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:... : w. .'°,. _.G' ..,• -,fy..:e U....., "r.. ". ....• k !:*, x �' .C., .w P.s, :'•f'. 3:`p %y.;. ..hm'.. .-'�•','� �'..Y an. c t •r s J _ , :.. .... ...... _. ... .a'..'.a>' 4.••' �� . ..:.,.. .'... «..,..' :.. ,•.:'•c. ".,: . . '.. x..'�, .f .s:t` L.o r..ry r .r � ... ,r... ::.„ sac.S. !'. 5 .t . :. t' , • « •r.-.'y... -•Yi..+.P." .I°'•:. '.F• �....n ....... ,,,.... '�... J .Y .w.."M• ',-4�. -.l.W ,4•" Y^ '1'Y -.1''•.. �,.r,..r.--^ ., .. >.... . `•^C�.' ._ c.' <�;r•r'_.:.i:.:. -4,..4 .�"�;N :':" i+i-:• y ..rr'� .. •,:°S`� '�5. .v -h^"• rr �.. � -.. ._. ;,:'�....,. "? "`..� ..a"��',aFr,..-.c�.LAY-r•.'.. ..,- ,,..:„�„�.�•... m'i*"r.,N' :air,A. .v,,;•'# ... ...' r, - pp VOL. LIX PICKERING, ONT., FRIDAY, DEC. 81 1939 1`o.' 16 Yds it4ttRll �,astier�. GREEN RIVEN Pickering Horticull4lral Society CHERRYWOOD //G M 1 At the Green River Church next A meeting of the D'tectors of Mr. Watson Norris, of Eycii row R. H. 0. PBARSOi�T-Ph eielan' Sunday evening at 7 o'clock, the the Horticultural Society will be Q y Sisk. is visiting in the common- 1 L.Ia►7 `D"dsursson, Donbattan. 1017 pastor, Rev. Harry Wilaaa• will de- held at the home of Mrs. Dr. Cart- ity. liver a special message to young Wright on Tuesday- evening, Dec. g 1886.4936 �p >3.-FORSYT>3, Oph.D„ Direi tor; Preparations are in pro for tl+•pytome•ttgt soobliootonurto xes. people. The youug are especially 12th at 8 o'clock. The following ark- tin a .C!¢istrrias Concert.and the child- l titres Memberot the Kmaicea npc°m°ct c"1 invited. All will be cordially the Directors for the past year:: child- CHOPPING s aepaaeraoa. Sae+ esamined b7 aygoinemenc:' ren are' looking forward to Santa. yens. creeea,00t;ooe. welcome: Mrs. H. A. Hopkins, Mrs. G. A. The yearly election. of officers of Monday, Wednesday and Friday + LsQesi. The. Green Rives Young Pe 'L ople ew, hire. E. G. Robinson, Mrs- W. t':e W. A. will be held at-the reg- WE GRIND FINE N f' will hold their. regular meeting H. Westney, Mr. F. M. ChRapman, ular meetiligg in the church hall, on � DUNALD RUDDY l3etrrister. in the form of a Carol Service on Mrs. Sterritf, Miss Winnie Wood, Thursday, TSecember 14th. A good Bran, Shorts and Feed of all •Solicitor Nowwr Public. Mo.uyW7•aen-. December .11th, in the !Green River Mrs. G. McC-onochie, Mrs. D. Call= kinds, also m1 er Is and other' for� �by�taalate&E.CLna- attendance is requested. n a eotBh.tr;ns or Court House.wbitby. 1117 -Church. A silver collection will be aghan and Mr. Gerald Cowan.' . A -- ____�.__-' eoriceatrafes for profitable feedwo ' taken for Missionary .Purposes, Ev-' full attendance is requested. BROUGHAM - BBATON, BELL & ROSS ery person is cordially invited to kept on band :.. a Sarrlstors tt Solicitors attend, KINSALE Mrs. Cotton, of Toronto, is with We stock only the best Poul W,J,SEATON.K,C. Telephone AUDLEY Miss Glace of Utica, is Mrs. G. Philip at present. Feeds and Supplies. . AL BROOKE BEL"K.C. Adel,28313 .H.F.ROSS spending this week with Miss 'Ell- Mrs.,R. Malcolm and son Robert -- 372 Bay St. Miss 'Margaret---Westney attend- een Parkin. / were. at Queensville over the week- - Mr, and Mrs. H. Parkin spent end' .jOHIV L.POND Toronto this t e International. at Chicago, The•Pond family of Long'Breh. Lr+l� D ,UR'�/�,`'Y� � this week. SmdaY last with Whigby and Os-h- f"' U.RICHARDSON 14 Co., Barrio:, visited Bob and - Mrs. Malcolm on > V.tata, . hlotatnea etc, &cite Set: Dav1d Winter has returned to his sues friends. Sunday F. J. DONEVAN, Br. A., Be. after visit Mrs. Mood j��jc t:ta aR �-- � 1e11gthY'-- Y, 01--0+63sawa;_ spent- -- L.-S-^file are the records of !lelaobai.♦d.'1ass; tins Ph�o seta &et __ -__- d -- wit his'dao liters in Oakville and a da last week with Mr. and Mrs. A successful Mission Band meet- with g Y in was held at the home.of Mrs. Surveyors Gibson and Arnold, , e MGUS laid lLLAN-parr tap Sol. Anton. Lloyd Moody. g Kang Str. EWO. Oshsws. Jure The W. 1. met' it t home of Mr. and Mis. Re Cassie on Saturday. 198E lgly i otary Public. 19 ALchoda'Street ,s !Taeeito. eieohoae Elgin bAQ9. 2911 he Reginald Ramer of The Euchre 'and�Dance sponsored J am` Mrs. G. K. _Pratt , on Wednesday, Altona spent Sunday last with Mr. by the Firemen was cite nsorsuccess- ful- and exchanged presents, besides and Mrs. W. Stevenson. q outlining future work. The Women's Institute met at on Friday evening. � ERIISRT T. FALLAISH. L. D 8.. The church supper in the East the home of Mrs. Gee,last Thane- The Y. P. of the Church attend- 3D. �•• � 20 JM : D.D.S.Graduate on9,be koymu.Colfte o! p� sa eons and the tlai V t7 o1'rorouLa- School last week-was well attended. day afternoon, with a goodly nam- ed the service of the -Greenwood �� . d �oi'iis re�.nce oramd Vicar east of St. And- Y. P. on Sunda evening. j se.'i Cbanh. Pk inns,Out. (Draft sours! s Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Jenkinson, of bei present y g , s•irN6 s :'� o', t"7 Pickering and Rev. and Mrs. Howie bliss Glenyce Stephen spent the. a W. M. S. will meet a£ the I118UratF©e of All Bi21de. ' of Dunbarton were present while •week-end at _her home in Ashburn. home of Mrs. Geo. Philip, Thurs- the latter gave an address on the Little Miss Meryln Williamson day, Dec. 14th, at 2.30-p. in. All Beat Rated Available with tisssizitss+s 4r achy. netary system. tPe ladies .Are invited. . Pn of WhiL'�y, is spending a few.days A and ' { 1 f3ec city d D WHITIr�'ALP` Gormlwith ey. greandmotlier, Mrs. M. Sunday ttee Schoolbusy prey- - le HLATOri,t TOWNSHIP tainme farC theme concert rand tree to address phone Cleft. C. Atcn*one Comtc. Iver lot few from here attended the paring_tt��ktea •t>ldartt.. Aeeratata'm, Etc. 1»net o Hereiaie Licenses. Whitevakc.Ont. . 1 be.held on December ?`'nd. BROUGHAM PICK 515 Colds are pre,.aleat in the vale, church service held at Greenwood R, E. RlCHARD50 N keeping a lot of Polk indoors. for the Young People, on Sunday Mr. and Mrs.•W. J. Brown, son Rep�,rts from the Red Cross Can- evening. A very interesting• .serv- Jack and daughter, Msiy, and Fern GENDRAL N LT RA NG$ vas are most encouraging, and a -fee was enjoyed by all present. Bob :Malcolm, of Toronto, were with REAL I+eyTATEgood amount has been forwarx}ed Spence rendered-a 'ver, interesting their people bare on Sttrlaay.; u r -CONVEYANCING to Red Cross Headquarters at address on his trip to the Amster- The farm property of t e late . q � ON MON,, WED, and S'ST.foolr ,m ell established agency, ready ering. dam World Conference. Mr. John Hamilton which has been have-after•fit tr of L lig to ser7e. The December meeting of.the The Foursquare Class mete at the on the market for. some time, has - ka�E3anner, and Victory). y, P!lone, Pick. 6000 Women's,Institute w1I1 be held on horns of 3111111 Eileen Parkin last now been purchased by a Toroi3to y Se Oats(Alza- 'b` Monday, December 11�, at the Monlay' evening, with about thz man- y)• also Barle Y11 VFX M A v7LT home of Mrs. Gardham Tract, at usual number present. Officers for The Local Y_ P. Union will ' hold Purina Feeds, Chick Starter, Dairy Ra- , Y7f aei 1�1 i Ys( 2.30 o'clock, sharp. A Demonstra- the coming year were elected The a Social Evening and Electionof tions, Dryena, Fig Feeds etc, A fu 1.I138N8BD AUCTIONEER, AND tion-of "Meat Cookiillg" by Mew, next. mec•ting will M at the horns Officers on Tumesday evening, Dec. line gfthescwell known feeds VALUATOR Tran. A Paper on "Relief"-bf of. Miss Alice Stell, on the.evening, lith, at the home of Misses Jean Chaps. Molasses, '.Bit. b4illfoods- Shur Sales csaducted Aapwhere Mrs. Sydney' Pugh, the Topic .for of January 9t't, Miss Muriel 13611, and Mary Phillip. Laia. IIog Cor.antrate. M.icera's, Egg Phone or write.-Address Bit Dundas the Mr. and 'Whttrh�y�0otario. .'. '. Roll caln. Thto e to,answered be given.-eport of the, ' in charge. DL�B.4KTO�i _ eningdlore1r homeM Citize s�Leagu,e social and _ D. l�l .n Ellicott hiLOCISWODd • e their ves on esda :7 "Gift of Home-made Candy" for y evening ]� ���.11 BMBrbnsh Hospstal the Children's Shelter at Oshawa. Miss Jean. Annan, who has been , which was an enjoyable. affair. Pickering MUS aCotnne and have a profital.ie ,and, working in Montreal, is spending a Mrs. Friend Morton and son Fr- Government Licensed cxtti n a h h f k }ted PICKERING. ONT. va o t her Name ere. anis o Keswick, via the Gan- Main St. E. StonfFvllls, CIIt- enjoyable The December meeting of the non family on Saturday. 3iire. Mar_ WE DE i IVER Phone 191 W. M. S. will be held Thursday af- ton remained over the week-end to ''.PHONE 6317 - GREEN W OOD• f maternity, Medics', and Surgical ternoon at 3 p. m., Dec. 14th, at help Mrs. .Edward Willson celeb- cases taken 1dlss Mildred and Gertrude Cotte t!ie. home of Mrs. Dr. Acarian. rate her 81st 'birthday, on Deceinb Something NeW f Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. er 2nd. g Maternity Semi-Room cit spent. Sunday with their pas- will Henlerson and Mr. and Mrs. The seventeenth annual meeting Rates for 10 daTs--1125.76 .ents. _ - Leo White, who are celebrating of the Brougham Citizens' Lea Etegidtaed Nurses in attendance and Mr. Wright of Green River spent t+h ter'+ COIemaII Oil Heater-Neat, the week-end wit-'i his daughter, their Golden Wedding Aruliversar• . Z4 hour service given. g was field on Monday evening, Dec., Ambulance Servile Mrs. Carl'Devitt, ies this week_ Mr, and Mrs. Hend- 4th, in t'-e Fire Hall, for the El- good heat and easy to operate -WoolMRS.E.R. GOOD 25.37 the church for young people.. arried a• octlorl of Officers for the ensuing Also a good lila of ranges, or The, many friends of Mrs. Jane Tuesday, and Mr. and Mrs. White, year. They are as follows: Pres., FOR Boyer. hope she will soon be res- fifty years this Satur•ousy,- D. A. ' Beer; Vice-President, M. if it i8 a furnace, we would :,INSURANCE The First Dunbarton Company Ellicott. Secretary, toned to her usual good health. tary, H. C. Gannon. be pleased to install the best, The W. A. hold their annual' of the Girl Guides -will hold 'church Treasurer, R. D. '.Biller, Fire Chief, ss „ Y+ E. E. Annis. Assistant Chief, L. Pease Economy" Sr.RVICE meeting'6n December' 14th. at the parade- on Sunda Dec. 10th to y Pbone Pickering 67 I Parsonge, at 2 p. m. All ladies are St. Paul's on the Hill,. at which the Matthews. Beard oftirectors: 'J. Satisfaction Guaranteed T cord°+ally invited. flag that was presented to the Farley, W. E. Ellicott, M. J. Har- C' ar- T jT *�Q CYRI,� E. MO'RLl✓Y The C. G.' I. T. girls attended Company will ge dedicated by the. lock, F. Cartier, D. L. Mairs, L. AL ♦ IN B V SHBY `- kRE. -AUTOMOBILF, - LIFE the Convention for the C. G. I. 'f. pastor, Rev. E. G. Robinson. Johnston, F. Cassie. l� Miss Emma Mitchell visited wit? Hardware Tinsmith J § A CIOENT, WINDSTORM held in Oshawa during the week- The Happy Circle' Mission Band'- I UBLIC LIABILITY Etc. 7 end..Also their leader,- Miss Edna her brother, Mr. James Mitchell met .at the home of Mrs, F. Cassie PlCRER� � recently, Durng her stay Mr. 'and on Saturday, December 2nd with SE,R ICE-- PROTECTION Green. , /' airs. on entertained at a par- PHONE 4 }' 1 The Sunday evening service held an attendance of 'l2. 311 Cassie • DD here by the Y. P. U. was good,•and ty for Miss Mitchell, Miss' Muriel conducted the Election of Officers Xmas- Furniture (JL Torrance' atll their daughter, Mrs. for 1940, who are as foll ws: Pres- crowded house went tr show the q ' W. Davidson, who were all celeb- ident, Dorothy Harlock - interest the young people of the Vice-Pres- k Xmas Novelties district are taking in the work of ting their birth4ays at lue gine ;a , .. - Mildred Gilman, Secret:ry, time. Helen Malcolm, , Treasurer, 'Kath- ,' CHRISTMAS ro ~-w .31r. and Mrs.. Elmer Annis en- leen A. Hamilton, Peace Secretor Cedar Chests, $18.00-•529.50 BROCIi ROAD y, tertained with a miscellaneous Ethel Seebeck, Temperance Sec- Table Lamps, $1,95 •$7.50 shower last Friday night in comp-. rotary, Beulah Hamilton, Press CARDS Tri-ligbt Floor Lampe,$10--514.50 Mr. Chas. Paddick of Selkirk has • liment to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bur- Secretary, Doris Wilson, Visiting -l been visiting with his father and gess. The young couple were the Occasional Chairs,$6.50.524.50 g p Committee: Joyce , Hardy and ' aunt for the past few. days. recipients of many- beautiful' and Make our Se.lec Tilt-to Table $9.50 Kathleen D. Iamilton Pianist _I :•.,; Tilt-top ' �Mr. A. C. Diamond has ,had the useful gifts and the best wishes'of Y • 'Coffee Table, X9.25 ;Helen Malcolm. �+ misfortune to have, three cows their friends for a long r and Kapp The funeral of the late Mrs. ton JCiarly . Child's Reed Rockers; stray from his' premises one day led married life. 7l fine assortment - Harvey L iscombe wao held on Sun- - T11 second' meetin'n of__Vie Com- has not .located thein, We hope he munity Fellowshi wigll be held in day after -regular , church servise Ware, Crystal, and China - P Although Mrs. Liscombe hbeen 1 recovers them soon. the United Church School Room, as , Another accident occurred on Dunbarten, oa Tuesday, December in poor health for a long time, her +: We are Agents for the Easy Electric Tuesday at our local C. P. R. cross- 12th, at '8 p. m., when Rev. C. P. sudden passing early Friday morn.. Come idand see Washer. P ing camp- as a shock to her family our ,F ing, when an eas„hound freight Kmth, Importer of Nuts and Nut and friends. Til- 'funeral was att- struck the car owned by Mr. Ernie Trees from the Ukraine Carpathian Motor Atabalsuace, Day or Night ended by many relatives - and ,' Brooks, and- damaged it beyond Mountains wills om Toronto an speak. Fie will bring friends frTtd= o- Cdb Phone 1300 _ repair. The owner of the car and samples and speak on-thee suitabil Christmas Stock his passenger Managed to get out ity of this particular locality for conk, and the church was filled C. A. of the carbe�r- the cras - s h and so nut growing. Social time and ref- w. ST RRITT - izing friends and escaped injury.' ur ' Mr. Brooks claims neighbors.. Many floral offerings CO., **jj,, A.i Funeral Director he neither saw nor heard the train DEATHS were brought in loving remembran- BO��� �R�� C11411 H D IN -K R G E AL-1c E__ WSIF until he was almost at the cross- ce by her family. inter-hent took Furnit-ure Dealer ing, There have (been several acc- MCMURTRY, Gertrude 11. Reeve place in the Christian Cemetery. SUNDAY HOURS-12-1 neon,8-7a ns. idents at this spot On 'Monday, Dec. 4th, 1939 at her. a PHONE � particp1ar s t in ____ �IC'Y@TUtJf. • ftt8t'1C the past few years, although the .home, Pickering, Ont. 