HomeMy WebLinkAboutPN1958_05_23t.
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Subscription Rate: 6,2.60 Per Year united Steles $L50 'FRIDAY is Per an AtPost se Dad Class flet �Y
•KAY 23. 1456. a Cent' Per Copy Post Office Dept.. Ottawa .
_ - ��-• _ _
Fishing—Kids Only—May 24th Narrow Es�Q At
asBary J. . ',Chapman Hired AsFrenchdY 'yy
v Frenchrian's Bay—John Brown and T
his 19 -onth old daughter Debbie
Who live ca the atandbar were rescued yf
from the BaY by Breck Brickendert
'day",when the baby accidently. Jack S. Chapman started work on -
'Mi Tuesday as Township; Road Supt. at,
toppled out of her father's boat Pickering Village
Brown jumped in after her but the a sala•y' of $5200 per year.
boat.dritted away and Mr. Brown was Council held a special meeting Fait
unable to swim to the boat with the Friday night, to discuss several mat- Mrs. Pense and airs. Valleau of
baby, Mr. Brickende,n of the French- tees, including the above Several Kingston are spending two weeks.
French -
"I's Bay Power persons had, made' application, for" the with M-. and Mrs. John Fallaise.
Squadron heard the
calls for help and went to tl,e reserve, Position and the decision to engage Among those *at their cottages ou
Mr, Chapman was niade• after a vey the holiday were: Mr. and Mrs. W.
�+• -r �, lentttly discussion. G. Messer, at Georgian Bay; • Mr,
Nest. Rouge Water. Several applicants were interviewed and' Mrs. R6ss, I• -win, at Compass rt'_
s< last week, when no decision was made. Lake; Mr. and Mrs. Wilf Hunt, at ?...
Plant Will Supply At- that 'time, Councillor Jean Mc- Came -on Lake; Mr. and Mrs, Ray
Phe,aon argued that in view of the Doble, and family at Haliburton
�� fact the township.had previously em- Lake, and, Mr. and Mrs, Vern. Dis-
a HOn1eS s anew at Muskoka. i=
plo�ed two engineers, he felt net',
engineer should be employed instead 14fiss I-s:pda Morley spent the hog- t
,r Engineers have announced that of a Road Supt., to tike the place of $day with air. and M•s. Wm. Mc-
lfr. R. G. Godson, who Was ho=nital- Lean. Scarboro.
leant, the, present )fest' Rouge FiI ized several weeks ago, the result o` Messrs James Koch, Cliff Barkey
z� ration Bed has been enlarged, there a heat attack.' and Wilmot Gates were among loc-
will be enough water to supply six A recorded vote was taken on the ols who took pairt in the Ontario
hundred ,homes, They claim there is decision. Yeas—Reeve Lawson, Dep. Bowling Association playoffs in.
adequate wale,- at presept. This sys- Reeve She-, Scott, Councillors: R„b- Toronto, Saturday evening
tem is now connected to 302 homes, ert Stewart, Sid Pugh and F.dgai- Mr. and airs. Bdrry Itfu-kae and
The only time the- supply has been fames; Nays: Coun, J, McPherson family spent the week -end with
threatened was when the lake level Cotmcilltor Ross Hawthorne-wa< ab- friends neasr Parry Sound.
-dropped away below normal sent. Pickering Twp, Police re^djed
s Mr. Bun
verow ,who approached th ----- n f rr=;rtor accidents over.64
Connell several weeks ago; with a vsabtr o
'-'• •' VAGRANT ADMITS week -end, butnoone hart. f
plan ro• 120 apartment?, had su
g$e'" HOODWINKING PICKERING -- I& -.and ham Chester Butt motor•
-ted that he install a package sewage ed M Chatham. on the holiday and' 4
',`stem_' The Water -Resources Con.. WOMEN returned with their daughter, Mrs.
.,r Aru,;$ionhas' informed the to Bob T:rdalt and two children, wbti
they will not approve a systeta dis: Whitby. ']lav 2�A man who, hood- have $nen visiting here for the pas} �` e
charging ,into. a watercourse which winked a Pirkering'Townchip widow two weeks _ � ~
des •not flow all out of 86.0b and several days' inch- John Rtt_ahb Ted
t. yea,. BunRar- y y, Pyette sad Ted i #,
ow. has sull:'egted that the system ings. • after. telling her he wanted to Sleet, cent the week -end at the -
'etnfity into the Rouge River. purchase her farm, for $2500ff: ,was cotta¢. �" %fr, and Mrs. Wil€ Hunt
must be.etplained that;3fr. Bun=
convicted on a it'datS* charge on �-awe-en Tinian.
I Rarow is thinking of constructing (lj Magistrate Ebb:+ here today. Mr, ani Mrs. • Norman, Banka; +`
_ _ l: FiBHING A supnif ei,trent hiss been :supplied his pis ahead) a nom And Kuz
_ $everaL -hundred fishermen and by the Dept. of Lards and Forests. complete sew- Y yk. 60, . of Toronto. rec,, M• . and Mrs,,, Fred. Haarillpn anti' • %�
liabes'iSiris selected from Febaola in Tlie axe wall be cloned to the Dubtic ?tse cvgteTn, only: on a ' small reale. eired a retroagtive sentence of 'seven John ?,
and the discharge would be effulent. ) [allied fla 31;(r, a n over the
this area will be convey, -d this Satur- oe that �y to allow t%se children g day's in 'af] and. was tsrde ed to leave week -end to visit 1+[r• and Fres. L.
day to the Metro Conservation Au- amale access to ire st-esrt-. - - the di!etriet. Ravin.
GRAND SCHOOL �CONCE Mrs. Catharine Zol mfr. C. E Brown, who ha+ been• f
t;,horitq park near' G �enyvnodi for s _. ..: -
day's trout fishing. All the buys and game el -A rntmb�kis—.rill drive the approached het on the nretence of confined tb Oshawa Hospital un•
girls taking part are from Grade 8 boys and a-rIQ to the area where the '-•_A� me thous pupils from huysng her fat•m..She said that after dergoing sur
3 y g R B4'9• and i5 rep?irlPd to _
and have been specially selected. wi'11 be 5.fovim the fuulamertals of Pick ring Twp School Area Na 2. online at her home for fnu- or five he much better on the fact of the
will Present at the Pickering days. he, asked her for $,iAl for t ans-
Attending from. Lincoln StrFet pub- -�-rlinR. In. a,dd;ron. a'ome aFp�4rts of � g Df`strict .
key, Ileo wildlife tonswssstion will be on dis- High Sc -ool Auditorium, on. Thum nortntion to Toronto frr.. the money A 11'' no of lnterestrd n•-er)vts re
lie stand will h Ron Bar- day, May 29, at R@0 to buy. Fier farm, -
Daly and Ian Johnson. play and explained to flu children by 7 P. a gravid trtinq to Ret a 'house 4•,c ie; or -
They were adected by a quiz pr'o< of5e•ers of the-DPpartrent of Landf concert of fifty to sixty numbers. fol- 3f'e• Gladys .NewtT1, Real Estate. s�+ftbalt teams started h� f - the j
pram which was prepared ty out- and Forestft A:mnority tierccmnel enc' tr+i up the recent Festival, at Ajax, "aid- she told police earlier that the avimme% They meet at tie Pa•k on.
standing conservation teachers. The oalurte`r criortcmen. The object of Nine schools will take part. There came ' man niched to pureha:r two Thue cday nights for- practice. Any— _
'z was an eliminating type will also be a Teachers Choir on the fa'm'= for: $80.000, She later .found nne 'interested ,is asked to. -turn out
' qw g pe and only the Dating is to tr,ale'tirildxn, by
the top ones were picked to attend In persotr.:i1 enjoyment of the outdoors, sane program. KTtryk had'nn money.at the Park _
W ease of Pickering, 3 pupils were apprt-c'ate the read for rt:pport of Tickets on axle at the door, 25 ets. r'nn_ fioward NicklinR csid 1,K,ir.'k \f -. 'Myrtle Crowther centa fear
allowed. every tyre of.conservat:iorl pmeice. Everybody welcome. -,dinittrrl he was makipg a Tiring 'av, this week with rclatives at
- oodwi'tk
hin¢ people". SarniL `�
�,... .. ------------------------
\fr" Frank'•P•ovse h -d 1-er:'vis.• -a
Hortieultu'lst Goes About It. ter' firs. Ocbnrne, of Bow•manville, �
• •with her over Sunday.
e ii Mrsv
H. S. Shenhe-d is nn'.v hom
Wren Way
Grl ����r! Bay �� District`�1t'hithe," tf.y 2'1- -Cesare Rartueci. from hospital and entivaieccyng. _: s
41)• " Twnntn• v -fiord $10 and Mr. and :tf;s, Fraser and tao dau-
" cost.
or ten day c in jail here today gl+terc, Sand•a and -ala -mat, of Font -
1. •t,'at;na chruhc -from a ttolicentan's hill anent the week -end • with firs. `»
rlotac ands racer's pa+ents. 3dr, and Mrs. C.
u ,
F t
s A charge cf t'=eft i%?—;n—;t Emilio A. Sterritt. ti}f
yah • i'• t Ciliherti. A2- ai':n of Tn-nein, in con- Mr. and \fri, fro don-Fnund'_s ent
nection with tate same offence, was Monday With Mr. and Mrs. Robert
c x 4 riicmiccecl. - Miller and ipmiTv, `euitnarket.' 1
T'•,• "en c''vl tlirc had ctnpptd at Staying with Mr.,and mfrs. Chestcr-
° Corp, Ton Vatlrecnn's n-emi=ecfol Butt at P^rent x e. Weir grandchild=
frertinn:. Cilifte ti ;aid he wac'un_
1 ren and daa,¢hter \f Robert Tin-
w at�are $ii� fri:•nA h,,l t:,k , rt=• shrubs `
a }i
• •: � `� all .oi t'I=atham...•hp :c cnmale.ccinR•
^ and tent them in the re ^r �i a tack•
a.rsenfrom t rnit
or operation.
s -------- a \i 'e; f;n ,inn I;,ari, nuw in hnatiitaC
Fire Destroys folln,• i•, r cr-nL•' enth • is re- h r
ported earl. this" „c k being much the,
came and not imrrnvinz
Pickering Horne - Mr,_ and \i*<. \\"ill. Tlnrr t.hn.
clave'+,to in \1nn;t,hs •
la"t week, ,'in tlWr reta+it
}'ickiring \'ilLte t:; „".,.�. ..,,::F"1 (n •n••r (-IL'f. called ^„ old F-icncf
called .tri the honto vii \\'," <l'lai�, ,.,t•e i^sett cr. Pirkr iii;
<ido of. N,,, '? \1" .\r+ {'nitcft i:in. The R>.rneiman':
«c.<t ::-f the Rrotk R ,ad ea i • (nn- I ,c>cd to he rememhere,b to tL•eir _I i_
dRymorning. •=•--,,,�--mak t•
Ll `10. C. \f.l
9c t 1 1 {t "t C9{
`- c;t e. enc ,e, . who t. teaching to I c - _
turned in the alarm. Thr ip rt i,, nt lnwknitc ,-'tri a Pleasant cornice a
`c d the ..home u -ac dectrn}ori and (Iinfaze few tteek; n, t,.hile watehin¢ CBC
ectimatec run to $12 thou4-wd 'and neR•c' r�,--i'V. He saw the 'Main Str.
