HomeMy WebLinkAboutPN1951_03_02-'/ ,t ry., wSs.tdFjb', a •.A,:.
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- 951 i Authorized as Sow Class Matter
• 1 Costs F ��, ;, Paiee, �.N Per year PICYIritINiGi, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, MARCH �, is )Im' may, ad
_- t h 4chul [I�i - - -Be sady-.
Inlugust Ear! ,. ' ., ..
THE NEW HIGH SCHOOL STAjr'F BANK ROBBED AGAIN Public Library Circulation LTp. `I �1Cket•� �%ieai+rs
1 a
Board Chairman A. Ross eosin, 49fefs - -- - - - - --
lsaa advised the New of the ioilow- _ - - While its old news now, some of Although there' has been a slight Glad to see E!. O4* Huyck on thee, '
lass appointments to the teaching our distant readers will want to decrease in membership during the street again after his recent opera+.
A record of which the publishers hear about the armed robbing of past year, Pickering Library shows eon, )
staff of the New High School, to have naturally been very proud, the Caa, Bank of Commerce here as increase in circulation. Adult Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Disney sad,
�' was broken last week, -.when the on Tuesday afternoon.... the se<:ond reading has decreased, but juveniles Mr, and Mrs, R. A 'Winter left on
rrome, Subject they will teach, and publishers of the News were forced in the history of this branch, have increased greatly. Broken' -Tuesday for a trip to Florida.
irotn town named) - Mr. L. C. R. '
- Bngga, Principal, Tilbury: 'hilt J. � � forego publication on account of Just before closing time, two men ' down, the circulation was: Adult. Ernest t:hapman has sent us s►
illness - the first such to happen entered the bank carrying paper non - fiction 373. - Juvenile non -fic- copy, of a St, Augustine Florida
Saunders, Commercial, Parry Sound; in thirty or fort years, but it just '
][r. J. Russ, Agriculture, Uxbridge; y Y bags from which they brought out tion 1642; Adult fictive 2229; juv- daily newspaper, with a number of
Mr. J. Morrison, Science, Se ridge ;' could not be done. During Wednes- their guns and ordered the stxtf to enile fiction 1270; magazines 299, photos showing children sleigh -rid.
_. Misr Frances Elliott, Home. eafor h; day afternoon first one complame,- hie on the floor. While one man cov- There have been eighty -one paid ing in a park. What do we go to. '
less C lance; Miss Vera Emerson, about a ,temperature", while by ered the staff, the other went be- members during 1950 and one hum- Florida for, to see some winter i
Physical Education, Carleton Place: ' five o'clock the other was still Teel- hind the tellers' cages and cleaned dyed and forty -six school children Hilton Nicholson is in the Oshawa
i[r, E. Winkler,. Music, Cotwurg; ing quite w�• But, by six o'clock, out about $1,600. The money -grab- using the library. Hospital suffering a broken collar
he - too knew he was in for it, and ber then ordered manager N. R. The library has added 290 books bone received in a fall on the ice
Mr, R. Sham ott, Mathematics; Dan. du that evening father ano son
• 'Sash. Toronto; Mr, Jolliffe Art and during g Shortreed into the vault. While this f � the shelves, 287• being purchased oa Saturday morning. (he's now at ,
(ksfts, Oshawa: Mr, Wm- A. Parish, were -in bed both running tempera- went on Wilfred- Hunt walked -in ! and-3 donated. Ten magazines have I honcte again)'
tares of over 102; The pace, was and Nrab ordered to' the floor. Then been circulated. At present there Carman Barrett and o t
Social Studies, Athens; air: J..1{ap- got the a thirty they
Til- all ready to to for Thursd, � HaF -vey Bath Walked in and are 4752 volumes in our library members of the Holstein Breeders'
a Vice- Principal; Guidance, morning but the fever was still same .order,'. � '• which is one of the beat for its size Association left for )Mloatreal on, '
bury; Mr', Ronald Hall, Physical Ed- war was on ruttier ta,*+per- While Mr. Shortreed was "stall- ,-
ucation, :�iagra 1�'alis: :Hr. Haney there, A in the Province. Tuesday, and will call on some of
v Fenton, Shopwork, Essex: Mism Ve- I atures dawn. thinkln¢ we r+iQht Pv- lush in the vault, the men 'decided � The Board for. 1951, with Miss-1 the prominent Holstein people In =
ra Ballance, French; -Burlington: i .n. fret thv. News out' on Saturday. to leave. The men proceeded'up the ; Leila Motmey, as Librarian is: Mis.• Quebec,
but, the tak ng of temperatums asst- Brock Road in a ..lair model gray Ken Clarke, Chairman: Mrs. R. T. Mrs, Milton Sleep it in the Jsh., 4
Miss Margery Ackerman, English, s a
"Schumacher, nrdar morning felted vs to sire up car that was found two hours later Doble, Mrs, M. S. Chapman, Mrs.- awe Hospital sea result of the
At a recent meeting held in nrou- tha, idea. in a swamp off the 7th concession. A. Lishman, Mrs. R. Munson, Mr. fracture of hen right leg in a motor
sham. the Architects and t'ontrac- R'P were a bit apprehensive about One of the bags used to carry . the hyI S. Chapman, Mr. L. M. Morley. pceident -last Friday .night.
tors intimated that the building will the re- action of some.. readers and cash was still in- the car. Mr, Wm. Goudy and Mr, Barry Mur- Mr, Robt. Found was taken to_ _
lte ready in the early part of Aug- sdvertiears, but 'lee must saw that The bank stn!! includes: Mr. D. hospital this .week with & particul-
lsst this_ year, _ the whole thing has been vary K. Mclvbr, . Misses 'Mary Boyer, arty severe attack of asthma. a,s
__ __ kindly received, excetrtin¢ one. leu-gl 'J2ar - Riley, Helen Butt and Mrs. , Mrs. Gordon Andrew is ur. +rcrnin
Rlse first school in the ]'rv+ince T^An evlto tnid rho wira of ono of +hp Muriel Scott, The staff state they jre Marshall's Aftvee Represented 8'
eY At �i', I, ►leering Here major g.r�ry in' hospital at Toron- _`'
M Ontario was bull within the sick that she °should harp „unel -d were not threatened by the thugs. ;. to, this tr•o•k. �.'""k°•
(e•ntiaued on page fusel 'her 1+'ssy't"+nd 6--the and of t1k mo.p The conduct of, and "stalling" in Pickering Women 's Institute held t Mr. and Mrs. Jack Boyes and
for arait;"ir sick.. and it will onIr the vault by Mr. Shortreed doubt - g Hiss Mary have returned from f'i ^r.
tako about two - uesses %v soave to less accounts for the loss being s ' its monthly meeting on Tves�iay,
,.•-A. J. THOMPSON ENGAGEL.AS - g February 27. in- the Presbyterian I ids and Dr. era 'Best _Cart Tight
ASSISTAlrT ASSESSOR arrive at who tbs+t ventlet"wn wstr. low as it was. Neil d' 1 some cool - =Y are esPected this wee,
Church Hall. Mr. Martin Hurst, of
Rowevar, wn ainearal« tr»•+ the* headed work. The flu has wrecked more +hate
"Jllswasi$* Clauncil - Last Friday ,,.an •nd his. do not fall virtue of - the Fire Marshall's o!!!ce spoke on
PAPER COLLECTION one set of lane in this neighbor-
PAPER the flu. "P4re Prevention" sad showed two - hood. If yon fall for it,- we hear one
Mr. A. J: Thompson of the Baso Rouge Boys' Club Plan Paper Dive , films of actual fires
Line has, bees engaged as Amidst- - g"r�ns out }trc.++sver this wpok - � doctor, say. -get to bed, takipg ar i
bus bee& eonsiderahle of -,n effor! , pirin and baking soda, nothing else !
aat Assessor for the Township of As was mentioned in this paper. 00"or will touch it.
_ Zia have- seemed over from IP*+ $iwanis Club 70 .
Thompson wasrCredit ldanager j of w'ek a+e "announcement's' etc. met tiasl planegforB enotherbpaper Softball Leagues
ilk Adams'_ FuraiLnre.-ia Toronto. that sill yield good. and appear m' drive to be held on March -10, �- Foresters Bowiing - Feb. 2:M
It was moved by Dep. Rea, d N. „t!'a•e' nw.aes. 11t a ieceat meeting o! the Sports ,
Our siravre avorpeia +ion t,,- sm Q'he last such drive was very sue- -;
Committee of the. Kiwanis Club of Ladies High Single -
IL XcBwm, seconded by Coe&cillor _ mane readers *nd Mends- for cow* cessful, due to the whole- hearted co- Dumbarton, it was decided tbat'tlse Mary Barlow ,
Fred Zink e, that Roy Ward, Road operation of the residents of - Pick - ... ~~~-° ^•-'-.
- -�p6, used as of March 31, solicitous erqu•*{es. - - ;� eing Township, as well as West Club would sponsor Softball kaS Ladies High Triple .N.,.�N +. _
'10 ruction was . lost, wbersapon Hill and Highland Creed —an3 they ! ues for, boys in the various age Mary Barlow .n.�.BYB - -
>•e. ]LeEwen caIIed for the Yeas How. Gordon Cosset, K. C. G, L. A. are hopeiuh that the same support ' graUPs from eight to rour"MA years =bien s a,g'n �i,_6.e -
Interested parties should contact: Bill Bryant'
r ant .... ._ ............... -., 38ti
sib Nays - Yeas: ' McEwen and Braises Ta lets Private Practice will be accorded on this next drive. 2t3W2,' Y
lbaks: -Nays: Westney, Burke, isals- With 'Ssa. Mr. SOW Conant From now until March 10, more Howard 1pcCtement. Pick. t Men's High Triple.. .
+ion. Bill Kemp Pick. 186J1 I Bill Bryant .� $34 �
Aat:oiiacement is °naAs this creek complete news ^n this drive will Sher details will follow is this ; Team S;;;;iug
Council -will. purchase a parcel Of � published in this paper. In the from Arthur Pe � for- *100, s meantime, it. would he appreciated � Paper. i a d Tom Kats".... _
Lod rh of the retirement of fl on. Gordon .... •
at Lot 15, Cat. 3,• The Road slept. Conant, - K. C., L. L fl. P.. I.- D. as if the residents would gather. or all . ' Presbytedan Church W. bit � Rockets .... .... .... -.... :. Y . III
_will cut- oft this corner, dangerous Senior Master ut the Suprnmn.(.uurt msgazines, newspapers. etc., for Drizzlepussea ..w.a.. ,..��..�
to drivers, r these beya wh<r are- -doing a strand. _.. W. M. S.. of the Presbyterian Shorties Saks III -- -�
of Dr�ro. yi . onset returns -ta- The -- .. ; -�- _ -- - 1L_ -
Pickering Village Trustees dss- Oshawa whF•e he will re -enter r,riN- job. Incidentally, wP have been ad- ! Church will meet on Tuesday, March•
sassed the pros and Coos of "water" ate practice witn his son Mr. It,trrr wised that new telephone books have 6 at 2,30 p. m. in the church call: � Hornets ........ , . .......'.. �5 ;
as to getting it from Ajax or groin Conant B _1. of A 'f' issued to the residents. in this Bobcats :.. >. 77
103 300• from V "''s wail been ed Strikers . 16
wells. Firm Ajax i be anaintsiaed at Ushav•a and Ajax. area and we would suggest that � FATHf.x �1hiD SON BANQUET •• Z. • -u .... •.• _,
wells, =1E6,840, Trustees favor the Mr. Conant, forrscr inen ber lot they- keep the old books, as thPSe !• DC`BARTON I'
Ajax proPosition. South Ontario in 'the Provinciai would be Ten, lees- +•+Ile, t NICHOLSO4' TAXI TAKES OVER
G oa Education Aeei< .._ Legislature, foasner Attoisey- Goner- la number o' our Villasa ro,410 -f• On Friday evening, Feb. lb, a I McLELLAti BL:SINESS +
' al, and Provincial Premier later, have been akin- tiro Ye— .06-nt Father-and-Son Banquet under the I t.
March s to lo. _ retires after ht
rig years an Senior pawl ro tections, Rouge boy. -take Scouts and Cuos of tinted Church ' 'Elsewhere in this issue the vich-
R7k fusel Fabric School will be Master at Osgoode Halo. .note, Ed,) was field, ;resided over by' t,nair- Olson Taxi announce their taking
• the National Education man of the Scout Group Comm-9 Mr. ` over. of the McLellan. Taxi, at the
bservia� Ivan Frederieson. Present and tak- four-corners here. They will operate
'Week, larch 4 to 16, os in other 'HOCK$! TONIGHT Aodley Community Club lug part were; Cub Pack Leader Mr. from here and the former Liverpool
yoom Priatipal R., T. Doble, ex- <Thassday) - Hirry Cook, and assistants Jim '
lauds an invitition %s1h - pa�etrts, -- -6 . s_ t s The newt mPetinyr M the Cl-b 'office.
- -
sad others interested to attend their Pickering Hero and Robt, Taylor. The ladies re impressed Talking with the proprietors, rck -
eras ]fidgets defeated Kes= will be he'd at the sc7ibrihovse here of Viz_ A. served a bountiful Rare impresse+ with the standard!
