HomeMy WebLinkAboutPN1958_02_21------------
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Vou 74 - No. u - _ !>toasnn;E. 6"Ano W ��
_ eaa•erwi•a sate, an Det Tow tb>,f9s! NtMeat � FAMAY, FMIULVAIR 2 � tab Per, � � r . , iliN1 900 ._>f flfitellrA out �
1 d -Rita -Ge � dears -For
Reeve Mm' a Aawselfl � � �
---:.:.Icerfn �o er
�' unc' Act e t TH* RED CROSS, . ink R b _
ProPose o p'
' Thars. Feb.29—Geor6e Filioa was
' '� I __� sentenced to seven ears in enit- rICHEBi d v#XAGS 1 -
�V� S. ��� �t 1
i - eatiary, this m•rni4cig, far his
part Miss Gladys Burne, HamiItori; an$' • ' _
p ty . x �reiK the robbery e! the Can. Iifan>k ofMr• and Mrs. Les. Morley visited on , 'Hydro , Commerce bete, on may 88:-1957.
It was learned earlier this week' - :•r ' � �� was Sunday 'v►ith Mr: and Mrs• Wm; �G.)"-.at Plekerinj .
Township's passed by )13r. Justice
Lawson, intends to' propose to the g . Witt R. 011
Townhill Council at its meeting next s '� • _-- - d and.Mr� and j
1 Mr. and Mrs
Indian Head, Sas'
Mondaq that the offer ttitide by the • e • u Supreme Court jury after.`ib�s
Provincial Government. recently to Pickering Schools*(nie
hours' deliberation last Th(irsday �'' Goraith Found wMrs. ianet') -
assist unemployed persons in the nun- Village e night. fouled George - Filson, 47, of
guests with Mr. and Mrs Cyril
ieipalities be accepted and acted upon- Frigid weather isn't it' If the Ontario H Hamilton guilty of the'armed robbery Morley on Sunday last. 1
by the Township of Pickering. Pidserin Townshi like elsewhere �� Power Com" of ,the Canadian Bank.of Commerce Pickering Village has produced a
S p mission gives approval to a proposed
Reeve Lawson said that the unem- felt the effects of the worst colds ll here last Meq 28th. - tine little hockey playas, u Yews
agreement prepared by Pickering -
•ployment problem for many residents of ' the winter this past week- Harry 1' Hancox; 36, -of Hamilton of age. However, it's a girl hockey ,
of the Toiiirnship could be temporariity Village hydro committee and the pleaded guilty to Lakin art in the
relieved by .a Township Works pro- On Tgesday Pickering District High ,Aja public Utilities commission, the g P. player. liar trema is Janet Meson- • - --
School dosed down for the day, after maintenance and robbery and waa sentenced to 12 a
gramriie operating until May 31st,•the operation of the vis- add sad -alae playa ,centre" for ilw' ,
240 ttu&nts !ailed'to show pp on lage power system will be done by yew' tact July. "Dunne Dolls", an interynediate
last' date for the extra. Provincial 'Monday, Many of those who did ar- the Ajax hydro crew. Filion was remanded a week by
subsidies. Specifically, the Reeve pro- true, anffered'from tinges of frost- O approval is received, the Mr' Justice J. N. King for sentence. gsls' team in Whitby. Last weeils.l -
posed a greatly expanded Road bite. One bus broke down on Monday will have its solicitor prepare A long line of witnesses was called
she scored user goals and got slte
Brushing programme which he said morning and one arrived home at by the prosecuting attorney Alex C. "assists' in one game. Site is •the ,
an agreement between the village and
bras desperately needed in the Town- night about 9 and the other at 11 Ajax in this regard Hall, among them members of the youngest player op the team. Good I
amp. A ps amIIte is carried on � m. after being stuck on Audley bank stab, village resident,, OPP of- work Janet, It shows that hoc+ke7 is
Fear i% was explained, but many miles p' The Ajar Clew would be on a '24
of roads in the Township need to be road' School re -opened again on Wed- hour basis at -a minimum cost of ficeis and others.. not altogether, a boys• game. i
nesday, Claremont public school as $200.00 per month. Whenever ma- The May 28 robbery was the third Last 11!rWay marked the 23tif'
Cleaned of brtt4lt �td it aBpeared to well as others in the north and were terial6 and labeor costs exceed the hold up at tMs beak rinse 1947. An wedding an5iiveisary of a vrel2.1
the Reeve that this' would be an cloyed. attempt to get through the vault was
excellent ed ry to assist the rnfrtimum, the actual going rate for foiled when a lookout a a- %2iown local couple., Mr. and 'NOMI
opportuniEngineer Godson of the township hydro workmen would apply. The �� P
,nnemploy and to do a worthwhile said that north end roads were the trolling polite cruiser. In all three' Harold Richardson. .The occasioesl
- crew would be responsible for the was celebrated on Saturday evert•
and y j°b' worst Some drifts near Claremont hold-ups the robbers were eventually i
_ - The Reeveted, that he hoped maintenance and operation of the vtl- i apprehended: ing at the home of their son Bruce _
were reported on Monday night to be lage system with the exception of _______ __ _____ j t i
that all the unemployed persons in .----- •--- - and Mrs.. Richardson at A ax: Mr.
10 feet high. meter reading, billing and collecting.
the Township mho eoWd crottle within Some plants in Ajax had to close - --• !• Ri:hardsnn's parents t!'om C.eort;e•
the regulations laid down by the The, contract can be terminated Dr. F TOml�nson itresetit. as were Mrs.`
Province would be employed. down, when they could not Ret the within 90 days by either party, Com- • N. • u'un were -
- - temperature above the 50`s• Tow menting on the proposed agreement. Ri^hardron's parents, from V`htd ►.'
Other projects to be proposed in- trucks did a land-office business every cliairman of the hydro, R: :H,. Hall I �40 Years In Other relatives were also In attest -1
I '- elude repainting the Township band- where when carr became stuck or said, "I flunk it is a very just agree- ; dame. The couple were recipients
Ings where l a� other�To to the From reeds received here, fromA s'^.e happy occasion. ConQata,l
the Tovvosltt a repairs to the failed to start altogether. Mott!." Next ` P 6� ifs, P Medicine
l o! r•+•anv love its caatet�not'at•
1X g:
-` - Ha P village residents in Florida, the The plan announced by Provincial weatheF is tint so hot down there • • • - "b"w-----------------------------�
either. Typical comment ' is this re- month ---
Picke -bg Vil a
suthoriti@s last week provides that calved Today -"W a here had pool - - In Vfr' tia•
o�ipa�ities.ietlang on projects such weather t=ree arriving here, but hope • • Always one of the nest -natured
. asnni Council Oriefs tlisid by peeve LA would for a ;:r ear Coon " _
receive- a 70%, labour. coat sobeidy a Haz aC rpatt
-=-- --- :knowing. this had the
Peach, was killed lon�Tuesday ilea
proarded that those employed and A letter was read from the River- Vitt
pt*ided that the projects', are cons- • • 'aide• Rawpayers' Association, endors-- -torty year's . service as a -physician, g n•a Working on .a tau fn
is _ -
pl¢Led bq',May 31st. Vlilatj@ Firemen Cla emont and surrounding bringing fresh organge juice Into
:ns; a- motion that if and warn a new
---_, ______ unLrvsrae. was dirertinR the truck
co Canada he
----t-- - -- - �?:dye i. Quilt on the app( rrache� which was backn up• when, he w•aa
• • .f Duffin. Creek it, l,e designed 't. 1, We first :;new Dr, Felson F. Toro- g
Funeral Sery es _ iCaver Two, fires
assist in flood cuntrol, Lnsorl as the principal of the Clare- I ick `down by a car. He leaves his
• - Councillor S. H, Puri is is to prese�lt n.ont schooM Fie left the teaching 1 wife had. ,
an offer by Cuoper i3lork at the next' .and entered the study of mcdirine,- previously' ed ars ,3
one son. Gley. He
.For frank Cooper. - l -
�� Same Time R.D•H.P. meeting, to nmixbten- out .attending the famous medical mn- awalntro
work with Oft
s a curve in Du?in'.: Creek below- No: { c;e in Edinburgh. Scotland. for -----------------
7-- F -
- .Funeral services were bald in. Clare- _ 2 Highway. Tiw other property owner 44 •' r
wont- United Church on Wednesday Pitkern, Village firemen went i.ntn will be contacted to see' if ,he i- part of his training, On' giad'itattnq• Rouge Lions Cause
for, Frank. X1. Cooper. who sed action fa=t on Honda last:'a-11eri. two ready to enter regular practice. he _ c
• Pp P� y two, although, it has leen in � ,
away last Sunday at StouS'vtlle'RR-t' fire callsyc/ime In aiinost at•the same (erred that he is., I re,,urned - to Claremont where he f� • •
:stoma is his 86th year. Mime. ; A iotter- from tlu, Ajax Hospital' has resided and prsettced ever 200 Kiddies To
A native of the district, air, Cooper One crow wept to Pickering Beach-' want, stated that 'sine•. '
g board rPgoectinq a- s. 11 - _ x
was both well known and well lined to as_irt the firemen there, where fire the board hoped that b1 the end o(j Thr "Tew_s. extends con;ratula- Disappear Weekly
' by a great many people. had broL•e out in the utihty room of 1959, they woulii 'be ablL , to operatt• , tions• and our hope, for -another
y He learned the blacksmith trade as the home of Mr. Preston Banks. without requesting municipal xr•unts. forty If the almost total disappeurancw �
a boy and opened a smithy here, oiler- Three rooms were destroyed and the I Councillor F. Swerdfiger soitf he ____.-�__•_» of youngsters from the South Pick-
siting it until his retirement 13 years family were forced to move in with had ifivestrgated the licensinx of hair• ering areas on- Saturday mornings
ago Mr. Coo was a member of the relatives. Annual sleeting St. Andrew's
g �' `dressers and had contacted other mu- would surprise the casual ;observer,, -
'United Churq& David Banks, 12, discovered the II nicipahties on. thin 'matter. 'It' was Prcabyterisn Church. Pickering he would be even . more amazed to P :
He leaves his ,wife" the former blaze in the utility room and called i sug�strd that rile liealth L'nit could find them aboard, school bases in ex -
Mary Ward; three daughters, Mrs. firemen. He got his brother Raymond inspect them. 'No action has been tak-Thr anni�al meeting of the coir- cited hordes each week."
