HomeMy WebLinkAboutPN1950_06_02-. . _ "_' . '_ - .. .y. .. � - • _ .. «• - .. - _ ;. tip;: - u PUBLA91:1IDRB ti, 4/stT�iKekJ, 1 Y, •,TL18L9. 9, JiOA4Q41 i ovens Par ew Anacelsed as Soamd C%- r; Iliac•: AS.N Iasa' yes• II. S, fY.+6d W. Q. jrO+BiAM Bald tl i, 1 Vila a -4n. Mater. Pie Ps c©ura ea ter �'he�nson g g .. Ad resses E - T P-ic,-- - H NFjW- ct �n Weekend .Pro a .... . ;�- —W _-. :- ,, - - ., Pickering V369e Te 'Mae Reese t "In WINAI . � lirl �oesiaMs' �ai1 _ C. 2two.fa s 1 �.._. Dear W. Iilarkss: - ! �iaaJM, 7fr►y 27, 1960 I 'thought you might be ' iatf1r- . ft !�"sidaT, �4y 21, the Picker: ash. gad >S[ris, L, M. Mayday +gent _ '�j Pfo�etSas "w•Lse Q iOII,:: �ty�: wed to know the Rosebank Ath: lug R•tefa►7eles'. Association called Friday and Saturday with selaLired: "Me tip last SuadaF at a meett* : D 1 m saam"ry serves me correct- letic Club held a carnival for the s meeting tar the purpose of dig- in Hamilton. oslled to discuss as allied Prob. y gad setting up a "Fire ,3ir'. and_ Mr's, W. V. Redditt addli . iy vatting' �+'r'bek at Pickering- ahildrea IS ..t'he�' ;*irk at South. ctussdpg ; law: So taturs of AUA. The meet• village b iv2 . feet higher than Rosebanlc oa the 24th, with a Area" tW= gaff ingludimg Fr ach- daughter and laigr hustbadd, Yr., fag was galled by Ajxx bumftWW- when it enters Lake Ontario at fireworks display in the evening. man's Bay to the Scarboro Town - and Mrs. Wm. IkTetatry, of ,Kee•. sped~ behind the legion �&ll. Simla Point. The Rampant Red It might be suggested, that if such line odd trams the Lake to oae- wick, spent Sunday with Mr, sea} [many of our- rawdets have pr'ob- (pr fie the Tribune io now caliiai an •event -IS held again in the' fut- had ooncamdod north, of the 3rd Mrs. C. Si. Morley and family. I distorted ably read the typigaliy it •`CQ%a9be4 Soup" attar their ure, more control should be kept . Concesrioa. CongratuLatioas to Mr. Bi>R Bung story wly paper which not too. favorite Yrsmier� has & over the e'hildrea ljefore there b This was the beet- attended meet- tip on graduating with lot t3iase` could give the jpipreeioa that tall of only server inches to the an accident, Lag -eves ra�ll8d • b this area for Honors, is Forestry, IIJAck W of 0antral mortgage Corp. was . bit- aide or about a toot and a hat[ This event was - enjoysble, until . this - purpose. The Township Chun- Toronto, also to �', Jitek Wade, teriy oondemmed; actually. the verai children around ten years cal arms well represented and Mr: Church St,, 1st' Wass HomoQZ% IA. meeting eels very gnlet and ft- %' same .distance. You cat, se fireworks a- Lowe represented the Oat. Fire 3laronautieal Engineering, l i M etings add bit Quist ,sewn r'e- tb4V9Lq P gee that , there Lai not old started tossing ifarehali's DepartmAat. Ur. John- Mr. and MM Donafdoon Lad the port r; at low., V*ft the feeling been a great opDortuniy for fvrc nogg the le severe to we them clearance of flood ereaa even u jump, while several children of stow, Towasbip Clerk, intrcadueed llisw Hells and 1f+a�lllel Mattis, 'o>; that there might be two sides to w0A ed to �w� age were running up Mr. Lowe and he proosded to eov- BeRerille, allied on their cousin, the gwouoa, L,aike Vv'inaipled prepay k np exhausted fireworks.- er whit was, necessary for! an area 31rs. John Xurkar on Wednesdar • take Chit co'losal &mount of water. to pk s_� Which it deLiatiely L aoL -- 13tnce -pony -paper el! RAM 14M s wouta oe I wise Mabel tAazis wets a mimiod. i 'I believe i stated last week , but is this section, I hoped you might best tp have a otamlalets set -tap and dry (then is euetody} ila Japans I Will do ale again, that while we drop a suggestion to this effect, ta&Q rdvantigs of the 15 Wroeat during the war. l beat' in ti* i. alit a great deal about for the good of all concerned. total east grant sad Mr, Johnston ^Mrs. W. J. Monney b able to be r little e told' of This Gaon is working with explained that Widnt into consid- out again, alter -her confinement W1�eg proper, teals thought of bettering the dig- pattoa of the grant and the prices � to her home during tue winter. _ the 22vo submerged farms con - Wting of 360000) ,acres or a bit tract, and it may 'help them, quoted, 'be thout'ht that a levy of 7llfrp Loans Roberts reRUras to _ over 500 square miles and that b The carnival is geaeral� was well approsimlately 1,5 mlats would be duty at the Gordca Howe thin . to Err'erson�t this A�er'casa attended and the enjoyment der- requlrled to pay this over a period weak, after her few week's cogs, [?order, lved by the children was really a of tive year's, and the operating 1- veliescence from appendlcitia. Well" it i. great to be •newt treat to watch, - �A DSemher costs would pot smount to very blim Cath. Storer is now on the yapper mat. La all my checkered much attar that period, am the Oat- � staff of omen of the Bank at Com- a,;, . career I never dreamed that 1 C4et Tr•bsael] Sperhtr AL ROtary aria, Government would pay 25 p• I merce bramchns in the Mast Bad at s, of these costs. the City, would be Rained a special corres- I The guest of Deputy -Reeve Goo. I There were three films shmm (+liras. Barry 3turkar -has beers poodent to cover one . of the most j Todd, Chief L. W. Trinnell spoke by Mr. Lowe explaining fire Prot- conned bed during the past few - catastrophic oecurreacss in can& - I at ho.a.y on Monday evea.ng. action and unnecessary firs loses with a back ailment. d:an hlswry, . and the entree It As wxh every odricer of long through oarelessaes, �7s 1 gives m my dear Vi 11IIam, in experience, iaclu-aing that of the Mr. Lowe also explained that the � _ the least, extraordinary. The Free � juvenidle prcWam ", he t satisfied Department have a, staff of filatrur { A LOT OF LABELS ON THiS Press and the Trib%pe seam to that thlare b ranch a t$iag an Dar- tors who will be willing, at our j t P�� E OURS DUE a welcome me with oven arms as a ental. delinquency . and urges the convenience, to wane out and In- contemporary journalist and I am ' adaption o!. legislation that would struct a fire department, and that certainly taking full. advantage of I dompel parsulm to assume more it would be necessary for the TV. j � 1=a'v'pw Seriously Infrcr�til -. their- exuberance becaaae ee the r,esponad'bili•y for their children Council to appoint a r Ire Chief. In Fall From Wagon moment I need all of the Prow { than they bay* bees in the habit R,�e Weetney spoke for the IWhi.�e ' ua:oa,ulug a w4gon of M/• C. THOMSOM, MP. and Radio- support to gain the In- of showing. Council and it appear ad that af- straw ON the far.0 Lit y, -D, Ram.. formation which we mom have to j � Jersey 0,We Club ter they all had spoken that the mer, on, Friday let, Edgar Andrei 1 4 n et the meeting sea p3tt the program that we are und- .1 :, entire Council ware la favor and tell Srom tae lo,6d, striking his well Sterling Watchora ortaki" Into opea+avlOn. head,• 'Aithou h i'anned, he w•aa. _ 1b, introdneed such local buain- It is oRS opt those crash things. In Ontario and Durbam�-eauut, ' 2100 saw the immecliete require. .. s iA a � minutes to drive the- who to y Harry Break, Jo�ba' B - we wish to give somethia; tot ass, the Jersey caws - recently qual meat of the `fire area to complete ,- teem -home, Later, cotiapWuing• QC gisman er, DoaaLd Kemp John mills •and 'notitiag arid• because of the flood ifying in the Canadian Record of fire protect . an - for the Tawnshtp 1 a severe .�4eadachie and stitfaedd, 01sude Rowland.' They, in turn, we c&wt re&ch the people we wane Performance are led by one la tna. , of _ Pickering, medical aid wSa secut'ed, and .ak- berd of Frank - � 9f_ Cha�pma.n, at I Oa motion by 'Jft•, 'Fred Noyes, 0Jsced4i togatbter a picture-of Bete!'- to, give ii tea I^ am talbing about , en to hoyDitel where a fracture 1pratioa and apxthY ratter than servicing and re- coadittoaiag iloOd= " I'ti`keCtag'`'�yoll s Favorite Bride, p seconded by, Air, C. C. Smith, this , as a 9 year odd, has produced "+340 meeting went on record as bema8 to the upper spine was revealedow of deliberate malice, :The CHMG ` ed - tiastcirs tree -o! charge by -Me actually a broken tiflck, He iv nor[, - 'had tollowed a policy that appear, JdaseeZ- Barris_Compaa�� of milk and- 439 1Drt bf tai is in favor o! the setting tip cd a -� * 3•vo a4,,yn cc+,�- ot- $9-&.- p:-.t_`_ €tit" -:ti.CV ..., -�i ..,.� l;, �l�t'ti�� i- u- a-�t- $�_w111_ ltkelX__bs_!'�- ed to be' aatl-vetorau, fiat' -tu""' I Yesterday. I spent a very please.a r at aired to remain is it for ftrne tray and toad- "trira8e" (the Ram_ s I tZvo hours with the Hon, air. J. S In the, illeu, d o,i R, P, .Stenger, , vote m.n Ea¢ user's Report, The considerable time.- for tj>e area oa the outakirw of McDiarmld, Minister of 'lines an'1 Eaaiekillea, Ha ;side Flora at ?, vote t.pken wag unanimous, Now it had been'-' decided" �;atural Renounces and not -a l years, hoe produced 3868 lba,. of It will now Reed the immediate PREF, FILL { Ajax), milk and 403 - -11X4, Of, tat in 305 artion of Co•,neil -to bring in the tree, for tA'u -",;v. t.+stce it &*ay.. at a semi -aecret meettuft to place has be-given ua_a contour map ot, pylaw tr% e Ajax In the hands of 'a three -man 4 the flooded area which. his Dep- 1 days F'an was bred Pi keying. W. �r s t h this area, and Ross timurisoa, lust e,t t of PY<'itr• - -= commiaes(on: one representing the i_artment will keep up to date but Baledon and Son. at Pickering. � the ratepayers to condone the act - � e` ae_lichQOlPhnne_Pk:k. 133. sae from this he - has gone ati out, in his - predic- -` Other herds recently repCaatty •-ion' of chair (- s3atmlttee• ' Card of Thanks ' WW- business area and one from.:ths -tiaa„ of the areas which can be I recordd are those of W. F, Batty I vala,g0 proper; $Il - °hoses by- the j first- attacked, and Son, Brooklin, said tieorEe T The family of the late 3Lra, VYH, - Loaut- Governor is Council. II 'Dodd, Pickering, �, • . Church News ' Mr. • 1tcUiarmid baFee his ca3tvT � !Clark of (ire:aav,,.ud elan to ez- Rose a Yq H, tiVeetneY -ot $lit' I •ations on t-he Last experience 0f I Flocd Disaster - Continued .. #,. • press their sincere thanks for the eriug expressed wb'at was probab- the Red River Walley area, Her W. N. 8, 5t, .taGlew's Prsbyser. kind words and lovely, floral trip - 17 the wish of a11 that the •pecdrle Of ,' ahawed, me, in Itr9phte portrayal, I whea the flood recedes ,l wig! need iy& Church, Pickering I uses from friend» and neighbors, Aisa.• ••should have &. municipal. - -the ist6 and 1948 floods and the• a 6d mask, a typhoid injection, will meet on Tuesday, .tune 6th, at Upon this, tLe lose of a dear Ganchise ", T. - D. Thomas, UPP. -recedenoe from ma:timum flood to and loos of iaaurano0. 2,30 p. m. in the church, wife gad loving ato.ner, they elan made lihe ...aame statement and flood _level should{, - be - reaebepd . by I is the .farmers in this area The Aaaual Sectional meeting of Hb also• spoke the W. M: S. will be held. to Whit- to thank those who so though~• S'ledged phis snppoit, ;which they first overflow LheLr j n ttknow Lhe eztent of their dam- tally Gave of their t3mw and equip. l the high cart of Iy&d is Ajar, banks, nand- !n each alts it is a^ by Presbyterian Church on Thurs- Went to reap with the spring 'work. ' ,� spoke of 020 firm which did bout 23 days. Judging from this gds* but they are not the type, as day, June Bth. Sessions at 10.30 fir also to Rev. H. R. •Slomkmea, o! not build in Ajar because the land infortiiatiea the beiiht o! this a general tale,' that comg►laia or and 2,00 P. m. . , Greenwood, tba campy extemils tttevti would b"reost them $1509 flood was May 13th in rural ar- � make a b* tae, but You just loop •vile `� their gratitude for Ills words of, an sore, In Odava•a they were able si -so - tits btnks o2- the river at at aosne of the. pictures I seat you ��, � �Ast;lteiaa monthly w►: A. •empathy and undomtaadtag, to bay at $108e an acre and would flood level shoult• be raadhed by as* see tso you wonla or I would' get a lengthy, deed gage- wmp•it• June 5th, [tow that doss trot mean like to be al in the 'mow 01f a Meeting- of the W A, will be held was Mr. W&1t- all the pbotos of eataastrc. bars for 'five or sit wtreb wits .. bsim - on Tawada`•. ]erne 6th I Plciterlag Pabt4e Llbtrars prig �dlpa--speaker that er C, Thom[• , ,- 3I -; °-_ '` ?" ` h4c_dajaage that I Bent Y°4 mow' o'ar 1W�ocil no news, no r9a_. aL 12;00 noon Object -- !Our own Public t E,d the eeoA+�asltg of the meeting, • ins farm land under i1o0d vc111 be` having to milk our 4'OR•e and rhea •, Pickering Public Library Board but felt that it was neceasarv, oy�� beeaase there are many I throw the milk and all the sage bake this means of thanking the ; '9�Lost at ' n7 ditlicu3ties 1n the rimes batweeo titre Sarmil ,and th �� into the Red, and no commaaica- p ilaitea Cbmeli many people who have aided the riding;' he anted, "hav,. Q°me rim Red River that atop the natnr+sl tiolk with: your wife because site- is ,Rev• A. E. Young, Minister Library in the recent cauvat4, tal I the village Ajax" felt faII A lot 0t this water can only .pot allowed,•iu the flood area, SUNDAY, JUNE 4, 1950 provide such books as will be of 'however, that "in matters c2 right disappear by dvspoaation or ab- Next week I wl be on) the tart. 10.00 a in, - Sunday School interest to its adult members, and sorption. . itory and I will tell you something - of wrong, the .thing fa, do is to 11,00 a, m, - Morning Worship make reading a joy to the many-_._— __ of- open them right ont....bring them Wi1zn. you 'and ,I, and most of •bout• what ma happen to a rural 3,00p, m, - Andley Service youngsters who, are members of put into the open. Let rte always your residers are interested in the community gnat like PickeriaB— I No ��}� Service land[ i3ep4, - , .the. L3lbrary, �• remember thin citizens are people 1' if nature works against it. sags The . evbscriptiona and grants, In offering his trieadshiv gild agricultural area, 1t is, I know. I - from going over it by Aisne in a R°d�y W A: Plcio[atrth, 1Jnirnd Church { 'withortt further help would not_ enppor•t to -•fhb people at the vtoin- berrUiGally bad state. So far I have (� °� raferrerl W by I►ftt Iiaddv 'lye r'egguiar meeting of the W, keep pace with the growing de- ity, he reminded them that be are on displav 1% oar windows- at, ' not been there to Give you i •ff�'st- the New �� Ed,j- ' A_ will be,he4d on Thtlraday, gage .