'Gertrude M. Seventeen more shopping Days visibility is good from both ways. R. widow of Frederick McMurtry. till Ch trots. Funeral on Wednesday to Necrop .� y< olip, Toronto. - �.y... M•,,,i.. , r J i minute, what alio»id the xWa 8 ' escort do? Mi -VO ren ' 8. Is. it improper for tiro girl " jig • w ` ant their escorts to go on-an all. �a lt DOES bate good in• pipe! 8Y ANNA ASKI BY day motor trip without a chaper, HAMM rel ��POUCH � 1S! • _ one? ' Q. How can I make an econo- Answers I/r�8•%0K-TOP"TIN 60E _ mieal, but delicious, fudge? i. It would be _preferable to '�` also packed in Pocket Tins A. Add .1 cup water to 2 cups serve the wine with your after- sugar, 8 tablespoons cocoa, and dinner coffee; along with nuts and 1 a small pinch of salt. Bol] until fruits. 2. He should allow his D IPTONS it makes a soft ball In water. Add guest togive his order first, sad directly t, the waiter. When din- ' �-teaspoon vanilla flavouring, stirring until creamy, and pour on ing with a girl, she gives her or. THE RICHER. der to him and he orders for both. • ac MORE SATISFYING TEA s buttered dish. p Q. How can I impart a brilliant $ Yes. That is the referred ico polish to ebony toilet articles? form. 4. Not in the least. This • e . ONTARIO A. Rub a little white vaseline manner is easily detected uy those -- --, into them with a soft cloth. It is with whom the person is convers- FREE necessary to keep rubbing until ing, who know that it affects- assured Industry that is,not affect. the wood has absorbed all, the tion. It has been said, "We are ed by the vicissitudes of commerce. Half-Time Kings s never so ridiculous from the hab- The civil service payroll provides a vaseline. tbecoupooafiwm its we ,have than from those we eeon's lib. •nd Q. How can I prevent the ink foundation of prosperity that Sa al- Natives of Dahomey in Africa - "'d Packs They from spreading when. marking affect to have." 5. He should ways stable in good times and bad. have a newidea of kingship. They we exchangeable in �" .. linen? rise and remain standing until the That-in a. fortunate circumstance consider the job so important that Wry L��r".mi• uta A. First put the initials on with 0 er man leaves. 6. This is all since Ottawa has suffered some in- the king must be on duty every *�. booth to Tboa [d',m a soft lead pencil. Then trace with rigrZ provided they do not stay dustrial setbacks in the gradual hour of the day. But since ao Limited, awn- overnight. subsidence of lamberts that for human be' the marking ink. . g g �_u " - many years was cep re tete. hour job they have two kings— -� i ..+ Q. How can I make a smelling VIJI' Population one for the night and one for the (' • salts? ' Canada generally would stand to A. Secure a wide-mouthed bot- P benefit substantially if growth of day. I tle with a glass stopper and fill it population were more rapid. This -- almost to the top with subcarbon- Increase Slow country has slightly more than 11,- ate 1, ate of ammonia in coarse powder 000,000 people. Many of its national form. Then poor over this just Canada Would Stand to Bene- services have been developed far FREE '. -beyond the normal requirements of s ..nougb oil of lavender to 'cover fit If Growth Wen More the contgnts. Rapid that number of people. Map of Poreupint 'How can T utilize -orange---_ -- Geology in Coloun m- --- --- - Many African natives believe . �' peelings? The assessment comtndssioaer of that apes, gorillas, chimpanzees Shows PRESTON'S now hound. - -- _ _ A. Scald the peelings and dry Ottawa has given out the figures and orang-outangs, have the wet arses — &bows Hollinger. Me. thoroughly. Use •a coarse grind- In a,compilation of population slat- Intyro, Pamour, Dome, as well - er for grinding, and keep in a !sties which show that the capital of speech;but that they won't talk as our own property. tl„htly covered jar in the refrig- of the Dominion now has 145,183 for fear. men might put them to No obligation. we ate glad to � What- Science . erstor between usin Their use people, which is a gain of 381 for work. send It to you. go.• Take a minute now to fill out will give an excellent Savor to one year. That does not shoal a ra• and mall the coupon cakes or puddings. pid increase. says the Sartlia Ca>3- Y iS adian-Obeerver, but Ottawa is iII GOOSE AND DUCK x•vr AngarILsa.tNeYlne Mines about the same position with re. FEATHERS WTD 1443 Northern Ontario Bads.. i • '�'''~"�•• Bard to growth as any at the other To"ute �.oing titles Of this COilniTy. ae all at@ HI&hemt Prleem PaIAL Bead Geological Map of odel7! IsaW"1At* Remittance Porcupine t plodding slowly, Telephone AD �ude or�e�te NAME ._. • Ottawa. a8 the seat of the federal CANADA UuA7 V1ORTFR Cu. •_.---._-��_--,,,-, ; } MAY CAUSE HAY FEVER Etiquette government, has one advantage Tae Dosch. 5t. IADDRESS ....--.-.---.,.. 4 Tiny micro-organisms which over the others to that it has an xoake soil'fertile are described as BY ROB£RIA LEE great potential agents In causing shay fever. When dust storms 1. if you have some extra fine sweep over lar8e areas of the swine that you wish to serve at • "Western United States and Can- ytur Thanksgiving or Christmas Classieed Advertisements— , oda they carry with.them millions d'naer, should it be served as an _ . of microscopic mould particles, appetizer or with the dessert" similar to those which are found 2. When a man-invites another In yeast, which are now believed lean to luncheon or dinner, should wAa>IF:U tllAl.A'LtNF AGENT1,4 - FL'RYITL'ItE FOR &ALE -to cause the sniffles sad'violent the Bost allow his guest to-order, sneezing characteristic of hay fev- or shsuld he do so fdr both? A UVVD SALES AGENT SHOULD TIME IS SHORT — SELL.SPECIAL "yours" t epreseat n good company. We Christmas Club offers to popular L Y, O N 5 ar, 3. Should the word yours fol- want hood representatives for un- Canailan and American Ha1�as- t _00 low such closes to a letter, as occupied territories now. Our Ines as local reprs•aentative. High- 478 YQl7ge St., Toronto „ " "Lovingly," " nursery stock is the bast that est commissions paid. Don't delay. TRIP TO MOON HELD UP SiIIcerely. Lovingly. and De- money and experience can pro. Write = Canadian . Periodicals, Just when reparatiaas were .votedly"? duce SIX-hundred-acre nursery, 245 Grace St._Toronto. Ont. .-CLEARANCE SALE p fifty years' business, Write Pel- — RECUNUt'1'tUNl:U comity aloe nicely foi• a flight 4• is it a sign of good breeding ham Nursery Co.. TWronto. g g y l3h MACHINERY to the moon, the project has been ( %Len a person has a studied and FURNITURE deterred because of the war. The 'arlificial planner of speaking? FAST-SEL1.iN+: lt�l 1 ATJ;R, �v competirlun. New al_lspusable tis- WADS PURTABL,l1��, UKAU SAWS— ' British Interplanetary Society d@. 5. When a man It dining with L sus dystur. BIC eumminston. Delta woudwurkmg tools — elec. 8:9J 3'ptei'e • t nestrrucW >;u1tl, y "ADES[-T-KLEEN" (Ontarlo) tree motors. Belunii and shop sup. reversible Atardhult spring fit- tided—at an emergency meeting, girt la a restaurant and anotber Reg'd. 615 Yunge street.•Turunto. pllea of every deecriptioa The A. led cum tuna, brown rcpp. man sops at the table to chat for R Williams 3lw-+hlnery Co. Lid:, �� SO tsruwa munair %'heatertleid to. cease activities for the present. CAtl!t, NEN' AND L%*.D 64 Front St. W.. Toronto Suite, reveralbl• Marshall spring cu.htuna, 3 pieces. I' 11UUNT !'LEAS ANT 31VTOILS. LTD,. �. 24,00 Smart apartment wise Cbes- VITAMIN HALTS BLEEDING + Turuntos ulde>it Chrysler. . Illy- MMLtLAL terfleld Suitt, 8 pterea, race A Vitamin originally extracted muut& dealers: three locations, rcpp materi"j. reversible. Marshall from fish meal and alfalfa ha is n�1 volt T OZIJ�I 6J2 ]loan! Pleasant Rfort Ave. HIGH free booklet l'ltl:S.d Xul—WRLTE 35:n cunl7loab. y jJ�j)0YOU >Rl� Tong Street, t2GS Danforth Ave. for tree truoktet sad 1u 19 particv e—utitul lance tirow•n mo- today saving the lives of,handreds Our used cat-4 make us, many lars reb'arding our nm singly hair Chestertjald Suite, fig. frtendd. successful hyblood treatment ured reversible ![arshnil spring 7 of mothers and babies. — , M.• • Pedt read Products Saskatoon. cushions, perfect condition. _ t The substance, known as vitam- 11un111$ StoCks� c1.IrrHINt: sNu F'clt\ITCRE 4askk 7-JO UJd Chescerftelds, to rcpp and K, and now made synthetically, O mohair covers, reveralbl• Y yt WE GUARANTEE lint I'Mit CENT. OF'F'ER To INVFN-rons spring filled cushions. Is essential in the body's .mann- If you own any mining fit and satisfaction to latest style t Odd Chesterfield Chairs, -facture Of thrombin a Cl]etll- aio[hinit (alightly used). icntle- 5.95 spring filled .ushiuns. assort. P� stocks and want to reeeiie men's rut{e ur uvercoatb, rrguiar 1_N UF'b'L'!t To L'Vl:ltY INVl:NTVlt cd covers. lcal which breaks down to form to 369.00, special ;6:v0 to ;12,04• 1.13t of Itiventlous and rull Infor- 39 -Kroehter Chesterfield Bed the latest information about Iadlee' Winter Coats ;i.uU to i7. ma0un sant free. The Hums•y Co, Suite_upholstered to bruwu thrombin, the e,vential element } Fiegistered, Patent Attorneys. "-' In the formation of blood Clots. I them, our statistical depart- 1Postpatd. State measurements, d mohair, revessible spring cuahlona, cblours, style. Send money-order. Bank Street. Ottawa, Canala. 3 plecra, complete with new mat- pVithottt It mons bleed Eu death mout would be glad to Also write for bargain price lisle tress; perfect condition.pe of'recunditioned used furniture. VVIISONAL 7 Complete ition. m Suite, in despite all efforts of physicians I . provide t k i s information 1Ftuakin & Company, Vaterboro. `�•� walnut finish, Yunity full ' to close a wound without ask obit &.tion to Orttariu. L QUIT. TUliACCV. SNUk'N. "kAS1LY, size bed, chiffonier, spring and new mesas. yes. RU C,% u. , 11 eapens %c y, vme r Testim•:nits:S. Guaranteed. Advice 39.00 Modern' Bedroom Salic in h. 'a —0-- . We would be pleased to STUDENTS NUN' ENRU1.1.1NU FOR 'free. 13artlews, Box I. Winnipeg, twatone aaulnut finish. ENERGY USES AFFECT BRAIN courses in Maitriculation, Short chiffonier, dresser with round Ven- provide any other informa. Story, Journulism, Shorthand and POI'I.TRY etian mirror and full'size bed. Comparison of Equipoise, One Speech Culture. make use of your - 49.1 O Beautiful modern Bedroom Of the famous racehorses Of all Hon concerning mixing in ■pgre time. Write today. Canad- LF.T US HEIR' YOU SELL YOORSuite, bleached walnut fin- _. general upon request. tan l'orrewpyndence College, (es- Poultry. �Wrkc fur Bray's circular is)s, dleaaer, chiffonier, full size bed th•tes, with a white whale has tabilahed 1902), 229 Yonge Street• on markets; a real selling aid to and saglesd spring. Perfect. .who-,%m that that training for high, Your enquiry will reeeiv _Toronto. Youltrykeeyeid. Valuable fur your GJ 0O Solid walnut Bedroom Suite immediate attention. owe customeca too. Bray Hatch- eery large dresser. chaff- steady � energy makes the brain FARM FUR SALE ery, 130 John St. North, Hamilton, robe, full size bed, sagless eDring; Trow large but training for quick Ontario. — and spring filled mattress, Qom- NINETY ACRES L'Itu1HJCTIVE pletely refiaiahed. ursts of energy leaves it small. ' RADIO St 8 piece Dining room Suite. clay loam adlviniug village. good 17,50 F ui Oise had the latter. 1�p /� �.