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Subscription tee: 12.50 lace Year United States: $3.00 r tutttaggR AN SON PUBLISHERS Sc, PER COPYA:ahorizsd'As Second
-- -- P'ubllshed Since Novudw 1881 Post Office Dept. Ottawa
.. . S .. .HIGH RC
• ;. PRINCfP
High School Principal Opens
Safety On -The Water — 9 P F
Records T
r o e yeas
t Pickering
Dist **et' High School'
`^ R ! �� Chairman, Harold Mitchell and Prin-
cipal J. C. Richardson are concerned —-
„ ; f" over misleading statements made
about the high school by S. A. Oster- Beautification Week is just over,;
hout at a Pickering-Township Counci] but since weather conditions were}
not .favorable,
° then for out-door
meeting last week as reported in the work 7
, any -other work will do justj
"" 3 Principal Richardson was concerned as well to "clean up, Paint up and I
. ; .:
� �, over the inaccurate figures given out
plant u do p" To quote the CBC,
•k y by Mr. Osterhout in his_'reference to y Your part' the whole naticu�
+> will sparkle from coast to coast"'
°! "" .• - 60 per cent of. the student, body �.
Our congratulations to Miss D'
..-• w ,��, failing their year and the high per- Rudd
centage of drop-outs. Yon completion of her Art#! "
'Course at McMaster L'niversit
•: .�,, "'�!� ,.,, This.is a school with remarkably . Y. !
high standards Mr. Richardson said. Mrs. Craig,Murkar,: accompaniedf I
t by Wendy and Wayne, spent
is not a school with 60 per cent week-end at_Kirkfield with her mo 4l
failures' mot )
"Pur Mr. and Ivies. C. S. Bryant
li�� - last year were well above the pro- atten+t
ded the graduation of her niece Miss)
vinefal average in both total and most Colleen Donnell at Joseph's H l
individual subjects. 86.3% of the Y, oaf»f -
M Y papers written were passed as com- Pital, Guelph, on Wednesday.
` `' pared to the provincial average of The public are,.cordially invited
80.67c. In Grades 9 to 12 inclusive attend the Bazaar which is being;
East year, ?170 of the students were held at the home of Mrs. -A.
Z .
-promoted. If what Mr. Osterhout ap- on June 4, the Circle of Dunbarwgi _
parently said is true, this would have 1-ratted Church. Special attraedooy
been 407c promoted, t are - Home-baking and dresees —
Mr. Richardson' said, "We could little girls. +
pass everyone all the way down tote Neighbors of Mr James Mitcli
line but little would be accomplished are pleased to bear he is making a�
A school. must maintain fair and just good recovery, and all hope he mils this oesn t necess- ,except a oat use at a residence. standards that a equate y prepare its rt e c from hospital.
arily mean that the boat should have Water Safer Rules. are Mr, and Mrs. A. E. Calvert enter.
-.: y c - just graduates for the vocation or higher r -
Sgt.-R II. Bodley and Con. Robot four occupants. Each boat must ,con- common sense, and must be adhered education into which they go." tained Mr, arid-Mrs. S, Spence, C41
Speakman ease the Pickering Town- . twin oat's or two paddles,; must have to if•everyone is to enjoy boating, Referring to thq charge of large Ottawa, and Miss Doris Penny, of i
asip Police Poat into moorings•af. a baling backet or pail, and if ow fishing or water sports, student drop-out at Pickering, the Toronto, at the week-end.
'ter a tour of the Pay, to-see that'all on the water after dark, must 'have The Police Dept. have no intro- principal said that drop-outs to date Mr. and Mrs. Robert Annan hav l
those on the water are observing all regulation running-lights. tion of trying to spoil anyone's fun: 'have,been 8.75, of the September been visiting her parents at Dash,4
necessary water safety rules. Any boat being used to bow a their only interest is'in seeing that enrollment. This compares favourably wood. "
Talking with Chief R_ Parker, of skiier, must have two competent the Water'Safety Rules are obeyed.- with, provincial figures. More than On Tuesday, Mrs. Wm, McKarl
jibe Township Police, he advised persons,in the boat, Each year many are drowned or in- half of these have gone into appren- enjoyed a short visit from her Sig-
;that regular inspections will be made Boats in the mooring{ or harbor jured due to carelessness or ignor- ticeships and training occupations for ter, Mrs, W. M. Young, of NeIsod..l
of all craft using the .Bay, and any area must not exceed five miles per frig the wirer safety regulations: .- which their high school training fitted B. -C. who was accompanied-by herd
cattier areas the police boat might be hour and after clearing the aria, Support,-your 'Police Dept. by ob- them. sister=fn-law Miss Bernice. Young ]
used in. Each boat must contain a must travel at only•a moderate serving these simple. rules. Their In reply to Mr. Osterhout's state- . of Fame:
life-jacket for each person in the speed. main concert' is -to make sure that ment_ that some students are told to Cliff Barkey and Frank Willsock
Boats, and that small craft are.not It is a breach of the liquor laws you live to enjoy man: more good quit school, Mr. Richardson said that had a holiday fishing trip to Coe#,
ever-loaded, just because a boat con- to have intoxicating liquor in a.boat times on.t!, water. -'Corr. , this'is only in.extreme circumstances. Hill. They report an enjoyable out-!
He said that if a student's conduct is ing and a wonderful fish dinner ati
i detrinlent to other members of the Ron Watson's cottage.
Dunbarton Athletic Group Needs - .lack. Hambleton's lass, theta such steps would be taken. In spite rs cloudy skies and faa-1
p "We have to consider the school cent showers, some enthusiastic cot-
not the individual"he said.•"But even tage dwellers spent the week-end iaj
• New Book ve given a student 4 or opening their cottages, and prepay-I °
al. that, we have-More Room-May Have "To Quit _
6 chances before such a step is taken". ing them for summer holidays. A-{
_ ern over a nun h
A Good
One Mr. Richardson said that all prin mong these we' heard. of the Rayri
• cipala are concerned the •her Doble's, the Grant -Mess'r's; and.l
_ of drop-outs. the Ross Irwin's.
The Dunbarton Athletic .Associa- NEEDS YOLUNT�eRS I He 'said it was not uncommon to Mrs, Ross Alexander, of Princes
tfou may have to close down, unless Last week-end while tramping advise a student 'against entering
through the Gush in Parry- Sound g Rupert, spent the week-tad with Merl
they can get larger accommodation Grade 13. He noted that a student.. niece Mrs, C. S. Bryant,�vho held at;
--for their classes.. Pickering Village Recreation r�1ss District, we kept thinking about a Nho 'encountered considerable dif5- j
R new book we hard just finished read- family party is .her honour.
Instructor Arvis Malm said- he ociation is planning a big day here rutty in Grade 12 would likely be Mr. and Mrs. Johh La entertaia-i
started in October with six children for Friday, July 1. Their program is : mg' unable to cope with Grade 13 work. ed a large supper party on Saturday-
1 he 'title of the book i$ "Fire in °I do not consider a student a fail-
and now has a class of fifty. At pre- designed to include the, _whole fam- the trade It is the evening. They also had as_guesr
Y'• product of Mr ure when he has Mr. and Mrs. Wfa
_seat.-theme asc ,:sing the-DtinLiartoi The'-committee-'feel that,many gone as far ae he for a few days,
Jack Hambleton. well known as a
Public School persons who will be leaving for hot- can ga Mr. Richardson said. 1' field Williamson, of Kitchener.
The class ,includes writer.of books, and well-known as -
boys and girls ;days will likely stay home on fiday Mr. Harold Mitchell, board chair- Mr, and Mrs. John •A,shtan aa�
from nine ears and a resident of -Riverside Drive is
y tip. They are to 'miss the traffic rush, and would Pickerin man, said, "we were very disturbed family visited Mr. and Mrs. bewells�
taught gymnastics and tumbling, welcome a day of fun with the fam- g' over the report in last week's Picker- at Hampton, during the week-end-
and as the ex eriettced writer in Dews. We checked the figures* 'We'extend congratulations td McJ
and most of than are doing very fly. � and •bushman, puts down on [ g ��
well at it They are planning &,.parade, ball p paper, quoted and found they are not right
Y P g P and Mrs. Jack Toms on the birth oE:;
The Instructor, Mr. Malin, came games, races, booths, bairbecue pits, the thrilling and interesting story ,of We want to clear this matter up; as a daughter, on May 16.
poss= the famous Sudbury fire of 1936. A must be worrying a lot of parents." Also, our congratulations to Mr-4
Jo Canada from Denmark nine years fireworks in the evenirr� and Jack was there, as a newsman. He
ago. His Assistant, is Mr. George fbIv a.proeTti or dance. and Sirs. John
S. Smith; on tt�
Hall. The -has spent a great.deal of.time in the • • — birth of a son, on May 8th, at jhes
They are hoping to make are- c The' will take place at the North, and 'When he writes-about a Fireworks Display Woman's _College Hospital - �farlC
gym nat t whereby they can use the Pickering Village Park,_ and part of forest fire. he knows what he is writ-
gymn at the High School next war- the reason for the day is - to raise ing about. He actually worked on Linton. J
ter. The group is now too large for honer for the Association. this particular fire. y Draws Lar a Crowd .large crowd attended the super
m school classroom. A day like' this means. detail and Chapter by chapter, you- seem t, g -' bised fireworks display on Monday-
Their equipment includes mats . work. The Association .welcomes be.,in ,a ,third dimension.. sweat; One of the largest crotiwds ever to night,, at the Park here, with the:
donated by the Dunbarbon Kiwanis,- volunteers ,vl,r� will help coach'ball assemble in Pickering Village park Youth. .Band present. This cons- -
struggling and tivmile. with the turned out on Monday night, despite ,•bined effort b Firemen and -Rotary-.
a box horse and spring board built team.,, work in booths on July 1st., fire line; mile by mile. 1 Y
by local people. They would like'to transport ball teams during the sum- the fog, -to witness the firevrm•ks dis- to avoid accidents among he smaIR
secure a balance beam for the iris' mer,: to,games and in. It is a very clear picture of use y p y e fry is to be commended.
g general, help j pia put.on b the Village Firemen _
class and a vaultin horse for the the. Association what goes into the organizin o '
g get on its feet. g OE-a`--And Rotary Club, llr. and Mrs. G. Littlejohn spent.
forest fire-fighting crew. The obstac- From comments made b
boys' closet a= well as some new If you are, willing to. help make y those in the week-end with her mother,.' at
lea they run into, the importance of the crowd the effort of these two . r
mats. •, the you a success, by vol 5 � .Sutton West. • - -
communication, food supply, water I
Mr. Malirf thinks that if they had unteerin9 ,for some kind of duty, groups was greatly appreciated and ��: ar+ happy to learn that Clare
planes and manpoyer.
the ,room, life class could easily phone Jim Pyette, at �VHitehall 2- many,expressed the hope that this Hogarth is now home from hospital: t•
grow to• five hundred githin the YV4.), and leave your name the• Jack has written eleven books, a can be done again ext ear,
y number of them, for boys, which Y following to eye injtiry,+arrd is able,,,
next year. will appreciate it. y There was a firecracker accident tom return to school.
are found on the shelves of Picker.- here late Monday night, when a fire-
- �f r: and tiles, F. J. Prouse motor-'.*
f ing Public Libran•. This book, well cracker landed on the awning of
• • • • • written,I well- illustrated, is one of Boyes Drug Store and bunted a large ed to Nforiisburg to visit Mr.' 'and.,'. '
the'most exciting and interesting. hole in it. Police said they haven't Mrs. Jos. Turner; also to Ottawa, ta-
Lively Session •fit Pickering Township, stories w• hale read in a long', long an estimate of the damage as yet. see the beautiful display of tulips
- time. there. ��e •hope to see.some lovelyq
Many of our Pickering people o • slides of these, Frank.
