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R.i Y .� '••'NZ .•' •• f V CC.� +.. J.T. �' i • '%. T:.. w . - 1.,, r p . - - , ...- „�cyr.r. .. .. J` c. .waa+0?•.aay.,....r_ ^..W ..
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Bnb?e1•19ti4a Rail: 12.00 Der Year United States: 12,60 W. O, MI RiiAg and SO.�
PUBLISHERS Autixcr; zed eSs Second Class Mattez
VOL. 72 NO, 18 YICKEBING, ONTARIO JBIDAY, JUNE 22, 1956 5 Cents Per; Copy Post Office Bept, Oltatts, Ont. -
F. .
swimin in In-1 af fins Creek.,-_-
.Dr. Ni'. W. Tonilinson,'bi.0.11: fur "Hold
Pickering Village has issued a w'ar:: TO �Oaehing CIaSS
ing this week against swimming in
Duffio's Creek. Two favour•:te spots
-anp at the foot of Church street and At High School 'Here
near the old-dam site.
"The creek is dirty and not fit for About 1-0 secondaiy•sch0pt coaches --
children to be., in ", the docter said, from all over Ontario azded the - At
and I would ask every parent in the football and basketball coaching clinic
of win held at" the Pickering District High _.
vilage to take the caution g h - '
that their children stay away from School on Thursday and Friday. of it. ,this week.
y------------------------------------ The clinic which is run by Lake - -- • " -- - - -.- '
t ' Ontario District,of the Central On- + -
Inquest Into Infant's . _, tario _ Secondary . School Association
« c addrpe,,wd by 'Mr. Bud Milliken
Death To Be Held. Here and Mr. Warren Giese, head coaches t
of 1liaryland University,- U.S.-
An inquest will beheld in Picketing --------------------
Community Hall next. - Monday night �r Thomas Bell To Join
unto •
o the death of an infant so of
Mrs. R. L. Burnett of Morgan's Park. `' !1
The baby died on Sunday, June 11.:th. Pkk :ring Medical Centre -
�- --- ----- -- ---- -- - --- --
Pickering Public Library
A! the`Otf#sial 49010110= ed Brongham Reeve Wm. Newman af!<laally cut Ted Kennedy (let), add Bob MWets',
To Close for Holidays Cospmtraity Park last Saturday night, the ribbon, while former hockey Ow Brougham's- pitcher look on.
-Pickering Public library will close
00 Saturday, July 7th and se-open on ?; One of the largest crowds to attend
.Tuesday, July 81st. a function in Hrougham, turned out n,a Ay=dJary
Readers are asked to note - that Saturday night for the official Ti ft �0���
starting July 3rd and again during opening of Brougham Community: j The J,1 meet -ng of the Hospital
August until Sept. ' lst the library Park and Floodlights.
will be open 'in the evenings, only, The evening was a culmination of a :�' ����5 �� eains Auxiliary t ear 'Nurses' Residence with
Ainfrom 8.30 until 9.30 P.M. year's. hard work' by local residents V
R. Fuuady presiding
•` members of the Brougham ball
Mrs. D. Kemp � 1Kemp reporting on Ziosp- - - - "A
and b
— PiCK6> ING VUZAG 6 Y� r. • club, to sat nothing of the donations
that helped make the park ,� had been Tag Day. said a t 102 X278.8?
' ,R@v, AL R. Jenkinson. So¢mer min- j The evening started with a softball. �e.elved� A ypr �agtt of #2223
liter of the United Church here. and, competition between Greenwood and � t�s made at Plant Sala
sww at t held at the M&y meeting.
King' City. Ont. on June 7th, Pickering public schools, Pickering - Mm W. Cain,.go)* the 13aotez Cons- "-
ceiebrated. twenty - ve yews in the winning the tournament. Following 2nit4e said that over 100 pairs "had
mMlanl V7. Mr. - Jenkinson was in this this Al Harvey, Brougham resid%nt
frost, 1937 to 1943, and' well known entertainer, MC'd a �� given �{ ' - � �-
Mr, yad'Af -8. N +R. Shortrred have lively and fun• packed variety show i, " ��► there were about 50 pairs 1010
hand at the moment. c epos t.. from
rouLned after a pleasant ;motor trip made up of local - talent. Besides a
to Halifast. -Dr, bell of Alvinston, Oat„ will song from Al him"if r't the there we $ TQ3sa Hughes gad, rated ilia, tnera wan
y ; . need for a constant
AR', W. 'A_ Gnvdq anent the �treek- Ee asco tared wlah Dr, W, W. Tom- !iScG.zsn siatpr8, 1 o c a 1 vocslisLst -
end in Montreal attending a Tele- linson at the. Medical., Centre, begin- , Roger Carlton and Marie Mitchell � in. �
Mrs. G. Simpson ditr_ lay 'w:ss a '
* gsiipolets' Conveatiori. Be was arc• aiac July L 1936, Ifr, Batt has been vutibaA.:oa in songs and. skit; Hal y - - ,
Y,vtly and revel items
010zpanled by Mss. Goyldy, taking post- iradb►te training at the Yew on drums and Uke from Green -- - - .
What looks hku- a Ford owner, Toronto East Gfnrral Hospital, iwood, Mr. and' Airs. Haryey Bath I?andicratt Ccatanrtue.taat a e t,
Office hours will be by appob - � of Ashburn, irrstrumental and 'vocai, sold, She also has a supply ,i mat-
broke into sclera! Ford cars on the
Went' Phone: .Plike ` r als and' l,stttextls to be macs .up'
Law Motor's Lot' ca Wednesday � lam' I eoile.S Bob oDliller•thanked the many -- '.
,evening. appac+ently loogusg ti-tr some --- - ---•- ---- -•'•-• -= - -- _ -- - -` I P P -made the park a reality diving the- rarmer,
particularr part or' accessory: -There Polar Bean And Dot's; and Mr. Grant Johnston made a pre Mrs. W. Wogden, dbr- the Ltbrary
CarsYn -flea, repo�c -ted a ve,y sucoasi-
lawe other articles in these, cars We'll wager our Pickering Cott- Se nation to Air. Don. Beer_ for _ his � s13K mlW�s, si the Library -
'that could have bees taken, had the stabiles -a Sell s. dog fromi a polar work and interest in the boys and the Cart !1#d visited patients every day
tree ..� o,. i �s,.,,. ark. Ted I�ennedx former Maple
feaf star congratulated twice a wee 'r
k, . ats x•111 '.-
I ated the commun- i _ -
j it} on their efforts. Red Horner, due eo10tinue diuring -the sum.i+e, , and v�
t L J to an accident that da'y involving a 3 MES C. CLARK, M.C.I.C. a number cd Auxilt:yy members tvi'.1
�J•• J• C. Bunt Celebrates His 96th Birthday - m�r1s)zer of. his family, was. unable to .+ Charter Member of the Rouge Hill 18 s whoawolld, like to help the - -
attend. Lior•: C'luh, and a member of the = _
Reeve `Wm. \ewman then, went to !'Board r.f Directors since the Club i Library Cocnnitt�s occasionaly dtri- -
the }orre plate and cut the ribbon { � S first organized fie years ago, I � the, n:xi sew- .weeks Jv.uld get y
ofir ;ally openlnie. the park. in touch with- Mrs. Wug¢tn at A3ax - _ -
M t , , Ji1i: Cla ^k of Fairport has been elect 1090, it would � -very much a c-. - -
Mr. Herbert :,..•. lc'totr of Green- �'r;sl errt fer the coming year. He PDpe
wood. won the mantel radio in the .: , - gated,
Key 3lember of !uterus -
lu�ky draw'a V*ceht . issues - dt w'ocnen's magaz.
s tional, has served on numerous com-
:, - In an a >.i. :bi :,on Lame of softball to mittees,.has occupied the responsible lnea, not more than two months old -r
round n:t t' e everin�, the crowd en- position of Carnival Chairman and would also be very ace°.ptab7r Sow. •- - --
i joygu wad.'.' : :i fir: _� boys play hic•ved an en-!able record of five' the Library Cart. V'
A� ncourt. the final a <ore w•is.i ='? for year. ne He repre- The installation cC as ?fir. Condit-
A;incourt, but a goo¢ game all the I sentfd Koc:ga Hill Clul, as delegate n = iso Tr"' `' the - Nurs::y
. i way the I9rvo district conference;• held in discussed, and is
i s --•- --- -- - - - -- --- - � this very necessar y pr je -t ba•and- ocher. -
To l'pe�4iRoon�ddition Toronfo -�orn Jim C 1 a r, k� was t. eaak. °n right sway,,'. _ - -
h -ought up in England until 1921. He Reporting for the L' --en CdThnit-
returned to Canada while -still in his tee.. Mrs, G. A. Frene.t> said that
To Rouge Hill School early teens, and later took—up'-the the supply if imxi®. - --
_study of chemistrq. For, more than 25 brou;hv- u'ti° to mdni.r.�- --:� r - quire-
The- official -,pehing'of a-4- roomed yea he as been employed with the ments, and that an' erase vency sup - -•
! addition to Rouge Hill public school Consumers Gas Vompa,+y; where -he �Ix :way -now being looked s`te °.
on the Altona ;Road will be held-on is now in charge of the "chemical , Mrs, H. Fenton disc bitad t.ckets
laboratory.' In 1933 he married Bliss for the Doll Draw to these. who wish -
a at 8 .m. -.
June 2 h p
The guest speaker for the occasion Fanny Bond of Sheffield, . England, ed to' take thsm on their vacation, -
will lie Mr. N illiam McMaster, head -and' the Clarks -made their. perma- Piles !or'th,4. anntfal 'Masgdarade �•`
of the English Dept, of- Royal York nent home at Fairport on the shores Dance• to be held in 0ztobs-, was -• - ;,
Road, Collegiate in Etobicoke.- Those of Frencbman's'Bay. Thus they were. also discusseiii, --
- interested"in Wuringthe - new; building the original commuters in that area Mrs. J, Hcp,- Brown introduced w
are invited to attend. and have taken an active part in its i the, guest sp akar .Mrs. Mauree:l Huts
-development. Their four children, two r
. - - ---- ---- ---- -- --: -. -- _ --- --- _ -- chinson,;A,��, Hutchins :rr 13 the Lib -.. -• - c
Thomas Gre3i, Claremont Reglres' boys and two girls —with the eat• rarian at the Ajax Public Library,
' ception of Clifford, who is of pre- which positron she took over last
' From Division Court Clerk Post, school age — were educated in local fall
schools.. and are well known in the very interesting travelogues
= FASIgn�ilon Effective July SL t.. g +.".
community'. The elder daughter, movies in colour, shorwing the glor -.
