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s'!r>1ZN Par YwP >l ER2:C: ON?R0F FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1933 • fes% PCF' mol it Aa- soo d Class-lli � '+
VOL. 74 -NO. 2 q
�w11rd �IaMs 0► Q. 351�1esws t+ni eon ° rtrart.lsEie6 rant Office Dopi. 0"alm Qat
- 14 Red .--Cross Organize. Again ,In 'Pickering,
_ �•
eve ar er
- - —
Forty enthusiastic persons repre- It's old news now, but Urs, John had her aunt �oriY - - -
REPORT people are �' ,
senting 10 widely scattered districts Pickering Township Council at still talking about the attempted F{itchene�•� with her on Sunday. e
of Pickering Township br. ed .the their meeting bre Monday nighT, sold break-in at Laurie Davidson s M_••s. James• Koch had her brother
Dr. W. W. Tomlinson, Medical Of- grocery Sunderland with'them- oia
Monday snowstorm to attend the ficer' of Health has- submitted fila $68,000 worth of debentures at four store, just west of here, earl ' last'from
.Charter inaugural. meeting of the Red annual report to the Board of Health percent, one to 20 years to the Mid- Friday morning, i day.
Cross. Gathered in the Pickering. land Securities Corp., for' $101.166. Two Toronto men and a Dunbarton Mr. and Mas. J. R Boyes left on '
and to the Provincial Dept. of Health .71
Community Hall, they witnessed the in Toronto, covering the activities of I These debtuures cover a two-room man were arrested and charged with Friday 'last Sor six weeks in Florida. -
presentation of the national certifi- the year 1954. The report gives corn- addition to the 'Bay Road School•and attempted break-in, after they were Mr. and' Mrs. A. W. Mitchtli and
Bate of membership and laid plans for. prehensive detail of what is beim a two-roomed school to be built in caught in a' road-block by Scarboro M. and Mz"s Walter Lpmde.left _Ifol
organization of distress ':ind welfare done and what is ho g the Frank White sub-division. lice eight g y
ped will be done lm B t minutes after Pick Florida on Monday for several week's
services in the community. Also was for the citizens of Pickering Village, A Mr. Blackley and Mr. Luke of Township police called for assistance. waMr. a.
discussed the branch's -participation •. Coipinutdeable :Diseases Toronto told council they have..been Mr, .Davidson. said he heard glass Mr. and_Mra Bob :Miller, of New_
'in the, national Red Cross' fihaneial Tomlinson stated that the most' holding lesthercrsft classes-for boys breaking and thought that someone •asarket were week-end visitors with •,..
drive in March. serious communicable diseases an_ and girls at Fairport Beach each was trying to get into his store her Parents, Mr. pnd Mrs. G. Found
The charter, signed by the national countered in the village in 1954 was week-end and have about 40 attend- through Dinty Sleep's- garage next ..- .SV- and Mrs. J., A. Hamilton, - of
president, Governor-General Vincent infectious jaundice, nine cases report- Ing' They plan to rent land and a 'door. He agw, a hand reaching through Mirkdale, vt Care visitors with Mr.
ffiassey, the 'national commissioner, December (and at tithe o1< writ- barn from -Mrs' Grace Huggins of a window near the front of the store, and Mrs. Wm. >1dcEachrlie Sr. on the
Dr. W. S. Stanbury, and the Ontario ing 10 more eases in January 1955), the Beach for future use. The rip- and shot' with a lf>_gauge 'shotgun. week-end
president, Frank. F. Hull, was pre- This is a disease that occurs spo- stairs will be used for gym work and The man was treated later for pellet Miss Dorotf>,jr Kirby of Hamilton 41,
s►ented to Mrs. David Crichton, of radically -at this time ofthe lower part for classes. They also wounds at the -Toronto East General. visited Mr. and Mrs, Ea Stork last ,
Riverside year, brit
provisional president of, the tiffs year epidemic proportions were ba;d 'they would like to have stock Following the shooting, Mr. David- !week-sad. • •
branch, and to . Mrs. R. $• Tyndall, reached - although eve car races, for teen-alters. They asked .son called Picks p police, _
g everything was ring Township Mrs. John' Mawat is sti]I conveles_
representing Pickering' Village. done to keep the disease in check, council for a grant to help- them with and Constables Grant Thompson and ting at her leasers following an attack
The presentation was made by. At the present, Dr. Tomlinson their work. Council gave no decision Bob Watson were on the scene in two of jatindkt.
Robert McAdam, Ontario Red Cross working with Dr. McKee from the at the time. Duncan Spang, township minutes. Constable Roy Morden also Banc Wk,` now -a student at St.
assistant commissioner. Mr. McAdam Connaught Laboratories in Toronto assessor, waited on council,, asking was. assisting in the search for a-car, Michael's- College, . sillI continues in
outlined life international and" iia- to determine the cause of this CO- for reasons for his recent dismissal, when word Came through the men the field of dramatics, ro W..y targht
tional services provided by the Red demic that has hit Pickering. Dog tags for the townaMp Can now had been apprehended in Scarboro at him by Mr. Chas.. Joll:Me at Picker. ,
Cross and the important contribution There were 19 cases of chicken- also be procured from- the pound- Stop 14. This is the fifth attempt to ing District High School. Pert
made by the local braaehea- Miss pox in 1954, few =sea of measles, keeper, Mr. Clifford Schwaim--of Al- break into Latirie'a store in the past the par; of Andrew Vac-Laren in --
Marjorie Jenkins, director of Ontario nine cases of -whooping, -eoggb and tons Road _As well as the municipal five years. Once they were successful "Brigadoon" being stn red tfhi3 week.
Red Cross welfare services, said that -one probable case of undulant fever. off' while he' was •away for Christmas. at -Hart Hotuse- Theatre by students of '
the basic rule of her division was that Nd Mases of Mr. Ted Bennett waited ago council' -------------------------- --- ---- -
Ponomyehtin witls - - - the University of Tc-onto. He will
no child should ever starve. Harley encountered, with several complaints from regi- GREENWOOD MAN HAS NARROW also take a. pa2t In "King Lear" by
Neff, Ontario compaign director, pro- - dents in the Glendale sub-division.
__ G
Toxoid Campaigns ESCAPE the same g-rnsp at tIe
vided helpful suggestions on the or- All Children in the primary des -------------------"---'"-----
P �rY gra Feb. 2ti to Mardi S. -
ganizatiom of the coming appeal_ for of the public and separate schools I.O.O.F. DANCE SUCCESSFUL Mr. Harry Guest of GreenwoodI ------------------------------------' -
funds• were inoculated and vaccinated, with had a narrow escape it the C.P.R. -SPECIAL AT LATT MOTritac:_
The following Pickering districts the help of ]yrs. Ronald Hall. These The second dance held in the- high crossing on the Brock Roada ii�Tues- 1 Five Gno+ye-r N; let, co-,or c ati}gin w -
were represented at the meeting: events were tabulated and records school by the local I.O.O.F. .Lodge day morning. Driving -to his work in 010 z 15 Tires Lint Price $171.sJ - -
Audley, Brock Road. Brougham, made of all Children. receiving the was another success. Over 500 people Toronto Mr. Guest stopped
Cherrywood, Dunbarton, Frenchman's immunization. attended on Saturday evening and all crossing. His car h the ( TAtc OURVMr-• 812S.N AND
frig -skidded on the ice � YOUR OLD TIRES
Inspection Serriee had a good time. Prizes went to as he .started forward. He heard the
y, Greenwood, Piekenng Beach, School Ins --------------------
Pickering --- '
age and The public, secondary and separate people from Pickering, Dumbarton, train, whistle and saw the train was COiiEt; NG. L►VLNTS,
Chairman f e evening was Wil- ethanols were inspected frequently Oshawa and Markham, Abbie An- almost on him. Opening Cie dgor, he
Ilam G. Lawson, of Greenwood; who 1964, and some suggested Improve drews - and his orchestra members 4 rolled out onto the road. Tke train Women'& Imamate Meeting
thanked. the Community Hall's true- menta were made by the M.O.H. to were entertained at the home of Mr. { swung his car around int, the ditch. 1
tees for the use of the building for the p»" and ins and MM Leonard Pearson, following Dania a was the regular meeting of the Worn-
pectora, and a 8 8 Only a• ban; ed in door.
the evening. It is planned tai have full report submitted to the above- the here're- Mr. Andrews said that this The train was- a Diesel passenger-' InsOute, Pickering *111 be held _
the neat general meeting of the named sled to, the Dept. of Heald► in is the finest auditorium they .have enroute to Toronto. in 'b. rew's Presbyterian Church
branch in the north aid of the town- Toronto. ever played in. ..._.._..-_. -- _ Sasemeat an Feb t:t• at 230 9.
ahi'g. At this meeting the nomination, All cases of suspected infectious •.-•. -• rickerias Young Peopi" Union sec• -International Day". lreitram, In
and election officers for the year will diseases were reported to Dr. Tom- M-I'°�'m' rl�-Nevis (By Bob Brimbecom) { Charge of Mrs- Jerry Bank. Do not `
be held. The announcement of place linson's office by the local teachers _ forget the imagazin1 :or the heapital.
and date will appear in your local and the diseases treated at once. Mrs. Teatbi-78'aadift loNsa riaddl Pickering Young People's Union - ---- -- ----- -__
Pape Reriald- Hall made' visits to the Go_ et;tenr tart last Sunday night under. the lea.
.............. ------------- schools through the year and inspect- pis :. ' :'.ub 1 drrshio Of Boli Co- it. The me,e2in DAY. FZ8RVA$•Y 25 . 3 P. AL
Ir1REMEN KEPT BUSY- ed the Children for infections and ooemutrced with a .beset chair .prat.. .. �Jft George's . Anglican Church
made esreful reports to the M.O.H.b 8 rice with Mrs. Hort p at the Plano. ertni,
The South-West. fire company and of the village. Roman, Pins In the field at 007er6hip and Com, -----_ ----_----------------- �, •
„PlC>< Oatirlo l
the Pickering Village fire company Sanitary Inspection Gettersui nnealty Service the for*wing ques. .
Have both been busy duiin8 the 1t Dr. John Loon lies carried out his Des A tions were diacussc' : '•Are ave. plan- Recital*
week work in very of dent fashion and Singles over 2%-G, Brvant %e- Ing :pore than nece-sary reliance on
9atarday afternoon, the South- made inspections of our water supply 309: M- Lay "S; D• Ba•Isdon 226210; � Twit motive rather t'lran on' ec-
Wei company was called to the home and sent samples to the Dept. of D. SPentw 221. 1.. Messer 214; .M, Gnomic stability?" r' -Should the sponsored by..
of lir, F. McCoullagh on the first Uowth for tests. Water samples were Lyade 214. concept of non-pro'it enterprise be Bt, Andrew's Presbyterian, Chard `}
concession, 'east of the Altoiia Read.. taken from the schools and the res- .... encouraged?" - -Should co-operative WEDNESDAY. WASCR 3, 1955
'The-interior and contents of the i+ome f tauranta-one test was below Grade Sale' with handicap ow•r 2n'+ _ Ai 8J5 P. M. i
were destroyed. The blaze was die- i, •'A» M Lay 245; M. Lyade 237: L. Mes- este rted to givee.s more vigorously Supp= f. Recital given by Mr, T. A.
covered- -by neighbors; " after they Cold storage plant, meat distribut- `-*r 235• _ �j l foIncentive marThe group fourhdc'cope to oit Oi t Kew Z actUnited C�h Jackson
t,r and an ,1 t► ,. ► �.ipg establishments and pasteurizing irri
I» • g possible to reach .a conclusion on Toronto. oa oBel-
e -
windows. Mr. MCConllagh, who esti- plants were all inspected and• found TBaTse n 5 - G' t $43, NO em Lockley, Kew Beach Choir.
D. Balgtyon 589, E. Bryant 543 M. � 'fii'`t gtees•ron but Che majority y'
mates his lc a at Zi,,. , t... i to be in excellent condition and all Admission - SBC.
Lay %I, D. McIlveen 514. H. Mitch- seemed to agr-e with the Iast two.
