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VOL 67 N0. 38 DICKERING, OhiT. FRIDAY, MAY 23, 1847 �
Bob. Rate 42.00 Per year; U. S. $2.b0 W, C, Murkar and San, F lali3hers C • Authorized as Second Class Matter ="
Post Office Department, Ottawa
. Pickering Tai
.Remain :..�
. • ' , " " -,- � -�: :. ' ,:' Some, As In' �• - • : � • � ��• .".= �.• � . •. .}
The Pickering Township Council
-met last Monday evening and struck Old Photo and Fiume Racket Being 1 country in 'his late teens, entered Clothing Drive For Britain
the General Tax Rate for the,' year TrW Hlere Again -But Fails the ministry and was 'sent out to Successful Plckerin
1947. The township rate will remain He Goes Into iFramte For Six Moaxhs Western Canada thirty -eight years 9 • a a
the same as iv.4946, but the, County � a8o, as a student missionary. The recent clothing drive for Re- Mr, and Mrs. Ray Cafik and fam-
Pates are up one and three- quarter Practically' every community in As always appeared to be the cage lief Work in Britain vas a tarp >3uc- ily have moved to Mount Forest,
mills. Many of the school sections �o hcountry has, asfew victims for he b uninister "was made use _.cess and about 80 well- packed boxes where Mr. Catik has purchased a
have increased their requisition for y everybody and every organ- 'were sent in_. to the depot._. A large restaurant business,
school purposes. an old "racket" involving the sale ization in the district, which usually quantity of.. canned goods that was Fra-
n ilc Smith has torn down the.
The Council' is calling for teders of -your child', picture in a beaut- extended for a great many miles, urgently needed, was also. sent. The garage at the rear of his .store, It "
for s caterpillar gravel- loader for iful frame -in some form or other. covered° in his earlier days on horse- ' ladies of Brougham and Whitevale, is understo4 that he is erecting a
the towns' ip pit. This machine will More persons have been trimmed on back who parked the boxes, are to be locker system on that spot - some -
also be used for snow removal. these phoney ideas than on most Few, if any, can relate and dup- thanked for their generous effort, thdng we can -use her in Pickering y
They have ' also asked for anew others, Allan Carr; alias this and lieate the experiences og some of as are all those who contributed to very nicely,
snow plow that they will attach to that defrauded ten Dumbarton citiz- three young men who went West as the campaign: Mr, and Mrs. Howard Robinson
the new track they expect to be de- ens a few weeks ago on just -such missionaries in those early days,
livered shortly. a racket. Pickering Police stepped and it tras from such an experience and family of Blount Forest spent
in about that time and brought the that the speaker on, this occasion, PRESBYTERIAL* CHLZRCH the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. S.
g_ retold some of the sories that .had BAZAAR, MAY 31, 3.00 P. M. � -
'May 24th To Be Quiet (7) Here game to a definite standstill brie Con atulations to itifr. and Mrs. '
` ing Carr out from Toronto this week their origin in Western Canada -
Although some municipalities are to sit _a- `ternoon get- together at the _ Saskatchewan. _ Many and varied attractions arebslie, of Myrtle, (formerly _ i
- ' being shown at the Pickering Pres- of Pickering) on the birth of a t ?
planning special programs for Sat- County Court •House, and after ev- Deciding- a little over a year ago 13
urday, there is nothing of that nat- erybodv got well acquainted a-rd byterias Church Bazaar on Satur- daughter.
tr, come IItct, where he believed, he s
rue scheduled for Pickering, The , the would not be so busy, where day, May 31st. Sometlhin for ev- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Petrie, of
learned hcv each carried on a �? 8' !
.. „ erybody from Grandma to Bab Toronto, spc%nt the week -end with
holiday - -wfll likely be observed in !bench invited the guest to remain cowl tam thing: a bit Pasier , it i y-
__getting tt+o kRl!0 -i, r, ;01 ri ht where ti was for the Wert j ry. H > in I Fancywork. Booth, Touch and Take =Kr. and 14Irc, H. R. Dionney 4
ed ( has been ust the contra p g T - -•� °r ' ar:d Mfr W. T. Daker and
' '_E z -bale„ ialSie liana -
_gtarted- in- - -mo8t z�.a), o$'i_yi+�-- n:entk�. E'a�,t• l�,d .,,tea,, �•,,,,- to get away from the snow of the ! `" -;: � „__ K t-- -
tng- West, he shovelled snow throughout i kcac,irevt :r, FiDi,F,f,nl fur Child- r-we i-1 Kiggs'... „:,
storm windows and doors or cutting friends around Whitby and Port ' g
the lawn, A few will b�'lookinz the Petry too, which helped to increase the past winter. I rem. Afternoon Tea will •be served reek -end.
cottage over paid the odd lucky hus- enthusiasm 'in his latest and ]art In ans-er to mameroua questions ; from 3.00 till 5.00 p. m: Adm:.25c,
Mrs. Moreison, of the Secowl Con-
May cession, who has been in poor health ,
bond will escape to his ftavorite fish- visit. ^n his attitude toward th ?_nuxnPr- i° y - f°, some time has been s
ing spot providing he's away at I There must be. a moral there °us so-called "socialis.ic legislation: 1 little improvement with thus ng a a
the break of dawn before the Misst:s of some of the Western Provinces -S ; Faanci coming ;
somear here -be very careful . whom 3 fe de Sale,; Bowling Club
is awake. ` the speaker stated that he " had of warmer weather. -i
}ou h11e frami^tg your pictures .e ,c." been one of the stmn,est of opprr - - -J -On Thursday evening of last wiek Dun"9�Young People Entertain <�
+°n:;, but that he was forced to ad- i the banquet fur St. Francis de Sales
AjAx Resident Buried on Tuesday 1►1ra. F•llen Stevens r'i`, th ^* the p•nnln were rec�iying P,o-�vling League took place at the At a lovely party the Dumbarton
good• gnvernmPnt". Pehzuin Club, when over fifty mem- young folk sponsored a mweessflul
Garnet Taylor, 18 Queen St. Ajax, After a-linger`ng illreso 'lira, + *•• hers and iavite.l p donee entertainment '� • guest.; were res- and in the Dun- �
was buried on Tuesday, the service Stevens pas=ed ''way at ti'e home a' 'Lett week's meeti *g in .charge of ent. Rev, B. T, Byte introduced the Barton School last Friday, evening. '
being- held at the McEa4w:ie Funer- her daughter, :firs, Ralph Asmara, in Art ;Mitchell, whi airafnr irtrwiwe-1 ( guest speaker, Rev, J, Fullerton and Music for dancing was supplied by - -
a) Home, Mr, Taylor has been a re- her 73rd year, on Map 1 -2, McCol4 -F"ts nab rep- escntIfi,PG in the Bowling Captaitrs, :►ir, Hil', Fea- one of our own buys, Howie iCerfout -
sident of Ai,a. Village .or a number Ste was burn in Ynvh nd and a showing crf fi °ms. therstone, the Club Vica- President, at the Piano, and two. friends who
Of years, and was an employee of i cams to Canada thirty -five year: " -- - - -
awarded the Cham i•anAi ' Cu to wish to be known as Eddie" and '
D. I, L- during the war. Interment 'Ag'o,,and with her hnsband r'nd fnTM- SOFTP t LI, NF WS ( the fotlo%%ing• Louis Kaiser's team "Harold" at the drum_" and guitar. �
mss made at Scarbom I:.wn Cart- ily Gettied in Toronto-
' 4 r ir3t as rlri; L din •' Entertainment be Vic Reid and his
^ r hu'b-r My Vie, tiurkat t . 5 h igli single,
etery. F'r d.r as - h� j - diary Teefy : Ladies' high-. a- verag-P, talented frierd. Ilea_ ry • Irons, was
I G�'r''•'.sn 1p,- "t, �h ° : "'Pa`r� to r'c"t•r- 0,, T,tPCdar P�- Pn;rc� at t}i� b1Pm Bernadette. Robin-;on. Ladies' high greatly appreciated by a'1. We could '
tier 'osc, one son, G��orsr, ?n F.1;- f r C)' , triple, 34ary O *fial'rrsvn; Men's high not have got . alone withofit our
I .I,'iri9'. r'.rl, 1 il• -Tf--T r.,,. t,, '•�'
: t--A and Mrs. Ann. r+ a' P; '• erir.�. t Pd T'ickc -:n - C nh,. 94, in a. i sin: Te,'Ril! Ff, the -,t •^e: '1IPn'� hart+. good &fend• kZr. Snmmeitititle, who >:
FL Ey.S - NO:IEE pre- -*t,&sun exnint'rion gskme. 'the . iavmirxe, Jim Fratherstcme; Men's never fails the young l)eople. The.
sister- in -ksw, Mrs, F•dith Freebld• . ,.Irirkering tea-n, after a shakv first high: triple, Bill Power, Club is aiming to purchase R P. A. '
For the first time in many years who hss'heen a cons'ant companion inning' ,'sPtt'ed down and with the At the 'conclusion' of the ba ^.quet system which' was Rreatly ail - i by' .
we are ncrw in the, position to for the ],ast number of ears•
f y dEpetdable pitching of Gov], Tripp, asocial evening R-$s held, the proceeds-. R'e.ta }:A this op-nrtu't- "y
supply our 'customers will all sin- Her funeral 'tnn% place from the held the Toronto, boys. The game ity to th'a -t'c a ?r who helpef' Iu in
es of pre -war grades of Arzthra- Wm Slserrin Funeral Horne. •g;3 r�-
Ite Coal in an quantity. We t was fairy even till the si,'eth when Paring Women's Institute. any way; Nc�t Fririh�- eveflln - tidy'
y q ty. i+ingstr'n Road,., Tom tto, on Tu s after an error by Murkar, the; Oil_ � - - 23, the C'ub I•as been invited to,
advise you to fill )our bins now, -, cif•; 11a.,• 30, Rom, R. F, Sno`d, ref men sew u the. me. In rte of _ o, , join the te)?r -Rr rc - '
as it is almost certain that the r'nivan• 'Bantict Church, Tnrn••tr. � p � n' Th:e Ma•r meet:::_ . .he `Vomeas. j e tit Pickering <.
producers v�-ili advance their Ire, d, !'Pat, the Cubs feel confident The ��i1t bP herd at the home High School, Hone to see you there..
1;ci9taei with,interment at h`'• W.lw that when .thev overepme- their of Mra, F, �I, rt iWest End), I•• F. C. Corr. -••ti -•
Smi. .
on July 1st. Order now, -Pmeten. freshmen jitters, whie`i were 'c Tito'
*aka prompt delivery, and save. � with 1t1rs, fl, EIg)we; and ?viral E. June First Set _1� .D le For Annual '
Fiov. I,olfm' n, f,reenwooI l'n:t,d "1'iv�r. in, Ti.�d p's pants, *,hP tri!1 B F;r•o�,n. As;;;starit flnctesses,
^lousy. j r Church Psrad� of Lodttc
^!cg. the l^RP cone gnnal cn.fb. :1L 1
We also babe in stock- Anthra - Church ('insult, Speaker at'Rotarti 3,.{,i - '.1er r al une an Ca Al-
f I Tate line -t p s: '•: ('.. ian'lydus4 a" bN c, W.
to Bra uett,•s, Pocohontas 'Coal , ;,
rig., fr, R. Tt :c Ontario L•� ?,� " \: :121, I O O.
d 'l .:,y„ T':•u ii: = °: rirl .1 var¢nr,; _
Id Range. C ke. - THE gtte: t ^° Ft •r.r'. n }'nrr}: t1..r_ .r. its'r,, i` it C':,'t . _ ' :� t'ann l �n i. ,j .�,, F ti; ll ltnl,? tc ? nn: >
3 I ir, Ret, T ?-an. !'!stc, n r);t. 'ri.. li; " { :,� C, [ ..,r:•1. Cy,a, ttr tad its T'o,ntioe ". �i .T :at'Ci :arch tar=
j r f f r n rule on Sun4,aj 'urn. 1. para,..,� .to
A. W. MITCHELL s ' :reen;ror,d C :iwuit''of #4p t'n;+�d ,1� C *.d =, :.: I c;ar,.,. i•Prt ::nu. : f,t 'u; tYCr- nor In_'it�te �P;, Ff, .�n.ir:t;'s 1�- , :h,t• { r
_ r+eakor 1. thi- �Z .tr -,,'i Trish a, r 1fIIr' car. - .l f µr - - -rd ,l A „ nri n ('hurril.
r•h�lmh.' tt'a3 the' r + I• 1 ..I•' tF•)•rin „ ^p ,I.. _ -
Coal and Builders Cupptif. -I 1 ».s+ :. Thf• rand 1 i at- the I :,.ige • � ,
'tC'S C Ern I Ai ern ., ., e!lr bei'`�11 Vi'It,:r� .:,1.11 -0 `'ti• �''C')• t `? * r, •�
we :.7t and .111, T'icker:.� = j i t ng "d r •'f R. .arv. i 'r )i*t��r, - 1' p. a RZ cx`C,,'t :: A ,1 _rt s „ q• f,. ;t0, - _ 'n
i T t o „� tr, 1 ^
`$” ,A ,:, fir, - Q_1._L�(113ti�!'.,'-. T'r- fQY'.1',(' t'ic•1`Pri, :_a hut's i tilt, CC!11e. '�,7f' .s ,{ .:,ti,_r l,^,T�P9 "'I�1 •be" .,
iF• :'ri;:c -i{ `•1,'. U. `?anal cari ^, to this _ 1'' ri T�1'"). rr•• =.,, -.h s: t} f )
r p Coq ue 1 - i ' *'' 1 a; tTni or:',te . hat
tin on p ,.° four, ... '-
: C ' ca•parity Attf.nd313 1t'i rrl-sgea �=
AN 7T)
r; T �- r
.ti()TI !i) Ujc� -rsyr
Pi' kerin Tw [{� ] (� =
g �i. vC�I L t��[ a7' 7 Thirl Do2ree 'T: O, 0. F.
• ... -• - .. � pia: `�3at�l ��� ` .'
e r n the F.� +at of Charter Andrus,
The lode rc •, „ �. )r,' aria, I, ,d .r T e 0.
_PLAl'F.D AT \n; 321, I: O. O. F, Pickering, was Deceased Pic k ^r -rn t'„ir,•ft ('burr{
'6 Gre ?mrood sa. Durbartoii Pickering filled uncomfortably r]o -se to'. cap- ALL PEIlSO \> hating claims Rev. P.obt ; 'rr1na land, B. A. -
�: -�• 2+ g scat - on Tuesday Pvetiin 'when t, gainst the estate of Charles Andnr� _
5 Claremont vs. Ajax Ajax } g late of the To• :m ;'hip of Pickering, S \I3A1•, MAY'2fi ;t^'
1 °_a Pickering Vets vs. Yi kering Cubs Pickering Third Degree was conferred on Erf `• Thresher who died 'on or about the 10.40 a. nY. - Sunday School +
`'a.: 30 Claremont vs. Pickerin Cubs Pickerin R'i]'.iam Taylor, William Scott aH,i service
g - c ) `?, ^_Td d�c ofllarc'h, 1��i, am here'�y 11.00 - bimni g � ..
ay 30 Pickering. Veta vs. Greenwood Claremont Kenneth .math, along -with candi•.
ates of three other lodges. notified to send i:i to the undersign'- s ? .1
ed Executrix •on or before the First The evening service is withdiw• .- :
•4 - '.Pickering Vets vs, Claremont � : 'CLaren;ont Lunch teas served to the .entixP 'for this' week only.
,:ne 4 I3unbarton vs. Ajax . Ajax " assembly, which membered well over Day of Jul; , 1917, full particulars }• e
rre 6 Pickering Cubs vs. ! Greenwood Claremont eighty of their claims, after which, date
J ::e 6 Ajax vs. Dumbarton Pickering the , assets of the deceased will be. • Choir practice at home of leader: �y
June 9 Ajax vs. Pickering Vets •'Pickering distributed aman,gst• the parties en-
Many 10 .• Dunbarton vs. Claremont ...Claremont 3fany New Feutures At The titled thereto havirng regard only to Dunbar ±fret invited (fiurcb )
Oshawa Rotary Fair. the claims oP, which the Executrix SL• \DAY, MAY 25
June 11 Greenwood va Pickering Cubs Pickering j
ne 23 'CL'aremont vs. Pickering Vets Pickering , shall then have notice: 9.45 - Church School
Oshawa 's Annual Rota � Fair will
Tune 17 !Greenwood vs. ;Ajax � - -` Ajax be held t � M. D. Fanthwa, Supt,
11i9T6r im the Alexandra 1) 1joj at- P :,1.�, :,.
