HomeMy WebLinkAboutPN1939_01_13 .•.
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;7TA7s;**tanal GREEN RIVER
�e QtGroup No. 3 of 'the Green River R,
_ The. L O. O. F. are holding a Ladies' Aid will hold a Skating ,MILLS
DR. H. O. PEARSON-Physician „ Euchre and Dance in the Hall here
hodSwgeoe, Dttnbatton. lett' Uar trucks pass your way Party in .Markham Rink, on the 1886--1936 .
r-g ag. on Friday, Jan. 20th. :
&B. FORSYTH. OOppIL D., Director welcome. Ad=,. Lunch provide J-an. '18th.
OPtome'ricel Association of ononto Hag. COAL COBE. old and young put on your skates CHOPPING'
platre"Memberof tete American pptomatrka1. f ed. and enjoyan evening's skate.
•; ;Cla'.r n�o by aD°°i°tt°°°` • :wUOD, CEMENT, ----=-� - = _ _ Monday, Wednxsday and Friday
flseai8. BAND, GRAVEL,.
` _
Many people in this community Bran, Shorts and . Feed of all
DUIYALD RUDDY Barrister. soda have colds ootid some children have Pauls Anglican, Dumbarton, kinds, also minerals and. other
Abe SaWtor Notary PW)Uc. Mfy��,,��yyw Tuan. , Sunday, Jan. 15th. 2nd Sunday
sero' merlytolYgyied�y totlate A.S rbhs- BUILDERS SUPPLIES not returned to school since the eoncentrafes for profitable feeding
Klan.std Wing of Court Koreas.wiutry. 'Bay New Year. after Epiphany. Sunday School at
8160-local eartage Work The W. A. meeting which was 2 p. m• Evening Prayer at 3. kept on band
BEATON, BELL & ROSS Preacher at this service, Rev. E. We stock only the best Poultry
We have also plaeed in stock a full postponed on account of the Town. Y ryi
Earristcrs ff Solicitors GRobinson.
line of Maple Leaf lldilhng. " sship .P S. S. Convention, will have _--_ Feeds and Supplies.
i/,J,BEATON.K;C. Telephone . , their meeting on Thursday after ,
Cos Feeds. 8 Y GREENWOOD F'. Z. GREET d
'• g.BROOKE BELL,K.C. Adel,2s38 A. W. MITCHELL noon, Jan. 19. Group No. 1, will ` ,
D.F.ROSS have charge of this meeting. Word bliss Gertrude Garbett returned ♦ T 1
872 Bay St. for Roll Call "A New Year'sPIANO'i UNIN�L
HN L.POND Toronto Pick erin Ont " to Th .
$s . nought". � e e WW.. :Normal this weekA. met at the home of.
!'� a3. RICHARDSON do Co., Barris- Office phone 7400 Residence 8520 --+- Dsrs. F. L. Green on Wednesday. AND),;
•ten.So%ctton. Notaries etc.. Suite s,". Jan, '9th CoMcil Proeetidingo in
�or fife Bdtldia Masp Toronto St. toronto. our next issue. The Young People held a skat- All kinds of P epalr work
Tvhone Ad.1688: "dug Ph= 6613. 8tt ----__ _. __-- ing party on. Markham Rink ` on .
The Beal Store,Claremont 711 Tuning Guaranteed
�MGUS McMILLAN-Barrister: Sol- PgONB 924 BROUGHAM Wednesday. evening.
itor, Notary Public. 19 Melinda Street • ;
�.ttonto• Tekdhout Elgin 5403. 29tf
FURNITURE bliss Edith and Howard ormerod C. S. MBCDONALD
Mrs. Lemon is visiting Toronto visited Mr. and bars. Milton Orin 2g Close Ave., Toronto 1A �
toter+tat friends at preunt. erod at Cresswell recently. rot 1 -
u; We are dispiaving an attaactire - : roue Lakeside,1502,
L3 ERBTRT T. FALLAISE. L. D B.. variety of ' Mr. Frank Stephenson of George- The C° G. I. T. will meet in :'Orders taken at NEWS OfSes'
HE B .Graduate of the Royal cottage of Aluminum and Granitew"gQ Ste. town spent :New Year's - with hia the Sunday School room on 'Sat-
pdW S eonaand the Uni'vemty of Toronto. � Furniture and Furniture mother. urdy the 14th, with Miss Vanessa
i,r e second floor east of St. And- ---601 1Noveltiea,' The date set for the Con Walls in charge of the program FUEL
L �
pyt �Pie�erieg.Vast' ofsce b G7C+a2 Prices low, in keeping with tames. g
a.•as, 1a'e *7« m wvote a� P g tional Meeting of St.,John's is
The W. M. S. had a good att- �
nrvte•), Pbooe t•tCIC SIM Jan. 24th
endance at their meeting on Thuya
• RADIO SER the roads of snow and ice, which is. porta from the several depart- Builders' Supplies
A Graduate of -Radio College a talon to travellers. menta.
R. BEATON. TOWN-SHIP �tb Brougham W. M. S. will 'sponsor The Young People's Union will _
D. cfar+t. canoyaeter evs air fK Lumber and Lath
e .e a dt�s Aleartnts#t.'ste� a.tter of to-t}le-t31iL7flt6 training
its Anstual Amateur Dramatic Can- hold their meeting in the .church.
tatutiaa w+nitevt4e.o•t._ _ P- test on Friday, Feb. 3rd at S p. m. on Sunday evening Jan. 15th. A ,B. C. Shingles
E ai Mr. E. Holtbyhas not been so splendid topic will -be taken UP.A. E. Rlt}HARD..ON FINEST E"Q�tPl�N1 o i31ne Coal
for well this week, .we are sorry to as well as plenty of special mus-
' for ars improvement ic. Come out and encourage ih� Alberta Coal
REAL L$TATIr, Guaranteed Satisfaction soon. Young People in their good work. Domestic Coke
QNVEYrAI7CINd Rewt�bnable Prices The Mission Band will hold their _ .-Y1:4SALE Cement, Lime, P18istele
r. Za cid estabO kei s=treet',•ready Ted &W& Batteries always eat b od January meeting on Saturday, 1411
to'swve. __ - ._ ..._____ at 234 p. m. at the home of bars. maple Body wood '
Miss' Marion Stevenston of Osh-
lPicL sea S'Rdy MILLap- O. Wilson_ Agents for Lnnd Fence
Broutrbann. Ontario On account of the outbreak of awa Hospital has been .spending 8e p
48tt Pbooe;Mark. ION measles ar nong pupils, alias Jear some tial_. vrith her paralts here, an stat RoO1l1DR
. A A number from here are plann 3 M `
Malcolm is home this creek until -d
j,IQSlrt3&D AUCTION AND school re-aperttis. ing to attend the ' Sunday School -
VALUATOR D- A. � E E R Mr, and blrs. E- Crocker, .31is� Convention at Whitevale on Thurs- Cookshutt Implement@
18ales c•aducted Anywhere , .,.,t tet• McCluer and 31ra. Witter, of Tor- day fleeare Priem Belore Bq _
!'hone of write. Address 614 Dundas onto, spent Sunday with L. and Ur• andMrs• Ernest Davis, of
-'►- _ "•: t. Bast. Insurauoe' of All ]Kinds. Mrs. Bloomington, Mr. and Mrs. Daris
-were WILSON B RO SPWkkltby,' Ontario. Borden E. Middleton has return- and tt, of Al
Best Rates Available With
Mr. and MJ. McDonald•
ed from Kirkland Lake and gone Mrs. '1.00" IM9 onto
A ISecurit and Service. to O: A. C. at Guelph, to ,camp The Foursquare Class meets thin
At Claremont y Tuesday evening t the home of Phone lhfart 7806
tete his third year tertn. - .
The Y. P. [anion' newly elected Mrs. V. Parkin, with :31188 Eileen w.r• enT `
. _ off Strada were
_.vat- ClaremontmeC"hwe to 7. RR7FL, f .,C*AI,
. Erne2ft C Fetzer Address !Phone .P.trt::r1 1tr ch^vee or the rrceti: -
BROUGHAM PICK SIG y g Y Mr. and Mrs, Bob Sadler, Mr.
gra ty--Money reV�ei 0M/ duly installed as officers for. 1939, Mrs. Ralph Sadler and t I-1 Std. Wght. Asphalt Shinglelt
)Fim mortgage& Visitors from Toronto in the and Mrs. Williams and son, of •� per stp!h.
S-1 Hvy. R ght- Ashpbalt SbIngleg :2
LAWTEa I GtARDEN CROPS village on Sunday were: the' ;. J. Blaickstock.' were recent visitor: $6.65 per sqra
Brown family; at the Brown's; the with 112r, and 'Mrs. Wolf Sadler. All drat quality Toronto Atlp6alr
knew you WERE NEXT -will Pay] Profits E Crocker family-with-L and Mrs The Young People met at the Co. s. In -
home of.bliss. Alice Stell last Mon- ..Roofing Shrrtgte lots
it y� y if You Use Matthews. of 5 sere. or over. a,
evening. the
-you would hustle in after that In- NATURAL MINERAL There will be a Euchre and Dance day aveg' MI ; Muriel Be -�—•
Christian Fellowship Leader was
surance Protection we've been in WhAevale Hall, on Frida_yi Jan Prices subieet.tn change withodt 4
talking about 'hosphates �1 under the auspices of the.-I- charge Mr. 'Rush Miller; of Bron racers. �(
O. 0. F. Admission 25 cts.. Lunch gharn gave us some very helpful `
To increase.Yislds and Int rove y rS 1 Y : PICKERING
p Quality pro-, suggest ons, and a ve en o able . . . • ,p
I of all crops time was spent by all present.
CYRIL E. MORLEY The W. M. S. will at the _ ___ — •--- " LUMBER YARD
GHNERAL INSURANCE hors-'of stirs T. C. Bromm on Jan AUDLEY
Ow Motto—Service and Protection D. N. Lockwood 19th,.at 2.30 p, m; Hostesses - `, PHONE 3406
• • bars, O. Wilson, bars. Brown, Word
efioa Pickering Mills for Roll Cali — Mrs. Frei Cranford has been
M. to meeting. & f with n rn tem+floe.
• 1 _.PICKERING, ONT. alThef Sw1dayaSc':oo,, me. on Fri-
RUff • •.:
WE DELIVER Wlicn Mr. and Mrs. Bert.Harvey day evening last, and .elected their
w' " for New Year s, officers for the. year. GENTLY treat
they had the pleasure of-listening Back Hedge has returned from NA TURALLIe
to the program from England, byuelph where he "was taking one of
Modern Steel Bed Bob and Al and received the New ' •
the Short Courses in Agriculture,
Btautifully finishedin walnut R. G. ZIAWDENING Year's Greetings to Dad and blot- firs. Bromvt-ich returned to, her
.grain emartnel effect FUNERAL DIRECTOR ham' home in Brooklyn N. Y., after' >1 4
The large attendance'at church
t K
Each X110,75 —"— week's visit with her parents, J. 'C.
- Private Ambulance . and Sunday Sehool sen ices of late. and Mrs. Bryant.
Real comfort in a Mhtteess Day and Night Service have, been very .encouraging. S. Mrs, J.. C. Bryant has returned
with hundreds of coil springs. phone 96OG attendance is taxing the capacity from the hospital where she wider,
These are topped with layer ,Vf+lvern 5000 of the church. Twenty-five being 1131 went an operation. We hope, for
the Y. P. Class. Rev. J. E. Glov- _ /
felt aed upholstered in special -,chose for his text: ' Ex. 33-14 her continued recovery. ` S
Damask ticking.,X17.50. Markham, • Ont. er The Club had a successful meet-
My presence will go with 711ee ing on Monday evening at the home
Modern high riser, steel bed- and I•will give thee rest". of Mr. P. My Yeate. The large �1 ..y�►a pole'9 '
springs, cable wire with small The Y. P. debate an Friday eve' ` '
We Thank You sang brought out an interested Pres. roam was well filled, with M A N L A
belicalwat each tnd...47.75. Pres. R. P. Winters in the chair, }l
audience. The Affirmative of the and Miss Mary Neale as Secretary. '
Our many cus emer8 stn 01
w5d the After the business, was. over, the -
m b•-•52.25. meat of Personal Sympathy is, of !j'biepareparationi.Aldoreed
friends for our atron- genial arrrlounr ed that he had. ffis medical profaaloa
y p More Value in Charitable Work. as visitors, Madame Pengelly, of
than Gifts of Money„ was upheld Toronto, and Ms•. and Mrs Kold- 160CitlMin t9 eel erd!llWOn M
age In 1938 and wish b Miss L. McNee sand Mrs. A, Pm'e ��� �alttsd
)�R ilaMlaaeer )pal m ' Y ofsky, of the Symphonic Orrh- � ..�
all H8 d Wilson, of Broo4din. Messrs John estra Tke four gave some vocal tele �y the booft of
Ples�s Iia you aa Happy and and Hugh Gannon spoke for renditions, while the trios render '
Ar the Negative. Miss C. Harris, of tkf tf1 tilt act i ValOall w
Prosperous 1939. ed,( the tatter with Mr. � ) aids fa al•.orrectiel� fflltnl�
STIMRITT Brookiin and Miss Edna Green, of were of a high order. The music elimination-old aariaw. '
C. A.
-Greenwood gave a verdict in fav was a treat to all. A 'dance and tmsftg... '
ALVIN BUSHBT El of Brooklin
ew two points. Akin luncheon followed. Hearty votes of gales to yore childne
Funeral Director Ellicott, newly-elected
lected President thanks were-passed to Mr. Yeatea 711i�i . ••eta 'tea.
