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�_. l VOL, 67 No, 39 PICKMUNG, ONT, FRIDAY, MAY 30 1947 Authorized as Second Chase Duties Sub. Rate $2.00 per year; U. S. 52.50 W. C. Murkar and $hen, Pkiblishers C ° Post Office Department, Ottawa :add Fellows To N onour Dead With Aemorial Service At Local Paris This Sunday, t�Zt. The local lodge Order of Oddfellows hold their annual church parade this Fin At Chas. Conacher's Wednesday bliss Gloria Whitter Feted Murray Heron Graduates In Sunday, meeting at the Presbyter- Morning Of This Week With Showers ;Four -Year Didinity 'Course Pickering V ilI$ge tan Chuicfi. They will be led in par- Fire broke out in a brooder stove In honor of her forth- coming wed- At the recent - Graduation Exercis- Mrs, R. C. Copeland is visiting ads from the lodge room by the Markham Girls' Band. Following the at the Charlie Conaeher farm on ding on June 7th, Miss Gloria Whit- es of Toronto Baptist Seminary, friends in London, Ont.. Wednesday morning about 10.30. ter, Highland Creek, was honored Murray Heron, son of Mr. and Mrs. = Dr. H. T.'and, Mrs, Fallaise and 3 church service Yor march to our Pickering Fire Company was called with a shower last Saturday even- W. T. Heron, Pickering, graduated family visited Mrs. E. C. Jones and Mednori>il Park 2br t'ne decorating of the memorial there. The public is but .the blaze had been extinguished ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. in the four -year Dhiaity Course, family in Owen. Sound over the Envited to attend before trney arrived. Litt!e dainage Harry Boyes. Miss Mary Boyes and Murray has. accepted ,a call to be- week -end is reported. Mrs, Donald Kemp acted as hostess- come the Pastor of Noranda Baptist Mrs. F, Valleau, Kingston, is ROTARY es. The bride -to -be was the recipient Church in Quebec. An interestin;o spending several weeks with her. A r of many beautiful gifts, feature of the service was the com- daughter, Mrs. , W. F. Baker. , The local Rotary C:ub welcomed ENGAGEMENTS Miss Whitter was again, honored missioning of sixty students for Mr. John Profit, Niagara, spent on Wednesday evening, wheg friends their summer work, the week -end with the Bushb fam- _ e engagement back again , to their meeting repass- Th- Y ertiatives oiP the McColl- Frontenac is announced' of gathered at the home of Miss Kath- ily here, n t Oil Co, tine guests of Rotarim Art Elsie Adele, daughter of Mrs: Adair Teen Gooderham, Highland Creek for '°The Story of Handcrafts" Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Mitchell 'and • -� Mitchell, on Monday evening. Thi3 and t'ae late Mr, Fred W. Adair, to a Miscellaneous Shower, On both 13t. George's Church W. A. Mr, and Mrs, Len. Burningham spent company has a very interest'mg George Harold, son of Mr. Cecil occasions the b6Aies ,of ' the happy the week -end in -the North Country. i story to tell in colored motion pict dips, and the late Mrs. Phillips, events were tastefully decorated and Please note -the June meeting of Pearson Baker and lady friend vFms, 64 'the ot'!. soft P'- =-o'eu n in- the wedding to take place in Pick- the customary good wishes extend- St. George's W. A. has been post- motored to Tara for the week -end, t dustry. This latest film was on the ering United Church on June 7th, at ed. v pond owing to the District Meet- Miss Betty Dunn, Weston,- was in "pipe lines", by which oil i3 moved 2.00 p. m. ,� -,- _ - - -- ing of the Women's Institute at town on Friday evening, providing .-- _ 1 ,,, c. t Pickering 'tin our regular date and music for the Continuation School Irvin na ae. m .�u.rzr -xr ^ '•�' -- �- ape to have g1, ur members Dante; through 8-inch pipes, many - thous- l-,. -1 �1 present to welcome our guests on Mrs. Maunder is cn�ically ill at r� ends of miles of such lines beirngl - (isy 1d'�i blurkar) Vltednesday, June 11, at Z -du p. m. � tl,c hvi,io v: 1wr . 4L%lLWX, It.. G. laid across this continent. When one . A Social `Evening for the Brook- The opening softball game at the airs. Rohe S • has kin -o ff "_leer '- � has the privilege of seeing these , - -- -_ fiim3, then only do you have the .Ira Junior Farmers will be held at R. T. S. League- oa-J4cinday, May home and we are expecting Mrs. L. Our Junior casualties Joh-t Bush- - opportunity of comprehending some- Brooklin on Thursday, June Sth. �, at Memorial Park, was "'rained Ballantyne as .speaker. The subject by and Bobby Bertrand, who both thing of the magnitude of the in- Ball practice will be held at the out ", but the two teams, Dunbwton of- her address is "11%e Story 001 fractured bones is their hands and dustry im America• A further and Park at 7.00 p. m. and the meeting and Greenwood played an exhibition Handcrafts ,ssince t»•:is is a subject wrists a couple of weekip ago, are in the HaII at 9.04. nine on improvised diamond in of interest to all women w'nether apparentl es return visit is looked forward to by g Y progi �g favorsbiy. A these gentlemey s't,awiag on their outfield The stove, 9 -1, wilt they make them or merely appreciate mere fracture doesn't slow them up next visit "Tankers ". PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH the Dunbart(n team, decked out in the story back of these Arts. A very at that age. _ Cyril Morley provides next week 3 BAZAAR, MAY 31, 3.00 P. M. new uniforms being on the tr^ .,,d, pleasant afternoon is indicated- Mrs. John Murkar has taken up I Visitors are welcome and bring permanent residence with bar son program _ Mara and varied attractions are On.Fridav night, at Ajax, Clare- your friends, W. C. Murkar. There are still a lot of ar -mars to main*._ f lea• Year's Cbam s) _ showed J=e a Mrs. McGregor azttd brother Carl _ -- - ing shown at the Pickering Pres- - - p : ---- .-�_ -- �' ' • • . subscriptions to this priblicstron• -• I bytenas Church Bazaar on Satur- they still would be hard to bet r', - .- Hetg�r on Piclteririg friends} How's Yours. We're ,going to work ; day, May Slat. Something for ev- when they defeated Ajax 13 - 6.'P:te ..Pickering Women's Institute on Tuesday. a an •em in a few days'. � e2y�y from Graisdma to Baby- batteries: for Claremont, Millen' and - Fancywork Booth, Touch and Take Borland; Ajax, Lort6n and Wallace - _ -- 2- - +s - - Mrs. Maunder i _ On Tuesday; May _, . the Women s - ' - - BeaverUw Baby Beef Cilf Club Table, Home- baking Table, Hand- _ Institute met at floe home of Mrs. kerchief Booth, Fishpond for Child- The game scheduled for Wedne3- F. M. Smith, Cie President. Mrs. H. The death took place at the home An organization meetinz of th-A r.>n. Afternoon Tea Viol 1a, served :day ni&t - botween - Pickering Vets - L• Hutchison in the chair. The min- of her daughter Mrs. G. F. Costae, Beaverton Baby Beef Calf Club was from 3.00 till 5.00 p. m Adm : 25c � an'1 Pickering Cubs was also "rain- utes of the last meeting were acc- Pickering, of Mrs• Maunder, follow - held hi t%e Beavertr•'n TownYhip r may 30 ed out ". _. _' _ _ epted' as rears. Thy Secretary, Miss ing a, lengthy illness of several Hall, on R*ed iesday evening, May _ a. E. lticiiardson read the minutes Years. She is survived by -her hu3- , - Have you seen -le new dierel -ei- �, the Directors Md sting reporting band; and one other daughter; Mrs- Have 4. Yount men from our irrmediat.e ectri- locomortive3 down on the C. Hollinger, of Brussels, O ,t., and area Joining, include: Ia^tce Beath, t t'aat the program for the year is _ N. R_, - 11 o'clock every morning well on the way and announcing the one sister. Service acrd in'ermrnt James ;Hugh Baird, Blackwate c I at present. 120 miles per hour, top took lace at Brussels, James Blackburn, L *xbrie; Mac - � � , personnel of the Welfare and Quilt p •• �' FUELS - NOTICE ! ! speed-- wheeew. ChriAie, Port Perry; __ ur I Committee. Delegates were appoint - Rich- ardson, Ashburn; Jeanne Pearson, For the first time in many yeah+ S. June S 'd -to the District Annual and r- �l�Q � ] ur�) � Q � Uxbr;fte; Bert .Pearson, Uxbridge; we are now in the position to - lnnual Meeting Presbyterial W. MI. angements made for the meeting to /{ k h s7 Richard Miller, Sunderland; Bill supply "our'customers will all. siz- i be held in Pickering this year. The Miller, Sunderland; Everson Norton, es of pre -war grades of Anthra- 50th Anniversary of the Women's -PiekeriPt, Tutted (•liar r Brougham, and Keith Heron, Black- cite Coal, in any quantity. We Ti- Annual meeting of Section 6, Institute in Canada is being cele- Rev, Robtn C, Copeland, R A. Toronto Presbyterial of the W. M. brated t:tis year, and on the 18th of Minister Walter. advise you to fill your bins now " vril'1 be held in St. Andrew's Pres- Officers elected are:- L'resident, .as it is almost certain t•dnat the June there is to be a eery fine fag- SUNDAY, JUNE 1, 1017 by teria-n Church. Pickering. Thum- ea in Gue' h rod iced b Ra 10,00 a. m. - Sizndav School Ted Westlake; Vice - Paean; Eafl Wi-n= producers will . adZ'ance their da June S. Sessions commencing at P ' p Y y- Batt: Secretary, Bob .Rosa; Club y' g m,nd Card., who directs th? Santa 11.00 - Morning Service prices on July 1st, Order snow, I 10.30-a. m. and 2 p. m. . Mrs. C. ,Claus parade, , A number of Instit- I Rev. Manson D�, • le, D. D. Leader. Ross McMillan, Beaverton, take prompt .delivery, and save McLennan, o; Osha�ca, will preside 7.00 - men% -n * Wor i - Each boy will have a beef 'calf, money. at the meetnn *c and d ^!egatec will use'; are ai onset ng to a by bu. and , �l? p something f that kind may be do ,c either a steer or a heifer, of any We also have in stock- Anthra- g b breeds born between Sept. 1, 1°46: he' pre.rrtt fmn� Osliativa Whitby, -• from here. Any member wishing to Choir practice at home of l.•ader. cite BriquettPS. Pocohont�s Coal West Hill anrd Pickering. Mrs. Curr. attend will ,ease leave their na::e ;Thursday -evening. and March l., 1514'7. He will i,° 'rr- anal Range Coke. President .of To :nnto t'resby' •ria?, P' pect� to care for this calf .durin.lt as tioun as pu :,;;i,le w4h bias Fra is _ the summer a-�d keep are d� cif -t'ie -A. W. _t1TTCHFI_L• i and Departmental �ecretariec - will_be hall. Transportation will cost f''3.00, Women's' _X.S�ionary society e presant to ad&ess the meeti:ig , and eaei person wiii take their own �' 'Tie regal', r meeting of the W. M. feedinfi costs and weights o_ t'ie. 1 calf at the beeinnin; of each month• Coal and l:uild�rs' Sapn'ir: The guest _Pester at th after- `hox lunch. Tea will be served at the i S. of Pickerin^ United Church will The cal • rs w':' b �r u °; at Beaver `r'h n- ! and 1'. ;. I' {c'!rr ng noon session t�'i''1 b� Mrs. A f: _ ('olle>e Some t��'ent} People have be- ,held 'at the home of Mr's. W. C. ton Fair , c'► °_�. 1941.. Too, :bc, w'to is on . furlougb from already sent in their ,names. Arran i 'Murkar, Church St., on Tuesday ev- ' _ India. The, meeting is ope., to any gentents were m. de for t?te booth at i enin ;, June 3, at 8,00 o'cloC,. Sirs. vvhn care to atte-n.1 ant •:isitui, arl thr Firs`- of July Celebration at the ( *slie Slvrley'will have. charge of we'come. =Park here, Mrs. Hail has again ap- i e program. Will evetyote rCto pointed Convener. General,planq for -still have some don ations. for the BIRTHS _ the Bazaar were discussed. ►1i ;;sonar Bale, kii ily brin* theni Mrs. Robert Palsdon re ad a paper f without fait, to this meeti -a ;, as, it Born, on Thursday, May 22, 111:71 ,n Agri ,l *line a.,. p p ' F,i y at the Civic Hospital, Ottawa, to ' I Canadian Indus- taus„ be packed in una. " i I Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Fraser (-nee 1•? tries, giving a 3vidr_ view of the ex- A hearty invitation is ei,tended to _ • ` f Sterrit a daug'.zter.. pansion in these important aspect; 411 ladies-of the congngation. Please t!' of Canadian development. Mrs. E. note cltan- bf da and time of the „: • ;►• P y a. Born, to Mr, and firs. Ray T. B. Brown and lIrs. House acted a, `meeting- T`.esday, June 3, at 9.00. ? Duble, Pickering on Saturday, May as >istant hostesses. k The District. Annual of the W om_ Dunbar.onn United Church -• F , 91 194 t• Oshaiva General Hos,i- , _ 7 a L . Y JUNE 4 it ai, a son, Richard Ray. ens Institutes of South Ont:3rio wall ". -be held in Pickering on the 5th day 9.45 - Church School _ -Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Martin, 40 . of June. The meetings, will be held :M, D. Fant'iira, Supt, Beaty St. Ajax, wish to announce in the United Church at 945 a, m. 11.00 - Morning Worship - the birth of g daughter, Judith Mar- and 1,60 P. m., and the, W. A. of orie at Mrs, Irish's ome • that Church will. serve lunch in the CCafen Highland United Church g basement. Highland Creels r 9 .. Ma • 1, 1947 -off oZdaF, S � SUNDAY, NNE 1, 1947 1.15 - Afternoon Church School Mr. and .Mrs. Garfield Harding Jack -Br-yy 't --T Mr• H. Brumwell, 8npt. (nee June Wells), ' Rouge HiR, any Foresters at High' Court 7.06 Evening -Worship happy to announce the arrival of a 8,30 - Young People's Utdon : soon, Kenneth Bruce, at the Picker - Court Duffins No; 1626, C. 0. F. ing Nursing' iibme, on Monday, May held their regular monthly meeting Presbyterian Church, Pickfting - 19, 1947. 1 . with Bro. Jack Bryant. C. R. prea- Rev, David Marshall, Minister :•!