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r=M=N*G. ONTARIO,- FRIDAY, MARCH 4, 195b PL%'r Cap) Aii-Skeend
VOL 74 No 4 %lialted States $9.0 W. C. ftitjlM" MW son PUBLISHERS
Post Office. Dept. Ottawa, Ons _._
, Jk ,
Water' Survey-lor -Southmwastngineers. To Rush A
ArO Of Pickering.
Nobbycraft Show' succ ' ss 11we
Pickering Township Council Icarried Duffin's Creek broke up early Tues- His' many
at friends here. will be
ern their meeting last week that the Cook, Frenchman's Bay, homespun day morning flooding No. 2 Highway 1 pleased to know that Dr. V. E. Cart-
ngineering firm of Proctor, Redfern The first hobbycraft show held in angora; Mrs. H. A. L�Gard, Picker- and cutting off the entrance to the I wright of Burlington, who under%,en�
and Laughlin would rush the survey Pickering was a big success. The Wo- ing, frames; G. N. Hainiden, R.R. 3 village from the south -end of Church i a major op6ration last Saturday is
for the W&t Rouge water. mens Institute who sponsored the Pickering, lamp; Mrs. Ti' S. Kerr, 5th Street. I progressing nicely.
The County Clerk has requisitioned show last Saturday afternoon in the Con., Pickering, needlepoint pictures In the afterrmon flood waters rose Mr. and Mrs. R. A. 'Murison visited
from the Township of Pickering for "United Church are to be commended and shellwork vases. L to a depth of two feet on No. .2 -and Dr. Cartwright last Friday.
the year 1955, the sum of $100,996.20. for their efforts. We understand they Mrs. C. E. Morley, 10ickering, em- highway trucks were -kept busy pull- Mrs. Goldman
ing out stranded motorists-. of Oshawa, who owns
Mr. make this show an broidery; Mrs. R motorists. -Mrs. Ed- the Goldman camp here made a geti-
L. A. Bcu6it�r advised the are planning to ma Robert Reesor, 4th
municipality that they must secure annual affair. A much larger crowd Con., Pickering, millinery; Mrs. -F. ward Lelilane and her five children erous offer on Monday. She offered
permission to tender for large road than was expected tur;ped out to see Hall, Pickering, millinery; and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Pearsall
Mrs. F. and her cottages free of charge to those
items, rather than get approval later' the many crafts on display. Cronk, Pickering, woveq*po tholders; -their daughter Elizabeth, visited their who were forced to. leave their homes
Mowat, provincial -, librarian Mrs. J. C. Barkey, president, intro- Mrs. Charles F. J. Rogers, Brock home on Riverside Drive, then they on Riverside Drive. A
submittal a brief on'the formation duced the District Secretary, Miss Road,*Swedish weaving, cradle loom became surrounded by water. Sgt. , Mr. and Mrs. Wilf Hunt and Mr.
of libraries. He suggested that 'if a May Brown, who officially opened the weaving and smocking. Dave Freeman took the LeBlanc and Mrs. Bill Cooper left oil S
school area was formed in the south- show. Sunday
Mrs. M. Olynyk, Brock Road, Uk- family- out. Mr. LeBlanc was. at his for two weeks dowfi in Florida. 7.
"west part of Pickering, it would be a Over 70exhibitors displayed their rainian cross stitch; Mrs. R. O'Sulli- work in Toronto at the time. Pickering village v.nd South West'
--proper size for a -public library-. H6 handicraft; and it would be difficult van, Station Road, hooked rug and ------------------------------------ Fire departm6nts f6ught 2 hours
yHigh' PUBLIC SCHOOL "OPEN HOUSE" early Thursday m <
suggested a levy of $6,075.00 - 81 to single out any particular exhibit crocheted cloth; Pickering
- School, Kay Stork and Miss 'Fran estimated $5,000.00-b'aze at the Man -
cents per head. The tax rate would from the others because all were ex morning -to quell an
be 1.3 mills. This was tabled by conn- cellent in their class. But special Elliott, sewing class work. March 6 to March 12 has been ani resa Re -treat, north of .Liverpool. The
cil until an area is formed here. mention can be made of some. Mrs. Norman B -ie Pickering net. nounced. as Education Week and fire of unknown orl,'in
started in ii
.Mr. A. Walker, president of Civ- The work of Miss Joan Brook in tifig; Mrs. F. G. Wallace, Brock Road, Principal R. T. Doble of the local small room on the -rc6nd floor of 'u
endev Ltd., proposed. installation- of illuminating,. a craft that has, ceased painting and leatherwork; Mrs. Frank public school has announced that new 30-66m addition that was to have
water to 300 proposed homes in con- to be a hobby and has brought her Frouse, Pickering, needlepoint; A. J. March 10 will be open house'here.- been opened next we •-k. Three rooms
cession 1, lot. 24. Price ranges of some fame. On display, Miss Brook 'Perry, Qreefi-River, wood carving; Mr. Doble is inviting all the riaren ts wen '
these homes to'be $121',500 to $14,500. had several pieces of her York, in- Mrs. C. Barkey, Pickering, cross and any interested - to inspect the siderable dfmag , was . caused hy.
------------------------------------- eluding a copy of "The Rubaiyat of stitched picture.; Mrs. K. H. J. Clarke, school,.see what the.childreh are do- smoke and water. DL�mage was c(tv-
Omar Khayyam," beautifully illUmi' Brock Road, needlepoint, Miss E. ing. and meet the teachers. open ered by insurance.
WHO S nated on parchment and bound in a Richardson, Pickering, heirloom quilt; House will be held from 7 to 9 p.m.
---------- --------- ; -------------
tooled leather binding. Each page Mrs. Howard', Bath,' Brock Moad,1 in the evening. WORLD DAI
represents hours of painstaking work. smocking; Robert McHugh, 4th Con., ---------------------------------- -M.EETIXG
XIDDING WHO? In it Miss Brooks has achieved per- C. POLIO CCI
Pickering, leathercraft; Mrs. E. ION PROGRA.
fection. D'olmage, -Pickering, smocking;' Night Art interesting ser. 'ce of the, World
JTou can kid friends along butt F Variety of Hobbies Class, J. H. Fenton, woodworking dis- -.The IqGal Medical Officer of'Health, Day of. Prayer; was held on Friday,
t You only try to kid' yours,elfl or sheer variety of hobbies, one. play; Mrs. W. G. Lawson, Greenwoodi I Dr. W. W. Tomlinson, is asking for, Feb. 25, in St. G •)rge's Anglican
must mention the work of Mrs. T. J. 'silk screen' work; George White' the co-operation of the paredt% anuli Church. with-, a r'e,!oi4 atte'ndanc-.
You know there's a drive on to Wheeler, who displayed needlepoint, Brock Road, carving; Mrs. $. Briggs guardians of pupils in Grades. I and., 2 f .11 rs. J. M. cDon. d, Ana;,_
elementary schools in the d: clin e.11. thq� Inc: , !-r- A
1,98t; people to have -chest x-rays rug rnakint;- leather work, pewtei Riverside, pottery; Mrs. G. Law, of Qemen .�tn.ct, C,
as past of the fight against craft,� English cross-stitch and 'em -.Picker ng, croc�'-t: Mr. Rn- K -it in the forthcoming' h I rthcoming program irivolv- thii; year, led -the -en-ice, and M
Tuberculosis. Woidery. rs
-Brock Road, inlaid boxes, B�inn� ;n.t; (7 F and Mm. E. -Stork ni
---- ing polio va& �n.
But you're busy ... youM put The Provincial Alin;3t'
Mrs W, G -Lawson assisted by J-hn Kenzie. Brock Road, Bird paint Jr- -c4f Rv�"Jtfi, �',e'Un'ited 'Church. and Mrs. Hught
jA off, until tomorrow .'next Lay, demnniit_-":.d me. silk screen- Mrs, Allister Grosart, X.R. 3, Picker -Dr. Aacitinilvii, I'll-iPs. reCr L,v it,- Miller. of the, Presbyterian Chl=eh,=
week ... next month until process duAng. the afternoon. On dig-, Inic-needlepoint. iff. A14s6, Gr,.. al". I naunced'such a- prograrl, ;ni� were* feadefs-.-- Pra�rerx- were - said b3�
it will be too latel play were silk' screen -printed cushion R.R.. planned -to start oarly in A in il for_- 311-s. R. A. Irwin, 'Irp. F. Mrs. Rackham, anal
-work of 3W.' D e m a i n e .Riverside Tweeds-inu)'r Pupils in those 'two sr--cific 'ANIi-s T)li%e r wn. .. Irs." KoCh soil
TB never kids and TB's never covers and a skirt, - the - J) 40� N
Piggott. BDok; David 1IaxweIl,l!RjV4eN!de1,- fly-! 'tiough"vacc'ine will bt�,, availa i)ie. foc i L. Robinson acted as us! era, An
-too busy! It can strike. today, I- R. Hannah. Dunbarton displayed -e.approximat-ly Z50,0)0'ch.1dr(,1i aM sa was jiv; r by. ;Ire.
:vtornbrrow even last read tying. th re P;
articies he had engrtived, all-bei:uti-
Mra. T. J. Wheeleri Brock Road, the group se!t7ted. -T;ii � gi�oup_, foirr,* ..�rork on - "Pruyi-i- th-, scm ('0
ful. work, He was surrounded by a needlepoint, rug majtiwg, aj�krge crass -section . ction of, le age group by )Irs. Parker. ace
1 Don't lid yourself! Don't gamble group of interested leathers tnw
-1 With your family"s health people as he 'pewter eftift,"Eng, isR-ci-os's stitett and must vulneika�le to' Polia.- i orglart by Mrs. Tanner,wiis touch en -
"'It !-a hoped that hit parents a joyed
worked througnout the -afternooR. embre'idery; MrI G. K. Kmgmion, ril,
One • exhibit that, disappearc-d duty- -Brock R6dd.'-Clove Appltes; Mrs. A 9u4r&tn.,4',cbnc,4�rn*A- will lend theirl ----------------------
If CHECK -YOUR CHitt ing the afternoon was: tiv'a display -of Wilkinson, Pickering, wearing; NIW co-opievation to the local health .auth--
'SV 6N X-RAY TODAYt, h baking. This booth attracted a R. Wil -;on and Nlise'K. Waldie, River. orities so -giving of thisvitc
7 7 ;-11
great deal of attention for a while, side, colored trans - Re,�,. A. 01"' mzY by carried pit as expeditious- Mere words are inadequate to ex-
il e,%7erythijig was sold pa.rencies;
In Your area until Date and Plate at Chiale t; possible," 4 id Tor-linsom press our gratitude. To-ciur relaOvf6,
E.'Young, .Pickering, driftwood lamp ly Dr.
iendq arid. neighbors, who
W.I. president, airs. Barkey, " . gave and willow lamp; S. Briggs, River- -It is hoped that ;t may Provide pro- ft have
To.be Announced Soon b great credit for the iiii6cess, of the side, doll.house-, 31rs.-J. Farley, Brock Lection agitinst helped:.us thro '25
ugh. these days of Sor-.
Road, hooked rug; Riverside Craft Ile explained th: ' the vaccine. made TOW in the JOBS of a dear wife'
.4illow to...Nlesdames Jay, Piggott. De -
LF M and
.ING AGVE NEWS n -0 &rs, words <
Bowl aine and Wheeler, who had w,-rked Club, group demonstration th Connaught s,,.mtQries' fthe mother, with, u 1.
and --ex- by . - bea. tilu Aouro
like trojans. to set up the' exhibits. -hibit; John- Faliaise, Pickeri"jig: Ilia Q.nivtrsity- of T,-'',ntu, iii'beffig pro- of syfiipatby� and -deeds of. infinke-
'he also expres�ed, her appreciation Jane Ireland; smocking; .%Irs. 1,, 1, sided without cos* to the local boats!! kindness,
Standing. _pj.. Pinf-ali' S we can. only -say, "Thank
Y_ - 1>.
of the kindness of High School teaeh-_-ette,' Riverside, collection of dogs; of. healt!i. It �iad%f)et n "proven harm- you 'so. niiicfi.'�Mr. 'George" Walton
Go-Gettvft . ........ 19 1-5,605' ere, Mrs. Mork, Mr. Fvntqn and Mr., 31rs. P' Piggott, 2nd Con.. Pickering, •less in tests in the United. States last and A
e 101A
Jolliffe for setting up the display of silk screen printed skirt; Mr. P. Pig- year where. 450,0i)o -.-Children received
Ramblers '137- .14882 the work of . the, night school classes. gott, 2nd Cori., Pickering, silk screen 1 a similar preparation. Its use in On- _4 wish to
is --expfesff my sincere ap�-
Old Crocks 12 14330 The list of exhibitors . was as fol- cushion
covers and clock; Mrs. James tario at this tinic -would be in the preclation to Easter Rebekah Lodge,
- lows: Lodge, and man.v
Puppet3 11 14b33 Davidson. 4th Con., Pickering, jewel-'' nature of a further effort to ascer� No. .350, -Ontario
Mrs-willism. McKay, R R_ 3, Pick- -eo; Mrs. April Keet., 12nd-Clo 'Fial basis the rieads'E4 theiA. kind eliquirie
19 love-
Gutter.-nipes 10 14A2
Bring, heirloom piece; Gordon Gibson, -Pring, crocheted rug; Miss Joan Brook- vaccine. I.Y..cards and ft's during my -illness:
14 Pickering, tile designing. Alfred Rosebank, illuminating; Gustav Philip: The Medical Officer of Health ex-' -Mrs. Carl P. Rogers.