Toronto with his wife and two child- { well .managed. The meeting conch did with so—o I - teb 25
ren at the time. Maintenance Costs I,e]1 509, D. mincer 5(11, M. �erdc 502- Y - -
r F Trinles with handicap _ very etht direction
- nation 'under
.,ti;ti+�r,iy e•ti•"rreng, the Sotitl•-West Total expenditures of the Roe--d of ; p over 500 the 'able direction od- !.ursine-Matt- � -HANDICRAFT end 80BBY SHOW - •- - f ' ��
_' _ ,,i.. ^' n'• . eT r , . �,, n ..e "n• .i.+ M_ Lay 571 M ti
Health for 1959 were• Vis: l-u0; tihe Lynda 5T1, L. Anes- �,y - Sponsored by the Pickering
,or nearly two hours in zero weather NI.O.H. find- the ti,niYiary 1ncrJ7•t�r Der SM E, Huyrk 529, H. Mitchell yin have ueIIn atrMn--, In recent Weaaen's Institute „
f • ,c tr o-o- at t', ,r";" nd tin- part t;n•c clp of a regis- 154 B. Herpell 500. rnnrrth; to incrnse or:r .membershi UN�D CHURCH HALL
f Mori•. y Blank at i.ivrrpoai. The ttFred honorariuhtefor rr elm i,"•,•; .Pte. Points this
ppets week
4,d d v7deri , 'Ould..tikc to take this P i -SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 26,
ntkrior and' contents heat too were !'s m. - r „•t ;follows: Pu t � I At 308 P M. �
Crock= or,u••ity to nvlte all the young peo
ost in the fire. Mr. Elack said ha•-had L'yArd. Rolling :pars 3, Ramblers t. Go-Cat- o2rt all the lova chia,chs to Tom+ b for.everyone. You ere urged
F , i trrs 3 Guttersnipes I pie " 1
eft the` store "and one to iris rou: c r Mi of the board for 19:,,,:1 pas 1. The -ace is come and join us each Sunday night to,display your own Rork, or come, _
ext door. He had. been there. ahor.:f
Chairman for 1954, Mr. Miles Chap-1 still :lnse and if you're near the loot- Our meetings',are held Sn Pic►rerinQ alt- - And see what others have done. _
o minutes. , hen a man ,-:,me to the" I rnan, 1, Dr. W. W. Tomlinson; '2, Dr. I tor" ?h ' 4- k, hake heart-cause 9 I United Church at 7.$0 for choir prat- Foe arrangements, phone: Mrs, J. '1
oor and told ham that bin store was John Loos: 3, Reeve Cyril Morley; 4 could' be t;ed for top next week! !!! 7
y � lice and 8.00 for our regular m:et• Lay, Mrs. F. H. Demsir�e, Mrs. P. •
n fire. The blaze seem#xl -to swrt.,.Clerk Bruce Hogarth; 5, Chairman ---------------------- ing. 11a',.' J, PiYrott, Mrs. T. J. Wheeler; f
ear the: rear •of the building.' I Tack S. Balsdon. Piekering Township Council
--------------------- .------ ------- _ AFTERNOON TEA .SAKE SALE,
Tuesday morning the 1'i^kerinfi Tuberculosis Association Tuesday. February.]. 1955 . Feb 25
iTr :r;e
company- were called to ,the The District Tuberculosis Ass
ocia- - - ____ _____________________ ____ '
�'' Tr^ns-C-Wade P ET>t:TR3
omg of 1-enoiil npGeer, Brock };cavi .non, the local DepY.- of Health and t� Line asked per- __Mr_ and Mrs. James A 7natrong, of p` + 4 1PROGRESSTV-4
outh, ,rlwre' an oil : tnvay h: l ,<:x• Fliv.�ion of Tu ,eI 1.. 1'rcvention, �^icsinn t ,an a 24-inch Lne through Cherrywood, -are happy--to a+x"Z -a '
oded. Thr fire: wa, soon cinder con- ; ::•e cu-r,perating in ::t nqr r ,ret: to 'Lots 1•- 3.i ;n .Con. 6.-Cr< rated. the birth
rel. duct :h tom ifunity-r :• cl` <t S_ Violet Sh w complained about not February 9 ,1955 nat.the A axcPio} I �ichre Party
Violet • �•
----- ny ,survey of tine eti." gill i e,• .rf ;^ " lo erect cabins at, Cedar -
---._._�---------------•_-- r C]':} ��. ening General Hospital � _
tis Hon. Juice FAuxilra Addresses ,f rt.,nnina i3oa d• The :.Io;Ger=' Antill
H y Card of Thanks r ary-ef .the. Cubo _
' hoping that every n ;dent a and Scouts are sponsoring a public
"�eeing..This surve • , 11 ,.• r•:,, ,f
tal.Auxlb r_F rind the lcacal•Bo:r�l•ni 11"•:elth 1,'�n unable to act nn th
Euchre and Bridre to be held In the
His Hon c'.. „ er the age of si'x- N� ill St rk so •rted grant for We would like to tl:.ank 'botji D,., Community Ball, Pickering. ua Satur-.
Thit'by,- addresvd tete Ho�iVA A•ix. `.wail themselves• of this r., portunit�•. P,a•k"•rin Puh'�ic Library. day. irebruary 19, it 5.09 as.�sha
omonlyo and Dr. Tomlinson.; el^o P• rP.
i Lary on Monday evening, end g•�ve iurvev fo begin 11ai•ch a.'l,-1 !1,:.., I,- Soljcitrr T. ',I. Moore, advised the-e the W: A.'and our friends nci bcr• Lunch to be served and tf'Izes given
yea inform g1 Admiraion W. or. U.-Of per couple.'
ti,.o tu11` un tree: sup:,, �t r Polio Vaccine ; Is no ler: of?'cation for "lmvnfiip A.� customers for •` et-wc: ;a: `:
"Women :T' rent"• I ,1t„ is that polio iri.• e, i11 tb {'��' rel,•' ,9r c,- truck fires on the phone calls and transportat,on ;� ai,d Come and meet your friends for an The meetin - cskad for volunteers ,he made available this spiing fol ""ur• tTownahip rnEe^ or.to collect cost of le evening:
assist tlae cegistrreA •nurse in -son: c• 1-till.IF p ne;ss. the hospital du Ed.; 's s:c;:- enjoyable -- - - --- - R -
f u 'rice •ft:;.n r:,su ante Companies. ospi ing
her work, It Sas .;greed to spend It is the hope of the �1.f�.Ti. th ii,: rl ! T^e Burrows `•"caer" fcr Inter_ ___-) 1 • '.• .,S
101E .: riteT h'e, i children. of.. a certain ,re rriup ,ci l uric royal tia•:A c;th ,7 fgot hoist cyl- . ~. I FAIRPO RRUNITBDPCAURCA
In Memoriam I _
nates till be obtnin<d .'or replrtc- tacctnated before ti .r ]!1'r:, 'hr,li„ ar ^r +6i(37.'0 ac r:,ted' ^C to ap• _. Frere 'a-Bay
g the board •a�lks a,t the hospital. season arrives.. Furt.iT r infsrtm:rih rr I p•c 'l.r,t ; ;,t, rrf Hi;, - c. ADAIR-In loving memory of my I SATURDAY: FEBRUARY 19, 1955 !
:•.h concremtr walks: r,n this new vaccine will be puhlishol i De',: t:at h T Cliff s sal- dear hoaband and'-lather Sgt. F. W. ! Commencing At 5.30 P. 'At..
t was*
announced that the-hoWtal ; at a•later date. ary rncrea:,Td f: ,m t io 6;450,
-w Adair, Reg. No. 310701, 70th Battery, I Adults 81.25 -- Children 65c.
tirir.^ dance will be held on April _ --- ---------_--
-�------- ___-•_- `-- rd,Divisiori-R, C.M. A"' vio died ori ,
nt the ' Pick�viha District High. Rotary News
February -----------
---- --- ---- ----------
` i 1 TOWNSHIP. ASSESSOR IWANTFD --- : -.-_-. __ _____ Fe^ nary a6, 1936. iei;v leevi._ ANNUAL OYSTER SUPPER -
hool, '� Sr. ANDREW'S PRU12YTRR1AN
'' ::_ -_____-, I . SotaThan Carry 13ekkevold; at nt - . -'- •- CCB.
n___ .__ ,_ -_-__ Where the green grass gently waves,
1` Eddie and Mrs, Spencer APPLIC'ATTONS., ill- he received_ Dinner me^tin ref RoRary.,on Mon. Lies the one we loved' eco ck a-';•. --T CKE G, ONT i K
1 ----- by the undersigned: until Feb day told of hi: experiences as a « «
------ Wh,m we love -1 '� uulit r,r?t -av; Under 'miter Apspices -Of Thu ,
NOME f hh• r, 55, nor :"n Asse...c"r for�t.hre Norwegian Air Force membra being To-those- who havd`,a 1latiiesi: - 1�>ssgeia' )loris ► ,R,
-- Township or Pickerinc'. 'Sa'�T _$2600 r taken prisoner-of-was, arid.. being Treasur: plan with care, WEDNESDAY, FE'SRVAJ0r 2a.•
Vould the .party Who plrk.0d,un a I.te N, according to qualification.$. ; moved throthh th.:arly every country As vou' never knor,,- 1-i, r"lrme Sapper Atle-00 P. ILL � - i
ool-bag.. apo books on Friday, the in Europe, including Soviet Russia. vru is r nnt' rhe r TIC - 1 r
h. at Middleteaa Store, Brock Rd. Lloyd T. Johnston, Clerk' • before reachingCinadi."Proi,3bly the _,. T - `
i]1_, see h a,. ICBTB
dIy rstara►, or .l6on! Tkiwring I Township Of tklte -badly mined by lonely R'if: Provision'will be triads hr.those
Hug mo,t JaQrinatYng story that. can' be: Laura, said daughter, .Elsie. - who,1110.R04 est oysters.
V3. _� Rnfugham: Ontario told by any Pickering aoti.ian, t.
_ . E gal" Iryin-g Stone. It
' con erns the family U e of
Abraham Lincoln and i, both
erltertaining and informative.
_ eading it; one can -be thankful
��,,�,/% _ - RONICLES that civil wars are no longer _ • _ �3
(v/ -a threat.
At the present time everyone -' ' f
is uneasy gbout the For-
�� �raa•*tid•^' r ^ 1r D C , r» ¢ mora situation. All deanocratic
- 'i'his i -'the first day for. a week _ nations are_anxious for a world_
- - - at ,peace. We get very weary of
LA _ morning sub .
without an early mor 'ng s continual conflict, which, it
Its,- Yee, ra aids
w u _
_ would seem,- should be a -void
-zero � temperature w
we re it
to wish for a chamong
ange in the able
And' yet there is hardly a period '
_ weather. in case it -might be Lor. in history' without its record of
the worse' You never know, we
- might get a storm from the east
war, either on land or at sea. _ _
i War_ between nations is 'bad' "
and be snowed in - 'and then • enough but, as I said before, we
what? Even. though the high- d
waANy is cleared, there is still can- be .thankful civil, waris, a
ST : - one's own lane to conteas
nd with. thing of the past, insofar . re
_ English-speaking nations are
What with one thing and a. a -
'" i concerned. Civil wars ceased as41
yaG - other, last .week was quite , a_ eo le came to have a better 4
N,E - - - week. While it was so intensely P P
cold, Partner developed an acute understanding of the problems
"Dear Anne Hirst; -Since my • 'th�y .all will feel differently attack of neuritis. One day vve affecting - both sides. Maybe_
wife died- four Fears ago, soy • toward her., - had to get someone in io Help at global war will likewise cease .
the barn with the chores, espe when . international problems
little son and his sister have !• Take the children to visit are more clearly understood,
beer • the girl on weekends, so they cially as• a' young heifer chose And contributing towards this --
lived with - er parents. A
a year:ago I fell in love la:ith a •will begin to associate -her that' day to have her 'first calf.. - better understanding is the VFo
grand. girl, and we are anxious with the pleasures you provide However, mother and'son tame . men's Institute of Canada: That o
y = to marry to make a home .for • for them.. When the day of : throught all right and 'Partner
one really appreciates in read -
the children My wife's family • your marriage arrives, of has more ,or less returned to ing through that excellent lit-'
have met her, ,but they, oppose 'course they will attend the normal. tle magazine "For .Home and _ �14
'the idea of my marrying again, • ceremony. 14
Saturday .Bob and ,toy were -Country' especially in regardto
and unfortunately they've tried • H'ave-yc.0 thought of settling ��-here for supper. Bob looked _ • _-International Day programmes.to influence the youngsters. ' in knother part •of town when 2-2� over all the 60 cycle motors and Many branches report addresses"When w e do morn, shall. we_ you remarry? If this is prac- was satisfied they were all in4681 3o -a2 `by - New Canadians at theirtake them:.to live with'us right;. ' ticable, the foeae of you would good running order, It comes,in nieefings.' - - ---away, or wait,.a, while Or'mrust • net be under such close • sur- handy sometimes having_ ,a I dv hope every' W1: member T give up this lovely girl and '-veillance, The children-- can• !'S =echanically-minded person triai es time to read "Home and
allow my wife's. family to run • visit their grandparents regu- the family, He. alscz .broughtCountry'' from cover --to eever.-•my rife?- ' larly with vQu and year wife; Easy -to -make! Easy to -►staid- alvug some kind of stuff for my d full of worthwhile
R'ORRIED 11'IDOb�'ER" ' as they see the youngsters , er! Wonderful for choretime! "car that acts a5 a cleaner and IC ie packe-1bIAKE HASTE SLOWLA .� happy y Side•front wra around with'the. information. -`•Here 'and There in their new• life the p- conditioner fol. the -motor. With- the Institutes"- is a -chat-
It is not uncommon that • will more fairly credit'her ef• newest Princess lines. new- Oii Sunday, Dee; Arthur. and
- lenge in -itself-'- You scan it
• older_ people ..resent _anyone._ • forts. ' It usually works out ! est yoke treatment! Choose Dave arrived for a short visit: ha-, at first, seeking the name
p three-quarter, short sleeves, 'or Dave made good use of his legs,
_ +taking their daughter's place; this way, 'and I hoe it will of your own branch-. If it islet
!i, also, also, they are probably re: ". w:ith you.. no sleeves at all! Make several � exploring every nook and coy- there -you ask- yourself why.
- - --"1 • tustant to give .up-the�hila 1 - - d rioted cot- per and going about a mile a. be T war N
• ren. Wouldn't it be tactful to ' Sider giving up this fine girl. tons. minor• He tut over e g not considered worthy of men-
_.., rarid_
• wait until your fiancee, c:an -'-It ib ndi• always -pas:-ible to l Matte n 4681: Alisse.<' Sizes 12, i, and the doggy are equally de. •-tion''-If_ not
rpt_ --
• know these paretics and also - ' please the entire family in 14, 16, 18, 20:-•30, 32, 34,. 36, 38, ! lighted to 1^aye him -around. But. .w,hat can we d.l about 'it?''
• the children, better than she any mail ifige, particularly a 40 �}2, Size '6 takes. 47s yards i we couldn't make a fuss of. him Incidentally I wonder how
does now? Once she wins -the• secornd -one.- 4 35 -inch. ' at. ail, as he was. far too tzusy..to, k
many W I. members appreciate -
afi'ection of the youngsters • This -pattern easy- to use. sim- 1 want.to. be .bothered wish his the tremendous amount of work
! •
WIDOW. IS .LONELY ple to sew, is tested to £it. Has" f gl ridparettts The pump handle a d expense at "'Hoare and
"Dear Anne Hirst: Since my cohiplete illustrated instructions. in. the kitchen w'as a great at- C untry." Do you know that
husband._diedthree years -ago, I i Send- THIRTY-Fi�'E' CENTS ;- tract7rr. He also _thought it a 46.000 copies of�each issue are
have some to this city from the t35c) in coins (stamps cannot good idea to squeeze his way sentout and that the publication
ruddle .west- to be near Ty +mar• I be -accepted). for This pattern. into inaoc'essit�le places -behind cost of even - one issue is ap-
-Tied son. I hasten to say that . I Print plainly SIZE, NA#IE, AD- ,the chesterfield and under the proximately, $3,000' _And yet, _ -
- we 'all- geC along wonderfully. _.!DRESS, $TYLE tit°MBER• .rotiee table and chairs. We fpr a nominal subscription sent
But I,• personally, am 'so Ione- Send ordef to Boz' 1, i21 F.igh• brought `tsar his Christmas- in by each branch, ever: mem-
`' teenth St., New Toronto. Ont. present, kiddie -car, but he is to
some' y
again_ I amt NOT oucompanion, strtlb litgtla�lev onrrde, it proper- me and Cout rye"
_ - bey of the oW. •
� not cin t p a copy. of "Ho
7>; ship of my owri age 'When A D+@IllSt free of charge The least we c
_ .1've heard that in some to 1 Dave derided it
-was more =do is give it the careful read•
there are nice clubs w -here older j saved An Empress fun to carry it around. This he ing it; deserves, don't you think?
other, Is there tie ,until he edals andt,tell tangled
overut t•
people meet each P
oris here that you can • recom
mend" MRS. F, R." a- R lef . native -
hen Dr, � an � eI - Sew _times. As the weather was x
-- :—- - _g_ than you
-- -
can dentist, t t his E still very 'cold yesterday, they �
•one. No matter how interested =y; .his luck in s,ew country h O joy dustless
startedi for ome befo
- ; u ' iii her children a a.idow is: she Just a short visit trot .long think t eA`O - .
could hardly have anticipated'
- 1 •: etiouRh -for as to keep track of j
! . mimes the. friendship of those - CieCfrf heat`
our grandson's development, t„• -
1 the Same which• was to settle -on Well, now - that always - -
4 - • of her generation - i
` « + In many cities I guava clubs. dooms, bearded den- ` SAVE WITH
•exist to encourage older people List quickly found a"niche in the heaps! tiMitchie-White has just i
0 to meet eacly other, Most of E - • o my de and "
j • wed uh el
c r rod of the _ f across sthe. top-..