_ `' r.en higher. ]'like ir•• ^na Reeve 'Morley present- ,
- .- The :;,wtfi-tce:t firemen 'al;n ane_'in¢ the ':F to nttr ViTlagr" t0 then
ti•e'red' the` call. At t,ne 'time. flames 11'1-itl • tl••nlnrc, {
we•e p6ifrinq but throi1*911 'tl:c roof. T.inda T)'roe's, the little daughter of
!^ `
i home me t e former \\"titer
h \f- and'\fr.,. T.nn--v Dicnev is imp-
1 n
' Sleep home, andthe tenants, Mr. and rosin¢ nicelV -in A Frncnital for Sick j
\fr;, glair wcre in �fnntreal at the C1111dren, after an nrf-ident 6W, oil—
T ;
'•-------- --- da F L• 1 P k '
c t'mc y, at"' th x tridu ar . when a;
--- ---- -- `starting fiats" for c.rtki races, strUc]t
- � BENEFIT SHOWER her and another child. �
.._ _ 1 1
t is being given at Glen Grove School, I SCHOOL REGIcTRATION '
' on Monday, May 26, at 8,00 P.
m. for MAY 27•'
lair Family, recently burned out. Registration for Sept
she EnroT the B ! ' a
])ovations of miscellaneous articles . nett will take place cn Tuesday,
for house -keeping will be gratefully May 27, at 1.I5 p, m. its the William
res rived, Street Public School. The Urban W4.'
----------- of the' Village' of Pickering Public e �
.. , - -- -- .r..: A.......,.�----�-. -.., .� ...:•.....».......:.........�._ .. _ ills -all who will )register
to begin school, for the first time,
ia. •
l .�. Would the person who took a 'new September.
Upper more badges, From left—Lieut. ,. Mrs' lower photo, are inany ;of the fine art- grocery carrier from Pi kering IGA . - Your child must have been born on ,t .
8irls on right Rex. Merritt Alin Lennox, Margaret isles displayed on Saturday aft- Store, one week ago. and leaving an• or before' the first days of jantiary,
fare membersp of 1st Dunbarton Girl Henderson and Maureen Merritt: ernoon by the girls: Shown_ are: Jan- other, ]n its place, Tc dig phone the 1954, in order to be enrolled. The
+]$nide Troop, Each has earned her Maureen has earned 22 badges. She is et• Cooney and �Shlrlene Palmer, .......• number below. The ,carrier was a Public Health Norse w311 be present e.
All Rotted Cord" as welt as 15 or the daughter of Lieut. bMerrit. In the "Mothers' Day Gift" from, her
... � . young to confer With the parents of . tans',•
..h -
_ sons. Pickering 703. 'children, ^ t
_ . .__ i Doble. Ptinckwl, 1 ti k.
- ~writes Robert R. Bruen in The Silt Boor. ralj. baking •soda, _V1111spOl ", WOM
_ Christian Suetonitor, Add whoiaArlreat f lir.'
- rd''.A1�d - It is hard to bftteve that that Pour dry ingredients over !1- - =Jddse Aderbal Caetete; a sen.
music made train slices of ail quid ingredients. Add raisins and for marriage registrar in Rio de 1
g�ply so Dgopls of this drums has such character and i~ nuts and mix well- Pour into Janeiro. recently announced that
risland iu� �e north mon, The instruments are a.,� loaf pans and let stand 20 min he will perform a wedding care•-
are precision.
' or°"piano pan" ' A utes. Bake in a 350-degree oven many behind closed doors con-
�ng. Souththe lassie man- the
the melody the ; � So to 60 minutes. tory to the law - to prevent ,
-' • }' public embarrassment.
nee of newsmen rve been inter- "bane boom" or "guitar pan .y, t� _
4-�a'j _ The reason is that the bride's "
viewing- tail- drivers -:e�y _Itartn4 the bass simply 6 milt'-name,--althou - - _ -
Indians and Negroes as it the "boom"; a� last .re „ �Y�'t4 � !ceps all-purpo■■ flour common in the Spanish language,
happened. They have a wry "Idttle' booms•' for the rhythm. I top. baktag powder --- is thoroughly indecent in Portu- --�
some o1 humor and are uni- For percussion' A metal bar
feral articulate on all aspects t an old ' brstit " q, g +„ 1 tap, soda guese. The law requires that the
y banged
against : 1 top. salt names of all those about to be _
rel un'
• _
of politics. ' dsuml. ��y .. ��: -_+ ,y , ?•y asp. eiaaamss married shall be read out in a -•
confined. t'
• •- Trinldadians are a gent 1 s - 1 top. Singer loud voice-_bY..-A._ciyil register
with -a' quiet dignity, -This-::_ . -fp must-be deiightsd-ham- cTez& -during the wedding Gere-
a happy time for them as1 eggslightly beaten
the stories fleet have been cam- , � ' many.
Princess Margaret has been vis- .. i� back from the Caribbean on 1 cap milk ; `. The clerk in this court hag
sting hen, and another step has Princess Margaret -with all the Mix and sift dry ingredients. pens to be a girl, and she has
beau taken with the Inaugura- color the covey of reporters has x together. said that she would rather die
'tion of. the legislature of the been able to dish up. As usual �'� Add honey, egg and milk and than pronounce such an objet- I
Wsat Indica IFederation Bunting a tribute y being made to the "`� ' beat hard 15 to 30 minutes. 'tionable word. The judge, there-
rebounds.. 117ags of the nation- Royal Family merely by the fact HALO That lucky old sun Butter a 5-x-9-x-2-inch bread fore, took the -unheard-of step
to-be sprout from every window of blanket coverage of every de- beams down on pretty Shirley Dan lightly and dust with flour• of telling the girl that he in
in the business district, - an tail of the Princess's movements. Myers. And Shirley beams right Fill and let stand for 20 minutes quite prepared to pronounce the
-orange sun against a field at When you see . what care and back in her new Halo hat. She's before' balking., bride's name himself.
`Wavy white lines acmes=blue,' 'dili�eieceire taken to •give Brit one of the famed Aquamaids Bake for 50 minutes in a 350- This he will do in a very loud
(Thr sus and the era dotinliate '
ash readers the mniutiae', 'You of Cypress Gardens. degree oven. Let rest 4 days- poise. is the law demands, but +-
the life and character en the ten conclude -that in .1
nisi "6e _ he will first clear the court of
'. ''islands that make up rite' fed-' fascinated. t. _ CHEESg-DATE LOAF ■11 spectators.
entitsn) Every detail of the dies ;r ' I 1 cap bwiIing water
What is inescapable to t)ae eye wore when she arrived was duly Table Talk 34 lb' dater, chopped des ,AlpgornO '
as you travel through Port of -' reported (red and white flower- 1% cups all-purpose flare i
Spain are the people - Indians. petal hat, D and white chiffon Ally Jan* Andrews 1/4 tsp. salt ; (Gossamer
Chi>zese, - and Negro. Trinidad dress, whits gloves, a double I top. baking soda
has much in common with Ha- strand of pearls, white handbag, FIG DREAD 4 cup sugar If You have ever stretched out
waii - the same polyglot so- and open-toed white shoes). And I e 'upon fan back r, the sunshine
ciety with racial lines blurred. the reporters were avid to dis• 1's cups all-purpose. firer , up beaten ? 'orf those summer, or upon one
Po li asp. lesekiag powder 1 cup spill cheese. dtredded ! ' of those brilliant crispy morn
Use, my favorite taxi drivet, cover that her airplane com- 3a cup brown sugar Pour boiling water over dates
Puts it this way: "Tho only race ent was decorated in pea- and soak for 10 minutes. see in early fall, you may have
partm 3s asp. salt seen, as You gazed- upward to-
we don't have are Eskimo$•' cock blue and red. More. the ayL top. soda Sift flour, salt, baking- soda
Driving from the airport, after dining compartment was bright- lyre cups whole-wheat sour and sugar together. Add dates. wed the blue, what looked like
helping to welcome Princess ened by orange lilies, pink roses, g g bits of silken thread occasiour
I egg, beaten egg and cheese apd mix tutor- ,sly galling past Sar thous your
Margsaret, we passed goats nib- and orchids. 1/s supe milk oughly. head. Likewise, if you have _
bling at. the edge of the .road. To top It atf Mighty Striker 3.t' rep honey Pour into loaf pans, let stand looked toward the sun where _
tethered cattle blinking in the imposed a welcoming calypso 2 t1lisp. melted butter 20 .minutes and bake in a 325- hemlock or other trees produced
brfgh sun, dark faces under which chorused: A cap am chopped degree oven for 1 hour. a darkened background, you may r
spreading straw hats, and rick- go now let's shout out. "Wel- Ili Cup pecan meats, chopped - have found the air filled with
sty .wagons drawn by tiny bur- refile Pri&%sel-. we are glad Sift all-purpose flour before shining gossamer threads. all
ros. To see you again here W_ measuring. Re-sift with baking 1 Strange Reunions travelling in the same direction.,
And the flowers and tioes' in Trinidad.powder, sugar, salt and soda. in such cases, if you might sed
Port of -Spain purple boujainvil- Add whole-wheat flour. When Oscar Wilds teamed that with the eye of a telescope. ybu
Ilse■. rad hibiscus, the white Combine egg, milk, honey and would find a tiny spider holdihs
"l.ucigr teed" u they till it, Maybe You melted butter. Stir into the sifted he was to be praeecuted, he was fat to the end of each gossamer
told that the barrister opposingthrogglL
and trees - almond. poui. ata- p�dnit Know
ingredients and.knead In flys and sheer, sailing along
moan, banana. wild plum. All of him would be the famous Ed-
Didn't ward Carson who had been ■ the stttnitias to strange h
:this is set against plaster walls. Place the dough in •greased fellow-student of his in Dublin. gar from where they were born
of dark red, light green, or That life does add up. At 70, d-x-l0-inch pan or in two 4-x-7- This is many a young • spider's
white. The birds too have for example. you'll have eaten inch pans, Allow to stand. 20 "No doubt," Wilde commented. ,gay of distributing its kind. , I
screaming color - in the palm 75,000 meals and slept 200.000 minutes and bake in 350-degree "he will perform his task with have seen hundreds of these '
outside my window they dig- borers. oven 1 hour. all the bitterness of an' old young ones, sometimes standing '
• . • fri t d,..
..play their yellow breasts and _ the law almost n their heads, sin-
.That the average, weight of I ..is amazing how _;ning out long threids behind
Ithey whist! and cry rather than JELLY IAAF
o+ the three, ships with which brings old antagonists up against
wing, M` -- like the dress of the people ra, hves, -n4 birds -Christopher Columbus discover- Zak tective arrested a lad whateeidl-spairpose Doug. sift" m- bye' The youngsters useable ;
In orange, red. and green - an sd American was only 60 tons.+ ts1- upon stones, u the limbs of
r !heightened to the eye of a You have got ■ good memory if 3*i baking soda ed determined to. embark on ■ fixes. on fent Posts, and on
- iNarteamericano. you can still recall their names: 1 facet powder career of crime. The lad was buildings on these bright fall
Trinidadiaas also lave vivid . Santa 4fs asp sugar sentenced at firs Old Bailey and days to go "ballooning,"
Mara 1 eup chopped nota, raWas or afterwards the police'" lost sight The thread Is spun'aA slowly.
sound, lots of It. The calypsos the Nina,* Pinta : red of him.