Rolling Pins 8 1.08 Kayes,'4th- Con., Pickering, leather- 'painting; E. R. Hannah, 'Dunbarton, plained that the vaccine is giveri in ------- ---------------------------
Singes, ove.- 200: G. Murkar, 279; ,craft; 'Mrs. John Ilott, 4th Con., Pick- engravinir: 31rs Bol,qolt, three injections by a procedure simi- FOSMG Ev TS
K. Stork, =i; -.3il. Lynde, 2.56; G. ering, latch hooked rug; J. H. Peattie, work cushion. T. J. Wheeler, Brock lar to that used in giving diphtheria. 'ST. GEORGE'S_ S WOMEN'S GUILD
Bryant, 244,-2U9; 1J, Bryant, 239; M. R.R. 3, Pickering, exhibit; Mrs.H. T. Road lith Fli
ba& -toxoid. The -dose is relatively small
Prouse, 230; E. Huyck; 7 -the first two inject.ons are given a Bt.' GL�vrge's Wbmenp
a Guild will
Singles. with handicap [ROTARY CELEBRATES ITS 50TH MRS. GEORGE WAL week or 10 days apart, and the third I hold,their monthly muting this week",
Lynde, 277, 215; 31. Prouse, 247, -)16;,l ANNIVERSARY WITH LADIES' TON given four weeks after the second. March 3, Thursday, at two o'clock in
E. Huyck, 2377; S. Gould, '_26; M. In emphasizing that the co -opera- the. Pickering. Club, rooms, T%e pan.
NIGHT, 'Puneral services were held last
Barkey, 2147. - tion of all involved persons is nece-q- cake supper'wAs *a
Triples over. 500: G. Murkar, 649; Thursday for Mrs. George Walton,. . very great success,
sary,'Dr. Tomlinsow said -request" We had -a good atifendanci and lots,
Pickering Rotarians and their wives who passed away suddenly at her form would soon be distributed for of fun. The Pictures -shown by Mr.
G. Bryant,'4341; K, Stork, 636; E Bry- gataered on Mondity night -to cele- home on Tuesday morning.
ant, 622; 4; 11. Prouse, bnate the Golden Anniversary of R'_ we axe,
NI. Lynde, 61 signature by parents or guardians. Ken Clark were -lovely and
57.5; N. Ba. o The service was held, the Me. "I ..would like to ernphaaize (ince hoping that, he honor us
ker, 569; E. Huyck, .527. tary, at the local high school. Eachnie Funeral Home `with Rev. A. soon,
again," he said, 'Itlict-this Alio vac- by 'showing More in the near future.
Triples with handicap over 500: M. Rotarian Harry Boyes, who rhairea E.. Young officiating. Two Of Mrs. cine. is � harmless, and it *Cl may, be ----------------- ; ---------------
I.ynde, 677; 1
M. Prouse, 6*26; S. Gould, the try
making arrangements
Walton's favorite hymns were read by -that it is the answer we have been . KEEP THIS DATE OPM!
,564; E. Huyck, 563; M. Richardson', for the evening, also chaired the pro- the minister. The casket •-was placed seeking to th�, polio problem for
,549; C. McEachnie, 541. gram. The ladies were presented With I in the mortuary chapel at Erskine many, many years' It is certai y St. And'rew"s Presbyterian Church'
All or nothing at all was the theme roses and with 010 guests were wet-: Cemetery, where interment will take worth a trial."
of this week's bowling as the Old conied. by , Rota: -y od -place i A
Crocks, Ramblers and ------------------------
president, Fr -pa e n'thespring. BAZAAR and EASTER
I Go -C efl-or. W 1. ; to- ------ ----------- TE
took Pallbearers and flo,-�-er bearers were
Pins, Guttersnipes and nephews of Mrs. I Walton. Pallbearers PROGRESSIVE
four p6inis from, the Rolling Following the dinner, Rotarian W
1�uppets N.
0 ip
•-Getters International and "the local ]ASS Westecott, Albert Fraser, ,Eur! under the auspices of the Friendsh
Pectively' Let's stop those Go , Rotary I : Ernie Tuck, Donald Bell, Doug- Turn Rlqht=W:�
this week it's -the 'Rolling Pin's turn f)"ief h;stolT_ of i were" .:Ever
to beat them. CLUU 11IStUry. i0tarian John Everson Walton, Arden Clark. Flower I)earers Club v�ill be held Wednesday, March
of ihe'Osfiam�a club, represefiting the were: Chancy Tuck, Delmar Johnston, go a Red Ught?. 16 at 8.30 p.m. in the S.S. rooms of
---------------- 77 --------------- 7--- District Governor; touched on St Andrew's
the John Waddell, Harvey Ellis, Kenno Presbyterian Church.
Rotary "four-way") test. Mr. Mark Erery(ine'wel6o'file�-_ Silver collection
21111111111MUSE N I SURNMENNENIfnNiam Loveniount of the Ontario College of Fraser and Jim- Crawford. You watch the traffic ection.
The many floral tributes showed .You
your car forviard you (2wks,
Art was the guest speiiker and gave the esteem YOU ----------------
in which Mrs. Walton was -'Watt until the cars all pass by --------------------
CANADI.AN CLUB an intormative talk on the 'm-ork the lie)d by herfamilyand friends. .. . then away you go! The regular nloet:ng of
. . college is doing with the art students. -------------- --------------------- The
W.A. will
Thursday, March 10, be held in the S.S.
Several pins were presented to loc�l T. red light made you cautimis rooms of the United Church pre
members. embers. W. C. MurkarOf Your: Own skin -as well as Thursday, March 10' .at s P.m. -Mrs..
was the reel
picot, a pin, presented by Rotai BURTON -Mr. arid Mrs. C. James other peoples,. Hut"eh'ings, group in charge of the
ST. GEORGE'S PARISH HALL Jim Koch, for 12 year,; attendance There,x a refreshments.
red light burning for
Burton (nee Barbara Joan Harri
days -------------------- Z "----"" `: TB these
without missing a meeting. Ron Hall,
ton) are happy to announce the --warning YOU to
be ented birth' of 'a son, -Charles John, on be careful for yourself and your kb.
OSHAWA the'youngest club me' P9OGRESS1VE.EiJCHA9 PARTY old4st member, Miles f4milY. Reed that warning. rial Halc.
Chapman, March % 19,5,5 at - Toronto Ea i6k6ring Memo
Sp4aker: with a pin and Rotarian Stall Balsdon' General Hospital. Tberi's Possible danger &be& Saturday, March 12
presented Rotarian Ross Irwin with a I d.
PROFESSOR CHARLES HENDRYsponsored by Rebekah Lodge
7 ---------------- 7--t- ------------- - t . - I
pin for his service to the club. . I YOU unit afford to chance TIL Admission 50c or $�1,00 W Couple
University of Toronto of, the. evening, Harry so watch the traffic eaft LUNCH and PRIZES
Your car forward then away -------------_----
HOT -------------
Boyes, presented the president, Fred ROAST BEEF DINNER -,you go fac a free x.M.
on White, with a pin in, acknowledge• -
"SOME HUMAN ASPECTS OF ment of his year in..office, STEIR SUPPER
Mrs* 8. Brownlee Wednesday, March 16, 1955 OY
of Oshawa, and
CANADA'S EXPANDING Mr, Frank Oldfield of Toronto,
both , v.a om Youit ocsr
ED CHRCtECONOMY gang several-ablod duHnk the evening:DINNER:5:30 p.m. on L-MYTODAY1 -
• The newest film produced for Rotaryl "Tickering United Church -TUESDAY, MARCH a
Date and Plice of Clinle'la your area
was shown at the close of the pro- Commencing at 5:30 V.n%
gram. " I
00 - ChUdran'50c
to be annova"d •mom Adults $1.00
y ..
extremely enticing offer .from Mr. Dawe is • returning to his lisp, giant ray fish which could
- MRSTpremier Joseph Smallwood and native land with his wife and electrocute a •man, 'even' fresh-
' , s provincial government. 13 -year-old son, Calvin. Always water' sharks 8,000 miles from
his The provincial body footed the a perfectionist, he has experi- the ocean. Then:
�' - • bill for all transfer charges in- mented with cross -breeding mink _"We have Suet received a re-
eluding 200pounds of horse and has come up with unique port from the mouth of the
r ,P
mutations including alominos.
v • r meat the mink consumed during Morona River ...Juan Vargas
their 4,500 mile trip. A policy of Iris Flowers, New Buffs, Amber is our mapper there. He has
' MARRIAnew an
E ALIEwan can Golds and.. Saphires
GNATES • knew hat hum
- encouraging mink ranchers to been found in, the belly o! a
-SON OF LONELY PARENTS. • do .more? settle in the island province, to snake.. our, Government launch-
Dear Anne Hirst: Why do _ -"
tie in with the whaling industry. es have a heavy wire mesh .
1: people always blame the LONESOME DIVORCEE is expected, to make Newfound- Snake Swallows rat that covering sides and roof
} mother-in-law -in these heart- "Dear Anne Hirst: I am 36, land the world's leading centre so that the poison loris of the
4 breaking family problems. I, for , and divorced. (I married at 15). for mink A Klan Whole t21� will be caught in them.
instance, have always tried in One ' of my children is married, The ravenous little creatures Vargas was sleeping on the boat
every way to be a good mother and Ihave steer -age boy' with each eat one-third o! a pound of The crew were camped on. a'_
-and mother-in-law, and never me. -I live a very lonely life. ground horsemeat a day, which Ever heard of a snake swal- _sate beach. The anaconda snake, '
Interfered in my son's married "I don't drink nor smoke, and at 12 cents a pound, runs up a lowing a man whole, just as the apparently hunting tool, came
e. Yet still his wife has never 3 like wholesome , leasures.- I whale swallowed Jonah.
� P _ pretty lofty grocery bill. In con- out of the river, and entered r
2 Chown any consideration for our should like to meef some decent parison, Newfoundland; with its Before American explorer :the boat through a hole Cora •
family." So wiitea a desolated man (I'm sure there are some' large whaling operations, makes Leonard Clark set out for the, that day in one corner. After '
`mother who feels she has lost left)- but 1 am' backward by na= if possible'for the mink breeders jungle east of the Peruvian Aa- killing and swallowing. Var¢aa,
...her son through marriage: She ture, and its is hard for a won to purchase whalemeat, richer, in search it could not return through the
d� m e of E] Dorado and
continues: roan to encourage new .mea and proteins than either beef or legendary Se hole, and was found in the -en-
` "They have been married a not be misunderstood. Have you . horsemeat, for two cents. a e consulted Citi Prof. gine- oom ext morning."
Cibola. h corer a r n
long time. Not _once. have we any ideas? pound. Caesar Rosell, who warned him: "Is it' possible to swallow a
• :been asked to their house. MY
Rita." `A mink rancher for 25 years. "Senor Clark, you enter . at Do� Clark asked. '
- - '+ To other lonely women who hazard: there is• a grave ,chance man whole,"
son never comes to see us, and will not get out alive "Those snakes are capable o2
• it hurts us so. They are even • write me I suggest they inter- $ALUM SAtIU s bold you *be sd unfortunate as swallowing. not - onlya 150-•
keeping our grandchildren a est themselves .in ,community •
#way to penetrate even a little way pound mar}, but a 500 -pound
• affairs that attract other peo- ,,: " -
- --- - after crossing the' Andes. animal such as a tapir, Rosell.' . .
"Why are good paients sup. .. • ple of their age. The many ac- In the last ten years, he said, replied. "You, see, they crush
posed to suffer like this? it. • tivities of your church should . they . had lost about 700 Peru- the larger bones. lather the
seems a son cannot love his wife ' be productive, and civic
and his folks too. (How can a 'groups attract intelligent 'and . viae explorers." soldiers ofiic- head and unjoint their jaws s
'man be so weak)? I must have • worthwhile -men as well as _ Isla. bush -rangers who had tried When hungry the snake will
to get- off. the rivers and "pac- take any kind of .living food -
failed in a big way... Is there • women. • a ify" the Indians The explorer m4rine, crocodiles, land mam-
no such .thing any more as hon- • Hospitals; institutions, and r • Robuchon had been eaten by mala and even man himself!
oring thy father and thy some libraries appreciate part- -
• mother' # time volunteers, and their cannibals, and there were scores --
'' Heartbroken Mother." ' contacts might prove helpful of others who find fallen into
',. the hands of corpse -eating tribes
• as. well as interesting. Any
�• - For every neglected,. mother and headh>3nters:
} • r
activity that requires your
there must be Utere4ly thou -r ! regular attendance, and. Your . -- - Hes spoke of man -satin Jag -
sands who are loved. and hon-' enthusiasm, will widen your L,1 t revs. death from . snake -bite,
1 • * ored by their families -and acquaintance and keep your : - black crocodiles, Pana (cousins
- now and then this :column �• VITH CARE
•glows with their tributes to ` L mind alert and receptive. Hate you any antra apeclat of the tittle flesh -eating piranha
their children's thoughtful * No lonely person meets -new. f - kitchen bouquet?" fish); --ten-foot cannibal tiger -
0 and continuing kiadnesaes + friends by sitting at home and
The cruel: fact :that wishing. You must go where
' nice people • congregate...' and _
.• others are treated as shabbily -•
• as you in the twilight of their " attack: y ourself to groups that
•lives is small comfort, 1 know, " can use Your talents. Good 7 i
'j J'�
luck. �j
• yet my mail brims' with 'sur- • rfto -
:• ferings and there seems to he Cherishyour --parents while
• no consoling- solution. i con- C_ iw_
• tinue to print some of them.y are still with you. One dal, �
• hoping here- and there a -gull- ' they wffl not be. and then the
• ty soh will be quickentd into knowledge that you loved and �i♦Yf�1
I• __..._ -honored them w1D be year con- _ Cleo tis�lw to at tho
7.filial redemption.
solation. Anne Hints opin- ,. Stage, i
• It is, 1 conclude, the sub- ion on family situations Is I
+ servience of a man to his sought by . thousands. U you _ '
• wife's domination 'khat- Is face a difficult situation, write f !