� mend, and the cavity- ibtrtors to the lived •,Just over 'here at Tbomsaa s - hand - report. It will be - bad,'— I 8, at the bomb of Mrs, H„ T, Fall' - I Library Fund have . the 'hearty Corm" and that �bir-a me was could say HORRIBLE. It you can rise; Whitby, at-2-30 p. m. Cars thanks of the Bcard and alai the "not Thm"On, but Walter Tbom- ,mine every outhouse over an Anyone intere$t8d in the y will leave .they. 4- corners at 2.15. � readers of the community.- Sditll son." It the water mains were not areal of 600 square tailes, and -that J Roll Call - A Garden vierse,e Murray, l3ecr+eMry. F s110wed, to 90 along IInivler'sity Dr, takes in most at Pickering Town- formation. of a Mrs. Murkar'e group is charge of - to benefit the merchants there, ship and a got more, human exer•e. the program• id not want • ock 80 UTEERN _ -ONTif RIO Following tug meotins mere will STAFF ,xt}� { _ then air. Thomson d ment, dead cattle • and limest 8 water hinNON. a bay racks, and everything wooden be a Presbytoiry Picnic at Victoria } • Soma changee 'bide place on out! that' hilt anchored to the ground, FOOTBALL � Park, Oebawa., In ceflebrad6n. of •- W floa;tinf in a yes wbout- or r house ..tbsk 2'bth Annfver iiiry q IInion eehool staffs here for the eaimiag" then you will 'hive the story here. * �T ' . • All members and families ire In. falH term, Mr; ' Rivard, who has L� l' . r beer, Principal[ of tbJe Continuation hlsa6arlad g� And Sebool Yesterday a new tr•iend of mine , vitlsd to- attend- and fart asked, to and Hii W Schoole -here for a -nuts . A ' . ' ' ,'' • " '; told me that hie hoe rticent]T 6oara is invited t0 attend the take a pbaLc busko! for the stun= By Anne Hume t0 hones by boat and louad hid �. bar ly year's;. std, who, with ble Organizational aiteifn hoar, Anyone alble. tq .so platys !amity; have been u picture windolw caved is ands 10• 9 9 call Mrs. Cyri4 Morley, pint on- to the The umar held recently by, the picture end horow floating around 0- lase l 3rd concession • (too -far tram the Dnabartoa_ dome gad School Ass- in till school in the winter) b Moving to d success and his chesterfield in the living-room. CAdvarg Teurple Pentecost" G )re Bay, es) Principal qt the 7l3i" oetation was a gran . Well, it's really something. I air CZAR -EMONT g°�r �'`w' they wish, -to thank members for -1r,46 s. M. - 1lnnt}ay Behotsl Sehs03, .. -with a b0triae 9ralrlded. their eo- operaetion 'aa3 the friends only Just beginning to eem whaty I t Oa Miss Scott, Assistant toes to the who responded 'am in for, Actually, as I said, I POMMUNITY HALL s_ fir" � •Morainlr worahfp , of the Association _ to • Evanlrellooe new ! Nicholson, Collegiate, ' so generously. The reegular roet• h�X v1s n beet: ant fl the affected . on vpadnewky • d.Ot► P._ & . �YAes ndmoi from jglaar'KIM irk will 'be 'held on Juie 7th, at 'S' area let. hot from flying over it, �} 1 Q 1lraw WeetiaR gear W3ndsoc, will snooped Miss b. M. Members are Asked to bring those I would ays� that FIZIDAYf iD 2, AT tJ PM lUdq Scott. seeds for distribution to the child - them, by #ed � 4.0 V. s Young Pse9ie The Public School wilt be CLO foods •tihe DY►it P1a1*. Pastor 1/. lIt lgaMN! samb as in the past Yaw.. i add .t�.pv:'r -.c.. �s�'gotNY ►.'.al$F•�,:. ;�1. ✓. -- :..raw ^..� ' �.. - .- . � � .. ,...... -... �1 ! ..� y Iron itLsi these da„ will ej • Xl�cssified Adv • • z' 1Ji. of Iwo? el {�1i71ng M�qr few, irl one op •o •t♦, are w a e b y any means alone u eel etc L a wAffiTtSD •ti • ""•' such %belief. '. • - • r SELL popular 93, fire ostinsulah r wholeo&4 ; - A71AZLNG BUT Or direct. Liberal Profits exclusive territory- HOT WATER for anybody ,anywbare. cots•. ='So ' desperate are teams for caa- 31'IR8r117LLE.R. 6042 Roslyn Ave., Montreal, try, town or city. No- storage lank r•. i . HE OCa ' AQZNT. 6e11 Drygood■ from our quired; ao body of wates to keep bott what able catchers,' writes Arthur Daley illustrated catalogue. 25% commission, Lie-, -a saving, of fuel. Just ta turn the u, and, in The Sunday Times, "that the 11ab1f Sal ", 204 Spadina Avenue, Toronto. there In your hot "water. The RANALAH ln- - i Boston. Braves readied all the way Implant: pater Heater win operate w:1L I STOREKEEPERS AND DEALERS Implant: Propane, Natural or City Goa. write down to a Class B lague in mid-' Write for Phillip illustrated whodeasl• Cats. for particulars to Ht:RNERS" AliD EQI.'tP- season last year to bring up 'a Josue t�aturioi Tarp• 3�r1aq• of every �a7 NENT LTD., 87 DeGrar+el St.. Toronto 16. , sellers 1R dry goods. saute wares. household O.C. or phone Hargrave 0629. 19- year -old kid, Dell Crandall, and items, etc. Phillips Sales Reed. 72 Craig .. • install -him'• as a'' regular. Iturlpe- 11 -reet west, Montreal, 1. Importers and: { wholesale- Distributors of General Merchan- Lag ACRMS CHOIR :L DAIRY rAlix. - - •'• if diately the big youngster was hail df;e, - - Iv EXCELLENT STATE of cultfvatluu• I It g ed - as- another Gabby Hartnett in w off n.altL road - in splendid eowbilahed r , u BaH2 •CH1CRli Farming section near thrifty town, Two- faurily y 4 the making; yet it should a noted l u k h i brcose, a ,' „•$'�,. . '� L1at7HORINS X' B.P. and Legboraa. 810.86, large bank barn. :arx;e end that Billy . Soutkwortk ,recently Pullets 828.86: oockaela 31,94 Barr implement shed. Lots of water timer firer ad "" in house, barn. School' bus: -Trbrep,rt 1; grabbed .frantically for aging' Rocks N.H. 5 c R.A., L.S. X N.H. iltzapa pus- hauls milk dally to Toronto.. Reason1ble, down Ica 1Be& cockerels 16.80 New shires; Walker Coapsr Is catching. ,in- -R1, �a ilo,pb:.- IwJteu,i21.8b� xkereis wyniant''and lotw•Interest on mortga>se for balance. Immediate Possession. $10,,500. For furariCe.° 14,80. two week old , o ol-o fib per' 100 coon . further Particulars write or. Phone J. ' E. .. • • • than Wee price•.' Also 'older pullets, Deposit ' - i+ ardn� -^ �t •n 1 _apt A a 1t Caber, - Realtor 25 i8 Tanga 6t., T4roat0. Mr. Daley goes on to. ask how ant. `$"k 5sfia- - • -many real, authentic stars there are.. ARE you ail optiviiet ". An' optimist is a man WFIACAL 7 Catching light' 1]OtP =and �yheri h< wFLO sees the, light• - a Pe"imlat lit the. fel- CRESS .Callous salve -Now get relief. Drug- . low who 1■ trying tv blow Ii out. ScaFcity of iri s sell CRESS Bunion salve too for _ tries to answer, the list 1S ' strik- eggs - -hWh eag prices. will be the answer amazing relief. -• - 5' ? ingly short. There • is. Roy Cam -' to a cut of b0;n In .:hick Production ipt 1850. - f j Ttte time to go into any business is when 'NATURE'S HEL]?- Diion's Remedy 1 panella, of the Dodgers, a superb others are' going- out: The-, P"Itryman who for Rhtumatie Pain -s, Neuritis. Thos- - receiver- and fin,- hitter; Yogi Berra raloea a flock of Tw'eddle R.O.P. Sired pul. sands praising it - lets tbfs year, will reap the reward. •Diy old; ;" �I of the Yankees, not as good as he started chicks, older Pallets. 'Turkey Vaults. 335" RO'g DRUG STORE "• "lay be some day, but still stand- Prices reduced for June. Free' catalogue. cut as -thins , Birdie Teb- T -ed+ue Ctdck Hatcheries Limited. Fergus, $1.25 Express PrepaidA - I g go now• Ontario. POST'S ECZEMA SALVE betts, of attic' Feed Sox, whose. best YOU will be sorry it you haven't a 9094 ley- ; Baakb the torment es dry enema rasyes and i days are probably past; and -after lag Sock this Fall,and whiter. En Drlces weeping skin troubles Post's Eczema Salve those three, not much else. are bound to be high 'afid'feed Drices'3ato- will not disappoint Sou. • ' t a s &ether likely will be lower. Send for our 'Itching. ecallna. burning eczema. acne. • _ _ _ 'stay and Jana reduced Price list., Prompt ringworm, pimples and athlete's toot. 'wilt There hat r been man " ea} dally-ry on dry old, "started. older- punster respond. readllX to the stainless, odorless 6lat- y Turkey Faults. Free mWo&ue, Top Notch meat. regardless of bow stubborn or hopeless catchers in the past half century, Chick %sits. Uuelpb. Ontario. they seem. but their greatness was attained PRICE >Il.g4 PER, JAR r - with their gloves rather than their DYFJXU AND EL.EA..NIXG seat Post Free on Receipt of Price , SAVE Tut. anything needs dygins or "teas POST'S REMEDIES ` bats. Only three 13ng -term i`atcherl _ 11119 voce" St. E.. Carrier at Logan bad lifetime battik averages of 1AS7 write w us lot wforaueuta we- ari Toronto g $ Sled to answer your questtona Dapartma8t i�nsszi;QSy Q 1'l7e Maat -An ingenious ship "Europe" fly in - P•raer a yfa wore• iscALP AL • - over .3�= Nluxey Locnrane,- i31ii the Ile s of all Marshall Plan nations is the central figure in ' - - -- "' �ytr�t T"rontu. ti"ta"n Tb• ,order retne,iy tar the area• at you "a. g . Dickeyy and Ernie Lombardi. - -.ail- t ' ` ".`?r: - _� -,._. ^... >. *!t,n& h. r or ro ns ay -GLrr - this winning poster in an Intra - European poster contest -spon though the record book ithows the .BARN MoNSt1 AT HOME sCb LPHXAL t Lot, n •e-1 baalso; alointment - bOted by the Economic Co-operation Administlration.' Reijn ',$ames'.-of .87 ptayets who made SPA E or full-time money - making. Laara to two tr•atmena. Postpaid. Skralphasa Companr. Mkseh. 25- year -old Dutch artist, won $1500 first prize for the more than two thoysand hits in the maw candy at home: Sara while you learn, 91 C•antro at., Chatham. Ont. ' •ter, One -of mote than 10000 entered in the contest:' majors, NOT ONE OF -THE-1i Free equipment nat't t* cConfecionace �" course. Naefaanal Sn•eituts of Confectionery` UPPURTUIti ?il'Y! FOIL MEN AND wfrMSx • . WAS A CATCHER. "Yet the Reg d.. Del,orimlez P.O.. sax Ida AtoauuJ, "they of 'so -many &'seat ones•" Q"•' BE A HAIRDRESSER put it they all want get nto .SOIN CANADA'S 1 EADING ISMOOL t the act"; and the act, to= them; -is says Mr. Daley, "ripple o%'the - rssPLUYaist'r wAV�sLi sweat opportunity tears - scoring goals.- sot stopping _them., - tongue -- Johnny `Kling, jimmy . sxEJUE.