�^te -1S �Fl�xering E Claremoni + Ajax I - or1i21g WoiBmp ; -
Park, Oshawa, on May 24, A special day of May, 1947, �•
Tune 20 ° Dumbarton vs. Greenwood i 'Claremont all- professional show however will Julia . Lindsay, Executri b J. I. Centennial United Chur&
une 20 — Pickering' Cubs vs. - Pickering Vets Pickering a Y, y
,me 24 Ajax . vs. Claremont Claremont -be presented in front of the grand- , g, Ont., her Highland Creek �
Stewart B. A., Pickering,
stand on the evening of May 23rd. Solicitor herein. - SUNDAY, MAY 25
une 29 iGreenwood vs, Pickering Vets �'ickering There will also be a full presentax- 1.Ib - Afternoon Church School �
une 26 Pickering Cube vs Ajax ' Ajax ion in 1rront of the grandstand on
Mr. H. Bramwell, $opt
ne 27 Claremont. vs,' Dumbarton .Pickering the evening of May 24. NOTICE 7.00 - Evening Worship
my 4 Greenwood vs. Claremont Claremont The event this year will feature In the Estate of the late Chades 8.30 - Young People's Union
my 4 '!t Pickering Vets va. Dumbarton Pickering automobile races; and as an added Andrea, Pickering; Ont.
my 7 Ajax vs, Greenwood CLsremont attraction prizes have been arrang ALL PERSONS who have left with ProyterLn Char* Pickering
my 7 ' Munbarton vs. Pickering Cubs .'Pickering ed for a race betwben cars of early the late Charles Andrus; any farm Rev. David Marshall, Minister 1r-
lily 11 �' �, Punbarton vs. Pickering Vets Pickering 'stage and this "Jailopy Race" is machinery, implements, clocks, etc. SUNDAY, MAY 26 - �?
my 14 Ajax vs. Pickering Cubs Pickering expected to prove extremely inter- ibr repairs, are heireby notified to 2.00 - SurAsy School '
ulp 17 tCaaremont vs. Greewood Claremont ._ egg call immediately, identify and prove 3.00 - Church Service — 't
ly 17 Pickeri't3 Vets ,vg.. Ajar Ajax Apart from the fact that them property before retrtoftl from prem-
ly 18 Pickering Cubs vs- Dumbarton ik'ickering will be a scheduled basil game, the ices, to be followed by subsequent St. George's Anglican Cbumb
grands+tamd shows, children's parade
• adjustment and settlementa. ' , Pickering, Out.
and a variety of rides among the Julla Lhidesy, Rev. E. G. Robinson, Rector
This schedule will be maintained throughout the season by the labove , Midway attractions - there willi be Exelcubrix of Estate of late Charles SUNDAY, MAY 25 '
arcs, All games at 7.00 P. M., D. S. T. Any game postponed on ac- thirty booths ma-mad by Rotarians pickierinS,
Oat. 10.00 a. m, - Sunday School _
hunt of weather, will be carried* over. to end of regular schedule. and their friends, 11.00 a. ran. - i�orninB Sertrice e
y ?:
t wawwee to rRe•her i-sde Funeral Problem
For Atomic Vi
ctim 0. S Diplomat ot
1 ;• MOiRMNTAL 56Philippine its $Ac received a letter in the mail singer- comedian of the C B C Mortuary Science, a technical
L iPlCttiCld g, S. iala#Id taken this week that we feel should go thought that there were too many publication for undertakers, last
diplotnak by MacArthur G. - into print. The writer, whom we guest star appearances, and that week took up the problems involy-
�� y,1,iC� will tail S.W. sounds off on a humour of the airlanes through the ed iu funerals for victims of atomic
1a NOtioq theme that we think has a lot of past winter was -at an all'time low. radiation, in particular those re-
Is —1 Igaltm sense to it, although we known some Low that is. For our money, dur- sulting from accidental exposure is
% l4dess Of 2 g people who don't agree at all. ing the past season, Fred Alien is laboratories, says \ rw�week. The
Ord $Rounded Dear Barry: tons, followed by Amos n' Andy remains, it pointed out, would be
73 480 sheets 4 Rabbits 23 Jokes 41 Roosevelt We noticed in your column a few with Fibber and Molly close hehind, radioactive and therefore danger-
1¢ The earth S Whirlwind 24 Fungous dis- nominated weeks ago that you- would like to Maybe next winter there will be a ous. Undertakers would have to
6 Bird ease of cereals him as am. tell a few, of the olders off, At corn shortage and things will be wear lead -lined clothing, mourn. rs,
1.8 Cloth measure 7 Lubricates .2$ Remarkable bassador to g g
19 Treaties that time you were on the subject better -let's hope so. if permitted to view the body. wv(,Ad
20 Lamprey 8 Steamship variable star — on its of cocktail lounges, Another week, * « a' ./ have to file ,t
p (ab.) u26Raviae liberation pa quickly. Gretna.
21 Nova Scotia you said you thought that some of �I his Saturday is D2ay 24th and tion would be out of, the qurst:� n..
9 Papal cape 27 Centers 43 Staggers
e (ab') 10Contradiet 28 Warms 45 English the parents missed a lot in the the kiddies will be trying to blow since combustion ' cases would
22 Winglike part telling, I agree with you, spread radioactivity through
11 Burmese 31 Fondle dramatist the ioint down -as usual. \\'e re- p 1 the
23 Goods east Boys, and'girls of today, who are air. Probably the' casket w��uld
wood 'spirit 32 Light touch 48 Chief member the tune a nefghhor's kid •
Overboard t0 anything but nice polite, educated have to be low•eecd into a concrete-
12 German river ' 38 Marine fish 49 American sent a sky .rocket flying through a
lighten a vea- engugh to speak•properly and know lined r�rave, with'.mor tcrcte
17 Exel'smation 39.Sleeping 'humorist bedroom window• -and brother did 1m;;pr
"set in distress their place, can lay a large piece of p owned on top.
19 Partner - furniture (pLy 51 Louse egg par that shower' of sparks and Colour p
26 Saturate the blame at the feet of their =
(ins) 40 Minced oath 52 Compass point cause • some excitement. lust a
29 Before ents. Boys are hard to control, but warning:- do not let Junior blues his f
SO Tasted t Z 4 5 b 7 8 9 to II 1'� in this day and= -age, girls are radio's fat man will receive a uu0
: 33 Pedal it digits off -he may he a columnist per week. Rolirrt Ripley of "Oe-
�8 ) harder, 1 know. L have two of some day • and he can't afford to lieve It or Not" has a new t,�o-
84 Specific ii W "` 15 my own. They think it is smart have anyone else typing his copy.
avity(ab.) .6 to smoke and drink rain and cokes. * gramme that will have a tot of
01 1 said they think it is smart. As interest for high school students.
36 Sun god far• as I can possibly check• with- home of you may be interested And don't forget High Newsreel
37 Child out making them think I don't trust to know that, starting about June from CJBC and Hi Variety front
39 Conflict _ y b ZT LB them, neither of my girls has been 36th. Paul, Whiteman will be on the CFRB, both with nears aplenty for
- 41 -Seine s, air late in the afternoon, Nionda the teeners. Your local
*! that smart yet. I wish you would Y papet will
42 Look fixedly - �I 3Z �s�f;,,Jj I tell some of the through Friday, as bfaster of Cere- carry the time o� these broadcasts.
-- parent readers of
44 12 dozen g " rr art � ,, y your column to start housecleaning monies on a full -hour recorded pro- Well that does it, see you next
Crimson "�" at home and then maybe juvenile gramme. For this little chore week:
47 Air (Comb' delinquency will start to fall off.
` - -- form) Parents know too much about the
48 Outer y 4 _ ... .m� - 4i 43
„goings -on" of :heir children and. SWEETER hite � �� for some strange reason, don't do. a3 Imaageeoa g � anything about it. I believe that. TASTIER Broad -
divinity 48 't SO 1 if -half of the boys and girls that
54- ,Speaker's __ 59 v,t'i 4 have been in our court rooms had :
,Lf been started off right 'at home and
• - Alatfortn b - __ _ • - - - - -
checked n; -mow- of --- Rsc
e",ubc l.vy a —A girls would he -able
- �S Rr "f f �
to tell you wAat a court room look- Put i e. lukewarm water i° `p
'ed like: 1' think that drink is the bread bowl, add ► envelope
greatest source of evil and temp- Royal Easr Rising Dry Y east y
- • CHRO iICLES 0� � ��� �� and I our ,, if. young people have today and t n. calld sugar. 2 stir. let Brand q
and I wish,: if• ati tell the parents 10 min. Jcald 2 c. milk- add � � �'• '= `'
off, that you would mention that S tbs, sugar. add s
y u8 tsp. salt;
and a few other thins. I enjoy cool to lukewarm. Add to
By Gwendoline P. Clarks our column v
- _ y cry much and tike xtsst with i e. eater, add G c. � . • - ° • It has has come at last' That heart- ive were young and willing to work your humorous yarns about you and sifted four: beat well. Add 3
- warmisi land -drying, health- Susie. Best of luck to you. tbs. melted shorteasn and b
g, g, giving and the west was in our blood, one - R �•.;•;.., :. x' • t : -. :.
sun we have ali been waiting for. might almost say we were inoculat- 5, W. c. more sifted flour. or enough �
Three days without rain, can
'Well, we won't have to tell the toilpake easily handled dough. ��; �� �,.�.•s�:
Y you ed with the spirit of. optimism. The .:
gig last tannest might be bad; the parents a thin or two. because S.W �wd dough quickly and > <- F•. . " •:
believe it? The birds are singing as p g ;x.., •. .
if their tittle throats must burst with g has handled it very well. lightly until smooth and etas.
. A man irk the radio businCss told tic. Place dough is greased
- _ winter hard; living conditions -
--- .the ecstasy of song; -the swamp iv tolerable • but to the spring- - - bawl. cover, set to warm place, '" • ' `'„ _
frogs keep up a perpetual chorus a sew start promising crops I us the other day that, as soon as free from draft. Let rise until
and in our g4rden there is "a host this year there surely wouldn't be doubled to bulk. Punch dough ..µ! •sr.'1* .�
of golden daffodils."' Yes, spring a grasshopper plague, or a dust
wood is of better quality and mute dawn to bowe let rise again
has come to Ontario. ptentiful and radio cabinets are �'
storm, or hail and wind to ruin the until above % as high as first
coming through bitter, italic will be
* * * crops .. this year it would be dif- a ,reduction in the price of radios rise- When (ight. divide into ti
=-- - .
.,There* is the.: hum of a tractor in ferent; this year there might be a and, of couFae, record players. One 4 equal F}Q�D °s' shape into
the air -latex in the day it may be Pumper crop such as only the West ro„ipany has hundreds, of radios mss' Cover with d°rh' !a
-one of many. Across the road a can produce! a players assembled and Can't rest LO to 15 min. Shape into o
neighbour is working his field with Ob well, this'is Ontario . , . :the get the cabinets to put. them in. bsves; place in greased bread •
. • four horses abreast. It is a pleas- spring 'of 19•f•7. .. and - each year Seems as if there is always some
spring (over, nix until --
;. doubled in bulk about i scour.
ing picture. We certainly, can't do brings its own problems, to the east thing holding up the assembly line. in 42 E. ores for ] S
' without tractors but .for' a .pictures- and to the west. Right now 1 had * * •
min., then eeduce beat to
que scene of farm life in Canada better go otit and see-how my three WC were talking to a man the 373' t. Fipish baking sho.ii '
what can compare with .a good team hundred problems out in the brood- other day that you used to hear on 30 min, longer.'
...of well- matched horses? However cr house are doing. This is only the radio every week, \t'e • asked
1 suppose they can no longer be their second day out and they are him what he thought of the present
described as typical of farm life be. inclined to wander away from the radio shows- that come over from _
cause if one took a cross section of pen and get themselves lost. They south of the border. This former
.the country no doubt one ieoutd find have about as much sense of direr- ,
•that there are more- fields in which tion as I have when 1- get about five
tractors are working than horses. miles from horse. And that is say-
thus time marches -on, ing a tot.' ' y * * LET L /PTQN'S TEA
How soon will it be before aero- t _.
planes are used to speed up farm- Do you know:, we ha.e not yet , = BRING CHEER TO YOU �
ing operations? No dt,ubt they have taken off our storm windows, and
their uses even now. I think 1 read maybe it is just as well- Partner
'that DDT was being sprayed from- says it might be safer to leave, them on until the middle of )nne. An
the air over mosituito breeding areas Y
and also for blight on fruit trees, tray tractors arc on the •land, as i _ 'IM!'lEN YZiU'PE LOW
:-:--And no doubt .helicopters could be -said before, the grader is working :.
used, under favoura),le conditions, to on the road, and a very strong wind AND FCELING dWE-
,. sow clover seed, like a sort of giant is ' I +lowing, so hctiyeen them all
cyclone seeder. Certainly they there is a great of dust flying.
could be used to scatter poison bait around and most of it coming this - on the prairie when grasshoppers way. The storm -windows may. tacre-
threaten to destroy tric crops. We fore. do more Chas keep out w-in- -
hotild have done with a helicopter ter frost and gales.
per}• nicely out west in 1920. Then * * * + t
'Partner wouldn't ha% a had to drive Second Niece is heft for the v► ! 't
'ail over our half section with a w•cek�nd. Tonight it (Vill be my job - "+
horse and htiggy- at three o'clock in to take her down to the 6ieen 1 '
the morning spreading poison ' bait Elizabeth to catch the Niagara bus,
over the growing crops. That was art that is if our jalopy doesn't fall to w� "
awful job but, unless it was done .pieces on the tray. We are.still try - ^* -
the grasshoppers` took the whole ing to get something that looks more _ - - -
crop. Ifke a • car and last ti eek we really ~'
* * * thought we had something, judging .;
Sometimes it glees one a queer from the price that w•as asked it = /f' \". :•';; :: ;y;; ~5 ?„ . >;;;,
feeling to look back and remember should, have been a good car but
the tough times one has come when we looked it over what did we
through ; the things one did to make find but a cracked block! 1 won-
a little extra money when crops der how much longer pen tt will
rt ama - %v ;th ct,iff like t�7^t It
a threshing �ng��to11wo kVoff" the 7 st about burns me up. ,v / �` ✓ T �s '..
for his own threshing; cofaiag iOm M�N19 BRSsi� -/�NG •
-bone on horseback and arriving _• -
anvwhere from ten o clock until Why DO Clergymen Y
.' oiv�s ou mar
midnight; starting out again before Usually Wear $lack? V
the sun was up;• leaving me alone, y
".r What a lift you et from Lipton's Tea! Its
perforce,, in our prairie farm -house g
When ' 'Martin Luther. in 1521
, with our two- }•car -old and a baby Lipton's FLAVOR -LIFT ... a delicious, stimulat-
laid aside the habit of a monk and
yet unborn. And the- knitting t did ing combination of brisk, mellow flavor .... plus a '
adopted titC style of dress pr wail-
in the winter -a pair of .socks for r• a'
25 centst But we ing at the time, the Elector of a lift that sends exhilarating new energy right
got alpng; some-
!how 'we kept our heads above war Saxony used to send him from through you! Lipton's Tea is a wonderful
time to time pieces of black cloth, '"pick-me-up"—wonderful a.i • > : :^ „ : :, >^ ; `
.,-.ter and I don't remember that we anytime morning, u
that color then being fashionable a.• .• #
'ever felt particularly • sorry for at the court. Luther "s disciples noon and night! And only Lipton's gives you
ourselves. Other families were pret- thought because he wore black, it -that FLAVOR- LIFT- b•:cause it's the blend that -,
ty much in the same boat -some became them to do so, and thus " -
-more, some less. Four years with- it came about that the clergy gen -� Lipton a .. ,and Lipton s who make the At�R.titlaK SG7yS -YES, I DO ! I USE
out a crop soon wipes out any cash erally grew to regard it as the only blend. Ask for Lipton's at your grocer's today. LIPTION'$ TEA BAGS, T001� -
reserve one might • have had. But proper color for them to wear. _ - -
t AN NE '141 R ST
The.'Q��atity` Tea-
Fall of Northern xingdern 1 •
9 Kings 17:5-12,22-23; Isolate 28:1-4 �- �VW3r f'iawy 'tni0":ri#"`,rrQ "V
Coider Text, - For the Lord Hatred Must Not * marrict� 75 year•, nd 1 ant im aM1
',. knowerh the way of the righteous: �r t * daze. 31y husband won't stay
!S,ALADA — but the way of the ungodly shall N N E Hter : Foot _r home and. act like a married man.
g -DEAR ANNE H' 1? S T: Four
perish -Psalm 1:6, * 1f it were not for else other vvom-
* months ago my bruther was kil!cd i * an, I frtl we could be lia
* PPY again.
