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L K- E- R., - w VUL. 71 N(3_so PICi[ER3NG, gNTARIQ, E`RiDAV, MARCH 7, 1062 's Cents per Copy Authorized,as Second ass Matter -� s l3ubseription Price% Moo per year U. S. M50 W. C. AURKAR and SON PU1sLISliERS- z - - _aN! h -.School-,, Teachers--'*A-sl�ln 450:%0_ Increase.. - .In -alarys . 'rhe teaching staff of Pickering Firemen Kept Busy _ r oPEN"' HOUSE From,The Township "Oouncit Pickerui Village -:Dist;rict High School have presented - • i • • ,� to the Board a salaryEDUCATION) •WEMC Meeting - February 30, proposal -based �. The local firemen had a busy time on the Ontario Secondary School The, e t of ^_ - - last' Thursday and I riday here. - Teachers' Federation schedule sa a- � a part of "Education Week", X) P • - the Attorney Gener- Mrs. Morley Sr. has been quits p ng al.. advisee_ that Thursday, a lire at Pickering Beach g past week, but is ia4a the local public school is holding application .for .Ont- _ ill. durin the Ont - took the home of Frank ;Woodall d`dpted for 18bB. ; "Open House" this afternoon (Fri- ario Provincial Police for Pickering proving again at base o3 writing ; The staff ask for the immediate &'nen getting supper, he stepped on s; day) from x.30 to 4,0.0 as has been •ares, has been recei-red and would Hia many- lriends' will reset to - a1doptioa• o1' this achedule and. an the cat's tail upset an of ase 4' increase of $�L60,t16 i teaches n the custom is past years. An- invit- shortly receive attention. Ps pan live.. hear that Dr. 'Orton, of Oshawa, has e.•. Pe on the stove and burned the home. ation is extended by Mr. Dobie and Howard Healing . Co.. advise that been confined to the hospital with a , frons the board, retroactive to c�f� articuiarl to 'they will 'remove the inefficient Firemen saved nearby cottages. knee ailment. January. 1st, 185+2, This is in 'add_ 8 y parents and treating system now installed in the On Friday they were -called to Mrand Xn. Elwood Hu ek of -�' ition to the regular increase of �ard' to visit the school, meet y the home _of Peter .Mortensen at y ' _ $200.00_ per• teaches as oof Septem- the ers and receive an introd I Southwest Fire Area- hall, at no ex- Canningtott spent Sunday with bar 1st, 1052. cacti to the work ,being carried on ; tra cost and install a unit at $7'0.. Dunharton where fire had started and Mra,'C, J. Butt. : - � Pickering Board adopted the in your school. Businessmen and- all - .and, $6,5 tank, guaranteed to -heat -in s partition While �eXtinguishiug Mr, Howard Ritchie, Edmonton, Federation Schedule in -its entireiry • others interested in this work (and .the hall to 70 degrees, at 10 $slow tit blaze they were called to the who was with- hawse of Ronald Cox, Audle , where uncle here In the in January of 1581; and engaged i 811 should' be) are also invited to zero. - y funeral iter+ioe business for a time, Pay a o&L. i On John L. �Usaty'a request to the barn was almost burned to the called on Mr. and Mrs. Sterritt on c the present staff in line with that j , , ground. Lumber, .a fear chicks and' ��� hake over his road, -council advises Taesday and ,Wednesday, this week. some baled hay were also lost in a* The proposal ,as naw presented, To Play -dor yup that sa the road is incomplete and __..__._ Mrs. Cafik had the misfortune to C as -there 4 insufficient on -this -road �e M� slip nerd -fall -on the'floor at the cal. opens only a few months after the LAST HItiL';TE HOCKE7Y1 ,it is not possible at -this time to St. PatAck's Social And Contort eteria at the High School and frac- opening of the new sixteen�roaroa ; P9ekeriag":Midgets -Defeat Bolton school at Pickering, in Sept. "bl.. 4-2 Wed. vii ht; and now, lead b take it over., Sure a tArlsL It is of interest to note here that 8 7 outran Steel requested 'permission Mr- Gordon Law suffered a stroke' _ The St, Andrew's Presbyterian One goal on the round Piekering i to install railway siding.. 3.idies' AIA will hold their Annual on Wednesday and was taken to the a concerted effort is being meds by i now ie Provineisl PYsyofh. , , .-a group of interested School Boards ' , (Pickering District high School St. •Patrick's Social and. Concert on gshawa Hospital, With representatives from Kingston " ` requests street_ lights on northerly Fs�iday evening, Msrrh 14, at 8,00 Mr, If. S. Chapman, who under- laHW 8'IiREET LIGHTS AT . limits Pickerin' Village., ' ! went surgery to Burlington, and.including Pitk- - g g p. m. An interesting program by the g r'Y !for the removal of a to band themseliree together FOUR•CORNERS Fairport Ratepay'er's' Assoc, req-,. chalk and guest artists, under the" cataract`from the eye, at the 'West. ' g - . asesting: diseetion of :Mire. "S ern Hos ital returned home this. in an attempt' to offset t'he inernas- The Pickering Village Trustees , pritt• Adults 8tsc. P •* (a) School. ai a north and south week -end. 1 , demands of tine Teachers' tin- gn �g . announced on Monday that an or- of knew school cn Bay Road. - { The work 'Dey Of Prayer $enfee lYlrs- Ivan Barrett is ill with an $vniatrrd thus arrest the ever-prc�sani ; der for three new, much more pow- ,(bj 30 mile speed limit from. the. ` ` ' attack of pneumonia; spiral Of- o1 inflation. erful street ligbte for the four- - railwa bride sout}i, watt, held- in" St. Andrew's Prebby- ' r corners here would be delivered im- y g , terian Church Picker! y ftetkultural Soviet �rediatrli•. _ _ cl` Furttner 30 -mile signs.in the , Pickering, oa'Fsida y Mar. It 1 densely -populated areas at the February 29, at 3.00 p. m. _ TO RAISE? iae:0.00 1 Xhie will be installed at the cor- May. Road. Supt. 'to erect school Mrs. - A: -Bushby-'conducted 'ser. t11'he March meeting of tae Hortic'•- ser of fire 'I. G. A Store, another 9;g- • • - - Tice •with the assistance of Mrs. B. ultural Society will be he'.d 'ides, The _United " Church TrWnirag eR the rear of Chapman's :Store and -f .The . Yroviacia? Gotierrttnent refus= '" Greener„ Mrs: W m- McEachnie _Jr. day, Marcli 11 at 8 p• . m. in the 83cheof Campaign Committee met in one on the first pole east.of the cor-, j es to permit - erection of g0 -mile and Mise C. Munro Sunday' School Roan of Pickering Oshawa last week. Oshawa Preaby- ner on the ziolih side. The present signs ;n do tees not comgleteip 1 In the- Intercession, Mrs. ,Shaver . United Church. The delegates to te4* objective re $9670.00 and the lights will be used to extend�bome 1- bnilt: up - on' both sides for 300 "feet -led in prayer' for the nations of the-' the Convention, Mrs.:Lotton and Committee consiats of.- . Mrs. Mc- of the present lighting on side or on one side for- BOO feet~ world _sad- their leaders, !Mira. G, Ms's, Roy No' ish will gi: a their - _ Kinney (chairman), Brooklin , Mrs. j streets _ Council -feels it unnecessary to- I Martin prayed for our Queen and report.'Mi. John Lay' will give his _ _. N - creel Travelo , - _. l Crowle, Oshawa; Mrs. Dria7smorri, I - speed -limit signs on the Bay'a all members of the Royal Family gue on South, Ameiica, i1L Orono: - Mrs. Fallaise; Whitby, Mrs. NO. t3- E FIRE AREA.. short streets Tricia - it is ' di_*:ieait ' 'as Weil as the <'cunsellore nerd Ad- castrated with co'oui•efl siidils'. This Dippie, Bowmanville, Mrs, Corhutt• ACPIVITIF,S sa: reach .a high rate of .speed," - "I, visors, of the Crown. Mrs. J. Rem- will be a -eery _ nurestiiig meeting,, `c1t Oshawa; M'rs. N, White, Bro.oklin; Petition received from residents mer led in ptayc r for the homes and Plan to attend. 1MIrs M;�icoiai ' .'West�Pickering Fire Area firemen : ..Pepsins i geo. . - . WATER AGAIN— YET1_ Mrs. C. Iva Bowman.nlle; :ii s, W' g. P First, the .S of a�l.tona ng �iicenseto Mr. -Bonk, 2eh everywhere: young.puuMr4 nLe� rley Burketon; Mrs. Somer-aile Cv_� ace. ' "gI b g reaponsnbla -far t'he:fare- y L it ,!U>,Fs inked -to _Cnunsil _xo-_ _Prayed for the �'hurch I rriyersal and C._Murkar, _ Pickering; fi•lstin with Area No. One. > Mrs, Croak fur all Mrssionarres i Pickering' and the water gtrcelion _ - -._. '- Warr fee for F3uJ�l,,.g Irrmnt for , 1 was discussed' at the recent Council ! Thc-re are encouraging indications their work anI witness. - .� ..Stteniance Award's'Presented At � - 'the building .cif a t,e-w•: rtntrl, rep- _ - _ - Centennial '.sand$ School that when' fife" time comes for. the - p meetings. Loc ks as though a tot of + y- p, lacing• the one recently destzoyed. The addr� s. as girew. bg ]ides. dicke- r: ` is -going, , n with Pick _ • • • . .focal lads to take over, they will be Movt-d by 11r. Ms�iun, sec. by _ . H. Boyes, the topic being "What g g sr -` 'rrrfuiiy"capable•- of doing' their job ' Ing Village bei:g.. the "prize" or Awards for outs.t:snd�ng attendance 1 Mr, :Michell {hat Mr. 4 -.Cook be gi Your Money. Does. This was an' ; what hire cu -for t: a .hi hest - efficie ttly. 3 g ;records were, presented to scholars en a contract to ket-p the township_ outline on the work around the-- you �i'e can't oat : tJv rr it at a recent. Sunday service. In :he i Twenty-three men turned out for durii' clean, that he. be given sole 'World whiich our gifts help to make t out". Goin' to be" t t, cf ,lr g vets last week's practice . at the Fire g e g Possible. a y ;p' Junior and Internseaiate and men -'I right to remur Salva a material` P this summer u ain.. H, IC IN, G, •for Departments it is necessary .to I. Ball, There ,ia still much training '•. that -'he must -not: -burn rubber on I . iMito.- Reg, Parker contributed to g • -'-attend-fifty Sundays,--Zrlth alloy- to be done. Several drivers have to Saturday, Sunday or Monday, and . the service in song, accompanied by P- t _ N'aruen's-Au.11iary Ajax And " •ante made for'* sickness if verified L "pradtice driving the truck, and plans that for such perniission h ' k ill -Mrs. -Tanner, p'anlst for the'serviee. Ne'liering Town+hip by the &rents and v� ' are, m, motion to have. every col-. prepared There was' -a � i attendance j General- Hospital - " p Srtatron at sign an Agreemeret by the go p - - other' Sunday Schools. Ia the P!-im- (with a>t, the ment and its roe Clerk' io pay the Township '$3Q.00 from ascii of our safer ..churches, - unteer become thoroughly familiar + ar•y, Beginner and Nursery Depts. I PrP P j monthly for'this -right. Mr Cook to. i and the C. G. I. T. were present in Fief o' a series of Friduy night we ask "for forty-five Sundays, at- per -operation, The volunteers also erect•such signs as are necessary to { a body,,=Corr. bingo p?rti s- which .are beingheld tenda�e,' with the same allowance. i. Practice every Sunday and•are really stop o!t'her people reclaming sa�� ---" 'to raise• rri�ey f•,r the"Ajak-Pieker.' -tackling *.heir obs in earnest: = TE!�DE"S F Those receiving- Attendance' A- g 1 vage, Carried. - Ing Tukrship r aver l Hospital Aux- ;.:.. - - , iliac wards were: Lynda Co.e, Irene,.Ed- '. Moved by Coun, $alsdon, sec. by '__ _'' . r took pa -e. last week. iM�ny contract r in- rPF'ed in ren- , dyi Michael Livingstone, 'Jerry ; -Br'ou ham Horse And achvol Assoc. Dep. Reece Burk•that Mr- Bonk not Sp rsor,n ., ,� >'r3 g g e bingos '!firs �''ia- Schad-, Paul Cole, Robert Schad, ': • • •' `°bating 'or aebuit' .rg flickering C : be` given a Wrev��' ng. License, and 1 I let '."wan., R�s•-bnrrk, an executive • L _ Town . hall, get in t; ueh' with ,Sec- mer.,-ber of the lion --Francis Hull, Gord:'e McBride, Barry Thursday; ]larch 1$, is Mothers that he be instructed to clean up retary C. E. Motley P9ckering, for I pilafs Vi�csnrn's"' _ Von . Horn, Ronnie Schad, Georgie ! Night at Brougham Hama i ad his lot on ,3nitona'Road immediately,"' details. ; Auxiliary. Pi c c eds from the first Hull, Ray Morrish, Mervin Morrish, School. The ladies have arranged for Carried bis�o we�'e...31� JO,,: Among those 'Murray Cramp, June Oxley, Shirley a speaker and some films to sup- '.Mir. Joe Barjac's application for a i Pieksting 'W'Omen'i fnstit-ute .,who donated pr zes were Mrs. Dev. - Walker and`vve are rJAddog to.