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• t „ - r _ _. r �• ' 1 ` — VOL, --i—NO-.84— PICK"RRiN - F -- -T- - Q 'O(NTARIO, FRI'DAYf JLNL 3, 1s1S2 _ I Cents per Copy ---- Authorized as Second Class Matter "` Saberiptiotr Pricer Moo $2,ts per year U. S. M50.-�{�; C. 1iURKAR and SON ?TjbuSHERS Oospital �Auxiliar .-To Hold Garde n PartyAt -The flermitag e Oa June 28th _-Women's Auxatary Ajax and ii✓ditor "Civic Administratiost" Pickering TownahiR BA��tBAZT 1 Twp. Council, Monday, June 8• -,Pickering 0 General Hospital -- ,Talks To Pickering At Rotary _Village BY CLIFF GORDON Ernest Scott asked;., for a light um �....� , Members of the Women's Auxiliary The members of the local Rotary der the C. N. R. tunnels at Dunbar- Visitors at the T. A. Laws _ of A* and Pickering Township were honored on Monday evening, PICKERING VS DUNBARTON AT to over the weektend were: Mr, and = with the presence, as guest, speaker, _ 8:sti HERE FRIDAY NIGIHT Wells Ritchie su Mr4. Garnet McBrine, Detroit, and General Hospital are donating roe- ggested Co11=il_ -_fume-jgrvellery--ta-re-d�� the of Mr. Wells Ritchie, Editor of --- - - mixture for road suer Mr. Laweon's brother, Andrew Lair- one of the leading "inuntcipai_ pub-� Pickering Loses To Stoker, Thea facinr son, of Tranton. garden party and tea at "The Herb- lications, who was introduced by Edge Brookliin 10� -e PoliceMrs Frank R. Smith is lea. ' lnitage' , the Pickering summae Robariazr Geo. Todd as one of his - Report t. May has once rod to visit friends in home :of Mr ,and Mrs. E. L. Ruddy, again raised the juvenile problems. aF ralifornia. of Toronto,' on ,Saturday, June 2a, ; nowneighbors, Mr. Wella ha;-ing' "Pi kering Softball Nine journeyed Two young lads are in custody,and Mrs. James Koch had her mother Mrs. Ruddy was the guest speaker purchased a property at Cherrywood down to Whitby Friday n] for a several others are in the process of Mrs. Bryan, of Sunderland with her thr..at the general meet' Monday Years ago. ? gams with the Stokers an came paying for misdeeds. Accidents and one they last week. g, y j _ Mr. iLitchie .s well-kacwn in the out on the short end 6.3, The ]veal traffic hale been bi est Mr: and M night. She wag introduced by lire. newspaper, radio, advertise and lads just couldn't manse to 8B problem Barry Murkar and Henry ,Westney of Pickering, Pres- ] g get a and will "rncreas�e as the summer adr• Dianne �L Kilktleld over the public reladbris world. He has been rally'of sort started, as time weekend. \ . ident of the W. A. - �•'" 'vances, A large amount of sofa• managing editor of, Mayfair Mag- I and again they had one, sometimes motive Miss Elinor Matice w equipment stolen from G. M. ve the guest The function, which starts at 8.08 azine," Editorial writer for Finan- two or three men on base and just has been reco-rered b our 'Police in of honoi at a miscellaneous shower :pr m- will help raise funds to tura- ; ci:al Post and Aw at one tirne in couldn't maira$e, to get a bin a at y P given for her b -. ish -statf quarters of the new ! � co-operation with neighboring pollee. � y Mrs. Glen Knapp ; hospi charge of publicity and public re- the right time. To make matters Over 2000 in goods ham been rec- on Friday last, open -neat`- attune or ( setting up its news w once, atewar t ear trouble, and overed. The new constables are a �y e an ' relatives. of front in Ajax in the hate fall. i service in 1$090, He wrotr the first I didn't_ get to the game and Mils was worthy -addition to- the Dept, and Parry Disney attending his wedding A booth will be staffed by mem ' bulletin'fcr CBC, newcast, He was awn at,the time, the Chief pleased with their eff Saturday. , 1ers of the hospital board, who will ' � Y Fyetre, who fills at Unionville 9set educated in Toronto and New York. I in *]most any place, had to fill_ in! orte. Wilf Hunt sail Ray Found had na give information on details about cry Buil the hospital, which > e 2r9 A, keen observer of municipal act- 1" the catching job and made a e °1' ding ]�p"r' reports forty' . trip to Buffalo last week -end. °� ivities in a national way, he be -•I good showing. Featherstone an the permits in May, -of a value of $196 GOrdon-Found, found seventeen 'beda and 10 bassntettes. The hoq* ! came, an authority on such as cjuite j focal -,mound did well except for t7ie p6 p, sails in § -Itei association has purchased from civalitied to till' 1'lcice qg that— fifth when ll -the T� year to date, $506,000, carie ashes thrown on his _ inning got street one da this week If when Central Mortgage and HousingCor-_ I Dr, Loos, re dogs biting persons, Y we have not been keep:rg ;:p' +.;h to him "for sift hits and made good .states he requires dog be held un- driving, you see a pile of sashay 411 -- peratlon, s Partly.-egtipped building the timea_we have berm too modest, + far -four rens. Maine started-cn the der observation for seven days, front of You --drive around, which served as a hospital -during and not talking enough abort: our* mound for the Stckers but had. to. Mrs. A. E. Stork a r:t tine v:eek= Me wartime munitions-manufactur. seIve® and in'��restin 1•• enou r Mr. Smilie, Solicitor for Mr, Tay. Pe _ Jft g':, I gi.e way to Brown as the Pickering. for asked Council end with friends at P.es,msviII_ Jaya of Ajax. The building is to one of our . over®ig ztg has been in lads were be ronin to ! agree to give 'his - I g 8 get on to his client a license- for 1868, Miss Ina 'Peattie enter: -. fined ata be moved ll fire lakefront site, not tailkirig to "industry about our ! drop. ball. Again, a couple of error Mr. [*osier asked that ditches In miscellaneous7shoxer for Jacmie,ine, airembnts of the fedierai and prow_ ;. `'climate'' --a factor of the greatest and a very bad call on the bases - Bentley, Tuesday night. Jacques where it will be rebuilt to meet ret front of his Fairport Beach propet� y S - rte cornea to industry. when seek;ng were . the deciding - factor in Ahe has had six shovers in tie: inial departments of health. An garce ty be opened, thus far. +►rchltect has-been bas; on rrsmod ;I _ Coatirnsed On Page 5 { ` Moved by Mr. Newman, seconded Batteries: Stokers -Marine, Brown by Mr. Balsdon that is cases where- �1 day Mondsy the young pea. tilling Pis for several weeks and and McE.nen PickeringL-Feather- a house is burned, Council vri}1 thea ple'worked on -the -tennis court. Une coatracta to move sad, re -.construct ! 9t. Margaret's Cemetery stone and Pyette. waive $800 Building Deposit- and court is finished, aaady to play cn the hospital are to be awpurled ' -Decoration Sege - June 15. • • • e but more hal :shortly. Some equipment,to ., . JFee and that a trailer may be. used p is needed to finish Home Run For Stewart With by the family for six months surd the other one. If you have soli a A. anent that now is the building, has The' Atririval Decoration Service of Bases Loaded Sparks Wtn Bib spare time gfie :fie your already been ordered and other eq- St, �,rgarst,i �tery, , possibly renewed for six months- it g fossa a _West Hill, After miQsing .SPrida.y,s same I hand. � a0iptneat Is +infer sura 8 Permit is immediately taken out:. �• will be held "on Sunday afternoon , Stewart was well rested up and as I Mored by Mr. Balsdon, seconded Mr' and Mrs •McEacynie Sr. spent The joint trUal corioets Mrs. B, next, at 8.80 eclwX Speaker will I a result he almost broke. Hookers by, Mr. Newman that Council carry . Tuesday at Listowel .. visiting " his - the garden party+tea are: Mia. B be Rev. Robt. Markie, Rector -of S.t, hearts as• h'e rapped out a batter's i mother. C. Falby, of Ajax, and Mrs. K H. J. Timothy'sgin I no insurance of Police Chief's, car.. Church, A court. dream --a homer: with .sacks .loaded. ,,Moved by Mr; Newman, seconded Mr. and Mrs, Harold Mitchell felt4 ssiste, Pickering,' They are beim After Brooklin had tallied -a single by Mr. Michell that Chief act to for Seattle .;on Wednesday. ? -Assisted by a general comQnfttee, HandlingSurplus MAL, In run in their half of the. first the Mr. and Mrs John_ St+:rk had- a 1sub,-committees, each under a - fall in gape of duty when staff on Toronto Area locals came to brit r e the under few friends' from 'Peterbozo visit z:g M -' convener, are couccentra ' on holidays 8 -dogs. Hood, first man up, waited out i Moved b Mr; Michell, seconded them on Sunday, specific features, such `as ticketb; The' • ssibilit of a hitt to ban a *res pass; -Holter was out as he I y Bill Mowat was home for :he 3miuk, fortunettelling, a wUhin,g p° y P by Mr, Newman, Lhat Police Chia! week -end visiting his mother. ilk" in rhe_ -area earrificedSo�.�o second; Pette havE al] police cess serviced every die •surplus" y rvdl, a lucky draw " ra++e +*+o.;on- may become a- realit a<t ear, A- i and Caldwell beat out hits' to load ' Mrs. Robert Foi..t} .a 'm ry:; -and refraiLaents. Members of the P y _ iw•o weeks wheat cars are purchased, p ng motion, made by . e Jackson ! eel oak Then came e Stewa-r and Agreed that .Beal Roberts be not after. having a sadeien it mesa cn general compnittee are; Mrs: C W. _ : Scarff, Ajax; Mrs. T. Jacobs Fair- and Chaa-lie Eoo er, d b a p n et'1 permitted to n:o-•e his trailer onto. MO�ay. She st l.er own t.or•ie , ' large majority at tl. en Annual him and rapped it for a tour -bagger his new lot to be -lived in while he here, port Beach; Mia. Don Kemp, Ajai; Ming of tbA,Tvronto Milk Prod- ;and the local were cut front 4_.1, � building a house. Mr. Jack Wade cogs hurie for he Hes. Geo. Todd' Cherrywood, M s' ucers' Association, held Wednesday, The locals added another tern also ,4 week -end from Ottawa y .< aired that a'"dangerous" sign y $ Morley, Pickering; Mrs, R. TrOus." May 21, in the King Edward Hotel, ; in- this inning. Brook::n; howeiver, Mr. and -Mrs. W. A. fou date, Pickering; Mrs, A. E. Young, were not to be taken ligatly as they tunnelp.s at the Dunbartcn C. l�..R, been in New Orleans, and are non Pictering; Mie. J. W. Ashton, Pick- Toronto. The motion instructs the bounced -right ' Board of Directors to take irnmed► ght back with a single Moved b Mr. Hal °n their *ay bask frm-li St; •Louis Bering;' Mrs, ' C, Turner, Ajax; ]sirs, iate 'aiction in preparing a cost re- tally in their' half -of the second to y , seconded by Mrs, Ross Irwin returned home +G. Finney Oshawa; Mrs., S. Haslam, Mr, Michell that Mr. Newman con- + ort of either building or rchaw-, I move within three of the - rorites. from the his to on ,Sunday A�apc; Mrs. T. Bullock, Ajax; Hie, P g -tact Police Chief re Duncan child pr ' Ing a plant suitable for handling eie'was no more scoring until Master Timmy. your fell on ,a unit Chapman, Pickering; and injured on a bicycle and payment 8 rnilr. _Btis n.. -port to be' presented to the fourth viten the locals added w•aterirrg can a few da Mrs. W. Tomlinson, Pi eying, for damage to bicycle which occvri i_s ago, cutfl� an they to .,o • • � t the Annual Sleeting ,next Decem- Put them ahead e�.--fL in his ad ret ;:.tri. I 1 r _,don ]Fairport Beach -Rd. Apr. 52, g I ng a few stir, _ ber. . arta 'they bounced right back with a I eekes on his .fore? cad: John "Scotty" Clark Dies Sour -ren rail i -sed that no license be fan ed I , Ilr. Jac; Rouse, thee]. tester for I Y n their half of the red Taylor for taxi for 1952, Suddenly Wednesday the Association, in his report told fifth, to tae the scone. This put a - _ I Agreed that Police' act against Erskine Cemetery" Memorial Service � of four cliriea who were` taking different slant on the 'game, and Messrs Barjak and Monk for oper-. (B Rev. A; Y. lia,nford� Discovered by R. Tl Dobie lying ' 'resazurin tests, Mr. Rose explain- Coach Boyes Said come on guys, sting wrecking y 'face downward. in front of his home t}r� was a lets pull u license g without a A' wonderFti quality •keeping- test, p your shoes laces", and on . Monde • ' the did u q l crowd gathered to Monday. evening, ui a heart,: , and warned the all urs of file fiat- n just that .s Pyette, first Agreed that.new employees receive this Memorial Sei•rice last Su -ids seizure, John Clark, of this rills est}ity of taking all precautions to man up, tripled to 'deep left field. one day's ,holiday per month of afternoon, We were favored with was rushed to .Oshawa Hospital, ' keep their milk in a first'grade con- The next' tato- men hcwever, went service up to July 1, for first year. beautiful weather and the came r< where he passed away at 2,00 a ditign: down i , order, but Stewart came up looked love'.ly wit} 'the Lary 'm• yep Mr. Alan' Lishman Director for y single to drive .in an- flowering• i Miss Mary Dwyer' Passes shrubs that Deceased was in his 73rd ye&r, i District No,' 4 asked that the diff- I other run and give him his .fifth grow there and all trio The funeral takes place on `Satur- ! erentiai between R. B. 1: of the '-- bouquets -that had been brought to quota and open game. The locals As we go to press