••• iding. Under Good and Welfare, a SUNDAY, NNE 1, 1944 Mr. and Mrs. Harold Richardson, debate and quiz program was held. too'. Sunday School " are happy to announce the birth of Committees in crrtarae were -' Bros. 2.30 - Divine Worship their sop►, Kenneth ' Gordon on Sun- D. N. Lockwood, A, ' C. Diamond and I, O, 0. F. Service, Brethren *111 day, May 25th at the Pickering J. Teefy. Subject "Resolved that meet at the Lodge at 9.00, for par - Nursing Home. A baby brooaer for* Capital• punishment should be abol- ads led by Markham Giri3' Baird. a Bruce. i 1' i -7 fished ". Affirmative, Utos. C. Lock • • I wood, D. Bryant and W. Cbllins; the St. George's AngUesa Ch=vk t 't T P, - CXERING NEWL- His Excellency Viscount Alexander, ' Goverrnor- General of Canada, who Mr. and Mrs. Clarence CraWfO d, 'Negative, Broa. A. Li0man, W, Pry Pickering, Oat. _ will be in Toronto to attend t%e New'spapermen'a By -line Ball next are pleased to announce the arrival ant and C. Tara in hatiiag mazy of Rev. E. G. Robinson, Rector week Barbara dame Scott wilt also be there. A complete newspaper of a baby daughter at the Pickier- SUNDAY, JUNE 1, 1947 plant 'will be set up in tree Royal York Hotel for the occasion, and Ing Nuraing Home on Sunday, May eontkwed on 'page fats# ; ', 10.00 a. m, - Sunday School Gordon Sinclair will armounce the many celebreties as they arrive. ,I- ^,,J;th- 11.00 a, in. - Mornkig Serrloe j s - Anawer Prevf.aa i . -'Follow the Sun" E� -TOWN TOPICS MoAe Actor U R : - - By BARRY PAURKAR =_ -= In painting the outside of a OF - �NTAL 39 Simplicity C There has Lien a Tut of- ad%ice to the- men this year for the purpose frame house, care should be taken 60 Edge I spread around about marriage, and of bathing ha%e nothing un the not to paint under the direct rays t �,ew note that this is the time of year wvnteri• - - of the sun. Such raps may cause movie actor. 62 He is a motion r that the journals usually try to help 0 ,:., * pinhead blisters to form on the 11 Lyric poem LITHGO N the prospective bridal. couple out Susie and 1 sa►ed our nickels and Paint coating due to minute par- 11 Verbal — YlBdTICAL - ticle.s of moisture on the surface. _ with a lot of do's and door's. One i•International I SBORNE: diilll's and went dancing at Toron- When circumstances permit. the _ 18 Evening -- L thing the writers fail to mention P �o� language toil Casa Lunla last week as a best plan is to "follow the sun is who handles the dough. Susie and P tl 14 Alleged force 2 Smell 21 Measure of 40 Also 1 were arguing. the tither night special treat. Friends went with us around" with the house painting, 3 Sleeping length 41 Her and w e had a lovely time, but I was so that each wall gets its protec- _ 15 Transgr•es. furniture 3 Indian 47 Against about this when the young couple disappointed in one thin �1'e read lions who were sitting behind us to the ppu g' tive coating after it lia`s bee+. si 16 Biblical 4 Flower 24 Infant 49 Place g ed our old sport jacket in oil a new warmed and dried. by the sun's r 5 Three (comb. Zt3 Woody plants SO,On the ocean restaurant got up to pay the bill. ob at Mike's Used Clothing and pronoun form) 28 At no time 51 Group of She opened a wallet and handed him l g rays but is no longer directly is ' -17 Spoil before we had been in the castle line with those rays. 19 Him 6 Pale 31 Be indebted three the money to do the honours, The four minutes and 20 seconds, five of 20 Either IToo 33- Kitchen 53 Account (ab.)• clerk handedr back the change to, the same brand marched by. Mike _ 22 Negative word 8 Lock opener utensil 55 Vehicle the man , and then he handed it to, a ill hay e to take hack his sales talk. Write this column, 1' had every in- 25 Paid notice 9 Smooth 36 Observe 56 Compass point the wife. Susie won her point. tention of telling you about the Ile said it was the only one of its t 10 Musical note 37 Moist 57 Skill s . troubles Susie and 1 had trying to _ • 28 Tantalum ku+d in c�itsenec. - 17 Crazy 38 Uppermost 58 Epistle (ab.) It seems to me that the cavern- h ng wall, paper. It's a laugh now, (symbol! i, ;: g 18 Excitement part 61 'Written form but at the time it was a fat pain - . 27 Upon went or somebody was putting the - _ 19 Possesses 39 Narrow inlet of Mister L'iI .Arthur Ding, the tanned in the neck. Well, my space is one -29 Toward -pressure can prices during the war. P g 30 Portals I ( j 5 6 7 f8 9 10 Most things are' sicy -high yet, but Young boxer 'from Toronto is mak- and 1 haven't mentioned it. Oh, well - ia� a name for himself —in tact' you probably are in the middle of 32 Station fast week we went in to a store to P 34 Us II IZ >. 13 buy some sport shirts. The counter he's already made it. We read the just such a job and wouldn't ap- <, 35 Virgtttla q b had a pile of those heavy jobs we spurt pages, but know little• of his preciate such a yarn' anyway. (ab.) history. Maybe we can induce Frank' w used to see during the winter at Mann Harris to send us some de- tails 38 Sugar! 17 (' 8 " —w!� ;�> 1p j ' ZZ L� G't $10.50. After Christmas they went - 39}' tails for a spotlight, as we think 'ENJOYED BY MORE down to $i.50 and we bought them - 412 Electrical �y , C7 L� Z�_ �— this colorful Title figitter.__dtssrves . G4 at this store for $4.50. If that store • engineer (ab.) '� more credit than he gets. Especial- families th11n any other 43 Therefore o 3Z 33 could cut the price down $6.W, 44 Iridium a r ,� "5 there was a neat profit in it for ly m comparison with some of - (symbol) - sortleone. And yet merchants are those freak wrestlers that seem to brand O coffee Ili the 45 Exclamation 36 1 40 4) beefing because the prices are going find little trouble in getting them- world ... that's Maxwell -.46 Greek letter up. Who is trying to fool wlio? rebel draped over two columns of `48 Place (ab.) t4t 3 `tit `S'45 space every other day. �HOIlBe. BeC8118e Of its * t * ; 60 Rough lava ` f, 1/yr / * * * TfTQ flavor it's always !il Pedal digit �l t� 49 � `� �A''JI r That gal Linda they're singing It's a funny tlirng about this writ - r about 24 hours a day on the radio "Good to the Last Dro �" < 52 Sodium Z b3 y 6 > ing business. "'lien i sat down to P (symbol) ,e N: is going to lose" her popularity soon " ¢ 54 Frosts 8 Cake 58 4 �' 60 bl —we hdpe. Maybe the time you - read `[his she will -by- ave gone somt= area 38 E1 r�tera tab.) 7 recordings, we predict that a dot o! WHIM 1 GET MY FEET WET TlIERE! NdTMIN4 - -- you will be buying Frankie Lane TO WORRY MY SHOES _ ... rccoidinge Eiefore long. ChEY's ,', ARE 1Y�iGGET19D ?Make- Belic►e Ballroom is giving � � C�ROKICLES OF GINGER - him plenty of publicity. cat' 'Lane i is a Hollywood product, but' he has a _ something that is different. His - - ,,,.• � I � t // 11 " . �, e8v Gwendoline P. Clarke waxing of "The Sunny Side of the b Street" is worth a listen -:,�. Yell, farm work is still practic- _ the most demure expression imagin- * ally at a standstill because of wet able, yet managed to surreptitiously y ;Sunday afternoon we tried to weather. That is, field work. There lift the franc of her floor length ;ti L is still plenty of work at the barn 'gown thereby revealing a fine pair communicate with nature =all be- / AI { cause it was so warm out. ;Susie and�� _ — don't ever think there isn't. of legs clad in knitted white silk I went for a Aalk down by the old _�. Partner calls it his "nursery", and stockings! The audience literally .. (� -a -been fox✓ mill o the . .. stream. 1 went too dose t - if eertairtiy- -lsoks like -it-with rut---- hewkd, but if it- the- ' - --- - e -d -- - - - z = - , 'little calves running around at girl's innocent expression it would edge an ran in mud over my an= s .. • �" = .�i.�• _ kits and Susie put about four runs feeding time. That is the way not have been nearly so funny. She t -1 like to see calves — playing like looked very like pictures of Queen in her new stockings, But nat[tre is y -� ,� _ so many puppies. They are not. Victoria in her ypunger days. nice anyway.* * - s quite so' happy before they visit : their mothers. in fact you would Summer must be on the way. - - think all Bedlam near on the ram- At four o'clock we had afternoon Kites, hoops and marbles are mak- _ ,page what with the bleating of the tea —there were about two hundred in their .appearances with the real calves and t e bawling of the of us —and Miss Lewis and the young net and that's a sure sign. "NUGGET" GIVES A BRIGHT, .LASTING cows. To ntakt one's voice heard president and immediate past presi- Teeners are worrying about final ;SHINE THAT REALLY WATERPROOFS - -- - above rite din is impossible; if we dents of the discreet vrere in the exams and that's another sign Tire _ 4 have anything to say to one att receiving line, greeiing each guest teen- twenties are making life plans YOUR SHOES. other we have t oust the sign individually. Around five o'clock and that's another Stores are fea- language. the whole affair was over, leach of wring bathing suits and, brother �- us going our separate way; -home to that does it. They talk in shocked, Tyesdav,_ Thursday and Satur- the chores at the . farm; or to a tones about the scanties that women- _ • day were my extra busy days last house in town; in any case back don as beach apparel, but some of U GGET PO Ll Sill wee Tuesday our W.I. catered our men and families—"to each the wide neckties they are selling : . for a lucheon at which entrance his own" but all of us, I think, were class, students representing every far more relaxed than when we school in' the county were guests came and ind ry well content that of the County Council.. This is an we had t time f rom oNr daily annual event. duties to the W.1.D.A —it is - _ * so very easy to think we haven't s _ Thursday was a still bigger day; time for social life of this kind. It was the day of our ��'.I. District But country women - need it — % _ WHEN THERE'S JUST r „Annual, and a little special because countrywomen especially. of it being the 50th Anniversary TOO MUCH TO 00...:. in Canada. Our branch was hostess .And now we come to Saturday- . to the other twenty branches in and this really concerns Ginger _ the county so you can imagine we Farm. if you have followed this - f UPTON'S TEA WILL had plenty to do. It was a lovely column lately you will know that -' - y SEE YOU THROUGH �Vk day —not too hot -and we had a we have been on the hunt. for a - record attendance It is nice to really good car at a reasonable price. see rural women so interested is We had heard of and looked at ` such a worthwhile organization, and i several but none that we thought r .•ttr these county affairs, the women, worth. buying —not at the outrageous r get together and meet old friends prices that were being asked. $cat; and acquaintances whom they have --bn Saturday a car was sent up for `k.• not seen since the -last District •• us to try out. With me, when I Annual and 'might• not see again saw it, it was a case of love at first "' > "' V. a . for dear knows Low long if it were , "'� t'> -not foi the D..,. sight! It was just such a car as i ti R had hoped for — good' tires, nice >• .Miss Anna P. Lewis, our new appearance and easy to handles - ,`;, =, ••�;, � - • -- • `. - . .,., - -�- :proyinciil superintendent,' was there Partner and 1 lefi• Bob to worry Jq person and We found her a very • about the mechanical end of things likable. and easy to talk to sort of and I think he, examined. every bolt person. In the afternoon we were and bearing efore he g gat through. :. : ?.�• " - 7 PP.' Y Then•we took- the car out on the ,;� -• '°' _ lust one happy family out for a little - , �' • . iun —and we certainly had tt. About road and to my ears it just purred a dozen of the women staged a, along. We were quite satisfied, and : • :W.I. meeting f by-gone days with " g now the car is ours. It is a coach -- "all tht members attired in old- with a trunk at the back which will " . ;'iashioiied 'costumes. There was also just take a crate of eggs nicely. At a dress parade in costume ..The first I was scared to drive it --all �/± " to audience was just about convulsed the do -dads on the •dashboard' con - -ONLY f,,' N BRlSK-T=NG with, laughter at different times. fused 'me. But as soon as I' learned tiome of the women not only dressed -how to handle it I found it far easier GIVES i VV THAT - -- "the part, they acted it too. to drive than. our old jalopy. Now F = I thought -as 1 watched them the if only I had' the time and lots of * s- Fart of,' dramatization isn't dead after free gas would I get in that car and • Yes, it's really exhilarating —that delightful all, but it has certainly been dormant go Places! FLAVOR -LIFT you get with Lipton's Tea! It's .an awfully long time. One young' �t grand combination of rich, full- bodied tea woman, wearing a red silk dress and flavor —plus a lift that just makes you feel good - Odls�ileSSr�Oy`% -all over. And only Lipton's Tea gives you this wY • ,t -The Army Way C ' FLAVOR -Llr�r ... because- it's the blend that Colonel (in crowded trainl:.I say. 1/J<Afi► a ?' - porter, we're packed like sardines • makes Lipton s —and Lipton's who make the here. Can't you do anything to Tills fine medicine i. wry ,eff�+w to blend, Try Lipton's the next time. Ask NO WAIT ... THEY'RE GREAT... relieve us ?. �. "dragged out" {' �n of for it at your grocer's today! USE UPTON'+i TEA BAGS! ' Porter (old sbldier):'Try number- days —when due to female functional Ing off,. to the right, and then let , monthly dbtprballew Vor& "not the odd numbers breathe in while u ` �/� � rtatTAEI! SOj/S *V, &RIXX -lie even numbers breathe out: i.I' C.N.E. BULLE'i'IIi1 �� : . �� � - •. .�! �� Sunday School Lesson- Students Compete in Orange Crates Judah's Unsteady Course . Assyria came down upon it. Its people became known to history ! Kings 18:5 -7 32-37-, 90:11 -1T - _ Secondary school students who as the "Lost Ten Tribes." The f know how to handle tools have Golden Text For thus saith Southern Kingdom survived for : a chance at the C.-N.E. to show the Lord God, the Holy One of another 138 years, but it also went 1 - their ingenuity in making furni- Israel; in returning and rest shall down, before armies of Babylon. 