%CED. reliable Hail&" immigrants- 6afsdreusag i. • e . •' Archer, - Gabbj-- Street, Ray Schalk, available: arriyMS scan, Writs to I. van. Pleasant dignified profewon. woo was" . doabura. Ras 1a. Brockville. Oat.: pham■ - thousands succeaafui Afar"! gradastaa In baseball, it's catchers who are Bill Carrigan, Billy Sullivan, Steve .23114 tatter i o'clock). America's greatest sysum. Uluatr■tad tart 1 l7'`eill and- welf; it could be an ._ _ ensue free, plaits or Cil1 rare. "Good catchers are worth almost endless roll, especially f nrR SALIC -" MARVEL AIRD �l''a 4 - - " their weight in gold," wadi a -re- FOR SALE; Used Tractor■, some almost taw: sae ewer st w., r.tuate Practically the kid who You �?rere to toss in those already, t every got! all makes and models: also various otter cent remark of Eddie Dyer, a.man mentioned." farm machines, Contact us for reasonable - aranchsa, 4e icing at .Bat■11ta• in for football. hocke • -or bast- _ a 72 Rideau street. Ottewa 3 who. should know what hey talk- . . . - a prices- t;s- "pesos: Farms, Liatitd, u:ertd & ■. ban- does so with at least a tiny ins about. Yet the kids toddy seem - LWarta• TAILORING. Dretsmak4W Resigning taught - - ides is the back of his r gird of r The li6niour, the appianse, and cm u.N *Aa s A_ND rAnTs -write for our to your nom•. send for Free BooAntt. - Leer - tQ want anythin8 else in aseball Lost, ZZaxB2la•s SCHOOL or APPLIED i winie day the, a )tar ii .b'- the otter - stuffed: salaries fir base- law prises on Hu2LNi:T saws and -parts. ARTS. Routs Na. 1. Bas' 271. Berlin. New f rip rather than a berth behind home 'ball go, of course, to the Tot Di- ws have a complete stoc'e -at Model DJ, ALJ, Jersey. _i _ - league circles So you would think plate -or if they do decide to �La de-, the Ted Williams's, the a i. new and used. Lavesc�n`am all that at least a reasonable Percent- 'catch, it .isn't: the value they can gs" - Babe Ruth's -the: lads _, itt�s .call laastba v J. Smith sales co-. Limned. $47 RGRaL:RY v sTOCi v 1 age of •then, would try and con - be to- their pitchers that ,occupies, woopwich street, 6LELPH. oatarta - GLADIOLUS BULBS eentrafe on the starest way of ach. their - minds. "All s young catcher 'clout them dear: oar' of the park. DAIRY for sal.. Now De Laval equipment. Lee sCLala POffPA/ $3.114 ieving such stardom; yct._ with ever 'thinks of now," moaned Cy Aad when "a kid reads about Alsip• Apartments above. No opocaitlan. 1t1•lhous" ring usortment of sauna healthy bulbs. l very few exceptions, they all try perking not set long ago, : "is, _hit -. ]lams dragging down sopletiliag B+aa Liana H..e. one b 1" s ahtt diameter. to do it the -,hard way. ling the ball over - the fence. He around $125,000 per season, it's - TARPAULINS ANY SIZE directions with each order. All ball* dusted a a • _ _ - -pretty hard to convince that that Lei wavy, wateror.vifed duck, complete with 'tor central of tbrtg, goad same aad.addrtss .- - .. • worries about his hits- not his ui. rupee, your name stenciled on "co, awe wits Vamp order to. . Take football, for example. For- pitcher." k. _ he wotild be giving himself afar and delivered to. your nesv■at saute. $310. p i WRIGHTLAND FARM. -' ward passtrs and pass receivers a a , better chance- by eoacentratiag, oa : _11s.7i; ius1e: ils.xs: uus. 111.71. specs! NAaataw, Oat. of reasdnable ability are a " dine a catching rather than slugging. r• HEALTHY eusws■rry Wants- 166"ar .Pro ll!Tow all this is not just -ti,e wail- leer . eledge i aclons �n *Lane of ��a• mNr, Royal soverelea, is, we: 119, L444. '-- -- dozen; line Qhsngers and end- ru .- �. • • • • -'with >rvur -order: All ingntulsa answered i -airs are by so ulnas aCarCt but i ki of a has -been who thinks that Yet, ssoasatiTt caa.aa specialty cems.ay. 1114 vala°ti'r' s1N t,gso. t . C. i+attte, aewtta.,d. nothing in epode today is as good great attraction that he is.' ' - Yms. ya..t. Tarnow. °°'si`'O yuliter who can get height and as it was a aeration or to a if du Boston Red Sax were to: :XNATOR DtNLOr 11TaAWslEaRY IPLA.%116 ago. UNWANTED HAIR apactat price. fir earb, shltta.d c.o.D„ veil ; distance. with or against the wind, offer Ted Williams in a trade, eves rlcasi Ltla_vzL.x eradicated with rasa 1'al0. L'wcl&t prices s•ie late ant, ._._ . -111 a pearl of great Yor esun� just take a look at pe price--3 prize the list of catchers who were - .hold- Stephen, for Roy Campanella, . do The imam r•marksais d1wayera of the Am. that any m'snager or coach will ins sway in the two major leagued you think the Brooklyn Dodgers sac+ Polo u, guaranteed in knit -uw, roots of FATISN s _ aa7 hair. and contains no drugs or Chamlca6■ MicTMZittwrtipii�UGH • t�mp■iay ratsR. scramble for. Yet - as tide `have .'l:atk fn 1930. These' were `Mick would break any speed records Los -Beer Lea. e-:1 uraavwa, Vancouver, B.C. _ -Mickey Solicitors owabluwo IS" 1112 sat ntr"L - +written before--for every donee making the deal? We personally be- . ra rma Borrows at anfermatltr ,m perma.t Cochrane. by Dickey, Shanty leave that the Dodgers would say - rCRrlcY rocLrr A. 1s "IDL.Aw. h eta., lestani Attarney, boys you nee practising torwud . see y %Vl s n, Gabby Hartnett. JitnlnY WE have, avatiabr• from three to sewn week ` passing gad eatc]lissg,�lttrr won't tVitildsn, At Spohrer, 5pafl -- Dania.- they're quite satisfied with what aid. started, Broad Reel ■lad Bran• Turkey _PLttnu of th"nvon, it sparks at.. oeuwa lu a single Opt trying to learn- the and Al • Lopez. `they leave. ` For Branth- R' poaita from gavaramtat _appsovd stock. an �ONAL I 'nary approval, at riduced prim ' t.osxL7- Md der. s of really booties the • s • _ =' ;, i ,knows that, whets i Ted Williams tar a quack sale, H. Taack's Exclusive Teti y■rsonsl VslserWuc.d cea•acltNtpf.r o� new. r Madder, can wake an overflow crowd, a Roy key seem and Hatcbeer, soh, 11, wtadaor, 17- seemed oche with name* of thousaaa. of - _ . . • - _ Ali of that lot. besides know- Campanella can -make a ball team- Oat. or Phone 6•x1+4 otter t , s-m, man and woman. seeetng eompanionship and Much the same thing goes in lo: the tricks of the catching trade. a'hieh is why we 4oadaue to tell sou are not tea lea m sec ogee Broad,�t�wj��Tpaa1�"Od1t>� tone clouting at a rate of •300 tareascw Broa■e or Rau■viLo rsmau White . w "t. Tarente, Pena. Pfau tar,. hockey. Just _how %such a paten- 411 the kid11 we are acquaipited with "Or better, Not quite so yvo.l in the -. . 'tarktiy Yanite during June or July. w• also rLAZA rmrt:•RA` CE M EL foal young Turk Broda or.' Bill _ -' If you really' want a baaebail harm a" wreak old and two w«k ad Ponta . hitting department but still much for -immediate saformaot,'Phaa■. win or writs ss1 A`r'1i hem• -' .- it 1Duraan .would be worth on the tarter, set back there in the dual T•Mte -Hoof today it is impossible to say better than' run -of- the -mme re- and dirt, and try to learn to catch!" today. Huiarsst Turkey Farm• Route i. Pam- Hake rasenatlw rw yegr Toronto 'visk. A ecivers were the likes Of, Muddly _ brake, untariQ. Free rarlir a. be an exacter may be f it would - Ruei, Lake Sewell, Rick Ferrell, - _' - M,oTORcY"1;x d, Rarely D&%Id on• Now sad AAcHysa irXNTED _. .ibe plenty. You may bt Burr -- en- used, bought. sold, "Ch"9e4. Large scout ouch to pay for half a dozen pros- Benny Bengough, Cy . Perkins, Had 31 OperatiorW-- of guarantood used .mutorcycleg. Rapotr, by THE. AUOCSTA Township school Area Rollie Hemaley, Zach Taylor, Bob factory- trained..,aantesa RkIclas. sad two- Board invite. appPeatlons frem aualitlts -- yeetive • forwards or defensemen. May Need More plea line of wheel goats, also aura Het■ teachers. duties to begin September 6, 1134. Yet anybody who teen ever had O'Farrell and Gus Mancuso. Apply stating qualifications, salary exbected. Y Y ,• r- •' - _- - .._. - -. _ a and Jobnwn Oatboani Uotars, open evanins'■ and aajna at your lug Inspector to J. E. , any experience of trying io or- _ aatll Hint •ueDj t.`tane.du•. straw cyan. Knapp, R.R. 2, Preproet, that. - • , ize a kids' hockey team knows After tweet Just how many more operations A sports. wag at Sanrord,Hamilton, pa y years the names will be necessar befor< the doctors. tRON RAIL,NG9 , A83lGTNACX School Area requires teacher ` glint one Of the hardest :Wings t0• of each and' every OIIe' Of _ CltOfe y- ' • for s. IF. No,- 3, Aaalgmack tBudgaal rural - have finished with 59-year-old Oaifilm. Boma owners area. 3 miles from lfanitowanina, ayVroal_ tile- outside of digging up money catchers is still vivid in the mein- Gbrry Fitzgerald, a 'Los Angeles- • INSTAL. "$our „ with fupeciajktoit and In- Ka�;i 36 Putting. trades tieI �u8. n*-room _ for liar equipment-is t0 get some boy cry of most fans whose baseball businessman, nobody knows. lass. Dept. X.I. fib Broadview Ave. Taranto. ._cations and salary expected, also age• reltgtoa, a 10 dQn the big pads and stand be- recollections go back that iar, How He was flown from Ntw fork TOR' sale, 1s4 acres of good send, timber name and address of last inspector, J. Rent- _ `tween the pipes. As Timmy DLL -rant! many of these operating behind t'Ile - " ' ' is Msbee 7own■b1D. touch kale of Lae �, bn'e' �-• �Box 74. Manttowantng, out. •, 1 ,; t0 London the other day t0 under- I mile from river. contact bred Barker, WANTED, teacher for 91. B. Vie: is. Moore. - �I• o his 31 t operation--on his eyes, R,R. s. Haseravi»e. ant. 21 -mace from No. '46 Highway: duties 2s g s for • - Fitzgerald, who is knowtr- through- - - commence senember,• 1154. Apply, statins V. a HATMAKER F.3f.C, in good running condl- 'ularr' and qualifications. to ]ere, 'Graydon •out•the United Siiaes as the Miracle %ion. Reason for selliar, land too hilly. The Mande,, Seo,-Treas.. R.R. No. 1. Courtrithr. bean, was unlucky enough to break answer to better uuailty hay. Donald St. eat, John• Sunderland.• Ont, Phone 12 -R -4. - every major' bone -in his body -ex- -- ' w•vTttD " I rent his spine -when •a two- seater D; FLORIDA - eduntry names furnished, Nto• good road„ Beautiful water front WANTED Approximately 100 Acres, Suitable aircraft in which he was tlynl � $ ' iltee and acreage. an+su .+... 3t\rl: 1-ad... Iii and beet cattle. Good bulWtngs fns s through the Albs, Crwlahed. in Swii2- Citrus, etc. Lovely year -round climate. health and water suDDiS. Appsa+aar w ` -.,.. _. _' resort country. For safe' by a Canadian -come Land Act. Apply Box Ill. 7:3 Eichtaenth St.• , rr `5 'x+ s trland, in 1946, "few Toronto. and we 'me. S. Gibson. ,Fan welter, Fla.. Encased in plaster, he was floes" 1roR SALE Hydro and Telephone Poles. day - = '. to hospital for the first of the long number. John Illndmarsh, R. R. 2, Godericb, ISSUE 22 - I950 is '.. XiC&-- Of-- pptF3tious-- n,i33C11_11e- -1143_ Ontario. a tindergone with remarkable cour- age. •1 -- �r,�_ i The Miracle NIan hopes this 31st • i1 [j operation will be the last but he is prepared to endure more if the sur- _ �- r° ' peon's decide, they -are hecevsary. .USED CORRUGATED = Anftn rreldneer Mm S4walgba1ee SHEETS An Historic Passion Play -Here are the leading characters in ?�` • t+ x -54. ++ . - 16 gauge the traditional Passion Play being staged for the first time iii I 16 years at the mountain 5111age of Oberammergau;' Germany. e Anton. Preisinger,' left, beer parlor owner and an admitted for mer Nazi Party member, plays the role of Jestii• Christ.' Hans Contact- Schwaighofer, night,•a teacher at.•Oberatitrnergau's well- kiio«'n ?AWN BROS. LTD. . ' : • - wood -catty ins• school, plays the role of Judas. Political bitterness HAMILTON - V col Zn any pl�ie which accompanied -last, year's casting of the play has been ills -,Fee son ova. N. forgotten, villagers say: sue- - ....a:r:• iks"'.r" d. -'::. rl -. t• .i - _�1 \._ -� S ax.tiwe,.,_..._, _'�.�.. -. .. ._rY��. _ _.k . - .van..,..;.,:,w 4 ' _.1% rho ecikaw oweart oa Fri- district on ZWK4 Iath, Ls the torn CA W, el lent was a decided of a piCaLo. �� ....ws. tlonaramkuoos to we fev, Monitman is attending the ■ TIrMtT -dvn yQnad aeeyb, attend- YowQ Teacher Yrs. EssRwood and United Church Cantsreace this � � _ - a .`tad the btiaquet In the Greenwood the te&WW, ,Miss Mdua Gress, wool ><t Pstesboro, 1but he will be Ckulcit _oa Gatusday, even"il �lbay Wr l Bertram W11soa meat a home to conduct Communion al esil "3T, Closing the r4l Y. P. U. •-4*w l w1th her mother: Kra: vice on the' L7rcuit on Sunday, the � Beaeon. The Oro6raw, Included Andrew Pen last wee:, 4th of Jane, sv. plain - -h'l Re*. 'g. R. 1Loa1<- atrs, Worden's brother, and 3Lr, and dirge Gerald Redding _ - for 1 alas, the /nlnleteu, ao anm- wife were witch W. and firs. A. and tamily of oehawa spent the � - -= lea by IDdwatrd Peg6._ Isle ; ea for that wee3; -amid, holiday with Mri• �tedding's sate er group went to,the drive -in theatre will not meet - aatil �, at Oshawa, &ad returned to the June ibth et rooisis', Mrs. Gee and bliss Beatrlce 31c- hom• otj the Preaidant 'for refreeA- • .lace there 1e 'a meetiagt at Loin.... •• �� aaatf. _. . • -. C� tit Tozoato, send Oita. Sea. 1 _ a'! bwp .tor all W. ti. members of the_. holiday and l .�uua �,. „1 ..* �- - - needs.. �r were callers at 31M. V. W. Gib- � -W son's on the holiday. _ y ;DISNEY MOTORS �. Eavetfougkwg 'f ... FUM- ACES ArrR► . pItKERING li•-•-..: >ZI+ WMi0 WATJM '! Pbaa! R waits Fair modame The best Place ✓ yS„ >laibmaM ! �;.'•��< ice...( `rK a atf. mill - Jim* of Waft* n town to bU I Maple Leaf Fire- r ~�roMe!:tour roofs with NSCO we matsrials and Ln' tbm �Urance Zoe = rtl►a hh sf your farm Whiltps. NSCO Roofings alai Sidlnos 40 �v all Write Jar � Comm" �F, _ ' redrtaot 1e fim wont. wbd osd - ! lydlr»owa � -aa 9dWW 1 - + - - -- = r iYtidings ea u of bw W1114001% visa tits, i Moth in y� l and protoetioa. uftirbiia bdW*esa K- AM =r` ! C«todo far geaoratiosy atst0 prolh-lds we As Bow Gibson tut t Aft .ede anywhere. : PVWin$n& ; 1 t .3� 1✓'. 