we are advised decorat• various graves wind day tr�orning at 10:4.6 from the I yuota� iriilk he increased from five' added-anothei pair ir>�eir half of of the passing of Miss Ma D McEachnie Chapel with interment Continued On Pae 8 i7' coyer show that somebody cared". Pe ,cents to fifteen cents. He safe► ¢n f 8 of Church SL, at the. Oshawa Ho* Promptly at three o'clock the ser'.' + at Reaiiiaven Cemetery, Scarboro. phis opinion,. trhis would 'assist ding- _Impox%ant'Fire News— pig• She was in her 7.3rd year. , vice started by the Carl tv Worship rib.itors who wished to go on open Osseo* Funeral on Saturday morning at given by Rev, A,, F. Bamford, - .Catholic Women's League 1 quota but who wem operating on 'Southwest Fire Area Firemen hrre `'•00, with service at St. Francis de Pastor o Dunbarton United Church: such a email margin of profit, that ; 'been ;very, busy. There were five ar Sales Church: Cedar Grove United Church. choir The monthly meeting of the C,ati* to go on open quota at the present ]arms within Berven days, In one - tine--Serv*_ of Praise and otic ,Women's League was 'held in ( Price might be disastrous to their instance the truck • was dri-ren sevF BrOek Road School Euchre ` gave two fine numbers. The choir - ''tile church, The . meeting opened by f business. He went on to Bay he had . eral miles out of •the way becapse a _ was out in full ford and rendered' the President, Dura. J. B. Speller, i been a delegate at the recent meet- very vague location was phoned in.. A Euchre will be held in tiro very 'effective service, .Rev, George. With the the League. prayer. The min- ing with distributors and observed Valuable tune ' was Post and the Dix B .A., B. D., gone the setmoa Brock Road School, Tuesday evear + thea of the last meeting were read that it was only. tie ,smaller dietr boys had a lot of trouble and hard by Teresa Iordan, Attention was ributor who was interested in this work which might have, been ,a-1oid� pringoceeds June ill a used o'clock The bide." the theme "The Things that A- - - drawn• and pfaris fina ted' for our increased differential. • He said these, ed. Proceeds will be used to help pay bide." "Now abideth faith, hope, s _- _. - -- y owing.- P -- �xpensea .ia eonnest8oa With the love, and the greatest of .'nese is ---- rt m e omens a16 a u re amounted to tweet - _.- -The 3oII tele hone numbers �ldien's swimming lessons. Every6 love." Many things pass away with to he held do Ajax on June 16,; W. ,percent of the market and there- abould-be kept handy, along with. L Pilgrinrirrse to Martyrs' Shrine, fore could not alter --conditions to those already published. In case of one lavitled . Piiisea. I�d1M please ung but there are some think - the any great extant. In reply, Mr. Ken fire, phone. ' provide. { that are permanent; Mr. I)& Cb&11- .'tat Midland, ou July. 6, and the Corry , . • wention of C. W. L. -June 1.8 and 19, Setzner, chairman for the afternoon . • • e r e1e$°d his congregation to think of _ the things things that are , in Toronto. Those wishing to exp- ;. session, • said,• vAile it might' not PICKffitI1V'G-_ rF ryryM{ T live up to them. �t �) tele thamselvles to the Senate. Con* affect Toronto too much we had to 95MB form 8,00 ,, � to i,00 � m" 6• � R D .L N : 1 A if 1 Y Y l (When the collectfon was serous. consider other markets throe members Wittee investigating the Comic iffy JJ throughout ?eW4 fines mridnight to 9.00 a, 'm. ' nation which In demoralising the 1 the -province. He said there are now 79JI from 8,00 p, m. to e,00 a, ta, FRIDAY, JUNE 20th, Board mt�'ved a through e youth of today should write of their many markets outside of Toronto • • • • and ,gathered !t the money, ab w�he 4S NE interest to Senator J. J. Hayes that are on open quota and Paying Some sort of top is to be built over At Hots*'bf *ht, Reesor, 4th Cos. as In the little ch Dione, Parliament Buildings, Ottawa, !the Prioe, and these distributors fol the fi �iren to deflect. :the mom• amomnt Isrs.'von Pilin, Citizenship Convenes, j iow closely Toronto's agreement and sound downward, It has been found Supper From tl P. Dl. was ree''al"d totalling four hundrot sad study dollars. This ' i ► reported on the success of the ob . n Y change Bout respect would that the siren is gometinf heard Adults 75C Children 35c ably higher than last year, Our oetvsmce of Citizenship Day in AJ. natu rail of the chi theme to the at a considerable distance ,better Entertainment ender direction of sincere thanks to everyone who , on ]key May 28, Plans for a garden shippers in these than right asor the hall, helped to contribute this one 'who pasty were placed in abRyaaee-- markets. -- J. D. Morrow, Sec. Dia. Don Lynda b now I+'3ra Chief and Dsh. P. N. Sprats -1 In ease of rola Continued On Pa ! o. ;, VUlk Prod, Assoc `i'arontp lin "want Ma►ddstford, Corr. �� Wrty viii be bald ba � � : , r: Grow Them Bigger In Newfoundland �kx'v These -._ _ .-,` , _ _ _ .. .. i � _' r"iy��,: ,►''`��i 7t'r yf � scientists are workingon the theory that Newfoundland's 14 native species _ of mammals all mi- - - -.$rated trout' lite:-mainland-afS.fr the_ 7� ice age and at a .time when ice " - ��r p j," still bridged the Straight of Belli - r{ Isle. Cut off f their f h b- " _ ��� s e. u o from r o mer a 14 yj. ifants by the melting ice, they had 1 A* their w - :• ores f a t the adapt themselves- to the' tenvironment ln �he pr eorssporisldapta ion rye --- -- ' /STEM �1 4 animals have undergone some' very 1 1 considerable changes. The island caribou, for. example, is sandy ° - row n with white on the neck, head �� ; _ .......: ANNE 4 p ST � and legs. The a mainland caribou is + " r no white much darker with little o j �C markitigs. But tae. caribou, in .its ���� ` "cCt1� lightness- is'-the -exception; all the - o ter species o . wfouhdand's "Dear Anne Hirst: What- can thing wrong? • Please tel{ me how t 'i(1 mamtnals are -darker -it) color-than _ "you do with a j-ealms-1mbind? .. . handle this "�f4tU(10 ° ` their mainland cousins. D We've been married six years, • L.K," Nor is coloration the only alter-' and have one TWO WARS he --ed feature. Except--for-the-bear and - child. We get s You and your husband have fid(% {t, the lynx, all the mammals of Idew- _ _ along fine ex- • thrown many a shameful scene, foundland, from the -caribou ' right rept for his ► I 'expect; he accusing, you de- down to the meadow-mouse, -are distrust for -me. • nying. Momentarily. he is quiet- �� -larger-and- heavier than the ton- Just y e s t e r- • ed, but, with this trait so firmly---Penney's Pointed Picket' Publicity-By way of celebrating the first tinental species. These changes are day, a boy I • entrenched, he repeats the. same anniversary of union picketing in front of its store, the J. C• Penney -accompanied by altered None struc- went to s ool * offense the next week. Co.'ptit up a sign, right, advertising a "picket' special. Getting ture and in•so;nd cases by changed with passed by s. Have you ez lained how' much -the " cite house. He y p pont, dhe picket obligingly posed with his bit) -beard food. and living. habits. Beavers for w waved, and list- * you love him, and haw he --is umbrella. The union, which is trying to organize the store's clerks, example live far from woodedareas. - ' • undermining, that love? urally I' waved has been picketing hereF for a year. They transport logs through an - back., My husband got furious, • Have you reminded him' that -.elaborate series' of carlals to the called me everything, and tried to + you admire his fine qualities, and _ sites of their construction projects je str ke mei Yet he kncx the bo • only this .jealousy spoils the i�5':: � � tug and- reclaiming used calls and, - 1 y - „ and are forced to use much harder pod marriage you ��--�..- glass `jars would cost more than and T bad grown up together. • g & Y two might wood for their dams than did their "Everywhere we have lined, he * enjoy? - �\.r: 4 � manufacturing -new ones. it sounds ancestors. * warn h• -that; so d1og-ical but i suppose, the trades- = cited in other men. I just can'that accused =me oi beinm inter- * except for your faith in him, Whether v not continued an!- -tion would ever have produced ani- stand much more. • you rould readily misinterpret talking about. �Evcn -at that 1 hate -mak as-stran e' And tare as those "When we married, I loved him • -his courtesies to your women (� to see those cans wasted. of Australia o once rain tell; but with all sly heart : . 'We both ;friends? 1NGERFARM t1'elt; Partner has Supplied " me' the mammals •of Newfoundland are - tike to ' And why cannot- be trust•• ou-• �• Cw n.r1olln.e C C1-Artke smith sly nature story for the week: go to church. Otherwise ' y now classified as sub-species, and I stn home, -look after our child; y as completely? .isn't real. love he other day he saw a little .red Y - 1 w the scientist has been teen another _ - of _ . t . o d sc to - g c ttsn � t holida • and take care of the house. founded on mutual faith. s and squirrel running along the fence opportunity to study the strange in "Do you think I've done an • Have, you ever_ threatened to _ bad weather go together.,_ What a and headalg for the -,barn. But it -- -. y- a da for Cictoria Day! Iiver bit never sK there,.-Tt eras _vcay!$id by teraction o£ environment and hered- leave, if he persists in humili- y y 2 as bad as.was Easter- Sunday-rain- a starting who flew -out from the txy in one of nature's ,laboratories. - - # atiERMru_ our husband feels so i from mid-mornin Kelt ori into straw mow and attacked the poor��•- E y h e R inferior that he fears any other the night. Thank ,goodness our cows little squirrel_ with terrific -vicious- - x " +_man can attract you or Ke were,-st ll -in the stable. Fat better ness !Naturally, .the squirrel was bee gets more Putt out of a i e • -single iris than a human being can -. thinks he owns you as a piece of to cave them there than tram irtg stopped-_1n _its-qtr c.its. _T.hes3 -it tot.. vet _ y :." • personal p perty and so looks. • •around -:ii the wet field*. spoiling - an ronin around experimentat}y. • der, oThe bee dragsut of a vast rte ate feet bor- t R g g n the • know' asa guilty •trey a ser, sibly eat. "e certainly ho the attacked. at again, bf_ it moved back.- 5ower, rolls it, takes a bath ' upon ever polite man- you two more. feed than they could pos- i f it moycd forward the starling -` • Pwige the nectar- out of it, and nre- One way to subdue a .n1an`s clouds crave split all their surplus ' -along the fence the starling left it eels in the sound of its own voice • jealousy is to build-.up his ege, m&sture for a few days at 1Fast atone, Evidently the• starling had.a., while doing .so,: just .as we sing • to , convince him that no other and that.Old. Sol will smile upon us nest in rite- straw mow which it was tri our resonant bathrooms," " male exisls for y-ou.- Praise and : and warm the sodden earsh.--. afraid the squirrel intended to rob. Robertson Davies. `�; >•t.` •judicious flattery are in .order, however, there w•aa one thing we . b[ore than likelti -her fears -tverE- 3 • and a clever, wife knows whin to . did -enjoy on the 24th, and that well-founderJ. - _, * -apply them, 4N was listening to the broa'#cast of Strange:hove• c%le y•liv^ing creatnfe " He •has talenf+l you An honest- the ueen's Plate. It was the one has its own means of defence-and -' y, S2 ' lv admire, solid 'qualities that bright. spot in a dismil. day,: -.That- how other -living creatures respect Had Sores Over Logs " descrve_ your open applause. was quite a race-with its dramatic that defence-except humans. With Size o� Silver Dollars r µ ' show him 'how proud you rte to and ironical finish. our superior (,4) wisdom .iv'.r= often. - .._ - _ _ _ _ _ _ - • be his wift; praise him- before It beim' a'hsng µcog'-ens! we-were `tip out, best to atatwit thein, For -In Misery your child: when. guests. are expecting visitors-my sister and instance some of our biddies have fer 20 Years- Q , " present, draw trim out, so he'll her son. but nephew Kletlii was developed the` .maternal rnstitict HeW His Thanilfrl L~ H " feel he is lord of his house. -And '^Opt mr ankta uad iagrpo,soned from sosora * playing a violin solo at. one of.. the Fot. this' reasoh the quietest hens wheat dial-tried asas,,atarkaa tnr gigs if he brings up �_ marts _name,._ sandmen for ova r rears-in misery for as Hamilton churches of Sunday. and aro-- now quite vicious- pecking .� remind him how superior he him- y"M*' writes Mr, d�, of star, Idaho, 'yw had a rehearsal on Saturday', so, sharply vvlien '.%xt disturb thein. Do sora ova my legs the us. of Silver dollars, alis self is to any man you've ever emerald on advertises and rn to oaf wife, h "known: that finished that. - When the we respect,' this natural instinct? 