940 /} tore, according to Exhibition ye be saved; in quietness • and in Our lesson tells of an interlude authorities. in this 136-year downfall when a confidence shall be your strength. y Orange crates are isell made, - Isaiah 30:15, good king, Hezekiah, and a noble : available and inexpensive, From prophet, Isaiah, were dominant in " them, a dozen different kinds of Judah became the Southern Judah. It is the story, too, of a furniture can be turned out. Kingdom of Israel after the divi- great deliverance prophesied by High school students are invited sion into the southern and northern Isaiah, When a plague - of disease to enter the C.N.E. orange crate kingdoms through Jeroboam's suc- struck the great army i%ith which furniture competition no matter cessful revolt against 'Rehoboam, Sennacherib, the A-syrian, carne e I where they live. son of Solomon. to conquer the people. Exhibits will consist of three The strength of David and the But Judah's course. as the title ' ' different useful articles, each glory of Solomon soon waned when of this lesson indicates, was un- made from an orange crate. a people who ought to have been steady. Periods of better rising, ; - Students should use. their fryer- united with a common heritage in wise kingly guidance, and welfare five powers and mechanical. history and religion became strife- were ; intermixed with periods of - ability. The three articles are t l torn. In this history there is a bad leadership and idolatry. : be well finished, painted or solemn warning for peoples of to- Hezekiah himself, though a good stained, so that they present a day, particularly modern demo- king, was by no means perfect, ;> pleasing appearance. The C.N.E. cracies. He did a foolish thing when he _ requires parents to certify that The freedom that our demo - vainly displayed to envoys from the work has been done by the critic lands accord in speech and the king of Babylon his 'wealth BROWN student exhibitor. action is being used by some to and the treasures of his • palace. G E RAL D ^ Prizes of $25, 820 and $15 will promote discord and draw lines or The prospect of loot, in ancient as _ wo.lA FLATURaa be given for the- three best hate and, ,prejudice, sometimes in in modern times, was a fruitful the sacred name of Christ and cause of wir and invasion. sxaorsts Common path. \veronica - ". she entries. Prize- winning furniture fYa.ter acrtu: uecate harries to the drew 'herself up majestically', will be disptayed,at the C.N.E., Christianity. Along that tray surely — - a+set•W maarton aid e•adaet• a eareral lies ruin. DT�/�iiT ♦ ♦ WIN ' gaw,tt•atar •r the erNo•q member ee the "Why didn't you immediately it is pointed out. Entry form's PARTICULAR li U i Y - The Northern Kingdom, as"`we Family, - ? are available by mail addressed to - _ come into the bovsc . i should have t, .•a ih�_f;x� -r cam -It - t,,.l1 e 1C�,,. <,.'� aettw,,, Canadian ha- - ' KIK thought —" • was swept away eigi:t centuries tN,,,,c i�c.•nm■ ..I vice; " - tional- Exhibition, _ Exhibition ' -. YOU -alight ask your mother to ..( }mr t r' near,', D� *t �+ - i,clucr Clirlst .wren the armies of ' Key ssa fats a sn{umeni, A,e�ale an- a , 1`aTK, lOronLV• • meted. see? ! f I d gone right in, ever} one Y.atln- EinlerlC8II coffees. _ Sybil BigeTuw came into the lib- would have knowii. wouldn't they? Expert Blending coal- 1'd have bad, to sty !'d seen . eroni- Modern Etiquette ,`. I)We" 8 Roberta Lee biases therm all in a superb "Sor to bother' 'you. Mrs: Pate- �' [ couldn't do that -! couldn't." " y NICC21e •wondered - why, if she y Maxwell House blend bw," he said. Waffles 1• couldn't face telling it then, the ` Q. In a theater party made up of : that has extra Savor. _ "Oh, no, 1 mustn't be 'spared," i.6e was able to be to glib about it no*. several women, what is the order of - sighed. "it's all so sordidly. neces- ( --- Er Frascet Les Bsrtors -� - -- _ "l slipped dovvts the other side procession down,lhe aisle? - ,fin, " 1: name b "Dials" son. but "Why did }ou go to the tb'hiEt of the street to' the drugstore for. F north or south. east or 'rest, A. The hostess follows directly vow wnit ttwer Ltsrt ■s At Abbey_ the night before last ?" _ be cigarettes. I inset Stephen there, you i waffles are as deifgbtful for supyar behind the usher and stands at the The Ss � H� know -or don't coo as they are for proper aisle seat indicating the s7L+ ,t ssked without preliminary. - - -- -- "brunch" or 4 "%%'hy. 1 -1 wasn't there .. x'_1 -" "Yes. 'I have seen the lice re- order of seating as her guests Toaots'to p° breakfast. i1Vb1p sCcery Aa�as, lvttf iW _ -.. - _'Quickly she .sank intoa chair. ports," be said graiety. "Will you - them asp — ft's approach. Always walk singly a and Tellep>.e" = send 'your daughter in please?" simple. Serve r t a down the sisk. ! ie. sass we-- � "You were seen, you know. he Dow te, ga.M y _ went on. "Your alteration with She accepted her dismissal isith t b a m Immew- Q• Who is ttlr! first 'o cleave +h� t qees Foot Dldy said Owns- staly - -w-k 1l -s dinner - table -. saf lsigaltr ' ysa�r e girt -'�-a acrd sgvr -ram -- the -.zsr oL aa- actce�s- take»g - -a -ems- Ehoy are hot. A. The hostess. tnsewees ar Cas+am t trance into the cltib." tain call Let sack mem- TeL tIA. seas ., , "You're making yore farewell bee of the faro- Q Is it all right to use all the - 4 Vve jot a right to go an3where stationery you wish while residing 4 tonr,' klcCale chuckled to • himself, - ily . or s a c h • 1 wane. As for my daughter -in-law. • in a hotel' '1 I often have to be a bit harsh with his mind -busy with her treachery, guest use the syrup or apre*A that A. Yes. this stationery is for the 1100*4 asArTlIr 'LLI You never would have guessed is most appealing. Then everyone her She neglects ,ny son." will be delighted with this dish of convenience of the patrons. How- ricz-rsncu 11 50 OP _ Bet- you_ -were- heard not--to, be-: , _that_ Victorig. had been up most of southern fnspismtlob. ever, it is not good taste to tai. lietie -her when she assured you the previous night. The circles un- an of the station away with you, der her a es were no darker than axle Wafftoo y the _ tharthe man you came to see was Y 8 cups sifted Boar: 2% teaspeaua - as this in shirt to fluff. •ar there." ysual, roubls•actimi baking powder; * Q. Is it good manners to chew A hard, beady look came into her "Too bad you weren't able to find teaspoon salt; 2 eggs. well beaten; guru in public: - eyes. Her lace sagged as if the Your letters in Vallafncourt's apart - 1% cups milk; f tablespoons A. No, it isn't even A it is seen ` veneer were about to crack, mast last- night," he opened. felted skortemfag, irdty times a day. "Did you see him ?" afcCale prod- - • * Sift flour ones, measure, add Q. Is it proper for a toastrrimter tied She did not seem startled. She baking powder and salt, and sift at a dinner to thank each speaker N " "1 told you ! did not go to -that tossed her dark head, again, Combine egg and matt, Add when he has finished? HOTEL 1[ETR ©FOES to flour mistare, add shortening, mAUASA VAt� is, I did go insidd the lobby. but "Oh, you know that, 'do you? Flow then -mix ONLY until smooth. Bats A. Yes, and then introduce the WF, _ C.14111, sTArtost a decided not to go upstairs. I re: did 'that get out'" In hot whale Iron. serve bat with next speaker �f assistant who helped you batter or margarine and maple- savored home," " Y pe _ - - -- : ,. . search, He was quite smitten by As>rored syrup, Makes ifs 7•Inch your charms." waQies. `You didn't -see .t urt b allaincouri - "That ox." Hcr. Gp nirled "So No": If desired, 1 eap chopped aS you had planned, then''" _ out meats or - blueberries may be "1, tell you I didn't upstairs he works for you. He told me he added to batter last before baking. ' s' Pcsidcs. 1 • went there to get my son. was a policeman'" Street cream. sour cream, or war "Welt he'd make a good_ one, at sailk m *y be substituted for sweet He had quarreled with Karen and that." >LkCale chuckled. "You'd milk in above recipe. If sour cream ' 1 was afraid he had started out on„ ` or sour milk are used, sf'ft 'A tea- a -a hinge." She said it very de -' have recognized him if you'd been spoon soda with dry ingredients. • nth = fiantly. home the night before. He was on If cream Is used, omit shortening. . • 11cCale wondered what her an- duty here all that night. Where • were you, by. the way ?" swer would have been if she had "That's m business." - - him, dropping tier voice cons ira- ' not 'known already that he knew Y p torily- "you're working all out for 'Stephen had been there. "'Perhaps it's mine. Or at least the polite may want an explana- Veronica, aren't you. Now listen. "One more question," he said. If those letters come out, it will : "What did you see esterda after- tion. Were you at the Vallaincourt '• w,} } soon, when you sere in front of apartment, by any chance Prot her in a worse spot than she's �`yiR this house at the time of the mur- "My little romp with Curt was in n °w'" der. ;K over long ago." I'm sorry, but 1 don't follow The blow of it visibly " "N'as it? he asked quietly, hard . You. ' y staggered ':her* She gasped. Her eyes were fill- bunches showing along his jaw. _'Ohr Lord, I thought you said ��� TANS AM and with sheer terror. Her mouth "Yes.. Who says it wasn't?" you were a detective, Look. Veron- igrew slack. "The red wig you wore when you - -iea found out, somehow, that I had "Oh, no;" she whimpered,. "1 was impersonated your stepsister, Ve- 'known Curt rather well. Don't ask _ not there. I wasn'L You're misfile- ronica,. each time you went there." me lid -w. I don't rcnow that. N%'e ` "You'll -have to prove that.,, . lead a whale of a row over it, but , RECIPE His voice became hard, his look * * * I denied it. Do you see? Now, if insistent. "You wore a -gray rain- Her eyes grew hooded and he saw they get her for his =his death, and Add !envelope Royal Fast coat," he said., "Both Miss Ade -, her hands tremble.. His shot in the the letters are found, it will �ri°G to Yeast and 1 tsp. ,. � she was right, Prove sugar to 1 r lukewarm . .•t'aide and i saw you. dark had been a good one, g t, Don't you get it? water. Stir and let stand d0 "No, no -she couldn't have. She "Proof F' he said, smiling, "1 don't It will give them a moitv e. If 1 can punutes. Scald 1 a milk, add ' • et them back I can destroy teem." 3 tbs. sugar, add 2 is ttidn t -hash t' _ _ need M prove it. It's self - evident. 1 g Y !�+ _tt• �t "She would not tell you. 'You 3tnow a- lot more about the •woman He chuckled cynically striking ye°OUtlmizttue. Add 3 1 W - - know' that She has not admitted it that' Curt Vallaincourt "knew than his bands together with a muttered you can imagine In our wildest exclamation. "No," he barked, "not sifted perfectly s and Ai�a1 until _ even to me. But 1 saw you, Mrs. g' Y , perfectly smooth. Aid 4 tbs. reap Don't tell me in all serf - Bigelow. Iknow it was you." 'dreams.' y melted shortening and 3 a eusness, that you want to protect - more sifted flour, or enough + • + Oh, . what, does it matter; any- Veronica%" Y p to matte easily handl He waited, tense, as she pulled how . We're all sunk. I did want "p f course. Why?! dough. Knead well. place in - _- L.herself slowly iogether.. She arose those letters though. You know y'�� : y g Greased bowl. Cover and let with cold determination. what- I think? I think you know (To Be Continued) rise in warm place until "Very well, then," she said at where they are. 1 think you could doubled in bulk, about 1% last. "I was going to protect her. get them for me. Why won't you hours. Punch dough down r. God Wows why. '1 didn't actually work for me? 1 said I'd pay you is bowl and let use :lain .. N e w Feature in warm place until nearly, Wit shooting. It was foggy, slip- well, I've got enough money. Her doubled to bulk, about 40 ' 'r • • ! min. When light, roll out eery, you know. I have very small eyes were bright. • "' � :` , epee and sometimes' lose my bat• "What good wooed that do ?" Your "Handwri s i� rectan sheet t j" Luce. I was picking my way. I had She got asp, turned' her back to thick: Brush with molted. _? ny head down when the shot came. the window, and mace a quick, - . =and You' batter o: sbonemta�, atei 1 W211'110 f-ri htened -and for a mo- pleading gesture. into strips !th wide. into • G ur Handwriting Reveals ps„eo� ether, ttirt into merit dazed, I didn't know it was "Shari Lynn has them. She must g 1 w�, place inch. Curt. I only saw a man stagger a You hinted at it the. other night. - - Y Our Character and Secrets side upp in ggrreeased muffin ' moment. He seemed to 'recover hint_ You can act as intermediary - get About Your Inmost Self. ; pana.C, .-let=inwarm ' self and walk on- toward me. In your tut- anythirig. Only I've got ►fens >trotn draft, was O ny shock 1 stepped off the side- to have them." Beginning Next Week race, about 1 hour. Sake in walk and crossed the street. It was why � � t 400°F. ores for 20 minutes. � 0 only when he fell 'to. his knees on She was ir; patient in her anxic -y. Watch For It -I sur steps that I knew something boldly took another talk.`., .ferribk had hapRe'ned• It was then * • • - - - - -- -- -- -- - a 1 saw %'eroniea running across the "See - here " -she cah:e c ;use to ISSUE 26-1047 t e r Advt'S Bros. J. Bent*, W. Holowchuk and " ' CWsif,ed Advt, Rates •'1 Gook4os u,. ; ' 4 red th•e tie- Notice ~ :.'p worris „i c_ss, 1JC. —jj charged. Ua "r, s, tae .�:F Irt�r. tc . ing b r ne t,waaatatloa Storm Door. ano i :35c, Over :ai w„rd ', le. 'per word !