Council Meeting On Resignations north durinh 'tile summer, Readg- Village Office Broken Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Whee'ler have-.
"Fire in the Valley-', published by g attended a ten-day convention' off.
A motion b Councillor Harvey Lon mans,-Green and Co, Toronto. the N. F. P. A. at the
Y g • _Queen Eliza
Into Second Time abeth. Hotel, Montreal. They slam
A lively, but orderly special meet- Spang, seconded by Councillor Ross It twill provide some interesting, visited friends at ,Lake=�fanitou and
ing of Pickering Township Council. Deakin,..to,re=instate Mr. Baker and authentic reading, and give you a Pickering Village municipal office Mt Bruno before returning.
on Tuesday night, heard the resig- Mrs. Spang, was lost. Council dec- vivid picture of just what can hap- was'entered for a second time with Mr. and Mrs. Clare Fu ton, of
nations of Mr. E. G. Baker and Mrs. ided that next Monday they would pen; if you are careless with fire in months, when someone t in earl
M. 'Spang aired once again.. have to make a decision on the mat- while in the wood1L g° Y Toronto; spent Sunday '%:isiti ig the .
Mr. B er resented reasons for,. ter. Sunday morning through a rear win- '
P don C. E. bf rley s.
resigitin from his job in the Tax Questions were directed at Mr. EFFECTIVE MAY to, 1960' Police Chief Howard Nicklin 'Mrs. W. Boyes�an'd '+fary via.{
Depa ent and listed conditions Baker, Mr.-Turk, and even from one g said ited the Allan-Clarks at Lakefielcti
tan which he would agree to 're- Councillor to another. entry to the office was gained by,pry- during the week-cad.
New hours for Pickering irg the door. Papers in the office desks
turning to work, Mrs. Spang said Wm. Fairgrieve spoke briefly; ref- had been ransacked but ap areesks Jim Pyette and friend .pent the
the opinions expressed in written plying to editorials that appeared in holiday visiting relatives in Sarnia,
fi�rtn b Mr. Baker, expressed her two weekly papers one week a Village Barber Shops nothing was taken,
x pr Y P Pe ti'o• p and Lindsay,
own feelings in the matter. Mr: Baker told Council this was his MONDAY '-' Mr. and Mrs. Jack Marquis anf!
The conditions on which Mr. Bak- first "official" ro4uest to appear 9 A.M.-7 P.M.
TUESDAY g A,/H,-7 P.M. If You have anything you feel suit- , daughter, of Stroud, visited oil
er would return, amounted to his bit- before them to discuss the matter. WEDNESDAY CLOSED able for the log cabin at the Town. friends in Pickering on Sunday.
ing re-named Tax Collector, Head The fact that Council has yet to ship Historical Sode' • Museum Walter Pearson and ,George V
of the Department, Administering accept or refuse the resignations, THURSDAY 9 A.M.-7 P.M., WH2-3623. ' call bad a successful bpl�daji?, ��Al$ .
the Department and being answer- puts the whole matter over for an- FRIDAY `9 A.M.-7 P.M. l
0 able bnly to Council. other week. I SATURDAY 3 A.M.-6 P.M. Rice Lake.
I" fit=- 20. at the ckurch; comotea'cing at' thong and h(r. Van Hosten; Tress last.weeit. i` urer, Mn. yune Duscgn►e: PLecord-
® 3x140 s. m. where will be Home- We are sorry-to hear tit Mr. ing Secretary, Mrs. Jan. a[saDoaald
are sorry to hear that Ricky Baking, Children's-wear; ;and Tea _ ,Was. Judd, Altona Road, is confia-i Corr. Sec'ty, Mrs. Wiebe; Mew
wn13 be astved: Everyoge welcome. . ROUGE HJ'.,` ed to his home. We wish bim as bers-at-Iarge: Mrs. Brett, Mrs.
-vandsslip, West Point Cres. is Cos- Mr. and Mrs. Wm King of Oak- early recovery. Cossey, Mrs. Dunlop, Mrs. Neil, and
shed to, his home with.chiekenpoz. wood Dr. spent the 'holiday in Det- Mrs. Mary Saunders, Finch Ave. Get Well Wishes to Miss Marilyn Mrs. Schofield
HVv Birthday.to Mrs. R. Man- roit. with Mr. Ring's sister and is spending the week-erid in Perth, Price,,Finch Ave who is confined to
100 Oakwood Dr. May 23. visiting her daughter and family,
H Firthda �. her home with flu.
y (15th) to Miss Mr. and Mrs. f. Brankin. b. DEHi�BY
We are sorry to hear that Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. C: A:Schwalm, of
Beverley Hiltz, Oakwood Dr. on Li;, Ais%horpe, Dyson Road, was Mr. and Mra Wm. Tweddle, of Altona Road, and son John, spent Excavating And Graqbnr
—':-MjV I confined to her home with ;aryl}- Cherrywood spent last Wednesday the holiday in Perth. Tom. Sand sad Gravel
71i.Thtrsday Afternoon Euchre evening, visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. Phone: ATUntic 2-4221 or 2+o4tliP
gills for the past week. Mr. sad' Mrs. E. Pearce, Uphill,
will be held at the Home of Mrs. The Roaebank Home sad School A Schwalm. and son John• Ont. ,spent last Thursday visiting ___ _ �r
GriVp*,.Toynevale Dr. Last week's held their Annual Meeting on bfay Mrs. Lotton and Mis May Somer- their many friends is this area. The
_ wistom: 1. Mrs. G.,Cowan; 2. Mrs. 1$. Mrs, A. nll, Dist President ay ville, of Altona Road, attended the heir 's were former residents a PLASTERING.
Grigg y; n, ra. an g; r .., the Home and School, installed the t A.ltopa_Road. REPAIRS, - ALTERATION$
11tra. F. Schwalm' : sew officers: Pres. Mrs. Grace Car- Thursday. . Happy Birtday to Mrs. Mary Saun-
Rouge Hill United Chdreh W. A. ter, Vice-Presidents, Mrs. Ruth An- Mr. Windsor, Altona Road, spent ' ders, pf Finch Ave on May 28. PAT RGACH
:'jnill hold their Spring Bazaar, May a few days in London on business, Phone: WHita11 2-3339
° 7.�0 P.M.
� .-'EXCEPT*tWURS,. & FIK tILL 9:00 P.M.
tb. C Ibs:
'9-- Oc
Pole S- au.-I"isqu- C _ ;1b.
7- 4
I uttROAST , _ .
W E I N E R S : Fuu. f Ib. pkge. C
-_- BACON ' ' ' .IIb. ackage C. CHICKEN LOAF � C
. . _ 59
J►AAP LEAF EAF6. Pk9. SWIFT'S GOLDEN. DEW eese ce's- �VI a.r r' c
ga �n•e
(Save 6c.)
(REGULAR) 4 1bs
1 S oz. tins MAPLE LEAF
(Special offer of Sc off _
'24' SHORTENING alb. '
'for mow,
SUNNYBR RE Flo. 1 WHITE .1 Ib Jar. ibod
C .
C (ease of 48 tins $3 one iqui Y 17
(Save 4c.) - —
ROSE-DALE CHOICE _ 14 oz.' tins lb Bag C
WHOLE Kernel Corn, for C tsars 1st)
{ fresh Homo Milk 3 t Jug 55C
S PR E D - ---for
' A S
. Mil• 9t. Jug'
k{Save 4c) � -
THREE DIAMONDS 11 oz. Tins (plus deposit)
MAl1IHARIN ORANGES 2 for' '35cl ' .ST. WILLIAMS Large 24 oz. far F
(Bare 4c)
:$ (Save 40 .. ..
e children which could do serious
t __IlYelfore. In Township,dente 8 School Hewn .' Brownie's Story — w» iA t�'"`ooer:�h ilday„�
w end
1g•• Mrs. E. Hull, president of Picker- The Well Bab Clinic will be ]geld
eat �� Mr., wls:iler and liars. Cook tag and Dist Home!and School w�11S Merit Tues., June T from 2 to no p,at, at
"Gave I3vde At Ys>i>ihaa Willard Council •was present to install the St. Edward's Hari E
Welfare is Pickering Township H. and S. Am�al Executive for.the coming ear. The Aver sad
has hit the hi heap. peak in its nit- g Y Y Kirkdene Dr.
OrY g are: .Mrs. R. Adamson, President �. t The Zeale of
With one-hundred and three cas- At the Annual .Meeting, May 1Q, .Mrs. M. Beddall, Vice Presidrnt: 1 moved Z G ldwood this week and
=ks in one week, which- -is seventy ( of the-Vaughan Willard Home and Mrs. O. Waters, Treasurer; Mrs. we wish them our beat wishes and
sanore than sine yew ago,. for the School Association, Mrs. T. Wheel- M. Loucks, Corr. Secretary; Mr, J. good luck in their ne
one pOd ver homer
+ er, of Pickering Red Cross, and Adamson,.Recording Secretary. The � + We are glad to report-that Mir.