Wilham Benson (Isobel), Mrs. Frank 8, out of the house. A bucket brigade en a_s yet- gregation of St. Andrews Presby- .It's all a part of the Rouge Hill '
;Barclay (Rowena) and Eileen all of was formed first, till the ppmper got December fines amounted to $84.44' terian Church -was held last 11ri- Lions determination to do something 1,
Claremont two softs, Charles . and going and Pickering Village firemen - lir: V. Dingley of Morley Park day evening, February 7. 1958. for the Ibcat boys and girls in the
;Richard, both of Claremont; three. arrived. Ratepayers asked council if sonlf- Under the leadership of the rein. area east of the Rouge River. The
-it the home thing'could.be done about the waterproblem of
Sisters, Mrs. Walter Ward of Clare- The other blaze was ' tater Rev. 'K. C. MacLennan, the getting the nine -to -twelve
;wont, Mrs. Isabella Rawson of To- of Frank It. Westney -where the now frozen solid in the ditches and church has had another successful year group together in some sort of _
I :routo and firs. Blanche Cook of Wil- chimney had caught -fire. Quick action culverts,- The. road. foreman is to view" competitive activity was tackled by
lowdale.' by the firemen on such a windy, cold the situation and make notes on what year. There a;e rrow 92 members on the Boys and Girls Commit tee,- headed
Interment was made in Claremont night prevented what could have been j he finds with regard to the ditches and the roll, as well, as rnany children i by. Vice. President Ted Brett Raving
'Union Cemetery. very serious damage` in both .casew culverts. and adherents. The niiniswr offie- ) ten of his, own- Lion Ted was con- ">
at five burials: taunybapt.sms:ceded to be a nattrral for• ire 'ob.
and two marriages duringthe year, The new Rouge Boul provided .part
The various omanizat:ons .of of the answer, the school bus solved
• — - j - _ church submitted a report of their problem of distance, and' the
e .
�ISp�lay, �leedlepo�At At Yalent�ne To School Board co-operated to get the•.
vaMivities for the year. Total cog-. Project under -way.o The first Sattit`-
tr:bu ions by al anizations were ' moi
_ .. -' nverts9000.00. _l ° •ntng saw 92 kiddies in action
:.w �+ g. sy at in excess of. the antics -
The members Ofthe"Kirk- Ses- gated 60 or 70 -and only h
j y t ree of the'
} f i • sign for' 1957 were as follows - Rev. -I seven or eight schools ' in the artier • ' " `
s "• j: K. C. MacLennan; Harry W. Boyes, ) had been contacted. Alread} the alleys
(clerk): Wm.' McEachnie, Alex• were filled to capacity.
- Jackson, 'Sam Jackson.. -Berge Han- By the following week arrange- !w
_ sen, James Palmer, Ba MacKen- menta had been completed to accom- -
- Willis. Enodate a second lea e, and appr6x- I> r
_ ; •, , � � r + Robt. eesor,. Walter senate! 200 �
zie. R ?
The Board of Managers elected y girls and boys thronged t.
the alley§ last Saturduy morning.
as for 1958 ware --as follows (Three ;When the plan showed signs of snow- t
Y Years)' John Baxter, Chas. -Rogers, balling to unprecedented proportions,, •� '
_ Howard 1Vi
Robt. Reesor, (Two Years) James their children and help keep thing's I 1
Murdock,. Ernie McKeown, John running smoothly. The appearance of
Remmer, Dougal Remmer, James a considerable number of atoms anti '.
Br:sbin• Ken. Thompson, Samuel dads helped , smooth.- out the �,initial • _
Blair, (One Yea:) 'James Palmer, difficulties. And it is not surprising
to note that they were having -just '
Jerry Hasek, Robt. Young,
Barry a's much fun outs of it as their sons
congregation looks forward to , With both leagues running to ca -
1958 as another year of expansion pacity, more assistance is. needed;'par-
n iil_.Eiakering.-and--possihle.-eittension• tiet1latlywltii€Ytig'bdy�3"81iit�*r)ls
q Iof new work in Ajax. -Corr. still learning the;,game- and need
----- - - -- - --- =--- - - coaching ani encouragement. Any "-�►
I � r BROUGHAM gOCIM adults willing and able to help, either
l from 8:30 to 10 o'clock or
from 12 e -
�' soon until 1:30 will be henttitj� wet- _
Int iioak v am _ --
»� I m anforse oe-`Sat- f
_.... ,t '•; _ s �. .. �c pox ..i`3� � at 8. P. m is a all this has been ,going -bnj > <
' urday night 30 This n' While
a smaller league for the 'teen -it"
ate ? K had axle- L. M, 1Korley, Mft. C. L Deft, N15% exhibition game to keep both teams
sesdfe-pofat was week. Among loose who grog P is being conducted by tJli
e03hRited at the Valen#ne Tea held les an display wets, Mn, W,,v% Frm& prow and lilts. til. B. Chap- In shape before the wetting play. Rouge I4411 Junior Liotti • and a nutlt�
b tit I'lokerltsg W. I, sere lest Mltoieil, Isrs C. E. Morley, > �°• ....._ 1+. A: YS _
_ - bar of these lads have also been hel¢0 Jg tom'
' } ___ ing with the younger groups..
y t r
_, .. __�_ .. ....._- - .,:. :..• .._ .__-_._.... .._.i .._.....'. r _._ , - - -. .-- , „ _ .. ..... ._. _fes
before the storm came - and i Some of the survey's pertinent 14IRS
could quite easily not have been. points:
r : I went to Peterborough last' Fifty-four al every 100 mol
_ Wednesday morning and return--- " goers now go to the movies less
•Iris -
ed Friday night, just as the often than they did three years
weather was starUz%g to change. ago. Chief reasons they give: -
" i almost stayed -until Saturday Satisfaction with TV and rndii-
"Dear Anne Hirst: I -have --ML + husband wilt change, but such y> as I found plenty to do helping ference to movies generally.
- own. six months' happiaas' • a miracle seems unlikely. Re Klemi atraighten-.out my -sister's What sounds like 'the death
since I married nine years ago. • is as he is. Ever since you h Vh. affairs: He is giving up the rattle of the Holly�vo�d star
► My husband.drank: heavily and • married he has mistreated you house, storing most of his furni- system can be heard in the find
consistent.17, ca he- bins son only--l8-per-cent go to' -
out with other women when •family history does not hold the present. For a musiciaW thtit a movie because of the perform-
finally separated - and I am * ever be a man you could rely y shet music and he had to have cent lof all those Andes' 10 per
over he liked Last tall' we out any hope that he will is quite a problem. So' much playing in
k.. as to
more miserable e v e r y day. I on. it where he could get at it. I -whether they were attracted by
- won't admit to myself that I ' Live in road for this flee boy stayed alone at the house the the actors or the story said they -
want him hart, but my life is • you have, and console yourself first night and got very little had no idea. f
meaningless that ,I nearly die. with the assurance that as he I.._,slcep. The furnace was so noisy Nearly, three-quarters -,Of the
owe u will heroin nsi
' 1 thoughtsurely'
e It would movie ie less than E8 -
v p Peow audience is an
I am Qblow 1
I have: a ouin sen very g
Y g
proud of, but I almost ;o crarp • you with increasing appreda- up. Times when it was quiet years old; 52 per cent are teen -
You have my deep gym• traina would rattle on a agers or younger.
track not more than a hundred Why do
"I never had any real plea-
•`�! 1PeOPIe go to one 1
t Furl. I married to escape from + pamY• • * l " 'feet from the back door. Every movie theater Instead of another
• parents who were always quar- ISMST I KISS?" time it happened the house one? Thirty-four per cent make
_ seting. My husband never took "Dear- Anne Iiitat: I sin 15, shook quite noticeably. And yet the choice on -tete basis of the � - -
me anywhefe after the first two la n d m y problem is shyness. " ' that house has just been pnr- comfort of the sesta.
chased by a newly-wed couple.' Fully 20 per cent of all movie -
e. Thera P . .
our marriage. e
-months of o g • 'Other girls m a (particularly . .
a snag sever a mon disillusioned my bei friend)gare pa frog out (My sister had it rented). Don't -goers attend the local palace
bride! on dates and having -good timer. TJENitHE4
S, ANYON-Elsie Dicker- people pay any attention to lora- without knowing beforehand
"I have tried to live a good I am okay when rm with a to: song Poster Girl, plays her tion? By day I did not notice what picture is -being shown, _
f lvorite a
lite, but I am certainly stymied of kids; but just the ids; of s game the year round the noise - I was` far too busy, which suggests that no matterI turned down invitations to eat how bad a film might be, there
now.' Whatever, am I to do? single data (or even a double) on the courts *E'San Antonio.