-- . __,._ foo until the -
4ind the steel bands made of oil toot by t, a breeze #
tdrunv epitomize this. These sur- That opt of Benjamin Frank- Grated r1a1 and juice v[ 1 Fourteen years later, "the de- ' -Domes too strong for the
P lin' most unusual inventions • enstp tective, now a superintendent young spider to hold on atm
songs with a shrewd w ten
- was a bathtub shaped like a listlltag sur - -• �- ' _- .was called in to help solve. an l�tger. Suddenly the flight u
stre turned out at the drop shoe. (He sure put his foot in -2 shop• shertealag outbreak of mysterious burglars on, and the youngster is off.
isf a palm leaf for you, and the it that time') •1 egg, beat" in London. Th* superintendent, maybe along *with hundreds of
Rhythm is inescapable - you . . It eat farm cold jd1J (eras- who had • a ' fantastic memory, others, on the ons great adven-
lbounce In your chair almost fro- Thal packs of wild African berry. strawberry. appls), went away and thought hard. Lure of its life. - From "Hand
!mediately. dogs on 'occasion will attack a cat let• assail cubes As a result detectives followed Book for the Curious," by Paul t
1 met this year's Calypso King. lion and eat it alive , Even Sint dry Ingredients. Stir in It man to Eastcote one night. Griswold Howes.
&ghty Striker is the name the king of beasts bas to beware I nuts, raisins or dates: They seized him just as he was !- _
(really .Percy Oblington); and the mob. Combine orangi rind and juice • approaching ■ millionaire's HAND TAILORJING
!there are others just as famous • in a measuring cup and i1I re- house. In his pockets were forty- -- - ---
Mighty Sparrow, Lord Su- That the avenge Canadian tnainder of sup with boiling seven different sorts of keys, two Joe Sugden was a catclier in
ipet•for, and Attila the Hun. The spends 20 minutes a day ' on the - water, Pour over shortening and torches and a set of housebreak- a days of yore, and his Rogers are
writing of the iivid and topical phone. The .figure definitely stir until melted. inR Sools: gnarled with the trademark of-
fJingles is almost a national sport doesn't apply to teen-alters. Add egg to slightly-cooled Ii- Taken to police H.Q., be comb -his profession. One day he was
quid and blend well. face to face with the first man introduced to a writer who ask
I That more than 1:000 persons Add liquid to dry mixture, who had ever ■crested him - ed, "Mr. Sugden, did you get
w �+
were killed and 100,000 injured mixing together lightly. Blend the superintendent, those hands from catching base
last year in accidents caused by until !lour is just dampened and But quite the most peasant balls?"
drivers swerving from objects carefully, fold In jelly cubes. reunion of those who had en "No, sir," replied Joe. "1 got
thrown on the highway. Turn at once into a greased et variance with the law was de- them Seam not catching base-
9 • and Routed 5-x-4-x-3-inch. bread vised - by the late Judge Tudor balls."
That even the names of .post pan, let stand 20 minutes and Rees. He sought out men whom
offices can make a dieter hun- bake in a 323-degree oven for he had sentenced. helped them Obey the troll signs the
gr, I-such as Lamb, Ky., and about 1 hour, to find jobs, and invited them to are placed there for YOUR
Chicken, Alaska. parties fes at his homa.
t That, according to the. Cacho- ORANGi LOAF
lie Digest, IO,000.0000 Russians 4 caps at1'par}ees
are studying English, but fewer d top• faking powder
than 8,000.Americans are study= ti's top
r" ing Russi2n. 2 angst an x e
.♦ i whole eggs
That a department store in -1 top. better, melted
- p 1 ear _
Allentown, Pa„ is now selling
- Jstiee e1
2 ors 1 cop mixed OR candled
•� - a-„- ��, .2--caliber pastels to three colors fieri'
' -olue, gold and pink-to ,ladies rrlaa
- : � -dee
who wont to "ack their own 3 tltap, "gat
I P Rind of I orange
�• o T a f' ^r-d silt protection. � _ -
' Sift flour with baking powder
T` That a recent survey showed- -end .salt - - -- - --
dandruff„ as well as ulcers, is Mix milk, eggs, butter, orange'
a high-tension occupational ail juice and rind, heat vigorously e} '
ment among actors, newspaper- and fold in peel' or cherries.' r
d sr
men and advertising executives. Pour into small loaf pans an••
That another survey disclosed sprinkle the top with a mixture
66. per .cent of the admen who of sugar and rind. Let stand 20
carry briefcases (tome admit minutes.
tYn ■_gree-even ,
- iter : da 7'i t-they
get- back to : the office the next 1 hour,'ej
PEAK TIME--Mrs. Helena -Feld ♦ 'NUT LOAF
mon of Santurce, Puerto Rico, That, although the Old West ;2 eggs *; .w ;
.models a dress than won't op=
seems • to get tamer every year, 1 ,cup sugar.
wild burros have become a nui- Sri, 'cup shortening, melted Y: ,
pool to moths but may be both- son: a in California. Yep, that's 35 cup molasses
wird by termiles it's mode en- right-wild burros. cap sent milk
tErely out of teakwood and 1'/s cups all-purpose sour `
-BUY GAS STOCKS? 1 tap. salt A
vera, The dress and hat ore 1 top. baking soda, ,
made by a new process de- "What," someone asked spar- 1 tA caps whole-wheat flour - -
- liamentar candidate. "will you s filled with
wslopsd by Mrs:- Feldrnan's hos y 5 1 cap raisins :.. HA
NEW YEAR-Crowd 9arher around o chariot
do If you're 'elected'" 1 cup walnuts, Chopped
fiend, David. It gives wood Good gracious:" exclaimed' Beat eggs with sugar. Add fiend,-children at Bhotpon Nepal. The huge, wooden chariot is the
.Veneers The; durability of metal the impecunious- candrd'ate. shortening and molasses, Mix symbol of the Year ear fastival,.calte.d eiskut Yatra.
NswYear. People coma from all over the country ='
-.,•', �••� ft♦ ability of fabric. :j.:'. -Whit will I do if I•m not?" thoroughly aged add sour milk. No
for the
i •
�p v
_ s
The death occurred suddenly
4.Tuesdsry of Albert Knowlto on home of Mrs, Helen Hill last Wednes- p number of ladies attended some -
- tow��5 �y r
_-- l,— . _.. —-eriet"r of •}t n' pr°- �y-for Mr. an�I4�s... Frank 4fielis. from Sraaghabt. Whiterabe. and t3ia E C I ,A',
at the beach.
-'sympathy of the community is ex- Sympathy is extended to his wife travelling re each presented with Ae, rhood, and some lovely gid
Daisy and tsnui g & Mr. and Mrs. Wells fi
_. - tarried to Mrs. Frank Etweli in the y He was 47, left on Saturday for Sarasota, Fla. were presented Mrs. Hood. Several C:I.L: SPECI,�L h
.4ati► of her husband Mr. Elwell died
and Mrs. Peter Smith and lam_ of the ladies assisted with the reftteit-.
Where they Wi1V` make their hotget Wats and a very pleasant afteratooa Outside -
" isa* enly at his home on Avis Avenue "y spent the week -end visiting friends Their man _ Wti1tO
M 8atttii+datr: Bewides his wife Manan, in Cornwall.. Y friends and ries rs lOW. by
Brian of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Fertile were sorry to see them leave theall. SPA''
tib ttlNtioas'to`= Mr. "and 7d'tIs.
- 'Jrotao Mr� and Mrs Etwell moved Michael of Hamilton, s sad but wish them tete hest of luela:. Mrs, Har. Hub-
t4 Pent the week_ J;'13eaith (parents of
Mr. and Mrs.;'John Vdoviak,and.
to the Bay from Toronto about 3 end with Mrs. -H. H. Fertile, Sr. Sheila of Bea visited with barttj'vhi5' +teledded.• their. • aoldet► . ^ For }�'�
to ee Mr. and Mrs. Geo weddirig anniversary, last week, May s
fairs ago. Be was a retired. emp Y George Nickles and Andrew Gorman over the week -end.
the T. Compaiiy, Funeral Debbie of Midland, spent the week. Hary Fertile, Ralph Swan, Allan 16, and, a family re -union on Sunday. 'CALL _
;rt►ieea were held from Toronto on end with fir. and Mn. ,Tack Buck.. Sayers and Turn Simpson went on a �"ry to report Mrs. J. Murdock,
'iliesday. A farewell party was given at the fish. .tri to LJaka of the 4th Con, in the Oshawa Hose Vis
--- a ions. i , . undergoing surgery. We hope to ilil
"s The Frenchman's Bay Pee -Wee
bear a favorable report soon.
'� • • o
baseball team went to Woodstock on t tin 4 7!i "
s Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Hubbard spent Pim •nil 7
S PQj - heir sum-
um ------------- -------
d8Y or tournament. The w e holiday week end at t -
me' again. Norwich 52-0 m t _
bion f h
their first i ga met cotta a Doe Lake Corn -ave Jim Lovell
and .they lost the second game to Mr. and Mrs. Grandeau, and baby, 1 The hew Collis. -
- rnaader is Low Knack• "
"� Toronto in a score of 13-8. They were Toronto visited 3flr. and bfrs:, W, , and Depttt)r•
ani y their teachers, Mr. C soap, ra Firth, Bow.)
accompanied b h niter on the holiday, Cot:ittia �'..r-om
-... - and Bir_ Veering Burr. and -----------------------------------
EC - ero in la _
man�� le, A h
1 :r Hopkinso a stalled
_ Mrs. Clare Skitch'nd Mr. a Mie. M LEGION NEWS fire b
_ .ec Y 1. Burnet.
Harry Colley also went ` aloIig : to ; Dvn,&cidn' , bm' IC Jto. 541 . There Branch were six membett! from Ate ,
$3.95 'e�' moo` _
-;,� cheer for the boys. The Midget;deam _., - Present:: Fres., Bill Dobblty, •�.
1st. Vice -Pres:, Bas. Cleve1aadl
Played Brougham at Brougham on Coburg Branch was host on Stix- i41(,
! t, Monday and won 13-7. The Brougham .Stay 18, to rhe Annual ('invention Qf Scott. Phil. Mitchell, Al. Btirge�a atoll
" _ team has been invited to play at the District F., of . the Canadian _ Le$ io f E. Hanna.OuTelem
_ 'TE (y� Bar Road school on Saturday, biay Delegates from forty-nine branches i The Ladies Auyillay bf Ogr Brek
' - s 24 at 7 p.m. before the fireworks. were present. � will hold a Fazaat —Bake Sale and
The Frenchman's Bay bowling lea- Registration started at 9 a. -tri. At
Quilt, Draw from 2.00 p"m So 54Q, 6
gue held a meeting at the home of 1Q.Ot1, the Cftairman, Co' v. a John- on June ,7. at Ki,a:anis , Park, H1�w
Eileen Wells last Friday for the elec- Bristol, called the meetinx tc order. way h' 4. 2• Dunbarton. They have IF
. tion of officers for the conning year. poen Ritual war handfed o anod e` lection of children's mpm&'
W - pCpl7tlll@t@ Lrrf@ O PQH'It bleeds :: Eric Playford was re-elected resi- by S. tt} cf^thixr;. -
P Broughton, Prov, t ice -President. jn' o d'oP..bY �d see tlkd „
' dent; Vice -Pres., Dick Stephens; .vocation by Rei•. T. R. Ashell, Padre ctrl°'
Tress., Marg. Garbutt; See Ron Play- of B apch 133, Cobourtr. The ladies would also welcome netrii'
_ dRuslffs —ROLLER CCMTERS TURPS - ford; Entertainment commi€tee, Kay Add,,,4aea of Welcome by Comrade memmbers, If soli are i< wHe, n70}�t
Fertile, Marg. Stephens, Jessie ltibit sister or daughter lover 18 yrs,} of '!