A. W. Cane,Welfare Officer sail' Mrs: Harry Cook of the Girl Guides Executive members' are: Mrs. K.-the Job .is becoming almost Betty Craig, Rouge Hill Dr,, t able ost a 24- undertook to teach the fine points of Hertzberg,'Mrs. W. White, Mrs. A. to be out again after being confined
botv"goay one. He said that in re. the Holger-]s'ielsen Resuscitation Smith, Mrs. H. Schuler, Mr. T. .1.'' to her home for the past week with
eveaiags, it is not uncommon to re- Method (Artjficial Respiration) to Ryan, Mr. J. Heward. Mr: Adam- neumoniiL
•. ceive several calls from police, set- those present, with a surprisingly son extended a vote of thanks to the The W.A. of Centennial United
vice clubs and churches. light-hearted technique charming retiring executive for the fine work � Church is holding a Tea and Bake
Mr. Cane said that, besides his everyone into the act. Testing they have done for the Association. Sale in the Church Hall Sat,, May 28
cases, he has to look after all their-own poundage of 'push" on a Mrs. Adamson reminded the meet-
from 2 to 4 p.m. and any ladiegfrom
Charge-backs to other municipality bathroom scale, soon made everyone' ing of the gymnastic display' to be West Rouge who are ,intezested are
_ es, and investigate all charge�acks more conscious of-the necessity for.- held'on May 26, by the .Ihunbarton
�wbx the towns receives. He y invited to attend. -
�P a little preliminary practice before Athletic Club. This impressive dis= Mrs. Mayers Sr. f;pm Chatham,
anti that fast year, he saved over -the emergea,S�i, It was explained piaY is•well' worthy of support by visited with her son and.daughter-in-
800 for the township„ when es, that adults require between 30 to 40 those wishing.,to foster better act- law, Mr. and Mfrs. Henry Meyers;
;'Fates wrei•e settled. pounds.of pressure on their backs, ivities for children. - Corr. Rouge Highland Dr, for a few days
1[r. Cane sail! he feels, the reason teen-agers, o 26 lbs., while bab- y
sera, 22, y
Pickering much "ig has,been-hit -ies would be!ijured by such weight,' Pk�ng District Hama and School Many happy returns of the day to
with so much "welfare" is, t`liat since small infants require only ; to L'ooacil Betty Ha1an, Rivercourt Rd., oa her,
are auny who think they are g Pounds. The discussion turned to — - ..—...__
twelfth Birthday'Surf„' May 29, ,is
coinsai m s "knr cost living area'. mouth-to-mouth resuscitation which The neat general H� � be Deirdre Welch, 8unnyslope, on bar.
He saidy'.of these peepk-are is gaining increasing recognition as bold•on Tuesday, May
31, at tf.00
` � cotta . Kr the most efficient method of. "' y P6 twelfth
¢be�a "`Bg1E'efghty Percent of rise air into the hags of the gets _�' sad'Will in tics f yule McCtglland, Rouge Highland
t>aw�ish' , at Dr. who�s't M Stn[ >SLay. 29 sad to
esme a c of this system The charge'of •2 25.
wain y mPie wilt be *Vocational Mrs. Chris Penny, C# erton Shores
is the dange-. of blowing too force. Gaidancs,". There will be a sympos. who celebrated a-birthday Sun., May
allat the cases firmly, ..bin fully into the lung* of infants and imm of thr" qealmn: Mr. Ronald
1y,"�said � policy He said he Ffatt. Vice-Prin. Dish. High School; 9t. Andt ew's Circle of Grace Pres- -
c7 ''� Putting able to get steady employment for Mr, A. Half, Ba-b" s Mgr. B•�- The f°u°wit� at°'r7 was Maps byt�erian Church is hol4*g a Tea and
i�bie~bo *ter .ly w6rk ia.the at least three Larva. ins Tnuke Coumil. Toronto; �, by Allison MaeBeaa, of dw Pi kw- B--,m Bale at the home ttf IEM Asst-
t ►nsbl¢'rlilieti applying for welfare. The 1960*Budget for Welfare, is W. ins Brownie Peek, Tb story won strnag 8athgate Rd:, Highland
--If they elaita they -cannot go tip $2S,000, of which the Gov T. for her a 'writtees bsdser #ad win Creek,on Tues., June S, ram 2 to
_worn, he *sits for a Medial Certif- pays 80 percent. "I expect it willrnt CO' Home and Setrool be publiakod
thAt 1-st year he was
Masasi�. - Bd. one t interested are cord-
be ns up, sat Mr. Cane. Your Association has tickets _ tally invited to attend. "
"'A GOOD $afY" The West Rouge Sports and Recr�es_
tion .Association are spQwring a
One day Mr•a�rks received some dance at Heron Park Sat,. June 11.
= - money as a gift She didn t-usually. Tickets ate available Prom'sny of the
get any money for herself. The first executive or the committee members
thought that came into her head was and all proceeds will be used to buy.
- to go and buy m_ ore groceries, but equipment for the Local teams.
_ ose, s e a a News'
whole supply of those. What about Museum i\ew.7
flowers? No - she didn't need those.
""" "" She borrowed her husband's car, 1
and 'drove to (39hawa Shopping Last week eaecuiive'tnegibers and
N f Centre where she went into Eaten's.. Museum Committee members of the
Y She looked around the first floor and Pickering Township Historitai Soo-
s didn t find anything there that int- iety studied arrangements foxy dis-
erected her. She came to the second Plays in the -proposed Township
rand Iast floor, where she caw tweed Museum in Brougham..-
coats, silk hats,,silk stockings,, straw The old school house,.which will be
hats dresses, saves titan - the s building on he site t be
• it t si
o re- _
her lovely thingsra lady l ke pared for .visors, will retain P its
`v t to buy. Site wandered u and down attractive and sturdy a
iehen an idea struck he'. She had the shade of the large, trees nwhich
not -been down, in the basement. hate sheltered it for past'cen-
ts When she reached the basement, she to This first year
started toward the pet corner There Project, the interior of of t the school .-
she saw birds; turd s, 'fish; dogs, will remain the same, with. an old
cats, inonkrrs, and ' many others. centre of.attraction. .
" - She liked the cute little dog with At the recent meeting, the first
the white feet best. The pet-keeper. displays in the school were
•�" ten
. tative-
• - •.... - d her-it was a cocker spaniel. She•• lY decided . u on, As time
P passes,
,. --- bought it arc} went home'. Her hus- exhibits will be changed, and different
band was horrified when he saw the
_. •,.•� ' � _ characteristics of the esrip •history
PUPPY• "Wheie do you thin you're he Township will appear.
going to :ceep.a PUPPY?" he cried. of
Township groups -or in-
''� '• 'r/. -~` �L'e 11'6'x him a bed out of a bask- diva uals will be asked to lend their
et, and he can run around in the talents and efforts in the perfecting '
r !l back yard,"-she assured him. Late of the following displays: A Victorian
y r .._' ' ..that night; some burglars came and that, in. which the furniture and
" a robbed the house. The little dog
accessories of that. period will be
started, barking and the police came � Costumes—what was worn by
running. The burglars were caught. men, women and children of the past;
Afterward. the. police asked - who Photographs and Paintings--of land-
owned him. "That dog's a hero" he marks' Pigneers, farms and stock,
• d. "It's my dA 'said Mcs. Parks efforts by local artists; . Guns, a
said. 1 `fought him with my Co Store, Church, Tools, and
i - er" an Indian display
M• - _ Mrs. K. H. J. Clarks heads a cony
mittee which .will furnish the log
DIVEST ROUGE cabin now on the site
First R'eil, Timsvilk,Pa—1859. — The fireworks Mr. Robert Miller, Chairman of
.. --- -- . • -`, - •;. for • e row _
Ida Oil
_ rks in a gh rh the
- -- — - tee.
o the Pei bo cod Museum Commit Lord the
Dion. evening were a lovely sight and meeting that he had Litany of the �
Folly' At $20 A �BSieI - so far no accidents'have been report- articles already collected housed in a
_ ted of children being hurt'or burnt rented barn in Brougham. Members
and we feel it is very assuring that of his committee are visiting families
-Manville was Oil Industry from the beginning. The the events vtiere ,well supervised by and accepting donations of historical
founded in 1858, Edwin L. Drake Com an has adults. pieces which•wilt•tell the story of
% p y produced many types of Mr.Jack Smith,and son Peter, Ridge- the Township of Pickering.
brought in the world's first oil well at high temperature insulation for gasoline wed }3d., spent the•holiday weekend Appoint Official Appraiser
*Btusville Pa. at Camp fin-awamsk. To ascertain the value and mean
"Drake's. - cracking units; other insulations for'sur- Dr. Tom Brand], Ridgewood Rd., ins of articles in the collection for
Skepticscalledit Folly".They face and underground pipe'during-trans-and to keep. _ has just returned from England after the Pickering Township Museum, it
` changed their tune when crude oil an spending some time over there. was agreed at the meetin last week
beg petroleum products.heated t g
Mrs. Shirley French' and,daughters that Mr. F. L. Sherry,•Claremont,.be
:-flowing at the rate of 15 to 20 barrels a fer. J-M raw materials are widely used Leslie and Patricia, Rouge'Hill Dr. asked to act in the capacity of Ol9c-
�lay—worth$20 a barrel. today in.the industry as filter'agents'in with'Mrs. French's mother,.Mrs. Mar- ial Appraiser. M-r:-Sherry is a con-
Some kerosene'had been made from secondary oil :well reclamation and oil shall, of Hamilton, motored to Brad- noiseur of beautiful pieces, and is
„ ford, Pennsylvania to visit ,relatives the owner of a valuable collection,
rock oil skimmed off nearby ponds. refining operations. and returned home by Buffalo' while Joins Ontario Historical Society
But tallow candles or whale oil lighted The Oil Industry is only one of the Mgr. French and Carl spent the week- At their meeting last week, the
end at'Lake of Bays, Muskoka executive.of the Pickering Township
;most of the homes and businesses of major fields in which vital roles are played Congratulations and best wishes to Historical Society passed: a resolu-
]America.The first oil well in 1859 changed .by Johns-Manville men and women here � Mr. and Mrs. John Head, Ridgewood tion, moved by Mrs: Kel'lAeth Clarke►.
,all that. Oil for the lamps-of America and and at other plant and mine locations, Rd., on their fourteenth wedding an- 'that they become members of the On-
niver•sary Wed., May 25, also to Mr, tario Historical Society. It was. felt
Europe became more plentiful.Later, the They take pride in providing products and Mrs. Jack Smith, Ridgewood Rd., that much advice and aw s. felt
"horseless carriage'° came along to create and services for'widely diversified com- who celebrated their twenty-first wed- might be obtained from this af Ilia-
ding anniversary, Fri., May 27. . tiolf for a new and inexperienced or-
additional fuel markets. The new Oil In- pany operations that now embrace more Mr. Lloyd Musselman, East Ave., t;anization.
-dustry was soon making highly refined than a score,of separate businesses. They
gasoline for automobiles, and then super serve virtually every essential industry in
refined gasoline for aviation. -, North and South America, Mexico, _ DANCING
Johns-Manville has kept pace with the Europe and other world markets. _
J o h n' Music b Ivan Fuller
� l -Manville y -
�,,_.... $ _ Penstone's Barn — May 28
North side Con. 2-1 mile-serest Brock Rd. .