•see I Port the program. Wrecking -Yard License was turned i Members, Attentiorr: lin, Toronto, and airs, Allen and. -if Virginia Eddy was left out i8 we The Committee arranging for• the down. f • ' -' Bob Swan,:of Rosebank, .. think she should be eligible. _Some evening are: .Mrs, Burroughs, Mrs. Moved, by Mr. Michel] sec. by Mr,., I The ,Bazaar Commi tee are hold Donations of. $77•it0 have been of the teaeners were also included Miller and Mrs, Johnston. Mrs. Bur- Burk that the Tender of the Shell ' ing a Pot Luck Luncheon at 'the 1 contributed to •the furnishing fund in the list, _ j rows, Convent for the Comrnitt " Co. to supply gas and oil for j :sone of Mrs. Ken. Clarke, Brock for the mases'. recreation. room-. at 1 • asks that all who are interest in the Township be, accepted. ',Carried I Road,, -on Tuesday, March' 1.1, A the jngspital by eight district or. ' CANCELLED!! _children, of all ages, come along to Council approved .the taking over I 'Penny Sale will • also ,be held, so ganizations.. They are: Audl,ey--Corr. �"K^ Club Forced to Cancel Paper I this meeting- S;ie especially ipyites of Harwood Drive from No, 2, to ' bring any '.donations for Same. Coroe munity Club $25;. Audley W. A., _ Drive the young' parents .of yogng.child- Ajax, draining, and'paving same. early and spend the day. Bring a- $10; Rouge Hills Home and Scholl ten. Salary increases granted to T -%%-p. long your - bazaar work and- mater--$104-Afir. . Legion Ladles'' Aux - hope Mary cirtumstances beyond con- At the last meeting of the Home `Staff - E. K. Jones, Assessor, from la also any new ideas. We hope illary No, 322,' $10;' Cherrywood og 5 to 83,000; E. G., Baker Coll- I for a trot; -it has been decided by the boys ; and School •, • at Brougham, we had., 8- good turnout of members. A' United Church W, 'A., $10; Bros o rthe Rouge Hill•"K" .Club to ran- Major John Young, the Assistant ector, 8'875 to•$3.000; L. T. John--. real busy day is Planned any time Road Home and School, which rail. cel the paper drive scheduled for Director of Physical Education of Ston,' Clerkf $3.600 to 33725.; •A,. J. from 10,30 a. m. (continued on Page -four please) Marc",•, 8th. the .Province as •speaker. To, those ThomFsun, Asst. assessor, $2200 to - 523 m -----.--- _ . _ The, boys regret any inconvenience .oho were unable to attend may. -we '• 2' ; -Mrs. E. Robertson, steno., - --that"may have been caused, but ,his say he is terrific, 1i'e advise other . $160 to 51725, Variety Concert Home and School Associations to; , .Efforts by way of surve to be18 a matter whichcould vat be help- - Yed at least 'h the boys themael-.es. try.'and get hold of him for an -es= made to establish water outlet in _ : It is hoped they -will be able to un ening, He has a lot to offer. the `'(,iiild sub -dig ision �T d8r'take drives of this -nature in tate ' 1'he Association has made &pre- Referred application of Mr. Cross, �'' `�O ONE -ACT PLAYS S sent to the school of some rhythm. Real_ .Estate to -erect a .tem ry ' future, �aad if so, sufficient notate yth:nt porn will be given through .'this paper, records.. They ought to give .the office building on the C. J. ,Butt �� 1,children'lot�s of fun indoors when -the property„ Main A. Pickering, to the "A MAD BREAKFAST f wealther is too severe foroutside I" Village. Trustees, ` y HALF LOAD REGULATIONS j - Moved by ME ' Michell sec, 'by "NOT To-��GHT" `. ARE IN FORCE ON ONTARIO play' ! Mr. Balsdon that Council purchase COUNTY AND i Remember Mothers' Night, Thurs- . P _ .. day, •March :13,- at' $.00 sharp, I a -new •Adaans" maintainer, $25,4'29 T" SUBURBANi'ROADS' SND OTHER NUMBERS— _• -• • s • 1 'less $6,429 for aid' machine`'- $19, -.._ I 000.' Carried, Effective March 1, to April 80, - Society For Crippled Civilians .. Township's P - 'GIVEN BY ON -WE' �i40UP� ' -rehicle...leads may not exceed the At-Dunbarten Kiwanis. • I" -' P's application ,tq Dept of • I , • I Highways for annus`( grant be, this 0 allowable loads given under Section -• • year for road expenditures,, 97 773, q - -- 81� subsection $,_Qf the_Aightray ; The program at ngoct Monday.'s P ' $ ' Dunb icon Vnited Ch _9f Traffic Act. , dinner, Duribarton Kiwanis,_vyill•:be- I , J. R, NIXON, in. charge .of. the Chairman of _the KIWANIS pUCHas . X '(Two Perform�ancee) J, A ; I ]Junbarton School THURSDAY MARCH 18 IOU AT 8,80 P X ' ► r � County Engineer Underprivileged :.Child Committee, FRIDAY MARCH 7 ltb2 • isRIDAY, MARCH 1 1 idar t - 1 : 6 _ Balfour. Sleightholme, who will have' _ '0, � AT SAO P, .IL .4 _ '1 i :41 as speaker, Carl • Shear, from . the B•80 P. M. Sharp 9. ` Society for Crippled Civilians, A Valuabk Prizes _Ads. sae. (ADULTS $, 4O CHILDREN �ti good ;urnout is looke6 for, b S 4 p _ a � .. - sees i _. r -.'.- - _ 1. � •1' _ -. • _. _ ., } _.. _ . .. • _ - 011111 �. '�Geauine" Me'�aaid ' ..Classified Advertisin . - In Goldfish BQ�rl g •• -TNECalvertSPORTS-• CBIUMN — -- ,Tt}dging from what's in store MEDICAL- - e - - for.'the more than 200,000- visitors GALT CHICKS for immediate d.u..ry. 6O DELAIft Every @uffeeer RkeB. : a4 - '- • exp cted to turn out to Canada's • poP� br edea 87ne bids at reasonable nab a --/�-- r S Nweitls- ski meNe airs er -sr Non-acted-tis: s-'Per-1 0 and un: Dlx*n's ��vi � annual indoor show for ..the out. Rasadr, Pullets 121.00 Lad up; cocLerels 18.90 p r door fans, the wily denizens of loo aaa un: Pullets 1.00 aaa -up. w to / MUNRO'f DRUG STORE . - . r W.' • ' SELECTING" BY' vote 'the-'Ono 'cosi- �a13t ark in for 1� for aD0Cd w 'Fria-s c"tbl� ria: a. !mini � Hsi;t 20 Exon« pnpaW OMewe forest -and' st ' sidered, rightly or wrongly, as the out- shock come open seasons in ths- standing athlete of _the year, male and big battle of brains versus Instinct. cHlexe. Das Ola and .tartan. cocker!., FOR BALDNESS AND FALLING IU11$ tl z female, if a 'Comparatively pullets and .mixed as hatched.. write - p y'•easq'chore, for Hard of work 'all' winter, in- now for full into. ation and prices, srar "' any cause or condition- Use - �. • b the reason that your memory isn't over- duetry has come up with some Hatchery' ' c/o FLtrbank Fees• sraa TMALIA HAIR RESTORER taxed in tasking the selection. It isn't very - bri ht new Dufferfa street, Toronto, or 130 Jo7ta RESULTS GUARANTEED or Money - difficult to look over your shoulder, 1$ g 8adgets ,for ,the tackle X. Hamilton. Back in ML • Thalla Herbal Distributor months back, and- name the stand-outs, because they're -box � gun room plus a few for 1678 Davie Street. Vancouver a• British fresh in ry, ts• ey're still DYEING AND CLkwaNG Columbia. your memo travel over land and water, But suppose you get involved in _One of; those pointle" argu- All -these will glitter--at th0� HAVE you •aytbinf needs dteinf or cissa- PEP UP-Try C.C. and H. Tonto table meats tl . , dns7 Writs to ns _for information. We for low vtwlty and general debility. Aa -' pain ass becatase' unprovable, about who was the greatest Canadian 'I` ationil Sportsmen s are glee. to answrr your Anse" De- druggist. one dollar. - • : - •. in any one -sport over the years, not the year, and then your Show, coming up�or • its fifth PA'tmen� e � Parker's Dye Works Limited, headaches be ' For instance: straight Ill Y rg�o OPPRBTUNrrlXS FON Who Is Mister Baseball? g year at the Coliseum is URN ,AND WOMBN Or Mister Boxing- Toronto's CNE grounds. Open iron BALs • - • ' ' or Football'. ' ' or even Master (ori seasott will be !larch 14 - to' 22 BE A HAiRDRESSZR6 ��3- ��g? CHOICID clover honey, 13 tour@ Ili • JOIN CANADA'S LEADING BCHOOL - what name comes to mind first -when,'th�talk• turne'to those inclusive. thirtias 85.66. Amber honey. 12 tours Great Opportunity Learn .f sports-the all-time hero through the year With new and different enter= 87. thirties ie. R. Downes, amithvilis.- Plssaaat Hairdressing difnlfled profession. good wages. NO mail or o has ,ever given the answer,. but the' ar u tainment features, though the 'Thou successful Marvel sradnatnf • : • . gr tape gt ments make the best fuel when the hot stove lea g Thousands o! e opens u the DESTROY GOPHERS SATE. aSICE, America's Greatest system Bu P P perennial Sharky, a trained seal, without endaaserms with Poison or illustrated catalogue free dampers 'z will be back, it .all adds up to trap'• Simple, safe. Sure. Information., - Write or eau The greatest names of sport are not always the finest per-81.00. D. ,Walsh, Garibaldi, D.C. MARVEL aAIRDREBSING SCHOOLB formers. They do, however,' combine ability with the most valuable' what Frank H3 Kortright, presi- Sas Sloor St. w., Toronto - . - dent of the Toronto Anglers' and 'ARTISTS and beginners', dead f Branches. asset-color. , ss Palo cawogu• featuring o s' d1 ging at.. &amnion Babe Ruth not only hit more home runs than any other roan, Hunters Association,- sponsors of supplies and Picture Frames, send 250 72 Rideau St., Ottawa _ - _but every move he made was news. Ey to his famous stomach- the show,. ,calls .the biggest and B cow cover Postage. Powell. 3a�ta_ UNWANTED BAER - ache. The Bambino was- probabl�� the most colorful figure ever to, best show Hloor Bt ; Went Totroato. :. y yy g yet. �� Permanently eradicates from say part at hit- baseball. Many declare Joe D3iMaggio a greater player, and of Here are a few of the lures that ADVANCED Registry Yorkshire Boars the body with Baca-Palo. the remarkable ' course there are legions who insist that Ty Cobb, with his breath- ready for service 876, Bred Gus $100. discovery of the as.. soca, Polo convene ere! andact the sportsmen, public 'sportdeal. the Dleyaid Lour station, Halstetn no oras or chemical dna will tui tIM. _ taking speed on the bases, his' deadly hitting, and his darn g p y Ban CaJbee !zoos Douglas Hart, tpood- lOOU was m a class by himself. And be oozed .color, too, To whit tech. LOR-BEZR LABORATORMS the �Ruthians retort that the Babe was a thousaalls:' " ' ' l71'Gi•aaville St. Vancouver, B.CL great pitcher, a catcher. -A " HOLDRITE 600 CARTONS first-rate first-rate outfielder and the greatest home-run hitter of all. genuine mermaid in t ®pacts! mtrodu4tory price on mouliai EASY TO QUIT SMOKING - = Was Jack Dempsey the top figure in boxing's history? goldfish bowl fibre a z, a. one dozen us cartons. ai7•oo Use Tobacco Eliminator. a scientine - Veteran nag fans insist Jim Jeffries was a batter 'heatlywei lit -The latest thing in fish lures; ver load aorto.-ya_or e4•6o per 280 earecw, treatment quicilr stove craving for " Cho-P. Fitzsimmons a harder hitter, r.o. a • tobacco, .rid, til• .ream of alootiaa " and undoubtedly Jim Corbett more Mix ,j dead minnow preserved and " ' MODtDED. FIBBE LTD. ' King Drug Pharmaceutical Cbemfsts (A3- redly -that hero "of the eno on, the mighty aha a encased in pliable plastic. .It's Brsatterd• Ontario berta). -P.O. Box 673• London, Out. _ Sullivan D was more boisterous. Yet e. one has app ed the durable, waterproof' utterly FARM implements and machine shop bust. AUCTION BC TOOL .. -' gat!/ Dempsey attracted and few have. matched the'slashing fury nesse lecams line of -farm: machinery: L�-� Ancelona•ring. Term scan. Free 1 of the colorful Mauler in the Willard or Firpo fights. Who Sets lifelike .they say. cawosus, Refech s. Ten College. alae g oomptete repair shop sad Wei. .aV1P• Goa City t. Iowa. America, Ma- the and is boxing? _ _ -r! salon .where- visitops can moat, Bo: Its, New Lid Wel. Since the ,dawn of football.•the fans have fought_ ovet their tole PhotggraphS of models, get RASPBERRY Planta, No.I Government,' PATF-NTT favorites. Theyy bring 'up Jtilt Thorpe, the Carlisle. Indian whose tips on photography, courtesy the ceruri.d- Stock. Cuthbert. Latham Tay. AN plunging and !tithing are legendary. Jim has made virtually every Photo Finishers Assn. - tar, Viking. 