{ son and Eva Playford. 7=:D Burnet: D. C: Mf.. Mayor ' of
wit% each gallon or more of Pittsburgh Label Paint Frenchman's Bay Horseshoe Pitch- C�'t"'urQ. r'.or�e'�Yatier, F?rar. *�'-a a set. y ceman, you are eligible to
a ing Association held their official •4ent. a-nd Zone Comdr. Frank, i'ii!ls. o`'• furtht- ' -information, phoae: Mrs. ,
Zone 1'3.. Carter, Pickering 63911.
opening, May 18 With a special match----------------------------------
1.'We wilt give' away One PlarstlC point Pail. game between
cloeePgapmea waand re oto' The minutes*3 abv Cnmraure- aFrank -Ajax And Pickering Gen How j ;3
M* t .were
-���� CO-OP:_ . by Vic Garbutt, who turned the prize "^t ^f O6haa-a Branch- Statistics — April 1955
donated by'Eric Playford over to the The Zone Resorts were FM•e--hv_ —
Horseshoe -Association. The rain' 'he 7^nr Cn.r,manrletc. F1.. W, Bea- To•al in-aadents admitted xb@ I
failed, to dampen the spirit of the `^n n'ha•••a: F3., F H:}Is- Pt. H^riP- i Number babies born ' • •' 3
horseshoe pitchers and a' good crowd -F; B. -p-1ev. RPllel-ifle: "Ft. , Total out-patients2214
F turned out to welcome this new yen- Pnttc. Lindsay:.. FS.. W. Ftvnn of Total discharges • 3!S y
t ture. The association had four good Ha%tinlrs. In-patient x-rays 134
pitches done for ladies. We would R^�^issr�aq were rearired br 'Ren Out-patient :-rays 1N
Member The Toronto Stock Exclslange welcome anyone interested in horse---Tacklin nnrl F. R . 'Pa.i4" B•trke_ Lab• in -patients y `
- shoes. Contact Vic Garbutt or Ron This enrtni h se�a,nn Lab. out-patients f:r tmettir
• = K`.011lplete Stod � FecIb s a pt are located on Tho weatte•}man wa.4 on 0x+04, t+e Blood transfualoos .24
704iARW000 AVENttE SOUTH Broadview Street. haoiour, 0 the sun van shin nc For � Minor ope-adons ga
pa*aciP to the eenotanh. The ser- ;Major operations _
AJAX 1165 BROCK ROAD a b- 14 by 'Re-: T. B`. %%Tn, ee Ear, nose and dtroat opt
ice ac
Brock Rosd weld thrix Regular Ex- T'e +++a -rt, aa't ^rte+ +hP' c^„�,and - `
i M1 eeccutivee Meviing n Tuesday evening, ,k n�h,f f' d: �1��" RR. en.AF. T19 T .
May in e s Final gran- r ��-riot•-T nrrinane�D nnt, FRIDAY. Jtme 6 — ataetioet saLtt ei
— -- grments were mile for the-L--Victoria-1:93.f,r Cafivpr+tnb- Dinntf*%�a: hel4 itt farm implements, household ftttrad- ! �.
Day Celebration an May 23. at B4OU 1 ,{,e t,etr.^..n -. _all, and war a mmeat ere- tare. Case tractor. model C. McDeer- -
and hot dog-,. and meet your; irienda. { it to the' T.ari;es' 4iixil:iof •t,. I Ing birder and full tiros of tarso fmp-
k r-obrM mm- R a.nr% The sweat sneaker .laments, and a large gttantity of
M4r•and airs: Ray Keith, of :Bros „n� p n,.• rhairrnan. Pnnnv CMnm_; household ftiraitufre, antique as 61"
Road had Mf and Mfrs. Stringer, of
j ' .+tip . Rosseau visit them dorso the" - week.,
bra+tr;re Se -r e A t•nt. ^F r1-4 nl•a was dishes, bedding, player -piano, carpgrn.
- CNT� �,, g tt;• •n 'tTT.-1 •ri ec" h� P'ar+d� Backe. ter tools, 'at Lot 20. eon. 6. I wWrin
Visitors with MIr. and Mrs Cornutt The afternn>
n s.esicin started n•ith first farm west of Brougham on No•
ware: the latter's grandson, M[r ,Ken, -�, -• .-ter; ,,ta , ,mm:t3eec: Se-: 7 Highway. t1 -e
„+ Chafen :of Green River. 'nnti--Muss Property of the ea.
�1� } .ire 'R,treav Ppm Fund:,htic tate of the Lace Fled Cassia No les- .
GRAY J Sharrone Smith, of Ajax-, also Mr, Sneaking•• Sporty .'Pu1st;- Re'.at-ons; erve, Farm sold. -Teftm,cash, Sale of
and Mf s; Evans 'and Mfary, of Tar- tri•-h.•¢ehin, and Rev ,Scouts. 1.00 o in. Alvin S. FARMER wet
Thr o eet:^n ^f a D;ztnci t rr mm'+n. Lloyd i Gwwlep-
-; .
On Friday afternoon; Mfay -T6: d_. -- .-.
x nt 5311 .,._ ..*I
1 Tutiter, cl k.
M1 r. David Reed. of the 4th Can, er ass held du :.
-R�o Imm, Ontario _ 'Pbm Pickering 333i3 _
• -_ R•are a tea in konoitr of Mfrc, Cita+.
i s e e
Hood who celebrated her 50th wed-
ding anniver an• aro - in the month.
tales Pe le
_ 1
like I
•i G - • a - - 1 Jacl-:.1�IacLennan -. -.-
- .....
_ f `�
-T-i - —
• hood — your new C -I -L Paint 1 jj�.- •'
"Dealer's gala opening! Visit him soots r
1----�- .::
to you good tefxilwne sertiict .
j -- -he has the answer to all your
pain problems. =! y.: Your Bell Telephone installation, man —_whatever
3aGsfy all your painting needs with his name may be — is a lot like Jack MacLennan.
On the job, his skillful work reflects his careful
C -1-L Paint — the premium pain! training. But more than that, we like to think that s
at regular priccsrr• -�
a friendly smile and unfailing courtesy lend a
Pleasant touch to his brief visit.•
V�'e try
the to encourage this 'friendly spirit all
PAINTS through busintss. You'll' see it when you visit
_ the Business Office. You'll hear it in the operator's
_ ,
"voice with a smile". • -t ^'
_ ! _
. :. • :.,: ,.: ,` y` ` pful,friendiyspiririiyoneofthemanyways
_ in which we. try to give you good telephone service.
Art�ar M itchell Limited _ _ .
.. ,fora Prompt Delivery Pbee Pidiri V 74 of 75 y � � �+
_ ...
-` * • -.-�" .-.GROUND O�BSSRV3M CO W9 --StmffviUe, Markham and other loc-' homeofMrs. Barry MaclCen�.- � j� 4 � f� Arne
• ■ �� cc, 'ations. The meeting is, called for 8.00 Tuesday evening, May 13. The meet- tfeD cele of ��«
:I p Dr, M. B. Dymond, Minister of P. m., Thu-sda�y, May 29, so round n9 I ing was conducted by the P <sident, antique. a wmaiair of the of
Test Pilot W. I.SPud) your friend* and come along.. Every-
. Mrs. jarnes Brisbia. 'Fhe Devotions} fartdtoss art mod•I:ac tieceri� _
TranSpo t and
• !' Potocki,of A. V. Roe, Malton, are, one will be most welcome. c.inda ted bw Mrs. W. ;antes, refrigeeawr, quantity
to be the speakers at a me=ting of. ------------- ---- - topic N,Ak m"h d de, �etla.•Qni}a tie, M
Service was
A Resolution was passed at ',Town- the GrQsnd Observer Derac'._•nerrt Wil}ie, a+d the t . !>n�
GREEN RtV tit - _
War in japan"-Ddrs. K. TtwmP�n' «• gasewart. Property d Mtn J,t[u.
;hip Council last week, to pe --nit Ajax connected with No. S4 RCAF Filter l gave a paper on the "Highlsghts �t Young. d Adrtooarti and floe
beuture for ;60,000 ` Mrs. Wm. Duncan spent the holi- the Glad TWings"• - tt of. ce 1Ke H Ls
de ora 4 -room Centre, Peteriaro, %+ich is thing u� thead
addition to the Aja:. High School. held at the Oshawa Flying C!C, aud- day at Win&nr vi<itmg ner sisters. """""" "'" " » -»� - » tetd at Prentices Atattion
_ Three readings wt,.e" giYen .a__li, le.:._ rtonum, Oshawa, on Thursday. May Mrs. O•. Pette ac:n and Mrs. F. Mc, M OO' Franklin
Hoost„ Ha:1� ' .
to authorize the
borrowing rowing of $200 29. Arrangements .or this 1.-etinR - - -- ,. R+��•
Her nephew accompanied" -
:.: ;•thousano meet Capital coat of- the have b'en f��aY•zed "by M T K vial; hie morner ]toed. hnc.iay. }><" Ta loving a ~corp d ° a
r to !tt Salt t 1.00 P. m. See po!t
- =•btrilding of schools in the towns Iawreace Chief Obaei�rcr of the Il�rr �eaaon�-aper, and cop an} tie da::ghtm . Dar sa 14" No > � '"h; Ao Vie. R CURK$
: Until debentures are sold.
tie Observation limos', an td -h Durr -the , sem' e
' The Township's SoBcitar- advised co-operatiob of Mr. Sid Cowley, theSaturday. , t rn beaver ton. •+Y,•iY �. 1936 per'--- -------------- ---- _
P Mr. and Mrs. A. Snackleton, Tor- I thlrtk ore L•er '1a s}laoet, .
that Rouge Valley Inn Co, Ltd.. will Chief Ir•tructor d the Flying Club. onto, spent a day with the lattees Her rams I pit reealL
not agree to the township starting a F. L, W. S. E. Wood, Detach- answer; Baasday_ May �' -' 3aJe
c - mother, )des. Gen ge' Dixon. Them h nbttiiwg ;eft t0 awdQ" per.
new action.againstthem, but will lis men4 C_xiurtander c _'o: 54 C wind But ]tier pktart -a Mt 'w�, of hoosehoid I
- .ten discussions of a reasonable set= Obeery Corps,.Peterbcro, and F. L, Mr, and Mrs. M vraQer was An t�p4 suits; any � eeetaes�s.
gT: Ajax visitor on Saturday. -i ov nvl�-erRero�d b7 _ !lope en's mM
Alment, This matter deals with a W. A. �8'ley, are" tilartninq• to at- nae' *n -I � pith.$ Qin was, sflreswatt. s>�ldt
otion of the First Conteseioa pay.. tend. ME'. and yrs, Bowes, of. ToronRo -_-• -- ttt�vde, tools els.. on part
3t3g, west of Alton* Road that was , The 041mwa Flying Club ie locafea , visited their son '1., and Mrs, Bowe.