+ largely responsible.' She,- rack- Iger about it, at Box 1, 123 Eigb-
• ed by jealousy and selfish .de-. . '. teenth St.. New Toronto, Om.
mandator ALL her husband's
love and attention, drives s_ --�-!
• vicious bargain: Either it is These Mink i`raveh r '- - - - /
+ she and the children, -or his -
« mother. The man '1s weak- A Long Distance _
t. ,01 sick of . scenes, and . ho sue- . s
+ combs, Sometimes it is only - Plinty of aloft on the pate,_ 0 THAfs OTMi1R
es the years hasten by and he enougIris
h for thirteen- full length- ,.1 A+M 6R`Ai jaic i
e is treated no by his own chip _ coats Worthy of -milady's.y's_ most. SandIIIA as10N1Ates
• drea that he comprehends the meticulous taste. passed through FRAtsx� puetldw Kes+l�M�j,
_ r
• lonely years his ..Montreal recently aboard a Can- aM set-
+ dared. - Then he must suffer idian Notional Railways express _ _ } f '+' „. t+!0'a'"� Risk -
l e arch remorse as descends upon car l 1 scat+ art•• �
him.Former residents of Lulu CME ALaMtgs
* Do no I be blame your- Island B.C., the 737 squealing, Q Od r taAWOK O "41
} * self nor try to analyze were prized rodents, valued at $81,000, c. SYNutaOt/trns tiee> i SlAasist
" you may have failed your son. and their owner, William i7avde,Leea ,.. ae . S1,1s �• r
r *r Too many other devoted per= - --movedlock. stoek and barrio to - - , _
" enb have never found the an a new ranch site at Whitbourne.f �• ei'sYtr R . st,7S 5•
• ewer. You did the best you Newfoundland, to cash In on an J b stSRK
AS ts [Abose Ai 2k-
TMA S AAy� a4li>�as -
- - - - -
;� ��}'� yr'b `.� ^�,'fi •
IL# -
a O BRITISH PORTS: : A# Thrift -Season ft -Season • Rates TO FRENCH PORTS
y _a" x. + First Class from $192 ROUND TRIP FOR AS LITRE AS First Class from $217.50 '
Tourist Class
$155�Z80Tourist Class frm#4o 0
:a A•. —:. .. .:.. - - --
i Frew NEW YORK_ ! " Firm HALIFAX — - To
-- - -
d - VESSEi }� -�
Sat. MAR. 5 ^ Cotih, uZerpodl
- the many features•at;the•,J955 Canadian MatJonai Sportsmen's
- •-- Show to be held in the Coliseum, Toronto, from. More 11th to
•'.,1.9th. This big Springtime exhibition is again being sponsored by
the Toronto Anglers' and Hunters' Association and- the entlre
- _'prof its will be used to carry on an extensive programme of con-
s•nrvatiom More Margaret McGillion learns -the proper tochniclue,
f.reel.n i "a.a hip �e.N
RENTIA ay T; 11 r -July 16
Thvrs. MAR. 10 Sat. MAR, 12 'Havre, Southampton
-Fri. MAI. T 1 ► Liverpool •
" r,
Wed. MAR. Id -- �' Cherbourp.54u!hampton
Fri, MAR. 18 Sun. MAR. 20 Cobb, Liverpool
Thurs. MAR. 24 : Sot. MAR. 26 Havre, Southampton • .
.,1 .
- Fri.. MAR. 25 . .Liverpool-:
tMEDIA _ .:
Fri. MAR. 25- Liverpool
.Wed. MAR. 30 -• • • -Thurs. MAR.' 31 - Cobh, Liverpool
'.Wed. MAR. 30 - ,Cherbourg, Southampton
: Wed. APR. 6 - _ Cherbourg, Southampton ..
Thurs, APR. 7 Sat, APR. • 9 Havre, Southampton
=Fri. APR. 8- • ! - . - .:Liverpool
lVia brmude
- _
*May 31, 'July 2, Aug. 6 Glasgow
LISMORtA !Apr. 28,
CAPTAIN COOK 'May 2, •28; *June 211 "July 16; Aug. 9 J liver-_I-Glas our
- "June
; Aup. 2 sego
- •&a„nnr Seaton NOW Apply
' 'See your local agent-, s;
" - No one can serve you better pr0wnlefirKerf - s A
; NARNI A ►islys i,
Claw (wlad�Is frelsl Eerppa }
1 Corner Bay & Wollingtgn Sts., Toronto, Ont,
Telephone EMpire 4-3471
Wai sr.
. ••MlCA�9 Fui':�r �t s'yF'- r�� •: r .r.�4•. �• u +���+n, I .pr
F -17V
BROUGHAM trip 40 the East Coast and New =t8tha be able to bring in Mrs. G. K. Pratt and bars. C. Clem -
and Mrs. "AP 'Harvey and f6tindland last summer which was dimes towards this pro- Bnce,..I/lr. George Puckrin and Mr. C. Mrs. Charles Clothier and Susan, v&t.,
y will
very -interesting. Wj urfdirstanii- this I feiit i;hicli is a must if we are going Clemente. sited Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Saundw
also Mrs. Harvey, Sr., and Mrs. meeting did not have its usual vol- to expand in our Religious Education. r. Bob McHugh came home from
Robertson, assisted on Sunday with M during the week -end.
ume attendance but we hope the girls Work has been' under Sunnybrook Hospital. on Friday last. ------
Wr. and Mrs. "Bob" HaiTey at Tall will all be on hand way towards
Pines, Haliburton. next --week-, the Axing thA roof and timbers then the Bob's friends hope his health con- Be" a" Crip -----------
by the Friendly Bible Class to be held the sale or you pa I Additionally there will be a fireproof 4088 Lillian Blc�ell . of Toronto, Rear"d For Sainliteiry DIX&@"
Keep in mind the bazaar sponsored Don't forget your piece of work for Addit o pkd Farna
9th, for' regular work meeting. floor, ete., including an auditorium. 11111168 to improve.
on March 26. More particulars later. rjfON1; COLJ)WT
y a line. furnace room and wash - rooms built spent several days last' week' with
Sunday School * attendance was on the front to Provide ad Phone .. Plokering .39
equate fa. Mr. and. Mrs. James Davidson. GORDON YOUNG LDGT=j
Mr. Frank Ham and daughter Own a little this week but it was not cWties t0.411 type of work and en- Derry Rose of -,Markham, agent the
Wora,'al&6 Mr. Wm- Id'
Palmer of Clan- any wonder considering the way it tertiii to. week -end with Mr. and Mrs. William Toronto Phone
We are sorry to report Mrs. Brum- GuthriernI.P. ........ — --------------- -
Mamilton-one dad last week, treat this week in that the Scripture well fell this Past week and hurt her Mrs. Lorne Saunder is indisposed STOVES AND
moat, called on Mr. and Mrs. M. was ralrdn& We 'hada little extra W mmen
n her hands.
'Frank loi Seagrave visited on Sunday strip which made the story of the will not-bi- too long before it is heal= Mr- and Mroa. Lee Darw FURNACES
Mr. and Mrs. Honey and son Lesson wag in the form of a film arm' and shoulder bidl� but hope it I with eczema
in of. To-
lvith Mi. and Mrs. M. Annie; Good Samaritan come alive for us all, ed; ronto, and Miss Dianne" 'Pratt,
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Knox and Tickets were distributed this week - ----------- ------------------ ..... . of Oshawa Hospital, were home with A"TING AND GZNZR"
-daughters, 'Betty -Jean and Faye,' vi- for the film night on Friday, March
•sited with Mr. and Mrs. A. Hardy in 11th when th' "Sto Mr. and Mrs. G. K. Prate during the RKPAARS
ry of Robin Hood"
Toronto an Sunday. week -end.
'%ii - is .-CHERRYWO01) spade * Reatei's Cleafied add -Roeopekid
11 be shown. We hope you will greet Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Saund'er and JERRY VOSS
Mr. Fred Hicks is busy digging a the children gladl�L when they ask you Mr. and Mrs.' Jack Evans visited daughter, of Oshawa, and Mr. and Old Greenwood Rd.; Pickering -well on'the lot he recently purchased to buy at 50q for adults. and. 25c for with Mr. and Mrq. A. Taylor on un- e..
�.,from Mr. Ken Pascoe- Sim
children.' We "are hiCvin day 'afternoon.
The.. regular monthly. meeting. of , i this filin
through -the courtesy of the -local A number of ladies attended the
'the Woman's Institute will be held Johns Manville Company and are very "World Day of Prayer" service in.1
in the Township Hall on Tuesday af- appreciative of their assistance in[Locust.Hill United -Church on ,Friday
.ternoon, 3larch 8. The .program con- this xegard. Proceeds will be used to afternoon.
vener will be Mrs. Geo. Gray. Rolf pay off - the balance due on.. the. pro- . The. Wonlbrtg Institute will meet in V,
call, "Name one of our past prime jectoi
and Possibly anything left over the Hall' oh Wednesday
xninisters." Hostessew..'.Nirs. Al. Annis afternoou
Nlarcii'9 at 2 O'clock. Subject fol.
is., W. Bayles, 31rs., C. Burton tnf de -'I
may go to the building tun'
�cn-�y Bannock;J "The _11aft of 861-fows." Group,'
8 now t�el I i r 9 gh�tres
Kinsale- in- 13o
H. Barclay, Ajax -and
Institutes are to be guests. Ys' W6rk- which cost anything"• 3, will be hostesses.
The i is stjving-oovf-th'h6r.�'
-egular weekly euchre sbonspA OPP YOU si&te
from ka.00 to $1,000. N�'e It Miss -Al, (i t
.-ed by the W.I. was held as will be abli to 'assis? in sQr*ae small The
Mrs. LeonaW Gates. e i� is #to more noble &�n
usual on way to promote -this work through7.1 �Ihe ];,dies wish to thank 77h r
Tuesday evening when the following iank all
-were winners: '%11;;. Wm. Knox, *31rs. out the Province of Crzitario- the bake iiitii held 1 11. hum
1v h, "I WA, dnitariav_.qqani_-atjo
a the. touff-ville Sales Pavilion on I
P. Brown During-31axch--there- wU it s
M rg. _e' �h- Ti�iirsda)r at' -Cliftcrest United tiir�., last; also to' those.,• Who. _e world th Q
-and I be -classes ay ja An th whole
Se ped by buying. Everything'
(own, I r. "Wm.'Knox and Church for'pr-esent and future lead helped
wasI. fled. Cross"
Community' sold.
Cliff Hardy. The travelling prizes era for Co' n Schdols.
went to Mrs. Shea drid 31r. Pugh.
The Sunday School feaders are re There will be a euchre. and dance! GEORGE IAATnaW
Special "World's Day of Prayer" at the gich-
001 on Friday- evening �b;i donation to the Red C
held in the church orr 'Agin- -vice was he minded he,"ing -it A 49
ser 6f . tlie gat, 4, 4P4L)mored.bjy the' Cross helps- provide: -4,
'day United Church March 9th where School. � '.4
-Fri - aftern6oh 'kitk-a good attend- court 40me 411d. 4�oeoaredness for DhLiiter 6040st Hospitals
-war vetarm Servo
.:ince. they may gather Information regard -
Several from here. journeyed
d to . ing thOr L,�ork. --------------------------------------- &F=@ Blood Trassfusion Suvko oNming wW Ekgllh SM4"•j,
eu. r converting the
on Friday evening- to at- have now received the officlal
-tend'the ch e, All re permit -to proceed -with 6 AUDLEY
. -a good time report_ complete 4uarters A#
.1 --former shed into
The Friendly Bible Class- w for our'Sunday School.''The children It, I There was a good attendance at the •
will ho . hold 4,ve been given envelopes club euchre party in the -'School OZ& C nereiiiali-f r
their next meeting on Monday- eve-, and- -v,�e Saiu-r4ay The.
ning, March 7_ at the.-.horne of Mr. winners ere. 1 U494,100 IS NEEDED THIS YEAR
and. Mrs. 31anscin; Ellicott. Every one
NZ------- - ------------------
lei L
tpndzrnce at the 1W ve-e ne 00"', to:L41*
JP'1,0"re vvere �,k; Itjoiie- in at- I p"
A4 -meeting t,
Week which operwd 'th a Pot Luck C,14,40A'S S TYPE C
Lu3xicheon. Mrs. Horto f
on s group, ..HARPELL"- , S
Therit's a beauty and wo,.,,rrj'
in charge of. a very- fine progruni for a
that defies descriptio'h. yoo rr%st
irhich we thank them very much.* in oafficiency, about this newes, I loocAlir
�Xrs. Hortons absence- Mrs. 'Mitcheil *a* It for yourself! only then-' tiffniture t1pbolsteril7g
r can you properly ap rai%e it feACU'rS
p e or.=Annis conducting
—th a ; played Pad- for feature. TSJUe lof VAIUC, 7
_h Others
of its type. Why -not
erewski's Menuet r usual fine wit
O=so for a horn* showing
on the piano while Nim Bak- yt
No obill 0, GS
er of Centiennial Road gave a variety satio
of coune.
ghfng itrid 'crying.
-,of readings which
Many thanks.
�to this group for their fine perform -
`ance In this their first group pro
The Guild•Mrs. Slathers of oS. -BALSDON&SON Chesterfields Recovered, Remodeg&d & Repaired
Washington United their'speake'r. 7
and she gave- them a report of her h. EASY CREDIT TERMS CAN 'BE, ARRANGED
:'-`HARW000 N.. AJAIK
0 N TA P 1
158. HwWood Ave.
haxil" Ont
9w Appoint ,M)
Never before- TUBELESS
Tuesday, March 15th 19 7 .