+tint. ;• Storm Rash —blade to Order � c llro. A. C. Diamond ;;sve a most Asphalt Swagbs c FOR SALE — fresh gujt with kid instructive talk t; :efelence :o the Roll Roofings / months old, good :ni,icei, eschang� uebate, po'eiina .u; t:, »r ruc•aiern Asphalt 3idittp ■ ° for pullets. Mrs. Ta_,naaill, Fairport ideas were itov ever, I, -b- - Wall Boards etc- Beach. lical times leaders of ot,t- 1 Hillside Hatcaery has chicks 2or in,- sCanding shill *v, !;roblrl t +,e great- �� M. Gordon t mediate delivery - pui'lets, cocker- est being doses, who g,we u? ti-e els, non - sexed. Also some started Ten i >mn,andments. : chicks t most breeds. You c..n The Sports -Comn,ittn: D. - -Maple Leaf Fire j hardly do better than invest in these Bryant, W. Collins and H. Coukswi fine birds. Contact use for prices. reported tint Pickering w'uuld make 'Insurariee Co the 4th teaur in,the Oshawa Lea Write or E'hone • _ - GARRY MIL'S, Pickering g' - '• 'FOR SALE — 400 white Leghorn Leag- ue, tits achedu:e to open on June 3, f pullets 10 weeks old. B. Horsham &arid games will be played every Cheap Rates Buildings and Connt,7 ,White'.; ideroad one and one-quarter Tuesday and Thursday night. the Y I]ancL� At Windstorm Insurance on Buildings :'ST ��EY • � :,• miles north of Dunbartoa; schedule will' appear later, and all Wittdatills, Silos etc. � • - members wishing to participate are Automobile Insuratxe of All Kindr Claremont FURNITGRE FOR SALE: • Dear new breakfast suite including asked to get is touch with tae a- bove Committee, ' Chairman Bowman &Rowe May Thea -_' ,buffet, table, 4 chairs; Quebec sea- Bro, J. Johnston irman of the Fri a �" r ter; oil heater; kitchen range; bake Social Committee stated that Social table; bed--and, dresser. Apply Jos. e`,*Win93 would be discontinued us AN OPPORTUNITY. u Farr, Clazertrmt, June 8 til Fali. Prize - winners for fire last ' "' ' ° - - "' ' Established Rural Watkins District Stouf f vine. FOR SALE — set of scales, 2000 Social evening were: Meryl Bryant, ! .� OLD HORSES WANTED available. If you are aggressive, and . pounds Capacity. $70. Apply even - airs• E. Bryant, Ede Braun and J, ' - between the ages of 25 and 55 — ' Phone 3toaffriiie i48 D Campbell Misfit Ranch P s - ings, Fred Lacey, jiighland Creek Bentley. ' N have or can secure travel outfit, this Saturday Mctixtee at 2 P. IL ' rFOR SALE — D- Imatiaa, 9 'mos, New Committee appointed for = $15,00 AT YOUR FARM is your opportunity to get establish- Doors Open Each Night Alt em ` - - old; male, good watch dog, well bred, Good and Welfare were: Bros. J. ' ed is a profitable 'business of your quiet. App Mr. WiL'san, care. Alan MacRae, K. AdAms and G. Knapp. - PHONE_AGINCOURT 1SJ12 FRIDAY -- SATURDAy Ik PP own. For full particulars write today • : Lishmarr, R. R..1, Pickering. Bro. Wm. McEachnie, F. Sec'y. COLLECT to — the J. R. Watkins Company, MAY 30 $nd 31 ' ` r "��M1?tiION PIANO — for saae. reported that Court Duffins •had won a Dept, 0.P -16 2277 Masson St. Mon- [� i the Hi Court Shield for new mem- For Pickup treal Jungle . f rincess upright, rosewood case, apply at � :; • , Que. _ :yews Office.. hers and this high honor would be Dorothy = FOR SALE)--Premier Strawberry presented to Bro. Jack Bryant. at - y Lamour Ray Minawd r 108;_..320.00 her E e High Court Convention' held in V EXPECTED GUEST 1„ S. � ���, R. Lawn Mowers Farr s Elevator _ _ _ . � i R. ~: May red area Itepaufxl - W Res. 38_1 MONDAY ... '1'iJE.9DAY ; Four-roomed summer cottage to be Green River Waster Chick Starter is Rediable moved off property. Suitable for lot'f Garden Seeds, Garden Tools Cafeteria Roul located vicinity south east Rouge The try .Mashes, Peat Adult Etttertainme tt ram - Hills. Apple A. Fitzgerald, 9 Ding- g people of the church Moss, Shell Maker .7b cwt„ herk?, wid Firs B'sptist Church, will -'.Palma, Oils and Turps. Order your fence now. We have Scarlet Street wall Ave., Toronto . hold a weiner roast at Mr. and Mrs. _ a carload. • _ general hardware Hastles' horns 'forth. Markham on Oats; Barley, Wheat and Peas Edward G..Robinsoa• Joan Bennett RIdli ST OLICItS •fAtD Friday night o' this #week. I1V Di7�� i` for Seed — Clover Seed No. 1, FOR OLD HORSES Mr. Arthur Cuakwell received a 'Meadow Fescue, Brome, Kentucky WEDNESDAY — THUl}$DAY And Hurt or Crippled Cattle: -very severe gash on his • face which Wood's Milking Machines and JUNE 4 and 6 V� Picked up at your own place. required stitches. He was cranking HARDWARE I Coolers; Lithe, Fertilizer, J. F. SHIELDS a tractor when it happened. Asphalt Shingles and Salt. _ted " e. .2nd Con. One 141i1e North Phone Pickeriarg 46 ' ai] Fairport Road Claremont, Out- for Murder ov. 15 _—Greenwood ! , SALE REGISTER Eric Portman Dulcfe Gray. - - -- — T;* Dramatic Club is going to* pp `�/ (� Saturday, Jute 7 - auctio.i s ale of Utica e °n Friday erni:tg, May 30. IN O t1 nv e N V Y V U [J:teversai Ness Ihotsehold furniture, the property of They are still much in demand with CEMENT Beuglst SAW E. Hiider, 1624 Brook St, south, their play. • lyres otdtng — e� Whitby, Everything in the home will The Y. P. V. met on Sunday ev= I CARPENTERING - ad and 1►ressrd tl>os taw. C".artT " - =- be sold without re3erve. Walnut din- being at the home of liettaetlt S#tost ; ins -room suite, Queen Aisne; Eke- with the usual attendance. CF Bl[Nti Iat•ge stock of k4b ciam a* 'trice refrigerator, Radio, Electrolux Rev. A. C. Luffrnan is attending _ -- CELLARS • FOUNDATION'S . a►ereosts sad pamea Also a rya vacuum ekenes, Beautiful rugs and his first Confervnce in Ontario, now ROWING STABLE OE stock of new leather eoaft art -.:. .. drapes, New Gas range, Fancy Sii- being held at Brdckviile, we also son Braotfasd aftn um A161PrSm IN CEMENT WORK wbaftakess, and gam' F. V"Ware; New lawn hose; Garden Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Parka and Materials, zb* a Aathraom &W at VOW srmonabk wawa. of ' tools, Bedroom furniture, Bedding family, of Oshawa, spent Sunday Equipment. Dun Wares• „ asd ba eoavieee(. mod' and many other articles Sale at 1 . evening with Mr. and Mrs. Elmo stems. may Stave D'� Sys rsrRasts 45 sharp. Term-3 cash. William Maw, Disney. Equipment. sad 3W__ as Hod Stsaat 1►aat. Qs�rieo. d auctioneer. Bus 1ea.�es uptown at Mrs. Wm. Crummer has returned - - i itatarisls - _ 1280 and rttvrtta st 5.04. to Mrs. Corbett'= after a nice visit Worn Gesrrtetaaa Grtenwood Ont. ANTED with friends in Sunderland. pt --0 p, "WATCH and Mrs. Walter Green and " �C` . e�. !1TTQ L •PSONZ PILE. Tit Si DEAD HORS]9B AIQD Cdt'!1i 1V ATCH FOR daughter, and her husband, of Buff. PRO USE t7 Ao,"!;pent a fens days with Mrs. F. We do building, of ari hdmda Farr Frse Pkltuw4 !'iisM; . L. Green and Edna here. no" p W Quality Drugs PI��IM � Further Mrs. B. Wilson, of Thornbury has PICK21RING. : visiting her parents, Mr. and CUS BAYING A0C°M� Dispett I' PING been TOM SP r . .. .. and Announcement STS. Andreww Pegg. SPRAYING MATERIALS Veterinary Beaae�isa BRNOKLIN .. .. ..:. The Mission Circle are holding a R@Ksble PWO Fhdoblax CLAREIMONT .. .. i it - birthda • earl PLOWING - ' commemorate err t A complete line of Niagara Brand to Cosrnetie Lien A .. .. .. .. .. .. y party Yin June. This Cassels GI'�i'C4VR'! ! nigh - is rate their 2s. 'birth- Spay Materials and Bean Spmyiag . STOR$ Emu - we Pay The P'hons Charrw .Went J•iil6 --- Isnd Creek - .. Machines; also Custom Sprayjag, of - � CLUB The Y. P. V. are hol iris aban- Neel Dais • s.80 A. Y. - ! P. ]L CORDON YOUNG !TD ;LIONS quet on Saturday evening at Yee Orchards and Stables: also plowing. Susday - 12.30 P. x. 6 P. ue. Toronto.= Pltoee: Ad. arse .home of Miss Eileen Sadler. DAVID LENNOX Phone 35 R 14 -- Pickering, p� CARNIVAL The W. M. S. of the Circuit will ng, Oat, ',�. R. Bo (mile west of village an No, 2,) r '` meet ax the home of Mrs. Oscar J � - .: ,MeL�llen' :June 20-21-1-947 Rains on Thursday, June 5, at 2.00 blay -. Phm. B. s P. an. All ladies of the community SERVICE ST A T 1 O 1 welcome. KAISER THE REXALLST OBE 4. IMPERIAL OIL PRODUCT and Euchre ,`' PHONE PIGS a -: Tire Repairs - Grease and 011 C L E N D E N I N G t _ELECTRIC � Batteries for Sale - Chsrglty 'East Woodlands Community Hall Fi - `ERAL DIRECTOR T5rea For Sale Private Ambulance $off and �� ��g �Oefjl PHONE: MCK[RING 11Rs, FRiDA'', JUNE. Bth AT i.30 R. M. $STIMATES GIVEN COLUMBIAN'S ORCHESTRA Phone Mark. 90W -: rICKERING- C-�j Cowy r -' - -.- jAdmission 35c, — Good Prizes Markham, Onto �. 1( Naibe"t) jlQf'Q�lO!!'S Olen 6.34 A, ill To 10.80 P. ' PICK ERIN i� ftON GIIBSON - •• _.JEWELLERY �'. !Chopping MiII 'A T PHONE PICK. 1=w - WATCH and CLOCK TRANSPORT RADIO DUN RAY FED REPAIRING , , CAR-LAG - —' �, All Western Grains MOVINd SALES - SERVICE In "Pies, but sigh de- s �� For Chopping Daily sign, we can 'furnish Phswte Fleltegnr Z B 31 SAND 0,R, EJ.A SPINE Expert Work - Will Call and Deliver I memorials that will A= J• Mp��T sari i101/ g� ROY McLEOD y please from every S'I�rB wp/ Toronto AD 662a — Pick. as a a c�ARZMONT - Phone S90s alaniipoittt. In dignity Claremont LOCI Novbldar of appearance our wont will stand out _ (�p Pickering Jewellery R A D I O S E R V I C E the Ages, through Sy stern j a [ QM• Xna "No Greater Tribute. . This Week Featuring - tluaranteed Repair %Ma I Standard Rise Locker $9,00 A N. W. STAFFORD All work futly guara-tteed , An !dyke' of bIoAN Canting Room and Chilling 8 Ladle a 15 jewel! !wrist watch �Sh Menresdal va$able Free To CusOanel C. 0. F. con'tlmted l A Beauty $35.00 Tax Included ;� R T H U R FIELD h ' o� u• SOME LOCi~`EB$ AYAILA - the points from fie .e ok of Divine Ronson Ligters Ronson Service Kits PHONE 68 B f Ph, 482 Whitby, Art. TAYLOR-10 Law. and i*re Prineipises of the Ord- � - -- -_ or, the deiate brought forth marry Nail Clippers ktstnuetive points, and was beh en Read The Picketing News ` PRO" CLARlE MONT 19W tartaiubg and educatioad. Judges Cemeraa extra •et►aithe $16.09 1 ;Cvfty Week . .. v .. . •. '..- t Y. ... _atu .__ -_ - - -2. - - , _— _...._...._.�.. .:... n , __. -- L �� R E M ©� T the Public Health Nurse, and is much appreciated by pare: is surd the Fates made a report on behglf of the members. A vote of thanks vv: s marts tin put on their plays. It its expected thsele will be presented at :;••�e� �. ;�..i ��: _. . 3�.ed Cross members (Mrs. Rhoten'� made bo Mss Fyest, Mrs. Brggh., Centerzaial oa Wednesday, June 11. ' • . - - � • . efforts in this connection), � hens Cowell, Mrs, Townsend sail Don't miss these two top Festival Mr. acid Mrs. Lloyd Pugh sad Mrs. George Duncan, conduced the '°� � well knows, the Red Cross all those who donated time and moo- dramas, : ; �'. Barbara Visited at Strathroy ,and business and decotiorna! periods. Loan Cupbo,:rd is available to res- ey to our effort. _ We pare sorry to hear Mrs. Ed. ;. �,,' Leamington over they week -end. Mr- and Mrs• Ralph Holtby and idents of Picketing Township in any A general discussion took place Knowles, formerly of Hig'ttlaad - �;, ;The C. G. I. T. will hold a Tea iq fami�4y, an the Vernal ):,lli,cott :am- emergency, an dthe Well •Baby Clin- regarding Sunday during July avid Creek, is ordered to spend a month " - �''._` --the Stimday School Room of the L n- il.y calle;i un the Join Knox fc,mily rc � equipment •hag arrived excepting August. It vvtas the opinion of •the in the St. John's CoavaIescent Hos- - - - - -- sled Church on Saturda }•, May 31, at Soling, last Sunday. the biaby scales, which seem to be • community that it should be incur- pitaL We wish --iser a spear'; recov- - � ,1 � from $till 5 o clocd fry We at'cer- R,,,, ,_ ;rnobtainable at Pint• porated . as part of the sing -song. 'cry: , •,.moon. Silver collection, � Annual Meeting fr'rbta, Institute tics. McInt }-re accepted the addit- ' hlr. Fantham, who is Supit. of the Jiins Lillian Bate was visiting in Zhe Sacrament of the Lord$ Sup- ,The annual mzE•ting o* Brougham tonal responsibilities of correspond- Su_vday School, is going to take up Pe�terboro over the Victoria 'Dlay � . per will be administered is the Cn- Women's Institute was held at the L-rg. secretary following the resig- the matter with the teachers. v�•eek -end. ... • argil Church on Sr:nday next, June Townshi Hall following a week`s nation o: Mrs. Gregg conseq;ies't to The Evening Sing- S'ar.gs are �o- Some of our laical young people � r . ;1, at the•morning service. -p postpo:unent with a i<air attendance. leer removal from Claremont... ing uiltra modern. Moving pictures were seen dancing to Tie Harmony • Irtiss Flelen Norton has ratnrned yirs. Robertson presided and the bus- �• bI. Antis was appointed as with Bound and talkies. Shotiving the Kings at Markham Arena on Friday -.- � - � from Ft. Michael's Hospital foliowv- iriess covered •the annual report of represerntative'to attend the propcs- "Cite of St. Paul" is goi_•rg to be' night, at the dance sponsored by the ' . .lag an appendeMomy sail is imp- . the Secretary - Treasurer, a discuss- � conferences of several branches shoats% starting next week. Be sure' Cedar Grove Community Club, :covi¢tg nicely. ion about the , celebration at Guelph at ,Ontario Divigion is the Fall, to attend and follow the series: � - Mrs. Luther Piikey is is tiFi'Y Poor health at the present time, oa June 18th for which Mrs. Birr- -- �-- -- � .•� Sacia? FJvening .under the aua- ot! "Corn Produots" be 'WhlteYate _,'•' , ' Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, of Tweed, ell had gii�tered much information the sties j � •Audley picas will held in the (ammutity Hall, T.hurs- - - • • spent the week -end with Bdr. and about prbbabi of chartering a bus. Ia this cormectio- tf an •one 1' . y day e�aeaistg, June 12. A talk on _ _• Mrs. J. Bucl�Ies was hostess to . - btrs. Frank 1�Yat• � • Mr. Mrs. Merle Booth, of Tor desires •to go with the Broug'yaan stain, cold and water - soaked land "Beauty Aids" and a Demonstrat- member!; of the Women'b Institute . • and the holiday with �• Breach, will they contact Mrs. Birr- is• mal�rte the going diSicii'it for al: ion wibl be given. ADULTS only,, for their regutar monthly meeting. - _ onto, spent Tldre. Harry Booth hsr'� e!I or Mrs. She aril, At time of pp faFrnera ve arable g growers and the Our seat Dance and Euchre will be held on June 6th_ The President, Mrs. B. Warder cos- , • � '• • ,and • Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Pi4key, of writing the plans are •not complete. A• Resolution wa3 drafted for prea- fruit men. Congratulations �ai+e' dine to the Congratuu'atiorr8 to Mr. and Mrs. ducted the bnslnesa session. Mrs. 8. Buckles delighted all with her vocal � - •: '�oronto nt We weel�end at the ' � Luither Pilkey. entation at the District Annual, at Grasmere Jerseys upon winning the R. Traynor of Old Forest Road on senderhtg of the song "Sunshine of • • - home of Mrs. The Womena Mission Circle of Pickering oa June' bth, reAative to Senior and Grand Champion awards tae birth of a daughter, at• Grace your Smile ", accompanied at the • . `the Baptist Churdz met at the home «Prison Reform ". on Jerse females at Brooklin on Y Hospital• piaan by Mrs. J. Define. A large _____' • of Mrs. Edgar Wald, on Tuesda y'• T•`1e financial report 'showed re- the 24th. The winner was Pickering 'box of women's and children`s cloth - • Mss, Warden's group viral in charge ceip�.8 of appmximatel � $230, and � expenditures of $17v whi in -. clt Peggy Jesn, atwo- year -old in milk. Mac Duncan, the � herdsman smiles � Dumbarton "�, ing ass forwarded to the_Aed Shield Salvation Army. Mrs. W. Fitch gave ' • of lira. Tucker and daughter of Tor- cludel S50 donated to the Firem� and Mrs. Won_-racott � says that there �, ' a report of, the District District Dir- � . .. . the -end at the torovard their '►ew equipment. Total is something in a name.. Miss Evelyn Antis of Toronto was ectpss' meeting. Conveners elected onto, spent week -hove of Mr. and Mrs• Len Lye. 