16.00 per loo,- expie.a pre.OSFEA to every In,mwr-Lit of tae 611-star eleven Iisted. But they can't forget Red Grange, the Gallop sate A a Janson. storey cretly Out._ ventlons and fun information .eat taw, Ing Ghost. And in Canada they say that Lionel Conacher was —Mechanical tuna. fishing• Yod. —� =bo Ramsey Co.. Registered Palest Altar• Can hOOk BIIEDS1 Try on; Always Tender Hest More. 272 Bank attest. Otiaws. probably_ the equal of -tithes,' and a far greater all-roufa8 athlete PAY and land your fish _ send 104 for mamni. and tree catalogue.s'BTHnBeTolvaAnGH A than Grange. under realistic conditions in this Jnbnr vesor, York.. Prince Ba„a,d t► company, pct. Racing has-its immortals in Citation. Exterminator and Sea setup, IzMd' _stay Binet. Tnraara Boakw e1 tattent Bollcitom Established lsliie•Jit rma. _ Biscuit. Yet mast racing facia in America. start and finish With -A British- Jaguair model car . aHIDTLwND an«p-aces popple., .end by son as request one, name-Man o' War. The jockey heroes wilt be Tod Slog tat Cb H°bb tun ,tock and .Rha. doors sALEallAly wANT16L 4 which features a "cotrvertible" • awry ldcirren, Barrier Ontario. ' Earl Sande_ and right on down to Johnny . Longden and Eddie top. It converts from conveatioaal Arnro .10 ACRES. 7 ream bricir.hou«. Barn, SALES Stimulator Woomen. Hen Is on Track ad field lies produced ratan eat names. Ol�'Ippic canvas "to hard top for cooler sa 2 so, Hen House. 20.2 ae. Pig Pens, opportunity to make up.to s1o0.00 a day. and world champions, Who comes first? Is it Charlie Paddock. SO r drivirsg. etc land. Water. bum service. j mile eta o - weather 0 eo - Thi on ren 8130,00 sate "world's fastest human.'` or Paavo N -« L No. 7 Hlsbway. 13 mtlea wast of _"r � �ThlDta:4 golda•o:`ort=t urtai, the Inscrutable Finn, -Worm dope. At 50c, a g., a Pa rboro• A. Ilan. a iadtan BYrer. - ar fleet Jesse Owens. the scourge of the Nazis In the '36 Ol bottle you can• drop'a little• on a tela �rtams Prom P.O. Hos 7s, aynop •'a••, .r, . Sia Or Clarence DeMaf, seven lima winner Of the gruel.. worm dole -and -the .worm will C%EES BrMON- SALv>E--Fes .maatLe - ot}keal i/. PQ. StOn marathon? is ,. relief. Year Drasufal @eW CREBa; STAXIXERING . What of golf? Is it Bobby Jona, the, only- man -ever to win come rushing Ont like mad, ready . the "Ciraad. Slam" or Walter Hagen or today's B'sa Hagan. for' scooping up byithe Qroapeclivs a/Eo1ar►16 STAMMELuvG wienet(fcally cerrectea, g F g Booklst siva. full mfortaatk= write ' Tennis and Hill Tildes, wrlat>iaag and Frank Goteh- or Ed angler.- _ William Dennison. baa-L Jarvis surest. (Straaglsr) LeaFu. Alan with the -complete Tango PST'8' ECZEMA SALVE Toronto. Along PBANISH the torment of dry eessms Mabee 1 - ' Y'on watma hoaache? Pick- 'am 'Foyrself. _ - of the latest in sporting equip- and w«wns_ skin troubles, Post-ii atcasma Naive will Ma disc, Point yc L CENSORED • Your comments and suggestions far Ihls eoltuan wlff f+s wikomsd meat, theee'11 be such- other 'at- Lecbtpf. .calms. bnraing *asema• acne• by Elmer Ferpusgn, c/o Calvert Nouse, 491 Yong* St.; Toronto. tractions as a talking crow, a din NCO pimpled ath� toot. wilt hyof antique guns. Put on by � t.- ,•dlison of stainless stubborn w A German is the Western Zone the 'Province of Ontario, - and a. they seem was worried for fear his tetters to I Ca1vtrtD four-day dog show; said to be eke POS stens MZ JAa is son in Warsaw were being I S T I L L E R-S L I M I T E D Po rfedT'S RSMalpt of _ read bg Communist authorities, so biggest in Canada this year. Cana- � ` tele. as 'R.cetpe of Price - �.. ---- - --T,AAMERSTIVRO. ONTARIO da's Army, and Navy- will -be out _ eta raec .cd LnraM wrote him that he was putting _ _ . _ in force. So will the experts and. P a he; r which Would tit c �. in the envelo E i on - champions with rod and • F E M I N E X • fall out if the censor opened it. His gun, es 0000.. woman Lelia another. Take superior San replied that there was nothing demonstrate -the proper techniques •�asslxaa•• to be1D o0leetate'pain. JJs• ,to worry about,, The hair was still for such things as / main train and nervous tension Leacctsted with Can 17 e� _ Q. ,How eaq I rAmove. marks i ' �• manthly • periods. • there. The Western German now - W j fsom stone steps and window sills? fishing's a 3atest inhovation: ss-oa peetne s m visor wria"or. had the information he wanted. He B) Anne Ashley A. Rub with a Its expected that sojne 178 oz- POST'S CHEMICALS had not put s -.lair in the original - piece of coarse hibitorl, exclusive of concessions, OU eCEEN ST. EAST TORONTO letter. sandpaper. After rubbing, dust ofF :Q. How 'can I shrink draw with a. cloth or duster. Stone clean- will take about in the square feet soods2 ed in this way stays white mach of floor t building. Space -in he bur 'n . A. Dress goods may be very longer than by using water. yoll_ — ily shrunk by placing it folded Q. How I blacken tats Salad Dressing That -� Et='�i'F01 TII eu.cis, tICS _— An a tub of cold water, to- w�iich. ? Doesn't � Add Calories E rEEE� MitC1t� low handfuls • of salt have been A. Try rubbing the leather Y Added. After a.. few. hours, -hang thoroughly with the inside of a-- on the line without folding, The raw potato. Let dry and then Good eating news for calorie ' !weight of '.titleQvater. prevents polish. eonsciouo persons in the -form of a' , wrinkles d in i and the salt Q. How can I remove keroetnas sew `dressing recipe that observe! LM Npf/ONAL ry g n' a person's wishes to ken their �ed�Ap/A ' ants the color. - - - aipoa from � cloth? . D • _ - Weight down. Q. How can I reader wood A. If kerosene hat been spilled Mix one-quarter cup salad 'oil, - .mate proof? air. cloth, scour the -spot with tur- one-quartet cup cfiili sauce, eight A. Soak it in a mixture fonsist- pentine, then with soap and warm •ounce can tomato sauce, one 1 Ing of 6 parts boracic acid, S parts water.. _ - :tablespoon finely diced -onion, one `• ammonium chloride, 'S pares sodiuin Q. How Can I treat hardwood cup cottage cheese (eight ounces), . - borate, and 100 parts water. floors that have become scarred • Place all ingredients -in sdeep Q. What can I do- when cream with dark corks from rockers or bowl. Beat together with rotary '..rdusa to whip? furniture casters? beater ,until smooth. Serve over.. A. Try adding the white of an A. Rub the marks with very fine_ •lettuce or mixed salad greens, ISEUM, TORONTO "egg to it..Let both cream and egg steel wool, dipped in quite soapy �061 bethoroughly chilled before at- water, Rinse with clear water, andt"R`gVII_ � }� tempting to whip• t:-en app;y a go^d furr.iture polish. _ Of Apq His MAR. 14#1 sAp10 twM, to SAT. MAR. 22nd, 1952 sett _ t,„► ► .. " * aidMl"Crow COMIDY, THRILLS AND CHILLS - * Viso, atM " in our finest'Show to dote /2NEW THRILLING k Neer•/,eUBLI - t * tMVOW ldd�d _ *•fin Gate .. , '• �•. *" haN,�• TWO SHOWS DAILY * nM 2s15 land as1S pence "I a w1 :da, • Evenings and Set. Afternoons aTHE SEAL All Sews Reserved Re- served Seals-$1.00 .fw„eD Boit Seeb•$I so IIItRP""` H which ,wv21 ha •Ned Adults SOt Children Ae �} DONT ]DELAY '('� -MAIL TNIf COUPON NdWI ��----1 5 - s x ; Cenedbn W110na :periMnee'I show ow. 10, The Coneeee,, tereste Deer arm lox r _ ' 1MeeN Nod M�•+'lox Seel 141efr for ft• fie ^�'ee' pe•forms" in ft �r•aa -. _ Pay awsw— _ _ a I bolosed Owes" Nd dry n10 y order ler - ~ - Hippo Swaliows'HIPPO?-It- iook: as'thou�'i' B6nga li iwblrowirig �,.,.. a=--•-=` Payment fevib:.e %ohe - his roommate, Pinky, but actually they are both just begging for i -ws"•d _ s In the zoo. Wonder how many b'usheli it would.-take to 1 _ 1 Addnet— _ - fill thane yawning taverns. ISSUE 10 1952 L------ •-� ipoonuf t t - ------ "°j . 'r '. •.K. neer sees. ^-' '�. � - - ` .. - ` .. - - _ ... - .. ". _ _ , - ._ .,- sees ` n A .. _ l © � ars Mskisg orrr itis :M�:sat bns+. Xn. W. H. Ellicott and sister, on Sunday last. - bring '& friend. All ladies weleosei�,- i■R` ' S VJ" Pearl Barrett, returned 'home }air. and Oars. Donald Duncan'bet The :W. M, S. Supper last Twoo - ' • Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hilts returned -.,atter spending a few days with . Brooklin and Mr. and tars. Gordon day was well attended. The Schaal -- O. $odea spent a pleasant aft- home last week after spending a friends iii Toronto, and while there Wan, of Stouffville, were at their der Meat Co. provided the tnsat- Aad—r- sea000 with *W- friends and neigh few weeks -wit_ h friends around [its- Ottended the funeral of their bra parentta' home ,to help their mother, game . a wonderful ilisplay of their is Alfons, ,oa ,Wednesday, bl'idg�. —' _ f therm -law, Alex Findlay. Mrs. Fred Hamilton, celebrate_ her cooked goods, '�hiciz were --�- '. Yernoa Ellicott and family Xr, Tye,. English has bden off Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Duncan and !birthday on February 28, by all. Two films - one showing a Moved on .Thursday to their new work for over a week. with a lame little daughter Carol, of Markham, An Amateur Night, pponsored by trip through their plant, and snot- 'yours at "The Elms" where they f4" visited Mr. and ,Mrs, M. Harlock Women's Institute will be held he } n@ ti la visit to the Royal Winter ;, y e is t}�eow-nshi $all .on Fridaq ev.- fair, were also shown. - «a :.• _..: nui8, M 7�The children from The Leap Year Dance under the _ Rebekah _ = Mount Pleasant, Greenwood, Brock a s is of Rebe Lodge on Road, Whitevale, Green River and Friday sevenngyhad stood attend - Jo Brougham, will take per• ante. Noble Grand Sitter -:,Nina Shep-JAl t ..' The 'Woman's Day of.Prayer was pard wishes to thank all those who ; a held -in St. J&n's Church here on helped. The lucky draw for 'the el- ° . 1, ' �V ' Friday afternoon 'with the W. M. eetric clock was won. by Mr. Jaale ' S. President, Mrs. H,_ Barclay, in Dunn, •Brougham. a charge, Brougham lost the 'second _ -- • 8� _ Mrs Ouelette and little so of m the round of the O, R.. H. A. ag- _ �j• Oshawa, are visiting her mother„ aihst Canningtor on Saturday ev Mr E. Woodward ening. If our boys had a, rink to � t Mrs. ng - - Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Ellicott and practice on we feel they would do + daughter, Mrs, 'Gordon and 1tilr. much better. We congratulate them • _ = .Z rIt's Simple When You Know How." And that's the title of Gamble, all of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. on doing so well under the circum- - :, •, 4 Rhe Commerce booklet tellinVou the facts you need to ,.r- - -'•--� Ford and family of Highland Creek stances, lcaow. about handling your own money. were Sunday guests at the home of �^ _ .. Y Mr. and Mrs. W`m. Ellicott. ) �. This handy purse size booklet gives you tips on `� Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. East Woodlands ' how to endorse your cheques ... exchange oo : r Harold Barclay on the arrival of a-' ' cheques I current and_Joint bank accounts, ;� -u ?n -"S q afternoon at Mr, and bice, Bressette, of Old wlkrt to do if on lose a e or bac�Jc 1 Brierbush Hospital. Forest Road, are the y p _ - y �. The weikly euchre, sponsored by of a baby son, Garry ' boom in •Eaet ? book, and tips on travelling funds. All A8 'the ,Women's Institute was held on General, Hospital on' February E7, g thin info on and more is ready w Thursday evening of last week due Congratulations. for quick and easy reference in to the supper being held on Tues- Father Coppin has been can ;`It's Simple When You Know - day evening. Winneas' Mrs. Hardyt in6 this area recentlyis as Mrs. Wallace .and Mrs, Hollinger; hii flak How.y ; g to rally the faithful of = Mr. Hopkins, Mr. C. Hardy and Mr. discuss with them the proposal to _.. Wallace, with the special prize go-, build a church to serve the members - ing to Mrs. Jones, of itis_faith in the Rouge Hill Dist- (The Women's Institute swill uteet vitt. All _genuine Christians, regard - for e - . S'� for their regular meetingon Tues- lees' of creed, will wish the gwd i,'•' :L" "� + day afternoon, March l. Hostess- priest complete success is his sac- ' •.` �rt,�. fe► , . es: Mrs. M. Ellicott, Mrs. R. Ellic- red mission -. . � ` :: i . F ott, Mrs. Harlock, Mrs. W. Knom and Air, and Mrs Roberts and rase '' '*•' t + '' rr' Mrs. Mairs. Historical Research iI have xnoved'tnto Mrs. Poll Dae- pc.`"�+ Ca fig, . .. - _ ,.