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VOL 66 No, 22 P4CiCERING, Ol!i�'. FRIDAY, JANUARY 24, 194T Authorized as Second Class Matter :
.�Rstewi Rer,eat; I3. 8: VL" W. C. Muricar and S� P+ubli3hers U. Post Office Department, Ottawa
Woodlands Erect Their awn C ,
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The zesidents of, East Woodlands FanOy With Mrs 1A, Maileotm, Of Aillert W. Stack Buried Peter ,Kaiser To Sittg On 'CKDO Pickering V Ijla e
to be for the carom- • Brougham On 89th Birthday L'larelsaeatt Program This Saturda Evatdng b
ty spirit, arM work they have y ,
at into erecting Cg Monday own enurg 6 On of the oldest members of the Following an illness of six months, Peter Kaiser, tenor, Pickering , will Digs' Frank Smith is improving
ty halt Last Monday evening a community, ]lislcolm, ce e- Albert W. Slack passed away at his be a guest artist on a fifteen- minute '
nicely after her operation in a Tor- '
g with organizing activities was brated her 89th birthday on January residence here last 7%ursda Janu-
p ro mover CKDO on Saturda onto Fisp °itai. :'�•
Id, with President Frank Martin p' program Y Mr. and Mrs. Henry Westney ree-
d Executive in 14th Her children, grandchildren and wry 16th. He was in his 133rd year. evening, from 7.15 to 7.30.
efved not- too-serious injuries at the
The program for the week is
out_ t sldren gathered at the O to time careta%er of the school The program (sponsored one) will "lights" at the
ed an toliows: Howard Malcolm home for- sugper-ta. -here, Mr. Slack then moved to a feature songs by L)-nde and Bell, of Ajax road on Tues-
ad&yr aez's._i�ligt►t, to Yorm` i'aeir viah_her_._manv hanDv returns, and 'farm east of the village on the 9th 'Whitby. t day evening, when drivzna across '..
rn t'he exeningtnany frie - co to where re- the highway (reporter311v on LVJ��J
wn activities and their own comm- called to offer their co Wighth -oehen a trans - --
tteea, ghbo ngrax- tirement four years ago. He was a crashed into their car broadside __ -
essay+ -,Boy Scouts under the able don's' member of the United church ana Wheeler -Zrown ,
Kdership of but Master Richards, Pickering Womees Insti�tuto To Meet lived most of his life in this area. tossing them around violently, wit12 `
of Oshawa, assisted b Mr. David He is predeceased by his wife. Rev. David Gallagher officiated at the ca ending up on Bunker's laws, .
Y At Same Of Mrs. $ateiriiaea4 Ina. 28. Surviving are a son, Wesley of . the marriage on Saturday last, at badly damaged, Both Mr. and Mrs..
Tantham. Messrs O`Neill, Gulliver, Y ag Y .
Blackwell, McKee, Johnson, Skelton The Womea'e Institute will meet Brougham; a daughter,. Mrs, Leslie Runnymede United Church, of Betty Westney received minor injuries only
Graham were elected to assist in at the home of Mrs. H. C. Fliitchison Gauslia of the 8th concession and Isobel Browne. daughter of Mr, and -in spite of•what they went through,
this work, Scouts will be 9or boys on Tuesday, January 28, at 2.30. two brothers, Wm. in the West and Mrs. H. G. Browne to Jack Marshall Jim MacRae is now employed as
from 8 to 4.2 years and 12 to 1T The Publicity Convener, Miss Jes- Jim of Stouffville. Wheeler, Pickering. son of Mr. and' Farm Manager at the Ontario Lad -;
The funeral was held on Sunday Mrs, W. C. Wheeler, In a setting of ies College, at Whitby. j
ce l Opening night to be annoti%n= pr Rorke will al in charge of the from. the United Church with Rev. white pompous and alms, the bride The local fire company had .a hard 1 �.
oed lataz. :: program. Roll Call - „Causes That p � p task earl Mo:tda morning - - -- -- -- - -- f -�
l.' E. Kennedy oficiatina, 'assfted by wore a period o
Wednneeaay= +girt Guides, lady M 1 \t �k Assistant gown of white moire tinguighing the fire at the ~
Joan• Newman, Ladies' nominated to Hostesses: Mrs. :14., Graham, Mrs. N. Re`. W. L. Wenham. Interment in with a Mary Stuart'headdress and Rouge r
Claremont Union Cemetery. - fingertip veil, She carried k roses - BridSe accident, making It possible
assist: itin. Mesdames Christensen, F. ls;. t hortreed and Mrs. BicEQen Fallbearere were: Ralph Wellman, and midget 'mums. Mrs. G. E. Car- for the McEachnie Ambulance driv-
els,' and Ph'n and Norman Linton, Wm, Pugh, Wm, berry was matron of honor for her e1 to get at the body. of the trans-
Storms (tot. Altona Road). DA NC 1 N C- Pegg, Mors Evans' and Walter sister, wearing turquoise moire with port driver. Many people in the viU- +'
Thita'sday --- +Ladies Night, with a g r4
committee of Mesdames Sloan, Sic- FUN Gaualin. r headdress of braided turquoise rib- age din! not hear the fire bell, and
Kee bon and a nosegay ft In to be hoped Oi+ieilI and Johnson, BROUGHAM, SAT.. 25TH i Ontario •+County' Holstein• Win A0. g 5 of yellows roses soar be installed- � new siren will -
!!?riday�- i8ridge and Euchre at 8.30 E- V E tt V H01 V COME,! � Canadian Awards )mot pnis' pompons. Ushers were eGeorge B ls Our two e'.deriy gentlemen Mesas'
p. m. Anyone interested is invited to
come sionr� Good prizes are gives, CLremoat School Board Gass For the third straight - ton and William Browne. At the Old C. J. Stevenson and Jabez Hallett ;
and a cup of tea. served at the close. Iaos Action g year a Get Mill, the bride's, mother received m we both still seriously ill, although ,
Mr. Christensen is in charge, f Sire by Xontvic 3lonoyrain; Sen- mulberry crepe with sequined peplum Mr. Stevenson had shown some imp- -
,.' 4•
arge assist- for herd sire at tie •Elmeroft Farm rovement at the first of the week,
ed by Mss. tiewlands. Mrs. D..Mu- _ 'I'he 1947 Board of Trustees.-- with . of. R. Ray McLaughlin, Oshawa, has and a carnage of yellow roses. The
tut and Mrs. McIntyre. four meetings so far this month, has be4n named Reserve All- Canadian, groom's mother wore gray crepe with Mrs Ray t he Li has been with
Saturday--commencing in the morn- lam fiats is getting dov►n to bus - n sou was Dint] n b pink roses. For going away, the bride her mother at the Lindsay Hospital,
ing with a story -book readia under mesa, t!s Jan 2, the B,mrd made group j Y y changed to a gray Pin - stripe ,suit i}te latter being critically lilt
g rasa FJlmeraft Farm and Bert Thornton _
duvetion of -M r Reek and Mrs n - tha mu h inspection of the school and Son Thamesford, Ont. Mr. Mc. with lime green blouse, a matching - -
g hat and black Persian lamb coat. The '..31st and flex, W. T, . Hero+; Celebrate
Rill for- this week. At 630 p.m. Mr. building and equipment it was -Cec- Lau film a a sf ors, ono
Whitley, of Oshawa, will ihow mat. ;tied to fnroisit better facilities ilor :Mention for Al)- Canadian in the ' couple swill real a at s tsgton. 3r. eddiag Annirery
ion pictures. The admission. - 25 and pupils +wing lunch at school; to Produce of Dam class on a group • • • •
1b cents. A committee has been rhos. complete all necessary repairs ass from Elm Sylvia Colantha sired _ by Copeland-Duthie - Friends of Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Her
en to pick out pictures suitable for speedily as possible. And to replace Monogram and in the class for two- ! .on, Kingston Road East, surprised
children and adu*. At 9,00 on Sat- out -of -date and worn -out *teaching year-old- heifer9 o s Eimcroft Colas- ' E.]inton United Church, decorated them with a dinner party on Tues -- - 1'
urday evening, the teen -agers take equipment; more safety precautioAa ' tha Rose M., also a Monogram dau- with spring Cowers and candelabra, dad* evening, the oceasiur of th.. +r
over ithe• hall for dancing. S_ uare . against fire and accidents irese first was the setting for the marriage on 30th Wedding Anniversa '
tins - q g ghter. i g ry. Mr, and
dancing is being arranged 13or those ito be put, into efA ct. A fire gong is Orvan Chambers, Wilfrid, ' Ont , Saturday of Roberta Clare Duthie, � Mrs. Heron are cell -known in this
interested, being installed and -fire extinguishers I won two Reserve All- Canadian a- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. • and ti..- Scarboro D.strict, and outer �
Duthie, of Unionville, and Dr. Rob- ! ixiends extend beat' wishes to the '"c
Sunday-- ,SpZday School at 3.00 P. are being located on each floor. iteK- wards, Nis bull calf Way Brook • •
m under :Mr. D. Tantham. Over 79 ut,ar fire drills will be held. A request Highlig:`tt, who was -first prize win= ert Copeland, soh of Rev. R. C. aid couple o., this l :s}�p - occaa;io.,
children turned' out last week. The was forwarded to the Government Mrq. Copeland, of Pickering. Dr. W: "
Classes are: Primary, with over 26 Boiler Inspection Department for nee Senior bull calf at the Royal J. Johnston officiated. Given in mar-
Winter Fair, was named Reserve All- Township School .srta
children enrolled under teacher airs. .note frequent, and regular inspect- Canadian bull tale, while his ' Senior rcagn by her father, ti+ bride w ort-
Graham, assisted by Mrs. Smith and ions of the heating equipment. Tura ivory satin appliqued with dui! a4. °4.c. le
Yearling; Otonabee Pabst Review The inaugural mreting.,,f tl a
lances McKee. Junior Girls- under such inspectors evade a ainspection a i her fingertip veil caught bv. a halo
Mrs. Palmer. Mrs. Spendlove has the week later, the caretaker reported. ' Who is jointly owned with J. T. her of orange blossoms, She carried a ly- elected board of. Tru+tres w• ti held .*
Peterboro, took the- �,ll'ieserve All- at University Drive Schoui (iuriner �
Araior Boys'; )Mrs. McLean has the At the organization meeting on Canadian Senior Yearling designs- bouquet of white roses, hyacinth pet- '�v #Fast) on Wcd :et�sddy .41
Int.errnediate Boys'; Mr. Frank Star- January 8th, Wan. J. Doberty was er � Hon. A year ago this bull was Res- als and gardenias. Mrs. J. F. Fuller, January 15. Pending the appo;ntu a it �
tin leads the Bible Class and Miss. ected Chairman. Three Committees I sister of the bride and her matron of ?�
erne :ail- Canadia :r 'bull calf and this of a permanent iecretary, A. Arch-
Shirley Martin is Secretary, were appointed: " Teachers and Ina - honor, wore a midnight blue velvet r'
year was first prize winner at the ; ibald, Public Schools I:tspcctor, acted
Sunday evenin,Q at 7.30, there is a pectors ", Win, J. Doherty and Les. I gown with pink halo hat and bou-
Feterbaro C:rampio�iehip .Shave and in ths.t, capacity. A. I.ishitta=t and W.
period of hymn singing. Mr. and Mrs. McCullough; "Mainte:tan� ", Les ghat M pink roses and tulips, fir,
second at the Royal Winter Fair. Collins were elected Chairman
Palmer have greatly ssaipted in this McCullough and S. J. Dunning; "Fin- i Georg- G. Copeland was best man, '
work for anumber d with the rice", Win. J. Doherty and S. J. I G. H. Walker and Son, Part Perry. and Roy d•ee and Jack Ramsden Vice- Chairman respec=tively, and E.
y took the Reserve All - Canadian award L Chapman, Secretary of the Board,'
aesistanee of Mr. Tantham and Mr. Dunning. Bliss A. Forgie wm app- in class for het�rr calves on ushers. At the reeeption, Mrs. Duth- A programme of ins -_- -
R Martin ointed Serretary-Treseurer and Mr. ie wore a blue gown, matching hat p g� p�'on and reg- 2"
Ridgedaye Empress Keyes. This 'an- With ;Liar meetings .vvas drawn up. The
Anyone co+ild. judge from the can- James Heinous !ran rr- engaged apt imal was first prize Junior Yearling pink French plumes grad carnage next meeting will be held an Thus-
;,unity activity listed above that E- care%sker and was- . 9mlited an in of carnations, The groom's mother ;
calS at the Royal Witter. Fair and day, January. 23, and it is pL• need to
Woodlands' is Est- growing, and is crease is salary in appreciation of was in delph blue and n coma o!
defiaital a permanent also at the Aeterboro Championship � hold monthly meetings which iattt-
y part of this his efficiency and years o€ nest icf!, a taW: roses. :The couple heft on a honey - ested persons may attend.
Township, Congratulations from the PuMe Liability Insurance vvas rev- Thomas H. Flett, Oshawa received moon to Quebec, the bride wearing
News oa your - splendid efforts, may evv�ed and ]ication vw made to a light wool suit. They' will live
y �p Honorable Mention for All- Canadian .+
success 1 brit* the t1•ae�be:e ane caretaker un- — - -- Grimsby, �vchere Dr. Copeland iA'no><
un fits Se:uar i e �humhes
der the Worhnan'a Compensation pTactibiag dentistry, •.
be oars. ---, pew. Aristocrat. This animal was � '' � •
Act. A more efficient and economical Okkering United (.Tisch
second at the Peterboro Champion-
:' =7' I method rt¢ purcnasi 4.g tans c�ne.king ship Show, Sattday Be -Rev. fiobt: C. Copeland, B. A.
school supplies, was adopted. A First Bald .At Bronghaar, INareh S.
An impromptu program • featured Aid Kit was ordered for the school PkWring Pu%c Library f SUNDAY, JA_\iLARY 26, 1947'
the diner on Monday evening with and other business discussed included Annual' '_Heetint Jan. 27L The Sunday School Convention of 10.00 a, m. - Sunday School x
Rotarians Robt, Ruddy, Wm, Goudy, thp arranging of a salary sche4iile -- the O, R, E. G., of Pickering Town- . 11,00 a, m' _ .Morning Worship ;?
Lloyd Johnston and Jos. Bsmigat► for the teachers; a closer supervision The Library Annual Meeting will ship, ill be held at Brougham, 7'00 P. m, - Evening Worsham N
taking the floor in that order b the Board of all school activitiea be held on Monday, January 27, at P, sham, on' .
