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• - VOL. 85 NO, 18 -- PICS3F]RI-\G, ONT3RI0, Fl�IliAY, 6EPTE.�fI3Eli 2, 1930 4 Cents per cosy Authorized as Second Claus Mattes -- subscription Rate: WOO per year; V. S. $2,60 W. C. adURI�AR and SO�t, PL BLISHER3 1 i rl l B e IERING NEWc..,� T-H- E P-I G K- Crowded -Cn -Opening chools i rim � Lp Tu esda71 �a W� RJE-OP38� Y Funeral Services Today For ATTENTION, ES'3�Y0.'1TEl �7�a ' Pickering.'Village Late JiXton Wood _ Wath Ms UwsXs; We expect the youngsters feel the !— ,Anyone wishing to attend the I same way about it, but that two Funeral services will be held to- Farm Improvement_and Soil Con- Pi Unified (Murch The many !`rienra of:Mrs. Fadga� - noaths seems to have been lust a. day for the late,Hilton Wood, well- servation Day at,•Reber -Do'n's Rev. Arthur Young, Minister Bath are sorry to her of her Fe9- known reaid'eat of Dumbarton, who farm near Brooklin, on September ! Sundb7, September 4,, 11148 lent illness, and hope fora speea� host the ltorest in our memotY• In was instantly ,killed is a railway- 8, may go by bus, The Women's 10.00 a. M. - Sunday School - ..recovery. i - }tct they're getting shorter each Bobby Greener had the af[atortr yup (and you young folk will find crossing accident at the Fairport Institute here will hire a bus if en- 11.00 a at, - Morning Service y that out too)r Beach C. N. R, crossing on Tues- ough wish to go. It will coat App- No E`'►ening Service line to break him ankle recently, The villagetoo) public school opens dad eveaing: roximately 50 ' cents, return trip, when he fell out of as apple tree, with one new room in addition to Milton had, shortly before the The bus would leave Pickering at Audley Pervice, at 8.45 A. alt. Mr'• and firs, D. Johnston and equ.. Miss C, Johaeiton, of Toronto, ell f the three of the past, to aecommo- fatal accident, completed some ins- 11.30 a, m. sand leave there at 5.00 spy Svc e� d dads the many new-comers, and the urance business with Fred Shields, V. m., arriving he:a at about 5.30. Women'B Missio i Mrs. Frederick Cousins, of Georgia, High•drool is using the Town Hall of Dunbarton, who, Police believed, It you are Interested,�please con. _The regular meeting of the W. M. spent a day last Beek with, Miy. to boAdle the many more Sigh was also in the car. The west- 'tact Mrs, C. Barkey at 47W4, or S. will be held at Llys home of Mrs. Jessie Day sad the Hush,by family, School pupils o! the- now !n bound mail train carried the -car bins Bie, at 286J by 6.00 p. -m.. Frank' Baker, oa $rpt- Sth, at 2.80 I Alvin and Mrs. Bushby and John operation, some 620 yards down the track. thi$Saturday, Sept, S. p. M. have returned home after holiday. It is quietly_ rtrmouTed that the Hilton was found in the ditch near The Study Book will be taken by ins !n the Berried family district. ;fico School Board expect to hal the crossing, . $t. Paul's-on-the-Hill, Dumbarton Mrs G A. Chapman, I turned L. Smefalth and family eekbAffre- turned home from atwo-week vac- the new High School opened two Born in Dumbarton, he was a very Pickering Presbyterian Church I atioa at their cottage At Lake Ah- yeare from this month. popular and well-liked young man. The next monthly meeting of the Bev. David''Marth ill' aglalster mile. He attended school et Dunbarton W. A. of St, Paul's Church° will be mar services will be with• Mlases Ruby White and Mary and Pickering and attended Dunbar- held on Member 13, at 2.30 p. drawn during the month ot Avg- Riley returned on Sunday after a XBpmay J. Wheeler, Brock Read ton United Church. The death of the m., at the Hall. Mrs Bellhouse, the � u� two-week racattoa sot �tiraga, ' _Apdas Captains Tuna Rating 32-year-old man comes as a great hostess, and Rev. Haary Newman, Ooatept Off Novs, Beau& shock to the people of Dumbarton, recently returned from India, will Watch T aamolaacemea0 of our M. w Cllax aul Mrs.0out a couple a! ------ and Plaering too. be the guest speaker. .: Opening °°sofa' flays with MS, sad Mn..Freak Bak= The little flown$ valise of Wed- He is survived by big wife (the Sept. 9, er !a ,tibnrton, last week. W =Sport on. the south-western tip Of fomaer Iso Balne); two sisters: Calvary Tesaple Pentecostal Oongntulation�s to MT. and Mrs. . Nbvs ftat:ia is busily preparing for Winnie, of Dumbarton, and Helen Soliztess 6eevicq. 'ter Jeff, on the arrival t a dough. this influx of world-famous tuns (�, Gordon Jack, of AJAx); six Heeaglham Bou Team Make Good 4.46 11, M. - Sunday School ter, on Friday last, at the Oehaw6 anglem who wMl battle it out for brothers: Austin. of Bdwmaaville, Showing at C. N. E. 11.00 L M. - Mtrradni Worahlp Hospital. global tuna Unsling supremacy on Walter, of Pickering, and Norman. .7.00 V. n. wassellatfio Dr. sad Mrs, ,Falgaise returned 00 water? of Soldier's-Alp, Sept. Isaac, Roy and Clifford, of Dunbar- Brougham 'ball team, on4ered !n 1Pedaeadar . 8.010 P. lit. � week from a holiday in Hall- 1! to 17� in the 6th Iateriaiional ton, the Caaadia series oh:sottball at Frites mooting Darton Ray and Mrs Dob'a and Tuna Cup Match. Service will be held today At '4,30 the -'Ex.'' made a `-.sood showing H1i0ap fe*xic4 y are also spending AcQ 'O the last Cy Argentina, Brazil Ualted ! ys of their vacation at 1E-- ba, V. m, from the. McF•achale Funeral last Saturday when they were de. x•00 s r - Yon c People States and BTiti h (7°mm,onwsalth Home, Rev, J. K. Braham. assisted feated by only one run when play- Pastor W. BL McEvoy M!1 larks, inice ur ap rod and line experts will arrive here Miss .Bernice Chapman, who has b7 Rep, A. E. Holley will Officiate. int with Ostbawa "Intermediate A." Lod spent the pest fourteen mourns is - within the next few weeks. their Interment sit Erskia- emetm. Oshawa then' lost' by one,run to a � - jpev. J. 7C. Bs•:ham, >>Liaister Enslaad as sa --exchange', teacher•, iasis thought, to take 'home the Toronto train, Each time a team g�� returned home last week. She has yrized Sham Trophy, a huge silver •� lases they a:a out of the series. bowl emblematic of. world tuna h'ORRECTIO-'f There were sixteen teams in the 10,50 a, n. -.Bundhi 8d1o01 ... had a wonderful year, ntr ell.ng cham,pioaship. ROTARY STIU@ET FAIRr- SEP. 21, series at the start. However, Brou.- I l7.lb a. m. • Worship also into many of the countries on The British have gone all out in sham was told they would start ?.80 V. m• ' Pleasant 9nn. Eve aias the Continent. She should_ have a a ria effort to wrest the cup Som the In our last issue we announced off against a "C" team of their Wed. - 7.80 P. su. • Prayer Seevloe very lateTeeting story to tele• Wed. . 7.80 p. m. - Ptrayea�Bsevlos Our congratu.atlona to Mine Dor- United States.- 18.48 winners, and the Pickering Rotary Street Fair own caasa, but all they other "C" Thursday . honing c4olh' posts" � een Walton and Mr, Fred Wh te, skilled anglers tram far-flung cor- as being held on the 14th of Sept teams had "backed out' at the last Friday Cabe and Scout mora of the Commonwealth have This date is. corrected and we minute thus putting Brougham up both o! Pickering, on their mart= gat. • Fortnightly . Motion plsists'es i i�aLge last Saturday, _ been gathered to form a tuna-wise announce the date as — against a "tap" team. Considering �� Mies Eileen Bushby and M.rs r»: team. W�:IEBDAY, SEPTE29BER 21, they only lost by one run, they made - Highland to ) � Betty Baker spent the week-end in i. Australia, South Africa, England.. ' being held at the usual a ve.y good showing In compet,t- I • Rev. J. FL Braham, Minister Huntsville. Bermuda and Canada were combed locations-A-eorners, Pickering. ion with some of Canada's best Sunday Mr. Geo. Ralph of the lorai beak for skilled tuna anglers who will be softball teams. "� i 10:Qt! a m, • Worship and S. School ! ; staff is relieving the Claremont captained by Thomas.J. Wbeiler, of Pickering women's Institute The final winners of the series 7.20 p. m. - Pleasant Sun. Evenlas branch manager, while. the .&IFer is "! Toronto (and Brook Rood, Picker- _ will receive a gold watch for each ,lion, - 0.'80 P. sa.Or. Bays' Group on vacation. fag). The W. I: met at the home of member of that winnin team: Wed. • S.tle p. M. • D. �. L T. Mr, Wheeler.is a veteran in these Thurs. • GAO Trail Raagors The Evening Auxiliary heal n Mrs. C. Berkey on Tuesday, with P. °1''� theatre Darty last a ght, taking is � Interaational Tuna Cup Matches. Mrs, A. Llahman in the .chair. It Pickering Bakery On Vacation 5-00 p. m, - Choir practice the shove, at V1'hithy. MT. Wheeler and •Harry Sedge- Fri. •,Foetnigh,l� - Motion fissures Mrs John urkar celebrated Ler wink, (former CF"RB manager) will was moved that a vote of thanks"be Pickering Bakery will be closed T ick, at Canada, sent to Mr. Mitchell for the sand I his p 1 r United Church 83rd birthday on Wednesday• of box at the. Park. $25,00 was voted for staff vacation Suring the week • Rev. J. S graham, Minister C this week the Library Lund, Any Institute o[ Sept. 5 to 10, !nclus'.ve. Sunday - Mr. and Mrs, W. M. Parson, of Cherryw6od member who wishes to belong to the H, Ii, Aioaney plop. 1 10.30 a. 'm, - Sunday School Windsor. are spending a few days a e County Hospitalization plan, please _ I1.00 a, m.- - Cburch Service this-week with Dr, V. E. and M.s., Mrs. Lloyd McKean, member of get in touch with Mrs. Wheeler at Cartwright. Dr, Leslie Bell's choir is taking part once. Mrs, Brady brought a very In- LYRIC MALE CHOIR Mrs. Henry Oi'estney and dough- !n the 'singing at the Exhibition terestiag paper on •'Canadian Ind- 28.Kale Singed ter Eleanor spent a Lew days with — Band Shell; also in the Gradd Stand ustry". Mrs, Hutchison, Sin. Lish- Available For Evening Concerts Jersey gull fin Bokar Fs sa Wens j friends at Belleville. iin exletance for 20 years lehest Award M and Mrs C, A. Sterritt have performance each night: man and Mrs. Roney provided- s 1• Caaa�a'e t. The new home of AIr, and _hire. ve.y delicious lunch. - -- ,_ � .returned to P'ckertng atter sever- Leslie Hollinger, on the Altana Rd., � Engageiments ?►duress The only Superior Bice in Ontario I al mont.h•s in St, Ma-ys. L lie Hollinger. raoidtp, and na .. F. G, THUMAS County and the. iift.eth In Canada, Air, and Mrs. M6 ev, Sarnia,'are .