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T-� zr- a A" No. 18 FRIDAY, DEC. 22 1939 TOL. LIX .' PICKERING, ONT., -i. WTVIS09tastaL garb*. The News extends t#e best Of• BROOKLIN $5.00 REWARD Season's Greeting to its Readerd. EENW001) Modica& former R. R. Mowbray, f Reeve of is offered for inforn-Ation leading, to ROUGE HILLS Pickering, and twice Warden of the' 'the arrest and conviction of the DR. H. O. PIECARSON-Physie-lan" -MILLS Surgeon, Dantiat on, 101!r County, celebrated his 92nd birth• parties who cut the swing ropes of Remember the annual schooL day last week. the Green River School playground. ,t70"YtTH,%Op ��Dlm, meeting to be held �n the school Ri AUDLEY CHOPPING 4 ► house on Wednesday next at 1.00 Trustees, S. S. No. 11. o'clock p• m. for the aopointment Monday, Wednesday and .Frida) oat. of an auditor for next year. The The annual business meeting of BROUGHAM WE GRIND FINE long controversy over the problems the Woman's Association was held regarding the formation of another at Mrs. S. Puckrin's on Wednes- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jermyn and Bran, Shorts &W Feed,_ of all DUNALD RUDDY barrister kinds, also [minerals and other AJVm59UdL*r NoutryPublic. MoLieyw school section is now over, and ev- lay 13th. The reports from the var- children, of Whitby, called. on the bY'tb6laL9 A. f�7 !:::� erything,is going along nicely. -A ions committees were encouraging. McWhirter family on Sunday. eancentrafes for profitable feediap t Houte.Whitby. bly new school has been erected with The following officers were elected Mr. Elmer Wilson, of Toronto kept on band BEA TON, BELL ROSS all modern conveniences axd it is for the coming year: President, called on his mother, Mrs. Edward Barristors & Solicitors intended, to engage a second teach- Mrs. W. Guthrie. Vic4kr President, Willson and Mrs. Gannon MOIL- We stock only the best Poul er'for the Junior Department, and Mrs. C. Puckrin. Recorling Secret- day. M.J.WATON.K.C. Telepbone also the engaging of a music tea- ary, 'Mi-ss Alm Puclain. Correa- The Sunday School .Entertain. reeds and Supplies. IL BROOKE BELL,K.C. Adel,28a cher. An outstanding-event in the ponding Secretary, Mrs. G. Puck- ment Will be held on Friday even- Jet.1F.ROSS 372 Bay St. near future will be a public open- rin. Treasurer, Miss Gladys Puck- ing as scheduled. A good program , )ORNZ.FOND Toronto ing of the new school, which will be rin. Pianists, Mrs.' R. Helge, Mrs. ,is prepared, LAND SUWRYOK Friday evening, 'Dec.' 29th, .7 early in January. Addresses will be I. Saunders. Flower'-Committee: On F y eve ng, U. RICHARDSON Co.. arras- given by prominent public men of Mrs. J. Greenlaw, Mrs. C. Bell, the-Etrdugham Firemen are holding F. T. DONEVAN, B. 1A., 9,. 'M N.)• 1.SOKCKOM Notahes etc . Suits W,` Tdrmw St troroota- the township Mrs. G. McClure, Mrs. G. Winter. a euchre and dance in the Town L. S. On file' re th Lite Ild" P sed outside points. A a e records of jjj�bo,r A'd I bom .16WIC14ACEP1,60 4613. Sir' MI. the' Euchre to start at.8 P. m. standing invitation is extended to Quilt Committee: Miss M. Pue'krin, Surveyors Gibson and Arnold, NGUS h1cMILLAN-J34niger, Sol- all interested people in the town- Mrs. S^ckrin, Mrs. J. Greenlaw, sharp. long Str, BNOL Oshawa. phom Wax.,patwY Pulilic- 19 Adelinda'Str*41t 4 mit at the borne 198L eledho" Elsinawa. ship to visit the school at the op- Mrs. W. Puckrin. Group Leaders: Several ladies 291f ing or any other time. Everybody Mrs. S. Puckrin and Mrs. F. -Puck- of Mrs. Farley last week and quilt- en will be rrALde welcome. ed the lovely quilt, made by the Tin. girls of the school, who are selling D.D.S. Grddvate at 140V C041.4se of, Last Council Meettug of .the Year -GREENN RIVER tickets for the draw, which will A L D S.. RERBERTT. FAL:,AISF 5 c ems the 1=11em L of Toronto.. held at Brougham on 15th. take place on Friday evening. r mcond door east of %t, and. We hope to see Mrs. A. Gray n. Rev. 1. .E. areb. Ptckeiing.Ont. Office bourn'. If on Sunday afternoon, Insurauce of All Hinds.. op. &:-.-,*r " apwatment. Lx-rwy Council opened with a Court of Re- round again soon after her fit Kennedy gave his congregation Pb000 Ptak V OIL vision to finish up a few "held-ov- illness. something to think about im hii Beat Rates-Available with ee'. items. A noticeable feature of We extend to all the readers of Christmas message, Would Jeswq ostottl000 or albs. this Coun is.the fact t�st only one this paper, -The Compliments ot be a guest in our blomc. on Hi-4 Secujj.�and service.complaint against assessments for The Season, birthday. which we celebrate? Do It. BRATO.N. TOWNSHIP this year has been filed.. The Christma's Tree and Conge e. make it a ,day.of hilarity never Address Do Clerk. C�J11V6V3aLer,C0WJMiS$Wa&r, fog! on Thurs. w Phone skma offidevits., Accountant,'Etc, Issuer OP Xr. Banigan, of the Brock Read will be held in, the churcli remembering it is: a Holy Day?" BROUGHAM 'PICK 515 e unsuccessful in his- attempt to day 21st, this .week. Dri come. He willcontinue-the--Christma was unsucce 3 is farin re- " 31r. R. Carter entertained, rilat- C)N have the assessment on h Theme on Sunda-y,-Dec. 24th. A. E. RICHARDS" duced. ive from-Saskatoon recently. The 'nest dance will be held on A daring atterript was made tri E The Twp. received from Scarboro burglarize the residence GENDRAL N URAWL of Mr. E . 1 0 rpil;a REAL kSTATE Twp, an agreement on the the up- December 29th. Walter Milne, on Nn. .7 Highway "VEYANCI-NG keep of the Scar. Town Line. Th.? . Mrs. Barefoot, of Sprucedale, ea WED. and SIAT.-only CON r early Sunday morning, but was ON MON, local Council maintains the South with her mother, Mrs. J. Wilson frustrated by the quick work - Of AfterNlay 1st, 1939 aN established agency. ready wbn is under her doctors care wit2t end. ... ., . i .. . . I . I , - n Cliff Wright, We have a quay.lily of Seed Robert Jackson and to serve. an Jnfiared knee' and other, comOic- Oats(Alas. Rho- caught the* thief, saved the Alone, PicL 6M -h I-inve-developed. t ka..RanreT. and Victcry). also Parley, Roads and Bridxeq paid the follow- aborts. whit -and delivered the woull- valuables After over nine 'weeks, of serious be lurglar to. the proper huthorit- Purina. Feeds. Chick!;tarter, Dairy Pa- in tions. 'Dryena, fig Fc ods etc. A fu W M. MAW Chas. Cooper 17.65. A:. Lee 25-75. illness and intense p in, Mrs. �Euvr- ies. a plucky piece of work on the AUCTIONLI-At ANI) It. Wilson 2.50. Can. Oil Ltd. 100. ene Peklcyis still very ill, and we, Late News .."C of th"t well k nr.,..r r fetes LICENSED part of the young men. VALUATOt,- 27. H. no-tch 13.20. Chas. Hoov,:e wish to extend our syrioathy. -the prisoner appeared on Tues- Ci1OPs M01888ce, :alt. hlilifccds. Shut Bnlre 59.1G6. Scar. Township 6.247. T. Pat- A few friends gathered at th. day in jog Cor:antrate. Mirtrals,Egg couducted Anywhere' Dov. Whitby Court and was ren- Lwin. I' erson 1.30. B. Wilson 1.40. Ken. home of Mr. and Mrs. Alph. H, r Miss to help them celebrate ended for'one week. Pbotis nr write. Address 614 Dunda,. Mash Etc. St pet, East, Watd y9,.00..A. Hastings 3.00. -s er.receRtly. Officers elected. for the Y. P. U Forgie 5.00. L Lye . 7.30.. W. Sad- their wedding anniversary. We wish 15,0 are as follows' President, D. N. Lockwo' d Whitby, Ont&rio. . .. A wedded for . 0 let 4.95" M. Hamilton 2U.75. Wni titern many more yeRrs c Man Vice-Pres., Hilda Ellicott Hilts 2.50. T. Johnson 2.00. Arthur bliss. Grant Johnston. :-Pickering Mills Percy, borms- wire fence, I The -Divine Servlee-40r-next Hood. Secretary, of w . _-r __ATah Gray. C 1"riters. T. Trea:su er, DICKERING, ON Government Licensed day will be taken by the Young Citizen SwF Helen Farley. WIT DE-LIVER A V IDeP4_a! R-WPUP-11 ":-q Forrlrtb wil Stertrlw Ross wilison. Ch.ildren's Story-and "The I-.pzen3 .7 PHONE 5317 Phone 191 be Ralph Crawford. Literary, Merle Maternity., Medic&r, and Surgical .�7ity of Toronto,. 90.20. Twp., N -of the Black Madonna" will Hopkins. Recreation, Vernon Ellic- YOXIjJI0-07. Twp. Scarboro: 6.00. F. 'read. Come and bring. the c�jldrc-n Walt. Knox. Ott. Press. Secretary, cases taken Ward 1.50.. A. Lee 2.50. (the above out for the Christrr.,-As Message Something New Organist, Helen Malcolm. Girls' Maternity Semi-Roorn Mr. D.' Duncan' will pre�side at the for supplies and.services.). Work, Annie Bayles. The meeting Fates for 10 days=$25.75 Contingencies organ.. em on Sundayevening was led by Pr- Col an Oil Heater-N Registered hurries in attendance and / S. C. Tomlin, . tax re'bate,11-75- eat, esident, Alan High Gann- -. Ellicott. H 24 hour service given. Tor. Gen. Hosp. acct., j.,00. Fred e of the'program. good heat and easy to operate a in charge on, Ambulance Service Christie, acct. 1.00. Pickering News The meeting Of the W. j MRS.E.R. GOOD 2�5.37 printing 7.00. Brod-harn Fire•Co.. -Miss Annie Petty is spending a Also a good liD6, of ran"ges, or Marl M. S. was held at the 'home 6f Mrs. - orie call, 25.00. Ju few days visiting her sister in Judge Coleman, Ct. Geor;-e Philip, on Tliursday, D--c- if it is a furnace,-we would FOR 'Fees 12.80. Adam Spears bonus on bank. ember 14th with a large ritterdan We are pleased to report Mal• e be pleased to install. the best, dog tags and Ct. fees, 3t-.00. John INSURANCE Phillips, -S. A. 0., . re.Court fees,' colm Law returned home from the ce. President, Mrs. Fred Ciissie, 'Pease Economy" hospital on Sunday. conducted the_ opening devotions. Crammer,- constable fees, SLI-.RVICE 16.�z b P items-16f business for Miss Leo- Among t. S"atisfaction Guaranteed 2.00. R. E. Mowbray, re town line We are sox to report ....,Phorle Pickering G7 sick 1iWe-tope--th-a-dayi-wni--the--eler-tion-of offic- accounte, 8.00. Wm. Ree.or, ditto, na Dixon on the -own. Al- ers, conducted by Mrs. Bi GRIL E. HURLEY 8.00. D. R. Beaton, salary, 100-00. for an early recovery. though there was a tendency among ALVIN BUSHBY Mr. and Mrs. James , Thompsoll FIRE. AUTOMOBILF, LIFE , Wan. Chester, salary, 60.00. Doti. 'R. the members to shirk the,res on- ACCIDENT, Hardware Tinsmith County Tr- -of '.%It. Albert, spent 1%lohday wit', ACCIDENT, WINDSTORM Beaton, postage, 50.00. sjbility of offieo, on motion, there PUBLIC LIABILITY Etc. easurer, (hospitalisation) ' 1,17jiz. Walter .and '.N-Irs. Hollinger. W11S �, re-election of all officers, PICKERING prodded b�- s Annie The special music , pr( SEKVICE PROTECTION Cyril Morley, Relief Officer, salary, but that oteSeCTetary, Miss :PHONE 4600. the Whitevale 6 275.00 and special calls, 3.00. t, choir on Sunday Payles -being', eleZted t fill Mrs. very much appreciat- morning was Norton's position this year. After Xmas Furniture &• Powe�r dnd Lig4t ed.'. fhe disposal of all necessary T,usin- Sortie of oursea- ... ... u people attended tbi Nviti the -10,ilig SCI�!- ess connected -:ft in con- Xmas Novelties N With Trs. Spears, re Whi 2 v a 1,2 NVh Lc sjoi) of the year, Mrs.. RLcl . . . charge of Lightis, 4,20. United Church on Sunday evening venter of Group D, took the outline. t, .7- ..$29.5o Clarifying an iteffi* . in ourlc.st liast. the program, following ..,Hearfiest Good .Cedar Chests, .$)8.00 Mr Missionary.Monte issue re a tractor, the7 genual mot- Congratulations to and M114,;. of--the Missiona Table Lamps, $1�95 •$7.50 ion was to have the Supt.' arrange T. Tyner' (nee Verna Petty), of thly, with candle-lighting service. Lamps,$10..$14.50 TneM . Wishes' Tri-light Floor Lam the sale or disposition of an mold MiLribank, on the arrival of a dau- Readings and s0los, h7 grown Occasipnal Chairs,$6.50.$24.50 tractor' that has b'een sitting, unus- ghter, (Phyllis Emily). bets. The anniversary of -the great . . ; TOR A Madras in Tilt-top Table, .$9.50 ed, at the gravel pit for a year. Mr. 