'number of meIInbers attending dur- Beef cattle are selling at a good visiting her parents hers �tast week. for the year as follows: Mesdames • Mr. aid Mrs. Harr • Porter mot- ing the year 272; a�itors 37; three Figure by our local beef -men. As lilt. and Mrs. H. Pearce and Sam- N, Randall, Leslie Randall, W. A. "oral wit'h•iriends to Orillia on Sun- branches were entertained all the � l�gh as $180 a head hi:'a been roe- fly o° Franicford, Ont., were were ��� tf;• Fitch, Ferguson, E. Goa - - sta;ndin¢ committees had taken part slued for fat steers, and the demand tiisitinR the letter's mother here on den, J. Buckles, C. Anthony, J. De- '� .- �'v tact' - • � Mr. a_-id Mrs. Ridges, of ?tjaY. ::. 13= °�g` -z"`� s hig'.L1y succe�f••.� ig keen. If trouble - mongers ,and the holiday week -e:td. r� -_ � F2.- -. sp�t Sunday with -Mz. and Mrs. L. Cew.n Curse had been conducted; g news a ro e s w: ee air P Pe't' P P Mr, arui Mrs. An:ta.n, of Amos, dell! elected to take charge of the !; � a friendship begun with an F.ng- head3 there is no need o° a slump Ont, �-isited M"r. and Mna. Alex Waste Paper Collection. A Comm - �'ye' Mr, and Mrs- Dave Scott, Llocuest fish branch through. the medium of u, the offing. � t;onrlie recently. ittee was se'.ected to sake arr$nge- Hill and Mr. and Sirs. T`om Scott, taffeta and pastels -- twelve wind o:ie- � half Pounds of foodstuffs were con- ' The Winter l�asnil[es held a tern- } ;ion at the home of .Mrs. Man Rut- � Mr. L. SlcConnchie• iq visiting v�ith his family here. � meats for the trip to Guelph for the � + 50th Anniversary n. tore Women ■ - ' •i ' ' 01 Lambton Mills, spent Sunday at tribtr_ed a# this meetisiR Coward ttte � ledge in Acton .o:s Sunday last. In �Tfir, (arid iYlrs. L. Davin had visit- t Institutes., Stamps used to be saved : -• the home of Mr. and lilts, George next' parcel,, and in alp ape *alt That � all there warp about 50 people Pre- i ors`rom W eaier:� Or+.ta.rie over the and sold to •help finance Instit- � �• �O�- s � ' Edmund Warden sad friend the year had been very earls °act- sent, although many of the Homer - i na:iday. � ,the ate. Wallets were forwarded to the ., Mr. �� of Tornnto eperd. S:mdap at has °ry' ' ous family were deterred from art - i : Mr. sail Mrs. Ja,k McGlaahan en- - �.'tocal boys, who served in Lhe Armed _ ' - ]ylrs. Matthews, Conve:ur, reported' ending by re�cn ,,f flag rain and bertained relatives from the city on I Fores:s also to rte scaly girl who _ _ ho�tis$ Georgina Forsyth of Oshawa, the marry sympathetic contacts her driving taaditiona. T'wa earl6ads the week -end. -- - -., served, A de'icious lunch wasp served _- -` spent Suatday at he3' home fun. COQ" had trtade � sickness and came l4ront the Sta+tea. We extend We are pleased bo see Mr. R. by the hoyte�, -' _ Mrs.. Frank Cooper is aP and a- bereavement. the community congtstuhation8 to Conners out again after his recent Mr. and Mrs. Fred Heri�ert sad again l�llowi:tg her recent - The Election of Officers was con- , !hie respected clan. accident, _ small daughter, Patricia Aiasgaset� . round ducted by Mrs. ai. Aaais and result - Several Masora from here attend- Mrs. Ernest Stroud is canii:sed � spent Sunday with the Herbert Tarr- '. Illness. : Mina DoroEhy H.;vvlcley, Toronto, � in the folloarimg o!1'lcers being ed the Ontario District D. D. G. M. the Oshawa Hospital, having wader fly. They also visited Mr. and, Aire. - � `' ^ was with her peoplo hers over the. instated -tor 1947 -48: President. Roy •Mowbray. at Composite Cadge, gone, an operation .recently. � Le®tie RsadalL _ t Mrs. R. Birrelf: fat Vice- Pros., Mrs. thy. on Motdsy evening. Ray is Dr, Pearson has recovered from Airs. Bartiett'y son, wile sad wee 'holiday— - Miss Doris Dolphin, Toronto, was i,. Si�eppard: 2nd vice - Pros.. Mtn. a big D. D. G. )ls., is more �svays ti�an his recent cold and is s►hle to be a- daughter motored from Yan¢osvet - -_ at her home hes+e fbr the holiday. M, Antis; Secretary- Treasurer. Mrs. OAe. - : ' ' ranIUi �galn• to spend $ vaCtatiO3 with the fasmffF . q number of our liaherarnen were M, Burk• District Dlrector, lure. W. Gray Organists: lire. A. Harvey Anyone who wmrts to take adtis-t- rage tl� $ire Ct•ces Hoapitaliz- We are glad to report Mrs. A. , $e4stp !!Dane from the hospital where in the vale. Wading beil� ,� oat over the holiday. � the ��+ of 'w• atilt shortly ring is , a-rd Mss. W. Ellicof:t: Flower Cot:►- anon will b+e advised to sppQy to she hie been confined !or a time the Vale. . - .. �e sported 1� local Park Boa>e+d have '�' mittee: Mrs. M. Matthetval, Mrs. P: Neale at once. The fiats will be for treatnteat. Mr. Harry Herbert nt the Tool - � � - -� '- The ou -teed that the Annosl Field Day M. Lemmon �d Mme, A, Gray; Robert- concluded b Jsase 9, when fhb Club Y Mr. and Mre. John Fbrgie had idap with his own fol — . ' be held on August d. The grog- Press Secretaries: Mrs. T. meets again at tlQe home of George friends sad relatives from Toronto �� ��� wilt � withdraw3 will! a-ill be made ap ai— baseball, son std >k[rs. M. >latthews. be sad Dirs. Brows sad 3iaiici�am an the holiday. oa Sunday eveniny nest to aasble • ... - lam �football, races and ' a big ev C+omxnittee and Directors will The Ontario and Durham Parish Mr. and Mrs. 3. Seaton are leaving wee who wish to axteid Locust More details oa this �� announced next week. At the �- Jersey Show will be held a tWhitby our community .tor Toronto where Hill Clburch � hear tJte Gospel- - show. elusion of the election ilI[rs. Ha�rveq an Saturday next when it expect/ they will reside. sires, at 7.30 p, m. -Those wis*aing to . ,' �� _ Mrs. Bert Gibson, of �� 'sppsr�ation of the aer ,is � that there will be over 100 Jer- The triende of Mrs• J. Dalton wish attend sdtoald be at church at ?.10 , Mr. eutd Oshawa, $pent t'ie week -end with vim$ oil' the Secretary and the re- y�,s in competition with Dues $300 her a speedy recovery from her re- for transportation. , Mr, a:td Mre• mss• Ham' tirctg. President. Mrs. Bis'rell t:ta-tk- the for electing her and in cseh prizes. coat operation at ll[t- Sistaii Hospital li:a. E, Teeple and May. Iradsay " 'h The Wm. Birkett'y of mile. ed members � whr+ Z".tere �a a g� attendance at in Toronto. Betty Ana sad Jean Marie enjoyed �,� �Stonlf�- -sand the Eddie Goodman a sefes'sa+d Peat presidents be fiorgotten fo: tae the schoolhoaae oa Friday last when Mr. Chas. Risk is rnsfiaed to'the ' a short racation st Hamilton sad ' ' - were among the 'vleltars tiD aronld ne�,er Mr, Ritchie had s3other ahawing of . house with lumbago. .� atiteseded the Graduation o! Mise .. - � � ' awata, �sremont, attending the tio�ag w,o,rk the •did for the group. 1 - - Government films. A reprrseatative • _ _ _ . � Aadree Copp, of Notre Dame Aead- • ltonrewtment here oa Saturday. �• !• � ���y ,� �• F• g, The hostesses: Mrs. Holtby. Mrs. Mille, 't'it's• Caasie 'and Miaa Duncan of the Dept. of Agricahast, showed � �4 of erosion on soils, �a+ith - „ H] bland Creek � emy, Waterdo�wa, M•T• aatl lam- H• Ma=ter sad eon _ . ' RoMns are •aE � Bay of served a delicians tea and at rte Rnli a few comic psctnres throws► in. Etis l� �i°' �� Bobbie Mr. and Mrs, B sus sad , .. -: -- iQalnte Costterest+ee at Brockville Call "Name a New Member" it was - ; � ': two small daughters, all o�Toro�o - �� this week.' that dance or• tinted that se rc•ral new :n trrbtre `"''•rr Presented, _ .:: - ' _ Y �t �O�I��S Early last week the stews. came tzsitt!d the Rsada(st Tamil yon the holiday, r' It is announced a vs-ith quite to shock that Mss. J. I _ chestta is bet -syg brovsitt oat from dance �t'tng .. - -� • • Nosth Pickering Red Crt+ +i � - �,� • . Walker had Passed away. While w•e Green River girls visited our Pub- lie school for a of baseball ' I� - Toronto for a eodsl June. This osehea'tra! has ssePeral � m.�rting of North i : 'wring A report of progress meeting was realized she was seriously ill we did think it so bad. The Soik game oa Fri�Y �• Whiteva]e won, 30-29, . �m*elty twmbess to° go with it. The Rpd , toss was held at the Munictp- ''l ir�ui�dinn oa Monday last. flits. A. held on Monday May 26. "A thorough discussion took place not quite in this community will miss Mra. _ _ -- _ _ , date avill be annoumced next week- ♦i!hia will be a 'night of OM Tyme Har �;•, PrPSidemt, was in the chair Brougha �t on the improvements of High Bush Trait Road. After the questions Walker and her friendly srra-tster a_->Id eve wish to extend our deepest � : :•.-- Cherrywood _ . . anti Modern dancing. • A:xi l'.larar. ar: and we're r�,preaented, Mr. Catherwa.�f. t'ix,e -. all were answered it was decided t'.rat .sympathy to Mr, Walker, Joan and _ � �'� �' : •. ,- � � Oshawa Bowlers Taste Hos�ora $eTa '• "nt (.'an:) rigs Chairman rnceivvd the donations from Brougham •and we would apply tor. a township ap- prov'al,of the road. Many people avho Shirley. ;. - .._ The girls who have been busy all +Yedding bells are ritging in ot,t� b�., ". 1 The aanuat bow'tiag tournament, here the 24th Green Rives and 4•eported the totals have been using the Hall hax-e found n•inter and spring dui_ ro act 'Y% P 7 �� We hope Mr. Waitoa $olmse will -- • on the local greens on drawing card .this year, sa follows: Claremont $276.65; Brou- 'the road a great risk. •work under the auspices o! the Home Dept. the Women's soon be feeling much better. _ - _ � was a real and bowlers attended from far and gham $179.50; Green River $54,25. It that tto returns had The movie picture committee an- nounre ltat the picture for Saturday Economics of Institute are rtow making •fra-ttic, Miss Dlizabeth Armstrong sae st home for the holiday week -end, _ , r rear. Oahaays players took all ,the although othese was reSrett!sri been received from Aitona or Hount May 31, is "Flank Sinatra in - last-minute arrangements for Ach- ]disc Annie Petty who has •been _ prizes this year, �� The ��� ,� ai Zio:t: Treasurer Mrs. Farr reported Higher and Higher".. ievement Day at Newmarlost on nexsing � Hearst,. is at borne wit,fa - ' ;• were m}Sced trebles. Wi:ntes'e we�� fat, 'that the branch is is good financial � - Vern Bates .liar been appointed a Life Guard for the coming year. He dune 4th. The W, A, postponed their meet -' •her pareata, recuperating attar a i'ece:tt illness. ,• -1 rGeorg�e geld; tad, C;eorg'e Lesrnon, g�, R. McMillan sand 4th, I+oine standing, The cod River oil project was r"e- was a popular supes•visor last year ing tnttil this Thursday due to the for the Stanley Taylor spent the week_ .. �'• •_ - . James, ��� ported by lilts. 11loberteon: total ex- and will, carry on his training and funeral services dieing• heM end with his parents, ��� , al•1 of - - � penditure $om September 1946 to swimming classes. late Mrs. Walker. Dr; and Mrs. Barraelouglt, � o� 'f ' . — � � r - rvo„+ c,,.,day,_�,y�C aye apeurdlag ties 'week at . bottles of oil and 23 don• bottles of who still caaae out floc the auaimer .Church celebrates its 56th Anniver- their ilarin home, . •,.. �' �, caxsules. Thins is all distrt'but� only to t.`te cosxtmunitp, turned over nary. The speaker for � the evening A few loads of building material • . Mr. Wright, Greeet River, �� - through the schools by Mrs. Rhote:t', $10.1 to the Community. Fhnd, Mr. will be Rev, John Branum, of Or- have been delivered st the Bdiooi- ' , his daughter, Mrs. C. Devitt oiler, a'ngevt'lle, who is being called by our ya:a, as evidence there map be a>, - �' the week -gad. _ -- Board, as new minister for our school sometime, to replhce the one _ _ ? The many friends of Mina E• �- hope sire may be able to re- ,� :• :.±�larenaon� eats � � � � . ; - chus+ch. Those who misaod hearing him last week when he preached for destroyed by fire two years ago. Dr. sad MsB. SaTier8 use bock . • - turn home from hospital soon. a call will have a chance to ear It a sew home oa the 4th cone Roy Miller and John Devitt Balled � _ •.- .. - � him next Sserday fat 7.00 o'clock north o! Cherrywsod, . on the darter's sister, D[rs. Btd �t.,. ' ••� ' �.• CHOICG The choir of Pickering United 'Church will sing at the service. A JYIrs, Simpson, Mre. Morrish sad Mary Ann attended Eie '^ . .. •'�� Browse, of Orillia recently. _ senior $e- Mr. Mervin Artois was busy in the .� . ' � ' hearty invitation is given to a1S to tcital at Ontario Ladies' Coiled pa ' . village last WQek, flawing some of • - .. ; .�: .' � • ,_ attend this special aerrice, and also Saturday evening. ' • our gardens. Brown+ Tor - MEATS �- � FISH -�• POIJLT� Y � our regular sen•ices eiach week. Yonr lir'rng' out . :UIr. and Mrs. McAllister, Toronto, their ; : "�° Mr. and Mr's. W J. curiosity should you I visited daughter Airs, Leonssd , - into,, spent the holiday with Mrs• , •. � to �aee our riewl}-,painted floor, ptr looks i Hollinger over the week -end. — Mr, .•� Bmwn !here, - - • ` ' ` .. -: - • really very -bright and very •and Mrs. Donald Pugh sail � �r Zfie W. M. S. held tAt]e5.r May . ` .__ -. .. ..• .�'.' ' ' '- e}teery, family, of Bwomanville, were recent • meeting at the home at Mrs. Frank Barclay The program was isn cha>Fg'e PRUN Lr 3501 � •il CLARE 1iUNT � At ling la:�t the Young People of Ceate:tnial and Cedar Grove have � •visitors with Mr. sad Mrs. iYiiliaay Davidson, ' at tilts: Joh-t White. The Psrside�nt, .. -• "i°t` -= ---- .._-- .