55, is "IC a tire tike Super -Cushion
upon w this!
ich 19S4 motor vehicle and by
--'registration Plates maybe, used, Itis also the 0 then an
Costs no fnor
ordinary fire and tubol
..date of expiration of all 1954 chauffeurs'. rotectiOn
o More blowout P .: .. 7
and operators' licences. puncture
�'�Ilro,,,-n and
n in
j, -A
•Fits standard rin15
Quitter, easier riding
Secure yours at* once
_W:e: e+:�•. .-+s:• .: :. .._..._ - .d•?..-.resw. - � ._.a �t45. wr..,,s' - - .'�.r+�.�..,. u. .• T-..., wed,,.. �' _'1�,:. T .
. .. • •.
• I
- - _Classified Advt's - - -ae
_-wrurr�w..•.•r wow _;k,
'Your �rieridly Resident A-ent'
`_.INVITATION to men who would like -
to gamble a stamp to -secure has nogg_ REALTOR - - lNBE1RANCE AGEhtT LET ' - - -
► opportunity. No time like now to sell M. S. CHAPMAN - SALESMAN a, My i r.. PHOTO-FuvI$HINQ-
C - 250 products. Details on reque$t. burg, FME, CASUALTY, BONDS, AUTOMOBILIS _ �� �^ s
FAMILEX, Montreal 24. t. _. _ VE'rER NARY SUP
► --------..; LIAIMI:ITY INSURANCE ETC. +. •1••, of -
------------ --------'-
l 1'I.IYi
► •' -- 8 .AND LIST YA -
► ` - FOR SATE -Baled hay.. Mdrnn An= FOR SALE -WITH ' _ .. .. _ _. _ t
Phone Pickering' 333J1. _ .. - _ �+ .ss iss•L OOV STORE-' HOURS ,
w.------------------------------------ '
WANTED TO RENT -Farm in Pick- s+•w■M.►
THAT �. 4 -Of A.
► 114. to 9.00 P 1L
4ering area Contact Pickering News, ..
;. _r`.•. �: 14�
9� P �--- -------------------- SILK' 'MARKET
FOR SALE -5 H.P. garden tractor, , - -
like new, complete with implements, '• PRONE: PI'CS'ICRING 26 '
► _' trailer and wheel weights. Reason-
Mile. PhonePickering 137W. Is Ro B )YES, - P�Rs Bs
--------- ___-__-________-_______:__ .'SEA SPECT
FOR RENT -Furnished and unfurn-
ished rooins. Phone Pickering 140W. ......Mother Parkers Blue =:: ibbon or =The-
-BIG '
BARGAIN in paperhanging. -Half - J Siore
price,, 2 rooms for price of L x`3.301 ,+Go -f d Meda{ atanire_P�e'koe Ta
for rep4pering `2 rooms, walls anti WA1M 123 L- ., P ONEPICKERtN6&
ceilings, one rbom free. Guaran-.6ed� �_,-$ACNES - REG. 7le. .SPECIAL 59e.
► first-class work. Eric Stokes, drrora- to lopNo ofskp&"
► tor, R.R. 3, Pickering. Phone :35W1. - - .,,►
► Samples and estimates free; ar1hvut -
obligation. - ' 1ALG11 'Num COIEBINATION NEIL -C. bii'BKA R, R.
►► --------------------------p
-� - DOORS OPTOMETRIST SALE 6-.E. motor, 12 •h•r
102 Dundas St. West b ,
phone 230W4, fip:uce Hill' Road. = Rev. A. £. Yeun;• Minister - A C?sas?isn S:'iencs Fervice µ•ill be •(Mbove the Allin Drug-St*m) l
► ---------- ------------------
SUNDAY. LARCH 6 1955 keld in East Woodlands Community. ;V 1..CI<FAR
FOR SALE -W he chesterfseld bed, 10.00 a. m. - Suna'ay Scho,l- - -Hall, Rorge Hills each Sunday at $215.00 Per M. B. 3L Mon. ea Sat. - 80o t
wardrobe bottom, good, condition, 11.00 a_ m. Mcraing Se:.vice . ~. u y School an , ur- _ ednetAaq - 9.00 to rmo Noop
$35.00. Mrs. --P. G. Littlejohn, CFris- 7.30 p" m• - Young peotl_.'s. _ sery at the same hour, al
' find Street, Pickering. c $or furtlher info -oration• call~- - S!'fBY._�
-__:- Choir Pt:actt a Friday_ - 8 N P. Ai N. PHONE.
- • -. AIt 1-732 or- Pickering 227R3
�'o don'
- -
• ANY PLACE ANY-TI:11E 1.31,-4 rn: = Sumlay.S'chool CHURCH DICKERING, OitiTARiO
"No Job Too Big or Too Small" 2"P } m - t'h rct, S :1-e P u-ancxh MacLennan,. Minister � REP;,1}tING
• Prices - Very Rvasonable _ _. _ r __ _ : 9-45 A: 11. --'Sunday S
WORK11ANtiH13s G'C'.1IL%NTI:FA) _11.00 A. W. '- 4Io:ning Service A ti ,r�� �
- GAP[ SIR Ni'�A`�S _
. .. - _Gall "BUD*' Rt��'4•EI,L -� � �,,,�"�
Pickering: I'130NE 27
;Half Mile -North of N 2 Highway _ r Air Conditioning 031 BurnersN& + -
on Brook Road. Pickering WiI AT I`1 A BAH 1'l'- - $pace Heater fK . �+ i
f 'BERT'S WELL DIGGINT 1 r1 Bal z'i to a rrc .r _ ItlAtallatton or Repairs �. VISI .rr 'a1LY ►
T O l t( R fi OR
jj p nn who believtw that all men are brotherr;. t' � D BAs l
Septic Tanks ... Preboure tiystent.s f w'i .tc :ar their race ns:vur or natiewsht , undr t � rLthe: i1oo l of -' CO3l1'L7v1'E L12\"E-, 01?
Trenching ...`Aii Cordiwe�seor - -� f^'' '£' ^t -'t ,o •+�:-!i • .�:�� • t� • � >D •3!-rc _ GUILTY HEATING EVERSBAI:P Pi^.1j'S and !EY
C'ontractor'K Specialty the a(y F-,_. God. ,nn eM ? r,:., wi•7•' Toronto _ .. _ Pirkerjnp_, LAD', and GENTS' R^ATCHIIq t
PHONE VICKERING -r13W1 - . And loving Fat3}4r, _teach._of his, beloved children, and leave the rest _ r
ignorant. _ _ _ _. ILL 8.967. 8U R 11 From Sir 0 $I,Oti ••ice
... �_ t �-Therefor# a Rah,0 M!,P%P itiii'ttia �^nrce-xif al{ thr major O WN'TerPAYMENT
4, -- - GU.&RANTEED - -- -- rciluusnx that 1 . the Prophet-. cattie from Col. - - - -- ' ---- --^ _
M PiWNE . CAERINt3 29'I �!
_ RAD1t) and -Il' StR�'ICE 'i �'' _,,�t G -d os.1, [,. .rib t. one. mankind i5 _ i
Auto Radio Service Station ting. 9trd'relirion i� one. - -' i i Pickering .) eK e,i"y
Factory mp ur4ler harraL&y-psnl�c !Fuc -The Baha'i An-4cver. To Your QueMians Write To The Secret.ry� Forrest L�imber-Co. r� -----�=-.j
Complete" r:kct.unlc mho _ P.,XE',7'tiG TOtifi\S�p
Service Day and Night -" - R' F. I1.kerlri Ltte:a'us? Supplied Free a
Y.. (Ea:rpt Stutt:ays}_
Home Servt�e a3.50 'D -DAYS AND FRMAEi_=
S '
Maximum Charge on TV Radio --- ----
s (OPpoAte Kiwunts Park) - 1•t10- TO 5.00 P. AL
--.or Phan Repair S4•b0' ate- atcrtal D�
Phone; Pickering
392.712 _ 1.GLFA PARK AVE,
EtII?ING IN9PTOR 14b, 23_---------
r, d
- Concrete - - Sia _ PICIRINCI�
and -- -- -
I. wallboard
_. _ _ _
PHo�re P1c81E8n+rG !4t
__ --
-}r des�YCo"NtldaCaDvneMi
Cod oen Blocks TERRY'S
WRITE TODAY F08 FREE Wi'iFIIh'C PLAAtq - aY6TJ�i1 SOAR - Pii(1N► w.
Electrical & Plumbing
,,,,r� � AND HEATING SUPPLIES r♦ 7� p Dunbartom
SUPPLIES , Gatsacti&g sat 9R1PPir
r '. : 'Streestvllle a•to _ fes,a BY I T, I'd _
t --- - - A S'E11EC/A rHo.�+rE: Plc3icsslhrre :>K s rt
_ !'` olTaiC
#tODMAN Job t« man o< t« far ater .►
to all mai - --------------�------------------- 1►
lleker#as 27.13 - Broak�d. North
"MAC 'CAN FIZ Irl Shoe' Repairs' w OBD %VOR
'� ; Gwmy Deastalais Farn.ew aa/ Air Cosrtthn••a O IN� _
----------------------------- lam&
Ooroey Domfaiw Cgarix•lust. OU. Estrumdietet. Plokerlag 'S
�O wdta' fill �� 316116 v
NEBt SMP - Flickering 179: Wst - - POLISHES, DYES
- a ,FRWAY TILL 9.00'P.�JC s G•. A. B 3kkevoid
aj -
- _
f -
.ax Lumber Co.
Parkari.ir vlwa,,
lJ U M B•E II B U I L D S II S' S U• 1 P L I E 0._ P3:oxs A7 -- PIOXZRM .� ;.
I-Iome Builder''s Pian TELEVISION $ RADIO
cmwrr PLAN'AVAn.AALB bit ' REPAIRS, BUILDING GARAQ=j, REPAIRS] as" ee CrWod A&rr 5•,
-. - --- - TO ALL, CANADIAN s'1'p;, UP TO TWO YEARS TO PAt. I3EASONA$LE RA Y.a . r ,
_ = i �� PML4*, r i
CHARTERED BUSES • • a llleMt L'Nk&rRl CRS ,,
µA. H. 1TTEW
..� FOR ALL GROUP TRAVSJ--_- --------- -- -
.firs T*�v1L 1N/OIEIUA71t#N _------------------------------------_ 8nshb >
` SU YOUR LOCAL AONIi . , ♦ - . _ 9 's I3ardWare
Yabriweld _
=.: Gray Coach Lines i BEATTY
FN 41YJ y . _ LENTELSr BEAM$ 4.
•------------------------------------ -
�f !� ett'd0t>� t
..,i-' .a.. ... � COLUMNS
at�p�t molt r9libw tfmt�pt..wt iad�ilt ►
6=H Paints and General HArdwaf
E. Swerdf iger - �-- ir►das. x1111 a ata .. el►hoe yo. $ATLINGs, GRILLS. E�.'C. � , S
'-. - _ IEEQ Sl
`I•.'�it#fcerri iIOfntan�e �t
fi•n--AisJA36X9MAIN STRET, "PICKERING, ONT. '-�--K-r--N--E---4-$---a--� -�--1c-•t-
LISTINGS 1wNrrLJ }sN Wit 9aW ------ --
-I%one - Pickering 174 ACCUR`CY- - �
• - r _ _ . '
. . .-0..,.
' w• �<� .. _ :;, ,.1 _y,e _ �'.ia_.+•.fi. ... s.. .. a. _ _ _ .. . .I r _ ... •�' _ .•w ice.. :.r-tP. ',• N ;� .
• v
a� ROUGE LIONS ANNOUNCE is back home, but is still confined to the prize winners.
- ' lisadine-d,swe��m( DATES JULY 8 bed for a while. On Wednesday, February'23, Mr.. >
CARNIVAL'DATES JULY 8 & 9 Mr. and, Mrs. Clifford Hubbaid at- and Mrs. Gerald Henning visited with
tended the diamond wedding of Mr. the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. -`—"•y "
017 A R A STT E: E DMCsE AC H \' I E�.�. The fifth annual Carnival of the and Mrs. Walter Percy at Markham William Henning, Sr., Oshawa, on the ,� •
7RADIO 9MVjt�E Rouge Hill Lions Club will be held on Saturday. occasion of their 55tli wedding aa-
g Y, Y pro- and Mrs. Hubbard on the'occasi
F'URNEMRE DEALBM Friday and Saturday, Jul 8� and 9 Mr, and Mrs. Clifford Hubbard and niversary. '
- Any Make or Model Pegg visited over the 4
at Todds Field; corner Rougemount Mr. and. Mrs. J. �Sruth visited Mr. Mrs. Wm.
'ItJNBRI� D�+CIZOE Dnve and Kin ston Road. ;111 on of week-end with relatives in Toronto. �
Arthur Field seeds will be allocated for such com- :their grandson Neil's second birthday. The Y.P.U. met ori Sunday eve- 4 't,'t�'
lriea4 Ambulance Sswv11co munity needs as welfare, boys and r 1
,.: home Ron. Webb with F .
PHONE PWZZ301M 7AR. . DaDer Night girls work, eyesight climes and semi- --- -------- g
rlrn at the h
16 pre�etfi"T Waltham took charge r
lar projects in the district. It is note- GREENWOOD
�± of the program. Next week's meetin
•• >►eeewtFi >rri• worthy that only in cases of ewer- V R E E N W OO D will be at the home of David Pegg.<.
�lC� �� gency such as flood and disaster re- The Evening Auxiliary of the Shy visitors at the McLean
�T h . lief are allocations made outside the W.M.S.held their meeting at then home included Mrs., J. Bruce, Ster- t
area in which the Club operates. g ling, sand Mr. and Mrs. E. Neil and.'
i='N Tia All the usual attractions will be home of Mrs. Ross Disney on Febru- ,
D family of BowmanvilIe.