"The Lord knoweth the way of in any automobile accident. A s for *l Joke him dearly. 1 have even
the righteous. but the way of the. neighbors boy I • offered to diNorce hint, 1 have '.
ungodly shall perish." asked him to go • tried eveiythiny! N4'e own •our
_ That is as true concerning peoples riding, said it , : :.: • hus+ness, which l have' 4cen' ru:i-
: Rt� PEKOE was a friend's ?14� > >." ` pin
and nations as it is of individuals. g - -he'd rather be foot- loose.
car. There was �<'e don't et a�
And it is as true today as it was in € g go :uiyvvhcre, to-
an accident and get the
ancient times, • gcther. I'm afraid this will
the other, boy, ;N, r best of tae. The children loNe -
Ten of the 12 tribes of Israel, it though hurt, ran *
will be recalled, had revolted under :r their Daddy and need him, Uut:
off and left my ?', <','.' a the are he
Jeroboam, the rebel against Solo• brother alone! r Y ginning. to understand.'
coon. Jeroboam returned from Is there any way'to shock' him
16" Egypt to lead the successful revo- It seems he had : * into a sense of his responsihil-
c lotion against Rehoboam, Solomon's stolen the car, a itics? It is up to me to make some -:
r son, when the latter refused" to :and was afraid he'd be found out. a move! You have helped s� many- 4q
He lied about his own in a and r ? `
' r lighter: the burdens that Solomon injury - can you help -me.
had imposed upon the people. Two I only learned the truth when 1 saw �I
tribes, my brother in the hospital a tittle -puzzled 11'if a T/relalo.
Judah and Benjamin, re- P • * * ",yl
/ maimed loyal' to Solomon's suc- while before he died: I want you to
(� M teaser in the Southern Kingdom. 'tell me what to do when I see this It is `time, indeed, that you tilt
0 boy. I feel like killing him! I can't your. foot doily:. fell • this skittish
„ t tell you how I hate him. Will you husband of yours that you cannot 2�
+ The Northern Kingdom, with its help 7-,c? I don't want to do the run his business anti take care cl _ '•
L _ ^ ��D OWN
10 tribes, should have been the wrong hin the children, aird the hunre any lwrg-
,C% /jJ Y stronger. But- it had in it from the g thing.-Mrs. A. H: DI..
g ,� * * � e►. fIe mtut take vt•er his respore-
w.M.u. FIATUNaa beginning elements of 'dissolution sibilities or you are through.
rsaorsls and defeat. Jeroboam, who came to 6 OUT OF YOUR HANDS you 'boys been too easy udth burr
CHAFTF,R XV11, Rocky reports that v,r_ of the lips that accompanied the power, was rot'long revealing his A few Tears ago, She' little ton of '
s,n,a Biwelow had encecr0 Vailaincour('s remark.._ - a Wend o rraue was killed 6 an- -•yes I can understand why Now be
baseness. f f Y firm, and let lure see that you attar
aDa rtmont the Dreced U,s night, huntfnR "1`ery well, then, . ,I'd like to other boy oho was, playing wit /i s '
for rh, letters. and th.0 he had helped know if The weakn s had the familiar what you say. lle. must be made t�
ter starch, Tney round nothing. hose- .yOtr had known _Curt aspects of 1 social failure and shotgun. The first act of the dead - • i
eesr McCale then cans up Ann. end %'allaincourt before he became en- lad's mother was to o to tee the see Mal lie cannot uwri a btisi,rr•ss '
erne a +r to run over to Shari Lynn•a deterioration- dishonesty -and cor- , and neglect it, ar r
• anon -er", to see what she 'can find "out, gaged to Veronica. What you - other loo g y Wore than he ea,1 '
know of him. 1t'hat ruption in public and in rivate Y s family an tell Ihert hots
you thought D )sore a wife and children i/ he uep :'
CHAPTER `{VIII g life, licentiousness and debauchery sorry she felt for them all She
_ of him, to be exa"Ytr How, four flit poop re exploitation of the people, . d thas.thu young boy
_ gets them. Either vud will take rGv
and only the. ound of a piano being came so suddenly o this city to be s v would carry grief of "it. through I think •this ••u'i /l2 pixy him lite'sim k
"'r raved in the d *a•• •ns -reern up tat eat z, b all his left. She was and v o great ye -1
stairs came through the-oppress- family.? I'd. welcome anything This i� a'temperance lesson, and `
. Y g lady. Don't play the tan rye
tag quiet as Adelaide Bigelow you can tell me.' the prophesies of the time in their ]our hatred of, chi boy, w$, war ' Anne Hirst will" help. «'rite her j'
finished her recital of events. "and revelation of the social abuses "Bux "A," 7.1 AdrUid+• tit. ltic•t, °x'.
ifs saw the relief come ovei the cause of your brother's death, u
.looked at McCale sadly. Stephen's face.: relief that the stress how large a part strong 1 t r,,t,r „•
the first . natural reaction to skock-
"1Vhat• are ' we oin to do?” drink had in breaking. down morale, If trill, 1 believe and hope, pass.
Et g question was not the one he had - bringing woe and .de,truction upau
she asked. feared. Stephen smiled -a - thin- You will 'rerrrr•rnbcr that, his wcish-
"I think," he answered, thai`I lipped, uneas smile the nation, p
y ineln is out of'yonr hands. Life will "
spay lot• aloe t +, ..tee a :sell+• {:other, Temperance 10550n5 and lectures • "+: '�
"x met him in Chicago." he said serer let hint forget, and througlr=
get a little more than the police, calmly. "about six are not popular today, The press-
were able to do. That iE. if I can S years ago. �`ie- lent psychology is favorable to out all his years ke.will live. in ".the y:
toria was running around with him, shadow of the thing hr bus Anne. "
gate their confidt,uce If .you will 1 had drinking Ad indulgence, where a p
Aso them to,come in"-he rose as gone there for a couple of generation ago it was favorable to Leave hh.n to Fate. f, ,
months- filet to renew a few old total abstinence It. is fair to make For ottr o-.c`ri sake,
ithr got up, smiled and added- acquain•attces' y you carsnol
"one by ore, if you. please. It + , a distinction between drinking and afford to nourish this bitlernrss.
anittht be easier.rhat way." ".Aavotte in r• • drunkenesi, between use and abuse against hint. it will poison all your
k• of intoxicant:; thAtking, it will destroy year syM_
"To trap, them, I suppose, ....he \o His hands k s little But it important to remember pathiet; it uill change 'you ro+u a
snur- nnred, surprisingly, as he (timbled for a cigarette and p g y f
"Why, of course." He bowed, lighted it. "Just a couple of fellows that intoxicating liquor has in it gentle, Christian .woman - -into o
she smile leaving his lips. I ha4 known in the navy. At one inherent dangers. spiteful person u' /rate seal rci11 stiller
• ' The Northern Kingdom went ly shrivel - Your life is befi+r� you.
bnir, you see, things were not very down in ruin and any nation that Will You Wake it an ezil lifet
•- -He feat flee �abtIe antagonism -well, pleasant at home. 1 'ran
leeap between them. Then she away a'nd ,'oined np. 1 made a few does -not overcome evil with good' You trill neter get ova the griel _ d
cants over to hem, im ulsive is - doomed to disaster of your' brother's death. But you '
p l7 put- friends while I -was in the service.
�'fing a thin patrician hand on his I. corresponded with them from = -can get oter this hatred you feel I Know Just
- `t a
sleeve. rir,lr, to time after I Prow and o eu, s Pitt day, tome so L
got out We feel the carnpassion we, all must How You Feel"
"Forgive me," she whispered. are not a particularly happy group, Farmers Must Know •• try to, cherish toward thaw who e•
"It's only that I'm' so upset. I McCale, en famille, so to speak. �OndltlOn OE CJOIIs f f ' 1 know because I have been that-
'know how things must be from So -er -a little aquawky,I decided _ s er rope the rour[Q4enres. of wayy myself. 1 have berg so chrun- 'f
mow on. I see a whole way of life to hop out to Chicago and visit a their mor weakiwit, featly tired that I thou s�ht 1 wuultl �•
�disatapearing before my eyes, an chap who had since married and It is folly for farmers to go on HUSBAND NEEDS SHOCK never feel well a�un, owevrr,.t
+*+►Dire slippier as I know -" done year after yeir without knowing DEAR A1: \E IIlr%ST :'I hate been found that Dr. C'hase'd Nerve Food - •?
S y quite well for himself." the exact constituents of the soil emu gave me new peer and energy ant!
"That below the surface, things "Sort of run away again, is that Y
]put me on my feet.'
on their Iands, As the years go la gr+, indigewivu an•i )Viva
..have not' been what they seemed it ?" tafcCale's grin was sardonic.. it means substantial losses. For Name It —It's There of Tired ae11n
for a long, long time," he inter- He thought -as you've run out on this reasod there. can be no mis- 'p aft quickly relieved I'y lh,
;jetted, keeping the pity care€ully ever }thing unpleasant since C s Nerve I •
yeti takCe, in what the scientists say that Among the : ;,700 exhibits at the Ask for tLe new eeon-
lfrom his tone of voice, for fie knew were a kid, I can bet, one of the most Important ques- British Industries Fair omy six* bottle of �-
that. this she would not have. "Well, I suppose you could call tions with which agricultural Electric motors which fit two to _
'Yes -yes. You wont need me it that science has to deal is the analysis a thimble; a photographer's flash �g. Chase's -
#gain ?" She spoke as if that woulcs "You took Nv'ictoria with- you?" and conservation of the various bulb good for 10,000 exposures; an _
Ibe abhorrent to her, • • ' F1eh►e Food
kinds of sail throughout the Do- insecticide said to 'be five to seven
"No. It is better that I do my No, the tame to fetch me back, minion, in the early: days when "times stronger than- DDT, an in- 8U ills=- 6tkte, - ""
Y p
-dirty work alone." He smiled as it were: All is forgiven, y r� • -- ..
8 you the country was new"
then was flataUle bathing suit for poi+- swim- 18Ai Pills -S] 5U
once more, as he watched her know, Itiat sort of .thing. • Vic- not the same necessity for this as mers;- women's shoes with tubular
leave the room. _ toria had met Curt in some of her there is at -the
• • � * - present time. Now steel heels, and a rocking horse that - - -- — "= • _. -- - _ ..
wanderings. I 'had met Karen by it is vital that the farmer should canters 'orovnd the nursery, ISSUE 21 lsa7 v - -- -
He stood by the fireplace, star- then and didn't want to leave until know the condition of the soil on - -- - - - -•— — _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -
ing moodily into the ashes of last there was' some sort of under• his. farm in order to determine what
night's fire, until he heard the door stamding between us. We stayed crops to sow. ,w.' r.' '
open and close behind him. When almost a
year, until I married her. '
lee turned, he saw Stephan Bigelow Vicky corresponded with' , Vallain- �'
she pleases," �"
Branding irresolute and nervous in court fora while after she came
the gray morning light." home. It was she whp finally got "You didn't, then, suspect her,
It was clear, as he .sat down in him here. Ran into him by acci- say, of having an affair or some oti
the chair opposite McCale, that he dent in New York or something, secret connection with bim - say 4. „",s, : ;<,w :; <
was completely shaken. Although 'and slit brought him along for a something she wished to' keep from
h was no doubt partly hangover, visit. He just sta3ied that's all." you. . ' ;�.' :: "' " "'�' � '3.<'�' �'•... `? '
letreCzle intuitively sensed that not He settled back in the chair, a
a little -of it was due to the, fact little less jari led as if a job had " � • � ^''` -- _ '_ _
g j Not at all Mr. McCale. What- u z
that be was on his own. Atom• beer done and rather well dose.
ever gave you that absurd idea ?'
plex lad, this one, -he thought, 11cCale settled back in'his' chair
Mr. McCale .thought -he has been
riddled.by complexes: He had seta avid looked at Stephen Bigelow,••
enwgt of Stephen, to know that with unconcealed disgust. Then lying to me now for the last three "
in spite of his high -nosed arro• he decided to try a shot in the' minutes.
He shrugged. " .:•:.w
gance, he was lost without the dark and see what it would hit, gg You haven't a-
support of his wife and silly "O course you know that Curt ' thing to tell me that might help the!
mother, He pondered as to' which Vallaincourl was married at some, growing case against Veronica,
time to his live!
one of them had been clever • ' y career." then?"- be asked. -. -_ _ __.. ___ - -• -- � - •'��.
enough to send him in first, so "Ob. ves. Hewt;P ,�,"ucuing ei all.
�tai eniier at both could expertly admitted, completely off guard. Stephen• rose, well aware that he �/ a
+lrn . any Ur,;.! he might make. "To, Shari Lynn ?" y had acquitted himself, in his own ,
You lent» her-too',!' mind anyway, with some success -
s like way, McCale - �- '- _ it's delielOt,y whrtr you' _
Sure ,
.r „ that the interview was over. He "
In a buBines _
said, ' I am willing to take the Sarah Linsky to you, Bigelow make it with Canada turn
police report 'of your actions paused at the door.
yet- blurted, then bat his lip, realizing Starch and it sulk be a favtmrite
'Who is next for the in 1 (ainily
terd,y afternoon verbatim. How- the trap. gvisit- ' wli( r _
aver, I'm more interested w some "You knew her too:" ion ?" he asked mockingly. �_ -
9hing tlipt may not seem relevant "I'd met her. We all met once or (To Be Corrtinued) "' ' t , 111t g(ldbl) of Canada rcwi1 Starr,h
to the 'phirder: If you will taly• twice. Bile he divorced her, you is the reason for it.9 popularity with --
have a fidence in a,e, I can assure knew." s ' hvusevv'ites frotri Cnast to Coabi. r,
ou it will probably go no further. McCale changed the direction 0f. ��F ENS 'hen y0itr re +she cAlls leer Corp ,>
ask it entirely in, the hope of his next ,questions strategically and Starch bit sure in. use Canaria -
lelping your foster sister, Vero- said with the suddenness of a cats- �wOD Corn Starch, its delwodable goal - �
Rica, out of a ticklish situation. I pult," "You were spying on your oga ity •ns-,rr% excellent ro,,odi!t, � Q
prow, of coarse, that you are eager wife and Curt Vallaincnurt at The
This line medicine is eery e/jeefiw to
to be of any assistance possible to White Abbey niglit before last, eeiievepain, nervous distress and weak, .41%n Vanufieturots..f �rnun frond Corn Srrrip Cq
her." n'ercti t 1'ou l" "dragged oat" restless feelings, of .. '
"Oh, + "No, indeed. I certain days • —when due to functional 'y
quite." The answer, came I just happen(d• to w,eorLly di.a,rb.nc.. Worth eryirtrt + s r i'�' `S.
readily enough. McCale studiously be there. ! sal( t' em taii.m t1 hat �I/� �/�/�r�/��/� YEOElat16l •'
favored the co- ntemptuous Curve r of it? 1;ar(n cu:ncs and does as lI/I /�f ill! AI1/1 YCOMPOUND - s
• .. , �I— .•f1.:.I�.1'twv�lr. .. IfAIF _ _ .. � __ _ i . i .. _ . . _ _ _ —. —. -s.. . ems.+. v�. a...v....wr �.r•
• cl assif i i Advt's Green Diver 1Votice
Lia s
Lomnination Sturm Uaurs and
2p tt,.,:c:s ',:, i_n , '= ;c. -if chur.g�r�• S pry to repvrt at time u_ writing Storm Sash - !Made to Urger
• 3�c, U:er tit:,rds, !r. per word
. s•::i_�- n Asphalt Shingles
Garden Spa::: 1 re:, :v ihr inb of v.: r s thee. Hi: m.:n� lr: r�d� hope Roil Roofings !
law's. SIt:. C. J, e a!:; G.:urch for a speedy recu:ery as he N% l Asphalt Sidings
St., Pickering. -- - - - te'ebrate Ms 85tn birthday on May Wall Boards rte OUR
Want, c:zicks in a hurry? Hillside `'• Others obberving bi_`t�da;-s wi
r ( -} -
Chicks; are available for May -June
the same daa are: Dr. Huubatotx N. M. Czordon • 11{
an Mrs. Archie White.
buyers. Chicks that will pay ;'oa -- - -- - - - -- �- ' t ' 1 ' ) '
:good dividends. Fall- Winter eggs. Co.roratuiation; to JIrs.'Wrn. Gra }• � �
Out an range these sturdy chicks Sr', who celebrated her bit hday vu Maple oaf Fire ` i ' `
catch up to many earlier bred. Puil-
Wednesday of last week when her
eta, cockerels, non- sexed, and some ing ilq ail chore hone for the even- .�ns�'ance Co.
e't�rted. We can quote prices, take Write or Phone f
Mr. amid Mrs, S• ,i D_:vies of Tor- •
your order: s Cheap Rates for Farm and Country !