Opm House on the Friday after- . wick Wednesday night 7 to S. on Wednesday evenin¢, March 1st. banquet which was enjoyed try all, of ethics and personal conduct be-
soon, the 9th, to meet the stall and Retained game in third round- of It will be a Social Evening and all Under the leadership of the Cub- , Ing established for their drivers.
observe - class -roots procedure, at 0. )ll< H. A. playdowns will be play- are welcome. Master, the boys introduced their From which we would say their .`
2.15 o'clock, ei-in Whitby Arena 'Tonight at 8.30 fathers. The Chairman • introduced
patrons should receive the utmost
the Cub Pack Committee after I in service, safety and cautious
the- last issue Saturday Might, from•which we quote: which he called on the newly app- driving. Phone Pick. 200,
laveleutar' Sabotage - Where's It Goiag To End? ° -- "people who are reasonably satisfied with- the ec- ointed Padre, Rev. A. F. Ban..ord, :
-a wmic system, or at least do not Irish to break it to speak a few words. In his mess- EASTER SEALS THIS WEEK ,
A visitor to, the News Office a few days ago Pent awn by any method other than legitimate demo- age, the Padre emphasized two some of his time with us; in a discussion of current eratic methods, sad lobo have ao desire to see thoughts: "Have faith in God.' and
Have faith in yourselves With Pickering Rotary Cl'ub's Easter
economics - Sigh Prices, Wage Control, Monoi,vites, :.. Ressia master of the world" (not all who discuss Seal Committee launch their carat• _
etc. Our urban arrow friends will,, we hope understand - these two qualities a bow can Masser this week.
y our economic sYateni are Communists, you see). Paige►
. a success of his Nita The .Cub Master _
,position of the rest of thost people who kre m "any labor organization which insists neon receW led the ,group in action songs, and been addressed tressed d envelopes over
coeatay - d wee are others, you know. Re are _ ing for an hour's wort mare thsa the predating
and of those little fellows wbo live apoie a !ew basely words to the this district. En!lese your reasitt"
g thinking institution can get from the,sele,of the product of fathers present, urging urea to In- ante and send to the local treasurer
! is. lira vast rural steer, who, manage to -Work out s that amount of labor is sabotaging the economy, ' terest tbemsetves in tiWr boys and
" by sweat sad muscle, without a 'labor union to -� ' sithough its members may be completely uaiaarare is tl!le CIA Pack, The highlight of as addressed on that envelope, _. .. --
F'. P -do their fighting for them .... the little fellow wlio ties.. of the fact. If, as is now usually the case becauss the evening was a number of mov-
in between espitatist employers and labor uaioaa, the ' itsternati onal competitiom is not available to act as bg p�m which were very inter -
two groups who appear to believe thq'are the oafs a regulator of Prices, the' prodlWing Institution Is epts' Approximately forty boys
ones feat who coast. able to add the increased cost of the labor to 'the ar�d mom of their fathers were Ares- ri
- - I:a t:h" cony= 94043 here, we asked "'*hare 0 W& price of the product, then ,the labor o><gsnization is ent, and i rely soul road an-
o joyable evening was brought ,to an
thing going to atop." The alive em�ployea goes vet xanpry- holding - soelv;y ,.�,.. by'tneens of its end by pmyce, - Corr.
to 60 his shopping and finds the price of nearly every nionopoaly power. Its members are probably quite -
article hd buys `higher than it was last week, so he .0 maware that they are doing so, or they may be a- c ------
goes back to the boas with a "Hey! the cost of living ware-of it and convinced that that is a proper and STOUfflll«E C�E�MfRS
U up ten cents, we want an Increase in wages of iQ Jgstifiable courad because they have seen their
cents as bourl" The boss- replies, after some argam- ' 'capitalist employers doing just the vwe thing." PHONE STOUFFi/1LLt 84,3
ent and hesitation "0. K." -and raises the price of the : _ "it ins -not mach use trying to defend the profits - �
1prodact they nmufacthre to pay this increase in ,of employers when they have been the result of 11IIIIOIIIIC• the appolatmellt Of :.`.
wages. This employee goes back•to'the store the nelfb" '' eittortionate use of a monopoly position, and un- ec' 1 log -- ' GRITS ARE-TOUGH y F`
sleek to shop and finds that the product he helped to,. fortunately the history on this continent is not Y�'n S �Wl N�Bt
make, is up another eight or_ ten cents, and away back free from examples of that sort. of thing." -_ - Telling the News about the s10 0 ..;
he goes' to the boss for an increase in wages to meet Se, then!, one of, the reasons that "vicious circle" bs as their agent -for Ident at Liverpool a few days ab1P%
when a bus skidded. struck a pis
''tlre high'coai'of•living ". But what about the consurai,' -Villowed to go on uninterrupted is that owe have no r and brought dowh a trsndormsla H.'
- T-.
_E P,.-,..IC-. K
er, that little in- between man who hasn't a- boss to foreign competition ots our markets. And•the prouucer
lid � iB$ tender informed us that the
provide the increase, and, around it goes.-on the sill- :is going to make a "killing" while he has the chance. had struck a "Reformer". Wall we I '
first progrem of economics •ever known. In that case we cannot know when it is ''<
The war is between the employer and the labor The producer is g to cad. GWt w knew that rig tor' H�
p going to get "his", and the powarfuli .. SERVICE: Tuesday di Friday Brit would assn ta+snhle sooner' tat,
U"lt and fate ewws w ser , pays the fiddles. torsion employees are going to get "hid "" - of whom C e•. v isltAlt'. I . _ .. B : _art_ . ►, _ ._ � ...,•
We it a J11" o A d►ie � b7. a l k VgPa to .jilt: poor oosunwW. , .i rNra, rRSSSrxo. lesr�»es :
i _ �
a. •
y OILS, GREASES TIRES 1eoTOSt:sCLE9, Harley uavidaon. Now "PEP UP"
iy's< BAT'rtORIES, paints• electric' motors. and used. oil .tart. mold. tachanged 1.8 rig
Try '
C•z -
stoves. radloa, refrigerators. test Cra•r stock of guaranteed 'teed mntowycles. Ra• _ C. C. a H. lOxlC rAB1.ETe _••.
rut. milk coolers and teed grinders. Power (rots-
ails by fk for)- ualued mochaales ip ttv low vitalit7 and general debility.
Sawa, drills, find lathes, etc. Dealers c)des, and :ompfet• tin• of wb■al goods. One Dollar, Rt Druggists
wanted. Write: Warco Grease and Oil
also Guns. • 13nats and Johnson Outboard" -t-- -'-
Limited. Toronto., Motors Open evenings until alms except OPPORTUNITIES FOR HEN A WOUIODi '
- Wednesday. Strand Cycle t Soot to Etas OI'POR
r! fir;. 100 w1,DE -AWAKE Men are going to set at Sanford, ' Hamilton. - - $E A HAIRDRESSER -
_.. _ fine Made- to-33eawre suits FREE from
"t va this mason. Will YOU wear one of JOIN CANApA'y LEADING SCHOOL'
"'s' ,:r' them -show is to friends and ORDER NOW FOR SPRING DELIVERY great Opportunity Learn ' 'Ekn _ nd take their easy orders, making a neighbors -Chinese , Dw f Apple l inch • six• 100 for Halydreseing
handsome profit on each outs? zou u -,s, Apy o Dwarf ): D Trees r Te].ntosh or _ lat,,,yAt- dt ;ntR•d yrotessioa.- l lirS laser
aDY' Or Cortland): Dwarf Pear Trees (Bart- Thousands of sucttesful Marvel grsdurtee
'\ ,,.,,4i•,n,,: no ezrrience --I show you how, and ■uD- 1 t or Favorite) 3- our System
Illy woolen Sample Display FREE? st Clapp 's Fa i e) Lt, also. Y America's Greatest Ys em
But act QUICK: Write us a letter -tell Choice, - 33-00-- eseb -or a for 97.50: HardY Illustrated Catalogue Free
us something about yourself - send NO 35 for $3.98; Giant Exhibition Paeony Write or Call
"" Money. Dept. W. MAYFIELD TAILORS, Privet Hedging plants 12 to 30 inch also. MAP,vEL IiAIRDItESS1NG.,8C1iUOL4
__ . , n _ roots' in red. white or Pink 9 for il.at. mss Blnor Bt. tv.. Toronto
•'. - ea Hurbahk, lam- -- Brea¢ es
um trees, swan t
wT I�Ai- �•�Q�L bard or Grand Duke, 6 -Lt, ■W 12.00 each e4 Ding St.. Hamilton
. _ _ „- ,• ---,�- -�=- ,;., or 3 for $6.00. Free "Colored Garden "'72 Rideau st., Ottawa
AUCTION SCILOOL. Be an sucuoatsr - -- - -�dlds - wisU__.ESarY Order. Brockdale -
S n i term soon. Free catalogue. Reuel Kingrwey NuraerT; SOwmaa>!Lllf Oat
Auction School. Mason City, Iowa. - .. _ NEW dkscuver sate nave 34o ts.r
•u, % -_- :=ae.- 'Sua_ranteed ?Send siampeJ4enrctc pe. .
y PRECISION PwR. CHAIN BAws - 3, Brodle. .lute; +tu
Biul CRICKP The safest and fastest cuttlmg power _ -
'yu saw made. Thousands of satiaflad custo-
r, t u GE.NCINE MY-LI \-E CHICKS men throughout Canada. E1sht different EMPLOYMENT - t:ana'la. United $tense.
...Ya>•i,. ; •�-' '' "•6 a
Cr sees of Inbred
lines, Bred. like good Alaska and loreign �,njMrtunhlea.' Row.
models manufactured. Priced from 3341
_s� a •a,iX „� Hybrid corn. Early maturing uniform put- when. where to apply. `enJ 91.00 for let•st
A Tee er>� lees. Twelve to 1{ months lay, less brood!- up. Complete information oil request. employment reDOrc lisiine firms hirins.
^� items. 100'■ on the farm Comparison Tests Precision Parts Limited,- i G6 First' Asenue, Service Bureau, Dept A C. P.O. Bow 12.6;
"u *how 24 to 72 more eggs per hen housed l.achlae. Montreal 2E. Saint John. N.B. '
than standard bred!. Cockerels 3 Ins. m -
♦ N.eCORMICK- DEF,RL \G w8 Tractor 13-30• 8C1LD A !'AYINt: BUBINF.AN
11 weeks. Catalogue on request. HY -Lin• Rear Tires. Near New• Cbas. Richards. - Full or Spare Time - -a `
C P. ,✓ „+�'r chicks. Gait Queen 8 me& Cbatham, Dnt.
t - 't' •,, ♦'�, ,, vfy as'', • Agincourt. Out, We will train )uu to �,Perate your ,•%a
ALL OUR C H 1 C X 8 are H.O.P. Sired "sIIOE BI:sINESti" w fill Your own A•xrl0-
' �- with a proven breeding background of up SPRAY. WITH A SPRAMOTOR live territory. help Complete selling arms'
' to 293 eggs. These certified breeders are driven) for orchard (traction), wad tractor FREF-to help you sell Canada's firs -s,
,'"• officially Droves the cream of Canadian driven) Row CroDe (traction), weed, diatn- sbcee. write now to:
_ w f re ra, ing: f farm w cantle spraying and DAYSTEL �Huf: CONPAN }'
Poultry sad their aroducttoa will truly me flgh'ung; [arm wagons: shallow well
_ astontab You. we have.' 3 Gov. band Pressure SYAte ms: "TIFA" (Fog ADDiI- . {Sd Kiax Street Wert_ - Toronto. ('susdr ,
:- :.- •q;,:,: - ' 'breeds from which to choose. Free ¢eta- cater). Free catalogues. Write today: BDra- PATE P5 --
�'!�. �,,'•n�'- '- ldg'l0, Kelterborn Poultry Farm. Idilver -motor Ltd.. 1000 York St., London.-Oat. -
_• _ d s. ton. Ontario, AN UFl•'Elt w °very m.e+,wr -Llat or`in`• '
<J?'`;4:, +'entlons and full .ntormatioa gent free. ,
IT'S the breeding and not the breed thu's MUFFED 'rumblers, best breeding. mv- Th•,R¢msay Co•, Reg!etered Paten+ s „or-
important. CorurarY to popular bellet, oral colours, •Priced right, Paul Crease. - Heys. 2.3 Bank Ptieet. Ortswa '
Freeze Skis — Florida being am old ski resort,'. it makes little- poultry prodta do not depend upon which ;• Peel Street. Barrie, Ontario. _ _
�1ifference to Virginia Spictr, that the skiing there is usually Breen or cross you cur, because there are GooD used tractor barianns, .]faseeY- FEent So'r iLars. Eli . Company ya-
good, poor and tadiff•rent in all Your Harris Model 81 at si50.00: Model 107 tear Street. ton, Fatabhebrd 1890, far
Southern stvle —on water. Using water skis she travels North- profits depend on breeding, The malority of Junior at 8850.00: Model 102 Senior at Say Strco1 Tarmm� it •.,41u of 'er rraa-
_ ”. lilt style-7-on 5t70w =after St, Augustine was hit with Florida' s Top, Notch Chicks are stied by R.O.P. 31.060.00; English. Fordson at 1:00,00, ?ten o■ regvst
gu Pedisreeoi Males. Also 'fucker Faults.. D. A. Edwards, XasseyHarrls dealer,
''worst r21d s it in a half - century. Complete Yvith a two -inch Old -r 111rllets. Fr-4 Catalogue, Top ?totem' Agincourt. Ontario. Phone Zone 2.652. REL�UION�_
ii't. •- Cbi••k bales. GuelDb, Omtarie -- -' -
-snowfall. - HYDRAULIC Dump Truck. 21 ton, 4a' 'IMPROVE E your I,nn.%onee of the a•tib
SPRLNGHILL Blood- tested ''hlcka are pro- model, like new; used troeiors, nearly sole on of Perplex :n,a .oriJ aml�ttans
timblo. All Popular breeds at 312.72, all makes; band -made sleighs also Yoe F-w Correspondence CAUraa.
aional gamblers hate moved to On pullets 324,00, heavy cockerels 84.50. Bea- sal•_ A. Fitzgerald. Plantagenet, Ontario. :;,•riptury ytudy Circle: . .
sports Of all kinds TO 1n amazing clals on started chicks. mixed and Pullen. _ a: vU teela lloalt+vard.- . rorente ■
g RPNngbal Seim. Preston. Ontarta � - YOBwCCU Farm -with a31 good machinery _
degree- itY the past few years. with -_ -'- - aiid tractor. Two good barns, four kllne. �' „t ANI l• --
the result that 4he public shru • HABY C81C1T8 .A, greenhouse. ts: acres. as acres
P fit N,B.R . eight• room honer. hynso and telr EXtEt.I.l:h'T vnl,l,i•;y� Your cho'cw: too
TWEDDLE R.b,P, Sired Pullets actually.