P j'�j't$ a Ont. . The theme of the worship
found at this ary P
years Carnival, wrath' a service was "The Church Universal _ ______ ______________
:- DafIy Service To And From Q number of improvements and special IIndia,"
OSHAVVA W. H. J. THOMPSON, B. A•, Ill A. added features. The Lions ladies have n which was conducted b - ----�--' r
' ��ed Boles For All Barrister and Soilelter been working enthusiastically since, I Miss E. Ormerod, assisted by Mrs. F. PLUMBING t
_ Oaeadom. British Coh9mbfa and Oatarie early last fall, and their many booths Webb and Mrs. C. Closson: The same
group of ladies presented the study ALFRED BAYES -
Qlenwood Bldg., Ajax will as usual be of outstanding in- , period, ."The Growing Together of '
PHONE: PICKEBLYG 332fV2 Max188 tercet to all. A mammoth Bingo will , Chr C;iurcR in India.`' 'Phe business of PLUMBING $ATHROOMf3 � �•'
Business Phone be held, games of skill, novelties and
Residence Phone: OsMswa 3-8413 the meeting was conducted by Jiffs.' l
OhF`FCE HOURS amusements for. all, and to top it off 1 D Hey followed by i, social 'hour' of j PRESSURE SYSTEMS
Kt'V ANO. CLARKE to Friday the Lions' will sponsor a draw :or a I ch:t:ting and the serving of refresh -1
�7 �T'TIC , Tuesdayprize that will be appreciated not only meas by the hostess- I ESTMA� GIVEN "-'• S •'tc7.`!
1L00 a, m. to 6.00 in m,, and b s ortsmen but b
AUCTIONEERS = ' .06 to 9.00 P. RL Y P y _arnier and any- ,c, tveral attended the ere,re party � Phone: Pickering 96.113 1�, .
one interested in summer vacations,
q Licensed and Authorized for the Saturday: 9.00 a, m..'o 6.00 p, m, and week-ends in the in the school on Fridayevening. Mr. Oct 68 � ' <
s .. great'ouldoors.-------- '
Counties of Ontanv and York. Closed on Mondays Theprincipal •1 h,? W, PegK and Mrs. A. Shortt were -------------- -_-- ____- �.
prise will �. safe,
sturdy 16-foot boat, com ,lete with a
Farm Stock, Implements House- � Y 1
kold Furniture, Reel iFstaLe powerful outboard motor and an easy!
-ales our Specialty at Reasonable Chiropractor loading trailer, license. and all. Tick-
ets will soon be on sale in the com- r
Rates. Dual Service for the munity gu - Spring `s On �CS�a
Price d one.
HI?IA'!S SOl9i*RBY, D, C. The next regular meetingof the y _ o'
1[illiiq P. O, Phone Age iHW>t .. Rouge Lions takes place at East ; :• l;.
KarkLm P. O. pke" Marr BOB X-RAY Woodlands hall Monday, March ,, CSO COME OUT OUR WAY AND BUY A
141A. BROCK ST, SOUTH and on Tuesday, ,March lo, members, ;
8renticeo hale-been eat"Us}ted their ladies and friends "w 911 meet at i'
suettoaeers mimeo 1140; WHITBY, ONTA8I0 East. Woodlands and "proceed to $lost a >
For Appointment )<hone HO 8-2535. Union where they will be the guests •.G U A it ;.s . NTEED USED CAR ? '
of the Canadian Johns-Manville Com_-
--=-g- =----- : BEFORE THE PRICES GO UP!
pany on a tour. of the big, modern
ROY M. HOWE, B.C. LO'yt1� POgye Plant.
• All of the Newer Models Are One Owner Cars !.'
t .. Pickdria and Whit T r
I" BROCK ST. S. _ by ewaahlDo Some time ago, five children were, I 1954—CHEVROLET COACH (2)
_ WHITHY, ON-T. Farm. f9aaaehold sad Perperty aureal fireat ap. in a slum
the funer'alm the PONTIAC SERA
Sales A Specialty minister said it was God's will. flow-
Opplet ROURs: , ever, a group of citizens, not content 1954—PONTIAC COACH
Prompt Attention Givea with this resigned_attitudil, organized, ' • e
Thurs. -sat.- _ g 1954—PLYMOUTH SEDAN t . ` ,
Days and Evenlags
WHITBY — PHONE MO 8-3814 denounced the city council, and com- I - '1953—PONTIAC SEDAN DELIVERY � "1 'e '
_- 11elieil` them. to tear down .the. rest of r
Phone - MO 8--:838 tae slum area. 3_, �r
Our- council seems to- take the ,.,
- minister's altitude with-regard to-the--'i
cnmrai tloeci, on. Duffin Crrek. Today. 1953—FORD COACH
g Q Tuesday: the ice jammed up a_nd .4,v =1953—PLYMOUTH SEDAN
Brat residents of the Riverside di.- 1953—DODGE SEDAN
s� trict were marooned' and :n danger.
,�'YSOnatlZ�nt This could have been. avoided had 1953--METEOR COAC14 EQUIPPED l K
- —" S s Wen-
es d, na a thehin`the last few -..1952—DODGE SEDAN (2)
'H��y blonument 3N wW Or ei•a days. k�i _
A Pr Riverside Rate- 1951—PONTIAC SEDAN AUTOMATIC r
SORT. A�lSTiAt, PROP. — SAYS use bheeteoek Wallboard for a •ere.,Association, I honed the --.1951—DODGE SUBURBAN
P 5 �
L R. I Wl►i Council contacted with M . Ward, the
Ontario good looking walla 1951—DODGE CUSTOM SEDAN
- !tire miss Went Of Whitby On township engineer, and found he knew i �
No. 8 Highway Between- Whitby no4ihing about the matter. I therefore 1951—CHRYSLER SEDAN
AM Ajax 'AMherst 1;7171 requested to speak to any of'thecoup- i `. 1951—STUDEBAKER SEDAN
PE0NN: �TBY 4u cillor3 grad was told they were too :.1951—CHEVROLET SEDAN
THE buI shall report this matter to the I 1950—PLYMOUTH SEDAN (2)
members of the association at our 1950—PONTIAC SEDAN y _„
+SLE ��NIN( • Coming ` Lumber next meeting. .�. (of
SIX O N _ - $ivereide ilr. - —
_ _ 1142 fr. cs.Aa roan >w 1947—DeSOTO SEDAN
- SCAMO&O JU.-gCTM r--------------------------------. -
..1947—FORD COACH 3
one )!lite West soarwn Collegiatetoo BROCK ROAD - -1941—CHEVROLET SEDAN
Q P� Address - Sta{Na "W' The Home and School will hold its
TORONTO regular meeting March 7 when the �L
� � PWNE COLA.ECT special speaker will be Chief E. L. -
t Aklsfisrat 17171 HiIC His topic will be "Traffic. Safety ` 1950 CHEV. SEDAN WA��E� ( /�/� ' rlr -s
IR�� Nw" - Open Every F7iisy Night Until B.N and Juvenile Delinquency." Will all _ �795.OQ
P. M. Every
Fr la until 1 U moon members and friends try and attend I "?
jj his meeting. Refresh nts ,will be
4 • W. DIXON11served at the close. _ I L L O T Q R��;
t>Rr0>r1RI1R'L'OR. :lir. aad Mrs. W. Carter and hire. IJ <'
_ wAlvrl�► _ c. Perry attended the film board' ao- ' DUNBARTON — ,Phone Pieke.�u 31 SJ
' /�MBIILANtii�i coub"I'BY BOl[It/ sial last Wednesday evening, Feb. 23. ""`J
1 • :'ULALL' ACBBAGES AND Pleased to hear that Mr. Middleton • ,
we as" Waiting sayers WithGo" Cash Down
COrvANT and kllaoDONALD CALL Mr. INGi �
8ateisters, S"ict:on and NOtariM Ilor, PswiPt And >esperleareei s .'
ROGER G. CONANT. 8. A. Bee�ke
Ajax. Ont - Phone 25 ,at.ssA1Nl . OMM EMS-YSN
7% Simcoe SL S. Oshawa, Out Realtors
Phone 8-11257 may p,=porieftow 'sali mai , _
---• _ __—__
Established 1!M
__ , 3
- -- assurance Coe 1
, 1
w>alTs OR Pz3oxs WerflEr . MONTErrH
Phone 30 ERING ,
US= For Fara And ti.aorey-
1 rdoots i awonnee 00 ao11Vi6r/sr CHA.RTSRED ACCOUNTANTS , A >
Wmlotilb, S1lerIJiM. Loi Shoo" Street. North doh" lroeaaoe Of AY ]!blab OSHAWA — UNTMUO
11"S :BEE a <
Howman &,,Gjnso�r'
PROVED . Vo-n can.4,>__
PHONE 6=44a
>m PMONS: WitM- Y 9111 � . � fly''
AFFOr�D aRos. l our a, for Less Mone w�t`h the
)� 7[ON>7>t[ffi1NTAI WORE& Barrister, Soktciter, Notary Public7-5
1'Yaoa% wwt" 669 _ ._ ... _ t
Q . _. ;
Orfwe Hone: r
- ISM A M. - 5.00 P. lir.
Tuesday — Theraday — Saturday
Oilier 'At Reatdeaca, Highway No. '2
8arrdster and dolloitoe...
Ad Kase East ,of Pickering Village _ -
L. liloN:r rrcxSsrxa 187W13 ' If Yoh Live in the Areas Serviced,1� This* Newspaper Phone Pickerin �0
i i.reoto Office-. 66 >g St. Weal Y9
PRUNE: EM 63041. .. , -
_ or Write Smith's Aman Plan in Pickering.
tT` N
: � l
rs �
:tm�. c..-,+s't�u�3R�i +4.:m� s _ , �� � ..•. � `Tr{'tt'..""'n`' ��,,w • � c« �'c. +?.,4l+Jr
n m
..♦ .. 1°t" ,h � 1' t ♦. • 1 ,'S 'A. .per .. � 1
,.! .
. • .. is .. : -. - • ..
-Dunbarton United Church far this f
at present and under the doctor's neighborhood wh9 is
T . . care.
A carload of ladies attended the About 80 were present at the Scout special 'service. Singing by the Sun- F
deport From The monthly meeting of the W.M.S. -W.M.S. convention held ;n Bowman- and Cub "Father and Son" banquet, day School choir. Music by the' Melvin I
was held on 'Thursday with Mrs. F. vine last Wedngsday. Miss Margaret held on Friday night in the Sunday Bible Class Orchestra of Toronto, and S
i Pia'rl�ament Carson in charge of the opening ser- Halliday, missionary on' furlough School room. Speakers were Rev. Mr. Jim McConachy, the class leader.
j I vice. Mrs. F. Ward gave the scrip- from West Angola, Africa, and Mrs. Bamford, Mr. Harry Cooke and Mr. will give the message. A warm wel- ,
('` ;.By MICHAEL STARR, M.P., tune reading and Mrs. J. Morgan sang Spafford, president of the Bay of Don Loucks. Members of the "On- come awaits you there. i
- a solo. The .president, Mrs. C. Rey- Quante Conference were thespeakers. We -Go" Auxiliary served the delicious -- -----.----------------T --=-------'' �
molds then took charge of the meet- The regular meeting of the W.M.S. dinner. {
- ing and led a discussion on new floor- will be held on March 10 in the S.S. A number of ladies were present, IN FORCE ON ONTARIO COUNTY
An act to provide equal .pay for
ing and repairing same. The secre- ttrooms of the United Church. Short at the Day of -Prayer held on Friday. AND SUBURBAN ROADS.
equal work for women was intro- tary, Mrs. Couperthwaite read several f reports will be given on the recent Mrs. N. Littleford was the soloist.
duced in the House. This Bill has letters from firms who presented' presbyterial meeting. Mrs. H. Lack- Mr. Mel Jones was in Bracebridge Effective March 1 to April 30 ve.
rices on new chairs for the Sunday ey's group will be is charge of the last week. hiele loads may not exceed the allow»
been presented by Mrs. Ellen Fair- P Mr. David Lennox has his cousin,' able loads given under Section 31,
clongh, Member for Hamilton West, schools rooms. These would replace meeting.
a . for the past number of yearn. As is the benches at present being used We regret that Mr. J. Wilton is not David Lennox of Peterborough, Eng- subsection 3 of the Highway Tra18e
These prices, will be investigated by enjoying good health at present and land, visiting them. Acta i�'
customary in Private Members'- Bills, a committee. A hot supper was serve hope that he will soon be better. On -We -Go, members, husbands and R. E. SIMS.
they are usually talked out during the ed b members of the Goodfellowshi Mrs. Bert Jones of Brooklin, was -friends! Don't forget the bowling on County, Engingetr. F
period of time allotted for such Bills. y P with r an 8 harp -777'-- -- - -------------------
class at the close. a Sunday visitor M . d Mrs. Saturday, March b at .30 s at
"In this case it was not so. The Bill I Mr. Clare Keevil Mr. Bert Chew Evans Ward. the Count Bowl, Whit . Cars will D1000RE►TOim -
was brought before the House fora • d-PAi[L�EIitS end 1
ens and Mr. John Ashton of Picker- bliss Anna Howser of Markham, leave Lynde's store -Refresh -
vote and we saw all of the Opposi- ing, spent the week -end at the radar visited with Mrs. Conner on Sunday: menta later at the home of Harold $1.00 per -hour, for quids, clean, and !