813CO dealer io dagj iASVNW 51110ii88 i summ ilE via M%Wokwfond �f. * ROLL A004IN" A+L+.i sad :cola: sm""1111" a 9BT8 i11MT -UP ROOK «s MAWRIA"' - ' I'MsTic CBMRMTi & - . 3WATRapsooalls rAim" 5 . 111 :wu►Tloll ROOFINGS Roo: C"vilss %sl to to Ti�r6gn ?0 �1 J Oil L._ , o r PICTUR We iMITCNELL:. - _ -- ne Pickering 74 a - .--. LET .6. • i -..CX - us •.r a p. ar VWrBl1iMARY �LME tics. Os HAHY NZWO 1■e11� 4st o o tr • RLL :20M Roam THAT waft ONE -KNOB +...ol+r MN a� V. 3L ONLY •* M fi:v eg air 8 e fie s fir- s ll x PRESCRIPTION AUTOM clrc .- 3 3 9`� - �R - J''#taat nas11 oar roe beat. A seasatioa b motoring lawarflel overhad daarh■A M'- .1.g0 P. Y. M i JPs aL���eea■/► laa.oeadeot Fevet sa.pee. vslw, roNrfW etsw engine . 6 dytl,eder enpne. Lim *' i s tla NG Mir sea; "m. .:. , " -Will besud W am Nnes: _ suti tteerine'and. wide. dear k `• 4as■Il.ne■ _ body and dhsssis oval Indepsodwd hoatserpomon p vial for driver. Luxurious, y&a *Weil EMM C psryt• within -whied base seating; within- wbeenmew ■odes. Bajor thrilling 'big-P. cture - -' 1O0' BOOS' s O°I'®°��sO�% T� Mortis teliabili4l a" �• R• �0�, Phone ttlevitio0 of atomdiag clattq with rotate saflawnd am economy. bw upkeep ddAt L this brilliant. til -new 1950 model. _ Unertdied 6t full•viaion screen. SUPERPOWER chassis for outstanding performance even � �� S "fringe' areas. An omsi value. Sss,, hear, compare it todarl _ . • ` �' Coavolcta terms.. VIQKMUM W..r "mot .. rhoo D UNBAR�O� . -- RADIO & ELECTRIC', - - - }� `_ ISNEY MOTORS, Pick _.. _ :DANFORT H BUS LINES, 'V TD - -- .DAILY L�r_R-V_TCE. _ BRRRA• Min" iUC" DOW14 �W>18T HOUND Rii•AD �T* �. F. dls t at. A. W - A--X. A. A P. .111. P. it !� Y 18), n. San 8na - UL un and° Bat. sad ' - - - gas. ban. Rio . Hot. Only lsoi, _ _ _ _ '1VRA1V•rp tad sad slat and - t� • all gale�ckering"Is ass as s.ss .irss _ ..�... gas ana Hdinri »...- ...:».. r,4r r. :a e,sg sego' dw are lfi.l• 0.10 lets i�.`ti +"' =_r=r� sad Latbe+gil,,,,.,,,,,,' x{.10 ' r.10 4.66 r.10 11.80 l!0 1.ta� 10.ta _ _ - Matbora .Josetioa 8.00 9.00 4.45 r.0� _ - '•'sue 11.sa ,.s °aa gene lees. �. • 'CsE1TRAi.ARD�%ARP._. '1.80' sea 9,ss 1 s _ ,� ; ,>lut�..:a ;�,<<: • leis a.4i 4. :• - ails - a.- , = .-...........�. aftl s Csraata 4.11 71st Oil seas lag's , � ,;,�i �1.i1 4.90 8.0a Ilan �ti .i a t)a111r 6r+�g =>r•'� : T.O� f.�i . 0.1a 1.40 •�" ,L! � ..:.: y iq:, t.8i 0.80 4.19 $.so an RLM 1.90 11411 it I$ ; - attire CDR q y Tsa t.t9 it • y .',� : Ono W+se - �:•. t seta s.u. t.pS a.la - y �UPP pelt ta0 9sa tl.l1 fiwass " rte a. Ea 'y, . ' .,, _ ii.N_ tat teas it.8i - ieaasse - r 1N ..m.10 aft � "W am a a.1a ..ti J. S. BA � SON - ,;�, :.:A s1a. a�■s ar sulfas colt. 11 � • ~. All ., _ Ja •d .ry ._._ . _... _.. .._ _- _ _ _. _ � l . _ ••t'r -4� &•.•✓%F .:1. j�•.ri�i"YG .dSiSN" y .• "w..; ' - z Cia ' ed Adif s , :.SIL.K'SM ARKE T I a • .. v � d .,Man woe , or gar •r- TEACUP- Or4nge Pekoe TEA jrbls aa�rdea work, 3 or 4 month. and ` � liv@ out, Good paw. Sundays WHIT gees. H. F. Newma:a, �ttnicrar ton, � 'AT 1 H E` 0 L D P R tC E •Fhope Pickering 7 7 w 3 , egarted chicks, Doyolsis, *U%1@01014 'CUP CLAP & SAUty R.E, WITH EVERY POUND JELL -O OR LUSHUS �.•! _ ..•. ,a; Ji Mn : D heloDde A these for , iwdlla gypmant. Good guyestm4ptal for 1&4ft makets which Imait be gksu ' ' POeWor @ or PU@iN, far M of June chicks Ask PPCKERINi A {. toffee ' .;cooler, 60 Cycle 1-3 horse motor t..rsrtet qa� C. AWPT. IftAelf"e,, , - Our end Tom b. Pky. 7% ' :'Vpant d . Poet hole dig", 25c lEWN: P1CY> SUNG !f • - , per hole, 0. WOW, WWte�, -.- -- Choice Apricots 28 oz• 'tin -'3� LM - Getman Baa"ord, 8 years' CeatenalAt Vbdted CDtarch hits new. Property of the estate of ."old, reddish tan. R; J. rt[ asters, Old the late Thus. Xirbysoa. Hale at 8 Robin Hood Cake ., Nils .29c •, • W.0"ba" Road, Rosebaak, Out Sunday morning Services were P. AV. Terms cash, Property sell. Cake- Mix TO RENT --tws vooma. "ply at well attended and Sundar- School KIN and f.%,AaXZ P.Fi"TLGA, ROBIN HOOD OATS aQew* Office. did not steal► to din"I" very _ ym BA1, -:4 seWAng maculae; t' a+ad either. We are still Just _#��--. Tuesday, June Ille- suction sale WITHTUTAMXR . i LA. _ teal etlE stove .with oven; 1 churn. bout as crowded as can, be but ire of farm shock, im,plenents, turn- H��{. �Q �N. ` ��C Arpply Henry Whit, tqk 7 Jam- maafte to squaws another in iture erne., on Loot 2"l, can. 6, in as ta7 _ ..Way at Sake Cornars RUn. he comes. At the church ter- Vaughan Two. on Slawleelde Road seal aW� ncy b� M9e on v� the following children were the property of John Harrison. John "Ot Flow i ]tan diedicated in the Sacrament of Terms gseh. No resarve. Farm has �i 010 - 41k strand and fancy brooding assn. 14lpt»: Kathleen Joan, daughter been leased. Sale at 1.80 V. M. (,,� !1Apply at News 0lK1aa. _ art Mr, and .Mrs, Arthur Hyadman, KEN and CLAIiKE P"R;EIIQTICE, BROOMS _088 m ,� - 8s►Lr and Douglas Arthur, son of Mr, awctioaeet's. _ 1.95 Farm imp law For toad � airs. Alec, Rea. + RN - -far= W"en, . The Official Board' met last week Wednesday, June 14,-- auction sale pule#, spring -tooth cultivator with W discuss the possibilities of the of garden tractors, houseaold art - sssi bas; Bet leant harrows4 10 ft, forming of a 3- point, chas'g'e of: isles, garden tools etc. on MUI a r mists; fanning -mi11; X- ii. 6-100t Centennial Fairport and Roue St. Village of Markham, �- Son ' aW 4tiad9r; M, H. 8. ft, cut mower; ' rD g m, the cash z � Ill, S'honId this materialise, it arty of tDftcs, V. WRiite, Terms cash, Mira engine, 3 horse; No. T VPi216 will mean a lot of hard work for ' Property sold. Bale at 2,00 V. m. pIQliRRiNt}, ONTAa>li,LO Anew }Dw. No reasonablerof>Ser r+e. the folk of these three churches, KEN and CLARKE PRENTICE, 124 *AMW, Ylrst horse west of Ibvaus but they seem wfllIng to dig In -suctionsers. a[oto =o. • an o 48, ey c o ' yeti t g successful venture. It will also nec- Saturday, June '10— important auc- - 131M F()R SA1, L essitate the building of a manse tion sale-ut farm stock, implements i One to one hundred colonises; SA which wJal probably be at Centen- new M. H. Combine, furniture etc, : complete, ready to gather honey. nial sad this too will mean extra oa lot 4, con. 5, Markham Two. =- el a. Fuller, Pickering: work sad money. We are sure we Property of Clark Yaww. Sale at June 2 "n "n depend on all in this comm- LOO p, M. Terms cash, Pi arm sold, -Frank R ■ rr�th 'FO'R ALL KLNDB or unity to. do their share towards KEN and CL AItK PIIE�siti;�, - _ 801j"G SUPPLIES this goal. tioneers. : Gan At Our Yard The W. A. met last weak and -00" - _ ickering Market & LrOcker Plan a Out title West Of Deabarrton . had a very nice group 'of ladies Satudday, Tarns 17- impbstant ant - -` = On No. 2 Highway present The President took charge tion sale of farm stock, imDte- = :_PHONE 30 -, '(near Dew Drop Inn) of the wordUp with .Mrs.. Scott meats; new Ford tractor, hall, y -.►JA3 LL"ABOR Co, of VAHITSY roadins; the lesson. IMAM Items straw, grain etc on Let 3, con. S. _ MAY 26 were discussed and further plans Markham Two. property of John madb for our plenle to Peterboro . Gibean. Sala at 1.00 V. m. Terms, _. -- , _•- . PWWLYG A" DISCI.'sfG on July 18th. We need 36 people cash. Farm sold, KE,N and CLARK - - - - - - Gardme Plowed asd Cultivated to 011 the bus and as yet have PRENTICE, auctioaaers. i Tractor Worked room for srbout a dozen more, so • ZZLV i G W%UTE - Pl(=RIN4 i . i if >an want w go plea" phone me Fdiday, Juan 9.— suction Baia • o! Phone Pickerint 2"j at Searboro ' 2452 and - get your Reiatzmen piano, chift cal ",- _ f 4NMW3 Oft ervatlon is. 'tole. want to Collect sat china dishes, rugs, silverware, the money at our June mebtiai' so antique dishes, garden tools, also - ltacPbwmm and . 8tose we oars !rare that Part of it all the property consisting of a "y4sk - _ WBIdr cleared away before the picnic, roomed brick house on Main Str, _ The cost of, your ticket will be Stouffhille, good garden, fret; _. Guarantee to Get w~- $2.28, so M-You tali afford the treba etc the property of the ear- IL IL 1, PLCXJ�G prki we know you will have 4 tale of th4' late Sadie Sttawart, oa FA W= good time. There will be a pooled Main wilt. Terms on chattels, cash. _ _ - P Allow kneed. Reliable Holland blib. picnic luncheon and everyone Is . Sale st Lt0 V. m. Owk, Rl E. _ free to have snobs° wherever she Faulkner. BliII LERB and ATKIN- • �Jj� , Hiss avatlabla. Arriving soon. choosey Bars leaves t'h'e church at SOY, auctioneers, =- •�QUafi*tp j7JiLATS Write to B, Buena, R. R, Nestistsq 9.00 yr. m, and Peterboro' at 7.04 � June 9 ..Oat. Phone !>`i • >f4. PL Forty. V. m. Following the meeting; Mrs. - d _ - d`� 3' Cott, Mrs. Knowles and ides. R. WANTED - _ Morrish served a v Life Guard for 'Eau Woodlands' �` �'Q - eras delightful t GROCER Jt-S a� In Newortsm lunch and Xrs. Chapman moved -a Swimming -Pool for Juiy and AQX- - PL NT l - . rk ► - vote of thanks to them tar their. "f. Reply by letter stating age, �R PLANT -- gorts salary expected and_ experleace it a deal on, Wialiam G, ••13!11" Uav- I Un Wednesday, June 7, the W. 1� =r�, wise.- pa.`ocl ash ; -fir 9a _ 31. S. will hold Its meeting In the :Mrs. Ethel dick R. R. 2, - � ;Meats Processed 198; church at'a,vu' V. ua. sues Plckering, Ontario _. _ He is gone, but not forgotten. 121 meeting when it is hoped a.li T _ L _ And, as davtus another year the members pact and - present and iticotc 3Letinckis 1 1 Q Your sr.7peclilcatjQj� In our ;aria lq hears of thinking, any of thute affiliated with -the '- _- Thoughts of• him are always near, group in any way wlil be able to . Conirattriations to Mr, and Mrs. ; days of sadness come, o'er" us. attend. We are also planning to gay Ellicott who' were married - • V Friends may think the wound Is pack the bale that evening, so quietly at the Claremont. United - - - healed, :Lay one who has any goad used Ciurcfi inaase last Saturday by - -Rat they •ki6w'the iorrow clotting to donate, it will be. much Rev, H. H. Lackey. Ray Is the son - - .''That lies within the h ea r t con- appreciated, of Mr. and Mrs Mansion E kUcott . • On Jun 17, the Chatterbox Club - 1 e r w of Ht'Oil ham and h if is he g' ig L i.. nrily missed by Mother aiad invite all ana sundry to a sale of former Eleanor- McGuckin, deugh. �'iifher, work and garden tea on the lawn ter of 31r, and 'di'rs,Briatol 'hicGuck- - ' Sirs, R. Paquette, Iu the evegt = a( a !n of Goodwood, The reception was of rain, they will move into -the held at the 'home of_ the bride's = . : "• • church basement• Pruk eeds in aid parents. ! _ _ .IAl's Dim' Dante ` •. of Centennial Recreational Assoc. Tonsils are still "on the way -_ out" sad this week's- patients are: - -� # Patricia Jatfray and Ro�bt, Schad, . Y_ , Hope you'll be out next week. ATT1EN-Tforlr FAlia�Bfi We will be pleased to pick up dead' Dunba"de, - bid Serool nuil,A :ng Congratulation's to Terry and EILEEN JACg$ v or ail led f� animals Bud Taylor on the birth of their pp and "W _ rADNi$BIOY ilOc, eon at East General 'Hospital, on highest '018'1' pafl Pal. 'allay 24:...a brother for Kesny. = '� 87ss Esstsdapd Glasses �� e��d.,r, IL ''hoped flowers wm oe ay. „r�fa_ �� Zrbo� 0^ allabiee in local gardens from now � '- Tnesdayat 7.00 to 10.00 P. id. Ciaresnoat 4l3tls� or 4bt+oats A14 .w i0s0. tr on and We have stopped purchas- I,� yi t Yka Dee" AM a NN =ft GORDON YOUNG Imo. ing them -for the cburob, so It you I' >iVi1 JN ' have a mice garden and don't mind Xesf W St. Toaeste s • �` ^,� PHONE PICK, 4g partlug with a tow blooms we'd, - .. _ be i;ad to have theta grape the ..: •_ FREE Brawl church each Sunday morning. , RADIO SERVICN • p ?1 % of all Ekes are in 01118 OUNd VAOMr SWVW • Ovsn with .my arse 4wt >rs - - _ rBALH RECiIBT$t, residenti al propirtieii tfrls store. Fhist Prbs to be e>lretee CLAN OIR RNST, �, e 8- anrdry, J't � 3, Y sale,of � �•� ' of if ewp A ■tosstkq , „, r fur ndturs, and effects, Dwelling mar`s aertiaa or L UW 1746"2 DW AND SLNDii household . :. Insurance is . ' .assts "'t 14k ease set wftk entlques, dishes, glassware, garden • . rubies; Sbeind Prise: a Chest of THE WAY • 7 tools etc, on Lot 29, con. 6, Varu_ eF w inexpensive r ~. a4. piece Biter Fbtutvraue or Cfredtt - 49MV)p W 8'han Tw9, Trope ty of Mrs. Chas „ .ass auk ;Beaus. . y A slum Wow it N Tar '� Diceman, Bale atJ 2.00 V. m, Terms A1�E Y� 1 DiSURED TO ,;� XW NO* or �� CLOM JMW..14 NEXT. p P. BL. sir � ' cash. No reserve. Property gold. ( PMEN10-MY VALUES ? ' " LL c PICKERING JEWELLRY, • FLO �t1 � 1 F-N •2d CMAR.B PRENTICE, Arthur C ip�d . ' r pg0;iysiear'tlt...0 irk",' , =ut,�r Wars. _ ,DOUGLAS G. _ ._ Ti FOB -two PROFMI .en6aileel ►- , iii affcheUrs Pont at,lt+ai►, ,— rsoatlo: 1.,...