- occuipied before too ions. Card of Thanks 7 Hryworth Ct•esc, Brampton Girl's Basil; a Jersey vlsitinR the lartPr's _ parents, Mn cmVieddongrLnl ore t to Airs; George To onto 13. bull owned by Jar, �'ou eici,• 13okar ! and M s. Fred. Roffey: Todd in winniac the washing uiach-. We.wish, through the columns of Farm, has won this coveted title Sue, at E. Woodicuds Carnival. your paper to thank our relatives, Hassy Lawson Comes Back Home through the performau.eb of the Mr. and Airs. J. V^n biurbas and friends and aelghbo:e for the maps daughters. Twenty daughters have. ' High S����' airs. Knapp, ot, Brantford; also Mr. expressions of kindness and sym•p�a- Among the many callers we deo I classified 82.25 percent and ten and Mrs, A, Wood and daughter thy tendered us during our recent averaged on twice-a-day milking e slid bereavement in.the loss of our , lake to we at the Jews Office Tr��s��rt�ti+�n Joy; of StoiifWIIe visited recently are the former :esidents; of the for 3 h days, a pounds of butter dear slater; also, we wish to thank i$t. This is the highest award any : with Miss Edith Roach. w had such a visitor in.the the person rot.. RAr, McLachlan, our Pastor who those who visited at the hospital. bull can receive and Mr. Von Pills ,lpplicationv in ,wra'ng will Le To Rev, Robinson for his message Mr Harry Lawson, who is ill his I s eipe0cted to arrive by plane fro 87th year, and we believe he. is a is natutslly, proud'ot such a tele. recel;ed uan Iwrt pup h for the Scotland,-on Thursday of this week. 1 of comfort and sympathy,'and to ord. Pickering Toltvuship High �clnwl Doric Lodge for their remembrance Younger" man than we are. "Fail Messrs F. 11[. Chapman, E. P. Coll Boawl on a neiieage ba d� .for the will have charge .of the service on of ambition".as he puts it, all faC- school year, conunencinR �3rpteut- S will ha mornittd, ' and to those who supplied the tri- i ulties are operating normally and " ins and Son, .Mark, Cmwiorth and The Cherrywood W. A wish to butes of Flowers. I George Plitz, all Pickering 'Twp her nth. The lowest or any tender thoroughly enjoying life with ex-. i Je soy breeder's have Sona of this y p ; thank everyone for het,ins to make --The Percy Family _. not necessarily tjcce reel flail ten. cellent health. ' the home baking sale and luncheon Mr. Lawson came to th:s country ' same bull Biempton Girl's Basil dogs not dater than August 241, to: 6 success, especially those non- ab an infant to the Post home at Congratulations to Mr, Von Pills. �, Irene White, secretary•Treas- nlembers for their aaaista.nce and the corner of No, 2 Highway aniu err R. R. 2, Pickering. Ontario. donations. Everyone seemed to en- Miss Ruth Taylor has returned the Brock Road here. He attenele.ri friendly et-together on•the home from a pleasant holiday to 1 school 'here under the late '13 ere THE ROTARY CLUB '.N(-M(`E TO PiC KERING TWIls. joy the Y g *s>Rs HIGH SCHOOLSTtDENT3 y _church lawn. I Boston and Cape Cod. ton Bunting and ethers, duct at the ** e, Cern picking and Silo fill-ing grit- 1-1—NII. - S vent to work on the W. The meetings of the next two ' being done this week. 1 way at Manitoulin island on, vacs- : Henry 12.urks farm• eeks of the local Rotor}' Club are Conuneneing Full Term Sept, Hth. Everyone seemed grateful for the -and 10 tion, - b the em ploy ,of the first bakery !n being wr r• at showers during the week. Mr, and '. s, Lewis and family Picke.ing, operated by the'late By- La,bo: D:ey, and on the second week North End of Tov:nship attend t- Sirs, Leonard Gates entertained are moving onto the Reg. Somer. b rprr Abbot, at 21 lie left for Tor- they attend the Annual Inter-City Claremont «'hitecale District wn. her nieces from Detroit and Kine- ! v;lle farm. leg. is rushing his new ` • end Mttenda Pim. South End of To to incl ]las been there ever since, meeting at Oshawa, Eton last week. home in Markham to completion. marrying a former Pickerin.� e.i 1• %Iembers. not acquainted with the ` ship GRAJ)ESc11, 12 and 13. of latter may•be info:med" by tlhe:y eventually built a conplo tate i i shi stores which he ape atecl Contin- SecretarY, by getting in touch with { "Markham. South End North End ot uattend ip aSca- _ u0usly for forty years.--a grocery i hint i boyo, • ' ::. and a confections y. The grocery I Membe.s--Your attendance at the T:pasportallonr•�ort3� End, served ..-3RD GAME store is now operated by his son, i Oshawa meeting will,take care °` by bus from Brougham•- »sale, ° and the confectionery, by his two' your-"attenddnce" for that week. Balgam� Claremont and west, daughters, as a delicatassen, Mr. Whiteva,e to Markham, w �e „ a A. Inter. C. SC F TBALL Lawson is very proud of his good South-end students--nfe T. T. C, ms .` every day,dandi all hd 9a for eigthy Large Sale (f Tickets,For The years." He stnrtea in businexs in Ga:deig Party At The Hermitage On Card of Thanks bus to 'p- , Toronto when grocerymen made de- Saturdays September,10. Capbellford va Ajax liveries by horse and wagon, We wish to thank our relatives, Mr. Lawson is visiting his bro- We understand that the ticket friends and neighbors for 6:Cts 'Of therein-law, the Bradford brothers. gale for the Garden Party hilus kinduette. besuttlul floral tributes given by Mr. and Mcs. E. I., Ruddy, end'oard H received during our rec- e at •'The Hermitage" on Saturday, ant sad bereavement, is the togs of AUX ��t ' FOR B•AiLE new bungalow, sin r 9eptemMer 10 hes been going very' a loving motLer. Special t�ks to 4* y f �te 2 e �' I roomza, finjahed inside, cheamica.l well. the tarsen of the Oshawa General toilet, insulated and wired. Lot 60 Mr, and Mrs. Ruddy are Living ( Hospital, Dr. Orton 6124 Rev, Art- by 200, $1606 crib• balanee 63240• 1 the part' on bobalf of and in the hu? Toltag. ALSMiml ankAmmom - QNX �1� t 'VA..._ �..•.•ceinw NA Oft^.e,- 1 - _ _._ i._+.e,..� W--A li � r- -m- —,r "_`. rraa Wit- : umb i �• INW M ON -- .... 1assif" Advertising.. IN dust AGENT& WANITED FM SALE AtIm.17RIP OILS, GREASES, TIRES soR 4)ALA 20 Used Tractors. all makes ase 3aeotlWdp. Ileottfo repos oevatrol»rs Scamp sizes. Three white separators. one Mount LasMad Hard PaSSILSlo Roof tam bkmOlu pea OfLOM� Forest Separator 1 year old. Farm maekines are wants&. writs Warne, Gree � ptf gone. Milton.aI1 kinds. Phone--437W. R. YcDuae Toronto. STHRIVING all year-round business on• a e.6 tool lues o Idmited. t. GREAT BRITAIN BST �� Highway—Modern -s eh c nater, "Two world ware—neither of dance hall and service station. Two &mart- which reached your American shores— RAN4aB PULLETS 20 weeks to lariag, meats. Situated near several towns In the Dun breeds and crop brads. Also day old tobaccb growing district. Tor full Information and both of, which benefited your chicks available the year round. Fra oats- write Box 214, Simeon, Ontario. Logue. Twaddle Chick Hatcheries Dimited. economy—have drained the lifer FOR SALE—Model w Fora ai:tan vasgenrer blood out of Britain. Now, with Fergus. Ontario. school bus. Nicholson and Pelton, Youngs TS all saes to acing. Pure breads and Point, Ont. American aid and our own pro- erose breeds. Free catalogue. Top Notch y, Chick sales, Guelph. Ontario. PLANTS FOR SALE s digiOUe effort We are busily pump- RESERVE now for ideal Autumn plantings Ing the lifeblood back again." gyjaxo AND CLIA UXG Chinese Elm Sedge-12 Inches to 90 Inches This is jus one, paragraph, and taAwrs OUt anything nee is 4Y"= at 010- y — — — for &s high .when shipped will grow 2 feet the r T t ois um or Se. 0 0n a are ear 2i Plante for 18Fl ening eP ti la by no means the most bitter one, glad to aasww your quegtioeg. Department feet. Grant Exhibition Flowering Peonies 9. colours red, white or pink— 8 for t1.a/. , from a recent article in the London IL Parker's Dye Works.Llmfts6 TIP) Tonga Brookdale-Kingeway Nurseries, Bowmanvllle. Sunday Pictorial—which sells five street' Tor'°°t°' oaearia. Ontario.' million copies each week' through- FARMS FOB sATAI REL r wANT$D �•, out the United Kingdom. Under 60 ACRES—Good land, location, buildings 0-S IST T Dietitian for large sanatorium: the heading "We British are tired 11.000. Lovely located home edge K&mpt- salary $120.00 per month with full main- 8 Mlle. Nice lawn. trees and a sores 17.600. tenance, State experience and oualiticatioris' '. of Yankee Insults" the mass circa- A good choice in all miss tarun —write Re- to Miss M. Evans, Mountain Sanatorium. ration tabloid lashed back 8t United °ulrements. Charles Pelton. Realtor, Kempt- Hamilton, Ontario. Ville,.Ontario. REGISTERED NURSES and Certlfed Nurses' States criticism of the British poet- PoB-SAL9 Assistants required for Lady Minto Hall ,war effort. Dital, Chapleau, Ontario. Apply. Sut%r$n-As an example of this criticism ALUMINUM ROOFING B SIDING teadent.the Pictorial published a reproduc- Croms•Qrlmped corrugated and ribbed 'tyles, RURAL SALESMAN WANTED �OWntOWn Ducks—Some establishments have mkt letuli5 in the tion of an: American cartoon which :tock. fa tL lengths. Immediate delivery from To SELL DATED SEED CORN. The only stock. Write tow samples and estimat4m steel need that L sealed in acre bass, dated and tloaet, some have bats in the belfry, but this retail store keeps showed a tattered. John Bull beg- Distributors Limited. 600 Charry'at. Toronto- packaged to the farmer'■ order, with new .sed ducks on the roof. The ducks lead a happy life on the roof- ging a copper from a well-dressed SEED rye: Packed In two bush. sacks de- from selected meed crops. Liberal commissions livered, your station at 12.16 par bushel. and chance for advancement. Apply: Dated ltoP of the downtown building. Their purpose is to keep fund Uncle Sam at the door of a 'So- Plea&, send money with order. Tack Urlin, Seed Co., Tillsonburit, Ontario. . coalism Saloon". London, Ontario MEDICAL _ out of water used in the stores air-conditioning system. Complaining that this cartoon was BUSINESS FOR BALI. P $ WANTED—Every sufferer of Rheumatic Pains _.. , FARM implements for sale. small Iowa. 20,. typical of hundreds of others ap- 000 volume, maior lines. San No. 46. 12e. °r Neuritis to try Dixon'■ Reseda. Munro'. Cuba had pulled a similar play, nulli- pearing in the U.S.'pleas, the Pic- Eishteentb Street, New Toronto, Oat Dens store, tab Elgin_Ottawa Postpaid$1.N. ro Eying a run in exactly the Game torial invited American visitors to GIFTS chtaa babyweer pad library. L$ving PEP UPI manner, is Pittsburgh zest a week quarters Low rent losaa Good turnover. TAKE C.C. A B. Tonle Tabletss for 11tw $ j Britain t0 poet 1 copy Of the issue 2,22 Main. Vancouver. vitality. nervous and general• 40bitles, fM before. to friend&at home, "since they might and 11.00 at druggists. GENERAL store and T-roomed apartment m CEF Tb» principal waraHmats ba j like t0 hear the Other side Of the combined. Meat■, lee dream, tearoom, flour- aY � wprE '''' w a . "boners' ,scent I$gbtins. Kelvinator refrigerator, ver! Dixon'suRemedy tea• Ah&ttoll a ht. Ottawa.14Sa• But there have been boners Case•' profitable turnover, priced right tar quick sale fin° M1°TO'm bras �°rs. toll might. They used to tail the tale of a which honestly earned the name— "We in Britain are d— tired 16,600, so miles from Petewbore. L&oatrd's Pestpa$d uses. 411vecter out West, in the bad old and no mistake. Del Bissonette, of being written off as good-for- etc». Coe Hill. _ _ PATiasm" • diys, who was found bi some of who has.just led the Toronto Maple nothing beggars," the-Open Letter ROUNDS AFIRLD ►rlvifZ BWNBAUGE A oamwy lime _ aluntlue— his friends sittingon the a through a highly successful'' Y• t m the s spomagrtsmen. Huof nter. �Hreeew &alone swichwo established use. ago Sas slept, edge'of Leafs throes g y went on to ea Doss Uncle Sam r0ronto Booklet of information an request. As sidewalk'with his head buried season—at least 'artistically -and._ imagine his dollars have bought soul Faawr; Features dr the bound braedg— between his hands and Iook eft- financial) was closet concerned and sovereignty of the Marshall-aid —Zxcg ivoand 'homes--F"1° Trial' &°d showsr orroslrvxlT>m ar test, ar wa>�la looking financially—was Y ig Y —Estcinrlve arelchs, imeld &tad 02,11 per 11remely disconsolate. Somebody in one of the best known—although countries—and of Britain in par- year. BE A HAIRDASSUM slaked hurt just what seemed to be don't get the Idea that he was the ticular." SOUND@ AFIELD, ORTO14, OXTAMO. soar CANADA'@ wiAnrNG $(WOOL an" am rtunitz Lege+ ` tie matter• sinner. Bitter wordst But possibly justi- bastes. stake• ftr- gwyA wo 2 BATS tubs, tones. wuh _ fied b the provocation which has nes°«' boiler'' water greemun systems cold' !reams°' prefemdan, go" wages. e e * • e e - Y , a" Instatillk Galvanized pipe. 1 tach . iso tbeasasde sdeeesstal Martel ualaatem, "It don't seem a bit fair, in fact The very remarkable Babe Her been great, especially in Borne sea n•• % inch - iso ft. Articles sent evorrwlsom Amerlmg't greatest velem' Illustrates ear man of the old Brooklyn Dodgers tions of the united States cess. 1°�' for prteeg. Philip vorboyden. Aylnwv. lases flea write or Call Ws enough to make a guy sick of ye. g D out, WARV"M E AIPDRSOMM -- We," was the mournful reply. was the "hero". The Babe was Still, the British needn't go outside STI7te; wonder animals teem Syria, ��� s6s slew et W, i"ermoo _.. Pte. '"Here's me, that's played poker, standing on first base when his their own shores to hear real criti- or labs. Pair 16. send moped elder. Ponce, orasebee 44 Nine gr-„ uses--& tam mate, Bissoaettt, blasted Ont slam. Speaking in Edinbuirgh about 12 Alma. stn Thomas, Ontario. • 7e. atdsad Street draws. shot dict and pegged keno all syr PICX-UP BAIJM—CASIC—Oats baled 1e. CRAIT11 wlw were We. yet nobody never called me a a terrific drive to deep centre. Her- the projected 1952 British musical acres_ >s P motor Ival pry at Ilea.ie. an other fellow? you east ear. a goes gambler. I've drank pretty near man dawdled about halfway to sec- festival, Sir Thomas Beecham Farmers' suppir, I— maac ttd°snod. f1a living running a block giant sae Moor. ores.. and base, then stopped to admire pounded a table with his fiats and aalkoaate street =lord. Ont $1 Neieda strep Tereatto. AD1T$1, Ow all m kind of liquor there is most the speed and trajectory declaimed "We are mLQh ' - all my life, yet nobody never called P ry of Deis going to cels- NEW HOPE rEtaeoNAl. ` 'me a drunkard. -I've got into plenty hit. Bisonette, head down and brate fifty years of the most abom- PLUS INCOME sof fights and ructions, one we. or anxious to get all the distance pos- finable misgovernment by having an Idtoom lim"I Roves. mourn bitobse. In s aAbIPise—PIanio tom dime $ y A thriving eaemnafty.. Grist will add teed per postage and lradlis or 4 ter $ao Odie .another, yet nobody never called Bible out of his hit, passed the Babe exhibition and festival at the ex- w.moom. scales" with Pape, hams.- mill L 1114 Teen Street, Tomato. -. .,me a brawler or a rough neck. without even noticing him; and Mr. pence of the United States' money." powered will' CMD03 r motOie a beep &reser. TEACHMS WAN ID $ , 1-ton Goadlecen suer with motor. &-$nab Herman thus became An automatic. Maybe its the weather. When grinder far mrambbar. I rete graces, Netatoes ED PROTLeTANT 11MACIIIIII. for -- "But now'." he continued. "but out, while poor Del's inside-the-park temperatures drop, possibly tempers everk.ad gtorag+ tela.. neon Larw r.r.gt r, s s. No. •, Begot Maty, sorts malars low taxes, pad quatiocationm. to Mrs. Lewle amoe.•see.• ` sow —just because I stole one homer was reduced to a measly and language will also,drop to less N. C. EMPEY 'ins&, calsbagle, amt A.R. L adeasfe little horse—ever bo Nagle feverish levels! REALTOR ', CHER wasted, w Tara ee Y everybody m e ► . '• _ Norrb Rimowortb Tmwaebep suhsat Area. "t%for7$<alls me a horse thiel', and NAPANEE salary. $1.744. Dadeo to eem,mewe sen., s. Turning a two-base hit into a' -The landlord was making ow 1949. Apply te Chan. E. Testes, n.a. 3, r it ain't fair," HANK THE FARMER Callander. out. doable play was, another of Her more attempt to .collect rent from is . .0- - LAUGHED a LAUGHZD fzA c0m.required for s.s. No. a, up.ala, �, man's triumphs: and If there his tenant, a poet. FOR be knew bre Now Portable Vapor-Master Out. 11 powlis. Grades I to 1, salary. And there are ball-players who, hadn't been otic out at the time, he After the tirade the poet spoke would vapr-.pray bin crop& to a matter of 81766 per assume. Apply, Mrs O, % O.aaebwr, minutes. would supply steam to run his dairy Secretary. &a. No. A. Upss,la, Ont. _ when their-playing days were done, would have gone one better than ■p: u10 lbs. m s alma,.) would•steam-clean bre - must have felt is a similar mood to that and turned it into a triple "Why, lir, you ought to pay we "pigment -kin his bog■• e°°k w mmmh and WART311t beat the a emboame. Complete self-eperat$air APP11 TIONS For student tunas are re► this Western gentleman. For they 'killing. for living here. In a few years' time ante $1699. weight 1400 lbs. quina aI the Sarnia Genet'$ Hospital. v. .knew that they were destined to be • e people will be looking up at this PACIFIC MARINE SUPPLY CO. earn$&, Comma. This is as asarovedeobeo remembered, not by all :the fine- miserable attic and saying: 'That's LIMITED of Nursing. Honorarium after sreltmtnary Chick.Fewster was on first- and' a 1466-W Pander at. MA-1760, Vancouver, S.C. term Is oemplmm iia per month hitting they had done, not by the where Miller the poet need to kers.' gKOCOOLr plants wasted. suitable for Iran. Dizzy Vance on second when Her- - .wonderful catches they had made— "Well, they needn't went all that' proatlas. any quantity. Phoae stn T1s9. er - man took his "Sunday swing" and „ ISSUE M 1941 write e. Lightfoot A eon zed. se. St Law• but solely on account of some mea- time, answered the landlord. "If - ,.sae. Market. Toroate. connected solidly. Fearing that the -_,,ql or phpsical lapse which won for, you don't pay me by 11 o'clock they � 'A,••. ball would be caught, Vance held up them the name of "bonehead". can say It to-morrow." e at seboud for a apace before gettin into motion. But Fewater was o --- -- `' And some of them deserved both- _ with the crack of the bat, and so. - - mg'�f the sort, as Arthur Daley R E I D'S NOusriNOLD M recently recalled. One of the best. was Herman, both tearing along - known of all such plays was the- with such disregard for surround. INSECT POWDER ' one that has gone down in history til a that when the duet settled all A sYre HierI g , Me "Zim's boner". It occurred in three—Herman, Fe�veter and,the 1917 World Series between the Vance—were all 'trying to occupy Of asks. bedbosa Philadelphia Athletics and the New .third base at one and the same time. *°ae� sod rifer + York Giants; and it saw Heinie ' e e Ideal for kkeb&a,troth.oot 1 J Zimmerman—no ball of fire afoot— That was the occasion whenft" Gag dsd'^ �tb.'��.+' vainly chase the speedy Eddie Col- 'Uncle Robbie" Robinson, the ser. Ger REID's sodavi Iiria all the way from third bass to sorely tried pilot of the Dodgers, MOM remarked, "It's the first time D�� ee;nd -home plate, failing to tag him by • � 'S several feet as the A's captain scored those three guys have been together Stares. ` .a highly $ p, all season.. g ly important•run standing n It so happened. that--Zimmeirman ' was doing the only thing he could _ -wader the circumstances as the -Giants' catcher, Bill Rariden, had '�L YOM OWN r -]eft home plate unattended. "Who . As ),! a was I gonna throw the ball to—the amps?" inquired Zimmerman after- W/r# _ wards—a fair enough,question as _ umpire Bill Klem was the only'per= a m In the immediate vicinity. Yet, For �la2it �OOtWOrli - `as.we said before, it has gone down --- baseball history as Zimmerman's Re use NUGGET every day 1 'boner. _ Then there was Fred Merkle, still SIAM OR-HLOOD AND ALL SHADES Or BROWN I known "Bonchead „ In terrain'circles—although p only CIGARETTE TOBACCO did what 999 out of 1000 ball players. _ s e -of that era would have done under • similar circumstances. But the " -` �• e ' Merkle incident is still too well se- membered to require a re-creation ball. Personally we think' the `Giants'lst-base coach was the guilty B Awt}1Nr PO�intefr person, as Johnny Evers of the ow 10 ttyy llMbAM M .TJ�IIEi9189na�uT AND k pel� a OOgy FYI •, r— .ae,��� kti PILES 'When fop remove the Internal aux of v �\ a•, dlesoyov gat worthwhile results that'lait. liarstte W impte reason for Pyltone's Meat rocat" No matter what you hal, 'Ueda Me this•torture, or Low ]oer•staadin; 11 \\��� C atiabbon goer acre nodes ocience La, fie &used& in tLe naw tPyttone 'treatment 1e.1t0.1d take& b mooch), Yow 1»t bottle �ly4 r \ � �� •• � tLptpi►-of �rea� Deice ntaaded atecea�m�&ftl �e•1 w.va:e°alA tp as dra�ists.tom•` a l•T-� "%••� y.. l . , -SILK S MAR _ pecial >rl: Sys o t x -:r sirloin • steak 9c Ib pU 5 B laen Squares c Ib s p. 1. lies • ick ing . Sup ' - x,: ::. •... r '; - PHONE: PICK�ERING 26 —- _ it I f fiskerin Hardware 4.. : ` ;nf GENERAL HARDWARE and _ SUPPLIES Y YW .ver cross rhe road—"PAUSE-c� 6a�h �a adwy S. BAL ON J SD and W : Wise persons, young and old,use extra can whM aressM 9 road- ,•' ,,"� ' ways. -They look,bobs LEFT and RIGHT to son that the way is IIP-...m : Blear. M takes but a second . . . but it spells S-A-F-E-TY. '- ai0. a DOUCE", Aliilr TA 1110 ID E F A R T IA E N Y 'A F .,.H 1 G H W A Y S ,House .& Farm Wiring �. MA SAXIS ON P2"ATE Property ALIOIL r Eleete4eal Applbuic s ftr YOU Aft" You Have ibe ----. - - — — tee Tome - - •,.�... -.. w .• - - _ \ ' +► _ - : .. - >�enl Lt:oar! � h Y Hie + �--�...--- . - •D R D / 19 wm fairs � nim wri a w r� -Dunbarton Radio & Electric _ e _ _ NADIANWIN ATIONAL . CONUMT105 LET t,,.- ►Y EXH i�1TlOilll ,-:.�- �1!?'1'li PJNA.RY SUPWIM ` ` t Mee►,rM BL&[ N®g ` an erL 0* 1 _ ' ' MBE How= THAT .r•r•+.••••+.• I . !. X ., t 00 A. ]L t•a00 _ - PRESC PT101tWei* DWI �. . AUGUST 27. TO SEPI:MBER 10 kezcept Sundays ( �.'0e P. `''," .-Reduced Round ' Je Ro BOYES, P ..•a B. Fe ar rip 20 �1e St0 ICH1L DREN 0c. - � "` RN3SihEi[Mi ` 'RiiBT t1ILL XNM DES EXHIBITION ADMISS ION AND BUS TRANSFER .INTO AND PROM THE GROUMS Vie: M Phones 6csr, 9B0! LF]AVE p3C5KERLNG : . ., _ _ Oshawa Bases n while that was commandeered ., bit..and Mrs. B ,Lehman o1 LEA`E TO'RO'NTO d e� co ttt J. Regular Toronto Bases ,MgpWar Os __ as `patrol" eo help fight forest Goodwood visited the latter's par- res ants on the week-end. t Exhftaon passengers travelLng on regulit bases will is mster at the fi Mr, and airs, J. Buckles .held an . The double choir is.busy'pra:ctic- r :1 Ol'ORLO Bae '1'erasinal t0 bines raaning Into the Gro::naa. '� "open house" on Friday afternoon Ing for the anniversary'services to and evening of last week to" honor : be held in the First Baptist Church !TICK.ETS AND Ih'FOR.MATION EASTERN HOUSE :PICKERINCi Mr. J Sunderland and Miss May i at Whitevale, on Sept. 11. Don't for- _ I AT 1 t PHONE 4500 � Ann Forster on the eve of their de. II get the date.. ' rture for the Rest where they � The ladies met at the homA of _ ' Ne eat rWe pa • will take up residence with rIr. � Mrs, James Grosslaad Sunderland's daughter Emma, • Mr. I on Wednesday last. Rev, H Sunderland operated a very success- guest speaker. i T�� ZAN GRAgA� Notice to YOU See Us f`ul chicken tarn until a retire- Congratulations to Ernest and _ ment some few years ago, eu he Mrs. James Crossland, the gift ot. sold out o Mr. J Smdth daughters (other and bier both QosaseHeoet Rd iii ><ei, i For oRev. J.t McLachlan is expected to doing well. n ILPENTERING phone: Puwelry 1W be in Toronto on Thursday, Sept 1. All•.roads lead to Heber'Down's P, INa REAL VALUES He will resume his duties as pastor- I on'Sept, 8th,; =e aMto '$�� pe�he has betioOttedygreatly by i Turrnne Miiss Ruth eHutMaga rand of on next. We y ,ho fib, � HetrssslR in his holiday t Scotland with his Mrs. M. Draper had luncheon ors Am �Ai[ � �� W�1sR ! ale M�patrol' to help fight forest ` Wednesday of last week with some iQPJE Dpi Following Sunday evening service I friends at Richmond Hill. �„�.e■,,, ,■i ,.