Furniture .Dealer
Hardware Tinsmith was in charge of the meeting. Mr•
talented mal tfoerel hthfta,:
. ptj4,}+ A.pp}'q.latrOri. t0 thp yc.
Roy O on, of Brx1chn, and artiste+, culla had brought so much �'
•Pkbrivat. - Ontario �PiaHERINGI Mr. Hug�Miller, of Rrme-am: gementa OWLtiSflal:�0•oa,isttif:Q4
enjoyment in music. Arran •
tired! dsM---} ; • I;1 I+`l� spoke briefly. Those in att�ldnce were a for the usasl Club A C. J01 Jim >DRD(i�/D
expressed themaslvee as being tnudl banquet. ;,-L;_ ' --.+_:.t�id I&.I.L PbW VIM N
pleased with the evening'.
Ontario's "Main Street" Looked Like This Prices In 1888 40c to 70c each; ducks 75c to 80el i
ens, 30c per pair. Butter
aWa sold at 25c, eggs at 20c to 25el p
Fowl and other delicacies were apples per bag brought 65c• beef
Parade a great deal cheaper fifty years b the p
ago than now. Turkeys ranged Y quarter $5 to $6 per cwt -
-By Elizabeth Eedy W from 75c :o $'3.50. Geese brought Young live pigs, ,$2 per pair.
` focus on Ottawa this week as the y
{3939 session of Parliament opens. _
1It may be the last session before 9 1
the next general election - and
important things are happening in k"' 5 x
-Canada. There are sure to be fire- ytT '
works in the House when the Do- � n4 �� t y °
minion's attitude toward .the Em- N` t� � x �✓' �� %;.
;pare during the Czecho-slovak cris- y 3
is comes up for discussion; and -
iwhen C.C.F. members start asking
>» r
questions of the government. Tion. �� g, /s
Dr. R. J. Manion will appear
for the first time as Conservative
tleader. The session may have to
adjourn if work is not completed
,in time, to make way -for the
Royal visit in May.
'SOCIETY NOTE: From a Cana-, '
dian Press dispatch we learn that
an .Ottawa debutante can be '
launched for a top cost of about
$1,500 compared with the $50,000
.:,spent on some New York debbies'
_coming-out parties. And ydu can't LIP G
tell us that the New York girls Scores of Ontario towns were completely isolated following the
have $48,500 worth more fun! On worst blizzard to hit the province in recent years. Hundreds of citizens rpfi
the contrary. This year Canadian bre n digging themselves out from under the blanket of snow which, ab.,
debs may even be presented to driven by heavy gales formed drifts similar to these in the main street _�-
of Orangeville. In isolated sections of the province highways were im- 0 �Qa
royalty, a privilege that their passable and train service disrupted. Brew Lipton a as weak an on Lbd
-; `.American coasina can't buy. = - - _•-please, yoa'll•never find it ---
-o_ or Upton's is a small lea/ of
!EUROPE, 1939: One British 111 0
the Sorest teas grown...its flavour r .
Has it occurred to the Dominion diad richness linger in every ezhil
official in London this week look-
VOICE OF Government that some good might rating cupful. ��e
- 'ing .forward to another critical be done by prohibiting the lsppor- - Z'�e distinctive a:lied '
year in international 'politics said: Orange label,YellowIabel(Lipton's FREE! Save the coupons front ,.
"'Ii we can et through 1959 with- tation or manufacture of pistols , Lipton's i ib.and ii ib.
g g THE PRESS Finest). a�. ka,,�sable(or
out war, I think the danger will and revolvers except by special m est 8 Son Stluerplat..Wrie.
be over for several years." permit and for certain specified h►ZON'S,d,. worlds lapsd uliitte one,is or F„rmu�n.pooh to Tho. J.Lipton
' Right you are, sir. The whole purpoees. There would, admittedly, bieeded e�e�lr for Ca.otraa knke. "etds"T°r°"s°
ONCE IN A LIFETIME be some smuggling and sore "boot- 7e1A
thing in a nutshell. But haw to: ,
;get through 1939; that is the clues- "Something's wrong. Hogs went r
legging" done; but close watch at, •
tap 60 cents lust when taxes,were border customs offices and. strict
'tion, without a major war break- due. - F.'armer's'Ad.vocate.
ing out in Europe. - inspection of 'manufacturing plants ,
There are two ways to stop a ` would keep. breaches'of the law to
war (brewed by Hitler, Mop a OUR FAVORITE ROBBER a minimum. - Owen Sound San.
ions). One way is to.,give-them all- A snooty. bandit refused to take Times.
$100 from his intended victim•. de-
they ask for and let them go ahead claring that`it wasn't enough to
(that's been the method followed bother with. If this thing keeps up, ,
No date). The other is for the most of us will be quite safe. T sport sport any more.
"`hare" countries (Great Britain, This is a question that not a
Chatham "dews. ,
France, the U.S., etc. who hold-
eld' few Sooites who have Interested
the money-bags to refuse financial LET THE MOTHS HAVE IT themselves to the promotion o! I y.
aT EA�
id to Germany, Italy. We know James Brown, a weather brophet sport are beginning to ask them- .e
the regimes of Hitiex and Musso- of Port Stanley:says we will bare selves.
Ifni are perennially Hess collapse. What is the'use of providing
i P y Ps nothing more than ten below this playing fields and rinks, they ask. LIFE'S LIKE THAT $ Fred Nehert a
A little less support 'from the winter, so it's hardly worth dusting y
democracies would cause them to o>! the heavy underwear. - Peter- 1!is order to get teams to use them
Ito le over. necessary for a business.con- -
pp _borough Examiner. U
it 4s nee
- • tern or private Individuals to FS.
- o-
put up the money. to outfit them?
THE YEAR JUST PAST: In- SHEPHERDS AND THEIR There is growing feeling-that the
terest taken by Canadians in Can. CROOKS. youthful players - in a variety of �K!OOM /
adian politics rose to its peak in, Quoth the Woodstock Sentinel- sports, not only In the Sault, but
..1938 with the international:cris'.s, Reviewr"it-had nothing, to do with - elsewhore,,are;-being spoiled.by the
fell with the approach of Christ- the festive season that political attention that is being lavished
._mss and the New Year festive sea- shepherds in Ontario are watching on them and that all to often sport I p
son Now we're looking about us" their flocks by nixbt." But keeping for sport's sake is being lost in •, �-
again to-see what is*happening',in 4 one eye on the falling stars. - sport for advertising's sake. There s •
the Dominion. i Stratford Beacon-herald. ;. are even stories of a To' ama-
It's worthwhile, however, to -"
tear football team whose members �• �•
check up what has gone before.
Durr the year just would not tarn out for practise un-
During y j pari, the past year are contained the seeds less 4 motor .car was sent'around
chief interest on the Canadian of political happenings, trends in-, to to pick them up. - Sault Ste.
political_front was furnished b !!facie Stan
activity in.the Conservative Party' -0-
o-'(retirement of Rt. Holt. R. B. Ben- THE WEEK'S QUtSTION: d History
nett, choice of ills successor, sole;- Why is Poland important at the BOfrI = ry
of a new Conservative leader present moment? Answer: Ger- -
in Ontario); the controversy be- man ambitions to penetrate the: Workmen engage, in excava-
tion'•'tween Prime Minister--ding and Ukraine-repeated of late in Nazi tions for a new building in South
---Ibntario's Mitchell F. Hepburn ' 'newspapers:.-would have a grave Melbourne came a.ross a battle of
came to a head at year's end; the effect on Poland;' which includes Dublin stout, believed to be eighty
_visit of- President Roosevelt to 3,000,000 ,Ukrainians in the re- years old. How it got there is a
Canada during the summer was a gion adjoining the Soviet Ukraine. mystery. ,The Riven' Yarra-once
milestone in the history of Cana- Poland is beginning to believe that flowed over,the area. Its histori- ovR or I _
dian - American relations (','the co-operation with Russia is, the cal value is greater if lift unop-• -
,iat la t
Vnited States will not stand idly best safeguard of her interests, ened Faa+rse ,
by"),;,-during 1938 Canada decid. and is turning a cold shoulder on _ =.- - / - " .7.
el to go in for defense (army, Germany (who needs Poland's aid The British territ&Ark army will -
navy, air) in. a bigger 'way; the if further expansion eastward is make its.and•aircraft units 90;000
Proyal Commission on Dominion- to be made). Last week Poland strong within'a year.
ovincial rel9fions-completed its and Russia' signed a trade treaty -
Investigations, early in the spring which is. expected to multiply A LondoA expert estimates that -
to ranke its �epert. Ir - o e trade between e t ere are in a chau 32,000 differ- - - - - -- - -- —
In the foregoing events of the twu nations. crit coins.ia the world. "Cart you imagine that? . . . . . He wants a new suit For Easter!"
C.trneht.d IM.Rnllr!L.tC•w` � _ --
.:, Itn lerr�in tho liru��l,.1��oco- u,•n. - He 'went nn_Ifl."w:Ly uu.iiP Ire ,•.:,�
"So little," Dorothy said. "R'hy T,ut first they: thgnked Miss .('ur- rrr,l i:up-h had twrecruss the (tipple hair recross Ripple !land• •`«hen -
-that sneeze was as bad as a Kansas tenrlip for her courtesy, "Any fele°nd !.•tad, and he did nut find it a.pleas- he became.seasick and the re„t of
r c9clone,” and thea she helped .Miss _ of Rrincess Ozma is welcome here ant thing to dn. Perhaps Navin; hie the way thio naughty gnome was al- :z
'Outtencllp rescue the paper folk �• venins he sneezes," said the gtmrn whiskers palled mit one hy'i rw Held nivat as mi.era6le`as he de creed to' -..^
-and stand them on their feet again. with a severe look at Uncle Henry. heing'u:9ed as a pin cu+hien fr'r the hr•• But when he reached the plains
Two of the cardboard houses had : "I like to have •visitors admin• my fiinnoent anut.r•n,rnt, ri ri c,urf•r;nJ• t,:un and the ground was firm un-
also had their porches damaged and village and I hope you will veil ,-n urrd Jailer hurl not Improvvd the di•r h•is feet,, he felt better and in-
the little' queen said she would have tis aC'ain." Doss Cuttenclip hrr�eif _ .-.,1le,•tibn of Ih,> wrnn^� -hp hold li,ad of F uing Irume lie turned'dir-
_ to repair them and paste theta to- led them to the door in the w,ull, :,iA gn„me rnced :,r,d racers aI the rr•_ c,•tiy to the wept. A s,luirrel perch-
gether hefor they Could he lived in - ° as they passed along 'the street rLe ,•, 1 ;:,•Bonn nr.,r,r• <vrano "h, rad ,'d.iu a U'ce sxtv'him. t:�ke tbi;
again. And now fearing they Ight paper dolls peeped at them h:tlr suffered nn,t '„ a,rt to t•,ke % n=, a,td callFd to him "Look out:• but he
tti�pp mi�tt•e damage to tits flimsy poo. fearfully from the doors and ,rind- r' n•e rip nn r:,r• r:r,,,;tr••,v„•• rr•r Arid un attcntlun. A bird' paused in
pie, tliey decided to go away. oa+. T'erhaps they will never fnrgct hn h;,>t n•r•d ;i•,;,,_r hi. 'nn,lhu,e it- I'll-lit to luck at him wundering-
ly and say "I.,,ok- opt:;" but on he '.
- w L"ncle lienry's powerful sneeze. pnrin flit h',d t,rr•n rnnrine,„t went ,j
• --a.,�i•4 -� p - r , .. � ;::. ' ...au .aw�dCm..+.++t•...-! wGe. ..i "ty .5;?'l*aw'�:-`S.-'-:� � -���a
l New High-Altitude Land Plane Passes First Teats Know Hyerro System
Little ut 'In Northland
� ;, ._ - pigs Life will Be Extended With Help
7from Ottawa Government in
Lime -Patricia District
Woman ComF - -
w t r People of England Are
N V Aon. W: L. Houck, acting chait-
4 x �tenfant of the Geography,
an of the Ontario Hydro-Electric
- Potties, Economics of The Power Commission, announced last
Cs t week the Ontario Government had
approved#! construction nyof a new 113-mile Powe K.
J letter to the editor of the .i
DoMy Telegraph Pow-
(Conservative) or transmission line in the Pickle
One of London's leading papers, Lake district of Northern Ontario.
* woman Work For Unemployed �
awed Qiaselsii �
who cosgplained that the people at The line is being built particular.
