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VOL 77 'P10. Si. PZCBERIN(3, ONTARIO FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1960 ' Published Since November 1881 Post Office Dept-Ottrwa a
. ------=- - - - • - ---� -. - VILLAGE _
Under Ylla PICKERING _
t: First Homes At Bay Ridges .U y
"Happy Days Are Here Again
_ ' ........ rIt vas,a p gaou re -o see the hit
:zs entroopinback to" school,
and :
►- „. Y + z � looking as though they liked it. And
i .. doubtless, many mothers breathed a {
sigh of relief.
> v s,: "•� ,g Mr. and Mrs. Willard. Cronk, of*.
" Detroit, spent the weekend with the _
former's. sister, Mrs. Alan Lishmaa
and family and Mrs. $. Ii. Cronk
: accompanied them home for a few-
week's visit.
Mrs. Wm. Moore, whose husband'
was minister of S:. And Pres-
y pp „ "` s byterian Church, 1908 to 1912, acc-
. ompanied b,• her sister, Mrs. Pence
!^ :y wafden, of Kingston, visited T1r.
and Mrs. H. W. Boyes last week.
` y i1rs. Nellie Mowat has ieturned
y I from Calgarv, of ter a six-weeks' vis-
it with her son John, and Mrs.
" Mowat.
" Miss Alice Stevenson left this
.. ,,
week for McGill University. to con-
e herEstuudiess.. _
~lieu ,
These are the first homes in.the Bay Ridges, around `Frenchman's of the homes will be occupied by Mrs. ackham, Brock- Rd.
•..three dwusanddtome-development at Bay. The developers hope twat some Cis:stmas Vboto by Barriie Pomeroy has.sold her home, and.is n3w sett-
led with Mrs. Fred Lawson, Christ-
ina St.
Badl Burned In Flash Fire Pickering District High School Has over fourteen hvitioa. Society s of
y the "Soil Conservation Society o!
- , • Americi' convened last week on thQ
At Morgan s Park Roue Hills Largest Enrollment Since School Opened �- .campus of O, t C. for
the organs,
F g - ization's fifteenth Annual _Meeting.,
Ttsro adults and a child received Pickering District High School is Edgar R. James attended as a dele
Abid degree hurisa in an early morn- litersliy' burteting at the neams-this Mother &' Daughter gate from Central''Authority.Lake Ontario•
' on Zlresday at Morgans �• w• waif Awarded year the largest. enrollment is Conservation Authority. The theater
sW Rouge Hills when the.home of was "New Technologie3- in Land
Mr. George Sutcliffe stela ,Srned { the school's history. • Resource-Use", and delegates were
4 • • Vise Principal Ron Asll said that Injurerd • In ' Crash --present from fet-.y-eight States of
the Jim C D DesEgnation nearly 700 students showed rep last the V. S. A. and all Canadian Prov-
In Ajax Hospital is Mr. Sutcliffe • Tuesday morning. <: --
vi ft burns to tats back and arses, his About 110 students of the total Two local women, Mrs. Griffith and inces. _.
'madber Mrs. Fred Sutcliffe, 70 with The Life UndwWritars Association her daughter Mss. C. E. Crowe are We are sorry to learn that Mrs,. :
number, are being installed in three
. bosatss to beck, arms, face and head, d Canada has announced t#yat G. W. both in hospital following an asst- Jean Wonnacact is now its Oshawa
rooms of the former William street when their Hospital, sufferin' from an acute:
Hospital authorities said 'their eoodi- Wool, of Pickerim a repreaeettat- dent on'Saturday night,
public school.
tiara were only fair. live The Mutual Life of Canada, has puThe high aehoa built to aeeommo- �+ out of eontrtol went head-on into attack of W
Ia Sick Children's Hospital, Tor- bean-awarded dw Chartered Life a tree. Elwood White and fatuity, Cooks-
ontio is George Sutcliffe Jr., also in Uaderwt+ter designa"n. date .b80 atudetrta had an enrollment
}last year of 570, whidt the staff' felt Mri• Griffith, 78, is in Ajax has- - vine. have been visiting at the home
serious condition from burns. vas.a good number to operate effiti pital with bruises.. and laceratiow s. of the farmer's mouser, Mrs. Waltr _
neighbors told police that when � early, There are now 31 teachers at Mrs. Crowe is in Oshawa hospital White. ,
W-wt-- -- the whole Y•" with a broken hip, knee and head Edw. Pie and family, London,
bootee was ablaze. Fire Chief Donald Mr. Hall said. that enrollment in is es. rs. we a rs
�two daughtei - `.
Lynde of the South-West Fire De- all grades has increased but the big- Lon-Anne 18 and Laurel 10 who were Sunday.
partment said that when they arrived - t increase is in Grade 9, whieis a eat,.sacs in- M . S. G. is ao c s-
in the bears ped - r G s w onvaIe
gee _ ., sing satisfactorily at hopie, follow-
the house was beyond saving and they :•+� this year avill consist of 9*clstasea of f
eowcentraied on jteepfng"'Kre from , Grade 9 with a total of 290 student~. The accident oecurred on Elizabeth ing surgery: -
street, just north of the village boun- Work has begun-oe Church SL 5.
spreading. He said. the origin of rise For the first time, Grade 11 }tae two wry. Mrs. Griffith, driving south, for a new house for Mr. Lindsey, a► -
f�re was on *ag: chases this year. - over a salesman witb Cooper Block Ltd.
Sgt• .John" 'ugh of th e ipwttship .' ;y The new high school at Dunbsrton Heat obi,k control,'dropped• -
ffotree, said as he had it reported to be ready for next �, will of 5 foot bank and went about 100 feet, DIr, and Mrs A.,E. Calvert acc-
"-kbn, the family awoke, found the to
ourbe relieve the present strain at colliding with a tree. ompanied Mr. Calvert's daughter.,
lltonse on lire and got ors, but 'aOt P.C. Peter Nichols of the township Mrs. Hindson, on a three-day twit-
before three were badly burned. They . .. , pollee department-said`._?t_tom_them day, when they via ited friends-at___
all loaded into the family ear, stapp• 15 minutes to get Mrs. Crowe out t c
�a at a nearby home and dropped Boat Patrol Cuts the �' wiwch was very badly dam- taation "Midsummer, Night's Droaa'°
�[ three of the children who were aged at the Stratford Festival
not burned. Mr. Sutcliffe then drove Down On Wednesday: Mr. H. Boyes
f,hie mother and son all badly Rev, M. Bttttan To Attend Oeasrai �raa a goes: at the Directors' Lunch-
to Ajax hospital. His wife who eon at the C N. E. Harry is at.
wi with them was not hart Chief R. T. Parker of Pickering ,C� At Edmonton member of the Cattle yes atittee. Ina
biter emergency treatment, George .fir. Woof has demoastra`ed his Township Police Dept, announced the afternoon Mrs. Boyes altes�d m
t Jr. was taken by McEachnie ansbo- sotmd.life - this week, that since the force has - -- tea for Directors' wives.
to Toronto. ability to Ino' mb inter of tM Pickering Township Museum, at
aetoss cotsttsel for_his clieati, aad been patrolling the waters in and litev. M. Bntlars,, S P
L� loom tyo ,•l►atsce they kvww bar� , eo-his ltd the three- �d UR Frenchman's Bay distri24 United. Church hem has be=
sins- $rougham was opened,so the public
of the Sutcliffe family beeauwe 7+s. Course in modern life under- bocters have become`=ore' csreetul one of three delegates (commission- off ;ldonday. Tile seltool-house build-
y. The park which eondncied by the and, safety e�taeious. en) from the Bay of Qtriata Con- ing is ready for visitors, sad the bB
tt a >Rely 4*0� w Icy ,pf.h As cod Ile •8aadsw The ffgarm -of one 17 charges f fence to &#end t'a tan-day Con- cabin will pe completed- later.'The
wise. not butted were: 'Debbie 5, writer of Caaadi, tltroueb the De- having bees laid, bears out the chief`s ferowzW of the United Church of ' pioneer furdi titigs for t(.ie log cab-'
Valerie 8 and Dianne six andhths. prtatseot of University R�w4on. statement. The chief did add however, Canada, held this year in fin- in are displaytd, and there is also a
Univms�tq of Toronto. ._ that while only 17 charges were laid, ton. The local congregation cap display of Victorian furnitsre.
• - - dozen4 of warnings were issued, that considered itself honored. Mr, But- It is hoped' that many visitors•
Pideering Public
Mr. WOO{ associated with the in meest eases was sufficient tars leaves on Sunday night. will take time to notes :acid see this -
Oshawa Branch of The
Mutual Life
of 'Canada, 69 Bing SL 13:ast. The charges laid, ranged from care Sfawmg seen the ''program is ad- product of many hoary work by the,
�I EnrollM�ent Up less driving, unregistered boats, not vane, and noting the •objects be- Historical Society, which eventually
DINTY'S' yielding to, sail boats, skiing without ing discussed, we,look for some int- become a very valuable .gfiatpse of
Pickemig Public SebnRl tnsohneat two cotnpettent persons in the boat•to a'estmg headlines in the daily pap- Pickering Township's past. Child-
3.47 on dav, only. Small Motor Clinic,. Pickering, will not having life preservers. as in the nezt few weeks. fen, under 12, tirttst be accompanied
than lastst yye&• Kindergar- be eloeed for tsolidays from Septem The township police boat is out al- 1![r, Gordon Bray wiII also attend by an adult.
l carolled 4ag, three>sWco than blot ba 16 to October 3. most every day of the week and for from the United Church Of:sees, its Pickering United Cisarcfl Sunda
several hours each day on week ends. Toronto. School will re-open next Sunday at
dear. j 9.45'a. m. with a Rally Day Prog- -
_ ram. Twenty-seven classes will acc--
ommodate children from four years-
Swimmers Make The gig Splash of age, an up. The Presbyterian
! Sunday- School opened last Sunday,' 7.
-- pit RaiFy Day tg be"nn ahe 11th.
w A large flock of swallows was-
seen last week, on their ,way south _
and many more migrations are sure
to follow - .a sign that summer is
y�r about over for this,year.
Mrs. Alice Clarke,- Toronto spent
last,week-end with her son K. H. J -
Clarke and family.
Miss Carol James has begun tea-
thing at Palmerston Public School,
Toronto, this week. We wish her
every, success in her profession.
