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VOL. 66 No. 23 PIOKERING, ONT. FRIDAY, JA\'L'ARY 31, 19474 i4e%� Authorized as Second Vass Matter
�h $2.00 year; U. S. �p - W. C. Xurkar and_8vn, Put�hers - Post Ofhce Department, Ottawa },
_— _ —_ .
.'M. �Biacl�we�
l Ippointed : Assistant Assessor • .® r: �'t. James . � r & Trua nt ��Off�cer as San�tar Inspecto' �W. 3. •Loos � _
James X. Blackyvell of the Alton$ Arinual fleeting Disappointing To Firing Rifles Within This Neighbor- .lids, Cunningham, Scotland Visits Pickering Village
Road, has received the appointment 1 Dizeebors - Public Library hood Forbidden Her Suer, bars. S. Caf�t Here
of Assistant Assessor at a salary of .i 1
41500 per yam, Plus car mileage ands Congratulations to Mr. Henry Shea
I On the evening of January 27, the Although it has long been illegal, : Mrs. John Cunningham, . North ' in celebrating his 70th birthday, on
has already commenced his duties. j lack of interest that Piclterin cat= rry, Fife, .Scotland, stepped
Wilfred Mooney, of Pickering, has I g to fire a rifle around this neighbor- . Queensfe Wednesday, Ja wary 22. at his house
tzens take in their public affairs was hood, it still goes on, and there have from the train at Toronto, with her here,
been added as an extra assistant un- again exemplified. The Lib Ann- been incide:its when serious injury or daughter Theresa and son Philip, on fir• Shea has been in poor ,
W July of this year. *Mr. Blackwell � �' health during the winter.
anted Prom oat Meeting was held with barely 'worse has been missed by pure good Thursday last, and almost collapsed Miss Louella Maxwell, of Toronto
�d II%r, Moasyey were,appo enough people present to carry for- ! fortune. Young lads appear to be the from sheer joy; The reception she re- spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. a
several tenders for the position, after ward necessary siness. M Miles
hours of careful consideration being ! �' r• ,chief offenders, and this week it is ceived from her numerous relatives E. Morley and family, .
C�tapman was elected, to the chair. reported to by the operator of a onto frieaas inctu id a'- g Tiei sister, Mrs. The friends of Bar. and Mrs. Nor -
given each. The Librarian's report showed that gasoline service station on the high- Stephen Caffik and family of Picket- man Nicholson, Morse, Sask. (Bertha
Dr, P. W. I,00a, of Pickering, Yet- an increased number of b&-4s were
ertnsry Surgeon, has received the a way, near the village, of his attend- ins, and her son-in-law and daughter Baker, .formerly of Pickering) will
appointment of Sanitary Inspector purchased in the last year. Generous I ink his pumps, -servicing a car, when Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Madill of this be pleased to, hear their daughter,
and Truant Officer Sni the Township. donations from a bridge club, the j something "plunked" into the metal district, terminated an absence Of Lois, has entered Moosejaw Hospital
1l'omen'ss Institute and the C. G. I. pip- housing. Stooping down he ten years. The climax was a party of to train for a nurse,
to Pickering. There were only Two together with the response to the picked np a flattened 22 bullet. It welcome in the true Scottish tradit- w
tenders for this position. Library Collection is May, had made ;had just missed his head. Naturally hours of careful consitieratios being
School Be," yvd the High School 11 this possible. The Library Grants are ; he feels like issuing a stern warn'- of the mA*ninP fl+ +too raer +- x A : f'.;AL nr; Mri
Area In Fklr+ering go2„+rirignr 1 ir,g to someone. The years prior to their boarding PICKE.RING TOWNSHIP
of the 4,ial5tv which we now t�'�-e_kquRARi*-P 'zrc largely war years BUARD OF HEALTH
A 7gsr ago Inspector Archibald ; and these additional donations are a { forbid the carrying of a rifle with- . Which in North Queensferry Wert i
presented to- the County Council a I great benefit to the town. Apprecia- out the proper license; and even with marked by almost constant bombing. A meeting of Pickering Township
brief which contained an intimation j tion was expressed for this assistan- a license cannot be discharged with But, to Mrs. Cunningham, it mea.it, ' Board of Health was held on Jan. 4.
of the desire of the Dept. of Educa- ce. The Library Board of last year in 104 yards of an occupied dwelling far more than this,' for one of her 24th, in the Council Chambers. Mr.
%ion to do something resembling the ! was re- elected. Ed.) sons, Thomas, lost his life in action. D. B. Annis, Reeve, was Chairmaa i
consolidation of Hi School areas, A meeting of the Library Board It meant too, playing hostess to her ' and the Medical Officer of health, Dr. _ 4
High 4
by creating such areas in each coon- ' flsillowed the public. meeting. Mr. M. t George Pugh Canadian in -laws and nephews in un- Tomlinson, and the Public Health
t and having all pupils attend the S. Chapman was elected chairman i (Whitevale Correspondent) iform on a. great many occasions. Nurse, Mrs. Rhoten, presented re- �
y' 1 f North- Queensferry was the scene (continued on page four)
one school � that area, taus doing for the year. , -
away with our Continuation St:hool%. i Funeral Services For lYell- ltaosn I There passed asvay in the village of the first air raid of the tear. At
Although nothing definite has been of Stouliviile, a former Whitev%je that time, when enemy planes were _
Resident of Rouge Hills citizen. or rather a citizen of the doe n over and under the Firth of W'ifliain Fowler Removed To Hoap-
aiinounced as yet, it is believed a ; . _ gi S
age Circle drawn around the VlThithy I c i Whitevale vicinity, in the person of Forth Bridge, Philip and some of his ikal_ fotllowing Fall A ROM"
lin Funeral services were held on -•at- %rr_ %'' - ^-- A,ah *,,.,_n.,_.,,,� �.�i � wjw-1 chums were sittin on the - �"-' -'
high School and_in IL in9 Sroolr g
Brougham ,mod Pickering may be r°- arday last for a we l- )mown resident quite suddenly on Friday January 24, bank considering "if ,it were only . b1r, William Fowler was removed
commended. of Rouge Hills, in the person of Mrs. Before moving to Stouffville, Mr. _ real ", only to find out later just hotr.' to hospital early this seek• fcilo�virg
Such 'a plant will be of no little Jarnes Sutton who passed away at and Mrs Pugh lived on a farm south real it was. After the first raid, one � a fall in his home, f'!•acturiaa his hip,
her- home on Wednesday, following 1 and east of Whitevale, and their elderly lady assured Mrs. Cunning- i Bar, Fowler is in his 86th year.
concerti to the school sections named. a brief illnesi. She was is her 63rd -home was always one of open hoe
Consequently the by�ards of these P F- ham that "there won't be any more !
three schools met on Tuesday even- ! year' i%Wity for anyone• who - called there.. of that. Churchill has sent a letter - Peter Kai6or Given GouJ Reception'
Born in London. Er A, she came to s y to _ Hitler telling him not to send any On His. First Broadcast
ing. in the Council Chamber, and as ' i You rreaponde:tt remembers man
Canada in 19?i- She resided 3n Tor hap mes at the. Pugh -home. Mr. more over after 8,00 o'clock because '
a result are asking this County Com- !onto for a short time prior w ma - ( g the a Feter ICaiger, : -
mittee "What it's all about' and 1 , aria 9lrs. Pu h attended the White- p ple in this country can't g t ion of Mr. -brad It1r3.
in to the Rouge. t vale Baptist Church and were vitally their steep ", Enemy .planes flew con- Haery'kaiser, Pickering, hbd a large
why. } She and her husband were among I interested in all branches of that tiauously over the housetops. ; audie.ice of lis.e :.ers in Pickering
IncideiitatlF, tfic cress- township, the pioneers of the community off church and its work, as the were Mrs. Cunningham was surprised to for his broadcast on the Lynde-Bell
cracker-barrel type oti. discussion of i Woodlands. She was well' known and y' K '
a 1bw"nship Hi'� School is not less- in community welfare, for the Worn- • Mind so much food in Canada. On a program over .CKDO, Oshawa, ant!
liked in the district, and ill be en's limt1viie of Whitevale held, : shopping trip to Toronto with Mrs. C has been well received. ..although
eniTtB• missed by all who knew her. She was many a meeting there too;
Catik, she stated that she did not singing �xceptionslty wrll us. a bona- _
-In Appreciation' interested in the community affairs Upon in to Stouf 'ville. Mr. and o
P going � knoss• there was sa. ir4uch, toad in the tone, w- prefrr'ta hear Peter in his
and was .a member of the Anglican' Mrs. Donald Pugh, took over the farm world � strir :l; tenor m!:. • -
John Irvine wishes to express his Church t which has since been sold, and now
appreciation ,to the Rotary Club, of Surviving are; her husband, tx° t Donald lives near Bowmanville.'The PWerint; Cnitcd Church
Pickering fen their courtesy in per- sons: Thos, R. Jones and Herbert funeral was held on Monday from Women'.. :lii"ionary Soc.ety 1 . jblr• and )Iraq. G. D. lily Celebrate
gritting the tr-ce.of their rink on the Jones; four daughters: Evelyn (lKrs• the late residence to Whitevale Un- i Fiftie : -h \I'edduag .Lon »i3sxry
Prod of January to entertain the W. Mitchell ), Pircllia ('l4rs Chamb- ion Cemetery for interment. Besidrs -The regular nieeti:sg of the Wom- onda • lac; bar, and Sirs., G.- — _ young folk (all ages) to a skating ers), Dorothy Gars. A. Skidmore % en's hlissiYmary Society wall be held On Monday ,
r ' his son, %urvivinR are: a daughter, y D. Bly, Indian Road, •T +,runtn cele-
par•ty. (signed J. B. Irvine, Chief i and Margaret (?lfrs J. DunbaTl, The (Lily) Mrs. A It Smith. Oshawa, it the :tome of Mrs. Cyril More;:, on
Constable)• funeral service was conducted from i and his wife, the former Maud Wit- . Thursday afternoon, February 6th; b�readrthen lN'iftietit �� "edc).ng inn-
• • .." the chapel of McDougall and Broom, ,bur• o'clock_ All the ladies of the
at '� 30 In the evesine a nunib�r of their
(Rte cannot 'refrain front comment- 'With Rev. E. G; Robinson officiating. congregation -are cordially invited.
in an 'the attitude toward young Interment in Searboro Memorial _ This ear the Awriliar has be •n ' friends called to congra.ulate thent
g and all the -' D/�iVCI��� Y y on their happy occasion.
people by our Piciterina, ! . ' • - . . _ - FUN asked, by the Presbyterial to provido They have been summer residents
younger police officers of tr�day. More i a complete outfit for an older Indian picketing Vil)age fora number of
than ever betdore do try t0 1 L9Jiong nobition Rea � BROUGHAM, SAT., 1 ST. woman. If any- of the ladies of i11e '
friends of tine young (and old). Step+ l j•FVF!lYi30DY CUM ., I I congregation have anything which 'years. J
are eontin%Wly being taken by 'diem $n,ugha:»t.� event of interest j they consider suitable Sor this pur- { �`
to dem=eesste this fact. To then* = to Broughams people rues tt►e care - I WOODLANDS ORGAtiIZE t ke `�hu��l�ea
pone, their donation will be very acc-
t gone are the days of the "over
moray which took place pt Osfiswa eptable, i
lag flat -foot cop They have found Hospital on January 1C; When twertty, s Rouge Hill- --On Monday evening . A special - tree -trill offering will i ' °ieketing United Gharot
their work W be nsuch more.en`ective youz:�-nurses is training, having ; last, the me-•t gathered at the Wood- also be taken at this meeting to cov- Rev.' Hobt. C. Copeland, B. A. 1
and pleasant by )*Dicing upon other.$ completed their probation training,
r Ia..yes Community Hall, to organize er expenses for the articles which R�` ^ "tOr
as human beings even those who have s were receiving their caps l�mo:lg 1 tIr regular Monday night sessions. - will have to be purchased. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 19aT
Last wee games, darts. acid cribb- 1:
failed to behave thembeh-es. It is an I thetas ass Mrs. Mary Kmox, who, i 10.00 a, m. - Sunday School
were the order of the everting. Robb Burns And Rota g
in attitude -no ' i.
!agreeable ' change � having a life -long ambition trs be- I age Y Rotary 11.00 a. m. . Dlorni- Worship
longer must a child look upon a blue - j come a trained nurse, suss ha%-ing 1 'They elected a Committee of three U 7.00 p, m. - Evening Worship a,
coat as one to :feared -not so lot-19 that ambition fuMilled, having sur- •1 to plan future evenings, at which de- Principal of our Continuation Francis Willson, Brougham; winner
as a few simple, not - hard -to -obey I mounted every d {tliculty that seemed i bates, talks and other items of int- School, Mr. Anderson, the guest of i.-t recent Jr. Farmers' Oratory Con-
rules are observed. We have just had � a frustration, and she received words' I crest will take place. The Committ- ' Rotarian Chas. Sterritt, was speaker test will give the address, given on
a "tip" on something else our officers ( of commendation from Mrs. R. S. � ee includes: Messrs W. Thompaoa. at this week's dinner, using the fay- that occasion, at the evening serer '
have in mind for OUT y;oung� for the McLa hlin for her hi Brandin in ;Hart► McKee and R. Gulliver- Mr, J. ' ourite oa Barns' Night -Bobby
"$ g anted Chairman Choir practice at the home of, the
very near Suture. -F•d.) examinations; So, Brougham friends ' R• Martin was appointed Burns. Mr. Anderson is a very fine ra'toirleader, Friday night
rejoice in her success and offer best'` and Mr. Charles Skelton, Secretary speaker, a student of literature and
_BIRTHS wishes and congratulations. blrs,' i The movies this Saturday night quite familiar with Bobby Burns, Dunbartop United Chureb d
Malcolm and 'bar. and bits.• Ralph ; will have "Trade Winds" and a com- quoting ftrom memory during his ad- Rev. A. E. Holley, B. A., B. D. '
BELL Nfr. and Mrs. WiiIiam Bell Ministez
CrawfAord attended the function, edy for the children "The Milkanan ". dress many add verses, of Burns
,rte happy to announce the arrival of s l At the moment a Valentine Dance favourites. SUNDAY- FEBRUARY 2, 1947
a son, William Harry, on Monday, y, is being planned and the ladies; are In recognition of ,`Health Week" 9,45 - Sunday School
January 27, 1947, at Pickering Nur" Will you ple"e look at the label on : laying plans for a St. Patrick's Cel- Rotarian Dr. Cartwright• addressed 11.W Morning Worship
ing Home: '1 this issue -how's the date?.': , ebration, _ timely remarks to men over forty -
men with a lot of young ideas, but _._.Cepfennial United Cbuwb
- lacking the necessary 0 back it up. Highland Creek
Geo. Todd takes the .next meeting. Rev. A. E. Holley, B, A., B. D.