'mat's sat Bars kat I'll try tea, and p� bs- * A tactful wife can do all this weatherman was so unkind we Not a bit of it. We collect the to genet I sox film await we keep eeriest/ didn't mind a bit. After, all when • broodies, put them irra'cratr whrtt at In- the boom W the time for am w * needn't let flim get out o4 hand. p saaemes. You can sus my slime .!t too Naar >s _ R city folk visit in the country they they can eat, drink and move TT Wine �" It is a matter of frankly- ap don't want to sit around in the around but have no comfort for as in * precia.ing the good in him, .of: genera I" sue man or sstoe�eadms �'idfy, * using imagination, and proper `house all day. F{owever, we. did setting: phis -method -soon has tba �iomand-aesressew a timing. The • idea has -. worked: have Sunday •visitors .alter all--two 'biddies singing again. Se flack they •OIL Is-hilibty eoseattrsted and a eon boccie . - 'Brainy Beauty-For obvious rea• + successfu:ly ..before. Isn't it friends from Fort. Erie whose visit go to the-{yen- to continue the job tot' • long time. At drag storm rverr•abcm, + woath g? wis,'as _welcome a-s it -was un- of laying 2 i cent •` '-sons Patricia Ann Tailor _ is your 'trying?' Y e eggs, which Sovtherrt Illinois 'Univ, s + You will, of course, be most expected: • don't cost ms-more than 3 cents to • ur It was nice to just sit and talk-' rbduce.' ' n they whole we donit Upsidedown to Prevent. Peeking •, - •- circumspect even among old P bomeeoming Queen, and if + friends, ani; givt hiih -rick excuse 'after • being busy with the- paint lose more than half a dollar a week readers can take' their "es from, ! .to •-inflame his jealous spirit. -brush all -week. 'But oh .dear, clean= by keeping our 50 hens. And if we N O S N - her, a look at her scholastic. re- * • rng up is quite a problem. Our big can -stop them from getting_ - too ^ - Regms can be written on how to worry now ie what to do with the broody;' and" if •the price. of eggs B 1 r cord shows a 4.893 necrose in handle a• jealous husband. Anne things that nobody wants. Maga- went up another 5c a dozen the Q 1.40.5 university quarter-hours, -Hirst- can explain to you, simply, zines, bottles, -glass jars, and paper -chances are we might- break even! '� Q G " for which -Pat has been award- what tci do and what to avoid .: feed 'bags-that is the big brown - Wiitr „• ed the G°harle; Neely Scholar' your troubles to her at .130: • .bags that wed .mills now use in- � • • r 1 / 1, 123 Eighteenth St., New Tor- stead of-lute bags. There is also A - \ ;hip.. onto, tont. the wire that binds the baled -bay, - - - - Partner' can use some of it but not very much. What to do 'with the t ,,� d r 3 / 11 Sewing lm- 85 Turret - • • rest is quite a problem. Nobody• "� - • CROSSWORD Sistiont 3S solemn i; '? _ 17. Slsnop'a head promisedr*wants it. ' C� , Q / -�VI��S •s1. Hove up and 40 At proven The Financial. Post explains why ,+: " ''k of d L.. down 42. Devil paper salvage isn't wanted Less to-: tat. wished 44: Toll tail business being done; therefore' -- - • - 4. Purpose 45. Recognize g •- i AORosfi 4 Evergreen moi. Grown gira< 17, Heavy twit less wrappings and cartons are re- " ' ISSUE 24 - 1952 t. Cooctr tree -s Peninsula ir, in fabric = quired'; therefore less paper needed s Forma b. Defect the Pacific it. Cries bitter. •'-t e•bfale sheep• s Devnl%essei riedly ices al dog for the manufacture'of, cartons. So' .. A..• .<• ;....<. .,.,_ _ .. ... 12 Student t• Be quiet a0 Went bur.open ..12 Persian rn ' 7. Der nlsed - rledlrr "v 15. Among $. So be it St. Eccentric 53. Light molstu: the price of waste-paper has drop- _ g p ,s, Greek goddess ped from $40 to $3-$4 a ton. At that Id. Decade ...10. Ma ling .32 Public speaker of the earth 19. stylteElfrd' t nickname c'3. Uncivilised 57. Cogee titag price truckers ,say „ it isn't worth malt: baking' "2. Ornadell ? Y. speermens people 59. Behold - - "z. Er�ad'ea picking up. It seems to me m8ny �4. 2.Ilmlc I 2 3 4 S 6 r 8 e io u . farms would be a lot tidier' if ever -' flfl@-t@XtYllr •dl�ICIOYi ,3, Fla. -bottomed Y " boat township council would arrange 27. Gentlepreaa toorel>r 11 13 1.4 twice-yearly salvage pickup service. - - Ss, Gentle Y B P P ` 20. wearier But I suppose that is too much to CINNAMON SANDWICH BISCUITS Si. flesert anima! i iS Ib 17 I$ 19 ss: gone hope for.- The waste of paper,- _ i4..Pertafning to 2t 11 11 14 bottles and wire is bad enough but , ' Mix and-sift once, then-aift into a bowl, 2 c. once-sifted mat mage flour (or I- c. kince•sifted hard-wheat flour), S tape. s4. symbol for what really burns me 'up are the pastry /� sel,mium 2s li 1T 28 Magic Biking Powder '1 t�app.� salt and U c. fine ted 17. Black etre tobacco cans. that nobody wants. sugar, Cut in finely 4 thi. chilled shortening. Combi well- is. Style of type 19 it There they art:--perfectly 'good -bedtzn eg , �§ c.;mr7k and._3- +.e_pv-Ma,-Make a well_fn_ - 41. EeRlfsh river 42. stitch cans,- as clean and usable as when dry, inAente and add ligwd�+ miz 4htly wi a fob 42. Part of an ago 31 y3 34 35 yf, the left the factor and'. could, be adding milk if necessary, to make a soft dough. Knead fof r' 4,s. Nikko leather- Y Y 10 seconds aur lightly-floured board and roti out 417. Walks fn water 3T refilled time and again if returned:- -to >rf" thickness; shagp:e wiXi floured I%" cutter• to the tobacco picking industr tg eta 134 tba. soft buttes' or nurprine. L 50. fi[ng et P g y'packed brown J4 taed liar - BN Bashae 41 42 3 Will all this deplorable waste everN.I.M.Using it. Feline orange and �y tip. gmu ci�nmo St. Measure of come- to an -end? The_,.only explan- -u, only.-about half bmf the creamed mixture plat% d ng - 46 1 4r! ation we have heard- is.that that handl• small spoonful of the mixture on half of the cut-one s4 Clamatton rounds of dough top witb remaiping rounds of �AGIC -' rs startle .S3. Awarding SI 52 53 s1 _ dough and pres.arovr►d edgelt_to seat• aPt'ead big- -S rule euits with remaining ereamd mistsere and" Sir- r t St. Under rs ib' 57.. I range, lightly -apart, oat creased cooItis sheat'. spa Calm - Bake in of pupa, 4tfo•, abort iZ minutes. Serve r " iL TeDO l !ilfO1C1N Isktgg M warm: Yield,=18 tidarvita. (♦ , t ,. „ 4tlrig0iuta is a ask Mrl�r N r�iimist�iq % -i _ � tiihlrle _ � ' K 4prltl Ilii IIMMM M�M4g NMati i1.0� � - - ' trvsadreaes at �._;,. m :.,. .. - _ A _ , C _ _ , _ BROUGHAM a" family of Bampton and Y Birchmozint6Daaf or'th in months of July and August, Applic- Welcome to Mrs. Green, of Livee' s - H"y off'• Toronto were guests at The impart threw the lad from his ations must be. in writing and in the � pool, England, who is goingto lasts the W. A' Knoz 2iome on Sunda car: He was picked u ii>aconacious Secreta MEMORIAL SERVICE JUNE 16. � y p r 's hands not late, • her home -here• with her sister Remembeir the Brougham UnIm -Mrs. Donald Peters and Cheryl of and rushed to the East Genoral Hos- I June 2.6. Fuji particulars' as to the 1 Stroud. - - - - '-'Cemetery Memorial Service to bye Oekawa visited- ' her parents, Mr. pital.where blood transfusions were hours, duties etc. are obtainable I Mr. and Mrs. W. Mottenahead - held in, the United Church, Sunday, and Mrs. Frank Careen• last. week, given him, -He-is recovering nicely i from P. R. P.obei•tson, R. `_it: B:. I were in the lCity= last week attend--'; :lune 15,_ at 2.30 p, m, D S. T. Thee Friendly Bible Class ,met at and hopes' to be home by t'ha time Pickeri the .hams of -Mr.. and_.'Mrs .,Flank --this -item 'a ng• He lives bn`.Old Forest � the funeral of 'Mrs. MotOere-' _ --- -- Rev. G E. Fockler, of Markham, — 'appears in tint. - } Road, East ,Woodlands. head's aunt, Mrs. _ Carter -on Monde. evenia p Harding. _ w tll deli ger the address, 'assisted by Y g with a In appiroeimately three weeks our Many local residents ,attended last Congratulations to Mr. and Mrts, i the home choir and special music by good attendance. Mr, Jack Mitchell, swimming pool will be opened, pro- Sunday's Memorial Service at Ers- Andrew Clack who were married- 013' the Uxbridge :Male Quartet.' Vice -Pres•,. was in the chair, while sided enough' • help• is forthcoming' kine Church Cemetery. ?the church Saturday. The bride is Freeda Sleep. - ' Financial Statement 'for 1951- Pr°gsani was takeir by.blrs:'Geo,' tb get 'certajn repairs dopa to the was filled to capacity and benches The ha Duncan and. Mrs. F. Y happy couple left by plane foRl Receipts, $60.3,04; Expenses 8233, tCsrter, their . cement work etc. Mary changes have E in the cemetery could not accomm- 'Exshaw, Alberta, where they aral; 83, iew.ing a balance for'elfoPyear theins being "Father". Mrs• Manson already been made to the property. odate t hu theme - gate a er p p y he 6 outside congregation, going to lfve. of $369,2.1. Other money on hand ry interesting The old dilapirated cabin and, ugly j The sweral_' hundred- automobiles Rev. A. F. Bamford and EiJev l talk nn •her recent tri Pa*ed behiiid the church and on ' M• and Mrs. B Bonds ;1,000, Total Bank Balance, -trips. -Clash' fFont' fence have" been' torn down urgers attended trait $394.80 has •been° -invited to hold their July and replaced by a picket fence with both sides of the nearby roads also United Chitch Conference at Torg meeting at t'he.Harold Barclay an entrance r quota of those who had onto last week, Cemetery Committee: Hon, Ties., g y home portico: The result is a held their Walter . Pwcy;. Pres, Geo. Holtby; in the form of an ice cream social credit to those who have.. already came to pay their respect to loved The' W A: 'met lass; Thursday at ipgm Ellicott, Joe Percy: John Phill- i , °n Monday'; July 7: ' _ given 'm.elfishly of their time aid • ones who are resting in this beaut- the home of Mrs. L. Davis. Tht! ' • ' 4ps, Deana Percy and-. Silas Tool; beet. labor. President Jack Heise appeals iful old churchyard. Circle -roe re 'V4 -r' Willson' Treasurer, ° ore meal w o atie not yet f Mrs, bfarion' McClements, i2rs{—t— VCecil. Pb!Wpa i �.. _ as . o 6 � as ox helped with_ this work to contact • s him'at vnee. DUNBARTON �' Pearl Warlrood and Miss Eileeat, Fred Evans way seriously injur- A+ lit Jackson took part in a musical prio Mr, and Mrs. C; Devitt of Toros- lifeguard for East Woodlands night at BiTM1.__ �lil� - R,ed last Thursday when his 'car was rwimMing "` gram on Friday �, spent the week -end' .vtnth W. , in •ejtision, with 'a truck near the is wanted- tpool for, the Mr. and 'Mrs. McCabe, Phillip and' Baptist Church. Mrs. McClement was And Mrs. be s Gray Helen motored to.',Muskoka on the I al i so' soloist at EmaianneC Preab�f t Mrs. Robertson of Toronto, visited I _ eek -end, Helen will remain at Bigg teriaa a Churcfi last Mond;a3►. .A[rs: Lemmoa and"' Mrs. Middleton _ - win Ina for the summer, . on Saturday. - U E LS Mrs, -W. -Hart of To has QQ�� -Xias Freda and Master David been, spending a few days° with her Turn .Your •7C�'ap Ritchie of Toronto are. holiydayiiig , - mother�lrs. Craven. - with their grandparents Mr, and _ AND Miss Tweedie has returned after ;j•9n & Metal Mrs. B. Ritchie.. _ .. jr two weeks in Bala., and Mrs. Dales Mr, and Mrs. D. L Mairi were_ at r. ndiang two weeks Barriq on Saturday attending the _' onto with Mr. and Mrs. F. Dales. INTO CASH Ham-MotuLey wedding, The groom G SUPPLIES ' We are pleased to see Miss Irene c FOR PICK-t'P, CALL i t . - le a grandson .of Mr. F. Ham, of - Dunbar back at her home here of Claremont. ter spending the, winter iR,Toronto. Tully -Townson - Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Harbron,:and . :: Iusu18ti0�i jttle Chert'! L nets is doing r.i�- daughters Bernice and Inw-Jean, of ely after ha: in ha ( - y e, -7rsa • sir sunt, rs: at- last week in 'E3shawn. =-�Z rf thews; on Sunday. ABphSlt fibinflle9 M d- JAX.ZTJ : .__ ...� .. _ _. � .an Mrs.'S. G. Morrish -nut- Mr. and Mrs. Ross Willson and Insul-brrik Sidings oredrto -Niagara .- _ Phone A • _ $e _ amara on Friday and a. _ daughter Ruth, of.Toronto, also Mr. __`ROCk-labh - tended the 6-n-'Lrniativn Service rf �� p! .,.. and. Mrs, D.- hemmer and --Mr, sued _ Alis•; Jean ' blrtchin;vn • on.Frida '�trs. fianels Willson, of Pickering, - Sheet Rock � •night .. .. ' f ' -,...were guests of bir, and Airs. W C. _ .. rusulating Board M,' and 1Ih. ; 'D. Cameron are enr :Willson' on Sunday. - Le relatives froir, .�ti'lnnrpeg. I - Miss Mi:rlal Sheppard e£ Torunt: Cement, Lltr.e & Plaster Aiigg 33 i;r;el' Ear f4rci h t - - y� �j� as rettirn- spent the wei lk-end with her-po-''- - PEF4N8--' �[ W. MITCHELL PHnh'e? td hn.:;;' af;ec attending a geek a: s _enta. I� W' and Alis _Sheppard +fA , . .1ui,,. £Pre;rce in ctucbec. -. _ 1 `t ha nt rrs visited Carl Duncan. Mark --:Vii,,• i•:._ _ i .r ;l .y. 7 Th., q1 ' - utn�on, �etmsn .,nd Daman - 7.M, riarlock on randmo,her; iris fsri:lr , .,tte ui,_l the v ed ars i'IL �r Sunday, c X.i a s -- Th„, Roman's ;Assoc rat 4n. of S,,, :.�: zrw , �. _ ...-.' vn atcrda 0 _ _ Jaihn.'