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_,SU poisl V911� a a Ch a-n a ho r��e-e: .a s ; March 9 9 • e -rin Subscription i Ratest VJ0 Per Year United States: 03.00 W. C. MURKAR AND SO : VOL 73 NO. 24 PICKER.ING. ONTARIO •-FRIDAY; 14ARCH 3, 1461 Published Since November 1401 w-* poste Office Dept_Otto wa_ - e i i ons • or ining oungeG icens Mike Pi Recreation Or :. Petition For Dining Lounge license M ke Starr Receives pe Hoodlums? — Laycox Vote In Pickering Village .B! irk 7 n. , . .. M U; Mr. Clifford Layco:5, a member of A petition is being circulated in . the Pickering Township Recreation Pickering Village to have a vote on DICKERING ViLLAGE w Committee and a councillor in Ward he question of dining lounge license. y Twenty-five rcent of the voters, x< S, charged, at a special meeting on Y" Mr. Gard. Winter, Lincoln St. re-,J Mfr tt': x` Wednesday night, that without an appearing on the last revised voters' ports crocus in.bloom, February 24,1 y ,� ale organized recreational program with- list must sign the petition to have at his home. y in the municipality, man vote called according to the Act. Co �., y youn ngratulations to 11r. and 4Ir Jam ' people would develop into street-cor- The question on the petition reads: Everett Bryant, who last week-en 4; P P Y I . ,,� Are you in favorer of the sale of q r' s . nee hoodlums. Y, celebrated their 48th wedding annivfi} In drawing up a proposed budget liquor under a dining lounge license ersary with their family, at thei;t of $6,500, Mi. Laycox noted that this for consumption with meals on li- home here. Ev. informs the ewe ham; : F figure was considerably less than tensed premises? expects to be around -for another The petition is bein circulated by amounts raised in many areas. "It's g couple of years to make it the* Mr. George MacCalman, owner'of the °� s s time the people in the township, in- 50th anniversary'. i s rdon Hotel in Pickerin Go g• r 1 K. 5. Raven Kin stop. former • � �� N�" eluding t Council, a awaken to B f: � �' ;� c ding he Cou a eel the importance of recreation,"he said. of Pickering was recently electedi., <' President of the Ontario Associati . r;. I feel very keenly about this g4f-( yi Mr. Laycox said that in his travels Set $6/500 Budget of Real Estate Boards. i throughout the municipality on var- • Much sympathy goes out to Mr.i ions recreational. duties, he had west- For Recreation H. R. Mooney, who is still serious ched many boys engaged in sports ill in Ajax Hospital, and to Mr—A Y activities who would undoubtedly be Pickering Township Council will be 14foaney, who is confined to has bCdEj in trouble. if such programs were not asked to approve a recreation budget at home, available. He suggested that in the of $6,506 for 1961. This figure was SeveraL-of our villagers were prep* West Rouge alone, close to 150 young, reached at a special committee meet- sent ..hen Pauline Johnson recited( vX' people had benefited from the Pic- ting on Wednesday night. Out of this her poetry here in Pickering, Marcl%{ leering projects. He pointed out that amount, more than $2,000 would be 10 lsome years ago), the 1410th an-, over the entire municipality,this nom- expended in grants, some of which niversary .rf her birth. A l'anadiagt bar would approach 1,000, had been previously absorbed by the Postage Stamp will be issued Finance Committee of Council. An commemorate the occasion. It will: additional $2,000 would be spent on be the first Canadian Stamp to hoer l Red Cross To Tour the promotion of hockey and softball. or a Canadian Indian, a Canadiar;t; • Outdoor. equipment would consume Won.-in, or .a Canadian Writer. , • Across Townsh�P - $700• The Don Cossack Concert o1i Mr. Clifford Laycox suggested that trril ing songs aid spectacu!ar dan-f Pickering Township and Village more money should be set aside for ces, was hefd• in the Henry Street Y Wm G. Newman presents e. to Hcn. M.chael Starr bra o the Red Cross will t the High School last Friday night. pip get year-end softball banquet in an Y t3 t. $t -• their anon campaign under way effort to round out the season in a; rt°ng the large, enthusiastic auQ+t ^?• Over :UO members of the Progre_-- "41 a have to compete and mana¢e-i this weeken with a motorcade fitting manner. A figure of $100 was` ince those from here were notedly live Conservative Association of Pic ment and labour must fief together to through the la Mr. and Stn. Jerry Hawk, Mrs. A:1 keno paid tribute to the Hon. 3Iike manufacture p-oducts•that will be I ge and township: stab(ished for this purpose. g ( !•hey will come through Pickering The proposed budget of $6,:000 was i W• Mitchell, Mrs: C. S. .Btyant, DSr.{ S-arr, Minister of Labour at a testi- cQmpet•itive in quality and price', he village about'2 , and Mrs. Reg. Parker, Mrs, Koeh.l + p.m. on Saturday.and cut down from the $}0,000 fi:ire that 1; J� :monial dinner here or Saturday night. sni,d. 1 will gn on to Brougham, Claremont had been previousl�• suggested. The Mr. and Mrs. Henry-_ Westnty, Mr j Despite the fact, bad westhe: for- Aftei, thank n;; \1e-: Star•:• for his Dumbarton and West Rouge. Be sure 1960 budget was $5,3041: and Mrs. Harry Newer, "ced plane cancellations, Mi. Starr addee=s, 51:. Wen, G. Ni-wman rtn be- to watch for them. _ Mrs. Don Cowan, � hired a car and drove from Ottawa- half o`--the association, presented-him Pickering Rod and Gun Club held, ••. to -arrive on time with Mrs. Starr. with a clay pipe that came from the their regular meeting at Mr.. Mill Mr. Ros, Deakin, president of tiro 1060-year• old Indian village sate near • • ti ewman's Farm, Fairport Road,, S..( association acted as chairman. Pickering. Ontario County Health Unit ..last.Thursday night, Plans are mrde�l Mr. Neil Fraser, in his introd.uMi-r. Othe noteables who v ere prcqent way for a smelt-fishing competition-t ' said that "wee have watched alike and paid tribute to Mr. Starr were: PreSentS Annual Report The cast of "Surnla� Costs Vivo? work his way up to a member of-the Arthur Maloney, 5I.P. foi Ptirkdale, Pesos" directed b Mr. Le uesne,isl !J Crt+wn. He is considered ore of the Russell 31cEwen, 11.P. for Pictou,) busy practising at the High Schools : ablest men in the cabinet.. We are N.S. and Murray' Smith, M.P. for Gfntlemen: losis association. This org:+nization �e days..We understand it is tol proud of him and honoured to have Winning north. It is my pleasure to snbpnit to you continues its support of our four rag- be presented at the High School ott J -.him 'represent us in the cabinet.' • Chairman Ross Deakim thanked the the Annual Report of the Ontario ular chest x-ray clinics at which 511 March I0. Pickering was the winnsr Mr. Starr said he was pleased to ladies of St. eGotge': Anglican I County Health Unit for the year persons received free x-rays last of the Sim,:son Dramatic Festival l see so many friends present and noted church, who catered for the dinner in endifig December 31st, 1960, year. last year, and the High School, the ann::al visit of Mayor.Wm. Parish tile- parish hall and introduced. the To present in full written detail all Tuberculosis has shown a dramatic Dramatic Class has had `some oA-1 and his students to Ottawa. head table guests. +of our activities in one report would decline in its death rate over,the standing productions under the die*4 "We are-faced with problem% one At the head table, ''left to right achieve length but not claiity. This past few years. However, it is still ection of Mr. Chas. Jblliffe and li l of the most important being tanet�t- were: 'Mi. Norman Loan, b1 r•, 'and report will, again, be supplemented a ca`l:se of much illness, and eight Le(�nesne. •ployment, We do. not want to shirk Mfrs: Neil Fraser, 31r. and Mrs. 1Cat, by further reports from our Nursing new cases were reported in our area Pickering High School Choir-aill btu responsibilities but.tlse_prol,lrm G. Newman, Hon Michael and Mrs., Supervisor and Chief Sanitary In• last year; we cannot.afford to relax Ajax Band provided the music for( ' •'eatrrwt be solved by trovernment alone.' Starr, Mr. and Mrs: Ross Deakin, spector regarding their respective de- our efforts in its detection, control, the Youth Rally at Dumbarton Utt.) We treed the co-operation of every Reevf J. S. Scott rand Airs. Scott of partments. and we trust, eventual eradication. ' ite4 Church on Sunday night. Canadian;' be said Pickering .Tewnsliip, Mayor Wru. Duri+rg 1560,, certain projects were 1960 saw the. completion of our The Cubs.and Scouts held their] Mr. Starr said many areasures h ve Parish and Mrs. Parish of Ajax"and brought to a satisfactory, conclusion poliomyeltis vaccine programme for annual Father-Son Banquet at the• beet introduced to help rel:eve th Raeve C. E. and Mrs. Morley of :nd continued progress made in areas. adults. In all nearly 8,000 injections C. -E. Centre on Monday night, ( - problem and there will be mvre. ckerirtfl Village. of all established activity; 'at were administered from play, 1959 air. Edgar James and son Ross+ the same time, new responsibilities to May 1960 at various centres attended the annual meetinfi'of the' have been aec@pted to widen the scope throughout our area, where doctors, Federation of Naturalists. at Port • '+• • of the work of the.Health Unit. nurses and volunteer citizens gave Hone on far rdav: b Highway Deaths sires Township Our first programme of tubrculin their services freely in collaboration Suburban Pickering.Dwellers who •testing, carried out in the- high with our staff, In addition, an un- en" arc loo i on water "from Hrav- • en are looking much happier. The Blackest Year Chief R� T. Parker _ schools, was completed last year. A known number of injections were giv-total of 1,718 students were tested, en, .free of charge,in doctors' offices. cows are even smiling now that thS of whom 3.4% reacted positively and From small surveys carried out-at wells. are filling up. Pickering Township Police Chief, persons and, it is not uncommon to were subsequently x-ra eel. Family one industrial plant and through the Mrs. Roy Bie. Mr. and Nlr:. Willi_ R. T. Parker, stated in his annual find youths of 14 and 1-0 involved in Contact.,; of he positive reactors were parents-' of children attending our Bic and children, all of Foreatv'1`- report last week to the police com- and car thefts. also x-rayed or tuberculin tested, i clinics, it seems that the majority of N, Y., paid a twenty-four-hoar visit mission that 1960 was the township's Today there are 13 uniformed men No active cases of Tuberculosis the younger adults are now adequate- to \Irs. N..Bie and 1iis. C. J'. Bares blackest year for traffic'Aeaths, Iles- on the,force, 3 civilians, the staff con- were found in this survey, either ly protected, compared with about kev, lair week pite the. fact there were more police- sists of a Chief Constable, 3 patrol among the students or their families. one third prior to the programme 1.r,. James tV. Cornell, \l'ea�e, wren on patrol than ever before in sergeants, 9 constables,- 1 secretary However, a record of the individual and an estimate of 45% for the whole died in-in of San Norman Bier' the township's history. • and '2 dispatchers. There are 3 crui- reactions leads to both the subse- of Canada. died ri Sunday and was buried 'ire He also said that despite the fact secs which travelled 158,982, miles quent follow-up supervision of posi- However, many, are not protected the Friends' Cemetery here, Tues- traffic authorities .say that as• the during 1960. , tive reactors and the avoidance of and our lack of paralytic poliomye- day afternoon; size of the fot•ce rows the number In 1960 170 males and 6 females :Xlr= Myrtle Crowther entertained - -size unnecPSSary x-rays for those who re- litis cases during the past three years her sister.. and brother-in-law '_1fr.i of accidents go down, was not the were arrested and 14 persons for main negative reactors. In addition, can be put down to good luck as , t case here. •There were increases in other departments. $17,188.82 was col- the-knowledge gained of the infection much as prevention. All adults who and \I r:, F. :',rnold. Sarnia, n�cr the 'almost evel•y form of traffic violation. lected in fines, $7,985.18 being the rates, of the group as a' whole, and have not done so would be wise to week-end. Several of the police officers took township's share. of the comparative rates between the secure the necessary protection and i and 5(rc, J. Coburn, T "N"-'. , courses during the•past year. Sgte. R. Here are some of the major occur- rural and urban, the Canadian born to ensure that their children are vac-. Visited hies. Crowther on Sun"N"-'. "ley took a 7 week course in identi- •rences reported and investigated dur- and the foreign born, dontributes to cinated as early in life as possible. Glad to report lies, John Pcaties fication, fingerprints and photography ing the year 19110. Common assault 1, a wider understanding of the disease Our regular immunization pro- Aiax again, after a :short stay tnc 'and criminal investigation. Sgte. John indecent 'assault '2, indecent expo- and the value of the tuberculin test gramme includes protection against Ajax Hospital Pugh too took a course on detective sure 8, suicide 1, drowning 1, auto in case-finding; the value of such poliomyelitis, combined with Di th- Congratulations r. Rol to our popnia- g K' � � P druggist if r, Rol) (:event, b•h�� ce1— `• training, Sgte. P. Hollywood took a fatalities. 6, auto accidents 212; rape findings is not confined to our own t�heria, T e t a n u s (lockjaw) and ebrated his birthday this course for Sergeants and a course on 1, intoxicated in charge .cif auto 25, County. Finally, such a programme Whooping Cough. This, together with Sorry -to report -Mrs. T'':e"Hlore radar speed timing equipment..Chief false pretenses •, causing disturbance has, I feel, a definite educational smallpox vaccination, is carried out, .Tetuan under the doctor's care. Parker took 'a course for Chief Con- 1,.abduction 1, auto thefts 7, house- value for students, parents and staff. for'infants and preschool children, at Mr. and Mrs. Robert Annan an4" stables and most of the force have breaking 3:i, sh , breaking 'L8, bike The method used w•as the compara- twelve monthly clinics where a'total Larry motored to 1�kpia Falls oril been attending lectures given by mem- thefts 7, other t efts 97,. receiving tively new Heaf test, which is cbming of- 2,211 injections were given in Sunday. t1 bers of the Attorney,General's Crime stolen goods 8,cor'tributing to juvenile into increasing use on account of its 1960. This is supplemented by peri- Elwood and, 1Nfrs, White• haveO _Lab. . delinquency 8, carnal knowledge of simplicity, and painlessness. Its odic booster doses as necessary in moved from CooksAlle to Kitrht•ner,- P. C. B. Box has done a great deal minor female 2, inquests held 5, rlum- painlessness is attested by a poll car- the schools. Flwood having been transferredf! of work on safety promotion through ber persons injured in auto accidents ried out in one of the schools, where. ' While poliomyelitis has received from the Dixie Plaza. Their littlell the schools, with about 2600 at 65, ebarges laid under liquor control 60�/ of the students claimed they the publicity, it must be stressed that son David, spent a few days less#( hearing. his. lectures. act 14.2. had not felt the test at all. the other immunizing agents men- week with his grandparents in Ajail Chief Parker reports that while There were over 1500 charge's laid., This programme is being repeated tioned have been even men effective Miss Dorothy Matheson and �( criminal activity in the township is by the department during the year.• in the high schools and extended to in controlling or modifying' the dig- friend from Toronto, visited almost non-existent, 'they find there Chief Parker in his report said he the elementary schools' this year by ease, and that is is equally Important former's brother, ]ton, In, Pk h k X 9 is an ever increasing' Number of felt the area was fortunate to have the Ontario Department of Health that all children should be protected last we ac-ell - I ! thefts and entries of a less serious such a competant st90 which he feels and the County T.B. Association. by them as early in life as possible. nature. The reports says these crimes is well qualified t ope with any pro- Special mention should be added Support Cltattgeltoug Canoes -are generally committed by younger biem that may arise. here of. the' Or*arid County Tuber cu- Continued On Page 1 - `c4'•�s. '�" '+i= •.i .�• ♦wTi OWN IN& W � ZI" � WthW 3W.K�isr r .i � i' '' ed hClsamoiEntwa reevbs p t.wree s: $ own •••,:�7` Owl presented Goldin Bars' I comedian Billy Ideek, who was and Roes Hawthorne tine on Metro Planning Board to her following 6 Brownies! Janice Illel l Attended .�mpaniea by former Pickering I Introductions were made by the �ed council for the dinner` on Brown, Ardell Dobbin, Darlene Har- resident Came Warren: following councillors — Plarining1 be#ai� cf all cne guescs. ris, Lorraine VanBlacl and Christine -- Scott in his rema ks said that�beard by Ross Deakin, Court of Re- Cragg, of the 2nd Dfi Barton Brown- Mi. Re- -The township's civic dinner, held be a big yar in many' vision by Milton Mowbray, IIigh ies. One Gol Hand'was presented last Friday evening at 2frougnan. School Board by Hairy L' a to Pats Iran one of the best attended and most ways and that because it is the 150ts, :. i y Cla , also'her 3 year Star. enjoyable et hel anniversary of the township it is f Committee by Harvey Spang, Recrea-I �D 'N ACTION A 3 year St also went to Dienne )oS y d' I hoped there will be special events, tion Committee by Cliffurd i.aycox',; Lees and Rita Wolstenroff 1 year Reeve Sherman Scott, acted as host marking the occasion:.He mentioned I Poundkeeper, Fenceviewers and Live- ..Iort 3rov.,nie Pack held a , Star. for the evening and called on the the o enin of the water and sewn stock Valuator by Hanrey opano, Golder Bar•cereniorr- and candy sale') members of the various boards and, plants, the' new high school and the Police and Fire Chiefs, Re au Supt. on ueS. e . 21. a girls under PA AND SERV conservation area in the north end. and Works Dept. by Harry Boyes and the direction of Mrs. Jean Osgood, committees serving the' township. Ex-reeves who were present, in- office staff by Clifford L:yc-)x. 'she Brown Owl• and Mrs. Haley, Tawny Washing Machines - 820 And Up y At the head table were the coup- AJAX BARGAIN CENTRE eluded, Ralph Mowbray, Blake Annis, press was introduced by I�e:eve Sher- Owl, Commissioner Mrs. Blerritt pre- J cillors and their wives and the clerk I Phone: WH2-6410 ' George Todd, Wm. Westney, Wm. man Scott. iii LJ to 8 Brownies.l `. L. T.,mid Mrs. Johnston. Lawson, Wm. fiewman and Win. and Councillor Ross Desitin fhanlced 1 r."r o the mothers and. friends Open Every Night,Till 9.00 O'clock During the evening the gathering 'attended. O►P+EN EVERY EVENING TILL 7:00 P.M. R O U G E H ILL .EXCRPT THURSe & FRI, TILL. 9:00 p.M� `. ON NOe 2 HIGHWAY PRICES EFFECTIVE THURS., FRI., SAT. MARCH 2nd - 3rd - 4th JUST EAST OF ROUGE BRIDGR r- CANADA PACKERS CLOVER CREAM (All Flavours) K Ll ICE CIREAM pint Carton C.3 eas an c per pnt •. � ��,,....• 12 0:. round tins - � .00 -(L than 1 A i ) i Special Offer of 4e Oft (SAVE 41 c) (Spacial offer of i0c off) SWIFT'S IRISH — SHORTENING - T large' 24 oz. tin lb .39- ` KO. 1 FIRM SELECTED GOLDEN RIPE � WA-44-FE Bo AND — ` RASPBERRY _ ... BANANAS ib t_a 4 z. rs f c`69 - o REGULAR ,.r. �. . y.I-T�. F f e 2 O '3 __.. r — r" pre �2 :4A;Z^ SUS=,►? c�.aacE Full 1 lb. bag mi _ a er y - (SAVE 19c) _ - - - (Save 14c) _ MASTER (DOG FOOD) 15 oz. taws — MAPLE LEAF Large 26 ex. tie HORSE ;MEAT fcx _GRAVY ,r► 59C MINCEMEAT .(Sage 1 Sc) i MINCEMEAT MAPLE LEAF .Special offer of 6c off Plus 4e off - (SAVE 4 CENT S) ' ere — (Speeiai offer of 50c off) Dr. BAI.!-ARD'S BURGERBITS - i 25 Ib. bag .49 FoOD Le i es. _ MOUNTAIN VIEW BRAND _. SWIFT'S SILVERLEAF . MILD CHEESE - - - 6. c - Ib. c Pu-r-e�- La rd (Various Weights) 4 cRESH PORK (Picnic) A OR SNORT .,RIB Ib. C . f b R OAST IBLADE BONE REMOVED) r. oast _ f FRESH FRESH LEAN PORK . C once tea ."69 Ib.- _ FRESH LEAN..R y Ibs. C FRESH MEATY Minced Beef . . Spue 1 S : (side) Ib. C BONELESS ROLLED PLATE BRISKET — POT ROAST C �e. BONELESS ROLLED flat FIVE RIBS) C - Prime Rib' Roast '79MAPLE LEAF SMOKED PICNIC sAc BACON o� u er .. -rb. c . FRESH SLICED TENDER . 4Td�lDlNO 66 nod Yth RIBS) t� Liver, C Rtl1 i ie ROAST :�e. c Pork . . w - -00-0-- am Z i*STROUD S FOOD MARKET 43 0 5 . Mr. and Mrs. E. Butler and family They were former residents and very I�ublie Speaking Winners of Dnnbarton Shores visited her well known here. Congratulations. brother Mr. L. Leeds in Buffalo on For many years Mrs: Birkett was Sunday. Claremont correspondent for the Among those attending the Pro- News. gressive Conservative Association The township Red Cross will be dinner in Pickering were Mr. and conducting their yearly campaign Mrs. R. Hawthorne, Mr, and Mrs. during the month of March. A motor- E. R: Blenkarn, Mr. and Mrs. W. cavalcade is planned through the jNewman, Mr. and Mrs. H. Newman, township and will go through Clare- Mrs. mont on March 4 about 3 p.m. MIM Due to Saturday night's storm a Mrs. Jack Mansell's sister, iss great many fishing huts were de- Beth Bulmer from Germany arrived stroyed. The•Bay now has dangerous last Friday for a visit. `rr stretches of open water and children Several .students from here attend- are advised to stay clear of the'area. ed the basketball game and donee M Young James Dunne is home from at Pickering high school last Friday. hospital and making a rapid recov- Sympathy is extended to the family t cry after his accident. of Mrs. Albert Draper, formerly Mrs. Peter Blenkarn is in Sick Chit- Mary Adkin who passed away Feb. visa's Hospital 'for treatment of an 21 at Whitby. She leaves her hus- ' Y I allergy. We hope he will be -home band Albert and two sons, Frederick r as rF t . ¢ 1 soon. and Grenville. Interment w•as in 31r. and Mrs. M. Parkinson and Claremont Union Cemetery. family attended the Annual Fellow- Dr. W. W. Tomlinson and family ship. Supper at Danforth Gospel Hall of Pickering spent Sunday with Dr. on Saturday, February 25th. and Mrs. N. F. Tomlinson here. • •. � x : < � s ),� � � The Ladies Association will meet The Guides and Brownies Mothers ' at the Community . Hall, Tuesday, L.A. held their monthly meeting at Diarch,7th at 2:00 p.m. the home of Mrs. Norma Benson. Mrs. H. Conley is home from hos- It was decided to adopt two ladies i,. pital and convalescing very well. from Fain sew Lodge to send mss- - 6 � ' Hi-Teens of Dunfair Baptist Church sages and presents to. In the absence will meet at the Church at 7:15 p.nL of Tawny Owl, Gloria Hanthorn, Saturday, March 4th, for their trip Mrs. Elaine Carruthers has offered to Mutual Roller-Skating Arena. her services. Cookie Day will be held CHURCH NEWS May 6 and the Mother and Daughter The . Monthly Ladies Fellowship banquet on June 1. Meeting will be held-Thursday, March Members of the Ladies Auxiliary 9th, at the Church at 4:00 p.m. to the Legion met on Thursday night. - Sunday morning 9:46---�Adylt Bible Mr. and -Mrs. Ed. Thompson and -•HIV nnert in the PnbIk SpOSMU t toss Branch Can. LeOon, who spot'- Crowe, tirade' 7-8, Glangrove: 'Mar. Class Bruce of Scarboro .visited Mr. and Contest hold at Pickedns last'Fri- cored the Contest. L. to R. - AL lene lklitcbell, Grade 1-6, Dunbateon; Morning Service at 11:00—Pastor J. scarfs on Saturday. 