Suoeesspr Will Have To Be Named Eileen, is music supervisor in the ies
of the "Emerald Isle't were eery - ;• - f
Lakeshore Public Schools.
nxwh enjoyed. t -- - i
- Serving as Divisi : ^ri Court Clerk Members of St, "Paul s -on- the -Hilt �, +}
Anglican Church, Dunbarton, the Visiting the counties oID Wexfa.^d. d
it Pickering Township for the past Clarks have long taken. a keen in- �ter�brd: Dublin and 'Cork, where - of
'thirty-three years,. Thos. Gregg, of-
terest in community affairs, Jim is the city of Cork is built on seven F
: Qanemont has given up the work, hills • K:llarn 7, with its many lakes
Honorary Life Member of the
Qom` missed casting his vote voR' once A sudcessc� will -probably app- , and fells Pet, like jewells in the.gzeert
Frenchman s Bay atepayers and hills; ills• Galway Bay, made famous in
celebrated his 86th �r� N y .Association, was aerie-
Widtarms . For 20 yews' Mr, Bryant 9 — -a_ -_ Mr. Gregg made- this o+oservaiiun tart' of the Frendtman's Bay Yacht song, to evf C :n-
RsSrthday 0e n Uellay last at the Cbmri}issianeT elf To Roads $e to the per' that "seventy percent Club -and- is Past Chairman of the fnemllm, where the old Irish tongue ,
ltotsse-od his non Melrose. —_ ' rmrnembess Oshawa when two platsks ad his work during - the past --few ' -_ -- _
(1Lt, Bryant has enjoyed' excellent t<ormed' the sidwalks; �rovp Committee; lst Dtsaiisiion Boy may. �d last,' 4x1t _
Bi -. took zFA*j yeses hue- been in the South Ehd of Scouts. Other Xasodations include
�. we see the Shannon Air -
health ail his years and has good lessons and at the age olt sixteen be the Township. L the Chemical Institute of Canada, the Port, this well -known stop -oven on
eyesight,. and hearing still keen. He was organist and char leader at the = ------ --- -- =-- "- -- ' ti.
drown on gate First Concession dt �i le- �.�. - Toronto Foremen's Club and the Hon - the way'bo �'� by air, where the , ,_ •
Christian Chwroh, Pickering. V2C�a �• COUNCIL ourable Association of Brill Ddastiff modern buildings and busy air- strip, _
Mmath Twp. he has -lived �s Pickprn On SMurday he spent some time - 1 Fanciers of America. _ _ J are, a sharp conirayt to
ittg since a boy. at the piano lesding- descendants. is 8Vf11 Meet On — - - ---- -- - -- -- - -- -- I ing cotffitryu''de,' the surround
Mr. $ryant _ 2atsaed on the 3rd singirsg old - v s - ---
ran for 51 years. Fail sons and d3rd hlaruls and songs with Ohs TUBSDAY, JULY- S - 10.00. A. X. � PAPER OOId.BCTWN Mrs. John Mills thanked Mrs. Mit-
v;gour of a mach - chinson on behalf otE t bole present,
meters ere •living and well. 'There Mrs, Bryant yrnsngea• man. yo! Regabt �, At Tlw f OddfeIiow 10tH Rebekahs �. F. T; bringing mich tin Interesting. Pic- .i
are 83 Vndch(Idreri . anti quite a ,years ago passed away 1010!9 a hs� Paver Coliecgoo t�-e .of her homeland to share vRitls
few great-grandch9dren. The News extends, d - Cotsi:lell Cha,mbeess, �o'us J;ATURDAY, JUNE 23, 19W' those attending the meeting. -
A life -gong Liberal, 3&.'- Bryant re- continued goo wig for Cierlt i For Pickup Anytime, Call
tsalls with tostse Bride that he never the i good health, and,, at least ^_ L, T. Johodton, s lICEF.>RII�lG �18W,L i� e� The neat meeting to be held on
00 -mark, rP b t:i the a ad Monday in 0eplec*er.
Ilk 0
- - Party Pinafore WRO o in our fields. They already had
f 441 PST - - yellow sinker tipper with black, - -
' New - �� ,°. and orange stakes tipped vlitL
red, some of them. to mark the
NIC�.F.,S spot where iron stakes are em-
7 C�M`� O CtasLs recently another work nary
'"Dear- Anne Hirst: Our little ;'stupid taunts. cannot pane- came along and put g ordinary
y could have a perfect lift tratta Think of thew as un-
-_ — steel fence posts right along-
_ �mi1 �.
1t my nuaaan&'t -pat f �° Would • hsDDY D�p� who don't know -- - - -- aide the yellow stakes. The De- y
parhrient of Highways evident-
'only let us alorte 1 They hated any cezlif �'4t All is quiet on the home'aont ly doesn't intend, anyone to for -
tae from the start and were de- lovely life, sb grateful for, a
• ' texmSned to cause trouble, which -+ devoted - husband and - two _ � _- at least for the, moment. �• get where the survey goes `
they certainly have. a sweet young sons. This is the Dave is in bed but not asleep. through. It isn't so eommuni-
"When we married, he was * Christian wgy to hanile t& • He has had a very active day - - cative in other matters. For in-
the tion! it is also the most and so_ has Grandma! Grandpa stance, the Department has al- `
the only support of took are Of + • also shares in the activity as ready registered a plan for ex-
. sad sister, and we took c practical. ,
them for a long while until 'a * 11 you can adopt it, you will he. has Dave outside with biri� propriacivu iS i.` �' ° ^� ^ °��
_ small inheritance came their + dismiss all their ugly ways for about a couple of hours for the road but yet we have "
way. Even now we contribute a from your mind until you see every afternoon. We occasional- not been notified. Nor have
generously and send frequent *them next time. Then you will x, 1y have 'a tussle of wills. Like there been any men out from _
- gifts. Of course, 1 take our little + �!
brace yourself for what you t`: all other children Dave has to ilia property office to appraise
boys to see them regularly, but *, know is coming - and forget see how far he can go and get the value of the land. Strange
our visits are so marred by their + it afterward • ';' away with it. For that reason the things that can be done on
insolence and apparent jeolousy ! , Of course, .your husband • we have -to make sure that he a person's own property when
71 that I come home ill every itme. +should have put a stop to this . • does as he is told. He can travel the, government takes over. Not -
It is ,getting me down. +long ago, but few men will • .. . _ so fast and has so much that we mind. We are only too --
"My husband 'hopes they will * take a stand against their own • strength for a wee fellow that anxious to see the work started
behave themselves' but thatF is s people. i` 'neither Partner 'nor 1 could ban- , That's the - trouble with these i
as far as he goes. l have even i To leave him should be the • • ',. die 'him if we allowed him to big highway jabs - the plan-
_ talked of ie0dig L&L, Gul Rai 1a,1 th:jng in it itr_ mind. If
• • • • get out of hand- Of course he- Wing stage takes so tong the
- just laughs or takes a few * you did, you would miss him ` , • -_ tic a lingo all his own . which road is out. of date before it gets
drinks and says to forget it. * so that you. would reproach • ' !✓%�
- ' - - "Anne Hirst,• it isn't that easy: + P ' • . • we don't always understana. - - �- n.�,,;, +ai5
yourself all ,your life for not , •'.:, • • However, by following his line b
I've got to have peace among + being willing to bear anything • 801 ..This column tras been writ-
us or I can't promise what will * rather than live without him. think reasoning '- and don't ever
' be-
happen. I never reply to my " _ think he hasn't got one . - we _ten by Bts and starts in be-
For his sake, too, I am sure ��( car, generally figure out what tween attending to David's de-
_ in=laws insults; i love my bus. + you will readjust yourself to kttrLA l%c& he is talking about and in that wands and answering the tale-
band too much to cause trouble. _ • a sorry situation an¢ relegate way we make out all right. _phone. We did 'not expect any
Is there any way I can con7ol " its discomforts to their proper Surprisingly, he gets into -very tom an this week -end and
'their nasty tongues ? " Tare - Two pretty ways she can wear . ! F Y
= MARILYN" P , this style ! A cool, cute pinafore little teal mischief. -1 expected ' then came a call from my sister - CONTROL YOURSELF a party dress' with the' addi= we would have to pVt things and nephew in Oshawa -
„ DIARY COULD BE. - ! out ei reach and keg a few would it -be all •
At this stage there i§ ate tiop of the separate little collar _ P right to come _
='• way I can suggest to stop
MISINTERPRETED - So versatile - sew - very - easy doors and cupboards shut ' up for the day on Monday? -The {,
_ these two females in their "Dear Anne Hirst: My rfiother tot you ! but he hasn't been that way at answer was definitely yes. "We ..
'malicious course. To thi :day, has found my diary ! She read Pattern 801: Children's Sizes.2, all. Nor, does he interfers with have not seen them for over
they - iesZnt your marrying many things that .I did' not feel 4. 6. 8 included: Pattern, embroi- . -the .television. Of course he three years so we shall be very _
• their "meal ticket" and take I I could tell her, knowing she fiery transfer, directions: wants his own programs morn- -glad to have their, come. Later.
spiteful pleasure in upset- would not understand. Send TWE_diiTY • FIVE CENTS i • inn and evening- , After that he I suddenly remembered one of
tiny you. They are not genet I "Since the day she found it; (stamps canr{ot be accepted, use. pays no attention to the set at them is a vegetarian and the
•. ou's enough to rejoice in your 1 am not allowed to have night • postal' note for safety) to all. But a funny thing nappen- other on a fat-free-diet That -
• husband's happiness instead . �I dates, or even get,, into my boy Laura Wheeler, 123 Eighteenth } ed yesterday, Dave was by him- rather complicates things with
they-keep the upper hand by friend's car. St., New Toronto, Ont. Print ; .sel! ra . the living- room., I the stores closed. Fortunately:'
• tormenting you. We have gone steady.", for plainly PATTERN NUMBER, thought 1 heard him whimper- we have plenty of milk, eggs.