O$ with nothing more than a -oat you nothl 'rho extra o You phone, Part Albert Horst down, balance J ,R 4.- for only ,?wto packc, 'Crab a. Brt {bb
wbat? :'—thi s chat._ would veil Notyfrom oars hilar), Producing strains oe, Ontario; one owned R,R.1, ompany \Sol .47.8, Adelaide. Tore,ntn -m
� Apply
m � C s• 1
. ._. - 'ot O P. aired- Chicks will more than
-Sf -- ---_ ___ - ._ -
' have been -considert'd ICandalaus pay the orta nal cost, It will Day You to RE(IISTERED Xal• Corker ltpanrek Pups. -' - ' - ' 1 -
- lle9 'h?It a decade ?lie, ail out ^oupon and gat all detana abort = _ Colder and buff. Pormee Kennels Ytµy.1 \Tkll _.
'these 'wond•rtul chicks before You order R.R 3, The■salon, Ontario. GtItL «•pled ,td fihflx. aW . °mill hours,
. At all our leading "point- month- - _ . . • • `. them. Also Turkey Poults. Older Pullets. BonJ'T•., floor poliwhex. will. tray ta.to ..
pgtders" are g0 fond of. telling us, And when we soled. earlier, that I Tweddlo Clawk Ffat,hprl.a Limited, -Fsrrm REr: Airedales, both ilexes, d months old Gaol egiary. Mrs ii tit• u. side 'r'rne
big -time Basketball had be.n "rock- -t7muria -R. Guyer. Ra)to 3, D+rndas. Ont. Ialanel, Montreal,
on ever possible occasion, it was _ - I .Pleas° .end the Yntn•'nB'. to Boox 'silo ills
-'a Canadian who invented the gable ed' by the revelation,, it was meant me shout -u 1,. wonderful R n F, lotted 18CSTON• Rsgk.tered. XaM. t maathsr- P appr`ii • l.1onAll g oi,•old Writ o for
Esauttful markings Mrs. IE w.lts. F.a- aDDrvc late .lunar touts at oW watchep tot
tn &. relative sense: Throw -aft' egg .Chf.•kr. gi'hart, Oe• - . practise, Mark i'ra!g. T. R.- FidsDttal, Case fi
of Basketball which, according o• _ _ -_ - _ - -- at. John, New Hnmew;,'k.
gx- the Great Pyramid stld you'd,
the statistical schnogks. is the most NAME HELP WANTED -- - - -
popular sport on the :North Ameri- probably see as much real rocking. � -•,. -- _ —
'- • • _ YOS t :'- -' nohndre,,, Ito' Far 0, Q•ta`iirgi write liariatL
can continent. _
_ Baslie:ball, by its vial nature, is. __ . = DOUGLAS CHICKS ►1•sandra Road, Galt. Phone 734-w,
+ an ideal game for "platting in the g„y the bra. buy DO U G L All quality RAILWATS need Tutus- 'u'.!h for !ivs -40111
, 'I
Which es all to the.good;' especi- fix'; and all the.. inure so because etlicka %artily of Dun B ^ands Day old or - week an Agent TfftraltAl{ IS,d's nit
ally if you are fond of Basketball. the prevalent system., of betting ■tasted Pride Lint .o request. aatimtactlon towns? Pay. In throe Pnafiibn■ yon servo / ^-
llOweveF, it appears t0 have 'been gr+raaleed. - var Country its momoy- making Career. GARDEN
some mammoth -brain from south doesn't mean actually wagering on - - DOUGLAS HATCHERY His Demand, School neogniwed try Op•rat- SEEDS
which team w +tea but rather on v0 ,al o Sdttavalle, Ontario - ina Ottlemle /4eo Folder, Day and -Mkt of the Border -who was-responsible Courses, wine ra...n ss■tem. school. •• -ter -
- �,�ia known .i5 ''thP'apreatl - i : _.-___ .__-...— -- • -= Toronto. Sir" _ _
■ t Nt Nt /MiRt11'tI
for Basketball's latest and greatest OCCUR �
dervelo flient —ail achievement corn. l_ _ ATTENTION. FARMERS
P LARG10 Brown Rduon ducklings for '8t. iA
' 'For e]Cintple. ydu sic iHltrtattd • � it you need help for Spring we Nava &van•
parable only to that Of_the unknown Seal_"% deposit for delivery any UIM s able selected Dutch boys .rho' stye thdr- - -
ut a g� between The Lions and I _ New A b„d crtissban, I,ybrtd onions, n•.
genius who first discovered how to i March to July.. -]Oi: s49: Gtl, %131. !a. ' - ougnlY trained and know their wort a y
The Tigers, and you approach 'one ; _$11. 10. 3130. J. J. RamWay Flitcherlee. nnnJred D•r sent. This as well for dalrT ■■dY'K■it'^et 6y6d c•rs,:i,ybrid snd'eeattllen
load a set of dice. In, other words, Wtuntses. Manitoba. a as mixed farming, Alba available Dntrb «atas,elems, ssd mew easy r,atYn t•atstwe,
of the bookmaking gentry and ask •s
there is now apparently little or counties anti ramnie■. Apply to Sox 71. ilYtwatsd said deecrrl+ed WA rslaelile ya«, °t
too 'risk in bettin on BasketbaA What are the odds. (Naturally, you.. DYEIVO aND tCLEA_4XV Uxbrlgg•,' Ontario- Telephone '8.:
g wouldn't think of doing any such IRA V0 You anytbmr geed■ dy tar-ior CMaa - _ . noffie tse•s 1s ow l"I utalyua.
games -- provided, that is, yon tra- thing, btft just supposing.) Me tells seat write to u■ for lef roullsm etc•. _ - s1l:Dlcs1.
---let in the .correct social set,' are glad m answer FOUR au mgcu'. P-
you Catalopw -VALUE SO eretg
* you somethidg like this — "Tigers— gartmeat R. Parker's Dye Works Limited. READ THIS—Ever) sufferer of FREE on request vents le. 4 tedev
ten— seven" This means that if you tsI Tonga se.. Toronto. Rheumatic Pains or Neurittifss should
Four times. in less than a Year, wish' to- back the Tigers you must try D ion's Remedy. OLIN d I ' I a a a a a a
big -time Basketball in. the U,S.A. bet the bookie —even money -•that -_the poor boys are down to their IilEl NRO'S DRUG STORE
.'_bas been rocked by -the disclosure they beat Lions by fen points or second -last - adillac and -ean -t burr., $35 Elgg"In Ottawa
- - that certain top -notch performers r �hnntti - 131.25 Express Prepaid
�nar yeti faller 'Ells LitKts =• nra suit more than once a week,
attr -then your bet iS even money that CRESS CORN SALVE -for an renef.
--b".n yring— sK]ta11 o hens -
Tour Drtggur sells CRF.Stl. _
-of esteem, such as $100 billsi from they, will be- seven points, or .lees, ._No friends,•it woilld_appear, that Hm's S�y Relitf For ;.
carious admirers. The - object Of behind at the gamr's end, if Sport is to Ole .saved Crgttt the POST'S ECZEMA SALVE r
such tokens- was' to sour-said per- , BANISH th. torment or err eczema .. Tender, Aching,
formers toward curse of gambling which so sorely and we.Dlai .kin troubles. Post ■ Eczema
putting forth their The "spread" is generally a bit threatens its very existence, the --?salve will not at.aDDOlnt you,
Itching, •':sling. burning eczema, acme.
_ best efforts 'in some coming game t , -
-the adjective "best`, naturally,' wider than the .example given; and . srsctlrrs must come from, outside. ringworm, pimples and achlote ■ teat, will _. -.,,. •
a little study will show you. with lieu and' I— cceryone who •loves respond readily less o alo* s■. odorless Burning Feet
carrying orate of Mr, .W,ebsterb popetant, regal emi. of boa stubborn or
.-minor definitions. "Brost advantage- modern Basketball's Box -car. figure Itport —mast do oils bR, and hlrr'is hopebo they ate,,
scoring, how easy. it is for a crooked haw- we can do it. PR1CL!' $1.30 PM JAS
yens." ' ' _ . Your feet may be so #wtllen and ,r•
player to will mom for ills fo� s " ` ' ; POST'S REMEDIES flamed that you think you can't sit a'
When caught with (he goods, who bribed him, and yet, not iciu Leafing - a c e = t r a c k " belling !lent Post Free on ltecdM o! Price other Map. Your shoe■ may f•ei a fe tn.Y
• these highly- publicist a8kttetr9 on Queen St. E.. Comer of L•gan, Toronto are cutting, right into the flesh. rots feel
ally "throw "' the game, • A few which is highly legal, and even nick all over with the Pain and tortnn:
have invariably prise ed- a pitiful baskets rim triad, instead of sunk 'esselitial, let us all.make this rt- ♦'WANT fgY'ELx sK1N, GLtsTENildG you'd give anything to s•e reuer. , .
ht shedding- c iouh quantities } eye■ and Iron nerves" Send 11.00 for Two of throe applIcatlong of Yoonls
sig g' oP are all that are necessary, _What solve. Fro..'now Henceforward none Korto tablets, Also $3,00 and $5.00. Im- Emerald Oil and In a few mlill1i tit• _
of bitter tears, with encores for - are you beefin about ?; we won of us' will make an bet; even a. pork,) Industries, Butx 901, Wlnntpeg. Tun and ■oreneo'ndilmourmr
g � Y No matter hob dleconratod rota have ,
ills benefit of any 'cameramen who _ the game, didn't we ?" the crook friendly oat, whatsorter. no•n, If .Yon bar• not tried emerald oil
failed to 'catch them doing it the will indignanity say 'tio anybody I +• ' '' ` '°etooday we'erreevehr druge■lw'e sole r
first time. Like a lot of other petty even hinting at slippery work. HIS Soundis like 'a grand plan, now
books, the big loogans feet very conscience is clear — clear, that is, doesn't it? 5o why not Ict's do it:' -•
sorry for themselves, one minute till the arm is put upon him,'and But, :orpehow or' other, we have '
after being nabbed. Whether. or not. those crocodile tears -begin to flow- our doubts. Onje wl'll get }•on three ;
_^.__They- feel sorry for the .sport .that so freely, 4 4 ' • --in fact we'll do better than that Chwk Than Fast for 35C
did so much for them and which What's -to be done -about it alai and lay' iour to ',one—that -not a• • SOLD EVERYwI3ERE
they have ,.brought into such dis- Owners of. Arenas and Ball F ark; • single reader of this column will - - -=
repute, your guess is as good as are doing their utmost —so they take our suggestion seriously, let -
-glad _probably identical with —ours. claim —to drive the_ gambling ele- _ a. lone pu: it into action,
meni from their precincts. They've
And, on second thought, maybe been doing so for years. But if E �
they haven't done Basketball such, you think it's impossible—'or even
a terrible amount of damage —box- hard —to get up aAct, even -in a OATMEAL officially speaking,, that' is. Sports strange town, your ^experien 'S STILL
ce has ki E
tlentiment,' generally, is vastly dif- been different from that of •most -' - '-
fercht from what it was back in folks. THE BEST GRAIN
-- h e d a ys when even th e rumour The Law- cs pecially,n the Staten
that the Chicago Black Sox had -has been doing ITS utmosf to-- FOR CHICKS! :<r ?;'•'•.EEa0• 3t • >. %'• ': >:•'••. ' ;..
.4,.'' -. .. ..
been doing a little phenagling had :'•make things difficult for the gamb- oatmeal. s' more ddy'�� lible than
-the fans talking`to themselves for lens and sure- thingers; and with other grains ... devefope stronger.
months: The fact is that proies- such evident Ruccess. that some of - gther "r holies. Oatmeal, too.
is the best . grain bourne of
Thiamin (Vitamin B1) which' - # "' •w;
chicks need for growth and health. . ,
We Ful -O -Pep Chick " 99L YD Y
WE WILL PAY FOR — � contains l vita A.P.F. and other - -
essential vitamins,-facltxling gun-
- -No. 1 (NO Holes, Single Print) --25tc td]iae and green -green vitJtmin■.' i
No. 2 (Small Holes or Double Print),---]Sc FUL -O-PEP - - - •_ ` -
' Western Bag & Burlap - Co. Ltd. ' YOU CAN USE _ • ._ ::
S� Your Local Full-O -Pep Dealer.
87 Front Street E., Toronto. -
Cooper Yehlee i s
�y : `.� ; r - .i s � :: . . -,, • - g In Wa hitby R
tt�° wers, asteuUy
.F`, with spring flo
Melrose daughter of a and �
.; W, _ _ 3 ,, 1 Robert Melrose, becaM the as
of Peter Leonard Cooper, C rSitncoa '
- - - - -- _ _ and Mrs Peter
` -, officiating•
_ F . _ Rev. C. ber fathers
- - •• �• 1 `V stone = Given is marriage d in chantU'y.