" them .are a -ell managed, and rprtrFrance, and char ambi
-lush ed s r
pire,, of r it regardless. of typewriter,
a boon to middle-aged men i s soar d:
f trays no and a few _
■ and women.f am not, how- c_ Parts whir-
. y
r t'on e
-Elegant ladies
• ever, familiar - with . any pered among themselves of the
_ # eve me ow 4s an indicationheis
yOtrl town..—
=� as m o 'le be
Evac • ' H _ pared to be petted or play.
ch f is r
Y ` t e • I suggest you call - up the great skill 13S a dentist, coupled. '
editor 04 y9ur newspaper. •u with his natural charm, enabled # jedp•w -with, hichever I , prefer,
• he does not 'know of one. he ust so Ion as he get some at- M
him to `cash in quickly on .his 1 tention. 'Sorry. :�litchie, I m " -
' •can find out if- aux exist and chic rep+ltation r"'^ -
- t I know he'll be happy to do Such :were rife heights to afraid" the attention you get will
" ° °' - •"so. t which he, had" risen that he a -
be a remov l to the krtcher
se tend only R Illinois til nk
• ! {
could ne •'choq
!HE END You wont be seeing , eo 1 w
to at o y b1'e t a
Lf a'' delicate ' si/uatlon.., con ':....the most distipguish'ed peopl�'of 'you rid
much' [w your nice let-
-Mom_ ie von • Doren. posing. With i [routs you, ask Anne HIMCIN I ter and kind words. Hope' you
the •day, his greatest triumph en o ed the' books. AnotbeF I
�,� • . :.,her may, open 'in -the future, r apjnion; .Her understanding of ' ; 'coming when he succeeded in ? S
In response to reports that sh'e's' I . family relations makes her ( sin sure you would
like is "love
securing the patronage of the.'
- - - .•:= another'.Marilyn Monroe, Mamie peculiarly .successful in guiding' Empress Eugenie. "
.� t_ aroke •of good fortune, found an
says: "I'm keeping .my mouth' .� . her readers. Write her at Boz But there -were 'signs that the f •English yacht lying at Trouville
- shut ++� cheesecake photos until i _.1, 123' Eighteenth' �t dew• Tor•. ! eetsnd Empire was erurrlbling.: I• _• «j
they quit saying such things." onto, Ont When the revolution ilnally =HtThe o. r t ^S
- --- broke and , the Third rrpublic The owner of the vessel. Sri
_ was proclaimed,•. Dr. Evans John Burgoyne, gallantly mise
o the occas on and gave his s' t
ours many f nt.` le run- - ri ss. -She ;
t, d o his cafe t i s
• `• - - �' Hing into hiding. - `prvtect:�n to -the ,F.inp
I The Empress, who had, acted Was escorted safely to England; j ' ♦ 9
as Regent- while the Emperor.. where she remained in' exile. fI �?•
was at war, was faced with. a "Le bel Evans" went beck' to I 'OIL. LSI EATERS
'frerizied� mob "shouting. outside.
the Palace. I -' - s .
A terror stricken Eugenie, �ric•d From!��.5®
o p n
heavily veiled, managed to es- YOU Y�111� O ` ` • ECONOMICAL
�., q
. cape through aside floor'with' a �,,,, ,,.,r "n,e 1...
;R'Onl3n comp2nion., In despair, �ALLNOUT—',
:' '� �yi:. •nttrrhanP- ur;,v and �uu ennhana .
V}4l to P:,ar heraucr •, (ori.nx n.r� .'
fir;' �� .� µ .f"a h�3j •a$ i last' resort, s1Ye hurried to pr y minin,ntn of - uli.
the ho e of Dr: -Evans...'. e• 4.:MODELSWhen 'the dentist's ..,errant,. _
t ,, .has •' r .w w . ..
,- 1�`' ?•"., ' 'dame to tell him that tw•o hQa\'i=- tnrre•„ a' Caron, P? -40'1'o, Tu•.at'
If you Feel
'ly veiled ladies were ..at. the ins . In roma..-
M 7.
door, be -guessed their identity 4 i
and rushed down s.0 greDt'tFiem,� `, F::[Ai rr�nl:at•d lt••flt that's .im..
Eugenie, .exhausted but dig- I ole t., .rc nn.l maintntn. l nm•
pitied and beautiful, repbed "I - A�L N nletrb ronl.uruur oner:.t,on. ? "1
have no friends left but your- i
3 v ` These days roost people, work under • SMART 'DESIGN x
self. I.come as a fu:;ttive to beg I - pressure, worry mote, sleep less. This 6 .CII ern -1' +unirmt,un eumhin—�• -
--- strain on body and brain makes physical E rich 1 rat
modern dreie5t With e t n
yoiir helg ," fitness easier to bre-harder to regain, to nn — • hs.nd..hmr addition.
skin them to 'resi`ani eat, ton�oliryphomr.'
4z erne living, lowered resistance,
z i 1 • Today s t - _e havensrM ` ,;F,- it Fe --4plice.
i DL Evans lost no time 1 plan- overwork, worry—an of these may a1f1Kt w
r n
- a i� rung their escape, r hratrrs and Cr�a madr spare
Ma normal kidney action. When kidneys get heaters.
Later, in his closed earri:, e, t of order, excess acids and wastes leaky i
1 • ," i he conducted _the two ladies to _ _ r main- in Abe system. Then backache, ... . ver Ot co - r `
ss• o
the coast, the Et15firess travelling disturbed rest, that "tired -out". heavy- or wrifs "toddy
headed feet often follow. That's the "The OTkCO Limited `
r as a mental patient, her tom- "'g
8, g' anion acting as nurse. time to take Dddd's Kidney Pills, i3odd'soyL
TOO CLOSE'FOR COMFORT -Angus, a.,rnixe'd-breed do beton R -- �;n;,,Y,tb life kidneys to normal action.
a ing .ta the Rod Van Avery family; got the •shock'of. its'lifi whin• At, Deauville lodgings were Then you feel better -sleep better -wont -
«'- 'this rat jtfimped. off the piano right in front of his nose. The rat found for them aria ti hazard- better. Ask for Dodd** Kidney Fills at
1 is one five► that the family is taking care of during midyow _ ow task of Rndi Ea�.r.s. was yllrtgcantw. /s g - 5S
�lved -when Dr' ani. by
school 'eicorh; nations:
. ... ' Z3SII 7 19 .
i- _ >
.. .
-- - . -JA
has made a busy week for the local (tare kee.tl and family. i cash. No :ese_^ve, Farm gold. Ken and Threshing. Machine, •'Oliver Tractor ,�a
restaurant with about 30 men com- Mr. anti Mrs. Eric R'uilace of Clarke Prentice, 'auctioneers: Ralph No. iCt. dm lerttents, a �a
. bir. and M,rs. Bill Browning and ing in each day at noon. Weston, spent the week -end with .11r. Pau clerk. p quantity of hay . 4
Mr. Bill .Voss atterr<ied a' Harty of the A lovely floral tribute from the :and -Mrs. Earle Beare. and grain and other articles. At Lot � ' - '
Legion Commissionaire's in Toronto relatives of tie late Mrs. Slack was I Among those from here attencitng 30 Con. '2, t.; Wile south of Cherry- _
on Saturday evening. placed at the front of the Baptist the Mardi Gras Dance at, Pickering AI CT10\ SALE wood, property' of Reuben Tindall.. - - ,
_ Ken. Ward was kept busy on the Church on Sunday morning. g Auction sale of 40 head of Holstein ALGIN S. FA�tbQER,
District High School last ,F.rida
- ,week -end towing_ people out of the The W.II.S. of the United Church night were': alarian 'porton, Beverley and Durham cattle,. New Favorite - . _. .. .Auctioneer. - . --
ditch between Claremont and Dag- met last Thursday,with the President, I Barclay, Carol Johnson,. Bob ...Geer, '
slipped off the icy road .. ship service, assr�ted by c t!te wor_ Sylvia Johnston, -Malian heevil. =-
mar:• Most of them were skiers who � Mrs. F. Loy:;t in charge
p •_ H. G. ----:-JUE
The C,mrmunity Association and, 31cIntyre_ _Mrs. Tom inse�lrs. 15'. - - - BALE REGISTER - ' - -4 }.1 . -
-the f'atr Bciard -:ire holdirt1
g ,-„,I,rA I Fcan>, ”' _ .. _
\It '�T, t`a�`cl - , �. .
and dance in the Community Hall Johnson each read pot.iuns from the Thursday, March 3 --extensive auction .AND i
and the Masonic Hall tonight. There new study book oa India. I?ol! call' rile of M. H combine., M• H. tractoz - -
will be a number of good prizes and' �� cs. ans�+ered bi naming a ;nis;:ion- New: Holland 1 _ ��
- __ pick-up baler, 32 head
- ereryt.ne=in {hi3 circa i ' u:g f 'to :i ary arn! tile' -field"of 'sei•v eo. Mrs. R, of dairy cattle: Holsteins and Jer-
tend seed support this fnctdl pr,ri/•c*. Gr--,, line r pieru roto."thu number segs, shc.p� farm stork iml.l_ments,��DC SIPPLU; _r * ' .. . . Mr. and Mrs. Bl,h--lcLe-,1 ]r ttla.st ;7e]ng a ncw- version of the Lord's . Iliay a,� a 5
- fcr a herlidav in Fi n,d]n' _ _, r n,,etc. Lot 1 con. , in -
r L 6
'Friday { Pr:•yer.:The supply commttfee read :i' Picker.n To�nsh:p, t}r ee miles ,vest ', ,;
Afire that cruld hue.. ! cc ;." _ dour, li,t of the articles tequired for the i ri Brn.rkli t, r.nd ha] ritile north of rM16Qdt1t1(1? -- .. _ _ _
-started in ti -e siciin,1. of the BUDdy. bale to be sent to the' west and' the Kinsale. The property of Ted Coates
• 131ock on Sunday r Dining :it the home members promised ,wool .for socia. Suie .a d2.30 rc,on, Tyr:ns, cash. No ROIL ROUf'2IIy
of Mr. and :Iles. Ci,ua. it;,ishaw: The The annual meeting c,f the 11'.11.5. reserve. Ken'and' Clarke Prentice, i�B�t18�t ��libRldi3 -_ - - d
firemen soon h,,^ -r? tiro blaze out with wtill be held in Boivmam-ille during auctioneers.t.
.-little damage' beindone. It' is be- the last week o€ February' . .. _ 11® __- _ .
- -------------=------- , + idinp _
)loved that- poss%biy some. children '-A uartet com cont -Posed of Al Y - i
I lzl - t�rik �'
q p Alm. Bin-' Wednesday, Mach 16 -extensive auc-
l��d set a firecracker off behind the stead, -Irs;1 Drake, -1 r. 1�'ardl and -Ir, tion sale of Holstein cattle. hei°ors - �� -�o - -
metal sliding of the building. f Coates sang-at•the morning service new Cockshutt tractor with loader _ - _
Services itt the United Churr'ii were I of the Baptist Church. and live power take-o!Y Cockshutt i4
_ :
f 6heat Aoc Ik
cancelled last Sunday •.when the oil TII9IIhiIlIIg Bea7d _ - _ Y
llr, ar,d -Mrs. Howard 'Hockley, 'IIr. tractor, new M. Fi -- y
.furnace went out. Children slto',vin>; and Mrs- W 1tF,t• 3aker •„f .I- r,.muni; nc,ar new. Mount Forestk t re_--hing Cemerst� Lime&Pl:daate -- - - , +
up for Sunday scho,:,l had to be sent I1. It ;, Dou '::s N,, ton ..11 v: ':ed tl:ch: `�r.acnine, new• 'N2. H. side r ,-- 'idose - �iJ .
- home. The trouble was not• rPnajred c st *er and aunts in l�nt.onto on Sat= Coby bushel spreader, milking m ch_ [- h.�ne ?�9 �� rr .IT��" ISL or 75 +
11 4
in time for the evening setc'rc� apd ur Frv. ine, Pacm stock implcrrents, has 'c +
many of the' church membet� at- tiIr s Ilene Graham 1 of Oshawa, I . - ' ,
gran. furniture ctc..'on Lot 16,'Con.
fended services at the B.rptist :.pent, the .week -end here_ with Miss 1. 6: Pickering T.. p. at Green R ver, on +
Church, . Dorothy Hockley. 1 No. 7 Hhs� -,vay, Property of Roy '+
- Mr. Fred Evaris luckily escalied in- Mrs. -McCormick, cousin of IIr. , Carter. SaL at -42.30 noon. Terms) '
jury - on --Saturday -afternoon. w•heh Geoige Einpr`tngiiiam `woo 'had' been ,HARPELLS ` ,
their car was in collision -with another ill for some time., passed away last i --------------------------------- I .
car while Fnroute to Toronto to visit week and was buried -at-$carboro PAINTERS and DECORATORS is _ _ -. _
Mr. and :firs. Clitfora 'Pilkey. The village. - - • - _ - _ - ' - .. .. • '
#rogt end of the Evams_car was bad- Several cases of mon:• per hour, iat quick,' clean, and - --- _
: .