'Watson Norris, of Eyebrow, missionary gathering -at • A imove to realize something on the Sask., who has been spending the 'Ic)38, was reproduced -as a broad- Coffee Table, $9.25 Ot;P of menliers. rep- cast, by a gr kers; .2.45-3-40 old tractor, and n I ot a., purchase of past two weeks in our vicinity le.ft W errq Vhridtinasl Child's Reed Roc. World Christians, Glass. a new one. on Tuesday for his home. resenting eight Wo,l 'A fine assortment of fine "Christmas at Mad- Township Nomination Day on Mr. Walter Hollinger, accompan- taking part in AND A Mare,"trystal, and China F, Dec. 22nd. W by Mr. Watson Norris, spent a ras", Mrs. Hedge singing "0 Little riday, e Officers for day recently with Mr. Walter Hen- Town of Bethlehem". Olfic Presid- W ric -CARD OF THA14K.S derson and fainily, at Gozmley. 1940 are as follows: Hon- Xappq' aj%d We are fortheEasy Elect Washer. The Christmas Concert will be ent, Mrs. H. Malcolm. Y'veside we wish to take this opportunity given on Friday evening in the Mrs. F. Cassie, Mrs. B. Ritchie and op Pill 1141 Secretary, Miss Motor Ambulance, Day or Night to exterd to one and all, the Sea- church, A program of Chrstmas Miss M. Duncan. See 9roollpero.. to wish each music, Recitations and dialogues Annie Bayles- Press See., Mrs. T. 'son's Greetings and Phone 1300 Aird all "A very Merry Chri,;tmas has been arranged, and Santa will C. Brown. Treasurers, Mrs. Miller a Happy and Prosperous New be on hand. Everyarre welcome. and Mrs. Philip. Cr)TnTAunit7 Friend 'Wow pear j land Year". Also to thank you for your The community enjoyed a pleas-, ship, Mri. Ritchie. Supply, Mrs. A. -e, Mrs. Burton. T ,H- E PICKERINd NEWS 11)"#- u Stp and Odke In esidemo "W's Cb 460. 60 arvim C. A. STERRITT generous support and patronage ant evening on Wednesday last in Lemon. Uteratui Frineral Director during the past year. the schdolbou%e, when picturs; of M. and M. Mrs., Philip. Cttrietian as may, be the Assoc- BOYIS DRUG CO-v LU That this Christm the Sprucelcigh Poultry Farm. at Stewardship, Miss Duncan. • .Furniture Dealer 'nstan. I . <, Brantford, along with the Royal iate-HelPers, Mrs. Ja'� rowm best yet is the wish of" 0, 1 Treace,Pleuro. 'were Also-Vlnc4nt,,1Ta1l�,yrs- ftyles.• ant'Aga. 1.1 . , - - ...................... ............................ ......... ...... ;. ..,...dam• _�.�.. .. .. .., ..'_.E•%_.. '. .. r. .. Y,S,^ .'.Y,,..,•�_.,?... 'Ow .: G::ry•._: - 7. .p.• - r• M,•,i .. s'..i-�-T[•� .:we. . .- .77 r.r L. Finland: Newest and Northernmost Theatre of Warr 'WORTH EF Etiquette Meta -iNlodern COMING UP FOR!SC"F " .MetaF - BY ROBERTA LEE Q for taste-flavour=-Freshness- 3 economy-Dixie Plug has every. �. f 1. hen spending the Christ- thing I Cut it as you want it, s� r max holidays at a friend's home / coarse or flake, long or short. should the guest have a gift for ���_ each member of the familyT, .-� v �• O RO - ® • 2. When a man takes a girl to a small dance, is it necessary that _ Y ,� , -= � e alone? ' _ fI® N_%Q; 6r_ S. What is the correct thing to ! . / say when someone apologizes over othe phone for getting the wrong number? PLUG SMdKING TOBACCO4. When a girl has been going 43. with a young man for several -months, and she knows his birth- aday, should she give him a gift, A. The tinware will never rust.% if he has never given her one'! A no matter' how much. it is pIaeed HOw Can i ( in water, if while it Is new the sur- 0 W s f. 5. When rising from the table • face is rubbed with lard, then thor- 0 1Gs m•& 4e 1 t �e should one push his chair up to 8Y'ANNE ASHI EY oughly heated in the oven before, Ot {o , the 'table? using. 6. Should a host at a theatre ' the Q. How c�n ;I treat wrinkles to � � party keep his guests sounding A. Try bathingalithem i Sn ay hot A. Try binding the forehead with 6 ? a e a 1% i• aside, waiting, while. he procures Epsom salt solution before 'retir- a linen'bandage soaked in equal the tickets? . int. Dissolve half - teaspoon, of parts of alcohol and the white of Answers Epsom.salts in a`cup of hot.'water as egg, allowing the bandage to " all llgeane, and he and apply pads dipped in.this solu- remain over night. 1•. .2s, tion. just as hot as can be borne. o s should also give as extra tip to Repeat several times and the Cottage Cheese r*- Q each of the servants in the!louse- &trained feeling will disappear. hD •' S ARIA hold. 2. Not at all. He may ask Q. How can I remove an Iodine ' improves: Salad ~ SOVIET any girl's}partner if he would like stain from wood?- to exchange dances. S. "Certain- �� }tet some cora starch is milk Use cottage cheese' plentifully ' jr + when combining _ t INGRAD ly' is sufficient., 4. No. The man and cover the stain. Allow to stand g salads-parties. eMi1®uiNlS' - Should be the first to begin giving for about a minute; then rub with ularly delicious in fruit salads of 4 psrtoMsesMr 4tNM KRONSI•AOT gifts. Send him a nice birthday a cloth until the e•tain Is gone. pineapple, figs, peaches. pears,, O 1.A f M40GLAND I. card. 5. Ye•, slightly, to keep it Q. How can I add attractiveness prunes or apricots. Mold the era 1Z ;et Ew �3Z "e°°Awmrer) AY6 a out of the way of other persons, to the appearance of pliln ciulard? cheese into balls, sprinkle with ' maimLM He should sot leave it .back two A. Serve the custard 1e. tall glee- chopped uta, parsley or crew, a -feet from the table, nor should he . &es, garnishing with - whipped serve with fruit on crisp lettuce This .map shows the progress the Russian Army made in the firs: place it back meticulously. 6. No; cream and pieces of currant jelly, with mayonnaise, French or fruit ` p]paign in Finland. he should urcham the tickets in dressing. If the cheese does not week of its ca p Q: How can I Snake new tinware advance. rustproof? mold readily, said a little cream to ,soften. T. B. Treatment Community Job HaveYouXe lyd -Classified advertisements- Tuberculosis b an Infectious it disease, and therefore a commun- ity problem, Dr. James B. Roes, F.R.C.P. (Eng.) associate proles- c.rlty. NEW AND LSED wr.LwAL FL'R1Y1TLAIE' FOR GALE , �sor of Medicine at McGill Uni- 3tUL'NT PI.EAS.11.NT MOTORS, LTD.. A nun r! at the University versity, told the Kiwanis Club of Toronto's oldest Ch Bier, Ply- SIt,1I BLOOD k'RE:I.YURE--WRITE. Y O N S y !3 y lrfoIILTeaI recently. The treatment mouth dealers: throe locations for free booklet and full Darticu- �..., of Missouri recently wrote her 1199 Mount Plsaaant Aaad, . 9040 lairs regardingour amazingly mother, air.'mall special delivery, of a person open to tuberculosis ',Yonge Street, 1295 Danforth Ave. successful hylood treatment STOCK - TAKING SALE Pedlgraed' Products Sasksinnn as follows: was, he said, a community prod friend ed cars make us many Sa lam, and not a personal problem ' _� _ ,RECONDITIONED Dear Mother: between him and his physician. CUSTOM • TANNING THIS 1S WHAT SIRS. NEILSON. OF FURNITURE .Please send me money for a Tecumseh. Ontario, says: for 12 The medical profession powes- *E DU CL'STOSL TAYNL�7c3 OF years i suffered with swollen legs Thls la a splendid a new dress immediately. Have had and broken veins Could not weal P pportunit to fes enough knowledge about tub- Deerskins, Beef and Horsehidee buy really hlgb=ctasa recondl�oned &everal Sates with Jimmy and have £oto Robes, Harness and Garment shoes or stockings. For months I furniture at • fraction of the real worn each of m dresses once. We erculOsis and methods Of hand- Leather. J, C. Henry'A Son,Mark- could not leave my home. After value. Every article thorough - y using Croucbman's Ltrklment. I 1� ling it. to eliminate the disease. dale, Ont. clewed reconditioned and .ole with \ave a :date tomorrow night and can go out and enjoy ilia where it a poaltIve money-back guarantee of He looked forward to the time DOGS FOR 611,E lets orf 12 ears ago. Demand it must have another dress right from your druggist or write J. EL satisfaction. when, like typhoid, tuberculosis Crouchman Co.. Ltd, Windsor, Chesterfleld Suite, 3 pieces 1 away. 1! you don't seed the would cease to .take the heavy 'BEAUTIFUL SCOTCH ENGLISH Ontario. 12.5 upholstered 1e. brown ilflvr- sloney, send a neW dress. Thanks. • Collie Pnpa two month's male. 3.. 1 rung AC, h to]' that it now did. Since time month`s-".",-four:month's -. - repp mates! 1 900, deaths in the United States $6.00. Fall-tyres replaced - free PERSONAL spring cushions. •'� Her mother answered: ' trained cattle dogs, trained fox Smart 3 piece Chesterfield had deer eaaed from. 200 peT 100,- hounds. All dogs fully ruasant- , 19.50 Suite, upholstered in Jacq. ;Dear Ruth: sed. Wilfrid Zeron, Morrisburg. QLIT TUBACCU, SNUFF. EAy1LY, nerd velour, reversible Marshall 000 population to 48 per 100 000. lnexQenslvelyr Home remedy. spring cushions. upuIn Quebec there were s47 t 11 95' to `- i free. Bartlett'&. Boas 1, Wlrtn Deg. 7 eau} p ece sown mo. _p_ 100 deaths per 100,000, as against VIDU'CATIONAL 4.50 half Chesterfield Suite. Per. -Thera it a tombstone is feet, reversible MaLreball spring Prague which has the epitaph: 84 in Ontario and 22 in 'Sisk- STUDENTS NOW E.vRUIJ IhG FOR PHEASANTS-F� cum ions. „ atchewan, ,Saskatchewan spent 76 courses in and GOLDEN PHEASANTS.MALES AND 35.00 High class 3 piece brows He river Taft Pragae. The mohair Chesterfield Suits. cents.per head on the control of Speech Culture. Rake use of your Females 1939 hatch, ;2.so each, P cost new approximately ;185.. Perw mea was bora in Australia, spare tune. Write today. Canad- Stature birds ;4.00 each. B. C• feet new tion. ond lived in Czecho-Slovakia and tuberculosis and Quebec spent 41 tan Correspondence College, (es- Humphrey, Troy, Untario. tabliabed 1902), 229 Tongs Str et. Large assortment of odd Cents per' head, e 6.95 C'hesterflelds and chairs, 1,1 stied is Germany, Toront). RAW FURS WA•\TED various covers, n -� - FERRETS FOR SALIN SHIP YUt li FURY To US FUR upholstered in torlield red vel► �A revival service was being held � � and one of the partners in a' Coal FERRETS - SURE HUNTERS ON full market prices. L: A. Jones, our, Complete with -new mattress. W�ai' `SCfence rats and rabbits. Males ;2.50.fern. 189 Talbot St, $t Thomas, Oat Oak Dining Room euftss, - concern. had joined the church. ales ;3.00, yearlings $3.50. .Arm- i 7•JO buffet, table and 6 chairs. strong Bros., Route 1, Paris, Ont. Beautiful quarter-cut Oak , He tried' to get his partner to d0 __ - - -- RANCHERS AND TRAPPERS 24.50 suite,' large buffet, aztan likewise. �S r FINANCIAL sion table and 6 leather upholstered "I can't do it, John," replied ALL PRICES ON RA1V FURS ARE chairs, completely refinished.' P WORTG GES OR AGREEMENTS low. Why not get the most for Solid Oak.Dining Suite, 9 the partner, when the •other's in- Doing of sale V"*ch w0 for cash, prompt your fox pelts by having them 45.00 pieces, buffet, china cabinet, , pEteriCe became irksome. "Who'll g - attention. North Shore Realty Co. tanned and made into attractive __extension table and 6 leather upho4 Ltd., Oshawa, Phone 81. scarves .and sell theta direct? sterd chairs, like new. Vo the wdghin' if I join?" Workmanship guaranteed. Silvers Large walnut finish Dining HARD1 APPLE •rwwEs $8.50, reds ;6.60. Thos. Emack. 69.00 Room Sulte, completely re- -O- VITAMINS HEAL WOUNDS Taxidermist and Furrier, 1872 fitifahed, buffet, china cabinet, ex. 'Are these the largest or. Wounds heal more rapidly'if the HARDY APPLE 'TREES -'60 .UTA queen St. E., Toronto. tension table and 8 leather uphol- as;se. you have?" asked Mrs. body is well supplied with aseorb- each. Canada's Lowest Priced Nur• - - - stared chairs. •$rovip, of the grocer. "Oh, eery, growing leading varieties SCHOOL KOOKS 59.1 Floor sample English oak is acid, Or vitamin C. Some gen Fruit Trees. OOrnamentats, Write Dinette Suite (new) seg. so, ma'am," was the reply, era! observations )lave,been made immediately requesting sensation. HUJiI; STUDY CUUH ES-l3UUtxHT E69.00 value. Buffet, extension table, al offerings. Tobs's Treery, Nia-, sold, rented. Educatlunal books, with Jack-knife leaf and 4 chairs is .those are *air the `large' size. by surgeon& that the wo1]rids Of gara-on-the-Lake. Ontario, . etc., Canada's largest dealer. Low• red leather. -We also have the larger,mem- est prices, send for llst. E,_,unomy Large solld walnut Dining persons who were receiving an adeti Distributing, Leamit,gton, Unt. 89.00 Room Suite (coat new $225) -moth, giant, jumbo, colossal HOGq FOR SALE ___ _ quite amount Of Vitamin C 1 beautiful buffet, china cabinet, ex. and .uper•colosaal sizes." their diet ,before operations for 100 YORKSH111L PIGS. SELECT SKATING OUTFITS tension table, and 6 leather uphol- stered chatrs, completely refinished. -�_ D. type, rapid growers, 10 The Bishop of Cologne was ar- nut appendicitis reeled in less than oold $4.1.50,week's pigold s -seven week's S used, fl.75,ATINU ,;2.25,1$L.65. 