}I builditigs, Spring watered. Two buffet, extension table, and ' P �— Lakewood thousand cash, balance 4 per cent. G].1 P::RFECT RL•'CEL'T1UN OF six leather seat chairs, AVillium Pearce, Exeter. Holiday 13tuadcust.. with new, 2`i OO Solid oak Dining Sul te, buf. NiGH GASOLINE MiLEAGE !INVESTMENTS guarrttced i:adiv TULOs, ;err tin ret, exten=ton table and 4 FARM TEAM WANTED Prices! I.A. 75c: 1A4, 1A6, 1Cb. iF4, leather upholstered chairs, cora- An automotive scientist assert- - r $1.80; 3u, Rl, 655, 3_, 34, $I.5Ug 33. • pletely refinished, ed last week that experiments V�Averley 3039 WANTED — \WEI.I. - 31ANNERED Is, 1B5, $1 "u; ')JX, 99V. 3 .15; Factory :ample mewl din_- _ heavy farm team, under eight, I'rlees of other Lrbes on request. J9.00 ette Suite in English oak, foreshadow . developments which 9 Adelaide St. E. Toronto preferably inures. give descrip- Allied lta4;,,, Sus S. STA ,i; buffet, extension table with lack- cion and price. A. G. Ramsay, \Iontre knife leaf. and 4 chairs unholstered would give the motorist 50 per. Gormley, Ontario. — - —' in red leather. Regular 589.00 "cent more mileage to a gallon of ttAW FL RS M ANTED ,Beautiful 9-plece Dining " proline. The experiments have IIARD'i APPLE 'TRUES Suite in z-tone walnut fin- been carried out to determine the #�f71 SHIP 1'V(1:' l'l'1:5 TU US Ines, ehiTph, large buffet, extension, table, HARDY A1'1 LA. rREES - 5U CTS. full market pl'1 eA- 1.. A- Itch Junes, hips cabinet and 6 leather uphvi- Ssibilities Of increasing com_ acratchint.....11.` each. Canada's L.uwest Priced tier• Lg9 Talbo. �[.. St. :huntas, Uot s/[� chairs, completely refinishSued. g eery, gruwing leading varieties Solid walnut Dining Suite. pression ratio under conditions in Fruit Trees. urnamentuls, Write large buffet, extension ForRuicktelieftromiiekiagofenema pimples,ark- - RANCHERS AND 'I`U I'VEll� table• china cabinet and 6 genuine •which the anti-knock value of the lets'&toot'scales,sosl>ies ranker and olker a:ternala immediately requesting sensation• ��� auaed okra hoabl roe world-femoro cooling,tau• pi offerings. Tobe's Treery, Nia• F leather upholstered chane. com= `fuel wap no linger the limiting aa,, gara-o'n-the.•Lake, Untario. ALL PRICES ON RAW 'ltl5 AHL pletely refinished. septi& G d"D D.D. Prdoriptioa Gresseler, low. Why nut ''met the most for Large assortment of odd Buffets, factor. ttsinles eoot3airriytiamsn&QuioklystopsintetFw - .,You.• tox pelts Ly having •!'hem •China Cabinets, Tables. .1)resser9 — I itckiae 85 otrialkottleproveeit or moneykaek. Ask FEATHERS WA\TED ;armed and marl into ntt:aeLIVu Chiffonlers and Rede. rand new 'Tarr dtvggiat today Lor O.D.D.PRESCRIPTION. scarves and oa,l tli-,m direct? factory samples to clear at. ahule- HIGHEST PRICE FOR NEW AND Workmanship 6•uar:.ntucd, Silvers sale prices. Perfect Excuse used feathers. Robiason's, 282 $8.5U1 reds �6.5U, Thus, Lhnack, All goods carefully- crated for THE TEACUP THAT Fi6HTS Brock Avenue Toronto. Write for Taxi(Iet*w ._ and furrier, 1872 immediate shipment on receipt of - guotatiods. Queen St.'L'., Toronto. money-order, and cold with Lyon* money-back guarantee of uatisfac- A Boston postal employee, late' SCHOOL MOONS thorn O wOr We days In a row, was HAIR GOODS LYOtiS — reque§ted to explain to Postmaster {� irm HOME STUDY uut'R�l:s—BUUGIIT WIGS, TOUVES, TRANSFURSIA- sold, rented. Educatiunal books, FURNITURE CO _Peter F. Tagus. •, tions, Switches, Curls and all etc., Canada's largest deuler, Low. Garfield Tea is nota cure-all,' but if types eat prices, send for list. U('Iunom>' j 3 YOn t' St., Toronto He wrote: "I was married last ritof finest quality Halt woods. you Write for illustrated catalogue. '1Jistributing, Leamington, Vnt._ � �..� month and my bride gets lost in CONSTIPATION witbext drastic Confidential, terms arranged: pots and pans every afternoon drugs, try a cup tonight of this fra• Bath st S n Nair supply Co.; 528 aI:AT1NG uL'rl rrs Bathurst Street, Toronto. while she is attem ti to prepare grant, 10-herb tea. Acts thoroughly - -- Guaranteed P � P� P SI�ATL\li Vl'1'1'1T5, 5L1l:liTLY my, dinner. and mildly. Pleasant to the taste. INCREA14E YOUR EARNINGS used, il.'75, f2.'l5, ;Y,65. New high CAR AND TRUCK PARTS • ,� 25C-10C at drsgums. quality, 82:89, $8.35, $4.25, plus 20c The situation is, improving, write for•INQOYfiatlsAMPLI EARN DULIARS READING YOUR hostage. Peerless, 191 Dundas \V„ kowever•, as she acquires expert= *• oereehl too Co.,- - - newspapers: Dime and stamp Toronto. Used -- New once, and as•a result I have- been brings information and surprises: 9P11CIALIZING IN Itviii iiT >U1- on time lately. It seems like rank s K, Rembe, 527 King St. W., Ham- ti91•:D TIRES-Full SALE - . ► Ilton, Ontario. TORS, l'Oq'kal.4ti1'I'�, Hydrsatle - Hoista, Rineher, r:eaerntors, start Injustice t0 have to eat the cook- ' UouD USED TIRLS, ALL SIZES, era. "noneto•, Carburetors, Radlat- lmg then 't0 be reprimanded for 1 Close Ave., Toronto 3 Canada Q Lowest prices. Inquiries invited arm — Kxcbanwe �Frvlee, GIa s me." Dept. ' ISSUE NO. 49 —�t39 Brockton Tire, 1611 Dundas West, Notimtnetion or rermmd. 1.et7 Ate• being late. Please bear with me. Dept. C2A Toronto. Part., Torento. 77 _. '.'... ... .., .. „" . , i.:.,-. .. e � ,;,• + .z Ste. C Mi+, ,w."..:.>' .: .•+.Y�;.. h.'+"';. A ..F :¢'�:w,' ',Y" A.Y+ +..L``M, .x.'�.t .,. ^d 1".r ..f •y babes: 26. yea, Flither for so ftNo.Advance Made By well-pleasing in thy sight. By Willi= Sunday The heart. not the head. is the InswayPly THIS CURIOUS WORLD Ferguson home of the gospel, and the con- • SCh dition of receiving it is lowliness '' $ 001 of spirit, not strength of brain. There Have Been No Negotia- 1ER{GA►N k� "These things" are the things tions Between Ottawa and -" about which Christ has been wg{�Re St. Lawrence } INDIANS Lesson speaking for some days, the things waterway,` KNEW e r that concern himself, his Messiah- ship, his kingdom, the principles St. Lawrence seaway plans have - $ELRET OF of life which he had 'set down, not advanced to any extent at Ot- MAW NG, _ _.-:LESSON XI the judgment to come. taws authoritative sources said in 'REACTIONS •TO THE GOOD answering Premier *ltciiell-Hep,.__ _ M�Qu� 27. All things knee been de- bum,a statement that arrange- NEWS—Matthew 11 and 12. livered unto me of my Father; ��' LONG Printed Text, Matt. 1,1t 16 - 30 and no one knoweth the Son, menta,were progressing steadily, 8> vRlw. l: save the Father; neither doth any There have been no new negotia- +GOLDEN TEXT.--Come unto tions between Ottawa and Wash « _ T'KE *Jae, all ye that labor and are know the Father, 'save the Son, ington. COMING - h.ayv'laden, and I will Diva yap and unto whomsoever the Son Officials said Premier Hepburn " OF willeth to reveal him. The Sons evidently referred to negotiations . WHITE reit_ Take my yoke upon you. he_Ontario Government y k and learn of me- for r -m moogc Peculiar knowledge of the Father __ and lowly in heart: and ye shall i the truth which rings all and the Dominion. MAN, find rest unto your souls. For through the Fourth. Gospel. It is Since the advent of war,. when - my yoke is easy, and my burden the intimate revelation of Chris- the Ontario Premier withdrew his s. ' is light. Matt. 11: 28-30. tianity and the power he has to objections to an international plan TAT, LESSON. IN ITS SETTING ater- reveal the Father to men. waysys, Ottawaand a St Lawrence Wash ngton n2:.s Time—The teaching in chapter "I Will GiveYou Rest" have been preparing to get togeth- 11: 20-30 was given in Nove' mb- er on the question onene more but o ff 28. Come unto me, all ye that nothing definite has begun yet. er or December of A.D. 29. labor and are heavy laden, and I The teaching found in chapter will give-you rest. This invitation 11: 20-30 was given'in •Peraea. is so broad, it includes all hu- Nouns of Assembly In chapters eleven and twelve inanity, for all men are heavy J of his gospel, Matthew reveals the laden, if it be by nothing more An assembly.. of people, atom o- a^ Increasing hostility to. Christ than the gratification of their pany of soldiers, a herd of eer; � shown.by his enemies. It Is more pleasures. 29. Take my yoke up- a library of books, a nursery and• more obvious that the King- on you, and learn of me; for I trees, a suite of rooms—we use -+ is to be rejected. On the other am meek itnd lowly in heart: and these "nouns of assembly" .in our RFJy1A1NS CC30L hand. Jesus is here -making with ye shall find rest unto your souls. conversation daily. - wHeTI' mTKETzmPw%++'Tua� ever-increasing clearness h i s 30. For my yoke is easy, and my In a book by C. E. Hare, just Be ACrr OR COLot COM 1*0 BY MIA WOOL ML claims to be the Messiahi the King burden is light. Theae words arepublished under the title of "The A� STARSOPT ma of Ur the predicted Savior of addressed to the whole 'human Language of Sport", we land many t3iG DIPPl:32 CAULa HAVE -'the world.- race through all time, and he wko unusual terms, such as a muster BURNED OUT SaNAMVT '.'* 5 AOO AND W1E understands them has found his of peacocks, 's pride of lions, a %%40 LD NOT KNOW YE'r OIe Tf-1!C OCCLIR'R=NCr. A Geaezatios. Upbraided way into the heart of Christianity, skulk of foxes, a tribe of goats, a . e'it 16. But whereunto shall 1 liken skein of geese, an exaltation of THE seven stars of the Big Dipper are about 70 light-years away-, this generation' It le like onto larks. Such. terms are founded on 'Light,which travels at a speed of 188,000 miles per sacaK would stars.-children sitting in the market-, Police, will have less pain in ancient imagery- be 70 year's In reaching out eyes from these stars. Modern invention gives ns many places. who call unto their fol- oundin beats in London for ev lowere 17.-and say, We :piped p g more examples, such a wobble of mato you, and ye did not dance; ery police station is.to have a store bicycles, a clutch of spinsters, a we wailed, and ye did not mourn, of special foot powder and Scot- shake of curates, a babble o! o' 18. For John came neither eating land Yard is to have a chiropodist schoolchildren, a prone of boxers. tr fun to good. POPULAR - 'poor drinking, and they say, He to give free treatment. It is go y'your hand at NOVELIST hath a demon. 19,The Son of man r— e tame eating and drinking, and Exports of plaaka and boards HORIZONTAL Answer to Previous Puasle 17 She won the they say, Behold, a gluttonous Zinc production in Canada es- from Canada in August amounted. 1,5 Pictured prize. man and a winebibber, a friend tablished a now h;gh monthly re- to 248,455,000 feet valued at authoress, 20 Organ of aigtlA of publications and sinners! And cord in July, when 'the output $5,633,760 compared- with 147,- 9 She wrote 4111 22 Profoundly wisdom is Justified b her works. amounted to 03,307,875 � by.her pounds 205,000 feet valued at $3,348,821 novels and ' I { earnest The - The critics of John and Jesus are compared with 28,367 785 pounds in the corresponding wont last —_ 24 She was a childishly John wand ical his in rejeomy t s� in July of last year. year. - 14 Rent Laryseam. e. 1 'N 28 Surfacebeliefbot ' .,ceticiam and Jesus with his joy- 16 Fish. g I measure. *+ j y , ,*us freedom. They do not know1 3T Brains. �C 27 Opposite of -what they want. 18 Knot. Qh7C • Cold. RADI -NOTES 19 Snout. . 29 Tepee. .20. Thea began he to upbraid .� 21 Hili slopes. 33 Persia: - the cities wherein most of his 23 wapiti. 34 Chum. mighty works were done,. because 23 Legal rule. 38 South they repented not. 21. Woe unto II C / 28 New England.44 Door knocker. ized America. thee, Chorazin' woe unto thee, t A -N ID N f ^ � Z9 Japanese flak. 40 Beast. Bethsaida! for if the mighty 30 Hon 48 To become 42 God of love. j -..,By=MADGE ARCHER Honey stories works had been done .in Tyre and gatherer. bankrupt. VERTICAL 45 Mischievous. Sidon which were done in you. NORTHERN MESSENGER Royal Brussels and is particula 11 goddess of 50 Black bread. 46 Pyrogailie 2 English coin, they would have repented long CBC's Northern Messenger Ser- well-known for his presentation of war, 51 Poppy drug, 3 Insect's a sofa ago in sackcloth and ashes. At works by Belgian composers. 32 Part of gil• 47 Nobleman ^� rice begins on December 15 its stomach of S3:Liable. 4 Monkeys. 48 PSrtnership Bethasida occurred the muscle of welcome broadcasts to such far NOTES AND NEWS . ..•. Dec. an ox. l56 Land measure 5 Male goose, 49 Epilepsy the feeding of the five thousand, 9 1.55 CBY Metropothan Opera northern points as Craig Hart+or, 35 Concise. :::. 157 Sawlike 6 Bitter herb. tom, .Near here Christ walked on the ( . :Matinee ..... 2.15 CBL Canadian syn'iP -Pond Inlet, .Baffin'Land. and Fort �• 37 Hastened. organ. ' T Covers.- 52 Footlike part. sea, and in its vicinity he healed Rose where lonely men and wo- Football Championship Final _.._.. 3g The rain tree. 58 Amphibian 8 Ratite bird. .33 Astern• the blind. Tyre and Sidon were i.45 CBL,_Raymond Gram Swing 39 Pul men will hear personal news, of pit block. 60 She was a '10 Chain part. 54 In behalf oL great commercial cities of Syria " home. The relays are given on 9 p,m, CBL Hockey from 41 Measure. journalist" for 11 Bustle. 55 To pull along. n the Mediterranean. •2°. But I Maple Leaf Gardens . .,.. 10 p.m. 43 North :.a -- time. 12 Aye., 56 Like. say unto you, it shall be more Fridays from• 11.30 to midnight CBY, CBL, NBC, orchestra con- America.' 