C. A. Sterritt introduces his n Y Wed_-uesdav, March 5, it was announ- Choir practice at the home of the
guest, and to between the trus- b 00 p, m, in the Library Rooms. ced �lloving an Executive Meeting' choir-leader, ,F'ridayInight. ,F
the speaker next Monday, Mr, And- tees, the staff and parent& i This is an open meeting and all in Brougham last weeek, Mr. Warren ,
arson, new principal of our Contin- Tbo two Principe's, Mrs• Lattshv,a }• i late rested in the wArk _of the Lib- WB Dunbarton Crites Church
uation School. That being "National i , on anti is Chairman
and 31r, Cattetwood were invited t•o ,ran are ��'ekome. of the Convention. _ice►. A. E., Holley, B. A"
Aea1th Week" Rotarian Dr. Cart-
Minister with the Board on January 10, 1 Minister e
w >ht will also speak. ,Annual sleeting United Church �q
pe to discuss school management, dis- SUNDAY, JANUARY 26, 1947
cipline and pupils' welfare,` Suggest- 0 Townah' of Pickeri 9.45 -- Sunda School tit
Brougham W. M. S. First :Meeting 1 ions and ideas to improve school aff- The Annual Congregational Land 11.00 Morning Worship
Business Meeting of Pickering Unit- TENDERS
Of 194.7, At Home of airs. A. �Gtay airs will lie acted upon at once. ed Church -will be held in the base -
At the January 16th meeting it - Ceptennial United Church -
On Thursday afternoon, January was the uaanimoirs decision of the
merit of the church on Wednesday Wil] be received by the undersign- Highland Creel[
evening, January 29, with a Pot ed, at Brougham,• Ont„ until noon Rev. ' A. E. 13nlle B. A B. D.
1S, the W. M. S. Of Brougham 'United Fw,ard that an upward revision of the Luck Supper at. 6.30 p, m. Monday, January 27, 1947 for - t� ° `
Church held their first meeting at teaching staff's salaries was due, t ofiaister
the hoe :-of Airs. A. Gray, Owing to , An, increase was granted each teach- ! - DUNBARTO i NEWS SUNDAY, JANUARY 26, 1947
icy roans and colds, the attendance ' er, effective .January 1st: This brings �, 2. Full -time Assistant Assessor.. 1.16 �-- Sunday School f `
was not so large as usual. In tFie ab- individual salaries into line with each -MT. Bill mp of Kemt4ille, Ont- Q, Truant Officer and Sanitary 7'04 -' Evelityng Worship :
Bence of the Presidents, Mrs, Norton teacher's qualifications and exper- ario, vvas a over tre weekend. Inspector as part -time work. $'3 - T. P. U.
conducted the business. The Roll Call . ience, and is in accordance with the I Mrs. H. McClement and baby Applicapt must be a veterinary
was answered by a verse Prom Gen- Inspectors and Teachers' Federation 4.Ii daughter spent a.week at Port Perry, surgeon, and have taken the pre- �b�� nD
eais and "pay your membtrship fee ". recanunendation,4. The Board gave in- I recently. scribed Sanitary Course or be ���
Jars. Johnston and her group gave structions for the school library to � .'Mrs. Chas. Annis has `returned willing to take same this year. ,
"The Youth of India" from the Study be modernized and built up. The ?tome and- is. convalesing after her SUNDAY, JANUARY 26, 1947
Book, At the close of; the meeting science room plumbing is now bei•ag recent illness. Tenders to state salary exported, Mrs. P. N. Spratk Ori�it
Rev. I, E, Kennedy installed the o erhaWed and other repairs are un- Mr. William Cropley "spelt. the 2,00 p. m, - Sunday 3e8o•.
newly- appointed officers for the year. der way. week end at Richmond hill; Township $'� Church l°s
A pit halt .hour was + fin °t Pfclrertng. • • • • t a
p spent a- Rem :]ar Board roes in are held Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Cowan " of Brougham, Ontario The Ladies' Aid-of the Presbyter - `r
round the tea table at the close, ser the 3rd W Aoesday of each month. Rosebank leave this week for a hot -
ved by Mrs. Gray. iday in Florida, ian Church are planning a Valentines .
Tea for February,..l4, in the church.
' ... - - '.tit .� � ` __ M ,A .. - ..� - "• .. - -. � ,
t TABLE TALKS e Proper Living
. • i ■ ,� nv.. rr to t•rr� lofts 1'nv -'.r t .
-Movie- Actress I a It is ,more important to' teach
children proper living habits than
RORMNTAL 57 Withered r Flavourful Soups This soup May he made with - vege• to train them to be caretu} truss-
1,SPietured 58 Pelts - EMIL _ _ table or. pc*y stock - instead of ing a busy street. And Yet. parents
screen actress VERTICAL I,j I11eat soups, that is soups li
made beef stock, -- often content themsees with the
9 Chief T with bunt-, and meat trimmings, %T_ more obvious safety warnings. Wise
13 Christmas 1 Airesh, r not too much fat please. and pea Chichen Gumbo parents also hate shtir children
' Orgali!• of V R E '-
carol soup are best if cooked slowly. vaccinated. inoculated, and taught
smell 1 small onion, finely chopped
" • 14 Musical •sound ,n, w reolly simmered for a long time %1 in li % e ricl• t
15 Against. 3 Born The meat and bones are covered 2 tablespoons chicken fat
4 Nlurtndtn dye 24 She is an — (Coll.) 2 tablespoons flour -
1B East southeost w;th cold water, brought tt✓ the ;
5 11ix 27 Louisiana 41 Units of 4 cu
lab:) boil and then simmered for two. Ps chicken stock
6 Toward (ab.) weight
1? Palm lily 1 cup cooked chickcn, finely
I8 Weight (ab 7 Half -em 29 Erbium 42 Nude three or four hours: '1t'haTe vege-
20Number 8 Cw•rent (symbol) 44 Skills tables like carrots, onions, turnips. dropped %f•
events 32 International 46 Age celery stalks and leaves may he put
r/ cup canned corn
21 Us 2 cups canned tomatoes or r
22 Standard O} 9 Mother language 49 Australian in with. the meat for added flavour tomato juice 't t
10 Insect �34 Sign of bird The stock obtained can be easily
value Salt, pepper and paprika to t3aaaH9 ��
23 Ocean 1l News notes approval 51 Street (ab.) clarified by adding crushed egg taste `.. b :lass l
12 Five and four 35 Grill 53 Electrical shells: brin ing the stock to the 41i1�• au>ti
25 Myself R zeliet m ,Dash
26 Slide 11 Strike lightly 36 Short sleep engineer (ab.) boil and then straining it' through bronchitis an� t'
0 19 Beverage 37 Help 54 Melasure of cheese cloth. From the . stock, Cook onion Slowly in chicken fat throat irrita• a a '
28 High card. 22 She plays to 38 Step area for about' S minutes. Blend in flour. boas U r
3.0 Alternating - which • should be kept in a closed Add stock and other ingredients, as�rs aaaaaorss
current (ab. I• motion —s 39 Exchange 55 About container in a cool place. a great •
• ., , ", seasoning to taste. Bring to boil- -
31 Transpose I Z 3 ''I 6 7 8 Q11f 10 11 It many varieties of soups cat, be pre-
simmer for ;'a h YM01 t
- - _ -. (ab.) - _. _ - err e5 t --
pared ing point and sin our UWE RT THE
Ruthenian 13 1+} S rg h . ORIQINATORS OF � DS _ The home economists of the Con-
. - (vmbol > - - -' _ , 1.6 '. ZQ Sumer Section -af-f i1o*„ihion De- __ e
as uayore, ,
(comb form) i'.! ° a3 .__ i'4 partment of Agriculll give re- ! x
35 Nee cipes to •make meat stock and to[�`�ML
37 Inquires i?b 2i ?9 29 use it. �i/VT�
- '39Seniot lab t 3l Beef Stock TlalhlS } -
.40 Dine s, -'zs
42 Twice - 2 lbs. meat trimmings with bones • �g ,?n �" A
43 Tantalum p: 3 small carrots ¢' -'
(symbol) i' 33 ay E small onions F 't
45 Grief ri 37 3a 3 stalks celery = / p� n A '47 Italian river 35 34 . �' 2 quarts water -cold
48 Paid notice 41 = 42 3 4y t/e teaspoon whole p:PPercorns
49 Auricle 0 s
50 Ventilates _ 45 46 48 ttq - - /a bay, iesf
52 Close �•' - - 1 spray off thyme or
55 Lea+ a out 50 SI 52 5 54 S5 ;/s teaspoon dried thyme ' ;1
plot-. „e -2- sprig parsley y
grotui� -- dpT -� sb i i 5x 56 I I R Salt and pepper 'to taste
Put beef. carrots. onions. celery
and water in kettle and bring slow- {
1y to a boil. Tie spices and herh%
OWIN TOPICS in cheesecloth bag . add with par-
step to srntp` mixture and .simmer. rtR
By BARRY MURKAR covered for two hours. Strain'
Yield: G cups.
A good -ina6 of the young, fry The second time I was out on Russian Beet Soup
are guilty of being incorriderate skis this winter, 1 almost landed _._ _.
" and impolite. Ali -elderly lade told, in the- hospital -that may "be' 3 bit 3 large beets (3 cups peeled and s
_. me that last week and, as I men- exaggerated, but it lends colour. -1 iutelq shredded or chapped) -
tioned, 1 am going to try to I was show i Susie. ti cups meat sfotTt
tr°igbtzn • -tLC eituarion by "- -She was climbing .np the hill as 1 I tablespoon butter
pointing out some of our evil Labits was coming down. As I passed Salt and pepper to rite " and how best to remedy, them. het I took a- bow and dpffed my; 1 teaspoon sugar
First of alt, we are noisy in pub- hat. my right ski went. through t14e I tablespoon vinegar or lemon ;
Iic -by that 1 mean in theatres and crust sending me spiny lug like a juiGe _
restaurants. We chew gum in " top and landing me neatly on my
church. The boys fail to doff their head. Susie thought I had been To the prepared beets add 2 cups
-!tuts to ladies and the girls greet taking lessions from some acrobat. stock and cook 13 minutes. Add "Yes, yes, of course rm glad to see you —who's your cute
their elders with a smack of the My ski strap was broken (costing remaining stock and cook until the friend wfffl the crisp. •
_. bubble gum. Oh yes, and we crowd me �c s' -
people off the street an.f we dress which only proves that showing. Add ` utter and season to taste -RA! c ok. fooled you Jiro ! That's aid don`t f
s oi4et that t3rspe -Nuts .
loo sloppily. Oh , my gosh, we're off should be done in the front with salt and pepper. Add sugar air cook. She won't serve any- P7altea are made of two tiraiIIS- wheat:
awful.. parlour or some sate late. and vinegar or lemon juice and al- t� � qty -rich' sweet -&&-& -nut � wed bail,!. They give you car_
P Pot's Orape -Nuts hakes for break- �ydraten for enr�. proteins tae
- -' • • ' • • low soup to simmer for .at least ice,. masele,
+ - pltospltcsus for teeth and
I The other day I chanced to call 20 minutes. Six servings. „Well what are we waiting bane&, iron for the blood, and other
I agree partly with the above at a friend's houste -as he "was put- fO�IOt�s rood essentials They taste wsndeitttL
- _ criticisms, but not altogether. �S Ity, ting the finishing touches on a bird N 1 - tablespoon sous ,cream 4 into that slant They're rind for Vat, Zhey>� easy to
I know r !,lion on our street and
may be added to each plate of soup tYlt;ast,"
house. He showed me two others '
bs very -
' polite, Tor myself and in-
" lie had just finished from boards. " - -� _ - -- - -- - •
` T- Consideration: I think my worst The one I liked was made from a - - -
habit is that of waiting until there limb of basswood It was about
"is a lull in conversation and then four inches long and about four
blowing my . snozz- raising every
inches across. He had split the _ R
one about two feet off their chairs. wood and bark down through the
I often drown out Jim Hunter with middle, hollowed it out and then %y
a blasting honk that makes my nailed it back together. it had a �J
father turn blood -red with anger. g flat -board base and root: and a • ,�
don't wipe my' feet and I leave twig for a perch, in front of the
',pop's electric shaver sitting around entrance.. You may be looking for -
instead of putting it back in the something to do on a winter even-
case.- (Okay, okay, even peach fuzz ing, and what could be more inter- �� -" 1\I - = • -
looks better trimmed). Being -hon- esting then building a bird house. % I - \1
est about it, the most of us Gourd They add beauty to your home
find a nufnber of faults .that would and surroundings and offer a splen- - �' •
be better left in some ash can. did way for fatOning the pocket
• . book- Almost every family is in - A
the market for a new bird house / • The new Liptaa's Tea Bags are
Here are a ten suggestions that -or dog house, so get busy and _ convenient ... economical ... and
should help to 'make us better r.,,4 I � � give you all the brisk flavour of
ti your r. ay-at -home nights - Ii ton's Tea... uses wisb vvasn
ladies and gentlemen: profitable. .•; p always fresh, lively sad fullT
1. If wishing to speal, to a - I ` - bodied: Fiery Lipton Indivi-
friend in a theatre or restaurant, OR THAT - t , dwl "Measured Service "Tea
use a' megaphone and get it over , Bag provides two full
with in u lit zf •
repeating and things gets back to f�. - evos of britntaTea.
- normal sooner. r Lipton's Tea.
2. 'ever chew gum in church. RUB 1N... -- - -..
-It may- give- the - minister the idea' - - -+ - -
YOU are cursing under your breath. ,
Park it behind your ear or on the i
vestibule door and collect same on ss�
- = the way out. Above all don t put it under the . seat -you may forget •
it and the ,um is still hard to' buy. ;
.3. Tn regard to dressing, we _
could smooth out a little. Especially
the boys. Vet your pant cuffs down
-your ]cgs don't took that nice; Po Torhre By J. MILLAR WATT
and wear your hats• right side out. _• P-
" People m_ ay mistake you for a -
character from Mars.
4, Girls should try to remember NAVt A b1E/►RT MAN -NpT THAT N WRY FOND CW
that a greeting mixed with a smack l 0 SNAKrt:S
of bubble gum could sound like - - . t All
anything. Please don't do that,
E. And last, about herding down 3 1�1 d _ (' /�'� _ • ''
the street like a load of runaway ' V
elephants, When tweeting an older
' person on the sidewalk, step smart -
fy into single file until all danger 4 I _ '
,is paused..-This gives the pedestrian • N4 �/� �.� &-21 -A3 _
st much better chance of making the
home portals without -loss of limb *►.:.R .:..L.,•. M- & -
�-- or • even of life. -
P •
_� SCh001 How Cann I? Another Lost Illusion :
By Anne Amy
" One by one our illusions' drop
Christ for an People Q. How can I remove, rust from away. One by one the pat phrases
YJohn 4 '4-10 47 -90 ae-d!. nickelplate? of easy assurance are banished :
from our vocabularies, s
Golden Text — But whosoever A By covering with oil or A!„
druiketh of the water that .1 #hail grease, or mutton tallow. Allow First someone denied the magic j
' it to remain for two or three days._ .. ualities f spinach. And now
give him shall never thirst.. — q o a
John, 4: 14• then rub thoroughly with rotten- doctor informs us that if is unsafe
stone, wash with ammonia, and to say of vitamins that "at least ,
The Woman of Samaria polish with-whiting. Kerosene ap- - they ean't hurt you." `
• On their way northward from plied frequently will prevent nickel Indiscriminate and . prolonged
Judea to Galilee, Jesus and His from rusting. - J ,1 g• _ i taking of vitamins, says this ph3'-
" disciples came to Jacob's well close ' sician can contribut@ to an early
Q. How can I store potatoes
to Sychar. Jesus, wearied with His for the winter? death. That's a blow to the drug -
journey, seated Himself on the A. Discard all the potatoes that store people, and it's a blow 'to a
stone steps of the curbing around 'show the least sign reat many of us..
the well. The disciples went into en of decay or
the village to purchase .food sad sprout. Pile potatoes in the base - We see nothing in prospect but
" - so Jesus probably was left along meat and cover well with straw an unrelieved diet of meat, potatoes,
or with burlap, vegetables and cynicism.