"W by Is it 1VekeaearY''t -N'b ue a1t� • •h3ver since the end of the war strikes have been Former Pick�rin 'Physician �i'sister
Spea}cing with a Trader, a few days a-*o, the ques- called all over the continent, demanding in practically g SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 194?
Critically IIt in Toronto 1.16 �- Sunday School
•� every instance, a wage increase commen9urate with Y
tivn was asked of the writer Why is it necessary • living costs. Now Labor I Leaders are saying they will 7.00 - Evening Worship
This was *flowing references to the lifting of price j 8 Dr, R. M. Bateman one -time Pick -
ceilings by the Wartime Prices and Trade Board (or 2+ave to start the same thing ayli over again, to keep erin h w 8 40 - Y. P. U.
with the i:icreaaed cost of living, which the man - 6" P physician, now . in advanced
the Federal Government). We will probably be termed = _' •tip years, is critically ill at his home in Presbyterian Chureb. Pki *bW
a Communist, a Socialist or a crank, by some, but "we ufacta g and producer says was necessary Pay Toronto. Older citizens here remem- Ken. D. MaralM
have the idea that we are not far' wrong when we ' the wage increases of the first strike and, -round ben and looked upon Dr. Bateman as ItiIIislre -
i answer-- gufficient pressure can, and is being brought t+nd 'round i't goes. Where is this thing going to stop the tamily ;physician. He Is well- SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 2, ly47
to bear on the admi tistrators sad controllers by the :..when are some people got ig to be satisfied with known throughout the township. -
a fair and reasonable profit --.as do we small fry- g p• Mrs. P. N. SpnH, 0etas%�
manufacturer and big interests to permit the increas- me o� `'self' with one s- 2.00 p. m. - Sunday Sdmmk
take it and like it. This ga
tog of selling prices. Some prosperous finan- 8.00 - Chnrrh Service
cial statements are being arrived at; aribeta'itial gainst the other did not end with the First Great War, V ALF.�iTI:�iE TEA'
todking profits are noted, which are divided in part nor the Second -nor will the Third -human nature is A Valentine Tea will be on Feb- St. GewiWs ;R'omenb GU94
amongst that or any company's shareholders. and one _ oast built that away. One thing certain, we are still ruary 14t,h under the auspices of the
e shareholder is to issue 'working on a decision on that matter, But, what is Presbyterian Ladies' Aid, in the The next meeting of St George's s
a in the Women's Guild will be held at the
sure Bray of encour g g basement of the church from 8.00 to men s
3realthy -sized dividend cheques the majority of those uteo de toward way other feil(>w r, of living. and our a
attitude toward the other fellow will undergo a trem- 5.00 p. m, home of 3�Irs. Hutchison, on Thum- y'
fa control are either directors of one or r.:nre of these Admission - 35 Ce-" day. February 6. '
"big interests" or shareholders is aaxne. a xious chair ge be.ore much can be hoped tor.
. K n O W YO A r
v O� I C E �O F
= Hockey Stars
_. _
" € 4
Want To Bet?
- Eating onions is one secret to
-A small town is one where you
- _ One dynamic youngster_ who
_ _
good health, says a doctor, What
can't find any place to do anything
should , be a great favorite with
c >µ ;
y y
(toes mean secret?
you shouldn't,
Toronto fans is Howie Meeker. 22-
— Timmins Press
Kiwanis .Magazine
year -old rookie
right, winger
"I Remember When
They don
y" "'~
Must Stay Neutral
Some countries which remained
Neighbors are people who come
` make em any
9 4
fi 17
neutral during the war have been
over when you are sick -and tell
m o r e spirited
than Howie
refused membership in the United
you how sick they used to be.
News !
the Howitzer"
a ' a
x sA r
Nations. Thus. the will have to
— Chatham
and his bid for
remain neutral during the peace.
an N.H L. con -
tract was one
of the most en-
Don't Be Hasty
Howie Meeker
Right Wing livening aspects'
-Appear hesitant and reluctant
Our Truss making experience ex.
of the Toronto
granting something that is
tends over 80 years. Place youreelf
team 'a training sessions at St. Cath -L.s
asked of you, lest the beneficiary
in our hands and enjoy the earn-
tort and security assures b the
azinea. The diminutive, chunky
' ". z.:..:, .:�
- v.&'.,.,q.ry�
will feel he should have asked for
most modern skilled methods o!'
mechanical assistance.
starboard winger, an amateur last
more and will be disappointed.
winter, was the only graduate of
- Kitchener Record
_ the hockey school conducted by the
Leafs before the regular training
She's getting a sold -in the head —they hope. -Mrs. Les] Adamson —
Plenty Around
campaign- gat underway.
her husband, David, were among 24 volunteers, who agreed to
risk taking colds to aid research
at Harv&d Hospital, Salisbury,
United States Senate, Washing-
. -England. Above, she receives nasal drops containing cold virus.
ton reports, is in need of 13 experts
-His story is a heart- warming one.
on railroads, weather forecasting,
Two years ago he lay -in a military
television and woodchucks. Shucks,
hospital in the north of England,
' ' ' •
Edison Missed Being A Canadian
there are that many around any
his legs gashed and pock- marked
village cracker barrel.
with shrapnel wounds, wondering
if he'd ever, hockey The
? • •
Because of Father s -Rebel Spirit
- Windsor Star
135 7622
play again.
pwwx Mew
young Canadian had been severely
wounded when a live grenade ex-
Thomas Alva 'Edison, world -fa-
ment from the United States.
Pays To Listen
• ploded at his feet dunng training
Tom's ancestral ties with Can-
When you talk you sa
Y y only
manoeuvres. The explosion hurled
day annive spry -will be observed
ada were to be au
augmented later
something you know: when you
-- 16;, may__.
internationally on Feb. 11, 1947,
when, as a south, he. worked in
listen, you learn what someone else
ed him for a four -month sojourn in
missed being Canaan VEY' be-
g y
Canada as a telegraph operator at
knows.. - $randon su n
the hospital:
cause his father chow to side with
the forces of William Lyon
Sarnia and at Stratford Junction.
- • *
Mackenzie in the ill -fated Papineau
First Black Eye
New Drive Set
rAT mug Wp
Howie still maintained his hopes
Rebellion and was forced to flee to
Some of,- Edison's most iLterest-
Now that somebody has said that
Regular aim 50
of someday becoming a pro hockey '
the United States for safety.
ing childhood experiences occurred
bacon is going to be in even shorter
"' a
star, despite the injury. After leav-
The inventors father Samuel
when he worked as a newsboy and
supply, store- haunting harpies can
t books. .Select cover size. 25
ing the hospital, he took a physical
Edison, Jr., (led the village of
candy butcher on the Grand.Trunk
be expected to put on a drive to
color - Red, Blue, Groom.
' training course, found out that his.
Vienna in Bayhain township, Ont.,•
Railroad train running between
hog what remains.
Yellow, Or Pink
legs were going to be all right, then
in 1838 after Markenzie's attempt
Detroit and Port Huron. His Pam -
— Sentinel - Review.
Peek our
� y 7a•.iadicate �� A
took two more P.T. courses and
to seize the government failed. A
ily moved to Port Huron when
nam4y or iaitiaY Print- i lob aala
immq spay be Gold, Siher•
qualified as a sergeant instructor.
year later he settled at :Milan, Ohio,
he tray seven and continued to re-
The Better Way
41. T. a,
Red. Blue. Green, Black or ttOlt
Soon after that he went back into
where .Thomas Alva was born in
side there until Tom was grown.
Wbitw SIM box. Pos
�V '9t'tS
the European combat zone. It was
1847. Two or 1 orn s brothers,
Lt nos an ordinary boy brim-
To drive slowly in winter, says
oleo tO___
his second invasion as Howie had
Marion and William Pitt Edison,
ming with normal deviltry, not as
a wise contemporary, Is better than
po ry,
individualized monogram mad stationary
12.00 par baL a Chaise of cataaa _
previously spent three months on
and a sister, Harriett Ann, were
the soon -to-be inventor' of such
to be. driven that way.
--SG Thomas Times- journal
blue, pink. White a tea, a Highest
sty hezagm pencils with our name
the Continent in the fall of 1944,
born in Vienna. Tom spent some
Miraculous things as the electric
100 dozen nypa 0710 only an
helping to repair bombed railway
P g CD y.
of his summer holidays with rela-
light, the phonograph and the mo-
P g P
51 00 al' a p'.�'•d playing cad'
ao per nmeaa...._.mmano '
rolling stock. He had enlisted in
tives in Vienna.'
tion picture, that young Tom re-
sad Fast
s aMM UTED ei4TE"R18Ea Dept. W.
Stratford, Ontario, with the No. 1
` Worked fr Sarnia. Stratford
ceived his first-black eye in Sarnia
The will of a New York
■ live 1847. Lora MUCH. CAMP, ■
• riease
_ Canadian Railway Workshop Com-
Pioneers migrating w�,;w6�d
in 1984 The ♦t ., n «„ - -. ,; LV -t.
left $io,000 to her chauffeur. Rel-
and left —1 or mateh■e. ■
so Pr ?.@ �" °�°" tai'°° p'i ■ '
.pang in April, 1943, and went over-
. From 'sous Scotia founded Vienna
traveling as Lord Renfrew, was to
atires will probably claim he drove
M..�w -
-, seas seven weeks later. He served
In France, Holland, Belgium and
village in 1811, and among them
stop off at Sarnia during a tour of
Canada, and Edison was among
her to it. - Chatham News
9 (�tt vs.Ia•r lattt�ais Daahv4 as Ma * Print '"')
o'!�'.. xa, D assist ar a BlMbsard st:.
were Tom Edison great grand-
father. father, grandfather. and the
group of Port Huron- lads who
/ NAY-
s s @.
* + -
]otter a youth t the time. The
crossed the river to see the visit
s �.. M.ti
Meeker, who starred with Strat-
great grandfather,, John Edison,
ing royalty. In a dispute over the
Prince, later Edward V1I the
"A new broom .sweeps clean `
But nevertheless it's doubtful
i �r�8scit rs era tray •�yW -••, -- •
s wn'>z» 34
ford junior teams before enlisting,
had been one of the original settlers
Canadians Whipped
Pped the Yankees
Abbott can clean us
HOLM. v sII132ITZ rrrona ■
■ rsnirrrr®
' returned to Canada on the last day
at Digby, Nova Scotia, to where
sad Tom received a 'blackened orb
any cleaner
than Ilsley cleaned us.
anaon saNMaa���������! _
of 1915 and,' on getting his ", die-
and his family had migrated
from New Jersey at -the
as a memento of the occasion.
- Ottawa Citizen
Canadian Orders Shippe3 Express
: Collect. �� a
charge, he signed with Stratford
seniors, and was one of their most
close of
"the Revolutionary War. During the
consistent scorers. Is. the playoffs.
war, he was a Tory and loyal to
after leading the Stratford scoring
the Crown, and such had been
- drive, meeker was halted by a
ordered hanged for giving aid to
- • "' -
broken arm.
the British troops. His sentence,
however, was commuted to banish-
Howie signed with the Leafs last
Truth Is Weapon
- spring and celebrated by getting
_ married a week later. His hockey
Against Communism
_ .
ambition always has been to play
To LB 0
for the Leafs and now that he's up
"If we are to preserve the Ameri=
__ -with them, he won't go down if he
can way of life, the menace of
t. T. L. Savage—Sole Owner
can possibly help it.
Communism must be met and its
p g
• • *
forward march halted," says J. Ed-
9 Richmond St. E. -
- Tottorifo (I) OnL
�.' 'Born at Kitchener, Nov, 4, 1924,
gar Hoover in the current issue of
-- - - -
-- '_ i�Delaide 8185'
Howie got his hockey start is
the American bi�agazine ... And
-, public and high school competition,
that goes for Canada and the Can-
ad;an way of Life, also.
Write for our weekly MARKET LETTER containing up-to -date mining information of value.
- -
then starred with Kitchener'a
You may not know it, but Com-
Also complete details on
,Junior team in 1940 -41r He
munistic influences are at work in
- migrated to Stratford the next seal
son with Stratford 's Junior A
this country, the same as in the
United States. It is
-` .: v A K I T A E 8 E C
',team before enlisting.
subtle, well-
, :.
prepared propaganda. We've been
,. ...::= • •
- - ills
getting some b in
n mail, with certain
e y
� .m. '
old Mines Limited
:.,._.. parents live in New Ham-
paragraphs marked in red pencil.
r..r ....,:
burg, which is close to Stratford,
The best way to combat Com-
_ -
- --
and Howie has four young brothers
munism is to expose it.
Now Diamond Drilling 'in The
-Ken,' Chuck, Tommy and Dick-
"A Communist, steeped in stealth,
- "
footing for him to make good in
-'the N.H.L.
trickery and deceit, cannot -tong
survive the truth, says the head of.
the F.B.I. "The healing ' rays of
• •
spotlight s t t of public opinion focused
Po g P P
. A world record is claimed for a . �
on Communism will have the same
• .NOR
goat in Cambridgeshire, England,
curative effect that X -rays have
= `which produced 5,928 pounds of �
neon cancerous growth, if applied
—` milk in 338 days.
in time."
- - -
REG'LAR FELLERS --Hold It, Sheriff!
;,' 1..
"` ''' ',,•«"- AT THE END
:.,.7 � •TERR
,,:•• : ••':,;
- -_- -: SEZ THAT
rw an twm "ae.e
7UU, Hullywood leghorn pullets and tan hounds. Ready to mate set ur lY cards and catalogue of -0
CHIC $26.00, Rock, red, Sussex and, Hy- February. H. Parker, Route 2, novelties, sundries, etc. Paris Co.,
brid pullets $22 00 per 100. Big Hur- Dunnville. W 312, McIntyre Building, Wtnni- '
WE SUPPLY YOU WITH THE kq guaranteed to live chicks 'front peg, Sian
best that can be produced, your in- bloodteated pullorom free hens. SCOTCH COLLIE PUPPIES BY
terra[ is our oblective. Order one Chicks sired by 280 -300 •egg• malts, Champion Worthy Joa O'Thrums, FREE, BIBLE. CORRM %i'ONDENCB ! 1.
month ahead this year and reap - with higgh egg records for past ten mld- February delivery, Registered Course offering beautiful dlplomn.
the early Fall prices. Bred-to-LA g8enerations, Their inherited egfi male or female. twenty five dollars. Writs Radio Bible Course, 12 Fffjht i. 4
$erred Rocks, S.C.W.. Leghorn laying ability added to their extra Pictures and pedtrrree upon re- Avenue, Winnipeg.