04W..Ar'e. shoes David Holmes will":be speaking on '-Mr. and 'Mrs. G. McEachrin of i dh hose with. scull, Grads 11-13, P. . H• The Temple of 'God 'and he will ill ales Toronto vibe recent visitors of Mr. Brlsgess (sane Comdr.); Jim Ort:ye, Bill Y sops of the officers of the Dhrabary Grade �a0, F. D. H. S., Lon Acme 8:, and Ed. Hasmah, (cha>Vcmaa). I bringing the message in'the even' sad il(rs. Ross Middleton. ing at 7:00 at Dunfair Baptist Friends held a stag party for Steve Health Unit - Continued age groups or the chronically ill. Nor by Are-a vast Friday night. The lo- Church. -Wideman at the home of Mr. Austin ' is it intended as a substitute for hos- cation was :}-caged from Heron Palk Friday evening when he received a xmmuniaation in infancy produces pitals pressed to capacity, it 3 hight because of the inclement weather. sum -d money. He is to be married little,or no.upset; if delayed, the re- yet in some degree serve t* free They later returned .to the church to Miss Donna Redshaw on March 4. tenon is often more severe. hospital beds for those,whos* need for' some delicious refreshments. Bill Keevil won first prize, in the Miss Donna Redshaw was the Tetanus immunization, in.particu- is greatest. More important, it may Deepest s;.-n;mt0•hy of friends and sr. group public speaking contest at guest of honour at a shower given lar, is worth carrying on into adult serve as a lead to a greater liaison neighbours is extended to Mr. W. Pickering last Friday night, spon- by her fellow office workers on Feb. life—not only as prevention against and integration between the hospi- McLean and family on the passing cored by the Dunbarton Legion. Dill 23• tetanus, 'but also to limit the possi- tals, the physicians, and the comma- of his mother, Mrs. Evelyn McLean will now enter the zone finals at Many from here went to Toronto bility of needing serum to which the nity health services. in her 65th year at Coral Gables,' Bowmanville. Also competing from last week to pay their'respects to The budget, to which all of our Florida. Mr. McLean and his brother� his district %%w Bill Orme. the late Mrs. Stubbs, mother of Mrs. .- individual may be allergic. One case g t are related, f o r this year Mr. T. McLean.of Islington are -in Congratulations to Mr. Tom Daiv= William Welsh. of tetanus was treated in hospital services amounts to $110,320.00. Of this sum, 'this year, and, fortunately, recov- Florida to attend the funeral. son who celebrated his 75th birthday _ eyed: This is the first case reported 205 is from Federal Sources, 40% Now that the extremely cold flea- Feb. 22. Tom is at work every day at i since die Health Unit started. Provincial and 40% Municipal. In ad- Lher is over attendance at the week-. the Sarco plant: Sit. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Aition a small sum is available from ly bingo is increasing. The bingo is 11an basements were flooded with ad During the past few years we have � y ` experienced an outbreak.of rabies in fees-for septic tank inspections. The held every Monday evening at, the(the rains of last Thursday and Sat- ".Holy Communion was observed at wild, farm and household animals. per. capita rate ,is. Sic' per annum, Hall at 8:00..p.m. There are 350.00 urday. the morning service. The service Comparative figures for last year, with an additional charge of 8c far and $100.00 jack-pot, as well as Mrs. Judd Ward had a fall last w•as conducted.by Rev. E; H. Hun- owever, show a marked decline in 'bedside nursing. services where op- really good prizes for the winners. w-eek injuring her leg. She is recuper- ter, of Milville Presbyterian Church the incidence of the disease in this eratire. _ All proceeds go toward t h e com-1 atin at• the home of ,Mrs. Gordon with whom.our'ministe,r had exehan- - capita over last year and a 2c. per munrt activities such as maintenance Ratcliffe, Stouffville. ged pulpits. The full choir entered t:otmty. This re resents a rise of 2c. r y � do major outbreak of communi- cable P Y of the Hall and the Young People; blr. and Mrs. Bill .Welsh had to the processional "Tlhe Lord is cable disease took •place during the 3c since 1957. Comparative statistics such as Guides and Brownies and I their daughter Pat and husband, of my Shepherd". Air. Hunter gave a year. One death from meningococcal with other Health Units show that Scouts and Cubs. With 'increasing i Toronto call on Sunday. splendid sermon on the meaning of - meningitis occurred in a •household (tur expenditures in the past have attendance it is'hoped to bring 'in j Don and Ronnie Hedges, Ted and the Communion Service, and told.of of sever children. The remainder of been lower than average for the even better attractions, so come and Wayne Redshaw attended -the junior the words of Christ that we were to the family were given sulfonamides population we serve; few organixa- join your neighbours for an evening hockey game at the Gardens, Sunday remember "His'broken body and by the Health Unit as a preventive Lions, I am sure, have expanded their of fun and relaxation at the Bingo afternoon. His blood that was shed for as". angasure; happily no further cases services as we have; at such a small Game. Sympathy of the community. is The choir under the direction of developed. cost to the community. Happy Birthday to Marilyn Bark- extended to the relatives of Mrs. Marion McClement, sang "Bv Christ W. E. MacBean, D., D.P.H. er who will be 7 passed away or. redeemed in Christ restored". There was a' marked decrease in M• years old March 5th. Satoh DeRush who the number of reported cases of en. Medical 0150er of Health Mrs. .E.. Chambers scobdipanied by Sunday at Whitby. Her husband Ar- In the everting, the Young Peo- Rerie disease. This includes: Pasty- and DireMoc; Mss. C. Fisher an Mrs, M. Dannahill thur died several years ago, ple's Society attended the "Youth phoid-5 cases with one death; Sal- Ontario County.Health Unit. were guests of icier grandchifilreu in A large number from here called for Christ" meeting in Stouffville. fnonejla infection"; Bacillary Dys- Toronto at supper on Kopday, Feb- on Mr, and Mrs. 'Wm. Birkett of The evening choral service pre3- ientery—li;. R'�' � inert' 27th. Thgy then *eat to a Stouffville on. Sunday, the occasion ented by the- choir will be •'held SO Infectious Hepatitis continues to miscellaneous bridal show6t' in hon- of their 50th, wedding anniversary. Palm Sunday, March 26. ' iappear in epidemic form.. Seventeen Mrs. P. Dunne of Lakeview Ave. our of another grandaughter Char- held a quiet family dinner on Satur- lene. The 53 guests a• ironderful - cease were notified'in 1960. � _ All these cases were investigated may. Feb 25th. in honour of her ass- time and. Charlene received many ip U B I C NOTICE by our stall, but no common factor ter.Miss Sadie Hayden. Miss Hayden many wondeYfur-gifts. The shower ` irelative to the cause was discovered announced• her engagement to Mr. was held at the home of her aunt Joseph Lucas of Toronto and it was Mrs. J. Halt of Amroth Ave. lather than fatuity and school con- " . : • ': - •• � ' _ also the occasion of her birthda y•. Mr. Pat Dunne returend from Ire- As the year 1961 is the 150th anniversary of the formation ' it would be unwise to draw con- " Forty-eight junior teams greatly land last.Sunday 4fter attending the of Municipal •Government of Pickering Township,. the Council enjoyed their skating party at Whit- funeral of his mother. have' called a =-iclusions from these figures as to the - , public meeting in the Council Chambers in meat incidence of the infections. For Brougham on Thursday, March 9th, at S p.m., of all persons who At.is certain-that .many cases occur, would be interested in marking the ogcasion by some form of nnrecogniied and unreported. 2UY DIRECT FROM FACTORS public acknowledgment. The prevalence of the latter, who ..!pass the infection, on to others in the : Du ririg th e year the follo wing works could be pu blh cly opened:t Dame, the school, .and elsewhere. by AND SAVE rThe Township Museum.direct contact, prevents the satisfac- tory control of the disease.. Their occurrence and their appar- :7Aluminum Windows & Doors 2.-The Waterworks Plant. eat increase is stressed, rather, to Grilles A Accessories 3. The Sewage Plant. illustrate t h e potential community health Hazard presented by our rum- Awnings & Ra111ngS d. The High School at Dunbarton. ber one sanitation problem—inade- Shower Doors quate sewage disposal. 5. The Claremont Conservation Park This problem has been brought to ,Aluminum Siding in many beautiful colours your attention on many occasions in 6. Bay Ridges School. the past. It is mentioned again here,I -Prodyets Guaranteed & Expertly Installed -not only rit because it presented account of luin vent j e All interested persons would be most welcom :dangers, b "'.a situation which, in spite of every WHOLESALE & RETAIL SALES effort of our Sanitation Department Visit' our factory showro0'm 6) an P J She'rm Scott a conjunction ' with municipal au- Reeve thorities and the Ontario Water Re- Township of Pickering ry sources Commission, has been st adi- 51,5 Brock St. N., Whitby or Phone Mohawk 8-5861 .1y worsening. Another major development in ::RAINBOW ALUMINUM MFG. CO. Public Health during 196,0 was the PUBLIC NOTICE inauguration, in June, of our Bedside Locally Owned & Operated by Lou Robinson �C�TICE IS HF,REL"F GIVEN by the Municipal Council of:the Township Nur=ing Service. of Pickering that they propose to pass a By-law on Monday, April 3, 1961 This comparatively new programme whereby the following described road allowance will be stopped up aria in :aF T'uhlic !Health field appears to closed as a public road: _ be making strides in the U.S.A. and NO PAYMENT UNTIL MAY 1ST Unused "TRESPASS POAU" in Lot 3i in the.First Concession in Canada. In the former there are of the Township of Pickering• from the Second Concession line rcv; sonic fifty acti\c units, and con= southerly, approximately 826 feet. s.aerable expansion in this field is Bathrooms Installed, Septic Tanks, e.' -d, in Canaila. Our 'Health Unit SHOULD ANY RATEPAYER have any.objections to the closing of this A. the fou"rth in Ontario to adopt the We!!s, BpsementS, etc. - unused road allowance, he or his agent may be heard by Council at the- + programme, but others are investi, Municipal Building in Brougham at 8:15 p.m.,Ion Monday, April 3, 1961.- gainR its possibilities. NO DOWN PAYMENT l I1A1'f.v at Brougham this 20th clay of February, 1961. .''L2 Visits «'ere made by our nurs- + ling staff during the first six months LLOY JOHNSTON of operation. Although many of the For further information call ( Clerk patients so attended were elderly, it ` Township'of Pickering is not intended as a programme,de- ;.PAT DUNNE Temple 9-1841 ° signed only for the care of the older pair an injury to his back. We hope 217; Fran. Murkar 215; Edith Hog- AMORAL the rest proves effective. Mil ell Jean Booth 212: Winnie _ Mr. and Mrs. .1 i3fcDou ari have Mitchell 2U�; Frances Day 20:: Jean __.. returned home, after visiting in Berry 2A. , Th - $steeds ,ser .a few days. Higb +S�g1#-,.