'Ne)ahigtl TLY 1��'00 Din31aingeent RoomarSuite�(1$ > the average tI1DP., old $45.00. Choice now or boar quality, $8.89, $3.85, ;4.25, plus Yau pieces, coat new $650), buffet, china tested recently. He had taken as -- pigs $S each. Sows bred all ages. Postage. 1'eer4ess, 151 Dundus W;, Cabinet, extension table, serving ca. 'text for a sermon: "The lie limps .'AND MENTAL DISORDERS Shipped anywhere Canada, live Toronto, Binet, and 6 chairs with aceta and „ delivery, satisfaction i;aranteed. backs upholstered In blue mohair. . . through 'the land. i f common vi am- d_7 Seve.al odd buffets, china u extension our ,ermon was against, Dr. in which can be purchased in pills ttibtesr ca ne s• . . n Goebbels," " INCREASE YOUR EARNINGS he tYaS told. You at the corner drug store i8 being AMBITIOUS S mEN el AND UCEtt Complete, Bed Room Butte „ EARS DU LLA RS READING YOUR ,canted immediately for secret 1 8.50 1e. wul.nut finial,. dresser, know he lilrped. used as a treatment for extreme newspapers! Dime, and stamp service and detective work, corn- "Yes," replied the 'bishop; "bite nervousness and a possible proven- brings information and surprisesl plete training course by corres- chiffonier, full size es!5. saglese S Rembe, 527 Bing St. W., Ham- spring and new mattress. r, pondencer Free infgrmutton, Write Modern Bed Room Suitt - 1 didn't know he lied. tive of some forms of insanity. Ilton, Ontario. to 4', 5t. Julien, Box 25, Station T, 39,00 with Venetian mirror in A newspaper account of the in- The vitamin, known as B-1, is -_- -- Montieal• two-tone walnut finish, completely cide'nt concluues: "The bishnp is not "a cure-all for nervous dis- FTR\ITURE Fult SALE etlntsncd. • X9.00 Beautiful ein bleached walnut free man." orders. However, it has already CHES�FEI�FIELDS Guaranteed f;ntstr, dresser with Venetian mirror -�- proven effective 'in the quick 1 WEEKLY unci ehiffnnter, rust size bed. sag'- Employer: As^ Employers "Say, boy, these 'treatment of a number of physical $ CAR AND�'RUCK PARTS I0ss spring and new mattress. PIECE CIII-, :[tF1ELD SUITES Floor sample Bedroom aren't references." and mental disorders. in Velours and rnpp covers, fact- t • used - New 5).00 t;u(te, in waterfall design. Offic4 Boy (trying for ory reconditioned; originally ex- dresser, round mirror, chlrfonler 9 ib). "But 1 thou ht life Vensive suites, better than a SVFAA1,1%1.NG I.N. Itht11 11,11' .110- full size. bed, -airless ' spring at!dl o t y ',AS FAST AS LIGHT cheap, new one, 3 pieces complete, TOH,, 1'01NEIt•I NITS. Iiydraulte nevv mattress, perteer. wbuld be hotter. 'The 're'co tea 24.50, Threo piece chesterfield Hei■t%, 1e.Iechex. Generator-, Start- y P An eleci:ric gun twenty-eizht ;' l,ar_e assnrtmrnt of stoves, 166'hen sultes, newly recovered in choice era, Mnsneios, UnrAuretorw, Radint- ,,abitrets, breakfast suites, tables, of my four grandparents' feet )ong in which electrons will repp rabrics. Just like new,• at ors - Exchange. Service. I:Inss - , .wU,g machines, drear'crs, beds, etc. death certificates." be acce1crated in fourteen succes- hair rhe price. Three piece com• sail„tactlon or refund. Le,y Anto ur, amavingly inly prir,ea.Sp,c{al at- plate $39.00 $5,00 down, EL.UO per farts, Toronto. _ r,'ntlon to mniI order-. All Ronda ---- - sive stages until they attain a ..,week, l�'e pay freight to your - rarel`trlly -r„r,•�l for auto shipment At the ynw:al meetin . of In Velocity of 180,000 miles a sec- rtartc,q. Dept. w Royal C'hepter- USCI) 11RES P914 SAIA: on ;..,,ri,t of ,nnnpy.order. Sian rrinccs is Delhi Falu;ea are and more than nine-tenth. of the fleld XlxnIII a':turu +; ti6'l:ir:hmond y„ne)a,nrk Gt+nrnntre .;t tit. 1::.. '1',lrortt.,. •tatl„tnetlon ;riUl) I:jEV 'l'IRh:�, ALL �ILi.�. fired accold-tats to the caul: of each speed of light. is beim cons:curt- at ru t��l':�rurr, l,o,vu,i n i:o.+. ln,,,u ries t vi'ed cele ate man ons fora la- ed fos the U. S. Bureau of Stand- ter 1,:klr,n 'I'i! ,, wr,i l I,unrr;rM ,�,.. t, LYON'S .. g r y g ,�V �,I•'P'!.I: I'" I:�r:ItY �b I':.V'1'UR �1rr u,i t,r '�2rajah. so many fors Nizarn, arils by, th,a General Electrie 1,1,1 ,f invrntlrn y „nd full tulur. _ 1 _ ____ •112.101.1 - 1\ 1)F't'.ljjT." ,V.r f and •so on. T'.IP total number of Company. It will he used to pro- Inutwn seem rr.ty 'rhe It.�t. ted1'11cnl- Attm,nevs• ISSUE NO. 51-'39 478 Y.on;e St., Tor()nt,j suns fired-axe eeds 2,000. duce Xways• 1.0nk Street, Otta'sa, Canada, a< ,• .. .-. ..' -.:-- , .. 1 q .'...'.. '^�!-' «>.,.'. . ... mob, r q. Orr - Submarine P.O. Puck Chasers Sw��t• .. At Nassau (Bahamas) the first v Oic� INEWS undersea post offieS has been op- __ LL 4 --- - ened in a "photosphere" that has pE tRt �' to ics of the Ontario Or 9 PARADE been used for making films and P a t B l R' observations of marine life for _. Hockey Season It]'�er 't twenty-five years. Visitors can en- ;.;PRESS --' ter the chamber, virite -their im- SEVEN WINS 1N A ROW With 4 press of undersea life,and post - a Reichsfuehrer Adolf Hitler of P After winning seven straight O. Germany might well have been cal- them on the spot. At the opening -MAC,ON" FOR BREAKFAST H. A. games, Toronto Goodyears ?� Gar- led "the forgotten than" during the ceremony, :he first letters to be The. British are experimenting were defeated at Maple Leaf Gar- Be* HIY `;yw --� G� ,� fourteenth week of the war. On the posted wet a addressed' to •King with smoked mutton as a substi- dens by St. Catharines '4-3 after diplomatic front, Stalin and blus- George VI and President Roose• tute for bacon. It will now be 10 minutes of overtime,,Bill Mo- d e _for, breakfast.— h scoringthe winni goal after the Eea, the Allies appeared .to be Guelph Mercury. 9 five minutes of extra play. It was '�gainging the upper hand;, ono the --o— ' r r s current a stage n Rumania? ould the' "BOMBSHELL LONG OVERDUE son. As a-result of their victory, abroad were true. Hitler was being League action against Russia pre- Maybe that hlunich beer cellar :outshone in y the Saints moved into a first place political significance capitate the struggle? Did the pre- 'bomb was w,t meant for Hitler tie with the Tiremen. t by Hermann Goering and the Bence, reliatly reported. of Ger- but for after-d.nner speakers as �— s Rightist. taction. man officers !n Finland mean, a a class.—Brandon Sun. coming split in the Nazi-Sovit;t Durine the first month of actin- - F.ven the rumors. that flew so —o- thack and fast during the week, front? what of japan. China sty in the Senior 0. H. a me, �: f would they be on the side of the SUSPEND CHRISTMAS? series there was not one tae game, had him consigned to oblivion. One ? There is believed to be no im- nor was there one shut-out regis very persistent story claimed that Soviet L'nton is the Armageddon. mediate danger of the Ontario tered. Mussolini would• shortly come for-, NO PEACE ON EARTH Government eliminating Christmas .o. ward with a peace proposal, steep- Of especial miiatary or diplomat- for the duration of the war.— PERSONALITIES table to the Allies, by which Hitler id importanceduring the week Pcrt Arthur News-Chronicle. Galt and Hamilton are new ✓ `Y would retire in favor of the Goer- � ctubs in the Senior 0. H. A. "A". were these: the Russian campaign —o— tag calque atter stoles up all th5 EMBARRASaING PUBLICITY ►Sty territory he had recently taken in Finland , , the sinking of ave League this season, replacing 0' Nazi subs British1 troops tak- Surely those Toronto press awa and Brantford. P 8 8 Hive Syrup JSudetenland and Polish Corridor Ing over sections of 66 front lines photographerq - could think of Ab Tonn, . esacepted); in return for his ser in France . . . ttan an&„Americaa Hamilton's ''big de- .�_ • hock- 'vices as• ambassador of'peace, the' � something more original—and less fence player, played Junior. hock- veport ria. ba s ador•was to be he protests to Rppssia.- . . the League embarrassing to th'<victims after- - ey with Toronto St. Michael's Col., ofNations'Nations' ultffiatuni to Russia , . « " vee a special sphere of influence wards—than the et nsl close-up lege Majors and Oshawa Generals. -. Sons in the Junior A O. H. A . withdrawal from the League*0f pictures of soldiers Wsaing their Goalie Zimmerman of the Nia- aeries under the direction of Sar In the Balkans. Thea the story more South American nations , . -tame to its logical co"loalon — the now rapprochement between Wives and sweeth good-bye. gars Falls Cataracta is the Sea- old Cotton, one-time Maple Les4 everybody would,go to war against --St. Tho s Timesournal. for O. H. A. "A" League starred star, last season. Italy and Hungary' Russia. At home as Canada: A drop Has — With George Mhaaacar'e champion- Reversing the nattai procedure COMING ARMAGEDDON? Hated is the tourist.trade, attrlbut- WANTS BE r ADIO MUSIC ship Junior team last winter. Rudy Pilous of St. Catharine With the. crossing of Finland's ed to an enemy whispering cam- There is in d something Jimmie McKeivie made a good Saints turned from defenstoq t'roatlers by the Red Army, the paign in the U.°. . . . civil marriage Wrong With radio. We wish it start first Senior year as duty to star as a wing player fa - form and scope of Europe's war in Ontario was declared out of.the would do more to entertain rather w member of the Port Colborne the Garden City club in the Sen than carry duJ speeches for the classy centre-ice play- for O. H. A. "A" League this • changed. The focus of world ellen- question or the time beteg . . . a Sailors. The tion shifted from west to teal, and Domtnio election was mooted for supposed enlightenment of listen- er performed for Toronto Native season. more countries became directly am • next May or June . . . problems In ers. Good music is the form of ;plicated Italy, United States, connection wit.. the St. Lawrence entertainment in which it has least t3eandinavia. The possibility of a seaway project appeared a little, competition. But instead of mak- C conflict in Whic41, the whole of civ wearer solution buffalo meat lag itself supreme in the provid- I CABINET OFFICIAL ltfsatioa would be.involved seemed went on sale is Canadian butcher lag of high-class mpsic, radio ap- i 'I much nearer than before, Would shops . ... pears to akimp that department of s " the showdown, however, come UP But "peace on earth." ah, its usefulness. As a matter of fact, HORIZONTAL Answer to Pre"*=Peale 10 Sick. there in frozen Finland, or would it dear! no. some of the best music heard over 1,8 Newly 11 Spike. the radio is from records. Many appointed 12 Backless people feel dissatisfied, especial-, U.S,secretary N chair, ly those who think that in the of commerce. 13 He dispersed sphere of high-class adult enter. 13,Small stool. —'sums of NOTES tainment the radio is falling short lsTO profane. money, RADiOof its opportunities.—Toronto 17 To vex. N�v 14 Label_ Star. 18 Orchid is I PETER 19 weight. A N 1D N E W S 20 King of- 22 Controveraiar. :.,.. beasts. , 23 Useful office. By MADGE ARCHER N T A R I O 22 Before. . 20 Rich part 21 Before. CHRISTMAS SPECIALS Traviata" ...... 10 p.m,, NBJ, CBC, OUMOORS of milk. His Majesty the King, President Desire Defauvv conducts NBC ' 24 Ships record. 28 To perch. y g 25 Form of 30 Female sheep. 4 Roosevelt and President De Val- Symplopy orchestra ...... Sunday, By VIC BAKER "me." village. of � 32 Not bright. isra of Ireland will be.the principal December 24, 1 p.m., NBC, CBS, � Z8 Blood money. 