' • 'unto s nt the week -end wzt.•t 91iss
MILKS, PICI�RI \G , � Buildings a
_ Margo Wilson. j ���� At ITANLEY
FOR SALE - dresser and wash- The Ladies, Aid will held their Windstorm Insurance ,on Buildings,
• - stand, glass cuphoard, kitchen range regular meeting at the home of Mrs• Windmills, Silos etc. ! - Claremont
kitchen table, churn and butter Blake Lehman, Goodwood. Word for Automobile Insusance of All Kinds
'bowl, child's cradle, chairs and ot- RoU Call - Garden. There will be Fri. May 2 Theatre
her small articles at the home of- a missionax -y offering. All interest- Bowman & Rowe
Wm. Judd, Lot 27, cost, 2�, Picke-r x ed persons invited to attend.
ing. A number of our younger people A'_3 OPPORTUNITY StouffVillE
FOR SALE - 3 -piece Chesterfield took In the excursoin to Gait, on f -'-'-' -' Established Rural Watkins District
�r In fair condition. A snap, for $20. Thursday of this week. I OLD HORSES WANTED available. If you are ag- gressive, and Phone Stoaffville 343
Apply 8 Cedar St. Ajax, Mr. and Mrs. Bruns t isi'.ei their Campbell Mink Ranch P between the ages of 25 amid 55 -
ATTENTIO:�T cousin Mrs. Shams, last week-end ! p Pays have or can secure travel .outfit, this Saturday bdi::nee at 3 P. M. �
Stoves ' and Furnaces re- l_�ned with + $15.00 AT YOUR FARM is your opportunity to get establish- Doors Open Each Night At bib
ed in a profitable business of our
best quality fire brick. :trews Box » P y FRIDAY - SATi78U4►Y
�Fi i� ��'iiV T Cis PHONE AGINCOURT 18J12 own, For full particulars write today !
No. 297_ - w e F NERAL DIRECTOR COLLECT MAY 23 and 1;24
'FOR SALEi -•- Premier Stra b rry i to - the J. R. Watkins Company, '
Plants, $1.25 per 200;•. $10.00 Per Fri-ate Ambulance . Dept, O -P -16, 2177 Masson St. Mori- Captain
:. For Pic tr e
X000. S. Muxdock, R. R. 1, Pickeri�. Phone Mark 90W _I , cal, Qu _
_ _ May 30 Markham. Ont. - Tugboat Annie
FOR SALE white enamelled
dresser and stand, suitable for a ' Elevator Jane Dam-ell and E. Kesedy
,2.aae -rhos J. E. Bet'rl.y rt;yf,- p/''� �'r�p .- - - -- - -- - -- -- --
beth St. Pickering. IL�VN
Sharpened and Repaired Phones - Offffice 38W, Rea 3&I MONDAY - TUF.9�1lAT +_
0�$ALEom stove , -p 'p� — — Master Chick Starter is, Reliable MAY 216 and 2? P
25 -gal, oil drum with tap, drop -leaf PORT R _ - Garden Seeds, Garden Tools Cafeteria Poultry Mashes, Feat M� Darling
- 'table, girl's bic'y -le, near nets. Apply TRANSPOR,j, _ Moss, Shell Maker .iii ¢wt.
Mrs. H. Waite. Church St. Picker- _ - Paints, Oils and Turps. Order your fence now. We have
ing, -phone_ 113W. Ci rk rAGE a carload. Clementine
FOR SALE - 'Newfoundland dog_ _ ' - - -- general hardware Oats, Barley, -Wheat and Peas
x1d VIN ei Henry Fonda sad 1<.irida Darnell
-' 'male, 3 -pear old, pedigreed,'Papers , ����� V �� i for Seed Cloven Seed tut y
- -.- with sale. Phone Pickering 'T7Rt - SA:�Tla �� v�'L rlI`v u i i Meadow Fescue, Brome, Kentucky WEDNESDAY - THUR$DAT
- AGilncourt 36 { Woods 3' Iiiking'Machiaes and
FOR SA]6F:. - ? young bred soars, ,M.A_Y 28 and 29
,aegisterrd; clmmpien stock. Jack j'b0°s 1981 _ HARDWARE 1 Coolers; Lime, Fertilizer,
Turento AD 6628 - Pick.. as 8.15, r Asphalt Shingles ,and Salt.
Simpson, phone 1041112, - Phone Pickeri:,a 46The--
" 'Piano for Sale .- -Dominion, Rose- Claremont, Oat.
wood case. Apply Box 298 Nesr3 RADIO SERVICE E Perfect Marriage
SEED PO'ZATOES uuara.nteed Itepall, Service Lorettu Yonug and David Nives
Forl95ale - Seed Potatoes, Katha• An a« or fYode►Not^r# �p } O v Universal Nevus
- ins, from Registered Seed. �`jj (� 1 CEMENT, CHAS. COOPER BARDWAR.H. RTH U R FIELD _ ;ht sow
- Claremontr Ontario PHONE 62 R 3 , �a� �
tJa_ed Clothing - sterms'
Four-roomed summer cottage to be CARPiBd�TTERtiti6 ed and )bossed Me sew. Castro a'
- snored off property $aitible for �t _ laria stock of 1d:lt e!r w1I'
located vicini south . east Rough FL�INO Vwereoata and peaea. Also s
. 'b9 Cedar Grove Conlmurtaty 'Club C>cLLA83 - FOUNDATIONS • - a"
iEiills. Apply A. Fitzgerald, 9 Ding- VICTORIA DAY DANCE ROOFING STABLE Os stock of wor bather seals ass
c.' troll Ave., Toronto . We also sell Brantfos,d bm is l>Kl rmr. IN CLOT w'oil>l�c ��, eitd soaW f�.
RAINBOW GARDENS Materials, Empire Bsdiraeoaos low at vwy reow able *sere
tf - HIGHEST PRICES PAID MARKti t[ Equipment. Dates IPa�ee Him �
+ FOA OLD HORSES �IDAY, MAY 28. systems, P eater sad • X :, Sass ssr"M
And Hurt or Crippled Ca #flee HARiMIONY KINGS OKCH. Equipment. 21 Soto/ asset wort. 00110006 dL �
9Picked up at your, owtn' place. of Weston, will make their debut. Building 1`ateriala s _ _ ._„ _ ..,_
J. F. SHIELDS Lucks Spot and Prizes
Work a.araa... Greenwood, Ont,,
•ZW Con. One Mile North Admission So cents - WANTED
Fairport Road ! 'PHONE PICIL 1 R 21
Nov. lb' el . 1�U V
We do building of an kinds T For i`c'es Pickup. Pbso e: i .a
-- — -- - -- - - Phone Pickering 36J . Quality rugs PICK ER ING
w t► ■ Accurate Din a PICKFIItING.. : _ 96 R i
-. • CLS'tOM SPRAYING and - - ♦'eierin Remedies PIGKERITIG. ,
4 ar7 _ BROOKI.IN'
SPRAYING MATERIALS Reliable Photo Firdshiag CLAREMONT .: 9 R i
PLOWING - • .. .. ..
'Complete Cosmetic Lists AGINCOL'RT
A complete line of Ni ara Brand We Pay, Phone .
Spray Materials and Be Spraying - STORE HOURS 7, _ Charges
Machines; also Custom raying of .Week Days . — - - �
a.30 A. M. 9 P. ill. IGORDON YOUNG LTD
Orchards and Stables; also plowing. Sunday - 12.30 P. X. - 6 P. lit[. orRD Phone: Ad. 3656
'Phone' 30 • R 14 - Pickering, Ont. !J • R. BOyes, !
(mile west of village on No, 2.)
FOR CANNING _ = _ y 30 Phm: 8« -. McLellen's : J
- CT:
-_ O _.- - -- -PHONE a - Repairs ! Grease and Oil „
A0- 18 S. PER PERSON _ .... �a -
Idr. Blair will now operate deliv- Batteries for Sale
- ery fbr• fresh meats, formerly opera For Sala F
_ As in previous years this spedal ' dlioW- ated by Claremont Meets. lGreenwOOd t•Hatvt:: �icKee,na t t Rae E
• A Store will, be. opened at PICKERING- i a
9 g OLD FOREST A The Mission 'Circle met on Tuea- .� To , 10.30 P. `
ante of sugar for tannin will be ttt
O R 51' RO D ' 6 A. iii.
"addition to the regular sugar ration. It _ In the day evening at the home of miss
'Will be made availab6 in two amounts near future. our needs will be met Marjory Byers and much business
- ° _
'with the same high quality meats as was undertaken. �j'e WOC1d
— of 5' pounds each. The E
ntertainment oa Friday: day : ev-
e wish LAant! ail Our oil vl-ils, avvnav , 4.,. ;:; 7' a�
e e g f4ends and patrons, and feel sure A- vas a grand success. is �a
• • . +
that you will receive a much- more I Miss Kate Green of Toronto spent MASTER FEEDS and 1c-
satisfactory service from Mr. Blair j the week -end with Mrs, Green and STUN RAY EM
as soon as he takes up residence in I Edna.' All Western Grains .:
your midst. ! Mrs. Warrington .and her father Open ��i� �7
VALID MAY 1Sth VALID JULY 17th - Mr, Plewman, of Richm nd gilt, Phone
Coupor►s Yi, Y2, Y3, Coupons Yb, Y7, Y8, Yams, , called opt t:'riends here last week. J. gp, a" SOK
-r Y4, Y5. Y91 Y10 CI,A$EMONT MEATS �e W. M. S. held their potstpon-
_ Coupons may. be used as desired after their respective validity ed meeting at the home of Mrs, M.
rates, and will remain valid until at feast December 31st, Sports Cion+lnued Pegg on the 16th. A vote of thanks
was adended to those who het Claremont LocL
1947. League is at Memorial Park ovi- pod S St4kil
Radt coupon It Good for the pvrchaH of 1'pound of wear. _ Wednesday, 28th, et 7.00, sharp, with the W. M. S. bale
y when the two Pickeri ig teams, Gets We are pleased bo welcome Mr. F•
" and Cubs lead oft. There has been •nod Mrs. Barrett back to their Standard Size Locker $9.00 A ,
_ some suggestion that such dignitaries summer cotta Ong Room and Chilling
gg i3w. l_
as the town fathers be on hand to Ron. Mr, LutTman was the gaest Available Free To Cn
: The world sugar situction has been improving and has made throw the first .ball and such -any- ' speaker of Rotarian Barry Murkar g0ffiE LOCKERS AV
- ' possibfi the recentincreases in the Canadian allowartee..World one agree? at the Rotary Cinb luncheon in
m' supplies, however, are still inadequate to meet demand, rs- - , as «+ ; ' Pickering on M&n&y everting, TAYLOR LO
gWring continued rationing. Greenwood and Dunbarton open- + a
/ - their reason on May 26, at Pickering Seal TheFickering News FRONB CLAREMONT 19W ^�
�11IG�'�l�Ij7�'�li1s rindly note- Dunbarton play all v
home games at Pickering_ _ BbeFy Week 0
Sunday, June 1, is Anak%vrsary The co- operation they have given us '' the conditions of the local milk
- L ► R E M Q N T Sunday at Centennial and we hope will not he forgotten. Best of hick shippers. , . :7 "1 . +
to be 'able to givo particulars next to them. Several from here attended the
week. Congratulations to Mr end Mrs. Old album Show at the Greenwood,
..,,County road men were busy on headdress of white flowers wiLi This week the W. A. are meeting Bill Hull on the birth of a daugh- Church last week- This was same -
hlonddy morning repa iring holes pa:e Uue Veiling and carries a bo; and though summer doesn't seem to ter, thing new for this part of the
`caused by the frost of. the --piing. quet of red ruses aad white sweet + have'started they tell us parrs are • * *" - country, although we understand it
--ate rwd between BYougnam and peas. The bridesmaid, :Miss Margaret to be made for our picnic. East Woodlands' Community has been featured in some city and
• Ciaremunt is n.uch woise than be- Manion wore a street :rxigtby dress i The auditorium :door has received Thursday, May 22, 8.00 p. rri. Western churches, The object was to
tw•een Pickering and Broug :.am. of grey crepe with coronet head - some of its new coat of plaint and Concert by the Rouge Hill Sc'iooi show`the old time ways, the old res-
ennedy of Owen Sound dress of American Beauty ,rose's they tell us it looks quite bright. pupils in vid of the Jr. Red Cross idents and local incidents that took
a nt the week -end with his par- with short veil and carried a ncse- i �Ve will be looking forward to us- at the Community Hall. Hoping for place in the vicinity a g�nenation
ents here. &Ay of pink sweet peas and carna- i ing it again neat Sunday. This is a good turnout. ago. The' costumes, character rep -
1dr. and Mrs, Don, Hedges spent tions. The best man was Mr Jimmy , the first step in our redecorating resentations, and the anecdotes re- '
'ihe week -end withlr. aad�?tilrs. Doming. During the signing of the I program, and we hope it won't be Friday. May 2 r- ••Dance and Euchre called to many the familiar neigh-
Gordon Neal, of Toronto. register, Miss : :argaret Fawkes too long before sufficient funds can The Columbians Orchestra proved borhood activities of a bygone yes -
Miss S. E. Evans and Mr. James sang, , be raised to continue the project. very popular last (Lance. Good priz- I' terday.. The whole a+fiair was w&ql
accompanied Rev. and =:rs. At the reception, the bride's mot- ' - We brave heard individuals remark es for eu6re, received and the actors to. be cos-
to the convocation at Mc- her received in rose crepe street- they would be willing to make a Saturday, May 24 — V�nfunteers aye gratulated upon its success. -
Master University at Hamilton last length dress, with corsage of white contribution to a fund if there were asked to come in the morning a--id Everyone who is Intending to go
week, RevF Wenham received his carnations, one, so we suggest the Managers he4p clean up around the Commun- into the Blue Cross Hospitalization "Bachelor of Divinity Degree. This For the wedding trip 'to Kirkland organize and accept this help while ity *Hall. In the evening: Pictures scheme shou'd kee p in touch with
was the largest convocation inn the Laiae, the bride wore a light blue folks are willing. at 7,3o. to allow everyone to see the j.. the Club as a meeting to complete'
history of the University: suit and black ' accessories. They ` Glancing over our church eaten- bonfire near the Hall — after the it will be held soon. Percy NeWe it
The bowling club had 'a fair ruin- will reside at Kirkland Lake. I dar we notice the following have show, hot dogs and drinks will be. the Chairman.
her at their dance last week. Owing - birthdays t',zis week: Mrs. Charles served, I Quite a number of our farmers
« Rate, Mrs. R. F. Classon, Terry " *'# are taking contracts with the cam-
zo the fact the binssleman's BROU C H A► M
,,,tow. open, the dance crowds are Fifield, Harry Wilkinson, Raymond The G4. de Captain, Cub Master -neries for the growing of peas, corn
dowel a little. The, regul,ar .dance ` 'Morrish, Grt;ham Taylor and Mrs. and the Scout blaster of the First and tomatoes,
The Albert Gray family joined W A McKenna. Happy Bir- Fast Woodlands ' Troops wish to Mr. Clemence, who has been with
•will be held this Friday 'evening. *Many
Sir, Eddie Ortiz l4n4ed a large- with the other families Of Grays, in thdays folks! thank al•. the folk, who aided the his son Charlie here for some time,
sized pike at Orr Lake on the week helping then• rr :other celebrate the — _ support of our recent concert which suffered another heart attack on
end. Fred Evans was ~moos some 87th arniversary of her birthday at - was a huge sucross. A special thank Sunday, and was taken to Oshawa
of the locals who tried the trout her home in Green River. She thor- East Woodlands you! to Mr. Fred Palmer, who %-as � Hospital.
fishing at Hawke Lake and report oughly enjoyed the happy' family re sespomible for the arranging of The local Woman's Association
fishing not too cod d Jet. union. this concert, and to Mr. Hwinisett met at the home of Mrs. -George
g Wednesday wag a busy day at the The Wnlf Cubs, Boy Scout% and and his many talented artists for i Brown on Wednesday last.
Mr. and Mrs. Bradbury, Uxbridge Township Hall, when a number of Girl Guides had a perfect , day on
,�11ed on Mrs, Conners and her mot- 11, . "Mothers' Dav'', their part in this prorgcam. Mr, and Mrs, Pattison, Clarkson,
herd Sunday. Whitevaie people met with Brough- Sunday, May _ — were guests of Mr. and Mrs, R. P.
am *workers to pack the large con- Tn the morning they paraded to the Winter over the Reek -end,
• , t 1 • t'. ' �. 1. r, , .. -i _� C - -11�• A ud `w The vocal ball games committee'
local Park and Claremont is gprr__�na� - - -!'t n J
ready for the opener, The complete donations of canned goods for the Provincial Police cn- operating to a- ;s wondering why they were left
schedule is printed on tive front British Relief. imp accidents. At the church a ti=er. out of the local township schedule.