A Singer Is Saved _- --
: - :
N} hen the Samaritan woman Q What is a good treatment — Kitchener Record.
from the village of Sychar came for frostbite?
to Jacob's well for water Jesus A. Rub gently with snow, or Whistler's father, one of the
- " with cloths wrung out of ice cold
asked of her, "Give me to drink. S �rLatest railway builders in the
Such knowledge- of human nature water, and keep the patient away United State's, invented the origi-
and tact ed to disregard of the from any direct source of heat. nal locomotive whistle.
• • barrier between Jew and Samari- Q. How should a parcel post ?q
)� tan, excited the wonder of the wo- package be tied?
man. How was it, she queried, that - A. Tie the package that is to be XIDDIES
—._ he asked a favor of her? For Jews seat parcel post two or three times.
d associate — with -- Samaritan•- =ra with separate--pieces—of corms --
„ He replied that if she. could but Then tie knots where the cord a
r.st.a ►1AT111tg• see in Him the Christhke gift of crosses. If this is done and one yield q{f;Cki __ a
-CHAPTER I that detection would be his career. �, she would be a suppliant be- piece of cord breaks,' the others
---- Then he took a course in crimin. fore Him who alone couJA lead her will hold the package. �• to a brisk rY
Outside, the sidewalks were damp ology at a famous university, sat in to the fountain of living water. Q• How can I clean windows and slippery. It was late Februa at lectures at police college, talked, The woman, in her haste, left her ]JUCKLEY'S wum RUB
February. during freezing weather?
The sky was blurred with an ap- - himself into a job whit a run -down A. If the weather is so cold 3
proaching storm. McCale walked detective agency. After that, he had his anxiously, and were withdrawn, -
up Stuart street slowly, stopping to set himself up as a private investi- as if the brain behind them was that water cannot fr applied to the
buy an early morning paper a! the Bator. Cynical over police methods confused and helpless. He knew windows without freezing, dampen
.; ne -n- —____. ____ _a-s_he found them in practice, sick that there was desperation there, apiece of cheesecloth with kern -
sene and the pindows can be clean -
He'd just had some mid - morning to death of the strike- breaking jobs, that n was uifficsit fur hc< <., ;i,ay
coffee with a couple of erstwhile the divorce- work, cfit undercover - r�T: �II�T+ +ai Am Lai Cic�civaa+,cG
(private "eyes" and they'd told him bribery, the ' questionable ethics, of to play it. He waited, and the • <�
6a great detail of how :Hiss Ade_ many of the men masquerading as silence in the room. lengthened.. He .waterpot at the well and sped back -a
hide Bigelow, of the Bigelows, had honest investigators, it was the saw the light go out of her eyes and to Sychar to tell her neighbors of 7
been traipsing from office to office only thing for him to do. Only a realized* would not tell with chagrin that she Him wAo told her all that ever she him what was gnaw - did..
' for the "right" detective. Just what few clients had come his way. But , . It is not certain that the. wo= '
she needed a detective for, they it was worth it. ing at her mind, that she had de- man gave Jesus the drink he de
- .— .didn't know, but it looked promis- He was nearly at his own door- cidcd to risk acquiring his aid only sired from the well, but it as cet-
fog, step when he noticed it. An antique in part. tain 'that she took the water of life a
To McCale it looked like hokum-, limousine, broad in the beam and . "My niece is to be married next andc£ reel offered her so graciously _ f
besides, he wasn't interested. He high in the tonneau, was drawn to week, Mr. McCale' Perhaps you y
slid not, at the moment, realize that the curb before his door. have heard of her? The Campaign is Sychar 7
"Yes, indeed. Veronica Bigelow.
,.tt McCale _opened the waiting -room_ The campaign in Sychar was
doot and stepped Her piftvres are very Lovely." He'd
4hat even then he was being gently gipped inside. The room marked by four things: (i) The ;
prodded into the relentless ava- was empty. The faded carpet and sever seen one
• • testimony of the converted woman
• Aaanche of a big case. He stopped real leather chairs stared at him was astonishly effective. What she Good He ®nth
She brightened con,siderab]
' for cigarettes at a drug store and blankly. The wine velour draperies " g y said about Christ brought to Him
She is lovely. My favorite niece, . ia�
stood at the counter idly turning were pulled back to. ter is what many of her fellow townsmen.. (Z)
light Mr. McCale. She'd be very wealthy,
',. 11he pages of a newspaper. �y g there was. There were The saved Samarita>3s wasted • -
• a * fresh yellow flowers in a squat too My brother's child The wed- others saved; hence they besought ant• cuss's "�� PdIL .1
- - - - white bowl on his secretary's desk, ding. of course, will be .at Trinity, Him to stay in Sychar. The Saviour, � a �t a d� sad ;i
-Under a misty photograph of a but she wasn't there. but the reception is to take place always anxious to save, "abode Sod bowsdr. - 7
very debby deb, he read the cap- No was thiildng •L -t It !,Cnked at,.the family's town house. There there two days ". (3) The circle of liea[thf aeetvia mo tLea# mgaan = -_ --
tton: -Lydia Prentice of Maribor- very quiet, very nice, not like a de- are t great many beautiful and believers widened as they saw and 1e, d --+�Tp , Wr-
ough street and Magnolia, one of tective's waiting room at all, when priceless gifts on display. They will heard Jesus; "and many more be- L
The bride's attendants at the wed- Ann 1Marriot came in. She dosed have to be guarded night and day. lieved because of His own word ". Mass's fey -L r pa and Is-
ding next Saturday of Veronica the door of the inner office, giving 'The police," ventured McCale. So Jesus taught and the converts pep and happluem
Perkins Bigelow to Curtin Vailain� him a warning look. Pshaw! The police. She be- testified and the saved were multi- �33ets� boz
court. Ann Marriot was the type of girl came more assertive. "We' don't . plied, (4) "Now we believe," they <
A socieiy wedding. He laughed you might pass by at a first meet - want plainclothes men all over the said in happy -chorus. And they
soundlessly as he thought of Leach ing, but when you knew her better, house. They'd stick out like sore went on: "for we have heard Him
NEE , • and Garrity making a big story you became aware of her _ attrac- thumbs. I want someone quiet and ourselves, and knout that this Is aver some old blue -blood who was, tiveness. Her features were nice— unobtrusie— just —just someone— indeed the Christ, the Saviour of
au doubt, looking for a couple of gray eyes set far apart; 'a straight (To Be Continued) the world."
id cks presentable enough to mingle but not- too small nose, and' a good- ,
Vnth a crowd of gilt -edged guests, sized mouth. She ran to intelligence
%Obile they kept a sharp eye on the and tweeds and her ash - blonde hair
wedding presents. always imparted tht fragrance of No More Setting Dough 0
As he folded. the paper, his eye j
caught a word or two in the gossip carnations. as she caught a whiff v A
g g p of it now, as she handed him an _
column, "After Dark." It read: "At engraved calling card.
: Ithe Latin Quarter last night, Curt • • .
vallaincourt, the handsome lad It read: Adelaide Perkins Bige- f `
*ho is to middle -aisle it with e'er- : .y
anica Bigelow next week, waited in ]ow. ,
wain for her to appear. He ended ' bliss Bigelow is waiting in your _ a
office, said Ann.
-'his vigil by lapping up_ Zombies "Why in there? "' McCale asked,
with .Shari Lynn, the 'torchp sing-
lowering his voice.
er from the floor shove. We didn't -"Well," she answered, flushing
'know they knew each other." '
McCale frowned at the last alln- slightly, "it's nice in there. There's
a fire in the grate and the big chair ,�. -..
Sion. Too bad these keyhole lads
had to spice everything up so. and —books and things.' ssI 4 tiY
— A little old lady, quietly dressed,
' • • turned in the act of reaching or a -
McCale's office and living quar- book, to face him. g • °''
tens combined were on St. James "Oh, she said, nearly dropping • 4ti,
street, a- bit far uptown for that
sort of thing. They were in a block "Miss Bigelow"' His sharp eyes
of old brownstone. houses, the last took her in at a glance.
that remained in that vicinity. Here, She was small, almost' birdlike, •� %i fl :. l •'
while they lasted anyway, McCale and nervous in a fluttery -way. She
was able to cling to the'illusion that had a fine, delicately modelled face,
he was a cut above the average de- too delicate, perhaps, to be impos-
tective. His background, surely, ing. Yet there was evidence in her x i f;J ;yi
was worse than most. Born in the carriage and in her manner of dig-
Len part of Chicago, he had nity'and stubborn strength. McCale
been brought up among thieves and was aware, too, of a certain unea5i-
mobsters. At fourteen, he knew all Hess, a larking apprehension behind '�` h t!`.:r4 ;.
the answers. To himself, he often the too bright eyes that he could
admitted that he had a criminal - not attribute to surprise at his sud- - -.• , �.. •; . • s':. ,, ;...,.. r;, .. : " ��y'
turn of mind,. but some peculiar den entrance.
,:, �• ;• : ;.ii.• 'ice 3
twist had saved him from potting it > • -,'
into practice. It may have been " Add New Fast RUina Royal to water. Presto) in is minutes Lt's resdy for action. r
the merest glimmer or craving for I „vas interested in your ,li-
brary, she floundered.
something fitter than the obviously' She seemed, for s moment, at a , Y =
Wef splash made by the racketeer, loss to begin. The old eyes .searched NEW FASTER ACTING DRY YEAST sy.�ea w e carton.
on top today, shot full of holes to- � Waves sleep '
saorrgw But at sixteen he went DOESPHOLE BAITING IN A FEW HOURS( + .o;�;ti
Oft th= world to find out if there
v►sa any good in it. Somehow he p Here's the New Fast Rising hours during the day. Elfin -
discovered that he had a love for �•eMes Royal way to give your inates old-time "overnight" +
books and a real aptitude l'or learn- �. rd °" dw "'sj faintly all the delicious, baking bother and risk.
flat. He worked his way through a ��w +s +� ftsWilavered bread they love New Fast Rising Royal
Midwestern college, He took sum - w� 40410 f►a �e so well —and not weir your- tstays furies- etrenl� r r ,7
•mer courses here, there, and wher- ~ sac to afra:alo, od a -itl And
ever he heard of something that ats�'�e' � 'beady to save rims► . • • move
laaight interest him. And he was in- F Why actior�gg � do �t New Roys1 Fur
terested in many things. � Yaw at your
all your baking In a few irom,16 > '
He woke one morning knowing ISSUE 6 --1647
- �. : - - - -
..� _ .�. •• pill 1 -- - '- .- - -- ---
1 r V
t1,v•ifjed Adrt- Rates
20' words of less, 05c. -if Charged, I
.83c. Uver zu words,. 1c. per word
- is fast approaching for chicks to get
you those large eggs late summer.
Remember commencing Sept. 1, the
Government gives a handsome prem-
,: lum on overseas eggs.
are fast growing, early mat}rkatg,•
jCanads Approved. breeders pullorum
tested. We advise you lose no time
erdertng--,or ordering more.
-Agent is-•-
Garry Milks, Pickering,, Ontario
FOR SALE. -two sows, 9 months old,
_ Call Friday or Sunday. A. Stacey, R.
:- -- - R. 2, Pickering.
FOR SALE -- several 4- roomed
and 5- roomed houses, immediate
possession, several small and several
_ lame Harms. - -
804 -J Oshawa 139 Albert Str. '
Feb, 14
- r, r)ST - a dog. part husky- part col
lie, Jan. 15, Red, large, 17 years old.
Blind. Reward, J. Bourne, Brock Rd.
Pickering. Phone 97 R_ 3.
FOR SALE -9 4nos, old select 'pig,
ready for breeding. Nanny goat, 9
mos. old. Apply Liverpool Arms.
- Hose and Baca Wiring
p. Jl. Jialeel�
91cLU.3, 0nt.
Th t re
= Stouffville
Phone Stouffville 348
Saturday Mrt!nee at 2 P. M. -
Doors, Open Each NaghPAt rill
-. — FRIDkg --= fiATUB- 43JrY - -�
JANUARY 24 and 26
Trail to VengeangI
-}derby Grant Fuzzy Knight
FOR SALE - bedroom suite, mah -.IPi OUR FLEARTS'ARE GROWING
ogany spool bed, spring - filled matt- pit • Universal News
"teas, springs, dresser and night tab- „�s 4 °'c1`'a .,•era the only food for him _
le with drawer and cupboard, in good _orb° ¢' Sead7 q - - -
eoaditionn 4Sy�0._Phone Pick, 551121 �z.�tQP os -` i so • • • � � MiDNDAY - Z'UE3D�!►
FOR SALE - man's brown over- ct' a � t 'C O a � Gb;°' • - . -���j 7 JANUARY 27 and `28
cost, size 42, tall, Very good. condi- Cam'a°iI,TE T.C. 111 war - ra�vaed China Thy Wise
tiara, worn only few times, too small ios IM6,r%M6a"Da Three' it Zt1e �QOIs
for present ownez, Call 1.18M. tyefaf "'$;c, :css°i -
STE ent own
STENOGRAPHER WANTED G acSC ;C 'This old peasant, his farm devastated "by the
a anese, is too weak to work. His. diet for months Margaret O'Brien Lionel Sarrymo
in Pickering. Pull time for three _ p
weeks, time days a week thereafter. has been grass and roots.
Mast tie fully conversant with short- Of China's people, 83 per cent. are farmers. Mil - WEDNESDAY - T1IUR9DAt
hand and typing, highest wages. lions are in urgext need of food, clothes, medical - ,JA GARY 29 and 3B
• Apply :dews Office for particulars. - This it t7�e only national in : supplies. UNRRA 's work is ending', voluntary
- appeal within be »he xt agencies must carry on. Canada must da her share. Som, ewhere ill
-' Canada aoitltin the nest Will YOU help?
OLD HORSES WANTED twelve months for
' China, a oodnei neighbor and customer, will not Nigh,
Chinese relief. $ $ }k l� Ld
_ Campbell Mh& Ranch Paris forget. '�"C
$15.00 AT YOUR -FARM - ��--•� 1�T L L calls r John Hodiak Nancy Guild
PHONE AGINCOURT 18J14 Zilc`ts $ lrOOd lfelgllhlOrs O O�' ` .