Since you are at their_ nearly 2aur months. 1 am 14 your NAME and ADDRESS. ing and want to see what. was rhubarb and a tittle asparagus.. -
_ . * mercy, try to exercise control and a high- school freshman. He Our gift to you -- two aeon- the matter: 'He was sitting in "a All that added - to- whatever the '
• -Over Yourself and see. tbern as is a trustworthy boy and. Anne derful patterns- for yourself, big chair and half crying as he refrigerator may produce will _
! they. sire, two, small- minded I Hirst, we have not done any- your home - printed in our looked into the black face of the no doubt see_ us through. We
• women who chastise pot. from i thing indecent. Laura Wheeler Needlecraft book television. I had forgotten to also 'got a phone call 'from
- force- of habit.- Can't_ c� --cock _t gut my mother thinks di!- fo r 1956'. Dozens of other new turn it on! That was soon Daughter who said she' was -
" sider the source? - gasifies to `order - -ErocheE,
terently stow can I net her _ remedied and he was happy _ feeling very much better' so we
" Instead of allowing 'there to - = d -Dad. to trust us again? knitting, emhroidery; -iron -oes, : again• . - feel well repaid. for having tak-
- : hurt, you, build an armor Disgusted and Distressed- novelties. Send 25 cents for your
en'young Dave off her hands for
'• about yourself which their. * You must have been badly COPY of this book "NOW -with -The weather hasn't helped us -. -
* y gift awhile: It looks as if grandpar•
s ocked when you lound our g patterns- printed h it : at all with our baby - sitting. We
y ants still count in the scheme
_ R a is did not believe" you I -vm t leave the young man out- -
P of things `Bye for sow i
~Accessory Dress U * when von told them your ! ,,% side to play by himself -there hear the young man cabin _ -
" friendship atith the boo hss , O�iPi: are many wet places. Prec- y g g
been entirely innocent. 1 tin- • '= = tically_ the only, dry, spot is in r bathroom
1 from +he thro
de the lane - ai?d that hard _ -
rst&nd how in e • n tiquette•..' .
with all my heart I. wish your J makes a safe playground, The
- " - .: 'business also complicates the •r
_ 'r - mother would accept your I � '
- r " vs ord ,o! honor. if you are be- :' Q. When ore- is
beta Intro .. -i business of getting, lsim dressed
°' -•, = :" inR punished for things you dated to a roomful of strangers, - lightweight snowsuit, .mitts, -
r " did not do, it is not fair. Is one supposed to acknowledge helmet and rubber boots - not
The only way you can con.. : each introduction with a "How
.quite the sort .o! outfit you ez-
_ '• v�ince pour parents is to ac- do you do"" pest a child to wear the fourth
f - - -• cep( their restrictions without
A. One sincerely spoken week in May.
•'protest The 'evidence' your _ "How, do -.you. do", should be '
diary revealed seemed to be enough, and after- that, - just And how disappointing''
C7 equivocal: you probably -enough,
and 'bow slightly to each garden is this spring. Very few
y u.rote of your emotions in Person as you are'.introduce� - daffodils and we Usually have
\ . your. own childish way, but With perhaps one or two added -
"How do you do's" in a' love such a lot. I hope the bulbs
• their - interpretation .frightens haven't rotted. One of our e
' • your family, voice. neighbors, who.
l `'= - -Many parents. would react Q. what is the amount of the g generally has >k.,
• as yours have, feeling they fee a bride ;room gives -the clee• the side of a hill looking just >
--- rr .had not been strict enough to �A.a there is no stipulated am- like "a host of golden. daffodils," V..
Protect their girl from the this, year has very little bloom
- ?::" a • dangerg they feel she was ex- - ount, although the fee should not at all. I pwever in our �r
•posed to, You will have to be less than ten dollars. The �$ garden - 3
size should depend upon, the we at le st have lots of narcissi
"behaviour s*•- h I orida6, vTrkl � . ' to look forward to.. Apparently
% -_- d lace his napkin on the table ward spring.' There is still no Y
try to dispel t err- -
_ t . Should a person eves back- -*
fears,- As you do, that will '} P
-' p
tea ize, ope, a y " ;
• not the girl who ,would lie to
�wntle fife mini is in progress. sprain seeding done rioting 1,
her evict _ A. No; not until leaving the -, ,except - ors - -a- few iqnIAtpFl
fetm�Y trims where a stretch of sandy
- +--�- - - - - table- - -
� � ---= _.� What is the correct thin=- --soil- soil isr8s- _thtqugh the district,
�3 > If your in -laws are causing for a man [b say, to -a - On -some farms cattle heXeeen
f - trouble, call, on your common who is blocking his waJ when turned 'out to pasture, They - -?
• + , : purpose. leaving at bas or other profit should d at 1 stet have plenty at ,a ";,,.,
sense and defeat their pu
1 _
It is a matter of conveyance? grass an water for awhile, C _ + a �`
t'.: after all, and any practical wife get through, the poplars and
A. "May I kins are out on '��„��' can win out. In any crisis, write please ?" And as she moves° aside the orioles have returned to FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH -Cool s
d603 Anna Hirst, at Box 1, 123 Efgh• to allow him to pass, he should the elms. Occasionally we sea
teenth St., New Toronto, Ont. lift hi, hat and thank her. canaries and sap - sucker. And heads prevail when tempera- ?;
t I Q. Is U proper to write a few that is about the extent' of na. tures soar. Pourer, Michael
-4 lines of good wishes on the card, ture' tory at the moment. No Moody, 4, changes places with
'T7�I f that is enclosed with a wedding frogs, even yet.
_ brother Janie, 5, when a satin _
' Platt a : •whole fashion a•ard-
Drive With Care gift? A. It is quite all right to do Government surveyors have factory state of saturation ,has r
-• lrobe - 'when you• se w this done a' little more decorating been reached.
dress ! Vary its neckline j so, although not necessary. -
,. ..
(high or low); add a tie -on pep- '
lum, or a graceful bow! It's. the
ideal style for travel, vacation,
day-to-dark activities. Just -
switch accessories for a ^ T de- fresh ,t, �y J lic VMS - "new" aPPearance! s � I - - '
. Pattern 4603: Misses' Sizes 12, .w- . ,.�,. , ..
Y fob" •ur
Q Mdake adtl n In Aour mixture
14, 16 18 20. Size 16 dress takes - Sift together time liquids all a one• x
- a add gh�
3 yards 35 -inch ric. e. ewe g tad pas" fl until l,m eombin•d -do not ov t� ,
. mt,;• liattern arty to use, rim - or '9th e. e ` - �ntz Twro•Mdrd. Alt arw,•d You qtr � n
[ale to sew, is tested for fit. Has asking Paw" _ muffin Pau with butler. take in
complete illustrated instructions, - - aM = - • - -''
Send - TBHCTY'• FIVE CEATT$ %top. baking •o" mWwat.y but oven, 3750, 20
(350) (stamps cannot be accept- - t t'p' - . KangbaY-Mt•k� '" to 23 mimrtes Makes t2 to is delicious baked goods -
°'oe ugw4zed mufin'' with dependable
ea, use postal note for safety) for Mix In C. Wisp we.kr n lr•m e•g�
- - . =this pattern: Print plainly''SfyE, - eawi seat until thick and npkt MAGIC Bdkinq Powder.
„ NUMBER- _ _ SW In Guard against failures -
Send order to Anne Adams t •• fear Wet •� ""B` . get MAGIC today I
\143 Eighteenth St., New Tor ap, v."m.
onto, Ont. . - g � banabona •►'isu!n'! Goth boss' than 10 _
_ .. aM .e iM overage bating
' [S311JE 4i — 1956 � Y r' ' w„-'4 ••__.� -y.i .. - .. .�
i w
1 '
BALSAAA & MT. ZION vred , with . verae with - - -
Faith' , Mrs Lloyd Wilson e Ord �8 R' �y ��'Oied with a solos ident. A met aollowed Mrs. Jack ing to pa sy --0
f ' 1he W. A. met ,last We Jones at short talk on "Faith ", then a� $e a `The Lords MY Shepherd ", Mrs. A l�pringham and Mrs. W� Harbron teachers od Brock Road Schoo�wtJbp - the
h=e of Mrs. L*•-ne Jones with the theme so an8 Q-owle aQ Oshawa was guest speaker - "I'm Not Alone". and Mrs. Crowie are retiring at the end of the _t"s1Z
_- _ive ladies present. Meeting business disous�a d Minutes' read and and gave an account od the meetiag sang a lovely ,Solo -This is ms Tomsk". Mrs, Beaton
rimed with a hymn and prayer by .q.:.� �. a�uaceti two o! the Doininioil Council W) ,, r4 Following the benediction all enjoy- gent, Mrs. J. W. Kring was xiAable to be prm-
,�• Ged, Wilson. S.ripture, read by �I to the church fa: the centennial, the United Church held at Toronto ed a suPPe: and social hour. Row were both and Miss x`
mss. T. Jordan, and Roll Call ass- recently odl which she is a vice -pres- The Men's Club wound up their and sugar &nd presented a with cream
meetings on Friday 'night for sum- scribed, also y seta, suitably U
oui►s and sa+mera, Con-
_ -- : mgr with as ice cream social at Lbef tests wveee held and new
school. l,,el were very awnydt
,,,/ Twen t led. Mrs_,_ -X,_
- _ � �.,,[.'1 -- _ •. ••- - MT9 Qt9 r1 NPArP aK- .- yrVCtllt1O'•d}jp[St—
*0 week -end with her�arents m:., t1gro. Zgert�t nv� - �•:r••• �••�
— -_ IIGOOD -- teal Mh. Wm. Harbrons -- c°ananittee� - -- -- vesor
�, E A� Miss Do: eon Jones spent the week. ' Mr. and mss. $iduy,•d Scott visited
t'• +t -_ end with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Dopking the 1pttei•'s sis/er, i+fh. Walter W,
— , at their cottage, Cobo�cocnk. le►on and t3m,ily on the week -end.
Birthday greetings to • Mrs Frank 7*7an Boys, son of >� and AD-
- -- - �:5. quid v, i ."e i i• truss goys took a nasty spill am h!s
.Mr's. Morgan Pugh of Urcbri� ,bicycle, but is alright now.
tidpwow�... - ,r +....�i' and Mrs. Jack Wilson, .Athens spent Congratulations to Mr. and, ]ts,
3STAMAM EQUIPMENT ON NEW CARS FOR- YEARS Iweeb -eon with M�. and Mrs. of a ce. ae five ,, .,� r�„ earth :
,,Misses Myrna Jones and Mary Har- Mr. and Blrs, David Reed ®raw to
i per of Toronto spent the week -end Warm
- Tubeless And � Tube -Type, Pas ' "n `�' °� " 1°�°"
-- - -- i I NOW -ONLY• • ► wish ]dr, and Mks. Cecil Jones. 'business d� ,
Black or White Sidewalls Mr. and Mrs. John White and the Sorry to report that 0144 peer, is
fly, Mr, and Mrs. F'_ant Grey and on th sick list
available at sale prices. Barclay Jane, Pickering: and Mr,
and Nit s, Ralph.Price and ly • s
NO MOUNTING CHARGES '.• Toronto, ' w-ere Sunday guest sw with •
6.00 x 161 Mr, and Mrs. WInton White;
: :.. NO EXTRAS OF ANY KIND with yo1° I Mr. and 1V_' -s, Jjactc Ernpringhani
class li 1 and 'family visited on Sunday with #•
-- andgee. �: is f; . a 1. �Rp�ir time
M. 1
Owing to Decoration Services at
Salem next Sunday, there wi'w not
W&I iae and churh service here but. Sun
R SALES- i day School at 10,00 a. m. Our choir �+j ��Y •
Is singing at Sale':n, at 2.31 p, m• ,
_ 1 • • s About trwenty :our• parents and /
ilriends met a: the home n^ Mr. and
_ MeS, David Reed on Tuesday e%vu-
— ♦ -
h time 7_77 -1
is tetosteinoa
- -- 6 orb/- 'fie e one
Rout =up -
- - IMMEDIATE - DELIVERY _- = _ • Every >t >..- " -.-
_ easily a two-gun cowboy
:.. «_ F• / :On the PlyOnouth you want can lose track of time-
especially around mealtime.