Mr.andnMrs.rRittenhouseasat Sand- '
, r -
occupy ag athe d Red of Cross- -
v ,
hild en ar
..� r e
quarters on Brock Road, until their
" new school in South •Ajax is finish- '
ich-it is-hoped wilt be before ---
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Smith had La - ti
. _. trip to North I?ay' at the,week-end -
'' to visit relatives.
On "nesday, August 31, the Boys 9'to' 10 =•(first) Berty Ver- Bev,"Boyes;' Boys-I1 to 1.2 - (first •.. " .photo by Barrie Pomeroy Our congratulations to Miss Eva
: .:Pickering Pool held (heir second an- nay, Mathew Bosch; (second) - Don Brian Boyes; (second) - Jno. Smith; (third) Sharon Cooper; Boys 15 Hasek on winning a,scholarship ,a.
nual Swimming Meet, with about Egoroff, Jim Pearce; (third) -'Tom (third)' --Charley James; Girls I1 to, and up - (first) Peter Donelly; ward. She will continue her studies
one hundred contestants taking Appleby, Gary'Grubb. 12 - (first) - Barbie Egoroff; (sec- (second) - Brian •Boyes; (third) - at Victoria College, U. of T. j
Dart in swimming and diving'cone- --Regulars - 'Free Style - - ond) Fiona Thompson; •(third) - Greg., Gerbi§L Girls 15 and up - PICKERING VILLAGE J'
petitions: The o owing are Bay -9-�Yo (first)- -- -Ricky -1's.-ltfcl�irley;—i3o3s i3 to-44 - .(-first) - Janet Egoroff;-(second}---- -- COUNCIL I,
9 _-N
winners + a oath contest Brown; (second) - Ray Singmom- (first) Greg. Gerbis; (second) Linda Smith; (third) - Teddy Gall-, Will hold their Regnl3r Meet>ag oRt; '
Beginners' Free Style - on; (third) - Jim Sowerhy; Girls 9 Peter Donelly; (third) '- Jim Izatt; oway:• TUESDAY, S�PTEt[Bl$R 33. ,
Boys 7 to 8 years - (first) Peter to 10 (firat) - Wendy Kimura;, Girls 13 to 14 - (first) - Janet Eg- at SAO P. M.,.in time
Kaiser; (second) - Ricky Sowerby; (second) t,hru Gerbis; (third) - oroff; (second) - Teddy Galloway; '(continued on page'sixJ -I� COUNCIL GHAMB�
SALU �Ts attended' th'e Z9'-h wedding anmv- Would any girls betwp" the ages, ended a shower and luncheon at the other program.
4rsary of Mr. and ,Mrs. J. Cullen, at 13 to 26, wia#ing to join ne Homo-' home of Mrs Ralph Faulkaes on Turkey'Supper - October 19. Sup-
Mr. Wm. Harbrort, passed away Orangeville, on Sunday. makers' Club'` for the Fall' Course; Monday, for a relative Miss Grace
g , � per from 4.06 P_ m., - on. No take-
on Wednesday, August 31, at the Friends are sorry to hear that "Dressing,Lip bame-grown vegetab- Russell, out dinners.
Birch Cliff Nursing Home, to his Mrs. Winton White haq been�on the- 1es"'please gtt in 6ouch with Mrs.;
45th year. He was born at Kinsale sick list. Cecil Disney or Miss Kathleen Me-. /H�Cpst �� ANNOUNCEMENT
rind\lived in this district for theme Jim and"John Wilson. played ball A,voy. �rg1LRR
-;—past fifty years. Left to mourn are: with the Greenwood teem on Sat- Miss Pat Jackson, -of Toronto, =Scbool re-opened on Tuesday with �Mr. and Mrs. Wi1f Hunt wish to '—
his wife( the former Ethel Pilkev) urday night, at Wainsfleet. commenced her duties.as teacher at a large attendance. announce the engagement of. tbeir
one #aughter,, Mrs. -Stanley Neale, •11frs. Elmer.Wilson was soloist at Balsam.Srbool,and will be staying Anniversary services at Cherry- daughter, Carohm Also, td Mr.
(Dorothy), of Toronto; and two Brooklin Church last Sunday more- at the Forsythe home. wood United Church will be held on Frederick William Icealer, son of
eons: Gerald, of Myrtle, and Leslie, ing.• 1 11, The W. A. will meet next•Wed- Sunday, September 18. with services Mr. and Ides, Fredwick Keeler, of
a. horde. Mr.' and Mrs. B. jamieson- and nesday, September 14, at the home at 11.00 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Hlig'hland Creak. The wedding to
Mr. and Mrs. Don-"Piett and.the Mary Jean. accompanied Mr. ; and 'of Mrs. Wm.-Gates, Roll Cali An The W. A. will have a meetirV, take place on Satardayr October g„
family, •Hamilton, visited„Mr... and t Mrs. Richard Ward to Mr. Roy Item with the word ;Works". on Wednesday evening, September 1960, at 4.00 p. al., in Pickering
Mrs.' 'Percy Jones, on Sunday.' Ward's cottage on Shadow Lake, Mrs. George` Wilson, Mrs. Lloyd 14, at 8.00 o'clock. Visiting societies United Cbarch.
Met and I11rs_T.-jordan and Earl near Cobo.:onk, on Sunday_ Wilson and Mrs. Charlie Ffss att- are invited. "Flower Arranging" and
-'EXCEPT THURS. 4 FRI,- TILL 9:00 P.IIA. _ ,
09�o0 _
12 oz Tins for = _ C
Kass of 48 ties $3.15) -
., T :wx .a-can
ABY :"..
( lees 1b:
. Pure .: -
Y AMERICA DRY Large 30 oz. Bottles I65
_ R-ALE-2for259_
GINGE, -- tie -
-.tPlus Deposits) GE BRAND" - - 4 Ile. _
LYONS Economy Pak SAVE Z0a - -.
: - - - C PETER RABBIT GOLDEN ROAST . _ 16 oz. Jar
j Size - ii
f 100` 2-Cup S T T
o - -A G S
- _ . EAR T � 1,� . .
- -. .(Save IOc) - -
-. :. -CUCUMBERS 4 for 19
Wieners , v�i
JUBILEE small link•. 1 Ile. tray 2 9
PURE PORK ...75 lb. Bag •95 / 10 lb. Bag C _ -
' 6 qt. basket C -
C Ib. C
Bu' ST _
Cott a a ::Roll
AC B ON. '
O .ROASTS - -- -
Ib. pkg.
MAPLE LEAF SLICED .6 Os: Vacuum Wrapped Pkg. -
Macaroni Cheese loaf Z
of SLICES TS Ile. S ES 59. c FRESH LEAN 9�:. °,br LIC .Ile
Inc RU-MP .ROAST•Ile .75c' '
- FRESH PORK (Picnic)
BY THE C C • h C
Ile. Ile.
V .
- - - cially the parents enjoyed the sum `ben the two•winning teams•will be 'SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 17. port to the aaaoci tion.
- �0 ��d mer holiday and will appreciate theYeeettted,rlith Create. Mr. and Mrs. A Claereboudt and _
quiet school days ahead. Mr. and Mrs. T. Hudson and-family Sale At 1.00 ,P. M. family of Park Blvd., have returned
Mr.•and-ide�.'CvosAon•.Shaver. and Rivercour4 Rd, are having"a week's The West Rouge Biwa0is. 10" from two weeks camping at Dasler
family, King Atethurs Court, spent a holidrty on the Trent River at their considered for some time,' the Pow- lake, Parry Sound district
A special Red Croce meeting open week`-6f—their vacation motoring cottage. ibifiity of a community auction sale Mr. and Mrs. G. Mattingly and
to the public .,will be held at the through the beautiful Pembroke and Mr. Dote--Quick and family, Don-' to support their service progrsatti. family of Lakeview have returned
Brock Rd.` Red Cross Centre Sept.!Ottawa district. shire Court; have just returned from This ity has fret to become a from holidays.
15th at 8 p.th, to stress first aid. 1 Mrs. Fred oore, $obby and Joyce, a three -months' holiday in England a reality and thanks to the residents Mr, and Mrs. B. Diotte and Mark
There'have been many requests for Rivercourt Dr. have been enjoying where' they visited relatives, of the community, there have been have returned from a trip to Dal-
:first aid'classes to be held in the I the holiday at their cottage a Kasha- Mr. and Mrs. Jim MacKay Ridge- more than two hundred and fifty kieth where they visited his family. '
%township and village, and branch I.bag. wood Rd. entertained Mr. MacKay's articles donated. These include fish- Mr. and Mrs. W. Tonkin and Mar-
members here• are anxious to begin The West Rouge Kiwanis are send-, brct.her and, family Mr. and Mrs. Ing tackle, chairs, beds, lamps, skiis, garet accompanied by Dolina Cum-
'.'such a program'as'soon as possible. ing out their last call to all young- Andy MacKay over the weekend. air-foam mattresses, tools, pumps,' ming .spent• the week end camping
Mrs. David"Crichton,'president, and;stars fourteen yearn and under to I llr. sad btrs. Alex Adams and sewing and washing machines,' gar- at Shemong lake.
Mr. John Daniel Jenkins, vice-pre.si- compete in a Fishing Derby ending i family, Ridgewood Rd. report a most den furnitire etc., net to mention a Mr. and Mrs.' R. G. McNicol of
dent, have made an appeal to all citi- Sept. 15. Prizes will be given for the i enjoyable motor trip through the prceless pair of moose antlers. Ottawa visited their neice, Mrs Wil-
zens interested in becoming instruc- largest Pike, Bass, Per--h or Catfish Ew3tern States to, the Thousand Is- Don't forget to 'circle - Sept. 17, Hams and family of Park. Ores., re-
tors or attending classes to come to caught in the Rouge Elver between lard; last week. - on your calendar. Bring all the Gently.
'this special meeting. Aug. 13 and Sept. 15. There will he Tw.) Brownie Leaders and One family along to en•oy the excitement On Tuesday, Sept. 6, a total of
One of the features will be a movie an cn'-i7'1 fee of 10c to register at Guide Leader are -drgently needed in of an cld-time auction. By support- 261 pupils began the school year at
on mouth-to-mouth artificial respira- Fergusons Beach. All fish must be 1 the West Rouge to carry on the work ing this event, you support the jun- Fairport Beach public school. We
tion. The Red Cross has recently an- recorded promptly at the refreshment if any one is interested in this prof- for bowling, baseball, fishing derby, would• at this time'like to welcome
proved this method of artificial res-I booth. ect please call .Mrs. Carter, At 2-8262. schol3rsh'_p funds; and needy'famil- four new teachers to the school, Miss
res. M. Asselstine, grade 2;'Miss J. Car-
Many happy•reyurns of the day to� Remember the Auction of White gr .