41 Court. ' .60 Component. 7i8 To drivel, ; speakers over the networks dur- CBC, Vatican City Choir from ONTARIO ANGLERS' 27 Noun term!- 42 Compass 81 Rebates, 40.Sun god. Ing the Christmas week-end. iiia• Rome ...... 1.15 to 1.30 NBC,Blue HANDBOOK nation: point. VERTICAL 42 Fast. Majesty will broadcast his annual Children ,in War countries send .The Handbook of the Ontario 29 Note in scaler '13 Pitcher 1 Hirsute: 44 Back of neck. message to the Empire at 10 a.m., their greetings ...... 3 p.m., CBS, Federation of Anglers has just 30 Silkworm. 45 He is a 2 Capable. 48'Nuisance. MST.. on Christmas Day and his CFRB, N. Y. Philharmonic Orch- come to our attention sad`we treat 31 Scepter. executive. 3 Fish eggs: 47 Form of"be.", 'address will be carried by all net- estra in Christmas Music :...._.... 33 Most ern.' 49 Barley :�!Railroad. 48 Whirr. you have read it and are familiar _ works_on this._ .von inert-- 8 p.m., NBC, CBS, MBS, Presi- with its contents. The purpose of. 34 Vocal sound. spikelet. 'S Favoring both 49 On the lee. President speaks at the tradition- dent Roosevelt Christmas Tree the Federation is to coordinate 35 To dine. 50 To By. sides. 51 Brink. sl Christmas Tree lighting on 8 p.m., Radio Theatre presents the conservational efforts of the 36 Distinctiv4k 52 Sour plum. I Kiln. 53 Wbite lie. theory. 53 To fiulter. 8 Smoking 55 New England. 'Christmas Eve at 5 p.m., EST. Mr. Charles Dickens "A Christmas aag�$ clubs, thus establishing a e,7 Alleged 54 Deems. device. _ -fib Half an enu go Valera will be heard over CBS Carol" ...... 9 p.m., CBS. Marian unity of action in conserving and hie conditions force. 57 He was ad- ,8 Chinese `58 Each. at a. 5NO elaristrims Box . iA min ator meastn'e. 38 Found. EST. Sunday Evening - H o u r .... of this Prbvance. Careful reading o Other events for- the yule 1.�.,-NBC blue• Marjorie the-Hal�eek —im- 17 8 11 -_ Include a broadcast of Dickens' Lawrence sings "Silent Night" .... manse amount of Work accomplish- Include - "A Christmas Carol" with Lionel 1 a.m., CBS, Monks of St. Mein- ed since 1928; work that would - Barrymore as Scrooge. This will rad Minor 'Seminary, Indiana, have ben impossible without such _ 'Ibe heard over CBS and probably sing midnig•it mass in original a central organization, composed = CBC on Christmas Fve at 8 p.m., Gregorian chant ....... as it is of representatives from -_ - on ay, am sspa;ated nectloom of the , Cbristasas Eve BBC Empire Christmas broadcast Province. The Association's ezecu- Marjorie Lawrence,the Austral- from London, ...... 10 a.m. all net- tive realizes, however, that if the _ r vin _sopranq, will sing the tradi- works, Bing George broadcasts ever - increasing' conservational :tions! "Silent Night" over NBC Christmas.Greetings ...... 11 a.m., problems facing this Province are at midnight on Christmas Eve. CBC, Special Christmas concert to be adequately dealt with, the Birrsten Flagstad succeeded the by the band of His Majesty's Can- broader should include a broader representation. of the ang- elate Ernestine Schumann-Heink adian Grenadier Guards ,........ 12 r and sang the famous carol during Noon,'NBC blue, War correspond- Problems associations of Ontario. Problems of Conservation the previous two seasons. ents with Allh;d Fighting Forces The Handbook has been 'co.mpil- There will be pathos in the send greetings to their. families ed to show the value of the Fedora- 39 broadcast over NBC on Decemb- from France, and England tion to all angling clubs and the -er 24 at 1.15 p.m., EST. It will 1 p.m., NBC red, Christmas Greet- Province has been tentatively zon- 5 7 8 � .'�� take the form of a transatlantic 4ngs from . Alaska 2 p.m., ed into eleven districts. Member Interview with children evacuated Frank Black conducts whole of clues are being approached to co- 5�0 ") from'the principal cities.of Europe Tschaikowsky's Nutcracker Suite' operate in contacting the non-mem:' owing to the air threat in the pre. .. .... 3 p,m., SBC blue,, Handel's , her clubs in their zones, and to in- 6 sent war, They will sing Christmas "Messiah" heard from the Taber- terest their executives in the actio- �rcls and tell the people of this nacle in Salt Lake City .....: 3.35, ities of the Federation. These ex- , continent how they are spending CBS, Eamon de Valera ......8 p.m., ecutives are men of experience and Christmas. CBC, Christmas with the Troops" influence in conservational mat- + TO BE HEARD ...... Saturday, ...... 9 p.m., CBS, CFRB, RaMo ters and are needed on the Feder- Dec. 23, 1.55 p.m., NBC, CBC, Theaetre presents Walt Disney's ation Executive, thus increasing Province, and its service to citizens I ,tion of this important matter by �` Mntr " "Pinot hio" ...... its unity of effort throughout the 1 generally. Thoughtful, considers- all anglers is urged. p;: • ., REG'LAR FELLERS—A Wise Guy ::' ' �: By GENE BYRNES THIS' IS MY LITTLE .d o HE'S A NICE-LIL' ' n COUSIN, FEI-LER!WILLi NAW ' r i J'IMMIE 10 HIS NAME fl I GIVE NIM A BITE I•D RATHER HAVE I S C�l1Y! OF MY A BITE OF.YOU R _ G� A�Mt�E? r�� I�CjE C- R-E-A N O-N- a..* i ' ,� ,, , - -ill _ - _ "• ___.'-'�—,' '�4_11 -` !� s1-• %- a to ser. Aa doft - - •:,v. lY S. .. , r�- .;.Y.. .• !.� .Y. ,..:-... •- .... _ ( t ,i H .I "Y"fit Y4'ww A a r s 77 Iry T 777 yvr- • " the head-table r �, guests of the even- mentioned.• _ THE PICKERING NEWS v ave g substitutes. Mr. Harry A. Newman _ OOFIN� SPECIAL ing gave . very interesting addressB , on the economic altuation in Ger; who was unable to arrive in time DATED the 18th da of December, _ i ^ Terms for•diiti�er ave .a brief address• on y many today. The average citizen in ' g 1939. s-1 Std. W h :d $1.75 per year. $150 is advance reading his daily papers and list- agricultural items, critic the g t. Asphalt Shingles 1 'b..-Subscriptions to the United: StAtes ening, to various forms of. psopa- IMP of pork from Chicagc $6•00 per N=a+ ` into Canada, with Cauadian grown » A. R. Irwin, See. 8-1 Hvy. Wght. Ashphalt Shingles ' ,tad Gt.'Britain, $2.00 in advance.' gander, has come to the concl*sion Pickering Community Club. 18.66 per prat that German will short? be star- pork being exported to Europe. g All first ands? -Toronto Asphalt Y Y W.HITEVALE tt Y y * ved into slibmission. Howevery for Roofing Co. Shingles, In lots ' John• Murkar, Proprietor one, who will do as the whole Dom- et 5 re. or .over. Notice of Annual Meeting of the The Whitevale Baptist Sunday, e4 ion knows Mr, Moore always does, School Anniversary Services will be Reeve.Ralph E. Mowbray entertains I Shareholders of Pickering Commun- - carry out his.own investigation g held on Sunday, Dec. 24th, at 11 a. Prices subj*ect to change wWtot>R Coartcil' Members and Officials at and strid , finds that Germany, has ihy Club. notice. Dinner on Feday kvening last. y m• and 7 p. m. The morning ser- n taken most unusual steps to guard vice will take the form of q White .•. PICKERING -� against such a 'catastrophe. bit. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN . .• g Gift Service. At the evening ser Following the final Council meet- that the first annual meeting of. i `•in for the Moore described the advar._e in Ag- vice a Sacred Christmas ksntomime LUMBER YARD Ing year, at Brougham, the the 'shareholders of Pickering Com- riculture, the bonusing of farr.�ers •w•il2 be presented and Miss Ethel members and officials of the Twp• and industry connected with Ag•ric- munity Club Ltd. will:be held in the Ireson will tell Henry Van Dyke' Council were entertained y e ulture. He points out tha�trr you - � �g immortal story of T`The Other-'GG'ise Reeve at a Venison dinner at the erin -Village, in the County of ATTE N the development of substitutes shy g` g Man". The Christmas Entertain- iu TI4 � jMatthews' Hotel. Tho Reeve, we has been eble to cut down her Ontario; on 3londay, the 8th day of Ment will be.held on Friday,. Dec. yF were able to discover, was person• to January. a se y responfor the venison, every 5 mevening,consued in Britain. Ger- o'clock in the evifor the,foil n at p. m. rand t-as shAra^�' +`•e results of his many is however experiencing aowing purposes: Brock Road Gravel• hunting trip with' us. It was except- 1. To elect a board of directors 4 shortage of woof, an article .much is not ' Tonally nice, and had in demand in wartime, s.. .d been prepay-' w.e $f not more than fifteen directors Maple Leaf Xatual Fixe -Pit _ ed by Mrs. Matthews in such .:i I to'serve for and during the ensuing i the amutton-eating nation, and, in suis ear. g g lasliranee Ce. Crushed Pit Run way, as to receive acclaim of i + the aceta. Following t. dinner, ' Britain has the ad:an#age. He cit- �' g g ti+e ' ; ed as an illustrating anecdote, the 2. To receive and pass upon and T.A WANESA INS, CO. the Reeve proposed the toast to the Gravel ` attempt by a border Dutchman to such reports as may be presente 1 Cheap rates for Farm and etivabr ?ting, and,Qis, followed by three? avoid certain export taxes, by fc id- 3. To consider and act upon any BuildingsSand and Graded other toasts, - "`Our Country" b3' I ing his hens on .the Dutch side rnd other' business that may be brought Tress. Hugh Pugh, -and Relief Off- i sending the .ens over the line i ito before said meeting. Windstorm Insurance on BuildiaR i icer C: Morley. "T?a Township" by j With the' de:e1- 4. To adjourn said nl in fro-ii Windmills. Silo, etc- : Stone - Germany to lay• j g G. M. Forsyth and responded to by opment of .so many synthetic' F!-ib- time to time, and at any adjourned Automobile Insurance of D.4!-v er_eii or Lo Ldecl id Pit Dep-Reeve Trim: Reesof, and Cour, stitutes, though having. an ill-effect t meeting thereof to do any and all Ad ginds, cillors W. l . .Down, Robt. Ruddy ole. Mr. Moore. felt of the things, and take any action 'Write or lbooe PHONE: Plant, Pick 1026 an her pep " and Blake A:, "Twp. FAstitwF Gertrany could possibly a�°id the in this notice specified,, withori L Toronto office lio.ard 6471, ions" by C1...:- Dori. R. Beaton and .tear of starvation for the dura"ion further notice to slate' okiers. to �OWD(lbtj iaL lr. E .TOFilti BOliR\E SON responded to bI. 0. H. Dr. N. i', o{t`,e -w-ar. Her; defeat would prob- ; the sari, ext-nt and with the like Tomlinson �zel SheepInspector; W. i R'A1TA7 r?+�TARIA p ably be brought about by her in- effect, as if done or taken at t to �I� C. WilPr"'. ability to inlport •diose rnater,ls meeting held on the date 'herein. WILSON. e or fwhich she could not develop 1 - �, • Mr. W. ti: aIoore M. P. one of �ROCl' •� . . • . ;RADIO -. THEATRE ' _ an • ELACZ THURSDAY FRIU�Y&BATORDA` -. ARS • an - , eliab M IJECBMBEi. 21 92 d 23 R k Service Two c►.nws, at 7.00 and 9.00 Reasonable Rates Saturday Matinee at 1,30 ew C.' G.C: Battery Radios RUISER -.COACHES ' "' . GENE AUTRY' S31.95 Complete with Batteries, •BROOKLI'N ON 'For sere ce' between 1 IN T. Y . , Pio . �.' OSHAWA WHITBY • PICKE�tING "Mexicali RoSey� - + ♦1 ^ �'�' SJI3ILEYg13UI2NET'7E _ ' COCKSHUTT NOAH BEERY T* Fwst & Wood Commencing iMonday, December 18th "Million Dollar - :Agency _ a New Stock of Parte on Haas - �' • W ITH Service above ove maehtnm BETTY GKABLE -f n exhibit in eees JACKIECOOGAi+I Implement* o eat g JUYCE MATTHEW3 Flews, mowers etc. ` _ ?4 A - DONALD O'CoNNOR :THOS. LYE - -- s -- Monday, Tuesday WedneadsF _ arenon t, Ont. i• $ DECEMBER 25 ;,6 and 27 -LUXURY 'Two Shows, at 7 00 and 9,00 _ -Servi y 'o C& �. { SERVICE "They ShallR Za d 1 ave• usic expert service and re- 'NO ,'WITH pairs to all makes. leas. ser " :•.ANDREA LEEDS INCREASE onable charges; ,Work JOEL McCREA ' 1 JAS.HA FfEIFEIZ guaranteed. °• IN FARES V�4LTEi2-B, FENNAN R - g - • . , . . _ THUR •EIEC,D . . • ---• - Give Brock Theatre Tickets forGraouate Radio and Television Inet�itub` •Christmas Member Official Radio' Service Memo@ 'A novel and - Highway Cruisers , • __. Now on Ser a a#our box Ofensive fffui�ce . 