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Chapman) c , 1 " which will bold another Learing on iA n�ber of farmers and their Pickering United Church- Congrat'4latIona are in order for Novanapher 8th, at 10.00 8~ M. at In answer to a defter of inquiry by wives from. Stere attended the In- May. gym' Young, Minister Reg Watson and Bob Irish, Picker• -; 1Brt On Monday l e the 1Secretary of No. 5 School Sec- ,ternational Plowing.Matoh at Burr. 6UN1D�liY, OCTOBER 28. 1848, ;ing, on passing their mepartment of s wee . JR. S. Coiter, K. C., listened to ar- WelbouTu, M. P. for Jasper-Edaon, farmers did well in the contests, 11.00 9. bol, - Morning Service Yvonne Coates, Toronto; was the 3 awmeata Iron_ Central Mortgage ____._ .. ., �_ 7_00 p. =, - Evening Evening Service tweek-end in Alberta, Is s son-al the late-iGeo.- �JodeQlr. : Wiest od Setts Lou Baker. _ Corp, and the land-owners in the We1bonrn who was a teacher o! won two "Serotic" and one :3.00. D• sa. Audiley- Service Reg. Watson Is on a Pleasure Jl "6reea belt" of well ae Ma', Grant, man' ,> �� trip to New York th4s w+ this school in 88 and 87, and will 'Third , while Murra Dunkeld eek. Solicitor for this municipality. This be remembered by many of his'nld won two "Secotide". Mr, W. Wall- [Choir practice at 8.00 o'clock on Born, to 'Mr,and Mrs Craig Mur- t' - areeting ,war; to deal with the app- :Friday evening at the church, f;kar, Rannoch, Ont, at Stratford Pupils. He was a much loved teeoh- lace won First, as well as a Silver ssq , , �licartioa of Central Mortgmge for an er.His wife was a Miss Gerow, Osh. Trophy in a con_eet where he made ` .1� Hospital, on Sunday, October 16, "improvement district." Mr, Von - a*a,-She is still 'living at the age horse shoe's and ehod 3 horse, all in ''xe�ey School vice 1949, a daughter, "Wendy tt Mae," 1PRis, a-farmer -in the proposed ` A Nursery School will be started , Rev, Father Kennedy 01 89, e;nd is at present visiting In 56 ¢ninutes, It 1s also interesting to, y had- the ,area" along with several others, on Sunday October 23 is the Unit- imisfortune to fracture his ankle Toronto. Mr._Geo. WQ•lbonra passed note that Mr. Wallace's tether, to- , 'wws m Uc>h opposed * to the clause 'away in 1942 at his residence neat -day, in Scotland, at the age of 70 ed 'Church for children two to six when he slipped and tell on steps, that We of land in .that - yeAra of-age. It Is hoped Tents of I • *king � while is Alai, Stoney Plains, west of Edmonton, years is still carrying on this same •area be kept to.p miaimitam of-,five where.he homesteaded with h"_s fain' ' small children ,will attend churclf ! Mrs, W. C. Ztlurloar and Mrs, W. • trade actively, He also has four aeras. "C. M," stated, that aS an and the children will be cared-for F Jones, Toronto, motored to Pt. fly in they early nineties. Our con-. brothers, all of 2wwhom are in s investor of sevsral millions of doll-- during-the 'setmton I Elgin, on Thursday and Mrs. JDba arc, tied up in Ajar they hard to gratulation go out to the member horse-shoeing business, � 1�is has for Jasper-Edson; and we-trust that been an accomplishment of. inter- plokseieg 14'reebyterlma Cbetcb Murkar, who has been visiting rot- have.sante Protection, maintaining we hear. of We further advancement national note-competing against Bev. David Marshall, mltist~ e.tives there for several weeks ret- tkat this' was to in the political i �' the conatsy's beet..' Bernice is the basement o= thenrned with them. greveat "triage growth" which al- Clvurrh at 3.00 V. m. - - . VM follows an industrial develop- •- - meat unless kept dawn. A>•dm Percy Cattle Do Well At Rev. Iscey To Be lndat'ted Tonigbt• Calvary Tesa*1 a Pentecostal "United National' At Rotary ,M"ugg+kaan, of Centra] Mort. Uxbridge Fair - $oiiaey Servie+aa33;otsrlan Ro Ruddy gave a brfes history at Ajax, stat- '*•' - members and adherents of both 9.46 X mW. - Sunday 9ebloot. Art Perry's-Shorthorn cattle did 11.00 a. m. Maraiai Woroup Ang.'that they bad 0,pumping stat. the Clar"wnt and Broughwm Unit- 7,00 P. at, litiaagallaCls As a vary tithing subject for this "n, water' mains, many buildings well in their showing at the Ux- ed Chumbes are invited to attend "United Nations Week", Rotarian _- �atm in good condition, A hospital, , brld'ge -Fair last week. Mr. Percy the Induction Service of Rev. I acey .-Wedaea ve X00 A M` received First, for Shorthorn ball; , Pra¢a meeting Bob.Ruddy, of the Club's internat- tire hail, recreation ball, lodge, 900 -the new - 36mWer of the United 1"dar Lcnal Relations Dept. addressed the, bona" of which 300 have permaa- ,First, for Shorthorn cow and 's Church, Combined Boards and ZU- -0.00 V. m=.- Young People Club on this'subject on Monday er- eat foundations,. ?-We property be- Second and 'Third in the Herd clap ers .and Stewarda will meet,in the Pastor A. B. McEvoy ening. It-is very doubtful if niAny- mi eltaated on bollk sides of No. and a Second and Third for heifer. basement prior to they S.00 o'clock � persons, among the rank and file, Mr. Percy has bee► raising Short- J. $ . mgiafstae e 3A highway,9a having considerable meeUas• Rev Fisher, of Brooklin, at least, are too familiar with the lake frontage. bAras for a Good.missy years will officiate at the service. Foll- Sunk work, the objects-and purposes at ltoilowing cousider+abfs diseuuton - - _ ___._ ; owing the Induction a light supper 10,30.a, m. - Sunday school � ' the UN., hence Bob's talk on .Moa about the "green belt" to which 42 Sonag People Of United Church win 'be.held to which all are asked 11.16 a. nt. - Warship day, was, we expect, very enlighten- - harmers are opposed, Prof, Barker, preparing Drama For November to attend, and also, to contribute. 7.30 p. m, - Pleasant Sun. Evening , 149 to the majority df 'the Club of Con. Mort, explained the purpose i Wed' • TAO P.'=. - Prayer Service members. lAmited space makes it - - ,of the Aid green belt, and the_zoo- The Young People'of the Picker ( Wed. . 7.80 P. m. . PrayeSaAss'rfas - lag features. - fag United Church are busy prewar- �Vamea'r Institute Training School I Everting cllsiar p�atifles � impossible to cover the entire. add- • W. turrias. at the Corp stated, jug a play ".Busy as a Beaver" an- -Xeld'At Brougham Friday 'Cabs land Scouts i toss, but some of the iea'ding [acts tiers are now eleven ComIndusto d, der the direction of Mrs. Cyril E. r Bak •'.Fortnightly • Modon M 'concerning the UN: as quoted' by ,Asst. Tlwy plan to put permanent Marley and:Mre. Rich, P. Winter. *-District Slip-Covet Training t United ` him s�ouId be repeated, School'+ held their.summery day in :lie sums up UN, with "The L'n- %&wudstions under the 600 wartime it is es acted this will be ready for RemJ. Y• >�hm. m[ltslster Bronghatm Hall, Two leaders from Sunday. fled SgAtloae continues to serve as bouses at pyx, preseatAtton b7 the latter part of each Women's institute attended '00 P. m, . 'Church Servloe the one lsiesting place where nations, Corp, representatives state that lfevember. Watch for the date. ' the 6-day Training School. The T-sa- �can. come' together and work out hrader the development area they titutes represented were: Ajax, Al- Ora their problems, and where they cjiu, ywtah to WIA a well-bdaaced 1114 �p end-._._ tonaii, Rev-, J. IL Stations, and often do find mutually accept- irW dipirict.and that In order to Meet Taee6 Oct. 96• Sundayde this they.nost have a certain a- S Bt'ook.ma and Kinsale. able solutions, They tee wo "the 3 0.00 a m - Worship ends. snbool yUp m. Taggart, [rem the chief fore'" that hoWs•tLe world to- 7.80Moant of protection. The women'i inatltute will steel p m. •-Pleasant inn. Evedng Women's institute Branca, gave the Mea. - 9.80 p, m.or, Ao7W ptoap itgether against aU conflicting strains _ t I&. Colter of the Man. SOard erg on TueedaT, October 25, in the W: instruction. The leaders from such Wall • 8.00 p, m. . Cl G. L T. and stresses that are pulling it a- ' Bested %bat Central Mortgage and 1. 'Rooms, Miss Moore will take the Women's Institute brought their Thurs. - 6-so p, a% • Trail Rsnl8ees lsi � part," '• Petiag Tov►nahip get together topic '-County Health Unit" ;1l - Rol! 'chairs together and- learned all the 41.00 P. . chair practice I We purpose, _in o4r next issue. and try to work out a Pisa to their Call Health Rule for the Commun- intricate details of preparing s mus-• FrL - Fortnightly -mlotfow pictures � publishing further facts regarding - xmtom advantage. ity•" Hostesses: Dors. E. Andrew, lin pattern and making a slip coo- United Nations, and "United •#A- What of the future of Ajax? ..- Mrs, F. MacRae and Mss.'E. Ell- er. Yea the'two leaders will.ret- 1 Bombed •B[aspal ions ,Week" as reported by the -hist, one of two things. It will 0e iota urn sad teach the w.amen of,their ispeaker-Marts which we feel, all set ■p as an-isdustrisi area or will Bert White, doe of Mr. and Mte�' , should bear. ; ,k tarafii"bnc; into Pickering Twp. rwn �1naMtutrme how -to stake clip- Herb. White, Church ill., wa+n rush- - p}rly Bed6eat of Picaterl� TWP• covers. There were moms Vtremely ed to Oshawa WOWW on Tuesday dp WingAbdo 'the same thing. )Frederic! C, Barley, rocas (mart looking tailored ebair-covers evening where an operation for 614'6 ;'11�ere site out) many angles to be Showa at the owpx3ary day. Miss ' OL George �� G6r+cb uneovirW bifore Aad definite state• A leader Ln sports, music 9016 ia- McKercber,Supervisor of Home.Ee- ed,pena itis we programing perform, ��• =444N= ra be visde. Posdbly era the, wry, &Frederick C. Berkey, 7= onotaks W [. Branch attended the �' and ptogtering #vorabb. - C6hudreu'e-Day end Youth dGun• }tom, we'will imam last who lett Brougham with his dim- Their pian eRstea that, be he db will be observed on Satiny, arfs►t the 'iztu» w}II bring• fly when be was abort -R y�•s closing event A delightful !ea 'was walled aniLd morning a rapture of a eery" by the hostesses. . Corr, would have taken CWtober boys with a special service old, pared away at his Dattertn tot. the wppeddi: doT the boys sad girls of litettn pg yam• ByppT lLl» Lome Toronto, on October 9th af- alsce. ' + ' day School and Congregation, The = ti 't" avers, ' womwws mlisste ary Society RAUy service win be held at 11.00 a•, ea. ' y t`.Aptain of the �fi&ous. Riverside �tO1°°r - Brouglesseand parents an rens e . picmerleg Townsb* w -*old, a football team when they were the There wan a Targe attendance at Lally invited to worship with the » : t 1Trtday alit. Sats baaapiop :ot Canada: also played The' W. K. S. Rally of the West- pNaaaat shod om . 