ELAINE" scares me to death. Our scouts tell us she wins most otit so 1- coAild keep working. will always be some pepols td
And then one good little soul see it• -From Newsweek.
ii.[YE op -
FOR TODAY _ "I don't mind tris date too of her -games too, as male op- brought me over a hot dinner
+ If you had allowed me ,o, much, it is just the -thought of ponents have a tough time Thursday night. Other friends EPITAPH
• : + king the boy that bothers me. Ise �n t
• print all your letter, it would P 9 heir eyes on the ball. helped by taking things away Upon his gran
have lhown many an unhappy Even if I like him, rm still - some to sell and some for
:`• wife how lucky she is by com- frightened. Green grows the grass:
` + "I want to overcome thin. How rummage and others given away: Foot mired the brake
parison with the harrowing
- +years you have had with your can I! C." : t ;,� And then they drove me to the
» husband. Frankly, I- dont see » Dont try to. You have some- station to is the noon. day- And bit the gas.
..__ liner. Without their help I SIMON • how you could have stayed any i thing precious to offer your couldn't have made it. Kindness _
" longer; certainly you could not • dates, and that is good, clean �ONICL
-- everywhere. I aha11 always retain 'CiIiC%i To Sew.
" continue to expose your little + friendliness. If you .knew how a very high regard for the Peter -
»boy to his father's inhuman • airs boys appreciate it! R borough folk Hut I mustn't for• PRINTED PATTERN i1
` w treatment. When your spirit . e When did you gat the idea l�� get our own family either. Art a X73
falters, remem'batf those . ter- that kissing is all there is to me to get me Wednesday 1-17
+ rible scenes and be thankful • a data? Girls who kiss any_ morning quite early. He had an
he Is safe with you now. • boy promlwuoualy (especially It came at last .. , our share awful drive. A mixture of rain l '
My best prescription - * on the first date) are .legion: of snow and winter storms,. And and snow:' It took an hour and
• Live one d at a time. As it is girls like you. who shrink it was our first experience of
day tt y a half each way to make the -
avenin comes on. any, "Well. » from physical contact, trt
that what snow can do to a residential _
twenty -mine run But now it
•' I got through today all right. keep the boys believing that district. And it was plenty. It is all behind us as I don't think
• I'll not let tomorrow frighten, +- girls are really people, worth was a Saturday and apparently -'
I will need to make another trip, _
• me." Fill every waking hour + cultivating as good friends and the week -end shopping still had But now, In lighter vein. I
• with strenuous activities -your • not merely an outlet for their to be done. One a one caro have another matter to report. "0
- • little son, your home, your + passion. They can get kisses backed out of ,driveways on to _
Ditto i ark w"
is -back with u again. a
s s
• » "the road. grid in most cases that •
_ _ church and your friends. And anywhere -,but not from you,..
prayo. - Remember
-for strength to -rise above » because you are DIFFERENT. -where the fun began. Cars slew- wi�t2gI said ht ays agoras to be an
.*-these moods that attack ou• + ed across the road blockir.
Y . So often boys wrote me that g omen - if she came back the `
• they weaken your » they try out a. new girl -be- through traffic. Our next-door - _
Liberals would win the next
_ • and can make you physicaCy » cause, she gives them the Idea neighbour was among them, it election` If she didn't the
« I.IL'You have too much on your + that she expects them to. "It took him about forty minutes to answer is obvious Well, the isthe
• mind now to take that risk. +isn't khat we're crazy lir low. dig himself out - and then he _ 39
' haven't out » drove the car back -into the,
l+ still in doubt Ditto didn t
Y Anne Hirst, but they think COME back; she was BROUGHT •
I wish I could -honestly en- » we're a flat .tare if we don't." garage and left it there. The _ back! So rocas what? I had asked
+ courage you to believe your » .Slay. _ as you- are. YQu can doctor was the first to work on 4'
s 1 ». the, school children near her
nbis driveway -, naturally h ,,
estalish a different. pattern towatch foerandthe
• •for dates. You treat p boy tike
had to make sura of getting out. - really went hunting. Atter three
La Crochet Ca ` a real person. so he relaxes After he got through two neigh- •
both ca
with you it thinks
rt out helping to dig e i of g them out. Ank and he was _
days away two little boys y
» d brou ht tsar home --ryes witd;
coat rough and dirty, bones al-
". on which solid friendships are what did we do? We staged put most, sticking through her akin.'
- T ' built. When all those other 1 took stock of cupboards and They found her in�ag ll over t
/l" "frig" and decided we could last �vaN Y
gids grow blase and boring, at the golf course. Itwas several
" you will still be as fresh ss out for two or three days if we _
¢ Q • a daisy, ready for your fiat had to - Partner isn't able to days .before I had her anything
- `« 'do too much digging. However, like normal. Now she 1s as play -
romance. as soon as the storm had died ful as ever. But I am still won- a
Lave up to your inclinations, dering how many of her nine
i - - -
and let the female wolves
down a bit Partner was busy lives' went overboard. Even at
• cheapen themselves if they with the :hovel -digging out that we are Lucky. Our nearest 1 _
will. the driveway, just in case. ,lis r little kit -
f had just finished when Bob. neighbour found thei
'"Row can 1 live through aa- came along. An hour earlier hs ten drowned in the basement
- «.• other day'" It -this fear tortures would have been offered the the sump pump drain We _
1.• ire thinking of � getting a piece.
• -
live just for today; and business end of a shovel. of wire netting to cover our t
%now that as you mow In spirt.. all I knew about
easier Of course' a 'sum pump, It looks as it 'it -
. •
Owl grace tele we* will be a Anne • � It the storm was what L .could nes
• from the windows. One thing i were Just inviting trouble.Juniors!' Everyone's
_ARI about it. Address her it So that's another week gone making >M '.
1 So: 1, lt3 Eighteenth' St.. New noticed
friendly 1 with almost
hom - one's w A q
by. The snow has caused trouble evet'Y wearing it d
w out here - but at least it's good to sew - no waist seams. '
Toronto, Ont. ,
tor. the farmers_ cinch with a belt, and you're a1[_
' along the road. For instance ,
E- - --when A's car got stuck B. went aft to go. Two aecklirnea. three - '<
to his assistance but when C. sleeve versions included In thin
was in a similar predicament he What Makes A Printed Pattern. '
i was left to dig himself out! D:
} \�
managed t g out without o _ Pattern 4873 : Jr.
%y • ¢ Sizes fedi t
- -- - Eti[%ti6tt6 • — ;nuehgtrouble but as soon as the 1, 13, 15, '
• Movie Fan3
- tir - • ti� • • -
was gone Mrs. D. was out shov- Who goes to the movies these takes 476 Yards 39 -inch tabrie,I T---
• by Roberts Lee elling the driveway for his, re- days, and what is the average Printed directions on each pal -
1 turn: The snowplough came movie fan like? A "portrait of tern Part. Easier, accurate.
Q. Is it really considered cor- through about nine o'clock so him has emerged from a survey Send FORTY CENTS (40e)-
reet- to accept a second helping -by Sunday morning there was rade for the Motion Picture: (stamps cannot be accepted, use
of food when your hostess offers a g mow -cleared road, shov= _Association of America by Opin- y
tea' °�� -this a �� of eiled driveways and, I don't ion Research t is not a PaUe-M Please safe ! i
_ 033 greediness? .. - Y - Corp.rP• print y ainhr
t� y Y doubt, a lot of aching muscles- particularly
ularly fives in sight s4ro- SIZE, NAME,
A. One may certain) ecce y — --y- r----
notice many prop ,
4 r���w�& ori w ea. Ps"lo turning out to churcy -which is currently involved -Send order to ANNE ADAM
"'77 )t fig D compliment t0 the hos-. with box-office famine, critical Box 1, 123 Eighteenth St. NO z
fess' cookery to do to. How* Sunday '" I��� o� gad to be home plague, and payroll . , n. L
Loveliest colver for y ear -round if you don't care for ■ second pestilenceTorontoOnt, r
wear! Easy crochet, this little helping, ,you may say, "No,
- "cape in pineapple design. Use 3- thank you."
- ply fingering yarn or string. Q. h It considered really prop -
Pattern. 83a: Crochet directionser now fog a -woman to "repair" ..
- for small, medium and large cape qany of her makeup in public?
included in pattern-
goes with everything'.- meal in a public eating • place
Send :THIRTY -FIVE CENTSth►'s is necessary, and it is quite ( +b
~(stamps cannot be accepted, use all right 'fora woman to make t ��
postal note for safety) for this light use of powder and lip-
_ . stick. ,
pattern to .Laura Wheeler, Box 1,
• girl breaks an en- .