"It is going to be one of our most Bert-ard flanlan, Rivercourt Rd. who i Elephants Sat. Sept. 17, at the Shop- man, grade 4; Mr. K. Hargrave,grade
interesting, exciting and educational i was eight years old on Aug. 29, and ping Centre. This project is spon- FAIRPORT BEACH -5 and 6 and Mr. J. Ladd grade 6 and
programs we have had to date," said to Ricky Ridding, Rouge Hills Dr. on Bored by the Kiwattis to help boost 7.
Mrs, Crichton, his third birthday Sept. 8. their funds for further sports and The binges games sponsored by the The girls and coaches were pleased
In the Volley Ball Finals the Larks recreation in the district for the com- Ratepayers' Association will com- at the turnout of spectators who gave
WEST ROUGE were the winning team for the Juniors ing years if you have any articles in inence'on Monday, September 12'at their support to the Legionettes and
while the Rubies were winners for your home that could be sold call 8 p.m. at the community hall and will Squires Beach at the final game of
All became,quiet and peaceful in the Seniors. The 'Coaches, Managers At 2-1616 or At 2-7350. continue each week. There will be the play-off series The final score
West Rouge as the children went back and All who helped with the team,; WEST ROUGE KIWANIANS excellent,prizes, two jackpots and was 27-26 for Squires Beach. Both
to school'Tue. to start arother term for the season are holding a Barba- PLAN MAMMOTH AUCTION two share-the-wealths. Additional in- teams played a great game as indi-
of learning. We trust everyone espe- cue for the teams on Sat. Sept. 8, i• WEST ROUGE formation can be obtained from_Mrs. Gated by the 1-run win over the
D. Price, Temple 9-2527. locals.
Glad to report young Ruth Cum- There will be a corn roast on-the .
-� min of Park Blvd, is recovering
Sa beach• at the point at Dunbarton
nicely after her ton ' s' or a atrpo ea
e awn General Hospital. . gionettes, the girls of the Squires'
• ----- - .__. -
_ __ Dunharton Shores Beach baseball teatzt-and-the Fairport
held a beach party last week end Beach boys team, on Saturday, Sept.
and the h boys and girls attending 10th. Any donations such as cookies,
• � - 'enjo-yed hamburgers, and hot dogs, �,kes etc., will be more than welcome _
< _ followed-by dancing. and will be picked up if you will con-
So rry to learn that Dale Nicol re- tact Mrs. Gate3 at Temple 9-1638.
1Q T , • Q U "�1 �{ carved a gash on his arm while swim- Any news items for this column
IJ • \.J .g( ming that required several, 'stitches; will be very much appreciated. Please
_ however it i3 mending well. call Temple 9-156$.
- —'
Don't forget Rally Day,.-Sunday On Friday, Sept. 2nd, at the com-
icy Sept. 11 at Durifair Baptist Church. munity
hall, Patricia, daughter of
The Rev, and Mrs. D. Kearns mis- Mr 'and Mrs. F. A. Jones of Park
sionaries from Brazil will be t'�ere Cres., was united to marriage by
: r`•- - and hold open sessions at the St;nday Rev. C. E. Olive of St. Paula on'the :
'li rt t
school Rev.. Kearns- will also be � a .o-t o omag David
preaching at both morning and ev- Ailes of nToronto an Oshawa. The
ening services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. reception wan held..at the community
Happy birthday to- Sandra Doane hall and the bride's home. Mr. and
_ � • ; " - - who was 10 years old, Sept. 11th. -, ea will reside tn Whitby.
. ._ . . - rs "Aill
ass ate the-nests" urs _.
!,•..,._. Ple n library ho ,
will be, 3:30 to 5 p.m. each and every Pickering Township And v-tllage
` rnoon.There will be -
_ . Wednesday afte RED CROSS'
1 i _ brary o Thursday i g . _
•. - no ti n even n s
/ The regular meeting of the Ladies
: •
Assoc iation will be .herd T,tee Sept. resumed,ecommenc n S poll Tuesday
13 at the gommunity hall,commencing at 10.00 a, m. All former workers _
and any others interested, who may
atCongratu atio to h r ha•- ime- to munity
• �� � Retail 1 na Chrtstop e e t do com work
�Sgri Doane who was 6 years old Se t. 6. will be welcomed. We meet at the -
Start From p
erica Jennifer Ricketts of Moorelands has Red Cross Centre, Brock Road.
returned from a lengthy visit to Eng- It"_is_ a lar�r�'nrnodt •will
b land. ' be on hand next Tuesday, the 13th„
•�..` There is soon to be a membership when swabs will be made for the
- Clinic. Sewing and Knitting
- - _, - •- _
drive for the residents to join the Blood _
����' F,airport Beach Home and School As- for.the Outpost Hospitals; Layettes
soeiation. Welcome the members when and other sewing for local distrib-
_ on u an en ur s ution: - orr.
- they call yo d l d •yo up- C d;
: -
Of all the world's economy cars, Chrysler of Canada bTingll w
you the finest! Prove it yourself. Simply check Simca again-
its com tition.This car holds 14 world records for performance ' k.
and endurance, vet gives.matchless fuel economy. You'd expect
tt$is car to cosh much more than.the low, low price on the tag.
'Family Size Four Door Sedan . Soundproofed Interiors •
;Extra Large Brakes • Safety Glass Windshields • Windows ,
"Open all the Wa)i • Adjustabl'e Seats • Big, Roomy Trunk •
Ball joint Suspension
Lifetime Rustproofing •. Automatic
'Choke and Spark • Electric Windshield Wipers • Twin Town
- & Country Horns • UniGard Welded Body • 12-volt Ignition • ?
Permanent Oil Filter • Deluxe Interiors • Foam Rubber Seats. a
fi.. "
_ Visit our showrooms today
and drive the magnificent Stmca from Para! 0 s
�. b
hart.and sr*--ice Coast to Coast throughput Canada and the United States it
Mrs Albert Raymond is sentimental. Eac time
-she visits•her bank Safety D_ eposit Box she scolds
�ISAey JYlotors Lirn►ted, P�ekerrng •herself for not having her old fashioned family,
jewelry re-set . but somehow she,hasn't the
heart to change it. So it stays with her papers and
securities, safe in the bank vault. -
- oesn't own a diamond yet .
. . -. - • . �-"_ • - - -.= Ellen•Ramsa�t d � .
- but She'll have one soon in an engagement ring.
has plans age
e most gar s e or marrl an
• °he growing vings Accoun in The Canadian
-Bank of Commerce is earmarked 'for wedding.
a - - —
expenses and purchases for her first home.
t '! ..Precious jewels from the past . . . happy plans for
-- -- the future . . . The'Canadian Bank of Commerce
helps protect both.Whatever banking services you
need you can'be sure they are readily available at -
�.. ally bran ch of The Canadian Bank of Commerce.
Hon.John Yaremko,Q.C:, Minister* BANK OF COMMERCE
Call us your bankers
N Buffalo. er
h was pla messing the • . PI
�" c n villa
EDITORIAL _ : - i_, h"ay been f by t naFPY Birthday !o Tommy Tlxal, g
' �+;r:• strike. For several days last weex, w'oodview Dr. on his 9th lairthday,.
police were s andin '.thy'to prevent tem7ier' 11. A volunteer canvasser for the
- �; an outbreak of•tioub�le. ' IIa '" BU>itd-may-tall'at ,ydtir-door any day
�nger Y PPY Biitliday to �Irs. �.Spring
Miss•h.ornts'•kIamilton 'visited ]!f r. of Pine Grove on, September 7.
now. .These are equipped with in-
ard Mrs. Stanley Raymond, of We;. Mr. aad Mrs, i-lelartci and family formation as to the amazing .num-
' The very near tragedy this week in Morgans Park,"Rouge ford, last week spat last week-end at' Coe Hill ai-• ber of, services rendeXed free to our
$ills, Whe three persons were critically burned, should be Miss Sharon Gibb visited frien" tending•the Fair. sightless people, rianq'of whom are
a signal to all of us that the season fire in the home is
in Sawba Beaych, returning hom, Sorry to hear the Miller family of now being trained by C. N. 1. B.
E ' on blonds ,, for work in telephone exchanges, in
' approaching with cooler weather. 1 ZKr.'�t�!i3y 1G1'}y'?'""r,bcdoti' acksoi 5liepparii Ave, have been confined factories, repair work and many ot-
e to their home with flu. her occupations, thus making them
Especially now, when jn'.eool evenings `a Tittle warmth is and,faatily who have been in Metz, We are glad :o hear Mr. C. Tomp- self-supporting. A continuing work
••,.welcome, people should be sure that their stoves and heaters France, for the past three years, sin, Pine grove, is'back to work af- of the C. N. I. B. is. the research
spent two weeks with Mrs. Jackson's ter a recent back i_tjury.
Are clean and in safe working order. j parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Fie,- _ � �� into the causes and cure of blind=
It is not kno�rn just what caused the fire at 8ouge dills, Cher..They Kill be living in O:tay. Hess; also the important task of de-
where l�lr. Jackson will, be poste,. 6ROCi� ROJ�� velopment,of n,ew, aids for those.al-
although it is rumored that it was an oil spade heater. What-'
with the RCAF. ready blind. Your contributions help -
Once again, summer is at an end in this work. Please
ever started t4ie blaze, it proves once again, almost fatally Mfr. William Gore, Sr.; died at :r. give the matter
and schools are heing filled with your thoughtful consideration and be
this time, that fire uncontrolled is a danger to life as Well Ajax Hospital last, Friday, and w�a: children. A good man are reap
-as property. buried on Tt esday from the MIc glad'to be back and some - not so ready to do your part in this great
Eachnie Funeral Honie. Sy m au,•, humanitarian work.