Congratulations to I)or,a'd P.itchiP imprPSSive ceremony of DPiicat�nc - Seeding, except in the lea• lands
page of this issue. (Ask At an Tom- son of Mr. and bars, Rrucq Ritchie the Rags was Performed. Tl,- Pnn -- is about completed. The cold and
linsotl for one of the News, sched- on passing his recent exar,ination: ors of the Union Jack. Mr. and Mrs: wet weather has retarded operations CARD OF THAItiKlS
,ules on heavy card in Pocket size). for. 'Third Year Physics Engineer D. Fantha•m: the Scout Fiag. b Mr. very much, w
Mrs, John Coates is reported to be and Mrs. S. • Palmer• the ('ub Flag bar. and Mrs F. L. C- 'layman of -
finproving after her lengthy illness. ing' I ' tye front m-.d spent Sunda with air. and Mrs. Milton Burk welsh to
Miss Helen Norton underwent an 31m Harry V�'riRt't: t`leorgetotizs. by- Mfr. and Mrs. J. R. Martin, „awe here, Y eutend their heartfelt thanks and
was a visitoi iVA week with relat- ' the f1Rv to Pari Mas *Pr. •fin in. rpAatirPa ZZ
.• operation for appendicitis at St. turn $r ve them to Rev, Mr Hoi1ev'- : -- Hydro workmen. are letting ! a esSes. it n for all the. acts t kind-
'Michael`s Hospital last week.. Ives here' the wires u on the of for the Dosses, messages of sympathy and
Mrs. diary Knox; Osh: ata Hn`p':ta� who then placed them in the ho ct r put p beautiful flowers received from thesis
Mr, Len Lye, Claremont, a-id Mr• i here on. of the kneeling Fla hearer. -no new telephone Tines: tt
Dave Davis. Aja c, have commenced Staff, was with her people S S The Toronto ,mills inaoector was in 1 n�nY kind neighbors and friends -
Friday, was flanked by a Colour Party The the Igor week looking into ( during ;,heir recent sad bereavement.
work at the Johns - Manville plant at Mrs Howard Malcolm and dau- Prayer of Dedication, and then true vicinity :
Port Union. ghter, Sarah, and Mr. and • Flag Bearers slowly rose to. the a-
Mre. Stanley Robins entertained a Mrs. Ralph Crawford were Sunday lert and resumed their places be -. ,
few Says friends to dinner on Thurs- visitors at the. John iinox home at tween their Escorts. The choir sang fri/gW
day evening of last week, Solr�►a. "Lord of the Worlds" to the tune of
- The .former Margaret Kennedy In the friendly ball game between "O Canada" with all at the• alert.
spent a fore des, s at the home of, Green River and Brougham schools Then the Colours marched out, Girl �' D O N K IN
ter parents here. ,
Mrs. Luther Pilkey is M poor the visitors carried off the honors, Guides. Cubs dnd�6couta.. It was a - - -
health and Mined to der bed at Miss Ethel Seebeck was taker to ceremony that will live tors in their ��� p�C��1RE!!i
could' now be „ THIS
the present time. hospital this wreck edlerEng from memories. As the Suds, _ _ M
: .. appendicitis. shown, as Woodlands' fine body of .
Latest Books in our Library {n- coming rJtis;ens gathered at the Dew
Anneal Bwwax T00r'r9aueta This +elude Pavilion of Women. by Pearl Drop Inn at, 2.15 send marched to
Saturday —Nam Buck: History of Ontario Red Cross. Sunday School. In the evening they _
The Claremont Bawltng Club will
hold their Annual ?.4th of May by E. G. H. Watson: B. T's DlznRh- mrardsed amain to the Sing Sorts• +
hodt Tournament this 9staMay tern, by John P. Mtrrqusnd: The Mr. Fantham or behalf of the Sun- _ - - � �
g Dark Wood, by Christian Weston: day School Presented to .Mrs. Oild -"
on the local Breen. Tim tmtstrament Lydia Bairley, by Kenneth Roberts-, field, as representing the older mot-
,is to be of mired tlPbles and a good y -
World's End, by Lipton Sinclair: her, a lovely plant with appropriate ( it
..turnout is exp�+� for this open Shadow on the Trail. by Zane Grail; remarks. Miss Margaret Palmer p
ing. t - — -.� - •- We Took to .the W body. bs Louis rant for the sinfL -soitR group on
+" Rick; So Little Time, by J. Mar- Mothers' Day; we were also favored
-� • EW"utherland uand; Oast Vines have Tender Grail- with a duet by Mr. and Mrs. Palmer.
1Spring fiawers and deers decorat- es Robinson and O'Brien: The Raz- a * ' • 4,
td Claremont United Church on Somerset Maughan; 'The usual good showing was a-
Saturday, May 17, for the marriage or's Edge, by
This Side of Innocence, by Taylor !gain evident on Sunday, R e wPi- +• j
of Marie Ruth Sutherland, da>h- Caldwell: T)riftwood Valley, by T. comed Miss Ruby Black who will be I _
ter of Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Suther- C. Stet- Fletcher; - The 'Unfor- a teacher, also Miss Joyce Christen- '
.land. to Robert H. I•iall, eon of MTS seen, by Dorothy .McArdle-, The hen, Bczbby Christensen and avisit-
• Hall a-id the late Mr, T. Hall, Rev Walls of Jericho, in Paul Wellman; or, giving t'het'a the Sunday School
I. F., Kennedy olfciated, with Mrs. girt in
sirs• '.Hike. br Freedman Benedict: welcome son7, Any boy or gi
'Thos. P,re ig at the organ. Hindieds of-Things a Boy G`a'► Do; this area not attending Sunday
The bride, given in marriage W The F.gg anti 1 by Betty cDonald; School will get a real welcome at the
1hFr father, w olio gown of white Y -
*I•he Checnurer Board,- by eville Fact Woodlands Hall on .Sundays at
*brocaded , satin and net with floor - Shute. 3.00 P. m.
length. veil, held by a headdress of »sa
„� h She carried a bou-
era.. a blossoms. -- COMING EVE'`^T A strawberry
et of red roses and forget • held in June at the _ HE fine livestock you see On _ t
�° H� bland Creek soda, win bg•
rants. Mrs. ReginrAd Forbes attend - home of Mrs.
Phin, Alto ►a 'Road. � this farm have been built up
ed as matron of honor, wearL-tg a iby Mrs. �O•% ' This p�mises to be a nice affair. - - }
through the banking services and
gown of rapture blue with matching The Ladies' Association for the Girl
Sunday evening, Rev. Braham, of °helpful financing of The Canadian
Rhniilder length yell an dcarried a ' y of the seer- Guides said the Boy Scouts are _ .. .
bouquer of risk roses Charles CamlMa, was in charge workin hard to make this a success, Bank of Commerce. You, tOO, may
Crawford, Wfidsor, .rue best man vice at Centennial, upon the request g *,f. _ need to purchase foundation live-
rani John Hall, Kingston and Gerald of fire Pastoral Relations Comma- Mr• and Mrs. Les. Fry, Old Rose- Stock for the development Of y� r
(71ark, Greenwood, ushers - ttee, and he made a favorable imp- s
At the reception at the
home of reesion on those vrho were fortunate bank Road have sold their p>bPe7'tY ;:.farm of rau3ch.
the bride's parents, the bride's mot- enough to hear him. We believe the and will tr leaving in July for the
her received in a sight blue suit Committee will isrue a call to Mr. Old Country (England! where they F� :�
will reside• We wish them the best
with matching hat and corsage of Braham and it ' is hoped he w)11 -- i�t
pink roses. The groom's mother accept. of Iwclt.. ;
to hear Mrs. John Mr. aged Mrs. W. Newlarrds are QNlmt f>t� ararm0� inert ond�s�Mf
assisted is a 'din
of flowered silk We are sorry also planning on selling and will be • pu�tsasin9f R•�i�ng
Jersey with black aomesories and Weaker' is vary ill again but hope l , *_ ,
al C w1.1 Ire icy da�i+ o. v...1L �.bwi+a C,0"SWv Nofnes
corsage of pink. roses• { utr, This community wall miss them, • M izinli FOB rain"*
For the wedding trip, the bride soon. adin9 Eeneinii and D : --
T '
changed to a rose silk jersey dregs, _ • IsnPr°ung Elect'rie Pow Viand W forming ! "'
iagua blunt and black aaceseor- • Ins greakinq
oou a wit • CW46r►9 and l
lea. On their return, the pl
1>, T�ronto. Claremont Meats ; -
Investigate the mangy advantages you have
' McRfinnosl -•- Manion - -- - under the Farm Improvement Load plan.
A very pretty wing was �' T '- :•Come in and discuss year financial needs
,m at the home of Mr. and r our local r.
• ....CHOICE _
Mc�•lronz% Manion amMst a sett - .
with 1 1 Manage
1ng✓of fern and pink and white
ma ragon, on
Saturday. Map 17• "�`NE CANADIAN BANK
mhen_thelr dau ,X!1tPr SFir�ev,afi1e MEATS -FISH POULTf',, Y
the bride. of T>sttiel '1TcKimnnn. son ��i -
eM McRi -anon, Kirkland T.akP.!#t{� ,.. * .►4
� r.
Revs T. E Rermedv nffi, -fated and ~X:
111Th. Thos, leRg ill woad 1� 1;� 3t7O1 G LA. R i�i� ON T ,�N. R. Shortreed, Manager
tnR music, b
PHONE G _ -.. 1i3-4Y
The bride, given in marriage Y > -
tier father, wore In Qtrtft length ri
sky blue silk jeTseY with a coms^t
a' ``ELIZABETH OF THE AIR" Fresh -Water Lakes "
r UST I N FUN - Voice -Of 'the lWss
Found in Antarctic
Business With Pleasure
1 Have you heard the one about Nice For Teacher
A glue strong enough to hold a Reported discovery of a second
the Scottish doctor who took up `' 100,000:-pound locomotive has been Mtarctie "Oasis" by Admiral
'.golf and who was told by the club i3 vented. We "hope no one ever Byrd's wide- ranging fliers seems
pro that-if his name was•astamped sits down on any. to confirm the fact that the south
`'on his olf- balls ind he lost them, .; ' ;.r
g , � � � ' �) � - Edmonton Journal polar continent is not the continu-
they would_ be returned to higi if ,� ^� ous frozen waste that the world-
found? ' pi's' Eckner's Gem conceived it to be, says the New
"Good," said the Scottish medico, - 1'. Fork Times.
• " ut m name oti this ball." The ;, �,/� . i ll ' ' -The criticism of Hitler by .
p y Hugo Eckner, famous Ge an The existence of wide stretches+
pro. did so.
" "Would you also put M.D. after designer, builder and flier of ir- of open land studded with fresh -
my name?" the doctor asked. The t , I ll ships, is a gem of brevity. water lakes suggests the possibility
pro complied with the request. ^J �' elderly scientist remarked. o establishing permanent settle-
"One thing more," said the Scot. eaz} "When Hitler came to. p9wer he me is there, from which the min-
"Do ye could squeeze i�'a,� „',. �•�� was 90 per cent fool and 30 per eral resourtes of these rugged rte`
}e think cent criminal, but when he ended gions might be .ex loite.d for the
- `''Hours lU to 3' on the ball as well ?” ��.+"+' '`'''', > %<�� -�� g lj "
+a he was 90 per cent criminal and 10 bel�efit of mankind.
A Tiring Experience P - per cent fool." -Oases are associated in 'OZ c minds
The receptionist of the Domestic N� . -- itchener 'Record with palm trees growing' -in the
Agency was taking down par _ 1 dessert. Needless to .say, there are
Jars of the would- be:maid. Lusty "Big Three" none of these in the Antarctic. But
"Have you any preference for /' The big On even g produc- in one of the lakes at Ieast some
any special kind of family ? "• she ers: Gasoline taxes, $$44,000,000; trace of vegetable life was found.
asked. Corporation taxes, SGS,500,000; Rimmed by .thin ice as it -was, its
~ -` liquor taxes $:8,400,000. Three warmish -water contained living
"Ashy kind except the high- brow," -
answered the domestic. "My last lusty youngsters! algae as well as mineral crystals.
place was with a pair of 'em, and -St. Thomas Tithes- Journal , indeed, the growing algae are be-
'im and 'er was always fightin', an' lieved to have given these takes
kept rite runnia' back and for-
Hard to Answer' j the -extraordinary color which,
'ward from the key -'ole to the dic- "It talse's all kinds of weather Io. when they were first spotted from
tionary till. 1 felt proper worn out, m a k e a season," observes the the air, made them 5ecm. almost
z so 1 says never again." Stratford Beacon,'Herald. All right' like an optical illution..
and now that we're having them A seaplane settling on the, sur-
Her Meaning
c all, what season ~would you call face changed the illusion to start -
The teacher was giving the class this? , an printable language, Iing fact. The lakes -were there,
d a lesson on gardening. #: pica�c!1 - Ottawa• Citizcn unfrozen. The' area around them
"Now who can tell me what a
herbaceous border means?" she i -vas free from ice ,vith beaches
asked. w'fue enough to ticerin+rr+nrief.•
I''litre was -a pause;, then, a small Not the inside of a tunnel or a Quonset hut, but the interior of the Our chief complaint • about- the w'hote squadrons of planes. Inland
voice said: "'Please.- miss, it's a -world's largest landplane is what you see above. _ Britain's build- yuungcr generation •is that we no conical outcroppings of Clark . red
a lodger who doesn't eat meat" ing it to go after the trans- Atlantic airlane luxury trade. longer belong to it. rock rose like small ,olcanoes. All
y - Quebec Chryllicle-- Telegraph else An this strange land remains
` Quick Change - _ : •., mynteriolis and unexplained.
Little. irl tat church wedding): 'Bristol. Eng- Britain is about to Globen+aster has a wing,pari of (Spellbound
°Did the lady change her 'mind, do for the airplane,- what she did 1;•0 feet. The Douglas • DC -6 pas- Other 'summer insects had better
for the sealant, with the Queen senger plane now iii service is only et chummy with acspetlin thee.
"Mommy ?' g y p Joe Vi'Itl F.alo7 ltelbg Al
Mother: 'AN by, no. Why do you Elizabeth. Slit is 'readying for 117!; feet between wingtips, �+yy
a newty'devcioped insecticide will The St. Regis Hotel
ask ?" trans- Atlantic. air service :the ~either a race horse nor'a slot- wallop the little; imps with HEXA- s7 ii
Little girt "'Cause she went tip, world's largest passenger land poke. the Barbazon 19 designed to CHLOROCYCLOHEXA \E. 'POn01To
�. Beery noels watt+ Sat!
`- the aisle with one man - and... came - =plane, the IN "'Barbazon 1." cruise at 250 miles an hour at :S,- LustomerA of a certain restaur- ib•t•er and Telephesa
back with another." Powered by eight giant engines. 0011 feet. The 143 -foot cabin viAl be -;alit in Lansing,_ Mich, could easily s single. 91.+60 up-
Double, 6 the Barbazon will wing its way pressurized. humidified -arid afr• be - spellbound. The ro rietor's ad V d. D t+•
P P P � geed L'ood. gislai aael Dane-
STUFF AND THINGS i from London. to New fork with conditioned, •and will have, as ac• nanLe is PAPP.1a�'LAHODtai1- log 'Nightly
e -� a' Pax *u P B- -ss a..diaitlg- :saloon. lounge, T}f:lli:rilPf)E;1.Ol S. sherbet. n as 13rttaa
passengers on the night run , or bar. dressing roans anti- a movie - Pathfinder Teo nA. suss
120 sitting tip cm dayligh.i .trips. _ screen,
lE will have a crew of 1:;, including g
,4 . Ta- Build wlfat Ln ia+Ld is call•. _ -_ Quite •A Record '
. _ f e stewards,
st a s. h
'Lliz e h . .4'r"
in her ab t of the -. 1 1 -- w i h been ire rite
Ali 1 O o Wan as
�' A ° fti)UH9 8HwCT1Fi1-L1
f • • + took: 12,000 drat-ings, 30.000 feet nova as "American Mother of
15 u
The Barbazon , is being assem- of �ttert metal to value fu�etage '47.` That beats the Quebec'
uebec $ � P
bled aaw at the Bristol Aeroplane and )wings, a miJlion and a half record. whi.ell rarely rise. Above
_ -plant in suburban Tilton Devel- ritct4, '33 miles of .wiring, 78• or 20. t.:
r opment and production cost $lG,• Y + - Peterborough Examincr _
WNW. .builders hope to have It has outgrown " the l) Agest in the ' tla plan a ready�fter test flights w`i 1 lh riot, workshop wingspan in - litmand, to "y Britain Morning Chores;
I t• / y J g. P exhibitst a "robot valet"
go to work on three more Harbaw the inboard engnes. Fnat assembly that turns oa a heater, boils water,
"zone which British Overseas Air- will take place in the world's big• brews tea. wakes you up and starts HOTEL 1NLETROPOL$
« ways popes to 'have in service by "st assembly 'hangar. This hasn't. the radio play ing in the morning. I
? You're sure he's got a sense of `uAaASA erAKJA
humor?" t x950 _ - been built -et, but it wi1D be largtr a� a refuse to get excited until it o - c., .s. STATION
Some idea of the new sky giant's than London's Hoa,es of f artia- 'alsci puts the �eiog cut and brims y
Naturally size can bt ,gained by'. comparison M"I and will cost $6,000,000, in the morning paper.
' A motorist had been haled into with the XE -3d, the U.S. Army's To get a runway -big enough for _Wind -ar Star. _
court and when his name '}was call giant bomber. Both have a wing- the Plane, Fitton .airfield has been Suffering from
ed the judge asked what the j 'span of 3:io feet. The X 13-34 has e:ctendcd to H-1w feet. ' Engineers L.CSS Housing
:charges were against the prisourr, only sir engines. The , Barhazon ! Had to dcinali-h a tillage to get 1 pain?