(fit) - -'Vero' P�►e .Sup a .Pillage. e Hew Change•'Nouse Writ. H►efitheral►', our acltool prisl- ZSI: Kan Stork 241; Hi& Single � t Next week canvassers will be knocking on doors in Plck cipal, has peen home kith a severe (hand.) - Vera Pye 263; High Trip- . �ha _ cold, aead t;atde doctor's care „ le"(flat) - Kae Stork 619; High -Village asking for donations for the proposed new change- Miss Doi6thy Holliaae•r his he,6*.; " Trj&L.thmd.) - Sae Brock sue. EanYQ home gross school with an infccuyn 1-ho-use in the carnmunity park-This building has 'bQea d signed for both winter and suir>ti Ic ering :mom' use..•It-will'•be awasset to our park and certainly a great Band Hotel 'improvement over the present change-house both from. S Scout News NOTICE TO CREDITORS , _ - AND OTHERS I ;tY and appearance viewpoint. The boys and girls in the bagel, The Father and Son Banquet we. QuiU -4t number have already'indicated their interest in had their first parade in their new n a In The Matter Of The Estate Of y past very successful. There was an ex- uniforms this Sunday in Pick- JAMES JOSEPH McBRADY, Do- -this project through donations and pledges. Bring Village. Everyone was glad th; ceptionally. anted turnout of fathers. ceased. The success or failure of this campaign rests will an of us, weather was clear c.nd sunny for ;be funny, magic tricks were perform ed by Robert Killey, Scout. Leader ALL PERSONS having claims a- .� Amt more particularly the parents of Pickering Village child- bearers Scout.Parade, although d Ilya of the 'Toronto 59th Troo st the Estate of James o • _ bearers in the Colour Guard had a p• g� J Joseph "- -Ten, difficult job holding the flags in tl u Movics were ;}town of Scouts, on McBrady, late of the City of De- " ' their camp-out last � =et 8' do the Very befit 'we Can,t0 help the._Cl�ange.house stiff breeze that was blowing. I. P year t Green trait, in the County of.Wayne, Mich- the. parade 'will be for th; wood Conservation Area. igan, United States ' of America, committee reach their objective. We will all,ben The next efit if it is A The, newly-formed Rover Crew Pharmacist, who died on or about (iUCCeBS. opening of the 1961 Red Cross Cam- on 5aturda;; March 4, in the put nn a very interesting skit on - the 2CCIL day of January 19% leav- Village. \\a are hoping that u•eatiier- "First Aid". - CORR. ing property to be administered in will stay clear for that afternoon fvr the County of Ontario, are hereby Mrs. Doris Dick, on March 10, At this parade. • notified to send particulars of same l50 Hew. Telephones 8 p- rtt: in the New Auuitorium, at The past week was a,bu y,c.tr f�,r News For to the undersigned Solicitor for the the school. Admission 25c. for the many mothers of the band memo a-;, • • " Executors, on , before the 31st day • • • children, and adults 50c. All pro- as they sewed the alterations on the F March 1461, after which date the In Ajax - Pickering chid; to help with church work. uniforms to have them ready for Guides & Brownies Esta'te's assets will >,e distributed, Dear Mothers of Brownie d: having regard only to the claims of - One hundred and fifty telephones Four bus-toads of \\test Rouge the parades. The Band Commute;• Lan 1-our daughters which he shall then have notice. -were put into service in the Ajfv[ Junior Hockey players attended the is grateful for their help and"6%'arts ghters ha.a done it again. hockey games on Sunday, the 26th, to thank them, Without their co- They, have overw•l:elmed the Com- DATED at Whitby, this 27th de. and Pickering district during 1960, I y� y at Maple Leaf Gardens,'where they operation it is doubtful if the_ b%-td missioner and Leaders with their of Feb 'bringing the total cumber of phones rusty, 1961. to forty-one hundred, J. W. Lowry, saw the Toronto ?Marlboros and Pet- could have been' ready at alt. The program for "Thinking Day", which Manager, reported to the News*this erboro and St. Michael's and St. band is certainly lucky to lave taus, celebrates the, birthdays of Lord anal. E. PAUL COATH;Iii. A., Solicitor -week Catharines play two good games. enthusiastic supporters. - CORR. " Lady Powell. Brownies were to for the Executors, 304 Dundas St. Last year's construction progragt Members of the West Rouge Hoc- choose a country On tario. and tell something Wes:, Whitby, On ,of 1206 million, was the largest ira key Association were •responsible Pickering Ladies' Bowling Lca" about it, or bring something to ;-the Company's history, and 184.130 for all the arrangements of tickets show. Weill they did better than Dennis Teats F6. 2& Points ■s hones were added to those in ser- and the wonderful time the young- the.,). Brawnier brought things to .. •- 1P No. 4. - Eileen- 24 show, and made u little s eeci,es, - •iriee. sters had. P p The hockey No. 2. - Helen 18 which .were cleverly done..\4'e had WATER SUPPLY y games were cancelled ho. 5. - Hazel 17 Y last Saturday because of the weather, time for three storie`. aad a few of 500 gal. $4.50-5.00 No. 1. - Thelma I7 the-s g but Saturday, :klatch 4, will be the pedches• also a 'son or two. .Free Brake No.•3. - Anne l.b Their r 850 gal. $6.00 t start of the play-offs, and will tak& program ii"ac so well pre- No. 6. - Mary 1G 1000 al. $7.00 d• • +!> place in the Whitby Arena. , , , pared that we will be carrying it ALSO SAND, dR00 ivstment - In the Kiwanis . Junior Bowling on for.the next three or four weeks, League. Saturday, Feb, 18, the high High Single (flat) -Helep Hill so that each Brownie will have the TOPSOIL AND "LL Dick Squires is offering a free brake score for boys wai bowled by Le„ 2.78; High .Single (hand.) - Mina opportunity to make her presents- WEST HILL AT. 4-4054 adjustment and inspection with every I Hart with 284, and for the girls, Lawrence 27:: High-.Triple (flat) - tion. - CORR. _ •. grease j ob,car cash or repair during Fr c- Ba ' de h - h y •07High Triple the month of March. Score ws won- by Larry Collin a ( and1 Auden bG . 'COUNTY�W tHnThe response was so great to his, Other I,ah bowled b1 (The local Health Unit is now :4 - � N O T ICE Scores Over 200. The regular during February he has decided) Betty Hanlon 23(t; Garry-MacClell- g y n, ashty, to extend the offer for another month.: and 223: Bole Brown 212, and Glen (FLAT) - hfelrn Hill 27X. 222: J. Uxbridge Town, Ajax and Pickering monthly meeting He is Iocated at the west end of 1 Hart with 323, rite first game, and Disttey 253: Norma Baker 2,c,: N_'-ina . .Township and Village - approx. 43 ' of the PiekFrino wtlsge on the south side 21< for hi, secyud. I-awrcnce.24•'1: Dorothy f'he.an _i!, thousand persons. 60 Percent of the t of No. 2 Highway at Jack's 'Esso' A ;reedy recovery to,Mr. E: Era- 236, 233; Beryl Boy, •�I: Marg, cost is born by Provincial and Fed- Pickering Township bw,:.,u, i;au„tl vr'Ii. 2-3070• ser, Rouge Hi'.ls Dr. who was. in E�eroff 2fNi• 1 eral Hea".1i Degartm=&). �+t=3creation C^mf,!�iflee (HAND.) - Mina .L---7 uc _>7 ' " 'c' wasn't it A "le.ter 5carbaru General Hospital Lollowing i Iii �t to will be hold on • • • • a bout with virus and complications. Norma Baker 372; Jean llis,iry '7', the Editor" in our last issue asked 'Wed, March 8th -Historical Society Many happy` returns to Michael Pessie Bryant 243; Verna Fiuntcr for information on the Health Unit. r l3erouche. East ve• on hi: firer 2 0. Marg. Egerofi 228; Mar;. tiw:c The Unit's annual repor. was put AT S. P.M. • birthda;, February 24; to Mr. Lee 22;: May Andrew Z_2: flat z-tratfvrd printing that issue. Municipal Bldg., Brougham � in the :nail while . :Names Directors Farley and Mr, Roy Bell, Rougc 216, 2:rk Jean Head 2'.2: :ludrt�y Pickering Township Hisaurical Hills- Dr, who had birthdays last Ru`. 207, 206. Society has elected directors- :k)r th; week and •celebrated with a party N O T I C E year 1961. The officers will. be chop- of friends at the Home and School Ladies' jewel League : en from ansong this list: W. G. Dance, on,Saturday night: to &ath. DOG 0 W N E R S 7L,awson, Mrs. W. McKay, 'Ro',cri Kemp, Friendship Ave., on her 4th (Pearls (22) Winners of Third Sec- 11[iller, Mrs. K. Team 5orris•, birthday, Friday, March 3, and to oO°) Mrs. L. Johnston, Mn,. M. l.oucl.-, Carol Anne Knox, I)onshire Court, ?cam Peirts `AGE O P Miss M. Brown, Wm. Brown. Don who was ten. can a Wednesday, Mar. Rubies 16 �/ IL F C K E R N G' Gibson, E. Petitjohn, J. Grn�;irt. 1 and celebrated with a party• on; `Diamonds 16 Mrs. K. Fui - Saturday, Februan' 25. Garnets 24 C+wnen-of dogs are reminded that they shall not permed any Sapphires I4 dog to run at forge within the Village of Pickering A "Musical Tarry 2g" was held. gas Provided on Thursday, February 23, at the O°� by By-Low Nwmber 138. ' w T home of Mr. and Mrs. K. Barnard, Opals - 1= Section t0 of Chapter 11.1 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario the Ladies' Club met on Thurs- Ridgewood oad, under the directioq Emeralds 5 1960 provides that dogs may be killed if they are found between Aay, February 23 with a good att- of Mrs. E. Pollard, ALCM. with her f Bowling Over 200 endance of members. Mr. Stanley pupils, accompanied by ,their mot- Kae Stork 241. 211; Ric P.rock 224, supset' and sunrise straying from- the premises where they are Frost, President of the Community hers. A program of music by Judy 201: Mary DeSnoo'222, 209; Vera habitually kept. J Mar- Association spoke*and.gaze detail' y y Quick, Debbie -and oneGrahama227; 1i tame bic� bier- Bruce A. Nogartk, Clerk ? Jill and And Y g• Cardwell 233• .,on the proposed parkette, at the Kenn • Gordon, Murray, Ron and Combe a VILLAGE OF PKKERING. corner of Kirkdene and East Avts Reg. Toye, Susan Brown, Garry ' Refreshments were served by the and Lynne MacClelland, Bill \Willis, Department Ottawa Public Works, hostesses.and a social time enjoyed Bernice and•Darlene Gust, Maurine Ottawa V over tea and cookies. and Phyllis Adantache, was well .TENDERS _i . D O T . ■ .O N R S E L F The next:meeting of the Club' will dole, and appreciated by everyone be on Thursday, March 9, at 8,30 present. Mrs. Betty Craig,' Karen SEALED TENDERS addressed . ,TOWER KITS" p, m. at the school, and will'be 5 Craig and Helen Kaye were absent to Secretary, Department of Public i Stanley Party. All ladies in the dis• due to iilres;, and everyone wishes Works, Room B-322, Sir Charles, -trict are invited. them a_speedy recovery. Tupper Building, Riverside Drive, Complet@ With All The Home and School Dance on An Interlude and Theory Quiz ,Ottawa, and endorsed "Tender for - Channel Antenna Saturday was avedl attended by local" Came with Mr. RusseU, Jennifor Drdging, Oshawa, Ont.". -residents, aad everyone reports a Joiliffe, Sheila Pantard, Judy and '.most ennoya4,le evening.' The Exec- Cheryl McFarlane, David Cotn4wr, will be received until 3.00 p. m. E. Installation Extra jitive of the Association -would like David Walker, Francis Carter, Don S. T., - to thank the local merchants and Monroe and Judy Richie participa- Wednesday, March 22, 1561 $V9e9� and up businessmen for their"douaticros and ting. was most enjoyable to their help in making the dance a success. 'audience. Combined specifications and form Several West Rouge couples atten- Refreshments were served by the of tender can be seen and obtained +' - DUNBARTON RADIO fie T.N. ded the-South Pickering Tc:.stimonial hostess firs., Barnard, assi;ted by at the office of the Chief Engineer, Dinner for Labor-Minister Michael Mrs. Toye, Mrs. Gust, Mrs. Mac- Room B-443, Sir Charles Tupper 1`- On No. Z Mghway Since 1946 Starr, at Pickering last Saturday, Farlane, Mrs. Adamache, Mfrs. Com- Building, Riverside Drive, Ottawa, and report a, very enjoyable even-• ber and Mrs. Matclepand, with Ont., ,District Engineer, 225 Jarvis ; In Dunbarton. 