�r��� �: a: w s � � cbl�. rt9w. ssoJins asteiliad. ( We�ineeday, Jame 7.�tictioa sale T From a 100 percent blood ptsd S of honseliold furniture emd oKect,3 ■{ �� _ G . t Approv" Bleeder - ±Oivt' YV ATSON - - flashers, g'!40Mare, gare#sn Icoid„ ._ - mlk .� ._ :1s o6 fey. rtc. Ca the Neel BUS ad'efa :n St, Cwmba Oak Iaeasts' PW 'll'1sdl eam'8 be best for ZW and .l ''I C J` f F. • i+ G i171t01 V018, *nyons .ae"" turnt. 90UTTY - •- = - -Tell fit'' l - to c e W o u: ! a' c woll tat attend this Si> lone =ease Qli Hs+rss ', Phone $ B. il: Ra',e as everythi a, ..FAIRPUR.T ss Tes*-lhute wrk. sue. dttt - - -- � ciao .oat. ••: �'°•.., scar stew me&4%4 ,Aft VII It else, � t�� •toll OAIL F` - � :- .' .. •jr .. j • : ; . - i. ' ; J, ... , _ ' .. Rr •R. • PhOasel�li'�_ L'5.: +�'�i...°� r" <.,..iwio.�aG,. �r . L+ -_� - .. . - : "4Z � _ � .. - _ �.�. �f`.�.'�.'%y!AII}Iw..v d'•f�..�. � ., 74-L 'F' ri. LSt:,: F: .;6.v.:.1,as'""'M+"S�i�•rna:'m� �2..i•�f'r!r�.<.'- M"�,,, :,r:` `� Odmma Bas Mops M The DOW 'Now a" .91 Ktoomon • • - _ -SCAR, 7 - ill- . � - YUMAY sod "TURDULY - JiA1l>! 1, ;_.i• die Ileolrrrt o� Oklaaorrrq - _ d/ibrittoa • _ ... .. soots IrelalPse - � � , y ; , '< :£ -r ; � .. • �' r r .'' x ''y�' - ,�:/,� �, �t�y7k�/�' �w.w trti," zrc •,•��• %,/.,�..yi'' i 'The Travelog Saleswoman • • #a" VaTh Aadr 901 .. _ .. .... �;;z;vs; r. a, ... ... , .. .. - _ t ;Nov.DAY, TUMMY +WEmNEBDiAY - JUlOS 6, Two eta Yon :[W > Saio>/ - - a... _0xd ;A% THE CHILTERN HUNDREDS 4 Saw ooe of the ttiaaieso to be ahtrw� on ima 8os7 roree= dUlLDlhlCs ZOZT KING'S ROAD s : AJAX Cecil Pmkw '4 E. - _ `T. EATON COU 1DDEtD F'PIATURSi : i '•� .._i _ . - = _ - �- Easy Living _ y_'-_ i Ooz Ofiioe Opens ETe=inp POhis� am F. Laturda,y' r and Honda" _ _ • 14.00 P. 1dr Matteson Sa�tordays sad HaUdaya MILKMAN ><:,� P. �.. its# Egli' �Y " iS - .Ample Free Parking�►� eayss •; . _ +C�l �i3�'+i014 ' ' °'Gtwd � - 7Crndc Alrwheel -�sr- �` —.•' . - : �. -- -- - Tt-�6t►t� Tires ayre the 'cream of the crop►', for. amaing costs and -w - - �+A i;. Shin$ good dependably 04 NOTICE tFARMERS �. w ' ' LAW MOTOR SAilS E ._ ,: '""'" ' - • iCA►$H - PRIC$9 PAID FOR DRAD OR CRIPPLSD ANIMALS ��`,pM d. .. PACKED HORSES - . - -. _ . ,�7 00 each ,;tom �.as� !� . ' ClLrtlaa�ieisaai 85.00- esoh I1SC tus?!N -ft "�.Y./riMi..' "WDAEAR _ _ �•:. ' - Maws. _ _ ... " Ir►sd (e n two •MGM � r ii �G( M �� SMALL ANIMALS RE�iOVLD FRFtE 'Wider, thicker treads s �. ire ;header sidew►alls, enable you FOR SPEEDY PICK -UP PHONE i 'i►�«srse''%«�..''a'''�y..u�aa, = to get record truck tire mile- r - age with passenger tire com. t mom+ SL 'fort. Remember: LIGHT - TRUCKS SHOULD HAVE F - too" TRUCK TIRES FOR MAXIS �.� MUM SERVICE '. 6 [z0CWL_" _W2 .. 1. _. �.r fabi tsss.l [mow & SON SKINNY btEN�WOMEIN! Gain i .. CHAPMAN �- M b New M_ too. too, Try i to 15 1 �, pe'D Phone 281W Pickering- Ont. p°= Tnntc Tablets for don- LAW MOTOR i � bie res+Ata; new healthy flesh; REUIStTES - �. >� Tily New "get acquainted" PHONE Q alga only 60 cents. All drngglata. PLYMOUTH GAS OIL REPAiRS ` - for the Hood Old Summer Time -Ebot Woodlands. stay • at home to help Junior set • • _ VERY V1tiI1E 8):LF3a;TLON, OF — off his rire- crackeM Budding Permits The sympathy of this common- We would like to say "welcome" - ' Walking, Running &Strap sl3�s^ [ty is extended to Mrs; Vera Mor- �lr, and Mrs, MacDonald, Who r gan and family whose lather peas- have 9urehesed ' the little brick Issued Tier. & Sat, TO FIR UP T��. WI-IOL 0 FAMILY ed away very suddenly last Sun- bungalow on Old Forest Road, � � Z•3� t0 Z •3t1 LAADIES' SUN !ESi CULORS AND DESIGNS — day, In' Toronto; 9140 to Mrs. A.' i Mr,, HaU, - L Bl4AU'1•I! L11L, 11 - f / Freda : In amaiiag to anyone visiting ' 6 pazton, whose brother passed s- It IADIES' WIDE BRIM GARDEK PLATS IN WVELY � way auddeniy at n- ui„ " FAse years .. p -BOY HATS FORIBOYS BRIGHT PAINTED OOLORS' �d 78c. 1 We a�sorry to revort Donald ese how we are ill 2 getting Fo J. PROUS SPRING edwu?A AND T0� • � 2,10 built uy, Very won there will not ' Crawley seriously ill in Oshawa any vacant, late. here or In Rose... DICKERING • - . �i[EN'�S RATION "T" SHIRTS READ. SUMMERY ...... » .............. ;1 •b Hospital, IBat Sunday night 'he 'be- bank . •oath, either, and .lust prey- ` M'I,7N'S PURR NYLCX SHORT SOCKS Wear like A Rig's Nose 5 0 � came suddenly 111 and when he was ions to the way, it was all fields. hLIDI� ^3 and 'BOYS' CREPE i80LE SCAi11iPEIRrB taken -by ambulance to the hosI Mr. and Mrs. McPherson of Old TI= MV$`I• BE GOGD, TiiET'RE "SISA>DAiN'S" - !, pi, It wag discovered that he had rorest Road Sze home again after a[It�',S SPORT SHIRTS — V17RY LATEST :: _ ( suffered a hemorrhage 4011 the a lengthy visit with their son in, � KAISER- 7 IN PASTEL �EI"PORTY ».«..»». »........:«.:.......» ;6.86 brain. We wish shim a speedy rec• the States, and. are busy it their. �[l�1'8 SUITS IN "M,ADE- TO+IdtFRE" ` ovary. When visiting Donald the garden. �CTIC "il'IP TOP" T'ROPICAIB -- IMP YOU 000L other day, his chief Worry seemed to be—the ball team and how many' AM-..OA YES! .... LADIES, DON'T P1ORGET TO SEE OUR VURY games he will be're to miss. d use sal Qaea � y ' ..,PR ET T'Y. PLASTIC DRAPES The meeting held in the hall on Dunbarten , .. -��ATM GNM Friday night ]rant re the fire area ` IIN ,REAL SP•LAMY SPRING PATTERNS .... '14iliiY' T ' was very Wei lattended and a re- Howard and Mrs. Wfalters and GREAT FOR'BLTN�AOiO@[S,_sUMA[E¢i COTTAGES ETC. Sort will be tonic elsewhere in' children �yent the week -end with �.. Kaiser thir tsaue, Mrs. 7eakins and Doreen. Once Again we remind you you save TI coming Monday night tc ��• Berry, of Pine Ridge Road.:.• . Pickering you Bingo Nfght aa�in and ' this week has returned frotri a `visit with her Cash Jack -Pot will be ,for 1$15,00. daughter Mrs; Tomlinson, of Lou- Peas PICEZSRING 1$M I# xn.onej'tay purebasing tit our Cash & We are still looking for a life don, Ontario, guard for. the twD sumniea- IIlbntllA t Y'• and Mrs, Don `Lylide.'Ind Garry Groceteria aut If von should know at anyone' CZsrFl, spent Sunday with -fdr. and.' The Log Cabin has now beam = -01~p, wet In' .tou,ch_witn us. ! Mr+� idmd Coartice, Ostk We. MITai�tad F.c ,* sail atwS r - - Butter Grade 1,. -per lh' _. r _:._..;. — All tboie-whe attended the Due nit+, A. auto, as Odsawa, seat Rawkst me b" tar rarlF Beehive syrilp ,2'e = - We ' _ _hse on_ the t4tb lmd a reat nice the week -Sad wits. Mims Brander, '4 Tide regular- s - 33c time add had It ffot been brat M 7 $� was one of ire _ MTaa�f•ic t w sa lMM.� Ringo, Ogyd ol, � ticu4ar night, . a great mini mots { pri6s- winners is the motor boat- ' •�' � Rrldai sight cost whA t - G'ATn, Tiyufl Valle- _ B -l9c- _ _ wontd have. f+saa taus" >ntst rahkttsi se tie Q*Avs hive hold ee.'Oa -R..As Attehc oeMaeatad . a _ - - yeomle a =ane.. ':e•e�y, had to 'yt lso[1V.� bn the $046. i coumt to at [MlC banW F ($- • ^'4'Y' u -.: ,iyvj•�•KC%i 11� .h. �.r Cy/L�{yw .�.LA All, W-4AI as N• t ..Y.. '.yLL•••.u.�tS..�y._. ... 1 .... .s - , Y•. t- v....^. aS. wi4e ...•i�.L-- iZ�i.+•.�'i.•.f�l i'.::fa. h-' t' T' a] "dfL ?"•yr�di/a.ffiIM�.If:JElfdb�S - . 'i.;•+- -.,'E�t -�� ` . ,.,, -i^-.: '. .. •. .. ra.ii•�•+-. ". • 3,Kh 8ddcc�rt.<w,>#1+....,rf r,..a ,b! * ?- �a` c'� .p .. . • .• .•" � .,. .. . try`•. /..•nf•.Pi��'r- •••- �„�,••pTMTM•"r �1R•l" - �� �,r!�'rnP; •,� v.+QlIL -!✓'•. «�✓ 1L11r d.- .G. w' -.�_ _ .. - -^ • , w ., .• - . �' vd'pp!:• k �'., - - .. _ uat"a•cat, but three itarlin8a on the it may be that they need lifting MHN!1�&_ES step with the.rabins flying augrily • 4s;d re- setting. I think it is about around -and peckiiLg at the starlings 12 years since they were touched. Thy �acste's:, the test f or teat!. `` __ furiously. But the starlings took fo. no doubt f is a job that needs L� (� J' no notice -not until they saw ine- to be done -if I can get around to �'rt adzq�s pid� irwie Saaedae then they took off, in a hinny and ', it: --rr-- did not return. Well, the D4ani:oba flood coadi- K . than any. of _ _ The baby robins have tl}ir' eyes 'ttoas stem to be almost beyond - ' �• ��� open now; are getting their tying belief. it is 'nothing short of heart- �: C7+<i2;5do flee il�lpk¢ breaking to hear and read of those feathers and don't look quite su poor, dear people being shunted u 1y. They also take a lot of feed- round from one place to another, \ i g so it xeeps,:;�. e`,4 1/., ,.. i' tt:.. ,..,' :Last week peas pretty hectic . t >usy most of tht time :applying not knowing what ties aueau v. alf of us at Ginger Farm going full their hungry' needs. When I was whether they will ever again sae ' 4 •blast 'to get••everything done 'that Fainting the window around their the place they knew and loved as ' > • Ehoutd be done - -but,, of course, we nest Mrs. Robin was not in the "home." And if they do, what a rap . -... least disturbed -just sat there home it will be! This morning, did& t gaiie manage it. Who does? %atching, me. But any time Mr. Kate Aitken, who had 'visited the - - - 1 However, we are through seeding Robin came over with a juicy worm flood area over the week -end, ._ ..s .`•' - 1 = `- . - --and since we have spent a small in his. b�k and saw t.:C anywhere spoke of one farmer having to put ' i n to 150 head of cattle be- - fortune on grass seed, we certainly around, awn• he would fie, warns tae gu •' and all: Brave protector! honestly, cause there was no hope of their - - hope it will grow. Not that we are 1 don't know which has been my being rescued. -- looking for trouble, but rather main- occupation these last few Thank Heaven there is one Riders for the " counting our 'blessings these days days-'painting or bird watching. bright spot in the picture -the because our wheat and alfalfa have but each has certainly helped with quick response of kind - hearted folk _ Hoot Owl wintered far 'better than we had -the other. in other provinces to offer help. W Our spring flowers are nog. `out There seems to be so much graft dared to hope for. ;n full bloom, but the daffier are and greed in the world, and yet, R Pool During spring, seeding, farmers not as good as usual. But there when the need arises, better im- j ` ` are always afraid to waste a min- will be lots of narcissi -and last pulses are quickened and inspired. _ - rate, working long hours to get the year it was the other wa}• around, and ordinary, everyday folk show by 10. H. SHARE job done, but now the seasons have so maybe even -the daSodils are .ob- they are as generous and kind- become sort of topsy- turvey it jetting io the cold, late spring. Or hearted as they ever were. - -= CHAPTER THREE down in the coulee, Webb, and set makes even more of a rush job than - a while. I got some things to ash ever. In our case, Bob had so (Continued From Last Week) yon" many• urgent orders for trucking "She's afraid they'll kill him. "I reckon I know about what gravel that Partner helped with the Some cowboy told her that while they are. You've had a long ride drilling and running ditches- vrhich ANNE 14IRST Webb was in tail, somebody tore .Ear aothin'. I'm not in a talkin' lie was hardly able to- ugh. t, by �l '� his fe'ace down, and- ruined his hay humor, 1'11 tell you this much the time we were through, there Vwb crop. They ran off his horses, but without beta' asked. however. We a'aa one man and tyro horses with Tex or somebody picked them up are breakin' no law when we work tired. lame feet., 1 don't know " • prepared herself for it. His last- again and held them for Webb. this range. You can't lap a hind which was' limping the most- hear tine Hirst: Two years p. p 4cc6aivn was cruet, ana "There's all aorta of yitr onin_� - - -- aa� i 1. LQ lwlC Married a man ac..a.QkC Partner or round in Rimrock about a range only thing you can tally up against And I was busy with houseclean- in his 40's. ( I'm 15 years younger.) ' unnecessary. No wonder you war down ponder. Mae thinks a w is that we're workin' this range ing -and, of course, it never failr- Everything was * have suffered humiliations and - lot of Webb. I think she cares as cleaner and faster than it's ever when I start houseclean;ng, the °ts• ready for the * grief. _ ­A-much for him as she did for Bob been worked The Scissor -Bill Pooh * However, your family and visitors begin to arrives One niece cesemon;:., The lindersoa, maybe more. It takes a is havin' big fits and little'uns, but came Friday night and then Daugh- f night before, my •friend must have long since got woman to see thins like that in it ain't stowin' us down any. Ab ter and a friend showed up later, fiance wrote me *over the shock, if you have not. 8 * I urge you to make new friends - *mother woman. And a blind tear. Abbot's thieves rode over a few and various friends also chase thin � that the cancelled. * as quickly as you can, look tip can tell that Webb worships her,- daps back and' walked home_ like week -cad to visit nes. But we were *': was cancelled. w _ Hank. don't let, them kill Webb sheepherders. We got -Both the' glad to have them -if tbev can put, "Only. now. 1 *Your old ones, and make a �'Yiaters " _ Scissor -Bill and Triangle outfits rap with us, we can always give the have teamed * brand -new social life for your- • self. join organizations, be active '•1 won't, Ma, if I can help it. out- foxed." welcome mat in extra shake and why. J •But Webb has made some almighty Flank Roberts kept eyeing Weber. have it ready for them. "I asked his - * in theca, ings and-fill your wholesome bad enemies and 1 can't ride Gerd Webb looked okfer, somehow. bey present lab it painriag the mother, with «hom he lives. She *and evc�ings with Who3eaome on him night and day. I'm gain' Lean, brown. with a week's growth : upper and lover hall, and the stairs, told me that 'two won en its the * actitiities, This will heap you re- down to look things over. - I got of whiskers on his fact.. Eris, blood- It is a big job as -there are 1 t doors, same house couldn't agrte!'