"Suspicious actions ?" queried the tops ° all other American !and 111at' nineh space for tl,c t;arbazon's ; For MOre Money
answered 'the arresting officer, Alines. 'J'.1te rirnt)'a giant. C -7; take -off run. - _
"Suspiciousi actidns?" queried the '
` judge, "What -vas 'he doing that - - In the Nrty .fork City area, as �
t _ tsecmed suspicious ?"
`.'�i the BuiIdint; , Trades 1`,mp1oYcrs' 1
r. "°siNtl Association reports, bricklayers get
'replied the officer, "he A.' $17.30 and ccuitrnt masons $24.70 generally affords quick rel;ef
-was running w•itttin. the speed limit,.
a for a -seven -hour day; plumbers, Jta from painful discomfort of
sounding leis horn proricrly, krcpinu t; `
11 -on the right side of the street, and much as $tJ,,J slid 'tram- fibers
l _ i W.10 .for a s'evn -hour day: ,Plas-
not tr }•in-, to beat any ai the aiup _
~ lights -so, naturally, 1 arrested .T terers, ells and electrical workers J2 tA�2si •u
him," L?en ordinary olabor six-hour
demande d$12 °"Kr tuasroess
And About Time! ' :, >•' , - : ;I for 'an eight =hour da }, or $60• for
1Fo.ur -)car -old Donald -t'aa a n- a €orty -hour 'week.
The scarcity of housing has pro- I --
tranccd by the 'icicles sparkling on "Gin Pik!
the eaves. The first .w-arm day t -'idcd aii enormous backlog of work _ Helped
for all, building labor, bur hi h
'when lie saw the icicles dripping, A cc: oar, of scaffe' -Iinn rv- rrunds EnglarTs bat new Passenger - hourly . rates and short days add my Sore Beek„
'.:`:-he ran to his mother 'exclaiming: -plane in its construction shed. To get room for its wings to grew to I -
incentive t•7 tll. quest • for .labor
- � Winter is defrosting''' full .Faze, they re building worl0 s biggest assembly hangar. say9 Montreal man.
sating materials made for economy. l "I "d rbt mosateie acbn and oil,
I back- coirld hardly atraiabteu At
-Tip for Designers �.' Ctalderi BQOJrE Everything There j aJ :ar bendsrra..! friend .dosed
of Motor Ears K UX.- Fashion Centre Gin pmt , . now Fir, ever to
much bertler° —LF., Moaaeeal.
Sun,e'thinl; of a sensation has' born , 1'e, other derarinu•nt tore .in'the In the Wren': clothing trade. l For more than aril Gin of
It -vas a shaky veteran of the eansed in Itah by the disclosure that Rheumatic Pais, Backache, Sciatica,
the bronze doors of the world_ ! -cvrl4 offers ruck a -tide t'ariet }' l nucal Kingdom stylds hate era- Lamtxgo.,Get apackaaetoday.Uae
hightrays and by- ways, from arear- f of serti icca as \ {it.:tt:oshi': in _ ditionally sct the' w•orlt. s 1a- shioll proves their merit
end ricw probably of depression tamous Baptistery at Horencc — I ,
p 'r.nkvo, cats Callier's. 11csidc's and do so still. United Kingdom Reptla► alze, 1�1•MS
,vintage, but it was still the only hidden away dilrinn the war for ;•(fir < that nlaT -C re'' nations for design for - -on5en's wear has tooth Itteno1ly ►Iz% $4 HIM p
•com letely- equipped car 'oil the ''Safety - are really matte of gold. :I
p theatre ticl:ct =, train tratcl, etc.,, improved in the Last tell years anal
The hate hcen for cegttrrics one
Street. says the• Oven- :+ound Stun- i Y the store has a sl1r;ne where one' Sir Stafford Cripp,' ;'Working ` s
'Times. It had h adli lit on the of ltai)'s great art treasures.. hurt-iii -
a S g ! nlav neat. a ta•irrrr �,an n „I' 1\ .v. t, t l,caay ll Ulilln�,* Lt I
T r. -- select a wife or husband, a sJction dustry reconunends,a dcsig-o ccntr: I - • r
Ewen the customary Carly -morn- \fore than h,00o,00a ck;: rat I -vherc a couple may secure' a in London :which roilld make gs0a sALwkht Wee /s►) .
ing blues couldn't prevent its from hand -made knots of wuul _may be i license and he. married, and a de- Critain the Icader in all clothing I NadenalDnis�DMml.at
recognizing that we had just seen four+d in solute tl -by -I: e)riental partnlent where one may purchase design 'arid i�ashion throughout: the 1 - 1C«ttM+iyof Cs►oiaade. Lim
pass a nian with initiative and rugs_ 4 a rasla't� and arrange for a funeral. world, _+ _
How many times, iShen you have -
bees driving the family jalopy at POP ---The Slug _ BY J. MILLAR WATT
right, have you had occasion to
back up? I-low often, -when you t '� b w�' NO! lNJT YOU WILL, ME DEFOFZ WWRB
shift into revers and talc )n�t'foot t'4T GLAYIl1Co OUT ,
off the clutch, do you escape a feel- t tG'+.'�t.LLSt
ing of apprehension? The usual
system is to crawl back inch by
inch and pray nothing happens,
- listening all the while for a crash. ;: -;d► . -' ' t �►` r -
waiting tensely for a bump that will ► ,%K, ° �--) S f• t _
let yon know you hate • suddenly r r +t, -
run out of road. 1
How simple the answer! Just
• ••add a headlight to the rear humptr', I - - f � � - ►. t li. - t' Rs p y
Designers 0111948 mo(1C1S pleaFe 'A �`'•� �, `' J I.. ••':• �•_ ?r• • .,�•., w .�.in.�i. .e iril"'lwn ar.�Ml.. r...�.lF�........... ' .
take note.
. _ ,.1 1. - : - .. .. - ? y n f I I k ,.
A TUNT1ON: Tourist Resorts. Bourtnlr 2, 4, & 6 Week Old 'Pullets 52 -ACRE FARM , ( "A Six Bit Critic ") i 0.
Shops, Drug Stores. I have a practical ,", Also mixed chicks and cockerels. All raised TWELVE acres tall wheat. 6 •erss bearing
,tone combinallon uh tray and cribbaie board. orchard. tirwd 6 -room house, 2 barns, oouttry
Liberal commission. For lyarttcutar. waste In brand new air - conditioned brooder Dlaat During the recent high�y publi- As 'for thf "improvement of ti6t i
under Ideal conditions. Bead for Weekly houses and lmDlamvnt rh-d. This is • salsa
,Rudolph Carlson. 1C1DUnt. Out. ___ Special List of started chicks. Lasoview concern, equipped and atork,ed and with I cized squabble betwceu the race - breed" tie hear so muck abort, wl(af .1
-- Poultry Farm. Exeter. Ontario. gaa welle yielding steady Income. Electricity track operators 1ttd the hoisetnta, Of iii ff fhC1' CZ'tr did b►ttd a horse •
MR. WOOL GROWER . lnatalled. Immediate possession. Niagara �;!
. operatT a government Ltceased +soot __DYEiNt3 Ai4D CLEA?i[NO _� PeDlnsula, 6:.600 ne a spokesman for the Ontario Tockey that could rurl a mile and a emr- j
warehouse and are prepared to 4iandie tour HAV10 YOU 'uythtns needs dyeiag or dea,a- DAIRY C1uL' tried to lift the matter above Mr.,in !u'v minutes /let, he world ....,.;�
wolf elther direct or through our colt -furs. MODERN 25 -CAN BUSINESS
Tau can apply all or Dart of your wool credit ingT +Yells to us for Information, We an the sordid Ie1'el. Of COII1meCClahsm, bar a great CtrriOafty. `SO utorJd a
P glad to answer your Questions. Department OPERATE[' hr •ant• on-ner t5 years. Nia-
agalnot blanket tiur,hases We do nor haodl* H. Parxvr's Dye Works Limited. 791 Yong@ Sara Pen,nsuis. Sure revenue Producer, Stati[Ig that the prt3Clpa1 sleet Of the 'pair Of CIOQ dirt made Of first -ftla- a
]used woollen. nor •nstoW.P work. Street, Toronto. Ontarig 218,000,00 +,august body he represented war "to ter diamonds.. But. for all practical I i
TaE STRATHRIOY -`- -huR es1Er GORDON T. GLENNY lmproic they breed of Thorou h• y
WOOLLEN MILLS LIMITED 8 Qurpnsts, a pair made of ordinal
Strathroy, Ontario AIR COOLED GAS ENGINES I , 110 Jarvis St. beget horses' or words to $that gem ivory' or plastic a* !u+ as good.
ark -v,br your own hoc -q, Write for fr•re f,.ider Autancu Electric, 1081 Beaver Hall, Hill. I Z'ort Erie North, Ont. fral effect. Our persona reactiov . 4
desvrlbins our "collection, of 1sT -plans [or Montreal. nr write nearest office - alifax was that somebody should take the All of which no doubt sounds like
operatlbs a aurcessfill business of your v,vv." Rouyn. Toronto. Winnipeg. HAf bREBSINth
Start to full or fill time at home. Nu ATTENTION FARMERS LEARN hairdressing the Robertson method gentleman gltieLly aside and tip him the tt'ail. of a SOi! ]user, and to <
Star, I selling. . spar or no it borne. re FOR SALE--Tractor Tires. made of rubber, tnFr{rmat,on on request regarding classes. off that. to modern ears that par- though we Were suffering from an 'e
soles. Send for your .copy today. :Atinnal suitable for bolcin* ob at eel wheels. 815 00 ttubertaon'a Halydresslr.0 Academy, 131 -Ave- i
Businee.a Fn[erprbrs, 4 -4 Cnlfiournr St rue Road. Toronto _` tiCtllar fCCOTt! 5Cllndc badly 6CCatC }3- ` ISgrU+itng grouch al the Sport OE 4 I.
'each• rear wheels: 67 50 each front wheels, c ed and should be to55Cet inge the horse racing. This' we protest, - Is __ _ e
Lond.n, Orr. When ortirring state diamelr, and width of HE1.f' %VA*. -rEIr
' 1„ - ^- wheels. National Rubber ro - Ltd.. 6 Wilt- `t
!"�RAH1�rA1C8!t _ rfilr* Ave , Toronto. Unt Sf.iFtItIF,D COt'Ph;, .ranted, cook and house- d15Ca1'J bin. �4'e almost expected by n4 n1Can,5 1178 case ��le have per- �+
__ _ _ _ __ ____ _ _ __ __... - I' man for country residence on bus line near him t0 dip Jp tilt' anCtrttt Ott! shout !tonally ]lad more fun and txCite- I
BAi3Y CHICKS AND _ BALED SHAVINGS Brmm�ion Private. gt +rrtrrP, high wages, no �
' YUtt BALI: baled soft. wad ahaaints, car. - lai-dry. Talophone 59, Brampton. or +vrlte the nCCCSS1tY Of 70Clug iii OTdel that tnent ?t +ari0115. race-tracks ihaa r;
STARTED CH1CK3 Mri+, W I, Cibson txlr Cavalry troops alight ,be assur- anywhere else we can recall. But e
load form ably. Write Plus Products.. P.O. a
Out prices for Baby Chicks and darted Vairko Bnz 75, Montreal 3. SINGLE MAN for haying and harvest, iwod ed all adequate supply of remounts we are under n0 illusions as to. why
will surprise you., All Chicks from blood wages, modern equipment. Apply Roy Baker. - �,
tested stock. Aarleloa liatrherY, R ltaopk• ELECTRIC MOTORS Maple R.R No, z, Phone 63 R 13. - +ihich always used to be fished we enjo? the game. __ _ r
Heights. Out. . :4 GRADUATE Nurses, General Duty. Wanted -out and dusted Off Wheel' the raeirty In the past we have written many -
A.C. OR D.C. for a 35 bed Municipal HOADItal. In • .
GOVERIMENT APPROVED chick bargains 6 -32- 110 -650 volt, Largo stock - Alliance Elec- I thrlying town. Population 1,000, Recreation racket was under fire in days gone limej , about the Ul1'mQtC CiarntS, attd .
for this week and next. day old: Barred trio. 1031 Beaver Hall Hill, Montreal or near- !acuities good Balar7r 1110.00 00 with mull- - + - - trhaf foinentors Of international dis- • " -
Rock. New Hampshire. New Hampahlre X '
Barred Rock, Light Sussex X Barred Rock. eat office - HaIif", Rouyn. Toronto, win - Maintenance increased to $120,00 Ar mouth 4
i New Hampshire X ight Sussex non -sexed 19,95, nip". Vanrouver. after six months service, 6 day week. I hour . 4 .* •
` ayrn'I1rtn.r and iU -aril! they lout a!- <
pullets 617.95. cockerels 86,95. Assorted Heavy FOR SALE -W. 1. Victory cook books, 600 day, & weeks holiday with pay aft *r one tt'Oys primed to be. But it remain- .
Breeds non -sexed 18.95, pullets 116.95, cock- recipes. postpaid. 6De. Mrs. Andrew Me- year service. Taber Municipal Hospital. PAZ r�or by. this time r:'er -,body OW F, ed fur tilt coining one -that of 1948 � 7
*rels• 15.96. Cockerels: White Leghorn X Cain. Florencevllle. N.B. 560, Taber. Alberti - _ - the mental age Of ten knows ver-v -lit Set a neu record along these '" 3
Barred Rock. Whits Rock X Whits Lea Lot- - MEDICAL well that horse-rat$„ exists for
horns. Austra Whites 31.95. White Le¢horns GASOLINE POWER UNITS - - g lines With were than a year to 'go
PROVEN Rk,XED'Y- r:very sufferer of Rheu- Just two reasons. 7 hP fret and
• ,15c. Two week old add 16,00 per hundred. f .
ii week old add $11.00 to son -sexed and out- 55 HORSE POWER mastic Pains or Neural■ ebouid try DiiOn•a before i! Opettj its doors, the tofttt-
1-is. $sold d cockerels. 6sxed C.O. t- ChrY lrr Industrial pow,r imiis complete with Remedy. Munro's Drug Store. 335 Elgin. principal of these is to mak! Nluflr;,: -ing OJI'7'npiC. revival -by fneans a .
- -- '!'h1■ advertisement mud accomDave your or. '"lator cooling. electric slartlnr and battery. Ottavv ro.tpatd 81.00.
i __. - -. asd the second, to gyve a lot of folks the Barbara A,rn Sceft incident -
JThi to mews these rust come. Also older heavy duty clutch and power take off. Avail., TREAT YOt *RSELF at home wfth iiectro
obis tram stock. Write Atlas Polar Co. who already have lent o mont;' . -
pullets eight weeks to laying. Ton Notch mainrtlam for Arthritis. Rhegmatlsm. lase y plenty % .hat stirred uh m0rt hard feelings
Ltd.. 617 Jarvis St.. Toronto, or 1557 Mackay comma. Varicose Veins and other circulatory a chance to cop a gob Of personal - •
CSlckerles. Guelph. Ontario, _ Street. Montreal. 1hfuNgJraJl1 [Qttada against ore
_ _ ailments Free explanatory Pamphlets from
LAKEVIEW CHICKS 12C HEREFORD BL-LLS 'of serviceable Pr,e and CoopeRemed{es Yong* Street, Toronto publicity. �ittrP arc, Of rUflrst, friends s(rurh 01 the harder . tha+s .
Name high Quality at these low prices. Her@•s believe of Domino hrrW,ng. Wilbert Stay, those it'!t0 sO1ClT.l;l }' p /OJPSS Iv lout , „ -'
_ -- ... �. rtuWtY to got this high Quality stock Route Oranrl•v,lle. Ont. _ WHY SUFFER- ARTHRITIC ,r, un�•!hi>rr�.clst ruts* rnssibl•: do.