'Ing. Mrs. Monroe and Mrs. Joliffe, pour- Street, Toronto 2, Ont. L_Y_ I It is nice to see Ernie Martin back ing coffee. To be considered, each tender must - ~, Ph�e Temple 9-1191 i at the Shell Service Station, after (a) be accompanied by one of the i his appendicitis operation; and con- alternative securities called for in •:valescerce. "CHERRYWOOD :the tender documents, Deepest 'sympathy of the comet- The W. A. will meet in the (b) be made on the printed forms Unity is expressed tP llr. and firs. Church Hall on Thursday evening, iupplid by the Department, and PERSONALIZED PROTECTION Jed. -MacLean, Chesterton Shoes March , at 7.45 o'clock."A speaker in accordance with the eonditiofts � � R , FORT 1 E R" with the loss of ed's father, Major will explain the new organization.of eel Earth they P. A. MacLean, who died suddenly "United Church Women". A good Tenders must include the towing,of "INSURANCE In White Rock, B. C•, where he watt attendance is requested. the plant to and from the work. visiting his sister. Jed and Leta left Mr. Herb Bennett was taken t'o The dredges acid other floatirt$ �T `-w s02 w�� on Tuesday, February 28, by plane, the Ajax Hospital on Saturday. He plant which are intended to be em- . for Ant,ionish N. S., where iunerzl. had developed pnevnvon'ia suddeily. ployd on this work, to be eligible r Fire, Auto, Life CaSUai1 -'services were held on March 1. The .4 group of people from Locust must - r r i fy late Major MacLean, was well Hill„ \Vhite'vale and Cherryw•ood (a) be of Canadian or United -known to many of the local resid- went by bus to the new General Kingdom registry, and ents and they were shocked to hear Motors Plant at Oshawa op Thurs- (b) be of Canadian or United of his sudden death. day evening, and were taken on a Kingdom make or manufacture, Q r *� t!. .�h�Rebuildin and, h sas K. -R- sen, Friendship Aver were in-Mon- all the parts of a car being made ment, have been in Canada at tread for a few days last week where and assembled, then painted and least one year prior to the date of Purified water for cisterns and wells they attended the hockey game bet- finally ready for display and sale. To the tender call. j when the Maple Leafs and the Can- complete the evening, GM. served. a The lowest or any tender not nec- Delivered Anywhere adiens, which they enjoyed, lovely lunch in their cafeteria, and essaray accepted. : $5.00 1000 gallons T'h'e Guild of Grace Presbyterian we journeyed home, with,our cap- Robert Fortier' 1(;lmreh Invite you to come out to a able driver, Mr. Pill Mitchell' Chief of Administrative Services and s}?@eial rates On request for forger anfOi/nts 'Travelogue on "Canwcla" through the Mr. Wilmot Gates is being eon- Secretary. PHONE OSHAWA RA. 8-4771 States to California, and Mexico by fined-to bed for two weeks, to re- " at 8.00 p. m. with we of . R JB�V Widsor, as guest' ec of good, used and) clotbin6, or The regular week euchre was sent to the ' � . -- -- �� _.-__- _� ti _ held Tuesuay evening with the foil-' S sssidon, in groisto. ltinYo armed g • colt Mis 7, i, - _ owing winners:Mrs. J. Davis, Mrs. in the community J�Ikp Itas material - Thompson, Mrs. W. Carlton, Mr. for the bale may t�piis.a same t the ; J. Honigb, Glen White and Mr. B. home of Mrs. A,but�'Gray' by May Lottoi Dins. H. Plaxtou and Mrs. ;H Our W M. S • sate W �• are jointly catering to ;.tte Municipal Milier attended the W. bl. S• Pres- 24. w y ,da thp United Church on Wednesday, the The meeting cloned' with prayer. . 22nd.. Lunch as served l�jc hostesses:, h i-- and Mrs. Stanley English, Mrs. George Dun .Mrs. Wm. Mr. rs n- d D Clifford of so Mr. and in, ofiOshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. Youngr Peokle',of Broaglhaav r • - - :• :- - -• �. ." " .. Thos. English over the week-end. Heir meeting iac,the schob oR Wednesday, February-22.T.b Meet- Mr. held t Mr. and Mrs. John Harvey and Wednes a Carl- little daughter visited Mr. and Mrs• ing was conducted bF Al. Haney on Saturday evening. ter, Mr. Roy Carter zslt more Miss Bolton spent the week-end pictures of his trip llywood� V4 at the Perry home. Mexico and Florida. The{{��eext meet e Mr. Russell Pilkey has sold his ing will be held on lwuesday. . .Serving farm on the Brock Road, North, March 8, at 8.00 p. M. id"~die Pcoyr and expects to move into the new gham school. house in the sub-division, which he Mr. and Mrs. K. 48ascoe and fam- purchased from Mr. Francis .Wit-, ily visited her brother Harry and many �„„ays son. \\'e welcome them to our con-k- Dirs. Knox, of Soling, and also.John s; 0 munity. and Dirs. Knox, Hampton, Stuiday Several Scouts and Cubs from here The Friendly Bible Class' will attended the service held in P' meet on Monday evening, March 6► p ing United. Church on Sunday. at the home of Mr and Mrs. Manson , The W. M. S. meeting was held Ellicott. Mrs. F. Carter in charEe a 00 r A s er from the.- • The e d Cross on Thursday, February 23, t 2 P of the program Peak m, at the home of Mrs. Geo. Dun- Bib)e. College is expected. xt can with a good attendance. A short Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Bufrows Worship Service around the theme left for a month's.stay in Florida. +. "Voices from Abroad" w•as led by The first meeting of Brougham :a Looks to You Mrs. H. Plaxton, assisted by Digs,. Busy Beavers (4-H. Girls} w+as held A. J. Gray. Mrs. Folks sang a lov- on February 18, at the hoagie of Mrs. ' - ely solo "I,need Thee every h our" • Harden with seven girls presort, f Johnston a ein am interesting following officers ear for he unit - � �' • ' Mrs. E able manner. The humanitarian achievements of the Red Cross depend on story of the late Qucen Mary, tell- "Separates for Spring". President b ing several per incidents, in Diary Lynn Plackman; 'Vice-Pra. your generosity. Your dollars provide and carry on the essential het life. Dirs ;Wm. Duncan played Pat Harden; . secretary, Msrgaret �1 - Red Cross services and programmes in your community. a fine piano instrumental, which was ;Miller. Treasurer, Belt reeaa Knox; � . enjoyed by all present at the meet- press Reporter, Margaret Roberts ing. Mrs. H. Plaxton gave a short We were shown samples of mater, Move- i Is This year—think of the many ways the Red Cross serves you and paper wi; h;, the Church of Christ blouses which might bealsoo disc usedd your neighbour—then plartyour donation or pledge to the best of �and Pr into i echworld ftO�dteem- the aeeondome ti�ig�was field on " f -. your means. A generous donation will do so much for so many ai�isiuns in thmust r h and ein the Saturday o osi sg'Ha February with 2 nine 3 - - tin 1961. _ - - world will be quickly overcome, but guts present The president opened and work eh Lord's Prayer. m forward �;of faitlknow g that this is Gnd Mrs, discussed is that He will use His materials, patterns, seleetims an His when to wear shorts. The girls prat world anal Church to bring all nation., into Kingdom of Love and Peace. Pres- tised altering patterns. The presidsm 1 e d Cros' s ident Mrs. Lindo, conducted the closed the meeting with Hir a fBusiness Period. Minutes were read Pledge. The next meetitlg to be . and approved. Our president express- the home of Mrs. Harden, on Ma a Needs Your. Help .Now ed her disappointment in the small 1 1, Pt 1000 a. m. attendance at the World Day •of The W. A. and W. bY. 5:-off Pr Service and cxpres ed' the Prayer John's Church catered to the Mun- r . t the , women of the icipal. Dinner on • Friday el, 6 enin , .hop e that ;tit ' church woud nuke a special effort when over one hundM and thirty- t I to attend this service next year. Our fi decorated table All rve persons sat down to a toely �.r io ' ' ��� � ' n Faster Th"Icoffering :fleeting will q�ort a good H t be held in the church on \[a� Lt, time. w - Tradition _. .. ........ : _ ... , r ,_ e in d i ' his .} M ,. .. y .. A" QUALITY that goes beyond the ordinary to please the particular. It expresses itself dis- erectly in every distinc tive Buick line . . .every you-in-mind Buick feature. , :.,• .; RELIABILITY that results front the exhaustive Buick : ► r But improvement o e �• • .? . .` testing- constant improveme oft very tests on why Buick'is she } • •component. Another yeas n ELECTRA 2 Door Hardtop is year. outstanding automobile again this D ISTIN CTION that p,Meetly matches 'your j .� - own good taste .., . and pleases the discerning l 1 eye . . . sets Buick apart in a class of elegance and comfort entirely its own. '-. Whitewall res a tionalat extra.cost `1 A d NERAI MOTORS VALUE +�" A. 'Sales Ltd., Pickering' �Y Motor for the best in drama, see"General Motors Presents"weekly—check local TV listings for time and channel z a VW '�, PF 'Ilk They will be competing in Bowman- our owil lives in order to gradually arranged for the band. Dr. McKay that the Messiah wouw be a cog- - ON villa against winners in other areas. grow more like Jesus aad thus "Pa gave a brief history of each hyena. gnering soldier or a great King but LAC Dick Gibb, who has been The Thomas Duanond family; come a new creature". The Hi-C The choir, tinder the direction of He came as a gentle Shepherd. We ¢tatxoaed at Resolute Hay, N. W. T. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Thompson teed- Young People's Group held an even- Mr. F. A. Clark, sang "Thou wilt must each answer for ourselves - for the Past six months, has return- ered a house-warming for Mr. and ing church service with the Pick- keep Him in Perfect Peace', "Vol- "What think ye of Christ?'' Ve fiave - -td home. He and Mrs. Gibb spent Mrs. Brian Lee, in Pickering last enng Dist. High School Choir and 'low His Banner" and the vesper - to look at many things in our lives several days last week with Mrs. Friday. the Ajax High School Hand partic- "Now the Day is Over': Dr, Moo to find out our answers. elver Gibb and Chen returned to The Circle Group of the W. A. .ipating. The Band, under the direr- Kay gave a brief talk on the text Next Sunday morning there will "Trenton, on Susaday. are going to hold their Daffodil Fe3- tion of Dr. K. Lindeman played six "What think ye of Christ?" The be a service of Infant Baptism. The Mrs. George Lawrence celebrated tival on March 22. There will be a well-known hymns which he had contemporary idea in Jesus' day was Junior Choir will'sing. her birthday on Sunday, Feb. 26. display of Hat Fashiones and Cqs- Mr. and Mrs, Alex- Gourlie left on tom Jewellery with two showings 0- Monday to. fly by jet, to California one in the afternoon at 2.30 and the �. 'for a month's vacation. second, at'8.00 p. m. Mrs. Mrs. Pat Somerville and Mr..James Ravey. of Sunnybrook daughter, of n McCale, visited Mr. Hospital, visited Mr. and Mrs. Geo. O T ' day. Mr. and Mrs and Mrs. Brian McCombe on Surd Watson last week-end. � N . Thomas Young, of -- - Visitors at the home of Mr. and Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Wal- - Mrs. George Watson on Sunday t_er Willis, on Sunday. - were: Mr. Archie Robinson, Mr. 1. • • • • • ALL HOG 'PRODUCER S Kinnear, Greenwood;.Mr. and,Mrs. . :-',United Church Cameron Watson and Cathy, of Tor- The regular morning service was onto, and Mr..and Mrs. John Ravey, conducted by Dr. W. A. McKay, - of Ajax Mr- and Mrs. L, Davis celebrated with Mrs. H. Stroud at the organ. , their 30th anniversary at the home Mrs. Broley sang a beautiful solo of their daughter Mrs., and Mr. ' - "Descend-upon my Heart", accom- panied by Mrs: McKay at the piano. Every County under the Hog Marketing Plan will hold elections on 'Robertson, on Sunday. February it Dr. McKay installed the Stewards Mrs. George Lawrence was quite with flu, for the coming year: Donald Lynd-e, ill .MONDAY, MARCH .6TH AT 1 d A• M• last week. Mrs. W. Bourne is still quite Helen Bradd, Mel. Oariton, Leslie poorly with the flu. Hollinger Bruce Hollinger, Howard for the purpose Of electing County members to district Hog Producer ' The P. E Cross, Charles Cragg, Herbert Car- Committees. Your County meeting will be held ate _ $gmans, of Thornhill, ey and John Denney. Dr. McKay were visiting friends in the area on read as his scripture lesson John 14/ i Mkt and�birs. Jack Burgess, of 15 - 31. The text'was from the 2nd BROCK TWPe -MALI, SUNDERLAND 1 Gananoque, and Mrs. Burgess Sr.' Ejistle of Corinthians - "If every y { . of Bracebridge visited friends her man be in Christ, he is a new crew, e _ ; on Saturday. cure". It is easy to change our phy- _ . Ontario County Congratulations to Phillip Annis sical appearance, but it is harder to ,. who celebrated his' 14th birthday on change our personality. Most of us -� February 24. make the same mistakes many times _ NOlnlflOtiOn1 in the'morning,with election t0 follow in the afternoon.