Snglknow too little about the ly to meet increasing requirements
a a umpire drew as editorial admission of the Pickle Crow and Central Pa-
from the newspaper last week that iritis gold mines. It will be eaten-
her allegation is well founded. sion of a line being built from Earl
The editorial follows: Falls to supply power to the Ucht
° "There is still too much justifi- gold mines. Estimated cost is plac
cation for the friendly, remora- ed at $937,000 and the line will be
is after &trance which a correspondent constructed to operate at G8,000
Officially known as model-307, Boeing Aircraft
C for ,Brat time to be pxapued for��a se:
crag" from Canada makes in our columns volts.
x being wheeled out into the open at Seattle, as today that the English people do The project will be undertaken
0e: pounds as
tilsats. The silver tour-engined craft is 74;-feet long with a 107-foot wing spread, weighs 42, not know the countries of the Em- under an agreement reached be-
'is designed to cruise at a00-mileeapter tour han thatt a ubo-letrthe&toeiarifledltairdoutside gat that taltitude6ual owing ti
b• �d they should- tween the Ontario government and
-`.snaintain a cabin pressure gr rfectl streamlined with- p
passengers perfect breathing comfort at all times. The dirigible-like fuselage is pe y Characteristics of Nationhood the federal government in respect
eat a break even for the windows of the control campsrtffient. r�ghe is not the only viaitgr from to aid of Northern Ontario unem-
the Dominions who has found us Dloymant. Federal government will
..% • World-sShoh'testr costs
informed about their t�°gfa aY, - andtapproximately 500 mribute 50 percent. of en owill be
Tra Goes '
n�'„ra their politica, and economics, an
P "'b • engaged in cutting the'right•o!-nay
"Streamlined” What Science Railway's Here the worst,defect of all—about the for the line.
distinctive characteristics of their
�r - "Ouroeducational system is still
C4umda,'s .Oldest Business Has �s Doing �8 and snow cover the North silty of neglect of the significance MAKE TRACKS i -
Been Transformed By Plaine Muskoka lakes and the two din- of the Empire. Fortunately, how- FOR .OG'DENS!"
and Radio key engines and other roiling ever, there are now expandin* et-
.s SEE THROUGH. STEEL stock of the Huntsville and Lake forts to send young people of all L
Canada's oldest business — trap- Six inches of steel or two or of Bays Railway .Company, the classes on Empire tours, and Inter- / .
" ging—has been • "streamlined" three feet of aluminum alloy are shortest rairoad in the world, are changes ars .arranged which may !" '� x� r �•,
through Tse of the aeroplane and
as11 transparent as plate gloss to the laid up in the roundhouse awaiting well progressively increase." ,�; •�'� s•.•- �
_- wireless. The swift drain�bf mod- IIew X-ray equipment developed at the-opening of the 1939 naviga- +�
---- era methods ha-s replaced the pie-. the National Research Council lab- tion- and tourist season. • ,� r
taresqueness of the canoe and the oratories, Ottawa. 1938 Field Crops
esqu The automobile has wrought p i
p° The new Xray apparatus takes - great changes- in the transport&- Hit the trail right now to more enjoy-
The majority of the estimated an electric cdrrent at 600,000 volts
U°. picture*.of Qntario's play- First Official Estimate places meat from the cigarettes you roil your-
1100 to 4riJ trappers operat`ug in the through the biggest X-ray tube us'
k ' ground. Passengers no longer Gross. Value of Canadian. self I Slip into any tobacco store and
NorihR ect Territories and remote
ed for lndustrf3l radiography in a , travel is large number over the Output of 6 Per Cent, Lower gget yourself a package of Ogden's
ar Northern regions of. Eritish Colum North America. Fine Cut, Then—roll a cigarette with
bia. AIbFrta acid Saskatebewan now --- steep-portage from Lake he Bays ')(fin 1937 this fragrant,mellow tobacco,touch a
t&ke illi] advantage of commercial to Peninsula Lake. 'But the little light toitand—manI You'retherel—
M.AKING GLASS INVISIBLE train, once known as the "cork- The first official estimate of the you're found the Fine Cut that does
aviatton'at d cridesprPad radio fact]- Discovery of a coating that screw limited," makes daily trips
liiea of ;'.:e. Royal Canadian Corps
- makes.glass-invisible is announced 'groan value of the principal held roll 'em smoother, sweeter, better.
of Signals. each. summer over the ane-mile, rows in Canada in 2938 is with don's=orr�et—O;den'sroas best
crops g And I
by Dr. Kaiharine B. Blodgett: not- narrow-gauge road. =527,149-,000, which is. 330,968,00'4 tw "Cha ec er"or" ogee"paper
To Civfttzatian In Few Hours ed woman-scientist fa, Schenectedy,
or 6 •per cent.. elo t estlmated
: b w he Pio•,
/ ..
Each f. "1 Fdmonson commercial Built In 1906
N.Y. value of the 1-937 prodnetioa, and s,at".,._ i
aviation firms carry RAf?th ,nearly The glass nevei reflects Iight Built in 1906 at a cost of $40, .894.881 400 below that of. 1936. The
ae 360 trappers. their doge. canoes, trcm any an„le whatever.' Clock, 000, the road-winds around huge value of the 1936 harvest was the OsdaA,
- out a - •
-taps' and provisions. Through deal face and show case glass and ills skirts a small lake highest glace 1930 when the value i
rocks an t Ply •4 ,
tSe winter aeroplanes cal] at the windows appear not to exist. An in- and climbs an elevation of 130 ft. • was 3662,040,900, tow yields In 1987
trappers' cabins or the nearest post credibly thin film on both surfaces In
a half-mile from Peninsula Lake and sharply reduced'prices in 1939
and.tretght the furs to market. In of glass is the secret of this scfen to Lake of Bays. It runs over an have resulted !n successive reduc- 1' ��� '
the spring the modern Coureur de title mtrale. Tye film is,about 41 - `
->- --=Sofa are whisked from the loneli- Indian that for 10,0 years was tions in value'•tor the peat two r
i.000,000ths at an lath, or one-
used by the Algonquin Indiana in. years. _ r
-- -meas of their trap lines to clviliza• -quarter the wave length of. iislat, trading throughout the, area.• These estimates are subject to re- --
tioa in a few hours,
in thickness. vision and do not represent cash In
Besides eliminating many Reeks
_ v from ars
an the trail to and from the trap - come received m aaIes, but
'COBRA V"OM A TONIC ----- -arose saiues�t farm production--Ski c
-,,ping ground,Bound. the aeroplane en- Cobra venom is a mensal tonic. neral of the crops, such as mixed a�9"
ablee trappers to locate new Rrnund The venom ..is injected into the
quickly atter old .lines have been. Modern ern trains, turnips, and fodder cora. from
+ muscles, once a day or less, Its ef, are almost wholly utilized on the
'Trapp d out - ne but which the were own. V;. •
?eels are slower than morphine. . ;Etiquette farms on y . grown.
last longer and are not habit-form- While the 1938 wheat production
Of the 620 druir addicts in the tug. 13Y ROBERTA LEE Is nearly double that of 1937, the
United Kingdom •kno4n•• to the. Direct mental stimulation is also average farm price is only 67 ctuts
government, 132 are members of shown, that is, not merely psychic as compared with 11.02 is 1937.
medical profession, a report effects due to relief from pain. In I- What are some of the luck Thus the value of the crop is only
to the League of Nations shows. addition two other improved facul- pieces that are put in the bride's about twelve million .dollars*great-
ties were noted: Rider angle v.s- wedding cake? er. Increases in the production of t�o4v C1'� Cr�t�ng
Ion a0d better mn'lcnlar. ce ordina• 2, Is it all right to introduce oats, barley and'rye In 2938 failed
tion. two persons .by sayir►g, "big. to offset declines in prices•and the I/ j I[vE ITCHINf31n A Mrnua -
,; dories, meet Mr. Smith"? combined value of these Erops is >E.m las man stubborn tvehlalf of exam, WaaSe�,
�a a� I� •GAS QUICKLY LIQUEFIED 3. When one. has accepted an $35,694,000 less than !D 1937, atalata'.fent, and otherakins rcrap•.
�a�s Xfdd.to>k ikanif aaai>os. a0a
Professor Peter apitza, former air Q G•a,PREscRIPrION. rtssmus
invitation for luncheon,, specified 0001h6 the irritated sk Clea areaaerese and ettia-
Uirector-of the Royal Society's atone o'clock, at what time should When Knives Were Idar-dris fWL s the mode mtenss itaamaISP
t Mond Laboratory at Cambridge, one arrive? 'si°W A 2ao •I drug stores pr°'"'a
now head of the Soviet Govern: .#, When an-established resident — '.Used For Eating er 6ie1r°Aaklrra0.0.Pri►SCn1PTroN: 1s
-BY ANNE ASHLEY ment's new laboratory at Moscow, of-a neighborhood extends Ln in-
Before perfected a-new method of ltq citation to luncheon.or terti to a Before the advent of table INVENTIONS
untying gases. it is announced that r,ew -neighbor,. doesn't_this_.take -forks, eating with one's knife was
Q.—How can I detect a leak in this discovery & 11-have gi•e:yt scien- the place of a first:call? the vogue among society .people- iart:
re te be
tific and industrial importance. 5, When checking out of a ho- Before this it was quite proper to •.WANTED successfully sell-
a Xaa pipe? Only a. few details 'have been
A,—At the 'point where a leak ' made known, but a vital part of the fel i it all 'rtyht to phone the' eat with one's fingers. The table tng i, sin e'ne, patented and have
ented, since 11124. It ybu tare a ,
z its fire gas pipe is suspected, ap desk and ask that your bill be knife came into general popularity sound, practical Invention for sale,
ply a paste of soap and aster. It intention Is said to be a turbine of ' 1•eady, in order to save time?- some. time' after the seventeenth write -us immediately.
3tbelC is a leak, bubbles will_ap- _ completely original design. It is no 6, Should a �ir;.wezr an even- - century and was the correct thing Ctiarterod Institute of Americas
larger than a match-box ami weighs Inventors. k
_ pear. Neverlise ing, dress' to n c:unce when she for eating as well as ,for cutting. Dept. 37-R. Wanh aaton, D. C.
flame of any kind when looking about
a a ,p knows th3' ! :' ,scort >4 going :o
:;tor a gas leak. greater effie.encp than rite mach :.c ar, a h cine=s suit
ines heretofore,used. Answers 1 - --
—How can I remove hot pans .1. A shininq dime for riches, a :
._from the oven easily and, without thimble for 'tlie o;d_maid, a tiny C
la' ss'f i ed
Advertisingdanger of burning the hands? F137in�* Mall-Vc.-n ging for the first to oe married. a - �. _
eery small wisFibone for the luck - - _ — _ 7, g
A.—A small, short, tin shovel -- --.- - ----- ---be purejtased for about-ten
eair lc-st girl, a button for the o'.rt back- —
cent& Flatten out the sides of the � "flying mail-van" that pLks slur, and miniature dice fo. the TiAlift iMODS DIORTGAGF. I%N.ESTa[r•,NTs
teilocel and it will make an excel- up and delivers mail at 90 miles lucky man 2. ?�o. Ove ehoui.i
Ifznt utensil for removing hot pans an hour is to start operation in not use an imperative form. here- ltfons, switches. CurlaRandSall Rtypea Guaranteed First Mortgages,on im-
from the oven. Pennsylvania. ly' say, "Mr. Jones, this is Mr. of finest quality Hn1r Goods. Write . prxei city homes at 6 and T per
ce interest. Write us for full de-
Watching a demonstration of Smith." 3. About ten minutes be- for
itermsaardranged.Toronto Hum- tails. Mortgages purchased. Estab-
-•Q,—W,hat is a.home remedy for' the new service post office officials fore, one. 4. 1t does .net: The call an Hair Supply Co., 628 Bathurst, Coo.,e11694Yonge Street, Toronto.Y do
neuralgia". saw a pilot cut down his plane's, -should be made first, before ex- Toronto. a,
A.—The eating of a good quart. speed-to 9Q m.p.h. as he fleiv to- tending any kind of invitation BIC" Rr,ut►o PRESSURE t'ATF:vTy
tity.of celery is often an effective wards two 23 ft linked with, 5. Yes; by doing this fifteen min- HIGH BIaWh FKF.FSURE—WRITE AN OFFER To FVER�' iNVENTOR.
remedy. a rape: Attached to the rope.was utes before leaving your room it for free hnoktet and full parttcu._ List of Inventlons and full lntor-
a dummy sack of mail. The pilot will save time. 6. No; hercost•tme tars regarding our amazingly suc- matron eent tree. The Ramsey Com-
- cessful hyblood treatment. Pedf- tyaut, Reglatered. Patent Attorneys, `,
Q,—How Scan I add just , the manoeuvred the 'plane downward, should correspond ccithrthat of her greed Prndurts, Snskatnnn. Sack, 27R Rank St., itttawa,-Can, s
right amount of stiffening to or- picked up the mail sack and drop- escort. IIOR9F.s wt�a HF.AVFS PUPPIES '
die trimmings, such as collar ed another. ST. BERNARDS AND SCOTTIES. OF -
and cuff sets? a roue to a covered y - ou a an n, esus y. r een -
„ „ give taimediate 'relief. Simply mix lars and "upward, Egbert Healy,
A.—Try dipping them into teat- new flying mail-van includes 27 to horses' feed. Price 14 Powders Richmond, Que.
%er in which rice has been boiled. t6wns and cities.' - NAIT I N G FOR YOU! =1,10. Post Paid. With tree book on !
