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t W.S
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HO.' PIOICBRFNCi;ON?ARIO. W:C.i1<tVitKAR AND SON' - PUBLI Rs Sc. PER CO Atrt6orlsed As Second D•aa lsatt�e'
Pd!o lint >1240 Per Year i3aictpal ,States, 113.00 FRIDAY, JANUARY.N. 1960 _ Since November_1081 Post Office Dept Ottewa -
- Horticulturists Make Presentation 1Nm: Fair grieve Su gists Township
9 9.9 p
Extend -Tax Payment , Installments "
V r ,
rk u
William Fairgrieve of-3pnica Bitl` „ --• =a
:X Road, Dumbarton appeared before, PlCurn
council this week in connection with
prepayment diseotuite for lazes end
an.extra installment SKATING CARNIVAL
Mr. Fairgrieve told council, "the PICKERING VILLAGE RINK -
:n` u biggest task in the near future for
Sponsored $
Po y
this council is, the setting of the fax Pickering Villa public
rate for this year. FRIDAY, JANUARY
: The tax collector then has the task From 7.00 to 9.30 P. M.
of getting this tax money into the Music For Skating - Broom Ban
_ curfews of the township. For several -
-the-arreat� es ave pre- Everyor;e Invited To Crime --
sented a serious problem and any so- And Skate. -
' lution'to the-reduction of'arrears.and Adults 2sc. - Child under 16, Ift.
making it easier for the taxpayer to
Ham' meet his obligations-should be seri-• Mrs. Frank O'Sullivin, Station Rd.
ously consideKed. South, reported in this column req.
Mr. Fairgrieve compared the pre- ently having been taken to hospital
Payment rate of 1 per cent with other for major surgery, is reported being _
municipalities, charging it is ridicu- not too well, following surgery for
lously low here. Fie, suggested the brain tumour.. ,- -
-" rate should be' irigrg wed to where_if --_._Fier_many.. friends---in-this- '
would be worth the extra effort on regret the passing last Thursday,Bast
3 get in prepay- the hoarse of her daughter, Mrs-
ments. He said that Scarboro Pense, of Mrs. Fred VaIleau, Kin ,
. shows a 35 per,cent Increase in already stop. is her early niceties. g
Payments and this is the result of an Mrs. H. G. Westney's Sun. Scboof
' increased rate from 3.to 43i per cent. Clans of the United Church was ea-
"The majority of taxpayers in this tertained by Mrs. Cliff. Barkey's
township are in a wage bracket going Class, at a skating party on our loaf '
from low to moderate and in a great rink on Friday evening last. Follow-
Tlse Amaua! M and Dresser Merit Award is May 1939` lCsa A. esedul, u your bobby is growura �y cases-the gathering of suflci- ing skating the . two classes were
of rite Picketing Horticultural See- Linton, Dist Director for Area 5, pla•.tts,.fkrw�ers, or vegetables, aall �t fatale to meet.three tae demiada entertained by Mrs.Clarke Richard,.
fs_ a.grave matter" Mr. Fairgrieve son, at her home, everything being
isty was held in Dunbuton Udtrd who pewesnted the Awards. L. to R, would-like to knew more about it;- said. much enjoyed by the pupils wdi
Cbatroh 8awnumt an January 12. (froat row): Miss M. SomerAZW. go out to heir meetings every sea "He said, "I believe eonaideration teachers. i
Wait Awarder weoa s il,ed to Mss. W. Lotion. Pickering an be and Tuesday of the month. at ver- should be given to the possibility of —Mr A, Rosa Irwin. Business Ad-.
Mrs. 8. Lotton and Miss M. Some Justly proud of its Horticultural Soo- ions• places in this township, and increasing the payments from 3 do 4 . min r.. A., and Irwin. Business Ad-.
A cbs Left '0o Right - ni C. E. rely, and it has been duo to mom. • yea w:]1 receive a Wry warm wel- installments and this•would make the of the Pickering District High School
!f[oAey, ehairYsnaa for Qnt evening; hers such as theses, and many more, comet- burden much easier to a vast number Board..spent several days is Ottawa
Kim Winch Wood, who received a that this Society-bas been so state- photo by Barry Pomeroy
of people• last week in attendance at the Annual
- "The increase of percentage for ConferencY of the Ontario AasocisA
• prepayments and the extra bookkeep- lion of School Business Officials.
brio► Forecasts P"lation Will ttA Get Into "The ing involved in a 4 payment system Dr.. W. C. sad Mrs. McLean and
would be more than offset by .taxes Ross spent Sunday with Bill and
#unease Greatly In All Local Areas Cemetery Easy,. Way!coming in more ex freely and by corning Joyce McLean, Church St. -
in to a greater extent at the proper Mr• and Mrs. I+l R. Shortrreedc of
time by-avoidance of short term bank Whitby, attended service at the Un-
'!t'he projected populations increases expected to be almost completely de- Three persons have driven through_ loans for to finanein " Mr. lied Church here on Sunday, an¢
for municipalities in this area be. veloped by . 1980. The population the fence into Erskine Cemetery Five mid. g' visited Mrs. Edith Chapman.
tween now and.1980 as contained In growth in these municipalities will within the past slew •mosiths. He said that for every $100.pre- , Mrs. W_Honker- flew.by TCA to
16e Metro' Planning &bard's "otl6cW .range between 1500 and 4800 persons Its-not a matter of wanting to paid at an increased 1 per cent the London, Eng. on Tuesday, to at-
plans are very.interesting. over this period. Any-further growth get there the cheap way, but rather. township would lose $1.07 For every teW her sister's wedding.
The' report expects the,• gtaatest in these municipalities would only I because of a bend in trite•road at the $100 borrowed from the bank the cost The Picklering Brownies had tk
growth will'. take place in Toronto take place by annexing parts of the Second Concession and Fairport Road, will be $6.00..For every dollar,of or-
township. good time, tobogganing, .last Satur=
township. The other kringe munici- surrounding townships. �motorista have failed to make the 'man in taxes the cost of borrowing day, at the - Pickering Golf 'Club
polities, while they will remain sub- Both Reeve Sherman S and turn and,crashed into the cemetery. will be 6.per cent- to meet Lunde grounds. 'They returned do the C. F0
s tantially rural over this period am Deputy-reeve Rosa Hawthorne feel B. W. Lotton of the Cemetery needed for township operations, thi- Centre, United Church. for,.refreake
ertpeeted to grow. The fottast expects that Pickering Township's population Board asked council this week if a in turn is passed on to the delin °tests'
grreat :
increase in population for Pick- increase will reach the projected fig- checkerboard could be erected at this taxpayer, thus making it harder for On February 15, at &CO p. m., in.
owing and Vauskan Townahipa of are long before 1980. corner. He said repair to the cemetery the already pressed- taxpayer. T the YMCA, Oshawa, there will ba
about 40,000 persons and somewhat On a percentage basis the report fence have tun close to a $100.00 and payments of an Open Meeting of the Can. Men-
less for Markharn. gives the any sort is any field, is
population increases es- in all cases the motorists were unable a' sore matter with most people and sal Health- Assoc. This meeting
Ajax is expected.to triple its.pope- Pickering Township going up.259 per to help pay for the damages. it should be the concern of this coon- explain how volunteers.can be u3e
lotion by 1980 from 8,000 to 24,000. cent, Ajax 200 per cent and Picker- Mr. Lotton also asked for financiu cif to ease the paint of the taxpayer. in different projects call: Mr. T.
BtouRville and Pickering Vilbw are ing Village 150 per cent' -assistance in looking niter the cene- Reeve Shetznna Scott said the that- J• Wheeler, Pickering 1-44, after thg
ph at the-corner of Altona Road ter would be turned over to the fi- February meeting. The rlssoa needs/ +
and First'Corcession. "He: said last nonce committee for their considers-, over one hundred volunteers- week- {.
ST. GEORGE'S ELECTS WARDENS year that road men dumped calcium ion ly. This is spread over Oshawa aad<
here arid rained the shrubs. Ontario County. a
The Catholic Women's
Reeve.Sherman Scott said council (j Leagu!
would look'into both matters. Dr. Re Se H�Skin To will conduct a "March of Dined'
g blitz on Pickering ' Village, aleA '
h CNR Men fpeeted to A ress Conference The Pickering-Fire Co. answered
a• • r. R. S. Hot;kir-g, %idely known in Linen onroThvrs"ldiy morning. Darl-
a D
n is in United Church circle, as chairman of ege -. "slight". . y g
Make Land Dee :a
t r the United Church Commission on' The -Committee of Stewarti of
• Christian Marriage and Divorce will Pick rin 'nit h•r r - d
e. ,ewe speaker,at tile Weekend to Mr. Herb. Monne;; an "Honorary
Conference of the United Church, 'Scroll"-go recognition of ,his many,
Residents living in Dunbarton'and Pickering on Feb. 6'and,7. years service as Treasurer and -El-
those along the First Concession, ef- The subject will be "The Christian der with that congregation. Mr.
r fected by the CNR's access line expect Family and Society" and Dr. $osking' tfonney; however, wa., taken to ham-
that railway men will be along.with- will give three•addresses during the
4, pital last'wbck for ohservation. His
in the next few weeks to talk prop- 'conference. Tickets are now on sale l host of friends wish him. well.
erty deals.. at $200. Mesdames Evelyn Dwirnel, Ethel
s,- Nanning He recently retired after serving I Huyck and Gladys Farmer attend- ~
Voted in favour of the CNR's original, 20 years as enem ecre
' � ry o e e ue y iYe
_- - route which -takes off at Liverpool, National Coune-il'.of YMCAs of Cana- the Eaton Aoditorium 1�'�'edncsday, — -
!„ cuts through Dunbarton and along the. da..For five years he was Chief Pro- evening. J
north side of the.First Concession. bation Officer of Toronto Juvgnilc Mr. and -Mrs. Mervyn ` Johnson
We understand that several proper- Court, resigning in 1938 to join the and 'family spent Sunday ui ' uiuit-
" ty deals have already been completed YMCA staff.
Y P to, visitin relatives.'
� . g
` and the families concerned..have•al- Dr. Hoskin has travelled widely large photograph of Pickeru�
Wen. Go Lawton was led Rec- - read EuroEveryone, theUnited States eandgCh 8 De rYea High School's "Athlete o _ _
y located elsewhere
ada, will en o hearing t Paul M'onro, has been
toe's Warden- at the annual Vestry. George his was electled People's interesting speaker and taking' part presented';o the school by the Glob*
Maleting of St. George's Anglican Warden at St:. George's Anglican To Got Snow Off in the discussions that'follow, and Mail Paul is now attending
Church. o _ _ Church Annual.Meeting -- _ McMaster University, and it is ex-
Church U
(Photo by Donald McKague) - Prackdrnag Village Firemen - 'petted will be invited back to the
Altona Rd, S ANNUAL BALL "old -school" for a'formal presen-
CLUB BAYVIEW - WHITBY lotion during the__spr ing term. Thet
Residents have en complaining FRIDAY, FEB. S. - $1.5o Person Toronto newspaper also sent out st
P• e • about the snow piling up on the mounted photograph of Paul for
ickering Township Bylaws- And Welfare sides of bridges on Altona Road until his•personal collection.
there is only room for a car in the To Hold Meeting 4
centre of the bridge. `SPORT SLANTS—
Sala Schedule „- Now Departments Road Supt. Jack Chapman.said this
ry week, he would get the men to clear On Unwersi s Week's Game
Last ee a e
Up until now, one man has served this snow away. Last year there were • Reeve Sheman Scotf has announced, " Budgets .
Pickering Township has set u a as By-law Officer and Welfare Ad- complaints of a similar matter in re- following the meeting of.this week's Whitby 5 Pickering 3
g P P ministmtor 'for Pickering Township I Bard to these bridges. council that he will call a -
sa! schedule for em 'lo ees which _ public Last ,Week's Game
�' P y along with dog control, school attend-I � -
was passed by council this week. ante and warble fly tfispection. meeting with regard to the endeavou- Bantams �.
We note that the following depart- the job has been divided and now Hwy Club Maiming ring to get York University to locate Pickering 6 Whitby Kinsmen 0 t
merit heads received the following: Welfare will be on.e fob and.the B - There.