tion voting for,.it and quite a number station at Edgar, north of Barrie, Mrs. Barton spent a day last week and Mrs. Mitchell. guatuabeed first-class painting and i
_ of Liberals supporting it also. It was, where they heard lectures on that.. with her mother in Toronto. Come .and bring ' your friends' on liaper-hanging. Eric Stokes, Decara- [
however, defeated. subject. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hockley 'en- Sunday, March 6 at 7 p.m. to the tori R. R 3, Pickering: Phone' 36 W1- ,''a-,'(
f The -Immigration debate has Ended. '
It proved to be a very' contentious Work is progressing nicely on the joyed a wedding anniversary on Fri-*
_ subject 'and gaga an opportunity to new post office. The men are now c)'ay, when -relatives and fuends gat -4-
working on the interior and the build- ered to extend them best wishes.; 1
Chia Members of .the Opposition to i in should be completed in the not Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Kort en_
bring to the attention of the Minister g �„ TUELS t>too distant future. tertained a group of friends and reTa-
ti many cases' that they felt,. were ;F
of , a discriminatory nature, both The boys' choir under the leader- fives in honor of the birthday of her
-- against. the proposed. i,tnmigrant,,and ship of.b'Irs, Colly of L:xbridge sang I father, 3Ii. Chas. Simpson, her uncle,
I -at the anniversary service on Sunday air. Clifford Simpson ar.d her }sus= � AND
the applicant N•ho in most cases hap- evening at` iVestmoreland Church ire band, at their.. home on Februai„v 19.' ` ;; {
pened to be a Canadian Torontu-. The W.JI.S. and the Goodfellowship a,
Immediately upon the completion .Air. and Mrs. R. Hockley had din- class of the. United Church are bus}' debate I embers took a _ full day to BUILDING SUPPLIB ,
air grievances that affected their par6 ner on Sunday evening with •blr. and �`thi� week working on quilts. '
titular ridings. _ SIrs., R. Loyal. Sunday evenin dinner with .11r. and,.;
Mr. and Mrs: J. 'Norton enjoyed ; D
annual meeting for the Wo-� • K 7IIBIIr18t10D
The Minister of Veterans Affairs
;; r introduced a Bill'- in' -the House of mans Day of Prayer nese held in :Ire. Cecil Redman. ROIL RODE if C
-:' fiummons to amend the War Veter- the United Church last Friday with 11r. and Mrs. flyers and_ �Iz-. and a
_ _..arse Allowance Act to boost tl?e pay-) Miss V. Forsythe. and hits. F. Loyst Mrs. 1Icl.aren brought their infants ;� _ Agphajt Shiugli3 -�
in charge and, Mrs. H. Gregg at the " for 'baptism at the Sunday. evening
' ,taents to- indigent - veterans and to piano Mrs.' Paul 1�'ellman gave a i aer�ice 'of the .United Church. The Iasul- brik Siding
allow them greater permissible in-, very in irational address on the s,uri_ children were: Ronald Roy JlcLaren =• "
comes. He went on to explain that' p _
and 'Horrid `Hirers Myers.
- - je-ct of prayer and Mrs. W. ESuns - 5' _ _
OOk lALt1
single veterans' allowances are to be _ _ _ l Hoak
- and Mrs, H. hickey. sang a -duet.-Toe 4 ------------------------------- _-_ - _ _
^^ 1$hee - <7 s
raised from $50 per month to_$60 per collection ,taken,_ was to go to the `, DUNBARTyN
- rnonth,'and the married veterans are `Vomens Inter -Church G,uncil of i Insnl&tiny Board y
to be raised from $80 per month to Canada. m s I 8 `t
$108 per Month. Permissible income Mitts Jean Cossar-attended the ex-
Cement, L'mekPla ter
The. telephone company. have been hibition of famrlus I)uich ,aiut,
for single men, had been ,$?20 per - 1' t�
- year and this is being raised to ?810. busy here the l%rst fei5. rIay::' repair-lat.the Ontario att Gan« i•r,-• Phone 4 A. �r .-MITCHELLor .75 s; �
ing and -installing new phones in •tht r . A, _ red iecovPry to'Uilly : Lennox
- In the, case_ of `the rnarried veteran, _ _ !� . y. ' ,
:his ceiling of permissible. income
been $1,200 per year and. thio Bill
f, nuld raise it to $1,110. - - - - - - - -
' Thiv.--is not- in nccordanre' with e
• recomnienttxitions mat4e by toe- Cat}a- - : ` ' _ -
c:ian Legion and no doubt will ca ';;4- - _ _ _. _ .... _-
b t
Chevrolet, with HAS
u ro o R e
some _ di --content. They -had , recoini-
• evr I 8: n n w en
E �►
_ sines�e$ers -rl+et widestirrangis in tt a entire -
mended that th- married men receive _ h
tin allowance of _$139 per month, 3itci _ w w-cl/
� orses industry. Powergols - 5ynehro• l h or O.v_rs. 4 _ ,
$60 ftri a single ti5ar vetel`an. and - drive in oily models and with off horsepowen:-
G 0. fon rent has evriiplieil with the re- Whatever you want -commanding acceleration,
n but lik
riving, effortless highway cruis- 4
quest,for the single war.4etera _ - -
Ithrifty town d .,y
liar fallen-shortby $13, per month for / {ng, lowest initial cost liMliont performance
` _ moi/ //
the married veteran. -The permissible O l YOU
with minimum upkeep - yotr {I find it bare in aincome is ;far shmrt� of the recom- l i voles -in -head s�ngine built by tfie'vnlve-in•head 1 �,
nds:tion by titre Canadian Le130'
gion a� _ _ - - Station ° --
-' -they had recommended that the single
tE�npt a on
'veterans_ permtsattsle- ince+me-be rat,-
ed to $1,200 per year and the married 3
- - veterans' permissible income be raised
to $:.000 per year. - -
Immediately following the explana-
_ tion of this Bill ,by the Minister,
.:Members of the: Opposition voiced -''•! a
aheir'disappointmPnt it the fact that �� �� - ';
the Government did,not see fit to corn= 7�
„tt. aiith-the request of t1iie--.Caere- - tom. a� -�' ` '� ears•
-•• _ "'"--ilia, Legion in its entirety. There will '
be a great Beal more to say on this y`
matter when the Bill is presented to --�
the Houge•- of Commons- and also in
the ,Committee on War Veterans .Af-
' fairs.
I have recently been appointed on !A, a dad: y < y -a R
the Special Committee on. Estimates,I,% Ry a
particularly when this Committee, will '!
be considering the Estimates forthe
Department of Veterans Affairs. Thin! h �'
-Department of Immigration and the
�• . Committee should give Members of '
the House of Commons, and particu-° { M z':ti•<> <.' >": �'
lady members on this Committee, an
k E !3 u, t > ak. s < a•. w' kt°•• �.•y';, ..`n`�•.K',.r Ki` " mAi
".,opportunity to scrutinize the expen- _ ,� � ., , ' 1"''�' s. ^� f°t" �.;' *? a�'S�€ •� ns,` °,.. ���� >.,.. .,.,,, .
ditures of those. Departments; which ,.. e^' ,?" •
is will be brought before the Commit-
tee, in a more thorough manner than
-t. .-had been -done previously.
The business of the -House is piling
- 2� ;up. We have at the present time 26 •
. Government Orders before' us, nine :Super Turbo -Fire V8" has -all the ad- "Turbo -Fire V8" has an amaimgly short The "Blue -Flame 136" .with' Powerglide•
-7 d Public Bills and Orders and 24. No- "- vanced engineering features of Chevrolet's piston stroke that cuts friction lasses 'way -gives. the ease of automatic shifting' at
tices of Motions. Although there have V•8 design ... but multiplied by the fret down, Lighter,•,more compact than, other lowest price - with Synchro-Mesh and
.✓ o, not been any exciting periods in the _ breathing of a dual exhaust system and V8's, with a superb new compression valla Touch -Down Overdrive it sets new stars
House, nevertheless a great deal of a four -barrel carburetor. Optional at extra of R to ..1, and a better, surer 12 -volt A d-hy rdtili vative-ineffi>
'':work will have to be done between cost. ..,.electrical system.ton ra r• - super -quiet performance. lif give owl
elcosy. And hydraulic'Jalve ' LPrs
show and the time when Parliament ,
*Optional at ext cos supe uiet erfor
'= calls it a day. as far as this Session_ M 1 '
: s concerned.
'All with the style thatr, s stealing the thunder
----------------------------- = — from the high-priced cars
No matter which engine you choose, you get Chevrolet's sparkling
�CLARfMO.NT new body design, the sleekest styling on the road. You get that The Sol Air v,� ° • j
a bin. and blFs. Bob McLeod were commanding view through the Sweep -Sight •windshield. You get sport coop•
?' expected back this week from their
trip to Florida. a "big -car" way of going thatstetits -from the flexing ease of Glide-~
Firemen hada small fire in 'the Ride front suspension, the stability of Outrigger rear springs; You ti
der control on 'Sat- home uni'
get your pick' of three modern drives, a. full range of power assists NII
' urday night in a few minutes. No and you get all this with the'savings of Canada's lowest -priced
j* damage was 'done. - line of cars.'Come-drive a Chevrolet and discover the whole story!
Mr. and Dhts. 'Art Spencer visited _
with friends from Toronto on Satur-
` may' 1 otoram�c
Mr. Gerry ' Allman of Toronto,
''spent the week -encs with his parents • ' _ w �.i
here. .._ - • .: = _ •_ -. _
bin: and 1<frs. Gordon Neale of, CH EVRO
L _ si
1' Greenwood; spent Sunday with Mr.
and \Ire. Don Hedges.-. .- _ _ : �i . • A (34"eral Motor _Valve
A birthday party was held on Sat Stealing. the Thunder front the. High -Priced (aryl c-i,55c
tirday for little Sheila Peters, when ° ----- --------- ---------------_.�,... ---� s
_, _ her.fricnds gatheied,to help her
cele- .. '_'`------- -- - -- -. -, -
ate the occasion. - _ .
3liss ockley of nshawti, _
y� fipent the rothy nd'%citirher parents
Dorothy Ha I Ir -W in Motors,ax.,
... .
Mrs. Harold lk an is not- too well - -
.a•'4•• _ v ,s., -•A+ M 'Y7 ., - x ? " 'elegy • •o W+oR.,...rvryr.. I
r ` 2++""—'
s'+.+wak- -..� �:-,. -.-.. .•. _ :..�r•. _ .. _ _ . .-_ ..� _ _. _ ^•"�"'-"c-:�--:-m-'ate-'
sees _ :i-
..., -,� ,� - t - -sees ,. ix•"1 _ct a• t .. '*'� 8 .` s a \• ''
:... ,. .. -.,: ,• .. ease ,. :. ,.
... .. - :-. ,... .. ... seas., .- .. ..
3 -
put into effect during ""- CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING
i tumn in various pails of Canada
and more parldctllao�rly between -- -- -
f N E CatVtldSPORTS COLUMN Mon�' And Toronto.
drrroaTur6•rt$a r'ua �
The railways and other inter w: oalosy K" Arra woMe� r a
- ested parties have appeared we are having a great 3emaa4 for >
1 during the Leat three months o! Tweaate turtazt rata year. arta why aott sfswsa6talvt ata aaottad Flat -heat �i
Leat Year we astDtha our euatwoul .with tom, gtlatanfor or money back. Only
19154 before i special ROyal some of the Wet that moats would buy. 64.f61 Tree information. Mall order to: -.
Commission appointed to con- and this Year the" customers are oomtaL Jack arta Company,' Bo, ta4 LaEV lit t
g bath for mon, and they are to toe a s Illinois,
rider the effect of the railwaysT pl s"at surprise, because our 1566 tur- _ - .1 '
Between thirty and :iffy year. agar w " keys art the beat we have ever batched. ��y remoitied from Montreal.
give or take t few the mat prom- use of Agreed Charges in We saw Bread Breasted arena.. A. o.
give name in meeting competition. In the teeethir; elp, watne aadrrow, i 00 <
pp g pe Bmlth's Broad Whites (imported .tock). montbtsi Delp wanted sola airmsili"_ r ' `v;.
was that of Edouard "Newsy course of these proceedings the Thompson rapt"Kodtuand targe Broad ' 61.00. ConfidentlAt Dayt... Box r
spa Whites, Empire Whites. Nebraskan, weatmooat. P.Q.
dead i, a quiet. shrewd French Canadian . railways have advocated are- Wahkeen Whit". aeltsvlue Whites. nen- ----
who came
out of Cornwall. laxation of the provisions of the awn, ben■. torn.. catalog".
TWEDDLE CMCK HATCHERIES LTD. maker? it Your maple bush amu„en
Every autumn, theca was a War of Transport Act which governs FEHSf}II8 ONTARIO maker? Write for full paretculan on '� t
modern evaporators sad ACceeuor!es -old
dollars to decide. who would get Lalonde for key. Ia the this form of rate making. testa Lanaa�al uy Rainer !n N.wtouad• on credit. Gordon w Otiva R.R. Nc . t
spring the battle was renewed, with east bidding against Such efforts, however, do not land ,
'b[Laster of Finance; Ron -
from Ont _
west, to Kira his great skill and color. provicje a solution to the prob- Gregory Power. buys his chicks trorn t -
We mention Lalonde now because her and not Rocket Lem inherent in the statutory Twiddle. shaver
Luc ate Mr. Power bo a T�p�pp ow t5cal.e 1QQ lett r. par a 5ti
ry 3.00i BhaSh White LThis y and 4, ar o5atnt f1oS 8o6tlndit c• $end °'c
Richard of the resent Canadiens, is the greatest goal -getter rates applicable to grain and 5vnlu wads Rea This year h. par !or ca.trnoeion& sa+en Ferrb. (tp�dvcn.
abased 6.000 white Lesborn Red pullets Alberta
p chard recently
- -. in the history of professional hockey. Ri fly t;�� .grain products in Western Can---SHraver R.O.P. coek.rels -------
roasW ;• F.,
the 400 -goals mark, a tremendous performance. But Lalonde ada The adverse impact and Parmenter Rho” Island Red. Why did pgiN friends round the world. write
scored 413 goals 1n major league play, in 20 seasons from =►f:`Power buy from us? Because the toatto for Your ifant Interaatlonal r3st, `
1908 t0 1927. serious consegnencee Of these puliets lived well, laid well and mads Rush 350. -Papuan Pea Pals"
Mr. Power monaY. Breeding count& a/o P.O., Moresby, New (.lulnea,
abnormally depressed• rates, set
Lalonde at various times led the scorers in four different tar a c Chicks base uta R.O.P. breed. C
mayor professional hockey leagues: tht► National Association, at a level no higher than - fns will of team. compare our prsce& sELL BeoE6 � r
Which preceded the National League, in both of which he was 1889, and which affect a sub- Yon tow camp .ed w dollen per hurt
atantial percentage of the torsi �� as compared with tome hYbrWa MakeDmZCTa to consumer. R+, cumtn+s> i. n,
top goal -getter at One time or another; the pacific Coast 1 Wing offered today. Also broiler chicks,
Make a steady income in aett!na mut+!`
e in its hey -day when it rated superior to the National volume of rail freight traffic, turkey points. Catalogue.TC shortie. Lina of shoesQualitOboes.