1` era 4Sectlon of the Ombawa Presby the rKulsr meeting 01 the Wom- yt+�g people 'on this occasion. The srday, Nloveansiber• 1 sad 5. Hours with Boston pr'odesSio031 team Re- en'b Institute held in tate Towudhip hymns, prayers and address will 'be •tery,'United Church, will be held to to be 3.00 a: ta, to 5,00 p. m, stern- tiring from football, be joined the Hall on Tuesday, October. 11. adapted to the need* of-the young dmra time Th John's Church Brougham, on ; ' Governor-General's Body Guard � 'The' president,.0i». Fred Cassie, At this'service, the Sacrament of Thursday, October 27, commencing 3,taait will be three cock birds a Band, and soon became leader, a asiriited by Secretsr'y, 11[rs• N• Bnr. Iioiy'8aptiam will Abe Administered, clay• Price of "non-resident licen- poedtioa be held for moray years. He at 8,15 a, m, D. S. Time, ' ;' to>a, were in charge of the meet- There will be no Sunday School on. ass, ' _ $2.60, the same as last velar, was employed with the Stew1rt- this, Sunda only, d.instead the in8• An invitation from ice Pick- y an -; . These can be secured from Sid, 'Hartshorn Co. Ltd, for 53 years, the Nouge lltn W. A. Plan Baking Sale erin8 Branch was. read, to attend a boys.and.girls are saked'to meet da ,Pugh, at Whitevile. The "resident last 25 as General Manager until vane ! the church at 10.30. Health Meeting at Pickering, on iieensea" can be secured from any he'retired last spring. The regular meeting of the Rouge - sass Hill W. A. *las held at the house of 'Octobers 25th, afire Edna Moore will member of the Game Comm'ission, lits' wife suffered from a stroke � be the speaker, and several dela= Eft• Paul's Anglican CfinreL �! ` or from Robin Gordon Pickering, and was an invalid over nine years airs. Finh, last Tuesday, Rith a Danbarton ' -large-attendance and three new gates'were apPo:nd to attend. Ar- 1 or Edgar Shirk,,Claremont. ' until her death on June 29th. rangements were made , to attend Sunday, October v 3,' Sung School Oa November 4fh, the season•will �ie is survived by one d;iughter, members, Pians were made for a at 2.00 p. m, Evening Prayer at 3 be open for rabbits and foxes. Hun three sons, three,b4others and two Gift Sale, including homemade bak- the Annual Convention a1 the W 1. m Sermon by the Rector on - ing, and Afternoon Tea, to be held o; Ontario; to be held in the 'Royal pVFhy Confirmation All are cord- + tens array -shoot obeabant, ruffed, sisters, York Hotel, on :November 9r 10 and Krouse or partridge •on the 2-Day Interment took place at Prospect on November 11, in Rosebank Cam- dally invited. unity Mall. Following this, re- 11• 'Mrs. B. Harvey was aPP6iO Shoot, _ Cemetery, Toronto_ record con re WAR'QIIr"G: All pump guns must freshments were served by the Soc- ' the Oflticial 'Delegate and 'alts• L. T. to g gation attended Johnston' alternate. It was decided the Children's Day 'and Youth Sun- ;be peranunetly plugged to hold one Canadian Girls In Tcaiding •• tc send for tickets to attend a R'611i- day Service at St. Paul's on Sunday, Whell in the breech and two in theen's Temperance meeting in Massey I-last. The First Company, Fairport magsaiae, The Octdber 17th meeting of the ppang - Gillman ;Hall on Noveknmer 3, This was a Qtrl Guides under the direction.of C. G. I, T', was opened,by the usual •'Grandunothers' Meeting" and there Mrs. Peachey and Mrs. Spencer, an'1' What Do We Do? ce on A quiet wedding took place I the'1st, Ajax Co., under Mrs. Sloan opening exercises. The Secretary's were three great-grandmothere pre_ sere report'was given and approved. The Saturday, October 25, at the'Manse, sent, 'and they with other grand- attended the service, with, Mrs " As publishers, we get into the Treasurer's report _was given and Whitevale, when Rev, J. M,cLachlaa mothers recounted some of their Hobbs, Dist, Commissioner, aim {daradest predicaments some times, the collection taken. The business cfficlated at the union in mlarriage ,experiences., they bed a sins song present. The service Opened ,with iflnd don't know what to do, Dive- was then discussed The Devotional of Mies Mildred Mary Gillman; dau- led by MA's. B, Harvey and a jolly the Dedication of tbA New Colours i wbere in this issue,there Is a re- Exercises were taiten time Ro11 Call - "Grandmother's of the let.. Fairport GuMes, whtcb port which said Mrs, (?) will not be by the two Ater of Br and 'Mrs, Jobs L. Gill- leaders: Milts Pamenter sed Miss ••�, of Brougham, to Cir, hurry Ellicott, lira, J, Gillman, .Mise Gill- were kindly donated by the Dunbar- r4st►lesto look'attet bar social offices Sandrelli.. Tie evening was closed Malcolm Spaug,. s90P of Mr. and Ellicott, Mrs. J• (i�l IMM, Mks Gill- � ton Kiwaals Club The Rector evoke ,.ter a '0110 '.m $be is "yatienily a- by several good games and "Taps" 11trn JObn SpAng, of Claremont. �a It[» H. 116>♦icolm, ffirs, iLeai. on the Wteime "My Duty,to {god,": ;we.iftieg the arrtval of the stork." _J. M. Corr, They were attended by Mr. and pno� � r I and the choir sang a special hymn _ 'T NE HE 1W% ek"red the w'ordlai a bit, e0. _ mors. Wna. Brecon, of Toropto. ,Mr. rind 1dra, Rat Willson, Tor- I very we�eepLybly during the o'lfer boa--'woia't reeognisO'k-6Ahis item, . Kea BaladoS, w)c bas Dean -FbH6*1ag A-abort ,wedding trip onto, and little un ater, 'Ruth, lei• , .•.•. ..:...wa s _ . .. . r + • in Qebawa Ilow"I .. follov4is6 as `sprat ®attarAy wifld fee tormer's j sliong wfiti`othe»-was=sant ie 3x1 a to Nortbers OAtarb, the ybaag con- ie:sr+wpsadeet-,wDet.AtOuld we do' �cvsfttbn Sot• appeadiciflk is eon- PM wNl rNMe is 8tOeffV1114. p,Aeeets, Mr. 4ed lips. Werres Wld1- _ is a•ew hits 0 131. vwiesoieg at ba'!J~. ,►. r�.sv+.Mr ►r—ar.+.,v.......+.ri � � ,� wawa....,. �...: ., :wawa M,.,•� - n- - .,wawa. '..� -� - ✓ •. .. ,. - \ - wawa wawa .• . -wawa wawa ��, w . wawa — .. wawa _ wawa _ ,wawa 0. i ., - � wawa twawa wawa. wawa ,. : t r -. wawa wawa f ,, wawa r , • • . _ wawa •• wawa : wawa . • :' `- - - wawa ' + MINE booing for hies that he wouldn t oc A. No. This form L used only j dane. when writing business letters, ar a - "Did h w about kM Miss Ames?" when an employee is writing to his wawa. - .•ye emploger, If the person is of equal looked he know y_ se e letter with inter a e and his Mex tried social position, it would be better to come into the house to get � Lawrence. 1 told him I told him, close ffi ette "S' �` �� • too, that Lanya went to Fort Win• y° ' s"A CO Is n1w field to tell about his deal with • Natchi. He looked sick-and went - . -available in most grocery away." Jim turned to his horse ano stores, It is o f extra fine mounted, He motioned for Muldane Come Out from quality, and We believe that to ]tad the way They left the town �.� v: -:•;` towarduthenSiherirRidge.ea, headed Under the • j * j� night he column camped you will consider it the Vest -' ;• hetPinals. Jim had ordered that T shadow of in t no fires bt lighted. Pickets had coffee you have ever tas*d: ' � been placed. The men lounged. e { smoking and talking low voiced. • - - Jim ant with Lt Barrett. Mel Ask for "SAWA" COFFEE ' Scarlett swatted before them. TryDOLCIN Tablet,for prompt• --SALAOA TEA COAi11 A, WHITED -- . relief from ARTHRiTiCand RHEU• wawa. • - Modern Etiquette ' MAT1t: � Try DOLCIiv wawa. _ _wawa >� . _ get a-bottle of 100 or 50_0 tablets By Rabetta-bee-- -—Tram your druggiat TODAY and join the thousands of relieved Q. if a toast is proposed to a person, should this person drink sufferers who by taking DOLCIN going to marry Virginia. She wants from his glass too* have come out from ander the you, and what ahe wants—" A. No; he does not rise from his shadow of Fain.. wawa. WEST OF THE Lawrence fitted himself on an chair, nor does he drink the toast. elbow. Color burned in his cheeks. Most druggists carry DOLCIN., "And if I think otherwise?" Q. Who should precede when a If voura rinPc not,write direct to "I'll send you to prison," Jim man and a woman are entering a ♦� _ snapped. He turned and strode from restaurant, and no waiter is around? A liana* a" the house. A. The man should precede and ` , �UIN ],am by Mel Scarlett was outside keeping choose the table. If a waiter is prey 1 TKA lA " JDaEPH �*� a wary eye on Hank Muldane. ant to assign the table, the woman CHADWICR O'Hara and his men came riding up should follow the waiter, the man Mje,�aw•*"' The*sergeant saluted. last g1Nttltri "Barron and his Mexican partner, 1. Q. When writing a soual letter. Luis, rode out of toyyn an hour ago. 'is it proper to close the-letter.with CHAPTER ]Cl "I'm to pursue and.overtake Ober He left word with the bartender at "Respectfully yours:" ISSUE 43 - Il149 .Yea. .Two of them. i saw theLt m Apaches, sit?" his place-paid to tell an soldier 4110arly. They seized her and tookYes. Take 30 men. And ra Barrett and.Mei Scarlett: Take rs- wawa , Jaer into the brush. I--1 was scared. f D I,waited until Hank Muldane came tions for a week Stay out Belong `\\ Sweet as your judgment suggests. e ore- MfMp9 Swedish Tea Ring the cabin. He said ilial one of illi you're not led into a trap.- We g/'++• 3 -- - - 1lbe horses was gone-her horsd. r n ' "Yes, sir." Jim said shay . "But heti .S • left the bills at once for Santa P�• \ y - - Bonita. I came on here." there'll be no trap. Natchi• is be- , P Jim looked hind this. He'll bargain for the ren- � lteatrMo sato lane-�� 'fi s.btbe- q-sent for , Maj. lease of his son." t Measure ante.