This'particular fire apparently went so fast that the fife- P glad. Mire. beach and MIr. Lang will The °ub.lic Library is now o en
� .is extended to h's family. P
- b not-be strangers, as• they were in at the usual times, which are - Tues-
men who arrived minutes after the call went in, were help- Miss lean He ry returned hone, char$e last year.
last week from a ver en o ably days and Satcveni s from 3.00 to 5.00
`.Mess t0 save the home. Thank goodness, the Occupants rrianaged Y j Y Mfr. and Mrs. Frank Weavers and and.Friday evenings from 6.00 to
three-weeks o Blue Mountain Camk family returned home on Saturday 8,00, Have you collected all thdtse
to-get out alive. a: Collingwood.
after three weeks vacation with the books you had out for holiday read
Regardless of :hat type heating yo u use, have it Checked latter'+ parents at Prince Edward ing? They are all 'due to be return-
now, and then you'will know that your home is as safe as,you (�Q �/ Island. ed this week. Some interesting new
BEEN OOD Mr. Leonard Cornutt_ and daugh- books are already on the shelves
Can make it. . . Sunday services were much bettc.. ter Cathy, of Willowdale; Mr. and a list of some titles are $is follows:
ThOSBParking Signs atten ed n unda • Vac ons art Boyers annd Mr.' Lionel Non-Fiction -
- t' over,dand ch dren lookinatttorwai. oro, a d Mr. Peter. Mr. Citizen - Harry S. Truman:)Not
_ • Mrs Fred
Boyers Sc irb n
We expect before the week is out, to heat Some criticism of ...to getting back to school (?_- E's.J. Winters, who has just arrived from Tomorrow Now, by A. C. Forr-
g p g, p p g gns Next Sunday, services will be at tht London, England, .visited Mr. and est; Billy Graham, by McLaughlin;
t11e Villa a council for uttiri u those 2-hour arkin 3i Mrs. E. Cornutt n :he week-end. No Room In The. Ark, by Alan
usual time - Sunday School at 10.1 . 9
•on the main street. A Missioaary Program is being, On Wednesday, at the Golf Club, Moorehead.
In case there are some wha-migkit feel that these signs will planned for the•Sunday School Hour a pool demonstration of the swimm- Fiction - 1
when Miss can I ;m�nn ers was held; - also a few of the
Earth Giant. by Rdi 3
drive away business it 3hOUld from Africa, will show sliues. There cripp e c i dren participated, and Up, Into The.Singing Mountains, by
sing put up both for the benefit of the shopper as well•a3 will be stories, a duet and aPromo- several.of the childreni were proud Richard Llewellyn; Natalia, by Anne
the businessmen. Although the village has a parking lot, it tion -Service; also - children, bring o£ ribbons, won• by their Miller Downes; The Grand Lady,
... .. Is used by .+ 4o.. persons ._ 0=- P4re tts Silver a o compete with others,_,..._ -Marton-Reith.
only �-as--people-..apparently like to - bY-
ark as close to the stores as possible. ,,, ar'd a ismal S
• p - Baptismal Service was conductg<; '
These signs may be inconvenient to a few persons, like•the in-church service-on Sunday for -
publisher$pf this paper, :who prefers to park in front of his Rosalie Ann, infant daughter of air.
' and Mrs. K. Brooks. �IAUSIC LESSONS
' office all day, but if. the village businessmen hope to make visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Kc- i -
_shopping here convenient for local and out of town people, Brooks home on the week rn .
-, they will have to provide them with something to compete. w'ere: Mr, -and Mrs. W, Pegg, Ger- '; ' lN' YOUR OWN HOME
_against the larger centres. _
ald and'Mirian; Mr. and Mrs. }•
Brooks and Pat; Barbara, l an(; ACCORDION GUITAR PIANO
-- Also these..signs will help keep our police busy checking and.Ruth Pegg; ,titre- Redden ,,,,�
time limits on cars. hen; Mfiss Isobel Amos, of Toron- o
We would suggest, even if it is too Late now, that one hour ..to, and Mfr, and•Mrs. M. Snelgrovt. TOWN or RURAL
and Margaret, of Toronto.
arkin • would have been better for all concerned arid, 15 Over 3,000 students throughout Eastern Ontario
p g Mr, and Mrs. Edgie F'er� any. •
- minute parking from the post office to.Law 'Motdr Wiles;-to -may-Spent-.Sunday h - .INSTRUMENTS INCLUDED IF NECESSARY
hel'g erase bottleneck. cottage at lasts. --
The Young People of:oar ,villag - Anyone• from 8 to SO Can learn to pl
went_bx bus to Welland- on Satu• ` ay
ENUINE CONCERN" good The voice of Christianity day to see the Midgets play �� N�W�
._ Q 'The score l io 0. Beier luck next •
f in High School seems left out,of the labour unions time bo s, �Il►rlte: AUd�o Far oPt BfraCh P 0
—= —�-•_ - { today. The,fault lies with the church' Y • •
The following is uketr-froar ate'- too. -which seems more concerned_- _,
The McLean and Henning i mii-
_ Fes held a family re-union. c.r' the
arecle in the Sept, i. issue of the with' the Book of, Common Order, spacious lawn of Mr, and Mfrs. 01r Telephone TE• 9�1/�G
$touffville Tribune, tuider the cap- gowns and btyle of the church in- Gerald Hennin
- floe. 'Cedar Grove". stead of the good• of men. Both the g' _
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Pe of Osh
• • • union and the church must re-assess gE
wa, isite Joe • pa n► t
"Cedar Grove put anot leer feather their aims and objectives. Each per- r Da sett-rid. a on he
a v
' fn her ca •his week and wore it son is important as an individual and L Mb y w s _
c ,}firr
p. _.. .-- -- — Mr. and Mrs Ken T.00ks arid _ RR'YiS ---
roudlr. The reason for this -"w`as should not be dealt. with in a cer Rosalie visited on Wednesday last LET -US CAPTURE FOR YOU
ront page news locally and an ed- tain group. Jesus gave dignity to a: Brighton, with Mr. and Mrs. -
ticational, feature story in the daily labour as he worked as a carpenter Gunn THE BEAUTY OF YOUR WEDDING DAY
papers - 97%a of Upper•School pap-• and chose workers,as his discipl es. Mr, and Mrs. Morgan Mark, and COMPLETE COVERAGE
ers at Earl Haig Collegiate were Everyone should be depended on o family, of Toronto, renewed acquain- :HOME — CHURCH — RECEPTION
passed. This means the.' out of 800 be honest' to himself and do a full lances in the community on Sun- PHONE Olt WRITE
papers written, only 20 fell below day's work without- constant super- • day. Morgan lived in Greenwood
50%. A remarkable achievement in vision. • -
some _ '-
a country wl.ere onby 11% of the• On .Friday evening, September 9, Mrs. E.s O merod, of Toronto,. `Barrie Pomeroy
students beginning school' ever fin- Rev. Dr. Wm. McKay will be form- spent the week-end with the Orin- l:•A. 3 PKKERINQ OLD ROSEdANK DR �J. TE• 94417
ish Grad= 13, ally inducted �by the Toronto East erod family here.
— Responsible for this record, the I'r'esbytery. -- —
best iii Ontario,•and possibly in all- On September 1l, there will be a ��
'•Canada, is Mr. Tom Pherrill, Prin- Baptismal Service. SEPTIC T A/V
"dpil 'of L'arl Haig; or Tommy Septotuber 18 5uaday School Mr. and Mrs: Ellis Pelham are K 01.G /"E/Y OUT
Ptterrill, ex-pupil of Cedar Grove ;•Rally Day. a home after spending three weeks in
,.School.• l '- England; also .their son* Ian and _•
"He taught�Public School at first Mr. and Mrs. George McConochie Jeffrey are home after spending •COMPL1ZTg SEPTIC TANK SBRVICB $
end, after three years in :he Armed Hugh and Bob, returned home last three weeks,at Arrowhead Ranch•,.at - -
Forcm returned to opecialize in Friday from a two-week motor trip Collingwood
English and Literature at Queen's to the West Coast, Mr. and Mrs, A. Cook arrived NEW TANKS. 1#STALLBD -
University, ioilowed this. with O. C. Congratulat;ons •to`Mr. William home last week, having been away
E. and then proceeded to- plow a McKay, ajt..*iening =1000 Ontario for six weeks travelling through the. :PAT UNNE A
+seep furrow in the field of educa> AgrieulttinI .College Scholarship:_, New England States and Maritimes. TE• 17.1841
lion. The weeding of students in Mr. and Mrs, Eugene .Green, Mr, and Mrs. R. Dey and Thomas
both public and upper school and the Dougla's and David, have returned• spent last week-end at Stoney Lake
guidance programs which try to put home from a motor trip to the Mari- at the cottage of_ Mr. and Mr, _
pupils in the studies they are most times.. A ENT S
Nilson, and had a ver nice time. 0:U H G_ P E 0•P L E-
'1it'-ed for is •"normal routine" in Rev. James Payton and Dorothy y-
-most of our schools. The difference of Gananoque visited_ his daughter, Mr golf at' . Hiker • and Nick
• played golf at Bolton last•Saturday.
-at Earl Haig seems to be 'iomtv's Mrs. D. Thom son and family of Mr, and, Mfrs. Ila Schewets and R istrations are now being aces Led for the
HEARTED INTEREST the Base Line for several days last Y , P
$n the system and his GENUINE week, They-returned home August Tamil went down through Muhig- e
CONCERN OVER EACH INDIV- 30, accompanied by Betty Payton an last week-end to visit relatives. {BALL TERM
JDUAL PUPIL. Re spends hours who spent :he month with .her sis-
that stretch into weeks interviewing ter. Mr. and, Mrs. W'm. Dowie and ' EAST ROUGE
;at;tudents and talking with parents in Gina of Kirkland Lake spent four Mr. and Mrs. G. Kin OFWnt"
)Eris relentless effort to keep "round days. visiting Mr. and Mrs. Howard it 'of Toronto
McClement, Mar spent the week-end with :heir par- TUESDAY — •SEPTEMBER 6, 1960
begs in the ru�n� poles' y Beth and Mr, ents Mr, and Mrs. King, here.
Arthur Thompson of the Base Line.
Sorry .to hear Mrs. Mitione of
" :Concern in the individual appealed They left for home on Tuesday. Rosebank .Convalescent Home Y�
to us, as we read this article, we Con atulations to the S uires' pass-
gr q ed away last week. •
Beach Junior Girls Softball Team = P , y : OshawcJ Business Co►/ege
wonder - just how widespread is Mrs. Kate Dunstord s en. Sunda
'this concern by teacher. - Ed. l who won the Pickering Township ' with her nephew and -family; Tor-
Junior Girls Softball Championship. onto. Eigh# Day-School Courses from which to,choose Modern equip-
DUNBARTON Z trellis. Bastedo and .Ellie McKay Don't forget the Rosebank Home merit and methods. � t
shared :he pitching and short stop and' School meeting on the :bird Personal, Individual instructions in major subjects
- 'Dunbarton United Church - positions with Leona Sleep comp- Tuesday of the month Over 100 Graduates plated in 1960
_ The regular morning service was leting the battery as catcher, Com- Mr. and Mrs. G Morris had din- Evening Classes —Tuesday anti Thursday Eve-ings
iconducted by the minister, Rev, Dr, prising the rest of the.team were: ner last Sunday with the layer's 7:00—9:00 m. —Tuition 1 5.00 per month. .