161 She speciaY- 15 Toward sea. 59 Guinea., tolerable or Tyre and Sidon in ducted by Desire Defauw .._... ' the da of g The audience of the Northern - y judgment, than for ' � 3 p.m, CFRB, N. Y. PFiilharmonic Messenger -includes trader=, trap- Y you. 23. And thou, Capernaum, Orchestra ...... 6.30 p.m., CBL, Re- 1 "sha]t thou be exalted unto heav- Pers, dnctor nurses, miners, view of week's News by Gratton : enZ thou shalt go •down unto missionaries, *district 'agents and O'Leary Hades: for if the. mighty. works R£.3i.P. Those who wish to make er Symphony 7.30 CBL, ., Chase y, ....._ 8 p.m.;. Chase _ had been done ir. Sodom which use of the Northern Messenger Pm, j and Sanborn 'Hour 9 are asked to address their- mess- were done in thee, it would have CBL, Canada at War talk by Dr. Zl t remained until this day., 2,4. But,. ages to The CBC Northern Sidney Smith ...... Dec, 11, 12.30 say unto Messerrge� Service, ' Canadian a you that it shad be p.m., CBL, Ontario Farizi program 5 2 Broadcasting Corporation, Toron- more tolerable for the• land of ...... 7 p.m„ CBL, Interview with 3 -Sodom in the day of judgment, to' ' Duff Cooper. ._._. •9 p.m., CFRB, •than for thee. The sin of these NOTED BELGIAN CONN Radio Theatre from Hollywood .... ' flourishing places was not riot- ; The famous Belgian conductor, Dec. :L2, '8 p.m., CFRB, Big Town37 ence or sensuality, but indiffer- I Desire Defauw, will make his Am.. ......5.15 p.m., CBL, Canada's ence, self-satisfied complacency. ( erican debut Nvith.the. NBC. Sym- Fighting Forces .;.... 10 p.ni., Les35 A life that externally is eminent- phony Orchestra on Saturday, Concerts Symphoniyues Dec. ` is respectable may be more fat- December 9, replacing Arturo 13, 7:45, CBL, Talk under aus- t 2 3 .-Ally anti-Christian than one that I' To'scanini who .concluded his ser- pices Canadian Medical Associa is openly scandalous. res of broadca,is with that organ- tion ...... 8.30 p.m., CBL Seren- 5 46 Pre-eminent Christ ization last- Saturday night and ade for Strings. ...... 9.30 p.m., 1. tis. At that season' Jesus ans- will not return until the broad- CBL, Music by Faith ...... Dec. 14, 0 5q 55 wered and said, I thank thee, 0 Fast of March 16. •Defauw is 7.45, CBL "Broadcasting and 'the .Father. Lord of heaven and.earth, scheduled to conduct the broad- War" talk by Hon. C: D. Howe 'than thou didst hide these things cast'concerts of December n to 30 ......... 9 p.m., Good News ..._... 3roan the wise and understand- inclusive. He is the Director' of 10 p.m., Bob Burns back on K' M. 60, 1 inc, and did'st reveal them unto Concerts of the Conservatoire H. 71 POP-=A Hole in.One = By J. MiLLAR WATT GW NOR — -YOU'LL 14AVC rA JOB TO KNOCK IT ,OUT O T14C-RGV- Wt='.• <. •�.' a., .. . ,, :..•e•,e. .-. ...e .� .;... >r.-. ., .. ,....; ... ..... ... ..s-' r _e. Vii_.' :"� .ci. ,:w.•,... r.• .,:._ '1" ..,,...,,•. ..,r.�.,..+•.-o s.ry.. -,• ..r ... f+n.F. '„ a' , > r .•ya •T'. ..1• .. .:r„ ,.., . a .d.,4.. .Y•r a y�,.,7,,, '.r ...-.._ — — - k ian _ PICXERING NEWS -, Northern rights-of-way, and — eagle Leaf Mntttal 'il Sh- — comprwing part of a cut, thirty p� g feet deepit was an Terms , easy matter Notice ,0 Ynsuranca Co. ooti n Match to dump rubbish over the edge• !$1.75 per year. $1.50 in advance � -- � and S.A WANESA 1N& CQ I �� , Most users did this, but some would ; ! Will be held at Rosa Raine s Subscriptions to the United States :not even make an effort to do so, ' We do Building (if till"kittdr CbeaP rates for Fara and 1;wv1n and Gt. Britain, $2.00.in advance. but left.it lying on the edge. The i Building. Lot 23,rear Con.5, Pickering" CARPENTERING, 'Half mile west of Brougham, o0 result 'is,_tlhat so muc,�t glass is j Insurance on g many do' not wish to I �GEtUENTiNG. Windmills. Silos etc, No 7 Highway John Murkar, Proprietor rcatterel, ma g y drive near with pnteurratic tires. i : PLUMBING :.Automobile Inauraam of "(� It does seem strange that. some ; and All Saturday afternoon; DsC,9th ♦ oters List Court people, despite• warning signs' , to 1 the contray, will deliberately spoil ROOFING Write or rkew +Geese for Prizes NOTICE is hereby given that a what was an ideal location. Rec- I We also eels Brantford Roofing BOWMAN &'ROWS Shells provided for shot guns Court will be held pursuant to the ent)y the writer triad,occasion�0 1sa -- — — —7 Oon"Y. - - -y » at this dump, and lookel the sit- Air�terials,Empire Bathroom �VAlTBT nN'['AitIA Voters Lists Act by His Honour Egttipn Pnt, Duro Nater i % the`Judge of the County Court of sit- uation over; apparently the only Come and bring your friends the County 3f 'Ontario, at the T' Y.-ay to remedy the difficulty is to gyetetne, Beatty tivP• Stable Eqnipment scrape the rubbish over the edgy ROOFING SPECIAL " • Hall, in the Village of Brougham, other F3uilrtiug 1lateria : ---' � _ on Saturday, the 9th day of bee- of the rank,' and possibly work the The Pickering. ember, 1939,'•at 10.15 o'clock in the Surrounding ground to cover the, EdtimateA Free' 3-1 Std. Wght. Asphalt Shin' M �/� forenoon, to hear and determine gIass and other tire-dangerous mat- V ork Guaranteed $6,00 Per sore. MEAT _�r1ARKET _ complaints of errors and•omissions erial. Should our worthy. council:- --- -T. P R OT 7 C�E g-1 Hvy. Wght.. Ashphalt Shingles in Parts 1 and 2 of the Voters' see fit to do this, any future off- d lJ r7L $6.65 per sqn List of the MuniciFality of the. ender should be punished to the - Phone 1502'. All first quality Toronto Asphalt We card afull.line of full extent of the law. Roofing Co. Shingles. In lots Fresh Township of Pickering for 1939. F, H W. of-ONTARIO - of 5 sore. or over. - • ALL PERSONS having business at the Court are required to attend at the said time and place. Dear Sir: Prices subject to chan$e'without By order of His Honour thg Please may I reply to our friend- Con$ult notice. Judge of the said Coonty Court. ly critic of the ckering Tuwnsi,ip t �. PICKERING Cured h Dated at.' Whitevale, Ontario, this oratorical Contest. First, the Co n- N.D. rWEEDIE, •� 24th day of November, '1939. Meats mittee appreciated t:.e friendly cr- R. R. 1, Piekerin= LUMBER YARD -, — n noting forBarns and Cllr d*vlivery is at your service Clerk of the said Municipality. ' it is given, and agrees that diff r- Houses, E4vetroughs Hay ent arrangements will have to be Phone-Pick 1620 made to accommodate- the large Track, Barn Door HardwarY, CLARENCE SILK ,40tiC:: iJ Creditors cro•.vds that these contests at- Lift EIe Garage,Cement work a�RO� - ' tract. Secondly, the idea of giv- and Carpenter, work of all 'THEATRE In the _tla.ter of the Estate of- ing a clip to the best speaker in the kinds. ILSOI\ Amos Stover, I:.te of ,the Township ,Igor Grades, is excellent, procid *. of P$ckeiing, in the County of On- ed some. putlicspirited ' citizen Dealer. for Eastern Steel —' tario. Farmer, Deceased., will donate it. Please remember, tr'roducts. RANO r ALL PERSONS having claims that we are entirely dependent up- against the estate of. A110S STOP•- on Private contributions for, prizes Let us give yo��an estimate ost'.your THURSDAY FRIDA &S TUROAN Pr a Requirements. and ER, former, deceased, who died oa and prize money.'Thirdly, I do not DECEMBER 7. and 9 �'`tT or shout the 4th day of October, believe any pu;il should be barred Two Shows, at 7,04 and 9.00 �" �E�r.1 RIC A. D. 1933, at the Township of from entering, even if he or s":e s Pickering, in the 'County of Ont is a g Saturday Matinee at 1,80 REPAIRS A ip�+ grin, are required to fife their Previous prize-winner- pravid- A ' NTI�Oi�' y f! REPAIRS q eI he or site competes in a hig-7,r I ti ti " -claims with, the undersigned before class, tut I do believe he should f Frontier Marshal the 21st dray of December,, 1tJ3'►, Reliable Service not be allowed to rcene the cup Brock Rod Gravel WITH- after which Bate the assets ea. th� more thann. once. Two years ago, a - Reasonable Rates , estate will be distributed: having p• NDOLPH SCOTT NewC G.C. Battery Radios onry, monetliry )zii�es were given. ![ i - RNANCY KEt.LY regard only to the clsims of which In my opinion, the feelings of the $3 t 95 Complete with Batterm the administrator shall then have p' CESAR RO)'1ERO --` People of Brougham would.can•; ICrus}ietl r"It R�.Ii'i '_ _ -. � .•.$ROOKLtN. ONT. _ notice, and the undersigned will no_weight'wlatevPr, with 't`e open- NN BARAE PI�' S not be responsible• to -any 'person ion of this year's Judges, as it 'bras Gravel Phone 15 r it Pho of whose. claim he shall.not then _their decision that counter!. ff ping - <ha4e notice. this letter 'way-be received in the Sand and . Graded Monday, TuPsds, A Wednesday COKSHUTT:DATED at Toronto, Ont. this :23rd "•3me manner 'as it is sr*lt, da; of - -aro,^ ^.ay C �S•`tlti.t.,r Stone DECEMBER 11. 12 and 13 " - �: I DA:re e l or Lo tela l 1n Pit Two Shows. at 7 00 and 3,00 Tiost ,Qj u/ �aod Fret! is ehington Sto"r R. R ;GARGLE LOMBARD Pic:c...ng, Quparo, Adwins'.ra: c, .i ...._,., _:. -�. PhCNE! F';ant Pick 1026 - CARS` GRANT By his Solicitors, r Toronto office No.Nand 64;I KAY FRANCIS .Agency };iThe monthly ntte,:A9 of the Beaton. Bell and Ross, 34-2 Bay St. ghland Creek Women's Instit � 1ORN. - BOU16E SON IN Torondto. ute, sr. Branch, took place at the _ - p *t O y New Stock of Parte on Hard home. of 34rs. P.'"t�t�, Presid- Name t3YLA�i' NO. 30 ens. Many' members present. •The m 1Servfee on above ma&faes "In � a -Only" business of the month disposed of, ! :WITH , 12, Implements on exhibit in'seam BY-law chanking tile- head Off- Roll Call 'was answered-to "Name CH t R-LES COBURN plows, mowers etc. Hotel Com-. a :Composer of Music", some lik- HELEN V I\rON �e of ltossin Hose ! FREE H • -Pang. ing .the older, same modern. 1lrs. G t :THOS LYE A. Manson* and 1Irs. W. Duman I i 'WHEREAS, the Head Oti'ice of the presented their' reports as delegat-'� 1 t ' 1 1 Claremont Ont. t 'Ru.-.''n }Io rs. it 'el Compa::y is es vu tltc W. L Com'entiun held .t S Mase -Harris ' `F Ynk Floris!, which the•• County of York, and Province c•:' f-ulfitled with di-tinction and app- WRITE Ontario. , .�a by ate. .Vi..: -P. T re&..iiv NOW I a Farm Implements Radio Servicv AND WHEP.E'�S it has been deem and firs. S. Dion followed with' a aaddrneftee duet, Genevieve . all joining in l mea.nra _ I Salesand �ervice • ed expeliera that the same shou•id aunts or � t.. later. The meeting closed by sing- area to b« Expert service' and re. Le charged to the Village of'Pick- � Bring in -the County, of Ontario ire ing. God Save the Ring, \Its. Lrad roofed, arched or ra- ra;rad pcouncil stand- pt3ira to all wakes. Read. Qrt�ood, pianist. We are sorry to 'lard"rite-Lep"ae.e! j the said Province. "car of our Secretary=, llrs. , 1 m0fitgianeounA.per. w ollable char as: Fork manent tnveatm�mt. THERkFORE BE IT LNACTED 3litcheli,'s illness and wish her ,h:Absolutely weather• tt tight. Greatly'reducea .•••••., Itd_I••.:: guaranteed. as a By-late of the Con:Icor a; speedy recovery. She was missed , Erehazard, SOlD ON A 2S YEAR t4;?:L(:SAN01fi] t „t 'follows: - by all. Tea was sen-ed b-%- our hest-•r tdj ,•;I,a cats CL'ATANTEE �•w•�,,. �ARTiHUR FI' EL.D -r THAT the Head Office-of Rossin ess .and so ended a deligh.ful aft- Prices;tlna Fall are lower bccx!: a of S.:;ca ` ernoo7h Taxexempticn SmemcnF• hy«•r�i - ;o,tiv• `I, ��1/ Graouate Radio and Television Institute) House Hotel Compa•ty be, the _ Manufacturersalsooff:-rncusPrec-;nSteel � c� �'v ' .same is hereby changed- from the Truss Barns and Jarles%ay P01111try eruip. `.' Member Official Radio Service Mees l • ,:a:3G3G�c:;.hE:.,irc..or..Oat City of Toronto in the County of Asso:tem n. -York, to the Village of Pickering SJ=GGIc?I KIDNEYS impair your' t o Ik 4f3 Puwe 1201, PICKERiN(i4 in the'County'of Ontario and Prov- health. Runiacaps' Two-Way :��t- full line of cern ma ince of Ontario. ion quickly cleanses and in�igorat- - hire A s es' the kidneys. L'se Rttmacaps• Y. J p10�eti c r ENACTED this Thirtieth day of BOY};S' DRUG STORE, Pickering plow points and'repairs' / , ,/'1`A/ ,� '/ / September, 1939. 1�.. \.�I /.r `L.. o kinds of 1t1a Seg FUNEt r AND i rHlarris machin e t�L fd[REO UR i WITNESS the Corporate Stl of -- - -- '- — -- —' - t Ty. jE1iH3L►i'ER Z. the Company. A. It. Chewett, President i'; \ .,J-.)HN 1.-. (i ru I,N1 lv Sa,-cassav to.W, J. Xather,n Samirton Sims, Secretary tAy Stoafi-rills Diw+ +o o ,nfownf3ROUGHANI; JNT. Might an.i DsyService]I HEREBY -CERTIFY. that the � � `c foregoing is a true copy of By-lar 8.lsiness Phones �i93idence l"SotD e .� a 'y 9s:o enacted by'the Board of Directors v Gu go direct b ✓fin t"�- - 1 4 ,A Worth While Work at a meeting held on the 30th day •. \ � � ��•' I t0 downtown ` �of September 1939, .and sabseq- 1 f ! The prohlcm nt ear; fnr, the man? l t vently confirmed in writing by. all ' ,1 ill e'VE'r'y town unf,rtunate su,t,t r r•rom tuherculosis I , 1 . wli;rl! f r,, r,:i :tJ�ear.'1,•.s been Of the shareaolders o the Company Z: j ,- ,.etP;l,�, r u r..•:: or tt-,^ National 1' a DATED this 24th day of November d ; emou.a when �a -fu :� nu nrn;rating the U t l Slu>hnka lin?pt'al for 0,n<itmptivice, the 1 1939. ° ✓v Trento HuspPrul fur t'on:um wives and a you travel by thv (sarin mnry U-n pwtaP !for Con-' -� . " Ham1hon Sims, Secretary, Ross-L. i samnt.ar C'hil.:rvn. ' At prvsl•w fl} ;v uta to-date hospitals, IVC PAIN ,•In H°U8e Hovel Company. �, motor coach with an ;tvcmmitndntion of over 1,000 ''ERMANENT NA•Gr s"�• 1,,•d,,ar.