•. ----- _ --•— . got together a.•td maade arrange- I .: '_ . � •• • - - r 'r err ,American Royalty VOICE OF TIM PRESS bars. Jones, a London lady, teas' proudly discussing her new Ameri- can Too Big C Inflation son -in -law with a neighbor. In Shanghai, China, the lAunicipaJ "sly Gwendolyn has done very Canada is spending more. and g well for herself, I must say," she more on the heather, but still does government has outlawed $100 bills, boasted. ' "Hafter alt, 'lisn't every not seem able to do anything about following the issuance of new $30,- ®day a young girl marries an — Brandon Sun. 000 notes. The smallest bill cir- latitt there will now be $500, American lord. cu g ' t ! , which is worth about four cents in "An American lord? \%'hy, 1 ain't Y.wstz ' Clock Watchers A' i ever 'card of such a thing in all LT.S. money. , That's inflation- �: Fifty -three per cent of office when a $100 -bill is a worthless my born days!" employees have visual problems. you a lie," said nuisance. "1 wouldn't tell ht tandard ;,..•,•• -.. >�- ..,._. I Too much watching the clock? � —Kingston 1'�'hig -S Mrs. Jones. `_'Ain't you ever 'card . — Hamilton Spectator. of the American 'ousing shortage? Observation That's why Gwendolyn's husband A Rally Is Needed We consider the man who takes is so hoity - toity. He's a real ±� General Charles de Gaulle is de- pride in his home and home sus- American lord—a. landlord!" ° finitely back in politics, having an- soundings and spends his evenings riounced himself, as leader of a new in his garden a better, citizen than .'Dreadful Thought i "alignment" he calls the. Rally of the man -tkho belongs to a half 'If divorces continue to increase r Y1I the French-People. May he, prove dozen or more organizations and able to rally them more than must spends iris cceniugs attending meet- at the present rate,, the day may }� w �I come when there are more divorces parties have done in the recent past iags— possibly passing resolutions, than marriages, ti. — Brantford Expositor. urging people to take more, interest �. and pride in citizenship, Very often ° f ° It Paid you'll find the poorest evidences of It is said that Henry Ford never good citizenship around the homes objected to the jokes which people' of those tiaho spout it the loudest. - • 's % "' `''' made about his car so long as they —St, Thomas "Times- Journal. Insfanfine said something about it. Advertis- %~'r''. ing, he learned, was better than -Phew! _ 4 silence. — Lethbridge Herald. From a comment on the new British tobacco tax by an American FAST RELIEF Lots of Hard Work press correspondent: y Net income of Canadian farmers "Canny Scots are mixing herbs reached last year a record figure with tobacco and scenting it with �. for all time - 51,287,400,000. A lavender." HEADACHE ' Y very great deal of hard work went As a further', su" estion, the into that substantial 'achievement. merits of skce PWt from dried i aY q rnal J t O — tawa ou z is should not be overlooked.. �? raatts2s}a •u . r- fix^ ";,,',,,.,H h RR owe owostoau , — Toronto Saturday Night. - - %a - rieimeu •. _ _ .ir '. A gossip is one who tells you all -_ 1947 Pontiac —A striking character -study is, this photo of the news that's fit to hint. —Kitchener Record Jim Pontiac, great - grandson of Chief Pontiac, mighty 18th • eentury Ottawa Indian narrior. of the ;Michigan wilds. .11 Ukusto Although 95 years old, he still hunts, fishes and. does all Device n iD Keep his oN3 n chores at his home, .even to wood- cutting. plot From Fl yin 9 into Mountains in Schul S leis 9h Accident -, — — Such a succession of flying atci- ��� ing from the building .. dance dents of this type developed a few ' months ago that grim jokes s' re- WIN OW I music, a number popular at the R _ • _ ,. time. Ht saw couples getting out to be made about mountains' re- _ - _ o£ cars and some arriving on foot. fusal to duck from the path of Inside the huge floor of what was blind - flying airplanes, says the Sault Oil= If the gymnasium swelled and heaved - Daily Star Now the noted pilot F and designer, Howard Hughes, has with couples P asked close together. e.8 s,a x He remembered .the laughter and court up with a device which he thinks will go a long way toward the music and something came into • !sy - eliminating these shattering crashes SORN ROWLEZ his throat and he wanted to cry. of •irrestibile force against im- The wotiian sensed it too and she g wk •_.w. « The were sitting on a bench in movable objects. park, the man and the woman, a s slender, graceful hand on hu m bjec and the sun, shining through the ..Do The Hughes gadget is a small, �► Y" -� you remember• that dance simple radar warning, soon to be :. pattern of leaves and branches our graduation dance? l can s t► above them, formed a network 'of see you now. You had on a light installed in all Trans -World Air- light and shadows almost like some blue evening gown that came all the Knee planes, which Hughes thinks is. + - gessamer fairy lace. way to the floor and you wore a foolproof but subject to still fur- j The woman wan about thirty corsage of some kind of white flow- ther development out of practical � • " � �t three or• four, blonde with dimples, ers. The light. in your hair nrade it experience. Among the most strik- and a wide, good humored month. look all gal.{ and you were the most into features of the device, a refine- :. The man, who was about the same ment of wartime radar equipment, beautiful creature in the world." are that it weighs only 18 pounds° age. Clark with good features and - g Y paying hair, leaned towards her. She laughed, entered into the and costs only $130. spirit of the thing. "And Mr. Weeks. A combination transmitting and 0 "Do you sense »rbe, , Jean, the first g the assistant principal, asked me to receivin set is mounted on the time we kissed f let asked tenderly. g , = ; The ,girl laughed a little and dance and I let him have one dance underside of the plane. 'Two small there was a faint haze back of her after alt, he was the assistant antennae on port and starboard eyes, "How 'could I forget," she Principal." sides of the plane send out power- said, "We were w young ,and "And after the dance," he went ful pulses at the rate of 40 a shy! 1 .didn't know what I 'would on. "The rest of the cro.vd went second in all directions except back- _ pay if you asked me . and 1 down to eat, but you and 1 ivent ward. Travelling at - -the rate of 500 ^' to the little lunch counter around feel in one millionth of a second, JACK KERB lass on pins and needles for fear you wouldn't. They were good the corner and had sonic coffee and the pulses bounce back from any OF HERMON, ONTARIO days, George. Iiappy days." afterwards we walked home. It - obiect they strike and actuate a fi illro OI COIfMt1{gl was exactly thvec blocki away warning fight and signal bell, ky ¢. George reached o. rr and patted 1 think 1 can remember every step • • g' i _ -ber hand. "They, were," he said. every depression in the side Present equipment is regulated to "'The were wonderful days and I walk. And whFn we got to your , warn the pilot 4�`hen he is-2,o0o feet. t was 2 below zero. Ten school Y house at stood on the steps a long and again at 500 feet from any ob- children huddled around the time, not saying anythin iiist little oil stove in the canvas -top R• jest. The procedure'ior the pilots sleigh as is jogged briskly along { looking at the night ... and every-' when the lights glow and the bell the snow - banked road. Suddenly r" thing N,6as golden around u�." rings is to pull the aircraft up into there was a sickening lurch. The climbing turn and continue until sleigh tilted violently and rolled ::.. •' . ""�' "`� � � "" .) a i so- degree swing has been made. over on its side. In an instant the " ` '�'A f • -lie Pained fo monieut, staring stole had exploded and the can- The children ebstteread merrily as tbelr �� The plane has lust flown over the Pl straight ahead.' "An* then you said vas top was a mass of Eames. jo ed along in this winter version of a rearward course and the• pilot knows Driver k Kerr's fast task was >r�1 bus, anaware of what u`at about 1 you had to,go in . , .and you kissed lu there are no' obstructions their, to control the terrified horses. So bappen. me: He laughed aRaitt,and The Soo-foot warning light and Then he leaped to the rescue of turned to look at the woman beside • him. "I floated home on -a cloud well also are for use'in blind ap- theehildrett,manyofwbomwere proaches to a landing field .in bad pinned under the burning sleigh. that night!" weather. • If the lane has. not brok- ' « ' P Working quickly, Kerr pulled She smiled and ,they sat there, en out of the weather at 500 feet, the children out, one by one, silent, for a time, contemplating the 'the device will tell the pilot accur- rolling them in the snow to r. memories they had conjured up out ately that he is that far above the smother their burning clothes. a - of the past. ground and he can pull up and, go Then, although burn himself, - be managed to put out the fire, At' last they got up and the man to an alternate field. rim d _t thZ -i:zaizi, tl cbiidrento the village. narrival and smiled. Hughes recently took newsmen he didn't wait a moment to teir� "Well, goodby, Jean," he said. It on a flight over rugged mountain injuries, , `'"'" was u'otrderful seeing you again went for a doctor. Soon all were his own in ones rr terrain, in which he flew in and out receiving proper medical treat- 'Well, goodby, Jean, he said. but I'll have to be runnt»g along of• tight little valleys, healing his meat. was so much in love with you. .. now. I'»i supposed to tneer my wife big four - engine plane straight at fact that this story has no :. - It spoiled my appetite!. To me in front of the Metropolitan in mountain peaks until the warning' tragic ending is due entirely to N`` <'' ` you were the most thing ., about 10 minutes." device flashed and sounded, then the quick, cool actions of on Jsc4 Kerr bad altiwys been s great ever come down to earth." He She looked at her watch and increasing power and pulling sharp - man. We are proud to pay tribute favowrite with the ter$. Bert today !°'laughed, his voice deep and reso- gasped. "lie, too," she exclaimed. ly up and around in a ISO- degree to Jack Kerr of Hermon, Ontario be it real hero to � nssmtwnitl. cant. "And you're still pretty, nice!" "Why, it's almost five o'clock and turn, through the presentation of The Berm of bir `allsntry, sad ♦reteww : r 'They were silent 'for a moment, I haven't finished my shopping yet. He is confident that the device Dow Award. 1.qf ssind, not arse life seas$ Ike, ' eaci .thinking the thoughts that I'm afraid my husband's supper will "will be of great assistance in ef- These metftories brought up. Finally tie late tonight Goodbyl" forts to eliminate the type of acci- The man laughed again. "Do yon They hurried off across the park dent which received so much pub- THE DOW AWARD is s remember our last high school in opposite directions! !reify last year. citation %► 01 tm h"t heTO' ism and includes, as a tantibls -she man, lost in thought, gazed aprsssio» of appreciation, a out over the green ex snse of the The Nsxt Problem . Sroo Canada Sevin Bond, �. e P HEMORRHOIDS ► - , park. Far off he could see tail It is reported that before the curl - Wiriness an xltcted by the � • ► f buildings risin out of a sea of bit- of this year we may know with =�� RMf1l g g i dw Makoes of Nooeat Olnens«N Dow Award Committer. a ° ", • • + t low gren, but lie wasn't seeing any certainty whether life exists on < of that. Instead he was seem a tall, other planets. If it dices, of course Mecca Pao Remeo No. 1 is for Prowdtas poop of editors of leading g P 91e4diue Pitaa, and to .old is Tube. vMhVy�, .. -old fashioned building in a small the next problem will he to get n internalapp iiestJaa Prhe tf• Metes Ds dauly ^C1e'sPaPer :• bow ' town a loupe nav from the city to one of them before life ctasr� �.Medy No. 9bfor External ltebt� B" . ' Jar, and is for e"eis lest assty� � is QOR There ' was 'r blare cf music tom- to exist on this one. zda by nuasbae from rase >Dei>pias- s� I__• -, •r_ • -, a..-'. . • ., . - - awes. - 'r r., a i - CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Sports - And One Thin - BUSINESS DABT CHICKS FAR31 MAC'HiNZRY 4ATTLIYTION: Tourist Resorts. Sourest, WE CAN give prompt delivery on two and TRACTOR PLOWS. Cultivators. Grain Bind- or Another Shops, Drttg stores. 1 have a practical two three weak old pullets. cockerels or non -evzod era (horse and tractor drawn). Air- cooled sees ti "itatlom ash tray and cribbage lag board. chicks In the following breeds: Barred Rocks. Engines, American Separators and Milk By FRANK MANN HARRIS ZAbeiral commission• For particular* write Now Hampahites. White Rocks. New Ha np- Machines. American Separator Sales. God- (-A f Si:bit Critic " 7tudolDh Canso¢, 1C1Dlftti. Out spits X Harrel Rock, New Haaipsliire X erlrh, Ontario. , Light 8useex, Licht Sussex X Barred Rocks. •'' MR. WOOL GROWER _ FARMERS' Tractor .Cultivators 6 and 7 foot Our 1947 horse-racing season start- tion of the artificial playoff s st You will salve time, labour, feed and fuel with g p Y Y ear W operate a Government Licensed wool these wall a tasted chicks. Send for special ' Widths, Ideal for smaller else tractor*. Also ed .off in the finest possible fashion, so popular in many sports, and de- :Warehouse and ars prepared to band:a vour price list. also older Pultets eight weeks to I Corn Plaster complete weep Tractor hitch. wall either direct or through our collectors_ laying. TWEDDLE CHICK HATCHERIES. Phone tan or write Hanna's, lmternatlonal with a near - record Daily Double signed to keep after interest in a losing Bales and Service - McCormack- Deering, You can apply all or part of your wool credit LTD.. Fergus. Ogtarlo. Guelph. Ontario. payoff down at Beautiful �400dbine. team long after normal hope has against blanket purrhaws. We do not handle _- - -- (In our league you get suspended if fled. We thought, however, that the - u■ed woollens nor customs work. 2, 4, & 6 Week Old Pullets HOTEL FOR SALE THE STRATHROY Also mixed chicks and cockerels. All raised ' you' don , t refer to Wodbine as beau - hockey people had brought it near to nacw d brooder eH e es f In ur l ant. Apply A. WOOLLEN MILLS LIMITED underIdeal for a, 3 os, a a r o tiful at Least once per column.) For perfection, with their plan whereby a Strathroy, Ontario Special List of started chleka. Lakeview you've noticed, of course, that while team can finish fourth in a six -team IIEN.be your Own boss. Write for free folder Poultry Farm. Exeter. Ontaro HAIRDRESSING the actual results of the races get league and still win the World's drarrlbinw our "collection of 137 plans tot; DYEINO AND CLEANINQ [EARN Hairdressing the Robertson method. buried in the rear pages, four -figure Championship. But a Toronto soft- - operating a successful business of your own.