Clerk $b,800; Road Supt., a5,b00; Y Reeve Scott said that he-would call This Weeks Games ,
P law Officer will handle the other dut- The local Rotary Club spient a '7 •,
I: k
P T Assessment Com- great part of Monday evening's meet- a p)plic meeting possibly for Feb. Thursday—Blidget9 " ,g 1
Engineer, $ ,400; 1e8, 9th. bin. Scott said that a committee Pickering vs'Whitby
salon, $4,400; Welfare Adminis- Council voted in favour of this rn a rbscus4ion of a ern*.nend- could be formed from those in atten- Friday—Bantams
tor, $3,600; By-law Officer, $3,600; than a this Creek with the exception 'able, yet ambitious program of pro-
g p dance at the meeting, bec • 3 • felt Pickering vs Whitby
Special Clerk, $4,400. of Councillor Ha Ashton. riding assistance of every form to g,
Harry that those attending ou.0 },� eon- Game time 6 P.M.
There were other rates for opera- An advertisement appears in this` High School Students who plan to C g
ors of machinery and clerks were iG;ue for the ;oh of By-law '. force- continue with higher education, but idered the persons intireste;. in This is Minor Hockey Reek
raded. Laborers et $1.20 an hour. may be confronted with obstacles, locating the university here. Support the Home Team» _
g went Ofc,cer at $3,tiU0:U0 which Rotary feels t1: •e can remove. Don't Send liras--Britrg Win
jr a
.. .��� Scott. Astley or Mrs. Geo. Squire, by th urday•svening..ga 'at th.9 hotne
_ Councillor N 27th of January. The annual Familx ol Charlie and )4 w,,, cD-?fte;-7
,k ��� �r James"said, I The. President, Mrs. Cowie, en- Supper is to be on Feb
think it should be discouraged." °p ray ward, for a social Boar. est
ed the fire W. d..,isteetiug-of---the The sanest .reports were given, day, they are iRVited '}�o�ge.o[ •��
s 'Deputy-reeve Ross Hawthorne year with'� poem." Elrs:-G. AstleY showing a very activie year. The Mr. =4 Mrs./Fr
� after'
." said. "I think we sae fast approach- read a scripture, followed by prayer_ -ROU,Call was answered to "Give". skating '
•'e!y so often the matter of takin • hag the point where private roads are
8 „ by Mrs. Cowie. Mrs. C. :C]frmtnce Mrs. Join Puckrin led the Worship The funeral service was held last t
e Private reads comes before town- &,thing of P read a paper on Stewardship of Service. iss Joan F-QWe read the Thursday for the-late Herbert Ddoor-
ails council. You cant atop it, said Councillor Time. Mrs.'John Puclain was nom- scripture. Mrs. G. Squire and Mrs. house. Mr. and Mrs. Moorhouse and
%%k week it was in re Hary Ashton. "A farmer can always
Bard t9 talc- inated Treasurer, to complete the Fred) Pueknn presented a puppet family lived for a few years in Aud-
over a roa� :that runs o8 the put a house in the middle of his 10 term of Mrs.' F. Murray, who had show. The West Group served re- le n Ronald Cox's house,`• "• Road. � acres field if he wants to." p y i
' "Do we want b take over any ilnore �._ asked to be-- relieved of lterduties:- fr"bcrnents. to Whitby in 1935. Sympathy of the-.
Council will. look. _at .tine,road fn__ � -- 1 n}tyris extended to the Tamil
=late roe�sr"'—asked Reeve Sherman 4n before making a decision. thing for tfte Women s Welfare -`A nut�lber of�udiey—folk en`aytd roaunu y.-
League is to be handed-to Mrs. -G. skating at Brooklin Arena on 0 HILLS Sat- '
T R O E� G E
7: .
EXCEPT TH RS. � FRIO 9:00 p.M.
C TwBonne & Wing Ib
.. : 10 lbs. STEAKS
• - � x--is . . ._ -. -
MAPLE LEAF SLICED 6 es. Vacuum wrapped pk9. ,
A C _
r t urs - wieners C FRESH LEAN PORK —
Prime Mb Ro' '
as 'b
- 'Ib ay
acs _ .`k `
3 lb. tin
FRESH Cheese e
ee' f' H
ear t S Less' Than 30e r' C .
a un
Special Offer of 20c off Ins 6c off — Club House Ho
p Homogenized - MAPLE LEAF
EM E A T Canada Packers 12 es. square tie
UT ou
'�'TER. 29 _
4 lb. lar
la:(SAVE 26 CENTS) J
. . .. � 28 0:. tin
Maple Lest
�t'r• � _
(Save-i-8 ) —11 i—..
-SWIFT'S PARD — -�- -—.-15 Oz. Tins ' Special Offer of 5c -Off Plus 3c Off
D og"
[all favours] for C SHORfiENING Ib L.
-' (SAVE 4e)
o c
.(Special Off er f 4 Off Plus 2c Off)
OU 128 oz. tin for -- ,
,.,(SAVE 4 CENTS) .: . 0.Gp E 'lb
24 oz.jar
:1. :�. (SAVE 6 CENTS) MIXED NUTS [in shed] �b
a • • The fund raising campaign is still township today. _ The Evening W. M. S. will meet Sunday School Room; on Td,-sdar
n Soafl ► in qhe planning stage but already,I It is believed the method was first"I at the homie of Mrs. P. ,Clarke on evening efore choir
Robert Miller of Brougham 8 practice time.
• �ZSrougham. Antique articles lam has held a�used by ships' carpenters in the old ' !;edntsday evening. All ladies w _ Mds of the farmers in our coos- _
-"-with a present-day market value of series of meetings th t the days when Frenchman's Bay was come. munity attended the Crop Improve-
inere than =100,000.00 have already northern sections of th�wnship busy shipping'pori foe pine and other Mr. and Mrs. Edgje Pegg-enter- went Meeting at &ooktin on Wedl.
been promised or collected b e while� Mr, Lawson and a committee lumber cut in the township and taiaed. Mr. and.Mrs. John Kings y r�esday and re orted a very -
y ��ng' -the southern end. shipped across the lake to United and Mr, and Mis. S p Y educa-
Pickering Tamrnship Flistoriesl Sadety
are hss been remised b eve yine§ and boys tional afternoon.
or display n museum to be P y every-aer- Staten points: Several sawmills-were of Toronto- on Sunday: Friends are, glad' to know Mrs.
erbctsd'here• vice club and organizations in the in 'the operation along Dufiin's Creek The sympathy of our oomrraunity blotch is able to be at the home of
According to W. G. Lawson, presi- entire township, he said, and already 100 years ago-and the bluse"m, has goes to Mrs. Robert, Pretsel in the her sister Mrs. F. Webb, since be-
several of them have sent in their been promised some of the b7d ma- loss of her husband Robert,.'in Tor- ing in hospital
,,:.Vderrt of the Society, three buildings contributions, as have n*ny individu- chiriery from such mills. onto. Mr. and Mrs. F-retsel resided -
„=: --planned to form the nucleus of the ale. -------------------------------
-Aluseum will not hold all the objects Some of the farm-and-home ample- in Greenwood a Sew years ago. BALSAM �T Zi0�11
ytlra�oferred by contributors as far away
Basically, the Museum will consist ments offered-and nosy stored .in a Mrs{ . Ormerod of Toronto spent �7 •
.mss Sarnia. The Society will shortly of three bufldin `�at the start: The barn in the north end of the township, the wbek-end with Howard, Bill The W. A. last'Tuesday in the
old Brougham little red_ .school. are ,-
'begin a drive for $10,000.00 for corn house" the more-than-100 so.-strartgethat-some of the oldest and Eddth Orrreerod here. church basement with eleven.ladies
Efletion of and purchase of at least one year old residents 9f the township are being Mr. and Mrs. M. Gormley had answering the Roll. The meeting.
..other building in addition to the log log cabin which has beew moved from called upon to• identify.them dinner ore Tuesday evening with Mr. opened with hymn 49, prayer aqd
ieabin and the old Brougham school Scarborough and which was one of One leading Toronto antique dearer and Mrs. M. Pegg. scripture: The lesson thoughts w le
`4-which is the Museum site. the oldest buildings in that township, who has inspected the stored articles The Browns and Eastwood farr>f. taken.by :Mrs.-CeciL_Disirky the — -
Robert Kershaw, Sarnia sewing the board-and--batten.schoolhouse placed-thL--valn�atr-`.`a't lea-st-$IW,- Lilies-had-Surid-ay-dinnd+. with Mr. theme song was sugg and creed
f” g at Green River which,.it is planned; 000.00=-and rho.
bmathiae expert, has offered ahand- perhaps. a great' deal and firs. R. Appleby.• cards repeated in unison. The creed
be moved here, more since many of them can only Mr. and Mrs.-P'.--Clarke entertain- utes were read and it w•as d f tided j
operated sewing machine used,more more entirely from the fact--will be found in such old settled areas of ed visitor on Sunda to have talent moaely again. The
#ban 100 years ago in Pickering Y• l gave reports `
!Srownsh00 He had refused an offer of provide much needed space for ei=f Pickering Township which is actually Mr. and, Mrs. I. McLean will re- treasurer and secretir-
owns i for the machine from a habits, the,building itself is an ifiter--one of the last great repositories of present the Farm Forum at a meet-
12,000.00 for the past
yea'. Mrs. Jack En.p-
#Abwge manufacturing concern some eating example of early Ontario arch!- such articles in North.America." ing at the Royal York Hotel in Tor- ringhant then gave some interesting
tecfure. Wide vertical planking was onto on Mon
time ago:The company planned L es- � day right. . thought�on the New .Year. Mrs.
habit the machine in its own mnsenm ,used in its: construction, with narrotb Farm Forum Meeting for-1 January Cecil Disney read a poem "The
bat Mr. Keahaw declined the offer battens covering the joints between t GREENWOOD 31, will be at tome of Mrs. I. Mc- New Year Message",-and the meet-
but vertical planks, hence the name. The annual Congregational Meer• Lean. in closed with h
On the that children of Pick- t g hymn 483 and pray-
'ering Township should see the type - - -Ken spent-
throughout'early Ontario and many preceded by a pot luck supper: day with bar. and Mrs. Jack Brooks 'The annual Sunday School meet
equipment heir grandmothers uaedexamplea of it may be seen along the ! Reports were excellent from all soc- .and Pat. ing took place on Tuesday. 'night,
years ago." highways and sideroads of Pickering.. r
nag.. ieties, Sunday School, Church: The Boys' Group will meet in the January 1H, in the church when the
- following officers-were elected -
Supt, Mr. Grant Carson; Asst., Mr.
Murray Jones; Secretary, Mr. Ron-
ald Jones; Asst., Mr. Lorne Disney,
Treasurer, Miss Gladys Disney;
— Pianists: Misses Sharron Jones and J
Mary Jean, Jamieson; Cradle Roll
." up s. . Co ' M' io
Shpt; Mrs. .-Ralp6ulJianes; Temper-
—_- ance Supt., Mrs. Leslie- Harbron;
L ; Junior Boys, Mr. Donald Jamitsoo
and Mr. Allan Carson; Junior Girls,
Mrs. Lloyd Wilso-n and Mra. Lorne
Jones; intermediate 12 to' 14, Mrs.
Cecil .Disney and Mrs: Lorne
Intermediate 14 to 16, Mrs Jaen -c
- • - Empringham
� – „ • �z„a�. and.Mrs. 1porne Jones;
� � opka, M fE r
son., .
y F-f
motina meeting
- f good-OIT YORE LF IN OPERATED LAUNDRY � oa tt different organiaa-
'JUST SOUTH OF STElN6ERG'S . . •auz, inciting of th e Act-
t$ ive Service Cyass was.held last Wed-
t nesday night at the hobte of Mrs.
Glen 3tanders4n. The meetin
g OP-
-a with hyrg worship tE�
en on New
Mrs. Allan Carson
. _
- f �•: . . . : •, After the hue-
r iness as a secretaf? treas-
urer's reports the following officers
5* • -.
•- were elected 1960 T Ice
l _ ! Mr-g 13, for •Asst'Mrs.ceRalph
,: a } ..: [Q/Zt Jones: President. Mn. Earl Dis- -
; hey: Vice-Pres., Mrs. Allan Carson;
N s?J. SeSretary,. Mrs. Lewis
Jo Asst., Mrs. Coil Disney;
7- re e Pianists Mrs. Al ann • •Carson and
biro. - .:
Nt ers.�Mrs.Cecil Disney Lsa1-
_ _ Y Miss K.
McAv+oy. Group Lea&Ers: Mrs. J.
:• �' Rr IH Ernpringharn, Mrs. GlW Manderson
_ p
s �1 Sin., Lorne Jones, Mra. Lloyd Wi&
son, Mra B.. Jamieson. Mrs. Wait-
Carson; Sick Cot'naikuw, Mrs. IL
cfcs, -Mrs. W. Car Business
s Committee,•Mrs. T. Jordan, Mrs.