Animal•Allments."• Bell & Sona, TRA/7TI/R MA�amro AN '?
w tope h year / (Canada) Llmited. hianUfacture.rs GFNF.RATI►R RF.PAiRa
Q,—Iloar can I give fingernail ► • of Veterinary Jledirines, Verdun, `
pcYQ. a higher gloss? After an X-ray revealed a stolen copy-of this week's ti� Que.'nept.:'E SEND US vd1UR TRACTOR MAGNE
ri>)g in his 'stomach, w'illiam ( to and r enerator Repairs. the cave
A:—When polishing the finger-' Toronto S t a r' PERSONAL vov money. Allnnann •Armature
Thompson, of Glasgow, Scotland, _ don't fitanrr., 855 Rny Vit., Toronto, '
-nails, prat on ink- u_red pol- Weekly w QUIT TOBACCO . SNUFF, EASILY,
was sentenced.to.prison. _ _
•fish, but leave the tips uneavered;- 'lorgst it. inexpensively.-Home Remedy. Testf'- wFaTFRN CANADA
and whiten underneath, Then go- monisia. ounrantePd, Advice Free.
over the whole fingernail with a Bartlett'&, Box 1, Winnlpex. INIPRotVF,Tt FQtTirTFr) sE-rrON
- Farm In I'entral Eastern Alhrria
coat of colot•less polish. it &ill Pocket-picking i4 inereasir>' in _—_ IF YOU WANT_NN AI••P•FMIONATE park area, raliwav village one mile'
Kite a hih�r gloss, a neater fin= \i^e ria now that the populai,ion•• rnmanrfr oierrthen.rr, with mnnr>, he<tStthundapp't water, clear title. �1f,
f wrltr: Mary Lee, 445-0, T,o11•0. Ali!—- ra?n T re'e dlrcount: no agents;:'te-
fah, and will last longer. is less scantily dressed.. Issue-Na. 2. —. 39 - rlrinc. i n 14. Amick. Alberta. s
i AA :
f 4c, jw h ezi1 KC} arK3� CL*ied High eaya were not clog -
Hortfeu0taral Society -Aaaaal Skaused ilideraads, but could close OrN L
t' ?ess>r Meeting. M any sideroad they cared to. Enlight- L• E•
ened all on chase of road-main- FUNERAL I AND
�M >h 7�: $1.50 paid in ad-viaes P� �'U L D RBOTOR A
Z'he Horticultural 'Society Ann- • tainer and- casts. Agreed that a
> l,�e.. tla. U»1L.d State. Dunbarton Rink RUB.LM>�R
and OL llkllait $LOO In advanei, ual Meeting was held in the Unit- amore effective mntrol of weeds Nucuessor:to-W, J. Mauler.
ed Church S. S. Rooms, Pickering was necessary, possibly chemical
on Tuesday evening, of this. week. 1 Every Wednesday tf+eatnlent. — —':-Nig>tt and Day Ser►•ioe
,A j•i K 4 R, P ro a ri e t o The retiring President set forth r -��
the purpose of the Society and the & Sattirtia Eof $ Business Phoma t Residence Phone
reason of our meeting. The re- $ • Learn to Play 8801 9820
f ' Short Courses to be held im ports of the Tress ' ei, Secretary, I(�,�OO D MUSIC HAWAIIAN GUITAR, SPAT 415H
Brougham, Jan. 31st to Feb, 24th. etc., .were very sac urag1ng. The-
---- auditors' report w- acceptcd. The 'ADMISSION-15 CTS. GUITAR and.UKELELE
The Ontario County Branch of officers for the year 1939 are asSkater sharpened at Rin$ lnd4vidual half-hour Seasons
-the Department ' of Agriculture- follows: Hon. Presidents, E. L: Price 15 Cents • .11s(1uS H9a Studios
anMUnces the holdingof a Short Ruddy, Wm. Gormley, F. L. Green `
Course in Agriculture and Home —President, Dr. H. C• Pearson, Clarcmont. MarkhaT, Unionville,
: Enona�tics to be held in Brougham Vice-Presidents; Dr. V. E. Cart- _ERNIE SIROUD, Prop, Uzbridae. Stouffville.
from J42uary 31st to February wright and C. E. Morley. Secret- Instruments supplied on request, -THAT FRAYS- THE TEMPER
24th, 1939. Pickering Township aiy, E. B. Brown. Treasurer, Miss •
Council has heartily co-operated by Margaret Weatney: Directors, Mrs. Massey
. Harr�17 ys�a�ace you as to themeritss ogar, AND �jER�IES. IT MAY SE
tem You will receive FREE of
providing accommodation for both C.-A. Sterri.t, Miss Winnie Wood, ,
classes. The special .Courses will Mrs. L. -McConochle,•Mrs. Callag- one lawn on any one of the above
instruments. • H, TUCK, OPT. D.
anelnde Practical work'ia -judging has, Gerald .Cowsati (2 years).— Farm
Nord", cattle, sheep and swine on I Mrs. H. A. Hopkins, Mrs. G. Law, — - —ply Block 99P. P. Q,
lie farms. Practice in u Mrs. E. G.• Robinson, Mrs W. H. Isis
Impleaenta Law Motor Sales orrlw
.. �_. pats, wheat, barley,` roots, vsget- Weatnep, F. M. Chapman (1 year)ablei, Po;toes and small seeds as Delegates fol' the Ontario Hortic- Chrysler-Plymouth
well as identification of conation ulttira] Association in _ Toronto: Sales and Service
weed seeds and impurities in seed Mis. McConochie and Mrs. Sterr- Dealer
ST" and clover seeds. 'Lecture itt. The meeting closed with the Having been appointed ag •
work will be given on Live Stock, National Anthem. , GOOD USED�MtB N
�np :�� xoi�
Feeds and Feeding, Poultry, vet- eat in Pickering Township GOODYEAR TIRES ��jj
erinary Science, Field Crops, Veg- _. . . I and now really to supplyWILLARD BATTERIES r.as
=-- stables and_Small Fruits, Bacter- Brougham W. M. S. will sponsor the farmers With anything SKILLED MOTOR REPAIRS We do Building nLall triads
7 io$gy, Insect and Fungus Diseas- its ithnupi Amateur Dramatic
es, Weeds -and Weed Seeds, Soils = Contest on Friday, Feb, 3r¢ in the implement line, Dive us a trial an.New or a Used Ca ,CARPENTERING.'
and F • ers, Business Methods
erti2,iz at 8 p, m. Alearepairs and-parts will - Towing Service _.__ _.._ CBHENTINO,
Gordon24 lfotu. i Law
-and Public..Speaking and Farm ' be'on hand after Feb. istt. GJ. Law PLUMBING
-.='- Mechanics. At the same time, a I _ Rules --
'four weeks Course in home Econ- t hon and
. _ f JOHN L. GILLDdAN Phone �
ornics will be held for girls, which 1. 'Each drama shall require at_ " ':R00jeING
wiH consist of A Sewing Course least 4 'cha v teres. - We a ee sell Brantford Iiooflas
said a Household Science Course, 2, ' Each drama shall take not less a MAt�+rials.Empire Bathroom
halt of each day being devoted to than 20 min. nor abore than 35
each of these classes. The Course fain. _ filen t agle� $q pnteaL,Daro Water
in Household Science .includes a 3, All apglicatiorus giving ieame� ' 'Systems. Beatty
study of food and its'relationship IIIANUI HOTEL I Omble aEgnlpnieot
to heshh.as well as an analysis. and cast of characters shall be an other Building Materiaj
of standard products. The Course . In the hands of the Secretary, ROUGE •H ILLS
, i
l; m Thos, G: Morton, Lom,,t ErLimatee Free
in Sew=ing 'aim to help solve the Hill -Oat., not -latex than Jan_ Community Mall just completed. I Work Guaranteed
problems connected with being 24th. Strictly modern; beautiful Dane F.
T. FD"OUQE • -
wlell dressed as well as to give Prizes--$5.00, $340. $2.98. floor. Banquets, Socials, t/ lir Ci
the girls instruction along' various Euchres, Dances catered to.
sewing lines. 1a addition to the Terms on application. '
•regular Course in Agricultcre, arr- PP 1 PiCKEBINt1, ONTARIO �
_. sagemearits have ►+era made to hold Come to an up-to-date. well conducted
a► nuarrber of special lectures. It place for your next party. �
is hoped than all those who can-- Eyesight Education PhoneMa:vern 4863 17-24 - _
,not attend regularly- will attend and
these. special features. - l7C
. • .' L'►diea are specially in�-ited to EFFICIENCY EAT Radio Service-
thettend lectures in •Farm For- . t RF
estry. and "Poultry" - by ;�k 'W�32'T�Y }✓l .pert tierviee and re-
The special lectures are- as fol-
pairs to all makes. Reba- _ .�0 � J/
ow s:
ue -HAM - - u-- — -- - S.4TtJRDA- enable char s. Work
JIiNUARI 12 13 and 14 gaaranteod: A.W MITCHELL "}
'ue January Mwketingg" by a Staff
Opt :. •
p Iwo S):nws at 7 and s OffiARTHujk FIELD .:Picker in
cer from the. Dominion. Live ' . +� -
Stock Branch. ;Eyesight Specialist Sat.Matinee at 130 Gcanaab Radio and Television InaT�ttrtr n
JDYedziesday, February 1st, y Bldg• (opp. P. O.) Member Ot5cial Radio Service Mme
"Poultry" by J. E. Bergey R. S. Oshawa.' Phone 1516 -IN Associe k n. -
A., from .the Ontario Agricul= I 46 Phooe 5201, PICBERINQ
j ttuwl College, GuelphPe P e are so ordained
pertain ° 1 "If I were King"
from bi'rtli that in later life or in
Wednesday, February 80R, : - fact all through !ife, they bear an With
i "Weed Control" by C. C. Tenn-. intolerance to light. That is Oat-
ant, B. S. A. - ural 'fo their make-up and they FRA.tiCES DEE - Vie
�Thursday, February 9thmust be corrected against it. Th? i34SIL RATHBONE, Wanted
+ l .
"Saila and Fertilizers" by R. J. --complete explanation would ALLEN DREW
Bryden, B. S. from the Ont. lengthy here, but I will"allow a XV N SELL YOUR CALVES L V E S AT HOME
-Agricultural College, 'Guelph. little time to it nox rust iri ease. H E
'Tuesday, February lith, I may not get ba-,k tb it
property Monday, Tuesday di Wednesday
later. Grey' _4nator y tells us .,,JANUARY 18, 17 and IS Save Time and 1'V_ Ione
"Sheep Marketing" by James that. it is not . 'b' erall3F -fawn at i.00 '- -- - - Y
A. 'Telfer, when pigmeat is laid dawn in the
dhow -'�We have a—buyer at.the farm
Wednesday, February 1.5th, human system, and, ' if I recall -Last Complete Show. at'8.20.
i "Cream Grading & Testing" by properly, it is 'not know=n from "Hard -to Get'. 'HONDA Y, TUESDAY A NO
C. A. Davies, from the Staff of whence it comes. This is the exp-
the Dairy Branch.
Y wlTx . . _- _ WED-NESDAY
lanatdon of wh ' some•' people who ]yam
- ° Y' A ry DICK POWELL /0KERIN. � PAR'M -
' "Forza'Forestry," by J. L. 5i'm- suffer from intolerance �to light. 'OLIVIA Dr HAVILLAND
i' mans, B. Sc, F. from the Forel There. are many, similar• things to —
try. Branch, Tbronto, be met with and when no other CHARLES WINNINGER LIMITED
Tuesday, February21st, "
explanation reveals the cause of [{
your trouble, it 'does no haft • to ' ALSO PI�OIiIP 61
Co-Operatipnp s 'yiarket}ng by speak with your optometrist'v-hose ,,
W. L. Btsho -Tbt IDEAD_ END Kids
_ -._ - :: ;• •-_ . ezperierice should cover this. . _. . Tough
•. . , . :::.SOL.ICITINCI
"Little T�ough Guy,',, YOUR' _
WITH Patronage" for 1939
JACKIE SEAKL Our Prices. are right
0 _
Profit-sharing Coupons for all
* � _ � • _ A Worth while Work store and gasoline uxcha8@s.
The problem of caring for the man
Is a reek which for some 39 years has been
occupying the attention of the Nationaluto accessories-- lyes, Batt-
,8anitarlum Association, operating the
• • kokagHospital�or�nsumptires,Me
Muskoka erles, Battery-charging
Toronto Hospital' or nsumptiees and
1 SEEING • t e quo e Nfae HorPital for Con-
sumptive ALL THEWAY,�
su P hildT . (�r o
At Present these ationup-to-date hospital, DOD�.iLi and DeSOTO
with an accommodation of over 1,000
beds, are taxbd to the utmost to care for
the needy consumptives, whose only
FOR • •VEL INFORMATION hop of future health llm in proper
Jackson $44 75
treatment an care. AL
PARIS ..'$44.75- ROUTINOf fTO�-OVrRf f.. " _... Lt is to order that tyese ImtltuttOns -�L ACE
Kora sAtrrs,•ire. Jacksonville ,.$35.75 ma enabled to carr? on this worth -
wb>ie work that it is necewary to annudly ,
• • LOCAL New Orleans •,. ..$38.53 make an appeal for funds,for the stassn- ' ��,ta
Los Angeles Dry a actual ors reeelved illi tar .hurt.at (Alfred Mole)
ti W15 AND WFORAW10tt Ai; - • :$e9.95 the actual Dost of maintenanes. With a
Eastern House phone 4500 desdt of many thounads of dollars se
make k sear ego Sm6.aoaan>4 OLA R�MONT, ONTA RIO
�.°s°�ask eastrhe a�.aloe eee�roads as s+
► • , , t pllsss�eresM, T ora lwMitlest' -- �l
_ ...our
• s17
iCLARJ MO2ff Mr. Wrir. Hill is Seriously ill
.—... and under medical care. Barclay=Transport lEaple Leaf Mutual Fire LESLIE SMITH 1
xrs. 'Duerderi is under =2111cal Mr. Nelson Wagg has not been _...