Prizes Refreshments 40411,1000 WN1114
C. Tq► Pb* Port Union }
daying and sight seeing in Buffalo. ;•, • • • •
f new pupils were enrolled fo�e�next_ r
Civil Defence Guest At Mwanis
._ .
• _ school year at Fairport Beach School
ouac�l and``the Press The anal analysis .Pill in fir prop r z
bability we a few more 9 dried to this 4 '
More and more, it seems, that when persons have a com- number.
On Tuesday,.Xay 17th-a n impres
plaint they want to draw`to the attention.,of'the public, give cereyInony was'held at Vaiirpd?, { '
they go before council and use the press,as a sounding board. Beach School when the Brownie Pact;
We have argument with this. We don't Want, and we held an enrollment. A number o:
-can't .safely print the complaints of people who just walk mothers were present and
the follow-
- _: is off the street. It is better for all concerned that.complaints
ing Brownie& were -enrolled. Jenette' s
Chadwick, Joy Hawthorne, Dianne
be aired before an official body. Snell, Margaret Louise Parkinson
However when a person complains to council, and we print Patricia MacKenzie and Kerstinr Beal. Mrs. E. Crosier, Guide Captair
^�taame, we are often taken to task for publishing same, be- and her guide company witnessed th.
,cause what that person has said is not accurate. That is not ay-up of Gloria Donney who receive+.: _
— --the fault-of the press. The press is report accurately what her ings an congmtulatio or
w d na -
completing her Brownie training from
that person said, but it is up to that person to make sure t Mrs. H. b;.unn, Brown Owl. Mrs. R
before he or she speaks, that they know whereof they speak. Mer'citt,`District .Commissioner, pre-
�t last' week's conanil meeting. a 'ratepayer made some seated Mrs. Munn with her Warrant '
statements about the sigh school,The principal says that ' s Tea'Was served by the convenor tare
Watkin and her helpers.
= ed are not -thee ress. and leaders Sunday,frroaym 1 D�a Raptia I`
the 5gur'ea the-rat i 1:g-as q t
was not.h>1FPP��them,behmff repo p
Church attended a banquet at the
this argument=is�between the ratepayers -and the Golden Mile Plaza'
,X:w high school, not a or the high' We sincerely hdpe Lenora Butler
N to
whool and the press. Our job Mia to.try.,sad report it as we ree is feeling much ;
better now. .
On Tuesday, Mar 17th, a very well 3 "goo
' Ii you have a criticism to bring -betoa ;an official body, attended spring Nneheon took place
=1te�eheck i t before you make yourthen you have at the Community Hall. Approzi-mately 160-persons were served and nothing to worry about-if Pee repo It ly;we have no Sincerest thanks are extended to all
="BtraCtioII to make.. who ggnerous y Qa�
and eftorta•and also thow4who donaLad•
in many other way&. Kiwanian Carl Balsdon hasn't been DaMmtne Ilawaais Club. P- O., W.
"'! • There will be a draw for a beautiful TEmple 9-1568--Phone this number struck a truck.
if you ave - f�Fair- -act-as-a-'disaster victim'&;:--a recant the haadliag of-differen types of is. '-
will- be served the price being 10 .port Beach. .Cavil".Dsfewe DesnamtraCon at the juries.
Attended cents. There will also be a sale of Pboco b, Barrie Pomaro! ;
house made candies by the Guides.
The public meetings beld last Keep thus date in mind and plan to S' BAY
,peek at Rosebank, Fairport Beach i attend,the bargains will be many ane A very pretty wedding was held The ro il call was "love". Mrs. Milton been visiting sit the Astley home for
- r_:._�><rsd_ErenehmA*'a�v _I your purchase of books will greatly Saturday,at St. John's the Evange- P of Greenwood chairman of a few weeks, returned to her haute .
r4 at a work o e library. a �&t urc Whitby,
•tended, �snd ofScia]s feel they were! when ntoia- Christian Citizenship of Oshawa iA eve oa s.
,food meetings. money collected for the sale of books- nette Korezynaki became the bride of Presbytery W.A., gave a very inter- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Puckrin and
At Ro&ebank, some persona caked refreshments and the draw will be Donald Collins of Toronto. estting talk- The west group served family visited with. Miss Margaret
_ even-
-.Why a new- by-law was being pass used for further purchase of books Little Ross Macklem year old 'son refreshments. Puckrin, Oshawa, on Sunday even-
for the library and also'-increase the of .Mr, and Mrs. James Macklem i The W.A. afternoon tea and baz- ing.
•!d when one was passed a year ago- facilities. was rushed to the Sick Children's' aar will be held on Saturday, June
"'.Che reason given, was that the General RemindeT: The Annual Hospital on Saturday night in ser- 11. from .3 to 5 p.m., in-the church _ f
;planners want all the areas to be B�
Sunday School picnic of Dunfair Bap sus condition with pneumonia. He basement.
.honed with the same terms. { tilt Church will be held at Greenwood s reported to be progressing fav, The Sunday School . anniversary'
There was some objection to zon-i Park,'Saturday,.June 4th. Buses will curably. Mr, aad Mrs. Macklem are I service will be this Sunday at ':.��4 r
sing the area besidg the track as; leave the church at 1.30 p.m. Regular Crateful to the Pickering Township p.m. Mr. Win. Graham, Pickering,I Berrie Pomeroy
BMI which is duplex and semi de-! Sunday School scholars are admitted Police for providing an escort to the l will be the guest speaker. The chil-
'Cached. Residents asked that this be j free, non-scholar tickets 25-cents. all =sty limits' where the Metropolitan dreg will provide special music.
...th"Sed-to R3 residential. They.also adults 50 cents. Please bring your. .meL them and rushed the directly; There will be no Sunday school t ie Copies of pictures appearing in thin
recommended that the area zoned lown..supper. Milk, ice-cream and tea- to, the hospital. -� Sunday. paper over the credit line "photo
'- for a shopping centre, opposite the
Pp g I are provided: Tickets may be obtained Donald Balsdon, son of Mr: and Beginning on 'June 5 and: con tin-j{' by Barrie Pomeroy" are available. in
3tosebank public school, be -zoned asp from Mrs. F. Blackstone or,'Mrs.-C. airs. Garry Balsdon w baptised uing throughout the summer, church I two sizes. Ir you would like a copy,
#e&idential. I Rate. iuring the morning service at Fair- will be at 9.45, followed by Sunday 4 (photo) of these pictures, the 5 by 7,
At the Frenchman's Bay meeting,! Congratulations to Guide Margaret Sort United Church on Sunda
„•!several residents from Squire's I Newman on earning the following An enjoyable time was. had Sat- School at 10.45 p m. alas, 50 cents; the 8 by 10, 75c
. Club meta at the home of George To der, phone Mr.- Pomeroy at
Beach asked why the area abutting proficiency badges; which were pre irday evening by the members of. and Mrs. Puckrin on June 4. TEm�el 1-1417.
them was aII', zoned industry. It'.seated to her by bits. R. Merritt . ,he Bayfair bowling league at. their Miss Joan sdale spent the week- - --
novas stated that it had always been District Commissioner—Citizen, Toy yanguet'which was held at Andrew's end with her family at Cornwall.
the plan, to have this whose are Maker, Writer,Land Girl,Reader ant' banquet hall. Visitors at the home of Geo. and A11A011ne�A�
~with the exception of Squire's First Aid. We are very sorry to hear that
Beach as industrial. There is no-, The next meeting of the Girl Guide: Mrs. I Mr during the weekend thin zoned for agriculture in this Harry Cook is in the Women's eluded Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Lyon,
g will be held at the home of Guide College Hospital where she under- Shelburne, and Mr. and Mrs. Royce DUMBARTON UNITED CHURCH
area now. Captain Mrs. E. Crosier, 3 Park Blvd went surgery. Her many friends in Can, Port Credit.
A request was also made at this at 7 p.m. June let. the thstrict'and the girl guides and AUCTION SALE
*meeting to allow marinas in'the area - The Fairport Beach library is in Marilyn Woana t a entertained a
rpo rY brownies sent her speedy get-well number of ladies at s shower on Fri-
at the.north end of the Bay in the need of paper-backed pocket editions wishes.
a2 is for recreation only. and good used magazines for,-then Con ratulationa to Mr. and Mrs. .�y evening in honour of Miss Carol Atf K'rwanis Pork, DunbarlM
The largest crowd turned out on coming book sale. Anyone who will g Lee+ whose marriage to Franc: Won-
g Y W. Montgomery on the arrival of nacott takes place on July 16. SATURDAYS MAY 4•
3F'riday night 'at Fairport Beach. kindly donate books are asked to con- twin daughters at the Ajax Hoe- Mr. and Mrs. Geoff Astley and A•y uwabl• 1'•"'1'°1d *"W*' paisw
"4Quite a few were .worried about tact any of the following, Mrs. A. pital on May 22nd. family.visited Dr, and Mrs. W<.Gra- took,at *rte •4�M � mid r-
?he large area zoned as OS on the Pickard, Mrs, W. McLean, Mrs. F. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Wiseman wish hatn and family, Fenelon Falls on ,,,Ad b, p cos, d. •"
"west side of the Bay and asked that Blackstone, Mrs. R. Palmer, Mrs. W. to thank the members of the French- Sunday, Mrs, G. Grin, who has Fm �. e� � U
_3t be zoned as Rl residential Tonkin and Mrs. J. Williams. man's Bay Bowling league and ,nit• « �
meet-again-� --The—Annual—General--meeLinB their generosity in nom- ---
.among themselves and bring recom- Fairport' Beach Ratepayers Associa- ing to their' assistance when Mrs
�nendations before the next, plan- tion was held Friday, May 20th. Mr. Wiseman's wallet was stolen at the ,/��
tilmg baste meeting, C. de Bourbon' was; in the chair. bowling tournament in Toronto. Vr EVERY DISCRIPTION
Planning Board Chairman, George Approximately ,20 residents attended Congratulations to Jimmie Fenton
e $odd ,acted 's& chairman at the explained the purpose of a petition who celebrated his 8th bi 4 -
;:•meetings. Several of the councillors to be circulated in this area regarding 24th and to Joey Anderson' who
-,resent, answered questions. - the extension of the Base Line Rd. celebrated his 5th birthday on May
f westerly to Moore's Road, in view of 24th. Sorry to hear that Mrs. Har- We Buy and 'SQII 1
the additional traffic which would'use vey Fertile is confined to the Ajax '
FAIRPOR'F BEaCH Hillview Ave. and Fairport Rd. thus Hospital. Hur and get w 1]—Laic. DICKERING FURNITURE
- apecfal Notice:* All Cubs and Scouts I cieati a serious problem with re- p ry g =�`
ng P Congratulations to Mr. H. Play- at Gordon Hotel
torn Fairport Beach attending the Bard to the safety of the school child ford who celebrated his 80th birth- '
- '.,�ur of Queenston Heights vn Sunday, rev. The petition is to be•brought to day on May 20th. Congratulations
;May 29th, are asked to be at Fairport.!the attention of the Provincial Dept. also to his grandaughter and her
:Beach School not later than 7:45 a.m.,I of Highways. The new constitution husband Marian and Cliff Brown DUMBARTON RADIO & TELEVISION
a►s the bus will leave it that time in t was brought to a vote and carried who celebrate: their fourth wedding
--order to comply with the schedule unamiously.< The election of officers anniversary the same'.day. -T.V. CALLS TO THE HOME ----
met for the tour. There will be no then took place after which a•motion The Frenchman's Bay Pee ,Rtes
-- - .!delays so please be there on time and;was 'made that 'a' hearty vote of Softball team will play an exhibition DICKERING STORE AND REPAIR SHOP ;
_ uavoid disappointment. A special thanks be given to Mr. de Bourbon game'.with the Connaught Park Pee OPEN DAYS. AND EVENINGS
Scouts own Church Service will be+retiring president. The following offs= Wee's at the opening of the' Con
:held in Niagara Falls. I cers were 'elected. President, Mr. J. naught Park at Oshawa' 'on Map w*cl. 9 a.m. - lZ noon
Mr. J. Ricketts of Moorelands is Peterson; Vice-president, Mr. G. Jul- 28tH. Game time 6:15 n m
; Sts Banff Alberta attending a business I inn; Secretary-treasurer, Mr. W. Me- PHONE — TE. 9-1191 — WH. 2.6430
.)Conference. Lean; Committee chairman, Building AUDLi t Sa� oF TUBES — BATTERIES — TOWERS, ETC.