1 the bride was go vn with
lace overtinted satin trmamed was
• shiaestones: An illusion veil
Street - held with a headdresl se of s of NVlam pearls and other -of -Pear •
y - She carried a cascade of pig roses
- laces. - --: .. hyaacinths. - ice -
'a _
are stun sad dressed
-aa g-P o-a
of Ca
- -.. -- _. towns Xn 3� _
- e
1 lid
_ -- -- _ - - -Only 40 years ago the first trees were cleared " orchid taffeta and carrYg
from what is sow - ]!dais Sheet. The first small _
- . department - -* roses, - ,°P honor. r.� '"" jzeer shop is now a store our fine now ,�
Wport was cvmpaeu `:? sQSei r sister of the g�°�
_ ley P`nn COOpe ' dressed in
And there's our bank... a broach of The Commetoe. _ were bridesmaids, yellow
_ Our bank manager knows us well, taffeta and and Sharlene13
He knows the mining. industry which made our Sheila Shea
town possible. He helps baild our town. <J: were flower girls Man ways ur
The man
-- - - - - - `.,, taffeta: esu� - At'ol- trrr3fiA -
- Yes, our Csnsdisa towns are stirring p :Romeo r were usher+• At,
- - - -- - - _ sad the men sad women at your Commerce branch ••,'Y, :g II � Dennis Coops
are people to know. .. 1 tye reception, the bride's mot!&
wore hunter green p om
- - - A -_ - -- vet with corsage of talisman traA
.. The grooms mother . ch
- - -- -- - m e 1 V� p� vnth pink lace and corsage at
sheer carnations: For travelling, the
- The -Canadian Bank of Com bride wore light nary with pig+
s7he c4do ree grey d snakes
fur jacket ankin shoos•
nuwga i, O.Sd. 14444 Her corsage wan an orchid.
Has he any wool?
Na. the mountain sheep is am member of e» ; �1$ I
*Aep famay that has no wod. fie, heavy fleece whirl+ identifies conrran HOME
I ,
- - t b not a feature of the mountain sheep. His hide' �..
m A .
+ Closely resembles the pelt a deer. "•s - '
�.j IRS
This cdvortiseinent b one h o saeries to acquaint EPA r
_ R
r _you with oddities h nature. We all enjoy nature :.
�- x
- - - ... we can all helP Cwwwve
- TO ENJOYS -� i S
'YOURS �:,•,�.. � � and
s:'d ABy 80� 07►11'li! of good oredS steadiag who
is his !+Dose Dace now two. advaa-
has s, reasonable 6407
-, _ t
- - ors of tine D1�71ii1D PAYlssZ6'! PLAY at E�ttiOSO
- -= �ERVIC -
aaoolaEe.a CLAREMONT tired f -:
'• W&ST BOUND BEAD UP No Down Payment lieq - }
w r u d u. \ Credit $100.00 s
DOWN ,+ "- Pi. PJL � Mtnimttm w
- -- ;y _ i♦!t - '0'f<i>at>D - _ A.]L 8� - - � lYla=ilnma Credit S =.x.00
-: • �. PY. PY' A.1L r[ r 6 to 94 Idols to pay -
am saw 81ML o / sL small In teest Ch
ass. Ds3iy
and HoL 3� 9,85 5,30 0.35
improvements 'That Can Be s
' and Ddward .- .......... -.
p.Y i.4s ! �e 10,00 ---- �y a
, � • _ , jjlai! o.ie f.a us5 - �._-- ?� 9.00 *.46 •.oe � '' � ' �. :. '..Financed Under The P�
Sl,go i,f0 2.26 10.36 _ 7.45 5,46 4A0 i,4i 1
]dues T,43 6.43 4,37 &AS �. i 1 _ r It`iniahing Attic B,N>1w
- 1
Brews °e Corners
0,36 3,56 10.13 . 7.40 6.40 4.16 :i! ;''i M� DsUWW :#at'�
Town Llns '�,
• 0,40 3.66 60.00 7,50 6.30 4.16 l.it .. .. goofing, Lrlootlag _
- - - _ Cedar Grove - ]iarld�aas New
M,N 0.60 i,of 11.05 7.2e 6.30 4,06 !.!0 CI" p AdditiOvAl1OOM
,M t,N 3.16 11.16 Loaner Hill 7.15 i�.li 4,60 646 � .A .
3,30 11,30 Gssea itiese g,U 3.56 i.N � .• ; Xodernisin8' Kitchens & Bafto�
., SL" T.N Hroogltam
` ilj! 1,10 3.36 11.35
8soreation Boors
i "Jo 1.ie 3,55 11.66 (9anmort ... _
- l:
PAID - �
J CASH !,' -
- 7
HORSES ` • • S
_ - - X5.00 ea►oh •
_ - -OOWg _ � .•„
- \REMOVEDrFRE E • Ynttal at in of 4
= SPEEDY P/OK•UP PHON, E .: Jnsu D Fire w j
FOR sPE - S.,BOWL ' ;n�pensiaa ( ROCK INCA . - .L� •
' • _ � $A.N .NCR - RENDER . _ '. _ •- • - -- - - -
Univer sl y
'_ . ;A.N� �Av�i�TC� QO., Z,Ta. - : - • _ p�g,N'r -DAY VALUES 4, �...•�.� •• j 't -
DOUGLAS G. : - -'0 p
ENTATIVE' PHONE 242W2 A j " N -B 0 W L
NOTICE TO CREDITOR) which date the estate will theMAITLAND E A� A F E RN OO N j 3 pro 7:30
NO AND OTHERS tnbuted, having regard only to
a1, claims of which the Administratrix
ALL PERSONS having claims a- shall than have notice. _ SOUTH �iLL DAY SATURDAY
t the Iistatd a :'Charles Ron. DATED' at the knprovement Dint- FA M PORT
Railwayman,. ,vho • . W=gLY PRIZES FOR LADIES' AND GSNT8 SIGN SINfti
- to g,etired riet.of. Ajax, this 13th day of Feb- REACH• _
4cetnber a, Y8 S0, at the City' rusry, 1966; ilk PBIZS F01L JlIL'8 ffi® TBIPIi
' d Toronto, u� the Count? of• York,
i noticed to send parttenla+d; of.. Boles G. Conant, D. A.. BarriateYS
e". Ajax, Ontario, Soiioiter for PHONN PTC>KSRING J >L �P80XL�': ftkeriffg � f76 for Irr�srili��l �Xa�
. the . undersigned, SoliUtor A�alrlstratrisi. �, 1. . ,
' gistraut' on os before
Ott +�+P itt l�e T�i1R st'tss 'a" "'A'�
. --
"FOR SALE - two beds and three i _ `�•
1tn:.itresses;, large ice box; "a two ' - ' ° "r.c.
ithesterfieW c"ws Co" after 6-44 s _ - i � `
p. m. or week -ends. W. Brewster, ;
..Range Line, Pickering. (Pickering _ _ -- --
MMAJtQAI, Btacb.•.inaul brick house, sprucs _ . ,: trees around ,lt). INE q
TOR SALE - brown studio couch ' � _ GNA" �i�+Aw�+ � - _
lvith arms, back and wardrobe. lit
excellent condition: Phone Picker-
236J4. • A sl
WANTED - girl or middle-aged Service''-,-.
Wom,r for light house - keeping. -- -- - -
ply it m Dill Richards, Clandeboya - - - - -
t.o PIC ring Beach • - - . ti _ _ —_. _
jr UR E - radio, floor model, is - - r:
'At . - teacellent condition ,
1 _ t%wo' au Choose 1 lb. pkg. S%
,Wrecking "32 Ford Model B. Ind.,
Mato, Transmission and rear end, in P110": PICKERING 86
perfect condition. Parts guaranteed. _ Clark's Park & Bean 3 a 31c
b3o x 18 tires. Like new. F. Rowell. — - - -- - - --'
Brock Road, Pickering. i -__ -- --
,• kxksR zt.u5 WAL�T1W IANNOUNamiff _ _ _ Alien's �tppleJuice 48 - -oz. ZSc
Geo. Hutchings, Phone Pick. 28432. _ _ • _ : _
- `WOMAN WANTED - for one day .. Heinz Catsup'
_. 1 general cleaning, weekly. Phone: - 110 H OL S ON' S TAXI
- '- ! Ne.� Office for information- - - -
11sve you a calendar' ire• - -Then have taken over Cooking 00"Its _i10 lb. bag 29 _
look at the date. It you haven't or- _. y _ _ 4L
&red your c�,icks, we suggest you 1
ask us for ,ti.e Hillside Price List, MOLELLA N 'S -TAXI ■ _
and send us Your order. Canada
breeders pallorum tested. T' I G K E R I N G
,Vide c+ " -
ic ardson
Wide choice .breeds, crossbreeds, _
started. We don't- think you can Lieenced Cab Drivers ,
bay better. Agent: F. H. DeMaiae, - - 1PiCYltSII+iO, OiAI'PARLO - ` in
Pickering. PHONE PICKERING 200 or. 264.. -
A3 rZWI ON PA3 a
.Ve will be pleased to pfck up dead r Federstioa Of Ageseaitute we ho
et aippled farm animals and pay pe You will make it a good
mgbeet prevailing Prices. one. , . 1 l -
for hmediate service, telephone Corruption in poutics and w the The W. A. met last • Peet for
loll 14
- Brooidin 63, t9laremoat Prem -.aeaws a oxzeaust atuivat lunch and had one of the smallest Fratik RIB-
-_ Sl$14 oz Toronto EXPIRE 3 -4636, is the micas of the puouc toviusl gathering~ for some. time, due to- _.
GORDON YOUNG LIMITED ! 'polzuem. increased use oz we Iran- illness so primAlent, but a good -
loo Keating Street, Toronto f trine will improve such wna►uouz, meeting was held nevertheless.. and • . i ,,�,��' '
I I Anil in order to increase tho u•e of you should be hearing of some act- ` enng Maxkei I.00ke= p�elt�t
WANTED the iranchise we must have- an in- ivities from this Department uviore
COUNTRY HOMES tansive education is atizensiriy. it too long. - - -
$>1LAW, ACREAGES and must' oegm at come. be atresaed in Easter is not too far away from - 'PHONE 30
- FARMS the schools, in the k ederatiou . -oz. us now and there are some folks
We save waiting buyers with Agncniture, in I-&= l; orunis, � Who have already expressed their -
in other organisations, ! desire to unite with the church- If _
Good cash down - - -
Pa n If w'e are to have ar democratic i there are an others desirous of .
g C�aT.T. - Mr. IxGLIS y QUALITY
for prompt and erperienced government it is the duty of each joining Ave suggest you contact Mr. - -• _ s -. -
service. one to sots. Through the apathy os $rnham or Mr, Bramwell very soon
KA1001 - Offlai EX*"" f the people, titers is the. danger of a � so arrangements can be madie.. ]AEATS'
totairtarian state. I There 'is a congregational meet-
g, A. WZLLOUGHBY and SOI'� These were the findings oz -the ; ing this week to make final dec. ie-
i Realtors : Township of Pickering Federation ions on building the man" . fur-
I{r •Bitty Experienced Salesmen of Agriculture when they met at they notice will be given on this - _ GROCERIES
- Fitabaished 180a tae home of Mr. and Mir- IlAtoa : matter from time W time. J'�
Pegg, north of Greenwood cu Mon- Don't forget the regular de C. G. _T,�V_gE PLANT
1 day, February 26 and discussed - ' menu of our church: Junior C. G.
SATURDAY, MARCH 3 - auction --How to preserve representative. i, I. T. on Tuesday with' Intermediates
-; Nate of farm stock and implements,, government _ meeting Wednesdays: Trail rang -
lthe property of Ray Brown, Lot 36 _ _ erg oft Friday nights; choir Pract- � .
1Broken Front Con. Whits . ice every Thursda • at 8.00'. orch- ' M 3 its PeoC9839d to Your $pecifioatiom
y Ceatens"I United Churct, y
., All farm implements including a . extra Friday, at 8.1a; and _Fel'low-
Case tractor on rubber in good eon- ,Along with many others lu the. ship Bible Class Sunday evening
— dition, matched team ' o f reg. Clyde cum„iuuity we Joinnti the rsiir s „z at -7.10. -A cordial • invitation is -giv-
brood mares, 3 young, brood ar.ws, taw indisposed last week so we re en all ages to attend these groups. y ,
10 vaccinated Holstein .cows and 84*4, you sea not get your reguLaw
yiei%rs. 1 young bull, a quantify of . column. • W e suuereiy noes a auea High 8ehooi - Crea &ued
stay, strew and grain.- Terms, Cash.. nut pappen AgUn. '1.o Ali more who boundaries of this High Sehoot Dix- I lave'
Fie din �OS S
1`o reserve as farm has been a�''d. .yue stilt in the grip oz the flit we trict. It was located'at Frenchman's
LSale at 1.00 p, m. Lorne Kemp. ( say, we hope you will soon be up Ba - in 1669. This fact lends a nis-
Clerk; L, POGUE, auctioneer. I y
_mot Pia around again sad we _triiagine torical background to our District - �► iFt�N{TIONAL FEEDS HELP
t Brock Road Commusdty Clva I this will be a message to aimust that none.other can slain. PRODUCE HEALTHY, - FULLY
every samily hereabouts judging - :Schools were built when required I '' NOURISHED BIRDS WHO
.Prize- winners at. last wer'.'s euc- frow the - reports of illness coming . along -through the years for elem-
1r•e party of the Club w• .e: Mrs, ( in, Despite everything. xe ..ere In
L;..a an ano •irs. wal- glad to have seventy -two in Sunday' rear s ago a Continuation. School.