- t before, we can be taught the right _ Agricultural Representative in each County will act as Chairman.{f The. Circle Group of the W. A. way. Even Noah, was little changed, � P t ' met at the home of Mrs. E. J. An- ' nis. There was a after the horror of the flood. Jesus' you require further information,eorrtaetyourAgrieulturolRepreserltotive. . guest spealter for ,• the Devotional, and neighbors were Principals are so high, it is very - Voti in Ow Cout"wh*r i you,produce og also guests. 'hard for us to achieve perfection in r'°tI'• Congratulations to Anne Lennox . His life. When we become Christ- ians we vow to try to live like Him. _ Peter, the wayward, rowdy rebel of Piano Examinations at the Royal the fishermen.Anne is a pupil, of en, was greatly changed :ONTARIO FARM PRODUCTS MARKETING BOARD _Mrs. P. N. Spratt, Whitby. by Jesus. Saul sadistic Christian- I $ 'Mary-Beth.McClement took part ki1]er, became Paul, the greatest t in.'the Strauss Ballet' presented by early' missionary of Jesus. We have t the Harvey Academy at the kfc- to constantly examine and correct Laughlin Library in Oshawa, as • part of the Registered Music Teach- � Par February Recital. Also taking wagon ee how station Part were vocal, piano and violin - students of the Royal !Conservatory, Oshawa District. The Whitby Concert Association _ held its second concert of the ser- ies ` as the Henry St. Cpllegiate last : •.. ive ay evening with a large crowd _ is in attendance. The Don Cossacks Chorus and Dancers were the guest - a 'j rtists. Among those attending from here* were: Mrs. Kononow, 3fis; I ot� OR04 e J. . Lydia Kononow, Mrs. J. H. %ic- !Clement and Mary-Peth. --- ;'. Congratulations to Mr. and Mfrs. - _ �• ` Donald Smith, of Fairport Rd. N., on the recent birth of their baby, daughter. Friends of Miss Muriel Bamford will be pleased to learn that she was presented to the Queen, . and also spoke with Prince Philip 'while the,Royal Couple were in Delhi. '. Miss Bamford is a missionary nurse in India, and formerly lived in Duq- 'bsrton. The On-We-Go Auxiliary met i _with many of their friends of the Senior ng n Fairport la ies Paul's: load s o C&fifort Pickering and Fairport ladies groupg On Tuesday, evening, February.28. A very interesting speaker was Swavii Devananda, a Hindu teacher of - yoga. from India. ,, `- . . Congratulations to Marlene Mit- chell th 00 looks) and Richard Marks who were 'O w successful in the Public Speaking g -``'-Cdntest at Pickering Town Hall last a. Friday evening, sponsored by the - - Can. Legion. Marlene was First.,in — 1 the Junior Division, and Richard i was Third in the- Senior Division. ii NOTICE TO CREDITORS : t AND OTHERS -� I In The Estate.Of An Ruddy - « x Deceased. ..... .......:. . ALL PERSONS having claims a- gaiast.the Estate of Anita Allen Ruddy, late of `The Hermitage" in a•:< The Village of Picketing,, who died on the 14th day of December, 1960. are hereby notified to send proof of such claims to the undersigned Ex- ecutor on or before the 15th day of March, 1961, follbwind which; the ' Estate will be distributed, having ENVOY SNERWOOD STAT4N WAGON = regard Only to claims then filed. DATED at Toronto, this 9th day of (Whitewall tires optional at.xfra cost) February, 1961. WILLIAM C. TERRY n Ioa�S o eco'nom too . - {' Executor, b McCarthy and Me- a Ca y University Avenue, �, ` rthy, 330 .LY Torothto 1, Ontario You cAR load Envoy's Sherwood Station Wagon,with everything you need ' (mar '3) for a week-end of family fun—as many as five big adults=will ride in comfort!, — engine through The famous Envoy Econo-Power ne breezes you throw 4 HOUR - 'the miles. ..breezes you past the gas pumps,too,with remarkable gasoline economy! And.you get Synchro-Ease transmission for easier gearshifts— a Burner Service 'more relaxed driving—nothing new to learn. See your Envoy dealer todayI _ , NERAL MOTORS VALUE ` - England.Parts and service from coast to coast ur itc e Limited F. W. AINSWORTH LIMITED- AJAX AFTER HOURS — TE. 9=1682 •,,� Wit:2-6771 .TE. 9-2431 INSURANCE REAL ESTATE . .:. - CLAOS, B • - _ •illyY'IC T/►�Tl'>s ', �� ANFICLa Fag SALE CL AHZD COMING EVENTS L. MO1<Ll:i 1 FOR SALE CYR W. ): EU1? Afternoon Group APPLES AND POTATOMS , r'Woman's Association SPIES - $2.85 Per BUSH. ` :"YO W' F9'eetOy-ReS' t 4,941 ' Oshawa -- RA &4M Pickering United Church �aoi ntosh and Other Varieties --------- will hold their Regular Monthly. In Stock ---_-- Meeting is the C. E. Centre, on Please 1Kirsg own costaiaset. , Office WH. 2-6212 Residence WE. 2-3216 Thursday,- March.9, at 2.30 P. m, WCKERING ORCHARDS Ml16r HNti�' %r*$ Program - "Lenten Devotional" . 2 Highway. One mile west ad 32 KINGSTON RD. W. -..--P.O. BOX 160 NATURAL GAS i eel'BURNERS Hostesses: Mrs. L. M. Morley, Mrs. Pickering Village Gordon Found and Mrs. Herb. WH2-1247 PICKERING; ONTARIO Z4 Hour Service 'White. t. OPEN WEEK-ENDS , - Gas it Oil Equipment for Homes, are asked to bring diacardad Houseboats, Trailers, Cottagt�, nylons, which are Lo be re-weaved, SPECIAL$ and sent to Korea. Used Oil Space Heaters Camping, Etc. From 827.50 Trailer Accessories, Jacks Gas I Card Of Thanks Used Gas Space Heaters , COOPER LTD* - Refrigerators, lamps, Stoves, I wish to thank my many friends From 835.00 ` Hitches, Pumps; Mantels,. Hea- and neig'nbors, who sent me cards, Electric Rangetta 9�0 CALEDONIA ROAD — TORONTO ters, etc. flowers and fruit, while I was is From as R ' EVERYTHING FOR TRAILERS hospital. Your thoughts were great- Automatic Gas Ranges WLEMAN DUO THERM ly appreciated. From 8125.00 _ •BLOCKS & BRICKS INTERNATIONAL Thank You, Everyone. One New Forced-Air . _ Harold Richardson Gas Furnace • 8165.00 , n 9 TUDOR ST., AJAX `O e Gas Conversion Burner STRUCTURAL STEEL WHitehall 2.3491 _ New - 1 � M of And Many O er leans' ------- ----------------------- . . . . . CRANE BIRTHS C TREES TAKEN DOWN Mr. and Mrs. Noel Marshall, TOPPED, PRUNED Brack Road, Pickering, are happy MILLER HEATING Phones WH. 2.1960 WAlnut 2-5103, MO. 8-5911 AND REMOVED to announce the arrival of a baby :Ajaz - Phone WHZ-3491 STATION RD., PICKERING, ONT. EXPERTLY DONE daughter, Nancy Catharine, six ffeb 24) - - pounds, thirteen oz. on February 17, CALL IN BOB" McKAY 961, at the Women's College Hoe. FOR SALE - Singer treadle sewing r ••� Phone - TEmpls 51~2069 Pita], Toronto. machiine. 86.00.'N. S. Nugent, Riv- erside Drive, H `b A Hill Home and School Association y Card Of Thanks will Dt held at the school on March Now will, take. orders for Jumbo 1 M S Y R A N C R 8, 'at•8A0 p. m- The topic for the We wish, at this time to thank . Sweaters. Your own choice of des- meeting is of special interest to the evsryone for tlsdr kind acts •and and crocheting: TEmple 9-ZldS. . ASSL� fathet s. t deals wid i the.Fesponsib thoughtfulness daring- Glen's.illness. '� � WWA'l�h"STD. ,., ilifies of a citizen to the community. Olen and Alm Knapp FOR SALE - Moffat electric stow; Highlights are brought out in a. large -model. $15.00. Good working E/K� A O $!� f film. "The Threshold", portraying In Memoriam 9'`1�tion• -WH2-3533` gas the role that can be played by the _ 107 KINGSTON ROAD EAST newcomer in establishing himself In loving memory of Walter G; COLEMAN CAMPING in the community, through the_und- White, who paced away March 36 SPECIALS tSdiee: Station PILck Ajax Shopping Centre, Phone: WH 2-3301 erstanding of school activities, in re- 1937. Lanterns; Stoves; Jugs;.Ice Chests. 1t'bono For hmnediate Coverage fray Or Night taiion to his child and himself in the Those we lave, we never. lose, Lowest Price. community. A discussion will folk) For always they will be _ ors.- Servicing - Parts N. in which the duties and obligation, Loved, remembered, treasured. MILLER HEATING -- of citizenship. particularly as - it Always in our memory. Ajax - Phone: WHr 24) affect-; Pickering Township, will be (mar 24) _ di cussed. Lovingly remembered by his �Q13�LlS Lo embe . . The school choir will render 310-- Wife Ina, and Famfty: FOR SALE - at 'Graven[itdlrsL G. NEWELL _. oral !musical selections, H andyman's chance.. Five-roomed (Gkcdb.9 Newell) At the close of the meeting, a Pickering ���' house on ten acres; furnished; well; Real Estate Broker — Pickering Villa apagherti `upper Kill be served• use- urge k- hydra; 82500 full price. Phone AT-. _ Li 1 der the direction of.fir. L. Phis; Tae ]antic 2-2992. :_t Ariz. '2-5770-1 or Toronto EM. 2-3640 sure to bring father along to thi; ; Briefs - soar 24 Whitby — Phone MO. &3625 _ . _ meeting.• ' Cobour FR. 2-7601 _ ' 14 M Lorne •. g � Rogge Hill United Church-Canvass :Road Chairman -Roe Watson re- One Gir)! Gus ' de uniform 1 phone coup Res. "Highways"' i4 Mile.East of Dumbarton,No. 2 we, W Mrs. White Highway For Community Clsriitiaa Education ported ttsat the were busy in. . WH2-1517. Centre I thawing culverts and repairing brok- #19,0W In Pledges And Donations en water mains during the past few Rap WANTED ` DON BLIZZARD ELECTRIC — tl weeks. He recommends this. year, a 'After weeks of preparation, under publid works shed be constructed'. NORTH AMERICAN the able.leadership of .the Minister, Fire .and .Police Chairman Len. VAN LINES LIMITED Re.. T. H. Bagnall, a congregational Burn.ngbam reported firemen hate a national organisation has vacancy CQM]ISRCIAL RI SID$NTSAL INDUSTRIAL WMMG `- meeting was held on Friday, Feb- been busy in the past weeks. H,t ,for a young accountant at its Hod ruary 24, for the purpose of gather- expected the budget for his depart. Office in Pickering. Applicant tntsat ing all the church families together tracnt would be about,-the same as have experience and be studying s RE ESTIMATE toL hear about and to understand last year. • true meaning of this important Councillor Ab. Reeve reported on though h the latter t is Course a1- the dog situation" re. t the fitter u not essestini. ,e e e event. Welfare sod the ,ltxpplications to be is writing, to P. ' �� �A/E a ���� The canvassers cpntacted the fags- cently reported," Q. Box 339, Pickering, Ont. j °s7 ili" from Friday night till the tmei- Council agreed, in principle. to n called for Sunday evening, the two bytaw•s governing "closin3 EXPERIENCED FARM HAN rg R 26th, with reports of 119,000 realized hours" and 1 censmg of barber shops, wanted for dairy herd. Full tir%t in pledges and donations toward 'Presented by Kenneth Putt. work. Commute or. live-in. Pkb - j� / FIRST MORTGAGES ARRANGRQ: this worthy project. Couneillo Ross Morison was in the � District..fly, in writing,'g�� ALSO SECOND MORTGAGE Further Dews will be pubtis'hed tp chair for the last meeting owing td of references y n and exported tens, AVAIIAiLE FOR ADDITIONS keep up to date on this project of the illness of Reeve Morley. of eenptoyment, to Boa 280 Piekse- - AND fMPROVEMf1ET5. erecting a new Cotmmunity Christian Dunharto. Kiwanis Hear More News' ^QEE� entre for our area. - CORR. .near X10 V t WE ALSO PURCHASE OR LOAN — r About Boy Scouts ON EXKTING MORTGAGES. BROCK ROAD North American Van Lines Of Canada, Ltd. • Grant Messer, PresidentofBthe of Pickering. have a vacancy for st IF YOU REQUIRE ANY MART• Scouts, Cubs, Guides and Brown Owasso District Council of the oy GAGE FINANCING i FOR FAST its attended church service and par- Clerk-T Applicants should ads at Pickering, Sunday afternoon. Scouts Association,, was 'Monday ev- yP�• Pp aD- o I'M YOUR COURTEOUS SERVICE: CALL — ening's speaker at the Dunbarton.