Wm. NjcKay,•with Mrs. Don Lynde Ann Thureson, Sandra King, Ear- mother, in Toronto.. e P -
si: the organ. ,The scripture was bar'a Smith, Judy Ruksa, Linda Att Nowl, Get the Facts! Clip and Mail the coupon r -.
Mr. Allan Kaven, Rosebank` Rd.
taken from Galatians 6: 1 to 18, Plitz, Brenda Day, Beverley Marco,' S. has re.turn•ed from his holidays, lam interested iii the Specie.lized Business Training offered
with the text being,from the-fourth Barbara Gibson, Phyllis Rooney,, ' 'He spent :he summer .on his aunt's ' by the Oshawa Business College
'verse; "But let every man prove his Carolyn Plitz and Linda Rooney. farm at Brantford.
own work, and then shall he have Mfrs. Oliphant acted as team ma 1' Day Schoo! " ' Evenin Classes
�- Happy Birthday to Mrs. J• Kaven 9
rejoicing in himself alone, and no: in ager with Mr. Piddick as coach. of Oakwood Dr, - Au'gust 30. Please send full particulars to:
7another", Dr. McKay gave a Labour Thank You - Mrs. J, F. Mills
I)ay service. A century ago, Christ- wishes to express her appreciation � /+cc ' � Name Tele. No.
Tian working_men tried to get better to her friends and neighbors for RO V G H' Address
+working conditions. This was the their many kindnesses during her Age "
3beginning of thClabour movemenf. recent hospitalization, She is now Miss M. Dickson, Montreal, was ➢Grade attained at High School
Today, Labour and the Church seem home, but is still'having a bit of a guest of Mr. and Mrs. B. Lofton, Signed
*o be oceans apart.-Often the labour difficulty getting around, as her last week:
:unions-seem to be working for itself eyes are still bothering her. Mr. and Mrs. A, Westbrook, Al-
` more than for the working man's The Bay--Ridges Subdivisibn .tona Road, spent last Saturday in
•: . -- �, Mrs. nonby. There will SALE
- CLS i8D b me••of M An
,. d
_. handsome POTATOES amid CAB�BAGFS
e a door prize of a h a quilt.
_ �CYRI L E. MO RLEY W. j. av1 r The Ladies,Auxiliary .o the Leg- For Sale, at Second Farm North of
ion will hold their.September melt- Pickering District High .School.
REAL ESTATE a*'a - VA 3AO42' ing in the Hall, on September Sth.
--------------- -- ------ members are r ested t t. EN A - Ph 2
All equ o a `
_ T RNTS Phone: WH -0867
AS CLOSE TO YOU AS YOUR TELEPHONE ------------------------------------ •
end s
The Ma.isell family returned on.
32 KINGSTON RD. W., PICKERING, ONTARIO the week-said after spending the .
MRLER HEATING p g Washing Machines _ t6Z0 And Up
' summer at their cottage at Hunts- PARTS AND SERVILE
2-3115 ille.
,G`it HOUR SERVICE . The regular meeting of the W. M. .AJAX BARGAIN CENTRE
S. of the United Church will be held Phone:.WH2-6410
. . . CUT RATE in the Sunday School Room, Sept- OPT Every Night Till 9.00 O'clock
ember 14, at 2.30 p. m. Mrs. Dean USED CHESTERFIELD
COOPER' BLOCK LTD. COLEMAN and tiers. teal are :o.be in charge
of the program. Roll Call to be ans• SUITE$
Furnaces, Space Heaters, Water veered by naming a '`missionary"'. ROCK BOTTOM PRICES `
92e CALEDONIA ROAD - TORONTO Heaters, kanges, Wail 8 Floor Phone: TEmple 9-1575
furnaces COMING EVENTS 8en 2
Clean-out Service 57':50 Plus One
Trailer heating Accessories ! for sale. By the bushel or basket.
STRUCTURAL STEEL g :d ii"Divi Drive))
Phone: WE 2-2b87.
WHitehall 2-3491 W hold a Diving De>nonstradon sep 23
• b! at their pool this $tmday afternoon
CRANE RENTAL 4 TUDOR ST„ AJAX at 3.00 P. M. Diving and Swimming FOR SALE - heavy duty stove,
Champions. Adm. 50 and 25 cents. g� condition. $40.00. Phone: TE.
STATION RD., PICKERING, ONT.-Phones.WH. 2-1960, EM. 3.2802 --��- --_-_-__---�-�- ---
67 '
AUDI FOR SALE - bed, springs aa$1
Rev,M. Puttars chose as his" mattress. Mrs. Purvis, 52• Lincoln
on Sunday - "Whatever your task,
.ELECTRICAL Ave., Pickering, i
_ ,
work heartily as serving your Lord,,
" �and not man". The men's choir sang. GOATS, ioz sale Phone'
PLUMBING ities on Saturday evening; with ' a -
corn roast at the home of Mr. and FOR SALE - oil stove. Eacelleni'
ASSURANCE For Service Day or Night Mrs. Bert Guthrie. Ladies are asked for baking, cooking and heating. Ph.
PRUDENTIAL coMPANY LTD. OF ENG fl call TE. 9-1521 to bring a pie. TEmple 9,U7&
School. opened on Tuesday" with
Pumps A Specialty Mrs. G. K. Pra`_t the Senior room
____• •• ' and'Mrs. Bob Bryant, Pickering,, in HELP WANTED
307 Ki`GSTON ROAD EAST J. H. VERNOY, the Junior room. The school FEMALE HELP WANTED
Excavating, Trenching, Giading, grounds have been levelled, and a Can. Bank of Commerce, Pickering,
Office: Station Plaza, Ajax Shopping Centre. Phone WH Z-3301 Septic Tanks , new fence Li being paced on three � an opening for a clerk-stenogr'a,
- Phone: WH2 2-3757 sides. .. ' ' her,'widi a good appearance and
Phone Fog Immediate Coverage Day Or Night apr 15 _ Sympathy is extended to Mrs, A. P
pleasing 11or calla Office.Pho WS -'
Richards on the death of her aunt.
�l.r. and Mrs. Richards and family
_ motored to Montreal.to attend :he WANTED - reliable mart as Dealer
PPRA_8 S f Monday.17ic Ansell one s Whitby and part
' Ile Experience not necessary. A
a ' AL Newcas uMraland Vies k . J -e
ring.Bo have moved from the Clare-
: mo-tit district• to reside on the Ellis- opportunity to step in 1d.
aM to 0
i e
NEWELL Dry Cleaners n profitable business where Rawleigh
mere Nur" Farm. _ Products have been sold for years.
Pickering ViIra e r5 Ho pia urday.red Osh
Launderers Mrs onnamtt Big profits. Products furnished on
.._ And Laundere awn 1 on Sat credit. Write: Rawleigh's, Dept, 'I-
wH. 2-5770-I.or Toronto EM. 2-3615 Mr. and Mr.s. Bert Guthrie, Har- �1� 4W5 Richelieu, MontreaL
FINEST ODORLESS ofd and Mrs. W. H. Guthrie visited
_ 216 Brock St. S., Whitby - Phone MO. 8-36255 CLEANING Mr, and Mrs. H. Schuyler, Paris, � --
Oat, during the week-end. PA T TIME BUSINESS
Ras."Highways" 'a Mile East of Dumbarton, No. 2 Highway Mr, and Mrs. Art Brown enter-
_ , Shirt Specialists - Rugs - Drapes Persons to operate a 'very prof-
tained a number of friends at a corn itable ball point pen distribution
-= - - - -' - -- - AGENT: - - -roast.on Saturday evening. in their spare time. No selling -
PICKERING FURNITURE Mr. Bob McHugh visited Mr. and No solic:t'ing. Only three to fora
STORE Mrs. F. Ford, Omagh, on Sunday required weekly to service
-DON BLIZZARD ELECTRIC New And Used Furniture Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Davidson exit- dispensers located in
harm r
automatic lisp
Next Door To Gordon Hotel ertainert Mr: and Mrs. Lloyd Beatty hotels, stores. res atrrants etc, No.
;. Toron o a and Mr Jno. necessary. $1
DAILY PICK-UP during of t and Mr a s. 000 cash
Cameron and .Phyllis, ,Ajax, d 'ng relq for equipment and stock.
_ - _._..
phase: WH2-5400 the week end Write, ai confidence, to: Nor-
_. "
'•. Industries, 339 MacLarea
FREE ESTIMATE Tool Re s�oitawa.
Rentals- CLARE OM' oct 14
PflOfle PlCkerlR VItH. 2533 Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Borland and �y bay when save wr nsti' no
_ it yourself and save with tb. ofd of
family, Walkerton, spent the boll- the following specialised tools'from
�. de. with Mrs. Borland here. REAL ESTATE
Mr, and Mrs. Jim Reynolds, of ffihAP j�sSh�ng fa
Toronto, spent, the weeklend with TO RENT - five-roomed apartmoi t.
'I'be smolt daily rental chugs is
bar. and Mrs. Cliff Reynolds. listed following each itsa► _ heated, reasonable. Phone: TRa2pie
FIRST MORTGAGES AkRANGEDt Dr. N. F. and- Mrs. Tomlinson Floor Sander•Rdger $7.00
��� are away on a week's holidays. Floor pow $1.00
ALSO SECOND MORTGAGES Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hill and �fant- Half-ice drill - i2.00 TO RENT - basement apartment, 3
AND IINPRCWd11ITS. ily, Collingwood,'visited the Wilmot Qyarter-loch Drill $1,00 rooms, hot and cold water, prlvese
Hill's over :he -week-end. . Belt "nder $2.00 ,entrantx. Call: ATlaotk ?x5186 dldr-
~' WE ALSO PURCHASE OR LOAN Several of the local bowlers play- Vibrator Sander $2.00 ins day; after 5.00 P. m• ATIo4c
t ed at Agincourt list Thursday. On 2 d924� E
J IS ALL Wednesday there was a Men's Treb-
Post Hole Dim $ .75
i YOM IF YOU REQUIRE ANY MORT- les Tournament fiere, with several.. ,�� r„nr $ ,25 TO RENT - house with three bed-
• AE6INNINB GAGE FINANCING i FOR FAST visiting bowlers, although only five Stapes art S -75
'rooms, °Ot'� Loot 2 and hen house,
Cos 4. Pb.
reens were used.