• ta%'d to the utmost to care for t the nredy con+umpriors: whole only THAT FRAYS THE TEMPER LETTERS TO THE EDITOR oc¢�O c' ' it limen urdr"r^o•au h Ile. m oropor � AND NERVES, IT MAY 9E POW _ Argo° 'f When planning your next trip consult ' ft Is In ,rrdt r that there institutions p E:dhar: est°tt your local agent for all travel Nt;;i,.a•n Lt i Itai,it 4 nrr,s+ary to annually YOUR EYES. `. 1 ata�p information make an apnea) for iu:,dy, for thestatutr H. TUCK, OPT• D. Some years ago Pickering Town- aouN PASTERN IiOI:SF, - P110NE--I5a0 ore aival -rw rI main tall tar ?hon of ship Council saw fit to purchase a the an ual t Ata t.r maintenatx,e. With a Disney Hlock, Opp: F. Q deticit or man • thousnndr of dollars W wake rap thls year on operating account, very desirable .parcel of land to be we ask that you glvo as generously, as phone 1516 htilized as a "township dump". Be- w A ' A You can.Ilgrid to the OfWAWA. ON' National sinftitmrs tng part of the abandoned Canad- eoueea Street. Toronto s. '.. � .i.J"..w 4 •'•. .. ,.r �� ,.•, Nr fix' -'J•..M'•-• ....- t .. 1. '•r,r .. .. -...- ..i ......- n-,....:.... .-.:� a .e Y' .,-.v w. .,...-.•.s - 1 _ - i e•�- Yk•• : -.t- .aro "....F -,.:' .+e.. .... : '-;.. ......_: ... :-•.rA.�......Y .. -.... .•' -. ,- ... ',-'. :k>.. yf '.•` M-.'b .::•. Y« :. nay /, �-..M:. ?R -. _. '..:.._. ..-. J' ..:.:.. w•"r'4 s•t. h. '!., v+.. Gid !'� "V ..R ', $'.', ,_•`1 sero'."... .:.'. t:°,..r.i-t'!{✓.Via,••: 4n.- . ir. ... '. a. "• YT "/ '? TN', ''..•, i.,,' -:. ..4 ,.: _,,,may. - CLASEt[ONT - this month at the_ home of bars. aed the engagement of tueir dau- t � (Dr.) Tomlinson, on Wednesday gihter, Ruth, to Mr. A. Dudley Haff, BLEARING SALE Farr's Elevator- Mr. R. J. How was in the city on afternoon, Dec, 13th at 2.30. Note - son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur R. Monday. this is one week earlier than usual. Haff, of Hempstead. Miss Dixon is —Qj+'— Claremont, t• Wedding bells are'reported to b,e A Sale�y(ill to held for the Christ- a graduate of Hempstead High �"'� pbeno J38 tea way r� : ringing in the neighborhood. rias Fund. School and is associated with the Grocery Stock - L` Gifta for every member .of the Woodfield Private School in Rock- �,-�_ ConLinissim Agents for i NOTICE adlle Centre. Mr. Haff, was grad- - Government to Buy Wheat family; Mother, Dad, Brother and �' We are giving up the Grocery � f at Overland's. -CLAREMONT RED CROSS usted from Hempstead High School `_We ruehighest ' Ar- Mr. and Mrs. Overland were in and Wet institute of Naval Ar- section. 7 be balance of our t pada' % ,•1 r =he .city one day this week. A meeting of the Claremont Br: chitecture in New York City and stork is being offered atgreat- Phase at our expense. Miss Wortthy, of Brampton, is of the Red Cross will be held to studied at Cambridge University, ly redueed prices, A track iso your serdsei visiting with her aunt, Mrs. Wal- night,' (Friday, Dec. Sth) at the England. Mr, Haff is a Research Take advantage of this, sale We also buy course paw, - -ford. home of Mrs. G. M. Forsyth, Clare- Engineer in the Standard Oil Dev- wont, at 8 P. m: Members are elopment Company of New Jersey. this week and see_our Xmas Mia. Hudson is entertaining her ? young niece from Toronto at Pre- URGED TO ATTEND, Gifts in our 5c.--�I 00 section a MEN WANTED ; sent- Ruth Dixon, of Hempstead, L. I. Gifts for all Members of tba TSB@8�►Qt,O1G'@,CI$1't31YlOLll. D. A. Pugh, has been. confined to to be bride of A. Dudley gaff. En- You'll like being a Familex Man. Family. PHONIC 921 - 'the house for several days suffer- Agement has been anndunced at Earn easy money in a district prev _ Eing from a severe cold. ionsly covered selling thebs�ine " ITUR Supper Party by paents. A. C. BpCQKSFUR1 Fresh fruits, peels, raisins, curr- of daily necessities on the market. We are displpying an attractive '! ants, cherries, nuts etc. for Christ- Mr. and Mrs• Lewis T. Dixon, of For further infbrmationand FREE CLAREMONT variety of rrx;s at Overland's. Hemptstend, Long Island, formerl- CATALOGUE: FAMILEX, 5�St. Aluminumand (lr Trit�9Yare$to. Several from here with interests of Buffalo, N. Y., recently announ- Clement, 'Montreal. Furniture, aptlurtituse ' Novelties. in the Elmvale district motored up , Ito that country several drays ago. Prices tow. in keeping with times. Arthur Bates, of Athens, form- ^+erly of Claremont, has been y-isif- `e ing fries)ds here' during the week. LITTLE Mr. and Mrs. Feasby of Sand -Transport .:ford, spent the week-end with lir. NIPPER �uo Agjn X91: ,and Mrs. D. A.' Pugh. ids - Miss Alma Pugh is visiting with - !';vaumaoyl ts..gSlg Dally Bent, Brougham Mr. and Mrs. Willison, of Athens. �� Is`"' y only alloddYJ.S -As -K ��°� Claremont, andTo ._ - a>;n4.U.L 1`ls�D *� Greenwood, Whitevale and Tormta Mr. Willison, is still in very poor _ til health: +I too P UA mor. f Iay drivers are trained to be eareM We notice the ivral maul tour- 'Y 4•�S easrteous and reliable.iers, who use them, are getting,' pro a;xrazaedd' =o I their cutteis-.pnt .in shape. A sure 9-ore"A;paaI 'IuI a j - 6.raaa moa as�aa 'Special Rates on Ing Distarni , � amid '-sign of winter, this. -1111 BONN 111111111 1 pies ;11111 tRsuourem I havini• s See Over?end's display of fancy tp3cumj uva ass n81X ' china, slippers, sweaters etc. for i . r• _qp "a u►q elduris ul Ne order too small. Nose too hem Christmas Gifts, at Overland's. Give Him or Her � - Alb aiipments lmmred and pr ted@4 Members of the congregation Q / _ _ fres the weather are reminded of the White Gift o a Radio for their very own Ser rice in the Baptist Church this ) Td. (]are. 3" •► P. C. IL Sunday.evening. • / s -NEIN/ NOTTfR Ulan. B: �nrl G The Wear-Ever Aluminum Co 94O a Owned and operater! t r . . :geld a' Demonstration at the home Frank S, 11001110 ,*f Mrs. Wm. Birkett one evening I`O'�-PRI+CEQ RADIOS - last week. Candlel, nuts oranges, grapes,: Here are two new big "little" RCA Victor n A all purchased before th increase models that will make grand gifts as per- VYl 1f! lea NANO-TUIN� , rice. Take advantage of this at ' rland's. noxa! radios for members of your family and l • y , = .-S -pother folks on your Christmas lists. Think •"�• l ._ �� !C •� All .- AND •. ' 7iLiltan Benson lost a horse a few � - days ago. 'Haring' rsached the age what a thrilling gift the 'Little Nipper or l kinds of Pepsin' Work of twenty years, this horse has Model A•1 would make For shut-ins, daroes \ All Tuning Guaranteed tic servants, college students, and all ` c� �probti y given a good account of ( sorts}of,other .people among your 0 1 C. S.- Mae-DONALD itself. \ friends and family. 1 Con rugs, 5 per cent less Eyesight Ed l� ucation erase Ave, Toraab S::nprice, far cash _ A 'i �� _.,one Lakeside 1502 rthsl.,ca'-Iogiuc --� `�-�-,� and ; �_�Lodetrr Sacs or Matti. ' h r err taken at -,e k is a frienci:,� 'ebEaLii, for :"tiris: MODEL /�•1 k - i-� ,,. - 1 A �„ EFFICIENCY Mas Gifts. Buy here at less than "Toronto Prices. Beals'. Housefurn- IOAIy n - jam , R. G. CLE:NDENING fishings. «.�.-' any ti ' The Eckhardt Fell Ringers rec . . '�•"^'""=�' ``��+�• II;� i ^ �- :PUhiERAL DIRECTOR eived'a large crowd at their coir- ��= •`` ❑1t. TJLiljf ` -- ,cert %ere a few nights ngo._ This �39.95 :� ,�_, � Private Ambulance -- .y L organization is pro'cably one of•the - ` pt. Dap and l�ighG 8«rvlor oldest concert groups on the road: ,__•,,••.••.- _ Rlinne WOO and as w-e have said before: our - _ - _ ti ern grandfathers heard Chem. Their t P Eyesight Specialist, 1 y oil prvArams have had an appeal for ,Disney Bldg. (opp. P. 0.) Markham, Orta all ages. :.' .. Oshawa. Phone 1516 Ilii. Joe Bisons. Toronto; `firs. D. BALL THESE FEATURES AND MORE! F.: Watson, Uxbridge; blr. P, H• Everti inch of these models' is crammed with ical RCA " t5 p Those w•hb require glasses there- Benns, Uxbridge, Mr. arry n Victor value . . . each as surpnacertaiss , ',Pickering, mA. Thos. Robertson, lent volume smart in design they're Toronto and Miss. Eflna L., Benns, t} for their reading, passers them a -:ideal for bedroom . . .- den . , . or kitchen selves of glasses which seldom of the 15th General Ho,;vital, Roy- leave the roon}; where the owner Our trucks pass your way every _. al Canadian Army' Medical Corps,- CHARLES DOPE first unit of nurses to go, over- R len ester Q� s s readin¢ -and full vision -• thein mother, \Ins. C C and not bifocals are the pro 7 D> COKE., -Fens, �nsited - per g?assns for this purpose. Ord- CEMENT R�pgis over the Reek-end. Claremont. :nary bifrcals and even s bifocal FOOD, 'CrE'IIENT, The regular monthly meeti-Ag of h a lar e. segmrnt is inia&q- the ��oman's llisslo( ry society - - U,ate because �;Dere inteusi:e read= BAND, GRAVEL. -•ill, be held in 'lir School I:oo^ of ing is necessary;. a restricted field &D(l The Clare.mant C-uted Church, -•on LOW DOWN PAY Nf ANTS . . . EASY TERMS ;, found through ar. bi f;:�a!, will ` , T' ursd v, December 14Qh, a« x.80 not permit of clear unrestr;eted $LTiI�DER 5 bUPYLIER s.'Scott's Grbnp will be in concentratiop and, matey a valuably 91160 local 'Car,tage Work charge of the program. The l ec-. "�"' : tion of Officers will take Place at poindt may be tact, sturhed or in- We have 7110 p1RCPd'ln BtOCk a fall terrup't,ed to our disadvantae,•e un- •LATE of MAPLE LEAF •MILhIN'Q op this meeting and'it is, hed thereC KENSHIC less we are comfortall} and clear- will be a full atteadence' of mem- y equipped for th,� occasion. COMPANY FEEDS. 7 bers. To •be a successful reader You s ,! The folk of this community .w'ere must hare good eyesight.'.To have �• W. MITCHELL San- the guests of bin: G. (Harold) Sad _ good eyesight it may be recess Berson, on Friday evening last at and any }� wear glasses:' This often a Piek'eriUg, Ont. the official opening of the -McColl- necessity in the acquiring of an Office phone 1400 Residence t15 Front- I Garage and Service educe, ion and in fittin2. the child Station on the Four Corners here. for its future place in the world. uHotel '�EA CALVES the* site of the old Claremont - T--destroyed e--Years ag'a by 'The guests enjoyed a motion pict �� ure show, liancing and refresh Your best lY] rket is right at home. ':• 1937 menta. The new building, an up-to- - „ date, modern station of fire-proof you halve a quantity of chickens ready Pontiac sedan, Dark gluey 1 aterials; will be one of the bei ' equipped found cif the main high- { for market, phone_ or v;,rate and our 1935 ways. Hot-water beating is used, - � ;pressure viater system, ladies' and buyer will call.and quote you the mar- gents' washrooms, lubricating and k Plymouth 4-door sedan service pit, and very attractive ket price. Veal calves are now ctaken _ ,feature, the car-washing' equip- -' K Ment, `Modern lighting schemed are in at Our new Whitby' Plant, situated Prestone Alcohol used, both inside and out of the building. with a taco-way approac'n at. the old Mushroom Farm, sameas Light Oils Heaters ' ,r from two streets, to the pumps- The station enjoys and ideal lova- YCl the past, Monday, 'Tuesday and: Save our Free Gift Coupons tion, and during the sur=mer . Wednesday - months, particulwrly, will receive the patronage of much of tihe north MS LT 1.7 ALF. MOLE, Claret' `l and south bound.traffic that goes P/��E /N� FAR .. », CAR,.x.+ , ,r�niY �Y." '< _„C ./,. „T •1 - 1,7["' _ :'Ri`.F"... w".-^ .i'-n�" •.,.r ..1.•-.h _... ..-.:., .. i ; '.S;- .. .:.,...w � .::: 5.,,. .,..• 1. :. ...�.. .`GfY J.., �. .. .. ...i?..� .. - lir � ,m.a ..;. •- i -. ...c-.. LAY,-.,.. ..4 � ...,-.. - - ,»r.,- • moi'. ..-..,.._ .� :.w.ae. a•>..,..- _-:..:., .., .-_: .. :s^:,• •r :w+r �,a;. rr7• 1' , # JOIN THE "Well, he said I was a stuck-up ly to be admitted, but an attend- snob,'_' said Colley. ant said something important had Sequel of War "A Town Cheese! That was ill• arisen to demand Sir John's at- National health is to-day,more y mannered of you, Colley. The fact tention. Lhaa ever, a matter of paramount i that you wear a school hat and In his private office, Sir John portance, and what passes for a clean collar his 'face purple, strode angrily it well t bear doesn't entitle you to sneer at about, while a man seated by his' in mind that a hard-working fellows like Perkins. tuberculosisdesk, watched him in agitation. x And'you, Perkins 'us e !_Ralston must be kills more young Collo Master y may happen to have mad! Raving mad!" Sir John people between a noddingacquaintance with some stopped to ring furiously for his . the ages of 15 . , TAMPCLUB of the. sipler Latin verbs, does secretary. "Get Mr. Martin at and 4u than not ifecessarily imply he's short on once! ...... I'll resgin, .Henderson, wars or pesti- ` —ser--intestinal fortitude. Come !„ lence. Local vuv before I stand for this. tuberculosisprograms H •• @For len canis and the label and showing the lsapottrsds• now, .shake hands. No more of `exactly what I said!" observed must he in- Pat from an�r packet of SALAISA TEA we will send you this.nonsense! Come, shake!" The tensified under present conditions a Beginner's(7wdit of: 1—b4 page Stamp Album. 