123 Eighteenth St., bFe�• Toronto, �
'Ont. Print plaint}• PATTERNCasement which has already'
d h4W__san-obi t t
r � „
Inform those of her friends who
live out of town and might not
As a bonus TWO complete
i earn of what has z
patterns are printed "right in our. happened?$
LAURA WHEELER Needlecra2t- A. She can write brief, infor-
fG - _
Book. -Dozens of other designs mal notes to them.
you'll want to order -easy fns-
Q. If a young groan is taking a �J
�tlnating handwork for yourself, girl to dinner, should he ask
our_ -
home. gjjts 1)a7n
r- —" =tem: -
where-shE-wouitt --iika
Send ZS cents for your cop} of -eat?
,thir book today.
A. This --is not necessary.. It
Is the man's privilege to decide DIECISIONS, ALL TH! TIME, DICISFONS=Judges selecting the winner eF Ilia- "Miss Photoflash",
beforehand where they are go'- contest in Chicago have a tough but -pleasant task confronting them, The 10 finalists in the, 't
ISs3UZ g - 195E
�- ire. contest, sponsored by tl� Chicago Prssa .Photographers Association,ar shown hare.
, I
.r .. - - fix'.. �►� ' ".• :ti . w tr .+s.... - �#
Patricia Newrmaa and Linda. il;mrd, thought the new hay driers would very educational and informative for Canaa._ A surprLe item ,west s
Young musicians and
• vocaWrb work to advantage,, that plow-points, most forum. � ' ofectacular , den ansa Ucd on • the.'
from over 130 a mmunities in Oat- knotters, mower-knives, etc., should Legal Bights_ - - - trampoline by the boys- 'team, .loi-
__ ar.o and from centres in Quebec be=tandaT' Sed And awtais be made Many families have found Oem- ��d_ by the, girls, mus team, dtr-
to do more obs. Hitchin
j g equipment selves in difficulties because they did _
and New. York State ecwerLh on such as three-point hitch and inter= not have" acted Jy Miss ogramon. _ _
Toronto, on what could be the be- P pioper legal Ball cents. The A musical progress case followed -
1 . Dat bartca Eiw•.u1s - February 1T. changeable units for a basic designed l'nuestjon arose; Who raspyy owns the „
ginning of the road to stardom. machine, were recommended. farm ? What are its botmdaries ?�"� PAY man who wouldn't
- The 18.000 participants who make Import Controls— - Who tsill.=own. it next.?
:.,,A_ their Monday rneet_ng Lha :necewia There are nu of foruuss. had lawyerA
up this Year's list _ of abetter than ti:e fairy ry ? in the SaiTnpsoa Drama Festival.
Du:��arton K:w i:ns ti►-ere enta:- _ --------- ..
_2600_ -entries. • including both ind:vid- many types of nnport controls. How .to 1p them out with such questions ---- ----
icourc Club,
sax .mem rs oma, �` fhe highest gr t teals were taken off firm if
machine dollars
of Wr worth
-reg s �. �• ... is.
= d can ytiS�ry_e _
• _ • court Glob, 'intludsi8 Lt, Governor in recent years. _ �asmers t1so5sght that ii import, con- Elan farina members gained many S�ALTCTT—Ice living mcaswry cY a -
Murray• Sandford, Division The Central. Technical School as ry dol ars ort of l gal vi i3 dear wife and mother, Mrs. George
and cars,. they would be thea
guest speaker nuns adalwlm Sand fi per and the'first of two series on farm forums ' Walton who _
arras aL the Agincourt Glub, who r, ell as ve other downtown loca- .'arrr_ers would not need m �� ' 5•
on sun y - _ 1 e - - -----------------_----- There is po Parting froasf those we
rhe Rurall ommCnit-y-= -
"Scout MoM1eme4t". Mr. S2nderson, 'ernoon, six days a ween for this ari of 'ifhnats ,
Seo competition, A. good community is one' in. which ___,_ •. , ,love,-
de of some' Years. and ---------- _
young people .want. to live. What >Q f {*Io distance can Cit'ide,
----------- a anally of the late Siem
e _ is Still iatgrested +n - weeded '
- For today fins ar�aory's garden
pies, outlined to all Present how we =AQ EWS of course, depends on how good their 1e s w We still walk s'Jde by side.
as individuals and service clubs can FAR community new is. Nearly all forums mere thanks and appreciation to Zach dawn -day a thought of her,
,assist in this izrporjant organization, :elt they needed a good community .-Pickering Township . police; the At everAide, a prayet,
Farre forums have stndied a good `centre to `keep youngand .ola from Township Roads Dept., for their
besaing in•miad a1*ay3, that Youth •nan topics rolcernin the farmer And in 'the hearts that lost3 her,
Y P g . going to t'se city for entertainment. efficiency, and, co-ogeratioa in sea-
'his winter. The meet eve Mo She always will 'be there;
_. of today are our leaders of tumor- ' � Y s'Y �Y it would be cheaper to stay at home fisting at •the bane of the' illness of
cw. The speaker was thanked on :'gat cturiae . he winter months. :nd make th 'r own if the had a—LuvfWY remembere! by J1w
- ' behalf of the civb by Past Presid- first Topic was - w dace, rather than buy their enter- _ - band and Fandly.
National Farm fey— tinment' eraewhere. _
our label th8e� .
• entamour Sleightholm. for a very _
Four percent of forums felt the cost Production restrictions were frown- ----------- ---------------0 ----- lovirsg memory . of our
interesting- asesssge, enjoyed by °n farming operations' was. too hi d fin
t � ' high ed on by most farmers. The ahpply "Variety Night" At PIe><erleg •, . dear huaEfiaad and tatlLer-,, Sgt Fred -
-Corr. - ;o meet the farm income. They felt and demand tells the farmer what Dt,tr.U4 H1slt- School '
what surplus if be should Adair, .Sieg. No. 319MIj. Toth. Bak-'-
'" Dist:atalsied Vtatlss As 8pea>ter produce. Farmers do not berg, 3rd Div. R. C. X A., who died
hobby farmers would find other hob- litre to be told what they can or can- Pi��' Dist• Zgh gcheel stid- on February f8, 1938.
At Daabatten Ktwan" NOINUai bies and let the small farmer compete not do. ants displayed various talents to a - Merino
- Febrosry 18. w;th the neighbour farmer, and that ry. large is a dear little path.
Price su s should rise with ' tha Legislation now provides new fed- , a
rr near-capac ty audience last l�ida3r biftieSE ,hearts are ever true; • 1
P PPo- sad provincial -powers to enable
At their Monday eVening's meet- r'a'ng c� of living Ped an farmers to sell their own products s: rt the achoo! 'auditori}up,. ha- A path sere . tr¢yglaagain and again,
ire. Dumbarton Kswaaia enjoyed a Farm Credit— -through marketing. boards. The 'ques pr'°� staeted - writh a display.' 4- because .it i� . to YML c
visit to the:r club by Sive members What is wrong with our farm ereditt tion is, what should farmers expect • . the Boys' Cym Tearri trained by Lir._ In, memor rs.. garden we us, always
?et - up? Mo€t-forUMS-thwagh the of these' boards and marketing -to- Ken ThO�Ra• . Tenn menilbers together,
the wee+ Hill CkA). All members Quebec Credit Act was very admirable op..ratives? _
dicta 'Steve iiemmwray, luny Gd_ A the
end guests listened writh deep int• z n d- that government supervision On Fourth Night in. most #Pnisia c�srist; R8Ip1f Seaason9, Bob KaraiTn, fore for today—enories
Brest to their guest' speaker, Mr, should be acceptable in case of large the question of Hog, producers mar- Earl Wri t Bab
George Dobson. United Kingdom loans. This sunervisiczs would advise }cetink was looked into. , ort forums Peebles' $ `�adiy missed b7 ionety cadre
T• ade Caauniss:oner to- Canada, farmers in the best ways of farming. had s & Rye, Leigh Parke: and Murray -Crass-and daughter Elm*-
'Che New Look I pesters-to explain Ehe. set-up. {
mho. was introduced by Second Vice_ Some forums also hal• film strips
_ - In Farm Maeliciner* On ..cfety _
President Lou McFarlane. - cn the Farm, which:-was
':i1`ost forums agreed that ncv and very delightful and informative• with
Mr. 3obson outlined and descsib_ ncdzrn uchinery could be used to •a cautious note. �'� DRUGS LTD.
- tc' the va and nuanerous advances advantage, but the coat—Whew! They The quaation of legal,,rights was �- # `
achieved. by"Great Britain, in -:rt- l
creased import and ex,-ort trade. a ' PRESCRIPTION SPECIAltSTS
tcu•rJsinp on v:rio a cc-z^ncdities -_ PE9lT
` involved -by eac_h... and the:r r nisch- L
fir. proved vroa nim: and iarsie o!+ri- jj�� QQ%%�% , Prekerttig - - - - POtiB 6$ .
tr b �iion to atretic and nuclear de- - l ILUM /NG.. A�D
- ;t. If -•pnt and research.
Tea F-u a-mos', ir-reres'.inx evensHOT WATER
Featuring Leading Toiletries
• _ _ .