TO WWI COURTEOUS SERVICE: CALL - g Paint Sprayer $3.00 on three-acres, ,
�ST, DIAL Claremont ball team has been pick $ ,75 WH2-0910.
'OUR. NUMBER AUBREY E IRELAND drawing large crowds to their gam Hedge Trimmer $2.00
E. es. They are now playing. off with Asbnitos Shingle Cutter $2.00 Will :mind one or two vWdren any
VVEU BE THERE Altona, 'having beaten out Ballin. own Roller i .75 age. Phone: TEmple 9-2477.
'0 IN A HURRY aAND COMPANY trae.. �;*101 Bissell Rug Cleaner $1.00 '
100 ADELAIDE ST. Mr. and Mrs. 1?ilex White and Power Ramset Gun $3.00 CAR RADIO REPAIRS
boys are off on a holiday for a power Cement Miner $6.00 DUMBARTON RADIO
few days, this weak. Ramset Hammer $ .75 AND TELEVISION
TORONTO Z, OI�TA�t10 Mr. and Mrs, Don Hedges visited Extension Ladder T $1.50 Two Doors West, Of I. G. A.
friends in Toronto, on Sunday. Underlay Hammer $2.00 PICKERING VILLAGE
Empire 8-5300 or Empire 6-5964 Mrs. Robt. McLeod has moved in- Lesto Jigsaw $2.00 WH2-6130 or TE9-1191
Evenings to the Jack -U!hman-apartment. Benz-o-coatic Blowtorch $ .75
TEmple 9-1750 - WA. 2-6902 Several from here attended the C. Blowtorch $ ,75 SEWING' a
P N. E. and the Port Perry Fair, on Plastic Tile Cutter $2.00 Machine Work Garments
Labor Day. Wheelbarrow _.- _- $1.00 Children's Clothes
Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Redshaw Sledge Hammer $ .75 Repair Work, Etc. t
T.V. spent a few days of their vacation House Jacks $ •75 All Types Of Sewing Wanted.
S ALIgTE .Learn To Drive travelling in the U. S. A. Concrete Breaker $10:00 MRS. VANDERMEULEN
:HALL 2-5880 Mr, and bars. J: Rennie and fam- •Rota Tiller -_ $1.00 R R. 1, .Pickering - WH2.045'!
at the ily enjoyed a visit to Niagara Falls (No Deposit Required)
• •--- ------------------- on th
and the Scenic Driveway e
h.. --- - Ajax - Pickering past week end.
Mr. and Mrs, J. Kennedy of Tor-
nt• T Driving School + with'MQeandpMrs of
J, McGuire e PATRICIA 0n Speciof
Day and Evening Lessons Mr. A..Samarillo and several bus- t
Piano & Theory mess aRSOC13tCS spent the holiday on " New Deep Freeies
Standard and Automatic Cars a fishin trip in the North country,
Mr. and Mrs. J. McC',vire and the Made in Canada b General Freezer
CLASSICAU - POPULAR TEmple 9-2631 family, and Mr. and Mrs. J. Kenn- y
edy enio ed a motor trip to Nia 12 Cu. ft. . $224.00
29 Kingston Road, E. Y g-
PICKERING DIAL RA5-4587 BILL'S MOTOR SHOP , are. Falls last week-end. 17 Cu. ft; ................ $239.W
Sep 29 LAWNMOWER REPAIRS Mrs. J. Rennie. Valerie, Marilyn,
Repairs To All Makes Of and Mrs. Samarillo and Leo, enjoy- Up to 28 cu. ft.,'
-.�� • _ Small Motors. ed a trip over the week-end to Santa •
No. 2. Highway and Old' Rosebank Village at Fracebridae;, •the Indian.
Road. Village and -hP 1ti{artyrs" Shrine. ti
'TEMPLE 9-2184 Keep in mind September 23, at ' `Ajax Bargain Centre
r which time *'he Guides and Brownies ,.
will a tea an bake sale at e
:Phone WHltehall 2-6410 i
•.. w' 1 hold d th ;' ' :• ,,
en's- Institute will be held in the:' s e ford's, on September . 16. Tickets
1 Mee
s1wim Mw Winn township hall oat 2AQ p. aftt CAM.( `S"Cia ttng may be obtained from any of the
- September 13, at 2Ap p. m.• Gera( -�... t_ —._ - members. .--
speaker will be: Mrs. Wheeler, Toe We, wish to w.lcom: bsrk lerCy.
`Draw 300 Persons Bolt Call - Tea Towel Ha.1 Tottt- I —Stressing First Aid— f Allen, who returned oil Saturday
I - Coatiumd, Frogs From pose, el, or pay a substantial fine. Hoof- sponsored by wnekering Township I from Halifax with his wife, Karen,
eases( Mrs. R Malcolm, Mo. A�
after having spent five years in the
Boys 11 to 12 - (first) - Michael his and.Mrs. Holtby. . and Village Red Cross Royal Canadian Navy.
,Kearaeg; (second) - John Smith; The Women's Missionary Society CI'OSS Centre BI'OCk Rd Mrs. Ivy Swan spent a few days
(thud). - Jeff McDonald; Girls 11 will bald their next meeting on •
g Sep- _. ► I in Brf.alo last week, visiting her
to 12 - (first) - Barbara Egoroffj :ember 15, at the home of Mrs. N. daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs.
-,Fiona Thompson; (third! Burton, assisted by Mr•s. H. Miller, t, - . Sept.S 5 p.nt• Bob Hausler.
inda Izatt: Boys 13 to 15 - (first) Mrs, W. Knox and Mrs. R 'stiller. Mr. W. Barker spent a very eh-
- Gre Gerbis• (second) - Ian Bain; —Everyone Invited to Attend—
g• ) Conveners: bins. H. Malcolm, Mrs. - joyable week-,end at Algonquin Park
(third) - Michael Kearney; Girls 13 Lemmon and 41rs.W. C. Willson, with his daughter, Mrs. Audrey Es-
•I To 15 - (first) - Teddy Galloway; Poll Call - "Son". � - E e trophy for placing second in the 60- Son.
(second) - Jan Egoroff; (third) - Mr. and 'Mrs. K. C. Pascoe and W ! D D ' N G S p g air. and Mrs. Frank King and
• arbara Thompson. family s yard dash, and itte boys on the Re-
$ p y p.:tt the week-end at Ear- Sandra, and 11 r. Allen, seen: the
- Back Stroke - r r s bay, Algonquin Park and Bal-, KEEFER-SMITH .'1.:y Team, Keith I-ertile, wayne
Y �' b q On Saturday September 3, the Sal Colley, Stan. Korczynski and Stuart I week-end n`utt-Niagara Falls.
� Boys 11 to ll - (.first) - Brian ram Lake: � firs, F. _curt anti Sirs. John -
vation Army.Citadel in Whitby w s Highaln, also, received :rupnies tur
Boyer; (second) - lithe Kearney; llr. and Mrs. Cliff 'Wannop had O'Brien were pleased to have :firs, .
tastefully decorated with gladiolius cooling itr second.
.,'(third) - Jeff McDonald; Girls 11 dinner on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. L, Burni.igham and tier daughter,.
to 12 - (first' - Barbara Egeroff; td form a very pretty setting for t::� Frenchman's Lay play' the next
Gilbert \\'ailnop and family, ,Hark - Nks. Betty Stunk, visit :hear last
second - biattq Thompson• third double ring ceremony of Violet Lii-' round of the O. A. S-. A. playdowns - '
(second) , (third) ham. week.
- - lion May Keefer eldest daughter ,f agautst Oshawa Connaught Park
Pat McKinley; oys• 13'to 15 - - Y / e g ,
Y: Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs.
(firs: - Greg. Gerbis; (second - ylr, and Mrs. Alvin Keefer of Al
with the first game hrwg played- at
g• Membership Drive Planned By St. � Ron Ylayford who•celebrated, their
:David Bain; (third) Ian Bain; Francis de Sales CaL'nolic Women's mond formerly of Pickering to Mr.1 :he bay on "ruesday at 5.:0, and 3rd wedding anniversary on Aug. 31.
Girls 13 to 15 - (first) - an Eger- James Allen Grant Leland son of M:�.•I •the second at Oshawa, on Thurs-
z ( ) J League ,r Little Eva Brown received stitches
..off; (second) - Jo-Anne Ames; Smith of Trenton. dap. Frenchman's Bay defeated the in her le* when she sustained a
The bride wno was given in ma.--1 Streetsville team in ::twu etraigh. b
(third) r Teddy Galloway. After a vacation of two months - painful cut when another child'acc-
t iiage by her father wore a waltz games.. In the first game, Wayne .
- ' -.•�y - R+s1aY - no meetings - the members of SL ide:l:Iy cot her with.a pair of garden --
ZFirst - an Egeroff and Greg. Francis de Sales C. W. L., length dress of white embroidered I Colley pitched a perfect game, .giv-
) J Picker- shears.
- - ,Gerbis' second - Linda Smith an taffeta, with square neckline and ing up' no his or walks, and no
(second) d ing, turned out. in good force at the � Streetsville, team in two steal h Maurice Korczynski had the atds-
Mike Keren first ball Ddleetine. A1iss _ bouffant skirt Her finger tip veil w.t� g t
Kearney. Verda _ fortune to__break his wrist while .
- Diving - er, President, welcomed the ladies held in place by a band of orange; H �"as pTCSt"led-with lire trail-atcer-
playing football, last week.