- p awl metsles guan�Ar£ed first_class painting and • - - -' 0 - - ,
ly smashed. have beer `f t %% ted to t_l:r ♦t - .paper -hanging. Eric ,Stokes. Decors. urniture � Uphols ��r, ...- the1. and
- ---------
Lyrida Mansell'and David.LangilTe, Mrs:-Viricenf Bak -,r and -family- of', -----�---: ,
ptoth celebrated.their fouh birthdays Pon Perry anthe}week-end'. - !'�A p
ertitBze� -
C hockey with the' artutF.ille ben-
E kICME FURIiSHtht�'r5_
A new bakeshop has opened in the Roy An<iersnn and De.n i.�.tn t lun _ - ,
store of b4r. Bradley -at tile Four ec IC - -
Mrs. Bessiee. Hall will sell home -trade the tam team nn:.� iturrize_v, 1'lde won
p• p y y Discount CUSTOM-BUILT' DRAPES
game and. are now rn the playoffs. . • _
bread and pastries. Mrs. H -all will see The. children of ,the puri!ic school ! _ -- -- -- .1.
how. things go before purchaainR ti erg held a Valentine � party -at the school '
rich equipment, We wish .her suc- on Nfunday afternoon. ' , Chesterfields ReCOv@red, Remodeled i Repaked _
_ cess in her new venture, . - Several from here attended the .
Congratulatdons to 32r, and -Mfrs: '6round Observer Corps in' Orono ore 51:00' Per Yon cash dlseoant altlowed ' EASY CREDIT TERMS CAN BE AMA "I -
Renk Steckley-on the birth of a son, Monday night. and the .frim festiyals .
__ Fed,, R at the Newmarket Hospital. ' held 'in Port Perry on Tuesday. and :tor paymenin to Irebrulary 23. .PHONB AJAx 3a5 - - 1 Aw _ Y
Hydro men have been us on in Markham .on Werdnesday nights. I
some of the streets here during the Dr. and -Mrs. K -%evil of Toronto, - _ . _ _
past' week' installing new poles. It- spent . Sunday with Mr7 ;and' 31rs:-:..CLAB�ONT, ONTASM ' ' .. I -
a -- - ... - - - -•' - -.
. .
. _
. '
-_ 1 . _ _. . . -- There's a fresh, crisp, modern beauty about the SMA h,�,. ... -- - - - - .. . . .
�_ _ _ '4
. . _ .. - _ :_ S t —;Fiat s s eer eltght to the eye- -
r •s er
_ O 1 C � Its .long. low, luxurious silhouette: •is only. a hint of '
- I 1 ewa r 1 n Chrysler's riding superiority that is dramatieaily confirmed ... I. I ...--: _ . - '•:
11 . Y
.. � i .. - -. . .'from the moment you relax in its ,unsurpassed comfort, -
- ,a- . - � . -
. _ - _ _ .. _ - - .- _ -
: _ . e But; yo Tkhnodw, there e a special pleasure reser ed far -
0 own
n beautiful
you alone . e cep sense of esonal pride and satisfaction
w t u -.
I..- .. I . I . ,- I. � . . . tthat e y o rs who own a Chrysler is a rewarding experience
_ -
in. itself.
- This reward is not alone the satisfaction of commanding Y�
' .. . - - 4
I I.
• - - - _ _ .-
- -
- "the -silken amoothpess of Chrysler"s great power. Even
hat, youYl QrrloY knowing that ySh have the
` M _
- - -
inure than t
car that exemp ifies -the most advanced styling concepts,
_ - translated into metal with unequalled craftsmanship, It is e
. all part of Chrysler's Motion Design for The Forward Look
that gives this superb car the look of going places, even . - _ : '
when tanding still
:. .' • Discov'er for yJursell khat a constant source of pleasure - '
' - - rotor ear can be: -- o -..
-' . this magriiticent n
_ - -
. - _ .
. -
. , _ ,
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Elassified .��iwt's . i
- "` 1c our Friendly Resident Agent'^ ;;
X 1!`SUR^INCE AGENt+E t 1 �S 'Z'Id
. •.Be in Uusini•s_• .oi y,ursel: lu.l v: ]tEAL?OIi +
•Fa.t uu.e, , tl,ily, nc.e:>s t.cs. M. S. Ct1.4PMAN - fiAtESAiAA j ��_'�'� b1r� • �erar PiIOTO'FINI$H1Id(i a
gg 1�c w••, '; ? •'TERI117ARY SCPPS.Lh.'t! i r+
. • ,ti .le •rel` , . is ' :. ay :.v_ tr;ele s r.ri '-LII"H, F'IRF, CASUALTY, Ba:�AF, !i r �Ta+hIOB1L6 •� VV � ��
enin' for v ti. ,. � - -e _X Montreti. !. "� LiA*Ai.'_TV [AtiUkAtihE 1',rt. V e[�a- m• BABY N�.Eiil7
. �a .•1.. § rpt) -I fid, A. _ _�. • x " Gi' t' FROM..
- ,.r-rs 2. any-. -- FutR �•N1.F: � ITft �.+ ._____-_� -� � am 0* F'''l?kE HOItR&
c:Qinng. I l., :k. r: o 3,J4. -1 ..9. , t! >! I. !' 1�%� t r 2*�, Sy � M.f P9anns>ieY a_ V/r•tk Pay's
_ .. _ l�7 (. 4 ... 4 - i • (b d.. tie nv«.../ W L' C 9 a 9 . P K P. �J, e�
M. ut
tF` R i.�',, ut, ;.:>- a = r _ _ r n,.rr i" fF� Sundipe
_.. 'cc':_ 1:ard.J, -i [at) - -_- - .' ,F'"*% % i '� A "lI .1.. Y.' 3L to 5.60 F M, c�
• 1. - to:dl ? .: n :I; q ? Y - ^ : c r . -i r• dJr,x;.. , • - � 4 -- c 1.
Eton : t! . „' c :a_ t u FAL. - �.. . -� _ ..
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Pii., t'.' a
• . .. . to
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HAY IOF r - Cl .:T •,n3 a•1- ]] ,VlOth".'C ;``.<.,a.r s F _r.: Ii i3I - �, K�
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W :.i Jr-1 t r'_:e tr.' . ;:ertt. ". ,1 P. l :b.'! - P410 E:
T- t C'•. l ;sock' -':1 L.�'Et P,� he _ ;PYA L L "'JC. - _
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Ear3dp. $sJ 1 'a tom. •.a t r n:1 i 1 6'Ag lK FtO(A. 1 t ^$ i:JlTRS '!
I• .. : , , ?f,Ss. -t- Ar: . II1. :tY, FliBRi.;,k,i 1; ]9�a i - -t. :J. L > r t;. i.%c is - '+.OQ O 53tf :i.
I` onto. Phone rR ',i. i n:. - u-.' : y ,'n •c : . " t `l.`.?r9 Yee 4! B 11L ,;�
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lap 3? tS Ever.'r,�s j - AT 'Tit �+ f Ht o V1 P• s:F'NG. ' 4 _ .--+M
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_ _ - - - Air Comlr.-essor V t''Hire - A.2;1° `-y-irs e= "VW `! �;lo� Air n'itivnirg (ih i:.r ;to - •• ..14wE&� 1
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1-1 Drunbarton P. n. - I .
-t Ll 00 at�g
on or e1
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• lar tall8r . it �ttiirs *?iaT 11 dR
.. . -- - F l t �r p .. PG
_ aii� For o t -k.e�A�,
-- h3iriii►LL'f4 T+REEDT+1! ,HATCiiPSY OL" I LTY '"R. AT i �: R n '117M
The T! ohs 1 World Faith is a Ilniv. ' "It Is not for a man t opride lam
. Alt 5eleeted Rrerders M ow O'w'n '''Tor,,rtr. _._. _ ['f:i.crin¢ LADs� and Gi'!'� lIAT!`Ii■
pyrn�--Barred Rocks, Cofilfa+Li+nR• r' e�'1 i'rtigiva in which the ancient set! tTrat ltr love. his nation, bat that _
Fant TBarred • [cella-nx collum
Col. .F+1ith , are . ful'illed and completed, he love-,, hie kind '. _ � RA. w R R 11 From V .i•r Tr mx i1.M 11
alul All Ve!►pies nye rnited. Br;efil ii is n.0 •+o much-a De» " DOW, F' Y 11Le.'�"f
r . Ham hire. - ___ __ e'�
smbia m e Pa hrh +'u'llab SAd: "You are all the religion, �� Hiliglun ' reaevved and -'-' .
s MWIT Ei.r: POULTRY FAlIib/6 --_ •T1:O2i. PlCiiiiF.l;i3+i� lift
.•. ar r• uP one+trre, a d the drops of .Waffled. - _ _ j� Jewelry
_% a • CT,i4one= b[atfahas 3dY flnz ,coon" - - - - _- -: --� }:. ■ ickeri - Jewe ryt
�...' :3 -- : ,-
�S Gt'A... ......... .... ._._.' #'- The a a �nca•Tiq To Your, Qaet�inrn, w'r'le To The SecretaxE, _ rr�'� 1j �� fid• '• Q• PlG7CICBlIkl. COW11iSlilP
For e E `t 'i 1-f t i-
F T- to �V'1l't;'i u I"AMS I R R ?, ' I. �erictg. flteratnre S.pplied Fre• . 1 _ - _ D�ISILD�tG : F,lttll'iS
to all ruattel r•c _ I;#y.11 3,�'r -
RtiUInS TF7I E•'a' 1'!i'Tilt.('t?hR ,.. r-!4+ _ . - t .,3
:'`1 y .
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rll9f P.1 IP »,; w� •� :�Ft9C I _F:ii • _ _ 1 - • ,t .
"TffE Ati' 1'R' + . r'7 -P TiU118 [ t. l: I:.t... ?A7
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_ Kn :Q .0 'r1ig. t'.,la, - ,•s vq I c �u e _. ` i " 1 - • . _ v `� '1
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I. No. '2 - 16 Tmn. f al.. _ bfi.'.0 . _ j' 1� .. { , , . tai l 1►
.. - ,. .: �._ :, �, r,<,v , ,, .• f E tdctrlCa� fi t'+umhirg •
Pri; rn Include D.'f;v erv` 1 -_ -- Ib' Kt• Ttl PLAN •+1.P' - 11 ee �! y yy
1i•rite t-,d;ly r..r nur r - i' cmbing, . . . . . i :, � 1 Q l+ T d.) � { i ai. ..t _ 1
zed tcear!ng C, rro�t e. _� ----- • --- .. T. _•• - _- r !i Dn�J1r��n
.Open N'tm. Wed.. :,rd T rl I-'• enfngs .! �w � � r�i a • ' "� '�-� � �' 13LE (� � .% 1 A � _'
, w«y
A T'r
till 9.'.O P. lu sty :111 iT.3'- _ I 41 ` - Contracting and J'ttpylir
- caiurd _ _l OhC �, r ur .....as .t a,a a: . _ .
~% _ S, V. 'A1iNtil�N i'1.1'1I131 G -_ S , � IPii01IE: PlClfil$L\8 '. 8 l
. _ --- - �-~ - - - -- --- -
i cUPTLIFS - - - - Car a.r
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_.. ; �t en+ • L. (+tit. !'hone 35° S tr. i :LDL)I" '
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C:''i17 1 i r:`�[1:F\:'\ s "rT, - r. i . ...,a:.lTlOOD;'VJi- K'IN I. ." {{ 1ni',p Rue :ac-es .,tip :4'u v w,d,t,e,nen w,,,,�
. rriot-•r rit isLRl`:�. R:1•'.i^ 1' Gurnc7 Rum - f .r 't; i .!~::.lam
�: - Gurney !l :ntin,un•Concer.,a.o OU itutnrn t^,`.i3:'+�rrs _
. --•-.. . _ Fig:FST Ai.v.Trl?r�I_S �FIJ 1.
-•;tZ. r�y a �; ;�, �� 1 5.i I ( f'A5'►11 A I PLAN .•\� all. \,a.F
-,. _FVP�RIEN.r!_,'I':-D. 1`, a .0'.-%::Slilit I k1T:-I1F.N CAl4i�T1f
: er} •. Till. ' A � , (- ` : , i . _ - REAR Y101 +EI:I v :4: `v iJF• l t: t SELECTION OF . L:i+✓ES, )3i'I i:'Z aTid .I h ST`ALLL'ii
• _ I., - : ffn% S- Shtip . I'.cStrrii.r 1;9: r.: r: 4vrra:,l ! 1.: . . OL :fj5 _
GOOD ''�
-- = . r • - •) P rte- L 7fI
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1 i'` 1 TF.1tATi(1N4 111V . [l�I
. •iFF 1if.`:fi '1.) c:iC`:I't:1L - - - - 1r. - iT.l` :Fill. to R 1i. _ Hosix EA4.
j•'r'i`:'i:i,i - Fiilh.l ): aILL J.Jt� P. 1l. R
m.�/ (� (�
-- - Spa a Itratcr, (t�.tu,'t1 "and ,I -.paired - �.�X .,� - r .. C,�it _ .. . _ - , .b . :�k iT J
' 3' .
_ �:� �'
• . --- •---- r ' f .
r'. i' r.t d F.rm r,imats I rl !� i� 13 U I i I_) �� L �r "t p b l� �J i Pickeruts '%illagu i.
T^�c!' ar.d ' ` , , 1 a J ' - • PROM~ L'. rlCi>.�R11i1i .
Re!noved . For Sanitary Li�po;al . - - P _ t
I, - ,. __
.PHONE C'OLLEC'T I �.:riome Builder's �"la T
I hone . Fit kering I . REPAIRS + Wanted -.
_... _ t�liEl/Cr PI.A•Y AVAILABLE ON - REPAIRS. BUILDING (i.:.tt!:![R. . ,
CORDON YOi' 'G LIMITED• ai't,. l;Y 1u '1'►i0 YEARS 'r[1 PAY. bihAbWS'la.l1 !h i,..aa" PHO\F. YiC iiLftll'G .2"S ! 1pMd °` Qrl�pted •Ylewr
Toronto Phone ., ENpire 3-3636. PLANS AVAILABLB. 11 DL O� R� �' fir Weedy Pick-qr. MO
_._. -- ,
. ` . Centennial United Cl:nr�h-. _ .. _. _ 9'1 :ii. tt v. �t� NU. 2. ' P1 C k E it t-:y G . •, .A ss 88�ialllf�ty
- H. �w .
. ... _:: --- - - _ - .