', tramp sdaysly 'enioyed by [,
- ail. Mr Jt'+ana was thanked. en-be- - r - - \�, +cit Rooth SuRprres
hili of th- club mem',e-s and their ' Ri ^umos ti PIPE
EZt:eFta by SeC?e'arq Nels Wog+laKe. • SERVICE - - • GAS F17TING
Mp t
Local voanr Pwo-[� ComeoL• In • — - e
- -` _.
� �tt pelf tit =
Hiwanls Am+aai MuRV Ft-tival �1:.'
BRADY PLUMBING store Hours: .
9 P.M.
Che nov nn• .i;ar ann�,�l Kiwarlis - r . _ 9 A.M.-- •
F F7st`^a.=fill hsvti. thin h esti - - _ ays i =' 1 P.M. 5 P.M.
_ .
—Fob. n War. 1. res t h SJn
- d � Hoi•days
;AT. 2-2080.
I .' ' • from this area b-� Joan w'h.ttake*. -
Glenda Palmier, .Michael Marsden,
432 KE _
• tigst�n �Rd, - - .� West Hill =: '
':' ROUrf HILL -.
- � - • '•'Member, The ToroiyFo Stock ExcFtiangs
LE 'Complete Stock Brokerage Faci itior
• -- .. _ . -
�' For the Elderly
AJAX 1165 1
Nursing Gua
=' Aeasatwble Rate: - _ ..
RINI - —BUDGET TERMS iATIantic 2-0721 -
..._______________________________ gIRLD"' SUPPIIrc
- . - . _ • . :,Ladies and .Gent`s �- •- ' ' - - -� QOWH PAYMENT - -
Made-to-Measure t -
It and Alterations I y ME A S - Sim s W
I .
f T-Customees_ _own _ ;C�UAL _ _ 1 ducts _ -
T T ooa Pro
: _ --
material rade up. �� JNARWOOo N a NO..2:;iliGHWAY :
At NAoderate Prices
Pickup• and Delivery -
AJAX Pllo�l!' toss
SHERLOCKmom muffAn 26
fPickerin.-i 641
, .
Ha rdwar�
� s
f . plays. The needle -point showed sev the Pickering ClUb to A jax, some-
�'Frenchman Bay a
_ y I eral pieces of antique furniture, 1p- time before July. Pickering Ci:t1i1111111111010 '
A Dedication r v- holstered in needle -point. Mrs, 'O_ will then be hoz:s. . This sort at
— e e . e v: as held thing is "Good„
E}IJAIiANT�.:E� - Osborne,
_ S ome, Bowman- ills, gave a talk
... - . _
ca surday e: cn:r.g at. b _.i_ ^o't U�
- - - on her intere-.t:ng hobby. 'buttons". ---------------- r ------ ---------.—
l�adio-TV` Service ;its �:ur t. Imo: ::, -�f _
WEAGNE' iciated, dedicat.: a Her display show -ed mangy n-Ratepsyets Schr%1 SeeWa Ple. 18'
the nc;.r o:ga, ) �
to •he church on the signs of yesteryear, reminding us
Anv Alake or 1A1o(rel FUNERAL DIRECTOR oc�asioi- of its o: styles and dresses worn away
1I'h anniversary. The church µ : s _ POSTPONED FEB.% back when", P P 1tiED TILT Z6
� A .bur-- F'�d — - -- -- - ,:
overs A Special yfeerine of the Pate-
- - The W. A, served Conveners for the Tei were SP
lunch oiler ser -(.Kitchen ( 11is. A. E. Calvert: ' (Tea Fayers of School Section No. 20,
B vice with an anniversary coke, The tables) Mrs, 'C. Balsdon; (Bake will be held 'in the Brougham Hall.
••�� -�T A �r- T� -lad-es were very pleased with the tr.alei. Ma. I- nlorley. Mrs. John on Wednesday, Febt•uary 26, for Y
iL LJ A..0 .p AtrAml- 10f Service large at.endale on to
IDAY I�iO night. , ch a stormy Peatti . Vice -Pres.. thanked all the school
ar *16 i, lad:es who contributed to <he en- ...f
An enjoyable tLTXA:;s had at the + joy meat of the afternoon:—Corr.
the ptup�se o discussing
.• . • - -----------------------------------
-- t3alss and additions. --_--- -
Bervt'ea TtiAts! F n .h school
Valentme Dane held at a josvW STAUDmosu
M. WEfkCHM Prop on Saturday evening, Prizes for the - - A:as and Pickering Rotary - PRPJATE 'HOUSES' �Wi� beS: COSt4ineS were cet At 1110, Scheal cafeteria
- .
antra Dorsett and VIrs. Jas. Cassells, AIrs, ALL CONCRE'IE WORK
- �Phone Pickering 193 Shirley Whyte won the door
' Prize. On Monday evening, this week one•tketiag+ 418
1PX1Q=a. lowi< The music was Supplied by Art the Rdzry Clubsof Max and Piok'- --- - --- -------------- - - --
PiCklTH7g, Ont. Jones oz'Y.the piano and Ralph Swan erng met on the local club's hour . ` ....i_J ♦�,N_�` '
on the violin. As, there have been at the I-Egh School, the Pickering Plekerii� Unhe ♦/WlicA f
Kk!(f A-i9wU�CLARKE many regnests anc..her dan
for ce Cfub ^being .the guests of the Ajax
R�i.�!. IGm next month, the Home and School Club (we think that was the order I Minister, Rev. Melville SutkWs i
AVeTZONWM q• IL J, THOuTSON, IL A„ LLs,Er ecutive hake decided to hold a of things). About sixty Ro'arians
Md d Antitim.d' r.� she
of CkAw ie i6l Yeirk. Bsrriste+e Aad' BoYeteoe — !► 1
' h 15th dined together—a splend�d idea RAND Y FEBBUAR.Y
Cos a Dance on Marc 23, M
Miss Helen Scott, a:. iiastings, with the Ajax Club providing the 8.45 A. 3L — SUNDAY SCR9016
s welt, imatf $Diana•Rsit11s5 peht�Dla aa>ef YaKdtls ' 'Alas haerie -yah her parents over P;ogram Rotarian Ken Morley of - iL6e A 21L— iFOIRSBa'
jell Reel- iF.atatonweot >61di. AJas the week -end. She a:•:ended a bar- Ajax presided over a discussion o2
off., at Reaeaiswe ti)day celebration for her ,father,
. Phe -_ Mr Scott, "Rotary," by members of each of
ASIAK Duan. tense fa EieSone
_ t6ttOae: Fh ed On . Friday evening, the two clubs. With close `to one- ! " ° I J,
!Rp Baby Steven Jones is home from halt mallon members in Rotary in EVlaf><OIeiE lrzLcomz
JPC46 pbs" AsW Iliff" the hospital and progressing nicely, some 180 different _ countries, Rot -
F. a #be" heck. � y Baby Ma acct .. Ann Barn s -- q
rg acv feels they, hags a wor_derful -----------•---- -
•�� belt eatehhusbod escape atirlg atter an attack of gpportunity . to introduce (arid see CINlStlOR �' .I B
inEtla1i/A mase tib•. Loyal pO�vB pneumonia. that it is carried out) some of the mus ROU ✓�►.
Air. and ars. ctl r, £ n�inci las beLefs and ROUGE HlliS, ONTARIO i
( LIG'ENSED AUCTIONIM m'' h and p Practices od
. Terry aro vacatiomn- in F1; -r:4, Rotary in -these different. lands. G: Invites Yen To ills iesniar
Pkkeriaj and Wii9117 Tosroww" Mr. and ' T- Chcr,. . f Scrri3: } •now a -well-known fact that, in Church Berries
nwq Pre v sitiZs + ^- ' -Dare-its lIr. -*id the- matter. of international Good- KINGSTON ROAD
- ■ �"�F'� Fun. Household a'~ h Mrs. John Henderson *n a week.. will and mutual understanding. In (North Side. Just FAor Of
• r rccortrplish- Woedlsada iaodl
r* - �� A 9yovWey Standinssen 10,3;: 3-85: 3-P4� 1-83... ed muc h lthat o r so-called diplo- -
.Borrlster, solicitor, s Attestloa Gfte� Et^ERY SUNDAY AT 11.00 A. M _
9-81:•5-60: -59: 4-56• 6•<il: --39. matic ervices have been unable to •� -
Notary Public IiII1T;iY — PHoNE :d0 8-3814 Hish Triple'. — tiiF.N-,fferman dol. The work of Rotary )vas Sunday Sehoet And Nursery =fa:
Marrish it Old Lingmu -Road Steeh 7i 8:...John Cassells 692; ix3re. Jrrh'RCUssed in many. viewpoints con- At The Sante Hear u
13ighianil GreekFevtle' e3r), — I•ADIFS — Wanda + cernin¢ .policy etc. For aelornm4sx. (.alio
AT. X7391 or-AT..2-1362 - _ WAIrTHb — Hall 532, Dr:-6th!Visernan _„�oa: ! '_ 'A return visit will be made by PPk*ering l:1W1 at All:, 1-7x86
cLIi ti'TRY HO][]� -- Helen Fenton 493.