•s - Cj�u�cr held .h zeRvlarNO W _ j. of Air sx3t� \lag P Edi 3 ^ 5.' d _ , month roti.. - r._.lCedrec.iay-.ev- - ti Frr s ndn r ly > g r ening, June '4 a. -the nose of Afrs• _.._. .._„ r. _ . - .. ,- � t� e' t �;,. g ..:d 't, gP � •+ RS ' ChoosC ir• '©shaves ho.pifa'••r , t I+h Burton, with a.good 'atte;tdance. I _.._ ._ Mrs. Casale, President• in,chsrgr of Your gidaire Refrigerator= . - :.. ..7 .,die .rireetirr{!•. J3f!�-- the regular baa► - '- _ - • _ • � - . mess period, the .n eefng was turn- or ... • ' _ _ ed overto the r•o »; t. .. F g:'a. • c ;,m•ene., • :. __ � . . •, - Electric Store R�r� ��r�xt«� .s�l�'�t� 3 ���a���d the Mrs-, M. Elicott, who :ntroduEed 3[i - " - -- _ ;Westgate, of , Duitbarton,, who. ga':e.. -to very inatraetire and interesting SIX CUBIC FOOT FRIGIDAIR>E paper on "Christian InfluencO it This �'ae � e -much "e'n- _ - _ ._.. • foe Honita Th: w _•hi IhIE FOOT, TWO CUBIC FOOT FRIG11aulIRSRO InI oo.d Cooki n Sch ooI SEVEN FOOT. SIX CUEiiC FOOT FR1GIDdI88 g joyed by all present. The hostess _ ;THRIiTY THIRTY -11N B6ECTRIC 33"iD[ir Mrs, Burton and Mrs. Wannop pei� i __., ... -:.tied a �ery__tasty_ iunch. "Sipe cooks or brand-new p Mr. and Mrs, Burr6i a o b { " l \ O `V V ill S e • _t ~�+ . brides. _ . cM w:11 ee{OX Rohin Of to k modem Cooking School, a ham, called on bars. Philip on Suer e.1 IP - r t Up-to-the-myrwte cooking methods .� a �aq lait• 1.. - j rigid a Made. ONLY by .., i f `� ��,, t exciting shoft cuts, previews of every - Mr. and Mn, Stewart Axf°rd of G N L' l� S E ��iIlTOTO� ' ' �� thing that's new in the kitd'+ent Kitchener, Aire: Crtil Axfr,rd `.and L- - .. - _ . I wonderful s t _ It's a yr cbool don' daughters of Toranta; Mr. and Airs.. mss ! J S BALSDON & ON ' Geo.. Knox and little daughter oP .- = . . - - . �'"•� Znniskillen, Service Momw n- Mr, and •bits h• Pas -- •PHONE PICKERING 39 coe, of Whitby, - Airs.. Jdhii iCnoz -- • ..Director,sR .... obin Hood Floor Mis l� rCit r ed Pickenng�-Rotary_:�ci�b POR TS DAY and_ DAN - C - E." • -' •s• _.. _ he A c 4 .. ,. der 41?�-Ie�- .t - use, es f The dshi UNBART'ON� _ : - .• -- _' E .. - - - �.Frien p Group D ..JULY United • Church W' A. ' <; — _ TO BE HELD AT THE - - -' •t United Church Sunday Qchool Rbom : -Thur: & Fri. June 19 and 20' parade 1:30 P. M. Good Cash PriZ AT 8:1b P. M. EACH DAY i es -Chit pmg _gQ „f . saes, F los s,,. a c. See handbills l s or complete r. - - - — - Groc pries Given Away dist of classes - T.. _ c c ea h .: door—......, Ti tela :5 0 �h at . t e - - of 1kit Tournam t - _ Sc}{ool Will -Be Conducted --Ey Mrs; E. Graham • . _ "This .. . -.... � - - _ " 0AKCE - inHoo.d Flour .Is T Rob . - : to be held -in auditorium of PickeringD' Aebin $OOd O1! N[tils _ istrict High School - i J. _,.II �C;s�►:.ali Ied Adv 'It "'` ,. *memo Iwrl~ -: FOR SALE -used rebuilt �- `Your ,Friendly Resident Agent' _ Wk ' ,.frigerators, $75 to $100.• Lorne L : I& ka.a.. i OR INBU'RANCE AGENT J _ _ Wkite, Phvne 8T+�I+PPickering WAI�TED 87j 3 -COv t CLIABILITY LIPISiTBA E iROB1LS UT '� 4� PHO -FINIS h?10 r �i , Lifeguard xa.,n.ed nor Last Wood► - ball r'RO]i A QLD- LI9'1' YOM I'ROP$R?IRE9 ZZbS LET ��' wpu - - lands $wnauning' PooL Apply by Pull SALE WITS 0S t� VETERINARY SLbPS:II�'S. letter, atating qualifications au l _. _ _ a••N • _1. C Y R 1 L E e�lU[tLEY - FIL! ��ary ei�pectxit, do P: ii koner�on. -- old AND - IR _ . _ T iL ,�Wt. 3, r'iee��TNeek Days CAR IFOR SAJE=34 Cpevrulet I M. 9.00 P.- Y.. coupe wit;z iurrble. seat: Good tires, 'W*'` '�-r-r �� =J " SQA 0 P. 1L. - $85.00. Phone Pickering 120fw. v ZVE' HCRSE� $Z PRESCRfPTION - i:_a_. P Id. to -, _ • AOR SALE.--11?5 feet hay rope, CRS Pi.�Es� FARM �3T0CK _ - _ -przctically. . new: -one • pair • trxcic _ :'door;, 8; foot,ite sewing with hardy J. It. �0y�/ �. ware;. one White ewing machine._ - Apply: F: Moffatt, Word Papier - - - -- Hourly pick up ,• . ' . . Products, R. R 3, Pickering. F }1Qne -Collect Pie6 ing 265 J-12 The 'FOR BALL -=ten acres. a13au'a mini.' ����_ ture and seven acres red clover, SHIELDS IYIINg FAS,M - st'andirig, reasonable. Jerry Hasek, ' _ PICKEBiNO .St.:lorth, Phone" 238J3, 1st !WF.3T HI%2. ' .' '?arfn north -of High School _ _ _ �, >e>40lEPHONE: 68 For Sale -Ice box 200 , _ehp.� .i _ ood condition. Phone Pickering 2791 tllti WEE- rS HELPFUL HINTS ' ed for' Salic - Buckwheat (Silver- 'hull). Silver- _ - - - ' hull). ,Wm. McPherson, Pick 114WO Spot of -Butler on eponl of piteher_steps Uquidb from dripping - FOR SALE retail produce route G • .ARA -21 TEEID WATCH said CiiOti is Kew_ Beach Area in Toronto. Es► I Jrw• Real Ettats. 1wswsxes a" martceea - _ _RADIO SERVI©E 11�PAIRiNG --!t1ulished 27 years. M. B. Burk, (� _-- one Pickeri_1V0J;S - - ...` I I `7O p { Any M4er3ie or Model ng , _ R NEW ASTROL Refrigerator aatd • - cabinet, wit$ three shelves $130. r Arthur �+ SUBURBAN ePSCIALt w' Phone Pickering 7.7W1, or apply to ' r • Mrs. F,' Neumahr, Highland Creeks,! STOP 3di,y AT KiGBION RD. 9•� SCAR. 7-9PHONE PiokerinQ 13")Wa Old Kingston Rd. .at Cedar View OR RESIDENTS i�ALL , • - PICi�F.IiING R g EVENINGS ONLY) J. RDS NOW � FOR RENT --three room basement` Lind Su'rV�ya LADTIO said GZN'tW. WA'M'X lfn ,1T'8 liA3T R h SHOULD HAYH r!"• pyo .•� Pectus: $f.00 Wbebly _ ` apartment wah :modern convenicti► - - ces, in. new home. Phpna. Pickering. G. T. R�&+PQN NO DORM PAYMENT- T 7 W 1 or apply Mrs. F. Neutmahr, - Highland Crgek, Old Ki ngston Road; f - OatariO Land San r' • • Cedar i'iew Drh - _— -- , . MARKET- - _ And Chit Engineer FUR 9 s..IX;: Gibson tractor with 9K �Peodhouso C[es: PICSERING .TOWNSHIP LYONS:' WHITE LABEL TEA. 95c lb. t ' trailer, plow, . harrow, ..culti-fator; - AJAX f BUILDING PERMITS --disc and grass :mower attachments. - cc - Apply M. J. Wmiczke, opposite Dan- Pilose: Ajax 24TR: 1sened Tttes-FrL i to 15 P. 1L bartan School. Phone flickering 4-- - 7TW1,. - - - _ .__, :•,Kraft Dinner `2 for 2.7c and b, appointment - W a:,-rEn — + bloney for investment an First f lemic Hams 55c Ib "~ - ... _ �'GR E3',. �airt 4 .o EO tIb�aetis -F J. n /'� " i ROUSE V a lM.ureRage•. Cold Security, interest , pap Try fatuous' health acid weighf -:_ BUILDING INSPkGTO•R _ o, 1 S1ecLe Marken - end terms Choi a 45c. Ib• SliC niid : builder,' Ostrex Tonic Tablets. In• , CkYNA�'':' and f f i troductory, ' "get-5cquainted" .size - _ - 550c. , - IC I:GBarrL-tene etc, -AJAX, Ontario PHONN: PICKERING -26 o�y o all druggists.lul 4 Phone Pickering24T s.= h•T_EST _ - - 131'Y't:0-0P.'Erskine5[emn. ottal Coknuea ������� - C:aremonz Co-op, carries a comp.-iy a•i used tm o care for th.� ceetery, ALE . _ lete line- of Ce..-nmerciai Feeds as and our hope is that in time, we - v: ell ar, hole g� shall ha. a an amount invested to - _.: _ or . fund Western HOUSE, LOT, EFFECTS grain, Twice w eexly deliveries• in care for the cemetery.in. perpetuity, - ... 'Pickering and surrounding district$ Also to enlarge as need arises. 'We- The Property' Of - - Phone toda • collect- hereby express our hear tit- . its 3 , c ect--. X gra • o _ - CLARE3IG.iT 38,- ude to- Rev.. Geo. Dix, of Washing= O� - ton Cburch, and also to Cedar Grove AIN WITH 1R1AIv'TED Set of 1;0i.F CLl �3, _ choir for the splendid services ren FLLAGE OF DUNBARTON - Gent's-nght hand. Phone 192W. de • ELECTRIC m6TORS - _ Sal. • and Service t _ 1.800 BROCK SIR. SOLTIkit June I4 h , le, fo Whic KitchCAFIL Elrt ec eat - icab'crit and neReKite�' Pte• STRAWBERRY t, hen table, Sia. �no" T13itb, clod gle hot plate, Two kitchen chairs;intJane 80 • . ) lig room table six cJiairs,- SUI G andIii ANTED -Dead or Crippled.Farm PLR .. Eaepchair, Rocking chair, Cheeter�1• c The new lightweight mineral aggregate4 -As1inl&* For _ ,.,=g r, iieid. TMo, fern table stattda, 1[aatle - - f Architets; Ptosweren. Contractor; and stir- pick-ap,- call - clock, 1.0 a 12 oolleet - Banner Rendering, phone ONTARIO C H A P T E P 0 E $ rue, Two vacuum � `ar Mouse • owners who Have .tested _ ,Lyndhurst: 4237 or Pickering 2 4 ►.. , clest►ercs, Four beds with felt ;tat,. WCAFk all say it is: "tresses, Odd -chair, . Clothes rack, ( • nRk•2 T : ► ^-- MASONIC HAIL, PICKI Th -. tray = = tf RING nee dressers, 'ilx'o bedroom bones, ysi« h Iwedle-- beea,tse wet hs i Rocking chair; Glass cabinet, Std= g *' 8 lbs. per, etrbic fvolr �+}}��. �k}� carpet, Small w+ritirig desk- Writing 40 lasts leer - does not obforb furs, dries wiMwuf - y WAD f y Y table, Arm chair, Sl W _ _ E 5 6 PY Six oodng chairs, worping or budding, does not crock, dissolve, • dkin"noo AChest of drtcw•ere, Washing macht• --- Excell intVogrim follow ng'Supper ine, Wooden clothef chest, Trunk,or rot. lia=ble top c71 upbosa�d•; Large Kitchen ;An=ds onaier PiOhefion— aga`xts� wb-zero sold or intense _NO ' Adults ZI C:slahrea 50c cook 1949 .Frt�darre, Findlay heat, against fire hazards, favours low insurance rates. stove, Kitchen ',table, Three '"Pick • _ Kitchen chairs, Wall Cloak, several &@Places 16OW In modern gypsum Plastering construiion.fern stands, Dining room ■ �Ckeiln RESE#t E .8 x Chairs. ;swim �mbachinea s°° r Bi5C0 13eCler or oontroctor loca=l , v - n um pholate d chat . • • • - Friday, June. 20, fey the Presbyter- - " Organ re rand ,• � � : " $me P P, U nn of Small settee -and Morris ' _..,- PHONE 1$2 ASTNALT SINGLES a SIDINGS settee, S . tan Ladies?'A d Catdes Party at .the. chair, Several small tables, Victrola, e+«,d, o„d cord Coia,n yi 1 AT THE CAUTION LIGHT Bums of 'Mr. and Dire. R. Reeser, standand records:. -- Electric- heater, ROLL.ROOFINGS' • •1 iii Con., at 6 P. M. Adults 75 ct. Several rugs, Two pair drapes. - A.plwl► and Tarred QUALITY USED CARS children 35. - HOUSE AND LOT 'SUBJECT -TO SHEATHINGS a In • - PRICED BIGHT Ih case of rai:tt; will be held in REsERvE BID nulLi-UP R06MNG MATERIALS, the church, 7lerms Cash Sale. at 1.50 "RISCO" WALLSOAROS 10t3I Cr, easeh, Real Bay KEEN and CLARKE PR£NTICE, Triplex - Green Board ' a�,'8tu.. � Board - dkkrtep Tile : 19" Pontiac , may, June-14-.Auotion sale..of auetioneem. PLASTIC CEMENTS a house furniture, the property of • • e ' WATERPROOF FAINTS - I " 1946'Pontiac,'26 Serres, secs;- Charles Wilding, ccr. Gtekn and St. Saturday, June 14.-q,uction sWe.of ROOF COATINGS. 1� Peter St., ,Whitby. As the owner, is frame house and quarter acre lot,. "FLEECE INSULATION MoR•r"iner giving u g g R the whol of'the subject 'to receive bid; also house- ROCK 1 TION R00�'�� X 9" Morris Oxford home will be sold. A big sale start,- hold effects aria furniture the pro; "MICARL" ~ - ing at 1,00 ;'clock. Wm A(AW; auc- Pe tY of, Misaea Allison, Dunbarton. Aggregates for Plaster; s , 1946 Mercury sedan, $200 worth iioneer. - - Sale at'. 1.•30. Terms Cash. Ken and .. Coecreh and Insulation ° r 57-7 !• of E:trss Clarke Prentice, suctioneera` ' : 1850 Ford HALF TON _ Wednesday, J _ 2,5�Xterrsive_ -a s • • • , _ t t .RW.- Shorthorn •gattlQ, SATURDAY, .JUNE 1.4, 1952 =~ -.— Plants at Reg.. Shropshire sheep, 'horses, pigs, Suction sale at the Stouffville Live-, - -TORONTO.LONDON, . poultry and equipment; W4 tractor, stock Safes Arena, selling tiveato-k WIDE SELECTION OF CARS fertilizer drill, furniture, piano, an- ORr specialty: Fresh cows, Springers, QUEBEC, TORONTO. • k SAjL PRICED WI'IHTN REASON tiques etc, the" Property •_of_ Milton Heifers, Stockei9; Sheep,•- Calves, ' B. Burk, at .Lot 21 Pi Horse; Ponies and 'Poultry . .- ,Con, S, Picker- �� , for a new General ink, half mile west.of Brock. Road- For. pickup and delivery. serviee. ' A. We . e VS oLorl3 car, truck This being ; ,big, sale with a tot of 'Alveus 5'd�trff�iIle 363, Come gayly _ MfTCHELL goin at the same time - and bring something to sell -arid see j� ?'op Trade•in AlIOWBnt a"oII" furnitu_r there• will be two rima _ g g the modern war • to self b ubtic - " �++Lt 1Eliersv Supplies - '• Fuels Refresh- y y p ;..your present stir- mentis on the grounds. No reserve. auction. You Bring it, We'll Sell - Farm sold.. Tlerms cash. Sale • at •12, ' -it•"• Makp •thia your market where 'iekering 74 Or 15 - 30 sharp. L, Turner, clerk: Sellar; b!w'er and seIIer meet. SsIa every:-, - and Atkinso _.. . rt, .auctioneer;. Salvrday_ at 1,00••P. M, l c I ST..ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN 1tUDLSY - CHURCH 8.45 a•• m_ _ Church Service Rev. David btarshltil, Mieialer • :11.00 a M. --Sunday School _I 8.00 P.m. - Sunday. School ,W 3.00 P. ra. - ,Worship Service PICKERING GOSPEL CHURCU l Maio St, :Friendship Club -' - - = Shy ached will meet at this home of Mrs. Ray 10.00 A. IL Found on Wednesday, Juni; 18, at ; Devotional Servisa 9.30 P. M. i { 11.00 A. IL Zvangdbde Bar"" �. Chartered Ruses For Ali PR�ING UNITED CHURCH 7.QA•P. iL g l�� _ Oecasiod .War, HeRACHNI t Prop. Bev. A. E. Yong, Minister t ' . ALL WELCOILIl3 Phone Pick. 193 BUILDER, 1.1.66 . _ Sunday school it "tor - Rev. W. C. Nab PHONIES PIGSHRING S41�yS - 11. 00 a>r �.