9-100 Henderson. The.IIlan s out of his boys did so, rather sheepishly. "If in order to counteract the rise in all-differsnl slampL 3—Big list of thous%of stemps offired , mind,"' thL. death rate which has been -- Fne in exchange for SALADA labels. you've managed to knock any !,'Can you imagine .Brookfield, the inevitable sequel to previous SALADA STAMP CLUB."I King St.W.,Toronfe sense into each other, then-theaf- without Chips' Why, hang it, wars. Christmas Seals provide ternoon hasn't been wasted." Jim, he's threshed us both fcr the sinews of this sear. against 6 Like To Retire. stealing cherries?" He stopped for 'disease. Our local campaign must Ralston, the Headmaster, played a brief colloquy on the telephone. be supported generously if we are nervously with a paper knife as .� to do our community's ��, Martin s. boy hurrd the wlfole share is Chipping took the chair he indi- cated. nde row, Jim. Martin's wired to mor fighting this battle. , Gated. Then he plunged into the gars at Aldershot: We'll -call a _ � •` O matter in hand. meeting of the Board of Govern- has been mashed and art tnioi� '. ' Mr. Chipping, have P gr' • y! G PP g. you user I' w' ' -! lips thought you would like to retire?" oPS. 11 wire Grantley and How. the colander to be sure.n + son. B- Gad' ' • c.y � Chips looked at him mann. 1 cup icing sugar �j ao+n*lo,aoMr»s "No, I've never thought about it." eign Secretary! Forrester's a and 1 teaspoon almond' flavoring. V IV MtTR0fv-dA0g4•MAyaRncrvaa "Well, the suggestior s there, BrookfieId boy!" HOLIDAY TARTS - LEMSEUS.MITC14ELL for you to consider. I'm'sure the "Stay Till You're A Hundred' Make a custard of 1 pint of thin ` 'SYNOPSIS governors will be re aced to The Governors held a council exchanging glaring looks with his P „ and went to Brookfield. Gathered crew, 4 beaten eggs and 6 table- and as Chipping, the Latin recent antagonist. grant you ai adeq to pension. spoons sugar. Stir constantly �, ' But, I don't want to retire. I about the long table in the Mas- Mast:r at Brookfield School, was "You're a Colley, wren t you?" , ter's common room, they all fac- making in the double boiler; re- � y pupils since his ma:- do t--er—need to consider it. Called b his +`yea, air," „ ed Chis seated at one cad. Sir move from heat when thick; give , g Int that case things are going P a few tarns with the egg beater riage to a yours and beautiful girt "That's a familiar name at t. be a little d}filen}t," John Colley expressed the senti- a insure smoothness, Add atter after 20 years of bachelorhood Brookfield." .. q ,,, ment of all of the Board: stades his wife'. understanding "Yea, sir. M Difficult. Why difcutt. spoon of vanilla. When cool add My grandfather's "Do you want.me me to be quite "The Governors don't want you + tutelage, conquered his pupils' an- Sir John Colley, chairman of the q to' tart abells. This recipe will ti „-_ blunt about it. . :.. Your teaching to resign, Chips. Brookfield 1H pathy and become friends with School Goveraoaa., wouldn't be the same witho oar make six. Whip 1 cup of cream, inc thods are old-fashioned lhm. H• and his wife gave Sara. "He was a scrapper, foo: Caned your , y add a little cochineal for color- d&7 team for them; he crack" him mare than once !or it. personal habits are slovenly, and —and they know it. You ears stay _ you ignore my instructions in a here until you're a hundred if mg` Fpver the tarts; add to:top ',jokes in CLASS, and could take one the same for you any time you waythat in a you feel like it—and we ho green mints. younger San I y pe you - oa himself. On April Fool's Day. need it." He looked at the deliv- should re will!" CARROT PUDDING I prepared j Y y •, your name'.,' �. Bard as rack insubordi- �� p, : t" "flits class r aced a oke that war er bo What's natirn. Hear. Hear. cried several . 1% cups flour really meaningless knowing he "Perkins. sin" "Slovenly, you say?" asked voiceq, ',x teaspoon salt r would appreciate it, but in the I gather, Perkins, you are in Chips, bewildered.by the outburst. "Certainly!" said Colonel bior- ?S teaspoon baking powder ietidme of thiir .heats of April the retail vegetable trade. Do your "Yes. Look at that gown you gan: "We're all agreed."' 1.cup of brown sugar, chopped whispered that Chips' wife and her 4treet?" (Fool"' a late comer arrived and duties include brawling in the are wearing. I happen to know Chips got to his feet, his face suet and seedless raisins r is•w-bora baby were both dead. " 'E called me a Town Cheese," that it's a subject of amusement barely under control,his voice fal- l oz. citron peel shaved fine said Perkins hotly. to the whole school. •A year ago terinK. 1 cup of grated carrot 'and 1 CHAPTER ?L I-told you I wanted the new style "Sir John gentlemen. ...-" cup grated potato (raw) of Latin pronunciation taught— -But, his voice failed and he scowl- cup milk - Chips Refuses to Retireand you totally ignored it." ed.to hide bla emotion. "It's good Mix dry ingredients, then add �. Twenty years passed. Queen GIRDLE-WAISTED "Oh, that! Nonsense in my of you, John good of all of in order given. Steam 2% hours Victoria had died and a King sats opinionL What's '.he good of teach- you — to.take this trouble for an in well greased mould. Serves 8, 013 the throne of England, BlerioLSSES DRESSES In,; the bcys to say 'Kikero' when old man." Sir John placed a hand serve with hard sauce. _ hon that Sew•ad spannedChannel in a con- for�i�est of their lives they'll on Chips's arm, and that gestate _= _.._HARD 'SAUCE Chips, his hair gay 'Cicero'? Instead •of 'vicis- of affection steadied the old-Mas- _ _ 34 Ib. butter now gTvy, his face ' lined with sum' you'd make them, say 'we 'ter, "But before I avail myself # Cup powdered sugar - k1en.-.did_act appear to be an �, _ kis: 'em:" Chips emitted--a-deep- you corift encu should like 9dix butter and sugar ental MIX_ old man, perhaps because of the _ chuckle. to be able to persuade the Head tare becomes very white'; add- a. ' humorously redoubtable look in = "There you are! You hold one that in these times Brookfield has o this eyes. He had become a bit of '� opinion and I another. But I hap- few drops a lemon extract. Roll p ' need of both of us. it waxed paF►er, chill until bred. •tan eccentric, a personality, almost pea to be Headmaster -here. I'm "That's very generous of you, Cut is islices. ' ' a legend o! Brookfield School. `. trying to make Brookfield an up- Chips," said the Foreign Secret- !t was autumn call-aver in the © m to-date school and .you insist on are. Quadrangle at Brookfield. The ! „ • clinging to the past. The world is "But will it work?" asked CREADERS, WRITE IN! ol- Mise Chambers welcomes boys as they walked past Chips .» L! changing. Parents today expect onel Morgan.' -called their' names. The teat, e _ something more for their school "I shall see to it that it. does. personal letters from interest husky lad of 13, omitted to identi- '� I fees than a few scraps of a dead I'm even going to teach my Latin •d readers. She is pleased to 'fy�+ .himself. language." class to'say "Kikero'! A few years receive c•ive suggestions on topics You, boysaid Chips sharpl3. \ a "I know the world's changing, of that and I'31 have to retire!" or her column, and is eves "Haven't you got it name?" ?lir. Ralston. I've seen the old tra- . ready to listen to year "pet '� \ (To Be Continued) "Yes, sir, replied the youth. ditians dying, one by`one—grace peeves." Requests for recipes "What is it?" Is it a secret?" and dignity and feelin tip f;r the or special menus are in order. Address our letters to Miss "Morgan, air—Derek Morgan." past. All that matters herr today y " "A Morgan, eh' I might have is a fat banking account. You're E T Sadie B. Chambers, 73 West known. Trousers too tight. Mor.. trying- to run the sclsoot tike .a a.'' Adelaide Street, Toronto." guns SIVPay3 grow out, of their factory — for turning out money_ trousers." While the boy stared made, machine-made s n o b s. ' .y P P ' ` in embarrrssed surprise Chis You've raised the fees and in the i. tucked up his gown bristly• and i end the boys who really belong. / vEve htl• Wined away abruptly, all but col- to' Brookfield will be frozen out. iL. A Bargain Iiding with a tall prefect who tafld V� Modern methods! intensive train- him that the headmaster wished to sense of humor and he'll stand tip s ., Less t �� As he walked briskly toward the + r to anything. I'm not going to re- By SAD!E E. C!•tAfNBERS Headmaster's house, he heard the M q sign and you can do what you 1 crash of a bicycle falling in the !" like spout it. o Tablet for street, execrations in boyish voi- =? ICING THE CAKE. Chis whisked his ' tattered ccs. Around the corner he came sown about him and strode from Hol+lday suggestions: 1 upon a Brookfield.bey and a"Tow- \ Ralston's study with a determin- :how that the Christmas season nee", a greengrocer's delivery ed flourish. is coming apace and •every day` boy, fol various' vegefables were. A boy outside Headmasters of- and it every way wo are, busier, ASPIRIN.. scattered about the fellers bicycle, fice had overheard enough of the it' is time we were decorating the Tile youth's nose was bleedi ": He ` Pe ' talk-•between Ralston and Chips, calve cr at. least laying all.plans = i doubled up his fist and socked the f( to understand what was in the for just what it is to be like and Canadian Druggists IYBr)I� ! school boy in the eye. u Wind. He ran breathlessly to fel- when it is to be done. As this ic- "Oh, ycu beast! I'll kill you for - ��upils. ing of the carte is quite an im where now feature econottlni 7;,- low •-;,;. that!" cried the infuriated Brook- I `� 4290 "The Head told Chips he's got portant function we give more bottle of Safest Fast Rlftef for 2 fleIdian; and lunged at the do-• to resign .—• and Chips said he care and thought to it Than to livery boy's'jaw, Pons and Colds.at • I Chips grabbed them both by •'Ey ANNE AD.N�,',; wouldn't." i an ordinary cake. There are quite � �' their coat collars and wrenched Stop right here .. .- it you're "I should think not. Chips has a few recipes 1 might pass on to Can afford... _ —.. been•here hundreds of ears. He you but I think you will find this' y Here is good news fbr them apart. "A disgraceful ex- lookin for a frock that' .prac- used to cane m father." a general favorite. hibition!" ' He addressed 'the tica�& "on its toes" in 3:, bion. I Y millions.There's no „ If Chips went the whole CHRISTMAS FROSTING need to take chances. youngster•}n BrookfieId garb. Did For Pattern 4200, by Anne Ad- � school. 'ud fall down," was the 2 tablespoons butter on taking strong, no one ever tell you to keep your ' arnsi, has both features. The broad ' �, daggesous drugs. �+ hapds up? I. wonder beth your •waistband makes you wil!ow opinion rid .a,third boys _ ? cup . sweetened, condensed Dominiondru - 'w~ Y Get rid of Chips. cried an milk g -�" eyes aren't closed! \ew ar sett ggiissts are now 1 F e. th_.ugh the middle. Another style other. "He'd just better try! If 1?t_ cups confectioners sugar.- Pea cin Aspi- highlight highlight is that bewitchingly •he says another word to Chia 1 teaspoon vanilla cin, recognized "Yes, sir." parted the boy, still zhc,ped collar. As for the practical I'}]--I'll kill him!" p�� 1 " 'rs teaspoon almond flavoring (if as the fastest side of this-pattern: with collar, In the ante-room of Sir John using almond paste omit relief- you'-can ' - , sleo-ve tabs and girdle bpw i i Mn -- . sp, ig cen cast, you have a -looking people waited impatient- �CreaM L the buttethis r and the con- colds safely,for kss than 1 cent . , ,Hotels sap housefrock. Then the same densed milk very thoroughly. Add a tabktl Notice Of All Interest Payments pattern makes a smart street dress - ' very gradual the confectioner's with long sleeves and all-one fab. ' FOR HANG-ON g Remember r Aspirin does not harm �°•` " - • sic, or with wool plaid for the sugar and beat until the frosting the �e�e For great speed plus safety. Intoes on ail g b4nd;nq provide skirt, collar and sleeve tabs and COUGHS is very smooth. Add the flabor- y my else. Mortgagee hacinr, teen proviaea ing. Other flavoring may be sed Get the economy size bottle at your \. ' for cn presen;atior. and surrender a bodice, say, of velveteen. , , druggist's today—100'As itin tablets '+ of for, sue December Int, I039: Pattern 4nL40 is available in siz- I pro and coloring (food) it can be for only 980. It's a bargain you can't THE ROYAL CONNAUGHT HOT' TO COLDS c for very effective)always keep- m99• But be sure on e-Aspirin. - EI, COMPANY LIMITED wilt pay es 14, 16, 18, 20, 32; 34, 36, 38, ing red .and green in mind as the y fnteren Yeadue, ; its Second 11Ioonds. 