MGM to Frill P.M to 3:30 pars. H.gh Sinitic t1Eti — Ralph
� � Rowsiingz FAIit11/8 Thomas 336• `or- Fertile 310: Her. -
My Appokitose3stwe Rove Waiting BUT -1 VM man toe r
S. li 273. —Wan -
- - Good CaAb Down Paysema 4DI�S Wan-
CALL - Mr. INGLIB £ti��l; .,Thorn I9 �Wi�man �D7 .. "-
rr- 4
tA !or Prompt And Fspes�-toeed S _
Service over 210
�/ r/��y�/ta •- �,• : k7) Otrit o Elia-4 Dick ' $ir ;hens , 224 • John Cassells" �/
r„oifSJJSLIK� 235, 271: Join Cassells250, 250, 251: H - 7ou 'af QII r ;
"SlgMvay 1liot:aaseat Worb” J. A W1''J.OU(3•Er-1V Sad 5OX9 man S Qen 239• Vince Brn:vrt L '
i R+rol¢es Norm F"Vle. 2O3:. Jim Brown 215: j( J «,+ the- washday `+
olR�1,AWht:by, Ontario > 7 6=petieeceti l4loa�e, Andy Why`e 223; Ha -r: ONIe} 225 f �+
EstabEsabed 1l0e1 / -
253; Vic Gart itt. 205: Cec, Me -oar- P
Two miles west of Whitby as ,
chores �nn�
{{ tin 230, Jack Et::k ^35, 215• Riayne
No. Z ]E;lghxay. bea6cen } Wells �1; Har: Fertile 267, 22Z: ��� ' - most of the
Whitb7 and Ajar: _. 'REAL ESTATE Charlie Morello 223, 256: Cliff Par.-
Pheae: whitbY Asa 8 Photo co-op now in Pick- ,n� 215• Thoslbbitson 206; ironing
. Al': ( {
erin and Ajax areas. To sit kter:3 - Y
1 9 - ------------- -------
PLUMBING. buy or soli for prompt VALENTINE TEA
ALIT" KAYES courteous 'service ask for -
In s, ite o: ve y cold .yweathe- on
RLwalli w RATmeolm Airs. Neil, Thursday a-'ternoon lam a large
�'3DRE 6=81'ifi8 .. , _
- Call - r+urber n' 1 -dr^ 2•tE-+c',ed.the.t'-1 �
re. or
'TIXATPS GI9>QI �o �o Psi k ring United C urilk Csponsor-
- !!tom >llahnd+g tlLfli ; .. ed b; the Afternoon VPornan's Ass- - • � - _
--------- 7-7--: -----------: General htwrame — Realtor A new laundry .s e r v i.c e �
octat:on. _._ I
Pickering 590 or MO. 8-3337 ��
The President, Mrs. C. Eutt, a el- designed for you. All" flaf
T!J 1C1/'�W kh1 RADIO
comed the guests• sorra of a-hdm °
a - RLLL7 came frcm' tihitby, 'Almonds. Ajax, " ---pieces .itpried. Wearing 1.,22
-wood Duri
�E�A�RS _ - rel, bath towels etc.,
Greenwood Ch a and .
barton. h�0 4 laCh !J[1T0 Ib. to
jpDeNB PICSERING 771 R■ a o ' Red ttilips, daffodils and fern in -�f� drt folded. ,rt' m ac sla r
DtT1BARTO'N RADIO ak TV a silver bowl. flanked by tall wh:`_e
4 .. , e on a -- ....+v. let ..di
- d d d d
tapers graced the tea table where -
--�A. IL RAATfEW -
_ _ Morley poured tea. Small tables dor •
_— FUNERAL AND the guests were decorated with
i pussywdlows and forsythia,
-ROGER G. CONtANT, i,• A, The program which preceded the
AMBULANCE SERVICE ed of b lilies. A Wal -
IRS ;•
?' R&RIttSTER and SOLICITOR. t.a includ solos y —
470irIT$ BUII.DIIvG, AJAX- ker. Ajax, aocornpaaied 'by A N o e.
..No. Z HKHMAY RLAh Brown. ice- :ano solos
"TA Skscae 8k L. 00have - by Miss Grace White: and readings 173 OS5INGTON AVENUE, TORONTO PRONE LE. 5.2161
TEby Mrs. A. Bushey. 'Save money Y visiting my one of ow cash and corry stores in the
Two highlights of interest were, Nwthtown, Cloverdale lloyview P1010
nmrAnce Co. - ,� a ep ne the needle pont and button div- DW Mims •
r - Willi Olt P80lii Laetertt Beam E►e�'S ii16*3F. e
�� Iles ser hsati AndOeanlq 059AJAX 1 -------- _ .. ; ----
ft 46
wails mouraw 4 mon"06
ads -
Bowman & Gibson . BUTT -
e>itoxs:IW•ei%vl1IOA nomnelhon, etieeiing of tht Onteirio Riding
WOODWORKING. s _ t% _ Progressive
------------------------ -lConserem"ve Assn wiH be held
-. - ' Elizabeth & Main Sty.
_ _ - 'WHITBY o
lE'aft r tied IIiRA><i�
_ _. :. H Y T
lrollnilrli, YOIrTEITIit � si[IIL Pickering
_ a AccCo.'
-- _ e (CENSE AtRUST eAb -i ` Friday,' f ebry
-: ,� • . - ol(I 8eN Wckon Prop. : _RR Q ��►
un=, osa�iwa.: sraAnoan: I r t;• A. '�k�� ne 41J AND NEAR
ro. lt][ro Pho COME A
ME.►wA-G. W. RtE$1., BA. s -ug v � �i �7iitss. • •. s ' • _ `'.1
vux, 1!>tcx>=c—r. A. LAwatil'i i ' iPrOK)� •' - Psalc>iRYN-- __ �= E'iON. MIKE ARR r
"� , -----------•---- Minister of LabourT ON. DOPtt':.a LEMhNG
- LI
i STAF%RD BROS. Minister aF:F,�a.rce <r
- - - Ontario t sst .,a c _ n - it
- O Riding Pro9
• re 've Conservative A� � iotio
t .
Avenue Rouge Hift b
BAddl &OLD P%M am dao' be WORL
Auction Bale of LIB. C. 'Tractor ; X= Irani tZA+Aia® !�flJti,� Trus Wttrld Day d Prayor �,,blth � • ,Pio 0 ` is Maoist clo wdi' x6ear" _ Lt
M. R{ hairs; Farm �ibments: Anodeaeers. >tLwtbums OWL Plans orae fa the flats - Doreen Balm. iM
+Reed �atiOtni �g ,
- _ -- Misceltaue.,as tar= scoia; ar"cies; 3" "d AAZmiaster 3-Ip9!'l. two years sego, ism � { � i �� -
��►- �� I �a handicap •
----------------------- ��
lvn einetta
.• � I Baled hay, etc,
the proPeetiY oc- -----------' spread all around the world. to �' M� Trttle, Bs.dabr 9elaooi !r!II• be heli' at
Rat - Doreen Balsdon 702; High 10.00 a. nc, every Sunday anotas
` Cailnl8 FALL ` 9R:OUGHANI 'y countries tavrehe a ttirian ' Triple, handicap --D�"e?Yn Boaae44a _to: chilaLm of ail ages,! yitia a
y---� Los 19�aad PA, Broken non' Cos. The W men's institute anet in. the WOmg° abrsh:p. The satviie rs ion-
• � -Pickering P Township 11x311 is e e ting evening � 3 ti U. If' Brougham it many den held
?s0 on �I- Flat Fivelyn d g env tinder the
. `•� of No. 8 wa February` 11. This meeting tools the ted ch -ch Bereen �golsdBeoree ,' y - --over.- - - '
t" for all- the
On Brook Load,•�o m.lessn.les south du -ted � Ci.�urch b the W cls Zor�,� �I
�c e• s sem• $ 8, 18- nu= ors--and--.their-tail=ea-A-� we -in . ed n of y � S Bormet*a f�llespr4 mrd bhs'Sa?isrs��
SATURDAY, �� _ '
276, 218; darary, Lay 827, vision of Rev. Jvaaes Gillespie,
t luck s,:�per was' enjoyed, (followed to join► with them on Thompson 214; Wilda- Law 200. Church. Service at 1.30 p a>i lana '
Tntemational W4. traa:or, standard, by a short' program, consistifig a Friday' February 21, et 2.30 p. n•1. ?.M stores - isiandttc
Complete with lights. starter, PTO comstunity singing, nzLft8l and The February meeting of St aP G►1 further notice; Bout aervbcea b
John's Ch Evelyn XW�a M, 224- E.ieen be held in the Cottnai.
and pulley, good. New Holland auto- r r a urcheW, M S. was h unity I&R•
vocal n ...tee e2
malls w re -tie pileup baler, la,.e u ' s also the presenting at the home of Mrs.' d TatoaVso� S!32; Winnie Mitdcell 224; ray in �iharge►-�AasQor. T. 1aYL_
of a Life BLetnbetr's Pia to Mss. K. Manson IIsi:- Jean Palmer 222, 210; Wkida Law ikan, of St: ldalthLrwa 3;aiahtsisa
model, campletet with hydraulic bale Burton. A sazali i+t't. for airs.