',daR Carlton, (con.j-. Y:,ors Jack I acnow and to Ali the boys and -girls was -built in Claremont and one in ' "rw y+ EGGS. BY INCREASING -'
Wright, Norris ..Hard,, and Fred ' s lio are . dick, if you bring a .cote Pickering Village. Those too served _ QUALITY AND QUANTITY
-;Banks (con.). 'In "spiv of unfavor•- ' stating that fact; you will be given " well in their time. the needs or sec_ - i YOU LOWER COST AND
able 'weather, fourte< ,i tables were credit for attendance.. ondary education. {
playing• Rerfesbmei .s were served ! Mr. Braham wishes to • thRnk the Eventually they outlived their +>� : INCREASE PROFRS.
as usual• mysterious donor of the tough can- usefulness as the population _ in-
• dies who helped him out on Sunday creases~ and a .desire for . furthe_> ;. -
� - daring his service. -H_ sb �::'► 1.;. .. ..ul ;.1.: advanced education be -1S �f' 18tAfo�f
*here they came from or where come apparent. A great Hamper of =- --
ME+uKp''r ( they went - but they were much '&P- students were being sent out to oth-
preciated and helped the larynigit- - er- schd6le to obtain training in the
is considerably. courses they desired. - �� slid to PEIIE�S
. - The Young People's •,banquet Js After two years of public meet -
now an event in past history and ings and planning, the.Council of (Birds Relish Pellets) _
BENEFIT BY THIS we would like to thank all who ass- the County of Ontario 'passed a
fated in the preparations and in the bylaw in 'June • 1948 with' effect -:= . For Sale b
GOOD NEWS i program.. Ruth Benham. proposed a from Januarys 1, 1949, making •the � = - ~= - Y: -
COMBINATION, toast to the church which was res- whole of Pickering Township a High
"tided to' by Mr. H. Brumweli. MT. - School Area, C181relnont C D 0P
'YOUR MOML TOWN PAPSR Cain proposed the toast to the Y- The High School Board .expended r V V
ee Y ti � P and Lois Graham responded. DoT- a tremendous amount of time and -
!MR M 0MM w Now Tres Rfe. othy Sparkes played the accordion 'energy, ail gratis, and brought into .
wt �w` "ve eiss he e and Ken Br•aham sang to rouna out reality the large new fourteen„ -room "
WORLD N= bin everts ere In the program and of course the spea- composite school in Pickering Vill-
c-= i•• °!ate - ^'"�* Wit" sew ker was Rev. Lloyd Shorten, Sec'. of , age; located -' geographically in the '
t .tor s: awch to area' t• yew Boys' and Young People's worn for centre of population density, 'of the
104.1, � ��eevttt� Per our church. The recreation was tak- • area that it was intended to serve. M
lerNrrs e/ eMiec+1 ter err by Albert Outfield and Trevor $y provincial sect, that par c of KINGSWAY
"Is swear sbeft a ee sAH rIs -Watson, of Agfhcourt, while Jim Pickering Township -owned -by the )i KAISER
�17�CMMIS AAN SCIRM Matthews, also of Agincourt, con- Crown, and known as Ajax, was CLEANERS
ducted the closing worship, formed into a separate municipality.
she bewslMs beie0 and named the
bat si.-- Noettf, eeliowepp' Now the Young People are ready in November 1960,
wMlr ruin - -banl to nisei their -•.- -- meetings and the- Improvement District of Ajax. Ileum and Bata WiMag _ �^•t: �.
C rb"oN Schloss first one will be at Centennial on :We now have a' School Area con- 3101r, fIATIECti aim - ��V���iisbT jCQ♦.
LISTiN Tinders w10i is ew. Friday, March 2. To begin . the misting of two rnuniclpalitier• in- a ii + M rr�ivt/
J11iC stellerrs re " I Chris"" group will be a united one of the stead of One. The Area is about' H. H. K auis�er
ABCs ions vie" the Naas." three churches- and at' this first ten miles wide, east and west, and,
And an this coupon meeting Rouge Hill grill lead in, the - iwelve.niles long, north and south, e . PROMPT PICK-Up`
today for a wale f in- Q a Worship; Gloria Ormerod will speak A,. five mean Board for the past, two Plckerin
hedr a y so .�. S - AND DELIVERY.
.. ��..�- ." -... 1 -- on What is there is Y, P. for os:" 7isee, now beeoraes a ter r One. #
TM pN, 3No�e• Mw, There will be a period of retreat- Four rnecnberrr represent A3au; three Plteai PiC'E>giiPCti ..fM R s.
errs, rerNaq st.. a.s"s II. mesa., u.f.A. ion and business to disco as meetings' asp appainterb by the TaWnrthip M is being ihanced b a Debenture os-
'` rla•a• sees ,fir• w latr}dsStry i4 follow as well as orgsitiaatioaal Pickering, mid three asp ap�inipd Area in Ales d40s,0 U, at three percent fo twe1- + «
problems and Fairport willl suppl7 ice• tke County of Ontario. .9000 Vito#_
• sl.w -u win. 1 •.alas• sl.... E P ty jleanl. AnnnaF' retire" am -
refreshments, The ground wotlb . is The loltewing *gores auto if i0 hienlilers gn Baird '
all finished. now Young people mnd even!' t i ; cunt Provincial about Government
0 >t y
tear�l wo ho you will take hold awd Ajax _ ftkeriMS TOwssbiP The School Site eonsiaim et evevea �° OVi° l Government gratry
pe Asseenteet cover six ),ascent of this snnrlZ e ,
rte, make use of the opportunity bang 15 04#t T?# 06d and oa�hal! .' eases of r$eice level Iiayriient, balance o! forty per-
of the opportunity being offered ' :�. �i :�. land (Mmediatel' north of thvv V'IO• y
you for fun and fellowship as welt ., ass stmorial Park This has al- tent Pig be paid by a ilia. o= w
clyl Isw) ilileni e. study of the worthwhile tair� =ifik , + Pe .ti ! it00 ' ready been p� for by the per! rlassvmsa! At tlhe >R f .j,�
a is Me. '1'h1N will b0 snap ToOwI4 'f'saPayer'4 The g �'
', •-.,. .. .- .�+;+4a rx,TY••..� iF"+• +rx yu . :awl ..,Lx.W'aau�'. :+.sir t�aweWh• -1Z .. •,..6t„+• :.. •r y.- .W,'rr ;rc Y"t.n""., �. ..
�, . -- - -- - -- — - - �rr..�.�rr�.
Zujixeo 9 erectorr� East - Woodland& .�
We are sorry to report that Mrs.
A. E. Richardson HUUWAM' SUPT M s- J. R. Martin is still on the criUcall
Delivery av 19e >tlade
.411 list. - - y LET ; ' - COSMETICS _ .. _
iGENA " JNSUV AJM >uaaediste To all those who have been 'sick ` see PHOTp -� t
Of Tie Following Itesa with the flu and the are many', we n�
Asphalt 4., _sgw w - +� A YF1pEBABY UNARY SiJrts l re _
__ :C0NVVYA, CRC Ban Rapfins Ia An (bad" wish all a speedy rht they. t *e�'M -
A3 OAAsteiblished Agony, Ready 1!<oH•Mrlo siding _ Last• Monday night the Su and b - eAarMi eeae
T Sery Yon, halt Bisst Ooatlag bad weather cut down the crowd for' �� ow onL a� STORE HOURS ti
To • .Asp the Bingo, -but all that-were 'there THAT W 0
�'3Q>T>B>MLNG Q0. Atnmlanas Gornee lgasd dwNepl Week Days -
_ , had lots of fun. No one was Tacky
Ridge Qsp and Va13ey .' B4OQ' A: Y. to 9.08 $ ][: . --
__ - -, y_FIuo1 z1u6- Ssad_. enough to win the Jack -Pot, but the - PREsc�TIO -`- -
-- - --
M, .�. B- M 3 R Asd lime Brick following are major winners: Shan€ �• 1 -:40 -P. M-to b. @O P:- -- -
the - Wealth, - Mr, -Art Hill,-Mrs. doll -
><awraaos Of ,1] Yiads Bats and Loose cxie roger ana bI��. viii _
• Iamal O Adviser 11 KI - '_ posts snd Poles Special was won by Mrs. Hardiugr
sown A.. In Bnatasse from m Alto -a -Road w Mth Lacey, Jel R. BOYES ,P m B
W MITCHELL t= Aitona Road Ron the lamp. el
AAdrea Phase •
W. Our next Bingo will be on Monday,
oraagium, Oat• pick. 241WE _ _ UONMS T4 aa4 114 March •12, when the Jack -Pot will
be 'for $30.00•• • t� ®� Store
'• TEtiICIS3 pl:d8 Y'.w"a� WAY'_'_ . -. This coming Monday night, March
- . KtN- AN0 GLARKE b, there ,will be anot e�eettn of-'—
PRB3'TZ��3 the Girl Guide Mothers'' Associat- WEST HILL PI>✓KERINQ _
STAFFORD BROS. ion,, and it will be held again at the SCAR. 2802 PHONE: 5a
AUCTIONEERS . home of Mrs, Vera Morgan
and Authorised for ttia IrWRLThEMNTAL WORV one that has a, daughter between T -
{ of Ontarle and, YWL phone • Whitbp 5611' and 14 years is asked to attend ... ; _
Farm Sim, Hots This Tuesday night is. Ladies' _.
hold F�erausrs, Real Estate ai$ Daadae St. Whitby, Oat. Club night again_and'this west the - - > O.W.
�� o� at �mm) meeting will be under the direction
Rates. Due! Service for it er ore. Lumley and Mrs. Huh. Ev- _
Peics at On& NIC;EACHNIIE slu and a cordially invited r attend Cit30iC
and we wil'i have as �' special
M=kn P. O. phase. Asia. 6lWa I guest Mrs. F. W. Palmer, who will • •. •
Marismm P. O. pbeae l[asla = be elsowing some -of her famous Pic- YOdr rigidaire OOf rigerator
14eotiep bave been establidold V4UNEBAL U o ;, ll .. +m: tares. At the last meeting all that or
aoetlonsel aim" ism v rt were there tied an excellant time,
Private, aembtdanes Beeviee when Mrs. Donieily an Mrs. Evans
Da, b entertained us with stheih comedian 'Electric Steve ;
acts. All laughed . .
o f f t chairs. W e sure
he c
el off t -r ' • ft. . - i� - --
GEIt'm t �i
cF.d i teL
7Rla►.I[ Fi'ep• near l
L y
.DAY D. H'. MARSH ..
r hope these two take the tpeettnq a- *a ea, fti. Frig. aTY.Ti
Phone Pick. 19 3 gain soon. Ladies, if you want an i _ _7•d ft. P* - $"06TS
Evening of good tun AW relaxation
RAC old Sson Ac H .._ +
p• - ccine along to the Hall on Tuesday (, saa.t+ a a SO imreh Electrk Steve. n ��
pS�e PIM =4 J 1! ir" ickeri 48 Ont. n1Rht ilk 9.34 P. tn. f,o will be
welcome. - • Now Available �-
**�� Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. -
�"•' W Qi. MAW 'Ibaktn of the Crown inn on- the op- - - - �1'�gjiY Adads ONLY by -
ening of the coffee bar. GEC,; ERAL MOTORS
AOX811nelds . _.
. �.. .... ... Caerrywood _ . .
gWIL AUMA F ROT. Mrs. eo Mm ate Law, Mr. and - •'
' - ee�e ee Welts .- lore. Leonard, Gases and Mr. and : -. _' .- - . :- : -. - PHONE i�ICKERING 39
IL ILL u.�, -,,. ; a., til!?• Mrs. Wilmot Gates and son, had
Two Nam Wosft Of wboff 1114 at. )vast. �ehrrhy Shy dinner with Mr, and Mrs.
M _ • B 15114 Wm. Tweddle.
Aad Mr, and Mrs.. Jack Mitchell: also l
ii! Mr. and Mrs. Fred Puckrin and
lii�� P14 family visited Mr, and Mrs. Walter
s t Hollinger on Sunday.
Miss Doris Hollinger is ieavin ~
• shortly for athree -week holiaay in i _. _ e s B y .
EILEEN JACKSON 9s0 •0-12.00 and SAO 10 500 I,•�ida, -'..
OPTOMETRIST zveoingsi _Mal We'd.. 70. 7 ao f -The Home and school will here
Eyes Examined Glasses Fined DlWaff DLDQ- OPT. !• O a euchre in the echooY on Wednes -`
PICKERl OMLWA; Old'PA W _ day evening, February 2 E.
Mr: Bob Morriah was home for
Tuesday ,P�t� am ptio . Res. "I Office 1151111 the week -end. : ''r•�,,.