COLLECT . :' A D I I D T O :�C II I - - 8eaglrt sari 9e1tiE-
For Pick I A -- Used Clothing - sterilized.
- - up 14laire cbegre parable d CANADIAV AID TO CHINA and wsi! a Pnwincs Hsadgrarsm tid and promised like sew_ Cat!!
tame stock of h!sh cisoa
Greenwood and Also a
sock of new leather costa
Chopping Mill ,os lings a vary, sari gnats'
bop at ..r, retae'able prtaea
Ontario Comm, H. Q'. - Room 101, 371 Bay Street, Toronto 1. Vice- Chairman - C. R. Rowntree. � � OPUTIENSIL
e - " Chairman - H. B. Btug e, St. Catberines, Ontario 'London, Ontario.
Treas. - E. J. Case Imperial Bank at Bay and Temperance Sts, Toronto 1 '
• All Wiestern Gmim 18ass ildtwas+ts
y-- n Bela stress Wrs.0disi a Dam
Open ketopping Daily FICKERING MEAT MARKET „Farr's Elevator
- - � Phone Pickering 7 8 81 - _ -.-,-
A. J. MORDE:�' and SON
• • FRANK R. SMITH ` Prone Office 38x1 RES, 88J
of the Quality First - Serviee Our Aim
Brewers Grains 12 p. c., Protein DF,AD HU145E$ AND CA?1'LB
To- WNSRIP of PICKEWNG " tb mi: with rrour own gmia. To
In flue County and Pravi`'" M r take of Bran - $U.00 a ton For F1ree Pickup, Phoaat
WE BUT T13B RZIIT YOT2 MAKZ TM T3i4'!" PiCKFYt%+iG .. ?7 R
Of Ontario .P _ • • • P1CKKhRING.. . .
. ' • . • - Phone Pickering 30 Shell Maker 78c• Cwt. 11[afse egg PICKEii11+i(� t
- _ 88 'B S
"PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given - s11cils hard Oyster shell, 9ait, BR40OKLJAi .. .. .. .
that the C4r, jncil of the '►aid Manic- .... _ _ -- _ � Corsi and Buckwheat CLARE�UNT .. .. 9-R 1
" leaf Cprporation of the Tmv'nship of n • ` AGI:dCOURT , . .. .. ZONE 21
`rickenng Brill, at a n :eeYirg thereof DUhiiARTON Not"Pue t0 O Wester'' whole` or chopped Wheat,
to be held on Monday the third day ,j• •" CARPENTERING Oats and Barley, Master and 'We Pay The phone Charges
-. of March, 1947, 'at the hour of One Radio Service CEMEI+iTING Maple Leaf Prepared Feeds
o'clock in the afterlonn, n the Coun- (opposite Wood's Store) i. pyLJYg�G" - • • • • _ CORDON YOUNG' LTD
ail Chamber, in the Municipal Build- - r Above delivered anyw3tere area
Ang in the Village OP Brougham, :Former Shoe Repair 3IOOFING a ton Toronto -phone Ad. 36M
cor ider a By -tali•: for closing to a Please Look for the' Sign !4e also sell Brantford Aoolisls Claremont, ��• -
Purchaser nr purchasers that steep-
Materials, Bathroom r
�'adpmant, Barn Watae
- -- Ins up, aeliing un,l cUjnN- ryja.� P r� :u� T,.', 6..wV. twC� La1:v "v.• r�is-
rif the original allawanep for road. rical • soMce 6a-be brought to � ' t, 8tai�te. ;
io6Sideline between tot -n ;hip l�ta, Equipment, sari SERVICE STATIO
numbers 14 and ' 25, in the 8th Con-
or borne by dropping a letter Building Materials � ormerly Acldord s)
Cession or a card in the mail, Tadnsates Frss _ R - - PICK'ERiNG-
2, That portion of the sideline
whir K
A. H. RATT)N Work. Guaranteed i t►NOavE: r•eKVt,.a a rws.
ties between township lots 26 and 2n
in the 5th concession which extends Radloiriclan E:- Serviceman —v— CELZ ARS - FOUNDATION$ -
from a point approximately b(1 rods # F. J. �3 rOTTg�'
north of the 5th concession line app- head The Pickering News ANYTHING T WORE Tire Repairs - Grease and Oil
rnx imately 280 rod's northerly to a We do builriing of atl lkiai _ _ >�atfmies for Sale - arglaa 1.
point approximately Ur rods south of. Evu-y Week Pbow ins ®' , PIANO TUNING
- the 6th concession line.
The Counsellor or Solicitor with `IC REID
reference thereto upon, petitioning to bann Road have the pleasure of a G O. F. Offlesrs Installed r ` Phone Pickering 1 R 23
heard. — visit from Mrs. Blears brother ftvta - - Cs�'eerood Zit �-
ateti• this 20th day of January, 1947 E_•tgland' for three months. At a district ceremony of install- ! • Dance At �
y stion at Bownanville, the officers Of MWNZ PISS. 7 it U
L. T. JOHNSTON, Clerk, tie CIA F. g News O-)urt Duffins' for 19 4? were among Claremont
s1 'the Municipal CorporaNc+n of the A week ago last Friday` evening, those installed by D. D. H. C. R. Btu. _ i_ -
ssid Towlekip. the Repeats took all three oints H. B. McCabe and High Marshall "- -Quality Drugs - - ;�. Jan. 2
p Bro. George Lee, and are as follows: '
1 from the, I1asy B's, and last Friday J. P. C. R., Bra C, Lockwood; C. R., ; :Aemvis Dpp•lesbsg Brwm G+nid and Ilia Oroheaft
Rouge I�t�s eveaiag they,, won another 3 points Bro. J. Bryant; V. C. R., Bro. John 'VMsrli Resiies -,
firm the Blowers. The Duffers st1- Powers; Chap., Bro. Holochuk; Sr. ' ,w 114116sli� Photo Il7s"behiag 1ldrtriss>kte Sae. �.
Congratulations to Mr. and Mss. Bred a double defeat' losing bo:.h W., Bra W. Collins; Jr. W., )3ro. G. Compbyts Cosmetic Lbss w5•
Strader on the arrival of a `sister, to the Blowers two weeks ago Johnson. Sr, B., Bro. J. Bentley, .
and losing again to the Busy B's last 1 t WM. MCF. ACH1b I
`for Sandra; also to Mr. and Mrs �k . Jr. B., .Bro. F. Couvier; Rec. Secre- ,- STORE HOURS - i _
O'Neill on the birth of a son, both , tart', Bro. W. Bryant; Fig. Secretary , Week Days - 8.80 A. 1i. - 9'P. li. . �lao..w� r u.��, DICALER
of Old Rosebank Road, Bill Bryant took the Men's Dou- Br.,, W. McEachnie; Trea:i., Bro, W. � ' '$unday , 12.30 P. PL - 6 P. ill[. ORAL DI�T�,t,TO
ble with 402 poi•tts and June. Bryant Powers• Auditors Bros. Gollins and
�- Mrs. Sill Christenson finis ahnoun- � � . -
: iced that they are going to open ,a the laelfels with 882 points on Jan. Bryant. R. Ptivsh last ifaries Jar'r'ed
new try goods store - Alterations are IC. Lust week D: ug. Bryant won the formerly, �'� R oyes, Da
C. R. Lockwood, Orono, y
Itiea'a I?,ubla with 6013 point' of Pickering, was on t'ee a en ir list Phan B ' °r ''t
bcia� made to their horie to take BtasBr,g t. Plus and Jack B -yani, taanked Courf • ' Qj� Pick,
scare of the sales of children' and Helxsts 28 Bowtnanville who entertained nu • ` a +ohm • lGKe 13
lathes' wear, which should prove az Buy B's t E3 of the eve. -du& P T8'� BERALL STORE p: _I_er• s
asset to the eommunlow. i� is �a
Mr. and Mrs. Bled of Old Roe - �ee ; is -� ' • u.. v , . PRONN PIOC- Is �
.. - —.. Masters Ronald and Gordon Hilts shown the c2lpurch had raised a total social event each month will be elute
visited in Markham during the week - of $2600 for the year. This included ned to keep that aide of the Claws '.
I ends, over $400 for the M. and M. Fund, going as well as theinterest on Seas-
:.; Mr, and Mrs. Melville Draper were and $172 Srom the W. M. S. When days. Anyone interested in joining
M `
.'r• James Coates, of Toronto, via- I the Sunday dinner guests of Rev. A. the Session reported we had only 53 this' Class will receive a hearty wel- _
ited relatives here over the week -en-- G. McIntyre, Claremvnt on Monday. J, and Mrs. Heal. active members in the church at pre - come on Sunday afternoons at 1.30
Ontario Division of Red Cross has p- • Bent and the Sunday School remark- p. m, in the southeast corner of the
Mr, and Mrs. Norman Linton, of The Sacrament of the Lord's Su
the Sixth Concession, spent Sunday sent Major Watson's new book `rHia- per Was observed in the United ed on their decrease in attendance, church asndi•torium. Il
with Mr. and ,Mrs. Judson Ward, tory Ontario Red Cross, 1914 -1946 Church on Sunday evening last. we wondered how such a goodly sum Next Saturday the Y. P. U. an IA
gh After the service the Young People could be raised. We feel we had a hoping the %vathertnan will be a
Mr, a.=rd Mrs, Welker, of Toronto, as a gist to Brougham Public Lib-
were week end visitors with Mrs. E. racy. It is an 'attractive, slim volume of the church circuit held its Devot- good year financially and hope. next little more willing to co- operate and
Gleason. packed with stimulating reading and ional meeting, Mrs. Coumans, Locust . year to report just as well on the have planned a skating party at
Doug,- Dickinson and Bill' Vass interestingly illustrated. Be sure to Hill was the guest speaker, and other side of the calendar with new Scarboro, followed • by a social time
were in Toronto over the week -end. see it in the Library. Other new Mary Pear had charge of the meet- and increased membership im all De at the Gooderham'a. Rumour has it
Bit] Rapsey, of Sarco, spent the books just added are: "B. F.'s Dau- ing, partments. lth4ere is something special to take
week -end with Toronto friends- ghter" by Marquand, and "Pavilion Rev.- R. D. Ranno, of Oak Street The Sunday School Executive was -place at the after - skating event but
Miss Betty Pretty, of Toronto, of Women" by Peari Buck. Both of United Church, Toronto, was guest elected also on Thursday night, with we will' let you in on the secret next
spent the week -end with 3tei mother these books are in demand in Toron- speaker at a' banquet ! held in Locust Mr, Hilton, Brumwell as Gen. Super- , week,
here. to, and highly recommended. Hill United Church school room. His intendant and Miss Gloria Ormerod Official word has conve through : 4
Der. and Mrs. Craig Murkar, of- Three generations of the Ellicott address '`Materializing Evangelism" in charge of the Junior Dept., and from the Presbytery Executive and
Ajax,•y�pe ;e Sunday visitors with Mrs. family were observed skating at. the kept his audience -spellbound, with Mr, George Hull at the hesd of the "our skating party- at Uxbridge will
Bacon. rink Oast Saturday: Will, Manson his delightful thoughts, given in such Senior School. We are, finding it hard not take place - ufAil February 7th.
oc&Is home for thew were a� Ray an earnest manner. Rev, S. Champ• to locate sufficient teachers to' take This gives you more time to plan for
�-MiBS Georgina Forsyth, '.Hiss Eil- of Brougham, Albert
lwas buried at Clare ion' of Melville, was chairman. Min- care of classes and .lament the fact transportation as let's keep this date
een Cooper, Doug. Hinan, Ray Hill, isters, and Laymen from Claremont, there is a ride gap from the early in mind. _
Roy McLeod, Eric Wallace and Jess moat on January 19. Many Brough- Brougham, Green__giuer,- Whitevale, - ,-teens -to the7ld -Wt class. This is Sunday, February 2nd is to be a
y��n - - -ern friends - attended the service. Markham and Unionville were prgs- - ,omething it is hoped will be remed- special night for the Y. P. U. also -
We are glad to know that Miss �-�—f - ent, The object of the meeting p was ied this coming }ear. We take this when they, are
Graham's condition is very much im- ♦r hitevale to give thought and consideration to ogpQrtunity-ofthankinfthose =#ie`Ai-- Ov.,•ice for aii members -6rthe Un• '
- prey- — -- -LlLe fu"llerance of the gospel in rur- of the School wbo helped bring it ion. We believe this will be a candle
A number from Toronto attended Green River Baptist Church and al districts, and to encourage return up Inancially so that all committ- I lighting ceremony and is under the
-the funeral here on Sunday. First Baptist Church, V.i hitevale, are to the church of those once interest- ments could be taken care of and ! direction of Dorothy Gooderham,
- Mrs, Jess Warden has returned having a number of get - acquainted ed- a small balance left. Fellowship Convener and Lois firm
from hospital in Toronto, and is very Sundays, in which members of the •.•- = — - 'Saturday night, Mr. and firs. Leo ham, ;Presbytery Fellowship Conven- �
much improved. Executive of the Union of Regular • ` Barknes ' p'•ayed host to the Fellow- j er. The speaker of the evening is to
With the pump at the rink ,till Baptist Church are meeting with Highland Creek ship Bible Class when they held be Bob Edwards, of Toronto, who in
in the process of beinz repaired, and -these covTregations to 'promote the (by Mrs. Geo. Hull) t heir annual meeting and election of active in Y. P. work.
the remabider of the ice about gone, knaRledge of the workings of the officers. Jack Collins is the new Pres- Bob Snelling was in charge of the
'hopes are slim for ice at the mom- Unions, as well as to extend the ',Thursday night a good attendance ident with his wife Leona in charge , Y, P. U. meeting this week and
-ent --but then, who knows? gospel story. One week ago this past was shown at the Annual Congrega- of social activities, so we know that spoke on the suhiect or "Jild Q+r•
Tbe' dance last Friday, sponsored Sunday, Rev. Mr. Whitcorusbe---wan - -
------ by the ball club was a success and wvural Ifteezina and the usual banquet >rn3nos are going to tlu-e from now � Others", This probed to be a v'w'31
T) resent. He is the Asgoeiate Editor fare was enjoyed at the Tot 1„rle ors �,' rnttroe Mr • f:anroo ('sin o.•s.a iC'r - -
- ° b�J r` turned ewt. of the Gospel Witness, and Protest - supper, although it was amazi -ig again the unanimous choice for tea- to repor- that Bob is leaving us next
Mrs C. A. Sparrow, ^f Vanco iv- ?r ant Advocate, Then the second Sun- where the plenty that poured into Sher to continue his Bible' study but
%� spending a Ear week with her month and we wi l be missing him
daughter, Mrs. few
L ~Perham here. day m Februan-, Rev. Mr. Hall, Sec_ the kitchen disappeared when it went he, called for assista=nts to help him very much in the months to come'.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil %Ven a m here. retary of the Union will present. An to the tables, Rev. A. E. Holley prep- out and Mr. Brurhwelf was chosen but wish him every, success in bia
of Carndt<S. 'Sack., have been visit- ' invitation to attend is extended to sided at the business meeting which with the hope Mr. Holley would help new home.
everyone, opened and W. 'W H. Knowles wan appointed for Valentine Part y si the Hull's a brief worship period, out once in a while. Plans are made
ing his parents in Stouffvil le, and The Whiterale United Church Cir- � s i HOCKEY - NfONDAY
last 'week called on Rev. and Mrs. People' s January 2T,
Wenham• eu%t Young Societe held a Secretary. All Departments brought on February 16 h, and . a Cobweb f
A number of the officials of the skating party Saturday evening, at in very healthy reports and at the Social at the church on March 21st. Brooklin V9. Claremont
United Church here attended a rally Markham Rink. A got d attendance conclusion of their reading, it was , It is also hoped that at least one Brougham va. Pickering ;
in Uxbridge United Church last Fri- marked the occasion, because it was
` day evening. Rev. George Service, oil a fine evening for the sport.