Sorry to learn that Brenda Wil- and grounds, pi r. N. -Eriksson and __.
limns of Dunbarton Shores is at home Sports Mr. J. Blanchard. A discus- 'A b o u t seventy attended •the - T.V. Antenna Installations —Small appliance repairs — Repairs an
pith mumps. Get well soon-Brenda. sion followed in connection with the C.G.I.T. pot-luck -supper at. the car radios — house radio A transistor
Janet Fenemore visited Linda and new zoning by-law and two ,recom- church.on Friday evening. The pre
:Susan Pickard during the Holiday mendations are to be made by a. sident, Eileefr�,Guthrie, was chair- '
:week-end. delegation to the next planning board man for the, program which follow-' _ _
Happy birthday to.Elizabeth Park- meeting. The question was brought ed. The girls presented a mock. wed- PUBLIC NOTICE
'Inson who celebrated her first birth- up with regard to the township dump- ding. Joy Astley• .played a piano ri
-day on Wednesday, May 25th. ing brush at the foot of Lakeview selection. Maureen Harrison,gave. a TOWNSHIP OF P�CKERiG
A, camping and fishing trip was Ave. and persons also_.dumping gar-
,• monologue. Linda Izatt and Nancy i'
•+enjoyed by Mr. Al. Pickard and sbn bage in the same area,thus creating a 'Puckrih played - accordion . solos .
Douglas accompanied by Jack. and �serious health menace. The Health Sandra Monroe
Eileen Guthrie and 3 9�o TAXES €
_ -:',Tom Marsh,Art.Fenefore, Allan Bir- Unit will be contacted regarding this. sang a duet, Sandra also sang a '
shell, Ross Hawthorne and John Hun- It was agreeded the Association would solo. The girls sang a number of ALL RATEPAYERS TAKE NOTICE that on April 1 L.1960, Council"'
;ter at Grace Lake near -Wilberforce I purchase five picnic tables. from the their songs. Mr. Robin Nicholson, passed By-Law Number 2509 requiring the 1960 taxes to be paid
.'during the holiday week=end. group committee in conjunction with Whitby, played-for• a sing-song. Rev.
Many. happy returns to Glen Wil- the Boy Scouts for the total of. $100. in three instalments, viz., June 30, August 31, and October 31,
-'liams of Park Crescent who celebrates The tables will be placed on -the a Butters led a worship service -w penalty,.or .if a)i the.Jox-leYied.on,.a single property is
bis 8th birthday on Friday, May 27th. beach for the convenience and use and gave a. short ship e. d paid on or prior to June 30, 1.960, a discount of One per cent 0%)
The W.A. 'citizenship meeting was will be allowed.
Book Sale: On Saturday, June 11th of the•residents, held at the home of Mrs. John Puc- -
-tmn 2 to 4 pm-the Fairport Beach Mr. and Mrs. F. Blackstone and krin on• Wednesday evening. The STATUTORY PENALTIES will be added on all taxes when � arrears. T
ilibrsry is holding a book sale at the son Donald enjoyed a trip to Sudbury president, Mrs. J. Cowie, conducted 1960 Tax Bills will be'moited about June 10th.
home of Mrs. A. Pickard, Dunbartot last week-end where they visited the business. Mrs. Bill Guthrie led Township of Pickering-
�. ;$bores: A pleasant afternoon is plan many friends they had not seen,for the worship service, assisted by Mrs.' Clerk.
:>ped, where you may browse through some time. George Squire who gave a prayer. LLOYD JOHNSTON
' -Qw books and make your ""tions A groyp of ladies from Fairport and Miss Joan Esdale the scripture.
relaxed summer hours of reading. &"Bch spent the long week-end holi- Mrs. C. Trigg played piano numbers.
_.r _b
•: c.•'?,csr• ..J.r:'a4.'a.r.�......-y.t..yr,.,.- .rmY, .-.•....Sr ._ _•'«• :.1`...,: x- .. _..�,...,,`,i' .. -' _.. .. ,_.. ° . " - - _ ,
-CYRI L: E. MORLEY - _ W. J. BUT 1 -
r. REAL ESTATE - `Y�, Jv 9R -
Oshawa -RA 3-4042
-. .,,, ... ,..• .. -. - .:- WEDNESDAY, NE 1960 4s8sii
GAS CLOSE TO YOU AS YOUR TELEPHONE ------------------------------------- Serving From 5.00 P. M.,_On _ 4ia i y 6E
Adults $1.00 - Children 75c. 4xlts'K 07.911!
32 KINGSTON RD. W., PICKERING, ONTARIO Under Auspices Ontario Chapter 4x$x%
MILLER HEATING Order Of The Eastern Sar 5-16tW-a Sheathing Plywood
TELEPHONE.•-PICKERING: OFFICE WH. 2-6212-RES. WH. 2.3115 June 24
24 HOUR SERVICE %th's Underlay ,
�• . S
Presbyterian Church La die AUnderlay 4 4 Pop.CUT RATE ,
- - -STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL- OPp• ��g Twp, Police Stadeq -
Further Particulars Later Phone. T
Furnaces, Space Heaters, Water
�M 9.8361
!� CALEOONL* ROAD --'TORONTO Heaters, kanges, Wail & Floor The Evening W. A. PLANTS FOR BALLS _
- Furnaces will hold their Regular Mee ing on Perennials, Pansies, Wpb
-� - Thursday, luxe 2, at the home Forget-me-Not, Pdnniss, TomaboM.
Furnace Clean Out - $7.50
Trailer' Heating & Accessories Mrs. Ed. Stork. Those wishing a and other bedding plats, .
- -.• :! $UMMHt PRKES ride, please meet at the Four-Cor- R MacDONAL(D , f
STRUCC�'M ners, Pickering Village, at 8.15. Altars. Rolg1; mac, two
Yf - ..• �.:•],tj �.�r.�:/R •.�.:tL.�t -_ -• •_._ Wi13[iOiY 2 � n No. 2. _T^_7. ,�
.-CRANE RWAL Women's Institute ATlande 2-+2727
- ! TVDOit !<?.. AJAX y Pickering Brandt
'NATION RD., Nli;ONT.-Phones WN. 2.1%0, RM. 3-9801
are invited to attend die soda Asa- Im►e 17 I
s " -`- "-'-""---"' i*ersary of-the Broodsam Branch,
/ an Tuesday, May U. Cars will leave APPLn OTATO= �
Sur- Spies . $3.B0 Per Bads, d
at 1.45 p. m., sharp-
Pleass bring conttirm. _
- _
$and Cad Of Thanks One milt west of Pkkaittg Village
.- -- -----_..•�• �I���MIN-�7 " •- y many friends ��-- No�eek��dii��
_ _ -pbose: WHftt6aU a-12
FRUDOMAL - l� and cards, during ray recall.
lOMPANY LTD. For 'Sinric® Day of Night - gray in the O� Genera Haep.
E i I
Col! TE. 9-�SZ ital.
we,rrps A Specialty.
Stoves. :. �� yes i -
1.07 KINWON ROAD EAST ''- - -- - AUCTION ySAT E Lanterns tiiasoline S � 2
_... . - - !!
$12.9H. VERNOY j
lee C oo lers vu
_ .-1460- $9.75
Septic Wfiril, 1 - Sale of household furniture, con- Water ago . . .
Phone For Immsdiaste• Caierage Day. Or Night dating of bedroom suite, rugs, tab- 'Portable Toilets; Gas and Oil
apr 15 Its. garden tools. etc. Property of Heaters; R=ges; Hot Plates; Oaf-
gressing nicely. Mr, Allan Colwill, 224 Brock St. N. board ?Actors; L P. Bottles.
_ Ont. Sale at 1.30 P. M. '
Mass Marlene Mitchell was ill last Trailer Equipmerst Of All Kinds.
l[ORTGAGBS : _ _. _•APPRAISALS week, and we hope is feeling better, ee! ' "MILLER"
Whitby, Trail
OYAL POGUE •suction
Mr. E. J. Annis, Gordon and Phil- WANTED TO RENT A _ WH23491 I
lip, and Mr. Pill Kemp_ spent the With option• to purehase;'unfurnish-
weed--enmeshing and visiting Lake ed. Wtll-kept house. Six or scuts FOR SALE' - used• lumber;' 39
St. Peter. pieces 2s8s;2. New condition. $1.00
rooms: Occupancy July 29. Refer- per piece. Phone: TEm le
:`-Real Estate Broker �Pickerin `Villa a Remember the Auction Sale - oa P 9-2494.
g $ _ ences available. Village preferred.
Saturday, May 28, at the Kiwanis Please phone WH2-6713. LADIES, 11sEN ALSO - Good
-;WH. 2-5770-1 or Toronto EM. 2-3625 Park. There will be a� Bake Ttabfe, opp.