' Mr. and, Mrs. Yetta, Willowdale FOR SALE--Llgyd fr►ratK• lo iof Lot 14. Cmeesaiep 10, m the 10th
;lose several years ago. Conn has. in the _north-west eor her of Oshawa, visited the ,lat_ers parents, Mr, ant zood ec+irditioa Gey and wldte. Caoetet3oe. nae aaitit nattb o[ No. 7
'advised their Solicitor that they still for - mss• who have never been there. Pont: Pfrkering 473W4•" $, Beate• Sale
avfah a settlement of 15.000. Mr. Potocki plans on bringing with M ` *Last week. -- ---------y------ _••-_-_-, . Higi way No veasrve.
_ him a sound track of the flight -:If the . Bir,ste_d :vas on -a can+".' • st IAO p• s Ttsess �'
' Council agreed to have the town- in trip to the H' lead TO RENT -one furnished �-
:. _ ship grader .1eve1 the baseball park Ar,,ow which should be very inter- fi S of Hal: X" and CL Y4Z pIi$N'riCB.
_ `orf Whitevale. d .non ld Woothead ePef - ----- - -------- ---------- --
esting. Dr Dymond, as Minister of burton over Lot 83 Miley Ave Pickerin&
An extension of thiray days 'was Transport , will, no doubt have some � Gordon as I_ =r 23
wanted to the occupants of a trril- very interesting comments to make -Mrs. Halie hOli v Aginwur eir grardm -
othe ,..
"er on bot 2, Plan 311, to .find anoth- about the Ground Obsewer Corns. . S'' E C I A L - -- ------ -
er piste. They had been asked to This meeting is open to all past 1 liar. Ough and daughters, Bernie
vacate. , and _ present Ground Observer and , and Jean,, f . T� nto i ited Mi -
Bylaw Enforernent reported that
their friends,' and it -is expected that Ma'Y r''' t "d •
Observers will attend g -am not only ------•--•-----------"----------
�r. Wilcox "is doing a vN y };ood job y --
ef cleaning up his wrecking yard pro- Oshawa, but also ftrom Orono, Bow• tit. w= s.s Missionary
-S iety h Outside WhH�
perties. - man,.iile,"Pickering. Agincourt. Mal -
lhtisaionary SoCietY A
The bender of hf,-. Jo4 23n -rows ton. Port Perry, Sea-V'ave, Claremont, �—
M rale, Cedar Creek, Goodwood, held their Monthly Meeting at the
Was, adetpied for an Intern: ions] _ .�.%S per �t� -
- - - truck, complete with box, for- $1350. b
`This truck will be used by the Gel-- s
base Dept. 0 CALL
Fireman James Gfendenn;na. of
the South -we -t Fire next. -•as riven - Nttl�ts ti4
a 5 percent inrreace in sat&-. which ` POOR OLD
amounts to $180. He Rea, red last Pkitering 74 or 75 F16D erre
year at $3600, '� r
_ A --- -----------------------
PIC1C13RT»tt La+,rncr�..,*rr. I
- BAL11: REGISTER vov'tfE It1►a rods DAY - -
w "a
Yft'LL cAm iE A FIRE !t!
CUT 11 *T *% n 17 T T ver D - ^ t w k Saturday, May 31 - Anetion Sale
acts. _
- and effects:
Of h furniture
'R. -A. 1,-P�e4.riag , - .Phone' 487Iv1 - - -
« household urm e � .
'I'r s is a. real Rood Irt nt ' onse;uoid ; • M • j
1?Ali:V'1'ORfi' and IWCORATAR(i a fi• ; ''-,goods On 1?ekart Ave.. Lktionvil'.e--�__PlizzYrd Electric ,J
�1.9U hoot for 'npi r i. _
_. ... t•ed CIrst-ela!�! roe n v :."•: •+ �i,r _
4 . AMERQN . $ .
�' Ont. Aroperty belonging 'to the £s- 4
--' r•� t�•.. S ' ta'0 Or tl't'IatY ViCt70S'L; 1?rTan, 3ak � TP.F.ET
White• Derornto�
X.Lr K F a E a/.
RF.PA►AR ALTRR,rt .R a; ,��30 p C Rti �c err
rs. Te- H ?To" 'est^-
- - CARPF.11'a R4 t•L R °TF' ri a
LA P RE `;TIG + n
aur 'once
• - -• __• N
{fir 4 �
.. - �—' _ _ .. �;•-�...,.. •.'?^. �..... ", Vii:^ .o•�r • � -' ---- .. - - .
ar ro
... , ... _
Axe you ree_y ready STARTS MAY 1 sf
i+URRMANE TWIN r IriaB tTlp i^ _'.._ .
fo ,FOR- 10 BIG DAYS
dig motor ski powers _ You're • stet �r � outing of the attrtt�ner. _
_ snyfppdown here's 22 h p in the tank Water is the radiator. Air in the tiresT�YN MOWERS CTE+ LADDERS
_ in the arnallest -But are you really ready? Remember a detect in yotar
24 MO'17AS a esr or its equipment can -cause a lot .of trouble. It can . 1AWH AND GARDEN EQUIPMENT
a TO PAY' pecka88 'wt'•
- . • `. ; . , � / with patented , - - alio;] your trip -or even lead to a iiia Dor disaster on - • - _ _ - - - - _
Glids-AnOe the road. Make sure. Check your bratkes and steerinr e
e system. Check your tires for wess and damage. Check - I y '
your lights. "front and back. Check the exhaust system Isd(�m s lia
re _
s x gust. i for dangerous leaks. And do it Dow. Because your -
pe verho" fait - whole stammer Of aatoWting plemm" depm& on safety.
witomells d aadety it lou arm't
M" .,
*tad _You malt be trnlly yrDnr
r henelt+fasisls �y was of y� oar. Year Ontario Deptaa,talasnt of
waist ose.Itead Trait oris Tan tieeit > -oYsak Panne 1
►o a �'F p dtiri�-sad cb► k uoeideaf 1.
2ewedea Pewee• IOwl
� '
• PUN" . Pini
e► salytcf
r. Aof>,'I's 't'zs+'►i L>LBRS HALL• - -.
ONE may X - t Y P� MB#NG
' ---- ; .•JACK
Poo $50.-
1F��r0�# ADM so CENTs _ _ ' Rfat: = - Mystp
mbar Ice
gpleeaetwSILK'S MARKET
Rtwsde >ratlt)• _, V -i
;PHONE 165, - " a
:IREaft41� .. �o
out white
e , e ,hp .son s Wood Products.
'Wallboard - --Now! Village &- -Vlcilmit�
tritely ;�b,00; The would be happy to have the new pant m
• was apprvai was Mr. James is this ?area• ;
e�� i�reefaxr� _ Mount Pleasant _ - chairman of the board was Mr. Mr. Higgs said the Authority win
�_ _ ..... .. ���►^�"'�' " Sherrard and the secretary
-'Or 1 tions in enable naturaliyte to conduct or'
John Miller. One of the stipula s on nature hikes in a
UAKA�T�%ED SCII001• 00 y�� those days, was that each student was cd group t h!
/ -expected to bring a half cord-of wood the Cons- vat.on- Areas. czmonyt oth= y,
or er activirics of the Authority, is to
sO T ♦ e+ 1� s _ to school within a week,s notice -:
�t� • j Service On Jun 21 s pay the sum of one pound• exatzsinat•on. of elm trees in the bawn-
Anv Make'or. Model Pl1IdERAt DliIECR
Jame 21st marks the centennial of a Today the school has, a nice library, ship within sixty-six feet of all roads.
smelt, yellow brick, one room school piano and radio and the schooliss the which al- to �has recek on ntly eauscd- Rroath Elm g des-
L`�jr} �RN�U DEALER op the 7th concession of Pickering 1 ways brightly decorated truction.
• rtbtlr i iie���•++ Township, about a 'half mile west of i work of the children. ' 1 m . Quite Mr. T. D: Hall, President of W`Wrd
.. u i , ..
The school Road.the Brock S:S. 12, better known happywith c dre'[t l-atm RM H
re ed i fox
instructive tali-
-- S.rrke as Mount Pleasant School. A big day one-room country school.
ra its an educe_ and welcomed as guests, members of
-rT isplanned for June 219t, when _it is happy ,and healthy at school but
v w. DAT OR 111Oi�T ho that as many former teacher- tion for them not only the Riverside itartepayers and bisllatr _
v'T h o
' ped ai►d „�,y a They x em
F>;3 and pupils as 'possi a ad going some new Ajax,
bl will atte to on the from Claremont and t parts
One former pupil who has taken a ase always discovering s of the-township- ------ -----
%%U AkMCMM est the _--------- ---- - •,
. le�I;� TM~' orlon; honorary Chairman of--------- --_----------------
inter centennial type of bird yr !lower' 1' �7
OMA ti • the Board of SimphWs, who attended
- Bores, the school in 1888, Don Stewart, Roseba.-. c, � was � the
MIn a letter to the committee iia �j01li r��f� lucky sinner cast week at the East
�• charge_ of the affair, he stated that s 'ottsored by Woodlands Bingo, when he won the
'�t• . he tried his entrance eia•-_tn tIOUS at A crowded meeting P ac of of 1120. This week the jack-
Whitby Collegiele Institute that the Ward 2. Ratepayer9 Association 7
laps Pots are i 50 and $130, which meaner
year-and needless to say, he Passed- last week, heard, in detail, the p
Probably the oldest teacher to at- for the Greenwood Corteers�tux, A ca 'bO--------------- -- - -
•x ebody can wit, a lot of moneT.
R � e!•�3M tend will be Mrs. Morgan Pugh, 82, K. G. Hi*% Senior Field Officer of DEATHS -- -
A• Ur t' �$0N, _• A. �• of , Uxbridge who taught school at getropohtan Toronto aad ReB� The death took place at his late res• _
��: >/sasYer est OsBslOsr Mount Pleasant in 1904 for x32500 a Authority, addressed the meeting in sid5ace. R. R 1, Whitby. on Wedttes•
T year. bars. Pugh remembers climbing the Council Ctass�d' at Brougham. day, May 21, 1958, of Theodore Ga'-
. $ grim& oAmobb Ind Ylslsa e I a wall of snow on the way to school, He first gave a broad ouotline of the (tits, beloved. husband of Lsmbes�ila -,
Im to make way for a team of horses, uthority cavecs---Cons�'
' Eie�ds tlse �4 Theunisses: dear father of Frank, of
pulling a toad of logs: As the team vation of Soil, Water, Trees V�'ild- Aurora; Jerry, of Pickering; Mutktay.
last � �rN� � � _- passed, the snow gave under her feet life, This wa sillustrated by slides of Jeff, of Aurosti;
• landing of R. R. 1. Whitby;•
h 1!'1 f and she slid down the bank, existing conservation areas. Ma, tin. of R R. 1, Whitby Mr. Ger--.
M between the. horses heels and the The mixed feelings of local resid-
A# sleigh runners. Albert Madill 93, of
IL pbew Windsor, is still living but is snot ex - sots toward the Greenwood Project
rite is resting at the I►ScEaehnie Fen-
_ sited , were evident in these 9�"t"'15 late carr _ urda�eral Hat 8-.45orne a. St. Bern3dees
-R O. fumy 1� 4 p attend:-He taught -school. _
j� here in 1903. put 'bo bfr. Higgs.
loan �SYad Poppe has 19 fidence that many or the fen's µ'ere Ch dehSalei CemeterA Fax. y, Pickering. •-
~ The school which today in time. ail cis
LIr'1�ItFSED A1JG'110N?$ pupils still retains much of its 100 groundless, and tFar.
a>r Tewss�R year old characteristics. Awall clock, i
PsskedRs believed to have . been an original I.
time-piece hangs: near a modern elec •
ii .