test Dominion of Canada the, year's best deal right now.' But she also knows it's a
i figures prove ' Pic Ptyrao you p
-- ' re tratioa 6 s u refer
- more e o p le are buying ��,d get immediate very. - - ffiraPle matter to round him
more L has ever before. a �p by telephone. And any
i de choice of colo and vague feeling of anuety ;
– - - You see the everywhere . smart 2 =tone combinations. - about where he is or what
Ply mouth's eye- ing style • $ig rge• an of models•_ ha . - _ he is doing , is quickly
- - its big -cai roominess, its a -' dope lied b
go have made Plymouth tops, two -door sedans, four -d y that eager voice
j -
sedans; tin itl sedans; pop' Convertibles, two -doo at the other end of the line,
ular choice; resui'
` greater volume of sales. Bi ger s four-door subur _ Yes, the telephone is a
_.. –
• � or V -• w n 'convenience and a comf .*
volume means better deals at po
real dollar savings to you. That's gyve you economy plus flashing all day long. It moans M
oir to get up and go. _ _ fewer meals grown cold
why it makes sense for y
take advantage of the deals your •Magical push- button 'Power- �' because youngsters or hue-
_ Plymouth dealer offers .. Flit4 automatic transmission or band are late getting home. -
-- C1uYalerCorPoratioROf because that's.where you'll get standard' shift. _ J It merits more security �•'I
Limited when you're alone at night y,
_ a,- _.., . -� -
-- - Canad
. _ ... - •_ _ t morns more things -dose
_ 'Get the best deal on the Plymouth you .want at our dealer's right nowt _ ' ' with lase time and effort . - r
• y 9 Yet this endlessly useful
servant works for you far i
dust a few cents a day.' a
• - .. _ .. - ' _._ ._'._. � . .- . - .. ,.-,, - .' .. r date and tls+s_ _ .. - - � -- ' . _ � _ .. . - - - . ;� � . .. •�, ,
_. Mabr;A Comax— shower of stars weekly on TV, 0heck your newspaper fi
: - rs :D u n a r to n COMPANY .OF CANADA '
e '-•. j Y�� ` i _. ....,.,,. #..c�"'- m,�"1.r�'anr� ;�t�r„�7,.ad�....s.:: ,,d�iy, w
><r- a- iif =°-• - _,f - ..'y-��-:r' ��'' - �G'� ' y,.. `.°1 LSE', `•C"n•'n10-.,. �.
h ✓yY • ' C h -•r �' +\ �' R9•' •'T r1 ~ Y . � - ,S t' . . - .. q ,' `l,i•rt�i. ",, .•l . ;� ,
\' •.. • ' �_� -__.� 4 ' .. -. _ f _ ^ • _ III
Mr. and M s. Hz r:y We5..^,.a:e saY T_, '.', o-y ear-ci i ca_gae: ct 52r. �' Forrett � 4
family a: Guelph, wire with his par - and .dr :• i'.atl Taylor star a :k -TUw v ' _ (MI
----- - -- -eats Mr. and firs. F. Wes sa on es.ayg wi E trip storm la Fr :dad LET:-
, l Him !
'•tt -? week-end. / af.- :noc,a, when thee r:oT.e nurth �� �� �� �Q �'� • - pERINAS+' 8UPF"M _
A speed/ rc.,ve:y to Mr. J• =s C C:.rr.nunt was st:ucA. :rIrs. Taylor • as �� {i1.7TE&tBY Y
barn who has unc °rgone surgery at r_aa rrt< : �d 'Judy s trio from its us- V t11 $ABY N�'
` DiJ1�IBAItTON �U N••N�•, - t{
the Friva:e Patients' Favilion, ual p1a.a ;.h.l. she was cleaning and. * cleat *1id1
." Mrs, B. i3'; Lc.A.:n ws in Luri e.:: that is .vhere the ligatnu� s.ru.s, "A ow STORE HOUies
lfor tY3 ore s -ens, �=....:. _d ... Tile r_ _. �: ti_z hove ct.aght :ire � �� � weer 1J>w7�
y s '1,�.. :C M+A.-OP06who -s:g! A. ilE. to
Miss A. E_an a ._^ ink a 1'1.*I but f:.: to promptness d the Clare- PHONE e 165 - PRESCRItTION. 2!
of days 'cJ.n_i : w:.h M :; an 1 i,I moot F,re C ompa1y. lady as ta_,- r7 , tl G �.7 1.!! P. 1♦L. t0
i A. Taylor, -an �r cl n the Y.o.:se in a s.nt.i- consc-
we aur,y;� =_•_d. ".L T. 31 -r :a tae ytunittre ua:
tenon out again a+fta�s ecent, ill- moved out. Part <= the toad was Plywood
Mess. = birned and there was scar:: •ea.a: J • �• ����� �i mB 8•
A largo crcw•d of Fa.ents and a` damage. r
> • ghildren attended the annual sun- The sym;a:irv, .u::.u_e � 1 :.:� Wallboard f -
day School Picnic at -Cedar Glen. w..rnity is ex'eaded to b:r, F•a--1
_ h
- -' - 'Park .last Saturday, Beare in the oath od his trier
br0 Ln
--- - --- Po_ S Perry list reek
_ Store
SALE REGISTER, _ A , u.nber :roan here attenvei the . ;Moulding -
openirre _lboilight ceremony at Ereu- R,ICKERDIG ` IIONS: 66
'Friday, June 29 - Auction. Sale of gham on .3a:•u' day night. _
> -farm sto-t implements, modern Clare.-rim' football tcran lost their ------------------------------
Yarm machinery, tractor: combine e`.c g = -e here. at tie park last Wednes-
- • on Lot 27 Con: 5. Pickering Tow-n- - -- -== --- -- ----
: ship. Prot;ecty o:. LESSLIK ZIER._ 1 interior and — �__s•• —•—•
°• Sale. at 1.00 Ip. m. sharp. Terms cash HE:.P THE CLAREMONT
No reserve. Farm sold, KEY and -
''CLA.RKE PRENTICE.' auctkneers. yOL1r�tTEEB !FIRE DEPT. Exterior Painting
Sarardas, June 30 — Auct:ca Sala ATTEND THEIR- IlDiGO 'Paperhanging hanRing
ce ove_-stock of iurrtiture, household ARKET,� .
appliances,' elwtrw stoves, obs:.let�e, Claremont Community Sall
but new; also antique clocks etc. A. R. - ALITY MEATS
- R H�11
in the New Markhatrr' Fair Genera
,r - - - - -- � -- - - - - -- Free Estimates _- • -' . � L w
Richibit Building, at the Fair painters and Deeers.o.s ! '
Grounds, Markham, Ont. ?rcpeay $100 per hour for quick, clean, guar- Phone Pickering 391W4 ! i.
dt A. and EL Wideman Ltd. Sale at an teed first -class paint-nt. paper ~ `At M aderate Pri ►
1,30 p. m. sharp. Terms Cash. No -
► 7escrt e - wbAtever. All must to sold. hanging. a atiio irig�ca�'FStokes. --- --- --- •--••---- --•- -- -- - -• -- ✓ _ - • .
p '�i'1'ICE slut. I m8 ray night air.: C!a. -cmnnt �b+awball
2A Decorator. R R. 3,• P.ekeri ^g. Samples . PHONE e1C1RR*16 26
-"` team lost the r ,final in a tourn t-
► anti Estimates, Free. 7 rf:ent at C e?nca,_lc cn Sar-r3ay ,
Saturday, July ?. - Exte.•tsire Auc -_]- night: The; had woa,'ht stool- ftn31, _
BERT'S WELL DIGGING Mr. • and Mrs. Blake 3riseoe cd t
tion Sale of farm itplements, an- _ALE t t th k d
lique b�lggtes. cutters. surrey rte`s.
.26-in. WELL TILE FOR a Toren o. s, en a wen n 'rill
.lamitse etc.. cn• Lot 21, Cori 2. in I Septic Tanks ... Pressure System• Z* am .. Mrs, Jas, Briscoe, -
-- - °- °- -- -- ---- OMtBL'tiXT201V _
Fxp, Prcperr,' o+: S. A_ Trenching ... Air Cornpressm . �Ir,• and Mrs. Ern e, 1Vtayse. Js'- 1 t
]Fairba : n_ °a a at 3 f0 p, m T-l", Contraeter's Rpeeial!t♦ a-� a, and *dc, and 3 's, F;An Petty, C -
- s Septic Tanks Cleasred The Af V::ttoria Sq-aLe s;e-t- -Sunday WATICE WW CLAM WTl•S GLASS A \'D SC>tiliJiltl
Cash. N7 reserve. Farm so KF�ti 1816 N Per -11 B "11t.
and CL.3►RISE Pi3EP+TLCE, auction-
and ion- i_ . Saaltsrs Way. Hr.c'cl y $+pIIi:LRG
eertl 1E'HOVE: PIEICEl;L"►G 592.13 here with 12r, and Mrs. Iiaxard - NO. 1. CIZAS aril OAS FLOORl'NO
ii ) rk I
Mr. add Mrs.. Clair-! Kee-.;:I . ant
rosily s;.ent- ,h, -at thee: if �, ;��+.r,.• t R Aj
- TENDERS INVITED — !Milk Ice -Cream rots a na Mrs, hlrCrr:re enter -. �" "! i M. fiord � a
= tained two carloads of To. ont,• rel. \ S L�6R TARM
Tenders to supply mtik and ice -cream to the Schaal Cafeteria t as on att.rda - �___ - _________ _ ___,____ _-___
at P;ckerin District Hi fi School, from Septe-rrber 1, 1956 to S y PL5IT OL R1m814 a" - . -
. 9 g 1rlr, cad Mrs. •Des;arcire also en-
- --- August 31, 1957 wilt be received by the Pickering District High ter wined. 2-tepas 'Sym, Toronto orr C031PLETE LL`E. OF I�.