•1 rsesba.—�anger; "You sent for me, sir?" Benson showed surprise. "Well- stir wares v ewers.dissolved.� "Lt Randall, something serious bargain with him. But effect the Nth a sor alopwa ISaftohmane•e nasal Ws happened. Miss Ames has been return of Miss Ames_" - Fait�+og Dry Yeast LA&stand 10 taken captive by Apaches." „� fl ; Minutes.TWIN aw wetL SIGN M-e Jim saluted and swung to the a L , Jim. drew a sharp, breath. He door. Lan s Corr. 's voice halted �!'' �r�'tlr is K`srae�eMi ter' looked as thou jkh he had been y y 1st tape.wale,a obs.rtorteeisgs tool ie struck him. He faced her impatiently. s luksweres.Add to yeast esfxtess and "Taken captive, sir:" "Lieutenant, Phil Lawrence toldOk to a wam4 aaton eta V&is s a. r " ooc+e•ei[!ed intrad sour; beat weLAccording to this young woman me to gine you a message," she � wart in a a Moue read*tread erw, said "He says you should know Knead untill anomb aud elsydft p _ Jim turned to the girl. "Tell me, that it is Steve Barron -who has ter' in ground yowl and 6eoeh wp whb `- L•anya," he said. been supplying Natchi with guns ; awaited butter or ahorteoing, Cover His face was grim as he listened and ammunition_" . Jto warn Piano. hes Mon MW was Get ries drohiad is e& b the girl tell of what had hap- "Barron? Why?" 'iei draught 001 �- lEt1E0 dough Eared at Phil Lawrence's Red Butte "I don't know why," the girl thrush down and divide Into ! said; �Ek poreloos. Douse. Of the ride serosa the desert Jim did not say more. He turned IM g r;, equal eoewa sew stencils bila Roll each peat bow a Jd"d" ob. in the aloin in the rock hills. Feu out of the dobe and called ss I.t �i Y wawa loos;Woman dough.Crones X a baster s or towsacim and nix in 1 a. brow ' iEame alit+e in him at the told bow Barret 'whom he 'saw before him. sugar ����down*,_ � Virginia-had gone to the stream for "Thirty men," he q,, td "We start d gar (,Won. Spread t, � m Water and had been seised by two . at once" Andthe dough and wrinkle with 1 s.!airs.or !Indians. ;When her breathless vole The column lett the yo,t within _ Stoppe a ace t e comman m - r plana RELIEF IS IASTIN - Iacurrent& SA LW .pawa officer.' command, rode ahead with Mei lira. hat, prolonged relief !raps such roll oo a groused lam baking Scarlett, Sgt. OHara, and four headache set INaTANTINS. This 'boot and WW**holo a ring, aa�y +► �- rend• together. Grease f troopers pickt!d for their experience. peeseriptioei-like tablet contains not ' - METIVIER'S They rode into Santa Bonita and J� one. but three proven medial wicesn t almost through to Contra Wilk found many people on the street ingredients that ease the pain fart, Seimtie Bide• Cover and let rte. � FSM CN $ - Word of Virigiaia's capture had And the relief is.is mat tuts,lasttins, sl ��•••�""' '!! is batt.Beoeh with 1 an ydk MOOL •••.•.••• beaten wfth 2 tbt, utOk. Bate is ., spread, Jim halted before Laays � Try INarwxrttrs just Duct for pain 1 e - - Correy's house. teW and you 71 gay u thousands do ry/•. 11 � j� moderaw oven. aso•. 9a.aa walM g It )f]�V deair•rdc wrrad tow with a pWa SUIT � "Sergeant.' he ordered, "oke :.Khat there's one thing for headache s( icing,nerve hot,with butter. your men and find Steve Barron a wa wa it's InarANrn'Mf i Bring him here at once." i And try IN.TANTxNZ for other �r 8S He turned into' the little adobe aches,too,,,far neuritic or neutaisic Y Y EAS■15 lowt NEW FA f T-ACT 1 N O O R Y 42• house with Scarlett a his side. Phil pR IA Lawrence lay in his' bedroom, his dot eeeoenp for a rneld�.a .�ec tablet sets tom,; ,,, 'r E A 3 T N t7 D i N O 'wawa I lkau;irul tan, face haggard and Me 'eyes troubled. usually bring. _ � .,.•+'""' REFRIGEXATtONI ' + 1949 all wool Hank Muldane, big and hard andprompt 1 !alms wW risi- unshaven;''sat on a chain propped !till! r Y gth' your . 1 . Stays fresh and fall-stun in i an for weeks! Hefe's..al • •. - far .tree! wear against the wall, a rifle across his j ;;set ieetentine laity wawa.. _ - :�,pant" !'m da wart and lets knees. aN etwera .,�`'•". - la a smsil amount(usual* s a* ware!,dls. .. and" yew neat. Jim said tersely, "You, Muldane pgNAendy 'a �® Sol"thorou hl poonasagarforfaac6envelo {a ` Raw" a l l y "'r, thoroughly,l teas Well tailored. --lead us to your cabin. I wan to dry yeast Let stand 10 minutes. -. shales - wine, pick up those A#4ches' tr�,ks." A .~I Sprinkle with "Sure, Lieutenant Sure.' 'i he'big oountsY ' savy, and grey. nun got to h ee a IF 11010111 Ilia W Psn'ot the total liquid called for in your red Far misses ar going to see that R -',,err don' Ret recipe.) .�,. iwa in.slsatedl weraen, assns 12 at Lawrence:" J2•Tabb>fTb25 _'Gee a &70"a SU �� to 44, "I'm taking care of garroil. You it-I48-TabW nettle dot 4/!s Meg Orders as. tsstn get out and mount." Jim turned to `•• — - ••,» wawa wawa , � • the wounded tuna. `Lawrence, you're not worth having R girl like >tVirginia for.a wife You knew that � 1'ent - 7ZSYongs St• logo of 81eer as well as 1. But you're going to • _I" wit hreak'n•ith Lnm•a C err ey You're wawa ;,:. ,_::wawa:_ �.,.,;.:.:., s..:: -�- ,. •: - _. ' ,, :. :., wawa.,:'.' ♦f.. wawa :i //� 0 `\ v (�� wawa /' � ' :,�':i:�:..'.::> 'i •� .. wawa...+.....:. \ � . - wa . Rat ^ �' Meat - �J U , A W15� , the � :::��: ::: � • wawa • - � — .__ wawa, <�'�: — wawa • %.'/Ii � .a: `'T'•;`+ x.•''' Deliclouseeemade with MAGIC Mix and sift into bowl, 2 c. once-sifted pastry flour (or I% c. ono.-sifted hard- 8F1 �• , : : wheat Sour),4 tap. Magic Baking Powder, !j W_ ': tap.Batt.Cut to finely 9 the.shortening. ake t a well in centre, pour in % c. milk and min d V �)X. ` lightly with a fork. Roll out dough to a f(' "!+n:r :PIRACY on the Hi Seas we sic aoeib ' thick rectangle, 8>-j' wide.Mix 1 lb. ndeced ; b t, Bold baccaneere of sodas come aboard with leas beef with 1 tap. salt. a tap• pepper, i exiting anti* It tame to breakfasting on wit :est when Gnpe-Note Flakes are in the offm finely-chopped small onion. Spread meet , . Reek end .hip's blsewlt Nowadays And s cod thin 1 mixture over biscuit dough to within 3S• of 7• that deli- g g too, because these hooey d ed beginning at one end,roll up lib a jelly r .ions cereal.Poet'.Grape Nous slake.,Ls.atm :'golden flakes provide nouriAment they need ' to Place in greased loaf pea' (4yt x 8H') wawa.uefnl Bake in moderately hot oven, 375' about , 0��en both ••s ed lend.IL's made from h h quantities of carbohydrates, r hour.Serve with heated chili sauce or.brmt'•. , p osp orous, Iron and othet food essential'. ' true bot Two grabs-semaripened wheat Se "Aho Mr. Grocer I' Grane-Nut's Fla , ftravy. Yield--4 or 6 servings. 7 7r t snld maked barley, plea.elw ' „ • za?' � wawa - wawa �•t� 5 • .� - � .• _.• + '� +•- � r ,• wawa. W- :'. '. •• ./ wawa •� .� .a. ""t,4 r • .•` I - - wawa... t r,l ., � wawa �J t •xw •,�: z1 Fall Fair x ........ ..... Mme In 3 X. i i • ' ' yy / � Ontario ., K.. :_l�•'�. D f`` 3 Br d es for ound Eddie-Jar- A Pretty Picture was made at lbiount orydges by Lorraine .The Maims=Attraction at Mount y g Y _ •n seemed to be the prize cat shown above. '. Seaton holding,some of the prize dahlias. - - - '• - mai r r rA :, :'.v-,.:, „ ,. J 3 ✓ 4, r/ r f r i/ r✓ xt :k •5>, a r r/! F r3S`'/� 1 r� '��' .�fA•.r�",G° / f �...v fJr vri/r �' ."� • >: ... �`j r+' ,w d,W r> rufid�„y fr`/`�6>� r '' f -' ' !/� � Y ✓,v��, � �+% H�fJ�Jr/, fry .//'`Jr r.7R r'..+' . • �`' i{ F 31rian Dugan came all the way from Toronto to see the Madot Fair. -T,:: team drawing contest at Madoc was a great crowd pleaaer. The team shown above mad4 " a striking photo •when they tailed to budge the load + y I - . i• 3 �.w V 3, . ""• 3 3Leu� •.k. .. _•At Madoe young Master Lessard of Bannockburn helped % entertain the crowd. K li � I �� •1 3 The Pictures Shown ;< On This Page . : 1 a Were Taken By The • '� ' Photographer As A Public Service Tobacco Orowers Herb.'Davidson and 'Clay-ton'Brandow 'of Mount -Brydges comment on tho quality of prize winning tobacco leaf. 4 t WV ;i; .:dSJ���t:c>.•;, +. .3 t�c,�,'` ^C ,:`• ,yea:. 2J :• . �„ .L ''^.'•C ?Tet•:. w. .. Y�• The Baby Contest at w Valley was one of the big r •� _ � . _ drawing cards. Shown abo\•c ., '' . s ;-' • . . is Wanda Gordon going through the necessary v�eigl' ;;down Above at Burford are prize winning Hampshire sheep owned by Fred Bell,Canfield, J: H:Wilmot, MiltrnlrC. Loi�,den, ing during the contest. rl Smithville, J. Telfer, Paris and Ralph Young of Caister'Center. .. J. . •-... +P '.¢ Sh. -tip"Y f W nY. ,y�- I X1 .4' xrm ^ _ ,. Claasif ied -dvts 2: cycle one and a - RED "a:nd pale horse heavy-duty electric mot- AUCTION � : Tk . or, in good condition. ApplypplyNews, �}fiicb •!Oct. 28 Lynn Valley Cann'd Rears Zo oz FOR SALE '- Quebec healer with oil.burner and ittachimeate. Phone ����RD��r . 29th . : Pickering 20. Maple Leaf . FOR SA r,F _ Holsteincong, .w, you close,springer, Jahn C. MAore, Lot EXTENSIVE AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD 04so �, Side bacoim 1-2 Ib pk 26, con, 4, Pickering. 4 _ .APART1MFNT to LET - Pickering FOIibiETtJ.Y OWNED BY THE LATE ARTHUR, ALLIlY, , Village, Upstairs, rooms, suitable Maple Leaf for two persons. Some furniture it COWUM OF GREEN AND,C0LB0WNE STREET, W91TBY. "`pa y Ap Apply Mrs. Spriagett at YALUABLB ANTI UW WILL HE INQ,UDEP- IM T%FE 81Y Apartmenta,_Chnrch �t. a ` OR &AI.E _ navy blue baby carr- �qp Flakes pk 29s gam,`ALSO SOME VERY FINE PIEC29$ OF FURNITURE ' Sage in very good condition. News gftice BOX,604. _ OF DIFFERIMIT DESIGNS. FOR SAiLE _ aabletone muskrat -- . 8oneless beef _fie- coat, size 1_ in_good condd- �•• 1TIIL'1G OF"lx£ItEIi tion. Phone Pick, 252J, Rot roast Ib 49C ted. _for sale. field inspec- ted. No. 1 Grade. Free of dlseaft. Site �t 1�s3o . Fhoae Edgar Pollard, i;zbridge R. ! , Cottage Rolls R. 1. Phone 1s,3R.3, !�' i Nov. 11 MRS. E. OKE and JAZES ROSS, Clerks R. C. MU339 j 1%'i7.i.tavr BL&W, AUCTIONEER � Half or whole pd 55t + GENERAL BUILDER ` ,CarPentri. Qn Fresh. pork shoulders Ib 39C I Instil-1Bric1k and Painting Diodes Aitche es and Stan Voate Pur PpOdAtT .:� AZ 0C=#_WM J SILK'S MARKS HSpecial , riaKMsn+ra. orrra.Rlo :� ,f1�M �'�!