� HARDWAR E in the United Church, Mrs. K. Has- i air, and Mrs. F. Turner attended F20018: PIQY. 159J Ilium" ��� tings, on behalf of the Woman's the funeral of the late Wiililum An. Nlsrt >iT�e iaY WeeM3rty imb Association, presented sirs. J. Med- nis at Port Union last week. ft ow" k TAG a LAIN BQSHBy ca.lfe with an electric tea-kettle. A miscellaneous shower will be ii Mrs. Medcalte and her daughter held in the Pavilion at Wilson.Park GAS � 61L - Fe J. ^PROUSE rim *e Helen are leaving the village for on Sept. 11, Brantford where Helen-has been engaged as school teacher for the Dynbarton crest in fruit-growing. Junior Public School Mrs. Medcalfe Audley Fred and Mrs. Puckrin have ,been school will re-open neat Tuesday will be missed as she has been an enjoying a few days off on a motor morning when several new begin- i ! ardent member of the W. A. and The late Mrs. Sturgiss o! Whitby, trip to Niagara and other oints. ners will start off on the great ad- Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Courtiee, of p the W. M, S-. 'Airs. Randall. on he- � wen born on the Winter farm here 'Mise Margaret Puckrin.of the Oslh venture. Mrs. Eastwood will carry Oakville, visited their parents here half of the SunGay School, presentandattended school here. She was awa School Staff is spending a fete ors with the manic work in the and at Pickering on 8atnrday. a dai*htsr o1 the We Mr, i�ad Mrs, da�s with her.relatives here, • school Mise Janet Spratt made ed Helen with p basket•of beautiful Mr. and Mrs. Mitchenson and daM Gladioli. We with them success P-runk stank ltr. Jobaaton of Nssaitoui3p.. is many friends here In her wont last ghter, of.NLagam 0alls are spend- year new surroundtn8et WaL X11W who bas been in the visiting at his ivfiLe's relatives Esso. ( and they wish her imlproved ing a'teov days whit Mr. end 1Ezs, $.•• pews lately by reason of hf� de►el- "Hs was abrother-tn.lasr o1 the i+►fs health. 'k. 1. G. Morrish, oymeut of s new cherry, was an, Mrs Wm. P'nckrin. • Mr and Mrs. Bob. Btrovd aril r bung M.e. Arcs-Bel}-hse-1b*a rlsltln - • Green River family •moved to-Oshawa on Tues. burly n the of for p e, � 1 day of this week. We wish them,the - 'Mora on the Crswiord �irm. Bill relaticest at MacIIia, � W h�tevale . will be lem.-mbered by�the older Friends from various parts spent Mrs. T. A. Barefoot returned to best of luck in their now home. persona here 9g a school boy, We Sunday at the Jordan's, the Bell's, Mr. Geopfe Christian hac retlVnod Toronto after spending a week with Mites Winnie Wood spent Bandar pongratulate him on his lively int- the Fsllai28'a and John Puckriu's, from a holiday no-th of Hallburton her father J, B. Wilson. at Huntsville. �s • ir..nr.,.alta.,.,-. .,,,. • -, : `;- . k:ka_.Si ied Advt's REHITE CAPABLE LADY WANTTD - as 1, '� � ' housekeeper live in; no washing and or ironing. Good salary to right - --- -" - -- -- " t- -Rouge-Htd-Distrtct. Bus at i \� moor. khone p-ickerfng 187W2, e • WANTL11 _ ire4b nurse r-nu:e, -- 1 irtute rice p �� kg _ Orchard Hill Farm, Locust Kill, R. 1 R. 1. Phone Pickering 19J2, I Sept. 30. Maple Leaf Cheese FOR SALE _ 15-Loot boat with 5- horse Elto motor (good running . 0 - condition) or can,be bought sop- - I Ib• lab 1♦ rolls 49 :FOR FLA to quantity of corrug- - - aria am Beams and wood _ ated barn roofing, , ....� _ Monarch flour 71b. 45� r3uitpble for kin3ling, phone: Pick- g I tf FOR STALE - 1930: Chew., goad T� JOHN DEERE :Raspberry Jam 4 Ib. 69 "motoi body. ttiseas windshield. tires, good'ield, $190.00 or best offer, J: MODEL 61M19 TRACTOR _. Foster, Poplar Ave., Pickering Reach.' Me "!P it a r"-h"ft *Bow am ft I" r ' - _ - _-3�roam house trail- Tomato Juice 48 oz. . 2ry r it Lo>ka. ZI'1� a s traeisr wl21 - •_ er; sink, toilet, icebox, oil-burning Isas.o - -- -- - -- - ' f m leas weal . . . l� O f i• fty -3tst1�' rage-wig-oven, 2burn�• rang=- - _ site wbaL with oven, new spring-filled 4� �~ "f w..w•w � me 49 MV%ft& wift wlft saes vwybe *M Kleenex regular 2-35 ' mattress, wired for electric, wast . - - . An winter. A real home on wheels. �� % Is aLah. Aar a vwk* at ��"..�:� Own kne e '28 diaster Buick car suet over_ �� a" r fie! Me 4 v Yom hauled Car and trailer, $1675.00, a.. ` ate. >� � .. �. Jai. •.•• UDER or WHITE complete. $,1500.00 for trailer only, phone Pick GAS STOV1 800ma � SONS 'VINEGAR 1 gallon 49� ppt:s:it�t+ QrAE3 STOYEl-3-burner. • --• in good condition for erne. High _ =baok, Apply "Nichola" Avis Ave.. 40. �� �� �•� Frenchman's Bay. Phase 6TJ4, hwavood. move- 1st GRADE BUTTER Ib. :iii : r iengths. 416.00 ye; cord. Pune • ' PSck. 187J3. - _ _ . - $apt. 14 -•-- - _... " ' Ric 6s, _aeorgr now. cuJ. S. Janice • Nawes CAMERON +� rboa, terga side. near naT, - J. 8. son IAurie. Agincourt. Phone 306i3. y ldepk," i T. O, X TMCMM and ._ �.Sow_ P�F'oR4W -- YTClC�R>tlYt3, ONTAA10 iso . K u. l3iQ'1`a i.44 orj.�RAL Hcy -- ,�4A�,, , Insulation -- Peinti" PIANO THEORY ti la,ral-brHok grad a 906 a Xitcheoe sad Stofb Fes• L LEN DEATINt '$ DoeSeIalt► pc _�,+aa�ee. sad_ edM..cea U...r,. _ UA MAN �ac29 .° �°' PICKERING �. DUUWTXM MOM: WAAK 69W. WELERY • •�. _ ; Markham, Ont. OLD HDRSE6 ClampboU MInk Fehr Pays WATCH and CLOCK Fos ;16.00 For roar Old 1 ATTENTION : FARME ,2LPAT13iNt3 RADIO BSER SIC AA Tow Fran: !'$+011'1•: d glac oun IAW12 Clode t " -•_ i ;__., . '-j .'� 6tR� PAYING THE CIURA>B'11'! ]fA,R168T p'diiN DR D� LED F Fos oa onus aF4X ext"" y SAIX 1;D°rGTl R .,HORSES CATTLE HOGS WAN WAY, SEPT. 14 .tion sale of farm stock. Implements - z � :1CeLaj [Jr tee DGCMWA= N=VT= .,rnr�asrw� 40 head of registered and gradP, e • . _ � roega7o AD..ltHsos1Oft d• siebortar 160 Mod so -. e8 ' ��t ` 's s•Ib a! `DarAyrshires cattle. 60 mss; 250 head Of poultry; No.,61. H. tremor rubber VY-bite threshing machine. GORDON YOUNGLIMITED Arthur Fed -- .28-46 combination with grain throw- FROM: q w i _ -er and a traw shedder. Complete •'-' with roller bearing, moluding busk .3"S on '37 Ford truck, including : ,!+w all;ractoj equipment, at Lot 29-30, �,)�: <74A itaDlrlO •iVI� l>QB AM icon. 9, gtckering, Also hag, gtalel h sad straw. property of Sam Fretz, the ladies that donated to the hoarse 'Lug to act on a committee. Te s, reserve. awing u0 farming baking, and did not get thele rake This coaxing evweek-endata Labor Frank R. Smyth .'Terms,ceah, gale at 12.00 sharp, L, or pie plates, 'back, are asked to Day and we believe that there is to ,Turner, clerk. A. S. FARMER auc- call at the home of Mrs, A. Hull, be a earn roast. You will probably `` •tioneer, Phone Stouffville 67312,, corner Old Forest Rd., as they may see the notices around, regarding �. • i� `Tia is a large sale and must atart be with those that aro there. :. this.- i Pring Market & Locker. Plant •, on time. _ _ _- _ _ _A great.many are still on holidays On September 12, we will start ' those the bi kl and among ose are: a Rest our -wee p bingo.,.On this night { family and Miss Norah Hull• there will be -the regular Ramos for _ Now that the nights' are Setting 25c.; also the $10.00 Special and QUALITY shorter we be,-,.n to think of what then beleieve it or not, .there is a �G`�'AL East Woodlands _ ITY MEATS R we are going 'to do:for the winter Jack-Pot _ for $35.00, This Bingo - -- ■� months. During the Past few years starts at 8,30 p, m, and if.you ea- Congratulations.to 11r, and dies. we h$ve had movies at the Hall'ev- Pett a seat you had better be p. Sprayson, of Old Rosebank Rd ery�Saturday afternoon and evening, early. -on the birth of "their-second sou. - ; This.of Course-entails quite a lot of -`--- �. _ Z. Congratulations to Mr. and Mra,. attention and everyone-is going to _ , Aob. Howe, on the birth of their be asked for their support. In the ' ' • -• � � BOAT FOR BALE I( daughter, and to 11r, and Mrs. Q'- next week or so, you will receive 'a 14 Foot runabout, 4-cylinder Con- Connor, of Old Forest Road, on the letter asking. your opinion regard- tinentaa Motor wtth nmriae maul. ~' ecMIS 11b■ birth of their son, ing these,matters: We hope that you fold, running lights and accessories, P Ne are still cleaning up after the will let us kno your views on this 8 - carnival, and, incidentally, any of matter, ala if' you would be will- peed 20 to 25 miles per bour. Ifea- o sonable, Apply News Office. j- _ Fr0'nts"18M'b - -` "`490 ,r DANFORTH BUS LINES LTD. , DAILY SER VICE -����# 496 �. shoulder ''Pork : " 490 W 211t1a. sat Sas. mai TOr1lL0MPl'0 /•. i /oa. i /at Aar SOL 1 >�. >� > nd. �. Shortening" tc 0.48 6.4611 s.•. 10." •.16 i* `lid DuvAw i.4• f.06 L110 bas ass �..la &I# 2.26 11,36 9.4. : ,' � sad LtieW , , Lit 9.10 Lib 4.66 a.1• Spring . �.i• S..ii it.i. �,� . 7A. at.•0 9.00 1.16 4.461 S. Chick - sass i.i• lo.i. lo..i a,ii lfal!!i 1.. . i lR.4i 6.46 L.. 4.21 i. e s . 55c "A us 2.63 IeAS 10.06 b � 1 ago ar.... i ,tau A.0 11.67 4.67 5 6 lb a.N 'lass 11.66 l..lo : ;� '�wa I/r 1.44 L40 12.611 4.66 i.� �.+ 6.6. !r•i 11.•6 1..1. Alms ! , WAS 6.36 12.46 4.ii 9.24 GET YOUR MEAT s.N t.00 iii iLI$ i..i. � + . , I � ' � . x.20 L34 16.36 4.06 2.i• �.� X." Cass 11.36 1..16 i i v.'R 1 t.24 4.00 i8.65 A6 f.N 3.86 11.66 i4.M ; �a■i ,' � r !.N' !.N l2.li l�4E i. ; r 1 *FOR L C -' .. .. O KESS able" Iran roft .. -f ,. :fin': .,..'r :._''-: .:. .- - - .:,J• a were pleased to see more of the babies on hand No doubt the terr- ifically hot wesMx ,� � CHAPMANthe: has had some= & SON FINE ENTERTAINMENT AND thing to do with the drop is atten- dance but now, with the fall and _ PERFECT COMFORT 0 Y cooler atmosD' here�t we urge every- phone 281 W =uPiekering On . one to make use of the health ser.- fI. AMPLE PARKING vice again. The clinic is held on the KINGSTON ROAD at WF�T HILL '4th Wednesday of every month In the basement, and we can assure T L — 2 and $, you the nurses are most interested On. and SATURDAY—SEPTEMBER is your children's welfare: so be �.• ZANE GREY'S THR+I'LLING STORY sure to support their work and be- • • . niflt• from the •help they' can give - - , 1 b We esd NYON Nept clinic wig be do ay, LADIES' RED CA Se t. 28. GEORGE •BR.FdqT- YOUR ATTENTION, PLEASE! TE0MTICbLOR -- A,Nlrt•BZ.YTFI WiE µ Y� HAVE JUST PLACED IN STOCK A VERY COMPLETE NEW STOCK OF SEPTE1►BM 5 and 8; -, Smart MONDAY and,TCTFBDAY �, art Shoes for Smart• Dressers , ItOAjUNG DRAMA, OF THE SKIES LAII7IE3 ELK GORE IN BLACK and BROWN WITH, CHURCH NEWSI&L- "— -. OXFORD, $ - - FIGlITER SQUADR01�1 .