First Door � Of Mal (Three -DaY- :trios Arms 1 Mr. and Mrs. -Russell Davidson
visited . Mr. and Mrs. Wm 'I� ,"e, j
1 PHONA PICE. 411 on Sunday,
. . .
ers & Atkinson, V �' D A 1 LY SERVICE
... Pbeao Agia. 1101 w 2 . del 200 Lsreen _
I —
Licensed Mr. and Mrs. Wardell- wno nave BUNS
• _ A1�C�lOileE'.x's Mr. Koss Bryant art living u. Mr. .. -
DIXON Reg. Clark's farm house shed they _ - = OFFER IDEAL SERVICE -
- get their new tiouse finiihed down
I the vIcinitp or the mw. - .FOR ALL GROUT• TRAVEL _
- let conducted 1 . • . The Broug Dramatic Club
�alifdag i.► IMAM �k. �-t= were t'llte lu u►o.a .. r.yya vZ �aoir :����
tare sad peopeet7 Sol populsraplay and were much apDrec- _
ufi¢'ca �QpQ AU Salo• pereosaKy Llsteil sad iated for coining to nil whet the - -� "W4 4500 -
u Adve"Ised. Bills prepae'od sad row• made it. difficult to get out.
AR l I-; M " i Jean and Rush Linton* of Toral
rZOA OOW + to, were with their sistw, 31st. V• With sar*las it %.00 and 7.30i the The ladies of the congragatiaa
Promtlt Service Short on sunday: �, hal of dim osion• about thj had seC ainnee tables and sarwii \ r
p Mr. 'and $iU Devitt at Tae- a Woch to those_ who had oomo ce ti0
J. W. DIXON ��spent t—�... =ZMfa sr tam• as tl+. boa albarnoan, iaoending to la4aw-pol far
. -- raopRl>�•coa _ Reasonable Ra' and Mrs. Allan Sbo�rL - "'- a ciuirch at that the e�aei#ag:- • f
., SIC no STOUFHVU LE Mr, and Mrs. W. Y- Disdey, of now be Sow mead the people of the Bay Church.
AMBULANCE Brookl►n, were with Ross ant wife village can
on Sunday. -e _
The many friends of .Mrs.' James
.-- i Brooks hope she will soon be feel-
.. ,. .
fn well ,again. ut wtil _
»1. T'he W. M. S. of ' - ,
' al Resident Agent meet on March 1, W. All the - -
44Your Fries y.. .. .ladies welcomed. - rtO RId11l -
�cs ARiIQ(T The Evenii►g W. A. "met art,ton _ _... : -OntO B
Ia!• >>>'J� DABII�Y• BOND.. •U nt4tu8fi3A home of Mrs. Chas. McTagga -
I IIiT! IIt ■ss. _ Febrdary 14, ,when Mrs. Dr. Kinnie : -- -
�Y FaOM AND of Brooklin, was the apeakei•, and - Progressive C06"ll'vative ..
Jim YOUR iRopyavm VOR SAIA .WITS delivered a fine address on "the
Y_ ° a chances of the child today" in health
CYRIL E MORL -- etc. She -is alwava a Eery. welcome : _ - - - . „ _ , . d
A number of the W. M. S. wom- _ ASSO��Ift1eA
en were at Oshawa at the Presby- -
terial Convention on the a ,Virg. K A
W e were pleased to r ha ..
- - Elson and Mrs. V. Short �re11 enough a Neet'n `
oil Sunday' - morn - n
u 'c
r -.
Co,, b
e at
i •' a 1E• > _ mg last.' of the Circuit 8111 -- - -_ II. • 7
t sewbwo 11tH -nrd 1114 The n. March 1 as usual. All the
all L1rOOk�� -Y --
llwas _
1 0
meet on. +- ;'•
- Scarbora Junction sages welcomed --
The Y. P. LT. met at Joyce Cl sg-
Thurada }T pvm. ing. - . t aa QQ
on's on' Mar& •Q 1951 V p
>fbit pel[EDtLT>• DTC�iV>6ii? . ' .Mr. -Ken Pascoe has the contract _ !'!
to build tbe-new.Tome or our tni&
Bp._ agln et Doceee4 Trkes, � "d t0oom eT, just west of the mill. SPSA -K R - Dt1 - MacKINNON PML1JP9, Minister of Health
�D(iJUM Olr1'1'A ti0 sites. (ilasb ��
Aaisaeea• l�aetoef -Mlli ssiA proHeead- '
,rte Ueaaaene+� Gypree. �swealloard•. _ HALL OPFNFD AT BAY ' Everybody Welcome
� d • Blr'd4 WelAle:, and Etch Wood, _ - .. _ C11URCII
il�t iR- k r N+" Among other. items "kite&' frcon `. r'. } '! ` R` D. HasapAr+7s, K. C., President .j
g. w 5ti/�R ' our issue of heat ' wePk; was the
the AnruvPrnary . and Offs
. att!!y of church
• •
: - idal Dedication of the mew
lull at the Bay. on Stfday Feb.
. • Get New Pep, Vim, Niger _
_ __ - _ .__ ___._______.._ .' f 1- �rn.� , tbbn, ear > —. •
one: wa sot.
lows w m aa� no
loaner aotstiay/ bed• •�
hat- BUned, BSckly � ��i
"bean-vole" look. Thou. m ��
. .. Bands of 61" women. man,
whd never- could galn be.
` tore, at• now Droud of -
_ i �"•' ehaDely� h6A "I looking
bodies. T thaDF the spa-
' cis vigor - building. Mesh- ' .r
- bullc— Oauex. 1 S
o toalc, is . i
• .l. °0 tonics. Stimulants, larigor&: y ',
.. Wr., Iron. ricamIn B,, cal - a! s >,:;;, PICKERING'S NEW TELETHON Kcal Section, or to make any last-
tan. enrich blood lawmve -
apyetito and dihestion so ! S ¢�i•i•.' %' ..
: rz -- st ready -:b i - -minute changes - -
Boas ai=.a,o, �mDr.at "' -:-DIRE singe go t hangs in your
.) and nourishi , .N: Dui >tsas
ik , oa bare bonal. ... _ . s - _, - .
_ 1 - y 'to press. •• listing, please tali ,your`Telephoae '•''��1
. _ I atoC when you've calmed fa - • :.I
. e, lo, is or 20 lba, you need �,,' " Should you wish to arrange for Business Office TODAY.
for normal washt. Costs
'nets, Now' get acquainted .. additional listings in the Alphabet= C. 1E, BLOSDALE,,. Mgr._
OStrezlt 'lybl� for new
_ .. . rigor and added Do
u uads this ... _ ... • .. .. .. _ .. . _ ._ - .
• ` ray d. At all druggists.
WATCH and CLAt7[ _� _ - _ ` . - .... _ _. _ .• 6
R.EPA UNf3 -
i ' Q��,1K� _ '� '�f��i/{/"�/ f/ • YL I I
-- Pickering JeweUcp - _�Gl
�Z _PHONIE fi7 �'" t p ��
1xvietreuAW I
;!!re or W'elfa !'ae lieesssrs
- ; Y. SAM= i..
• i!'Vs _� BUT small amounts with compound -interest mean independence ! /1 I' ►
ft 3A WS6VW. li solasr for the Years when you want to take it easy.
Government Annuities are backed by the Resources of Canada, i is
L id AiiC`TION
SALE --Na Medical_ Exaa+inctian Required.
Herses, Belgic Implemeais wed ''Thousands of Canadians, not covered .by pension plans, have taken
-_ . - , .- _ .. . _ • _ furniture advantage , o f a low -cos t Government Annuity to guarantee ho' K
the props ty of t . • .1. future security. .Others, covered by pension plans. -use a
+- _ •,A:n. n - u it:y . . D E P -. A ._ R T M - . -
G_ over- n_ - m.. ent-
to suppP ement their retirement Inc ome SANI` WHTE
JAk - o. 2 H hwa an Mile A j srael
West at Pickering Village, . Oh E N T O�L A B O U R
. ssTURS)Ar, MARCH io, 1951 _ . . _ _ -- •
_ .
. -
.. - .
a .
. • s _ � Nurw
Wit this Cgrn NMp •O3TAea Rp
F I'
_ - HOtiee s Ann•fa•r•wreh, -
- Black mare, 6 y rs old; Black mares f DwP "ore 00-Labo w, Osswwo
b Bro n gelding, 9 y
Sising _
Yrs ; vc rs. I P%NP" a•d .. COMMsrs D"NAeAruom wrwe r ea••. a w...w.wi A».sl•w• I -
- Cattle. wA�is.......
Two tat :teem. 1 -
Thiee sours; to arrow in March: L -___ A•o•ass __-__--___---- ,- - - - .............. - r ° _ YOIi expect BffiCIL'tlt 9e'1'u109
._ . 4:;Im epw. alwc .0 _, - _ - c __. - - - - .._ _ _ _ _ _
:.. 180.to 170 lbs.: Ten.young *own. — a from your neighborhood bulk
Im pimsents _ .
'Tractor, Cockshutt, 18 -28 on rubber - > and YOU get 1t because
, . - •- •. _ ...,,ti good condition;-
H•a' I r- ALL YOUR LAUNDRY � -. .banks compete with e<ach -- _-
• i 1, on rubber, in good shape ;- 1: rac- „
for low 3 luirow In! ace bottom:.. -s•' -� yo
t ' - Tractor cultivator, M. lf: 17 chute; a �- BeiVE U. s
Tractor double disc. Fleury t, 1 Bissell, AS�ED n � ���� -- - - • - .
' -- =new; Tractor drill. cockshlltt, 2 5- - �'1'he men' and women on your
" disc, fertilizer, power lift and hitch;
Tractor marrure - spreader, •MCDeer- - staff strive to excel in banking skill,
ing ; 'M. H. binder, -4 ft. cut;
- ... . .
. i ag mower r � ft. cut: Team - _
_ .,..
frie ndline -and courtm y.
. J ust as
5r, scuffier; I. H.. C.: • M. 1•I. land pack- �
.�- Solve• III your - A work. r
lift, cut; -Rubber tired wagon; Flat
_ rack; Hay rake, 10ft.; Hay rake, A e .
_ : 10ft. McDeering ;_ Set- beagn scales; ` Your regular dealings with your bank art
Set milk scales; Two -unit Woods'
Milking machine and motor: eonfi3entlal; intimate, helpful.' And you i
P. Woods electric grinder, new; Set
Stewart eye.- clippers; Fanning -� BUDGET. BUNDLE —Five pounds for 990 . 201 :Qan rely on your bank manager's Wide
- _mill complete with sleeves. for each 'additional pound. Everything completely 80urCC$ of information to loji.' you 131 your-
• 'Harness mashed and ironed, including men's shirts. Pick -up _
Set of team harness; Set breeching and delivery included. TELEPHONE business or personal financial probleim&
harness; Four good collars; Power
emery, double -stone; Several goad
steel drums; Hand grass seeder; Our famom slsviTALIZZD Dery
�AMNG lives; ym the •�le.ne.t You are always free to shop around
:Steel Vine; Quantity of lumber. I dry deacons eon awn sat swan old -
Say -and Grainsvrr°`"wtusDi n ore weep
. ., t s W -
- About five ton loose hay; - About
:. '»10n$ asps
twelve ton baled clay; Fifteen feet-: - ....- _ . ` .them Oompetitiv&
sileage; Five bush. red clover seed - - -
Three bush, timothy need. -
Furniture - -=
sFWay Condor kitchen range:, eeal ` - - -- 8 a* 0 R ED s Y YO U R d'A H
or wood; Two oak tables: Six chairs _ ~: -
_ to.-match; Cupboard, large size:
Bab bed with mattress, springs:
l ighy chair; 9 by 12 rug; Two sin- e
gle iron beds with springs and .mat- Card Of 'Thanks - - In Mesrorias 1!
tresses; Forks, Hoes, Shovels `and
• ' • _.. ;, other, too numerous to mention.• • • LAU.NDER � � ROBINSON - We wish to• exs,resa In memory' of my 'dear �Tes+ms Caah No Beser�e our sincere thanks and` appreciatlan Zeillia Fyfe, Guest, who went
•_ C' lELlle sit ash P. M. J: ForRle, elk. a s • to our marry €riends, relatives and with her MhAter-; oil- Febfvary
KEN PRLr L Fo suet. - a neighbors; also to the United Bro-. 1950.
.. - therhood of Carpenters and -Joiners Jesus said
e 397 Whitby,' Ont., '!or .their I':am the r'easurecoon and tb
' '•'•• •-•'• 17! OSSINGTON A•VE., TORONTO PHONE ll. 2161 - >l�l 07,
LEGAL' kindness, messages of , sympathy he that be ieveth in me, that
e••r _ _ _ _ and floral Bests in. - ouz.receuti -sad were dead, yet shall he live;
B. A. � _ bereavement. whosoever livet'h and beliedeth
4 Ss> ibi is seilsitse, Neisry" ' J. 1. Stagie>ssine * Proprietor WOOD'S GROCERY STORE - Mrs. Joltn V. Robinson, Freda and shall never. -die. Believest :Chou
_ •EAIaiAIlZs . Bow lover Eaton's) 1Iarilya. Huffman.. John 11; $b, 28.
ONT Pbew k• P • oaterie 02taeie - _
- ► _
Reading This May Do- You lave: Feu . :,
Vua"aL f Save Your Life 4- i do. A76d when we're L1arr►ta `. .
.•k•. L4oa t want any of the family
HRQNICLE�S A tractor is a weaddIrM own ro.
invention. But it can't think or
_ ace. And it aoesn't care whether _
'i �
G or not you break your nedt�
4 ,Cnar¢tzdotfne C?aCke That's the point of this stmt' .� e, -
- by a farm iafety specfaliet
'After hii experience such as we
had last -week; if- lsft't "'easy to sit "liow many more loads will ws _
down and write this cAlumn. •?vat. t <td, Dad ?" asked Ted as they
nially, [ don't want to inflict our finished dumping another wagon
'wptries -, upon my readers -most ;o3tt of gravel in the-yard.