� u� •� Traitor Work :Frew hams of pork 53c lb - _ . .:°`> ►» �° fi Domestic Short • U �v.TM Ctling 31c (:LENDEjT1NtV Vwd and chafe OuWfts Frees roasting chiekeria ib ::94c i;.PiCKERING .� •MsaL.NCIN i.:ae is to e.>pe- 4+0. : _ !'0'hiZWLAL Dr 2011oR ' : X"m- sew. . '�. $rio ftp Blade or short rib roast 'JEW-ELERY _ _ - # � c ... ,�.� Markham. On 1PRON31PICKERA�i4. !q r .RAOCB ROAD COMML.NaTY 04T411t ~ - held their regularOhd.re os, WeWATCH and CLOCK D V 1�,►,IBINa ]RAD10 SER I nesday in the Township Hall. The - Guaranteed Repais dwrioe brise-winners were: Mrs. W. Gyf►y, - 31!ns .lt, Dixon and C'on.soltion to Ddre. Helen Gray: Gentlemen wina- I e ars"were: Mr. Parkinson, of Tor. i , � ♦ • '� t��i�l + �'r" - Onto, Mr. Waldon Carlton;.and Con- � \ �I +•� � - .'ttbseace of lira. W. on aSID-aswwohh � Y�� �N t� ip-• �' -'' III, Mrs,os Mrs. a Carlton who was Glen Knapp, Prop aNWAWGom"a 111, lira. Harry Dawson took charge Wake or Igo" AMW of the refreshments, assisted by the ,,, 7777 - -- ,.� usual volunteer•. P2103M WT y c• _. .... A Arthur Field _ ,� Ito" Home and School AUTOMATIC r � � ��: rtCSlonM 1! w . The opening meeting of the Brock ~� w•faw � load Home and School :Association movb. T. w es " ow QUAI'�: OUR � - 1 �am •takes place on Friday, October 21, . 1. . ' 'I ',at the p, m.of Daylight sarins Time. .. rank R■ 1Y1i 1 at the school, • 1'aaaoas sow Janet spratt will speak on Col•msa �thatt�� •`' •�[rosic is Our 8uhools Today", and w!*�t'oart.,� 8rket LACker F Plan .*III lewd the children In several n IL _m,usdcal selectioaR ;• Giro DOM radiant beet - » Mr. A. Bunker, Cherrywood, L for waters-np and PHONE`30 showing "mature movies" which are tido best warm - 1 very entertaining as well as eduo- QUALITY MEA 73 iae1 1, and from all reports are pp eaafees he • no ! well worth seeing, : moving part♦-no wicks. They ' Brougham and University Drive err• styled w i b sssooth.+ people wish 1 ' ��. stoperation.tidene•. • Ing to see these pictures are cord_ :.SLUE BRAND BEEF - b ► yslly lavited� } ,At the close of the meeting re- itreehments will •be served. pnnbarton Rade Etestr�s _ S�lo� Roundp steak, This is a special meeting planned tor all the family, so come and lofn A ' you: tjlends, DUNBARTON PHONE PICK. 195 J 2 wig steak or roast , DArrFoRTH gvs , Es LTD. Blad e roast o _DAILY IC rt b roast c E 51 Sho Ri •'- TQF0NTO BilioU(id1f lei CMABXMNT Q . EAST BOUND 'READ DOVWN W=T BOUND READ UP Rump rout .59c P. A P. M. P. IL A. M. A. M. A. I P-'.M, P. M. < F - _ SHOULDER PORK .39c _. pun." Sun _ Bun. :Bnn' A - - - - "� �.�n�. Butt of pork 49c v •+ and and But. 'sad i ►, 1 1 *F.,� sad and Bat. and P Sol. Hol. Onlp Hol. TORONTO . 801. Hol. only Hol. - .46 6.46 9.00 10.00 �..; ... Bay and Edward ................ 8.40 0,86 6,20 8. g g 10.20 4.10 2.25 10.85 , ....•�„Danforth sad Luttrell.,,,,,,,,,,. . . =,10 0,10 4.bb 9.10 � � Picnics ��� 10.80 4.10 3.85 10,85 8carboro Junction „.„....,..... ,00 mo e 1 •6:00 4.4b 9.00 � 10.85 8.86 3.60 10,50 L(aalvera ,,,„„„, .�_.. _'i 10.88 $As . 2.53 10.65 »...........� Brown's Corners .. " � !,42 8.45 4.27 8.42 n i -' 10.40 6.40 2.44 10.61 - r ..,,.•,�.�,,, Town Line ... 1.40-`- w 1.40 8.40 4,25 8.40 Peameal COTTAGE ROLL 55c >t4.54 4.50 s-os, 51.41 z ._...0 o9rr Orova .Markbal._..: ., Y •, t.e4 a.io 4.is 8.30 51.64 1-00 11.Is 1 t.1 s .,,,..«.,,....., 1"ust II:u .. .�...«... .. is' z.i� e.so 4. s e.so ; 11.19 1.05 8 >f 0 11.36 .,�,,..,.....�,� linea liver ..,.•,,,,,.«,,,,. !c�i}, ; 1 t s 8.15 4. 0 8.1 s 21.11 7.10 $ is li p1 «......_.,......_ Brougham ----..-..... � Nla��e Leaf Bologna by piens 33C ,.� . i.0 e,io :.4b a.io >tt.25 9 20 s 36 il.0 ..,. ..-.» Otarasont .......«......... T.eO 0,00 4.45 0.09 •':: -iO.'�. vJ ' !ViN t3�4S MAY I t• Oak � lad Iia tray now. 1 � to LDe, t 0. • •`.. .' - , wY ` .: •�,".�"'_, 'j .. � n� ^fir _ r 777 X. welcome from Torontq,_ the 188th i SAW V000 $'ark. After ell ia;aered at the hal>� " STAR or O enir ' rt P „g C4reaionies, the twAy k • • x Y AI+LPLE ig' M PAB�L1I1i Daces went 4p R Ask$ d wii There %4t ata the lake and back. There SPRUCE HILL DRIVE, fitty children in gll, ytwen 4.r STOP 81 WAIK iirr s p - DUN�ARTO�, visitors and twenty-six et o,il� tibwlt� 16P1 T .y+ - ns. Whey we got back taime-'h , t _ all badstaa torsee the aha nice lunch and thea e _ \ ...,. ALL TYPES CSF' REPAIRS tie girls from Toren tQ..,e4joyed —'i-O ALL MAKES OF SAWS. themselves Very mucltead so dU R, p � g j aur own Brow Owl, Ra ;s•, "..WORK GUARANTEED ,would like to the mothera Sat• • , itf y donated tea$ TbOXG Fri., Oct. �r i�,S4' •,n.I A Double Feature ,hWr&m -" 4 would like t .who so kfadl do ve saws f to M F coo fes at sash ahoat•+notjce,. also w e o say U" :The Far Frontier :: Mrs. ret! Palmer, who so k in OO�ead DUMBARTON HARDWARE. ly too a picture of the Brownieat�, a With Roy 1 as the marched down Highbuah also Trail on the start of the hike, To - �g Rush make lunch for fifty children in- t' �i Bra�bamt, will continue reel` study ental root. `•j �; volved, a• o an thin Y.•'I at the Book of Revelations at the Mrs. el could not have been accomplishedmena, same - home of Mr. Dean y Al adults friends in Bur Falls f _ coupe hot he help of Mrs. �Haufen- • ,• _ 'h i Burks ora l without t Moa•; yea;-yf'red, -Oc�.24. 2� �_ �_ho .a�e_interestedpin_ type of of weeks: _ track of Old'Forest Road, who so Look for the : Bible Study are cordially invited Mrs. Violet Poat ll returned ome kindly came to the hall and got it to these Wednesday evening Bath- after visiting her brother ,gt 'Orlllia, all ready while we were away, and Silver Lining eriaga, Mrs, AYph, Michell, Mrs, G. For to her, the Brownies wish to,'soi! Thursday, evening at8,30 is choir lythe attended the convention held an extra big "thank you." A Technicolor Musical j iehearsal under the capable lead- in Walmer Road Baptist C'burch on . The show last week was excellent Steering; Jam.,Haver, Ray Bolger ership of Mr. Barnes, and we are' Tuesday, a'edneadaY and Thursday ; and we are glad to report that the Pilo pleased to see so anany of the young ot_ last week. I attendance was very much improv SELECTED SHORT SUBJECTS girls coming out to 5ua+lat in the IMr. and Mrs, A. 3haskelton, of ed,...the picture for this week Ia 3 � Thar lay. October 87. ' singing and would welcome some of Toronto, visited 'Mr. and Mrs. Geo, ane that should appeal to all....it >; the merle species to help out Ia the Dixon on Sundry last, "Here Comes the Waves", starring Strawberry Roan tenor and bass sections. How about Iiin�;, oaby and Betty Hutton. ' It boys? Surely you can sing. 3liiber foika, to sem the Blondie's Big Deal Friday evening is Movie Night a- . . ,A : udley - chtldrea along to the Sunday school l gain, sad Mr, Barnes hoe a coatis, --- ion Sunday'Idternoon at 3.00 P. my show"tarts Bal +� Sol tootin' Western special for the K The Woman's Association met at This coming Monday night la-. Dally'17.00 P. m. COR from e•� weal[ when he shows Eddie Dean tits church for their October meet- Bingo Night again, and remreambsss, Every Satardiys and Hol, Ing, Piano for the, Bazaar were that the Jack-Pot was not won In" In. '`Colorado 'Serenade" a technic- A" s echnic- A" s SAW P' �+ --�" ' clor film wULch Promises to till sill made. The Committee would like time, so thio week it will tie ior$241,i the requirements of the Wild and all articles banded is as soon are ---be Imre W Some gong pad ett�ot) Woolly'West. We hear there arenot possible. Mrs. Fred Puckrta toot the Ina, n,afai• adult' atten3lag so tar this charge of the Worship Servide. The Ali teen-agers along with thalt; year, so that is the chance of 's lit, call worship and prayer were Went*are ayked to attend a meet • .,�! tie more support irons tore clidal Mrs. in unison. 'Mrs, J. Puckrin, I.Lag at the hall on Friday night tXA _ ' ,• x' 1 talks' Mrs. Churchyard Lad Mrs. Cox read 21st, at 8.30 o'clock. The purvom' The W. ad, S. held theli*regular verses of Scripture. The second of the meeting is to see if it la: meeting last week at the church che•Pter of "Growing with the years" possible to form a "Teen-Age Club" when Mrs; Srshn took the war. tt�' taken by Mrs. Fred Puckrin, to have social gatherings at the► irGIhire A. Bell, Miss Mary Barlow, hall, but be under parental super- ahlp and topic. Following the meet. Ing they went to the ho of Mrs.Ing C. Puckrtn and Mrs, G. Puck- vision, so that ifs possible we can CHAPMAN Wm Chester to honor_ her on the, rin, The West Group served lunch, avoid some of the noise and disor& - � S & SON. Several from haze attended the � or that prevailed at the hail oa sl, occasion of her birthday, Friday evening the Managers met m8eting3 at Brougham to hear ar i few occasions Bast season, Otis, 1 PhoIIe� 281W - Pickering, oil*. to discuss the problem of a�iatan- boat the plans submitted by Cen- young D�DIe are very fortunate to ca for our Pastor, and decided they tral Mortgage and Housdag people ,have the facilities that they have. would rather consider having as rk and planning a for entry of Ajax Into the town.- and-it has only hoes through Lha ordained' man than a student. This 4 pf their, paarents°and others daring the ON*' ' G We Lre sorry to learn that Mrs. r _ Was Yrit to b® the Heel because the., George been ipicking pples,�he e, had AOwehope they willao=ll�: r Ge y uc these _ •.,. _ _ _ midweek notwh wholelotmorehas the t an attack o m that the appreciate h - '. � • . i a t with t a sufferingions e that w �_ � and Drove to all Y Sunda preaching. With another one fo ' he ton d Y D g Ito lay"off ! : . — _ .what t Association has Mens Overcoats - . . ' RID visitation could be tier ! and .•.»::«...«-. ,,,,,,......„, 48.50 , full time a � much more Sire Wonnacott of Pickering has �� ul r r+ 'i The ladies` club held their first .'TlP__T0p` TAILU .. ...