$ 'Were the Act made to apply as of the day ;.True patriot love
The nation or the individual who acquiesces, the cunning device of parliamentary Acts lifts of its enactment thenceforth or after a future In all thy soha commandl
with doefbe submission to crimes inflicted by her vandage that she might see who is.who and date to give the various owners a chance to I wonder how many Wore votes have been
those in power on our fellowmen, some day choose amongst her children a more effective sacrifice their property and get out of the li uidated with the circling Junto" of the
may become the victims of 'their own indol-, body to defend her at all costs. Township of Pickering in a hurry there would q
*no*, cowardice or stupidity. Township ld on who with a vote-elimination Fidel
Blessed be' the Judge who sacrifices any be a semblance or appearance o Justice and lateen could control wy election a la Fidel
d fair is For the Township to enco4raSe!aim- astro'or Lrtislichev, Tito laMaaoo Tae Tung, etc
Is. time, they suffer by inaction which cor- judicial affiliation to parliamentary appen - p Y to come to Pickering.
acrd dice their sense'-of duty.to ages when these are incompatible with the era, residents, industries, , , , eliminating all opposi�tonlil
rap" even offering them free meals a la Fidel Castro
tlieihislves as well as to their fellowmen and basic safety of the great Dame in his charge, and then trap them with this booby trap "is.- ROBERT G. ROY, s
become impotent to support the ideals of na- end does so at all ewts! is Claremont,
become and are victims to such intoxicating tervention" is in itself a most reprehensible Ontario
nectar as Communism and other forme of die-
often amendments are changed more violation of trust. That alone calls for ques-
tatosshiP often than our socks, and countries have lived tionfti� not only the Commissioner but the Excloeive 1st Pickering News—Neu week,
without Parliament but they never existed for Council who appointed him, as well as the read open letee 'to 13dltbt'of the �ouffvilk
The most worthwhile citizen in any com-
-long without Justice. Council who maintains him, because in the Tri mma
w. r
+ MQge Eight _ . _. T H E' .P I C K E R IN G NEWS _ Thursday, Deceinber 211, 196f
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