- SOCIAL NEWS BOW CUBAN H' BA .._ Exceptionalbuy 4.86 - ._ ... LAD•rns� BROWN CUBAN HEEL oxFOR,D, p -_._ .'SMIART,_.P4 9RATED-BROGUE-TYPE s&fi /VfaAllsENTS'—�r""� EDMlaawD O'BRIEN RIOSEIRT STACK PRIENIK.Y TIhS-- LADIES' BROWN or BLACK ELK BROGUES _ :. EASY ......_� ... EEIE WIDTH REAL FITTEffi ............. .. $4.95 ! btATIlr'EE LABORI DIAY_ 2.15 P. M. . ................................... ; .60 BES! BUYS AT THE LADIDS' BLAcat LF�1YiF.Fi TONGUE PUMP wrI'rx STORES Ml TOWN AND BOW HIG6i HEEL VERY `DRESSY 6 LA.DrW1 BROWN SUEDE PUMP, TEA BOW �Q L { t 7 'and S. _ wArrrADs—IN l .86 1,WMNISDAY and TKURSDAY 'pZPT041M PLAT B ................... ..... �`�OR�d SOLE'''•HLG$i CU AN H�,EtL S4 60 �"� LADIES' BLACK SUEDE PUMP, . , HIGH CrUBAN HEEL - � Humphrey 'Knock on � 2�TR.AP ......._.........�.�.���.�:.... 4 Nu� -: i '1,.� LAUIE6' BROWN SUF7DE and LFATHDR PUMP - W1OVEN VAMP, PLATFORM SOLE, _ Any Door"' OPEN TOE, NIFTY,and ATTftACTIVFw ffi� FIEEL,......., =6.86 ADULT EIN 1'B,t�tTeSd'ID�NT '_: -Everyone. A Winner • PRE.Hi0iI+1�AY 'mNITS BLOW 4 at 1F2.0,6 4 M. BUQ�ID;AY; SEPT. , - _ :. ROgLAIYcm OWN T= Hlwf3's Brook=, ignited their son here o4 i/R.111130OlL om ASu -----_--DDIDIB DAT - _ _ ��.r AtM 9090 JAMS QAR.9OQR ---- Sandal. _ - ,AQP OTS f3zL.lI;O'1'FJD ARTIBTB ' Several of the W. M, S• members psMS _ soseled. s/eaas� ;;' ' attended the School.for Leaders at ilio now. �y a Ism Ladies' Cone. Whitby. or ��� b - - � Many friends of Mx. tan s�w, a sleet of sitll� M . Ivan . - - - - - F Trader Work The ma•nY meads of r Issllitse coed ���' chnnh on Sunday morning, and to his' at Very rasamb- GAADEN PLO W IN1Q 1?LBCIN(i know he In.gaining health. eW lalaaa� Ona eat be osiliaMa. Mrs' Dawson Park. Oohawa, spent IYI: ��,Ti!aiYi _ �p�W Qslted Chnsela saYose Who can "Sam will be wel- LIGHT EMDAOATngG last week with her parents, Mr, sad !ks.:: i� w� •••' MM Percy Cbark. comed into the staff. We feel we Wsed sad than CaWsts Vons - U. held a cam roost The congregation was small once cannot have too many helpers with Jssae 18 to Sept..SD. The Y. P. A Picture Story OL w snore but since holidays well soon the wee folk as it is herd the Loun- the home Friday ay and Mrs. Wirt A .. r CBAB. Ht71�IT(iS �Pegg on Friday Inst and report a - Y008 G bit over we can have for a change dations of the Christina life are laid PfekeeL�s. OnyatUo._ 8lsa�e !6d very fine ttme. _ fo two. better within the aezL week and we want to be ease they are for Lw This week was a specisI is►td� and we want to be afire they ; Greenwood TRACTOR ye • NaDtiama�t Service when Ms. and are mid properly. - tea, Ratph Schad Present &R-1 their Tho W. A. Senear b drawing �� � an Brace George: nasi Ms, sad closest-6aturday, 8e�ptesn"r 24• w, Rev. A C. and Mee. Latfanan dT�. D�1811fi P-ePUOTOGRA� >1 M Goan* Hall their son, (Ieorge ladies, we sok you to set your las e.callesa at Greenwood on Taos- -CLr1� pboas 2=5, JL" �a 6R. Ss� ,.. .A 'Lhar• Los BnPtism, It had been needles working and sort out your Doped otbora would ava11 thamsel- recipes so that there w111 �e no leak Ms: Latfmaa took charge of the w,BITBT OMIT. Von of We service but pWhO9& 1st• of good food and sawing for "Is burial serTieee of the late Ms's. Hun- �Y1�II � - studio B� � �� r or on there will be more• 31a, Bra- To our friends outside the grasp, ter. The sTmpath7.. of the co®mua- ty goes ta. lir Hunter and family :!!I�•8p ! A. M. To . P.PL ]rem delivered ,a gine massage and we oak you to remember the date 1 . �� >�1 • n it sa,psested we worry too much The W. M 8, will be starting up on the sndden passdag of his wife +nab try co solve everything by our- aha atter M. holt will held the in the motor accident oa No. E'i O>01&g�s • , asalves. Instead, we should let the ecce--the meeting Highway. .710pie Leaf Flre __..._ - Lord take over the night shift so third Thlrwday of Sept--the 15th, We welcome Mr, and Ma's. Hicks pm vumo �'Jfi Ma that we can rest property and be in order not to conflict with those and family to the neighborhood. om ism ass 'a i refreshed to carry on the nett day who mal wish to attend the G. N. They have pardraeed the DroDect7. Insurance vVs --with His help. It sounds like sound E. There mal be a change in place and paddock from Mr. McDonald gaq Wom Air lltieaas&& W�� a• Phone , philosophy, and we recommend it to of meeting, but we will remind you recently. �nD gates for I�rm sad�R roar readers, for we will find it we of that later. Wedding blells we ringing not :Air-CsstlMdm"E ShyBuIldisw aslt God to help us tbiags will run The W. A. will also be meeting a- tar away. 1SpkW Maks and maw wibdatorsa � S'R� much more smoothly in our lives. gain in September on their usual . Congratulations to Ms, and Mss- W1ra�� The mem1011110 bers of. the Daffodil date-the 4th Thursday which Is Donavan Appleby, who were marc- �N Sn�o woe of d8 TI C1uib Neve purch sed one 3ortn the 22nd, ted on Saturday last at Claremont. a, Gibson ,hairs for the pr, Dept. of the The Clinic was held again this Rev. Monkmaa at the ceremony in M - chairs School and these will be past week. , and -those ' in charge the absence of the minister there. Sh t Metal Work Bowman officially presented neat week,1 Thin Mr. and Mss. W. F. Disney, of of this ifs the first major effort , ;group of young women since its organization and now.that the sum. mer is drawing to a close, we hope An hnportant Event .'to see them start up again and per.can add other things for haps we s the young children of our Sunday , School to make their education in �- Farmer Should Attend r. Christianity more interesting and �Ve�♦ _ 'really worth v;hile, �;e are in need A I"� C of helpers in this Department; and A N A r I �� —� . . . JMPROVEMENTSAN ... - . . . ' ARM _ F SSOIL ATIO NSERV 7 - rs Sept U All Day Thu . P - `. .. on _the f arxn .©f �-Ieber- 'Down, Brooklin Prof its f rom Poultry _ • wI THEY ARE FED r an Hlghwap No. 7, one mile west o vi age :� FUNCTIONAL FEEDS OFFICIAL PROGRAM 2� RAISE FULLY NOUR• - ,D�MISSIOM FRE$ . (SHED BIRDS—FOR MORE EGGS—BETTER EliGS, BY FINDING '. ' ��,1� OFFICIAL OPTING -BY PR�R k B�B�CLsiO!'d•� l CO�P!LTTE FIVEYYEA�R PIS OF � M, FROST, &and HON. T. I+ g>�*TN81DY� • 001L CONMMVATION AND FARM IM- . , fF+�(-tar2 _ . _ . IBTL�t OF AGRZCUIRUlt81 at 1!BO pRMASH +OVEIMI+:•NT WiLl. SE PITT INTO �. P - EGG OpEItAT�O�C Ov 01181 DAT. Zd AND - Ptt.LETS "TI. IT - itagiJ•egs1� A11tAT.1: T'AAittNR hNo �it3 FACII. IIRI3 Ar. 4;..6 gy Signs hti AsdrAXI L HEyViA2tit SdRP'S0, $ LYBGf�'/� /gtW4gp, BeeoWwa&a MW . . —. „ - . � • 4 r : ANtali E 44IRST "Dear Anne Hirst: e e and you and they will have funTEA- ` I've been married 10 years, have * together. It is not right that they Make tea double strength and two children. For the past four • grow up without your com- while still hot pour Into gloom years i,ve had to work to help out. * panionship and guidance.' irdtarrrjusr'about at ing filled With cracked ice Think this.through, before you � point. (My sister is with the chit- ,• Add sugar and lemon to taste. dive. during the day). * talk with your husband. You two "If my husband would act like a are not enjoying marriage as you ! " _ husband and a should. If he will cooperate bet- real father, l ` ter, he.will gain by it,•too. at wouldn't mind * + -.SALADA at .all. But he d Sometimes a wife, driven to -Q takes me so for . L int _ M grantedl [t is desperation, has to take a stand. If months s i n c• you are at that point, tell Anne - we've been out Hirst about it and let her help you ' ' 1 _together, and 1 through. Write her at Box 1, 123 :J need amuse- _ Eiirhteenth St., New Toronto, Ont- , �c1 TIMI �,1 _ ' -men.t a than -EST OF 1 I ME - - _mor an - � lever did. He shox•s no interest-,`rt- - ' i�T s ren, he only wants them V lr ":• ,� 'the way when he. is home. a the ch - _ out of • } r21 As for helping me, he never dries `" t , �•' . a dish or helps with -the house-' A Serial Story . • P MI / Ycleaning. He sacs that is woman's - � JOSEPH LEWIS, \\, stuff here must be more to-marriage, - CHAPWIC$ 1 * than I 'am getting! Can you help me find its Discouraged.'. rr+vot•ett• Long after, Virginia sat in ner is 4 Alf ' 6rk, No Play The agora thus tar: rrrsials "as Y are s the wild treater eeastrr w tau darkened room looking down upon • ad stase to tenth Santa Benita where, to Santa Bonita's solitar .street. 'She it I think you should tell your awseum to a stranseb argent arvesene. bed-but • htisband that -unless your life at sM smeeq to meet her'asset Phil Law• had undressed for there was home can be made easier, with E p t i 1 a K woes, when the Lanasaa stage is rebboe- no capacity for sleep in her, Her PATTERN-4723 .51zES sk-w of a mosey boa bales defier" to Srtvv thoughts were confused and racing - - -- - * occasional evenings out' for fun. `x M t S 1 T$ laanrea, Basle Design aambiiss war.. had * you Will" i9 a ears eta of vlrrints's, u aim sandan wild. She had permitted Jia- to I hive mars pattern parts: 1 uu'Ii Y 8 e up your position. lr.tces gv tis. meastinaus. satins -aim disturb her tonight and she hated ma%e it is-a iif.y, easily- New " That will mean less money ssse era Previa,.. ="ties bet feeliaa • coming in,:and sacrifices which a •trans ottreaao■ toward him. viei tnis hear weakness. pockets fit cleverly into seams: long . eensset■ to its emortlas her go nil,* Then she saw him below her in front panels to slim' you. Perfect * yoar husband must- share, too. - fteeh. That tied the else* dmorted est, the street. There was no mistak- or lanae. marketing! * He will not welcome the idea. ' sesles to ..sea Beales, Jim Penardrs Yet somethingmust be done. SPO!?>i #Narea, with when phis ban bad treobte. ins him. tie was more than, a man Pattern 1723 comes in sizes 34, * M ►eats the bey. While awauias word —' You are a•young woman, in good �t trot,-Jen lianas that be was tend" at in uniform; the way he carried him- -36,-38; 4% 42, 44,-46, 48, 50. Size - * health. But oil will not continue. Mi. otos. ltrtndw Darres afire a►rs(als self marked him. She saw him hesi- 36 takes 5 yards 35-idch. -. , Y tsf „.w Orson Phil. tate. Her heart to be,'if you live like this 'wit6� � 4 •- ' CHAPTER VIII. pounded. If 6c -Sind TWENTY-FIVE CE'yTS 1 4were coming to her. .(23c) in coins (stamps cannot be * nothing better to look forward to. O j00 water sports,air. "It haunts'me," he told her. "Es- But she saw she was ivrron His accepted for this " Your spirit will be crushed, your g• p pattern. Pant * shows, contests pecially at night-out there." hesitation ended. She saw him turn plainly SIZE NAM4 ADDRESS, nerves give way-and then what and-diapL P Y r � * will happen to your family? . .. - He gesture tg2ok_in the desert and and walk to the house across the STYLE NUMBER. y• �aHY�sea - the mountain 'beyond. He was street. Lanya Correy's house. He Send order to Box 1, 123-0i ht- a Your huslyand is not intention- - and Prasent& �. = amiling thinly. knocked: The girl opened the door. ecnth St., � g ally uniusL He is a thoughtless hundred Therbe p Ncw Toronto Ont "Is'that why you have so many and he stepped in+ide. The door man, s sevens entirely -self- 7 rid the centered. When. a 'man's wife has ► stieaningless affairs?" Virginia oak- closed. v - * to go out to work, it is his part las I1 '� S' • ed. Virginia turned from the window, * ons Midwa "So many-L-?