Hamilton. was the guest speaker, The Young Ladies of the'Sub- . .
A Deacon and Finance Meeting Deb" Club, met this past Saturday
will be held in the Baptist Church afternoon at the home of Miss Jean - : • -
:next Sunday afternoon.
Griffin. During the program the •_
Young Ladies went sleigh-riding and - _ •.
later their hostess served enjoyable
United Church Annual Meedrtyt ..: -
Thursday. January 30 - 6*0 P. M. refreshments.
_ The a=nnual business meeting of A pot luck supper was enjoyed by
the Gaited C}rurch drill be held on the Whitevale United Church T`h'us- '
day eve. last. At this supper tie' - x
Thursday, January 30, with a sup= y mug per at 6.00 p. m. Following this there church elected their officers for the
will be the reports fdom the various year 1947. There were .thirty -live
organizations, _ '
in in attendance. k .
and the efeetion of oc- x e e Bert
deers for the new year. A good art- The Junior Girls' Class of Wliste`
endance is hoped f++r at this meet- vale United Church enjoyed an even-
ing at the theatre Last Monday nigh` f
m8 under the chaperonage' of thEir te:.
foat�er�ntar�o r
. . _ Cher, Mrs. I{ennth Hastings. -
"Ai nual Meeting Public Libras : The an rual meeting of the Clare- _ C. G. lr T. met on Friday evening _
mont Public hibrary wan- held last last up in Green River at the home 'With the critical shortage of power continuing in Southern ' '!
Saturday, January 11. The last Teals of Edith Makolm• Wed tike to,hear
'Board was re-elected with Mrs. more news hom the C. G. I. T. � Ontario, it is most necessary that everyone CO- Operate 1n
Drew as the new member. Kra. G. There may be a bus (in the t� ..saving electricity. The need is urgent. It affects the *etfalre ;
- M. Forsyth was elected. president, futpre) which will coavey the � of everyone Do your part by Saving electricity by every ,
iwith Mrs. John' Grega as Vice -Pres- School scho:ars t oa -4d from the seal
iderit. All ocher oRkers were rein of learning. This is the result of ac- CIIeafli3 at your command.
leafed for the yarn. tion from the recent school meeting
2022 books were read from the lib. held here. It is indeed a regretsble -
- ry last year, with flethm befog the "situation when more taxpayers don't ., .. - T DAILY ]PERIOD DURING MUCH
atnoat popular, Noa-fiction .w•as does ,shout intetst enough in public affair: $AVINGB SHOULD BE EFFECTED IS
behind. Juvenile books Wrens much in to turn out to these meetings, Some _ : r
denrrand with as of the school child- fotlk should be wader a dictatorship BETWEEN 8 A.M. AND 8 P-M. AND ► .
taking advantage of the "fm" for a while to appreciate the tact , : CONDITIONS ARE PARTECV�ARLY
membership. There were 59 regular t'bot they can have a voice in tbk ; •• -•
ACUTE BETWEEN 4 P.M. AND 7 i -ft ,
mE tubers which was a little better public life which
so citatly has s � : ',
than the previous year. The Board
bearing on the individual.
'has kept up to date on currP:tt read- The Woman's Association of the
in% anA many of the ne.v books i?1 United Church held their Jan ar; .- _ � SERE
ARE St�AIF OF tlVS WAIF !ro►t/ CAA/ IY�tJ�
both fiction and , non - fiction have meeting at the home of Mrs. A. E. .
been added to the shelves, We sug- Fleming on Wednesday, Jan. S. Mrs.
"gest you drop in rid look around and Blake Annis, President, had charge - - IrN
• X NAM •
w,*ben you see the splendid assort- of the meeting. The hymn. "Blessed _ °•
anent of books you can get, you will AssuranoC was used to -open the Turn off Nghh when not requited. .
want a "membership ". burl ass, and then Ddra. J. i<iciadt- - Use the mirrimvm number of lights in the living -room, consistent with good visiea: s,
Jan 'led in'preyer. Mrs. L, Poynter Vie e,lettrically heated water sparingly and check leaking fie# wa#a taps: read
the scripture lesson and sirs. Do not use rang* elements on "high" when a lower heat will serve, and turn of ON
BROUGHAM Y. Robinson spoke on ``The Life of .lertfeats as soon as possible.
Sarah" a woman of Wth. Twenty- _ rook oven meals as often ,as possible and avoid the unnecessary vs* of surface elenw"Is:
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Poynter via - five ladies ',answered the roll call, the 'fer1A oQ verandah and other ouhide lighh. i
3ted Mrs, L: Sheppard seed Mrs E. word for the day being "Faith ". Mrs. - • r
p George 1fi -'►, Secretary, gave a - Tbtir all snraA appliances as seen of pessiWe.
'Woodward on Tuesday evening• rt on the "shut-in boxes ". Aster ;Do nN. use elecMe air boaters and gratis. -- - -- •- —• I - -
We are sorry to report ' that the
lfst of our nick friends is grov. erg a brief program, many business items -
!N steer ANA offkFii
larger. This week three more ladies were discussed. Groups were 'named _ : .
to carry out various activities throu- - ,
had' to give up a''� seek rest and ENrninoh Nr* use of .i.arhiry for signs and slot* windows Craw g a.nr: rid : pit .. .. � _. , ,•.;
case in bed: Mrs. M. Hamilton, lira ghoul 1941. A Valentine Tea will be. Tura om all Bolds when not requInW.'
W, Knox and Mrs. B. Matthew,!, held next month, all, being well. The
The officers of the Sunday School hostess with the assistance of the Use electrkally heated water sparingly and check leakln¢ het water lapal ,
t►ad, members of the Church Board .January group, served a delightfiul Do no# mm *lectris' air haters .
wish to thank the management of Va ncheon ant tht conclusion Of the
the S*ughari Skating stink for their meeting. ;
ape deciding It-- -hice to see Mrs. , Geo. White Switch frorrl< day to nighf o erdlions whenvs?r pratNia!►ie,
ration in to close the out a after her recent illness,' •
rink on Sundays during the hours of iii -Turn of! factory and office I4ghts when � net needed.
wo"Wp, in this way helping to ob- Many folk have been confined to - - `
serve the Sabbath. their homes recently s,tffering with Turn off motor- driven nachines when not roquired and effect other savings who.revvr
There will he s meeting of Church colds Some of them ar.-: kiss Joan . - possible.
members at St. John's, on the even- Melrose, bars. A. E. Fh ring, _Rev, • Jlvoid the use of all non - essential oLtdoor ligiifing. I f
ing of January S14, when Francis J. McLachlan. Do not use electric space - heaters.
Willson will deliver the speech which Mr. Harry Herb�ert was at home
won the trophy recently. • , here for the week -end. Other. week- THE HYDRO- ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION Of ONTARIO' + '
Mr, &rid Mrs. 'Bob Harvey woke end g: eats were Miss Joan Flemini ,
visitors to Brougham on awway Lit, Miss Doris Wilson, Miss Norma. Mid- r -
sad Kra,, A. Hovey visited Mrs. H. dletoa and Mr, Austi -n Metcalfe.
- Trade With Former Source of Subsides . \
- Enemy Countries
Subsidies paid by the Dominion ROLL YOUR OWN" •
Resumption cf trade with former Government to producers and im-
Knemy countries must be consid• porters will, we are told, reach OTTER CIGARETTES
•,,, a
' -- ,Will/
ered and considered immediately. �J00,000,000 by the etld of March, states the Windsor Star. TI is ques- - . -
, saysathe Ottawa _ ...'; ""'
Journal. :.c ;� ; ; ;
Rion of German and Japanese trade • ' k f,. "`
Worth some thought. Too many - <•;s
its not one of enerosit to beaten"
g y people whdo dMand subsidies to a
i economic keep down prices seem to inia ine
roes. It has a distinct eco om c P g ( ������;,� ;, ;• - ,
!rearing on 'world: prosperity. So far that the subsidies come from some °
as Canada is concerned, 'it must .magic government well.
-plan on buying, from these two The don't. They come out of '
. countries, as well as selling to the
them. The alternative is to relegate Pockets of consumers through • (11Sf CAAGAAJ AIR T L WS
13 taxes: call for money from the con- My A(Y
them to a permanent .status of 'serf- Sumer just as much, as higher '
dour, and to leave them.but of the prices.
picture as if they did not exist at -
all. Such a course has been consid- EXTRA MILD: -
ered, but only briefly. It soon be- - j
came apparent that any such Japa Repatriated - ^
-policy could not safely be counters- Allied '.eadquarterlt h a s 're- � • � +
Kneed. ported the completion of mass re-
patriation of Japanese and other Absolutely - tart' what to say if anyone called may not:' -
- Let yourself get run down and a nationals from all areas in the • while he was out. The girl nodded brightly.
ea.. : :a.. »... is where you will .wind We.,ero Pn •Pies d the__Par_ East `rhp em toe nn leav hi afternoon" "Yes, sir," shg said. ht that deft -
ex iL5' s �nR_- of- _ "I .m_av be back this
- - -- up, — Guelph Mercury under i?nited States control. ice, was instructing his new secre- he told her. "And then again, I nite ?" -
The Wartime Prices and Trade Regulations (Order in Council P.C. •I believe it is desirable therefore that a summary should now be .
18528 of November 1, 194 1) established basic period maximum prices published of those goods and services on'which a legal maximum'price
for goods and designated services. These 'regulations were passed remains in force under the provisions of the Wartime Prices and Trade
_ under the authority of the War Measures Act and continued in force _'.Regulations so that all citizens m_ ay be given an opportunity to inform ,
'Under the National Emergency Transitional Powers Act, 194.5. themselves of the law. `
From time to time these basic maximum prices have been varied or The complete price control regulations are contained in Wartime
' she fixed maximum has been suspended in the case of particular goods Prices and Trade Board Order No. 684 which is available to the public
and services by Orders issued by the Wartime Prices and Trade Board at any office of the Wartime Prices and Trade Board, and to which
under the authority of the above Regulations. A few days ago 'sub- ,reference should be _-
- actual ' num he of suspensions from price control w as announced. m a def or exact details. + 1
: Summary of :• ..: lAISiN' lMaJSih
Unda Wartime me Fr r and Trade Board Order No 6s,
JIM 'a Sau••g• coomp• an� s (Websdmg rubber and plastic a Bicycles. Parts and aeees- a Tractor distillates and gas. o Pa
asttAesal = pens used for tonventilsg
testad sheeting), aherer cur• ohee. or printing purposes mods .
M All !lours. !torsi mines and s Live and dossed Poultry: 'tams. sifearca cloths, alaepiag a Crude rubber. syndietle rule• srbony or partly of bleached
ensals. podtrY Prod+ eaeept ter• _ bap, swassa, taida cloths, CONSTIOCTNiN ►ROOUCiS her and lattdce% reclaimed or unbleached Kraft pulp
w send. Yeast. tarn vasaatiea otesarsad Paul- teats, tbrarwaa, totseY a Lumber of all kinds. rubber. 'end Kraft waste. - _ -
v Bread, bread rolls bwasid
and bakery, products.
caoaad " �• wad . tvaadoar Dliado. a Millwork such as dOds, 'a Basic indrietrial or spicml. s Paper board used in ties "
o Processed cereals rooked or o them window shades' ashes windows starve and turel chemicals. manufacture of solid fibre or
Kassa eggs beans • Shp coven for ltiralttse: set k Dyestuff., pigments and exl• Corrugated shipping eaaes,
uncooked, including break- or powdered, coven for de+
- - baby ar*iya. a Plywood. find veneer. N Boxbosrd grades of paper.. '
Yart cereals macaroni. ver• o Canned salmon, caned aaa, , baaneettes. crisis. cud& ma, a Prc tut lambs acts dN is Plastic sheeting and oebef board. except far twra
and ancelli. spaghetti. accellev
rite trout, canned
nsa pdeharda sarterases, aioaiog boards signed for use in rreendential plastic shape• for futhee newsprint paper or making
find =other alimentary pass • =dihle animal and rq shy and aostet seats. • or farm buddmgs, but not - proameig newsprint cores.'
rata istcluding lords and o Peds for baby baiskad, baby including Polly pre- fabrieat. m Crwhd «bumf limestone.
"A lee pearl barley e+o�tnie oansaps, Card tables. Chaim ed buildings Is to Add of duct ilS, :CONTAINERS AND NCRAitN6 '
ag Matta ewe
a Shafted corn, but not use- >QOTMNIC �anddp+aypma a Gypsum board and a Bevis Vitamin le or marina origin 11RATERIALS
eluding popping eot*i• • Men's, �tW. and oys, •Bap for household use, pg. a Wallboards and building but sat including cad liver D Containers. packaging and r
o Dried as, soya beans. dried g fig's[ _
worts, pants. tow and other meet begs, bavcmwi a, duo- eat when bottled for oak at _
' beans except Pima beans and boards. rttaiL wrapping devises of •type
red kids bears. • c except Aar cost, aril �` " b insulation products, but not occurring tared for the sale or shipment
• Baking powder. a pro. including pip and boiler !s Natural of products. when made In
a starch. - a Men's, youths, and boys' vQ towers re of cast sea cooverinp• vegetable waxes, but not in- whole or in part (rein wood,
a sugar, sugar cane syrup. ' as follows: shirts. ,a Seep fabrics, irsclodiag used a Builders' lime and plater. eluding polishes. metal, a textile fabric or
» Glue stock, glues and adhe• aves. corn syrups, [rape Wei►. asdan tlouaes, nndatreer, - sap !chiles taeept wipes --- a Can iron soil pipe. solid or corrugated ions and
�gllucoae. Pl►lemas. ns[bt shuts and 10 Flow rugi arid 'rats a Nails, staptea, rivets, bake _a Starcbos board, and putt
o ]tditak rtscLsses a , ed cation and nuts o All kindaof knitted or woven . _ Interior parts used in con. -
' , Haney a. girte', chi{. • a Butt inn' hardware and IOeka. ,
M Table and shelf obeli , fabrics, except a silk junction elrerewvitls
0 N1 19'16 dress's seed infants' gararenrts a Budiing wires and wiring pt 11Oi o Multiwall sacks.
uctsplei.� ~ atankinds(exceptAareoael devices for residential build. fabrier. a Corrugated or solid fibre , -
- Candy, confectionery and 1fOR}ES11C :: tvrtsut sheets or for
« end �W mateial (� �S .: - imp. a B�obbmdet,�rea and' board rolte lured
enamel. ppausste ) • wrapping or Docleasing•
• Beaaaiwa aad fessadatioe = Cool, nzlrs and bsigissetss. AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY *Yams and threads. except ... i Caton cordage. , -
i -
Tea. coffer. coffee content• prmm� �• Wood feels, sawdust and . _ pure silk, for the knitting ..
steer • Wmsm' mom, charcoal. c 4�PlENIENTS, EOUIPAIENT AND find weaving of fabrics.
w Cacao beans coca butts. Children's senses., sr fail• • SUPPLIES "0 Fibres (natural and fit's- SERVICES .