� ole
Leagu y y the TWEDDLE telex HATCFIERIE9 LTD. shoos and work shoes for the whole �
Association and had 4riiin; rights on a eastern body, and has been commented upon dur- FORGU9 ONTARio fames. selling catilogue ■old c,n,fl,
the Western League, when It was a major organization func- ing the year by the Board Of free. No a,morleace needed. Iona r,i:e `
FOa BALE Shoo, Det►t. o-ai. ase nay tit,. 'rn, • �,. ''+ ,�
-- tioning on the prairies. Transport Commissioners and L Ont..
Some of the seasons In which Lalonde starred saw only by Chief Justice Sloan of Brit- aTEAX knife set o! C 64.05, oeltaa ~ — '> IF
14, 15 or 16 games. The longest season in Lalodn,,s's history ish Columbia in his capacityas piece Cut Pearl Necklace. t 30 Fon. BE A HAIRDRESSER
-- was t6 games. He played 814 League game la all In one piece cutlery. 56.00. T3trff.. lean central ,
season, with New York Americans, he eyed Drily one a Federal Arbitrator in the re Kansas city 6, Missouri. U.B.A. Jocv osxADa'e LeAutL Pceit��u
gam cent rail labor rte otiatiOns Great Opportunity tea i+ +64'e
and with Saskatoon the. before that, he played only three. B tssuttaAL alfledHalrd.sin, •
Some of L.alonde's individual feats are truly incredible. If the balanced ecOII0IH11C Pleasant usanied p uOct f s o
growth so essential to sound na- IT'S PROVEN - !VERY SU!<tERER 0/ wage■• Thousands o! surceeaty, M• :rt ,''
$e is one of only two players in all the history of major RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS graduates.
professional League hock. who scored nine goals in a single tional development is to be Alustra e Catalog t+YIrr"
p y maintained end Canada'. rail- SHOULD TRY 'DUION'f REMEDY. Illustrated eCaoraloCal) t�
Qamt. On' March 17, 1810 Lalonde was playing for Renfrew MUNRO'S DRUG STORE
Millionaires, one of the most fabulous teams of all time and ways are to meet adequately MARVEL SAIRSt. W.. T 9CHtx!!.
e SBS ELGIN OTTAWA 666 Btoor ac. w„ Toronto
the victim of his dead -!shot eye was the Cobalt club. the nation's transportation $1,iy Eapeea prepaid Branches s:
_ miltan
The other player who scored nine goals in a game ended needs, public policy should at t4 Rids St Ha hewn
ills hockey career with Canadians. 8e was Tommy Smith, one an earl date, taken account of Do 1'oU NEED A TONICt 7! Rideau arse Ottawa - > .
of Ottawa's famous Smith �fta�.m'�i�ly�, that included Alf and the views thus expressed. The oody-building "P. B. C. Formula PATENT$ '
Lyes•-..Oy w8g pjgyjp$,..fOr �e Aylldeg_a _ia __ _--- No. 1' m convenient tablet form.
-Bathe"■N7ational Association when he performed the 9 -goal feat. -- gramme a of an exterltion a REAL allltT d tracYousad vial ftiantrMTHssTONys. or a forestay td
tam g programme of modernization ll Mfnerats and trace -.laments. patent Attorneys. t0erablfahed 1850, ■Op
Montreal Wanderers were the victims. and improvement of trallscoa- 7 Vitrmina plus barba! concentrates, University ave, . Tome- .greet•
Some veterans think Lalonde's feat greater than that o! p .onr so dnac .upper only ts,oe eotraer(ee
tineatai and other passenger (to cents per rias!
� ', but Lalonde is not among these. "Sichird IS the . -Ftetwd. Moneyback Guarantee AN OFT`= to every tnventot--"t.lr, oY..
: who ever lived" Lalonde tall the Write! Of this services was marked, . by the Order today. direct tram: lntantfcoa and fall Information, ■ant •,"
column "It Is true we didn't have the advantage of fgrwud delivery is 1954, °! _the first of P. Boo vv..Comgo. Dept. A •, Them sus Co . ft.gf.et. ?ate. a. a
but never were we forted to a .number of units of stream- 6155 Nelsen eves. an,. snrhalfs. 21C. totntey& 876 soar .frena Ottawa ,
passing ta' the taller yeah. .
contend with the tremendous amount of Interference that lined stainless steel equipment ONSTIPATION trcablos^ Coo Bulluk PMESONAL
new type or caner,. Effective in tee•
besets Richard and other modern stars." manufactured for the Company rertina constipation, 83.00. Immortal OLee THL" offer•. Ttrenis-nye d.�use t
.' _. Budd Company Of Industria& f3os 171. Wtanipes. !tan, install" The (.steer Flogcats'gut
by the H Com an Phil- aLates $n,
adelphia- ECZZ3lA sufferer. Baa now gat meat - Twolb al A. Torontat Ontario
tour comments and suggedians for thk aelueee *110 be-wekoss" . New equipment for service on with Kevaa Sesame TnatrnouL used yg=ltl Your Personalixw Aatrotoglcal
by Ehret. Ferguson, c/o Calvert House, 4331 ratty. St., ToroMa transcontinental Lines Will in- tnternaas and eat.rnalry. it ora...
quickly beneficial. t3 Bpd t5 .taw. tom- 3braegge Lov. 5farctuge. Rnr1n•aa y .
elude, when deliveries are com- mortal Industries. aid 411, Wtnniveg, Health. +tee Send birthdate. J Gorda.,
- - - plated, 71 sleeping cars. .18 Man' 65{6 wpad,.na, vartcouver: B.C.
CatvtrtD,,T, L L E R S L FM -I T E D
scenic dome sleepers with boon POST'S ECZFMA SALVE ate' asTarTc wANran
.rage r00ra and' observation Wanted for Crib -<ad• law-or'ced farms
- BANISH the torment of dry .came
AMM6RSr URO 0MARW loan a 18 da coaches equip- twitb or without building,, ranchlandiL
. g , y' p'- roan" and weeping akin troablea, Post's °°olio a, land for 'p an fnsChrist.,
- ' ped with scenid' dome and cot- acsema ache will rot disappoint yon. cut w c t t r
Itebine. soatins. sad burning eeama. ,moa trees, amber elmlt& mfaerat finds,
fee shop, 30 Conventional day sena, rowworm. plmaLs and toot ecoam a tt"m cloltns; take, ho list . centra k
coaches, 18 diners , and 18 bag- tow r"vmd readily to the stainless. eotrssaa, ole Aufldinge. what Mie Yawl i •we
cars with dorms ac- odorless ointment regardless of how 1+ A. 90.49 ign 1181 at Clair Ween - y
.. C.P.R. president
gage t0�r stubborn or ttdp.lea tae? etre.. .. Toronto: _. ' .•Lit.
commodation for dining car talcs St." PIM SAS
crews. POST'S REMEDIES wAt.reu
The Stainless steel" day C08t.hes Seat lett rnw ee ae"Ist of tries 8%'ZB lliTTC and Reavorteible man to yr
Stens dip Year equipped adjustable Bas Q- Al - � Lees cattle. E 0 a ere farm
.len nage aeui Wet _ •!k'�
of neer tial and refer
Be. sl.. Casae -
are with ble Tata►vTo
.. _ r • .. �eaw reaufxd. Apply to P.O. tbv 534, `,t+ -
reclining chairs fitted with head Hamilton. Ontario.
- -
_ -
and toot rests.• malting thea! _ �r
By W. A MATI3ER. "'_ The substantial decline in Ca-
most comfortable for long dis- at the reception �a
l5ceflident, Canadian Pacific radian exports and the less 'tante travel, For the first time A 'Simply "To the bride and , • i iM>s {,
ail Canada all coach seats tray groom" is quite enough. ItchnnItch
Railway Company prosperous condition of agsicul• be reserved. The coffee shop in Q. Are you supposed to 'p!aah MAY ��
A year ill which competitive tura in Western Canada have the day dome coach, as Well is your chair Hadar the table whoa p firer uw a twotblag c alis6 agnkt
factors, already evident in 1958; undoubtedly contributed to the , rx.%. D- Ptacitptioa po.ltlyely ..Cruet
the seats in the dome, will be having the table. taw red troll. --caused W enema nuts
have become increasingly mani difficulties of the railway in- available to all passengers on A. ?lost authorities suggest tf:ttaesoa .benne-o'�R`h "aebkr
test• necessitating the most care- dustry. A significant tactor in ..�ra:..ties etalaln+• 30c v(■H tratta °t"'t
the train that it !s in better taste to• leave arid, at .totes. Wek non't sus«•
ful scrutiny of labor and other the decline in rail earnings, ,,,, dr,aet(ur D. D. n, PRRacialP't•7A1! `y .
The new dining cars are of one's chair where it b when ant
production costs in all segments - however, is the growth o! tom- }.
- ' of the national economy, emerg- -petition from -highway transport the most advanced design, with - - rises from. the table -unless. of .....
es as the most significant feature . which has emphasized the need harmonious interiors and kit- course.. .. it it ii o obstructing 'traf- ti
of the Canadian business and of providing for the railways an ! chert equipment . of. modern Hc."
industrial scene ill 1934. equality of opportunity in meet- stainless sleek Q. 7 necessary
Sustained inflow of .invest- ing such competition by reliev- All new transcontinental pas- to send a wedding present when LIVER
one has declined as Invitation to
meat capital from the United }ng them- from outmoded re- senger, equipment- n v -il�g ,..."YOUR
.States and abroad has served to strictive regulation. delivias•ed is expected to be in the reception? If life's not worth Ilvttag
offset in part the difficulties So tar as regulatory restric- service by the- Summer of 1955. A. This would be expected of � it Way be roar livowt 4'
that would otherwise have been tions allow, substantial efforts The neW scenic dome cars ! you Only if you were very in It a feat: a wigs so tg two p,ses d hes
more evident by reason of Can- have been Daade to meet ,the t now' to service between Mon- .mate friends with the bride, the bw a da a kayo year Allgood- fres. in we �
shape( if rota ever brig r eos Bowtas frdg <`
ada's worsened trade position competition of highway truck- #real and Vancouver. operate bridegroom. or their families_ rear toad am tet deet , , . w bloom r '
,'. 'Continued -expansion of the de ing and other forms of trans- over a distance of 2,881 miles, 'Otherwise. it is not necessary, ye he rim eb o4 t at w Tru• °� r
velopment of resources has also port. Reduced freight rates on the world's longest scenic dome I Q. if a'man brings a gift when wha seed se to�•.me.a.Geabr1ta.r's
been a sustaining factor in the certain commoditie3 to certain operation, calling on a gtrh should she open vv� to T Seer liver
'economy, specified claksPs o! traffic were Notwithstanding the diflicul- etidulgea sew d avertia. Bona
It -at once, or fay aside GnHi rdisti�oaae> �rs!esw•ts�
i ties experienced, the achieve- i he has goner wale ;
" mems., of Canadian Pacific in ` Liver pr as sad 871 at vow
1954 mark a substantial advance
A, She would show an ex•
� trema lack of breeding and man-
_ _ 1 in the quality 9nd scope of ners 'if. she 'laid it aside.' She -
T transportation services both at I 'should open it -immediately,.
home and abroad. All concern- t'
9 * ed have confidence that the 4t• 16 it proper for a divorcee, ><r
f marrying a man who has never -
gruwirg public awareness of the '
been - previously married, to wear
{ need for equality of competitive r ,
f opportunity in all fields of a bridal dress and veil 7 �
w :'y transportation, now apparent, A This is out of the question'
;. will find ognitioil , in the for any. but a maiden bride. The
t " i realm of tional policy divorcee may. however, properly
sal all -white dress and hat, -
wear r '�
-and she may have one attendant '9
and a floral decoration of the
^ I :Q. Should a hostess alwayrr
{ Modern' Etiquette. provide new cards at a bridge
party? -�
A. It' isn't necessary to turn- ,
w ' Q. '%• it proper for one to use I ish new cards, but the hostess't
`� •, i the spoon, to test the tempera- I must be sure -that' the 'card's pro=
lure of one's coffee? varied are immaculate and in
A. This is quite proper, and is ` goad condition.. + r >
A far better than burning the Q. On which arm of her fath-
t mouth,'or perhaps sputtering out _ .
P P P 8 er should a bride proceed down � ,,'� �� _ . J `• ''
the liquid. But after• testing -it. the aisle of.a church?
the spoon should be left in tilt
A. On his right arM,
~ >.
saucer and the remainder of the'
,•. '�.Sc
coffee sipped from the cup.
�t Q. Whea is the doable card for yhN CAN DEPEND
man and wife In good use? II aO ' `� '
' _
A. h, is sent with wedding ? ee luexom raito
ds .
.and w nsh ford- '
presents, with flowers to i fun- . a� west.., boa -
.rale with glib to high school or tired feeling `
college graduates, or with any .oshs mill add',
r. other gift that comes from both. fads•, .lila stimo- t' '
It is, of course, used also for Ince kidneys you t '
notmY dab. Ya
'*LOOK OUT -IT'S LOADED" -Or so you'd think, from rho horrified format visite -fell better-/isop
-looks on thesi"cayors' faces. Actually, Bill Simonovich, center, let Q. will you please sagged in
the bel) qct swam hir91 and lire Bro lel, left, and Harold
Appropriate toast that 1G as. best dn,ttwae vast..