• Cartvener, •Mrs. Geo. Gray will be in Caul'" Old Forest. Road ho On oz - Ask for Your crop of your kKal bratxh or =' charge of the rogram. Roll Call • y a , p behal! of East Woodlands 'we ez- 11Mflfe to Frances Terry, Mestd Office, Ttws • • . : * :. �.'The earliest council member you 1 tend -a hearty welcome to these am- �' :. - J r .Canadian Bank of Coaune"e, Toronto. can remember."'cornets from the Land o'' the Hear �- Woman's Association will cher, and' we hope they'll be happy _ a - sir sex The ,' - hold their t meet on Wed- nd ro • mg $ spet•oua in the Lead 'The nesday evening, March 12, at the Maple. 1�h e a n adia'n Bank ofCo m me of Mrs. A.. J. Gray, with Mrs.We are pleased to report that Mrs. - Y me "`. George ,Willson assistant- hostess. Wm. Simpsar is anuch improved in Devotional Convener, Miss E. See- health. _ beck and Mrs. H. Barclay will be in Congratulations to John Frisch. >, �. chart of the program.. Come and ` - Continued On Page a _---- - _ 'FUELS 7, : - ,p A N D . • .. . � � . _ PPL! ES , ::Iusnlatio>a li Rol ,:'< _ -Asphall ' Sbin Tee Aq.P g - F ,��� - �• -. . - _ Insul-brik Sidinge - - ,� i .flock -lath _ •yc I ��✓ : _Sheet Hock TcisulatitiBoard Cement, Liu:o d Plaster W. MITCH est`\JdPHONE PHONE ` 4 • Ut<r Tra..ks Paas Your K'ay 1 5 .r .. :. _ e : T Your, Ne�v V, _J_ TELEPHONE BOOK t Is : `G01N KESS. • ti and an opportunity. New victims of war w This year again the Red Cross Appeal presents us with a challenge i - ' .. PPo ty".. wounds, greater " •- r. ' .., - need of lifesaving blood transfusion services, the inevitability ; Y t of great disasters of fire and flood ... all must find the Red'Cross ready. As the need to alleviate suffering grows, the.generosity of Canadians -grows too.. But engey the task isopportunity almost. beyond _ IS YOUR LISTING CORRECT?- - • measure. There is the 'challen The rtuni to he! is before you. _ - -Give TODAY to car � on tomorrow's work of merc i — ... .Alf you wish to arrange for additional ings in _ .the alphabetical section, or to make any last 5222 ' ' .1000 is. urgently needed to ; `lminu hacigea in your prey sEirigs, please ( - to G, etrt li _ - {call your Telephone Business Office today. - KEEP � YOUR RED CROSS STRONG - Oft to your Red Cron aro wisely used. Each year the accounting is approvid .THE ~BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANAM b'- auditors of the Dominion Government. y - Lao Campaign Hecdquarters and Teieph ne Number :•:a`. :.-- "fir -•4-__. . :e...a,:1. :.. _, ..,,.,,r_ -_ `._ , ....._ . ' _ -.' __ ., t - - _. �. _ . _--:�.i:'>�.'..'� - - — � �t-�.-_:. = t. y,....a.T.._,-r-�.. %' _ "�i'�+: � 1 ' t Ltassified Adir't fin. tent `Your Friendly, ' -- win �6 Resident Agent - A a if charged.._ "temittanee must 6 tccam ao KXAL1:©R P' . Y ertierY Count a3dre»a and ENT IIVSUR�ANCE AG Patine eu:aber., _"JFX FIRF, CASUALTY, LIABILITY DURANCE etc. BuT FROIY'Amo uErr TOUR PBOPERTLS9 • ? r:. OR .SA,LE - sis-p:e.e dinette suite, F' b �. e .' ,�� SALE WITH Pickering Market t & Locker Pjaat ,practically new. Flx,na _ . Pickerin - " l'G1R3. g CYRIL E. r�,URLtEY -. FOR SALE - four Reg. Hol3tein Pf-tQiV E 30 n Cows• Phone Pickering 3.5J3, Business _•_ Opportunity BTT" ' T IV E! HOR.S�+3s �; QUALITY FGjR SALE -Retail Market and VT �'' - Route business of eggs poultry, t'ruit; vegetables and cut flowers.' RIFF.,L� F'•�RM=O - CK .Olure: hzs suc_e3sfully operated this. MEATSbusiness in Toronto fortwenty years but wishes to.retire. G. C. Jones, ;: �'IOII>rly, "p1C' 'up v Phone C.ateurctnt 85821, GROCE RIS • COKE Slo TON i hone Collect Pickering 265 J 12` ----':FOR SALE - We I%�g several ions of furnace coke Speeial. prise -LOCKS PLANT SHIELDS MINg F9 ftM $10,00 a ton. Draw it yourself. ! _ Claremont Co -Operative Ph. -38, f. I- FOR sALE—`simplicit- y�flc eats Processed to Your Specif':cations. Washer. Recently reconditioned. In I " _ real good condition. Pick. 190J8 I TIIIB •WEEK'S HELPFUL H1Nrs A Damp Cord Ties Packagea•More Securely, - y YOU CAN PLAY THE FDANO /by ear in one week, by the yuick4 Fos • Bat, easiest sl:o"T Cu Mortgages t Willso' world, Gives all tricks and pointers j „•for playing correct bass with left I �p ��hand, the main secret of . playing V I'. - by ear. Write - - SUBURBAN SP Trans Canada .Sales Service r _ Aiax, Ontario - _ STOP 35, KINGSTON RD., R. 7.892 LET'�IR'i COSIEMCS SCA 1 - ERING RESIDENTS MAY C _ \� aw t� ��. Mimeo ra Fin t OR PICK PSI�TO-FiNI$ •_ g P 8,-YPint3, paints wall- tEilIN6$ BI,FLy'j = f�ICKEBIA = J. .•:-O 4RY $�pPL�3 �- �—_ Papers, electrical appliances. Kee:r- ( .• "1F trS BAST WE SHOULD HAVE Il'P" NF.]P.DR ., . 11's, Claremont, Phone 81, Nst�Y �� �L1�! �► STORE HOUR$ USED 'FARM MACHINE sue- _ THAT Week Dan ' tion sale to be held" Saturday, Mar. SILK'S MARE PRESCRIPTION ��" A. K. � '.'" p " 5 n sale at 1.00 ' iii. appro' ately P _ = Sundays L :10 tractors, all other types 4 -farm- 2-00 P. M. to 6.00 P. ]L ._ 4, -- - machinery including threshers ,bin- i _ dere, plows, seed dttiila, fort$e }lar- PE NINE.S CIAL vesters, combines etc: Draw prize of registered Holstein, calf - FII ! JljEs� _ a • Bo _- 0 machinery eligible fnr draw.!. .vx- i- . $�$ 45e daz. fipring Fern Limited, Iriternation t New Laid E at liar•estP r Deai�rs� \o, 1? :}The t corrin. . "ONE: PICKERINo 'e _ = � '• J ere and 4 7 Hie;hx•ays. F'hr:ae i; xbrir,g« _ _ _ Y or Pcrt Eei-ry: 'WEST HILL PICKERING mar 8 _ Are SCAR. 3802 PHONE: 68 and fa, elo;eroubterested ? and mixed hay-. G. 41itz, Base..'icke:itrg.Z. In a New Home -in the Residential ` - - w�� a_ .-.--FOR Ft7R SALE-:�rwhtrcnpshire .pullets - - '`M>s. E&$ OiR TORE?NiTO REAL ESTATE BOARD" At .3,00 each' . M .months .gold. PHughhone i - A�aX ection o Squires' Pai-M, : 'Pick' in 1 -p -GORDON G. CROSS- ' Pickering -45W4. FE ATU O. .. _ _. mar 14 Low Drown Payment-Jiodern, Cpnveniie:ncei�Loa'Catr�mg'C`harge MAIN .. _ - --. - ' - C'teae to New Industry Close to Shopping .Centre and School ` ��t1j:� � T.T -�.. REALTOR 4 - •� ..:F' •SALE. REG!$TER ... a _ _ - ,EOp ICK �R[1'G �'1LI.AGK — J. P. A T All Deal Estate Broker USS, GAO=�IFIDHrTTIA(. SERVICE COURTEOUS, - SATL'Rl'JAY, NI.ARCH 15 _ inlet i Se11iHg Bn,gll3g -- Exchanging ion sale of to er.ty T. far Tested and e - 't'accinated Hol3tein Cattle, Imple- r = Insurance CALL WITHOUT OBLIGATION rttonts, Hay and Grain,. at Lot 14, KING'S ROW - AJAX, ONTARIO Con. 5, Picker:n Tw { G. G. AITLAND A ax Branch M i F.agt of. Brc l m rho P'' one r.,ile j Phone, Pick 25aJi P RING 1 >ha Prnperty _of _ - - PHONE Res >♦I ortgagca ... C -` W. J. Matxwtdi end ,Som. -Sale. at = - 1.00 P, M. TED JACIiaO\, � . , - - .:The .regular W. 51.3 at eedon�'i auct. _ of rhe Cir: - Ap n 'sats 'Coli rriar 14 . Our reguiar 'March meeting of thz ent on. We tdr�esda me s cu of the Pres. ' Valuations 4th, was opened with the reg,:ar td fiATLRL:IF. JIA1fCH b1 :19 8- ele;cises..Jes;ie Bushby to,(i 4 ,- T egi a meting ftgction sale at..the:•Stuuffvkle Live � bout our meeting of a11• the, yl,unfi nit i ' .} a home of f -- o ` et at: -the - atnck Sa;t-s .gena, s.l�ing li'�e,±ock e . ilii•,. R;,; Jacket n eo WATCH and CI,t)CM t..+ na, si P p•e of I rc cri ' .. `• cows SpPing,- Fllh. �'Et tang •:nng4 tt';1ttr •�,\,1'� AI'e . ets 'Il ifrrs, Stockers, 5'1r�p, Cal- in charge of nteetng. ties Pigs. ii rs a . Lticittg- for` k N nr . A REPAIRING be :.. r $ . u ea, Pontes_ and Poul- ti� etine.dav ' •night. e g ny '�Iz e or A-io I- zcgul.,t tnFeting of the R•, f _ .try. For Pick -up -and d.lisery'seri"12e, a'Iauiectt .tanis u,t41 13arbara H_,t1; L 1?ttcne Stoaffvilie X63 took the t'�nrship: fh�• coliectiun ?.*°"ill be held nn Thurso«+}'> Marc:r. ..Artlit�r Field j1� Crime. early 1 I'Ittce of meeting to be .nnr, 'and bring sow;ethirlg to sell and see tic°' thEn taken atrrl our meeting• •.: as ezd nn �u�rdav' .. an� " i _- ,may ff�:[ f.► ` the, modern way to sell ' b 'public brr.ught, to a close Ntitir the :l ing �/t.'• `O L & 3r'l 1ic,�.: Th, Evr.ning- acid- Afternoon F Pickerirt I52�W3 auction. '"lois £.iris It, We'll "Sell of�' Taps." It 41"ake this yoga market where Sr,meone :Tas asked me of uui ' M " ladicr, wrxe uc11 repte�eraed buyer t, y nhratt':i I'zL�bvterjal last �vEek• y nen�bers if Ta s eras a iiLtle at q RECORD Saturday at 1;00 "Taps. NOW IS THE. TIME • • •• ,r ,' ance we did., to close the meeting. ' •-----•^----.- •' •: - r SELLERS nd a KINSON o ' J and e ,Lr meet. Sale'ever r OC'R ECUR BAIL For anyone, who thinks 'similarri} � I to look forward -to sp>ting qir. Pickering Jewelry auctioneers. "Taps is a song i�'e sir5g in• vur ninny men, �Om dening. Write fbr' free inform- : "Friendship Circle", not a. -.little • �� at<ion and free catalogue: We' PICKERING TOWNB$Ip NOTICE to FARMERS dance --''Day is done, Gone the a�q 5 l 'hare a full line of "farm and = ,SIIILDLNG PERMITS soil; From the lakes, From the hills, ��0! is �S■ I. AVE ARE PAYING HIGHES - n • Re have been in TnesrFY••L i is a p MARKET .PRICES* FOR rest_God is ni h , ' VIM X501' operation fo'r more than fifty' `DEAD OR CRIPPLED ANIMALS `We wish to extend an- invitation e�u;a a�°r Ba�numbe °fir out; urt,b ewe years.- 7and by sppointptest riser eaawny, Dot r i.l r WE ALSO BUY -- come! to uthe people f basement on w re.teo T,0 t �s�R °e tlw °�od�t« Also Poultry eippla J _ oc AI and s LIVE HORSESmulan _''fall line of - Tues roo, vltamtn e • earerum, anrte° etooe m� ponit rid farm,' -- March 11, Appetite an • �• PRU V7iyier Tuesday The C. G. I. a ai¢eetTon eo Looe vee yID 7eeds� BLTILDING IN3PECI'pj�' ' t For A speedy Pickup, ,Phone T.; Trail Ran ers and voo ti"'°a °° a t: vut ° Bare bons. Collect To Your Local Agent young unenm n y°uws.+nea _...._. '-' • DICKERING -=242W2 to have a meettn under the lead- sea °ua°Liei TO°'° Tager. ° • g all other ear 4ettlaasop tat. 92op whe° s. ebe S, 10, IS or Ise. you rises for _ g g People of Pg kering are going Coe am� e•� ac ub1° �soe KELLY PICURING _ ership of Mr. Young. We will have o•rs A"°n FEW AND SEED Co. BANNER RENDERING CO, LTD.. Continued on page Five East Woodlands` • Cb 'rinued j Phoas pge�sriag ... .- ._._ ... ... L-.6237... (onr new a ." ... whb was • . ' Y .. _ _ ddress) .. rndlhnrst TORONTO Greenwoodhe lucky '%inner of the ten • 2884 DA�NFORTH AVE. �+dollar hamper of groceries offered ,HOSPITAL AUX. • CONTD. by the Harley Groceteria; Several TORONTO _ Land SLtt'Vey ed $2,00 in a special collection" for The Annual Oy- stem gu - competitors guessed the exact num- _ $ -the fund; Ajax Ladies` "Club $10, sored' by the men of the church pw� will •ser of candies.' n. the jar - 52'5, so., G. T. HORTON -Next general nteetiiTg o -f the Aux- be -held .on . Friday March 14, � names were consen .tion clinic for the students th it i� e pis Mary will. take place Aionday, Mar, excellent ro An Mr. Fi•isc.T's name" wast th o to j of, Picketing District High school. Ontario Land Surveyor a boy a p gram will be present- be drawn • _ e' ne The'cast'•is -off• Maurice'1►Mde% rat 8.00 P. m:, in Pickering Pub- ed by the Y. P. L. celled Sittin "1Tr I fn le and h is able to E about -with - lie `�tAnd Civil Engineer g Pv11 _.tilrf` g P School,- :. _ Bill"• Ham fn be'sei� e<i triose tvho hc;wick, Ont and her tmanen cal nut the use. of crutches. 27 'R'oodhq Mrs. Gordon. Conant will address _do.not care .for oyster, .: Adults fii�t - i.> >_ AJAX 'the'Auxiliary on Monday nigh. i now. ure Boy or ,3up- Marc}!•10 • upper served i; in grind health and getting along' } rrmvn you saw suimttting amringst• Phone: Ajax :24 18 , at tris Pickering School. at 6,-00 p; m,. .tell:' - g . flop.ting, chunks -of ice -in Petticoat 'Mrs. Conant has just returned from Thr Y, P. U. met at the hom& of - T'i,, Po ` attending the Western Hemisphere ;<Ir and Mrs. Morden nn, the 28 ` uge Hill Linns CIub are to Creek on March First, That was just th, be highly commended Por their off- Es. Skidmore commencing his ann= fjiougl9t of it ZauSed Gii1 Guides' Conference• in Mogico.' I . with Mrs. D,.biorden in charge of er to set u tial -spring ablutions. The mere to don your reporter, 'She also repr�Yer,ted the. voice Of maintain a -sight P and i si h - all eprtra sweater in order td snalt�nthe St, Stephen's Cellege 1 - - write this' item, • a I y _ _ _ sudineds �!1'eCt61'�j Material in Stock Y - E. Jtk ardson - STAFFORD - 81405. PEARL GREY, BLUE mad GREEN ARSMITE a1difI9RAL INSURANCE a illoPfLr][SA'TAL WUtiMB ALiF1iI3�IUM MAi,T1.DINGB y ST, ANDREW'S PRESBYTEi�LAN iRemember the Oyater Sapper rill REAL ESTATE - Pboac \Vhltbor 669 AHU'RCH March 19, startling at 6.80 p. sa ' -- 8. 