UP 1•Ared. White Giants heavy health end vigor make them the quest. Order now. Kaarina Colttes,
v beet chick bargain for 1947. Write Highland Creek.' tent.
---breed Leghorn X Barred Rock H, -
brads the beat laying strain. Order for early order discount and free self completely. Anyone shouldd'. <;
now for February, Miller's .Chick calendar, or order direct from this SN111,1.CRAFT %i'PPLTFS easily, inespenslve proven tnstruc- , '' : ;:',::•: - %., ,, !i
Hatchery, Fergus. Ont, ad, we can make� immediate ship- LEARN THE INTE11IR,%TING AN13 tion. Hew Fleming, 317 Homer, ; «.
ment during Jartuary and Febru- profitable shellcraft hobby. Begin_ Vanrouver.
IT•S THE EARLY BIRD THA1"d try. Big Rock Farm, Mille Roches. ners, kits $3, ,C.O.D.. includes com
OnL• <'an. piste instructions, Sllustrattons an4
needed to catch the early markets supplies for three brooch and ear- PROFESSIONAL TRAINING' ;< - ;'` !�
and Its those the Government ring sets. 5 Rockcliffe. Blvd., To- MASSAGE
urges P oultryk'eepers to catch for BREEDER HATCHERY OF ronto. 9.
Overseas. We advise you order now
for February, March. delivery. SOW BREEDERS cr A profession that is not oval.
Tou'11 need Cockerels for -the table TIRES h crowded and one which offers ft-
It is not too early to book your nancia7 security., Complete training
markets. We have some started chleke for 1947 to be assured of ice are overstocked at the present
(tad day olds) for prompt ship- getting Lakeview super bred chicks of Rood used trade -in tires (guar- in nine months.'
went. Order soon. Price list, full when you want them, Buy your anteed to be In excellent shape). VETERANS
srtteulars, Bray Hatchery, 13
D 9 chicks from a reliable well eatab• - �� i 1� 5.� hetn>x trained through D.V.A. D,V,A.
John N., Hamilton. lished Breeder Hatchery backed by
5000 hens, pure brads and all popu- All orders shipped C.O,D.. Special CANADIAN COLLEGE OF
GET AY EARLY START ON A lar..hybrlds, Start kour chicks ear- equipment for vulcanizing Truck MASSAGE
profitable 1947 by ordering your ly in January or February. Chicks and Farm Tractor Tires. BEACON •
Top Notch chicks now. Have a stated then show biggest profits. TIRF corner Queen and York Sts.. 07 AVENUE ROAD SC1TE A-5
breeds of your choice on the date Send for Price list, large illustrated H_VMILTON, Ontario. TORONTO
You want them. We protect you on catalogue and Poultry Guide which ONTARIO'+ MOST MODERN
the price . , give you advantage 'of tells you hoar to raise better pul- EQUIPPED TIRE. %HOP LOOKI 1 010 REWARD FOR ANY Till earnest George Catlett Mar•
price at time of order or time of de- lets. Also ask for Weekly Special Dealern Wanted watch we cannot repair: best wo - hvc -afar t31enerai of the
price , tti eherer is the lower and - tits[- af- -heAVy-- rocltere19 -and `overi _. _ - _ - - - - -- ran ee. Arles
_T- you'll have the money making and hatch' parch -day specials. Alan New ua'ALI:f:�t • FONHOi'ND. SPAYED Watch Repair C'o.. • lox 91, Station Armies and U.S. head military Taff.
ity that experienced poultry ralsers Pat Type Queen Clil Brooder Stove's. female, 1Li yeAr ■, tnrted on fox. '•C••, Montreal. in World War II as Chief of Staff,' ;
'have long associated with Top Special Prices Heavy Cockerels $_3,Ov, Cecil Fist. Sth Line, Oak- d a
Notch Chicks. All popular breeds SpCC� ville, Ont. - A PHOTOGRAPHY fin! re utation in Con ass with
and cross brs. live, husky chicks for Feb. 4 g Feb, 11, dap• old or - _ p Br
from Pullorum tested stock of pro- started. also day old or started pul-• "YOUR BEIAT HFT 114 CORONET." him t0 the State Department as
yen livability and productivity. All lets and mixed Prompt delivery- Subscribe nov-,, Complete ltst of REPRINTS S 3c EACH s"retary. succeeding James F.
breeders Government Approved, Phone or wire collect or send for po rise'. magazines, C. La Barre. Byrnes. The 66 -year -old general
weekly special list. P 2211, Burka Falls, Ont. Send t s four Old Nettath•es
pre - selected and harrdled b de- P.O. Boa has been the President's special
peadable, scientific, Top 4cotch Lakeview Poultry Farm. Easter, 2 ENLARC,EMF.NTS 252.
Ontario envoy in China this past year, and
methods. Send for our free rata- _ HAInbRES °'1G 4 x 6 in Folder Mounts
logue and early delivery ricellaL . during the war he gained experii-
Size Roll =6 or 8 Exposures
tarlo- DIRI;iN(', FAI) CLFAIiI�fC yDevetoped and Printed 25c suee fit dealing with the Ru80ian0, =_
Top Notch Chlckerles, Gue ph._On- LEARN HAthod. Information THE Any g
• Robertson method. TnfarmatfOn on - '
request resardlnx ciArtes. Robert- Enlargements Clamed 7 x 9" Gold, a most imoortant considtiatlon 111
SEVENACRES CHICKS HAVE YOU ANYTMING NEEDS son's Hairdressing Academy: 117 Sih•e% walnut or Black finish 74c his new post.
dyeing or cleanin .%'rite to us Avenue Road. Toronto if picture colored 94c.
Ems,■..,... .,, „,. 1 •.:.. .,tom 1�, t$.1 .�.✓.1 .•. t t.J <t - r make Dr nts J Wit/, -., _o.nta
tier. Price list, J. R. Harvey &- Son. answer your questions. Department 11F,1,1' R'4NTFD from prints of lost negatives, mC11 Needed
H. rarker's Dye , Works Limited.
Guelph, Ont.' 701 Yonge Street Torcato, Ontario. �y�,�j1j•LLD nF''T' M'
&SEST CHICKS IN 25 YEARS EI.F.@TR]CAi, F.fil'IPMF.sT 51AK SiVAYSHOT.. SERVICE Although more men are emptoy-
Engineer 3rd Class Papers 7lo% 120. Post Offire 4. Toronto
Tea, that is what all- Rainbow 4k 11,101 It V1'�FK, GOOD WORK- ed in Canada's forest industries this
Chick buyers are saying when tney FRO" %TOCK NFWi a.r. - d.e. INC. 4O,IDITIONe, WF.F.KiA IN-
bny Raiabow Chicks. All breeders. C.G.E. Welders Weldinx rods, ac- (FNTIVE BONS' %, WELFARE AD- -COMET PHOTO SERVICE y otei 10,000
are 200 percent tree from Dullorum. Cesnortee. A.C. or P.f . motors, all Y- AYTAf:Fy. .kPPT.I IN PF.R-OY+. star still needed for before. III _the
Drder your, chicks now direct from sizes. 25 or 60 cycles. Electric holsts ane d 25c +1 ;erv,ce, wrrk s ac
this ae. sad not be disappointed. rt{�� to 6 Tan. Spot welders 6 to 2;0 THE C. S. HYMAN CO. LTD., anteed 25c per roll. _ P.eprinis ac woods in Ontario and Quebec. The
Tom Barron I.e ho 112.00 per K,V.A. Gas. en Ine generator plants, each. 6 x S r stal Sepia. Mounted
90, Pullets $200. g LoNpov. ONT. De artment of labor points out
erred flock also WIND CHARGERS. 6 -12 -52 69c. flex 6. Postal Station D, To- P
Axed $12.00 per 100. Pullet$ ULM. Volt, Aircooled gas engines. Worm r ^PU' that Ili h employment i9 bound t0 ,
White flock Mixed 116.00 per 100. reducing Rears. Gas driven -pumps Cott ba■ a lob for you. Goad wages continue in these industries, be=
lPullets $25.00. Brown Leghorn also complete electric Pumping and conditions. Learn a trade. PHOTOGRAPHY cause o! the hear domestic and
,Mixed 114.00 per 200. Pullets 123.00, Systems - Shallow - Well or Deep Welt Write for information. Y
Leghorn -Rock Mixed [112.60 per 100. 100 to 550 Gal, per bfin. also Trans- lF•IIFF: - 4 x 6 RMLLIANT FX- foreign demand for lumber and
Pullets $25.00.. Red -Rock .Hybrid formers. Alliance Electric Works
$12.00 er 100. Pullets 121,00. Spe- Ltd., 1074 Beaver Halt Bill, Mont- aged yM1RT YOUNG Ward Aid sent us with each roll of film pulpwood.
p aged .,; to 3:, year°, as Ward .ild 'sent to us for processing. 6 x 8 er-
cfal . prices on cockerels Guarantee real• or write nearest office Halifax 2-
100 percent -live delivery to your Rouyn - Toronto - wtN i:rEG - and Tray Worker. Starting .sign- by experts ac coin.' Careful tlninhf�r�
i30.0A per month. with full main. by experts with 12 years experl-
rta also $1.00 dower, Chatham. balance C O.D. 'I'AWCOt'ti'ER. tenance - 140,0+ +, If experienced. shoe, fiend to .Arn Wakelfng, rboto If unmolested. 550,000,000 cap
Raiabow 8atchary, Chatham. Oo- tike location. good quarter[ Apply FintMera, Dept B. 224 Dundas St.. would be produced from a single
Carlo. hpARIMS Obit ala1.R Montreal Convalescent Hoapttal, London. Ont. .. ,
i1VE HAVE A LIMITED wrMBER 5001 Kent Ave.,' Montreal, Que.. pair in .hree years:
of two and three week old started sale In Grenville County, Hydro, WANTED THOROCGHLY EXPF,- PTAIIPS
non- sexed• pullet and cockerel water !n barns, creek and sever rtenced horaeshner for dairy 1n '
chicks. Send for special reduced FROM COLLECTION' STARTED - "
yrI elist. Also laying and ready to failing wail, good barns and out- year Eastern Ontario city, Steady
y Ile. 1 gh'. stable for n heed cat- year round position. Excellent Postage can supply following differs: Canada ITC
• ]ay DuFlets, Twaddle Chick Match;. tie, SO horses, 1S0 hens, L'S bogs, working condlrfan ■. .t.Dpt l�' Box' No. � • Paatage Stamps. ' 60 t 60c.
•rtes Limited, Fergus, Ontario. 210 different $3,00. G. S. Smyth, 21'0 Ol1ly
250 acres cultivation.' balance hard 13„ 73 Adelaide W W. Tordnt0.
Balmoral South, Hamilton, Oat
• and soft wood. Sell with or without $4reaffkri4tlsesitcWarnasadfhs -. -,- -- -�-
SABRED 'ROCKS 4 WHITE LEG+ stock and equipment. Reason for WANTED STAMP COLLECTOR! BARC ■ALA f0. R �fact. embisa meted.
horns. Baby Chicks; Canads ap selling, other Interests. Box 131. 100 nit diftereut worldwide packet.
,pproves three �tades: fat, R O,P 7$ Adetalde W., Toronto. iJeslrilletl Tannery Vlr4xken -
iChteks.lnd, R.O.P.
Sired Chlelts 3rd OTPORTt'NITI' FOR (:410D PAY. only 25c. Try our economy appDrav- rtrtaLaa aooel�tndaftodq
JlPProved Chicks. We sell the firs FOR SALE WRF'K1.V iNCFNTIVFl no -film, ronto,00. Dowse, l3 Bowood, To- IW Jk.:bI a D�'t i
,two grades Breeding stock pull- i 0.d.
arnn3 tested. Call writs or phone WELFARE, IA IN PER4, s DAY
Rlattery's Poultry Farm. Pickering, ATTENTION FA OR T WEEK. APPLY IN PF.RaO \, WANTED
made of rubber, suitable for bolt • 1 en 11111 Enio7 Storie At
fag on steel wheels, $10.00 each. 1O�DO`I' Off' WANTED - ALL K 1 X D ! O F' a
WHEN You BUT CHICKS CON- rear. wheels; ' $5.00- each, front' dressed poultry Top yyrlceg for top The St flegis Hotel
cider their back ground. In these wheels. When ordering state diam. MEDICAL. birds. Joseph Cooper Limited, Pout- s
days with feed and labor at a eter and width of wheel. National try Dept.. 2054 -Danforth Ave. To.