-..i[orn1n6 Woralsip ' • 0 41 41 • • •• {RAIRPORT UNITED arWOOD WORKING Chair rteFriday li*ms at ao l,IKt:V AND ltoMtt Pickermo'�, Onto Bev. L K. Brahana SADUdETB Sunday. School - 4.00 P. lL R�TN 1 ICE ``'� Church service - 1.00 P. 1C, .. AUCTIONEERS W • M . MAW ' KMHFiN .CABINI' Ti Ucmftd and Authorized for *a_ --` >iw IZ sad rNSTALLED • 6auntim of Ontario and Yoric. LIGENew AkYCliONl�t AND - farm 8WJ4 Implamenb Home- Al.tj'11iiA'!Y� ice. YOgL Uala Furnitere, Real Eststi _ _ vAT3AT0$ FAITH FOR _ ons Spiciaity at Reasoaab4 or 1� Aft G. A. BekkevoM DOM _ - -Dual-Slat-th. -- __ ___ ------ - -- of 1HWdn P. 0. phone x.y�8- 1614 ]DUMAS 9t, BAA! WH*9YPb*t` P� �s Pf RING • ' •BAHA'I WORLD FAITH �- diene" P. O. OWNS lLarh. SOY Prsaeicea have leen established1" No pian should bilow blindly his ancestors and foledathem. Naywait _ aee:s mase isle. _ • 40p�� EILEEN JACKSON must see with !s own eye., hear with his own ease, sad inyestisata OPTOMETRIST troth is order that he may find truth vriieseaa the religion of forefathers -, . =.O. to 12.00 and SLAG to 6.00 Byaa Examined Glasses Fitted DAVID H . MARSHALL S° Kos Wed: • 6. PICKERING and" ancestors is based upon blind imitation - man shouk"nveatigate Aeeomtaat _ _ TuesdayBT BLDG.. 0". P. O. _... _.. _ _.�DI3NsT O$SAAA, ONTA1tI0)Zrst Door FA*t Of The best beloved of all things in My sight is Justice; turn not away FARM and STORE ACCOUNTS Phone - Rea. 5-4587; Oise 5.614E Masonic Hall _ PONE= PICKERING W J 41I . -- _ therefrom if Lhou desirest Me. DONEVAN and RICHARDS Ontario Land Surveyors, And Loyal Pogue ue _ Rutary tlallc - Continued when they left the cit , they looked as a family, ex- spt become a farnlc ' Professional Ennests LICENSED AUCTIONEER r. sv oclatians. In his address.- for amiable surroundings and pec, sly, was to move into i'ic:cering 216 King Street, East Pickering's Future: Planned, or ple; fresh air etc., knowing full well. Township and became neighbors. with _ OSIiA�tA, ONT. = Pickering and Whitby Townships - 8-B88n - - i'atchwork", he too points • out, and ..that they were to giv up city an its citizens. Farm. Household and Property emphasizes that which we have been ' venionces for rural lire. :Ind -fewer i Of one future here he �yai�f Jul 18 hearing its the- past few y6a:,i--the taxe+,.and did not, immediatet}�F- growing pains, that JS the price we b3ales A Specialtyi;-ed of PLANNING. and pointy; to.on their arrival ccm=mance to scream t. pay' for living neat door to Mark1ii Prompt Attention Given _ is,-veral well-known•att-as which f+::� for water,mansewage, roads :end all the ' ham_ and Scsrbot: and next dose _ Whitby R. R 1. Phone 814 ti.einael.es in critical •circumstarcei; a hi tax rate andce?herefosc� �i�eeat Inate t c a uta ion `and a the gro�vi, ._ ,. y ° 8 P P :I that accom- _ day thirough the lack.of punt trg high :n pint years. I th"E very thing they sought.ti ';Panics this-t::ere is. nothing we can _ "Highway Monument Works" fi e - Mr: Ritthie "etr-xk out_" 'on ohs Eie now statag-we .found e'�erp- , do about it. _exc hoed f ept get ready for factor in the increase in fax rates thin we pertheme 1.8 today, if ntltr• ROBT.- AUSTIN, PROP. g � -end a' Eot'ore I it; and th _ 1 1.z. R. 1, Whitby. Ontario IMPI OVEM N in Pickering, when he said that-- beslsies. The beat thing w�e•ever dict yasterday. s, Two Miles West Of Whitby On No. -2 HighwayBetween WWtb tanHHtunmmiueugtmulHnauumiqutmn�gtuHqumgqlnlmtxHNluwul�dh::nuuluu uan111HlueuunuutnnwuHlnumwN�lmnlaununlwnlln. _ And A,axBudget Plan PHONE. WiiITHY e6s -- _ '(no down payment required) _ f 110o.A0 to "NO." .b From Sts -_:_ _ � � . To Twouty-four Moatbalro•Pay _ - :` o A "carispkte Service fromone store . ''Meats, Groceries and Locker Service for Some Owners and Builders _ - PitOTOGRAP{tER'7 - Lumber and Trim, Doors, 3astr, ♦ _ 1L41i Br oeit -stt e•rt4 Whitby. Out. I Profit 1Visisw u�ica, . svaiuSaab, _ QUAL T Y FIRST SERVICE E OUR A / M and Plwoads. Hardware, Paint. PIGKERINGI M _ :. = E 30 Kai`. >Ioider.• 9sypliaa _� ___ ON _ GLRNDENING�. ITIR� - a 0',sLEND DIXON CaM!'fe Llllq dSTOR -COFFEE 1VE�V PRICE 93c TEA.. • lb. pkg. 69c � iFLOMFERDALE - CO. LTD- FOR A REAL CUP EA BAGS - - .. a •' • T -' _ �e 8CAISBORo JUNCTION - ' Nestle's QUIK'1-2lb: tin 85c CHOICE MEAT 18 bag pkg. 23v On St. Clair Am Basi. - FOR ADELICIOUS - QUA)L,I fY .F-IftBT 36 ba k ae;9Ci ' QM 04 �'fNt of l3esr. Callepis4 CHOCOLATE DRINK �. 8 pkg. throe MOON north. of Mor 14 . LESS , 79 bag pkg. 78 - I8car 3336 IIo. 111? "FRENCH'S BONE sew = lBlbtE BIB ROAST _ f� _ _ Instant Potato _'or xII�iP ROAST 1b. 79c sugar s lb• bag 490 r Y . W DIXON OO1\ * . '� ..Y1U3�1TiiY WANTED pkg. 33C SCHNEIDER'S QRISPY CRUET •' L••-QZAGBS..AND p FRESH PORK SIDE Sho'ten b. 49c SbZBULANCE` SMALL Ai,... Ing 1 UNGER'S ib 1.9 Oz..,T1 Spare Ribs Ib • + _ FAI31fil! "With r We Ekvi Waiting Buren it.. MEATBALLS 41c PE(,l�?lLGo" Cash -- - CAM . IiQP a b & ONIONS 46C FRESH - f:�, Vor Prompt And Rzpaieaad ORxFAMI YgwASH kg• 68� GONANT and CON,ANT :.. , Pork : Liver 1b. 23 C. ( - '�' Barristers "d solkhers - eiordo. D. Canaat, K. a Nights: 3[Ahosi� Ocoee Di[8_0604 V - S' Vega.iS,bOZ�•� ' I . : TREE 91wINT . Roser G. Coat"t, IL w, J. A. W'H.LOU�GHBY sad SONS ilio , $irlam or Boaii�$5� O RA N air JUICE OFFICES B.alenra . - 2 for 33c _ s or Roasts 1b. 20 oz. tins for 1 _ _ 2 . 27c ©slwtwa, Ont,. 7 1-8 Shneoa St. 3. oboas: s.ar�r siz>� sal. I -Bon Ami Powder . 2 tins: 85C .,n Adam Ontario,B.tabwhd sews OooBe_ AIEAZ 8 i _ A -i ALX , ..lig 130 - Phone ' !i KELLOGG'S '� THE SITDZY P. ALLAN CORN FLAKES SSC MAPLE LEAF BLII._ 350 HOUSEHOLD CLEANEit i GIANT SIZE :Balogna 1b, _ .. Insurance Co. ace-- -- .4PLE L&AF- - - - _ .. - 7KAY� FSA -IR ' Cam bells heolr L 0 oxol (heap Rates For Farm, And Country KING'S,ROW - AJAX , p - BaOdhtgs C 1-2 l b. tin - - D G. LAND, MANAGER Tomato v Oup Perk With dressing. lb. 65c c 33 ' Windstorm- Insurance on. Buildings: Phone Pickeriis 21f9Ji. 10 OZ. TINS " Salmon' Windmills,, Silos, 'ere: g '� MAPLE .LEAF •2 for 25.c. _. „ Automobile Insurance Of All Kin ds AJAX PHONE`- 1s9i ElIIBrS (loose) lb. 436 ' 296 : r 0 -all flavours 3 to, . Bowman & .Gibson "YOUR'LISTING ItMTIiP MOti18f Parker .MAPLE LEA !TEL _ Pa Tea _ F - - ? ONE 'half ppund package at 1mo_ki d Picnics lb . iJ'%'C WALKERT(?N CREAMERY # _ 4 REGULAR PRICE _ 1.S U T'PE + lb: 590 o" T OLII"HORSES _ iif;;.vG -SKINNY -MEN; WOMEN! Gain -five and _ - - - AL Your Farm to fifteen pounds. New pep, t - Try ONE hal! ou - - - - famous Ostreoc Tonic Tablets for P rid package at Jkc FRUIT AND VEGETAELES AL80 -HALiF PRICE DEAD OR CRIPPLED 8'hOCgdouble-results; new healthy flesh;new vigor.• Nggw get-acquaintedBoth for $4c W A V S. F R E N H P Ii I C' E S RIGHT ustluv Pla-up side, ONLY 60c. All druggists. �� CAMPS" 1ftIfiY - Rine rlilllftt Agft rl•13'i _ - Ig11NNN11NNN!1Mp11H11NNHIgIgH111111Ng11NNqIHN11NINNpNIN11qIqININNqqIM • MIgINN11111111pgqHlNlqillqlqiNlNIq111111qIqqINIdlMqqqlplqqqqlqll _ • , ' A.G. Ruch ardsott" - BROS. �,� ,STAFFJRD _ . GENERAL INSWRANCEr TAL � _ READ ESTATE - - CONVEYANCING y.An - Sia DUl1'DA8 ST. E,, WHITBY Old-eatabWhed Agcy. ReaY T6 Sews' Yon. - ..... - PHONE: PICKERING_ 00 _, AZUR aL BUQ FURNITURE -DEALER 0UNLRAL DIENCTOB' ;r Dally. Service OSiII,W and From - -` Private Ambniaats. Sarviea - Day or N• 2hg c I ST..ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN 1tUDLSY - CHURCH 8.45 a•• m_ _ Church Service Rev. David btarshltil, Mieialer • :11.00 a M. --Sunday School _I 8.00 P.m. - Sunday. School ,W 3.00 P. ra. - ,Worship Service PICKERING GOSPEL CHURCU l Maio St, :Friendship Club -' - - = Shy ached will meet at this home of Mrs. Ray 10.00 A. IL Found on Wednesday, Juni; 18, at ; Devotional Servisa 9.30 P. M. i { 11.00 A. IL Zvangdbde Bar"" �. Chartered Ruses For Ali PR�ING UNITED CHURCH 7.QA•P. iL g l�� _ Oecasiod .War, HeRACHNI t Prop. Bev. A. E. Yong, Minister t ' . ALL WELCOILIl3 Phone Pick. 193 BUILDER, 1.1.66 . _ Sunday school it "tor - Rev. W. C. Nab PHONIES PIGSHRING S41�yS - 11. 00 a>r �.-..i[orn1n6 Woralsip ' • 0 41 41 • • •• {RAIRPORT UNITED arWOOD WORKING Chair rteFriday li*ms at ao l,IKt:V AND ltoMtt Pickermo'�, Onto Bev. L K. Brahana SADUdETB Sunday. School - 4.00 P. lL R�TN 1 ICE ``'� Church service - 1.00 P. 1C, .. AUCTIONEERS W • M . MAW ' KMHFiN .CABINI' Ti Ucmftd and Authorized for *a_ --` >iw IZ sad rNSTALLED • 6auntim of Ontario and Yoric. LIGENew AkYCliONl�t AND - farm 8WJ4 Implamenb Home- Al.tj'11iiA'!Y� ice. YOgL Uala Furnitere, Real Eststi _ _ vAT3AT0$ FAITH FOR _ ons Spiciaity at Reasoaab4 or 1� Aft G. A. BekkevoM DOM _ - -Dual-Slat-th. -- __ ___ ------ - -- of 1HWdn P. 0. phone x.y�8- 1614 ]DUMAS 9t, BAA! WH*9YPb*t` P� �s Pf RING • ' •BAHA'I WORLD FAITH �- diene" P. O. OWNS lLarh. SOY Prsaeicea have leen established1" No pian should bilow blindly his ancestors and foledathem. Naywait _ aee:s mase isle. _ • 40p�� EILEEN JACKSON must see with !s own eye., hear with his own ease, sad inyestisata OPTOMETRIST troth is order that he may find truth vriieseaa the religion of forefathers -, . =.O. to 12.00 and SLAG to 6.00 Byaa Examined Glasses Fitted DAVID H . MARSHALL S° Kos Wed: • 6. PICKERING and" ancestors is based upon blind imitation - man shouk"nveatigate Aeeomtaat _ _ TuesdayBT BLDG.. 0". P. O. _... _.. _ _.�DI3NsT O$SAAA, ONTA1tI0)Zrst Door FA*t Of The best beloved of all things in My sight is Justice; turn not away FARM and STORE ACCOUNTS Phone - Rea. 5-4587; Oise 5.614E Masonic Hall _ PONE= PICKERING W J 41I . -- _ therefrom if Lhou desirest Me. DONEVAN and RICHARDS Ontario Land Surveyors, And Loyal Pogue ue _ Rutary tlallc - Continued when they left the cit , they looked as a family, ex- spt become a farnlc ' Professional Ennests LICENSED AUCTIONEER r. sv oclatians. In his address.- for amiable surroundings and pec, sly, was to move into i'ic:cering 216 King Street, East Pickering's Future: Planned, or ple; fresh air etc., knowing full well. Township and became neighbors. with _ OSIiA�tA, ONT. = Pickering and Whitby Townships - 8-B88n - - i'atchwork", he too points • out, and ..that they were to giv up city an its citizens. Farm. Household and Property emphasizes that which we have been ' venionces for rural lire. :Ind -fewer i Of one future here he �yai�f Jul 18 hearing its the- past few y6a:,i--the taxe+,.and did not, immediatet}�F- growing pains, that JS the price we b3ales A Specialtyi;-ed of PLANNING. and pointy; to.on their arrival ccm=mance to scream t. pay' for living neat door to Mark1ii Prompt Attention Given _ is,-veral well-known•att-as which f+::� for water,mansewage, roads :end all the ' ham_ and Scsrbot: and next dose _ Whitby R. R 1. Phone 814 ti.einael.es in critical •circumstarcei; a hi tax rate andce?herefosc� �i�eeat Inate t c a uta ion `and a the gro�vi, ._ ,. y ° 8 P P :I that accom- _ day thirough the lack.of punt trg high :n pint years. I th"E very thing they sought.ti ';Panics this-t::ere is. nothing we can _ "Highway Monument Works" fi e - Mr: Ritthie "etr-xk out_" 'on ohs Eie now statag-we .found e'�erp- , do about it. _exc hoed f ept get ready for factor in the increase in fax rates thin we pertheme 1.8 today, if ntltr• ROBT.- AUSTIN, PROP. g � -end a' Eot'ore I it; and th _ 1 1.z. R. 1, Whitby. Ontario IMPI OVEM N in Pickering, when he said that-- beslsies. The beat thing w�e•ever dict yasterday. s, Two Miles West Of Whitby On No. -2 HighwayBetween WWtb tanHHtunmmiueugtmulHnauumiqutmn�gtuHqumgqlnlmtxHNluwul�dh::nuuluu uan111HlueuunuutnnwuHlnumwN�lmnlaununlwnlln. _ And A,axBudget Plan PHONE. WiiITHY e6s -- _ '(no down payment required) _ f 110o.A0 to "NO." .b From Sts -_:_ _ � � . To Twouty-four Moatbalro•Pay _ - :` o A "carispkte Service fromone store . ''Meats, Groceries and Locker Service for Some Owners and Builders _ - PitOTOGRAP{tER'7 - Lumber and Trim, Doors, 3astr, ♦ _ 1L41i Br oeit -stt e•rt4 Whitby. Out. I Profit 1Visisw u�ica, . svaiuSaab, _ QUAL T Y FIRST SERVICE E OUR A / M and Plwoads. Hardware, Paint. PIGKERINGI M _ :. = E 30 Kai`. >Ioider.• 9sypliaa _� ___ ON _ GLRNDENING�. ITIR� - a 0',sLEND DIXON CaM!'fe Llllq dSTOR -COFFEE 1VE�V PRICE 93c TEA.. • lb. pkg. 69c � iFLOMFERDALE - CO. LTD- FOR A REAL CUP EA BAGS - - .. a •' • T -' _ �e 8CAISBORo JUNCTION - ' Nestle's QUIK'1-2lb: tin 85c CHOICE MEAT 18 bag pkg. 23v On St. Clair Am Basi. - FOR ADELICIOUS - QUA)L,I fY .F-IftBT 36 ba k ae;9Ci ' QM 04 �'fNt of l3esr. Callepis4 CHOCOLATE DRINK �. 8 pkg. throe MOON north. of Mor 14 . LESS , 79 bag pkg. 78 - I8car 3336 IIo. 111? "FRENCH'S BONE sew = lBlbtE BIB ROAST _ f� _ _ Instant Potato _'or xII�iP ROAST 1b. 79c sugar s lb• bag 490 r Y . W DIXON OO1\ * . '� ..Y1U3�1TiiY WANTED pkg. 33C SCHNEIDER'S QRISPY CRUET •' L••-QZAGBS..AND p FRESH PORK SIDE Sho'ten b. 49c SbZBULANCE` SMALL Ai,... Ing 1 UNGER'S ib 1.9 Oz..,T1 Spare Ribs Ib • + _ FAI31fil! "With r We Ekvi Waiting Buren it.. MEATBALLS 41c PE(,l�?lLGo" Cash -- - CAM . IiQP a b & ONIONS 46C FRESH - f:�, Vor Prompt And Rzpaieaad ORxFAMI YgwASH kg• 68� GONANT and CON,ANT :.. , Pork : Liver 1b. 23 C. ( - '�' Barristers "d solkhers - eiordo. D. Canaat, K. a Nights: 3[Ahosi� Ocoee Di[8_0604 V - S' Vega.iS,bOZ�•� ' I . : TREE 91wINT . Roser G. Coat"t, IL w, J. A. W'H.LOU�GHBY sad SONS ilio , $irlam or Boaii�$5� O RA N air JUICE OFFICES B.alenra . - 2 for 33c _ s or Roasts 1b. 20 oz. tins for 1 _ _ 2 . 