�. R,. FLEURY �.. Be"'s� �. Pe'•PeR tric clock. A small � on top of the I • :- --- • �;
�� A Spectti>7 school tolL.• the hour of.. noon and f f
recess, and while it has been mod4 rn- `
Barrister, Solieita'r, rmupt AtteRdon Glee ized on the interior with a new Boor I
Notary Public WEiri'Y �..kliO E:No s_w4, and heating system, the school at �' i r •
large remain much the same. ( •
- l[eerimh at old Kings Road Children attending a country behoof
MO� _ _ .—. RrANTl® •-• 11;e their lunch,- but in minter, hot ; -4s
iuuches arp s••rved from the sn'sit �� we OOII rte gold'aerdajl
ps• Z. or — t;pIFNTBY House kitchen, i6eated between the two doers. �. - — apps py�j robot IRMs�f.,bl$aei/1t'
G • - �- _
t F iLL ACRKAGES AND at the front ,f the building. ---�;
?A1Lltil9 _ _a pdca• Da°► tIe mrd Irii ea so1Nd, f1a 0
JKo+, to Fri 9:39 w 3:30 p•as. :The . tru: *-ee,_.do not PXpect that +_ �-- toad . eeM'll base i ►coaly for yoetaottlr
salurday orad Evetahns: we Rave Wallin{ buyers � tnPr will ec r have accommodation _
Several- 3rd gereratirm ' rile a �e al &s•
wage 04ah
CALL - Mr. 1NGLIS children attend the sc tori :
lee tsead A>s0 ssp••g as it served t4teir grattdp
arer.t2i, so it - + I'icScetit4g ?Jeer■ >EO'AW '
i t�yss s n-ves -them. O
3Ir-. Wilhur Johnson i3 the present Ar C U R A C Y l'
y yy� t iatp.+s A4i1 ' ellles "a-"tiB teacher•. and hys grades from one to- Y
/rIMe `� : Y WA swe eight. Truatees of the school are r, _
mem- M
.- '- -- � �• as ReynbMs ars,i
..g way 3io�trnent. works" Rdanws Chairman, W - -
bers, Roy itson and"Lloyd. Pugh.
$oB�. AII5•III�. PSOP. firs. Lloyd Pugh is SecretaryRIM
Zdabimbed -
of tae r of 00� S ��•
. � R. B• 1, A�•by• o°�*° - T'ne .first teacher of the board a-as �
Tr+h 'm17as wed of Wbisby els l s Mr, Robert Porter; whose salary -I R
.. 1Q0. 2 ,g*baley, between REaL E3.......-_.-...._......_.............. ..........CRl�ifON $ lA1�STS
In►T and A 3-ur- p now iin Pick- pick"iA9 Ulpil� church
)!!Lose: t;�ttbT ago .Photo co-op ,phow - -
aris�9 and Ajak' � • TO Minister: Rev. MG+alie Sutlers.
f�) b or f�1 foe.. Prompt
iVD�l �'�• VY WHIT SL'tiDAY (PENTECOST) r mss' :—
gp{�rhOM= NMWGA for SUNDAY, 1dAY 2s. 19Sr. t' _ Featuring + iO �«
p fiAI87<001� No1Mar• 9.45 A M. - SUNDAY SCH�L p r
Call' WORSHIP SERVtCZ 'i Sick Re" S
i3!!s I Snbj et • ."M n an -
_ _ 1 AO d Sap•+m•n ' �'
zzy,'HLATirS:Gt7>af e • P, lL. - AUDLBY S.
wy i rosea _ .�� 230 ANNIVERSARY
HsLe>�i Q.enito�
y er MO. 61�y Re^r, J. S. Hippies', Braoklter :
— _ZVZRYONli ikLCCOMM --- - - 9 �• — - - –
wwli.bo vow 1W
PI RAM i IT � � oor�s (�K� FARM s�C1E r
new ffs
' sAt� cPha'r oda. am and of pEAD ` AM ;
>t:•i1 Y :
• - up —
loftNN A1, ANS ��y SUND&T AT 1E1.6 A. lL -
�` . pB1Q IL 00RAPR. IS �. AM ►NCE SERVICE t . Auieils Ani lrttsaseey �. ± FFARM Q -
' and SGI.ICT!'OB _ g'
Y - 8►stere.aag. P. IKI�
AZ• 1 W1111.1•E
b volaTR BVB.Do�tQ MO. s _. -r"M! CCU= be
T* own" 84 A. 01h4mrs �. MCS � tfp� tP'er >teteuen0las, .' --
u _. p • IO1W1 se Alt. 1,•7jl9 _
— Ans"an a Co.
- �s eiR, p� = • �jA)fr 1069 I --- - — __-- _.. ..
AM o.e■�ep► _
M.r•• • �....:. or An zInAI
06 rman so
_ wooLKING
_-------------. FUEL WOOD
-- ,
LT sn�i� .-
,. ...� :CIL PANTS
& Co. ;�ssATiorls _
. •' - �eftr.r.+ Aeeeeeitasb lll<u�ell. 1Aa•
OQ81►WA�G �RRIEHl° AA 6-JdtY ir' j }t''_� Qom- •for Prompt
-Delivery Phone_Pickering 7� orJ75
AJAX; PICKERr`G=F. A J AWSab I _ 1 01 ' ---
^ PICK.'S/aJ , .
_ggOA AL W0Z"
trams p .
_. , ' '`r 1'x.4"•''+ f
oq, -.
- -- - -
_ . .
.. F - -
_, _. ..
-. _
_ .
_ — _ ... -- -._- .
• -- — —� _-. _. _ . _.. �._ ,
_ _ _
A 11
_ sus a - -----
_.." fear days os -Monday- _ -
'�" _ .,: rt visited the fortner's auat.'Mrs. Jones Eor a hoar that l[ra. --- —
fOU� b[afthews on Sunday. - . - Friends are so�>'� --? '
t Gray acswn?anitd her The W. A. met last Wednesday, Reg. Hoskins has pntuaroa+a' -
_ Mr. and Mrs. Wilmot i�[cAvoY of EEWWOOD -?
�•••�•�- heW Mrs. A. J Spend the wet
at the home of Mrs. Charles Fiss, with
The Yount People s Lax'° son Russell: Qo with twezYty-three ladies answering Toronto, spent the week -end Visitors is G: eenwood over die
- .their weekly meeting "I t edcwith tilt ch on at. his cottage on Baisaiti Lake
_ • and nto' hers . The meeting opened with dee Mr and Mrs. Ha'old Brooks trod, Toronto, with the Orme od' ". %
s weekend were: Mrs. E. OTM-
--Sunday evening. It o[x Mr. and Mrs. Surplus, of Toroatq the +Rolf Call with an item on "Moe- the Irving blcAvoY and holiday •c. J
hymn 48S The DcYotsona► was tai spent rile week-ead with i1i1 ,. viaibed on Sunday ,
ate. The wog hymn 445. and prayd'. The 23rd son of Guelph ('ptiltis. here; bf -. L 5asderaort, Torntteo:
''tn by Miss Car ol Don K:mura, K: C. Pascoe and family was)•epeated in unison for the .with her nyoer Yis. Frank Mrs. R. Cola a
Mrs .Lemu:soet aeeompanied_MT, and Pasdm .
_ Jri .was' is charge of to scripture, Mrs. Lloyd Wilson gave Sunday visitors at the Cecil
Kenneth Columbus, bus, with Wilson;
nson Nelsotr and
-trho gave a piano solo, while Itis sin Mrs. C Devitt to Fairview Lodge a readirng on "Mothers", .and Mrs. B. home - were: Mr: and M
HuP�' and family: Mr and Mrs. D. p'itat sod ?
ter ce nave a '� visit friends. Jamieson, a poem "Praying Mothers". T'hompaost, Mlseea Mary family, Hamilton; with Mr. and )V[rs. -,.
the hu ire:= pr d a. Mr. -and MFa• Ross .$tiox and dau J of Toronto. and Kr.
-. . ' *tl"Vn 'During Grey A can and Faye spent• The thence song was sung, followed Myrna Jones, este-. Wm. Clark and M:. Alan Clark.
pew_Tr new -,Miss Pa' y tern Betty -J er.___.___ y__Ya Y interesting talk by our and Dins. 3atkson. of Maw and the Mtsssrs Kenneth Brooks, Joe Pe@X
. -appointed- the vree�Tc-ea a -- -
and guest speaker, Mrs. -I:.` -H Hobson, of -Mr.-and I A. Day
- ----------------------
Hr •and 3d s_ Garnet Booth on her' trip to Mexico. famil 0.. Ajax, vtstt'-ems o�►� "d
also bur. and c �'tarerrtor►t, ri u trip in Algonquin Puk ever the bol-
;- family, of. Aldcrwood: - C��GM��T - The minutes were read and business with Mr. and Mrs. R• Day
' ' Mrs. C. Coakwell and daughter, of `r - discussed. It was decide'.i to invite MTs- Winton White attended a t�The Evening W. A. met on \�►. & IS
_ , Glenview, were guests of Dir. • and Pine Grove W. A. to next meeting May Court Festival tt the Ontario evening at thk home o re,
� family+ oa bS'• and Mrs. .Blake Briscoe and where aesday
Mrs. George VI ipso^ and family of Toronto spent the N±re. on June,11., at the .church. The meet- Ladies' CoStgt, on 5atu'day,
4 -,. Sunday _ rents, Mr. and Mrs- ane Grey E. Tdimble. Remember the Tea and
leas- e•+u „+tn hes pa ing closed with hymn W and bene- her grand-datighter Barclay -J Bazaar to be held in the church base-
I1L'. and' birs..Storrey tad a P Briscoe. diction follo*ed by a lovely suppes. attends. ',
.. . t ti. and nd s. torieyn Falls t James ides and Mra. Don Piett and lam- Mrs. E. Milts, of Malvern, and Mr. meat on May 31st.
held as usual oa TtieB- Mr, aad Mrs •Gordon Borland -and and Alice, of Mr. and Mrs. M. Minaker visited
Euchre was er, of Walkerton, spent the ily of Hamilton, visited on the week. and -Mrs. Jot Pa cY with their daughter and 'husband Mr. stat
Clay ai�(ltt with a very good attendan• datigtu tad with Mr .and M•rs. Percy Jones. ' Agincourt, visited on Sunday[ ,
week -end with his mother here. and Mra. Jtte� Mrs, R, Lousheed. of Windsor, oyes
xe. Following- were winners: ides . The season's first football game was Mrs. Wm: Sadler, Highland Q,eelc, the Jordan's, and Mr
I - t. - H. Malcolm, Mrs. George Grey an P y night.' An her daughter. Mrs, Ralph Cullens and family visited with them the holiday.
Ta ed, he a on Saturday is visidang11
Mrs.. She Mr •E Pilkey, Oshawa team defated Claremont 4.1- -
1. . '- ' plixton .and Mr. Jos Empringham. several farnilies fro mhere were at .