- x- a Lorne Jones; TreasuEff, Mrs. F.
_ - Mrs. T. Jordan.,The
b -
r - THE F1NE�ST EQUIPMENT FOR YOUR WASHING ,s = �eettisw c osed with ?r4Ycr.
- - �'3PEED
Little sandm Carson, dailgtiter of
:. ...
Mr. and 61 m Allan.:Caison was in
;he Oshawa ,Ho Hospital .for i couple
� -
- of di>rs la'si welek and }rasa a-slight- '
Mr. and Mrs. Jack -Empringharn '
and Georie, 'and- Ur: and Mrs. T..
Wosh M water, softer then rain drops crying new.toe- Dry in big + loud Capacity-vrrinkk-free drying tomb- Jamieson•avA Mary Je n, hal •Sup-
'ioad;ft SPEED Q1�1•A'vtwOn+ cs wNh con fontly eorroet per on Friday night with Mr. and
water%nrperotur0& Try them and see how really Neon . Dry a loud in only .10 minutes. Dryers have rem Mrs. Donald Jamieson, in honoui -- -
lhese new SPEED QUEEN Auton►atics will wash your :: perotum selector for safe-drying''of all fobriu. of Mrs. Emprms am's birthday.
elOthes. — - The Yohng.. Peoples. Limon hc1.1
a sicating•party'at ens Risk;
=' - ties for--
0o Saturday night, and gathered at
OPEN- 24 HOURS A DAY - 7 DAYS A WEEK � home of the Lorne Jo fo
• visitors at the Richard
lunch afterward.
,nwrry nraehmes as you need. Do a week's washing in half on hour. Da
Sunday e were. Mr, and Mrs. L, _
- Starch sink and automatic soap and bleach d nser rev' _
' parking. Try Speed-Wash--prove to _ Holman and Mr. �andg-Mrs. Allan
Yourself`that you can wash and d of Wash better and faster and SAVE Holman, of Brooklin, and Mr.and
Mow TOOL �" SpNd ---.' bfrs. Charlie Day and family, Ajax
-- -_
Fur d .full 2�Ib. Lotted Y ou can � AND-'OTHERS
Opening . SPECIAL ' - ALL CLAIMS against tht Eatatle
— _ - of� JOHN� O'BRIEN, 'late of-the
TRY "SPEED-WASH" AT OUR EXPENSE Village of, Fairport, , in the County
FGit ONLY + of-Ontario, Boat Livery Man, mho
-W,- ASH THlS COUPON ENTITLES YOU TO �, died' on the 29th day of November,
1959, are required to be filed in
— 4 LOADS PER P E R S 0 N -FREE WASH 1 Rtng with the undersigned on or
—- ---- —._.- - --- - f ore e ldo.
d o f bry,
9W after which- ate the-
-Bran this coupon. AMendants will be on.d 1 will ba- distributed without re
;FOR. ONLY �✓ g • P uty to hand �,y claim not then filed. , gard to
I ..a coins. This free -offer good only Monday, Tuesday i
and Wednesday, Feb. 1, 2 and 3 during hours 9 a.m. to DATED at. Pack i
• m. � Ontario,
q p, eying. On
DO A WEEKS— ,NAME .r:: :... .t. ......... . ........ .......... -� a 18th day of January 1960.
r _ ES O'BRI 1
_ - AGN EN, Exec' and
LAUNDRY ' :.:... !, JOHN DAVID OBRIEN, ]yatecn4•
ADDRESS or, by their Solicitors,
- -- -- - — -.l man, 12 Richmond St. Best; Torun- -
to 1,-Ontario-------------- -- `
Todd's home or the Church Hall. Everyone welcome and dress infor- Wednesday, February 3, at 8.30 p.
The-meeting wa3 clo6ed with the mal. Refreshments to be'6erve& m, and a special speaklpr is being
ttQrj�� W. A. Benediction. Prior to this Little Miss Patricia French, of arranged for by the Program On-
meeting, Grout'-Ore served a del- Rouge Hill Dr. is spending a week vener and refrshments -will be wr-
- _�0T 'ATTRACTIVE icious hot luncheon. Tile Lou..��c� witty her grandmother, Marshall i Y.eT e Cerem
were: Mrs. Morrish; Mr: hlin.. The Officiak Cuemoay for the op-
Mns. C. etty,and Mrs. Tweddle, In the Kiwanis Junior Bowling erring of. the gt7v addition on the
Tt cold seem to us from the salary schedule range for em- and Mrs. Schwalm. Ken Tanghe cook the 'High Score school will take place on wedbes-
ploy1� Pickering' Township, that there .are many other_ Sympathy. is extended to Mr. and for Boys when he bowled 232, and day February 24, and we will hav4
jobs in tither places much more lnerative. _ Mrs. Wm. Morrish on the passing • Craig Hilborn next, bowling 211, further particulars at a later date.
of Mrs. Morrish's mother. and Wands Lord High Girl Bowler •"'The Town-ship School Area No. 2•
We ze ieis the taxpayer that foots the bill but when M,-•._-„,d_hirc T Shield§ and_Mr.
N with-a-boorE-ef 178. — _ Public Speaki:ig Contest will tilde
4. ►011 see at department Meads in Pickering Township, -ate and,Mrs. R.' Tindall ha* •returned� Mr. Ciiffoi d Laycox, Friend place at the West Rouge Sdtool
from an enjoyible trip to Florida chi Dr. r resentin us on Town- on Thursday, February 4, at 8.00 p.
I get ' or he responsibility they
carry, most of the salaries p representing°•^Congratulation•; to Mr. and Mrs. ship .Council this year, has bin ap-” rn. The winner in this event which
u- _are Very low ' deed. McKean, who have a new baby dau pointed co the Reereatioa Comaiitt- is a speaker from each school rer,-
-On top of thi , note that where one man was doing a ghter. h es- ,
township,,so we hope to Ives the Silver Cup donated by Mr.
Mr._and -Mrs.Leohard Dart ent- --___ _ _ __ _----------
ee or t towns
`job last year for $8,600, now it is going to be two men at see some activity in this field of --- - ---- --
ertained friends. -on Saturday even- sports in the near future.. He is, al-
$3soo, doing the same amount of work. ing. 'so on a Special Comanittee'for the Abbe Contractors
- We checked into-this and were told it all comes out about ------------------------------ Street Signs and Names., Maybe he
-even in the end.The question is what do you get for this Mid UNg�jRTON should call in some of his •. riends Plumbing a Bug r Service
_ and neighbors with paint brushes Spltialize in Oil Burner Servies
yOf money today : szttzr.&..ce at the Jan. 1L General Ss t Tanks Cleaned
Meeting ,of the Vaughan Wll<!•ard and paint, to help on this project F+H
- Even Yuen who are working for about $3,000 a year, admit after a11.it was they'who put him in- - and.Iratalled
that if one has "responsibility, a should be Home and Scsoel Assertion hit an to this when, th voted for him.
h paid a, decent: et'• .
aF+. t', low as icy roads discoumged The next regular meeting of the Phone Bert Giroux
fjgt'Y. — .—ors. Vii' Home and..Sehool .will be held on Pkkerine 327R4
r A young man today with a family and pay4ng for a home dent, Welcomed those present, com-
would haves tough time on$3,600.
plimenting thew on'their fortitude,
.-� -. . - and noted that since a quorum 'of
Former councillor of Pickering Village, Ronald Hall' told members was present, the business of 11
-� - his council this year, that if they were going to:keep good the meeting could be kcliieved This NOUSEWORK S_
- comprfc the discussion and passing
' p an , to-treat-them-right.- -- � a' more comprehensive. set of By- s_
ad This •.
tk►pplies in Pickering Township, too.. La' ;,� a Budget for the current. - . - -
We are not trying to boost the taxes for Pickering Year Clear thinking on the part.of
Aship residents by suggesting all employees get big fat salar-
Mr. D. T. Loucks and Mr. L. P. Moe- - _ -
gar assisted considerably is file de- �$.
its but it adds up the fact you only get what you PRY fm= :° bate, on these subjects. A motion was -
We know that the salary schedule was drawn -up bj the also made.and carried that the fund- -T
Office manager. , icing event for this year should be _
We Bear, because we cant attend committee -
a Fun-Fair at the school-on Saturday,
ibneetings that only about two township employees, got my May 7,at which home baking,sewing. h _
raise at al-We'also hear that the office manager recommend and "white elephants woWd ba�otd. _ -- -
_ . nfses>sa0.enta --
-ed increases but council would not go for it. - There wfll aLo � and
With so, much perwcality�getting into the picture in.mun- �'•
Iripal politics these days, there is very little. security for a Mr.C.Greenland,Psyehiatric social
township employee. We suggest he should get a fair wage in worker for the Ontario Hospital, 6 ',
"'- will was to speak on"Understanding our
view of this and also for the fact that the taxpayers Childs° Was unable to reacb the school,
s fetter job from that employee. tine to a bun zgfahap on Bighwway rto, p .
-- - - ' 2 near Pickering, and- phoned-his.re-
grets. It is hoped he will speak at a _
Alan Rutledge celebrated his 8th future meeting, when, perhaps th _.. _._
i !"� birthday last Thursday, Jan. 28. weather will be moss co-operative. -
ones givers birth to_ six lit-. �•
Ion Afftw 10111 de Tr*vor Smith-has• announced his
rabbits have those resent enjoysffxo •r
to l;Jt, Pi Mr. Vix osshall is on a biisine4s cookies, prepared by'the SocW -Oon= , el.
MAR` 2.
Pickering trip out tb British Columbia venor and Vice'President, Mitt.,W.
tad a nsarow escape, Tuesday morn- Beddull, who, despite a bad skid on , �•
when struck by s car on Alton Tbomas Dry celebrated his 7th p
birthday last. Wednesday. Jan. 2T. the way to the meeting, made ft ode-
while ranaia8 .far the, school. y l . Mr. Tickle Pdnci Mr. Real
Sorry to hear Mrs. Amy Bell is Y 1 .
and Mrs: Vierin teachers, Were prea-
- Margarita who is 6 years old ran confined to Starboro Hospital,. but ll REMB MUMMY 1
�e we hope she will ltle out this.week. eat to chat with the pe�eata _..
Int from in front of a d truck, Mr. Mel. Lambe celebrated his-
- according to P.�, Jiff Bodely of the birthday last Monday. January 25. —
�4ekering Township police force, and RW f a
was k noeked down by a car cfriven by Mr. and bars. Cam W'soson were -
. :7eck Shields, of R.R. 2 Pickering. out last Sunday to visit their fans- a very, i sting game
Som r ntere s were.. I
played,is the West Rouge Hocke
The sick was tskett-to Scarborough flies. _..--_--
,. Mr. Tickle. Principal of Vaughan sue, at Heron Fork on Friday
rerierai Hospital for x-ray which last, and who kcaonKS, these kids may'
. .','Showed onl a bum on the, head Willard School is running a movie Y
y_ P be the future hockce stars for eke
;Pali shock. She Was a lucky little girl. at the srhook every Saturday afyer- Y
No charges have been raid against noon at 2 p.'m. for the children. Ad- big leagues of tomorrow.
mission 25 cents and thin money is The scores for the #'p Wees - ti �' ;
-' -• the driver' to lot used for a trip for the 'students PerW3 3 to Plyaso ; Barry
[m uths 1 ..