46 P,n•)ne .3 01, P1C1JER NA :are the latest model motor coaches de- ' • :':si ned and a ui i�Y :, F• . g q P-' 3 'Mass' y.hla �L.. E.O iF /LL :ped to provide " - e Harris ; FUNERAL 0IRECrOR AND ' maximum comfort r l Farm Implements rE1iBAL1iER �, and safety and an 1 �esa�r to W. J. Msther.n Sales and Service -amazing new ride. Night ao3 D►yt3awIcel Suslaess Phon• � ..{ Residence Yhoat • ,f �..' •� :i.� ,,,,�"�"a n;, � y 9830 - ooccau o . 4, : COACHES LEAVE PICKERING omni l,. Westbourd to Toronto - Eastbound to, Oshawa y , a. m. P. M. .a 7.09 "'1.54 b7.54a8.31 •2.31 b8.31 a 7.44 a 2.54 8.54 9.38 c 3.31 9.31 PERMANENT NAOGINC PAIN • - 8.54 3.54 b 9.b4 11.01 4.31 b10.31 A fall line of corn ma- 44 THAT FRAYS THE TEMPER 10.24 a 4.54 10.54 P. m. :'ab.31 ,11.31 : - ohiner A'sr, love i AND 11.54 b 5.54 d11.44 12.31 6.31 p' p NEf11E�. IT MAY BE c 12.54 6.54`•, • ' c 1.31 7.31 •12.31 . ,.- '' '. .. plow points and rfpttirs YOUR EYES, • . . . . -ter a - daily except Sun. and Hol.; b .' for all kinds of Masse C. H. TUCK, OPT. D. p Sat. Sun. and hod.; c.-- Sat. only. y'• . d - Sura. and diol. only. Harris rnaChilit ry. I 1lin+ey B1ocl4 6119.LP. Q TICKETS and INFORMATI01; at EASTERN HOUSE PHONE 4b00 p . Pune 1816 »�0Bti L. GrLLN1A 4 naq�W�, orrr. BROUGHAM, OMT. • , n _ �. 7 1 R N ES "�•S `;ft,,,„.,a..ac,•zauL.Ks..;.i :w+"l ... •zR>. ..ice R,m.�._: - '1 �r..4,•aa'gt' ...r::>•r�:.i°"'f'�- •..`�. , �•*,+:. -... .. ... Y: •' ..' '. : �• .. � � �� ��` 1%•i. 4 d1 �'\TY% -Q "M-Y+r —lift M, AW"MONT ARE -El YOU THE MAN? You will SALE REGISTER- Far evator make amazing profits every hour Miss S. E. Evans is ablee, to be selling 200 guaranteed necessities- FRIDAY, DEC. 29th Auction. Nati A0 You out again after her illness. used in every home. You can have sale of farm stock, implements, ,-Claremont, Ont *thin hay, grain, roots, furniture etc., Age W36 mn and Mrs. -D. A. Pugh spent a solid business established within As. J38 W day last week in Toronto. three months..*If you are tired %,of on lot 125, con: 2, Pickering. Pro- -We do Building nUall kinab Commission Agents for f Vxbrid- Colbourn. Sale The Bradbgry.family, o working to earn PxQfit;t for-�s6mcl� I*rty of Mrs. E. CARPENTERING, 4 Goverum.(* S_ to Buy wheat ge, were guests of-Mrs. Coiwer .on one else (5W-N_ YOUR OWN ' BU at 1 p. m, sharp. ..No reserve. Sunday. ,109MENTLNG. We give highest trade. ;j Sun "r-Nm and enjoy au,�the profita. • Proprietor is giving up farming. PLUMBING Mrs. Swallow, and two children, NO OBLIGATION. Get details and l Kin Prentice, auctioneer. PLUMB Phone at our expense. Shirley it� Tommy, are visitingvic,6 . catalogue FREE. BE FIRST. FAM and A truck jag your ser -.'.Mr. and Mrs. Eric Hudson'. ILEX PRODUCTS 570 St. Clem-, Born, on Monday, December 18th, ent. Montreal: ROOFING We also buy course grain& We al4o sell Bran(ford'RooBag .-1939, to Mr. and, Mrs. Ross Red- N " ong Shaw, at Claremont, a son. Materials,Empire Bathroom Born, at the Brierbush, Hospital Eyesight Eduratio E4mpweut, Dulw Water Stouffville, on Deceinker 9th, 1939, IA\ A&I Store,Claremont, Beattyss to aremont, Stable Equipment a daughter. EFFICIENCY -I Building'Materi We are sorry o, hear Mr. Ralph FURNITURE Evans a attractive ans is not, so well. Mr. �tes Free' We are disp1jaying a has been Buffering' poor-health for D W"k aunrarit variety of -Ank"IXT17 Q 1EP Amminumand Grauitt�walv W. some time. -F MiTtur�_e— kj VT �..Y J_j C-X.L Furniture and Fu Though a little. late, we wish to C. iJ 1UGK 6502: congratulate Mrs. Powell, who eel Phone ebrated her 90th birthday on Dec- pi-je(e.11 tow, in keeping with time©. • picKERING, ONTARIO -ember 4th. Many of her' friends Opt. called on her on that day to offer best wishes. Eyesight Specialist rcLEARIVG SALE We are pleased to know that '-Nlr. Disney Bldg. (oPP. P. 0-) Barclay-Transport - Tobias Caster is much improved in Oshawa. Phone 1516 ..The cheerful chap who is OF— .,health, again this week, following xious to assist you _Grocery Stock lis serious illness of last weeic. He so an Daily Service is still requiring the services-of.a The erAulince .is limited to the between.Claremont, Brougbjm ter in one per- is your Local Agent—be y Greenwood, W�hltevale and Toronto, nurse, but hope that he MAY Boor, strength and is greater We are giving up the Grocer be arucind. . son than in another. It is wise to !ve to ask him to h -1p section: The balance of our e trainer' to be candd A.number of our People have recognize this. fact and letit be a I :..may driven are t. stock is being offered&tgreat- cwarteaus and,reliable. been watching, and interested in warning to attend to defects earlY you plan your next .trip the numerous attemas*at burglar- enough in.-life- before greater ly redueed prices, pecial Rates on 14ng Distesma izing a well-known fur store,at Ux- essity demands it'. The' penIalti-of Sal'" Jake advantage of Ibis it— balling. -1biidge. the latest occurring Only 9 delay may mean sickness, loss of.1 from this week and see our 'Xr6as There must be a won worl4 etc.. originating tole Yew (lays ago. Gifts in our 5c.-41-00 section Ne order too small. None larva n- furs. they derful market for stole may ;hl)� be terriled minor coaveT 02=11111=_ too often. being the object of att- complications temPorafY .checks so "14,91-In N-1 s of tha Ah -slif0ments Insured and protected Gifts for _aj~h)bcr 4Lck. to speak in-an otheiwise smooth Family. 'from the weatbar Rome The. Fifth' rneetir�g of file career, just warningi nevertheless S60.96 I Ad their meeting 'on a 3L . . .Study Cub h and generally more seriou% later� :.gontTes, A. 0• SF?OCK%S T` "'CAU'pa, B. lad C. ]Friday'.evening, Dec. 15th., at ther Headaches. neuraI nervousness, hwe of 'Miss Frances LoYst.. The stomach, trouble, eyestrain, may Dwhed and operated kr CLAREMONT FroM L N meeting opened with the Roll Call- follow. Glasses that do not correct TptP -"IMYFAvourite Sandwich Filling"' the eyes may have outlived their 114,0%j"a then told about Lhe -them changed- if McIntyre as. Have 31rR usefulness. Ak Hot tea, biscuitg. different lmrtit you are advised of physical weak' 'drop. cooldei 614 CMOs were then ness don't blame the glasses if the ENJOY Number present, 12. eyes NOTTER Serve& appear at fault, it may be ' ALL AND GOING By A XDod-crowd attended the an your own neglect to follow. the ad. musi shooting match at W. Ward's vice given. Suppose 75 per cent of MOTOIZ COACH" All kinds of P epair Work on Siaturday last- Mayor Ralph C- the public required visual correct- All Tuning Guaranteed "Day was among the out-of-town ions, it stands to reason- that many -shots,!. The Mayor has been mak- of these require repeated. change C. S. MacDONALD ing many trips to this part of the W Close Ave.. Toreftld� of corrections. Is it not strange Country in recent years for-these Lakeside 15M that many people will change their .,one matches. Incidentally, we hear that model is .,on /IG 0ACvH LINES car 'when anew RAY C .-Orderp taken at NEW312er nil*rs, .some of the real young it market every year, but the 5 "kind of -out-shot some old-timers'. to,X F06% • old glasses- are expected or On'.Saturday, December 30th, this the eyes. will be favouied with a R. G. CLZX-DE1;1X% return engage="t by HaTvey In simple but rics, do- :FUNEL DIRECTOfL Hahn and His Harmony-Kids. Mus- sign we can furnish s omers and Magic Allusion and Dancing. We sh all our Cu memoriau that will -Private ArnbulRoce Featuring Joyce, the Shirley Temp- please from every Day zlorvmb 1e, of the West d standpoint. In dignity and Kay and Joyce 'and Friends Phone 400G of appeartmee our Tap Dance Old- rs. Modern and -Time Dancers. Dafic6 ..-J,malvern, 5000 after the work will � stand through the ages. dhow. Claremont Community B-111. h Na Greater Tribute -Ont. Adm.. 25 and 10 cts. Under ausP eait.h Matkham, ices of the Badminton club. N. W. and Minister of the Highway .Monumental The - - Session United' Church have just issued a Works Ph. 462 XII Out. pniness , special Christmas folder and prog Kinviton Road West' vice, to 9 1 i -0 E ram of the Christmas ser NOTI a in 'AL Ask.OWL.Aft 111116a Is beautiful reproduction of the f. Our tr-leks pa a your way ev ous Paphael's In true the front page. a rrubprally day. volours,' it is a beautife sample of COAL, -COKE, ..dr two hand During the Coiiii lithographic art. About e&have been. sent to members (,f ng Year; CEMENT, - WOOD, CE 7; this an*d the Brougham congregat- 'Congult AN D, ORA VEL9 Dons. COOPER `CLAREMONT. I - — 7 Association of -±'he The Woman's Associ, W.D.. TNVEtJDM and ,will hold a special United Church �R- R. I.. P;(,kprin meeting in the. schooL room of the BUILDER'S SUPPLIEB Roofiq.g forBarnsand for Hay Church - on'• , Thursday, Decen+er also local eartage work A Pot Luck supper -2gth at 3 P. Tn. 'Eavetr uchs, We bavertigo,placed in stocit a full will be served later in the after- ear I1.%rd\v&re, -noon to Which all are invited. A* . -CHICKENS Track, Isarup INE of MAPLE LEAP MILLING Lift Eze G&F&ZIIent work public Welcome' is extended to the COMPANY FEEDS. rkA of all. Carpenter wo community. and 'extended to all kinds. CHELL -An invitation is d A. W. MIT to attend Divine Service at the Un- Steel Dealer for F.&Stei .... ;1: Pi kering next, at 11 lied Church, on Sunday' Products. 1191a. Out M and 7 r. Christmas,Sun- A hone 7400 Residence .65 OU an estimate on your Office p as Themes and Story EAL �`CALVES Let us give y day. Christn, Special mu 'Ve by the choir and Car- Requirements. Make a special effort to attend If church, twice on Christmas Sunday. Will speak at Your best market is right at home. Rev, Mr. Kennedy Wishing Everyone Both services. r from ClaremOilt you have a quantity of, chickens ready Quite a nunibe attended the annual "and vicinity 4:1hristmas Show at Stouffville on Ifor market, phone :or write and our ristm as Vh Tuesday. There was a record crowd 11 ... .Hearty in att�endanne- it is estimated that buyer will call and quote you the mar- ten tons of Fowl had been sold one Veal calves are now taken dealer alone purchased six sold, kat price. Greetings F� Turkeys sold from 20 to 24 cents, the majority of qaleT being at 20. in at our new Whitby Plant, situated AND A Peese were '16 and 17 c &S cents, and Horse Show at the old Mushroom Farm, same as The chickens 16 was an added attraction. Competit io-n was keen. Messrs Heber Down in the past, Monde Tuesday and Happy ad Bathroom ro�a ' E� Water r W A t jter! a JCP A 7,,,.,i' t: and Ed. Pascoe, of Pickeriing, Twp, Wednesday. were both First PyTip winners on r their r4)w f4mm<5arns, receiving . . Prosperous New ea J -h. P10KERING 'I=ARMS LTD 315. awards ear RIDNEYS., ARE CLEANSED and 'PICKERING, ONT. �'PHONE-PICK 6100 ALFIII MOLE Claremont in ig by usinir Ruwqeaps. At v 4fated H), e 7: 7 ehe"Inte"s,use Rumacaps.fo. "I�� 3 7: - 7' 71 X ILI, 7 37 110 Little Town Christmas Tree: stmas Th R C�111eist---�ld da Is a thle F Of Be hem" ngm English 0 Lesson The Child and The There, Was Earn A- "Saviour Who Is Christ the Lord" Legend Says joseph of Arima. Kingdom - an thea, Ldi Bethlehem or The House of ng an Bleak -Shores of Britsur, Thn-11 &1athew, 1: 18-25; IS: 1.14; 19; Bread, was more aff• eteutty-k-0,m. M Staff-Into the tround-_ PRINTED TEXT, Matt. 1: 18-25; ern times is called Beit-lahm or It Became A Tree 183 1-64 191 13-19 y 3 "House of Flesh." GOLDrN TEXT—A little child All three names are significant `to Christians whose interest in shall lead them. lea. I 1: 6. 