4. FIS INSIDE as OUTSIDE Rev. Da ' 1, Minister • ' '+ _ vid Alarshal _._ CONVE7iANCING DOORS 2•e0 P. M. -Sunday School •- • * • _ �j �x; i An Old -established Agency, 818 DUNDAS 'ST. L'-. WIMTBY" ' 3. A to - Worship Service -. - - g ncy, . Ready p• p AUDLEY • CLEAR PINE COMBINATION 2 p,' Regular Service To Serve You.MENNEMENOMMMMUM DOORS COMPLETE WITH -- - 1,3A m' ' Re PHONEt PICKERING 60 •t $£RIvI�N and GLASS -i • * " - P. m. -Sunday �Schoo} r McE.ACH1� IE, s Ai PICKERING UNITED CHURCH N M Gordon ! Rev, A. E: Young, Minister %F`AIRPORT UNITED QHURCH vRJ A� w� FURNITUREE-DDALER LUMBER YARDS i SUNDAY, MARCH 9, 1956 Rev, J. K. Braham'Minister ' ZI N �B , - � 10.00 a. m. � •Sunday School Church Service - L•00 P. M. - `• '' FUNERAL DIRECTOR PICKERIbi^, ONTARIO 11.00 a..m. - Morning Semice Sunday School - 2,00 P. M. Vally Service To ,and From _ `i OSHAWA Private Ambulance Service PHONE: Pick. 34, 7:30 p, tri_ - Discussion Group Day or Night * * ` ' PICKERING GOSPEL CHURCH' J* Chartered Buses For All :_ Choir practice at home of leader Stain 5t, _ Pickering Occasions ,.WnL McEACHNIA Prop. EILE1+�\ 4 Friday.* A , N JACKSON ''30 Sunday School PHONE: PICKERING 241W2 Phone Pick.�� _ - 10.00 A.M.OPTOMETRIST -' I , ,- Pickering •United Church W ° A .Devotional Service - '! Eyes -,Examined Glasses Fitted will meet on Thursda t F PICKERING Y, March 13, 11.00 A, M. i ,� ; K t N AND C LA R K E �ick4im' g• Ont• Tuesday Evenings And at 1.30 p m., at the home of Mrs. Evangelistric Service ' i BY APPOINTMENT Charles Hutchings, Program an 1.00 P. M. !?'% !1� First Door Ea'et Of refreshments in charge of Mrs. F. ALL WELCOME " t ,�, a AUM, ONEERS W Nl. M A Y1f tl Masonic Hall Pious, Mrs. H. Purvis and 3Srs. Minister - Rev. W. C. Neale ,:.. Licensed and Authorized for the �" - PHONE; pICKERING � P.'eta Law. ' Conatiea of Ontario and York. LICENSED AUCTIONDER AND �' ��' =-- Farm Stock, Implements Home- them oyer t w Rea Estate ales our Specialty at Reasonable frhe w euchre was ver well ' Mates. Dual Service,for the -Phone or Write attended. The winners: Mr. McEwen, I BUILDER ?rice of One. ria DUNDAS St. --EAST WHITBYMrs. Knox and MDa Grills. E - W O U D i1Q O R$IN G � The Hard Time Dance held Sat - If � � • llliloea P. O. phone Agin. 32�W8 urda was �+ CABINETS Y the scene. of many suit- I , Markham P. O. phone Mark• 206 able costumes with ' the winners be -BRAN, KITCHEN CABINETS i, - Pseatices have been established ares Ibbs, Ruth Temple and Goi'd- auctioneers since 18!!0. s - BUILT and INSTALLED ori Kirk. Co ratulations. Prices .> -.. -SHORTS .. _. donated b F�•ed Lloyd. an M f' • Y Y d. d rs. ,. 'OPTOMETRIST ALTERATIONS Y PTO ETiI;IST L?EB O ON ULAR - A 1 , �NIl DOLI NO S , 9.30 to 4300 and 2.00 to 3.00 ROME, Etc., a• i Pil DAVID H. MARSHALL Evenings: Mon. R'ed Fri.. ?' to 9, Tae Ladies' Autxiiiary on Tuesday ELDER ,FLOUR MILLS levenin at the home df Mrs. Du- LIMITED •' .. • - DISNEY BLISG., Opp. P. 0. G • A. B ekkevold g, - LI. I D ..- • y Aeeetiatant mond, had an excellent turnout, with <, OSHAWA, ONTARIO _.. _._- 1030 Ken - -I Z.-- X 'FARM and STORE ACCOUNTS Pickering Village nineteen ladies present, Much pro- g -Street West ' I Phone - Rea. 5-4537: Office 5-6143. 4PHONE 32 - PICKERING -gress is'being had- and this week it Pie - LAkeside 4633 PHONES PICKERING 97 J 112 (Three -Day Service Arranged) will be held in the Hall. ` This Saturday Evening there %%ill Toronto ' ?d Mr. and Mrs, Ivan Law, Whitby, Y g DO.NEFAX and RICHARDS vn Sunday, be a Bingo, sponsored by the l;nt- 7, Ontario Land Surveyors, And LOyq Pogue bar, George Todd has been atcen- ertainment Cemn:ittee in- the Gam- C. G. I. T. - Continued Professional Engineers ding Council this past week• mur ity Hall, bar, Miller, wjto has recently ret- - LICENSED AUCTIONEER Miss Ruth Taylor had a in friend Plans are being rr,ad? f^r a St. urned from working ''with youth 215 King Street, East g - =- -- - - Patrick's Dance on March 13, so ' OSHAWA, ONT. Pickering and Whitby Townships hime with -her for the week -end. _ groupx in German • to give.us an Household and Property their kerns .Tor a ve successful for al,. ly to come.and join us. -Marg.,Ho Phone: 3--Vm Mr: and Mrs Geo. Todd opened k P h ado : ?here wail be !hn 7.30 P. M; Please Jul 13 � _ + f arty on Tueada eveni February > rtop i ,isles A Specially .. P y 2 6. in, aid of the Auxiliary of , Fick Prompt Attention Given er:ng;. and 'Ajux labspital . Door -, _ - ;'•: Whitby R. R. 1, Phone 814 'Prizes were donated by' Mrs, Lesile Hollinger, Nim A. Wood, Mrs, 1)on: Ailrlliritl. � _ Q Aker • �j Miine'asd Mrs. Todd, Winners were 1 f,,�•eyisiOn Oil Burners Y Home - Bruce 'Hollinger,. Tindall, Mrs. - Burkholder, B. Lofton, -Mrs. Geon. - -- r IMPROVEMENTGa>es; M=s. Lobach: A good atter- ' dance vzas, iftuch appreciated, Lind , 330 for a worthy cause was realised. -0 $ud of Plan - Mr. and_ Mrs, Frank Reynolds were. y Motors Pickers _- guests of Mr. and Mrs, Wesley ' (no down payment required) Petty on Sunday, :.Aja4 Ontario 3100,00 to $2000.00.from Slix ' ,Mr.. Roy: 'Trudeau, Bow'manAlle, i -2 PHONE 1'3' 46-M,� To Twenty-four Months To Pay w a recent visitor .with Mr, and --I. - • • „ - P{IOTMIRAPIIE-!t � A Complete -Service from one store for iiorae Owners and Builders ;ars: W m• Hollinger, a number of ladies attended the ;RIGHT AT THE CAUTION LIGHT .. �0 - Lumber and Trite, Doom, Sash, . .World Day of Prayer" at Locust ! �'r .� a '1948 Bieck St. South. Whitby, Out. Phone - 2256 ._�� - Prefit Window frits, Wallboards' Hilton Powre11,3ofL ttttleo$ritain, via- QUALITY USED CARS PRICED RIGHT �� ► ,� _ 00) HOMES _ and Ply roods, Hardware, Paint ited Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Powell on The. W'aman's Association will - 7 x • meet in the Hall on Wednesday af- - &ZAD OR CRIPPLED STOCK Nada, Builders' Supplies Saturday. " M11` MERCURY DELUXE SEDAN, Custom built radio, .TWO miles 4 Church.,' Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Tweddle visit- T tt�� ��'' CLEN DENING- THE -._ Mr•.and Mrs. Arthus• Taylor.have DIXON _.. a - C0111 rl a LU111�fer con. a>.Fl�uda for a holida}, \I: and \Its R. Tindall visited ltlin Ciib,VR0L.:T COACH. ININIACULATE CONDITION, �, 1• ,t 00 Original /Mileage, Sparten Green / , l i� :. P•'g fazt.:.:- at Goodwood un. she ; ,_ n . _ .�. > ;. 4 . ' ICA• LTD, Sunday, M ..and `�I 'fl C':ulair had '1^X41 I' t .. (HENROLET DEL\F Sedan' ' �• SC_ RBORO 'JU N CTIO\ ' -. a on �u ida� w;th fi • and Ifrs. j p t n HFti ROLFT COACH, BLACK, 3U uVU MI 4J U 4a 7Q t k- ha a L ,C ties _ � )i K)n fit, Clair Ave,' East. Murray Hnlitnger` and fainfly. .- . `v — MARKIA-M m�iti test of scan Collegiate blockenorth of artop l Dunbartonror -� •1LF- 70 FORD, A-1. SHAPE - , Ay` P$O.-M Dove ; Chree :Sear 3336 Ho. 1117 _ fhis Week's Special:. -• �� ' J. W. DI�U� ZV e a1Q sorry iv. -tlra� that 31-3.� Gear ge Jic!:' mochie -is in at. Mich- laid: I'0'_VTd -%C COACH PAOERIETOR - . • - WANTED - ael's Hospital. We pupa for, an - LNTRY HOMES C 0 ' Marls recovery; -- _ :'titit$L L:iNGE SMALL ACREAGES AND tilts. A. J. Thompson and Mrs. D. WIDE SELECTION OF CARS -'103•'s to 1948'x, • , i FARMS Wl .We Have Waiting Buyers th. Thompson motored to. Pilescott -to , spend a few days with Rev. A. J,. -, '•r TAIL PRICED ,WITHIN REASON a ) `1 Gold Cash Down Payments • CALL = Mr, INGLIS and firs. Payton. Sympathy is extended to Mr, and - TERMS ARRANGED. TO SUIT YOUR POCKETBOOK • NAIQ'T and CONAlr'T 'CO m Prompt And Experienced Service Mrs. Hobbs and fan -Lily in the loss Fairport, Ro ad North, Mr. tYUUR CAR MAY B AS DOWN PAYMENT E USED Barristers and Solicitors tbrdon D. Conant, K. C. _ Nights: M A1091 - Office EMS -0604 . 'Hobbs' mother, - - - - 7 _• Roger G. (brant, B. A. - OFFICES _. : _ A. WtILLOUGHBY and SONS Realtors Mr. and Mrs. W. . Mottershead -spent the week -end in Galt with their daughter Mrs. S. Kerr, and - S for your new General Motors eSr" S ' .Oshawa, Ont., 7 1-2 Simcob St. S.' I. family.' Phone: 3.2W7 Sixty .Experienced Salesmen Lloyd and Shirle Courtice Oak- rj' T d All . • ' :.Aja4 Ontario Established 1900 l Phone - 26, . P. ALLAN Co. --I. ..Jnsurance w : WRITE OR PHONE -I- Re it Estate - " Insurance Cheap Rotes For Farm And Country '' I;ING*S ROW - AJAX - Buildings,. " N'ind;toran Insurance on Buildings D. G.'MAITLAND, MANAGER - - - 'WIndmilli, Silos, etc. Phone Pickering - 259J1. Automobile Insurance Of' :all Rinb ', -AJAK .PHONE - _.... _ BowlnAo & Gibson ,131} ._YOUR,LISTING INVITED = - - PHONE - WHITBY 52: = = ' =16.0o Cherrywood .:•' . 00) HOMES _ At. Your, Farts, - The. W'aman's Association will ALSO - meet in the Hall on Wednesday af- - &ZAD OR CRIPPLED STOCK ternoon, March 12, Subject for De - 'Hourly Pick ' : `� • -Lip _votion - "Christian Living in the CAMPBELL iiINB Church.,' Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Tweddle visit- li if iboos Collect — AsineouA J Y • ' ville, and Peter and Helen Johnstone of Toronta, spent the .*eek -end at the -Risk home. ° iWe are sorry -to hear -that Mr. S. -Jordan- has been confined to the - Western Hospital again. Keep, Thursday and Friday; Haar. 13 and 14 open for the Variety Concert, Dunbarton United Church.' This enneert is., put nn by the. On - We -Go Group and starts at 8.30. -We -hope Mary -Beth 1VIcClemc%nts Will be out again soon. Roger Ca •ltrn spent n . week -end recently in the city with his cous- in. :... Fairport- Beach . Mrs,'Mrizolr: anti family motored to Peterbon> for .the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Grills had their two :aghters and their families with op ra a-1LL. 0. ante op y9ur ,pr9sent car :ARR AND AUTO INSURANCE' PUMS FINANCED -- COUGIi INSURANCE FOR FULL'- dN - IMMEDIATE COVERAGE AS : F (F rL'f.v hfU.V l Hs TO PAY CALL NOR"' _ Maitland Agency ;AResidence - Picj;,, 2'5GPI.CKERING TOWNSHIP -- 24'HOURS A DAY -- • . n to create -good feeling between the ` Thr and, during the reign of Queen - _AN HIR SElizabeth} . y` hie .--- �, good- fellowsLip ill rbe si- nc eased and . solidified. _-... r v rw • �;; No words of mine 'can -add' tar -- - - -"Dear Anne Hirst I am a eom- I try to change himT the heartfelt tribute • that have plaining wife. I complain because "Why aro women such fools been expressed by press and radio pry husband spends • money we- -as- to- give up their independence but it would not be fitting if this cannot afford. --- for marriage? column were written wand soma ' - �� " w expression of loyalty and ,regret, • Because he SORRY NOW: ,even though what I write has been isn't personally * It is • a little late to-- try to said many times before. Ginger neat. * change your husband complete- Farm means nothing to the House, - " Because - he s ly. But, like the celebrated worm, of W i n d s or but, the -death of is impractical. * you, can' turn. Geor,.ge .VI. was a personal Ioss to "And •.because * You can .fact, . him . with an us who live here. We can only re. _ he refuses to * ultimatum: peat in all sincerity_"The 'Kin'g is stay horns un- • Either he treats you .as .fairly dead" "LO?VG LIVE THE . less he abso- ** as he would 'treat a business QUEEN.*' lutely has to. * partner, shares his income, with "For many • no questions asked; co-operates years after we married, I worked.- He orked. - * to, make your home life 'pleasant �s f - -` -= He wasted all our money on fool- * for you both, and shows you the ' Ilsh business enterprises. Now we r respect his wife is entitled to- �P ".are really struggling. 