--------------------"----•'----� later in the year. Everyone weleomp. Head corning up' with all 3 goads
"�TBiAluship Police Up - for the losers. 'while s. e tooa
CHEMYW� took c for gam losers. Tigers .too
iIRR the with '
second a i h a b i•scot'k _
To ]6 lllien Soon The monthly meeting of the Wom- against Cardinals 0. David Brandt _ =
Pickering Township Police force an's Association of.Cherrywood Un- • and Glen Jones 'scored 3 each, while ►�
P ited Church was held at the home Frank Barron, Allan Hughes and YOUr E,'leCt 1C dryer,your vacuum Cleaner
trill soon be up to the strength of j of Mrs- Wm. J. Tw•eddle. Mrs. G. Ron Thompson were even with 1
I1fk men. I Todd, the president, presided. Mrs. each on the winning team. juniors ;
Recently Cyril Cooper of Toronto N. Laughlin conducted the Devot- score were all well fought for and
electric range provide speed] y
ho served With the Metro hold-up ional Period, based on th tbdme vbry even.. Boston won 5, against �efficient s�rYl�e.'!'hese are just 80lltkle
:1Squad for several years. joined the for 1960 - `"The Spirit of Ln is Maple Leafs J. Glen Hart had 3.'
foa'ce here: P.'C Cooper is a married .tkte Candle'of the Lord", and stress-,' goals and Danny Inver and Chris r ♦e many bel]efit8 YOU enjoy when o
;3MA with Avis ehwhem . ed'horx we should receive the Light Kendrick carne up witty l each for a
John Found who had served as from God in order to walk in His the winners while Chris Wall, Geo. - you put electricity to work in your homes. '
!!}spatdier in the office, for several ways. Ljetters were read by,the Pre-. Petigrew and Doug Turk had one -
�eara Will be joining the force as a sident,' on W. A. Stewardship;•For- each for the losers . The somad , ..Moro �•.more people every clay dis-
police offleer on 'February list. . oration of Younger Groap3, and re- carne was won by Detroit.with 6
-- = =- Chief Reg T. Parker said that he poct frown the Victor Home. An in- 'against Canadians 3; Ron Stewart jiver the Value of electridWll<"�ow.000 r '.
b also looking for a young man-to vftation from the Pickering W. A. and Ray Melville scored 2 goals _
perve on the force as'a police cadet. .was received to attend their Valen- each and Evan Downing and Ron Ve?BSiffijI,In the past few decades it has
could be a boy of high school tine Tea on February 11. Many Toye had 1 each on the winning
ftv, who could meet the qualifi- no*s of thanks were read too. A team Mike Hendersod-had 3 and .:'helped us take charge of our'ehores . .
potions _ --
------------•- -- the work in the coming year, was The monthty Baby Clinic for W. reduced hou i;6 to some fi�re _
LN, ' t discussed. A donation was voted to Rouge will be on Tuesday, February -alms enjoyable and het ram out' +
be sent to the local Retarded Child- 2, from 2 to 3.30 p. m. at St. Ed-
We are all sorry to hear that. airs. rev.'s Building Fund. A Paper Drive 'wards Hall. Kirkdene and East living 13t&ktldard$ t0 g new high. f
lNendy Tran is in Oshawa Hospital is planned for Monday, February 1. Ave.
where she underwent surgery. Please leave all papers at Mrs. Geo.' Tile West Rouge Canoe Club has
_ e _. ._.._..__ _-------- -- a Physical Fitness Programi Sri= In the•Wa electricity oVill do even more
day evenings and,
anyone wishing
— -' to participate may ' have transpot `i'to help fill our working days with pleasure e
���� tation from Stroud's Store at 6.00 p; and help turn spare hours to leisure:
m o h M A,• wh a rs are
•available,e For further information, ' • --- .
call Peter Connolly, TEmple 9-2190. 1
�..: _' ' _ -• Congratulations to Tony and Palm =' `
$2.00' PER TON � g Y.•
• Fari Rou a Hill Dr. on the arriv- .of a son at the.Ajax Gen. Hose-
- kal, jaiivary 19. -'Village of Pickering
ON Many Happy, Returns to Mary
t - Lou Adam. Rouge, ' Hill Dr.. who 1
celebrated her 14th birthday, Fri- I Pvblie Utilities Commission
�O'-�� day, January 29;. and to bars. Leta. -
ilfgLean,' Chesterton Snores, who _
also had a birthday, January 19. National Electric t Week re6: YA--13th,.
The R ge
spccia eve'ni g last Tuesday he
Rainbow Room, when etiiey eat r-
- -- --
-- �.-- tame '.:ome" me from n-
" court, to a Pusinessmans' Physical �� ���
' BY TAKING, DELIVERY BEFORE JANUARY 31s1 �' -. Fitness 1?rbgrani, and 'afterl+ard
` o _ .feasted on_act Italian Dinner prep-
- d cially b on of the m
Bill Saccoccio and his rife Helen.
The Couples' Club of St. Sim.
' r►;
"YOUR FRIENDLY RESIDENT AGENT" on's'Church are having a dance at I' '
- - St Endward's Hall. - West -Rouge . - •
— on Friday, February 5, at 9 p. M. f
' - - tlin will supply music and
r. - -
;! _ is for o are and r •danc
w _ -
• -cal g u Quad ins. �
_ ANT was so;,ved at. the close by the hos- meeting. Mrs. Ray Ellicott conducted H...Plaxton, Mr. H. M4lcolm and -
Plann�ng `--mss the warship,assisted by Mrs. Randall Mr. Ross Carlton. There will be an-
birs. Don neugcs was ill with the The Golden•Age Group wilt hold Ellicott. The reports for the y� other euchre on Tuesday, January
�� flu several days Last week. i their next' meeting at the home of were•given and all proved satisfac- 26: and also on b�ebruary 2, but not
,' -- We are sorry to reports. Gloria bits. Evans Ward on Tuesday, Feb- tort'. The officers for the coming on February 9, due to the Institute
' Hanthorne fell on the local rink last ryary 2, at 2.00 p. m. year were installed by Past Presid- Fatally Night. Pot Luck. Supper in
The Pickering Township 'Planning week and broke her ankle. ! '16The poodfellowship Class of the ent Mrs. M. Ellicott. Mrs. Lindo, the Hall..
Board was requested to give consid- The Park Board is going to try Unitled l,hurch are holding a`bowl- the new president then took'.the Rev. aad Mrs: Kennedy of Aurola
eration to the,renewal of a sales con-I V-rx y- fiignts for their weekly dan- ing night"at the old bowling alleys, chair and conducted the new busin- called�on 'Mr and Mrs.W. C. Will-
; sent. In July-4, 1958 the Planning ces to see if attendance picks up Markham, on January 29. Transpor-' ess. It was decided that in future, son on Monday. --
$card had given consent to the A& any. Two couples showed up last ration will be provided front the four the meeting will start at 2 p. -m. A Mr. and Mrs. Flair Evans and
M Realty Company to erect a bank I'eorne-s at 8.15 P•' m The ladies are lovely lunch was then served by the family of Claremont, spent Friday
building on the south west corner of
the parking area. Since the consent Sorry to-report Howard Pugh,has asked to provide lunch, to be ser�;ed hostesses: Mrs. Hodgson, 'Mrs. A. "evening.with Mr. and Mrs: E.was grerited the property has been not been too well dm)ing the past Later, at the church J. Gray and Mrs. R. Miller. bfem- bell.
sold. The new owners of the Rouge few weeks. -- — -i- The Women's Institute held their hers - please note cS ange of start- Tht',s th of the community
Hill Shooing centre requested a re- Harold Dean was• taken to the regular meeting on January 4T-Mrs.- is extended to Mrs. Barjak jr. in
newel o a consent by construct a Uxoridge Hospital last week, follow- _ Carson demonstrated . many_ cheese The Friendly Bible Class will meet .the loss of her father"Sgt Murray `
ing a heart attack.. dishes. bars. W. Hill tbok the Curr- at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rolit. Bruce,' who 'passed away suddenly
bank building 20 feet by'80 feet•on' discussed .Malcolm on Monday, February 2, last week
the south west corner. The Claremont 'Baptist Church ent Events. The ladies
held their annual meeting last week, ways of improving the Community at 2.30 p• m M.1• H. Malcolm will The euchre sponsored by the I.-C.
Board members weren't against Hall. It was--decided to--arrange er._ O._F. held in the hall atWhitevale
the idea of a bank being located in commencing with a congergational
that particular area but they are-con- dinner. The minister, Mr.'John Cain- cleaning bee, along with the help of Mr. and Mrs. T. English visited_ success-with-
that Friday evening proved a real
that p over the parking was chaiirman of the meeting. other groups that use the hall. A;ny. Oshawa friends on. Saturday. success-jvith �-
pa g problems N� . ne interested in helping is asked to Mr. Challice and his pupils have hers: Ladles - Mrs. Ross Knox,
that have arisen in tf'iat area. The Reports of the various committees- P S
Board derided that "ii and when the were given, and the finances showed beat the hall at 9 a. m. on February been busy making a skating place.for :firs. W. Holrnget! and bars. Troyer.
plans for the bank building a goal all officers of 2, with cleaning equipment. There the school children. er; Gents - Mr. Walter. Booth, Mr.. .Beat and familY s and Mr A Troyer_
drawn u and the intention to ro. last *ar's committees were nevi- j y
P P bir: and bars. Sian 11 w eie .at of Oshawa called on Mrs. W. Ham- W e are stir to .hear Mr. and
teed with' th_e' coiistructiori of the Last year, the big project of Kirby on the week-end. ilton on Sunday. bars. Gordon. Hughson's little son-
-building was forthcoming then tote. the congregation was the renovation i Y
consent would be reconsidered." of the church -kitchen. This year it Next Monday`night the Pickering_ �_ Following were day winners at the W. was taken st the Hospital for Sick
is the renovation o Township Historical Society will I:Euchre on Tuesday evening. Lad- Children yesterday fat treatment. All . -
o ng at the home of Dr. L ies.- 11.1s. M•.Ellicott, Mrs. A. Carl- •hope, he •swill soon be able to come
r HaIL 'N. F. Tomlinson for the purpose of • ton and Mrs. Honingh. Gents Mr. home again.
'flip W. A. of the United Church . oi,ganizin a canvass for the north
will.meet in the Sunday Schoolroom,. end of g onnship -
C "on January 28, at 2 P. in. Roll Call. ---.Anycin losin a silver-wedding ring
: "Pay Your Duies for 1060": P:'og- _
_ I ram Committee: Mrs. R. Morgan,
8t the vicinity f Brock Road and OIL - O D
8th Con. can ha a same by contact- ' COAL
Mrs. F. Cooper. 'Each member ing Geor$e Destardines.
- asked to bring a Iriend and introd:
-nee her to the Group.
o MT_ Eltiot._Sca'r ----._ -
--r— guests' at the - e �.._ e
boro, were Sunday 8u _
home-of Mrs. A. Samarillo. , The Women's,Institute is ho}di'ng � Bil� �I� �u ,es
' Mr.'and Mrs. Wm: Gliddon-.apeirt.' •an 'Open Sleeting iii the fo•m of a '
the week-end in Buffalo Family Night on February 9th, in r
1 < %; Everyone is invited to attend the the Township Hall.'There will be.a
•ti { Euchre and Whine Elephant Bingo, Pot Luck Supper. After a short IA �IUr M�tche�� � •
film, refreshments being_sponsored business meeting; Mr. .Russell Gray
by the Guides and" B bwnies Mot- will shown slides of tits trip ut West. -
P Pi RING 74
9 , been L. A. on February 4, at 8 p. A cordial' invitation is 4xtended .to E TEmple 9-2.431
min the Coamiunity H211. all interestied. -
Mr. •and Mrs. Blake Briscoe. of The Woman's Association of the
'Toronto, spent the week-end with Unit will h
Mfr. and Mrs.-James Briscoe here: � Church old their next _
meeting op {�4:eddesday,, .evening. _ _ ' •-
We are sorry to hear; of Mre- Ov- 'February 3, at the home of Mrs.. SAVE 4
' -- erland's accident and hope she will Perry, assisted by Mrs. Pascoe.and
soon be better. Mrs.. Matthews. The Devotional to
F Mrs: A• Sa iaillo entertained a b taken- b Mrs. T. Philip. - �•� PER, T0� -
_' t • Y p. while - -
Cane311ot g,�r Jam" number of ladies of the village at a the program will be in charge of -
luncheon and card party at her home Mrs. H. Miller. - - 0- 0
Te C-• L.. O. Aatbosity which last Wednesday. Congratulations to Master Lor `
_ : cons . the g,� n g� The L. A. Guides and Brownies. A;nnis who had a.birthday but week "
JPto�i Taww** � np its daft Mothers held. their regular meeting when he entertained his friends to a
-of officers far 1960. at the home of Mrs. Ina Norton.' In skating party. FE T' a
Councillor Edge Jams, Pte- the absence of Mrs. June. Michell, The monthly meeting of the W. _
--bit Township, was named Chairman Mrs. Kaye Hayward. Dist. Commiss- M. S. of Ss: John's United Church � 6Y TAKING DELIVERY WFORE JANUARY 31st
of the Committee on Rs �. I idner, took the chair. After tht bus- , was held at the'home of Mrs. Hodg. PLUS S% DISCOUNT FOR PAYING BEFORE MARCH 1•
Land Use and Water-Control Ad- [.ineu pub•'a.stork. __ahawer_ was_._.son oh Thursday afternoon.-,januarY --- - "YOUR FRTEfiIDLY 1kCaENT" _ -
vfsoey Bard, held for Mrs. Irene Levick. Lunch 21. The President conducted the
t w ?
k, 9 �
M }ten
__ Pontiac puts extra pleasure in every_mile
you drive.:.with built-in drireability1
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1-may:•SL 6I ,•. _. r, —~�,y, �� .:d '°'� !� •
• - time is that we lark about God, but Commiission, through Council ociation a sum (any ,figure), to be -The Woutwe GUM
T E�� 'L do not confess Him or think of Him Second main psoject will be im- used by the local Association (one of -
{{ as a living God." We speak,of Gad provements to Palk Park - baseball the most active and ' fruitful to be of. St. George's Anglican Church,
Des! �� in such abstract terms as living many diamond, football field, Iwrseahoe found anywhere) in their Prevent- will meet at the Dome of Mrs. H. J.