- * gain your self assurance, and make an idea that might work nett Now " altos eyes showed his lack of ikep. all told, but the monotony is con -- "I could have got along fire with � e.erybody realize that you are a don't you worry about me. I'm m And when he grinned. there was a aiderably relieved by' the activities her. I know. said people are lonely, Young woman of dignity w who "fe as a preacher in churcht" . bint of bitterness.. at the corners of _ of the robin L have been telling and I liked her: I helped her * refuses to let such a bloc get -_ But when he-rode away into the his mouth you-about.. %Its• Robin eventually move and sexed for htr.:..,Bu4 !her down. crisp early morning, that worried "You've bit off an almighty big got down to business and laid four. of course I could not live with her * After two years, you should frowe again gathered between his mouthful. Webb." eggs -arid what a beautiful color now. I feel she was trying to get not feel so bitter toward his + eyes. He had been hearing all sorts "If I can't thaw- it. 1_:won't Spit they wire In due, time, (here were everything out of ace that she • mother. Admit that, she is selfish.- - Q# rumors from the range One it opt. anyhow.". _ three ugly little robins. The fourth could. *sad let it go at' that Call ©a. i --rumor that was repeated over and "Yon bops are taken' a high- egg. Odra Robin. evidently decieed "t1'hy didn't she give us a couple * Your innate charity, and cleanse over wis, that Webb Winters anti- handed attitude, son. Keep it rap wasn't going tai hatch, °�a,. after of- rooms -'--or live with her married *Your soul of this seating malady.. Tex were working the range with and helps nit►' to pop L. don't breaking it with her beak. *ht took daughter for a while? I've been ,�, * (As to the expenses you _men a crew of tough towbars from the want a range war, and III do every- .. hold of it and banged it up and- made the laughing stock of my * tion, these are, always borne by -. - - badlands; 4*d that they Wert all thing 1 can to stop it.- Another down in the nest. Whether she fed family and friends. "It "has broken the bride's family.) carrying saddle guns. -They •were thing that daa't set so good on my little bits of the shell to her babies say heart. Even note it is still Learn the hasards that wM can - w irking sa - before daylight until stomach is that you've fetched is I couldn't tell, but I rather think affecting my health. = front your marriage before you .after dark, gathering beef, branding a bunch of gunmen from some- that is what happened. As Mother Shall 1 stick with this man ti71 take the ate Armed with that half the -what mavericks they could Snd, rid- where. You shore are doin' your Robin, brooded her young. Mr, we can marry some day' _ I .am• so . knowledge, you have woo : ring hard, and do reps from other_ bestir to make a fool nett o[ ma" Robin took over the responsibility sick of waiting! 'victory. Anne Hirst will help- yam outfits were even, allowed to stop of feeding his wife and family. It ' "I think a man of his age is old Writwher &%'Box 1, 123 Righteanth "That ain't the idea. Hank. These Theyhad net three Triangle men range They're not Sunday school trust hisdjudgment entirely because loved hme as he said, stiedarouldn St. New Toronto. Out a meal. boys are }use helpin' us our , afoot. taking their guns, unsad- _ every lid -bit he brought, �txt ram- :have, given in to his mother. oiling their' horses and turning the bola. that's a fact, but they're not ��- _ky�_.t� -�� p&!'s ,sled it �ra,,t_before_�asaing it on_t4_ __�- w.;}}_- syrr}y= apprtciatt- }our ��1N8 anl.uslt gooses- Tlst`y tt der wsrn�- her open�liwed, family. About -advice..: fightin' wages to. These men of - ithe three men that if they elf► ors are workin' without fl twice a dav, sh w -- °WORRIEt)" " sighted them off the Triangle ra er own hunting. One day when • You intimate that you are still aria I dwell L BSGIaey enough to pay she was away, there was a terrific + the em up. The dating your, former fiance, Your em 'til after ere ship, webby -not three cow uachers carrying their squawking-going on, and 1 ran to - *,first act, when he cancelled the p ry g then. They're ridin' their owtr saddles, Iaad been forced to_walk the horses. to boot:" r the door in a hurry. fearing the cat » wedding, should have been to ' Lao miles to the Triangle ranch, was out for a kill. But no-I found + stop seeing him at all. More than'one man at the Hoot- * your friendship'. _ - Joe Blake and several other mem- Deprived of p, I ''- =bens of tt#L� Scissor -Bill Pool had Owl camp must have felt more or { • think he would have found some Men up about noon time at the less-uneasy in the presence of the I LUCKY DOG + way to marry you. even taking round�ip camp. Tex told them to law. Several of the cowboys had quit camp and had bedded down "I am afraid, doctor," s.id Airs a very small place , where you keep oh riding, because this outfit two could be alone. didn't feed anybody but whit- men. for the night in some cut - coulee or Erown, "that my husband has some • 1 hope you will stop seeing him Tex and Webb called their outfit m a spot inhere the brusW'. was terrible mental •fftietion Gametun- thick. I talk to him for hours and then - entirely: the Hoot-'Owl Pool They were * Then he-will have the chance tiding top horses. Every man of It made Bank Roberta feel can- - d stover that he hasn't heard a * to live 'completely without you, Comfortable. Tex and Webb were word." ' sheen was a fast cowboy in any *and And out just how empty his , _. trian's cow country. . The were giving him a. cordial enough we]- That isn't an affliction, •rradam,' They life is. Ii anything will st:mu- - •- -cleaning up the range of mavericks come, though ' he knew that "they was the Rear. reply, ''that': a gift." * late the solution to this situation, u the worked it The were sev would he glad to see, him ride away, y Y lion, such. a shock will do it. , oral tim s ahead of the Scissor. Bmt' he had not 7tt finished with �! p Webb YVintera. a hadn't tanned You have kill. this Ian Ivf Bill Pool that worked the same �' nine long years. In- that time, STD his ho-te card. fie aimed to �K - triage. It. was. clatmed that they ' I agree that his mother should E�,jErEO - made night rides over on the Tri- 1P "Ketch the night.. � &title range and gathered u�mn -* "Ketch me a might h ^+�." r" day he would marry you, and JIF than a few mavericks that right- told Webb, as'he ate supper by the - -. hilly belonged to Ab Abbot. - light of the fire, and 171 stand t Sheriff Hank Rob -crts had�tard guard with yuh. It's been a long .'` V I Here it is! and ►IN these and many other tales concern- time since.I sang to a beef herd_" The Best Paint Value :'REUEF IS LASTING ing the Hoot -Owl Pool, an outfit The remuda had been taken out In Canada Since 1939 boldly named for the men who . - by the nighthawk, but there veal For remarkably fast relief from bead- 'ride the hoot -owl outlaw 'trail. So an extra horse or two staked out Home Paint C� ac6e g For real m-W ­'it was that he rode with a worried for- emergencies. ' In case some ■ -get INSTAwro s- Forpr�otortdocr ljE mind and grim determination in his ,night horse broke loose, there orrem You the hind or Value you mat i�Iirtraove people -hem, would be an extra to take its place. ,. BEFoltu the wer— remember ? —t -rest- Yes. mart people every day are Webb nodded and grinned. eu area eta"t that• dpi ran' bright �snd ding that INiTANTINS A Orte rhln� * , ',y to ease pain fast:. For headache, for It was after sundown when ht "I'm on second guard, Sheriff. roiourrur for anti: gndtrY name or "'.x'i.,,, Quatlty enamel at the .emr Mw mire. SheUStiatlC pith, iChta and paint of located the 'Hoot -OtvI round -up Glad to have an old -timer go on �'�:. colds, for neuritic or neuralgic pain - ' timp;on Pax Elder. Creek He saw with me." ` a, °' you can depend on IxaTAxrrxs -to the beef herd grazing on the bed At ten o'clock a cowboy hook $ _..� bring you quick comfort. ground. The remuda was being 'Webb. "Guard time, Webb." 75 I aTexrn�ts is made like a doctor's cralled so that the cowboys could Webb and the sheriff rode out "= "•` a � a„ ~, :•r: -. of three proven medical catch their night horses. Ness into the Star -filled night to where ts6 ctAl.LOa >nsnb. A bngh 'wagon and bed. wagon were camped the herd was bedded. Behind them " "y ~~ tablet usually brings v .. at the edge of the creek and the p name soar •e col• last relief. g rode tw other men. our. Then .n sa to cook moved around his open fire , * * ' I for " or " nr .rna �� J� Qat Insd al It was a crisp, still night for rntonr chart. and always •• with its Dutch' ovens. They had p, ght with a � keep k kinds - no tents; beds were scattered frosty tang in the air.- A half FREE —Paint Brush ' ' Around can the ground.. It was moon rods above the skyline. Stars " trhn �aimek a.motie. "em, Point ot.+■i -- •- • -Webb Winters' who rode out to were sparks of silver. There was Bird's Eye View— Little Shar= brushes are used tin master ;,meet him. the 'pleasant smell of sagebrush. ads. Vera throoshont fan $i:5tO n stM ratine "I'll have to tell you. [lank," he g on• Lynn Gee tried to puzile era.. carne at Somewhere aloe the .creek came With each s gallon •rare said quietly; "t'iat you'll have' to 'the slap of a beater`s tail. And her pet parakeet by donning � nd t�i i� rcrri.Vs gallon aMaic raeo: 12-Tablet Tin 25� y wait ant here 'til -after dark. It sounding clear in -the night was the dark glasses; but the wise bird Charges. R'eonomiettl 48•Tabl•t Softie 690 ain't that • you're not welcome, crunch of hooves, the faint creak wasn't fooled by the disguise. 'HOME P�j�1jT CO. uaderstand• but some of the boys of saddle leather, the musical tinkle 313 RUSHTON ROAD -_ are a little �aic•�r;y." of spurs, He just gave hor a dark look . TORONTO - ONTARIO. "I-reckott (. savvy. We* might go CContitued Nest Week) . in exchange. ISSUE 2l -,1930 - ^ a .. if .4..`ah1�_N:r.[+M:e",'�.,.1Si7r .rv,E:.•.iaaK9s,.d._.i' � ..: .+s_., .._. '�„r.�_�,.n:s�it.= ;'<e�.i!�.s _.�.,sj�.r.' '1 .. .. (] .. � �"'^'�.: rye,« .:� r •. x• r GREEN TOLE - �>�Shd �1at� _ • , As many of yon-know,- packaged a Z . sak - dry mixes •for biscuits, muffins and cup sugar - s A Run For Your Mousy y cakes -that is to 'say mixes to ^yea cup fat--any kind not nssdfng/ . One can grow an amazing. lot of which only liquid and perhaps an refrigeration. s•< s ...: >i > vegetables i32 eves a tiny. plot of � "_ egg nerd be added -are btcotssi32g "- ��'���: Silt �•iagrec�ients ^to- - i '�•' aeon d. A vegetable ga{�den•, 10, wort popular every day, especially S _ by :Gll, Wink 1 brute pisae+r+„ .,.•+ gethes three titres. Cut or•wb in •Nc • {s r "� i t •t}i thOIOggnly mlXea. Lilt rrrA x s v and double cropping, will yield the room of facilities for extensive many rascals. In the., v eery small• cookery. lightly into glass jars or tilts what t i rs t vegetable garden one is wise to So perhaps you tray -be inteieat- out packing. Close ti$htTy and - r forget those bulky or spreading D D store on shelf. ~ �� sohf omega Orie t h tied con- United States DepartiYtEnt of A - d ow--as I - was --that the &qua Pease. 