1 can't buy * -Or yolq will leave-if you have sl stitch of clothing. I worry till * anywhere to go; I'm exhausted - and have no * Or you'll get a job-if you are _ money, for doctors or medicines. *'fit to hold' one. v "Yet he doesn't hesitate to "go • Who is more to blame for your. -ell fif . on a trip by himself I * present situation is for you to "I Did .My Share" *-answer. four `husband certainly Nuns Enjoy Skating-Holding hands to the strains of the Skater's "Why does m husband humili- ` * has no right to appropriate - Yale ate me - by making me beg for money for selfish p easures when , every penny I -get, when I shared s your ,needs are so desperate. ng party, There is something desperate- -all skate •all my salary with him? * g`� "Do I expect too much of mar- * ly- lacking in a wife when her * t ,- to memory .incidents which. for rF lenge? Shall I leave him? Shall .. * husband makes a practice of �. many of us, had faded through the going out alone. A home should years. He quoted, as :has : almost r ".4" .~� ,every paper and broadcast, that .. be more attractive than an other _ _.. _ .. -. - • lac the world, he b - famous Christmas message which place to 1 and'the ar HRONICLF..S \` r den of that -lies chiefly on the the King .lead us in .those dark * wife's shoulders. You will . know days of 1939-'L stood at the. gate f• f /� �� �i• ���''y,��l '1► * wherein you have failed. 6ERFAl�M of the year .: But only once +-1 •(! z �1�, 7 %� ?. • rhave I heard the, rest of thatquo- You n , ' havt undoubtedly invest-' CTr¢ndolime D Clark¢ - ��'�' r c cation, which the King did not give �yE� . .tea -jFIF 11;'.(��7yt •.marr.iage. 'But at this stage, if • '''' }� i�j� +� {�J' * your husband 'would rather be been in_ his thoughts during these yr("` When '1 be an this eohtmn tfu last few months when lie knew anywhere else than with you, g y I time 'til- Oatatio was seven in .the lu' walked with Death." This is ��� �a� • *there is sotntthing wrong. Appyrnin The date was February the rest of the quotation-"So_ i� - - T�' •, \•', that brisk mind of yours to find- g Y went forth, and finding the- hand-* f� in out what it is: turn the light the fifteenth. From the east. the gRELIEF 1S LASTING g - raft-:agents hues of. cart dawn of God tied gladly into the night. `'• J t\�lt, * on yourself and determine to 'da y For' fast relief froth' headache get ' r spread across a winter sky. It was And he led ma'tov�rds the hills ,• �, 1.1 • „� everything you can to rebuild. a y.: y' INSTAIMNs. For real relief et - a'' particularly appropriate .and and the_ boeakinfi of day in the i * real home life out of the seetm- tors ):aft. _ INsrwNrsNa. For. prolonged. relief p • ing ruin that lies about ynn. beautiful sunrise-the air wan quiet Qct Irssi�arrtxsI ` • One word more: Dost he to and still -a perfect accompani- And, new, Qtrr late ::ing bring Yes, more every'day are at rest, we resume once more our * critical. of your husband's bus:- ment for the funeral service broad- finding thatIxsrwNTmisonething ( { OLdlnaf. _tCQL d _ a • cast .of Hiw. late Maj"ty, King ) y ay _-life. In otic.. ease pip $at, Foe headarbe. for Hess #at�ysres. if his rentures had Geo>' e G I., to ,which 1 was lis- g rheumatic pain. aches and pains of h i succeeded. . you -wouldn't- call g time we shall 'slot soon forget • t �'� ` tenin while all else was forgotten. George the Goon. who, possibly, colds. for neuritic or neuralgic pain •a+ _ 4 +them. foolish. Remember, he ex- g' K more _ that: any other sovereign. . _ � d INsrwxstxs to ` �.t * petted each one to succeed. The' :gun carriage bearing the ghing you quick torssfort ►, �.. 'Kin 's oak coffin arrived. at urple- td _ . ;y Nr ! ;4 ,� y,• •. : g p dUpaic'eaown to Prevent Peeking Ixsrwxrtxs is' made litre a pro ,, • > hiY', Y draped Paddington station. The ' seri tion of three proven medical - . •+= 4 s If yqur marriage disappoints you. - - F P ,�' reslse Ro al' 'mourners alighted J from . f d7 , try to see; yourself as your husband ': g d S d Zf O 1 1 S ingredients. A sestets Alsstk► r 4_:: : their Horse-drawn- carriai;e. The A 9 H I . i' y tablet utsrtally Weenie - x r-0. Opttt • `did . sees you. And write the facts to :Nilx: lt`�, ,is►1� �:y four . Royal .Dukes followed on foot. fiat rePtef. y ///p fi t eta Hirs S a call see' ttsori Banfrom sthcaBc4ti.,tt High et6andr - r !► > res 1 N i SSI b yy4 , f Jp ,,,u. , ` p fit tnetatAies town Anne t h +u s ``+; Nearly than rgdsrra sghosa. meads, '•• ,(yam-4:. 1 E all O 9 ..e ,,. •a• ti _ _ ..•r' .a j !� 1., 23, igheeentls Sraet. .New _ - i •sft..e � ;- +Pyr - over the world arrived. to hoard" toe - S d y M N b S A r S � n 1�r „ s ; ti t� are confused. Address her at Bo: procC8iional- train to Windsor- Cas- S O 1 At 3 "�� •,;a;.� r,.t,r,� Toronto,--0nt. tle. And as I listened to the sol ♦ t?'i'` _. _ : emu..-beautiful music froin. the_ `r various bands, and also to 'the re- O 3 b A d 5 3 3 t'sta'dine • ' j ��r - . _ � r+ i o s �1 n �. � Golden Words spectful and sympathetic tout- ' mentar) f r o t the B g C 1 n t r t a :) b S t l •Tarr Tin 2 0 ��//''���� -���_�-'1Emnaelcoi 4i-�oblrt Writs 75f - ' �4 �u• l+i ..I think that anions all the, imagined the lonely D o w a g'c r 3 N r b 3 . $ 7 N 11 S _ blessings which we may count .to-. Queen also lisstening to the sante NiI n 1 i -Ir 0 d _ ' day, the-chief one is that we are a broadcast. A Quceti .'-tv;,o`. ni4 1 i 1 N d C ISSUE 10 - 1952 A gay little shell pocket in easy friendly people. known 'much surrot.:' as husbanri crochet holds a wish clothl Motif ••-We do, 'rot 'all think alike, of and son,, each in turn lea; pas�cd ta4n be- heavy cotton for decorate course. �<`e are such .a Targe family awtf�, until now in "the E,crsbn of ing terry towels, light for linen of nations that this would W her grand-drughter,' she see, a-- "Rake e�.� C .�tr hand towels. ;__ ditiicult. We each have our own- ,..queen reign in their stead 111is +.a CrHUSESREAD Washcloth pocket for towel: Pat• ideas, but we have come to learn As L listened to the bruadrs<t leen B549 has_ crochet directions that diff-erences.'of.opinioir are not_ 'I•kne« that 'Partnec-ilso �%otld be - - ldSl�y*' Spelf>fify with for -holder plus. matching -edging. th_e same as quarrels., ... _ , listening to' it : fxom .his radio .at S !d 1 Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS "I wonder if we realise fust how the `Warty: the= ' hile lie- rnit'ked the - �' t St' " new Fa DRY Y --fa coins (stamps cannot be accept- pr'ecious this spirit of friendliness cows, And Bob would-.be -listening,. .• _ - ed) for 'this:pattern to Bax 1, 123 and kindness is. as he drone 40 ille m 'his car. Eighteenth St., New Toronto, Ont r,1'a are liting'in'an-aRc which Phos wotihl., it ' 11 across Can= ait"�`'r• i ..Print plainly. PATTERN NUJA is often hard and cruel, old +f_there• .`-ads. people'•in high places, and- in . -,9 ♦, � r '�!M`'' igER,' -your NAME and AD- � is'•anythirrg that we can offer the the humbler walks of life, all lis- ' (DRESS. world today, perhaps it is the tening : and' waiting anti , Such . a colorful roundupof example 'of =tolerance and under listening again, ;as the .!ting ass t handiwork ideast Send-twemty-five standing. that runs like- a golden borne to his' last, resting place- in cents now -for our Laura Wheeler thread through . the .great and.. -. the 'hyi4oric crypt, to Ge - wttn h s Needlecraft Catalog. Choose your diverse family of the -British Com- other great monarchs whz�hav patterns from. our gaily. illustrated, nyonwealth.of Nations." lived and died . , . even as kings toys, dolls: household and personal. _From the Ring's last message must live and die. ' Eut surcl_v -: <' l' accessories. A Free Pattern for a jp his people, ,Christmas, 1931. among* them 'was none `so deserv- " - -,handbag is tinted 'in the bookl ing of the fitting' tribute ice now hear so often in 'connection with our late- -",uvere' : "Etc ,was 2. f. Eating car . 2e, Pardon Opd king an a good 'uta " • New 'bread'and !run treats are • CROSSWORD 10' Arrow poison 30. Storms f f Fl D 'S Y ' g d ' 1T. old- 20. Storms btra Aird so as I gay, ,I, began w'rnirig, - a neat to make-with t new 14. Scarcer 82. impertl�,ent -• this Column while the original O!M O eiSChma eaS[I PUZZLE 16. tatter ears (dtal.i 19. scatter 18. Suspends broadcast was in progress, even 'as -Never a worry about yeast cakes 21. E=ternal 85 Circular sailors piped strength . 20: w ild plum a4. weapons a to their Admiral on t and 1 ACROSS 2. Blusters 23. attests of lndlcator boars Viand bagpipese1follotvedawith that Dry Yeast keeps 1. Sphere- " "8. Feast _ glass 8'6. Pisbover W' L. Small bottle, 4. Suppllcatton• 24. Uonceyed 88. Term o1 tl e I g,tland La_ ent. -_I wrote it ifrt3l strsn tbaad fast-seting �- y It nt g s. Through 6. Grass legally ' addreen then because only at the time can right in yotu copboird. Geta 'seh - , (prefix) S. Frozen water 25. Native metap -.9. Teamster-, ► �: t2. Genuaor .,q, Preposition 27. Considerable command one fully appreciate the pathos month's supply. i - ssraases e. Lunged number 41. Proceed and' pageantry of 'such are historic ` •.�., er♦ it. Admonishing ls. Unfeigned 1 5. 7 s t ceremony. Too soon the affairs of 17. Hindu queen the day 'intrude upon our fleeting 48. Young plseon CH EESEIREAD ---. -: ' .19, Long tirade t l4 greater moments., sa short, blunt - At -11, -o'clock' that same morn-' 0 Scald 3c,'milk ` pfeces ( , % a granulated sifted bread flour. Knead on lLtiaerent ing, in company with hundreds of sugar, I% tbs. salt and 4 the. lightly-floured board until smooth t tI2. Dress St. Having less- adulteration es: other towns, cities and villages. • shortening; cool to lukewarm. • and elastic. Place in greased bowl _ r adulteration there was a Nfemoriil service' in - Meanwhile,. measure into'a large and grease top of dough. Cover 14. Perform • one of our focal churches, with a bowl 3s c. lukewarm water, 1 tap. and let rise until doubled in bulk. • tee. Worthless. _ leavtr�ag-•': minister taking--part from the An- granulated sugar; stir until sugar, Punch down dough; turn out on 27. Glutted 2s. Evergreen tree glican, United and Presbyterian is dissolved. Sprinkle with 1 en- lightly-floured board and divide no: Plural nenatns Churches. It was a very solemn velope Fleischmann's Fast Rising into 4 equal' portions. Cover il. Be defeat'd and beautiful service and was welt Dry Yeast.: Let stand 10 mins., lightly with a cloth and Set teat - -. is: IR►tusicai attended:.. In his -eulogy the minis- 'THEN siir. well: for 1S mins.-Divide each portion instruments ter gave a brief resume of the Stir in cooled milk mixtura'Stif of dough Into-S parts-,-knead and - 24. Proverbs life-o£ Ki 34. City In Norte reg George.•.b'tinging back in +c. once-sifted bread flour; beat shape into smooth bails. Place Dakota -with a• rotary beater until the 3 balls in each of 4 greased loaf i. ' aT olPti stets art batter is smooth. 'Cover and. set ' pans (4/" x 8%'): Grease tops as voing down n in a w arm place, free front and, sprinkle_oach loaf witif � c: 40. Knead ..1�d4 aught. Let rise until doubled shredded cheese. Cover and let 42. Encitsh latter, 41.'Craf mea OEYOUR. tri bulk. Work in 2 c, lightly rise until doubled in bulk. Bake •u. Dutch packed f i el;'-i lLredded old in moderately hot oven, 375% 45- commune ! cheese and(75 -c. (about) once- S(} mine: - DOWN - - i. aodda n of sanest Mswer Elsewhere on This Page - CLEAR SKIES'AN COOLER'' . ,• " ' • ,.__--- -..-_.___ .,.. ___ � ate...,. ..V.All Magic -_ -- The poetry 'of earth, ofcourse. is b be found in 4very created -thing: - - Our spirits, -when they're tuned to e right pitch of primal astonish. nt and -delight, discover enchant= ment in any Suri -warmed rock; any whisking.. October oak leaf, and shimmering drop of rain on the •.nearest blade of dooryard grass. I, .The creation is oae.dontirtuous and inexhaustible glory; this garden is all magic • Still,..we're likely,;..most . of us. to grow "a little dulled, from , a sort of fatigue of fatiiiliarity. -We _ forget to be feeling the sunlight on no. We don't• hear any mor -!-all- the, astonishing ' Mile ' earth - musics, such as, say, crickets' . 