To quote from Shakespeare •'To be,
centuries ago as if-he were just a pitching, picnic area etc. alive Work in Ontario County. 'Cnmmiag, 40 Mill 5t Morley $rk,
or not to be, that is the question'.A dream. If He is not seen as a living Plans are being made for a com- A phone call to Oshawa RA 3-3151 on-Thursday, February 4, at change
p. -
gtrestroa before the electors of P,cA God, there are no roots to our rel- munity social evening to raise funds or the News Office here will give n>. Will members please cote change
Bring 'Township is--whether the el- igi°n '�rrt .the results that individuals to be held. in February. Round and ',yau direction-sun you spare another of date. A full attendance is reques-
ected Council for 1960 will be a leg- 'live in anxiety, despair and suffering. square dancing to five music. Date couple of dollars or,so? Try It. led clew members are welcome.
ally-constituted body "` Just as the bickering in the- church to be announced soon. Other fund- -=
The problem was posed by titiill- of Corinth made that church shallow, raising activities will be organized
ram Fairgrive immediately. following so many of the churches of today Provincial grants will also be applied
the last election, in-his address before have nothing vital on which we can for.
rely. We need humility and true'fel- Chairman Harold Tipton, White- + ''
Council, an addres - +
'+'°� a •i• *?ews. He challenged
lows hip m order to revitalise our vale School Trustee, announced that
from the
the legality of the form .of oallot ch�• Often.- wor hi -
thed is the'election. df these ballots- are necessary are substituted for be- Palk Park opening paradie'and fair,
- 1 form', then there is lief in our.living living God with the re- at which Reeve Sherman Scott off- `V
were'in legs _
210 problem If the ballots were in an 1 sultant prayer, worship and' study. i Meembers of the,Committee include O -
=" .illegal form, then grave trouble could- Jesus is an available friend and He -
- —fie-a consequence. --- can change the world. just as the - Mrs. Tipton, Mr. and Mrs. George
Every official act of the C-Mincil -Psalmist of old_said, •"Be still -and •GUY, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Walt Anth-
for 1960 could be'open to challenge. know that I s ni God;'. . ony, Mrs.and Mrs. Clare Ingram- rs.
The fixing of a tax rate by that - Announcements - sad Mme• Dom Hoyle, Mr. and'Mrs. _
• Cseor a Rixon, Mr. and Mrs. Wells �����•.
Council could be'contested by any Off Friday,Board Meeting is to Dunbar- Rrtshre, and others. -- D -j t7 t
:taxpayer. -Any bylaw passed by that Council ton, Fairport Churches. The minis- Pickering Bowli�ig t
could be subject to contest by -any. .ter,•,Rev. J. W. Wilkinson, for rea-
;person affected. sons of illness, has resigned as min- Standing As Of January 19.
There is every possibility that a ister'of. these congregaticaa . and Tiara T-_--, Points
ro ed large .subdivision (similar plans gor obtaining a successor will 33
o Crusader) will be in course of dia- ha • ' No. 2. -Dorothy -
No. 3. - AMY - +.
cussloa during the rear, and perhaps On Tuesday, February 2, the W. No• Barbara- _
agreement rea&ed on. the project If M. S: Presbyterial will be held in _
an agreement should be reached 'and TCew,Beach United dburch. Na 1. Eileen• 24 �? 1
signed, and airy party to this agree- The-Annual Meeting was held on No. 4• - Evelyn - 20
meat decided to pull out, the author- Tuesday evening, January 19, with -No. 5..- Hazel
-ity of as illegally elected council,to Rev. Downing, of West Hill United Wild Scows-And Over - Flat - -
sign,such an agreement could be Church acting as chairman. Good rem Wilda Law 303; Evelyn Bonnetta
challenged in the COUr� ports were received from the various 275, 245; Betty Madden 263; Anne
This is a dangerous situation and organizations. Three Stewards: C. Peastone 259, 249: Lil. Staples 249:
council should immediately call for Cragg, H. Cross and H: Carey, who ant 22 Poker �' l Bessie Bryn
gal�pn on their were elected last fir, have another ant-229;. Hilda Mitchell 218; Eileen e
status, to avoid embarrassment to .year to serve. There-were ree oleo-
them. and to avoid what may be a ted for two years: J. Grieve, N. Cilr- Hazel Dawson 203 Beryl Boys 200• j
200 Scores And over - Handicap - :'
•very costly error to ratepayers of ton, and J. Carey. Elected for three -
Pickering Township. year term: H. Mitchell, L. Holling- Wilda .Law 334, 202; $etty 'dad- her home
The Seeisar er and J. Denney. The congregation den 300, 212; Lil. Staples 277; Bessie She's.
(we under'stand..Couadl has been asi�- -,yiU elect three new elders.by ballot Bryaar249; Petty Gain 244: Hilda improvement dollar by Call-
', . . y pu of the 'leg within the next few months. Mitchell 242, 211; Eileen Edmunds
ing lie in the Winter When _
♦ cued of the ballot used in the recent ---�_��_��----___--- 239; Hazel Dawson 234, 203; Fat we're not too busy-W
� ) Stratford-230; Pauline Howe 223; hen _ e
Y1/H I TfVALE~ Lrl. Rimmer 218; Nora Bullock 217; we're glad to-get interior'
'Ul p� Jean Disney 215; Mari. Hunt 212 renovation Jobs.
OUNA i ON :_ vKhitevale Recreation Association Isabel Fentop 211; Eileen.-Thomp-
P1aas,S Pool son 207; Dorothy Bryant 205. Next summer We may not
A stork shower was hehd for Mr3. [ I• (flat) Wilda Law - �
G. Zawerucha, Spruce Hill Rd., at For Communitty High Sing ( )
Mrs. M. Foxtan's home on January ; High Sal (handicap)
- Wilda
have time for a job irk _
A modern "ol' awimmin' hole" for Law 33#; High--Triple (f at) - >�.� By having it done now,she's
14. Friends and neighbors had an - Triple - getting a better and a faster
joyalile evening and Mrs. Zaaer- Whitivale children and adults is to elyn Boanetta 671: Hi1g5
j cha received many lovl- •gifts. be. built late this spring on Duffins (handicap) • Wilda Lw 724.- _ Aob because skilled WOrkeu
The On-We-Go Junior. Women's Creek in this SWpopulation Picker- ___----------------------- -
rag Townshr hamlet. Ontario•county
chsisataas _TV Seal Ore mole productive.
Auxiliary rireeting was held'in Dan- P -
barton United Church on Tuesday, This will be the main 1960 -pro- Sal Dona 4WW Below Need Somewhere around your
January 26. Mrs. Wilkinson conduc- jest of the Whitevate Recreation As- _ home :or place of business- �
as Installation President r Ro sociatron, a commnhity-effort group: In a phone call from Mrs: A: E. _
ted The new swimming pool, will re- Collins, Executive Secretary of the there's 8 job to be'done. It a
Vice-Pies_, H. Hopkinson,; place last year's effort;bdilt by-back Ontario
County TB Association, the �„rr yp� pay to it DOW.
-..Stroud: d
Corr, Sec., W. Mitchel] Recording breaking, sandbag-filling efforts of. net results' from the recent annual y
�( to
- Sec., C. Green; T,pasurer, L ob-
- lie men�"`-�-e-- 7Kssociatiott;- and-' -sale of Christmas Sears; leaves the �- O
Pianiat, M. Lynde; Devotional washed out a few days, later by a Association around 76000 short of - �,aaa� aa�aaaaaaaaaaaa�aa�aaaaaaa
•• Convenei%-I. .Thompson;. Con- flash flood which earned the dawn the figure required. for. current tub=• s mr Tout= Ally AT T11E SAME TIME Mr YOUR COM•
veners, M. Hopkinson and M. Lynde; away erculoais conetpl projects in THIS s s
--,..Program Conveners, V. Carey -and This time, technical assistance and AREA-.alone. MUNITY TO INCREASE EMrLOTMENT TIRS MINTER.CALL TOUR
M. Chute; Official Bd.. Representat- equipment.will be sought from the
ive. R•. Stroud; Mrs, R Pearce w:,i Piekeriing Engineer and Works De. Assoc. Office is guided by'd mailing M '
the guest 'speaker, and spoke on - partmeaG as •ell as financial sup- fiat. which is continually-being kept Olsmad by gy or� miniWp Qf L46m,C"sera
•'fie Advantages of a Library". 144A port from tlF community and from
up-to-date. It is hoped the recipient' lt.
organization is looking for;waid' to the Pickering Township Recreation , of the Seals will return to the Ass-
------aaaaaaaaaaaaa�a��aaaaaaaaaa�aaaar iaJ
an active and 'a social year. Any = ,
•omrn of the community who s. •• _, •
..'s.'. •"nterested in joining. Please coil-
tut one of the Execuiive. _
Last Thursday evening the United
- {]lire]•Sunday Sc h oo l Teachers held
.. ,. -
• .-.. .. ,., _ - __ .
a meeting at thV home cif Miss Helen
Bradd: -
On Saturday evening January 23, - - :
airs. Marion Mcoement, accompan-
ied by Mrs. Eileen Jadcsoa Hill, Y---- - - - _-
sang in the Oak Room of t nion ___• _. _ --.
Station at_ the annual Burn's Din-
cPer of the Northern Scots Assoc. '� o h dFriends of Mrs. Marion McClement L Mo _ a
may be'intq ksted in hearing -a solo
record of her voice played on •`Pre '
lude to Worship" on CKLB, Oshawa
on Sunday morning January 31, at
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Harris,and _
family. of Long Branch, visited their °• - "" """
friends in the neighborhood on Sun-'
day. a. -
Roger 'Cragg`ind Tommy Forsyth
Jr. have. been ill with mumps r is an.,
past week. `
-The Mission Band was held last - }
Saturday morniing..at the home of
Mrs. E. G. -Code.
lira. McNeill is in the Ajax Hos-
al, under observation. -
�t'inners of Trophies for the Hor-
uttural Year were: Mrs. P. Annis'
Eaton 'Trophy), Mrs. G. Cowan
n-Sears Tro :,ir. E, G. 'i }`a% .•
lion the Society's Prize. -
Stsic Annis has behn under the
doctor's .care, but is up and atbund -
. : +•Q�.
Z, .•.,,•,z`.
A daughter, Sand was born at � <:i >::.:.: :`*`:;� •�♦ ����`' <,:
'Yo Mr, and
Ajax Hospital, last v+cek, .'
'of Pine Drive. •:Y•:' .. : :
s. Williams; .:•�>•::.:�:.:..::.:...:..:..;.•.;
.z..:::...,... .wv... �.
The'•Base. Line Home and Schooll
Ass ciatioii is meeting on February
s -� li;-aft 15., p• ni. A very interesting
in night is•plalined with a one-hour :Clever trick, Buster I But when it comes to clever of safety combined with absolute cleanliness• a �'
r�- ided-m "Hemo the titagi►ificcnf'.proc-. 'tricks with hot-water. . :move over and make room With a modern two element electric water heater
by t he Bell..Telephone Co. be-
ing shown. A• short film "Party for ea racily-and the master of hot water magic- of the right size and capacity for your needs,You win.
Line", is also to be viewed. x a electric water heater. _ always have plenty of hot water.
_ Diinbartort United Church With low poet electricity every member of the To get more out of life-get the most out o£ _
family can enjoy the comfort of hot water at the turn electricity.