Where were some of our children - -PBONZ PUCKERING ilei_ - TCM OJ - On.
1YItOi1T1'Q__ ..
_ _ drnSundd belmorthe 100 hma kefodrthe minute - ---- y
• y g'• --------- -- - -- - --- ._......_-.
Fel nary 23, the Guild will meet at , due to un2orereEn circtun.
SiTst tirtte in man reeks and we can I the church. This will be our speaker stances, as a result we do not have ..' : �
_ not h�3ve till s h�pyening. We hope y •u ineetin and we zee assured we will ; • . iepur! on eh.,r activities. M".-s, - Abreweld i �}�y ,
will be back next week and realize l v .one which will 'be es- Closson wias in cha:,;q of the Study BsShb� S iiw►rdWa y
I probably ha e
i.1.there is a lot of sickness in the com- i pedally interesting. If word compo ' uook for ,the da +. ',. t: 'rnzglne FABRICATING A WEWING
I :mtilr_i;yj so if you were away becau_e throu'gttl beicr.e we go to Phe post oP- I' plans' were made for the Day ad'- ' $FATTY ELECTRyC RANG
i .od illness we hope yo .1 will be bet- fico we will t tu:de the name c� the i Prayer next Friday, be�pr_a.y 23. 'STRUCTURAL ST1i�L #
i - ter soon and ,back with us. speaker; . othywise }ust come along, We had a call from tine of the lad_ BE•ATTY ELECTRIC WASH
• - - ivext Thus3ay the W. A. will hold knowing our program convener will .I ies at Fai_port UrAW Church:. 'past 42NTlCIA BEA 01
their regular monthly meeting at 12 we worth he,arin'thing and someone key
be lining up .some week to •remind us- of thtuir Tur
L' ltloon commencing' with a Pot Lusk g, Last week at our Supper, on'Sztur tote 19ttt'i'ram• L s .. RICAL APPLIAN
I ico IJMN Et
_ _- ._- _ _ - •- •unch'eon. The meeting will be taken „
1 u on. Lost cf t�8ts are $1.25 and - •
L work mee�ing we amassed quite a E1.
by Mrs, Norton's ;:'cup of the W .Apile of cancer dressings and would ah 65c: and those alfaw who have been RAMIN, GS, GRRI7.LS, ETC, c
,and we are looking forward to an. predate any donations of white cot- to F'Girporti in the fast know ib is well (3-H Paints and Ge:lefa�. Hof
- late sting meeting with a minimum ton for this worthwhile work. Those worth what, you . pay, because any r ` 'PH'ONE: AJAX 27 .
_ ' of business and a lot oC' progra.n. RdenAlf;s 30B _ 1 a • .: K 2 [�
tit This will= b2 fhe'f;_st meeting.coh- who neglected to.bring i.n a -donation served ih•ereis of the best. •botH =rte NE 4h
I _ _ _ _.. Y_.: c l;nted by a Eroup and all are jock- Yoe ot,r sale in the fall were forced in at,ality. We ho e you will be able ___-+a1_-1-_-_-- Y. -�--'--------- _-.--------_-------Y--_-- i
p M
Ing Forward to greater things under 'to nay fine nd• a tidy sum was to take in this Anniversa y'Eve1.
•- this new system. Remember the date I taken in ich we presume will b. I ghmtm - - _ - _ . -
used for 'materials. • night when we face the The7. _
.=Thursday, February • 24, of church. Thew M S. met last week but we r Story of Robin Hood" at.th.�Fehurch j
_ _ On Wednesday eveiling at 8.30, on were forced to stay home at the last and we expect to see a full taouse, .
_ . - . .
A udi te�� �, re�t4r AUDLEY :
Mom ` - uat;ng on this occasion.
- --
rs• Victoria i'uckrin '1 •'rine "S:tunder gy,ent •t few } Viljo Relin, of Toronto, driving' ottt
'. passed away legit
C7rI7AI�A�IT!"ED ! Jt'tne horne of het• sinter, _,rs. i' :o,•be eek with b1c. .and Mrs. the Bay, F+oad on S nd y om
�IQF 1 aft.'-.:
Scutt in Carlvie Sask., on Mond;ty, 11 ''ir..er, Oshawa. I g way ^1:owir.; •a;'r _
1 ' ' ' • i r L 3 ��i I ���'� � goln north
EtAI�IO �1✓
a • KV jC)E Feb. 7, at tl i• :, c, nisi Au+ ,t y W.A. et3ng :rig drive+� b Als�:y Vikn to plc )a
_ f I• ttftr•; brief' , y
1;'IJRNLI'URE DEA:: R - -. F;lrte�a. The Fr, ••r�r"C !r.'rl'utti \' ctnrl:? els changed to r,uay ni ht of Plowed d;>wn Ir.r t dei ri
Any t�Tak6 OI' R1oE3r�] -k- when it will take ti,e Iorm I uaely-;rag- Ir d sku;lc that ,
r 1~ it ld FL,. t.;t.'• 1. '.�IfiYC"fC , , por - __ ag ots-:ille '
.-_ - - iri B int, the t t c . s. e r
-•- - Ur — .. - 1 T t k t -at_rr tus ne aI)�+
} 1 qh u ,I n t,n w eresting 1 :3:85
`•erYti7! I 1.' ,;� t ,.: `•' -- ,hot- IJI:�::,led. I da••rr:;e G !.iS Cal ..;1.1 .e,9!1 lo,f:ie �
PHONE PiCKFJilthiG 76W, r t-• i ?e I t - W et_, <
La ; „ s :, tulult,t a ! 1
i; euchr:: N r,-,
i.• ; I' Fc f, 4 1, E . Ir t .11:6 nson an <Iaug7 t
turn. h9.•?.: tt::t 1 Y F; in �Aattil E. U:,.ndy t:.. h !
- - - i t, t+ tern ss; 1•:th <
t •In,l' t7ierr... i e «}•+ i,%..:c? G
' LvA ,:3Ui:; •;� � : �:: x . 1! t �>:,,'ty at Mrs, Cni�
• 'a t ' ` .r Sr. '•1•IIOOn. i _ t, I g •3,.,�..� CY1 • . ;�I in ';
IDaa13r f�. 7 s i t .,un of r^ci- 1 lie, Toil !'.
�� '� hi i i to�o•,xrk a.t
lie. 't'a C.nd Fronsvk_ _ t t ri 1\ wina- ✓: here the `�
OStLlH'c1 - t " r. I..• _.r, a nher on firguitar,t' t'•r'ro+ `tori a rct•ent o-xra_
Charter .14
W J. THO: -: S r'. A,. LL3. 'n C,•'r;ve i t ;; 1 tion. As t -knew..: a is -tim
Chartered Buses For ,t11 13arris(c•r •icor nt ar �), I o- t It
Occ:ra�iugs Brit#r;h Coinrt3bi.t ..td On
tario 1^ , , of t .. , ,
�- }, I' ACC
'' � 5 'd'on 'tnd Joy y
Arthu: tla E' rntit?:' '.V'
PHONE P:.::ERLNG :3sfV2 { ientm(,ti as � ! 1 :c , i. the... ---
r «_.'-- -- :.f_ :...•:a. ss T:: .ij• - i'Iait %9ecic .e. l ':} '! ar.,'�'L'n ;h• 'r t: i r,
Pit13i11C ':L .jax 196 , m I ltlt` tu..„If :,t( , . ,,. .. ! !V�'i
t Gil t' tSe tta..tt F n e • j112 ..i t .. c ' 1 ! :a in ti ?, if 1
t K E i Cir t'; : g.� e ut placed 1Vlir; Ca,hc , an.! ,
Tuesday t” .friday _ t t ''. n Inst• ,P t llfr3. hn:'n or, 1'0.' cc 7.:.. 'e CqT-.
-]i, t r last w,e rr
( {} ,t '' t and � ' �.: riE
;i ariz d [or ` 7.00 to ^ is :t_ ;. ^ Mi_;s.R'.tth � tt r is:. nds ..�
L� .': n . 1. )'i•rt,-.3 V +f ..`+� tv. 1 ii0 F. Rt. ,.•. . _t - .:. a 'Cir at (',-11:.IP^nt l �5 CnC. -
.�-- - „`owe. 'u.. .,.. • S - e.J 1`•+'. } r,li .t. :. 'd.a ��.` ^-, �'+•'._ G+'o3 bt t„t?
cirri:G • 3 -.i t 1, 1 r, brother w^r. Ci7.jc • „d ., .. -ar .
' ileus - „ic=•++It><- _ h en, :Irt utd p �` a. : ti It
,� . b i. M 't:
•3aa E.. _ -� .,v church. w._
y +r at U -a- . . - 1 * 1 a3 � � � r + •ate [ :•.i, '' s: nt
. I A rich Rell visited Mr.
tea F? r
'i OPN. l• '1 - _ __ .. ,•i1f'!.. Osh:, wa, on gun.) ) r ' � (t. , °,...
DEti1�i 7L
r _n
trt.'�:)ceu ae AS!e : ,: MCTOR��� w �qt ri :'nd.
�• t �rd;l y,.v '
N .. • r�� .-. , _ c rdta j-1, tt c� .
od B1 t3t
. SJt�'OFiP..ry :
.- _ �-r.�.•�tm, +”.C.A,l'�1,i�p:tY...:�pi;'• C. ' e'r::_r�irtw-:.M.AO^:. �lir ,..p .,- . . I�+.�. R10e.I•_l. 6 .:: 4i Ur^
)*Ie 310 9-255For Appoinimr •aGf �`d rrrt+ `' {g�+a •�. `5 �yk.#- �1, - 4 s.. '°.-_ 3.. 3sR� - 0"'r, ;i
lACTCRVi ROY ✓NSEt.; nII`.�r rr!l$,?' s•M° > "`:ar`rri2
ms' ae,ysya
- .
- ONEr s
104 ll-= �K !I. S. Pkikerins ' and Is% i• • : by Towt.aJ�
1VRl T[i
_LAbove EatenIsOrder o'Ifce) P�g' Rottsatiold sad i'lr•�e� asp
_ Offic= -RGUM. - -90m A Specialty - HAI,K
Tars. - Thmik - Bat Teermpl Atten. tea Glven SESLEA
Doya and lve'•lusa WEiyrBY - PRONE 1110 6.382{ ^•�""�� ji
Pbene _ Me areas a.��.a� � � CK a�t'�s'S OK?
i� ,.,
�, >gDA/Tl� LIHGS
. 1. �� C'.4twg4 1W.11ILL' %�-F:L`+F.R C -F3 i (iivQN Lo nII.Y Vie.- O - 1viB '+' -A, AI' I qi 11O EQN .••a„ +-�..yi�:.aw...J..r►.. .• -' ... -., :_ -'• - - - - r- - l 3., r1 - 1, snsrer . -
L r1 �/
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f+r�r, .
�iESs--#O rl'Ilr- i
>¢ ' aid rrssi:?ance te!
.1LtiJ1�� - • �Mrtl � e.� �U6�' '�..� er, � number with ytrarrrr mine
• "
z t rs sh Ir. numbers for
nw a you -and your ,' r
! i . pioyees. _
�E V 217
n¢ as � �,`��q a•� � 9620 5T. CLAIR AVE. F, -
one ni e Ne•cr,�c rborTo roiiri late -T1�F — re,atives
g r
HOME!...Other members of the €amily and
roomers or boarders would- 'be>2en�fi•om
Posltl Agar... station a• - .BELL TELEPHONE 1�avill their n �r
J - lII t O uliECt
d cry ,
. - 'amen Bate he telephone ne
( � F _ _ 'IPAi'JY _. PleaseRe Snre To CF.-�k. v..
�r 1� h V 1�' ' ;. A�iherst 1-71", l _ CANAVA:
Ci'A ` Directory 3Right A%vay. For 6ha:ige' r{
• `� - - -
Anr! .t
!' r • The ?;'hili Page
�^ =t ur $1 s.
_ _ t - • . „ � � •. •- -• Zi .�.. 1 1•°:r � - _ .,..., .. .. '"' �.:,: ., �', t hunt try. *W
• > . , Ile+,
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• t.' ,tam
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CUNAAT and 111acDONAI.D ,.., n a, as ,wt - - - ---- �._ `" •- c�....,�„
iia:ristere, Solicl-,ors acid Notisift CALF 5 : ;: ., i5 I -_ ._
For Prao:IpZ t iri' Y•,, i,erieured
ROGER G. COrANT, B. A ��rc., r _ ---- - _
Ajax, Ola - Phone 25 . .
al.xio i - Office 8313-0604 >
JAS, A. 1%1 c, P JNALD, B• A., L.L.,B.
aimcoe 3t S., Uehaµ' J. A. WILJ.11tit;tiliF and SC)al9
a. Out RJ!,a 1 tun'
Pbose 3-.227 i
Mty Experienced Sakaaau -
-- ---- -- -- FAtaolished JLWA t `
` •insurance Co. -
e .
t�lety gates For !'arm And Get(totry t
f - ulad term irsaraoce Oa BdWatla_ C:ii"TF.RED ACCOUNTANTS 111
IT9S ..�..>. lr.�. AR �. >t�e. �t,t. NoEESFeed-.'08SAWA - NT O v E N aBoWmaA & Gibon =
PHONT: wamy Ail PSONB 6-l66i
oul �m�l fOr L
Y ess
Mose Frith F -..
TAFFOr�D BRAS. w', C;. the/
. • __ _ Z HOMSON, 0• U. �
Barrister. , Solwtt*% Notary Pablllo .
- -
_ ., Pl�aoi WbJtb� iii �
oftwo Hottra: _ t
:11.00 A M., - 5.00 P. 11I. _. -
�LLiA]t[ G.•LAW80N Tuesday -- Tharsday - Saturday I `
! 8arehter and Solicitor Office At Residence, Highway No. L
_ Il.+t tittle Eiaat of Pickering Village
lrjioxs: rICKERING 117Wu paoNE: Pic J;nvG Be I /f You live in the Areas Serviced Ay This Newspaper Phone P%cke n 5•
f BL Welt ng
Toronto Office 66 gins
PilE: EM or
i Write Smith
. %t a 's Amara ` .30
urrn in Pickering.
7 ... ..... . .. _ -..