11 An old English legend 'tells of THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING arises from the tremendous fact the first Christaas tree. According t In *that little town was born TIME—The annunciation to that to this ancient tale, many years Him Who- was rightly called "The ago Joseph of Arlinathea cams Joseph, the conception of the Vis- gin Mary, and the birth of Jesus I Bread of Life;" Who was to be the from Palestine England -to tell I all took place, probably, in the or a new rare. wide-Head the people about the'life and death itself: and year 5 B.C. The teaching of Jesus spread an the world of-Christ. It wag a long and very coacerning childho" Was given Who was there horn ..In human. rough voyage that the people from flesh, though the Almighty Son of ;Palestine. had, as they journeyed -in the autumn of A.D. 20. PLACE—Mary's conception andthe annunciation to Joseph Occur- -in an open boat the entire distance. "House of Broad" Lending on ajshore where there 'red in Nazareth. The birth irth of Jes. Its historyv4as by,no means sillw6re no dwellflrgs, Joseph and bIA U took plate in Bethlehem The bright and holy. Jacob hurrying.,. people took up their travel inland S along with a deathly sick vette, was hoping to find some one to receive teaching of Christ found in this compelled to halt nearby. whilehis them and give them shelter and lesson was givea, in Capernaum. greatly-beloved Rachel gave; birth lood. Matthew 1: 18. Now the birth to the little Benjamin. and then For some days they 'travelled of Jesus Christ was on this wise: 0 ey Jin bar husband's arms died there. -but everything was deserted. 11 When his mother Mary had been was win-ter, and the people of Eng, betrothed to Joseph, before they land were not about'the,lields.'0i came together she was found with child of the Holy Spirit. The div- Christmas eve their food was ez bausted and they were.almost per lie conception of the Virgin Mary by the Holy Spirit Is given with 19bing. when Joseph, in discourage meat, dropped on. a folk to rest. much greater detail in Lake's -Gospel (1: 26T38). Mark has writ- .,"A Sion From God" tea nothing whatever concerning the birth and childhood of Jesus. As he leaned against his staff hit Only Matthew, and Lake tell the exclaimed: "My courage has de story of the supernatural birth, parted, and my hope Is as dead at this staff In my hands," :...- 'though John seems to refer to 'it (1: 14). Matthew tells it to tis Her gravc, is still marked by a An he spoke Joseph thrdst th, rough e from ,the standpoint of Joseph, h stone monument! staff into the ground, and a &hiv 'Who was betrothed to Mary, It was in Bethlehem that the t and went through it. The dead wood be Levtte lived, who Micah h1r. gas to grow. Branches appears -young therefore legally her husband. 16%4,00�1YVV.W.41YAO CWIZ AO Message To Joseph 6d to be his chaplAin. and with from the knots on the staff, and thi whom is connected the tragic story- leave appeared. The dry staff bat 19. And Joseph her husband, Inility, in obedience, in indiffer estine Has -.,-.In the last chapters of-the book of changed to,a noble hawthorn tree being righteous man, and not Pal . a Jence to the distinctions of rank Judges. The terribletale of wrong qt is a sign from God." exclaim Willing to make her a public ex- re-tearted. 5. And iand wealth, pu 11 Christmases doing and reprisals CaM04 Perilous-• ,ed Joseph. -Let as end our wandei ample, was minded to put her '.away privily. 20. But when-. he whoso shall receive one such little ly near to the destroying of the Ugs and settle down here!" child in my name receivetb me. whole tribe of Benjamin, within Strength ana courage returtisc .-thought on those things, behold,, Let as 'receive and cherish child. Different Dates Marked By -An angel of the Lord appeared un. Whose limits Bethlehem was situat- to the party from Palestine. Thea ren in Jesus' name, Jun as he Religious Cirtutsps in Country built a few rough shelters and be to him in a dream� saying, 4d. jog- would receive himself. : . side the hawthorn�tree they built ieph, thou son of David, fear not its Past History ... e boys and girls who h Lot No Her= Come' Note to little - Thither came the widow Naoml,- a church. For many years Us sac �.'Ito take unto thee Mary thy wife; S. But who3o shall cause one are sorry that Christmas comes and hei- daughter-in4aw Ruth, the red thorn tree blossomed ever) for that which is conceived In her of these little ones that believe .but once a. year: Palestine hi3 11 Mosbitess. mourners, bereft of all year on Chris is eve. People do Is of the Holy Spirit. 21. And she t is profAable Christmas days, the'only country with lighted can. on me to stumble, i shall -bring forth s, son-, and Z1111 for him that a great millstone In the world to have so many. ..they had 'held 'dear. There tire corated this tree w freer shalt call his name JESUS; for should be hanged about his neck, They extiend from the Latla ser- -young *tdow Ruth- was wedded to dles &r;d placed small .thorn. it is he that shall save his people her wealthy kinsman Boax, thereby. in their homes for the Yuletide. and that be should be sunk in the vices'on December 25 to the Abys becoming great-grandmother of the Later, that first church had ad from their sins. "Jesus" was a depth of the se How can we stulan liturgy on March 25•andre- -psalmist-King David. and also one -ditions built to accommodate the verys' common Hebrew name (Josh. cause little children to attimble? suit from a fourth century dispute, -people who came to hear Christs of the progenitors of the Christmas Us) in its Greek form. It means �By lettinig them see out own un- within the Christian church over King.,the Lord and saviour of Man- 'word and later became Glas.tonburs "Jehorah's Salvation." God took Adoption of a unified calendar. belief, cyiiicism; by letting them kind. have their own way, by failing Julian, Gregorian Calendam Rehoboam, ion of Solomon. made Some Christians adopted the restrain or' discipline them. fortified city' of Bethlehem (2 'Gregorian calendar, which puts 0". -but 'Pa Children cannot have a full know- Chroniclea XI. 16) and later atom- hedge L fam" 3edge of Christian doctrines, Ch on December 25th, while tons khan (corresponding to ow h(>- gan Ever esus others retained the Julian calendar they 0 there probably by y can know Jesus at one who still others chose. their own tel) was built loves them, -whom they can trust Chim,,Iam, son of Barzillai the Gil- dates for Christendom's great festi- and pray to. - : -Decorating the house with ever- p - ea�dite who befriended David (2 Sa Christ's Blessing bysafniazn church ale- - inuel XVII.) when in troubl-6 11111__L_gre-ews-K���pagn The A 13. Then were 'there brought WjS IlLmad aefer' him (Jeremiah custom and an edict -compiled ai bratee the birth of Christ on the care- forl:-adi unto him little children, that. he 171-. This khan appears to' the Council o' Bra 25th of every month. but the great- o de6k their homer have peen a.place where caravans should lay his hands on them, and A% the people t :est celebration is the .0!,aml, it. pray: and the, disciples rebuked were made up for long journeys, with bay leaves and gteen boughs, orgy on March 25th. -But Jesus, said, Suffer and it was-from thence that 'Pagans believed that the sylvai :them. 14. . On January 6th, under the Ju,- the re" hold of a narre, pci-fectly familiar, -the little children, and forbid ian calendar, comes the Greek Or- bellious' Jews, disregarding God's spirits would repair to them it Which set the new-born Child not,-to come-unto rne- for thodoX celebration. As Latin Chris- orders set, off for Egypt, carrying -very cold, weather, shelter be. Among the children of men. to such belongeth the kingdom of -the prophet Jeremiah with them. It meath their' -leaves and remain un•tian-4 did on December 25, mem- heaven. 15. And he laid his liands may have been that same khan, or nipped by frost and cold. Howes Birth of Jesus bees of t�he, Greek Orthodox ccm-* that inn. on them, and departed thence. Mused to be decked with hoim, ivy, 11. Now all this i3-toma=to pass, -mtlnity will make a pilgr1image 6 :In New Testament terms t -a Ike :the Pethle�iem shrine and re-enact it which Joseph and Mary (L ..bay, laurel, box, and,holly. that it might be fulfilled which could 11) applied for liadglLg, Out -_-_..J1the drama bf Chi*-t*s birth, ng. was spoken by the Lord through ModerationA t Ind no other accommodation than Mistletoe was forbidden in E the prophet, saying, 23. Behold, ThF% British mandate governmL near list churcheq as it was a heathen of Palestine has recognized all �,f 9; stable In a grotto unde�r, or the virgin shall be with child, and to it, wherein t D spentl the-first of emblerr, the sole ex6eption being Christmas •Time these denominations and has given all bring forth a son, and they them equal rights and privileges In all Christma- Eves, althougli they York Cathedral. Dr. Stukeley tells *hall call his name Immanuel; `T iwere both of royal deicent, des- -us that it was customary to carry Much Christmas" 1� To All C t which is, being interpreted, God 00 ng of mistletoe in pro,.-cs- cendaws of E41 David himself a branch le became with us. This prophecy is found Be Avoided he �'sion to the high altar and pro. In Isa. 7: 14. 24. :And Joseph that poor stable most famous bed-chamber in the claim a' general indulgence and Even at Chri§tra-as time it i�' for -pardon of. sins at the city gates.. arose from his sleep, and did as wholu acrid,—for, �here amidst the the angel of the Lord command= 'possible to-have "too much of a e holy Baby cattle was born Lh ]bid hirn, and took unto him his good t 9" say authorities of the ho was God. the Creator of VJFi 'DepArty'rit of Pensions and Nr,- fe;- 25. and kiiew her not till [lesb all things, m4ortal.1 tional Health at Ottawa. Day" she had brought forth a son;.-and - a might become the Saviour of It. he called his name JESUS. __Cluiri-stffaig`�i Uo-u-T—re- . 6f all who wished it from their grc-cs. The health-angle vi `L_ 11r1sL_ The Little Child sins! -Matt. IS: 1. In that hour came Inasilde, is -important. Glowing fac' MISTLETOPICS ' To the stable came the step- a Flooded river and frosted roads, the disciple? unto Jesus, saying, i&s. of children and gladdened hearts herds called away from their awn Creaking carts with licuped-up. of adults are signs of upsurging Who then' is the greatest in the spirits. There is a close relation' One naturally thinks of Christ- sheep-folds by a herald in the. tea- loads, through lead- 1kingdom of heaven? 2. And he -cen happiness and health, Mas-trees, holly, and -mistletoe. vens, accompanied bi siagink Wild duck winging ship b@R%; Choirs of angels, who made the en sky, ealled to him a little child, and .Christmas gives everyone an op- Mistletoe gets its name -from . pet him in the midst, of them. pwttinity to discard unhealthy' the German mist, expelled matter, thrilling momentous announce- Christmas day is drawing night. 3. And said, Verily I say unto 1no()1':t and repress+oni, and to let 'The hard seedi are dispersed by went: "unto you Is born this day you, Except ye turn, and become the spirit of joy have full rein: birds passing them undigested in the City of David, -a Saviour -11611y. and mistletoe on the AMU as little children, ye sba.'l in no Spirit of Joy Ahrough their bodies.*. Missel- Who is Christ the Lord" tLuke 11, Lanterns, streamers and colored wise enter into tFe kingdom of Fire marshals warn against ac- thrushes often function so. balls, hew-c-), 4. Whosoever therefore cidents setting fire to Christmas Mistletoe grows most common- Countless ttousands have knelt Short the day and long the night, -Whall humble himself as this little trees by the use of lighted candies, ly on apple and oth' In sacred worship before that most Merry garbes' by candlelight. other rosaceous child, the same Is the greatest in and• since medical authorities are trees, very rarely on oaks. It gets holy shrine, 'once "a lowly cattle shed." the only shelter this evil S i !ken snowflakes quivering suck- A the kfrigdo7n (:.,r heaven. No one fats-res-ting themselves in accident its nourishment by putting far its Ma4br, prevention, this farther word of ad. ors into the branches of its. host. world could provide down 1him yet gi-er, the perfect and ex 1,� c1lusive interpretation of this pro- vice comes from National Health The sucker-bearing shout: display R-de-erner and King, when in pity- Silent folt�leps in the town, found idea — it has been suggest- headquarters, "it yon Wust cele• a weird kind of intelligence, ac- . Ing lok-o and to-nder .caving mercy Icicles on. the window par,*, rrr CIT rlil tm ed that Christ here means that brats away frt)m'bome, leave your tually groping their way along the He carie to vl-lt it, at the Christ- Christmas day,is, here again. we should bo-like children in hu- car In the garage, and take a taxi." branch fbr*f4he bestolood-supplyt. mus tide: T. Lovatt Williams k� !