216 Brock St. S. Whitby hone MO. 8-3625 , so come and pick up'.your week- jars 20 ortunity offered you to make money
i : y end baking while looking over tae selling our 200 daily necessities. Fun
;Res."Highways" 34 Mile East of Dunbarton, No.2 Highway man household items, Refresh- or part time. No capital needed. No
Y Young m3.n, 25 years, clerk-typist, experience necessary. Write us U4
ments are also being sold. with shorthand and tape-recording once Rawlcigh`s, Dept. E-343.132,
- - The W. M. S. meeting was held experience, desires permanent posi- _ 4005 Riche4eu Montreal
at the Dunbarton - United Church tion. Excellent references supplied, i. -
Parlours. Preparations were made Sart immediattly,. P. O. Box 182, FOR- SALE - 13.5 foot moulded
DON BLIZZARD ELECTRIC for seeding the misswns bale. Pickering, Ont. plywood boat. All deck hardware
Mr. and Mrs. Don Turner and June 3 and windsbield.. Motor and trailm
family of Toronto, visited a t the Phone: WH2-2045. r
fiorne of Mr. and M .
on Wednesday.
Robyn Kelly celebrated her 7th er ng age Building To Be wrecked
- - FREE ESTUTAATE birthday .last Thursday, May 19th, The United Church Sunday School In Ajax
with a party of a few friends. Teachers and Officers' Meeting was BUILDING MATERIALS
_ Mr. E. G. Code went to Stratford held on- Thursday. Audley..teachers
P�lOIiD PlCkel'tllgH -2533 on Saturday, to attend the wedding were invited; and Rev. Win. McKay
e of his grandson Elson Smith. ' was guest speaker. The usual social FOR' SALE CHEAP
Mr. Cecil Turner was guest spec-I time, with refreshments was enjoyed.
- ker at the Kiwanis Club in Mark- The large' number of people rvho Used lumber and COrrw
ham on Tuesday evening. heard Mr. Kanyike tell of conditions gat fn�etaF in A 1 Coro-
Mr. and Mrs. Don Smith and son in Uganda, will be interested to hear -
fri ends on Friday' evening: been receiving, is no longer avail- r: :.I
ALSO SECOND MORTGAGES Mrs. Jas. Brishin and daughter, _able, and he, is now faced with the X'6 r Z X S sr 3 X 8 fI0O1'-
AVAILABLE FOR ADDITIONS Peggy Ann, of Pickering, . visited necessity, of returning to Africa ing. T
+ AND IMPROVEMENTS. Mr. and Mrs. Walter .Willis on Fri- soon. His friends in Toronto and -
hIfNE111fR TW For further rticulors
day. Mrs. Willis has-been confined- 'elsewhere•would like to raise a fund
L! LARGE WE ALSO PURCHASE OR LOAN to her home due to illness for the. sufficient to enable him to attend Call Ajax - t_
ON EXISTING MORTGAGES. last few weeks. summer .school -here, before doigg Whitehall 2-068
W6'R6 TRW IF YOU REQUIRE ANY MORT- Dunbarton United Ctsnrdr'. $o. "
IN A F-L A-S-N GAGE FINANCING A FOR FAST Rev, McLaughlin conduvled . the. Mrs. Chas. Pilkey has bought the Otter 6 p.m.
y `v YOU COURTEOUS SERVICE: CALK _ regular. morning service. Mrs. Vera Wm. Cooper home on Chtwch Str. -
�� r.v Freeman sang a solo, accompanied f North The . opec s expect to be
//� ^ by Mrs. Wilkinson at the organ. Mr. moving to their new home in Osh-'
Q AUBREY E. IRELAND McLaughlin read his scripture lesson I awa, shortly.
�°..r "u AND COMPANY from the 21st chapter of the Gospel Bird-watching is a rewarding hob- `
of St. John. His sermon was - a by for old and young alike, -Frank' j
%. meditation on this familiar,chapter Threlkeld, Riverside Drive has al-
100 ADELAIDE ST. W. of the disciples who turned back to ready noted twenty varieties. °
A their fishing after',}esu's' crucifixion. First Pickering Cubs and Scots AUCTION SALE-OF
TORONTO 2 ONTARIO. '-"i T - Ladies' Auxiliary are holding a BUILDINGS FOR REMOVAI;
R dance,_square and modern danxing, OR DEMOLITION '
CE SECTION OF EMpiro 8-5300 or Erttpire,6-5964 GREENWOOD on 'fay 28, at Penstone's Barn. Ad-
mission, 75 cents PROPERTY SALE NO. T-3050
Evenings Guest ,speaker at church on Sun-
419 from the ofd scligol, on
TEm 1e 9.1750 = WA, 2-6902 day was Res: Eric Smalley, Ont. One and one-half storey frame
P Church St. North, moved into the
Temperance Federation. -He took as, house and attached garage situated
his theme -'The Jericho. Road - to on wing of the Lincoln St. school on Part Lot 4, Byron Street, Rad-
T Joanne Cane. Officers for next year illustrate the evils of drinking. on Tuesday. phurst Plan, Town of Whitby; ix
Have you noticed the tulip's• at
SPEC SiT51 ' President, Stan Cane; Vice-Pres. Rev.. Mr.`Fleetham is spending a "the County 'of Ontario, located oat
� � B the Lincoln St. School: They were
Pete Podnaryk; Secretary, Lorraine part of this week, beginning'May 25, -Byron Street, Town of Whitby, and
WHITEHALL 2.5880 Smith; ,Treasurer, Lil. England. the Conference which is held this- trills Browniesantodmark their Gotd- lying inside the cloverleaf.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard-McClement year at Queen's University'in King-
---------------------------- en ubilee.
• and Mar Beth spent the Ion week. Stoll. - J Sale to be held on the property a!
Y P B Dunbarton Radio and TV. have-
ptlNBARTON end visiting Mr. and Mrs, Dowie' Choir Practice' on Tuesday even-
moved their Repair Shop to Picker- 10.00 A. M., D. $.-T.-.
at Kirkland Lake.- ing• in.g Village. THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 19W
Mrs. Gladys Cossar was in King- Mrs. Alelame Mason was hostess Do not forget the Bazaar and Tea
;ston last week when her son and his last Tuesday evening at a bridal on Saturday, May 29, sponsored by, SCHOOL REGISTRATION TERMS: Cash or cheque at time of -
wife Audrie' graduated from Queen`s_ shower.:for Miss Marg, Jolly, who the Evening W. A. Mrs. Win. Law sale (cheque to be-made payable fin
University n their Arts.Course The was married to Mr, Harold Mason son will open the Bazaar. A11 wet- The Treasurer of Ontario) phis 1100
Y Registration of pre-school'chiild Performance Bond to guarantee that
Convocation Exercises were on Sat on Saturday. come, ren for school opening in September
Mrs. Godr Mrs. A. Morden has returned to work�•will be completed'to D,__H. O.
�rrday, May 2I. • Be Watson was visiting 1960•
The Dunbarton Forester Bowling friends in Port Perry on Sunday. Ajax Hospital` for a while. Her Pickering Village .Public Schools ._ f°�°aO� J
League held its banquet on Friday, Belated birthday congratulations many friends wish -her-well, -
aevetti Ma• 20,'at the Club Ba . to'Mr§. Jessie Turner d alsb to Miss Linda Eastwood spent the wall register children on June 3, at For farther information,
�. y the Lincoln Ave. .School..Children- tack: P�ua cas4-
view, Whitby. Presentations� were Christine Thompson who had birth- holiday'w:fh her grandparents,-"M.r. must be born on or before Deeern-
" ' made-and 'election' of ',officers-held. -days -on May 16.- and Mrs. Wm. Brown. ber'll, 1455. Proof of apse is requir- The Auctioneer, Mr. Gordon Sol- , -
High Average, Jim Ingham and . Mrs. Walter Willis will be cele Mr. and Mrs. Ed.. Pascoe and ed. The-se!tool nurse wall be .ire,att- era, R R 1, Agincour�, 'Ontarip�.
Lorraine Smith. High'Triples Ross brating a birthday on Stmday'Miy Grant had Sunday dh:ner°k•itfi Mr. andance. Those whose surnames Phase: ARminster 3-4771, OR . i 1
Thompson and Lil. England; High 29• Her' grand-daughter, Margaret and Mrs. . Percy Pascoe, Whitby. a.alphabetically from A. to L., ighways, Tororrft
Single, Art Skimins and Doris Cane; Willis, her first birthday on May 22. Miss .Doris Wilkshire, Montreal, to report it 1.15 v_m., and from L. Department of H
High Single (handicap), Tom- For- Mrs. Harry Cook had an operation spent the week-end with the Jack to Z., at 2.00'p. M. Regional Office, ' Downsview, OnR.
Brooks' we Phone: CHerry 4-2 i, Local 444. --
xythe and Bea Forrest; High Triple.... on Thus-day at the Women's Coll-, y R. T. DOBLS Principal DEPA;tTMENT OF HIGHWAY$.
!(handicap), John Marchment and ege Hospital in Toronto and is pro- ONTARIO, ,I
• w
'i'. •.... i.. .. .. -,' ,rte � - -
- L
McGuire. lamp;-Studio lounge; Lazy-boy chair gan. The choir entered, with tke
Ktllli HEVI�S Thttr Processional "God the'Lord, a King
r yir.'att� Mrs. W. Brown of Tor- Mr. and Mrs. B. Wills sad Ralph and, stool; Mantel rlocic; Lining.
*g o, 'called on his sister Mrs. 1i•. Bill were week-end guests of Mr. roots buffer; Tea cart; Couch;Num- remaineth"., A 3010, "t?ne•S.weetJF,
,The regu weekly'meeting. was >V[alcolm one day recently. and. Mrs. A: Sawaiillo• ber of chairs: Marble top.tabk; Set- Soleatn 'Tho'�ght" was sung by Hel-
® ^�.�tdd on Monday, May 16. The local Mr. and Mrs. W. Gliddon and tee; Bedroom washstand set; Pull-i ea Brisbia. Mr. Heron gave a fine
1tembera were hosts to five Kim- Lynn spent tht week-end is Cob- out double reach; Flat ironer; Camp message on "Baptism" In scriptures
,visiting friends: bed, springy, and mattress; Three we read of epriakliag;:pouriag on of
Is metubers of the Uxbridge Club, ourg
4'< } two from the Vilest $ougc'Club• Mr. and Mrs. Alga Tomlinson Mr. and Mrs. j. McGuire and table lassos; Two floor lamps; Set water 'and immersion: It isn't the
q An' intere3ting talk on "Inter- and family of Hamilton were week- April Monanan visited is Richmond of dining-room table covers, padded atamner in which it is dose that is
i�lttb" meeting3 was gives by Kiw- enl visitors with Dc, N. F. and Mrs. Hill, Saturday with Mrs. McGuiics' Two-piece wicker chair set; Pedes- mportant, but that children are be-
Efttetaa Gordon-Coulter. Mr. Coulter Tomlinson, sister, Mrs. Cable- tal flower or fern stand; Spiadle jag brought forth to be baptised.