B (first) - Brian Boyer; (sec- blossoms, sequins and rhinestones. the gariie by the Umpire, for pi* t-
oys. ) back, and reports of their summer t in the "perfect game". ' The Frenchman's Bay Bowling
She carried a cascade of m,c and g
' end) - Jeff McDonald; (third) - activities were heard. The main ash- P League will start their bowling - _
white carnations fastened to her white Seven Bluela s situ
Mike Kearney and John Smith: ievement of the summer was the son urs ay evening, at Ajax
ass lost, sailed.to Oshawa on Sat- _
q sec- raising of 65.00 as a contribution - Mrs, J. Rawbon is having a Pot
The matron of honour, Mari urday afternoon. Ross Fertile and
ond) Linda Smith; (third) - Wen- to World Refugee Year. Several of 3'n Luck Luncheon a: her home, Thurs
Keefer sister-in-law of the bride Michael McInerney were firs. in the
•- - dy Kimura. the ladies took time out from sum- • nay-afternoon in aid of the Fairport
e chose a to uoise taffeta dre s with Bluejay. Class,.both going down tq
,puring the evening, Mrs. Tom' mer vacation",) attend retreats, and � 3 W A
bow at the back and bouffant skirt Oshawa; and on the return trip, of A very happy birthday: be-
Wheeler held a demonstration of so prepare the soul and mind for the ing-about half a mile out in front of K Y � wished -
the work she is doing with handi- busy, busy session ahead this win- with beige accessories and rarried a to' Mrs. Alice Mansfield who cele-
caseade of bouquet of white fe-ther the second beat skippered by Don
- �capped children, and four of her ter. All the ladies were reminded of � heated 'her birthday, on Sept- 4.
mums and tin red button roses. Hercia, with Joyce Fertile as crew.
pupils - WendyYounghusband, Roar the Annual Retreatants' Communion Y Ron Playfad and George.McCleary Happy Birthday oho. to Barbara-
mie Gauslin, Michael R ds sad $reakfard, on Saturda October 1. The groom was supported by Mgr- Haley, whose birthday vas on Aug-
y' ra ' Keefer, brother of the bade: placed second on the return trip on
�'eggy Bowyer. 'Tickets are available from Mrs, Y use 30; to Ken Littlefair who cele-
Th put on a demonstration, Woworth. Letters from Father Mul: Capt. Roberta of the Whitby SaIvn- Sunday.. brated his birthday on'Sept. 4; and
�' p ,, The Ladies' Auxiliary of French-
- tion Army Citadel officiated at t...a
-their prowess in the water. Watch- vihill, Archdiocesan Spiritual Direc- man's Bay Yacht Club prepared a to Neville Lawrence, on Sep:. '5.,
tin these handicapped youngsters for , and Miss Mar Dobe1, Arch- ceremony and the ushers were Louts and Billie Ecckstead, who was 13,
g Peed y Keefer and Leslie Keefer. very nice Saffet 'lunch which they can September ?.
perform was a real inspiration to diocesan President, were read. It served :o the skippers and crew on The parents . the-the others who could use both their was 'with pleasure that we learned The bride came down the aisle to Kindergarten
Lohengrins Wedding Marc'4 and while Other arrival a Oshawa Yacht Club. Children are lea
' - • ]hands-and fret when swimming. the Toronto Archdiocesan Leagues Other _mensbers of the Club saiIi:pg pleased that the School.
Mi. Eldon Cresswell put on a 'had' surpassed their goal in raisi all stood with bowed heads, Mr:. Board is providing a• bus to trans-
, n(' to Oshawa were: Rear Commodore
startling diving exhibition, includ- funds for Refugee Year. Horswell of the Salvation Army sang port the y1ungsters to Vaughau _
"The Wedding Prayer" by Fern'Glas- Jack McInerney. and-\\'aynt,Kemp. Willard School
-- ing- double somersaults and bark Mrs. J. Howorth, Education Con- - suit; Commodore Taut 'I'ombiin, Sr:,- .
flips. that left the audience gasping. vener, brought the r•uertion of gow Dunlap. During' the signing of
prttzeis and Paul Grieco, Tom Tomblin, Jr.,
Mr. Cresswell has conducted diving for the High School Students to our the register she also sanfi `O Per- Eric Pla•fora, - ---
feet Love" by J. Barnby. She was } J Clark, Harold
- iclaases during the summtr�t is attention, and it was the wish of sad Lloyd Saunders: - -Shaw Sethoola .Graduate - - -•
)hoped-that he will be on hand next the members accompanied-on the piano by Mn. -
p present'.hat vice contin- t1 rrieetinx was held last Wednes-C. Pear:(."
'year, to help the swimmers at the ire with this effort. A committee day a: the home of Mrs E. Play- Miss June' Elaine Hull., daughter
1 im rove their•diving form, will also be a The reception was held in t.:e .iu.-
�poo p - g ppairitttl to.s:udy the favrrd, t&-form-a Ladies Auxiliary of of Mr. Albert Hull, R. R. 3, Picker-
An audience of approximately need for Basic-English Classes in nior Hall of the Citadel where the the Frenchman's Bay Yacht Club. ing enrolled' at the Shaw Centres
(}tree hundred parents and friends our Parish, Mrs. mother of the bride received wearn� --
P J. Howorth and Election of officers was held, and School in Toronto an -January. 25,
{enjoyed the performances Mrs. •:M.-Togerson. were appointed •a ;navy blue jersey dress with white: the following were. elected' Presid- 19ao, for a Cleri type Course:
accessories and a corsage of--white
to the Pickering Pub!#c Library Bd, ent, Eva Ptayford; Secretary, Vi. She graduated as of_June 1940, af- _
• "ECHO." .SATELLITE A SIGN Around-table discussion was held feather mums. T'ombiin: Treasurer, Merit blcIner- ' ter passing the examinations sit by For her honeymoon the bride chose
OF MAN'S MATURITY as to ways and means to secure new ney; Food �eavener, . Mary Tomb- the Business Educators' Association
SAID BAHA'1 SPEAKER Le a blue linen suit with white accessor-
_- ague members. I: was decided to tin Asst., Joan Usher; . Entertain- of Canada, in the following subjects:have a,membership drive and 'Sun- sea. p Pat* •meat Convener, Doddy Elenkarn; Typewriting - combined; Corres=
For the first time-in history man da tember After a 'trip to the northern n
„ _ y,, Sep 2 , is Jo be Mem- Assistants, Nellie Grieco and Vera po dense and English; Spelling;
has seta star" in its course across of Ontario, the happy couple will
the sky' aid Winnifred Harvey 'of bership Target Suitday. Rev. Father McCleary. The .text meeting will be Writing; Rapid Calculation; Bbok-
Y McMahon, ins kin to the ladies take up residence in Whitby, Ont. held at the home of Dodd Blen- keeping*, Office
speaking y P� g� procedure and fat-
Ottawa at a discussion group this thanked them for their continued Out of town guests who attended karn, on September 21. The ladies' ing. Miss Hull is presently employed -
- -==week sponsored by Baha'is of Picker- the wedding were Misa Ruth Keefer.
ing Township. Until now God alone support, both financially and sprit- have planned a corn roast: at Play- by Lesser Studio-Ltd.. Toronto.
had done this, and such a feat is a wally, -He reminded them that they 'Alexander both of bride
Haliburton. Carl ,
signal that humanity has now corner are sot Cloy ring ens on only
twelve Sunday during the year, but H BAY DUNBARTON �tAa10 TELEVI
ate'' on three hundred and sixty-five hays SION
All rite world's Divine Messengers of the year, and their life mukt
have predicated "The time of the "'The Frenchman's Bay Pee Wees T.V. CALLS TO THE HOME
„ truly exemplify the League Motto• .
End", "The End of the World", or won the Metro Minor Sports Coun-
dghtent Day,"she pointed out, and For God and Gourds" Platui were
JII y finalized for collecting for "Rosaries cil Softball Trophy for the second •_rICKERING STORE AND REPAIR SHOP • -
SmoaE thousands of religions and straight year. when they defeated OPEN DAYS AND EVENINGS
j.; for Chile", and,the meeting was ad straight.
around the world there are P4o-• East Toronto- Optimists at Maple s
• ` '- pie who believe that time has now rn�' The film showing'taciscd- Leaf, Stadltfts, on 5atvrday,'4 to 2. a.m. - 12 noon -
Wed 9
: �• - - (sled for the social hour were not. The Toronto team took an,, - ' ,. shown due ,`•o technical difficulties. - early - PHONE - M 9.1191 WH. 2.6430
$shat s said Miss Harvey, 'have _ Corr, lead by scoring ope run in each of
something as to t all t}iose who are
= the first two inniiigTs.. Frenchman's Saks _ -
meshing of to- Bay'tallied three in the fifth on hits TUBES BATTERIES. TOWERS. ETC ,,
~ day's terrifying conflicts and thrilling Consumers' Ouse Co, by Everett, Colley, Joens•`and Fer- i fiX. Antenna Installations - Small appliance repairs- Repairs all
(scientific advancements-the teaching tile, and one in the sixth inning, car radios - house radio i transistor
of another Divine Messenger Who ap- wkea .Everett hit a fly,that was
geared less than one hundred years Makes Appointment dropped: Wayne• Colley gave .up•
ago and gave us the explanation and three hits, struck out thirteen, and
:.18olution for these critical times." - I one error charged to the Bay team. A ER O 1
Miss Harvey spoke in Ajax at the �,°' Humphries of East Toronto gave up WALTER' TH MSON Q•�s
home of Mr, and Mrs. :Nicholas four hits, all in the fifth-inning atid / -
,Xchevarria. _ _ struck out three. They had two err- _ BARRISTER SOLICITOR -
kr. ? ors. 'His Worship, Mayor Nathan NOTARY PUBLIC
+ a Phillips present a Trophy to
.BROUGHAM - _. r Gaptain, Bille Prentice. Don erCOMMI R FOR OATHS -
Hopkins, coach, also received a old plan} t corn
North wes
�� 'We are glad to hear that Mr. w Trophy, and all the boys received Rd. on _
Dean Mairs, who is'-still in Ajax gold medals,'_In, the track events No. 2. Highway WH. 2-0910
!' Hospital, is now ab+e to sit up s '•hat followed, Keith Fertile won a
for a short time each day.
I: Mr. and Mrs. John Harvey, of -
Toronto visited his parents Al.
� and Mrs. Harvey, on Sunday. '�:• ¢ � �'� _ -- _
Mr, and Mrs. Wayne Whitney
rand -little son, Ajax, called on >w�'` $200 REWARD :
their aunt Mrs: Matthews, one
i• evening last weed(.