's o o `' : culture is advocating home -mad ' _t Mtiffmg. (From Mix) t ti Y centrate on beans, carrots;- b#1ts, dry mixes of various kinds:' By - hifethod; Use aY1hird cstp of milk spinach; radish, lettuce, "Possibly a' using such mixes, it is "said that slid a beafen egg to one cup above' hapsda hill or two bf cucumb s food values are greatly increased. - bake as usual. F-6r "tttieat muffins" '' ` •• '+ trained ovei the;; boundana- fepca ia' fact, one noted home heotsomist, stir into batter a little chopped y Comparing biscuits made with the l' • • • None of these vegetables can take enfant, hard - cooked egg sled dash i n much room. Beans, ,beets and mix with some dose according - to of horseradish. _ - p standard" recipes, -found the former , carrots, for instance, can be grown so per cent - richer i32 protein and w - . in rdws only a foot apart, and 10 'Waffles' (Front Mik) w �; feet • of any of • them wi1F_,produce at least 300 per cent higher is cal- - -.- "Twins Vie For 'Queen Title -- Students at Green Mountain • cium "and riboflavin -both "very im- I Method: tTse three- (lhart�r3"•cup many meals for the average faitfily. • .Junior College faced a tough decision in choosing the queen of. portent to health. of milk and our beaten ego to one With some of-the very early things cup above mix fgaa t�%e big *affits. V - their traditional May Fete: l3ith Eileen, left, and Doris Sievers, like -lettuce, radish and .spinach So first I'm giving you the bssit affix; bake as usual. 24- year -old identical twins were candidates for the honor: If double cropping can be practised. biscuit infix together with s eonpla s. s the judging narrows down to this rare pair, the question seems -Plant these in rows, sa�C„ 18 inches of suggestions.for its use, It can „ :Griddle Cakes (Ftatti' mix) r apart, with rows of the tatf8 things ' a]s0 be used "for meat -pie toppings _ and iii ' countless other different • U twcr.twrtls to. out to be, "which winsommenland `wheretthere'«o beets, beans, - carrots, parsatps, Method: st tl old lee no 'etc., -in betwgen —- 1°aYa cup milk and a beaten egg to one interference with the maintenance • - cup shave ixix for. six ' or scwea snom Qf cattle and sheep,' or evert red $wilding Up A: ciudm- Basic Biscuit Mix pasgeakts. Mix sad sal *'r as usual. :. LESSOdeer. There are few soils or locations g Cups silted enriched flour Nose, to conclude, here's a recipe N In any event, reindeer five chiefly in Canada where a garden is not ' 1' Cup 32021-fat (skim) dry luilh �t doesn't - use any prepared ' on lichens, which are to be found possible. Even if the soil is very y cup baking powder Is- f amt heathy* atatks. fir. Utsi has ; teaspoons matt mixes, but which does make use 'l By Zrv. R. B..Warrest. B,A-, "B.i? heavy, wet, sticky clay and as flat t,.- -and in a vM delightful wray -of v_ uiscovered what the herdsmen call as a pancake, with a ittue pstie.,. - id was Habakkuk Teaches Trust In God "reindeer moss" among potentially and planning it can be ttfrned into refrigeration. undoubtedly the finest berry Cod - suitable areas which he has visited a fair garden. It may be necessary Method: Sift dry ingredients to- ever made. Whether you fulky -- especially is large tracts of Suth. and profitable to have�it tile- drained Habakkuk 1:1-4, 12; 13; 2:1, -!j; erland and Cairngorms. Indeed, it to that it will get rid of-surface -. Surface three tints- Cut or rub is meat ortnot,eIS� surehyo32'll dike 3:17 -19. is pointed out that reindeer could water quickly. In most'casn a few fat 'tit thoroughly, mixed. Lift mix - this. Golden Testa- Yet 1 .will rejoice thrive ift districts at present valued _ open drains,. or .merely,•a furrow or lightly taro glass jars or tin Baas _ in the Lord, I will joy in the God only s of -interest for tourists. _ •'without packing Clave tightly and Strawberry Caks Y two, will be sufficient. Both' heavy _ More on shelf: of my salvatiotn- +HabaltkU 3A& Undoubtedly there. -would be a and very light soil too will be 114 � �� pas" �. G The Chaldean kinSdom had be- ready market, too, for the bides. Up vastly improved by digging or plow- � -a y- _ 1%'spa sifted �d -w� f� ._ tome the dominating power in the to the outbreak of war, reindeer ing in manure and' green materials _'Biscuits (From Mix) 2 taps. $agic Btiking Powder world when Habakkuk uttered his -skins of quality -for the manufac- like a cover uop of oats, peas, zYc,. - - Method- _°f tide _ mP GOM - prophecy. He was perplexed. Why tore of gloves and handbags- --were clover, etc Even a good crop of , above mix enough Sufi milk Cap- �' �' r�s { - was there so much irsjnatict in the brought from Alaska, being prod- weeds will help: if dug under. All piozimatety one -third cup) to aralce %•s UP' Wt world? Why were the witked per: ucta "of the offspring o£ herds orfg- waste matter like pe4 pods, carrot. a soft dough: Knead. cut and bake eggs, stparsesd - ° - - ststtted to catch the righteous is finally imported- from Scandinavia. - tops, corn stalks, etc., should be as usual. Yield: Si: biscuits" '1 cup fins �� sum' their act and devour them? Why The Animal can maintain a speed saved and dug is or piled up inst _ , , a - . _ .M�: Sit flour, baking powder didn't God do aometising abort- iii; " of sine, or 10 mites as hoof fora ia_t._�- Qos ;.:recap to rat nerd their g� (from ) and salt together three times. Beat Uany of us Save asked the samI - long time, and can easily draw a spited avi:r� garden•- The rptfid- -egg yolks thick and light; gradually question, weight of 200 pounds besides a sled, vegetables refuse dug in adds what 1Letbod: Prepare enough biscuit beat• its the cold water and i5 cup - �. God enlarged rite vision of Ha- AImcist every part of a dead animal is technically known as .humus, batter for about 12 biscuits (fist � the bakkuk, He saw Liuit "Pfau just is used in some way puts some body into the soil so two Cups of mix). Turn cut on a ttsgar; beat constantly for - 'shall live by faith," and God will Actually, the import of - reindeer - it will hold suafsture better. lightly, floured board and knead four minutes. Beat egg whites into Great Britain would be a return * s. • ,gently a"half minute. Roll out to a - beat itifi, sett act dry: gradually tsltimatelp execute judgment is .the beat in remaining sS cup sugar, esrth.:"The earth shall be filled Ries home. paw . Driveways _ quarter -inch in thidmess. Cut trash- Ming after each addition until Reindeer roamed the forests of "vidual biscuits- of -3x4 inches_- _ the knowledge of the dory of the A w•indiag path adds interest 'to - mixture stands is ,peaks Add flour. . _ Lord, as the waters over-the sa." Scotland up to the twelfth century. Put" a half -cup meat - vegetable mixture to oik ruixture about a _ And it was the deatsuctfon of these any garden, even where it malt not fsllissg on- one-half of the- biscuit. y llieaawhikt, woe's are proaotmced -be absoiut+dy necessary. But it quarter at a "titae, fording lightly spun the wicked. _Woe to him that "forests by fire that presumably pre- should not Be too obvious. and if On the other half' tut" quarter -isefs - _ sfter each addition just until. flour " tented reindeer from being still as strip's from edge of dough toward coveteth with an evil -covetousness one oasts a Curve or two then � incorporated, fold iii vanilla. Add - -woe unto him that givetb We much at home is the Highlands of there should be some excuse for filling, using knife ear pastry wheel - meringue to -yolk mixture and fold _ - Scotland as in. Scandinavia. that curve, ssseh► -- _ °group ..Fold these strips over meat mat- gently until combined. Turn into neighbor .drink, that t st t -" "��• ture. twisting strips across meat bottle to him,- and makest hint of shrubbery. What the' path- will g two , Bake in moderate round take drunken also, that tbou mayest took 1iVOIIder Fruit - be made of- will. depend upon how Pinch strip to edge of meat- tavergd Dana. Bake in moderate oven. 350 =. . -on their nakedness." God will -per- ! Of The TR'o lea . much traffic and what materials dangh' 25 to 30 minutes. Immediately the• wit no evil which He catr wisely p are available. Good firm sod will Put individual twists on baking -cakes aie baked, invert pans and prevent. But man is free to choose tsacf some wear and if -dry 'will shy and hake at 375' F. for 25 allow cakes to hang, suspeiaded; --- hither or tuft he will obey God. Coconuts will- Play a large part even casrp a car. For- more per-. u` "30 minutes, Yield: Sac -servings until geld (to _ "hang" cakes, rest- ' Habakkuk say something of [be - fu- aupptyiag the 100,000 tons of- =anent results and heavier traffic, of two biscuits each. For filling, use rims of inverted pan on three in. estates of God. "His glory eov- vegetable oil which Britain needs gag stones, bricks. craraned cinders .: any well- seasoned combination of vented egg cups or coffee cups). • - - .h so badly this year. At 'the same and cooked meat sod w11._# Put eekd cakes msethex with, sweet- ened We tseitveas, use als,.._.�„ -_.. or well packed gravel are all snit- � - - full of His praise." He was then tune, ptantatiou •"• stand to ■ble. 'Where these act as drive- vegetables, held together with me- cited, crushed strawberries; top - rap considerable financial reward. diem white saucy with content to live by faith in the ser- ways as well and carry heavy traf- lightly sweetened- and flavored - vice of such a Great One. No mat- The price of copra (the dried flc some : foundation and drainage The muffin mix, which comes whipped cream and garnish with ter how fearful are the circumstances 'kernel of the -nut) his rocketed are advisable. Coarse gravel or from' the same source, products whole stsgwberrieL _ from the pre -war figure of $60 to he will rejoice. Let the faith ex- cinders or crashed stone will do muffins that are considerably super- he - X350 -a ton. - pressed in his conclusion be ours, very well, = Ur in protein and calcium to those too. "Although the fig tree' shall Fortunately, coconuts are easy to To keep down weeds in' drive- baked according to most standard A 13ELLE ISLE, Stich., man cultivate. They flourish along the ways there are many good weed - "fret' ` not blossoms, neither shall fruit be apes. This mix tsuy be used, u Cant . to the- conclusion that the in the vines; the 'labour of she olive coasts of-tropical islands, including killers on the market. To lay-.the well, for waftles and griddle cakes.. -in was getthS too heavy when the smallest coral islets. dust common salt and old car oil - his-wiper failed to keep water o$ shall fail, and the fields she yield The reason for their abundance " Basic muffin mix, p � - . my m ot- ;-thee E1o�ha11 be cut off can be used and they h:sve the. ; , the windshield. He stepped out to _ � from the fold, and there shall be no difficult to find. As the nuts additionad advantages of binding 6 cups sifted enriched floor see for himself and had to switts - ripen they drop off, and many sit- the graves or cin6c. e...! iiscourag= 1 cup dry nondat (skim) millk ashore from the ten -foot lagoon herd to the stalls: yet I will rejoice evitably turf into the sea. Their in the Lord, b will illy in. the God fibrous husks and leathery ati frost. cup baking pounce .bf my salvation." to .skins ...,_,.,• ., _..__.,.. ,..,, ,.......,_ ... ..... ...,..,,,,. .,._. _. .. _., .__...... render rheas seaworthy, 'sad the " tide and currents carry them across __ _._., �, •. Scots To Raise the ocean and cast them up on die- - $�e>lndoekr F_or Men# >�nt shores, where they soon - take root. z;•` - It takes from seven to eight yeah Ti :. 'uWestinir . . to learn that a > for then palms to attain full matu- plan is under consideration by the tit) an.i- beas=_imit; Then they _ Department of Agriculture in Scot- produce four crops 3nnnany : for - `:rand to introduce "reindeer into the some - seventy-yars.- Nightaadf. Reindeer meat is "said A' thousand . .coconuts give ap- "" to be more tender, less dry than 'p- oximately SW lb. yf copra, from - :. - '"• ��,..,. c ?' venison. which twenty -five gallons of oil can '•,:"r,, .'. r 'The plan hTs" bten pelt forward be obtained. This oil is chiefly used i. by _Mr. Mikcl Cts.; owner of Targe -its the manufacture' of margarine, herds in North S- weden. Mr. Lest aetip,:.