Cocas •seed ehoeoLeo and MOIIfEiIOLD EOIRE'RDMT AMt _ ceps pure silk fibre.
beverage preparations Cdr• bra: clicking' !sibs, t Practwilly all items of farm thetic)ea s Transportation of goods and
a- kteeae. oaaaet, tuft used in the manufacture of ' services associated therewith.
raining tonza or
powdered . machinery, including plant• yams and threads• and waste s Warehouser d storage
milk. a ePicsss s Cooking Roves and ranges, ins,, seeding and fertilising. products from processing general housing;
a Soft drinks and soft drink
Children's seed infants' bead• but not inductive rangatea. : "equipment, plows. tillage 6 Sewin embroidery g
wear d an kinds, i• nordery and ero• ihouxhold ,
concentrates, except mineral, except o Ekctriea! and gas refri[a- nmplemenb and cultivators,, clot erns threads and !Joss goods other than
sparkling or sprint waters in wnnow mdO'"y or bad atom - - !haying machinery, harvest- Y , wearing apparel:, cold star•
'their natural form. Irtede from a Washing msebinea, ing machinery, tractan, sera • Rubberized. plastic and age, including rental of leek. -
]laJt. malt extract. malt •Knitted wear of an kends for a Furnaaa, fire -plate beaten �'igcns, dairy machines find other coated fabrics. are and ancillary
,� syrup - -
either •� nieluding undo' = and other heating equipment :
equipment, t, s ra ors and - such is processing charges in
w. 'i V ts. outer gun>i mm bk electric bat- dusters.
D Y • webbie yams, fabrics and age plants.
♦ Black and white -�Y, stockings, socks and s Articles of ham srnJ barn• o webbing. :o liouaehotd laundering oar• —
_ _ Cott_on, wool or hair felts.
• oawhiteespepper. a tKOek- wa -eta ! and - •Incubator`.. broodero. pout. orsetresh• -
and eo contain. a Down and feathers but not • SuppJyin[ofineals
ins black eq includm[decorativefesthen. menu for consumption on
a misses'. f
- •Butter. a women:* o Phenbeg !lows: itaryequip• try ceding and watering o Hides and skint from anima is
follows: xis, tics or Ihh, of a t � tie selJbr's emcees; the _
• Casein. .. » millinery. rmierchiefi merit a. allows: a equipment. [ reptiles type supplying of beverages (es-
net. e
cheddar cheese, processed (a) All pipe and SttaKs of a Stationery pis en i ordinarily processed for use eept alcoholic beverages) DY
cheese and cream cheese. ! wort clothing. including type and use suitable for • Beekeepers' supplies as a leather. pu�rveyonof c bever gas) b refresh. �� r
-.s Coneentreted milk products pfO°'• other se: installation in domestic : • Harness and harness bard.
• Leathers and sy'thetie
of an kinds. :a Uniforms for either seer. heating or water were. (seats: the supplying of
ems systems leathers of all kinds.
• Ice erearri• r Sportswear for either sex. t Barbed wire and other kne• o meals will sleeping steam: = 4
(b) All - equipment Imowo _ Sheepskin shearlinp, tatrned,
Prepared salad dressin s: but not including, bathing commercial! as" in wire and fences modatron for a combined
D g Y DJumb g but not further processed
' afad and cooking oils suits •td balding cops en' brass". • Horseshoes and horseshoe than combed or sheared and charge, but not including
• Galt. • Rubber clothing, rubberized _ plumbing and caulks and nails, the supplying of meals,'
wa (c)-Other equipment �. • Binder twine. coloured on the flesh side. sleeping sc-
' • Fresh sppkt -19x6 crop. • oJ° thin[, tetproof, show- itary equipment as fd• refreshment: or sl ,
t Raisins,. currants, rev. wpm-of and oiled clothing. lows. bathtubs, closet • Wheelbarrows. tommodation by an em-
: sirs -a Feed( and feed products of !UL ►, ►APER ANO ►A►ER - - -p y
' - 'dried dates, 'dehydrated spa - =oxcepe specialised irdustrel bowls, commodes, closet Pr
PRODUCTS to er to his
eking• nuts and hinges, chary- all kinds except horse ,meat, directly or through a servant .
Tomatoes, tomato sauce, • Gloves, gauntlets, mitts &4. ical Closets, closet tanks, pet foods, straw, clam shell '*Pulpwood. or agent.
tomato paste, tomato pulp, mittensotallkindsforeither water pftpl• and poultry grit, ' -'s Wastepaper. • The service of printing, the -
: tomato puret, tomato cat • ilex, except those designed a en, household water ='• Agricultural limestone, fay. • Wood pulp, except �/ packing or packaging or any
sup, chili sauce• when in oPcc'! oP�a equipment storage tanks lawtoria, drated lime and chemical (e) diaaotving [raCPs other manufacturing process
or far industrial fertilizers of all kinds. '(b) "alpha" gradesrpf bleach• in respect of any goods sub.
, >
Ixrmetically sealed canif or specialised laundry tubs, septic pries,
steers »sea, tanks, sinks, shower • Gopher poisons. ed sulphste, ;.- jets to maximum
_ • Canned pork and beans. • Diapers and draper supports -- baths, *a pipe and At- a Seed beans and seed peas. .4c) "Duracel when performed on a custom
canned Vaglietti and canned p Footwear of an kinds and of tings, wash basins s Grains as follows:- wheat: .. (d) groundwiod and un of commission basin • i
o Domestic sewing machines y: i,
apu�• any material bade Data; flaxseed; buck- Told f et sulphite grades
• Canned corn, canned peas, •Soap and soap eompvuitds wheat; rapeseed; au>lAower USED GOODS `e
seed; [rain screenings. of newsprint or hinging
canned beans excluding Use NOIKiiIOLD AND OTlRiR. • Scra a, except, sera
hmeandredkidhiy varieties. TEIMUM MOTOR YEIUCLES AND ACCES. _+ New�spnent paper' except lrubber�agnd wiping rp. p ,
s Canned apricots, tanned RAW AND PROCESSED -
Peaches canned pear can. s Auto and travelling nigs, SONIFS, DICYCLES MATERIALS when sold by manufacturers a Nousehold mechanical refrib
reed cherries, canned Plume. awnings, bath mate, bed- • Motor vehicles, including thereof. gerstors, stoves, ranges and -
_ t Fruits and vegetables in the spreads, blankets of an kinds, party and accessories, as fol- » Basic iron and steel products a Certain paper products 'of other cooking or beating
two preceding items when canvas frond, card table l�owsp: passenger motor ve- and alloys, including pig iron. _ book, writirig, light weight appliances electric washing
(losen and sold in consumer COVE+. tea desipitd po tarry lea cart iron, scrap, ingots barer and specialty paper mills, machines, domestic sewing - r
size 4ages lltislinon arms d'iah aloe jUsn ten persorrs;' motor- plate: rods, and wire. such as bond and stationery machines.
dish towels, drapes, eider- cycles; trucks and trailers • Primary. secondary and fa- per. duplicating paper. Bicycles '
- Meet jellies, net products, � 1
- i `•
Meet and meat products,, do+i'*+s, face cloths, !tam- .used with trucks. brrcated milt forms of the k and writing Paper. � Motor vehicles sa follows:— . .
not including pmt. -pet mocks. luncheon sets, mat. a Automotive: truck bodies fottowtrig non-ferrous metals tots, uncoated blaring Passenger motor vehicles de.
foods. and eertain verietks tresses of all kinds. napkins, y. Rreumatid tires aad tuba end their snaps: aluminrom, paper. cover papa and most signed rR carry less than tea :•,
Of evoked and earned mesa , Pill— case. Pillow • Storage batteries, except for antimony, copper, kad,nick- Paper for converting pur• persons; truaks'ef all kinds; ;h
� sandwieb spreads• quilts6 sails, shad specialised industrial uses el, tin and sine. pours traildt used with truth , •'� >,.
"=P 01
s ,Airy materiel atwwn above processed for incorporation into, or any fabricated component part of any of eke abort goods b subject to maximum Pries'.
Also any set which contains an article referred to above is subject to maximum pries even though the mrasineler of the set consists of articles not referred to. , 4
'T'he foregoing is only a convenient summery of Board Order Ho. figs. It does not give the fail legal teat. For frill detaik of She )sew reference nlrotdd be wade to the Order.
l • . .. r .. weraa w Prime and Trade, led. • • y r�
��■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ CLIP THIS A N 0 KEEP FOR EASY REFERENCE ■■ ■■■■■■■■ ■V
sh to Blow Helgoland Forte sa .
. 8
BAY CHICKS DYEING AND CLCAN3NG FOR S"311111 •i PERSONAL A "British natal officer said re-
cently the great German island
HAVE rig or°IIcle ANYTHING Write totem SCOTCH COLLIE PUPPIES rumi 09LIJAH Cordiwo B E F O R S fortress of Helgoland would be
- -- CHICKS r- Christ." Wonderful book frees Me-
to. information. We are Clad to mid- February delivery. Re[teteret'I [lddo Hlsaton, Rochester. 11, H.T. blown up about Dlafch 31 in i blast
'R E SUPPLY IC WITH THE answer your questlons. Department male or female, twenty five dollars. he said would be "the nearest rlvat
beat that can' be produced, your in- H• Parker'# et, Toronto. Ontario. Pictures and Dedltrree upon re- FX:N CARDS, MEN. SEND lOc FOR
791 Yonge Street Toronto. Ontario. quest: Order 'now. ]ianrinl; Collies, to the atomic bomb:
terest is our objective. Order one Highland Creek, Ont. • set of 12 cards and catalogue of
novelties, sundries. etc. Paris The 15 mites. of tunnels in the
ft ahead this year and reap W 312, McIntyre Building, Wirral
the he early Fall prices. Bred -to -Lay FARMS Nutt 041,11t SHOTGUN, TOPPER, 16- GAUGE. fortress will be Crammed with
Barred Rocks, S.C.W. Leghorn single "hot, $35;. Stevens 410 re- Deg, $fan.
ROP Sired. White Giants heavy 400 ACRE DAIRY FARM FOR pester, $34.25: Mos9berg G.I. 22 re- + ,naval depth Charges and blown t0
breed Leghorn X Barred Rock Hy- sale In Grenville Count)-, Hydro, pester. $43.50. Lewis Hardware, FOREIGN AND AMERICAN li oblivion in one "big bang ", the Of- .._
bride the best laying strain.-Order 'Water in barns, creek and ,never 1074 Ploor tS`., Toronto. sitions await interested persons.
now for February. Miller's Chick tailing well, good barns and out- 1947 copyrighted listing covering $leer said.
Hatchery, Fergus, Ont. buildings, stable for TO head cat- TIRES thirty major fields. One dollar to Helgoland, formerly a British
tie, 10 horses, 150 hens, 125 hogb.' sincere applicants. Roston Trading `
FEBRUARY MARCH 'CHICKS 250 acres cultivation. balance hard We are overstocked at the present Company. Dept. Y, Box 332, Boston Colon)', r;hich was Ceded t0 Ger-
FEBR be ordered without delay. and soft wood. Sell with or without of Rood used trade -in tires (guar- 1, Massachusetts.
man} in 1886 in exchange for Zan-
hould need ,cockerels or the table stork and equipment. Reason for nr.teed !o, be in excellent shape).
selling, other interests. Box 1310 STT•rTERING- CORRECTED Mt'- zibar. was developed by the Ger-
markets -we've some started,. and 73 Adelaide fit'.. Toronto. 60� Y is X5.00 sett completely. Anyone should mans into one Of the most power- i
dayolds, prompt shipment. Stay All orders shipped C,O.D. Sneeial easily. :Tnexpensive proven Instruc-
On cher3', 130 John K.. Hamilton, equipment for vulcanizing Truck . ful naval fortresses in the world,
Hat 3 FARMS tiara. Hew Fleming, 317 Homer..
FOR SALE. ALL, HATE GOOD and Farm Tractor Tires. P C c
,EAON Vancouver.
IT IS - ISF TO ORDER TOP bui find nd acre- of bush. Will all TIRI I corner Queen and York Ste..
H.t]iILTON, Ontario. 1<ORitIRD .41t01'T 1IU1E1'. New TRAPPING
Notch chicks early. An orde.- .now exchange any one for bungalow !n Folio bons Doty to get out of
city. A. E. Shaw. ]leant Forest, ON'r:1Rln1!t MTIR Ail►DF)t C s
for delivery when You say, will as- t•:Qt'll'Pt.1 TIRE SHOT' MINK - !'NC = .R' /►LF' 'rRAI'1 FR1l,
lt,R. 5, Cant. Debt and save. Costs SOc. Research
sure you of having a [Lyir.K start 944 tYalher >;id Doston, &fasa. trap for bounty year round with
in 11147 with the kind of chicks you R•. oeet gland scent system money can
want on f`he date you want them. FUR SALE Si H'Ul1UBRlUGt!. R 1 1' F. R buy, Parllculitrs free. A E. Fisher.
frontage, one acre. six houses.
And at the lowest price too:. It Shows 15q yearly profit. Priced PROFESSIONAL TRAINING Rex ILO, ('als±ary. Alberta
prices go up, you pay only the ATTENTION FARME11S for quick 'sale. Stewnrt Mercer
-- -price at time of order. If prices FOR .1CALF. TRACTOR TIRF.a• MASSAGE
drop. you get full advantage. Top made of rubber, suitnhte for Lott- Pehltor. Dund:ae St.. Toronto. Jti.
-Notch chicks are all husky, health)-. Ing on steel whee�!�, S1(�,04. eaeh: 4'i4'_ - - CA3IP" SITE OR C'.4NTr0\ K'.4TF.R.