,Dare at present. enjoying the best of health lately. xkft so Uwe , Insaranca Co. ' ��pprt
Mrs. D. A. Pugh has been dpend Mr. and Mrs. L Feasby,,of Sand- !between Claremont, Broustas t�
fng a few days in Toronto during ford were with Claremont friends Sad 'i7AWANESA 1Pi>3. Service_Mrs, Ormerod's confisi� went td the on Sunday. Greenwood. lo Toraafo �* rates for Farm and C8011117 Radio Service
hospital. Mr. A. Mantle is seriously ill try drivers are trained to be cards
Mrs', Emerson Ormerod, of Can- in hospital in Toronto, where he is courteous and telisble. WbWMwn Tnearance on Vis, D 1 XIE ROAD
riington, underwent a surgical oP- ex-peted to remain for some time. Wii�mills. Silos et6
eration at Toronto this week, at. '�-- Special Rates on Lona Dlstaaee R. R. 21 Pickering 19
the General Hospital. Her many BROCK ROAD - hauling. Aafpmobiie Insurance SI
friends hope for an earl recovery. AM Kinds.
The Annual Meet' of the Lb Measles have struck our nom- '--" 'Write or rbeae LAND SURVEYOR_
>ng lite order too`small, None toe carp
rary Board will ` a held in the Lib munity, with several of our young AD sbipmauts insured and protected "BOWMAN..& ROWS If:.:;�- .` ""'r •`�.��►-�� )
rary Room on Saturday, January people suffering from the malady from weather
F. J.=1IONEWAN B._A., B. Be:, Ar
14th, ar. 3 V. M. This is an Open % Mrs. Walter Fleming, who has W TPBY OI+ITARID L 11. On fee are the records of snn.
Meeting and it is hoped there will been quite ill L recently is Progress- Tail Clam. 3?1 .. F. G I veyors, Gibson and Ya. .5
be A good attendance. Everyone ing favourably, we are glad to One% IL >md C. King East, Oshawa. , lone UM
say. Farm M 8ohi ne r ywelcome. i
Miss Eileen Jackson, a student
' ,Miss Kathleen Bielby entertined Frank >!• Santa; .
her Sunday School Claes on 'Dec. of the Toronto Normal School, was tilt TWee�-a sire t� edt e• hltevale
g mber 30th. The afternoon was observing operations at the localor Tractor You can plow ;.
opmt is playing games and con- school last week. r' KW GANG Ia stilt the General Agency
testa, and a very interesting pr-0g• . __Mr. J. Brawn is now consider- - rosier is a two-bottom Horns Plow.
raven given, prep by members ably better after s bad attack " of Tie No. '6 +padw Ph"m redo" McCORMICK-DEEI;ING
of the Class,.after which supper Plowing anus. We have Plowa for DE ALE R "
colds, and later, an abscess which NOttER +
was served. Woke in his head. Every Purpose.-1 nearly newa-12
T4ie.Women's Institute will meet The Walter Carlton's are enjoy- r Hoo F ' DAIL gears --•
:at the home n' Mn. G. M. Forsyth Ing the benefits of electricity, hav rum in OK nearly an steel Zere- ALSO
ing lately .installed lighting eq- oiled... .. .. .. .. .. ... .... FLEURY A')V UDHOPE ANDEBMX
,on Wednesday, Jan. 18th, A paper MACHINERY a REPAIRS
Will be given, by Mrs. Farr, on - uipment in their home. � We sell Cream Separators, Else- a
AlWbst books can do for you". Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. W. Hamilton and -i/!, jt/ lea trk. Fencers and Fertilizers etc Steel Waged Wheels. Pedlar-Red ;
will also give a family of Brougham are welcomed 1 ( ` ing. Frost or Lundy Fasia 1
John W: `Gregg to our comimunity, Goodyear Tires
They are liv- ., till 1Clflf-+ Frost A Wood Coelsihatt Red bmliaa Gasoline and ! ,
paltie:r, - Doors that Open Out'. _
Roll Call - A book I enjoyed. ing on the Hamilton homestead on DeLaval Pedlar Prodoeta C. T. C+ �4VI O PAM 1' 'g
The opening Euchre of the sea- the fifth. moons Grass FooRilisers GENZrZAL HASDWARM, 1.14 .
There appeared
son was well attended when it in a Toronto
la 'took place at the Hall'on, Friday dail newspaper-recently, an inter- In simple but rich de- ! W. F.DISNEY, Greenwood Frank Wright �
evenin last, eleven tables playing, esting history of the Ellicott home saga we can furnish
g r stead; which has lately been sold me avrfals that wig Paoxs Pic>c 2314 41ct WHITEYALB ONT.
I�- The Club are starting out on an- artida i from every �s •�,�
other season of, interesting, enjoy, to a Toronto man. The
able social evenings, and has the told- in detail form, interesting ac- standpoint. In dignity Fare's Elevator
patronage of a large number from counts of one of the oldest estates of appearaace our We A. Cormack '
-the cornimVnity. _ .. . t Glare nt
the-cosnznunity. work will stand out, -'
the-The annual Roll eau Seed Business --__ - through the ages. TnOntt • _ _ FLORIST
Greater. Tribute
Meeting of the Baptist Church was Itsmember the Annual Amateur NN.a W STAFFORD
;held tact Week with a fair attend Phone --"Fee. J33 'Office W3e Floral Designs for all Oe- +
i+l bad weather interfered Dramatic Contest` in BrouleAsm � 1Bii�►s�7 Moaamontil �
. ' ►ace, The Wsriia Bibirag or Selling Ca810II8.
to a considerable extent with the Friday, Feb. 3rd. ft 4U Whitby Out. is Shop. of Any Wad
attendance. Encouraging reportsFuneral Tribute 3
were given from the different or n Road Wast Poultry and Hog Feeds, Rear 9
dzpUoas, The thanYs and app- ;Auction Sales Griaiiag Every 1'!s Cut Flowers k Potted Plants
gwmreciation of the congregation arae -- a u Islas Coal Ac Wood Free Delivery 1n Pickeriug District
expressed to tihe lakesand others
FRIDAY, JAN. 40th -- auction Fends¢ and Roofing illatterial
who have done such flne work sale of freslk Milch cows, with 124 Brock St..V?., WHITBY
`. around the church during the past calves by side, and springers, Phone 324 Ttt
consisting of Jerseys. Durhaais, -
eo ys
.� Mr. W. L.' Douglas has sold his Ayrshires and Holsteins. dogs,
Mr. Sine, t lot eon. l�
- - TI
to M . K. J etc. a 5.
here Routs E
Grain. ��� .,
of Toronto. Mr. Douglas, who has g, J&kering, at his'preanin", ad- ��';;''++�� �'"'
built up a large circle of friends joining Balsam P. O., the-PTO- 1�3rOCk iy►O�►i�l �i�a vel
In tins district has conducted tha perty of John A. White. Sale' !
business forfour years. He will at 1.30 p. m. Sndw or sleet, _
be located in Toronto for a year, Mark your calender for this sale. `r
after which he will continue his Farm for sale or rent. Ken Pit
studies .at the University. Hid Croaked Pit Run s }
-...• Prentice, auctioneer.
mnany friends will regret havitie
hunn leave .our community. Best Gravel h {�,
:wishes are expreesed for his sur- WAVE REPAIRING
= cessor. Sand and Graded
At a special Installation Serv=ice. Having'pened a watch repairing s -
;cast Sunda evenin in Claremont Stone 1 `
Sunday g shop in Claremont, 1 am prepared ,,
United Church, the officers of the D8liver93 Or Loi>de3 in pit
Brougham and Claremont Young to do repairs to clocks U watches.
People's Unions were installed in -PRICES PHCNF.: Plant, Pick 1026 Y
their new offices, Mr, StephenToronto office Howard 6471
lIf Oshawa, speaker rot main springs, 75c.
Saywe , o , g � � Y
for Cleaning 50.c.f! 75e ........... * l
gave a very inspiring address,
which was enjoyed by all. The fol- E?►RL BELL
g gu_ N n' residence Y _
lowing Monday evening, re ELECTRIC ` Y
ar meeting of the Claremont Y. P. (Zn John ► orto s )
U. was held, with Miss Margaret
may be left at the News Office
rT '
Sp nceley in charge
Phone 5104 -2124°
of the R'or `: :!FENCERS -
xWp Period-- -sS--_Pryaro Sgeke '
"Citizenship", followed by a dis- CALL AT SYMPLE —E(;0NOMICAL
cussion. !Hiss Helen Glover, in a :�OOSE�r
"pleasing manner, sang, "The Fleet- J -.- Holds Live Stock Safely with one QYire .
-ing Hour". It was decided to send
� - - � SHE
a delegation: to the Leadership CASH STORE Six Years Use
Training Class, at Brougham from. � anour'
- ' Jan, 23rd to the 27th.
Our prices are lowest owing have proved their worth o0 100, LILIS shiSBta° ..00the
v low overhead. Call and a 20th a5heltb ways
Following the snow storm of the to cry 000 farms-in U. S.A. Th t ek � aiaaFisban us► te=e�tbets•eaet�a -
past Week, a mild spell developed 'see for yourself and be con century way to hold live s o •Cha t acpver recto totetos
during the week said removed a wed. 13e sure and get your guaranteeduiits&slowas f 20. a' � in$iocA fO ��,a4, &ace of�t�in !* � .;
large quantity of the snow; part' ticket with each 60c. cash par- "' 11 °a ¢tecuve". tbat
iiaatarly to the south. During the — For full particulars write . $° •co;*W the Q� vim D ;
week�id when the storm was on Three pri>cea will be ,t . • • , . . aa�°
', hears given each Saturday nigllet at FARM ELECTRIC >mW ouy sung land tee as of Ga��a 4
considerslble criticism was ees '
183 King, East' Tomato, o� .' die P es
e� t
regarding supposed activity of the 10 p. m Your Selections • - - - HOWARDE, TURNER. . : shops Ste oper 60 aIabokiea.
' County snow Plow: The claim wasCLAREMONT, ON'I'. Whitevale 4 ,.,:...Ontarloat, ', TOW a $heti�yefl,s� an aTnaz'p%v;Ail 49 01 i �
made that the Brock Road had not hr10L f=esb, ofd=qO a fanptly ct {oi
1►eesi opened for over a day after -; arbetbct The t �'t the o� deal
the storm took place Had this ti' t os�i��' ve10 Xrtsnge with y
-been the case, the criticism in,our of 10
' . ten a
have issue of ,bcen .< .. .t, 4 to��eQa�t� o f A
iced,lasit Some of thed statements fab. pE4h�M�
givertc us, apparently, were a bit
off, as we now have,the statement; > Q
that following the storm on. Sun ATCH
day night,'tlie Brock Road was on4n by 10 o'clock On -nday
ing and those living north of here
are reported to be loud in theirH' - s
the work of the plow at
" S 1.
praise of e .
that time. We are anxious to pub- ` X
dish this in fairness to those- in BAKED FISH CAKES
•. 'ohs a of the plow. We all might .. • WR/TF FOR FREE BOOKLET/ z p1Pfub Asked fah (cooked
SPACE :rmm��mm�mm��mm������wm�m��mmm� ortabnsn�e�d�). 2cupfuls 1W4
retmenri!er too, that this plow can s pEPAItTMENT OF FISHERIES.OTTAWA. asp�wafuI pepper, r
Sot be all 'over the county at .the Tait
booklet, T
ret hopped. t able-
P4ease send me "100 empt
• ` p' �" pepper,
lemon Nice,2 es,1s.
Isarne time. Another plow might d0 o,pful milk
the work, but a terrific cry' .aw _ .
a flaked fish,
a � seas ntn¢s. `ecce
Igo oat from the ratepayers at s (Pixie print Ivers pisiolr>
- Combine t '
' crumbs, o °y.
pepper and lemon pttoe Heat
such expenditures, the loudest lik -
e 361 egg°' combine with milk and
� ! 'max with fish. Press t�
My from those who complain CHAS. COOPER — CLARFrMON'I' , , , .. .�.�...._........•........ ` gnov n (35
,cae,e :.::...................... .. cups
� in omen (330' P.1
s serves
11" a ben
the 6 m 8'Sege w
�. most. _ _ McGl" 1e* -Dt1PhartoII s (knish
moaided.lwide ae-0:io..e.s-
��r L �!e►NN a,N
dressed in dusty, worn range hab-
t •a • -ilimeats: The stranger's hair was
bleached to a straw yellow, as vers'
ratige Pekh-ta
The- Le�s6d , Guns the long drooping mustache that 0
bracketed�his thin, strong mouth. LADA
( // The Stranger ,
0[ Circle L At sound of Abe's approach, the
` - stranger turned in- his, saddle'and
stopped. When Abe came up he '
by rem/ w est6rook nodded. "Amigo," he drawled, his
voice deep and slow, "mebbe yuh
can tell me where I can locate a
Synopsis worry tpo much, was I yuh." feller,named Arthur—George Ar-
Slim Loyale is paroled from Still•later that morning, almost thur."
prison after serving 18 months for noon, in fact, a buckboard rattled Abe looked the stranger over
a crime he did not commit. He re- upo the Dot H Dot. George Ar keenly before 'answering. "Yeah,
turns to his Circle L ranch to find thur, dressed in a voluminous lin- x I can. 1 uh'Il find him at his office
Lis father dead and sinister forces en duster and a narrow-brimmed in town."
at work, trying to make him viol Stetson got out of it. There was "Town called Pinnacle?" addseasonings.