•+ �r'+�Aq;N' ^ 1iM. :•fpa,:gr,- �G,,, — a,t .vTpu .'..<. ._ .... ..:. ...... -..<� ... < -,,.. ...._....' ,.... .,. .._ ,. ._.,. "...-..- ..it ti o-•a. ,::,, .. 5�.�... y,•.„ t- '_ f^'s.R` IR`*..FLS ... -... .. ,y'•�"^'....: ..;... - d -A;i V T<^A-. "4 0e+ 7.7 1D • • ,yrs .. .. .. . .., r .. is ,- •..:�� - - :�`A Via' T .T 'y,• ,. :t '� � SYLCIO , - - • ..yeti• . _ Ips . a. 10 FOAM TWE Mf. R0„fOJOiYJ(/1 AVLA.4CTwI,a LESIBE IS MITC14ELL CHAPTER TWELVE ter at Brookfield from ibs13 to "Gocdbye, Mr. Chips" 1902. He was popular here and 'those four years were nifficult had many friendsr among whom I ars-at-�ksrookfield, what �vit5 t' a was=prou to me u e myse, . re- scarcity of masters, ,the military - ceived a-letter from Switzerland activities o; .the school•— for it this morning informing me that GREETINGS TO ALL! +. training the .older boys 0 be he'had been killed advancing with 9 officers with the•army in France the axon Regiintent on the 15th Varied menus to help �h 3eal, —and,an ,occasional air raid. But October last. He was fifty years ere, Is what I baave tried to give you h Chips was happy; he, too. was of age.,. : 11' serving •his country in a way, des- "Funny, old Chips reading a ,May Christmas joy and peace be with you, pite his more than f,4rescore German soldier's name out with For the old.year's end and the •ear that is new. °a years. the others. After all, he Was an He fosnd time to keep his pro- enemy," said one of the buys whenyvulag Pete, CHRISTMAS DINNER T 'few weeks he ran over to Char- "One of Chips's ideas," Com- Ekborough to see Helen and-her mented his fellow. "He's got -lots ROAST TURKEY (OYSTSTUFFING .baby son who had the blond hair of funny ideas like that." RICED POTATOES ' BUTTERED PEAS AND CARROTS : pt Peter and a head that promis At last the armistice was sign- (mixed) ed to develbp into one just like GIBLET GRAVY This father's. Chips refused Helen's urging to She Cooked— -CHRISTMAS SALAD. ' have another piece of.cake. ► C1r1.ERY,HEARTS (filled with cream cheese) OLIVES „ "No, thank you. I always eat Their . - ftarrfuge. :oo much when I come here. Well, PARKER HOUSE ROLLS Young Colley," he,said to the baby, ( PLUM PUDDING (Holiday Sauce) .ol ' la his high-chair, "that's a fine i , mess you are making! Thin young ` COFFEE TED ALM fellow roust come to Brookfield. I ALMONDS RAISINS SAL Helen... MINTS "Of course. The Colleys have gone to Brookfield since Queen • CRANBERRY COCKTAIL e, cad, roll and sift for • flour, Dry bread, Anne died. Peter counts cn that 4 cups cranberries .-Boll together the sugar, vinegar, crumbs. Cream butter and sugar. - for his sun. Peter always asks ' add the eggs and the suet Deli. Bltt 4 cups water and cloves, until the mixture toter you in his letters." the flour, spices and salt: Add the 2 cup$ sugar (granulated) •.��s, Remove the closes. Add dry ingredients alternately with "We're even thea. His letters •com, Wash and pick over the craaber- lo me are full of yon." ries. Cook with the water until the boiling water to the jelly pow- the milk. Add the fruit and peel they acted. Sisals through aacIothl Re- add thersn8gar,�taegar8ocl dissolved; ttMs tet. mixing aD very thoroughly. "I like to think ..-:._ to hope .:.:.. 1 g mix- -that he'll be back before the leas- x $team for 3'fi hours: Serves g. is fail. ' + a l tura to heat and boil.ten minutes; tore. Chill when partially set; add HOLIDAY 8A - lantee Colla Killed add sugar,.boil five minutes. PuA the nuts apple, celery and pimen- ` '3 cups brown sugar (rolled to bo "There's every hope,'Helea — away to :ill. Have ready a Drepar- • place is loaf pan to mould. And aura no lumps remain) dope a peace, Beats me," he ad- ed grapefruit and 3 oranges. Peel 1 cup butter hop smiling. "how any war coal- the fruit, break in quarters and rs• 'when ready to serve cut in oblongs 3 tablespoons cream ded'last so lung with a Colley in it. N move all white and segments, — to resemble a parcel Add Saraish'' t}j teaspooa rose flavoring "Oh, 'a think of living without there is a knack in removing this alf pimento bow, and serve with sal• Teverthird$ teaspoon vanilla with thumb and finger); thea cut Two-thirds teaspoon strawberry fear again—without tremblingat k„w ad dressing. fruit !n uniform small pieces. flavoring the sight of a letter or telegram. ~Y ' :8urely, we shall never again Sprinkle with fruit sugar and chill. PLUM PUDDING Red and preen vegetable color► :' take our happiness for granted.” When ready to serve put orange i cup dates Ing It was but a few weeks after- and grapefruit mixture In sherbet 1 lb.,raisins Cream butter, add sugar, cream Award that Chips stood at the lac- glasses and add about i1 cup .of ,:'sk cup orange, '•'nos and citron well; then add the cream mixing tern in the.school chapel. In his n; cranberry.juice to each glass. add peel, mixed thoroughly Divide into thirds. To f to centre a green cherry. This am. .1% cup brown sugar hand was the latest casualty list. v _ one-third, add rose flavoring and a Frying to master a great emotion, ount will serve six. 3 eggs, well beaten touch of green' flavoring. To aa- _ be spoke: ' CHRISTMAS SALAD =''% cup sweet milk other, add vanilla, and to the third po E didn't see how she I% 'cup$ sifted bread crumbp add atraarberry flavoring and s "Froin' ever int comet news package Liner felly paar.der y p° could do it—cook IV. cups bollirrg water 1% cups flour ;.. speck of red coloring. This mixture ' o'± bops—we can say at last with- 2 teaspoons baking powder must be moulded and an ideal _ tut fear that the end is in sight. steaks and fine dishes, fir, cup cider vinegar S closes 1ii� teaspoon salt' _ would Is the oblong glace butte* , ....But even in victory are have with-all the trimmings; ilia cups chopped suet -cover, which holds a pound._ lnrst cruel news to bear—losses that dress SrY1a'ft and IOOIS 1 cup granulated sugar 1 cup chopper` or grated red ap- 7k teaspoon ginger and cloves pack in the green layer, thea the are the more tragic because peace 1teW In last years pie (leaving peel on) teaspoon cinnamon and nut- pink and finally the whitey Store in ;a so close at hand." He looked meg. Refrigerator or In a very' Cold clothes. And save money }e coli chopped pecans or walnuts : ai the casualty list, braced him- i� cup chopped pimento an¢ cel- Wash and prepare troll, chop Z/lace, and when ready 'to serve, cgs 7. self as though against a sudden doing It. As a matter of in' the dates; dredge with a little to slices. ;_shock, and continued: !Fact, she wasn't doing it. cry each. D B 'Pelta 'ColltT, Lieutenant in All of which plunges- ; -the Coldstream Guards, was killed their marriage Into Un- "here, I am. Mr. Chips;' and wait "I won't now, 'sir—after that Pringle, Pascal!, Pierce,....A voice , :r. action doing a trench raid on to see the boy's. astonishment lovely tea." coming down through the mists ' itte' night of November 8th. He forgettable d I s a s t e r. Hello-... a girl's voice.... "Yot3 g when Chips.•opened the door. "You must come again, some 1 ;remaina l in full view of the en. :�Flo,iv, is told In the vital y y kissed me? Kathiet penton en it order to rescue his bat- =n ry Serial One fall, some years after the da Colley. Let yourself out. I m you are a'cery.sweet person"..... ' tired."r2PPI'm a little , alan, Perkire, who a fallen a , , Gellev =_ ally wounded ...... Both men died T Chips's door, as he had been 1n- That tiredness •failed to go • , o f le voice ....... ON A 1 swi And one da Chips'opened A b y ah treb before they could be brought in'," strutted. y y' young Colley -- Peter's son... t His voice quivered and tears stood Tke New Boy his weary eyes, coming to from y .. i '.Stclnrts;Next Week "Here I am, Mr. Chips," he oblivion, to find Marsham the What is he saying?.... Goodbye, his cye It is a.great honor and' Dr,• Merivale Mr. Chips...." o Brookfield that his Majesty the said, when the door was opened. Headmaster. A low .sigh fluttered from the King has posthumously awarded "What on earth ...... I can see talking in low tones din man's lips. Dr., ,Merivale t — to Lieutenant Celle the di$tin-- - -ed and Brookfield School, like all you are there. What is all this?" "Poor old chap. Must have had dying :, eased down the eyelids. ettished Service Order." other schools in England, like the y y y a tonelg iHfe all by himself, he THE END "The told me you wanted. to heard Marsham say. i Chis laid down the List of towns and cities throughout the, see me," said the crestfallen boy. names, and after a moment said: Unified Kingdom and of her al- "Not always• by himself, re- ------ . g "Oh, so they told you, did sponded Merivale. "He married, B�lY1b00 �'i Cstatlt . Y "None of you'here will remember lies, went frantic with deli ht, ?„ they. He looked out into the you know," Max Staefel. He was German mas- Brookfield had a bonfire, bells darkness of the street, and spoke "Did he? I never'knew that." clanged joyously, rockets went up loudly, to be `overheard by the ., In France they are growing into the air and burst into bril- „ She died, a' long time ago." - liaht flares of light, whistles waiting boys: "That's quite right, "Pity," said Marsham. "Pity he bamboo, and the British avthor- I did `tvant to see' you. Come in never had any children." ities are also considering tie'ideA. ' screamed and Chips was borne +� Although one associates, bainboo • -� � + and have some tea. ., upon the shoulders of•the bigger What was that, you were say- -�� When tea had been poured 'and Ing about , me 4" asked Chips with the tropics, in some parts o3 ���►_ �+� boys — for wasn't Chips. a sort cakes placed on the table, Chips weakly the world it grows on, hills near : of hero, too, a. friend, a t1•adi- sat down. "•Son you're a new--boy? the snow Line. It is the most val- �+'' tion, as well as HeR'dmaster of ' ?" ' y Crowd Of Memorize �� Name?" "Nothing, Chips, nothing at all, uable of the 300 types of grate Brookfield" "Celle , sir." cultivated and some species row .� y M'rsham hastened to assure him. p g .:_= An Old, Worn 'Man "you're not ......•Peter Colley?" ..R*e were just wondering when at the rate of a foot a day and,at- �N �'►"_� wotB•ntandh ..; ws andlieold nian- "Yes, sir." you were going to wake out of tain a height of about 120 feet. : weary, ."I "knew your father: that beauty sleep of yours." ed, though with a ,deep twinge "Yes, sir. My father was here, "But I heard you. You were >', - of regret, his final retirement and my grandfather." talking abouts me. Piyt I never from Brookfield upon the ap- "Take your cup and sit by the had any children, eh? But you're poirltment of Alar-ham as Head- fire. Have a piece of cake .._. What wrong, I have.... Thousands of sent O A F E N master, He maintained his rooms do you think of Brookfield?" ,thousands of 'em . and all MAIL COUPON TODAY / at Mrs. Wickett's '• ' ' " - d welcomed It s...-A s big, sir. boys...... The new ACOUSTICON the boys who had be In school "'You'll like it though when you Chips g41led, a n d drowsed ovides cleat esor8esf under him, and the ne boys, too, get used to it. It's not half such away agar�i . Confused memories R�■dns• Prove it li tionYout. [nevery opound and for most of them knew of• Chips an awful place as it seems•the ut! . , ,to obligation. haeofLr ndde�Tea from their fathers, cr uncles or first day. Bit afraid of it?" ' floated through his mind;, bays there are valuable brothers or cousins and those ,who "A bit, sir." passing him, calling. their names Address cMute ;a Aeoust, Max Staefel saying something.... fees •lwarltute at your• coupons. Sava y g g'••• nearest city, these carefully, didn't were quickly apprised df "So was l to begin with. But , gl. they ereexcbanQe- I would be happy to have you 11nmflten,— 66 Xing sir• able for beautiful Chips's place at Brookficht by the that's quite a while ago. Sixty- come with me'•.... 