«. $ be L her son y a a •16.40 our church• built up to a higher a ting la aday night and laid a visiting a m- ... [Lee last.Monday PA1iiCA8 -. reversible ,..wed--._.«..»......«. s WINDBREAKERS, brown suede cloth — $11.76 ...«, membersn m a w Mrs, Jean Wounacott has been on ! o HATS ..._.. $2.89 to $4.95 king in the posslbilit;es of suffering �4 are loo to ......................«............... A new Maine and a minister of our the sick list ta ora week to . i y November 28, Mrs at am pA'M -A Large New Assortment Arrlviai ....:.” $$•T6 up. i going to carry of President ow- tram an attack of the.flu, - own. Should this plan ntaterialrze Ing to the fact that :Mrs. Claappela It.will mesa a lot of hard work for Will Saunders, of Oshawa has b rosea[. Mrs. Edith Bassett b Sso� Boys Coats the next year or two, but no doubt purchased the five acres on lot 8 rrtsry-Trans This coming Tuesday "'YJ►Pi.B LiF,iIF" BADGE .,»»..».»......».. - it would be re than worth t. old a Boo- $9 60 n�O I tram has father Lorne Saunders and • is preparing to remodel the old ial et sing and 4t! r,�i t going to POM BRWAMC[rOTH STB, assorted.color$ .... $2.16 When this has been moved from a evening ladies are asked. ,•„ $3,60 to $T 60 house on the Property. We welcome WLI�DSRF+A.KP2i8 BPIiA+LB" desire to •' realltq, then we may gill and his family to our midst. to try rad attend, . ' �• «•..'•«•.«• . see hope Lor imptovements In our The majority of the old members' Ladies New Assort t of Lingerie Sunday School facititles, but in the have renewed their memberships in GrePAWood meaE'M+!(1S BLOT sad WI®'P8 beenatglmeethe erein��yto make imp- the B ue Cross, although many re- l t PANCI198.. ..........._... 186c. to X1.49 _priv- On _ rovementa to the shed it they can . . .: . . .......».»......»..... ............ $9�c, UD. -' ate et ward, overcome e e some of p sed Ralf Sunday,�obe18eX3. ire hw1post- .. bs • 18RBIFB «•• do so to make greater accommodla• OV18ZB18 _ ..:....: 9 tion. This is a great program and the effects of the*rise in rates, so held In the 17nfted Church at 11.0 : I-ercy.Neal who took ever this work' Sunda School we morning se .ice will a. V w e would urge all members and reports. i 1 adherent to gat.behind the Move- RAN" ,,,„.from sirs 1t to 2i 1-2 $5.9,6 Up meat and put it across, There are ' Churchyre who is employed i ed ill sere en los aIId the d m combined in a spec -many folk in our community who at the Grasmere Orchards, visited this 9uadap and the Greenwood` ���.SyUg _, TVRgVO)<9T Toronto'recently. people will be on P. S. T. until the might come into our church with aThe doer. w v be seen little more ur nag so let's s work g In different parts of the township Rev H. and Mrs, Mutton called p' to do our part to make ourselves self-supporting seri to,Levor, the wooded waste I on the ladies at the W. A. meeting 11 pporting wits •a 'full time lauacai-to our north. There is 4o ' on Thursday last. Tliey,W. A. w I minister. of our own., "open season" is this township for pleased to see them, Draper keit Thursday, the 27tH, is the them. Mr.,and ]tars. Kirk Ise' regular meeting of the W. A. and r all ladies of the community are ia- betting nicely,settled.in their ham vited to attend. wits their daughter and her h HARDWARE Wednesday, the ' 26th is Clinic East Wood#ands band. We ase all pleased to ha• DU NBARTON Day again, and we.ho al those ,.them remain is the Greenwood'1 Pe We were glad to see some of the ality• Day again and we hope all those old Laces,out a; the Wednesday-rev- I Mrs, Glen Eastwood held a r OR :r who have been taking advantage ' Ening Euchre bast week. We hope option on Saturday evening for t of this service will be'ori hand' as that you will keep up the good ` friends of her grandfather, Mr, in PLUt7 BUPPLtFB well as any new folk who may not hsYe been on hand before. work, and make it a habit of art_ Brown, it being his 81st birthday► ()DAM OM 811�1TE1$ GENERAL HARDWAR1B The �, A. held their ending every week•.•„..The Scouts � Many friends called to wish him jil'_8t �Gt gad Cubs got cif to a good start happy birthday, and nanny more.. Luck Luncheon a couple of weeks Iasi week'and are they were late in The Evening W.A. are busy p : ago and it was fairly well.attended. opening up• this season they will ticing witU a dram which they ho WE DE ER next month they hope,to have_a observe apple day on Saturday, the to present early 1n December. ° o a o s n £9th We hope all'residents is the were very suocessful with th � look t L i ' tea with some special entertain- ment so to rw rd this special school area will take notice of this . �•DUhB1dB�TOY PICKERL\ti �'al Rt $ feature. play last year, aSd no doubt will d - and give the boys your support;-as I just as well, it means a great deal to them. -F__The--Y.---P:-U�'to tar-Kingston centennial United Church. those 'who'stayed away, missed a R Mrs. Pentland . opened the Girl °atur¢ay to take Dart in the Y. very fine message. Green River Guides last Wednesday and we were U Drama Festival, held. on Batu It was a treat to see a fairly well- Next Sunday morning the service glad to see so many out. bliss New- tiay.evening in• the United Chu tilled church an Sunder morning will be in charge of the W. M. S.. , Visitors last-week-end at '.lir and Han is going to assist her andby at Kingston. Congratulatioua to 0 Mrs. Benson Drapers: Mr, and .11rs, all accounts they can look forward. Y. P. U. This is sponsored by -gar the quarterly Communion Ser- for their Autumn Thankoffering yyd, Davies of Leaside Miss Bessie .' vice, ]far, and firs, Dysart p at. Service. The speaker will be Miss ► to tcma rant pleasant company Lay of Quints Conference, ec; the'` infant son for bapti stnl Agnes Rampersha3, of Trlaid9d. Eolquhoua and friend; )Jr. t;nd at the r.cct!ngs, and they would We welcome Mr. ana Mrs. Clo tour new members were receival 'nho comes to us highly recommend- Mrs. Jeffries, Toronto, welcome any girls that would care •an and $smith t0 cur netgbtat AlLss Margo W11 on returned home ' to cone along and get tato this verb ,'into me®berahip, Tho' older Doga ed from her work at Q. Q. I. T. 'after accompanying Mrs. dile. 6L wortltwbtte or�aatsatiosf. ALD Rt1R.a1� and gir remained upstairs during Csmp this snb►met. Toronto. 60 St. Thomas Seat week, tU Communion to observe what it Wednesday evenhw Its Of G. )t ( Last Saturday was ► Asd•li.ettds "4eupaell Mink FaizUs Pays► meant while the 8tf]i bolls retired Ta, wfil meet a; anuli[ at the caurck hills Hazel Michell. of Torontq day sok„ E. Wbodian fp igrawata Yon $,15,00 ger Your 0141 s spent the west-end ander that per- Qa�k,...tt1e7 were vY�ligi�r0 sp 1m ftm&T 8cliook6 Tt* eveniWeee6 c and the weekly Prayer and Stu4r de Your ]Plsarus. i sw not IIQ ]►M1' t nR ander 43” at-*w* est lasts Q1 • 1% _ _ ' a W, • i a 1 ..Classified Advertising . MART CUIVAS CRRISTMAB GIFTS y NOW L She time to all up your Uens wltt/ Ready to Carefully made pottery pullets. We have pure breeds and ores slater bookends• plaques, figurines and lamp. Dreads to choose lrsm. fleveral ase. Dy Romecraft Service, Uxbridge, Ontario. old chicks for fall delivery. Also booking orders Hlil.i' W T j'Yr✓� ��3 „ y now for chicks and turkeys for '1960. Fre catalogue. Top Notch Chick Salon, Ouelpb.Oat, BECOME Stenographers. ABC Shorthand r makes it po41lble through home study. Fres ADD day old cheeks for Fall delivery. .1 Also booking orders now for 1960 chicks and folder illustrates. Cassan Systems. Toronto. 7yTi a Turkey Faults. Send for pries and catalog". Twaddle Chick lfatcberies Limited, -Fergus, MEDICAL Ontario. ! ATRIAL—Avery sufterer,of Rheuma;Uo Palin `"`" "SIN1BSC OPPORTUNITIBB or' NeuritL should try Dixon's Remedy. " Munro's Drus Store, 134 Algin. Ottawa. Past FIPA used Pool Tables and equipment 2 large paid 91.00. snooker tablas, 8 Boston tabes),racks, o ACZZLMA•—BRONCHITIS?—"8-R's" for segs• with cloths, ball, capes. 30 cues, racks, 4141 _ skittle balls. lgf th abaskets, (largea&had* type),NCOro Falb. ons Aac tioaany stubborn casein. extra "4-R's" f b ub dam- tration. ep ted. Your drussist. or write Reynolds: Zahn- i r seta, cue-repairing equipment- (nut pool Cy. a ; y,r a begird). Larse oak partition.slams panel. Large Ston t Company, 18 Asha Ave.. Teroato. s h'7 '- r; tobacco and cigarette ease. tiding lines door. PERSONAL Drag Store Needs sent conn- 9 Coleman oil burners, etc. If you have a loca- dentially return mall. New m4mvida Roberts y Uoa fn your home time, this L a complete set Drug Stores Ltd., Traascoaa. Mas.. t �' up.•8hlpped to station with agent by freightHAVE _ prepaid within 1.000 muss tqf receipt of oerd. and RhaOumati�C�Pain Remedy? It give good �a sad eHsp".19.100. Picked up hen 81,000. Will a Drus-Store. sea Clgta,- -- a the lot: Safe delivery quarantee4C taws Postpald 81.00. f Geo. R. Conlin, Cardinal, Ont. Phone e00R11. PAP VP—Take C,C. Ic B. Tonto Tablets for - :� AN OFFER to every Inventor—List of mvea- y, tions and Lull information sent !reel TSe low vitality, nervous and general deb111ty, ' r F Rapy/ay Co.. Registered Patent eetoraeys. 