- Ply in writing to P. O• Box 339. �! It was a lovely day, and they march-. Pickering Kiwanis Club Afeeting. Pickering, Oat. IRELAND ed from Lincoln Ave School to the "Scouting", said Mr. Messer, "is AUBREY E. United Church. now a fact in fifty-two countries, REAL .ESTATE Yoll'u Sorry to hear Christine Gerbus is and there are over six million 1'oy SEEING ME ..AND COMPANY on the sick list. Scouts in the world 'today. Three FOR RENT - five-roomed house; IN THE ADS Dfrs. Forgues' baby lfichael is 6 million .r:} the Scouts are in the U. equipped; file floors; fenced-in yard; still in Ajax'Hogjsital. S., Canad has two hundred 'and driveway. 86o per month. TEm 100 ADELAIDE ST. We i3 11r: and Mrs. Richard Scott, of TORONTO Z, ONTARIO fifty thousand.'. Toronto spent the week-end with The Owasco bistrict. Council, FOR RENT - 2-rooted apartment. the latter's sister, bfrs. ��'alt. Aiidd; which includes Pickering Township.' 845 monthly.. Everything included. ' FITKIX—IficWt EMpire &5300 of Etnpiro 6-5964 leton, t Pickering Village and Ajax, started. Apply: 66 Church St. Pickering, at I Evenings Mrs. Afurrayn Brock: Road, spgp in 1958, with seven Scout' groups,TEmple 9.1750 — WA. 2-690'2 a_few days in Ajax Hospital, .under and four hundred .Scoots, WANTE?A observation, as she is not feeling . Today, the Council Supervises the well, activities of fifteen groups, wjth Correction - it• was David Moss, DRESSMAKING and The 2nd. East Woodlands Brown- over eight•hundred boys. ALTERATIONS - and not John, who broke his shoal- "Scouting' is growing rapidly in ie Mothers held a meeting at the der while at play: and also had the All Types Of Sewing.STS home of Airs. �L'eldon, Brown Ave. Canada, and in our area. - CORR. mumps. Sorry about the error. :Fitting In Your Own Home wHtTFH�i 2'S88Q It was decided to hold the Brownie Hope all those who have been 'ill Phone. TEmple 9615M 1, Mother and Daughter banquet on will soon be well. Continued in adjoining column -- t•, Abril 21, at the{Roage•Hill. School. Work is still being done at the ------------ t- Jlarch' 7, at the church. ROUGE HALL Happy belated' birthday greetings Red Cross Centre, and several lad- ° ' GREEN RIVER to Larry Grigsby. Altona Rd., - tiis its meet every Tuesday. Don't for- Happy birthday to tiles. Wilkinson 7th birthday, February 23. of Rosebank Convalescent Home - bfrs. Wm. Binstead and Mr. L. get the Euchre - March 3. Roberts were appointed delegates -Congratulations to Mr. and-4Mrs.• Mr. and Mrs. E. Dixon, Kingston __ _._ - _.__..-- February 23. pp g - Robert Jackson (formerly of Rouge Road, visited Afr. and. Mrs.•C. A. Sirs. K. C. Lidtke, ltougciitoti, to the Baptist ,Association, in Ors. Hill) on.their marriage, last+ Satur- Schwalm and son last Saturday e'v- in on Ave. Baptist EAST ROUGE Dr. e�itertained Airs. Lulu Barr, of gt _ P Church, Thurs-' day. day of this-week. ening. Glad to report Mr. Fetty_ O«'en, Toronto. last week for a few days. Afrs. Davies returned home, after) Penny Armstiong,,of Altona Road Mr. and- Mrs. B. Johnstone, Rex- Pin Ridge Dr. is home from hosp- Mr. Mil. Robinson, We" Point is ill .with measles., dale, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. a Cres. would like to thank his friends' spending a week with her son, at ital, and doing well. • dutitr Richmond• Hill. Mr. and Mrs. L. Hollinger atten- A. V. Draper, Altona Road,_ Satur- .Happy birthday to Jimmy Martin, for all. the- get-well. dishes g 1 ded the bus tour to General Motort day evening. Oakwood Dr. on his ith birthday, his recent illness. Airs. Robinson is Sorry to .report. Mr. -Frank Ptn "'Oshawa South Plant last week.• Glad to know Wilmot Gates, 2nd. March 5. sincerely grateful for this kindness.. Hock„in Scarboro Gett. Hospital. Miss Afaryt Smart, Toronto spent Con.�is better after his recent illness. We are.pleased to hear Mr. Cook, Mr. P. Caniff,'from England, now Home and 'School•met on Mon- east week-end with Miss Dickson, of Fathers' Night At Rouge Hill "Old Rosebank Rd, S., is- feeling bef-' staying at the N. Cafik home, Pine day night last. Miss Irene Reesor,' Altona Road. School Ridge Dr, celebrated-his birthday pn of Locust Hill, was_ guest speaker, 1 Mr. and Mrs. Carson entertained ter after hie illness, _, the Feb. 20, with 'his new-found Don't forget "Happy Hour" at, Rouge. ,fill United Church W. :�. :relatives from_Guelph last Sunday, The March meeting of the Rouge will hold their monthly meeting on friends. the church,pq Saturday,at >.30 P.ifs,. -Vii. Ji-crF Eiuf A . Mrs. Lewis H_ospflaI on Thursday Feb. 2$td DiaAe and Sandra spent last. steel- High Triple Hdcp. . Fran Went- - Support t'�,s an$Uri ..,Alan Matiderson are' 'Wet are leased to hear t Dare. ,end visiting ;hiss. Beamish's sister, zel 760, DorothyBttck 7591 Gord War- « in charge of the program: Roll C0. 10 tai$aWl6fi, is feeling I$etter pit*r b'tra: E. 3iarcot;and family in Pena- ren $68, Mika 'Gic iva 79 -_ - "Something on St. Patrick". 4sr'reeent illness. �jguishene.Wkiilerthere they attend- Over 200 Pat ;!r uada 224, "J S6 Mrs. Loren Jones had the this- ''Mrs..;Wm; O'Brien and{,MSrs. Fred ed,the Wirtteramir which they thor• Edith Reaman 211, ClaretiSkitch 2", fdrtuni to'collide with ' Mr. Jack Scott attended the Sunday%evening oughly. enjoyed. Reg Carpenter 206, H -e Fertile ', t1111�aSS. M'organ's car on the 9th. 'Con., west .Service at.Dunbarton Unite Church I There was a good. attendance st a 29x, Jinn::Guth 209, 217, ill Dobson of Claremont, on Sunday, when oas and were very impressed with -the Social evening held at the home of 20+x, Anna Cichun 210, Jack Beek + r -tar went out of control, near Mr,; .Pickering HiRh,rSchool Choir;and the Mr. and bfrs.•R. Holppon on.Monday �0p, 211, Jean Holobon _ 'B ill Hen- t � Spang's gate: Both cars were dam- Ajax High School Band. evet}ing. Mrs. Anne McKean was the derson 215, Al Skelton 2 , Sid Fea- eged considerably, but no•.one was A going-away party was+held at winner of the lucky draw for the doll. ton 204, Clarence Gibbo 293, 223, The annual W. A. Supper was held, seriously hart. the home of Mrs. John O'Brien last Mr.. J,,A. Hearns, 'who has been Gerd Warren 355, `204, L held at the"cliucch"on Friday eveft= Mt. •and'"Mrs. Wiliiiat ;Hilt .arid• Thursday for Mrs.''Dave O'Brien who seriously*Ill a4''thb Ajax Hospital is , ing, with a'.$ood attendance. The children of Claremont,'visited ` Mr. is leaving Saturday by plane'to spend., reported to be improving. We wish HALF LOAD REGU TIONS l W A; President, Mrs. Ast1L ,' and Mrs. Glen Matiderson, an Sun- ' two'w,-t-ks' in Beverley Hills;Califer, him a speedy:recovery- ARE IN FORCE ON NTARIO i led in a Short Worship Semite with flay. nia. She is planning on stopping over 1 Frenchman's Bay Bowling League COUNTY AND SUBiURBAN j rs. Arch Bell at the piano. Dr. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Jones visited 'in Chicago where she will visit friends I.-_-Team Standings '-� Roughriders ROADS -: l Lindemann played, several violin Mrs. lfary Hayes, Leaside, oil Sulk- for a day or two.. . 1 10_, All Outs 96, Slow Pokes 94, No Effective March 1. to �pril 30. i *elections, accompanied by 'M r. R. day. Mr: and bars. Dave O'Brien, aecom- Names 89, Bums 88, Punks 85 Vamps Vehicle loads may not;exceed idle Nicholson, at the piano. The group panied by Misses D. and E. Bunker 76, Pickups 66, al..owab'e loads given tinder Section j a enjoyed community 'singing, after gNCHMAN'S BAY of Dunbarton attended the Annual I 3rd series - No' Names 26, Slow 31, sub-section 3, of the Highway 1 ' which Ed. Betson showed coloured meeting of the Federation of Ontario' Pokes 19, Vamps 17, Punks 17, Pick- Traffic 'Act, Ontario. pictures taken in Florida, and, loc- Congratulations .to the, French- Naturalists at Port Hope last Satur ups 13, Buns 1'2. R.E. SIMS, B. A. Sc. Billy: van's Bay "Regency Homes" Bantam may, f. High Single Flat Doreen Ed- County Engineer The Community Club meets this Hockey ,, team who won the second A pilot had a nsrrow escape blon-•j wards 305, Gord Warren 355. Saturday evening at the home of around of their O.M.H.A. Playoffs in day afternoon when he landed hi-1 High Single Hdcp. - Doreen Ed WATER HAULAGE .Bob and Mrs. Patty, 'Brooklin. The Woodville•on Monday night. Thu first plane on the Bay. He saw the holes l "•aryls 336, Fran Wentzel 334, Gord 24 HOUR SERVICE program will include a game of fame of the serie's was played at in the ice and was unable to avoid- Warren 371, Al Hooper 3:�6. ART THOMPSON 8 SON wcourt whist. Brooklin last Tuesday and was won them and one wheel 'went through. t1731xS iaaI - E[3 aldu L tl3?H Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Lyons 'and _�y Woodville 3-2. Don Hopkins boys Fortunately there was no damage t.) .1'2, t'lare Skitch 886. WHitehall '2-3894 • Tom, of Corbetton, and Mr. and came back with a 4-2 win Monday the plane. � !� � � � � � � Mrs. Fred `Anderson and Brian, of to take the total goals series 6-5. Stan The ice is unsafe for cars owing to Dundalk, visited Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Korczynski paced the team to the win'the recent mild weather and :ain and'i Itzatt, on Sunday. getting three goals and Keith Fertile motorists would be wise to stay CAT' r `� J / Mr, and. Mrs. Marvin Barlow and scored one:Wayne'Colley was credited the Bay. Xet COLS Re%12oCleG Your tome Rene, Whitby, visited bir, and Mrs. with four assists. Wayne scored the ' Bruce Wiseman and Clarence Gib- ALL REPAIRS - ALL SERVICES „}arch Bell on Sunday. two goals in last week's game. The bons left on Monday for Montreal t Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Groves, Ajax, Hart twins, Len and Glen gave the with a group of. Hydro workers to For A Complete Job i spent the week-end at the home of goalie excellent defence. Peter Everett assist in the repair Rork to the dam- s 3i5 brother-in-law and sister, Mr. .cas injured near the start of the age caused by the ice stot!#t there. By Specialists :and Mrs. -Art frown. Mr. Groves game when he fell into the goal poet. Windo%" Plastering "{ istode a, r covery from the However, he continued to The regular monthly meeting of the ! ,0,064 p. pigp after Iiaate and School Associati n will be Rec {looms Electrical nuag .acpdeat ._ a few weeks being treated by a doctor. The time held at.the Bay Road Sch� on Trion- Addltfons phKr►bing fro, and place of the next series has scat , and Urs. Walter Gale and... y, laarch'fith Kim lsei4a yet been announced. The monthly meeting of,th Fair= ;Sf bear. of Rtvv ,iopto, visited at Mr. and Mss. Bill Dobson spent last poit United'Chtarch W. A. pill held ` e hotiite 'Ms.'... , Mrs' Frtc weekend vialting friends in Belleville. at the church on Marsh 9th. E�irodtts _ !' uckiin, of S=d#*., ob Gate rer Mr. and Mrs. Albert Skelton, San- Happy irthday wrfahes ale extend- turned-with tfiern to firs home at dra and Jeffrey are spending this to Roger o y�y who:.Celebrated �ll Relllot�e� ;t1yC}lofl . Alderwood �iavtng spent t e Ree - week in Montreal. his sixteenth birthday last' Saturday' � ,sad at the Pucknn home. Con tulations to Mr. and Mrs. PL7-41Q7 ©>la-IS71 Visitors at the home of Mr. and 8rn and to Mrs. H. Fertile, Sr. whose Jerry Allen on the arrival of a baby birthday is March 2nd. Mrs. Vaughan -Htiriburt, on Sunday boy., David at the Toronto General !