The regular Sunday morning ser- a Yost also have the etttra! o .. -
of_ tap; eassuring comf rt r
vice was condiicted bJ Mn Donald _
'Bell,•of Toronto University. Miss
Sandra Omeion and Carol N lson _ �Y�R,0 „�;
wt i s't
sang•a duet "Come Unto Me' L.•L V B B E T T E R E L E C T R I C A L LY ifs yours
Nits. Wilkinson's organ ac ani-
-ment. Mr. Bell spoke spoke o the
neat rli.:ease o .otrr
statement "The Ft • - - - - '::7�. ;
S SERVICE ` ru Church meet 4x6x
L ESTATE If you buy in Haste, Pickering United wiU 3* -- -_•
0 an Thursday, February 4, at 6.15 D. 4xft%,
AS CLOSE TO YOU AS YOUR TELEPHONE -Y�. money you'll waste, m. in tkk C. E. Centre: Von t for- 4x8x'ri 4FS� t
la 616 11td° ern for
'Fora little a - parrot get old sh gs and nylons the- 4xez3i
Ms4r owerr Missio Hospltals. 4"x%
what they ----------------------- --- 5-16th's Sheathing Plywood eux
DINTY'S %th's Underlay, >IA�
SMALL MOTOR CLINIC St Francis de Sales 4x4 Pop, Undertsy 41."
WE SELL THE BEST Church Basement
' -CM� -�� LTD, _ PRIZES and LUNCH t No. 2. -
------ Empk 9.24 iWI �Y
- -- ONTO _ ---
SEPTIC - - S ------------------------------ -------------------------------
- $ LC F A
CLEANED Ito _ LE bush. '
u "RI`9W _ Auspices RIN UNITED ternoon Group McIntosh Spies - 41.75 r
W. 7. E111 T
Other Varieties On Hand
M� Please Bring Containers
5M Oabawa - 8A'3-4042
CRANE _--- - ----------------
------------------------------- Oise M West OOf Piickeri g sinw
__. _.. 3. P M W REWAL cl:R
lTAT10N ROAD lMCI(lRI1rG, ONT. -'Phewa 126, ENL 3.180! TSR BAMTA]RY WAY ' COUNCIL �► NP 2 Highway
MONDA�f FEBRUARY 1 1.960. - """`"'-'_"- -°-'-- » : �will meet Phone: Piclterasg 367M2'IP on Rr... (sales ILeaetalleel -------
emoval of E Floor Prices
W. by N At 8.00 P. M: in the Memicipq! Brought Quanritites-Of Stored _
asset Whitby NO Mt6p <
. . Building, -Brougham, Ontario.
- _
..JOHN t. l A Y - .---------------- ---•---------__ ---- -
' _� Clerk
. L T Johnston,
Surplus Eggs To Market And
Slashed Prices To An All.Time Lo7q.
• - Card Of Thanks Take This Opportunity And
ROQMAN I would I'Ire to thank my friends
But-Be Sure To Buy Quality. i
COMP. 0� � ocal ONLY d Ile BEST I ?
SHEET METAL to Fairport Base for the lovely; H speeia>lea
cards received, vehile is hospttaL JERRY H SEX j
.;, k
AUTO k'f'B IE fiRE' �'' c ----- --Church S No
• :-, � •------------------------- Is Ready To Serve You. Roe, egulata
107 KES 1=40N ROAD EAST WIGS Card of Thaakse Weekly Deliveries To The VUUNS
Phone Your Orders - 327Jdr
' T�Mpltones PklcOrlai4 788 - Aulhod=d Ceesuw or!' 0l" McMANNIS - Marjorie and Maur- _______________________________ ►
' OfSois" ealieisi Pfasa Ajetss`Shipping 'Contra Phone:'Ajax 400 Y Pae and `their�esyf kind' registeSedLp'nppies miniature
rom top q
• GAR HOOD sp..�„ ox
of love and sympathy .blood line; T weeks'old; very
:.. !0 GURNEY _ during then recent be. vemeot of a RAndolph 8-8038.
- - -------------- =-------
• loving husband and father. _ --
11tOItTRi11t1>e8 RHEEM FOR BALE . Estonia treadle ses�
iFPRAIiMLi • Mrs.. IL. McManreis ' a m.clsiae. Needs minor
FMiDLAY' 139 Highland Ave, Oshawa !°fie
. NEWELL ---- -�-�-;R�------ Ph cheap.. Pic Taking 2 . go" t�p.p►
RRRNACRR 'W'ATER BEATER f >� Pickering 211.
PROM& PIC3CCRDW 141 TORON"9 11ILpke 34M :.41M RANOIS i
- to my thanks to� i�P W
We many frienele,and.asidebees w1bs� - CARF,TAKI<R WANTED
Y my cards. and ttaited tare ,st--Fraoess de..3" Catbolic �Aoej
'BIIR�WATr t-4 MMLX SOUTH MDR NO- I SMSWAY Tiret� �_b 6 >>ees my ssay in hospital: also a thank Piele V' Eel.
NAM OF DUMBARTON. + yoo to those vbo so kindly draft• �[ village. (equity a '
lsyol�,ew .Ref1'1� mT wire to the hospital every &T. tisols :caretaker to tomtaeat a dudsri
i - - It is all very wench appcedated. an or about February 1sk App.
PHONE I" PICKERSi4� bons' are.to be mailed to the'0136096
Ivenob signed, giving'. particalass .of: a@%
----------------- --- -- Pmt 7meat. exDsrienee an*
e^sEsr cis. P. J. McCabe, Secresat�. _ ,
WORE QUARA14TEED ------ ------- -
-S -- - orw BYLAW NT -
_ ESTIMATE 2"W H AJAX .for the Tow"hip of Pickering ttri,
ZVltill>w1GS, - ATlantle 7r411i EACH AF[tRMOON investigate and prosecute bylaw im.
- - ------=-BEYT WH�'lR----- -
FR10AY EVENING, 9-11 sad to net as Weed �-
PIlOM Prtlt�ring 36Z J SATURDAYS i WEEK-ENDS P°�Of• school Attendance oar.
PHONE AJAX 476 � carry out related other duck&
Salary s360o Der year. Reply.. is
MUM :For Alley Reservations wddng. to - -Mr. R. G. Turk, Off.
Congratulationa to Mr. and Mrs. ''t!!■ R Brume Oa 8a
Stan Salt who celebrated their 14th
wedding anniversary on January 2r:. _ ----------
Mr. Don Bell, of Toronto took 1COLEMAN Brock Road Home and School 'YOUNG MAN RzQUIRj
the 'services at Fairport United NATURAL OAS AND g on for Comm �e work is t6s 1�
Church' last Sunday. in the absence j Tuesday. February 2. in the- school of � -Works Dept. Riee�,
�� of Rev. Wilki►mon, who is oa aicJc .'; Old. BU>RRwS>RS at 8.15 p. m. ?here will be a din- for ad aoeseasat i1
leave. O > el Bata LiseOre cussioa by puents and members on a � �"U�k CanaW
�• Mr. George Dowell left oa`*on- C ) 'Safety A film will also be shown atemust be a Hips School Graaaaft
day for'Montrear Wr-�ese he his tak- CLEAT(-OUT 'SiRYtCS dealing with tea-pear=old children. with of b'�s. atld esso.
,1 en a,new position. v A social cup of tea will-be served at Pkft le WW19#0 of office I m F in
fl1. jot Ropabough has joined the- .: ?1tAtI.*.R HBA?INei the close of the meetin g; APPIy-d4-�'T. A. Jefferson, P. �•
Army and is now stationed at Shit, - _ _ f t -
�� aiittobz. AJAX 6d7 of the ubs•and Scouts - - - - -------------- -
Officss. Btvvgitam, ON&
Mrs. jack Buck entertained 30 at bite Perkins-. of Broughams.. 'on F( UN • Persian kttttn, grey, C A
X �INLL ladies from the •Lions, Club, at a
19 TUDORII ST.. AJAX Monday, January Z5. An Election of 611. 1
Officers took lace rith the foil- ---:--
. owing being elected=Chairman, Mr. ----------------------------•- _ .'
- IN TIE� W. Carter; Treasurer, Mr. G. Will-
A Ma. Ingrid, Prinicpal of the -Bay points. Yellers only took 1 point, so; Secretary, -Mrs. MA. Carter; Ex 41.00 per !sour for quick, clay
T Road School took Grades 5 and 6 but retained 5th spot with 2Z points.
on a ykati art on Monday. ecutive: Mrs. Rogers and Mrs. Mc- guaranteed, first-class painting-aa6
party Jack Buck's Stinkers climbed into
- ' The cleaned the'snow of the bay J dance . Plans were made fora psper•hanging. -
y y 6th place after taking 3 points. This dance in the:near future..- ERIC STOKES
CE SECTION OF for a rink,- arrd some children-p team has been in last place most of All youth organizations are going and i
ed hockey. the season an it is nice to see tb+em ahead at the school. A euchre will _PRANK WHITE
Mrs. J..Henderson and Mrs.-J.-
rs.- J• moving up. Roughridui also added be held•at )`'jns.•5ower =s, Bro Ikcon
Rawbon attended the Tor or a o o-f-I9 point3. Gord War- Road, on Wednesday. February 3, at - ---- -------- --------------
• g Presbytery of the United Church, ren's Headpins lost all 4 points and 1.30 p. m. m a► nd_ TILE AND �L'ASTERIN0
semi-annual convention on Tuesday slipped into last place with only 8 Scouts work: Try to be present.
1• T� - ! in Toronto. The meeting included a points. Shirley Whyte had a good Sorry to hear-Mr. M. Hannah has LACE,Y TILE & PLASTERING'
k SPE L STS• tour of the 1!1�'oodgreen Recreational night, rolling 367 in one game, to had a badly sprained ankle, but .is PHONES:
Centre'.. Mrs. McGowan, a summer take over the High. Single (flat),_ is steadily improving.
-Picketing, ATlantic Ly344 „j
PH. Pt KE I resident here, also attended. and High Single, with handicap 383. Birthday-'congratulations to Ricky Highland Creek, AT. 2-170q
Birthday Wishes tb Bob Holobon Claire Skitch holds the high single Sowerby.' who celebrated his 4th
'who celebrated his birthday on the flat, with• 318, and Bill Henderson, biirthday on Saturdav kith a party �`' - ? , apr 30
MANS BAY Z7th. Happy Birthday also 'to Rob, has 325 with high single,'with han for his young,friends. '
This community was very sorry ol Gil Fe who will be two years dicap for men. High' Three, flat, R. Sorry to hear Nlr�. G: Hugh�•1s SALE REGISTER
to hear of the death oft Mr. Harry old on February 2. Thomas 8.15, Ida Hedra,701. High baby s ill in hospital. We hope ire .
Alexander, on January 20, in Aug- The Home and School ltionthly- Three with handicap. Harvr. Fer- will soon be well again. Saturday, February 6. - extensive
:-vista, Georgia. His wife, the late Meeting will be held on Monday, tile 820, Shirley Whyte 7.37. ` ' The Whitby Concert Association auction sale of hardware store stoelr.
ant Alexander,'died on anus 1, February 1. Don Lynde, of the S. Over 200 is g only, p ting of paints, tools, hard
j J ty 9__ a0; Jack Buck Presentin Canada"s rofass- consie wane
.and Mr. .Alexander left the follow eat Pickering Fire Dept. will be Mike .Cichum 22 � onal _Ope:a.-ic Repertory Company, etc. usual to a hardware stony, the
Ting week- to make his home with �Younpe leer. 229;• Vera Tranquanda 210; Ida tke Canadian Opera Comp,`in "The property of Uttle's Hardware, ball-
his daughter in Augusta,. He Buff- g y- Jones still has his- Herda 233, 241; Bill Henderson 400, Merry Wivei'of Windsor' at_VAiitby ange of stock -(store sold), also
°'eredi a heart attack two days after foot in a cast, as the result of ;a 225; Ivy Skitch 210, 241; Dorothv District high School, on Tuesday, household furniture etc. property of
arriving, and was confi ed to the broken bone in his heel, sustaiAed Wissemn n-�-.M. 1,Skelion 21'�J' .. February 2, at 8.30 p. m. The cast the Estate,of
� trite late Mrs. N. Rsti-
,bpspital there. Funeral services when he fell on ice at his home. Lufiney 242' Anna Ciehum 202; C.: is performing in its third National dall of Whifevale, a�Pesettice's Ane-
were eheld in Augusta last Friday, - Frenclilman's Bay Bowling News Skitch 231, 201; Dorothy.Buck`210; Tour, and Whitby is fortunate to be tion Rooms, Franklin Hound, Mart "
Mrs. Hart Smith, of Markhapt, The Blow Jos took three points Harvey Fertile 238, 238; Pill lDob- ►nsluded. Some - of•the principals ham Vil
visited Mrs. John O'Brien last Sun- to stay in top spot in the. Lea L8h. o s 1.0K n let.