27c ©slwtwa, Ont,. 7 1-8 Shneoa St. 3. oboas: s.ar�r siz>� sal. I -Bon Ami Powder . 2 tins: 85C .,n Adam Ontario,B.tabwhd sews OooBe_ AIEAZ 8 i _ A -i ALX , ..lig 130 - Phone ' !i KELLOGG'S '� THE SITDZY P. ALLAN CORN FLAKES SSC MAPLE LEAF BLII._ 350 HOUSEHOLD CLEANEit i GIANT SIZE :Balogna 1b, _ .. Insurance Co. ace-- -- .4PLE L&AF- - - - _ .. - 7KAY� FSA -IR ' Cam bells heolr L 0 oxol (heap Rates For Farm, And Country KING'S,ROW - AJAX , p - BaOdhtgs C 1-2 l b. tin - - D G. LAND, MANAGER Tomato v Oup Perk With dressing. lb. 65c c 33 ' Windstorm- Insurance on. Buildings: Phone Pickeriis 21f9Ji. 10 OZ. TINS " Salmon' Windmills,, Silos, 'ere: g '� MAPLE .LEAF •2 for 25.c. _. „ Automobile Insurance Of All Kin ds AJAX PHONE`- 1s9i ElIIBrS (loose) lb. 436 ' 296 : r 0 -all flavours 3 to, . Bowman & .Gibson "YOUR'LISTING ItMTIiP MOti18f Parker .MAPLE LEA !TEL _ Pa Tea _ F - - ? ONE 'half ppund package at 1mo_ki d Picnics lb . iJ'%'C WALKERT(?N CREAMERY # _ 4 REGULAR PRICE _ 1.S U T'PE + lb: 590 o" T OLII"HORSES _ iif;;.vG -SKINNY -MEN; WOMEN! Gain -five and _ - - - AL Your Farm to fifteen pounds. New pep, t - Try ONE hal! ou - - - - famous Ostreoc Tonic Tablets for P rid package at Jkc FRUIT AND VEGETAELES AL80 -HALiF PRICE DEAD OR CRIPPLED 8'hOCgdouble-results; new healthy flesh;new vigor.• Nggw get-acquaintedBoth for $4c W A V S. F R E N H P Ii I C' E S RIGHT ustluv Pla-up side, ONLY 60c. All druggists. �� CAMPS" 1ftIfiY - Rine rlilllftt Agft rl•13'i _ - Ig11NNN11NNN!1Mp11H11NNHIgIgH111111Ng11NNqIHN11NINNpNIN11qIqININNqqIM • MIgINN11111111pgqHlNlqillqlqiNlNIq111111qIqqINIdlMqqqlplqqqqlqll _ • , ' `f • is a fighting-enad Speckled l Trout on extra -light tackle. • ,� ,;�,.. ,.:� , -...,- ��; s ar:..-,•. gbh,; ex :f •'� �.� �, �. .» Y h!� rhLGel" .aA,,, bt t4 .. .. , S �.,h•.•�•Y.y.^,Se .4 a t 4 l •,e ro- Fi.n••'0.w .P":". .n .., .:...:. :.... . W. .-:." • '�+,• . .y - . dam- y4 e .. e Toronto spent the week end with This is the last week of the Leg- --- from the m __ Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Johnson. ion's six week festival for funds to Mr, and Mrs. Jas.' Peddie snilthe � fanom hawk std war Don Hedges and Jack au ell, were help. their building, campaign, We Y spent tate weep at Kirk! b� der, Os*gx Tome Tablela, M. - t . • • . among • those from here attending hope to have ail early figure on the 'f troductory, " •0 MIA% ge�w4+sainted ` Mr, and Mrs. Thomas have moved the Trade Fair in Toronto. fli sum raised during the dri-re, —.._a__l _ .. The annual meeting of the Upper only I0c. All druiiiwt+•' 11 into the former Luther Ptilkey home Mr, and Mrs. Jack Badgerow and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Porter spent Canada Bible Society was heid in now owned b Jack Bri all The y gn Mr. and Mrs. D. Catherwood spent the Week` -end with friends in Mid - the United Church here on Tl azv- .. `AiAi�lll\iOn<Y<f4r w•y'-'•• 1 _ _ - Thomas family are newly arri-�ed from England. We welcome them to g the week end at ,Hall' Lake. Mr, and Mrs. Jack Mansell enter- land. a 106 6 Mrs. Valentino entertained a large day, with a special speaker, and film showings, DIInbarton Lumber Ah: community. _ _•___._ . tained his arents from Toronto, ov P f relatives number o fives at a picnic here on Sunday. Guests from Mrs. Davison and daughter from Building Supplies Mr, ,and Mrs. R. Hawkley have' e.r the week -end. came Tor' England are- summer visitors with• j " purchased the' Baptist Church sheds Mr, and Mrs- CIare, Kee mil' spent P onto and Markham. Rev, C and Mrs. Davison here. Re,, NORM FORMST, ' -and intend using the' lumber in the bWlcdng home. the week -end at Caesarea and had Mrs. Mr.. and Mrs, Gordon Neale and family of Highland spent and Mrs. Davison attended aBap- 195�'VEi 12 of a . Mr. and Lan elle' as g guests on ,Creek fist convention -at London last week, .phone Mr, Wen, Palmer, with Mr. Frank Monday.Sunday 1 AFDC with Mr, and Mrs. Don Hed- The local Cub Pack held a hike on ' Ham and daughter Nora, went' to Mr, ,and Mrs, Ev, HammoO and I g es here. _ i Monday, when school was closed ow_ .... Opposite Kiwanis park ' ••.� Barrie last Saturday where the lata 'of family, of Ring, spent Sunday swith Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Fisher, of c ing to Her Majesty's Birthday, Open Evenings and Satur"Y I - ter attended the wedding John ;son- of Mr, •'and'Mrs. Lorne AIr. and Mrs. Geo. Hammond'. Mr. and Mrs, .'Vic. Morley and the Ashburn, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mia, Ju on Ward ., .. <'a"' `\'rte" GIRLS! GET LO�i.';0 Afternoons r .1iasm Oshawa to Miss Reta Moore - ... , , Y• -, family, of Hamilton s Pent the week �. Sympathy .is extended to the Nor- .SURVESI Gant S to l0—los., 1 2W � Charles Cooper is building a fine I end.w-ith.his family here., ;fon family in the loss of their cou- Aictplement shed on a lot,. south of , Several from here attended the sin, 'Finlay Norton, wato was killed -and ad'ace- J , . emorial Service at Erskine Cem- last •(R'rrda5' while working Iking on high ' property.. 4 etery on Sunday. tension wires. for' Oshawa Hydro. , e _ Xr, and We. Cliff Re Reynolds have have Mr. and Mrs... Bari Gibson of Osht- The funeral w -as held on Monday - done considerable alterating' and, rep- arra, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and ,mveral members of the family aecorating to their home, over -the and' Mrs. Chas. Hardq, _from. here attended: past month, Mr. Walt, Hardy Sr. is recover- Mr: and -Mrs. Murray Ormerod of __ • Mr. Earl Cook has, just completed 'thee ing nicely after- his operation last E Evans and Mrs, D. Pugh attend)• building bf a new porch on the I week, expects to be home from the ed the Dedication of the new. Bap- THE Su�R's ' - front of his home. hospital next week. fiat- Sunday School .hall at .GoodF Congratulations. to Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs, 'Arnold. McIntyre wood last week,EST, ■ * i , 5tanle. Slack who celebrated their :a2nd wedding anniversary quietly spent the. we01c•end'wrth relatives -in the Renfrew area. Me and Mrs. Bob Torrance and children are presently suffering - - : -at the home on Monday last. I Mr. and Mrs. Friar are moving -- • --. -- - Mrs. X. Sanderson, Reg, and into .their new Komi; this week, 'that - ..friend motored to Buffalo oyer the formerly owned by Mr. Bergen, a 'weal[ end • 141 Mr, and Mrs. Len Lye entertained Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Mann, of Toronto friends on Sunday, _ Toronto, spent the week -end with Miss Brown of Toronto was the _. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hawkley,meek end guest of :Mrs. H., G. -Mct Walter Ward had a narrow escape Intyre here. i _ -- Lst Thursday, when Proceeding Ross Redshaw has purchased the ' - south on the Brock Road. He met home formerly owned by Mr. Roy sin ono -coming car tra•ielling quite Mr, and Mrs. Roy, are .moving to _f"t and pulled over to -the should- Sudbury this month. efr. His track went into the- ditch: Mr, and Mrs: E.. Ward, Miss. S. _ -'throuing him out. He suffered a t severe shaking up. __.. Claremont Voodiights Ready To Turn On oAuction Sale To •-$e Held Soon `ICALL 303 or -101 FO�?-P -.. Anything Saleable Accepted -HELP THE CAMPAIGN,— Roo "I rake eboAees oa a spoiled kAge oliday.! i • is a fighting-enad Speckled l Trout on extra -light tackle. You are allowed 15 a day _ between May 1 and September 15, but be a real - sportsman and never keep .71 more than you can use, • - �- , 'Y 1 R ata Oo tr� J cp a 0 60 _ .. `AiAi�lll\iOn<Y<f4r w•y'-'•• 1 _ _ _ AT ID THE CKRL�NG BRcwERIES LIMITED i WATERLOO — TORONTO —Mrll OSOa „ - - if you would like a copy of the new f - fishing' regulotions; write today..for i ' _ Conservation. for s -- .Tomorrow's Holiday .,. .1952 - - i ._ . .1 - • _ �� a .. ' At 11 - ,. _ .. ,. - _ ..�, — 1. ., :. - < • .,, - ., .. ,, i .. .. _ � . : is . , CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING come 4o centre ring and' Gotch, - - _ , - . . bending low, lifted Roller up in his' , • • ' arms as though he were a child. - - , . „ sem•...-'. THE � ___; _ _ _ igtit S P 0 A T a Y o L U M N "Where do you want him, Gad- ,Aar outORs _ - ney?" he asked. BUY chicks bred for agar production. An 4gButUA1 __ --- - . . The referee pointed to the mat •� Prod= d ace. uD�O&c of product IT'S EXCELLENT. Real results after taking _- --- -- fns segs g down. All $gtrres show that - ' "_ and Gotch slammed his. man down income from Poultry is higher per 0100.0w tllteen's Remaly for Rheumatic Italas and - j �r e7�i _ hard. Roilec Jumped to his feet, Howevernt rwith high feedthan ysnd tabother uraco ts Neuritis. �- 1, i 1. 4 - but Gotclt grabbed him by one foot it In no longer. possible to tolerate the ' - ' IMUNRO'S DRUG STORE '- and, lifting it shoulder high- had loafer hen, rifer- taunt produce. Twaddle ria Elora Ottawra • An old, worn-out fighter named Lee g g Chicks have kat, of. R.O.P. .brooding back ,1.23 Express Prepaid -- Savold was mercilessly battered until he the doctor hopping �bont. The of them, over 4ao0 R.o.P. cockar.l,F uaen 1n our mattugs this year. Also started collapsed the other night. ,He wts pitting crowd cheered wildly Rollers of-. chicks, ,tasted turkeys. older outlets. c&• TOBACCO ELIAdNATOR .. i `'- only courage, and a f stically worn -Out body. forts to keep upright, but GOtch Dons. special broiler chicks, turkey poults. A scientific remedy for Cigarette Addlo- _ a sr. a youngster named Rocky 1Karciatso yanked harder and Roller felt in Prices reduced for June. catalogue. Prompt lion For fres booklet. writ. King gam t delivery. Pharmacal Corp. Ltd., (Alberta), Bos tlho may not be a great heavyweight, but a heap, with the champion on top. TW CHICK HATCHERIES LTD. 672, London, Out. ' _had lithe and resilient youth on his side. . For the first time during the bout FERGUB ONTARIO • _ And so the veteran went the wtay of all other veterans when they Gotch got his toe hold on r ght. NEW low Bray prices, Commencing June, One woman tells kaaothert Taas superior , , meet the sharper reflexa, and the fire Of youth in the battle -pit. Getting a firm grip on Roller's prompt shipment, started pullets. Ship- "F1EMINEX" to help alleviate pain, . dts „ Der'■ cholce breedr. 9 week heavy breeds tress and nervous tension associated with • I think that before any veteran fighter undertakes to tackle a toes, Gotch slowly worked his 320.90; 4 week 130.90: For customer's monthly Periods. • s. youngster who is on the- upgrade, ey'en though he feels he can thigh in between the doctor's calf choice of breeds, ask Hatchery or nearest $6.00 Postpaid to Plata wraeoer. flatten anything he can hit, he should take•. trip up to Newt York's and thigh and thea began to sweat. Alen have day olds, mixed. pullets, POST'S CHEMICALS - $ g put Bray Hatchery, 120 John N., Hamilton, gBg QUERN 8T. BART IWRUNTO crowded, noisy Harlem.' There any sunny afternoon, he will see a the pressure on, bending the foot or Fairbank. Feed, 2385 Du Perin et.. '2' stout, amiable Negro ploddi-ng, his sightless way along the streets, upward. RnHcr gap on his stomach, Toronto. ASTHMA He will be exchanging jovial greetings with those friends and WHY suffer it there to something chat wtu - ' acquaintances- who know him as a familiar figure,'and he will go gripping the canvas with his fin- WE reel aura that you will make more help your Hundreds or thousand, or see ers and clenching his teeth ill an money out of turkey meat this fall and have been sold on a money back suer• chtlekling on his way, through the darkness that has befallen him. e g winter -than may other' livestock you can antee: So easy to use After your aymP because he was always chuckling, sometimes, even, in the ring. effort to keep back the pain. Gotch grow, and particularly so if you raise tons have been diagnosed as Asthma, yet ' The stout blind man was a great fighter. once. He was the only worked a little closer and Tweddle Broad Breasted Bronze. The owe It to yourself to try Asthmanefrla. - aI beauty o Tweddle Broad Breasted Bronze Ask your Druggist. Canadian -born, heavyweight Sam Langford - in our book the held tight. He was waiting for is thele sora maeurity. They ars usually greatest of all the black dynasty of champions and near champions, Roller to move his body up the Patsy m tures dna prime two to three �; . weeks s nor, than most turkeys POST'S ECZEMA SALVE -•,t . , -, `,.' Harry Willis. Joe Jeanette, Sam McVey and even Jack Johnson, fraction of an inch, just enough to Thin ens a lower cost Per pound of BANISH the turtaeal w dry ec-sems rashes - whom he once chased half -way around the world, seeking a bout. allow him to get his own le in _ meat Produced. These bronze are short- and weeping skin troubles Post'* Ee"res -• . • ff sed, heavy broad breast and thick Salve will not dWppoint you. But Johnson had boxed ` Tham' once before, and .that was enough. a /trifle closer to the crotch wild thighs, We also have Broad Breasted Whits Itching, scaling, ling, burning ocssm&, aces. . So Johnson fled to A alia and fought Tommy Burns instead Holland. Nebraskan, Beltavtlle white. No- ringworm. pimple. and athlete•. wt., will - tl#en- inlirease the pressure to ,the braskan X Broad Breanted Bronze. non- respond readily to the stainless odorless Sam lives today on a small pension, closing out is the shadow Peaking -point. sexed. hens or toms. Free car&ey guide. Ointment. regardless of how stubborn « - 4 a career Of great renown, without ever having been given a chance - & + e PPomvt delivery. boowe" they anon, � �""" - » at the title. ' : TWEDDLE , CHICK HATCHERIES LTD. PRICE 04.60 PER JAR , ,.. . Had Roller played the game ac- FERGUS ONTARIO POST'S REMEDIES Aad perha s if any veteran ,fighter consulted him about jjust sant Poar Fn* no Rerefpt or Pr+c. one more match" Langford aright tell him about the sight in 13os• cording to custom;' as Gotch fig- WRITE for full details about our Broad 389 .Otte.