School Board at the offic of the. Business Administrator, Box 183, • EVERSHARP PENS and MOICK r PiCgElL�t(3 rr „�, : +r�
Sunday. -suns is PE139 j
I• : Pickering, Ontariis, up to July 5, 1956. S+
Four carloads of .ou:s and C B, i -s LAD *ES' and fW WA' IC”
Tenders will be enclosed in a sealed envelope and marked at. ntde3 the circus helms to T:ronta )rtaon tM3e 'f et toss i2•b fb +�! TURSDAYii A.YD Fsim
"Tenders to Supply Milk and Ice- Cream ". on F_:da, 'evening. - - _ NO DOWN PAYMZ2ff •�' R'� !' �'
_ - It will be necessary for the successful tender to supply re- - bill Toar• =r, :3rr.cr ec:ployee of r Q Tcj _1 t
frigera' ion equipment for milk and ice- cream. he Sarc� Flant i3 two back work- 1"801�fE !lC>!$iQi¢ _ F. J. P'ROVJL+
All information in reference'to the above may be obtained _ na he:-3 again.
i from the Business Administrator. The lowest or--any fencer WIIF
Mr. and M,s, Ed, 'Bonda_e enter. Piekenng .�eM elr; avu.>xsrc "•SraL.a�Yi
tainei Tcr n:o :ends on Sunday,
not necessarily be accepted. _ - • �'•
DAVID S. CLARINGBOID, A. ROSS IRVI/1N, 'Mr. aril Mrs,, Cecil Redman had --- --- ------ --- ---- ----__..._-_ PICKF.RING
Tomato rela :i'.es visit the. ft, on Sun- e:ior Mission Feld, vrl*re she his T Chairman.' Business Administrator-, day tip past toy years, :
_ teen- w•arki Sor the 1t80AiR r �C><Etillto Al
the 'vlarr.el Couples' CL;b of the Owing to the heat the-e was, only
Brptast Church` will: hold x picnic on a small attendance at t-r^e
W. ►l, S. t
- - - _ _-- TENDERS INVITED — �Ifl�lk Ice- CreaA1 June 22, at the ranch of Don Sand- mertin; list 'Thursday. when M :&. FAST, OUARAIV•TlSEtD !.>lPAM ,
era a on 'h., Sth c.ncession a: Lbe Beelby ccc•:pied the chat.' 'W hl -s to all makes.
Tenders to su milk and ice- c-e:.m to the School Cafeteria Tc cn Line, east of Claremont• P:L•cey• who 'Au absent, Merrbsrs of RADIOS TELEVISION, 22(TEIt -C�l
at•Ajix High Schcol, !:ern September.l, 1956 to August 31, 1957 Sympathy 7f the corn- runity i3.ex- the Wiss_on Band wid attend tLe �LEOD ELECTRONIC 9MVICES 'T
s - will be received by the Pi- kering District High School Board at the -. tended to Mr. No.-man Wa=. " Goo .- Ju_7 n:e' -ting, w..t :h,ui1. be..oloare_ ,Z
wood, and M:-s. Ja:k Bad ,-ror. - af- - by -gam arts re'reshmgnts,
• office of the Busi;r_ss Aomin;�trotor, Box 183, Pickeriwtg, Ontario, their Ptekning 21J3 - 13roek Rd. Nst'tad r
S up to July. 5, 1956.. : _ QareTtni ;n ah: loss :.' their lathe bIr, and Mra, Gray ad Garden Nil; r _ -� ...i
" - last week. He was bu:iei :Yacrt are S'.n�a,r rtes cd Rev, H. had "MAC CAN Fla IT"
_ Tenders will be enclosed in a sealed envelope pnd marked S.a,•Nille on FrijaF. M_s, Lackey,
'?er,d'ers to Supply Milk and Ice•Crecm ". A few of the ]xal boys were busy - A y-vu: Wt. I trt„• contributed a vcn-1
It will be necessary for the successful tender to suppler some v ; :.4c we -k -end wo :kin at the se'e-tiort dn-in?-,� �•- � _ —'
refri3eratian equipment for milk and icy ct! �Ukp�es —norm o: ncre, et Lie Lotted Cati c!�, lass S nday, BIIILDER
:.'• i.7ru:..rur . _rence to the above may be obtained 1Ir, Ja k Hans =:1 was in To-anto Th ^_ pastor preached oa the Meat -
from the B.,:ir;ess Administrator. The lowest or any tender wi;l n AS ?odor :.n-a b•,sirtess trip, missionary, Pa al. -
no'r .ecessari!y be o :cep;ed. the Eaptist Ladies' bliss :on Circle AL-. and Mrs, Dor, Eele`' -ay !_Tor,___ -- 00DWaRKINQ
DA , :: L n' BOLD, . -- -, - A ROSS. IRW1N _— -- ui�t ,, r.. ,- > � g :e:,te 5'-. and
' ETa
- -ousiness Administrator.' 'tic Lrnited Churc' will fie Guests, )v_ s. Ro' rt Beel y art Sa• ^.clay
C..: r •,c-n \ILa J.an Lin' in ••: 1: Jai V& M s. Coos $r, and da•: g.-tte: M_rs, - =aabaYi.a ('AEl!1�� 4'�I
.�_, •. do a' ^ ^_ i`-.4 €:':'- a any :am-*17 vbite3 of ?
- is or, . ".. �t :�'. : ^'ro h^ 5 -�a :. Int- San:ay with Mr, and M-s, Earl Coo's,� sTTILT_aatd INS7ALL3m I
Tenders to supply one hundred and fifty tons, more or less, r /�
of mixed Nut and Bituminous Coal, having, a heat content of G
_ _ . ._' •, A. Bakkevold
13,C00 to 13,500. B.T.U..per pound, delivered to Pickering District =t' • ' - -
High School' will be received by Pickering District High School : ' EIi61NS � - i4�CPiiiRli - j ` `.
Board at the cF ce of the Business Administrator, Box 183,. _
_ - Pickering, Ontario, up to July 5, 1955. � � �� � ,� � ��� �� '�~
_ Tenders are to he enclosed in a sealed envelope and marked =;- .4 :1
?ender to Supply Coal". _ _ •'Wanted - -
a All information in reference to the above maybe obtoin°<! • : _ - - . _ ; = •-" >�/ w pAWed �! j
from the Business Administrator, The lowest or any tender, will ick
' Wer �dy PW6.4% not necessarily be accepted.DAVID S. CLAR•INGBOLD, A. MOSS IRWIN, - a u th P e r� n
Chairman. • .Business Administrator. iRe�e :- •eh•ust M • Otr►�
• Tender to, supply one hundred and twenty-five tons, more Con er�at�we flub n.hb9's Hardware .,
or less, of mixed Nut and Bituminous Coal, having a content of, + POWER LAWNMOWZU 1
13,000 to 13.500 B.T.U.'per pound, delivered to Ajax -High School I AL LA�MOUNIIIIIII I I
will be rccei•,ad by Pickering District High School Board 'at the - — —
• G�,i.,�is Admir,rstrator, Box 183, Pi "t cf ermg, �ntCna; - NEMAtt� ���y�/r�� - `- OARDEN HOSR - TOOK jt
up to July 5; 1956. on _ 1
- _ Tenders ore to be enclosed in c sealed envelope and marked - -- - -
' ?ender to Supply Coal ". I ANiD ilNAM81.si f
All information in reference to the above may be obtained - R'90Nlt ?IC>
from the Business Administrator, The lowest or any tender ^ill
FRIDAY JUNE 22,8 �. M. ° a �
not necessarily be accepted.
Chairman. ? -j 1(Irtil r!u ''I
Chairman. A. ROSS IRWIN, - _ _ :
Business Administraiior.
.tea- ;...,.:,..
_. .. _-.,. _ I ' �.,. _ _ ��'_' � • . - �^...+.�,�.., _ -�.... _ ... r.,+��i'•- ,...,, ._ .. _. -. J .. . ' ✓ _ •wry_ .... ..w,y,..• . ..- may,... -wr +r +w-
_ Ida i71 . �I Q .' _ ,, _ _ _ !'''•
GREENWOOD EN OOD Attend The Xovge Lions Carnival.
Miss Phy" Richardson, Torgnto, _
r•islted over the wcek•end with Mr,
.. Radio -TV Service and Mrs, E. Ttim -ble, _-
FURMTUR$ BEAtia ?47. aid M s, M. Minaker spent a
few days rc_th the fo:mer's mother
AnV links or Model- _� , .
• 1 oa re_urr_e� tior-E --
- Arthur Field Tr+•ate - latbulaaee Ser" . 0n Sunday after spending a we-4 --
• .. _ . M•�: nsidd= A
1 Win.VXCEACHMA Peo >t� �E> alo, MEAI
A' F d Mrs. Frank W1711e•1, D ?v
and Dennis visited cn Friday ev- STATION ROAD P1CKE?RING
L :BU4 :z PhQne Pick. 193' :n3 v: ' t::e Ile:b bII3dleton's, _
S.I1.I .�S D r' - Th' church ch')ir supplied the mss- -
�G icke in o c -at Bro g az:' Cemette_y De= oration - _ -
Oilt• Service last Sunday.
• Service T. And+ AiR- COh1DITIONING UNITS
• - -• - - - - �
%L —vol S U' t!7e Fa.=-n
! - other friends en;oyed a fins trip to COAL GRAVITY FURNACES
Charter" Bass For All W, R. J. TS6m[ft( H, B. 'Vlidhurst Fa-+% the M'diand - Shrine _ _ .
Occasions, i A.. LLD., an�1 oth•ar points north.
. n '
sad Solicitor The Evening W. A. held thei -SHEET METAL, W
,+ the ho-re e'
' ue.. rxm.■I I ■ . al■a !� Cglaenbia and Ontario
W--s- Wm, Pegy on 'Wednesday even- _ -
Kt!V AfitU CtARl(E _ Menwo.d Bldg. � irA• — EASY PAYMENT PLAN -
-. S? eral from here at`ended the
.1huiaesr Phone - A,jsz :lab h19 a''i•icial mening old the Brou- _. .
` AUCTIONEER$ Piokerlue gga gham• flood - lighted -park, on Saturda T@lephOne 317 Or 36R1 --- .
Licensed and Autliarized * the evening, Greenwcoi s .fool -ball team
Cwintiea of Ontario and York, - received second prize :n thq@ r class.
Mastgr Hal Pegg was one of the ea-
- Farm Stout.
Implements Herat' y Pogue �e c e rtainers -
hold b%srniture, Rawl on she program ; N -
Hero biiic'mant was the 1¢rky win- SPE.C:ALS — JUNE 21 - 22 - 23
-. plea our Specialty at Rdaaoaibla .LICENSED AUCTIO " °- ^r- the mantle radio.
--- — -- Rates. Dual Service for the NEEa The .Afternoon W. A. an! Thuds_
?rip oil OR*. i Pkkeilag pad Whitby Towasitipa day at the hom.,e of Mrs. T_ McLean -
- lmlikas P. O. phw A _ Fasay Raa'aaheld 141rs. M, Pegg assisted by Mrs. Moon ' i „'
_ ltarhltaat P. O. jtieaa BN pad rrpert, was in charge of the service. Plans Blade Roast Ib 45e
for the -booth K the Plowing Math ,, . ` • ` : o
Pl7aitses �., )fell• estal�lP6sd l �Salea A Spey w re made, The Au"t meeting
i = will by at the ho=e o! Mn. tits- -
_ liistea 1 /N, �K Attaetiaa Gl .. Brown. Count Style Sausage WRIIa'�Y ._ PRON$ No 8-3814 Sunda" School and Chu -c', Se^- tY usage . lb. 45e
vines vrill be wi'hdrwwn on ,Ftme :4 _
owning to the D-co-ei-ir
- D.C. Tl= TO C rr'S SPRING Saleirr Ce -ete-y at 23),p.