League, 'so' 230; Andy Whyte 228, 215; Jes- ate: Andrew MacMillan, Jaei Rubes, Terms Cash. No reserve. gin aeC
with 33 points. Hellcats took all 4 sie Hender'5on . 218. John Wentzel Patricia Shell, James Wicker and Clzrke Prentice, aitctionsers,
Mr. and Mrs. H. Lord visited Mr. points to jump from 4th spot to 241; Helen Hill 206; Dorothy Dob- many others. The production is stag- feb 4 ..
Rhodes Fawgett on Sunday. tit. for Znd, with Baycats with 28 son 232; Bernice Warren 20/0. ! ed by Harman C;kelget-ToreL as��[
♦ y�
last, - If you have any news for this I Mr. and Mrs. C. Schwalm and son faith which would join
' GUIDES IN AC�IOH The regular bingo will be held on column kindly call ATlantic 2-2533. John visited-with Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Moslems in brotherhood;' Sikh
- herrywood 1 Satur
Girl Guiding in Canada is in its Monday at 8 p.m. sharp in the Coai Tweddl of on du and
a munity Hall. Two jackpots, share the -----------°------ ------------
e C last tares contain both Hindu
:50th year. The First Company hav- wealth, 21 regular games and grand moral tandard
day evening, teaching. Sikhs worship one
r -been started-iai--St.-Cathes�nes, pies. -- --- - - E 11L SPEAK OF.WORLD RELIGIOU
have knewn sash gallant watrl
;Ont. January,_1910. Many happy returns of the day to Rouge Hill - Mrs. A Draper of POINT Q T SAME BASIC TRUTH The Baha'i Faith, Mrs.-
anti - with herd se�ter8 Mrs. C. Soh walm o! - said,teaches that all the
On Wednesday evening, January 20' Jo-ann Munn who-vas 1 on'January I IN ALL
-- Js Jubilee birthday party was held in 24th to Ann Linehan whose 16th I sengers brought basically. the
r- Eaton's College Street auditorium to birthday Janus 29th. A turbaned Sikh from India, a
,commemorate this event, Guiders January 'Anon �• Message: worship of the O
We are sorry to hear there are at Dr, and Mrs. J. Marray Spiers of Librarian from New Delhi,•a phi]- For Baha'is, she pointed ou
1present and past and commissioners least two cases of mum in our area I osophy scholar from Finland, coope-
- Ps Altona Rd. entertained Mr. and Mrs: latest of these Messenger
from across Canada were in attend- and trust Donna Sheed and Bobby l rated in presenting the stories of Baha'u,'llah Who lived and
•' ' '• •, . " ^ Y spier Simpson, Miss Adelle Hearn,
-- . .ante, 1300 in all, to see a pageant of Hocks won't be too ill with their N three great world religions at a're•
- -'the history of Guiding in Canada.• Y Miss Rosemary S Gerald F dl Alan bolt- eeption to mark World Religion Day, the nineteenth or our, and
attacks of them. Combie, Mr. Gerald Findlay of Tor- this Message for our own al
The Chief Commissioner for Canada Hall ' A'
o for b o'clock tea last Sunday, Cn� al tweB �e age.
Rankin Nesbitt cut a huge birth- ea.'ri s sponsored a >.s
•da tike g 50 can es,•. en Jan .- Pickering Township.__-. -
--presented We are sorry to hear that rs. ,Shepheard 'Ave. a 10th birt hday Tan. Mr.. R. . Rao d Mr. Karnail 4 -
GK an �S
each provincial commissioner to take Sin 7 both from India outlined the
Spencer Old Rosebank Rd outh l 24th, g' ' '
to their own birthday celebration in - beliefs ig the .Hindu, Buddhist and C
hag uff
the _Mn. O. P. Waldriff of Altona Rd. Tranter
each i7
pro Sikh religions, and-Mrs.-Sam
mad weather se in. a spent—a w says---i�5'Smrdnd ,
At the close of the evening, coffee of Rouge a summarized-some
We are glad to hear that Miss.last week attending the funeral of her
and birthday cake were served to all Bahu'i teachings. I,ay pureha
,� attendance. Beverley Hinz of Westpoint. Crea., dear uncle. � Hinduism, Mr. Rao pointed out, is
is feeling better after her recent ill- Last Thursday aften,00n g euchre
Attending from here were. Mrs. H. older than written history. The most
mess. was held at the home of Mrs.-Flor Shelly Cup
T: Cook, Division Commissioner, Mrs. famous of its Holy Book. is the
Rex Merritt, District Commissioner, The Friendship Group of Rouge Hill ence Schwalm of Kingston Rd.'Rouge Bhav 3vacl ("y ► the revPlatbn of So
United Church held'their- monthly i Hills. rru�
Tlanbarton-Pickering d t r i c t and Krishna A IErue Hindu; said Mr. Rao, ONI $10�
meeting-on Thursday,.January 28th. Mr, and Mrs. Alden Knight of
-.,Guiders,• Mrs. W. Hu ek, Mrs. J. seeks to conquer evil with non-vio- y
The friends of Mrs. D. Jenkins of Rouge Hills spent Last Sunday in
___;Dwinnell, Mrs. W. Farmer, Mrs. W Kingston Road ate glad to hear that Belleville, with Mr. Knight's sister lence; he aspires to give selfless ser-
Every Week for 6 W
$. Craig, Mrs. A. Penstone, Mrs. W. vice to mankind and to achieve re-
she is home from Ajax.hospital and and family. ` , This is made possible by t
$owarby, Miss J. Hannah, Mrs. F. union with God.
•' �'� 4sgoode, Mrs. J. McKean, Milts J. doing fine. We are glad to hear that Rbnnie termed relinquishing prosta is
Mrs. A. Westbrook of Altona Rd. Hewie of Altona Rd. is coming along Buddnism, the faith taught by tieing campaign.
Menderson, Mrs. G. May, Mrs. A. Prince Gantama about 600 be-
" 'Wise, Mrs. R. Crosier, Mrs. A. Munn. had dinner with Fees grndmother, nicely. He expects to be home from Y pICKERIHG
Mrs. Florence Schwalm og K_ingston hospital in a week or two. !fore,Christ, teaches gentleness, ser-
.and Mrs. H. Hull. Mrs. C. K. Pent- Rd last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hare of Liver- enity and compassion, which can b•;
- mod, District Commissioner of Pick- Little Michael VanHi,ughten of .pool Rd. north, visited last Saturday`f d�throug,� liberation from eel- -
esing S.W. District and Guiders, Mrs.' Pine"'Ridge Drive had' his tonsils evening with Mr. and Mrs. A West- erg• _ ;. JEWELLERY
G. Copeland,Mrs. C._Cocherrane,Mrs. out last week brook of Altona Rd. Sikhism, described by Mr. Singi:
.A. Bilton, Miss F. Jamieson, Mrs. B. Mrs. Martell of Rosebsnk ConvaIes- Mrs. T. Gallagher of Pine Greve who is a Sikh him3elf. began as ".A>{AIN ST., WCKEwING
Weldon, Mrs. D. Skidmore, Mrs. M. cent Home visited with her niece last Ave. entertained a number of ladies
!Glendenning, Mrs. B. Griffith, Mrs. .-
�. Pettigrue, and Mrs. N. Bettor. A Sunday in Scarboropgh. at a stork shower for her sister-in-
weiy pleassat evening was enjoyed by We are sorry to hear that Lynn law, Mrs. Wm. Gallagher of Toronto. •
Cordes of Toynevale Road..is confined Mrs. .Charles Thompson of Pine !CI11'ISt and Baha u Ilah
' to her home with the flu. We hope Ridge Drive is home from the hos-
�Al a she will be up and around soon. pital. We wish her a speedy recovery. '•. . . At tho tiers of the appearance of sod, Manihs+ation of tied, e:tneordnary
! It is nice to see that Lii Aisthorpe Belated birthday wishes to Mrs. Ms occond in the world of rinds and
thoughts, and k is now only tM
.- of Dyson Road is back home after Ds Lansing, January 3rd and Mrs.ido-- . sefm long, row will see, that new bounties and divine teoddnga WO
•Y'his is an anmoascemeat.to the ef- staying 'a months halidsys with Gallagher of Pine Grove Ave., Jam-I*is dart world and wiM transform these sod ree AbInt�eharin f e, ��
Sect that the Fairport Beach Library
'Which will be held in the basement friends in Buffalo. �uary 2nd
We are glad to hear that' Miss Mr. and Mrs. Don Wallace visited Bo: 177, Highland Creek, or phone AT 2x2409.
*d Dunfair Baptist Church will omci• Doris Whittle of Old Rosebank lid. with the Mrs Wallaces parents, for
ally open on Saturday, January 30 at Tile'MNA'1S Or rMCI�lN4,TOMff/f W
south is feeling much better-after-a dinner last Friday night. Mr. and
2 Doke, both juvenile adults . with the Au. Mrs. O. P: Rdaltbciff of Altona Rd.
1 be avaiisble the followintg
nssdsy February 3rd and each follow-
';;fug.Wednesday from the hours of 4
to 6 pin. We.estazvd a,hearlig•inpita-
-tion to all teachers,parents and any-
.-one.interested to join with us on thl: �
:'< `tmgoltsn3 occasion.Tea will be served j
1 ' by the soma]cmvenor•of.tha,FalMort `} t
re Des&'& Indies Association, Mrs. R
:1W and her helpers •
.Some-sad. a e
News a :=,
'Pte Fairport Beach Home sod --
_ School Association 'extend an invits
- - Alon io parents and all interested to d
a special meeting planned for Wed- • •
nesda7, Feb 3 at 8 pm. is the school.
_ •:e'FOUNDERS' NIGHT^--calling all r�
'charter members. The theme of our • whatever
special speaker Judge J. Grudeff of
the Family Court in Toronto is,"Citi-
t. A few neighbors gathered to Pre- as
sent }lira. Claer Soudt Sr.; 29 Park
;Blvd. with a'going-away gift and to
wish her a safe voyage as she "Von
Saturday to Belgium after a five' AUTOMATIC HEATING
- ,Tnonth sta; in Fairport Beach.
The teenagers of Fairport Beach
will meet at Dunfair Baptist Church
at 7 pxu on Friday, January 29 to '
go to Heron Par
for skating Trans-
<portatien has been arranged to take en
?them there.'
Ice fishing is good on Frenchman's
- -- z*y and perch are being caught in *. -
••. �.�i'e. at numbers•
Robert Russell of Park Blvd. tum-
bled tt9" the cliffs a few.days ago
i�nd required 6 stitches to •close the, •
isround•on_ his knee. 1
' -
Lovely were the gifts, Hvely was '
�1�11X 'QEJfOf'fia�l•C `
Ahe evening and lucious were the re-
„ ffie�fte-wheft 17-1 - - - -
Dunbarton Shores and Fairport Road
;.`'•area gathered at the home of Mrs
Steve Erikson on Thursday, Jan. 21 Nvt
' Ito honour Mrs. James Wilson with Tborers ono to At sf»et hFntaso I tellers sled 'design" wNfti w6elever fftoM.tliile . . . wlwfewr Ihoii��1600
stork shower. Mrs. Kay Farquar din-
played great skill in marksmanship .:
.= . to walk off with a prize for'snaring --- -
the most clothes peg-in a milk bottle Ott "
rs. rummon o oron , mo -
•er of Mrs. Erikson prepared and ap= ' ?., _ • �,
- propriately decorate'' _b, t'f_l '. - _ so - - -
-.for this occasion. The evening closed v - . = INSTALLATION'
on a hilarious note as t feenof those ` � + SERVICE amwwm
present were fortunate enough to rr101'1t�1i - .7
A have their palms read, by Mrs. J.
-n Tebraak who forecast the future for
.them or in some cases related inei- -
pents supposedly happened in the ..� ta!I now ■■ ■ OR'" 'enmo dependable,, gas ,heat!
past y , r
Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs. D.
MacPherson 62 Fairport Rd. on the
birth of a baby boy.
r k We are sorry to hear that Mrs.
Fletcher of Dumbarton Shores has r E 01K E S T C 0 S T F.R E E GA St rol N E ! gaRNER It
_ been sick 'in bed and trusts she will � plaltt NS��` uP �O '0 i j�e SO by year c.-1,a„y
have a speedy recovery. Also that Capltal • f}fQ• w
Mrs. R. Leathens nf 2 Fair-ort Rd.