rp, nervous wee fence m is - , to eggs and let stand a few min- omen o ere
. again be railroaded to prison. eyes, his thin lips were set. Mona two hours' ride." utes to season. Serve soup, gir= Apathy Scored
The Broekwells and their gang met him on the porch, murmuring Shore, I'm off the trail. But I wishing each portion with a small' „„
are plotting to gain possession of a perfunctory greeting. Arthur understood he owned a ranch . amount each
e i y
Circle L ranch and the property wasted no time in hereabout — 'the Dot H Dot egg and 8,slice of lem-
getting to the Ranch." on. Serves 8.
of Mona Hall, a neighbor and life- purpose- of hia visit. BEEF BROTH WITH TAPIOCA Mrs, Franklin Roosevelt` Says
bug friend of Slim Loyale. "Miss Hall," he rasped, "are Abe stiffened. ;'There must• be Women Waste Their Ener-
-Slim discovers that Sheriff Stu. you prepared to settle the note I. a mistake somewhere. Arthur 1 pound beef, diced_
don't own the Dot H Dot 7 cups cold water gid on Other Things Than
-' back has joined the plot against hold against your ranch?" , yet. How 1 cup carrots, diced Politics
him. With the help of Dakota Blue Mona's heart sank. She shook long since was it yuh got that
and his eombors, Slim Loyale de- her head. "No, I'm not Mr: Ar- word"' 1,4 cup celery, diced
"Nigh onto a month. Yuh see, 1 slice small onion " Mrs.. Franklin D. Roosevelt
hes, the land-grabbers to do their thug—at least, not immediately. Small piece bay leaf -: - - blames general apathy of women _
" Worst. But with a 'little more time my names Tisdale. I own a purty '
good-sized spread down in the Big 1% teaspoons salt for the numerical decrease in wo-
CHAPTER XVI No More Time Bend country, but I'm pullin' out 2'' tablespoons quick cooking tap-' men legislators and congress•wo-
Arthur halted her with uplifted with a lot of other Big Bend ioca men, in the U. S. The same holds. ti
That same morning, Mona Hall hand. "Impossible," he snapped. Cover meat with cold-water and true of the Canadian political pie-
�, ranchers. Too much sheep down bring. slowly to ,boiling point. _ ture.
had just finished her breakfast I regret this, of course, but con- there. We're haldin' up into this I
when Abe Fornachon clanked in- ditions are such that I can extend Simmer-gently 3 hours: Add veg- There are plenty of capable wo-
to her room. "Mornin', Miss
new Iiitapoo country that's to be gs and cook, then to hold legislative positions,
you no further timb, I shall have opened." etables and seasonings
Mona," he drawled, his deep eyes to foreclose immediately. 30 minutes. Strain. Chill; remove Mrs. Roosevelt told her press con-
flitting over her wistfully. "I hear "B-but you said-" Mona was fat. Bring to a boil; add quick ference one day last week. The big
there was trouble along the trail fencing rather frantically, but Ar- (CONTINUED NEXT ISSUE) cooking tapioca gradually and boil trouble is, she said, women as a
last night." thur cut her short again, with al- briskly about 1 minute, stirring whole do not back feminine candl-
` Mona'started up,herface white, most brutal directness. "constantly. Serve hot. Serves 4 dates. iF
her hands g 'ng to her throat. "What I may have said in the to 6. As soon as women generally de-
"Slim:"she sped. "Slim isn't—" past has absolutely no bearing on A hearty soup for the whole mand representation of their point 4
"Slim's al right," broke in Abe .the, present, Miss Hal). Again I family is this: of view, Mrs. Rposevelt said, they
ge "B ckwells crowd was am sorry, but business ezigen ries Interest will find plenty of women to. run
layin' itr.; but betweeg him force this step upon me: I am gig•- for office..
an' Roy--O' rien they foxed 'em. ing you ten days' notice. On the (�L . "
There eras one casualty. .Rango twentieth-of this month I will take t0 Women She Males Birds,
'.Peale. got. rocked off by. Roy. Pos ession. Good day." �
rn He w
here's. bad trouble as one before le br w- a Pio
g ria could d ' Cats
. Her Frie
coIlect her wits; leaving her feel
Mona nodded. her eyes tragic.. ing more. desolately beaten than Edmonton Woman Distr»butes
"I've sensed it paling up on this ever before in her life. It wasn't
N 0 F S S
range, Abe. for a long time. Ever that -the blow was entire] unex- Malts and Grain to Them Daily
since they sent Slim to prison I'vg Petted. Slops had known that the Soups Are Popular.at Lunch or Mrs. Diary Sather, of Edmon- DISCOMFORT THIS WAY
tett that sinater cloud hanging axe would fall sometime, just as Diaper Time _ ton, prompted by a childhood gym
above us-'all. I'm afraid, Abe — she'had intimated to Slim'Loyale.
- -' 1f raid." BUC-she .was human enough to By Katharine B1ker pathy for "hungry birds flutter- lust Follow Simple Directions
Abe stared somberly out of the ha:a hung on io one las: thread Heart-warming and body-warm- ing on wintry rooftops and fam-
of hoe ished alley $elow—and Use fast-Actin
• window. "Don't go to login' pore- P that somethin¢might turn • irfi are soups, especially, on cold Y cats prowling back "Aspirin" Tablets g �
courage, . Miss 3lona. I admit up to avert the foreclosure. winter days. They-can get-an lanes In search of foods," spends p
there's a lot of polecats-on this She turned wearily back to the meal off to a good start—be the her days, and a considerable per-
substantial tentage of her income, befriend-
- .range,. but there's quite a count house,'her eyes ' dimming, with part of a alien meal• �
of white men also. No, I wouldn't tears, tier throat convult.,J with heat for a cold or salad. meal, or ing them. i `I 1x To use pain and
sobs. Two hours later she-hunted just 'a flavoursome-beginning for Every day for the last 10 years disanmfort and reduce ;
up Abe Fornac hon. ' "Abe'," she 4ny' meal. For invalids or eoncal the middle-aged woman has din- ' ��t lover take 2"kodn"
choked, "we're all done._. The old est enta.wha haven't any appetite tributed a bag of grain around TaWob—drinkatfhu
Dot H Dot Ranch is about to try one of the following soups - down-town Edmonton for birds ofwater. Repeat In
change proprietors. Arthur . is an amazing which inhabit windows and eave- 2n
clew interest in food-- troughs.
foreclosing' on the; twentieth." will_be no£Ρed.
"You'll have to tell the boys-, I OYSTER SOUP � Every Day For Tea Years
haven't the heart. Of course, if . 4 tables oons quick-cookie to Stray cats have learned food
' P g P- 2.If duet is rare from
they want to gamble on Arthur ioca and;milk can be obtained at Mrs.
retaining them after he takes over 1 teaspoon-salt tet ,erea6endt>Isvelve
Sathor's home ettd for those too "
wild to approach she sets traps
9 .lea Tablets to ha
i s l the place, they can: But I can't' Da;h'of Cayenne PP ih of
afford to keep thewow. N
m another day. Dash of paprika Once caught and fed, they readily
I've just got about enough to_pay: 4 eupsmilk
them all off, S.cluding you. Oh, Mrs. Sather, who came to Ed-
1 cup oysters, cut in pieces
Abe, it hurts me so.:" 4 tablespoons butter
In .from Winnipeg 10 years
She began to sob again. little ago, .lives alone except for two
e Combine quick-socking tapioca, pets—Hash, a kitten, and Polly,.a it's the way hwusands Know to
. choked sobs that set lines of grim, seasonings, and milk in top of
3 BEE i01YE Syrup white suffering about Abe For- double-boiler. Place over rapidly Parrot. Ease Pain and Discomfort of Colds
nachon's lips. He laid a big hand l+oiling water, bring to scalding
and Sore Throat Accompanying
on her bowed shoulder. "Don't point (allow'5i to 7 minutes) cook Colds—Easy to Do
Is the ideal yuh worry none about us, Aliss " '5 minutes, stirring frequently. Add _ "The simple way picttrred above
Mona," he told her gently. "We'll oysters and butter; rehelt. Serves Spider Spins Web often brings amazingly fast relief R
" sweetener on make out. 4 to 6gLACl: 8
Inside Li ht Bulb from discomfort and sore throat
- Ten Days to Make It �� - BEAN SOUP• $ accompanying colds.
your morning "tile• I've seen this corrin',• an' `'` Try it Then—,see your doctor. He
! I ain't a.mite-surprised. For that ups black beans Edmund Sollows, manager of probablq aiIl tell you to continue
matter, neither will, the boys be. 1 shall onion, sliced the Western Nova Scotia Elec- "'ice "AsQirin" because'it acts so
cereal Because 3 tab:espoon s butter _{ __ frit Company, at Yarmouth, fast to retreye discomforts of a cold.
0' course, it ain't exactly my busi_ , And to reduce fever.
It IS eerier quarts cold water N.S., came la week h
nes: but., why dont yuh make a "2
S. out s with
deal with Slim Loyale? He's,got ttalks celery; diced , an electric light bulb with s -
This simple way,backed by scien -�-
t0 �lig'este 1 tab espoons flour ,,• — -the c authority,has edit supplanted
Plenty-af-rea�'y-casts.--I-knew:-.Slii>9 � Pte. =now dead atrd-..part of use f strong medicines '
would be -tickled to death to help "`teaspoon salt his web inside.. cold symptoms. Perhaps the easiestg,'
yuh out." a teaspoon pepper The bulb is in perfect condi- most effective way yet discovered.
,- teaspoon--mustard cion and still lights: The fila-
Jiona spool, her eai1-'h could- Da.h of Cayenne meet is unbroken. Sollows said Demand and bet
nit Abe I've got a little pride 1 .tablespoon lemon juice he 'would send it on, to the `
COMA t OEM left. I know. Slim would help me; 2 hard:boiled en "ASPIRip "
he aheady offered to: But he has cgs, finej; diced manufacturers with a view to
had so. •much trouble.himself. I., 1 lemon, thinly sliced solving the mystery,
Wash beans add soak overni-ht. TZADE•MARK REQ
can't add mine to the load..- Be- Caste - s' --
A: --ia— a @341 are �thet zen,
�� make it—well,•I just can't; that'; butter 5 minutes. Drain beans.
all." .add cold w'ater,,onior and celery.
DUE 10 "i see," nodded Fornachon, even Simmer 3 to 4'hours, or until RELIEVE �,�
though he didn't. "Well, keep a beans ase tender, addingwater as
COLDS stiff u needed. Remove from . fire -and
peer lip. Ten days' time is force through fine sieve. Melt re- r
ten days' time. licbbe somethin' -COLDS
,, mainin� 1?_ tabls oons butter, '
Distressing cold in chest or throat, will turn up. � P -
never safe to neglect, quickly eases "No, Abe; nothing'will. That's 'add flbur, and stir until smooth.;F when when soothing, warming Mus- the trouble. I've been waiting too .4dc1 a small amount soup mixture, - SAND
terole is applied. long now for.some good break to
stirring well. Combine with re. CLOSED
Better than a mustard plaster, come aloe The rnaining soup mixture. Reheat• to �����
Musterole gets action because it's. , g' Y just don't; boiling, stirring frequently, and To'Fr
NOT just a salve. It's a "counter- that's all. If I had stepped out r ee R�"ea �n
Irritard"—stimulating,penetrating, with ruthless hands and forced e� Y 9
and helpful in overcoming local con- my own breaks, things would be Are —`
geUse and pain, different n'ow, Weak? Th'10--,
Used by millions for 30 years. "114ebbe," nodded Fornachon, you Clear by many doctors and Me yore right. Well I'll tell Clear those blocked Nasal Passages before
nurses. Made in Canada, in three the boys. An' some da I'm WOMEN who are
strengths: Regular Strep h Chii P Y gonna become the breedin lace for millions -
>� weak thin per-
d3ren's(mild1_1l,and Extra Strong.Ap- lawyer las 'ereto a t to
punch that hin, peak rows, have no appe- -they g p
7C8u.Alldruggists,4Weach. on.a,went back to the house. Pierces Favorite germs.of dapgerous
As soon as she disappeared, Abe Prescription. This Catarrh is stealing your enjoy. world over.The antiseptic vapoiirs of
saddled a bronco and rode off, ,r tonic.stimulates the ment of llie. Mucus keeps drop- Dlentbolatum quickly penetrate air
p apparently in search of the Dot H appetite, improves ping into your throat. You can't Passages . . . fight the lurking gems.
Dot punchers, to give them the nutrition, calms the taste, smell orbrenoe properly. retard the gathering of mucus...
bad news. But as soon as he was penes, tones the fel Your clogged nasal passages o- clear the clo ged nostrils and pro-
male organs. Mrs. g
SN►� w a.uhARs out of sight of the ranch built3- y vide a breeding place where mil- mote healthy breathing again. Get s
(.:t Parkins, 29L 30 cent tube or jar of Mentholatum
. µRE" Y•�a�"�e ►lAsrrs �- tugs, he headed straight fpr the conn st., srrxtre,a, (full, twr.: ••i ate ,•rev lions ofgerms-thrive and muldply
Iittlr,slwa" w•a, 'on rdre'.rid was so weak cod ' today. Insert k little up the nostrils
Circle L: upxrt. 1 w•x• jurt xbout skin and honor. Ire. Don't wait a day longer. Act N01V every nigMand morning.That simple .,*•
He rode rapidly, anti about Pirrrr'•Fa—rit, Prescription hrlped to bu,i.t me - • • . before your condition develops routine has relieved even chronic ca-
f r up.,rrmrvl m q..h t m7•m.rv•v,and n,adn n,e rrri into a more acrious'Ellment. Start tarrh in thousandsof ateful men and
Issue No. Z 39 hair-way between the tP:O pl.^.Cf c i err in ,vn• wxv. Ny xiq,...I turn"» r 1 gr
using 11lentholatum . . . the'heatin women. It:till brie YOU relic nr our
OVel'tOOk another ride+•. a t'�ll, R "•�•'�ay painr 1 w,iRI 1, my uormxl ,t ern Rth g Q f r y
., r nuvl. xnd I t-.It liko a nr,c r,nmxn." set It :balm used by millions of people the money tcillbeunconditionallr re ltmled.