, D.HFZK UP, - SPRUC3 UP - - "''Maple Wieners
- CHIROPRACTOR AND DRESS L*P Aa 47r o Sell? rs Ib. 3
HO9� In Th* News
3 -RAY CAL '
Whitby Professional Ball"ias }� "DO- MYOURSELF CEN•F:.E"
T `JISFE COMPANY i Creamery Buttes . ' !b. 62C
364 Dandas St Rest 3820 St. Cis r Avenue East +`
;Phone Office - MO &2868 (one mice ryes; of R. H. Klag
�ne_ A31 �` DUNN'S MEAT MARKET -
'Phone Re.. = Di0 8.2553 � •..`Telephone,: AJt 1.7171 - - -
IOpen Friday !. !1 9,. Saturday till 1E,
Ri Fil S .. PICKERNVG PHONE 798 _.. .
omri g Lumber' —THEIR MI.
i.eool.:uioio�i I:emuuns
loi,ivaa. .. ,.a"i . . , ,Ie s sauoon, maai■ s nul ..i
a aw . a I A8
Phone LOW AS A LFIN® . St. Clair Avenue. Bat �.
Nm , _
(1 mLe esotR. H Kla; Co Ieglate
_SE ca.
SOBT. At MN. PROP. _ Aw Now in.-the tirne to fill your coal, bin, ready for.1he next burning
1 — WANT= -
- TV11 Miles West Of Whitby Oa COUNl'RT EOMM = ' season. A substantial advance in prise is expected in the fall; -
1 a s Hljftway Between Whitby '�V' AC1Z13AGRe A1�tD iwing to increased freight rates and miner's waken_
_ And Ajax � FANKS
PEONS: TY' ngy 4W We Ran Walum Bayed lo1� -
Sol Cal Down Payssa�
troll And szp.eiound 1Ri x ��,.
PLUMBIAC i • 'Not it Leak _
;• N, AIJWD KATFA xWS&-st s/il3M1 . odwe iZ!!14w
lLitit$1111ti DATRROQ= i A. VW.L•..- Jr.. "1 and SONS � 4o you
PtE88URE oYOif.Y�.l
LSTIDQATES GiZ-BN EatabWh�ed 1.0• /f
_ Co
�. ��ro
- -- ' , _ � - ODD
1 -
T�. RADIO__ MONTEITH. MQ?ITiifH. RlEItL --- - -•• - -- - ------•---------
( OlB 711 Enjoy
_ REPAIRSMarfercd Aeco.atasiy a� i _ —
Going :1n� -where
DUliBARTOr •RADIO•& T�' j I osr;AwA—r.. •w', >`:ao RA. s- 4sr,_. - :• .. h y Bus ar•
A. H. RATTEW _ i � Alw %: P1ClCEkt�G =F_ IC. Li►WZU:i' -. __ •
:.+ i FLCx. 2i "l. • NO-DRIVING .WORRIES T �.
` I�� �u/1■e/■r•� • NO PARKING TROUBLES c
EtOGER G. CONANT,. B, :.. _-
EDDIE'S F :- _l�_
• ARiS ARE 't01K
:. • -. -- JgAtiLISTER and SOLICITOR - a
'Not a ietak, -=ck or break—that's
that's the
Wmcoe St. S., Os3awa Main Street, -Plckeriat f cars PIPS R ei
dam: ound. Tapered joINTS prevent the 1
--insurance �� RKMA, SHM . with a keep out the roots. No- co- ROas's bough materials don't track ee i
Ce CO. _ Professionai Driver break when soil settles, _
WRM OR PHONE GOOD SELIrTION• OF LACES. Btly NO-CO-RODE ROOT- PROOF 'PIPE for lifetime house -to -sewer cr
_ chap )sates For Farm Aad Caattry , POLISHES. DYES for your - house-to-septic tank connections, downspouts pad other tls der-
%: W Masti rm )►,prance p, Bad I vAli:T TILL 7.Oe P �►[. _ - Next, Group- �1A9 V1ound non - pressure uses. For
Wta MUIG, SUWFt.. _ tooting drains, farts , septic tank filter beds, foundation
I�ailaMbil. Laearaaq Of _ .. PCrfOQ'iited Pipe. _'-��' ask us about ifiQ-CQ• RODH �
owma n & Gibson'
- -
d_. plaoxs: �RHSZCBY 831 A S Pleasure Plaj/ued Teors
AH Bds Trere/ Serdte
::,.. 5 TAF,'J.�D EROS. BEAUTY SALON see ro.r �«.r ��n Arthur Mitchell Limited
m1k�iQ1YTA: wolm (First Hove North of Smith Lockers)
Prwt vniltsy w - -- .. _• - ,}� , --PHONE_ ? -4 -a� 75 {nr_1�R � \jam Ep�/t� -
CUTTING .: • ��•► rHbFf/ asjo
:+t.. HAIR STYLING Fuels &Banding
ICU oug4d r Lad souettar. _ � • w r . PI�KERING
i .:
TU,r 9:00 P-M. -
- - .�•� _ ' Phone - PICKERING 590 -
__ - mare -,s- "..�. -• iii fAr I a ` - _ . _ .-- - - -'— _
JL f
AUCTION GALE the Women'e Institute 'was held in Milne demonstrated the "dacc_aung -- Qarvvers, S°i'
- y Highland Creek visited hW >U' lovely with beautit d
;j1ew Awl DLode:a Farm 'DIarliInsry �lre Township Hall on Tuesday a • c. a cake" wh t7h' was v:r in ere: - ents h t, any :.� .. ,fw c: u.. .,_..- vice w aS neld later in the hr
6tocke; blo Cattle, Tractor, -Combine t'arnum June 12, with a Lairly goad ting and instructive. Ti_a meeting I day, v^ was speaker.
attendance. Pres.dent. Mrs; EllicPA clo§ed ifl •the usual w•ay _olluwed b;' ! Dr_•o ration Da Sery -ca Err Brou- assis erAby R•e Lse = : -! Gm-en-
-C Wore, dC
hay. etc. in charge. During the business per- a dainty, and bountJ:'ul lunch s -rr'ei -t �m - Unloit C-met_ -'was held oa vN?od TY�a Oreenwwoo3 . chair .mod
- Lot 27; - Coe F Pickering Tw-p• iod an invitation was received from n by hostesses 'Mrs. Burton, Mrs, 'J, Sunday afternoon with a at. ' charge of the music. and rendered
One Mile East. of - Waitevale Mrs, Miirr_ to hold the annual Lake Mitchell and Mrs. Conner, teadar..e, The cetriete_y was looking s=e- besutitul '
the p: uperty or hic in July at her cottage at Lake Mrs, T. Anderson daxghite Ys
E,:mzoe This was accepted with our-. -zp. L w:e -week end with her par --
IrE3SLIE E. ZI'_R .r3nks. Plans were also made or ents Mr, and Mrs. H. Malcol ra
_- .s+„,•t r -Ursa to Iba held late:. Ater Mr. and M.-s. Gerald Harbron and
srss +a y «� t.,,a-Jza_ n call ei- on Mi�
s ' ° Catt1C a 1 ;••s
_--- ring for the. Plowing Match, the- Matthews -on Saturday evening,
Slack and• white t: ,__er +, 2 yrs, old- . i .
: Hereford hailer, 2 19'rs_ cla: White -/� meeting was turned over to P Sorry to hear that Mrs. Lenimon rs a�
Raced red heil:•t r, 2 y rs, old; Rea a'nd Convene-, Des. Shirk, Mrs. found it neoessscy to return to tha
• ;white heifer, 2 yrs. cld Red heifer G'sorge Ga'ay. and Mrs' H Barclay city clue to ill. health,
:. yrs. old, d each gave a humorous reading, Mrs Mr, and Mrs. R. Ford and - family ;
- I'
- 1riassey- Harris tractor on ruo�er ksw _ _ - `JA /`�' �f1�'*�' a
: - this tractor is real good; Ca`e COOOER BLOCK LTD..
_ 'combine (motor ariv +an> curplete �
' with Wisconsin ax cocled- :rotor.
wcur ,cleaner etc, • in exceptionally 4" GLZN PAIN A%-& - TORONTO Don't take chances of losing your money —and
good condition; Massey - Harris one _ :
- Vmy disc. near new, 6-disc wide, ncrs !trr011Clete • _ �Siagr - spoiling your trip —by carrying large sums in cash.
sttyle, Case PTO rr4bxe:, s -, r_ v. Before you go; 'tarn your money into Tra�tllers' - -
.. !Massey- Barris 2 1rro:cei narrow and •
- bottomed tractor plc'.vf r_• ,2ar ne'N - des ;1- 4C:* easy' to cash anywhere —and safer -
Cockshutt 13 -disc, :::•tiiize drill. new
. .
type, low style. on rubber, ne r : _11 -F Cinder / ' B► ks , � eash everywhere. Drop in and see us at
13 -disc Brain drill; Ca= a_tra�,_r with _ ,
_ _.-spring -tooth po•Ker culti :at.a•, new PICE:EIMG PLANT 4TATION POAD PHONE L24 The Canadian Bank of Commerce and
on ruibar, new .style, inside wheels: VI
John reere manure sprcide-, tractor gladly provide you with Travellers' Cheques. The
- hailer type, on- nLtbcr•n rear reps; T _
S 8issel tandem disc hart a .+ • i l)-FL. ;fir Protection is well worth, the slight cost. This is
_ steel dunip mice; S_ 3- :cLti�a Gra: - -
har - m-s; Set 4- sec:tua dragg' ha'.'rua•s. .1 ' "Simply otle of the triany''ttanking services we offer
: -' Turnpike shaveli Rub'oes•ti :63 r - -r. RoDMAN
wagon gear, Flat rack; Se o° Sob x our customers to keep them free from needier
: sleighs. 4t�"t. , :xtea:5on laic = .. t _
Wheel burr o q Electric ':h I : C.-wle— _ 3 _woriy'abouf -their money. - _
& -can complete: - E :e :tri: ��� ����� �! ks
_ soator;_Newr tvooden stone bast; __ -
IlwxWx. bushel hen:; crs; G4• ':it ' � Dougnion Farnsces and air Condltiousn
- psurv: .Man's biey.le; ht,.%rer e.•.ary -.._ , ME CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE! - -
' with third- horsa._, tr,_t9r; _Pi:.e scrap diarwr Dominion Conversion oil Baroan :
iron: Nu:.b3r. -1. Qi :: usc- ui•a:•tic- •' .. _ - - _- i+wtss
�. _
tip' ,.r2 hay: One t B PWkdrtng 1:lc Rea - W1007 W" PICKAZING BRAW11 - N. IL SHORTAF", X"AOM Z
=OW of hay,
_Numl:er good sacs. - `
._.._. .. '14t.it4
_ Sale at i,, ^,tap m, slasrii- 'Tertns Cash
. . . __ ..._ .... _ _....- .. No resotve
• _ Farm :b,ld sad CL �{
as •
_. :. Ove:sbck Furn•'v-e H its uF@ « aG , °s � / �
• Appliances, E e I! 1_' 4 SLV, ea
e C : ocA j'; . _ .. _ _ I _„'`+ ,, f�..'•• L 2fi _ • _ _ - �' . ,' "''� +�t _ ' : : _ . .