,l has
recently visited the new Ktwanis Mr, sal Mrs. Blake Briscoe, of 'The Scouts and Cube did more fernery stand; Inlaid , foot stool; 2 Though Christ didn't baptise His
i�nteraational Headquarters Bldg. in Toronto were recent visitors with than a day s good deed last Mon- 7x4 blur rugs; Runner rugs; Car- disciples did, and His last command',
tt;hicago, presented a graphic des- Mr. and, Mrs. James Briscoe here. day evening, when they cleaned-up pets; Coal oil room heater; End to them was - to go for baptsing ail!
ptioa of .tie architectural layout. bliss O'$leais and friends, of Tor- the park. Atter the winter's many and lamp tables;' Range, double oil nations. Baptism isn't complete till
� he building contains 32,000 square onto, spent the week-end with her storms,•the park was in poor con- burner attachment with bottles.; Ex- the person comes as an adult to pro-
beet of floor space, and was erected parents Mr. and Mrs. R. O'Blenis. dition. The debris was gatheWd and tension table, leaves Di'sTies, Glass- fess Christ. The Sacrament of the
c ' a cast of tea million dollars, and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Borland, of burned. ware and many other household art- Lord's Supper will be dispensed an
one of the most moderp-buildings Walkerton,- were• holiday' visitors The Guides and Brownie Mothers Trees. June 5th. The Kindergarten Class
�UChicago. The writer would like with Mrs. Borland. -L. A--held their monthly meeting at " " ' was conducted by Mrs. A Barnett,
=nmtioa that the cost of such Mr? Lea Lye is spending a few the home of Mrs. Marie Gage. Vice- Gardens Tools and Miscellaneous and the Junior Congregatioa by Lys
�a tutdertaking is met by a slight in- days with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Lye Chairman Mrs. J. Mitchell presided, Electric' water pressure pumping Mtuisoa. - Corr. _
ease in membership dues; money Toronto. with Chairman Division Commiss- outfit; Teco rotary lawnmower, rub-
> in eom;rnpaitjss must be re- Mr. and Mrs. Roy. McLeod spent Toner Mrs. K. Hayward in attendnn- ber tired lawamower; Planter Jr. BROCK ROAD
}��tvested is community actjvjties and -the weekend in Northern Ontario ce. Plans for the Mother and Dau- cylinder seeder; Two scufflers; App-•
fpyested in co. on' a fishing trip. ghter Banquet, were,asade. Special. ,rox. sixty 16qut. melon baskets; Ap-.
Permi33ioa has been granted 1n Miss Pat Walsh of Toronto, spent. decorations.-and appropriate•• cake prox. 120 haddie flats; Approx. 122. Congratulations'to Mr. aad_Ma.
lW Dunbarton United Church W. - the week-end with her parents here. will-honour the Girl' Guides' 50th new flats; 18-Foot apple pidaera M. Vivian of the 4th Con. on the
tD hold• au Attctaon^S l in the My, and ]Sens. Murray Line sad Jubilee Year- ladder; Several•`flower, baskets 'and "'birth'elf's son
26.` The Girl family of Maple were recent visit- lM;s. B.'Kelly, of Norwood is lawn canisters; Garden 1-horse plow Mr. and Mr's. R. Kimura and fns
,,.• ,� lwanis )smirk art May
"� * - �pdy,also were granted permission ors with Mr. and Mrs. Sob Beelby. spending a few+ days vAth X arltd and three•4agaL steel fuel drums i1y attended the wedding of the EOt-
M{a. A.gam$rillo. with stove oil; Four good standard' mer's brothel: Mr. M. Kisaa+n..'- at
;p present a Demonstration-of Guid Miss, Marie Lynn, a nurse of tree house doors; Two good panel hence Purlingoan, last Saturday.
4 et
fog is Actiwn.9n june 4. TFit above Oshawa `Ll;ospita! sfaff, 'spent tore
qty shortie be most interesting. - week-,end with her Eimily here. AUCTIONt SAI.>lC doors; Six bundles or more sew Peggy Rowe . celebrated her 6ti�
Mrs. Wnn._Hotutg ' was coafiaed . HotasdMgd farniew F1igWh&b maple Z-ls• hardwood flooring: 2 by' birthday on Saturday. May 21, whit
-1 . to hospital last week for a few days Dish4 � GlarewarS, Power Y1Ower. {'a new scantling and odd limber; a party. of young,Emends.
obsetYStfott. 'Psnatre Pump, Gasdrn Tech, 8'm' Market garden land starkers; Large Mr. G. Minty, of Searboro, tt�
Mr. and Mrs. Kea Petty of Viet- the propet� of - quantity pipe fittings, anions, el- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hull, Toroat%
ortr Square a recent ttattors with
FRANK And �H. H bows, taps, ajpples of variotre sizes=., visited_Mr. and.Mrs..E.,t iornattl. ee
_ :.. Q- g a - and lengths, scrag iron; Shovels. Sunday. 1 j'
_ 9F - r♦-and_3lia_Howard Hockley. Chm+cb St. Forks, hoes, and tools and garden Brian Shapley had the misfortune
t ake Sale on' the thatch lain on $lectric warning signals'have been
• use 3;at 5.00 p• m. And !01 Highway supplies too numerous to mention. to brut his knee while Playing bait and rentsired several
f f'riday J erected it-the-c-PR crossing on_._ _
Mrs. Elliott and lire..White, of 9th Conoesaronr west of the village. I�ITUKD7lvY. j[TN1�'� —__*_! e___._—. at the sc400l.
.ry t Ipshawa, called on Mrs. D. A. Beer It has been reported that the res- e • • Sale at 1.30 P. to No Reserve stitches.
pa Sunday eveg• ideate formerly owned by the late Frigidajre -clee. refrigerator; apart- Terms Cash. Day Of Sale Mr. Eldon, obinson-has been talr-
1 .Rev. A. E. Creswell and Mr. W. Levi Linton has been purchased by went size, good; Kitchen'range with KEN and CLrARKE PRZNTICE, en to the East General Hospital and
Willson will be attending Mr. Morris Binstead. The auction reservoir and warming closet; Philco auctioaeecs. ! is not too well 4
ay of 9uinte Conference at King- sale will be oondtieted on Saturday, - com. radio and.record-player, three I. Mr. and Mrs. W. Carter spent flee
- _ t pton, on May afternoon. - speeds—good;3 fll e - Creek.
l The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup- p number of residents" attended terfjeld. 1)eForest-Croaky cabinet. Don't forget the Home sad School
er will be held in..St. -John's on . 'the Uxbridge Fair on Monday alt- radio; Singer sowing machine; Bed A large congregation attended the ( Colwell Supper Meeting at Dtiabtar-
._4$unday, June 12, at 1000>a. M. ernoon. Mr, Ken Ward had a num- in red 'maple f,nish; Two-end tables service an Sunday morning, conduc- tali on Tuesday, May 31.
The Polio Vaccination Clinic for -tier of implements on display. and matchitR coffee table= Dresser; •led by Mr. K. Heron. B. A. In the Keep in mind the Dance in Brott-
I Adults will be hell! in Brougham Mr. and. Airs. J. Kennedy were Ash tray .ray d; Kitchen table acrd absence of Mrs. McClement, Mrs. .gham Hall on June 4, is aid of the
Township Hall on
Monday, May 30; vvee=end-7g1jtsts of.Mr. and. Mrs. J. _ three chairs; Odd chair; Tri-light Elizabeth Puyes.presided at the or
Scout work. �
♦'Ft 6.30 to 8.30 P. rn.
j Mr. and Mrs. 'Ross.--Knox and
t family spent the week-end at their
,4tottage on Lake Sim 'Banks• also THERE'S NO BETTER CAR FOR TENDING YOUR
Mr, and Mrs. No Ar
-tlfr. and Mrs.-Jos. .Percy, had_din DOLLARS THAN CHEVROLET. t� � FOR -
tier on Sunday with Mr. and Jars.
Fred Hamilton.
The_Arinnal Memorial Decbratioh
vC h
Y pay Service of the Bcougharri Union
Cemetery, will be held in the United HE
z re-
,Church at 2.3o p. m. on June 19. ANY CAR NEAR CHEVY'S SIDE AND PRICE—EVEN
- rties,pta6ing floweps,_will meet at -
t the cemetery prior to the.hour of L
-. ° -service for a chart prayer,-led try _ ON SOME CARS THAT COST A WHOLE OT MORLe
�---Tftev. A. E. Cressweli, then proceed
: Ito the church., ,for regular sertiice.
iSpecial music is being_furnished by
;the Junior Choir, led by Mrs. CAN J. .'..,.r"'.ti,."'+.• "'1..r'; -•"" •r'„.'`-r'"y''.....`r"""r'�"'�''„” ,
;]White;'also Mrs. H. Plaxton, as-or.-
jganist. Sotoist will be Mrs. F. Follis.
Mrs. - L.emmon, who has been " s
e ipending some time in Toronto, re-
urned fo Brougham on Sunday. -
Mrs. E. Carswell and daughter of
i�Oshawa, visited her mother, Mrs.
t(Vti. Hamilton, on Sunday.
1'1 Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Witter, Mon-
1ttreal; also Miss Gladys Witter of . _ ..
lieA on Mrs. Matthews VMS
-on Monday.
The W. M. S. meeting was"held A Grneml Motorr Valet Be!Air'4-Door Sedan
May 19,_at the home
: Y
n Y,
:vb -
�' ,.of Mrs. H. Malcolm, with Presid-
p_ }*nt,, Mrs. Linda, in the chair. Mrs.