♦ - vin• Cher ,par Tommy Mr.. and Mrs, .• P ?try ommy and George, t:,of Pickering Vaughan's brothers ; Richard and Kent,. of Claremont: .: 4 also Miss Marie Steerie, of Clare- mont, and Miss Joyce Cammack, of 'Whitby. "CARGO A speedy recnvesy is'wished for• •• ' Chas. Cowie, who 'has the 'chicken- EVERY pox, and 11Irs. Gordon Smith is con- :fined to her bed with illness. . , CALLS �"� R BANKING . .. ..GREENWOOD t 'Church c • • ..er�iec �cas well attended . on Sunday. Chu 13oy Scoutb aria tfic ] be Bo or Osl , is destination may Bombay, o or +Cubs Were in attendance with even fabled Timbuktu. - ,jtaders, 'Mr. Kch .Brooks and Mr. _ ,Doug: alorden. The choir sang - -- .• :' - a- - ,_ -But whenever it 'is bound-, chances are that a h d bank••God is a Spirit'. rt c n h o smooth ` The men of the congregation qrp ? a r k is helping t h the �lanaiag '!heir Annual gyster Sup- Services provided by the chartered banks sim- per. for Jiarch 22. the-task of those who buy or sell in distant The Institute met at the home of " plify Mrs. C. McTaggart on Wednesday 4 _ n , w mshai a s la ds ho ofun deal in unfa ai rkets, ` with Mrs. T. tiV heeler as guest spr6- - sea tt languages.and currencies. 4 i -- Several from our community act With a network of representatives around the t'taded the Civic Dinner at Brougham world, the banks provide on contacts - - a.,last Friday night. erever Canadians wish _" The second. caeeting of the 4-H. . and useful facilities .vrh ' . ;club, the'Cotton Queens, met at t F. 4he hoists•of Mrs. W. Trolley, on "'to trade or travel. l Tuesday, February 21. Seven mein (Every day, services of the chartered banks help hers were present, The' girls were °, 1 s t mesa much LO so -- measured for skirt and blouse mat- , . .. . . . I two s - aria! these to b> brought to the man. Canadian has to ve the cargos so i next meeting, Stith a patteri. - The - Sheeting will be held at the home of Y' ;birs. A. Gardiner„on •Tuesday, Fqb- i S THE • � -s r . E CHARTERED BAYI� . ,.• l ry _ , + Mr. and Mrs. Les. ��`ilson and � SERVING + CO ITY - � )tir, and-' Jlr_. G.- 1•isher enjoyed a � a � YOUR M;viUN � grip to Washington this past week. - k• ; I Miss Donna' Wilson.is the latest w, Srictim of munips, r. i Mr. and firs. J. [Brooks, and air. ..- - d Mrs. D. Pegg, of Toronto, viy- '•'� , , ;°fed Alfred and Mrs. Pegg and Ruth. :Y;:..:. ..,•<_; i Mr. and �Nln?. NV. Trulley enter- gained their'friend from Collingwbod r y a,,, i over the week-end. '- Visitors at the Milton Pe gg horns _ :i tpu Sunday were Mr. and `Irs. Bur- #n. Wilson and children, of Barrie, sad Mr. and �lrs..Geo. Pegg, of xA I )Aarkham. The Farm Forum was held at the ° ' #ome of Mr. and Ars. M. Pegg, oil 0 Monday. Topic '"The Two-Price *ystenf.: �I o, s" BALSAM MT. ZION w IF Congratulations to Mr, and \Mrs. Qrr Graham on the arrival of ano- i ;her grandsoi?, born 'on February 23, "'x- \ E I� to Njr, and bars. Irvin Gibson, . i lBrooklin. Mr, and Mrs, Ralph Jones, hi r. and Mrs. );rank. bicAvoy, Mr. and Mrs, Cecil •Disney attended a din- i ales on Saturday night at Pickering, Y , tti honor of Hon. ,1lichael_ Starr. I t . .. \ . Mrs, Elmer Wilson entered 0. 1- Owa Hospital, on Sunday for sur- 1 '' . ',fiery �; � �;.,. �:• '� Several from he attended Dlr ' ltd Mrs. Wm.'Birkett's 55th Wed A i ding Anniversary on Saturday. and Sunday, at Stouffville. 4 The Young People's'Uni6n atten- B;•. < " s pynbarton on Sunday night. fed the. Hi-C. Church Service at ' - _ The W. A. will miet next Wed �a �•- .•. .r . ... +.....-..+ i eesday, March 8, at the home of Y ,• h.;•a•-�x�.. i _ mss�is'.Ae+EAS ` 01 Tjo= F4136 21. 0VAR YTFiRD Nu. S` - Hazel p ��++-�`� No. p. - Mary _�_.:.16 _ >' • a&owTV Je`[ -lock- McFACIRNIE�S No. 2. Helen 15 R, - No. 1, - Thelma 13 - PRESCRIPTION SPECIALISTS A87 flake or Model ` e • .FUNERAL DIRECTOR High Single (flat) Dorothy •P4 e I- an 68; High Single - Eil-A��ur Fol �ONMiC ..UNDR, ES• _ dAY NEt URNITURE. DEALER ctr Byantx ; High Triple (flat) .» Dorothy Phelan 543; High Triple / '• (hand.) - Hilda Lennox 656. STORE HOURS Private A►rmbeianee Servk� - - Scores Over 200 - FLAT - Dorothy Phelan 268; Eil- _. :WEEK DAYS DAILY 9-9 DAY OR NIGHT eA Pryaat 2=0: Nora Bullock 233; - TFB DELIVERED - Lil. Staples 245; Beryl Boys 218: �" '• Ri HOUDAYS 1� - • Hilda Lennox.205; Mary Lay 202. , WN HAND. - Eileen Bryant 260- Ll•1kEACHNE, Prep. Staples 256; Hilda Lennox 247, 2?.4; PICKERINQ .PHONE WH. Z-.'�!A61 PHONE • -• Norm Bullock 243;: Verna Hunter 224; Mari. Hunt 215; jean Head t' 2- .Phone WH. 2-2171 i 217;. Kilda >�litcbell 21a Pickering, Ont. I Can! Of T MU HARDW 4 , My sWcece thanks to Dr. Tomhn- X �LIRR�IE son and Dr. Russell; alai} nurses of �' Ajax Fiwpita2, for calls, �aa, frt� a Paid Rf"g31`a TiC W. H. j.THOMPWM. B.A,.'.LLB. and Howes, from hiends and rela- J. AmdnoNzEft fives; to Rev. M. Buttars,the Wom- anri A tut the' .�� � �� an"s Association, Doric j,.odge, Emil � •et'elaurio sad ltsoiiL atida, Columbia aa�d all. enquiries, dunng my s"llness _ _ TO�� ��185P Etch elOek, lib SOS*" Glrn000d 133ft Apz,\ Cheater Butt ..,. _ IrY ��I�i1�1/t� �,,, ,;,�, � B.�ar.>rLL WFUt bat 2-S1i31 AJAX BARGAIN CENTR$ �art�AltlrD • t. tslae ai a►Ae WASHERS ,. Raideoca:'T$rnpis 9-2651 - ,. S AND SERVICE sA�s . . . . 'PHONE WH. 24911. �'� Y TIMRINQ � Pc 4X Drs aBM. iDS REPAIRS ON l s. a ww" U016 Creighton, Fraser, D"n 'washers, st6.es, Refrigerators bow atsumb"all •lire +�i Murdoch Pasts Availabld For AII + Household Appliances _ 24-HOUR SERVICE •' 1%wr aier's, SoUtitors arW Notaries Phoce • WH2-6110 :'�I EEKEHD SPECIAL' Publk --- DENHEY -L Rai _ - �r,k of Commerce chambers. 'sin Squares ` * i for Z4c •...• - s Simcoe Street North. Oshawa ---_ - 'BROTHERS , :Telephone RI►. 3-3446 • Main St., Pickering NVH. 2-0386 , _ �q Public heating Comradan 9 . R� _ Hot Water, Steam Systems, h%Nland Creak tSfltky'i"KY ]a]a Installed AT. 24"1 or AT.-2-1364 � SMALL ACRKAG88 Alm Alterations-Repairs g..� .•R>,f ..» W�. GRACE PRESBYTERIAN rJ AJAX LUMBcR Co. l[«�,.ie Fr{.fas a Sr"P� -•! Wo Zia, walun• e7 NQ - lr•r Vrem tt A" KxPor'.60a+ �,sflu i clV ordmi Aind SYi:ST ROUGE IF o t Homeowner rubGc wsfrsP and Sunday Sebael _ , ' I. rPR *+'_"P[+wtii46it saw 9-30 a.m.-West gauge Pwwk School. 1"451 . offis• ,c11534" 1140 12.00.-Ceetenaiel Read public school Take Advantage of Our Payment Plan wss� EVERYONE.wELCOM ?. A. irII.I+Ot7C1)Et ail 801U3 REV. wrN. H. T. FutTON, .' ..BUY NOW B N ��a�raent� • ewe :2 Bryce o ,ea. No Payment Until May ?st. Also Can Include - �>• M��� woAes'• :Phone AT. 2-2372 ;Materials Plus Installation Charges. soar.'AUS9rl , Psor. _ ions ry =---------- --------------- ----- 3 Locot' To Se a You li: 1. Whitby. Ontario ST. GEORGE'S ANGLICAN Tire mdkw west of WLuby as CHURCH ao Ra a t3lilaway. between Pickering Oatieb __ FREE DELIVERY - • • Rector W>suny ..a e,la+c AJAX P1cKERlNG • WFNTSII Tbo"t Whitby no s-3442 Re% H. S. Shepherd. B. A, D. D. WH. 2-!SM 1WH. 2-3251 1N0. $4173 � 5�� Bo: 198, Picker S - P>r. WH2-9513 ,�• SUNDAY SERVICES w � ;, l 8.30 a. m.-Holy Communion i faL.M 8/N C� 1WIST 11.00 a. m.-mor"i Prayer lenirai 11.00 a. sae-Hot Communion '1sidw� � ALFMD KAVSS , . c4tts sbnda,) ft 11. a. m -S,: da 6chr� the: PL11MiBING BATHROOMS Pickering Medical Centre ]Parish Ha!! •; � F.,QSURS SYSTEMS OFFICRt WH• 24WAO 11.00. a. rm-Nuraery in Rectory ; ' r S: WH. 2-181 Room _ ages up 4 s+ers Paints Electricul liaIIilCi .ESTIMATES GIVEN - WEDNESDAY pp ` •, 15.00 a. m,-Holy Commumlov and-11 I •sse _ WH2-N1T s • A InterceTions for The SEek z, :s .T 'Is �labS ttC. _ ------ --------- ----- ----- fit. Andrew's I'resby s •- ' RADIO _ luivistoN. Si - Kennet'.•i Heron, B. A., lKinistet, r REPAIRS ; N 19.45 A. M. - Sunday School Ba" s on., ar iN l re ` P80RE: ?Emple Q`1193 'N 11.06 A. M•, Gooch Service H �-0450 ��c� DXNTBARTON RADIO&'TV S M E R� ,:. Pmug g A. $ sA�rrl�w - Picierim United Chord FUNERAL AND . Minister: Rev. Melville Bvttimm .1.�. 01 L AMBULANCE SERVICE SUNDAY, MARCH A 1961 ;}:, 9 t�� Q CONAlfN'A t4 A. Two Morning Churca Servrcee .. k;' ' a and 80Li1LTl'i9u 9.46 A. M. and 11.0 A. '> r New Prices WAN&WE :No. 2 HIGHWAY J ' or Sunday S�ooi - A45 A. TrI. COMM sUa . AJAU[ tte�aa .'`` .... ...FUEL OIL - 17.1 c AT P1CK; 1G REACFI 84110 Slinior saaday Sotiod.- 11.04 A. M. , T96 '�M tip. A. Oiawe 7.30 P. M. �- LT�e�r�n-A8eyM�eetis:g tJ►fiN OR iN f1laN 30 DAYS . ------ -- STOVE OH. 2 oc A0A3.SY ran WH. 2-3'10 1.15 N. M. _ Sunday So6eol CALM OR WJTMIN 30 DAYS , on ,� 2.30 P. M. - CbtKCh Sys.ice v, AM" + • ►_�!'� - Arthur M�tcbe�l � . ,. Cbristim S .ieence 7 : IT/ ROUGE HILLS. ONTARIO tr- �ai.lr•&" 9 AS sus. 1 CHURCH SERVICE wPID „r-6771 ��.9-24e�:T goW►man t& Gibson UM811�G STOKE SUNDAY SCHOOL Q� SUNDAY 11:00 A. M R it in Rotebank Road School -Reading Rooin Open To Public __- THE ONE PLACE TO GET DAILY $V)4RYTHING IN Is AlIerton Building Kingston Rd. ;�IVALTER THOMSON Q.C. At Rouge Hill 1 MolfrErtM, M►oNTErtM, 1 + 4•• PLUMBING. GOOD "VALUE • • • • dA �TER SOLiCITOe T AT THE RIGHT PRICE TeEvery, wines gs.8.00 P >,[ NOTARY PU9LIC Chattered Accow*oeft Ev Rawadi Royom Tt:a ' COMMISSIONER FOR OATIA .,Open Dolly Till 540 pin. • � o I�r1�M+MIN1 CDrtier.of 1. Alm O�h•■r• - Srr rf•tr I Saturday T6! 1 p.m. ' pW Marto Rd. Oft a w: Rash C.A•, R.u►, ,`'SALES - SERVICE Ire: Ptisrtber Iotorsrration MOItwe1► MIN.24WW C;; ..- sassR CONTRACTS CALL - ATLntic 2.2635 "" E' Waft" SE 14320 KingEtan *d'r West HNI A T* 2-200 AT.44721 t �'r. .g. .�• - •rvi ...a#••-•-w .....-.! .i..'.,1•:r'... :a. . '�• .. 'r'./' h. :irni.Ac r ' -;. t�'.'•,t .. ? .,rat, .. . _ BONUS- 'APE GIFTOF T* ICAO TH 7- ............ .......... �. q r _.,..' � n�•< ��.,yr � �"k' �' �/i rrr �'+�p,•,,,,,..,.Fer` i r . ' P ' • , „ rr r N �ff�''�.r 9 `.'�':X•+r:w+n rr r'.. f<,. �•• :t s r a' Y.:mw a jr F R ONLY • ,.•� � � O Ali �'/r%//�+'� ry�r <f /�:v rr rx. • "/,.�+�.���, f•r/:may �Gf .�•• .. i T7 / ` ,ry //fj'+hf iy err•off/ f' Tim r WE RESERVE - PLUS ONLY -1 FOLDER THE RIGHT TO ALL PRICES + $3738 K IGA'TAPES) / WHIT QUANTITIES EFFECTIVE ` ' MAR. 2. 3, 4 FANCY CREAM STYLE = 1 STOKELY'S TINS 9c CORN I GRADE 'A' PREDRESUD FRESH _ IGA READY-CUT — (ELBOWS) r� 2 ��_ 27� , MACARONI ... :T RKEY . ' I - u I _ j 45e OFF NG FAQ s '9q�SUPER �,B R 0 1 L E.RS KELLOGG'S LB. AVERAGE — LB — SPECIAL K a . :SAUSAGE SMALL LINK � 1b.' 5 5c 1 BUTTERMILK OR SWEET MILK ! - PILLSBURY : C BEEF STEAKETTES = ib. 5 qC ROLLS _ TOTAL SLICED BEEF .LIVER Am'D mum ms Ib. 49C EXTRA A s3 Z ' . IN BONUS BOOSTER TAPES • i NEW CROP VAL114CMS—THE WITH $6.00 BONUS TAPE. . FMIEST FOR JUKE, FLORIDA. f White"Tun-a" SEAL SIZE 4 jYk , + •' I Foil Wrap 92E YORK RLANCHEO DOZ. E ' Peanuts ` '�' Izoz SIZE _ SE Zsa: 6 POPULAR {RANDS-CARTON CO 47I .Cig . arettes e A TOUCH-Of SPRING,TENDER GREEN REFRESHING FULLY FLAVOURED U.S. Me. 1 FLORIDA = WITH $►2.00 BONUS TAPE - FARMHOUSE Asparagus ELARGE�-LEY9c Celer ,siE. y Tabler-ite Wieners I _ APPLE CRISP GARDEN FRESH U.S. No.•1 SNOW WHITE U.S. N% 1 tt P , Cbokin onionSCEL�o�eAG .. VV��V GEA c g = e 9 �aulif lower �A. 2 5e PIE _ .. :, _ ,.I�•. 1 II r I:II.l I t, r IIII II.1 I,•,1„I ,„r,... I,,,r,• 11 I I IIII I II+.1 I 1' ,I":I.tif' I „ �� r 'r t _ GOOD LUCK . ., ._ _ ,,,,,,,,,,,, , !,LN,L.JL611,.IILIIII!,61,i,, „i ,I,I„�,;...c„ KIfN dINL��l,,.116�IILIIIIIIIIIIIpIUllllllVIII!INIIINIIIfII„„!J,Ir!,IdIlLlllir!II!IIpJ!,..JI!'.,,Ilil!IIII:NllulllllllllltllNlillllll'II!h'!Ilill'I'IlllllliN!111111111111616u11!✓�r, I Lt. PKG. A Ma'r' ga'*ro� me � (SAVE , s AND SAVE SHOP' AT , o SHRIMF CHOP SUEY OR EGO ROLLS , M OZ 7 -3 9* Bra nd SIZE C IGA MARKET R I Drago ' MCKAGE CH-ARDSO' N PICKERING, ONT.