Ott ozi Thursday. the 13th. Mrs
g I 221; ]3etty Madden 218; Perri Rich• Church, Smztoro, and Rev. Ja m
z tension coc%rol; Wagon loader; Wis- who is moving to -Whitby; also a IIltcobt' President, conducted the ardson 204; Fern
I �.tsimesv Bryant 204; �-
i for drive in cod work- scansion Gillespie,igti ate _you by jplt fa
sana11t Knox for their kindness and gen. led in the war period,
W and Ws,
�' � rasa order; New Idea oc®biaation and end•. � S w- tis, and. to lead yxw
- ---------- --- children to
'� , si.te-delivery 4 -bar rake and tedd-• f n by Mrs. Barclay who led SiadaF School. - tit.
�! II e: a1 he:.p. Thus, another pleasant y
er, sear new; New Ides' 28 in el• evening was brat to • a clo8e. Ch Study Period-abattt the work of �
evattr, with combination grain and Ctuiatiaa Youth In J
Please re'hze¢nber the '•Miiliaezy fin, Plans to -
+,, - 4 bale, .°acute near new; New. Idea 5 Course" sponsored by the Women's assW in catering for the owning �•
ifoot cut mnwer; case rubber -tired i 1 - :AJAX �A N D �
In3titut.e in the Towr>,ship Hall On t •t ' rite taw-nshio hall were P 1 t K E R f N t
i T:Tirkin bearing tractor wagon gear, Ft brought before the meeting and rap.
ebattary 28 27 and 2a1. Will all the ot'oved, Announcements were made t ;
a, (near nem 17 by 1T toot wagon ilial la&es who are. ' interested please the min GENERAL P I T Ai,
_ i sack wi h Ytandards; Near new; I. contact one of the Corntnit,.,M Mas. 8 of O�a!a*a
AL G 2 -n. -row adjvstsWe tractor C. BI�� rte. ,g Harden os Mrs. renal in C18haaaa on February 20, .
�` -- -- Vka6•.11f}_ 2, - bottoms: 7E1'C 9 foot C. Wat9iiCR by Feb i and the World flay of pray, on' AJAX, owmo --
ruary 24, is or-
l3pring-loath ts.stor ea2tivator withdrr February 21, in lice church. Mention _ _
i Pla that they can awake mitable ANNUAL. CORPORATION ,MEETING
Sa! teeth: l9e+try• I3:sseil tractor tan. was also made of the Faster ThartlF
Bean disc lsarr.,•s; DtlB manure They moat have at least Bets >k gvltich Mrs,
: I and can have eighteen ladies Resatr;an 3 f �I
.i spt•cader; MH' 13-.cLV drill; Lett The Library'dan8hter Mrs. l.hun&, a ret rnel
' Plot
i grain .Irinder with l.�giing attach to. haBvt her hod iiia .4m from :Africa will be the � given that a go
Aeral rlleet%xis a�
1 anent; tiny old-fasb�ond WOOdea to be postponed till this week. Q+Iota Bit aD og Lunch was atuppiied title shart�W4ers -oV Alax ,acid pkkering.. 6e *nd
i bay rake, in antique, :Nv*-wheel- by tine hos an 3b's. Pdlaeett,
change date.-- bra�ry s�.---------------- Hospital will be Mold of 8 p.m OR Tuesday,
. • .' _ t. : _' ='* . ! ed t:oikx iAr tractor or .tart '�; They. P. U. had to sa'ithdzytav ----------------- -
•� °� � Marcia.
j Mouse souffles;' S=4U V10"; �- their lideetdat. � ' 8ow11at. - PatD. >i hr 1�S8r in tale NWlsir i:asideriKe.
able mouldboard w• drill plow. l�trt-' due on Btmday even ng, -.-_ - t#lenlbers and all iAtererted
persons Ore COfdi011y
-laiLg mill; Whee3ba:soatr; Ss: cin Mr, and MIs, K C paseoe and
grlattorm scales, 12M sap; Set of fainil visited Whi Zo. 3. l411161. env/ted to attefld. •
Y i Flexible cha n dreg harrows; Ac_d S y` �7 !4•iende cst no. 3, I7 Q
� - _ - R:eeo - '�r
T. N.
-- 7niany other articles not mentioned. � ane �. G " Z -Kae -2d A. D. ravvyHT0N
$aka Hay rant Glo�*e: ind No. B. - Lily.
'ty of Kedron visited her Prostdent and '
l f1aacge-cluantity of timothy and mixed Pa1'- No. 1, -Jena -
eats lioaard and Mrs.:lsalcaia one .Ido. 4. ' 22 SeCretOf�
:,t.Wire-baled hay. Joy 3: a - Chairman' of the B06M
- a 34 -Horse 80 cy.le elec. motor; 1-3
ii, -*se elec motor; 34 Horse clec. _ M
Mot,.!; Mectric brooder, NO chick - . - : •
-lap; b rubt'_or; Several chicken • _
-- - _. �
feeders &_-id foun:aina: Number a: - -
- ' >rtcel fence posts; Poultry wire len-By rule',,-
• insie or out.eeslag: E3ec-tx'sa l'esccer sad insula- -._ ._ , _
tors; Ray .car rota fork; Approx,
!150'feet barn dz--w rope: Several
Iron; RX Large ptcd scrams _ ��
;iron; Shovers: Forks: Hees; Sags: �� •- .- - '- -•
- - lC hains; Poles: Wh=etrees• Yokes
g co
- _. .._ ,Along wale marry other'useful at... � .. ... ,
bales too numerous to mer•,ion.
♦ t Rale starts al 2.90 P. 11[• :sharp.
Terms cash. No deserve ' � L�
------------------------- - V
r _ - ---
MLE RMIST1 . ,. .� od
Mmrs sty, i�rth 0 Ck ring auc
tion sale of two tractors, conibi-ae, - _
iVea Holland baler ,near now); fer- f y F
til:zer grain drill ori Tubber (near I
ltewr) bate elevator (good); P T
;.2wecd sJr:tyer; Walker hoof trite- .
- - -
. - tn•aTi-claire sea -,--garden frac- r -:. -
+ 'tor and cultivator; electric clappers;
i "� W 4 :n tile; chicken packer; P
T O side rake. prop- F'
3 grtatin. etc Ilse ' 57A" •• '
erty of -R. C. Baker, at Lot 17. con..
9 -Pickering x aC Tvxahip Quarter mile _ •._`t v � _
f M eth of Cla-remont. 4n Brock
Note -these :nipi� enta are an 7 0" 'A As °MOrOttS YJILI/E y
*ktra good tot, and vaell eared foie - 209.(" -- .'•
Owner quitting the fame; Sold his s•"
livestock last oalL No reserve. --
„'Persia _
_ eati2c Paulittier and A - —
' Clerks Sale at 1,30. W. D. A'lICII�I,. - - ►,
! 80N yah Manager and IWeDCaeer° ' �f—°I?'
tiat�,iday, March 9--auetim Sale Of � - li S r _ 77 �.al
'10'4 IMM trtadcs, real good; New
.1QolJatM ovtre-tk vittoaacatk plat
_ Rcq-behr, with lowing chuse..as
new, bale eietsater. sew; 1f1atP fs<lea
!!ew, LS:rfC Jp' Ise ONO am *IV" V" eNn "Wire #Was itf it1�i1 r110%�
Pletner#ts; hay; 9r%b t+vaueva RradoeaesM
mere tM+ daaraaatN Nth rMl llaro�t et
_- eta .on Lot 1$ and 20, Broken length, width, lewtnss whish awlostnan tater aatM 1 vrill t : •• ,'
Pit, toad trod doaavwer tee.. Awr alas incMs 'arca Ie1w aabti b flash �ft *� ts�o ,
Fa on yetr'p M thankful fer a
. 'Rroek Jioad, two miles sntrla of No, ]tw oitiha etbevtr roan hiside the cur end 4 i mora htwd- alesso on travelling the
'1�Hagh Je atZS; preiae'ty M Qcrts Fb:'tafira� featwk apes tee. meds is ,hear Chevy
D. m Terms Yes, a" wary bov hick as 11 r
cash. Pio re- And �Mvtrahat aRors yaw o crew, ylatwrousiy bw snort for ' CMvroh►f mit tins 4
Serve F�irsn sold, Iii and CL•ARZ� silhotaaNa, at aaavaft os thtroo aria a hoof inches lower in Your . M dimensions, M
T 'IfCL atfettaoeers The ttaedals, for oyff cotching beauty andlow ~ Uinta witr CM'rrew M act• '
superb AMM car en ataekat, 1' every
- ----__ -
MOTWX To cw=) RS ilro+' oww"Al -W wAau Ya ar M , s yev
fiN This twM all: CMvrelN paves You o whole bi* IMI puhatal wait. we CMvolot, fM
•w•awfaby the be*, .
' ALL CLADl3 89MIN t the Estate .•
dkdtsrd Avis. fate nf the Tawe. A - rule
• ship of Pickering, in the �
Ooanty of ee•
i1Rt:irin, Gentlaanan, w1}o died M -1--- - -- - - -- —_ - t-- i
the £i`r dry of Jane. 7956, are req.
' uire3.to be filed to tt't•Itt�S vrtth the '• �,
wcde-Uned before the 21.t day of
res wit
- . Febrvarq, 1938, atter which .date :
- - Ago Ch6wolelf-
. '.•..µII
— 'the estate will be dlsirfhDted with•
oat retard to say claim not thea 7.
ttlted, prized Chevrolet Decrier for Quick pr
} z VATFD, at Toronio, this 30th �y ---- -'�'t Delivery . - --
See Your Authorized Appraatuj
o! isnnary, l9aad.