(Albert Gray reported thirteen' large Q „
']boxes of new and used clothing and UK
-'J'one box of canned good' Packed at i
: >tter'home, and these have been sent
ito the Fred Victor Mission.' The
: make Sale will be held on the lawn
:sat the church, on Friday evening, "W $
)May 27, at 6.30 o'clock. In case of O
I lain, the sale will be cancelled. Out? - . : L+T TT T �rO� Eight spunky engines with five
members are in to a Bazaar I r V J+L+ ::.,velvety transmissions—24 tom-
►nd Bake Sale in Greenwood United D (� (� CUSHIONING
Church on Saturday, May 28, at 3.00, Q Q' U U boa in all.No other car anywhere
{ m. The W. M. C.•Picnic will be Chevy puts a deep,coil spring at gives you such a wide choicel
i htel'd in August at the home of the - O O O.' O each rear wheel,too.Unlike old-
)?resident. Roll Call_was an t1 style leaf sprjngs,they don't have
+,ovtth a verse from the Bible con- -
to anchor the rear axle or trans-
taining the word "Seed". Mrs: J. s
mfr the focus of braking and 4
Mrs. R: Miller, ao0elerarion. Chevy'8 coils have
�'Mitchell assisted by nothing to do but tame the bumps
—and what a gentle job they do!
presented the Worship Service. The
program was a talk, by Rev. Cress- -
well on "Our Mission is work in the '
$da". He told-of
!imission fields to Northern On SAF� �
{"Sid' in Saskatchewan. Airs. Mitchell IP'' }� Those crank-operated vent wtn- i
khanked the speaker for his very jn- �I�Y�� dons, for example, will give You
`derestiag talk. The meeting closed Tott'es eonsidetdnq as economy ���� an idea of all the extra considers-
` with the Penediction. Hostesses: cm, yott couldn't do better than Lion your comfort gets in Body
H. Malcolm, Mrs. Root: Mau Cotvair! Count up its big, big ad- _ by Frstier.
;Coln and Mrs. W..Hamilton served - ��eoa Remarkable tthsule riding quali-
The regular•weekly euchre was ties of 4-wheel independent suspen-` 5O�B '
- { sion.. .the extra storage space of a. "��
held on Tuesday evening'with the fold-down rear seat the economy
following...wittners, Mrs. M. Ellicott, -
of an air-cooled engine (no water,
Mrs. H. Plaxton, Mrs. Jewell, Mr. no antifreeze, no radiator tepaire _ as 1f0 OZtIsR OOttill•
l Wm. Knox, Mr. Ni Burton an 'Mr. eve !')• Chevrolet's frame is X-built,
~ TifeIllmunay. not just X-braced. This extra _I
S Mrs. H. Barclay of Lindsay called c Single-key locking and
bra '12rs. Matthews one evening last attention pays off in greater
IC torsional rigidity,-and it's one starting, anti-glare
week. - hoods for each instrument,enclosed steer-
Ivlr, and Mrs. Brose of Dawson k reason for ChevY's silence• �g cel � gafety E.,��around, pre-
;Greek, called,on their cousin
Mr. D: - vision-balanced wheels and tires. And'a
1 ,�, Atairs and MrS. Mairs one day _ ' CorvaJr7004-Doorssdan whole lot more besides C•t7600
..�{aat week.
The W. M. S. are holding a Bake
!.sale on the church lawn on Friday, - - ;
- See Your Local Autlwriaed Chevrolet'Dealer for Fast Delivery, Favorable Deals
M 27, next, at 6.30 P. m., NOT
I May
• „ .=Saturday ar. stated Last week.
d thee'Vio.m. T a`atttutob ladles
aual, held ht Port..Pcrry _�
- -
' ' .:.... _._._.._1 .. '
L d.:'-;.•. r-•-s. .t' ..vss sa.....--v v., _ _ ,•ys..+,t�inr-,,.-n.r,....•r ...
- - -- ... : -- ,;•acs--:
' i ; ,
¢ -, M
• I+titlirer rain as fog, or+threat of S L�e f
�tac�a-TreC �, udesetorma .vonld dampen the 1
Aar AAw1ee'or'Model spirits of the First Pickering Cuba on I PTION SPECIALISTS
• 'a weekend camping trip. 12 boys and
� � , Fill" 8 leaders set out on-Friday night at
- _ — _ --- -
8.30:for'Dos aldson's cabin.
�EAt First. Pickering Scoutmaster and y,COSMETJCS - SUNDRIES - WWY NEEDS
;k .3 c outs -rent over on
. • 1 >#jrhght entertain by putt on A ,
, li demonidra 'one.• to ad ;STORE mom-
PIN'Auto eOd1/ Prhroi• Ahab�hlane>. Sutrla . lea in a sing-song. Hardy Craig: a :-
z . i. � - WEEK DAYS DAILY
,DAY OR NOW Went to the,camp on Saturday night ,
I{0Mlah1 • and stayed until Sunday. - ' SUNDAYS It HOLIDAYS 1-5
�� p; ��� District Scoutmaster'Cliff hawker
` also helped provide entertainment at -
WM. McfACHME, Prop.
phi: THlitnp 41 9•!811 , the camp on Saturday night. The boys pICKERING ;,PHQNE WH. Z-5961
• attended the Scout's Own on Sunday
i MW reefs.NOW +'2520 ` •- - -morning and broke camp about 2 pm.
Report Caa,aa FWanced Phone WH. 2-2171 , Food•was provided by the Ladies'
? Auxiliary for three main meals and
Pickering, Qnt. from all reports its was delicious and
KE't..AHD.CLARKE plentiful: In the spite of the weather
the cubs managed to go on a couple GRAHAM HARDWARE
gRT�C� of rambles and make plaster casts of
animal prints.
Barrfatsr asii rely enjoyed the weekend. All
tieaRaell sari• . tilt
h3et O•iif'�
W. H. .THO#fPSOi�I B. A.. LLB. p Cubs B and work involved was not Appli�� Paints
a total loss. -
Lsnvbmsab Hoots- Bridsb Color and Ontsew Timset for First Pickering Ladies,
!told Red' Ztristt -- Auxiliary dance is close at hand. We ; �OO�s j Glass, Eft.
"1411 r�$ tr at )Ilstsoteilis -6ltawood s'.tg., Alas. do hope that everyone will supf)ort,
Amble."Sled g�ir,„�'Pre this venture. The dance will be held
wxit•ban 2-3131 Sat., May 28 at 8.80 at Penstoae's General Har�war@ V .
�1'Idet , Rs�ldence. TEt�lie 4-2631 barn.The barn is located on the north _
Pk 0. pl no A� � side of the Second Concession, about
P.14 /rats AWL i mile west of Brock Road. i
.° Sir Gauahad Crew are having a car PHONE .WH. 2-1411 - P-ICKERIN�s ohm
'o n Creighton, user, Drynan was day at Ernie Maryin's Shell Stat- I '
• ion in Ajax,.May 28. This is the only-
r Murdoch Rover crew in the Owaeca district. •HaiNks� m sareTivuig 3nte - ..
L Ilarrls4�Rrs, 6alklt0[s and NatorNt age, so let us all turn out and show
i � uLiie them, we are interested in what they Weddings, Banquet, Shovmrs
are doing.
Bank of Commerce Chambers, �.. Bakery Products
gatxistgr, SoUdt*4 S . Sirtit_ a SALE REGISTER -"�Nleot
P13wK T RA. 5-96
Saturday. June 4. - Auction sale of des r 1
at dli household furniture. Frigidaire, dish-
h7weit es, utensils,, glassware, rotary moan- Main St., Pickering WH. 2-03"'
_ er, electric pressure pump, garden -
AY. 94WI or AT. 9-13U �� M greenhouse- tools, greenhouse supplies, miscell-
` aneou
SILAI& ACRUAGRA AXD s artictes. at Part of Lot 14,
Yew.M Tri.f:91 to km!►s► 1st. Con. Pickering. on Pickering
&I" U) s ssd 1kinkv *A8 Cloverleaf, at 441 Highway. Proper-
My AppWo6wisd •efssel Wsib 1Do�S� � ty of riank H. Hall. Sale at. .1.30 P. AJAX
s m. Terms cash. No reserve. K)r:. �•
GLL - �• �Ii9 and CLARKS PRENTICE, ancts. _
>rse lntasplla•�es9ane•i Markham phone 346. - J-M DEALER .a1
june 3.
• I
- FENCIN3�- ,.AAn . ones RUM406 COTTAGE a rneiatel
'Tway menalsreal Wert~ Irtrats
hbiic Worshi* sae Sewe ll ay Scho
'!fare sense Weal sL RWwy M 9:0 o.aa.—Wsf Rosso• rabNc School
_. . AS LOW AS :•. -� �
to lilt. E Itl><hway, between IM ESTATE 11:00 a.m.—C•nt•nniat Read Pubsc School _ ----
u'tr..a: w�la, Phoio'cn-op now in Pick-
: '
Bring and Ajax meat. To Rryano•r Rd.
or tell for prompt_ hone AT. 2-2372--- �. 2 HIGHWAY :.lUlli'I. 9-3251
PLUMB/NC3 --------------------------- - 1
i1Ej/it�'>V3� cOUrteOtJS serVlti! ask for ....ST. GEORGE'S ANGLICAN
Mr. Blower. CHURCH
pt.>oa�Olo to=1si000O p;,oln.rsng Call
R enera ar ware
�1R'JOY < S. Shepherd, B. D. D.
moraL' ..: A• � • ��z Re. H S epherd, M -
B= 196, Pickering
— Phone 1
---��s Nall_ G~ral Insumnes — bolt ► SUNDAY 590 SERVICES . •
�r-MO: —H.13 c�nn — amts Electrical Appliances =
11;00 a. m.—Motning Prayer _
T� sroN a RADIO 11.00 a. m.—Ho y C�,iott
4th Sunda
11.00 a. m.—Sunnday School in tits
Dols �Glaaa Etc.
- REPAIRS __ - — --
• � �
Community Hsu I • -��
9-l191 ' • • 11.00 a. m.—Nursery in Re-tory -
PHONE: TEmplW Room - ages up to 4 years l/
S H E�R R I N 10.00 a. m—Ho'y Cottutrunion and alsdon .s ar ware
A. E. RATTSw Intercessions for The Sck '
--------------------- ------
1FUNERAL AND Pickering United Church p W
»eoGnt (i. CONANT. 4 Minister: R". Melville Su"Grs ■ hOne' ■'H• -ti 80 Riekering�
•SUNDAY, MAY_29, 1960
cvrrrl'H BUII.DIIVG. AJAX No. Z HIGHWAY .'9.45 A. M. Sunday School MARKS ELECTRIC
j TIA Sinks St. o. Oshawa AT PICKERING BEACH ROAD `,11.00 A. M. - Church Service.
insurance Co. I Telephone Industrial, Commercial & Residential Wiring
W Lrrs OR pHOKIII LEY prompt Efficient Service — Free •Estimates
C1100160 a h a For !ears Cesutry
WH. 2-3610 1.15 p. -in. - Sunday School
raa•t.rsD .> aerlal.a - - -------_------- ------ -. J. MARKS _
Wtadasuis, >ilior)gs • • c • • Tel. TE. 9-1570 -R.R. 2, Pickering-'.
As mmesbas immmaee « Chrlst�on ,.k:�ence SoCletjl
6 owma n & Gibson : invites You To Its Regular
In.-Rossbank Road Public
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Chartered'Accountants Tnstallations, Repairs A Alternations A Reading Room Is Open' To The _ u d
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su•t. R. Waters C.A :'For Further Information, Call c "
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