& at C Cnrner of L,%=%a, . �f ured he would, Roller would have Breasted Bron■. and whits Haftana tor- Thronir ton, when ha lit fII his chair at the cad of nix rounds with �11� had to bo over oh his back or key p� s. Our Broad Breasted Bronze P aT N T long -armed Fred Fulton and niter 16 years of fighting against all P e you extra dollars. they hair OPV U I fes Fee . . the opponents of a great heavyweight period, was unable to leave flava his leg snapped like a pipe natromab Brod Hreaae. track thighs dna dt=N ANO wokrsN & ': ' his seat when the gong rano for the start of the seventh. For he stem. But Roller stood the punish. are het mat ,aring. This is a wool year to .:. q was blind $ buy them. Prompt delivery. Also chicks. B& A HAIRDRESSER ment and, instead of raisin his all Popular . breed.. . - The sight of one eye had already been lost. And the long arm body, suddenly. wriggled forward TOPNOTCH CHICK BALES JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCROOt - ' '. A I 311 GUELPH ONTARIO . Great opportunity Elmrs _.-._ __ of Fulton -had put out the_other-at least for thaaight. an inch or two, at the same time Hairdressing ; . Langford completely lost tie -sight of both eyes later and never shooting up his free foot in a ter-. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITi=M Ptsasant dlxnlled Profession, sada oras ss. . - re ined more than tractional vision. Still, -he hu g Thousands of successful taarrsl sradaatim _ , ga hung around the tin rific kick to the champion's nose. Amerim's Greatest. System for an over-all period of 21 years, and knocked out by mediocre The- effort freed him but he rim ed HOUSE Yurntahtnge and Giftwart Bust- Illustrated Calalosae Poe _ , fighters that, in his hey -day, he could have flattened with one of P nes In 'Western Ontario town Good write or Calk those thundering left hooka. painfully when he got to his feet.' clean .cock -Modern Building. Good Loc& IMARTTOL 13A1RDREBBING SMOOLa Gotch came up with him and dant- tion -Well Established. Picture sent on 862 Einar et. w„ Toronto . _ So a great fighter, who'triedrto fight the years, went on to the rsquesL Apply to: H. C. MacLean. Real Btanebas! ` inevitable disaster. Veteran. who have been great, or even ed before his Sian, routing him Estate a Business Braker. Wingbam. _ 44 Ring ac, Hamilton . . good. Ontarto..r _ tg Rideau St.. Ottawa should consult Sam Lanford before taking that "one more fight". off the matswith&short rushes. _ , which mi ht spell physical tfisaater, and take warning from big + ADI S:AdVoms Postcards • home, In MAY= OeIZ-YTAL RUGS " L E at Syr -. - - unha might - Roller was extremely weak, but your HOmviOD'S, game. $40 • week Potable' Yourself, to your own home, experienced ' PAY finish, write HOOD'S, Kannapole 16, North European rug maks, and teachers ia- Psfhaps too much stress is laid on courage in the boxing ring, fought back gamely. Gotch grabbed Carolina. (Enclose Stara*. sddr*ssed on. %eruct you. entirely by matt, m 24 - We believe "I Can Take It" is a vicious slogan, despite its popular- Roller about the waist• stood the Y°'cD' ' le..one Anyods can learn tit• non art � - .. fw in boxing circles. There was that fine yo boxer ]Saba Usher, doctor upog his head, then right AMAZING OFFER. (SHORT TIME ONLY) of rus-maklaw through tbess simplified ttyis .: _ Ot young Dollar beluga you all need to eesoaal enthusiastic teapoIIY being Showa whom it was boasted he never. took a backward step. He too Ing him, slalomed him to the can- O°' to the course by men and women, Lad - . stare 'own business a l good earn inea. � wot$ad up his aslant blind. Adolph Wolgast, one of the groat vas, clamping on a crotch and a spars or ntu rim., mein goon mono wta O1*•a'� ��• who are taamlag efts - ligbtwtdght cha>LpiOIIe, a boxer noted for �hliiss iku11a0 aggressive- Bummer It you wtkl, rou•ran! Bead 31. &kill for profit or &A a bobby, has prompt - f g half-nelson when Roller was lit- (»fnadablei to Brandt t Deteo Tradias ns to offer tlsa tour by ma1L An ilea. Is inishtng out his days fII a mental institution. What oris - erally stilt is the air. Holding on . Co 910 Tlannins Are,. Toronto, materials Baa o.o...a` egnlDmost sap• courage? What price that " wt one more" fight? ' tigtst to Roller. Gotch rose to. his .atsleawddr.ta' clearly, tf�or�it,;r�tr . - .-Yew comments and avppestialue for fhL edvmn wi/l be wekomed feet and. `walking deliberately to "Cl" SND CLEA NlKo motion. oriental -Rag school of metra•. - . by Elmer Ferguson, c/o Calved Howe, 431 Yenye St.. Toronto. centre of the mat, slammed his ops„ Rwv� YOU aastmag needs dyeing or assay tion. 313G etratbatl& Blvd-. Tomato. 13. les writ* to ,ore or o ormalloe. Ws n " '- ponent to the canvas with a smash. rr* tree to answer your auest+nna D• Railer tended on the back of his Pertinent B. Parker's, Dye works IdmIW. THROW YOUR vo1cE. H13 A Yeatrdo- ��� � est fans. er . Tnwmtn _ gaist. I Iwasons 31.00, Special PH" _ - , D 1ST 1 6 L E R S L ids I T E D bean and was knocked groggy, cigar, 60c, Magic Catalowue 23r. ISTO. . • ... • .: - #stmeesT6u- , ONTARIO Gotchj roped 'n with s half-nelson .. - . , _ u i wt,/ori aAJ.s • T `w 1 Pins Street. et: Louts '3, Missouri. � rl .. _ . _ . ed the - and Roller's shoulders tOt1Ch PATENT. d ..- - - -- mat in exactly 21 minutes S4 arc- Industrial Sita just outside of Sault Ba, Marta. Ontario.' one of iintario a most onds. He had to be assisted to his. thrtvtag cities, Consisting of Lpprosrmataky AN OFFER to every tnreetor—fret of tor._ dressing room b Ten ItDI Acres of wood dry, solid U. wenums and full information •set.trsa, g Y roe Carroll and - ren Ramsay Co Ragtsterad Per*et 'Hos. . - "'*need. Over Seven Hundred Fen{ Ref!- Ossa fly Rani. street. Atiswa -' : . .. . 'S L gave one of the finest exhibitions' Lnnie Austin Still -strong, Gotch - way t*rootage, Four Hunarea• knee Hisb d ... E of stamina and grit ever witnessed leaped over the rope and ran to, way Frontase, Hydro and Individual or . ' 4 City water available, Apply to R A. IFETHERSTON13A VOR A compaay' P- on the wrestling pad. He ato17t1 ' his quarters. Johnson, R.R. No. a Korah, Sault eta tent anlleltore. Established 1360, ass .pun that would have made Nar,e. Bay Binet. Tnerreto Nnnkle, or lateral& - / - tfnn nor recuest - OY LXBITC 1C iaiany a loan cry quits. n�.� p ' s ♦ . Thirty iteAaoni TIRES M - Of COtlrSl.aObO _ RamnTan's Largest Ttiv Store since 19'32. - N ag nowadays -ex- - . GotCh- usually, tame out with a L. - " Used Tiren. 17,en and up. Retreaded Tirea. "� d cept the very young and",very ex- .tush, and the quicker he got his Some drink because they're hila- --S" t 16,- 314.00 ocher .six*&. Priced 'at,-' - - . "6i` e _ g �._--T - _ -" . • Vord(nsly, vuleaoizlns and retmadins ser, - . L1411 -'citable-intens' wrestling seriQusiy, roan down ,the better he liked it. r has: kir work gnsrantred Au omen W.-,—!.� !ty - -.. The modern grapplers, or at least So it was -in the Roller match. Tiley And- some because ihey're dry; a O,D 13 00 NRUIred with order we oa, thase_of_em_atho. r#raw-the-dig met with a ban in centre tin at Some drink to keep them in good . eb•nea on. Puny, Pentoanla Tir& coronr[g g niton, 65 Rias stMt 'Went. Hatatttinei.- stoney, and abs t eighty- pre cent the call of Referee Eddie Gaffney, . health, Phone 7"1322 _actor, ten per cent .tumbler and= and Roller dived for the le s, brio .And some that they may. die. -1 4 g g- AEAUT1FUL Pedleree3, Collie Puppies. $ .'Z 4 - giving them all the best Of . it- ing Gotch down with a crash. He Some drink because they are too months old. .cud prrvice, boarding. •run,nit°ted t' ,`{; ,iters - hot. Loch Rannoch Cornea.1000 Brr.ro street per centawres0ler. * tiled 'to titeal the champion's than- Bouin Whitby. Ontario nonce p dspage der'in Clamping on a toe hold, but And some because litcy're IoM - Sewage - NF%V "tread Paea.etrr tiro. 600x16 — �'• M' � � "t� In fact it is doubtful if anybody, Gotch assumed a sitting position Some drink to strengthen them. 67oxt5 - esoxt6, 811,95 es. 630at6 - . sweet districts Ne evening % even those in the business, could and then leaped to his feet,.at the while young, ItoxtS - tsoxw. $13,13 en. ehtPPre - water reevir•d Med•rase - '' }r► . C,O.D.. collect. Glendale Tire co...1297 _ Iraq, budges +eras. We" M rq . 'say with any certainty who w®old same time - grabbing the doctor And some when they -are old weal". Rd:; Toronto. Orit, xae for ts•t bid« and egs. - iemerge as champion should there about the waist and lifting him Some drink .to keep them wide ". Inbrr&ati h be a wrestling _tournament staged shoulder _hi caruta Bt'�taN BwtyE-For amazing46 gh.. -lie whirled him - awake, relief. Your Druggist sells CRESS. 44 strictly on the levet. Personally, around a few times and then 'bang- And some that they may sleep; DISPOSAL 'LLws. QUILTING PIJ6CEP. COTTON PRiNT. silk we believe that Ed. 'Strangler" ed Roller to the floor, leaping on Soille drink. because .they. merry - or nannelette by cue nn.na > leen h,, r.a 4 t � ". , 1f.ewis.' who must be, well over 70. ° top at.the same instant. He literally are. piece&. $1. Bend c.o.D., postage extra. '' ':'S could' trim nine out of ten of ,the ..routed off the Refunds. ruble% saien. 413 t„ . , , - ' .q pad when the . And some because they weep, Toronto,` .. moderns without drawing a 'deep doctor locked his legs while Gotch Sonic drink when the do monoMAIN f breath. • • was trying to grab for a firm - and- gain, y y B��'E sef P L C USING SL'PPLIEB „ ' -That Iasi is. 61 course, a strictly .' finishing. Ctoteh hold. �'-` KITCHEN SINKS - R:1THROO)f SETS . :. -4 . RL:.ELAIN---eaamel—seet-- ,;3—reseEirus- PEt3�a] optmon; an w'e wild -be --�+ + Somr drink vvites f J ete•pled5e,d sinks.. three -Piece bathroom seat. white - , orcoloured •chrome fittings. Laundry CLW - HARNESS i COLLARS - 1 wrong, But one .thing w•e'tire dead -Gaffney ordered the men to the - And some when- they are cross. • shower cabinets -pressure water ayscems " certain regarding --that is, t}lat be- centre of t11e mat and Gotch yank- Some drink a h j - nil hdrner - septic and oil tanks. air fore an "on -the level" match had ed Roller's feet from underneath d> Yf3w:are hard at t5onaniomng ruraacrg Helpful installation fa/men Attit»ien-Consult your mor. % - Rork, -. . -diagrams in free cacasgue. Specialists to - ".' gone. a quarter-hour, the grapplers him• at the same time standin 1� -!:'' packaged units the moat practteel and g 'And aOmC •.WREn �tiTeY do play; money-savins way to buy. All htbments sst Harnett Shap abeui Stone Herne»' would be, playing ,to empty. .scats. ..-him Puebla head. The doctor reran- .Some think it right to drink at delivered sour nearest ranaas�neaaon.. supplies. w• Bell our Roads enly the paying customers walking out aged to shake loose, but Gotch night, write or rleic— in droves through sheer boredortt. followed him to the ropes, throwing g a. V. -JOHNSON PLu"N"ING SuPPLIF's through your local Stow Leather. s While others drink by day. STREET8T'iLLE. ONTARIO goods dialer. The goods are right 4 his man With a waist lock. ,Five Some drink for sake of company, and to an our d ^,`Tire Police Gazette,' which in its - times in the next five minutes the ATTENTION:sate np ro 6o;o in receiving pried. We mansion• . • hew form is a mighty interesting chamFion tried to get his toe hold While others drink it sly; your niagazmee through mail. Spectals lure in our factories. Harness Horw .