- 'a professicn that !" no over -
roved from hiehly produrtive• .,Ilea's, 's.,,irn each. front _ - Fishiu}, hunting.. Pond or water
pppp rrnwde8 an8 nne which f fi-
rStternmc�iw Approved pultnrm wheels, tt'b -n ordering state diam- tLURDRES -iyC connection. Cif Gush. S. Gardiner,
tested breeders, Our up- to -d:+te - -eter rind s -t rdih -of =f'''leet.. \atinna: nanctal security. Compiet raftn.ng 11.R. ?, London
methods of pre - selection and hand- - in nine months.
ling assure your complete sari -rac- Rubber On. Ltd., v 11'iltshire Ave., Robert method. information TItF VETERANS WAN'rii - ALL, Ii I N D S U F
Toronto, Ont, Robertson method, information or.
tion. Our customers come Lack to request regnrdinir elneses. Robert- being trained through DX.A. dre "std you try. Top prices fo,r top '
Top Notch year after year. Write 114RN FOR vU 1, 30' b.• 95' sons Hn!rdressing Academy, 157_ bird -. Jos-ph Cooper Limited, Pout -
today for our free catalogue. Also 1}ITH Avenue •Po:id. Toronto try Dept, 2054 Danforth Ave., To-
JAyinx and ready to lay- pullet- for 18 ft. po. "tr, in cord rn•�ition..tn�•- CANADIAN COLLEGE OF
Immediate delivery. Top latch
one in •reed of building material 'onto 6, Itt'e do custom grading). +
Immed ate Guelph. Ontario. ["'months hould sae thin horn. Fred Render- IIFIX *.45TF.D MASSAGE
p: A1F.Yl'F. iIO.tu SC'ITF. A-s lsTF «4n F:NGINh. iJi GAUD USE-
son. R. R, 7, ReLringvtlle, Ont. WANTED TI PIKT% AND G1111.7i, able condition, Fend description, lo- .
701to \TO cation and bast'rash Dr(ce tr Box
BEST CHICKS IN 25 YEARS Her office ,voric, tPnly Tweddle' 129 73 AdPla+de %v- Toronto,
f_(1LL1F? i l•r•. ima7C RF_r i S e'hirk -Hatcheries Limited, Fergu °,
Yeti, that is what all Rnirhnvr old Wile, Stn,uG, femi0es 4)n inri,n, !'H /tTbC.ItAI'HY
-Chick buyers are saying when they 35.01+. Females trafri for r>,+tte - c
buy Rictnbow Chicks. All hreedPrr $15.1+0• one Shepherd collie guarnri 11o1'%l`1KF,Fa't--1). NO OA.IECTION GET BETTER PICTURES AT When You Think of
are 100 percent free from pullorum, teed enttle do,'. $35.0Q. I fnr hound, r. "mall chFidren, Roc' lf!2. T.P. 2.
Order your chicks now direct from workins. 525,(+, t German Police 1,,w• ti, Ont. m LOWER PRICE SEEDS or FEEDS
this acs and not be dieaDPniti ?Pd. guaranteed watch ran S:5.a0,, ,tr-
Tom Barron JAKhorne,. $120G per chle P°rennem,+n, 1;. R, 1; 'T'ifRht, (;0111) /:Lovf: I.ln1TC'p. rw1 k_ Think of
100. Pullets $24.00, narred flock Ontario. - na- fr i, for >,,u. t,ond a; e• -
., �; V,I ':1. „nd r„ ii. di[;�•t'.,;- Learn a tr:i¢e. Any %,lae Roll-4 or k 1:x.p�l.usea Y='L1 -L' - t�L,jJ SEED
While Rock Mixed $15,1:0 per 1+,0, EsTAn1A.sliF,t) Tl Rl;F:1' VA 1 •rare:) ANI) 1'itINTCI) �;e CO.
Pullets $25 00. Rroan L �nnJTr��_ �,,. o u's rv,c.a o I ape nr or:e 3 $1414 NTFU 1i[- AllGEMPNT• �1e
urxea 41�.��i• per U�+�. Pullet . hc, - 'vige l z f" Ir I:asrr mount -. Hand 778 Dovereourt Rd..
E.e¢har41 Rack Mixed 512.00 per 100. - I u ":end herd ". +'lo•e .tn 'ritir• and - s1C F)1('.1t.
P irhor $,ck Red -Rock [f)'hr0 noun "• with ecrell -nt ret:.if -a,o%. Colored and Framed Erilamemevts i
11Tr.00 per 100• Pullets $21.00, One- l /nx 130,-73 rldelnide tt',. Tnfnttrn,- PUN'S ECZEMA SALVE at . operant prices TORONTO ONT
cfnl prices on cockerels gunranreo Cui,l -n the - tormert o! dry eczema URI'T at
`200 percent live delivery to your }•li ANU CHOPPING $ill. /. IN r^lshea add weeping ekfn troubles. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE CHECKS
station. 11.00 down. dance C,41.0. ron•re or b« t farnin•• rnunt, it 1`ost'v Eczema Suhe wiH not dleap= s7 �![�,
Italri Hatchery, atham. On- Ontario, Situated on ld+nr:. 11nInx- pri you, lius C-M. 1.041 (ifflce A. 'Reroute [XaCKS -I
facie. _ stPrdF lar:re vnlurrtn bti -iii iv,tb Itching, ecnlinr;,_ burning, erzena, rflr' 'Came end Addre -s PtA+nty, $
unini oppnrtunl ie" (nr rxpar- nehe, rincworm. pimples and pth- ITCH-of Mono ich' _
W HAVE THE FoLf.01 fnr. elan. Apply Pox 129. 71 Adelaide fete's Toni, u-1tl re -pnnd readily to - COMET PHOTO SERVICE Tergtackreileifroinitciu cau•edb>grpaaL
chicks for ,immediate deliveery non- W.. Toronto, thi- - taittles-, ndorless ointment. a�
sexed: TOO' Licht SussPc X New reu; dt--i 'of how stubborn or Qutrlc Slail Sr-rvu•e, work Rusran. sehleee'sf me. Kabies,p=`i otbericc,;,•61',-.fa�••a�e
ifamD- hires. 400 T acted l ne +; S FOR a 11,F.r O!ii' t'oob K 4t.liF:R hopele. 41i m.fy seem. - teed^ tSc per roil. fleprints 3c each. Coaduaw Cooh medicated legsra
;'yew H ire.. r 110 300 lt'hlre i.e¢- f, .WE Sir) PER JAR S x r co +oared !n tinder mount, 75c. D. D. D• $kAg• C*�eleo sad _
Fox Hound. F, ONE Hnlfin:- worth. " 5 x 6, f!oure tLn ion r Toronto. stunlass. Soothe• eoatfortsaadquic 41isa
!horn, 600 Licht Sussex. S0 it)r.eir Sault Ste. -Mrtrie. Ontario, Send i'o t Free or Recetpt. o[ L'rice fotayeitclttag Don'tsatler. Ask _yoi f
Australor•ps +'nrkerels; '200 Itarred POST'S- REMEDIES 1•'R1•.F: - 4 : a RRU.I.IA \T FY- "day for O. D. 0.rI�lelptii`pg
Ro -oks, 150' White Leghorn -, Also
lbaylnlf and ready to lot• pullet -, Ft NTC (:- H1'ltAiD!1 - GROW Fg.. 839 Queen ;t. 1 :. Corner of Logan ,atgemer,t witlr euch roll of film
1Free rlrtalorrue• Tweddle Chink tra bu.4hels'of big, -nund eni": big. ,D Toronto sent to uq for processing. 6 x 8 ex-
tarlo ertes Limited Fergus, On- firer tonnage of ati6ict ip. m proved- posures
experts Pc chin. t2 yea! fiexpe t- Howto
facto for your soli, mol�turP, maturity II14oN'1+ R- 171iF,DY -Pon WrI R/- by experts tvlth 12 years expert-
conditions. Free;, 'Ctraln 'Ctrvu;ar it- and Rheumatic Pains. Thou- ever, Send to Arn Wakeiing, Photo wwwwt
and Funk Corn .guide: teH+ true, - -ands -n•+sfled. Muni Drug Finlahers, 'Dept. B: 214 Dundas St..
P.%RXCT) ROCKS & WHITE i11i ititerestin. rrrienrch "tory bsRihd - ;crrc, 345 F.igtn, omilwa. I'ostDaia I
acne. Raby Chicks: Canada rip. Funk G_Hyhrids high yIP14., $t ,,r,
proveq three grades! 1st. Pfi,P, standinhnit •• Insect - disease •re -f -t- -
Chlckw2nd. PLOP. Sired Chicks. $rd. ) FT AM PS RisalsatF3epils ailiatabecausdby
1 ante. Write•todn). James'Grant � 7•IFFAIr liltR%ELF AT ROME a__,
Approved Chi-h-. iVe ae11 tile. (lrrl. San, Cottam, Ontario, a6� or ` wouri" 1111111101
two gradis Ilresding stock null. with eiectro- magnetism for Arth. FROM COiLECTION STARTED It
aruin tented. Call write or phone r1ii Rheurnittism, Insomnia. Parl• 1.149 can supply following Canada °
$flattery's Poultry Farm l lekerinii Q1 ALITT cn:e Veln,r• and other eirculatary� ,Poetaire Stamps. 10 different Sec. E�.a" e�'+ait ��a.It -
leaf to tirco. ' FtR11T Aifinents. Free explanatory, DAmpL• 210 different $5,00, G. S. Smyth, 110 as caws 00 68 tfisesaisft ari
Ont. 1 R 25. leaf tobacco, Lame lied O Ha• lets from CoopeRemFdtes,_ Yon ;e ,Balmoral South, Hamilton. Ont- y �� h 6sw 7� - !>
vanes, QBi rt.. per .pound; .. per Street. Toronto,, •,� it+sa3
All ORDER TiOW WILL. Ae�+l ltF, or Ruse Quesneh 0.91 rt.. per b ta�fisLL Wt alw sas
you of having the number and breed pound; Small Canadian. 1.4. "-+ per 100 all CO[.LF.CTORe RA packet Doi :�
of Tweddle chicks you want when povr.d. Shipped poitvald. Specify If pooitt„11.4TO o !re ALT$ t+A1.Te 100 al! different, worldwide Racket, ata,r�add�s Tin. Dtiti's 611, 1� .
You want them to start a big profit- mild or strong wanted. N. f andry pl' "itneiy does relieve, Arikrftb only 25c, fry our economy spprev- °s -' +f�kna+soon
able 1147 season. An early order slso & Co.. 2127'St. Catherine St.. East, and Rheumatism. Palnfui .ae'oiten ales foe, Dowse. 48 ilowood. To- r *$Gres bodes.,
Protects You •+ �against price else Mimtre;rl. Quo, youthavensuffered .- Agri long ron[o. *�f)a11rs Ta, lap
while giving T6; full advantage of $I,00 postpaid. indtae !leetiedtea, <
any drop in price before dell very.
�j,t'MlNlil'o HOI'�R fl'LIInF'Ra° Itnl 118. Vancouvltr, .R.0
We have been in the chick buetrie -a flows in the dirk, " -5c per num. ^•`!lam
-for 22 years proof In Itself that her. Pnatpaid: Znsfly attached. A. NAMELESS COLD REMEDY WHY SUFFER FROM -
many satisfied customers reorder Kramer. 414 Avenue N., Ilrool iyn.
Tweddle ('hacks year after year, N.Y., U.S.A, for rr,e nn -t 48 year., has relieved Insfanfine
HES "c
All Tweddle chicks ere Astock d. fhnu -r1 r de- of - -offerers rh Strium, HEAD-Ac
bred, from Putlnrum tested stark of- ' ' lil1C1NR!tT T11'F: ' • OI1.- RI'R'•iFRy, Hn1•fevrr, Asthma. Catarrh 1'leaf. „N
proven reliability. All pnpuiar - !Ladies, parts and test equipment- M' -" Trial prepaid $1.00. Purity COLD *j
breeds or cross- breeds. BIT, prrdur- tnh.rmation. fnr stamp T•.gonomy 1•rnducts, Exeter, Ontario. '
ars, big money makers. Send tndny Distributors, Kingatoh: Ont. ,�11'FEt NERI�RIC !'Ail= -
gor free catalogue. Can supply RICA➢ THIa -F.s'I R1 aCFFF.HF.R - - d'
chicks Immediately. Tweddle C•htek NF:W i /I9 .IOH!fK0!I G.4aO1.INF. of Rheuri Testa- nr Nertr,tis 1 w
-- Hatcliii' Limited, Fergu -, On- Engine", $47.10, Electric lJahting shnysq try ►axon': lieri Nlun- M You WR Have
_ tart o. Plants $32.50. immediate Shipment, en's Dr9r Store. 335 Elgin. Otta- When RAW
Currey Llulmer; Eirlington .& Rgtb- wit. Postpaid $1.0n. . GIOfI0Y1$ - w
igtlREDiNG COCIZF.RELi - R.O.P. urst. Toronto -
Barred Rock cockerels. IarRe, vl[o- Ij
tow. individually pedigreed. C MOTOR LAUNCH FOR SAW. alt'all AL is�TRrStF� rs t I t IN, % M IN UTES � ;��
•Boas Found, Cannington. Ont. PR•RD. A.- !1t)DDL'.fGTON Iii _
RCS MAAR(1I'1t PATROL. CRAFT sells, etrhari mv.ical -lnstru•
MONKTON POULTRY F A R M Nn. 14. I ength - 48' 8 ", ileam meats ill Church, Toronto 2 iaaurs Au • E°
chicks. You buy baby chick- for IT 0 "„ Depth 6 ft. 8 ins, dispisce- �� ewer u` etuosroan d H
one reason. To receive dividend• on meat 11 tons, Engine twin stet- Mt'Rlf .1I, iNSTRt'MF�TT� RR- ql
Your Investment Yon must be rer. lint ''Patrol" 450 R.H.tx. Good con- paired and re- firl -hed 'Violin- ex-
taln where your rponey to Invest- dlt'ir.n used very- little. Present pertly reaafred, For aisle, ' Tenor <, j
ad. We otter you baby chick- from owner willing in sacriftce. Richard (;utter, like nrw•, Price $3 5A(l. For' Clt
:a Poultry Farm with every breed -. E. Dwor, c/o Dwor Metal Coinpany, - part'rulars ta•rltt. A- G `lfcGarce3,
r Poultry tested and irocernment Port Colborne. Ontario, Orrvtlle, Ont,
banded. Take advantage • of our fN
early order discount, Write for our NOW YOU CAN
1947 pricelist and catslntrue, PERCIVAL OPPORTUNITTR% FOR WOMEN
GOOD CHICKS PAY BEST PFRCIV Ai.. a narpe uvell known to Great Opportunity Learn
Read what Mr. Broadhurst of Jolf• plowmen, has been absent from tits Hairdressing " $'
at to. Q says ebovt'��T'- "cht6ka: Implement $lead fnr the last few Flenennt dlanified prole -sloe. send � :, .. FROM SORE, PAINFUL P{LES
April 30, 1916 - "Th• 208 chteke re- Years• In an attempt to revive it,' wages, thousands successful.,Tarve',
calved in aplandtll condition, ant one we began in a *mall way during graduates. America's greatest eye-
;> d
dead and only one died since. They the last year to manufacture these tern, illustrated catalogue free.
are the most vigorous bunch of cHirka plows and repelra from the original Write or Call
' ' <' •:•: :;, !sr ;a:..