_ people have enough of their own - - "About three more should do it,"`
Yet I cannot :avrite.a rhronictt of ar+ -.,�✓` answered ,Frank Fetters. He had ;
weekly events at' Ginger Farm aiid just- climbed back on the tractor
..' .:.
'. •tgntlre wna[ etas r a S� for ,- ti - ••? of er_pulling the gilt to release
give' me if [ refer brirfl_v to ii hat y the wagon tongue. 1�otV tit turned-- t'
'leas_ take lace: +"' toward the` -pile of ravel to level
r1 p g 4!•.. --
My sister -in -law's funeral' was lasT It wide .tl�c bla���' -
Weeinesday - from, the Funeial ..� y is. great stun,
Aiiodern 'machine.
Home in Milton. We thought the � ,��.+"•� thought Frank as the gravel "pile
K disappeared+, Think how much
dowers would never stop coming. „�,,,, , s :? _
_They were very beautiful. Oniy a �' • shovelling it .would take to level -"
_ few, however ' were sent _ to the
off all this ! s gravel by hand.
cemetery;_ the others were distrib- - Think, too, holy much worn' it E�E4
�, gECt .. �'.
-need to the churches, and _among ` used to be to 'attach something. 1N A
the sick and shut -ins. They had like this blade to a tractor -or take
served • their j I F rii Y n
i it off. With newer equipment it purpose' in honouring can be done in a jiff
The dead but afterwards everyone y
" agreed it would be• a shame to let That does- it,. Ted. Now let's And the
the flowers freeze outside when ' get this blade.off. Flurry, pow, and -
-they might serve a better and hap- y nr well have time to get those other ;.' RELIEF IS LASTING _
'btingi plea-sure
� r 4 hrt loads." p ier purpose by -- -
For fast, prolonged relief from
10 #1e titnhg. Y Y r r The blade scow was detached, 'headacht get IKSTANTtrts. This
For - several days even our big tidy �x�$ and Frank raced back to the lrac- prescription -like tablet contains not
boost seemed filled to cipaetTy ai[h w " y for seat. "Conic on, Ted, get the . .. just m c,,but three proven medical
fritnds- -there ,w ere uiae of us al- . �r " s .pin." lie shouted as he backed up ingredients that ease the pain fast.
together. After the service those „ w to the tongue. "Neves; mind, I can And the relief is, in rnost cases, lasting.
from a distance: cache back for tea ��' . 3 get it rdyseli quicker.' Try IxstANTiNX just, once for pain
and lime of them were Mete foe, " "' sY° Prank disengaged the clutch, but relief and you'll say as thousands do
an •,` , left the tractor in gear, then, jump- that there's one thin for. headache
pper. On Thursday the exodus �. �' k -rd off,. IFe .Sifted u the ton
began. Iii thy- morning Bob and four B tongue- -.: -it's Ii+isrANr1NS1 _
- .others sef out for -Nor Bay, is y'.,. ,•, ; , : ' then reached for the clutch and Asid try INSTANTlNL' for other
y r,, �. started the tractor backward slow-
Bob's car. It was terribly cold and aches, too ... for neuritic or neuralgic
windy but since t.e had not paid ` - 1v' pain , ', : or-for the-pains and aches '
Bur his hand slipped The parry a cold. 'A single tablet
-.much attentiosi -ca eeutlsr, reports ,Help Where Most Needed-Friendly, :ts «'elI a,� e�.pc -rt atteri= plkd • that g _• '
hitch jerked out of his-hand: . .
it was not until after they had go +.e Ii,.�rl +�- gi'.eii thi, t•rippled,1, -o;ent of -the Ontario tiesCiety for usually brings
:we heard how- bad,r"d eonelilioi•s Crippled (`hiltiren: The `ioCtr 6v's. altr?aai ;i.aster oral, al3peal. _ The '.rector pushed hint against prompt relief.
were in some eI•rstri,ts- p- rrtirtilar,v for fmid-Z • ►neat to the public from jreiiruar • '2S to Marr}i 25.-
the ..agon. .
ia north. ben Panuer began p y > gas ': knight have been %quashed tmuaune today R►.� ' 'r"
xo -g g 01'r- 44.0) ,-hildtro yearly receive treatment. tlsr9tikii the 1,eiaeeu tractor and wagon. Ex- and always '"'�•."``°';,""�.
to worry - :-said tli'ey should -Bever
have started out when it was sw society CffOrTe. ept that tractor and wagon wheels ►«s ititandy
tolO. ""ever, Daughter phased � stef, leaving, Frank enough room - _
in get out with nothing wort th4n
La-Cave Friday morning And found :sometimes. we hear that neigh- Thumbleia Mittens bruises.
that her- uncle and cousin had both bourtmess is dying`our. At tinier 1 Will .ycu be" as luc%y?
'shown up at he office so ire were "vS. thou ht that too. 'That is to For That Bab _ stantine -'
y - \ever aperase a tractor from the -
all considerably retifved on' that" 'say, l have realisrd that neighbotrs ground. 12- Tablet Tln 21t -
atore.. Bob should still have another don't visit back and forth ;he way . Never, s>2itid between tractor and Paxiornkol 4MToblet titan 694 - a
500 miles to travel from North Bay they used to -there are not the - For an .aeltjed touch to your another vehicle wheri'the tractor f.
- -rand we, haven't 1te2rrt -from iiim - number of pbeee' of . various kinds, baby ,gift -Aweater or booiees -why, being moved.
yrt ' or house parries like *here used to not make a tittle _plir of mittens practice hackie uo to Iodds. Yrou
Bab-i. "the last of our- visnor.., be. But yet neighbourly hearers are to match? titihile the followina alt soon learn to tine up so your Upsidedown to prevent Peeking
went track to Sunnybiook on -Senn- still in ilie iam2 ptace3; still respond directions are written io gaiter ran sect' the- .brakes et off, pick
•day. She had stayed.a day or two as quick! as ever to those in die- sti3dt. any other simple stitch could �Y 1 {3C 'S t1!)!
Y up the tongue and drop the pin
' longer than the rest to help me get. tress.- Because of this" kindlintes • be substituted, g h• B l l
all the extra washing one and rite Dfrettioe 6 M "�
g dence,as been so very much in tor^ s (Sans onths to
_ f brio h tan ue an_d bite 9 ry
house set to rights. Vow Partner Partner's brother and h�s - Year)
and I are alone once mote; snatch- • family haitre said over and fiver W&ONS
- 'slagg a.Iittle fw a rest, and getting again, that since this sorrow had Usnih a pair of tie. 3 tir."uks and
Saxony •%eight yarn, cast on 4q• - , r AGAINST
hack" to osu•. ordinslill d i -everyday. , . = to comp to them. they were .glad it 11+rtfstsvT0TN0
chores, although re'atitl find it hard happened here at ginger Farm- and - . siitchec, r r se.t�follows,
to realise that oar happy little family not in the" city, `ir'st rot -I:nit oste., purl one alt - tass&l„s y r [ a s e
the teat' across -the
row: Knit Garter
;gathering could end sp disastrously. Daughter said they would have ■esea.aw w . a 5 �;
" Sod yet from "this, aairom'evesg. stitch for 2 ridges Knit 'one, part afters siestas. tae
-had- an Awful, drying to get a one, for she ittr,h, saOMIT - newer p•7}efk'es
weiv experience, we have [earned , aeriw," to. dcn.se-
doctor to the middle eat the 'might - - - srarct►q
a lot, and it has also given us many t Heading) lilt qne: put' thread ' SALES - e.rleet' 'd" 4 1!►•
and it is doubtful ff hospital accom- over., and knit two :,titchtts' together. eaursn "s Ciwi4a RamW h 1
heart-warming thoughts to treasure modalion could have been secured' tee• UtrbeM,
"fot the - rest of our days. , What Repeat : or -110, the roe. knit Garter _ - _ _ _ _ -
at. all. So ae find plenty to -be thank- stiu h for 20 rid et. -
elands out in our utetnoty of events _flit for, even Haar. • � �• g • i
during the fYst tyeek is the klfidneS� (?�aKOt %ilagl lanit_one._4nit' two
H : of our friends. I think I mentioned, Well. I have lust been down for - together. Repeat across the 'row. Chelsea Stan Lo d .Y the mail and found a postcard fro \ t two rows -Knir two to -yg//�w •
- _- -brat last week -but it will" brat re. � tpe atin�. Tire tlay of the funeral two, Bob. tie'said he -was almo•rt sti .getlier 211 , the way acro,, thrse. _ 'A fl'fl•Ot OY Call tlllakl. liliil Wift
of our neighbours came in, bringing with' cold when- • he got bark to two rows: $teak yarn (leaving an Y �.
cakes and cookies with them. With- Matheson, and that.it was 50 below end about 12- inches Bing) avid newCIS DRY Yeast
out losing -any rune they 'set 'to zero evhtn lie arrived. Who,wouldn't thread irtto• a- darning acedl4e, Pull. CHELSEA BUN LOAF
work, cutting sandwiches and rank- be''cold 1 - this through the remaining. stitches, =
S_ tea while Here it is one big puddle-so ivet drats-tn thr txi rrhtr- wtl 1 Now Sou base Fltischrnann's
g p B Vt g g y . a t>d "Fast 'Dry Yeast, forger about Make 3 paaa of burls from tba r }
we were away at the service: They ate" sToppy'yop £rate te> sup- Quesida 4 fasten cch, oaa rrcipe=• -dough trW keep'
helped me, serve refreshments to the �� itb fi'ia - ++.�rll�ftil of varn, 'the oI"dtime hazards of_yeast in rr
twenty -flee people who came beck `even Honey. Generally she tastes new lip the scant. Run cwitrasting. 'baking! - Always as head fey ator for a ttssk.
the "paper and never stops running ; gibbon hrougrt the beading. Sc a mitlr, {i's t: gnu tell
to the farm from the cemetery, •Af t always full - strength and fast 2
terwards these good friends of ours nk.d. reaches the front doorstep. t sugar, 1 reps. salt and � c.
rising• Keep a month's supply shortening; coo] to Inkewarm.
swished dishes and left everything be walked alI`the way, pkk-- is your cupboard! Make this Is
tthip -shape before .returning home, ing -the. cleanest and driest spots is THE CI,_UE Meanwhile, measure into a large -
<" ;'I didn't have a worry at all in that the lane, and never once dropping the man cat with his hand oeit- . deliNousChelsea- Burduaf. bowl r� c. lukewarm water, 1 tsp. i (!
�Tespect. That is -what it means• to.. the folder she was carrying. Surely stretched as the fortusie- teller read cut irk Slices for buttering, of franulated su r; stir until sugar
have good neighbours. And I am rltigs rust `Nave 'some kind o€ yea- his palm. "See that • line ?" asked _ separate the buns, r a„ is dissolved. wrinkle with 1 en- R ,
quite sore it apviics :a -- lire_+ sonint:� poieer - -it ran'. he all in- the mystic, pointing to the fellow's -
velope Ins hmann' Rival Fast
people throughout Ontario. seiner. p� - - Rising ry�east. U stand 10 4'i.
Ycs,. ' f 'see it;'" he returned. .� mins., 'THEN stir welt. Add tooled
te. Revetntlonsf7 _
"What does i2 ean' - tat& Se •,r2 aseiauc._ fa wen- beaten a t'
' 'Wh m .'
CROSSWORD tr in o onWor to ean soar;
reload general- It means,' said, the fortune- beat tmtf! smooth Wank ed bye a 6. once.
- e, b'roatn water tt. Rarer :a;aaY teller, ravel
10. Without shots 8 }., ".hat you are going sifted bread Soar. Barad on lilahtiy• : -
PUZZLE 3a. Dip's
floured board until smooth and elastic. T"
11. Capable of to tale- 'a trip in the very, Heir Cu off ft of dough, knead into a smooth
lA•�Jof aa� 36. Iwsea E
ta. $earth' 97. Yueh future. Td Birmingham, perhaps. "• bail, ppreen in creased bowl, grease top of
21, Crusted dlshea 3s'. Rebuff When 'lie' left • the fortune- teller douerh, cover and afore 'ta refriarntoe
ACROSS ■bettered isles' 22. Part of a eutts 19 Ill- mer,re -red until wanted. Shape remaining Vs of
!. Cart 1. Present 23r Likely, child the roan Jicaded for the railway dousrh into a-smooth ball place in creased
S. Character in 4• Heating 14. Shell of s Vt. Jewish ttronth station. u • "'' boat and grease .top. Clover and set in
^the Tempest" chambers turtle 42. Town in !felt' „ ;�, tt artn place, free from draught. Let, rise r ;
5. Clear prollt l6. LSfts up 43. Ask earnest ',y A ticket -eT Birtltingh4m, please," until doubled "sn bulk- Qreain 3 tbs. butter
31• Fatt7'.tcuit 4. Cane Ail. Mirth 45, Before 4
II or margarine aind blend in Ih c, brown
11. Kind or pear he sake!.
76. Face with - 7. Turn feeds g. Worn 46. Rumen i H ?" ". sugar (lightly pressed down), It /syr p ;
skin le •or 're�ru, asked the �. Y '
atone fi ¢round exnnamoa and 3 tbs• cure syrup! ;y •"
I Y b M D 7 . >3 '!" Ill . f 1 12 - _ kl .a ''o _ .. spread about th of this mfictilre is bottom
Id. Old timer. bodkin clerk. 4 " M•, ;, '
e of a irreasedaoaf pan {4ys "'x Stfs "? and
34. Sharp _ .:,'kid;;;,• ..
- 31. Betorging to • ' Is � The fellow struck out his palest, _ sprinkle with pecan halrea,.Ptmrh,e }otvrt
.. + ` ?' `: nsen dough and roll out into to 8"
her I don't know," he said, "Take a `. ,a',.,r.;•.:':::ai. s.tvarc; loosen dough. Spread,witK► re. '
-` I}. F1nfa) :naining sugart tixturc and sprinkle Wi;';
to. Gush :
AStenn • - - - t.'s G raisins. Loosely ro -Up like a•Ieliy
33. High card e 7 " 18 9 _ . Cut roll into 6 slices, Place in lire-
ij ra -rd pan Greine -tops. Cover and.let t
:41. 7. Part �I rfsc until doubled in bulk. Bake in milder-
77, Part the 10 1 / ate oven, 350% 25•.30 mina Let stated is i t
- -- -Aft. Tool for pan for rains, before turning out.
e mixing •S -. Z6. _ L7 DON T. 'aik f
AY, woody giant.- f what's ood foi' ,a
..33. Ae situated 9 9 "
$4. Goer at attd
alutatton -- - ' ' �� � � • =•a�Y nM��/ r - -
_ ee
' a r1�
sws. Counheit ow ASK FOR
Poarse fiber 39 0 RI q 4S - 8M•1 ryr,h .� :
4a. Tilts -
A14• pointed 44 5
4a. aoft paints -- �
41♦: $Dankh 47 8 .'__ `c:y.. ..,�, - A Iii
monetary A SINGLE SIP TELLS' WHY ; >: � a�Ari rsT
so- w1ait A9
a the
Answer 'Elsewhere On This Page Ia!sult 0 - 1951 i
_ - -- _ ..