4 Whatever else' we- may negiect' -to notice, we are .pretty sure to be struck and stirred by the tumhling, spring- bursting "conkerr-eel" .of red -winged blackhitds in an -April" marsh, the honking clatter of wild geese in their autumnal passing The speed,. the. aerial expertness of birds is, of course, one of the 31ieiley'a Fellow°- Hollywood ac first "'things about ,them to enchant close to her fiance, Italian. actor na. We stand on an autuMn hilltop arrive at New York's Idlewild --and watch the migrant hawks flash movie star says they will- wed i by, or we see swallows skimming across 'the- farm 'lands almost like enou ;_-darts bf -light.-a are caught up, in empathy, in the go arrowing along at . sixty-five. If. bird's world of rush and buoyance. the 'guesses -of some nineteenth= _ .. _... How fast. -really, do these winged century animalizers. wire right, brothers of ours go, up in their back in' the -days when -there were world of air and sunlight and the. -still passenger pigeons thronging whistling wind? the American sky, those ,may have - Most of the commoner ' small been able to fly even- more swiftly, birds have a Hying speed of about. The, wild geese?They are- shit forty-five or fifty miles per hour. to touch seventy; and that's about -:-'(They often go much. more slowly, the record speed, too, for ducks. - of course; we're speaking of maxi- Reprinted from "This Fascinating ' mums. Eves an pigeons can Animal %%orld,"an e_v e. t _ TARLE . T s = lata. Ar 4nue s - A -friend of 'm'ine was saying the. from' heat; stir- in-+ chocolate, van -3 l' other day' that most of the cake ilia, and Jraisins.. Cool_.. Fills .and. recipes An. this column lately had frosts' Birthday Chocolate Cake or been of the simple, easy -to -make an 8 -inch layer cake. '•' variety. I told her that it was done' purposely as I know bow busy FLUFFY WHITE .CAKE itrost of my readers - are. and how 21%4 cups sifted flour ...�T _ ; °little time they have for- "fancy" 3 teaspoons balling powder cooking. '� teaspoon salt .: Still, there are occasions such as- V4 cup shortening .77 parties, -anniversaries and to on, % teaspoon vatfilla flavoring when something extra -special seems.. % teaspoons shoond flavoring = to be. called for. • So here you are,. 1% cups sug"'..` folks -cakes that you can serve 34 clap mm- - - with full confidence that they will nf! cup wat= ' - please even the mopt_ Aiscriminat- AA cUO egg vildW (about 4) -fig Litre the bottoms of .two 8 -inch -' ]BIRTHDAY CHOCOLATE layer Cake pins 'with waxed• paper.. CAKE Set oven far moderate. 350 degre.: 2 squares unsweetened I F. Sift together flour, baking pow' chveolste der, and salt: once boiling Beat shortening until creamy.. 1% cups sifted cake floc; Stir in vanilla and almond flavor- _ ings. Beat in sugar gradually and 1 teaspoon soda continue beating until• light and %k• 1 teaspoon halting powder . fluffy. Combine milk and water: :3/ teassalt Add sifted'dry ingredients to .sugar sly teaspoons cinnamon - mixture alternately with milk mix - 54. cup shortening time in this way: Add one-third of 1 teaspoon vanilla flavoring cuF sugar dry ingredients, then half the liquid: _ . cup buttermilk '' repeat; end with dry ingredients. ' 'Beat only enough to blend thor= %oughly' after•each addition. - Line the, bottoms of two 1 -pound Whip egg whites until stiff with toffee cans with waxed paper- a rotary beater or electric mixer. Set oven for moderately low, 325 Gently fold into the flour mixture. degree F. Melt chocolate in a Pour into lined pans. double boiler over -bot water. Then Bake 30 of 35 minutes- or ' until add water "and stir until smooth. a -cake tester inserted in the .center Cool- to zoom temperature. Siff te-= <otnes-out - elea�t. Cool cakes in gether • flour, soda, baking powder, ..pans of) wire racks 5 minutes. Loos- . salt anti cinnamon, en around edges, turn:. out onto Beat shortening until_ creasly. racks; and peel off paper, Cool. - .Stir in flavoring. Beat in sugar Then split each .layer horizontally gradually and continue beating un- into two layers. Put layers together - --til light 'and fluffy. Add eggs, one with Strawberry Jam. Frost top at a time beat thoroughly after and side; _with -Cream Cheese. Frost- - _, ~-each. Stir in 'chocolate mixture. Add, ing• dry ingredients to egg mixture al- CREAM CHEESE FROSTING ternatefy with` buttermilk 'in this I 3 -dunce pickage cream - .way: -Add •one-third...of dry ingre- `' - cheese ' dients, then half the buttermilk; 2 tablapooaa milk' repeat; end with dry ingredients. teaspoon- almond flavorings Beat only enough to blend; thor- 3t/ cups, sifted confectioners' Toughly after each ,addition. Pour. sugar. _ into' lined cans. Few grains salt Bake 40 to, 45 minutes or. until Put cheese, in, a medium-size bowl cake tester' iflserfed in the enter and mash with a wooden spoon or ` comes out clean. Cool in cans on electric -mixer. Add milk, salt, and " 'wire racks for 5 minutes. Loosen ` almond flavoring and beat until around edges, turn out onto racks. -smooth and creamy: Add sugar and peel off paper. Cool. Then -split gradually, ebntinue. beating. vigor- -each cake horizontally _into. two . ously until smooth. If, frosting is • layers. Fill and frost layers. with too stiff to spread,. add a few more :Chocolate Raisin Frosting. drops of milk. .Frosts •'top and sides CHOCOLATE RAISIN of one 8 -inch layer cake. _. FROSTING P.$_ -If a tinted frosting is, de- ' :1 cup augar siied, stir in a few drops of food 3 tablespoons butter coloring, after all the sugar , has ?/4 cup milk _ been. added.. 1 egg, slightly beaten • a . _. 4 squares unsweetened CARAMEL PARTY CAKE chogolate, melted _ i J cups milli, scalded` i i teaspoon vanilla flavoring cap chopped raisins 1 cup sugar" 3 cups sifted cake.. flour_ - -Cook sugar, butter, and milk tit 4 teaspoons baking powder - top of double boiler. ober boiling aJ/4 teaspoon salt water until sugar dissolves. Stir in 3/4 cup shortening ' -•.g and blend thoroughly. Reprove .- I cup shortening - - r ,Like To -Book Your- =Passage- To The Moon? Are you thinking of emigrating?. • organised by the Society at -Caxton - c Is your eye on Australia? Or Hall, Westminister. - %� South America? Or maybe it's Here they met delegates froal• Africa? interplangtary.aoCieties in, fourtees Well, I don't' make- a hasty' deci- different countries - for Britain, Sion: If you wait a mere 50 years though she was -one of the 'fiii;4 ` or so, your choice may -not be is, not, the. only country that is limited to these countries, or, in- - reaching for the moon. deed, to any country on earth. The -Societ ' y'a < `.'Journal," pub- . • By the end of the century it may lisped monthly, caters for bola be possible to emigrate to Jupiter, kinds of members., - - • - � Saturn, Mars, or even the Moon. "Far Too Risky" This is the hope, if not yet the plan,• of- the British Interplanetary- • -Mental stimulation is prfovid4 , Society, whose members claim~ • for Fellows iiiarticles with titles , with the customary caution of like "A Note on the, Use of Dim. , scientists, that within ' 30- to- 50 ensionless_ .Parameters in . Astron- years they will -have made. the first antics"; but less technically -minded trip- to the mood. readers can skip that and tura < •But it's no use trying, through 'straight 'to the Notes and News • the Society; 4o book. your Waage. column. tress Shelley Winters'- snuggles'up '"- you would probably be. suspected _ Here they can, learn that at tlse, Vittorio Gassman,' as the couple of facetttousness, which is some-" "Fifty Years of n, Flying" ,exhibitio7' Airport. The tempestuous blonde thing the Society does not encour- held at Hendon in July, the ex- n April "if things work smoothly age. _ Lord Mayor of'Londen volunteer- ;h olunteer gh It is very sensitive to ,the fact ed to go to' the moon -but on the _ that most people -still regard space= second trip and that six -boy` -be- journeys to 4 moon the s of seven ands 1. cup sugar as strip -cartoon and film subjects twelye,_11iterviewed by a Society - 4 eggs -entertaining, but hardly' to be. official -about their 'willingness "W "' ";• Heat milk in -double- boiler over 'taken aeribusly.' go, said they -were not very -keen } boiling water.. While milk heats, _ on the idea because they thought is , put 1 cup of the sugar in a heavy Like Tibet it would be "far too risky." skillet. Place over low' heat..- Stir `This is 'an idea it wants to cor- _ > constantlyuntil .golden brown and rect Y Y y..y sugar is dissolved. Stir ver slowly The 360 -Fellows" -of the Society >' into hot .milk and continue -t Hokin g • '-inerribers-'with .high scientific or • �"` R'`'� � ,,�;; .1" until it dissolves again, . stirring e n g i -n e e r i -n g__- qualifications - occasionally, Measure. Add addi- enuin a trave - tlona milk if necessary to make is, not-onl-y_poasible but probable -- 13S cups-- Coal;, to room; tempera and -soon.iT lure.- .Many of -them, working for .the Line bottoms of Two 9 -inch layer Government _ on rocket. research, ` } .cake pans with waxed paper. are satRfie4 that even with. the . ' , ,•' `materiili the ' Se_t. oven for wrtiderately hot,.. y ,already have it ;; - '`" • -, _ 375 degree f . Sift together flour, would be possible to- send an ex- edition to XIarS. (iAtre the t' baking powder and salt. - p Beat shortening .until- creamy' climate is believed to be like that Beat in the second. cup, of- sogas' . -of Tibet): f gradually and continue beating = The only knowledge they still H _ until' ligbt• and fluffy. Add eggs, lack is how best to assemble those one at a time, and beat thoroughly materials into 'a spaceship. Tt- isr after' each: Add sifted dry ingre- this problem, say l the Society's dients to egg mixture alternately chairman, Mr.A_ C_. Clarke; that _witl• . milk mixture in this- way. As holding things tip and may >fo'- Add one*third of dr3 ingredients, -so for several years to co e.& then' half the fi vid: -repeat. end "After all' he - . with . div i . all," Points out, "it ngrcdients. Beat .only- took five years and ie10 million to -!'Pardon me, but could you span enough to blend , thoroughly after Ret th! Eirabazon into the air, and twenty-five cents for it cup -of each addition. Flour into lined pans. _ this proWern .is 100 times more - "' Bake25 to X30. minutes or until difficult" - cofFee? a rake tester inserted in .the cen-. Met and Argued ' ter comes out clean, Cool -in pans The British Interplanetary. SAFE on " hire" racks .for S mipures• Society was founded in 1933 -ten- - — - Loosen around edges, turn out, _ Peoeees r•ur 9Wt.A zsW awed r,e._ onto raga, an +t prri off paper.' years: before the first rocket utas - nal and THIZV tB {y a ►as a size invented., and when the idea of -ass Slat of sats. or Cabtart. ler w Cool. Fill and frost with Caramel - eaevoaa- visit seer write fer.srled T visiting.. the _moon .,only existed in -- w.. a p,�; w, _ Setcr,-,�linurc f ruling. the minds of im4nitive novelists. CARAMEL SEVEN -MINUTE ' 1'et M�. P. E. Cleator, a young J.be.l.TAYLDR. UMITEO. FROSTING .' engineer living in Cheshire,. man, ' .1% cups brown sugar - ed to And about 106 men .like � . TORONTO SAFE WORKS �... 2 teaspoons Light corn syrup - self,.who-believed fervently enough tis tipi,n:,ei , ores .r• Few, grains sap in' rote*planetary travel to -form •a - 4 egg whites ' .,� cup water society. "2 teas In those days, recalls 'air: Clarke. T ' rind grated, orange was was' an- early entbusiast. all HARNESS a COLLARS -that the -members did teas to meet Combine . the first five.. ingrcdi- and argue. Formers Attention-Consvft your n•or. ents in the op of a 2 -quart double -During the wear the Society went est Hars•ss'Shop about Staco Harness boiler. Place over boiling .water. into..•temtiorar'y' retirement, though Supplies.. We sell our ''goods only i. and `beat with a' rotary beater or the members continued to argue through your local staco loathe .electric mixer until mixture holds by post. In 1946, they re-formed- goods dealer. 