40 and 42. Size 16 takes 8% yds. ASTHMA BRONCHITIS 6e sure its ASPIRINi F'THE PI:INCPn EI 1V 1R d HOTEL 35 inch fabric and % yard can- ' holiday Colors. • and other le Another interesting addition is (WIfi'DCUR) 1.1VITED will pay in- tract: A➢6sesh Take the ler-est nuc on its 9ccord %rortgage Send TWENTY CENTS (20c) Old RsloNe to drain and chop 3/s cup of mar- If every tablet does Debentures in coins stem aschino cherries in red and �rrePn A not show the word THE C,F.NF:i:AV. i:R(rt1K FiUTTrI. (stamps cannot be ac- rej :4 01or a combination. The, cherries "Ba Bayer On it in , COMPANY-UMITED will pay inter. cepted) for this Anne Adams pat- BAYER the form of a cross, mst due on its second Mortgage _ must be finely chopped. g„na9, tern. Write plainly SIZE, NAME, it is not Aspirin. • c.1*tnli_�'s ROYAL F.►4LtLy ADDRESS and STYLE NUMBER. For those of you who like the R Don't let anybody " UF' IiATELB almonn paste and would like to tell you it is. + Send your order to ANNE try' an economical substitute use VERNON G. �'AItDY. � ' ISSUE NO. 49 —'39 President. ADAMS', Room 425, 711 'West Ad- the fcflowing: Harn!lton, Ont.,,Ncv�mber 18th. 1?39 elaide 8t., Toronto. 100 tablets '98 • C I cup het sweet potato which - - „. :...., n - .>.r5 c. .... .:�,n -... ., ... .., - . .,, r: nitrogen was on the market.wm.e He Made Gains In N.B. _ � EyeingRumaala with the able assistance of the op-, time ago. Since this is used in the Rumania was the cynosure of all tometrist, Dr. C. Yngwersaa, pZr- 'VOICE manufacture of explosives, I -- -' — —r fected a n that swims likes P . P eyes turned Balkanwazds in' the s14OQ doubt if it will be available for �'� twelfth week of the war. Resig- fish and has been used by gre g use in fertilizer__--qnder present nation of the Argetoiana Cabinet numbers of fishermen`this lent sea- >a OF the conditions. reaWted in the accession to the son with excellent penults: The ' r Last year some otlash salts s::: two amateur 8ahing lure inventors Y p premiership of pro-Ally.-Georges r carrying 60% Tatarescu. Rich Rumania has to potash were offer. started the spoon making for.their • P R S S own use, but found it so effective ed, but I do not know whether y, .' wacth all her territory carefully and w popular that they had to r this will be on the market this since so much of it was taken make some for fishermen friends, •' year or not. from .other coon at the clone The are made'of stainless monel of the first orld -- Bess- y nA. LIMBURGER LOSES GLAMOUR I metal heads and tails with flexible . L mburM cheese is losing The Boolz Shelf Bulbia'frem Russia, Dob ja from some of rte aroma through new Bulgaria, Transylvania f m Hun- bodies. Why dont yon try making your manufacturing processes. It. will "CANADA. EUROPE AND Bary. (Germany, too, is tereat- fishing lures and _ ed in King Carol's, domain; last ° ficial -soon lie refined enough to appear - HITLER” baits this year and see what antis- - we 700,000 Reich troopsi, fully In' decent company—Kitchener By Watson Kirkconnell faction you get when one of your equpiped for action were report- Record. own creations hooks into and fi What two and a half minion ed missing for an attack on !iu- -o— - • . - 3 ':' Janda one of those big ones. - European - Canadians have been mania through Hungary). in the { - TWO-YEAR L CENSES TOUGH RABBITS reading and thinking about the same week Italy's efforts to creat8 -- — - Neat eats motor licenses are pugnacious white rabbit with' .� black on yellow, "the most arrest- pre-war crines and-thanal ues of 'ti neutral Balkin oc underla her a grudge against humanity claim- ing color combination known to the war itself is here analyse�.i by leadership virtually collapsed. Y �. ed two more victims recently at � F. ;, one who has an unrivallcri know- rR„y Hungary refused to join with oth. • Arn rior Ontario science. Why not save money by p according to maknig them good for two years ledge of their press. For several er Balkan nations until Tranerepo rtiFlust peas this corner. or the duration of the war'—To- years Watson Kirkeonnell has fol_ F. C. Squires, M.L.A., C T °re Jack Johnson, son of the Editor _ lowed,closely.the editorial opinion alive Leader in the New Bruns- y of the forty foreign - Jan age wick Legislature, whose support- Air-Traininj Schools of the Arnprior Chronicle, told his —o— era gained lb seats from the got father that he bad been attacked newspapers in Canada; he has At home in Canada engineers b a rabbit. The• editor west out UNPASTEURIZED MILK ernment in the recent elections. y travelled most extensively in the and aviators were bus selecting' Compulsory pasteurization o! Balkans and in the Baltics in re- Conservative members now num- sites for the new air trainintherabbit charged lwara- milk is again under attack by pro- her 20. 1= rye - ducers in. Western Ontario. It cent years, and has,more intim- schools on which ' work would fag and bit him on the leg. The may be assumed that none, ofate knowledge of languages, local shortly commence. Forty were ex- rabbit was finally repulsed with a them has ever visited the wards customs and history than most petted to be opened during the broom. Other residents have also o2 a sanatorium and seen the Canadians. winter, the total raised to 100 dur- reported similar assaults from the small and perhaps crippled, puffer- The author was born in Port ing the summer months. Some to rabbit. It certainly sounds ers from those forms of tuber. -Hope, Ontario, In 1895. He 'wasNEWS . teen of the training 'centres are hare-raising! \ culosis which sometimes originate, educated at Queen's Univessty, in Ontario. _ with other diseases. In nnpaatecr Xingat°n, and at Oxford Univers- Footnote: The Nobel Peace .; ized milk.—Brockville' Recorder ity. Since 1922 he has lived in Prize for 1989 has gone beg- ad Winnipeg, where he is Professor PARADE R R R ging ......for lack of a candidate. Add MY ✓ ` of Classics in United College, L'ai- ; PRESERVE COUNTY HISTORY versity of Manitaba. "Mark,^ a big black Labrador s praise 10 a Canadians is much to the fore "Canada. Europe and Hitler".._ , these days, and it-!s desirable that by Watson Kirkeon•ll ......Toros. THE WAR: dog, which delighted in his duties ' ton Oxford University Press ... .r-. be] n le Ho V of a 1 boy i the LaSalle tel, Your 'the history of each county in the - - Weak by Week Regina, Sask., is dead of old age. � a prvoiaee should be preserved. At SI.50. Mark used to meet guests as Grand a recent Women's Institute eon- Cheer up! It may be a dull rear they came in and carry their keys, vention it was proposed that every now, but think what wonderful a..parcels to their rooms. Be even Tasting member should write down the reading it's going to make when. learned to pick up-quarters. He history of their parents, and, if Puck Chasers the facts come out. They're start- trained himself not to bother cda- Syrup grandparents. g ' + KQ _ ;possible, their This _ _ ing, now. We've learned for . tourers at the lunch counters and would accomplish a great deal in instance, that the first air raid at regular periods went -m the of the Ontario • 'preserving data, and we would add Topics alarm in Great Britain this year kitchen for his meals. ; that some-of the tales that' have Hockey Season was sounded when a British of- been told us of the deeds done ficial flew over. London on his by.our forebears sbould also .be way home from a visit to the- incorporated. incorporated. Our recent pioneer PERSONALITIFS— DuL-e of Windsor T his plane wasOUTDOORS N 1 A R 1.O story competition brought forth a Frank O'Brien, new captain of mistaken for an "unidentified”great deal of interesting lore of the Toronto Goodyears, has been enemy airship. We know now, too, early days on the Bruce Penin- is Senior hockey for seven win- why the German invasion-of Hol- '' - sola, which is now available for tsps. He started with Consols of lead didn't take glace the ,_.By VIC BAKER week- tew- a- — Echo (Wiarton). .gue. O'Brien until last season was at the last moment to heed the FROM A WATCHMAKER'S -- a good left-winger. He now plays advice of his generals and call • BENCH' O the defence. it off (because Belgium would From a watchmaker's bench and Farm Column � Referee "Beef" McKay of the support the..Netherlands). The in- an optometrist's assistance vain'a { 'O. H. A. Senior staff was one of side story's the thing! Be patient fishing lure this year which startled (Conducted by Professor Henri i the hardest hitting defence play. and you'll get it, eventually. flshingdom and brought keen satin- nl0 G. Belt of the Ontario Agrieultur. era to come out of >�amilkon. As the third mouth of the war faction to two ardent. anglers who el Collette, Guelph. assisted by Teamed with the famous "Red" drew to a close the sound of ton- -had created their own lures. Yee l i Y e Syrup Y _ various saembers, of the faeultls of Farrell,, now a tobacco salesman rues wagging could still be heard The watchmaker, E. Hensler, the O.A.t_) # around Barrie, McKay rounded above the noise of battle strife. Q.—Would you kindly tell me out Tigers' blue line threat. Diplomatic interchange had it all .+wrat chemicals contain the great- M Gooney McGowan, of Por Col- over military action. Russia and �- LIFE'S LIKE THAT By Fred Neher borne Sailors, is the oldest la • - .gest a:nonnfs. of available nitro- p S- I Finland "dared" each .other; gen, phcsphoric acid and potash, er, for service, in the Senior O. i Hungary and Rumania; Germany ?;io be used in a fertilizer JL '$- A. "A" ranks. He played many {{{{ slammed England; England•slam- ll4 MODERNS' _ —Perth Co." winters for Hamilton before mov- med Germany; Holland protested, -Answering yours of.recent date ing to the Canal town. Italy railed. lii,, .l whichBobby Laurent, young ✓defence Protest Export Seizure /���� has been referred to my at y g - tenlion, T would say that as to � player with Goodyears, was a blue- ''The Allies' announced plan to nitrogen carriers, urea contain- 1 line partner for Johnny Craw seize German exports was re- the' largest amount of available. i ford,,. now with Boston Bruins. Rpcnsible for a great deal of the initrogen, 45% in all. It takes up i with the Junior West Toronto Na- talk. Among neutral countries, moisture cry rapidly and lends tionals who won the Memorial the Netherlands tivere perhaps —form a sticky mass. It. is neut- Cup in 1936. hardest hitt since, daring the first ..ral in reaction. Paul Mundrick, Winnipeg Iad nine months of, this year, ten mil- Sulphate of ammonia is the playing centre for Goodyears, is lion tons of German exports were next `s. hi Bet nitrogen car'ier. - Justust 20 years of age. This is his traushiPPed through Dutch terri- varying t about 20.5�'o nitrogen. first Senior year. tory to points abroad. Other na- This is definitely acid in its re- ,' Vincent Upper, veteran Port tions chiefly to be affected were action. Colborne defence star, is one of . Bel urn, Italy, Ja an Sweden, - There is a combined concen- those double-effective members Denmark, Russia, the United ,� trate known as ammo-phos which. . playing in the Senior O. H. A. States. " n "A" series. Durin t e summer Meanwhile the damage done carries 11176 nitrogen and 48 •>o S h g by _ phosphoric acid. Upper plays a rattling good game German mines, submarines to Al- • t Nitrate of soda carries 'about at second base and even takes his lied and neutral rchippina waK ter- 15r10 nitrogen. turn on the mound for the Port rifle. Biggest sea disasters were f `T As to phosphoric acid there are Colborne Senior club of the Nia- the making of the. British liner �- 165c and 2Qrlo grades which Cara Baseball League. Rawalpindi 'which went down with carry 16 or 20`"o available,phos- F. W. "Dinty" Moore, 0. H. A.' all but 17 officers and men; the phoric acid respectively: The tom- vice-president and referee, played torpedoing of the Polish liner Pil- al for Canada's last Olympic ' blued form ammo-phos to .whjch g° sudski. Rumors. flew of mines I referred above,` carries 481"o. ! team. sown by German parachutes in I ,%available phosphoric acid. l the Thames estuary, and stories As to potash, a common form, of "magnetic mines" were denied muriate, carries 50 to 525c pot- *MODEST CHURCHGOERS or affirmed daily. Question was: ash and -sulphate carrying 48 to It is inspiring on a Sabbath would the Allies be able to admin- ; _ 50 S� potassium. . _ - __ morning to see folks going early ister to.Germany the beating they F Ep N�-4c.z. T: ,v : Potassium nitrate carrying ap- to church to get a good back seat. were taking themselves on the .1 *- proximately 441yo potash and 1615o —Quebec Chronicle-Telegraph. sea? 'I'm the only man here. . . I feel like a bull in a china shop! `.�; REG'LAR FELLERS—Must Be the Climate " By GENE BYRNES ' YE COR✓1E2. WHY SHOULDN` THERE 60LEFISFi ARE WHEN I LEFT WHEN I LEFT •�• ;y BOTH THE SAME SIZE ���'�� THE HOUSE THI$ . LET'S HAVE A R/1Ct� MORNINGG MY TItE. MOU;IE dU3 tT BE?YOU LEFT AN'SEE•WHICH ONE, �IHICDl�1f; CtO1.EF19N WAS MYBC„IWOtEFCIH YOUR RATERgE M OF THEM yROWS �� - THAT. THAT T14 THAN IDID ENC,CaEDT/ i IQ, glt7 / _ M N,.L''�L llfll,a IE r1.6r rw-,+N / 'C-T•) f .7: •" ...,..—.:} r- _:, co...:•.�:. ,.. .,.. .:'" ::--, - e-�•" •.p7:•t re. - :v r.- r•s r.:-a+'-n ...e.,.. p.....-.a',,. "• .e;. 7.. e.v.., ..,y,�. G•. 