[ ever received and I pace been _ Percival Plow patterns. F,ncourag-
i ed by the response, 5f.4R';'EL HAIRDRESSING rs•ser•rr.far.•trww T
handling chicks for over 0 years." ponce, we wish to of- SCHOCli,9 i' -t1
Order now and get the beat, yere ter again this year thti popular 358 Bloor ct, R'., Toronto' Think of it! Anrmxxu. treatment that gives the nose of Your pile trouble QuWy and
ars our prices, Barred Rock Mixed,
line to Canadian Farmers. From Crnnches 44 King it., Hamilton quick relief from the itching . irritation and effectively.
(12.00• Pullets, $21.00: White• Lei• txperlence gained during war pro. fi 74 Rldesu Street. Ottawa. hucning, painful soreness of piles. R'e invite dot• to try Hemroid Sold let It
horn. '!fixed, $12.00: Pullets, $.4.00; ductior., we have formulated a new Hiles are caused by internal condition. No prove itself. Yes can ni.'•• -yea test in the
- Whtte Rock Mixed, 815.06 Pullets, t alloy metal to increase the wear re- UI FFR I`Ir .11TU�t1- - tastinr freedom from pile miss can be had Privacy of you r•*-n borne, without cost if
$25.00; Brown Leghorn Mixed, aistance of our plow points. Insist until you relieve the cause. And the arise is Cott are M•' Q, JT ' wined that here at 4;t
$14,00: Pullets, $25.00; Hybrlda on Percival Chromnlloy Points for Ati OFFER TO F1'FHY iiNv .N't'Un- i> �RyaL '•So the best way to treat your sore, mt is an am-,ngqir wy mall - pPr�ism!�). r
Rock -Red Mixed, $12.00; Pullets, longer service Enquiries, are invit- -painful piles is with an internal treatment effectivcmethi tn- #CW.Yo((r ,P'��
Ll,t of Inventions and full Infor- f l
'121.00; Hybrid .Leghorn -Rock Slfx- ed from Farm' Implement Dealers• motion sent free. The P,artsay Co.. ikeHetrxoid- P +� a -�
1d, $12.00; Pullets, $25.00. You also Farmers, contact .)our healer or 'i - - Hemroid, is a formula that has been used package of r three r four t any
Registered Patent Attorneys, 27. d story Use it for three err tour •days
let tree enfeka• Goddard 'Chick Hot- write to us for Informntiri lifer- Rank Rtreet. Ottawa. Canada --for over 40 years by thousands of pile lug
:fiery, Britannia Heights. (lot. rirkville Plow Company, Merrick- It is a small, highly concentrated tablet which If you are not deP hteWili i; go get your
ville, Ont. directs its medial action to the relief of the money back-
40111 BIi YERiit, DO"- 9Iiss IT. i'ATF.1T9 congestion that is the real cause of all piles, NOTE: The sponsor of tMs netk'i N an eM reQ•bls A'
Large 1 ^ -47 calendar, twelve Fcges, Pi.ASTIC, FSPFRiMEN'TSr PLF.NI- Htxnroid wakes up your lazy liver and ��ssll flan doirif busln•p In Csntda for or r M rases �
'hreei colors, thirty Ill astratIons. alas sheets, nl1 sixes and colors. FETHFRSTONAUGil d COM111AN' bladder, promotes free ,easyandcomfortabk Hsrvoidn %*yout"M ' NiN+es•- woiodo
Tells how to succeed with Liaher •F.xp- rimentnl kits. $3.00 and $5.00. Patent Solicitors. Established 1820. -bowel movements, relieves it Ching and burn. Itwkity , WWII and Pleowtlysrraw"M hat of 7.
chicks. Free on request, Fluher Or- }adder Manufacturing'Co., 76 Duke, 14 King West, Toronto. Bcoltltt of ? ngandatimulateabettercirculatrono [blood tMsnmsrwbysrrussstulfonanlaseso •lrrtwgtlsR �a
chards, Freeman, Ont. Toronto. information on request : co the lows bowl. Hemroid strikes right at Try It tuft.
with every order of 100 pullet , D ."�;
choice). Barred Rock Pulleta
$x1,95- White Rock Pullets $:5,95. - -- -'- 4
White Leghorn Pullets $ +.95• W14AT'S I LOST TEN"N I AiAii N'T TEN 'YOU WILL? HERE YOU ARE OH, THANKS, C14 JEFF! LEND ME _ <
Brown Leghorn Pullets $.5.95: P,ed• _ . i
told are from bloodtested stock, ,t
back by high pedigreed stock. $1.00 MUTT? AND I DAREN'T' MY GOLDWATCN REAL PAL, �� ON MY WAM!
books you- rorder, Balance C.O.D. %- / H - i t WOMAN h WON!
Guarentged Delivery Kent Hatch- GO NOME TO MY TO HELP YOU JEFF! • Kt"RESTNETEN!
ernrichstham, Ontario WiFE WITAOUTiT! OUT!
H1i:i`'Y COCKERELS $14.00 PER ri
t \?
100, Hollywood Leghorn pullets
{$6.00, Rock, red, Sussex e i
nd Tly- • r r ' art' 1 ��-A
brid pullets $22.00 per 100. Big Ruli .4
. / t
k guaranteed to live chicks from o it '
b�oodtested pullerom free hens. o r ^ i`4
htcka sired by 280 -300 egg males,
with high egg records for past ten' e e
[eaeratfons.. Their lhherited egg - •
laying ability added to their extra �
health and vigor make them the " �I
bast chick bar[sin tar Yl47. Write
for early order discount and free
calendar• er order direct from this
aft. sus can mak0 immediate ablD-
meat dfiring Jwnuarq and Febgu-
aarryy. Bit Rock Farm, Mille Roches,
Oet., (,`IRS
Garden Tractors
F an •
. .oImmediate or Spring
Delivery � to re 11 -2
3 1 -2 and 6 H. P.
�. L W*Ure or Denonaiiration
Available Boy' Parkas well made, heivy plaid-;
Phone ss R 31, or write Box 250 lining, fur trim All sizes
. , 144MC.R 1 l t
Oft I --its Pe" you "IMy
0e0 lodal eartage work
.. ickerulg, ortar:a _Reg. $1.1.50 Now $9.50 • CYR i L E. M O R we bwvealso placed io eEocic a fa31 . •,
LEY Clam et mAP1,>Q Lzkp
GOT THZM NOW 1 I 5 only Ladies' wool short sport coats ! N SU RA N C E iAN D , �,,,
Plus, SLBOiVS Fo$ Yo . Gay With Blue, Blue with REAL .ESTATE
31`OVF.9 and FUSNACES. Grey Beige With Brov.� etc,
(Rack and Galvanized) - A• We MITCHELL
`Reg. $12,60 Now half Price $6.25 Pickering, Qom,,
Try "Chimney Sweep- Soot Come In .and Look Around and dos't fail to visit our Groceiieria
Dutroye--The Modern Way To
sue,* � aean Chkwaiys, Fu=acea and Courtesy, cleanliness, Econoany fIxed� ll'6CI�f i
Flues. - -MO S• CIFi A P, MAN
I � ..,,
- _ GORDON F. OSBORNE A.B. Rkhar4"n
VIN B C. L. >,I. _
Phone Pickeriaa 46 • :�� • E,�PIRE LIFE , - • °°l��```�o
Pickering An Old estaum l �. Iss" % se� _
� BROCK � - . • . - ". ' GENERA - ' . � �snro - .,,•.. _� �' �°,
. , Tom Fuehria 3D . -A• • � t' -- i , R - .
Ift" yn I;Nm � 6 �.
• t - - �� - - - e4flw's------ -�-- -� o.arrnn.b !1t Aff Kndu
IHEATRE ' : = - -" Sa! ph , (rtAliver, Oahswa SUPPL ,r,, 6 uneusan� Adtiieer
IES eplhoae, whitey, oar.
!111. All A W Brougham, . • • Pick Phone -
out. 6 R 22
iBaalthtuIIy *h- conditioned J. S. BA��"�/'�lAi PICKERMNG LICENSED AUCTIONEER and .
lSUBSDAY. FRI„ SATURDAY a.�Vl� - J� JR'!� � .
JANUARY 28, 24 and fS
TWO Shows • 7 and 9 P. ,M. ,Sales Conducted Anywhere KEN AND CLARK E
datwmhy matinee at 1.30 P. M. Qusil}v Meats
F` hone or Write
Dakota' + ...Quality + 614 Duadas St- East, whitey, Ont. AUCZ'iON•EFiR3
DBIs ota J[' j� In Season
: ..iceuaed and Authorized for . the
Coanhties of Ontario and York,
70ka Way Vera Probe raln -- . - Fm Stock," Impte�ta Home.. F�uits & Vegetables
,tdd ftraitvre, Real, E.fste .
- Sales our Specialty at Resaoaabie
SILK'S MARKET _ v $ate.. Dom, for the
'. 1LUl+i'DA ?, TUESDAY, REDN'$flY Parntatnaot H� leis Price of One.
JANUARY 27, 28 and E9 ]h6oee � t)rat Itkay s tb. 'ihmper eta! MSfaoen ' P. O. phone, Agin. 5sws
_ _ Markham F. O. phone Mares !!06
� �p>cu S1tow At $.S0 _ . _ -- 1der iew It @ ay be Tow Mom P'rsatioea have been eatNi(i/hsd
Siam 1890.
Whistle Stop i ' C. H. TUCK, OPT. D.
George Raft and Ava G, - t Your Poultry &Eggs > . Opp F. a r, ,,,
YOU CAN BE ASSURED OF THE HIGHEST Phone lfli Saito 611 - Cuatine aft ntsl Life �
`Pius An Added AbtraaLioth MARKET PRICE FOR THE «4F PRODUCTS � 371
Bat 3t. Toronto
f - EGGS Sellers & . Atkinson Year Sati.tactalon
Glean Vernon Nancy 3d�ire , la = y .
Get CHICKENS than. A&*L 291W2 . sty. In
1 �Yhitb
= Auctioneers
The Bachelor's -PUCKS :336 � x Ye.r -a ;PiCS1sRiNG ONTARIp i
'Daughters =.-1 _ = ICALVES aajwher+e. `
- - -. - sm6 to Fate» Stootk, (Eud) STMART, B. A.
Gail Russell Claire
Trevor g iii \ihJ • -ail T 8afea.
- Al Sales peiaonalyf listed and Swrister, Solicitor, Notary
Aan Dvorak Adolphe iLeajou ...I L Hllls pre+pate/ Sad
: Prosu t Service .
:'RZU ar ON AIR0 :PRONE In D p
✓' 4 ate 1l he Pik IP R 18
ReasoUu►ble. Rates _. _
room s e Sw F. J. Doneva .
.Frost DANF - f .
Go (trio Law ;-
: Dally Service _ 16ias Strwt, sawk Oshawa. ottis. -
Foods - -: D:ay ex. Sue. A Daily ez. Bat
_ . Ilan. A Sot. Hal. 9=6 & SOL Daly Hai.
Clsrenhaat 7.15 8.15 .18. 15 3.45 L" J. A. 11VILLOUG"Y
Fruits - " Vegetables B., 4.27 6s7 1z. 27 a67 b.iS : awlaar nwm fie , llsrs Aswcy
Green Vivter %p -6.76 ' _13. 35 - -4.06 _ =820 _firaranteed Repab 60dw Dead Office - Toronto
No . Available At LOCut Elm 7ss s,as .1L 38 ' 4.08 .B.za � Am rink. e:' Us". 166 YOnse' cc. Prli4eos -
Malvern 8.96 9.06 1. 05 Ca 8.60 "L►�t and Oldest is
Canada - Established Forty :a
• Return ` Leave` A 9i. A.M. ' P. M. P.M. P.M. i�►. R T H U R I E L D Tome ,
Red &White Store Toronto 9.15 10.00 S. 45 2,00 9.43 _ CONSULT OUR . .,PHONE 5= R 8 r oerT.
Daylight Saving Teeme Pareal Express Grover 5650, Oaderd I= FOR THAT HOME IN THE C1Tr
` same as 1946, Mr.-and Mrs. Bruce Lehman, of
The community extenc}s coagrat- Mr. and. Mrs. Walter Green and Markham fisted $, and Mrs ; Drap- IUMBER .
ulations to Mrs, F. L. Green, Mrs. daughter of I3uf�alo spent the tceek . er, The Cc
-Ed. Pascoe and Mass Joyce Raine end with Airs, T F. Green and Edna. CPdurch . services have been
Chang- LSMIY'ED _�+
Who have so succesully come The Y..P. L. were entertained on ed from 7.30 to 2.30 until spring.~
through serious' operations at the Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Michell and TELEPHONES - Howard 11117, and Scarboro 336
Oshawa Hospital and are home. Mr, John Stone, family of Cherrywood visited with ' - ' Scarboro Junction
• Owing to Mr. McLean's illness, ' A euchre party will be held at the the Roy Carter family on Sunday.
Mrs. McLean has given up the pos- school house on Friday evening. All Mr. J. B. Wilson received, word
ition of secretary of the Farm For- are welcome. from his daughter, Margo who ia, in Rough and Drfssed Lumber Millwork
lum. Mrs. Lloyd Pegg has taken the Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Miller of Pick - NEarni, rorida, saying -t is-- really --- Frames Sash Sash Doors Screens ►.
Job. Farm Porum met on Monday eying, spent last Wednesday with warm and sunshiny there, Interior Trim Mouldings
evenitra at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. F. W. Gibson. Messrs Fred Wilson, Clay. Jackaee- ' - Soft and Hardwood Flooring -
Lloyd Pegg, - - -- -«►• and Beelby brothers attended the Brick Insulated Siding Cedargrain Shingle Siding
At the annual meeting of the S. Green River
hockey -match at Stouffville last Wallboards Rock Lath Cedar Shingles
= . S., held last Friday eyeing, several t
new Asphalt Shingles Roll Roofing r
mn officers were elected as f ol1- . Mr. acid Mrs. C;ene Forsythe were BIRTHS -- Asphalt
Products ' Barclay Tile
ows: Mrs. A. J. Mordea, Assist't Rock Wool Insulation Cement and Lime -
;Supt., Mr. Frank Hayward, Temp- Uxbridge visitors over the weekend.
Mr, and Mrs. Dra er had dinner O'Neill - Mr, and Mrs. G. O'Neill Weeping Tile Sever Pipe
>pance Sec., Mr. Jack Stone, teach- writh Rev, and Mrs. Heal -recently. of Dunbarton are happy to announce = EARTIN- SENOUR 100 p. a PURE PAINT
t o1' the Jr. Boys David Hay- Miss Evel a Switzer reWrned to the birth of a son on Tuesday, Jan.
' '!card, Secretary. of of the -,Sunday
School, The other officers are the her home after spending a week in 20, jyt7, at Pickering :tiursing Home. Cedar Toronto. All grades of Be C. Cedar Shingles Al"
r. r
f �