- _ _ -_ ?,•,.� 'l--,�- - , ,, r ,• ' ,,,Z er[ndfnnv Ramrlfes, F1. ..I- •13. � J ichu' l yr •� r • 1
- - - N t N. r .11 rttlty
+i[�� N1[t"' 1° in�lian111L 1tfr:ry iltaut:ll Carr tit'9n.tn to atlna rrhPt vas. m "ntn. his rlubte sCrj 19 err sun(Fhvty r.r
x.P • 1',e•7r s.mP. Barred Rocks. (tuck z We irb.,rantw, its avnulne broad- breanind ireytmen 31 0o postpaid. Sir t+hy not rcnet 3 liasld t0 tilt
New Ramps.. Now Hamps., Sussex X Les- other, 7PhCne4.v Te P bear Jt:ch sintr` , "n10%anent, . already gathering ' ' +
. .. horns. Reek X Lechorns. New Hamns. X bronze turk►y txauitr. Our ftpcks are tow - 4ox ll ?, Caro miv, r. f r,
- tested and' wore headed by Knpets Toms direct tX NN'T DELAY; FvOry eufferer of Rheumatic ments Ile aht-ays ind O1lrS: ts'ts btfCn th, gamed at eallin the whole
Leshrrns. Large Type White Lechorns mixed from Oregon Writs for free circular to F
$12 00 per 100. Assorted Mixed $10 00 per Pains or Neurfr.x mhould try Dixon's Rem- rrarhirig for lhe! salt, For if there . _ ,
390 Indian Hill Turkey Ranch. Box 206. Starner, edY Munro'a Drug Store, 8.+ Ela',tt, Ottawa silly', (rashle Off. Instead Of Ship -
Ontario 7t'asn't oily raring, n,- very greolly jlirll,' � I - -axtnlent of our athlete/
LAKEVIEW PULLETS 20c Po*lvald 61.e0. _ , S
All car old t»ril -tA IOa Started rho.•+• nun 'ARC WELDING MACHINES 'sty EASE that horrible pain caused by arth doubt that many of these ard,rlt - anti - -uf c.,urse- -their aeeompany-
All mixed chicks- Two weeks old rji m :r, 3 Electric or Gnaol.ne driven - •vii�anro Flee. rids use 'Eura L4nimeri Large b"ttle !gorse- toners -,,v,uld be found Eerp- fy horde of' beri'1'yh0ltCd officials -
tric Works, 1011 Beaver Hall 'Hill. Montreal, 31.2 +. P.O Box 41 4. ;1a1nt John, N B. g , • c
. weeks old ad,l 10c. 4 week, old add 1 -9r, 6 ._ - -=- -- - _v..: -_ ing a I horoughbred jBrt os a p� 1 over to London, let's s asd the •
or unit• naareat office. Halifax. Rouyn
week o14 Pu22eta 45c each, 6 week ol•, PAtetA ItlPIC_AL 1 \ATRfHEtirg .a
Wlnnlpn. Toromo, - - s a ,' Motley to solid the pCGp1C Of those
_ i0c curl., rRED A BODDINOTON nn. a, sins. rs -
BREEDER HATCHERY itt *etetAn6 PTP,t�C9-- 1'olin, 81•ci (wound) classes music in.v +ir,••:m TtT rfiurch hard- dressed Islands something -
- Bet fU) 60c, (Wl 81 25. (X' It.al. Pre Thrown 2 - tl "hy'• for that matter. Stu +aid 1.
OF 5000 famlonAl Bet cxy 3250, Hawat,mn Guitar -. - -.- ? they coulJ nst'to hotter advarnage. 0,
Silver P wound 6 strings 75a Hawalirn Cut. UFFEI Tti l%Vz,%ToXS they. Off a racing strip the Thor-
73reeders. A11 doubt* btbod tested. banded Ana Almost anything would do. •
-- eulted for body, typo and rtrgza item*. Hauhed tat`"- BrDilss wound t strings I1 is Spanish- AN OFFER to ever? invenln* ^List of Inv4ro tiitehhretl i5' just aboilt the n1n5t Iitie•
.Hader Id*ot condRions. "Best Chicks .•e ever Silver P wound t strings e0 Brtynrr t Lion* and full information sent free The ' lCss form of animal life .yottll run It
Pullets art laying swell, cockerelA goad strings 31 g0. Mandolin Set it 60:, Banjo Ramsay t a . R•rrutrred Patent Att ,rnes's •
rzs,'" from Lincoln Luedke. Eden [:rove, Bit 11.16: t7kelele Sat .60c Postage DafA. I79 Bank Street. Ottawa 8eT04<. regtttTing as ntllch care and -, _
Ong "Never bad such good luck with Put- Fu11y guaranteed. Bend Money. Order to J - attention
times Out a CPd batty and -' .
_.__lets" resorts Ernest O, Bunllardt. Hnwkr
AEOLIAN. Box 1'11. Statton 'D-• West Tor- OI'PIiRTC`t1T1E9 rl1R /T(3f11- _ .
ainetilk as a }•car -a
Alan*, Ont Order from this ad, or xand for onto. Ontario BE A HAIDRESSER e- Ttitho(1t as w
. Price List and Catalorua and full parlieniars. MODERN GUN SHOP . JOiN C'a \ADA'9 LEADI%G RrHoos. much sense. A''�1greater amownt of ,
To receive these prices enclose this ad. wtth -Great OpPPrinDit7 L*srn downright driveL both prose at,d - - _
your order, , . BOUGHT AND . F-U � GRID HatWressms o •w0
BOUGHT. BOLD. ER(HAV(.F.D p {rlrsaant dlgnlAW orofess,on. food 'wales poetry has probably 1,CetT weittt•n r. •" tl! CIGARETTE '
Lakeview poultry Farm EXPERT REPAIRS fthm,sant successful ul liarvet graduates regarding L17C 110fSC than on ai:Y 7 �V - '
. Writs Bras.. Exeter. Ontario. FREE hats available upon ronuPSt 1,IG >••o PAPERS
America's gr -stest sysrerlt Illustrated cats a _
COCX]rRP.L•a -non- sexed - bullets.. in some a0" DANFORTH Are,. TORONTO._ ' incur fret write er CaII - stlhiect with 'the possilsle excel4tion �,o o - -' _ :l�
, breeds. available for Immediate deliverr� NEW 900113 GOODYEAR - _ 6I hRt;EL HAIRDRESSING Of LO\e. Stripped Of all the I T- 0
Catch the broiler markets with these--mad SCHOOLS Ol7f and flossy t ert,ia a the t�r-
Fail egg markets wlth the pullers. Bray TIRES AND TUBES- 150,00 � 3411' Bloor St w , Tomato b '
Igatcherr, 130 John N.. Hamilton. Ont. For 9 cwt Army trucks, fully guaranteed. . ; Branthes 44 Kina -St . H■uriiive oughbred race-hOfse always has -, -- - - -
_ ?'THERE'S MORE money in Fall egos -- -order Large Rork other new Army tr%tt�pr tires. - A 74 Rideau Street, Ottawa - . -
cricks now. Order from TwerWic CltMk Full ]lass of retreaded tires Ftrest7�e bend _ 11CCn - is - and always dill 1. at r ,_,utl
H'ateherfes and reap big profits, from birds dsglirn, Dealers wanted. City T,re and - PlTEl7i5 bottom d 2M,1 f41; gatnbliilg. ,j* :'ss,,� ,.
• with ancestor* that. here made good In a Battery Co.'. 766 Queen west, Toronto 1•'ETHEnSTONAt'Crt f rornitany Patent 10 Mr" .0a . - , . - -
Ibis way Th.r are all !loon Gov- rnment OILS, Greases. Tires. lasecticldes. Electric Nonto l talent+t in 1600 14 on West 'r+"* 1)
Approved twllornm tested breeders. You get , fence Controllers- Rous* and Barn Paint, Toronto tkarklel of information era rrquPSt
.. only strong, healthy, husky Tarr rrowlns Roof Costiags, etc. , Dealers wanted Writ' 6.7!'.$x10 \AL - r fps �WQ t
chteks. 100% fir *' delivery guaranr.rd, we Wariro Grease A On Limited.' Toronto LIFE C8��
have the t-11,-wing pure breeds: Waite Leg- _ Ui.11•I a'it +sRiTEA- P.:ad•n ,. infor I +Sear �� 'CT
- horns. Black It +noreas. Aneonas. Brown Lea LIGHTING PLANTS ' and Stnr,vs norded, rite' • ]A& 001 t 1 y . - . •
fioreu. Barred Rtcln, White, RrukP. New "CYCT.CrHD7" Li¢hnng rinnts -100 to 2e00 i nt• «rx•tl T a<} n fYaxlwliona ]lot a schnnli• AMR 409 ,� i 9�
Hampahlres, Rhode Island Reds. Wblie WY. watts. A.C. or 9)'C, AlhAne. F,3ertrlc Works Phnani *, \manna .. .-
andottea. Light Kwarx. DI•ck AvmtrA'Lnrp*. Limited. SOSt Beaver Hall Hill. StantrenT nr I.ONF:SU \t F., loin x �M'ety wfi5rh utv *male . ,i C1 arNfO a t SLUE COVER .,
Jrrrey Whlte Giants and 12- hYbrld ern ,es nearest , office -- Halifax, Itourn, : Toroonto, trop. t•hristimn pr,nrtples Somewhere P S
'to ehaow from" and the prices sell rat;ht. Nftnn'Dts � tuture e•Avetheat.s reeks anus ACQuainim"@ Aeaamd 40 sat ot•ap lessens• lint, ell. �MAOEIN FRANC£ rURE WHITE r • ,i
Don't did-Y, _ Get our catalo¢us r;,rht away I I.nodiA Mglr rarm, meut.m, rntormAt nn tree 'lrietea has taa�hl W to do Ott wank anti, 6" OQ sal0 ill
PAINT UP NOW . elli-L The years mad, shodd 7wd the Canada fry. t3urntno '
and- order Pr -omMly for a grind curly xcart, � _ ' rxngd�an F- r,enAPh�p rtx•�rty. Rn■ 1 f',' Our , ,
RoViced Trlees for May and Juno. almn Ptart+ Save time, I.-I .•ask an,l runny to paintinc ham, Opt '
ed chicks and older pullets eight weeks to your own huudmats wash * now Weber- ''a'nt AITROU C.\ - A tree tots, (leading HrIvrut Vested ireetss. They can, tiff used w gOis]asetlt _ ,
laying. TweAdle ( -]rick Hatcher Limited. SprsyM, I'nil. rom0oift_Srom 027 +A loam Adv,r• mnn ¢n .inrr- fund P :rth date 6`1114 ha(�inrsi 1tlr� CNI. 300. r( tr* scold fiM �OU:310 40011
motor an W 9.00 0a, Th. earn. compreb.or Ope THE PS I C" , tcilii ey sad bladder �awders saA as Back- A WOM46KC 'F;
Fergus, Oritmrt a. etamt'ed Ad,I%ST t rr,v.. •
may lx 'uxrd ins pllmp4t¢ nP CAC, truck and' ct'r('RSfi 1`;NTITt Ti: tit 4, s ": FM «•mt• ielre, Headache, Rheumatic Pain, lassitude, .. 100 L4FavttN .. ,
SUSSEX X HAMPS FOR impt -menr t,"P. R,,,I.tina, lornmr.nd bt-i k1temi Tnrnnl0 �ss(y andEaer vrhiehseahensttaci ' ' % Just arriyMa -1'r Ti r J••l,nso+ iron Hors, � ---
SUCCESS rian Fetes •P yfotnrx, sna va•ryrlr.' 1'114IT41(:R 11.11- those around 40. For aver half a eetttvT ( • � EASY ROLLANG use a y
U k'(, dellvolli. tnax Your Order. t0dne Pt tb@ Brolly rievp +Srli - linnet rmmns Wee,- lwrrkinc - l DM's Kidney Pills have hem he*g seen , . /1 C� . -- - ':
.following Driers. ('neez.d Chicks IiC nA per yfarhlnrr• sad tem.lr of rrrra• ArP. -i i,plinn FILMS DEVELOPED Z I G - Z' A G L J - '
76e Putlecg $a Dot Cent Ie: t,rhnin s Write nn r .let. vnnr r_ �,e t.�n t0 keep kidneys armd bladder is
curt l'nntld, .Jc -Roll-. far arder, If CIGARETTE ROLLER
'Tisrlrpa ussrxW. $1:00 Mr Ina: Pvtl- tP.2*o MILGROM ELECTRIC LIMITED. - , -, _ y� are nearing 40, K post it, - '7 -
Toz to Puilorum -Tested Grav'r arpmvel _ _l�epflnt ac. Each the sake of your health and a happier
• stock $1 on rnwn, hmtmnCo no A,r „very. . 79 King Street, West. . _. " SPECIAL � use Dodd's Kidney Pills today! 125 ISSUE 2l 1947 - ' r�
18ANNTr'8 CHICK IIATCHrRV 1HAMILTON, Ontario. , . . - -
Nox :SS, LrlmlrA. Oast - _z ('cmC7 tnalina inn,.,n lug I: ?airy guar _.._;__ _ .
PFT: \i. \Vi:VT Paxnirr Itl�x. Il^- On per Arri enl.• J _ Its 9r ;" woh Iem1Mr rnnuid.., ,:u:y .- ..
9c HURONDALE CHICKS 11e r , ing: rape sit 4 :. rh,l.prd P „rlpftA - ...- .
311 u0 f a'• arms nr morn dri vrrr1' inn• - _
Sussex !( N•a• HAmP* Rnck \ finmpP„ tyPH to mull t\• F a, I,tn- n -
,ronr xo0 and climale \+'her I '
tiarred Rucks, few FiompP„ r,',rk x I,.a• arderinc Plate Pnil lyne, drntnna- anA 1. Wily COMET PHOTO SERVICE - - _
horns, Sussex X Le¢:u,r x. New flacon x Slittavtlte Fend "I"re, SrinPv;ll.e. Ont. I flr,x it l "Was nt:tt.r.r 1, '1 , ..t �, ." -- t - - -- ----
'Lesbrna and tore Lechorns 71r, T'nn Bu■ PI „\NT N(1R • I•r,.mier Sn•atrhrrry hloPtm, 1 `-- SATISFIED�CUSTON'ERS- ` 4
• sex 12c. AsPnrtW aLieed rfilekP ?r. .Lune hcmil ^y rrou x: an handrrd; xl, en I ... •. a I _
HURONDAI E PULLETS 19c rhaimnnd, nrrpq'd. Sc:ly' & Flbm, �tamrnrd t all a4rr 1'anada ,`t, _ . , , 1.
rMtre. tin,._ _ _ i RECOMM ND STAR SERVICE r 4 f r .. ,
All heavy breed Milels lac, after ,lone gal POTATO •GROWERS Y.•u ce: r.nrl "mnnt•a" anti i.t..... r•t m ,e • - - r - '.;i
17c. Medium Breeds and Ln¢hortim :1r. As. •., i,nm L,c. •efts her P asd .. - - � _ - _ "--'
iwrted putle•.a 1 "c 'Heavy Breed ru,korets- .fr. w , • - - . - - -� -
he xn re in mre the; New } {nll:md Pal nip. rilrr• A \1 !mi %1? R113.L �' ,
3000 DRF,EDERS vaxtrr. Dies and bars your rrnp on one ' •• . K' , ,,' .,ar.ww. x ;` - . • , . _ -
All doubt* Wa,dtnted. banded an,1 rull'•r1 by machine, Ivan Slartin, St. Jarnhs. tint - IDE1 F:1,41I'F.0 vmnd 1'RINT611 gar - .. - a, - _ .- -
inspectors. Wrked by high pedt¢rom rnunda• imniedistr • d,llv,ry. .ttrn•rnlP lrnlr vnur nrgniivra 4c M • .-
I'OI'i,TTrY Pwitrhea: t _ t .
(1cm stock, Many customers report wondor• rtenerni Time nerorAcrP, D6 Church St _,muunird enlar:onienlx 4 x r," ::,r l"n - 4 :IL_-•. -,_..:
fu! success. "Ueat. Chicks I Ever (Tart." Tmnnin, Inrarn rou fram,•A \ A" tn. Gold uuvrr - -
STARTED CHICKS AND -SAVE YOUR LEAKY ROCIF! � tt'al " "' nr Rla,k t'ramr• '4c, " ni,n,r. - -- . -- -- -- - - '
rolorr;t' 9Jr 1•'i tP and vnia,c,n„ nt> - may . .r
PULLETS old leak. rn,tm made I -ke new P,- -n twilit mad- from Pr:nt- W rf•st hew „
, licluld sshcxtna F.lasuk Ron' Fnie. t:asy 11, 1►rpt, sl �� _ 1.
-S W7dF.SSi TO a n'EFIa a.n. s, a• Fp,l l „r..rmarch STAR SNAPSHOT SSRVlCE ` '
apply, Saves yen„ mone- .�':,
'1 weeks add 4c• 3 weeks add Inc, 4 q•erkm free, Domhtinn rrmrni Paint rnrin,iny', ' �� ,. `t s
add 15c, 6 weeks add :+ter 4 weeks nLt nnT 'Dept. F. 4G4 I:�ng R'rat. Toronto. 'nor & <ih �\ I':9 1.087 111'1'1('x; A, T /IRt ► \TU- •; - ,
seta 50c. IDAI} live delivery ¢vnrnntrrri r, _---'-' - -�, , : _ --
::� F, .' .
yMr _ 1_1113'\ ^k. "" r'y4Z%'.. ,
Il 00 per 100 dePdsil on dap shim. tor: (RAHANI LLT:I.L nn t•mert eh.,tc�T%A 1,-,,in:,rm " "`'' 1
on start•M riders. Order from and ENCLOSE STORE EQUIPMENT ..s4� ;:., Q ► I l
this asd, . Trad- ri -iii, . -n,r•tl;pc menus, n»•nr °k1l,erm, x•anud Cnlle,inrm in jwn Net% Xeriltnd .. .
electric meat rhr•ppri e. ,tr. lt,rkcl Vrc,ducti• F,arhancr Club world lsidr ry i.r.ndrrtP _., - 't`' ` - -� • / y `•JR `
HEAVY AND MEDIUM Co. Limited. 2199 Rl »nr W.. Toronto. $I an year rirmbrrrh;p A e 't\;r.urirl.t: e4 ' g'::::,;.�. • '.