- then- he laughed. bitterness in her. Two, hours ago Modern Etiquette * to responsibilitiesm_ a ��t share the '!Yott'r'e thinking about that week Fie held her in his arms. Now he ephtg theotrainingseznl': _- - By Roberts Lee o' the children. He crust see, too, miss's �� art three yetis ago, he said. turned to a dance hall girt. * that his wife gets the recreation 0&year's C-N. L "I wait in iove with you then." CHAPTER IX. What is-the proper wa to in- * Cotte strep. • She said heavily.. 'When Lanya Correy 'opened her p pe y' * she needs: she will be a better "And you hate -me now," he-re- doom a sudden consternation trans- troduce a married woman to' an _ wife and mother-for it. -minded her. unnaLmed one? " Try ,once more.to explain'this Col.e a formed her placid expression The a Unmask Nerds "Yo:. . , not an more." a A,The unmarried wuman is •al- to your husband. Arouse his in- owe"A-sense..e...w _ Y. .-. appearance-of-an army officer* there o al...,.. ._ - - -He flung away his cigarette-and startled her, Her first impulse was wayb presented to the married wo- a terest and pride in the children; +mined quickly to her. The prey- to close the door against him. man, as, Mr„. Jones, may I presini • plan their, future together. Ain --• +cure of his arms about her was But Jim- Randall -had the flat of Mi,;s Smith, range to spend part of the week- Rough but gentle. "Virginia—" his,hand against the panel. He not Q. If a bride-to-w is in a position � end as a family group-get 'to .. She placed hes hands against his only kept her from closing him out. to give verbal thanks for-a wedding a the park, stn on•a picnic, so that- ellest "Don't kiss me, Jim. There's deliberatefv pushed-it wide, present, is a written note unneces- he gets to know his children as a :aomethin abort ' N sary? • fat}ter should..Hours lute these g yon that frightens 'I want to talk. Lanya, he said • w:ll' draw ou all closer, and one-and attracts me. But I could He ate A. Never; the "than$ you' note Y stepped inside and closed the * make for a warmer family, life. CANADIAN Bever love you again.' door behind him.- mutt be written, and as soon as « He still'held her close. She was He watched thepossible' if you must give up your job, -NATIONAL gill move away - « at toast oil will be with the chfl- (afraid he would kiss her, afraid from hint. She went to the o o-' Q Is it correct to use a�fork to y Pp * dren all day,`and they will know EXHIBITION 'lehough she wanted hien to-wanted -<site side of the table which stood in. place jelly on bread? I -e their tefiotker better than they can slim to despite her love for Phil, the center of the floor. Her face A No, the knife should'be used s new. You can-•Plan your routine - v Then her-eyes saw a movement showed pale and frightened in the for this purpose, a-,o it will not he. too exhausting. �eyond him. He saw her startled glow from the table's oil lamp, But Q. Should one correct a friend who Took, and he turned. Then he dart- hers was a pretty face, her skin fine constantly makes glaring gramma- .9d away' from her, drove forward. and her tips full red. Hei• dark eyes tical errors? handshis long legs, and laid rough had vast depths that doubtless had A. Never, the mistakes shooed be +� �y€�/R� C���� �iNN�Rt� lttands on the half-naked Indian who haunted many men. She stood wait.• ignored, unless' the friend, - being .bad been watching them. He drove ing, nervously.gripping her•hands. aware of his deficiency, reque<ls She Apache down to his knees,with' . Jim said finally, "Lanya, where you to correct him, Cblow of his flat, then talked to did you get that cameo pin-you are Q. Is .ft correct to write a.nota. ivil in the Apache tongue. Virginia wearing'" wishing a girl happiness after re- •JELLY -1 - event and stood'at Jim's sides Then, Thr girl's hand darted to the pin ceiving an announcment of her en- st a sign from Jim, he rose and at the neckline of her dress,• cov- gagement2 SUNS :darted away. ering it: "1-someone gave it to A. Yes; the note may be brief, "It's all right," Jim said. "He. me," she stammered. Y x " Measure Into small ` was unarmed." „ �„ but should be gracioui. and.sincere_ n bowl. 2 a ,� lukewarm water. 2 taps. Phil Lawrence. Q.How can I make an oak stain? c � JA dill- �t�sug�i until�� Ing us, Virginia card, He ` She did not answer: got it volved.SprmiSle with 2 en veloPes He was squatting down-watch A.B nixie. one , • y g quart of ,boiledz " gr gave Do you know where he " ' linseed oil three gills of turpentine, , Faisc��a Royal Feist Riang rale a start"'Then: "I saw him be- Jim asked. . Dry Yeast. Let stand to Core. I remember the sear on his ' six tablespoons of raw umber, and n „ ,,, THEN stir well. Cream j( a, I wont tell you anytfiingl" Lan- six tablespoons of whiting, sho ;graduall in Once Steve Barron talked to him ya cried. "I don't have tol" rte�g ,°kinda. .-the day we- went to meet Phil." "No, you don't have to,"•Jim ad- e;' sm utuated nnutmsg Gradually _ Jim looked at her- frowningly mitted. 'But you're frightened,'and He watched her wilt under his m l well.beaten eggs Sts in "Barron, eh?" he said Then: "We• that answers me. You do know. � -words. Then: "Did he tell you he ' �'�' �OII � e � setter return to town." r. y which�� and cDO� . .about Phil Lawrence, I got that pin in a stage hold-up? to lukewarm, and yeast mixture, . Did he, Lanya?" ? Star in 3 c.once-sifted bread flour; Thinly. "No. . " ' /. motto u once sifts ed Work In Sour 11. t?nglish 81.9ubetanee "And that. it belonged' to Vir- / ` Knead until smooth and elastic; .C1tOSSWORD Sloping e_ formed in i1T.stoning tetter vinegar ginia.Ames'?" place in greased bowl and brush 19,Encomiag a ET,Slipknot Her eyes quickly flashed with an top with melted butter or short- �L� al,Matte?(law) i8.Lament ., , \ vamg. Cover and set in warm i> 2E.Facts 30.Fruit/ ger. That isn't truel It never be- a place,free from draught.Let ries - EJ.Weaver's reed !E:Seed coatiss i" g -` until doubled m bulk. Pesach ACROea Pitcher. EB:Way out %4:i se[mall Jima voice ran on relentlessl down dough and cut into 36equ�l i -,ion ed to her knee i, 1.Angry institution for tT.Of a No+Amer- 15.Central Anger- "He stole -it from the til Who x ' porttone; d into smooth balls. _ e �Small island the sick lean oountry lean tree g :;..• Brush with melted butter or mar- Conessled 9.Wrath St.Italian coins 16.Handle loves him, who promised to marry garine,roll irtfine granulated sugar - Take out 10.Atmospheric a9'.Style or type roughly int n and arrange "a on Irish dram h And he ave it to you for- g pert stNt moisture r a e g s.W E Wagon track 8. Before rs g �I greased Seaweed "No," chokingly. "No . . . He ing peas. Cover and let rise Without lite NN natil doubled ria bulk. Twist the . Use needle didn't give it to me. I'll tell you ��tbC1�Ma handle of a knife is the top of each Planet the truth. He came to see me while tl ro to form an indentation; till 3Pruatment Steve Barron was away from Santa •'° with jellCover and let rise lb - an threr;d e„`�, mmut yjo gee is moder- Bonita. He put "t coat over a rive o CommaaM j P ately hot oven, 37b , about 18 Dry chair, When he was gone, I found minutes. Pasture the pin on the floor. i-I thought . .Hardened etq - � Wood sorrel he brought it for me, but had for- Revolve OOVtes mm 22 23 1 gotten to give it to me." aY 1 EA t Nire ona- -faced her.Im Jim nt"That'sd what t the wa ted -Needs NO R Dry Yoaq Chief soar • to hear. Phil Lawrence and you efrl>)eration! Short i u n ser. 4 are—friendly. .I heard rumors of �- e it. It was over you that Lawrence ,. Grail ksylra and Steve Barron quarreled." Thousands of women ever`,week ave g slew She nodded. "Steve Barron switching to the.new Pleischmaan's tDraptoyer .- Intlmstfoa s: wants me to marry him. He hates Royal Pact Rising Dry Yeast. It's possess Phil because=becau** I love him Shrtiv She lifted her hands in a pleading , •• "It's dre#vr—keeps for weeks i tlti d�� ` IR this cupboard. Perfect'results in ggestate- "Please don't arrest him. � lase -Hes not robbed anyone but.Stevr rolls, buns, hreadal tDeet Barron. And Steve Barron—" - - (Continued Next Week) m0/.46.'r SL//�/s/y� R �' "Attrirer slsetivhere in this tuns ISSUE SO _ 1049 /'/" , - Teeth Sewn Into : T K Your Gulln., TaLEALS . • `Free dental service in Britain has Jam IQt1C�xws. Show Must caused the biggest boom ever in the Go On— . • manufacture of artificial teeth. Cy- Tomatoes are plentiful-in our ' 1 teaspoon einnamoa Despite the prus is sending nine million teeth strike of-Paris a-year- and Blae district at least, and I hope is teaspoon allspice lm seamstresses turning them out at the rate of forty y° my insmedi=- -i-bottle ate family is concerned, recipes psu� for higher million per year, with production about "fancy" ways to serve them Method: `Wash and crush the wages, models still climbing. . -are just a waste of time, fstiit. Add the sugar and spices. h�: and fashion Before the war thirty million false That is to say they 'eat them' Bring quickly to boil in large designers were. teeth were used in $ritaip every before meals, after meals, and with kettle, stirring constantly. Boil for s - ¢y anxious to year, ten million being home-pro- meals, just as they come from the 2 minutes, then add the fruit pec- - x have their fall duced and the rest imported. vine-raw, raw, raw. (I do try and tin. Skim carefully and pour into Collections Chief material used for their man- make them wash the tomatoes hot, sterilized pint• jars, or into a ufacture is acrophylic plastic. Sets first.) jelly glasses.,Seal. (Paraffin, if you , :F } ready in time. are "authenticated" b touching So' the took y g However, there are others•-like rete' jelly glasses). _Makes 3 pints r sem,. Y them up with colours and markings a>a If-who sometimes like our nine 6-oz. glasses. things into their found on your own natural teeth. tomatoes dressed up a bit. And it's » -• Own hands to But the time may come when to them I'm passing on this recipe make sure the our new teeth will be "sewn" into for a very hearty, and tasty, hen- A DE AMBER GRAPE MARMALADE y 4 cups a pulp {skins M show goes on. your gums. This has already been cheon or supper dish. Using. a statue done with cats. "Tooth buds" have ,BROILED TOMATOES removed) .-- =2_eups_sour_#pplesauce -- �; fora been taker-am the ms of vise ON-COI�f Ch18TARD - dressmaker's week-old kittens and transplanted S cups corn, (canned or 3% cups sugar > y e; f? 2 teaspoons grated lemon r form, these into full-grown cats. It is claimed fresh cooked) - rind models put the that the buds developed into normal 3 tablespoons fat teeth. Method: Cook the grape pulp in - !'