4.' '.Ye 4ii3 • ti say LOQALI Fzehs of the Bayes' seaslau Towtishi Council WMotor Cs `° ' h � &�, �'last week-end ue'' BRA D L E Y'ff 6 with his family in Hespeter. C �-Plymautb J.•Kean, of Wlsitby, e■11- "�• �l be held in the Mr. Tomlin, of Pickering present- '� ,ed on. Pickering friends one day Presbyte Church on sunday at ed a claim for rekiate of fazes on Boyo 2-tone sweaters, $1*95 last week. account of the exproP;iation by the Dealer 2.3e P• rn, d Sunday School at Dept of -Highways of a large Boys' Breaches, $1.76, =Arbhm Silk of Toronto, spent 1.30. .GOOD USED CARS � - ` Tnesda` with his uncle Clarence partneri of his faun lands. He was Boi 8 Wi lj )._aliere, $1.75 y :Misses and Nellie Law GOODYEAR TIRES • -"and Mrs. Silk. referred to .the Dept• of Highways Boys' red cr blue Shirts, •75 left .on Sa to spend. the win- WILLARD BATTERM 1 on some 'points. S. Dixon of Rouge , Wm. and Mrs- Stork, of delle- ter with their brother, George. in ,GfiNF;RAL 'BLACKS1vII'I'IiFIV�s Men's Big B Overalls' $1.75 utile, visited the former's mother, Hills was heard on a similar sub- visited SKILLED MOTOR REPAIRS Men's heavy lined smocks 2 95- Mas. Bobt. Stork of the Lake jest, • We are sorry to hear of the Give w a trial an a Ne�v or a Based Cat y' r Shore last week. S. A. O. .Joiin Phillips, gave his , ' #---Keep in mind the S. S. Ent- serious illness of Mrs. Frank Wood annual report on his Dept. 24 Hours Towing Service Mens Rubbers at various pli. of 'Whitby, who ,is suffering from Miss Colbourne re ii ces, -ertainm8nt in the United Church- pneumonia. pegted her Gordon J. , Law o a` u claim far dams , _ C. O. Bradley . ° ion, Friday, Dec. 15th. The classes _-Mrs. A. 'T. Boyes, of Toronto, damages on a sheep kill- all by dogs. An adjustment was � PhonE 2906 sire st1 busy preparing #er-the Pro- ,has returned •hone► after spending $ ►• a few days with Arthur and Mrs, made .on the snbmittarig of new ev- PIUHERI:�G, ONURi Pbone Pick3f04 —$card thi's week. No. One - oyes. idence. -The Finns appear to be going •—A number from Pickering Pres Mr. Harold Spencer was denied sight after the Russians over in b approval of a claim for plow. . yterian Ohurch attended 'the 3t. Advice was '• - -Europe". No. Tw - Yeh. the Andrew's N*ht Concert in St. received of the sett- way, what's become of that 0**r Andrew's Church, Whit , lenient of Township vs. Swan dam- tore ` war aver there?" --The annual Christ�rtas Enter- age claim, Mr. Swan receiving $1. —The Christmas Concert of S. tainment of the Presbyterlan S. S. Treasurer' Hugh Pugh reported ' S. No. 1, Pickering, wilt be held in receipts from sale of vel $31.55. will be held eau Monday, Dec.` 28th. +`� 1 the school, on Tuesday, Diecember _.The Ladies' Aid Society of the Township have accepted offer of Yes ��.�,•-'We are busy, good and .19th, 'beginning at 8 o'clock sharp. pleat'' Dyment Anderson Co. for Purchase Presbyterian Chs. will meet at of a School�entures, Eleven • Came artd enjoy a program of dia- � , the home of Mrs. W. J. Clark, on lognea, songs, recitations etc. Thousand Dollars, 4 p. c. maturing busy, right naw, Re'-arranging our . .. Wednesday, Dec. 13th, at the usual in 20 installments, at $103.27. ' —Quite s'heavy rain ted on Fri- hour• stock to make room for lots of rlew. day night last, which wag much _-�• E. C. Jones and two sons Relief Dept. report no persons needed se many cisterns and wells receiving relief'who are omployab- . left this week do sail for Ireland, le. 19 Fmilieg, 52 individuals on re- -bad gone dry. Much more rain is to spend a year with their F*lativ- lief at present: , needed before the winter sets'in, es. Their many Pickering friends Moved by Dep. Reeve Wm. Rees- up, decorating - our store, making or many wells will not hold out wish them a safe voyage. In these or, Seconded by Councillor W. H. • . . -until slMng• days of warfare, travelling an the Down, that Road Supt. Ward iires- It bright and attractive, simply get. _ ."The regular meeting of the seas is extremely dangerous from tigate township tractor situation, United Church W. A. will be held hidden mines, enemy warships and with a view of trading in the prey- ting ready for the good old Santa is the Sunday School room, Tues- .bombing planes. But all vessels ent machine. day, Dec. 12th. at 2.80 P•. m. The sailing are well protected by the A. Percy 'again makes his claim Claus time. - Eleeoon of Officers is to-be held British .Navy, but even'I then, con- for damages to his property at and all members and frienas "Gulls p ;�.asked to''be Pr�t• sidema le risk is I-eing taken. Y Hundred". Satisfactory China & G�lassware-•Truly the lar• —sW. J. Coakwell, of Oahawar —Celebrating their 50th wedding settlement is likely on this case. died on Monday, in the Oshawa anmcersary•on bi0nd$y. Dec. 3th, Dep-Reeve Reeser recommended gest and finest assorted sock we ;General lies day,ftal- aged the yrs. For Mr. and Mrs. J. Poynter, of Toron- attention be given hospitalization Mr. Coakwell, to, were entertained at a reception and the Carreaponding �- have ever shown:. You'll be get. - ;a number of years, ounts, which could b Collected if who-was very highly esteemed, both afternoon and evening by � e. conducted a lerness shop in Pick- their daughter. Mrs. H. N. Black, a Wan were carried on in the proper ting our circular soon. Bring and Brougham. A number of Enderby Road. Mrs. Poynter rec manner. Many, he felt, would like _ years ago he moved to Oshawa. eived, wearing an Alice blue+ gown, to assume their own hospital costs, -Children's Games and Toys galore. *'here he continued" the harness- with corsage of pink rases and th•� by paying eats. the to s,-ai P e smaller Making business. He was an act- hostess chose French gray crepe, payments. whereas. of the present f • Yue member of the Methodist fuchsia trin�ed, wit% corsage of this township paw, 50 per cent of, Men $ Xmas ties, fancy boxes, La• Church and Inter ht the United roses. The tea table' was arranged the hospital, account :rt.' tr_e cu=e of f Church. He is survived -by•his wife, with: golden chrysanth4mums and indigents. and seldom recover any dies . lovely lingerie and hosiery. three sons and one daughter. Funes- candles and a three-itereu wedding vi this money. Reeve •Mowbray ad-ess ,just thousands of fancy Xmas pres Churts'L He- is survived by three cake, decorated with a miniature vtsed of the County's willingness • to assist in. any plan to carry out cuts that we are unable to tell sous' and one daughter. His fuser= kride and groom. Ferns, chry San- stilt recovery of monies. Both the tat teak place on Wednesday. Int-- themums and, gift bouquets were Reeve and the Deputy-Reeve felt y Iet7tlent in Mount Lawn Cemetery. arranged in profusion mout the that' a very large .stun could be. you about, --The members and adherents, house, and pouringtea .were the saved this township by giving of t':� Presbyterian Church held -a sisters .of the -hostess, Mrs• H• T. such attention to these accounts. Social Evening at the- home of H. Fa}laise.and Mra- 1�1�.' Pamenter. Jnr Huge A$SQrt121G'}at Of �i?Yla8 Cards r W. and Mrs. Boyce, on Monday eq- and Mrs. H. W. Hewis. Assisting Accounts paid will appear in our eninglast, in honour of the new next issue. _ ,are now Ori Display. were the two,grandchildrrn of the pastor, Rev. D. Marshall, Mrs. guests of honour, Barbara and Lor- Marshall and daughter. A number raise Pamenter. :! Come on in and bxowse around. from the Whit'-y congregation —Ther W. I. held their Novemb- P1CI:ERING BILCH. RED CROSS were also present A meet emunit- et meeting a -their Club visitors s The Red Cross Drive' for funds j A PMA N ., 1e tiJap wits spent in cammnnity with fifty members arid visitorsin the South of the Towxtship is al- ,lS singing, l,ed by A Prentice and Mrs. present. The members sewed on as most completel and' returns from $pratt. Refreshments were served t'!ey 'listens to 'interesting reports � the Districks of Dtinbarton, Audley, at the close. of the Convention, by Mrs. • Fred Cherry wood, Whitevale, Greenwood, SPECIALS Sek-eral weeks ago an fnrth- Stork .and Miss Margaret Westney. I Base Lane and Pickering Village, I I -Breakfast Bacon quake occurred which affected a Eileen Bushby added to the grog- amount to,$9fr1.16. This is not the .Marge part' of the Province of Ont- •ram with piano numbers, which was cam etc• as --there is still . Ih- ario. It was not of a-vib est c. - followed y an in sing - some to come in. ++�� acter,• such -as occur in the West- lightening Demonstration•on Ways Minced Steak JL Zc lb ern.States, Mexico and other parts and Means of Good Coffee-making ! • • of the world. It was so mild that by Mrs. G. F. Coates. Recipe sbeeta �ommttni.y Glob, Pickering very few people in this district compiled by Mrs Coates were giv. :Pork Liver, 2e. 'a The may. The amenities offered by the Club . I noticed the natural phenomenon. en each person and the thanks of . �( A_' a IL. - �ontinue to increase. A third pool Stewing Beef, h fry 1�7 Donald Munro, a mile north of the W. I. mere?-ers for ouch ra pro'' tacle is being installed iinmediat- the village had an excellent spring itable afternoon,- was tendered Mrs. sly, and the dart board was a rec- :Jewel Shortening, '. 5c a lis water well, that went completely Coates, t.}-e Delegates, and all who • dry after the earthquake. Evident- had contributed to the program. est addition. Plans are icing made . ty there was quite a disturbance in As it seems to be a problem to for decorating t'e Club Rooms, in. Classic Cleanser, t ins,' .l 3cs the earth's crust in this district: the near future. The proposal to c • great many people, to make coffee install a level floor in the auditor- .6 tins 25c. —The, Y. P. U. Dramatic Club in a large quantity, for the bene- of the. United Church presented fit of the various organizations who tum,, will be investigated fully and „ if it is possible, will be done. • • r--� their play, Lady Spitfire to a serve this lheverage, we are print full house, in the auditorium of the ing the following recipe from Mrs. _ Cl* on Wednesday evening of Coates recipe: Iasi *eek. The star is built u a- Brougham Firemen's Euchre and Butcher (phone 3000) •Piei;ering . e y 13 Coffee for Fifty round two , young men, sons of 1 pound or 5 cups of coffee Dance, Friday Dec: 1st. Good Prizes — well-lmovn. ' 'Tiusiness and college _- 3 quarts of milk - - Classified Advertisements ■ ■ executiges, who for reasons ven 1 pint of cream f popular •today, a art out with an 4 cups of sugar, YOUNG PIGS for sale_ Pine Pickering, �ar�-old ear, to make their own way in ware this world. On their way they 26 cups or 13' pints water Drive. Dunbarton. Mrs. Pitnbley. stop at, what they later find out Put water in cheese-cloth bags; Phone ;909. filling them half full. Place in :SEE OUR DISPLAY be a girls' begirding school. Of FOR SALE — 20 young pigs, Mrs. cold'water. Heat, and, just when • course this should provide an open- M. 'Chapman. 'E. Townline at Con. the water i at the boiling point, ins tb develop a lot of amusing 9. drop m coffee bags. Simmer for 5 0 °J incidents, •and they do occur. They minutes. Remove ba and add the ' 'are given employment around the � FOR SALE — '30 Willys-Knight; . cream and sugar. Reheat (but do in perfect condition. Original fin- : Findlay and McClar ' Ranges kschool. A promised student arrives, not boil) and' serve at.once. ish, new 17-plate battery, tires like Y Y at the school, but under a some- __ .__.— new, completely w�nteriaed, quiet and Heaters. ° what of a cloud, and this young I motor. Cheap, for Casts. Hurryl lady (Lady Spitfire) enjoys her- CHERRYWOOD R. W. Hc:cn, R. R. 1, Whitby. 1 Also Galv. & Black Pipes and self wading these two boys into _ plenty of anxious moments. To The Christmas Concert will be 1-2 mile east of Pickering Village rr )w the story complete, i ends held in the church on Friday ev- on No. 2, Highway. Phone Pick. ,Elbows. • :Also the care free with a couple of etsgagemenCnd ening, December 22nd. Everyone is b203. everybody happy. It is a good invited. RADIO SERVICE Electric wir- Cof field Washers, t story, and tihe players, some of ' The new officers of the YaunR ing and Repairs. Expert Service on them new at this work, gave an People's Union for the coming All Makes of Receivers. Reasonable D10W Sl]ares to St nearly every melte Of plow ; excellent performance. At the, con- year were elected as follows: Pres- Rates. Tubes Tested Free. Russell elusion, Mrs. G: F. Coates, -the ident, Annie Petty. Vice-Pres., Ai• `Agent for McCormick.-Deering Farm Natl�Intry acct M. Gray, Brougham, Ont. ` Director, was presented with a vin Pilkey. Secretary, Blanche Pet- Repairs. beautiful bouquet of roses. During ty. Treasurer, Doris Hollinger. Con- CHRIOur Motto`— We have STMAS PUPPIES — for sale - the intermissions, musical- numbers veners, F.arl Taylor, Ruth Hollir.- 3 months old. * Springer Spaniels. Can Gee Fit. Or !! V not made. F mere �xivP-, hp IVfra. Baker, biiases ger, Beatrice Petty, Gordon ,Petty, Hedgawyn Kennels, Barbara Ban- i - Fld00a "M ' St,. John and.Jabdn. Social Convener, Mildred Hollirg ig4n, Brock Road, Pickering. Phone ? e *1 �y '*ry 27 r 2• IA �_ �. �r�■ ..7 1f. • P1l _1CFR1 i s