(• keen eyed man of rt ddie a"•e, •fa Gqu:d at tabkts at yoar drug.tyre'today. •� AR • -
Y • ,
.: . " _ :. . .. ... '' .: tom,, w•f.
People Nowadays Man Cannot Sleep, gid;
Sunday School AreYout Liste ins? Harder To Please Makes Doll HouseSun yr
By FREDDIE TER Fantastic Dsem aof 65-Yeeir- i
Les:on W6ni� Bares Chin" Teat Old Saskatchewan Farmer V
- 01d-Tina Customers Were Product of Five Years With- -
Del King. whose voice heard School and entered the Juilliard More Easily Satisfied
on 1r W's "Avalon Time" broad. School of Music. She was in her out Sleep
LESSON II1third year there and had won sue-
casts for an NBC network Satur-
PETER SEES CHRIST'S GLORY days at - p. m., EST, is a veteran cess with her violin — when she Edgar Doerr, barber is Winnipeg A "fantastle dreant", product of r"
Matt. 17: i-18; 2 Peter 1: 16-18 of 11 years in joined the -Spitalny band where 60 years,' claims customers Of sleepless nights caused by illness,
Golden Text. — We beheld his radio, but he she has been ever since. "Evelyn, the early days were more eas* sa-
;F v
was the origin of an amazing doll :
glory, glory as of the only begot- hasn't been and her magic violin" is a featured tlsfied than those of the present
day—excepting of course, the old- bourse built by John Ohm, 65-year
ten from the Father. John L• 14. annuone i n g number, old farmer of Edgeworth, ant
all t h o so timer with the handle bar moust-
Angelina Orr Ill for years with
ailment that
fi ache, which had to be trimmed Just
THE LESSON 1N ITS SETTING years. y Charming Angeline Orr is regu- coat him the amputation of one lee`
Like man larl heard in leading feminine so—or else. Ohm has spent five years without
Time.— u u other present- roles on gar nes s an •
Second Epistle of Peter was writ- day announe Be Done" programs over the Col- from Perryville. Missouri, where he But 6ne night several yeara 'ago S
ten somewhere near A.D. 65.' ers, K i n g's umbia network on Wednesday was born in 1870, It was just ordia- he had a "fantastic dream" that
Place.—Almost certainly on Mt. ; ary hand-clippers for a haircut and '
career start- z evenings. (WABC-CBS, 10.00 to gave him the urge to build a doll
Hcrmon, in the northern part of ed as a vocal- ; 10.30 p.m., EST). Miss Orr began a straight razor for a shave. Now house "with live people, lights, and
Palestine. We do not know where ist. Fie made --a the customer has to be swathed in lawn, a swimming pool and every Y
'" s her radio career hot towel's before and after a shave.
:.the Second Epistle was written. his p r o f e s- " t as a singer over thing.
1. And after six days. This sional debut The speedy electric clipprs have So, fora year, Ohm spent his
means six days after the great ' over KMBC, �:ation WRVA made the old-time hand clippers s1-
in Richmond, Va. nights planning the model house.
confession of Peter, and the re- Kansas City, in 1980; when most obsolete. Then he started work, and spent
buke that Peter received immed- after winning Det Ht.a she was attend- Most notable of his customers long evenings reviaiag his plans.
iately afterward. Jesus taketh thrt,_ Atwater Kent'auditions for d in nearby Black- around the turn of the century In-
witL him Peter, and James, and vocalists. Before that he sang g y eluded the late Sir Hugh John Mae-
stone Midget Figures,"Model Fish
John his brother. Those three of with the Kansas City Light Op- College. A donald, Sid Rodmond 'P. Roblin, The completed house, construq ,
his disciples who were most close- era Company,. stunning b r u n-- Hon. Thomas Greenway, all former
ette, Miss Orr is ed entirely of wood, measures 8 by
- ly linked to him in heart and HERE AND THERE much sought as a premiers of Manitoba, and Henry 8 by 3 feet. In it are 58'midget fig- r,
,_...;, thought. And bringeth them up Tommy Riggs, one of the most style and photo- M Stanley, explorer who searched urea, 46 of which move when a
--'-into a high mountain apart. That skillful skaters in radia, spends a hie model. for Doctor David Livingstone, lost motor operates. On the lawn,'seven
the transfiguration took place at his time between rehearsals and Angeline Or
P to South Africa. musicians So through the motions d,
night is the opinion of most stu- broadcasts skating on the Radio Tubes Fully Warranted of playing a phonograph, and anoth-
dents. City rink. The Rogers-Majestic Corpora- or rocking idly in a chair.
The Transfiguration Frank blunn, who is heard on tion announce that all Rogers Ra- 'Japan's search for war-time Tiny model fish are in the swim- 4
2: And he was transfigured be- NBC's Waltz Time series, entered _ dio Tubes (which were the-first substitutes has led to 4,000 inven- mlag pool, There Is a midget fig-
fore them. No one can say exact- radio in 1923 and has never sung successful A/C tubes made) are tions, ranging from porcelain ure beating a bear because it has a
ly what the word here translated on an--_unsponsored show in all now covered by an unconditional telephoces t�: waterproof cane and 11ah in its mouth.One figure is war
"transfigured" meant in the life of that time. warranty against defects, includ- buckets. Celluloid razor blades and tug a hot dog alga in front of a
.Christ, figuratively or spiritually. Evelyn is the only girl in Phil ing`ALL the tubes in the new.1439 summer hats were among artielea lunch counter, while nearby a dog
And his face did shine as the sun, Spitalny. -"-girl Hour of Charm DeForest Crosley,`Rogers and Ma- displayed at a Tokio exhibit. eats the sausages.,
and his garments became white as orchestra who is a true New York- jestic models. When re-tubing
the light. The light around was er. Brought up in the city, attend- with Rogers Tubes, purchasers o
more than a ;obe put dh from the ing the New York schools — she naturally get the benefit of this a
outside. It was an emanation from finished -the Julia Richman High unconditional warranty.
the fountain of light within. These Queen. of the 'Nile
were rays that streamed forth a
from his own nature; and herein gam To The Mu{titude more than thirty yearn, is writing
y✓ is the difference. In the case of Matt. 17: 9-13. 9. And as they this second letter to other Chris- HORIZONTAL Answer to Previous Puzzle member of
: bioses and the dying Stephen. tians, presumably Hebrew Chris- the
there app were coming down from the moun- 1 Famous siren -1
3. And behold, eared tians, scat ere ro out the ueen pictur family,
fain. Jesus commanded them, h q' i I IM
untc them 'doses and Elijah talk- saying, Tell the eiston-t�rsa > - -'Sorld, to-encourage and strength- ----here, R 1 N' 1 IN Of 19 Pitcher. --
- ing with him. These two men were. until the Son of man be risen from en them in the faith, and to con- — 9 She was A 21 Musical note-
thE representative leaders of the the dead. Any report on the part rice .those possibly 'in datig'er of queen of --- R N a' ITIP! A IS1 CH�NA 22 She was the
Hebrew theocracy. Moses was the of these three disciples of what departing from the faith, through 13 Measure. D iN most =
embodiment of the law, Elijah of persecution, that there is no life, _#Incarnation 1 woman of leer
they had seen, Christ transfigured, N A' I V C IH A TiA'RIG
the prophets. would at that time have been re- no hope, no power, and no future of Vishnu. times.
4 And. Peter answered. and glory, outside of Christ. Peter is IS Lion. . 1 E TiFt' 1 O R' 1 24 Death notice.
ected on the part .of those to, i i
said unto Jesus, Lord, it is good whom the story was told, and uow- an. old man. The remem• 18 Law.. I A F 26 To clip. -
'r for us to be here: if thou wilt. I cv�utd not }n any. way enhance < bran:e of the transfiguration was 20 Tadpole. A 1 30 In.
wil. make here three tabernacles; the name of Christ, or convince one of those things which helped 23 Toward. b �L 32 Those driv
one for thee, and one for Moses. anyone of his blessiahship. Peter.hi every hour of temptation 25 Serrated E Ing teams.' _
and.one for Elijah. Peter.makes 14. And when•they" were come, and trial to keep him unswervingly tOO�• 33 Venomous
the great mistake here in, as it •persuaded that Christ was the 27 Measure of
to the multitude, there came to paps 46 Winter rains. VERTICAL S snakes
were, classifying the Lord Jesus true l.edeemsr and the Son of r' 2'Behold.. Jewels
- him a man. kneeling paper-
to lima and — 38 P1uraL ___ X48 To accomplish
_among the great characters of Is- sa•ing. 15. cord, have mercy on God. 29 Kimono sash.'49 Snaky flap 3 To sin. 37 Dry'
s Stonemason
rael, as if the Lord was to have m son• . or he is epileptic, -and 31 Gas aperture. 31 Hollow-
!12 S ones son
• Burdett.
y '! •1
mount than horned
mo '
e glory
on the -
no mor rq v for oft-times 34 Ladies
g suffering grievously;
Moses and Elijah were 'to have. •Haim l�1fi ream ruminant. -$Employing ' 45 Rust fungi
He certainly does not give any he falleth into the fire, and oft- + underwent, -
times into the water.- 16. And 1 36 To softest b2 Cavity. flattery. ,ori.
t• jpre-eminent place to Christ. brought him tp thy disciples, and After Separation leather. 56 Black haw. 8 Transposed. 47 Not tp depart
Words From Heaventhey could not cure him. 17. And 38 Aquatic !88 Falsehoods. '7 Knock. 50 Not to win.
5. While he was yet speaking, ' Jesus answered and said, 0 faith- mammal 80 Data. 8 Cupid. S3eposition.
Remove to Gtleen, Sweet-5enel-
behald, a bright cloud over'shad- less and perverse,generation;how ]lug, Well Ventilated Place, 39 Parent. 182 Regular or 10 A glance. _ 54 ecular.
owed them. And behold;. s voice tong shall l,be with you' how long And Cool Thoroughly 40 Golf teacher. cubic. 11 Taxaceous 55 Pale btpwts
out of the cloud, saying, This is shall I bear with you bring him 41 To leave out. 8S God of war tree. 57 Aurora:
hither to me. The disciples had 43 Courtesy 86 Julius — 12 Deck above 59 Tone B
`'my beloved Son, in whom I am The fact that the scparator• Is title. and Antony the spar. 81 Spigot.
well pleased. On two ether occa- little faith; the father believed, kept clean and runs property, does 44 Neuter loved her,. '15 Beer. 83 Mother,
,ions a supernatural vole- brought and did not believe. This preval- not necessarily prove that good
7. testimony•.to the Lord Jesus: at etice of perverse unbelief made it cream *III be on hand at churning Pronoun• IB7 To reside. 17 She was a 64 Company.
his baptism (Matt. 3: 17), and to- painful to live amid such a gener- time or that good butter can be Z II
'warn the close of his life, on Sun- ration, and to suffer or bear v ith made from it. The proper care and
da;: before the passover (John 12: -them. 1,8.2 And Jesus. rebuked handling of the cream is an impor= � Iq
28) Three apostles could never him; and the demon went.out of tant phase of the question. The
agree .that they heard certain him, and'the boy was cured from milk must have been produced from 9 F
words, -at the same time, and in that hour. No sinner .can ever sin- clean caws;.ln a clean barn, into
th same place, unless such words cerely come'to Christ but his sin clean'palls and by clean and careft!! 3 23 6 7
were actually utters:'. Thirty will be forgiven, he. will receive milkers. It must have been remov. °
years after this Simon Peter still God's gift of eternal life, and he ed from the barn immediately after 9 ! 5
`remembers that he heard a voice will be made a child, of God at milking to the separator. Remove
on the mountain. The voice -was once. cream immediately atter. separation
nor,c other than the voice of God 2 Pett. 1: 1G-18. 16. For we to a clean, sweet sineliing, well.
the Father. The voice 'added, did not follow cunningly devised venfilated place and cool thorough-
Hear ye him. fables, when we made known un- IF. The cooling prevents the
6, And when the disciples to you the power and coming of growth,of bacteria that are in the
:.:'heard it, they fell on their face, our Lord Jesus Christ,but,we were milk and therefore keeps it flavor
and were sore afraid. 7. And Jesus eyewitnesses of his majesty. 17, and condition good.,It should be k?1
Fot he received from God the K V
came and touched them and said, cooled to below 50 degrees Fahren• M
Arise, and be not afraid. 8: And Father honor ano glory, when heat and held at that temperature
lifting up their eyes, they saw no u
None, save Jesus only. him by the Majestic Glory. This is _
The disciples needed to Iearn n y beloved Son in whom I am well
leased-. 18. and this voice we Because no wolves are kn'
hat Christ's true glory was in P � -
suffering. They saw nothing in ourselves heard borne out of heav- to exist in South Africa,-the game 6T 6
authorities are investigating re-
the cross but-shame and .defeat. on, when we were with him the
Thi§ vision was to teach theist holy mount. The apostle Peter, ports shat the animals have ap L
that the cross was his throne, after having preached Christ for peared in the Nambi Desert.