' ' > VI9, Adatln_
asirstor. by hit Sottettoes
r 4 -'004 Rapeon, 40 Scott Street, Toros.
1%Wr0T0 ',St, t•
-A X
.,,_ .E'. '�,y +ice '_•^�' �-'y"5C" 7 yt"S',,.:No,irX!+syM�L'a, x '. "'"`•�
A Eoys Your frindl Resident A --
. - PAT avrar r ,�'•
' JUA Deis and CLEANZD eNsu.ANC6 ANTI _
N _ FOR SALE COMING EVENTS _ M — u wrtav — •oto$ — Aworwostis '
-- s.fw Teaifi Treasure ilyal..• MAN& r mmVit C11, UC. -
VMW PLU11f WG FRTURM �Ba�io '!'arts CIM
The to" MO = T&A f'ROParm " "M WIM
CHURCH 8ealiary Was
•'HR.ADY PLII?>�'•' starting at 5.50 P. M. PHOI�FE: 899W
_ Provision Made For Those N04
l►1CIsfNO .
+. TO Rr 4T spices Bd. o f. ,
. .. . Under Auspices Bd. of Managers
— s — . went. Phone
IFnR RrArt spa ------------.
Inckering 330.14. WO —BLOCK LTD*
---------------- ------ - BEAUTY SALOEt
1r04i RENT — hot>me, is Brougham F8=. FEBRUARY i:l - S.N P. M. -
_ _•_. St. George's Church - Pi
oketdns ! .� TORAli'ifO-------------------------------
+611 G1 Ai AIR.
Sdarlt3i$m 594J2.
.. Pickering Sr. >Jl'amen a iastttateSlag 7
- ot�cre#e
t• ----'---------------- will •meet in the Presbyteriaa S. S. _ .-.
TO RENT — Bachelot! . apartment
Room; o Tuesday, February W. at I I i
- targe, equipped, washer and dryer � LOCATION and :i
$bailable; TV outlet; aver store. ice, 2.30 p. m. Program—�Iiame Ecoao-
mies and Health. Mrs. MacDonald,
• Rhone ATlantic .2090. •
Cinder ::_�3locks'
--_--- at the County Health U will be -
" >R avav ROAn, xoRals f
------- -----large. ------- rximsm.. all!'!. — P360IW Ilii
- - =1a0�li' 1iENT —large, seven-rooa�od �� shaker. Boll ,Call-�rng a _ - �
house. oil heat, unfurnished. gar
Copy of Yoga Favorite. liacipe. All OPEN G$ _RTATTOQf BQ�;
ala, close to everything. $195,00. in are welcome. --- Phone: Pickering O. ,
-.. -
N ' pickering Village. Boz 611 Newt --- ---- ---- - ,
------------------------ �_
-- CLUB EUCMW �- _ ---- JOHN L. L A Y
: '. ► HELP WA
ATTENTION 11Y EX>?IBtT(Zfl($;� -
_-Girls interested is supermarket WICDNESDAY, MARCB lt, 1969 OZteed 6•NPi OR ;
rower$$• Must be inteliigent and have 8.N P. M. AThrnib S -16i1 COMPANY LTD.
brit appearance Apply Bo= 610• ^' 11 .-r ANE — AN� —
.!tows 00ce, in wrttinL ' ' Prises And Eelreeb;s�b
Admission 64 Chug i- 107 KiNGSiON RCS 61ST
WANTED Proceeds For Benevolent Work " HEATWO DERvIi-
RAN'tZ1D — hardwood lois and er NAtll'WUAI. GAB ' Tolopifone: Pickering 28
bftvy timber. HiStest pain- an --- AJAX AND FICZYJL WG Y Year's Ztparknee
Us stamp or is the log. R For- f (HOSPITAL AU=LIARY was BOL14bIAN Ser""
spthe, Phone Stovttville 844W6. -- -- TACYORT TBAINZD _
-=--- -------- FRIDAY, MARCS 14. 1939 Ci SERVICE ".
for one or two children between the 1,3Y p• m• to 1J$ P. M. _ — 9 TVDOA Yr. Co
ages of 3• and 5 years Phone 23H AJAX HOTEL 1AMTI'ED AJAX ---
kering (Former Arbor Lodge. AJsx) .• _ _--_--�_. -- - LUMJM AND BUIJNW SUPIM
Pic*: Donations Of Gaol Used Clothing, :4
--------------r------------------- �. , PlYW04D . .PAINT ... ARiDRRE -
• ^ - MAKE IAO .YON(= Chinaware, household Articles
r.. Whine Etep6anut late. iQ?IC TA14ES CLEANED
"thaw you thought possible. Sell to _
- - Wi11 Be Welcomed _ TIKX
is the your !Wends and 'others. in a• Pmt- Phone Ajax 299W For Tfe>tnp ''�RS ANE( TRIM _
Starr. the Meted territory, our guaranteed nec- New tanks Lrsuned _
wont. has essities' includ.ng toilet preparations. - W. WARD
--,------------- -._: Phone: Wbttby MO 8-E585 Station Rood and No. Higbwoy
term specialties, large assortment of ---- - ---
in6 Ganser I� boxes, cosmetics. Selling ex- _ _ ., - - _ .. _ - . • -
�per.encf' not necessary. Big coa•m- FOR PAINTT,YG
3ssion and the -chance of establish------- --•------' "- ---------- - TELEPHONE PICKERING 3158
dng a tusiness -of your own. Write, St. Andrew's Presiiyterian Cbureh,Pickering. -
=' !fat frer . details and catalogue tc= ;. Andibriam—Labor o�4, Oi AJAX
T. Gardner. Dept. I08, 1800 De- Tenders received by James L
torirr�e1, Station C. Montreal. ]Falmer, Pickering, Ont.• up l0 Feb- BRANDRAM
- _
1. Mary. 28. 195g. information may be - - •-- -
REAL ESTATE obtained from Jas.' Pahner. Pbone
Pickering 286W D E R S O R �. C. JEUREAR, IL O.
— - Lowest or any ,leader not oeeem- ,. t�'1'OlIiE'!'Rri.Ti' -
HAAmes,. Smma�hold►ugs -and Fawns arRy steepled. 1lN !Donning 91� RhtgR
` lAt+er►r
feb 21 I
(Mens for comraewtal and ,indw---.--_-- _-tAi•vo A1lttir Dreg Store)
.�+� � ExteriorPainting
$tial ales. Al] cash los your home PALVTOR9 and PAINTSBEcosAi'ORS %N A. IA to &jo P. Y;
''Y sacessai y. Mortgages arranged. $►•dsseap esti Sstva 9
Got your property listed with me ted hour for quick, gears. suer•o• y » �•
'19OV, and b4t ready for the spring teen first-class painting and pap.. GENERAL NARBWARE PRIONS: "'�Y �� '-M1
hang ng. — Rrk Stokes and- igen(
such. Phone AM 7-6415, or write me White. Decorator•, 'M R S_ Pickerla8 ----- j� i
.at 91 Cr•aiglee Drive, Toronto.I5, I=AIRS - ALTRRATIONS LA11lirOWRi81 ter OIDIIWQAR� • Re H�
elfalarlb. I will be pleased to coerce CARPEIPT'RY PLA@' 2WNG CC Move yaw lsomawoss ani Wil- ? ;JkN Esh�nat�s
es3 and discuss your ileal Estate Jet AlRD hesris lresstiltt�ed f� wb*w as _
y Free a -------------=----------------- anrrrs 519A" a�na Phone Pi
Problem with you. Fr !s- »eR t*� 391"
.� ' :.. .� ED�IE'S P OKERING 46 aaf1.
SEAL 1e5TATE AND ,S110C 'Repairs ftoilnri•66.awi.r r
_ e
----------- -- .DAILY Tax to r st. ODMAN —
COMPUM, Lam OF i POL1113M DY=8 R - t
SHEET METAL � arx>, iiaoicw
MIT OUR ZSC !1♦ am amn Smamo 7 Or utcm PMo.w Pichwi y 143
PIAN$ $aril �IfA110 111lRi T MATWiIAIA US= - � ►KiCEftlNti viwrcte
H a1r8 �NZ'e' F/A >�')t�t(B® WVAI38Ai69H>? ���5 lEgiw
8o Tors: M ----------------------------------- $ML. _,
.:; �• "Y6hM+fe' M 1i16s Eon o/ Dvnborioa, 8o„fh �, :
ars _
Pickering Jewlrey LVIII�E • GURNEY _
-----= — -- ---- j ' GAR WOOD .:I L�
t?�. BROt^Ii s BOWL : XOppooft ZhFN11Is Paiih),1 HEATING UNITS -0
1 - Terms up to 5 years
n : Bowli�ly
and payable, on your
yeah Atiernoon = 7.66 P. M. Plywood 90S bill. 0 % Ara _
And Satnrdas Et�eras AUTOMATIC Old. �. '
Roan For Ladies• Afternoon d - —HEATING -UNITS
s i� r.
oils 179 Pickering tr Pei 0
phLEY BESSi1VATTONS t . _ _ or.Whitby MO. &2515
noue: Ajax 476 Fob �. Moll! srr6iirri a _ i
. _