'Smart, Simp- Kitchener--in2 vie woodsnvc. Wm. Rogers and London — t94 F.v �-% Bon 3ilverplate, upper classmen. three •yeRrs. Tell me, how is your son, Saville, Scott' . .. The mist 11tiawn - s43 %1v Y Bi St. Write now for pre- Why, i was almost as though mother.. :, was rising, hiding the ca?tey be- (events _3311 mium booklet to „ 1�Inda- I s Bardet IIldg, Thos. J. Lipton Ch,ips's statue stood in the Quad: She's....You'd like ,my mother, low � Owen, O'Hare, Pearson, - _ _ - - - - - - y t" i.imited. Lipton ran le'aloha with the other Head- Sir. She's funny......I mean,, she LimiBUded Liptoronon � ALpy'tTIt;UN t%*%,rl'rUT0 masters of br�oktield: Only Chips mnkes quite good jokes. Won't (tear^ scn•l rim I.trorrnstien laic 011 COInC sad �fE Ua•Soule day, ACUJ:3T1CVN–•n'0 oblige- could be seen walking about the y a, school ;round., c-acllin; his sir^." GOOSE AND DUCK jokes with the young;ter�, feed- ,It's good to have a mother •',me ......, ing them'cake; and buns v,ith tea, that makes jokes. I was there one FEA 1 H�:itS WANTED, \,Idrese at his roou;.c. A rot of gar lur n autumn �;hen the leaves a rre ,on Pdlaly 41,' 'r�t;r 1' f.rtvn _...:.........,.r...: n 1 veloi,cd .mon- the bnyr g turnin ..Th.ere• that's the bell for f Cal Over. 1'rnl'll have to �o. Just tl•^ •:•cans: they wouli send ter- 1 r ' lain ne.. b:y, to Mi Wicket4's wall: by tlio mwcer and call your 1 n,-,'<.n. �: .t - r.,:,+::,o to 'knock' pit hi.r dootu npd say: name. Don't let it -s are lrJS.1 G. 1'�IO. 52---'39 • . "���y,,RYS�ifl?� +.v.:w::'�' swum. . , t$'6:' ,,, -.,:�'rw '. � .,:.:,y .�♦ ''s � �•::n... .;�. - .. .. - ..._. x 5 7 R., F7 74ME day. --Otll&. The Lines Offlcia![i were hosts Mr. and Nm W. P. Cropley have ' it dinnei to their guests, and dur- Law Motor Sales .-BRADLE 'S taken up residence in Toronto for ingdiiiner, 'brief addresses were ,..Bmt Wishes and The Seaegn-.# the winter months. -given by: Mayor Colem-am, of Oah- Cher-Plymouth, �Greetijmgs are extended to our Pick- There wRl not be a meeting of awa, who, welcomed the party, Col. Boys' 2-tone Sweaters, $1.& orinx Readers. Harry Cameron, Dir. of Pablic Re- Dealer reeches, $1.75 the Red Cross worWers'in the Com Deal Boys'_B munity Hall nes eek, but the lotions; Major McBrien Charman, --Annual School meeting at the i -GOOD USED CA 4-hool here on Wednesday members Wan. Croft; Mr. Clan- plan on '110kitinuing with Comnusioner - Ps Boi a' Wial )--akers, evening. GOODYEAR TIRES Cameron; Gen. Born, on Friday, December 16th, their.knitting at home during the cy,,Assistant to Col. Cam Boys' red cr blue Shirts, WILLARD HATTER19 .75 Manager Patten;, Reeve Clutter- ' At Toronto, to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur, 7,GENKRAL BLAcksmiTIMP40 Men's Big B Overalls, $1.75 Silk, a son. St. Paul's, Dunbarton. Sunday, bleb, of Scarboro; Col.*Little, ex- SKILLED MOTOR REPAIRS —Donald Munro and daughter, December 24th. Sunday School at Warden of York; Mayor 1red Rowe f!A Men's heayy lined arn ock a 2.95 Give us a trial on a Ne* or a Wad Cu Chrissie entertained friends from 2 p. in. Celebration, of the Holy of Whitby and Col. Carmichael, of 24 Hours Towing Seivke Men-'a Rubbers at Yar' ious pri- "tlie city last week- Communion at 3 P. m. Preacher, Gen. Motors CqKp. We fours — of Brussels, is Rev. E. G. Rojinson. The Annual the T. T. C. Officials to be a very r on w P.—Mrs. Coates Christmas Entertainment Of the genial, friendly group- of gentlemen -vimting, her son G. F. and Mrs. Sunday School will be held on Fri- who gave us a splendid afternoon, Phone 2908 •C. 0. Bradley Coates here at present. —Lena Slack wishes to -inform day, Dec,. 22nd, with supper start- acquiring,what we believe they PICKERING, 0N1rA-RlPbone Pick3f04 inat.5.30 and a good programme, wanted to accomplish, - a more her petrens she *6 moved 1kar g Mrs. Adair's, commencing about 7.45. friendly, intimate -acquaintance with hairdressing shop to Along with other good times dur- ' the Gray Coach Lines Service by the next door to the Old Church Ser- 0 ing this seas, �vice Station. 6n; come the-Christ- 'people who*use thi service. Chair- mas Concerts, the school having man BeBrien expressed their det- -Master Bert Coates is seriouse t- ly ill with pneumonia, at his home had theirs Thursday night of this ermination to keep. the Toronto tore here. We hope Bert will soon ree- week, and the Sunday Schools of Oshawa equipment and schedules over and"be out again soon. both the Anglican, a nited equal to any in the country. The —Max. Bradford met with ad Churches are havingtheirs this seven new busses, Gen. Motors' Friday, the former in the Comniun- built, at $15,00 each, are 31 feet, Yes Siree- accident a few dais ago, when he We are busy, good and ity Hall and the latter in the Sun- 8 in. in length; 96 in... wide, carry- was struck by a car. Although he busy, right now. Rearrangingour is walking about, he carries an arm day School Room. ing 33 passengers, and powered, In a sling. . . . . ..'I with 158 horsepower motors, which stock to make room for lots of new —The services in the Presbyter- ()ONXUNITY CLUB NEWS are placed over the rear wheels. Ian Church on Sunday will begin They ride very much easier than -stock which we are busy opening -'as usual -at 2.30 p. in. The service At the'forthcoming 'annual Gen- the older type, quiet. and comfort- will appropriate for the season eral Meeting of the Club, "fresh- able. Upholstered with sp6nge-rdb- up, decorating our stare, .making and there will be special Christmas menta of .an unusual nature will be ber, covered with blue mohair. Ex- served. 'Members should take care tra wide windows, giving better bb- inill be usic by tat 1.30 P.he _choir. Sunday School to keep this date free Monday, servation; 68 gallon fuel tanks, itbright and attractive, simply get- -St. George's Church,. Sun. Dec. january 8th, at 8 p. in. 9.75 x 20 tires,-hot-water heating ting read and pressure ventilation. Large in- y for the good old Santa 24th. Ta. in. Morning Prayer and terior baggage racks, and a large. ,vice, time. Carol led by the Young Gray Coach Unes introduce a Fleet of Seven new busses on Oshawa— commodious baggage compartment Claus People's choir. 11-30 P. -in. Holy Communion and Christmas -Message Toronto run by exhibition trip and at the rear. Several new safety preacher, at both serrices, Rev. E. Dinner at Genosha Hotel on 180. 7 features ar feat ' e incorporated.' shatter- China & Glassware--Truly the ar- As q G. Ro�hinson. -Please note: No .ser- Our citizens proof glass throughout. ..-,gest and finest assorted stock we ens are being honoured busses are said to above the new vice at 7 P. in. and Sunday School this week by, being provided with be the most modern and up-to-da .:As USMI, 10 a. in. seven I new busses, by the Gray The new busses re lace have ever shown. You'll be get- ace —The regular monthly ' meeting Coach Lines, providing.transporta- available. the old immediately. of.the Women's Instittite will meet tion 'to the city. We say, honoured. ting our circular soon. In the W. I. Club Rooms on Tues- as the new coaches are.said to be Classined Advertisements d"] day, December 26th, at 3 o'clock the finest on the Continent. We Children's Games and Toys. galore. CbrisfiRCarols. Exchange of were privileged and honoured -also, PTGS FOR SALE — chunks. Milton Christmas presents, not . to exceed .ain in a party that Benson, Lot 10, con. 9, Pickering. by_ be g included . .Men's Xmas ties fancy boxes, La- 25 cti A good program .has been was made -up from Municipal" bod- jes from Toronto to Oshawowa- The g and Repairs. 'Expert Service on dies' lovely lingerie and hosiery. prepared. Come anal enjoy a pleas- 10 SERVICE — Electric wir ant afternoon together. seven new white and,gray coloured —Wesses drew into the Eastern House All Makes of Receivers. Reasonable just thousands of fancy X as individuals may think busses Rates. Tubes Tested Free. lRussell Xmas res- f this is pretty fine weather we are about 4.30 on lionday Afte=0011, cl ;zt having, but. if you really want tie offic- M. Gray, Brougham Ont. and after an introduction to enisthat we are 'unable to ll truth, ask any one of our march- ials and many on "board, we were CHRISTMAS PUPPIES for sale ants, who stocked up with rubbers escorted to our places, and-then on. a months old. Springer Spaniels. you about. itoes, winter-wear and -so on that t, W%..itby, +ere many of the Hedgewyn Kenneis, Barbara Ban sells during the season which very an. l.ofric�ftls were taken on igen, Brock Road, Pickering.. Phone Our 13u Assortment of Xmas (Cards pften begins allont- the middle Of then on to 04hawa, weer tho Seveno- r 2. 18 2, November. We bave not heard onehe Gen- 1 busses lined up in front of t are now on Display. -of them say - business was good. —Up to the present the month of December has been the mildest Come on in and browse. arou nd. in thirty-five years. The wiwr of .'rut after the New Yearthev� 11903-4, was siniil4r to the present. F sfohawd ' ;V0 the Vitizeltd 0 A many heavy snow-:alis, and M. S. CHA PMS. e the roads w re badly drifted. , We a ever, the mild weather of may yet be in for' aver s ount and ntario winter, but .:SPECIALS the past two months will shorten • the winter. On �he east' side of the B-- a kib�.as BaeGnq Ar . fix., 12 '1h &Tay iuccst Wwshes f or Cat Aviterry -Road, just south of the 5th concess- ion, notice some irregular 'Christmas' Seasc ;..i Minced Steak,' Ou will ar12c. a lb 'and.plowing. This four acres has reen & Joyou 's D 4. planted with •walnut and butter Liver, a lb Z 2c 0 nuts,. by Dr. McEwen, under the. IDS, �. a .—direction of the.-Piovincial Forest' P Stewing--.Beef Dept. Many� ste spaces in our for Hap in ' .' Health . iind Pros- ry Wa 91 .15 vicinity could be, improved by the 'Jewel Shortening, c. a 1h judicious planting of trees, which. perity ' throug' houit the Coming i are supplied free,, by the Provincial -Classic Cleanser, -3 tns, 13c• Goverriment. 'Yea—The Ladies' Aid Society of the ar 6 tins,, 25C. Presbyterian Churchmet at the C., M. P. Home of Mrs. W. J. Clark, off Wed- .:Eon. Gordon D. Conant, K a with mem A . I D . -Ontario' ;��pretn't. All the officers for oy-Gen 'rdl of over thirty ...Attorn e 1939 were-'elected, with , the (phone 3000) _.:PicL-ering exception of 'Mrs. J. Bryant, Treas., who resigned. Miss Chrissie Munro was elected to fill the vacancy The ■ ■ annual reports were all very satin- P:eke ing J are ' factory. There was an increase in r membership and the, treasurer re- Picke0ing Meat Ma Ad ported a substantial balance 011 hand to begin the coriiing year. Genuine 4 SEE OUR DISPLAY Both the Township -,NomihatiQn and Police Trustee N nations meeting will be held at Brougham 0 VAINWRIGH'r PARK f and Pickering respectively on'Fri- McCla Ra :-day Dec. 22nd, (today). The first Findlay' and nget ry at I P. m. and the latter at 7.p, M. BUFFALO -_-cervices on Sunday , next in land Heaters. the United Church at the tsual 0 Also Galv,- & Black Pipe and hours, 11 a. rn. and 7 p. rn.' Special' I D n't Miss This Rare' Treat music at these services. Following Iso the care free carol- singing will be conducted in Place' Your OrderTo-day . 'Elbows. A the evening Wlrllice, an hour of t1ke basement -midst Christmas Dec- Coffield Washers orations, to which all are invited. STEAKS AND ROASTS , DUNBARTONOSale Here Plow Shares to fit neatly every make of plow n, Miss Nina Heron, of Toronto, 71gent for McCormick.,Deering Farm Rachlrery and spent last week-end at Roseliank. Repair&. - Now The Young Adult Club of tlo- 'r-4qJ -1 ." Our Motto —Ve haws CM Got & Or Itis aft maw.0 u rch 7 will hold their no�:Vt meeting Wednis(lay evening, 27th. CLARE NCE' SILK 34r, A�rth-,jr Annis, of, Ottawa, visiting his parents, over the hoU- I J. S. BAT SDON9 PIC&L"IRING