•a�cattle• food, _ =Tasty con - -` ''has found that crofters +whom he 'fectivnery -can also be made from has approached irelcotite his • plan. It.: x s "r He is ready to provide nt initial, To the natives of the islands on ,. -- •` "" herd of 25 animals. He would pay -,ehich they grow the coconut palm ,•.; -` a °«t. for their transport and look after is a universal provider. Its tali, %them himself, and would train croft- slender trunk is used its the building • ' >• . -.ers to do the herding during a trial of their homes. The broad leaves ` period. And he would pay the rent• . - are used for rooi'ing. for suitable pasturage. The white "flesh'of the nut itself The Department of Agriculture is iiied as food,- while tke sweet K ' <F :<• ; � try c al +' y for Scotland is considering. the. pos -: juice it bolds is drunk. The fibres bx sibility of a trial herd on one of the which cover the nut are - weaved • Islands off the Scottish coast. There into inats. Nothing' is wasted. the animals could be studied at six" • K.. nq � n- :close range, and the likelihood of WHEN HE DROVE into a disease investigated. But thefe has service station and nobody appeared been no disease among the vast to wait on him, James :McKeown; �`' 4Sty �` ` Scandinavian herds for. over Fifty of Detroit, became impatient. He years, jumped out of his car and stormed '. When rite trial herd has under- into the station. There' two ban- Scotland Wails Over Mind Wbalc —Two Scottish boys at. East Lothian, John and janies' bin" ' • Sure such a period of quaiantlne, " • dies; who had just taken 8.180 from the department might- consider the ' the proprietor at• gunpoint, took' Callum, look over some of the 149 whales stranded on the beach. Washed in dariiig, a strong further possibility of establishing a the conreats of Mciceown's wallet when it went out. And East Lothian was lefttide,' the set" monsters were left high and dry herd is some remote. part of the too, with -a whale of a problem. u At � iGnY±'.T+1A•- fad,.. i .- �. -. -' - � .r. r._ _'— -_ _ '.— .. _.,. ^ r, -�Y"• �.... i..w,..'..t•(f1O.' - .Y.��.>�.�'�.'�Cf. .. .. .... -..._ - .n,Ktn:`k "w;..=� A. _, _�. ., •,v MU".MONt ±�O- QPFXA1'�VE Aummo. E!Mo*rV iWELMIEW PRA"A" E- AiCbttilAn►of - -Co-op I8 p. c. y Mash. - '""'a' .n �. afar: _ orloi.r• NEATR - fl.e�sg teed ,. � � ' ;ter, CO�I'13g1� - a.:.e -ii Paorf. s 01siir � 10% _ _ . MS Is Alit arm" � as�a� A91 sral.g Aq ed Agency, Ready Peeelsabie ass w ag V Fps Aal.■ao�� �i a To B•SVS foal, 40 � .� �. ab .ft ; Y -' tea s a asirlg vo.+oe �t . a� I. - a++y. a� ..+ ►ate . PI a 6!• dw -....& +fir , %.awes dradL �' _ CAA Plat SMS • P� a r�... so tier wa p"lls "aw sea 100160r, ClD-W And Lftse Nw ... ,. -... plaaaa t ar �.i Geri dlna � - oaaserla gissiu a�. $ 3u 3m R i�r At 'i - and 9 F. lA ]lain: ss►a' Leah q� idl an" at i n R s' waa�ac�s •ice �10Mt. - ;Dssb a" Paisa �sasalaas a at1 aW - - �. Father Was . u __ _��� ,- = =_ =_ =_ — _ _ -- • - we 11�IT '''w'""�••••• �''�•: - _ssc�r 74 NA iia " _ ... "ar!o.+*••. 'o.:: rte.. :4iVn A ra 7 � al11t+ " 0VS 2SUM. FAM TaiTit'MAT" KEN AND CLARK�E-1 Mr. aad 'lira. Fred Ma Key srpeat tag nod raft: PR30N '1'.L (:) 9 r IrAm1'�Y the weebw"d with Mr, .end i[t+. it. 0. IhLkw, • to aim baiwnt STAFFORD BROS. - AuGR'ioNii V Gordon Morley at J3amiltoa. It. sloDonalo,, 6 . • .... Anfboliaad lots tbs \ J+>j1lPi at /+ 7 � pirs. Grant, of Toronto was tha u" WaYwa «.. .:. �� � p�� � p� and Y Sunday guest of Mr. asq hVes Jas. _ _ .� Eiiaws at Z Alai f .. Brlicoq, I, 4- westhers _ .... =6.00 Py11<nl fit, holanstaib Boa 1 Pdr. and Kran r9V%VM Ward spent GwwU Ta�itor - . _ - coo •ii Dal,dss 86 R., wilfy, fleet. bold _Aer 4nndzT wii�. sand iLrs. Jas. Adainb Fern. Col X6.00 Bales oalr $Gal aMMs .jw + %lain aadetam4. �1Jabe ==i6 BMtn�iN 8stat< Dual ,gaertea lr i o We sirs. Ted Taylor and children, . iQ "do .Coos Cols MCEACHNIRIF95 K' 04% r' Gad Mrs, •Don, Sedges spent doll: fWafta's I. r ;tslss4le Celia L[nan >Dae�aeii day in Torobw l0 alias of Wilson's Dish P. 0. pb�, � i Asa eo�e+a Quite a nambet' from here alt- Tbo goading Coaoanuta apokw. lfar!<ba�l P. 0. Ons ]linen sm waded _tits bores reaaa s►t Uxbrbdge is" ow Any ondookws, - :SAL Plasm- bas's base salabWbad 1 1. on May 84th, sT, � Miss Georgina Forsyth, Oshawa► rafts" AmbaLlser swifts fie! siaaa 1>MQ. i m k 9, 10 spent the week -eod with hoer Sw-. ������� pep ps A *. eats here. 1 #as. usmaffiir >tarnla�sr. Psidoar airs,, H. G. Mclat7r'e was the Bas �. :� s Rooney � Ile- Nevadan day guest of MM XWQr At StOUtt- Unoec lire asrprees of the W. 'A,, Phone QQ C. C. RICHARb$ON Two. i ' ! o1etures were saown at tiff John's + ne Pick• � slap liar. and ]its„ Pete ffsrdy vfsiiea �:R+srrh by 4e�ev, rllr, 1.aoltey, lass. . 4e0 Kam 1lDJGtJ nn with the Wait. lliardy bamily on pan, President announced tae com. plm s: >risi•sre E 1 Toronto . Hardalph ewe �y _Sun _ .. _ � � On • �+. t13f4 The asua.ty ass ,tie open Ana s �+aesest T'sclses l3aseg'o liaEgesdy Ths t7adar Creak hail team ' dr. - -+mss■• Seated the Balwam team last weep. wig hrmas. 'Mm'• Jobaston was 1lhere s rs h s9ltQOl._ieama_made . at the Naao. elks, LAckey sang s - — _ up of mixed players. 0049 wa•oy was very muot owoyed VV M - ". �R PWK. IM 8 i The local Film Library closes aT Wk alias CM009me' Dunn •pray - �,.,_ �tonume�rt� Baraq wan! Ab Fammsaa ad a piano MIG vary nicely. . A* "wsa■s down ,aa Tune loth.�The equspmen!' L114=KAiD A s, d.. aaa here wIII be wood in holiday areas p��. Sae, at a snit mine was TmY wo0dertul,,,Jlttle do we •� . 1I(sneneaaa W «� > Tsealy Aerated F- during the &a —or and will be r$641% the %W4 wort it as tu. men _ RALQAZ'Ol6 .ItiOI3'i'. Au Plop. - = ��j1b,j ��1 bads here in bantember. However. to 0110* MAC, wboo, we rse it daily � or �,r __ .. �jDM N If equipment Is - required during � Sus glans. Another IL L !, !Dbitb"J. i�t. the summer, it can be obtained tore QRIA4d the dole Cont. hshow_ 014 Doadra SL �+ ' 2 Islas West ag wig, 0" meet Metal WcWICS from Toronto% Mr, Clare Keen Os xo. 9 will show several of these films "S its 0lsnat 00, p0' a map, And (� s 80 T17D0A sit' AA&Z _- to the Pickering. Rotary Club _ at proutive nwvss and !tow their their next meeting. B7ed lion band to Mouth, tnea _ Ceases Creep School had as 'enG Aden'" a:ad through all the pfc- tors, the barppy Grew add amines ar i meet -or pnovies and- ,otber • s Loyal Ve nwarI on Tuesday evening last. at the '� OPPQM>!R'6tI8T �� The Recreation Committee�st the 'wr, Gad Mrs. SMOG ]Gaston have !J!D is 1360 soul 9.60 M 360 J A. WILLOUGHBY. build Moir spend ma time a Whitby, bell N T to Yy ?sere tlanrd7Ms Businessmen's. Assodatioa held a e Opp, P. O - ' • IdC1pNSSiD AUCTZOKEItli meeting last week and decided to s !Can.. Wed W. O - rictering and Whitby Twps, purchase _horseshoes for pica at the tar loin; U016 to ilea. We wee- D�'mY BLDG not Years Imo. P Soase6old and park. They will also continue with J�cy p'rol�y come latish wocemOr +end . their son 08 iAWA ONTARIO For _ the. softball fr? the boys and ` girls_ Country R'operty ass■ Sales a gpecialiy, ss well• ea conduct' swtmmfng el- to Brougham: Pbone . Res. 11690; Office 1516 asdt J. k (Had) Stewart Propnat Attention Given one Saturday 9vaaing'a Community (Three-Day Service Arranged) AD0605 Toronto Whit R. R.I. - Phone Wh. 614 this of the nearby tanks Dance held in the Township Hall Pbr That Hoare In The City Whitby ihfe •ttmmet, This Cos7nmittee U on cnrowghout the past 0easoa have Call Our City Dept. the lookout for_ someone_ wha will been very euftemdul and now the pp 'HY91i7 Toronto be "interested and would take hold 11rM weather is here esg�ect $at_ ellers Q� Atkinso of a Boy Scout Troop or a Cab urdaya dance wt11 be the last tong -- Hardwood -" Pack here,_ r� is a tint training th9us sessoa, Plseno A� 901 W 9 • await. 9t10 . for any�bioy. It you have ever done • - anythint along this Ilhe or would. I The, Dsatrict Annual Meeting of Flooring t the women's. Ina{ltute V'111 be held LicenBed I C LE 111 DE N I N tL be at eIl interested, Dionne get In at Port Perry, on June 9, Delegates _ touch with Clare Ke?vil as any of •4 AtictlOneers - ..A DIXON DIXON in aai; HeecZs Maple are: Mrs, M, Ellioot Mrs, B. Liar Birch and r.Ym, :the :members of the Committee, TeY, M.ry., I,, Johnston, -*rs, L 1 To sins- La she purch� a of eupp- Sheppard � Rte,, L. T. Johnston, r A`S.U'.yLTNIJM ]20L`LDLNO and Bh 156 Year's Experience lies, the Sunday School of the L'n_ i/'ASONITE j The Aaau+U . _ Church Parade of ited ,Church held an entertainment; Braugham Lodge, I, O, O, F. held Vales conducted anywhere N. M. Gordon -on Monday evening, The progra•n on: Sunday ill ;g Specializing in shim Stock, 1•'nral. was sonde uv of vo °aI in lastrum- 7 to St, John's tare and Property Sales. LUMBER TARDP ental numbom, recitations etc, An- United Church, Brougham, The AU. gala pally Listed and :P�SRING, ONTARED other such evening may be bald Va� baeded by the U :bridge Advertrad. Bills prepared ..d � MARKHA M Phase 84 later on in the season. Band, JOY R'ebehah Lodes forming Posts& �' _ the 0"4 of Honour_ A very 1} ltl! Toronto, spent the holiday last prri•e rstack was preached by Prompt Jervice � 1�. DIXON MIL-and Mrs, Mark UAtes'. as _ week with Mr. and Mrs. 'Milton Rev,. ,ling, Lackey a wWcb he ee- Heasao, pecially stressed the woad "Truth" and shat it .taaa• [cr, The ��aa1l• Reasonable Rates DAOFRi>0'1�0A • �i • Tlse bowling• tournament of mix. quartet rendered two e:ceptlodi7! - - . ad trdWoo on May 24th, here raw y PSO9M rp WTO�BUA AMBULANCE t il!{OTOGRAl�6R many bowling -vistiote, and 'all ibis time Gobs; sir. David Nrrtoa at _ omens were. full. the orgaa. As the conclusion of the 148 Broci SR service, Mr, Roy Garter thanked PAONJ1 - Sri Mr. Lende Lye and Ronnie Hod= _ — a�WW41a bad tootributed - . gas attended fhe all -star lbotball - -- — --- -_- _ game' tea To: onto to the '29th. eons o!' the meetiU.• being sasur- Mr. Vain Spencer, asst of - t!s' ode nil bad tarotited by Rev. Lack- *Y *6 •laaera wort «Y ,• Spruig Planning �' r torwaad to as eves cos• pia children. larger attend- ., M1ea McDonald of Toronto, war' sue' n� year• RRALTOR LNtSU I"XCB AGE" call f or Kem•TonB the -guest cC 'sang. 'sad Mrs; E.I,ewis apodal service in. connection with LOT4 FMZ CASUALTY, goNDS, AUTOMOSELA uuring. the week. the 25th Anniversary of Church LLlBILiTY 17�ftfTR- 11,`Fpg Ric. The Modern Mlrade wail The Caaadiaa Legion' Union, +will be herd is St. John's " -- : BUY FIEaM A". - tiasfsb, We rive all' ebse new Church, Brougham• oa Sunday, _ L7AT YOUh PROPIMTIR8 FOR 8ALE_WITH On Friday. evening, shay 26, No. passel shadeb. One east covers 493 Branch of the .Canadian: jog, June' 11, at 9.46 a, m. On the fol. CYRiL E MORLEY like m g c.>R aa- ioaL were hosts to the IBdies' Aus. low T7twt+eda>r, Jnne 16, a con- ' glary and the Claremont Business. graLLUionai supper wilt . be held on HARDWARE the church t in the t0 bas tnnowea men s As■ocia ;ion' aii an open meet the a concert is the to b19 11 sag in the Masonic Hstil. About ,ice. y�.m n has been spetsding sixty persons attended, a- row days with her brother at LAIN 8l�'S88Y The meeting opened by Pr vaI•.n, Calmrade 1T. W. 'Todd, the -colors. Mr. and_ 'Mrs. Jack rt ' av 0 M R_ 1 E LIMBER . _ , being paraded by Comrades Wm. moved 'from Odmwa Ito 1 ale with I e CO♦ P!<M My I Bioko, 7, Lehman wad E. Mayer,. •her naothsr hies, Woodward, - � _ The highlight of the evening'Wne Pbosm: Bearbore Un ear Hoard III* IMF&, Phibp +gait the week -eud she 3nitisRion and installation et • with friends !,< Toronto. $carboro . Junction Oalmrade. teal, George von -son, to mrs. Carl Devitt is stilt'••in hoe. to the office of Chaplain. Comrade pitatl,, but • is isltpsbvI ' ' ■ �' Howlett Save. an iatarestin AJ. lIoMyi 1. non the exr" noow, _ FOR, 1115CUDUTR DIKJVM Y - - ain 5101 �s. talk on the foundatiozi of the Cos-. alt n sans on 8' " . _ can, alts cFlt _ .I Z•_,L, Tailor Cresson. asapade airs, E. . w1�r >we� Sheppard Toronto dh or Dr' l a. 'M'b► Posh and. Doom _ e Taylor, PreelM of the iisdieV • • w OOt New P* IH�, ��' spent the waet -sad at her home i � W.. r � � � 1Qi�r1'19 gnsV, Olassq Spinal• Auximary, gave a short talk, and Dane., _ a wen, 901W )Holm en - baiaaoes, i�lsetoelr- batV! "aatlpe'aAtted• . •.at a,,bes.. �„•.,v; ° '�,•�0a'•y� thanked the host Bi7sn_ch for the y� «� i[rr• ana ![rr• Philip, Toronto, TI• *j an•R' o = +sa Z�ea� Doaaoeoss� [:Goo, tiseeab•ssna► favltitJoa, Comrade R, B, Wood r+er are wait rpendiag week -ends at PzJY1ROODB —Fir' ' RO°+ °� polled on then bwilding to br erec- . Oegln'. •Nl�ddlbs. and Bitch Wood, r se•+ss n M. ?Rte aaeeting closed at 10.16, t1�Ac farm ls�,* A ecomwanity , shower wan held '•'•'��"" a� f1ed� wlf4 Rte' �0� 9ialsstil ; ��� !" b�„�'To "a owe D• m► toll ow� by a social evening, !n the'towaship ball on i+4iday ev- J. Y. Cadai*taii'1Malnt:, - PI9/eDasw- pstip, nrr u» tu, ewe•. ro... mesa Lunch was o, ppl ied -by the la.. , �, s s s 16L roe s•M n,e■,a s. sning for our newly-weds, _hie, And- Now _ the Anxillary. ° Man - aP rfher donations- to • the 'Su i1d- >lOsr1 V; ..r,,�• "b' d ;a„ V_'.S," .w` +,ure:3' =h' ¢.-