- _ V� Information on request rewarding classes Start In full or spare time at home. No HAVE You aayth.na needs dyeing or clean- Rr,tertson's Halydresslns Academy, 137 AX,.. mutuel dividends always rate'front- ball league has made them look like ' ' personal selling. Little or no investment re+ tog' write to us for tnlormatlon. We are nue Road. Toronto page headlines and pictures - proving merest pikers. The four teams in the ,� quired. Send for your copy today. NAtional tied to answer your questions Department p Business Enterprises. 474 Colbourne St.. H. Parker'* Dye Works I :mited, 791 Ton.*,, HELP WANTED yet Once again that "the game's the' loop will play out a regLilar Schedule London. tent. Street. Toronto, Ontario HONEST and rel!ab:e man to work In dairy. thing" or some such. of garrie5 -theft all four 'will start EARN MONEY gathering and erowin;t Dredl. ,FUR GALE Apply Shelvock Bros.. Thorold. Ont. a s: s t ' , cinal Pants. Worth'up to 112 pound. Hun- _:.._ __ even in the plal'Of15, Brat tha , and - dreds'or Roots. Herbs. Weeds wowing wud AIR COOLED GAS ENGINES SIARRIED COUPLE wanted, cook and bouse• Our personal position. as regards go to the tt.gt of the class. ••�;_� ,havo cash value.8md stamp for details. write man for country residence on bus line near - •., Alliance Electric, 1061 Rea vet Hatt fill!. Brampton. Pt Ivate quarters. high wages. no these immense payoffs is shnilar t0 'Six 6T -r. Islington. Ontario. * t• e Montreal, or write nearest office - Halifax. laundry. Telephone 59. Brampton. or write that of the chorus damsel who, when - 4 BHELL. Cra[tsmanablp profitable home burr Rouyn, Toronto, Winalpes. Mrs. W. L. Gibson. > 7hen -there were the tall small' � 4 ness. Make beautiful jewelry and novelties. asked if shed ever eaten caviar, Learn, earn within a week. New complete ATTENTION FARNESS 4 GRADUATE Nurses. General Duty. Wanted r. boys, on their' -way hoot front Sun- 4 home Instruction course, with materials only FOR BALE - Tractor Tiro, made of rubber, for a 85 bed Municipal Hospital, In a wistfully replied, No-but I' \'e been 4 /0.60 postpaid. Satirfaction guaranteed. or suitable for bolting on steel wheels. $15.00 thriving town, population 2,000. Recreation where it was." For we've been day Sflio0l, :'770 were ,ga: :erg at the q T"r money back. grace Mati Shop. Dept. each. rear wheels; 17.60 each, front wheels. facilities good. Salary 1110.00 with full front of a �1ov:C 11otf.: duplayars X 1 -5, 6!8 White Bldg.. Buffalo t. N.T. When ordering state diameter and width 01 malntenance increased to 8120.00 per month among those present on a• lot of t the words .qDL "L7 LN7ER7AIN- w�eel,. National Rnbbez Co. LLd., t WUt• ester ■!z months ■ervtcs, s say week. /Lour these occasions, all ,the way back t0 1 BABY RHICKS Wire Are., Toronto. Ont. say. I weeks holiday with pas after one the afternoon when a air of beetles MENT. "What dots 'aditlt' meets, i year service Taber Municipal Hospital. Box P BABY CHICKS AND BALED SHAVINGS 660, Taber. Alberta. named WIN-1-FRED- ANN and TommyP" asked one. "I'm not lust STARTED CHICKS i FoR SALE. baled soft wood shavings, car, TABSON aid off at sure." was the reply. "But, 1 kinds -- 4 load lots only. Write Plus Products.. P.O. mEDICAL p $8,498.35 at Our tr m for Baba Chicks and started Chicks ! Box 76, Montreal a. think.it's what they talk about 'in fhe wilt sgrprise you All Chicks from blood HIGHLY recommended -Every ■utre'rer of Thorndiffe. But that's as near as we tested stock. Carleton Hatchery. Britannia ELECTRIC MOTORS Rheumatic pain, or Neuritis should try ever got to the jackpot, picking one Seventh COmnrandmo.t." Holchta. Out Dixon'. Remedy. Munro's Drug store, 11116 winner in a row being difficult 1 A.C. OR D.C. Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid 111.00. g GOVERN11ENT Approved chicks at reduced 4 -32- 110 -650 volt. Large stock - Alliance Elea enough for our system of handicap - prices for this week and nest. Day old: New tsic, 1011 Beaver Hall Hill. Montreal or sear- 'TREAT YOURSELF at home with eloctro- All of which leads 'The St. Hamvsb!re. Barred Rock. New Hampshire X _ wt office - Halifax, Rouyn. Toronto. o wagneti■m for Arthritis. Rbtumattam. In. ping, let alone two of them. Barred Roth. Licht Sussex X Barred Rock, Glow, Vanrouver. somait. Varicose Veins and other circulatory • * « Thomas Times - Journal t0 assert •1 New Hampshire X Light Sussex tion -sexed aliments. Free explanatory Pamphtets from N 6.91. pallets 27.93. cockerels 7.95. Assorted GASOLINE POWER UNITS coo eRewedles. range street. Toronto Outoluck Oilo says that Barbara_ that "Kipling was right when he heavy breeds man -sexed 8.96, vull*ts 11111.9S. 55 HORSE POWER Ann Scott needn't thitrk she's the said the female is the more deadly - 14 cockerel■ 6.9S. Cockerels-. White Leghorn x WHY SUFFER ARTHRITIC Chrysler Industriar power units complete with M 'Barred Rock 1.95. White Leghorn■ 95r. Two radiator cooling. electric starting and battery. Only One !t'Cr l0 sited fCarS OZ'tr and rheumatic torment 'when Breenatonv of- of the cnerva " week old add 6.00 per hundred. three week - - - - M ote_Add_ I1 s__ 0 per L._blefrot t ,. va..ry u cur richer -only to KrS CaSI � able from stock. Welts Alfas Polar Co. treatment tl 06 troslPatd. Indian Hrmerltes. - Thl■ advertleemeat must accompany your or- q..t Its_ vw..•�,,,,.- it U'aS flip Finance Corn nett -• der to receive these special prices. Also older .. air _•'. -•• .. _��'v �: r�.t =�-r _ 501YL•Y DELICIOUS i pullets eight weeks to laying. Top Notch Street. Montreal. 1 DON'T wait -Every sufferer or Rheumatic - - d . ^ :si91aT-- 9Ata+'I- 1 aim Hill - 1lilac °-'-- ^• w•- .'-,•'- _ ""•nn t_,,. n:.,,.,•. n..., _�}e ntt�aftan nF tchciher er nest' The Sup A - . as valet rag- @� -�$ie: v� y RautG11 ody. Munro's Drug Store. 33: Elgin. Ottawa. young kids should be allowed t0 �g 0 SPECIAL for June. Heavy Cox. 85 00 por 100. Yea guarantee the cenwne broad - breasted Postpaid 31.oa. Max-%-01 Houge makes it M Barred Rock, N.H. Red., Sussex. Red x bronze turkey Paufts. Our {lock, are tube have BB guns is again much to the ss 4 Suex, hybrid rockred hybrid Pullets- S!0.00 tested and were headed by Kopatz Toms direct TO EASE that horirble Pala caused by Arth. L� __' -` ` -{. - « r - per 100. Leghorn pullets, 8:4.00. immediate from Orison Writ* for fro# circular to rites tea 'Euca Liniment'. Large bottle fore - recalling the tame the. Old tilC ;''113th IIO�u}ar OL iYi .. •4 shipment, order from this ad or write far Indian Hill Turkey Ranch. Sox 208. Starner. 81 25. P.O Box 414. Saint John. N.B. lady stopped a rosy- cheeked 7 -year- bps of coffee. It has 6 _circular. Bc Rock Farm. Hill* Roches. Oat, Ontario. IICSICAL C1sTarum s old cherub toting one of those wee - LAKEVIEW CHICKS 12c ARC WELDING MACHINES rRED A. BODDINGTON bays. sells. u• pons. "You wouidn't be cruel enough extra flavor because it _ Same high quality al these low prices. Here's Electric or Gasoline driven - Alliance Elan changes musical Instruments 111 Church _ M trio works. 1061 Seaver Hari Hill, Montrow. Toronto f to shoot any darling little birds- or .!contains choice Latin. your opportunity to gee thla page quality w stock or write nearest office. Halifax. Racyn. kittens with that, Would you ?" she -: at then xtasrmabls pr+«■ Pet» Susan, Ru■- Winnipeg. Tweirito. OFiLR TU INVIENTOR! AlileilC$li CO�e29. a•s X New damn. Barred Racks Roek s said "Heck, .no, lady." was the 4 Now Ramps.. New Hampa. Sussex x leg• MODERN GUN SHOP AN OFFER to even inventor -List of louse 1 born.. Rock X Lewhhrna Now HAmve X clans and full information sent free. The prompt response. - "It don't shoot i ANTIQUE ♦ND F40DZRN AILMS near' hard eaou h I'd borrow my , Iarihesns. Large Type Whits Lewhorns mixed Ramsay Lo.. Reglat seed Patent Attnrseyt! � 11!.00 per 100. Asserted 3112ed $10.00 per Bi9COBT. SOLD. KXCHANCED all Sams Street Ottawa g 300. EXPERT REPAIRS - .brother's rRICIE [into LAKEVIEW PULLS 20C 81008 DAN"ISTHaArIL. TORONTO, OPlORTt'!1IT1ES e w e 1 NEW 900/13 GOODYEAR 1 +RZAT AS V TCNrrY All day old pullets .6e. started ueta an e pypR rysy �•TCNIFT ll'Ttat most of us are eagerly d tot:.d chick.. Two week. add 6e, >i Exchange awaiting is a soap that will be adver- and otbw'N OO& M weeks old ado 10c, 4 weeks old add Ise. b TIRES AND TUBES- 450.40 100 Aorta in da inav,llo. 60 miles from Ot- "N week old Pullets 4+ -e each. I week old Pgftets For I cwt Army trucks. fully guaranteed, taws U miles from Cardinal. 30 mlto' from tiled at a Rub, No' Rinse, No WITH in Lawns i slit each. Large storM otber new Army truck brae Premottl very good house with hardwood Theme Song," 1 Fall line of raarsaded tires. Fir -tone tread floors and hot air furnace, t rooms and bath- s s s M BREEDER HATCHERY design Dealers. wanted. Clti Tire sad room with toilet. Hydro on farm. New Seabls p �OF �� ' Slicers Co., tit Qheea wart. Tonto. to Loan 1b tu•ad of cattle with overhead Dares :iim03t unknown t0 the relent treaders, All double him& toted. banded and OILL <arvassa TIr-, I¢sectlMdss. tctectrte to. held f0 toes of hay and a sew hat track. eneritiOn Hal Chase has egged e¢tlsd toe body type sad rttggednesa Hatched d�t:e ControtlmiL Heun and Barn Pat" Stable built of cement blocks with concrete g ' P N adder ideal condltiens, ' Met Chicks we seer Roof Coetings, eta Deals» wanted write float; new ehiekam -boon :2■100 fast !T away. Never a really terrific hitter, THI 2-" MID KILLIR t bad: Pullem are laying swell. coiltaret, good Warts aresse a on Llmltod. .Tortmtq, windows. each 424 feet, contras floor. Ira- When It Camt t0 fielding he was 4 glee " from Lincoln Luedke. ■dam Oeevt. chine house. garage ii ;a barn. three wells g 001" wpd will leill dtafode.. Oct. '•Never had such wood luck with pal- PAINTING! shoot a6a apple three ane 160 taps. tutee. "I lister First Base" in person -and Moos. f4atains, ragwread, I lots•" reports Ernest. G. Barnhardt, Hawks- SAVE TIME HARD WORK AT I gravel. yard: remaining land culnval, and the picture of him doing his stuff bind" d, icon ivy aettE stona, ont. Order from this ad. or a nod for ' pa0rure. Buildings insured for 84604.00 until � Price Ltat and Catalat ae and fglt particulate. LOW COST -US$ A WEBSTER 1149, Government mortgage 11!00 so• repay- was a sight which, once seen, was ocher broa.a- leafed was+ -4 To so v# these prices enatme this ad. with PAINT SPRAYER able to it years. To exchge an against a never forgotten. Fie played so far destroying them right to your order. now 1047 car -Oldsmobile or Dodge. For Par- - tap of the root but will arse - ' 4 NOW is the time to revalut. Order a new titulars apply to Dr. A• Retch, 76 Belvedere off first that you'd swear he Could Lakeview Poultry Farm : 3todgl SOS Webster Paint Sprayer, works In- Road. Quebec city. Que. y 6io►■s g►f■Ri. Non-poisonous su ; Welty Bn... Exeter. ontarla• Never get back in time, and his fel- humans or animals and will-, ' 'side as � well to outside, and ssvee many - _ "GET our new prieellat, affective Dow, We have hours of hard work. Modal NO Volt is OPMUTr`iiTIZS FOR WOMIL low infielders had t0 be trained t0 Dot stain hands Cl ClOthiOgk 4 . Cockerels and pallets in some breed0, for list- worth x7.60 and Includes Compr -wr, Spray gg A HAIDRESSER peg the ball at the empty sack- A =---M stedtate delivery, also men -sexed chicks. And Gun. 85 fast of hose. .motor belt and puller, . order now for itmeJuiy delivery. Bray Hatch- Larger units avatkble from 164.60 ¢p to JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL "Prince Hal" in4ariably turning up 'Y.REEN CROSS'* -- - w WT. Its John V. Hamilton Out large commercial units worth $700.00. Air Great Opprrtunity Learn to make the putout. Like many in- eompreswrs aysllatild from stock will give Randresstas PItOOt1c.T 4 TWEDDLE CHICKS take this chance out of up to 140 pounds pressure Motors all ■tan. Pleasant dignified profession. good was *@ other grCat athlete he became slight- 1 a right start to a profitable poultry season. S5 and 40 cycle, Write for tuft details thousands successful Marvel graduate, � ' Tots are sure of startma healthy chicks. fast ly mixed up with sure -thing gam- AT YOUR p[A1.[R 4 MILGROM ELECTRIC LIMITED America's cr*atest system Illustrated cats , 1 growing chicks when you depend en 'I'wedAle. 