.. finishing 3 tablespoons Sour touches on 8 In early times it was believed 1% cups milk _ a small amount of water until soft - dress in the implicitly that the pain of toothache 2% teaspoons salt enough to sieve. Pass through a n. was caused by the efforts of a small 3/4 teaspoon pepper sieve and add the sour applesauce, gardens of the worm persistent) boring through z grid bring to a boil. Then add•the y S f3 1./ tablespoons chopped swank shop the tooth, and to this day in parts sugar and grated lemon rind. Sim- where the pepper (green or red) Y of the Hebrides toothache still goes 4 eggs, slightly beaten mer until thick and jelly-like. Pow work. by the name of the worm. into hot, sterilized, glasses. Para- M thod• Combine all the e, {b Makes about seven 6-oz. In China, too, travellers have're- ° above, a. y then turn into greased individual f ported seeing a patient writhing in gsaaats. agony whilst the village "dentist," molds, placed t, a pan of hot water. a having inserted,a tong, sharp-point- Bake until set, .about 30 minutes ; ed instrument into the hollow of at 325 degrees). Thea top Yves WANTED -a-,, -- the tooth• calmly taps away with a corn custards with tomato slicer made as follows: Dip 6' tomato ou sad Jewelers, :eerily other. E. I also have another worry-but little wooden mallet to impale the slices in one egg, slightly beaten; esW �, omsk,. Jewellers. ]sass +% it isn't exactly a "beef." Daughter mischief-making creature. then into 1 cap cracker estmibs. gooaar h ad waub eases. .err also brought home a little white Toothpicks have been used from Then broil the slices in a pan Gather fier rear f•K•t� ami•• y g with 3 or 4 tablespoons better. or lose �' taelo las° dellare urs The : blouse for her three-year-old god- Roman times, In the seventeenth sets libee�e (Crawford,), tea yesse �ONICLE.S son in Toronto. The blouse cost a century' it was considered fashion- shortening. A friend of mine adds ,mea, roe.■s°, Preload •atoms+°. w dollar-and DaugbW -raid ii-was able for a gentleman to carry a case a "finishing touch" by garnishing cheap at the price. But I was AAV% horri- of toothpicks round with him. On with•diced, crisp bacon-butty're m -. . . a dollar-for that little bit the•Ctontinent they are still used by grand eating even without ithat. - C3v¢t'tidolttti¢ �d• . Some lute big honttta, rome''rt�a1L of a thing! It bothered me so much the million. . • that I promptly sat down, took a In France several factories do frames are funny things; and w Treaerallyipbaklaa I tlke plenty of pattern off the ready-made blouse, nothing else but manufacture them space. But the last couple of days when a friend out in the far west ` , }nd made two more from old broad- from wood or quills. They are lei. sent me this next recipe, I couldn't • ve been thinking titers is tome- cloth shirts I had around, ported to all parts of the world. r )sting to be.said In far►our of a one- One firm boasts that they turn out help wondering why it sou tee 5000 room apartment You tet, I've loot I was appalled to think of what titled. 'But after I d tried it. I 172 different.models, flavoured within young mothers who can't sew must understood The "Oh's" and«Al's" Wfth say glasses and'I haven't any idea essences such as mint, rose, cloves is which of our eleven looms they spend onr•children's clothes. But represent tli4 appreciiative sighs. _ and violet. y M 1 N A R D'S may be hidden So I go tramping thank goodness some of them know - you're liahle to hear alter folks from one room to another, upstairs how to use a needle"and thread. I taste the first piece-and ps+i beck had a letter from one reader-mother their plates for-a second. It's: Is ' and down, turning over this thing, SAIIY'S SALVES , and what she does in the way of IdOT,�i ERS OHS AND AHS ;poking into thatl trying to remem- - ► teabaefreeta and saw sewing and knitting, for her own \ CHOCOLAT]iE CAK]Ew 3� oyuusseelist �;z= her exactly where I was the last family, and for sale, is amaztn egg yolks fades sceaorts►s time I used them-but so far to no ,T avail. By clic time I have found my Seems to me it would be worthwhile ' l` y l cup sour create lasses-if and when I da-I for any yonn wife and mother to % cups sugar alas] probably have used rep the learn enough about sewing to that furl 2 ounces chocolate ; price of the glasses is shoe-leather. she could at least make clothes for KAS sup hot water her pre-school-age children. I teaspoon vanilla If we lived in out room it would at And speaking of letters 1 L 1 • ll% cups flour ..WANTED least limit my lost and found area, • often wish m correspondents would I teas inn soda YOUNG WOMEN -although those who know from ex- y P _ perience tell me -it is amazing the add apse-name to their own so that things that can disappear even in kgters could sometimes be answer- l[etltod: $eat egg yolks and for one room ed in this column. My fan mail is sour cream together. Add the sugar Harvestinj Peaches L Plums, Added to my too-many-roost often so good and so interesting 1 - and beat until thick. Dissolve oho- Pears, Apples. Gapes, '1Otaatoea sometimes feel I would like to share colate in hot water and add to and Problem there is Honey! Could she •"'_ _._ cream and eggs. Add the flour; other Fall fruits and vegetables it. But of course, unless a letter is by any chance have taken my glasses sent to me with that understanding, then the three egg whiter, which outside? If so how far .from the "But 7 want one that I'll outlive." ,Accommodation in I respect the writers confidence and have been whipped. Bake in a house do you stop looking on a moderate oven (350-375) for about harm Service Force Campo do not refer to it in any way that ,Smelling Colors _ -hundred acres? Last winter, if you will bring recognition to the sender. 50 minutes, or until done. August 15th to November 15th remember, I lost my glasses one So friends, horn about ft? Do,you • • • Campsrs must bring. time and found them in the coatbin, Can you*smell different colours? And with the grape season upon blankets. shahs and pillow eases `think you would care to add a p-en-, Two scientists sa $y the teeth marks on the ear-lugs y that cockroaches would pretty n of th perhstP. it name next time you waste... can-and perhaps s human ficin too. hot further information writs: •-•. I didn't need to be a Sherlock � .' P P g• wouldn't be out of the way if I -: Holmes to know how- they got They believe that colours affect included a couple of fine ways of Ontario Farm Service Force there Fortunately I have another B R UCi the sense of smell through a sudden using that delicious fruit-The first 9 Richmond Street East pair of glasses but they are bifocals loss of heat in the smell organ, is: Toronto 1. Ontario. rand I don't like them-at 'least At an experiment scientists used Auspices•: SPICED GRAPE JAM ;., not for reading or typing. Bernard Shaw was eating his a board with alternative squares of Z quarts spas Dominion-Provincial Us meatless dinner with a learned lampblacl�--which has no odour- 9 Farm Labour Coma»ttee 'However, even without reading eopfrere when the restaurant's or- , and unpainted aluminum, Cock- 2 pounds sagas iglasses I can distinguish good work chestra struck u a particular) from bad And that leads up to a P y roaches in a cage were placed over._ noisy piece. When, after the briefest the board and the lights turned out. very real "beef." of intermissions, it launched into an When the test was over all the �� WOMEN � O ������ A few months ago 1 bought a even noisier one, Shaw summoned smock-you know, the kind of thing: cockroaches were found,to be di- women wear around the house. It the headwaiter. ,Does thin orchestra rectly over the black squares. play anything on request.' he-ask. was a very pretty smock, spun "Oh, yes, air," said the head- 'apparently.., FLASHESthen' rayon, nice lines, and apparently:, waiter. "Excellent," snapped Shaw. Much TOO Much - well made. It cost $4.98. But alas, "Kindly tell them to play dominoes." , with a few washings the smock'. The Oppenheimer brothers were started coming to pieces because the, interviewing applicants for the job FEEL my "." seams were neither pinked, bound Answer to Crossword Puzzle of private secretary. One Amazo- nor overcast and so frayed right nian creature .had excellent ref- down to the stitching. To save the H D /�5 �� i erPnces, but- the brothers did not Dw to • e f� garment I had to-practically remake DEL S iN 1� O enthuse after she waddled out. "I Are you going through trying •change —it. Since I had,had similar experi- i// A N / •9 T E S E w I don't think 'she'll do," said oric• of life'?Doe.this functional disturbance � d""r► "outer before 1 thought to myself- "There's too much of her in the make you eOff°r from hot Aaahas, tiro- �/ T SCRAP „ roue and clammy feelings, weaknan 'Well, I suppose that is what coma EARTH / D 3 first.. place. His .brother added, and a areae of being irritable and high- �> of buying ready-made things-prob- E C M E L "That goes for the second place, .rruag?Thmdotry Lydia E.Plokham's ,r ably all garments are the same ex- tool:' Vegetable Campoimd to aefisve wsaL -- sept-in the top-price bracket." N / O L y Many win women take Plnkham's But one day last week Daughter NOt .A_Thin]--_ e m -_mss t • *:1P >iidtd-ap L -ddiWon-this-great-medicia�b s S OTE $ resistance against thio distieas. Pink. flee stomachic tonic.A real blearing for brought me home a smock . . . and D E O T I? / q T A Girl (arriving late at. game)- ham'.Compound ocia an me of woman's woman who suffer this way. what a differencel On this smock E p / p y E N C R / "What's• the score, Larry?" most important orr-and has such a NOTE, Or you maj prefer Lydia E. nearly every seam was pinked—or ,+'• grand soothing effect. linkham's TABLETS with added Iron. U S E �!' N / T Escort-"Nothing to nothing. if it couldn't be pinked it was faced - O yy N M E E Girly'Oh, goody) Then we Lydia E. Pinkham's VEGETABLE COMPOUND. with bias binding. It was made of haven't missed a thingl" 'a good quality print,'cost $2.95 and --1 hate to admit it-was bought in .,:Buffalo. Naturally the question I j� Margarita want to raise is this: If ready-to- ! ,, • AFTER YOU ° ` 1 �, wear garments cart be made proper- j CAM TIS WALK _ -ly in the U.S.A., why not in Cant ' ada? Are things just thrown to- \ -GO INSICfI!! • c •`• 1T3 Too COLD To .gether in this country because we ' • t PLAY'OUT NV THE • I °►• just accept them and ask for nothing r, s /1 • • o'better? If If that is to then here is ' • ' one person who would like to do a AW f•EE j '•• ,`\ e o` : : �Q e r r - ? •-lot of asking. The question is >s eJ� where? Is there a manufacturer's association that would give an ear • lowto such complaints or is there an •• •� e other way in which we wonu•n could agitate to have better quality �`- v✓ work on the garmenU that arc `� '.e •• ' Woo • I: ~ offered for sale? ' • i • •--- - _" _ • ' u�rte�� • director . A _. : CROCK . _ � = -_- _ ___ _ _. - . - =Do You =Know. Tha# = _�� ' SL1'PLIES — A,P. Richardson THEATRE Itmmediate Delivery Case Made — Of 'rhe Following Items IT TAKES ONE-THIRD LESS SUPPLEMENT AND asphalt Shingles REAL BSTATIR