NATCRE'� HF.1.1'.- D1COS'% REM- ronto 6. (We do custom grading),
premium, quality rather .than Rubber Co. -Ltd„ 5 Wiltshire Ave.. TURO'_r'I'O ,
rdy for Rheum -vie' r ants, Neurltie.
tgvanttty becomes more and more Toranfo, Ont, d Seery Room Whit, dell
Important in planning the number Thousands prRt■tn¢ It. 1t[unro•s STFTAM E!tif,I71F, 11l GOOD Usk Shower and Teleohoke
�Df chicks you are going to start, Drug ';tore, "35 F,1gln, Ottawa, able condition, fiend description, lo • .i single. SIJW 'It up-
Is the final results that real) DEAFNESS & HEAD - NOISES PosrnRld $l.Or,•. Cation and beat cash price to Box Doable. 5.1.58 up l p
Y Leonard In%IsWe Rubber Ear 1':9 73 Adelaide W.-. Toronto. a roodFoed- DiningandDame-
t:ount. Slake sure 'that you get -
O'built In" qualit • to assure Drums helpful In many cases. Sold to Ntsbtly
yutlets that will develop full%•owith since 1907. Complete $5.00 outfit. POSES ECZEMA SALVE herbourse at Carlton
lots of 3vlgar end isyfng ability in• now being offered on special terms. Banish the tnrmFnt o* dry' eczema Stamp Will Honor
herentt • Dred late them. 'Make sure Send S2,50-with order to cover coat rashes Rnd veering thin troubles, Tel. RA. 4135'
of the extra production• the more of trial: it benefitted balance of Pogt•s Frzema Salve will not dtsap -.
satisfied profits that come. Cram 12 -S0 due In thirty days. If not point you. Father of Telephone
tower mortality, longer, more pro- helped, no further payment requfr- Itching. scaltna. burning eczema,
ductLve laying life per bird and `ed Informst�o a. d recommends- ache. ringworm, pimples and nth- _ ROOMS BEAUTIFULLY - -
higher flock averages. Buy Tned• tions of sathIMP! users our requee . foot, will respond readily t. A -nee' Canadian four -cent stamp -' FL'R!r1sHrD
dle chicks, they have breeding be. A. O. Lecnard t_'c_ Suite L, 5 Boon thli etalnlesq, odorless Mormen6 P �I.50 G1Ii
hind them and this year buy- Feb- Ave.. Toronto. regardless of how stubborn or will be issued shortly to com -
-ruary or Starch 'hatched chicks-, hopeless they may seem. - yo
they are the most profitable. Send PItTCF. 11,00 PER JAR mcmorate the centenary of the birth.• ,
for free catalogue and early dally- ESTABLISHED TURKEY FARM Send cost Free nr. Receipt of trice g � ;
on paced highway equipped for one , of Alexander Graham Boil.
ary pricelist. Twiddle Chick Hat- POSTS REMEDIES
thousand bards, Close to cities and }
chrrtea Lunited. Fergus, Ontario The stamp, bearing a picture of
town-. with excellent retAil rater. , Ilg9 lLuee�2• fit. E.. Corner of Logan
POULTRY- KEEPERS Bnr 130, 73. Adelaide W.. Toronto. _ Tnrnnto the famous inventor and physicist, i
CRevP -f`i� TREAT Y'oi'R FI.F AT H� +ME -w1-be foimaliv issued on .larch 3, '
Success hi rat =ing ba- tb}__- chick< tnr ' FUNK ( *ax'nrrsn..__ %
-meat .and prpductlnn means saris- Ira bushels of big, sound ears. big. with etectro- macnetrsm for Arth- 100 years after Bell's birth, ir. Edin•.
faction from your investment. This Rer tonnage of silage. Farm proved rltis, Rhenmatlsm, insomnia, Varl- burgh, Scotland. r
Is our aim - satisfy the customer for ytoui soil, moisture, maturity core Veln.- and other circulatory h -
with chicks hatched from all breed- conditions. Free: Strain Circular allments. Free ext+IRratory Dnmt+lr -- The new issue will be the first HOTEL METROPOLE -
Ing stack that 1�fi overnment band. And Funk Corn Guide: tells true. lets from CoopeTtemcdies. Yonae comnleinorative stamp' Canada has NIAGARA PALLS
ed and pull orm7tested, Write fns Intereatlrig research story behind Street, Toronto. . ,
our 1947 price' list and- catalogue, Funk- G- Hybrids' high yields, issued since 1939. i0ien a stamp Ott. - C.F.R. STATION _
stern. Write insect-disease sestet- NAMELESS COLD REMEDY commemorating the roj"al Visit was
MOtt11[tOI1 Poultry Farms once. ti5'rite today. James Grant & S.
Son, Cottam, Ontario. for the past 49 yearn, has relleved• jrinted.
_ Monkton, Ont, thousands of Fufferers or ginus,
GI- ARANTFED FIRST gUALITY Hayfever, Asthmn. C'atnrrh TLe'+f - AlthUllgh he C3211C t0 Canada in X"10A leaf tobacco, Large Red or He. ness Trial Drepnid E1.0a.. I ttr;ly iew
GOOD CHICKS PAY BEST vana. 0,84 cts, per pound; Obourg Productq, Exeter, Crnt• i-in, 1870, and resided fora short time
Read who[ �1r. Broadhurst oC Jolt• or Ruse QuesneT, 0.94 cts. per at Brantford, Ont., %vith his par -
pound; Email Canadian, E1,.0 per GOOD RESOLT'TION - F-V F. R V
ette. -Que., says about our chicks. pound. Shipped postpaid. Specify if quCferer nC P,heum:,ti• - Pains or
ents, he spent much of his life in
April 30, 194[1- "The 208 chtclts re- mild or strong. wanted. S. Landry Neuritiq should try T'lixon's Rem- the Utlited Stataes', doing esearch
ceiVed In splendid condition, not cna _.& Co.. 3[27 &t: •CaaheFlnc fit., East, eia- 3funro's nrua `±zlar�- =L l.1- g --
dead rind only.one died since, Thep Montreal, Que. gin. nrraw=n. T'r•stT,nid st.rr. oil aids to the deaf in�ston and are the most vigorous bunch of chick■ later in 1Gas11iti ten.
I ever received and I have been g
handling chicks for over 40 years.^ •t:O1,DIb:N FAWN FLRJifSH GIANT "WTUS1CAL .IN%TR1 1iFNTa His diary indicates. lie got the
Order now and get the best. 'Here Rabbits. :months old from import -
are our prices, Barred Rock Mixed ed heavyweight parents at 1 ,U0 per FRED ' A. HI►DDINGTON Itl'I'S, inspiration fur the telephone while
EN$12.00; Pullets, 821.00. Leg✓ pair. Also a few adults in both sells, exohinace rniWrn' 161 tru- ;
, Sifted, $12.00: Pullets, 5.4.00' Whites and Golden Fawns. Ii to 1. merts 111 Church. Tnror,to 2' on a holiday at' Brantford it. ]Si4, ZiJOUrLOSe>901ri0�
Whit* Rock Mixed, $15.00 Pullets, lbs. at vnrims prices. H. M. Foster, and ' it 'n'as in' that city that he timesdustip with lttlffytiranslentt�II•
Brown Lelzhorn 'Mixed, Camphelicroft, tint estlon- utsfeW OfVa- tlO -nol
14.00; Pullets, $25.00; Hybrids OPPORT['.NITIFR FOR R'OMF.N _ made tht first transmission of g P
Rock,Red . Ifixed, $12.0.0; Pullets, HARMONICAS speech .a' er a real line. M each nostril. Itqui , yredutxscon-
(21.00; Hybrid Leghorn-Rock Mix- C �itiOtiaIIdlGaklalbrestdiingeasier In
sd, 112,00; Pullets, $25.00. You airs swiss made, the no:ld'a ramous B.E A` HAIRDRESSER
In his later- )•ears, he spent his a harry , gives grsnd rill& from _
flat tree enicks, Goddard Chick Hat- Thorne's Harmonicas, real brass JOiN CANAi�A'S I.EArTNC SCHOOI. slimmers in Cape Breton, and he su1Qy, anew' >� distress Of head
chery. Britannia Heights., Onx. Plate?,' exceptionally low priced, Great Opportunity Learn P Colds gyllo/►dltiOtSOlasiIIthOpbCltagG 1
81.75, Order now, supply is limited. Hairdressine finaliv moved to Canada.and lived
IF YOU ARF INTERESTED IN Dominion e, To Ruppiy, 14 East- 1'leasanf dignified profession, good nCK$ rAaTROA01 °
started chicks the have some choice; dale Avenue, Toronto wages, thousands successful. MarVei in fife Maritimes for mane Stars.
Rrndttntes, America's greatest ars• He is buried at Beinn Breagh, Bad-
New Hampshire X Barred Rock, tem. illustrated catalogue tree,
Barzed Rock X New 'Hampshire and LINOTYPE FOR SALE deck, K,S., tapers he conducted
Light Su =sex • In non - sexed, pullets MODEL S LINOTYPE, e'0, 11817, Write or Call
or.,cockerels at two and three 1 mawazine, runninZ condition, 1S- 4RVEl, HAITInTIESg1NG earl)' aeronautical experiments and �� �� �'
weeks of age. Send for prices. Also completer with motor, gas pot, font FCHf1Ui fi headed a group that' produced the
laying, and ready to lay pullets, R pt. fonts, with Che1t. black. Room .338 >3iaor Ft. ut':. Toronto
Notch Chickerles, Guelph, On- 425, 73 Adelaide 5t., 1P., Toronto. Branches .44 King fit.. Hamilton' = first plane t0 flp in the British 1~m. '� )
& 74, Rideau Street. Ottawa.
feria pie's. 'q• R' r.
NFPTI'NF, OCTIIOARD MOTOR% t' ."When meals ans
CHICK UrVERS, DON'T MISS IT. and authorized Parts Service: ship OFFER TO INVESTORS He died at Baddcck, On ,AugUSt _ � __... bore _
Large 1947 calendar, twel,,N pages, anywhere. Neptune Outboard Dto- "
three colors, thirty illustrations, tors overhauled; workmanship 2' 3922. And steep is a worry.
Tells how to succeed wlftr Fisher Rtlnranteed. Scope Sales Co., Pox AN OFFER TO FVFR1 ISVF. \TOR'
chleks. Fete on reytl:st Fisher Or- 932, Ottawa, Ont. Ll-t of Inventions and foil toter• � -
chards, Freeman, Ont oration sent free. The Ramsay Co. . Take BEets -- Y
NEWEST TYPE. OIL- lTl'RNF,RS, Registered r'atent Attornevs. 27F For Swift, Sdfe, Gentle Tablets--
CHICKS FREE Radlos parts and teat equipment- Bank Street, Ottawa, CannaA Feelfne in a hurrv." x
jinformation for stamp. Economy RELIEF-of MOMS' rw .
With every order of 100 pullet Distributors. Kingston, Ont. I'.4TF1NT%
chicks we gate d tree chicks (our CHEST COLDS *'
choice). Barred Rock Pullet• N }:R' S/s JOHN %ON f:A %ULINF FFTHF,II!tTON.4t aR d COM•PAN1 e
lY1,95 White Rock Pullets 25.45. F,nxinrq, $4",.10. Electric.- i:I>IrMlnc Patent, Solirltnr,, Eetr,niished .18P(,
ghi Leghorn Pullets $24.45 Plnnt- $32.50. immediate Shipment, 14 King Nest, Toronto. Booklet of 60ASTROUSANOSOfMOTORS �
Brown Leghorn Pullets $25.95; Red- Currey Ftuimer, EglittgMn-•ec Bash f0rrmalinn on reque,t. A!1
Roe* Hybrids $21.95. Leghorn• oral. Toronto BIICHLBT's
Rock 83'brids, 125AS. All chicks 90IMS
Bold are from blood[e:ted stock, PLASTIC F. \PFRIMF�NTSt PhF.cl- -
back by high pedigreed stock. lllfi(� clns rh�.ta, All elzea srd color-
bor you rorder Bnlnnee C.O.D F:xp'•rlmentnl kits, 4.1.00 and $3.0r ••F.I.IJAH Co"IN(; k H F, F O R F
tluarsnteed Delirery Kent Match. KIAriPr STanurscturtn5 Co.. ",6 hui,e, Christ." Wonderful nook free. Me•
bry. Chatham, Ontario Toronto. giddo Mlsrfon, rcchester. III, N,1 ISSUE 6-1847
k,la muieei Aavt�S (Board of Health • coat►nudl) j The M. 6.11r. examined 67 pre- - } KAISER
ports of the Public Hea th Ser: ic? school aad 125 schoolychildren; and I Dr .'P. e* v• J. ���
Llusified Advt. Hater for the year Endin Dec. 31, 1940,. 94 were examined b the fanul . . W/ �'(`
90 worda or less, 25c. --if charged, -.physician. The defleis found and cvr- i ..'VETERINARY SURGEON ELECTRIC {�
45c. Over :4U words, le.. per word i Con#rol 'of Contatunkabit DAeaae rested were as follows:
Dr. Tomlinson reported that there In the order of- -'view Defects, New PLCKEWNG _ PRONE - 150 House and Bare Wising
-- '•SVP. SALF? --2 lady's cloth coats, 14, ! was one evidemic durink the year Defects Corrected, Old Defects Cor- i EMMATE$ GIVEN '
;in good condition A. - Bertrand, of chickenpox, in two school sectio:is, rected: V- ision :.17, 9, 9; Hearing: 2,
r .Church St., Pickering, a total of 33 cases. Also 21 cases of 2, (examined by specialist and g}ven +' -�`j /• : X71• C•(/a
LOST —brown and white hound, near mumps, 2 cases of infantile paraly- i:tstrt�tion for lip reading; E36: 2, kRI N G �JJIi JJII JJ11 1!y
-Brougham. Reward. Apply News Off- si 4 cases -of scarlet Sever and 4 of 0, 8; Abnormal tonsils: 10, 7, 12. JE WELLEAY
ic.. Feb.'7 tuberculosis. i Pulmo.aary disease: 1, 1 (referred .aesetilfl oat
H11.1.8IDE CHICKS - •i for sanita ium care) ; Cardiac : 5, 5
Canada Approved breeders, pullorutn. r Isamuntzatiort ! (referred to family physician); Oth- -Valentine Sale PHONE PICK. 14 vi "
tested. Some available now. A comprehensive program of im- : er: 25, 10, 12.
munization was carried out in each , Clearance of stock
But order soon. And ask fbr February L
March, April delivery. The Govern-
of the 22 schools, 4 weeks apart, P,Fi i Dental Hygid r _ STANLEY mean asks for "early„ chicks to fill clinics. In all, 871 children were im- Dental inspection of primary and 1 ' to snake room
Bsit3eh order& --home markets need munized, There 'are 90 percent of the !! secondary pupils is trade by the Pub- 1
school children vaccinated against i 01c Health Nurse, 46 children were ! L
satisfying too. Wide choice of broods, for fresh
smallpox in comparison with 82 per- notiSed as having new defects and i The'atre. crosses, Ask for particulars, prices , 'and order soon through agent -• oent last year. Ana 93 percent are 3I1 children had complete de-ttal ..