•. s And many drink, but never think for limited time, new subscribe" only: Collars, Sweat Pads, Horn° 1lankels , �. periodical, has been running .sir- working and five times Roller kick- Lira imitedfne 70 vtomko ,7.25; Time 72 lase of articles about old-time ,creat- ed his wav free. Suddenly shifting' About the reason why, weeks $6.17: R'eader's Digest, t6 week. and Ltathtr Travelling Goods. Insist. . ling, and one of the late's't tells his attack. Gotch ski Some drink when they a ,bargain- $2.00. Price, quoted for any pubncattnrt .. pped on a $ of world. in one letter and remittanet send Sfoeo Brand Traidt•morkad` Goods and " - •-9f a match• between two wrestlers` crotch hold and. as Rollet .rig- make, all your subscriptions new and renrwat. 4 1 ii . - ,_ ,who could Penile turn it on with- Some 'when the move}' make a dna will tor, bride, graduate, birth- you yet .satisfaction• Mode only by 4 Bled forward; c'ainped on a /Efalf- y Pay: nay. Electric "pliencea, sunbeam Razor . s — , out the 'aid' of, grunting, groaning nelson. Frank then swunghis left Roth when they buy and when they $29.95, Westinghouse Fr,: Food • Mixer - $49.95:1et ata know your peed,, we will SAMUEL TREES CO LTD. A and grimacing. One of them w=a's leg over and kneeled on Roller's sell Quote You. We Pay theme exchange, car- 42 tlyeRi ' t Dr. B. F. Rol'er�=and the other arm and, with the 'new shift, Rol- They .drink good health to -day. - rlage. ATLAS AGENCY, Box 5. LEVIS. eaten St E., Toronto ,, was Frani. Gotch, considered tic _ler'. sho111ders slowly caved in to - - Some ,say they drink for pleasure, Qu£BFe. - Write for Catalogue - �s(�, n,any' the -daddy of diem .all. the. canvas. It was the first time And some they drink for 'pain; EARTHWORMS, nature's soil bultders, T 4 s thousands, quickly from small -start. ,i 1. Roller hail ever hecn thrown! .Some.say tis good, some very bad, • - About .year and a half beiorr' -,s s .--- But nater once refrain, acilvaior soaakaa amakeQ.R. ttini Pleb Georh. took. the .world's title -front 'The big fellows were . allotted Nct all. must .own the. proverb aen:,llssoa� sat lington oiOntarioDam a:. r. ISSUE 24 - 1952 - 1.4;otc 4 . • . ,gee Hackenschmidt at Chicago 'fifteen minutes rest before coming true, Ile had .been held to a, draw be out for the second fall, then Roller' When iron'; hot to strike it; - Ie =I + Dr $-F: F.�l-ler at Sea;Ile• 1Ya,, lth%--- _ came- out-_fighting-mad._.The cro-mLd _('ye Lust found out the reason Why ^ in a bout that lasted i full, hour.. was yelling -furiously for : the local All drink -because . the like it. : .in had gained a fall so -and--calling f Roller o - - - - - a c le' orw.ard tp .(lisputc .•'scissor.:.him.''-.The Seattle wrest- . Gbtcli's claim to flit world's hon- ler had defeated Farmer Burns, ,!. 4 '.SAFES -;_." 4 __ ors. The rivo camp tQgethrr in a Westergaard and : Beel ,with ;his . „ 4 finish match fqr the chattapion�hij " ` . , , - . 4 }body.scissors. but the one time lie Protect ,*lir euutcd ann UAI+H tree, y at Seattle, j„ly, 1'. l�oR, tried it on Gotch the cliam ion FiRE and THIEVES. We bsvr a else r 4 _ • • + - �.. end One of 8afen, •r.pa'binet. ley nay J . - , - -"sifirtpl.f a'a1ke11 Ottt of it. RurPe�e. V1&11, ire or wrtlr for orlers • Probably po ,ganier. luau • esti , C _ ..... s , , - - err,, to twol. W J took to ilea nk t than Roller, a Gutcl, was smiling broadly •as he faster. man with his hands and ' answered t1,e' call for fhe�.secorid-J'6ci-tAYLMR LiMiTEO k � . _ _ 'feet tJian .the ulig)tty. "tion. of. : bcntt. Hr rushed [holler • to tfic TOR�NT� SAKE WORKS - tows,.' flandicapp�d in brn'tc ropes and off the mat. Referet i � ,ren the height' and weight, Roller r►a from tot: a.. Prim..•. , $ g E.afifi Cc signalled for the •then if, - FeftblhhM' qt►$ • . . . - . cZ ... .. , c J.13 ,^'rsd''c.':u , i',) . r',. ,rd ,, -, . i:' ra<. aiii:io 1Ia 1 . _ . _ . . .. ,.. . . ... _ .. - - .. - ..004 . . . . �. n x - 1 • ^ � 7 • - GSTO.tR TE M.Bl 'phone • - _ , . M. �CHAPMAI'�T Picke, 81w s�n - - In The Croreeteria j 1n The Dry-Goods - DWO _.: EASY ON HOLJSEHOLl� BUDGET _ Grand Garden Party planned by the ' This 3 of a Kind Sale VVoman s AuxWar -, Afax-Pickerin s g - - Township General Hospital on June JAM Guaranteed Apple, Raspberry, or Cherry, E. D. -- smith'& 4 lb. rine s for $1.99 28th, at 3 p. m. at "The Hermitageop - Heinz "BAKED" Guaranteed Brand Beans & Weinera - for s9� i PICKERING - : -- 1 lb. tins Ungers English Guaranteed Ladies* NYLON H +� Meat Balls Brand 8 for $1.86 osei--Holeprt<af and Butterfly now $1,86 and $1.76 - So oz, tins York Guaranteed Brand - Soverior SILK UNDIES in large assortment. Slips, Panties, Gow, , 'W hole Beets • . - - '8 for 47c ' • _ ' -SUMMER SHOES in grand assortment for Ladies and Children - -`Spanish 16 oz. stuffed, grand for a - t1KcGregor SOCKS for the MEN, They're beautiful and comfortable Quee n's Olives picnic McLarens Gt'd. Brsind 8-$2..35- Per Pair $100 ' BROFHE'Y TIE'; for MEN $1.00 and $1.50 ` B u: bhy's Hardware - BROCK r THEATRE WHITBY PHuNL. 6113 BEATTY ELECTRIC RANGES _. vy H�z,>, &FATTY ELECTRIC-�IVASHERS '' Y Stop �� t� �w _ THURSDAY FRIDAY, SATURDAY -- JUNE 11, 13, 14, SGAR: Phone .7... 811 Evening Showw At 7.00 and 9.00 P. 51. Saturday Matinee at 1.80. RANGETTES AND' ---Saturday Evening. Show Stats at e,00 P. M. _ ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES THURSDAY, FRI., SATURDAY JUNE 12, 18, 1' _ = Francis Goes to the Races i-H Paints and, Ge+ieralHardware = STARRIN'f. — DONALD O'CONNOR and PIPER LAURIE ••••a+ Boots - f - ;PEES —"'STRANGERS-IN A LIGHTHOUSE" - ..PHONE 46 PICKERING WI'?H - CARTOON — NOVELTY The Club met last Wednesday at :WITH WILLIAM HOLDEN and JOHNNY STEWART the .home of Chas. and Mrs. Clem MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY JUNE 16, 11, 18, ence, with a good. crowd. The am Evening Shows At TAO P. M. -Last Complete Skew tat &20 P.M. -nual picnic of the Club which is as= ■ - _ ualiy a star attraction for all, will held at 'L rook Park which er et -Little Egypt be ynb agic, p-IN TEC1�MOOLOLR — STAIUUNG has recently changed bAnds, on_ - MARK STEVENS i" 1XHONDA FLEMING Wednesday, M. Arrangements for ': 1WITH-1_-- LUCILLE BALL and JOHN .AGAR re also ` Gusher fmrmcing the ball team we - ` T'he BI Crusher made. Arch Bell has kindly loaned them the use of his field for pro& ( MONDAY, TUES., WEDNESDAY — JUNE 16,-11, it. - ;WITH r-- ,WAYNE MORRIS and DOROTHY PATRICK - tic�. Fred Puckrin and Geo. �ithits � - � AND — FOX NEWS arranged for _the eiening's amore- ment by putting on Quin Programs � -:9 etective : Stor • NEST ATTRACTION with Pres. Guthrie. and F. M. Chap- . - man; as captains. The President- won - - The Marrying Kind by to hal: point.. Music and lnrincht. eon were coact functions. WITH sig DOUGLAS and ELEANOR dP',,RKI STA,RitING ='JUDY HOLIDAY and ALDO RAY Mr. Adolph ! suffered a reek orience of his old trouble and vias t� , last week to St: Michaela. ,� a n 1 e �N e a d h a n t Campbell Motors M3r4tha m Hospital. Muco sympathy is felt for g err �-�` Mrs Gane who is trying to sell the farm, :` �.II'ITH — LE1W`IS COTLQW and ALL NATIVE CAST. ..Caerrywood THEATRE POLICY w Mr. and Mrs- Murray : Flolling�ei Dot Offift Opens Evenings 16,80 P. 8L - and children attended the Ayrshire Saturdays and Holidays 8,00 P. M. cattle breeder's picnic at . Musee4- :-Matinee Saturdays and Holidays - 1.80 P. hL - man's lake on Saturday.V. FLOODLIGHT PARKING _ Mr, and Mrs. Russell Davidson 7 AKE PARKING.A PLEASURE WI OUR visited with -Mr. and Mrs.. Won. - - ATTENDANTS AT ALL TIMES ' Tweddle on Sunday. -_ T1iie�A. will meet at t ie home of Mrs. Lenord Gates, Wednesday:. afternoon, June 18. Subject for roll call. - "Use Our Talents," Baseball - Pontinued Mr. and Mrs, Gerald Allman were: Groups 4 and 5 of the W. A. wish the sixth as they sensed, the danger -Mr, and Mrs, T. Barton, Mrs, Jr. to thank those who donated parcels they were in with this young Stronoch, Miss B.' Segriff, Mr. and Brookiin tepmL One of 'these runs Mrs. W. Lebarr and daughter', Do • and money: -la so those who attend{- . ed the 'parcel post sale and tea on came as Hood scampered home on And Mrs• N. Dales,' all of'Toronto. 'Tuesday, June 3rd. a passed ball. Then, in the 8th, Mills j _ Mr, ,and Mrs, R. Tindall visited at rapped a four-bagger, but the paths Cards of Thsnlu Keswick over the week end. -- were empty.. Brooklin were loot out- Mr, and Mrs, J. Tlhoiapeon of Mt. yet. and they got It rally going in We wish to thank- all who -turned t 4.BULING FORD AND MONARCHS FOR YEARS CAMPBELL MOTORS AJbert had dinner with the ninth and scored a pair of ;out to the Memorial $ervtce .on - )IIr. and GIVE FORD OWNERS A REAL SERVICE runs. This howe7er fell twd short Sunday afternoon last: also Rev, , : Mrs. Windn. 'Hollinger G Sunday. of • the number .racked' up by *a .George Dix, *Ad 'the Cedar Gjwri In flhe same manner that the Ford born Implements and have gained Mr. and Mrs Jack Gale, Mr. acid local sins 1 ,choir, and, Mr. Noyes, for his pnbl. Motor Co, took the lead many years -for themselves and their products s Mrs. Jack Mitchell and - Mise Doris t :>ftgo in performance and dollar value Hollinger, were guests of Mr. and For Btbaidin—Hooker, pitching( . Hdty work. A sum of over $460.00 Y great many satisfied patrons who r B. Mitchell.• catching. Pickering was realised in the offering. nue on automobiles so has it now are s Mrs. W ter Hollis Featherstone and Pyette itchin ♦ �Y eying what the Ford and Mon.: Pl ger on Sunday. � pitching; I+kskine' cemetery Bd. ; m'7 leotae to the front in providing the :arch drilver' has always said-""You Mr: Gordon Powell of Lit�le Brit- Stewart, catching. i .i 1, • 'u W. Lotbon, Serre :Game in •the post war period, Its can't beret them." ain visited his. brother and family y `auto record and 2wputation was not To -..l;i �e the proper maintainanee on Sunday. _ Robert Tweedie Wititevale, wish:. onl a good Gar for the money, but and service to ori kind of a*chinl. � Mrs. ,Wm: Petty visited members OTHER CLAREl[ON1T NEWS ' ' y y y es to fhauk all' his friends and 'lie pa�avidiug-the public with a cbain ery requires a' well-equipped repair of her family on Sunday. ••• ' o! dealers from coast to coast that shop and a well-supplied parte. der' ! BIG CO1�TEi3 -- - - - - and all oIbbors otltier klndnessesa lovely box of i - - ._,worn interested in fir— CASE PRIZES and to Mr. and Mrs. ' ��' vM•� �nartment. At thin pliable, firm you � � • _ Victor Morley, confinement 'With an look. � .._y.__... 'and steeping them sold. will find' only genuine parts spud i D t'ne n x f w y, moronto, on the ern. , . s s � A � i:'llls dm only be ,accomo$nlished by whatever is 196 2 ten too 'News will publish stome stories, I our shncers lsvhat we kad+ov rtes the word—"S>gii, equipment to take carne o! your car, i with pictures, a feature on a few Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs, grx#tude to our many friends for ,• Harvey MacLean (nee Jean Morley) ;: �, .� regardless of the businesses in this area. their many kindly sympathetic _est• �_ yIOE. truck or tractor of Cornwall F. E. L on the arrival � asrnpbell Mo f, at Markham, model or make. j ) For the best letter of fiftywords ' pression in so of a daughter, pn June 4 186f,nY rosins+.durhlE I(phons 1=0) sire authorised sales So drop in here and be -assured or lees on why YOU like the ser- Co my stay in hospital. Our especial. - r ngratnlarione to Ge Alin= _ ' and service for Ford ,and Monl►rch of getting. the utmost is value is 'vices rendered by any of these res•' in winning Gerry, thanks to Dr: Tomlinson, Whey have MoO* Cars, Ford Wactore and DeaiL ` automobile serAce. nning the Senior Championship ` l ie firms, the News will play at the .Field Day of. Pickering Dist. all been deeply appreciated. da your letter td. High School. J• 8. >E don. sit $5.00 cash, so.-write Mrs ,AA Toronto and Sarnia lately, y Douglas Allman celebrated his Family. iudley Charles Clemence - gave an a,o� The Editor of this paper will be tenth birthday. last week with.a Ontario Chapter - .� ount of the Conference of the Unitt• tore judge and hil.Aecision will be ply of his chums whir, included STRAWBERRY FHSTIVAI. Our teacher atteQded the Teac'thera' ' ed Church held at Lindsay recently, i final.Bob Songhurst, Bob Edwards, Roger -i-- Convention at ,Brooklin on Thurs' it bore on the Lay members, at All fetters pertainirhg to this lest-ow, • ,' day of last wast. the local churl, on Sunda last• tura will be the Property M the Gran%n, Wayne and Jack RndsftXW Ontario Chapter O• II, S. PFestivq l , Gerald Brown who is 'Public R� y News and will not be re Grant and Gerald Morgan phd are holding a Strawberry Festival, F. M. and Mrs. Chapman strand. { temp• Frank Taylor, on ,Wednesday, June 25, at the lotions man for Bordens and the ed the Disne McMullen nuptials at Send in your letter NOW. Masonic Hall, Pickering. pleas Oil Co. teen been bogy in Y- A l Sunday roisitors at the home of rA sdian Unionville on Saturday bast. _ keep the date in mind, Further par. ., i ticulars umt ween. I rstd