179 a0o and 21.00 at drusgfstm. r - - '��'� G y Street. Ottawa. it OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND w0lalmlV Writing..His'Ticket—Thirteen- . UY$ItO AND OLBAxINO BE A HAIRDRESSER ' ear-old Egon M. von Ascllar�-off - - I.00k .Out,_.Ferdinaad—Althou Although-soccer has replaced-the tradi• - _ B"vs :ov anyt•w= h«da drama w class. Spat CANADA-0 LZADlxo SMOOL $_ _ g ep test Write to as far taiarmatsaw we age : Great opportunity-t;..rg ------ —$erlin s ritish sector; works' - tional bull-fight as Spain's national sport, crows still flock °to head to answer Your quesUms. Department Halydreesias iii - - cheer and jeer the fighters at Madrid'rs arena. This picador,. SttreetIL Tormim Ontario' L,mitsd res :atrp ra dignified lr u� t�uai on his second book following his feet and calves well protected by steel and leather, inflicts FOR BAER Austrian's greatest vsam. Otustrated .eta the publication .of his first; >ARTM "Goethe for Pupils of the Third painful wounds on the bull to weaken and madden him. Thea ALUMINUM. ROOFING t! SIDIN ' the matador takes over. Cress-crimped Corrugated and ribbed .2,141. ars WoOsc3OOI lermte Grade in High School" A stn- ' to u n lengths asa lmm. dds►ery cram itwaaa Ong N star let. Emanates dent in Berlin High School, he sides. write for sLnp141 Lad estimates stew • i1 Rid41e street Ottawa. g ! D1Ltrib.torg Limited, Iso Cherry at. Tit•, is literally writing his own way. "Roll years off their shoulder, TRAPS mummie for any fir as tee C nothingl" was the .prompt reply. see aaarea wan wire. smoker . shat LEATHERCRAFT Wales. rifles. ammunition. Write for Catalogue And nowt By correspondence we oaa at you "The way the Dodgers and Yanks "d' hall,- sporting O'Does. Dept B. Toronto Mildred • '. ... tq make your span nide pa. 1t1r11 !ntDining, Of New York. ' are going, all you'd have to do is eleariag sale of musical .Instruments. UM m t write now. Cooper `'�`r" the distinguished private collector // write for fres price list Fred Boddinstaa, dens school. Bos dT, Terminal �Y A LC put uniforms on those oldtimers— 111 church etrgt Toronto ' of harps,reports that practically an 1 and they'd beat either or both of 1 DOORS to ' [ peoples except the Red Indian do- -We had al Ways fir tight that the 'them right this minute!, FLVaBwOOI—ranee—combs" 611koaara ps is I veloped some kipd of a harp. - e e e - ,sires Price list D. YcReana. 7. cage t7 llentneky Derby was the supreme ,Street Toronto. soueff.ge Rstablfsbsd As u Slay stype. le of that IY•am Reoklet of information •n reeassL �an+D gentle American And the gentleman might not I FINE QUALITY Pestnsylvania's director of dented habit of ballyhooing a more or less have been so far astray, at thati BW"W sheeting• suitable !or Pill FUNO Tt NWO health finds that the teeth of school ordinary sports event into some. and masa, other uses• 9 yards i1 7s � JWM_ O. gay-O. b *lyra C.O.D. Lancashire Importing bw: as setntry taksm Frank mahmany. s.1 Children are decaying three times thing which the average fan be- - Daearle. Montreal IS. Ottawa use b filled. The an 1-'14J1 as fast as they �i Moves to be of world-shaking un- - AMERICAN CREAM REPAIRS president d the Illinois Dental So- portance. But Slow, thinking over 'Hungriest Of SEPARATORS tK, r.va�r�. defy says she proper figure lea girt tfSe calibre of baseball (?) recently "akla.master Bench Model. Sao lb. epiq�1F seed to x. wen.. Bos . raruLar. u }xhibited in New York C and All Sharks Iss.se. Write tar prices en standard mackhts, i Ontario. �' ]rand Lad electric models. American Separ, }. ]Brooklyn, we are inclined to think tar sate. aoderleb. out. that the World Series classic (1) g star STICK"nn and senior. . tops even the Kentucky Ti1e ti es shark is one of Mia tathus only. Prue Slat D. Ncgeaas- et is • . �y enc. largest.' hungriest and fiercest tet Tong. street. Toronto. his genus. To verify some of the BAL D SHAVIN69 •= The Yankees, for instance, al- softwood at 10 cents per bale toes m ears thangh they went into the series tales told about him, Dr. E. W. Iltalsburtoa W. o. RATLET A 0OL Batt• -badly handicapped physically, were f Nat, l the American Museum bump• ivATOntario y of Natural History, fished for his a1.1.Iai cst.r.,.lrRs T:aet41 W.r. lana ` generally believed to be a 'smart in Florida waters, measured hies, New T..to condition, Baa a 1rs fsbeeenVit 'ear eeneb t dub—one that knew all the anew- out himand studied his Insides. ruLlp SULDS BARGAIN 1 Even naturalists, wino ought N to r% Lacy bulbesmem in as in a.11y80 arta am t-+ �` ein��nt, htsib eo41m41dsd lea • .eaaaa�. So what do we find theta doingt know better, have stated that Nes v1W n sr ser augere scatted et p• 4 -. .' In the fourth game singles by Php tiger shark reaches a length of M Radw, •/c err 1. Waiter. JUxutto and Tommy Henrich—"the Ms• but no confirming measure- '=put Yanks runners menta were eseeted. Dr. Gn nA"@ req BALs an reliable' tx red 1m177 Low ear teeai mob" to tense ���� w�a ' eg'a largest tiger shank areaanrttd Ons••• oma esan--1s t*ewe u >�a'tieba. .. eo first and_ third: Yogi Berl bib 'man oldn"d-will �' ��t 140 Am • iF"_ trict-led one down to Miskis at 11.3 feet, but there is a record de yea*--N is for s:, third; and Rizntto, tryingto duck one taken at Maroubra, New South, fee. Giant 111w>Yifloo >f►-atone passage. 2. Campanella's tag, stepped Wates, which measured 15:5 feet. sr =d 's' "kn' 'e aBr—r fur trola g upped edf the 0 oda i�tet....v tesrsr+e Rn..man.m. . Cigarefte T-11111111111111 'baseline, somthing which even a The large Yaws and the sav6 rrIW re, spec pleated third-grade schoolboy.would-know ridged teetih of the tiger shark chop verted bark s lightweight to-shot apertine shade him an automatic out prey into large fragments, which' ries': pri0e •ack only te1,00, et minds 410. musks" $1.06. immediate ddsvery. Limited Whereupon Campanella had only are swallowed whole. This shearing .apply. write for pkoto •ad desorytioot, bone refunded N not wtidaatat7• SCOP! SALRb w ,m throw down to second where � and chopping apparatus is as eon- AO.. 11e .en sial Ottawa, Cut. -- - -- iHenrich-"the old ,reliable"—was strutted that the lower jaw tan b• �g—a» a arse. tit your pep w - - - rea_n_ dr ped to let__tht<_ _ 11L>i4 lYALAM�- - and found ^if trapped'off the vertically. At the Same tidne, the brew. II week old to tartme. Pru" mason- _,M% �0� *" _ Ma . ` ,•. :: • . mouth esti be widened. This ex- able. Free Catalogue. Tweddle Chick tch- •rtes Limited. Fergus. Ontario. + plains the tiger shark's astounding So the ultra-smart Yankees, in gastronomic feats. - that one frame had a Cowl of two Other Papers junk-Shop Assortment pyafks and two hits.,yet nary a run. Of course it happened in Brooklyn Dr. Gudger caught his "tissue Pull Boners TOO rwRE YOU and the atmosphere"of Ebbeta " pear a slaughter house hich From Idai,o Fella Post-Register: DISCOURAGE 1Field must do something'to even dumped its offal into coastal waters. "The Rev. Mr. Shipp pointed out ���� � itnart ball-players. Still, if it had 'In stomachs he found an assort- that in 1602, some 102 souls landed ���V $ er distress from -been. Babe Herman, or some of thetrent that might have come out of ,qn the -bleak New England eoast. 'famous dumbells of old, that in- _ a junk 'shop, One- stomach• con- They battled. Indians, sickness, or- • d e Bulged is that sort of base-running, tained the skull'of a horse (without phanages, clubs, church, at army "'If EM�I� -It would 'have gone down in the :the lower jaw, but with some ver- posts, jails, welfare agencies, COMPIAINTS books as still another example of tebrae attached), two hoofswith aboard ships, and wherever Ameri- which makes you NERVOUS modger, dumbness, a =basal foot and middle finger, bones .cans gathered•" MGR-STRUNG on such days? `� attached, several green turtle scutes . . e Are yyou troubled'by distress of r But the whole sorry affair wae (bony plates),. several big opercula fetaale functional monthly ' `From'Dallas Morning News Y disturb- �n x too mueeh�a-letCwn, a ter a the i s from big conches, and a ance0 which hakes you suffer from ° Bridesmaids served the wedding '*&once buildup, to dwell on-at any piles of tile. cake and punch from a table coq- palnweak� ' vow crank rest legs,' at such times.Then do great length. If ,throe wer4 the From--another s omach, Dr. ered .with lace and' decorated with try Lydia E. Pinkhamy Vegetable " Seems that finished fiat in the Am- Godger. took fish bones, grass, '`ate bums." Compound to relieve suchgYmptolas! �� erican and National Leagues, the feathers and bones of m rine bird * * * Pmkham' Compoundhssprovsd r who live It the crtfer oaaririg fragments of old green turtle shell, From Fort Wayne (Ind.) Journal- troubled this way. Why don't you Taken regular second division clubs must be feal old cans, a dozen vertebrae- of a -'Gazette: get smart and try it.yourvelri Compound helps bwld u kh giattona for*unia.meat, .cow, and the bktill of the d'ehorned Advertisement: "D I A P E R S. 'g C°n'p°t'nd " a very age such digt2eee.plt's also cow with the lower jaw lackin liteasoneble' ices prompt service. effective uterine sedative. It has a a great stomachic towel J g• IN , P p grand soothing effect on one of NOTE, Or 3os. say )retie Lydia R. At the same fourth Series saint The flesh of the cow's head, which Profeasionai workmanship. Beauti- iceman's moat amporium organs. Fl.kkan's TABLETS with adds Ono.. already referred to. one observer .'-probably came from the near-by 'Jul patterns and fabrics shown in made the remark that you could slaughter house, had,been digested home. Faux & Engleking Lydia E. Pinkham's VEGETABLE COMPOV1eal It out a pretty fur ball team and the skull had been partially w Draperies." _ - Cm the spectators in the stands. dissolved. Dr. Gudger states that Then two or tures of the boy the digestive juices of a shark's started making"s Hat of•the t ni ach consist largely of a, strong - present. hydrochloric acid. In fact, w+hea - * e f anybody works on a shark's atom- _ . Foto our catching department ach, the hands have to be washed 7 have had either Steve -frequently if the skin is, not to tot-, The Most Popular Investment :n Cant�da-- O'Neill, Michey Cochrane or.Luke away. - Sewell. Your pitcher might have Some Romancers Upheld been Carl. Hubell, Lofty Gomez or 'Over$,000,000 Canadians have purchased Waite Hoyt. At first—Hank Green- As to ferocity, the tiger shark ' ,berg, Bill Terry or Charlie Grimm.. satisfies all the requirements of PO- e " $scent — Rogers Hornsby or !' .maaceTs, hue Dr. Gudger refuse■ to ',Canada ,. Savin.gs Bonds Frankie Frisch Shortstop or. At I havevbeenles eat of living men who b him. One ]trio+. safety, the money-back --Leo Durocher or Pie -Traynor. At Donned .mark ao�iie _ > of the " at any tithe guarantee" third—Red Rolfe or half a dozen up the bony --others almost as good. And as out- his launch, gripped the stein and interest at $4% i Welders, Tris Speaker, Ty Cobb and ,with its jaws and tore the wood. : -C Met Ott. What does the ti es shark do anada Savings Boase em be purchased in denominations-'of g • * * 'with all the indigestible stuff th44 ON, $200, !11(10 or $1,000: -Phone or write our office. started t"Yesindeedcus said the guy who he ewallowa? Hydrochloric sold ,. would dissolve'the iionof'cans and _ ' soon. Roll a few horseshoes. But Dr. Gudger Is at a f could poyears uf hasteamohomathatdQutflt you .lose .to explain' *4! hocifs, turtle so$till/.Sm"t`Wlatl - • r. routes and horn .