Garry MDkar Pick�ittg protected against diphtheria in com- correction during the year. _F
LOS'II met of brays Still a� scales, meson with 87 pence tt last year. WATCH and CLOCK Q. �
y Red Cross Co- operation REPAIRING StouffVife
10 pounds. -, Claremont Meats at suberculosia Prevention School children have been. -tiven, + phase Stosfiviile S48
' 8001, or leave at Log Cabin Inn, Tuberculin lin tests were (�'r�n i_•t f the opportunity to purchase cod liver _
LtusDartos• High Schools to 54 pupils, it is the ! oil at cost`price through the co -oiler. r+ ��=dai' Me=see at 2 P. ]L s
E691ti- lack collie, answering to - policy of the Department that all Nation of North Pickering Red Croce {l�( S, a~ ,.� Boors 9pen-
ri1►Ce" Reward C,eor¢p Rntcbat s re I rant h P�"� j%
:E. students with a- positise se ctian a b —Wh Pti,lic Health_ �LuraP
. 'R. It 2 „Pickering. Phone 104 R 23. under supervision for•five years with , ponsible for distribution to schools, SN.YERMNf�
WOOD FOR SALE) provision 1br a yearly chest x -ray; ! needy cases are provided free of JAN. 31 and FEB. 1
'.Ten cords. Elm, $10,00 cord at the 23 students had chest x -raps, and 77 charge, Amount distributed since AFavelties
,stump. D. E. Amos, 2nd Con. West &Aultg had chest x-rays., Provincial j September: 102 pint. bottles, 228 bot- All work fully 'guaranteed The Bride
of Altona Road. Department of Tuberculosis Preven- ties of capsules; Total expeaditute, 4 tt . nA Wore
FOR SALEl --2, 3 and 5 -acre lots in that the proposed Its. $406.981 I4 `l1 i!Q
Pickering. cor. Brock Road and Base Hulsey gas postponed until 1947. The N. Pickering Branch Red Cross
LL-ie. Small cash payment. N. E. Me- This will provide a free chest x -ray.. has established a Loan Cupboard for ” B. Stanwyck R. Cummings
Ewen, Pickering. for every individual. use in an emergency by any family &ji from
t the township, which he be ob- LAXO Ceres
' • - FOR SALE}• -four, 9 mos, old Pigs, Public Health I�nrsinA Service twined by application to file P. H. N. _ $�j�,ljp'�/ ,Valle .
read-,- for breeding. Nanny goat, 9 There was a total of 1319 visits, This branch is also pla -thing to es-
mos, o:d .Li�er*,,,�t arm,_ — - - - -
_ iwtd V-U- slows: lnfini rre-- tabitsh a Well i�aljyUi',,Lc uriGer �1.r
HELP WAN-MM"-smart, reliable school 278, school children 435, 57 supervision of the M. O. H• and thQ � Help$ To Monts dale Adrian Booth ;
man for pnultry -farm. If you want ad;d+q werP visited and 39 prenatal, P. H. N. f
Universal News
a job with a future, we have one at 20 post partum visits were made; Jeau'Ross Rhoten. P. H. N. Keep You
- MICHEL'S POULTRY FARM' 227 home visits were made to 114 " p n
Allendale, Ontario tuberculosis patients, su,pects and .The X. O. H. Swishes to thank all � 1 �. RON GIB SON '
contacts: 19 crippled children were who have- assisted in the woirk of •� a +• �
Fuller Brushes supervised and 27 visits made, 12 Public Health in our Municipality TRANSPORT
social welfare calls scene made, Ot- during• the year, especially Mr. A. Sold at '
^v-- -- ber visits iumbered 1s0. Archibald, Inspector of Schools, the • : TRANSPORT
Your Faller Brush Man is as noar as Teachers, the Rotary Club, Picker- P - your mail box or telephone. Simply School Service in our grocer's," CAR PAGE
eP g, '.North Pickering Red Cross, the "�
phone 6502 Stoullbille, write to'�c" There was a: enrolment last Sesi Women's Institutes and the Press V(i CEREAL '� T3 OVING
Pennanen, Stouifville, or call at our of 1057 in the 22 xc tc a:.g in the. town- N. F. 3'onilittaon,' M. Q, H. XO N , N
house on Main Street East, near- 10th ship, with 36 rlazsmoms. There are January 23- 194",
- Zsi4lfarkham, Feb. 21 ", two types of classroom inspection: -- - Coot Pickering " r�
FUR SALE •-- several 4- roomed Rapid Classroom Inspection —that is. Claremont -'Locker �o:o�to wD �� Pkk. � H � i
and 5- roomed houses, immediate � fn;apection for skin disease and ped-
possession, several small and several iculosis. Out of 1825 pupils sn ineFec- ,SySteiYl, C. CLENI�ENINt
ted 94 were seat home: 11 for acute -- Bought wed said— 1
large Harms. Used Clothing -- derl7t"4 W"W
. LINES' REAL' ESTATE - -- communieabie, 32 for skin condition. $tsadard Size Locker E9.00 A Year FUNERAL DIRECTOR � and pressed Ids sew_ Carry s
904-J Oshawa, 139 Albert Sts. 51 for pediculosis• Classroom Ingpec- Cutting Room and Chi IL-4 Roots Private Ambulance large stoat,-
tion cbvers Available Free To Cualoseers. °� elrass so>
Feb. 14 physical condition, indud- - -- � sod �� �� s
#ire teeth and review of heaps hub- SOME LOCKERS AVAILABLE Phone Markham 94W stve)c new leather, esst� ail
its: 12089 pupils; 982 vision tests and ' -`
:OLD BonsES WANTED lea heating testa were trade. i . TAYLOR • LOYS T Markham, Out.', an�p
Campbell tills& Ranch Pas Physics! Esaanitratioenn PHONE CLARMONT 19i► W 19J snr be onti hwaL
... - Farr'• Elevator u >�. � w� Q•fia.; a>a
COLLECT i shone Office 38VY Rit19, 38J
: For Pickup i hRANK R. SMITH , `-� - • Brewers Grains 22 :. :�VA NTED -
p, c., Protein
tb mix Wi" 7mrr own grata To DEAD HORS196' Al�D CJ1T?il.E
�QwJity First - •Serviee Our Aim take place •� • - s3a.00 s tan For Free Pi!okap, Plisse;
iGreenwoa d PICKERd1G
- .. , ..... .. Lis
i'foE BUY Tait: BFjBT •.• ?qV. >ItAgE THL TI68T'l Maker 75e.. o«*t. Males egg P7CK�RING.. .. .. 9s R si
Chopping Mill >�he:te Pkleeria6 30 wails hard. Oyster shell, Salt, Pik
DLXS'Tt'R FEEDS and _ _ Cstaealt aad,Boetwhe :t BROOKLIN .. .. ..... . ..
' Western whole or chopped CI.ASi011ONT .. �9 E 14
All Western Grains opped Wheat, A01460UW .. .: .
- open tar Chopping Daily - • DL'NBARTO.N Noti(ce- Oats and Barley, Master and ZONE 9141 Phone Pickering 7 It 31 . to You : X&l$e Laat Prepared Peeda W Pa 'ii�s A. J. MORDEN sled sox Radio Service CARPENTERING
• • • , i e � Phoa. c�arres
�8 - Above delivered anywhere user '' QORDON YOUNG LTD
THE MCNICIPAL OORPORATWN �oP@osite Wood's Store) PI,tJ'1ltBlhia _ a Ron
i Former Shoe Repair ROOFING i , arellimtr �`. Toronto Phone: Ad. 86&6
of lire
(TOWNSHIP of 1'ICKER'dNG Please Look for the Sign We abo sell Braatferd' Bao�
In the County and Provi -•ace -dal'' �� Bsthroos!� Don. McLellen's
- : Of Ontario This guaranteed radio or elect �Pm� Dm Bake E E
_ j • • - ,° ,-teal scrolce can be broti:t to -na• Beatty Stahl• _ SERVICE STATION
7PCBLIC NOTTf E is hereby Given Your 'iiorne by dropping a letter B al atesials y�tortner1y Acidord's)
that the Council of the said Music• - or a card in the mail,
fpal t,;orporation o: 611 ^1 V" IL3.S� of J
' ...'!Pickering will; at a meeting thereof A. IL RATTER' - _ -- - FOLTNDATIgI�g HMO «s' /KKCRIM6 s .a
to be held on Monday the third day { Rudlotridan Ex-Serviceman Work Csrarat! e" STABLE Qlt = -
-',.o March, 1947, 'at the hour of Ong ' _O AXTTWMG IN CEMENT W081 IMPERIAL ,OIL. PRODUCTS
o'clock in the afternoon, in the Coun- ' 11 J PRO USE A Tire Repairs - Grease and 087
cil .Chamber, in the Mutucipa! Build- Sa"y School ccnventlon To lie .. --
ing in the Village of lrrougaam, . We do btulding of all kinds 11atterits for Sale Charging
coxsider a By -lase for Closing to a Herd At Brougham, March 5. Pheae Pickering 6W WX
purchaser or purchaser the`. s;ol,p- +ti -- -- - . - - (! _ - : -- ;Dame At
"ing up, selling and-conveying portion „ •R Greenwood, Ont.
of the original allowance for road. Claremont
1. Sideline between township lots, WASHING CN F$t:NE PICK. 7 Ii; n
� 31
numbers 2�1 and '26, in the 6th Con- S��I��C� •• _ _C. ". . '• - � Fr
,an. �•
r'tessio t BEAT WASHER SPORE t'
2 That portion of the sideline which , --- SERVICE TRUCE Quality. Drugs Brt� Gould and His Orcbest�a
lies•be'ween township lots 28 ani 29 Dependubl•
i .;�.�.;,.�.=
i Accurate Ili Admission 3&.
Lt the 5th concession lwahlch e�ctends `� Low Cost calls 1VeRerina Rees i s
f" A— ,oi ppm w3* _ _ r7 ed es ,
2tort- of the Sts' conces0lon line app- Canada'. JgCKEiI;NG ; "• Beliab�le Photo PLsiW►tns AVM. NICFACHNIE
- - rox'L'nattly 280 rods northerly to s Uid -,t and distriot on ;; Complete Eoemette Use •
point appro.4imately 40 rods south of Wa :S•r strict, `• u.. a .rY: era air DEALI+l�
: ster• ; : -
the 6th concession Bite. 1 -- -- - • WORN HOURS 3'UNERAL* MEMO*
The Counsellor or - Solicitor. with ` i i _ - - - #, Week Days - 8.80 A. ,]L - 9 P. IL s .
. Bata. 1sP01 -- Telephone Pickering 1.^W � .
=ederence thereto upon petitionina to , _� - - -- ;) Sunday 12.30 P. it 5 P. iiL Yawata Ambdamm 3ssslsr i
be to heard. - C•rapdet• or write Toronto Store — - Ds7 or Mot
Rebuilding R
9Dsteel this �s of Jsgnna17, 2947 : $•cares '� .. J. R. BoyeS, •
- sj Owr,ed and operated by. J p Phone _Pick. 13
L T JOHNSTON, Clerk, Beatty R asks, r Store J��1 ni B.
silt lase Municipal Corporaliee Lot tirf 31'r i -311 DUP014T ST. __ % lL RICHMOND ' - Pie`k$ring. Otitane
f who replied in her usual gracious
manner. The evening was spent in various games, thoroughly enjoyed � _ by all. �'��n �� ow Oil Burners
Mn and Mrs. David Goatee, of Sympathy is extended to Mrs, Geo. -
Brocklin, visited with Mrs. John St. John's kl" Succew ttrl Year Pugh and family on the death of Mr, Y -
Coates on Sunday. It was disclosed at the annual Pugh, InStalleC� K1tC11e11 R$Ages,
Mr. and Mrs. Ridge, of Ajax, cared meeting of St. John's United Church, n a
on Mr. and Mrs. Len Lye on Sunday. Brougham, last week, that the con- d
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Badgerow and gregation have had a very success- Highland Creek . -, �uebee Heaters, • H o I A 1 1 � t. 4
Alan rmted friends in Goodwood on tut Yet The meeting opened with °
Sunday, a devotional period. The report of (by M• �• Hull)
Hot Water Furnaces
Mr. Fred Morley and,boys, of Tor - the Session showed an increase in Redheads evening the Board of
onto, spent the week -end at their membership of 32, Ail organizations Y - - -
home here. reported a successful year, The W. Managers met and discussed the '
Mr. Edmund Warden, of Toronto, M. S. exceeded their allocation, The church trusiness of the coming year. • Salesman TeMcMorrow .
spent the week -end in the village. missionary givings- were particularly Mr. R' • H. Knowles was re- elected
Several from here experienced the gratifying. The- ' Treasurer reported
Secretary- Treasurer, with George SdGSLAND CREEK,. ONTARIO
bad driving on the Brock Road on that Brougham allocation to the Pen- Hull as assistant, Jack Collins was i
Baturday evening sion Endowment campaign had been also re- elected as Chairman.* Last PHO�VEISCARBORO 2363 '
Mr. Rosa Farr, of Milton visited a met. For the program, Francis Will- year we successfully financed the
number of old friends here over the son gavle the address that recently heating ec} pment' so this year it is i
week -end. won him first place in the Junior how that the church auditorium directed by Pauline Broslaw,_
can be redecorated as it is bads in HOCKEY' - MONDAY
Mr, and Mrs. Frank, Barclay and Farmers Speaking Contest. The Sol- Y Last Saturday night the meather-
Beverley visited Mrs. Cook on Sun- lowing musical numbers were ably need 04 it; Fortunately the Sunday man again frowned on the Y. P. U. i F�r7 3. =
rendered: Miss Marjorie sad Man- School room was fixed up a few
and tturned the skating rink into a DUftarton vs. Brougham'
We are- so to report that air, ter Donald Wanno a iano duet �� ago, so we do not have this swimmin 1
sorry po p, Ii' g p , so the gang mat for Ajax Oriobes vet Claremont
William DickjmQn is no�e�jnying Mra_ Wr*, n.,,�_�r „nd Mss— Fl�b�� d ex sae —at -- this_ = time.- -It is �., ms's- A presen
ho everyone will '
- -tine best of health. Malcolm, a voce duet Mss, Ramsey, fed me get behind this g port showed that a record sm u2t
1 ration was made to Bob Snelling who
Mr.. and Mrs. ,Root. Mcleod and and Mrs. WnL Ellicott, a vocal duet, n� vesture and let us` see our own is leaving shortly to live in Iroquois - had been
Mr. aid Mrs, Dick (cooper have re- and Mrs..Thos. Norton favored with church shising like new before, too I Falls. given during the year for -
ton all Church purposes, with a swbstant-
turned' i`rom a trip through the l n -. a reading. g A ,late to remember —March _ 21st, ia1-balance on hand Splendid assist• '
ited States to Florida, Several say Mr, John Phillips was made an Thursday afternoon the R� . A. .met j Cobweb Social• at CentenniiL �
that Bob brought the present warm Honorary Elder, and Mr. Manson and despite slippery roads and fail- { ance was given during the year by
ing snow there was a very good at- ! — the Women's Guild, ably seconded
weather back with him. Ellicott takes the formers place as rY g s = — by
tendanee with a few children also the enthusiastic members of the Ajar
The Claremont Park Board will an active member. Messrs Howard ' I � . Greenwood • • branch of the Guild and the Sunday,
hold their annual meeting on Feb- Malcolm; Fred Cassie, were ro -app- who braved the elements. Some plans ; , - -
'ruary 10th, It is hoped that a good ointed elders for a three -year term: were made fior the comi.V year and 1 School report revealed increased
assn, will turn out to the Hal! for Messrs George Willson, Grant the summer wail see another picnic ; An installation of all officers of membership and offerings. Church ,
.thin meeting. - Johnston and Alan 011cott were re- as another bazaar. The highlight of the societies of the church wilt be wardens elected for 1947: Messrs J.