10ave trio. Wrie or Call tilers, and lived to rue the day. v That is why many succenful chicken miser*' 79 King '.Street West MARVEL HAIRDRESSING boy only Twaddle chicks year after year. WP# • e o have the following Pure broods to choose from: • Hamilton. Ontario, SrHOOLS U sat S+oor St W., Toronto with #n the past forty -eight hours r White Le■rhorns. Black Kimorcas. Anronas. - 8rovm Leghcrna Barred Roeb, White Rooks. PLAN 'NOW: Premier Strawberry Plaats:• 'Bramrhrs 4,4 Ktns St.. RamiltaD - or So *tie have noticed' three radio it Long healthy roots 82.60 hundred: 114.00 A 74 R1Aeau Street, Ottawa n New Hampshire*. Rhode Island Baas, *bits stations, one daily newspaper, a , Wrandattes. Light Sussex. Black Au,tra- thousand. Prepaid, Seely A El1IS• Stamford lorps. Jerw 7 White Giants and also 12 hybrid Contra- Ont PATENS cleaning -and = dying establishnrs'ne ° crosses. All from Government Approver) pall- FETHERSTONAUGH s ronnDany Patent and an off- the -arm resfauranf all �_,rc , a crew tested breeder■, non - graced• titillate or POTATO- GROWERS 'Solicitors Establlghed 1190 111 Bins Wmiit .,n°'" KIGARETTI ` - 04 cockerel■, day old, two and three week old or be sure to *•a the New' Holland potato her- Toronto licoklet of Information on request stressing the fact that their chief aim �s � � � - 4 pullets eight weeks to laying. Bond for free venter. Din and bags Your crop ou out 1'NOTOCRAI•HY to life is "striving the community." �1G• PAPERS N catalogue and greatly reduced prices for June. machine. lvrn Martin, 'fit. Jacobs. Ont Isn't anybody' in business Just for os'�e - .4 TWEDDLE CHICK HATCHERIES,. LTD.. FILMS- DEVELOPED POL'LTRY ew- :cl.ea: irt.r•ih „te• dellvary• • N Fergvlr. Ontario. _ General' Triv Peotrdera, $a Church et.. - and Printed. 25c Roll; _ -! the purpose "of making a profit, any SSEX X HAMPS FOR Toronto. t snore. .._ 4 SUCCESS STO:Ut: EQU MENT Reprints. 3c Each 4, « MAT delivery. book your order today at the Tradeg -in. com,ldting scales, meat slicz :a. SF' CIAL =( We don't know just what genius rMfrt , following prices. Unsexed Chicks 111.00 per electric meat choppers, etr. Berkel Produrta I.OMET fo,11m: ca.nr•ra. full 127 size. guar• should be credited with the lnve0- s"r h 100. allots $88.00: Cos k*. Leghorn X Co. Limited, 2198 Bleor W., Toronto. anteed IS 85: with leatzer shoulder carry Humps.' ansexail. 811.00 Par loo: Pullet■ 1{e; TIR>¢S tits cats $11 45: shipped Pooltiald _ _ - 4'4is go. - Pullorcin -Tested GaT't Approved. W. hat♦ A"Pr Film■ In atrw•k VI Beock Il to Down. balance en delivery. we are overstocked at the present at good COMET PHOTO SERVICE: Famous Pro-W ' BO!il!irwo Cmcs HATCRERY and trades -in tires tgu�ranteed to be to ea- qOZ S. portal btatlar. D. Torowt e W Feat u r e --�y,,� Box 836. glmtra. Ont emileat shape), : Q•/�' 1 9c HURONDALE CHICKS 11c eo0 X 38 - =3.00 GET BETTER PICTURES "O"' - 4 A4 orders shipped C.O.D. &prelRl equipment ��ae e _ 1 Susses 1< New liamtis. Rook X Hamns.. for wlcan /zing Track and Farm Tractor t'^rr; )hi. rte relinnlr etuAle t YVur Hand►Vllting Barred Rocks. New Flamed.. Rock X Log' Tires. 13EAMN TiRE corner Queen and AT LOWER PRICES rePK SUE �� 1, Items. Sussex X. Leghorn■. New Ramp X Tork Sts.. Hamilton. Ont. Don't rlslr y-11, films Serid them to and You 41 EIN FRANCE. PURE W"M 1Legborns and Pars LAgbOms plc. Pure Bus ONTARIO'S MOST MODERN Sin, Snanshot Syrvice. M gels ill 4 Bess Ira Assorted Mixed Chicks 9c. EQUIPPED TIR•E.. SHOP , ANY SIZE. ROLL Dealers Wa ed 6 or 'S Exposures Yt:ui• Handwriting Reveals C° °°dO HURONDALE PULLETS 19C TMl �DEtELOPED and 1N:INTED sae g All heavy breed Pullets Ise. after June lot 12" WOOD Planers. Jointers. Wood Shal*rs, Reprints from your negatives 4c. Your Character and Secrett ' Double i0� 17c. Medium Breeds and Legborns lie, Au- 14" Band Saws. Drills, Portably Sanders. 2 mounted enlargements 4 x 6" sec. En. About Your Inmost Self. ' Aufomaie " sorted Pollees 17c. Heavy Breed Cockerels- It you need one write: Giffin Slach!nen'• larslements frgmea r x 9" In Gold. Silver. 1I� LeOdeS Soo BREEDERS P.O, Box 273, Toronto, Ont. Walnut et Black Frame* 7/s. if pictures All double bloodtested. banded and culled by TYPEWRITERS Two Standard and Portabir colored 94r. Prints and enlargements Beginning Next Week ' inapectors, backed by high pedigreed founds- with Carrylna Case In oxccllenc mnditinp; made from prints of 'lost negatives tion stock. Many customers report wonder• Sacriflee. Write barticW.nrw n o m,. Aa - ful ---�- E_..: 'Chicks- 1-9r Hail." Ottawa, Ont. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Watch for - _ I G - Z A G STARTED CHICKS .AND 6 VOLT WINDCHARGERS nos I'M. POST OFFICE A. TORONTO ICIOARETTE ROLLER 25�� _ .PULLETS complete. with tower - 343.00 Alliance TF- %CHF.RS WANTED � t WEEKS TO 6 WEEKS OLD. Electric. 1091 Bearer Hall Rill, Montreal, o• FCUR QUALIFIED Public School Teacbers _ 1 week■ add 4c. 3'week■ add 10c, 4 weeks write nearest-office - Halifax, Rouyn, Tor- for School Aren No. 2 Monteagte -and. - sad 150. 6 weeks add 200. 6 weeks old Pill- onto, Winnipeg.. Herschel Salary 81500' per fear. Duties t0 lets 660. 100c, live delivery guaranteed. commence September !nA Apply stating �" YOUR OWN RIFLE ,9A3 Lee Enfield, formerly ueeA on 81.04 per 100 deposit on day olds. 10% qualificstinns Io Earl btuerlow. Sec. Treace Bialey Team: excellent condition: gacrinee on started orders, Order from and ENCLOSE 865.00. Write P,O. nnx 49, Ottawa. On t. 6fueelnw, Out BETTER CIGARETTES _ this ad. N011FOLK Coonly. Protestant teacher wanted _ HEAVY AND MEDIUM HEAV MILITARY farm waitons, sond for for Schnot Section N', Windham, llfodern V / /�t/ circular. Percy "'J. Borbridge. Room 305 a<,hoot with 25 pupils, Duties to commence II 17 i COCKERELS Pla :a RIAq., Ottawa, Ont. Sept, lot, Apply, slating qualifications and *teat type New Ramps 6s. all other hesvy FOR SALE -feed Heating Plant for sale In aalnr�, to Orin Goold, Secr- Treas.: R.R. Na. breeds 655, Assorted heavy Cox 6!$c. Rock first class mndltian- Taylor- Forbes Victor 1, Wilsonville, Ont. " X Lerborn Sussex, X Lerhorn■ 2Vic. Day old Boiler No. 609,*• also _stoker and pump- -only Cox only. WANTED been In use a few years, suitable for fairly. Hurondale Chick Hatchery , large building. HARDWAR.. Rf'S4NF.FR wnnted for cash, _ ' 1-200 Balton hot water tank and a number town . or vilialre. Box 143. Room tin. 7s. LONDON. ONT. n{ showers with nit coriner•tinns with Indl Adelaide N„ Toronto. - ; •'• READY MADE CAPONS.- vidgal cabinytA, For particulars write Robert I TYPEWRITERS wanted, state make and It Days to raise Capons. The price of Cations ChnPmwn, Mitchell. Box 262, model write 537 Beseerer Si:. Ottawa, Ont. , , In approximately 6o 10. higher than the price BEES, 15 colonies, Rood stook; elan equipment WANTED -All kinds of dressed poultry. Tor s of cockerels. We caponize the cockerels at for extraction, some double wall hives, all prices for top birds Joseph Cooper Limited I weeks god ■. n the ready maAe CaSend young quern., free from Aend C :' rash ■Ale. Poultry Dept . 1051 Danforth Ave.. Torontr CIGi4RETTEf T������ ' out at 4 weeks, no fuss, nn trouhle Send apply afi(•r.3 andbn week-end Chris Pav1oR.' f (We lit custom graAingt for Price List and full particulars. Prompt Loa lhrchmonnt Rd., Scxrlxirn Junctl2r• DAIRY WANTNr)_wmnll,buslness around 800 i. dei'very It you act quickly, quarts. Box I.N. C'nhour•s. . 1 I'1`PPII ?S. English PnInlerr. P.'iro Terries, Lakeview Poultry Farm Anehehunds. S ^lecleA breeding. Roginterrd. - • " Waft Be".. Zteter. Ontario. 8. 'R Taylor, Router - -, nrantford. Onl ISSUE 22 -19.47 ' ' . � . .: -... ,._.: -- ._.,��= .�..+'r„' a .: -`, .� �` � i:, - `� V "-' "y a'. � .r -' - ', '�- [ a -• ^iu . s .' - lid tyre , . .. , BROcK Ig $L'ILDERS' SUPPLIES Immediai delivery can be made of •A. E. Richarasofi � the following items: • (ILrNERAi. INSURANCD i e Tots Asphalt Siiagles stns • tt� REAL HQTATE -THEATRE Special Barg +� . , -Roll Roofing In All Grades v SEERSUCKER PYJAMAS, 2 to 6 years, $1.65 Roll Brie Siding OOhFV>il7iANQN® 'VCT232'TSY - Asphalt Roof Coating An old established agency, :wtV PRETTY PRINT' PYJAMAS, 2 to 6 years, $1.76 _ to serve. Saaltl"y Ah-ceadidoned Aluminum Corner Bead, Ridge �UBSHAY, FRI., >lfATURAAY ALPINE JUMPFZRS, 3 to 6 years, $2,89 I Cap and Valley Phone Plcteeiag Iv Chimney Flue Lining MAY '29, 30 and 31 PRINT DRESSES with Pretty' Colou:bd smocking, sizes 1 to 3, . Dry -flue Chimney Tope itwo Shows - I and 9 P. M. Regular ;•'?.75, for �2 :19 Sand and Lime Brick, Face Brick D. -.ISM) R! MR � Saturday Matinee at 1410 P. 9L I �,; Dt;,_ :;,y., •son.. tnn� �._rs :� 3, ` - Concrete Blocks Pwitez ZaaE3, Pink cr-d Blue, Reg. $3.25, for $2.85 Insulation -Bats and Loose 'Insurance 0! All Binds ] Cedar Posts and Poles • Smok - Insurance Adviser .cam Technicolor, - A. W. MITCHELL Baiter Ladies -we have a lovely assortment Address Phone t Fred Machlurray Anne of Ladies' Sprin House Dresses; �• ' • _ Don't forget -It's Walipapss 7 - - ". � Phones ?4 surd 114 Brougham, Out. _ 'Pick, 5 R 22 And, Tlr�te- -Jturt corns_ D#Y OUR TRUCKS PASS YOUR WAY' i' WpNDAY, Z*t1HgDAY, WEDN'SDY EVERY DAY , of time, to look them over. It- - JUNE 2, 3 and 4 • Thousands of Rolls right in Stock KEN AND CLARK E = ' Dr. P. W. J. LOOS PRE�I'TIC3� 4 list Complete Show At 8.20 AUCTIONEERS } Diary Corns on In You'll enjoy VETERINARY ,SURGEON licensed and Authorized for the ;° - PHaNE - 160 t� Ontario - of s "Chambermaid Shopping "THE bIO STORE" F� smpmen - hold Furniture, Real Estate Paulette Goddard Burgess Meredith _ M. S. t�HA PMAN and SON 'CY R 1 L E. M O R LEY Sales our Specialty at Reasonable - Plus An Added Attraction +vj Rates. Dual Service for the - INSURANCEiAND Price of One. "RENDEZVOUS 24" Milliken P. O. phone, Agin, 52WS REAL ESTATE W31liam Gargan and Pat O'Moore Mar tires P. 0. phone Mary. 206 PHIONE a - K• - auctioneers mace 18901 - - . _ "__Pte Prentices ,have been_ ! a . 's'IIUBSDAY, M. W- 71-RBA ; 7. - -- - *t> -tea 17 i - - - - - - - -- - -- McEACHNIE "S g . FURNITURE Barrister Solicitor 7otaq l 8If I'm Lucky Pickering GTO$ P Y�anB)�n and Perry Como a r w a r e :.FUNERAL C. C. RICHARDSON jams Carmen Miranda Private Ambulance Service I Suite 702 Kent Bldg, 156 Yonge Si. Ha GENERAL HARDWARE -• Day or Night Toronto Phone WAverley 3554 Wm. McRachnie, Prop.. _ 9 _ and Your Satisfaction My Guarsatles NOTICE TO EDITORS - Phone Pick. �13 H. McKEE AND OTHERS SUPPLIES a e! CJhar6s Andrus. _ Pickerings Ont. PAINTER & DECORATOR ; ,$In the Fi► to _ J. S. B � Deceased, ALL PERSONS having claims a- - � J. ALSDON : • PICKERI�iCs -- �� PICBERING oN'rA�o - - gainst the estate of Charles Andrus, W lei . MAW I late of tie Township of Pickering, fresher, wino died on or about the LICENSED AUCTIONEER and J. i. (Hull) S1'E�VART, H. A. 23rd day at March, 1947, are hereby ' �Zialit3i Meats _ VALUATOR Barrister, Solicitor, Notary notified to seed in to the undersign- here ad Executrix ow-or before the First Sales Conducted Anywhere - �lEh li3 Sea80A Phone or Write RIVER SEND FAR _ MS - Day of July, 1947, lull particulars -- .. :_.. - ' - 614 Dtxtdas St. East, Whitby, Ont Greenwood Road of their elaiime, after which date "Fruits & Vegetables the assets of the deceased will be Phone - Pickbring 17 R 13 distributed amongst the parties en- .. : - titled thereto having regard only to SILK'S MARKET the Executrix the claims of which F. J. Dorievan shall then have notice. one Plehetring E8 - -B. M B, Be. Daled at Pickering, Ont., this 14th - - -- - - - - - -- - permanent Nagging Pais Outs rio Land Surveytn ;,da,'o[ May, 1947. DANFORTH BUS LINES LTD. 3. p� M King Street, East, Oshawa, O L Julia Lindsay, Executrix, by , L Nwvea. It easy be Your Eye& - Stewart, B. A., Pickering, Ont., her (Solicitor herein. .Daily Service - - Daily ex. sun. A Daily ex. Sat. C. H. TUCK. OPT. D J A. WILLOUGHBY - :San. A Hol. Hol. Sun. i Hol. only Hol. '.' ey Block, Opp P. 0- !'ors t ;may Dina Willoughby NOTICE Claremont ?.16 8.ib 12, 15 8,d5 8.00 Head Office -- In the Estate of the late Charles► Brougham 727 8.27 12. 27 3.57 8.12 -- 4SHAWA - .. l 166 Yonge St, AD(" "Largest and Oldest in - AAniras, Pickering, Ont. , Green River' 1.36. 8.35 .�2. 35 -:4.05 8.20 Phone 1516 I Canada- - Established Forty ALL PERSONS who have left with Locust Hill -.7.38 8.58 12. 38 4.08 8.23 Years" -the late Charles Andrus, any farm 'Malvern 8.05 .9.05. 1. 05, 4.35 8.50 CON SULT OUR ACTIVECIIYDEAT, mac hinery, implements, clocks, etc. Leave A.M. A.M. P, M. P.M. P.M. Sellers• & Atkinson° FOR THAT MOMEINTMECITV So repairs, are hereby notified to Toronto 9.15 10.00 -:5. 45 •2.00 . 9.45 call immediate;v, identify and prove Phone Agin, 201W2 - St'�uff. 290 prnpert� before remoral. from prem- Daylight Saving Time Parcel Express Grover 5650, Oxford 1385 saes, to f followed by subsequent , -.1 ]Sensed GORDON F. OSBORNE pajustnient and settlements. C. L. U. Julia Lindsay, - Auctioneers DISTRICT MANAGER _ Executrix of Estate of (ate Charles g ICKERING MEAT. MARKET ,(Andrus. Pickering, Ont. :85 Year's Experience LIFE. Sales condu.•ted anj where. FRANK R, SMITH - .. Specializing in Farm Stock Insurance Curopauy n ?braiture and Property •Sales. This I5 The Best alitp First = Service Our Aim hll Sales personally listed andreses>tstivea .7 lAdvertised. Bills urepareil and - "WE BUY THE REST --- YOV MAKE THE TEST" posted. :boss D. Marro Place To Sell Your _ _ E"roin t eryice lour Puckrin ,Phone Pickerint 30 _ 3 . P - Murvyn Keane, Oshawa PRODI tr Rea$onable Rates Ralph Gulliver, Oshawa PHONE 290 STOUFF -VILLE Telephone, 522 Whitby, Ont, _ At this season of th• year we arc especially good buyers of HUNSea■ Warner -.Re. 'o SPRING CHICTiF.NS, EGGS, M R 1 E LUMBER SPRING LADZBS aid VEAL - C O CAL4E5 _ _ ,.• C _ �a�d ' �eoord u�han ger ,• . LIMITED . _ Ie we ire not getting' your prod i 'TELEPHONES - Howard 1117, and Scarboro 836 uce nary we would appreciate yWT *K-- -w us 4 trial. -You will Scarboro -= Junction : find our px4ces et�wl to or letter - Combinat' ion, , } t'nan these you can g� tilsew:tere. In Stock Pickering Farms,: DUMBARTON For Immediate Delivery Limited* RADIO SERVICE _ a in. PAPER BACKED INSULAT ION WOOL ' Whitby. ON - Night or. Day -Authorized dealer:- - A4 --H. RATTEW ,210 lb. Asphalt ".Shingles : WMTBY, ONTARIO - .Orders Taken at Above Addtless or at Pickering JewelNeryl .. Wills Variety or Colours. Boo!!ng 'Wails With � - " Terms: 10 p. c. down 1 to 2 yrs. to pay orae,n OW* - 'SmaltStewart- Warners Coning Soon Ali gra des of B. CCeder Shingles