► _
M ims against round of the Ontario championship Brougham has played nine
All persons having clagames
► the Estate of Ernest Lawrence Rud- Intermediate "A". They feel they this season and won seven of uffer-
Rtellot�t Froth dy, late of the Township of of Pick- The regular meeting' of the Wo- have the best team theyl, have ever The two _games they lost they suffer-
s _ / Bring, deceased,'who died on or about' had and hope to go places this year ed from a shortage of players with ,-
k ut%�en man's Institute was held n Tuesday they_can et the su ort of some working nights and s , off
the 23rd day of November, 1954, are afternoon last in the Towns},ip Hall providing g Pp
i hereby notified to send in to the un- with a good attendance. The presi- th.e'public at their home games at f sick. They now have a fuIaT, of
dersigned personal representatives of (tent. firs: M. Ellicott, in charge. Dur- Whitby each Monday night. filley hope players signed and ready t o on
o e 1. the sword from O.R.H.A.-
-` the sal cc -t�-} :' it w� decided t Monday, F brow(}• °
Ontario Riding o start n 'lion
' 1st day of '_March, 1965, full particu- to invite Ajax and Kinsale Institutes
b o be guests the arch
laws of their claims. Immediately af-
► t g t at e lI 1 etln
ter the said date the said personal schen there will be a guest s esker.
D I'he Debate on the jl,c,_ch fe un g P _
=. the 'Throne bus now
ven coinplete,l representatives will is r to the as- llr,. J. Mitchell was program con- "°"r"
sets of the said deceased having wiener and after giving a couple of
► ._. and the amendment and sui,-amend- -
7 regard only to claim's of which. they W E f
1 menta of non-confidr,nce soonsored •,Y I shall then• have notice. readings. called Uli ,firs. Dyer of_
/ the Opposition' parties, stere, of Greenwood, who gave an interesting 1H'✓1TE I a
1 DATED''at Toronto, Ontario, this talk on "Care of Children."'The meet- YCU TO th6::;ie � 9
c,ru se, defeated,' q
► -
Tile first item to e taken up after 19th day of January, 1. ». ink closed. in usual slay -fallnswed .by
► -- AN ITA A. RUDDY, and " 5 E E ... ; I , , CANADA'S SlltldRTEST TANK -TYPE Ci E ' bctZ
► tui:; IJelkite ss'as a motion by -Mr. lunch, fierved`by.tlie hostesses: llrs. :• « There's a beauty andsvc;i
► i c.ubaner, ir,iuoilucing a Bill or �5'ILLiA�I C. 1`F.ItR'1', Q.C., g Sirrell• firs: Milne, ills. 11. Elli- �
► I:�r r uLnrs. - �_. _. ' ` efficiency about this nem ru ' rCf
► I: �l'urutiun of ri'lvt�rn�7"ure free-ott and:'Mrs. W. Whitt.. .tt . __. that debesdescription. Y„
c' n 'McCarthy & lIcCarthy, '
► dom of -religion; ftei,-donl of speech,' c;,licitors, c The sleekly eu`hrc`, sl+•n-'hilll'by see it foryoursrlfraiselifeature
1 freedom of the a <s ancL of ru+li<..l , the Woman's Tnst!tutc sway 'ht I in can youproperly'app
► t e ��, ) University Ave.,-- •`
► This motion was debated for a •tv}inl:' ,Toronto. the Hall on Tucsrlay evening last, for feature. value for value,
day and was not voted 'inion as if l when the fnlloswing were sinners: yrs
------------------------ ----=-
/ I , with others of its type. Why not
- tivas talked out. This autuolaticu!1;=, firs: • Whittington, lU s. Wm. Knox arrange for a home sbo 'trg
- X today? No gbligatieN
eliminates this matter 'from the and firs. A. J. Gray.
Mr. Ross Carl- � of eioesss
� ton, Mr. N. Burt«n and lir. L. Jewell.
agenda for this Se .ion,. �i�u0®'
► We have now entered upon 'the �J f►L �� Our local firemen received another S
/ - phase of .Motions and • Government call on:S7rturday night. This time to 01%1 a t
Order; and they, are b-Ang tal.en up, � the home of SII•. and Mrs. A. Carlton, c p.. AA T*' - ff'��**TT Q
systematically and tri order. - ss here a fire, caused by•ower-heated a�e S. BK i.�1J1� SON
A ?Ioiinn :c 7 presented• by +.he �l stovepipes, burned a large hole in the
-NhiL;ter of I• ina::ce t, appoint ai o ' i-oof ac w;sll av causing considerable
�-� �. :� damage by stater.
'HQi�dF PiCI��RING 39
Select Committee to consider Esta- i , y �„•ij, , ':;�` -
-n:atcs prior to .then' intruductu.n in-.� swmpatiiv is extended to lli•s.0
ti:a Ile use of ' Commuu;. The furs' n � - of her au > _ C. NVillson in�the passing .L '
Buell tteparfinent atlo;e ,Estimates a=te. - the late firs. Jno. Puck( in I former.} ,
will be submiited to this Committ6! �, r1SS1� died at 13e11 of Audle;• r, lI Bell -I
are 1he.Departni.ents of Finance, Vet died at Carlyle, S 1-k., aLr•rl Sof
Brans Affairs, Citizenship and lints: OAtLY SERVICE • -LOW FARM Funeral was held- from. h int Fun -WILLIAM
Kation, and \'orthern Affair=• eral Parlors. 1i'nithy, with interment
This brought on a full (day's debati: �. TO ALL CANApMl1 in. Grosesi,!,: C'•:met,:ei.'
- in which :Members et ee�c'd- their
,AND U.S.A. POINTS 11 r. a:fd . 1Ii•s,, J. l4vingston and
iiess' as to '.visas t:uy expect r,f tni.; - i- little liau_iiter of.G.uelph, spent Sat-
-_ Committee .and, hour. the E.,timatt•s. . CHARTERED 8USEs � urdav n�¢hf sr7th fir=. H. Shea. + CHIROPRACTOR - - \ r
before it •+t, ild be •+rk, d OFFER IDEAL. SERVIC!
I lir. al cl :11i <.: Ken" Pascoe and _
out to the best adwuntage of all con- i Di,nna. also :lir. and Mrs. Will. Knox,. -
cerned. This took up .a µ•hole day AT ATTRACTIVE RATES r%,ited si .th ltr. and firs. A. Hardy .(X—RAY)
: _with file e.� cel:_i�n o the .Hour +c- • — -- --
tween five and sitz :hen Yriwute _ �Ii_s f;>ttc•J�an Knox has been 158 Harwood Ave. Ajax, OnL
l_ tow, aus teAV[t IWORMAttor sick dural.¢ the pa it .week,' but at
Mem bc►s' Bills were disco: - , ..
The Standin Committees of the
SU YOW LOCAL AOfNI Lime hf . •writinll is .om, «h'it better.
W't: all -jir• •1l soon be U.K. ._ - "
I•iotise of Foimnons -have how.. been }fe sh µ; -
named. There are 13 of tl:errl. and .I Gray Coach Lines
a.,a •,. e . _ . .:PHONE 767 - . - - •:
-. flaw• .been appointed to serve oil the � Ilickeq \rw.c'' e
Industrial Relations Committee and �_ - (for 'Appoirtttnettl)
the .External AilailS C,r,mrnittee, EAS,?E, N HOUSE The Broughnrn h+aikey team'is
` Th4,se are the two cnmm_mittees that NE 41fJ ° 3a;+i�tin its call friar. the 0. R.
I -served on in the last Session of rN
"� `""'� to see \1110 they play in the fust•
_. this Parliament. a
On Thursday, February-.` I hctrl an
opportunity t+i speak :.in' the Throne
_ .. .
Speech ' Debate am -i I chose as my.
- 'subject the - 10 percent Excise Tax _
.. -•
an automobiles., it is the feeling here
�t Ottawa: that something may . be.
one on this .ver outmoded tax. If
any action is taken. to remove- this - -
tax, it is expected that it' will stimu-
timu late the. market, as well as cut un- — -
iemployment in thou centres where - —
the automobile industries are located:
The recent upheaval in the.Govern; -
• :. mens of Soviet Russia has created a ' '
great deal of speculation_in the Capi -'
ai City of Canada, and the results O _
of this upheaval are awaited with in-
: fewest anis some apprehensi6r We'
` hear all sorts of rumors in the tor- ,
• a
ridors -of the I'arlfament Buildings ' c- T H I S- P 1 CT U R E '
'but.no one seetns to have any detinitr•' _ •
_ irifurn,at':un un what this upheavalmay bring firing about and how it will af-
Lect. the t.%,rld situr.tion. This shake-
_ ,up evidently was known by •nor ��.
< 7
ternal ArTairs Department as far back j .
November i
-•mss \us'cmber of last year. +� •, - - -._ - - - -_ -
The. Prow,nce of Ontario and the
Federal Gowernmet,t have reached an -
percent u a .. `
- . •• �:+greement fr,_ F'.•det• r.l I7i•c,s•incial � 4 � :•.:•..� r„,
-. contributions of ”- I { p ..� .; ., .,{'?'• `ss""` r.e �. ,<.,., ::,'w : h.,. -a..n
proved municipal Civil. Defence pro-
_ grams. The F•dt-ral (,cn•r•rnmt:nt has
'undextake•n to trrn'idce annual Trea-
Bury aid up t„ .i:,w'.rxll. on the basis
of 5l) pi:rcent (,t the r- t rtf each ap-
! OVed pro'c I i• I i o,, .nee of On-
t trio ss':I cont,` t: ' . iwict,nt and
air mun;c'.Il:<I,i} tht of r r ' i tiercent. `
5itail ri :•.' re in effect with �. .• 1
P:'th !2Ue-
' '•' .;. 't;cc and a•,tn � �'i::<r:,i•d I�iand. .'i - `_ `• � S ;�� ai;
I`lcf ll. 7. 1 f: fid.11 o St;:tistic5
'r.,.,'.7?, •d Y:?'.tit•, iat �,1 .1'•F�11_^ - d. »:•� '� ,V
;r) -'i• : ,t t.ir ,ami, --r ,>,f un•
r L'; ro 'll, t'7' 'I 11•, r:i v`:ta th. t• n,. � _ `" '• a ,M . -' f .l .': ru! .1 ,, , L ( / F 1 ..
w I, ..,.. , :'1: I ',ir .r( ;l ill's .,ra -1711' - - xx��A. �`` 5v _ ... r„t� ✓Ii+HL
.. T1 ,r'i 'fl•, 1 ': ., '. C :n ail red iLill
_______-------�--------,: — .�::. r- '- ., `... .'j-t'�: t`•n Ilan L' fook...'and von'!l ,, tli_ f-tr 11-Wre Iliad a Ir),)k! .. .. '�
' j _ _, '��� D. •i.. ,!•'.ttlr,t „li-tial v,itlr .:�-Ilio;. .. h,•r'all;,. .cc hal'c 7
•E-. 'Swerdf ager =� : i7 ,,anl.;nt' n:.;•.. ..1; t'1.i 1 l-,f,i:iti,�i;.;V �c IiI lit" for rt)u -
-. - ::', '�• ti .:tl n, n•, .t., t . ,n and lake Ih,, sslwel. 1•',>cl the tgii(,Il \. �
i - Rr AL ESTATE MtOKER a $ ... ,
ni \„lir !tN II'a 1. i +t ••., I,it„ Ilrst<, til a,'lii,ll. �,',' IIUN'
DL1IY .Sf;:.EI, PItI{EKI\G, O\Z. as. _ v).a�rw d-isill ruin , ::1 ,',t,i.lit. Iloss.hill; grill t„ (lalIv '
LISTINGS ttivIlkil• qF _
_111 , (lilt•. ..•rtll't,i "li o j �
Its lfy a- the „rl.rt' lain rou i'
Phone —Pickering 171
M �, r....• alon.r. •'�n+l fcol lila $,)Il,r}}t>.:f r,�a,l� i'rv)ti out ill tlw ln,lst t.
1 ---------------------------------- l ,... "' . r 11-rholtihc-. wr•ti if wou'rcr driven a
t tnnf rrtablc of all I,I f j"
• }last `'Kor•ket" 1•aitinc car. y:)u rt, int-•i1:�-ometllin� iinfil
1 PL UlY/ BII r von come in ,anti tel this iate,t-antt ar,•atest--ven;ion
A[+1R'BED SAYEB : Thenvirm'II µant 61 Blake thi 1pur year to go ahead
t pQLtFbiBlNti 13AT1�>�IS � �-�+'i[h Oldsmobile'•
�� Ai Bergs'. ;Z��� a ' �S �
PDolae: ' Ploierft %JI8 -_ t
--------- t i 4
Iry n MolaxIN THE
l"Ld'a. .tialCLL. .• " K: �T'�'•+,M..n; .- ..�... _. _ __..-.. __, ..-._ . •3'...,..._, ..... -. _—._.-.ar. -' t_ - ',�,.•.,.
Hays you our new illustrated 1966 cata-
i.los" It will be a big help to You- In •-PENNIES to Dollars In only seven years[ -
ptannIts•your-chick buying to most the brow Christman Trees. Write-[or•tree
i , i, requirements' of your markets. wide var- PPrice list, Canals's Forest Nursery, .
fF T lrty broads and crones, including Amos helocta. Peasylvetils,
. , - : 'f` s ,'�' In -Cross. Ask for your Copy. Bray _
4 g �� °" �' " `;,:,. Hatchery, 120 John' N„ Hamilton. DUPLEIXf -Milwaukee, on Boulevard
4u• .i't 1 corner. 12280 income. 10% return all
fl -rat nf two
-my of our
In ves"T
' Canad'8's popular sport of curling.) a i:: three special first generation broiler Malone. 370 N. 63 Street. Mtlwaukos.
i chicks, Indian- River Cross, Ardor Acres Wisconsin.