The Mission Circle of the Baptist appointed Stewards for a three -year the plans is the fact the ladies are conducted by the pastor at the morn- M. MacDonald and T. W. - Lavender,
Church held their regular •monthly term, while Mr. Dean Mairs, and going to turn their talents to drama ; ing service, Sunday, Feb. 2nd. with Mr. W A. MacLean as Lay Del-
an T iesdihy of this week at Messrs Rodd Rains and Rat 3, ['rnw. • {. arW by the end of March expect to ,. The, Mission Circle �1 moo. o ' eSate_ to the Svnod The fnlln�ro
ford were added to the Committee ��f prrsenE a two -act comedy entitled— Friday evenin Jan• 31! �h. were elected sidesman: Messrs John_
the home of Mrs. John Coates Mn. f y y g' #'� +� �- E�liott, Richard George, Jack Wheel -
Warden's group waa in charge-of the Stewards. "The Strike of the Ladies' Aid ".. We home of Mrs. Herbert Middleton.
program Following the benediction, ,the lad- can assure you this will ruase y vu The W. DI. S. of the circuit will ' Wheel-
er, �iim, C. Wheeler, E. C. Robinson,
Born, to Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Ham- ies served lunch. laugh till your sides aehe so as soon hold their meeting at the h�m�e of ' Chas G. Baker, Jim Churchward, �.
Bruce Johns, Wm. Fowler and Eric
=cud, on Wednesday, January 22nd, - - -- � - - - - � ass definite date is set we want you I Mrs. ELnu Disney on Thum Feb, 6, ; Winrarrs, with Mr. Richard George as' -
'1947, at Brierbush Hospital, St:ouff- %hitevale xo put a ring on your calendar and at 2, 1L m. All ladies witl be made
-tile, a son, $brother for Alfred and
94aquraltu ayy •sn .co; uado 11 dean ; w-elcome. i Vestry Clerk.
)Bill - also have pledged themselves to work The Y. Y, l:, met at the home of -
y Cottage Prager Meeting took place with the Sunday School Executive to Mr, and Mistress Oscar Raines— of
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Mtrrkar, of last Tuesday evening at the home
Ajax, spent Sunday ay at the homed see if saniething can be done to i Sunday evening.
of Mrs. Shank, Green River. There make the loco chi!dr•en more anx-
Mrs. Bacon. °' { � - fir. artd RIrs. F. Hayward and
• the Bapti tod,,st:rodffwbign . r Was a good attendance despite the ious to attend. A comrriittee has been ! I[1,mily were . with mrs. Hi)-ward's
blustry eight, Miss June Shank way appointed and plans will be made I ;mother in the. city on Sunday.
Communion Service will be held i - - - • 'Communion Service will be held in appointed leader for the next weeks shortly i - Miss• Marion Wannup is weel and _
meeting. The Sunda School are also an- high . Faster' & Greater
)the Baptist Church on Sunday morn- R. Y P U. will hold an e%4ning 'oi' Y id back at hi school this week, _
ing next sing to arrange a variety concert for . Mr. and Mrs, Ivan Hadwis were
worship, devotion and recreation, on presentation shorts iris will be ar- with 31rs. Hadwin's sister at Green- RETVRI�J
A number of the school children P Y I
Friday .evening; Jattuar; 31, in the r ranged b the teachers and Mrs. bank on Sunda
have been kept at home during the Y y•
I, t b F. e.sin (in C and enjoy a Barnes has promised to- gather toget- Mrs, Ross Dish sent tuesda
past Week with colds, - � p g Disney P Y, -
profitable evening in Christian Fell- her her For 'Your Your Eggs
pupils and tool[ after the with. friends in Oshawa. •
Near School Program Talk Of Town °Rip' musical part of the program. The A . number of our young people _
It seemed as though your reporter Sunday morning, the. life 2, will older folk are to y We 48- now in a position to give
be a special day in the li2o of the Present a one-act were in Whitby to the show last Sat-
heard nothing but talk concerning Y comedy sa a climax, so this looks ' urday evening, when the ice waa too you 48-HOUR GRADING HER. -
Green River Baptist Church, and the VICE which mesas a HIGHER
the work being done at t%e school. . First Baptist Church, Whitevale, like another good evening's enter- poor for their skating party.
GRADE TO YOU and increased
when he was in Claremont last Mon- taanmtnt coming up shortly.
when a joint service will be held in Saturday afternoon and evening Mme' revenue.
� morning. People seem to be in y g .. -. '
y g• Whitevale with special music by s your Correspondent and better-half ; Green River - j
?avor of the program under way to yn p°
make the school better. We hear that choir of folk from bosh churches. f
The Ordinance of the Lord's Supper attended part' of TororEto East Pros - I By handling your Eggs 'Faster, it ,
a first -aid kit is being put in this FRESH-
will be observed at the close of the byterial C. F. U. week end advance i The service of our church thia'com- assures the consumer a FRESH -
school at the moment, and that a at the Mansion Hoagie, Uxbridge, The ing Sunday will be i:t the form of a � and. SWEETER Egg,
telephone was installed over the a`eek:� afternoon was
The Icy walks and roads osuslly spent m itusrness, avid I;drtiun service held at First Church.
end, as a c venience in care of sce- the evening in bowling. We were at whitevale, at 11.00 a m. You are Xarket Your Eggs through
esuasr mazy injuries and one of our cordially invited to attend. There
- °t -- ;'villagers met with a serious accident '}O�' we had to teals and miss Sure
: when he fell, in frVt of his home day's gathering which included wor- 3
ship at the United Church , and din- will be union Choir wader the able ply. j;,,ns
and became unconscious as a result
leadership of Mrs, Sinclair. a •
BROUGHAM a autw+ard sigrtn of injuries were in cusaioas led by Keith Syre, of Ens- Prayer Meeting was held at the
• evidence, bat Mr, Orval Wilson is maBuel College. Plan are under way - home of thine Anna Percy, of_North lImited
The Firs Coapaa7 not heeling too well. It would be a !or, the Second Annual Drams Feet- Markham. There was a good turnout,
On Friday, January 24, the Fire splendid thing- yf_-each citizes would kst +sad a lust of plays will be mail- 2�. and Mrs Chas. Carter will For Hisses and Faster Returns
Chief, E. a Ws, and the twa -Dee- either sand or salt the slippery por- ed to all local unions shortly. it is celebrate their 25th wedding aaniv-
sty Chiefs, iii. Aania and A. J. Grs�y Limn of his sidewalk when this Icy hoped there will be a good entry this , nary on Saturday, February let. The GRADING STATION • -
with a strong committee of Firenea Ocomes. year for the trophy. The skating The 9anday School'is tenderiag'them WHITBY, ONTARiff
weather _
paid a frie:idly visit to the Scarbeft Mr, Howard Turner and Mr. Hair- 'Party will be held at Uxbridge, on a crokinole party on Friday night.
rre Brigade and inspected their old Hornshaw are now conveying the Friday, February 7, at a coat of 8ii You are cordially invited,
new fire truck, with the object of High School pupils to sad from cents including lunch. Hire a bus or Mr. and Mrs. Ross - Carter � and _ - AUCTION SALE ,
setting something more up -to -date Markham a truck and win the. "attendance children were C_ , I , . ) visitors one 9 " _
here. We wish you success boys— Seve:sl Whitevale ladies set otrt per”. night last week. H013SE and LOT, GARAGE and
the public is behind You• by cur to attend the Ladies' Aid on Sunday 7evening. "Mr, and hire, Mr. sad Mrs. J. B. Lehman and HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS, 4
- Wednesday last in Green River. at ; Richard Braid, of Conlin's Road, Children w,•re visitors at the Park on
Open lOgtit With The' Weatea'a Iaak the home of Mr. aid. Mrs. Ernie Highland Creek, presented their in- Sunday last..' the property of the Estate of the =� _
It was a small band of 'tardy souls RCr� land, it�ilt dos to bad drifts on I faht daughter, Flora, for. Baptism. Mr, and Mrs. Rop Seebeck visited - :.'LATE WILLIAM HAiiDY- _
who braved a wicked wind on the ev- the road, they had to turn back• • At this service Mr. Holley preached Mrs Anthony, of Whitevale, who is
ening of the Open Night of the However, the meeting was held on'., one of l:is very fine sermons and we under the doctor's care, . • North of Claremont Station, oa -•
- women's Ins "` ' -. rnurisay, and was pronounced a , - ��C'r�ssana, of Toronto via- TUESDAY, FEBI�(.`AItY 11, 1947 -• been postponed once it had been des- fine success, him, There is still lots of room -,for ited Mr. and Pdr•s.,E;_Cr,ssland -Jr.
ided to go ahead Aith'it in spite of Mr. John May celebrated his 85th I more. so let's see what we can do to Jin, J. Davies, of Tor-uto is vis- at 2.00 p. n* ,
the weather. As a result there were birthday o. -a : �turday, January 25. fill up those front pews. • . . iting thi9 week with • her daughter,
a few gaps in the rrnks, but twenty- Mr, Er_ol Griffin Coss :home from. At Y. P..U. !3loria Orn:erod was Mrs. B. ))raper. —. t. r • s • _ . _ -_ _._t.
odd who a *ten9ed made up for lack Hamilton ovei this week -end, avid in'c'rn,s;e of the Culiure'1lee *'lag and Div. end lira. R..Seckett spent ohs, Good cheer cook stove, Extension
of numbers -with good humour and sings the, Praises of Toronto as being was ;alkino on the "Life and Works 16-ening •last n-end -end with Mr, a:,d table, Six chairs, CtipLoanl, Two
enjoyment, Tt.e pr''gressive euchre 'a c-aperior town to tlfe-' Ambitious i of the-poet, John Diiltor ". Ma.:-t pco- I•M s. A. Michell. $insJl tables, Rocking chair, Couclr;
resulted in Mis. N. Burton, Mrs. B. City. !! pie ree,ill memorizing tatir, ode "On t 'Flower 'stand; Organ etaol, Kitchen -
Burk, Mr, E. Allderzwn and Sir. A. Mr. Harvey .Herbert of St..Cath- i -Hi Bilndne s" and null have hear3 � Annual N catr - MeL. St. George's table with drawers, Two iron` beds
Gray carrying oft[ the nice prime urines, was at his horrie Isere for of Paradise Lost and Paradise Re- r y ` , °� with 1pring�3, Wooden bed, Three
The refresi.>ne :rte were served at tt.e the week -end I gained ", This topic was one which, mattresses, Dresser, Chc st of draw- --.
tables drawn to the fire, sand after , ch scope The Annual Vestry Meeting of St. ers,
Mr. Ausin Metcalfe, of had r>>li ape and interest. ii Feather tick Bed clothing, Iiiil
CCIRRFIC7IO:V �I:ast a•ee}: we re George's Church was held on Mon- _
a few words of introduction by Mrs. spent the week-end a: his home here: i port- day, January 27, with a good attend- Chen clock, Alarm ity o Two oil
once, and the reports resented rov- Ir~nr - �'rrrrk. >jtia:ttit of disaes and
Robertson, Mrs. Burk told the guests _ • • • • sad fire Y. P. i?. Reception Service as � Ps, y
about the English Women's T istituto �;ext Sunday at Locust Hill, Cher- !being scheduled for Febrrary 2, We ed most encoura a:>apAttendana at cooking utensils, Number o£ pictur,
group who had written to thank the ryw� and Whitevale all the loose t ere sdrry we were min>in�rmed, and I the inarrin services showed a con- es, Good broom, :- umber stove pipes,
Brougham Branch for the safe srr collection will be donated to We hat -" is Fr brushy 9, one week g Lunch box, Two wash tubs, Two tea
s siderable increase over the previous
ival of the Christmas parcel. The }tonal dri-e for "Aid to China", Each later. Please keep this in mind as a ' kettles, Coal oil heater, 12 -Gage -
year as did the communicant attend.
letter waa read, also one frcrn Mrs- and every lyorshipper —.is as �� to__ fine program has been planned by shot gun and shells, Set -i :aron'a
} arras at the celebr-etions of tine Hoiy tools Three hand saws Buck saw,
Brown who is still !n �bron.O. It was make donations as generous as pons- ! DO` 'q- �0derham, Fellowship Con- Communion. The number of Comm- ' '
regrettable that t'he weather prey- ible. I vener, assisted by Lois Graham, the unicantg last Easter, 103, constituted Swere saw,, Two scythes, "Scyt]ze
ented so many frori attending this . Mrs, Hugh Pugh was hostess to ' corresponding Presbytery Convener, a record in the histo. of the arisb . blade' Two axes, Crowbar, Pick, T'wo
d it vnucce rt from a etana the members of the Official bard of oa D CQOr ener Bob
or To-onto Coo- and the Christmas Servvices were very drums hovel:tyRaklsWsiter isarreI
the Public Library on Friday Oven- ferenne. well attended, whil4 19 were confirm- ;,umber oil :era, Two benches, Prrei,
point of e=sj 1Tn'�t- ing Iasi, for the anatrFl banquet: ed durin the year, .The con re at- - -
Muriel and Ca'.dvrell n►er3 i:ome for Next week will be Missionary g g, g lite gas cylinder, 100 Feet 3 -4 ;nah
After a deliciouP repast, Mr. Howard ional quota of the Anglican -Advance.
the ve;l< %ud with Mr. and bars. Turner and Rev. J. DFcLachlan gave Night -- KWY- Grodernam in c!•arge. _,'Appeal, $;�, was - subscribed in full, rope m good comdition, Two ten -ft. ..
pF 1 a short - address ° each; ' Mr. Sidney Y g ry .nd the missionary allotments ware ladders Two
She ard• Centr :rris.l is real) heco *sin ve o 15 -foot ladders,. a00 -
8L John's Has Sucesestw5esss Pugh gave a toast to the hostess, drama conscious and t`h 'Y, F. L'. I also ps•id in full, with all other ob- polls coke, Two wheelbarrows,
_. are working on two one -Oct play's, ; ligations bing met. The Warden`s re- Cord and half 4 -ft, hardwood, 1926
one entitled "The Apple of His eye" Dodge coupe, running order.
iA 1
Fifth in Colonies
— - Atwwrrr to Trrrrieaw PUSS" -- ^.' E Eif , T 0 W N TOPICS
U. S. D�pieliQt Tow Portugal, which is smaller col o.
By BARRY MURKAR Virginia. once 5: as the leading cola . •„
• T ` nial power of the %%orld, and stiU
-i[ In The Spotlight - aged man, in t iankiug the speaker,
Hi>tilZ01 �, ��CAI. A t t - told tLe other ntemh:t; that he ranks fifth in colonial possessions
G ANNA Vinniug first yr�ze in the Pro-
1.6Ficttat5ed V. 1 Amon# -- feh vouni. peuple ut toda, were
0 ktured U. 2 Deseriptioet STEM A vit.cial ,luniui Farmers final con- making a firm foothold for them
test to public speaking and ama
• 13 + . t • • A g selves in today *s se.ciety. "They
" teur entertainment in Toronto last
P Myse 3 Him � don't talk the way we ohlet people
tjFxpunges 4Russian w-eck has brought acclaim to Fran- do." he said, "bt,t they make ther'n
mountain P F cis 14 illson of Brougham, (rntario-
13 Either selves heard and if vuu listen vuu
14 Immerses 5 Uncommon 17 Year between (symbol) will realize that what they' have
16 War god 6 Lone Scout . 12 and 20 36 Peruvian Francis, a • young man of speakers cum -
• 17 Jourow < (ab.) 18 Division Indian peted agains' fi5 a other speaker to say h v, ell thought out and a el] /
worth hearing."
to rabse god 7•$candinavian 23 Toward 37 Defeated of the province after first winning Nice to heat eh?