�• v,rr r"� ISS(?E 9 1955 c>
nen at a wedding, can gropes" d'P'°d 0° paw`
- - ,- .. Grant hadn't yet reversed aeric. .. . • . -' - •, . _ - •s ���
- p
.. r.' o �il'+a• M ••vnr•:ei"'t � cs ,tic . _ ,rte �..
:• elfXi�t'Ci: , � ,r ,
k C
• �� .. +zz.,.—.;. :r_stlr -.. _. - -.a -.J� sees 4 ::�' .� .•_,. -':W .l;!55:usYarY£... ,tom a_ ,sri
-7 7" `\
.� a!
� �^'� i_.'-`, � -�.� � �'Y —aM- •KK led � 'Y�•A4'>-':.'
�1 J
-- Wool Yard Goods Memo s = Buttons .--Veedfes
=Good Supply NOW Available
BEEHIVE BABY WOOL Stuck for "His" birthday gifts A
55C - and' r m a e ell oft e.
Co ...s of Claro Brown, Pearl Grey and Special 15 Denier Nylons.inioned nylon Gr Me xe' en e A
13i. Perma-Blocked hats of popular hoseeat a eldreTtpri el,fashioned nylon 3 -PLY WITH NYLON 5 "Smoothie" -pullover for him
st, „ Buy one now for Easter. wear. 100°Jo NYLON 53C
O BLEND ... 27c
NYLON •' �95
�.•��. PAIR 99e
Tu .year with your new "Charcoal" Grey Cliff on the, belt type. Gun connected,to For rough rubbber, boot w�warm lear� Briefs and jerseys of popular jockey
tank that holds laricetype. supply of water.. nylon socks for boys. Long, type style, Fine quality for comfortable
- 'Suitt Choose an Arrow "tient." Fea- Plastic bolster holds both water tank blue ualityand ey c h red[ors of grey with wearing. Sizes from 30 to 44.
tu. 3 a.
in pink shade' with French cuss _ _ and gu
F4e95 �9
STORE HOURS: Mon. to Thurs., 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. - Fri. and Sat., 9 a.m. to 9 P.m. —Closed All Day Wednesday
: -
PHONE 2$1 Noy' Operatii�; "Thr; Big Store".- iPICKERING
V • - - .)?
} the. leaders of this team_ -and -his -6'3" ®�� �'� r
>' will be a big factgr in this game. r _
> At 10.U0 a.m. in the south gym
y the Pickering All -Stars .ti•i11 play the _
Ajax All -Stars. Bill 3icl ee is the
ALWAYS Pickering coach and is expecting a
> .victory
Also at ` 10.00 a.fn• the Pickering .-
: Jerry 'V . _ ...
} 1
r • J e ass •
Bantams will be piay�ng_ the -Ajax ._ _ __ • -,.._ _ . _. Y
`ams in f}►e north.,gyrr_ Peter ;ESTH►L4TES CI�'EN FREE —PHONE: PICK 32TW4 s
'muddy is the coach of the Pickering. A
_team. r Rotary Basketball League an Camp Tonalepla, a demonstration O'�TARio Cllr NTY
> 1 I.Final League Standing imp, near' aladrA ,. India, He is -TENDER FOR TRUCKS
)r` i �Lakera 5 3 °$ 23: 1=, ckairman vi the `ational Committee APER l3uliets i 1 . -'RO i 3 10 of .Canadian Schools of Social Work, Sealed tenders marked "Tender for
Warriors • 5 `4 18;1 185 10 � ci:airman "of the -Comrflittee -on Alen- Trucks." -will be received by the un- .
Royals. v 173 I�;, K - -
' "{ Kn''ekerlwck+ 7rs. •3 6 131 ly'3 �� -M fox s p y of the fo
al Health in
Industry, Canadian dersigm-d until 5 p.m., Friday, March �*
y ental -Health Ax;ocistion: -a-nd- 18th 1955, i up f ' llo,vP
Celtic., 3 G : 181 14.3 6 '.chairman 'of -the--boi+rd of .Director ing units:'
' -� is ague (1Kimes Feb:•uary 26 R;P utltl ut they Ontario' Division, Canadian 1. (ane' 5 -ton Truck complete with
• ., . % y Rdr il; 137): B. Moffatt 3V, K'� Ilx l:i, � enith �paoY iatioir He i9 .�- I dum body •lteis3 &ftd snow-wixtg• •Tlir'
o t'vt•Ty-reiatrd to the -Canadian- Com C'buntl* prolw�es-to in tradz aS
' Dr, ; , �)':at=,u�. ?.. R:u_, rtso-n. (tartipie, � . :
N�'arrfors t l i): But,. ton, 13asterlo. rcaittae of the. international .Confer--� part payment one. 1950 Leyiaxid Beal- }
g`cy :. Cnj>.an i, Allman •11 11r'al- i enc of I'trT�i1nn� i Work.
CominEtiois a no mtl5e : b i
bf theho _
Diesel ruck..somplete with dump
+ body acid int.
•4.° '4 Latk�3 t=� i s F antham '3: I'. Cow- } Vationul . C o u n c, i t ; N..M.C.A2s ...of 2. One li-ton Truck. The County
L1': C'I lisle 10 \iclntyre-:2, E. ,.C::nada. proposes to offer in' trade as part r +,
> ] rs u 2, D. Rai• ~ey, �l,:ee In i9 -is lie sett$ a� eoinmenfato'r on cyhient one '19-50 .Cheorolet �s t°n
- P
Crlt,e-; t'°):T) \foffut: 8. Harvey, �i3C'; aKard-winning network, pro- truck. "
s'= .. • ' 6, Cooper, Pyette 1'2, Bob' 3Iofl'ait, - -
gram, "In Search of Citizens." and ` 'Tenders must be submitted for each
,atl T. Ruddy, Trun. geTved in the sa the - capacity for a unit on County forms and, will be
-'3uliet� I INi: T. Banr�ork.::?6 : Pi second, series in iJdJ is now•a:.and -Specifications may be obtained
= .. Tran l2, Etierett," ilartiuid '2. Smit- member of 'an advisory_ committee to i from the office of the undersigned.
• � �' hnickeiboektr� ' +''21):- E• Rapsey 'CBC television. Lowest or any not nacessar-
•'• • 1'3, Cr+ute „ Spice, Popper 2, H.'-1:an 1o. 1333, Mr. Hendry undertook the iiy accepted.' .. i.
1. i2 ,1: rlir ct4cw-ot tho�Capi.tal..District Rer- - v
-CO HOLD \F:\1 � r Arlon k9nnninfi ::ury y the report R. E. Sims, f'. Engineer,
' I)iX�i:Et-Mi.k:"fl\G• MARCH 10 , -
,, which has now been published. - Engkneer, Untaria County
� . _ -- --- - -- - ----
Iloilo 1x350-51 he dirtct�ct a research
' LOCALYOUR CO-OP "Some. EIumxn A- pccti: of Canada's I project for the Drfenee' Research SALE REGISTER
};,cpandin>; F:canomy," will be the -K id on welfare in the-a�mecl forces:
Wednesday,•Dla. 18 -extensive a�,o- _
! topic, of Dr. Charles E. Hendry's ad- In 1951 he made a special study of tion sale of Helaein cattle, heifers,
== drem..at the:siinuer; meeting' of the the_Cicero Race Riot for. the National new Cockshutro tractor with loader
- - b of 'Ontario County on live o:f, Cocksh 70
C C I ference of Christians and Jews. I
Canadian Club io ou -
and li power take- utt
Thursday, match- 10 at St. Georges it 1950, working' on a tep balec,
ith led by ter, nE Hs epirtck t
ERA E roe M.
LAREMONT CU'O Parish Hall, Oshawa. Dr. Hendry was Dr. Arthur H. Compton, Chancellor �' new Mount For
appointed. Professor of Social Work o mato new M. li de rake new
I Washington University, rte visited r ine, , ,
�LAREDLONT 31 ' at the School of Social Work, Uni- every country in W2gtern Europe ex- Cobs bushel spreader, milking roach-
P>iiQNE, COLLECT — ine Satan stock implements, -
versity of Toronto, on his return to cept Portugal and Spain` and: assisted i , `his native land in 1946, after an ab-'in'the de elopment-of World Brother gram, f�h� �,. on Lot 35, Con
scute of 20. years in, the United. States 8 Pickerigg Twp. at Green River; onhood. lie also 'directed• an institute a
and became director in 1951, succeed- on Intergroup Education at UNESCO No 7 highway Property of. Roy
r ' ing the late Dr. Harry Vii. Cassidy. House in Paris. Later he spent three Carter. Sale.. at 12.30 noon:. Te�sns
t r cash. No reserve. Fe -m sold Ken and -
- t !- Immediately prior to his return .to months studying Citizen Farticipa-
_ +'Canada he- was the director and . co- tion and Social Policy. in .Finland,
Clar Pr ent:,oe, Atutioneers, -
ttent�an ordinator of research for the Commis- Sweden, Norway and Denmark as a
f sion on Community Interrelations of United •Nation Fellow. In 1951 he Wednesdad, March 9�ts�ertant
GET MOR MILEAGE FROM the American Jewish Congress work- again visited Europe and served' as a auctton sale of 20 Registered and
+ I ing on a. nation-wide action -research consultant at 'two conferences and • vacc3ta+ted Jersey heifeas, from R O.
ypUg (',QODYEAB Ti1cE8 HY I program in the field of intercultural 1 p. darns; iwo't*ctors;' 24 in, thresh -
while there completed field work on
• relations. -At -the same- time; fes -
his -book, "The Role of Groups in
er; binder on rubber (near new); M '
• sor taught at Teachers' College, j World Reconstruction" In 1952 he H• Power mows: • 8 St. (cut one crop)
HAV YOUR FROST END Columbia University, and served as spent seven weeks in India, Pakistan,• tragtor spreader` • (good); Furniture,
research associate with the late Kurt Israel and Jordon and gave a paper etc; approx. 1500 bales good. mtixed.
ALIGNMENT CHECKED ON OUR Lewin at the Research Center . for I at the Sixth -International. : Confer- hay: quantity of Beaver oats,'911 ie •,W
group Dynamics at the 'Massachusetts ence of Social pVork in Madras, for seed;' at Lot 33. Con. S..:.iter- ; �
' FRONT END Instjp D of Technology in Cambridge, India.• 11 Ing Township, the •p.•o'perty of E. M.
3�IEW "BEAit' Sp
Mass., now located at the University professor Hendry, has conducted or (John) SIiERIDAN. Favi► sold No
_of Michigan participated in' a' large number of reserve. Terms cash. Sale at 1.00 p•
ALIGNIEIENT EQL�1P 'vT - Since his appointment . at the Uni' commnnit surveys. He has written m• SELL -F -RG and ATKIN50N, sue -
I versit of Toronto, Professor Hendry y tioneers. Stouftville 383•
y _ extensively on camping, group work, �.
a leader rn •tion sale, da es we have bookeda�
has become actively related to a vari and community
organization, and is
sty of important organizations •and knowit internationally. as - _ .
SALE I movements in Canada. He h3 served the social work field. the month of Mach-`', �5, •, 'e, ri,
MO O �� as a member of the National Council His major responsibility at the 12, 15,.18, 17, 18, 19, 22,• 24, 25, 2 - ,
..,LAW on Physical Fitness for a three year University of Toronto has been teach- 29, a(►•'Watch for
listings on tike a- '
GJI PARTS SERVICE term. 13+e..is a member of the. Board ing and research in the field of com- bov'e dates. U thinking o1 holding an,
11iE'W &USED CARS of Governors 'of the Canadian Welfare munity organization. His vast expert- 'suction sale, we specialize in Farm
Towing d: General Repairs Goodyear Tires Council and on its -Executive Co't- ence as a research worker and teach- Stock, Furniture and Real Estate.
mittee: For several years he served er, of -community -and interracial rela- Auction sales conducted anywhere:
PHONE 29W DICKERING promises d interesting eve Atkinson,
as chairman of its Recreation Divi- tions ,pr an ng
sion. He' is" a member of the Board
- sing.
Phone Sellers and At n ti
iorieers, Stouffvl1e 389 1
of Directors of the Community Chest -
of Greater Toronto. and -is seergtary
to- the Advisory • Committee of the ' . JOHN L. LAY
}t P i -,KERING DISTRICT death
between the Bah ai-ne a dlltbe' Harry M. Cassidy Memorial Research :
HIGH SCHOOL played Terry Futtd. For sei,era! years he served as MACS; lIC >iatIN(i _ K TORI[ ST., 'roltoNT�
Warriors. The Bullets led by chairman of the Canadian Committee IRONS 28 Fac. palsy
on Group Relations, jointly sponsored REPRESENTING
Basketball Play-off Toinorroe Bannock have won their last 3 games' by the French slid English speaking
Saturday, Mareb 5th, marks the 9nd by good margins anti are favoured ;° Adult Associations in Canada. 'e pre- THE PRDDENTIAL ASSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED ti
of the Rotary Basketball.• League at win. Bannock "scored 26 points 1Qst OF ENGLAND
the local High School. Saturday to set a -scoring record for IJAI &SUltANCE _ t;itoUP AND PENSION !LANs - Z -
y sided at the organization meeting,
e.loca will be four exciting .games the year. ancj is a member of the Board Of the SICKNESS AND ACCIDENTThere I
to be played and spectators are wel- At 9.30 a.m. the winner of the semi ( Can n Council of Christians and, yji= -- AUTOMOBILE — LIAEILIT7
w tq be There a no admission charge. final game will play the season chum- I Tews. He is Joint Chairman of the - The World'. La.ewt Au -Etna Insuraaa• Company
At 9.00 arm. shas,� the Budden pions, the Lakers. David Fantham is J'North American -Advisory Committee .
.. _
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