- in The -New 'Iarl.-: :ant Fag- t;r:rerat
Exhibit lic :18I - At T..c '•fat &Ram ! -- _ - - � _ 0
Fair Groualds, n C,aze - ~.'.' _ __ k[,
Priperty Ct,'
' - as � �� - . _ --
''' A d ii ii:lF ' �N Lip rl� -
&iTt'BDA]. JL'N€ ,D, i�38
'Studio eouc':. Elslatly sh 6in; .4. --. _ _:. ..:. - - . ... _• - '.:.. — : _ _ - . _- ,. -
Aft-+v sFate reatefis; X-•'A' la3dc rs, S and 6 legit; :ca 'sax; M,&.n cedar
chest; Rath tleb cn lejs: Tvn Ertg,'
. fah pedystal st, ie wary bast +:s; V.c-
torten picture frames: O.castonal
chair: Two rolls ?tog• encr; 'Max-
ell r - - /s✓ • - - i ..
!*c washusg match.n3, n'.w: Brood- aced �� 000
_ sr stcties; No, CO 5pencr racket -hear
ter; PPt-•-rber. o! of e • art:cles too _
SoRrnerJus to f mentiC n. - .. _ .. - ._ . - - - - - -- - - - - _ -- - .. —..-- - -- - - - .. - - • • - _ - - - - - r
-; ~. . • Csed Goo's r' - _ . - is eve are in e
�L�,y tle't-i_ stow Ha�oint'
• -' -.- � �plecdor rywit mom tit�vou proudly -take ,peeves.
-. _ - - te. _ m w
._ -- - - - - -� _ -- ' Oldemob'1 - _ a' n un•il that distant day when
elect c sto e: C. G. E. d :ec :rtc stave: _ .
_ :yo,a deride to, trade it in on an
Washing machine: ant quo brass, ir- _ _ _ - ._ _ _. _ .. _ : �. There. s the splendor of distinctive
;.ton and w cden bads and outfies: . ' _ _-Starfir•e styling — fresh, dignified. cvPit rr.,tre vxcitirtg Olds of the -
----- sh�_y-1_� pry r; 21 - ^c r old b-wby _ <, --- ��� but so alive. There's the splendor "fctere. -i'oU'H keep' discovering
carriage: Old raa:-) Caul! :ea,,�i :3.-
rich, custom - tailored interiors new splendors in this unusual car.
Oak ex•e oa_Ea do r.. _ - -
_.:' : - - -- �.I '1 .1_ke rrRertinJLS I 'tile -- • --
StacuFrn clear•e Anticue clocks; - hlxurious,�ractvus
Used Cole z:an lamas Gurney y ice- _ � ... fortable. And there's the splendor v.' ti�z hew W 9e you were in ' 1966
heater• "Nurses a: othar artic• �'l,iL v -
_ . ._ ... - ., , _. ' : .. •,.• mighty power. tamed to go 'to step -up from the ordinary into - - -
. of
yufrif� :oauunci�,- fin_ )Idvm�hilr - — -- �_
- : (Bale At 1.3- s`•a -p. Terms Casa` swift, srpgoth motion, -
_ ._ No Reserve' _ -
' Aryesae -need - kf'boasehold furniture - __ And this .QWwobile• splendor is -
- sad appliances would do well to - not a sometime thing. From the
- •sit'tend this sale av every & *wie. in - i-
tN sale Is good, Practicaliv all have - -
been used
3lsritham, Cut. Phone 41, or Mill-
lien, Out, Phone A4. 35937
--------------------------------- a :vr,• ;.,,, ,,,.,.., gil �'
- a. 's.' L W
L. :eig; a aI G
_ Sirerpard s; ent a _e.' v
to n.. seers. £
ue n
~•, 1
• at, the Grand Loage Re_ :.sea •' '• � $ __ t
_ - and Oddl_llows L_dge: dy y i r!rl
: .Nlrt IL Craw'_orth
ed on Mrs,- *•'_Mtthcws one day last
_ - week. t�1r6 ° 1
- - , - . 3 ter dM,a. Gann : _ _ ._ •• _.- > . s „1: : : : : :. :, •S �''.. ��
.. ,;
Gladys Gannon, A. N.• ct• Toronto,
visited the u.: meF s-- b--_- -np' w r _ I
and H, s. Willson on Sunday. e - _ _ _ ._ .. ... _ AL TORS VALUE
llrs, ;. J. G. :y nLLO A t"iENER MO -- - g
112r• and 21,1rs. F,ankCarter atende3
Lhe' wedding ci: thdt: nephew, Mr: -, - - - -' -- - -
• Irmo
Fred Carter•' t), Miss Marion Horan
in Whiteval'i Bzptist- Crui•�a, _
-on Saturday : E_erroon Last,
1 ,
Mr. and 14_.•s: CMs. 'B crows r.- ; " �_ lEw
- 1:: raci -home. �_ : :': . spendin; .a_fa -'v -
d 1y3 •,cith t :eir'son. Russell ani' h s
: t wily,
y rear Ficton• d► L !
aatd'- .bks•, • M_Gackin visited S hi, •sister, 4lrs. R. T. and Y:. Knox pa' I rw rn Ii�f ��oto rs, Al' a
- -- and !:m-ly du ;:h;- tha - w•cc'r.- stud,-
The 're;ular monthly meeting o; I !�
• wt � . , .. , 'ms.•µ •' �..`.�I
.. � .. , ."s'x " :';.r � a�3'� .•� --+,. - ��± _„�r.+�^- ,J_,.7FI- ^•_i " .. _ ai' "7"r•�_•.... 7"__ -- ^ ++.'ter.. i..r :Mw _r r+
� •..'• �. • : .. - - . - : ---- -' -- .rte-- - -' _.� .. " _ - _ _ _ - - - -
Y fa1� DLEY ons Bu�Ddar ll b h and aprjAg George and airs, Izatt an a ieiiss Go1LRn and 3UN 3aitchelt
W. A held a very b.11 Park 'on IIi be bald_ at 8pc _ - . Mr. �. �, Herb Gllbirs]c • and 1�rs. Geoese Squire bid the a�Is' 'were week -ead� visitors with ]L .sad
pba .M�die7 and and evening, June �dtiermou and 3drs. Lawrence Nelson of fortune to Sall while �rorkbW in her Mai. Leonard Gates,
0,11 aooa Loa bazaar
sgk on Sat rdsw afternoon at, DwkT* 'Winter spent a- �r ryn Cb^ at Woodbridge eon ..Mr, sad Ma, home h►st Wednesday, �sxairinL a 'A number ob' ladies attended the ,
-1� bsoe d ]irs• John. Pwcksin In last week with his 'uncle and aWat, C oa 7'• bone is bar foreacs. bazaar and afternoon tea at Audiey - - - - - -- - - --
�tb at the cloud? afternoon many Mt•. and Mrs. W1m, Winter and bir alOterrtooa with her mother Mrs. - ---- -- on Satueday afternoon,
,>adir � nei�:ns coma ait- cousins, at Almonds. �CHERftY1N�OD �: anrr � o Tindall attended
Iss Wave nit to support PUWcrin mad usts!r Mica Mitr filet • a oly reunion pneoe o York
the local or- Miss 3iildrad Lase cd' Ajaz sDeat 2 - - •
The president, Mrs. Chas. a dew days last W** WAh>dr, P CO ins a! Oshawa, _County Park, Lake Simcoe, on Sat -
;/misifioa. agratulationa to Bob Cowie CherrywTood ��9 • �1 -Pic• •urday, ... _ .. '
L7�seoce, 11irs,. Wm Guthrie 9r., and Mss, Arch Bell, has . auc¢esAilly completed his w nic wAl be at Lake 'Park. Oshawa. Our church locked very attend
$ Sedge and Mrs, F --w* Tittle Geo ey P2uA?s, olt Toroat+, at Toronto Universits is - on J 5th vrill leave the Sall eve on
• ___�.— ._•-- _•_:__ - leaf- �vealc-= a►►#ih- his - -�}e -and— �►9Pliod —.__ ?il4'. _.� ---- 'Y morrtsia8. havint
treiootssed fire av°.sts.- 3dzs; -spent Geoicgy in t 1100 sb, m, Diener aE I296•- CoII=
eatertaiaed throuf�- Brunt, Mr. and lira. Jams Davidson wing. Bob � has iruat �baen de- deoorafed
�iraa returned to Halifax from, a trip to action 'will be taben to d4tLaY.e*-- Thd _.
fibs �tsraoon with piano lee - - -A& and B�rw Arch Izatt and dhId- ftdaad• Sao * and U,,.ad wbhilo Clams and bra a picnic _�Qon June will be al
-ren 'Ca > 0srkvWe -vis'W kris
Greenwood Ga�cen Park on June 29th, h
fSboa.. b'=otber,! on duly-with'-the- University Navy s
_ - Mon., Tugs., Wed., Sat, to l
•,RQUQE - -�_
- _ - Thurs., Fri. io OM p.m; PRICSB INTZOTM iHMM, FIL, SAT., JIINE 21st - 22nd - 23rd
CHUM 15 Oz. Tires
- _ - _ .Ts
_-.: -• _: ,� - .:___. _ - - . � . - . _ � - tur& June • 30th �� + - � -- ••._ : _ -
(CASE OF 0 TINS — ) ys _ - - Sion 019M a
groom • BbaciwW naaoroetened ME&AMS W13IP 8 a►s Jar ,
_ a ,, �A�O� - ORANGE -
Oz Tnr YORK FANCY TLIfDaSB9�li'! -
Y 10 .2for2c;C ISTANT
Pe+I►nlar Brand . Fi1Lee Tip
- - a SMARMY -, - _
_ o! Soo
= �AIVI a �2 4
: — C = - Fntl 24 - oL AIliced I.oat -
:: EGAD 15C save Your Cash Rsg Mar =eeelph. For Zvery $39.00 Warlb
Of seodpls You Will Rood" `.:)p
- BU'E6lE S'E�D 24C
i 3 m. - 4 oz tin _
- y
- --
�1 lb. pkg.
for. -
a FRF.I�os�s P$aPea$D BOLO'. -.BY The Piece) Jb.
Tin t i�ar e
C 6� 1IV°LNG STEAKS _ -- -
-' YORK SOLID - ' - - -T7 oz. Tin OZ.. _ FRESH N7ATY
TUK�! �i8 _ mar - - -� _ _
33e. PARE- _R.WCsf � _ -fib._ e _
. - - - - Prat Bricks MAPLE LEAF VACUUM • PACgED SLICED 2 --LOAF
:•,for ` OLIV
r C W.