.. a ,,, `Q:'• ..�; .`.. .. ,,
%;'° • ,'wa.. _ - , •F' i - "a , " ff 'fir • 5 •'` "•'.'�' -
IrNFATAE..� JEr..:.�a. :nex spent -- BROCKYNITBY Jibe. =4 . George
faamily. ashswa Br ! At '191a )i>~w
618 ,Mr. 11l+oht•, Harvey spent last week •
ft $tor ose a' R&
;: - �PHiJRSDAY, FRI., SATURDAY - MARCH 1, 8, a. � here with "his made, Al. � SCAR. T -ill "•.
' Several from here attended the
j I L1. Shows At 7Ad to 9A0 - Saturdayj Matinee at- 2.80 P. H. _ oyster capper at Pickering last Fri- •
day evening.
_ 3 ., Jars. C. Devitt had ei;snnei with ' SATURDAY •MARCH 1 B 8
`` '• y ~�' Mister 880 her father Mr. F. Wright, of Green
River on Friday last, the occasion A WONDERFUL MUSICAL WITH STARS GALOREt
_ BURT LANCASTER EDMUND GWENN, AND - his 84th birthday. to
With - being Deeps
art, he -- keeps -kis" jovial- temp .
so-tive. -He re: T ie li fe- .Words
� , ;: -ALSO SELECTED SHORTS sides with his daughter Mrs. Geo. _ _
Gray. His many friends here wish N TECHNICOLOR STARRING :
_ I
- - - - him many more happy birthdays. • `FRED ASTAIRE - RED SKELTON i ""'
11 i ii -- r 1111 11 !Vera Gillen Warts vensym
. ,
The Ontario Federation of Agric- Golden Stallion
` Shows Start at di[If and 9,774 R M. ulture's official organ, this week3,
i an edi which. should I N COLOR' - Wilk - ROY ROGERS and DALE EVANS _
contains tortaj wlu � ou d
be read by every farmer who inuugly
_ "Twelve O'clock High :- feels that he is quite alright with
6tars'Ing .GREGORY. PECK — - his own business. I(ONDAY, TOES., WEDNESDAY - MARCH 6, 6, T. 1
Quoting .from this editorial fI7ke Funniest Thing That Ever Happened To A Fauityi '
ALSO Latest FOX NEWS and CARTOON "The decision of the Milk Control
Board refusing the application of
four Pickering farmers to join the -
`: - Pickering Milk Transport Co-op.
should be of profound sinificaace Alarring - 'RONALD •REAGAN, RUTH HUSSEY
to every fanner interested in 1`
THURSDAY, FRI., SATURDAY - MARCH 8, 3, 10, building farmer control over his CHARLES COBURN - EDMUND GWENhi :
_ own business. The Board ruled ;ADDED FEATUB$
- Two Flag $ West that the co- operative which hauls ;
milk from Toronto farms to Tor-
onto, The Men
was just another transport :
JOSEPH COTTON, LINDA DARNELL, CORNEL WILDE 'L agency, and that the four farmers
: must continue to make use of the 'With - MARLON BRANDD - TERESA WRIGHT
privately -owned , transport they
are now forced to use ".
FAR�A SUPPLIES - The Royal Commission on Milk THEATRE FOLIC;
In 1847, recommended that farmers Box Office Oven Nwenings -AA* P IL
BE1JT PL - A Good Quality Feed - be permitted to haul milk co- opera- _."3aturdayr and Holldays 0.00 p AL.
., rEET PrSES An Excellent Sweetener for Roughage. : - +' tively, that "such permsission be Matinees. Saturdays and Helldays 1.110 P: M.
PEAT MOSS - Very Useful as Litter for Baby Chicks. Scanted without regard to existing
JdILi� FILTER Flies • CO -OP, BRAND are Fast Becoming Favor,
facilities." _ .... Ample Free Parking
With MILK SHIPPERS. I Yet, on January Sth, 1951• when 1
- _ `BTABLEPHOS -For Removing Slime and Slippiness from Stable, - - . fou r Pickering farmers' application
for permission to ship on the Co -op.
Floors and Adding Phosphates to. Barnyard. Manure. truck. the Board deferred decision.
CLAREMONT CO- OPERATIVE Again January 25, decision was
again deferred. in the meantime
l?$ONLr if CQ.IIt]1lIlLON'P regulations were being hurriedly o" SON -- •- -
-this to deal tie death Slow u
BROUGHAM application. S.
. '?n February slit. the application �p (�
l =emus was dismissed" without st:tetnent of `.1� hone .2SI W - Pickering, Onto
The Friendly Bible Class will
. reason.
' Pbeas p'kkeeLS no J 1 y Details of 04 sew 'Regulation I
meet on Monday, March 5, at 6.40 apes in a recent issue of the Onb• d>l • !! • "Mistress' :tr
money Heating Swansea i p. m. at the home'of Mr. and ]lira. ario Gazette. Men this ad is for the
George Willson,
- ,•, �eugts and csawuta "990es It would appear that these de-
The woman's Association wr71 ferrments in the announcing of the O f the Interior' so please sit back
Sold and issum d meet on March ' 7,- at the hatue of
.' .,. � _ decision were made to �e one Leg- - -.
ROD ]dr, and Ides. George Willson. lslators time to get these Regina- LADE: We Have All The Regnisite9a To Give Your Dosing Room the
Mrsd� Ritchie been in. .Tor- tion� through. YBiI► SPRING LOOK -
onto the t week lyvito her Our reaction to this -is one of `-
mater, so e, time. _v:ho. has peen extresie disappointment and let- Bright and. COlaurful Table Clothe 'in OotilTien and rs on y'
Sheet Metal Works _ in for name time. 8 y
Mr. Al Harvey has been on the down In that acid( ss this can take
- Boar of )Ridkariag News rick list thin week and is missed by place in tarko- Ar reading "bet ' ,Ricb, lovely lace Table Clothe -
ween the " tells you j t
Log . n , won his morning _broadcast too. took place, - -- :. ,neW shipment of Dinner and ?ea Dishes
Mrs. H. Shea, of Toronto spent ,
an fictive Moral Design in 68 -piece _
L CTU RANGES dinner set at $32.50: also in 32 -piece _
BEATTY `E E Mr. Clare Keevil was among the ice Carnival Postponed Tea Set at $12.50; NOTE- this line is ~' 1
rna�sy here who went 'dovrn under fi'he lee oatusval which tea plan- also. '�oPen stock "..
RANGETTES AND the rlu" last week. led by the Recreation t)omnvttre of
_ . Mr. and Mrs. Jack Badgervw uaremont, raw been postponed _ }n- • -' `
ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES were Toronto visitors an Saturday. definitely, until cold weather re-
Sorry to report Mr, Alan Pretty turns. Barbara Ann bcott- was ins -
y - aly III sit present. vited to participate. but was unable
-H Feint: send Ge'�erak Hardware, seriou
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Ham. of Jab- to attend.due to a personal appear,
•..•.p awa, spent Sunday with Mrs.- Frank arise she. was to make im Ottawa •
Ham. this week. However, when ![r. Clare
PHONE 46 PIC K E R1 N u Several frown -here attended - the Keevil was talking to Barbara Aan's -
Brougham hockey game at Stvuff- mother by Wag diatance phone, Mrs. - -
OLD 80RSEe� • $1104" Ville on Saturday night. Scott Mentioned teat Bauiara Ann _
Mrs. W. A. Irwin entertained a wiWW to be remembered to all her
At Toe ij m - few friends herE�on Thursday even- little trieadr in Pickering Township. _ -- -
JNLAD OR CRIPPLED STOCK. Mrs. Richard Cooper spent a few Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mansell are tsW ILip
414GD-O H
Moody pick-up days last week with relatives in the happy parents a a little baby - _ _ -
Shwa Collect - Agincourt 1=.T1! Toronto, girl - Janet Margaret - born in the � a 46 -Piece eel in a beautiful floral
t.d►JIPBEW. JIM Mr. and Mrs. Don .Hedges and StouffviIle Hospital, on February - . _.'dedgri at 185.50 ,
Mrs. Conners were in Toronto • va 12. Parente and daughter are all '. New spring Prints and T'owellia a are now in
- • Saturday last. well. _
Shingles ' Mr. and Mrs. Mason, of Toronto; ffir, and Mrs. Howard Langine be-
L spent the meek -end with Mr. and came the proud parents -of a baby ,:'I RNMEM818t - IT Always Pays To Buy Year Groceries At '
Asphalt Si& g Mrs. Jack Norton. boy, born in Toronto Woewn'lYColl r'CHAPMAI�'S" CASH � CARRY '�G,ROCSTSItIA" �
The local High School Commence- ege Hospitil,• last February _
ASPHALT- SHINGLES rnent will be held on Thursday and p • • ' - - - '
Friday evenings of this week is As'a result eel last week's meeting .
,BIDING AND ROLL' the local community , ball. Dances" of the Claremont Bnsineas MW � �`� °• `
ItOonNG plays and musical numbers will Conuounity Assodadetlt, held in the
Can Cove a Prim M Con*" make a portion ' of the program. Community Hatt, the Reeteadoo !�
>T gegsitea Certificates will' be given to grad- Gmmittee was iastrueted to 409" a `.011TARANTEED
AyVMtNt7>1i �pUULt>ei1iGo "tit classes. It is hoped there survey of all the community assets •
IN gTOe[ will be a good turnout on both W- is ant and district to nicer' TW � RADIO BER�iIO£
. eningg. tarn the ,,. t avalfsbie for P'itd;eriuig p c
N. M. <^n ... f Aa lvia]ce or Mode
LUJ[BBR YA>l� 'Wilbur Gkassa Pauares a"I or oa7wegyra:ipment Bu ding Pernl3ts T
PiCBENG, oI�JCA)lOO Requiem Mass was suns at SL sank as card tables, crokinoie bds„
" PRONE: O i4. Francis de Sales Church, Pickering besbe ass, baseball «�Ipaner►t: : - need ARTHUR FIELD -- -
on Tuesday for Wilbur Bell Giese° football egefFIent etc.. the eotnsn.
sin, wbo 'passed- away - saddealr —o —ittee composed of Yr.11 ward'Lang-
• 3tsWrday morning at the borne of Die, Chairman: MM Bids. Cooper: ��o & Frl• 1 to 5 PHONE PiokerinR 5%W8v
Fie. Fire. Fire• his sister, Mara. • Fred Evans. He Jtrd, Geo. McCalttsell; 3Rrs. Won.
protect You sad Yours With was 68, A ing: Mr. Joe Morley and Mr, • $
New Low our EWLtihB- A native of this township, Mr. Chile Keevil, or any other members nd 'hp AppQ�t to ;•
Amusing Gleason worked for many, years on of the committee would be glad to - it�allrallCe Co
sisher,. Suitabl4_ For-ifame, Carl the Section of the C. P: P until his $sear of it .- -
Boat, Shop and Factory. retir,ament a few years ago. He and At this meeting, two films were n wrlto at Plow _ • _-
uata�t�d Forever his dog were to be seen on the local shown: "From 0 till Noon" a plant Fe J. PROUSE � siataa tlse slsr.'awa a•:�
streets regularly, 'He' was very well tour of the Goodyear Plant, and
'Wecdve Against All Types Of known and well liked in the corn- "When all the people - play', a film $l1;MBING INSPECTOR >•MO* tan 00
Pyre • Rben Electrical ' muiaity. Surviving are: two sisters, tal!eti in a community similar to wj _ now oba,
Mrs, F Evans,. of. Claremont and Claremont or most other small will- "PICKER IN �'wilii'" �� of d saw
I FOR YOUR LOCAL AGENT ffirs, M. Wilker, of Toronto. ass The latter film caused much '
g0�: AJAX ?8J, .OR :WRITE . Interment at St. Gregory's Cem comment, because •it showed exactly : Ph� »'Mk�ag !4R i Bewaian G�bsO
WALUR, 106 KING'S CRES• etery,• Ofisawa, ;, what can be "done in a small com- j
AJAX, ONT. _ 04 0 , munity svhm a planned recreation l
_ progrim is earrW 0*L