'Th• goods gq_-right its shags about 7 minutes. Fold the Society and, because the war and w ori ow prices. W monufoa r ' A In, orange rind. Fills and frosts had. made • everyone rocket -eon- - turnIn our foetorkis, Harness Morse rocket -eon - one 9 -inch layer cake.scions, new members were not, - Collars, 'Sweat Pod's. "arse Blanks% hard to find. and leather Travolling'Goods. braise on Five Killed By For a a year e 1.1•r9 "la sof shunt $5� Stace brand Trade -marked Goods -and {t those' %%ith no "lay members- you got satisfaction. Mode onl = ? . Swarms Of Bees" particular scientific . , y by. _J knowledge --can go to the monthly SAMUEL TREES CO. LTD. - No bne will deny the usefulness meetings and attend lecture's, exhi- of bees.,Nfost bees are well behav- bitions and film shows which keep •.44 Wellington St. E., Toronto ed and go 'about their lawful bus- them up-io-date with the latest _ Write for Catalogue i mess -as a rule. But those of developments ,in engineering and, Southern .Rhodesia sometimes get_ astronomy. out oF- and. Recently they invaded Many of .them' went, last Septem- a home for old people near Salis- ber, ;to the three-day Second later-. , Flury, the capital, and five of the national Congress on Astronautics -. inmates were stung to death. This, (the 'first was. in Paris in 1950); '�/fV� '��� sad event recalls the adventure of Iles .-.'.Itch another resident in the home, t' J Was Nearly Crary ' :He was walking on a suamy'day- . VnIH I discovered Dr. D. Dr Deaais' ameniap_ in the suburbs•of-Cape' Town'under y fast relief — D, D. D. PrescriPtlan. wolfs popular, this pure, cooling, liquid medication some overhanging branches of speeds ace and comfort from truer itching ..trees. 'Sirddetil SEo1CtN tablets token aeeordisg to caused peace eczema, Dim ]ex. rasbes, athlete's y,' without a sound directions,is a soh way M indue• sleep foot and other tech troubles. Trial bottle, sitz of warning,his arms shoulders, Greaseless. First use soothes, checks raw red - or quiet the nerves when tens•.'=1.00 itch or money back. Ark druggist for D. -D. D and then his' head were 'black with _ Dru Meresonl orSedicin Torento2. Prescription lordlaary or extra strength). bees. There was not a soul in sight. --Her-went on walking -at a slow t pace. The nearest habitation teas a : small tavern, He decided to walk SORE THROAT • into Ole. bar. • ;. On catching sight. of him, the - barman .and thethree customers % �„ 1 , Don't suffer vaulted over the bar and disappear- / from common• • • '• sore throat, when ed quickly. In his 'own• words, the you. Ceti do some. "just waited for. -some. yy tltia about it... Rub < thing to tarn up." Then, after what. In I+rlinard's seemed an age, fie heard a. voice g from behind him say, "Stand quite cel i Lppippniment - get s �- still." Steadily, smoke surrounded L sup relieyf- oda-today! ' ; G� -' "i in, and the bees left a silently'is they_ had. come,. The' bee -Irian said later that the queen bee had first settled. -on him, and aH• the others followed. A wo- man again.' His coolness saved his [MANy life, - - for -if he -had- -attempted -eta - - "KING OF PAIN" brush them off he would have been stung to death. ' .' .. ... • _ .. _ _ • tib. _ —- - - - - - �Ph a ne-_-_ :-. -5.-=-C' -kek- A 28 �cn . +int. g .. `: - • In -The - 6roceterea _ � :. _ � : • :'� : ..In The• - • _ : -- ' ' - - ,�. _ _ e China Dept.- r� Q TEA POTS — 2 e TOMATO-JUICEF - "CLARK'S" FANCY 20 or.'tin - two for .: �+9c . d1 d Cup -. Prioed VASES -- SUITABLE FOR GIFTS 18:96 and 16.00 ,FANCY DEW DROP +PEAS — b'AYLMER" , — Special Value, 30 oz, � 1 C �:` `"`" ` . ,: ,. FINE ASSORTMENT' O CHINA - ` PICKLES — `rSt PREME' -- $ped ld *aloe, to or. „r 2 - - • . _ _ SWEEP MIX T � 9C - 9Ii1TAFBLR FOR BUCHBE and -BRIDGE PRIZES ..._ .. APPLE SAUCE - - _ -- 'STOHELEY'S — 'FANCY - Two For _.:_... 27C T17E;[bI. TO REPLACE_THAj - :. BROKEN DINNER SERVICE; - �. GRAFT DINNER _ Regular Siie7. - - 31c -SETS OF FINE ENGLISH BONE CHINAi - - - KETCHUP.-- _CR4SSE.and BLACKR'IsII,L Spools]. - _ 88 piece, 88 pr, 86 pc., SETS — ss,9a, 84,96, 136.96, 81sP6 • , •SAL11iON -- `rCROSSE and BLACSWELL" Fancy Piald ,....:...,.: 47C A1TTRaG*!'IVE SALT -sad PEPi"EB $gAKT•7R,g - 2{k; 86c,, a.80 - 'FINE ASSORTMENT OF EG CHINA. CO - - 1 - M SAUCERS, 86e. TTREVHITBY �nsh 's Har�Wase h'9 .:: . ROC_ PHUN E 6-18 w�ls'r sui,. - :: BEATTY ELECTRIC RANGES 01 Mi Y bto� •.ton B.ad SCAR: Phoae z THZJRSDAY, FRIDAY - -SATURDAY - MARCH 3, 7, S. BEAT fY ELECTRfG WASHERS - Eseaing Shows'At 7:00 and 9.00 P. M. Saturday Matinee At 1.90 :. SATURDAY EV&VING SHOW STARTS AT 6.00 P. M. RANGi:TTES AND TD':RDAY, FRI., SATURDAY MARCg __.-.. _.. — a, 7 aid's, .. ere - . . ` -- -STARRING. - BIING CROSBY and JANE WYMAN - _ i -H Paints and Ge ,eral Hardware _ :Dallas `- - PLUS SHORT SUBJECTS MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY - MARCH 10, 11, 12, - 'Last PHONE 46 PICKERING INTEL-MCOLOUR ' - - Jhesdag Shama At 7.00 P. M. Ownplete Show At SAO P. M. _ _ • - IA k —' GARY COOPTR and RUTH ROMAN ' DOUBLE FEATURE PROGRAM t - _ -'Close to My_ -Heart Shirkey had a narrow escape Turpin s • aw_ on -Friday while walking home from -dick - • -, •. STARRING - RAY Mll,"ND and GME TIERNKt- the bus stop bete. A fast-moving _' ` -•PLUS - iN COWUR ear struck his elbow - as it went by- WITH — LOINS HAI -WARD and PATRICIA MEDINA ,• _ • �:.. _. ..'.. :. - , - him and continued Pn north. He was _ . 1 - - Island not knocked down, ' but bore tha ' •'-Hurricane .. bruise of the knock forAseveral days. - 'W'ITH - JON HALL and MARIE %INDSOR _ _ PLUS =�'£WS At the Annual Worid D of Pray, M D 11 •I _ - XONDA TL'ES. ,WEDNESDAY -- �S.4RCIl 10, a, _. _ -FOX ' er held ;on Friday, in the Baptist - _.. _ ... . _.... _ Church, Mss. E. Ward andrgs H, t . - ... KEXT ATTRACTION Johnson led in the res once ram. - Fax _-- Mrs, Middleton gave the- address. on seer .� _ Ta41 In the Saddle _ : "what the- collections ,used -for aRr•@ - - - - � - • - = - WII�i . JOB WA NE and ELLA RAI`Ea and the benefits 'derived from the *YTH--•JAM.ES :MASON and -JESSICA TAN'DY same in the �ieedy-.countries where - - the money is sent." Mesdames Burr' ell, Howard, Dickinson, Conner and Wednesda - Hutchings, led to prayer. Mrs,. ,Dick. - sh' : �,. NEWS inson and -Mrs. Lehman took up tie. offexing which- was sent u> Toronto. _ _ 5"IARRl\G—'HAI2ULD LLOYD l Pupils of the local public .school - Junior oin, wither their teacher,. o'.took _ .. - see the new Co=Up F3lackht6wk tractor. driten - M iss ,C part- in the Kiwanis THEATRE POLICY % Manare spre,&der Ort display_ at Claremont Co -Up: Festival in Toronto, on Friday. They did well, getting mark near- 80 .. ' Boz Office, Opens Evenings - 6.30 P lil. Saturdays and •lioiidays - - - _ 'ew .a rce t, b lair lost t o Pe n but ou .t an sod P. M. s Saturdays an -Matinee rd s d Holidays 1.8. p 11l. are g6UOn expec" the Co -00 BlaCjh'wk older group. Congratulations.We FLOODLIGHT PARIiNG �bar sicilr, delivery Aake- - , . - - AUdley 'MAKE'PARKING A PLEASURE WITH OUR - ATTENDANTS, AT } ALL, TIMES Ask about" our trade-in allowance' -on• -electric Refrigerators. W'H. 'Westney had the inisfor 7 tune to severely scald his foot while +. 38 COLLECT. WE iiFILIVER. working -in his dairy baro'recently. .PHONE He will be: laid up•for 'a few* days. LAR�IVION T CO-OPERATIVE Three fire engines turned out to 1 combat the -blaze when the barn on �= nay woodpile. How .the fire got BINGO s�� is a mystery.' Some hint N � O J4101M. 33. CLA MikoNT t Ron Cox Property caught fire Friday that it was the work of a tramp who•Ua6 -.. _ - .• ... - on last, about six o'clock in the evening. icon was- at work seen along the road borth on that /� Mar. 14 Claremont _ Mi. and Mips• Sam Chambers. en- tertained friends from .Stouifville ' C1a'rem011jLt at the Motors and'Mrs, Cox was alone •I when the . outbreak occurred. But the fire far •en- day �d the preceding dgy.,,The,loss `which included about $150 worth of lumbea and baled • hay and a few • Commune ,H ' a7 a++ Sunday..' was: so gone that•the aka ' • 9n . _, _[Miss ]Mary McDonald avid Mr. nes could oil Ei u e y put out fire re in th in a hotwader brooder, was partially covered by insurance, ode Auspices UnderPark of Hb�atd Scott, of Toronto, spent•Sunday with . _ GOOD I PR ZES We, are glad to, report DonaldVVi1= ' 'imp- sir. and Mrs. Ed. Lewis, son, Cedar Creek Scraol, much coved aftzr his : erioi s 'llness in' tEr; ;tar• and Mrs. Sam Taylor, and the y Torgnto hospital last week. Mr, Bandy Forsyth Stouffville ' family spent Sunday with his bro- ther a ti xbri t dge, 'Mr. ]Tarr ( , i�� a - nu to , . r ' ._; ? On1Tesral "will take over the farm being -vac- ' y Porter has been- off -several d� f' sled soon by Mr, Sam-Rezman, asst duty for dacs x•ith the flu.' Mr. and hers. -�� of the village. K.-Steckiey enter - John Badgerovr has again to ..the flu bug, and has twined, 41r.; and :IVIrs. Lloyd -Mason, of Stouffville on Sunday,_auceturibed ,, ,�- %_e•reAin' r7Mr. t iV o Such The M. S. will meet on ]larch � ' - been,elf work •several days, ,Mrs, :Myrtle Brown is convalescing -N, 13, in the Sunday School `room 'of • the 1,nited Church. Owing ✓r � ,�. � r • z% s Thing s _ a Free L � n �: � . At •a dome -in this. vicinity. She nas to the absence of *Mrs. Tomlinson, '31rs, _ / .a i bolsi 111 for some time. -�► - • Di, 'and Mrs, Tomlinson and 'Mr. How and has made . lana for the p liissioria . Study Book. The tw_o = • Maaiy,' man y Years ago there' — lived a king who wanted to know _ - the king shouted that he granted' There ant "ao .nich -thin - itnd Mrs.;Robt. McLeod are all back from a nice holiday in the South. - .y deldgates• to thg• Oshawa Presby--- _. .,.,.,something -- ng about economics. a _short explanation and ordered• free lunch half of the wise men beheaded. Trus the ki leap Zoe .Joe Morley, RCAF, stationed at is kt here concales= loris] will' give. their reports. �[ ne Goodfellowship Class will ,be Cl He called in all the avise men in his People were rich or poor And- a e� The others' went , away again. .in . economics ag .Since a - a ern .After. many: more years they • re- ment's 'money lis not its Quebec,- home bg after' en attack of measles'. meeting a the home the Seers- t prepare a short explanation which would tell him all about economics, ca•= ; turned. Their explanation of eco- comes from its' people, no govern- n- nomics stili filled fifty large went Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hooey and the tary,. Mrs, George. DeRusha, March - 11th. Roll Call will be a Scriptural He knew in a v ague sort of way that economics do can give its people ;ac volumes. Again -the- king was thing -for nothing. entry. �artslly, 'bf Woodville, spent 'Sunday with W. and Mrs. Don Hedges, Verse on.•„Soul. ”' All -welcome. tial to with the' Taws ,that controlled whether This time he beheaded all • • • 'but the- 'oldest and, wisest wise This is one cf a series of brief lir, Everett Hammond, King City', 'his At the 'regular V. A. meeting last Thursday, F. Carsob's _}cis people wer. Erich or an P� d whether they ,gould get the things _' - _ ; man, articles bringing you facts of This wise man went away and community interest abpuD.. Johns f ~ , client last Friday visiting at bonne in Claremont. _Mrs.,_• _ Group were' in charge of the grog- they wanted• Stip- he needed that returned in fixe more years. He Manville or about conditions ' put in words short enough so thdt " affecting our xatacnal i was emptyhan'fled... g t y r Home" people. 'years"Wh h ewise - _ econoan advanced t'raininge examinaltion of lice 1`ewrahtp Film Board 1. a. week. evident in the -h -hymns and scriptures. Mrs. Cars ne spoke on therespons ' sibility of the in training Alter a..4teat'namber of y e m n returned, They had with them- 500 ' boolts they hat! ` my explanation of economics?" a king demanded. + "I crave It here, Your majesty,• � � f • Results not available yet. parents written on economics. Ia a •rsp the wise man said. "it is ' Mr, Melvin Johnson has been laid- the family." .Mrs. T. Gregg' played- this: _ _ •._- 1 �' ' ftp during the Past week with flu, a .piano solo. Advance plans for the Bazaar November 11, din- >) on were R . . •.i,.r .r . - ' A '.a.:'V•-' _._ _ _ .•' . -...-._w _: ,. ., .. .,w _...L.-..,......n...csd• - . Y. k.0.,. •'6:. _ —w-� _... -.._. _ a.i .. .. .. dl.._.SS� 1 .. �.' d-..w�_,'. _..-�:.