' week -end, in-
. :.•.pecsats went to 'Mr. and -Mrs. _H: ..their' cottages for the -! • _—
gh eluding bir: and Mrs. Gordon' Tay ' - _ _
Avery pleasant afrt:noon v<as held
in the Township Hall on Tuesday lo' and family Mr. and Mss. Thomas _
Davis, _. - . - . .� ,,' 11
tat, when the Women•s Institute bir, and -Mrs. Peter Hardy, and rifil I'll,G,y�:,-
held. thttr re_gula-_meeting• The Pre- ! Mrs. -Walt Hardy, of Toronto. visited Smith -Corona -
. sident, .Mrs, H. Barclay. opened- ed ---the- yy .
y f. leads here on 5undaY• Y
-. meeting with the Opening Ode. fol- _ M:r. Cecil Redman. had the misfor- _
. .' lowed . by the Mary Steµart COilecf. I tune to chip a bone in his heel last -
The Secretary -read the minutes ou I tceek.. and is forced - to take it easy . PORTABLE •. ..
. the previous meeting; also seve dl let- for several weeks. • '
tens. It, was decided to discontinue bir, and Mrs. Fred lidell. Torun- _ . _ .with these most -wanted features
> e weekly eucitres-for-tire-sys,T� to ,pent t tree -cu . . ,
months. A Short Cai:ru was also dis- hter's, bars. W'. Gliddon," `��
cussed• 'Mra. t'1iiTr: G; ay, Pro�'a a '1. '
$ '.sirs. Fred Galla .her, of -Bath. spent . - - - -
Convener, then called on Mrs. Hon- . a fey- days last week wtith her sister- '. .
ve a _ .
who: go, st. -
t Presider , Frank Loy
. ty, District u: -taw lira. .
. -short talk. At this .c a "standing if r. and �S s. Jack porton' and Don- _ ; Extra prwun on /tN 1.0 - . -
. show of mothers, gra.;N;nothe's and real motored to Goderich on the week fie. ser a NTP a . '
- {hrec great-gr.adznvhe; s' was taken. .end, to visit friends. . elnderlioe ser pion auto. � V �a. � ;
Hostesses:. Mrs. W Har+ilton, Mr` Mr. Sill Gliddon left on Sunday• tb 'c ,owtk rapeat senna.
- _
Nay Eilieott and Mrs. Wannop then I attend the Asnssors' Convention_ at
_ .: - .. . _ and e
.- 0..... _..-...... _� fiN l�ee+rk p«+a1s1.�triPe'�rrt+w•mo
ken wirya�! N "
_ brought a ve-y pleasant_ afternoon- t(� Peto l3oro. _ - - .- tF'"; p� on e7fEtert. lVff' � o � _ �:
X close by `seining a eery dainty tract; DS �o re, Biasaead and 3f r. Gaul ta� � ,b 9 -aril.
. including a Mothers' Day Cake. suit• ',lin are also attending the above men- Cfioe«► the enact to flit pOw '"-a
ab1 deco -sled - 7e. prefer by reniny the .= ." perfwr "inn. Exceptional �apesdr t d
Y - 1 tinned Convention. Selector iso,,, wry GSM
' Rev. Hillier, of Brobklin: will occ TT'Ic \\oman'j Association of . the .M a am beth• . - 70UCN SELECTOR ,and itsxwious lash ore bt/ilt-in
the pulpit here next Sunday. Rev. - -
,'6pY United Church will-nesse is the S. S. - �� of � than ltof{ the price df Ott � ,
` �i :Lackey gees to Bra•klfn, Room on ♦Wednesday, Stay 2fl at 8 _. _ '
. Mrs. R, W. Wittq and .daughter. ,t r,. lira, R. Ward and Mss. H G - ^� i ce typewriter.1. i
--r and Mrs. rfcd' ctrl»e .. _ ti- � .S
hdys, of Toronto, visited llrs. \fat- ;feInt.re haat the progr-- . - A ores p. -
.•thews..on Sunday. \\'. F.tians and 3f.rc. Carst►n z'a oa _ . cgp;as by regutarurg the
,> r.. s
ant! lough- Fort. of the typebar tteik• r� ; _ r "`;
- w :e .arca ortirrti ae_tog . lAL
ter, of Tacoma ParI Mr and Ws Rn' k \\ ' "�'^" ScVC-o,1. naetnbtss� ref the, total Leii-
- . spent a couple of -da) s «•th r•er sisiCs ;rn attended a drumhead service at - _ _ . '
M, A.: D. A, Beer.' Cohourq, on Sunday. •. _ y ` r ,.
Mr and. Mrs. H. bin?co,m .riyited A lartre numl�rt• attended .the fire- • . '� To% clear and Tab � 6 , . Tfy� PIC "WS News - .:w
- their daughter *and son-in-law: Mr µori- &,nL-,y is the park here on- So, ore right Ie rhe key- s.�W • ,.� �_.
tarid Mrs Glottr, and attend . -d the • lot
i \loads) s . --- y rate. ._
-----Vo, Haman Service for th tr littl- e _ - �w.a,�b opt rrrerr
fent -_ 7.'�r'r
$ anc7-daughter 3.lary Eilcu G tier. t
�.�LE—custo�t built, t�-font —. —
T►ts. said \SFs.-?a..1t. Crock; r ar. FAR _
cattrrn. trailer::_sleens tkrer. oinks .- _ . _ _ -
Li:Aa suet 7arct, -
'4 IIn oire-._ Phone Pickering 21SW. „ . .
ghters Ga -en _
u _
- - �'
1 ------------TENDERS-- -- - _ - - , .
. _ r - • - - - .- . .
- �. s _
1?ROPANE GAS FOR THE 1.4 � v11
y I. 1 r 4 z - ' - -:
BUILDINGS - L • ". & 4, `.t fe. . ; 2
:' 1'HROUt3HOUT THE ` y - c a„ ti
�. r! ,
ONTARIO _ x �w % t
. PROVINCE OF - lit wilt nielf- � i;'�°'�
TENDERS addres:cd t: - 'u � ,
SSALEDsed 'as a. + __
un 3t a.gned and t etdor
e'vei in t: a o`tice of , - s .s•.►` -, money far 1lte' a .?
apove, will be cec l .3.00 p. cn. <E. D. ? - `-�i y �#
c e ar tent, 1_ 1553 i
- $ ,I . ,THURSDAY �lUckEe fl:c1 til i +a...
0 fi�tntiy . rQt•6il x
t x ;`
farr the 'supP1Y o .
Fede al Buil'-
rc a -ie gat fo : i . -
` and p p .. -.._. �_;. . `; ' -. ---''`-�+r• - :..:.
I—.. -... .ovtace-@f O r i - i
P -
nags t�:ou�ho it h , Y. `� -
' q.
��,,,p 1
:'s- •t aT.C. , , t with s Ons _ _ °',• • r ';'q!`-� ,�u JI
•w.�w,, er �. .7
Forz:ts'`o. ester=s s the c� M ^m Y 4,
can be optafrte 9 from. w' " ..,. a ,. s
-chasi t g and taad Bui:di:U. Ot- ' yr » 1 .0-11.
• , a ��'""" ;. a
public Worh+, t Axcb,itect, De' ,` £-ME y i a,,�y
1_^11; .� f. ", a• -aft& tete •Diatric Yonge { :c' .. ;� ls � . � � m � y ,
,partment of Pub'. Works, �8i , ;� �, s .!T. +
. - onto, •Onw io e
To- be consid 'e3 un -'
- ?en v ill not rata super - - _ A"; 6I ;.. ;-
ders iate3 fo `
less rand rpt -neat, and in ace• — t -q. sr - -
-lie I by no, set forth r1.
ordance with the wnditc _ F 'She is s0Vii1�
t3uecein. tender not nec-
°The lowest
o- any >�` .. y
,r .•.issatily accent RT FORTIER, . � I, 1 .. •....,...•• -�•.•, ,,V-- a.�. -,& - "_• -:!ler Il!r _ ,�
ROBE _ _ 1
I' .eA �,�
= ' hies of •Ada:iitiat alive Se: vices • y ,, .rweuox ,,,,, trousmil • '
.s C aad_$ecteU Y i {- ltd ti - I.
Pt. 04 p,bf c Works __ —
Ottawa, May 14, 3958
r 4
�.. I
. .. - ________- - _
-- :. THE COUNTY C�NTARI00 �"" � --._ -. . . .
_ 'l'Q.WZ•r:.Under an -- �.... - --- `
Fieri Facias issued test of 4s
Writ n of the Conary of . la�� �r�r0umIks
the County Court tate ;
: directed, agauts oiu are b -a
ss a
,... )ntuto' ts of Chines Leu'°' w • • S� '
'lands and tenemas which George .' .11 . one in the Community. A visit to a -
'atin the Detendant, i have- tsei •. • _ Every 1l ' ds during banking hours Jast °mend bank is the way to handle all _
_ --- ascot+
7tult i+ die � ' . will ! anew deposit apCount was opened in ch �3; Here you can deposit
_... _ _ ead tmdm $xeeut,att• Y our banking _._ _ ...
and hale b7 public Auctor►+ ir' a chartered bank. And to millions of -money arrange loans, cash cheques, reset a
C'Mut House. m - -
trtfies in the _ _ - - _.
radians a bank is not only the best fel deposit boy, buy travellers cheques, -t ,
Whitby, on Tittnduq, . In at Y
.. Jay Town of place •to' keep savings it is a financ al �
at 200 ellock service -centre providing services useful lto atransf .... ney -- --...- - . .
+I safely, simply, snail
- butte fah, 1968 alae, in- - - - ,�
�..�-Aftetaoon, all the riEht� �' - . __
r emPfA of .
'tercet and tquilty ,.oE
_c o•
to, in .and out of 4 - - _ is •s:
'' fCttarles Ltuttmiss, I. _
mantel 3s
.+Bee following lands, •
Range N half .rr - _ _ 1._•�
I Lot il, >� - _ -
Smut(� at .
.: . h, ,l.
--.- - -. X*t 34, Woodmew - ---... - ._ - - - - .:.-
i;pfckeuing, Oats+w. ff .., _ - _ ;,.,, -
ARTHUR yvEj,Sii. Sheri - - - . `.
it T Cotatty of Oatarto. ,'+ _ _?
_ ... _ - -
. - - Widtby,Ontario — - t
.-. - . . , .
., .. �,. _ „�..• y .. _. �, ,� ... Off"`, �7�'ia"S��> °�L.."v�'�+�.�i„ ,.w '-� �► ; ..�r'!Rs x-. , •r -sem.: � - - �s
-+-. -v ,:-.-.cam ,at.+., —'s'fi-. .s.«sPa'.�•o, y .k•'"*.R1S y.
w 3
M '
+. r
a LAO On !!Ss ,1}'Y wdtq a Soiat a�3est � ss,<�be `will itis acid asst Z9rassdat `!� �• acid � *or R� and Mr:
WOOD.it lk�a r) ADowwirel. '>Qa+wsweii:aud &iit12Ag -� -MW Wiest -fir w�M be Bali of 6�a► 1 vLiipd Mr. sad
' ryd from Mn. R. Tindall, on fed wits. Yr. ii qN Eev. & J. Hiilic of a choir AJf �• Arch Bell ' evening-
" - • 4
4 yy� May ameetiag sttitr�das. and from Work is a11Ada>/• a s� MA C. Ur. end a[rs. E!t! 8saadera and ___:7,
_ s :
t which ' tlsesre were covets lroam Picks<isi 1K. A. toc DLafter h4 chussinS ea t� s w _ of a8►ws visited Bill's par.