POP—The Extremity of Sobriety
. - JopYrlibt, 1938• hy'1'ha�14-11
' l
.;.•,c• -'�'-g, .:� '-^tib;. ". .• .... ... :.-. .,.� •.... ....... •^a ._, _ . ' :. ..
w _
• 40A>tJi�3�[8
--P=k Petrie,- of Walkdarton, tabled -visitor here. trach room
md _
was a holida7 oneone whish will be added to,
—Cyril om
and Mrs, Morley and as the club progresse& The ros
-1Liss Gladys Bly, of Toronto
Joyce visited with in Tor- will be open pis Jaya a week from e lre
Spent tike week-end with Mr. and onto on Sunday. 1 p. m. until 11 P. m., under the
eta. Evans, Church Ser. We are glad to report that supervision of a caretaker, The
—Mrs. Fred Mortlock and tam- Mrs. Bie has safely passed the facilit"e of the club are open to �
__By rsWmed home on biionday, aft- crisis in her illness, and we hope every man in /the neighborhood Pickering's h�LEAD.ER"GrOV`jr er spending two weeks with her she is on the road to an early re- 18 years of a$e and older for the y .
parents in Lakefield. cove
ry, small fee of ;3 per year. This `Service ualit 7Cleanline
The Annual Meeting of the —A Turkey Banquet will be held venture is one of the most leder- o -
Pickering Library Association on Friday evening, Jazi. 20th, in wing conwnunity movements ever ` y "
will be held at the Library rooms, the basement of the United Church attempted in this district and de-
on Monday, Jan. 23rd, at 8 p. in. ,
under the auspices of the Manag- serves the whole-hearted support Cowan's Tea'CU J1
All members of the Library are ers of the Presbyterian Church. of everyone " in the district. A $1 Ore Dr JacksOu'B p
eligible to attend and. urged to be Alf. Scadding, picturesque figure circular, letter is now being pre- . '..TEA Sofy Sub Perfection TEA
the Nova Scotia Mine Disaster, Pared to distribute in the n- COCOA
Will present to apes A s- rty, which will outline in detail, 1$ g00 ea SpeciAl 1 lb•.Tins
byte:ian Church will meet, at the ion, 50 cents, the extent of activities which this
3wmne of Mrs. Arthur Boyer on _. Pickeri Senior Hockey club hopes to 1-2 lb 27C 31c. pkg. Only 25c. vith every lb.
ng promote. You are
Wednesday neat at 230 p. in. Team went to Whitby on Thurs• especially invited to attend the 70C• lb'
--Mrs. H. R. M•ormey has been . day evening to play their •first _opening.on date mentioned above. - • -{
confined to her bed for Several Game of she season, .their _ Seasonable items of -interest in the
days suffering from a very severe The foil letter has be=
opponents being a Whitby Team °R'�g
;sold. received from the Supt. of Miss- Dry Goods .Departmen
who came out victorious
4 isa Leila Sparrow is spend- —The Sacrament of the Lard's ions of the`United Church in West Shaker Blankets "Ibex" brand, in ink blue Ot d border. °
ing a few days at the horde of Supper will be administered' in St. ern Canada in response to a bale P g
her parents here. She has just Andrew's Church on Sunday next. sent from Pickering recently. 70 x 90, Special Price, $2.59 per pair.
finished her Course as nurse-in- Preparatory services Will be held
g at the home of Arthur Boyes this y edge �. Same quality "as shave in regular striped border or candy
tttiairiiu at the Toronto General 'R%e gratefully admowi stripe or lain white. Regular double bed size X2.45,
Hospital, and has received her Friday evening at 'S o'clock. eipt of your donation of used cloth- P P g ,
Registered Nurse Certificate. We ing. This year has bre t a cen-
-••St. George's Church, Sunda . Shaker-€fant�ef-�fartrwlriteorstrip , . wi e, c. per yd-
congratulate her and wish her January 15th. 2nd Sunday after sidersble measure of relief from •
success in her chosen profession. Epiphany. Sunday School at 10 a. drought, and most areas (not all; Lovely soft Woolette for pyjamas; nighties etc. Pretty
--There has been a great deal .n Morning Prayer at 11. Even- have fair to good gardens and piers- patterns, 36 in, wide, Special price, 29e. pier yard.
01 speculation as to what play ing •Prayer'at 7 p. m, Preacher at tY of fodder. The,main money crop, Krinktette Bed Spreads, large size in blue or peen stripe
would be chosen by the Dramatic both services, Rev: E. G•. Robin- wheat, .has however been a great p ' g 8 - —-
Club of the United Church for --All ladies interested in the disappointment. Hail, dry, weather Only $1.49,
their next production: . 1ihey have Sewing Class under the sponsor- in parts, grasshoppers and rust Many mire odds and ends to clear at Bargain Prices
finally decided on "Lena Rivers ship of the Women's Institute have all taken their toll, and little
adapted from Mary J. Holmes' please take notice — The first of the crop Sledded anything worth lv'Ob1E ON IN
celebrated novel, and are rehears- while over expenses. There is prac- ..Me
/ .
meting is to be held an Tuesday, /Vl SoCHAPMANing, in preparation for their first Jan, 24th, at the name ' Mrs. tically no sale for garden producepresentation early in February. John Crockett at 1.30 m. This Consequently money is very scarce
-- ,—.The stores-of-- A. J. hush _ o _ . - _- and tber-. mull_need of
� Class for the making of house e
and Booth and MmAsot were brok- dress and apron to be conducted �P in providing clothing. I can
en -into early' Saturday morning lay, )Y1re, R. W. Balsdon asci ins- assure you therefore that what you „ 'BUY
last, netting the thieve$ very lit- ludes: fitting of patterns, and the have sen: will be greatly apprec-
tle material gain on .this occasion, making of pockets, pipings, bound- i". The assuratrce that Christian ' ►.
At Buibby'e, the door alarm coil- buttonholes etc. Pleas bring note- friends in other and more favoured RUBBERS
useeteed to ring as soon as the book and pencil;-needle, - thread, Pa:is of the country are atilt stand-
o door was forted open, thus driv- tliiunb ing behind our distressed people is -
le. tape line and some scraps
tng the tbaeves away, but at the of print or cotton material. a great source of encourage ment _+t
Fed and White,• admission was —.Members of the Pickering to them. f
gained, and a small gum--of-money hockey Club wis}i to sappers tlseir �e convey wr hearty thanks
Mens 6-eye Rubber, $1.59
Itaken. As' is generally the rule, no thanks and appreciation to the
to all who assisted m this coairib• �
Itnwe of the robbers Is obtained following donors, who have enab- >zt " 4-Buckle Overshoe,
to data With the increasing num- lett theta to equip their tesun: M. 1R. Y. McDourld. Supt. YYrM RubberQQ
!ber of inch offense during the S. Chapman, F Wiwn2,,On, Dr. •i Knee RBoots, $1•p9
past few weeks, one wonders if Cartwright, waiter Thomson, Q. patch.Patcb. Patch ' « Felt & Rubber Jovc7t8 $2 �a
the scheme advanced from several A. Sterritt, Clarence Silk. J, A. Patterns-tbat match. -
�gromps to develop organizations Buahiiy, Chester Butt, Robt. Rud y I �
. =Cobra that won't wilt, . . All First Quality Rubbers, made by Miner Rubber :- ---�--- -such as is being done in numbers- dy, N. Gartshare, Dr. Mclhen. Make one a guilt:
-of other countries, to where un- A. W. Mitchell, Frank Pierre, lair, _- Co. at the lowest price, we ever saw. Y_=
�estployed men might b6 gathered Booth, Gordon Law, I- Dixon, J. AUNT DINAH'S QUILTING - a
PATCHES Fred T Bunting, - -� __Pick '
lirsto camps, under government T Stephenson, Thos. Ackford. J. 25c.per ib. Sii_lbe.,$1.00. T. D f -
empioyment • and operation would Balsdon, Fred Buntnig., F. Ross, .P,stsblis>!ed 1857,
toot be a helpful move. We have E, C. Jones, Dr. FalWee, C. Brad TOWV HALL BUTTON SHOP '
few, thousand men in this, prov- ley, Pickering News, A. H. Robin-� Whitby, Oat.
ince, without work, clothes, food don- p Buttons, RemnantP, Patches,Fancy SPECIALS -
or a home, nokedy seems to care —The January meeting of the Goods
very much about thein, and it ':s Women's Mirtsionary Society of the ,
only an ireyits►b?e following, that United Church was he'd at the Breakfast Bacon, 25e• alb•
these men facing starvation, are home of Mrs. W. C. Mwkar with The . Pickering
going ulrir � crime. This is the President, Ips. F, T. B=t- MEAT :MARKET" Minced Steak, 12e• a -lb.
only yet there will ing presiding. During the business
be sure to .be some persons, well- period, a letter of appreciation Pork Liver, 12c• a lb•
fed and clothed come along and ' frarrr Rev. McDonald, Regina for - ,
say, that all could be working if the bale sent earip in December We carry' ^ full• line of SteWing Beef, 12e• a !b•
-they wanted to. Anyone making from this community ( letter ap- Fresh
such, a statement is showing pears elsewhere in this issue). Re- Jewel Shortening, - .a Se, a lb .
gross ignorance of condition$ As ports from the various secretaries -
they are today, were read .and proved ver encour, 'and • •
Classic C,�eanaer, �: :3 fins, 13c•
—The meeting in the interests aging. Mrs. Murkar, led in the �ur� -
_ e�C
of the proposed Men's Club was study of our Medical Missionary 6 tins, 25e•
held in the Town Hall oftburs- Work in Canada,.*hieh,was moat'
day evening -:last, with'thirty to interesting. At the rlcise, dainty Meats :� - G.
. - R . E ' D
forty men attending. At a' prey refreshments were served b Mrs.
lora meeting a committee had Muekar and group. Our delivery 1s at your service
been formed to investigate the +- Phone PickZIG20. Butcher (phone 3000) >Pickerin
poseibilities, which included as Men's Commuiuity Club, Pkkering _
enquiry 'into the possibility of ob- - •
taining a grant from the Proviai-
The Men's Community 'Club of • t
tial Government o t'rciceri is now dleiinite� an ass- -
munity Hal!'8. Act, Our local mem-
ber, the Attorney-General, is rep- been set for the. evening of Wed- -
orted to have informed' the Com-
nesday, Jan. 18th. This will take
that ;,he Act was still eff- : the form of an evening Entertain- •entertain-
ective, hilt pen an interview at nimt for which. good talent has Dunbarton Rink v
Queen's Park, they were informed been obtained, Hon G. D_ Conant - •
that funds had not in years been will speak. Everyone in•the'com- Saturday Evening ' Warm' Wish
set aside for this purpose. 1f this munity, men, women_�*+a _s_hi1&Vn _
bnterview had been made just be- are invited and .urged to attend Dec. 31 st . ..At this- Season
fore- an election, there would prob- (Bert Harvey will appear on the —
ably have been some success. The program with. other well-knowns) Good Ice ? Of the Year is than
grant was to have been used to Tilers will be . admission fee, OOO� Music J
purchase St, Paul's Church, which but a silver collection will be tak- M .
would be linked rip with our Prank en to help defray cost of inciden- 'IlDM1SSION, IS CENTS All have Health, . Happine"
atud the whole property registered tals. Refreshments will bt• served _
in the name of the Township. by the W. I. The Committee Clseaifiea , AdtYvertisemetrtatProsperity throughout the .Year
However, a canvas was made at appointed to undertake,the organ-
ization of this club 'have' appointed` FARM LISTINGS WANTED
- - 1
over $75 promised. s enables
the Club to take advantage of an Pres-,. A. Lishman Vice-Pres., F. waiting. No sale, no charge. Send 9
offer of a Ouvi-month's lease •of Bunting, See.-Treas., E. C. Jones. full information to 'L. V. DISNEY,
the church, which they are doing, Directors: Dr, V. E. Cartwright, Real Estate, Oshawa. phone 1650. : / 3
with opegtions ' commencing im
Dr. H. T. Fallaise. A. W. Mitch.
ell, Ross Irwin, ' James Palmer,
mediately. The basement will be FOR SALEf.— a quantity of tur-
equiypw for Club purposes im- E. L. Chapman, Robt Ruddy; G. :nips. D, Gannon, 5th cen, Picker-
Winters. John Powers. The St. .:71gent for McCormick.Deering Farm Machlnery and
mediately, and the membership ing,
ca was begun-1. The names of Art. Paul's Property has b@errt secured Repairs.
W. Mitchell and F. T. Bruiting, on a three-month's lease at a very STRAYED — yearling heifer. Ap- _ i
w{Pae added ;o the Committee with small charge with , an option to ply, Jaanes Taylor, Claremont. • aw ]lotto —,.We ha" B' Usti (;let fL Or !E it at =a& 1M��
E. C. Joneds: a8 TY'edtsurrer, A fee hay at the end of the three month /tlOt , Sim
E C. sumum has been fixed Period, The basement is being FOR SALE —• four Collie pup's.
Per Also, fartri hand, single wanted. J S BAIrSDON DICKERING
for the present fitted rip for use of Club mem- • • •
b-as, with billiard tablas. card �' Wilson, Ctaremaot, R. R. 2.
• 7th con, }?idcezirpg