�,, .,
COCKEREL5 tiles Rnad. TPrr•nln N -'
At'('I' \iCL.\TIi,N nr cl;.rni,y r•nllrrlyd over' lt. ,.,::.:, -.,1 ._ .
61eat tybe New Hamra sc, all whir hoary' tee a" -oversincked at the nresent M fond yenrs Corm,lpie r•nthrl -nn ror sale ir. high• "� ?fi'"� ` .- '
w _• a`'^ �1 ;,,,,,-r `,•, v:_ i K'e usrn trnnn -in tire* t¢uAranieeo to De in ex r•at bidder. R,.s 7:4, Clorocolte T -0, Tor,tmo . '~•:;'::'' li
X Leghorn Sussex X Lethornf .i'cc. Day old crilent shape) 14. :,-'� �,. - �� , , -
cox only 600 X l6 - $5.00 41 - ;�' .+ �� -
Hurondale Chick Hatchery . _ TE;1('H1SR. n'.tv1'O t;',.,.,,r
AI OrdriP rhl OPed C,O D SPeclni equipment I Traci rrP
a FT UP. OL'Al,1FI ETr 1'u 1,1 �r �rnrx, > " "�`�`��'
1.0\1)0\, ONT, fur vuleanixintc Truck and Farm Trarinr .; _.^�'� ,. .
Tiers. Br.AC01 TIRF,' ttorner Queen And-
for Schram Arem No yfnnien¢'e vast] r� -
-CATCH Cr nn the season with qnn,.• nt rum Hcrec•hri SnVary $1'.00 Per year. Dulles to - '?k, I ' t 1.
Bork Ste . Hamilton. Mil. For constant Smoking Pleasure "
well started two or three week old pulletm, rommrn,r SeMrmbrr :act :\Duly PlAiinr:
,ockervlA'air non -mexed chicks, +C.• ONT. \RTri'S ItIfrST MODERN qusiiiirniionm io F,AtI ti{naclm+•, Fcc Trras '.'
hav- the FQI'i PI'F.D T1I'F SHOP ``'
following for Immediate de1R•,ry; Tiarrril yTueclnw, n»t.
DemlerP R'AniW a� ,.. --
• Rorke, New HamnahtreP, Rhilr Ruck•. T1ArmA YltctTF.,T. \NT r.rnuol teacher fr.r 5 F. Nn, L "•�rsPr i� !�•i
TYPFWRITFR9 Ptnndnrci and wwlable. -re. , dale - school 4 mllr•s from k,
Rock :\ New Hampshire; Licht tuPaet \ 1'Armnut h, n, -rn-
built• ¢varanteed A -1 condilinn. tCritr
rarrM Rncka, Nrw FTampxhlre `� BnrrcH St, Thomas. Pubis to mtanI ry e _, ed in
Canitnl Supply 214 Bank St . Clttnwa, r mt t .
, Rock. New Hampahlre X Light Sussex Light civinS rlual; tica,lnnm nnA Pnlary exam rrl to - a •;, -
Sussex X \eve Hampahires, You will save 6 VOLT WINDCHARGERS nre. Thchnn 11,11eshcim, _4 Isabel Siegel• a �� N .
time. ur Ann 1`(- f with these w,ll started St. Thnnins, Ont. �a�ia
complete with tower - 34.:.00. .Vlianc- ,,z`.. 1, _.,...,,. °
rh - -nr1 for special priceltet, , \ion older Electric. 10A1 Braver Linn Hill. Montreal. nr ";;
Dv a eight weeks to ]Hying. Tweddle Chick tf.1 \TFit . ..� � . write nrarnet office - Halifax, Rouyn. Tot-- .r '�
H Aeries Limited, FCrgu�. Ontnrin. H.tRDR':\P, t: Bl'SINI:�F wanted lase cosh. c. " d I I . nnt0, tVingltrr town or villare. Qnx U5, Rootm ♦21. 73 . :xn: • ° .- -
READY MADE CAPONS FARNUP FOR SALE Adpla:de .It , Toronto. . - .
_It Days t" raise Capons. The Price of CApnnq TYPi:Wt 1TF,;tS nnntrtl.' state make and Cigarette Tobacco
400 AC.ItE6. 140 tillable clay lnnm, 20 nag -
1s alrproximateh• 5c !b, higher than the Price model write S "7 - nesserer St„ Ottawa. Ont. -
lure. fialnnce food maple bush. Cnnd fifa WANTF,D -All kinds of drvssM Poultry. Tor
of cockerels.• We caitonlse the cockerels at - t'' • %' n' - .(
3 weeks and send the ready made Cairans house, Nydro expected. telephone, Installed. ,�.1. „�6*.::,. •, . . •
Born 4C x 60. Stable equipped, writer fit*. prices for top hills Joseph .ronber Limited.
out at 6 whits. no fuss, no trouble, Rend Poultry Dart . 20,4 Danforth Are.. Torontr ,r ncr•' _, ... '�', r
(liter carrier, milking machine, Large stock. 9'n• , „ .�; ?`.
for Price List and full nartleularo. PrOmpt I (WP dr• rusto n Rradingi ." l ; •'s, l '- - -'
A�Hrery ft rov act full Pa Goad machinery and tractor. Sehoot art prn- .t, i? ,. , >a:•L, ;,}! -ryil '` s_' 11
verty. 6 miles from highway. ReaAs vlowM. HOl'SE TItAl1,x:R nn rubber, Sic 1° or 14 w1, Y . 11 Lakeview Poultry Farm Bell with or without stock And Implements, fool. 1n Rood rondUlon. _ Cordon Ruttan. �' - -
!16'ela Bros.. Exeter,, Ontario, J. B. Van Mlerlo. R. It. 2, Powassan, Ont. Btmlter pti, On t. , :'.:•r ,'' " ' '
. � .. I i i _ 4.-
. t. � - _ , ..__ .
J . . I/ -
',MG' :. `s ±. - - . _• ^ _- i __(f .__ ... ._ .. ., J. ;f` .,�_a��p.l, a� - _'s.-- ^p" .,°+a :."�, - .�.,�, w� - �-°�i evil. -
"W.4_ . a s/; • +::'' cs a .'s "
BROCK =F' • K."Jh` a - d•� - - , . - , - •/• `:_cam
e tog, 6-tor, e
Immediate delivery can be made of ,
THEATRE - _ the following items: �� INSURAN(M
Special Bargains for Asphalt Shingles REAL ,ATE
- Roll Roofing In All Grades
SEERSUCKER PYJAMAS, 2 to 6 yeah, $1.68 Roll Bric Siding CONVWYANCING
�7CT23IT8Y Asphalt Roof Coating An yid eskablisited any, ewy
' - H�althiull,� Af�eeeiit ;ane�i - ' PRETTY PRINT PYJAMAS, 2 to 6 yearn, #1.75 • , • .
Aluminum - Corner Bead, Ridge t+ ass's&
Bi3RSDAY, FRL, UTURHAY ALPINE JUMPERS, 3 to 6 yew, $2.89 Cap and Vallley Dhow Piekerias b
MAY 22, 28 and 24 PRINT DRESSES with Pretty ' Colourbd smocking, sizes 1 to 3, �. Chimney Flue Lining
Shows - 7 and ! P. DL Dry -flue Chimney Tops
Regular $2.75, for .$2.18 Sand and Lime Brick, Face Brick
y Matinee at 140 P. M. RAYON DRESSES, same trim sizes. Y to 3, M.
'�` • � � ' � R
'., Concrete Blocks
Sister Kenny Patel Shades, Pink and; Blue, Reg. $3.25, for $2.85 Insulation - Bat$ and Loose Irwttrance Of All Kinds
Cedar Posts and Poles
Rosaland Russel Alexander Knox Insurance Adviser
Ladie$ --+we have . W. MITCHELL :. o
• with Dean Jagger' e a lovely assortment Address � �' Phone
of Ladies' Spring House Dresses; Phones 74 and 114 Brougham, Out.` ' _. Pick, 5 R 22
And, Don't forget -- It'$ Wallpaper
MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDN'SDY Time --Just come in and take plenty OUR TRUCKS PASS YOUR WAY
f of time to look them over. EVERY DAY
MAY 26, 27 and 28. Thousands of Rolls right in Stock.
Last Complete Shone At 8.20 KEN AND CLARK E
..:.The• Spider • . � •- . AUCTIONEERS
Conte on In -You Il enjoy VETERINARY SURGEON Licensed and Authorized for the J
Richard Conte and Faye Marlowe » PICKERING - PHONE - 150 Counties of Ontario and York„
Plus An Added Attraction Shrapping at 4'THE blG STORE'.' , Farm Stock, Implements House.
hold Fur.'titure Real. Estate
Blondie knows best", • M.• S. CHA PMAN and SON CY �'� L E. o R LEY sales our Specialty at Reasonable
Rates. Dual Service, for the I
y I N S U R A N C E I A N D Price of One.
Penn Singleton A. Lake L Simms
Milliken P. O, phone, Agin.
- REAL ESTATE Markham P. O..Phone Mark. 2066
-+ Prentices have been established
M- AY 29. 30 and 31 -- . - - -- _ -- auctioneers since 1890.
Smoky ___� 4
'I E'S -...
.(In Technicolor ► _ FU RIti ITURE DEALER Fred MaaXIM- ay Anne Baxtez Piie ke
ring 'Hardware , ,�arrietar 3alidtor Notary P,rblSe
-- - -- �- - -- - - Prizate Ambulance Service i Suit* 611 - Continental Life Blab
HARD WA AF Day ar :�rigl�t 871. Bay St. Toronto
Wm. McEachnie, Prop.
and 7. ' Year Satisfaction My Guaraates
Saturday, May al-household-furn-
iture, _ p Phone -Pick 3
antique articles, electric eq- ( i j P [ S -
uipment, dishes, glassware etc., in - `�` - -- - the Village of Claremont, north, just Pickering. Ont. PAINTER & DECORATOR
opposite the rallwray station, the
Box 86
property of airs. John W. Gregg: No J. S. BALSDON -_= DICKERING EE
reserve. Sale at L00. John Scott and DICKERING ONTARIO E
Ralph Faulkner, clerks; A. S. Far- W.M. M A W
rner, auctioneer. Ma LICENSED AUCTIONEER and J. I. (Hud) STEWART, B. A.
y : Quality Meats.
- - - - _ Barris
...:- _- 1 Conducted , o
BOKAR JERSEYS _... - -- =
VALUATOR 'ter, Solicit ar N Notary
_ Sales ron u ed Anywhere • �- '.r•'
DISPERSAL SALE ' Fish in Season. _ Phone or Write
- WEDNESDAY, MAY 28. 1947 _ 614 Dundas St. East. Whitby, Ont, Greenwood Road
1230 p, m., sharp ',Fruits & Vegetables 'Phone - Pickering I? R 13`
ZONAR FAI1.11, NO. 2 HIGHWAY =- ___ -- _
3 miles eas. of Pickering We will Sell our c•.ws end bred he'- :: SILK'S MARKET J. D
hers, retaining only our calves and - onevan
open heifers. ;Phone Pickwirkg 28 i
The her;l i> fultv accredited for
TB. All a ^ln,nia except a old cows - - - __ _. __ Permanent 'ilagging Paia - B. A., B. Sc:
are Bang I 'act•inated RANI~ ORTH BUS LINES LTD = thu mss thu 'rem tarfa iau►d Surveyor
.. As thcre k an „pen market for • ]xr and 365 King Street, East, Oshawa, Oaie. .
Nerves. It -may be Your Eyes, --
Jercy milk, 1- -ere i;; an opportuaity +
to bcy high- :�stinQ
cows at your hsily Service'
- - ! - -_
own price. _ - - C. H. TUCK OPT..D ' . i _ .
- Daily ex. Sun. d. Dail, ex. Sat. Sun R'illgug!iby Farm Agency
Bob and :Andres von Fi:ic y Disney Block. Opp P. C j _
Sun; & Hol, lib Sun. ,. & Hol. only HeL liead Oi f ce -- 'fc r,,ato
wA 70ale. under c'c'_.er•- Lunch.avai,ab'•e) : ^
Ma" nTaoremo-tt ..1� ' ga? r12. �5 - _ 5.45 8.00•+ _ _ -156 Yonge 3t, ADvii05
11 _3 2 1 - OSHA1'i'A
_ •g 7 &57 8.1.. _ "Lar�pst and Oldest i
j Green Giver 7.35 8.35 .12. 35 4.0•i 8.20 t Phone 16:6. Canada - iatahlished Forty
E`�c'#� e I :Locust Hill 7.3'3 8.3x3 12. ;8 4.08' 8.°3 Year
' :Malvern 8.05 9.03 1. 45 4.35 8.50 ,�+ r_o:vsut our. ACTIvr- CI r DEPT:.
1 Return Leave. A•11. A.M. ..'P. M. • -_: P.11. P._i, _ Sellers* & A; kinson �. FO ri TNaT HC�nE IN THE�ITY ,
iy, t' G rre: , Jcan Fle'm- ,
img, I: et; : ;•' -. �:rl, .�� ;•r.::a ., iu.i c- Tom,nto 9.15 10,00 5. :5 - 2.00 ,'9.45 . .
Phone AY'i _ n• 2U,NI St,lnff. 290
ton.' _, ra'• ,1• t; •; ia_ a l' ,'usiin lies - • Daylight Saving Time Pa: cel 1•;epress Grover 5650, Oxford 1388 '
ca' Ea a: • ..e„'. ine co. ;was ever t!;e . lCeli�L°� _ .G(j 'C�i F. Q � 'al�� ,
,.', :_ C.L.U. wee
Who, .,:,, ... lZindall was using a - - - - - - - - - .» «..:,.. «:,. «.- ««.....•. -«..« i•S C
• L L
lit nd ,:•; i;, carpen er shop at - Auctionee • DISTRICT 'MANAGER
-A�a ,, the. -sa :` ^lipped on a kno± in :F ICKE :ING MEAT MARKET' = .25 Year's Experience
-toe wood,: causing 'a new cut on his Sales conducted anywhere. 1 UPIR j LIFE '
.\ ;'- to the plant hasp - -- FRANK R. SDIITH - Specializing in Fanr. Stock: -, Insurance. Company
xtal• found is necessary to tree a few - -- :hrrrniture and .Property Sales -
" ^mns ar.l s: itches to clo =e the All Sales personally listed and
Quality � First - Service Our Aim _ 1 Representatives _
wound. 1►dcertised. Bill: prepareed and ;
+, F:. To.: htn
and Mss. G. Eam- - "w$ BUY THE. REST -- Y0�1 MAIkE THE TEST" posted. Ross D. ;Munro
;. -,; ,,: �d a' oppi:tg trlp�to Tor- '
Phone Pkkerinrr 30 Prom''
t � erviee Tom Puckrin
onto last weeek. T1iurN Keane, 'Oshawa
Miss Eaton and a music group Ralph Gulliver, Oshawa
from Toronto entertained the ladiPS �. _ Reasonable Rates
of ? e 'lip urn Cirr'� o` -,h,, Bap ist PRONE 290 STOUFFVI.ILE Tel--phone, $22 Whitby, Ont. _
Church at the- hmaA of tire. Horn- • -_
w for the regular meeting_ _�t r W arner, -- --- -�� .
► Several ladies; �rorn the vale v:e7 - -lad id _
to Brougham to help the ladies e .' � OMRIE
_:'the Women's Tnstitute pack the �'}�
clothing and canned goods for the • •'e' �4s
and :Record Change LIMITED
..$ritish Relief Cr.mpaign.
A midnigh urauder has been TELEPHONES -'Howard 1117, and Scarboro 936
Tifting new lumber rom a hovae. in el"
course of erection in the vale. A re- Scarboro. -Junction
M b�natIon
► turn 'visit will not be appreciated.
' Mr, and Mrs. Johnson, of Toronto,
spent a few days with the G. Van " In Stock
► Blaricom family. 'D U N B A R TO N •
i Mies B. Robinson, of Winnipeg, For Immediate Delivery °
'has been •spending a vacation witli RADIO SERVICE s ht. PAPER BACKED iNStIT.AT ION WOOD
�r uncle, N. K. Robinson and fan=
►. Authorized dealer:- - A. H. RATTEW .210 lb. A sphalt Shingles ;
Mrs. R Johnson and Mrs. N, Burk
enjoyed a trip to Toronto to cele- Orden 'taken at Above Addrless or at Puckering Jewelteryi Wide Variety of Cototm RDoBni' Nail With
orate their birthday, which fell on
fire same day. Terms: 10 p. c. down 1 to 2 yrs. to pay►inrle orders Oar '
Small .Stewart-Warners Coming Soon ' " � •
.. All grades of B. C. Cedar Shingle ,