Part 1: k^.'s white Rocks, Nichols New Hamps, in _
HOW CURLING CAME TO CANADA many cans are able to market more meat FARi6ERS, to your maple bush a- money -
• If you asked the average aporia fan: au at the and of ten weeks than many grow-- maker? writs ' for full particular@ as
are do at 11 to 12 weeks. Twaddle Hatch- modern evaporators and accessories sold
�* "What is Canada's most popular winter �y ' cry operations carryon the work of United on credit. Gordon W. Olive;. R.R. No. t, k
sport?" he undoubted) would reply: States top broiler breeders. -Flock 100% Gananoqua. Ont t,
'► y ,w,yF, fes` pullorum clean. Prices competitive, Also
•"Hockey." On the basis of participant activity, he would be nnal purpo.a cockerel. ac very low BELL eRo$f3 t
Completely WlOII$.: - - - ts's< prices for.: winter and early sprins DIRECT. to consumer, 'Bis commission. {
13^'1 months. Make i steady Income In sa)))ns our . _ _ .4 .. ,
Probably 50,000, boys In Canada play, hockey In some i s xi TWEDDLE CHTCI@ HATCHERIES LTD." popular llns of quality shoes. Style
•form or another. But 200,000•men, women 'and children are "% FERGU9 O TARIO - 'shoes and -work shoes- for the whole
'�W family. Selling catalogue and outfit
,,curling addicts. It is questionable, indeed, whether any other "OXFORD" Approved Chicks live, Tay free. No experience -needed. Concordia
_ participant -sport in North America attracts' so many ardent and pay. They are the results of twenty- Shoe, Dept. 0-3j.. 2.6 Bay St., Toronta
followers. - eight years of careful selection and - •1.' Oqt.
breeding. They have to be good, be -
a very est ,
cause we want th ve b
It is well over a century ago that the Royal Montreal sena of GOOSE Milk Case Manufacturers and
Curling Club began to -issue franchises to members trans- chfok. for our awn flocks;"— big, vigor- ReDain, Sf.ldtand Avenue.. Agincourt.
ous. and early maturity . ' We o strata Ontario ' • - ^ ' '
'ferred to different parts of Canada. The , ancient club was egg size and uniformity. ' Columbia =
- then acting as headquarters of the Royal, Caledonia ih Canada. Rocks. White Legtiortis. S'useei.. Barred BE 'A HAIRDRESSER
^ i Since , then other provinces have set u their own curling
Rocks. Kamp X Rock Crossbreds, Now +
P p g 1iamD X Sussex Cronbreds. Write for JOIN CA\,1UA'A LEADING tiCII00L
headquarters although Montreal, the eastern part of Ontario tree folder The Oxford Farmers' Co. Great Opportunity, Learn
and Quebec generally are stili pat*and parcel of the Scottish Operative Produce Company Limited. 4114' ". H3irdressing - '-- -
or anization, which took the "Royal" title in 1842 when"THONG"
Main Street. Woodstock. Ontario. Pleasant, dlgnlfled profession• g o o d t
g y n wages. Thousands of surceseful &larval
—. Quem Victoria visited Scotland and attended a curling SPRING THONG - - For young graduates. '
r g EGG producers It Yrou were to art America's Greatest 'System
contest. bucks to admire on those Cool, abuts 'breeds' ot'pullets for nothinz plus t.
._ one' dollar riluetrated CatalLzua Pree <,
sunny spring days is this warm per pullet for taking them •' ' r{'•,'
Many clubs in Canada 'can boast of having achieved the ' Y P 9 Y home cher wu+tfa ba mighty expensive Write or Call
ripe ofd age of 100 years or more. A o ular Tradition is et li ht bei a wool coat with' Dunet. compared with" 'our ape is t:, egg MA-MAHAIRDRESSING S471,10OLB•'
' p P Y g ' g breeds, Our R.O,P. Sired Shaver white - &58 Blnor rt. w„ :Toronto. that members of a Scottish regiment statio- it Quebec buckskin-stra closing and Col- Leghorn.
R.O.P, S!red Shaver t ii'hfte Branches. .
introduced the game to Canada, using ,Wnf. ..lis cut in- g" "Leghorn
e'th ieX: � lista . ,P. mCea
P _..e4 F:Ing SL, ETamlltnn'
- " half to spm along the ice surfaces. f lar edging: Its. being' shown -in aka R'deau St.. Ottawa
Paris, France. You more mnney out of eggs than any,
Factually,: -it other hreer!s w'e, hatch.. Also saectah .LOBS• OVERSEAS
y,:•it is known that the Montreal Curling Club
- + Awas founded in 1807; and records -indicate that the first inter-
broiler breeds, dual vurpota dna iUCkey,'. CA_�ADLI� : ^4:C,era ' 3. t+:..•, _ c.^oder
'. �ouk�-•tn+�logife. ¢teia_equi1pment and odke m -2n are being •
- City curling match was played in.1835, between teams repre for the joy it gave him. And the TWEDPLE (!HICK HATCHET rPR LTD. paid h!gh Yva4tes, overseas. Our listings r
senting Montreal and Quebec City. i FERr7l'3 • U.,T1kl0 offer optort,nitles In 4t1 foreign coup.Wes
-In proverbially Scottish eastern. Nova Scotia; particu- j�Theeit aare few ve sparallels to the •liadjyj
F'O!i E.iI.E Dontmand..C.( J , it r .•1rr,;ltsonr_and ;�'•s
Associates. :3, SAY et. - Toronto.. `
-- .. larly in Pictou county, curling came into being more than a 147• break at snooker. It .is the BELLEVILLE • Trenton - Picton area- ENIrire '4-'411, '
century- ago. Scots who settled at Albion Mines soon afterm
Residential. Farm. Business and sumer _
acme of perfection and necessi- properties. Aa .type.,- sizes and prices. - PATE.NTS
182T were•Arst to lag .the game irr that -country, and minute& tates going to the table and put- write J. D MacKenzie. Realtor. 173
of the Bluenosd Club in New Glasgow date back to 1853. Church St. se e, Belleville. 'Untn.to Phone FETHERSTONHAUGil s: Company,
ting..into, the pockets each ball 6532 Patent Attorneys EstaNtshr! 1892 - 600
l amilton Thistle Club Is 10l years old. Before this in correct sequence and without University ave. 'romrtn aeeanrs all
cid 3 founded, tSIhe was some scattered curling In the making a. single mistake.'Only Only DELA NH S automatla data codtalning - countries.
,_ _.- 1 sect marks, f0.tt.�ctlon■ foe
district. As far back as 1838 Be►milton curlers were at a loss r __A,y_ of FSI• ry o�wy_ trvttiWr-.Wdt__Qf, _
.-. ' -k Eh3'ee other players 1n .he wholee--tnaaY track.. 1r�ie. _:mac, paid.-F-re.r
how to get stone. A woAdwor er ib nearby Fergus made a Invention* arty?:I: in:vrtnaiior( sent rrw. -
n y g - 'world have ever looked like do- catalogue.lncluned. `;end money nrde? to `The Ram Cu . P.+^��atered Patent
set of 'stones from curt,' ,mhple, end these were used for Wile& 31•taiC. 31 Ed;tb Avenue. Toronto. _
years. _ & it i three-quarters of C Frank Strnty }
a- century t the game has... been Gf an -Liqueur flavors. PERcoN iI -
:tiext 'week:- Part- iI - Cusling'e bfodein Growth They England's Send *11 tof I bottles aP stpa a eFaruvar i
tornrys 2�' Ottawa.
played. _ are Engle 's Rex -. Pro,;utts. 51 ;Alter+ acreot WFanivee. 11.00 TRIAL
0Rer. - h,' -ty-ny�ea cadie,), z
Carada's George Che- Drrsosarreh re"'
to -atesr
Included T- r t tencY ina 1?4.
nier and New Zealand's Clark
Your comments and supyesllons ler this column w1116e welcomed-, _ DIEDICAL Terminal A. Tnm to. Ontario
''by Elmor Ferptison,_e 'o Coker► Hovio, 431 Y•onge St., Toronto. MCConaChy 'who hat$ all - eX• ' IT'S EXCELLENT. REAL RESULTS, AFTER 'I$ ANTF:I►
ce d d 0 8
e e 14 einR several years TAKING DIXON'S- REMEDY FOR —
i younger than 53 -year-old Joe Jua i ttTy a ter rF u
RNEUMUNR PAINf 011 NEUR1TIf, ATI tY:ns „ r t � r 7- JUtoeDavis 'they all Can be 'expected MUNRO'f DRUG iTORE> cash. L71'RPLt'N Jt)RBYRw, t�gJ-tdrCan) I S T I L L E R S L I M I T E D to bring it off before they pati[ 33S Elgin, Ottows. Gtr«t T rontn
AMMERSTSURG, ONTARIO away . their cuter for the last St.3i, fxprss Prepaid
rHREsHING Mactibe.
Steam Engine..
Traeto'and implement cataoa'es. book
NAMELESS torure.. Gd"P!tons- Mgo -
- .-
But to Joe forever stands that Hilliard Twin. Gianrnrd Statins. Ontario.
Cold Romtdy as Ointment that,lloves
glory_ of being the first. It is Maus, Hsyfover, Hsadcotda, In 10 says
only fitting that it should be so or'roeney back. Convincing Trial 11.16. Farmer Statesmen
because no,, other , honor has Address' Purity Co., Exeter, Ontario.
eluded this brilliant cueist who SIN-CSITIS ANT) C %TAILRH Rern some extra money, Make $Y Pas
REL7F:PF.D with Rybaslivol, the E1t►e.
strode the game like a-Colosa limb remedy now avA.lable in Canada. 100 taking seders for World Famous
- sus. 'dominating it like 'Bobtty 81 00. obta!nabls from Owen, Pbarma• Fererwav White lagitorns k
Jones did golf and Paavo Nurmi fiami enaC oetL `t a"rang se d'aat• Apply Boz 144, "'' ..,•
= 6 did athletics. You can gauge his.,. -.123 Eighteenth Street,
superiority from his collection - ST'S.NowToronto.
of 575 century breaks NO other EANI�1 the torment of dry a .lea
t �:
.rashes and wospms ski" troubles.. Post l
player. professional or amat_eue Eesen,a naive will not disappoint you.
A _C\ 1 (may 1 /�e -- -'
has yet made 1110 hundreds. Hifi ncn ns. -cailtu. end burning ec m"a`6 -
- , V YX�1T \ {..0 ..acne. rinirwarm. Dimples and toot eczema . i .' w� �I
r ., ::.::' •_, '' __ _ _, _ _ - . i ii,.. V .. reign, fol- w ill reornnd readily to the m4,Cz,,M _ - _ - -
world championship
_.. _ Idwed Since by an almost non- odorters ointment resaroceq of bow Itch.1chlilarly rifatubbnrn '. r horeleos theeyy •eom.�
For the est year off. so-challengers
atop run o victories against rRlca axes R J.1M" Bret use of sooehln6 cooing uvuM i
_ p sports Columns." been full of tales challen ers on, a. handicii" basts, POST'S REMEDIES raw r D. tr"Ou°ed eco& a. ra hos, � 't
raw rad tech•—aw.d -o .oma troubles. [concerning record-breaking feats. Youi could -hardly .pick up a - � a further example •oi his sex- •Rene Pat Pres an Receipt of Prime a�ataitdon,eesarotsentcdvoablaa. _
r without seeing headlines 039 Que.a St. IL, Canter of Lscon Gcea.rsaa6 wfakr,�,T0�r trial bottle mum
papa g . prt►claimiag that somebody bad prerilacy.. s' • .' TORO\TO 6atid7 ar oa2 bedL Don't Buffer.
set a .new .mark far running, junTpleg, tossing the bull or some Joe's snooker pre-eminence _ - sourOrugsrmm IorD.D.D.Pa1iiCJtlmo� -
vick And yet until we looked in the columns --of all places!—of follows a sound grour�ng at b#1- of Davis was inscribed as chain
the Christian Science, Monitor—we are unaware of what was "liards, the 3•balI precision game pion.. It remained there. until. a
lbl the moat uusual- feat. of 'an. _ which the 22 ball -bright and 1EAT ANYTNIN�
:: y displaced'- by' the Australian,
Figure 4 this way. Thee number of those who have dreamed breezy bI snooker
kker osted from
Jhe Walter Lindrum, in 1933.
.tables., ac in his ,hoer o0 off • ITN FALSE T
about breaking four minutes for the mile would" ria into
aaadtaoou L.ve trouble with Df&ta E
._. thousan-ds-and the same'for the he
tyro miles. weight-llfttn church institute at Chesterfield.:. _ s pal a i
was a member -,of [tie local Meantime' snooker ��
game said' io-have�been invented that sUp, rock and cause more sitcom
forth. But literally millions of- Indoor athletes have visioned It boasted a billiards table a11z1 -try Brtmms plasel•Limr. one 70 -'
�hemielves scoria a ossible"'ln snooper by British subalterns' in Tndia, ._applicationmatt"piawe 6% as.,.
g p pool—a break of 147, every spare minute young Joe suddenly "began to find `favor fesmom powde, or past% because `
And yet. until just recently, not a single _one of them had made _ had 'Was devoted to t}�v, study on after being scorned by Ihe_stait� . 8'imm' Plat"Liner °`rdan' D°r'
It. The man' iF'ho accomjilished It ikas Jce Davis. And Mr. Davis it of ball control. He was never dike Victnrian and Edwardian Dpllaates n a wvo e, your
wderot�parrtes ed an do loon
bas this satisfaction. Some 'day+ somewhere, somebody will un- satisfied with less than six hours English .The cathedral -like:. -at- on ala tubba: Plates you gel ftaot results rs
practice a day and when -.Davis IHEs here B manu.'w a year -or Toner, YOU CAN IAS
doubiedly break Roger Bannister's one -mile record. The sgme goes •- P prevailin for billiards AFIYTNIIVOI dtupty lay sort etrip of Plastl-IAW
senior was convinced that junior hay w as not a bit necessary on trout te,.ome upper or lower': Blte ane M
_or all, the others. But:—unless. they change the rules of the game p• y molds pertpctty, Easy u use, tkteleaa odor) d
was really set on billiards a cue �
—nobody, nowhere, can ever hope to do better than rte Joe Davis' with snooker. ..and the ;'ounger harmle,. to you and yo,tr plate.. R.movabley
proud mark. Fancy that,, Armand: Was purchased at. a' "second- rand• pliy ers fell for it. Professionals, directed. Plate cleaner included. Money back a9
_stare, 'That' cite became Joe's
not comp stair e&tteDed. It tiny avallaols at lair
_.. Davis and Lindrum among -them, drug-atore:'send s1.so for reuner for I pissa
And noir, for the loin=down on what it is all about. we turn prized pot;sesslon'• and It is what sensing the'swin , tried snooker wuDROOTLTD„FORT ERIE,ONT,- -Dope. Tse
you over to Sydney Skitton.. - .. i. he used the, other ;fay' for the "f _
- I ' as"'a 'fillet io at the en'd 'of ses
147 break, _• §ions, The variety and entertain-
Comedian -faced Jia Davi exceeded the century breal and . After bercoming English na' ment -the•. pros'•w'ere able to in; -
a•hnse ct,tVartisti has di-hted' twice has h_ reached 14ff. The tional junior professional chane
Eri�aiu'; billiard, and snooker's. smile nrodace in contrast to the exact -
also radiated all the, pion -Joe-at the_a,a of pears ass and, too often, du1111ess of `
Pools fan; for •upwards of 30 w'arnling charac?t!rtstres` of a came to London' and challenged -bill tern, an instant success.
man• w"hnsc charm and modesty for the -senior ti -de,- He' received, '
i •' s.. a ... -
Years. treated us to' hi, broads t
:-'ever smile, v: hen he i�ecama t.l1e. .J and ability. and achlewement' a severe' chastening from the Another reason for snooker's ~
6rs? man in the world t(T' make a . have placed him among the na rcigni ig chain ion. Tom New -
maximum 1`41 break. � tion's greatest tports entertain- � 'roar., and went h6me- fbr more ' New -
popularity is . its simpJici . _
_. _. P .
i ! . There- are 22 balls to play T
' ..That smile radiated, -pride•of• ; ars of all time, For O'•ears he' ! practice. Four years later Joe r around •with and, 'consequently, '
_ accorriplishmt•i1t because more reieneJ. widtieattc-d as world war-, back again_ and so marked .mally.r. )re alternatives than bil'
:han 57a timer the green baize cllampior, at : ,)Quin r 'fht'n -he ! v a.: the irnproi eluent that New. j Bard:. Snooker is lar'Yei a mat.
raestro- Erten Chesterfield has• res:^'fled t'1 "'ire the ynuntisters r, an v. as near): Toppled; •The Y
- ter of potting balls into pockets
_ a chanoo" but he s:ii, . •:, pt oil ar .,iter 'hat. I7: 1928, the nan;e and co-ntrolling the ball- ivith
,nich to do it. TO the billiards
purist snooker-is'a sacrilege but
i"� g� to -Joe it has become'nierely'an•
l; ! other method of displaying his
i t a cue and ball 'control. And how
1 a i superbly 'he' does it{ "fir
b Numerous' times -I have
t ° watched him do the impossible.