-Wood GU' nd & Com y jaws, horse and I �aM101NC Y ! y pan era or �:ankees somethin to Dqd- "'"vow•alatlls and birds' feathers which that d give art er t gess tybf=" OffC: BLgtift 48,01 —T.II[titCd 4 ;ry ahouL are insoluble in�}iydrochloric acid. I _ �• A ihatiC ought toidie of indigestion, et nen, dea d shirk has ever been - - . ' .ISSUt"43 -2-- 140 . ootid with°lin overloaded stomach. ''. I 00 ( ♦5'4eliteo the duck-hunting season. However, �[rs, Beasley b"been on its dot ,Dimn they report there were so many list during the pkat week, + i ifll Tom now -i! . �. i , ' hunters banging %way the ducks Mrs. Ina Wood lett M1►ltoa fir-; BjIj��N .T�,C$BON --�serir- The local Boy Scout Troop did didn't even have a chance to land, porton Saturdar morning for lees r:"' ., yery we11 last ,week in ghsir�Llzat Mr. and Mrs. Donald LY$de went 'home is Duabartoa, Scotland. t! >�os ��>lilbsi ` • • attest at an Apple Day. Za the to Niagara Fs11e on Su7iday and spend several months. tame 1•it >K, morning, they sold apples in Dun. were among those held up at the 8.00 s• m. aad should have bees►f swim w v � PtIGfOGRAhUGR bs ton, and Chea went to Pickering Burlington Bridge e10ii cue there by 5.00 a M. oa Sunday. 1>l:f. 10 it r. � hours in the air. � i in the afternoon. The net proceeds traffic. poo/ Sam Sir wa/eaft "wow tea, '148 WWX q1' 0080 came to over $50.00 Dr. and Mrs. Pearson *peat Sun- pi?, and Mrs.Chas. Risk azL#4& WHITBY, QNT. A number o1 local 'hunters were day with their son John AuA fes- and Mm. Lloyd Courtice spelt Aa-; Pte' 4i' flirio Nbe t OWW down to the marsh at the Bay on ily, at Oakville. day with Helga and her huslbnd s>i, • Y X�; Siaturday morning to officially open You'll' enjoy the coming program Hopeville, assn' Dundalk. by iRev. F. Fivanisett 4a the church Be slue to follow the a•dvertisa- on November 4t4, - op, get your went of the Duabarton merchants A"T tickets early. ;O a t�t �.•*; in every issue of this paper. Buy.at. • {y� e a u • _.liar ���� Mise Bev Lynda and friends harm home and hely--Yo r com�munity r Pide' ring Gue19h, spent the week-end >sith `�� 1her people here. I Wlutevale ERA Notice tQ 'YOU Bunchy visitors is the vale as ` G—N _ Lollowa; Mn eland Mrs. Troyer wipk1 k AW QASPIBNZ'ERIlk A and Mrs. Fleming; Mrs. B•, IOAIIY ltRYIGt TO ff., J CANasMatstlotia.ASOriU 'D f _' Johaaon with son Wilbur aa3 tam.. '�TQ i�,�'� - >� -S V i PLAis•� 0 CMAtTtltO OYttl � C�T�G fly. Mr. and Mrs Herold Brumaes - r �VAS« �D� and three young daughters, Har _— --- _-- —_, and Mrs. Marler and son Bobbie,411, , w 0lOAllfaR - Itf oi-Toronto;with N. Randall. •. $Aj�$DOI� a N �AfTIR#I H.O_V4j ssna. Dore WaRaa Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lindsay,, So ^ �` „ fie, ) �� have returned tro,m, a 3elightitii1 agr<ipstsal, Md holiday at their cottage up north. -- • �S INrtselals Mrs. Price entertained her *inlays . TRACTOR �� y on Wednesday last. - `� Mr, and Mrs. Paton and two child 4901 �VATING. �'� F• J• �PROUSE rea visited with Mrs N. Randall ou CiB,ADIIlitil �� Saturday. IRVIM W=111 _ • Mr, and Mrs• Barr, of Toronto �. • *tw rs >NO. ' ��-�' ° Maple Led Flre enioyed a day's visit with Mr. and; fell :O• V=ERINAItY SUPPLM Pbac ring Village - ftoee !8/i �Irs: Brownridge. , 1Y/�sI1 ODM BABY N7 �nsurance '�o• Mrs Roy, of Oalawa�spent Wed- j Ity • •r♦ S �� s•t•rl•It nesday in the vale with old friends STORE 80QR8 Write or Phoas and took in the Autumn Thankoff.. THATwo"at .:See `US AIMp BBteE iBor�Farm and Conntq ering Service_-ot the Romeu** Miss, ssrywartiri0. IP.00 A. N. to9�04j P. It. WhAstorm Insurancece on Bnfldia� lanary Society., —•" r"r�� . P SCRIPTI�N � •_ For Windmills. saw eta � On Sunday eveaing next, evening �+ 1.00 u IL. lip•Y, Automobile Insurance of M Blob ► service at the United Church will REAL ,VALUES be atthdramn for the Anniversary Bowman Gibson I 'servlcess at Cherrywood._ Y *n' The auditorium of the United I�! R* Bo ■ E / PO 8� _ j Church was resplendent with multi- aOVORT AND BOLD HARDWARE` co►�ured chrysanthemums, :inaniarY, OlotMas — ataslcarr *leaned dahlias and besutifut gladioli to _- 'phew_ Storehigh-elan:fi�O.�R,, . the 87th Anniversary of this mart telt BOOM. Also a good stack of now present-church. The home choir andl ,W �LVIN BUSHBY b.fter seats AM •ter skes% W the matzed quartet rendered dellsh, fzesi�lia, at va'y ,arias tul music, also Mr. E. Brice, as a) 1 liar !W r, o !lwss: dear; X00 !lDi.7<. Y *N Kim Oall and be eo&TlaosL soloist,. was =,inch •aioyed,'Rev. .W. lAI/. Rackham a former minifter was the speaker at both morning and evening services. In the sveub% .� tor. Rev. John:MoLAc4le y, the as NTARIO + ' . dedicated t e flags - ! t JackSN TRAiIVI F� and the Christian flag, donated • • • the Woman's Association, The homes - choir and the mixed Quartet fro®, Zion, on 'Piled the .-music. visitors were present from Toronto, Cherry-- Y. wood, Locust H411 and Markham- .. On Wednesday last the Women's E Missionary Socie , held their aaa- Mr's. G. Van larkom,and Mr's. J. -�-r-l�- t►�autpmn thaakotfering service. Tweedie had charge ot. the, devot- . tonal period, Mrs, Rewr, of Cedaa Grave and sirs. Slingay of Mark- h•.m each rendered dtightfni colas. • i lire, Hallmsa; bf Jtarkham was Icuset speaker. She related shifts-a bit of her afafer Mins, -loxander's - „ wol'k up'north in missionary wolf g is ouf-of-t,he.wm.Y playas. At the end of•$he,meeting, Abe Whiter,ale lad- ' fes served s dellcigus lunch. w ,. �Loyol rogue Pick Farm, •Hou ys�ehold and pro..p Pro iii +w.rwr �io4VAQ s Whitby.R.*R. ice• Phone Wh• 814 a HOtiS&HOLD FURNITURE - 4 Property of r. �. SENT ARTHUAla March ;8tr. _ Pickering, Ontaslo, w M,<:• ; -SATURDAY, OCTOBER A8, 1050 ' . - site, wi ;.. = w droonl u fly Learnt Business Practice . . .. ... . i .... •�r� I mattress and springs.. T aim ng Neal new bed, mattress, springs. ' �7 r :,, •. .., 3-P1ece Chester+fielid suite.' , f _f..........................................� 8-Piece oak dining-room suit4;' f TN Ontario the wheels of industry fain for the benefit of every single Coffee table. 8 Kitchen tables. �. - A one of os.Our lathes,dynamos,drill presses,farm combines,tractors, �� _our Way of,Ute nowsrds ----= Yktroht and records, - business machines,.etc. are producing goods and services which earn TrMsed Mande F d New Easy washing machine. t dollars. These dollars provi a food, clothing, medical care and other + necessities which contribute to our security and high standard,of living. -' Ontario workers know they can earn. Wood and coal cook stove. u " have executive responeibilit� 2-Burner'else. -stove with oven. Every single one of us,therefore,has a very personal interest in the Bow more, i of a steady supply of trained workers to industrial plants.These workers and enjoy a higher standard of living 2-Burner hot plate. will operate machines which are important to our way of lifg. 2 in direct ratio to the skills they se- -4 2 Electric irons (j Y \• quire and the way they=lTfake-tile Rug, 6 by ii, Small rugs, s .We should appreciate, then, the co-operative efforts of vernment, m, That's always d table. i Floor lamps. _..... �o G ar p industry and labour to the field,of em dee training. In schools and in true in a free economy i y ,ywm cleaner, -Gawp cot. ,. fa workers,young and old,are given theoppertun to develop -that's w our oast- i ►= pecifia skills in every field of business and,industrial aetiVity. TN i'7 = Some •odes. g Di curtains, r g cry petitive system unit ` Some bed . aisiwl, all tclar. tanoe,,every 'effort.on the part of office workers'to beco�►e pro-, continue t o make �y �i owe ,qac t4eM, ' c>:t ,in typing, filing. shorthand and•secretarial,work. will mesa` oREilfl Canada 6ebae and a : Near'cord. dry budwood. greater listainesa efficiency--will help to melee Ontario a fins place it M ��t _in which which to live and wont. �, either artleles too nvaseoos to stiff.' ' r r �t; B 'OPi�TG -IMU �R'RY (ONr �• s...oe. e1wlt .. ... - .�ae._ T f �Wr'. mea^' _'maw^+VT�Y •'S".� +'Y�':�Y " SR41:. r• YI . . � _ . -- - BROCK _ Methox chlor : r �_.. st�Pl —'!']TE NEW C. I, L. I.1'SECTIliE FOR'SPRATING � ce L A.E. Richardson JHEATR B_4R.YS A.YD CATTLE TO DESTROY FLIES. USE Iutmedlate ry Zdade _ II'11 PLACE OF D. D, T�IN YOUR BARIrSI, Of The Followins Item@ p g t Asphalt Shingles 4'4_ I RElI. IaISURgHt� REAL Roll Bric Cr><Nli �7CTHSZ'8v I+f3.YER9�I, Ell-PPLEMF7YT Bou Roofing In e»!Grades aoxvs�aa�I 0 IF AIR-CONDITIONS ,, SOLIIN Compound Mineral ISupp1$nent To Be IIs Asphalt hoof da Old-establlshcd •ss• Added To The -Feed Rations Of Horses, Cows and Alomlanns Ooatms ,���n7,RMS ,TTFRSDAY� FRI. SATURDAY Sip• Provides Valuable Groff And ,Health-Prod• - � 'Bead - and October 20, 21 and 28. Lang Isewno' . . ' ' . '1 they FilUdge ne Linins Valley Phone Plciorfas ap Dhows At 7.00 and 8.00 P. lif, PIG-WN Speew mndul j%ftlement For 1 W, (AAI lilia.e Brick Fs,oe Bid: - Fptugoy D4ttnee At 1.80 P. M, Asci and Bacon Hogrs, Promote@ )Fiapikt GrOVrQ Ooatreie Block@ Ia@nlstiD:q T•� _ tteaing. s • � rL„ i, Bats and.L""Cedar D :B :a M- ] :R Africa ScreA�s LAREMONT CO-OPERATIV ;� Pasta and pal" - ••�•�• - Iasassaoe or An kliWhl BUD ABBOTT and LOU CIOSTELLOA W. MITC 1 LoI a Alvlr.� PIi'Ohf,E SSW , f � OLAR,�OOIT, ONT. ' ' 20tb Aaai.iTerg�rr,d�► sutiae,t 1. I' ONffi T4 and 11 - addr@w �. phone Brautbam. Ont MtOhFDAY, TUES., WEDNF>BDAY "OUR T'RUCIM PAZ$ Yi3 WAY" Pick. 241W2 October 2d, ea and sail. - ..