.ya +"•w�,•. _. -�- - • -c,.�, .III f - Iv""�i "y,�"'_ :� - �. _ _ •r„ , • .... -., - 9 .�'' _ _.
. ,' • ` -^% ..:. -9 ; #l' +t,0.'* "` �'�' ,�i `ru;r% ••S
_- Your Summer �/a ca tion Look T o Th YuTges For eke tion s
A Hol/da
_ forfon; fort �n bra ve and Relax� .
- �- Sisman Scampers 4 : :Cata�iaa Sw►r Sv�ts ,_ '�1 ee- Shirts
Casual Canvas Shoes
ft .1 Meeded for any holiday Now colors Cool „« C.. renman's re ular
Popular an timer nnuue i�Jl -- :A I- - -. A Tine item for driving or boating! _
and weary Featured with red lug, new styles. Boxer style and skin- "T" ihirts. Nylon neck for no so Ideal for beach or evening, lounging: "
Neolite or com{�osition_ sole. Black or tight. _ .' .,. Colors of white, wine, re 9 The men will want these! - =
blue and grey, Y sand, -
brown. brzes o to
- S EACH -.. _ BLUE - L. t; PAIR _
- -• 6.SO - S.�S PAIR - .1 .00 EACH
, - ' -_ - : , _ - -,_ _ - - -_ - - . - - -= • BRO - x.69 k�: ,
_• _ , • - - LADIES'
- -Women s Catalims
_ 'Canvas Hats - _ Summer Casuals - Scamperrs (scam °eras for 6 °t�e' :T
_ New 'styles,, new colors, pll with a Only a few left !n colors of y gtY P
J For the men! Grey, green and sand. sample tube of sun tan oil. A good Y pair our T ds. a ideal shoe for sum -
Fine for driving, golfing,' boating, etc. selection to choose from.- Treat her white, red and black. Two' styles mer a reasonable prices.
aGood qucli canvas. to n' Catalina! - EACH available: flat sandal and wedge 3sJo 4950
;: heel. YOUTHS — PAW .
_ - - X4,95 - 5.95 - i.9S - 2.98 - 3.98 PAIR BOYS - a?
2.25 EACH - 4.95 PAIR 3
STORE HOURS: Mon:, Tues., Thum, Sat. — 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Wed. — 9 a.m. to 12 Noon (Closed Wed. Afternoon); Fri. — 9 a.m. to 9 P.M. -
ERIN6 281
INS • = ..
ARTICLES FOR SALE COMING EVENTS . _ CALL — - MiUCS� . _ . -. Iw4MUou by r�•rtar� Fa>ra >IlrrorASO —
_ _ Ce ed , .
Dual- ak.0 cars � Psorfs • ATiallie >t -wrli
31>RCHCLUT JMNNEL CLUB ------ --- --- __' "_ -'` may 11 la- 1A •
W OLMSAL.E AND -MWAZt - AI+i1+iOtT1~ C26 _ t3UARANTECD .....� v a� Je. 4
A tons Rom
LnTLz and Second S� Coaftwim _ ALL. HRH • D0Q .SUM $Y L`iCP9�T Tl�l1C.I11N
O�•" 4-4091 OR lend Resides#
.: Pickering 9ATOSDAY, /!<VIiBST 4, 1lOi z�tm };- - 1%0 Friendly _. -
A 1641
,Yogi 'gAZ,U -new and rec?nditiaoed
some Od _Ssody Pabner, Stallion ltd.'j BELT PBEVZNT FIRES FW - CASUALTY - 'BONDS AUTf4OW11
slid- haad�r�7 °t sad RAW -Ilse. Pickering SiT'� PRICE'S - LtASKM INSURAMM UC.
- DTrPi'Y'8 gave Tow Furnace, Chlmaey Or *` .
I, Phone: Plakerfag 904 Anyone W hing To Enter Contact ROM AND LIST YOUR ►ROPORTIEf WlTll
_ Oil Btttsaer Clewed With Heavy
-- _
- ----- - ------ -- --- ---- •-- - -- Mr. T. YOUNG. SLI'C..TBEAB. Doty Equipment By EYpet<s = - ��
PO! iAtt
.t.tr. Used re&igeratws, suit -. 3* y Drive, Scerboro - WORK GUARANTEED - C Y R L 'E M 0 R L E Y '
able !or cottage, Several tnodels_ 1p (Purebred Dogs - Gnly) : - AUTHORUM COLEMAN' s
- Chose from 060 up,. Lorne C. White- ,- - DEALER PICKERING 67
4th con. Pickering. Phone 197J2, I July 17 SALES AND SERVICE '
_ Coleman 6 Heaters -
_ five- a'oomed. ts�inish- e c
'FOR SALE"- -_� STRAWBERRY AND-- -. -• Coleman Floor Fttraaces •_ ,
ed bungalow, Apply Lot 19. "Royal Coleman Hot 'Water Heaters - -
Road. Pickering. Joe. Maiilet. BASE SALE Trade -ins Taken On Above Units t
Jim 29
__� SATURDAY, JULY 14t at 2,30 P; x. - -
___ , 011 Burner., Parts, Oil -Tanks,- AUTO PAINT & BODY SHOP
CiER:3lAN- SHEPHESD PUPS 'I At The Home -Of Mrs, W. T. Gireslias �. OA. Cowl, Rood Kitchen Moves I _
- ' thoroughbred, gentle disposition,' no ` East of Four- Cernem Pickering
pim.eam, reasonable. Len Wilson: 4th .Held By Angliesn's Wates's GaBd SCUIZIR "OII. BURNER � , , _ _
Icon. Brock Road. P'l�orie 32M- _ ! � ADTI) SERVICE
-- - - -- -- - - -- - - - -- • -- -------- --- --- W L _ :��
------- - - - - -- - -- - - - '
FUN FE6TIVA2. Aim 437
'VM SALE - q:;ntit used doors -
SATVRDAY_, JUNE M, 186! ------ -- ------ --- --------- ---- ------
All aizes..Balsdon's' Wood Products. ' - - - - "- - - - - -
Pidi erin' S4J1, - CEMENT BLOCKS
El+vaals Park. D.abart•a PJ IN "OR ROCK FACED E PA I R t!:
_- --- ---- - -- --- --- «- ------ Have Fun By' Entering Our Big •
-Ill'OR SALZ - Case push-blai hay` Parade - Two Fiddling Contests -' WELL AND 'CULVERT TILE FIRST CLASS R S /ALL CARS
loader in goad condition, Phone - l _ SEPTIC TANKS s
Pickering -98W1. I Hortesboe Pitching Contest G7CBBmGE CONCRETE PRODUCTS _
: For
- Baking Contest For _- Olt - - ---------------------------
_ - IEtOOM FOR RENT in Pickmiii rtI'•1-rER T.�6T8 - -LAYER CARTES , -F
Village. Phone -578. - -- -------------------------------- �� y
WANTED - Water Pump for stmn- � CONTRACTORS - PiCSERL�TG � -
- -iu �► a��ea
- � rcz - m�rrrs:� � -
--- -- -- ----------- -- - --- - - -. - -- i l N. H. Mortgages Arranged
TO RENT - 4- roomed basement a- one or two strong boys to as+c` r +
went_- George -KKelly
75 Glendale - --- - - --- - - - --- - - -- - _
- farm during sumaner holidam -Good SEPTIC TANK CLEANING _ ` - - - -is there a hole in Your savings program? "
Ilbrive, Dunbarton, Phone: Pickering wages and conditions for the r>g n
-boys. Appry- „8e.-*nita_ge Fwnis' -P'itox"', SERVICE _ TRY LIFE INSURANCE
PKdne: Pickering 124. - ,
PHONE: NO E -2663
DAIRY FARM '— all , wotkable, lSo WANTEC t' ` crept 21 JOHN L . LAY sue''
4cirse, well- drained, loam soil, milk - - - -
ioontract, brick -house, all convenien- CLASS ADVTS -- -- -- -- _ _ `• - 1
toes, two good barns, silo, stream, - - Transportation Wanted -- �O� o� THE PRUDEN;L,4L ASSURANCE COMPANY LNNTED
X38,000, Terms. J. Shipton, Clare. Arrivle in Toronto 8.30 a. m, Leave I 'lot Dundee St. Wed OF ENGLAND aft
-nt__ -- - ° ---- _ - -- ,at 5.00 P. in, Phone: Pickeciri 170. _ (abw WHITBY. ODNT phone: Pickering 28 - l
two - - - --- 8: -- S
' e'the AIUa rug tin ) -� •• Tek n . �_, � '
WANTED -- S tanding hay, • John OD'F19EB B:OiiR.4
MADE_,MiD CDER Dowling, Phone Claremont 33112. MOIL N Slat.. 8,00 to 6.58
_. WYNbOW SCREENS, DOORS -- __ Wedneway .. 0.00 fo :
12W0 Noes
Completely Painted and Installed WANTED - PHO]�TS: TpHTi'BY 471' -
Phone: Pickering 54.11 UNGRADED EGGS - TOP PRICES
- %d'ITLE EROS . ALTONI► BD. ' '
�' AND SN- CON. i wish too thank my marry kends,
MYOII DRIVE THE FIRST LESSON'• Phone: Pickering nleighbors and relatives; for their LUMBER AND BUILD05
r�s lovely get-well cards, flowers, and ' SUPPLIES
-- -- -- 't3:e ngj= recent - --- - ,
And Evening Appoiata:enta - - -- -- - - -- - - -- - - - -- inure I Y�00 II�fT 4
DAY RAVETSOIIGii�1G s _ ' h Wit ; -also ::
r 'illness in the • AROORITE
_�- PHONE. PICSB7itriG - TOOW..` - -- have come ouC kind visits
--------------------- D -AND '
°- eve stn -B-een �i:4t
.Phone; Oshawa RA 3 -b042 Mr. Fraalt Carter
HAVE MMONALD - - - - - -- - -- -- -- - -- - -------- _-- - - - - - -- r
As wsoss X0TOSS�• r - -- - -- -- -- -- - - - - - - - -- SST TIAdE oft yea: dor eta basin- Station kOad and Me. Z Hi #hway
A88 wArtTSn - -
L. AazKQOFB'i'r_OM'A _ _ For Wrftkb . ems. Yen= can aura dram l6tl tq iii " . .
- IP ALtXSON may, representing s nationally - TELEPHONE PICKERIN
'f . S'OR NSW AND US8iD 1'Ihsne: Pieterlag 310.14 kssaant -a m. Good openinO .A _ _ _ - _ QI �� I �•
r �prA�R.9 A�iD TRUCR9 or ATI=Ue t -1ti44 able. Dept. B. PtAlPARMC, S C OI' AJAX 1045
.S' -M NN......... 'bI�OQlti'081, .JIII SJi _�i��iJl'� • ._ ' '
• - • - .. -' •'- ` _ 'y . � � • .�• • 1. .. - ._. ._ -