6, A. the bene- kitchen at t1e chau+ai> fiery
Dt , Cedar Grove. >DitnbawRoa 0° u aeeed a social. time Mr. & Mrs. L. Me&%& & irieads� Baps�g on Junew1�r ion*& soft Mr. and Kra* 'LorOe Saunders, n <'
lar"aaan, brougham,
and Stoolhitle- diction .d in the Hall, when the called on Mr. & Mm L. Dart os � ��� the the ��°nd'
fig Geo. Todd fixe president son' wens meld is the church church will be at 9.45 *ad Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Bob Miller and fail
. Mrs. Rose and guests and lsdiea enjoyed a delicious 3 Mi Y E. Kin �S&OOI at 10.45 a.m. hili- i$t of Wiilowdale visited Mr. and Mrir. _
Mrs -
acted the meeting gave the lunch. g was home for the t the
[rs Norton of Markham 8a Sunday
the theme - A number Df mothers and mends week end, and attended the wedding da � with her family at.FUettevening.eto � 4
Stewardalaip of Talents." Mn• I�nz- met with the Sunday school teachers of her brother. was
eve '
ve for a social �8------------------ ------'--- a a
Jack e a heart attack
Marna Barlow accompanied by hospital after suffering `,
wiry of $touilviille renotrec a.� ..• r•
and exeeuts e.--nir!Z May 7, in the Miss Sezanie Lubbelirikhof and his on Monday. c,
sa solo entitled 'Beside Still W iters', on W ednes& ^ Au p '!1/ Mrs. S. Puekrin was ta,tea, to the z
qg sol entitled
by Mrs. G ti on. The Church haul. ■ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm• Barlow of esday.
Batt speaker for tho nav was Res Mothers day ureas held on Sunda! The Sunday School Anniversary Ajax, motored to Beaverton ors Sia- Oshawa Hospital on � ,
A. .Cbwton from Japan who pus
.:. .. . _
Sa.. FR�e TILL 9M P*Mo PRICES EFFECTIVE THURS., FRL, SAT, -MAY 22nd - 23rd - 24th
(While They Last) 1b. -
1 Pound Package ---------
r ..
AItQNI & AEESE ,OAF _�b. 59c TU�EU01E EM fb. fi9c
- . I Avera 212 .. 3 ]be.) (Average -
;6 Ounce Vacuum Wrapped Pkg.)-
'kfioat con -Ax
MAPLE LEAF t The Piece) (Biked)
4ft 42
Devon Sliced Smoked Back SPARERIBS C
4 (SIDE) Per.Lb..
..-CHUM E O— G fOQ`D 2
15 -
Ounce TINS �
_ 2 Oz. Square Tin C FRAY BENTOS 12 OZ. TIN
SPECIAL Awrivo OF 25 Ob i'
EAL2 fib. bag j 9C
LAWN GRASS SEED _----=-------- 1. Ib. box 79c
ICE CREAM SEED POTATOES - _ _ peck 95c — 75 Ib. bag $3,95
i. Pint Bricks ROC SE BUSHES _ - -r .�bs
KY MOUNTAIN 1 each $1.29
PANSIES &VOLAS ---- 35c pet box or 3 for $1.00
TABLE QUEEN Full 24 Os. Sliced Loaf VEGETABLE PLANTS - _ 35c per box or 3 foo $1.00
GERANIUMS (Large Size Plants) ------ each 49c
BREAD :. 7C FLOWER PLANTS PETUNIAS (4 inch pots) 35c pot or 3 for. $1�.
- _
,`., J.• '��+-►- —,—'••..+'. - •. w : _, I - .r .. ' - • - ` �-.,/ •'J'M�- .male •• —
^esu- k r
,� ��.,. ., :vl .y�4.w• �-�'��- Y', •r',w-+ sd. � am'ut _ . �Y . _d _. ..- ..=..i._. y',. __._ _.. - -_. . _ ..- ,. •i
frY Reser#- Agent•.
• lYltii$ DVG • and MATO• _.. - _ ...1NNIRAMd AMR •-'- '',
�► FOR SALE _ COM1N_ G EVENTSs'sr' ism. s>;�. - - ~ - K#AAffY UMMMAPOM �urr°�°`�s , . _... ,•� -
FOR PALE New and Used WATCH FOR NOTICE15clam" � clam" MW "V M" Am Lw YOUR HlOslltMG I" SM II =
Rangy Refrigers�rs. and OSATURDAYF GRAND
14, /195E_ WIRL TnA FOR �SALZ. • !IL �_
Y Phone: pkk 197J2. ' - - Under The Auspices -Df _ - �•_•"-_•�«-�•�•__- ------ _ IICI�iMO I T'° yE
I __________ __ �------_-__-- St. George's Guild, Piskersnng ;
'FOR SALE — Westinghouse Re- --_---
ftigarator; RCA Tset; Radio; 2 ------------------------------------
v. LA s ; a :L A
Beds; 2 Dressers; Chairs; 2 Roc'bng THE MOTHERS OF .u3
chairs: Dished Two shovels Saw; "THE FIRST PICKB.RING �� SALON' �
BL •
Nnrnerous other articles. Geo. "Peq�'
Martin, Elizabeth St., Pickering. Ars Holdia8 A _
---------------- good past- ------ . �
1F4R SALE — use; lots SATURDAY, MAY 24. t a
bf water and elude. J. C. Moore, R. At The Home Of - p
Yrs. Clifford Hawbsr
. 1, Pickering. Phone %J4. . LOCATION
- -
. T.
�__--- Lala Streit, From 2 to 4 P. Y,
t 38 YOUit OUTBOARD In Aid Of The Brownie Work ,
Arc INSURED? may 23 • _ I� _
____0nder Blocks
Far Rates And Coverage BAZAAR.- pP>mQ 3V»tG8 iS' . - �`
Y, Phone: Aja: 480 SATURDAY, MAY 31, 1956 A2" SOAR ltItTlmtII18, O01T. Ffiali= 1!8 >t
-, •12 unt ig 2.00 P. M. pbeaw PlcbeAeg { 1M. _
---------------------------- - At The Home Of Mrs -Tyas "
TO BE GIVEN AWAY No. -2 Highway, near i
FF&O Labrador Retriever, male, eight _ Old Rosebanh Road _
,'months old, will be Given to person Bak of Floats; Sewing •' LAY
�•4n 5, •
!rite will provide nice home. Hones- Home -baking, etc. $=P'MC TANB$ e
broken. Owner going to U. S. 'Phone AFTERNOON TEA CLEANED i N R v R A N C •
810112, Pickering, 204 Dunbarton Sponsored by the Circle Group Ofd
Slroree Dumbarton United Church W. A. DINM
EN l "
- (Held indoors if weather not good) W. j. BUTT - � COMPANY LTD.
WA&F RD ---_._..— - ----------------------- Oshawa — RA 34W2'
Transportation Avsilabie 13AK£ SALE AND •.•-�[ILLER - y��i t
From Pickering Beach to Toronft AFTERNOON TEA107 KINGSTON ROAD EAST
University Ave. hospitals. Phone for DUNBARTON UNID !CAMPING SERVICE
�4 --TE _
8eta3la—Pickering 229J2. CHURCH TENTS COTS SLSBPING BAGS fro' 8 4: j
--------------- _____-- SATURDAY, MAY 24. ION "COLEMAN" `.
WANTED hens br lap• 2.00 to 3.04 P. M. � LA'MPS' STOVES ICE BOXES
hq pallets. Phone Pkkering 622W3 Sponsor4d by On -Ws -Go Group REPAIRS —PARTS t 9
biter 6.00 V. (Baby Sitters At Kiddy. Karol) MOBILE HOUR HEATING
---------- -- ��t Branch -------- +s. } _ 88RVICE;
Wamem'a Institute __ (Ry Trdaed) jUAX LUMB
EWORK GUhRANTEED will meet im the' Ptesbyessiaa Church'1i Tudor Street,Ajar• I ' :;
PRONE DAYS — PICKERING �S.�wS wRoom an Tuesday, 1[a7 27, . atUL
. fJY p• ti.... +___«wr__.r__M AM BLNUNW 'urnm 9
r ;9VZNINQB ATlande 9-2!84 Auspices Ontario Chapter Osder Of mm0 'aNno CLRAN= • • • ►tai • a • AR�fr11RlT! -. s
may 23 so P. M.. On New soba lastrlleA = >~
----------_- ------ On -Lawn At Masonic Temple W. WARD
_ P]ckariag, Otts F9a t Wbbby MO 8-lsiq - . *1110M Road Gild Noe Z H%=�1Mf�
'Adults 81.00 - Child 75c.
1 �9
jun 20
LX C.I.L. SPECIAL �----------�-�- ---- ,., TELEPHONE M 3"
0UtSWe VAIto '!� Mr. Harold We,terman and family _ +
`• �`' '`* of Spruce Hill Rd., Dunbarton: - ea- ''"REL" WOOD STAINIM
q! ���N pr their gratitude and thanks to ALL COLOURS
eve a for the kindness, svmpathv B-H. PAINTS �I
and flowers received during their ?e- TURPS OILS — RALLERS W
' $4.75 per gallon cent bereavement, _To those ncig]t- GARDEN TOOLS _'Sifi$DS ' t�i t ` '1I
bons mho did so many, kind deeds for lgRTILItSRB NEIL C. MURZAA It O. +
CALL _ant tie, my grateful and 'humble thanks.. 'OPTOMETRIST e t
yea' CLAY FLOWER POTS +_' .��� _ at
• I i _ 8iaeerely, � � PLANTERS A� Soadss St, Whieby, Oat
Mltehetts -
Harold Westerman POTTING and VIOLET SOIL (Above Allin Drug Btare) _ 1,
�r pa l
F Pickri 7d or 7S --- -" --- _ ... _ _ .-_ LAWN iiriNCE OFFICE HOURS: .a
� DAX CARE OF CHILDREN 19.00 A. M. to 5.30 P. M. ` *t
Will take care of children in -my Wednesdays sad ds 9 to 12
- •----------- ,
SaAle ys
Own home, five days a week. Phone: GENERAL NARDWARE PHONE: WHITBY MO 8.3671
Pickering: or -95M.
- _....... »....... ..».........
7 4A
-`---------------------------------- LAWNMOWERS A ONTROARDS
y Want Low-CostisrAe Re Nit _
� •� �� Have your lawnmower. and out.
CAR -LITE boards reconditions
Yard and $ DINT'S SMALL
OriAo CLINIC P � 391w4
F Generator Service F1 KERING 4R x M'°i" = Y ,
Garden Htt�►.t �- �.
• = �Dunbarton
t' "dee side of Log
.._ � � Cabin) y
} t A� - Auto, Truck, Trader
Generators t '
Exchan ed or Go
g Repaired - " '. t
r• t Fully Guaranteed -
•.. A89LIT 1tEAl E A KIR
CHORE H -----------
E St �I�IFR PRICES . . M+t• u
bt '"ghwaya" id 1"t of 0 nbarten South We. No. 2 Mglwrep
Double -Duty T:LLEr �ro:vEas COLEMAN *500,0o Y t
--feQtrlrrrg—e~ .-- -N_n enr�,,CEs Authorized Consumers' was.
the neW 'SAFE `-UAI Water Heaters, Forccd Air Company Dealer For
MOWER ATTACHMENTSFurnaces Space lieateisAFFI*or�'• Enjoy extra Ici;urc hc.trs wit n And Wail FurnaceGURNEY }n•ler SatiSfaeto H yQ1, ZIP through garden work Findlay Kitchen Sto:O ,rr� y with tiller. Sµitl*h to rower m ._.__CLARE - x 30 seconds for safe mowin_ �'