20 Permits 8 Ireland 24 Symbol tot; 41 Lampreys the contesk of, Ontario County, then • •
21 Girl's name 11 maimed luthenium 42 Her in the district of six counties, and
22 Rodent pieces 26 Individual 43 Race course going on to win in the finals which In 'closing. me friendlies. 1 would
•24>liawalian 12 Essences (ab.) 28 Employ . circuit consisted 'of five zones. , He re- ask again that if anyone has a
wreath 14 He is one of 32 having a 44 On top ceived a silver cup and cake plate person ,in' mind for our Spotlight
25 Go-me - the __ ap- hindle 45 Prohibit as first prize our his speech can "The -send along the details. We want
27 Not Cut pointed by 33 Seines 47 'Lake cart o! Place .,f the Church in Our Na- news pf 5u'.tr club. ]i vou. have � •e' " "`
29 Upon President -34 Symbol for 52 From . Lion ". He received considerable ady announcements of general in. -PH OF
` ' >
30 Yes (SP -) selenium 53 Sine loco terest , plea4e pass ' them along. Ti l �j>3t1i�i6 Ws OF „
'Roosevelt mention on the CBC farm broad g•
41 Intends 35TeUut•ium (ab.) Other clubs want to hear of your
31Intnese 15lAth cast the following day and the,
I 4 'S J ,6 J eve ing appeared as the guest of activities. :� i•� teJ;.•,,.
dependency ' the noted commentator, Rex Frost. 38 Born q 10 ll iL 11 ratt�sa: -e�i. .N�«h u..:r rife air.
- - - Nf S#FCi€rs �e -a ctc Thor be- —� T� --
Since tha, time he- ttas' -treett ne
- . 46�Examination ' ly 3 16 1 18 tong to the Arachnida family which
42 Native of seiQed with requests to speak at includes mites and s- orpions.
Slovakia ; Iq 21- gathei•iags. - .
!la U13= Z b " I woulL like to go out speaking
,, i:4
p her a every night of the week, if 1 could,'
48 Oceans
25 �6 27 28 he told your - reporter.
46 Detest „ °' This wasn't the 'irst time Frarr
5o Solar disk %9 cis had won a public speaking con-
51 Lieutenant 31 - 33 3+1 35 31,116- 3Z test —oh, my no! He gave his first `
52 Stations 8 jrp speech when he was eight years .. I !. ► .. r -^
54 Half -em �„ old. .
55 Sudatieee NO ty L 43 44 45 6 47 Speaking at school fairs . first
Negroid brought recognition; then he won'
56 He is ambas- r the Pickering . Township oratorical a -
__ t 53 54 1 contest - two- Fears-irrsuccession: Ere- -- ,
,government 56 spoke at several of the 1i'umen's
in -exile of 55 t5 institute contests and at the On-
tario County seeds fairs. In over '*5,
fourteen public speaking contests, s x,
Francis has won .all, but one, when
ABLE TALKS th cool, second place, which we
think in a remarkable record.' As 6���r • t � t � ..�'�r
prizes he has won two silver cups. i �a
two silver cake plates, money and
Fr Roll any number of fine books.
Oven Fresh a Refrigerator Rolls An acthe young man. he, is at
1 cake compressed yeast OR present the president of the On-
`There is something about hot :-1 tablespoon quick rising dry tarro County Junior• Farmers. last
fresh rolls-that gives a special touch yeast
Ito any meal _ 3 cu lukewarm water .'ear 1 i was a director is the pro-
• _ Dough for rolls may made ahead - 1- teaspoon sugar wince in this work. His position
of time and chilled or frozen until poo g this year demands that he conduct For constant Smoking Pleasure
cup shorteniag all county meetings,' which makes
being baked. This Is a good way 3/2 cup sugar ��
have fresh rolls without going 1 teas salt _ him a very busy young man. j �I�Itiw ���
to the trouble of mixing dough each 1?�n It's a pleasure this week to turn _ #�
g g 1 cup bat :hashed potatoes
time fresh -rolls are required. For -1 -cup scalded 'milk the spotlight on Francis Willson PO
`-good results it -is very important . !eggs —well of 'Brougham, Ontario
' that the mixture be kept In a cold i•T cups sifted all- purpose flour ` it • ��
place, covered, to prevent the }east p, g. b +
�►�'e ass This one along. ecatisr
_ --frosa workistg• Dissolve yeast in..lakewarm water and add the teaspoon of sugar. we tcIl tl,.t :, �.., •. tht Same as
Cloverleaf Rolls - everyone dq. like a little praise M
- Place - shortening, sugar and salt Cigarette Tobacco
Shape very small pieces of dough nave in a while. The other night >>,
into balls, brush with melted fat in mixing bowl. Add mashed pots- I attended a Rotary` Club meeting g
- - toes and cream well. Combine 4
_ and place three balls in each enuf• at which a young than was the n - � - M
- Lira tin. lukewarm milk, eggs ani dissolved guest speaker. He was good. His
yeast. Add to first mixture. Add 'a ' s�° i'�� I 4
Crescents manner was direct and he pulled _
Roll dough Y4 inch thick and. flour to make a stiff dough. Toss no punches. Following the address,
on using a sharp - knife, cut iti three floured goad and knead well. the president of the club,, a middle- �~
fain squares. Brush with melted Place in a large greased bowl and 4
let rise until double is bulk, if 4
fati starting at-one writer. roll to rolls immediately. 4
are. to be baked immediately. opposite corner, pressing the points oils slightly; shape into rolls as r
,a s
$5rtnlp down while rolling. Briag desired. cover and let rise until
_ . the twa ends almost together to light. Bake in hot oven, 400 des. /
.form the crescent _
. s
F. for 15 -20 minutes. 1
Canadian Style If this dough is.to be stored in _ so
C --
y refrigerator before baking. after
Irst kneading place to a greased t
container: brush surface with melt- i
ed fat and cover tightly. About 11:y
�4 hofirs before baking time shape
• &� �: ��` Y'"?�
into roll; as desired. Let rise anti!
;;. .:•Y, light and• bake as above. Brisk is a good word ... a satisfy-
r M' x Yeast doughs may be frozen and ,ing word ... a word that means
kept for a longer period than if : itop tea enjoyment." / I
stored in refrigerator cabinet. Af-
► Next time you- see your grocer'
ter first kneading, wrap dough in B
► - °`' ask �iai for gross tastin
► + .� waxed paper and place in freezing ea the e
► -z f unit. 'Remove about four hours be- Lipton's T tea t
ti ,k k with that brisk flavour .. a ~"� _-
} fore baking time.. Let rise until ,
dough. is light, this will take about never wispy -washy t «
► :: . ',:< :.. g Always fresh, tangy sad • : e _ �_
► �t,,, three hours. 'Knead slightly, shape
sY :> r — sfying.
into rolls and let rise until light. `sate
Bake in a hot oven- __^ -d<F- . for
15-20 minutes. ,, r
airF. +,:v' /III ... • .. . it
o -
. - .� },, }:u ;',p4 ,y, ' { ;• ° '.car t � • \ - -, -- - ., � . . _ .. _ - , ..
` ~ w — ...By J. MILLAR WATT
POP That Was No Lady
�: A WitO W13,'111NT_ A,14 OLD 1r4,tBND or
Y RS.Y AGO`�OtJ V117 I
:.. t ^ ASKED HER TO - - - -i - —
The perfect dress for the matron of
honor is this pale gr lace and net
town designed by Alfandri. The
> a top has a twist of fabric at the u / s, ,,� i;, ,,�,,,,,� „•, 9
throat line and abort cap sleedss. .R ,
'file fan shirt .is of 'net Over a
taffeta. r--
- -
- — .
- --
.,Sunday School Lesson Around And Up
Jules Verne is obsolete for good
- -
S-ALADA — Jesus, the Giver of Life - The ,Cripple Is Haled and sure. Around the World in
John 4:48 -51: 52-8; 113-11 -10. 80 Days, indeed! Arid 20,000 .-
Jesus went up to Jerusalem and Leagues Under The Sea! The V -2
Golden Text. —I am the Resurrec- there found a great crowd of sick .
ttorr —anal -the ---fe: he that 'x- rocket fired over -the New Mexico
lieveih in me, though he were people lying around the pool of desert can make its way around
dead, yet shall he live. —John 11:23 Bethesda. It was the general opin- the world in 8 hours. And 114
Recovery From Death ion that the first afflicted person
- ry to step into the water would be miles up in the airl
Recovery from the point of death instantly healed. _ — Christian Science Monitor,
's was wrought -by Jesus for the _
• ._ � nobleman's son who was ill with • Jesus singled out a man,. lame ..
e a fever. In his extremity the noble- for thirty -eight years, as the object
man went to Cana, begging the of is mercy. The Great Physician WheneYou Think of
Great Physician to cure his child. - now gave -His own preo•..,f•:,.. ft.- - - -
- The response of Jesus to -his ap- healing: "Rise, take up thy_ bed Jr•ZL)b Or FEEDS
peal seems tinged with harshness (pallet) and- walk.' Think of
• • • bu t in reality it a•as a stepping- Resurrection From The Dead Murder in Plain S*gh I t stone to -higher, stronger faith:
"Except ye see signs and wonders, Resurrection from ,four days is •778 Dovercourt Rd..
ye will not believe. The masses the tomb was wrought by Jesus for TORONTO - ONT
the sig-
• were too prone to i his dead and buried friend, '
_ By GERALD BR(iWN nificance of his signs and to dis- Lazarus. After attendants had
"— regard the worker of these won- takerr a.. d, the-- a•tont- that- closed
the entrance to the vault, and � iy�l
-*V -NO — _- qty =and vrhat for? -hat has the - ��' 1'f4ed —I•Iis eyes--heavenward J and
lashes ER [a Duke jput a i estsb- h'•
CRA] an enviable Du reputation as a bridegro(�m got to do with seeing he increasing faith of the noble-
private detective in Boston. He is g man who reiterated his appeal was offered to the Father a prayer n
that the friends of. the family don't P thanksgiving for
tonmitiently surprised and cha- rewarded: "Go thy way; thy > g Past answers, 8II _ -
rined when Miss Adelaide Blge- snatch all the silver plate Y Y Y son On,CiilTAl[i �,[
tt expression of confidence as to fu-
low, wealthy old aristocrat, asks Iiveth.' It was not necessary that This imp madkfae is Goy� •et�sss to '
him to guard the presents during McCale chuckled. He liked this tore blessing, and the desire that eeiisTe painln! diet:sss sad tieed, use
the festivities surrounding her fellow. Rocky Bjorkland was more Jesus should go its person to Caper- bystanders "may believe that Thou = ((Arable
niece's wedding. McCale accepts be- - naum and lay His healing hand host stmt me." Then He cried into *�° due to fenak -
eause he senses that 311se Bigelow like a colleague than an employee. distwbaoessl
Ile afraid of something more slnts- upon the boy's fevered brow: He the sepulchre, "Lazarus, come YEa[TAIL\
ter than theft. He was broad and blond and a bit could heal at a distance. The faith p LM1�iEA�NON1
on the rough side, but he had clear, that secured the blessing caused the
forth." From the bandages of death C011P0(f2r.
CHAPTER II honest blue eyes and a loyalty as "nobleman to turn believingly from Lazarus was immediately released
big t his shoulders. Duke wouldn't and thus walked once more among
- -- The old voice faltered and trailed g Cana on his way back to Caper- t� living. -
off h ve hesitated to trust him with his naum.
U3- dollar, or his girl's best friend.
McCale looked at her attentivtiy.
or- hia_oun -bast -girl for- that - matte(•.- _— -- - ----- - - - - -- — -- -- • --
' E?f- course. - -f'm - quiet -- and naob-= -__.
to be aelpful.° Ann •lfam —ot came in on the last hang if the wedding feast 1s lousy Bread In-Eire
She dropped her eyes. "I —I think part of the harangue. She set a with kleptomaniacs. She's got other
you're the man I want." coffee percolator on the desk, and troubles.
'It doesn't exactly, take brains to busied herself with . cups and *. * • The government ordered broad
'watch over a table of wedding saucers. °Exactly." • _ rationing in Eire beginning Jan.
18. Sean Lemass," Minister of In.
Ipresents." ' " ' "Go to the head of the class," dustry and Commerce, said it was
'I know that. But if something "keep your shirt on ;. Tiny;" she said Ann. • necessary because a bad harvest
+were stolen, if something did hap. said to the big fellow. "Duke has a "Well, where do we come in ?" last year cut in half the grain crop � ,
pen. you'd have to investigate, hunch. Why not let him do the "You've got me there.' I'm not which had been expected to reach
wouldn't you." talking? We only work here." curt the lady knows herself, but it's 500,000 tons. The ration will be rs•�s _
I1ScCalt. glimpsed then, for as in- McCale helped •himself to a sand- certain she wants someone around. six Pounds of bread or four - and '2 �v 2��a�t1•aTWa!
stant, the whirlpool of events to a half pounds of flour a week. "
tome. There was something in that Rich. "There isn't anything definite, • We're elected, anyway. So my first _
me., ark alone that piqued his curl- Rocky' The old lady Bigelow, stint move is a file on the family and the
—•airy of the bride, comes in here to hire dashing bridegroom, just in case.
special service —that of guarding What did you get on Curt Vallain-
the wedding gifts. That's her story. court ?"