-CL*A RENONX • LastComte dhowpleAt'8.20 P. M. . STAFFORQ BROS. KEN AND CLARKS ' - he Lucky Stiff' _ Wb, Monumental Worm P %V=�i� MY. and 1►"G^s-_Bro�va -o: Landon;- - DO6i3OTHT_L&mGuR.-DRL&N- waa visiting at i 1'hoae-�Whitb� I AUCTIONEERS and-eo-and-eo a wife DOltil l+M and CLAIRE TREVOR agent the weekend with Mr. and the nefgh,bos''s,-who put her on thea"Dandies� and Authorises toy Me Mia, Sana Chambers. ,line, and the Joke was a41 oil him. - .Whitby Coaal3e@ of Oatatie and York. Phw An Added Attraction rA nttinber from here attended the Anyway A was good fun, Farm Stocky Impkea�a Ed, Norton sale oa Saturday, at hold Xvr ftuM Real EE } The Calendar which there WAS a good crowd with ) Plano Lessons McEACHNIE'S Sala "ZibecialtY at Rew"W* prices, fair. _ Will take pupils from seven years Rates. Deal 9esvia for fid JO=N MtcOALLUM, SONILA HOLM Several of the,local bowlers att- up. Would also take anarried ladies DRl1L� Pike of One. ended a tournoment at fitolldville who feel they would like to learn ldflki>c6a P. 0, k�� Aals� b37� c+F Thursday of Asst week, to Flay. Sloom "Never too old to tl s' PTNERAL D7RNMISMarmem p 0. phone l� � TtHMISDAY, 'PRI., SATURDAY About twenty-live persons attend_. learn," Rates - Reasona+ble, Mrs, C. ovate � �� _ 1�tloe@ have bees ea>asikitkltkk Octobetr 27, 28 and 20, ed-the meeting in the school on Devitt, Brougham. phase 242J4, b aura a�9e�at#e!r since 11!1#0. Friday evening, when Mears For- �, � Down To The olio, Doherty and Dowling report- Kr- and Mrs, Rlcbhuoad, also Mr. Wee. k CUBICCMIX:prop,''a ed, their findings at a mieeting of and'MTr, Ales. Jones, spent Sunday Sea In Shags the Council last week, regarding- with Mr. aad'Mrs. &. -R&gamy and Phone Pi•ck. 193 8arl"Mr. so1ldlelr, Rotary PWWW ,$AOMM BAAIRYMORE and the new High School aereage and ,Kea 1 she - suture o1 AAx. Miss Mildred 0111inan was uaftei ( • C• C. RICHARDSON [DiDArN 13TOCKWIOIA, Mr, and Mrs. mAnes In marriage to ffir. dlsirry Spans, of on He aings onto I 101 3awr SZATIDII�pfaF .sn"d family spent the week-end with Stoufrville; OR Saturday, October Dema: Tae'oato .124,0!!• , - friends at Woodbridge 16. They will reside near Stoutf- 'r t=) Mr. and 31n. Walsh and two child- 'ilioWM. 1�A I* ' ren have moved into the building The W. X. £r Timakoffering meet- hat_ formerly bossed the creamery, lug was well attended On Sundny AII� �aO �r�trOY� now made lata a hcmle, They are evening: Min Bonwick, Literature fro= Toronto. 4Sscretatry of the .United Church of cr" } TALUAWS HOUSEor BARN t3e'era7 "amart�" 'ppys rang the Canada gave a fine address out- -- kre..e ver wit. $#ham► menum" 71orIM I lire alvann at an early hour on Sun- lining tibe.'growth and success of i AIQ>3 tlB A,hta �7 morning, engin( several to the United Church is the part 26 814 �� �- �, Wl�tb! OST. AUSTIN, PP.QP. } a leave their homes and run out to g It 1. � �kst YIUA SAM R,Ep� I Year* And mentioned that on June 2 ]fie@ We" Wh y Oat. nee wffst the trouble�.wae. It was a 10th 1960, it will celebrate its bfr- a� Used 1®et1 Water. false alarm. This sort of prank is thing. She also touched on the work a No. 9 �iy Jiang, not taken 2lahtly, of our Mission Plaid , pointing out ftone ' Whitb7 409 e, G. BARNIsg air. and Mks. lad. Lewis spent bow, tn'some countries Communism SuAdAs 'with relatives in Oahawa. is making it very difficult, for.miss- ' Pho>6e: Brooklin 72 R 9 Mr, and Mrs. Sam Taylor spent ion wort to be carried oa. iMta, � �l'9d[lpTRIST � (No. 12 Highway, 8 miles North y in Toronto, O.ap to 1100 kms l.00 608100 ;__.. R'edmesda Jackson aa" two tine *Ojos, ecc- af Whitby) Members of the Woman's Assoc- ompanied by Xc.s C Barclay.: ]f w aftal m_ • Wad., F's:, 7 to 0 fatfon sad the Women's Missionary Miss Betty Hooey spent the week. -DI@XXT l'ffi•DG.. Opp. P- 06 - J. A. WILLOU ,HNIEVES 6Y � 60cfety of the United Church -met end with Miss Ruth G113maa, OSt3AiWA, O]!I'PAR;O AMC iOWs DOORS last week in the Sna3yy School is Mims Frances Bonnwfck was a =eta ---- -. — _._. honor of three members who are Pho a - Ile@• Siwe. Office lass Crnadr'@ LW& i guest of bar friend Mrslaot Lloyd T. (Three.Day Service Arynaged) �I%OAgency.�� - CQMBINATION, -INSIDE yND laaviag Claremont: 3l`rs, T. Sana- -JohnaWn on Raade4y last, poo - OUTSIDE DOOR& bury, Mrs. P. aAyst and ,lira B. _Keep ln__mtad our —.._. -��._� f r - -pp - Gook.. The1►ro� ersary, on jSunday, October a0 at d� 5 CLEAR LUh iN= rani eonafstbd Of a Bona *erv'ics, 2.80, and 7.80 p, Qt, Whltevaj�Ua_ ors & Atka Per That'$ode in 2%e al► i Alco - followed by Chairaesa'1 remirrrks, lied Church.choir, with Mr. Bruce Plasms Stoats. kalzst�n7 ,� 10101*. I 'VTLA is 901 W f;. VA COAD PLYWOOD" The three ladies wire. thea called as leader, will be present to render • to the front, and as wdddeas of %p- special music. 1Dosae choir in sire N• M• Gordon predation reed. The latdie@ were eves, get, Mr.. Jackie will be each presented with a baantifuI welcomed as our speaker for both r AuCtzanees's ( ��©�F• �$gpg l L 1�S1aBR T �d-bag and an autographed a1. 3 wrvfceo. lIaxXRDKi. OIIT,LIOO bum. Suitable responses were made The ladies of Brougham •9i town l kperkx a y_i C,L V' . Pbum )k ugsbtm Women's atter which a social halt.boar wee, idstftute, woo took the "stip-cover enjoyed dais@ eoadse@ed auyirbwo I t r nigh"� 1� course" as.Claremont, are high in _ !n Fm 11'assi.. 2[r. D,, Oatherwood, Priaclpel of their prgfsp of *e,h1}WJty:.of- VL 6a1@@OP�y ' POs pWi� C►aremont Public School pt'eslder the Chruanat lselles apps wine'to pwaes.alfy Listed aN ' f' over the Tetebers' Aaaual Meet t3iaak thgat etato•>,rl� AdumUsed, ln' 04 sed $ : lJ�1• kRtT11 >� i i MINIMUM t7sasPsq' at Bowmaav111e reeenty, 03e is Csrfrtys 1@ ooeaiag, but 13alk�e- ,,.,- :" ' ►+ �, '.ear, President.of the Ontaxw Coua. ea sines• ; '" ► ,rt�� �a1 ��Ah>Iba[aasttl tisk aud'lets dont for- .-s. ty Towber@' Msocfatioa. • 1. C@ai111sa1,� � set this fine party Dat on tete tompt Jervice asrstalatiooa to mr, and urs. THORMY Bible Clow on 'Fridy, !I@d raw Data .a" r1� � Murkar, (ase Myrtle Bacon) oeu*w 2f, at the bail. Titso ft for Reasonable ' �QQ QW. 1� Sanaeob, on t6a Ibirth of a daue'h- the eca,aatslt7_. ►11 not came and Ra ter Wendy' Mwie, on BaaOct- 11"elf"?, prises for COs- _ . roar li, at the etratforp 43o@pttal. Dates, 2d QL al W" WkNW Sheet MetalWorksWa would remind our church , �. +l0ortie sad South" members and adherents of the In. "`��' ~ - �R'e have been told se'eral timer duction sad Reception of our ser.. during the past week, and there is Pastor, at Claremont, on P�idaj e'- i4 • : ) nacres*nag talk of those in, Lbs tSing. "Your-Friendly Resident Agent' north end of the township wanting Mr, and Mrs. Waaler (sates - JasMa• the township divided. This ossa Saline and ; ,;. r Dorothy ]li�I11�OP' • ,_,,,_• , ; _ shy and Mr, and tMas.-Iiowar3 >Q(81�A�7C Ap1s1'(T _ up every now and again. One acts Pla:ton' attend I"Its FMZ CASUALTY. Bcir2 W AVT KODMU i The Ontario Ladies' College, -at ed a birthday party LL18IIjTY IN8[TRANCE I@te. Whitby, Out., was the setting for ive Claremont business-mea hoes'. for the.r uncle John 13tpwn, at the SIIY er, is not so hasty. He thiels@ the? home o h FROK AND t the wedding of Joan F.nzaline Jones, f'We grairdaug3ter, Mie, 0, LIST YOUR PRpP]bRT7fIf..S FOR SALE WITH may regret such a move if it comes 1lastwood; at'Greenwood, N�aay, ol3 CyPIL E• MORLE daughter of 'Mr,.and Mrs. J. J, to pass ,feeling that the .eoutlh end friends were present This was his Y )Jones, to Trenton, and:Wilmot Sid- Garay some day !be of great benefit 91st birthday. Congratulations to nay Gates, son of 11Ir, Leonard Gat- to the north, It could be, "that one es and the lute Mrs. Wilma Gates, needs the other as maedi that you-Mr. Brown: of Cherrywood The Rev, S. L. Os- y _ in "the' past. (Our re borne, B. A, B. D„ cc>;imendatioa Mus. Doc, Prin- nould be to go carefully ENt;AGE -NT5 Y, in such 'ane COMRIE cipal of the College, officiated, The U�B ER a lot t `chidden Sada" in such a bride wore a navy wool gabardine ffir, and Mrs. Leca'xrd Bath, of a Co* :,suit with hat to match, and pink •move. We readily understand the Orangeville, Ontario, wish to an- and navy accessories. Her corsage temptation to want a severance is nounce " the engagement of their ' View o1 recent 3�evelopaients, but- i Phones: Scarboro 38$8 or Howard 1117 t `` was of pink roses. The bride's only daughter Betty, to Orvfll.► ziurd, • attendant was Mies Phyllis" Gates, study it careflliy before jumping. son of Mr. and Mrs, Hurd, of Oman- EdS�r'bor o .IU11Ctlbn ' paster of the groom. She wore an ') - ! �geville The marriage'will take place i )Wternoon dress of aevy silk crepe on Saturday, October 29, 1948, at - with matching hat and nary aec• 4.00 o'clock, in 7tiveed®muir Pres• FOR nm�uTX _ I � 1 u � r ttiasories, Her corsage waa of red $ROV Ga AMM byterian ChnrOh, Orangeville. LV ioagQ or Dressed. +Zy,, dN&Md Dpi roses, The groomsman,was illi, Wm. WISRDOW r"To b0 me sane, qM► grew 1 �Xorrfsh, of Cherry*ood. Atter a j, certain neighbor celled cis G'sM of Thanlbt w'a�, pmt tad,printed. sassily supper at the bone of the - i t Wei aid told theuq all to out A i !� aw;, RA*j �* - - Doww"a @k py"A aremyttnnp. $ t i groan's ffather, the ]appy couple I wish . to express my 4 sincere , Qedar, t',.0ett on a motor-trip tidraagh the their verandah lights out, and theh >Ntrelt, *"or. and 101oi.,WeeL' •I'll.tau. YOU_why'in the morning-_ thanks to my many friends, rein- vow" i*r� - - l+ .„Western and' Northern 4ataeio; Oa y�-p•..•• and Cedar wlfb Naas, Imemwie ��;�thefr return they will ygWi 1'n However. we obHged, and after a ties@ and neighbors for the lovely Wt� 1 , etrrywoo¢. row minutes thought,decided it was rowers; amany card@ and CNts, I re. ► Mme' pubbaffix Pain" - s `` - ,• .. A Joke. So, be called another nei- totted grin ' T"""�"'�'� '�• i ` . t ass *eosst illaetse,'' ., + .Fhhor and Said, 14•1a playing s Joke t. '!!My Oa tq�d•tlo, std oil's 1Nl hid"