Mr. Dick \Vannop returned M1.`'for information leading to conviction of
'F home last week after spending
some tine in the West
Mrs. Lemmon visited Mr. and '
11irs. Gerald Middleton, Ashurn, on Oakah I. Jones, l
-the week-end. President and Gen-
-end. Manager of cwtatarner. person who- took gravel from 'Lot 22, Con. 3,
Miss M. G. Witter, Toronto,:vis- Gas Company, atutounces the app-
lted her au ri, Mrs. Matthews, on
ointment of W. M. Kelly, as,Vice-
5unday. President and General Superintend- an Lot P� • s
IMr, and Mrs. Smith visited Mr. - a one
22 4 cker�ng Township
find Mrs. George Perry on Sunday. ent, Dtstnbudon. Aber serving to / /
Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Knox and World War Two as a Canadian 1 -
Army Inf0try Officer, he graduated
Mrs. :Matthews returned home on for the'University of Toronto with
',Friday after a pleasant trip down a B, Sc., in Civil Engineering. Mr. aul"�n.g .• the past year•
-through Balsam Lake (little Brou- Kelly joined Consumers' Gas in =�
gleam) , Algonquin Park and other 1954 From 1952 to 1954 he was
(. lorthern Ontario towns, Assistant to'fhe Engineer of.nistrib_ PHONE MR BAIRD �-
Mr, and Mrs. Murray Beelby and ution, and was responsible for much • /
family spent the holiday with friends of the preparation of the distribut-
ion system for the arrival of natural �i
Mrs. W. Hatuilton visited Osh- gas. In 1954, he became General ' FMs 6-7651
i 6wa friends on the holiday. Superintendent, and was in charge - - • ' -
Mrs, turf Devitt, Claremont, call- of the majow job of converting Con-
fed on Mrs. A. Gray one day re- sumers' stem from manufactured
tently. to natural gas,
The regular meeting of the Worn- -
Statistics August 1960
011A.RAVTEF,D Total In-pa-Sents admitt
Number babies born ► BOYES DRUGS LTD*
Radio-TV' &rvsce -McEACHNIE'S Total Out-patients -- _
In-paaeat :-rays 117
Make or,Model - - Out-ratient x-ray' 167 = PRESCRI.''TION SPECIALISTS
FUNERAL°'DIRECTOR Lab. In-patient utmts. -sob
Arthur Feld Lab. Out-patient trtzn
' transfusions traafutdon. to
Major operations '22
Ear, eye, nose, throat optns._._ 36 ;:�
Prhroti Ambulance Service ,>;TORE HOURS ,
Bergmann Auto Body sc. Andrew's Pr_eshyter�a Chinch WI EEIC DAYS DAILY 9-9
eedlbbs Equipped . DAY OR NIGHT _
Service was held on Sunday morn- , SUNDAYS & HOLIDAYS 1-$
• _ ing, conducted by Mr. 'Ken. Heron,
STATION RD., PICKERIIio B. A., and Mrs. Marion McClement,
Phone: TEmp4 9-1B11 organist and choir leader, at, the
,After hours,TEmple 9.2520 organ. The choir
entered to the pro- _
Phone WH. 2-21]� cessional, No. 79 =% "God the Lord
t Repairs Can Be Finned a King - remaineth". .The„ special.
musical number was a solo "Jesus
.Pickerinq, Ont. Lover of My Soul", beautifully sung _
KITH AND CLAHKE by Elizabeth Poy'es. ,... -
Scripture readings were. ,Psalm. V GRAHAM HARDWARE
Nehemiah iah 4: 1 - 6, and Ephes-
AUCTIONEERS ians b: 10 to 24. Mr. Fieton based
Lieensel and Authorized Uff the I W.H. J. THOMPSON, B. X. LLB. his sermon ors—the text, Nehemiah • •
Ci"tie. of Ontw-w sad York. Barrister ana 6ollcitot 2: 18, preaching a fiue.sermap ,ion Appliances, Paints
the re-b;.ilding of'the walls-in -J%41:-;:
psem Static, Impkments Roust ' British Columbia and Ontario usalem..Though Nehemiah met with
>tpld Furnituse. .a�esl Ertate opposition, wi.h mockery and with Tools, GIaSS, Etve
-- min oats Specialty st Ressomable Glenwood B'slg,, Ajax. lying, he stated We will build _
juste& Dual Service for tie these walls' for the hand of God is
WHitehall 2-SL51
Prise of Ore. sews. - upon me. For truth is a' great wea-
Ll natal._--Hardware
A >D. >I�e Ldsi. a TZx4%e 9-2aMi ---Pon, we must put-on the-whole-arm--
NI our of God, stay alert to prayer, '
>t lYes P. a ipre•st >W L s" arm ourselves by being completely PHONE WH. 2-1911 PICIfERING
hrist's who lives eternally to
1 Civightorif r strengthen us, to aid us.
Mrs. Harney and Mrs.. Hawker
4 Murdoch conducted the Nursery Class. y OlYlidl'S Caterus�
Next Sunday morning there will
8avrislerst, Soiie roil and Notarise y- y w
l?e a Rall Da Service Remember
•a; the Preparatory' Service Sunday ev- adding:, Banquets, Sh6v el'S r
R. ftEtiRY pvb�
'� tnsrrg, Sept. 11, and the Sacrament
Sonic of Cor v"M Chambers, Service. Sunday, the 18th. Services ;Bakery Products
Barrister, Solicitors, S Sin-cos Street North, Oshawa . .
conducted by Rev.,EA.H., Hinter.
. � "Mecrt Piss Our Specivity" `
LtN ly 11013* _ .. Telephone RA. 3.3446 _J REFRIMMATiOh1 - r
AIR- CONDITIO,N,INa Main St., Pkkwing - WTI. Z-4386.
AT. 3-7391 or AT. 3.130 — wILIq'!>� — ES - SSTLC
i00LD�'f>ii`T >R�>� SALES - SEi3VIC11i
Usst� a s TA IM Pkkt6rwc - Phone W H2-151T ! -
:_ A""duw,te !s liiee� WD ,. �. _oe.r Deno seen AX L UM B E R NCO.
CALL - ids. 2WA 13 dug by machine. 30-inch tile. Sep- .
sawn•• altir leeoPl Aral isyeereamd W. WARD - WHITBY, ONT. ->
Mieelae Phone: MO 6-2563
dnur en�e 1ip`.t tic tanks instaPe:d and cleaned. COTTAGE MATERIAL — #81CINO
"`y XO°'°" wor>kr' seem='
ROST. AUSTLN, PROr. t9�r 8elsesesle ,
R. L Whitby, Ontario _
. pubPc Worship sad Seedoy School
Two mitts West of Whitisy m 9:40 aim—West Rowso public School AS L AS -
.a Highwsy. be4 areets REAL, ESTATE r 1:00 a.m.—t,nt,anw) Road ►fit School - ow
phone: whitb3 M'D 8-3463 Photo co-op now in Pick- REV. W M H. T, FuLTON, --• -
- sting and Ajax areas. To Myc«ae.r N.
buy or sell for prompt Phone AT. 2-2372 - No. Z HIGHWAY - IYYH. 4-MI -
PLUM BING courteous service ask for ST. GE ORGE'S ANGLICAN
Mr. Blower.
e' neral flard w are
ALFRED-KAYE8 -COII Pickering Rector Ontario
PLUMBING .BATHROOMS Rev. H. S. Shepherd.ep!~erd, S. A; D. D. -
PRESSURE SYSTEMS . • Box 196, Pickering - Ph. WH2.W13
ESTI;1iATES GIVEN General h»arar" — Realtor SUNDAY SERVICES.` . °
Pickering 590 or MO. ice' i7 11-Y) a. m.—Holy Co>aununbn lPaints Electrical ApplTEtnces`
Phone - WH2-6717 11.00 a. m.-3V',,tt►ing Prayer
11.00 a. m.—Ho' mroomioo
(4th Sunday) :TOOls Glass Etce - L
----------------------------- l l.co a. m—Sutsdso scist+ot to dp.
• _ Community Hall ..
E ILL a. m.—Nwm-v in ReoWy TE�G9�sroN R31��o Room - ages.'up to 4 years :WEDNESDAY aEPAiRS 10.Y0 a. m—Hoy Comore. S: end s �n S a"re _
for The 8 ek
PHONE: TEmpL 9-1191 --=• --- ------ :
DUN RADIO Tv FUNERAL AND �•- �P%ckering United Clwrcbl Pone V�fN: 2-0480 Xicka
e, a 1LATTBW , AMBULANCE SERVICE Minieten Nov. MehrNfe &man .
9.}5 A. M. Sunday School
BOOM CL CONANT. 4 A. AT PIC.KER1100 BEACH ROAD , 'x 1.00 A.•.le. - Church Service
17U .Christian's Work"
IS1►ltBIS"1'il8 said
SOLIC=Olit -,,COMM strII.Dn , AJAX
Telephone s�naay. � zo - �a /ndustriai,-Commercial 8 Residentioi�WiljnQ
... Sunday, fto mbec 11. Effi ie t Se ice — Estimates
: • ..,. �
T% Sims.. OK r.. 0"aws WH. 2-3610 pt c n ry Free
9.45 A. M. - Churrb Service _ J. MARK'S
'11dA A. M. - S+ride School _�-
1n,8u'r-BnCe-Co... '_. _ --Tel.TE..94 570.. Q_Q Pidr rino
itlll'l's Oil PHOVIN
Aw Esser ror marts w s'a'es BRADY
., Christian �Uience Sodetir
rirsmMile Yv!sr /«� dr
Bowman LitDSOQ CAGE SPECIAL—Automatic pnwwe SUNDAY - 11.00 A. M. .BEST ANTHRACITE
system, sftrWess sink and chronw tau= in Rosebsnk •Rued School
FRONT- p�gY W cot in arborite top cabinet, glass lined
dK,rie hot water tank. Complete outfit Reading Room Open To Public .- _ : .` . 'SUMMER PRICE
-- ------------•- ------ >irss.00 DAILY _
Open Doily, Saturdays till I ,p.m. Irk Allerton Building Kingston Rd. �Se50 -per ton
-EVERYTHING IN•.SAFE t At rouge Hide
shart...d 7erceuntenb SALES SERVICE -
Lieinaad Trustees (: �'eetimony Meetings 8.00 P. M. •
,►,a: - Oshawa — StratferA l C4NTRACTSc Every' Wedrte�day In The Arthur Mitchell ltd. _
4336 Kit�ston Rd.; West HIM
airnK R
Rea' oom
O. W. Riehl C.A., R.I.A. •
Oshawa RA 5-3527 AT. Z-2060 AT. 4-4721 .
Ilan R. We" C.A. , - For Further Infertnstion -Who •26771 TEe9-2431
WHt'obaIIZ-0690 .., . CALL - ATI=dc 2-26SSr
; •
.A Ry�
E' A- C YClj ( ) l-)El)lA
- Start
-99 '
RUMP ' ROASTS b. -. � PKGS. c
PORMHOUSE = i 1� �. A
SIDE BACON .: 5 9c 73
SAVE 6c �°s e -
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