He made up-his mind. "That will But look here. She doesn't want "Not much, I'm -afraid." Rocky Rheumatic he twenty -five dollars a day," he half a dozen men planted there. She flipped open a notebook. "Showed -
said, and added, meaningly, "for is after only one inconspicuous man; up around these parts about a year The swinges o! rheumatic pains are e
guarding the wedding gifts." not for the day of the wedding, but ago. He's from New York City, or relieved by the use of Pa is p One tablet a
But she would not rise to his bait. starting now - for the duration. so he says. Definitely not Harvard doses 'at two hour De��, slops the
She searched a moment In a large That in itself is screwy.: Besides nor Blue Book Seems to have' eoIItmued use he o relieve aanse pi p�'atn, e.� - - -_
Mack bag that hung from one arm, that, she doesn't, want the police plenty of dough. litres in a swank Paradol does not a init.
hundred- dollar bill crackled as and she's turned down .operators apartment on the Riverway. Handball � L.r� «
site put it on his desk, from all the big agencies. To top it Doesn't work: Goes 'everywhere •"°°�" 1Handball Wise, ,
"A retainer," she 'said. off, she acts as though the Four with the society crowd. The gals _
"One moment, Miss Marript will .Horsemen of the Apocalypse were all do cartwheels whenever - he Economy sire; rte=
- give you a receipt." } tracking her down." . shows up anywhere. Anyway, he's f4 tablets, $I.$#.
?Never mind..It isn't at all nee- Rocky's eyes narrowed. "Skip -•_ marrying twenty million dollars
easary. Will you 'come to. tea this ping the mythology, estro, I next week. ?Make an thin 'm teri -'
afternoon, at five?" �', Y g Y3 #`
think I do see a glimpser' of light. cut
of that" , • �.
"To tea?" In other words, slit dinesn's give + (Te he_zoatiaved) _j • • • • •
"Yes. Please do." The tired old - - - - -- - --
•eyes pleaded with him. "The family
—yon should know them by sight
--and there might be something to
•blk over —some arrangements you
- .sight want to make." No'.
"Why, yea," he agreed, sudden
'Isituition quickening in his mind. -- i _ _
She seemed relieved; turned to _
"One moment, Miss Bigelow.
You'll want me to 'assume respon-
•• ` '- � - ' •' - --
sibility— when ?,. _
"Oh, right away." That look had
tome back into her face again. +
"Immediately." - - _ - - - -:
"But the wedding l s
"1 know, I'd feel safer'—she
caught herself — "that the gifts T -TM S your mince to get acquainted with this di$ereat
would be safe if you were to take n —�
charge today. They keep arriving breakfast cereal that's as good for you as it is good to eat. '
- -more and more —most valuable, - This coupon saves you 5e on a package. Good news for better
some of them." breakfasts I --
_ _ • e + j Post's Bran Flakes provide roughage you need to help keep
He cut In on her embarrassed tly ... hely you keep fit and on your
floundering. "Very well. "I'll see -toes. And that "come- again" flavor — malty, nut - sweet, di ftren!
you at tea. That's all you want to —keeps folks coming back morning after morning for another
tell me ?" bowlful of these delicious bran _
She looked wretched. "That's Try Post's Bran Flakes at once - T advantage of this t
all," she said. -:coupon offer while it lasts. —
The door closed quietly after her.. _
McCale stood staring `thoughtfully
into the fire. He heard Ann Mar -
s good-morning :• •,,:...
rot ay and the out-
er • -- .., __
er door shut. :
�'•.■ t■■■■ ■ ■ ■s ■ / ■ ■ ■ ■ ■NaEesEB ■fE#if ■ / ■J•a■ ... `.' .
"She's a nice 1 h'
ce o d thing," said Ann
3-1 g . , �� >.: %:.�.:�''•������� 5 , . . ■ � '
Marriot. I hope you weren't curt ':•'• �O - M This Coupon ■
and distant with her. She seemed �.'. ■ ■
10 be in trouble." '•.''::: � �
"She wants me to guard her ■
niece's wedding gifts." * • - _
"But ..." ■ Your grocer will allow you 5c for this coupon on the ■
He shrugged. "I took the job." '`'•''' ■ ; '
He flipped the hundred-dollar bill :y t • purchase of a package of Posts Bran Flakes, ff used ` -
ender her nose. t ' ■
« before Feb 28 h
Nice big retainer. 'Funny. She_ PRESENT IT AT YOUR GROCER'S TOMORROW 1 i
__ "- eel- ao6f- Iosf -to me." ;fit„,::.
Ann, McCale said, "that old ••: *:' Y;. c ■ To the Grocer: This coupon, bearing yotr signs- •
lady is frightenedl" tore, will be for Se cash b
' "°s::, ;•. our
A nursemaid's job to a lot of 1r I General Foods salesman, or by General Foods, •
teed -tea spoons. "Phooey;" The big :: ;:: ` ,�,ti ' • 0 . Limit Federal Bldg Toronto, if mafled.
young man hitched his long legs''�;i ■ • • • t
Vver an arm -of the chair and snort-
"For this co % ■
ei In imitation, "Holy of w What oleo purchased a package Bran Flake(." ■
ire we— broke? tflougi►t we were � . '. -
#elinitely out for the big stufil —no ■
i*ore small time. I run my legs off A►redud of General Feeds ■
Retting dop,. on ibis Vallaincourt :. t -nT ... ftonow►. ao..e..
ISSUE 8-1947 " eww�oa�oenee ■/a■aas[a■aaat,i■■■a ■a■
- � p
Garden Tractors
For Immediate or Spr*g •
Delivery - j tore
11'-2 3 1 -2 and 6 H. P. -
Literature or Deoow*atian
Boy' Parkas- well made, heavy plaid
Phone 35 R 31 or Write Box 250 ; lining, . fur trim All 8* es
i J
Ors ka peas yaw way emy
:also 100al cartage work
_ Pickering, Ontario
WO havealso nlaeed in stock a full `
Reg. $11.50 Now $9.50 (CY R I L E. M O RLE'Y i I= of MAPLz LEAF hiss LwG
GI1T TIiEM NOW 1 1 .1 5 only Ladies' wool short sport coats � I N SU RA N C E IA N
D : nm=_ffi � t:: ims. ww
PIPES, ELBOWS FOR YOUR REAL ESTATE and FURNACES. G rey with Blue Blue.with Grey Bei$e �
with Brovft eta. A. W. MITCHELL
(Black and Galvanized) :-Reg. $12.50 Now half price ;6.25 PHONE ..
r COAL SCUTTLES 67 PICK Pickering, tom,
Try "Chimney Svreep" Soot Come In and Look Around and don.'t fail to visit our' Groceteeta - -
Destroyeri-4fte Modern Way To Courtesy, Clebaliness, Economy
- - ' wean Cbbnneys, F�anaces and
• A V A -N -- - - -GORMY i F: OSRORNE
�E- Ric>�r
TT c � -�.- _ � -
DI3TRiCt1 MANAGER . .. AREl A�L . . W
Phone Pickers 46 E gIRE LIFE a abl ked agency. a
Cam Pickenag .Rardware >
c , - . no" Pickering as
�~ � - Sepreaa�tatMe.
7; To Pucirin _
-- 11w vyn. Keene, Oshawa and Ralph Gulliver, Oshawa
,y �
Insurance Adser
T.le aa. 62 Whib, �. THEATRE SUPPLIES
-_,•. Address ... Phone
'i7fiTTH Z:3$ WM. MAW = Brougham, , dint. Pick. 5' R 22
'1 L�taaithfully Air- eonditloned I ! J. S. BALSi�ON IPICKEC ii�G LICENSED AUCTIONEER and
JANUARY 30, 31 FEB. 1, _ -Sales Conducted Anywhere - KEN AND CLARK E
Two Shawn - T and 9 P. M. Phone or Write
datarday Matinee at 1.30 P. M. Quality Meats 614 Dundas St. East, Whitby, Ont. AUCTIONEERS a
-The Bachelor's -Fish in
Sea810►� -ke wed 'arid Authorized for the
Coarities of ssio arsd T -#
Farm Stock, Implements Home -
,paughters :Fruits & Vegetables'
e a #ables hoM Ihiraitiii -e, Reed Estate
Sates our SpecWty at Reasonablo
: Gail Russell Claire Trevor .. Rates Deal Service for the
-,m Dvorak Adolphe Menjov SI 1S �,/i A � T Perms "t Hanging rain Price of One.
_.. i� A O
- -
that L+�a ;a the Tamp+t md Mark3�am P. O. pi�oise Marie 2b6
- heaves. It spay be Yosa iI/ma. Prentaices have been eatablirhed
_FFEBRVARY 3, 4 and 6 auctioneers since 1 890.
_Two Shows At 7 And 9 P. M. _ DANFURTH BUS LINES LTD, 'D' H. TUCK. OPT. D
i Disney Bleek. Opp P. O, I Barrister Set�ottor Notary rebus
. .Adult Entertaiamtit .. _
• Daily ea. San. ds Daily ez Sat. l9rola lk :.;Pions MIS � Suite 811 -- Cenitioenta! Life Bleg
The Killers -- + : -- v :Sun k Hol. Hot. Su-6 A Hot. only HoL _ m >� St. Toronto
I -
Claremont 7.15 $.lb 12, 15 9.45 i.00 - Seffer s & Atkinson Yew satisfaction My Guarantee Burt Lancaster and Ava Gardner B 7.27 SM : ;12. 27 ,8.67 8.12
Green River 735 .19.35 12. 35 A." 9.20 _ Phone Arlo. 201W2 - Stwff. 290 H. hICIiF:E
TLiUR.SDAY, FRI., SATURDAY Locust Hill 7.38 8.38 12. 38 .4.06 8.28 - -
,PEIBRUARY 6, 7 and 8 Malvern :8.06 9.06 1. 06 4.35 8.60 ;L ieeDSed PAINTER a DECORATOR
Return Lego. A.1i. A.M. 5. 45 r.M. P.M. �►l1Ct One@r8 8a
:83ud Abbott and Lou Costello Toronto 9.15 10.00 6. 45 '2.00 9.45
Daylight Saving Time Pareel Express Grover 6660, Oxford I= p,6 Year's Experieece - - 1P'ICKERaLNG ONTARlQ
The Time of _ Bales conducted as ;where
: Hamilton on Friday attending the of Jean Ness. A short >Duainaw meet- >��s+n8 in Farm 8toak, � J. I. (Had) STEWART, B. A.
-Their Laves Cameral of the former's sister, Mrs. ing was held first,, at which it v* and Property Sates. -
bJl Sates personally listed and ,:Barrister, Solicitor, Notary
• - . - .. _ .. - ..
Howard; who passed sway, suddenly, decided to invite Ajax G G. L T. to �,mt�� �� orepsred and
We are pleased to report an imp- a N'aaleatine Party. Gaixres were play- pays, UV`E Z HWD FARMS
rovement in the condition of Mr. ed and a delightful lunch was served
: Y h 1 George Davidson, who has been eer- . by our hostess. Service• �
17R -13
iously ill in Oshawa Hospital for the The meeting Came to 'A close With Reasonable Rates
past five weeks, the P�rieadshw Cade and 'spar-
We extend sympathy to Mr. Alex. --by Y. C. I
Lawson, who received a telegram on . , F J Do van ,
evening, �Y�3 his brother, Pickering A�aa �•e
Zwiotm, of- Petersburg, Ill. f rose Dr. Wr . RADIO O S E R V i C E
B. A., B. Se.+
had passed away that day. On Tuesday, January 28, the Worn- Gnu C40 Lai surv*see '
Foodsea'a Institute met at the home of _ ° -� �� _ Mrs. Hutchison, the President, After �6 K� Sb'°ai► �• wawa. 0�
r "' LJ`bLtdbar on the reading of the mixiates and the
Treasurer's report,, a donation of '
- -fruits - - Vegetables Congratulations to Mr. and 31". $35 was voted the China Relief Fund. _ - - -
+ w Pon" .antes oYy _ wtne.�ii►y bars Aiti6y
Albert Hull, on the birth of a, son, The matter of Pri>loners Rehabilita- Bead Office - Toronto
...Now Available At Goon Albert, at the Tol'buto East , tion was brought 3brward for a sec- �asaranteed Repair a'lelWI" - -156 Yong* St, kDOM
General hospital. and time by the Civics convener, Mrs. Any Make or Me"
Mrs. John Forgie had fine misfor- Kingston, and a resolutioa Was pass- Cana« di - and Established Po
Red & White Store tune to fall and break her wrist last ed that we join with other Institutes ,ARTHUR. FIELD TONW, rty
week. We hope for a speedy recov- in asking the Government for fur- .PRONE U R i CONSULT OUR ACTIV[CilV DEPT.
ery, ther action on this matter. The pro- FOR TKAT HOMEIN THE CITY
Marie and James Blenkin Jr. were gram followed -.a short address on Omni
Cherr WJod vmsitors of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. hills Public-it
by Jessie E. Rorke, foil-
\rIl y %last week -e-nd. owed by an explanation•by each con
• ($y Miss Edith Roach) ,. --.. vener of a standing cornnvttee of the � � � �'
'(;w U. F. Bowling - Friday, Jan. 24, ' purpose of 'that committee in the' or- Ile Q
Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Sinclair, and ganization of the Institute.
Misc-purdon had dinner on Sunday Refreshments, were served by the LIMITED e
The Dulers took three points from `.TELEPHONES -=` Howard 1117, and Scarboro 336
With Mr, and Mrs. Murray Hollinger. the Busy B's. in two eery close hostel and her assistants. -
Mies Elizabeth Armstrong was at
ganies. The Nepeats also won three Scarboro Junction
"'home during the week -end, accomp= points from the Duffers. in MemortaEa
anied by kiss Little and Miss BLit- Bill Bryant won the men's double
Chiffon. with 428 points,, June Bryant took the In loving memory of my dear mot- iri Stock
Some fromm Cherrywood attended ladies' With 386 points. her Winifred Ann Cropley, who pass -
' the funeral of the late George Pnh, Standings , Points ed away February 4, 1945. � �.
r of Stoufivilie, on Monday. �iiepcats 31 Beyond the sunset she has gone, For Immediate L/ellvery,;,._ At the yearly meeting of our Sun- Busy B'a. - 23 To rest a little while 3 in. PAPER BACKED INSULAT ION WOOL
day School, Mack Armstrong was a- I�uffera '19 The memory of her laving w*oide; L
gain elected Superintendent, with Blowers ll The sweetness of her amile -2 10 lb. Asphalt Shingles
Neil Petty as assistant. Falls like a benediction soft - -
Mrn Forester and son Bob, of Osh- ~�� Upon her ]one1 way, Wide variety of Colours. Roofing Nails With
ell on fF %.i emthemmthemmth Canadian Gtrls din Training po Y y�
n visited Mr. and Mrs. Henry, - An-A thus she lives for evermore, �8'1e Orders Only
The Comrades Group of the C. G. Though from mortal sight away.
Michell on Sunday. I _.._Loyd remembered b `
' Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Pilkey were is 1. T. held their meeting in the forum 111Y 7 datng4+ter'
ot' a tobogganing party at the home Peggy All grades of B. C. Cedar Shingles
r -