TEM PERCENT LESS GRAIN WHEN YOU USE _ Boll Roofing�_� -- CONVEYANCING "HOG SPECIAL". YOU GET TEM Px:R-GENT MOR1:; . Bric Siding AIR-CONDITIONED EGGS.WfiEN YOU ADD "PAN-1 MIN" r,7 THE An Old-established Agency,R� _ MASEi. Asphalt Roo! Coating TO Serve -•••s Aluxniaan -Corner Bead THURSDAY, FRI., SATURDAY COWS GETTING Dr, HESS STOCK TONIC PRO. ;PhD Pickering 40 September 1, 9 and S. DUCE' 25 Lbs. MORE MILK FROM EACH 100 Lbs, die Cap sad Valley Mows At 7.00 and 9.09 P• M. OF GRAIN. Chimney lA eBr Li?dag Baca = SAVIX F�BY UWNG Dr. Hess"PR�O�DUCTB � And Ilme Brick Faoe Brick D• A. 39 :E � � fatasday Matinee at 1.80 P. 3[. Bats dna Loose Cellae The Blue Lagoon LAR:EMONT CO-OPERATIV 1"° "°°°�'n�'°°' 1N TECI3NICOi<.OR PHONE 38W, - GL AR3111 r0�NT, ONT. A• W. MITC 20th Anniversary In Business . JEAN 8DOdONS And DONALD HOUSTON PSONM 44 and 114 . Address Puma Brougham. Oat. Pick. 241W I "OUR TRUCKS PAbB Tv WAY" ]S,ONDAY, TUES—W E D.NEWAY N T nses a —- -. s L.aad_7. ..,�_ - M. - 8llaws at 7.00 and 9.09 P. M. - EoUday ii(aticee Monday at 1.8+0. PRF3NTIC� Mr. and Mrs, Jack Norton sad seems they are "on in the daytime Y � worm AUCTIONEFR8 Apartment for M'• and Mrs. Al Robertson are, on sad off at night". The group org- Phone y a two-week vaoatiom to Montana anized the football game last Sat- and Aut3oidsed for Zhe Mr. Bill Voss and Doug. Dickies- urday, mentioned earlier. We wish 818 DandaL�` Bl' COOIItie• o! 0ati� ars Yer1�. Peggy hon sttended'the C. N. E. lust Sat- this new, organization every duct_ Farm Stock, Implespau Hoa urday, ere. bold Fmrnitnre, Real Estste .18 TECHNICOLOR Miss Georgina Forsyth, Oshawa,+ - MCEACHN�E' dales Our Specialty at Room" _ JEANNE CRAW, spent the week-sad at her home $intra, Distil Serrim tot � na,><e,M HOLVErr here. BROUGHAM 1TWITV DEALIMB Price of one. EDMUND 4W3NN Mrs, Mitchell, of Toronto,, is at ` - MR10tea P. O. phone, Ate• l� • present visiting. Mr. and Mrs G. M. FUNERAL D>�Vl'O$ Markham P. 0. phone ghL J "IgRS1DA.Y, FTI., SATURDAY F�sytIL Mr. and Mrs, Ai Ellicott and son 8ept�bee A 9 and 10 Mrs, Stephenson, Aurora is,spend Billy have returned from a holiday ovate Anabalanoe 9eetiioe Phintices haw beds +IsI &II JL-.2 ins a few 'days with Mr. and Mrs. at Prince Edward Island. auctioneers sines 1590. • G. M Forsyth. Mr. and Mrs. Wbllace Ellicott sled ...►"-�. D4 or Nubs WEENNIN Chicken" Every MM, Stephenson. Aurora,..is at Dianne are holidaying at this far. Wes. > eBACHN Prop. present visiting M3, and Mrs. Walt, mer's home of Ms and M:s.. Will- Sunda Waard I&M Ellicott. DaterLtet. BoihkeU, Notary pgbils Phone Pick. 19 Mr. Norris ,Hbrdy and family Mr. &�lttd Mrs, Js.mee Ravey and .�- string DAN DAnEY sad spent Sunday with.Mr. and Mrs. C. son Do-uglas • are spen.dtng a few Pl . C. C. RICHARDSON - — — . CE]JM= HOLM - H 'd9• . —_ _._ days in Montreal-with Aur. Ravey's ckermge _Ont• i01 1lC " BtTiL Dn We are all pleased that Mrs, Ed. brother John. $onifeace is home from hospital and The Friendly Bible Claw w}l hold 1"d4oe: •hrer0at0 . l� 1804 improving, and hope that Blair Ev- their meetiltg on Tuesday, Sept. 8th ams will soon have a complete res at the home of lir, and M,rs(; M. overy, dud be home too. Ellicott, at the usual hour o! 8,80 WM. MAW Mr. and Ws, Ken-Woods and P. M. Members of the congregation i'1 1 • bveft� hllam y visited the '"E: on Friday are e1come. It 1s emphasizedLi+Ci�91i� A100�N8'M� this _ u and spent .Sunday with hip people meeting will definitely be--.on time. Apmunexu HOUSE-or BARN SA Torot}to, Hope there will be a good attend- -' VALrATOH j The football game at.the Park on since. . HfWw� MoaTsrseat W�r'los _ IlEVAN�EB AND Saturday night had a good attend- A goodly number from 'here are � � Ws�se ROBT. AUSTIN. PROP. , ancea and the collection amounted to attending the C. N. E, 414 Deadaa Bt. )haat, Whitby l0'UR1yAt~114 RDPA14R8 $Z5.ti0. Clartmont tied with Soling Sympat4y is extended to Mrs, M. H' K- 1+ • • New and Used-iiLl* Water in & no-score game. Annie on the death of her grand- B �a W� °g Amy. �_ Poespe Air. and Mrs. Sam.Taylor and the mother, Mrs. Charles Honey, Honey- On No. 9 Highway family ,spent.Sunday with his bro- dale, near Port Perry, 3jr, and Mrs, rhose • Whithy '� S G,, BARNES ther in Uxbridge." Annie attended the funeral on Mon- The fierce storm of last Saturday day afternoon'. • . 1%one: Brooklin 79 R 9 blew down a tree in front of Jim Mr and Mrs, Ed, Annie; also Mr, OPTOMETRIST (No, 12 Highway. 3 miles North Teylor'a'hame, breaking it off.right and Siris, M. Annie attended the of Whitby) at the base. funeral of the late Mr, Willis mAa- SAM to 1240 and 9.00 to 500 _ The Good-fellowship Class of the nis of Port Union on Tuesday of Eveoingss >wton., We+l., Phi., 7 W 9 United Church eaioyed a Weiner last week The late Mr, Annis is an DISNEY � � , p. O. " .1 A. WILLOUGH$Y ~` roast on Tuesday night, with a very• uncle of fir, Ed. Annie here, AND e;o►�f DOORSgood attendance, $ahool will re-*pen on Tuesday Offi3AWA, ONTARIO Years Canadsr's 'La a Air, Cbae.'Stetritt, of Pickering. September 8 with Mrs. M. Annie in Phone . Res. 9694; Office 1524 Forty COMBINATION, INSIDE MZD lust returned•from St, Mary's, called charge (Three-Day Service Arranged) py.set Farm �. OUTSIDE DOORS, on s• number of old friends here on Mr: and We Fred Casale; also amt J. 11, (Had) nr CloStawars. • .1 ALL MADE OUT OF Monday air. and firs. Sack and Mus, Philip, ADOda6 CLEAR LUMHDR Mr, And Mrs, "Bill' `Tomlinson motored to St. Catharines to visit �� ` ' and daughter are spending a few Mr, Caseie's sister Mrs. Stewart ' f '�' That Home In The City "SYLVA CORD PLYWOOD" dAys with his people here, kir, and Vii-a, Stewart have a peach slices Atkinao (1a11 our City< • 3178, H. G. Mclntyrp is attending orchard, ,and owing to the very ex- Phone Agan. 201 W 9- Stouff.990 i HY2187 • r 1 the Annual School for Leaders, i-n treme dry weather, have had to wat. i N. M Corton connection with the.W. M. S. bging er the crop, which they cla'.m may JO,,lCej1$ed - held this week a4 the Ladies' .Coll-. . not be so beneficial this year, but LUMBIQR YARDS age, Whitby, might help to 'keep growth better ' GORDON F. Q$$ Y - PIC=RI�TQ, 0V%A IO Rev, E{eTley, l akefield, was the for another season Auctioneers Pbess minister preaching here and at . Little Miss $elen burrows ,Osb- 26 Year's Experience O•j'' U. L Brougham on Sunday, The Boaras awa, is holidaying at the home of -� of the two churches will meet here Sales conducted anywhere Dlatrict - her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C. next Sunuay evening to discuss the Burrows. Spechaising in Farm Stock, ftrsii- Issuing of s, call, The Church Board will meet with cure and Property Bales. �• T ♦ PS 7 , The W. M. S. will meet at the , Claremont Boa.d on Sunday even-, All Sales personally Listed and �i`i��1�� UPS home of Mrs. T. Stanbury, Thur s- ing, Sept. 4, for the purpose of sel- Advertised. Bills prepared sed '3>asar�ali:e (,1em y . • Sr 8W - day, Sept. 8 This-will be the last ect,ng a Minister from the four who pasted. _ s. month for our Secretary to be with- have preache for calla during the _ � r d . ..'� . � - �•lBegiereseatattves •�, us. It is hoped all membe.s will be month of August. Prompt �erviee present, Miss M. Duncan, a former resid- ,:,� POtlftitQ Dr. and Mrs Tomlinson, who re. ent of Brougham, and now of Tor- -- Seib amp «�� .i •OAlty TrrtllCt TO AN cently retu -ned from their vacation, onto, ie recovering nicely from her Reasonable Rates • A CANAOfANA�itiAlaMq had a pleasant surprise when the operation in a Toronto hospital and R• Wim' Bowauaville ,y •tMARTeRrO e11tN antes i' guests at the Lodge gave,therm a is convalescing at the home of her PHONE 890 STOUFFVILLB IDIAL elrlllCI 10t AU I1aODY send-off on the occas,on of areer in Toronto. We hope much her fut- '�P y�.' avow TILAr1t their weddinganniversary. When bene aft, WWtb ant. Ff AM rrlOselatA911 N They arrived home, the family had, Mrs. Killey and her mother Mrs, aroanged another happy celebration. Helliwell spent Saturday at the C. ;�ASTER�1 NOiIS• Congratulations. N. E. and had a wonderful day and rho w 4" 1 Neil Catherwood is out and ar- came home tired, but agreed the Ex. dd ' ' ff ound again after being hit by a • is '"fine" this year, and well worth Your Friendly Resident Agent swing at'the Tai k, one night last while, , � �� week. V Miss Dorothy Bayles ent rtaine� REALTOR _ INSURANCE AGENT A number of Claremont people e'' LIFE FIRE CASUALTY BONDS, AUTO.MOBILTs a hum'ber of ladies to a "Wear-Ev- ' ' attended the street cnrniNal at Stbu- , LI-18ILlTY INSURANCE Etc. r' brush demonstration Inst Tu,, BUY FROM AND, a ffvi le•last Wednesday night, dray.afternoon- ,_ —1i -- • SH 3ETlXrG n s Bier lii�ks-ale at lira T, C. Brown celebrated hei LIST YOUR PROPERTIES FOR SALE WITH present on a trip to Michigan and 87th birthday. on Saturday last. �,Y,R IL E MORLEY FLOORING` hope to visit New Yolk before re- 1 C'ongratul'ations. E. turning. lir. and Mrs B. Kidd, of Toronto 2%4 4x8 2-YS fir. and Mrs, Norman Burton an- and little son R loft, called on lies. nounce the- engagement of their L Mathews on Friday last. HAROLD SCOTT only daughter Dorothy Eileeii to firs. Woodward visited with lir. Between.Hitghways 2 and 2A, �i'm• Earl Cook The wedding will and Mrs 'S, PolIa•rd, of Oshawa, on ih �COMRIE On Frencaman's Bay Road take place Sept. 10, in St. Johu's Sunday last. T (' Church, Brougham, Mr. Jack Stewart has obtained a 1 e Cos Miss Agnes Bukacheski left on position in .Osliawa, and will take - L13MED satin day,for Coniston to take care up residence there shortly We wish of her mother, w'ho is 'ill. We hope Mr, and Mrs. Stewart the beat, , .I'henes: Scarboro 8888 or Howard 1117 for a speedy recovery. Mr, and Mrs, D. L Witter, a oh- M K AIDER Mr, Stanley Robbins of St• Thom- M Scarboro Junction ala, spent 'a week with Mr, and Mrs treat; also Mrs. R. W. Witter and ELECTRIC �. Thomas Gregg here. daughter Gladys, spent Saturday _ Mrs. John Stobo, of Portland Or- with Mrs. L. alathhewa, FOR IMMEDLLTE DELIVERY 1 1 Hesitee arra Harp egon, was s recent visitor with Mrs Mrs, Thos Philip Jr. and Anna. �61s etre on a bus trip to some of the I.UMBEWiLRonglb or Dressed, Trim, Saab and Doorsi. �. JSTIKATBS GIITZX Gregg.Mvid Gregg and Mr, and Mrs. H. Eastern Perovincea. VTNI)OW UNM COMPLETE—Frame Sash, (flans, Spiral The business men of the village. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. balances, fl&ctory-built and•pr'etitted. C. Bbeppard on the birth of their 'WALLBOARDS,—T1eu T Donnacon Q Greeoboar& it, beld a very successful business meet little son, at the Oshawa Hospital ' ti kms, Ing last week and met again fon- on Tuesday afternoon, August 30, OO�— pedar, Birch, WelBtex, and Etch Wood. day niglht. They plan to meet the Ulm Sbeppard.was a Dutch hide• S WPG1Jj~-A"halt and Cedar with NA,40, Insolbrlo Siding, I.sat Monday of each month, rnV gids A com- Mother and sun doing wall. a. X. 062sroPittsburg PainPaints.r • mittee of: R. Mediil, Clare Keevil Miss Marior'e'Wilkinson, Toronto. ` and Grant Taylor were agpointed to T1s rX& ,...,.ar• t. 1R►ant a few daya •with ber friend,