,tr s,F •, 1 His trick shots never cease
amaze and he can make a ball
-rest. on a pottage stamp after
traveling six times rou d the
table and sometimes oof 1t. �.' �• �,Y: +
e � l a - oo so simple,
x especially that favorite of his
when he measures up with his 5
eye, poises his cue on the ; ball,
turns to engage in conversation•
and "pots" the ball while look-
ing away. Always it's a winner.
wY And so -was his 1471
- 'INTER 'HALL OF FAM -From left fe'righh Ted Lyons; Dazzy Vance; Joe WMaggio; and Gal). 1 6
_ by Hartneff havo been elected to 9fliseball's Hall of Fame. - -
_ ISSUE 7 - 1956
frild�& Saturday = F
Cash in on- these items at BARGAIN PRICES . AN merchandise Is top grade and clean, stock ..: Clearing ar .prices you can .afford.
.. �
TO ---�-MEN'S __
II.— I All a W.W. .. I . . .-A*�l C_ it a 1 0% 1k M I- I V_
An exceptionally in
New spring shades in limited tilly good `buy - ,
gift towel sets. Beautifully pack-
quantity;, WORK PANTS HO-S E
tetity: 5I and 54. gauge, 15 aged for showers, weddings, etc.
denier. Popular dress and day wear Excellent quality merchandise 'at Tough wearing 71/4-oz. denim with Fine quality hose for greater eom-•
for the ladies. - A BIG SAVING: :. or without hammer strap. Well fort. Men's cushion able socks in
made top equality work pant for. Sid, quantity.. Colors of .white, ._
TWO DAYS ONLY FOR THESE! REG. 5.95 — 3.97 rugged wear. Sizes 30 to 44. grey, navy; wine, blue.
REG. 5.25 - 3.5 O AIR
V REG.. '2.49 — 1.66
-- PA_ ,,� . PAIRS1.59_ .
_ ..
'..3 -PAIRS 2.5 REG. 1.15 .77
_ -IR ...`
'STORE STORE ROURS: Mon. to Tkn., 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. — Fri, and Sat.. 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. -- Closed All Day Wednesday
PHONE 281 Now Operating "Ibe Big Store". _ PICKERINfi
- Fairport United Churches are cele-
brating their church anniversary. In -
the ' mor6ing the Pastor, Rev. A. F. JOHN L LAY
Bamford -will preach and administer .=A P �� ��lld0 is TO-aL .. wolr e
the Sacrament of Infant Baptism. In s+iq
ALWAYS •WITH Lie- evening the Rev. A. E. Young, >RESE'IiTlIiG _
B.A., will preach. We hope to have TNE PRUDD111AL ASS ICE COMPANY LINIM
special singing at both services. a,M
Everyone cordially invited to attend.
Services 9.45 a.m. and 7.80 pan. SICKME68 AND An,WENT -- -- 1
p The' Sacrament of infant Bap- , PARE - AUTlOX0=J - LAA=1.P1!T
tism will be administered by the +i'►. w..te•s Pirart w1P-LI■■ tasor■■.. Coawns
minister .at Duobarton U.C. in the
'n service on Feb. 27. Also on
morning _
m ...
-. 8
that Sunday will be the annual
CHICK STARTER Scouts Church Parade, with the Cubs
and Girl Guides also attending, .Vile �y •'
=`ta The Court o! Yale ti res 'under the Isss of
hope all young people will be out °�� I with their parents to this important HOLDEN AT KELOWNA British Columbia and has its
• Between,:. olisd the City et Rotowtta - • -
service. - °�Oe � •
0 The �i►nual World's Day of Prayer KEI.OWNA U.IiiB1V8 LTD. atsd Province of Selfish Calambis.
wherfor ladies' organizations will be held Platntul 1n ae, Province of Ontario and at all
this year in Drunbarton United -And - linen, material to Iib "dos was the '
• >a . Church on Friday, Feb. 25 at 2,30 DOV4LAS .R. 81►lltD sired owner of a •e+ertain l960
Defendant D SoU antemsbile Ontario pm. This should be a rallying place And. • :No. 18723; Engine No 814-!.32764`. -
for Christian women of
ity of all churches. Ladies of the =• �°o Ronald a
St. Simofollowinns Anglican, -St Paul'churches are tAking s un- Ast Infant
of }RONALD_ DAH N 'baa. in The City eesof a � Fuller
the-Hill, Anglican, Centennial United r
and Dunbarton United. All Indies Before His Renew 4. Tbal on or shout the 24th day �.
cordially invited. Jade* J. Rots Archlbsit> of July A. D„ flit. on the Verb
A -preliminary notice At Dunbar- Tuesday the Fadelesnth day of - load. Dear Kelowna, s 1860 Pisnoo�
! ton LT.C., March
6 at 7:30 p.m., a Dseember A. D., 1964 uatontob/he, tAcense Na 63-363 be- a
_ - —.=.
sprcial evening service will be held - J ! 1�i�g N the Pfaintift was tttroch `s
° , •. under the 'auspices of our Sunday (UPON HEARING Dorothy Dean by the automobile, belonging to file
` ISchool. The speaker will be Mr. Jim Smith of counsel tot the PIS Defendaut Baits and operstagi Dy the
McConagny, leader of Mclvir Bible and 1[;PtDN READING the afttdavtt of Defendant ltooald. Dahlgren sad dam-
Class of Temple Baptist Church, To Herbert Stuart Harrison smith, sworn aged. i- • ' 1� i. _. - :�
ronto.-Music by the Melvir Orchestra the 13th 'day of December, 1954, and .S• The sole cause of the datnage-to
' LOCALUR CO-OP and singing by scholars of Dunbarton tiled herein; the car of the Plaintiff was the neig
Sunday School. Come and bring your 1T IS ORDERED that service of a ligence of Me Defendant Ronald DabL
friends: copy of thtiOrder and of a copy of gree, which negligence consisted in
Please do not forget the Turkey. the Plaint and Sammons in this aetioa failure to keep his satomobilb ander
' Fairporta Church, a1°3n the Defendant Baird herein be control, failure to peep s proper loch.
FFeh m
F r Frenchman's Bay, Saturday evening, served ex Jurls; on*,
failure to apply .his lassies is
• ' beginning at 5.30, AND,_IT IS FUR IH 9 ORDERED to avoid hitting the Plshift!!'a
--------------- the Order and autemobite.
Summons n this ac- .. 6.. The Defendant xesiald-D -
that raid service o[ '
-} PHONE. COLLECT.— CL.AREMONT. 38 GREENWOOD , the Plaint sad Sam l ent os.
tion be etiected upon the Defendant was at the time of his negligent op-
The Young People's IJnicn met. at Haird= by advertising In the Tiekering ..oration. of the, automobile, operating -
eeY rsons present. (adv rtlsemeints, une, week apart, and [rdutoeinbiic the ^t to consent of t
the home of In
ale. with i w �°-
_ _. •1 fired Pegg
--is in 'chugs of the' Pro- that said service shall be w good and the' De`'et�dant Baird and was the sr.
gram and those T event divided into sufficient service of the Order and ea; of the Defendant Build acoordiog {
thme groups and sa:died 'thrtc p-n-_ i Plaice: and Summons herein; to Section 81 (11 of the Moto . Veh>t.
/ pue,s Abraham, '.uses and. Elijah.: AND- IT -IS FURTHER ORDERED. fele Act, IL S. B. C, 1946: Chapter
There Vviil be a tobogganing gaily at that the time for entering a Dispute 227 and Amendments thereto.
' GET MOIRE MILEAGE FROM - ` Milton Pe¢g's- on Friday evening tate Note to the Plaint and Summons be 7. The, Defendant Baird was ruling
18th' at 8.00 o'clock. Next wee:k's within 20 days trom the date of the in -the automobile with ,the Defend:
• ': �-rr:e.ning will Ise .in the churNh base--? irt4ertion ;et the• first adveetisement; ant Ronald Bahigren at the lime. of
11 YOY3it GOODYEAR TIRES BY I AND rr 18 FURTHER ORDERED the 'negligent opersNon o4 the sato-
k. menu with Pat Brooks in rcatge.
Keep in mind the Oyster Supper to that the costs of this application be mobile ..by the Defendant Ronald _
HAVING YOUR FRONT END be served. by- the men of the chutitrh ' casts in the copse. Dahlgren
on Tuesday, March 8th. - ' (sign") iJ. R. Archibald i
ALIGNMENT CHECKED ON OUR � The AStez'noon.W, A. met on Thurs- � Entered this 14th $bay of January,* WpEREFORF. TRE 1*LAIN'i'1TIr
i day, Feb_-nary 30th in the church 1955' J' • Dunn Dist. Ttegrstrar. 'CLAIM .
Basement with bars. '�S• Pegg, 2ssist- I • i
34EW ,8EA.R" FRONT END ed by her group, .4 cr ;rhe of the
1- 1. The ram of $186.8! damages M
ALIGNMENT EQUIPMENT Worship Service. Alter the b; !sine's " bis automobile; _
sessio% -the ladies worked on a rnii't lot The- County Court,Of 2. The sum of 4146.06 • for loan M
° and Mrs. M•inaker and 'Mrs. Hrooks HOLDEN AT KELOWNA revenue from -the slid automobile `
served a delicious lunch.. Between; while 9t was beteg repaired-
apt' KE A -D S. The costs of this action;A ay School sera ':e 1 .
At the Sund o LOWN L1 RJVE LTD a '
Sunday, the Supt. Mr. X Pegg pre- Plaintiff 4.. Such further and other relief as
�� �ViO�O���� sented'Allan and Grant Pascoe. with And: _ to this Honourable Court map seem
Third• Year •Perfect Attendance+ Se61z. DOUGLAS A. BAIRD meet and just.
Honorable Mention .Nbs g wen Neil' Defendant ~ -�
{_ IVEW &USED CARS• GM PARTS dr SERVICE Pascoe and Mrs. IVL'. Pegg, S?acher o2 And: 1bA'IED,st He��a•s•a, Bri4Mh Colum •
ToWirtg &General !ihpairs Goodyear Tires the Adult Bible Glass. who only miss- CyAT.LES EDVMBD DAHLGAEN bis this twenty-first day of January, ;
ed one Sunday during the oast year. Guardian of R[fNALD' DAALCREN A. D., 1955.
Miss Beatrice McLean attended the An Infant R. Rarrtson Sunith, Solicitor
' PHONE `2*W PICHEBrNG Presbytery• Executive Young Poo ie.'s III - - I,AyN�t----for -the-PlBfnfitf,-434-Bernsra
__. -- - -- ---- ellowsruj Meeting in Oshawa' on y, The Plain_ tffT is a corporation British Columbia.
DUMBARTON RTON Sunday' night.: r
A speedy -recovery to Mrs. Elias. The Farm Forum met int the home
. •F•tak who is ill with virus pneumonia. of Mr: Thank Hayward, Clar,:mont
Mr. and Mrs. C. Cragg and family Friends of Mr. B.. Neuman will be __with fourteen present, Visitors' atten- [� pox: r^ 1
�arere week-end visitors to Schomberg: sorry'to =near ru st 'he is still crnfrned dad from t'he -Clareamnt• Credit Un-- B0C' ` �AD Mr. Waller Middle'on had the arsi�
Mr. and Mrs. W.. Lynde left Mon. to the Oshawa General Hospital. I /oru. Thece was discussion on lochl The Brock Road •Home and School tortune to have an accident last week i
day-marning for a holiday in Florida. , A good -crowd -:.ttended tlie•. croki- 1 hisfory of Greenwood and vicinity-. held ca Family Night on -Wednesday. and is now in the East General -Hos.
Sympathy of this community' is ex-' nole party held in the Sunday school � On rerlevr night, F_*?Ua4r 20, the the 9th, when interesting pictures pital with numerous inibriea We W' ish
tended to the faui-dly of the late Mr-room on Mond4y night Ly the_ "On- :. meCting ,will, be held.-at, the home Of ..were shavan About.tifty parents with hies. a speedy. •recovery.
Crossley. Mr. Crossley passed away We Go' - Mr. i1'iA Peer, with Mr. W. C. Mur- their chile en, were present. I Mr, Cornutt is still In OshMm
- in the Oshawa_ General- Hospital 441= I)7tnbarton-Fairport United Churches leer. of Pickering. S; a King . on- local
Masa gumzu tpilDon has been ltorne E where he is prograadfinp dhty-
)owing an operation. Interment took Next Sunday, Feb. 20, Dunbarton- history. for the past week with the chicken- crably.
dace on Saturday in Toronto.