'- 'will be-for another tw `Hospital where Ad CLEAN _ DEPENDABLE 1 L E td T ECONOMICAL
ing an operation. Best wishes fora „
speedy recovery are sent to her: ° f
We ate happy to heAr Mrs. May t a HSRFS HOW... tort re anoner�...ww..mar r--:cis-s.w«.w a«�r.e aurvel.r..Per i 4wPow. ..
�herron of Victory Drive and Mr. i '1'oe sea roar a fully aeloo"lle natural qas 6w"ie For year prese"r, tl.”an�seiws �»h• aat�rei .a4�""w•�or~'s•�• •• '
!Wm. Knox of Lakeview Ave. are well or bil"r(n,biset to approval of avitob�ilifY by year Dos sa"ve"r)
Far$7.0 MOMMY on e0 amuel a.Mrad,-,
enough to return home from Ajax i
- 'hospital 'and we hope Mr.' Fryer and bdad«. aw iwr*M.�ewM -roe,.+•Inuallarlea fa6..r and so$ Cd"
.+41 1M houm e"ii u'to 30 Feel from w*w Rm.Also drimst
Mr. Solomon will soon be well enough j wMs rop,irsd.
to come home. "We we ta"rol camerren asr"ws;or al'"aa ea were air 6waeesr, 48 SI-MCOE ST. S. OSFIAWA Phone: AJAX 1172
Mrs. Craig and daughter and Miss ,wk w eir- ome"w%he-•rcpt sad'ran"'boilers aid fw•'b,ttp" -
Roy,of Toronto d chug s of the True i'""�'whoievet their(solo - "You ahtmiys be glad yom chose Natural Gas"
Blue Lodge were visiting Mrs. Wm. I
$nox, Lakeview Ave. on Satnrdsy
.,, -Y _y �.it ..! _`• may'
MEN 11111W - V11 _ — --NiE1m0NN
-Service, - !� Monday _ Bsautifui Marble in 7 Dr'ffernt Colors • Can bt ;
4: free -
An. w6ske or Model 9"o-s{��ubuc` oex�r� ee laid on sub floors of present flooring • Sheets - }
FUNERAL. Di�eCTOR Tuea..ay "
• 3:305 Scholl skating-free' 4 x 8 or cut to • 3/Srr to l�ii thickness -" Will
ArI tour Field _ .
1 _ �1e00-9 T�. q'}><ockey-=free
are wedlheadttg�- not stain ''r Wci#erproaf: • Cars..be used-al siding
. • 3:30,$School hockey-free
1:06-0 Public'skating--charge •
1C-inbv n Service Thursday— over shengles or dapboOrd . FreQ-@stlMatK.
Bergmann Auto Body 3:30-5 School skating-free
h IBetflbiu Egtlji'se_ 4dQ-9 Public hockey-charge
$11811011 1100. MltFlslNO 3:30-0 School hockey-free
WM. MCEACHNIR, Prep- 7:00- Public skating-charge
Pillow: TEm$e 9.191Y
_ _� •-_ - 8aturday— -
latlir Mtn,1-Egis son :oo=r2 Sc�l�io�=�
Can Be FinaaCed =Phone Pickering 193 1100-4 Public skating=free _
4:00-6 Public hockey,-charge
Pickel'ine, Ont. - 7:00-9:30 Public skating—charge
Sunday— �lQifS/- �� 6
ft1f AND C LA R K E Free Skating ,. _
-„ e���i� Admission-Under-16 years, 10 cggnts -
--- 4AUC710N1,.ER8 W.H.J.THOMPSON, LLB. Manager--Allan Bette years, 25 cats � ��t,S/ Gi�.;s/ ��i+ --
Liosoaat MA Autltorl"4 zw the
-- - -
f is ae Oatar'io-iW,Y0rIL Besriapr sad Soli) w St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church - a�r vvare
!sm erne. Impiem=rs Betas- BrWab Colnmhh end Ont iew - '
bow ftrsdtuig- >>Re t F.ebts Mr. Kenneth Heron, B. A. conduc
p 8peeWdI1 it. 8 •'�Lnwood Bldg., A*& ted the regular Sunday morning wor- PHONE
>ila9sa.'IDusl Saar• �� ship service. Members of both the _
Taioa �A� - TBnaaeea Phones Ajax 138 Junior and Senior-choirs entered the
Vea. fie: T D-25u � the Processional, singing
p1�e AOis.ae�rs $' the Psabn „Th°u shalt arise and. SEPTIC TANK CLEAN OUT
uWatess P. Q Wmins lllWL 1100 mercy yet thou to Mount Zion shall ;
ftquueft xtend". .The scripture lesion was
ese been a m bllabed Creighton, Fraser, Drynan from 2nd Sam. 24th chapter. Mr. -COMPLETE SEPTIC TANK SERVICE —
s alfea IS"' Heron preached a challenging ser- -
� Murdoch mon on the text: "Neither will 'I'
offer burnt offerings unto the Lord NEW TANKS INSTALLED
Barristers, Solicitors and Notaries my God of that which doth cost me
__:_- nothing'. We should be prepared to _
Its Y Fvbli�
aacrifice for the Lord when he suf-' PAT DUNNE TE. 9.1841
Bank Of Commerce Chambers, fered and gave his all for us. The
;awriBter, Solicitor 3 Slmcoe Street North, Oshawa anthem by the choir was "Iauaon,
r r W. fnvis.ble' by Roger C. Wilson,--'
Notary °Pu64C Telephone R.A. 3.3446 bated- c the ead Welsh. air.
Organ-ist and choir leader Marion 1dcCkm- -.
ILis�gtsoa eat. This ccmim -week is "Youth
_ _ _ Week".- Next Sunday awrninn the LUMBER AND SU11DER3' SUPPLIES '
AT. M91 or AT. 2.1362' ��gA;��M >'otmg People will take art in the
Hear- service and in the evening there will
SSA14 ACRVA(:t AND be an Interdenominational Fireside,
Atom as]Phi.9:91 M f:l1 PLYWOOD . .
�” essd E�get�w' ... IAA and a splendid film shown. Members , '. PAINT . . . A►RBOIYT!
ft A"Wishand
We Mwe WMAUns Daywo Wuh and friends'are invited to.attend. 'In- --
dMsei Oaa& Dawn lasaeeota vitations have been extended to oth- =-DOORS AND TRIM CALL- lib. 1Ei4MJS er young peopte's groups in the dos- -
irm IF s w, Asti ampso annd trict. Plan to attend and support the
work of fife youth group in pur
- - oad o. Z
church, +.
isdAMIR - oiq.. hOgiM9R ---- -------------------- ---== Station
R and iY HJ�hwery.
'ems �.a a,r w.�,r -- -- . _ CHURCH "TBEPNONE PiCKERfNo 3"
tab?. AUSIM saxlar. P c><ar3nr Retxor Ontario -
,3ew. 9.Iaa.
a, h. J. Wwft. Ontario ltd Rev. H. S. Shepherd. B. A., D. D. -
or AJAX 1045
2**,ttl o" weal er W1t W an
an BMM and be ,p��� Box 198. 'ring - Phone 1'71
r1se p: Wbur NO a lima �1 L30 a. ni.-Holy Ccamsuttioa - -
Photo co-op flow In Pide- ILL a. la-Motating Prayer -
ering acrd Ajax areas. To 11A0 a. >a. olyCor»mtt�eon Se nor a1 H ard w are
buy or sail for pro'rr1� 11.00 a. m.—Sunday sal is theQ .
u�r sir►ss _. ecwrtsot is service ask for - Cotamstaty Han
Mr. Blower.
11.00 a. =—Nnis�esy in Reetoey _
1i'><s7�8 .- , /AT81<OO>ri � Room - ago up to 4 years _ .
WEDNESDAY ;Paints Flectricb►l Appliances
l�Oi>!�eRS�Y 10.00 a. in.—Ho'y Communion and
arriSHl1;sATSS GtVlir A�. ,o S I Intercessions for The Rck
1eTU Gt 9vn _ Rarer -;----- ---- = ---------=---- Tools Glass'. Etc.
-------------------- -------- oeMnai lnwrana :.AJAR -• � --
Pidterishe 590 or MO. 8.3337 LOYAL ORANGE LODGE T
Iffeits Mat Tuesday Of Month - - -
- REPAIRS :: erguaon a S �n s _< a r ware
PHONE: TEmpla 9.1191 ::18e M e .E e --------------------�-1[aatac . - - '
•.r :Pickerisy.
DUNBARTON RADIO&TV E R Pickering United Church
A. IL RATT>nl►.
• Minister: Rev.—Melville 13tittars
:FUNERAL AND SUNDAY. JANUARY 31, 19 - : _YVl A R K S- ECE-C T fiC y = —
SaGSI< 8.,0014AN?, 4 A OAS a. m. - Sunday School _
s� said 9OLX=OR AMBULANCE SERVICE. 11.00 a.'m - Worship Servile -- ,
Subject: "What is expected of the Fndustrial, Commercial 81 Residential Wiring
cDN•IT13 W11I.D0G. AJAX. NO. 2 HIGHWAY Wgrshipper in the Church Service" PrOnlPt Efficient Service Free Estitvltes
Yls.eee 8t_B,. t�atraws AT PIC
------ - ... 1.15 p. m. - Sunday School _ J•` MARKS -
: —,� — R. 2 -Pickering
aln3U�'aI1Ce Cps_ _ _.Telephone , 2:30 p.-m. Worship Service Tel.'TE. 9-1570 _ _. :R• ,
wm,= On PITONS -- ----------- --------------
•aAJAX 1059 t
F� > .dam : Christian Science Society
WhAMIlir. 611efsle Rouge Hills, Ontario
M'�a°ae OC AY mass. BRADY Invites You To Its Regular
owman '& Gibson In Rosebank Public School --
Every Sunday At 11.00 A. M.
------------------------- ' WE SELL Sunday school At The Same Hour.
(Two Doors West of LG.AJ TWO RADIO li; .T.V.
AU pipe. Pittints, Futures A rlombintt - - - - 1!O serve YOU
MONTEITH, MONTEITN, RIEML i CO. Equipment For Some Mechanics. A Reading Room is open to the a LEWYT VACUUMS Y '
public in the Sunset Inn Restaurant T.V. and RADIO TUBES FOR CALLS TO THE HOME:
CharNigd Accountants WE DO — Rosebank Shopping Centre _
Iru afttions, Repairs ai Attertistiotr BATTERIES, ETC. •PHONE TE. 9.1191 1 i
Licensed Trvstea _ Kingston Road * 'TUBES TESTED FREE
Licensed Pl.mbars. Thursdays and Fridays - 2 to 4 P. M. P ty
Max - Oshawa - s'!°'f°'d WE HELP YOU GET hone answered a $wen -four
For Farther Information PHONE PICK. 278 hove a day
ti. W. Kiehl C.A., R.l A. s as s •yam Payments At Low �- Phone. ATlantic 2-2635 OPEN 9 a.m. -'9 pan T.V.ANTENNA INSTALLATIONS
Oshawa RA 54527 AT 2-ZO80 --------------------- ------------ — ,
swt R. W moo C,/1. -
4320 Kingston Ad., West Hill '
Batlister, Solicitor, Notary Public
STAF�ORDNBFtOS: Office Housst •?700 to 5.00 P. M.FMay
?At � JAppolntmen�b by Phone
!M■a+s �M01 PaapePldser n SL
. T
preldrea8ed m. � an"e-. -*A..
.Fryer or
_ -_
All Food Prices'+ �>
ire Jan. 28, 29, 30 - - --
1Ne Reserve the Right ` 21/z-3 LB.
To Limit Quantities —
_ L
STARTS ' _ -
OHDAY F1 st M �� ., PURE pang
• a SAUSAGE & .39c
Monday Thru Friday
..12:30 TO 1:30 P.M.
CHANN1:00 TO 1:30 P.M. �POLAR KIN4
•1l1/KSW - TV
- 1 LB. P�
,�.� p -
r. G'
OMAT 0 U 1 ,C -E� FANCY _ 48-OZ. Tl�IS
SAVE 13c e «
= MEDIUM = -- - Z. TINS
- _:�S�VE 'k
IGA E E F T' W ' ' ;
f�r4f7D-iVf 4RNING 5�`� -
SAVE 6c 240Z. JAR
Register Tapes
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Ask Ior youi FREE copy i of - '
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SSF P R 0 U T S 33
Catalogue Today. b
B 1